THE Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation OF THOMAS HARRISON Late Major General, and one of the pre­tended Judges that sign'd the Warrant for the murder of King CHARLES the first, of ever blessed memory, and appointed the place for that fatal Execution to be at White-Hall Gate.

For which Bloody, Horrid, and Barbarous Fact, he was on Thursday, Octob. the 11. 1660. Sentenced to be drawn, hang'd and quarter'd, to have his heart and bowels ript out and burnt before his eys, and now lyes in Irons in the Dungeon in Newgate untill Execution.

TOGETHER With the Inditement, Names, and several Pleas of the rest of that Infamous Crew.

Printed for T. Vere, and W. Gilbertson. 1660.

The great Tryal of the Grand pre­tended Judges that signed that Barba­rous Warrant for the murther of our Soveraign Lord King Charles the first.

WEdnesday the ninth of October, 1660. was appointed for the Tryal of all those which signed the Warrand for that horrid mur­der of His late Majesty, Charles the first, of ever blessed memory: In order where­unto, Warrants being signed for the Lieu­tenant of the Towers delivery of the Traytors unto the Sheriffs of London, who accordingly repaired to the Tower, guarded strongly with their own Servants, and part of the Lieutenant of the Towers own Regiment, where the prisoners being put into several Coaches, and a party of Musquetiers on each side of the Coach, the rest of the said Regi­ment making a Lane in New-gate Mercat to keep them from the fury of the people: one Troop of the Army Horse before, and another following after, and about nine of the clock they were brought to the Presse-yard at Newgate, and after a survey of them taken by the Master Keeper, they were brought thorow a passage for that purpose into the Sessions yard to Justice Hall in the Old Bayley, where Sir Thomas Allan sate Chair-man, the Duke of Orlando on the one hand, and Sir Orlando Bridgeman [Page 3] Baron on the other, the Court consisting of Peeres, Judges, and Aldermen, neer the number of fourty, the Court being sate, the prisoners were brought by turns to the Bar, and their Mitti­ments read as followeth.

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