[...] ARRAIGNMENT, TRYAL And CONDEMNATION of STEPHEN COLLEDGE FOR HIGH-TREASON, IN Conspiring the Death of the KING, the Levying of WAR, and the Subversion of the GOVERNMENT.

Before the Right Honourable Sir FRANCIS NORTH, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common-Pleas, and other Com­missioners of Oyer and Terminer and Goal-Delivery held at the City of Oxon. for the County of Oxon. the 17th and 18th of August 1681.

I do appoint THOMAS BASSET and JOHN FISH to Print the Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation of Stephen Colledge, and that no others presume to Print the same. Fr. North.

DƲBLIN, Printed by Joseph Ray at Colledge-Green for a Society of Stationers, 1681.

The Humble Petition of Stephen Colledge, now Prisoner in Your Majesties Tower of London,

Most humbly sheweth,

THat whereas your Petitioner being charged with High-Treason, is under strait Confinement, that he hath not liberty to see or speak with any of his Friends or his Children, and being lately informed that it is ordered Your Petitioner shall come to his Tryal at the City of Oxon. about the middle of the next Month.

Your Petitioner therefore most humbly prays Your Sacred Majesty, That leave may be given for Mr. Thomas Smith, and Mr. Robert West to come to him; and also to have the use of Pen, Ink and Paper, in order only to make his legal and just Defence; and also to have the comfort of seeing his two Children.

And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, &c. A true Copy, Francis Gwyn.

At Hampton-Court, July 28. 1681.

UPon Reading this Day at the Board the Petition of Stephen Col­ledge, Prisoner in the Tower, praying that in order to the making his Defence at his Tryal / which he hears is to be the middle of the next Month / he may be permitted to see his two Children / to have the liberty of Pen / Ink and Paper / and that Mr. Thomas Smith, and Mr. Robert West may come to him. His Majesty was pleased to order / That the Lieutenant of the said Tower of London do permit the said Stephen Colledge to have Pen / Ink and Paper / and to see his two Children / and the said Mr. Thomas Smith, and Mr. Robert West, and to converse with them as often as he shall desire / in the presence and hearing of the Wardour who attends him.

A true Copy.
Francis Gwyn.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty, and to the Right Honourable the Lords and others of his Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council.
The Humble Petition of Stephen Colledge now a Prisoner in the Tower of London.

Humbly Sheweth,

THat Your Petitioner having been a close Prisoner ever since his first Commitment, is altogether ignorant of the particular matters charged against him, and of the Names of the Witnesses who are to prove the same; upon his knowledge of both which, as well the matter as the manner of his Defence must depend; and because upon the consideration of his Case, several matters of Law may arise as well before as at the time of his Tryal, in which, Councel will be necessary to assist him, and several matters of Fact preparatory to his Tryal; with which, under his Confinement, he cannot be fur­nisht without the help of a Sollicitor, and he is like to be wholly uncapable of receiving any benefit from the priviledge allowed by Law, of peremptory Challenge to several Jurors, especially in a Countrey where he is absolutely a stranger, unless he may have some know­ledge of them before his Tryal.

In full assurance therefore of the great Justice and Clemency of Your Majesty and this Honourable Board, which he hath lately had some experience of, and doth with all hu­mility and thankfulness acknowledge, Your Petitioner doth humbly beseech Your Majesty and this Honourable Board, that he may have a Copy of the Indictment against him, or the particular Charges of it; That his Councel and Sollicitor may have free access to, and private conference with him; and because their own private affairs or other accidents may call away some of his Councel from his assistance, that Mr. Wallop, M. Smith, M. Thomp­son, M. Darnell, Mr. West of the Middle Temple, Mr. Holles of Lincolns-Inn, Mr. Ro­therham, Mr. Lovell, Mr. Rowny of Grayes-Inn, Mr. Pollexfin, Mr. Ward of the Inner-Temple, may be assigned him for Councel, and Aaron Smith for his Sollicitor; and that he may have a Copy of the Jurors to be returned upon his Tryal, some days be­fore his Tryal.

And your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c.
A true Copy,
Francis Gwyn.

At Hampton Court, Aug. 11. 1681.

IT is Ordered vp his Majesty in Council / That the Friends and Relations of Stephen Colledge a Prisoner in the Tower, shall have li­berty of Visiting and freely conversing with him; and the Lieute­nant of the Tower having first caused their Names to be taken in Wri­ting / is to suffer such Friends and Relations to have Access to the said Stephen Colledge without any Interruption from time to time accor­dingly.

A true Copy.
Francis Gwyn.

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