JƲNE 8. 1696.

I Do Appoint Samuel Heyrick, and Isaac Cleave, to Print the Tryal of Ambrose Rookwood; and that no other Person Presume to Print the same.


THE Tryals of Charnock, King, and Keys, and likewise of Sir John Friend and Sir Wil­liam Parkins, are all Printed and Sold by Samuel Heyrick, and Isaac Cleave.

THE Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation OF Ambrose Rookwood, For the Horrid and Execrable CONSPIRACY TO Assassinate His Sacred Majesty King WILLIAM, In Order to a French INVASION of this Kingdom.

Who upon full Evidence was found Guilty of High Treason before His Majesty's Justices of Oyer and Terminer, at Westminster, on Tuesday the 21 st. of April, 1696. and received Sentence the day follow­ing. And was Executed at Tyburn on the 29 th. day of the said Month.

In which Tryal is contained All the Learned ARGUMENTS of the King's Council, and likewise the Council for the Prisoner, upon the New Act of Parliament for Regulating Tryals in Cases of Treason.

LONDON: Printed for Samuel Heyrick at Grays-Inn-Gate, Holborn; and Isaac Cleave at the Star next Serjeants-Inn-Gate in Chancery-Lane. MDCXCVI.

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