[Page] [Page] Secrets Disclosed, OF CONSUMPTIONS Shewing, How to distinguish between Scurvy and Venereal Disease ALSO How to prevent and Cure the Fistula by Chymical Drops, without Cutting; Also Piles, Haemorrhoids, and other DISEASES.

By JOHN ARCHER, Author of the Book called, Every Man his own Doctor; to be Sold by the Booksellers, and also to be had from the Authors House at Knightsbridge, or at the Sad­lers against the Mews by Charingcross.

LONDON, Printed for the Author, 1684.


Kind Reader,

I Having about fourteen years since writ a small Treatise, Entituled, Every Man his own Doctor, with an Herbal, shewing every ones Constitution, the nature of all food, and to whom agreeable, and of the most common Diseases how to Cure. Which little Book was so accepted and well esteemed, that few Booksellers Shops are now without it; and no Foreign place, where English inhabit, but it is in use, and Con­sidering that Consnmptions have been of late years so mortal, that they too much furnish the Bills of Mortality; and the very name [Page] of a Consumption is grown so formidable, that few hope for Cure, if once sure they are in it; the cause being evident, the neglect of means proper in the beginning, and not di­vulging to a skillful Physician the original Cause, so the Physick and means is used in a blindfold way; it is possible a private Di­stemper undiscovered, may make a good Do­ctor give bad Physick: Very often discon­tent of Mind is the cause that Bodily helps avail nothing; it being easier to Cure the Body than Mind: Sometimes a person is afflicted with a Venereal Distemper, that for want of a skillful Doctor, takes Physick from the ignorant, who poysons the Body with Mercury; thence I frequently find bad and dangerous symptoms following, as pain in the Head, Neck, Back, Teeth, Deafness Dimness of Sight, Distillations, at length [...] Consumption; and without proper Medicines Anti-venereal and Anti-mercurial, the noble parts are assaulted and overcome, and so the do make the number of them in the Weekl [...] Bills of Mortality dead of a Consumption therefore to prevent Death before the accomplishment [Page] of our allowed time, is chiefly de­sign'd, in this third part of Every man his own Doctor, shewing the chief cause of Consumptions ariseth from Melancholy, Scur­vy, or the Venereal Disease, and the origi­nal cause being throughly known, the Disease is the better and speedier cured; the want of which knowledge (I mean the procuring cause) hath been the reason so many good Physicians have had so bad success in cure of Consumptive people; therefore it is my ad­vice to all sick, or inclinable to a Consump­tion, to take timely advice, Principiis ob­sta, and be careful to live in good Air, use Temperance, and Exercise of Body, and with good advice and proper Physick, you may with Gods blessing, be healthy and brisk in old Age; for I may aver, that most persons living intemperately, and dying before they have lived thirty, forty, or fifty years, might as well have lived to fourscore, a hundred, or more years, if they had used (chiefly) Temperance and Exercise, as in my Book you may further find directed; Verbum sa­pienti sat. A way then with that necessity of [Page] dying at such a time, when a man is cut off for his wickedness, or by his foolish intem­perance; for the wise man said, Be not wicked or foolish over-much, why wilt thou die before thy time?

J. A.

CHAP. I. Of prevention, and Cure of Diseases.

IT is matter of lamentation to see the great distress poor mortals are in by the common Enemy of Mankind, languishing sickness, with grief of Mind, wandring from one Do­ctor to another, and from this Receipt to another Experiment, for Cure of some churlish accident which unfortu­nate people lie under the pressure of, till the vital and noble parts are pene­trated; and chiefly by despising or neglecting small beginnings, till the Enemy of nature gets ground, and by wandring in errors path the cure is more difficult; to avoid which, let us pro­ceed methodically, to the understand­ing [Page 2] and benefit of the meanest Capa­city. First, Know that all Diseases ought to be prevented, or Cured, and that the health of humane Bodies do mainly rest upon these two great Pil­lars, viz. the Prophylactical, and The­rapeutical; the Prophylactical part shews how Diseases may be prevented, the Therapeutical shews how Diseases may be Cured, when the Body hath contracted them: the way and means to prevent Diseases, is rightly to un­derstand every ones Constitution and Complexion, and to keep your self in a right temperament, and you must observe those six things, called by Physicians, non-naturals, as Air, Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Passions of the Mind, Excretion; all which you are taught in my Book, Every Man his own Doctor. These things being rightly or­dered to every ones Constitution, and fitted in proportion to our Bodies, and so continued in use, as ought to be done by him that treads, Via recta, ad vitam [Page 3] longam, though I commend not such rigid Staticks as to eat and drink but just to such a weight, because nature may at some time or other be over-charged or lessened, therefore a mode­rate evenness, without exact severity, is the best Rule; for if you do not (e­specially if Diseased) the Enemy of nature gets ground, and the Cure be­comes more difficult, because the blood is vitiated; so a Scorbute, a Cachexia, evil habit of the Body ac­quired, which weakens the Senses, ter­rifies the mind, and divers symptoms may arise, as decay of strength, wea­riness, spots, pains, dimness of sight, cum multis aliis; for the Body being dis­eased adds grief to the mind, the mind being distracted encreaseth the Disease, so both being oppressed, the Patient too often despondeth, and be­fore sufficient cause, instead of using good means and advice, do wholly neglect means of recovery, till the no­ble parts are infeebled, that they can­not [Page 4] perform their office for digestion, fermentation, nor due Circulation of the Blood and Spirits; thus beginneth a Cachectical Scorbute, Consumptive decays, many ill symptoms, Hectick Feavers, complicate Distempers, and falling, à minori ad majus, till at length you must die; and this is the cause of lamentation, it might have been pre­vented for many a year longer, to whom Solomon saith, Quare morereris an­te tempus tuum? and that you may not die too soon, I will endeavour to set down the chief sign of Consumptions, Scurvy, Melancholy, and the French Disease, that so you may prevent them, and knowing the signs and degrees of danger, with the more satisfaction, Cure them.


BEfore I enter upon the Discourse of Consumptions in Cure, it is convenient to Advertise you of some of the chiefest Causes which ordinarily lead Men and Women into it, which firmly observed, you may with ease prevent the approaching Enemy, we say, Venienti occurrite morbo, for it is much better to prevent than Cure; which that you may do, take good heed to these six Harbingers or in-lets to a Consumption; as,

First, The Scurvy.

Secondly, The Catarrh, or tickling distillation.

Thirdly, The Phthisick Cough.

Fourthly, The Hectick Feaver.

Fifthly, The Venereal Disease, not well Cured, or Mercury femaining in the Body.

Sixthly, Is Melancholy or Discon­tent of Mind, which breedeth flatus [Page 6] Hypochondriacus, or Hypochondraick Me­lancholy; and lest you should not rightly distinguish the fore-mentioned Diseases in coming on you, take care to observe if any of these following Symptoms are upon you, viz.

First, If you have a continual burn­ing in the palms of your hands, or soles of your feet.

Secondly, If you are weaker than before.

Thirdly, If you have pain between the Breast and Belly.

Fourthly, If you have a continual looseness or purging.

Fifthly, If you spit corrupt matter.

Sixthly, If you have fainty Sweats.

Seventhly, If you have a short breath, ill savoured, or a Grave-like scent from the whole Body; these or some of these Symptoms, speak it high time to look for remedy, and accord­ing as the Symptoms are, it shews whe­ther the Consumption comes from the Lungs, Liver or other Cause.

CHAP. III. Of a Consumption, Atrophy, or Tabes;

WHich signifies a leanness, de­cay, or diminution from former strength and vigour, whereby the vital faculties do senescere & tabes­cere, wither and decay without visible means through want of nutrition.

This dreadful Disease which is the fatal consequence usually of other Dis­eases, hereditary, or personally acqui­red; I think necessary to shew some differences of its kinds as in respect of cause it proceeds from, or the Disease that inducted it; the definition most received is, Tabes partium ingreditur Cor­poris soliditatem, & solvit, a Consumption so called, because the Disease and Cor­rosive humours enter into the noble parts of the Body, and doth consume [Page 8] them as fire doth Metals, by melting them. The Lungs being a soft spongi­ous part, are most easily corrupted by sharp distillations and Catarrhs, yet in this Disease the Liver is principally hurt by a sharp humour in the mass of blood, which humours continue such for want of fermentation, and by additional Acrimony; from which sharpness of humours, a Catarrh or Di­stillation, with a tickling defluxion, especially by Night, falling upon the Lungs, which by Ulcerating, putrify­ing, and spreading, waste and con­sume the Lungs, although there may be a waste and general Consumption of the Body and strength without an Ulcer of the Lungs; yet if it once make an approach, by any Disease, it is the most dangerous of Diseases; be­cause it speedily attacques the noble parts, and without good Remedies proves mortal; and now that we may avoid the danger of a Consumption, it is best to lay open some Diseases [Page 9] that do most frequently and naturally bring it upon us, that so by resisting the beginnings, we may be free from the ill consequence and effects: Now I have in my practice observed, that one of these three Diseases have been the cause of Consumption in the most part of people, viz. Melancholy, Scur­vy, or the French Disease, to which may be added Mercury as an Appen­dix; I say one of these are usually the Forerunner and cause of the Consump­tion in the greatest part of people, whether personally acquired, or here­ditary descended: And now that eve­ry one may be his own Doctor, that is, to judge by Symptoms, whether it be a Consumption, from what cause it came, and if Curable; I shall en­deavour as clearly as I can to solve all doubts, by shewing the signs of Con­sumption, Scurvy, Melancholy, and the French Disease; the want of which knowledge have caused many to perish irrecoverably, by using a wrong me­thod, [Page 10] so endeavouring the Cure of another Disease by mistake, or keep­ing that private which ought to be considered, till despairing of Cure have yielded their Weapons (the means for recovery) and through inward discon­tent, shame and infirmity, have fallen into deep Consumption, and quickly made their Exit: thus many dying be­fore their full accomplish'd time, through want of timely means, and true knowledge of the prognostick part of Symptoms, which through fear and shame do keep to their own heart till their Disease becomes formi­dable and deadly; and finding the World defective to the sick, in Con­sumptions especially, in not giving them some light and guide how to be acquainted with their condition of danger with directions how to get out of that toil, without the usual ill success; and few Doctors do in all points satisfy their Patients Queries: Therefore I thought it useful, accepta­ble [Page 11] and charitable, to give some light in so dark a Distemper; therefore I advise, first find out and be sure of the cause that first ushered it in; for the Venereal Consumption is to be Cured one way, and the Scorbutick another, and the Melancholy another; that which is most likely to be your bane and death is most considerable, there­fore hide nothing from your Physician of the Disease, or Cause, lest you lead him into a wrong method; and be sure to have regard in the Cure of a Consumption, to those six things we call not natural, as Air, Food, Sleep, Passions of Mind, Exercise of Body, Venery, Excretions, Retentions; all which are fully set forth in that little Book, Every Man his own Doctor, there­fore needless here to direct you in; but now I shall give you the signs; First, of a Consumption, then of a Scurvy, Melancholy, and the Vene­real Disease, and to judge of the dan­ger of your Disease, or recovery, termed [Page 12] the prognostick part, being especially useful, because many are affrighted al­most out of life and hope of Recovery, by that too common received opini­on, that once have a Consumption, or the Pox, you can never be well a­gain; which saying or doubts ought to be refuted, because many have been, and daily are recovered out of Con­sumptions and the Venereal Disease, the fear and doubt of which have cau­sed many to despair, and by neglecting means have consumed and died. The usual question a sick person asks, is, How long will it be before I am Cu­red; therefore know the more urging and greater Symptoms are most dan­gerous, and require most time for Cure, and the less the soonest and ea­siest cured; and for satisfying your doubts, if afflicted, you are instructed by the signs in the several Diseases as following; it is likely some may be your case and condition, and that you may not be deceived, consider [Page 13] circumstances, and consult your Do­ctor; or if you please to take my Ex­perience, by word of mouth, at my House, I shall in particulars advise you.

CHAP. IV. Further signs of a Consumption, and different Disease it came from, and the part first assaul­ted, most worthy to be known by all.

AS I take sharp acid acrimonious humours to be the chief cause of vitiating the blood, and corroding the Lungs, &c. and this sharp acrid humour doth sometimes arise from ill digestion of food, by a bad tempera­ment, disordered constitution, by ir­regular living, hurting nature in its actings, whereby comes a decay of ferments nutritive, causing ruine to the Microcosm. I say though by vitious debauch'd living an ill habit and Con­sumption may be acquired, yet a Con­sumption creeps upon some with a Hectick Feaver in regular living, shew­ing [Page 15] a febrile heat in the palms of the hands, and soals of the feet, especially to be found after meat; it is called hectick or habitual, because it is radi­cated more in the solid parts than o­ther Feavers, for other Feavers come in Paroxysms, this more continual, wasting the Body, as it were by melt­ing it, and this not easily remedied, if not timely considered, and the princi­pal efficient cause understood, for want of which many in juventute pereunt, do perish in the prime of their youthful days, for until the Radix of the Dis­ease be overcome the food doth no good, but it may be said, Optima fiunt pessima, and the common cause of this Feaver and Consumption to orderly virtuous people, is the Scorbute or Scurvy, by corrupting the Blood and vitiating the humours, therefore not to be cured but by Antiscorbutick Me­dicines: you may know a Hectick Consumption by being continually Feavourish, without any Paroxysms or [Page 16] remissions, only the heat something greater after meat, and the Pulse quicker than after, about two hours returns to its constant usual heat, be­sides this Hectick Consumption and Signs, you ought to be acquainted with other sure and common Symp­toms of Consumptions, for it some­times assaults us in one kind of Disease, or part, sometimes in another, and by over-coming one part first, the whole Body after falls into decay. The com­mon way of Consumptive inclination is first insensible; but to a judicious per­son, it comes on slowly, lento pede, but having got sure hold will not long be hid, but by making a change in your Constitution, it is best to take good advice and timely, lest the Pro­verb be verified, cum serò Medicina para­tur, when too late the means is used. Various ways and with divers Symp­toms the Consumption first assaults with; in some hard to find the cause from, or what it tends to, except the [Page 17] Patients be so wise and ingenious, freely and openly to declare what they know of themselves; but generally the spi­ritual vivacity of the Eyes and Coun­tenance first discovers a defect in the vital Spirits, they finding an indisposi­tion after sleep, an ill digestion of food, their strength lessened, mirth declining, not so brisk and airy as usual; Melan­choly in some, with vapours to the Heart and Head, pains of the Hypo­chonder, and sides, a Looseness of the solid parts, from the Bones, as the Calves of the Legs, Thighs, Arms, &c. Some have a bleeding at the Nose, which shews sharp hot humours to exceed the Balsamick Virtue; some falls into a Looseness or Diarrhoea, with flux of the Belly, which may come from the weakness of the Liver, having lost its temperament and fer­mental Vertue, the Body often falls into a Scorbute, or Cachectical Hydro­pick, Consumptive decay, faint Sweats, oftentimes a Catarrh or Distillation, [Page 18] especially by Night, with a tickling stimulation to Cough, or a rotten cor­rupt spitting, or a short Phthisicky dry Cough, or spitting of Blood; or salt Spittle, or viscous or lumpy knots, stimulated with a sharp humour, the breath short and difficult; Earthy smell, the Pulse either weak and dull, or frequent and unequal; the Body in general is weak, indisposed to recrea­tions or lively actions, and no better can be expected, when the Blood and Spirits are vitiated, though I have set down all these Signs, and might many more, yet some few of what I have writ, may be too sure signs of a Con­sumption, and according as they are urgent, great or small, complicate or single, they are to be weighed, and that by an able Physician; for people in this Disease are most apt to flatter themselves more than in any other, so that many when they are dying believe not themselves to be in danger of Death, because insensible of their pre­sent [Page 19] weakness and decay. Unless a Looseness or Flux of the Belly debili­tates them.

Many are in a Consumption by a Venereal Cause for want of discover­ing the Radix, the Doctor shoots be­side the mark till the Disease marches on to the noble parts, and some of those sad symptoms afore-mentioned come upon them, or worse, as internal Ulcers, &c. Which I shall not here mention, referring that to the prog­nostick signs of the Lues Venerea.

CHAP. V. Of the Scurvy, and manifest Symptoms.

THE Scorbute or Scurvy being a Corruption of the Blood, produceth innumerable Symptoms, as may be easily judged; from putrid blood may arise, putrifaction in the Gums, redness in the Face, vapours from the Spleen, Flatus Hypochondriacus, sudden Flushings, obstructions, diffi­cult Breathing, stinking Breath, Tooth Ach, looseness of Teeth, straitness of the Breast, the Body dull and heavy, and many spots, red, yellow or blue, especially in Legs or Arms; violent pains in the Head, Arms, Neck, Shoul­ders, Legs, Thighs, Sweats and faint­ness, troublesome Dreams, a watriness in the Stomach, and wambling in the Bowels; it often causeth Barrenness, [Page 21] wandring pains like a Rheumatismus or Running Gout; in some a prick­ing in the flesh as if stung with Nettles, Itching in the Blood, in some like Tetters, Ring-Worms, or dry Scabs in Head or Face, some think it the Pox, and indeed it is near a-kin, and where they both meet, as often I have found in my practice, it must be more care­fully Cured, that the noble parts may be strengthned and the blood purified; for a complicated distemper requires more skill to Cure than some ignorant young Practitioners are aware off.

The Scurvy by corrupting the Blood, usually and quickly weakens the vitals, especially the Liver, being the Coagulum of the Body, which cau­seth fermentation, the want of which causeth obstructions; for those Parti­cles in the Blood which are not by fer­mentation alternated, must needs ob­struct, excoriate, and purify; from whence it is easy to judge what diver­sity of Symptoms and Diseases may be [Page 22] produced in our natural Bodies from one and the same original cause, viz. want of fermentation in the mass of Blood, so the Body quickly falls into an ill habit, Cachexia, or Consumpti­on, if not timely prevented, by good Physick, proper Food, the best Air, but especially Exercise. For were the Virtue and Excellency of Exercise tru­ly understood, many that are Diseased would not, nay thousands might be happy in the injoyment of health, who by softness, delicacy, effeminacy and idleness, want it; so that they that mo­derately use it, need but little other Phy­sick.

CHAP. VI. Of Melancholy.

TRistitia omnia mala parit, Melan­choly or Discontent of mind is a certain Distemper which may be termed the Mother of all Miseries and Diseases, it may arise from internal or external cause, viz. from Mind or Bo­dy; a grieved or discontented mind may affect the Head, Heart and Blood, and thence many Diseases, till Con­sumption and Death; but that you may judge whether the party be much or little afflicted, it is necessary to set down some signs to judge by, and to know what degree they are in.

Signs, If Melancholy be predomi­nant, many doubts and needless fears, with sadness and discontent, and usu­ally very frightful Dreams, evil Cogi­tations, without manifest cause, fre­quently [Page 24] speaking by themselves, con­fusedly sometimes breaking out into tears; they delight in solitariness, they are mistrusting of all to mischief them; their sleep but short and troublesome: Some again are as if they always laught, some seem to Prophecy and think themselves Prophets, some de­sire Death, some fear it; some think themselves transformed into another Form or Creature, &c. some think they have no Head or Arms, &c. some think all they see, come to apprehend them and take them to Prison, but most are terrified with thoughts of wanting necessaries for this Life, or grieve to see others in more prosperity than themselves; some do over-busy themselves in studying, or in praying, or in what they have been Exercised; the different effects shew the different causes, & vice versa, and must be cured accordingly, therefore good to resist the beginnings, lest it come to the worst of these Symptoms men­tioned, [Page 25] and worse might be writ, as Despair or Madness; but while Life there is hope: therefore I will con­clude my advice with that old Verse;

Rebus in adversis animum submittere noli,
Spem retine, spes una hominem nec morte relinquit.
To adverse things do not submit thy mind,
For man in Death leaves not his hope behind.

CHAP. VII. Of the Lues Venerea, or French Pox.

I Having now discoursed of the Scurvy, Melancholy, and Con­sumptions, come next to the other part, viz. to shew what the Pox is, and how to know it and distinguish it from the Scurvy; also to set down the chief Signs, that every one may be able to judge of their danger, Cure, and event of their Disease, whether long, or short, curable or not, the want of which knowledge have cau­sed many sick to wander from one Doctor to another, to their great da­mage of Purse, Persons, and Reputa­tion; and though I shew not the ma­terials for Cure, I mean the Physick, yet the sick have sufficient benefit, if they understand how to be cured safe­ly, [Page 27] which is to be understood by those Physicians which by long and daily practice know how; for we say truly, Nullum Medicamentum est idem omnibus, therefore it is safest to keep Knives out of Childrens hands lest they endanger their Lives; but the knowledge of the Disease, and how to judge of your condition, I think absolute necessary for every Patient and Physician, the want of which knowledge in Patients oftentimes makes them doubt of the skill and sincerity of their Doctors, and by inconstancy hinder their Cure, and often by despair of success and grief of mind do sink under the Disease: for want of hope and assurance the heart grows sick by discontent, gets a habit of Melancholy joining with the di­stemper, so falling into a Consump­tion they die. That this may be pre­vented, therefore use the best means as directed; now I will tell you what the Disease is, that is called Venereal or Pox, viz. it is an occult and venenate [Page 28] Disease, corrupting the radical hu­mours of the Body, chiefly taken by contact in those porous parts of the Body in the act of Copulation, so pas­sing through the seminal Vessels and Veins, the Liver especially, also the Brain and Reins are hurt; and that you may know what danger you are in, if you please to consult my know­ledge and experience by word of mouth, I will give you further and particular satisfaction.

CHAP. VIII. Signs of Infection by the Pox, being the surest Rules from my Book afore-mentioned.

PResently after a man hath lain with an infectious Woman, he shall find a faintness or indisposition, a lassitude over the whole Body, with­out other cause, which is occasioned by the infection of the natural Spirits, which are the instruments of Life and Motion; then the next symptome commonly is pain in the Head, with a vagrant wandring pain which goeth into the Shoulders from one to the other, also very frequently pain in the Groins, and Buboes there, sometimes in less than a Weeks time; also heat of Urine, inflammation of the Yard, Pustules, and with many, a Running of the Reins; with some an itching [Page 30] over all the Body, and in some angry Pustules and Scabs, breaking out in Head, Face, and other parts; with some there breaks out a great heat in the Palms of the Hands and Soals of the Feet, also some have an interrup­tion or sudden starting when they be­gin to sleep, and great drowsiness, which is caused from the fiery Vapours: oftentimes there happens red or yel­low spots upon the Body, and sore Pustules like the Scurvey; and though there be few of the former Signs, yet if there be a corrupt matter, though but a weeping or gleeting from the Privy Parts, you may be assured this is the French Disease; and I do de­clare I have cured those that have had it many years, as many can testify to their Comfort.

CHAP. IX. How to distinguish the Scurvy from the French Disease, and to know which is your Dis­ease.

FIrst, Know, though the Pox be chiefly taken in Copulation with an infected Lover, yet there are ma­ny other ways that honest and inno­cent persons of both Sexes are and may be infected, as sometimes by the cor­rupt seed of the Parents to the Child, and so the Disease becomes heredi­tary, and after they are born it shews it self, first or last upon the Child, ac­cording to the strength of the Disease in the Parents; and although this Dis­ease be taken by Contagion as well as Copulation, and so others may be infected divers wayes, as by sweating with an infected Body in Bed, being [Page 32] wet with sweat, and the pores of the Body being open in the warm Bed, and sleep, he may be infected; also by the filth of Ulcers, or Drinking with any that have it in Mouth or Throat; or kissing, a Child sucking an unsound Nurse; or an unsound Child may infect a sound Nurse, &c. by such means many innocent people think they have but the Scurvy when 'tis the Pox: so sometimes they that are suspitious of the constancy of their Bedfellow, may suppose they have the Pox, when happily it is but the Scorbute or Scurvy: now to distin­guish, and be certain, I believe there are some would willingly give an hundred Guinnies, which I shall here endeavour to satisfy gratis; then know and consider, whether your self and Bedfellow, or those with whom you converse, whether they or you have been sometime before, or have given cause for suspition, or now are troubled with heat of Urine, or any Spots, Ul­cers, [Page 33] heat or Pustules about those pas­sages, or gleetings, if so, conclude a Venereal Infection, if there is any pains especially in Shins, Arms, Back, &c. or Ring-Worms, or red spots about the region of the Liver, Sto­mach, Face or Privities; or if any Skins or Feather-like Atomes swim in your Urine; and if you find any of those Symptoms, having a precedent cause of fear, or formerly infected, and nocturnal pains, be sure 'tis Ve­nereal; but if you have no preceding cause of Disease, you cannot have that cursed fear which generally possesses the mind of guilty persons; if only a cor­ruption of the Blood, the Disease will not be so terrible in afflicting your Mind or Body, neither will those nocturnal night pains torment you, nor any Spots, Pustules, gleetings, or Issuings be about the Privities; if free from those Symptoms fear it not, but if afflicted in Body and Mind, if you acquaint me with your Symptoms, [Page 34] 'tis possible my Experience may con­tribute to your satisfaction.

CHAP. X. Of Fistula's.

I Having for some Years have had more Experience in the Disease of Fistula's and Piles than most Physici­ans, it being desired that I should pub­lish my knowledge therein, I have both briefly and faithfully set down their Causes, and how to know their dif­ference and Cure, which hath been often performed by Chymical Drops, not Cutting. Therefore know,

A Fistula in Ano, being the worst of Fistula's, and always held to be most difficultly cured by Chirurgery, according to an old Proverb, Fistula in Ano semper insano; but to the praise of God, and comfort of several, I have [Page 35] by my Drops cured divers, and some by once dressing. Therefore first we will define what a Fistula is, Secondly, How it is bred. For definition, Fistula est ulcus putridum plerum (que) Nervosum cum variis orificiis, unde Fistula dicitur: For it hath several Orifices either Internal or External.

This Disease is bred from divers Causes, as from Blood inflamed, or Tumours, Boils, sometimes from Piles and Hemorrhoids, not discharging the corrupt blood falling into those parts of the Fundament, and Ulcers of the Anus or Piles, not well Cured, but most dangerous when a Venereal Dis­ease lies lurking in the Blood and Reins, which I have known too often the cause of Ulcers and Fistula's in Ano, and therefore whoever attempts the Cure without taking away the ori­ginal Cause, is like another Ixion, con­demned ever to turn the Wheel up the Hill, which always runs back again. For by reason of Excrements always [Page 36] passing that way, the blood and hu­mours having once found a Cavous Receptacle admits not a Remedy, but by proper and powerful Medicines, especially where the Patient is of an ill habit of Body, irregular; and the worse if of a costive Constitution. Of Fistula's some are easily Cured, some more difficultly; as those that have newly had it, are easier cured than of long continuance: those that pene­trate into the Intestinum Rectum, where the Excrements are voided through the Orifice, and liquor injected, comes through the Gut out of the Anus; or if it pass into the Bladder, for then the Water will come through the Fistula, therefore conclude, if the Fistula pe­netrates through the Intestinum Rectum, or into the Bladder, or into both; or if it be in the Sphincter Muscle, it is most difficultly Cured. It sometimes happeneth that a Tumour and Inflam­mation is between the Scrotum and Anus, by bruises in hard riding, which [Page 37] turn to Fistula's if not Cured. Fistu­la's in the solid parts of the Body may be easier means be Cured, taking away the inward cause which feeds it; Fistula Lacrymalis, and all Fistula's near the Eyes must be cautiously dealt with, by reason of the vicinity to so noble a part as the Eye; in most of these Ca­ses I have by long Experience found the most successful means, of which some of my Patients have acquainted his Majesty, who was pleased thereupon to Command me to help some Noble Persons afflicted with a Fistula; which Disease if not prevented, corrupts the blood and humours, vitiates the radi­cal moisture, offends the Heart and Brain, decays the Senses, weakens the memory, and by several ways hasten­eth Death, if not Cured.

CHAP. XI. Of the Piles, &c. or Verucae Ani, Ragades, &c. and Haemor­rhoids.

HAving now done with the Fistu­la, it is necessary to speak, and the rather, because this Disease is least handled by Authors, though a most common affliction to both Men and Women; therefore what I write must be more from my Experience in pra­ctice than prescription: it is therefore I say an evil not to be flighted by any, though not a-like dangerous in all; for where it is very painful or trouble­some, as is usual to Child-bearing Wo­men, it forceth to look for help; yet in others, if neglected, may turn to a Fistula, &c. therefore better Cured be­ing recent than inveterate; there­fore [Page 39] take notice there are chiefly four kinds, viz.

I. Condylomata. COndylomata being very hard and of a callous substance like Nuts, bunching out about the Anus, but not very painful; this sort pro­ceeds from a Melancholy Acrimoni­ous Juice, and generally from a co­stive Constitution.

II. Thymi.NExt kind to these we shall treat of, is Thymi, a sort of Pile rough at top, narrower in the bottom, and large upwards; if you rub these with a course linnen cloath, they easily bleed, which serves for ease a little time, but soon fill again.

[Page 40] III. Crista. THE third sort is called Crista, Excressences of flesh which ge­nerally are caused from too much Ve­nery, attracting heat to the part.

IV. Ficus. THE fourth sort is called Ficus or Fig, being a flat sort, growing like a Mushroom, or Fig, of a nar­row foundation, and a broad Super­ficies. Now as to the prognostick part or danger of them, as I find by the Judgment of Authors, and my own Experience, the Condylomata Pile is more troublesome than dangerous, yet it is obstinate to remove, because of a hard and deep rooting. Thymi are ea­sier cured than the former, if they de­generate not into worse Symptoms: Crista have a malignancy, and as Authors say, hard to Cure, yet by my Drops I [Page 41] have Cured them at one application. Ficus is a dangerous Pile, or Excres­sence, because sometimes they prove Cancerous; they are most dangerous if subject to bleed, as bad as any of these Piles.

Ragades.I Have found in my practice the Dis­ease called Ragades or Clefts of the Fundament, especially if they have been of long continuance, being sub­ject to turn into Fistula's they are the worse, if they happen in old Age, in a Melancholy Constitution, where na­tural heat is wanting; if Women with Child are troubled with this in­firmity, they are very subject to mis­carry; and in men, where they have been of long continuance, and nature hath disburthened it self that way, it will be difficult in curing by common Artists.

[Page 42] Haemorrhoids. LAstly, The Haemorrhoids being a Flux of blood by the Funda­ment, occasioned by an Acrimonious humour, which generates internal Piles, call'd blind Piles, which by go­ing to Stool do send out blood some­times with pain: if this Disease be of long continuance, it sometimes keeps a Lunar Motion like the Feminine Sex, and proves dangerous if neglected; it often degenerates into a Fistula; a worse Disease cannot happen. I have been the more careful to declare in all plainness the several sorts of Fistu­la's, Piles, Haemorrhoids, and other infirmities belonging to the back parts and Fundament, which for the most part Physicians are negligent to Cure, although they are grievous, and the most troublesome; and I might add, the most dangerous Maladies (if neg­lected) belonging to the Body of Men [Page 43] or Women, especially if we include the Disease incident to the secret parts, Reins and Bladder, all which being so nigh to each other they do often communicate the evil effects to their Neighbour-parts if not prevented, as a Fistula in Ano in time, often by its malign Quality perforates and eats through the Fundament, or Intestinum Rectum, Bladder or Sphincter Muscle, then it becomes most dangerous, and chiefly by neglect, not meeting your Malady in convenient time with good advice and powerful Medicine; so many good people that might have lived many years are cut off by lan­guishing Consumptions, decays and Death. Now I say, as the Diseases of the Fundament are often sent to the Bladder, Reins, &c. So likewise the Disease of the private parts are more often sent to the Reins, Bladder, Fun­dament, yea to the Liver, Heart and Brain, all which in time might by safe Medicines easily have been Cured, [Page 44] if the Patient had been so fortunate or wise as to lay open their cause of grief to an experienced and skilful honest Physician, and in these Maladies I much insist upon Experience for, dies diem docet; and I cannot but acknow­ledge what some years past I could not effect; I now can (Deo juvante) My Experience and Success in these private Diseases hath been eminently known (Laus Deo) for several Years, it being about fourteen Years since I published the Book called, Every man his own Doctor, with an Herbal, which was so acceptable, that few Booksel­lers in England but sold it; that treat­ing chiefly of the French Disease; but my Fistula and Pile Drops, many Physicians and Chirurgions have de­sired to buy from me at a good price, which I parted with but to very few, except my own Patients. Now consi­dering the great benefit which many afflicted people may have by the use of them. I have now first set down [Page 45] in this Treatise the several afflictions of the back parts, whereby every one may judge of their danger, and what their Disease is, and then they may send or come to me for those Drops and Medicines which every day I use so successfully; for as the Disease dif­fers, so do our Medicines; for we have a Maxime, Nullum Medicamentum est idem omnibus. The Pile Drops are sold at five shillings a Vial Glass, the Fistula Drops are at ten shillings a Vial, that the World may not longer want them; and as to the other Cure of the private parts, by any distemper by Venery, bad Cure, old or new, you may freely consult me the Author of this Treatise, who will give you ad­vice how you may be quickly well, if not quite too late.

I shall now advise all persons afflict­ed with Fistula's, Piles, Haemorrhoids, &c. that they forbear things hurtful, such are all salt Meats, Spice Meats, and sharp things; as Vinegar, Le­mons, [Page 46] French Wine, Stale Beer, crude Fruit, &c. be careful of taking Cold, and sit not long upon the Close-stool, by which only error many have had the Piles, sooner got than cured. The manner of using the Pile Drops, is to warm about half a spoonful, and dip a fine Rag or Lint, apply it to the Piles, and bind it to the part with a double Rag upon it, for they do cure the Piles and prevent a Fistula, by ma­king sound the part applied to: For the Fistula we ought to put the Drops into it with Lint, or Syringe, and bind it to with a Plate of thin Lead, till well; and if one Glass will not do, it is an Argument you ought to use more, and some inward means, as a Fistula Drink and gentle purging; which is prepared by the Author here­of, who wisheth all health, and hath procured it, by means, (with Gods Blessing) to many afflicted; to God alone be praise.

CHAP. XII. Of the great East-India Cordial Stone, by some called Antonio.

THis Universal Cordial, brought from the Indies, being now in great use and esteem, by all that have experimented it in health and sickness, being a preserver of health, and a reme­dy in Sickness, and so generally appro­ved, that I wonder none hath writ of its worth and use, giving some Directions for the most profitable and proper way to take it; therefore I have designed in this small Treatise, to Advertise the World of its most beneficial way of taking, it being pitty so admirable a Cordial should be abused. First, for its Composition is mostly of Bezoar, Ambergreece, Pearl, Unicorns-Horn, Coral, and such other of the greatest Cordial Preservatives, Corroboraters, [Page 48] and Renewers of strength and youth, and of that lively efficacy to the Vi­tals, that nature is soon sensible of its Friendliness, so long as there is any sense or life to act upon; for it pre­serves nature by procuring due fermen­tation and concoction, expelling (per poros) in a moist breathing sweat, the vitious humours and enemy of nature, which hinder nature in her actings, and turns to a Scorbute in the blood; it hinders and helps those declinings of strength and feavourish heats in palms of the Hands, or soals of the Feet, which commonly lead people into Consumptions, Hectick Feavers, Hy­pochondriack, Melancholy, Rheuma­tisms, and pains that many complain of, and think or fear it may be a worse Distemper; it is a most pow­erful Antidote against all infection of small Pox, Plague, and other Malig­nant Feavers, and a very successful Cure in the New Feaver and Ague, whether Tertian, Quartan, or Quoti­dian, [Page 49] especially if the Stomach is a lit­tle cleansed before by a safe Vomiting Pill for that purpose, which I have by me, and with great success give it; which doth most commonly Cure at first taking, which saves the dangerous use of the Jesuits Powder; but that I may profitably direct for the benefit of all the most general uses of this Stone, I will mention some of those Diseases it is useful in, and those ways it is best to take it, this being but a brief direction; many may know o­ther uses and good Remedies not here named, but to begin with some, it is I say necessary always to carry about one, being so great an Antidote a­gainst Diseases; being made up in Balls, from the magnitude of a large Nutmeg or Prune to the bigness of four or six Ounces weight; they are most conveniently carried about one, being always ready to refresh our sen­ses and spirits, by smelling to them, and as oft as you please you may shave [Page 50] as much or as little as you will into a Glass of Wine, Beer or Water, which makes it most pleasant and cordial; the Seamen that bring it from the East-Indies usually put as much Pow­der as will ly on a Groat into a Bowl of Punch, which gives it an excellent scent and flavor; it is of great use to Travellers, because it performs all can be expected from a Cordial, ready at hand to be taken at any time without danger, being pleasant to smell to, and not liquid, without danger of breaking Glasses as in other Cordials, being dry; it is a pleasant Companion which I shall scarce go without.

For Consumptions, It is conveniently taken to the quantity of a scruple or more three times a day, Mornings, Afternoons, and going to Bed, in a little Wine, or Ale, or put into a draught of warm Milk from the Cow, with some Sugar [Page 51] of Roses, and you will rest the better, with a pleasant breathing, and your food will better concoct.

For the Ague or Feaver. If you desire to sweat away an A­gue or Feaver with it, put half a Dram or a Dram to an Ounce of Treacle-Water, and dispose your self to sweat.

For the small Pox, Measles, or Plague. In these Distempers you cannot take a better Cordial to drive it out than half a Dram of this Powder in one Ounce or more of Treacle-Water, or good Sack, and every three hours about a scruple in a little Sack, till safely come out, and sometimes after to uphold the Spirits.

For Pains, Gout, Stone, &c. It is good to take half a Dram Night and Morning in a little Sack or Whitewine, and sweat upon it.

It Cures the green Sickness, and breeds a fresh Complexion in young and old; it is very good for all weak­ness of the back in Men or Women, and will remedy issuings or wastings, but for gleetings or weakness of the Spermatick Vessels, I have another excellent Cure that strengthens the Retentive Faculty in a little time, which I have remedied divers by; and shall give directions to any gratis in Venereal Distempers.

The use of this Cordial Stone, or Powder, taken in some Whitewine or Sack, mightily resists the flatus Hypo­chondriacus and Melancholy; it strength­ens the Memory, and by comforting the Brain revives the Senses; it is a great helper to fruitfulness in Men and [Page 53] Women, inclining all to a pleasant disposition.

If taken by those in health it pre­vents the Gout, Dropsy, Scurvy, all infections, causing strength and a good Complexion.

For Children, it prevents and Cures Consumptions, Rickets, Liver grown, Convulsions, Worms, and other infir­mities, and no ways dangerous any way taken, or in quantity also; it doth wonderfully help the easy cutting of Teeth in Children.

Now it is necessary, after acquaint­ing you with some vertues and uses of this great East-India Cordial, that I also acquaint you with the prices, there being now some in my hands, sent very lately from India, the smallest sort of Balls are at ten shillings price, some at a Guinny, the largest of the bigness of a Turky Egg five pound a piece, they will keep many years without the least decay.

[Page 54] The Ague Pills causing Vomiting, two being the usual Dose, is one shil­ling.

The Anodine Pill which gives ease in less than an hour, at one shilling each Pill, to be taken in Bed, and rest upon it.

CHAP. XIII. Of occult Qualities, of Anti­pathies, that vulgar Magick is Witchcraft if maliciously used.

TO Answer expectation to these Heads distinctly is my design. First, For occult Qualities, we say, it is an usual Refuge for Ignorance to take Sanctuary in, when a reason cannot be given, as to shew why such a Cause produceth such an effect; and the cause for the most part is by reason we do not labour nor search into the na­ture of things, but for the most part sit down with a contented Ignorance; if we cannot find our questions and doubts resolved in other mens Wri­tings, Works and Labours, then we say by occult Quality, it is done; but truth and knowledge is dear in obtain­ing, [Page 56] and what our Predecessors were short in, we ought to discover to our Successors; for we may better and ea­sier do it than they from their Wri­tings, and our own reason with Ex­perience.

For the general discovery of the na­ture of things, the Doctrine of Sympa­thy and Antipathy Learnedly discour­sed by Sir K. Digby, and others, doth in some things much facilitate the Work, shewing how by Sympathy a Medicine may work at distance upon a person by the Effluviums of the Air, which have been experimented by ap­plying to a cruental Cloth or Wea­pon, which made the Wound one while Anodine and Sanative Medi­cine, at which time, and during that application, they found ease and a­mendment; and the applying of Vi­negar, or other Corrosives to the Cloth or Weapon, should presently cause pain and anguish, though at ma­ny Miles distance; it is related the [Page 57] Italians are so well acquainted with this Magick and Philosophy, that they usually in revenge of him that hath been so unmannerly, as to ease his Body at their Doors, they presently heat a Spit or Iron-Fork red hot, and many times thrust through the Excre­ments of the absent person, knowing that the bruning Iron, acting upon the spirits of the Body, in the new made Excrements, will corrode the Bowels, and very often they find the sad effects of it; we all forbid our Children to piss upon Fire, because it breeds a pre­sent inflammation in the Neck of the Bladder, &c. on the contrary some have accidentally been cured of a Cold Flux of the Belly, a Looseness, when their Nurses have casually cast hot ashes upon their ordure to take it away. It is not unworthy the relating an experiment of my own of this kind, about the year 1660. I being upon practice in Dublin, there came to my House there, a rich Citizen in the be­half [Page 58] of his Wife, who had lain sick a­bout two Months, and had made use of most of the Eminent Doctors in Town; but having no remedy, he desired my assistance and visit; when I saw her in great agony by an inflam­mation and burning she complained of in her Belly and Womb, which she and the Standers by said came to her in fits, holding her about two hours at a time, Mornings and Even­ings: I finding her condition very de­plorable, enquired of her Self, Hus­band and Friends, what might be the first cause, which they all being igno­rant of, they told me, she being thus left by her Doctors, her Neighbours, her Mother, and all concluded she was bewitched, for the violent Fits came so exactly in time, Mornings and Evenings; after I had considered the Distemper and violent Paroxysms of pain, I sent for a Chirurgeon to breath a Vein, and that no methodical means might be wanting, I directed her Cor­dials [Page 59] to an Apothecary, but all signi­fied little, she having used good means before; about that time I read Sir K. Digby, and some other Books of Sym­pathy and Antipathy, which did the more fasten it in my mind, that some strange trick or magick art had been used upon her. Her Husband being a Soap-Boiler by Trade, it came into my mind to ask the Maid Servant, and made her shew me where she emptied her Mistresses Pots of Water, so I went with her where was a great heap of Ashes made in Soap-Boiling, this stand­ing nearer to her by much than the ne­cessary House, she usually threw her Water upon the Ashes to save her la­bour of going further; after I saw this cause of her Mistresses Disease, I told her she was the Witch that had be­witched her Mistress, and forbad her for the future to empty any more there, and having found the cause, declared it to them, but advised the sick Woman for some time after, constantly to U­rine [Page 60] in a Basin half full of fair Water, by which only means she was by Gods Blessing perfectly and presently Cured, to their great Joy, and my good Re­ward.

Further to confirm this Philosophy of Sympathy and Antipathy, I knew a Midwife that usually came to me for some advice for her Women, that got much money by Curing of Agues, and yet gave them no Medicine, only re­quired their Waters, which she with flower made a Cake of, and gave it to a great Dog, she always kept for that purpose, and so she transplanted the Ague and Fever out of the Man into the Dog, who was affected with hot and cold Fits, that I have seen him shake, and then the sick party grew well, the strength of the Dog and his natural heat exceeding the mans, drew the morbid matter from the Man by the magnetick quality of the disea­sed Urine into the Dogs Body; this is commendable magick for the good of [Page 61] Man: but whoever by this Art misim­ploys it to hurt men, it is Malice and Witchcraft; but I shall break off from shewing too far of this magick Art, least evil disposed persons learn to do mischief, which is too much practised in some Foreign parts, which hath been a chief cause we heard so much noise of Poisoning lately. This Dis­course is sufficient to convince those which believe there is no Witchcraft, or Witches; making void the Law that saith, Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live. To confirm it further, that there are Witches, I remember a Relation I read of the Confession of Witches, such Witches that make a compact personally with the Devil, that understand not the Magical Art which the Devil undoubtedly teacheth his Followers and Imps to practise; for I believe the Devil can do nothing miraculously or above nature, as the Maxime is, Diabolus non possit efficere supra naturam sed in natura, the Devil [Page 62] being an old Naturalist knows many secrets in nature which to us are un­known and occult.

CHAP. XIV. Of Tobacco its use and great strength. Of prepared To­bacco.

TObacco being a Drug now ge­nerally used, especially by Me­lancholians, and Consumptive People, and many are so accustomed to it, that it is become a second nature; there­fore I think it but necessary to acquaint all for whom it is good, and that o­thers may forbear it, if hurtful to their Constitutions before it be too late. I know many Authors have writ of it, have multiplied the Vertues of To­bacco, ad infinitum, but always re­member the old Proverb (what is one [Page 63] mans meat is another mans poison) which is very truly verified in this thing Tobacco; yet it certainly is a good vulnerary Herb as can be used to Wounds in Ointment, or the Leaf it self applied, and especially good a­gainst scab or itch in Man or Beast; but it is so forcible a worker upon the Brain, as it may be prepared and used, though but only outwardly applied; it is of that force in its nature, that it can kill some Beasts (as I have seen the Experiment of twice) and for ought I know it may do it to others; but I forbear to divulge it, lest evil disposed persons may do mischief by it. Tobacco in its nature is hot and dry, very penetrating, digesting and cleansing, forceably purging the up­per Ventricle, viz. the Head and Brain, and this it performs by its hot, pene­trative, attractive quality; and this it doth, as the custom is, by smoaking in a Pipe, to the benefit of some, and great damage of many others: now I [Page 64] shall acquaint you who may profita­bly smoak Tobacco, and others may forbear; I say if any persons can take it without too great disturbance to their Constitutions (for I know many can­not) it is most proper for cold, moist, phlegmatick Constitutions, especially if they have Catarrhs and Distillations, because it draws forth by heat to the mouth those Rheums, and sharp distil­lations which distill (especially by Night) upon the Lungs, and often ulcerate them, and brings the Body to Consumption and Death, for that is the worst symptom of a Catarrh when it falls upon the Lungs, which by drawing it forth it may be preven­ted, especially if other good things are added to Tobacco, it may then be a proper Vehicle to strengthen the Brain, and Cure Catarrhs, Distillati­ons, and prevent and Cure Consump­tions; which that it may the better do, I have composed a prepared To­bacco, which hath been much appro­ved [Page 65] of, and none beside my self ever published or imparted.

CHAP. XV. Tobacco prepared for preven­tion and Cure of most Dis­eases.

ALthough common Tobacco be not good for all that take it, yet the greatest Vertues wherewith this is impregnated, doth merit the greatest rank of esteem; in use most profitable, and by many Years expe­rience approved; it being near four­teen Years since I first published it, be­ing the Inventor, and have now much better prepared than heretofore, being most excellent in vertue to fortify the Spirits, it resists corruption of blood and humours, preserving the noble parts from decay; for it is the most [Page 66] convenient Vehicle to convey power­ful helps to the Brain and Spirits, re­newing strength of nature (if not quite consumed) because it sends out the vitious salt acrimonious humours, by spittle and Urine, being more de­lightful than common Tobacco; for where it is taken it purifies the air from infectious malignity by its fragrancy, sweetens the breath, strengthens the Brain and Memory, Cures pain in the Head, Teeth, &c. revives the sight and other senses in few days using to be found; in continuance it cures Gouts, Dropsies, pains of the Limbs, Scurvy, Coughs, Distillations, Consumptions, and preserves the Lungs by drawing forth the crude salt humours; it strengthens the noble parts, few that use it need Issues, because it cleanseth the Body, drying up sores, it procureth sleep, if taken near Bed time, it opens the Body of most by Stool, but cleanseth all by Urine; it is found admirable in all Venereal Distempers: I have reason [Page 67] and experience to commend it, by my daily success upon that Disease; for i [...] revels to the mouth those ill humou [...] which cause pain and issuing; it doth excuss poisonous Fluxes, raised by Mer­cury, which is often of worse cons [...] quence than the Disease; it is a great help in Cure of Consumptions, and likewise prevents it. The order of taking it is like other Tobacco. I formerly sold it two shillings the Ounce, now for publick benefit the best sort is but one shilling the Ounce, to be had from my Self, or Servants. Such as send for pounds to deliver out to others shall be notified hereafter: this is a safe and pleasant means to cure and prevent most Diseases arising from corruption of blood, and all vi­tious cold humours; it may be had from my House at Knightsbridge, or at the Sadlers against the Mews, next the Black-Horse by Charing-Cross.

CHAP. XVI. A most profitable hot Bath by Steam, being the vapour or airy parts of Vegetables.

SInce many great Diseases and in­firmities are daily Cured by help of sweating, I do publish this profita­ble invention of mine, being a most delightful hot Bath, by steam, which far excels all the common Baths as are now used by none as I know of yet, being most prevalent against any Disease that sweating can be proper for; this prevents a necessity of bleed­ing; the Bath is to be made most a­greeable to the Disease of the person to be Bathed, whether sick or in health, I cause them to sit in a Closet above the Bath, that nothing but the vapour or steam can ascend, being conveyed by Pipes it penetrates more effectually [Page 69] than Water Baths, or any other way because the vertue of the ingredient penetrate into the pores of the Body powerfully by a hot steam, and re­freshes the vital parts inwardly; Ba­thing and Sweating especially prevails against all cold Diseases coming from cold congealed humours, and do ren­der the stubbornest Diseases more cu­rable; by this means hot and feavour­ish Distempers also are breathed out, because the humours are rarified, and the pores are opened, and causeth tran­spiration by Sweating; it Cures Gouts of all sorts, Lameness, Pains, Aches; it helpeth ill smells, stinking Sweats, o­pens obstructions, strengthneth the Womb, maketh fruitful, by refresh­ing the Brain; it clears the sight and hearing, it prevents and Cures the Dropsy and Scurvy, it compleats the Cure of Pox and Scurvy, and many sad symptoms and reliques after Phy­sick; it Cures Children of Rickets, causing growth, and a smooth clear [Page 70] Complexion; some Directions you ought to have before, as for prepara­tion, the Body ought to be soluble be­fore Bathing, or procure a stool by a Clyster, or Milk and Sugar; the best time to go into it is the Evening, and not to stay so long as to faint, and take care to cool by degrees, after rest and refresh your self before Bed time.

Note the Patient may bath as often as strength permits, or the Disease re­quires.

For these or any other Directions, you may send to the Author, at his Chamber against the Mews by Charing-Cross, who is certainly there from twelve to four, at other times at his House at Knights-bridge, being a little Mile from Charing-Cross, where is a good Air for Cure of Consumptions, Melancholy or other Infirmities.

Thus wisheth all health,

Your Friend J. A.


  • CHAP. I. OF prevention, and Cure of Diseases. Page 1
  • CHAP. II. The causes of Consumptions. p. 5
  • CHAP. III. Of a Consumption, Atrophy, or Tabes. p. 7
  • CHAP. IV. Further signs of a Consumption, and different Disease it came from, and the part first assaulted, most worthy to be known by all. p. 14
  • CHAP. V. Of the Scurvy, and manifest Symptoms. p. 20
  • CHAP. VI. Of Melancholy. p. 23
  • CHAP. VII. Of the Lues Venerea, or Frech Pox. p. 26
  • CHAP. VIII. Signs of Infection by the Pox, being the surest Rules from my Book afore­mentioned. p. 29
  • CHAP. IX. How to distinguish the Scurvy from the French Disease, and to know which is your Disease. p. 31
  • CHAP. X. Of Fistula's. p. 34
  • [Page] CHAP. XI. Of the Piles, &c. or Verucae Ani, Ragades, &c. and Haemorrhoids. p. 38
  • CHAP. XII. Of the great East-India Cordiat Stone, by some called Antonio. p. 47
  • CHAP. XIII. Of occult Qualities, of An­tipathies, that vulgar Magick is Witchcraft if maliciously used. p. 55
  • CHAP. XIV. Of Tobacco its use and great strength. Of prepared Tobacco. p. 62
  • CHAP. XV. Tobacco prepared for preven­tion and Cure of most Diseases. p. 65
  • CHAP. XVI. A most profitable hot Bath by Steam, being the vapour or airy parts of Ve­getables. p. 68
The End of the Contents.

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