The Answer of the BERMUDA COMPANY TO THE Matters Complained of in the Petition of Mr. PERIENT TROTT, humbly offered to the Consideration of the Honourable the Knights, Citezens and Burgisses Assembled in PARLIAMENT.

THe Bermuda Company having purchased the soyl of the Island, were incorpo­rated in 1614. by the Name of the Governour and Company of the City of Lon­don, for Plantation of the Summer Islands; and thereby had the sole Government committed to them, with a power to make Laws as near as might be to the Laws of England; being the same power granted to all other His Majesties foreign Plantations, and the Company are still the proprietors of the said Islands. And if any By-Laws were made contrary to their power, or prejudicial to the Island (as is untruly suggested) the Company here must needs be the great loosers.

That no Lands have been taken away from any person without due proceedings and Examinaton had according to the Laws and constitutions of the Islands; neither have any Records or due Entries manifesting any mans title to the same been razed or altered, nor have any persons been admitted to any shares in the said Islands, but upon evidence of their right and title to the same.

That the penny in the pound upon Tobacco, is a Tax necessary to support the charges of the Go­vernment, (over and above the publick shares set aside and now imployed for that purpose) and is duely imposed, and for the recovery thereof, Actions at Law are brought against the Petitioner Mr. Trott, whereby the validity of the said Tax will be tryed.

And if the Governour and Council there do impose any Assessment upon the Planters, without the consent of the Assembly, it is without the knowledge of the Company, and contrary to the Known Laws of the place, and would be redressed upon complaint made to the Company here.

That the managing the Trade of Tobacco in the Companies Magazin Ships, is necessary for the Proprietors, sufficient for the growth and utmost improvements of the Islands, satisfactory to the Planters, alwaies used since the first purchase of the Islands, and the only way for the preventing of frauds and oppressions.

As to the Whale Fishing, The Company having made a Lease thereof for Ninety nine years, to several Undertakers, who expended near four thousand pound in Boats, Tackle, and other charges for carrying on the Trade, and having intrusted some persons under them to manage the same for five years, and the said Trustees having some ways interested Mr. Trott therein, and the five years being expired, the said Boats and Tackle were seized at the request and for the said undertakers, who are the Proprietors and owners of the same. And are now under the value of one hundred pound.

As to the building of Ships, If the same were not restrained, there would not be Timber left sufficient for the necessary supply of the Islands.

And as to Appeals, Any person aggrieved may bring the same, unless where the Cause of Action is under the value of five pounds.

And ever since the granting of the said Charter, the Company have endeavoured to advance the Common and Publick Interest of the Islands, and the rights of the Proprietors there. And the Islands are now in a more flourishing condition than ever they were since they were first Planted.

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