Novus Annus Luni-Solaris, sive Ratio Temporis Emendata: Ita ut Mensis quilibet Initium sumat a Novi-lunio, intra unum plus minus Diem; & quilibet Annus, intra semi-mensem ab Aequinoxio verno.

I. Incipiat Calculus cum 10/20 Martii, 1680.

II. Distribuatur inde Tempus in Periodos, continentes 38 Annos; viz. 24 ordinarios, (Mensium duodecim;) & 14 extraordinarios, mensium tredecim.

III. Anni cujuscunque, communes & priores duodecim Menses constent è Diebus, alternatim, 30, 29, &c. Hoc est, primus Mensis, è diebus 30; secundus, 29; tertius, 30, &c. viz. Impar Luna pari, par fiet in impare Mense.

IV. In Periodi cujuscunque Annis 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 29, 32, 34, 37, hoc est, in 14 extraordinariis Annis, intercaletur Mensis decimus tertius, Dierum 31, 30, &c. alternè etiam numerandorum: viz. In Periodi Anno secundo, Mensis 13 us intercalaris habeat 31 dies; Anno quinto, 30 dies; septimo, 31, &c.

V. Singulis (37 Periodis) 1406 Annis, inserantur 14 Dies: Hoc est, 1 Dies singulis 100 3/7 Annis; vel potius, in 800 Annis, 1 Dies singulis 100 Annis; & in 606, 1 Dies singulis 101, alternatim interponatur.

Quo facto, aequabitur Temporis Ratio in Saecula saeculorum.

R. W.
Mensura Mensis Medii Synodici & Communis secundum Astronomos, viz.
  d. h. ''''
Hi parch. Ptolom. 29 12 44 3 15 44
Lansberg. Vendelin. 29 12 44 3 12  
Kepler. 29 12 44 3 10 50
Copernic. Reinold. 29 12 44 3 10 48
Vieta. Clav. 29 12 44 3 10 43
  d. h. ''''
R. W. 29 12 44 3 10 27
Dechales. 29 12 44 3 10 9
Ricciol. 29 12 44 3 10  
Bulliald. 29 12 44 3 9 37
Tycho. 29 12 44 3 8 39

A rectified Account of TIME, by a New Luni-Solar Year; So as the beginning of every Month shall be within about a Day of the New-Moon; and of every Year, within half a Month of the Vernal Equinox.

I. LET the Account begin with March 10, 1680. From thence—

II. Let Time be divided into Periods, of 38 Years each; viz. 24 ordinary Years, of twelve Months; and 14 extraordinary, of thirteen Months.

III. In every Year, let the twelve first common Months consist of Days 30, 29, &c, alternately; viz. the first Month, of 30 Days; the second, of 29; the third, of 30, &c. that is, The od Months, of even days; and the even Months, of od days:

IV. But in the Years 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 29, 32, 34, 37, of every Period, viz. in the 14 extraordinary Years, let a 13 th Month be intercalated, ha­ving Days 31, 30, &c, alternately also: viz. the intercalar 13 th Month of the second Year of the Period, to have 31 days; of the 5 th Year, 30 days; of the 7 th, 31, &c.

V. Let 14 additional Days be inserted every (37 Periods) 1406 Years; that is, 1 Day every 100 Years and 3/7 of a Year; or rather, 1 Day every 100 Years, for 800; and for 606, 1 Day every 101 Years, interchangeably. (c)

The which being done, will adjust the Account of Time for ever.V

R. W.

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