The Bloody ALMANACK: Fore-shewing, The strange Revolutions, and remarkable Contin­gencies, that will happen this Year, 1652. Wherein is contained, Divers Monethly Astrological Predictions; Impar­tially demonstrating, the King of Scots new Game in France, Together with His Desires to Forreign Princes; And Propheticall Observations thereupon. ALSO, A Description os the great Eclipse of the Sun, on the 29. of March next; with the Calculation thereof, con­cerning the landing of an English Army in France; the time and manner of a great Battel to be fought; the engagement of the Scotch King; with the event and Successe thereof. With other Notes of great concernment, touching the strange Lightnings, and Apparitions that will be seen in the Ayr this Year: Pre­sageing wonderful things in relation to England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the late Kings Family.

Published according to Order.


London, Printed by R. Wood for G. Horton, 1651.

To the People of England.

Indeared, and cordial Countrey-men;

GIve me leave, I beseech you, to present you with a Glass, wherein it demonstrated the true Revolution of the year; the mutation and state of Weather; the several and great Eclipses that will be visible both in the Sun and Moon: As also Monethly Predictions of most notable Concurrences; fore-shewing, the New-game and Design of the King of Scots, (for the disturbing of the peace and tranquility of this Common-weal) and the event and success thereof: Together with a Description of his Actions, Counsels, and Results. But at famous Lepington saith; How can Charles the Gratious be better drawn to the Life, than by the description of Tarquin the proud? And how can the unparalle'ld Founders of a free-born people be better portraicted, than by the deciphering of Regal Tyranny; For, indeed, a Tyrant is to all men hateful; for he builds the whole body of his State upon the columns of fear. But I shall endeavour to moderate my Pen; desiring thee ( Courteous Reader) not to be too sud­den in thy censure; for believe me, it will admit of second thought.

G. H.

The Bloudy Almanack; demonstrating the Won­ders of our Times; as also, fore-telling the strange Revolutions that will happen this Year, 1652.

Januaries Monethly Predictions, 1652.

THis Moneth produceth various Intelligence from Scotland, Ireland, and Denmark; great treacheries are contriving; some plot discovered, and an eminent person both in the Court of Judicature and Army questio­ned: The Mountains swell high; they are yet in strong travel: but up­on their final Results, a new Representative appears; be it a blessing to this Nation. Gracious and pious things are acting for our good: and those who have oppres­sed the poor are now called to the Bar of Justice. Look to't Excise-men; your lofty Plumes are now decaying. The Ayr inclines to snow at the beginning of the Moneth: Thick Clouds, or a frosty season from the 14. to the 23. The rest tempe­rate. Take notice, that this moneth is a time seasonable for the Husband-man to cut tim­ber, prune superfluous branches from fruit-trees, uncover their roots, drench their weak and sick cattel, and be careful to preserve them from cold.

Monethly Predictions upon February.

THe necessity of the Scot is much to be deplored, many of their houses are be­come stables; 'tis great pity, but ther's no remedy. Deliberate Consultations begin [Page 2] near this time; businesses long in agitation seem to approach unto conclusion. I hope our sober Governour of Scotland acquaints us with some happy successes of his Forces, or surely we may expect comfortable Letters from our honest friends in Ireland. An appearance of Massives and they intending us good, and portending somewhat from Holland, perhaps an Hogen Embassador, or aliquid tale. The Hea­vens are willing, and the influences of the Starres propitious for reconciling Ec­clesiastical differences; but the men whom it most concerns are most unwilling, and are resolved to continue the greatest enemies, the Souldiers, Army, or State may expect. Some eminent persons guilty of disaffection unto this Government, now are questioned or condemned for their Treasons, or their private actions much inquired into; Be they Priests or Legal Men, let them suffer according to merit. Generally neer this time, Men revile both the Law and the Ministery; I fear our Governours are much scandalized and their present actions misapprehended. Some may prove headlesse neer these times. Little petty actions in Scotland. Moti­on of some part of our forces North-ward. I cannot see but our Army or Forces in Scotland and Ireland, (as the seasons permits) do good service, and are victori­ous. Set, cut, and lay Quick sets and Roses; sowe Beans, Pease and Oats, especially the Land being cold and stiffe: furnish your Gardens with sallads for summer.

Monethly Predictions upon March.

All Europe may now see that the English Nation are upon high Designes, both for action and Councel; their active Governours are wary and watchful for safe­ty of England. Our Fleets are preparing, our Army or some Brigades in perfect readiness prepared for Northern or VVestern Motion. For some not very pleasing intelligence comes from the Scots, or concerning that treacherous people. Cardi­nal differences, or very great thwarting Disputations begin to take place, I fear betwixt the Souldier and Magistracy. Mars is and will be rampant: Unjust Trea­surers must account. Many must now think upon giving satisfaction for vast sums of the Common-wealths. This Moneth to the admiration of the whole world, is two great Eclipses of the Sun & Moon, which promiseth much Eclipse of world­ly glory to the Princes of the world: great mutations, sickness is like speedily to follow: mortality amongst men, and death of Cattel. I desire the Countreyman to beware of a Rot.

For satisfaction to the Reader, I have calculated an Eclipse, that hapned 300. years agoe, where you may see what followed then; and so judge of this worth your observation. The said Calculation followeth in the two last pages of this part.

Monethly Predictions upon April.

The Lord divert the crosse influences of the Starres from falling upon us Eng­lish, either by divisions amongst our Councellors themselves, or the intemperate results of others, whether Officer or Officers of Warre, or Men officiating in the name of Ministers. We have good, we have petty newes from Ireland. We are no­thing astonisht at various news which would make us believe an Invasion from a Scots King is expected; and he providing in several Kingdoms Men and Arms a­gainst our Common-wealth. Oh English, fear no such Bug-bears; He fights a­gainst providence, who drawes his Sword against this Common-wealth. With­out future troubles we can or shall not be; without a King hereafter, both Ma­lignant and Priest ridden zealots must be. Now we may hourly expect very com­fortable [Page 5] Letters from our friends in Ireland, as also from several other parts of the world; and a general willingness to quietness seems possesse the English Com­mon-wealth, who begin to be sensible that no Dominion upon earth is perpetual. If not before this, the Portugal hath writ to make his peace with our State, he may neer this time smart for his folly. Our Senators or interval Governours officiate nobly and honourably. English valour and Souldiery becomes terrible unto France, where War must now approach. Nothing of good comes from Scotland.

Monethly Predictions upon May.

THis Moneth entreth with great difference of Judgements amongst our grand [...]atriots: the Souldier seems ill pleased, and the crosse influence of Heaven may be feared to stir up Mens courages to act some new and unpleasing Acti­ons in Ireland, Scotland and France; Deus avertat. Oppressions and delayes even sads the spirits of our best affected Friends. They are but Men, and they have been suparlatively passive. Down goes some Clergy-men, either by the folly of their own Troasons against the State, or their own ill guided passions. The Scots are still pelting at our Souldiers; some ragged companions they muster and martial to our annoyance. Many stubborn Citizens of London repine at the present times; some of them may repent this Moneths actions or consultations. Again the Scot pretends friendship, but I fear his Treason. Were it a time of Warre, much mur­der, many slaughters would appear; now in a serene time strange Robberies, Pyra­cies, and some eminent offenders questioned, sentenced and put to death. Blesse us oh God from intestine Insurrections. France smarts with Divisions, and great blood-shed seems neer hand there. A Feaver, the Sword, or a most violent one takes an eminent Man out of the World about this Moneth.

Monethly Predictions upon June.

MAny in Authority are at a stand, either they fear they must, or else realy do de­part from their sweet Commands: si violandum jus, regnandi causa violandum. Nothing but everlasting envy and horrid exclamations attends the persons of some former Grandees, and perpetual Monuments of Bribery, and self-ended de­signs are the rewards of the common people to some intrusted great ones. But if the Heavens deceive us not, a general information from many parts, or many im­poverished Counties, or from many men whipt and stript unjustly out of their livelihoods, is making ready to inform the whole Nation how much they have been abused by sub-Committees, sub-Treasurers, sub-sequestrators, and an Omnium ga­therum of beggerly Informers. Some fear of dammage by fire in London; as also Action in Scotland. The Venetians have no good success this Moneth. The Turk thrives not: A Mutiny is to be feared in Constantinople.

Monethly Predictions upon July.

SEvere Judgements, or a woful sentence is like to begin this Moneth, inflicted either upon some notorious Malefactor or Traytor, who is now upon the stage acting his last farewel. What? have we in vain fought for our Freedoms; shall we be denyed Justice in cold blood? shall we Commoners be ever passive? we whose Bodies, Purses, Pens have sustained the bur­then of the late Warres; shall we have no time limited for our Redresses? we mourn and send millions of prayers to Heaven.

Some news of insurrections and hostile intentions, arrives at the beginning of this moneth to interrupt our peace; yet I fear not the successe, though for the present it may be as unwelcome as the wet weather.

A Description of the great Eclipse that will fall out this year, 1652.

FOur times shall the bright Lamps of Heaven be deprived this year, thrice shall the Inha­bitants of the earth lose the light of the Sun by the interposition of the opacious body of the Moon, betwixt their sight and him; and twice shall the Moon be deprived of her borrowed light, by the direct interposition of the earth betwixt the Sun and her: Both of the Moon, and the first of the Sun will be conspicuous to us.

The first is of the Moon, and happens according to the Julian account with us, the 15. day of March, at which time will the Moons Body be darkned. The beginning shall be seen only in the Eastern parts of Europe, and the whole in the Western: In Asia and Africa it will not be discerned.

For the better understanding of the effects of this Eclipse of the Moon March 15. I will parallel it with a former Eclipse, which by tracing Antiquity I find hapned 1345. three hun­dred and seven years since, being within one degree of the Zodiak in the same sign as this, wherein the position of Heaven not much differed from what it is now. The principal effects which that Eclipse produced, were these; great tempests, mighty high winds, great flouds through abundance of rain, which continued all Summer, and most part of Autumn that year, insomuch, that in these Northern Regions Corn did putrifie and rot upon the ground by rea­son of the excess of wet, and great corruption and decay of all fruits, as also a great rot of sheep, so that for two years next following, there was a great scarcity and dearth in most Countries, many Diseases and sudden deaths amongst Christians; much Wars slaughters and blood-shed was in the world during the effects of this Eclipse. The same year on St. Pauls day, was so great an Earth-quake in Germany, that many Villages and Bridges were overthrown, and horrible Rains mixed with Toads, annoyed the Inhabitants. In the year 1346. the 28. day of the Moneth of August, wax the sharp, yet famous Battel fought in France, near the Ʋillage of Cressye, between Phylip the French King, and Edward the third then King of England, where the English with a weak power in comparison, gave the French a total overthrowe: the King of Bohemiah his Son, newly elected Emperor, was overthrown with the King of France, who was brought prisoner into England, the King of Bohemiah slain in the field, and many gallants more: And in the same year, on the 17. of October fol­lowing, a party of the English under the Command of Mowbray, and Queen Phylip, who in the Kings absence were left to guard the marches of Scotland, and lay upon the Borders of England, to hinder the Invasion of the Scots: these gave battel to the Scotch King, and all his Forces near Nevil-Crofle, in which Battel the Scotch King was taken prisoner, and the chiefest of the Nobility were all slain and taken. Thus had the English three great Princes at once prisoners; thus as trouble, so Honour Victory did attend the English, during the effects of this Eclipse, they were crowned on every side with glory and Renown. I question not but the true English power will be as victorious: let Scotland, France, the Dutch and Germans beware of too much provocations. Some vctions of the like nature will be attempted to compleat the English glory. The same year the 2. of August, Callice was yielded to the English, which had been long besieged; thus Renowned were the English in all parts, the Reasons in art I have not room to insert.

During the effects of this Eclipse, the Heresie of the Adamites sprang up in Bohe­mia, and John Wickliets opinions in England. In the year 1347. and 1348. was so great mortality and pestilence, the like had not been seen before, and people were stricken with horror and fear, by reason of the violent Feavers, Aposthumes, and swellings in their Bodies, of which they died extreamly, and continued so long, that they were out of hope. These evills I fear overmuch will be the effects of this Eclipse amongst us.

[Page] [Page] [Page 7] The first Eclipse is of the Sun, March 29. 15. minutes, 53. seconds after 10. in the forenoon, at which time Sol the glorious eye of Heaven will be darkened, by reason of the interposition of the Moons opacious body betwixt our sight & him, and will appear to us as a yellowish green colour, mixt (as it were) with red, as blushing to uphold us, will almost quite hold his head from us.


Places which will feel the smart of this Eclipse may be gathered out of the ante­cedent Discourse; but more plainly those Countries under Aries, Cancer, and Ca­pricorn. Saturn Lord of the eighth in the Ascendant, threatens Scotland, Ireland, the West and North of England, with divers and sore sicknesses, as also the Pestilence: Before the effects of this Eclipse be over, let London pray for a Reprieve; for about this time there will be a great decay in her Health and Trading: Let France take heed, the flame is there breaking forth: The Emperour of Germany begins to tot­ter: The Hollander suffers prejudice by Sea: And the Turkish Territories are in­vaded with factions: Let the glory of Rome also (about this time) expect an eclipse from the English.

The second will be a very terrible eclipse of the Sun, the eye of Heaven, in the same Moneth March 29. the beginning will be at half an hour past 9 in the morn­ing: Early Misers may dreadfully behold it: the middle at 40 min. after 10. the end at 12 min. before 12 a clock. This Eclipse continues two hours and a quarter, and will be very fearful to behold: The Sun will be almost wholly darkned, onely a little part of the lower South part of his body, like a new Moon-light; as ap­pears by the ensuing Figure.


This Eclipse will be visible to all Europe, as also Asia minor. Arabia, Persia, Tar­ [...]aria, and in Africa and the West-Muscovi▪

Monethly Predictions upon August.

IF a serious Disquisition did not find guilt, and remove some against their wills from their Dignities last Moneth, this will; And I tell you plainly, I smell some new Tenets studied and urged, which if not timely prevented, may produce some­thing unexpected: I think upon Burford businesse. Thunders, and fiery Appariti­ons appear: great sicknesse to women; strong drinks are hurtful: many die in Child-bed. A time of mourning and lamentation draws neer upon France. Heavens gra­cious God protect us English from some eminent Mortality or Plague this month, or high divisions amongst the Commons and their Superiours; many mens Spi­rits are full of revenge; but the Father of Time and Eternity, I hope sends his An­gels of meekness to transform the furious thoughts of some Zealots.

Monethly Predictions upon September.

THe Presbyterian Ministers are now satisfied in conscience touching the law­fulnesse of this present Government: and a general Reconcilement appears. Therefore let France, O people of Europe, be the mark unto which we all shoot our Arrows. A great Victory seems to attend the English, and according to the Cal­culation of the great Eclipse, March 29. a great Prince will be taken, and another lose his life in the field. From all which we may traduce, that the French King is falling from his lofty Cedars; and that the King of Scots shall never more annoy Us.

Monethly Predictions upon October.

THis moneth begins with Justice, but ends with Execution: and many there are, that receive condign legal punishment for their former knaveries. A great Sea-fight happens about this time, with the French, but Victory redounds to the English Some blustering [...] the tempestuous Scot; wherein they threaten a new game; but after once [...] more, they will be quite cut out.

Monethly Predictions upon November.

AS the last moneth ended with troubles; so this begins with oppression: Hea­vie Exclamations and cruel Execrations flie abroad in several Counties of England from thousands of poor people against their hard fate, sith they must know no end of their miseries: they pay, they pray, and yet have no rest or peace. Well! be not dismay'd, thy Redemption draws neer, its so appointed, notwith­standing all opposition.

Monethly Predictions upon Decemb.

AS this moneth begins with complaints for money; so it likewise supplicates for another Tax: but this is no news: For divers distractions arise through pernicious Counsels. No Faith is in the Scot, they often murder the English in corners. Sly treacheries are too frequent; and many great Officers are displaced. Divers Levitical Plots are near Discovery. Yet let the Countrey-man keep an ho­nest merry Christmas, that his poor Neighbours may commend his Religion from his Charity. And I think if the consideration of Gods love who hath given Christ for us, move Us to Love and Unity, we shall make a good end of the old Year, and happily begin the new. But there will alwayes be a Generation, who will with the Poet sing:

Our present Age doth us displease.
And present things we all despise.

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