THE Bloody Almanack For the YEAR, 1666.

AND THE Fiery Trigon; Wherein is set forth, The great Changes and Revolutions, ex­traordinary Events and Alterations, that may come to pass, and be acted upon the Stage of the WORLD, in this [sup­posed Wonderful] Year. With the Conjunction and Meet­ing of the two ponderous Planets Saturn and Jupiter. in the same Sign as they were Celebrated in Six Years before the Nativity of our Blessed Lord and Saviour. Also, the Four great Eclipses of the SUN and MOON; The sad and wonderful Earth-quakes impending beyond the Seas; The great and Warlike Actions amongst Forein Princes; The approaching Ruine of the Hollanders; And a Famous Monarch to arise from the Islands of Great Brittain, who shall both begin and go for­ward in that Mighty Work of Conquest and Reformation, through­out France, Spain, the Netherlands, and other Habitable Places of the WORLD.

Imprinted for William Roberts, M.DC.LXVI.

The Bloody Almanack; for the Year, 1666.

THE great Mutations and Changes, that will appear this Year in many parts of the VVorld, will ex­ceedingly astonish the Netherlanders, and France will participate with them in many direful acti­ons, whom England needeth not fear either by Sea or Land. Let the City of Paris (about Abril) beware of a Rod, at which time Great Brittain will have great cause to rejoyce; but Sat [...]rn still opposeth its Ascendant on Holland, who now begins a­gain to write Themselves Poor Distressed States, peace being hid from their Eyes, at a time when they might have embraced it, Pride will have a fall: *⁎* O HollandHo [...]and ‖ Thy people are treacherous and self-ended in all their actions, but let them know, that as there hath so will there be a time when they shall full dearly pay for all their Misdemeanours acted in several parts of the World. Happy are that ignoble People if now they be at peace with Great Brittains Monarch, if not, their ruine can­not be far off, for Saturn opposeth their Ascendent.

¶ *⁎* To­wards the middle of Au­gust, Woe, woe.

Four times this Year shall the two Luminaries [...]e Eclipsed, viz. Twice the Sun, and twice the M [...]on, whereof the first of the SƲN will onely be visible in England.

Sun Eclipsed

Proclus saith, that this Eclipse hapn [...]ng in the watry Sign Can­cer, shews the death of the common and ignoble sort of people, daily motion of Wars and the destruction of Fish and Fowl, and of such Creatures as live in and upon the Seat. Let the Netherlanders ( Helland, Zealand, &c.) beware, for they (of all others) are most like to feel the Fury and malevo [...]ent influence hereof, in regard i [...] happens in Cancer, the A [...]cendent of that place. And seeing this fame as Eclipse happens in Cancer, near the Cuspis of the 12 House, in Opposition to Saturn near the Cuspis of the 6. and Mars near the angle of the Earth, in Quartile of the Luminary Eclipsed, the Effects thereof will be violent; and no doubt but some ex­traordinary Change and Revolution in in Mundane affairs is at hand, which I hope, will much tend to the good and welfare of our Gracious Soveraign and his Dominions, and the final Excit­pation of all his Enemies, which God in his infinite mercy grant, and send us peace, Amen.

The third Eclipse is of the Moon upon the first of Decemb. which is to be seen in the remotest parts of the Earth, and wholly ob­scure and darkned.

[astrological chart]

The fourth is a small Eclipse of the Sun, upon the 15 of De­cember, to be seen in the Southern parts of the Earth unknown to Us.

*⁎* If we diligently consider the position of the Heavens at the Radix of the annual Revol [...]tion and from thence look back up­on the last Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, which hapned in Oc­tober, 1663. in the fiery Sign Sagittary, and the famous Eclipse of the Sun this Year, with other Planetary Conjunctions and Configura­tions concommitant; and with them have due respect to the co­lour, place, and motions of the Comets hereafter mentioned, that it may incline us to think some eminent and extraordinary events and alterations will shortly be made visible and manifest Them­selves upon the Theatre of the World; yea, so superlative will the actions of some Men be, in this last but worst age of the World, that the very Hearts of many [...] for fear of the Things that are [or at leastwise seem to be] impending and hovering over them. [Page 4]Nation shall rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom, and there shall be Famines, and Pestilences, and Earth-quakes in di­vers places, Matth. 2 [...].7. and though we may now expect (from several parts of the World) to hear of Wars, and Rumors of Wars, Fightings, B [...]oud-shed, Bsieging of Cities and Town [...], Sickness, Mortality, and the like, in the East, and South-East parts from Us; yet, Videte ne turbemini, see that you be not troubled (saith our Blessed Saviour) for all these Things must come to pass, but the End is not yet. There will doubtless, after these grand Re­volutions, be a Time of tranquility and peace, out it cannot yet be expected; however, great are the Signs portending, that we in England *—* shall not so sensibly feel the Effects of War and Calamity, as some of our Neighbour Na [...]ions; and that is clearly evinced, from this Figure and Eclipse,—

Moone Eclipsed

So that doubtless, if the most High God be not angry with Us, for our manifold sins and iniquities, we of the English Nation shall [Page 5]be Victorious both by Sea and Land. And further it is asserted, that the actions here spoken of, are not yet come to their maturity and full height: for though this Revolution may produce many M [...]tations in sundry parts of the Earth, yet before a few years more, that Antichrist who hath amazed most parts of the World, shall suddainly decline both in his Armies and Dominions, which (either through the power, or policy of some Christian Prince, or other Potentate) will fall off, and leave him. This may be collect­ed from sundry Configurations of the Caelestial Bodies, though more principally from the Conjunctional Return of Saturn and Jupiter into the Fiery Trigon, under the Dominion whereof, the Antients have observed an Erection of new Monarchies, Empires, and Dominions: after which most commonly follows great tran­quility, peace, and quietness, which could not be, but where One hath the chief Rule and Dominion. And that it hath ever (or at leastwise for the most part) been so in former Ages, under this Trigon, is apparent by what hath been Recorded in former Times, and to amplifie this Truth, I shall instance in those Conjunctions, that have hapned in this Trigon of later years, viz. Six Years be­fore the Nativity of our Blessed Saviour, the Congresse, or meet­ing of these two ponderous Planets, was celebrated in the Fiery Trigon, at which time Augustus Caesar obtained the chief Empire of the World, and setled all Things in peace and tranquility. Then also about 800 years after, when the Conjunction of these Planets re­turned into the same Constellation and Trigon, Carclus Magnus ere­cted a New Empire. —*⁎* 'Tis very probable a Monarch shall arise out of these Northern Islands of Great Brittain, who shall both begin and go forward in that great and mighty Work of Conquest and Reformation throughout the World: after which, shall follow peaceable days, wherein the Noise of War shall no more disturb, or affright Us, nor enter within our Habitations, and then, in process of time may the End come, when this Globe of Mortality shall be made dessolate

For, the last Years three Comets, or Blazing-Stars denotes great Changes beyond the Seas; the first, at the beginning of December, being great, and of a red Colour: The second, Decem. 23. somwhat lesser, and of a white waterish Colour. The 3d upon Easter-day, appearing very terrible all that week, and much like the first.

But Saturn [the most envious of all the Erratique Stars] being the afflicting Planet, and Lord of the Year, portends a very great and grievous cold Season, many Frosts and Snows, and a Cloudy Sky, bringing a general Corruption on the Complexion of the Air; many Thunder-Claps and unwonted Corruscations, with abundance of prejudicial and un [...]easonable showers. And as he is the Patron of Old Age, so he denotes much mi [...]ery and sorrow to elderly persons, Fathers, Grand-Fathers, and the l [...]e: Much prejudice and detriment unto persons of considerable quality and eminency, he having signification of them, as he is superiorum Alt [...]ssismus. the highest of a [...]l the Planets; [...] he presages a Retrogra­dat [...]on among them, if not a Mortality of many of them; he denotes also many Sto [...]ms and Tempests, bringing suddain Shipwracks, and imminent danger to all sorts of Men Trading to Sea. He also signifies many cruel Diseases to happen among Men, proceeding from a cold and dry Cause: Agues, Consumptions, and all o­ther Chronical Diseases, will be very rife: He lets loose a Spi­rit of Lying among Men, which promotes Strifes, Controversies, and Contentions, and from thence [many times] an effusion of Blood. Now from the 77 Aphorism of Hermes, it is more then ordinarily suspicious, that these arguments of Unhappinesse will thereby be mightily exaggerated: For that tells Us, Many Mis­chiefs befall the World, when in a Revolution thereof, Saturn and Jupiter shall be found in their Exaltations: So that I see nothing that can really enervate those Thunder-Threatning Evils and Dangers, but Prayers and Tears. Indeed, so cruel and malignant is the sullen Planet Saturn in his significations toward Mankind, when he hath the Regency or Dominion of the Year, that he not onely presages Mortality; but also a great Dearth of Corn, and Cattel, and strange Diseases to reign among Them;

From which, Good Lord deliver Us, to


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