THE DAEMON OF BURTON. OR A true Relation of Strange Witchcrafts or Incantations lately practised at Bur­ton in the Parish of Weobley in Herefordshire.

Certified in a LETTER from a Person of Credit in Hereford.

LONDON Printed for C. W. in the year. 1671.


bout the fire as before, and a continual noise of Cat heard all night, but never seen.

Afterwards the Tenant having in a Room a heap of Malt and another of Vetches, the two percels were found next morning exactly mingled together and put into a new heap.

Another time she had baked a Batch of Bread, and laid the Loaves over night on a Table, next morning the Loaves were all gone, and after search made, they were found in another Room hid in Tubs and covered with linnen Cloathes, and all this while the Tenant had the keys of the doors in her pocket, and found the doors in the morning fast lock'd as she left them over night; So also her Cheeses and meat were often carried out of one Room into another, whilst the doors were fast lock'd, and sometimes covey'd into the Orchard.

Then the Tenant having set Cabbidg-plants in her Garden, in the night the Plants were pull'd up, and laid in several formes, as Crosses, Flower-de-luces, and the like, she caus'd them to be set again, and the Ground finely raked about, to the end they might see if any foot­steps might be discovered in the morning, when the Plants were found pull'd up as before, and no track or footstep to be found or perceived; The Plants were set a third time, and then they continued unmoved.

She had in her Cheese chamber many Cheeses upon Shelves and a Bag of Hops in the same Room, one night the Cheeses were all laid in the Floor in several formes and the Hops all strewed about the Room, and the Chamber door found fast lock'd in the morning.

Another night in the Buttery there were several dishes of cold Meat left upon a hanging Shelf, in the morning the Tablecloath was found orderly laid on the Floor, and [Page 3] the dishes set on it, and most of the Meat eaten, onely a manners bit lese in every Dish; yet there were silver Spoons which lay by the Dishes and none of them di­minish'd.

At another time she had left half a rosted Pig, which was design'd for breakfast next day, when the Pig was call'd for, there was not one bit of either Skin or Flesh left, but the Bones of the Pig lay orderly in the Dish, and not one of them unjoynted or misplac'd.

Whilst these and many other such pleasant tricks were play'd in the Rooms that were lock'd to make a discovery of any deceipt, if possible, the entrance of the doors were all strew'd with sifted ashes, and no footstep or track of any thing was found in the morning, when such pranks were play'd in the Room.

One night the Tenant having bought a quart of Vine­gar in a Bottel, she set it in her Dairy-house, where there was six Cows Milk, In the morning she found her Bottle empty, and her Milk all turned and made into a perfect Posset, with the Vinegar▪

And the Cheeses were sometimes convey [...]d by night out of the Cheese-chamber, and put into the Trines of Milk in the Dairy-house.

The Tenant had likewise divers of her Cattel that dyed in a strange manner, among others a Sow that leap'd and danc'd in several unusual postures and at last fell down dead.

The Hagg having thus for above a moneth together almost every night acted the part of Hocus pocus Minor, lay quiet for some moneths, and then began to act the Major and do greater mischiefs; and to this purpose, one night as the Tenant and her Maid were going to bed, and passing by the Hall, which was dressed with green boughs, [Page 4] tyed on the Posts, after the Countrey fashion, they were all of a flame, and no fire had been made in that Room of a fortnight before, nor any Candle that night; but the fire was soon quenched by throwing water on it, yet an outcry being made the neighbours came in and watch­ed the House all night.

Not long after a Lost of Hay, dry and well Inned, was set on fire in the day time and was most of it burnt, with the house it lay in, and no way could be found how it should come to pass, but by the same black hand.

And after some time a Mow of Pulse and Pease was likewise fired in the day time and all the grayn either burnt or spoiled, and in the middle of the bottom of the Mow were found dead burnt Coales, which in all the Specta­tors Judgements could not be convey'd thither but by Witchcraft.

After these dreadful fires, which did endanger the whole Village had they not been at length quench'd by a numerous company of the Neighbours, who came in to the Tenants assistance, the poor Tenant dirst stay no longer in the House, but quitted it, with all her losses, when one Iohn Iones a valiant Welchman of the neigh­borhood would needs give a signal proof of his Brittish Valour, and to that purpose undertook to lye in the House, and to incounter the Hagg, to which end he car­ried with him a large Baskethilted Sword, a Mastive Dog and a Lanthorn and Candle, to burn by him; he had not long lain on the Bed with his Dog and Sword ready drawn by him, but he heard great knocking at the Door, and many Cats as he conceived came into his Chamber, broke the Windows, and made a hideous noise, at which the Mastive howll'd and quak'd, and crept close to his Master, the Candle went out, and the [Page 5] Welchman fell into a cold sweat, left his Sword unused and with much a doe found the door, and ran half a Mile without ever looking behind him; protesting next day he would not lye another night in the House for a hundred pounds.

I have omitted one Passage worth relating, the Te­nant upon a Friday night about Midsomer had bought a dish of Strawberies, which she set up in a pewter dish in her Buttrey for next day, when she looking for them, found both dish and Strawberies gone, they searched for them all Saturday and found neither dish nor Strawberies; on Munday morning, when the Tenant was rising from her Bed, she found the dish on the Beds foot, but no Straw­beries.

Now Sir there is as yet no discovery what Feind 'tis that has acted these Vilanies, but 'tis believed time will do it.

Whilst these things were thus acted hundreds of peo­ple, both Ministers, Gentlemen, and others, came to the House to see and hear the passages.

These Particulars, with many others omitted, I re­ceived from eye Witnesses of unquestionable credit, and reputation, and you may no more doubt the truth of them, than distrust the affection of

Your most humble Servant. I. A.

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