¶ The abregement of the statutes of Anno .xxxj. Henrici .viij.

¶ Abylyte.

ALl persones professed in any relygious houses nowe comen or whiche hereafter shall come to the Kynges handes in any wyse whiche parsones are nowe sette or hereafter shall happen to be set at theyr lyberties out of the daunger of theyr profes­syon be & shalbe able to purchase al maner of hereditamētes & thiges whatsoeuer they be. And may vse take & inioye al lawful thynges to be gyuen to thē after y e tyme of theyr departyng out of religiō. And also be and shall be able to pursue and be sayd in al maner of suytes for any mater growen after theyr sayde departynge out of relygyon in as large and ample maner as yf they had neuer ben professed. Prouyded alwayes that no suche persones shall to any intent or cōstruccion be demed heyre to any person. Nor to be able to demaunde or receyue any he­redy tamentes, or thynges by reason of any former tytle, ryght, or cause growynge before theyr de­partynge out of relygyon. Nor suche of them as be Preestes or haue vowed relygyon at .xxi. yeres of age, and then consented contynuyng there any whi­le after nat prouyng suche vowe to be made by any vnlawefull cohercyon shalle able to marye or take [...]ny wyse.

Anno xxxi. Henrici octaui. cap. s [...]xto.

☞ Augmentacyons.

ALl the religious and Ecclesiasticall houses with all the lande [...] and tenementes profi­tes and commodites to the same belonging whiche are comen to the Kynges handes syns the Parlyamente holden the xxvii. yere of his raygne or whiche hereafter shal come to his graces hādes and possessyon shall be to his grace and hys heyres for euer. And all suche houses and other the pre­mysses excepte onely such as shal come to hys graces handes by atteyndre of treason / shall be vnder the surety and gouernaunce of the Courte of Aug­mentacyons and the mynysters of the same courte. Sauynge to all persons and bodyes polytyke and theyr heyres and successours other than the gouernours of the sayde houses, and suche as pretende to be founders, patrons, or donours of such houses or tenemetes & profytes perteynynge to the same al such ryght, tytle, interest, rentes, charges, annuities leases, fermes, offyces, fees, lyuerees, & liuyn­ges, porcyons, pencions, corrodies, commons, sino­des proxies any other profytes as they shalde ha­ue had yf this▪ Acte had nat ben made. Rentes ser­uice, Rente secke and al of her seruyces and suytes onely excepte. Prouyded olwaye that al maner of graūtes & seales for lyfe or yeres heretofore made by the gouernoure or gouernesse of any such house of any lādes or teuemetes or other profitꝭ late pertaynyng to such house & within one hole yere next before the commyng of suche house to the Kynges handes whiche were nat cōmonly wont to be let to ferme but kepte in thoccupacyon of such gouernour or gouernesse for y mayntenaunce of hospitalyte / [Page]or of which any particuler interest for terme of life yere or yeres, at the tyme of the makynge of suche gran̄t or lease had any cōtynuaūce & nat expyred / or els vpō which graūtes or leasses y olde rentes & fermes accustomed by the space of .xx. yeres nexte before y first day of this parlyamēt, is nat therup­on reserued, or yf any such gonernour or gouernese within the space of one yere (as is aforsayde) hath made any wodsale which woddes be yet stādynge, Al such graūtes leases & sales shalbe vtterly voyd. ¶ Item al feffemētes fines & recoueres suffred by any suche gouernour or gouernesse within one yere (as is aforsayde) of any hereditamētes which they helde of y kynges graūt or cōfirmaciō or of any of his progenitour or of y which houses y kynge was foūder or patron, or whiche hereditamētes were of tholde fundaciō or possessiō of such houses w tout the kīges licēce vnder his great seale shalbe voyde. ¶ Note that what grauntes sales and wodsales by this Acte be made voyde and what excepted (as afore is sayd) by the gouernours or gouernesses of suche houses as be al redy comen to the kynges hā des, euyn so it is further enacted I euery point qualyte and degre of al leases and gran̄tes for lyfe or yeres and wodsales whiche hath ben made within one yere nexte before the begynynge of this par­lyament, or whiche heteafter shall be made by any gouernour or gouernesse of any house yet standyng ❧ Item al feffementes fines & recoueries which within one yere nexte before the begynning of this parlyamente hathe bene or whiche hereafter shalbe made and suffred by the gouernours or gouernesses [Page]of the houses yet standynge without the kynges lycence vnder his greate seale shalbe voyde. So that the heredytamentes be of the kyngte graunt or cō ­firmacion or his progenytoures, or els where the kynge is founder or patron of the house, or where the same heredytamentes were of tholde foundaci­on or possessyon.

¶ Item touchynge the auoydynge of grauntes or leases for yeres (suche as before be spoke of) where any interreste & terme at the tyme of the makynge therof remayneth in the grauntee or lessee it is prouyded that the same grauntee or lessee shall haue .xxi. yeres of the saide newe graunte or lease in [...] there be so many yeres. And if there be nat than for so many yeres as be in his newe graunt or lease, so that tholde rente be therupon reserued and so that the same lease or graunt excede nat xxi. yeres.

❧ Item a lyke prouiso is ordeyned for graun­tes or leases made by any late gouernour or gouer­nesse within a yere nexte before the dyssolucion of his house for terme of lyfe where suche graunte or lessee at the same tyme helde the same for lyfe or yeres than nat expired, so that tholde rente be ther vpon reserued.

❧ Item al leases & graūtes for life of any hereditamētes customari made by copy of the court to use, be saued, so that tholde rent be therupon reserued. ☞ Itē al leases made by thauctoryte of the court of Augmentacions. And all leases feffementes and wodsales made by the sayde gouernours or gouer­nesses vnder theyr comen seale within a yere befo­re the dissolucion. &c. whiche haue bene affyrmed [Page]in the sayde court. And the same degree put in wri­tyng sealed with the seale of the same court shalbe good and effectual.

☞ Item the Chaunceler of the sayde courte with ii more of them shall restore recompence (as they shall thynke conuenyente all suche summes of mo­ney as any gouernour or gouernesse hath taken for any wodsale without fraude or couyn, in cas the ꝑtye that payed the same may nat lawefully enioye his bargayne.

☞ Item all purchases by any persons by indenture fyne feffement recouery or otherwyse of any go­uernour or gouernes syns the .iiii. day of February the .xxvii. yere aforesayde of any theyr heredyta­mentes by the kynges licence pardon [...]onfyrmacy­on relese or consent vnder his great seale, had or hereafter to be had be good accordyng to the purport of the same assurāces.

An .xxxi. h. viii. cap. xiii.

¶ Byshops.

The kyng may fro tyme to tyme name by his letters patentes or other wrytynges vn­der his great seale such nombre of Byshops cytyes fees for Byshops, cathedrull Churche & dyoses by meetes & boddes as shal apperteyn & en­dewe the [...] such possessiōs as his grace shall thīke cōuenyēt Also he may make & diuise trāslaciōs, ru­les & statutes cōcernyng euery of thē.

An .xxxi. H. viii. cap. ix.

¶ Loke more of Byshopes in the title of visitacyō.

❧ Contynuaunce of the statutes of west▪ heretofore made.

U [...]ō actes made for punyshemēt of vacaboūdes, for restreynt of cōueynge of horses & mare [...] [Page]out of this realme, for assautes & affrayes of wels­shemen vpō thinhabitaūtes of berforde shyre, Glocester shyre, & Salop. for punyshement of y vyce of buggory, for refireynt of cōnueyng of brasse, latyn, & coper, out of this realme For y true makyng of ropes & cables, for windīg of wolles, for kyllīg we [...] ­lynges, bullockes & steres vnder .ii. yeres. For at­teynt. For pewterers, for sowen of flax and hēpe. And of makyng of [...]ayles shall stāde in force tyl y last day of the next parlyamēt.

An. [...]1. H. 8 cap. 7

¶ Excestre.

FOr the amendemēt of the ryuer of Exe it is enacted that shalbe lawefull at all tymes after the feaste of Easter nexte cōmyng for the Mayre bayliffe and cominaltie of the cyte of Ex­estre to plucke downe, dygge moyne, breake, bāke and caste vp al maner of lettes and noysaūce in the sayde ryuer, and in other places necessarye for the same where soeuer they be, lyeng bytwene the said cite and the hyghe see. And further to do and make all thinges necessary wherby al maner of vesselles may haue sure course and recourse in the sayd riuer to and fro the sayd cyte and there to charge and discharge gooddes and marchaūdyses without distur­bance of any person paying and makyng to the owners of the soile where they shal so dygge & moyne due satysfaccion for the lande so dygged & moyned after the rate of .xx. yeres purchase, or els as the Iustices of assise in deuonshyre for the tyme beyng shall [...]ing▪ the eleccyon therof to be at the pleasure of the same owners of y soyle, without any let or trouble of suche owners by suyte in the lawe or o­therwyse [Page]vpō payne of forfayture of .xx. li. for e­uery such let or trouble, the one halfe to the king [...] hyghnes and the other to him that wyl pursue for the same b [...]accyon of Dette byl plaint or information in any of y kinges courtes. In which suyte no wager of lawe essoyne proteccion nor lycence shall in no wyse be admytted nor allowed. Also yf any fermours be of any of the sayde landes where. &c. then they to take suche recompence as by the saide Iustices or theyr deputies in that behalfe shall be assessyd. All the sayde recompences and satisfacti­ons to be made and payed within .vi. wekes after the ratynge or assessyng therof, oneles they can o­therwyse agre, for which satisfaccion or recompēce the parties shal haue an actiō of Det by the cour­se of the cōmon lawe agaynst the sayd Mayre baylyffes & cōmynalty ī any shyre of thꝭ realme wherin no wager of lawe essoyne licence or protection to be allowed.

¶ Fysshynge.

ALl maner fysshynge with nettes hookes or baytes in any seuerall ponde stewe or more with an intēt to steale fysshe out of the sa­me after the feaste of the Natyuite of saynt Iohan Baptist the .xxxi. yere of the raygne of kynge Henry the .viii. bytwene .vi. of the clocke in y eneninge and .vi. in the mornynge agaynst the wylles of the owners of suche ponde stewe or mote. And also the vnlawfull breakynge vp of the heade of any seue­ral pōd stewe or mote by day or by nyght after the sayde feast without colour of tytle so to do wherby any of y [...] fysshe there beyng is taken or destroied a­gaynste [Page]the owners wyll be to euery entent felony. Moreouer they y t fysshe in y [...] day tyme affter y [...] maner & forme aforsayde in any seueral pōde stewe or mote at any other tym thā afore is rehersed & ther of be lawefully cōuicted at the kīges suite or the parties greued shal suffre .iii. monethes imprison­mēt. And afterwarde to fīde sufficiete sureties for their good abering or els to remaine in prisō w tout bayle or mainprise vntil they fyude such suerties.


☞ Loke therfore in the tytle of Felony. 31. H. 8. Felonye.

VNlawefull takynge of thegge or egges of any fawkon goshauke or lanet or of any of theyre brydes or the brydes of a Laneret out of the neste in any of the kynges groundes is made felony, but this statute extendeth nat for any suche takynge out of other mennes groundes.

❧ Item whosouer fyndeth and taketh vp any fawken gerfawkon Ierken sacre or sacret goshauke lenet or laneret of the kynges and hauynge the marke of the kīges armes and veruels and causeth nat the same hauke within .xii. daies next, after the takynge vp to be brought to the mayster of the kinges haukes, or to some of his graces fawkeners, or els within the sayde tyme do nat gyue knowledge therof to the sayde mayster or to the sheryfe where suche hauke shalbe taken vp, or to one of the kyn­ges faukeners nere there abydynge. Than such ta­kynge vp and nat bryngyng or gynyng knowledge shalbe felony. Excepte it so happen that the taker [...] of suche hauke by chaunce neclygently agaynste [Page]his wyll lose the same hauke, or yf it shall happen suche hauke to dye agaynst his wyll before he may delyuer the same.

An .xxxi. H. viii. Capi .xii.

❧ Item yf any person wrongfully entreth into any forest, parke, or chace of the kynges y quenes the prynces, or of any of y kīges childre lawfully begotten or any other enclosed grounde of theyre vsed for kepynge of dere bytwene the sonne risyng and the sonne goyng downe with his face hid or couered with hoode or vyser or with face paynted or himselfe otherwyse disguysed to thintent he wolde nat be knowen and in the same grounde intendeth to steale any of the dere And by huntyng or other wyse by stealteth slee or take any of the same dere, or els dryue them out of suche grounde with an intent to stele the same, or els yf any person in a like maner and tyme and with a lyke intent as afore is sayde, take or kyl any conyes or rabettes with hey or other net, or with fyrret or pursnet within the fre warren of the kinge or any of the persōs aboue named or in the fourme aforesayde kyll any suche conyes or rabettes beynge within any of the sayde parkes excepte it be such parson as shalbe fermour of the same conyes rabettes or els shall be lycensed by wrytynge of the kynge or other persons aforesayde so to do. Or if any person bytwene the sōne goyng downe, and the rysyng of the same into any of the sayde groūdes to the intent there to steale any deare or by any meane in the tyme nexte aforesayd sle or take any deare there or out of the same grounde do chace any deare to the intent to steale it or in any suche tyme do take or kyll any conyes or [Page]rabettes (after the forme as before is expressed of kyllynge them in the day time except it be the fer­mour of them or els lycensed as afore is sayde) euery suche offence is ordeyned and made to be felony Prouyded alwayee that no person shalbe demed accessary to suche offenders excepte such as do procure the same offence to be done Nor that this acte extende to any offendour in any of the kynges, the quenes, princes or any of his graces lawefully begotten children, forestes, chaces, or warrens in wales or the borders agaynst Scotlande, the foreste of Snowden in wales onely excepte. Also thoffenders contrary to this statute must be endyted within one yere next after the offēce cōmitted or els he stādeth as he did at y cōmō law.

An. 31. H. 8. C. 12


ALl maner of heredytamentes beynge in the countie of kynte whereof the lorde Crumwell of wimbyldon lorde Pryuy seale and of dyuers other persons specified in thꝭ acte be seased to there owne vses in Fe sīple or Fe tayle now beynge of the nature of Gauelkynde be chaunged fro the same nature, and made descēdable after the fourme of the common lawe.

Hampton courte.

The kynges maner of hampton Courte is made an honour. And of the landes lyenge within the Lordshyppes townes & villages of Estmalsey, westmulsy, waltō, Esher, weybridge & parte of Cobhā in the county Surrey is made a newe Chace hauinge all lybertes to a chace perteynynge. And is called hampton courte Chace.


☞ Loke therfore in the tytle of felonye. 31. h. 8.


IOyntenaūtes & tenaūtes in comō y t be or shal­be seased of any estate of inheritaunce in theyr owne ryghte or in the ryghte of theyr wyfes of any heredytamentes shalbe compelled thereof to make partycyon bytwene them by write of Parti­cipatione facienda at the comon lawe in lyke maner and fourme as parceners haue vsed. And after such particion made they and theyr heyres to haue ayde of other and theyr heires to deteygne theyr war­rantye paramoūt and to recouer ꝓrata as is vsed bytwene coparceners.

¶ Placynge of lordes and other highe officers.

NO maner person excepte onely the kynges chyldren shall presume to syt or haue place at any syde of the cloth of estate in the par­lyament chambre, whether the kynge be presente or absent. Also the vycegerent for the tyme beyng in all parlyamentes shall syt on the ryght syde of the parlyament chambre nexte aboue the Archebyshoppe of Caunterbury and to haue voyce there as other lordes of the parlyament. Nexte vnto hym shall sytte on the same syde the saide Archebyshop vpon the same fourme, nexte vnto him the Arche­byshoppe of Yorke, nexte vnto him the Byshoppe of London, nexte vnto hym the Byshop of Dures­me, next vnto hym the Byshop of wynchester. And thā al other by shops as they haue heretofore accu­stomed. ☞ Item on the leste syde of the parlyement [Page]chambre the lorde Chaunceler, lorde Trea­sorer lorde Presydent of the kynges Counsell and the lorde Pryue seale beyng of the degree of barōs of the parlyament or aboue shall sit aboue al dukes excepte suche as shall happen to be the kynges sōne his brother, his vncle, his neuewe or his brother or suster sonnes. Item the great Chamberlayne, the Constable, the Marshall, the lorde Admyrall, the great mayster or lorde Stewarde, and the kynges Chamberlayne shall syt in ordre as they be here tokened nexte after the lorde pryue seale aboue al o­ther parsons beynge of theyr degrees. Item the cheife Secretary beyng a Baron shall syt aboue al Barons nat hauynge any of the offyces aforemen­cioned. And yf he be a byshoppe than he to sytte aboue al other Byshops nat hanynge any of the of­fyces aboue remembred, Item off Dukes nat afo­re rehersed, Marquesses Erles, Vycountes, and Barons nat hauynge any of the offyces aforemen­cyoned shall syt accordynge to theyr auncyentyes. Item yf the lorde Chauncelour, lorde Treasorer, lorde Presydent of the counsell, lorde Preuy seale or chiefe Secretary happen to be vnder the degree of a Baron of the parlyament than they to be pla­ced in ordre at the vppermoste parte of the Sak­kes in the myddes of the parlyament Chambre ey­ther vpon one fourme or els vppon the vppermoste Sacke. Item peeres of the realme that shalbe cal­led for the tryal of treasons and hauyng any of the sayde offices shalbe placyd accordynge to theyr offyces aboue the other peeres that be called to suche tryal. And also this ordre of placinge touchyng the [Page]lorde Chauncellour, lorde Treasorer and other tē ­porall officers afore rehersed shalbe kepte and ob­serued aswel in the Starre chābre and al other as­sembles and conferences of counsayle as before is declared to be in y Parliamēt.

An. 31. H. 8 Ca. x.

¶ Proclamacyons.

The kyng by the aduise of y Metropolitan [...] the lorde Chauncelour, lorde Treasorer / the presydent of the kynges most honoura­ble Counsell, lorde Preuy seale, and of other high officers named in this statute or the moste parte of them may at all tymes set furthe his proclamacy­ons vnder suche penalties and paynes and after su­che sorte as to his hyghnes and the moste parte of them shall seme necessarye to be obeyed as yf they were made by parlyament oneles the kynge do dis­pense with them vnder his greate senle. So that suche proclamacions extende nat to take away the inheritannces lawfull possessions offices lyberty­te preuyleges nor gooddes or catelles of any per­sons or bodyes polytyke, nor to cause any parson to suffre deth other than hereafter ensueth. Nor to infringe or breake any Actes comon lawes, now in force nor laudable custome. And that euery officer [...] to whome suche proclamacion shall be dyrected by wryt vnder the greate seale shall cause the same to be proclamed within .xiiii. dayes nexte after the recepte therof in .iiii. market tewnes yf there be so many. And yf nat in .vi. other villages within there auctoryte. And they to cause the same proclamaci­on to be set vp ī open places vpō the payne to be cō teyned in the same. Item they that before the Me­tropolytane, [Page]lorde Chaunceler, lorde Treasores the presydent of the kynges most honourable coun­sell, Lorde preuy seale and other officers reheresed in the sayde statute or the most parte of them (wher of the lorde Chaunceler, lorde Treasorer, the sayd presidēt, Lord preuy seale, the great Chāberlayne of Englāde, the lord Admyral, the two chiefe Iudges or .ii. of them shalbe .ii) within one halfe yere next after hys offence cōmytted shall happen to be accused. And therof within .xviii. monethes nexte after hys sayd offence cōmytted conuycted by con­fessyon or lawfull witnes and proues of & for bre­kynge or obstynatly nat obseruynge any article contayned in the sayde proclamacyon shall lose & paye all suche forfaitures or summes of mony and suffre such imprisonment as shalbe expressed in such proclamacyon, which such offenders shall breake, So y t the same proclamacyō be made in the shyre wher thoffenders is or was cōuersaunt within a yere be­fore, Item eyther of the lord Chauncelour, & lord pryuy seale with thassent of .vi. of the afore named counsaylours shal haue power vpon euery informacion to eyther of them gyuen to cause proces vnder the great or pryuy seale to be made against such offenders that is to say, fyrst by proclamacyon vnder [...] payne. And yf he appere nat vpon the same nat hauyng a lawful excuse than they to awarde another proclamacyon vpon alligeans. And yf it be within the liberty of the duchy of Lancaster than the same processe to passe by the chaūcelour there vnder the seale of the duchy with the assent of .vi. of y sayde coūsaylers. And yf any such offēders do depart out [Page]of the realme obstinatly wyllingly or cōtēptuously to the intent he wyl nat answere to his offence thā suche departynge to be iuged hygh treason. And yf any suche offender do absente or secretly hyde hym selfe within any of the kynges dominiōs by the space of .ii. monethes nexte after any proclamacyon a­warded and proclaymed where he may by any rea­sonable meane haue knowlege so that by occasyon therof his offence can nat be tried and iuged within y sayd tyme of .xviii. monethes thā suche offenders to stāde conuict of the offence with losyng suche forfayture and suffrynge suche imprisonment as shall appertayne. Itē the Iustices of peas to whom any suche proclamacion shall be dyrectyd, within .xiiij. dayes after the recept therof maye by theyr discre­tions deuide them selfes into sundry places within theyr iurisdiccion for the due execucyon of suche ꝓclamacion. Item the sayde counsaylours appointed to the determynacion of euery suche offence (knowyng the kynges pleasure) haue auctoryte to myty­gate the penalties comprised in any suche proclamation.

Anno .xxxi. h .viii. cap. viii

¶ Tythes.

The kyng & euery other parson whiche hereafter shal haue any monasterye or other religious or ecclesiastical house or place, landes tenementes or any parsonage appropriat tithes pē sions or porcions or other hereditamētes late par­teynyng to suche house shall enioy aswel y said parsonage tithes, pēcions, & porciōs as other y premis­ses according to theyr littes in the same discharged of payment of tythes in as ample maner as the late [Page]gouernours or gouernesses of the same did enioy [...] the same at the dayes of theyr dissolucyon. Sa­uynge to the kynge, all maner of rētes seruices & o­ther duties.

An. xxxi. h. viii. cap. xiii.

¶ Vysitacions.

ALl suche of the late relygious or ecclesiasti­call houses dissolued with all the churches & chapels to any of them belongynge which before y sayd dissolucion were exempted frō the visitacion & al other iurisdiccions or ordinary within whose dyoces they were sette, shall frōshensforth be within the visitaciō & iurisdiccyon of the same ordynary within whose dyoces they be set or of suche ꝑsons [...] by the k [...]nges highnes shall be appoynted.

Anno. xxxi. h viii. cap. xiii.

¶ Wales.

The kynges hyghnes hath from the firste day of this parlyament duryng the terme of .iii yeres than nexte folowynge auctoryte by wrytynge vnder his greate seale to lymyt to euery of the shires in wales late made by auctorite of the parlyament holden the .xxvii. yere of his reigne so many lordeshyps townes parishes hamelettes hundredes cōmotꝭ and cantredes as he shall thynke cō ­uenynt, and also to lymyt the shire townes in eu [...] ry suche shyre.


¶ Here begynneth the Abre­gement of the statutes of made in the .xxxii. yere of the reygne of kyng Henry the eyght.


ALl Alyens Denysens or which shalbe made Denysyns shal be bounde and obedyent to al law­es and statutes made not beyng repelled. And a specyal prouiso ther of to be expresed in theyr letters patentes. And that no Alyen vsynge any handy­crafte shall repayre and kepe in theyr seruyce any apprentyce iorneyman or seruaunt beyng Alyene aboue .ij. at one tyme, with dyuers other good pro­uysyons in the sayde statute,

xxxii. Henrici. viij. Cap. xvi.

¶ Auowrye.

¶ See in the Tytle of Det in the .xxxii. yere of Henry the .viij. Ca. xxxvii

¶ Byeng of Tytles.

¶ See in the title of Embracery in the .xxxii. yere of henry the .viij. Cap ix.

¶ Barbours and Surgyons.

The ii. seueral companyes of Barbours and Surgyons of London shall be fromhens­forthe one company and a body corporate perpetuall called by the name of masters or gouer­nours


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