❧ORDERS, thought meete by his Ma­iestie, and his Priuie Counsell, to be executed throughout the Counties of this Realme, in such Townes, Villages, and other places, as are, or may be hereafter in­fected with the Plague, for the stay of further increase of the same. Also, an Aduise set downe by the best learned in Physicke within this Realme, containing sundry good Rules and easie Medi­cines, without charge to the meaner sort of people, aswel for the preseruation of his good Sub­iects from the plague before Infecti­on, as for the curing and orde­ring of them after they shalbe infected.

Jmprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO 1603.


¶Orders, thought meete by his Maiestie and his Priuie Counsell, to be executed throughout the Counties of this Realme, in such Townes, Villages, and other places as are, or may be hereafter infected with the plague, for the stay of fur­ther increase of the same.

AS the most louing and gracious care of his MA­IESTIE for the preserua­tion of his people, hath al­ready bene earnestly shew­ed and declared by such meanes and wayes as were thought expedi­ent to suppresse the grieuous Infection of the Plague, and to preuent the increase thereof, within the City of London, and parts about it; so whatsoeuer other good meanes may be yet remayning which may extend and proue be­houefull to the Countrey abroad (where his MAIESTIE is sory to vnderstand that the Contagion is also in many places dispersed) it is likewise his gracious pleasure that the [Page] same bee carefully prouided and put in pra­ctise. And therefore hauing taken know­ledge of certaine good Orders that were vpon like occasion published in times past; toge­ther with certaine rules and Medicines pre­scribed by the best and most learned Physici­ans; and finding both of them, to serue well for the present time, his Maiestie is pleased that the same shal be renewed and published: And withall straightly commandeth all Iusti­ces of the Peace & others to whom it may ap­pertaine, to see the said Orders duely executed.

IN primis, All the Iustices in euery Countie, aswell within the Liber­ties as without, immediatly vpon knowledge to them giuen, shall assemble themselues together at some one generall place accustomed, being cleare from Infection of the Plague, to consult howe these Orders following may bee duely put in exe­cution, not meaning that any Iustices dwelling in or neere places infected, shall come thither, whiles their comming may be doubtfull. And af­ter their first generall assembly, they shall make a distribution of themselues to sundry limits and diuisions, as in other common seruices of the Countie they are accustomed to doe, for the prose­cution thereof.

[Page] 2 First they shall inquire, and presently in­forme themselues by all good meanes, what Townes and Villages are at the time of such as­semblie infected within euery their Counties, and in what Hundred or other diuision, the sayde Townes and Villages are, and how many of the same places so Infected are corporate Townes, market Townes and Villages, and shall consider of what wealth the inhabitants of the same Townes and Parishes are, to bee able to relieue the poore that are or shall be infected, and to be re­strained in their houses.

3 Item, thereupon after conference vsed ac­cording to the necessitie of the cause, they shall de­uise and make a generall taxation, either by char­ging the Towne infected with one summe in grosse, or by charging the speciall persōs of wealth within the same, to be forthwith collected for the rate of one moneth at the first, and so if the sicke­nesse shal continue, the collection of y e like summe, or of more or of lesse, as time and cause shall re­quire, and the same to be euery first, second, third, or fourth weeke employed to and for the executi­on of the sayd orders. And in case some of the said Townes infected shall manifestly appeare not to be of sufficient abilitie to contribute sufficient for the charges requisite, then the taxation or collec­tion shall bee made or further extended to other parts, or in any other further limits, as by them shall be thought requisite where there shall bee a­ny such Townes or villages so infected, and vna­ble to relieue themselues. And if the said Townes be scituated in the borders and confines of any o­ther [Page] shire, then as the Iustices shall see cause and neede for the greatnesse of the charge requisite, that the parts of the shire ioyning to the Townes infected be not able, they shall write their letters to the next Iustices of the other Shire so confi­ning, to procure by collection some reliefe, as in like cases they are to relieue them, in respect of neere neighbourhood of the place, and for that the same infection may bee the better stayed from the sayd adioyning places, though they be separa­ted by name of the Countie.

4 Item, they shall cause to be appointed in e­uery Parish aswell infected as not infected, cer­taine persons to viewe the bodies of all such as shall die, before they be suffered to be buried, and to certifie the minister of the Church and Church-warden, or other principall officers, or their sub­stitutes of what probable disease the sayd persons died: and the said viewers, to haue weekely some allowance, & the more large allowance where the Townes or Parishes bee infected, during the in­fection, towards their maintenance, to the ende they which shall bee in places infected, may for­beare to resort into the company of others that are sound: and those persons to bee sworne to make true report according to their knowledge, and the choise of them to be made by direction of the Curate of the Church, with three or foure sub­stantiall men of the parish. And in case the sayde viewers either through fauor or corruption, shall giue wrong certificate, or shall refuse to serue be­ing thereunto appointed, then to cause them to be [Page] punished by imprisonment, in such sort as may serue for a terrour to others.

5 Item, the houses of such persons out of the which there shall die any of the plague, being so certified by the viewers, or otherwise knowen, or where it shall bee vnderstood, that any person re­maineth sicke of the plague, to be closed vp on all parts during the time of restraint, viz. sixe weeks, after the sicknesse be ceased in the same house, in case the said houses so infected shall be within any Towne hauing houses neere adioyning to the same. And if the infection happen in houses dis­persed in Villages, and seperated from other hou­ses, and that of necessitie, for the seruing of their cattell, and manuring of their ground, the saide persons cannot continue in their houses, then they to be neuerthelesse restrained from resorting into company of others, either publikely or pri­uately during the saide time of restraint, and to weare some marke in their vppermost garments, or beare white rods in their handes at such time as they shall goe abroad, and if there be any doubt that the masters and owners of the houses infec­ted, will not duely obserue the directions of shut­ting vp their doores, specially in the night, then shal there be appointed two or three watchmen by turnes, which shalbe sworne to attend and watch the house, and to apprehend any person that shall come out of the house contrary to the order, and the same persons by order of the Iustices, shall be a competent time imprisoned in the stockes in the high way next to the house infected: and further­more, some speciall marke shall be made and fixed [Page] to the doores of euery of the infected houses, and where any such houses shall be Iunes or Alehou­ses, the signes shall be taken downe for the time of the restraint, and some crosse or other mark set vp­on the place thereof to be a token of the sickenesse.

6 Item, they shall haue good regard to chuse honest persons that either shal collect the summes assessed, or shall haue the custodie thereof, and out of the said collection to allot a weekely pro­portion for the finding of victuall, or fire, or medi­cines for the poorer sort, during the time of their restraint. And whereas some persons being wel disposed to yeeld almes and reliefe, will be more willing to giue some portions of victual, as corne, bread, or other meate, the same shall be commit­ted to the charge of some special persons, that wil honestly and truely preserue the same, to bee di­stributed as they shall be appointed for the poore that are infected.

7 Item, to appoint certain persons dwelling within the townes infected, to prouide and deli­uer all necessaries of victuals, or any matter of watching or other attendance, to keepe such as are of good wealth being restrained, at their own proper costs and charges, and the poore at the common charges: and the sayde persons so ap­pointed to be ordered, not to resort to any publike assembly during the time of such their attēdance, as also to weare some marke on their vpper gar­ment, or to beare a white rod in their hand, to the end others may auoide their company.

[Page] 8 Item, that in the Shire towne in euery Countie, and in other great townes meete for that purpose, there may bee prouision bespoken and made, of such preseruatiues and other reme­dies, which otherwise in meaner townes cannot be readily had, as by the Physicians shall be pre­scribed, and is at this present reduced into an Ad­uise made by the Physicians, and nowe printed and sent with the sayd Orders, which may bee fixed in market places, vpon places vsuall for such publique matters, and in other townes in the bodies of the parish Churches, and Chappels, in which aduise onely such things are prescribed, as vsually are to bee had and found in all Coun­treys without great charge or cost.

9 Item, the Ministers and Curates, and the Churchwardens in euery Parish, shall in writing certifie weekely to some of the Iustices, residing within the Hundred or other limit where they serue, the number of such persons as are in­fected and do not die, and also of all such as shal die within their Parishes, and their diseases proba­ble wherof they died, and the same to be certified to the rest of the Iustices at their assemblies, which during some conuenient time would be euery one and twenty dayes, and thereof a particular booke kept by the Clerke of the Peace or some such like.

10 Item, to appoint some place apart in each Parish for the buriall of such persons as shall die of the plague, as also to giue order that they bee buried after Sunne setting, and yet neuertheles by day light, so as the Curate bee present for the [Page] obseruation of the Rites and Ceremonies prescri­bed by the Law, foreseeing as much as conueni­ently he may, to be distant from the danger of in­fection of the person dead, or of the company that shall bring the corpse to the graue.

11 Item, the Iustices of the whole Countie to assemble once in one & twenty dayes, to examine whether those orders bee duely executed, and to certifie to the Lords of the priuie Councell their proceedings in that behalfe, what Townes and Villages be infected, as also the numbers of the dead, and the diseases whereof they died, and what summes of money are taxed and collected to this purpose, and how the same are distributed.

12 Item, the Iustices of the hundred, where any such infection is, or the Iustices next adioy­ning thereunto, to assemble once a weeke, to take accompt of the execution of the said Orders, & as they finde any lacke or disorder, either to reforme it themselues, or to report it at the generall assem­blie there, to bee by a more common consent re­formed.

13 Item, for that the contagion of the plague groweth and encreaseth no way more, then by the vse and handling of such clothes, bedding and other stuffe as hath been worne and occupied by the infected of this disease, during the time of their disease: the sayd Iustices shall in the places infected take such order, that all the said clothes and other stuffe, so occupied by the diseased, so soone as the parties diseased of the plague are all [Page] of them either well recouered or dead, be either burnt and cleane consumed with fire, or els ayred in such sort as is prescribed in an especiall article conteined in the Aduise set downe by the Phisici­ans. And for that peraduenture the losse of such apparel, bedding and other stuffe to be burnt, may be greater then the poore estate of the owners of the same may well beare: it is thought very good and expedient, if it be thought meete it shall bee burnt, that then the sayd Iustices, out of such collections as are to be made within their Coun­ties for the reliefe of the poorer sort that bee infec­ted, allow also to them such summe or sums as to them shall be thought reasonable, in recompense of the losse of their sayd stuffe.

14 Item, the sayd Iustices may put in execu­tion any other Orders that by them at their ge­nerall assembly shalbe deuised and thought meet, tending to the preseruation of his Maiesties sub­iects from the infection: and to the end their care and diligence may the better appeare, they shall certifie in writing the said Orders newly deuised: and if any shall wilfully breake and contemne the same or any of the orders herein specified, they shal either presently punish them by imprisonment, or if the persons so contemning them, shall be of such countenance as the Iustices shall thinke meete to haue their faults knowen to his Maiestie, or to the Councell, they shall charge and bind them to appeare before vs, and the contempt duely certi­fied, that there may be a more notorious sharpe ex­ample▪ made by punishment of the same by order of his Maiestie.

[Page] 15 Item, if there be lacke of Iustices in some parts of the Shire, or if they which are Iustices there shall be for the time absent, in that case the more number of the Iustices at their assembly shall make choice of some conuenient persons to supplie those places for the better executiō hereof.

16 Item, if there be any person Ecclesiasticall or Laye, that shall hold and publish any opinions (as in some places report is made) that it is a vain thing to forbeare to resort to the Infected, or that it is not charitable to forbid the same, pretending that no person shall die but at their time prefixed, such persons shall be not onely reprehended, but by order of the Bishop, if they bee Ecclesiasticall, shall be forbidden to preach, and being Lay, shall be also enioyned to forbeare to vtter such dange­rous opiniōs vpon paine of imprisonment, which shall be executed, if they shall perseuere in that er­rour. And yet it shall appeare manifestly by these Orders, that according to Christian charity, no persons of the meanest degree shal be left without succour and reliefe.

17 And of these things aboue mentioned, the Iustices shall take great care, as of a matter spe­cially directed and commaunded by his Maiestie vpon the princely and naturall care hee hath con­ceiued towards the preseruation of his subiects, who by very disorder, and for lacke of direction do in many parts wilfully procure the increase of this generall contagion.

❧An aduise set downe by the best learned in Physicke with­in this Realme: Conteining sundry good Rules and easie Medicines, without charge to the meaner sort of people, as well for the preseruation of his good Subiects from the Plague before infection, as for the curing and ordering of them after they shalbe infected.

Preseruatiue by correcting the aire in houses.

TAke Rosemarie dried, or Iuniper, Bay-leaues, or Frankincense, cast the same on a Chafendish, and receiue the fume or smoke ther­of: some aduise to be added La­uander, or Sage.

Also to make fires rather in Pannes, to remooue about the Chamber, then in Chimneys, shall better correct the ayre of the Houses.

Take a quantity of Vineger very strong, and put to it some small quantitie of Rosewater, ten braun­ches of Rosemarie, put them all into a Basen, then take fiue or sixe Flintstones, heated in the fire till they be burning hote, cast them into the same Vi­neger, and so let the fumes be receiued from place to place of your house.

Perfuming of Apparell.

SUch apparell as you shall commonly weare, let it bee very cleane, and perfume it ofen either [Page] with some redde Saunders burned, or with Iuniper. And if any shall happen to be with them that are visited, let such persons as soone as they shal come home, shift themselues, and aire their clothes, in open aire for a time.

Preseruation by way of defence in open aire, and common assemblies to be vsed outwardly.

IT is good in going abroad into the open aire in the streets, to hold some things of sweet sauour in their hands, or in the corner of an handkerchife, as a sponge dipped in Vineger and Rosewater mix­ed, or in Vineger, wherein Wormewood, or Rue cal­led also Herbegrace, hath bene boyled.

Preseruatiue by way of inward medicine.

TAke a quantitie of Rue, or Wormewood, or of both, and put it into a pot of vsuall drink, close stopped, let it lie so in steepe a whole night, and drinke thereof in the morning fasting.

In all Sommer plagues, it shall be good to vse Sorrel sauce to be eaten in the morning with bread. And in the fall of the leafe to vse the iuyce of Bar­beries with bread also.

Mens bo­dies are apt to take infe­ction, either

  • By the constitution of the heart, the vital spirits being weake, and the naturall heate feeble, in which case things Cordial are to be vsed.
  • By repletion, the body being filled with hu­mors, either
    • Good, and then is the party to be let blood.
    • Euil, and then is he to be cured w t me­dicine purgatiue.

Preseruatiues Cordials.

Mithridates Medicine.

TAke of good Figges not wormeaten, cleane washed, of Walnuts the kernels cleane pic­ked, of either of them an hundred, of the leaues of green Rue, otherwise called Herbegrace, the weight of ii. s. of common Salt the weight of iii. d. cut the Figs in pieces, and stampe them & the Walnut kernels together in a morter of marble or wood a good space, vntill they be very small, and then put the Rue leaues vnto them, stampe and stirre them well together with the rest, last put in the Salt and stampe and stirre these things toge­ther, vntill they be incorporated and made of one substance. Of the which take the quantitie of ii. or iii. Figges euery morning fasting, to children the halfe will serue, and hee that listeth to increase or diminish the substance of this medicine, shall easi­ly doe it, by taking of a greater or lesse quantity of the simples according to a due proportion.

A well approoued Medicine to preserue.

TAke of the finest cleare Aloes you can buy, in colour like to a Liuer, & therfore called Hepati­ca, of Cinamon, of Myrrhe, of ech of these the weight of iii. French crownes, or of xxii. d. of our money, of Cloues, Maces, Lignum Aloes, of Mastick, of Bole O­riental, of ech of these halfe an ounce: mingle them together and beate them into a very fine powder. Of the which take euery morning fasting the [Page] weight of a groate of this in white wine delayed with water, and by the grace of God you shall be safe from the Plague. No man which is learned, if he examine the simples of this medicine where­of it consisteth, and the nature and power of them, can deny but that it is a medicine of great efficacy against the Plague, and the simples whereof it is made, are easily to be had in any good Apotheca­ries shop, except Bole Oriental, which is vsed in the stead of true Bolus Armenus.

Take a drie Figge and open it, and put the ker­nell of a Walnut into the same beeing cut very small, three or foure leaues of Rue commonly cal­led Herbegrace, a corne of Salt, then rost the Figge and eate it warme, fast iii. or iiii. houres after it, and vse this twise in the weeke.

Take the powder of Turmentil, the weight of vi­pence with Sorrel or Scabious water in Sommer, and in Winter with the water of Valerian or com­mon drinke.

Or else in one day they may take a little Worm­wood, and Valerian with a graine of Salt. In ano­ther day they may take vii. or viii. berries of Iuni­per, dryed and put in powder, and taking the same with common drinke, or with drinke in which Wormewood & Rue hath ben steeped all the night.

Also the triacle called Dietessearoum, which is made but of 4. things of light price easie to be had.

Also the roote of Enula Campana, either taken in powder with drinke, or hanged about the brest.

Likewise a piece of Arras root kept in the mouth as men passe in the streetes, is very good Cordiall.

Take sixe leaues of Sorrell, wash them with wa­ter and Vineger, let them lie to steepe in the said [Page] water and Vineger a while, then eate them fast­ing, and keepe in your mouth and chewe now or then either Stewall, or the roote of Angelica, or a little Cinamon.

Take the roote of Enula Campana being layde and steeped in Vineger, and grosse beaten, put a little of it in a handkerchiefe, and smell to it if you resort to any that is infected.

¶For women with child, or such as be delicate and ten­der, and cannot away with taking of Medicines.

MAke a tost of white or of the second breade as you thinke good, and sprinkle on it being hotte a litle good wine Vineger, made with Rose leaues, and for want of it, any good common or vsed Vineger, and spread on the tost a little but­ter, and cast thereon a little powder of Cinamon, and eate it in the morning fasting. The poore which cannot get Vineger nor buy Cinamon, may eate bread and butter alone: for butter is not one­ly a preseruatiue against the Plague, but against all maner of poysons.

When one must come into the place where in­fectious persons are, it is good to smell to the roote of Angelica, Gentian, or Valerian, and to chew any of these in his mouth.

Another preseruatiue for the poore.

IT shalbe good to take an handfull of Rue, and as much common Wormewood, and bruse them a little: and put them into a pot of earth or tinne, with so much Vineger as shall couer the herdes: keepe this pot close couered or stopt, and when you feare any infection, dippe into this Vineger a piece of a sponge, and cary it in your hand & smell to it, or else put it into a round ball of Yuorie or Iu­niper [Page] made full of holes of the one side, carying it in your hand vse to smell thereunto, renewing it once in a day.

❧To be vsed after Infection taken.

FOr as much as the cause of the Plague standeth rather in poyson, then in any putrifaction of humours as other agues doe, the chiefest way is to mooue sweatings, and to defend the heart by some cordiall thing.


IF the patient bee costiue and bound in his bodie, let him take a Suppositarie made with a litle boy­led Honie, and a little fine powder of Salt, and so taken in at the Fundament, and kept till it moue a stoole.

An excellent Medicine made without charges.

TAke of the powder of good Bayberies, the huske taken away from them, before they be dried, a spoonefull: Let the Patient drinke this, well mingled in a draught of good stale Ale or Beere, which is neither sowre nor deade, or with a draught of white Wine, and goe to bed and cast himselfe into a sweate, and forbeare sleepe as is aforesaid.

An other soueraigne remedie, that is a stilled water.

TAke the inward bark of the Ashe tree, a pound, of Walnuts with the greene outward shelles, to the number of fiftie, cut these smal, of Scabious, of Veruen, of Petimorel, of Housleeke, of euery one a handfull, of Saffron halfe an ounce, powre vpon these the strongest Vineger you can get foure [Page] pintes, let them a little boyle together vpon a ve­ry soft fire, and then stand in a very close pot well stopt all a night vpon the embers, afterward di­still them with a soft fire, and receiue the water close kept. Giue vnto the Patient laide in bed and well couered with clothes, two ounces of this water to drinke, & let him be prouoked to sweate, and euery sixe houres, during the space of twentie foure houres, giue him the same quantitie to drinke. This Medicine for the worthinesse there­of, and because it will stand the maker thereof in little charge, it shall be very well done to distill it in Summer when the Walnuts hang greene on the tree, that it may be ready against the time that occasion serueth to vse it.

1. Bloodletting.

IF the Patient be ful of humours which be good, let him immediatly be let blood vpon the Liuer veine in the right arme, or in the Median veine of the same arme (if no sore appeare) in the first day.

2. Medicine purgatiue.

FOr the Poore take Aloes the weight of sixe pence, put in the pappe of an Apple: and for the richer Pilles of Rufus to bee had in euery good Apo­thecaries shop. After letting of blood and purging (as shall bee needfull) some of the forenamed Cor­dials are to be vsed.

These preparations thus vsed the first day that the Patient shall fall sicke, as cause shall be to vse the one or the other (no sore appearing) in which case if the sore shall appeare, they are both to bee [Page] forborne, the next is to vse all meanes to expel the poyson, and to defend the heart by Cordials.

3. Medicament expulsiue.

THe poyson is expelled best by sweatings pro­uoked by posset Ale, made with Fenel and Ma­rigolds in Winter, and with Sorrel, Buglosse and Borage in Summer, with the which in both times they must mixe the Triacle of Diatessaroum, the weight of ix. d. & so to lay themselues with all quietnesse to sweat one halfe houre, or an houre if they he strong. For they that be neither full of hu­mours nor corrupt in humours, neede neither purging nor letting of blood, but at the first plunge may mooue themselues to sweate with Cordiall things mixt with such things as mooue sweate, and are before declared.

❧What is to be done when there is any rising or swelling in any part.

THen if by these three meanes the poy­son be expelled outward by botches, carbuncles or markes, called Gods markes, according as nature doth ex­pell, so must the further proceedings be, prouiding still, that they continue still in the vse of the cordiall and moderate sweating now and then, all the time that the sores be in healing, which must by the Surgion bee handled with great discretion.

Medicines to be vsed in ordinary diet.

IT is thought that the powder of Harts horne hath a speciall prerogatiue, to be vsed all the [Page] time of their sicknes in their broths, and supping, which in Sommer must euer haue Sorrell, Borage, Buglasse, and in winter, Betony, and Scabious, or Morsus Diaboli, and if their habilities do not serue, let them vse it with Aleburies made with a little Nutmegge, or one Cloue, or with Cawdels in like maner made with Cloues, Maces, Nutmegs, Sanders or such like.

Both to preserue and cure the sicknesse.

TAke an egge and make a hole in the toppe of it, take out the white and yelke, fill the shell with the weight of two french crownes of Saffron, rost the said egge thus filled with Saffron vnder the embres, vntil the shell begin to waxe yellow, then take it from the fire, and beate the shell and Saffron in a morter together, with halfe a spoonefull of Mustard seed, take of this powder a french crown weight, and as soone as you suspect your selfe in­fected, dissolue it into ten spoonefuls of posset ale, and drinke it luke warme, then goe to bed and pro­uoke your selfe to sweating.

To be vsed in the first time of the sicknesse.

ANother is to take fiue or sixe handfull of So­rell, that groweth in the field, or a greater quantity according as you will distill more or lesse of the water thereof, and let it lie infrised or stee­ped in good Vineger the space of foure and twen­tie houres, then take it off and drie it with a linen cloth put into a Limbecke, and distill the water thereof: And assoone as you finde your selfe tou­ched with the sicknesse, drinke foure spoonefuls of the said water with a little sugar, and if you be [Page] able, walke vpon it vntill you doe sweate, if not, keepe your bed, and being well couered, prouoke your selfe to sweating, and the next day to take as much againe of it a little before supper.

Item, to prouoke vomit with two ounces of ranke oyle, or walnut oyle, a spoonefull of the iuice of Celendine & halfe a spoonefull of the iuice of radice root, so that the party Infected do walke and not sleepe, is better then any letting of blood, or any purging. For the disease neither can suffer agitation of humors, nor when one is infected, hath no time to bleede or to purge.

❧Outwrrd Medicines for to be ap­plied to the sore.

The first▪

TAke of Scabious two handfuls, stampe it in a stone morter with a pestell of stone if you can get any such, then put vnto it of olde swines grease salted, two ounces, and the yelke of an egge, stampe them well toge­ther, and lay part of this warme to the sore.

The second.

TAke of the leaues of Mallowes, of Camomill flowers, of either of them an handfull, of Lin­seede beaten into powder two ounces, boyle the Mallow leaues first cut, and the flowers of the Ca­momill in faire water, standing aboue a fingers breadth, boyle all them together, vntill all the water almost be spent: then put thereunto the Linseede, of Wheate flower halfe an handfull, of [Page] swines grease the skins taken away three ounces, of oyle of Roses two ounces, stirre them still with a sticke, and let them all boyle together on a soft fire without smoke, vntill the water be vtterly spent, beate them all together in a morter, vntill they be well encorporated together, and in feeling smooth, and not rough: then make part thereof hot in a dish set vpon a chafindish of coales, and lay it thicke vpon a linnen cloth applying it to the sore.

Another excellent Medicine to ripen and bring out the sore.

TAke a white Onion cut in pieces, of fresh but­ter iii. ounces, of Leuen the weight of xii. d. of Mallowes one handfull, of Scabious if it may be had one handfull, of Cloues of Garlicke the weight of xx. d. boyle them on the fire in sufficient water, and make a pultesse of it, and lay it warme to the sore.


TO the sore it selfe doe thus. Take two hand­full of Valerian, three rootes of Danewort, a handfull of Smalledge, or Louage, if you can get it, seethe them all in butter and water, and a fewe crummes of bread, and make a pultesse thereof, and lay it warme to the sore vntill it breake.

Another for the same.

IF you cannot haue these herbes, it is good to lay a loafe of bread to it hot as it commeth out of the ouen (which afterward shalbe burnt or buried in the earth) or the leaues of Scabious or Sorrell rosted, or two or three Lillie rootes rosted vnder embers, beaten and applied.

A generall m [...]dicine for all sortes of people taken with the plague to be had without cost.

TAke of the roote of butter burre, otherwise called p [...]ent wort, one ounce, of the roote of great Valerian a [...]arter of an ounce, of Sorrell an handfull, boyle all these in a quart of water to a pint, then straine it and put there to two spoone­fuls of Vineger two ounces of good Sugar, boyle all these together vntill they be well mingled, let the infected drinke of this so hotte as he may suffer it a good draught, and if hee chance to cast it vp a­gaine, let him take the same quantitie straight­way vpon it, and prouoke himselfe to sweate, and he shall find great helpe.

Time of continuance apart from common assemblies.

SUch as haue beene infected, should keepe their house without being conuersant with y e whole, vntill the sores [...] haue [...] and be per­fectly whole and sound, which in sanguine and cholericke persons will bee healed sooner, then in melancho [...]ke and flegmatike complexions.

SUch persons may not well be conuersant with them which are not infected, for the space of one mo [...]th.

Infected clothes.

THe Contagion suspected to remaine in cloths, either wollen or linnen, cannot wel be auoi­ded by [...] meanes, then by fire and water, by often [...]ing and ai [...]ing the same in frostes, and sonne shine, with good discretion, and b [...]ning the clothes o [...] small val [...].


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