THE BADGES OF CHRISTIANITY. OR, A Treatise of the Sacraments fully declared out of the word of God:

Wherein the truth it selfe is proued, the doctrine of the reformed Churches maintained, and the errors of the church of Rome are euidently conuinced: by pervsing wherof the discreet Reader may easily perceiue, the weake and vnstable grounds of the Roman religion, and the iust causes of our lawfull separation.

Diuided into three BOOKES:
  • 1. Of the Sacraments in generall.
  • 2. Of Baptisme.
  • 3 Of the Lords Supper.

Hereunto is annexed a Corollarie or necessary aduertisement, she ­wing the intention of this present worke, opening the differences among vs about the question of the Supper, discouering the Idola­try and diuisions of the Popish Cleargy, and vnmasking the insolent bragging of the late Warn-word, touching the supposed and pretended vnity thereof.

By WILLIAM ATTERSOLL, Minister of the Word of God.

1. Cor. 12, 13. For by one spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether we be Iewes or Graecians, whether bond or free, and haue bin al made to drinke into one spirit.
August. tract. 80 in Iohan. 13. Accedat Verbum ad elementum, et fit sacramentum; that is, Ioine the word of Christs institution with the outward sign, and thereof is made a sacrament.

Printed by W. Iaggard, dwelling in Barbican, 1606.

To the right Worshipfull Sir Iohn Shurley, Knight, one of his Maiesties Iustices of the Peace in the County of Sussex: Grace and peace in Iesus Christ.

RIght woorshipfull, it is not vnknowne, that fundry means haue from time to time been offered and vsed, for the reclaiming and re­couering of such as dangerously follow the spirit of errour, and dayly reuoult to the Romish reli­gion, which hath beene aduanced by tyrany, defended by lyes, and is now sought to be restored againe by tre­cheries and rebellions. But notwithstanding the many meanes which heretofore haue beene wisely practised, we see of late the aduersaries of the grace of god as a pestilent brood of vipers mightily to increase and mul­tiply, sending abroad swarmes of their Iesuites and Se­minary Priestes, not onely to infect the people of the land with the leauen of false doctrine, and to sow their darnel in the lords field, but to seduce them from their alleageance and to stir vp sedition: for the lessening of whose number and suppressing of their power, nothing is more necessary then to establish a godly and learned ministery in euery congregation. And howsoeuer whol­some lawes haue beene enacted, penalties increased, conferences with them vsed, disputations offered, their books answered, and sundry other wayes taken by ma­gistrates and ministers: yet we shall neuer attaine the ende of our desired hopes, vntill euery church haue a learned and painefull Pastor to be resident and remai­ning among them. For albeit Antichrist in this noble kingdome hath long since receiued a notable foyle and fall, and the purple whore beene dismounted from her [Page] vsurped dignity: yet this monster, hauing taken this deadly wound, will be alwayes looking backe, and see­king to sette his footing againe in this realme, if good corne be pulled vp and the weeds suffered to growe, or if the strongest pillars bearing vp the house be remoo­ued, and rotten postes set to vnder prop it, and vnlesse he be quelled and conquered by the preaching & pub­lishing 2 Thes: 2 of the gospell of Christ. Therefore Christ our Sauiour, hauing sent out the 70. disciples into euery Luke. x, 1 citty and place, whether hee himselfe shoulde come, to prepare the hearts of the people, after their return said vnto them, I saw Satan like lightning fall down from hea­uen. And the Apostle declareth, that when the lord Ie­sus led captiuity captiue Ephe: 4, `8 he gaue gifts to men, and or­dained pastors and teachers for the gathering together of the Saintes, for the woorke of the ministery, and for the edification of the body of Christ. And vntill this holy order and ordinance of Christ, Ro. 1, 16 which is the po­wer of god to saluation vnto all that beleeue, be set vp: we can conceiue no hope how the ignorant shoulde be instructed, & the seduced be regained out of the hands of such deceitfull woorkmen, as vnder a colour of con­uersion of the land, doe seek the vtter subuersion of the church and common wealth. Hence it is that the Iesuits who haue gotten the dominion ouer the rest of that ge­neration, spare no labour, refuse no paines, let passe no practise by word or writing, to effect their purposes. In regard of whose vnweariable diligence, it cannot be denied, but many of vs haue been too slack & sloth­full in resisting the approach of these violent intruders. For whiles we preach the word of [...], 18 reconciliation, euen Christ crucified, & build vp our people in the doctrin [Page] which is according Titus 1, 1 to godlines, we doe not bende our forces (as we ought) to surprise and suppresse the com­mon aduersary. Whiles wee sowe the lordes fielde with good corne, we suffer Mat 13, 25 the enuious man to scatter his tares: accounting it sufficient to teach the trueth to the [...] pet, 5, 2 flock dedending vpon vs, and esteeming it better ser­uice to god to saue one soule, then to ouerthrow and de­stroy many aduersaries. Not much vnlike to Scipio A­frican the Romane captain, who (as Plutarke witnesseth) was oftentimes wont to say, that he had rather saue the life of one Romane citizen, then to kill and conquer a thousand enimies. But it is the duty of a Plutar. in vita [...]. good builder, not onely to reare vp the worke in hand, but to remoue the rubbadge and reliques that hinder the building. It is the duty of a good husbandman, not onely to sowe his field with good seede, but to plucke vp the weedes and gtub vp the thornes that choake the corne. It is the du­ty of a good 1 cor. 3, [...] watchman, not onely to see to them in the citty, but to descry and discouer the enimy. It is the duty of a painfull shepheard, not only to feed the sheep but to follow and finde out the foote steps of the wolfe. Here vpon the Apostle Paul exhorteth the elders of E­phesus Ezeck 33 to take heed to themselues and to all the flocke, whereof the holy ghost had made them ouerseers, to feede the church of god which he hath purchased with his owne bloude, because after his departure, grieuous woolues shoulde enter in, not sparing the flock, but speaking peruerse things, to draw desciples after them. If then the e­nimies of god and his people be vigilant and watchfull, to seduce the simple and to subuert religion: how care­full and cheerefull ought we to be, not onely to teach the people committed to our charge, but to resist with hād [Page] and hearte all those that vndermine the good estate of the church among vs. Like vnto the people of god af­ter the returne from captiuity, who did [...], 4, 17 build the wal with one hand, and held their swordes and weapons in the other.

For this cause I haue put in writing this treatise fol­lowing, containing the doctrine of the Sacraments, be­ing the ordinances of god and the badges of christians, whereby all discreet and indifferent men may perceiue the trueth of them cleerly opened out of the woord of God, as also the grosse errours and palpable heresies maintained by Antichrist and his adherents, with sun­drie other pointes of doctrine seruing to teach, to con­uince, to correct, and to instruct in the sacraments as are seuerally discussed and largely handled in the trea­tise following: all which, for special causes and conside­rations, I heere offer vnto your Worship, and puplish vnder the shield and shadow of your patronage, in re­spect of your Wor, in respect of my selfe, and in respect of others; of which three, somewhat I will say briefly.

First, because it being the summe and substance of [...] Sermons deliuered vpon the beginning of the tenth chap. of the former epistle to the Corinthians, you vouchsafed to be an hearer thereof For as god hath gi­uen me my calling, where your Wor. haue your dwel­ling: so by your. owne presence and good example at­tending to the work of the ministery, as to the word of god, you haue countenanced and encouraged many o­thers, whose praise is in the church, to come into the holy assemblies of the Saints with reuerence, and with the affection of Iacoh, who feared and said Gen, 28 Howe fearefull is this place, this is none other but the house of god, this is the [Page] gate of heauen. This is the way to true worship, to attēd to his word which he hath magnified Psa. 138, aboue all names. This is the path that leadeth to true honour, to follow the footsteps of vertue, as the Heathen [...] in one of his Satyres, Iuuenal. li. 3. Saty. 2

Tota licet veteres exornent undique cerae
Atria, nobilit as sola est, at que vnica virtus.

This the Gentiles by the diuine spirit and light of na­ture saw: & hereunto giueth witnesse the word of god, which the prophet declareth to Eli, 1 sam. 2 Them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shal bee despised. Vouchsafe therefore now to heare me writing, whome before you heard speaking. And it is mine earnest de­sire, that all those, which were the daily auditors of this doctrine, would now afresh examine themselues, and take an account of their memories, to see what was long agoe forgotten, which heere again is newly published. Whereby we shall learne, how easily good thinges (es­pecially such things as accompany saluation) doe slip from vs, and by the tentations of Satan become fruit­lesse. Besides, the doctrine heer deliuered is after a sort a plant of your owne setting, and fruit of your owne la­bouring: so that it acknowledgeth it selfe due of right vnto your selfe, flying vnto you as to a sanctuarye and city of refuge, and seeking harbour against the barkings and bitings of the malicious and enuyous, of whom the wise Phylosopher speaketh Male de te loquuntur, bene nesciunt loqui: faciunt non quod mereor, sed quod solent. Quibusdam enim canibus sicinnatum est, vt [...] pro feri­tate, Senecade remed for [...]. sed pro consuetudine latrent: that is, Such speake their pleasure of thee, as haue not learned to speakwell: they do, not what I do deserue, but what themselues are [Page] wont. For this is the property of many curs, they baul and barke rather of custome, then of any curstnesse.

Secondly, I offer it vnto you, to testifie a thankfull hart for your kindnesse and curtesey receiued at your hands, not only such as is in the open view of the world and as it were publikely recorded in the minds and me­mories of many men liuing, but such as I haue priuat­ly enioyed, and which without the most heynous and horrible kind of vnthankfulnes I cannot forget or pre­termit. For albeit, he that either denieth, or disembleth, or requiteth not a benifite, be accounted worthily vn­thankfull, according to the opinion of * the same Sene­ca. Multa sunt genera ingratorum, vt furum, homicida­rum: quorum vna culpa est, coeterum in partibus variet as Senec. de Benef. lib 3 cap 1 magna. Ingratus est, qui benificium accepisse se negat, quod accepit. Ingratus est, qui dissimulat. Ingratus, qui non red­dit. Ingratissimus omnium qui oblitus est. Ileaue there­fore this testimony to posterity of my remembrance of your manifolde fauours, and cannot bury in forgetful­nes either your desire to place me in the charge, where­by the mercy of god I yet abide, or your worthy trauell and labour to effect it before I did affect it, or your ap­probation of me before others, making the way easie to obtaine my purpose, & finding me out when I sought not after any profit or promotion.

Thirdly, I presume to dedicate these my simple la­bours to your Worship, in respect of others into whose hands they may hereafrer come. For albeit this treatise be no great booke for your Woorships selfe, who, ha­uing your sences expert and excercised in the thinges of god, haue not need to be taught the principles of re­ligion: yet shrowding it selfe vnder your countenance, [Page] and comming foorth vnder the sasegarde of your pro­tection, many which otherwise would neuer vouchsafe to look into it, shall therby be imboldned and encoura­ged to read the same, whereby god may more and more be glorified, his people instructed, his trueth and sauing health enlarged and spread abroad. We see in these last and worst times of the world, wherin iniquity aboundeth and getteth the vpper hand, how this present age on the one side surfetteth with the trash and rubbish of folish and filthy writings, such as blot, not only paper, but heauen and earth with their vanity: and on the other side scorneth and scoffeth at all treatises of religion and de­uotion. The very heathen in all their consultations and deliberations * were not woont to prefer profite before Cicero de offic. lib. 3 pleasure: but now such as mask vnder the name of Christians, delight rather to read legends of lies, then books that may build vs vp in faith and loue, so that we may iustly renew the old complaint * of the poet Persius.

O cur as hominam! o quantum est in rebus inane!
Persi, sati. 1
Quis leget haec? min'tu istud ais? nemo hercule, nemo.
Vel duo, velnemo, turpe, & miserabile. quare?
Ne mihi Polydamas, et Troiades Labeonem
Praetulerint. Nugae.

Accept therefore, I most humbly beseech you, this small testimony of my dutifull goodwill toward your Woorship, rather considering the simple minde and meaning of the giuer, then weighing the woorth and value of the guifte, especially seeing that I haue giuen it in charge not to come vnto you vncalled, nor to [Page] interrupt your more necessarye affaires. The God of heauen and earth multiply the graces of his spirit vpon you and all yours, adding many good and happy daies vnto you, and enritching your heart with true pietye, 1 tim. 4, 8 which hath the promise of the life present, and that life which is to come. Thus commending and committing your Wor: to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build further, and to giue an inheritaunce im­mortall Act. xx, 32 and incorruptible, among all them that are sanctified, I most humbly take my leaue of you. From Isfield the 12. of Iune, An. 1606.

Your Worships in all christian duties to be commanded, William Attersoll.

Ad Authorem, in libellum suum de Sacramentis G. S. carmen Encomiasticum.

SItua scripta recepta domiretinebis amice,
Publica nec facies; dic mthi, qualis er is?
Imprimit illa pius quae supprimit impius omni:
Ille bonum patriae respicit, iste suum.
Ecce, boni (que) malique tibi datur optio: sponte
Impius anne velis, vel velis esse pius.
Sis bonus O faelixque tuis; fac publica multis
Sacramenta: Deus iussit, et ipse doces.
Nonne doces iussisse Deum dare bina duobus
Sexibus; ad caenam lotus vt omnis eat?
Carnifices merito condemn as sacrificantes,
Quod christum comedunt, & sine plebe, bibunt.
Ergo age, facta, [...], ne sint contraria dict is,
Vt, cum signa probes publica, scripta neges.
Scriptum de sanct is fieret commune sigillis,
Conuenit vt cunctis fons sacer atque cibus
Da triadi tua scripta Deo tria: Publica sunto.
Publica priuatis sunt meliora bonis.

Others in English.

THough feare of shame false-harted men do curbe with bit of sinnes:
From pressing to the Printers presse, where fame or shame begins:
Yet let not vndeserued shame an harmelesse Writer fright
From hardest stamp that Man can make, to bring the truth to light.
The Sonne of God, which once, on earth for mans saluation dyed,
Imprinted had, with Iron printes, his hands, his feete, his side.
[Page] Looke how he, looking on the Crowne of glorie, from the skies,
Endur'd the Crosse, despised the shame, with constant setled eies:
So looke to looke for io yes to come, for present paines and spites,
If his example followed be on earth by earthly wightes,
Both bloody Iewes and Gentels to, this bloody booke of life
Did looke vpon, with scornefull lookes, as people full of strife.
But glad was Thomas, when he had this holy booke in hand:
And saw, and felt the print thereof, though red and rough, as sand.
There might he reade his name in print when opened was the booke:
Therefore he cryed, My Lord, my God, when he on it did looke.
Did not the booke which Moses wrote, and sprinkled all with blood,
Betoken this most worthy booke, containing all our good?
Did not the prophet meane this booke, when in our Maisters name
He spake of grauing in his hands the people of the same?
If this be thus; If any then A commentary write
Of all this Booke, from point, to point, as truth doth it indite:
Who will backbite (but dogged Iewes) The writer, with their chaps?
Who, (but the Gentiles woluish brood) will giue him any snaps?
If any do, no more ado, but call him by his name
A Dog, a Wolfe, or some such be ast: as he deserueth blame.
Wherefore, my Friend, which hast describd this Book of life and truth,
With treatise on the sacraments, Fit for both age and youth:
Direct it to the Trinity, as three and yet but one:
Thus much thou maist with reuerence, though he compare with none.
Past all Compar his nature is, his worke is, and his worde:
Yet doth his scripture, with himselfe comparison affoord.
The Sacraments in generall, Do like wise giue vs light,
The euerlasting light to see, Deuoide of any night.
But specially the special two, of water, and of blood,
The gospels sacramental twinnes, and our celestial food.
As for the fiue, which many make, and match with these amisse,
They want some parts substantial: as wel declared is.
He that with euen hand and hart wil vndertake the view
Of seuen sacraments shal find, that onely two are true.
These three books are, like three topt ship, ful fraught with truth, great store:
The Catechisme, like boat doth serue, to bring the load to shore.
Let searcher search thy Marchandize, let Printer print, and sel,
Let al men make the best of al: and so, in CHRIST, Farewell.
W. S.

Ad Lectorem libri, G: Atters: de Sacramentis T. H. carmen protrepticum.

ATRI dum tenebras praebent sine lumine SOLES,
AT-TER-SOL radios sparsit vbique suos.
Nec mirum: [...] caelest is luminis author,
Misit in atratum lumina sacra solum.
Alba manet sterilis plerunque, & languidatellus,
Dum pingue est atrum, frugiferumque solum.
Hortulus est, liber hic qui dulces fragrat odores
Sacra dei multa fertilitate ferens.
Ergo leg as (bone lector) et hic, pastor que fidelis
Quisque, dei sacro gramine pascat oues.
Flores ac fructus, fluuios, herbasque salubres,
Quicquid et expect as, hie paradisus hahet.
Sacramenta (precor modo) sacra mente feruntor:
Dilige scriptorem: perlege, scripta:

A Sonnet by the Same, containing the subiect of the booke following.

WHat needs an Iuy bush where wine is good?
To paint this booke with praise were vainereci-
Come hungry faithful soules, without inuiting, (ting,
Vnto a supper of celestiall foode.
Looke looke what costly cheere is here addressed
To feede [...] soule. Whats that? my sauiour slaine?
O dismall [...] O dolefull bitter paine!
Be not dismaid [...] onely are we blessed.
The painfull passion, and the bitter griefe
Which Christ sustaind (who all the paine indured)
Is sweet to vs, because we sinde reliefe
In that pure bloud which hath our lines secured.
Who's ableto expresse that soueraigne good,
Got by the purple tincture of his blood?
O sucke apace (poore soule) that cordiall veine
By which Christis infusd into thy spirit,
Cling, cling, to him by faith: no popish merit,
Can to thy soule this precious putchase gaine.
Then as the outward signes of bread and wine
(Ordain'd by Christ as signes, his loue to seale)
Thy body cheeres: So Christ thy soule shall heale
And hoise it vp, at length to blisse deuine.
Lo heer's the subiect of this golden booke,
Full fraught with matter, method, doctrine, vses,
All well apply'd: which shewes what paines he tooke
In the vnmasking of the Popes abuses.
Forward (sweet friend) such feasts make many more,
That men may eate, and surfet in thy store.
T. Harison.

A generall Table of the Contents of these three bookes.

In these 3. Bookes the doctrine of the Sacra­mentes is handled:
  • In Generall: what a sa­crament is. Wherin consider two points: [...]
    • Partes.
      • Set downe
        • Outward
        • Inwarde
      • Applied
    • Vses.
  • In particular concerning
    • Babtisme, Booke 2
    • the Lords Supper, Booke 3.

A Table of the principall points contained in the first Booke.

The first Booke teacheth,
  • That God in all ages hath giuen Sacraments to his church, chap. 1
    • What a sacrament is. 1, a visible sign of an inuisible & spirituall gra. a herein consider 2 things.
      • The na­ture of thē
        • The parts are twoe­fold. ch. 3
          • Outward parts are foure.
            • Minist. chap. 4 he is to
              • so sanctifie the outward [...]:
              • Deliuer thē to the receiuers.
            • Worde chap. 5 [...].
              • i [...] to warrant thē.
              • A promise [...] to them.
            • Signe or outward element, chap, 6.
            • receiuer c. 7 who must.
              • [...] the out­ward signe
              • apply the same.
          • Inwarde parts are foure.
            • God the father c 9 who
              • Offereth christ to al
              • Giueth christ to the beleeuer
            • The spirit, chap. 10 hee sealeth vp the promise, & maketh it eff [...].
            • Christ Iesus, chap. 1 who is the truth and [...] of all sacraments.
            • the faithful receiuer, c. xii
              • [...] christ
              • apylieth him to himselfe.
        • the Vses: see this letter b. the vses of a sacrament are three,
          • to strengthen and confirme faith, chap. 13 [...]
            • God is true in his promises.
            • Many of the faithfull first beleeued, before they didde partake the sacraments.
          • to be a seale of the [...] chap. 14 these are the arti­cles of agree­ment, between
            • God: who promiseth
              • Forgiuenesse of sinnes.
              • Adoption of son nes.
              • Possession of Heauen.
            • Man [...] hoe promiseth,
              • to beleeue the promi­ses.
              • to loue his
                • Brethren
                • Enimies
              • to performe Obeds­ence.
          • to be badges of our christian profession, chap. 15
      • the number of them. See the letter a athe number of them
        • that Baptisme and the Lords supper are the two onely sacramentes of the New testament, chap. 16
        • that [...] is no sacrament, chap 17
        • that popish pennance is no sacrament chap. 18
        • that Matrimony is no sacrament chap 19
        • that Orders are no sacrament chap 20
        • that extreame unction is no sacrament, chap, 21

A Table of the contents of the Second Booke.

Baptism is the first sacramēt wherin
  • by outward washing of the bodie once, in the name of the father, the son and of the holy ghost, the inward cleansing of the soule is repre­sented chap. 1
  • In Baptisme consider,
    • the partes are twofold chap. 3
      • Outwarde partes.
        • Minister chap. 3 whose dutie it is to
          • Sanctifie the water
          • Wash the party.
        • Word of institution, Baptise in the name of the father, of the sonne, and of the holy ghost, chapt, 4
        • Element of water, chap, 5
        • Receiuers are all such as are in the couenant, chap. 6.
          • Men and women in yeares, that are in the faith.
          • Infantes of them, chap, 7
      • Inward partes
        • God the father chap, 8. who
          • Offereth the bloud of his sonne.
          • Giueth Christ to the beleeuers.
        • Holy spirit chap, 9, who perfourmeth that which is promised in the word.
        • Christ Iesus, chap 10, ratifieng our
          • Regeneration
          • Remission of sinnes
        • Soule clensed, represented by the body washed, cha, 11
    • The vses of baptisme, are these 3
      • To shew our planting and ingrafting into the body of christ, cha, 12
      • to assure vs of the remission of sinnes, cha, 13
        • Original.
        • Actual.
      • to teach to die to sinne, and liue to righteousnesse, cha, 14.

A Table of the principall points contained in the last Booke.

The Lordes supper called by [...] names ch. 1, is the second sacrament, wherein by visible receiuing of bread and wine is repre­sented [...] spiritual communion [...] the [...] and [...] of [...], ch. 2 In this sacra, obserue
  • the work it selfe where in obserue the
    • parts
      • Outward
        • Minist. chap. 3 whose duty is
          • To take the bread and mine into his hands.
          • to blesse and [...] the words of institution.
          • to breake the bread, and poure out then ine.
          • to distribute the bread and Wine.
        • The word of institution and promise contained therein, chap. 4
        • The outward signes chap. 5 which are
          • Bread
          • Wine
        • The cōmunicāts chap, 6. whose actions are
          • to take the bread and cupinto their handes
          • to eate the bread & drink the wine
      • Inwarde
        • God the father ch. 8 who
          • offereth christ to al commers
          • Giueth christ for the redemtion of the fat.
        • Spirit: who assureth vs of the truth of Gods promises ch 9 the body and bloud of christ, prepared to be the liuely food of our soules, ch. x
        • the faithfull recei­uer chap. 1 [...] hose duties are,
          • to apprehend & receiue christ & his benefits.
          • to appropriate and apply him to the soule.
    • the Vses: see this letter c cVses are three.
      • to shew forth with thankesgiuing the sufferings of christ, chap, 12
      • to teach our communion and growth in christ, chap. 13
      • to declare our communion and growth with our brethren, chap. 14
  • Preparation to the worke See the letter d dpreparation to the worke: consisting in Examination of our selues, chap. 15 wher in weigh two things,
    • The necessitie in respect of
      • Gods presence, with whom we haue to do and to deale.
      • Our owne profit, being rightlie prepared.
      • Our owne practise, in preparing and taking our ordinarie meates.
      • The sacrament it selfe defiled, by vnreuerent receiuing.
      • the punishment procured, by want of this care.
    • the partes.
      • the knowledg of God and our selues: especially of the whole doctrine of the sacraments chap, 16
      • Faith in Christ: seeing euerie one receiueth so mnch, as he beleeueth he receiueth, chap. 17
      • Repentance from dead workes; daily renewed for daily sinnes.
      • Reconciliation to our brethren. chap, 19.

THE FIRST BOOKE of the Sacraments in generall, con­taining the true Doctrine therof, ouer­throwing the errors ofthe Church of Rome, and deliuering the comfortable vse ofthem to all the people of GOD.

CHAP. I. Of the agreement and difference betweene the word and Sacraments.

GOD euen from the beginning added vnto the preaching of the word God alway gaue his sacraments to his Church. his Sacramentes in the Church (as the Scripture teach­eth) outwardly representing & vifiblie offering to our sight, those things that inwardly hee performeth to vs: as Gen. 2, 9. the tree oflife, and the tree of the know­ledge of good and euill in the Garden. After mans fall, when a new necessity was ad­ded, in regard of mans want and weaknesse: he testified his loue and ratified his Couenant by sacrifices and Ceremo­nies to our first Parents. He gaue the Gen. 6, 14. Arke to Noah and his sonnes, to confirm them in the promise which he made [Page 2] to them, that they should not be drowned with the rest of the world. He added to Abraham ( Gen. 17. 11.) the signe of Cir­cumcision, as a seale ( Rom. 4, 11) of the [...] of faith: and to the Israelites he gaue the Passeouer, Manna, oblations, purifications, the brazen Serpent, the Rock, and such like spirituall tipes, whereby he assured them of the promise, that God for the onely sacrifice of Christ vvrought vpon the Crosse, would giue to all that beleeue forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting life.

Now the world of God may fitly be resembled to writ­tings and euidences: and the The agree­mēt between the Word & sacraments. Sacraments to seales, which the Lord alone setteth to his owne letters. They are as a visible Sermon preaching vnto vs most liuely the promises of God: that as the vvord we hear doth edifie and instruct the minde by the outward eares, so doth the Sacra­ments by the eyes & other senses. First then, that we may vnderstand the doctrine and nature os the Sacraments: we are to consider, what the word & Sacraments haue in com­mon, and how they agree one with another: then, what they haue peculiar and proper each to other, and how they differ one from an other. The agreement betweene them standeth in these points. First, both are ofGod, and instru­ments which the holy ghost vseth to this end, to make vs more and more one with Christ, and partakers of saluation: [...] that God needeth them, or that he is tyed vnto them (for as he can nourish without meate and drinke, so he can saue without word or Sacraments:) but because we neede them, he vseth them when he will, and as often as it plea­seth him. The same which is published and promised by the word of God, is signified and sealed by the Sacraments. For they are not a deliuering of new promises and articles of faith, but seale vp such as are offered in the word. Se­condly, although god vse them as instruments of his grace, yet the especiall working and forcible power of them, is not in them, but dependeth on God alone: so that we must not thinke that whosoeuer partaketh them is partaker of grace, saluation, for giuenesse of sinnes, and euerlasting glo­rie, [Page 3] but the vertue of them floweth from him onely as from a fountaine. A man may heare the word and receiue the Sacraments al the daies of his life and be neuer the bet­ter, except God change the minde, open the heart, enligh­ten the vnderstanding, clense the conscience, and sanctifie the affections to his glory. Thirdly, as the preaching of the word profiteth nothing, vnlesse it be vnderstood, applyed, and receiued, but ( Heb. 4. 1.) tendeth to iudgement: so the Sacra­ments, except we bring the hand of faith with vs, cannot giue vs faith nor grace, but tend to our condemnation. Yet, as the Gospel is alwaies the sauour of life vnto life of it own nature, and the ( Heb. 4, [...]) word liuely and of comfortable opera­tion, howsoeuer the vnfaithfull turne it to be the sauour of death vnto death: So the Sacramentes cease not in them­selues to be true Sacraments, although they be administred by vnworthy ministers, and receiued by vnsaithfull people. For mans wickednesse cannot peruert, much lesse euert the nature of Gods ordinance. Lastly, as the best seede sprin­geth not vp and bringeth not fruite so soone as it is sowne, but lieth a time couered in the earth to take rooting: so the fruite reaped by the word, and benifit receiued by the Sacraments presently appeareth not, but groweth and in­creaseth at the time appointed of God, who will blesse them in his elect, at what season himselfe hath ordained.

Thus we see what the word and Sacraments haue in com­mon, both are instruments of the same grace, both haue their benifit, blessing, and force depending on God, both require faith to be mingled with them, without which they are vnprofitable, and lastly they profit not by and by at the same moment they are published, administred, heard, or receiued: but God afterward worketh often-times by them in his children to their great comfort, when all fruite to come by them seemed to be buried. The dis­ciples at the first vnderstood no more of Christs resurrecti­on then the vnbeleeuing Iewes, when he sayde, (3) Destroy Ioh. 2, 19 this Temple, and I will build it againe in three daies: but they lay it vp in their hearts, and long afterward remember the [Page 4] wordes hee spake vnto them. So when they saw Christ ryding to Hcirusalem, the multitude spreading their gar­ments in the way, and cutting downe branches ( Mat. 21, 8) from the trees, the [...] moued, and Children crying in the Temple, Hosanna the Sonne of Dauid: they ( Ioh. 12, 16 vnderstood none of those thinges at the first: But when Iesus was glorifi­ed, then remembred they that these thinges were written of him, and that they had done such thinges vnto him. If then at the present time of our hearing or receuing, we finde not nor feel the fruit and comfort we desire: let vs not doubt & dis­paire, but waite on God, who in his owne appointed times will make his owne ordinances auaileable to all his seruants. Thus much of the things that are common to the word and Sacraments.

In the next place let vs see Difference betvveen the word and sa­craments. what they haue proper and peculiar, and so differ one from another. First, forasmuch as the Sacraments are appurtenances and dependances to the word, and are applyed to this end to seale vp our com­munion with Christ, and our fellowship one with another: it appeareth that in men of riper yeares the teaching and hearing of the word preached, and the open confession and profession of faith did go before participation of the Sacra­ments, as Math. 28. ( Math. 28, 19) Go, teach all Nations, that is, make them disciples of Christ, gaue them to the faith (as the o worde signifieth) and then Baptize them. Thus Phillip Matheteusate. taught the Eunuch before he baptized him, Act. 8. to whom when the Eunuch said, ( Acts 8, 36) What letteth me to be baptized? Phil­lip answered, If thou beleeuest with all thine hart, thou maiest: and he said I beleeue that Iesus Christ is the sonne of God. And act. 10 Can any forbid water ( Acts. 10, 47.) that these should not be baptized, which haue receiued the holy ghost as wel as we? In deede touching chil­drens baptizme, there is another especiall respect to be had, of which we shal speake Booke. 2 Chap. 6, and 7. afterward. But touching others, this is in difference between them, that where as the worde was offered euen to such as were out of the Church not ha­uing heard of the name of Christ, and none excluded or de­barred from the hearing of it, whether beleeuers or ( 1. Cor 20, 24) vn­beleeuers, [Page 5] holy, or prophane. 1 Cor. 14. No person being an vn­beleeuer or infidell, was euer admitted to the Sacraments, although he shuld offer himselfe (for that had bin to giue ( Mat. 7, 6) that which is holy to Dogs, and to cast pearles before Swine) but such onely as were instructed in the faith, & had made publike confession therof as members of the church. An other difference is in the ne­cessity, end, and vse of the one and of the other. The prea­ching of the word is the ordinarye meanes and instrument of the holy ghost to beget and beginne faith in vs (except God doe deale extraordinaryly, which of vs is not to bee looked for) and none hath entrance to Christ but by faith: so that men, if they will be saued, must heare it. But the Sa­cramentes are of another nature, they cannot ingender faith in vs: we must bring faith with vs, least wee partake them vnworthyly, so that hee which beleeueth, and could not come to the Sacramentes, is yet partaker of saluation. Wherefore the necessity of them is not simply and abso­lutely so great, that without exception a man cannot be saued without them: for it is the contempt, not the want of them that bringeth danger and damnation. Thirdly, it may sometimes fall out, that in a visible Church, the worde preached may bee founde (as an essentiall note of the Church) without the Sacraments, and yet be a true Church of God: so that the worde may bee without the Sacramentes, but the Sacramentes cannot be without the worde, as a writinge may be without a seale, but not the seale without the writing. Set a seale to a blanke, and is it not vaine, voyde, and vnprofitable? Last of all, the Preaching of the word rouseth and affecteth one­lye one of the senses, to witte, the eares, wee fee it not, wee touch it not, wee handle it not, onely wee heare the sound thereof: but the Sacramentes are offered to the eyes as wel as to the eares, so that we do euen behold Iesus Christ as it wer crucified before vs, nay they moue & stir vp the rest of the senses, wherby we may vnderstand what they bring & how they auaile vnto our faith, making vs after a sort to handle christ with our hāds, to see him with our eies, [Page 6] to tast him and touch him with our whole body. Where­fore, they do How the sa­craments are more effectu­all then the Word. more seale vp then the word, not that God is more true of his promise when hee worketh by signes, then when he speaketh by his word: but in respect of the manner of teaching and receiuing, because by his Sacra­ments he representeth his promises as it were painted in a Table, Horat. lib. de arte poeti. Seg­nius irritant animos, demis­sa per aures, quam quae sut oculis subiecta fidelibus, &c. and setteth them forth liuely as in a picture before our eies, that we may not only heare, but see, handle, touch, tast, and euen digest them. Again, the promise of the Gospel is more effectually declared and sealed vp by the Sacra­ments then by the bare worde, not for the substance and matter it selfe, but for the manner of working, which is heedfull, perfect, and more effectuall: so as that which we perceiue and receiue by many senses as hearing and see­ing, is more sure and certaine then that which is [...] by hearing onely.

Hitherto of the agreements and differences betweene the word & sacraments, and we haue shewed that so soon as god gaue his word, immediately he seconded the same with his Sacraments. The vses which wee are to make heereof are Vse. 1. these. First, seeing God contenteth not himselfe with the worde onely, but addeth the Sacraments in all Ages and times of the Church, which proceedeth partly through his owne goodnesse, and partly from mans weakenesse: we ought to be so farre from d [...]spising the Sacramentes, that contrary-wise vve must confesse the benifit, vse, and worthynesse of them can neuer be sufficiently magnified, and commended, nor they with sufficient reuerence be re­ceiued. We are dull to conceiue his promises and slovv to remember them, we are full of doubting and vnbeleefe: we are like to Thomas ( Iohn 20. 25.) one of the disciples, we will not beleeue them vntill in some sort vve see them, and in some measure feele them in our hearts. Wherefore God hath ordained these misteries and holy actions, to keepe in con­tinuall memory his great benifits bestovved vpon man, to seale vp his promises, and as it were to offer vnto our sight those things which inwardly he performeth to vs, and ther­by [Page 7] by strengtheneth and increaseth our faith through the wor­king of his spirit in our soules. Seing then the word is not sufficient, but the Sacraments were added for further assu­rance: we must in this behalfe consider the great goodnesse of God toward vs, who doth not onely giue vs faith by his word as by his sauing instrument, but hath also added to his word, Sacraments or seales of his promise and grace, that by the lawfull vse of them he might vphold and strengthen our faith through his blessed spirit. For in asmuch as the Lord not only sent the blessed seede, for the redemption of mankind, for the remission of our sinnes, and for the bru­sing of the Serpents head, but ordained for vs Sacramentes to be pledges of his promises, testimonies of his faithful­nesse, and remedies of our distrust: wee must confesse and thankfullye acknowledge the bottomlesse depth of gods endlesse mercy toward vs, who vouchsafeth to be our God, to be reconciled to vs being vile and miserable sinners, to make a league and couenant with dust and ashes, and dely­uers his onely sonne to suffer the shamefull death of the Crosse for vs. And withall we must labour more and more to feele our own blindnesse, distrust, infidelity, and peruerse nature, we would easily forget this mercy of God, vnlesse it had beene continually represented before our eies.

Againe, seeing nothing is offered and giuen in the Sa­craments Vse. 2. which is not published in the Gospell, seeing they cannot bee where there is no worde, and seeing the same Christ with all his benifits is propounded in both: it mee­teth with a common corruption and lamentable practise a­mong many professors, that desire and craue, especially in sicknesse and extremety, often to come to the Lords table, but esteeme little of the preaching of the word, and that seeme to languish with a longing after the Sacrament, but neuer mourne and lament for want of the word: which is as great an errour and madnesse, as if one should euer looke vpon the seale of his writings, but neuer regard the conuei­ance of his estate. Is there not one God, the author of both? Is there not one spirit, that sealeth vp his promises by both? [Page 8] Is Christ diuided; that speaketh euidently vnto vs in both? How is it then, that many desire the Sacrament of the Lords supper and seeme to pine away through want therof, who neuer wish or regard the preaching of the Gospell, which is the foode of the soule, the keye of the kingdome, the immortall seede of regeneration, and the high ordinance of God to saue those ( Rom. 1, 16 and 10, 14.) that beleeue? And whence proceedeth it, but from palpable ignorance in the matters of God and their owne saluation, to be much trou­bled that the Sacrament is not brought vnto them, and yet neuer conet to haue a word of comfort spoken to them in due season. Let all such persons vnderstand, that as the minister ( Act. 15, 21 and 19. 4. and 2. 42, 46.) is charged from God to teach euery saboth day, and to preach the word in season and out of season: to deale the bread to the hungry, and to gie vnto euery one in the family his portion: so is it required of all the people to desire the sincere milke of the word of God that they may grow thereby, which, howsoeuer it be to them that perish, foolishnesse; yet to such as are called ( 1 Cor. 1, 24.) it is the wisedome of God and the power of God. Wherefore, we must not make account that there is lesse danger in neglecting the word of God, then in neglecting the Sacra­ment of his last supper: but we must take heede, that while we willingly desire the one, we doe not willingly despise the other. For we must carefully consider, that as the Sa­crament is a visible word, so the word is a speaking Sacra­ment: and as God lifteth vp his voice vnto vs in the one, so he reacheth out his hand vnto vs in the other. We must as well heare when he calleth, as receiue when he offereth. Now, by his word preached, he calleth: by his Sacraments administred, he offereth his graces vnto vs: and, as wee must haue eares for the one, so must we haue hands for the other.

CHAP. 2. What a Sacrament is.

IN euery treatise and discourse, it is necessary first to know Arist. poster. lib. 2. cap. 1. whether a thing be, before we consider what it is. We haue heard before, that there are Sacraments and euer haue beene in the Church of God. Now then let vs consider what they are, that Cicero de of­fic. lib. 1. first the matter handled, may be defined. For in vaine we shall reason and speake of the Sacraments, vnlesse we vn­derstand what a Sacrament is. But besore we set downe any discription of it, it shall not be amisse to speake some what of the word. The name in so many letters and silla­bles, is The word Sacra­ment is not in the Scrip­tures. not indeede in the scripture, no more then the word Trinity, catholike, Consubstantiall, and such like: which being generally receiued are not to be reiected, se­ing the doctrine contained vnder them agreeth with the Scripture, and nothing by them is added to the Scripture. Now as the fathers of the Greeke Church called these holy rites by name of Misteries, because the substance of them was onely knowne to the members of the Church, and hidden from others: so the ancient teachers of the Latine Church, called them Sacraments, in respect of the affinity and neerenesse betweene them and a Sacrament. For a Sa­crament properly is that solemne othe in Warre, by which Souldiers, bound themselues to their chiefe Captaine. Such a regard had the old Romaines in the discipline of their Warres, that it was cicer. de of fic. Lib. 1. not lawfull for any to kill an enemy, or enter into the battell to fight, vnlesse he were sworne a Souldier. So when we are partakers of these holy signes which God hath appointed in his Church, by which he [Page 10] bestoweth vpon vs spirituall gifts, A Sacramēt properly is the souldiers oth: metap­herically the churches bād binding them to God. we do bind our selues to him, wee professe openly his true religion, we vowe to fight vnder his banner against our enimies: so that they are testimonies and tokens of the couenant betweene God and vs, that he is our god, and we bind our selues to be his people, to serue him and no other god. So circumcision was a seale of Gods promise to Abraham, and a seal of A­brahams faith and obedience toward god. By them man is bound to God, and God vouchsafeth to bind himselfe to man. Wherfore, the word sacrament, being translated from the campe to the Church, from the soldiour to a christian, from a ciuill vse to an holy, let vs see in this sence and sig­nification what it is. Now, the word being borrowed from warres, is A Sacramēt considered 2. vvaies. taken two waies: first in a generall significati­on, and may comprehend al maner of signes, whether na­turall, or myraculous, or voluntary, which God comman­ded men to vse, to assure them of the vndoubted truth of his promise: as when he gaue to Adam in the Garden, the tree of life to be a pledge of his immortality, the Rain-bow to Noah and his posterity; sometimes he gaue them mira­culous signes, as light in a smoaking Furnace to Abraham; the fleece wet, the earth being dry, and the earth wet, the fleece being dry, to Gideon: to promise and performe vict­ory to Gedeon. In this large acception of the worde, we do not intreat of the Sacraments: we speak properly of those, which God hath left to be ordinary in his Church, to bee seales of our communion with Christ, and of the righte­ousnes which is by faith. A Sacrament What a Sa­crament is thus considered is a visible signe and seale ordained of God, whereby Christ and all his sauing graces by certaine outward rites are signified, exhibited, and sealed vp vnto vs. In this description, we are to consider these 3. things. First the whole kind or general: secondly, the cause or author thereof: and lastly the vse of this do­ctrine deliuered. Touching the first, wheras it is said that a sacrament is a visible signe and seale, this is prooued and confirmed in sundry places of the scripture as Gen. 17. speaking of circumcision, (he saith) Gen. 17. 11 It shall be a signe, of the [...] [Page 11] betweene me and thee. And Rom. 4. speaking of Abra­ham (he saith) Rom. 4. 11. he receyued the signe of circvmcision as a seale of the righteousnesse of faith. Indeed a signe and a seale differ one from another, as the generall from the especiall: for eue­ry seale is a signe, but euery signe is not a seale. A seale cer­tifieth, assureth, and confirmeth a thing: a signe only shew­eth it: but a Sacrament doth both. It is a signe to signifie and represent: a seale to ratifie and assure: an instrument to confer and conueigh Christ with al his benifits to them that truely beleeue in him: a pledge vnto vs of Gods promi­ses: a visible word, and as a notable glasse wherein we may behold Agust. de. doct. christ. lib. 2. cap. 1. assured testimonies of Gods eternall fauour, & of the riches of his grace which he bestoweth vpon vs. This teacheth vs to acknowlege, there is more inthe Sacraments then is seen with the eies, or felt with the hands: & therfore we must not conceiue vnreueretly of them, nor come neg­ligenly vnto them, making them meere carnal and outward things: but we must thinke reuerently, speake soberly, re­ceiue humbly and penitently these holy misteries. Againe, heereby we are brought to beleeue the promises of god: for if the Sacraments be not only signes of his fauour but seales of our faith, can we doubt of his mercy and good meaning toward vs, hauing left such pawnes and pledges thereof with vs, that we might haue assured comfort and comforta­ble assurance of saluation and eternall life. Is it not among men matter of assurance, and a note of true dealing, to haue a pledge left with vs? But behold God hath left vnto vs two pawnes of his promises, as it were an earnest-penny that our faith should not wauer. If then his alone word be al suffyci­ent, hauing a noble addition of the Sacramentes, as of his seales, let vs beleeue his promises, and in all tentations rest vpon them with all confidence and consolation.

Secondly, it is saide Sacraments were institu­ted of God alone. a sacrament is a diuine ordinance. Not any Angell or Arch-angell, not any Prince or pre­lat, but onely God himselfe is the author and ordainer of the Sacramentes. This appeareth by many witnesses out of the worde of God, Gen. 9. 13. 14. 15. I haue set my bow in the cloud, and is shall be for a signe of the couenant betweene me and the earth: [Page 12] and when I shall couer the earth with a cloud, and the bow shall be seene in the cloud, then wil I remember my couenant which is between me and you. Where we see, that when God determined to be mercyfull vnto the world, and neuer to drowne the same with water againe as he had drowned it, he gaue them a signe of his promise, to wit, His bow in the cloudes. When God would witnesse and stablish to Abraham and his seede after him the promise of his mercy, he ordained a Sacra­ment to confirme the same Gen. 17. This is my couenant which ye shall keepe betweene me and you, Gen. 17. 10. let euery man child a­mong you be circumcised. And the Apostle saith, I haue receiued 1. Cor. 11 23 of the Lord that which I haue deliuered vnto you. And Christ himselfe instituted Mat. 28. 19. Baptisme, & sent forth his disciples to preach the Gospell. All these testimonies as a cloud of wit­nesses do confirm vs in this truth, that non hath power & autority in the church to institute a Sacrament, but God only. And the reasons are apparant. First, the Sacraments belong to the seruice & worship of god: now it resteth not in man to appoint & prescribe a seruice of God, but to retaine and embrace that which is taught by him, For Mat. 15. 9. in vain they wor­ship him, teaching for doctrines mens precepts. Againe; the Sacra­mentall signes haue Gods promises annexed vnto them, confirming vs in the same, which they could not doe, but by the blessyng and benefit of him that promiseth: so that God onely is able to bestow grace, and he alone can ap­point true signes of grace. For as he only hath authority to seal the charter & pardon, in whose iurisdiction it is to grant it: so likewise God giueth the pledges and tokens of his grace which sheadeth the graces of the spirit into our harts. Wherefore, the reuerent Sacraments of the Church, none can institute by his authority, but onely God: and hence it is, that the signes haue the names of the things signified. None but Christ himselfe could say of the bread, This is my body: none but he could say of the cup, This cup is the new testament in my blood: none but he, breathing on his A­postles, could say, Receiue the holy ghost: none but he could make the water in Baptisme to be the lauer of regenerati­on.

[Page 13] Let vs see what good and profitable vses arise from this doctrine. First, if the Sacramentes be the ordinances of Vse. 1. God, then they depend not one the worthynesse or vnwor­thynesse, fitnesse or vnfitnesse, vices or vertues of the mini­ster: but al the efficacy and force hangeth on the holy insti­tution of Christ Iesus. The ministers impiety & wickednes maketh not a nullity of the Sacrament, neither hindreth the fruite of the worthy receiuer, no more then the piety and godlynesse of a faithfull minister can profit an vnwor­thy receiuer. Indeede, the Church must indeuour, that the ministers thereof may be holy and vnblamable, according to the apostles 1. Tim. 3. 2. 3. rule, but we must not mesure the profit of the receiuer, by the person of the minister. If a theefe doe steale a sack of corne, we see if he sow it, it groweth vp and bringeth forth increase, because the fault resteth not in the seede which is good, but in the sower which is euill: so doth the Sacrament profit the faithfull, howsoeuer he be vnfaithfull that doth administer it. We see if the seede­man haue foule, filthy, and vncleane hands that soweth, yet if the seede be cleane, sweete, and faire, it prospereth: so the holy things of God [...] [...] may deliuer the good thinges of God. cannot be defiled by the cor­rupt and sinful life of the minister, who deliuereth nothing of his owne, but dispenseth the ordinances of God. Thus we see, that whether the minister be good or euill, Godly or without Godlynesse, an heretike or a Catholike, an Idolater or a true worshipper of God, the effect is all one, the worthinesse of the Sacrament dependeth not on man, but proceedeth from God, and therefore all such as con­temne the Sacraments of God for the Sacraledge of man, shall beare their condemnation whosoeuer they are. The two sonnes of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were 1. Sam. 2. 22 23. exceeding sinners against the Lord, yet because the people of Israell abhorted the sacrifices of God, and trode his worship vn­der their feete, the wrath of the Lord was kindled against 1. Sam. 3. 11 the whole land, and hee denounced such Iudgement to come vpon them, as whosoeuer shall heare thereof, both his eares should tingle. So then, the offence of the Priest, [Page 14] was no defence of the people: but as the Priests gaue the offence, and the people tooke it, so God bound them to­gether in the same Iudgement. So we must know, God will not beare the contempt of his ordinances vnder any pretence whatsoeuer of the ministers wickednesse and vn­worthynesse, if his hand be corrupt, let thy heart be vncor­rupt; though his sinnes be his owne, yet the Sacramentes be gods: he may minister comfort to thee, though he bring none to himselfe, as the workmen that builded the Arke prepared a meanes to saue other but were drowned them­selues, or as the belles though they moue not thēselues yet serue to bring others to the exercises of religion, or as the Scribes that pointed the way to the wise-men, but them­selues vonchsafed not to step out of doores to enquire after Christ. The eares of corn do carry the corne with the chaffe to be purged and clensed in the barne, & though the chaffe be vnprofitable, yet it profiteth the corne, as the Lanterne holdeth the candle to giue light vnto others that are the passengers. This appeareth by the words of Christ our sa­uiour Math. 23. The Scribes and Pharises sit in Moises seate: Math. 23. 2. 3 Phil. 1. 16. 17 18 all therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue, that obserue and doe: but after their workes do not, for they say and do not. Albeit then, the Scripture condemneth such as giue offences, yet such as take offence are not thereby iustified; let vs magnifie the ordinances of God, and then we may expect a blessing at his hands. This is that which the 1. Cor. 3, 6. 7 Apostle teacheth 1 Cor. 3. I haue planted, Apollos watered, but God gaue the in­crease: So then, neither is he that planteth any thinge, neither he that watreth, but God that giueth the increase.

Secondly, is God the true and onely author and ap­pointer of Sacramentes? Then none must adde vnto, or Vse. 2. take from the Sacramentes instituted by him in the Church, no more then vnto the Deut. 4. 2. worde it selfe, Deut 4. Ye shall put nothing to the worde which I commaund you, neither shall ye take ought there from, that ye may keepe the commande­ments of the Lord your God which I commaund you. And Reuel. 22. 18. 19. If any man shall Reuel. 22. 18. 19. adde vnto these thinges, God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this booke: and if any [Page 15] man shall diminish of the wordes of the booke of this prophesie, God shall take away his part out of the booke of life. If the Sacraments were the inuentions of men, they might also fitly receiue the additions and subtractions of men: but seeing they are the ordinances of God, we must be content to haue them ordered by God. All Ceremonies therefore and rites [...] by men, as parts of gods worship, are so many abomi­nations, and innouations of his seruice. As God onely can gratiously promise, so hee can onely effectually per­forme what hee hath promised. Wherefore, we must condemne those as guilty of rebellion against God, that bouldly breake out either to deuise new Sacramentes, or to adde and detract from them that God hath ordai­ned. Wee are commaunded to rest in those that he hath appointed to the Church in his worde: for as well wee may deuise a new word, as deliuer a new Sacrament.

Thirdly, wee learne heereby, that they which con­demne the Sacramentes, and will not suffer them to be of Vse. 3. any force with themselues: and making small account of them doe esteeme them as [...], or otherwise abuse them contrary to the institution, will, and commaundement of Christ: all these do grieuously sinne, not against man, but against the author of them, that is God who hath ordained them, and greatly indanger their owne saluation, 1 Cor. 11. 29 as 1. Cor 11. He that eateth and drinketh vnworthilye, eateth and drink­eth his owne iudgement, becavse he discerneth not the Lords body. If a man contemne or any way contumeliously abuse the seale of a Prince, he is punished: and therefore such as scorne and make a mock of the Sacraments, which are the seales of god, cannot go scot-free, but shall be indighted of high treason against his maiesty.

The last point to be considedered in the discrption of a sa­crament is the end of thē, where it is added, Whereby Christ & all his sauing graces by certain outward rites are signified, exhibi­ted, & sealed vp to us. This is proued directly, the 1 Cor. 10. 19 cup of blessing which we blesse, is it not the cōmunion of the blood of christ? The bread which we break, is it not the cōmunion of the body of christ? So the [Page 16] Act. 2. 38. of the other Sacrament. Amend your liues and be baptized euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ve shall receiue the gifts of the Holy-ghost. And all yee Gal. 3. 27. that are baptized into Christ haue put on Christ. Our soules are wa­shed in the blood of Christ: his [...], his resurrection, his sanctification, his wisdome, his righteousnes, his redemp­tion is made ours, all his benefits are ours, as Christ is ours.

Let vs make vse of this point, and apply it to our selues. Vse. 1. First, is Christ the sum and substance of all Sacramentes? Then the Church of Rome is heere condemned, that say we make the Sacraments bare and naked signes. God for­bid that we shold say so, or make them to be so: they are the sure seales of Gods promises, heauenly tokens, spiri­tuall sigues, vnd autentike pledges of the grace, and righ­teousnes of Christ giuen and imputed vnto vs. The Sacra­ments and sacrifices of the olde testament were not bare signes. Circumcision was not Rom. 2. 28. 29. a bare signe, as Rom. 2. This is not circumcision which is outwarde in the flesh but the cir­cumcision of the hart. And in Christ Col. 2. 11 12. ye are circumcised with circumcision made without hands, by putting off the sinfull bodie of the flesh, through the circumcision of Christ. Euen so Baptisme is no bare signe, it were great blasphemy so to speake: it were verie great iniquity so to thinke. The grace of God doth worke with his Sacraments, and therefore the signes are neuer receiued in vaine of the faithfull and worthy re­ceiuer. The water washeth not from sinne, the bread and wine feed not to eternall life: but it is the precious blood of Christ, that doth clense vs from all sin, & purchaseth for vs all grace, which is the life and the truth of the outward signes.

Againe, is Christ Iesus offered by God the Father in the Vse. 2. right vse of the Sacraments? then God doth not de­ceiue or delude those that come vnto them. If anye that come to the Sacraments, depart without grace, without Christ, without fruite, the cause is in themselues, the fault is not in God, for Christ is of­fered to all: but receiued onely of the faithfull. hee offereth Christ to all, euen to the vnfaithfull, but they haue not hands to receiue him. If a [Page 17] Prince should offer a rich present, and he, to whom it is offered, haue no hand to receiue it, he goeth away empty. When the Sunne giueth light vpon the earth, if men shut their eies and be wilfully blinde, they receiue no profit by it. When God offereth himselfe & his graces to vs by his word and Gospell, it we stop our eares and harden our harts, it turneth to be the sauour of death to death: so is it in the Sacramentes when we come to them, God doth not feede our eies with naked, vaine, & idle shewes, but ioyneth [...] truth with the outward token, and giueth the grace signified with the signe. If we bring the hand of faith with vs, which openeth the gate of the kingdome of heauen for vs, Christ is both offered and giuen to vs. But howsoeuer the signe be alwaie, inseperably ioyned with the grace, that is signified, in respect of God: yet hence it followeth not that both of them are of all recei­ued. For the outward signe is offered to the hand, to the senses, and instruments of the body, which because all bring with them, all are partakers of the outward parts. But Christ, who is signified by the signe, is offered to the soule and faith of the receiuer, 2. Thes. 3. 2. which bycause many want, they lose the fruit of their worke.

Thirdly, if the right receiuers, receiue Christ, and with him all sauing graces needefull to eternall life: then the Vse. 3. presence of vngodly men, that come to the same Sacram. with vs and meete vs at the same Table, cannot hinder and hurt vs in our worthy receiuing. The vnbeleeuers and vnrepentant persons come indeede into the assembly of the faithfull, to heare the word of God read, preached, and expounded, and as they come without faith, so they depart without fruite: yet their company defileth not the sauing hearer. So is it in the Sacraments I confesse it were to be wished, that the church were pure without spot, and perfect without blemish, Gal. 5. 12. and they euen cut off that trouble the same: yet sometimes it Reuel. 2. 14. 20. wanteth that good and Godly seuerity which is required, to seperate such as may infect with the leauen of their life and doctrine.

[Page 18] Againe, as the faith of the wise and worthy receiuer, can­not sanctifie the conscience of the Hypocrite and offensiue [...]: so the infidelity or iniquity of another, shall not bar the faithfull soule from fruitfull receiuing to his saluation, according to that Ezek. 18. 20 saying, Thorighteousnes of the righteous shall be vpon him, and the wickednes of the wicked shall be vpon him­selfe. Euery one is to prooue and examine himselfe, not to enter into the consciences and conuersations of other men: we shall giue an account to our owne waies and workes, not of the deformities of others which we cannot reforme and redresse. Furthermore, as in an Army euery man hath his standing, so in the Church euery man hath his calling: it is not in the priuat men are not to medle vvith the censures of the church power of priuate persons, but of the Gouer­nors of the Church to draw out the censures of the Church against notorious offendors, and therefore in their slacking and negligence, the people must tolerate that which they cannot amend, or make a seperation or rent in the church, as the maner of some is, disturbing the peace and quietuesse thereof.

Fourthly, if Christ be offered, giuen, and sealed vp to vs in the Sacraments: then the Sacraments must be holden of Vse. 4. vs in great price and estimation, for their profites sake, not lightly to be regarded, but reuerently to be esteemed. They that respect Christ in whom the tresures of algraces are laid vp, must regard the Sacramentes of Christ: and such as re­iect them, reiect christ with all his benefites, which who so doth, sinneth against his own soule. Lastly, if they be signes Vse. 5. and seales of grace offered: then the Sacraments make not a christian, no more then the seal giueth the purchase or pos­session. The faithfull and the children of the faithful are true christians, differing from Pagans and Heathen before they be baptized. And whosoeuer is not a christian before here­ceiue baptisme, baptisme can make him none, which is on­ly the seale of the graces of God and his priuiledges before receiued. The word of god and the Sacraments of god are both of one nature but the word is not able to confer grace, but only to declare and publish what god will confer, inas­much as to some it is the sauor 2 Cor. 2. 16. of death to death, therfore [Page 19] also the Sacraments of themselus do not confer and bestow grace, hauing it tyed vnto them, or shut vp in them. For if the Sacraments did actually and effectually giue grace, by inherent power and vertue in themselues: it would follow from hence, that euery person baptized is certainely saued and hath his sinnes remitted, or else that his sinnes remitted may returne and remaine and be againe imputed. But when God gratiously pardoneth sin, Ezek. 18. 22. he remembreth it no more. Againe we see Abraham was not iustified by his circumci­sion, he was iustified by his faith, for Gen. 15. 6. Abraham beleeued god, and it was imputed to him for righteousnes: and afterward he re­ceiued Rom. 4. 10. 11. circumcision, to be the signe and seale of his iusti­fication. Not withstanding, the Sacraments may be saide to confer the grace of regeneration and remission of sins, How the Sacramentes may be said to conferre grace. as they are instrumentes vsed of God, and as they are pledges and tokens to vs. They are means to offer and exhibit to the beleeuer, Christ with all his benefits, wherby the conscience is assured of comfort and saluation, as the Princes letters are said to saue the life of a malefactor, wheras they only signi­fie to him and others, that it is the princes pleasure to shew fauor. Again, they may not fitly be said to giue vs grace, be­cause the signe exhibiteth the thing signified: the outward washing of the body is a pledg & token of the grace of god so that whosoeuer vseth the sign aright, shall receiue forgiuenes and life euerlasting.

Chap. 3. That the parts of a Sacrament are partly outward and partly inward.

WE haue seene what a Sacrament is: nowe wee are to consider in it two things, first his parts, then his vses: for in handlinge these two pointes, wee shall see what is the nature of a sacra­ment. The partes of sacrament [...] are of two sortes, some outwarde, open, What are the parts of a Sacraments. sencible, earthly, visible, and signifying: some are inward, [Page 20] hidden, spirituall, heauenly, inuisible, and signified. For the nature of a Sacrament is Iren. lib. 4. cont. haeres. cap 34. partely earthly and part­ly heauenly. If we had been wholly chrisost. hom. 83. in math. a spirit without bo­dy, he would giue vs his gifts [...] without a body: but seeing we are soule and body he giueth v, his Sacra­ments, that so we may apprehend [...] gifts by sensi­ble things. The outward part is one thing [...] the inward part is another thing: the outward is applyed to the bo­dy, the inward is applyed to the soule & conscience. This diuision and [...] on of parts Rom. 2. 28. 29. appeareth plainely, He is not a Iew which is one outward, neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Iew which is one within, and the circumcision is of the hart, in the spirit, not in the letter: where we see, he maketh circumcision to stand of 2. parts, part in the flesh and part in the heart, partly in the spirit and partly in the letter. Heereunto commeth Col. 2. 11. that saying. [...] are circumcised with circumcision made without hands: so that there is a circumcision without, and there is an other with­in by the virtue of Christ. The same we may say of Bap­tisme there is a baptizing of the body, and there is a bap­tizing of the soule: the body is washed with water, the soule is clensed by the precious blood of our sauiour Christ, which is the hidden and misticall part of the Sa­crament. This appeareth by many examples recorded in Scripture. Simon the sorcerer, though [...] were baptized with water, yet his hart was not right in the sight of God, he remained Act 8. 13. 21. in the gall of bitternesse and in the bond of iniquity, so that albeit hee were baptized, yet he was not regenerated. The [...] were [...] of the 1. Cor. 101. 2. 3. 4. 5. outward signes, not of the [...] grace They were all baptized vnto Moyses in that cloud and in that sea: they did [...] the same spirituall meate, they all drank the same spirituall drinke, yet with many of them God was not pleased. The [...] may be saide of Iudas one of the [...], he did eate the Paschall lambe as well as the rest of the Apostles but he did not eate Christ (who is the [...] filed and without spot) is the other did. This is that also which Iohn the Math. 3. 11. Baptist teacheth, [Page 21] Indeede I baptize you with water to amendment of life, but he that commeth after me is mightier then I, whoseshooes I am not wor­thy to beare, he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire: where, as the [...] maketh two baptizers, himfelfe and Christ, so he [...] their actions, his own to wash with water, and the action of Christ to wash with the ho­ly ghost. Neither neede we to seeke farre for reason, to perswade any to beleeue this truth, that the nature of a sa­crament, is neither wholly outward nor wholly inward, but taketh part of [...], seeing nothing can be a signe of itselfe, but a signe is a signe of an other thing, and seeing Gen. 17. Ex. [...] they are mysteries, they haue an hidden meaning and spirituall vnderstanding. If the [...] in Baptisme had not grace annexed vnto it, it could not be a mistery. We see the signe, we see not the grace which is inuisible. Now let vs come to the vses.

These parts though distinguished really one [...] another, Vse. 1. that the outward parts cannot be the inward, the earthly cannot be the heauenly, the seale cannot be the thing sea­led, the token cannot be the thing betokened, nor con­trarywise: (for this were to alter nature and to mingle heauen and earth together) yet in respect of the propoiti­on betweene the signe and the thing signified, and of the coniunction of them to the faithful, which receiu both the one & thother, one part is affirmed of the other. For we must vnderstand that the Scriptur in regard of this vnion, speketh of the Sacraments two waies, to wit, properly and figuratiuely. Properly, [...] that which belongeth to the signe is given to the signe, and when the thinge [...] is giuen and applyed to the thing itselfe, and thus each part hath his owne, as Circumcision is called Gen. 17. 11. the signe of the couenant. And the blood of the lambe is cal­led Exod. 12. 13. a signe: these are [...] [...] proper speaches, and without figure. Againe vvhen [...] saith, Luc 22. 19. 20 My body which is giuen for you, my blood [...] which is shed for many for remission of 1. Cor. 5. 7. sinnes, vve must vnderstand the words literally as they lye, figuratiuely, vvhen the signe is giuen to the thing signifi­ed, [Page 22] and called by the name of it, as Christ is called 1 Cor. 5. 7. the Passeouer: and the Ioh. 1. 29. lambe of God: his flesh is also saide to be meate indeede, and his blood drinke indeede: the holy spirit is called Ezek. 36. 25. water, or else the name of the thing signified is giuen to the signe, as bread is called the Math. 26. 28 body of Christ, the cup is called the new Testament. These spea­ches Cor. 11. 24. must be taken figuratiuely, and vnderstood by a chang of name according to the intention and meaning of the Holy-ghost: so that wee must beware that we do not take or mistake the signe for the thing, nor the thing for the signe, seeing the parts are distinguished in nature, though ioyned in the person.

Againe, albeit by gods ordinance these parts be so vni­ted, Vse. 2. that by taking of the signe the faithfull are made par­takers of the thing signified, no lesse truely then the out­ward signes are receiued of our bodily senses: yet we must conceiue & consider, that these outward and inward parts remaine, distinct and vnconfounded, and therefore wee must take heede we take not one for another: we must not ascribe to much to the outward parts, and so take them for the inward, which hath beene the occasion of sundry er­rors from time to time. Some attribut too little to the out­ward sign, and some ascribe too much: both waies the Sa­crament is abused and the partes are misapplied. Hence sprang as a ranke weed in the Lords corne, the doctrine of transubstantiation or carnall turning of the substance of bread into the body, whereby the signe is swallowed vp and the outward substance with them quite abolished, for their fained Christ hath consumed the outward signe, as the rich deuoureth and eateth the poore. Thus the signe is con­sumed & to little regarded. Others on the other side, cleaue to much too the outward signe, and rest in the externall worke, placing holinesse and remission of sinnes in the deed done: and thus the thing signified is little regarded and wholly abolished, Gen. 41. 4. as the euill fauored and lean-fleshed kine did eat vp the fat and wel-fauored: this was [...] dreame, and the other is mans deuise. For these men giue [Page 23] all to the outward receiuing, placing holynesse and remi­ssion of sinnes therein, and thinking themselues sure and secure when the bread and wine is taken at the Lords ta­ble. Thus all hypocrites, libertines, and carnall Gospel­lers do: for all the religion, deuotion, and godlinesse of these idle and ignorant professors, standeth in outward re­sorting to the Church, and in an outward taking of the communion of the body and blood of Christ, which is to make an Idol of the signe, and to flatter themselues in their euils to their own destruction. For albeit a man haue been baptized and haue receiued the Lords supper, yet if he liue wickedly and walke after his owne lusts, the Sacramentes shall auaile and aduantage him nothing at all, but further his condemnation. Lastly, hath the Sacrament some parts Vse. 3. outward and some inward, some seene and some not seene with bodily eies? Then it giueth occasion, both to parents to teach their children the meaning of these misteries and to declare vnto them the ordinances of God, as likewise to children and the younger sort to aske and inquire of their parents, to heare and learne of them the doctrine of the Sacraments, thereby to know the mercifull promises that God hath made to his people. This appeareth Exod. 12. 26. 27. & ch. 13. 14. 15. directly, where the the fathers are forewarned ro teach their childrē the hidden mistery of the Passeouer, When your children aske you, what seruice is this ye keepe, then ye shal say, It is the sacrifice of the Lords passeouer, which passed ouer the houses of the children of Israell in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians and preserued our hou­ses. So likewise Ch. 13. 14. speaking of separating & sanctifiing the firste borne for the seruice of God, he chargeth parents to whet this doctrine on their children and to in­struct them, how God with a mighty hand and outstret­ched arme brought them out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Againe, Iosh. 4. 6. 7. 8 21. 22. 23. we see when the Lord had parted the wa­ters of Iordan that the people might passe, hee commaun­ded Ioshua to set vppe 12. stones, in memoriall of the [Page 24] mighty and miraculous worke of God for his people a­gainst their enemies: and when their children should aske them in time to come, what was [...] by those stones, they should answer that the waters of Iordan were cut off before the Arke of the Couenant of the Lord. He would not onely haue themselues to profit by [...] wonderfull workes, but to retaine the remembrance of them, he wold haue their posterity to know the cause and [...] there­of, and so g'orifie [...] name for euer. Heereunto we may fitly ioyne Psal. 78. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. what the [...] [...], I will open my mouth in a parable, I will declare high sentences of old which we haue heard and knowne, and our fathers haue told us, we will not hide them from their children, but to the generation to come we will shew the praises of the Lord, his power also and his wonderfull workes that he hath done: that the posterity might know it, and the children which should be borne should stand vp and declare it to their children, that they might set their hope on God and not forget the workes of God, but keepe his commaundements. All these things serue to this pur­pose, to shew that it is a duty and burden laid on the shoul­ders of all parents, to acquaint their children [...] the works of God, especially with the benefits of our redemp­tion wrought by Christ for our saluation. If they aske the question, why infants are baptized and washed with water into the name of the holy Trinity, we must make plaine vnto them the meaning of that mistery. We must say vnto them, My children, How to teach our children the meaning of the Sacramentes. this is a signe of the Coue­nant of Gods mercy to vs, and our [...] to God: it is a mistery of our saluation, and teacheth that being in our selues vncleane, vnrighteous, [...], y, and sinful, our soules are washed by the blood of Christ euen as the water in Baptisme washeth our bodyes: [...] in the mercy of God is so much the more marueilous in our cies, insomuch as the [...] were entred into the couenant by cutting, lan­cing, and effusion of blood in circumcision Againe, be­fore they come to yeares to receiue the holy Supper of the Lord, we must informe them at home, and declare the institution of that Sacrament and the comfortable vses [Page 25] therof to them, so they may afterward come to this Com­munion with better warrant of their worke, with greater comfort to themselues, & with lesse danger to their souls. We must teach them, that as the bread is broken and the Wine poured out, so the body of Christ was crucified and his blood shed for the remission of our sins: and that if we beleeue in the Lord Iesus, we are nourished in our souls to eternal life by the passion of Christ our Sauior, as certainly as our bodies are norished with the creaturs of bred [...] wine Notwithstanding, there is a generall defect of this duty in many parents, neither are children readye to enquire and learne at home, neither are parentes able to answere anye thing in these matters of God: way wardnesse in the one, and wordlines in the other, and ignoraunce in them both, hath taken away all care and conscience from them, tou­ching these holy duties and heauenly misteries, so that neither the one teacheth nor the other learneth, neyther the child enquireth nor the father answereth.

CHAP. 4. Of the first outward part of a Sacrament.

THe outward parts of a Sacrament are such things, as What [...] parts are. vnder a certain similitude & likenes do represent and signifie heauenly things, to as­sure vs they are as truely present and offred vs, as we beholde with our cies, and receiue with our hands the earthly things giuen vn­to vs. The outward parts of a Sacra­ment are in number Foure out­ward parts of a Sacrament. foure. First the Minister: Secondly, the word of institution. Thirdly the element. Fourthly, the receiuer. All these and euery one of them are needfull to [Page 26] the being and nature of a Sacrament: take them away or any of them, and you take away the substance and bring in a nullity of the Sacrament. If ther be no minister, no word, no element, no receiuer: there is no Sacrament. If there be wanting either minister to deliuer it, or word to [...] it, or element to represent it, or receiuer to take it: we cannot assure our selues to haue any sacrament of God, but rather a tradition and inuention of our owne.

First then, The mini­ster is the first outward part of a sacram. there is required a Minister lawfully called, chosen, and ordained, hauing at the least the approbation and alowance of the church to pronounce the words of in­stitution, and to deliuer the outward signs to the receiuers. They are not makers of the Sacrament, but ministers: not autors, but administators: not deuisors, but deliuerers. Earthly princes haue their letters patents, & their great seals, & keepers of the same: if another shal set to the seal that is not appointed the keeper thereof, is it not made an heinons crime worthy of heauy punishment? So the Lord is a mightye Prince, king of kings, and Lord of Lords: he hath ap­pointed his seales, to seale vp his promises of forgiuenes of sinnes and eternal life: and he hath ordained his Officers as it were keepers of his great seals. God publisheth salua­tion and pardon to all beleeuers by his word as by his let­ters pattents, and he addeth baptisme and the Lords Supper as two broad seales for greater assurance and confirmation, and appointeth the Ministers to be keepers thereof. Whoso­euer therfore shall presume to [...] to any of these seals without warrant, without a caling, without a function and di­rection from God, himselfe being no officer, no Minister, no keeper of them, prophaneth these seales, and setteth to a counterfet stampe. For as no man may preach Rom 10. 15. except he be sent: so no man may administer the Sacrament, except he be called. This is it the Heb 5. 4. 5. Apostle teacheth. No man ta­keth this honor vnto himself but he that is called of God as was A­ron: and Christ tooke not to himselfe this honor to be made the high Priest but he that [...] vnto him, thou art my sonne, this day begat I thee, gaue it to him. Now, to minister the sacraments, is an [Page 27] honour in the Church, which none can take to himselfe at his owne pleasure, but God must giue it. They should haue in their owne consciences a witnesse of Gods calling them to this office and honour. Wherefore the sacred functions ordained of God must not be prophaned by vo­luntary officers and vsurped offices: no man must take vp­on him without a lawful calling to teach hese holy miste­ries. Of these Ier. 23. 21. the Lord complaineh, I haue not sent these prophets, yet they ranne: I haue not spoken to them, and yet they pro­phesied. Thus these intruders did thrust their sickle into other mens corne.

The reasons, Reasons why the mi­nisters onely are to admi­nister the Sa­craments. why the ministers and no others are to intermedle with the Sacraments, are very apparant. First, because euery part and member of the church hath his es­peciall office and his proper guifts to execute his [...]: we see in a campe, the Souldiers in Warre haue their stan­ding-place in sight of their captaine who hath chosen them to be Warriors: so in the Church [...] euery one keepe his seuerall calling in the presence of God, who hath in wis­dome and mercy called him thereunto. We see in the na­tural dispositiō of the body, See Book. 2. cap. 3. euery member hath his spe­ciall vse, the eye to see, the hand to handle, the foote to walke, the eare to heare, and if one member should incroch vpon the office of another, it must needes tend to the de­struction of the body. We see in the gouernment of an house and famely, the husband and wife, the father and sonne, the master and seruant know and acknowledge their places to rule, to obey, to commaund, to be commaunded, without intruding themselues, and incroching vpon the function, as it were vpon the free-hold, of an other. If we would ascend a step higher, we obserue in the affaires of state cicer. Philip. 13. est asinius quidam sena­tor voluntari­us, lectus [...]. and matters of the cōmon-wealth, euery man doth keepe within his owne listes and limits, and no man dare presume to charge any man or enterprise any thing in the princes name and authority, without a sufficient warrant, from the prince himselfe: so may no man take vpon him any functions in the church, vnlesse hee haue a commissi­on [Page 28] and commaundement from the Lord. For, as the prince appointeth by what officers he will be serued: so is it in the offices and officers of the Church, God hath placed and or­dained the Apostle to plant, the Euangelist to second and assist, the prophet to prophesie, the pastor to feede, and hath set euery one 1 Cor. 12. 12. 14. in his proper place and standing as i were in his watch-tower, out of which he must not wander and depart, Let euery man abide in the same vocation wherein he Rom. 12. 4. 5. was called: and afterward, Let euery man wherein he was called, therein abide with God. Whosoeuer therefore medleth with­out a lawfull vocation, as it were violently inuadeth ano­ther mans possession, and cannot do it without the check and controlment of Christ Iesu, who is the Iosh. 5. 14. captaine of his own host, the Eph. 4. 15. head of his own body, the Heb. 3. 5. 6. Lord of his own house, and the Reuel. 12. 5 great king of his owne church. Againe, Christ the prophet and teacher of his church and the prince of pastors, hath committed the office of administration of the Sacraments to those alone to whom he hath commit­ted the dispensation of his word and preaching of the Gos­pell: therefore if any other [...] set to the seale, it is no true seale but a counterfait stamp. The truth of this appeareth Indeede I haptize Math. 3. 11. with water, that is, I that am apointed a techer in the church, to make ready a people prepard for the Lord. And Paule being conuerted and called to preach, & to beare the name of God to the gentiles, did without further word, warrant, or commaundement, minister the Sacraments.

Now then as we haue seene the truth of the doctrine, let Vse. 1. vs consider the vses thereof. First, is the minister of the sub­stance of the Sacrament, and a principall part of Christs in­stitution? Then he must consider, it is his duty, being autho­rised from God and by his church, to sanctifie the outward elementes and administer the same, to deliuer the outward signes and offer them to the receiuers. His workes therefore are to put a part and consecrate the signes to an holy vse, to open and declare the couenaut of God, to pray for his bles­sing promised vpon his owne ordinance, to giue thankes for the blessed worke of our redemption, to offer, giue and deliuer a right the creatures so sanctified, in baptisme [Page 29] to sprinkle with water and washe the body to be baptized, and in the Lords Supper to deliuer the bread to be eaten and the wine to be drunke to the spirituall nourishment of the Church. So then the minister ought not to refuse to baptize such as are brought vnto him. Shall the seruant re­fuse to do the worke of his maister? Or if the Lord keeper of the kings broad seale should proudly and presumpte­ously disdame to set the seale to the Princes letters patents, were he not well worthy to be displaced and remoued? So if the minister, through enuy, or hatred, or any other sinister affection, shall refuse to put the seale to the Lords Couenant, and hinder little children from comming to Christ, he deserueth iustly to be displaced and to beare office no longer in the citty of God, but to be remoued for his contempt, 1. king. 2. 35. as Salomon put downe Abiathar.

Secondly, is it a necessary point of the Sacrament that it Vse. 2. be ministred by a minister? Then, it condemneth [...] those that put these seales into a wrong hand, and all [...] persons that violently rush vpon this calling, and take vp on them to meddle with the administration of the Sacra­ments with vnwashen hands seeing the dispensation of the word and Sacraments is so linked, annexed, and ioyned together by God, that a deniall of licence to do the one is a deniall to do the other, and contrary wise the license to one is license to the other. Christ neuer gaue to priuate persons any such commaundement, he neuer committed to them any such ossice, hee neuer commended to their care these holy actions, he neuer called them to this honor, he neuer laid vpon them this charge, and therefore they haue no parte nor fellowship in this businesse. If, notwith­standing these restrainings of authority from them, they wil runne and rush forward, where they should hang back­ward, their sinne lieth at the doore, their punishment hast­neth and their iudgement sleepeth not.

Lastly, if the minister be an outward part of the Sacra­ment, Vse. 3. we must beware and take heed we ascribe not to the minister that which is proper to Christ, and so rob him of the honour due vnto his name. The minister may offer the [Page 30] signe, he cannot bestow the thing signified: he may bap­tize the body, he cannot clense the soule: he may deliuer the bread and wine, he cannot giue the body and blood of Christ: Iohn may wash with water, he cannot giue the spirit. Man indeede pronounceth the word, but God sea­leth vp his grace in the heart: man sprinkleth the body with water, but God maketh cleane the soule by the blood of Christ: man may take away the filth of the flesh, but Christ must purge the conscience from dead workes, who is that blessed lambe of God that Ioh. 1. 29. taketh away the sinnes of the world. For as Paule 1 Cor. 3. 6. planteth and Apollos watereth, but God [...] the increase: so the minister offereth the element and outward signe, but God giueth the heauenly grace. It belongeth to the minister to handle the external part: it belongeth as a peculiar dignity to Christ to bestow grace, to giue saith, regeneration, Math. 3. 11. and forgiuenesse of sinnes, and to baptize with the Holy-ghost. This truth Iohn [...], I baptize with water, but one commeth after me, who is mightier then I, he shall baptize you with the Holy-ghost. Where we see he maketh a flat opposition betweene himselfe and Christ, betweene his baptisme and the baptisme of Christ. As on the one side we must take heede, of the contempt of him that teacheth and ministreth the Sacramentes, be­cause the contempt of the word and Sacraments doth ne­cessarily follow the contempt of his person: so we must be­ware we attribute or giue not to him more then his right, least the power of the word and force of the Sacramentes be attributed to his person, wherby men spoile themselues of the fruite of them both. This was it wherein the 1 Cor. 3. 22. Co­rinthians offended, when they said, I am Pauls, I am Apol­los, I am Cephas, I am Christs. Wherefore, to keepe a golden meane between too much and too little, we must do as if a prince should send vs some present by one of the meanest messengers of his house, we would receiue him fauorably and entertaine him honorably for the gifts sake which he bringeth vnto vs: but the guift it selfe we would receiue for the kings sake, from whom it was sent. So it becom­meth [Page 31] euery one of vs to do, God hath committed to his messengers and ministers the word of reconciliation, we must haue them in singular loue for 1 Thess. 5. 13 their workes sake that labour among vs, but the word and Sacramentes we must receiue for the Lords sake from whom they come. Thus much of the first outward part, to wit, theminister.

Chap. 5. Of the second outward part of a sacrament.

THe second outward part of a Sacrament The word of institutiō, a necessary part of the Sacrament. is the word, necessarily required to the substance of a Sacrament: for August. in Ioh. 13. Tract. 80. the word is added and ioyned to the element, and there is made a Sacrament. This sacra­mentall word, is the word of institution, which God in each Sacrament hath after a speciall man­ner set downe; consisting partly of a commaundement by which Christ appointeth the administration of Sacramēts, and partly of a promise annexed, whereby God ordaineth that the outward elements shalbe instruments and seales of his graces, As for example, when Christ saith, Math. 28. 19 Go, teach al nations & baptize them, there is a commaundement to warrant the vse and practise of Baptisme: the promise likewise is in the next words, Into the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy-ghost. So touching the other Sacrament of his sup­per, when he saith, Math. 26. 26 27. Take ye, eate ye, drinke ye, do this in remem­brance of me, Ioe there is the commaundement, cōmaunding the continual vse therof vntil the second comming of christ. the promise is, this is my body which is giuē for you, this is my blood of the new Testament shed for you & for many for remission of sins. Whatsoeuer signs of holy things god gaue to strengthen the faith of his childrē, we may see and descern that god alwaies added the worde to the seale, the voice to the signe, and doctrine to the sight, so that when the signe was seene, the [Page 32] word was heard. When one of the Seraphims, beating an hot coale in his hand which he had taken from the alter, Esa. 6. 6. 7. touched the mouth of the prophet, he said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and thine iniquity shall be taken away, and thy sinnes shall be purged. Now, we know a coale hath not power and force to take away sinne, but the word vttered by the Angell did assure him that he should be purged by the ho­ly ghost, which was signified by, the [...]. Againe, when Christ gaue to his disciples the Holy-ghost, he breathed on them and said, Ioh. 20. 22. Receiue the Holy-ghost. The corporal blast and breathing was not the Holy-ghost, but he added his word and promise with the outward signe, to assure them that with the breathing, he bestowed a blessing. Thus wee see, that the Sacramentes haue the word alwaies ioyned with them: and without the word, whereby their institu­tion and vse is declared, they are as a dead body without life, as a dumbe shew without voice, as an empty cloud without water, and as a barren tree without fruit.

Let vs apply this doctrine to our selues, First it teach­eth, Vse. 1. that they partake not the Sacraments aright, that haue not the knowledge of the word, that are ignorant both of the ordinance and institution of God, and of the promise annexed to the institution of god: of which sort there are many in the world, that neuer labour to know what he hath appointed and commaunded them to do. If they do as o­thers of the church do, therein they rest and seeke no fur­ther to be able to warrant their owne worke. If they heare the word spoken, if they see the body washed, the bread broken and the wine poured out and receiue the outward signes, they regatd no more, they go no higher, they ima­gine they haue done enough Vnderstan­ding of the institution, required of al they neuer desire to vnder­stand the meaning of the words which are necessary to be knowne, comfortable to be vnderstood, and profitable to be marked. If a man haue goods befallen, or legacies be­queathed vnto him by any wil or Testament, wil he not re­sort to his learned counsel, to be careful to vnderstand the Testament, and know the meaning of the Testator? Christ [Page 33] Iesus before his death made his wil, he hath made his chil­dren heires of his promise, he promiseth to them forgiue­nesse of sinnes in this life, and eternall life in the world to come. Doth it not now behooue euery faithfull Christian to search into it, and know what is promised and bequea­thed vnto him? Men of this world for the most part make their eldest and first borne heire of all, and leaue little to the other: but a great comfort to all gods childrē, whether rich or poore. euery child of God is as the eldest and as the Exod. 4. 22. first borne most deare to him, he shal receiue his dou­ble portion, the second shal haue no lesse then the first, nor the third lesse then the second, nor the younger then the elder, the first shallbe as the last, and the last as the first, for he may do with his owne as he list. Againe, if a man doe leaue all his sonnes heyres and rich inheritors, for the most part lesse is [...] on the daughters: but all the childrē of God, both his sonnes and daughters Rom. 8. 17. Gal. 4. 7. shalbe heyres, e­uen the Heires of God, and heyres annexed with Christ Iesus, their share shalbe as great as the portion of sonnes. Moreouer, when a man hath passed all the daies of his life in carke and care, what can he giue to his pofterity but earthly riches, & transitory possession, a fading inheritance, leauing them in­heritours as well of his sorrow as of his substance? It is not so with the children of God. Christ by his last wil and Testa­ment hath promised to make his people sound in faith, rich in hope, blessed in the pardon of their sinnes, and heires of the kingdome which hee hath promised to them that loue him. This is a great and vnspeakable comfort to al Gods children, whether high or low, whether rich or poore. So then we ought to be much more careful and earnest to know throughly and vnderstand perfectly the will of Christ, then any naturall child is to search the meaning of the will of his naturall father. And if men were not wholly carnall, they would be thus farre fpiritually minded.

Againe, is the word an outward part of the Sacrament? Vse. 2. Then the Sacraments must neuer be separated and set a part from the word. They are not dombe shewes and idle signes, but haue alwaies the doctrine of God adioyning vnto them, [Page 34] to shew the end, vse, & profit of them, and the purpose of God in them. This appeareth in all places, wher God gaue signes to confirme and assure the truth of his promises. When he gaue in mercy to Noah and all his posterity the Gen. 9. 11. Rain-bow imediately after the flood as a signe of his co­uenant, he addeth his word vnto the signe, My couenant will I establish with you, that from hencefoorth all flesh shall not bee rooted out by the waters of the flood, neither shall there be a floode to destroy the earth any more. This is it the Apostle Heb. 13. 4 meaneth, 1. cor. 11. Ye shew the Lords death till he come. Where he tea­cheth, that the Lordes Supper cannot be truely deliuered and rightly administred, vnlesse there be a declaration & shewing forth of the death of christ. Wherefore it is no sa­crament, except the word and doctrine be ioyned vnto it, by way of explication and exposition of the outward signe.

Lastly, those Sacraments are proued heereby to bee no Vse. 3. Sacraments, which are foisted and brought in without the warrant of the word. For take away the word, and what is the outward Element but a bare signe? What is the wa­ter in baptisme but common water? What is the bread in the Lords Supper but common bred? What is the wine but common wine, such as men vse, and all men may take at their ordinary tables? Seeing therfore such signs & Sacraments as haue not Gods commandement for their institu­tion: nor promise of grace and saluation annexed vnto the vsing of them, are voide and nothing worth: heerby the imagined & deuised Sacraments of the church of Rome are condemned, which deliuereth that it hath not receiued of the Lord, and imposeth that to be beleeued which it neuer learned in the word. Heereby the last anoyling or extream vnction is excluded, wanting the word to warrant the con­tinuall practise of it. Also their confirmation hath neither word to institut the practise, nor elemēt to assure any grace, nor promise to approue any vse. True it is, they haue words to administer it, but they are words of men, not of God; vnwriten, not written: of tradition, not of scripture. The like might be saide of mariage, though we confesse [Page 35] and acknowledge it to be an holy ordinance and Heb. 13. 4 ho­nourable institution of God, yet was it made no Sacra­ment, hauing no word of institution, no promise of sancti­fication and saluation annexed vnto all the faithfull vsers thereof: neither is it an instrument, whereby God apply­eth Christ and his sauing benefits to the comfort and con­solation of his children. Wherefore to conclude this point, we affirme, that neither the sonnes of Romulus at Rome, nor of Remus at Rhemes shall euer be able to shew and proue, that they are to be acknowledged and receiued as Sacraments of the church, which haue no warrant of the word to commaund them, nor promise annexed to assure the sauing graces of Christ to the worthy receiuers. But such are their fiue pretended Sacraments of confirmation, penance, orders, matrimony, and extreame vnction, wan­ting either the word, or promise, or both: and therefor we cannot receiue, we cannot acknowledge, we cannot be­leeue them. Thus much of the second outward parte, namely, the word of institution.

Chap. 6. Of the third outward part of a sacrament.

THe third outward part of a Sacrament is the The signe is an outward part of the Sacrament. element or outwarde signe. For whersoeuer there is a Sacrament, there must of necessity bee a signe, such as water is in Baptisme, and bread and Wine in the Lordes Supper, not of their owne nature, but by the ordinance of God, which are sanctified by the especiall worde and praier. Therefore, Iohn the baptist baptized with water: and Christ when he instituted his last Supper, tooke bread and brake it, and gaue it to his Disciples: Likewise hee tooke the [Page 36] cup, wherein was the fruit of the Vine, as appeareth when he Mar. 14. 25. said, I will drinke no more of the fruit of the Vine, vntill that day that I drinke it newe in the kingdome of God.

Seeing then it is cleare, there must in euery Sacrament be a visible sign that may be seen & handled, let vs see how Vse. 1. we may profitably apply this to our instruction. First, see­ing the signes and Sacramentall rites are outwarde partes: we must take heede wee ascribe not too much to the out­ward signe, and so commit idolatry We must not make the signe an Idol. to the creature. For the Water in Baptisme hath not power in it selfe and force to wash away sin, but by the ordinance of God it is made a signe and seale of regeneration. Euen as the Water of Iordan where Iohn baptized, was no better then the waters of other places and countries, neither had any strengthe and vertue to clense the Lepers that washed in it: yet by the bleising of God, Naaman the Syrian 2. King. 5. 12. 14. washing himselfe 7. times therein, according to the direction of the Prophet, was clensed and healed of his leprocie: so the water vsed in the Sacrament of Baptisme, is in nature and substance the same with ordinary and common Water, neither hath it vig our and vertue to clense the soule, yet by the instituti­on of God it is appointed to seale vp the asturance of re­mission of sinnes.

Not with standing, this confidence in the outward signe, which in it selfe is as nothing, hath since the fall of man rested and remained in his corrupt nature, flattering him­selfe and deceiuing his owne soule. This fond and salse o­pinion was in Adam immediately after his transgression, hee did attribute too much to the tree of life (which hadde in it selfe no more life then the rest of the trees in the gar­den) and therefore God would thrust him out of the gar­den, Gen. 3. 22. least he should beguile himselfe with that conceite and immagination.

Thus did the Israelites trust too much in the Arke, a signe of Gods comfortable presence and protection, attributing saluation thereunto, sayeinge, y. Sam. 4. 3. It maye saue vs out of the handes of our Enemyes, therefore [Page 37] God ouerthrew them, and gaue them into the hands of the Philistims.

Againe, we are taught heereby, that the Sacraments that Vse. 2. haue no signe, no seale, no element to signisie, to strengthen, and to seale vp the promises of saluation. For as we shewed before, that euery Sacrament must haue gods word to war­rant it: so must it haue an outward signe to approue the re­ceiuing of it, and to signifie the spirituall grace offered by it. Herby we learn what to hold of transubstantiation, a doctrin teching that the bread and wine is turned into the very body & blood of Christ, namely, that it is a very fable to mock fooles withal. For Transub­stantiation ouerthrown. whatsoeuer ouerthroweth the nature and vse of a sacrament, is not to be admitted but omitted, neither to be receiued but reiected. But transubstantiation ouer­throweth and ouerturneth both the nature and vse of a sacra­ment: and therefore not to be admitted and receiued into the Church. For touching the nature of a Sacrament it is confessed, Iren. lib. 4. contr. haer. c. 34. that it consisteth of two parts, the one earthly and the other heauenly: but if after the words of consecra­tion, the bread and wine are transubstantiated into the body and blood of Christ, then the signe is taken away, the ele­ment is ouerthrowne, the materiall part is abolished, and consequently the nature of a Sacrament is ouertur­ned. And touching the vse of a Sacrament, there must be an analogy and propoition betweene the signe and the thing signified. As in Baptisme, the element of water washeth and purgeth the body, so the Holy-ghost through the blood of Christ clenseth and sanctifieth the soule. Like wise in the Lords Supper, as the substance of bread & wine receiued, strengthneth and comforteth the body: so Christ Ioh. 6. 33. receiued by faith norisheth & feedeth the soule. The very true principall vse of this sacrament is to cōfirme our faith, that as surely as those earthly creatures taken and aplyed, feed our bodies to a bodily life: so the body and blood of Christ receiued and applyed by saith, feede our souls to eternal life. And do not al the faithful seel a swect comfort, so often as they come to the Lords table by this similitude and agreement, to cōsider and know assuredly, [Page 38] that as the substance of bread serueth to nourish and doth feed our bodies, so Christ doth feede our soules? But if we must beleeue, that the substance of bread and Wine is changed and cleane gone, that nothing remaineth but accidents: where is this comfort and consolation? How can we be assured and strengthned, that as our bodies are nourished with the materiall elements, so in like manner our soules by feeding on Christ? Wherefore, while they take away the substance of bread which should nourish the body, the nature and vse of the Sacrament is destroy­ed, and we are spoyled of the comfort of our hearts and strengthning of our faith, which we should haue by this notable comparison and resemblance of the partes. So then, if wee woulde receiue comfort in comming to this Communion, we must retaine the substance of the sign, as a staffe to stay vp our faith that it do no faile. And thus much of the third outward part, to wit, the signe.

Chap. 7. Of the outward part of a sacrament.

THe last outward part of a sacrament is the The recei­uer is an out­ward part of the sacra­ment. re­ceiuer, which is as needfull as the outward sign. We vnderstand and take heere a receiuer in ge­nerall, for euery one that commeth to the Sacra­ment, whether good or eu [...]ll, godly or vngodly, faithfull or vnfaithfull. Such a receiuer is likewise a necessary part of the Sacrament. For no signe hath the substance and es­sence of a Sacrament, vnlesse it be receiued. Though ther be a minister to administer it, a word to warrant it, a signe to represent it, yet vnlosse there be a fit person to receiue it ther can be no Sacrament. If the minister should sprin­kle water, and alledge the words of institution wher ther is no party to be baptized, this were a prophaning, not a solemnizing of Baptisme: or if he should take bread and Wine with prayer and thanksgiuing, where none are pre­sent [Page 39] to communicate and receiue, this were to commit sacriledge, not to deliuer a Sacrament. Wherefore, vn­lesse there be a body to be washed, & except there be com­municants to partake the Supper, there can be no Sacra­ment. This appeareth by the words of God to Abraham Gen. 17. 12. giuing vnto him circumcision, saying, Euery male-child of eight daies old shall be circumcised. This also appeareth in the Math. 28. 19. words of Christ speaking of baptisme, and charging the Apostles to baptize the nations in the name of the father and of the son, & of the Holy-ghost. Where he teacheth, that it is not sufficient to take water, but there must be a washing So. when he speaketh of his supper Math. 26. 26. 27. he saith, Take ye, eate ye, drinke ye: so that there must not only be bread, but giuing, taking, and eating: there must not onely bee wine, but giuing, taking, and drinking thereof.

This truth being euidently deliuered, let vs see how it Vse. 1. may be profitably applied. First of all, must the Sacra­ments necessarily be receiued? Then it teacheth that the Sacraments without their lawfull vse are no sacraments at all: they are no signes of grace, if they be not vsed. This condemneth the keeping, reseruing, holding vp, and cary­ing about with pompe and ostentation the Lords supper, offering vp, kneeling downe vnto, and adoring a piece of bread: all which are horrible prophanations of that com­fortable Sacrament, whereby the people isrobbed and de­priued of a precious part of their peace in Christ. The bread feedeth not the body, reuiueth not the spirits, strengthneth not the heart, by looking and gazing vpon it, by touching and handling it, but by eating, digesting, and feeding vpon it: so doth the sacrament strengthen faith, not by reseruing and keeping it, but by vsing and re­ceiuing of it. For sacramentes are actions not dumbe shewes. Christ saide not, Heare ye, see ye, gaze re on, but baptize ye, eate ye, drinke ye, doe ye this in remembrance of me.

Secondly, are the receiuers an outward part of the Sa­crament? Vse. 2. Then the persons that are to receiue must know, [Page 40] that diuers duties are to bee done and performed of them. The persons then that are to receiue, must ioyne with the Minister in prayer, in quickning their faith in the couenant and promises ofGod, beholding the former works of the Minister, blessing, breaking, pouring out, and distribu­ting, ratifieng them in their harts, and lastly by receiuing and applying to themselues the visible signes. For as we haue shewed, if the words of baptisme should be rehear­sed ouer the water, and no person to be present to be baptized, it is no baptisme: so if the words of instituti­on in the supper should be spoken and repeated with­out eating, without drinking, without receiuing, it were no Sacrament. Wherefore, we must all learne to detest the Bellar. de sacram. Eu­char. lib. 4. cap. 2. absurd opinion of Bellarmine and other procters of the Romish religion, which teache that the breade and Wine being once consecrate, whither they be receiued or reserued, whither they bee distributed to be eaten and drunke, or whether they be kept in boxes and vessels of the Church, for daies, moneths, and long times, and car­ried solemnly in procession: are notwithstanding still the Sacrament of the body and bloode of Christ. Against which dotage wee spake in the former vse, and shall speake Book. 3. ch. 6 Vse. 3. more in the third booke following.

Lastly, if the receiuing be an outward part then we are not to rest in the outward participation, for so farre went Iudas in the Passeouer: so farre went Simon that sorcerer in baptisme: and so farre went 1 Cor. 10. 1. 2. 3. 5. the Israelites, as the Apostle sheweth. They were all baptized vnto Moses in the cloud and in the sea: they did all eat the same spirituall meat, and did al drink the same spirituall drinke, &c, yet with many of them was not god pleased, but they were ouerthrowne in the Wildernesse. And there­fore Iohn Baptist said to the Pharisees and Saduces, when he saw them come to his baptisme, Math. 3. 7. 8. O generation of vipers, who hath forewarned you to flee from the anger to come, bring foorthe therefore fruit worthy amendment of life.

Now our righteousnes must exceede the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharisees, if wee woulde enter into the [Page 41] kingdome of heauen. Let vs all therefore haue this profi­table meditatiō, so often as we deale with the Sacraments and come vnto them: we must looke further then to the outward sight, we must consider more then the externall signe, otherwise as we approch without preparation, so we depart without edification. And thus much of the foure outward parts of a Sacrament, to wit, the minister, the word, the signe, and the receiuer.

Chap. 8. Of consecration.

BEfore we proceede to the inward parts of a Sacra­ment, answerable to the outward by a fit proporti­tion: it shall not be amisse in this place to speake somewhat of the Consecration of a sacrament. First wee must consider what it is: for the truth being knowne, it will cast downe errour, as the light scattereth the darknesse. To consecrate then What Con­secration is. is to take a thing from the ordinary and common vse, and to appoint it to some holy vse. This therefore is Consecration, sanctification, and dedication of the outward signes, to apply them to an holy purpose. This is done, partly by the minister, part­ly by the people, and partly by them both. The minister taketh the water in Baptisme, which signifieth the blood of Christ, and he poureth it on the person of the baptized: he taketh the bread in the Lords supper, and breaketh it, he taketh the wine and poureth it out, he deliuereth them both: the people take and receiue, they eate and drinke in remembrance of Christ: and both minister and people ioynein praier and thanksgiuing vnto God the father for the mistery of our redemption accomplished by Christ our sauiour, so that the sacrament is consecrated by the whole action of the minister and people together. This maketh the difference betweene common water and the water in Baptisme: this maketh the difference betweene [Page 40] [...] [Page 41] [...] [Page 42] that bread and wine of the Supper, and the bread and wine which is vsed for ordinary meate and drinke. True it is, in nature, in essence, in substance there is none: but in the ende and vse. Common water we vse for the wash­ing of our bodies: but the water in Baptisme is sanctified by prayer to an other vse, to be a signe of the clonsing of the soule. Bread and wine at mens tables in their houses are set before them for the nourishment of their bodies: but at the Lords l'able they are ordained of God to an higher and holier vse, euen to be signes of the bodye and blood of Christ. This is noted by the Euangelistes and by the Apostle Paule, that Math. 26. 26. Mar. 14. 22. Luc. 22. 19. 1 cor. 11. 24. the Lord Iesus before he brake the bread and gaue it, he blessed and gaue thankes to his father, that he had appointed him to be the redeemer of the world, and giuen him authority to institute this Sacra­ment in remembrance of his death and passion. For wheras the Euangelist Mathew saith, he blessed: the other by way of exposition say Hegaue thanks: so that the blessing heere spoken of, is Giuing of thanks, Luc. 9, 16, which also appeareth com­pared Ioh, 6, 11. with Ioh. 6, 11. And the Apostle saith. 1, Tim. 4, Euery crea­ture of God is good, if it be receiued with thank sgiuing, for it is sancti­fied by the worde of God and prayer. We see then that Consecra­tion is, when a thing is separated from a common and ci­uil vse to a more special vse, which is done by iustin. in apoll. 2, the autho­rity of the worde, and by the vertue of prayer, whereby it hath his full force, power, and vertue.

The knowledge of this point, serueth to cleere our Vse. 1. doctrine, and to ouerthrow sundry errors of the church of Rome. First, it sheweth that we hold & teach a consecrati­on, that is, a sanctifieng of the water in Baptisme, and of the bread and wine in the Lords supper, by the word, by prayer, and by thanksgiuing. The bread & wine are chan­ged, not in nature, but in quality: not in substance, but in vse: not in essence but in the end: not by force of certaine words, but by Christs institution. We acknowledge and confesse a consecration, not a conuersion: a sanctification of the signes, not a transubstantiation of the substance into [Page 43] the body and blood of Christ. He blessed and praised his father as mediatour of the Church, for the mistery of the redemption of mankind: and hee 1 cor. 10, 16, blessed the creatures, that they might be effectual signes, and serue for the con­firmation and increase of our faith.

Secondly, we are taught, that consecration is not a ma­gical Vse. 2. charme and incantation by force of certaine wordes, as though these word, This is my body, being murmured and spoken ouer the bread, and This cup is the new testament in my bloud whispered ouer the wine, did fully finish a consecrati­on, and made the elements to be immediatly changed in­to the body and blood of Christ, without any other obser­uing of the institution. And hence it is, that the forme of Christs giuing of thanks is not set down by any Euangelist, because our corrupution and superstition is so great, that if we had the words, we would ascribe power & force to the words, sillables, and letters, and therefore the manner of his thanksgiuing is pretermitted. This inclination of the hart is apparently seene in the Romish church, who ascribe efficacy & operation to the pronouncing of certain words, which is a part of sorcery and a part of witch craft. Wheras we auouch, that the whole action of taking, breaking, pou­ring out, distributing, eating, drinking, praysing & rehear­sing the institution of Christ, are the consecration, that is, the separation of these creatures to this vse.

Thirdly, if after the Sacramentall actions, if after thanks­giuing Vse. 3. to god, if after prayer, that we may vse the creatures to the confirmation of our faith, there do follow consecra­tion, sanctification, and change of the elements to another vse: then the power, effect, and working of the Sacrament dependeth not vpon the intention of the minister, & ther­fore the concil. Trident. sess, 7, can. 11. popish opinion is to be refused and reprooued, that holdeth it to be no Sacrament, if the minister haue not an [...] faciendi quod facit Ecclesia, Bellar, de sacra lib. 1, cap, 27. intent and purpose in the ministration thereof, at least to do that which the church doth, that is, to consecrate the elements and to make a Sacrament. If his mind be not on his matters, & his hart on his busines in hand, they hold it can be no Sacrament. For otherwise saith Bellarmine. [Page 44] If a priest should read the Gospell at the table of prelates and religious men, and in reading should pronounce these words, This is my body, this is my blood, then all the bread and wine vpon the the table should be consecrate and chan­ged into Christs body and blood: which is not so, be­cause his intent is wanting. Againe, if a father should lead his sonne to the bath, and there dip him in the water, And say I wash thee in the name of the father, and though he thinke no­thing of Baptizing him, yet it should bee baptisme, if an in­tent of baptizing were not required. But I would gladly haue him answere this question: what if a father should intend Baptisme by dipping his child in the bath, whe­ther that were baptisme or not? Or suppose the priest we spake off, reading at the prelates table, should haue a mind and meaning to consecrate all the bread and wine vpon the table must [...] of necessity be a Sacrament, and reall change of all? Or admit the former priest being in the saide pre­lats wine seller, supposing himselfe to be in the Church and to stand at the alter, should pronounce there words of consecration with a purpose and intent to make a sacra­ment, should all the wine in that [...] be turned into the blood of Christ? Or if he being in a bakers shoppe should there solemnely say, This is my body with the foresaide reso­lution, should all that bread be changed into the body of Christ? Let them speake plainely, let them tel vs directly what they hold. I thinke they will not say so: I am sure it is not so. For other things are wanting, that are needefull in this matter. We haue shewed, that a Sacrament is not made by bare pronouncing of certaine wordes, ascribing force to them after the manner of enchanters, but the whole institution of Christ must be obserued, The Sacra­ment depen­deth not vp­on the inten­tion of the minister. there must be distributing and receiuing, there must be praier and thankesgiuing, and from the vse of these followeth Conse­cration: all which are wanting in the former examples & suppositions, there is no taking, no breaking, no distribu­ting, no pouring out, no receiuing, no praying, no thanks­giuing. We see touching the word of God, with what [Page 45] intent and vnder what pretence soeuer Phil 1. 18. Math 23. 2. 3. it be preached, if the minister teach Christ crucified, howsoeuer he be af­fected, it may haue his effect in the heart, and worke saith in [...] hearer: so is it in the Sacramentes, they haue their efficacy and operation howsoeuer the hart of the minister be disposed. And as Isaac intended not to blesse Iacob but Esau, Gen. 27. 1. 4. 33. yet it hindered not the purpose and determination of God: so the corrupt intent, the wandering imaginati­on, and rouing conceite of the minister, cannot hinder the blessing of god in the sacramēts, being his own ordinaces. For the force of the Sacrament dependeth no more vpon the intention of the giuer, then it doth vpon the intention of the receiuer. Againe, if the right receiuing of the Sa­crament depend vpon the intent of the minister: what assurance can any man haue, that hee hath euer receiued or shall euer receiue a Sacrament? What perswasion can we haue in our hearts that we euer were baptized? What knowledge that we were euer partakers of the body and blood of Christ in the supper of the Lord? Doth not this leaue vs vncertaine and vnsetled, without comfort, without fruite, without benefit by comming to the sacra­ments, and setteth the poore distressed consciences of men vpon the rack? Alas, we cannot kno 1 cor. 2. 11. the hart and vnder­stand the intentes thereof, For what man knoweth the thinges of a man, saue the spirit of man which is within him? Furthermor, were not this harde dealing and extream cruelty in God, to hang the saluation of men vpon the pleasure of the mi­nister, whereby our faith and saluation shall alwaies be doubtfull? and should it not be vniust in God, to make the euill of the minister to hurt the receiuer? To draw to an end of this question, Bellar. lib. 1. de sacra. c. 28. the aduersaries themselues con­fesse, that the church cannot iudge of thinges that are in­ward: whereupon we fiame this reason, If the church can­not iudge of things inward, then it cannot iudge of the in­tent of the minister: but they confesse it cannot iudge of inward things, therefore not of the intent of the minister, and consequently although they be present at the action, [Page 46] they remained doubtful of consecration. Wherefore, Bel­larmine foreseeing the inconuenience and absurdity of this vnreasonable and vncomfortable assertion, confesseth that if one of their masse-priests in his ministration, Bellar, lib. 1, de sacra, c. 27, intend to do as the church of Geneua doth, it suffic eth to make a Sa­crament effectuall and of sorce. This is the confession of a knowne and sworne enemy: Whereby we see, that how­soeuer they say we haue no ministers, no ordination, no consecration, no church, that our sacraments are no better then the feasts of Ceres and Bacchus, and lay many false ac­cusations to our charge, that the Supper of the Lord with vs is no Sacrament, but a bare signe without grace, with­out effect, without vertue: yet they are constrained to con­fesse and yeald thus farre, that if a Masse-munger purpose to do as the reformed churches do, his doing is effectuall, and the Sacrament is good. The effect of this point is this, that if we desire to be comforted and assured of Gods fauour when we come to his supper, wee must not hang the profit of his ordinances vpon the weake and vnstable foundation of Popish intentions. Thus See more Book. 3. c. 7. much of conse­cration.

CHAP. 9. Of the first inward part of a Sacrament.

THe outward parts of a Sacrament haue hi­therto beene declared, by a diligent per­fourmance whereof consecration is per­formed: now the inward parts follow to bee considered, and handled of vs, in which the very soule and life of the Sacra­ments consisteth. For the outward partes profit nothing without these, as the word profiteth nothing, except the inward and true husbandman giue the increase according [Page 47] to the Apostles words, 1 Cor. 3. 7, He that planteth and he that watereth is nothing; but God that giueth the increase: so the force of the Sacramentes is to be looked for, from the creator that did institute them. Peter saith, 1. Pet. 3. 21. Baptisme doth saue vs, but he addeth, not Whereby the filth of the flesh is washed away, but in that a good conscience maketh request to God. So the Apostle Paule teacheth, that 1 Tim. 4. 8. Bodily exercise profiteth little, but Godlinesse is profitable to all thinges: so the outward signes profiteth little, but the inward parts being applyed and re­ceiued, are profitable to all things.

Behold the creatures which God vseth, as instruments of his mercy toward vs, the Sunne, the Moone, the Starres, fire, water, herbes, and such like: wee ought not to put any confidence in them, nor admire them as first and chiefe causes of any benefits. So our trust ought not to be in the outward signes though ordained of God as holy helps vnto vs (which were to conucie his glory to them) but our faith must be lifted vp to God being the author of the Sacramentes, and the creator of all thinges. The inward parts of a Sacrament are such inuisible and heauen­ly thinges as are signified vnder the earthly and outward parts. We heard before, the outward partes of a Sacra­ment to be these, the minister, the word, the signe, and the receiuer: so the inward are What are the inward & inuisible parts of a Sa­crament. foure in number, answe­rable to the outward, to wit, 1. God the father second the spirit. 3. Christ. 4. the faithfull. Now there is a notable proportion and worthy agreement betweene the outward and the inwarrd partes, The proportion between the parts. these resembling each other, as one face answeareth another in the waters. For euen as the minister by the word, offereth and applyeth visibly the outward element and signe to the body of the receiuer: So GOD the father, by the spirit, offereth and applyeth IE­SVS CHRIST inuisibly to the faithfull receiuer. This is the resemblance and likenesse betweene the externall and internal parts: whereby we see, that God the father is represented by the Minister: the spirit, by the word: christ, by the outward element: and the faithful receiuer by the [Page 48] outward receiuing. The first inward part is god the The first in­ward part of a sacrament is god the fa­ther. father, osfering and applying Christ and his sauing graces to the faithfull. The minister offereth and deliuereth the outward signes to the receiuers, and can go no further: herein he re­presenteth God the father, who offereth Christ to all, albeit the reprobate receiue him not. He doth not dally and deale falsly with vs, but truely offereth in the sacramentes Christ with all his giftes and benefits, if we haue handes to receiue him, he is giuen to vs.

The vse of this doctrin is, first of al to distinguish between Vse. 1. God and the minister: the outward signes are giuen by the hands of the Minister, whether he be good or euill, but the truth and substance of the sacraments is giuen by God the father. Whosoeuer confoundeth these partes and workes, robbeth God of his glory, depriueth himselfe of the grace of Christ offered, and maketh flesh his arme. Wherefore, as the workes of God and of the Minister are distinct, so must these parts remaine distinguished, howsoeuer to the faith­full they are not separated and sundred, as in the publishing and preaching of the gospel, the Minister speaketh vnto the outward man, and the sound thereof entreth into the care, act. 16. 14. but it is God that openeth the hart and speaketh to the con­science of the faithfull hearer.

Secondly, it serueth to strengthen our faith and help our weakenes when we come to the sacrament. So often as we Vse. 2. see the ministers of God appointed by him, deliuering the signes and setting them a part to their ends for which they were ordaind: we must behold with the eye of faith, god the father offering his sonne to those that can receiue him. For if wee come aright, we may assure our owne heartes, that what the Minister doth outwardly, the same the sather per­formeth inwardely, then which there cannot be a greater comfort. Let vs therefore behold with our eyes, the Sacra­mentall rites: let vs heare the promises that God maketh vnto vs: God the father wil verifie them, who hath Iohn. 6. 32. sealed vp his sonne vnto vs. My father giueth you that bread from [...]. He will as surely giue Christ, as the minister deliuereth [Page 49] the bread and wine. Albeit the sacraments should be mini­stred by some hypocrite and wicked man: yet they haue as much force and as a great efficacy, as if they were ministred by faithfull and godly men. The vertue of the sacramentes hangeth vpon the minister no more, then the goodnesse of seed dependeth vppon the sower: which if it light in good ground, will bring forth plentifull fruit, [...] it be [...] of an vngodly and vnskilfull man.

Chap. 10. Of the second inward part of a Sacra­ment.

HItherto of the first in ward part: The second part of a Sa­ment is the holy [...]. the second part of a sacrament is the holy spirit, as Math. 3. Hee shall baptize you Math 3. 11. with the holy ghest and fire. So in Christes Baptisme, when he was baptized and prayed, the Luc. 3. 22. holy-ghost discended in a visible shape like a Doue vppon him. And By 1. Cor. 12 13 one spirit we are al baptizd into one body, whether we be Iewes or greacians, whether we bee bond or free, and haue bene all made to drinke into one spirit And the Apostle layeth down the circumcision of the hart by the spirit: He is a Iew which is one within, and the circumcision is of the heart in the spirit. So the same A postle Tit. 3. 5. 6, According to the mer­cy of God he saued vs by the washing of the new birth, and the renew­ing Tit. 3 5. [...] of the Holy-ghost which he shed on vs aboundantly through Iesus Christ our sauiour. Nothing can be fruitfull and profi­table without his gratious worke in vs, he worketh and setteth the word of promise in our hearts, and therefore we must necessarily hold the blessed spirit to an inward part of the Sacrament.

Now let vs proceed to the vses of this point, being the second inward part. Is the spirit of God the sealer vp of the Vse. 7. 1 [Page 50] promises after that we beleeue according to the doctrine of the Apostle. After that ye beleeued, Eph. 1. 13. ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise? then as often as we heare the promise vttered by the Minister, it confirmeth vs that the father by his spirit woorketh the same in our harts. The Water in baptisme, cannot by any force and vertue inherent in it, wash our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God, as it hath power to wash away the filth and corrup­tion of our bodies. The bread and wine in the Lords sup­per haue no inherent strength to nourish the soule to eter­nall life, as they haue to strengthen the body: they are in­struments of the Holy-ghost, who worketh by them to the great comfort of the faithfull. Grace is not contained and shut vp in them, as water in a vessell, or as a medicine in a boxe: the spirit helpeth our infirmities, sealing vppe to our consciences the fruite of the word that is heard and of the Sacrament all signes that are seene.

Againe, is the spirit of God an inward part of the Sa­cramentes? Vse 2 then we must learne and remember, that wee can neuer heare the worde or receiue the sacraments with fruite and comfort, without the speciall assistance and in­ward operation of the spirit of God. Therefore the Pro­phet ioyneth the spirit & word together. I will make this my couenant with thee (saith the Lord) Esa. 59 21. my spirit that is vpon thee, and my words which I haue put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of the seed of thy seed from henceforth and for euer.

A man indeed hath power to heare the word and to re­ceiue the sacramentes, his will is free in these outwarde workes: but he hath no power or strength to do them with profitte and comfott, except it be giuen him from aboue. Though we heare neuer somuch, though wee communi­cate neuer so osten, the spirit must open our hearts, as he opened the hart of Lydia. So 1 Ioh. 2. that [...] h which ye receiued of him dwelleth in you, and ye neede not that any man [...]. Ioh. 2. 27. teach you, but as that same annointing teacheth you of all thinges, [Page 51] and it is true and is not lying. Likewise Act 10. Peter prea­ched the Gospell to Cornelius and his houshold, and while he yet spake to them, The act. 10. 44. Holy-ghost fell on them all which heard the word. So also the Apost. being sent out with their commission, and commanded to preach the Gospell to e­uery Mar. 16. 20. creature, it is noted that they went forth, and prea­ched euery where, and the Lord wrought with them, and confirmed the worde with signes that followed. And Ioh. 14. The Ioh. 14. 26. comforter, which is the Holy-ghost, whom the father wil send in my name, he shal teach you all thinges and bring all thinges to your remembrance which I haue told you. Pharaoh often heard Moses and Aaron, but he harkened not, but hardned his heart, because there was no inward touching or teaching of the spirit.

The Israelites had hearde and seene the wonderfull things of God, yet they profited not in faith, in repentance, in re­generation: and the reason is rendered, [...]. 29. Yee haue seene all Deut. 29. 2. 3. 4. that the Lord did before your eies in the Lands of Egypt vnto Pharoah and vnto all his seruants and vnto al his Land, the great tentations which thine cies haue seene, those great mycacles and wonders: yet the Lord hath not giuen you an hart to perceiue, and eyes to see, and eares to heare vnto this day. When we come to heare the word, which is a word of power, of life, and of saluation, when wee come to receiue the sacramentes, which are signes of Gods graces, and seales of his promi­ses, we see many returne as ignorant, peruers, corrupt, fro­ward, rebellious, hard-harted, and disobedient as they came to these ordinances of God: and whence commeth this? How falleth it out? And what may be the reason heereof? Surely it is not in him that Luc. 13. 24. Rom. 9. 16. willeth, nor in him that runneth, but in God that sheweth mercy, who giueth eies to see, eares to heare, and heart to vnder­stand, to whom he thinketh good in heauenly pleasure. Wherefore our duty is, seeing the naturall man perceiueth not the things that are of the spirit of God, to pray vnto [Page 52] him to giue vs wisedome to see our corruptions, blindnes, ignorance, and hardnesse of hart.

Thirdly, doth the spirit worke in vs by the word? Are Vse. 3. the word and spirit ioyned together? And doth he teach vs by means of the word and Sacra. then we must not sepa­rate the spirit from the worde and Sacraments, as the Ana­baptistes do, Against ana baptists de­pending on reuelations. which depend vpon reuelations, and inward inspirations, vpon priuate motions and diuine illuminati­ons without the word. They will not be taught by the word, they will not be strengthned by the Sacramentes: but take away the vse of both, following their owne foolish fansies and deuilish dreames. They boast of the spirit of God, and are led by the spirit of the deuill. Wee must for our direction and practise learne, that as to rest vpon the spirit without the word is phantasticall and heri­ticall, and the mother of all errors: so the word and sacra­ments without the spirit are no [...] then a dead carcasse without life, an empty sound without substance, a naked shew without truth, an empty casket without the [...] and there sore we must knit them together, and assure our selues that the spirite speaketh euidently in the scrip­tures, the spirit worketh effectually by the Sacramentes, and the spirit helpeth our [...] to profit by them.

CHAP. II. Of the third inward part of a Sacrament.

THus much we haue spoken touching the holy spirit, being the 2. inward part: the [...] inward part Christ is [...] 3. inward part of a Sa­crament. is Iesus Christ cruci­fied, the very subiect & substance of all Sacraments. He was represented by [...] meision and the pascall lambe: and he is represented in Baptisme and in the Lords supper. When we receiue the outward signes, God the father of­fereth his sonne and all his graces with him, to confirme our [...] therby. The signe is but a figure and token: Christ is the truth and substance. This we shewed before, Ch. 2. in the discription of a sacrament, that therein Christ and all his sauing graces are truely offered, sealed vp, and giuen to the faithfull that [...] in his name. Heereunto com­meth the doctrine of the Apostle, where hee teacheth that the Iewish Sacramentes being in the truth of them the same with ours, did signifie 1. cor. 10. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. Christ, for They dranke of the spirituall rocke that followed them, and that rocke was Christ. So he doth teach [...], that by Baptisme we Gal. 3. 27. put on Christ, we are buried into his death, and are planted Rom. 6. 4. 5. into the si­militude of his resurrection. Wherefore, this is the vse and end of the sacraments, to lead our saith to the onely sacri­fice of Christ once offered vpon the crosse, as to the onely ground-worke and [...] of our saluation: as touching the other Sacrament, the same Apostle sheweth, that the breaking of the bread sealeth vp the 1 cor. 10. 16. communion of his body, and the pouring out the wine the communion of his blood. So then, this is an euident, plaine & manifest truth, confirmed by testimonies of the Scripture, that Christ is the matter and substance of a sacrament.

Heereby, we gather great strength of faith. If Christ be Vse. 1. offered withal his merits, then let vs lay hold vpon him and [Page 54] not let him go: let vs stretch forth the hand of faith, and re­ceiue him into our harts. Wherefore, when Satan assaulteth vs, touching our faith in christ and assiance in his promises, perswading vs we are not elected, iustified, and indued with faith, & therby seeketh to cut off our hand from aplying, or to blind our eie from looking vpon the brasen serpent, that is, Christ sitting at the right hand of his father: let vs run vnto him, let vs hunger and thirst after his righteousnes, let vs ac­knowledge him to be our wisdom, our rightiousnes, our san­ctification, and redemption, and let vs looke for our saluati­on from him and in him. What though our faith be frail and weak? What though it be as a graine of a Mustard seede, which is very little and small? What if it be but as the groth & strength of a child, which is ready to fal except he be stai­ed vp? yet this weak, this smal, this little, this fraile, this fee­ble faith, is able and sufficient to ingraft vs into christ. A childe taking a staffe in his hand, is able to hold it, as true­ly though not as strongly as a man: so if we lay hold vpon christ by faith, though we doe it with many wantes, and much weaknes, yet it shal serue and suffice vs to saluation. For God looketh not so much to the perfection as to the truth of faith, neither so much to the measure as to the ma­ner of our beleeuing. Euen as Mar. 8. 24. the blinde man in the Gos­pell, when he beganne to perceiue the mouing of men, and saw them walking as trees, when yet hee could not dis­cerne their bodies, did as truely and certainely see them as other did, though not so cleerely, plainely, and distinct­ly: So when we haue the least sparke of faith, it will as truely assure vs of our saluation as a stronger.

The poore prisoner that [...] in a deepe and darke dun­geou, may as wel discerne the light of the Sunne at a little hole and creuisse, as he that walketh in the open ayre, so albeit wee bee compassed about with ignorance, doub­tinges, Weaknes, and manyfolde fraylties of the fleshe, yet by a dimme light and sighte of faithe, wee may cer­tainely apply vnto vs the mercies of GOD and the me­rits of Christ, as well as if we had a strong and perfect per­swasion [Page 55] of our election & saluation before the foundations of the world. Thus we see, howsoeuer the faithfull may be afflicted, yet 2. cor. 4. 8. [...] they are not distressed: though tempted, yet not ouerwhelmed: though cast down, yet they perish not, For 1. Iohn. 5. 4. this is their victory that hath ouercome this world, euen their faith, wherby they apprehend Iesus Christ, who is offered of GOD the father in the Sacramentes to all the faith­full.

Againe, if Christ be giuen vs, how should not the father with him giue vs all things else? as the Rom, 8. 31. Apostle concludeth. Vse 2 If God spared not his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all to death: how shal he not with him giue vs al things also? when we inioy him we inioy al things: if we want him it is nothing, though we abound in all things else. Wherefore, when the father gaue him for vs, it is more then if he had giuen to us heauen and earth For hauing right and interest in him, we haue possessi­on [...] of al things, his righteousnes, his sanctification, his obedi­ence, his innocency, and whatsoeuer he hath is made ours. He that hath Christ who is the Lord of al, cannot doubt but he is made partaker of that which is his. He that hath Christ who is heir Heb. 1. 2. of all things, may assure himselfe to be made fellow heire with him.

This is it the 1 Cor. 21. 22. 23. Apostle saith. Let no man reioyce in men: for al things are yours, whether it be Paule or Apollos, or Cephas, or the the world, or life, or death, whether they be things present, or things to come, euen all are yours, and ye Christs, and Christ Gods. When a parcel of ground is purchased and made ours, thereby the profit and commodity thereof is made ours also: so when christ by the free donation of god the father is giuen vnto vs, his righteousnes and obedience becommeth wholy ours to­gither with him. He then that hath christ, hath all thinges: he that hath not christ, hath nothing, howsoeuer he thinke him­selfe to be something.

Chap. 12. Of the fourth inward part of a Sacrament.

THe The last in­vvard part of a sacrament is the faithful receiuer. last inwarde part of a Sacra­ment is the faithfull receiuer, desi­ring, apprehending, receiuing, hun­gring and thirsting after Christ. There is required a faithfull recei­uer, if wee woulde receiue Iesus Christ, faith must of necessity goe before, without this there is no iu­stification, without this, there is no saluation, as Rom. 14. Whatsoeuer Rom. 14. 23 Heb. 11. 6. is not of faith, is sunne. And Heb. 11. Without faith it is vnpossible to please God. Iudas executed the function of an Apostle, he was partaker of the Passeouer: yet he ceased not to remaine an Hypocrite, a de­uill, and the child of perdition, Iohn 17. 12. that the scripture might be fulfilled. Neither was he bettered or sanctified by that sa­crament, or by the vse therof Ananias and Sapphira his wife, act. 5. 4. 9. being in the number of Disciples, wer no doubt baptized of the Apostles, and had also receiued ofttimes the Lordes supper, yet they continued in their wickednes, lyinge, and hypocrisie, the sacrament did not take away their wicked­nes, nor giue them a iustifying and sauing faithe, act. 15. 9. which purifieth the hart by repentance and woorketh newe obedi­ence in the soule. The like we haue said of Simon the sor­cerer, act. 8. 23. who albeit he were baptized, yet remained in the gall of bitternes, and in the bond of iniquity. Wherefore, the Apostle teacheth, that the worde profited not, Heb. 4. 2. because it was not mingled with faith in those that heard it. If the signes be receiued without faith, they hurt: not that Gods giftes and ordinances hurt of themselues, but not being receiued aright, they hurt through our sin and default. As the worde not receiued by faith is an empty sound without force: so the sacrament is an vnprofitable and a naked shew without [Page 57] substance. Wherefore, the Sacraments in regard of the vn­beleeuers and vngodly are no Sacraments to them, because to them they are not seales of the righteousnesse of faith. True it is, they remaine Sacraments, in respect of God who offereth his owne sonne, but they lose their strength and force toward the vnfaithfull, that do abuse and contemne them, Rom. 2, [...] as the Apostle expresly teacheth, Circumcision veri­lyts profitable if thou keepe the law: but if thou be a transgressor of the law, thy circumcision is become vncircumcision, the same Apostle speaketh of such 1 Cor. 11, 20 as vsed the Lords Supper with­out true godlinesse and due preparation, saith, This is not to eate the Lords Supper, denying that to be, which was not done as it ought to be.

Wherefore, seeing the right vse of the Sacraments is, Vse. 1. when such as are truely conuerted vse them aright, we learne diuerse instructions that flow & follow from hence. First, that the reprobate (though God offer the whole Sa­crament to them) doe receiue the signes alone without the things signified: they haue the bare title without the thing, the vanishing shadow without the body, the out­ward letter without the spirit, the empty box without the oyntment, and the creature without the creator. They are washed with the element of water, but not with the grace of regeneration. They eate the bread and drink the wine: but they are not partakers of the body and blood of Christ Iesus to saluation. They eate Panem domini, non panem dominum. Au­gust, hom, in Ioh. 65, the bread of the Lord, but they eate not the bread and the Lord: because the signe, without the right and holy vse thereof, is not an auailable Sacrament to the receiuer of it. Wee see therefore the wicked partake not CHRIST, although they partake the signes of Christ, Ioh, 20, 6, 7, as they that found his clothes, but mis­sed his body.

Secondly, we see heereby, that the elect ordained to e­ternall Vse. 2. life, but not yet called and conuerted to the Lord, & to the obedience of his will, though they come often to the sacraments: yet do in like manner receiue the bare signes without the things signified, because as yet they want faith [Page 58] and repentance. What then? Do they nothing differ from the reprobates? In this they differ not for the present time from the reprobate. Not with standing, that receiuing of the Sacrament which for the time present was vnfruitfull and vnprofitable, shall after in them haue his good effect, as the corne that lieth long couered in the earth, at the length doth come vp and florish. For the Sacrament recei­ued before a mans conuersion, is afterward to the beleeuer and penitent sinner ratified, and so becommeth profitable: wherby the vse of the Sacrament, which before was vtterly voide and vnlawfull, doth then become lawfull and com­fortable, as we see in the word heard without fruit & faith by an vnbeleeuer, is made a word of saluation afterward when he is conuerted. Lastly, the elect already conuerted Vse. 3. and sanctified by the spirit of God, do to their profit, com­fort, and saluation receiue both the signe and the thing sig­nified together: yet so, as that for their vnworthy receiuing thereof (which hapneth through their manifold infirmi­ties and often relapses into sin) they are subiect to tempo­rall punishments for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus, 1 cor. 11, 30 For this cause many are licke and weak among you, and many sleeps: for if we would iudge our selues, we should not be iudged of the Lord. Where the Apostle teacheth, that God brought a iudgement vp­on his owne house, and punished this church with weake­nes, sicknesse, and death it selfe, for their vnreuerent, vn­worthy, and disordered receiuing of the Lords Supper. Al­though, many among them (no doubt) were elected, and all of them professed the Gospel of the kingdome: yet god visited their want of preparation & reuerence with diuerse diseases and great mortality, Leuit, 26, 14 15, 21 Deut, 28 15 16, 20, 21 according to the threatning annexed to the law, If ye will not obey me, nor do all these com­caundements, if ye shall dispise mine ordinances, or your soule abhor my lawes, then wil I do this vnto you, I wil appoint ouer youfearfulnes, a consumption, and the burning ague to consume the eies and to make the heart heauy. And if ye walke stubbornly against me and will not obey me, I wil then bring seauen times moe plagues vpon you, [Page 59] according to your sinnes. Wherefore, when we haue receiued grace to beleeue, and haue tasted the first-fruites of the spirit to the comfort of our soules, we must not be puffed vp in our knowledge, we must not grow secure, but stir vp the giftes of God in vs when they begin to wax faint: let vs seek to preuent his iudgments before they com, which we may do, by iudging our selus, by making inquiry into our own waies, and by searching the reines of our hartes, with purpose to condemne all ignorance, error, security, and vngodlinesse, and as it were to take punishment of our selues: then this would follow thereupon, we should not be iudged and punished of the Lord. This then is the re­medy to avoid the sin of vnworthy receiuing. A man thus visited with sicknes, weakenesse, and diuerse kinds of disea­ses, and smitten with the stroke of Gods own hand, cannot possibly be restored by any creature in heauen or earth: & yet behold the Lord hath not left vs without meanes to re­moue them and take them away, to wit, by taking away the cause, that we may remoue the effects. The cause of these punishmentes is taken away by iudging our selues. Now a man in iudging of himselfe What we are to do in iudging our selues. must performe foure things 1. he must examine himselfe of his sinnes 2. he must confesse them, and himselfe to be guilty, as the poore priso­ner that standeth at the bar. No denying of the fact, no de­fending of the fault, no hiding of the offence, no iustifieng of our person can procure our pardon: the way to haue for giuenes, is to acknowledge our own wickednes 3. he must condemn himselfe, and giue sentence against himself without partiality, 4. he must plead pardon for the remission of his sins, and neuer rest, vntil he giue him peace of con­science, and restore him to the ioyof his saluation.

Chap, 13. Of the fir st v se ofa Sacrament.

HItherto of the parts of a Sacra. both outward and in­ward: now we come to the vses therof. For vnlesse we know the vse, and vnderstand the end why they were or­dained, it shal not profit vs to know the parts. Every thing must be referred to his right vses and propper endes: so must the Sacramentes be. The endes are especially [Page 60] Three chief vses of the sa­craments, these three. First, to strengthen faith. Secondly, to seale the Couenant betweene God and vs. Thirdly, to bee a badge of our profession. Touching the first end, the Sa­craments serue for the better confirmation of our faith, as appeareth. Where the Apostle hauing set down the drow­ning of the world, and the preseruing of Noah by the Arke, he saith our baptisme Pet. 3, 21, directly answereth that tipe, which is a taking to witnesse of a good conscience, and sauing vs by the resurrection of Christ. So then, by faith confirmed in Baptisme, we haue an infallible assurance in the death of Christ of our saluation. Many indeed come to the sacra­ments, are present at Baptisme, are partakers of the Lords supper, that feele no strength of faith, no increase of Gods graces, no spiritual groth in the body of christ, so that they worke not saluation in them, but further their condemna­tion. For the sacramentes (as we haue shewed) giue not grace, but more firmely, surely, and comfortably confirme faith, they apply and seale vp Christ crucified. The sacra­ments cannot giue faith to the faithlesse, neither were they instituted to the end men should beleeue but because they do beleeue: as meat was not giuen that men should learne to eate, but that the eating might be nourished. Faith in­deede receiueth them, august. [...], dei, lib. 25, cap. 25, and then they serue to nourish it. And they confirme not faith by any inherent power inclu­ded in them, but the holy spirit applyeth Christ to vs, and frameth this comfortable conclusion in our hearts, All such as are conuerted and do rightly vse the sacraments, shal receiue Christ, and al his sauing graces: But I am con­uerted & do rightly vse the sacraments: Therfore I shal re­ceiue christ & his graces. Thus doth the cōforter comfort al those that come rightly & religiously to the Lords table.

Now, if we would enquire and search after the reasons of this first end, we should find that one cause why they con­firme faith is, because god is true in his promises, he confir­meth and maketh good that which is gone out of his mouth. All the 2. cor, 1, 20, promises of God in Christ are yea and are in him Amen, vnto the glory of God through vs. For [...] Princes seales confirme their charters, assure [Page 57] their grantes, and make certaine their pardons: so do gods sacraments witnesse to our hearts and consciences, that his words and promises are true and are established to continue for euer. For as he declareth his mercies by his word, so he sealeth and assureth them by his sacraments. Againe, this ap­peareth by the example of Abraham, who first beleeued the promise, and it was imputed to him for righteousnes being yet vncircumcised, and afterward receiued the signe of cir­cumcision as the seale of the righteousnes of faith, as the A­postle Rom, 4, 5, 10, 11, teacheth We say that faith was imputed vnto Abraham for righteousnes: How was it then imputed? when he was circumci­sed, or vncircumcised? Not when he was circumcised, but when hee was vncircumcised, &c. Where he sheweth that Abraham was iustified in vncircumcision, but yet was afterwarde circum­cised, that the gifte of righteousnes might be confirmed in him. The Act, 8, 36, Eunuche likewise beleeued before hee receiued baptisme, and therefore it sealed vp the increase of his faith and of Gods graces. And Act 2. They that gladlie receiued the wordes of Peter, act, 2, 41, & 10, 44, 47, 48 and 22, 16. were baptized. And. as Peter preached to Cornelius and others of the Gentlies, The Holy-ghost fel on them all which heard the word, and he said, Can any forbid water that these shoulde not bee baptized, which haue receiued the Holy­ghost as wel as we? So he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Wherefore, when the minister washeth with water, it representeth our buriall with Christ, into his death, and our rising again with him into newnes of life. As bread norisheth and strengthneth man: so the body of christ taken by faith, feedeth the soule. We take the bread and cup into our hands, we eat, we drink, we are refreshed: so we feed on Christ, whose flesh is meat indeed, and whose bloud is Vse. 1. drink indeed, and we are comforted. Let vs nowe come to the vses, as we haue seene the reasons. And first of all, do the sacraments serue to strengthen our faith? then let vs all ac­knowledge our failings and infirmities: Let vs labor more and more to feele the weakenes and wantes of our owne faith. True it is, if our faith were perfect and entire lacking nothing, Chrisost in Math. hom, 83. we should not neede the sacraments. We must not therefore abstaine from them for the weakenes of our [Page 62] faith, but for that cause come to God and to the Sacramēts of God, praying for strength and confirmation thereof, Mar. 9, 23, 23 as that father did, whose sonne was possessed with a dumbe spirit when Christ saide to him, If thou canst beleeue, all things are possible to him that beleeueth he answered crying with teares Lord I beleeue, help mine vnbeleese. And Luk. 17. the Apostles Luk. 17, 5 say to the Lord, Increase our faith. Vndoubtedly he that neuer doubted, neuer beleeued: For whosoeuer in truth beleeueth, feeleth sometimes doubrings and wauerings of his faith. Even as the sound body feeleth oftentimes the grudginges of a feuer and distemperature of the body, which if he had not health he could neuer finde and feele: so the faithfull soule findeth sundry doubtings, which if his faith were not sound, he covld not diseerne. For, we feele not corruption by corruption, nor sinne by finne, Luk. 11, 21, 22 be­cause when the strong man possesseth the house, all things are in peace: but we feele sinne and perceiue corruption in vs by a contrary grace of gods spirit. The lesser and smal­ler measure of grace we haue, the lesser is our feeling: and the more grace we haue the more quick we are in feeling of corruption. What is the reason, that many haue no light of sinne, no feeling of their corruption, no tentati­ons, no trembling, no terror, no feare of gods wrath, but wholly liue, lie, and dye in their lustes? Surely, because they are without grace, without gods spirit, and without his inward worke in them. But the faithfull, who are not led by the slesh but liue by the spirit, are often tempted, assailed, tormoyled, tryed, and prouoked to many euils, according to the Luk. 22, 31, 32 words of our blessed sauiour, Simon, Si­mon, behold Satan hath desired to winnow you as wheat, but I haue prayed for thee that thy faith faile not, therefore when thou art con­uerted, strengthen thy bretheren. Asa man carried vp and set vpon an high to wer or on the pinicle of a temple, and ther fast bound in chaines of Iron that he cannot fall although he would, when he looketh down, feareth, and al his ioynts tremble, because he is not acquainted and accustomed to mount vp so high in the aire, and to behold the earth so farre beneath: but when he remembreth himselfe and per­ceiueth [Page 63] himselfe fast bound and out of all danger, then he conceiueth constant hope of continuing, and casteth away all feare of falling: So when we looke down-ward vpō our selues and our owne waies, we haue doubtings, wauerings, astomshments, horrors, terrors, tremblings, and feares: but when we looke vpwards, to be hold the sweet consolation which god hath promised, Christ hath purchased, the word hath published, the Holy-ghost hath sealed, and euery be­leeuer hath tasted, wee feele our selues sure, and cease to doubt any more. For faith though assaulted with doub t­ings, may be certain. The Sunne alwaies shineth in the fir­mament, though the clouds haue couered it, and the light appeare not. The tree hath life in it, though it be not in win­ter discerned. So faith hath his assurance and perswasion, though it bee shaken with doubtings and assaulted with tentations. Wherfore, so often as we feele these doubtings and imperfections, let vs set against them the certainty of gods truth: let vs set before vs the vnchangablenes of his promises: let vs draw neere to the holy Sacraments, and therby seeke strength and increase offaith. Moreouer, was Vse. 2. this one end of the Sacramentes to strengthen faith? Then god refuseth and [...] none for weakenes of faith. For a weak [...] his a true faith, as well as a strong faith. A Le­prous hand can hold that which is offered vnto it, as wel as a sound and strong hand, albe it not so strongly: so is it with faith, though it be feeble & as a grain of mustard seed, yet if it be vnfained, it wil aply christ effectually, which weak­nes leaueth God in vs as a meanes to stir vs vp to go to the sacraments. We read that Dauid called lame 2 Sam. 9, 7, 8 [...] to his table, therby honoring the son for the fathers sake: so doth god receiue vs al deformed and defiled to his heauen­ly supper. And as Mephibosheth professed himselfe vnworthy to eat bread at the kings table, saying, What is thy seruant, that thou shouldst looke on such a dead dog as I am? So must we confes our vnworthines, and be Math, 15, 26, 27. contented with the crums of his grace, that fal from his heauenly table. And thus acknow­ledging our selues to be blind, he will restore vs: to bee poor, he wil inrich vs: to be wounded, he wil cure vs: to be captiues, he wil deliuer vs: to besick, he wil heale vs: to be [Page 60] weake, he will strengthen vs: to be lost, he will saue vs: to be hungry and thirsty, he will resresh vs: to be broken­hearted, he wil binde vs vp: to be sold vnder sinne, he wil ransome and [...] vs.

Thirdly, it reacheth vs to abhor the absurdity of Bellar­mine, a factour and at turney of the church of Rome, Bellar. de sacram. lib. 1. cap. 14. who Vse. 3. denieth that the Sactamentes are seales of the promises, or serue to [...] and confirme our faith, and to assure vs of free remission of sinnes by the death of Christ. Contrary to that we heard before, in the example of Abraham, who receiued circumcision to seale vp & assure his iustification, by faith, whose example is set forth to shew how all men are [...] before God, Rom. 4. 11. and what is the vse of the Sa­craments in all that are partakers of them. So doth Bap­tisme seale vp to vs Gods promises in Christ, and assureth the remission of sinnes, 1 Pet. 3. 21. as Peter teacheth.

Lastly, if the chiefe end of the Sacramentes, and of the ordinance of God in the institution of them, be to con­firme Vse. 4. faith, and to assure vs of regeneration, mortificati­on, sanctification, iustification, remission, and saluation: then how say so me, we cannot be assured in this life of our standing in the estate of grace, of the forgiunesse of sinnes, and of our adoption in Christ? Doth not the Rom. 8. 15. 16 holy ghost testifie vnto vs particularly the adoption of children, the re­mission of sinnes, and saluation of our soules? As Rom. 8. We haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare, but the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba father: the spirit beareth witnesse with our spirits, that we are the children of God. In these words, gods sanctifieng spirit, and our sanctified spirit, are made the two witnesses of our adoption. This we must certainly beleeue by faith. And this made the Apostle Rom. 8. 38. 39. most con­fident in the end of the same Ch. saying, I am perswaded, that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any o­ther creature, shalbe able to separate us from the loue of God which is Christ Iesus our Lord. If any obiect, we may hope well for forgiuenesse of sinnes, but we cannot beleeue the same. I [Page 61] answer, faith and hope cannot be separated, they do [...] as louing frends accompany each other, they are ne­uer sundered and diuided, so that if we may be assured of our saluation by hope, it followeth we may be certainely perswaded. True hope followeth true faith, as the effect doth the cause, and no man can truely hope, that is not truely assured. Besides, this is the property of hope, Rom. 5 4, [...] it neuer maketh any ashamed, they shall not be confounded and disappointed, they shall attaine vnto the thing hoped for, according to the doctrine of the Apostle, Experience bringeth forth hope, and hope maketh not ashamed, because the loue of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy-ghost, which is gi­uen vnto us. Hitherto of the first end of a Sacrament.

Chap. 14. Of the second vse of a Sacrament

THe second end of a Sacrament is this, The 2 vse of a Sacra­ment is to be a seale of the Couenant. It serueth to be a seale of the Couenant betweene God and vs, that he will be our God, and we will be his people, as Gen. 17. I am God Gen. 17, I, II. all susficient, walke before me, and be vpright. The Sacramentes are assured testimonies and confirmations of the fauour and goodwil of god, who is wel pleased toward vs in christ his sonne. By them as by certaine pledges giuen and re­ceiued, God of great mercy doth as it were binde him­selfe to vs, and we binde our selues to him to remaine his people & to walke in obedience before him. [...] was a seale of gods promise to Abraham, & a seale of Abra­hams faith and obedience toward God. But let vs see what what the couenant is, betweene God & man. this couenant is, what are the Articles of agreement be­tweene God and vs, and what things each part interchang­ably couenanteth and contracteth each toward other. The couenant of God in respect of himselse, hath 3. parts. He promiseth, Rom, 11, 26, Ier. 33, 8, Esa. 43, 25, first of all, forgiuenesse of our sinnes. The de­liuerer shall come out of Sion, and shal turne away the vngodlinesse [Page 66] from Iacob, and this is my couenant to them, when I shall take away their sinnes. Secondly the adoption Ier. 31, 31, 32. 33 of sonnes and accep­tation of vs to be his children, ioyned with the promise of his continuall fauor, loue, grace, and protection, as Ier. 31. 2. Cor. 6. 16. 18 Behold, the dayes come, (saith the Lord,) that I will make a newe couenant with the house of Israell and with the house of Iudah, not Zach. 8. 8. according to the couenant that I made with their fathers, when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the Land of Egipt, the which my couenant they brake, although I was an husband vnto them, saith the Lorde: but this shall be the couenaunt that I will make with the house of Israell, after those dates saith the Lord, I will put my Lawe in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Be hold, the indenture of co­uenants written by the finger of God, wherein for better assurance he hath bound himselfe to forgiue our sinnes, and promised to be our mercifull God. And to the ende there might be a paire of these indentures, interchangeably gi­uen each to other party; the Lord by the hand of the Apo­stle, hath drawne as it wer the counterpane of the former word for word, expressed as it is in the Prophet, IIeb. 4. 10 11 12. so that we haue a pair of indentures of couenants, to shew the sta­blenes of Gods counsel. The 3, part of the couenant in re­spect of god is, Reuel. 21, 4. 7. the promise of the full possession of the heauenly inheritaunce and of eternall glory after this life. God shall wipe away all teares from their eies, and there shall bee no more death, neither sorrow, neither crying, neither shall there be any more paine, for the first things are passed: he that ouercommeth, shal inherit al things: Again to him that Reuel. 27, 28. 26. 27. and ch. 3. 5. 12. 31. ouercommeth will I giue to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paraolice of God, he shall not be hurt of the second death: he shall haue power giuen him ouer the Nations, and rule them with a rod of iron: he shall be cloae­thed with white array, and I will not put his name out of the booke of life: he shalbe a pillar in the temple of God, and shall go no more out. I will grant to him to sit with me in my throne, euen as I ouercam, & sit with my father in his throne. Thus we see, how God on his part, by writinges and euidences promiseth to giue to his people remission of sins, adoption of sons, and possession of heauen, he hath couenanted by word and by oth to perform [Page 67] these things: neither is he as man that he should lie, nor as the son of man that he shold deceiue. These are great grāts, of great blessings by our great god, to the great good and comfort of his children. For what greter blessings can ther be, then being miserable sinners, to be gratiously pardond? being [...] enimies, to be freely accepted as sonnes? being bondslaues and prisoners of hel, we are made heirs of hea­uen and saluation? Againe, the couenant on our part requi­reth 3. conditions. First, faith to God, Ioh. 3. 16. & 14. 1. to beleeue his promi­ses. God so loued the worlde, that hee hath giuen his onely begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish, hut haue e­uerlastiug Rom. 10. 9. 10. 11 life. Again let not your hart bee troubled, ye beleeue in God, beleeue also in me. And with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes, and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation: for the scripture saith, whosoeuer beleeueth in him, shall not be ashamed. Secondly, god requireth of vs loue towarde our brethren: for seeing he hath shewed so great loue toward vs, 1. Ioh 4, 7, 9 10, 11 he ex­acteth loue of us again, as Io. exhorteth, Beloued, let vs loue one another, for loue commeth of God, and euery one that loueth is borne of God, and knoweth God: heerein was the loue of God made in unfest among vs, because God sent his onely begotten son into this world, that we might liue through him: beloued, if God so loued vs, we ought also to loue one another. Thirdly, he requireth as a ne­cessary couenant to be kept on our part, holines and true o­bedience throughout the whole course Iosh. 24, 24, 25 of our life and con­uersation. This is repeated and vrged in many places of the word of God, when they said they would serue the L. their God and obey his voice, Ioshua made a couenant with them 2 King. 23, . 3 the same day, ioyning God and the people togither. So also 2 Chro, 15, 12 13 [...] stood by the pillar and made a couenant before the L. Luk, 1 74, 75. that they shold walk after the L. and keep his commandements and his testimonies and his statutes, withal their hart & withal their soul. Likewse, to the same purpose we read, 2, Chron. 15. They made [...] to seek the L. God of their fathers: and whosoeuer wil not seek the L, God of Israel, shalbe [...], whether he be sinal or great, man or woman. Thus we see the conditions of the coue­naunt, both what hee promiseth to doe, and what hee looketh for at our hands. Hee requireth of vs faith, loue, [Page 64] and obedience to become his people, if we will haue him to be our God. All these three parts of the couenant, 11. roh. 3. 23. 24. are menti­ioned and expressed, This is his commandement, that we heleeue its the name of his sonne Iesus Christ, and loue one another as he gaue commaundement: for he that keepeth his commaundements, [...] in him, and he in him: and hcereby we know that he adideth in vs, euen by the spirit that he hath giuen vs.

The vses of the seconde end of a Sacrament are, first to Vse. 1. beholde the exceeding loue of god to ward his people vn­worthy of his fauour. Can there be a greater loue then this? Certainely such as know the great rigour of the Law, the in­finit Iustice of God, and the heauy burthen of sin: and feele god to arraigne them, the law to endite them, their consci­ences to accuse them, and their hearts to condemne them, do finde nothing sweeter then to be eased of that burden, to be acquitted of that iudge, and to be freed from that con­demnation. For of all burdens sinne is the heauiest, of all afslictions it is the greatest: of all paines it is the sharpest, and often presseth downe to the gates of hell. Wherefore, such as feele gods mercy in their misery, Psal, 32, 1, 2. May cry out with the Prophet in the reioysing of their spirit, Blessed is he, whose wicked­nes is lightned, and u hose sinne is couered, Blessed is the man, vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitse.

Againe, let euery one be carefull to keepe the former conditions of the Couenant, which are, to loue him a­gaine, Vse. 2. and our brethren for his sake, Luc, 1, 74, 75 and to walke in ho­lines and righ eousnes before him all the daies of our life. Our sauiour Christ directing our loue to our brethren, and teaching that the ftreames there of shoulde slow vnto our enemies, she weth that if we loue them which loue vs, Math, 5, 44, 46, 57. the Publicans doe the same: and if we be friendly to our brethren onely, this is no singular thing.

Behold 1. 10h. 3. 1 what loue the father hath giuen vnto vs, that we should be called the sonnes of god: he loued us grati­ously and free'y: he loued vs when we were enemics nvto him, and spared not his owne sonne but gaue him to death for vs all: doe not these thinges deserue loue againe? are [Page 69] we not bound to shew duty for these mercies, and loue to our brethren for this loue of our God? and yet many re­gard, neither these blessings of god, neither to walke in vp­rightnes of hart before him.

Chap. 15. Of the third vse of a Sacrament.

THus much of the second vse: the third vse of the Sacraments, The thirde vse of a sacra­ment is to be a marke and badge of our profession. is to be badges and markes of our Christian profession, that therby one of vs should acknowledge an other to be of one houshold and of one fa­mily, of one society and as it were birds of one feather. For heereby we doe manifest whose we are, whom weserue, to what house we belong, and to what people and church: we are thereby gathered into one religion, and distinguished from other sects: August cont Faust, lib. 19. cap. 11. we are gathered into one church, and knit together in one, as Eph. 2. Remember that ye being in times past Gentiles in the flesh, Eph. 2. 11. 12. 14. and called vncir­cumcision of them which are caled circumcision in the flesh made with hands, ye were at that time without Christ, without God, without hope, but now in Christ Iesus ye which once were farre off, are made neare by the blood of Christ. The Iewes by circumcision were distinguished from other people, 1. Sam. 19. 36. and the name of vncir­cumcifed was reprochfull, they were accounted vncleane & vnholy persons, for the vncircum cised males wer to be Gen. 17. 14. cut off from the number of the people of god. So by baptisme we are seperated from all other religions, and are consecra­ted only to christian religion: and such as continue vnbapti sed with contempt of that sacrament, we take them not for our brethren, nor for the people of god, nor for members of his church, because they refuse to take the sacrament of bap­tisme, as the badge and cognizance by which they shoulde be known: such as are Athiests, Infidels, Sarazens, Turkes, Persians, Moores, Iewes, and other nations that want this mark to be discerned to belong to the family of christ. Christ [Page 70] Iesus sending out his Apostles bad them teach and baptize the Gentiles, Math. 28. 19 Mar. 16. 16. Act. 2. 39 41. 42. to whom he directed them: therefore where the word and Sacraments are, there is a church and congre­gation of the people of god. And he that beleeueth and is bap­tized shallbe saued. And hereunto commeth that saying When the Apostles had exhorted the people to amend their liues, and to saue themselues from that froward generation, Then they that gladly receiued the word were baptized: and they continu­ed in the Apostles doctrin, and fellowship, and breaking of bread, and prayers, and the same day there was added to the Church three thou sand soules. Thus we see that by the sacraments as by certaine bandes and chains, God knitteth and bindeth his people to himselfe, and keepeth them in his couenant, least they shold fall away to infidelity. And the people are warned, that by these outward signes they differ from the barbarous and vn­beleeuing gentiles, and consequently should indeuour and prouide that they likewise differ from them in those thinges that are signified by those signes.

This osfereth to our considerations very good vses. First, Vse. 1. heereby we are put in mind of our dignity and excellencie. Such is our priuiledge and prerogatiue, that we do bear the badges of christ our Lord. How do men in this world desire to weare the cloath and shroud themselues vnder the bad­ges of great persons of countenance to protect them? how much greater preferment is it to be the seruants of Christ, to be gathered vnder his wings, and to be his disciples, whose seruice is perfect 1. Cor. 7. 22, Ioh. 8. 36. freedome and protection from all euils? and whose badges are instrumentes of his sauing graces? If this be the glory of the faithfull, let vs seeke to maintain our dignity and freedom, Ioh. 3, 1. 2. Ioh. 1. 12, 13 according as Iohn teacheth, Beholde what loue the father hath giuen to vs, that we shoulde be called the sonnes of god, for this cause the world knoweth you not, because it knoweth not him. And againe in his gospell, As manie as re­ceiued Christ, to them he gaue prerogatiue to be sonnes of God, euen to them that beleeue in his name, which are borne not of blood, nor of the flesh, nor of the wil of man, but of god. Whereas on the other side, the estate and condition of vngodly men is base, vile, [Page 71] miserable, and contemptible, they liue to themselues and to sinne, they die to iudgement and condemnation. What can be more fearfull? what can be more wretched?

Secondly, if we weare the cloath and badge of Christ, then Vse. 2. we must be bold in the faith, and holde out our profession notwithstanding dangers and fear of death. For we serue one that is able to beare vs out. We see how men belonging to those that are of high place, are many times imboldned ther by in lewd practises: How much more ought we that haue learned christ, to be incoraged in the faith, and not to shrink back for fear of offence? This was the commendation of the church of Reu. 2, 13, Pergamus. I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, euen where Satans throne is and thou keepest my name, and hast not denied my faith, euen in those daies, when Antipas my faithful mar­tir was slaine among you, where Satan dwelleth. So Christ our saui­our Math 10. 32, 33. taught his disciples. Whosoeuer shal confesse me before men, him [...] I confesse also before my father which is in heauen: But who soeuer shal deny me before men, him wil I also denie before my father which is in heauen. Wherefore, this condemneth those that say, I will keepe my conscience to my selfe, none shall know my religion but God and my selfe, I will not be to forward for feare of after reckonings, nor any way countenance such as be forward. These men, while they suppose to keep their re­ligion to themselues, do indeed proclaime openly that they are of no religion. For if they did truly beleeue in their harts, they would likewise confesse with their tongues, according to the saying of the Rom 10. 9. 10. Apostle, If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the lord Iesus, & shalt beleeue in thine hart that god him raised from the dead, thou shalt be saued: for with the hart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes, and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation. And Iam 2. 18. the Apostle Iames teacheth vs to trye faith by workes, as gold by the touchstone, Chap, 2. Shew me thy faith by thy works, and I wil snew thee my faith by my works. So then, let vs not be a­shamed of the Rom. 1, 16. Gospell of Christ, Which is the power of God to saluation to euerie one that beleeueth, and not shrink for troble as deceitfull cloath in the wetting, least our maister be asha­med of vs before his father and the holy Angels.

[Page 72] Th'rdly, if the Sacraments be as badges to shew foorth our profession: then it condemneth those that speake euill Vse. 3. of men as too precise, too nise, too pure for, their professi­on, because they run not into the same excesse of ryot with others. These are not too precise but such as scoffe at al pro­fession are too prophane. It is good to be earnest in the matters of god, prouided that our zeale be tempered with discretion, and all Newtets be odious to God, Reuel. 3. 15 16. as it is said to the Church of the Laodiceans, I knowe thy workes, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I woulde thou werest colde or hotte: there­fore because thou art Luke warme and neither colde nor hot, it shall come to passe; that I shall spew thee out of my mouth. Wherefore, let vs not be discouraged in wel-doing, but walking through good report and euill report, let vs remember that as christ is our Lord and master, so our profession and the sacraments are our badges.

Lastly, we see what our estate and condition is, that we vse. 4. are not our owne, but are subiect to Christ to serue him. For we do beare his badge? then he is our maister. If he bee our Maister, Mat. 1 6. where is the feare and reuerence due vnto him? Is it not meet we shoulde shewe our selues thankefull for so great mercies and gifts? Were it not intollerable vnthanke­fulnes and vnsufferable pride, for any man to wear the cog­nizance of another, and yet to scorne his seruice, and deny him duty? Might not one worthily check and controul him as Christ did the [...], who vnwillingly paid such taxes and tributes as were laid vpon them? Hee called for a penny, Mat. 22. 19. 20. 21. & said unto them, Whose image and superscription is this? They said vnto him, Caesars. He ansuered, Giue therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and giue to God the thinges that are Gods. So likewise might one say fitly, whose badge wearest thou? whose Armes bearest thou on thysleeue? Doth not this put thee in mind of thy state and condition, and of the seruice and honor thou owest thy Maister? In like manner may it be said to vs, whose badge bearest thou? Is it not Christes? we are not therefore our owne men, 1. Cor 6. 19. 20. as the Apostle reaso­neth and concludeth, 1. Cor. 6. Know yee not that your bodie is the temple of the Holy-ghost, which is in you, whome ye haue of [Page 73] God? and ye are not your owne. For you are bought with a price, ther­fore, glorifie God in your body & in your spirit, for they are Gods. So many therefore as come without knowledge and true repen­tance: break their faith giuen to Christ, and betray the body of christ as much as in them lyeth Wherefore to the right vse and partaking of the sacraments, there is required the know­ledge of god in three persons, especialy of the persō of christ, perfect God and perfect man, and of his three offices to saue his people: to be their Priest, perfectly by his sacrifice to re­concile and iustifie them: to be their king, by the gouerne­ment of his church, to kill sin in them & to sanctifie them, to be their teacher, to instruct them in the wil of his heauēly fa­ther. After these is required true faith, and earnest repentance, otherwise we, cannot receiue Without faith and re­pentance vve cānot receine Christ. christ in the sacraments. Put food into the mouth of a dead man, it cannot nourish him: so if one that is vnworthy and vnfit, lying dead & rotting in his sin do come to the sacramēts, certainly they do not giue him life and worthines, 1. cor. 11. 27. 29. but such a one doth lade himselfe with a greater burden of sin and punishment. Whosoeuer shall eat this bread and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthily, shall be guiltie of the bodie and blood of the Lorde, he eateth and drinketh his [...] iudgement, because he discerneth not the Lords bodie.

Chap 16. Of the number of Sacraments.

HItherto we haue spoken of the chiefe vses of the sacra­ments: now we are come to speake The num­ber of sacra­ments. of the number of sacraments, according as we take the name and haue de­clared the nature of them. Let vs see then howe manie such visible signes and seales of spirituall grace in the new te­stament, were iustituted of God to set forth the benefits of christ, for the continuall vse of the church. Many liue in the bosom of the church, hear the word, come to publick prai­er, take themselus to be goodly christians, offer themselues to the lordes table, and are made partakers of the Sacra­ment, [Page 74] who yet are ignorant how many sacraments ther are, & what they are. None almost so simple but can number his sheep and cattel: he knoweth their marks. he knoweth their differences: but aske him how many commaundements of the law, how many Articles of faith, how many petitions of the Lords prayer, or how many Sacraments of the New Testament, he can answere nothing. Such haue their wits wholly exercised on the world, and on wordly things which iustle out religion & the knoledge of heauenly things. If we haue eares to heare let vs heare what is the faith os the Church in this point, grounded vpon the infallible rule and rocke of the word of God. The sacraments of the church or­dained by Christ, to assure our communion with him are onely two: christ insti­tuted onely two Sacra­mentes. baptisme, whereby we are receiued into the couenant of God in steed of circumcision: and the Lordes supper, whereby we are nourished, maintained, and retai­ned therein, insteed of the Passeouer. For albeit the couenant be but one, yet the seales there of are two, to assure vs that by vnion with Christ, we are regenerated and shall be nou­rished to eternall life. He hath deliuered vs a few sacraments insteade of many, he coulde haue instituted moe if he had thought it good for the benefit of the Church These are as it were the two eies wherby we see and behold the promises of God. These are as the two hands, whereby we after a sort do handle Christ crucified and lay hold on the graces of saluation. Christ hath appointed no mo sacraments, he hath laide on vs an easie yoke and a light burden.

That these two, are the onely sacraments of the new te­stament, may appear by these few reasons Reasons why ther are only two sa­ment. following. First christ taught no more to his Apostles, the Apostles deliue­red no mo to the churches, the churches embraced no moe for many yeares. When the Lord Iesus liued on the earth, Luke. 1, 76. and 3. 3. he instituted baptisme by the ministery of Iohn baptist, who as he was sent to prepare the harts of the people, so he prea­ched the baptisme of repentance: Afterward the Lord Ie­sus established it with his owne mouth, in the commission [Page 75] giuen to his disciples, he appointed and himself first admini­stred his last supper in remembrance of his deth, vntil his 2. comming againe with power and great glory. These two true sacraments of the church, to wit, baptisme and the lords supper were instituted and warranted by the mouth of christ himselfe, and none other beside these. These we receiue be­cause christ ordained them: other we receiue not, because he ordained them not.

Secondly, the Apostle Paule admonisheth the Corinthians to beware of idolatry, not to slatter themselues, or to think themselues the members of christ, and therefore should es­cape the iudgment of God, because they had the sacraments: for the church of the Israelites had as great priuiledges as they, they had the same sacramentes, [...] 1. cor. 10, 1. 2. 3, 4. the same baptisme, the same supper in substaunce and effect, yet God was not pleased with them, but ouerthrew them in the wildernes. If then the Corinthians had any moe then these two, they might haue iustly replied, we grant indeed, in respect of these they are equall with vs, but we haue other which they had not, wherein they are inferiour to vs, and we superiour to them, and therefore are preferred before them. If then the Apo­stles reason conclude strongly, we may hence gather di­rectly, that there are onely two and no other Sacraments, because the Apostle mentioneth no moe, where hee pur­poseth to set forth the priuiledges of the Iewes, and to make them equall with the Gentiles. Wherefore we must receyue two Sacraments onely, or else the Apostle hath reasoned weakely.

Furthermore, the same Apostle, 1, Corinthians 12. purposinge to shewe that manie members of the church are one bodie in CHRIST coupled by him as by ioyntes, prooueth this pointe by a full enumeration of the sacramentes, being pledges of our settinge into the body of CHRIST and continuall nourishment in the same, when he saieth, 1. cor. 12. 3, As by one spirit we are all [Page 76] baptized into one body, whether Iewes or Gentiles, so we haue al [...] made to drink into one spirit. Where the Apostle sheweth, that al the faithfull by the effectuall woorking of the Holy-ghoast are made one body in Christ, which hee confirmeth by the two Sacraments of baptisme and the Lords supper, without mention of any moe.

Moreouer, another reason may be framed, by comparing the Church of the Iewes with the churches of the christians in regard of their ordinary sacraments. There are no mo sa­craments deliuered in the Gospel, then were prefigured vn­der the law: for their sacraments were [...] [...]. 3 21. types answering to our sacramenst, as 1. Pet. 3. Our baptisme answereth the figure of the waters, representing the same that our baptisme doth. True it is, the sacramentes of the olde Testament were not Iewish sacra­ments not fi­gures of chri­stian sacra­ments. figures of the sacraments of the new Testament, for then their sacra­ments should be the sign, and ours shuld be the thing signifi­ed: and so there should be sacraments of Sacraments, which were foolish and absurd. Againe, the Iewish Sacramentes should be signes of things altogither vnknowne vnto them and not giuen them of God, for they were vtterly ignorant of Baptisme and the Lordes Supper. Besides, that auncient people should be saued by beleeuing baptisme and the lords supper to come: for doubtlesse they were saued by belee­uing that which their sacraments did signifie: but they were not saued by beleeuing baptisme and the Lords supper, but by beleeuing in Christ to come. Lastly, the old sacramentes should haue one signification, and the new another; for the old should signifie the new, and the new shold signifie christ and his benefits. Notwithstanding, the sacraments of the new testament succeede in the room of those of the old, and signifie the same thinges that they doe, baptisme col. 2. 11. 12 came in place of circumcision, and the Lords supper is come in place of the Paschall lamb, as appeareth in that it was administred presently after it, Luk. 22. 14. 15. to declare the abrogating of the one and establishing of the other. As then ther was the same faith and the same way of saluation by christ, Reuel. 13. 8. who was the lambe slame from the beginning of the worlde, Heb. 13. 8. he was yesterday and to day, [Page 77] and the same for euer: so had the Iewish rites respect to 1. Cor. 10. 3 4 Christ, and all of them are reduced to our two Sacraments. Wherefore, as the Iewes had onely two ordinary Exod. 12. 48 Sacra­mentes, circumcision and the Passeouer, as appeareth. If a straunger dwell with thee, and will obseiue the Passeouer of the Lord, let him circumcise all the males that belong vnto him: so the ordi­nary sacramentes of Christes church are baptisme and the Lords supper agreeing to the same. Now the 5. other sacra­ments newly inuented, were not prefigured in the Law, they succeed not in the place of their ceremonies, they are not an swerable to any types of Iewish rudiments, therefore they are no sacraments.

Fiftly, these two sacraments, baptisme and the Lords sup­per, are altogither perfect and sufficient, not onely to enter and plant a Christian into the church, but also to retaine him in it: and therefore all other are friuolous, vaine, and super­stitious, as superfluous braunches to be pared away. Now, that they are sufficient to these purposes, appeareth by the effects and vses of them. What other grace can we haue, then to be borne againe in Christ, to haue iustification, forgiue­nes of sinnes, and all priuiledges of eternall life; and then af­terward to be norished and kept continually in him. Al these are fullie represented and sealed vp to vs in these two: wher­up on it followeth, that christ, who ordained the fewest and best sacramentes vnder the gospell, appointed these and no moe. Thus then we may gather, that by the institution of christ, by the argument of the Apostle, by comparison of the Iewish ceremonies, and by the sufficiency of the two sa­craments of baptisme and the Lords supper, that these are the onely two sacraments, the rest are forged and counter­fait sacraments, they seale not vppe christ, August, in Psal. 40. they neuer flo­wed out of his side, Ioh. 19. 34. from whence yssued onely water and bloud.

Lastly, this number of 2. sacraments appeareth, not only by the testimony of ancient fathers, but by the confession of the aduersaries. For howsoeuer in many other controuersies, their wordes are many, and their argumentes probable and [Page 78] very specious: yet for the auouching of 7. Sacramentes, they are dumbe and silent, and are not able to produce the reuerent witnesses of the elder time. Bellarmine proueth the word Bellar. de ef­fect, sacr. lib. 2 cap, 24. Sacrament, sometimes to be giuen to al the [...]: but this is when the word is taken in a large and generall signification, for any misticall signe and token, [...]. coloni dial. 7, pag, 248 which may signifie some other thing, and may more properly be called a signe then a Sacrament, as the couering of the head in the woman was a signe of subiection: laying on of hands in ordination of the ministry is a signe of [...] se­paration to that worke, and of gods presence to assist them with his grace and blessing: the Saboth day was a signe of the heauenly rest. In this sense Augustine calleth the Aug, de sim, lib. 3, cap, 9. mistery of the Trinity a Sacrament; and fire a Sacrament, because by the heat, light, and shining brightnesse thereof, the Trinity may be shadowed out. Besids, [...], En­count. 1, [...], 13. the late Warn­word, Pag. 91. handling this controuersie of the number of Sacraments, doth not proue the number of 7. Sacraments out of the Scripture, neither goeth about it, neither is able to deriue it further then the counsell of Florence holden in the yeare 1440. and from Peter Lumbard, sentent, lib, 4, dict, 2. who was in­deede the father and first finder and founder of this num­ber ofseuen. Augustine, when he speaketh of Sacraments in the strict and proper signification, & taketh them for holy signes and seales, not only signifieng, but representing and exhibiting spiritual graces, commaunded by christ, succee­ding in the roome of the Iewish two ordinary Sacraments, and offering Christ to all faithful receiuers, reckneth them as we do, august. de simb, ad cate­chu. Haec sunt Ecclesiae gemina sacramenta. 1. These be two sacraments of the church. And in one other place, august, de doctr. christ. lib 3. cap. 9. Christ and his Apostles haue deleuered vnto vs a few sacraments in stead of ma­ny, as Baptisme and the Lords supper. So S. Ambrose intreating purposely ambros, lib. 1 de sacram, cap. 1, of the Sacraments, speaketh but of two, as the reformed churches hold at this day. Innocentius the third speaking also of them, c. Firmiter, onely maketh mention of those two which we receiue, not of the rest which we re­fuse. Yea Thomas of Aquine the chiefe doctour of the pa­pistes [Page 79] holdeth heerein the truth, In lib. 4. sent dist. 28 qu, 4 teaching that the forme of Bapt. and of the Lords supper is found in the Scripture, but not of the other pretended sacraments, and namely of extreame vnction. To conclude, Bessar, de sa­cra., [...] cardinall Bessarion con­fesseth this, Haec duo sola sacramenta in Euangelijs manifestè tradita legimus, that is, we read that these two onely sacra­ments were deliuered vs manifestly and plainly in the Gospell.

Now let vs come to the vses of this diuision. In that Vse. 1. Christ hath appointed so few sacraments in number: here­by appeareth the great loue of God toward vs: he hath not laid a burden vpon vs which neither we nor our fathers were able to beare, but charged vs with two sacramentes onely: whereas he might haue deliuered other moe vnto vs. The Ceremoniall law was a very heauy burden pressing downe the fathers of the olde Testament, and keeping them act. 15. 10. in great bondage: now the yoke is broken and we are deliuered. As we see the like mercy of God, in tea­ching a short for me of prayer, as a perpetuall direction to the church, and in deliuering the ten commaundements diuided into two tables: so he hath not troubled vs with many sacraments: whereby also our nature prone to Ido­latry is respected, and the grace of the new testament is wonderfully amplyfied. We see how superstition & grosse Idolatry haue preuailed in the church of Rome, and in­fected with deadly poison one of the Sacramentes: how much greater danger were it, if moe sacraments had beene commaunded and commended vnto vs.

Againe, heereby we may perceiue and conceiue the difference betweene the old and new testament, between Vse. 2. the Sacramentes vnder the law and these vnder the Gos­pell, Difference betweene the Sacraments of the old Testament & the new. betweene those giuen to the Iewes and these retai­ned among Christians. For ours are few in number, theirs were many in number, the Arke, circumcision, the Passeouer, Manna, the cloud, the sea, the rock, many pu­rifications & oblations which are not easie to be numbred. But the Gospell acknowledgeth onely two, as two twins [Page 80] of the same father. Hee reunto wee may adde not vnprofita­bly, other material differences to be acknowledged. They [...] in time: ours shew forth our communion with Christ already come and so are more firme and durable as those 1 cor. 11, 26. which are not to be chāged, to the end of the world, Ye shew the Lords death til he come. Their Sacraments were ordained onely vntill the comming of Christ, because they shewed and pointed out Christ to come, so that the worke of grace was more obscure to them. Again, they differ in vari­ety of Sacramentall signes and rites, as the cutting of the foreskin, the lambe of the Passeouer, iournying through the sea, sauing by the Arke, drinking of the rock, lifting vp the brasent Serpent, raining downe of Manna, wa­shing of their body, they had calues, sheep, Gotes, doues, bread, wine, Oyle, and such like: we haue onely water in Baptisme, and bread and wine in the Lords Supper. Thus the signes do greatly vary. Fourthly, they differ in easinesse. For the Ceremonies committed to the people of the Iewes were hard, combersome, painefull to the slesh, and some of them were administred with effusion & sheding of blood, partly of man and partly of beastes. Of man, as in circum­cision: of beasts, as in the paschall lam be and in the sacri­fices. But our Sacramentes, though Sacramentes of Christs blood shed for vs, yet of themselues be voide of blood. Fiftly, they differ in measure of signification. For our Sacra­mentes haue a more plentifull and full representation of grace offered, and stir vp a greater measure of saith then the Sacramentes of the old Testament (which were more darke and obscure) the Lord reseruing a fuller measure of knowledge vnto the blessed times of the Gospe'l. For as the exhibiting of Christ Iesus in the flesh and fulnesse of time, and as it were in the old age of the world, is of more efficacy to moue vs then the expectation of him to come: so we haue better helpes and an holy aduantage to raise and rouse vp our faith to a greater assurance of grace and mercy, by how much the accomplishment is more then the promise, and the fulfilling greater then the foretelling. [Page 81] Lastly, they differ in respect of the people to whom they were giuen, and for whom they were ordained: ours be­long to all people dispersed ouer the face of the whole earth (that are ingrafted into the church) wheras theirs wer tied to one Nation, to one people, to one place, to the posterity of Abraham. Notwithstanding these differences which are in signes and circumstances: touching the chiefe thing euen the matter and substance of the Sacramentes they are equall, Wherein the Sacra­ments of the old and new Testament agree. hauing the same end and the same signi­fication, and being of one esficacy, as also the word of the prophets and Apostles is. One and the same God is author of them. One and the same mediator betweene God and man, euen the man Iesus Christ is represented in both, be­ing the lambe slaine from the foundation of the worlde. They signifie and shew forth the same communion of Christ, by which all the clect are saued, and seale vp sal­uation and remission of sinnes to all that do receiue them by faith. For they were giuen to bee signes and seales of grace and of the promises of God, to distinguish the faith­full from all other sectes and religions in the world, and that they should be receiued with profit onely of the faith­full. In these and such like things, the Sacramentes of the Iewish and Christian church are not vnequall: although in the outward signes and circumstances they be diuers, yet in the substance and in the thing signified there is no difference.

Thirdly, we are bound to beleeue his promises, and to haue strong consolation, seeing he hath giuen vs 2. signes. Vse. 3. If we had onely had one signe as a seale of the mercies of God in Christ, it had beene a great sinne not to haue be­leeued the promise, and not to haue rested therein as in a thing vnchangable. For he is not as man that he should ly, or deceiue: 2 cor. 1, 10 his onely promise is assured paiment: yea all the promises of God in him are yea, and are in him A­men, vnto the glory of God. But seeing the goodnesse of God hath abounded, in granting vnto vs two Sacraments, that where doubting aboundeth, there faith might abound [Page 82] much more: our sinne is the greater, if now we wauer like I am. 1. 6. a waue of the sea tossed of the wind and carried away. One tree of life serued Adam to assure him life: one raine-bowe sufficed Noah: One returne of the fun back ward was inough to Hezekiah, and they beleeued. If then we seeke a signe, be­hold we haue two giuen vnto vs, that hauing two vnchange­able sacraments as it were two witnesses of his worde, wee might haue strong consolation. The vnbeleeuing Iewes said to christ, Math, 12. 38. and, 16. 1. shew vs a signe and we will beleeue thee. Beholde the Lord sheweth vs two visible signes, of his spirituall and inui­sible graces, and shal not we beleeue, being stedfast in faith? We desire forgiuenesse of sins and assurance therof: by these two, the Lorde promiseth, couenanteth, and indenteth to giue the same vnto vs, setting the seales to his owne wri­ting.

Lastly, this diuision and numbring vp of the sacramentes Vse. 4. serueth to teach, that there are not seuen sacraments of the church, and so do condemne the fiue supposed and falsely named sacraments Concil. Trid. sess. 7. de sacra in gen can. 18 11, and 13. maintained of the church of Rome, to wit, confirmation, pennance, Matrimony, orders, and ex­treame vnction. Baptisme we embrace: the Lordes supper we acknowledge: of these two we moue no question, we make no controuersie: the other fiue, whole father is vn­knowne: we refuse as bastards, and cannot admit them into the number of sacraments, the reasons whereof we will ren­der in the chapters following.

Chap. 17. That confirmation is not a sacrament,

THe Apostles as the maister-builders of the churches, planted the Gospell where the name of Christ had not bin heard. Nowe because many seducers arose that trobled the peace of the church, and the faith of many beleeuers began to wauer: the A­postles agreede together to goe againe to the churches [Page 83] wher they had laid 1. cor. 3. 12. a golden foundation (howsoeuer other had builded hay and stubble thereon:) to see how they act, 11. 22. 23. and 15. 36. in­creased or decreased, as Act. 11. and they confirmed theyr heartes and established them in the faith which they hadde taught. And Chap 15. Paule said vnto Barnabas, Let vs re­turne and visit our brethren in euery Citty where we haue preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do. And we doubt not, but when the Gospell was reueiled, the Apostles by laying on hands gaue the giftes of the Holy-ghost to the beleeuers in Christ. This practise of the Apostles we finde, this we con­fesse, this we approue and allow. But of any sacrament of confirmation we read not, and therefore allow not. Againe, it was a laudable custome (in the primitiue church) of chri­stian parents, to bring their children to the Bishop, who ex­amined them in the principles and fundamentall points of religion, Heb. 6. 1. he asked them a reason of their faith, he instruc­ted them farther in the misteries of godlines: and that this action might haue the more reuerence and dignity, they laid their hands vpon them, and prayed vnto God for them, that he would increase and continue the good things that he had begun in them. This confirmati­on is no sacrament. imposition of handes, with prayer to be strengthened in the Holy-ghost, and to haue increase of grace, corrupted with annointings, depraued with crossings, and defiled with sundry superstitions, is no sacrament. First, euery sacrament should haue warant and appointment from Christ: but this hath none. Secondly, it hath no word of in­stitution in the scripture, nor commaundement to continue the vse of it vntill the comming of Christ and end of the world, and therfore no sacrament. For the word must be ad­ded to the element, and so it is made a sacrament. True it is, they vse a forged and counterfeit forme in their confirmati­on, I signe thee with the signe of the holie crosse, and I confirme thee with the oile of saluation, in the name of the father, and the son, and of the holi-ghost. These indeed are wordes, but no worde of God: they shew an intollerable presumption, and not to be excused. But indeed a counterfeit Sacrament, and there is a good agreement when both writing and seale are sutable, [Page 84] that is, both forged. Thirdly, it wanteth an outward signe instituted by Christ. We read oftentimes that the Apostles vsed laying on of hands, but we read of no oyle or chrisme. Besides, we know they gaue thereby, the miraculous gifts of the holy ghost which now are ceased, as Act. 8. where we see, when Samaria was conuerted to the faith by prea­ching of Phillip, and baptized in the name of the Lord Ie­sus, the Apostles sent thither Peter & Iohn, who praied for them, act. 8, 5, 14. 15, 16, 17. That they might receiu the Holy-ghost (for as yet he was fallen down on none of thē) then laid they their hands on them, and they receiued the Holy-ghost. This confirmation thus vsed, had then a profitable vse in the church of God. But as the brasen Serpent commaunded by Numb 21. 89 God, and set vp by Moyses for good purpose, was afterward abused and 2 king. 18. 4 in­cense offered vnto it, and lastly was by that good king He­zekiah destroyed and demolished: so popish confirmation hith many intolerable abuses mingled with it, it is mi­nistred in a strange tongue that none vnderstand what is spoken and ment: they call the oyle, the oyle of saluation: they acount him no perfect Christian that is not anoin­ted by the Bishop: they prefer it before baptisme, because Censur. colon dial. 11. pag. 326. 327. any of their piiests may baptize, nay priuate men, nay women in their supposed time of necessity, but confirma­tion may be giuen among them onely by the hands of a byshop: and lastly, they blow and halow their oyle, that it may be made a spirituall oyntment to purifie soule and bo­dy. These errors are so grosse, that of euery one they may be seene: they are so palpable, that they may bee felt. Wherfore, seeing their confirmation is wrought by anoyn­ting, seeing it hath no word of God but a word of their own, seeing they haue no commaundement for it, nor promise of the presence of the Holy-ghost, and last of all seeing it hath many abuses ioyned with it; wee haue very iust causes to thrust it out of this place and ranke of the sa­craments, and throw it downe from that high seate which [...] hath long vsurped.

Chap. 18. That popish penance is no Sacrament.

THe doctrine of repentance and turning from all our sinnes to God, to bring forth fruits of amendment of life, is taught in the Sacraments Ioel. 2, 12, 13 Gen. 6, 5. Rom. 7. 18. Psal. 51. 5. Ioh. 1. 6. and commended vnto all, Ioel. 2. Turne you vnto me withall your heart, and rent your heart, not your garments. There is none that liueth and sinneth not, we are corrupt and become abhominable, the imaginations of our hart are only euill, and that continually: in vs, that is in our flesh or vnregenerate part there dwelleth no good thing: we were conceiued and borne in sin, and therfore whosoeuer saith, He is without sinne, deceiueth himselfe, and there is no truth in him. This corruption of our nature that hath taken hold on all mankind (for there is none that doth good no not one) must be mortified, and the new man which is spiritual & regenerate by the holy ghost must be quickned. Repentance therefore consisteth in an Esa. 1, 16, 17 Psal. 34, 15. Math. 3, 8 Act. 2, 38, 2 cor. 7, 10, 11 inward sorrow for our sins, in an hatred of thē, in suppressing the corruptiōs of na­ture in a purpose to obey God, in a care to sorsake our sins, in confessing the greatnesse of them, in condemning our our selues for them, in acknowledging the desart of them, in an holy indignation & anger against our selues, that we haue beene so carelesse in looking to our owne waies, in fearing least we runne into the same sins againe, in desiring euer heereafter to please God, and to walke more carefully before him in zeale touching the seruice of God, and in taking reuenge sometimes and punishment vpon our selus for former offences. For wee confesse plainely and deny not, but some outward penalties and chastisements of the body may be vsed & do please God, not of themselues, but because they are profitable meanes and good helpes to fur­ther and forward true repentance. As for example, he that hath offended grieuously in surfetting & drunkenes, and [Page 86] hath great heauines of hart & sorrow of mind that he hath sinned against so gratious a God and mercifull father: may prescribe & appoint to himselfe without appearance of superstition, or error of satisfaction, or opinion of [...], some fasting or abstinence for a certaine time, that he may be better fitted to gods seruice, and further strengthned a­gainst those sinnes into which he is fallen. This doctrine we receiue as the doctrine of Christ, and agreeable to the prophets and Apostles, as appeareth, 2 Cor. 7. where Paule setteth downe the effects or fruites of true repentance.

Now the question Penance no Sacrament. ariseth betweene the church of Rome and vs, whether this repentance which is a dying to sinne, and a walking in newnesse of life, and whether re­conciliation to the church and absolution from sinne be a Sacrament of the new Testament, institvted by Christ to assure his sauing graces to vs? Wee answere, it is not. First, it was in time of the old Testament from the begin­ning of mans fall and transgression: it was continually preached and published by the prophets, and therefore before Christes comming in the flesh, and cannot be a sa­crament of the new Testament. Secondly, it wanteth an outward signe such as water in Baptisme, such as bread and wine in the Lords supper: now euery Sacrament must haue an outward element and signe to represent the spiri­tuall grace: therefore penance can be no Sacrament.

Thirdly, it hath no word to commaund it, no particuler promise of God which is the chiese stay and staffe of a sa­crament. Bellarmine affirmeth, that Bellar. lib. 1. de poenit. cap. 10. Christ instituted the sacrament of penance when he breathed vpon his Apostles after his resurrection, and said vnto them, Ioh. 20. 22. Receiue the ho­ly ghost, whose sinnes ye remit they are remitted, and whose sinnes ye retaine they are retained. And he saith, the words of absolu­tion are the signe, and that remission of sins is the the pro­mise of grace which is signified. For answer to this asserti­on, I would gladly aske this question, whether the apostles had this ministeriall power to forgiue sinnes to repentant sinnets, when they baptized to remission of sins? If this po­wer [Page 87] were heere first instituted and giuen vnto them? Do they not by tying the authority of remitting finnes to this time, make their baptisme of none effect? Besides, we haue shewed, that it is not sufficient to haue a sound of wordes that may be heard, to make an outward signe: there must be a visible signe that may be seene, to warrant a sacrament. Now, to make a Sacrament without such a signe, were to make a sacrament without a sacrament. Lastly, as they take and vnderstand penance, it is neither sacrament, nor sacred: it is neither holy signe nor holy thing: it is neither an institution of God, nor any way of God. For they mean not thereby, amendment of life or inward sorrow & griefe of minde for the life past, which is sometimes testified by weeping and mourning, by sackcloth and ashes, by fasting and humiliation: but they vnderstād by penance [...] external discipline, satisfaction for our sinnes to God by our owne sufferings: & that wearing of sackcloth, sprinkling of ashes, chastising of the body, whipping of the flesh, putting on rough apparel, lying on bourds and hard places, abstaining from flesh, and aflicting our selues by such outward exerci­ses, are a paying of the paines due to sinne, part of amendes made to Gods iustice, and meritorious before him. This punishment, this penance, these penalties we abhorr, as an horrible blasphemy against the blood of Christ, which is the onely satisfaction to God for sinne. For if we satisfie for our selues, then hath not Christ satisfied for vs, nor payed the price due vnto our sinnes. Besides, they charge God the father with iniustice, in that hauing laid the guiltinesse of our sinnes vpon his owne sonne, and punished them in him, they make him not satisfied with that punishment, but to exact the debt of vs againe, Esa. 53. 5. 7 for which his sonne as our surety hath fully and sufficiently answered, as Esa. 53. He is punished for our transgressions, he is bruised for our iniqui­ties, the chastisement of our peace is lated vpon him, and by his stripes we are healed: the Lord maketh the punishment of vs all to light upon him. Likewise 1 Ioh. 1. 7 Reu. 1. 5. the Apostle Iohn saith. The blood of IESVS CHRIST doth purge us from all sinne. [Page 88] And in the Reuelation he addeth, Christ hath washed vs from our sinnes in his blood. Whereby we see we are taught to be­leeue, that we are pardoned and reconciled to God, not through our owne satisfaction, not for our owne workes, not by our owne sufferings, but onely through the death and blood sheading of Christ. Wherefore, their penance is to be acknowledged to be sacriledge, and accepted as a Sacrament.

Chap. 19. That Matrimony is not a Sacrament.

THe Counsell of Trent vnder Pius 4. Sess. 8 decreeth, Concil. Trid. sess. 8. can. 1. If any shall say, that Matrimony is not truely and properly one of the 7. Sacramentes instituted by Christ, but was brought in by men into the Church, and doth not conferre grace let him be accur­sed. Heereby, they would seeme to set forth the dignity of marriage aboue vs, seeing they lift it vp into the number of the Sacraments of the Church. Yet (as a lyar seldome a­greeth with himselfe) they complaine that we too highly magnifie the married estate, and themselues cannot abide it in their clergy, because for sooth it is written, Be ye holy for I am holy: they which are in the flesh cannot please God. Mar­riage therefore is too holy an ordinance for their vnholy cleargy, inasmvch as they teach in this point 1 Tim. 4. 1. 2, 3. the doctrin of deuils, and are led by the spirit of error, that forbid mar­riage which God hath left free. We confesse touching ma­riage, somuch as the word of God teacheth vs, that it is an ordinance of God, instituted before the fall of man while he was without sinne, Gen. 2, 18 and blessed of God, who saide, It is not good for man to be alone, let us make him an helper meete for him. This estate Christ did not abrogate and disanull, but repeated and confirmed, Math. 19, 16, Ioh. 2, 1, 2 Heb. 13. 4. not onely by word, but by his owne presence, and hath left it as a lawfull remedy against fornication and vncleannesse. We account it an honora­ble estate of life among all, and the bedde vndefiled, but cor. 6, 9, 10. whoremongers and adulterers God will iudge, and cast in­to [Page 89] vtter darkenesse, where their worme shall neuer dy, and their fire shall not be quenched, as the Apostle teacheth, 1 Cor. 6, Know ye not that the vnrighteous shal not inherit the kingdome of God? Be not deceiued: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor wantons, nor buggerers, nor drunkards, shal in­her it the kingdome of God. Notwithstanding, Reasons vvhy mariage is no Sacra­ment. we cannot cal and account it a Sacrament, for diuerse waighty reasons, & euident causes. First, it was not instituted by Christ, but was from the beginning of the world, and therefore it was before the law and vnder the law, how can it be a Sacra­ment of the new Testament? Againe, matrimony may be among infidels and vnbeleeuers, out of the Church and so­ciety of the faithfull. For the matrimony of infidels is lawfull. God did institute it for all mankind. The com­maundement is generall, increase and multiply. The A­pole teacheth, that if the vnbeleeuing woman will dwell with the beleeuing husband, Grati. in dec. c. 28. qu. 1. Lumb. lib. 4 dist. 39. he must not put her away for her infidelity: and mariage is honourable amonge all persons. Seing therefore it was before the fall of man, be­fore the giuing of the lawe, vnder the gouernement of the lawe, and made honorable among all, it cannot be a Sacra­ment of the church of Christ and for the members onely of the Church. Thirdly, it is not common and commaunded to all the faithfull, for it is not needfull and necessary that all in the church should be married. 1 Cor. 7, 7 Mat. 19, 11 12 Euery one hath his proper gift, some one way some another. And albeit God haue not tyed grace to the sacramentes, yet they in some sort How the Sacramentes are necessary for the church are necessary for the Church, and to be partaked of the children of the Church, whether we respect the com­maundement of God, who requireth them: or whether we regard our owne weakenesse, who stand in neede of all ho­ly meanes and profitable helpes that tend to the confirma­tion of our faith. Seeing then matrimony is not comman­ded to al, neither serueth to confirme faith, it cannot be re­ceiued as a sacrament. Fourthly, the sacramentes are ordi­nances of god aplying Christ and his merits to al the faith­ful: but matrymony is not an instrument whereby God ap­plyeth Christ and al his benifits: much lesse is it a common [Page 90] instrument of the common saluation and benefites that all haue in Christ Iesus. Furthermore, we haue showd how the Roman church is contrary to itselfe in this point: for ou: ad­uersaries call matrimony a prophanation Greg. Mart. d: s. Chap. 15. of holy orders. And Pigghius. another saieth, it is more tollerable for a priest to keepe many Concubins, then to marry. If matrimony be an holy sa. how should the sacred order of your Priesthood be prophaned, polluted, and defiled therby? Lastly, it [...] no promise of saluation ioyned to it (as it ought to haue) thogh it be lawfull and vsed lawfully: in euery Sacra. there must be likewise an outward sign or element, as water in baptism, and bred and wine in the Lords supper, togither with a san ctisieng word to warant it: but in this supposed sacra. there is neither matter, nor word, therfore no sacra. The answer that Belarmin maketh to this last reason is as absurd as their doctrin it selfe, namely, that the word of iustitution is, bellvr. lib. 1. de Matrim. c. 6 take thce, which are the words expressing their mutual con­sent: and that the matter or sign are the parties maried. For, not euery word can consecrate & sanctifie 1. Tim. 4, 5 but the word of God. Again, the maried persons are receiuers of this pre­tended and supposed Sa. so that they cannot be the matter or signe: For the signe and the receiuer are two distinct outward parts of a Sa, so that they cannot be consounded or mingled together, as besore we declared, Chap 3. The mat­ter cannot be the receiuer: the receiuer cannot be the mat­ter. The thing receiued, cannot be the receiuer: the receiuer canot be the thing receiued. If then the persons matied be the receiuers, they cannot be the signe receiued. If any far­ther obiect and say, Marriage is the signe of an holy thing, to wit, of the spirituall coniunction between Christ and his church: I answer, it was not instituted to confirm our faith in that point, but for other ends which we named before. Be­sides, if we should call al signs of holy things sacraments: we should treble the number of 7. for so many comparisons as we find in scripture, we should haue sacraments, & then the stars, a grain of mustard seed, leauen, a draw-net, a shepherd a Vine, a dore, nay a theese, a murtherer, and infinite other, [Page 91] things should be Sacramentes; which sometimes are made signes of holy things. This were not so much to increase the number of Sacraments, as to multiply absurdities. Lastly, the Sabbaoth was ordayned to the Iewes to be a signe between God and his people in their generations, Hob. 4. 8 and signified the spirituall rest in Christ, yet was it no ordinary sacrament, al­beit it were blessed and sanctified of God. Wherefore al my­sticall and signifieng signes are not Sacraments.

But the greatest reason wher of they are most confident is, where the vulgar translation and the Rhemish interpretation Eph. 5. 3 [...] readeth, This is a great Sacrament. I answer, first the worde signisieth a mystery or secret: but not euery mystery or se­cret is a sacrament: neyther will they admitte a sacrament, wheresoeuer a mystery is named. Secondly the Apost spea­keth not of Matrimony, but of the spiritual coniunction be­tweene Christ and his church, as the wordes following doe declare, This is a great mystery: but I speake of Christ and of the Church.

Where the Appostle preuenteth this verie obiection, and sheweth in what respect he spake of a mystery. For wher one might happilie obiect and say, Doest thou call marriage this mystery? he answereth, I speake not this of Marriage, I speake it in respect of Christ and of his church. This appea­reth likewise in that he calleth it a great Mystery; that is, A great secret. But the coniunction of man and wife is sensi­ble, not secret, much lesse a great secret. Nowe the Sacra­mentes are called mysteries, Why Sacraments are called [...]. in respect of the sacramentall vnion between the signe and the thing signified, between the representation and the thing represented, so that at the same instant that one is present to the eyes, the handes, the mouth, and euery part and member of the bodie, the other by the power and working of Gods spirit is as present in a wonderfull, mystical, and secret manner to the faith, beeing the eyes and hands of the soule. Wherefore Cardinall Caietan not so grosse as many among them, [...] in [...] cap. 5. confesseth that these wordes proue not matrimony to be a Sacra. Further, it is euident to al that consider the circumstance of the text, that the Apostle [Page 92] not forth marriage in this place as a similitude to represent the neere coniunction between christ and his church, Eph. 5 23, 25 28, 29, 32 but [...] he bringeth forth the exceeding and eminent loue of christ as a [...] to declare and enforce what should be the loue of the husband toward the wife. For the mayne point of exhortation is set downe, verse 25. Hus­bands loue your wiues This is argued and enforced by the ex­ample of Christ, As Christ loued the church and gaue himselfe for it. Againe, The man is the head of the woman, as Christ is the head of the church. And afterward, He that loueth his wife, loueth himselfe, for no man euer yet hated his owne flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, euen as the Lord doth the church. By all these things it is plaine and manifest, that if they wil needes in this place dreame of a sacrament, consisting of a signe and thing signisied: Christ and the church must be the signe, representati­on, and consecrated mistery to represent man and his wife, and their mutuall loue each to other, and not marriage a consecrated sign of him. Last of al, I would know of them, whether so often as the old translator vseth the word sacra­ment, they wil haue it taken strictly, properly, and particu­larly for the Sacraments of their church? I thinke if they be sober minded and well aduised, they dare not say so: for 1 Tim. 3, 16 Eph. 1, 9, and ch. 3, 9 then godlines shal be a sacrament, Gods wil shall be a sa­crament, The calling of the Gentiles shal be a Sacrament, Yea iniquity shal be a Sacrament. For in al these places the word Sacrament is vsed, as wel as in this place to the Ephe­sians Reuel. 17, 7 by the old Interpretor, & sometimes in the good part, and sometimes in the euil: conc. Trid. ses. 4. decret. 2 Melch. canus. lib. 2. cap. 13. Andrad. lib. 4 defens. Trid. to whom notwithstanding they cleaue, and must cleaue vnder paine of the censur and curse of the councell of Trent.

Chap. 20. That orders are no Sccrament.

BY orders we must vnderstand the offices and ministry of the church, Lumb. sent. lib. 4, dist. 24 cap. 3 as also Peter Lumbard doth. We con­fesse, when Christ led captiuity captiue, he gaue giftes vnto men, Eph. 4, 11 and ordained Some to be Apostles, some prophets, & some Euangelists, and some pastors and teachers for the repairing of the [Page 93] saint, for the worke of the ministry and for the edification of the bo­die Ier. 7. 25. of Christ. By these he declareth his will vnto vs, he gathe­reth Luc. 10 16. togither his scattered sheep, and publisheth the glad ty­dings 2 cor. 5. 19. 10 of saluation, as Ier. 7. I haue sent vnto you all my seruants the Prophets, rising up earlie euerie date. And christ our sauiour saith, Luc, 10. He that heareth you, heareth me: and he that de­spiseth you, aespiseth me and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. And the Apostle Paule, 2. Cor, 5, teacheth, God was in Christ and reconciled the world to himselfe, not imputing their sins vnto them, and hath committed to vs the word of reconciliation: Now then are we Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you through vs we pray you in Christs stead to be reconciled to God. This we hold, this we beleeue, this we teach touching the degrees, orders, and offices of the ministry of the gospell.

But the popish orders of the Popish churches, sentent. lib. dict. 24. cap. 1. they say are seuen, whereof some are greater and higher offices, some are lower, lesser, and inferiour. The greater are three, the of­fice of Priest-hood to offer vp the sacrifice of the bodye and blood of Christ vpon the Altar: of Deaconship, to assist the priests in all things which are done in the Sacramentes, to bring in the oblations, to set them vpon the Altar, to couer it with cloathes, to beare the crosse, and to read the Gospell and Epistle to the people: of the subdeacons, to bringe the chalice and patten, to bring the cruet with water and the to­well to the Altar, and to pour out water to wash their hands. These are their higher Offices aboue the rest, as the higher trees among the lower shrubs. The lesser orders are foure in number. First of dore-keepers, these receiue the keyes of the church doore to open the same. Secondly of readers, to reade the Bible to the people.

Thirdly of Exorcistes, to call vppon the name of the Lorde, ouer such as haue vncleane spirites, adiuring and coniuring them to come out in the name of god: which power of commaunding euill spirites is ceased in the Church. Lastly, A Colythes, to prepare and carry torches and tapers when the Gospell is read to the people, or the sa­crifice is to be offered.

[Page 94] These seuen popish orders, or rather plaine disorders and consusions, we cannot receiue Reasons ren dred why or­ders are no Sacraments. into the number of Sacraments of the Church. For [...], orders are so fruitefull, that this bird hath hatched seauen young ones. This Sacra­ment is so rich, so rank, so riotous, that it hath ingendered and brought forth seauen petty and pretty sacraments, and therefore these being numbred and patched vp to the sor­mer, we should haue 13. Sacraments. A goodly brood of a gallant egge. For if euery one of these orders of doore­keepers, readers, exorsistes, Acolithes, subdeacons, deacons, and priests be Sacraments: we should multiply the number of Sacramentes according to the number of these orders, and so indeede of seauen, we should haue 13. Sacraments, which were a very disorderly order, or if you list to cal it, an orderly disorder.

And so Peter Lumbard maister of the Sentences, sent. lib. 4 [...]. 24. cap. 1 cal­leth not orders a Sacrament as speaking of one, but Sacra­ments as speaking of many, saying, Orders are called Sacra­ments, because in receiuing of them grace is conferred, which is repre­sented by those things that are there performed. Neither can they say they al make but one sacrament, sceing they are distinct offices one from another, diuerse in offices, in institution, in calling, in ordinatiō, in ceremonies, and in forme of conse­cration: so that they may by as good right and as great rea­son make baptisme and the Lords supper one sacrament, as all these orders so diuerse and distinct the one from the other.

Secondly, sacraments haue their institution from christ: orders haue not their institution from Christ to be Sacra­ments of the church: therefore orders are no sacraments. Nay as they are retained & vsed in the church of Rome, they are no ordinances or institutions of christ at all. For touching the osfices of priest-hood to offer vp the body of Christ for the quick and dead: of deacons to serue these Baals priests at their Idolatrous alters: of subdeacōs, of rea­ders, and of the rest, they are not found in scripture, neither were ordained by the apostles, neither were they receiued [Page 95] into the church for many yeares after Christ and his A­postles. The new Testament as it doth acknowledge no o­ther sacrificer and sacrifice but Christ, so it admitteth no priests, no priest-hood, but spitituall priests and a spirituall priest-hood to offer vp spirituall sacrifices of praise and thanksgiuing vnto God, Reuel. 1. 6 1. Pet. 2. 5. 9 as appeareth Reuel. 1. 6. Christ hath washed vs from our sinnes in his blood, and made vs kinges and priests vnto God euen his father. And the Apostle Peter in his first epiftle chap. 2. saith, Ye also as liuely stones be made a spiri­tuall house, an holy priest-hood, to offer vp spiritual sacrisices accepta­ble to God by Iesus Christ. And again afterward, Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priest-hood, an holy nation, a people set at liberty, that ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darkenesse into his marueilous light. Whosoeuer bringeth in another priest-hood then this, & maketh new priests, abo­lisheth as much as in him lyeth the priest-hood of Christ. Againe, what will they say, of offices and dignities in the Church greater then these, the office of pope, of cardinall, of patryarch, and the rest of that vnholy hierarchy? Will they discharge and cut off these from being sacraments, & aduance the baser orders of hedge priests and dombe dea­cons to so high a dignity? What? Do they abase and dis­grace those greater places, and thinke their popes and car­dinals not worthy of that honor and authority? or do they thinke this Sacrament to vile and base to agree to those princelike dignities of the church? Or dare they preferre their priest-hood, their readers, their decons, there doore­keepers, their dog-keepers, and the rest of that rabble be­fore the pope dome, the cardinalship, the Patryarchship? Is not this high treson against their holy father, & petty trea­son against the cardinals and other of that generation? Last­ly, Sacraments must haue an outward element and word of institutiō, as hath been often declared & proued: but their orders haue neither outward element, nor word of institu­tion: therfore orders are no sacra. Seeing therfore they can shew no materiall signe added to the promise, nor grati­ous promise added to the signe: there can be no sacrament [Page 96] of orders to seale vp and assure any mercy of God granted vnto vs. To omit that reason, which we might [...] vpon them, namely, that orders are peculiar & proper to the mi­nistry, and are no sanctified instrument aply any general and common grace of the Church. Wherefore, asmuch as orders haue neither outward signe, nor promise of grace, nor institution from Christ, but disgrace the higher digni­ties of their Church, and ouerthrow their owne chosen number of seauen Sacramentes: we conclude necessarily from these premises that orders are no Sacrament.

Chap. 21. That extreame vnction is no Sacrament.

THe last faigned Sacrament is the last an­noynting (as they call it) performed by the priest in extreamety, where by they teach that Bollar. lib. 1, de extr. vnct. cap. 2. God assureth forgiuenesse of sinnes, and promiseth ease of bodily dis­ease, if it be so exped ent: if not, the salua­tion of the soule in the life to come. They vse this forme of words, By this holy anoynting and his most holy mercy, God doth forgiue thee whatsoeuer that hast offended, by seeing, hearing, smel­ling, tasting, and touching.

This vnction cannot be a sacrament for Extreame vnction can be no sacra­ment sundry causes. First, themselues confesse, that it hath not his institution from Christ. For the Rhem'stes in their heretical, Rhem. testam. Annota­tions vpon Mar. 6 confesse, that there is onely a preparati­on vnto it. And Peter Lumbard saith, sentent. lib. 4. [...]. 23. cap. 2 It was instituted by the Apostle Iames. By this doctrine, Christ should onely be a preparer of sacraments, not an appointer: a beginner, not a finisher of them. Now, these men are all accursed by the Conuenticle of Trent, Concil. Trid. sess. 7 can. 1 & 2. If any man shad say that the sacraments of the new law were not all instituted by Iesus christ, let him be accur­sed. Again, the place of the Apostle Iames, maketh nothing for this sorged sacrament: for there is a great difference & contrariety betweene the anoynting that Iames speaketh off, and the popish anealing. Their priestes haue not the miraculous guist of healing, whereof this [...] was [Page 97] an outward signe in the primitiue church, which custome afterward ceased when the [...] of healing ceased: being for a time granted to the church for the credit of the Gos­pell. As then the guist was temporall and for a reason, so must the signe bee of the same standing and continu­ance: and the gift being taken from the church, if the signe should remaine in vse and practise, it should be but a lieng signe. For by the same reason, Ioh. 5. 4, & 9 6, 7 the brooke of Siloam, the poole Bethesda, the clay and [...] which were sometimes vsed in healing the diseased, might be accounted sacramēts as wel as this, being all signes of healing for a certaine sea­son, as also annoynting with oyle was for the first times of the church while it was in planting. Thirdly, the Apostle would haue al sick persons anoynted: these do anoynt with their greazy oile, onely such bodies as are in manner halfe dead, euen while they lie in extremity, and the life is stri­uing to come forth. The Apostle would haue all the elders called: but one Masle-priest only with them bringeth the box, and annoynteth the sickman. The Apostle assureth health to Iam. 5. 14. 15 Mar. 6, 13 all that are thus annoynted, as I am. 5. The pray­er of faith shall saue him that is suke, and the Lord shal raise him vp. So also Mark. 6. They cast out many deuels, and they anointed many that were sicke with oyle, and healed them: whereby we see, that restoring and recouering of health was certainely promised to folow the anointing. But not one among many receiueth health after their popish anealing. The Apostle speaketh of bodily health, of the guift of miracles, and of common oyle: they prattle of forgiuenes of sins, of a com­mon and continuall gift, of charmed and consecrate oyle, and balme (whereof notwithstanding can none be found) of bowing their knees and saluting it, saving, Hailholy oyle, haile holie oyntment, haile holy balme, nay which is more blas­phemous, their oyle they call The oyle of saluation, which is to renounce saluation by Christ, and to deny the holy spi­rit to sanctifie the people of God. Furthermore, euery sa­crament must haue a word of institution: but the wordes which they vse in anealing are a strange saluation of a [Page 98] dumbe and deafe creature, not warranted nor founde in scripture, as the words of consecration in the true sacraments are: and therefore we cannot receiue it for a sacrament, but must account it an apish imitation and a popish tradition. Moreouer, we haue proued before chap. 8. that the element is consecrated when the sacrament is ministred, by praying, thanksgiuing, eating and drinking, deliuering and receiuing, breaking and pouring out, blessing and reciting the institu­tion: therfore the oyle halowed long before by the Byshop, heated with breathing vpon it, charmed with much murmuring, saluted with bowing of the knee, and other like trum­peries, that hallowing I say is fond, superfluous, and super­stitious. Lastly, the effect and vertue of a Sacrament is spiri­tuall grace in Christ: but extreame vnction hath no spiritu­all grace in Christ sealed vp: for the Apostle ascribeth Iam. 5, 16 not the forgiuenes of [...], to the annointing with oyle, but to the prayer of faith. Acknoledge (saith he) your faults one to another, and pray one for another that ye may be healed, for the prayer of a righteous man auaileth much if it be feruent. And again, The praier of faith shal saue the sick, and the lord shal raise him vp, and if he haue committed sins, they shalbe forgiuen him. Wher we see, that the ef­fect of pardon is ascribed to the force of prayer: therfore extream vnction is no sacra. and so this greazing, houseling, & annointing is to be abandoned of the people of God.

What then, wil some say, do you leaue the sick without al comfort and consolation? No, How the sick are to be annointed. we visit the sick among vs: and although we do not housse and annoint them with ma­terial oyle, wee annoint them with the precious oyle of the mercy of god, we instruct them how to prepare themselues to leaue the world, to depart this mortall life, and to streng­then themselues in the assured hope of euerlasting life. Wee say, dear brother, God sendeth his messenger death to sum­mon, and arrest you to come into his presence. Gen. 3, 19 Iob. 14, 1, 2 Al the chil­dren of Adam are dust, and to dust they must return. Man that is borne of a woman is of short continuance, and full of trouble, he shoo­teth forth like a Flower and is cut downe, he vanisheth also as a shadow and continueth not. Death is common Psal. 89, 48, Heb 9, 27 to all flesh, it is appointed to [Page 99] all men once to [...]. It is the gate throgh which we must enter into hea­uen. If we would liue for euer, we must die: for the way to liue eter­nally, is [...] to die. Though the time be vncettaine, where, or how we shall dy: yet nothing so certain as that we must dy, we know not how soone. This must not seeme strange vnto you, for the whole life of a Christian should be nothing but a meditation of death, being the end of all flesh: we should make account of euery day of our life as if it wer the instant day of our death You must consider that nothing befalleth vs by chance or fortune, al things are ruled and guided by the soueraigne prouidence of almighty God: all the hairs of our head are numbred: not one sparrow falleth to the grounde without the wil of your heauenly father: humble your selfe therfore vnder his mighty hand, Heb. 12, 5, 6 he conecteth euery child whom he loueth, My son, despise not the chastening of the Lorde, neither faint when thou art rebuked of him; for whom the L. loueth. he chasteneth: and he scourgeth euery son whom he receiueth. Heer­by then God tryeth and proueth your obedience, patience, and faith Iam. 5, 11 Iob 13. 15. as we see in the example of Iob, who praised the name of God in all his miseries: and if the Lord woulde kill him, he would not cease to put his trust in him.

We exhort them to set their houses in order before they dy, thereby to cutte off hatred and contention, and to staye quarrels and suites after their departure, whereby oftentimes more is spent then was left: then, to forget the world and the things of the world, and wholly to giue themselues to the meditation of the life to come, where this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shal put on imortality, 1 cor. 15, [...] according to the exhortation of christ and his Apostles in many places, as Mat. 6. Seeke ye first the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse, and all thinges shall be ministred vnto you. And 1, Cor, 7. This I say brethren because the time is snort, heereafter that both they which haue Wiues be as though they had none: and they which weep, as thogh they wept not: & they that reioyce as tho they reioysed not, and they that buy, as though they possessed not: and they that vse this world, as though they vsed it not: for the fashion of this world goeth away. And Phil 3. 20; the same Apostle. Our conuersation [Page 100] is in heauen, from whence also we looke for a sauiour, euen the Lords Iesus Christ, who shall change our vile [...], that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body, according to the working, whereby he is a­ble to subdue all things vnto himselfe. So 2. Cor 4. &c. Therefore we faint not, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed daily. For our light affiction which is but for a moment, causeth vnto us a farre more excellent and an eternall weight of glo­rie: while we looke not on the things which are seen, but on the things which are not [...] for the thinges which are seene are temporall, but the things which are not seene are eternall. For we know that if our earthlie house of this tabernacle be destroyed, we haue a building giuen of God, that is, an house not made with hands, but eternall in the heauens: for therefore wee sigh, desiring to be cloathed with our house which is from heauen, because if we be cloathed, we shal not be found naked. And the Eccl. 1. 2. 14 wiseman Eccle. 1. Vanitie of vanities saith the Preacher, vanitie of vanities, all is vanitie: I haue con­sidered al the works that are don vnder the sun, & behold al is vanitie and vexation of spirit. So 1. Ioh. 2. Loue not this world, 1 Iohn. 2. 15. 16 17. neither the things that are in this world. If any man loue this worlde, the loue of the father is not in him: for al that is in this world (as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eies, and the pride of life) is not of the father, but is of this world: and this world passeth away and the lust thereof: but he that fulfilleth the wil of God, abideth euer. And the same in his reue lations, I heard a voice from heauen, saying, write the dead which die in the Lord are fully blessed: euen so saith the spirit, for they rest from their labors, and their workes follow them. They shal hunger no more, neither thirst anie more, [...] shal the Sunne light on them, neither anie heat, for the lambe which is in the midst of the throne shal gouern them, and shal lead them vnto the liuelie fountaines of Waters, and God shal wipe awaie al teares from their eies.

Moreouer, we put them in minde to examine themselues and their liues passed, how they haue offended God and their brethren, and admonish them to make an humble and harty confession of their sinnes to God, that that they haue not li­ued as they ought to doe, to be sorry and greeued for the same, and to promise ammendement of life if they recouer. Thus the faithfull Psa 51. 1 2. 3 4, 5 & 32, 3, 4. & 38, 3, 4, haue done, as we see in Dauid. Psalm, 51. [Page 101] Haue mercie vpon me O God according to thy louing kindnes, accor­ding to the multitude of thy compassions putte away mine iniqui­ties. I know mine iniquities and my sinne is euer before me: against thee, against thee haue I sinned and done euill in thy sight, that thou maiest be iust when thou speakest, and pure when thou iudgest. Behold, I was borne in iniquity, and in sinne hath my mother conceiued mee. And psal, 38. There is nothing sound in my flesh, because of thine anger, neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinne: for mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head, and as a weighty burden they are too heauy for me. This practise we see also in Daniell, in Nehe­mia, in Ezra, in Manasses, and in many others. We mooue Dan. 9, 7 Ezr 9, 6 Nehe. 9, 16 them to labour to be at one with God, to be reconciled to their brethren, and to remember the poore. Especially we stirre them vp to prayer, in regard of their present necessities, and of the mercifull promises of God, resting themselues on the perfect and all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ. Gratious Psa. 145, 18 and precious are the promises that God hath made to al that come to the throne of his mercy, as p. al. 145. The Lorde is neere to all that call vpon him, yea to all that call vpon him in truth: he will fulfill the desire of them that feare him, he will also heare their cry, and wil saue them. And psal, 50. Call vpon me in the daye of trouble, so wil I deliuer thee, and thou shalt glorifie me. And our sa­uiour Math, 7. Aske and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and ye shall find: knocke, and it shal be opened vnto you: for whosoeuer asketh, re­ceiueth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shalbe opened, So the Apo. Iames. The praier of faith shal saue the sicke, and the Lorde shall raise him vp: and if he haue com­mitted sinnes, they shall bee forgiuen him: acknowledge your faults one to another, that ye may be healed: for the praier of a righteous man auaileth much if it be feruent Now when they are sufficiently humbled for their sinnes, wee moue them to hunger and thirst after the merits of Christ, 1 Cor. 1, 30. who of God is made vnto vs wisedome, righteousnes, san­ctification, and redemption. We alledge vnto them Mat. 11, 28 29. these and such like comfortable places of Scripture, Come vnto me 1 Tim. 1, 15 all ye that are wearie and heauie laden, and I will ease yon. This is a a true saying, and by all meanes woorthy to be receiued, that Christ [Page 102] Iesus came into the world to saue sinners, of whom I am chiefe. These things write I vnto you that ye sinne not: if any man sinne, we haue an aduocate with the father, Iesus Christ the iust, whose blood clen­seth vs from all sinne: he is the [...] for our sinnes, and not for ours onely, but also for the sinnes of the whole world. He is euermore about those that are his, he maketh their bed in all their sicknesse, [...]. 8, 3 Rom. 14, 7, 8 his left hand vnder their heads, and with his right hand he doth imbrace them: so that whether they liue, they liue vnto the Lord, or whether they die, they dye vnto the Lord: whether they liue or dye they are the Lords. This is true happines.

Furthermore, we raise them vp with sweet comforts and consolations of the word of god against 1 cor. 15. 54 55, 56, 57 alterror and feare of death, Death is swallowed vp in victory. ô death where is thy sting? ô graue, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sinne, and the strength of sinne is the law: but thankes be vnto God which hath Rom. 8, 1, 38 39. giuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. And Rom. 8. Ther is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus, which Phil. 1, 12 Iob. 11, 25 walke not after the flesh, but after the spirit: I am perswa­ded Tim. 4, 7, 8 that neither death nor life, nor Angels, principalities, powers, nor things present, nor things to come, neither any creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Christ is to vs ad­uantage, whether in life or in death. Such as beleeue in him, yea though they were dead, shall liue. Death is to vs as a sleepe, and the graue as a bed of rest. A crowne of righteousnesse is laid vp for vs, which the righteous iudge shall giue vnto vs: so that an euill death can neuer follow, where a good life hath gone before, forasmuch as he can­not possible die ill, who hath liued wel. Death indeede is a Scorpion or serpent: but his sting is pulled out, he may wel hisse, but he cannot hurt: he may wel threaten, but he can­not destroy, for Christ hath quelled and conquered him.

Now, How sicke persons may put away the tediousnes & paines of sicknes. to put away the griefe and tediousnes of sicknes, we wil and wish them to meditate on the things they haue heard and learned by the ministry of the word from time to time in their health: to consider with themselues how God sometimes suffereth the wicked to prosper for a time, [Page 103] and florish like a greene Psal. 37, 39 36, 37, 38 bay tree, and how he punisheth them in the [...] wrath and iudgement for them: how he blesseth or correcteth his children in this life: how he hath prepared eternall torments for the wicked, and vn­speakeable glory for the Godly: but aboue all the workes of God, 1 cor. 2, 7 8, 9 we teach them deepely to thinke vpon the glori­ous and gratious work of our redemption, (wherein the in­finite mercy and iustice of God do meete together and kisse Psal. 85, 10 11 each other) taking delight and comfort therein withall thanksgiuing. Wherefore, we perswade them to beare the paines and griefes of sicknes with patience & constant per­seuerance, because all sicknes is Gods hand, who being the god of the spirits of al flesh, 1 Sam. 2, 6, 7 killeth & maketh aliue, bring­eth down to the graue, and raiseth vp again. There by we are indeed chastened for our sins, but they are nothing in comparison of that anguish and agony which Christ suffe­red for vs, neither are they worthy of the exceeding glory which shalbe shewed vnto vs. God hath predestinated vs 2 Tim. 2, 11, 12. to be like the image of his son: so that the deeper we sinke downe in sorrowes, the more perfectly we resemble christ: it is the great mercy of God we are not vtterly consumed, and that his louing kindnes is not at an end toward vs. The sicknes of the body is physick for the soule, for the striking of the one is the healing of the other: by the Crosse wee must enter the kingdome of heauen, and learne to loath the pleasures and profits of this present life. If they fall to dispaire and doubting [...] against doubting and dispaire. of Gods fauour and loue toward them in Christ, [...]. 34, 4 we labour to strengthen the weake, and bind vp the broken hearted; we are ready to leaue ninety and nine in the wildernes, and seeke that lost one. We bring them to God that hath striken them and made the wound, Luk. 19. 10 considering that the sonne of man is come To seeke and to saue that which is lost. God is mercifull and his mercy endureth for euer, hee desireth not the death of a sinner, but that hee turne vnto him. His mercy is ouer all the workes of his hands, it is like the Ocean-sea, wher no bottom can be found or founded. It is the expresse commaundement of God, 1 Ioh. 3. 23 that we should beleeue in Christ who hath try­umphed [Page 104] gloriously against sinne, against Satan, against hel, against death, against damnation, against desperation. The promises of the Gospell exclude no man, Esay 55, 1. 2 Matth. 11, 28 vnlesse we ex­clude our selues. Infidelity, doubtfulnes, and despaire are very grieuous sinnes, and strike at the very hart of God. We must vnder hope beleeue aboue hope with faithfull A­braham. The mercies of God and the merits of Christs o­bedience are infinite, Esay 54, 10 higher then the heauens, deeper then the earth, broader then the sea, stronger then the lawe, mightier then the Deuill, and greater then all the sinnes of the world.

Besides, God doth measure the obedience due to him, Rom. 7, 20 rather by the affection then by the action, rather by the desire to obey, then by the outwarde performance of it. Moreouer, when one sinne is forgiuen, all the rest are like­wise forgiuen: euen as [...] of one sinne, bringeth with it repentance of all knowne sinnes, Rom. 11, 29 For the giftes and calling of God are without repontance. Last of al, we admonish them to consider, that grace and faith (howsoeuer they may be smothered) are neuer wholly taken away by sinnes of infirmity, Rom. 5, 20 but thereby are manifested and magnifi­ed.

Touching their families, we say vnto them, call them be­fore you, exhort them to cleaue How sicke persons are to behaue them selues in re­spect of their families. vnto god with full pur­pose of heart, to loue him, to walke before him in feare and reuerence, and to serue him in righteousnes all the daies of their life: gyue them charge to learne, beleeue, and obey the true religion and doctrine of saluation set downe in the writinges of the Prophets and Apostles. God commended Abraham for this, sayinge, Gen. 18, 19 I knowe him that he will commaund his sonnes and houshold after him, that they keepe the way of the Lorde to doe righteousnes and iudgement, that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that he hath spoken vnto him. Dauid gaue Salomon his sonne a notable and right no­ble charge before he died, 1 chr 28. 9 speaking thus to him standing before him and before the princes and peeres of the king­dome, Thou Salomon my sonne, know thou the God of thy fathers, [Page 105] and serue him with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth al harts, and [...] al the imaginations of boughts, if thou seeke him, he will be found of thee, but if thou for [...] him he will cast thee off for euer. I each them that child-hoode and youth are vanity, Eccl. 1, 13 teach them to remember [...] creator in the daies of their youth: teach them to read the scripture, and to practile in their liues and conuersations what they haue read and lear­ned. Instruct them to auoide idlenes, to eschew euill com­pany, to giue themselues to prayer, and hearing the prea­ching of the word. Warne thy children to loue God, to re­uerence their mother, and to loue one another. Warn them to speake euill of no man, and beware of taking Gods name in vaine. Put them in minde that God is their father, their creator, their preseruer, their redeemer, their sanctiher, yea, their iudge that shall come to iudge the quick and the dead, and reward euery man according to his workes We must all appeare before the iudgement seat 2 Cor. 5, [...] of Christ, that eue­ry one may receiue the things which are done in his bodye, whether good or euill. Put them in remembraunce, not to oppresse or defraud any man, Psal. 41. [...] for the Lorde is an auenger of all such thinges, who will not blesse euil-gotten goodes, but send his cursse vpon them, and they shall not prosper. Admonish them to shew forth their faith by good workes, and to shew mercy accordinge to their powers: Lastly, to honour their princes, parents, maisters, and all superiors.

Thus we instruct men to liue and to die, that dying they may liue with God in his kingdome. Thus we annoint the sicke with precious balme that 1 Thes. 4. [...] shall not breake their head, and with the inward and inuisible oyle of Gods grace and mercy. Thus we warne them to prepare the oyle of faith in their lampes, and to keepe a good conscience toward God and man, that they may with ioy and comfort depart in peace, render vp their soules into the hands of god, cheere­fullie meeting the bride-groome, and entring with him in­to his kingdome. So then the people loose nothing by [...] of the materiall oyle, the want thereof being supplyed with exhortations, admonitions, reproofes, consolations, pray­ers [Page 106] and supplications, more desired of the sicke, and more auaileable for the sicke. And thus much of extream vnction and the other forged Sacraments, whereof some wanting the outward signe, some the spirituall grace signified, some the word of institution, some the promise annexed, and all of them the commandement of Christ, and testimony of the scripture: we cannot admit them for any Sacramentes; and so we conclude, that there are only two Sacraments of the Church vnder the Gospell, which are, Baptisme, and the Supper of the Lorde.

The ende of the first Booke.

THE SECOND BOOKE of the Sacrament of baptilme, be­ing an honorable Badge of our Dedi­cation to Christ, containing the true doctrine therof, overthrowing the errots of the church of Rome, and deliuering the comfortable vse of this Sacrament to all the people of GOD.

CHAP. 1. Of the Word Baptisme, and what it is.

HItherto we haue spoken of the Sa­craments in General; togither with the partes, vses, and number of them: now we come to the first sa­crament, which is Baptisme, being an Honourable badge whereby we are dedicated vnto Iesus Christ The word baptisme is taken many vvaies. This word in Scripture hath many significations. First, in the natiue and proper signification, it signifieth to dippe, to diue, and plunge vnder water, as Mat. 3, 16. Iohn 3, 22, 23 Act, 8. 38, 39. Secondly, to cleanse and wash any thing with wa­ter, euen when this sacrament is not administred, as Mark. 7 wher it is said, the Pharisies did not eat, except first they wa­shed. So Heb. 9, x, the old tabernacle did consist in washings. Thirdly, it signifi th the Crosse, afflictions, myseries, perse­cutions, and inward vexations of the spirite, as Luk, 12, 50. [Page 108] where Christ saith, I must be baptized, and how am I grieued [...] I be baptized? And [...] 12. 22. Are ye able to drinke of the cuppe that I must drinke of, and be baptized with the bap­tisme that I shal be baptized withall? Fourthly, it is taken for a liberall and plentifull distribution of the graces and gifts of God, as Act. 1 5. Iohn baptized with water, but ye shalbe bap­tized with the Holy-ghost within these few dates, that is, ye shall re­ceiue a greater measure of the gifts of God then ye haue done before. Fiftly, the word is taken for the doctrine of Iohn, which he deliuered before he administred the Sacrament of bap­tisme, as Act. 18. 25. Where Apollos is said to be an elo­quent man, and mighty in the scripture, knowing nothing but the baptisme of Iohn. Lastly, it is taken for the whole worke and action of the sacrament of baptisme, as Math, 28, 19. Go vnto all nations, teach and baptize them: and in this last sence we are now to speake of it.

Let vs therefore see What bap­tisme is. what this Sacrament is. Baptisme is the first Sacrament, whereby, by the outward [...] of the body with water once into the name of the father, of the sonne, and of the Holy ghost the inward clensing of the sonle by the blood of Christ is repre­sented. This description of baptisme is to be opened and farther expounded vnto vs: The de­scription of baptisme proued. wherein fiue pointes are to be considered of vs. First, it is called the first Sacrament, both in respect of the other Sacrament of the Lords supper: and because when the nations were conuerted to the saith, and beleeued in the name of Christ, they were immediat­ly baptized, as we see the practise of the church, Act. 2. 4. and Chap. 10. 47. and Ch, 8, 12. Where after embracing the faith, we see the partaking of baptisme, and the sealing vp of their conuersion.

Againe, it is said there must be an outward washing of the body with water, because the Eph. 5, 26 Tit. 3, 5 Mar, 1, 4. Apostle declareth ther­by the nature of a sacrament of baptism, Eph, 5. Calling it the washing of water through the Word: and it hath a iust propor­tion or relation to the spirituall washing of our newe birth, Tit. 3, 5. being also called the baptisme of repent­ance and amendment of life for remission of sins. Dipping [Page 109] into the water is not necessary to the being of a sacrament: sprinkling of water is not necessary to the being of a Sacra­ment: but wetting and washing with water is necessary to the being of a Sacrament. Now whether the whole body should be washed, or the face only: and whether it should be done once or thrice, is not greatly materiall, but left in­different to the church to decree and determine, what shal be thought fittest to be receiued and practised.

Thirdly, it is added in the former description, that bap­tisme is once onely to be administred. For as in naturall generation, man is once onely borne: so it is in spirituall regeneration. And as circumcision was once only receiued in the flesh, whereby the fore-skin was circumcised: so is Baptisme once onely to be administred, not oftentimes to be repeated. Wherefore, the Apostle Eph. 4. saith, There is one Eph. 4, 5, 6 baptisme, one faith. Againe, Christ willed the Apostles to minister Baptisme, not Baptismes. Lastly, in baptisme the death of Christ is represented, and he died but once: so that as his death was not to be repeated, no more is bap­tisme to be reiterated. Fourthly, the forme and manner of doing, is said to be Into the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the Holy-ghost. Wherby is ment, that we haue fellow­ship with God in three persons (as a wife hath with her husband, who passeth into her husbands name) to be sub­iect to him, to obey him, to acknowledge and call vpon him, to worship no other god but the true Iehoua. This ther­fore is not to be vnderstood onely of vsing the name of the Trinity in baptizing, but by it also is ment, that the per­sons baptized are receiued into the grace and fellowship of God, to become his people, and to be pertakers of his couenant to their spirituall comfort. Lastly in the descrip­tion before remembred, it is affirmed that the outward washing of the body, Representeth the inward clensing of the soule by the blood of Iesus Christ. This Gal. 3, 27 Tit. 3, 5, 6 Rom. 6, 4 appeareth expresly Gal. 3. All that are baptized into Christ, haue put on Christ. And Titus 3. 5. 6. According to his mercy he saued vs, by the washing of the new birth, and the renewing of the Holy-ghost, which he shed on [Page 110] vs aboundaintly through Iesus Christ our sauiour. So also the same Apostle, We are [...] with him by baptisme into his death. These testimonies out of the word of truth do euidently teach, that this is the principall scope and end of Baptisme, to as­sure our consciences by externall washing, of the inward clensing of our soules by the blood of Christ for remission of sins. This being the discription of baptisme, let vs see what good vses may be made therof, and euery part in or­der, as they haue beene laid before vs. And first, touching the The vse of the first part of the description. first point mentioned before in the description, that Baptisme is the first Sacrament. This teacheth that such as are gained to the faith, & children of such as are in the pro­fession act 18. 8 are immediately to he baptized. So was the Eunuch when he was instructed: so was Paule when he was conuer­ted: so were the Iewes when they repented. And indeede this is a true saying, that August. cont. Faust. lib. 19. cap. 11 men cannot be incorporate in­to any religion (whether it be true or false) vnlesse they be combined together by some communion and fellowship of visible Sacraments. Again, Is baptisme the first Sacrament of the new Testament? Then it followeth, that he which is not baptized, is not to be admitted to the Lords table: he that hath not receiued the first Sacrament, is not to bee made partaker of the second. As in the old testament, cir­cumcision was the Sacrament of entrance and admission, and none was admitted to eate the Passouer but such as wer circumcised, Exod. 12 48 as we see Exod. so none hath this right and priuiledge to come to the supper of the Lord, vnlesse first they be entred, and the doore opened to them by baptisme. For a man must be knowne to belong to our family and houshold, before he presume to eat of the childrens bread, that belongeth not to strangers. Touching the vse of the 2. point, to wit, Vse of the second part of the description. that there must be washing with waters we learne that washing with water is of the necessity of baptisme. Indeed ther may be a washing without baptisme, but ther can be no baptisme without washing The Eph 5, 26 washing of water through the word. So that this washing is necessary, be­cause of the fit similitude that is between it and our regene­ration [Page 111] or new-birth. The water is apt to clense vs & leaueth no silah behind: so is our iustification [...] sanctification repres­sented by the blood of christ, as shal be cōsidered. Therfore such as vsed sand, or blood, or such like matter not fit for washing, did not indeed baptize, but horribly prophane the Sacra. of baptisme. The third point in the description is, Vses of the 3. part of the description of baptisme. that baptisme is once onely to be administred which affor­deth vnto vs these three vses. First, it sheweth a difference between it and the Lords supper. The Apostle Paule spea­king of the supper of the Lord saith, 1 cor. 11. 26 25. 23 As oft as ye shal eat this bread and drinke of this cup: and Christ our sauiour, Do this as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me, therfore it must be often receiued of the church. But baptisme once ministred, is not againe to be repeated. As we are once onely borne into the world, but after our birth are dayly nourished: so we are but once baptized, but there is continuall vse of the Lords supper, where at we are fed to eternall life. Secondly, this teacheth, that all rebaptizing is vnlawful, as we see by the examples of the Apostles, act. 2, 42, & 19, 4. 5 who baptized not the belee­uers and members of the church the second time. For Act. 2. it is noted, that such as beleeued the gospel, continued in the apostles doctrine, in fellowship, in breaking of bread & prayer: but not in baptizing againe, or being baptized a­gaine. And ch. 19. 4. 5. the disciples which were baptized, and had not receiued the gifts of the Holy-ghost, Paule in­structed further in the doctrine of Christ, and doth not re­baptize them, but laieth his hands vpon them, and they receiue the visible gifts of the holy ghost. The reason is plain against rebaptization, because it signifieth and sealeth vp our once being born again, our once setting and setling in­to the body of christ, Ezek. 16, 8 Hos. 2. 19. 20 and our spiritual mariage once with him, who is the spirituall husband of his Church. Wherby we see, that such as haue beene baptized Such as haue beene bapti­zed by here­tikes, are not to be rebap­tized. by heretikers or other wicked ministers, are not to be rebaptized. It came in place of circumcision: but none wer twice circumcised, therfore none to be twice baptized. Again, it is a Sacra. that representeth our spiritual incorporatiō into the church: but it is sufficiēt once to be ingrasted, & cōsequently sufficient [Page 112] haue it once administred. This error of rebaptizing, arose vpon a corrupt vnderstanding and interpretation of the place. Act. 19. When they heard it, act 19. 5, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus. The difficulty of this place is taken away, if wee consider they be the words of Paule continuing his speech of Iohns baptisme, not of Luke declaring what Paule did. But of this place we shall haue better and fitter occasion to speake farther in the chapter following, where it is at large expoun­ded. Furthermore, if baptisme be administred once for e­uer, it sheweth that he which commeth to Christ once truely and indeed, shall neuer be cast away, Ioh, 13. 8 Rom. 11, 29 whom Christ Iesus loueth once, he loueth for euer, because his graces and giftes are without repentance. What shall seperate vs from Christ, when we are by his working adioyned vnto him? Where­fore, this outwarde washing, being not often repeated, but once onely vsed, doth effectually seale vp our once ioyning to God, who hath made an euer lasting couenant with vs, he shall neuer turne away from vs, to do vs good, we shall bee his people and he will be our God for euer. Indeede if we could cleane fall away, from the grace of God, we shoulde haue another regeneration and another baptizing to be the seale thereof: but because we are built vpon the brazen pil­lar of Gods election, the gates of hell shall not preualle a­gainst vs, for this foundation remaineth sure, 2 Tim, 2 19 20 and hath this seale, The Lord knoweth who are his. This Psal. 51, 10, [...] appeareth in Dauid, Psal. 51. He desireth to haue a cleane hart, be prayeth that the ho­ly spirit be not taken from him: thereby declaring that the spirit was within him, and that hee had a sensible feeling thereof, howsoeuer the flesh for a season had gotten the vpperhande. Heere then is a great comfort sealed to all Christians, in all tentations, against al the tetrours and feares of conscience, where with they are ready to be swalowed vp and ouerwhel­med. This must strengthen and stay vs vp, that although we may fall greevously, yet we shall not fall finally from the state of grace. He that is once a sound and liuely member of Christ, can neuer be wholly cut off. True it is, sinne may les­son our coniunction and weaken our comunion with christ: [Page 113] but if we be truely in him, the band shall neuer be dissolued, 1. Ioh. 2. [...] we shall neuer be wholly seuered and fall from him, as 1, 10. 2. They went out from vs, but they wer not of vs, for if they had bin of vs, they should haue continued with vs, but this commeth to passe, that it might appeare, that they are not all of vs. Now if any man by falling into sinne, were totally seperated from Christ for a time, surely in his recouery and rising from sinne he were to be baptized the second time: for baptisme is the Sacra­ment, initiation and ingrafting into Christ, and an vniuersall falling would require a new ingrafting. But it were most ab­surd to say, we should be as often baptized as we fall into sin: and therefore howsoeuer Satan may buffet, molest, tempt, and wound vs greeuously, yet he can neuer ouermaister vs wholy and ouercome vs finally, 1 Ioh. 3. 9 as the Apostle declareth, 1 Ioh. 3. Whosoeuer is borne of God committeth not sinne, for his seed remaineth in him, neither can he sinne, because he is borne of God. This assurance of our standing for euer in the couenant, is the roote of all courage and comfort in trials and tentati­ons, it helpeth vs to fight manfully against sinne, it preser­ueth vs from securitie, it nourisheth vs in good works, it in­creaseth in vs a care to please god, and lastly it confuteth the popish fancie of the forged sacrament of penance, wherby (they say) a Christian being cleane fallen from grace is re­stored, finding no comfort in his baptisme: wheras the true beleeuer neuer falleth finally from faith, neither needeth an outwarde seale to assure his pertaining to Gods fauour and loue. Indeed euery christian that is fallen through infirmity, must rise vp, repent vnfainedly, and shew foorth the fruites thereof: yet the force and strength of his baptism is not lost, the fruit and comfort thereof remaineth for euer, and is ex­tended as well to the time to come as to the time that is past. So many therefore as asfirme, that the faithfull in thoir falles, haue remedie in penance, but no comfort by their baptism, do set vp themselues, magnifieng their owne dreames and deuises aboue the holy ordinances of God.

The fourth part of the former description of Baptisme, is the forme of baptizing into the name of the father, of the son, and [Page 112] [...] [Page 113] [...] [Page 114] of the Holi-ghost. The vse of the fourth part of the description of baptisme. This teacheth that whosoeuer is bapti­zed, hath made a solemn promise to confesse and professe the Christian religion, to be the seruaunt of Christ, to fight his battelles vnder his banner, against all the enemies of his faith and saluation, against sinne, against Satan, against the world: he hath vowed to renounce the workes of the flesh, and to serue the true God. So often then as we are present at the administration thereof, we must consider the couenant into which wee are entred, which we made in the pre­sence of men and Angels, which we are bound to keepe for euer. Wherefore, let vs learne daily to die vnto sin, and fol­low a new life by the grace of sanctification. Secondly, this form of administration teacheth vs, to assure our own harts of God protection and defence, [...]. 20. 16 as a wife doth of her husbands tuition and preseruation of her from al daungers. Let vs looke for life, saluation, gouernment, and nourish­ment from him alone in Christ For as he calleth vs from the fellowship of Satan, of sin, and of the worldto haue felowship with himselfe: so he promiseth to be our aide and de­fence in time of neede, on whom we are in euery estate and condition to depend. The last part of the description, The vse of the last parte of the description of bap­tisme. she­weth, The inward clensing of the soule by the blood of Christ. This teacheth that they abuse baptism, that in the outward work seeke remission of sins, as though the force of washing away sins were found in the element of water. Baptisme therfore is not the washing away of sins: onely the bloud of Christ clenseth vs from al sin, 1. Iohn 1, 7. Againe this declareth the perpetuall vse of it in the church, seeing it hath this effect to assure remission and forgiuenes of sins: vnto this let vs bring our children: of this let vs make them partakers: from this let vs by no means keepe them: and in this let vs con­tinually renew our couenant with God.

Chap 2. That the parts of Baptisme are partly outward and partly inward,

Hitherto wee haue shewed how baptisme is taken and what it is. In baptism we are to consider 2 things, In batism 2 things are to be conside­red, his parts and his vses. his parts and his vses. For as in the former book, when we spake of the Sacraments in generall, hauing shewed what a Sa­crament is, we discended to his parts and vses, wherein the perfect knowledge thereof consisteth: so wee wiil obserue the same in handling the doctrine of the sacraments in par­ticular. The parts of baptisme are first to be opened: the v­ses are to be reserued to their proper place. The parts are 2. 1 Pet. 3, 21 Mar, 1, 1 Act. 2, 38 the outward and the inward parts. This appeareth, 1 Pet 3 Where of the baptisme that now is, answereth that figure, which is not a putting away of the filth of the flesh, but a confident demanding which a good conscience maketh to God, and saueth vs by the resur­rection of Iesus Christ. Where the A postle teacheth, that sinne cannot be washed awaye by that outwarde water, but by Christs inward working which the outward baptisme doth shaddow. In like manner Mar. 1. Truth it is, I haue baptized you' with Water, but hee will baptize you with the Holy­ghost, where the baptise sheweth that hee baptized outwardly, but the force of it proceedeth from Christ who baptizeth inwardly. So Act, 2, Peter saide vnto them, Amend your liues and be baptized euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes, and ye shall receiue the gift of the Holy-ghost: Where the A postle declareth, that in such as repent and beleeue, the vertue of the Holy-ghost is ioyned with outwarde baptisme. The outwarde partes therefore are one thinge, and the inwarde partes are another: that which is seene is one thing, and that which is vnderstood is another thing.

This diuision of the partes of Baptisme, affoordeth Vse. 1. diuers good vses, and putteth vs in minde of sundrye holy duties. And first of all, are there outwarde and in­warde partes of baptisme? then we learne hereby, that the outwarde partes are no vaine ceremonies, no fruit­lesse rites, no vnprofitable actions that may be neglected or contemned, but auaileable signes, and effectuall seales of the sprinkling of Christs blood for the forgiuenes of all our sinnes.

[Page 116] Againe, seeing there is such an vnion of the partes be­tweene themselues, we must not contemue, or dispise, or deferre baptisme. Wherefore the faithfull, all delaies, rea­sons, and pretences set aparte, haue speedily prepared themselues to do that which God commaundeth. Wee haue a worthy example in Abraham, Gen. 17, 23 [...] when god required him to circumcise himselfe, his sonne, and all the males of his house, and thereby to vncouer all their shames: hee doth not inquire why God required this at his hands, hee doth not complaine or consult with flesh and blood: ouer all doubts faith got the victory, and subdued reason vnder her, and caused him with diligence, readines, and expedi­tion to submit himselfe to fulfill the Lords will, and per­forme it the same day that he commaunded it. Of this duty likewise we see Paule was act. 22. 16 & 18. 8 admonished by Ananias im­mediately after his conuersion Act. 22. saying, Why tariest thou? Arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lord. Whereby he sheweth, that this tarying and delay in the matters of God maketh vs culpable in his sight. True it is, it is not Bernard. epist. 77 the want of Baptisme simply that is demnable (as is shewed afterward) but the con­tempt of the Sacraments is dangerous, and without repen­tance damnable, Luk. 7, 30 as it appeareth. The Pharisies and expoun­ders of the law despised the counsell of God against themselues, and were not baptized of him. We know all neglect and contempt in heauenly duties [...] 48. 10, is euill, and bringeth with it a certain curse as the prophet saith, Cursed is he that doth the worke of the Lord negligently. We see in humaine and wordly thinges, wise-men will not deferre the sealing of their writings and calling of witnesses, when they haue giuen a promise to o­ther or made a bargaine with other (knowing that vnne­cessary delay may breede vnrecouerable danger) as wee see by the example of Ieremy, when he had [...]. 32. 9. 10 Gen. 23. 16. 17. 18 bought a field of his vncles sonne, presently he weighed him the siluer, & enrolled it in a booke of remembrance, hee signed it, he tooke witnesses, and left it written in roles or records, ha­uing an instrument or euidence fairely drawne and sealed [Page 117] with the common seale, if any thing should be called in question in time to come. [...] he like we see in Abraham long before, when he had bought a possession of the Hittites for the buriall of his dead, he weighed out and paied [...] money among Marchants: so the field and the caue that was [...] withal the trees and appurteuances that were ther­in, was made sure to him for a possession. As these men, when they had made the purchase, would not delay the taking of assurance and security: the like delaying and vnne­cessary putting off the time from Sabboath to Saboath, from meeting to meeting, ought to be fhunned of vs: otherwise, thogh we should be free from contempt, we cannot excuse ourselues of the neglect of au high and holy duty to God and our children. Indeede, Baptisme not pricisely tyed to a cer­taine day. we are not pricisely tyed to a certaine day in Baptisme, as the Iewes were to the 8. day in their circumcision: but that which the 8. day was to them, a conuenient and orderly time is to vs. Now, what time can be more conuenient, more comely, more fitte, then the Sabboath day following, when the Church is assembled? That so it may be administred rightly, reuerently, religi­ously, and conueniently in the publike meetings of the faithfull? Againe, the needelesse and carelesse deferring of this worke hath a grieuous threatning Gen. [...]. [...] annexed of assu­red punishment and iudgement, as it is set down, The vncir­cumcised male, in whose flesh the foreskin is not circumcised, euen that person snalbe cut off from his people, because he hath broken my couenant. Whereby we see, that whosoeuer shal neglect cir­cumcision, & not fuffer himself be circumcised, or shal ap­proue the negligence committed by his parents, shall bee none of the peop'e of God, but shall be shut out from the society and barred from the fellowship of the faithful, both in this world and in the world to come, vnlesse hee repent of this sin. And that the Exod 4. [...] neglect of Gods ordinance dra­weth his wrath, appeareth in the example of Moyses, The Lord met him and would haue killed him, because his son was not circumcised. He had dwelt inth: land of Midian an Idola­trous country 40. years, he began to sauour of the manners [Page 118] thereof: but hauing called him to be a gouernor of peo­ple, would not be appeased toward him, vntill he had re­formed his owne house. For if any cannot 1 Tim. 3, 5 rule [...] owne house, how shall he care for the church of God? Nowe whereas he had two sonnes borne vnto him in Midian, the elder no doubt was circumcised the eight day, accor­ding to the order and ordinance of God: why then did he deferre the circumcising of the younger? No doubt he was scorned and derided among them for circumcising his first borne, and his enemies were those of his owne house, euen the wife that lay in his bosome: yea he being then weake in faith, loued the praise of men more then the praise of God, and therefore the Lord would haue slaine him. Albe­it the signe of circumcision seemed base and contemptible in outward shew, and to sauour of great cruelty toward lit­tle children: yet God woulde not suffer the deferring and neglecting thereof to goe without punishment. Although grace be not tyed to the sacraments, and that we may bee saued without them: yet it is not left to the disposition of men, whether they will come to them or not, God will not haue the outward signes contemned of vs: for if we will be in the couenant, we must not despise the seal of the couenāt.

Furthermore, are the outward parts vnited to the inward? then this serueth as a speciall meanes to comfort the verie Vse. 3. lowest estate of men and the poorest degree in the church, that they doubt not of the fatherly fauor of God towarde them, but bee assured of their acceptation with God, who will make them partakers of his eternall blessinges in his kingdome, as well as other whose condition is greater and higher in the world. When god gaue circumcision to A­braham, he commaunded him circumcise Gen. 17, 12 13, 27 all his seruants bond or free, as well borne in his house as bought with his money: thereby signifying that he adopted them for his children, and that albert they were Abrahams bond-men, 1 Cor. 7, 22 yet they were the Lords free men. So vnto baptisme wee admit and receiue the poore as well as the rich, the seruant as well as the maister, the low as well as the high, without respect of persons. When the lord instituted the passeouer, Exod. 12, 3 the lambe was eaten of all the congregation.

[Page 119] So touching the Lords supper, it is an holy banket for all degrees and conditions whatsoeuer, and therefore [...]. 11. 21. 23. the Apostle checketh the Corinthians for this abuse, that wheras the poorest soule eating of the bread and drinking of the cup, is as welcome to christ the gouernor of the seast as the richest, they did despise the poore and shamed them that had not. All these things duly considered, serue to as­sure the very meanest, lowest, and simplest in the church, that they are made heires of eternall life as well as other, as they are partakers of the signe with other, if they beleeue with faithfull Abraham. This the Apostle Gal. 3. [...] Col. 3. 11 teacheth, There is netther Iew nor Graecian, there is neither bond nor free there is nei­ther male nor female: for ye are al one in Christ. And Col. 3. There is neither Graecian nor Iew, circumcision nor vncircumcision, Barba­rian, Scithian, bond, free: but Christ is all and in all things.

Fourthly, are there outward rites, signes, and persons as Vse. 4. externall parts of baptisme? And are their likewise inward parts whereby we are consecrated to God, teaching that we haue vowed to renounce the lusts of the world, and to forsake the workes of the deuill? Then this They are to be reproued that depart out of the church be­fore baptisme be solemni­zed. condemneth those that depart out of the church before this holy and publike action be taken in hand. Baptisme belongeth not onely to the wittnesses and parties that bring the child, but to all the members of the church, that we may learne by our presence therat, to renew our faith and repentance vn­to God. These men do too much disgrace and deface the dignity of this sacrament, not vouchsafing to remain at the administration therof, as if it were not worthy to be solem­nized before thē: wheras they should quicken their faith in the couenant of god, by beholding the works of the mini­ster, and ratifieng them in their harts, Luk. 1. 58. 59. as we read. Luk. 1. wher they are said to circumcise, because they were al pre­sent at the work, consenting to prayers and thanks giuings, of the Church: 1 Cor. 11. [...] as also the Apostle saith, Women pray and prophesie in the church, when they sit stil and are partakers of the praiers and preaching vsed in the publike assemblies. And as no mem­ber is cut off by excommunication, 1 cor. 5. 4. but in presence of al, to be witnesses therof & to ratifie their grief for the losse [Page 120] of a member of their body: so in Reasons rendred why the [...] should re­maine alto­gether, [...] Baptisme be [...]. Baptisme it is requi­red, to witnesse and approoue the publike worke by their presence, and to [...] themselues thereby [...] [...] and comfort, hata fellow-heire is made partaker with them in the communion of Saintes. Moreouer, the excellency of this Sacrament is as great as of the other: they are of like worthynes in themselues, and to be had equal and in­differently in like price and estimation: they are both commaunded and instituted by the [...] authoritye of Christ: there is the same matter and substance of both, to wit, Christ with all his benifits: there is [...] one and the same end of both, the increase and strengthning of our faith: therfore why should one Sacrament be so much ex­tolled aboue the other, and preferred before the other? So that whereas many come to the Lords Supper, few re­maine and abide in the Church at the administration of baptisme. The whole assembly heareth the word preached and deliuered by the minister: the Sacramentes are instru­ments of our iustification by faith christ is af­ter a sort preached in [...]. as well as the worde preached, sauing that the word worketh by hearing only, the Sacraments serue by the senses of seeing, handling, and tasting as well as hearing, to strengthen and encrease faith in our hearts: and therefore it is requisite that we ioyne in the one as well as in the other. Furthermore, the excellen­cy, and worthynesse of baptisme appeareth heerein, in that it was instituted of God sealing vp his gratious couenant, in that it was sanctified by Christ being baptized of Iohn, and in that it was beautified by the heauenly reuelation of the blessed Trinity appearing thereat: so great honour, so great dignity and preheminence was neuer giuen to any Ceremony? Did God institute it, and shall we contemne it? Did Iesus Christ come to Iohns baptisme, and shal we disdaine to be at the baptisme of Christ? Was the holy Trinity present, & will we be absent? True it is, som of the sacrifices and burnt offerings were Gen. 4, 5 compared with Heb. [...]. 4 miraculously consu­med by fire from heauen: but what is this to the glorious presence of the maiesty of God, the blessed Trinity: decla­ring [Page 121] to vs thereby, that God the father, God the son, and Iudg. 13, 20. 1 King. 18. [...] 2 chr. 7, [...] God the Holy-ghost are alwaies present at the administra­tion of baptisme, and truely performe that which is out-wardly figured and represented. Heere heauen was open, which for our sinnes was shut against vs: heere the spirit descended in the visible forme of a doue vpon Christ, to signifie vnto vs that being deliuered from the terrors of sin and iudgement, we are at peace with God: math. 3. 16. 17. the voice of the father is heard from heauen, saying, This is my sonne, in whom I am well pleased. All these things note out the speciall force and dignity of this Sacrament. It is not therefore to bee administred in a corner of the Church with three or foure persons present to witnesse the baptisme, the rest of the body of the congregation being departed, but in the face and open view thereof: forasmuch as God, to deli­uer it from contempt, hath giuen it visible markes of grea­ter honor. The Apostle 1 cor. 12. 23 saith 1 Cor. 12, Our vncomelie partes haue more comlinesse on: for our comely partes neede it not, but God hath tempered the body together, and hath giuen more honor to that part which lacked. As God hath delt with our bodies, so hath he done in this sacrament. That which is most sub­iect to contempt, dishonour, and disgrace, God hath lifted vp with sundry excelent preheminences and prerogatiues as we haue seene in Christs baptisme. And albeit there be a difference in the person baptized, yet there is none in the substance of the baptisme. Seeing then god so highly esteemeth of this ordinance: it serueth to conuince, to ac­cuse, and to condemne their carelesnesse and negligence, that refuse to be present at baptisme, or if they vouchsafe to bee present for a while, departe before the end of the whole action, and rushe out of the church before the name of God be praysed, and the whole worke finished Luk. 3. [...]. Act. 22. 16 and concluded with prayer, as it was Luk. 3. It came to passe as all the people were baptized, and that Iesus was baptized, and did pray, the heauen was opened. And Act. 22, Arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lord. Wherefore we are not to departe, before god hath [Page 122] be ene prayed vnto, and praysed for his benefits. The A­postle chargeth, that 1 COI. 1426 40. all things in the church be done in order and comelinesse. Now, what can be more comely and conuenient, Ezek. 46. 10 then that the Churches begin the exer­cises of their holy religion together, and end them toge­ther? Forasmuch as nothing is done in the assembly, which tendeth not to the edification of the whole body.

Lastly, if in euery true baptisme, there be outward and inward parts vnited each to other: then the baptisme of lohn and of Christ are in nature and substance all one. Contrary to the doctrine of the Concil. Trid. sess. 7. can. 1. Trent-councel that teacheth, If any shal say, that the baptisme of Iohn hath the same force with Christs baptisme, let him be accursed. Although it be no matter of faith, nor greatly necessary in the [...]e daies to despute of Iohns baptisme; seeing no man or woman is now baptized the re­with: yet we will shew the truth of this point out of the Scriptures The bap­tisme of Iohn and of Christ are in sub­stance one & the same. that they are al one in substance and effect, not of any other kind & nature. For first, Iohn preached the bap­tisme of repentance to remission of sins, they haue therfore the same doctrine, the same word, the same promise, Mar. 1, 4 the same repentance, the same forgiuenesle of sinnes, as they had the same outward element of water. And the Apostle Eph, 4. 5. 6 teacheth, that there is One body, one spirit, one hopeof the calling, one Lord, one father, one faith, and one baptisme. 2. The bap­tisme of Iohn was consecrated and sanctified in the person of christ, for christ was baptised with the baptisme of Iohn. 3. It may appeare (as we wil proue Ch. 4, that Iohn [...] in the name of the blessed trinity. Fourthly, neither Christ nor his Ap. rebaptized any that wer baptized by the mini­stry of Iohn. Apollos did know onely the baptisme of Iohn, Act, 18. 25, 16 he is taken & instructed farder in the faith and waies of the Lord, but we read not that he was baptized again. 5 if Iohns. baptisme were not the same with our baptisme, it would follow that CHRIST was baptized with another bap­tisme then we are, and that our baptisme was not sanctifi­ed in the person of CHRIST: which taketh away our comfort and consolation, that we which are the members of CHRIST haue one and the same baptisme with our head. Sixtly, if the baptisme of Iohn were not one with the [Page 123] baptisme of Christ, heere by the errour of the Anabaptistes should be confirmed, for such as were baptized of Iohn, should be rebaptized. Seuenthly, the Apostles themselues should not be truely baptized: for they (no doubt) were baptized of Iohn, some of them being first his Disciples, o­therwise they should be vnbaptized. For Christ with his owne hands baptized none, Ioh. 4. 1, 1 as ap peareth Ioh. 4, 1, 2, and it is not likely that one of them baptized another: yea they should baptize other into another baptisme then themselus had receiued. Last of all, Christ himselfe testi fieth, Math. 3, 15 Luk. 7, 29 that the baptisme ministred by Iohn, pertained to the fulfilling of righteousnesse Math. 3, 15, and Luke testifieth, that the publicans and people being baptized of him, iustified god; but the Pharises dispised the counsell of god against them­selues & were not baptised. Wherfore seeing Iohn bpatised with water in the name of the Trinity to remission of sins and that the blessed Trinity was present thereat, we con­clude his baptisme was the same with ours: Difference betweene Iohns bap­tisme and christs wher­in? onely heer­in lyeth the difference, in the circumstance of time, Iohn baptised in christ that should suffer death and rise againe, we baptise in the name of Christ already dead and risen againe to life. Against this euident Obiections answered. truth directly confir­med, Bellarmine the Iesuite taketh diuers, exceptions, and maketh many obiections: all which stumbling blocks ly­ing in the way (wherat many stumble) are to be remoued, before we conclude this chapter. For he reasoneth thus, Bellar. lib. 1 de Bapt. cap. 20 The baptisme of Iohn was instituted by Iohn himselfe not by Christ, he was, not the minister onely, but the author thereof: therefore it was no Sacrament at all, especially of the new Testament, and consequently not the same with the baptisme of christ. I answer, we must consi­der in this reason, the base and vile account that the Iesu­ites make of Iohns baptisme, they make it an idle and vaine Ceremony without fruite or force, and no Sacrament or seale of heauenly grace. Againe, if Iohns baptisme were no Sacrament, then CHRIST which receiued no other outward Baptisme, receiued no Sacrament: and we should be baptised with an other [...] then Christ was. Fur­thermore, shal we heare with patience and hold our peace, [Page 124] when these Iesuites or [...] Iebusites [...] enemies of the people of God, belch out their [...], and blot Iohns baptisme out of the [...] of sacraments: and ad­mit [...] [...] false and [...] Sacraments of [...], Penance, Orders, Matrimony, and [...] [...]? Lastly, what intolerable boldnes or blindenesse is there in these bayards, that make Iohn and not God, to be the ap­pointer, author, and ordainer of his baptisme: contrary to expresse euidence of holy [...]? For seeing no man Heb, 5, 4 taketh this honor vpon him but he that is called of God as Aaron was: shall we thinke hee would vsurp this office without gods word & warrant? And doth not christ him­felfe propound the question to the [...] priests and elders of the people touching Iohns Baptisme, Math. 21, 25 and teach that he baptized and preached by the authority and commaunde­ment of God? Besides, do not the Euangelists say, Ioh. 1, 6 he was sent of god, Ioh. 1, 6, and that the word of God came to Iohn in the wildernesse, and he came into all the coastes about Iordan preaching and baptizing? Luk: 3, 2, 3. yea, Iohn himselfe testifieth that he was sent to baptize, Ioh. 1. 33, I knew him not, but he that sent me to baptize with water, said vnto me, vpon whom thou shalt see that spirit come [...], and tarry still vpon him, that is he which baptizeth with the Holy-ghost, Where by appeareth, that Iohns baptisme was [...] of God no: of Iohn: and Iohn was not the author, but onely the minister thereof.

Againe, Math. 3, 11 he obiecteth and allegeth Math. 3, 11, where Iohn himselfe saith, I baptize with water, but Christ shall baptize with the Holy-ghost. whence he bellar. lib. 1 [...] bapt. cap. 21 gathereth that Christs bap­tisme gaue the Holy-ghost, Iohns baptisme gaue not the holy ghost: therefore their baptismes are not all one. I an­swer, these words were spoken to inform Luk, 3, 15. 16 the people that he was not that christ, Luk. 3, 15, 16. so that they make a difference, not betweene the Baptisme of CHRIST and of Iohn, but between the persons of Christ and of Iohn, betweene the minister of the Sacrament, and the [...] thereof. For this is true of all the Ministers of Baptisme [Page 125] to the end of the world, that baptize in the name of the holy Trinity: they poure on the water, they can do no more, they can go no further, Christ must giue the grace of regeneration and sanctification.

Moreouer, Bellar. lib. 1. de bapt. c. 22. another obiection he taketh out of Act. 19, 4, 5. where Luke speaketh of certaine disciples at Ephesus, to whom Paule said, Haue ye receiued the Holy-ghost, since ye be­leeued? And they saide vnto him, we haue not so much as heard whether there be an holy ghost. Act. 19, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 And he said vnto them, vnto what were ye then baptized? And they said, vnto Iohns Baptisme. Then Paule saide, Iohn verily baptized with the baptisme of repentance, saying vnto the people, that they should beleeu in him, which shal come after him, that is, in Christ Iesus. And when they heard it, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus. So Paule laid his hands on them, and the Holy-ghost came on him, and they spake the tongues and prophesied, and all the men were about twelue. In these words it should seeme at the first sight, that Paule baptized the Disciples of Ephesus with the baptisme of Christ, which had before receiued the baptisme of Iohn. If then he baptized them againe in the name of Christ whom Iohn baptized, it followeth necessarily that the baptisme of Iohn was one, and the baptisme of christ another, otherwise it should bee a needelesse and fruitelesse repetition. Besides this, the place seemeth to fauour rebaptization, and is alleaged by dangerous heretikes to that purpose. Wherefore, the place being difficult, the doubts diuers, and the errors ma­ny that are gathered and sucked from hence: let vs assay by the assistance of God to open the true and naturall mea­ning thereof. If we shall weigh and consider the wordes aright according to the true interpretation thereof, august. de doct. christ. a­greeable to the drift of the place, to the circumstances of the text, to the propriety of the words, to other testimonies of Scriptures & to the proportion of faith: we shal see they fauour and further neither rebaptization maintained by the Anabaptistes, neither reall difference betweenee Iohns bap­tisme and Christs, defended by the Papists. True it is, ther is in this scripture a double History and narration inserted, [Page 124] [...] [Page 125] [...] [Page 126] intermingled, and [...] the one within the other, which causeth some doubt and [...], but may easily be clce­red and [...]. For first of all. the wordes verse 5, And they which heard it were baptized: are not the wordes of Luke the writer, but of Paule the speaker, continuing his speach of Iohns Disciples and hearers, and are not to be vnderstood of the 12, [...], as appeareth by the two Men, de Greeke con­iunctions, which are vsed by the maiders of that tongue to ioyne and to disioyne, hauing relation one to the other, and knitting together the parts of the sentence answering fitly each to other, Math. 3, 11 Mar. 1 8. 9 Act. 1. 5. 6 as may be seene in many places, wherefore, Luke speaketh not heere of Paules baptisme, but Paule speaketh of Iohns baptisme. He setteth downe the office of Iohn verse 3, then he prose cuteth both the partes of it, mentioning his preaching verse 4. & his baptizing verse 5. Again, these 12. abiding at Ephesus dwelling far from the land of Iudea wher Iohn preached and baptized [...] liuing a­bout 30. or 40, years after the death of Iohn, could not hear his doctrin from his own mouth, or receiue baptisme at his hands. Now, whereas they are said to be baptized to Iohns baptisme, the meaning is, act 18, 25 Math. 21, 25 Mar. 1, 4 they embraced & professed the same doctrin which Iohn preached by word, & sealed with his baptisme. Thirdly, we haue a like example, touching the Samaritans baptized by Phillip, act. 8, 14, 15 16, 17 The holyghost was yet come down vpon none of them, but they were onely baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus: then laid they their hands on them, and they receiued the holy hgost. Heer we are to obseiue this order, Phillip prea­ched, the people beleeued, and were baptized: afterward the Apostles hands were imposed and so the holy ghost is receiued. They gaue the gifts of the holy ghost by laying on of hands without baptisme, Act. 8 17, neither do we read, that laying on of hands was vsed in baptisme, neither were these baptized againe, but onely confirmed and strengthened by imposition of the Apostles hands. So in this place, the twelue Ephesian Disciples had embraced and receiued the doctrine that Iohn preached, and were bapti­zed in the name of christ: then the apostle layeth his hands [Page 127] vpon them, and they receiue the Holy-ghost, they are no more rebaptized then wer the disciples at Samaria. Fourth­ly, if the 4 & 5, verses were to be sundred and dismembred contrary to the vse of the Greeke particles, which serue to comoyne the whole, and to [...] the partes of the sen­tence (as though the one were spoken of Paule, the other of Luke) why doth Luke afterward verse 6, repeate and assume the name of Paule? What neede was there to make mentiō of him again? Doth not this shew, that in the [...] speach before, he had spoken of Iohn and his hearers that heard him preaching in the wildernes? Furthermore, the Apostle neither accuseth nor condemneth the baptisme of these Ephesians, neither enquireth whether they were bapti­zed or no, seing they wer in the number of the professors of the faith & beleeuers of the gospel (for they are called dis­ciples) but whether they had receiued the gifts of the holy ghost? Sixily, if such as haue beene once baptized were to be repaptized, because they are somtimes grosly ignorant, and know not some necessary fundamentall point of religi­on concerning the Trinity, concerning the offices or per­son of Christ, and such like holy principles: he Apostles themselues should haue been baptized again, who conuer­sing with christ, hearing his doctrine, seeing his miracles, knowing his behauior, had yet tafled little of his spirituall and heauenly kingdome, act. 1. 6 Math. 20, 28 Luk. 22, 24 but dreamed that the Messiah should haue a temporal and earthly kingdome. The Sama­ritans also should be baptized anew, because being bapti­zed they did not immediatly receiue the holy ghost. Like­wise, Apollos should be baptized againe, who was weake in knowledge, vnderstanding only the baptisme of Iohn, yet he was not rebaptized, but Aquillia and Priscilla tooke him, and instructed him farther in the faith of Christ and in the waies of God. And if Baptisme were so often to be repea­ted, as GOD of his mercy sheweth vs the errours of our minde and laultes of our life: howe often should wee bee baptized? Should not the faithfull many times, not onelye in a yeare but sometimes in a daye require [Page 128] Baptisme? Besides, we must consider, that these 12. Disci­ples were not ignorant of the Holy-ghost the third person in Trinity, but of the extraordinary and miraculous gifts of the Holy-ghost, which appeared in clouen tongues on the Apostles, act 8, 17, 18 19, & 10, 44 45, 47, and 19 6. as the words are taken, Act. 8, 17, 18, 19, and Chap. 10 44, 45, 47, and chap. 19, 6. For it were vnreaso­nable and absurd to imagine, that such as are said to be dis­ciples, schollers of Christ, professors of the faith, and mem­bers of the church, could be ignorant wholly of the Holy­ghost, which Iohn saw come downe Ioh 1. 32. 33. vpon Christ in a visi­ble shape, without the knowledge of which spirit, none can be said to be a beleeuer and to be faithfull: such are so farre from being admitted into the church, that they de­serue not to sit in the porch. Neither may we thinke with­out intollerable iniury done vnto Iohn, who was filled with the Holy-ghost from his mothers wombe, that hee would euer haue receiued to his baptism such rude & grosse disciples as had neuer heard whether there were an Holy­ghost. Last of al, if Paul had baptized these 12. Disciples of Ephesus, why are they passed ouer in silence and not rehear­sed, where, of set purpose he 1 cor. 1, 13. 14. 15 reckoneth vp such as were baptized by him? he declareth how he baptized [...], [...], and the houshould of Stephanas, he maketh no mention at al of this History. Nay, if he baptized these, might not the Corinthians haue taken exception against him, and accused him of falshood and forgetfulnes? And albeit the speak pro­perly and particularly of the corinthians, yet after warde hee extendeth his doctrin farther, and concludeth generally that he knew not whether he had baptised any other; which he wold neuer haue spoken, if he had baptised the xii. togither: especially seeing he addeth, Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospell. And seeing the former [...] was writ­ten after this History, and as some suppose from Ephesus where these disciples dwelled, 1 cor. 16. 8. as it may in part be gathe­redout of chap 16. when Paulesaith, I [...] tary at Ephesus vntill Pentecost: how can it be that the apostle baptising, these Ephesians and writing his Epistle from Ephesus shoulde not [Page 129] remember them among the rest, being many and also present with him before his face? Thus we haue opened the meaning of this place, which the vnlearned and vnstable haue wrested (as they doe also 2 Pet. 3, 16 other scriptures) to their own destruction: and we haue proued the Baptism of Iohn to be one and the same in substance with the baptisme of Christ, and therefore to be neither vnperfect nor vnprofi­table.

Thus we see, that the vnion of the outward and inwarde parts togither teacheth, The sum of this chapt. 18 set downe. that in baptisme the outwarde rites are no needles ceremonies: that it must be ministred with all conuenient speede, against those that deferre the same many weekes and monethes: that it requireth our presence to the end of the administration therof, that prai­ers may be offered vp by the church for infants to be bap­tized and our selues learne what we haue vowed to God. We haue also learned that God testifieth his loue euen to the lowest in the church. Nothing is done in the church but to the benefit of the whole: and if we desire our chil­dren should be the children of god, why do we not stay to aske it of God? Or, how shall we better know, what our selues haue vowed and promised in our baptisme to God, and how we haue bene answerable [...]: then by our continuall ptesence when it is administred. Lastly, this di­uision of the parts teacheth, that the baptisme of Iohn and of Christ differ not in the truth and substance thereof. Thus farre we haue shewed that the parts of baptisme are partly outward and partly inward Now let vs see what these out­ward parts are: and afterwarde proceede in order to the inward.

Chap. 2. Of the first outward part of baptisme.

AS we declared before in the former booke chap. 3. the number of outward parts of a sacrament: Foure out­ward parts of baptisme. so the out warde partes of baptisme are 4, namely, the minister, the word of institution, the element, and the receiuer. All these though outward partes, yet are substantiall and necessarie [Page 130] parts The first is the minister, as the Ambassador of God sent out by him with [...] to meddle in the matter of the sacraments, as appeareth by the ministerie of Iohn. by the commandement of Christ, and by the examples of the Apostles. The baptist, Lu. 3, 15. 16. when all men [...] in their harts, if he were not that Christ, said to them, Indeede I baptise you with water, but one stronger then I cōmeth, whose shoos Latchet, I am not woorthy to vnloose. And Iohn. 1. he saith, I am come baptising with water, I knew him not, but he that sent me to baptise with water, said to me, vpon whom thou shalt see the spirit come downe and tary still on him, that is he which [...] with the Holy-ghost. And Math. 28. Teach all nations baptising them Now according to this commaundement and commission, the Apostles went forth teaching and preaching to the people, and ministring the Sacraments to such as were conuerted to the faith, act. 2, 38. & 8, 12, 38, & 10 47. 48. & 16 32 33, & 22, 16 as we see Act, 2. 38. Notwithstanding, whereas Paule saith, Christ sent me not to baptise, 1 Cor. 1, 17 but to preach the Gospell, 1 Cor, 1, 17. it is not to be vnderstood hystorically but comparatiue­ly. For his meaning is not simplie to relate and set downe his office wherunto he was called, but by conferring it with his preaching: as if he should say, This is not the chiefe and principall ende of my calling and function to baptize, the high worke of my ministery is to preach the Gospel. Indeed they are both of them parts of the ministers Office, but this is the chiefest to labour in the word and doctrine, in regard of the greater giftes required, and of the fruite that floweth and followeth from thence to their hearers, it being the high ordinance of god to saue such as beleeue.

That this is the Apostles mind and meaning, appeareth by the words immediately ensuing, where he reckoneth vp some whom he had baptized, which he would neuer haue done or attempted without a calling. True it is, the digni­ty & force of baptism dependeth not vpon the worthines or excellency of the Ministers thereof, but on the authoritie and institution of god, who onelie remitteth sinnes, and baptizeth with the Holy-ghost.

This appeareth by the example of such as cast out deuils Math. 7. 22 & 23 [Page 131] in Christs name, of whom Christ saith, he knew them not. So Iudu was sent out with the rest of the Apostles to teach Math 10. 1. 2. 3 and to preach the Gospell of the kingdome, and to heale Math, 23, 1, 2, 3 euery sicknes and euery disease among the people, yet he was the sonne of perdition that the scripture might be Ioh, 4, i, ii fulfilled. The scribes and pharises sit in Moses his chaire. For this cause Christ himselfe would baptize no man Ioh. 4, least any should esteem of baptisme by the worthines or vnworthines of the Ministers. Neuerthelesse, Reasons rendred why the Minister onely may bap­tize it is requi­red that baptisme be done and deliuered by a minister of the church, and one reputed so to be of the church, as may be confirmed by sundry reasons.

First, baptisme is a part of the ministry, which none may vndertake but such as are thereunto lawfully cal­led. God hath ioyned the Mat, 28, xix Heb, 5, 4 Math, xix, 6, ministry of the worde and sacramentes together: and what God hath coupled togi­ther, let no man separate, Math 19. 6. But women or priuate persons may not be admitted to teach in the pub­licke assemblies , i, cor, xiiii 34, 35. in a true and well ordered chutch, 1, Cor, 14. Let your women keepe silence in the churches, for it is not permitted vnto them to speake, but they ought to bee sub­tect, tim. 2, xi, xii. as also the Lawe saith: and if they will learne any thing, let them aske their husbandes at home, for it is a shame for Women to speake in the churcb. And 1 Tim, 2, Let your wo­men learne in silence with all subiection, I permit not a woman to teach, neither to vsurpe authority ouer the man, but to be in silence.

Likewise, Reuel. [...] the Apostle reproueth the church of Thya­tira, that it suffered a Woman to teach among them, and to exercise the publicke ministry of the word, con­trary to gods commaundement and the practise of gods people. I confesse, Iudg. 4 4, 1. Sam. 2. 2 2 King, 2 2, xiiii. there haue bene prophettesses in the church, as Deborab, Huldah, Hannah, the foure daughters of Phillip, with some others: but the exam­ples are extraordinary, and therefore cannot make an or­dinary act xxi. 9. [...] for imitation.

The causes heereof are direct and euident. For to teach [Page 132] publikely, is a token of authority and rule ouer others, in-asmuch as the teacher is higher in place and authority then he that is taught, as Paule was brought vp at the feete of act. 22, 3 Gamaliell, and as the lesse is blessed of Heb, 7, 7 the greater. There­fore, the woman should not be admitted to be a maister in Israell, a teacher and instructer of men, as 1 Tim. 2, where the Apostle forbiddeth them to teach publikely, and to v­surpe authority ouer the man, but requireth of them to be in subiection, not to chalenge dominion. Again, such is the 1 Pet. 3, 7 Eccle. 7. 29. 30 frailenes and weakenesse of that sexe, that they are easier to be seduced and deceiued, and so fitter to be authors of much mischiefe being the weaker vessels: therefore Paule hauing set down the doctrine that women should not take vpon them to teach in the church, and so preach in the as­sembly of men, presently alledgeth this reason, 1 Tim, 2. 13 14 Gen. 3. 6 that The woman was first deceiued of the deuil and was in the transgression: he made choise of her, and made her an instrument to be guile her busband.

Furthermore, the minister representeth Gods person in this holy worke, and theresore he onely can offer and de­liuer with power and authority the outward signe, which answeareth fitly to the inward matter. Shall priuate per­sons vsurp to be the Lords messengers, to bring his letters and seales, not called, not alowed, not authorised? It can­not be without intruding of themselues and dishonour to God.

As none can wash vs from our sinnes but Christ onely: so none can beare his person in the outward Sacrament of the inward washing, but he whom Christ himselfe hath appointed, if we will receiue the benifit of the holy seale of baptisme, for the assurance of our conscience The people cannot with comfort as­sure them­selues to [...] Sacrament at the hands of pri­uate persons. that we are washed from our sinnes. And if the will and pleasure of a Prince, doe make that onely to be his seale, which he hath set aparte to seale his grauntes withall, so that albe­it another bee made right of the same matter, iust of the same forme and fashion, and in all pointes like vnto it, no difference being to bee seene betweene them, yet the [Page 133] same is none of the Princes seale, but a counterfcit stampe: then now much more ought the knowne will of the eter­nall God (which is, that they onely should minister the sa­craments, that haue a publicke calling and allowance ther­unto) to haue that authority, that no sacraments can be war­ranted to be his [...], but such as are signed by his officers. Againe, Beza. lib, de Quest. in sa­cre. [...], 140 141. suppose the princes seales shoulde be stollen a­way, which he hath appointed to seale his grantes withall, and should be set too, by him that hath no authority, not being the keeper thereof, there can by no means grow any assurance of comfort to the party that hath it applyed to his writinges: so if it were possible to bee the seale of GOD which a woman shoulde set to, yet for that she hath stolen her patent, and vsed it contrary to Gods commandement, I see not how any man can perswade his owne hart by it to be partaker of a sacrament: but his comfort is weake­ned and impaired, and his conscience left in doubt and per­plexity.

Moreouer, this may yet farther appeare by a compari­son (a forme of reasoning often vsed in the scripture) com­paring different actions of thinges done by a calling, with such as are done without a calling, wherby we shall see that to haue a lawfull calling to do a thing, giueth life, likinge, and allowance vnto the doing For we must, not onely con­sider what is done; but also who is the doer. What is the reason that Ioab captaine of the hoast, 2 Sam. 3, 27, and, 20, 10 1 King, 2, 5, killing Abner and Amasa two more righteous then himselfe, was reserued to iudgement: Numb, 625 7. 8 whereas Phinchas killing Zimri and Cosbi, it was imputed vnto him for right cousnes? What is the rea­son that Peter is reproued for drawing his sworde, and smi­ting the high priests seruant, being commaunded to put vp the sword, because so many as [...] with the sword shall pe­rish with Math 26. 51. 52 the sword: whereas the higher power which is God is said to be the minister of god, to take vengeance on him Rom. 13, 4 that doth euill, and not to beare the sword in vaine? Was it not, that Phinehas was stirred vp and called of God to do ex­ecution: but Ioah was stirred vp by the Diuel, to see and to [Page 134] seeke his owne reuenge? Was it not, that Peter was a pri­uate man to whome God had saide, Exod. 20. 13 Thou shalt not kill: but the Magistrate is ordained of god, to whom he hath saide, Deut. 13, 8 Thine eye shall not pitty him, whom I haue appointed to die? Wher­fore there is more to be marked of vs then the deede that is done seeing the same deed performed by a person that hath a calling is liked and lawfull, the which done without a cal­ling is vngodly and vnlawful. This truth is so plaine and ap­parent, that the Heathen Terent. in Adesp. ast. 5. sce. 3 poet doth acknowledge it.

Duo cumidem faciunt saepe vt possis dicere
Hoc licet impune facere huic, illi non licet:
Non quod dissimilis res sit, sed is qui facit.

That is.

Though two an act attempt in substance one, as doth befal,
Yet one we oft as lawfull like, th'other vnlawfull call:
Not that the deed is differing, the doer is all in all.

So then, to say that a woman may minister baptisme in ca­ses of necessity, is all one, as if a man should say, that if ther be no iudge or magistrate at hande that will do his duty in executing iustice against murtherers and malefactors: that then a priuate man may take vpon him to draw the sword out of the sheath to strike osfendors. But as a priuate man, flaying a murtherer, hath himselfe committed murther, and not executed iudgement, because he had no calling or commission thereunto, so such as without any warrant haue taken in hande to baptise, haue made a prophane washing; and not administred any Sacrament of the Lord.

Lastly, if it be not materiall who baptise; then if the friends or neighbours meeting together after the birth of a child, should carry the childe to the church ro be baptised and solemnely dedicated to Christ that died on the crosse, if a priuate person preuenting their purpose cast water on the infant and with all vse the wordes of institution; the childe should by this imagination be baptised and be carried no further to the minister. Or, if no man of purpose poure on [Page 135] water, but it dash at vnwares vpon the face of the child, or if a shower of raine fall from Heauen, and a priuate person speake the words of institution, it should likewise be baptisme. Nay, which is more vnreasonable and absurd, calu. lib, E­pistot, Pag. 85 if it were ministred by a boy playing and in sport, if it were ministred by a foole or a mad man, if it were ministred by one that were not himselfe baptized, if it were by a Turke or infidell that is a sworne Enimy by profession to baptisme and to them that are baptised, yea if it were ministred by an Athiest that holdeth there is no God; yet it should be by this opinion a good, lawfull, and perfect baptisme. But seeing this cannot be so, we are not onely to obserue what is the deed done, but to consider who is the doer, and to prouide it be done by the minister warranted by the church and called of God thereunto.

Before we come to the vses heereof, we will answere an obiection from the example of Zipporah the Wife of Moses, who in case of necessity circumcised her sonne, and God departed from pursuinge her husbande to the death for omitting thereof. To this we may answer, that we must liue by lawes, not by examples which haue no warrant. The question is not of the fact, but of the law­fulnes of the fact.

Againe, there is a difference betweene circumcision and baptisme. For this falling out before the law, was more lawfull, when circumcision was left more at liberty: yea vnder the law there was no speciall commaundement gi­uen to the priestes to circumcise, which should tye it to the priesthood. But Christ in the gospell hath apointed the same persons to be preachers of the gospell and Ministers of the sacramentes. Moreouer, inasmuch as shee did it, Exod. 4. 24. 25, 26. not in the absence but in the presence of her husband, and inasmuch as her hart was not vpright, but filled with Anger against GOD, with indignation against her hus­band, with murmaringe and frettinge againste the institution of circumcision, castinge the fore-skin with [Page 136] great disdaine vpon the earth, regarding nothing lesse then to performe a good duty to God, railing vpon and reuiling Moses, the act cannot be lawfull or aproued. Furthermore it doth not appeare out of the scripture that Moses was sick (as some pretend) but it is most probaple and likely, that Zipporah wanting discretion but not presumption, through her boldnes and hastines preuented Moses, and aduentu­red on the worke, before the prophet coulde prepare him­selfe vnto it. Neither may we by the sequell and successe conclude the lawfulnes of her deed, Bellar. de sacra. bap, cap 7. as Bellarmine doth, because the Angell ceased from vexing him, that therefore god was pacified, pleased, and appealed towarde him. For the Heathen man condemneth such as measure actions Ouid. Etist. 2, careat suc­cessibus opto, quisquis ab euentu fact a notanda pu­tat. by the euent, as by a false rule and deceitfull measure. We see oftentimes euill workes prosper, and euill workes speede well in this world; The Assyrians that halted in the wor­ship of God, and mingled his honor with Idols, were deli­uered frow the 2 King. 17. 25. lyons that deuoured them: yet their cor­rupt and consused religion pleased not God. Wherefore, we conclude, that whereas this Woman administred cir­cumcision, her example must not be drawn into imitation.

Now, as the truth is plaine and euident: so the vse is profitable and comfortable. First, if the minister be one out­ward Vse. 1. part of Baptisme, then he must be ready and carefull to performe his duty, which is, to wash the vncleane body with water in the name of the father, of the sonne, and of the Holy-ghost, to call vpon God, and to follow the insti­tution of Christ, as it is left in the scripture for his directi­on. For if there be the outward sign of baptisme as the mat­ter of the Sacrament, if ther be a party to be baptized which is the receiuer, and if there he a minister to administer it: yet vnlesse he performe his duty, there can be no baptisme. So then we must knowe that the actions of the minister What are the actions of the Mini­ster. are dubble: first, there is required of him a sanctifying of the water: Sccondly, a washing of the partie. The sanctifying of the water, is the seperation and appointing of it by the word and praier to this vse to signifie the bloud of Christ. [Page 137] The outward washing is a certaine pledge vnto vs of our inward washing by the blood and spirit of christ.

Secondly, if it be the ossice of the minister to baptize: Vse. 2. then this giueth direction and instruction to the people to whom to repaire and resorte when they haue any children to be baptized. It is required of them to haue recourse to the ministers as to the officers of god. We see in the asfiairs of the common-wealth, and in passing conueyances of houses, of lands, and of inhritances, how carefull and cir­cumspect men are to passe them where they ought to be passed, and in such courts, and vnder such officers as are au­thorised for such purpose, that there may be no error com­mitted in the conueiance. For whatsoeuer is done and pas­sed before him that hath not his patent to warrant his practise, is held to be void and frustrate by maisters of that profession. In like manner it standeth vs all vppon, when a matter of an higher nature and of greater importance is in hand, then the sealing and assuring of temporall possessi­ons, to looke carefully to the diligent performance of this speciall duty, that the signing of our infants and sealing them in the couenant, be made by the hands of such officers as are appointed by God for that purpose, and by no other.

Thirdly, this condemneth the abuse and prophanation of the Sactament of baptisme in the church of Rome, where vse. 3. women, midwiues, and priuate persons without any com­maundement of God, nay contrary to his word, take vpon them this part of the ministers office to baptize children, which they haue receiued from the [...] Marcion Epiph here, 42 who gaue women power to baptize, which Epiphanius Epiph. cont. her. [...]. teacheth, the holy mother of Christ was not permitted to do. Such then as vsurp this calling and approue thereof, neuer knew the force of our adoption in Christ, nor the strength of the couenant, nor that the elect are saued by the good pleasure and will of God. Therfore, there is not that absolute necessity of baptisme to saluation which ma­ny suppose, that for this supposed necessity, the ordinance of God should be broken and prophaned. And a man may [Page 138] maruell, why at such times, they did not rather commit the mater to priuate men to baptize then to woman (whose sexe is surther remoued from execution of this office) not onely because they be vncalled and priuate men, 1 Tim. 2, xi, 12 1 cor. xiiii, 34, but e­uen because they'are women, and thereby are wholly vnca­pable (though otherwise qualified) of any publike charge or function in the church, they are commaunded to sit stil, and to be quiet. Besides, if in time of this extreamety and necessity which is imagened, it be permitted them to mini­ster baptisme: why should it not be suffered in like neces­sity and danger of death, that they minister the Lords Sup­per, and preach the Gospell, (in case they be able and men vnable or vnwilling) the dignity of the one Sacrament be­ing no lesse then the other, and the excellency of the word being as great as of them both? If then women may iustly be condemned, when they shal presume to sit down in the chaire of Moses, or to minister the Supper of the Lord: they cannot be iustified if they vsurp to minister baptisme. For, shall we make a shamefull and double diuorcement of those things that God hath coupled, betweene the word and sa­craments, and likewise betweene the one Sacrament and the other? This is to great contumely and contempt offe­red to baptisme, to allow it in those, that may neither pub­likely preach, nor lawfully minister the Lords Supper: see­ing their warrant to practise the one, is no greater then to do the other. Wherefore, let all priuate persous and mid­wiues consider with the mselues the fearefull examples re­corded in the Scipture, of such as haue rashly presumed to prophane the holy offices of the church, and how God hath often visited this great sin with grieuous iudgments, sometimes with fire from heauen, sometimes the earth o­pening her mouth, sometimes with suddaine death, and sometimes with the most filthy disease of the Leprosie, whereby as by his voice from heauen, he thundered downe vpon mens disobedience, and so ratifieth this law of the ne­cessity of a vocation [...] calling for euer. Num. 16, 9, [...], 106 17, 18. Corah, Dathan, and Abiram taking vpon them the priest-hood without a cal­ling, fire from heauen came downe consuming Corah and [Page 139] his company: the earth also opened and couered Dathan and Abiram, that they were swallowed vp aliue: none of them died the common visitation of other men, but God wroght a strange worke vpon them, and altered the course of nature: which ought to be a parpetuall instruction and direction vnto vs, to teach vs not to peruert or euert that order, which God hath established to continue in his church. Hitherto belongeth that which is writen of Vzzah, 2 Sam. 6. 7 who was smitten with suddaine and vnexpected death, only for that beyond the bounds of his calling he put forth his hand to hold vp the Arke which did shake and was rea­dy to fal, which was lawfull for the Leuites onely to meddle withal, although his intent and purpose wer neuer so good: so that if the vnlawful intruders vpon baptisme pretend ca­ses of necessity, heere seemed as great a necessity, yea his mind and meaning was as good as theirs, yet it displeased god, because it was done without his word and warrant. So Azariah was striken with Leprosie, that he was a Leaper to the day of his death, for that not being content with his kingly office, he would take vpon him the priests office 2 king 15. 5 to burn incense vnto the Lord. These worthy examples of gods most feuere iudgements executed vpon the breakers of this ordinance, ought to strike such a fear into our harts, that we suffer not the sacred functions and offices of the church to be prophaned, and to teach vs that euery one meddle only with the approued duties of his own calling. And although God do not now thus execute iudgement from heauen, and work strange things in the earth in extra­ordinary manner, when his ordinances are broken: yet the sin is not therby lessened, nor the punishmēt mitagated, nor the hand of God shortned, but stretched out still, though iudgement according to desert be deferred: my rather the Nah. 1, 2 Eccl. 8, 11, 12 13. greater wrath is reserued for his aduersaries, to the great day of account, when al flesh shal appear before the throne of his glorious presence. For if the prophaners of the sign [...] sacraments of the old testament did not escape, but were thus sharpely and seuerely punished: our sacraments esta­blished by the lord Iesus are not of lesse value [...] worthines, so that the contempt of thē shal be visited with sorer iudg­ments. [Page 140] And if god did strike with his reuenging hand priuatemen when they sinned in a abusing the sacramentes, and spared not kings in the pride of their hearts: how should women standing a degree [...] off, and barred from the office by a stronger bolt, enter into the house Ioh. 10, 10 at a window, and not be accounted as theeues and robbers? So that we con­clude, that the necessity of a calling is as great as the neces­sity of baptisme. And thus much of the first outward part of baptisme, namely the minister.

Chap. 4. Of the second outward part of baptisme.

THe second outward part of baptisme is the word of in­stitution, Word of institution is the forme of baptisme which is as the forme of the Sacrament, as Eph. 2, 26. Christ loued the church and gaue himselfe for it, that he might sanctifie it and clense it by the washing of water Eph. 2, 26 Math. 28, 19 through the word. This also is expresly set downe Math. 28. Go, teach all nations, baptizing them into the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the Holy-ghost. This both declareth the vse of the Sa­crament, and promiseth Christ with all his benefits. For to be baptized into the name of the blessed Trinity, is to be made one of Gods family which is his church, and to be partaker of the priuiledges thereof. I his promise is contai­ned vnder the commaundement, Gen. 48, 19 as we may see by sun­dry testimonies of the Scripture as Gen. 48. Iacob saith, The Angell that hath deliuered me from all euil, blesse the children, and let my name be named vpon them, and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac: whereby he meaneth, they should be ioyned to his family & accounted in the number of them. Now the vses remaine to be considered. First, heereby it is manifest, what a solemne couenant and contract, and what Vse. 1. a neere coniunction is made by the washing in baptisme be­tweene God and the persons baptized: for god the father vouchsafeth to receiue them as his children into fauour, the sonne to redeeme [...], the Holy-ghost to purifie and preserue them, to comfort and regenerate them, to protect and defend them from all euil. This is the staffe and stay of our hope and comfort.

Secondly, consider on the other side, that the parties thus Vse. 2. [Page 141] baptised, do promise and vow, to acknowledge, beleeue, serue, worship and call vpon the name of no other Gods but of the true God, which is the father, the sonne, and the Holy-ghost, and consequently to renounce the works of the deuil, the fashions of the world & the lustes of the flesh. Baptisme is as it were a solemne othe taken in the sight of God and in the face of the congregation, whereby the person baptized bindeth himselfe wholly to God, three in persons, but one in substance. Indeede we deserue to be cast out of the fauour and family of God, yet he vouchsa­feth to entertaine vs, to receiue vs, and to acknowledge vs for his children: therefore we must in euery estate depend vpon him, honor him as our God, serue him as our mai­ster, obey him as our Lord, and looke for saluation from him as from our redeemer. Againe, as we haue beene bap­tised, not in the name of one person alone, not in the name of the father alone, or of the son alone, or of the holy ghost alone, but in the name of the father, and of the son, & of the Holy-ghost: so we must all beleeue [...] confesse as an arti­cle of our faith, that the Trinity in vnity, and vnity in tri­nity is to be worshipped. For albeit here are three reckoned vp as speaking of many: yet heere is also mentioned their name, as speaking only of one, not of their names, baptise them in the name of the three persons. So many as deny the doctrine of the trinity, are iustly to be condemned of falsehood and heresie. Such is the religion of the Iewes, Greekes, Turkes, Persians, and in some sort the Papists, albe­it in words these last acknowledge one God in three per­sons. The Greeke church at this day denyeth the God-head of the holy ghost: the Turks and Iews deny the deity both of the sonne and of the Holy-ghost: the present church of Rome more glorious in shew, but not much more sound in saith, hath defiled the whole trinity with their Imagerie, and set vp a false CHRIST, partly denying him to be GOD of himselfe, and partly repealing all his offices: so that howsoeuer they professe him in wordes, and leaue him the name of a sauiour: yet they make a mocke of his [Page 143] sacrifice and haue turned Christian religion into Antichristi­an [...]. Wherefore, as we are baptized into the most worthy name of the blessed Trinity, let vs hold fast the true profession thereof, and renounce al errors and he­resies oppugning our holy [...], and [...] vs of the sweete comfort we haue therein.

Thirdly, are these words of institution baptizing them into the name of the father, and of the son & of the Holy­ghost, Vse. 3. the outward forme of baptisme? Then we hold that manner of baptizing must bee retained, this ought not to be changed, no other ought to be vsed then this, prescri­bed by Christ our sauiour. We must not therefore let passe or leaue out, any of the three persons in trinity (as some heretiks haue done) though we shall vnderstand the other by naming and speaking of one. If any say, that the A­postles baptized in the name of Christ, as Act. 2, 38, and Ch. 10, 48, and 19, 5. To this [...] I answere, the A­postles do not set downe in those places the forme of bap­tisme, Obiection Answer. or the words of institution: but the substance and end, which is, to assure remission of sinnes in the name of Christ. They shew not the forme, but the fruite: not how it should be ministred, but what spirituall grace is signified thereby. For why should the Disciples change the ordi­nance of their maister, who deliuered nothing to the churches, but what 1 cor. 11, 23 they receiued of the Lord? Againe, it cannot be denyed, but that the Apostles act. 10, 47 and 19. 2 baptized in this forme, in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy ghost, as Act. 10, 47. Can any forbid water that these should not be baptized, which haue receiued the holy-ghost as well as we? As if he should say, these haue receiued the gifts of the Holy-ghost, therefore they may be baptized in the name of the Holy-ghost. And more plainely Act. 19, when the Diseiples had answered Paule that they knew not whe­ther there were an holy ghost, he saith, Vnto what were ye then baptized? Whereby he sheweth, it was the manner and custome to baptize in the name of the Holy-ghost, and consequently of the whole Trinity. The Euangelists also [Page 143] teach, that at the baptisme of Iohn, the father, sonne and Holy-ghost were present. And as hee baptized with the same matter, why should we imagine he obserued not the same forme, that Christ eommaunded expresly to his A­postles? Nay seeing in the baptisme of Iohn we haue pro­ued, there was the same promise, the same grace, the same vertue, the same signe, the same signification, which was in the baptisme of the apostles (as we haue proued before) why should we onely doubt of the wordes of institution? Wherefore, we conclude, that the Apostles would not al­ter any thing of the direct-and expresse wordes of their lord and maister, Math. 28, 19 prescribed Math. 28, where he chargeth them both what to preach and how to baptize. For as hee enioyneth them to teach the nations, to obserue whatso­euer he commaunded them: so he willeth them to baptize in the name of the father, of the sonne, and of the Holy­ghost. And as they altered nothing in the matter of teach­ing: no more did they in the manner of baptizing, consi­dering that as the doctrine they preached was the doctrine of God, so the Sacraments they deliuered were the Sacra­ments of God, and they had no more leaue in the one, then liberty in the other. If then, any should baptize o­therwise then in the name of the Trinity, or should name the sonne to be vnequall to the father, or should deny the proceeding of the Holy-ghost, or should baptize in the name of the Virgin Mary and the Saints, this cannot be the Sacrament of baptisme instituted by Christ, but a Ceremo­ny made voide and frustrate by our owne inuentions.

Chap. 5. Of the third outward part of baptisme.

THe third outward part of baptisme Water ano­ther outward part of bapt. is the element of water, which is the matter whereof baptisme consist­eth. This truth is taught in diuerse places of the new Math. 3, xi, testa­ment. Indeeds I baptize with water. And Ioh. 1, because he should [Page 144] bee declared to Israell, therefore am I come baptizing with water: Knew him not, but he that sent me to baptize with water, he saide vnto me, vpon whom thou shalt see the spirit come [...] and tarrie still on him, that is he which baptizeth with the Holy-ghost. So Act. 8, 36. As they went on their way, they came vnto a [...] a­ter, and the Enuruch said, See heere is water, what doth let me to be baptized? then he commaunded the chariot to stand stil, and they went downe both vnto the water, both Phillip and the Eunuch, and he baptized him. And chap. 10. Can anie man forbidde water, that these should not be baptized, which haue receiued the Holy-ghost as well as we? Nothing is so apt to set sorth the blood of christ and his merits, as water which is sit to clense and wash, and leaueth no filth behind vpon the body: by which outwarde worke, Christ would haue vs feele the inward purging and purifying of the soule.

The vse of this outward part, is three-fold. First, it tea­cheth, Vse. 1. that the minister may not baptize with any other li­quor and element, then with naturall, common, and ordi­narie water: whereunto answere the flood, the red sea, and the Iewish purifyings, vnder the law. The curious questi­ons, whether wanting water we may baptise with sande, or water distilled and compounded, came at the first from the dangerous and bloody opinion that they are damned which die vnbaptised. If any demaund whether sweet waters and distilled may be taken and vsed, or mingled with common Obiection water, especially when children of such as are in high place are to be baptised & sealed into the couenant, therby to note a difference betweene person and person, forasmuch as god hath listed vp the head of one aboue another: I answere, Rom, 13, 1, 7 Answere all power is indeede of god, and we with hart and tongue do giue honour to whome honour pertaineth, and feare to whome feare belongeth.

Notwithstanding, all mixture of the water is mans in­uention and an human tradition which in GODS woor­shippe is not to be admitted. Whatsoeuer is mingled with common Water, is a corruption, whatsoeuer the partie be that is baptised. The Apostle teacheth, Eph, 4. 5 that the church [Page 145] hath all one baptisme: not one manner of baptizinge the poore, and another of baptizing the rich. Besides, why might wee not allowe mixture of water with Wine in the Lordes supper, as well as the mixture of compound water with common water in the sacrament of baptisme? Fur­thermore, if there might lawfully bee admitted a different manner of baptising the children of rich-men and the chil­dren of poore men: then in the other Sacrament the like di­stinction might be receiued, and so a finer kinde of breade be prouided for the richer sort by themselues, and a cour­ser sort for the poore by themselues, 1 Cor 11. 21 22 which seperation the Apostle reproueth in the church of [...], and calleth it a despising of the Church and a shaming of the poore. For in the exercises of religion there ought to be no difference of persons, Gal. 3, 28 for all are one in Christ Iesus, and therefore the Noble Eunuch mentioned Act, 8. was baptised by Phil­lip with ordinary water.

Now if no composition may be mingled: No other signe ought to be vsed in baptism then water. then much lesse may any other signe be vsed, and so the element clean chaunged, and the ordinance of God altred: for the church of God hath no liberty to bring any other signe in place of water. If a man were baptised with sande, with bloude, with wine, with milke, with snowe, with oyle, and such lickor, it is no baptisme at all, but a meere voide and ydle action: such a person must afterwarde be sprinkled or wa­shed with water, not that any should be rebaptized, but be­cause all persons should be once baptised, the former acti­on being meerely frustrate. Although the forme of words be retained in the administration which our sauiour com­mandeth, and the body be washed in the name of the three persons, the father, the sonne, and the Holy-ghost: yet if such an errour be committed in the matter that the signe be changed, and another foysted in, contrary to the precept of Christ and practise of the Apostles, ther is a nullitie of the whole work, the partie be-sanded, or be-bloodied, or oyled, is erroneously and vnlawfully, not truely and effectuallye baptised. [Page 146] Nadab and Abihu are smitten with lightning from heauen Lent. x. i. 2 for bringing strange fire into the tabernacle, whereas they should haue taken of that fire which GOD had appoin­ted, though other fire would as well haue consumed the of­fering. And are not all other elementes as strange fire that are brought into this sacrament, beside water? Or, haue we greater liberty to change Gods ordinaunces in the gospell, then the Iewes had vnder the Law?

When GOD appointed the Leuit, i. 3, x xiiii burnt offering to be of­fered, and commanded the people to bring either bullocks out of the heard, either Sheepe or Goates out of the folde, either Turtle-doues or young Pigeons from amonge the birds: being thus limited and restrained, might they bring an Asse, or an Elephant, or a Camell unto him? might they cut osf a dogges necke, or offer swines flesh before the Lord? So, whereas God hath ordained the sacrament of baptisme to be administred, and hath willed it to bee done with water, most common, most vsuall, most plentifull, most fit, most significant: shall we take sand, or saw-dust, oyle, or other element then god hath allowed? The Lorde likewise threatning a generall dearth of Corne, Wine, and Oyle (of which things many of their offeringes and obla­tions consisted) sheweth that the priestes shoulde Weepe and waile, because the Iocl. i. 9 Meat-offerings and Drinke-offeringes should cease. But what neede was there, either that the priests shoulde haue lamented, or the offeringes haue cea­sed, if they might haue vsed other elementes, other signes, or other matter then GOD approoued? If they might haue taken water in steed of wine, or Milke in stead of oyle? Or if they might haue taken vncleane beastes in stead of cleane, Or the Fishes of the Sea in steade of the Beastes of the fielde? Or creeping thinges for their Offerings in steed of such as chewe the cudde and diuide the hoofe? Nowe howe can it bee better Warraunted to vs to take oyle for Water, then it was for them to take Water for oyle.

Againe, heereby all Popish corruptions and mixtures vse. 2 [Page 147] brought into this Sacrament are confuted and condemned, as their creame, their tapers, their crosses, their censors, their salt, their spittle, their holy-water, their exorcisinges and conjurations, hauing also an opinion of saluation and worshippe annexed vnto them. These men (as if it were a base and contemptible thing to baptize with Water onely, according to Christes commaundement) haue brought in a new word and new elements, [...] that is, new drosse and new filth into the church, and into the sacraments of the church: as salt, that we may bee seasoned with wisedome, and bee kept from purrifying in sinne: oyle, that we may bee safe from euill suggestions: spittle, that our eares may be ope­to heare the word, and our Nostrils to discerne the smell of good and euill: crosses, that all our sences may bee defen­ded against the euill spirit.

True it is, if all the other partes and actions be obserued, these inuentions and additions, which are so many abuses make not baptisme void, neither bring a nullity therof: not­withstanding these beggerly ceremonies, as they are de­stitute of the testimony and aprobation of the first and aun­cient Churches, so they corrupt the pure, simple, and sin­cere institution of Christ None were vsed when Christe was baptised, neither gaue he any such thinge in charge to his Apostles, neither were they in vse in the Apostles times, neither did they deliuer them to the pastors and teachers which they ordained in euery citty. For Peter saith, Act, 10, 47 Can anie man forbidde water, that these should not be baptized? Hee calleth not for oyle, salt, spittle, creame or any such thinge, but only for plaine, common, and ordinary water. Thus in one sacra. they find many sacraments, and inuent tipes, sha­dows, similitudes, and significations in the immediate ser­uice of God, wheras we haue the body itselfe, that is, christ alredy. They make these outward things able to giue grace, power, and strength against the deuill. But the Apostle tea­cheth, that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, 2 cor, 10, 4, Eph, 6, 12. they are spiritual that must defend vs from euill. If they refer al this trash and trumpery, not to the substance of the sacram. [Page 148] but Hosii confes. de ritib. bapt. cap. 37 to order and comelinesse: do they not thereby blas­phemously accuse the baptisme of Iohn and of the A­postles of Christ of vncomlinesse and disorder? Whereas the comlinesse and dignity of the sacraments is to be estee­med by the word of God, by the institution of christ, by the simplicity of the gospel, and by the [...] of the Apostles. Nothing is more comely, decent, and orderly then that which christ commaundeth and aloweth: nothing is more vncomly or vnseemely, then that which man inuenteth in the seruice of God, and in the celebration of the Sacra­ments, thereby inuerting and peruerting the holy ordi­nances of God.

Thirdly, if washing with water be an outward part of baptisme which pertaineth to the flesh; but teacheth not to the conscience, which toucheth the body, but clenseth not the soule: then the bare want of externall purification, cannot bring the danger of eternal condemnation. Where­fore children dying without baptisme are not reiected be­cause they want baptisme: for children that are elected are saued, though they dy before baptisme: and they that are not elected are condemned, though they be baptized. For it is not the want, but the continual contempt thereof that is damnable. Circumcision was as necessary to the Iewes, as baptisme is vnto vs. But all did not perish Al perished not vnder the law that died before cir­cumcision. that died vn­circumcised: therefore all perish not that dy vnbaptized. And if the saluation of the child did depend vpon the out­ward sacrament, it had beene an hard thing in the Lord (who wil Ezek. 18, 23, not the death of a sinner) to haue required the deferring of it one weeke, one day, one houre, one minute? We see in Ioshuae, Iosh. 5, 5 it was omitted 40. yeares, while they were in the wildernesse, through their continuall iournies and vncertaine abode in euery place: yet it were an hard, cruell, and bloody conclusion to determine thereupon, that whosoeuer among them during that time dying before he was circumcised, was damned, When Dauids child died the seuenth day, which was before he could be circumcised, (circumcision being limited Leuit. 12, 2, 3 to the 8. day) he did not cry [Page 149] out pittifully, it is damned, it is damned: but arose from the earth, washed himselfe, anointed his bodie, chaunged his Gen. 17. 12. & 21. 4 apparrell, refreshed himselfe, cheared his wife, came into the house of the Lord, worshipped God, praised him for al his doings, 2 Sam. 12. 18, 19, 20. [...]. 23 made his seruants that attended on him won­der at his comfortable behauiour, and said, he should go to his child, but not his child return to him againe. But if he had thought all condemned that die vncircumcised, his la­mentation would haue exceeded, for he had cause to haue sorrowed more after his death, then he did in the childes sicknes: and if circumcision had bene of such absolute ne­cessity, he might haue said, The child being now dead, why should I not fast? why should I not weepe? why shoulde I not afflict my soule? seeing I cannot bring him againe, or restore him to life to be circumcised? But because he sor­rowed not as one without hope and hee [...] not on this or any like manner: it appeareth that his faith ap­prehended the saluation of the childe, and feared not his damnation through vntimely want of the outward sacra­ment.

Now, God is not streighter and harder to vs vnder the gospell, then he was to the Israelites vnder the law: he is no lesse able and willing to saue now without baptisme, then in those dayes he was without circumcision. Againe, how foolish, vaine, and vnreasonable a thing is it, to put life and death, saluation and damnation into the hands and libertie of mortall men, as of the parents that shoulde bring them, or of the minister that shoulde baptize them, or of others that performe other duties vnto them: whereas eternall life and saluation standeth sure and setled vpon the brazen pillar of Gods election (who knoweth 2 Tim. 2. 15 who are his) and vpon his mercifull promise in his couenant, and not vppon the lust and pleasure of any man, as we see in the exam­ple of Iacob, of whom God saide, I haue loued him, before he was circumcised, nay before he was Rom. 9. 11. 13 Mal 1. 2 born, or had done either good or euill.

Furthermore, we haue shewed before, act, 10, [...] that many be­leeued, [Page 150] repented, and had the Holy-ghost before they were baptized. Yea the theefe vppon the crosse repented of his sins and beleeued in Christ, yet was neuer baptised: notwith­standing he was receiued to mercy and certainely saued, as Christ saith, Luk. 23, 43 This day shalt thou be with me in Paradice. Besides, there is no greater necessity of baptisme then of the Lordes supper: but we maie be saued without the Lords supper: therefore also without baptisme. Lastly, if al persons dying without baptism bee condemned: then infinite multitudes of children shold or may perish and be damnd without their owne fault, through the carelesnes of others: but none pe­rish without their owne fault: therefore all dying without baptisme are not condemnd. To these we might [...] the testimony and confession of the aduersaries, which is strong against themselues, to whome we may say as Christ some­times did to that sloathfull person, Luk. 19, 22 Thou euill seruaunt out of thine own mouth wil I iudge thee. These make three sorts of bap­tisme, of water, of blood, of the spirit: whereby they con­sesle that the want of baptising with water is not damna­ble in all, seeing that want may be supplyed, either with shedding of their blood for the testimony of the truth, or by spiritual regeneration and ingrafting into the body of christ To conclude, do we desire the custome and practise of the church? It is well knowne, that in Thessalia Socra. lib. 5 cap. 22 Bellar. de sacra bap,. c. 26 the sacrament of baptisme was celebrated but once in the yeare, namely, at Easter. In other places thrice in the yeare, and sometimes not vntill the houre of their death, when they were going the way of al slesh. Constantine the great was the first chri­stian Emperour, yet was he not baptised till Tripart, hist lib, 3, cap. 12 the time of his death. And Valentinianus a christian Emperor died without baptism: yet doth Ambrose giue him his due commen­dation, Orat. de obit. [...]. and doubted nothing of his saluation. Shal we do these good men, these worthy Emperors, these godly chri­stians this wronge, as to thinke they were damned, who were the chiefe pillers and protectors of the Catholick re­ligion? Or if the churches aboue mentioned had holden this hard opinion, that the want of baptisme was a signe of reprobation: would they haue deferred it in the houre of [Page 151] death (whereby sometimes they were [...]) or ad­ministred it at certaine times onely of the yeare? True it is, that custome is not to be followed, neither the negligence of those byshops to be allowed: but it teacheth thus much that in de ferring baptism they differed in iudgement from the new church of Rome, and concurred in opinion with the reformed churches, for which causes their practise is aled­ged. The reasons vsed to maintain the absolute necessity of this sacrament to saluation, are weak and not worth the an­swering. First they obiect Cen. 17, 14 Obiection Answere the threatning annexed to cir­cumcision. The vncircumcised male shall be cut off from his people. To this I answere, first God commandeth infants to be cir­cumcised the eight day, before which time they were for­bidden to circumcise. Wherfore, infants that dy before the 8. day, were not bound and obliged by this law. And seeing there Rom, 5, 13 can be no transgression where there is no law, they are not damnd because they are vncircumcifed, seeing god calleth many out of this life before they were capable of this sacrament. Againe the commination and threatning is not to be vnderstoode generally of all, but of such as are growne vp: not of children, but of men, as appeareth by the reason, For he hath broke my couenant. This cannot be ap­plied to infantes, caletan. [...] cap. 7, genes. who albeit they haue not actuall faith, yet cannot be said to contemne grace, to refuse the coue­nant, to reiect the promises, or to lie in infidelity & hardnes of hart. Wherfore, it belongeth vnto those onely that being grown vp and come to yeares shall approue the negligence of their parents, and will not suffer themselues to be circum­cised. Now as to Peter, saiyng, Thou shalt Iohn, xiii, [...] neuer wash my feet, Christ answered, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part in me: so to the Israelite that should haue said, I will neuer be circumci­sed, this threatning might fitly be applyed, If thou wilt not be circumcised, thou hast no part in God, no portion in his blessing, no assurance of his promises in this life, or of his kingdome in the life to come. Lastly, to be cut off from the people, doth not signifie to be condemned, for euen the negligence and contempt of the Sacrament is pardona­ble wher repentance followeth: as we see of such as cam vn­uerently [Page 152] and vnworthily to the Lordes supper among the Corinthians, 1 Cor, 11. 30 31. who were punished with diseases and death it selfe, yet the soule no doubt was saued in the day of the Lord. Sometime therefore, that phrase of speaking signifi­eth temporall iudgements of God on men and their fami­lies Psa, 55, 24 for their wickednes. Sometimes it signifieth the ma­gistrates iustice inflicted on malefactors, Deut. 13. 5 9 who beareth not the sword in vain, which is expounded afterward, Thou shalt surely kill him. Sometimes, it signifyeth to bee cut off from the bosome of the church, Exod. 12, 15 19 which is done by the high and dreadfull censure or excommunication. Whosoeuer eateth lea­uened bread from the first day vntill the seuenth day, that person shal be out off from Israell: the interpretation of which wordes is added verse, 19. That person shall be cut off from the congregati­on of Israell. So the Apostle speaketh, 1 Cor. 5. Hee which hath done this thing should be 1 cor, 5, 2 [...] put from among you, that is, from your company and fellowship as verse 13. Put away from a­mong your selues that wicked man. Thus we are to vnderstande the threatning in this place, that such as contemne circum­cision, either themselues, or allow the same contempt and negligence of others, shall no longer be reckoned and re­puted among the people of God, but be seperated from them.

Againe, Ioh, 3, 5 they obiect Iohn, 3. Vnlesse a man be borne of wa­ter and the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdome of God: there­fore Obiect 2. say they, it is necessary to saluation to be baptized. This is the reason of Bellar. lib, 1 de bapt. c. 4, Bellarmine, and Hosij Confess. cap. 35 Answere. of others. I answere first, it is not necessary in this place by water to vnderstande ma­teriall water, but the grace of Christ purging and clensinge as water doth; which interpretation may be gathred by conference of a like place Math 3, 11. He shall baptise Ioh. 3, 11 with the holy-ghost and with fire, that is, by the spirit of God which is as it were fire, lightning our hearts with the knowledge of God, inflaming them with his loue, and purging them from euill affections. So when we are said to be borne againe by water and the spirit, he meaneth, by the spirit shewing forth in vs the force power, and property of Water, as if hee [Page 153] should say, we are borne of water which is the spirit, Ioh. 7, 38, 36 & 4, 11 as Ioh. 7, 38, 39. Again, if it were ment of water in baptisme, it must be vnderstood according to alike Ioh. 6. 53 sentence Ioh. 6. Vnlesse you eate the flesh of the sonne of man, and drinke his blood, ye shall not haue life in you: which must be vnderstood of such as are of yeares and growne in age. And thus Innocentius the 3. in the Decret. Gre­gor. lib. 3. tit. 42. c. 3 decrees expoundeth it: so doth Peter Lumbard Lumb. sent. lib. 4. dist 4 maister of the [...]. So then, if they will be tryed, ei­ther by their owne Pope, which is their holy father: or by Peter Lumbard, which is their grand-maister: this place can­not be enforced against infants, that die before they bee baptised, but must be referred to men of greater yeares.

We reason not thus farre, to iustifie and alow the slug­gishnesse and neglect of carelesse parents, vnder colour and pretence of this, that the saluation of the child dependeth not vpon the participation of the Sacrament: but to shew, that if it cannot be obtained as it ought to be desired, or if by godlesse parents it be deferred and neglected: yet sal­uation is not tyed and glued to the outward water. Away then with he doctrine of the church of Rome touching the absolute necessity of baptisme, and touching children that dye without it: a beastly and bloody Let none obiect the o­pinion of Augustine, for he thought it necessary to sal­uation, that children should receiue the Lords Supper, as well as bap­tisme, De pec­cator. mer't. lib. cap. 24. doctrine ioyned with rigour and cruelty, full of error and feare, vncharita­ble in it selfe, presumptuous by entring into Gods secret iudgments, impious by binding him to second causes & ordinary means, iniurious to thousands of poore infants, dis­comfortable to al good parents, & blasphemous against the bottomlesse mercy of a gratious God, who hath saide Gen. 17, 7 I will be thy God, and the God of thy seede: where he maketh a coueuant of saluation with vs and our children, not adding any condicion of baptisme, if it cannot be had, as it ought to be. If it cannot be had by the infant, the spirit of God doth worke the effectuall knitting of them to the body of Christ by a secret working (as pleaseth him) instead of or­dinary meanes. For when our sauiour had saide Mar. 16 He that shall beleeue, and be baptized shall be saued: [...] doth not adde contrariwise, hee that is not baptized shall be dam­ned, [Page 154] Mar, 16, 16. but annexeth only, He that beleeueth not, shalbe condem­ned. Thus we haue shewed the malice and madnesse of Satan against poore insants, and how he hath vsed proud and pestilent instruments to effect his purpose: partly the Anabaptistes, who deny Baptisme to their bodies: and partly the Papistes, who deny saluation to their soules for want of baptisme.

Chap. 6. Of the forth outward part of baptisme.

THe last outvvard part of baptisme is The last outvvard part of bapt. is the body washed. the body that is washed. For we haue shewed before, that the sacra­mentes without their vse are no sacramentes. And albeit the word ioyned to the signe make a sacrament, yet this presupposeth a minister to administer it, & receiuer to take it: and then the rule is most certainely to be admitted. Now whether the whole body should be washed, or a part of the body: whether it should be washed once, or oftner: whether it should be dipped, or sprinkled: we are neither curiously to enquire, nor seriously to contend, nor rashly to determine: but rest in practise of the church, and in the custome os the countrey, as in a thing in it owne nature indifferent. The dipping and plunging into the water vsed by Iohn Baptist and the Apostles in Iudea and such hote regions, are not a necessary rule to bee drawne into imitation, especially in these cold quarters and coun­tries.

But let vs see who they are that haue right and interest in baptisme, and who are capable of this Sacrament. For not euery one without respect, without difference, without distinction, is to be admitted to this priuiledge, because they are not fit receiuers thereof. If a minister should take the outward element, and vse the word of institution, bap­tizing in the name of the father, of the sonne, and of the Holy-ghost: yet it can bee no Sacrament, vnlesse the re­ceiuer [Page 155] haue warrant and authority to receiue it. If he should baptize a stone, or an image, or a bruit beast without rea­son and vnderstanding, these are no fit receiuers, heere is an apparant and flat nullity: where by appeareth farther, the truth of the former rule, that besides the ioyning of the worde to the outward signe, their is necessarily required a fitted person to be partaker of the sacrament, as is more at large expressed, book. 3. Chap. 3.

To proceed, Who are in the couenant wee must know that the receiuers are such as are within the couenant and such as professe the truth, whether in truth or not, wee leaue to GOD, that searcheth the heartes and raines: Rom, 14. 4 let vs not iudge ano­ther mans seruant, he standeth or falleth to his owne mai­ster. Againe, such as are borne in the couenant are of two sortes. First, men and women of yeares: secondly, infants that are the seede of the faithfull. For the faithfull do be­leeue for themselues and for others: as in bargaines they [...] and contract for themselues and their heires af­ter them for euer. Although children cannot be saide to be saued by their fathers faith, no more then to liue by the fathers soule, inasmuch as the prophet Heb. 2. 4 Rom. i, xvii Gal. 3 xi Heb. x, 38 teacheth That the iust shall liue by his owne faith: yet the faith of the parents maketh their children to be counted in the couenant, who by reason of their age cannot yet actually beleeue, as they that want all knowledge and vnderstanding, Ionah, 4. xi. not dis­cerning the right hand from the left. Euery man liueth this temporall life by his owne soule: so euery man liueth the eternall life by his own faith. True it is, baptis me is a com­mon seale. But as all haue not interest to the pasture, her­bage, and priuiledges of a Commons, but onely such as are tenantes according to the custome of the mannor: so all haue not title to baptize a Sacrament of the church, but onely such as are the Lords people according to the tenor of the couenant.

Touching the first sort of such as are to be baptized, they are men and women of riper yeares, who adioyne them­selues to the church, testifie their repentance, hold the foun­dation [Page 156] of religion, act. 8, 36 and confesse their faith, as Act. 8, If thou beleeuest, thou [...] be baptized. The second sort, are in­fants within the couenant, 1 cor. 7. 14, which haue both theit pa­rents, or one at the least faithfull, as 1 Cor. 7, 14. The vn­beleeuing husband is sanctified to the wife, and the vnbeleeuing wife is sanctified to the husband, else were your children [...], but now they are holy. Where the Apostle she weth, that albe it a beleeuer be vnequally yoaked and matched with an vn­beleeuer: yet hee is not to be forsaken, nor the marriage bedde to be accounted polluted, inasmuch as their children are sanctified to God and the Church, as well as if they were borne of both parents faithfull. For so the children of the Isralites being of the posterity of Abraham, are in­cluded in the couenant of God. We are not curiously to enquire into the secret counsel & election of god: we must We must hope well of the seed osthe faithfull, and therefore we batize them. hold all the seede of the faithfull holy, vntill they cut off themselues, & in processe of time openly declare themselus to be strangers from the promises of saluation. Againe, the same Apostle Rom. xi 16 Gen 17. 7 saith Rom. 11. If the first fruits be holy, so is the whole lump: if the roote be holy, so are the branches. So like­wise God testifieth Gen. 17. I will establish my couenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee in their generations for an euer­lasting couenant, to be a God to thee, and to thy seede after thee. Such onely were circumcised as were within the coue­naunt.

Notwithstanding, they which were borne of vnbelee­uing parents and were strangers of the common-wealth of Israel, and aliants from the promises of saluation: if they acknowledged the errors in which they liued, and sought forgiuenes of their former sins, wer accounted the children of faithful Abraham, were admitted into the Church, and receiued circumcision, as the Apostles said to the Iailer, act 16, 30, 31 humb'ed vnder the mighty hand of GOD, and desi­ring to be instructed in the way of saluation, Beleeue in the Lord IESVS CHRIST, and thou shalt bee saued, and thy whole houshold. So the [...] testifieth the like of Zacheus, when hee had once receiued CHRIST [Page 157] into his house, nay which is more, into his heart: Luk. 19. 9 then Ie­sus said vnto him, This day is saluation come vnto this bouse, for-asmuch as he is also become the sonne of Abraham. Thus when the Sunne of rightcousnesse shineth vpon the head and mai­ster of the family, the beames thereof by a gratious influ­ence beginne to comforr and concerue act. 16, 14, 3 15 1 Cor. 1, 16 Ioh. 4, 53 2 Ioh verse, 1 all the rest in the house: like the precious oyntment vpon the head of Aa­ron, that ranne downe vpon the beard, and descended vpon the borders of his garmentes: or like the dew that falleth from heauen vpon Hermon and the Mountaines of Sion, Psal. 133, 2. which goeth downe into the vallies, and maketh all the plaine countrey fertill.

The knowledge of this point offereth diuerse profitable Vse. 1. vses to our consideration and consolation. First, it is the duty of all those that are within the couenant to giue their bodies to be washed, and to receiue that washing in the face and presence of the Congregation. Let such as are of yeares desire and craue this Sacrament: let them claime this priuiledge: act. 8 36 & 22. 16 let them demaund to be baptized, ac­cording to the example of the Eunuch Act. 8, so soone as he was instructed in the faith of Christ by the preaching of Phillip, as he came to a certaine water, he saide of his owne accord, See heere is water, what doth let me to be baptized? And to the same purpose Act. 22, Ananias stirreth vp Paule to this duty, saying, Why [...] thou? Arise and be baptised, and wash away thy sinnes.

Secondly, this condemneth the blinde, ignorant, and Vse. 2. superstitious practise of baptizing belles church of Rome propha neth bapt, by baptizing bellcs. practised in the church of Rome, whereof now they begin to be ashamed, and seeking fig-leaues to couer their shame, they say they were not baptized, but onely hallowed and consecrated to holy vses, as Bellarmine betaketh himselfe to this shift, as to a place of refuge, Lib. 4, de pon. Rom. cap. 12. Where the Cardinall confesseth, that the people call their so­lemne blessing and sprinkling with holy-water, the bap­tisme of belles. And indeede what can it else be called and accounted. They giue names vnto them as to their chil­dren: [Page 158] they haue God-fathers appointed vnto them as chil­dren haue when they are baptized and confirmed: Bellar. de sacra. bapt. lib. 1, cap. 27 they haue new garments put vpon them, as the persons bapti­zed among them like wise haue: it is also permitted onely to the By shops suffragan, who exacteth great summes of money for the baptizing of belles: they ascribe to them a spiritual power against stormes and tempests, against thun­der and lightning, against windes and euill spirits: Lastly, they sprinkle them with holy-water, blesse them, crosse them, and so horribly corrupt this Sacrament of baptisme. Yea Durand a principall schooleman, not in the schooles of the prophets but of the papists (a fit teacher of such schol­lers) setteth out solemnly Durand. lib. 1 Enchirid cap. 4 the praises of belles, making them publike preachers and driuers away of deuils. But the deuils are not feared and fraied away by fight of crosses, by sprinkling of water, by sound of belles and babies: Math. 17, 2 Eph. 6, 13, 14 xv, xvi This kinde goeth not out but by fasting and prayer, as our sauiour teacheth. And the Apostle willeth euery Christian to take vnto him the whole armour of God, that he may be able to resist in the euill day. Stand therefore hauing your loynes grided about with verity, and hauing on the brest plate of righteous­nesse, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, the preparation of the Gospell of peace, and the grace of prayer in the spirit. Heere is the vniuersall armour of God: heere is the compleat furnish­ing of a Christian Souldier: heer is perfect direction giuen to vnderstand, and to withstand the assaultes of the deuill: but among these, wee haue neither the signe of the crosse, nor the hallowing of belles, nor the sound of such prea­chers, and therefore they are no part nor parcel of spititu­all armour, to surnish vs to goe into the fielde against the enemies of our saluation. For euill spirits which fighta­gainst the soule are not driuen away by hallowing of belles. If then, there were euer prophanation of Baptisme, this may iustly bee iudged to bee one of the most vile and miserable corruptions thereof, to bee detested of all true hearted Christians / that grone vnder the burden of them.

[Page 159] Thirdly, we may see the great loue of God to all belee­uers, Vse. 3. seeing he vouchsafeth not onely to bee their God, but the God of their seede after them, as God himselfe Gcn. 17, 1, 2, 7, promiseth to Abraham, Gen. 17. I will make my couenant betweene me and thee, and thy seede after thee in their generations, I will be their God: walke before mee, and be thou vpright. And ought we not to walke in the vprightnesse of our heart before this mercifull and all sufficient God, Who thus aboundesh in kindenesse toward vs, and the fruite of our body? Let vs returne vnto him loue for his loue, who loued vs first.

Lastly, this teacheth that infants are to be baptized, and Vse. 4. haue as great right and interest in this Sacrament, as they which be in yeares, able to make confession of their faith, Of which we will intreate in the chapter following, where we will proue this truth by testimonies of the scriptures, and maintaine it against the Anabaptistes and other here­tiks that condemne the same.

Chap. 7. That Infants are to be baptized.

ALthough it cannot appeare vnto vs, that infantes and new borne babes brought to be baptized, haue actuall faith, but rather is like they want the habit of faith which haue Deut. 1, 39 Luk. 1. 15. 44 Iohn. 4, 11 not the vse of vnderstanding, vnlesse God extra­ordinarily work it, which lieth not in vs to iudge of: yet wee baptize them and admit them to this sacrament, which we doe vpon very good grounds and susficient reasons.

First therefore, we wil proue by euident demonstration out of the scriptures, the doctrin of childrēs baptisme to be conformable to the Iewes circumcisiō, agreeable to the practise [Page 160] the Apostles, allowable by the wordes of Christ, answera­ble to the custome of the primitiue church, reasonable in it selfe, profitable to the infants, auaileable by the ordinance of God, and very comfortable to all christian parents. Se­condly, we will maintaine this assertion against the obiecti­ons and arguments of the Anabaptists and other aduersaries that haue crossed and contradicted this truth. Lastly, we will shew what euident and necessary vses may be gathred from hence, for the strength of faith, and the increase of our obe­dience.

Touching the first, that the baptising of infants is waran­ted by the word Reasons waranting the baptizing of children. of God, I will make it appeare by sundry reasons. We see in the old testament, that all males by ex­presse commaundement were willed to be circumcised the Gen, 17, 12 Leuit, 12 3 Phil. 3, 5 eight day. If God made infants partakers of cirumcision: why should we not holde the same of baptisme, being insti­tuted for vs in steed of circumcision, col. 2. 11 there being the same promises in both, and there being the same ends of both? If then the couenant made with Abraham remaine stable and stedfast, it dooth no lesse belong to the children of Christi­ans at this day, then it did appertaine to the children of the Iewes vnder the old Testament: vnlesse peraduenture wee will say, that our sauiour Christ by his comming hath re­straind or diminished the grace and loue of his father, which were detestable blasphemy against the father, and an horri­ble reproach against the sonne of God. From hence then, we reason thus, if the infantes of the Iewes were circumci­sed, then the children of christians are to be baptized: but the infantes of the Iewes were circumcised: therefore also the children of christians are to be baptized.

Against this reason, sundry exceptions are taken by the aduersaries of this doctrin, which are not vnworthy the con­sideration. Obiect. They say, circumcision was a signe of mortifica­tion, it was tyed to be administred the eight day, and that women ought not to be baptised, if baptisme were like to circumcision, in asmuch as they were not circumcised. I an­swere, these obiections will easily appeare to be verye ca­uils [Page 161] and meere dreames of idle and addle braines, if we dili­gently [...]. obserue, both wherein circumcision and baptism a­gree, and in what points they differ. They Wherein circumcision & baptisme a­gree. agree, first, in one author of them both, that is, God himselfe, who firste appointed the Minister of circumcision, which was Abra­ham, and Iohn the Minister of baptisme, whereof hee was called the baptist. Secondly, in the chiefe and principall ends for which they were instituted, namely, to seale vp the pro­mises of grace by Christ. Thirdly, by both of them is wrought our visible receiuing into the church: the Iewes were receiued by circumcision, the christians are entred by baptisme. Lastly, by both of them our mortification, rege­neration, newnes of life, and iustification are signified. So then they fullie agree in the ends which they respect, and in the things which they signifie, to wit, in the substance and nature of the things themselues.

Againe circumcision and baptisme differ Wherein cir­cumcision & baptisme dif­fer. onely in cer­taine circumstances: first, in the forme and maner of doing, as circumcision was administred by cutting awaye of the foreskinne and effusiou of blood, but baptisme by washing and sprinkling with water. Secondly, in the outwarde signe, which is different in both. Thirdly, in the circumstaunce of time: for circumcision promised from God grace and mer­cy in the Messias to come, baptisme in the Messias already exhibited. Fourthly, in the subiects or persons that are par­takers of them: circumcision belongeth onely to the male children, but baptisme is common to male and female. Not­withstanding, How wo­men were after a sort howsoeuer the bodies of the men children alone were imprinted, yet through them the women were after a sort made partakers and companions of circumcisi­on, so that albeit God commanded onely the males to haue this signe in their flesh, yet the females were not excluded from being members of the church, nor accounted straun­gers from the Couenants of promise. For as the man is the 1 cor. xi, 8 head of the Woman, so they were accounted as circum­cised in the man, yea they were reckoned and numbred with the men, namely, the vnmarried with their father, and the [Page 162] married with their husbands. Now, their circumcision was thus comprehended in the men, so that it was vnto them in stead of circumcision to be borne of the circumcised, may be gathered by many places, as Luke, 13, Where the wo­man which Christ healed of a spirit of infirmity bounde to­gither, is called Luk, 13, 11 the daughter of Abraham, to signifie that the priuiledge of his posterity belonged no lesse to her and all women that were faithfull, then to the males; and that she was as well his daughter, as they his sonnes. Likewise Gen. 34, the sonnes of Iacob, communing with Hamor after their sister was humbled and abused, said vnto them, Gen. 34, 14 15. 16 We cannot do this thing, to giue our sister to an vncircumcised man, for that were a reproofe vnto vs: but in this we will consent vnto you, if ye will be as we are, that euery man-child among you be circumcised, then we will giue our daughters to you, &c. where these two are set as contrary one to another, our sister, and the vncircum­sed, which teacheth that they were accounted as circumci­sed in the males, so that it was enough to them to be borne of parents that were circumcised.

Fiftly, they differ in the setled time which is limitted for circumcision, being precisely and necessarily tied to the 8. day: but in baptisme it is not so, there is greater liberty left to the church: yet the Sabbaoth following would not with­out vrgent cause be omitted. Sixtly, circumcision was insti­tuted for the Israelites that were the seede of Abraham: but Baptisme was instituted for all Nations that are willinge to ioyne themselues to the fellowshippe of the churches of Christ that professe his name, of whatsoeuer Lande and lan­guage they be. Lastly, circumcision was to endure onely till the comming of the Messias, but the body being come, the figure must cease, whereas baptisme is to continue vn­to the end of the world Math. [...], 20 as our sauiour teacheth Math, 28 Teach and baptise, and loe I am with you vntill the end of the world. Wherefore, the circumcision of the Turkes which liue in infidelity, and of the Moores which professe Christianitye vsed at this day is nothing worth, albeit they retaine the outward sign and ceremonie: because the institution of it [Page 163] was onely to indure the blessed times of the Gospell. Thus we see, that notwithstanding the differences betweene cir­cumcision and baptism in circumstances of time and maner of doing: yet being in substance and effect the same, the Argument standeth strōg and inuinsible, prouing the bapti­zing of infants in the time of the Gospell, from the com­maundement of circumcising infantes in the time of the Law.

Againe, The prac­tise of the a­postles. let vs consider the practise of the Apostles and ages succeeding in this point. For albeit it be not expres­sed, that any infant was baptized by the hands of the Apo­stles: yet we find in diuers places, that whole families and housholds haue bin baptized, in which no doubt were ma­ny infants and sucklings act. 16, 13 33 1 cor. 1. 14, 16 act, 18, 8 & 2. 37, 38, 39 as Act. 16. 15. Lidia being con­uerted to the faith was baptized, and all her houshold. And againe Verse. 33, of the same chapter, the Iaylor was bapti­sed and all that were with him. So was Crispus the chiefe ruler of the Synagogue and his houshold baptised, and the houshold of Stephanas.

Furthermore, when Peter commaunded the Iewes, new­ly conuerted to the faith of Christ, and hungring after sal­uation in him whome before they had crucified, to be baptised: he addeth this as a reason, For the promise is made to you, and to your children, and to all that are a farre off, euen as many as the LORDE our GOD shall call.

Neuerthelesse will some say, we read not directly that any infants were heer baptized in these pIaces? But do we Obiect. answ. read that any wer excluded? And seeing the scripture expres­seth al the houshold, who shal dare to debar infants? Are not they a principall part of the house? Besides, if the bap­tisme of children bee not to bee beleeued, because it is not named and expressed: wee might with as good reason shut out women from the Lords Supper (if any were as great an enimie to the communicating of Women as to the baptisinge of Children) seeinge wee do not expressely read, that they were not admitted to [Page 164] the Lords table in the apostles times. Wherfore, childrens baptisme is no humaine tradition, no apishimitation, no ancient corruption of this Sacrament: but is grounded on the vnblamable practise of the Apostles, which hath the force and strength of a commaundement.

Thirdly, Christ by his owne example aloweth and ap­proueth their baptisme as we see, Mar. 10, when the Dis­ciples rebuked those that brought little chilren to Christ that he might touch them, he said, Mar. 10. 13 14, 15 Suffer little children to come vnto me, & forbid them not, for of such is the kingdome of God: verily I say vnto you, who soeuer shal not receiue the kingdome of God as a little child, he shal not enter therein. Wher we are to obserue, that he saith not, of these onely is the kingdome of hea­uen, but of such like infants, which shall be in all ages and times of the church. In this act of Christ embracing the in­fants brought vnto him and sharply rebuking his Disciples thatforbad them: we are to consider that he commaundeth children to be brought vnto him, and addeth a reason, To such belongeth the kingdome of heauen. If any obiect, It is said, he embraced them, it is not said, he baptized them: or if Obiect. any reply and say that there is no agreement and resem­blance betweene baptizing and embracing: I answer, he Ansvver. layeth his hands vpon them, he prayeth for them, he com­mendeth them to his father, and saith The kingdome of heauen is theirs. All this is a great deale more then to giue them the outward signe. For if reason require, they should be brought to Christ: why should they not bee receiued to baptisme, which is a signe of our vnion with Christ? If the kingdome of heauen belong to them: why should the signe be denied vnto them, wherby the doore of entrance into the church is opened? Why should we driue them a­way from Christ: whom christ calleth vnto himselfe? Nei­ther let any say, these children were of yeares and growne vp in age, able of themselues to come and repaire to christ: For the Euangeliste vseth such words as signifie such young infants as are babes and hang vpon their mothers brestes, Luk. 2, 12, 16 & ch. 1, 44 therefore, by comming in this place he meaneth to draw [Page 165] neere or to haue excesse. Againe they were such as were brought to Christ by Luk. 18. [...] others, Luk. 18, 15, they were ca­ried in their Armes, they walked not on their feet, and Christ also tooke them in his owne armes.

Besides, heerto agreeth the practise and custome of the primitiue church: for no teacher so profound, no docter so learned, no writer so ancient, which doth not refer the be­ginning heereof to the Orig. lib, 5 comment. ad Rom. Hieron in fine lib. 3, con­tra Pelag. August. de bap [...] &. cap 20 libri. de ori­gine animae. precise times of the Apostles. Let the Anabaptists and aduersaries of this truth tell vs, who was the first author and inuenter of childrens baptisme, if they refer it not to Christ? who first administred it? What was his name, if they cancel, let them not hide it? Let them declare the time when it began? Let them shew the place where it was deuised? Let them name the child first bap­tised, and in what assembly or church it was? If they can­not doe these or any of them, let them acknowledge the baptisme of children to bee the ordinaunce of God, and not of man: warranted both by doctrine of the scripture and practise of the church.

Moreouer if there were no writer to auouch this ancient truth, yet is it in it selfe very right and reasonable. For doe we not see and behold daily verie babes and [...], children ad­mitted to coppi-holdes by custome of the Manour amoug men. of­tentimes among men admitted to their inheritance, haue they not liuery and season of lande, and haue they not the wand or turfe taken in their hands, according to the vse of the [...], or custome of the Manour of which they holde? They knowe not what is done: they perceiue no­thing what the Lord of the Manour or stewarde speaketh vnto them: yet we see among the wisest men in this world, this is not thought foolish, neither is such an admission cal­led into question, but they are afterwarde instructed what they haue done, what they haue vndertak n and taken vp­on them, what seruices and duties they owe, what their Lord requireth of them.

Thus they are admitted in their infancy to a temporal in­heritance and possession this they holde to the end of their life: and of the validity of such entrance no tenant maketh [Page 166] doubt. Why then shoulde it seeme vnreasonable to giue them baptisme, the signe of the couenant, being born heirs of the promise, that after they come to discretion they may make vse of it as the rest of the members of the church? They shall understand afterward that which they vnderstand not for the present: and yet if it please GOD to take them in mercy to himselfe from the miseries of the worlde, before they know the mistery of their baptisme, he worketh extra­ordinatily by wayes best knowne to himselfe the force of their baptisme in their harts, and sealeth vp their engrafting into Christ I esus. If then children haue the white wande deliuered vnto them to assure them of the inheritance which they holde: let none deny vnto them the partakinge of this sacrament, wherby they are assured of an eternal inheritance howsoeuer for the present time they are not capable of the knowledge thereof.

Lastly, the priuiledges and prerogatiues of children are no lesse then those of elder yeares. For infantes are a parte of the Church of GOD, children are christs sheepe and members of his body they are the sheep of CHRIST, they are the children of the heauenly father, they are inheri­tors of the kingdome of heauen, they are redeemed with the blood of CHRIST, and engrafted into his body: why then should they not beare the marke of CHRIST, seeing they are a principall part of his possession? If they be a part of the houshold, they ought to haue entrance into the house: if they belong to the Citty of GOD, who shall dare to shut the gates against them? Or if they be in the number of the sheepe of Christ, who shall presume to keepe them from the sheepe-folde? Or if they be sound members of the bo­die of christ, who shall cut them off as rotten members? Wherefore then, Gen. 17. 7 act, 2 39 1 cor, 7. 14. should they not receiue the seale where­by the promise is confirmed vnto them, seeing they haue the promise it selfe of saluation? Why shoulde they not be pattakers of the outward signe, math xix14 seeing they are partakers of the thinge signified? Why should they be put back from the figure, seeing they haue the truth itselfe? Why shoulde they not be partakers of the sacrament with the faithfull, [Page 167] seeing they are enrolled in the fellowship of the faithfull? And who shall depriue them of the seale of the coue­nant, seeing they are partakers of regeneration and re­mission of sinnes.

Heereupon thus we reason, whosoeuer are in the co­uenant and Church of GOD, to them belongeth bap­tisme, which is the seale of the couenant: but infants are in the couenant and of the Church: therefore to them belongeth baptisme which is the seale of the co­uenant. Againe, to whome the promise appertaineth, they may and ought to bee baptized: but the promise was made euen to infants: therefore they may and ought to be baptised.

Furthermore, to whome forgiuenes of sinnes and the Holy-ghost are promised and giuen, they ought by no meanes to bee denied the outwarde signe: but forgiue­nesse of sinnes and the Holy-ghost are promised to in­fantes and giuen vnto them: therefore infantes ought not to bee kept from the element of Water, no more then such as are of yeares of discretion. Thus much of the first point, putting children into the right and possession of Baptisme, as if it were the right heires into their inheritance, from which they haue bene wrongfully and vniuftly dispossessed.

Hauing now sufficiently prooued by the scripture, that children are to bee baptized: it remaineth that wee shoulde maintaine this assertion against Obiections of Anabap­tists, impug­ning chil­drens bap­tisme, answe­red. the ca­uils of the Anabaptists. For as the former reasons, groun­ded vppon the euident demonstration of the worde, as vppon a pillar that cannot be shaken, may perswade vs to embrace the truth: so the weakenes and sophistry which appeareth in the Obiections of the aduersaries, ferueth to confirme vs in this perswasion. But let vs examine what is the strength of them.

First they obiect it was neuer cōmanded that infants shold be baptized. I answer, vnblamable examples and practises Obiection Answere [Page 168] not contradicted, are in the nature of precepts. Againe, the will of God approuing and appointing childrens baptisme appeareth, col 2. 11, 12 in that it came in place of vncircumcision, Bap­tisme is our circumcision. Besides we haue Math. 28, xix i. cor x, 1, 2 a generall com­maundement, Go teach all nations and baptize them. And the Apostle saith, all were baptized in the cloud and in the sea. Christ saith, al nations, the Apostles saith all the Israelites: let them shew, where infants are excepted and exempted: for wee hold this as a certaine principle, that a generall commaun­dement includeth the particular, and comprehendeth the same vnder it, as well as if it were by name expresled.

Secondly, they obiect, if infants may be baptised, then they may be admitted to the Lords supper: for why should Obiection not the supper be giuen to the whole church as well as bap­tisine? I answere there is not the like reason and respect of both. There is great difference betweene these two sacra­ments. For baptisme is a signe of our entrance and receiuing Answere into the church, so that the Supper is to be granted to none but to such as are baptised, and are fit to beare strong meat, being instituted for our confirmation and sealing vnto vs, that God hauing once receiued vs into the church, will also euermore preserue vs in it, that we neuer fall from it, nor forsake it, and will nourish and cherish vs by the body and blood of Christ. Wherefore, the Lord Iesus, to shew that his Supper was not for children but for men, would not admi­nister it in the element of milke, which is for infants and for new borne Babes: but in bread and wine which are for stronge men that are of age.

Againe, sundry conditions and considerations are requi­red in the supper which debar young infants, that although they are to be baptized, yet they ought not to be admitted to the Lords supper, seeing by their young yeares they are excluded. For it is required of all those that come to this supper, 1. [...], xi, 26 28, 29 to shew foorth the Lords death, to discerne the body and blood of Christ, and try themselues whether they haue faith and repentance. But infants cannot doe these thinges, they cannot shew foorth the Lordes death they are [Page 169] not apt to discerne his body and blood, they are not able to examine themselues, and therefore infants for good causes are excluded from this Supper.

Thirdly they obiect, Mar. 16, 16. Math. 28, 19 that it is said Teach and baptize: and Obiect. 3. again, He that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued: where vpon they conclude, that such as beleeue not, are not to be baptized; inasmuch as Christ before baptisme commaun­deth teaching, and afterward ioyneth baptizing with be­leeuing. But infants are not capable of doctrine, neither do they actually beleeue: therefore they are not to be bapti­zed. Again, act, 2. 38 if repentance be necessarily ioyned as Act. 2 Amend your liues and be baptized: then infants must be se­parated and secluded, who cannot repent. But repentance is necessarily required: therefore infants are to be barred from the sacrament of baptisme. I answere, first, those Answer sentences are not generall to all, but belong onely to men of sufficient yeares and discretion to discerne betweene good and euill. By this fraud of extending, stretching, and falsely applying generall sentences of Scripture, a man might reare and raise many monstrous conclusions. If a mā would go about to proue that children are not to be nou­rished and sed with coporall foode, because the Aposte would haue none to eate 1 Thess 3. x. but such as labour, were he not worthy to be spitted at or hissed out of the schools, because he carrieth that indifferently to all ages, which is limited and restrained to a certaine age? So must we not rack and rent asunder the Luk. xiii. 3. 5 Rom x. xvii. Mar, xvi, xvi Heb. xi, 6 generall sentences of scripture, Except ye repent, ye shall al perish: faith commeth by hearing, & hearing by the word of God: he that beleeueth and is baptized, shal be saued. These belong onely to men of discretion, and are not to be apply­ed to infants, whom they do not concerne. Againe, Christ in those words instructeth his Apostles, what order they should obserue in the conuersion of the Gentiles: first, they must instruct them in faith, then baptize them being in­strued, and lastly guide them in true obedience being in­structed, when he addeth. Math 28, 20 Teaching them to obserue what so­euer I haue commaunded you. Besides, if they strictly vrge [Page 170] and stifly stand vpon the wordes, as they literally lye in or­der: why may we not first baptize them before wee teach them, because it is said, baptizing them in the name of the Trinity, and teaching them to obserue what I commannd. But hee intreateth in this place of such as are growne vppe, which must first haue knowledge in the gospell, faith in Christ, and repentance from dead workes before they bee baptized: but infants are baptized by reason of the promise made to their parentes. Moreouer, we might oppose vnto these, the example of circumcision, which we know and they are not ignorant was giuen to infantes, who could not yet beleeue: so that such as bar them from baptisme, because they are not capable of faith and repentance, might in like manner exclude the infants of the Isralites from circumcisi­on. Baptisme is the sacra. of repentance and faith, though neither of these be in infancy, yet they are baptised to the re­pentance and faith to come, which albeit they be not actual­ly formed in them, yet by the fruites afterward they shal ap­peare to be in them. Lastly, if baptisme should be giuen on­ly to those that truely beleeue, it should likewise be denied to such as are of vnderstanding: for wee are able to pro­nounce of these that they do truely beleeue, and certainely apprehend the promises of the gospel. Wherfore, if infants are not to be baptized, because they haue not faith and want repentance: neither are they of sufficient age to be baptized, of whom it cannot be directly and vndoubtedly said, they do beleeue. Simon the sorcerer mentioned act, 8. 13. 20 in the Actes of the apostles was baptized, and yet remained an hypocrite. If they say, profession of faith is sufficient to make members of the visible church: I answer, our sauiour speaketh not of a bare profession of faith, when he saith He that beleeueth and is baptized shal be saued, for then al that professe faith should re­ceiue 1 Pet. 1. 9 The reward of their faith, which is the saluationof their soules. Againe, profession of faith is for such as are ca­pable of it, which agreeth not to the age of infants: as they cannot deny the faith before men, which they haue not ac­knowledged: no more can they confesse the truth of doctrin, [Page 171] which they neuer learned. Now, to be borne in the church and in the couenant, is infants in place and stead of an actu­all confession and reall profession. Such as are growne vp must beleeue with the heart, Rom, 10. [...] and confesse with the mouth the gospel of saluation: it is sufficient for others to bee the children of such as haue confessed the faith.

Fourthly they obiect in this manner, baptisme is giuen for Obiect. 4. remission of sinnes: but infants haue not sinned: they there­for cannot be baptized: I answer, infants commit not actu­all answer. sinne, yet are guilty of originall sinne, they want inhe­rent righteousnesse, they haue a pronenesse to all euill, their whole nature is corrupted being in the seede of Adam. Al­beit therefore infants haue not finned after the similitude of Adams transgression, in their owne persons, yet they haue sinned in him, and in his loynes, in whom al are dead. This the holy man Iob. 14 4 teacheth, Iob. 14. Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse? There is not one. Likewise, the prophet Psal, 51, 5 Rom. 5, 14 19 Da­uid confesseth this truth, Psal. 51.

Behold, I was borne in iniquity, and in sinne my mother concei­ued me. So the Apostle Paule, Rom. 5. Death reigned from Adam to Moyses, euen ouer them also that sinned not after the manner of the transgression of Adam, which was the figure of him that was to oome: for as by one mans disobedience, many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righte­ous. Wherefore, such as holde infants without all guilt of sinne, neuer knewe the greatenesse of Adams fall, of Gods iustice, of mans misery, and of Christes endlesse mercy.

Lastly, they obiect, that Christ himselfe was not bapti­zed Obiect. 5. vntill 30, yeares of age. I answer, no more did he preach Answer, before he was thirty: yet hence it followeth not, that none ought to enter that calling before that age. True it is, hee that desireth that worthye office must bee no new plant, no younger Scholler, none lately come to the profes­sion and gathered immediately from heathenish religion to the fellowship of the gospel: yet the office of teaching is not tyed to 30, yeares, the age may be lesse if the gifts be great, [Page 172] and fit for that calling. Againe, Christ stood not in neede to be baptized in respect of himselfe, being without origi­nall or actuall sinne to he washed away, and therefore Iohn at the first put him back: Math, 3, 15 yet he would be baptized for our sakes, to fulfill all righteousnesse, to sanctifie our bap­tisme in himselfe, and that thereby we might know he was installed into his osfice. But we stand in neede to be bap­tized, to seale vp the washing away of our sinnes, and ther­fore there is a great difference in this respect betweene Chrift and vs. Besides, the Euangelist doth testifie, that albeit our sauiour were baptized at thirty years of age, yet he was circumcised at 8. daies old. Now wee haue proued before, that the same which circumcision was to the Iewes, baptisme is to al christians. If then he in his infancy wer circumcised, then children in their in fancy may be baptized, and are not commaunded to waite thirty yeares: for baptisme is our circumcision as the Apostle teacheth: but Christ in his in­fancy was circumcised, Luk. 2, 21 when the eight dayes were ac­complished: therfore children in their infancy may be bap­tized. Furthermore, baptisme was not hitherto as yet in vse, it was not commanded to be vsed when he was a child, and therefore he could not possibly be baptized, vnlesse we will imagin he might be baptized, before baptisme was. So that wee see, as he would not haue his circumcision deferred one day beyond the time appoynted: so hee was presently baptized, so soone as baptisme was institu­ted of God, and administred by Iohn. Fiftly, we are no more tied to this circumstance of time in christs baptisme, then we are to other circumstances of time, place, and per­sons in the Supper: he ministred it in an vpper Chamber, and before his passion: we in churches, before dinner, & af­ter his resurrection. Lastly, when the time appointed came, that the promised sauior and redeemer of mankinde should manifest himselfe to the world, then he shewed himselfe o­penly, then he came to the preaching & baptisme of Iohn, & began to publish the glad tidings of saluation, Mar. 1, 15 and to exhort men to repent & beleeue the gospel. These are the [Page 173] chiefest obiections against childrens baptisme, that carry any shew and probability of reason, which hitherto wee haue dissolued and discussed. And this is the second point before propounded.

Now as we haue seene the truth proued by the scripture, and maintained it against all the ignorant cauils of the A­nabaptistes and other Arrians of Transiluania, that haue Ministri. Transiluan. contra Trinit & in carnatio­nem domini. oppugned this truth: so let vs come to see the benifit of this doctrine, and what profit commeth by baptisme of children that are without knowledge, without vnderstan­ding, without faith, and without repentance. What vse can there be of this? Much euery way, as well as by cir­cumcising an infant of eight daies old. First, consider from Vse. 1. hence, a plaine and palpable errour of the Church of Rome, Lindan. lib. 4. panopl. Bellar. de ver­bo dei. lib. 4 cap. 9 that teach that the baptisme of children is by tradition, not by deuine institution, from their word vnwritten, not in the word of God written. But we haue confuted the A­nabaptistes by the Scriptures, and conuinced them by the in­stitution of circumcision, by the tenor of the couenant, by the holinesse of their birth, by their redemption through the blood of Christ, and by the practise of the Apostles. This is better armour, these are stronger weapons, this is a sharper sword to cut in sunder the corrupt heresie of the A­nabaptistes, then the wooden dagger of humaine tradition which the church of Rome draweth out against them. The Scripture is all sufficient 2 Tim. 3. 16 to proue all truth, and to beate downe all false doctrin that lifteth vp it selfe against God. Wherefore, we hold their traditions, to be superstitions: & their vnwritten [...] are written lies. As we retaine the baptisme of children, so wee haue alwaies beene ready to maintaine it by the old and new testament, as by the sword of the spirit against all the aduersaries thereof.

Secondly, let vs learne from hence [...] acknowledge a dif­ference Vse. 2. betweene [...] and the Lords supper. For in baptizing of children, [...] faith, not [...], not rege­neration is required, but onely to bee borne in the coue­nant: but the supper of the Lord requireth knowledge, [Page 174] discerning, trying, and examining of our selues: which are not required, neither can be performed of young children, who know not light from darkenesse, nor good from euill.

Thirdly, if infants haue interest in baptisme, then hence it Vse, 3. floweth that all are conceiued and borne in originall sin, Ioh, 3, 6 1 Cor. 15. 22, Rom 3, 23, 24, Eph 2, 1, 2 and whatsoeuer is of the flesh is flesh. So the apostle saith, As in Adam all dy, euen so in Christ shall all be made aliue. There is no difference, all haue sinned, and are depriued of the glorious kingdome of God: we must be iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in christ Iesus: by nature all are the children of wrath, and borne dead in sins and trespasses, infants not excepted. We learne therfore that whatsoeuer is begotten of man is sinfull and corrupt, it must be cut and pared away, we must be renewed and borne a­gain by the spirit of God, clensing vs from our sins: yea the children of the faithfull parents, whose corruptions are mortified, whose lustes are subdued, whose flesh is tamed and brought vnder the obedience of the will of God, are notwithstanding brought forth in sin, because they are born by carnall generation, and not by spirituall regeneration: as corne winnowed from the chaffe August. de poenit. merit & [...]emiss. l. 3. c. 18. yet groweth vp againe with it, and as the foreskin cut off from the parents recur­neth in the child. Again, haue infants of the faithful right to be baptized? Then acknowledge heereby the difference betweene them and the children of infidels, Iewes, Pagans, and Turkes. As the children of the Iewes, being heires of the couenant, were separated & distinguished from other chil­dren of the wicked Idolatrous nations, and were therefore accounted the holy seed: so for the same cause and reason the children of christians 1 Cor, 7, 14 are called holy, borne of either party and parent being faithful and a beleeuer, and do dif­fer from the prophane seede of idolatrous people. Indeede whosoeuer maketh a true profession of the faith which he holdeth, and is ready to lead his life according to that con­fession, though he be not the seede [...] child of the faithful, yet is to bee baptized, though hee came of the race of Turks, or pagan [...]s, as act. 8, 37 appeareth by the speach of Phillip to [Page 175] the Eunuch, If thou beleeuest, thou maiest. Thus we see, that the childrē of those that professe the faith, belong to the church of God: the children of Pagans belong not to the church of God: loe how great a difference there is betweene them. Heerby then, the children of the faithfull are discerned and distinguished from the prophane multitude of Atheists, Epi­cures, Libertines, Arrians, Anabaptistes, Turkes, Sarazens, Persi­ans, and other barbarous nations, Eph. 2, 12 which are without christ, without hope, without God in the world: wheras the ho­ly seede of all the faithfull belong to the church of God, and are reckoned in the company of the church. For this Rom. 11, 16, cause, the Apostle calleth the whole posterity of Abraham, holy, that is, consecrated and halowed to God, If the roote be holy, the branches are also holy. Not that the children of the faithfull do want originall sinne, or that they gather any actuall holi­nesse or inherent righteousnesse by carnall generation and propagation from their parents, but because by benefit of the couenant of God, and by force of his gratious promise, they are separated from prophane infidels, and brought in­to the bosome of the church, as Noah was into the Arke.?

Fiftly, this doctrine setteth forth the honor and glory of God. For is not God greatly glorified, when he sheweth Vse. 5. himselfe true in his promises and hath mercy vpon the faith­full Deut, 7, 9 Esa. 59, 21 Exod. 20, 6 for a thousand generations? And is not occasion offe­red to vs continually to glorifie him? Can we deserue that God should be our God? Nay do we not deserue, that hee should not be our god? And yet behold he will be the God of our children also? Let vs therfore neuer forget his mercies: let vs fil our mouthes or rather our heartes with his praises: let vs confesse before the Lorde his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull workes before the sonnes of men.

Sixtly, all parents are heereby wonderfully comforted, Vse. 6. they haue their faith strengthened, and are confirmed in the loue of GOD, when they see themselues so beloued of GOD, that it descendeth and floweth euen to their Chil­dren, as they are assured by this visible signe. This is that worthye and wonderfull promise which wee must [Page 176] receiue by faith, Gen. 17. 7, I will be thy God, and the God of thy seed after thee, I will establish my couenant betweene me and thee, and thy seed after thee. A sentence to be written, not onely in Golde, but in the tables of our hearts to dwell with vs for euer. When we must leaue the worlde and our families in poore estate behind vs, and go vnto the father: let vs not be dismayed, discoraged, or discomfited: this is the stay of our hope, this is the staffe of our cófort, this is our Anker-hold, that he wil not shut vp his mercy towarde our children, but be a graci­ous God to them as he hath bene to ourselues: so that wee may assuredly say vnto them with faithfull Abraham, Gen. 22. 8. My sonne God will prouide. Let vs be content with those things that we haue, for he hath saide, Heb. 13, 5, 6, 7, Iosh, 1, 5 Hag, 2, 9 I will not [...] thee neither for sake thee, so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, nei­ther will I feare what man can do vnto me. Godlines is great gaine, and he that is truely godly, is truely rich. He that hath Christ,, hath all things: he that wanteth him, wanteth all things. Heauen and earth are the Lords: all the gold and sil­uer are his, who hath promised to be an husbande to the Widdow, eyes to the blind, a couering to the naked, a fa­ther to the fatherlesse, and he will not forget his kindenesse towards vs for euer.

Wherefore, let vs lift vp Heb, 12, 12 13 our hands and our harts which hang downe, let vs strengthen our weake knees, and make straight steps vnto our feet, God is able to worke conten­tednes in all his seruants, whose power is best seene in our weakenes [...] whose glorie shineth brightest in our grea­test wants, Remember Psal 37, 25 34. 8, 9, 10 what the prophet saith Psal 37, 25 I am young and now am olde, yet I saw neuer the righteous for saken, nor his feed begging bread. And againe, Tast ye and see, how [...] the Lord is, blessed is the [...] that trusteth in him Feare the Lord ye his saints: for nothing wanteth to them that feare him. The Lyons do lacke and suffer hunger, but they which seeke the Lorde, shall want nothing that is good. Loe, how the man shalbe bles­sed that feareth God, not onely in his owne person, but in his children: Psal, 115, 13 [...]. [...], 32 38, 39 inasmuch as our seed is no lesse dear to him then we are, as Psal, 115. He will blesse them that feare the lord, [Page 177] both small and great: the Lord will encrease his graces towarde you and toward your children. And to the same purpose the pro­phet [...], Chap, 32. saith. They shal be my people, and I will be their God, and I will giue them one heart, and one way, that they may feare me for euer for the wealth of them and of their children after them. Let vs all rest in his words, and rely vppon his mercifull promises. He is not as man that he should lie, nor as the sonne of man that he should deceiue. He hath said, he will be our God, and the God of our seed that we leaue be­hind vs. Behold, O Lord, the words of thine own lips, con­sider the promises that are gone out of thine owne mouth. We know thou art true and faithfull in all thy sayings, thou wilt not alter the things which thou hast written with thine owne finger: on thee we wait and in thee we put our trust, let it be vnto thy seruantes according to thy free promise, and according to thy gratious couenant, that we may feele the accomplishment thereof in our soules.

Seuenthly, all parents are heereby to be warned and ad­monished, Vse. 7 that seeing the promise of forgiuenes of sinnes and the kingdome of heauen belongeth to their seede, and consequently the signe and seale therof: they must be care­full to bring them vp Eph. 6, 4 in the true knowledge and feare of God, as Eph, 6. Fathers prouoke not your chrildren to wrath, but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lord So Mo­ses teacheth Exod, 12, 26, 27. When their children should aske them touching the paschall lambe, that then it is their duty to declare and deliuer to them the true cause and oc­casion thereof.

Likewise so often as we consider how our children are by grace accepted, by baptisme consecrated vnto God, and [...] made heires of life and saluation: it standeth vs vppon, to plant and water the sauing knowledge of Christ Iesus in them. For what should it profit vs to leaue them great ri­ches and large possessions, and make them for want of in­struction and information in the waies of God the children of hel? If we do no more but feed them, and giue them meat and drinke: what do we for them, which we do not [...] the [Page 178] Oxe and Asse? Or if our chiefest care be to cloth them wel, and to apparrell them warme: what doe we 1 Tim. 5. 8 which the Turkes and infidels do not, as wel as we? Haue not they as great a portion in this, as we? but our obedience to the wil of God, and duty to our children must exceede theirs, if we will enter Math 5. 20 into the kingdome of heauen. Whereby we see, that they are greatly deceiued, who when, they haue made honest prouision for the sustenance and sustentation of their children in this world, wil say they haue done their part, although they haue not taught them to know God, these haue the greatest and chiefest account to make for their soules. Now if this be a greeuous sinne, to neglect the teaching of our children the feare of God: then they in­crease and double their iniquity, who by their corrupt ex­ample do lead them into euil, and so murther their soules. For children in steade of godly and religious instruction, do oftentimes heare their fathers sweare, swagger, lie, raile, and slaunder: see them deale deceitfully and vniustly, and marke their walking in euery euill way, making their hou­ses as it were any mage and representation of Hell it selfe, by practise of all manner of abhominations leading there­vnto.

Lastly, this doctrine is very comfortable to children themselus. For howsoeuer they cannot know or remember vse. 8 their owne baptisme: yet they are to consider that they liue in a church and among a people, where infants are or­dinarily baptized, and sealed with the signe of the couenant of God. Besides, it is and euer hath bin A laudable custome of the Church to haue god­fathers and Godmo­thers. of auncient time a laudable custome in the church to haue speciall witnesses (men of credit and estimation) of euery childes and infants baptisme, whome commonly wee call God-fathers and God-mothers. The steps of this truth may be traced out, if we consider Esa. 8. 1, 2, 3 what the Pprophet Esay saith, Chap 8, where he declareth that so soone as his wife had borne him a son, he gaue him his name (which was done at circumcision) and tooke two Parents no. fit witnesles of their own childrens bap tisme. faithfull witnesses Uriah and Zechariah to testifie the circumcision of his sonne, and the solemne gi­uing [Page 179] to him of that name in the presence of the congrega­tion. And howsoeuer Uriah walked not with a right foot, but turned aside from the pure worshippe of God to set vp the idolatrous Alter after the fashion of Damascus to seede the fancy of Ahaz: yet he was a man of reputation, whose testimony was sufficient to assure the naming of the pro­phets sonne: because the times to come woulde be trou­blesome and full of many calamities. For their children were named, when they were Gen. 21, 3, Luk. 1. 59 & 2 21 circumcised: as now our children are named, when they are baptized.

So likewise the Church oftentimes lyeth vnder the crosse, and is subiect to persecution, as Reuel. 12. 6 the Woman dri­uen into the Wildernesse, Reuelations 12, 6, and so the bap­tisme of many members might many times be doubted of and called into question, (forasmuch as no impressiona­bideth in the flesh, as there did in circumcision) the Chur­ches haue thought it conuenient to require certaine men to bee as speciall witnesses of infantes their bringing to Christ and to the church by baptisme, and of their names giuen them in their baptisme.

Seeing therefore children are baptized, and haue by this meanes no assurance giuen them of their baptisme: they haue a marueilous benefit bestowed vpon them, that they so soone obtaine the partaking of CHRIST and all his benefits. God worketh in the children of the faithfull be­longing to his couenant by waies vnknowne to vs, as Luk. 1, xv, 41 Iohn Baptist is saide to be filled with the Holy-ghost from his Mo­thers [...]: and they are called 1 cor, 7. xiiii holy by the Apostle, in­somuch that they cannot perish: whom God calleth, some sooner and some later, all in his owne appointed time, as seemeth good to his heauenly pleasure. The remembrance whereof, when children come to age, greatly comforteth them in the loue and feare of God, when they call to mind that they are so greatly esteemed and highly regarded of GOD, from the first comming into the worlde, before they had the vse of speech, of reason, and of vnder­standing. [Page 180] Christ Iesus shed his blood for them, he dyed for all the children of God, Ioh 11, 52 Reuel. 20, 12 he redeemed them whether they be old or young, smal or great, as Ioh. 11. He must die, not for that na­tion onely, but should gather together in one the children of God which are scattered. And the same Apostle Reuel. 12. saith, I saw the dead both great and small stand before God, and the bookes were o­pened, and another booke was opened which is the booke of life, and the dead were iudged of those things written in those bookes accor­ding to their workes. Wherefore, when children shall come to yeares of discretion and vnderstanding, they must heere­by be pricked forward to an earnest care and indeuour to walke in the feare of God, and to serue him in holynesse and righteousnesse all the daies of their life, by whom they were receiued for sonnes and adopted for his children by a solemne pledge of their adoption, before they were able through their age, to know and acknowledge him for their father.

Let them giue the Pro. 3, 9, Lam. 3, 27 Psal. 119, 9 Eccl. 12, 1 first fruites of their life to God: let them learne to beare the yoake of obedyence from their youth let them redresse and reforme their waies by taking heede to the word of truth: and seeing God hath remem­bred them in their baptisme, let them also remember their creator in the daies of their youth and begin to be wise be­times, least death come suddainely and cut them off, as the sluggard that for-sloweth the seasons of plowing and reaping, wisheth for them in vaine at another time of the yeare. Thus we haue shewed the baptisme of children: the certaine truth thereof hath beene euidently proued: the obiections against this truth aledged, haue been susficiently answered: and the vses of it to the great comfort of all faithfull parentes and Children haue beene particularly re­membred.

Chap. 8. Of the first inward part of baptisme.

HItherto we haue handled al the outward parts of bap­tisme now we are orderly to proceede to the inwarde partes. The inward parts of baptisme are such as are repre­sented by the outward. Those are Math. 28. 19 20. foure in number: first, God the father: secondly, the spirit: thirdly, Christ: fourth­ly, the soule clensed, as we see Math. 28, 19. Teach all nati­ons, baptizing them in the name of the father, of the sonne, and of the holy-ghost: he that beleeueth and is baptized, shall be saued. Heer we see these foure inward parts Foure in­ward parts of baptisme are named and expressed. This is also euidently proued Math, 3, in the baptisme of Christ, where the Trinity Math, 3, xi of persons was manifested.

These inward parts do directly and fitly answeare to the outward. The father is represented by the Minister: the spi­rit worketh by the worde: Christ is sealed by the water: and the soule clensed is signified by the body that is washed. Now, The agree­ment be­tweene the outward and inward parts. there is a notable agreement, a singular vnion, and fit pro­portion betweene these partes, where the minister hath re­lation and reference to the father, the word to the spirit, the water to Christ, and the body dipped to the faithfull clen­sed. For euen as the minister by the word of institution, ta­keth and applyeth the water to the washing of the bodye: so God the father, through the working of the spirite offe­reth and applyeth the blood of Christ, to the clensing of the faithfull.

Hauing seene the proportion of the parts between them­selues, let vs consider of them particularly and in order. The The first in vvard part of baptisme is God the Fa­ther. first inward part is God the father, represented by the mi­nister. The minister calling vpon the name of God, vseth the water to wash, and washeth the party baptized with the element of water, which sealeth vp gods incorporating and ingrafting Gal. 3. 27. of the baptized into Christ, and our spirituall regeneration. Hence it is, that when Iohn baptized, the fa­ther was present, as president of the worke, when loe, his voice came from heauen, saying, This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased. Now let vs come to the vses.

This [...] first of all, to strengthen our faith in the re­mission Vse. 1. of our fins, in imputation of Christs righteousnes, in [Page 182] mortification of sinne by the force of Christs death, and in sanctification through Christs resurrection. Wherefore, al­though the Minister doth nothing, touching or towarde the clensing of the soule: yet in regard of Gods ordinance and our benefit, the ministery of man is somewhat, which whosoeuer despiseth, doth despise God the author of it. For whensoeuer the eye of the body seeth the minister pow­ring on the water, and washing the body: we must behold by saith god the father, offering the blood of his own son, to be water of life to our soules. And let vs all make this vse of the Churches baptism to the comfort of our own harts, so often as we see it administred: let vs not rest in it, as in a work done to another, and nothing concerning our selues, but euermore helpe our inward affection by the outwarde action: and alwaies as the eye of the body beholdeth the Minister, let the eye of the faith, be fastned firmely vppon the Father, who maketh the Sacramentall rites auaileable, which are openly done before vs for our edification.

Again, it teacheth, that we must not rest in the outward Vse. 2. washing, nor in the externall actions of the Minister: but euer consider what is offered to our considerations therin, and when the father offereth to vs his sonne, let vs not re­fuse him. For, he that satisfieth himselfe with the outwarde work, is as he that catcheth after the shadow, and regar­deth not the substance; or as one that maketh much of the garments, but respecteth little the body it self, which ought to be had in greatest price and estimation.

Lastly, is God the father an inward part of baptism? then Vse. 3. we must take heed, we giue not that to the Minister which is proper to god the father, whereby hee is robbed of the honor and glory due to his great name. The Minister may wash the body and clense the flesh, but can goe no further: he medleth not with sanctification of the conscience from dead workes, which is not in the power of mortall man to do: so that god giueth the thing, and men giue the signe, yea while the Minister offereth the one, God the father gi­ueth the other.

Chap. 9 Of the second inward part of Baptisme.

THe second inwarde part of baptisme The second inward part of baptisme is the holy spirit. is the spirit of God, hauing relation to the word and promise of God. This Math, 3, 11 16 appeareth Math, 3 11, He baptizeth with the holy-ghost and with fire: And verse 16, When Christ was baptized, the heauens were opened vnto him, and he saw the spirit dis­cending like a doue, and lighting vpon him. So the apostle, 1 Cor, 6 saith, ye are washed, ye are sanctified, ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus, and by the spirit of our God. And chap. 12, of the same Epistle, By oke spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether we be Iewes or Graecians, whether we be bonde or free, and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit. And Tit, 3. Ac­cording to his mercy he saued vs, by washing of the new-birth, and the renewing of the holy-ghost, which he shedde on vs aboundantly, through Iesus Christ our sauiour. All these testimonies teach vs, that the Holy spirit of God is a necessary inward part of this sacrament, and that the baptisme of the spirit ioyned to the word, giueth force vnto it, who worketh in our soules that which water doth in our bodies, so that without the spirit it is nothing.

From hence we learne, that it is not the dipping of vs in­to, Vse. 1 or the sprinkling of vs with water, by the Minister that maketh vs partakers of Christ, but it commeth from the ver­tue of the spirit, who in time performeth what is represen­ted by outwarde signes, and promised by the worde.

Againe we learne heereby, that the spirit is true God, vse. 2 equall with the father and the sonne. For who is able to make the worde and Sacramentes auaileable, but onely God?

Seeing then this is the proper worke of the Holy­ghost, to open the heart, to teach the conscience, to seale vppe to the daye of redemption, and to helpe our infirmities in heating, in praying, and receiuing the [Page 184] Sacraments: he must needs be acknowledged to bee true God the Icot. 12. 4 5, 8. 9, x, xi Reuel. 1, 4 giuer of these graces. So we see, that in the forme of the administration of this sacrament, the blessed spirit is named and rehearsed, Mat 28, xix and hath his order togither with the father and the sonne. This therefore is a principle of our faith, to be learned, confessed, and beleeued.

Thirdly, we are heerby to take heed and beware, that we vse. 3. giue not to the word that which is proper to the spirit, he in­grafteth vs into Christ, he keepeth vs that we fal not from Christ, he maketh the word and promise of the institution profitable vnto vs, without whome it shoulde be vnto vs as sounding brasse or a tinckeling Cymball. Wherefore, as GOD the father in mercy maketh the promise, so his spirite must assure it to the Consciences of all the faith­full.

Lastly, let vs learne whensoeuer we come to the Worde or sacramentes, to craue the gracious assistance of the bles­sed vse. 4. spirit, to guide direct, and regenerate vs to eternal life, to sanctifie vs, 1 Iohn. v, 7 and to assure vs of gods endlesse fauour in Christs Iesus, as 1 Ioh 5. There be three which beare witnesse in heauen, the father, the word, and the holy spirit: and these three are one. The Holy-ghost by his grace and vertue worketh in vs steadfastly to beleeue the truth of Gods worde, and the gratious promises of saluation: as he is the author, begin­ner, and begetter of faith in vs, so he increaseth it, and ma­keth vs fit to receiue Christ, and to apply him with all his gifts vnto our selues, and sendeth vs into the full fruition and possession of Christ. He is our comforter to certifie vs of our reconciliation to god, and to make vs reioyce vnder the crosse, knowing that Rom, 5, 3, 4 tribulation bringeth foorth patience, and patience experience, and experience hope, and hope maketh not ashamed, because the loue of god is shed abroade in our harts by the holy-ghost which is giuen vnto vs. He is the earnest and seale of our inheritance, by whom we are sealed vp to euerlasting life.

Thus we see, that howsoeuer the increase and [...] of faith is assigned to the sacramentes: yet this grace proceedeth [Page 185] from the holy-ghost, who is vnto our faith as ma­row vnto the bones, as moysture vnto the tree, and as a comfortable raine vnto the fruites of the earth. If this in­ward maister and teacher be wanting, the sacraments The sacra­ments profit not without the spirit. can worke no more in our mindes, then if the bright Sunne should shine to the blind eies, or a loud voice sound in deafe eares, or fruitefull corne fall into the barren wildernesse. Wherefore, least the word of saluation should sound in our eares in vaine, and Sacraments ioyned to the word should be present before our eies in vaine; the spirit worketh in vs whensoeuer we come vnto them aright, he mollifieth the hardnesse of our heartes, he frameth vs to new obe­dience, and assureth vs that God offereth to vs his owne sonne for our iustification and saluation. For euen as the seede that falleth into a barren soile dyeth and rotteth, yet if it be so wen in fruiteful grownd wel tilled & manured, it bringeth [...] good increase with gain & aduantage: so likewise the word and the sacramentes, if they hit vpon an heard neck, and fall into a barren heart, bcome vnprofita­ble and vnfruiteful: but if the effectual work of the spirit ac­companieth the hearing of the one, and receiuing of the other, they are profitable, auaileable, and comfortable. Thus much of the second part.

Chap 10. Of the third inward part of Baptisme.

THe third inward part of baptisme The third inward part of baptisme is Christ Iesus. is Christ, represen­ted and signified by the water. For as the A postle tea­cheth Heb. 10, 4 That the blood of bulles and calues cannot take away sinne: so the water in baptisme cannot wash away sinnes. It tou­cheth the body, washeth it, clenseth and purgeth it, but it can proceed no further. For this Act, 2. 38 & 10, 48, & 19, 5 cause the beleeuers are said to be baptized in the name of Christ, as Act, 2, 38. He baptized euery one of you in the name of christ. So chap. 19, 5, They were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus. Not meaning heer­by the forme and manner of baptizing, but the fruite [Page 186] foundation, and end of baptisme. Likewise, 1 Pet. 3. 21. the Apostle sheweth the same, 1 Pet 3, 21. Baptisme answering to the fi­gure of the Arke, saueth vs by the resurrection of Iesus Christ. There is no more force in outward baptisme to saue, the whole vertue and force floweth from the streame of Christs blood, as the true materiall cause thereof, wherein the po­wer of in ward baptisme doth consist. The truth being eui­dent, that the pouring out of the blood of CHRIST is one of the inward partes of Baptisme, let vs see the v­ses.

The vse of this part teacheth diuerse pointes. First, that the outward washing with water, is not the washing away Vse. 1. of sins: for then whosoeuer were dipped in it should receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes, repentance from dead workes, and sanctification of the spirit, whether he beleeued or not: act. 8. 22, which is otherwise, as we see Act. 8, 22. Also, they should not, and could not be Christians, and eternally saued, which are not outwardly washed, but departing this life without baptisme, they should perish in the next world without re­dresse or redemption, and so our condicion were worse then the Iewes their condition in times past, and the grace of God more restrained vnder the Gospell, then it was vnder the law, Moyses offering more mercy then Christ himselfe. So then, the washing with water serueth to ratifie the shed­ding of Christs blood for the remission of our sinnes, and the imputation of his righteousnesse to our instification, 1 Ioh. 1, 7 as 1 Ioh. 1, 7. The blood of Iesus Christ his sonne doth clense vs from all sinne. So Reuel. 1, 5. He hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his blood, and made vs Kings and Priestes vnto GOD euen his father. And Col. 1, 14 the A postle saith, In him wee haue redemption by his bloode, that is, forgiuenesse of sinnes.

Againe, when wee see with our bodily eyes the Water poured vpon the body of the baptized: we must behold Vse. 2 and consider with the eyes of faith the blotting out of all our sinnes, as well originall as actuall, as well after bap­tisme as before baptisme, by the pretious blood of Christ, [Page 187] that wee may assure our selues it is no idle action. For wee must not behold the Sacramentall rites, as certaine dombe gestures or stage-like shewes without substance and signifi­cation but wee must make them serue to further our faith and edification.

Lastly, it teacheth vs, not to be led by the outward sen­ses to measure the truth or to iudge of the substance of bap­tilme vse. 3. by the outward signe and visible partes: but to haue our faith fixed on Christ, crucified on the Crosse, and sig­nified in baptisme. The infidell seeing children solemnely baptized in the name of the father, of the sonne, and of the Holy-ghost, will rashly and ignorantly coniesture no­thing to bee there, but naked rites, and bare Water: but the faithfull and true Christian doth beholde the washing of the soule and clensing of the heart by the dearest blood of Christ.

So in the Lordes Supper, to the vnbeleeuer appeareth nothing but Bread and Wine, because we see with our eies, wee receiue [...] our handes, wee tast with our mouth no more: but the beleeuer knoweth, that together with these signes, GOD the father offereth the body and blood of his Sonne to bee spiritually receiued and di­gested. Euen as he that is vnlettered and vnlearned, if hee looke Esa, 29, 11, 12. vpon the face of a booke, beholdeth onely blacke coulours, and spottes vppon the Paper, seeth certaine figures and charusters of Letters differing each from o­ther, but cannot read the writing or comprehende the meaning: but hee that hath learned his Letters and is able to reade them, reapeth greate profit and instru­ction thereby: So is it in the [...]. Hee that resteth in the outward signe, deceiueth himselfe: but hee that respecteth the thinge signified receiueth the profit and aduantage.

The Crosse of CHRIST, and preaching of the Gospell, 1 Cor. 1. 23, 24. are a stumbling blocke to the Iewes, and foo­lishnesse to the Gracians. For the infidell hearing that christ was crucified and nailed vpon the crosse, is offended at him, [Page 188] accounting it a foolish & weak means to saue mankind, that life should spring out of death, glory come out of shame, power proceed out of weakenesse, and triumphant victory arise out of his contemptible sufferings: but the faithfull soule acknowledgeth in this mystery of Godlinesle, the high hand and vnsearchable wisedome of God. It may seeme ri­diculous vnto some men, Gen 17, 10 that God should require circum­cision of Abraham and of his houshold, young and old, bond and free, maister and seruants to vncouer all their shames, and to open the hidden partes of nature: yet Abraham sub­mitttd himselfe to the ordinance of God. Naamaen the Syrian thought it a toyish precept & prescript, when he was bidden to wash himselfe 7. times in Iordin, hauing many riuers in his owne countrey as good as that: yet by 2 king. 5, 11 12, 14 obeying the prophet, he was clensed of his Leprosie. The inhabitants of Iericho scorned Ioshua and the men of Israell, when they saw them compasse their Citty strong and walled, Iosh. 6, 20 and to blow with their Rammes hornes: yet by this weake meanes the wall fel downe, the enemies were destroyed, the citty was sacked, and the people of God [...]. Christ seeing a blinde man and willing to heale him, he spat on the ground, Ioh. 9, 6 and made clay of spittle, and annoynted the eies of the blinde with the clay, and said vnto him, Go, wash in the poole of Siloam: he obeyed, he went, he washed, he returned see­ing.

Thus doth God by simple, base, and weake things, often­times confound the mighty, strong, and wise of the world, that no flesh should reioyce in his presence, and crosseth all the high conceites and proud imaginations of mans wil and wit. Wherefore we must not follow our owne vnderstan­ding, nor measure the matters of God by the crooked rule of our carnall reason. Whosoeuer will yeald obedience to God must deny himselfe, and renounce his own wisedome, 1 Cor. 3. 18 19 and become a foole that he may be wise in God, as 1 cor. 3, Let no man deceiue himselfe, if any man among you seeme to bec wise in this world, let him be a foole that he may be wise, for the wise­dome of this world is foolishnesse with God.

[Page 189] Thus we see, that in the Sacramentes we must vnderstand more then we see, and beleeue more then we can behold. Such [...] are without knowledge and faith, [...] no more of baptisme then the bodily eie directeth them vnto: but the faithfull conceiue the blood of Christ to be offe­red, to [...] the soule and conscience from all sinn, Gen. 2, x as the riuer watered the garden of Eden.

Chap. 11. Of the foruth inward part of baptisme.

THe last inward part of baptisme is the soule The soule clensed is the last inward part of baptisme. clensed; most liuely represented by the body that is washed. For as the outward receiuer giueth his body to be washed: so the saithfull receiuer doth consecrate himselfe to God with ioy, and forsake the flesh, the world, and the diuill, and feeleth the inward washing of the spirit, as Tit. 3, 5, According to his Tie, 3, 5 Eph. 2. 26, [...] mercy he saued vs, by the washing of the new birth, and the renewing of the Holy-ghost. And the same Apostle, Eph. 5. Christ gaue himselfe for the church, that he might sanctifie it, and clense it by washing of water through the word, that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious church, not hauing spot or wrinkle. Wherefore, this outward washing of the body commaun­ded by Christ, fignifieth vnto me, that I am no lesse assured­ly clensed in his blood by the working of his spirit from the spottes of my soule, that is, from all my sinnes, then I am outwardlie washed by water, whereby the staines of the bo­dy vse to be washed away: and it bindeth vs that we ought euer afterward by our workes and deeds to declare newnes of life and fruites of repentance.

Let vs now come to the vses of this last part of baptisme. Vse. 1. Doth the washing of the body represent the clensing of the soule? And doth the soking vp of the filthines of the flesh signifie the remouing of the remnants of rebellion? Then we are all by nature vnwise, vncleane, [...], vnre­gerate, vnholy, disobedient, disordered, deceiuing and being deceiued: we are the vessels of wrath, the children of [Page 190] death, the bond-slaues of Sathan, the heires of damnation, we haue our part and portion in the offence of Adam, Rom. 5, 19 & 7, 23, 24 as Rom. 5. By one man sinne entred into the world: and ch. 7. I see another law in my members, rebelling against the law of my minde, and leading me captiue vnto the law of sinne, which is in my members. O wretched man that I am, who shall deliuer me from the body of this death. Heereunto also commeth that which the Ioh. 3, 5, 6. 7 Euan­gelist setteth downe in the conference betweene Christ and Nicodemes, Ioh. 3 That which is borne of flesh is flesh, and that which is borne of the spirit is spirit: marueil not that I said vnto thee, ye must be borne againe. For this cause are infants baptized, be­cause they are conceiued in sinne and borne in iniquity, and cannot become spirituall, but by a new birth wrought by the spirit, which is sealed vp by the water in baptisme.

Againe, this serueth to strengthen our faith when we be­hold Vse. 2. the outward washing, pouring out of the water, and baptizing of the body, it assureth the inward clensing of the soule by the blood of Christ offered to all, and receiued of those that are elected to eternall saluation. This then is the right and holy vse of baptisme. Doest thou feele inwardly in thine heart, that through the corruption of thy nature and strength of concupiscence thou art moued, tempted, and prouoked to commit sinne? And doest thou feele thy selfe ready to yeald to Satan, and so to fall from God into euill? Beginne to haue some holy meditation, of that so­lemne vow which thou madest to God in baptisme, when thou didest consecrate and giue vp thy selfe wholly to his seruice, and didest renounce obedience to the suggestions of Satan, to the allurements of the world, and to the cor­ruptions of the flesh. For baptisme is the Baptisme is a christian mans ensigne to fight vnder it the battels of the lord. Christian mans ensigne giuen of God to vs, that we should fight as it were vnder it against all the enemies of our saluation and ouer­come. It is the badge and bannerofour captaine, that wee shrouding our selues vnder his colours, should not coward­ly turne our back in the skirmish, but coragiously looke the enemy in the face, nay tread him vnder our feete for euer. Moreouer, hast thou through weakenes and infinnity, [...] [Page 191] once or twice into some sin to the dishonour of thy god, to the wounding of thine own conscience, to the slander of the gospel, or to the scandal offence of thy weak brother? haue recourse to thy baptisme as vnto a board after shipwracke, as vnto a medicine after sicknesse, as vnto a plaister after wounding, or as vnto a staffe after falling, that thou maiest receiue strength, courage, and comfort to thy soule. For al­beit baptisme be once only administred for the reasons be­fore alleged, chap, 1. of this present booke; yet it being once deliuered and receiued, testifieth that all our sinnes past, present, and to come are washed away and shalbe for­giuen. The fruite or efficacy of the Sacraments is not to be restrained and tyed to the present time of receiuing, but ex­tendeth it selfe to the whole course of our life afterward. And thus much of the fourth part of baptisme.

Chap. 12. Of the first vse of baptisme.

HItherto we haue handled the parts of baptisme both outward and inward: now let vs proceed to the vses, the last point to be obserued in this Sacrament. The vses of baptisme are in number Three vses of baptisme. three: first to shew our planting, ingrafting, and incorporating into the body of christ: secondly, to seale vp the remission and forgiuenesse of all our sinnes: thirdly, to teach vs to dye vnto sinne and liue vnto righteousnesse and true sanctification. These endes Rom. 6, 3 4, 5, 6 appeare euidently by the wordes of the Apostle, Rom. 6. Know ye not that al we which haue been baptized into IESVS CHRIST, haue beene baptized into his death? We are bu­ried then with him by baptisme into his death, that like as CHRIST was raised vppe from the dead to the glory of the father, so wee also should walke in newnesse of life. For if we be planted with him to the si­militude of his death, euen so shall wee be to the similitude of his re­surrection, knowing this, that our olde Man is crucified with [Page 192] him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serue sinne. In this place the Apostle setteth before vs the former ends of baptisme expressely.

Touching the first vse, The first vse of bapt. i. to shew our ingrafting in to Christ. he sheweth that by it is signified and sealed our vniting, setting, 1 cor. 12, 13 Cal. 3, 27 and inserting into the bo­dy of Christ, to remaine in him soreuer, as braunches in the vine, as 1 Cor, 12. By one spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether we be bonde or free: where he teacheth that by baptisme wee become one body with Christ. And Gal. 3, All ye that are baptized into Christ, haue put on Christ. This con­iunction with Christ is not bodily or naturall, it is not by bāds in the flesh, it is not by neernes of blood, sor such as we see may be seprated, as the father from the son, the husband from the wife, the brother from the sister: but this is who­ly mysticall and spirituall, aboue reason and aboue sence, because it is wrought, not by natural waies as by ioynts, sin­news, arteries, ligamentes, and such like, but by spirituall meanes, to wit, by the power of the spirit, and by vertue of faith: he sendeth downe his spirit, we send vp our faith. First, he must send downe his spirit, because all goodnes is of him. Indeed, we loue him, but it is because he loued vs first, giuing vs Rom. 8, XV the spirit of adoption to cry Abba father: Indeed, we come vnto Christ to be eased and refreshed as he commandeth, but it is because Iohn, 6, 44 the father draweth vs. Indeed, we perseuer in faith and loue, but this is, because he perseuereth in louing of us. Indeed, we repent and turn vnto God, but this is because he [...], 36, 26 27 taketh away our stonye hart, and giueth vnto vs an hart of flesh.

Secondly, as he putteth his spirit within vs, so the faith mounteth vp to the heauens, and apprehendeth Christ sit­ting at the right hand of the father. And thus, his spirit dis­cending, our faith ascending, and both of them ioyninge the members to the heade, the braunches to the vine, vs to Christ, being once engrafted, Ioh. XV. 5. 6 wee are neuer sepetated, as Ioh. 15. He that abideth in mee and I in him, the same bringeth foorth much fruite: for without me ye can doe nothing. If a man abide not in mee, he is cast foorth as a braunch and withereth, and [Page 193] men gather them, and cast them into the fire and they burne. No man can be partaker of Christs benefits to saluation, which is We are ioy­ned to Christ in spititual mariage not made one with him. As a Woman cannot be par­taker of the riches and honor of some great man, and haue interest in his person, except she be ioyned to him in ma­riage, that they become one body and one flesh: and as the members cannot draw life from the head, except they be ioyned with it: so there is no partaking of Christ, except thete be an vnion and communion with him, Ioh. 6, 53 as himselfe teacheth vs, Ioh. 6. Verily, verily I say vnto you, except ye eat the flesh of the sonne of man, and drinke his blood, ye haue no life in you. If Christ be present to vs, life and all things accompanying saluation are present to vs. If christ be absent from vs, death is present, wrathlyeth at the doore, life and saluation are absent: so that we are neuer partakers of his graces, except webe as neerly coupled to his humanity, as meat and drink are coupled with our body, which of al other is a most neer vnion and inward coniunction.

Thus we see, we are seuered from the world to haue fel­lowshippe with CHRIST, and are set once in him for euer, 1 Ioh. 2, 19 Rom 8, 33, 34. 35, 37, 38, 39 because he that commeth to CHRIST once, he casteth him not away, hee shall neuer hunger, he shall neuer thirst, he shall not be lost but hue for euer, as the Apostle saith, If they had been of vs, doubtles they had continued with vs, And paule to this purpose saith, Rom. 8, Who shal lay any thing to the charg of GODS chosen? it is GOD that instifieth, who shall condemne? Who shal seperate vs from the loue of CHRIST? shal tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakednes, or perill, or sword? in all the se we are more then conquerours through him that loued vs: for I am perswaded, that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor thinges to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to seperate vs, from the loue of GOD which is in CHRIST IESVS our LORDE. If once wee bee ioyned to him in spiritu­all Marriage, notwithstanding the difference and dispa­ragement between him and vs, nothing shall bee able to worke our deuorcement from him.

[Page 194] True it is, God [...] vs wallowing Ezek. 16. 4, 5. 6 in our owne fil­thines, polluted in our owne bloode, defiled by our owne vncleannes, he hath made an eternall couenant with vs, he hath spoken peace vnto oursoules, saying, Thou shalt liue, euen when wee were sunke downe in sinne to death, hee saide vnto vs Thou shalt liue: so that he will neuer turne from vs to do vs good, but we shall be his people, and he will be our God, he will giue vs one hart and one way, that wee may feare him for euer, and that it may be well with vs and with our children.

This made the Apostle to write, Ephe. 5. 30. 32. Wee are members of his bodie, of his flesh, and of his bones: this is a great mi­sterie, but I speake concerning christ and concerning the church: Where he seemeth to allude to the Gen, 2, 21 first creation of the Woman made of one of the ribs of the man, shadowing and [...] our knitting and coniunction with Christe, which we haue by faith, not by nature: by vertue of the spirit, not of the flesh.

Now as we haue shewed that this coniunction made by Gods spirit and by our faith which he hath giuen: so the meanes and instruments to worke it, are the word and sacraments. This is a dignity peculiar and proper, to the e­lect, to haue perpetuall fellowshippe with Christ, and to growe vp into one body with him, as he teacheth Iohn, 17 20. 21. I pray for all them which shall beleeue in me through theyr word, that they all may be one as thou O father art in me and I in thee, euen that they may be one with vs, that the world may beleeue that thou hast sent me. If then there be not an vnion betweene Christ and vs, we haue no accesse to God the father, being quite cutte off from all hope of life and sa'uation. As then all the substaunce and nourishment of the tree commeth from the roote, and all the vitall powers of a true naturall body, come from the head: so it is betweene the sonne of God and vs, we haue not so much as one drop of the hea­uenly life in vs of our selves, Iohn 14, [...] CHRIST is the waye, the truth, and the life, no man commeth vnto the father but by him.

[Page 195] To conclude this first vse, seeing such as come to this sa­crament Mark. 16. 16 must be christians before, it appeareth to be a very corrupt custome of the people, when they require Baptisme of the pastor for their children, to say, God hath giuen me a Pagan, I desire you to make him a Christian. For Baptisme cannot make a Christian, but signifie: the Sacraments cannot make that which is not, but assure that which is already made, as seales do not giue the right, but confirme it. Thus much of the first vse of Baptisme: the second followeth.

Chap. 13. Of the second vse of baptisme.

BEing made one with Christ, we are partakers of the [...] of his death, to wit, The 2, vse of baptism [...] to assure for­giuenes of sinne. of forgiuenes of sinnes, and of regeneration or new birth. So then the second vse of Baptisme is, to assure vs of the remission and pardon of our sinnes, that we may be vnblamable and acceptable to god. This is signified by the outward ceremony of washing and sprinkling, to wit, the sprinkling of our soules with the blood of Christ for the forgiuenes of all sinnes, Act. 2. 38, [...] 22, 16 as appea­reth, Act. 2, 38, Then Peter said vnto them, Amend your liues and be baptized euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ, for re­mission of sins. And Act. 22, Ananias said vnto Paul immedi­ately after his conuersion, Arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lorde. So the Euangelist witnesses Marke. 1, 4. that Iohn did baptize in the wildernesse, and preach the Baptisme of amendment of life for the remission of sinnes. And the Apostle maketh this vse, col. 2, 12, 13. Ye are buried with him through Baptisme, in whome ye are also raised vppe together through the faith of the operation of GOD, which raised him vp from the dead: and you which are deade in sinnes, and in the vncircumcision of your flesh, hath hee quickned together with him, forgiuing you all your trespasses. The meaning of these pla­ces is not that, baptisme Baptisme doth not of it selfe con­ferre grace bestoweth or giueth forgiue­nesse, [Page 196] but onely signeth, sealeth, and assureth our pardon: euen as remistion of sins and the righte ousnesse of faith were not in the old Testament by circumcision conferred, but confirmed vnto the faithfull. The grace of pardon and for­giuenesse of sinnes, is not attained but by faith in Christ, so that the worke of baptisme will not effect it. Moreouer we haue proued, that it is not lawfull to baptize such as are in yeares, vnlesse they make open profession of their faith in Christ, and repentance from the workes of the olde man: wherefore, they obtaine them not by the outward washing with water in baptisme. So then we are no lesse assuredly washed by the blood of Christ from the spots of our soules, then outwardly we are washed with water from the filth of the body. For the force of his death hath that effectuall working in clensing our soules from the corruption and fil­thines of sinne, which naturall water hath in washing our bodies. By the merit of his death we haue full forgiueneste of all our sinnes, not onely originall but actuall, not onely past but present and to come, whose blood is neuer drawne dry, but is euer fresh and full of efficacy.

Therefore, the wordes deliuered by the minister in bap­tisme at the commaundement of christ, namely, Math, 28. 19, I baptize thee in the name, of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy ghost, should alwaies be in our eares, euen vntill the last gasp, and by them we ought to be assured of the ful forgiuensse of our offences against God. For the blood of Christ, by which we are once washed, can neuer be drawne dry, but is euer fresh, full of force and strength, to the continuall clensing of our filthinesse and iniquities, so that they neuer come into the sight of God, neither are imputed vnto vs. Wherefore, it is like vnto a sealed charter, whereby is confirmed that all our sinnes are blotted out. We are all taught by our baptisme, that none of the enemies of our saluation shall be able to lay any sinne to our charge Art thou tempted to thinke, that Christs blood was not shed for thee? That thy transgressions are not pardoned? That thou shalt be brought to iudgement for them? Doth Sathan [...] thy tender conscience with [Page 197] them? thou maist as well doubt, that thou wast not bap­tized and washed with Water, as doubt thy sinnes are not blotted out: thou maist as well surnize thou perishedst in the water, as suppose thou shalt perish in thy wickednesse, the floods where of howsoeuer they go ouer thy head: yet shall not be able to preuaile against thee sully, and ouer­come thee sinally.

This ouer throweth the false Concil. Trid. sess. 5 doctrin of the false church of Rome, the Mother of abhominations, which teacheth that by the grace of Christ receiued in baptisme, all our sins going before it, are rased and blotted out, and leaueth no­thing in the party baptized Bellar, lib. 1. de bapt. cap. 13 that hath the name and na­ture of sinne. But albeit our sinnes be freely and fully for­giuen for Christs sake, pardoned and not imputed, couc­red and remembred no more: yet the stain, blot, and rem­nants of sinne remaine (though not raigne) in our flesh, so long as we liue in this world, which in the end of our daies togither with the mortality and corruptions of our bodies shall be taken away and abolished. Indeede the scripture teacheth, that Christs blood clenseth, washeth, Ioh. 1, 29 Psal. 32. 1. 2 and ta­keth away sinne, Ioh. 1. 29. Behold the Lambe of God which ta­keth away the sin of the world: but this is not by an actuall pur­ging of vs from all corruption, but in freely acquiting and truely discharing vs from the guilt, offence, and punish­ment before God, as Psal. 32, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen, and whose sins are lightned, blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne. I herefore, though they be forgi­uen, yet they remaine, 1 Ioh. 1, 8 as appeareth, If we say [...] haue no fin, we deceiue our selues and there is no truth in vs. And Solomon in his worthy prayer saith, If any sinne against thee, for there is no man that sinneth not. So the Apostle teacheth & toucheth this truth by his owne experience, Rom. 7, I see another lawe in my members, rebelling against the Law of my minde, and leading me captiue vnto the Law of sinne which is in my members. We are all as a filthy cloth, the fsesh rebelleth against the spirit, and in nothing we can do the things we woulde, so that if God enter into iudgement with vs, we [...] stand in his sight. [Page 198] And if Originall sinne were extinguished and vtrerly abo­lished in baptisme, then they which are baptized, shoulde sin no more: but we see they sin again after their baptism. To conclude baptisme is auailable not only for sins before, but it is a seale for confirmation of faith touching the re­mission of those sinnes that are committed after baptisme, as well as done before, as our [...] sauiour teacheth, Mark, 16, 16. He that shall beleeue and be baptized, shall be saued, but he that will not beleeue, shalbe damnd. Faith then beleeueth the forgiuenes of all sins past and to come, inasmuch as the bood of Christ clenseth from al sins. And the Apostle ac­cordeth heereunto, Titus 3, 5, 7. According to his mercie hee saued vs by the washing of the new birth and the [...] of the ho­ly ghost: that we being iustified by his grace should be made heirs ac­cording to the hope of euerlasting life. Where we see that the pro­mise of iustification [...] generall against all sins. Thus much of the second vse.

Chap 14. Of the third vse of Baptisme.

THe third vse of baptisme is to kill and bury The thirde vse of bap­tisme is to teach vs our dying to sin, and rising to newnesse of life. our na­turall corruption by the power of Christs death and buriall, and to raise vs againe to sanctification of our nature and newnes of life by his resurrection. Hence it is, that sin hath his deaths wounde and is stricken to the hatt, so that it cannot liue and raigne in the children of God. Hence it is, that baptisme is often Luk, 3, 3 called the sacrament of repen­tance, [...] Luke, 3, Iohn came into all the parts and coasts a­bout Iordan, preaching the Baptisme of repentance for the re­mission of sinnes. So likewise Marke 1, 4. Iohn did baptise in the Wildernes and preach the baptisme of amendment of life, And the Apostle affirmeth as much, col, 2, xii, xiii, declaring that the one end of baptism is the death and burial of the old man by the almighty power of God.

This also was taught in those 1 pet. 3. 20, 21 liuely types answering our baptisme, to wit, the flood that drownd the old world, [Page 199] while Noah and his family were preserued in the Arke. Also the red sea in which Pharaoh and his host perished, but the people of God. were deliuered. For as God destroyed in the waters and as it were buried in the flood the world, but saued a remnant of grace: so doth God, through christ, mortifie the old man, raise againe the new man, and seale them both in our baptisme.

Likewise, as GOD deliuered his people out of the hands of Pharaoh, and opened them a way through the red sea, and drowned their enimies that they saw them no more aliue: so by baptisme, he assureth our deliuerance from the thral dome and bondage of sinne (which bringeth greater slauery and captiuity then any slaue is in, vnder his earthly maister) and the destruction of the flesh, that it shall not hurt or condemn vs. We are al Psal. 51. 7 Rom. 5, 12 born in sins and trespasses: we haue need of repentance and regeneration.

We see then what vse we are to make of our baptisme, euen labor to attaine to the efficacy and fruit of it, that it may not be a bare and barren signe. Moses and the Pro­phets earnestly exhort the people of Israell, to shewe forth the force and effect of their circumcision, Deut. 10, 16 & 30. 6 to cut away the fore-skin of their harts, and harden their necks no more, as we see, Deut, 10. 16. The Lorde did set his delight in thy fathers, to loue them, and did chuse their seed after them, euen you aboue all people, Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your hearts, and harden your neckes no more, And in another place, The Lord thy GOD will circumcise thine heart, and the hearte of thy seede, that thou maiest loue the LORD thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule, that thou maiest liue.

So the Prophet Ier, 4, 4 Ieremy saith, Breake vppe your fallowe grounde, and sowe not among thornes: be circumcised to the Lorde, and take away the fore-skinnes of yonr heartes, ye men of Iudah, and inhabitantes of Hierusalem, least my wrath come foorthe like fire, and burne, but none can quench it, because of the wickednes of your inuentions.

Circumcision was the thing wherin they bosted aboue althings: it was their glory wheros they bragged, to be a cir­people, [Page 200] peculiar to God. Now the Prophets recall and re­claime them from trusting in outwarde signes and lying words, Ier, 7. 8 that shall not profit: and stirre them vp to confi­der the power and effect therof, not to rest in cutting off a thin peece of skinne, but to cut off quite and cleane their lusts and corruptions which rebell against the spirit. This the Apostle teacheth Rom. 2, 28 29 euidently. He is not a Iew which is one outward neither is that circumcision vvhich is outvvard in the flesh: but he is a Ievv vvhich is one vvithin, and the circumciston is of the hart in the spirit, not in the Letter, vvhose praise is not of men, but of God.

The outward Letter is of no moment with God, it must be the circumcision of the heart, otherwise the circumci­sing of the flesh is nothing. So, if we woulde haue God to take vs for his people and heritage, We must all be baptized in hart we must be all bapti­zed in our hearts and our soules. What, will some say, bapti­zed in soule, and in heart? What is that? Or how can this be? Can the water wash the soule? Surely, the Water cast vppon our bodies is nothing, if we haue not the truth of it. As then the apostle Paule maketh a difference between in­ward circumcision of the spirit, and outward circumcision of the letter, insomuch that if they would haue the true cir­cumcision indeed, they must haue that which is within: so is there a great difference between the baptism of the spi­rit and of the letter, between that of the soul and the other of the body, betweene that which is outwarde, and that which is inward. Whosoeuer would haue the true baptism indeed, he must be clensed within, repent of his Wicked­nesse, mortifie his imaginations, deny himselfe, renounce his affections, and offer vp his soule and body in sacrifice to God, that he may renew and regenerate vs: otherwise, it is a certaine thinge, we were neuer indeede and in truth baptized. For as the Iewes were charged to be vncircum­cised, though the fore-skin of the flesh were cut off, and so they were circumcised in body: so, we may in like ma­ner be charged to be vnbaptized, albeit we haue bin out­wardly washed with water.

[Page 201] The Iewes chosen aboue all Nations to be the people of God, were oftentimes condemned of forgery and fasehood for breaking the couenant of God, and not answering to the truth thereof, Esa, 2. 4 & 57, [...] and were [...] with the vncircumci­sednesse of their heartes, that they were worse then the hea­then themselues, a bastard broode, witches children, and vn­worthy to be accounted Abrahams seede, to the end they should bragge no more of their circumcision, as Act. 7. Stephen, a faithfull witnesse of God, obiecteth against them, Ye stiffe-necked and of vncircumcised heartes and eares, ye haue al­waies resisted the Holy ghost, as your fathers did, so do you: they shew the prophets which shewed before of the comming of that iust, of whom ye are now the betrayers and murtherers: where we see, he disco­uereth their hypocrysie, and setteth their sinnes before their faces, telling them, that as their fathers rebelled against god so the children followed their fathers footesteppes. Do not these things concerne vs? Though we haue not circumcisi­on in action and practise, belong they not to vs now a daies? Yes euen to vs For we shall bee condemned for our vnclensed and vnsanctified heartes, not answering to the truth of our baptisme. For so much we profit by baptisme, as we profit in mortification. If then we be once baptized and washed with water: we shall pay dearely for our desi­ling that sacred water, which God hath appointed to so ho­ly an vse.

True it is, the water of it selfe is as nothing, no other in substance and nature then that wherewith wee washe our hands: but when once it is ioyned to the word, and apply­ed to an holy end, it is as it were an authenticall seale which God hath engrauen in it. Now, he that counterfaiteth the seale of a Prince, shall hee not bee punished? Behold, bap­tisme is the seale of GOD, which serueth, not to seale conueyances of earthly possessions as house and landes: but to assure vs, that wee are called to the heauenly life: and bringeth good assurance and warrant with it, that we be washed from our sinnes, by the blood of our Lorde I esus christ, and borne again by his holy spirit. Shall we break al, [Page 202] and escape punished? Let vs not then boast of our bap­tisme, and Christianity, to say, oh, we are baptized: wee are christened: we weare the badge of God: these things, these things I say, will cost vs deere, if we make not our baptisme auaileable to our selues and our owne soules by killing our corruptions: for thereby 1 Eccles. 5, 3 we shew our selues like vnto the foole that maketh a vow, and immediately after breaketh it.

Now, although we professe the Gospell, yet you shall finde a great number that knowe not this vse of baptisme, neither wherto it auaileth, nor to what endes it was ordai­ned. They cal it indeed their christend ome, but are altoge­ther ignorant of the nature therof, & are vnacquainted with the effect of it. This will cost them decrely, for abusing such a pledge-token at Gods hands, seeing it is a meanes whereby we are vnited to our Lord Iesus christ, and ingraf­ted into his death and resurrection. Wherefore, whereas many haue receiued baptisme in their infancy, and haue liued 40. or 50. yeares in the world, without knowing to what end they were baptized: it had been better for them that they had beene borne dead, or perished in their mo­thers wombe as as vntimely fruite, then to haue vnhalo­wed so holy and precious a thing. Thus of the third and last vse of baptisme, as also of the parts thereof, and generally touching this whole Sacra­ment.

The end of the second Booke.

THE THIRDE BOOKE of the lords Supper, being Christs farwel-token to his church, and a sweet pledge of his woonderfull kindnesse toward mankinde: where in the truth of this Sacrament is manifested, the parts are deliuered, the vses are shewed, the doctrine of the reformed Churches is cleered, the errors of the church of Rome are euidently conuinced, and the meanes set downe, how euery one is to be prepared to the wor­thy receiuing thereof with fruite and comfort.

CHAP. 1. of the names and titles of this Sacrament, together with the reasons and vses thereof.

IN the former Booke we haue spoken of baptisme, the first sacrament of the church, to­gether with the partes and vses thereof. Now we are to set downe the doctrine of the Lordes supper, which is the second sacrament. For after that God hath brought vs in­to his Church by baptisme, and made vs as it were of his houshold seruants: then, as a good father of the family, he feedeth vs spiritually with the flesh of his sonne, applying vnto vs the merit of his death and passion. This The Sacra­ment of the body and blood of christ called by diuerse names sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, is declared in the scripture by diuerse names, to de­liuer the nature thereof vnto vs. Sometimes it is called the communion, as 1 Cor 10. The cup of blessing which we blesse, is it not the 1 cor. 10, 16 communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which wee breake, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? Sometimes, it is called the Lords supper, as 1 Cor. 11, 20. When ye come together into one place, this is not to eate 1 cor xi. 20. the Lords supper.

[Page 204] Thirdly, sometimes, it is called the breaking of bread, as Act. 2. 42. They continued in the Apostles doctrine, and fellowship, Act. 2. 42 & 20. 7 and breaking of bread and prayers: and Chap. 20, 7. The first day of the weeke, the disciples being come together to breake bread, Paule preached vnto them ready to depart on the morrow. Fourthly, sometimes it is called the table of the Lord, as we see 1 Cor. 10, 21. Ye cannot drinke the cup of the Lord, and the cup of diuels: ye cannot be partakers of the Lords 1 cor. 10, 21 table, and of the table of deuils. Moreouer, we shall nothing offend, if we cal. it the testament or will of Christ, This cup is the 1 cor, 11, 25 Math, 26, 26 new testa­ment in my blood, this do as oft as ye drinke it in remembrance of me: and our sauiour thus speaketh Math. 26, This is my blood of the new testament, that is shed for many, for the remission of sinnes. These are the chiefe and principal names giuen to this Sa­crament in the Scriptures. I am not ignorant that the anci­ent fathers and times succeeding, haue giuen vnto it other names, and not vnfitly: but my purpose being not so much to alle age the councels or doctors of the church, as to in­struct the simple and vnlearned, I wil content my selfe with expounding such termes and titles, as are penned in the word of God, and pointed out by the spirit of God.

Now then, let vs render Reasons rendred of the former names the reasons of such names, as this Sacrament is entituled withall. It is called the com­munion because we haue a communion & fellowship with Christ, and 1 cor 10, 17 he with vs: both which are sealed vp the in this Sacrament. It is called the Lords supper, both because it was instituted by the Lord Iesus at is last supper, (which circumstance of time the church hath changed) & because therin is offered to vs a spiritual banket in which the faith­ful are spiritually fed and nourished. It is called the brea­king of bread, both because this is a necessary action vsed of Christ, not to be omitted, and because it representeth the crucifieng of christ and tormenting of his body: so that we should neuer be present at this significant ceremony, but wee must call to remembrance the sorrowes and suffe­rings of CHRIST: now if Christ were thus tormen­ted for vs, surely wee ought greatly to bee griped and grieued for our owne sinnes, which was also shewed by [Page 205] the Exod. 12, 8, sower herbes of the Passeouer, Exod. 12, 8. It is called the table of the Lord, because he doth feede vs at it, as this we know is the end and vse of Tables in our houses, to set our meates and drinkes vpon them prepared for our nou­rishment, and this is the scope and end of the Lords table: onely heere lyeth a plaine and maine difference, our Ta­bles serue for bodily nourishment, but the Lordes is pre­pared for the spirituall nourishment of our soules. Lastly, it may be called the testament or will of Christ, because it setteth forth vnto vs asolemne couenant betweene God and vs, touching forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall life: which couenant is racified & established by the Heb. 9, 15 death of the son of god: so that heerin we find all things belonging to a full and perfect testament, as we shall see after ward.

Out of these seuerall names and titles thus interpreted, arise most aptly and fitly sundry vses, which, in order, as they haue beene propounded wee will consider. The first title is the Communion: from whence wee deduct The vses of calling this sacrament the communion. these necessary conclusions. First of all, is the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ called a communion? And so called of our communicating together? Then hereby all the faithfull openly testifie, that they be all one body cou­pled vse. 1 together in Christ Iesus, we professe him and all his benefits, we receiue him, we enioy him, we reioyce in him. God the father doth giue him, the holy-ghost doth assure him, faith doth receiue him: by this hand we are ioyned to him, and haue spirituall fellowship with him. Where­fore, al beleeuers are made one by Christ: and this is not an vnion in imagination, but in truth and in deed: neither by transsusion of the properties of the God-head or manhood into vs, 1 cor, 6. 17 1 Ioh. 3, 24 but by one and the same spirit dwelling in christ and in all the members of Christ, as 1 Cor. 6, He that [...], to the Lord, is one spirit. And the Apostle Iohn testifieth, that Christ dwelleth in vs and we in christ by the spirit, He that keepeth his commaundements, dwelleth in him, and he in him: and heereby we know that he abideth in vs, euen by the spirit which he hath giuen vs: so that the spirits of iust and perfect men [Page 206] in heauen, and all beleeuers vpon the earth (how farre soc­uer sundred in place) hauing one and the same spirit of christ dwelling in them, are al one in Christ their head. God hath giuen his owne sonne vnto vs freely and fully: our faith re­ceiueth CHRIST Ioh. 1 12 by beleeuing him and all his grati­ous benefits to be ours, as Ioh. 1, 12, As many as receiued him, to them he gaue prerogatiue to be the soxnes of God, euen to them that beleeue in his name. Thus we see we are one with Christ, and christ with vs.

Secondly, as this sacrament being a communion admo­nisheth Vse. 2 that we are all one in Christ: so it teaeheth that it is to be receiued of many together in the church, not of one a­lone, and therefore it ouerthroweth the priuate Masses of the church of Rome, where one partaketh all and the rest of the Church nothing at all. There is a flat opposition be­tweene these two: so that the communion cannot be a pri­uate Masse, and priuate masse cannot be a communion. That which is ordained and prepared for many, deliuered vnto many, and receiued of many, cannot stand with the Masse, where the priest prepareth for himselfe, not for the people: hee speaketh to himselfe, not to the church: hee receiueth himselfe alone, not with his bretheren: all which are direct­ly contrary to the Apostles 1 cor. xi 33 vse. 3. rule, Tary one for another.

Lastly, if it be a communion, it teacheth that this is a sa­crament of vnity and concord, and wee are there by put in mind to avoid discord and dislention. For christ neuer com­municateth himselfe to the malicious man, 1 cor. xi, 18 20 as the Apostle teachech 1 Cor. 11, 18, 20. When ye come together in the church, I heare that there are dissentions among you, this is not to eate the Lordes Supper.

Wherefore, in that the people communicate of one and the same bread, of one and the same wine, it signifieth the v­nion and agreement betweene all the faithfull in one body, where of Christ Icsns is the head: who loued vs decrely, and spared not his life for vs. Let vs ioyne our selues together in loue, according to the exhortation Rom, xv, 5, 6 of the Apostle, Rom, 15, 5, 6. The God of patience and consolation giue you that ye [...] [Page 207] like minded one toward another, according to Christ Iesus, that yee with one minde and with one mouth may praise God, euen the father of our Lord Iesus Christ. All beleeuers must bee of one heart and minde, the Wolfe and the lambe, the Lyon and the calfe must dwell together in the kingdome of Christ, for all are one in Christ Iesus. For the Apostle hauing taught that the cup which we blesse, and the bread which we breake are the communion of the body and blood of christ, he addeth, We that are many, are one bread and one body, because we are all partakers of one bread: and therefore he saith, 1 cor. 11. When ye come together to eate, tary one for another.

The second title giuen to this Sacrament is, The vses of calling this Sacrament the [...] the Lords Supper: by which name it is nowe most vsually and com­monly called, both because it was so instituted by Christ after his last Supper, and is celebrated in the remembrance of CHRIST. Heereby we learne, first who is the author of this Sacrament, not Peter, not Paule, not any of the A­postles, vse. 1 not any man, not any angell but Christ Iesus God and man: and therefore it is not called the Supper of the Apostles or of any man, but of CHRIST himselfe, as the Apostle speaketh of baptisme, 1 cor, 1. 13, 15 Was Paule crucified for you? Either were yee baptized into the name of Paule? I bap­tized none into mine oxne name. Wherefore, this title ser­ueth to teach vs and to put vs in minde of the author of this Sacrament.

Secondly, seeing this sacrament is not a common sup­per, vse. 2. but an holy and heauenly banket, fully furnished, not to fill the body, but to feede the soule: we must come with an earnest desire and longing after CHRIST, hung­ring and thirsting after his righteousnesse and merites, as after our life, to bee made pattakers thereof. For neuer did the body more stand in neede of corporall foode, then vse. 3. doth the soule of this Ioh. 6. 27 Bread of life which came downe from heauen, which the father hath promited to giue vn­to vs

Lastly, it condemneth our Rhem. Test. annot. in 1 cor. xi English Rhemistes, and other Bellar. dc [...] lib. 2 cap. 10 romish readers of Popish diuinity, that wholly condemne [Page 208] this name and title as vnproper and vnfit for this sacrament, and vnderstande the Apostle to speake of the loue-feastes, when he speaketh of the Lords Supper. Indeed, in the A­postles times they vsed to meete to gither in one common place, not onely for the hearing of the worde, for the recei­uing of the Sacraments, and for prayer to God, but to keep certaine feasts, which of their end or vse were called Iude Verse 21. [...]. 2 Pet. 2. 13 feasts of charity, as Iude speaketh. But of these the Apostle speaketh not, when he named the Lordes Supper. For first, let them shew vs the place, where euer these Loue-feasts are called the Lords Supper, and then they may warrant their exposition by some colour? otherwise wee cannot receiue their inter­pretation, being of priuate motion. Secondly, if this title were ment of Loue-feastes, to what purpose should the A­postle bring in the institution of the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, and largely handle the doctrin therof? Wher as their abuses in their loue-feasts might be reformed and [...] without this mention and remembraunce of the supper. Thirdly, to what end should these solemn feasts and bankets be called the Lordes supper, which were not instituted in the honour of Christ, but to testifie the mutuall loue of those that were members of the same body, hauing God for their mercifull father, the church for their tender mother, and Christ for their elder brother. These might ra­ther be called the supper of men, then of the Lorde, being feasts of charity, not of piety. Fourthly, the Apostles drift and purpose in this place is to teach, that such as norish dis­cention and diuision partake the Lords supper vnworthily, and therefore willeth them when they come to communi­cate with the Lord, to shake out of their minds all vnchari­table affections, as chaffe from good corn, that so they may assemble togither with profit and not with hurt. Last of al, to call this sacrament by the name of the lords supper is vsuall among the ancient fathers Cypri. in sa­cram. de caen 4. domin. of the church, grounding them­selues from the authority of the scripture, and example of the Apostle: [...] some of their owne Writers [...]. Ioh: Gagn. in 1, cor 11 call this sa­crament, and expound the words of saint Paule to the Corin­thians. [Page 209] If therefore they will rest themselues, either in the true interpretation of the scripture, or in the exposition Hosij confess. cathol, tom. 2, cap. 30 & [...]. 1. cap, 40 of the auncient fathers, or in the confession of their owne Writers: we cannot doubt, but the Apostle meaning the Lords Supper, vnderstandeth the sacrament of the bodye and blood of Christ.

The next title giuen to this sacrament is the breaking of bread: which offereth to our considerations, these vses not The vses of calling this sacrament the breaking of bread to be passed ouer. First, it she weth that the substance of bred remaineth after the words of consecration, and is not al­tered by any strange transubstantiation. For when the A­postle saith, This is my body 1 cor, xi. 24 which is broken for you, properly Vse. 1 it cannot be vnderstood of the body of Christ which was Ioh. xix, 36 not broken, but of his crucifying and death, by a figuratiue speech taken from the substance of the bread, which christ brake to distribute it among his Disciples, and to represent effectually his suffering for vs. The accidents of bread can­not be broken, as we shal see afterward, no more then they can feed and nourish.

Besides, we learne heerby that tropes and figures are v­sed vse. 2. in the Sacrament, contrary to the opinion and asserti­on of the church of Rome, as wee make plaine by the insti­tution, and as we constraine the aduersaries themselues to confesse, as when it is said, his body was broken, where the ly­terall sence cannot be retained, seeing a bone of him could not be broken. Likewise when it is saide, the cup is the newe testament: the rock was Christ: the bread is the communion of the body of christ, these and such like cannot be interpreted with­out a figure.

Lastly, seeing of this one action, the whole sacrament hath his denomination, act. 2. 42. & 207 as appeareth in many places, Act ii, 42. and xx, 7. and 1 Cor, xi, xxiiii, we must hold, that as the Apostles and other Ministers of the church were wont in the administration of the supper to breake the bread: so must we follow their example, as they also followed the example of Christ. Neither must this be accounted and ac­cepted an as indifferent ceremony, to be admitted or omit­ted [Page 210] at our own choise and pleasure, seeing Christ Iesus the Lorde of this sacrament commaunded, the scripture hath commended, the Apostles haue practised, and the Mini­sters afterward obserued the same, Cor. 10. 16 as the Apostle witnes­seth. The bread which we breake, is it not the communion of the bo­dy of Christ? speaking of himselfe and the rest of the Mini­sters of the church. Besides, it is an essentiall expressing and tepresentation of the passion and crucifieng of Christ, as al­so the pouring out of the wine into the cup of the Lorde. Wherefore, they are to be accused and conuinced as hey­nous breakers of the high ordinance of Christ, as we see in the church of Rome, who omit this breaking of the breade as impertinent and vnnecessary, and as not significant. For Christ Iesus commaunded his disciples to eat that breade which he had broken, and this breaking pertaineth to the end of the sacrament: so that it cannot be passed ouer, with­out neglect of the institution of Christ, and of the essence of the supper. The next title giuen to this Sacrament, is, the table of the Lord: and it is rightly so called, as by a verye fit name. For seeing it is a Supper, and a most heauenly ban­ket, it is requisite there should be a table answereable vnto it, that as it is the supper of the lord, so there may be a table for the administration of it. From hence we conclude diuers good vses The vses of calling this Sacrament the Table of the Lord for our further instruction.

First of al, it she weth that Christ and his Apostles in the celebration of the supper vsed a table, not an altar. For al­beit the Apostle paule speaketh vnproperly of the table, and thereby vnderstand the heauenly meat and drinke which was set vpon the table for all the lords ghuests: yet withal he insinuateth and signifieth the place where on they were put, to wit, vpon a table. In like manner our fauiour Christ at the sirst institution of this sacra. sate downe at the table with his Disciples, he stood not with them at the altar. Now according to the example of Christ and his disciples, must be the practise of al churches, inasmuch as christ shedding his blood on the crosse, had abolished al altars: and there­fore the Infidels did oftentimes reprooue and reproach [Page 211] the Christians Clem. alex, lib. 7. [...] Origen. lib. contra. celsum. arnob, lib. 2, & 4 because they had no Altars, who on the o­ther side desended themselues, that their Altars are the congregations of such as bow themselues in prayers, and the spirites of iust men, which smell as sweet incense in the nostrils of God, other Altars then these, they acknow­ledge none.

Furthermore, inasmuch as the sacrament of the body & blood of Christ was accustomably administred on a Table, Vse. 2 not an Altar: of woode, not of stone: made mouable, not immouable: We learne from hence, that it is a sacrament, not a sacrifice: An altar doth inferre and presuppose a sa­crifice: and a sacrifice is referred to the Altar whereon it is offered. But we haue not now properly and sacrifice, for that were to account the al-sufficient sacrifice of christ as vnsufficient and vnperfect: therefore wee are not to bring Altars againe into the church. There is no vse of altars in the new testament, seeing the making of them togither with other types and ceremonies of the olde testament through the death of Christ is abolished, 1 cor. 9, 13 as the Apostles teacheth, 1 cor. 9. Do ye not know that they which Minister about holy things, eat of the things of the Temple? and they which wait at the Altar, are partakers of the altars? And to like purpose, Heb, xiii, x. We haue an altar, wher of they haue no right to eat, which serue in the tabernacle, that is, such as retain the necessary vse of the ceremonies Gal. 4. 9 begerly rudiments of the Iews, are fallen frō Christ. Whereby we see plainly and apparently, that sacrifi­ces and Altars stood togither, and sell togither: and there­fore whereas they would conclude the sacrifice of Masse from the vse of the [...], wee may inuert the reason, and make it serue to eueit and ouerthrowe the sacrifice of their Masse, seeing it is certaine there were no Al­tars.

Lastly, we must obsorue that it is not barely called vse. 3. a table, but the table of the LORD: to teach vs to draw neare vnto it with all reuerence and regard. If we measure and mark our affection in earthly things, we see what care and curiosity is ofttimes vsed, when men come to the table [Page 212] and presence of Noble men: howe much greater care and conscience should bee vsed of euery one of vs, when wee come to this table, where the King of kings and the Lord of heauen and earth is present. Wherefore, to stirre vs vppe to this duty and deuotion, let euery one consider and medi­tate thus with himselfe, I am this day to be the lords ghuest: I am inuited to his table: I am to eate of his bread and to drinke of his cuppe: I haue not in this businesse to do with man whose breath is in his Nostrils, but to deale with God in whose presence I do abide, who is both a beholder and iudge of all my actions, to whom I shall either stand or fall. If I come in hypocrisie, he will find me out, Heb 1. 4. 13 before whom all things are naked and open: if I come fitted by faith and sanctified by repentance, I shall receiue Christ and all his merits to my endlesse comfort Thus much sufficeth to bee considered touching this title of the Lords table.

The last title of this Sacrament remaineth to be handled, being called the new testament or will of Christ, The vses of calling this Sacrament the testament or will of christ. from whence wee may gather diuerse vses as good conclusions from this doctrine. For first it teacheth, that there is a dou­ble testament and couenant of God made to his people, one of workes, the other of grace: one of the law, the other of the Gospell: as Ioh. 1, 17, The law was giuen by Moyses, but Vse. I. grace and truth by Iesus Christ. And Ier, 31, 31, 32, I will make a new couenant with the house of Israell, and the house of Iudah, not according to the new couenant that I made with their fathers, when I tooke them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, the which my couenant they brake, although I was an husband vnto them. But this shall be the couenant that I will make with the house of Israell, after those dates saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward partes, and write it in their heartes, and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

The couenant of the law is a couenant, where in God hath promised to his people all blessings corporall and spi­rituall, temporall and eternall, Leuit. 18, 5 Math, 19, 17 Gal. 3, 12 Deut. 27. 20 vnder the condition of per­fect obedience, Leuit. 26. Deut. 28. And hath threatned all curses and death it selfe, to all that continue not in all parts [Page 213] and points of the law to do them. The couenant of grace ratisied by the death and blood of christ, is a couenaunt, wherin god promiseth his loue and [...] for euer to come vpon all that beleeue in his son, Iohn 3, 16 assuring them of remissi­on of sinnes and eternall life, requiring of them onely faith in him, as Iohn, 3. God so loued the worlde, that be gaue his onely begotten sonne, that such as beleeue in him should not perish but liue for euer.

Againe, if this sacrament sealing vppe the new couenant Vse. 2 between God and man, haue the name and nature of a wil or testament: then it serueth to condemne the church of Rome, that adde and alter, mingle and mangle this sacrament at their owne pleasure. For the Apostle teacheth, Gal, 3, 15 Though it be but a mans Gal. 3, 15 couenant, yet when it is confirmed, no man doth abrogate it, or addeth any thing thereto. And Heb, 9. 14 Hee is the mediatour of the new Testament, that through his death they which are called, might receiue the promise of eternall inheritaunce: for where a testament is, there must be the death of the testator: for the testament is cōfirmed, when men are dead, for it is yet of no force, as long as he that made it, is aliue. If then the Testament of man may not be abrogated or altered, much lesse the testament of God confirmed by the death of the mediator.

Notwithstanding such is the sacriledge and presumption of that Antichristian church, that the idolatrous [...] as a bottomlesse gulfe, hath ouerturned and swallowed vp the Lordes Supper, turning the Sacrament into a Sacrifice, ad­ministring it in a strange tongue, taking away the cup from the people of God, making prayers for the deade, bringing in their carnall presence, [...] a monstrous [...], setting vp a new Priest-hood, a new sacrifice, a newe Altar, and lastly feigning vses and ends thereof, which CHRIST neuer appointed, the Apostles neuer ac­knowledged, the churches succeeding neuer confessed or practised.

Now Masses concil. cabi­lon. can. 33 are mumbled in memory of the Saintes: they are helde auaileable, not onely for the liuing, but for the deade: they are iudged profitable against stormes and [Page 214] tempests: they are thought a soueraigne remedy against euery sore and sicknes of the body: heathfull and helpefull for such as are going to warre to couer their heades in the day of battell, as a shielde of brasse, and to preserue them from the sword of the enimy: good against [...] and sorceries, and fit to be applied to make tryal and proof, whether a man be guilty of the crime and accusation laide to his charge. But what are all these strange vses, but strange abuses, yea strong fancies and delusions of the man of sin, burying in perpetuall forgetfulnes the true endes for the which Christ Iesus ordained his last supper. All these, being pestilent corruptions of the sacrament of the supper, and fraudulent additions to the last wil and testament of christ, do lay open to the full, the [...] abhominations of the Church of Rome, the mother of [...].

Lastly, the name of Christs last will and testament giuen Vse. 3 to this sacrament, serueth for the great comfort of Gods [...]. For heerin we shal find al things belonging to a ful and perfect testament. For Christ Iesus is the testator: all faithfull christians Rom. 8. 17 1 Pet 1. xii. & 5. 1 are appointed heires: the angels are as the ouerseers: the Apostles are the witnesses: the lega­cies bequeathed are, not lands and possessions, or great summes Math. 8. 20 26 of mony, for the sonne of man had not where to lay his heade: nor the kingdomes and gouernementes of this world, for his kindome is not of [...], 18. 36 this world: but the forgiuenes of sinnes and euerlasting life, obtained by the body of Christ giuen, and his blood shed for vs and our [...].

Wherefore, if God haue so loued vs, if christ haue not spared his owne life to giue vs life and saluation; how bit­ter ought our sinnes to be vnto vs, and how ought we to striue against them? If we will hate enimies, heere are eni­mies for vs to hate: if we will [...] reuenge against eni­mies, let vs fight against them that seeke our ouerthrowe and the destruction of our soule and body. There is no re­conciliation and attonment to be made with these enimies, if thou kill not them, they will kill and condemne thee for [Page 215] euer. Hitherto of the names giuen to this Sacrament.

Chap 2 What the Lords Supper [...]

AS we haue in the former Chapt. considred the names and titles attributed to this Sacrament: so now wee will see what the Lordes supper is. For we shall neuer vn­derstand the nature thereof, except wee be able to define or describe it. Therefore, What the Lords supper is. the Lords supper is the second sa­crament, wherein, by visible receiuing of bread and wine, our spiritu­all communion with the body and blood of Christ is represented. This description is plainly proued by the Mat. 26. 26 27 institution of Christ, by the first celebration of it, and by other apparent testi­monies of holy scripture. 1 Cot, 10, 16 17.

First I say, it is the seconde sacrament, because such as haue interest in the Lordes supper, must be first partakers 1 cor 11, 24 25 of the other Sacrament: for Christ and his Apostles mi­nistred it to those that were before [...]. And howe shoulde they be continually [...] and fed at his ta­ble, who are not knowne to be of his house, nor admitted members of his family? We must be receiued into his pro­tection and lurisdiction, before we sit downe at his table for our refection. They then that are in the house must be [...] and fostered in the house: the seuerall partes of the family, haue the priuiledges of the family: it is not lawfull to take the childrens bread, and giue it vnto stran­gers.

Now, baptisme is the true bath of our soules to clense our sores, and an honourable badge whereby we are dedi­cated to the seruice of Christ, and haue interest in the pri­uiledges of the church sealed vppe: being partakers heere­of, wee come with comfort to the Lords supper. Vnder the Lawe none [...] Exod, 12, 48 were admitted to the passeouer, If astraunger will obserue the [...], let him cir­cumcise [Page 216] all the males that belong vnto him. If then the vncircum­sed had bene admitted, the passeouer had bin prophaned. Wherfore, it is not enough for vs once to be baptized and admitted into the number of the people of God: we must also be partakers of Christs supper. When as by baptisme we are brought into the church of God, we are afterwarde nourished by this heauenly banquet to eternall life.

Again, I say in the former description, that by the bred and Wine the bodie and blood of Christ are represented. Heerein consisteth the substance of this Sacrament: he was [...] giuen for vs, and his blood was shed for the remis­sion of sinnes, least our faith should wander, least our hope should wauer. Therefore, he saith to his Disciples, Luke. 22. 19 20 This is my bodie, which was giuen for you: this is the cup of the new testa­ment, which was shedde for you and for many for the remission of sinnes. Marke 14. 24

Now that the description of the lords supper is prooued, Vse. 1. let the vses there of in the next place be declared. Heereby we learn, first, that God doth not lie nor dally with vs, when we come to his heauenly table, but doth truely offer those benefits in Christ, which are represented, to al that are ad­mitted thereunto: and therefore the Apostle said, 1 Cor. x, 3, 4 they did all eat the same spirituall meat, and did all drinke the same spirituall drinke.

Indeede, many of them did receiue onely the outwarde signes, and did refuse or neglect the spirituall grace so liue­ly represented and truely offered vnto them, but the grea­ter was their sinne, who laboured for the meat that peri­sheth, Iohn. 6, 27 but reiected the meat that endureth to euerlasting life. Likewise, christ in the administration of his. Supper [...], Mat. 26, 26 take, eat, this is my body. When he biddeth vs take, doth he not giue? When he chargeth vs to eat and drinke, doth he not offer? When he commau ndeth vs to doe this, doth he not apply the thing signified? If then we come to this Supper, and depart awaye without christ and without comfort, the cause is in our selues, hee is come neere vnto vs, he standeth as it were at the doore knocking being rea­ready [Page 217] to enter: hee mercifully offereth himselfe vnto vs, but we refuse him, we will none of him, we bid him depart from vs, and shutte the entrance of our heartes against him.

Againe, wee see heere the excellent price and preheme­nence Vse. 2 of the Lordes Supper, howsoeuer to those, whose faith it doth not nourish, whose assurance it doth not con­firme, and whose saluation it doth not further, it is turned into most hurtefull and deadly poyson: yet it is an holy banket for the Lordes ghuestes, an instrument of grace, a medicine for the sicke, a pledge of saluation, a comfort for the sinner, an assurance of Gods promises, a seale of our faith, an helpe for the weake, meate for the hungry, drinke for the thirsty, and a refuge for the distressed in time of ten­tation. Is not this a worthy dignity? Is not this a great priuiledge? Is not this an high prerogatiue? So that wee must highly regard and reuerently esteeme this miste­ry of our religion, and badge of our profession, to the glory of God and our owne comfort. He that is not moued heerby to a reuerent regard thereof hath no sparke of gods spirit in hun, but lyeth in darknesse and discomfit.

Thirdly, heerby the aduersaries mouths are stopped, and they are put to silence and shame, who accuse vs, to deny the vse. 30 blessed presence of CHRIST in the [...]. We confesse and beleeue, that we receiue the body of CHRIST verily, truely and indeede, not a naked figure, not a bare signe, not an empty shaddow, but euen that body which suffered death vpon the Crosse, and that blood which was shed aud poured out for the remission of our sinnes. This Christ Ioh 6, 55, 56 53, 57 himselfe teacheh, Ioh. 6, Myflesh is meate indeede, and my bloode is drinke indeede: hee that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, du elleth in me and I in him. And againe ver. 33, Verily, verily, I sar vnto you except ye eate the flesh of the sonne of man, and drinke his blood, yee [...] no life in you [...] ea­teth me, euen he shall liue by me. So then, we teach, we preach, we publish, we professe, that there is no other substantiall foode of our soules, and that whosoeuer is not partaker of [Page 218] his body and blood, is voide of life, of saluation, of grace and of christ himselfe. Wherefore, we shall shew Chap, 10 after­ward, that the difference betweene the church of Rome and vs is, not whether christ be present in his supper, but about the manner of his presence; for we say, and will neuer fly from it, that as the outward signes, of bread and Wine are deliuered and receiued, so they represent and seale vp to e­uery true beleeuer, God the father offering and giuing, the Church also taking, receiuing and applying christ crucified, with all the promises of his couenant ratified in him vnto e­ternall life.

Lastly, is this the matter and substance of the supper, to offer, and apply Christ for our wholesome nourishment? Vse. 4. Then we should often desire (if wee hunger after Christ) to sit downe at his Table, to come to his banket: to feede of his delicates, and to be present at his dainties. And why should any be absent that haue faith and repentance? Why should they not shew that they are one body 1 cor. 10. 17 by eating all of one bread? Why should not such apply christ to their iustification? We know the Apostles oftentimes prepared, offered & deliuered the outward signs of the Lords supper, exhibiting christ to all the faithful, euen euery Lords day, or first day of the weeke, and the people receiued oftentimes the same, act, 2, 41, 42 as we see Act. 2. There he addeth to the church a­bout three thousand soules, and they continued in the Apostles doctrine, and fellowship, and breaking of bread and prayers: And Chap. 20. 7. The first day of the weeke the Disciples came together to breake bread. And this was the order and ordi­nance of the Church many yeares after the Apostles times. In some places it was receiued August. in Ioh tract 26 euery day: in many pla­ces Chrysost, in Eph. 1. hom. 26 euery Sabbaoth daye: august. ad [...]. epist. 119 in all places often in the yeare: vntill, through the negligence of the Pastors in administring, and the slacknesse of the people in commu­nicating, these vses were growne out of vsage, and a fro­zen coldenesse in the practise of religion stepped in. For, it cannot be denyed, but it proceedeth from the shop and inuention of the Deuell (whosoeuer were the instru­ment) [Page 219] to bring in this corrupt custome of once communi­cating in the yeare, and that for the most parte for fashions sake.

Now, to the end we might returne neerer to the ordi­nance of the Apostles, that the often vse of the communnion might be retained and maintained, and that the backward­nesse of the people might in part be redressed: it was or­dained by the Canons of many churches, that euery one should communicate at the least three times in the yeare, not that men should do it no oftner, but least otherwise they would not do it so often, or peraduenture do it not at all. And if a suruey and examination wer made, I feare it would be found to our great shame and beastly slouthfulnesse, that scarce the tenth person hath satisfied the law in this respect in many places, regarding no time of the yeare but Easter.

But seeing it is so necessary a sacrament, let euery one consider of this holy mystery, how fruitefull, profitable, and comfortable it is to be partaker thereof, and how dan­gerous to neglect and contemne the same. Is it not an vnkinde and churlish part amonge men, when one hath prepared with great coastes and charges a rich banket, killed his Oxen and his fatlings, furnished his table with all prouision, bidden his ghuests, and set all things in order and readinesse to entertaine them: were it not, I say, an vnkind and vncurteous parte for those that are called and bidden, vnthankefully and churlishly to refuse to come? Which of vs in such a case would not be moued, disquieted, and discontented? Who would not thinke hee had wrong and iniury done vnto him? Wherefore, let vs take heed, least by with-holding and withdrawing our selues, wee prouoke gods wrath and indignation. When he calleth, are ye not ashamed to say, ye will not come? When he saith, Pro, 9, 4. 5 Eate of my meate and drinke the wine that I haue drawne, wilt thou desperately and dispitefully answere, thou wilt not eate, thou wilt not drinke, thou wilt not doe it? Or wilt thou saye, thou [...] a greeuous sinner, thou [...] vnwor­thye? I would aske thee, when thou wilt be worthy? [Page 220] Wilt thou lye still in thy sinne, as a man in a deepe pit, and neuer striue to come forth? Why doest thou not returne to God, and amend thy waies? Why doest thou continue in thy hordnesse, and heart that Rom. 2, 5 cannot repent, and so heapest vppe as a treasure to thy selfe, wrath against the daye of wrath, and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God. Moreouer, if thou bee vnfit and vnworthy to receiue this supper, thou art Cbrysost, in Eph. hom. 3 vnworthy to pray, thou art vnworthy to heare: vnlesse thou pray as a parrat, and heare as an hypo­crite. Consider therefore seriously, and weigh earnestlye with your selues, Numb. 9, 13 how little such fond, fained, and friuo­lous excuses shall preuaile with God. When Moyses called Corah and his company to come vppe vnto the Lord, they answered presumpteously, Numb, 16, 12 We will not come. When the King in the Gospell had inuited his ghuests, they began all with one minde, to excuse themselues, and some refused, saying, Luk, 14, 20 24 I cannot come. So in these daies of sinne, albeit the supper be prepared, the ghuests called and the table couered: many men make light account of it: and what, with some that reply carelesly, we cannot come; and what with others that answer desperately, we will not come, the feast is vn­furnished, God is dishonored, the people are vnprepared, and all the exercises of religion are lightly and slightly re­garded. I say vnto you, that none of these men which were bidden shall tast of his Supper. Againe, another sort are as prophane as these, which stand by as gazers and lookers on vpon them that do communicate, & yet communicate not themselues. What is this else, then a further contempt of God? Truely, it is great vnthankfulnes to depart away: for these depart away from the Lords table, they depart from their bretheren, they depart from the heauenly [...] of their soules: but their fault is much greater, when they stand by in contempt, and wil not be partakers of this Communi­on: What can this bee else but to haue the minister of christ in derision? It is saide to all that are present, Take ye, eate ye, drinke ye, doe this in remembrance of mee: With what face then, with what countenance, or rather conscience, [Page 221] can ye heare these words sound in your eares, and not bee touched? Let vs therefore bee drawne and perswaded to this duty, by the benefit that redoundeth to the worthy re­ceiuers, and fruitefull partakers thereof: and on the other side feare to offend, by staying and standing [...], while the faithfull are partakers of this sacrament of the Lords sup­per.

Chap 3. Of the first outward part of the Lords Supper

HItherto we haue shewed what the Lordes supper is, and how to apply it to our instruction: now we are to consider in this Sacrament two things, his [...] and his vses: as we haue shewed in the former bookes. The parts are partly outwarde, and partly inwarde. The outward part is one thing, the inward parte is another thing: the out­ward is taken in at the mouth, the inward by the inward man: the outward is turned into the nourishment of the body, the inward worketh in vs to eternall life: the out­ward is taken by some to their destruction, but the inward alwaies to saluation. This appeareth euidently by the wordes of the Apostle, deliuering to the church what hee had receiued of the Lord, and declaring howe the same night he was betrayed He tooke bread, and 1 cor. xi, 23 24, 25 Math. 26. [...], 28, 29 when he had giuen thankes, he brake it, and said, Take ye, eate ye, this is my body, which is broken for you: this do ye in remembrance of me. After the same manner also, He tooke the cup, when he had [...], saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, this do as oft as ye drinke it in remembrance of me. In these wordes wee see, both the outward partes propounded, and the number of them de­fined and determined. For heere are Foure out­ward parts of the Lords Supper. foure outward parts handled, to wit, the minister, the wordes of institution, the [...] and Wine, and the Communicants. The first mini­ster thereof was Christ: the wordes of institution are, This is my body, giuen for you, this is the cuppe of the new testament in my blood: the signes are bread and Wine: the first communi­cants [Page 222] were the Apostles. So then the Ministers must doe that which CHRIST did, and the people that which the Disciples did: the actions of CHRIST are directions to the Minister, the actions of the Apostles are directions to the people.

Let vs then see the actions of Christ. He tooke bread, he blessed, he brake the bread, he poured out the Wine, he distributed and deliuered them both. Wherefore, the acti­ons and workes of the minister are Foure acti­ons of the minister, foure-fould. First, to take the bread and wine into his hands after the example of christ, who did it to shewe that himselfe willingly giueth himselfe for his church, which serueth to strengthen our faith and perswasion of his loue toward vs: in whose imitation the minister dothit, to represent the action of God the father giuing his son vnto vs for our full redemption The second action is blessing and giuing of thankes, that is, by prayer, by thankes giuing, and by rehearsal of the promises of God, together with the institution of christ, actually to separate the bread and wine so taken from their common vse to an holy vse Whereby we are giuen to vnderstand, that the out­ward creatures are reuerently to be vsed, calling vpon the name of God, and crauing his assistance to vse his ordinance as we ought to do: and that we should ioyfully praise God, for the gratious worke of our redemption by Christ. The third action, is breaking the bread & pouring out the wine, which are necessary rites, to be obserued, hauing respect and and relation to the vnspeakable torments of christ for vs, who was pierced, crucified, and made a curse for vs vpon the Crosse, Psal. 22, 16 [...]. 53. 5 as the prophet teacheth, He was wounded for our transgressions, he was broken for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was vpon him, and with his stripes we are healed. Where­fore, these Sacramental rites of breaking & pouring out are no: to be reiected & omitted, being vsed by Math 26, 26 act, 2 42, 1 cor, 10, 16 christ, practi­sed by his Apostles, and retained by the churches. Not as in the church of Rome, where they breake not to distribute to the people, neither poure out the Wine to giue vnto them.

[Page 223] So then, we see that whole bread is not to be deliuered, but that the bread is to be broken, and the wine to be pou­red out, to be distributed among sundry communicantes. The last action of the minister is, to distribute the bread and wine, and giue them into the handes of the people [...]. CHRIST did not offer them vp to God, [...] deliuered them to his Discipies. All these, being workes to bee done and performed by the Minister in the administration of this Sacrament, do note out the actions of GOD the Father, sealing vppe his sonne vnto vs, as wee shall see afterwarde when wee come to the inward parts

Now, let vs enter into the consideration of the vses of this parte. Are these the actions commaunded in the vse. 1 word, executed by CHRIST, and to be performed by the Minister? Then we see, that such as are set apart to deliuer this sacrament, are not consecrated and appointed priestes of the new testament, to offer vp an vnbloody sa­ctifice for the quicke and dead, as the church of Rome tea­cheth and practiseth. They are commaunded as ministers of God to deliuer the outward signes to the people, not as priestes to offer them to God the father: they are appoin­ted preachers of the gospell, not priests of the law: which were to abolish the priesthood of Christ. Wherefore, we must detest the blasphemy of these shamelesse shauelings, stella Cleri­corum. serdisc serm. 3 that teach the priest to bee the maker of his maker, and that he which made them, creatur a vobis medianti­bus vobis. gaue them power and autho­rity to make him, [...] so after a sort preser themselues being the sacrificers, before christ who is the sacrifice: thēselues being the creators, before Christ the creature: themselues the makers, before christ being made of them. Thus these sacrificing priests are not ashamed to speake, and to bray aloud. Secondly, if the minister be an outward part of this Vse. 2. sacrament, then it belongeth not Numb, 3, [...], Heb. 5, 4 to priuate persons to deliuer it to others, nor to take it to themselues, and deliuer it to themselues, when or where there is no Mi­nister. They may indeede apply to themselues the outward [Page 224] signes, they may eat the bread and drinke the wine, and in respect of the sacramentall rites doe as the Minister doth: yet for that they do it without a calling, it is not a due ad­ministration, but a true prophanation of this sacrament of the supper. For let vs a little insist vpon the similitude be­forestood vpon: if the keeper of the Princes broad seale be not in the way, or for the present bee not to bee gotten, shall any man presume to take it where it lyeth, without di­rection, and without commaundement? sucha one woor­thily beareth his punishment, whosoeuer he be. In like manner, [...] one should earnestly desire the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, and euen faint in soul for the fruition of it, finding himselfe in his longing affection able to take it himselfe, [...] the assistance of another: yet euery one must consider his gifts, his standing, his cal­ling, and place wherin God hath set him, he hath not com­mitted to priuate persons the administration of the sacra­ments: they may not baptize their children, they may not meddle with the Lordes supper, no more then common subiects may take the [...] seale, if the keeper be not in the way. Against this [...] truth, Two ob­iections an­sweared, pre­tending that [...] men may deliuer the supper. two thinges of im­portance may be obiected, which I purpose to preuent be­fore I proceed any farther. For first, this doctrine seemeth not to agree with that maxime and principle, which [...] we haue resolued vpon, namely, Accedat verbum ad elemen­tum, & fit [...], that is, Ioyne the word of institution to the outward signe, and there is made a sacrament: Se­condly, it seemeth to leaue sicke persous without comfort in their harts and peace to themselues, if for want of a pub­licke minister, themselues may not supply that want, and giue vnto themselues this Supper. These are the two ob­iections, pretending and intending that priuate persons, may at some times, vpon some occasions, haue some right and interest in despensation of the Sacraments. Touching the former poynt, being a ruled case of Saint Augustine, August. tract [...]. in Iohan [...]; that if the signe be [...] to the word, a Sacrament is or­dained, we doubt not to [...] the rule vndoubtedly to be [Page 225] true, being truely and rightly vnderstoode. For the mea­ning is, if there be an outwarde signe which is the matter, and a worde of institution which is the forme of the sacra­ments, Aristot. me­taphis. lib. 7 cap. 7 the essence of them is fully finished, as if there bee the matter and forme of an house, we conclude rightly there is an house. Howbeit, we presuppose ther was a buil­der of the house to prepare the matter and to order the forme. So the former principle doth presuppose, a minister to deliuer, and a receiuer to receiue the sacrament: other­wise we shall also warre vnder the ensigne of our enimies vnawares, who hold it to be the supper of the Lord, Bellar. lib. 4 de Euch, cap, 2 concil. Trid. sess, 13. can. 4. 7 al­beit there be no eating, no drinking, no receiuing thereof. If therefore, in the constitution of a sacrament, the institu­tion of Christ touching taking, eating, and drinking must be obserued: then wee see that more is required then the signe and the word in the work of the sacrament.

Againe, touching the obiection of the sicke, who seeme to be wholy left in distresse and discomfort, if they may not lawfully administer the Supper to themselues: I answere, it was an auncient practise of the beza [...]. & vesp. de sacr. Church to carry the sa­crament vnto the sick: besides, albeit in extremity of sick­nes the minister be wanting we leaue not the sick without counsell and comfort. For this we teach, this we are readye to maintaine, this we would haue all beleeuers in health and in sicknesse to recall and remember, that if they [...] beleeue that the Lord Iesus had suffered death vpon the crosse for them, if they [...] apply vnto them­selues his precious merits for their redemption, if they [...] remember the benefits of his [...] passion with all thanksgiuing, and if they truely repent them from the bot­tome of their harts of all their sins: they do eat and drinke effectually, Ioh, 6, 54, 55 56, 57, 58 and to their soules health profitably the bo­dy and blood of Christ our sauiour, If they do not thus, the sacrament receiud [...] [...] them although they doe not receiue the sacrament with their mouth. This serueth to comfort the weak, and to keep them within the lifts and limits of their proper calling.

Lastly, seeing the former actions of the minister are [Page 226] done plainely in the sight of all, it is the duty of euery one to giue diligent heede, and to haue weighty consideration of these outward ceremonies, by the meditation thereof to confirme their faith and to make the outward workes to further the inward graces. For they are offered to our sen­ces, not that we shoulde rest in them, but that our weak­nes by them shoulde be helped, and we by them lift vp in our harts to thinke vpon greater things.

Chap, 4 Of the second outward part of the Lords Supper.

HItherto of the first outward part of the Lords supper, to wit, the mini­ster: now we come to the word of institution The words of institution are the 2 outvvard part of the Supper and promise annexed or contained therin, which are the second part of this Sacrament, ex­pressed in these words, This is my body which is giuen for you, or, which is broken for you, where the name of the thing signified is giuen to the sign it self, as if it should be said, this bread which I haue in mine hands, is [...]. cont. Marie. lib. 4 August. contr. Adimant c, 12 a sign of my body, which shortly after shall be crucfied for you, and deliuered vnto death for your saluation.

Christ tooke nothing but bread: he gaue into his Dis­ciples handes nothing but bread to eat, he brake nothing but bread: and Paul saith expressely of this sacrament, 1 cor. 10, xvi the bread which we breake is it not the [...] of the body of [...]? If any Obiect, that Christes body neither is, Iohn xix, 36 nor was bro­ken, as Iohu, 19, 3 6. Not a bone of him shall be broken that Obiection the Scripture should be fulfilled: I Answere the Apostle hath respect to the sence and signification which the breaking of the bread importeth, being taken for the tearing and Ansvvere tormenting, the paines and renting of the body of Christ, and the violent sundring of his [...] and body one from [Page 227] the other. For as the bread is patted and diuided into diuers parts: so the soule and body of Christ were sundred and seperated each from other. Againe, it is saide, This is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sinnes, or, This cup is the new testament in my blood which is shed for you: these speeches are sacramental, not proper, by the con­fession of the aduersaries themselues, where the thing con­taining, which is the cup, hath the name of the thinge contained, which is the wine the fruit of the vine. So then, they which cannot abide figures in the sacrament, must be constrained to confesse a figure, and therefore cannot blame vs, when we say the words are figuratiuely to be vn­derstood.

But before we come to handle the vses of this part, let vs directly consider the words of Christ deliuered at the insti­tution and administration of this sacrament, that so we may see the true and naturall meaning thereof. These words The words of institution are variably set dovvne, are not recorded and reported in so many wordes in the scriptute, or in so many sillables, but the sence being one, the sentence varieth and is not one. Mathew deliuereth the words thus, Math. 26. 26 Take, eat this is my body, whereunto Mark, 14, 22 Mark also accordeth. Luke is some what more ample by way of interpretation, Luk. 22. 19 This is my body which is giuen for you, doe this in remembrance of me. And 1 cor, 11. 24 Paule to the like purpose, but in vnlike sound of words, Take, eat, this is my body which is bro­ken for you, doe this in remembrance of me. Likewise, tou­ching the other signe of this Supper, Mathew saith, Math, 26, 28 This is my bloode of the New-testament, that is shedde for ma­ny, for the remission of sinnes. Marke is somewhat more short then the rest, Mark 14, 23 24 This my blood of the New testament, which is shedde for many: but he addeth this more then the rest, they [...] dranke of it. Luke saith, Luk, 22 xx This cup is the Newe testament in my bloode, which is [...] for you. But Paule declareth the same more at large, This cuppe 1 cor, xi, 25 is the newe testament in my blood, this doe [...] oft as ye drinke is in [...] of mee. Thus wee see expressely, a dif­ference in Words by adding, by detracting, by changing: [Page 228] yet in asmuch as nothing is added, or detracted, or changed in regarde of the true meaning, let vs come to the interpre­tation and exposition of the words, seeing the gospell stand­eth not Ierem. in cap. ad Galat. in the wordes of the scripture, but in the mind and meaning of them. Let vs therefore come to the right vn­derstanding of the wordes of christ. The words of institution expounded briefely, truely, plainely. Take, to wit, not one­ly into your mouthes, but into your hands, representing the soule and faith of the receiuer. Eate, that is, not reserue, not adore, not offer it, but diuide by chewing and preparing to concoction. This, that is to say, not the shewes of bread, but this very bread. Is my body, that is, a true signe of my true body, and signifieth vnto you my selse, withal that is mine, or belonging either to my person, or office, or merits. Which is broken for you, that is, which shortly shall bee crucified for you, and immediately giuen to death for you. Do this in re­membrance of me, that is, practise these daties, and call to remembrance christ and his merits oftentimes. So that, it is not in our choyce and liberty to doe these, or not to doe them: if wee bee not fit, we must presently prepare to make our selues fit: and we must doe them often, so that howso­euer there be no set time, yet the oftner the better, due re­uerence and regard being had thereunto. Moreouer, tou­ching the other signe, obserue thus much for interpretation, This cup, that is, this Wine is the cup: Is the new testament in my blood, that is, this Wine is a true signe of shedding my bloode, which confirmeth and ratifieth the newe Testa­ment, and Gods agreement with mankinde for their sal­uation.

This is briefely the minde of christ, and meaning of the Vse. 1. wordes of institution. From hence wee learne, first, that christs wordes are not properly, but figuratiuely to bee ta­ken. True it is, the words are plaine, easie, and manifest: for tropes & figures were found out, Arist. rhetor. ad [...]. lib 3, cap. 6 not to darken, but to open: not to hide, but to helpe the vnderstanding: howbe­it they must haue a right construction and a sound interpre­tation, otherwise the playnest sentence may breede errour Cicer. de. [...]. lib. 3 and mistaking. Wee may not take the letter in all places: [Page 229] for, as we shewed, the scripture standeth not in wordes, Hieron, Contra Lucifer. & in Cap. 1 ad Gal. but in the meaning of the wordes: not in the reading, but in the vnderstanding: not in the outward shew, but in the inward substance. Christ in the new testament is called a lambe, a lyon, a way, a bride-groome, an head, a dore, a vine, a garment, a rock, bread, water, light, and such like: these words are easie and euident, yet must they be vnder­stood metaphorically, not properly: spiritually, not litte­rally. So, to come to the wordes of institution, What did Christ take in his hand? bread. What did Christ command them to take and eat? bread. What did he call his bodye? Was it anie other thing then the same bread which he had taken, which he hadde broken, which he had giuen vnto them? Neither is there any other antecedent going before, whereunto it can be referred.

Now, the bread and body of Christ are in nature Disparata. sun­dry and diuers things, and the one cannot be spoken of the other, and verified of the other without a figure, as to say, one and the same thing should be both bread and Christes body, but if it be bread, it cannot be his body, if it be his bo­dy, it cannot be bread. Wherefore, true bread is a true sign and seale of his true body. Neither is this figure strange or new, but common and vsual, when mention is made of the facraments: as Gen. 17, This is my couenant, Gen, 17, 10 11 speaking of circumcision: yet circumcision was not the couenant it self, but a sign and token of the couenant, as also it is afterward expounded, It shall be a signe of the couenant betweene me and you. The aduersaries cannot denie a figure in this speech.

Now, what difference is there betweene these two spee­ches, This is my couenant, and, this is my body? are they not a­like, and in like manner to be vnderstood? So Exodus, 12. 11 It is the Lordes Exod. 12 [...] 13, 14 passeouer, properly the lambe was not the passeouer, but serued to, put them in remembrance of that benefit, and it is expounded aster, the blood shall be a to­ken for you vpon the houses where ye are, this day shall be vnto vou a remembrance.

Likewise, the Apostle sayeth, 1 Cor. 10. That rocke was 1 cor. 10. 4 [Page 230] Christ, whereas properly the rocke was not Christ, but the water flowing from it did represent him. Thus then we must vnderstand the words plainely, truely, and briefely, a paraphrase vpon the words of in­stitution. as if Christ had saide in this manner, This bread which ye haue seene me take, breake, deliuer, and distribute, and which I bid you take and cate, is a signe or sacrament of my true body, signifying and sealing vp vnto you, that my body, shalbe broken, crushed, and crucified for you, to pur­chase to you eternal life, let these sacramental rites and a­ctions now performed by me and you, be heerafter put in practise by you and all faithfull ministers and professors, for the strengthning of your faith, by the remembrance of my death and by the applying of the benefit thereof, euery one to your owne selues. Likewise, hauing finished his supper, when he did eate the passeouer with his Disciples, hauing taken the cup and giuen thanks, he gaue it, being filied with wine, to his Disciples, and saide, drinke ye al of this, for this wine in this cup, is a signe and sacrament of my blood, by the shedding whereof, togither with my death following, the full forgiuenes of sins and perfect saluation (which I by my vnchangable wil & decree do giue vnto you and al that beleeue in me) are assured to you and all beleeuers. Thus, hauing opened and cleared the interpretation of the words, we shal heerafter need to spend the lesse time in confuting the contrary doctrin: darkenes shal flie before the light, er­ror before truth, & cloudy mists before the sun-shine of the day. Again, seeing the words of institution are variably and Vse. 2 diuersly set down by the Euangelists and the Apostle Paul: we learne that euery change of the words, where the sence is nothing altered or diminished, is not to be condemned, as [...] or vnlawfull: so that the alteration being in the forme and frame of words, not in the substance and sence of the matter, the sacrament is not destroyed. For if it had bene an heinous sinne to haue made any change or altera­tion, or to haue missed of the tearmes or sillables of the in­stitution: no doubt the Euangelists would haue consented in the words, and not haue swarued one from another, as we see they haue done. We see how the Apostles in the [Page 231] allegation of sundry places of Scripture borrowed out of the olde Testament, do not euermore strictly binde them­selues to the Math, 2, 6 very wordes, as Mathew 26. Hebrewes 10. 5. and in sundry other: but onely to the sence, and therefore Math. 4, 10 sometimes they adde as Mathew 4, 10. sometimes, they leaue out as occasion serueth.

True it is, to alter any substantiall part, or to wrest the wordes to a wrong and contrary meaning, or not at all to expresse the sence of the wordes, maketh the Sacrament voide: but an alteration onely of certaine circumstaunces, al change in the words of institution makes not the Sacraments void. as of number, or person, of Letters or sillables, cannot make frustrate the whole sacrament: albeit we allow not any priuate and particular man to make any chaunge of his owne heade in such circumstaunces, or to bring in a new frame of wordes. So in baptisme, the Greeke church saith, Let the seruant of CHRIST be baptized in this Water, & c. and heereby nothing is detracted from the truth of the sacrament, because Christ Iesus hath not pre­cisely appointed, how many wordes the Apostles and pa­stours of the Church shoulde vse in the execution of their Ministry.

Not withstanding, the obseruation of the words I bap­tize thee, obserued in our churches, seemeth to drawe nee­rer to the commaundement of Christ, and to confirme more fitly and fully the faith of the baptized, and to an­swere vnto the words of Iohn the baptist, I baptize with Wa­ter. Likewise, in the Lordes supper, whereas Christ saide, Take ye, eate ye, doe ye this, as speaking to many: the sacra­ment is not destroyed, when the words are particularly re­hearsed, and specially applyed in our churches, saying, take thou, eat thou, drinke thou.

Lastly, seeing the wordes of institution are an outwarde vse. 3. part of the Sacrament, necessary to be knowne, read, mar­ked and vnderstood, wherein the substance and comforta­table vse of the Lordes Supper consisteth: it followeth that they are to be published and pronounced openly, di­stinctly, plainely, not in a strange language, but in a knowne [Page 232] tongue, that the church of [...] and people of God may be edified. For, wherefore serueth the commaundement and promise set foorth in the supper, if they be not vnder­stood? Whether we doe read the Scriptures, sing Psalmes, poure out supplications, receiue the sacraments, or what­soeuer [...] we performe to God, that he may be [...], and the congregation instructed, we must doe all in a knowne tongue to be vnderstood. This God commandeth, this the Apostle prescribeth, this the true church of God practiseth, this reason teacheth, this the Heathen acknow­ledgeth.

[...], concil. Trid. sess. 22, c. 9 the sinagogue of Rome, that it might take away all fruit and comfort from the faithfull, and that it might broch horrible errors [...] and securely, and not be [...], hath not onely commanded to pronounce the words of consecration closely and [...], but forbidden to vse the common mother tongue of all the people. The people of God must not be like Parrots, or [...], or Rauens, or such birds that chatter with voice, record mens words, and sounde a sentence, but vnderstande not the meaning thereof. As Plmy plin. natur. [...]. [...]. 10, cap. 43 maketh mention of a certaine [...] that had learnd to say, Aue Caesar imperator, All haile, or good morrow Emperor Caesar, saluting [...] and the two young princes [...] and Drusus. And Celius Rhodiginus wri­teth, Celius Rho­diginus that Cardinall Ascanius had a Popiniay, that coulde pronounce distinctly and [...] all the Articles of the Creede.

Such birds or rather beasts, woulde they haue Christian men to be, that would haue them [...], and not Bellar lib. 2 de [...]. cap. 12 vnder­stand what they pray: [...] [...] the reading of the scriptures, but not know what is reade: [...] the sacraments, but not know the meaning of the institution. Things without life which giue a sounde, whether pipe or [...], except they make a distinction in the soundes, howe shall it bee knowne what is piped or harped? Or if the [...] pet giue 1 cor. 147. 8 an [...] sound, who shall prepare himselfe to battell? All things in the church must tend to the instruct on [...] [Page 233] edification of all the partes and people: but reading and praying in a strange tongue, doe not edifie and profit the hearers, as 1 Cor. 14, 26, Let allthings be 1 cor, 14, 5 xi, xii, 16, xiiii xviii 19, 26 Psal, 67, 4, & 117, 1, & 150. 6 Esa, 45, 23 act. 2, xi Rom. xiiii, xi done to edisieng: and verse 14. I speake languages more then ye all, yet had I rather in the Church to speake fiue words with mine vnderstanding, that I might also instruct others, then ten thousand words in a strange tongue: for how then should he that occupieth the roome of the vnlearned, say, A­men, at thy giuing of thankes, seeing he knoweth not what thou say­est? Wherfore, except we know the meaning of the words, we shall be to him that speaketh Barbarians, and [...] that speaketh shall be a Barbarian vnto vs. Euen the learned lan­guages of Greeke and Latine, not in themselues, but in re­gard of the hearers that vnderstand them not, are barba­rous. For the Apostle doth not heere like an Orator distin­guish the tongues, and shew which are [...] and rheto­ricall in themselues and which rude: but holdeth euery tongue barbarous, [...], Syriack, Caldy, Arabick, [...], and Latine, to him that knoweth not the force and signifi­cation thereof. And this to be most true, Psal, 114. 1 Rom. i xiiii the Scriptures teath, chrysost. in 1 cor, xiiii hom. 35 the fathers auouch, Strabo Ge­ograph. lib. 1 the [...] writers warrant, [...]. in prolog: asinar [...]. de Tristib. lib. 5 Eleg. 10 the very Poets declare, yea their owne doctors Iohan. Be­leth. paris Theol. ex­plice. diuin: offi. in proaemio. do de­termine. Wherfore to conclude, it is the ordinance of God, it is the doctrine of the Apostles, it is the duty of all christi­ans, when the word is red or preached, when supplycati­ons are offered, when the sacramentes are administred, to vse a knowne tongue vnderstood of all: and without this, the scriptures are vaine, the prayers are barbarous, the sa­craments are fruitlesse, to such as know. not what is read, what is asked, what is promised, what is receiued. And [...] far of the second outward part of the Lordes Supper, Nicol. lyra in 1 cor. xiiii. ad verb. vers. xvi [...]. [...]. tom. 3 tractat. xv. to wit, the worde of institution: for a Sacrament without the word, is as a picture without sence, or an image with­out life.

Chap. 5 Of the third outward part of the Lords Supper

THe third outward part of the Lords supper followeth, Bread and wine are the outward signes of the Lords [...] which are the elementes of bread and wine, fittest [Page 234] signes for this purpose, to signifie the spirituall nourish­ment of the soule, by eating the body and drinking the blood of christ. That these are appoynted as the substance and matter of the supper, it appeareth by the wordes of Christ, and his Apostles deliuering this sacrament. For the Euangelists expresse, Math. 26, 26 Mar. 14, 22 Luk. 22, 19 act. 2, 41, 42. & 20, 7 that Christ tooke bread, gaue it, and said, Takeye, and eate ye. So like wise, it is said of the church newly planted by the Apostles, that such as gladly receiued the word, and were baptized, Continued in the A­postles doctrine, and fellowship, and breaking of bread. And chap. 20 cor. 10, 16 it is recorded, That the first day of the weeke, the Disciples came together to breake bread. And Paule saith 1 Cor. 10. the bread which we breake, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? And in the chapter 1 cor. 11, 23 26, 27, 28 following, the same Apostle often menti­oneth and remembreth the bread of this sacrament. In like manner Christ tooke the cup, Math. 26, 29 Mar, 14, 25 Luk. 22, 18 wherein was the fruite of the vine. By these, Christ is truely exhibited vnto vs: he is truely offered vnto all: he is effectually giuen to the faith­full, as hath beene oftentimes remembred vnto vs.

This being the plaine and euident truth, let vs see the vses, first such as concerne both the signes ioyntly and in Gener. vse. 1 generall, then such as belong to each of them in seueral and in particular. To begin, we learne from hence to acknow­ledge a difference between baptisme and the Lords supper: in baptisme we haue one signe as the materiall part, in the supper we haue two signes, Why we haue tvvo signes in the Lords supper and only one in baptisme? partly to note out our whole, ful, and perfect nourishment in Christ, hauing whatsocuer is requisite for our saluation, and partly to shew, a fuller re­membrance of his death, for the wine which is a figure of his blood, doth as it were present it and represent it before our eyes. So then, albeit the same participation of Christ and the same washing away of sinnes by his blood, are sea­led vp in baptisme and in the supper: yet the manner Difference betweene baptisme and the Lords supper. of sealing them in each is diuerse. Againe, baptisme is a signe of our entrance into Gods Couenant: the Supper is a signe of our abiding, and continuing in that couenant. Touching baptisme, it is sufficient for infants if they bee [Page 235] borne in the church: in the supper, the condicion of examȳ ­ning our selues, and remembring the Lords death is requi­red. They differ also in often celebration of them: bap­tisme is to be receiued but once onely in all our life, be­cause the promise once made, is alwaies firme and forci­ble to such as beleeue and repent: but the supper is of­tentimes to be receiued, because an often renewing of that Couenant, and calling it to our remembrance is necessary, to increase and strengthen faith. They differ al­so in the order which is to be obserued in the vse of them: for baptisme is to be giuen before the Supper, and the supper may not be giuen to any, except to such as haue beene first baptized, or reputed so to be.

As first a child is borne, before he bee fed: so must Baptisme go before, whereby our new-birth is sealed: then the supper must follow after, whereby our dayly nourishment is declared and confirmed. Lastly, they differ in the signes, there is onely one signe in bap­tisme, which is the Water: but there are two signes in the Lords Supper, to wit, the bread and the wine.

The second general vse is, that if Christ tooke, gaue, and Gener. vlc. 2 deliuered the substance of bread and wine: then they must needes retain their former nature & their proper substance, as well as their qualities, as fight, tast, smell, bignesse, whitenesse, sweetenesse, rednesle, roundnesse, and such like properties. But the Papistes turne all thinges Against the bare shewes of bread and wine: and accidentes without sub­iect. vpside downe, matter into forme, substance into accidents, crea­tures into shewes, and subiects into things adioyned: they bring in new shifts and fables against all diuinity, phyloso­phy, reason, sense, and experience, setting vp their own in­uentions, and building castles in the aire. Let them proue the annihilation and remouing of the substance of bread & wine away, and the Arist. phis. lib. 1, cap. 3 consisting of accidents without sub­iect, which they are neuer able to doe. For as the water in baptisme remaineth in his nature and substance: so do the bread & wine in the Lords supper. And albeit in both the sacraments, the signs be chāged to a special vse: yet are they [Page 236] corrupted into shewes, and turned into shadowes. The heauens Psal. 10 2. 26 shal be changed at the end of the world: yet hence it followeth not, that they shall bee cleane abolished and consumed to nothing. All young schollers are taught in the schooles, Accidentis esse est [...] that an accident hath no being without a subiect: yet heere these sophisters, against all the rules of Logick, porphyr. cap, 5 de accidente. and groundes of reason, [...] haue accidents and shewes of bread and wine to be in no subiect. Thus, whereas in all places of learning we are taught, that acci­dents may [...], not the substance of things: they [...] haue the matter and substance to perish, not the [...]. We see whitenes, roundnes, [...], [...]: we cast the sweet­nes: we touch al these qualuies: [...] (behold a popish won­der, where at marueil and be [...]) these, these I say are not in the bread and wine, because they are gone, neither in the body of christ, because it is not white or black, roūd, or red. So we shall haue a [...] thing, yet nothing white: a round thing, yet nothing round: a smel, yet nothing that smelleth: a tast of bread, yet nothing that tasteth, a brea­king, and yet nothing that is broken: so that heere we haue some what made of nothing, and nothing made of somewhat. For if any should aske them, what round or white thing is this, shewing the bread? Or what sweete thing is that, pointing out the wine in the cup? They can­not say, it is bread and wine (for they hold that none are lest) they are not able to shape any answer: for they will not say, the body of Christ is white, round, sweete, red, or such like, Wherefore, these accidents of bread and Wine rouing without subiects, are shewes of reason without sub­stance, colours without truth, and fancies without settled iudgement: and as well might they imagine, walking without feete, an house without a foundation, a vessell without bortom, or a body without space or place.

Againe, what is it that [...] nourish? What is it that doth [...] and refresh? For wee feele our bodyes strengthned by the creatures taken and receiued. And we read in their owne Histories that king Lewes the Gentle for [Page 237] the Aimoin. exadem. lib. 5. cap 19. space of 40. daies did eate nothing else. What is it then whereby we feele our selues to be fed? Can their acci­dents do it, hanging in the aire by miraculous Geometry? Can whitnesse, or rednes, or roundnesse nourish vs where no sub­stance is to be found or felt? Can drinesse, or moysture, can smelling or seeing nourish without some materiall body? They cannot. It must be substance that is turned into our substance: for neuer was it heard, that accidents were tur­ned into substance. But whereas we haue beene taught, that accidents are in their subiect, now we must hold for our new learning, that substances are in their accedents. Wherefore, let vs leaue these doubtfull and deceitfull builders that go about to build without ground or foundation, which cannot stand.

The third generall vse, arising from both the signes, is this: if Christ deliuered his last Supper in bread and wine, then Gener. vse. 3. these signes may not be altered, but must be The bread and wine be-the matter of the Sacramēt may not be changed in the Lords Supper. retained for the perpetual vse and comfort of the church. And howsoe­uer it be left to the choyse and liberty of the church, what bread or what wine they will vse: yet that it ought necessa­rily (as I take it) to be bread and the fruite of the vine, may appeare by diuerse good considerations. I will propound the reasons that draw me to this opinion, let the Church iudge of them, seeing the 1 cor, 14, 32 spirits of the prophets are sub­iect to the prophets. First, the institution of the supper and the example of Christ himselfe, whom the Church is to imi­tate and follow, who said, Do 1 cor, 11, 25 this in remembrance of me. He said not, doe the like, or do what pleaseth you, and swarue from my example where you will, but do this which ye haue seene me do. Whosoeuer therefore change either the bread or wine, do not that which Christ commaundeth, but another thing then he appointeth. Againe, no other signes are so significant & effectual as these are for this purpose, to strengthen and to comfort them that are in trouble, and al­most in the present Psal 104, 14 15 estate of death, as Psal. 104. He bring­eth forth bread out of the earth, and wine that maketh glad the heart Pro, 31, 6 Iudg. 9, 13 [...], 10, 19 of man, and oyle to make the face to shine, and bread that strength­neth [Page 238] mans heart. Likewise the wise-man saith Pro. 31. Giue ye strong drinke vnto him that is ready to perish, and [...] to them that haue griefe of heart. So that we are heerby effectually and sig­nificantly put in mind, to haue a most sweet feeling of christ, to seeke strength in him, and that it is he which aboundantly cleereth our hearts. Thirdly, the matter and forme of euery thing, arist. Metaph lib. 7. cap 7 plato in [...]. are holden to be of the nature of it, and to constitute the essence: so it is in the sacramentes, where the signes are the matter, and the words of institution are the forme. True it is, circumstances may vary and be changed, as time, place, sitting, standing kneeling, and such like: but the essentiall parts may not be changed. If [...], both of them be of the es­sence of the sacrament, such [...] take either of them away, de­stroy the sacrament, and bring in a nullity therof. Wherfore, if the signs, which are the matter, might be changed: then the words also of institution which are the forme might be alte­red, and a new word brought into the Church: but a new word cannot be brought in, therfore no new outward signe or matter. Fourthly, if the bread & wine in the supper might be changed, and yet the sacrament in substance remaine: then in like manner, water in baptisme might be changed, & yet be [...] baptisme; for of things that are like, there is a like respect, and like conclusion to be inferred. But this can­not be, as we haue shewed before in 2. booke, chap. 5. where we haue proued that the minister cannot baptize with any other liquor or element, then with water, as the matter of that Sacrament. Neither let any obiect the case of necessity: for no necessity can make that lawfull which simply and in it selfe is vnlawfull. Fiftly, if we admit and grant a [...] in the signes at the pleasure of men: why may we not also change other parts of the Sacrament? Why may we not in stead of the minister appoynted of God and called [...] the Church, admit pryuate persons, and receiue other [...] inforced vpon the church by the papistes? Do we not heereby open a gappe for them, to [...] in all their trash and trumpery besides the written and reueiled worde of God? Sixtly, we haue shewed in the [...] booke, that Na­dab [Page 239] and Abihu the two sonnes Aaron were smitten by the immediate hand of God Leuit 10. 1. 2 for offering the oblation with strange fire. But all signes brought into the sacraments be­side the scripture, are strange signes and consequently pro­cure strange iudgements. And we see how the prophet Ioell threatning from God a dearth of corne, and wine, and of oyle, declareth also that the offerings shall cease, where he Ioel, 1, 9, 19 saith, The field is wasted, the corne is destroyed, the oyle is [...], the new wine is dryed vp, the meate offering and the drinke offering is cut off from the house of the Lord, the priestes the Lords Mini­sters shall mourne: shewing heereby, that they were restray­ned from changing the out ward signes. If any pretend grea­ter freedome and liberty in the time of the gospell: let them shew their [...], and wee will beleeue them. Lastly, it is confessed on all sides, that without consecration and sanctification, there can be no Sacrament: for without this halowing, the matter in [...] is bare water, the bread in the Supper is bare bread, the Wine is Common Wine. Now euery creature 1 Tim. 4, 5 is sanctified by the word of God and by prayer, as the Apostle teacheth 1 Tim. 4. and therefore we cannot assure our hearts, that god wil blesse any other creatures, as fish or flesh in stead of bread, water or beere in stead of Wine, seeing the word hath not sanctified these elementes for this purpose. They are sanctified by the worde for the ordinary nourishment of our bodyes, but they are not by any speciall worde sanctified for the vse of the Sacramentes. If then it be simply vnlawfull, to change any thing in the matter of the [...], no pre­tence or necessity can [...] make it lawsull. And as when a lawfull Minister is wanting, a pryuate person may not be taken: so when the matter appoynted for the admini­stration of this sacrament is missing, an other may not bee assumed. For as well may wee change the mini­ster of the Sacrament into a pryuate man, as the bread and Wine (being the signes) into another matter. If the Sacraments cannot be had according to the precise and pure institution of Christ, they may lawfully be deferred or [Page 240] omitted: for the danger standeth not in the want (as wee haue declared before) so long as we are free from the con­tempt of them.

The fourth generall vse, arising ioyntly from both the signes is, if Christ deliuered, and the Disciples receiued Genera. vse 4. bread and wine as the outwarde signes of this Sacrament: then we learne that the doctrine of transubstantiation is a dotage Aagainst transubstan­tiation. of mans inuention. Though this deuise be now receiued in the Roman church, as a matter of saluation, as an Article of faith, and a maine point of religion, Concil. trid. sess. 13, cap. 4. that by vertue of these words. This is my body, this is the cup of the new Testament, the substaunce of breade and wine is gone, and nothing remaineth but onely the shewes, likenes, and appearance of them: yet, if we examine the matter by the words of institucion, by the nature of a sacrament, by the proportion of faith, by the true properties of a true humain body, by force of reason, by iudgement of the sences, by confession of the aduersaries themselues, and by the ma­nifold contradictions among themselues: we shall find it to be a late deuise & inuention of the Papists, first decreed and determined in the counsel of Laterane, vnder pope In­nocentius the 3. in the raigne of King Iohn of England, Anno. 1215. not yet 400. years ago. There it was hatched at that time, and made barth Ca­renza. summa concil. a main matter of faith, aproued in the church of Rome, but yet not then receiud ouer al the world. This error is a spice of the error of Marcus, who went about to make his fellows and followers beleeue, Iren. lib. 1. cap. 9. Epiphan. haeres. 34. that he did trā ­substantiate wine into blood, in the sacrament. Thus do the church of Rome at this day, he was he noted for an heretick by the fathers. I wil not, for shortnes sake, bring all the rea­sons that might be broght to ouerthrow and ouerturn The bread and wine re­main in their proper nature the turning of the bread into the body of Christ, and the wine into his blood; but alleage some few among many, wher­unto we require them to answer if they can. Neither let thē pretend, that they haue bin answerd already, inasmuch as no sound and certain answer can be brought vnto them, to satisfie vs or themselues. Our reasons for the present shalbe these.

[Page 241] First, that which Christ took in his hands, he brake: that which he brake, he gaue: that which he gaue his Disciples, he commanded them to eat, that which hee commaun­ded them to eate, hee calleth his bodye. This ap­peareth by the testimony Math, 26, 26 Mar, 14, 22 Luk, 22, 19 of the Euangelistes, and cohe­rence of the words. But he tooke bread and brake it: there­fore he gaue bread, he commanded to eat bread, he saide of the bread, This is my body. Now if he tooke bread, but brake it not: or if he brake bread, but gaue it not: or if he gaue bread to his Disciples to eat, but told them, not this which he gaue them, but some other thing beside that, was his body: the latter part of the [...] starteth from the beginning, and the middle swarueth from them both.

Secondly, the Apostle after the words of consecration, doth oftentimes call it bread, as 1 Cor. 11. As often as ye shall eat this 1 cor, xi. 26 27, 28 1 cor. x. 16 bread, and drinke this cup, ye shew the lords doath til he come. And againe, Whosoeuer shall eat this bread, and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthily, shall be guiltie of the bodie and blood of the Lord. And againe, Let a man examme himselfe, and so let him eat of this bread, and drinke of this cup. These men say, it is not bread: the Apostle saith, it is bread: whether of these we shall beleeue, iudge you. So in the former chapter hee saith, the bread which we breake, is it not the commanion of the bo­dy of Christ? Likewise, touching the other signe, Math, 26, 29 our saui­our expressely calleth it wine after the thanks giuing, Mat. 26. I will not drinke hencefoorth of this fruit of the vine vntill that day, when I shall drinke it new with you in my fathers kingdome. This fruit of the vine is wine, therfore the substance of it remai­neth. Now if the bread had bene turned into the body, or the wine into the blood of Christ, and if the Apostle would haue spoken properly, he should haue said, As often as ye shall eat, not this bread, but this body of Christ vnder the forme of breade, the blood of Christ vnder the forme of Wine. And againe, he that eateth the body and drinketh the blood of Christ vnworthily. And againe, let a man ex­amine himselfe, and so let him eat and take in his mouth the very body of Christ his creator. But thus the Apostle [Page 242] hath not spoken, neither could he so speake truely, proper­ly, and fitly: therefore we do truely, properly and fitly con­clude, that there is no [...].

Thirdly, Christ speaking of the cup saith, Take, Luk, 22, 17 19 diuide it among you, and of the bread he saith, he tooke it, and brake it. But if the substance of bread be abolished, or chan­ged into the body of Christ, and likewise the nature of the wine turned into the blood of Christ, there could be no true distributing or breaking: for the blood of Christ is not de­uided into parts, neither is his body broken.

Fourthly, if the strength or force of transubstantiation de­pend vpon these words of institution, This is my body, This is my blood: then there can be no reall change before these words be fully finished, and pronounced to the end. I here­fore, when they begin to say [...] is: What is it? What mean they, I say, it is? Is it any other then bread and wine by their owne confession till the wordes bee ended? So then, these sentences shall not be true, when they say, [...] is my body, this is my blood, except they meane, this bread is the body of CHRIST, this wine is his blood: where­fore, bread and wine remaine, their nature is not changed and altered.

Fiftly, these wordes, This is my body, must be vnderstood, as the words following, This cup is the new testament: but the cup is not turned into the new testament, nor into the blood of Christ: therefore the other wordes must be figu­ratiuely vnderstood, not [...]: for there is one re­spect of them both: neither can any reason be rendred, why a figure should be admitted in the one part, rather then in the other.

The sixt reason: Christ is said to giue to his Disciples that which he saide was his body. If then this be properly ta­ken, we shall thereby make a proper Christ and make him a Monster of two bodies, as they also make the church a Monster of two heads. For so there must be one body which gaue, and another body which was giuen. But it is most absurde, that he should giue and be giuen, hold him­selfe [Page 243] and beholden, offer and be offered: which differeth litle from the [...]. de fabul. [...]. lib. 2 heresie of the Helcesaits, who held ther were sundry Christs, two at the least, one dwelling in heauen a­boue, the other in the world heere beneath: so these make Christ to haue a double body, visible and inuisible; a visible August. de [...]. cap. 34 body sitting at the table, and an [...] body made of the substance of bread, which (as the papists hold) [...] giuen to the disciples, as likewise they teach of the headship of the church that one head is inuisible to vs m the heauens, ano­ther visible to vs vpon the earth. The 7. reason: it destroyeth the nature of a sacrament, which standeth Iren. lib 4 contr. [...]. cap 34 of an earthly & heauenly part: one out ward, the other inward: one seene, the other vnderstood: one a signe, the other a thing signifi­ed: of which we haue spoken before, book. 1. chap, 3. But if there be an actuall transubstantiation, then the outward part is abolished, and disanulled.

The 8. reason: in baptisme the substance of water remai­neth, though it haue words of consecration, and be made a sacrament of our regeneration: and therefore in the Lords supper, the bread and wine are not changed and don away vtterly. The scripture speaketh as highly Math. 26, 26 1 Pet. 3. 20. 21 of the one as of the other.

The ninth reason: if bread be really turned into the body of Christ, and the wine into his blood: then the bo­dy and blood of Christ are really [...], for the words are seuerally pronounced, first of the bread, then of the wine: yea the soule of Christ should be separated from his body, for the bread is turned onely into his body, and not into his soule. But his soule, his body, and his blood are not really separated.

The 10. reason: if the bread be turned into his body in­deede by force of a few words vttered by a priest: then the priest should be the maker of his maker, and so euery Masse-monger should be preferred before Christ, as much as the creitor hath [...] honnour then the creature, the builder then [...] house, the work-man then the worke. But they are not [...] to publish it in their owne [Page 244] words and writings, stella cleri­corum. that the priest is the creator of his creator, He that created you, hath giuen you power, to create him: he that hath created you without your selues, Creatura vobis median­tibus vobis. is created by you, by the meanes of you. These are the speeches of their wise-men, if they be not ashamed of their owne words.

The 11. reason: the bread in the Sacrament after the words of consecration, is subiect to as many changes and chances as it was before: the bread may mould, putrifie, and breede Wormes, Hesych in Leuit. l. 2. c. 8 Humbert. cont. Nicet. and was accustomably in many places burned: the wine may (being immoderately taken) make drunken, it may wax sharpe and turne into vineger: yea both of them may be boyled and made hot: both of them may be vomi­ted vp, as certaine lepers did; both of them may be ming­led with rank poyson, as a certaine Bernard de monte polotia­no de Dom­castro. platin. in vita clem. 5 Monk gaue the poyso­ned host to Henry the 7. a noble Emperour of famous me­mory, which when he had taken, he dyed. The like may be said of Victor the 3. a Pope of Rome, who was poysoned af­ter the same manner Hermannus Contractus. in the chalice, as the Emperor was in the bread. But the precious body and blood of Christ can­not be mingled with poyson, but is an excellent counter­poison against the biting of the old Serpent and all infection ofsinne whatsoeuer; the body cannot mould or putrifie, the blood of Christ cannot become sharp or sowre, as the out­ward signes may, therefore the substance of bread and wine remaineth. The 12. reason: there is something in the sacra­ment, materiall and substantiall, which goeth the way of all meates, according to that saying of our sauiour, Math 15, 17 Perceiue ye not yet, that what soeuer entreth into the mouth, goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But none of the accidents, as shape, colour, quality, tast, & such like are auoyded, because they are altered in the stomacke, before they come to the place of auoydance: Origen. in math. cap. 15 and it were blasphemy to thinke that the body of Christ either entreth into the mouth, or goeth downe into the belly, or is cast out into the draught, howso­many of them haue also maintained this monstrous impie­ty: Therefore, the substance of the bread and the wine re­maine in their owne nature in the sacrament.

[Page 245] The 13. [...]: If there were a miraculous conuersion of the bread and wine, it would appeare to the outward sen­ses. as Ioh. 6, The multitude Ioh. 6, 26 saw his Miracles. There was ne­uer Miracle wrought by any bodyly creature, but sense iudged it to be so: but seeing our eyes see, and our tast dis­cerneth that it is bread, we cannot imagine, there is any mi­racle. The Miracles that Moyses did in Egypt, when he tur­ned water into blood, and his rod into a Serpent: The mira­cles August. de Trinit, lib. 3 cap. 10 that Christ did, when he turned water into wine, the eye saw, the tast discerned, heere was no deceit, no fraud, no collusion. And thus euery hedge-priest should be a worker of Miracles, that onely can read his portuise, and say ouer his pater noster with an Aue mary. This is an honor that may be chalenged, but cannot be granted vnto them.

The 14 reason: if there were any transubstantiation there shold be an actuall conuersion of the bread into the body of Christ; but this cannot stand. For when one thing is chan­ged into another, the matter remainetin, the forme is altered: but heere they make the forme to abide, and the matter to be changed. A strange Metamorphosis, and fitting the fable of this counterfeit turning. Now the matter of [...] is not in the body of Christ, because it is perfect in it selfe, and so glorified, that it can receiue no accesse. Besides, nothing can be conuerted or changed into a thing before being and pre­existing, which was really before the change or conuersion; as Christ turned the water into that wine which was not be­fore, Exod. 4, 3 Ioh. 2. 8 Gen, 19, 26 & Moses turned his rod into that serpēt which was not before: and Lots wife was turned into that pillar which was not before. But the body of Christ is before their transub­stanriation, wherupon it follow weth, that the bread cannot be changed into his body.

The 15. reason: if Christ did [...] the bread into his body when he saud This is my body: then in like man­ner, the Apostle did [...] the [...] of the Co­rinthians into the body of Christ, when [...] [...], Now ve are 1 cor, 12, 27 the bodie of christ, and members for your [...]. [...] [...] can they alleage, why [...] should be in the one [Page 246] sentence more thē in the other? For the whole colledge and company of diuines of Rome and Rhemes, and all the multi­tude of papistes through out the world shall neuer be bet­ter able to proue their transubstantiation out of these words This is my body: then out of the other [...] are the body of Christ.

The 16. reason: if the bread were turned into the body of Christ and receiued in the mouth: it should go farre better with our bodies then with our soules, because our bodyes should really receiue the body of Christ, but our soules should not, being spirits: and bodies cannot be mingled and intermedled with spirits. Wherefore, we cannot be­leeue and receiue this real conuersion of one substance into another. The 17. reason: if the bread be transubstantiated into the body of christ, and so receiued by vs: then either it is turned into our bodies, or vanisheth away into nothing, or returneth and departeth back into heauen. But it is not turned into our bodily substance, for then we should grow bodily and not spiritually, carnally not mistically, into one person with him: neither doth it vanish to nothing, for this were horrible blasphemy once to imagine and conceiue of the body of christ: neither doth it depart into heauen, for he was there before, and the heauens containe him to the end of all things. Therefore, the bread cannot be said to be turned into the body of christ, except one of these be gran­ted. And thus also we may reason of the wine. If it be tur­ned into the blood of Christ, it must necessarily passe into our substance, or vanish away, or returne to the heauens: for no fourth way can be imagined. But none of these can stand either with diuinity or phylosophy, either with faith or rea­son, either with scripture or nature, and therfore conse­quently transubstantiation must fall.

The 18. reason: if the disciples had not vnderstood christ to call the bread his body sacramentally: they would haue beene greatly troubled (who often doubted of the least things) and demaunded the vnderstanding of them. As the hearers of Christ Ioh. 6, supposing he had spoken of a carnal manner of eating his Ioh. 652, 60 flesh, were troubled and offended, [Page 247] saying, How can this man giue vs his flesh to eate? And vers. 60, This is an heard saying, who can heare it? Wherefore, who seeth not, that they would haue marueiled and required farther, if they had vnderstood christ to haue changed the bread in­to his body, and the wine into his blood? But they doubt not, they demand not, they maruaile not, they murmur not, and therfore beleeue not this iugling of transubstantiation, or turning of one substance into another. And if they be­leeued it not, how should we receiue it.

The 19. argument: it ouerturneth sundry Articles of our Christian faith. Wee beleeue that Christ Iesus was be­gotten of the father before all worldes, and borne in time of the Virgin Mary: this the Scripture teacheth, this the Creed deliuereth: this euery true Christian professeth and beleeueth. But if the bread be transubstantiated into the body of Christ, and the wine into the blood of christ: then his body is made and borne of bread and wine, and the priest after the words of consecration may say, a little pretty son is borne vnto vs, and newly made. Againe, we beleeue that Christ was crucified and died for our sins, that he was buri­ed, rose againe, ascended, and sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty. But if the body of Christ bee made of bread as often as the Eucharist is celebrated, then Christ being on the Crosse might be elsewhere then on the Crosse: when he died, he might be where he suffered no­thing: lying in the graue, he might bee out of the graue: yea hee might be in the graue after his resurrection and rising out of the graue: wherof notwithstanding the An­gels said, Mat, 28, 5 he is not heere. Lastly, we beleeue that christ shall come from heauen to iudge the quick and dead, and that in the same manner he ascended, Reuel. 1, 7 whom we doubt not but men shall see, as Reuel. 1. 7. Euery eye shall see him, yea euen they which pierced him through. But if Christes body be made of bread, he shall stare and start out of the pixe, and not come from heauen, and that in another shape then when he ascen­ded: nay, thus he shold come daily vnto vs, & yet no man can see him, nor perceiue his cōming. Al these deuises, ouerthrow [Page 232] foundation of faith, sauour of nouelty, and bring in heresie against all certaine grounds of true religion.

The 20. argument: if by vertue of Christs words, transub­ftantiation were brought to passe, and the true body of christ were really present on the earth: then the bread should be changed into whole Christ, that is, into his body indu­ed with his magnitude, quantity, quality, colour, and all his dimensions. For Christ said not at his supper, this is the substance of my body without accidents: but Luk. 21 16 1 cor. 11, 24 This is my body which is giuen for you, and which is broken for you. Therefore, the body was visible and seene of them all, it was felt, it had all accidents agreeable thereunto, and the substance of Christs body alone without his qualities was not cruci­fied on the Crosse, neither yet could be crucified. Not with­standing, we see not Christs body vpon the earth, nor any adioy nt thereof is perceiued or discerned. Where are they then? Are they in substance of christs body which is in hea­uen? And not in the substance of his body which is on the earth? Then they make Christ to haue two distinct bodies: for one and the same body cannot haue his properties and dimensions, and yet bee without them, which necessarily implyeth a contradiction, and consequently falsehood: es­pecially considering how great a difference they make be­tweene the body of Christ in heauen, and this body that li­eth and lurketh vnder the accidents and shewes of bread in their box.

The 21. reason: it destroyeth the nature of a true body, it taketh away the defence vsed against heretickes, and bringeth in the heresies of Marcion, of Eutiches, and the Manichics, which August, de quod vuit de. denied Christ to haue a solid, and true humane body, & held that he had only a phantastical body without any materiall flesh, blood, or bone, in appearance and sight some what, but in deed and substance nothing. For they teach that his body is in infinite places at once, & those discontinued, voyd of quantity and quality, not circumscri­bed, not visible, nor any way sensible: that being in heauē, he is really and corporally on earth, though not in the distance [Page 249] betweene heauen and earth, nor in those places where the host is not: which is to assigne innumerable bodies to our sauiour Christ, and consequently to make him no body, which is in esfect as much as to deny he is come in the flesh, 1 Ioh, 4, 3, & 2 Ioh. 7 which is the very doctrine of Antichrist himselfe, as Iohn speaketh, Euery spirit that confesseth not, that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God: but this is the spirit of Antichrist, of whom we haue [...]. And in his 2. Epistle, Many [...] are entred into this world, which confesse not, that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh: he that is such a one, is a deceiuer and an Antichrist. But Orcam propoundeth this as the doctrine of the schooles, that Occam. in cen tilo. theol. con­clus. 25, 26 The body of Christ is euery where, as God is euery where, and that if there were an host that filled all the world, the body of christ might be with euery part thereof when it should be consecrated. And Holcot treading in the same stepes of the schooles, not of the scrip­tures, saith, If there had beene a thousand hostes in a thousand pla­ces at the same time, that christ did hang vpon the crosse, Holcot. in 4 lib. sentent. quest 3 christ had beene crucified in a thousand places. But it is an vnseparable property of bodies, to be locall and contained in place: August. epist 57, ad dardan. take away space of place, and true dimensions from bodies, and they are no where, as Augustine teacheth. Besides, hence the fathers concluded the truth of Christs body be­cavse, Luk. 24, 39 he might be seene and handled, and because he had flesh and bones, according to the [...], Behold, my hāds and my feete, for it is I my selfe: handle me and see: for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me haue. But if he be neither seene nor handled in the sacrament, nor discerned to haue flesh and bones: how shall his humanity be [...] and maintained against heretikes impugning the same?

The 22. reason: it taketh away iudgement from the sen­ses, and maketh the sacrament of truth to be a sacrament of forgery and falsehood: for the senses of seeing, of tasting, of touching, of handling and smelling, do iudge bread and wine to be in the sacrament, and not mans flesh truely and properly: neither can arist. lib, 2 de anim. cap. 6 all the senses be [...] in their proper obiects, as euen the phylosophers themselues do teach, and that truely,

[Page 250] The 23. reason: it is an horible act and vnnaturall cruel­ty for man to eate mans flesh, and for man to drinke mans blood: and therefore the papists are as humane as the Cyclops, Canibals, and other barbarous people. It is more brutish and barbarous August. de doctr christ. lib. 3. cap. 16, cyril. anat. 11, to eate mans flesh, then to kill a man: and to drink mans blood then to shed it. Thus they make christian people eaters of mans flesh and bloode suckers, which is beastly and horrible wickednesse.

The 24. reason: the Apostle maketh an opposition be­tween the table of the Lord, and the table of deuils, saying, cor, 10, 20, 21 Ye cannot drinke the cup of the Lord, and the cup of deuils: ye can­not be partakers of the Lords table, and of the table of deuils: where he sheweth, that to eate the flesh offered to idols is to bee partakers of the idols. as the bread which we breake, is the participation and communion of the body of the Lord. Hence he concludeth, that they should not eate of those thinges which the Gentiles sacrifice to idols, because they haue fellowship with the diuils that eate of them, euen as they are vnited to Christ which partake of the bread in the supper. If then the flesh offered to idols be not transubstan­tiated: why fhold the sacramental bread be turned into the body of christ, seeing it sufficeth to make vs partakers of the Lords body to eat of the bread, as it was sufficient to make them partakers of the idols, to eate of the thinges offered vnto them? The 25. reason: if the institution of Christ be a sufficient direction vnto the church what to hold in this questiō, we shal easily giue this transubstantiation a fall. We see in the cases of matrimony that did befall, our sauiour bringeth them to the first institution, and therby dissolueth the doubts and difficulties that arose, saying, Math, 19, 3 4, 8, Frō the begin­ning it was not so. So when any controuersie ariseth about the Lords supper, the ordinance of Christ is able to take it vp, how great or grieuous soeuer it grow. Now, there is no sen­tence, no word, no sillable, no iot, no title in the discription of the supper, that fauoreth or sauoreth of transubstantiati­on, or signifieth and insinuateth any such matter. True it is, christ saith Math. 26, 26 This is my body, but to be doth not signifie to [Page 251] transubstantiate: for then when he saith, Ioh. 15, 1, & 10, 7 &. 14. 6 I am the true vine, I am the dore, the way, and such like, he shall be turned and transubstantiated into a natural vine, into a materal doore, into an high way, from whence would follow infinite abu­ses and absurdities. Besides, if the word ( is) in the institution fignifie, is transubstantiated, that is, changed from one sub­stance into an [...], from bread into flesh, from wine into blood: then the change shold be made before all the words be vttered, so that hence it would follow, that it cannot be done by vertue of the words, which goeth before the pro­nouncing of the words. Last of al, the maintainers of tran­substantiation, as the builders of babel, haue their tongs di­uided, and their languages confounded: they cannot accord together, but vary and dissent one from another, Mark. 14, 56 like the false witnesses that arose against christ. First, they knew not certainely, whether the bread bee turned into his body, or come in place thereof, the substance departing. Secondly, some alow not these speaches, Thom. p 3 qu 75, art. 8 bread is Christes body, or bread is made christs body: but wil haue it said, christs bo­dy is made of bread: Canon. con­uertantur others condemne this speach also, that bread is made christs body. Thirdly, they know not what is broken, whether bread, or accidents, or nothing: others say, the true body of christ is broken, Fourthly, they agree not, whether their water in the chalyce mingled with wine, be transubstantiated: some say it is, other say it is not: some more sober then the rest, are afraid what to say, durand. lib. 4 and aske who is able to decide the questiō? Others say it is turned into the humors of his body: others virknit the knot thus, that the water is turned into the wine, and then the wine into his blood, and therefore are circumspect to giue this cautel that a litle water be mingled, being afraid, least, if more water were put in then the wine, the wine should be transubstanti­ated into water. Fiftly, they cannot agree with what words their consecratiō is wrought, whether accidents be without their subiect, whether the accidents norish no lesse then the substance of bread & wine: likwise what the rats & mise do eat: how & srō whence the worms are oftentims in gendred [Page 252] Eucharist, and so consume it: whether the shewes of bread be the body without the blood, and the shews of wine the blood without the body. It were infinite see D. sutl. de Miss. lib. 5. cap 16 to note out all their contentions and contradictions: these may suffice to shew how the enimies of God fight one against another, and all of them with their own shadwoes. And thus much of the late doting deuise of transubstantiation, which is the soule and life of their popish religion: the deniers or doub­ters wherof, they pursue with fire and sword more eagerly, then such as are enemies to the blessed trinity.

The last generall vse is this: if christ deliuered both these signes, not onely the bread, but the wine also to his Gener. vse 5. disciples: then both kinds by the minister are to be deliue­red, christs peo­ple must re­ceiue the supper vnder both kinds. and both kinds by the people are to be receiued, not bread alone, nor wine alone, but bread and wine: the bread in token of his body giuen for vs, and the wine in token of his blood shed for vs. This is the ordinance of Christ: this is a greeable to the scripture. Notwithstanding, the Church of Rome hath decreed, that it is not necessary for the people to cómunicate in both kinds, and holdeth them cone. Trident sess. 21, cap 2 accursed that hold it necessary for the people, to receiue the cup, có­secraced by the priest. Thus it appeareth, they labor nothing more, then to take from the faithful the sweete comfort of the Lords supper. This is a sacrilegious corruption of christs institution, deuised by sathan, broached by Antichrist, published by his adherentes in the corrupt times of most palpable darknesse, as may appeare by these reasons.

Frist, if none may drinke of the consecrate wine but the priest, then none should eat of the bread, but priests: so that they must either exclude the people from both which I trust they dare not, or admit them to both, which as yet they do not. For to whom Christ said, Math, 26, 26 27 Take and eate, to those gaue he the cup and said, Drinke ye. Wherefore, the signes being both equal, all communicants must drinke of the one, as wel as eate of the other, there being the same warrant for the one, that there is for the other, and the let that would barre the one, will hinder the other: so as Math. 19, 6 [Page 253] the thinges which God in his goodnesse hath ioyned toge­ther, man without sinne cannot separate.

Secondly, when Christ instituted this sacrament, he said, Math. 26, 27 Mar. 14, 23 1 cor. 12, 13 Drinke ye all of this: and by all he vnderstood of the Com­municants. And the Euangelist Marke addeth, They al drank of it, to wit, all that were present at his last supper, who had before eaten of the bread of the Lord. This also appeareth by the Apostle, 1 Cor. 12. They haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit. This commaundement of Christ being gene­rall, imposeth a necessity vpon the people, when he saith, Take ye, eate ye, drinke ye, do ye this. These commaundements are perpetuall, vnchangable, and alwaies in force: not arbi­trary, not temporall, not repealed, but bind the conscience to the end of the world, against which no limitation, or dis­pensation can be alowed, being the commaundementes 1 cor. 14. 37 of God, not of man.

Thirdly, the cup is a part of Christes will and testament. Now touching the nature of a testament or will, the saying of the Apostle is knowne, Gal. 3, 15 Heb. 9. 16, 17 If it be but a mans testament, when it is confirmed, no man doth abrogate it, or addeth any thing therto: where he sheweth, that the dead mans wil may not be chan­ged, nothing can be put to, nothing taken out without for­gery and salsehood. This is the law of nature and Nations. But the Lordes Supper is a sacrament proper to the new testament, as Christ saith, Luk, 22, 20 this cup is the new testament in my blood which is shed for you. This testament the Lord Iesus made the night before he was betrayed, he sealed it by shedding his most precious blood,- he hath giuen Legacies, not of earthly and temporall, but of heauenly and eternall goods. And seeing he hath appointed the cup of this his testament to be deliuered and drunke of all those for whom his blood was shed: it is intollerable boldnes and presumption to take away the vse thereof from the greater part of the Church, and an infallible token of an vnshamefast and shamelesse harlot, to alter her husbands will, to defraud and defeat his children of that worthy portion which their father alotted [...] and so to keepe backe part of their inhetitance and [...].

[Page 254] Fourthly, the blood of Christ shed vpon the Crosse be­longeth not onely to the pastors and teachers, but to all the faithfull that come to the table of the Lord, as appeareth by the wordes of Christ, Math, 26, 28 Luk. 22, 20. This is my blood which is shed for you and for many: why then should the blood of Christ be denyed, or the cup of the Lord be barred from them? If then the blood of Christ were shed for the people, as well as for the mini­sters: surely the cup belongeth to one as wel as to the other. If the people haue the greater, who shall keepe them from the lesse? If they haue their part in the thing signified, who shall deny them of the outward signe? For as the fruite and effect of the blood of Christ is common to the people with the pastor: so should the cup also, which is the communion of his blood shed for the redemptionof the peoples sinnes, be diuided indifferently betweene the pastor and the peo­ple.

Fiftly, the 1 cor. 11, 23 Apostle deliuered that to the Church which he had receiued from the Lord Iesus: Now the Church ought diligently to obserue the written traditions and veri­ties of the Apostles, which are committed to posterity to be kept inuiolably. But he hath deliuered, how the Lord, after taking, blessing, breaking, and distributing of the bread, likewise tooke the cuppe, blessed, and distributed it among them, so saith the Apostle must the Churches do. If then he receiued this from the Lorde, to deliuer both kinds to the people; let the Church of Rome consider with her selfe, from whence she hath receiued the contrarye, to withhold one of the kinds from the people: for both can­not proceed from one and the same spirit of truth, which is neuer contrary to it selfe.

Sixtly, if all the faithfull that come to the Lordes Table, must shew forth the Lords death vntill he come, and this be done by them as wel by drinking of the cup, as by eating of the bread: then all the communicants must receiue the sa­crament vnder both kinds, 1 cor. 11. 26. vntill the second comming of christ. But the faithfull must shew forth the lordes death by eating of that bread and drinking of that cup, as the Apostle [Page 255] teacheth, As often as ye shall eate this bread, and drinke of this cup, ye shew the Lordes death vntill he come. Therefore, all com­municants must partake the sacrament vnder both kinds.

Seuenthly, the Apostle giueth an expresse commaunde­mēt to [...] whole church, which al must obey that come wor­thily to this holy table, Let a man examine himselfe, 1 cor, 11, 28 and so let him eate of this bread, and drinke of this cup. Where he giueth a double commaundement, first to appeare reuerently, then to receiue worthily. Now, al that must proue and try them­selues, are commaunded not only to eate bread, but to drink of the cup: but al must try and examine themselues: therfore al are commanded both to eat and drink at the lords table. If this be a commaundement to examine: then the wordes following of eating and drinking, are likewise commande­ments. There is no halting in these, let them admit both, or let them deny both. Eightly, if the faithfull take not the cup in the supper of the lord, the condicion of Christians vnder the Gospel, shal be worse then of the Isralites vnder the law. For the people of Israell in the wildernesse hauing the same sacrament in effect with vs, 1 cor. 10, 4 Did all drinke of the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ, as the Apostle af­firmeth. But out condicion is not worser and weaker then theirs: therefore all the faithful are to drink of the cup of the lord. Bellarmine, the Souldan of the Romish Synagogue, bellar. lib. 4 de euchar. C. 27 answereth thus, They drunke not water out of the rock when they did eate of the spirituall meate, but in another place, and at an other time. But this is an answearlesse answer which cannot satisfie. For albeit the sacraments of the Isralites as figures and types did represent the same graces that our Sacraments do: yet it is not necessary they should in all pointes answer each other, and in all respectes agree together. Besides, the Church of Rome at no time aloweth the people to drinke of the Wine, a seale of the blood of Christ: they keepe them from the cup of the Lord, both when they giue them the bread, and at all other times, and thereby make their estate worse then the estate of the Iewes. Indeed, if they did at any time permit al the people to drink of the cup, they [Page 256] might pretend this example of the Israelites: but inasmuch as they vtterly deny them this part of the cup, they ouer­throw themselues in their malice, and yet in their blindnes they do not see it. Lastly, many of the fathers, did both eate Manna and [...] water out of the rock, if not in the same place, yet at one & the same time, exod. 16, 21 inasmuch as they gathered thereof euery morning, and it ceased not, Iosh. 5. 12 vntill they entred the frontiers and confines of the land of pro­mise. But they neuer alow without a toleration and dispen­sation, the people in any place, at any time, vpon any oc­casion, and in any respect to tast of the cup in the Lords sup­per. Ninthly, if the cup of the new testament may be taken from the Lordes people: in like manner the water in bap­tisme may be taken away frō them. For the blood of christ, whereby remission of sins is purchased and procured, is re­presented by the wine of the Lordes Supper, as well as by the water in baptisme. But the water in baptisme, without great sacriledge, cannot be omitted or neglected: where­fore then should the cup be taken away.

Lastly, if any part of the supper might be taken away from the people: then like wise the word of God may be taken from them, for in this point there is the same reason and respect of them both. A Sacrament is nothing else but a visible word, and a sealing vp of the word: and the of­fence semeth to be the same, whether a man break the seale, or rent the writing. But the word cannot be withdrawen frō Christian people, it being the instrument of faith, and the life of the Church. Wherefore it is the greatest wrong and iniury done to the people of God to take from them the cup of saluation. The answer to this reason must be, to con­fesse the parts and yeeld the conclusion: forasmuch as by forbidding the people the reading of the Scriptures, they haue robbed them of the word of God, and taken from them Luk. xi, 52 the key of knowledge, neither entring themselues into the kingdom of heauen, nor suffering those that would enter. No marueile then, if they take the cup of blessing from the people, who haue taken from them the free vse of [Page 257] the word of God. To conclude these reasons, it is Antichrist, who, contrary to the doctrine of christ, contrary to the insti­tution of the supper, contrary to the practise of the Apostles, and contrary to the vse of the former churches, hath exclu­ded the people languishing and th [...]sting after the blood of christ, as the dry earth for the sweete shewers of raine, from taking the cup of the lord, and left them a dry cōmunion to eat the bread of the sacrament alone. Hauing considered the truth of God by sundry reasons, grounded in the scripture, that the people haue good interest and title in the cup, deni­ed vnto them: let vs answer the Obiections for taking the cup from the people of god obiections of the aduer­saries, made against the former doctrine. First, they pretend, that christ administred it to the apostles only, and not to any of the people: & consequently the institution for taking the cup can be no general cōmaundement for al men: thus rhem. test. vpon Math. xxvi, & Mar. 14 the Rhemistes reason. I answer, first it may be doubted and dis­puted, whether onely the Apostles were present at his last Supper. For seeing diuerse were added vnto the church, and professed the faith of christ, seeing he had other disciples be­side the twelue, seeing many Godly men and women follo­wed him to see his miracles, and to hear the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth: why should we think that none of them were admi [...]ted to his table, who had often heard his preaching, and depended vpon him in their liuing. Again, the passeouer was celebrated in that house, Math, xvvi [...] 17, 18 of a faithful man, as may be collected by sundry circumstances: now thē, either the lord Iesus annexed that famely vnto his, as the law in one case appointed, or else we shall haue two passe-ouers at one time in one house, which hath no warrant of scrip­ture, no colour of truth, no probability of reason. We read in the institution & celebration of the passe-ouer of ioyning house to house, Exod, xii, 4 and taking his neighbor next vnto him in case of the insufficiency of one houshold to eate the lambe: but we neuer read of killing two, lambes, and keeping two passeouers vnder one roofe. Besides, the smal remnant of the faithful among the Iewes, would no-doubt rightly and religi­ously obserue the passe-ouer after the example of their lord [Page 258] and maister, rather according to the Exod, 12. 6 precept of Moses' then aceording to the practise of the Iewes: in imitation of christ, Ioh. 13, 1 cum, 18. 28 rather then according to the tradition of the elders. Furthermore, we are to consider, that in eating the passe­ouer, they sorted thēselues together according to the num­ber of the persons able to eate vp the lambe: for they com­manded to take Exod. xii 4. 5 A lambe without blemish, a male of a yeare old: & if the houshold be to little for the lambe, he shal take his neighbour which is next vnto his house. Now christ with his twelue disci­ples alone, were not sufficient to eat vp this lambe of a yeare old, being great & large according to the sirian kind, as may be supposed by the Arist, bistor animal, lib, 6 cap, xxvii plini. hist. na­tur, lib. 8 Cap 48 discription of Aristotle, Pliny, & others. Neither doth it appeare that any remained, or was burned with fire, Exod. xii. x according to the institution of God, because the Euangelists declare, that so soone as the supper was admini­stred and a psalme sung of thanksgiuing, Math, xxvi 30 they went out into the Mount of Oliues. Why then should we not thinke, that christ added and annexed other to his family, seing his own disciples sufficed not, especially the blessed virgin his mother who was not long from him, Ioh. 19 xxvi 27. whom afterward af­ter his departure, he commended and committed to Iohn, to be protected and prouided for, who from that time took her home to his house as his own mother. But to leaue these consideratiōs as coniectures, we answer the former obiecti­on, that in asmuch as christ deliuered both signs to the same, persons, they might bar the people frō the bread as wel as from the cup. For I would know why the bread is necessary, but because it was instituted by christ, and retained by his Apostles? Wherefore, the institution maketh the one as requisite as the other. Besids, if other heretiks should arise, as great enemies to the peoples partaking of the bread, as the church of Rome is to their cōmunicating of the cup of the Lord: how might they better be repressed and refelled, then by alleaging the first institution of christ, and shewing the practise of the Apostles: so that the reasons brought to confute the one, wil serue directly to ouerthrow the other. Moreouer, the disciples at the first ministration of the sup­per, performed not the office of the minister, nor any part [Page 259] of his duty, but of the people Christ was the minister therof, he took the bread, he blessed, he brake, he gaue the bread, sai­ing, This is my body. Likewise he tooke the cup, blessed, & gaue the same, saying This cup is the new testament in my blood. On the other side, the disciples took it, did eat and drinke, which are the proper duties of all the people: Lastly, the Apostle saith not in the first person, we ate and drink, as speaking of him­selfe & other teachers of the church: but directing his speach to all 1 cor, 1, 2 that are called and sanctified in Christ in euery place (according to the inscription of the epistle) he saith, As often as ye shal eate this bread 1 cor. xi, 26 & drinke this cup ye shew the Lords death til he come. Now these Corinthians, to whō he specially wrote, could not liue vntill the second comming of christ to iudge­ment: therefore this eating and this drinking belongeth to al that cal vpon the name of god to the end of the world.

Secondly, they object against the former truth, this out of Obiect 2. Act. 2, They continued in the apostles doctrine, and in breaking of bread: and Ch. 20, they came together to break bread. It is not said, to deliuer the cup vnto the people act, 2, 42, & xx, 7 but to breake bread: wherby they gather, it was ministred vnto the people in one kind onely, and not in both. I answer, by a cōmon Synecdo­che, Answer. one part is put for the whole. For among the Hebrewes, this phrase in scripture to eate bread, is to receiue whole nou­rishment & ful refreshing by eating and drinking: as appea­reth by Esa, 58, 7 Lam, 4, 4 Math, 15. 33 Luk. 24. 30 act. 20. xi many places, wher mentioning only bread for food, it were madnes to imagine and gather that they drunk not. Besides, the Apostle putteth the other part, to wit, drinking of the 1 cor. 12, 13 cup, for the whole celebration of the supper, when he saith, By one spirit we are al baptized into one body, and haue been al made to drink into one spirit: where we see, as our sauiour added the vniuersal note drink ye al of this: and as the Euangelist Mark accordeth, saying they al dranke of it: so the Apostle doth not pretermit it, but saith, al were made to drink: as if the Lord Iesus, the Euangelists and the Apostles would preuent before hād, the corruption & followed in the church of Rome. Wherfore, seeing drinking of the cup, doth not properly note out the whole action, because no man was euer so grosly blinded, to suppose that the cup might be alone administred: it follow­eth, that by this member expressed, we must vnderstand the [Page 260] other, and by one part the whole. Furthermore, it is a ruled case among themselues, that it is flat sacriledge, if a priest consecrate not this sacrament in both kindes, but do it in bread onely. If then the former scriptures, Act. 2. and ch. 20. proue the receiuing vnder one kind because bread onely is expressed, & so the cup to be excluded: it wil likewise fol­low, they consecrated in one kinde, because the wine is not expressed: and therefore, by these places, neither priest nor people should take the cup, if they will not admit a trope or figure. Neither can they say, that Luke discribeth not, what the Apostles consecrated or receiued, but what they deliue­red to the people: for the Euangelist declareth Act. 20. 11. not onely that the Apostle brake the bread, but Act. 20, 7 did eate thereof himselfe: so that they must confesse, that Paule also receiued in one kind, and consecrated in one kind, or else necessarily grant one part put for the whole: as likewise we say 1 Cor. 11, where he doth expresly touch and teach both kindes, 1 cor. 11, 26 27, 28, 29 to the eating of the bread ioyning the drinking of this cup: yet sometimes 1 cor. 11. 20 29, 33 he expresseth onely the one signe for shortnes sake, & the church had receiued this vsual man­ner of speaking to call the Lordes Supperthe breaking of bread, as verse 20. When ye come together into one place, this is not to eate the Lords Supper: and verse 33. When ye come toge­ther to eate, tary one for another: likewise verse 29. He discerneth not the Lords body: and yet in the sentence going before, hee saith that such as eate and drinke vnworthily, do eate and drinke their owne iudgement. Wherefore, as the Apostles alwaies celebrated the supper by conseeration both of the bread and of the cup: so the people alwaies receiued in both these kinds, to their great comfort and consolation.

Thirdly they alleage, that there is an vnion and coniunc­tion of each signe, that the body is in the blood, and the Obiect. 3 blood in the body: that christ is wholly and perfectly vnder each kind, because now in his glorious body, concomi­tantia. there is no separation of the body from the blood, or blood from the body. I answer, surely if this were so, it were a fault and fri­uolous Answer. thing to do that by more, which may be c done by [Page 261] fewer, to vse two kindes, which may as well be done and is done vnder one, as a wise Philosopher teacheth. Besides, if one may reason in that soit, the whole supper might be a­brogated, for we are made partakers of christ in Gal. 3, 27 baptisme, and he dwelleth in our hearts by Heb. 3, 14. 15 Eph. 3, 17 faith which commeth by the word ofGod. Again, were not Christ and his Apostles as wise as they? Were they ignorant of this vnion? Did they not knowe this accompanying of the body with the blood, and blood with the body? Is the present church of Rome wiser then he, in whom al the Col, 1. 19, & 2. 3, 9 treasures of wisedom and knowledge are hid? If they thinke so, let them tell vs plainly: if not, let them lay their hands vpon their mouth, and submit themselues vnto him who administred it in both kinds, and commaunded his Apostles to do the like. Moreouer, Christ would haue vs in his supper consider his blood separated from his body, and set his death before our eies, and his precious blood shed out of his side: so that, deliuering the cup, he said, Math. 26 27, 28, Drinke ye all of this, for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many, without which sheading, there is Heb. 9, 12 no forgiuenesse of sins, as the Apostle teacheth. Wherefore, seeing these two are contrary one to the other, and cannot stand together; to wit, the blood to be in the body and to be out of the body, to be shed sor vs and not to be shed, and that the sacrament leadeth vs to the consideration of the death, and especially of the pier­cing and pouring out of the blood of Christ: we may con­clude, that this Concil. Trid sess. 3, can. 3 vnion of the body with the blood, and blood with the body, flatly crosseth and ouerthroweth the institution of Christ. And why I pray you, do their sacri­ficing priests receiue the blood twice, and the body twice, drinking first the blood in the body, and againe eating the body in the blood? Nay, doth not this vnion deuised, alter the [...] of Christ, and confound the seuerall parts of it, making him to speake otherwise then the euangelistes expresse? For when he said, This is my body, they will haue him meane, this is my body and blood: Againe, when he said this is my blood, they will haue him meane, this is my [Page 262] blood and my body. Last of all, this late inuention, turneth and ouerturneth the nature of the partes, distinguished one from the other: while we eate the flesh they make vs drink the blood, and while we drinke the blood, they imagine we eat the body. Thus, to eat and to drinke shall be all one with them: for wee shal eate liquid and moift thinges, and we shall drinke dry and hard things. And is not this drink­ing of flesh, and eating of blood, and inuerting & euerting of the nature of things? But thus God striketh his enemies with giddines of spirit. For after they haue broken the pure institution of christ, and brought in a carnal presence of his body (one absurdity being granted, arist. [...]. lib, [...], cap. 2. & 3 a thousand follow) in­finite abuses haue ensued vpon heapes, the flood-gats being set open, wherof there is no end or measure. Let thē ther­fore repent themselues of this sacriledge against god, and iniury against his people, restoring vnto thē the cōmunion vnder both kinds, according ro the ordinance of christ, and directō of the Apostles. And thus much of the general vses, arising from both the signs ioyntly considered. Now, let vs partic. vse. 1 come to the particular vses offered vnto vs, in each of the signes. And first, touching the bread. Is bread simply consi­dered, the first signe in the lords supper? Then it is not neces­sarily required, that it be administred in vnleauened bread. For bread is oftentimes named and repeated: but the word (vnleauened) is neuer added. Wherfore as it is in selfe indif­ferent, whether the wine be red or white, & whatsoeuer the kind or colour be (if it be wine:) so is it not greatly materi­all, whether the bread be leauened or vnleauened, so it bee bread. Which ouerthroweth the error of the church of Rome & her fauorites, who hold it Bellar. lib. 4 de Eucha. cap. V, neeessary, that the bread vsed in the Sacra. be vnleauened. They pretend the institution of Christ, who (say they) made the Sacra. of vnleauened bread, instituting it after he had eaten the passeouer, which was to be eaten with vnleauened bread Exod. xii. 8, xviii. according to the law of Moses, neither was there any leauen to be found in Israel 7. daies together. Thus they charge vs to breake the institution of Christ. But see heere the [...] and parti­ality, of these proud spirits, who fly to the institution, and [Page 263] sticke precisely to circumstances of [...], when it serueth any way to their purpose: but when the question is of matters of substance not of circumstance, as touching communicating vnder both kinds, touching the necessity of eating & drink­ing, and of many receiuing together against their halfe communions, priuate masses, and reseruations, they cannot abide to be tyed and yoked to the institution. Indeed we deny not, but christ might vse vnleauened bread at his last supper, ha­uing immediately before eaten the paschal lambe. This per­aduenture is truely coniectured: yet no such thing is expres­sed in the gospell, nor prescribed as a rule necessarily to bee followed. The Euangelists teach, he tooke bread: but make no mētion or distinction what bread he took, nor determine what bread we should take, no more then limit what wine we shal vse, but leaue it at liberty to take leauened bread or vnleuened, as occasion of time, place, persons, and other cir­cumstances serue, so we take bread, as their own Gregor. i, in Registr. prophets haue confessed, [...] their own concil. Flo­rent. sess. vlt coūsels haue concluded. Wher­fore, to consecrate in vnleuened bread is not of the substance of the supper, no more then to eat it at night or after supper, as christ administred and the apostles first receiued it. For if any would bring in a [...] of that time, as wel as of that bread which christ vsed, we see as faire a warrant for the one as for the other: nay we haue a more certain direction for the time which is expressed, then for the kind of bread which is not defined. Besides, if Christ on this occasion vsed vnleuened bread: it was, because it was vsual, common, and ordinary bread at that time, as we also should vse that bread, which is vsual and common. So the Apostle speaketh of that bread which was daily vsed among the Gentiles, saying, 1 cor, x, xvi The bread which we breake: he addeth, neither leuened nor vn­leuened, but vnderstandeth that in common and continuall vse. Thus then we conclude, it is no breach of christs ordi­nance, nor a transgression of the first originall institution of the Lords supper, to eate either the one or the other. part. vse. 2

Againe, touching the other signe, which is the Wine, the church of Rome may iustly be charged with transgressing the ordinance of christ, who by her sole authority would type [Page 264] vs to mingle water with wine for Rhem. Test. fol. 452 nu. 23 Great mistery & significa­tion, especially, for that water gushed with blood out of our Lords side. So, they condemne all those Churches as doing impudently and damnably, that do not mixe [...] with wine in the sacrament, and say it cannot be omitted with­out [...] sinne. True it is, the Church in former times, where the wine, prouided for the Lordes Table, was of it selfe, heady, strong, hot, fiery, and fuming, was wont to allay it with water, that it might be mild and temporate: least that which was taken [...] helpe and further the soule, should [...] and [...] the body. This began for conueniency, not for [...]: for fitnesse, not for signifi­cation: for sobriety, not for any mistery. But the water is no part of Christs institution, neither can it be proued, that Christ or his Apostles vsed water with their wine, or com­maunded others to mingle wine and water in this mistery, or that Christs apostles euer receiued it as a matter of faith, or taught it to be a necessary parte of this sacrament. For Alexander the 5. Byshop of Rome, was the first that Barthol. Ca­ranza sum. concil. Florent [...]. 458 ming­led water [...] wine at consecration, and ordained that the oblation should be of vnleauened polid. Virg. de inuentor. rerum lib. 5, cap, 9 bread, and not of lea­uened, as till that time had beene vsed. Wherefore, let vs retaine and maintaine the plaine and simple institution of Christ, who in his last Supper gaue wine, not water to be drunk, for he calleth it the fruit Math, 26. 29 of the vine, which is wine and not water.

Againe, they may be pressed and hampered with their own dreames and deuises. For, whereas they hold that the wine must be mingled with water, and that the elementes after the words of consecration are transubstantiated, and remaine in their owne nature no more: I would aske this question of these Watermen, rowing in the troubled Sea of their owne decrees (who are neere of kinne Papists are neere of kin to the old he­reticks called [...]. to the old he­reticks called Aquarij) whether the water mixed with the wine be turned into blood? If they say it is not, then they deny transubstantiation of all that is within the cup, and so shake the vertue of their consecration in pieces: if they say [Page 265] it is, then will they make Christ a watery body and elemen­tall: besides, it cannot be by vertue os Christes institution, where water is neither expresled nor included. So then, their best defence is to answer with the Pharisies, Matt. 21, 23 We cannot tell. To conclude, let vs not seeke to be wiser then Christ, nor to mingle together more mysteries then we haue learned of him, as Paule saith of his own practise, 1 cor. xi, 23 That which I receiued of the Lord, I haue deliuered vnto you. Neither prophet, nor A­postle, nor Angell from heauen is to teach otherwise then Christ himselfe hath taught, as he charged his disiples, Teach them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. He hath supreme authority in the Church, his doctrine alone should be heard, as the father himselfe witnesseth from hea­uen, Math. 17. 5 This is my beloued sonne, in whom I haue delight, heare him. We are not to regard, what other before vs haue thought meete to doe, but what Christ did, who is before all other, and called himselfe the truth, Cyprian epist. 74 and not custome. Thus much of the third outward part of the Lordes Supper, to wit, the two signes of bread and wine.

Chap. 6. Of the fourth outward part of the Lords Supper.

THe last outward part remaineth, which are the The 4 out­ward part are the commu­nicants. com­municantes: whose actions are outward, to take the bread and wine into their hands: then to eate the bread and drinke the wine to the nourishment of their bodies, Math. 26, 26 as is directly proued by the institution of this sacrament, where christ gaue the bread and cup into their hands, the Disciples receiued the one and the other, they did eate the bread and all dranke of the cup. These being the necessary actions of euery receiuer, to take, to eate, to drinke: it beateth down many falfe doctrines of the Church of Rome, as their re­seruation, ostentation, eleuation, adoration, circumgestati­on, procession, and pryuate communion: it teacheth also many necessary truths to direct our knowledge and increase our obedience, which we will consider in order.

First of all, did Christ commaund his Disciples to eat and. [Page 266] drinke that he deliuered, and posted them not ouer to eate thereof when they were departed, neither willed them to defer their eating vntill afterward: then all keeping and re­seruing of bread in boxes, pixes, and other vessels of the church for daies, weekes, and months, all shewing it to the people, con, Trid [...] 3, can, 5 lifting it ouer the priests head, and going with it in procession, is vtterly vnlawfull. For, it is no sacrament vn­lesse it be vsed according to Christs institution and cóman­dement: but, to the institution it belongeth, as one the be­halfe of the minister to take, to blesse, to poure out, and to distribute: so on the behalfe of the communicants to take, to eate, and to drink, in them al, to shew thereby the Lords death, and to do it in remembrance of him: which cannot be performed, but by obseruing the whole action. For, how can they shew the Lords death, or do it in remembrance of christ, vnlesse they take and eate? And as the paschallambe was not that passeouer, vnlesse it were killed and eaten: no more is the bread and wine a sacrament, except they be re­ceiued and digested. The passeouer was the same in effect with the Lords supper, Reu. 13, 8 who was the lambe slaine from the beginning of the world. Now god commaunded, that none of it should remaine vnto the morning, but the remnant Exod. 12, x, should be consumed with fire. The like may be said of Man­ne, the same in substance with this sacrament: it was not to be kept & caried about, Let no man Exod. 16, 19 reserue thereof til morning. Besids, there is the same reason of the cup and of the bread: but they reserue not the wine, they carry it not about to shew the people: why then should they keepe the other part? Likewise, when christ said to his Apostles, Math. 28, 29 Go baptize the nations: it was no baptisme by the hosij consess, de eutharift, cap. 39 confession of the ad­uersaries themselues, vnlesse there were some person bapti­zed: so, when christ said Take and eat, there is no sacrament, vnlesse there be a receiuing and eating. For, as the one stand­eth in washing, so doth the other in eating and drinking, not in keeping and reseruing, not in carying in procession on a white horse, not in hanging it vp vnder a Canopy, nor in bearing it to the sicke with bell and candle. Christ tooke [Page 267] bread and gaue it to his Disciples, saying, Math. 26, 26 27 Eate ye: he tooke the cup, and when he had giuen thanks he said, drinke ye all of this, do this in remembrance of me: as often as ye shall eate this bread 1 cor. xi, 26 and drinke of this cup, ye shew the Lordes death till hee come. But, they hang in it the pixe, beare it in boxes, and carry it about in publike tryumphes, and in common calamities, when a­ny iudgement and war, plague, pestilence, and famine, and like visitation is among them: then Iack in the boxe goeth abroad in solemne Concil. Trid sess. 13. cap. 5 processions to be seene, which is the way to increase, not to slack: to kindle, not to quench: to prouoke, not to reuoke the iudgementes of God gone out against them. Besides, they shew this sacrament to the sim­ple people, to fall downe to it as to a God, they put it vpon the breastes of the dead, and sometimes lay it in the graue with them, I thinke to declare it to all the world, they wish Christ dead, buried, and forgotten for euer, that the byshop of Rome might with his shauelings rule and raign as a God vpon the earth. Can light and darkenesse, can heauen and earth, fire and water, sweete and sower be more contrary, then these vaine things, to the institution of Christ? Who neuer said, keep it in vessels, hang it vnder Canopies, carry it in processions, origem. in Leuit. homil. 5 giue it to the dead, lay it vp in their tombes bring it abroad in common iudgements: but take ye, eat ye, drinke ye, and by receiving, eating, and drinking shew yee forth the Lordes death vntill hee come to iudgement to iudge the quicke and the dead. This Sacrament is an ho­ly feast, an heauenly banket, and therefore not to be hidden in a box, as a light put vnder a bushell, but to be set on the lords table for all his ghuests to feede thereon.

Againe, if the substance and essence of this sacrament stād Vse. 2 in the lawful vse of eating and drinking: then al eleuation & holding vp of the sacrament ouer the priests head, all ado­ration, falling downe, honoring it with diuine worship, and calling the sacrament Guil. alan. de sacrific. euchar cap, 41 bristo. [...]. 26 their lord and God, as it is destitute of all antiquity, so it is full of grosse and palpable idolatry. For wheras it was accustomed, to hold vp the almes & offerings [Page 268] consecrated to God for the poore, thereby imitating the heaue-offering of the Iewes, and stirring vp the people to the like charity and deuotion, degenerated to the lifting vp of the host and bread in the sacrament. So that, where Christ saith take ye, eate ye: these bread-worshippers haue chan­ged it into, looke ye, gaze ye, worship ye, giuing his glory to dumbe and senselesse creatures. True it is, we confesse that the Sacramentes, as mysteries sanctified to an holy vse, as vessels of gods grace, and as instrumentes fitted to worke great things, are not to be contemned or refused, but to be receiued with due regard and to be vsed with all sobriety [...] yea we confesse that christ God & man is to be worshipped euery where: we honor his word, we reuerence his sacra­ments. Notwithstanding, The Sacra­ment is not to be adored. we put a difference between God and the sacrament of God, the same honor is not due to the one that is due to other, and therefore we cannot adore the elemēts with diuine worship, for many reasons. First, because christ in the institution of his supper said, take, eate, drink: he said not, worship, fal down, bow the knees before the Sacra. and call vpon it in time of need. We heard before in the case of vnleuened bread, they appealed to the institutiō of cstrist: why do they now fly from it, turning eating and drinking into worshipping and adoring? Wherefore, is it not a great iniquity and wickednes, to omit what christ commaundeth, and do what he commaundeth not? Secondly, God only is to be worshipped with diuine honor, as Math. 4, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him Math. 4, 10 only thou shalt serue. And Exod. 20. Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship them. Now the sacrament is not christ, it is an institution of christ: it is not god, but an ordinance of God; for god is not visible, but the sacra. is visible, that al may know it, and see it with their eies: the sacrament is eaten, but God cannot be eaten and swal­lowed vp of vs, 1 king. 8, 27 Acts. 7, 48, 49 whom the heauens and the heauens of hea­uens cannot contain or cōprehend. Thirdly, christ reproueth the Samaritans, because They worshipped that Ioh 4, 22 they knew not: but the Papistes know not the body of Christ to be contained vnder the accidentes ofbread and Wine, for the scriptures haue not taught it, CHRIST hath not deliuered it, the [Page 269] Apostles haue not shewed it. Besides, they knew not the priests intent, whereon they say the essence of the Sacra­ment dependeth, so as if he had no purpose of consecrati­on, they cannot deny themselues to be idolaters and bread­worshippers. Fourthly, Iohn. 4, 24 the true worshippers must wor­ship God in spirit and in truth, as Christ setteth downe, Ioh. 4, 24, that is, not according to our owne imaginations and diuises, but as God hath prescribed: but, to fall downe to the sacrament, is a bodily sernice, a new-forged worship, and an humane inuention. Fistly, without faith no man can please God: but saith commeth by hearing, Heb: xi, 6 and hearing by the word of God, which yet they could neuer shew vn­to vs: therefore, they can haue no assurance of pleasing God in their wil-worship. Sixtly, if this sacrament be to be worshipped, then it is vnited personally to Christ, because adoration should not be due to Christ as man, except God and man in the vnion of person were one Christ: but there is no personall vnion betweene [...] and the sacrament of Christ: therefore not to be worshipped. Seuenthly, no man in his wits and right mind wil honor that with diuine wor­ship, which himselfe may take in his hand, and eate with his mouth, and which may be deuouied by Mise, Rattes, dogs, Wormes, or other venime: for how shall that be a­dored as God, that cannot defend it selfe from the teeth of men and beastes? As Ioash answeared, Iud 6, 31, 32 Will ye plead Baals cause? If he be God, let him plead for himselfe against him that hath cast downe his altar. Lastly, seeing they adore Christ in the pixe, where the bread is; and in the chalyce wher the wine is, why do they not likewise worship him in the priest and in the faithfull people, and euery man in his brother, when they haue created and eaten him vp? The same Christ that was surely inclosed in the pixe, is by their doctrine, really contained in the body of priest and people, when they haue eaten and drunken their supposed sacrifice: Why then a­dore they not the flesh of christ, after that it is entred into the mouth of man, as well as in the golden boxe, or in the gilden chalice? Nay, why may he not be adored in the [Page 270] bodies of mise and vermin by them, if it fall out that they eate vp their God? Shall he be any where without honor? Or wil they worship him wher they list, and ouerskip him where they please? Howsoeuer therefore Christ is to be worshipped, yet we must take heed we worship not a piece of bread in stead of christ, which is most grosse and [...] Idolatry. Moreouer, if christ command the bread to be eaten and the wine to be drunk then they are not to be Vse. 3 offered vp to God the father, as is vsually wont to be done in the pageant of the Masse. This is a deep dungeō of iniqui­ty, and a monster of many heads, Conc. triden sess. 22, c 1 turning the holy sacra­ment into an vnbloody sacrifice for the quicke and the dead, abolishing the fruite and remembrance of the death of christ, disanulling his priesthood, giuing him to his fa­ther, wheras the father hath giuen him to vs, and imagining thereby to pay a price to god, which he should receiue as a fatisfaction for our sins. True it is, the Lords supper may af­ter a sorte be called a sacrifice, not as the church of Rome meaneth, In what sense christs supper, may be called a Sacrifice. but bycause therin we offer vp praises & thanks giuings to god, for that sacrifice of attonement once made vpon the crosse, which is most acceptable to god: and be­cause such as come aright thereunto, offer vp themselues wholly to god, a reasonable, holy, and liuing sacrifice: and lastly, because thereby we cal to our remembrance [...] bloody sacrifice of christ withal [...] circumstances therof, the shame of the crosse, the darkenes of the heauen, the shaking of the earth, the renting of the aire, the cleauing of the rocks, the re­proches of the Iewes, the taunts of the soldiers, the opening of the graues, & the conquering of the deuil. For the christi­ans in former times, The fa­thers of the church liuing among the gentiles, cal­led the sup­per a sacrifice perceiuing that many both Iewes and gentiles, refused to embrace the faith of christ, and to ioyne themselues to the church, because they pretend the want of sacrifices among them, (and nature engrafted in all nations this principle, that we haue no free accesse to God, no true peace to our selus, without a sacrifice) the fathers to win such as were without, affirmed that the church had also a sacrifice and thereupon entituled the sacrament of the supper with [Page 271] the name of a sacrifice, See more in the end of the booke. for the causes before remembred. But for a mortall man, whose breath is in his nostrils, to pre­sume in the prid of his hart, vnder the formes of bread and wine to offer vp christ the son of God in the sacrifice to his father, and to dare to desire the father fauourably to behold and accept his owne sonne, is idolatry, blasphemy, and hor­rible impiety, to be detested of all true hearted Christi­ans.

Touching the originall of The origi­nall of the word Masse. the word Masse, it seemeth to come from an ancient custome of the church, sending a­way such as communicated not. For the deacon was ac­customed to bid them depart, that were nouices in the faith, and such as by Church-discipline polid. Virgil de inuent. re­rum lib. 5. cap 10 were remoued from the communion. This dimission of them was noted by the word Missa, signifieng a sending away and licensing to depart: and thus some of sueton. in caling. cap. 25 the heathen vsed it. The name then being in it selfe not euill, is turned into an euill practise, and therfore as it is vsed and vnderstood of our aduersaries, we reiect both the name and thing it selfe, for these causes. First, no an­gell, no man, no creature is of that dignity and worthinesse, that he may offer vp and sacrifice the sonne of God: for the priest is aboue the sacrifice: they therefore that will be the priests to offer christ, aduance and lift vp themselues aboue christ. Secondly, if christ be really offered in the Masse, then he is killed truely and indeed: for a reall sacrifice proueth a reall death, and when christ was sacrificed really, he dyed re­ally, as when the beasts were sacrificed, they wer killed. And Holcot one of the schoolemen saith, If there had been a thousand hostes in a thousand places, at the same time that Christ did hang vp­on the crosse, Holcot in 4 lib. sent. [...]. 3 christ had beene crucified in a thousand places. Wher­fore, they that really sacrificed our Sauiour Christ, did in that act really and wickedly kill him: so that the prieste s of Baal, if they wil be sacrificers of Christ, must acknowledge themselues therein the reall murtherers of Christ.

Thirdly, new sacrifices are not to bee instituted by men, without commaundement of god, as Moses teacheth. Deut. 12. we must not do h what seemeth good in our owne eyes, [Page 272] but take heede and heare all these words which he com­maundeth vs. Now, Christ neuer saide, Sacrifice ye my bodie and blood to God. Fourthly, Christ tooke the bread and gaue it to his disciples, he did not offer it vp to God the father, he tooke the cup and bad them all drinke of it: he did not turne himfelfe to God, and desire him then to accept the sacrifice of his body and blood. Fiftly, if the bread and Wine remaine in their former substance in the Lords supper: then bread and wine onely are offered, not the body and blood of Christ, but they remaine: for christ deliuered 1 cor. x, 16 bread to his Disciples, and Paule teacheth that it is the bread which is broken, & that as ofren asthe [...] eat this bread and drinke of this cup, they shew the Lords death: therefore their reall Sacrifice is reall idolatry. Sixt­ly, it appeareth in the institution of the Supper, that Christ consecrated the Bread apart, and the wine [...], and af­terwarde deliuered them both apart, but the bodye of Christ was neuer sacrificed without the blood, nor the blood without the flesh: for Christ offered vppon the Al­tar of the crosse the sacrifice of his bodie and blood toge­ther, this is the cause that he saide, Take ye, eat ye, drinke ye, not take ye to offer and to Sacrifice.

Seuenthly, the Scripture teacheth vs one offering and Sacrifice for sin once performed and offered. Heb. 10. Wee are sanctified by the offering of Iesus Christ k once made: and ver. Heb. x, x, 12 12. This man after he had offered one saerifice for sinnes, sitteth at the right hnnd of God, And the Apostle 1 Tim. 2. There is one mediator betweene God and man, the man Iesus Christ, who gaue himselfe a ransome for all men. So 1 Iohn 2. If any man sinne, we haue an aduocate with the father, Iesus Christ the righteous, and hee is the propitiation for our sinnes. Likewise Heb, 9. By his owne blood he entred in once vnto the holy place, and obtained eternall re­demption for vs: not that he should offer himselfe l often, as the high Hebru. 9, 12 Priest entered into the holy place euerie yeare, with other blood (for then must he haue often suffered since the foundation of the worlde) but now in the end of the worlde hath he bene made manifest once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe. We haue plentifull te­stimonies [Page 273] of this truth in this Epistle, as chap. x. Where re­mission of these things is, there is no Heb. x, 18 more offering for sinne. If then we haue remission by the sacrifice of Christ, all other sacrifices are superfluous and abrogat his al-sufficient sacri­fice. So Rom, 6. In that he died, he died for sinne Rom. 6, 10 once. And 1. Pet. 3. Christ also hath once suffered for sinnes, the iust for the vn­inst. If then this perfect offering were once onely to be of­fered, then he is not offered, neither can be offered againe in the Masse. And, if the onely oblation of Christ once of­fered by himselfe be sufficient: all other oblations and Sa­crifices are vaine and superfluous. For how is that perfect, which is often repeated?

Eightly, to make a lawfull sacrifice, there is required necessarily a fit minister lawfully called of God, for Hebr. 5, 4, 5 no man taketh his honor to himselfe but he that is called of God, as was Aaron: so likewise Christ took not to himselfe this honour to be made the high-priest, but he that saide to him, Thou art my sonne, this day I begat thee, gaue it him. But Christ is the onely priest of the new testament, his priesthood is immortall and eternall, he liueth for euer therefore the Popish priesthood is a plant neuer planted by the heauenly father the Ioh. 15. 1, 2 true husbandman, and the popish priests were neuer called of God, to sacrifice the body and blood of Christ, he gaue vnto them no such authority, Math 15, 13 & therefore, in time shall be rooted vp. If they pretend the precept and planting of God, let them shew their com­mission that we may see it, and let them bring forth their charter that we may trie it, otherwise wee must take them for vsurpers, and counterfait Officers in the cittie of God. Ninthlie, the Apostle teacheth, that without shedding of blood is no Heb. 9, 22 remission: But in the vnblodie Sacrifice of the Masse, there is not effusion of blood, he doth not suffer, he is not killed, he doth not shed his blood, he doth not die: therefore in the Masse is no remission of any sins.

Tenthly, if Christ be daily offered in the Masse, then hee doth dailie satisfie for sinne, for the end of his offering is Roma. 4, 25 to make satisfaction, as Romaines, 4. 25. He was deliuered [Page 274] to death for our sinnes, and is risen againe for our instification. And Gal, 1, 4. He gaue himselfe for our sinnes that he might deliuer vs from this present euill world; But he doth not make satisfaction, for our sinnes, no more then now he dieth and riseth again, for then Christ would not haue said, Iohn 19. 30 It is finished: nor the Apostle, u He entered once into the holy place. Wherefore, no more sacrifice for sinne remaineth to be offered by such as iniuriously vsurpe the priesthood of christ.

Last of all, all true christians are Priestes to offer vp their bodies an acceptable sacrifice to God, which is their rea­sonable seruice of God, and to offer vp a broken contrite spirit, as 1 Pet, 3, 9. Ye are a chosen generation, 1 [...]. 2, 9 a royall priest­hood and an holy nation. And Reuel, 1. He hath loued vs and wa­shed vs from our sinnes in his blood, and made vs Kings and priestes vnto God his father. These are the Priests that now remaine, this is the priesthood which we professe. Whosoeuer ma­keth himselfe any priest of another order in the new testa­ment, abrogateth and abolisheth the Priesthood of christ, being after the order Hebr, 6. 20. Psal. 110, 4 of Melchizedech, who was both king and priest.

Now then, as they commit sacriledge against Christ, that presume to offer him vp an vnbloody sacrifice to God the father, to make peace and attonement betweene God and man: so they adde another iniquity as drunkennesse to thirst, making their oblation not onely profitable to take away the sinnes of the liuing, but auaileable to clense The Masse is no propi­tiatory sacri­fice for the dead. the sinnes of the deade, that are come to the ende of theyr daies.

Indeede we deny not, but the Masse may be beneficiall to the rabble of Friers and sacrificing Priestes that make it gainefull to themselues, who through their sale and mer­chandize of Masses, dwell stately, goe sumptuously, fare delicately, drinke wine in siluer and gold, abound in plea­sures, and heape vp great aboundaunce of all riches: shall we not now say, the Masse is profitable? But other profit of the Masses, then these to the Masse-mungers, we know none. We know, we find, we feelethem otherwise ma­ny [Page 275] waies pernicious in themselues, dishonourable to God, and hurtfull to the people. For first the Sacrament was in­stituted to no such end and purpose, as to helpe the deade, and to be a propitiation for their sinnes. For Christ sayde take and eat, this is my body: drinke ye, this is my blood: but the deade cannot take any thing offered vnto them: they can neither eate, nor drinke: wherefore, this supper being spirituall meat and nourishment for the soule, can­not auaile the deade, who are neither fed nor nourished. Secondly, it profiteth as much to be baptized for the dead, as to receiue the Supper of the Lorde for the deade: for both Sacraments were instituted of Christ, and there is the same respect of both. But it can doe no good to baptize one for another, the liuing for the dead, therefore the li­ving, comming to receiue the Sacrament of the Supper, cannot releeue the dead.

Thirdly, there is no forgiuenesse of sinnes after this life, we haue forgiuenes in this life or neuer. Whatsoeuer is bounde on earth, is bound in heauen. Heere is the time, heere is the place, heere is the occasion offered to worke, as the wiseman teacheth, Ec, 9, All that thine hand shall find to do, do it with all thy power: for there is Eccle. 9. 10 neither worke, nor in­uention, nor knowledge, nor wisedome in the graue whither thou goest. And Heb, 3. To day, if ye wil heare his voice, harden not your harts. Wherfore then is a sacrifice offred for the dead, for whom there is no releefe, no redresse, no remission? Fourthly, it is vaine to offer for those that haue ended their daies, and are already come to the ende of their race, Iohn, 9. 4 & 11, 9. 10 whose estate can neuer be changed.

The night commeth, when no man can worke, and Chapt, 11, Are there not twelue houres in the day? if a man walke in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. If a man walke in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him. And Paule, 2 Tim, 4. I haue fought a good fight, I haue fini­shed my race, I haue kept the faith, from henceforth is laid vp for [...] the crowne of righteousnes. [Page 276] But this is the state of all the dead, they are entred into iudg­ment, they are not subiect to any chang. Lastly, if the sacri­fice of the Masse could wash away the sinnes of the dead, then the sacrifice of the Masse should surmount and exceede the sacrifice offered by christ himselfe vpon the Crosse. For this helpeth the liuing, it auaileth not the dead: and so we should haue other meanes to take away sinne then his obla­tion and there should be another propitiation for the sinnes of the world. And thus much of the popish idoll of the blasphemous masse.

Furthermore, did Christ deliuer his last Supper to all his Disciples that were present? Did none stand by, and gaze Vse. 4 on while other receiued? Then heereby fall to the ground the priuate communions of the popish Church, where al Against pri­uate mastes in the church of Rome. is deuoured by the priest, nothing deliuered to the people. For whereas the ordinance of Christ and ancient order of the church was, for the minister and people to receiue the Conc. Trid. ses. 22. cap. 6 Sacrament together: among them the priest accompanied with his boy to make answer, receiueth the sacrament him­selfe alone, without distribution made to others, yea al­though the whole congregation be present and looke vpon him, whereby God is dishonoured, the communion is abo­lished, the people of God are there by depryued and robbed of al comfort. How is this a feast which the priest prepareth for himselfe, not for others: receiueth by himselfe, not with his bretheren: he speaketh to himselfe, and not to the as­sembly: he vseth a strange tongue, and no man knoweth what he meaneth: the people is taught nothing, they vnder­stand nothing, they heare nothing, they receiue nothing; and a few childish, apish, foolish, and vnseemely gestures excepted, they see nothing: they tast nothing, they partake nothing, neither comfort of heart, nor memory of Christ, nor benefit of his passion. But Christ in his last Supper, did not eate vp all alone, but after the Disciples hadde supped as Mathew Math. 26, 26 setteth it downe, he tooke bread and blessed he brake and gaue it to them, saying, take ye, eate ye: neither did he drinke alone of the fruite of the vine, but taking the [Page 277] cup he gaue thanks, and gaue to them all, saying, Drink ye all of this. So then, albeit a certain number of communicants are not limited and determined: yet Christ in these wordes apoin [...]eth a company to be present, as apeareth by the num­ber take ye, eate ye, drinke ye all, deuide ye it among your selues, doe ye this in my remembrance, ye set foorth the Lordes death, when yee come together to eat, tarrie ye one for another, as often as ye shal eat this bread.

These words cannot be vnderstood of one perticular man, but necessarily import a greater number of men: nay, the Philosopher teacheth that the word ( all) must be verified at the least Arist. li. 1. de coel. cap. 1 of the number of three, which is the least and lowest number that would be admitted to this supper. Nei­ther do we read that so soon as one was gained to the faith, that the Apostles administred this Sacrament to him, much lesse would they minister to themselues alone, when none were conuerted in a nation or cittie.

Secondly, Christ expressely commandeth vs to doe as himselfe did, when he left this fare-well token and pledge of his [...] to his Disciples, saying, Luke 22, 19 Do this in remembrance of me. But he, after the wordes of consecration, did not offer a sacrifice to his father vnder shewes of bread and wine, but gaue the bread and cup to his Disciples, and left his owne example as a direction for vs to followe: so that the distribution and deliuerance of the signes is of the sub­stance of the Sacrament, as well as the breaking of the bread or pouring out of the wine, and it is not lawfull in any sort to change the testament of Christ, or to corrupt the meaning of the testator. Thirdly, the Apostle teacheth how he receiued from the Lorde that which he deliuered to the churches, that the people should eate of this bread and drinke of this cup: 1 cor. xi, 23 and proueth that the faithfull are made partakers of the Lords table, not by gazing or loo­king on while others eat, but by eating: not by standing still while others drinke, but by drinking. as 1 Cor. x. Wee that are l many are one breade and one body, because we are all partakers of one bread. Fourthly, the same Apostle reproo­ueth [Page 278] the Corinthians, which presumed to the Supper of the Lorde besore others, and did not tarry for their brethren when they came togither to be partakers of the sacrament, as we see, 1 Cor, 11. Euery man a hen they should eate, 1 cor. xi. 20, xxi taketh his owne supper afore, this is not to eat the Lords snpper. And af­terward, Wherefore my brethren, when ye come together to eate, tarry one for another. Now because the Corinthians brake this order and ordinance, he chargeth them to come vnreue­rently, to receiue vnworthily, to eat and drink iudgment vnto themselues. Shall they then that are faithfull christi­ans, patiently beare the iniury done them by these sacrifi­cing Masse-mungers, who neuer bid the Lordes ghuestes, nor call them to his table, nor tarry for them till they come to this heauenly banket, but like the priests of Bell, do eate and drinke vp all themselues.

Fistly, the same Apostle willeth and warneth all persons which come to this communion, diligently to proue and examine 1, cor. 11, 28 themselues, and then to come to this supper, as we see, 1 cor. 12. Let a man examine himselfe, and so let him eat of this bread and drinke of this cup: so that he would not haue any excluded from receiuing, which haue tryed their harts by examining, and are thereby rightly propared to this great worke. Lastly, the names giuen to this Sacrament, no­ting the nature thereof, doe affoord vs a good considerati­on to strike through the heart of this priuate Masse, being called sometimes the supper of the Lord, and sometimes a communion among our selues. If it be an holy supper and spirituall banket, why are none bidden and called there­unto? If it be a communion, why doth the Priest vnchari­tably swallow all alone? whereby they make it a commu­nion, but without company: a supper, but without ghuests: meat, but without eating: drinke, but without drinking: a table, but without sitting downe: a participation, but without any that are partakers: a banket, but without seeding thereat, the people departing as hungery and thir­sty as they came. Wherefore, as no man celebrated the Passeouer aright, or receiued profit thereby, but such as [Page 279] did eat the flesh thereof: so can none come to the supper of the Lord as he ought, though he looke vpon others, ex­cept he eate of the bread and drinke of the cup, according to the commaundement of Christ, the author thereof. And thus much of the sole communions and priuate Masses brought into the church against the example of Christ a­gainst the vse of the Apostles, and against the name and nature of the sacrament it selfe.

Hitherto we haue pulled downe the Heresies of the Church of Rome, and haue raked in the dirt and dungh ill vse, 5 of their deuises, the sauour whereof hath annoyed heauen and earth: now let us obserue out of this last outward part of the sacrament, how we are directed and instructed ther­by to further our knowledge and obedience. Did Christ commaunde the faithfull of his family to eate and drinke that which he deliuereth without laying any furder burthen or bondage vpon them? then we must vnderstand, It is no precept of Christ to re­ceiue the Lords sup­per fasting. it is no precept of Christ to receiue the Lordes supper fasting be­fore any other meats and drinkes.

True it is, the people, whose zeale goeth beyond their knowledge, make a great scruple of conscience in this point to come fasting August. e­pist. 118. which custom we do not condemn, but commend, so it be without superstition in themselues, and iudging of others. But howsoeuer many make as great a matter to communicate fasting, as to come in faith: yet this is no necessary rule or commaundement binding the conscience to the obseruation thereof. For, the Worde of God and institution of the sacrament are perfect directi­ons to the church, teaching all matters of faith and obe­dience, yet they teach no such practise. And our blessed sauiour teacheth his disciples what they should do, the E­uangelists deliuer what they did, and among all their do­ctrine we find not this precept of fasting. Againe, Christ administred it not fasting, the Apostles receiued it not fa­sting: not that we are bounde to celebrate the supper at that time: but to shew that Christ would neuer haue chosen to do it after Supper, if that time had bin simply vnlawful.

[Page 280] Besides, the Apostle 1 cor. 11. reproouing the abuses crept into this Sacrament, and labouring to reduce it to the first institution, exhorteth the Corinthians to tarry one for another, and if any be hungry 1 Cor. xi, 36 that he cannot tarrie, he must before hand [...] at home, that so he may better wait for the rest of the congregation. Now he would ne­uer haue giuen counsell and commandement, if it had bin vnlawfull or vngodly to take some little repast and short refreshing before, in regarde of the present infirmity and weakenes of the body. Lastly, he teacheth in another place, That the kingdome of heauen is not Rom. 14. 17 meat nor drinke, but righte­ousnes and peace, and ioy in the holy-ghost. To conclude, as hee willeth that he which eateth, despise not him that eateth not, and he which eateth not condemne not him that eat­eth: Rom. 14, 3, 5 19 so must it be in this indifferent practise, he that can take it, let him take it: but let not him that receiueth fa­sting, iudge him that fasteth not: and let not him which fasteth not, condemne him that receiueth fasting, he stan­deth or falleth to his owne maister. Who art thou then that iudgest an other mans seruant? Let euery one be perswa­ded in his owne mind, and looke to the warrant of his own worke. Let vs follow those things which concerne peace, and where with one may edisie another. If any list to bee contentious, we haue no such custome, neither the [...] of God. And thus much of the communicants of this sacrament, and likewise of the rest of the outward parts of the Lords supper.

Chap. 7 Of the words of [...] in the sacrament of the Lords supper.

ALthough we haue spoken before sufficiently of con­secration, Book. 1. ca. 8 what it is, and how it is wrought, to sa­tisfie all such as are sober minded and simple Louers of the truth: yet be cause special points are heere to be obserued, and that the aduersaries turn the true consecration into a [Page 281] taine magicall incantation, to worke a miraculous or ra­ther a monstrous transubstantiation: it shall not be amisse to assure and handle this point againe, that therby the truth of God may be cleered, the ignorant instructed, the aduer­saties satisfied, and consequently their mouthes stopped. Consecration is consecra­tion, what. a change or conuerting of the outward elementes into another vse, by obseruing the whole institu­tion of Christ, which giueth it his effect. We confesse a turning and changing, not of one substance into another, not by abolishing of natures, not by close pronouncing of certaine wordes: but in the vse and in respect of vs, The vse of the elements is changed: the substance is not chan­ged. and in regard of the promise of God. [...] he water which floweth out of the rock in the wildernesse, signified the same to the fathers, which the Wine [...] to vs in the supper. Notwithstanding, it was a common watering to the beasts of the fielde, and to the people of God, the cattell dranke thereof as well as the people, and therefore there could be made no change there in but in respect of men, Num. 20, [...] to whom God gaue his gratious promise; which teacheth vs to ac­count of the outward signes otherwise then of common meats and common drinks. The stones hammered in the quarrey, the timber hewed in the forrest, the gold tryed in the furnace, were common stuff, before they were layd in the building of the Temple, Matt. 23, 16 and so made holy and sanctified to God and man. The sayings and sentences Act. 17, 28 of the heathenish poets were prophane, before they had passed through the pen of God, and were taken vp by the holy ghost. So wee teach of the bread and wine, before the institution of christ is vsed and obserued, they are com­mon: but afterward they are holy. We confesse and [...] not, but say plainely, there is a change in the sacramentes: the elements which before were ordinary meates, now be­come spiritual in respect of the vse: before they serued on­ly to feede the belly, now they serue to seale vp the nourish­ment of our soules.

The discussing of this question, Two meās of consecra­tion, to wit the word and praier. together with the foundation of this consecration and sanctification of the [Page 282] creatures, is taken out of 1 Tim. 4. 4. Euery creature of God is good, and nothing ought to be refused, if it be receiued with thanks giuing: for it is sanctified 1 Tim 4, 4, 5 by the word of God and prayer. These are the two meanes, the word and prayer, whereby the elementes are changed, though not transubstantiated, yet they haue a dignity and preheminence, which they had not before, they are no Iust in. in Apol. 2 more common bread, common Wine, common meate, but a Sacrament of Christes body, a warrant of Gods promises, an holy Mystery, and seale of the couenant between God and vs. The first meanes of this consecration, and setting a part of the creatures to our vse, is by the word of God. If we haue the euident and expresse word to warrant our vse of the creatures of God, we may vse them for our necessity and comfort: if we haue no word to beare out the practise, they are not sanctified vnto vs. The tree of knowledge of good and euil, was not sanctified vnto. Adam, though it were good in it selfe (as all Gene. 1, 31 creatures are) because he had a word of commaunde­ment not to eate of it, Genes. 2, 17 Of the tree of the knowledge of good and euill, thou shalt not eate of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt dye the death. After the fall and after the flood, all creatures were not sanctified, some were accounted Gene, 7, 2 vncleane, all might not be eaten, all might not be offered: as vnder the law, Leuit. 11. 3 among the beastes, onely they were cleane that did chew the cud and diuide the hoofe: and a­mong the fishes of the Sea, onely such as had skales and finnes were called cleane, the rest were vncleane vnto them, because the word did not allow but restraine the vse of them.

So likewise for this Sacrament of the Lords Supper, not euery creature is sanctified, not a [...], not any flesh, not any fish, not oyle: but onely bread and Wine. These two are consecrated, all the rest are cancelled by the word. The second meanes, whereby the creatures are sanctified, is by prayer. For albeit that God by the comming of his sonne into the world hath sanctified all meates and drinkes, that nothing of it selfe is vncleane, Rom. 14, 15 but to him that counteth [Page 283] it vncleane: yet something must necessarily be done on our partes, otherwise that which is holy, we may prophane: and that which is good, we may turne into euill: and therefore the apostle addeth praier, which is both a thanks­giuing to the Lord that he hath sanctified and prepared them for vs, and likewise a petition that they may bee healthfull for vs, and we thankefull for them, whereby our foode, our apparell, and all the succours of this life are sanctified to his glory and our comfort.

These be the two meanes of consecration: if these or any of them be wanting, there can be no true consecration. If then in the time of the law they should haue eaten swines flesh, which indeed Leuit. xi, 7 part the [...], but chew not the cud: they should haue sinned, because it was not sancti­fied: and therefore albeit they had prayed for a blessing all the day longe, and giuen thankes neuer so much, yet could it not make their practise lawfull, which the word of God had made vnlawfull.

Or, if they had offered a cleane and holy sacrifice, and not made humble and earnest prayers to God to accept them and their oblations, it could not haue due effect, but the worde of God had beene hindred by their vnwor­thynesse. So, in the administration of the Lordes sacred Supper, we vse the word of God which warranteth vs to take the bread and Wine, out of this word wee alledge the promises of God to the true beleeuer: and heere­vnto wee ioyne prayers and thankesgiuing, that God would [...] vs and [...] vs in the participation of his owne ordinance. Thus, albeit we haue no forged tran­substantiation, wee haue a true consecration: if the word of God and prayer of the church can worke it, which are the meanes left vnto vs for this purpose: if wee be Ierem. 20, 7 any way deceiued, it is the Scripture which hath decei­ued vs.

It remaineth now, to marke the vses of this point for our vse. 1 farther instruction. If by vsing the whole [...] of Christ according to his commaundement, we confesse a [Page 284] change and conuersion wrought in the vse of the signes: then we are falsely charged and slandered, to haue no con­secration. We pronounce the same wordes of consecrati­on that christ pronounced: we obserue the same thinges that christ obserued, and charged vs to do: we shew forth plainly the death of Christ as it Gal. 3. 1 he were described in our sight and among vs crucified: we speak openly in a known tongue and the people vnderstand vs: we pray vnto God to accept vs, and render him thankes for the worke of our redemption: lastly, we take the outward elementes and ioyne the word vnto them, and thus they are made to vs a sacrament.

Nay, if to offer vp to God, our selues, our soules, our bodies, our almes for the poore, our prayers and thanks­giuinges vnto God the father for our redemption, be an oblatiou and a sacrifice: We haue both a Sacrament and a sacrifice in our Churchés, though we offer not vp Christs body, to be a propitiatory sacrifice for the quicke and dead, vnto his father. We offer vp as much as we offer vp as much as christ coman ded vs Christ commaunded vs to offer: but that sacrifice was once offered vp vpon the Crosse: he wasthe priest, hee was the altar, he was the sacrifice, there is no other sacrifice left to be offered for sinne: and he which presumeth to offer him againe, is an enemy to the Crosse of Christ, treadeth the sonne of God vnder his foote, counteth the blood of the new Testament vnholy, and hath renoun­ced saluation by Iesus Christ.

Now if we, cleaning precisely to the institution of Christ, doe not consecrate: what may be thought of the Popish priestes, who whisper their wordes closely, that no man heareth: vse a strange tongue, that no man vn­derstandeth: bring in pryuate Masses, whereat none communicate: deliuer dry Communions, wherein no man drinketh: exhorte no man, speake to no man: and if they doe consecrate, they consecrate onelye for themselues, and not for others. Wherefore we detest the opprobrious and blasphemous speaches of the prophane [Page 285] pistes, who in 2 Sam, [...], [...] 2 King. 1839 [...] the spirit of Shemei and of Kahshaketh, raile falsely, vilely, and slanderously against our communions, affirming that they are no other then common bread and wine, without grace, without vertue, without sanctificati­on, bare signes of Christ absent, no better then our com­mon breakfasts, dinners and suppers. Thus they speak base­ly, proudly, and scornefully of our communions, but all the world knoweth they speake vntruely. We hold an effectu­all consecration in both the sacramentes, though we deny a reall conuersion into the body and blood of Christ: the water in baptisme is no more common water, Gal. 3, 2 [...] it is not void of a spirituall effect, it is not without grace and sanc­tification. So the bread and wine are changed, not from one substance into another, but from one vse to another; not in themselues, but to vs: not in their owne nature, but in their end; and thus they are not the same they were be­fore.

Againe, are these signes sanctified and consecrated, that are deliuered and receiued: then heereby wee learne, what vse. is to be thought of the remnants and leauings remaining after the Lordes Supper. For who seeth not heereby, that the bread and wine of the holy vse and lawfull participati­on appointed, are not a Sacrament? They differ nothing from common bread and wine sold in other places, and ta­ken in our houses. Therfore, Hosich. in leuit. lib. 2, c. 8 among diuerse, the remain­der was accustomably vsed to be burned; Euagri, lib. 4 cap. 8 Niceph. lib. 17, cap 25 among some it was giuen to little children that were in the schooles; a­mong others, they did eate in the hieron. com. in, 1, Cor. XI common assembly at their feastes of loue: so that out of the sacred vse of the Sa­crament they did eate it as common bread, they did drinke it as common wine. We see in baptisme, the water remai­ning and not vsed, is no part of the Sacrament, but may be applyed to common vses. So it is in the Lords Supper (for the Sacramentes of the new testament are alike and of the same worthinesse) no more is consecrated then is receiued and applied. This also is euident by Numb 20, [...] 1 cor, X. 4 the rock in the wil­dernesse: where the waters flowing from thence, represen­ted [Page 286] the blood of Christ to the Isralites that dranke thereof, not to the beastes and cattell that were [...] by it. So much was consecrated water as they receiued, not all the rest. So when Iohn Matth. 3. 6 baptized in Iordan, not all the Rvuer, but all that which was applyed was sanctified. So when he baptized in Iohn 3, 23 Enon, because there was much water [...], not the whole streame was hallowed, but so much as he vsed. Wherefore, whatsoeuer remaineth after the celebration of the sacraments, may be [...] lawful y to common and ordinary vses.

Moreouer, if the sanctification of euery creature, whe­ther Vse. 3 in the sacraments or out of the sacramentes, be by the word and prayer, as appeareth by the Apostle: it teacheth a profitable instruction, namely, that no creature of God is to be receiued, no gift to be vsed, no blessing to be enioyed, tending to the health of the body, or comfort of the soule without this duty of prayer and thankesgiuing to the Lord. Indeede euery creature of God in it seife is good, and eue­ry gift is holy: yet if we partake them without praysing the name of the giuer and creator, to vs they become vnholy, vncleane, and vnpure. Now, if this be needefull in vsing the common creatures and guiftes of God: much more is it necessary in receiuing these pledges and [...] of fee­ding our soules to eternall life. Beholde heere, the cause that moued Christ when he had taken the bread, to giue thanks to his father: wherin he sheweth what belongeth to the duty of the minister and of the communicantes, to wit, that we ought to lift vp our hearts to God, to praise him fo giuing his onely begotten Sonne to bee our redeemer, and humbly to pray vnto him that our vnworthynesse hin­der not the effectuall working of his Sacrametnes, but that through his goodnesse and mercy they may haue their full force in our heartes, for the pardoning of our sinnes, for the increase of his graces, for the confirming of our faith, for the quickning of our obedience, and for the preseruing of body and soule to eternall life. Thus wee blesse God when we praise him, and giue him the honour due vnto [Page 287] his name, We blesse the meates we eate, the drinkes we drinke, the thinges wee receiue, as Paule saith, 1 cori. x, 16 The cup of blessing which wee blesse: Hovv the signes in the Sacrament are blessed when prayer is made to God, that they may be healthfull to vs, and we thankefull for them.

Lastly, if in the Sacrament there bee a consecration and separation of the outward elementes to so holy an Vse. 4 end: it warneth vs to be carefull to vse and receiue We ought often to re­ceiue the lords supper. of­tentimes this Sacrament of the Lordes Supper. For heere are not bare signes, bare tokens, bare figures without fiuite and without grace: they are consecrated signes, and hallowed elements, effectually sealing vppe remission of sinnes. And what is more plaine then that which the A­postle teacheth, 1 Cor. 11. As 1 cor. xi, 25 often as ye shall eate of this bread, and drinke of this cup, ye shew the Lordes death till he come. Thus the Lord Iesus speaketh, Doe this, as oft as ye shall drinks it in remembrance of me. And haue we not many wor­thy and effectuall Reasons ré­dred to moue vs to frequét the Lo. table considerations, to moue such as pro­fesse the same doctrine, to resorte oftentimes to the same Table of the Lorde? It is the commaundement of Christ, so that we ought to make some conscience of this duty, as of other commaundementes prescribed vnto vs. It is a commaundement of God Exo. 20, 13 Thou shalt not steale. Few, but to make some conscience thereof, because it is Gods commaundement. So is this heere, often to come to the Lordes Table: yet what little account is made heereof all the yeare long, euery one seeth, and the faithfull soule agreeueth. The high God possessor Gene. 14, 12 of heauen and earth hath required and commaunded it: yet who regardeth? The Lorde hath spoken, and yet who obeyeth? If a father should command a duty of his son, or a maister of his seruant, he could not patiently endure to be disobeyed: Mal. 1, 6 and shal we not thinke that God will require his lawes at our hands? A­gaine, to his commaundement he hath annexed a promise, which maketh our sin and vnthankfulnes the greater, if we shew not our selues ready in yeelding to this duty. Besides, seeing this sacra, is a speciall prop to stay vp our faith, and [Page 288] geth with it Christ and all his merits and heauenly treasurs: we are vtter enemies to our owne selues, to our own souls, and to our owne saluation, if we neglect [...]o great mercy of­fe [...]e [...] vnto vs. Wherefore, it is not left free vnto vs, and committed to our discretion to receiue or not receiue this were no lawfull liberty, but vnlawfull lycentiousnesse. Heere in the faithfull find very great comfort, and an effe­ctuall meanes to strengthen their faith. Euen as the sicke man that feeleth his sickenes, and knoweth his own weak­nes, shoulde haue a speciall care to looke to his stomacke, that therby he may receiue norishment & gather strength: so we are all spiritually diseased, assaulted of Satan, temp­ted of the flesh, ouercome after [...]imes of sin, and must seeke strength of saith from this heauenly nourishment. God of his compassion hath set vp his Sacrament, as a signe vpon an high hill, whence it may be seene farre and neere on euery side, to raise vp such as are fallen, to strengthen such as stand, to comfort such as are weak, and to call vnto him such as run away from him, whereby hee gathereth them vnder his winges. It is as the brazen Sepent, Num. 21. 9 that com­ming vnto it with a faith to be healed, we might liue and not perish. It is a banner displayed, that euery Ch [...]stian souldi [...]r should resort vnto it as vnto his owne comfortable Supper, to be had in often vse and continuall remem­brance, to put vs in mind of his continuall mercy laid vp for vs in the blood of Christ, and to ratifie and seale vp the same farre more liuely, then the ba [...]e word onely. When the words of Christs institution are spoken, Math, 26. 26 28. This is my bo­dy which is broken for you: this is my blood which was shed for you: When these words I say, are reade vnto vs our of the scrip­tures, they confirme our faith: but much more when the Sacrament is seene with our eyes, that we behold the bred broken, and looke vpon the wine poured out: but most of all when we tast and handle, when we eate and drinke the outwarde signes. We see, when one maketh a bare pro­mise to another, with wordes onely betweene themselues, he beginneth to doubt (to whome the promise is made) of [Page 289] the performance thereof: if he adde an oath for confirma­tion, the promise is more assuredly ratified: but if he giue his hande writing, and seale it to the party, the matter is made out of doubt. Thus we doe reason and helpe our faith. We haue the promises of God, wee haue the oath of God, we haue the wordes and writinges of God, we haue the seales and Sacramentes of God, these are not reserued in the Lords keeping, but are put into our owne handes to see them, to keepe them, to vse them for our comfort and assurance. I speake after the manner of men, if wee haue a free promise from an honest man, penned fairely in wri­ting, ratified vnder his owne hand and seale, and all giuen vnto vs to locke and lay vp, we doubt not of the possessi­on.

Now, let vs consider the Lords doing, and see what hee hath done for vs: who is not as man, that Num, 23. 19 he shoulde lie, nor as the sonne of man that he should deceiue. God sent his sonne Gai. 4, 4 into the world to take our nature vpon him, to be like vs, Heb 4. 15 euen in his infirmities, hee named himselfe Math 1, 21 Iesus, that is, a Sauiour, because he shoulde saue his people from their sinnes: after his death he sent his Apostles to preach the glad tidings of remission of sinnes and euerlast­ing saluation: he ordained his last supper immediately be­fore his death to testifie and assure them vnto vs, not onely by sounding them in our eares, but by beholding, tasting, smelling, feeling, and feeding to seale them in our hearts, and also daily to be repeated and ministred vnto vs. Seeing then, we haue both his promises and oath, his worde and writings, his seales and Sacramentes in our keeping, what would we haue more? He would not make halfe so much adoin assuring his promises, if he loued vs not: he would not set such authentike seals to his deede and obligations, vnlesse he ment good earnest. His bare worde and naked promise is verie good paiment: but he respecteth our weakenes, whose mercifull kindnesse must not be neglect­ed through our vnthankefulnes. Thus much of consecrati­on, and the vses thereof.

Chap. 8. Of the first inward part of the Lords supper.

HItherto we haue spoken of the outward parts of this Sacrament, by doing whereof confirmation is per­formed: What are the inwarde partes of the Lo. Supper now follow the inward parts to be considered. For in Sa. we must consider not what they be of themselues, but what august. cont. maximin. li. 3. they signifie vnto vs, These inward partes are foure in number, to wit, the father, the spirit, the body & blood of christ, and the faithfull. All these haue a Sacra­mentall relation to the outwarde partes, and declare the inwarde truth of them. The actions of the minister, are notes of the actions of God the father: the word of institu­tion is made effectuall by the holy spirit: the breade and wine are signes and seales, representing the bodye and blood of Christ: the outward actions of euery receiuer, do note out the inwarde actions and spirituall workes of the faithfull. Thus then the agreement answeareth aptly, and the proportion falleth fully betweene the parts, The agree­mēt between the outward and inward partes As the Minister by the words of institution, offereth vnto the communicants the bread and wine to feed thereupon cor­porally and bodily: so GOD the Father, by the Spi­rit offereth and giueth the body and blood of CHRIST, to the faithfull receiuers to feede vppon them spiritu­ally.

Now then, let vs remember the sencible and externall actions of the Minister, that thereby we may consider the spirituall and inward actions of God the Father. And first of all, the taking of the bread and wine into his hands, and the consecrating or blessing of them by reapeating the promise, by [...], and thanksgiuings, doth seale vp these holie actions of God the father, by which he from all e­ternity euen before the foundation of the world, did sepe­rate, elect, ordaine, chuse, and call his son to performe the osfice of a mediator between god and man: and when the fulnes of time came did send him into the worlde, to per­forme [Page 291] that Osfice, whereunto he was appointed. This we see proued vnto vs in many places, as Iohn, 6. Labour not for the meat which [...], but for the meat that endureth vnto e­uerlasting life, which the sonne of man shall giue vnto you: for him Iohn 6, [...] hath God the father sealed, that is, hath installed him into his office, to reconcile men vnto God, and to bring them to euerlasting life. And Ch. Iesus gaue himself, that he might de­liuer vs from this present euill world, Galath. 1, 4 according to the will of God euen our father: so that whatsoeuer Christ did, he did it by the will and appoinment of his Father. According to the testimony of the Apostle, Heb, 5, Christ took not to himself [...] honor, to be made the high Priest, Hebru. 5, 5 but he that saide vnto him, [...] art my sonne, this day I begat thee, gaue it him. And as the father ordained him to that office, so in time he sent him, as the Euangelist [...]. Luke. 4, 18 The spirit of the L. is vpon me, because he hath annointed me, that I should preach the [...] to the poore, bind vp the broken hearted, preach liberty to the captiues, &c. So likewise 1 Iohn 4. Heerein is that loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, and Iohn 4, 10 sent his sonne to be are­conciliation for our sinnes. And Gal. 4, When the fulnesse of time was come, God sent [...] his sonne made of a [...], and made vn­der the lawe, that hee might redeeme them that are vnder the lawe. Thus we see the inwarde actions of God the Father, aunswearing to the outwarde actions of the Mini­ster.

Now, let vs come to the vses of this part. First of all, this sealing and sending of his sonne, serueth to confirme vse. [...] and assure vs of our saluation in Christ. For seeing GOD hath [...] and appointed him into this office, our faith cannot faile, our confidence cannot fall, our hope cannot make ashamd, Rom, 5, 5 seeing the loue of God is thus shed abroad in our harts through the Holyghost, Rom. [...], 16 who beareth Wit­nes with our spirit, that we are the children of God, and by whom we Eph. 4, 30 are sealed vnto the day [...] redemption. Againe, let vs seeke saluation no where else then in him alone, whome God the Father hath sealed, and set apart to that end. For euen as the body is norished by no other [Page 292] meates and drinkes then by such as Deut, 8, 3 Math 14, 4 God hath appointed to this purpose, Ezek, 4, 13 Lenit, 26, 26 as a staffe to sustaine vs: so is the soule fed by no other meanes then God hath before ordained. The cause of our saluation is in the loue of God toward vs, which is notably represented by the taking & blessing of the out­ward elements. He might haue left vs to our selues, to work out our own destruction: but his mercy is greater then his iustice.

Thirdly, by these outward actions of the minister, wee must seeke confirmation and strength of our faith, being as­sured vse. 3 that God the father tooke his sonne, and appointed him to these endes. We must not wander and gaze about, and thinke we haue nothing to do, but when we take and receiue the bread and the cup into our hands: we must in euery sacramentall rite consider the thinges signified, and ponder in our hearts the fitnesse and agreement betweene them both. So then, as we behold with our bodily eies the minister (representing the person of the father) taking, bles­sing, and separating the bread and wine to that bodily vse: so surely and certainely we must learne that God the father hath ordained and sent his only begotten sonne, Math. 17. 5 & 3. xvii in whom he is well pleased, to bee the meditator for the pardon of our sinnes. Hence we see the infinite loue of God toward vs: and let vs labor to comprehend Eph, 3. xvi: i xix. the length, bredth, height, and depth therof, that spared not Rom. 32. his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all vnto the death: hence we see, that exceeding compassion of the sonne, that loued his enemies more then himselfe, and accounted not his owne life pre­cious to himselfe: hence we see the gratious and glorious worke of our redemption, wherin the mercy and iustice of God Psal. 85, 10 meete together, and kisse each other, teaching vs to take sweete delight and comfort in the meditation thereof day and night withal thanksgiuing: hence wee haue assu­rance of saluation and consolation in all troubles and ten­tations: hence we see the greatnesse of our owne sinnes that could not be pardoned, but by the death of the son of God, and therefore we must hate them with an vnfained hatred [Page 293] as our greatest, most dangerous and deadly enemies: and lastly, hence wee see, that if God the father thus loued vs, we ought earnestly to loue him againe, and to serue him in all duties of holynesse and true righteousnes: neyther ought we to loue him onely, but for him all our brethren, as the Apostle reasoneth, 1 Iohn 4. xi Brethren, if God so loued vs, wee ought to loue one another.

Thus we haue shewed, how the taking of the bread by the minister, signifyeth the fathers appointing of his sonne: the ministers blessing, the fathers separating and setting a part his sonne to his office: the minsters deliuering of the bread, the fathers giuing of his sonne. If then wee drawe neere to the Lords table with faith, reuerence, and repen­tance, nothing can be more sure & certain to vs, then the ta­king & receiuing of Christ, for when we receiue the bred from the minister, we with all receiue the body of christ of­fered by the hand of God the father.

Lastly, the breaking of the breade, pouring out of the wine, and deliuering of them both into the handes of the vse. 4. communicants, [...] these actions of God, his chastising of his sonne, and breaking him with sorrowes vppon the crosse for our redemption, offering him vnto all, euen vn­to hypocrites, and giuing him truely to the faithfull with all the benefits of his passion. Indeed, the minister giueth the outwarde signes to all receiuers; but God giueth and applyeth onely to the faithfull, the shedding of Christes blood for their daily increase of their faith and repentance. But heere it may be obiected, that not a bone of him was Obiection broken. Exod. xii. 46 as it was figured by the passeouer, and perfor­med at his passion: the verifieng and accomplishment whereof we read Iohn, 19. 36. I answere, there is a dub­ble Answere breaking of Christ: one corporall, whereof the places before do speak: the other figuratiuely, wherby is vnder­stood, Esay. 53. 4. 5 he was tormented and euen torne with paines, as Esa. 53. He was wounded for our transgressions, and broken for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was vppon him, and with his stripes we are healed. Lo what is ment by the breaking of [Page 294] the bread, his soule was tormented, his spirit was crushed, his hands and feet were pierced, he sweat drops of Water and blood, and cryed out aloud vpon the crosse, Math. 27, 46 My God my god why hast thou for saken me. Wherefore let these rights be rightly marked and obserued of vs for our com­fort and consolation: Let vs, when we see the breade bro­ken and wine poured out, meditat on the passion of christ howe hee was wounded and torne for our transgressions. Although not a bone of his body was broken in pieces, yet he was broken with afflictions, brused with sorrowes, and tormented with bitter anguish of his soule, by whose stripes we are healed, by whose condemnation we are iu­stified, by whose agonies we are comforted, by whose death we are quickned. Whosoeuer resteth in the outward works done before his eies, neuer attaineth to the substāce of the sacrament. Thus much of the first inward part.

Chap. 9. Of the second inward part of the Lords supper.

THe second inward part is the The second inward part of the Lords supper, is the holy spirit. holy spirit, who assu­reth vs of the truth of Gods promises. As we haue in the word of truth, the forgiuenes of sins, increase of faith, groweth in sanctification, a great measure of dying to sin, and a greater care to liue in newnes of life, promised [...] vs: so doth the spirit worke these things Roma. 8, 15 Galat. 3, 2, 5 in the hearts of all the [...]. This appeareth in many places. Rom. 8. rehaue receiued the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba fa­ther: the same spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit, that we are the children of God. To one is giuen by the spirit, the word of wisdome, and to [...] the word of knowledge, by the same spirit: to another is giuen faith, by the same spirit: all these thinges woorketh one and the selfe same spirite, distributing to euery man seuerally, as hee will So then as wee are weake in faith and slowe to beleeue: so we haue the spirit giuen vnto vs to helpe our infirmities [Page 295] and to open our heartes to receiue the promises. This truth being cleared, the vses offer themselues to be consi­dered. vse. 1. And first of all, inasmuch as the spirite worketh these things in the harts of all the faithfull, from hence we gather, that such as neuer finde any chaunge or renewing of the mind, or reformation of life after the receiuing of the Sacramentes, may iustly suspect themselues, whether euer they had faith or not, and whether ever they repen­ted or not: and therefore ought to vse the means to come by faith and repentance. For, the worke of the spirit ac­companieth the outward worke in the elect of God, as al­so we see in the hearing of faith preached, hee must open the hart that is closed vppe, before wee can receiue with meekenes Iam. 1, 21 the worde that is grafted in vs which is able to saue our soules.

Indeed, euery person present may heare the wordes of institution, may see the Wine poured out, may eate of that bread and drinke of that cuppe, as they may also hear the sound of the voice that commeth vnto them: but the whole force, effect, and power resteth onely in the Spi­rite of GOD, sealinge vppe the truth and sub­stance of those things in the harts of all the children of God.

Againe seeing these thinges are done and performed by the working of the spirit: they are confuted and cōuinced, vse. 2 that thinke they cannot be made partakers of the bodye and blood of Christ, and be vnited to his flesh, vnlesse his body be shut vp vnder the accidentes of bread and shewes of wine, and so his flesh be giuen vnto vs carnally, that we may eate him with our mouthes, and conuey him into our stomackes. But we see heere, the Holy-ghost is the bonde of this vnion, hee worketh in vs faith, which pierceth the heauens, and layeth hold on Christ. It is saide of Abraham the Father of the faithfull, that Iohn 8, 56 he reioiced to see the day of Christ, he sawe it and was gladde. For as we cannot see him with our bodily eies, nor hear him with our bodily ears nor touch him with our bodily hands: no more can we tast [Page 296] or eat him with our bodily mouths. By the hand of faith, we reach and apply him: by the mouth of faith we receiue and eate him. Let vs beleeue in Christ, and we aug. tract. in Iohn 26. & 27 haue ea­ten Christ: let vs not prepare our teeth and our belly, but a liuely faith working by loue. Wherefore, albeit the hu­mane nature of Christ goe not out of the highest heauens: yet we that liue vpon the earth are partakers of his bodye contained in the heauens, and his flesh and blood are communicated to vs as truely and effectually, as if he were Obiection there on the present with vs. If any say, How can this bee? can that which is absent from vs, be present with vs? can Answer. heauen be in earth, or earth bee in heauen? He ere vnto I may moste iustlye aunsweare, although this bee a great mistery and marueilous in our eyes, yet we must confesse and consider, that the Holy-ghost is the author of this v­nion, and as it were the conduit-pipe of this coniunction, who by his diuine power ioyneth togither things that are seuered in place, and begetteth faith in vs, which is the instrumenr and hande, 1 Ioh. 17, 20 whereby we receiue and applye Christ with all his gifts vnto our selues, as Iohn. 17. Father, I pray thee for such as shall beleeue in mee, that they may be one, as thou O father art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in vs. He ereunto commeth the saying of Paule, Ephe, 3. Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith. Like wise Act, 13. Byhim euery one that beleeueth, is iustified, that is, absolued and discharged, And Iohn 3. so many as beleeue in him, shall not perish, but haue euerlasting life. Thus we see our fellowship with christ, is from the spirit, and by our [...]. The spirit is the princi­pall worker: faith is the meanes and the instrument. Nei­ther must this comunction seem vnto vs impossible, throgh the great distance and distinction of place. We see the sun daily with oureies, which though it be scituate in the hea­uens, and seperated from vs in place, communicateth his effect and power vnto vs, that dwell vppon the earth, neither doe we maruell thereat, and yet is the sunne but a Deut. 4, 193 creature subiect vnto vs, and distributed to all the people vnder the whole heauen to serue their vse. Shall not Christ [Page 297] then the sonne of righteousnesse make vs truely partakers of his flesh by the vnsearchable power of his spirit, and the supernaturall gift of a liuely faith, who can as easily ioyne together things farre off, as those that are nigh? Are not the faithfull, seuered in place, and scattered through the world, ioyned as neerely together as the members are, 1 Iohn r, 3 to become one body where of Christ is the head? As the Apostle teacheth, That which we haue seene & heard, declare we vnto you, that ye may also haue fellowship with vs, and that our fellow­ship also may be with the father & with his son Iesus Christ. We see this like wise lively laid out before vs in the estate of [...], though the husband and wife be sundred for a time and separated one farre from another, yet the band of ma­trimony doth so ioyne and vnite them, that the wife is one flesh with her [...], albeit he be a thousand miles distant from her: so is it betweene Christ and the faithfull, he loued the church and gaue himselfe for it, and they are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones, which coupling and combining together with Christ is wrought (as we haue shewed) by the spirit, principally, by faith in­strumentally, by both most effectually. We need not ther­fore any carnall and bodily presence of Christ to ioyne vs to him, seeing it is truely and certainely perfourmed by these meanes, whereby we grow to a perfect man in him. For, as the Sunne is more comfortable to the world by his refreshing beames and sweete influence being absent, then if his naturall body and compasle lay vpon the earth: so the flesh of christ being in the glory of his father, much more comforteth and refresheth our soules and bodies by his heauenly grace and spirituall influence, then [...] he were pre­sent fleshly before our eyes. And as the Sunne, not discen­ding from heauen nor leauing his place, is not withstanding present with vs in our chambers, in our houses, in our hands, and in our bosomes: so christ being in the highest heauens, not comming downe, nor forsaking his glorious habitati­on, yet Math. 28, 20 neuerthelesse is present with vs in our congrega­tions, in our heartes, in our praiers, in our meditations, [Page 398] and in the sacraments. But of this we shall haue occasion to speake more in the chapter following, and we haue alrea­dy spoken of it in the former bookes.

Chap. 10. Of the third inward part of the Lords Supper.

THe third inward part is The third inward part of the Lords supper, is the body and blood of [...]. the body and blood of christ, that is, the body of our Lord deliuered vnto death for vs, and his blood shed for the remission of sinnes, and con­sequently whole christ. This is the chiefest part of this sa­crament. For the bodie and blood of Christ are thus made and separated to be the liuelie meat of our soules, and haue that force and efficacy of [...] in our soules, which bread and wine haue in our bodies. This is the cause why Ioh. 6, 48. 50 Christ often calleth himselfe the bread of life, Ioh. 6. I am that bread of life: this is that bread of life vvhich commeth dovvn from heauen, that he vvhich eateth of it shold not dye; I am that liuing bread, if any man eate of this bread, he shall liue for e­uer. Thus euery receiuer is giuen to vnderstand, that as God doth blesse the bread and Wine in his Supper, to pre­serue, strengthen, and comfort the body of the receiuer: so Christ apprehended and receiued by faith doth nourish vs, and preserueth body and soule vnto eternall life. Hee died in the flesh, that he might quicken vs: and he poured out his blood, [...] hee might clense vs from our sinnes. Wherefore, How the sacramentall rites do serue to strengthē our faith. whensoeuer as the Lordes ghests we see the bread on the Lordes table, we must set our mindes on the body of Christ: when we behold the cup of the Lord, we must thinke vpon the blood of christ: when we looke vp­on the bread broken, and the Wine poured out, we must consider how the body of chirst was pierced, punished, crushed, crucified, torne, tormented, and his blood poured out for our sakes: when we feele, that by bread our bodies are nourished and strengthned, and by the wine our vitall spirits are comforted and refreshed, we beleeue that by the body of Christ deliuered to death for vs, we are fed to e­uerlasting life, and that by his blood poured out vpon the [Page 299] crosse, our consciences are sāctified, and we fele his quick­ning power, which doth confirme vs in our communion with him. Thus is this part of the supper spiritually to bee applyed: thus are the bread and wine made a sacrament to vs, and not bare signes: thus the memorall of christs death is repeated, whichalbeit it were once finished on the crosse, and now his passion is past long ago: yet to the faithfull in regard of the force, it is stil fresh and alwaies present. Now, it is not without cause and good consideration, that Christ would haue the bread first deliuered as a signe of his body, and then afterward the wine as a signe of his blood, seue­rally and apart administred, because his body and blood are not represented to vs, as his humanity now dwelleth glorious in the heauens, but as he was offered vp a sacrifice on the crosse, his blood being [...] out of his body. For to the end it may be nourishment to vs, it must be crucified. For, as corne of it selfe is not fit foode for vs, vnlesse it bee threshed, winnowed, ground and baked for vs: so is it tou­ching christ, he must suffer, be crucified, and dy, that we may liue by him, and raigne with him.

This is the truth which in this point is to be considered. Vse. 1 Now let vs lay open the vses which of vs are to be learned. Is christ the inward part of the Lordes Supper represented by the bread and wine, offered to all, but rcceiued onely of such as are faithfull: then his body is not inclosed in the bread or in the accidents ofbread, nor his blood included in the wine or vnder the shewes of wine: Against the real presence he is not perso­nally, locally, carnally, corporally, naturally, really, sub­stantially, and sensually present in the Sacrament. The question is not, The true state of the question set downe. whether the wordes of christ be true, for they are knowne, confessed, and beleeued, so that as he is the truth, so all his wordes are wordes of truth: neither is the question, whether the Sacrament bee a bare signe or bare figure, we say Christ is truely represented, sealed, and exhibited: neither is the question whether God'bo omni­potent and almighty, this is a part of our faith and an Ar­ticle of christian beleefe: neither is the question simplye [Page 300] of the presence of Christ, whether he be truely and vndoub­tedly present in the Sacrament of his last supper, we ac­knowledge and receiue as much. But the whole question is of the meaning and vnderstanding of the words of instituti­on, and of the manner of his presence. Wee confesse and teach the people committed vnto vs, that confess. Gal lic. art. 37. confel. An­glic. art. 12 Cal instit lib 4. cap. 17 christs body and blood are truely, verilie, and indeede giuen vnto vs, that we truely eat and drinke them, that we are releeued and liue by them, that we are made bone of his bone, that Christ dwelleth in vs, and we in him: yet we say not, that the sub­stance of bread and wine is abolished, or that christs bodie discendeth from heauen, or is groslie and corporally present in the sacrament: we are taught to lift vp out hearts to hea­uen, Col. 3, 1, 2, 3 where christ sitteth at the right hand of God the fa­ther, and there to feede vpon him. But he ere is the state of the question and controuersie betweene vs. The church of Rome teacheth, that after conc. Trid. [...] 13, cap. 1 the wordes of consecration the bread and wine are abolished, and the body and blood of christ come in place, so that they make them corporally [...], not onely in the sacrament to bee eaten with the mouth but in the pixe, in the Masse, and in their solemne processions where is neither eating nor drinking. Yet Be­rengarius in his recantation was taught to saie, and forced to subscribe, that De con dist 2 ego Bereng Christ is in the sacrament sensible (or sensual­ly) is touched with the singers, diuided, broken, & rent with the teeth, and not onely the accidents. More ouer, they make it to be eaten, not onely of euill men, but of beasts, and to fill vp the measure of blasphemy, to be cast out into the draught, as some of them haue taught and affirmed. Thus then the difference standeth betweene vs, they hold that christs body and blood are carnally eaten of wicked men without faith, of brute Beastes without reason: but wee denye, that CHRIST: is thus present in the Sacrament, for his body cannot bee vnder so little a quantity of bread and Wine: besides it is impietie to [...] that the person of CHRIST or his bodye and bloode can bee truelie receiued of Dogges, [...], and Mise, [Page 301] be chewed with the teeth, swallowed downe the throat, digested in the stomacke, and be cast out into vncleane places. This we deny, this we doe not beleeue, this wee abhorre and detest from the bottom of our hearts. What is it then we teach and professe? We deny that the body and blood of Christ are carnally contained vnder the shews and shadowes of bread and wine: we deny them to be eaten and drunken ofwicked men or vnreasonable creatures: we deny that they are truely and properly both in heauen and on the earth, in pixes, and on the [...]. These are aug. tract. 25 in Iohan meate for the mind, not for the mouth: for faith, not for the teeth: for our beleefe, not for the belly.

This carnall eating of Christ is Sundry reasons rendred to [...] the real presence confuted and conuin­ced by many reasons. First, Christ sate downe at the Ta­ble and the Disciples with him, afterward he tooke bread, gaue thankes, brake it, gaue it, and said. This is my body: likewise he tooke and gaue the cup, and sayd, Drinke ye all of this: whereby we see, when the Apostles receiued Luk. 22, 19 the Sacrament, Christ sate at the table with his true body: but the body which they tooke, sate not at the table, therefore they tooke the signe of his body. Likewise, the blood which they receiued was not in the body which sate at the table, therefore it vvas not properly Christes blood, vvhich was not as yet really and actually shed. The same body could not sit at the table, & not sit at the table: the same body could not be in their handes, and out of their handes: the blood of Christ could not be out of his veines in the cup, and in his vines within his body: hee could not sit visible at the table, and bee inuisible in the mouthes and bellies of the [...]. Wherefore the reall presence bringeth with it real contradictions which cannot stand together.

Secondly, the end of the Lords supper is, to call his death to a continuall remembrance, as Luk. 22. Do this in Luk. 22, 19 re­membrance of me: and the Apostle, 1 Cor. 11. Ye shew the Lords death vntill he come. Now to what end should we neede the remembrance of Christ, if he were corporally present in [Page 302] the sacrament, if he were taken in the hands, if he were hol­den in the mouth, if he were eaten with the [...]? And to to what purpose should we shevv the Lordes death till he come, if he come [...] and be present bodily in the sacra­ment. Besides, the wisest a nong the Phylosophers teach vs that arist lib de memoria. sence is of thinges present, but remembrance is of such thinges as are absent: as hope is of such thinges as are to come, not seene, Rom. 8, 24 and this the Apostle teach­eth.

Thirdly, Christ receiued a true body withall the natu­rall properties of an [...] body, like to vs in all thinges sinne Heb. 4, 15 onely exc pted, and is therefore called the sonne of [...], the sonne of [...], the sonne of man, our bro­ther partaker of flesh and blood, hee is said to haue taken vpon him the seede of Abraham, and not the Angels na­ture Luk. 24, 39 to be visible Luk. 24, 39, Behold my hands and my feete for it is I my selfe, [...] me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me haue. For if he may be in many places to­gether, in some place visible, and in some inuisible: in some to be handled, in others nor to be handled, hee can haue no true body of a true man. And if this were not a strong reason, It is not felt and seene, therefore no hu­maine body: the Disciples might haue answered vnto Christ, why doest thou bid vs behold thy hands, and see thy feete, and handle thy body, and thereby to try thy humani­ty, seeing thou hast a body which cannot be seene, touched, or handled?

Fourthly, christ hath left the earth with his bodily pre­sence, and is [...] vp into he [...], farre aboue all prin­cipalities and powers, and is sit do vne act. 1, 9, & 3 22 on the right hand of his father, as Act. 1. While they beheld, he was taken vp. And Mar. 16. After the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued in­to heauen, and sate at the right hand of God. So Act. 3. Whom the heauens must containe, vntil the time that all things are restored. Likewise Phil. 3. Our conuersation is in heauen from a hence we looke for a sauior. And again, Luk, 24. [...] he blessed them, he departed from them, and was carried vp into heauen. So Ioh. 12. [Page 303] The poor alwaies ye haue with you, but me ye shall not haue alwais. I am come out from the father, and came into the world: againe I leaue the vvorld and goe to my father. If these thinges be true, that Christ is Catechism. Trident. in exposit. Sim­bo. apostol. departed from vs, if he be no longer among vs, if he be taken vp into heauen, if he must be contained there vntill the restoring of all thinges, if we must looke for a sauiour from heauen to change our vile bodies, if hee be carryed vp to his father and haue left the world: then he is not now present with vs, his body is not in euery altar, he doth not lurke and lie vnder the shewes of bread and wine. For, to be departed from vs, and not to be departed from vs; to be contained in heauen, and not to be contained in heauen; to leaue the world, and yet to remaine in the world; to sit at the right hand of God, and to lie hid vnder euery al­tar, cannot stand together any more, then to be a man and no man, to be christ and not christ, to be a sauiour and no sauiour, to be God and not God.

Fiftly, christ reproueth the caparnaits, because they thought his body was to be eaten infleshly manner with the mouth of the body, and shold descend into the stomck, which is the way that all other meates do passe: when they heard him preach of eating his flesh and drinking his blood, they saide, Ioh, 6 60, 63 This is an heard saying, who can heare it? They murmured and departed from him, because they thought they must eate him with the mouth and teeth, chew him, and swallow him vp. But christ expoundeth himselfe, and declareth that [...] ment not carnally, but spiritually. It is the spirit that quickneth, the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speake vnto you are spirit and life, that is, the flesh of Christ thus eaten, thus chewed, thus digested bodily, car­nally, and grosly, cannot profit: but truely and spiritually taken it is meat indeede.

Now, to shew What it is to eate the body of christ spiritu­ally. what it is to eate spiritually, and to pull off the garment of this similitude that the truth may more plainely appeare, by spirituall eating we doe not vn­derstand, that which is fained, standing in a conceit, opini­on, or imagination; neither that the body & blood of christ [Page 304] are turned into a spirit, but we meane by spirituall eating sucha communion & participation of christ, as is wrought by the powerfull working of the Holi-ghoast, inasmuch also as it is attained by faith onelie, and pertaineth to a spi­rituall and eternall life. And howsoeuer the benefit of this coniunction reach vnto the body, which thereby is morti­fied, and sanctified, and afterward shall be glorified: yet this fruition of christ is not called corporall but spirituall, because this food doth not pertaine to the maintaining of this present life, but it is referred to the life which is eter­nall. Now, this [...] euerlasting is called spirituall, [...] the bodies themselues shall bee partakers thereof, which therefore 1 cor. xv, 44 by the Apostle are called spirituall bodies. Thus then standeth the comparison, as there is a present life that is bodily, Sadeel. de spirit. mand. cap. 1. so there is another life to be thought vpon which is spirituall and eternall: as we are borne to this present life, so are we borne againe to life eternall: as this bodily life is sustained by bodily meat and drinke, so Christ with al his merits and mercies is the food of the spi­rituall life: Comparisō between the bodily & spiritual eating. as the bodye hath his mouth, whereby the meat and drinke is receiued, and so passeth into the bodye by bodily feeding: so the soule hath her mouth, namely, faith which apprehendeth the most holy nourishment of the body and blood of christ: and lastly as the meat by a naturall force is concocted and digested, that it may passe and disperse it self into the whole body, so the efficacy of the spirit beginning faith in vs, doeth so powerfully and mightily worke in our soules, that it quickneth vs throgh christ, to whom we are nearely vnited. Thus we see, wee haue no carnall communion with christ, nor bodily eating of christ. Wherefore, let the capernaiticall papists, or popi­pish [...], prepare their faith, not their teeth, their Soules, not their bellie;, to eat the flesh of christ, and drink his blood. And if they be ashamed of the name of the Ca­pernaites, let them also be ashamed of the error of the ca­pernaits: but if they cleane to their errour, they must bee content to borrowe their name, for the name and opinion must go together.

[Page 305] Sixtly, Christ exhorteth the people to beware of false Prophets, that come in Sheepes cloathes, Matth. 7, xv but indeede haue Wolues harts, saying, If any shall say vnto you, Lo, hoere is Christ, or there, Matt. 24, 23 beleeue it not: behold he is in the [...], go not forth: behold he is in the secret places, beleeue it not. And the A­postle Paule exhorteth, Col, 3, To seeke those things that are aboue, where christ sitteth at the right hand of God. But if Christ lurke and ly hid vnder the accidents of breade and Wine, then we might beleeue such as say, Loe, heere is Christ, there is Christ, he might be pointed out with the finger on euery altar, and so often as the Priest lifteth vp his idoll, he might say to the people, behold heere is Christ whom we haue newly made, looke vpon him whom we haue newly fashioned.

Seuenthly, the fathers vnder the lawe, did eat the same spirituall meate and drinke the same spirituall drinke that the 1 cor. x, 1, [...] [...] and other Christians did, though they had differing signes, they had the same christ. But they did not eate the flesh of Christ and drinke his bloode bodily, for as yet he was not come in the flesh, therefore he is not present in his naturall body in our Sacramentes. This Paule setteth downe 1 cor. 10. They did all eat the same spirituall meat, they did all drinke the same spiritual drinke: for they dranke of that spiritual rocke that followed them, and that rocke was christ. Where the Apostles [...] is to proue, Aug. tom. 6 tract. in Ioh. 26. & in psal. 77 Gratian can. inquit. 80. that the Israelites were not inferiour to the Corinthians, in respect of the Sacramentes of Gods fauour, and therefore had no more to boast of, then the Israelites had: whereuppon he satith, they had the same drinke, the same Christ. Now if they did not eat the same in substance which the corinthi­ans did eate, then the Israelites were farre inferior to them touching their Sacramentes, and so the Apostles reason should be of no force.

Eightly, Christ is in such sort in heauen in his humanity, as that he is not on the earth Math. 9, 15 Iohn 13, & a with his bodie, and conse­quently not in the Sactament, as we see, Math. 9. Can the children of the bride-chamber mourne, as long as the bride-groome [Page 306] is with them? but the daies will come, when the bridegroome shall be taken from them, and then they shal fast. But if he were remain­ning on the earth and contained in the pixe, the bride­groome could not, nor would not be taken away And the same Euangehst, chap. 26. saith. Ye haue the poore alwaies with you, but me ye shal not haue alwaies. Like wise Iohn, 13. When Ie­sus knew that hie houre was come, that he should depart out of this world vnto the father, heeriseth from supper, and chap. 14. I goe to prepare a place for you, but I wil come againe: if I go away to pre­pare a place for you, I will receiue you vnto my selfe, that where I am, there may ye be also: and verse. 28 ye haue heard how I said vnto you, I go awaie and will come vnto you. And chap. 17. Now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Againe act, 1. ye men of Galile, why stand re gazing into hea­uen? this Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen, shal so come Acts, 1 xi as ye haue seene him go into heauen. If then, Christ according to his humane nature be not on earth, how can his [...] body be on euerie altar? how can they eat him with their [...]? how can they swallow him downe their throat?

Ninthlie, such an eating and [...] of the bodie and blood of christ must be holden as is profitable and com­fortable to the receiuers: for nothing is more [...] and fruitfull then these, being rightlie receiued, Matt. [...], 26 [...] thereby remission of sinnes assured, and eternall glory sea­led vp vnto vs. But no fruite to our faith can come vnto vs by this kind of bodilie eating the bodie, carnall drinking the blood of christ: for wicked men haue as great a porti­on in this as the godly. Nay, by their owne doctrin, it may be eaten of birds, of beasts, of Mice, of Dogs, of hogs, of vermine: to whom no profit, no comfort, no benefit can come: whereas God woulde haue the flesh Iohn 6, 50 of the sonne of man to be eaten of those, to whom it shalbe auailable to life and saluation, I am the liuing bread, which came downe from heauen, if any man eat of this bread, he shall liue for euer: and the bread that I will giue is my flesh, which I wil giue for the life of the world. Tenthly nothing can be more grosse, barbarous, or inhumane, then to deuour mans flesh, and to drinke mans [Page 307] blood. What doth more transforme men into sauage and [...] beasts? Nay worse then beastes, which deuour not their owne kind? what is more contrarie to the purenes & holines of Gods law Psalm. 12, 6 & 19, 9 then this? The words of the Lord are pure words, as the siluer tryed in a furnace of earth fined seuen fold. The feare of the Lord is clean: the law of God is spirituall, holy, iust, and good. And the gospell bringeth saluation to all degrees, and teacheth vs, that we should deny all vngodlines, and worldly Iustes, and that we should liue soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. But what can be more repugnant to godlines, sobernes, and righteousnes, then to teare wirh the teeth Cyril. [...], xi. and iawes mans flesh, and to drink his blood, from which the Capernaits abhorred? what more crosseth the Religion of Christ, the law of god, and the light of nature, then mā to deuour man and the bowels of one to be in the bowels of another? And are not their stomackes strong to digest this meat? did not god in the law command Leuit. 17, [...] to abstain frō eating the blood of beasts and from strangled? did not the Apostles for a time renue it acts 15, [...] amōg the christiās, in respect of the weaknes of the Iews, because Moses was read in their sinagogue euer saboth day? to what [...] should this be done, if the church had tasted the blood of ch. with their mouth, or swallowed his body in their bellies? And do not the Scy­thians and al the gentiles that are not vtterly voide of [...], abstain from mans blood, and [...] deuouring his flesh? wherefore, these men are worse Hom. Odis. lib x Virg. aeneid. lib. 3 Plin. nat. hist lib. y, cap [...] then the Scithians, bar­bariās, and Gentiles, yea worse then the Canibals & Indies that eat their enimies. but these deuour ch. whom they cal their L. and maist, like Actcons houndes (to compare one fable with another) onely heer ly the differences, they deuourd their Lord vnder the shape of a stag or Hart, they eat their Ouid Met. lib. 3. maist, vnder the formes of bread and wine: these fastned their mouth, vpon their maister because they thoght him absent and not present vnder that shape, they openly con­fesse their maister to be present, and yet [...] professe to deuour him with their iawes, and swallow him in their stomacks, wherefore, these men are more cruell.

[Page 308] Eleuenthly, if Christ be present in the Sacramant bodily and carnally: in what body shall he be present? Whether in his glorified body as he is in the heauens, or in his mor­tall body as he was vpon the earth? In one of these he must be present necessarily, if he be present fleshly. Whatsoe­uer they answer, they are taken onboth hands, & are stroken downe as with a sword that hath two edges. Dare they saie he is thus present in his mortall bodie? This cannot be. For it is certaine, he hath not now a mortall bodie, but a glorified bodie: this corruptible hath put on in corruption, 1 cor. xv, 54 this mortall hath put on immortality, and death is swal­lowed vp in victory. This the Rom. 6, 9, x Apostle confirmeth, this the Scripture teacheth, this Christian faith beleeueh. Christ being raised from the dead, dieth no more: death hath no more dominion ouer him: For in that he dyed, he dyed once to sinne, but in that he liueth, he liueth to God Like wise Heb. 7. 25 This man because he endureth euer, hath a priesthood which cannot passe from one to another, seeing he euer hueth to make intercessi­on for them. And chapter 9. of the same Epistle, he is en­tred into heauen, not that he should offer himselfe often, but he was once offered to take away the sins of many. These testimonies du­ly considered, he cannot be present in a mortal body. What then, will they be helped, to say he is present in his glorifi­ed body? Then, he cannot nowe be present in the sacra­ment of the supper, as he was present to the Apostles, sit­ting at the table with them, and preaching vnto them of his death: he cannot be present in the same body that he did deliuer to his Disciples in the institution of his last supper. For the body of Christ was then mortall and not glorified, then he had not suffered death vpon the Crosle, he was not risen and ascended into the heauens, to sit at the right hand of his father: so that they must seeke another place then these wordes of Christ, Math. 26, 26 This is my body, this is my blood, to build their reall presence and transubstantiation, for they pointed out his mortall body, because his body was not yet glorified, when the sacrament was instituted. Besides, what a uniserable glorified body should this be, to be subiect to [Page 309] the pleasure of euery priest, to come at his call, to stay till he commandeth, nay to suffer himselfe to be torne with the teeth of euery receiuer? Wherefore, the presence of his glorified body, cannot be grounded vpon these words of Christ touching the Sacrament, This is my body. Neither let them say as Campion, that boasting champion like an o­ther Goliah, 1 Sam, 17, x challenging the hoaste of God, sometimes said in the Tower-conference, that this is a fallation, conference day 3. in­asmuch as his glorification [...] it not a diuerse bodye, and that a man whole, and a man sicke, at sundry times make not a seuerall man. This lesuitical denise hath no co­lour of reason, but a tricke of euasion. For we speak not of the difference betweene Christs glorified and mortall bo­dy, but of the meaning of the wordes this is my body: whether Christ vnderstand his naturall and mortall bodie wherein shortly he was to be glorified, or whether he vn­derstand it of his body glorified? Either it must bee vnder­stood of the one, or of the other, or of both: or rather in­deed of neither, except they wil haue the words taken and spoken one way to the Disciples, and another way to vs. Thus, the meaning of them when they were first vttered, shoulde be, This is my mortall body: but nowe spoken to vs, taken in another sence of vs to the end of the worlde, This is my glorified body. So then, the same words spoken to the Disciples should be false as we are to vnderstand them: and the disciples shoulde be deceiued, vnderstanding them as we do take them. What is this, but to bring vs back againe to the reproachfull comparisons and blasphemous asserti­ons Pighi. Hie­rar. li, 3. cap. 3 censur, colon dial. 4 p2, 112 Cusan, epist. 2. & 7. of sundry Popish writers, to compare the scripturs to a nose of wax, and a rule of lead, that they may be expoun­ded diuersely, and framed to times, so as at one time they may be vnderstood one way, & at another time they may be interpreted another way. These things before being du­ly considred, we may safely conclude, that christ is not pre­sent in his naturall body.

Lastly, the presence of christ in his naturall body, abo­lisheth the light of reason, and confoundeth the nature of [Page 310] thinges. For what is more repugnant to reason, then for a man to bear himselfe in his own hands? that a man should [...] vp himselfe? that another shoulde eate him, yet he re­maine vntouched, vntasted, and vncorrupted? that one and the same man should be visible and inuisible, present & absent, in the teeth of the disciples, and at the table with the Disciples, bee a man of stature, and yet bee contained and comprehended in a little Cake and Cantle of bread?

Now, as by these reasons and sundry other that might be alledged, the reall presence is sufficiently convinced: so the arguments brought to maintaine and vphold it, are ea­sily Obiections alledged to maintain the real presence are answered answeared. For as the doctrine is false: so the reasons are weake and foolish. First they obiect the wordes of insti­tution, for the defence of this cause. For as in the questions of the supremacy, of Peters pretended, of the Popes vsur­ped (which are many) they alwaies alledge the wordes of Christs to Peter, Pasce oues meas, Bellar, to­mo. primo. feede by sheepe: so doe they deale in controuersies of the Supper, where we misse not long Hoc est [...] meum, This is my body. His wordes Obiection 1 (say they) are true, therefore we must beleeue them: hee is a man of his worde, therefore wee must credit him: if then we be deceiued holding his body to be present, hee hath deceiued vs. I answere, the question is not of the truth Answer. of the wordes whether they be true or false, but of the in­terpretation and meaning thereof, which we say is figura­tiue, and yet no other then is vsuall when the Scripture speaketh of other Sacraments to the church, [...], 17, 11 as circumci­sion is the couenant: the lambe is the passeouer: the cup is the new testament; the breaking of the bread is the com­munion of the body of Christ: the rocke is Christ: bap­tisme is the washing of our new-birth. Are not all these places like to the words of Christs institution? or can they deny them to be vnderstood [...] and not proper­ly? so the meaning of those words is, that the bread which he had taken, broken, and giuen, is a sign and figure of his body: it is now no longer common bread, but are presen­tation [Page 311] of his body truely offered to all, and truely giuen to all the faithfull. Our Sauiour Christ spake many thinges to his disciples figura [...]ively, not litterally to be taken: he said, Math. 5, 13 they were the salt of the earth, the light of the world, a Citty set on a hill: he speaketh of cutting off the hand and pulling out the eye: he calleth himselfe Iohn x, 9 a door, Iohn 15, 1 a vine, Iohn 14. 6 a way: are not these figuratiue and metaphorical speeches? Againe, the circumstaunces of the text, the nature of a Sacrament, and the Articles of our faith, will not suffer vs to take them properly: besides this, that they shoulde commaund vs an horrible and Wicked thing, to eat mans flesh and drinke his blood.

Moreouer, the Euangelists neuer say, the bread is transub­stantiated into his body, or the wine into his blood, or that the body and blood of Christ are in the bread, or vnder the bread, or with the bread: all the circumstances teach, that the breade is a Sacrament of his body, the Wine is a Sa­crament of his blood, as circumcision was a signe of the Couenaunt, the Lambe a signe of the Passeouer, the rocke a figure of Christ.

Lastly, as Christ speaketh to the euill seruant, L [...]k xix, 22 Out of thine own mouth will I iudge thee: so the aduersaries themselus giue sentence on our side, and one arch-papist condemneth another. Bishop Fisher writing against Luther affirmeth, that Iohn 15, 1 no man can proue by the wordes of the Gospell, that a­ny priest in these daies doth consecrate the verie bodie and blood of Christ, and therefore Fish, cont. capti. Babilō Lindanus, among the rable­ment of Traditions which he reckoneth, rehearseth the re­al presence. Likewise, Tonstall another Byshop of the same birth holdeth, that it wer Lindan. pa­nopl. lib, 4. better to leaue euery man to his owne coniecture, as they were before the counsell of La­teran, then to bring in such questions. And Biel a man of the same stampe, not inferiour to the rest, Tonst lib 1 de Sacr p. 46. confesseth that it is not found in the canonical scripturs, that christs body is in the Sacrament. And let them tell vs their opinion, whe­ther that hildebrand helde this bodily presence, Gab Biel. in [...]. [...] when hee cast the Sacrament into the fire, contrary to the liking of [Page 312] certaine cardinals present with him? Thus we see, coun­sels, sathers, reasons, doctors, schoolemen, Byshops, car­dinals, Popes, and others of the aduersaries themselus fight against the [...] prefence of Christ: and the Scriptures themselue ouerthrow it.

Secondly, they obiect the words of Christ, Except ye eat Iohn 6, 53 the flesh of the sonne of man, and drinke his blood, ye haue no life in Obiection you. I answere, these words are not vnderstood of the Sa­crament, they were vttered long before the institution of Answere the Supper, and therefore coulde not be referred vnto that which as yet was not: so that Christ speaketh of spirituall eating, not of carnall: by faith, not by the mouth, whereby wee abide in him and he in vs: but many eate the Sacra­ment of his bodie that haue not him abiding in them, not themselues in him. Againe, without this eating of his [...] heere spoken of, Ioh. 6, 54 no man can attain eternal life: but ma­nie haue eternall life, that neuer are partakers of the Lords Supper. Besides, how absurd is it for those to imagine that Christ naming bread, speaketh of the Sacrament of the al­tar? for they would haue no [...] of bread to remain, but one lie the figure, shew, and likenesse of bread: so that according to the deuise of their new-found doctrine, hee might more [...] say, I am no breude, or, I am the sher es of bread, then as he doth, Iohn 6, 32 I am the true bread. Moreouer, it christ promising to giue bread for the redemption of the world, had pointed out the Sacrament of his Supper: then he shuld haue giuen his flesh for the saluation of mankind, not vpon the crosse, but in his last Supper. Wherefore then serued his death? What neede was there to shed his blood on the crosse?

Furthermore, if these words be referd to his Supper, then the svpper maie bee celebrated without materiall breade and Wine without giuing of thankes, without blessinge, without consecration, without breaking and distributing of the bread, without pouring our, and deliuering of the wine, and without remembrance of the death of christ. For in this place we haue no mention of these things. And shal [Page 313] we imagine that the sacrament is spoken off, where neither the matter, nor forme, nor word of institution, nor minister, nor externall rite is once remembred? Lastly, to eate the flesh of Christ and to drinke his bloode, is nothing else but to come to Christ, and to beleeue in Christ, as appea­reth in the text, Ioh 6. 35. 44 I am that bread of life, he that commeth to me shall not hunger, and he that beleeueth, in me shall ne­uer thirst. And speaking of faith hee faith. No man can come to me, except the father which hath sent me draw him. This his truth Biel. sect 84 super cā. niis, is so cleere and euident that manye of the aduersaries are driuen to confesse it, howsoeuer som of thē seeke to cast mistes before the eies of men, that they may not espy it, among the which are Sanders and Bellarmine. And as we haue shewed before, how the Schoolemen and Doctors of the church of Rome are together by the eares in sundry controuersies about the supper: so are they about the true interpretation of Ioh. 6. some vnderstanding it of the sacramentall eating, some of the spirituall eating, Hos, conses de Euchar, and some of both.

Thirdly, they obiect the omnipotency, of God: that he is able to turne the bread into the body, and the Wine into his blood: he is able to make it really present in heauen and earth, and wheresoeuer Masse is said: he is able to make a body to be in many places at once, and yet not occupy a place. I answer, when all other reasons faile, they flye to gods omnipotency as vnto a sanctuary and place of refuge. But this will not proue a reall presence. For albeit God be omnipotent and almighty: must he therefore do al things, yea offer violence to his owne body, to maintaine their ab­surd and hereticall opinions of the reall presence and of transubstantiation? Must his power attend vpon their fan­sies and dreames? Cannot he be omnipotent, except their positions and assertions be graunted? There is no feare of Gods power, albeit we withstand their carnall presence. For touching the omnipotency of god, Two rules to be obser­ued concer­ning Gods omnipotēcy. we must obserue these two rules and conclusions. First, gods power is neuer to be opposed and set against his expresse wil, plainly and certain­ly [Page 314] known: for God is not contrary to himselfe. Now then, it is not enough to proue that God can turne bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, vnlesse they proue he will turne them into his flesh and blood. We our selues can do many things, which we do not, and which we will not do: so we must know, it is with God, he could haue ad­ded winges to man, he might haue made many worlds, if it had pleased him. Christ of Math. 3, 9 the stones could haue ray­sed vp children vnto Abraham. Christ covld haue praied to his father in his afliction, to send him Math. 26, 53 more then 12. legi­ons of angels, but how then should the scriptures be fulfil­led? Wherefore, we are not to reason of his power, vnlesse wee bee assured of his wil reueiled in his word, as we see Christ [...] against the Saduces saith, Ye are deceiued, not Matt. 22, 29 knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. Where we see, he ioyneth the scriptures and the power of God together: so [...] he is truely said to be omnipotent, Aug. de tē ­po. serin. 119 because he can bring to passe whatsoeuer he will: neither can the effect of his will be hindered or resisted. Now, it is the knowne will of God, that christ should haue a true body, that he might be a true man with his quantity and dimensions. The second rule to be remembred, is, No contra­diction is in God. that in God there is no contradiction: & that whatsoere necessarily implieth a contradiction, is an argument not of power, but of weakenesse. This the scrip­ture; decree, this the fathers deliuer, this their own school­men determine. For, 2 cor. 1, 19 in God is not yea and nay: he abid­eth faithful, he cannot deny himselfe: he cannot dye, hee cannot lie, he cannot deny his word, he cannot sin, he can­not deceiue, he cannot be deceiued. These and such like [...] cannot do: which if he should doe, he were not omnipo­tent. For this Aug. de trincap 15, lib. 15 Confes lib. 12 cap. xv were a token of impotency, not of omnipo­tency: of debility, not of ability: of want and weakenesse, not of strength and power. For, in euery contradiction Arist. de in­terp. li. 1, ca. 5 there is falsehood and a lie which cannot agree to God, who is truth it selfe, and therfore hee cannot make affirma­tion and negation, truth and falsehood, yea and nay to be true together, which things are imposible. Yea the popish [Page 315] schoolmen Thom. contra gent. lib. [...] cap 84. & 1. 2 cap 25 confute this popish fansie of the real presence, when they teach that God cannot doe any thing wherein a contradiction is implyed, and that all other things he can do, and therefore is omnipotent. Now, who seeth not, that herein is a manifest and notable contradiction, that christs body is made visible and inuisible together; finite and in­finite; circumscribed and vncircumscribed; to haue di­mension and to want dimension; to be compassed in one certaine place and to be in a great number of Sacramentes in many places; to be included in a little bread on earth, which is contrary to that nature of a mans true body, & not to be contained therin; as [...] in heauen, and there hauing the naturall properties of a true body, which cannot [...] brought within so narrow a compasse as the wafer cake. Wherfore, the absurd conceit of the reall presence cannot be maintained without many contradictions. For, if christs body be visible, how can it be inuisible? If it haue al the properties of a naturalbody, how can it be without the proper­ties of a natural body? If it be finite how can it be infinite? Lastly, if it be an inseparable & necessary adioynt to a true body to be contained in one certaine place: how then can it be true, that his body is in ten thousand places without any circumscription? So then, Gods omnipotency cannot build vp the monstrous worke of the reall presence: inas­much as the body of Christ cannot be brought within the slender compasse of a mathematicall cake, without false­hood and destruction of all the properties incident vnto a true and naturall body.

Lastly, as an esfect of Gods omnipotent power, they obiect, the bread and Wine are turned into the flesh and Obiect bloode of Christ (appearing bread and Wine still) by a wonderfull Myracle which is wrought by the wordes of consecration and by a mighty worke of God. This obiecti­on hath beene sufficiently answered already. Answer.

Wee haue proued, that euerye Myracle may bee seene and discerned by the outward sence, as the Myra­cles [Page 316] of Moses, of the prophets, of Christ, and the Apostles: and therefore the Iewes said vnto Christ, Iohn 2. xviii Shew vs a miracle, teaching that miracles are to be iudged by sight and sense. When Moses turned Exo 4, 5 &c. the Waters of the Egyptians into blood, the sight perceiued, the tast discerned it. The My­racles Iohn 2: 9 of Christ appeare euidently, and were apprehen­ded by the senses of the body. Hee turned water into Wine: the tast iudged there of: the dombe spake, the eare heard them speake. The Lame walked, the deade were raised: the eies perceiued the motion, all [...], and were astonied. In like manner, if the bread and Wine were chaunged, eyther the eye or tast should perceiue it, and all the Disciples would be astonied.

Againe, after the Gospell was plentifully confirmed and had taken roote, and the Apostles were dead, such Myra­cles ceased, as experience teacheth. Besides, the holy sup­per is an ordinary Sacrament of the Church: but euery mi­racle is extraordinary, or else it is no Myracle: so that vn­lesse we will turne ordinary into extraordinary, and make miracles as common as Sacramentes, No miracle in the lordes Supper we must remoue miracles from the supper. Furthermore, if the real presence were wrought by a miracle, euery priest should be a wor­ker of miracles and wonders, and an ordinary calling shold alwaies be accompanied with extraordinary gifts. But their office of priesthood hath not this gift (in their owne iudge­ment) generally giuen vnto it. Wherefore, miracles being [...], in 1 cor. cap, 2 [...] 6 now ceased, are not found in the supper. Lastly, Au­gustine gathering all the Myracles written in the Scripture, [...], de [...]. 3. c x yet speaketh not of this: nay he not onely omitted it, but slatly denyeth any myracle to bee in the Sacrament, when he saith, It may haue honour or reuerence as an holy thing, but cannot be wondered at as a strange or myraculous thing. If then it be a Myracle, it must be in the number of lying My­racles spoken off by the 2 Thes. 2. 9 Apostle: so that Transubstan­tiatyon and the reall presence are reall contraryes or contradictions, repugnant to the Scripture, to fayth, to [Page 317] reason, to lerning, to sense, to natur, to Gods ordinance, absurd and impossible; and therfore of all Gods people to be abhored & abiured, being a renewing of the old heresie of The error of Eutiches Eutiches, who held that Christs body after his [...], was made equall with his diuinity. To conclude this vse, we do not exclude all presence of Christ out of the Sacra­ment: but distinguish the manner of his presence: which we haue shewed to be in the supper truely, not grosly: ef­fectually, not fleshly: spiritually, not bodily: sacramen­tally, not carnally: mistically, not naturally.

The former vse was touching knowledge and faith, in­structing [...]. what to hold of the reall presence. The next vse is touching our obedience and dutye. For, is Christ the chiefe substance of this sacrament, and his body and blood giuen vs for the foode of our soules: a gift farre aboue heauen and earth? Then we are bound to hunger after him, to desire him with an earnest appetite and desire, as wee come to our meate and drinke. Hunger is a great thing, and we say it maketh men leape ouer a stone wall: he that is hunger bitten, will eate his owne flesh from his armes. In this corporall hunger then are two thinges that pine and pinch men: first, a paine in the lower part of the belly, ari­sing from emptinesse: secondly, an exceeding appetite to be filled and satisfied: such haue Deut, 28, 53 57 killed, dressed, and de­uourd their own childen, rather thē they would starue: this paine hath beene so great, this longing hath beene so ex­traordinary. So must it be with vs in the spirituall hunger 2 King 6. 29 Lam. 4. 10 after Christ: we must be inwardly pained in soule for [...], and for the wrath of God kindled for our sinne: and then haue an hungring [...] and longing appetite, that we may possesse Christ, and lay hold on him to our saluation. Who­soeuer commeth to his ordinary meate without hunger, it were better not to eate: it ingendreh grosse and euill hu­mours, aud bringeth a surfet to the body. So, whosoe­uer desireth not christ with an hungry soule, earnestly long­ing after him, and crauing nourishment from him, cannot be filled with good thinges. The want of this hunger, is a [Page 318] cause why so few receiue Christ, and profit not by the meanes ordained to that end, as the word and sacraments: these come to them of custome rather then with consci­ence, and for fashion rather then with faith: these men are not fit to be Christes ghuests, that hunger not after him. Wherefore, Esay 55, 1 the prophet [...] all such as faint in their soules through hunger and thirst of this foode, Ho, euery one that thirsteth, come to the [...], and ye that haue no siluer, come, buy, and eate: come, I say, buy wine and [...] without siluer and without money. And the Apostle Reuel. 22. 17, Let him that is a thirst come, and let whosoeuer will, take of the water of life freely. Likewise the Euangelist, Luk, 1, 53. He filleth the hungry with good things, and sendeth the rich empty away. But where is the desire of these things? Where is the hunger after this heauenly foode? Where is the thirst after the waters of life? Truely, of all gifts this is the greatest: yet the greatest num­ber care nothing for christ nor for his gifts. As the Israelites in the wildernesse loathed Num. 11, 5 &c. Manna, and desired to returne into Egypt: such are there among vs, no desire, no affection, no zeale this way: they spend their cogitations and inde­uoures to gaine honour, they thirst after Siluer and Gold, they delight in earthly pleasures, they couet houses, landes, and wealth of the world: these things they abound in these thinges they make their happinesse and their heauen. Such as these, there are thousands in the bosome of the Church, that hunger more after these transitory things, then after heauenly: Such are Heb. xii, 16 prophane persons as [...], who preferred a messe of pottage before the blessing: and as the Gadarens, who preferred theirswine before christ, & therfore besought him to depart out of their coastes. But let vs learne better thinges: for all these shall vanish and come to nothing. And what shall it profit Mat. 16, 26 a man if he win the whole world, and lose his owne soule? Let vs not labour for the meate that Iohn 6, 27 perisheth, but for the meate that endureth to euer­lasting life, which the Sonne of man shall giue vnto vs. Therefore, let vs remember, whensoeuer we come to his table to be partakers of this Supper, to come with a great [Page 319] longing after life, and saluation from him, as we desire bo­dily meate when we are hungry, and drinke when we are thirsty: then shall we by him be satisfied and saued, other­wise we cannot lay hold on him: we may receiue the out­ward signe, but we cannot receiue the graces of christ offe­red vnto vs. Thus much of the third inward part of this Sa­crament.

Chap. II. Of the fourth inward part of the Lords Supper.

THe last inward part of this sacrament of the supper remaineth, which is the The fourth inward part of the supper is the faithful receiuer faithfull and christian recei­uer. As euery communicant sensibly and outwardly taketh the bread and wine giuen vnto him: eating the bread and drinking the Wine for the nourishment of his body: so the faithful receiuer apprehendeth and layeth hold on christ by the hand of faith, and applyeth him particulally, that the feeling of his true vnion with christ may daily be increa­sed, Iohn 1, xii according to that saying Ioh. 1. As many as receiued him, to them he gaue prerogatiue to be the sonnes of God, euen to them that beleeue in his name. And 1 Cor. 10. The cup of bles­sing which we blesse, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we breake, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? Wherefore, when we do faithfully and worthily take the bread and the cup into our hands, we must consider that withall we take and receiue Iesus christ himselfe offe­red vnto vs. When we eate the bread and drinke of the cup, and so apply them to our bodily vses: we must consi­der, that we apply christ Iesus to our selues, euen to our soules, particularly, that he is meate indeede, and that he is drink indeed vnto vs, if we bring with vs the hand of saith. For faith is like Faith is like the mouth of a vessel the mouth of a vessell: if you poure Lyquor vppon it all the daye longe, vnlesse the mouth of the vessell bee open to receiue it, the Water is spilt on the ground, & the vesselremaineth empty: so may a man come to the lords table euery month, receiuing the bread & wine that represent whole christ, yet except he bring with [Page 320] him faith, which is the mouth of the soule, hee receiueth not Christ vnto a spirituall life, to be his righteousnes and sanctification. And this is the reason, why we receiue a lit­tle portion and a small quantity as well of bread as wine, Concil. Ni­cean ex Bi­blio. vatican. vse 1 because the end of our eating and drinking serueth for the sanctification of the spirit, not for the silling of the body.

Now let vs see what vses are offred to our consideration, in the meditation of this truth. First, seeing onely the faith­full are partakers of the things signifyed in this Sacrament: we see all doe not receiue alike, there is a difference to be made among receiuers. But as you snatch after the leaues of the tree, and let go the fruit, want the profit of their la­bour: so is it among many men in this worlde, who take the signe of Christ, but let goe Christ. Nowe, as Moses intreating of thinges Leuit. 11, 4 cleane and vncleane, noteth out foure sorts of beasts, some onely chew the cud, and some onely diuide the hoofe, some neither chew the cudde nor diuide the hoofe, and some both chew the cud & diuide the hoofe: or, as in the dayes of the Gospell, some were circumcised in heart not in flesh, Gal, 2. 3 as Titus: some were cir­cumcised in the flesh not in the hart, as Iudas: some were circumcised neither in flesh nor in the spirit, Bph, 2, 11 as the gen­tiles: and some were circumcised both in the flesh and in the spirit, Act. 16. 3 as Timothy: so is there a difference among re­ceiuers, [...] sortes of receiuers some receiue Christ onely spiritually, not sacra­mentally: some onely sacramentally, not spiritually: some neither receiue him spiritually, nor Sacramentally: and some receiue him both spiritually and Sacramentally. Of these we will speake [...] and in order, as they haue bin propounded.

The spirituall eating is by faith, whereby we are made one with Christ and partakers of his benefits without the Sacramentes, Iohn, 6, 56, where of Christ speaketh, He that eateth my [...], and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. Thus to eat him, is to beleeue in him: and therfore he vseth these words, Ioh. 6 29. 33 35 as being of one force, to beleeue in him and to eat him: to drinke him, and to come vnto him, This is the [...] [Page 321] of God, that ye beleeue in him vvhom he hath sent: I am that bread of life, hee that commeth to mee shall not hunger, and he that belee­ueth in me shall neuer thrist. Againe, Ioh. 6. 54. 40 Christ attributeth the same fruit and effect to them that beleeue in him, that hee doth to them which eat his body & drink his blood: there­fore by eating and drinking hee meaneth nothing but be­leeuing. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eter­nal life: And in the 40. verse of the same chapter, he saith, This is the will of my father, that euerie one that beleeueth in the sonne, should haue cternall life, and I vvill raise him vp at the last day. Heerby we may see that Christ attributeth the same to beleeuing, which in the other place hee did to eating and [...]: so that the meaning of Christ is, that to beleeue in him is to eat him. And thus many receiue Christ, eating and drinking his body and bloode, that neuer came to the Sacramentes. Heere [...] some will obiect, If this doctrine be true, then are the Sacraments needlesse. For if Obiect we may [...] christ by faith spiritually without any vse or comming to the Lordes supper, to what ende serueth the Supper? It seemeth by this, to be made void and superflu­ous. God forbid: for the sacraments are the holy ordinan­ces Answer. of Christ by his blessing appointed for our help and be­nefitte, so that the most perfect christians of the strongest faith, haue need to seeke the strength ofsaith against weak­nes and wauering in the promises of God.

Notwithstanding, we must confesse to the glorie of god and the great comfort of manie persons, that the faithfull soule maie and doth often feed vpon christ to saluation, be­side the vse of the sacrament. For the spirituall grace is not of necessitie tied to the outward signes, as if without them God cannot or doth not sometimes bestow the same. We see in the acts of the Apostles, Act. 10, 2. 44 Cornelius and his company was sealed with the spirit of God before the receiuing of the outwarde sacrament. Abraham beleeued the pro­mise being stronge in faith, Rom. 4. 18, 10, 18 and vnder hope belee­ued aboue hope before circumcision was giuen vnto him.

[Page 322] Thus also the beleeuing theefe vpon the crosse, though he did nener receyue the sacrament of christ, yet he did eat the body and drinke the blood of christ to eternal life: so that he beleeued in him, Luk. 23, 40 and was the same day with him in paradise. He was not crucified for the profession of christ, but was condemned for the merit of his transgression: nei­ther did he suffer because he beleeued, Lumb. sent. lib 4. dist. c. 1 but he beleeued while he suffered. He was not baptized, he receiued not the Lords supper, yet his Rom. 10, 10 saith saued him, spiritually eatinge the true food of euerlasting life. Rom, 10. With the hart man beleeueth vnto rightcousnesse, and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation: for the scripture saith, whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed. According to that in the prophet, The iust shall liue Habac. 2, 4 by faith, And Iohn 11. I am the resurrection and the life he that beleeueth in me, though he were deade, yet he shall liue, and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in me, 10. xi. 25, 26 shall neuer dy. This mini­streth great comfort in trials, and tribulations, to consider that howsoeuer by sickenes, by persecution, by imprison­ment, we may be seperated from the Supper of christ, Rom 8, 35 yet we cannot be seperated from christ: though we may bee hindered from eating him sacramentally, yet we cannot be hindred from eating him spiritually: though we may bee kept from eating the bread and drinking of the cup of the Lord, yet we cannot, by the malice of Satan or violence of his instrumentes, be kept from feeding vppon christ by faith to saluation.

Againe, other receiue christ onely sacramentally and not spiritually, who are partakers of the outwarde Ele­ments of bread and wine, and so receiue the bare signes of the body and blood of Christ. For, as they are said to eat the true body of christ spiritually, which receiue christ with the mouth of the soul, that is, by a true faith, and are true­ly ioyned to him: so they eat him sacramentally, that han­dle, eate, and drinke the signes and seales of his true body; but because they want faith, they want the means to receiue christ himselfe.

Thus many haue bin baptized, that were neuer rege­nerated [Page 323] and inwardly purged, Act. 8, 13 as appeareth in Simon the sorcerer whose hart was not vpright, so that albeit he were partaker of the Sacrament of regeneration and repentance, yet he remayned in the gall of bitternes and in the bond of iniquity. So, many haue resorted to the Lords Supper, that neuer drew nourishment or strength of Faith from him to life and saluation: and thus many thousands in the worlde come to the sacraments.

[...], some neither receiue Christ spiritually nor sacramentally: and such are they, that neuer come to christ nor receiue the sacraments of christ: such are they that liue out of the bosome of the church, as it were out of the Arke of Noah, as Infidels, Iewes, Turks, Saracens, Persians, and such like, these mast needes perish in the deepe floodes of Gods endles iudgements. For, as christ is the fountaine of life, and the wel-spring of all Colos. 1, 19 & 2, 3 heauenly treasures that ac­company saluation, and the Sacraments his instrumentes whereby these graces are conueyd vnto vs, and the church the parties to whome both these belong: so such as are without Christ: without the sacramentes, without grace, without the church, and consequently without the priui­ledges that pertaine to the heires of his eternall kingdom, lye in darkenes, and in the shaddowe of death, Mat. 15, 26 and are as Dogges to whome the childrens bread doth not belong.

Lastly, other receiue Christ both spiritually by faith, and sacramentally with the mouth, who are partakers both of the signes and of the things signified, who eat of the bread of the L. Aug. tract. 59 in Iohan. & the bread which is [...] L. And thus the apostles thatsat at the table with christ at his last supper, did receiue him, applying the outward part to their bodies, and the in­ward part to their souls. Also, thus al the faithful that come to the table of ch. to the end of the worlde, do receiue him spiritually and sacramentally to the great comfort of their own souls: & thus must euery one of vs seek to come to ch. whensouer we come to the sa. of ch. Wherfore, we see what difference and distinction is to be made between those that [Page 324] receiue christ, that we be not deceiued in the manner of the receiuing of him.

Againe, seeing onely the faithfull are the inward part of this sacrament, it is not to bee administred to such as shew themselues vnfaithfull and vnrepentant, so farre as they may be known so to be. Such as are without faith, without repentance, without sanctification haue no right and inte­rest in this blessed communion. For, if euery one should without difference be admitted and receiued: the Church of God, which is a blessed fellowship of Saintes, should be turned into a stye of vncleane Swine, a stable of vncleane beastes, a cage of [...] birdes, and as Christ speaketh, the [...], 2, 16 Luk, 19, 46 house of God should bee made a [...] of theeues. God did shut out of his Ezek, 44, 9 Leuit, 10, 10 Math, 7, 6 sanctuary euery stranger vncircum cised in heart and in the [...]: he commaunded also the priestes to put a difference between the holy and prophane, betweene the cleane and vnclean. [...] her to belongeth that saying of Christ Math. 7. Giue ye not that which is holy to Dogs, neither cast ye your pearles before svvine, least they tread you vnder their [...], and [...] againe all to rent you. If therefore such as remaine in grosse and open sinnes of blasphemy, swea­ring contempt of Gods worde, adultery, [...], vn­cleanesse, wantonnesse, drunkennesse, maliciousnesse, and such like, offer themselues at any time with the rest of the members of the church to partake this supper, and as it wer insectious leapers come into the Lords host Leuit, 13, 3 45, 46 Numb, 5, 2, 3 2 King 15, 5 to be admit­ted to the sacrifices: it is the Pastors duty to vse the power of the keies, and barre them from this Sacrament, vntill there appeare in them the testimonies of repentance, and the confession of their offences. Should not the shepheard feuer the rotten and [...] sheepe from the fold? Doth not 1 cor, 5, 6 a little leauen sower the whole lump? Wil an houshol­der admit into his house euery one that vanteth himselfe to be of the houshold? The Idothers, by the light of nature, Hesiod, [...] oper [...] dier. Eustath in [...]. lib. 1 would not suffer all to approch to their sacrifices, their heathnish sacrifices, but cryed out that prophane persons should be packing and get them thence, and not presume [Page 325] to offer with vnwashen hands. Such as haue a very cleere [...] aine and spring of Waters committed vnto them, if they see [...] swine come to warde it, Chris. hom. 83. in Mat. cap, 37 must not suffer them to trouble the spring and annoy the water. Shall they then, that haue the sacred and hallowed spring, not com­mon water, but of the precious blood of Christ springing vp to eternallife committed vnto them, Zeph. 3, 4 suffer such as are notoriously [...] with sinne, to prophane the bloode of Christ, and make a mocke of him to their owne destructi­on? Wherefore such as are open Wicked persons are not, without open repentance, to bee admitted to the Sacra­ment of the supper, but to be seperated from the Church, as dead members from the body, and as rotten sheep from the flocke, 1 Cor. 5, 7 vse. 3. that the rest may be preserued in sound doc­trine, and in innocency of life and conuersation.

Moreouer, if onely the faithfull receiue christ, let eue­ry one prepare a true and liuely faith in his heart. It is not enough to haue the bodily hand to receiue, the mouth to tast, and stomack to digest: but we must bring with vs the hand of faith. For this holy supper, albeit by Gods ordi­nance it be a spirituall thing, yet throgh the vnworthines of the receiuers, it becometh a meer corporal & earthlything. The passeouer was a liuely figure of Christ, Reue, xiii, 8 representing the lambe slaine from the beginning of the worlde: but such as did eate thereof vnworthily, it was to them an in­strument of destruction, and as the messenger of death. Iu­du was one of the twelue and did eate the paschall lambe with the rest, but he did not eat christ with the rest: he did receiue damnation to himselfe, Iohn 13, 2 Satan entering into him, and procuring the confusion of soule and body. It seemeth he receiued the supper of the Lord, Ioh. xiii. 30 forasmuch as Ioh. 13 the Euangelist noteth, that as soone as he had receiued the soppe, he went immediately out. Wherefore Luk. 22, [...] that which Luke affir­meth, cha, 22. Behold the hand of him that betraieth me is with me at the table, albeit it be set downe after the supper, yet, was vttered before the supper, according to the vsuall manner Hil. in Mat. c, 30. & lib. 8 de Trinitate of the scripture. And this is the iudgement of sundry wri­ters [Page 326] Hil. in Matt c. 30, & lib, 8 de trinitate. Clem. Rom. const, l, 2, c. 61 both old and new. But inasmuch as he was present at the Passeouer, which was a figure of the passion of Christ, God by this one fearful example teacheth, that he neuer suffereth the abuse of his Sacramentes to goe vnpunished. The Apostle saith. 1 cor. 11. He that eateth and drinketh vn­worthily, eateth and drinketh his own iudgment: Zanch, de redemp, lib, 1 cap, XIX & 16 Beza in 10. 13 & tractat. de excom. for this cause ma­ny are sick, and weake among you, and many sleepe. Vngodly per­sons that he and liue in sinne, togither with all impenitent persons, attribute to much to the outward signe, and rest therein as in the comfort of their soules. Adam thought after his fal, if he could reach out his hand & take the fruit of the tree of life and eat thereof, Gen, 3, 22 he should liue for euer. For these words vsed in that place, Least he put forth his hand to the tree of life, & eat and liue for euer: do respect the purpose and intent of the man, not the euent and yssue of the mat­ter: inasmuch as the eating of that fruit al the daies of his life could not giue grace, or restore him to that life he had lost, and to that high estate from whence hee was fallen. Now, as he imagind, if he could but tast of the tree of life a­gain, it should go wel with him: so his posterity in al ages, dream of a secret power inherent in the sacraments, wheras by taking the same vnworthily, and by iudging of them corruptly, sin is increased, god is offended, and the punish­ment is dubled. The ark was a testimony of gods presence, a witnes of his loue and leag with man, and an assured sign that God woulde make his dwelling place among them, that he would abide with them, that he would walk before them, that he would be their gratious God, and that they should be his people: but the Priests, elders and people at­tributed ouermuch vnto it, and far greater things thē they 1 Sam. 4, 3 ought, They said, Wherefore hath the lord smitten vs this day be­fore the Philistims? Let vs bring the arke of the couenant of the lord ovt of shiloh vnto vs, that when it commeth among us, it may saue us out of the hanàs of our enemies. Euē as the church of Rome, whē any iudgement or calamity is vpon them, carry forth their breaden-god on procession, hold him vp to be seen, and a­dored, and thereby think to haue themselues deliuerd, and [Page 327] Gods wrath to be appeased. These neuer thoght of turning to God with all their harts, and of changing their liues: but ascribe saluation and deliuerance to the Arke it selfe, and attribute power to the outward signe, which of it selfe and in it selfe was no better then a few boards ioyned togither, and therefore through their vaine confidence 1 Sam, 4, X they were destroyed, the Arke was taken, the two sonnes of Eli were slaine, and the whole hoast was discomfited. Thus is it with the sacrament, & with such as come without faith to the Sacrament. The sacrament indeed is holy, the sacramen­tal rites are holy, the bread and wine are holy: but let them be receiued of persons that are prophane and vnholy, they make the sacramentes to themselues vnholy, so farre are they from conferring grace and holines to all receiuers of them. For can the Sacraments make him holy that is vnho­ly? Or a godly man, that is vngodly? Or make him to fear an oth, that is a blasphemer? They cannot: nay to such the Sacraments become vnholy, and the receiuers grow more vnholy, as Iudas did after the partaking of the passeouer. Wherefore, God as a iust iudge would driue Adam out of the garden of Eden, least putting forth his hand to the tree of life, he should take and receiue it vnworthily, Mercer in 3 cap. Genes, analys, Frāci Iunij in Gen thereby prophaning Gen, 3, 22 the sacrament, and so eat to himselfe iudgement. The Sa­crifices were holie ordinances of God, yet when men that liued vngodly came vnto them, they turned to bee sinne to them: so is it with all those that come without faith and feeling to the Supper of the Lorde, let vs not therefore be faithlesse but faithfull.

Lastly, if the faithfull onelie receiue with profit: then such as are Hypocrites and wicked liuers cannot be parta­kers vse. 4. of the bodie and blood of Christ, no more then God and Satan can be ioined together. True it is, such maie re­ceiue the bare signes, but they receiue them to their con­demnation, because, Wicked mē do not re­ceiue Christ. through want of faith and repen­taunce they offend God, repell Christ from them and all his benefites, and drawe vnto themselues temporall [Page 328] and eternall punishments. For, no man can eat christ, and withall eat his own damnation. Againe, whosoeuer eateth the flesh of christ and drinketh his blood, shall liue for e­uer, and hath christ d welling in him to saluation (for christ can neuer be seperated from his sauing graces) but the vn­godly shall not liue for euer by christ with God. For christ is not eaten with the teeth or mouth, as the gospell direct­ly determineth. Iohn, 6. Whosoeuer eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life: my flesh is meat indeed, my blood is drink indeede, Iohn 6, 14 he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me and I in him. But infidels and wicked persons haue not eternall life, neither abide in christ, therefore by the doc­trine of christ our sauiour, Aug. tract in Iohan XXV they neither eate his flesh, nor drinke his blood. Wee must open the eyes of our faith to beholde him, and the mouth of our soule to receiue him: for by faith onely we are made partakers of him, which the vngodly want Iohn 4, [...] he that drinketh of the blood of christ shal neuer be more a thirst.

Thirdly, we know that satan the prince of darknes, ruleth in all the harts of the children of disobedience, & sitteth in their consciences 2 Cor. 14, 4 as the God of this worlde, and filleth them full of iniquity, as wee see in the example of Iudas. Now, if these receive the body of Christ: then christ and the deuill shoulde dwell in one subiect togither, and bee ioynt-possessors of one and the same house: Luk, xi. 21 but this can­not be: these cannot be at one: these can neuer be friends reconciled: there is no 2 cor, 6. 14 fellowship between righteousnes and vnrighteousnes, ther is no communion between light and darkenesse, there is no concord betweene Christ and Beliall. Fourthly, the Apostle teacheth, that where christ is Rom. 8. 9 he worketh mortification and dying to sinne, Rom. 8, If any haue not the spirit of Christ, the same is not his: and if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life for righteousnes sake. But the wicked are not dead to sin, they are dead in their sinnes and trespasses: and they haue sinne not onelie remaining but raigning in them, therfore christ cannot be in them. Fiftly, where christ is, there are all things necessa­ry [Page 329] to saluation: and to whom God giueth his sonne, Rom. 8. 31 to him he giueth iustification, sanctification, redemption, re­pentance, remission of sinnes, and eternall life, as Rom. 8. If God be on our side, who shall be against vs? Who spared not his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all to death, how should he not with him giue vs all things also? But the wicked haue not these gifts accompaning saluation, they are not iustified, they are not sanctified, they are not regenerated: therefore they cannot haue christ from whom these flow. Sixtly, we are charged to try and 2 cor. 13, 5 proue our owne hartes, whether Christ be in vs or not, that thereby we may discerne of our estate and standing in the faith, 2 Cor. [...]. Proue your selues whether ye are in faith: examine your selues, know ye not your owne selues, how that Iesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? To what purpose serueth this tryall and examination, if christ may bee in vs, and yet remaine reiected? Wherefore, Christ cannot be in vs, if we bee not approued, but refused of God.

Lastly, the Apostle chargeth the Church of the Corinthi­ans, not to eate things sacrificed to idols in 1 cor. X, XX the idols tem­ple, because they cannot be partakers of christ and the Di­nels, nor drinke of the cvp of Christ and of the cup of Dy­uels, 1 Cor. 10. 20. 21. These thinges which the Gentiles sacri­fice, they sacrifice them to Diuels and not vnto god, and I would not that ye should haue fellowship with the Diuels, ye cannot be parta­kers of the Lords Table, and of the table of Diuels. Where hee sheweth that a man may come polluted with idoll sacrifi­ces to the Lords Supper, but then he cannot be partaker of Christ indeede and in truth. Thus we see the doctrine of the church of Rome striken to the ground, which hold it as a principle of their faith and teach it to others, that wicked men do receiue and eate Bel. de sacr. Euch. li. 1. c. 14 Lumb lib. 4 sen. dist. 9. c 2 christ himselfe in the supper, ma­king christ indeede to be no Christ. For whereas wee haue shewed, that this sacrament consisteth of the outward signs which are bread and wine, and the inward truth represen­ted by them which is Christes body and blood, according to the doctrine of the holy scripture, and the common con­sent [Page 330] of all antiquity: the Romanists haue turned this trueth topsie turuie, and haue laid a new plat-forme of the [...] of the Supper. Hence it is, that they haue abolished the signes of bread and wine, Bellar. de sacr. euch. lib 1, cap. 13 and make Christ Iesus an out­ward parte, as it were thrusting him out of the dores to be receiued of all both good and bad, and the grace of Christ to be the inward part taken only of the faithfull. Thus they make a deuorcement and a separation between Christ and his sauing graces, which can neuer be parted and deuided. For whosoeuer receiueth Christ, pertaketh the merits and graces of christe: and whosoeuer enioyeth the graces of christ, imbraceth withall christ himselfe. Besides, if christ be the signe, and the sanctifying graces of Christ the thing fignified according to the rule of the church of Rome: what shall we say of the accidents and shewes of bread and wine, whereunto shall they be reduced? what parte shall they act and play in this comedy? wherefore we hold it as a strong trueth, which we haue euinced by sundrie reasons, that wic­ked men are not made partakers of christ.

Chap. 12. Of the first vse of the Lords supper.

HItherto we haue spoken of all the partes of this sacra­ment, as well outwatde as inwarde, which is the first [...] to be considered in the doctrine of them as we she­wed before: now we are to handle the vses or endes of the Lordes Supper, which are Three ends of the iordes Supper. principally these three: first, to shew forth with thanksgiuing, the death, crosse, and suffe­rings of christ. Secondly, to teach vs our communion and growth with and in christ, thirdly, to declare our commu­nion and growth in and with our brethren. In these three, standeth the knowledge of those rich and greate benifites which are bestowed vponall worthy communicants, which haue sactified and prepared their heartes for this holy acti­on. These thinges being duely considered, The false ends of this sacrament rehearsed and refelled. doe directly condemne the church of Rome, who burying these true ends of the Lords Supper, the commemoration of his pas­sion, [Page 331] the merit of his crosse, our communion with Christ, and our fellowship one with another, haue altered it like the ship-mans hose into all forms and fashions, and make it profitable for all purposes, for peace and war, for tem­pestes and calme weather, for the fruites of the earth, and distemperature of the ayre, for the whole and sick, for men and beasts, for the liuing and for the dead. And to begin with the last, as none of the least corruptions of this Sacra­ment, it was concluded in a Counsel, that as a prayer ther­in is made for the liuing, conc. cabil. can. 33 so the remembrance of the dead is to be made in all Masses. It is adiudged an excellent remedy a­gainst storms and tempests of the sea, and therefore al sea­men are warned in times of danger to call to their mindes and remember to sing the Masses d which are accustomed to be sung for tēpests. And as they make it good in storms: so they make it serue turn in the day of battell to saue them from the sword of the enemy; for the Priests are charged to say the Masses vsed for them that go to wars. Besides, these abuses, they make it auaileable to purge and cleer of­fendors suspected of any crime, Num. 5, 19 like the bitter and cur­sed waters, making tryall of the suspected wife, wherupon the counsell of wormes determineth, that If any monasterie be suspected of theft, let him bee purged by the taking of the sacra­ment. Thus Sybicon Byshop of Spire in the counsell of Mentz did by it purge himselfe of adultery, about the yeare 1100, an vse neuer intended by the spirite of God, nor practised by anie of the Apostles, to institute it to discouer secretes. Likewise, somtimes it is taken to be good against inchan­ters and inchantments: sometimes to bee good for the re­medy and recouery of sickenes, to deliuer soules out of pur­gatory, to preserue from the plague, to saue cattell, to cure the feuer, to recouer again things lost, to take away tooth­ache, to cleere the eyes, and what not? All these fancies and supposed ends of this Sacrament agree not with the in­stitution of christ, nor with the former vses set down, which now we come to handle and to proue out of the doctrine of the Apostles themselues.

[Page 332] Touching the first and principall end, that is, the remem­brance, meditation, and shewing forth the death of christ with all thanksgiuing: this he commaunded to vs at his last [...] from vs, which ought much to stick in our minds because the last words of a deare friend ready to part from vs, do often times leaue behind both deepe impressions and deuout affections in vs. Indeede, when we read of the pas­sion and death of christ, it doth not much moue vs: to heare it opened and expounded, it moueth in a farther degree: but more then these, to haue before our eies a visible repre­sentation of the crucifieng of christ in his last supper, doth moue vs most of all. The institution of this Sacrament hee did in wisedome reserue, till the approaching of his death, that we might not forget him when he is gone from vs. So god the father, after the vniuersal flood drawning the whole world, for a remembrance of his mercy, in deliuering No­ah and his family from the waters, and of his promise made, Gen 9, 14 neuer to destroy it so againe: left to them and al posterity the [...] bow. When he had iustly smitten the first borne of the Egyptians, and gratiously saued the first borne of Israel: he commaunded Moses Exo. 13, 1, 2 to sanctifie to [...] al the first born, that first openeth the womb, to remember the day in which they came out of the land of Egypt. When he had miracu­lously fed the Israelites with Manna from heauen, that men did eate Angels food, Exod. 16, 32 he would haue a golden pot ful of it to be reserued in the Arke of remembrance, for the better remembrance of so great a work. So likewise, being deli­uered by the precious bloode of christ from the floods of sin [...] haue gone ouer our heads, and eased of the heauy burthen that pressed downe our hearts: we haue receiued baptisme to keepe vs in remembrance thereof, that wee are ciensed from the filthynes of sin. Again, being nourished with christs body crucyfied, & his blood shed for vs, we are cōmanded to vse this mistery, to continue an holy remem­brance of his death and passion to our endlesse comfort.

This end, to wit, to be to vs a remembrance of Christes sacrifice on the crosse, is taught by the Apostle, So often as ye shall eate of this bread and drinke of this cup, ye shew the lords death [Page 333] till he come. In like manner, the Euangelist Luk, of the bread he saith, Do this in remembrance of me: and of the cup, Do this Luke 22, 19. as oft as ye shall drinke it, in remembrance of me, by declaring his death. And we declare the Lords death, when we pub­likely confesse with our mouth and beleeue with the heart, that our whole hope and affiance for life and saluation, is surely set in the Lords death, that we may glorifie him by our confession, and exhort others by our example to glori­fie him, because his death is our life, his passion is our salua­tion, his suffering is our reioycing. We our selues are the principall and proper causes that he was torne and tormen­ted: our sinnes wounded him, we our selues crucified him: we, euen we were the causes, for he was chastised for vs, that by death he might deliuer vs from death, and from Heb. 2, 14 him that had the power of death. Our euill motions, our vile thoughtes, our corrupt wordes, and our sinfull works, did set on worke Pontius Pilate, Herod, Annas, Caiphas, Iu­das, the Gentiles and the Iewes, who were but instruments, as the crosse, nailes, the hammer, and spear: these were, as our seruants and workemen, in the euill action of his crucifieng. Wherefore, to speake the truth, not Sathan the tempter, not Iudas the Traytor, not Caiphas the highpriest, not Pilate the chiefe iudge, not the Iewes that conspired against him, not the false witnesses that accused him, not the band of men that scorned him, not the passengers that nodded their heads at him, not the souldier that pierced him, not the executio­ners that railed and nailed him on the Crosse, are so much to be accused and reproued for his sufferings, as we, we I say our selues and our owne sinnes. Not that we can ex­cuse those cursed instrumentes that crucified the Lorde of glory, who shall receiue according to their workes, Zach. 12, X Iohn xix, 37 when they shall see him whom they haue pierced, but to teach vs chifely to accuse and condemne our selues. We bound him with cords, we beate him with rods, we buffeted him with fistes, we crowned him with thornes, wee reuiled him with our mouthes, we railed at him with reproches, we nodded at him with our heads, we thrust him through with [...], [Page 334] we berraied him with a kisse, we pierced his hands and feet with nailes, we crucified him betweene two theeues, wee condemned him through false witnesses, we poured shame and contempt vpon his person, we iudged him as plagued and smitten of God. For, inasmuch as our f [...]lts and offen­ces procured these things to be done vnto him, we were the doers of them, and the dea'ers in them. And surely, then we are profitably grounded in the doctrine of the Who they are that pro­fit [...] by christs pastiō passion of Christ, when our haits cease to sinne, and we are pricked with an inward griefe of those great and grieuous transgressions, 1 Iohn. 3, 6 Esay 53, 5, 6 whereby, as with speares, we pierced the side and wounded the very soule of the immaculate lambe of God, as Ioh, 3, Who so sinneth, neither hath seene him, nor knowne him. And the prophet [...]. teacheth, chap. 53. He was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities: the chastssement of our peace was vpon him, and with his stripes [...] are healed: the Lord haih layd vpon him the iniquity of vs all. See­ing then, christ was slaine for our sins, let vs kill sin in our selues; seeing he dyed for vs, let vs labour that sin may be dead in vs: seeing he was crucified for vs and our saluation, let vs crucifie our owne Instes that they raigne not in our mortall bodies: seeing his hart was pierced with a speare, let vs haue our hearts thrust through, pierced, and pricked, with vnfained sorrow for all our iniquities. This is the right vse, the true end, and the sound comfort following and flowing from the death of christ.

To conclude we must learne and hold for euer, that we haue the beg nning and chiefe cause in our selues, which did crucifie christ and crush him with most bitter sorrows: let vs then be reuenged of our sins, and do al despite we can vnto them: let vs endite them, arraigne them, accuse them, condemne them and naile them to his crosse: let vs kil thē, mortifie them, and bury them in his graue for euer. This is the first end of the supper, which is sanctified by the brea­king of the bread and pouring out of the wine, declaring vnto vs, that as the body of our lord was broken, and by violent meanes afflicted, so his blood gushed out and flow­ed [Page 335] plentifully out of his gaping and bleeding wounds. This must be our meditation, whensoeuer we come to the lords table.

Chap. 13. Of the second vse of the lords supper.

THe second vse of the lords supper is our spirituall vni­on 1 cor. x, 16 and communion with christ. This the Apostle de­clareth, The cup of blessing which we blesse, is it not the communion of the blood of christ? The bread which we breake, is it not the com­munion of the body of christ? Whereby he meaneth, that the faithfull which come conscionably & worthily to the lords table, are ioyned and vnited to whole Christ, by the bread Sacramentally, by faith instrumentally, by the holy ghost spiritually, and by them all most effectually. For, we take the bread into our hands, and likewise we take the cup into our hands as christ commaunded, saying, Mat. 26, 26 Take ye, eate ye, drinke ye, diuide ye. Neither do we lay them apart, or hide them a­side, or reserue them in a boxe, or abstaiue from them: but when we haue taken them, we eate, we digest them, we are nou­rished by them, and they are turned into our substance. So christ, being eaten of the Godly by faith, is vnited to them by his spirit (as we haue shewed before) whereby they are made one with christ and he one with them. And as meate plentifully prepared, daintily dressed, and only seene vpon the table, doth not nourish the body, or take away hunger: so, if the gospell be preached and the sacraments admini­stred, except we apply the promises of the gospel, and be­leeue that christ withal his gifts is ours, they prosit nothing towards our saluation. Such therefore as lawfully and wor­thily come to the lords supper, as to a table richly furnished and to a banket liberally prouided, must not onely general­ly beleeue that Christ suffered in the flesh and dyed for sin­ners, but Galat. 2, 20 particularly for themselus, yea communicateth himselfe and al his gifts to them aboundantly, as certainly as themselues eate of the bread and drinke of the cup.

This vnion and communion is neere, and wonderfull great: and therefore the apostle fitly calleth it a mistery, euen Ephes 5, 32 a great mistery, speaking of christ and of the church. For, what vnion can bee greater, then that which is betweene [Page 336] the thing nourishing, and the thing' nourished? We haue nothing in Adam, but that which conueyeth death vnto vs: so that is is needefull to be ioyned to one which maie giue life to vs, that as we die in Adam, so wee may liue in Rom. 5, 19 him. This vnion cannot by reason be expressed, or fully vn­derstood. As Christ, in the daies of his flesh, had a dubble kindred, one earthly and carnal kindred, the other spiritu­all, that by faith receiued his worde, and beleeued in his name, of whom he said, Math. xii, 44 Behold my mother and my Brethren; for whosoeuer shall do my fathers will, which is in heauen, the same is my brother, sister, and mother: so is it in this vnió and felloship with him, one is outward and bodily, which al mankinde hath with him, in that he is partaker of our flesh and blood, the other inward and spirituall, whereby we are made par­takers of him and of al his sauing graces to euerlasting life. As Christ was borne of the Virgin Mary, and vnited our nature to him, taking vpon him, Heb. 2, 16 not the Angels nature, but the seed of Abraham, euery reprobate hath this vnion with him, in that he tooke vpon him the shape of a man: but there is a mysticall and marueilous vnion, whereby he dwelleth in vs by faith, whereby we are truely coupled to him, made partakers of him, deliuered from sin, and made heires of euerlasting life, quickning and sustaining vs, as food which preserueth the life of the bodie. If the arme ioined to the body haue no life, no sence, no benefit of vi­tall spirits, it is no part of the bodie, though it be vnited to it: so the wicked liuing without faith, are as it were sence­lesse, they haue no forgiuenes of sinnes, no sanctification, no saluation, and therefore are no true members of Christ. If he poure not life and grace into them, they are not his members: if he kill not sinne in them, they are not vnited spirituallie vnto him, The bodily vnion with him, shall profit nothing: it is the spirit that giueth life.

Seeing then the receiuing of the bread and wine which Vse. 1 turne into our substaunce, teacheth the misticall vnion be­tween Christ and his members: we learne first from hence, that all the faithfull and godly are truly made partakers of [Page 337] Christ and his graces, as the members receiue life from the head, and the tree moisture from the root. For, euen as the wife ioyned to her husband in marriage, is thereby made partaker of his body and goods, hath interrest with him in the commodities of this life, Gen. 20, 16 and loketh for norishment, food, fellowship, protection, and gouernement from him: so, being made one with christ, we are indued with his he a­uenly gifts and blessings. This must be our comfort in all dangers and tentations, in all tryals and assaults, to consider that we are one with christ, we are not only dear vnto him, but nearely ioyned with him, as members to the head, as the wife to the husband, and as the braunches to the vine, and therefore can neuer be seperated from him in life or death.

Secondly, this streight vniting of the faithfull to Christ, sheweth that the vngodly haue no part nor fellowship in vse. 2 him and with his graces: though they be ioyned to a com­munion of the same nature, and haue many common gifts of knowledge, and vnderstanding, yet Christ neuer dwel­leth in them with his sauing graces and with his spirite of sanctification, he possesseth not their harts, he worketh not in them a particular perswasion of their reconciltation to God, neither an hungring desire, aboue all things to bee at vnity and peace with him, neyther a distaste and dislike of sinne, neyther the comfortable spirite of grace and prayer: all which are in some measure in all the saithful. Wherfore, although they may bee cloathed with the flesh of Christ, they cannot be said to be couered with the grace of Christ: although they be like vnto him in regarde of this naturall body: yet they are not indued with his heauenly spirit, they haue many [...] through him, but they want such as accompanie saluation.

chap. 14. Of the third vse of the Lordes supper.

THe third vse of the Lordes supper is a spirituall com­munion aud growth with our The lordes supper is the band of cha­rity. brethren, to bee one [Page 338] bodye with them, flowing from the communion which we haue with Christ. For as the vnion betweene brethren and sisters of the same bloode and of the same flesh, sprin­geth from the neer coniunction they haue from father and mothers as from a fountaine: and as the vnity and concord among seruants of the same society, ariseth by meanes of the same maister: so the faithfull that haue communion with christ, haue likewise communion one with another. This Paul testifieth euidently, writing to the Corinthians, 1 Cor. x, 17 We that are many are one breade and one body, because we all are partakers of one bread. This is to be vnderstood of that com­munion and fellowshippe which the members haue one with another, who receiue food and norishment from the same table, therby professing themselues to be of the selfe same family and houshold. Besides, by the vniting toge­ther of many graines is made one bread: of many clusters of Grapes one wine is pressed out: so, out of many mem­bers groweth vp one body of the church, which is the bo­dy of christ. This maketh much to the reconciling, renue­ing, and maintayning of friendship, that we are all parta­kers of one bread made of many cornes, and [...] of the same cup of wine made of many clusters, 1 cor. 12. 13 as the Apostle setteth downe, 1. cor. 11. Wee are all made to drinke into one spirit. Wherfore we are not onely to look to our vnion with christ, but also our ioyning our selues with them who are of the same misticall body, be they neuer so many that re­ceiue with vs this holy supper: in respect whereof, this sa­crament hath bin called a communion.

Now, let vs consider what vse may be made heereof to Vse. 1 our selues. Is this one end of the institution of christs last supper, to lay before vs our communion one with another? then, what gifts soeuer we haue receiued from christ, wee must imploy them to the benefit and good of others. If god haue giuen vs knowledge, we must vse it io instruct the ig­norant: if the gift of zeale, we must applie it to kindle and stir vp others to remember from whence they are fallen: if faith and sanctification, we must bestow them to the gain­ing [Page 339] and winning of others: if the outward thinges of this life, and this worlds good, we must communicate them to others, according [...] their want and out wealth, their po­uerty and our plenty. The candle hath receiued light, not for it selfe, but for others. The trees bring forth fruite, the clouds drop downe raine, the fountaines send downe wa­ter, the Sun shiaeth, the earth flourisheth, the Bee gathe­reth, the beast laboureth, to profit others: And wherefore haue we all receiued moysture from the root, light from the sun, fruit from the tree, water from the fountain, euen life from Christ, but to impart it to others as freely as we receiued? This is taughtvs in many placs: 1 Pet. 4, 10 1 cor, 12, 7 Let euery man as he hath receiued the gift, minister the same one to another. And in another place, The manifestation of the spirit is giuen to euerie man to profit withal: god hath tempred the body together, least there should be anie diuision in the body, that the members might haue the same careone for another. So then, the gifts that we haue recei­ued of vnderstanding, wisedome, zeale, exhortation, re­prehension, and whatsoeuer gifts externall, internall, or e­ternall: let vs consider that we are stewards not maisters of them, and therefore must render and giue an account vnto the author and giuer of them, when he shall say, [...]. 16, 12 Giue an account of thy stewardshippe, for thou mayest bee no longer Ste­ward.

Againe is the Lordes supper the bond of charity? and vse. 2. doth it put vs in mind of our communion with the saints & fellowship which one hath with another? then all such as receyue the same doctrine, imbrace the same religion, and [...] at the same table, Aug. tract. 26 in Iohan. must be vnited in Christian loue, gentlenes, meeknes, and patience one towarde another, supporting one another, bearinge the burthan one of another, being alike affected and disposed, guided by one spirit, nourished by the milke of the same word, acknow­ledging one [...], professising one faith liuing in one bo­dye, walking in one callinge, looking for one kinge­dome worshipping one Lorde, meeting at one Supper, and washed with one Babtisme for our' regeneration and [Page 340] sanctification, Eph. 4, 1 2, 3 Ruth, 1, 16, 17 according to the saying of the Apostle, Eph 4. Walke worthy of the vocation whereunto ye are called, endeuou­ring to keeepe the vnity of the spirit in the bond of peace, there is one body, and one spirit, euen as ye are called in one hope of your vocati­on, There is one Lord, one faith, one baptisme, one god, and father of all, which is a boue all, and through all, and in you all. And in the same Phil. 2, 1. 2. 3 epistle to the Philippians, If there be any conso­lation in Christ, if any comfort of loue, if any fellowship of the spirit, if any compassion and mercy: fulfill my ioy, that ye be like minded, hauing the same loue, being of one accord and of one iudgement, that nothing be done through contention. And Luke, Act. 4. descri­bing the Act. 4, 32 notes of the Church of Christ, saith, The whole multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart, and one soule, nei­ther any of them said, that any thing of that which he possessed was his owne, but they had all things common. Let vs acknowledge our selues to bee fellowes of one houshold, and members of one body: and euermore bring with vs this fruite of loue to the lords Supper, otherwise we shall neuer be the Lords ghuests. If bretheren that are the children of the same fa­ther, malice and maligne one another, will not the father be angry? And if one fellow-seruantes brought vp in one family, fall together by the eares, will not their maister be displeased and offended? Seeing then, God hath vouchsa­fed to call vs his children, to admitte vs into his house, to nourish vs at his owne table, and to preserue and reserue vs to his heaueuly kingdome: hee will take from vs all these priuiledges and [...]: if wee be hatefull and hating one another, and deale with vs, not as with his own children, but as with his vtter enemies. Thus much of the third and last end of the Lords Supper.

Chap. 15. Of examination before the Lords supper.

WHat the Supper of the Lord is, what are the parts and vses thereof, and what an heauenly banket it is for al [Page 341] worthy receiuers, hath hitherto bene sufficiently declared now it followeth to set downe Examinati­on necessarie before wee come to the Lords table. the way and means how we may come [...]. For the whole fruit of this Sacra­ment standeth in the right partaking thereof. The right manner standeth in preparing ourselues to come, and in examining ourselues before we come. No great thing can bee done well, without good care and endeuour. In all humane Cicer. de offic. lib. 1 things of any importance, nothing is attempted or atchiued without some preparation more or lesse going before, according to the nature of the matter. Before men sit downe to eat or drinke their ordinary food, before they sleepe, before they wash, before they walke, before they work, some preparation goeth before. Before Ierem. 4, 4 the ground is tilled, it is prpared. Before the Exod. 19, 10 law was deliuered, be­fore the Saboth was sanctified, before the sacrifice was of­fered, before the Passeouer was killed, before the worde was receiued, before prayers were vttered, the heart was in some sort prepard. One of the greatest duties required of vs, is to dy well: whereunto all our life should be a prepa­ration, and euery day should be a meditation of death, that we may not be found vnready and vnprepared Math. 25, 13 when the bridegroome shall come. So the Supper of the Lord being an excellent misterie and the food of our soules, whereby we receiue Christs body and blood: there is required of e­uery one, a trying, prouing, and examining themselues, least, seeking comfort by their comming, they bring vpon themselues iudgement through want of preparing. This trueth deliuered, hath the witnesse and consent 2 Chr. 35. 6 of many Scriptures for the confirmation thereof. The Prophet 2. Chron. 35. saith, Kill the passeouer, and sanctifie your selues, and prepare your Brethren, that they may do according to the word of the Lord by the hand of Moses. And the holy man Iob, when the daies of the banketting of his children were gone about, sent and sanctified them, and rose vp earely in the morning, and of­fered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. Also the wiseman [...]. 4. Take heede to thy foote when thou enterest in­to the house of God, and be more neare to heare, then to giue the sa­crifice [Page 342] of fooles, for they know not that they do euill. Likewise the prophet Ieremy, Lament. 3. Wherefore is the liuing man sor­rowfull? Man suffereth for his sinne: let vs search and try our waies, and turne againe to the Lord. To the same purpose the prophet Dauid saith, Psal. 4. Tremble and sinne not, examine your owne heart vpon your bed and be still: and Psal. 119. I haue considered my waies, and turned my feete into thy testimonies. The Apostle Paule is very direct in this point, as Gal. 6. 4. Let euery man proue his owne worke: and then shall he haue reioycing in himselfe onely, and not in any other. Also 1 Cor 11. Let a man examine himselfe, and so let him eate of this bread, and drinke of this cup: where he speaketh of purpose of the Lordes Supper. So then, it is a duty required of all persons that come to the Lordes Table, or any other exercise of religion, to search their owne heartes and consciences narrowly, how they bee affected and disposed touching the discharge of this duty.

And if wee would farther consider the necessity of this examination: we fhould finde it standeth vpon many suf­ficient Reasons of this duty of Examination reasons and causes as vpon certaine foundations that cannot be remoued. Doe we not see men when they come into the presence of some honourable and Noble person, Gen. 41, 14 to addresse themselues to doe it with all rene­rence? Ioseph being sent for, to come before Pharaoh King of Egypt, shaued his hed, and changed his raiment: and pro, 23. When thou sittest downe with a ruler at meate, consider diligent­ly what is before thee. Therefore, when wee sit at the Lordes table to sup with him, and are admitted to be his welcome ghuests: we ought much more to be caresul to sanctifie our soules with al solemnity. Consider with me a little our own practise. We will not put our ordinary meates in a dish vn­washed, nor our common drinks into a cup vnclensed: and shall we put the signes of bread and Wine which are cho­sen instruments to conueigh Christ vnto vs, into vnsancti­sied soules, vnprepared heartes, and [...] consciences? Doth not our sauiour Christ reproue such hy pocrisie, when he saith, Matth. 16, 3 Ye can discerne the face of the skie; and [...] you not dis­cerne [Page 343] the signes of the times? And if that vpper chamber, wher the supper was first administred, were trimmed and gar­nished: should not our hearts be prepared, into the which it is receiued? Shall Christ himselfe offer to come into our houses: and shal not we sanctifie our harts to entertain such a ghest? This were to great carelesnesse and contempt.

Moreouer, waigh with me the profit that commeth to our selues to moue vs to this examination. The comfort is great, the fruite is excellent, the benifit is vnspeakeable to those that partake the mystery of the Supper worthily, they receiue christ, they receiue remission of sinnes, they receiue saluation, they receiue assurance of eternall life. For, if the woman diseased Math 9, 20 with an yssue of blood, loe twelue yeare, comming behind Christ and touched onely the hemme of his garment, was made whole: then assuredly the spiritu­all receiuing of the body and blood of christ shal not bring lesse profit, if the faith be equall, which notwithstanding is wholly lost without preparation. Ponder with me also how by neglect of this triall of our selues, not onely this profit is lost, but the Sacrament it selfe is after a sort defiled. For, howsoeuer it be in it selfe by the ordinance of God an holy and heauenly banket, yet to the vngodly, vnregenerate, and vnsanctified, it becommeth vnholy and wholly earthly, Hag. 2, 14 as the prophet Haggai teacheth, Chapter 2. If a polluted person touch an holy thing, it shall be vncleane. The person must be holy that will haue sound profit by the holy thinges of God: the man that is vnholy, defileth every thing he tou­cheth, the polluted Person polluteth all thinges. For as, to Tit. 1, i5 the pure all thinges are pure, but vnto them that are defiled and vnbeleeuing is nothing pure, but euen their mindes and consciences are corrupted: so the prophane Person defileth all thinges, and turneth wholesome meate into noysome poyson. We must therefore vse sanctifyed thinges with sanctfyed hearts: and for spirituall meate we haue spirituall vessels.

Furthermore, marke the great danger & punishment that is [Page 344] procured and purchased by this want of preparation. For, the vn worthie receiuer is guilty 1 Cor. [...], 27 of the body and blood of Christ as the Apostle specifieth, 1 cor, xi. Whosoeuer shall eate this bread, and drinke the cup of the lord vnworthily, shall be guiltie of the body and blood of the Lord. And againe, He that eateth and drinketh vnworthily, eateth and drinketh his own iudgement, because he [...] not the lords body: for this cause many are sick and weak among you, and manie sleepe. Where he teacheth, that such as come vnworthily, vnreuerently, and otherwise then such misteries should be handled, doe despise and treade vnder their feet Iesus Christ himselfe, prouoke the Lords [...], and bring on themselues swift damnation. Not that he is carnally and bodily present, but because the reproache which is vsed in the signes, toucheth the bodie and bloode of Christ signified by them. Euen as if a man shoulde rent, disgrace, deface, spit vppon, tread and trample vnder his feet, and villanouslie abuse the image, seale, and letters pa­tents of a Prince, he should be adiudged Rens Iae sae Maiestatis. guilty of a grie­uous crime against the person of the Prince himselfe, not which hee receiueth but despiteth: so, such as come vn­thankefully and vnworthily to this supper, are guilty of his body, not which they haue eaten, but which they haue re­fused and reiected being offered vnto them, and therefore are guilty of their owne death, inasmuch as God with the signes offereth his owne sonne.

Wherefore seeing the presence of God moueth, seeing our owne profit perswadeth, seeing our owne practise fur­thereth, seeing the defiling of the Sacrament and the dan­ger of vnworthy receiving teacheth, and lastly seeing our owne iudgement in humane affaires (when the daunger is not so great, nor the losse so certaine) cryeth out for this necessary preparation: it standeth vs vpon, before we en­ter into this holy worke (whereunto of our selues wee are more vnfit and vnto warde, and which in it owne nature is most profitable) to set our selus before the Lord, who shal examine and iudge the quicke and the dead: to search into our owne wayes and to keepe a sessions in our own soules: [Page 345] to looke into our secret and hidden corruptions, how wee haue gone forward or backward in golinesse: to try whe­ther we haue a knowledge, feeling, and disliking of our sinnes, and whether we haue any feare of Gods iudgments, or faith in his promises, or hope in his mercie: to iudge our selues, that we may not be iudged of the Lord: to la­bour to find out our speciall sinnes, striuing against them by earnest praier to God, and condemning them for euer in our selues. If we would thus iudge our selues, wee should not be condemned with the world. Let vs be grieued for our naturall blindnes. Let vs acknoledge confusion of fa­ces to be due vnto vs. Let vs deepely imprint in our owne harts the horror of our sins past and present. The more wee perceiue and discerne our own vnworthinesse, the greater shalbe our fitnes to come to this Sacrament: and the lesse we espy our owne imperfections, the more we incuire the danger of Gods iudgements. So then, to touch vs with true [...], and to break our stony hearts in pieces with remembrance of our daily offences, let vs often meditate on the death and passion of Christ, who was forsaken, scor­ned, buffeted, and crucified for vs: he was led as a lambe to the slaughter and shunned not the shame of the Crosse: then the powers of heauen & [...] wer moued, Math. 27, 45 Iudea was darkned, the earth quaked, the stones claue in sunder, the the graues opened, the Sunne was in the ful-moone eclip­sed, the vaile of the temple was rent, the dead were raysed, the theese repented, the centurion glorified God, and the whole order of nature was changed. All these thinges [...] set before vs the he inousnesse of our sins, and the greatnesse of gods wrath, which could not be appeased, but by cruci­fieng of the body and by shedding of the blood of Christ, which is represented to vs, as in a glasse, in this Supper. Thus wee haue shewed by testimonies and effectuall rea­sons, that, as in the passe-ouer they were commanded to chuse them a lambe Exod. 12, 3 on the tenth day, but to kill him on the fourteenth, so that they had 4. daies liberty betweene the separating and the killing of him, for preparation and [Page 346] sanctification of themselues: in like manner, in the supper, which is the same to vs that the passe-ouer was to the [...], the spirit of God chargeth this duty vpon vs, that we prepare our harts reuerently thereunto.

Now, as we haue seene the necessity of this examination: vse. 1. let vs consider what vses are to be made thereof. Is it re­quired of all communicants that come to the Lords table, [...] to examine themselues? Then from hence it fol­lo weth, that all men are bound to know the word of God, and to be skilfull in the scripture, that thereby they [...] be able to try their owne hearts, and examine themselues by that rule. But if the rule be vnknowne, the tryall spoken off cannot be made, the examination commaunded cannot be practised. Especially there is required of vs the knowledge in the doctrine of the law, not onely to be able to rchearse the words, but to know the end and mcaning of them, the speciall branches of them, what are the duties commaun­ded, what are the sinnes condemned: for by Rom. 3, 20 the law commeth the knowledge of sinne, and the Apostle had not knowne sinne, Roman 7, 7 but by the law: for hee had not knowne last, except the law had sayd, thou shait not lust. As then, he that will try Golde from copper, must haue his touch stone: so he that will rightly examine his obedience, must familiarly be acquainted with the Canon of the scriptures. This our Sauiour teacheth Ioh. 5. Search the scriptures, for in them ye thinke to haue eternalllife, and they are they which testisie of me.

[...] then we search them, they will giue vs light to search our [...]. And the Apostle requireth the Colossians, Iohn 5, 39 to haue the word of God dwell plentifully in them in al wise­dome. Wherefore, he that said, examine your selues, ment we should also know the scriptures, and especially the law of God, which must be the glasse of our Colo 3, 16 liues to behold our offences: and the very ground-worke of this examina­tion. Iam 1, 23, 24

Againe, we are charged to try out our waies, and exa­mine vse. 2 our selues? Then we learne from hence, to acknow­ledge [Page 347] a difference between baptisme and the lords supper. For baptisme is due to the whole church, and euery mem­ber thereof, whether old or young, to all infants, who are the children of faithful parents, that haue giuen their names to Christ, and are entred into the profession of the Gospell. And howsoeuer confession of faith & fruits of repentance, are required of the elder sorte, (as wee haue shewed) yet touching infants it is susficiēt if they be born in the church, of such as are members of the church. But the Supper of the Lord belongeth only to such as are able to examine them­selues, to try their owne harts, and to remember his death, which things cannot agree with children. As we see in the passe-ouer, not all the children of the faithfull were admit­ted thereunto: but onely such as could enquire and require a reason thereof, Exod, 12 26 and did desire to be instructed of their parents, and such as had learned to make the law a frontlet before their eies, and a signe vpon their hands, that so the doctrine of God might not depait out of their mouths. Be­sides, if we consider the outward workes in both the Sacra­ments aright, This ouer­throweth the opinion of Innocentius, Augustine, Musculus. & others, who teach it to be [...] and need­full that chil­dren be ad­mitted to the Supper, Innocent. 1. epift. ad patr. con­cil. Mile. Au­gust. epist. 107 ad Vitalem. Muscul. loc. [...] de Euchar. we shall plainely see the truth of this diuer­sity. For, in Baptisme the action of the minister is to wash the body with water, which requireth not discretion in him that is to be baptized, fo rasmuch as we can clense and wash the things that are without reason, without vnderstanding, without sense, and without life. But in the sacrament of the supper, a reuerent giuing, an attentiue hearing, a certaine vnderstanding of that which is spoken, a wise receiuing and eating, and a carefull considering of whom to take, and what to take is required into the outward work: how much greater iudgement is required, to know that God the fa­ther giueth the body and blood of his sonne to be receiued by faith? Thus then, this examination maketh a distincti­on betweene both the sacramentes of the new testament, and sheweth, that it is not necessary to the saluation of in­fants, that they com to the Lords table.

Thirdly, seeing no man must presume to come thither without a serious examination of himselfe: it Fiue sorts of persons bar­red from the lords supper debarreth [Page 348] from the Lords supper fiue sorts of persons, to wit, children, furious and mad men, ignorant persons, prophane persons, and all sorts of insidels. First of all, if there be a necessity of searching and trying our selues, it excludeth all infants and children in age, who vnderstand not what the holy spirit speaketh in this Sacrament, what God the father offereth, what the Sonne performeth, and what faith receiueth, they know not what it is to eate christ spiritually, and to be nou­rished by him effectually. Secondly, all foolish, furious, and mad men, being such as want the vse of naturally gifts of reason, wit, descretion and iudgement, the defect where­of, whatsoeuer they are in age and yeares, maketh them as children in gifts, not being able to examine themselues, are to be separated. Thirdlyly, howsoeuer many haue yeares of discretion, and the common vse of naturall gifts of vn­derstanding: yet, if they neither haue the knowledge of God, nor the knowledge of themselues, nor the know­ledge of the doctrine of the Sacramentes, and other funda­mentall points of religion, they are not to be admitted but refused.

Fourthly, if they haue all these things, and want neither ripenesse of age, nor yeares of discretion, nor vse of reason, nor knowledge of the doctrine which is according to god­linesse: yet if they remaine prophane, vngodly, vnrepentant, stubborne, malicious, reuenging, open contemners of God, of godlinesse, and of his word, idolaters, adulte­rers, blasphemers, drunkards, and such in whom appeareth no amendment of life, these and such like are not interessed in this Sacrament.

Lastly, it excludeth and shutteth out all such as are with­out God in the world, all Atheists, Insidels, Turkes, Iewes, and Heretikes, all such as haue not yealded themselues to the Church of GOD, and haue not made profession, of their faith, and such as are worthily excommunicated from the Church by the power of the keies: Whereby we see, that al infants and children that want years, all furious and foolish persons that want the vse of reason, all blind and ignorant [Page 349] persons, that want the knowledge of God and of them­selues, all vnrepentant persons that bring not with them faith and repentance, all infidels and vnbeleeuers with o­thers that are out of the bosome of the church, are to bee kept backe from this Supper, being such as either cannot or will not submit themselues to this holy necessary duty of examination, thereby hauing no right or title to come to his table. For such as haue not the church to be their mother, cannot be nourished with this meate of the church, to wit, the Supper of the Lord.

Fourthly, if all persons are to prepare themselues to this Sacrament: then none are willingly and wilfully to abstain vse. 4 and refraine from comming vnto it. For as such sinne grie­uously, who present themselues vnworthily to this blessed communion: so do they greatly offend on the other side, that ofset purpose absent themselues from this spirituall banket prouided for them. God is dishonored both these waies, as well by receiuing vnreuerently, as by abstayning carelesly from this Sacrament. For he lyeth vnder an heauy Ier. 48, 10 curse deseruedly, that doth any of the Lords works neg­ligently. Euen as the patient, which being sicke maketh no account of the dyet which the Physition hath prescribed, is no lesse blame worthy, then he that abuseth it disorderly, in as much as both sorts do it oftentimes to their danger and destruction: so is he no lesse faulty, that maketh that recko­ning of the receit which the chiefe Physition of our soules the Lord Iesus hath appointed, then he that misuseth and misapplyeth the same, because both do it with great perill and hazzard to themselues. We know that such, as, being bidden Matth. 22, 7 by the King to the wedding of his Sonne, made light of it and refused to come, were destroyed as wel as he that, came without his wedding garment. We know when the word of God is preached, which is Rom. 1, 16 the power of God to saluation to all that beleeue, such as absent themselues from the hearing of it, perish iustly, as wel as they that come without faith and repentance. We know when the passeo­uer was celebrated, such persons as were negligent to ob­serue [Page 350] and keepe the same according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses, were to be cut off from his people, Num. 9, 13 Because they brought not the offering of the Lord in his due season, they shal be are their sin. In like manner such as neglect to come to this communion, and abstaine from it, for feare of com­municating vnworthily, depriue themselues of great com­fort. And this is the very cut-throat of al godlines and reli­gion. For why doe they not, by like proportion of reason, refrain from inuocation and calling vpon the name of god, for feare of praying amisse? And why may they not absent themselues from hearing the word of God, fearing to hear amisse? So that if this pretence were a lawful warrant to ab­staine from the Lords Supper for feare of vnworthy recei­uing, we might bid all godlines farewel, in asmuch as it o­peneth a gap for men to abstaine from performing all du­ties of piety and godlines. Wherfore, let not such persons flatter themselues with vaine excuses and lying words that cannot profit, neither daube with vntempered morter, say­ing, we are vnworthy, we cannot come: rather let them la­bor to shake off their vnworthines, and to cast away Heb. 12, 1 euerything that presseth down, and the sin that hangethso fast on, that so they may be worthy receiuers. Let them not con­temne the commaundement of christ which saith, take ye, eate ye, do this in remembrance of me. Christ hath commanded, we must obey: he saith, come: shall we be so vnthankfull to say, we will not come? He calleth, shall we not answer? He biddeth his ghests, shall we make excuses? He sendeth his messengers and prepareth his feast, shall we not prouide and prepare to eate thereof? He offereth himselfe vnto vs, shall we contemne the blessed remembrance of his death and passion, euen the price of our redemption, and shut our selues from the communion which the faithfull haue with him and one with another? So that wee are to per­swade our owne hearts, that God is prouoked to anger, as well by negligence in abstaining, as by vnworthinesse in receiuing the Supper.

Chap. 16. Of the knowledge of God: the first part of examination.

AS we haue waighed the necessity of preparing and ex­amining our selues: so let vs consider the manner how it is to be performed. Such as will in an holy manner prepare themselues Four points required in examination of our selues. to celebrate the Lords Supper to the glory of God and comfort of their owne soules, must dili­gently acquaint themselues with these 4. pointes, with knowledge, faith, repentance, and reconciliation to those whom they haue offended. It is required of all persons that come to this Sacrament, to know the grounds of religion, and vnderstande the doctrine of the sacramentes. Second­ly, to beleeue in christ, and to looke for saluation in him a­lone, inasmuch as there is no other name vnder heauen by which we must be saued. So then we must come with faith, which is the hand to apprehend christ. Thirdly, to abhorre and detest our sins, to hate them with an vnfained hatred as our deadly and most dangerous enemies, and to haue god­ly sorrow for them which may cause repentance not to be repented off. Lastly, to loue our bretheren truely and sin­cerly, yea euen our enemies. If we find not these things in our selues, we must carefully vse al holy meanes appointed for this purpose, to begin them in vs: otherwise our estate will proue to be fearefull and dangerous. We must with al sincerity, conscience, and zcale, vse prayer, the word read and preached, conference, meditation, and such like helpes as may further them in vs. If we do find them in vs, though feeble and in great want and weakenesse, we are not to ab­staine from the sacrment, but to come thereunto to seeke strength of faith & encrease of obedience. Wherfore, Mat. 11, 28 our sauiour calleth such vnto him, come to me all ye that are weary and sore laden, and I will ease you: take my yoke on you, and ye shall find rest vpon your soules: for my yoake is easie, and my burden is light. And Chap, 12. A brused Matt. 12, 20 reede shall he not breake, and smoking flaxe shall he not quench, till he bring forth iudgment vnto victory.

[Page 352] Touching the first, we are to obserue, The 1. part of examina­tion is knowledge of gods word. that such as wil come aright to the lords Supper, must haue the knowledge of Gods word, which is the foundation and ground-work of faith. We must know what to beleeue, and must learne the doctrine of saluation out of the Scripture. Our Sauiour Christ, in that heauenly prayer which he made a little be­fore his passion, vseth these words to his father, Iohn 17, 3 This is e­ternall life to know thee to be the onely very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. We must know how miserable all men are of themselues, that we are seperated from God, the chil­dren of wrath by nature as wel as others, and the very fire­brands of hel. They that want this knoledge, cannot iudge aright of the partes and vses of this Sacrament, nor desire this heavenly meate which nourisheth to eternall life. So then, knowledge must necessarily go before faith: for it is the nature of faith to beleeue that which it knoweth, and therefore where there is small knowledge, there is a little faith: and where there is no knowledg, ther can be no faith: according Rom. 10, 17 to the doctrine of the Apostle Roman. 10. Faith commeth by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. The know­ledge required of vs when we approach to this Sacrament, standeth in these two What particular pointes are necessary to be known of al that cōe to the com­munion. pointes: first in the knowledge of God, Secondly in the knowledge of our selues. In these two braunches standeth the first part of examinarion. And these two pointes are so neerely ioyned and knit together, that no man can throroughly know God, vnlesse he know himselfe: and no man can haue the perfect knowledge of himselfe, except he know God in whom Act. 17, 28 he liueth, mo­ueth, and hath his being. Vnder these two heads, many par­ticular points are containd, necessary to be known of those that offer themselues to bee partakers of this sacrament. First, that there is onely one God, that hath made himselfe knowne in three persons, Iohn 5, 7 the Father, the sonne, and the Holy-ghost: Secondly, that God made man and all other creatures good, and gouerneth all thinges well: Thirdly, man did fall through the entisement of the Deuill, and his own wilful disobedience in breaking the commandements [Page 353] of God: Fourthly there are ten commaundements diuided into two tables: where of the foure first commaundements concern our duties to God, the sixe last our dutyes toward our neighbour: Fiftly, we cannot keepe these commande­ments, nor any one of them, but we breake them daily, in motion, in thought, in worde, and in deede: the breache where of deserueth Deut 27, 26 the cursse of God, that is, all mise­ries in this life, death in the ende of this life, and Hell fire after this life: Sixtly, there is no meanes or remedy in ourselues or in any creature, but onely in Iesus Christ the eter­nal son of god, Luk. 1, 35 who is god & man: God, that he might o­uercom death: and man, that he might die for our sins. He hath pacified gods wrath, fulfild the righteousnes of that law, sanctified our nature, adopted vs to be the children of god, and maketh our duties (though weake) acceptable to his father. Seuenthly, all haue not deliuerance by him, but one­ly such as beleue in Christ, 1 cor. 1, 30 whose obedience and righte­ousnes is made ours by a liuely faith, whereby we are per­swaded that through him our sinnes are forgiuen, and wee made the children of God: Eightly, faith is a gifte of God applying Christ and al his merits particularly to our selues, and teaching that he is a Sauiour vnto vs. Ninthly, beeing saued by christ thrugh faith, Luk. 1, 74 we may not liue as we list: this vnspeakeable mercy teacheth vs to deny all vngodlinesse, and all worldly and sinfulllusts, to to liue soberly, righte­ously, and godly in this present euill world, and to walk in newnes of life, Ephe. 6, 5 because no vnrighteous person shal enter into the kingdome of heauen.

Tenthly this faith which bringeth forth a refor­med life, is wrought in our heartes by the Holy-ghoaste through the preaching of the word, being truely expoun­ded, and profitably applyed with doctrin, confutation, ex­hortation, correction, reformation, and consolation: and it is encreased besides, by reading, praying, and receiuing of the sacraments. Eleuenthly touching prayer, we haue a perfect platforme left vs Matth 6, 9 by Christ in the Gospell, which containeth sixe petitions, the three firste concerning the [Page 354] glorie of God, and the three last concerning the necessities of our owne bodies and soules, 12. the sacraments are an­other help to strengthen and increase faith, which are out­ward signes and seales ordained of God, to assure vs that Christ& all his sauing graces are giuen vnto vs. These are two in number. Baptisme, the Sacrament of our regene­ration and new birth, assureth vs by the washing of water, that our sins are for giuen by the blood of Christ, and wee borne a new to god. The Lords supper assureth vs, that by bread and wine giuen and receiued according to gods or­dinance, Christ is giuen vs to be our spirituall norishment to euerlasting life.

These grounds of religion must be knowne and vnder­stood, that we may learne how wretched and miserable we are by nature, and what remedy god hath ordained for our deliuerance. We shall neuer feel the sweetnes of gods mercy, vntill we find the greatnes of our owne misery. We cannot perceiue how greatly we stand in neede of Christ, vntil we knowe our owne woful and wretched estate by reason of sin. Such then as are ignorant in these necessary points of christian religion, and especially in the doctrin of both the sacraments, can neuer come aright vnto them, can neuer shew forth the Lords death, can neuer discerne his body, but blindly run on to the daunger of their owne soules. Wherefore it standeth all men vpon, to desire the sincere milke of the word 1 Pet. 2, 1, 2 that they may grow thereby, to seeke after knowledge, as for siluer, and after vnder­standing as precious stones. A loathing stomack neuer wol digesteth the meat that is put into it: and he that is ful, de­spiseth the Hony combe. What is the reason, that they re­maine blind in the matters of god and their owne saluati­on, and as bruit Beastes in vnderstanding? Surely, because they desire not the waies of god, they regard not his fear, they contemne knowledge, as Esau did the blessing, and the Israelites did their Manna. For no man truely desired the knowledge of god and of godlines vn sainedly, but he had the meanes offred vnto him at one time or other. Cor­nelius, [Page 355] desiring to be throughly instructed in the way of sal­uation, was directed by the Angel to sende for peter, Act. 11, 13 Who should speake words vnto him, whereby he and his houshold should be [...]. Thus Dauid, going the way of all fleshe, instructeth his sonne Salomon, 1 chr. 28, 9 Thou Salomon know thou the God of thy fa­thers, and serue him with a perfect hart and with a willing mind: if thou seeke him, he will be found of thee, but if thou for sake him, he wil cast thee off for euer. This is it also which the Prophet procla­med. 2 chron, 15. O Asa and all [...] and Beniamin, hear ye me: the Lord is with you, while ye be with him: and if ye seeke him, he will be found ofyou: but ifye for sake him, he will for [...] you. Like­wise, the Euangelist teacheth, that when Zacheus sought to see I esus, he shewed himselfe vnto him, he entered into his house, and that which is more into his heart, Luk. xix, 3, &c. and that day saluation was begun in him and [...] his family, being made the chi'de of Abraham. Heerby is fulfild that which the Prophet speketh. Psal. 145. The Lord is neere Psa. 145, 18, &c. vnto al that cal vpon him, euen to all that cal vpon him in truth: he wil fulfil the desire of them, that fear him, he wil also heare their cry, and wil saue them Where he teacheth, that if we truely desire knowledge, we shal effectualy obtain it. God wil not be wanting to vs, if we be not wanting to our selus. When the Eunuch came to Ierusalem, and exercised himselfe in the scriptures in rea­ding the prophet for increase of knowledge, as he sat in his chariot: did not the lorde direct Phillip to goe to him, and ioyne himselfe to his chariot, by whom he was farther in­structed and baptized? So shall it bee with al that hunger Act. 8, 28, 29 and thirst after the doctrine of godlines, they shall not bee lest destitute, but be filled with the knowledge thereof to their endlesse comfort. The hand of God is not shortned, he is as ready to help vs as euer he was, Matth. 5, 6 according to the promise of Christ our Sauior. Math. 5. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousnes, for they shalbe filled. Heereunto tēdeth the general promise, deliuerd in the general words of him that is the author of grace, Matth. 7, 7, 8 Ask and ye snalreceiue, seek and ye shal find: knock and it shalbe opened vnto you: for whosoeuer asketh, receiueth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knock­eth, it shalbe opened. [Page 356] Heer we haue an excellent comfort and encouragement, to consider that our holy indeuours shall not be in vaine in the Lord.

Chap. 17. Of faith in Christ, the second part of examination.

HItherto we haue spoken of knowledge which is the first part of this examination. Now a man may haue knowledge, and yet want faith. Wherfore the The 2 part of examination. next point which we are to try and proue, is our faith in christ. For e­uery man receiueth so much as he beleeueth he receiueth, according as our Sauiour speaketh to the woman of Cana­an, Math. 15, O woman, great is thy faith, be it vnto thee Mat. 15, 28 as thou desirest. And the Apostle saith, to the same effect, Hebr. 4, 2 Vnto vs was the Gospell preached as also vnto them, but the worde that they heard, prositted them not, because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it. Al those are worthy receiuers, that ground themselues on the free fauor of God in christ Iesus, beleeue themselues to be deliuered by him from eternall damnati­on, and desire daily to go forward in godlinesse. Heereun­to commeth the exhortation of Paule, 2 Cor, 13, Proue your selues, 2 cor. 13, 5 whether ye be in the faith: examine your selues: know ye [...] your owne selues, how that Iesus Christ is in you, except ye be re­fused? This true faith is the mouth of the soule, wherby we receiue christ crucified to our saluation. Wherefore, it is re­quired of vs, not onely to haue knowledge and vnderstand­ding in the mistery of our redemption: but likewise a iusti­fieng faith, What a true faith is which is a wonderfull gift of God, whereby the elect doe apply Christ and the sauing promises of the Gospell to themselues particularly. We must know Gal. 1. 4 the purpose and ordinance of God, appointing and setting a­part Iesus Christ to be the person in The hands of faith what they are. whom and by whom he hath decreed and determined the saluation of al the elect. Againe, we must haue a perswasion of Gods true meaning toward vs, in offering saluation through Christ, and that [Page 357] all sufficiency and ability is in him to saue vs, whereuppon we shall feele a sweet and comfortable resting vpon him, in whom God meaneth to saue vs. These are the handes whereby we apply Christ to our selues both by knowinge himselfe for our sins according to the will of God euen our father, and by relying on his al-sufficiency to perform that high worke of redemption, whereunto he was sealed and ordained.

This faith is not borne and bred with vs, but is wrought in vs by the Holy-ghost, 2 Thes. 3. 2 who is therefore called the spi­rit of faith. Except he giue it, no man can haue it: it is na­tural to vs to presume on the one side, and to dispaire on the other side: but to beleeue (which is seated in the mid­dest) is supernaturall. To haue a dead faith commeth of our selues: but to haue a liuely faith, proceedeth from God, to whom we ascribe all praise and glory. Now the proper office and function of this iustifying faith standeth in apprehending, receiuing, and laying hold vppon Christ and all his benefits. Euen as the hand stretched forth, lay­eth hold vpon a thing, and pulleth the same vnto it: so doth saith apply the sauing promises of the Gospell to the soule, as the Apostle teacheth, Gal. 3. That the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Iesus Christ, Gal. 3, 14 that wee might receiue the promise of the spirit through faith. Where he teacheth, that we embrace and receiue the precious promises of sal­uation and forgiuenesse of our sinnes by faith, beleeuinge the same to belong vnto our selues. The scripture calleth Christ a redeemer indefinitely? Iob calleth him his redee­mer Iob. 19, 25 particularly, Iob, 19. I knowe that my redeemer lyueth. The Scriptur setteth out the lord as the god of his church: Thomas vpon a special feeling of Christs fauor toward him, Iohn. 20, 28 acknowledgeth him to be his Lord and his god. Iohn. 20 Thou art my Lord and my god. The Scripture propoundeth Christ as the Sauiour of his people: the blessed virgin ta­keth this as spoken to her selfe, Luk. 1, 47 an accounteth him her sauiour. Luke 1. My spirit reioyceth in god my sauiour. The Scriptur maketh Christ the L. and protector of his church: [Page 358] Elizabeth maketh a speciall Luke 1, 43 application thereof, calling him her lord Luk. 1, Whence commeth this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come vnto me. It is an Article of our holy and christian faith to beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes: this must euery one beleeue, this must euery one hold, this must euery one apply, Matth. 9, 2 as christ did to the sick man of the Pal­sey, Mathew. 9. sonne be of good comfort, thy sinnes are forgiuen thee.

It is the hardest thing in the worlde thus to beleeue, whe­ther we respect Christ or our selues. It is an easie matter for a man, when he neither knoweth nor feeleth the burden of sin, to say he hath faith, and beleeueth in gods mercy: but when Satan shall fift him, when his owne hart shall accuse him, when sinne shall he heauy vpon his soule, when the vnsupportable and vnsufferable anger of God shall presse his conscience to the nethermost hell, and the flame there­of consume his bones and turne his moisture Psal. 32, 4 into the drought of Summer: if then he can stand vpright, and build himselfe Math. 7, 24 vpon the rock, when the floods come, when the winds blow and beat vpon his house, and when the ground shaketh vnder his feet, this man with boldnesse and confi­dence may truely say, and seale it vppe for an euerlasting truth, My sinnes are forgiuen me. For if then he can comfort himselfe in his God, and apply his gratious mercies to his owne fainting hart, and cry out Iob. 13, 15 Though the Lorde would kill me, yet still I wil trust in him: this is the property of a sounde faith, against which the strongest gates of hel shal not pre­uaile.

This appeareth euidently vnto vs in the example of A­braham, Roma 4, 17 &c. who beleeued that of his old, weake, withered, and as it were dead body, should spring children Genes. 15, 5 like the sande on the sea-shore, and like the starres of heauen for multitude, and that he should haue a seede in whom him­selfe and all the nations of the world should be blessed. If hee had consulted with flesh and blood, what discourses might a naturall man alledge to [...] the crediting of this promise? yet hee doubted not, hee disputeth not the [Page 359] matter, but beleeued that the weake shoulde bee made strong, that the barren should be made fruitfull and a ioy­full mother of children, that the dead should be made a­liue to dwell with a family, springing out of his owne bo­dy, which was to reason as vnlikely and vnpossible, as for a dry and dead tree pulled vp by the rootes, to bud, bear, and bring foorth plentifull [...]. So, what can bee more difficult and hard then for vs to beleeue and be perswaded, that by the death of Christ, we shall haue euerlastinge life? by his shame and dishonour we shall haue glory and praise? that by his wounds and reproaches we shall haue the curing and healing of our [...]? that by his agonies and bloody sweate, wee shall haue peace and rest? by his condemnation we shall haue saluation? Is not this after a sort, in hell to see heauen? in cursing, to see blessing? in humiliation, to see exaltation? in death, to see life? in condemnation, to lay holde of saluation? in feeling of sin, to beleeue the pardon of sinnes? lastly in out vnrighteous­nes and misery, to bee both righteous and accepted to e­ternall life: and in the breach of the lawe, to beleeue the fulfilling of the law?

This is indeede to haue the sauing faith Titus. 1, [...] of Gods e­lect. And to say that this is an easie matter, or a small thinge, is plainely to betray and difcouer, that wee never knew what true faith meaneth.

For this faith, let euery one of vs labour, that we may Gal. 2, 20 specially and particularly apprehend the promises, as the Apostle declareth. Galatians 2, I am crucified with Christ, but I liue; yet not I any more, but christdiueth in me: and in that that I nowe liue in the flesh, I liue by the faith in the sonne of God, who hath loued mee, and giuen himselfe for me. And againe, 2 Tim. 4, 7 I haue fought a good fight, I haue finished my course, I haue kept the faith, hencefoorth is [...] vppe for me a crowne of righteousnesse, which the Lorde the righteous iudge, shall giue vnto me at that day.

Where wee see a speciall application to himselfe [Page 360] of the benefits of Christ, and therefore it is not sufficient to beleeue that Christ came into the world, that he was cru­cified, died, was buried, rose againe from the dead, and as­cended into heauen: for this is a general faith, this is the faith of the reprobates, yea the Deuils know it, and haue as great a part and portion therein as we, yet they tremble at the remembrance of their iudgement to come, as Iames sheweth, Iam. 2, 19 Thou beleeuest there is one god, thou doest well: the de­uils also beleeue and tremble. There is more required of vs, then to beleeue the Histories and doctrine of the scriptures to be true, and to make an outward profession of it, to vnder­stand and assent vnto the couenant of grace made by christ that it is certain and shal be verified in the members of the church: we must, besides this generall and confused faith, apply and appropriate vnto our selues the promises of sal­uation: We must not onely see them a farre off, but feele them in our harts: We must beleeue, not onely that christ is a sauior, but that he is our sauior and our redeemer. Thus we must euery one of vs for his owne part make proper to himselfe all the riches and graces that are in chist Iesus, be­cause in giuing himselfe to vs, he giueth al his benefits: in that he is God, he maketh vs after a sort 2 Pet. 1, 4 partakers of the diuine nature: being heir of al things, in heauen and earth, and Lord of the world, he maketh al things ours, whether 1 Cor. 3, 22 life or death, whether things present or things to come, re­couering in him the possession of those thinges which wee lost in Adam: being the beloued sonne of the father, hee maketh vs acceptable and wel pleasing vnto him: leading captiuity captiue and giuing gifts Eph. 4, 8 to men, hauing Do­minion ouer the Deuil, sin, hell, the world, the flesh, and all our enemies, hee protecteth vs that they cannot ouer­throw vs, and hath Reuel. 1, 6 made vs kings and Priests to god e­uen his father: in that he is happy and immortal, he maketh vs partakers of his blessednes and immortality. When we shall seuerally and particularly apply al the actions and be­nefits of Christ our lorde vnto our selues, we may boldely come to the lordes table, where wee shall fiude christ, and [Page 361] enioy him to our endlesse comfort.

Neither are we to abstaine and hang backe from com­ming to the Supper, nor to dispaire of our selues, nor to be to much cast downe, when wee feele sundry defectes and wantes in our faith. For There are 2 degrees of true faith. there is a weake and feeble faith, which is yet a true faith as well as the stronge faith. There are two degrees offaith profitable to be knowne, and com­fortable to be considered. The weake faith, what a weak faith is is an earnest and vnfained desire to be reconciled vnto GOD in christ, which willing desire in vs GOD accepteth as the deede it selfe: hee accounteth the defire of faith as faith it selfe: the desire of reconciliation and forgiuenesse of sinnes by the death of CHRIST, shall be auaileable to worke out our attonement and redemption. The stronge faith is a full perswasion and assurance What a strōg faith is. of the mercyes of GOD, when the faithful can truely say with the Apostle. Roma. 8, 38 Rom. 8 38. 39. I am perswaded that neither life nor death, nor thinges present nor thinges to come, neither Angels, nor principalities, nor powers, neither height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall separate vs from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesus our Lord.

This is the greatest measure and highest degree of faith: this is the top, strength, and full ripenesse of faith: heere­unto wee are to striue and indeuour, and neuer to giue rest vnto our soules, vntill wee bee resouled and setled in our consciences, that all our sinnes are assuredly pardoned, and wee accepted to euerlasting life. This greatenesse of faith was in Abraham, Roma. 4, 20 who was not weak, but strengthe­ned in faith, being fully perswaded He that had promised was also able to doe it. All that liue in the bosome of the Church doe not attaine to this full measure of a perfect faith: but euen as it is in the estate of the body, we are babes before we come to be men of ripe yeares, first we be weake before we be strong, 1 cor 3, 1, 2 first we are fed with milke before we can digest strong meat. We see Mar. 4, 28 corne first is in the grasse then in the blade, before it come to the stalke, and to haue ripe corne in the eare. There must be in all thinges a beginning, [Page 362] before there can be a proceeding to perfection. The tree sendeth forth his tender braunches, and putteth forth his leaues, before the fruit commeth. So is it with euery chri­stian Man and Woman, first they are babes in Christ, and haue certaine seedes and beginnings of faith springing in them to eternall life: afterward they grow from strength to strength, from grace to grace, from degree to degree, Rom 1, 17 and from faith to faith, vntill they come to a full perswasion and assurance without wauering, Psal. 23, 6 which ariseth after many experiences of Gods' manifold mercies and fauours in the course of our liues, as we see Psal. 23. Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercy shall follow me all the daies of my life, and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Wherefore, let vs not be [...] ed and discouraged when our faith is feeble, for a feeble faith wil apply Christ as well as a strong faith: it wil draw Christ home to dwell in our hartes, Ephe. 3, 17 through whom we shall not perish, but haue euerlasting life. Hee that had but a weake eie and a dimme sight, to behold the bra­sen Serpent in the wildernesse, Num. 21, 8 was healed from the dead­ly stinging of the fiery Serpents, as wel as he that saw cleer­ly and perfectly a farre off. He that hath but a Leprous and sickly hand is able to hold that which is offered vnto it, as well as a sound and strong hand. So hee that hath a little faith in the Sonne of God, shall neuer haue his saluation denied, nor forgiuenesse of his sinnes kept from him, if with an humble heart he pray to God to haue them pardoned. The Apostles beleeued, that Christ was the Sauiour of the world: yet they were ignorant Luk. 24, 25 of his death and resurrecti­on, which are the chiefe meanes of saluation, and they are saide to be men of little faith. So our sauiour, when the Luke. 17, 5, 6 Disciples had asked increase of their faith, declareth that if our faith be in quantity but as a graine of mustard-seede, it should be powerfull and effectuall, seeing he will not Mark 2, 23 quench the smooking flaxe, nor breake the bruised reede, but cherish the least sparke and measure of grace giuen vnto vs from aboue. This likewise was the faith of that father, whose child was possessed with a dumbe and deafe spirit, [Page 363] when christ said to him, Math. 7, 7, 8 If thou canst beleau, all things are pos­sible to him that beleeueth: straight way he cryed with teares, saying. Lord, I beleeue, help mine vnbeleefe. Christ doth not reiect him for his weaknes of knowledge and faith, to teach that we should not dispaire, or be dismaid, when we finde wauering, wantes, distrust, and imperfection in our selues: but rather confessing our frailty with that father in this place, pray to be strengthned, and to haue our faith increa­sed. For, whosoeuer vnfainedly desireth any grace of God tending to saluation, shal receiue it: if he continue Reuel. 21, 6 &.c knock­ing at the gate of his mercy, it shall bee opened, and his prayer shalbe granted, as Christ hath promised, Phil. 1. 6 I wilgiue to him that is a thirst of the wel of the water of life. Thus, if wee long after the graces wanting vnto vs, as the earth after a great drouth for the comfortable shewers of refreshing rain, vsing the meanes appointed of God to attaine them, as, ear­nest praier, reuerent attending on the continuall hearing of his word, diligent receiung of the sacraments, being care­full to giue honor and glory to him for his gifts we haue al­ready of his onely mercy obtained and enioyed, wee shall be satisfied and replenished: for then Reuel. 21, 6 &.c He that hath [...] his good worke in vs, will perfect the same in our harts vntill the day of Iesus Christ. Thus much of faith, the sec. part of true ex­amination, which is the instrument whereby wee lay hold vpon Christ, and are made liuely members of him: with­ont which whosoeuer come to the Lords Supper, depart a­way without fruit and comfort.

Chap. 18. Of Repentance, the third part of examination.

THe next thing in this tryall to be conside­red is Repentance from dead works requi­red of al that come to the [...], table repētance, which is, a renewing of the minde, a change of the heart, a turning of the soule, and a reformation of our life and affections. As knowledge is the be­ginning and as it were the forerunner of faith, like a messenger going before his maister to prepare for his comming: so repentance is an especiall fruit of faith, without which, whosoeuer draweth neere to the Lordes Table, prophaneth the Sacrament, and departeth without comfort.

For, it is an altering of our liues and conuersations to God, ioyned with a Godly sorrow and detestation of all sinne, together with an vnfained loue and desire of righte­ousnesse. This appeareth in the change of the whole man, of our thoughtes, affections, meditations, and delightes: in al these the old man with his deceitful lusts must be put off, and the new man must be put on, Ephe. 4, 24 which after God is created vnto righteousnesse and true holinesse. This du­ty is taught in diuers places of the scripture. Herunto come the wordes of the Prophet Esaiah, When Esay 1, 12 ye come to appeare before me, who required this at your hands, to tread in my courtes? Bring no mo oblations in vaine: [...] is an abhomination vnto me: I cannot suffer your new Moones, nor Sabbaths, nor solemne [...] (it is iniquity) nor assemblies. And when ye shall stretch out your handes, I will hide mine eies from you: and though ye make ma­nie praiers, I will not heare, for your handes are ful of blood Wash you, make you cleane, take awaie the euil of your workes from before mine [...] to do euel, learne to do wel, &c. And Ch. 66. He that killeth a bullock, Esay 66, 3 is as if he [...] a man: he that sacrificeth a sheep, is as if he cut off a Dogges necke: he that offereth an oblation, as if he [Page 365] fered swines fleshe: he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idoll: yea they haue chosen their owne waies, and their soule delighteth [...] their abhominations. Whereby the prophet meaneth, that god accepteth no sacrifices without faith and repentance. This also was figured and shaddowed out, by washing the gar­ments and changing the attire of such as came with Gen. 35, 2, 3 their oblations vnto God, and prepared themselues to his ser­uice. This Iacob commaunded, when he reformed his hous­hold, and went vp with them to Bethell the house of God, Thus Moses prepared the people, before the law was de­liuered in Mount Sinas. And heereunto the prophet Dauid alludeth, Psal. 26. I will wash mine handes in innocency, O Lord, and compasse thine alter: as if he should say, I will indeauour to liue most vprightly toward thee and toward men, and so come and offer sacrifices at thine alter.

Wherefore, such as feele not themselues to haue peny­tent heartes, to be humbled and grieued for their sinnes, to sigh and grone vnder the burden of them, to tremble at Gods iudgementes, cannot come aright to this holy Sup­per, but eate and drinke certaine iudgement to themselues. The broken and contrite heart is the path way to heauen, 2 cor. 7, x, xi and an vnspeakeable companion of repentance. This the Apostle teacheth, 2 Cor. 7. Godly sorrow causeth repentance vnto saluation, not to be repented off, but worldly sorrowe causeth death: but behold, this thing, that ye haue beene Godly sory, what great care it hath wrought in you: yea, what cleering of your selues: yea, what indignation: yea, what feare: yea, what desire: yea, what zeale: yea, what punishment.

Heere be the Signs wher by to examin our repen­tance. notes and tokens whereby we may try our repentance, whether it be sincere or not. It hath these signes to discerne it, a care to leaue that sinne into which wee are fallen, otherwise we haue not repented, as Act. 2. they which had crucified the Lord of life, and deliuered him into the handes of sinners, were pricked in their heartes, and sayed to Peter and to the other Act 2, 37, 38 Apostles, Men and bretheren, what shall wee doe? And Peter sayde vn­to them, Amend your liues, and saue your selues from this fro­ward [Page 366] generation. The other signes of repentance are a con­fession of our sins to God, and a condemning our selues for them: an holy and inward anger against our selues for our carelesnesse in looking to our owne waies: a feare not so much of Gods iudgements, as least we fall into the same sins againe, and so offend our mercifull father: a desire, e­uer after to please God with all our hearts: and last of all a renewing and punishing of our owne soules for our offen­ces cōmitted against him. Now to the end we may repent aright, and sit in iudgement of our selues, according to the forme of gods iustice: it shal be needful for vs In exami­ning our selues, we must follow the order of the cōmaun­dementes. to examine our selues by the ten words of the law, and out of the same to frame ten seueral enditements against our selues, where­by we shal find a great defect of righteousnes, a great spoile of obedience, a great accesse of disobedience, and a great heape of all kind of corruptions. This then may serue and suffice for the true examination of our selus. We must con­sider Command. 1 and confesse that we haue not loued and feared God, we haue not beleeued and depended vpon him in al estates as we ought, but haue oftentimes feared and loued the creature aboue him, we haue preferred a filthy pleasure before him: we haue doubted of his promises through vnbeleefe, and relyed vpon an arme of flesh and blood, Wee haue beene carelesse in the worship of God, we haue not prayed Command. 2 to him with stedfast assurance to be heard, we haue not ser­ued him in spirit and in truth as he requireth of vs, but hy­pocrisie hath crept into our best actions and meditations, we haue more laboured after the outward shewes and ap­pearances of religion, then to expresse the power of God­linesse: and haue more esteemed to seeme to others to bee true Christians then to bee such indeede. Wee haue not reuerenced the eternall Maiesty of God as is meete Command. 3 to doe, who is infinite, inuisible, vnchangeable; we haue not blessed and praysed his name with thankes-giuing for all thinges, and at all times, as well for aduersity as pros­perity: Wee haue not heard, reade, and meditated in his word with such affection, reuerence and zeale as is requi­site: [Page 367] when occasion hath beene offered to speake of the workes of gods prouidence, we haue not acknowledged in them the greatnes of his wisedome, power, and goodnesse as we ought: nay rather the glorious and dredful name of god (which ought to be more deare vnto vs then our own liues) hath beene blasphemed, dishonored, and abused by vs. Touching the sabboth, wee must consider and confesse Command. 4 how we haue prophaned it: we haue bene more careful to follow our worldly workes and affaires, then to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnes, hauing had more care of the body then of the soule: we haue sent out our ser­uants to dispatch our busines on that day, and haue not suf­fered them to attend on the [...] of the Lord for the sal­uation of their soules: and our soules haue neglected the ministery of the word of god, haue defiled his sanctuary, and haue polluted that holy day with feasting, playing, spor­ting, drinking, idelnes, and other vanities. Wee haue not yealded reuerence to superiors for conscience sake, nor bin commaund. 5 affraid to offend them as god hath commaunded: we haue not alwaies spoken of them and their gouernment as wee should: wee haue not had such a reuerent opinon and per­swasion of our pastors & teachers as we ought, which haue the charge of our soules, and labor among vs in the lord. A­gaine we haue not beene careful to teach and instruct such as are vnder vs, as our Children, seruantes, and whole famylie as wee are bound, praying with them in our hou­ses, exorting them in all wisedome, conferring with them in all gentlenesse, and furthering them in all the waies of Godlynesse. Touching the sixt Commaundement, we haue not loued our Neighbours as our selues, pro­curing commaund. 6 their good as our own, we haue broken out through debate, contention, chiding, reuiling, brauling, quarrel­ling, and reuenging: we haue not reioyced at the good and prosperity of our brethren, but when Gods eie hath beene good towarde them in blessing them, we haue repined and grudged at it. We haue not possessed the vessels of our bo­dies in holines and honour, as the Temples of the Holye­ghost, commaund. 7 [Page 368] knowing we are bought with a price: we haue not tamed and brought into subiection this flesh as we should, Command. 7 to make it in all respectes subiecte and obedient vnto the spirit: wee haue not made a couenant with our eies, with our eares, with our tongues, to turne them from all vn­cleane sights, wanton words, and filthy communication, but haue suffered them to wander after vnlawful lust and concupisence: neither haue we vsed such sobriety, absti­nence, and temperancy, as hath bene fit to keepe vnder our affections, but riotousnes, excesse in apparrell, surfet­ting, slouthfulnes, idlenes, pride, and fulnesse of breade (which were the sinnes of Sodome. Ezek. 16) are vsed in many places: as for drunkennes, it hath taken away the hearts, and euen washed a way the braines of many. Wee must confesse, that our dealinges with our neighbours in buying, selling, bargaining, and contracting, haue not bin Command. 8 with such vprightnes, soundenes, iustice, sincerity, and truth as God requireth: we haue bene giuen to oppreffion, couetousnes and hard dealing one toward another, & not considered that godlines is great gaine, if a man be conten­ted with that he hath, that if we haue food and raiment we must be content, and can carry nothing with vs out of this world, we haue not at all times beene giuen to mercy and compassion to ward the poor, for the maintenance of them and their families, especially in times of famine, dearth, pestilence, sickenesse, and other mortalities and necessi­ties.

Wee must acknowledge, that we haue not loued the Command 9 truth in the inward partes, neither maintained the credire and good name of men as wee ought, but haue beene ad­dicted to lying, enuying, backebiting, flattering, or defa­ming one of another, and to heare others with comforte and delight to do the like: we haue not bene couragious and constant to confesse and defend the truth against the enimies thereof, but haue bene ashamed to set our selues against lies, errours, and slaunders: we haue kindled the coales of contention by false surmises, carrying of tales, [Page 369] and publishing of infirmities to the hurt and hinderance of our brethren.

Lastly, we must remember to shut vppe this confession, that our whole narure is vile and wretched, the heart of Command. [...] man is deceitfull aboue all things and past finding out: we are sinfull as an euill tree which can bring foorth nothinge but euil fruit, our thoughts are vaine and corrupt, our first motions and immaginations are euill against the lawe of God that saith, Exod. xx, 1 Thou shalt not lust, requiring a pure heart to ward our neighbors, holy cogitations of the spirit, and a continuall conflict against euil affections and lusts of the flesh.

Thus must euery one of vs arraigne and endite our selus. Thus we must accuse our selues, and condemne our owne workes. Thus we must search our owne waies, confessinge that if 1 Ioh. 3, our owne heartes accuse vs, God is greater then our hearts and knoweth all things. Then let vs appeale to the throne of grace, let vs desire saluation in Christ for his mercies sake, let vs cast al out comfort vpon him, couering our faces through shame of our sinnes that are past, hum­bling our selues through greefe of them that are present, and working out our saluation with a feare of that which may come heereafter.

If thus we iudge our selues, God will acquite vs: if thus we condemne our selues, God wil iustifie vs: if we accuse our selues, hee wil discharge vs: if we be displeased with our selues for our sinnes, God wil be wel pleased with vs, and cloath vs with the righteousnes of Christ. But if we stande vpon our owne righteousnesse and worthines, if we say we haue need of nothing, if we flatter and deceiue our selus, comparing our selues with our selues or with others, and not with the rule of Gods word: God wil examin vs, and sit in iudgement vppon vs. If hee enter into Psal. 130, 3 iudge­ment with vs, no flesh shall bee iustified in his sight: for if thou, O Lorde, streightly markest iniquities, O Lorde who shal stande? He wil bee reuenged of our sinnes, and [...] many plagues vpon vs: he will send sundry diseases [Page 730] vpon our bodies, and a troubled spirit vpon our soules, he will adde one punishment to another, vntill we repent, as he teacheth by many examples in the scriptures. The Apo­stle 1 cor, saith, he that eateth and drinketh vnworthily, eateth and drinketh 1 Cor, 11. 29 30, 32. iudgement to himselfe. For this cause many are weak, and sick among you, and many sleep: for if we would iudge our selues, we should not be iudged. But when we are iudged, we are chastned of the Lord, because we should not be condemned with the world. So the Israelites, being myraculously fed by the Lords own hand, lusted and became vnthankeful, and therefore while the meat was yet in their mouths, Psa. 78. 30 31 The wrath of God fell dovvne vppon them, and sle vv the strongest of them and smote dovvne the chosen men of Israel. Iudas, chosen to be one of the twelue, Iohn 13, 27 comming vnworthily to the Passeouer, Satan entered fur­ther into him, wrought in him his owne confusion, and brought vpon him swift damnation. The ghest in the gos­pell, Mat. 22. 22, 13 that pressed vnto the supper without his weddinge garment, was taken speechlesse, bound hand and foot, and cast in to vtter darkenes, where shalbe weeping and gnash­ing of teeth. Let no man therefore put off, and deferre his repentance from day to day, least he draw vppon himselfe finall destruction of soule and body, and find his hart ex­ceedly hardned through continuance in sinne: but while 2 cor, 6. 2 the acceptable time is, let vs both purpose and endeuour to forsake our euil waies, our wicked works, and all knowne sinnes reueled vnto vs by the sacred oracle of the Word of God.

And, because we haue daily wants, and do commit day­ly and new sinnes through infirmity of the flesh, Renewed faith, and re­newed re­pentance re­quired of vs. we must haue renewed faith and renewed repentance, Luke 22. 32 because e­uery new sinne requireth a new act of repentanee, and ap­pealing to Christ by faith. Then we are aright disposed to the lords table, when we are liuely touched with a sence and feeling of our corrupt dispositions and daily failings in our faith and obedience. For the repentance of euery faith­full man must be doble, first general, repenting of original and actuall sinnes generally, receiuing power of God to [Page 371] change ourminds, wils, and affections, Mat. 3. 1 whereof Ioh. bap tist saith, Repent, for the kingdome of heauen is at hand. This is giuen and granted vnto vs at that time, when firste we re­ceiue to beleeue, it maketh an alteration in vs, slayth the old man, quickneth the life of the new man beginneth in weaknes, continueth in greater strength, and groweth more and more vnto perfection. Secondly speciall, for speciall sinnes and continuall failings into which we fall, which we must practise to the end of our dayes.

Now, as we said in the former chapter, that no man for the feeblenes of his faith is to absent himself from this sup­per, so must we remember touching our repentance, thogh it be in great weakenes and frailty: yet if it be a sound and sincere hatred of all sinne not a for saking of some sinnes onely, as Saul, herod, and Iudus did, keeping other in them­selues to their owne confusion our imperfections shal be couered, our wants shall be supplied, our weaknes shal be remitted by the death of Christ, who was annointed and sent to preach Luke, 4. 18 the gospell to the poore, to heale the bro­ken hearted, to publish deliuerance to the captiues, reco­uering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are brused. And hepronounceth such Math. 5. 3, blessed as are poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdome of heauen. Wherfore, if thou feele in thy selfe great defectes of faith, of [...], of sanctification, pray to God earnestly that hee will vouch­safe to increase his giftes, let vs confesse with Dauid, 2 Sam. 12 13 wee haue find; let vs weep with Pet. Luk. 22. 62 & 7, 38. and the sinful woman: let vs acknowledge our vnworthines, and say with the Centu­rion, Lord, Math, 8, 8 We are not worthy that thou shouldst come vnder our roofe, Let vs cry out with the Publican, Luk. 8, xiii O God, be merciful to me a sinner. This is the way to make vs worthy: this is the means to fit vs to the Lords table: this is to be practised of such as will be his ghuests.

Chap. 19. Of reconciliation to our brethren: the last part of Examination.

HItherto, in examination of our selues, we hane shewd what wee are to doe in respect of GOD, the roote [Page 372] whereof is knowledge, the body is faith, the fruite is repen­tance. Now to conclude, wee are to handle the last part, which is Loue tow­ard their brethren is required of al that come to the table. loue toward men, and reconciliation of our selues to our neighbors, for iniuries, wronges, and offen­ces done vnto them, which are as poyson to this banket. For, in vaine we shall pretend knowledge, boast of faith, glory of repentance, if we faile in duties toward our bre­theren. For, heere is the touchstone and tryall of all the rest, euen our obedience to the second table, which con­cerneth the duties of loue toward our bretheren. Heerevn­to commeth Math. 5, 23 the doctrine of Christ set downe in the E­uangelist Math. 5. If thou bring thy gift to the alter, and there re­membrest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leaue there thy gift before the altar, and goe first be reconciled to thy brother, then come and offer thy gift. Where he teacheth, that he so appro­proueth this duty, that hee will haue his owne immediat seruice cease, and giue place for a time, till it be performed. So, in the Sermon which he made to his Apostles, before he was betrayed to death, he did diligently beate vpon this point, saying, Iohn 13, 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my Disci­ples, if ye loue one another. This is my [...], that ye loue one another, as I haue loued you: greater loue then this hath no man, that a man bestow his life for his frends: ye are my friends, if ye doe whatsoeuer I commaund you. This likewise the Colos. 3, 12 Apostle tea­cheth, that we may know him to be the scoller of the same maister, Coloss. 3, As the elect of God, holie and beloued, put on tender mercy, kindnesse, humblenesse of minde, meekenesse, long­suffering, forbearing one another, and forgiuing one another, if any man haue a quarell vnto another, euen as Christ forgaue you, euen so doe ye: and aboue all these things, put on loue, which is the bound of perfectnesse. As euery one hath a comfortable experience in his own hart of Gods mercy toward him in the pardon of his sinnes which are many and great; so let him shew mercy againe, as he hath receiued mercy, and deale vnto others kindly, as God hath delt gratiously toward him. Our sauiour Christ auoucheth this Math. 18. in the parable of the lender that had many debters: he called them to Matt. 18, 23 take [Page 373] an account of them, and forgiueth the debt hauing com­passion on him that was not able to pay: but when he was departed, and had found one of his fellow-seruants which ought him an hundred pence, he laid hand on him, thrat­led him, and cast him in prison till he should pay the debt. Then the Lord called him and said, O euil seruant, I forgaue thee all that debt, because thou prayedst me: Oughtest thou not also to haue pittie on thy fellow-seruant, euen as I had pittie on thee? So his Lord was wroth, and deliuered him to the tormenters, till he should pay all that was due to him. Then followeth the application of the whole, So likewise shall mine heauenly fa­ther do vnto you, except ye forgiue from your harts each one his bro­ther their trespasses.

Now, the Lordes supper was ordained of God for this end, that it might be a band of loue, and a chaine to vnite and ioyne vs togither among our selues, that if it wer pos­sible we should not breake from him: as Paule teacheth. 1 Cor. 10 We that are manie, 1 corin. x. 17 are one bread, and one bodie, be­cause we al are partakers of one bread. Wherefore this Supper may fitly be called, a Sacrament of vnity, and a seale of our agreement one with another. Behold heere, a chaine con­sisting of many linkes to knit vs together, that wee breake not from God and our brethren. Do we not al come to the table? Do we not all eat of the same bread? Do we not al drinke of the same cup? Is not the same loafe compact of many cornes? Is not the same Wine pressed out of many clusters? Do we not all ioyne together in the same recei­uing? Were we not baptized into the same baptism? What a shameful thing is this, full of infamy and reproach, to see the branches of the same vine, the sheepe of the same she­pheard, the children of the same father, the Seruants of the same maister, the fellowes of the same houshould, the heirs of the same kingdome, the ghuests of the same banket, the obtainers of the same promise, the partakers of the same hope, the members of the same bodye, and the professors of the same faith, to contend and striue one against another, to delight in brauling, fighting, quarrelling, and to norish [Page 774] hatred, malice, rancour, spite, enuy, biting, and backbi­ting one of another. If Ephraim be set against Esay 9, 21 Manasses, and Manasses against Ephraim, if Brother be diuided against brother, if we bite one at another, let vs take heed least we be consumed one of another. The sonnes of God are re­newed into the image ofGod, to resemble their heauenly father in true holines, and doe all weare the same cogni­zance and liuery. For the Sacraments are the marks of Ch. sheepe, whereby they are knowne and discerned: so that all our discentions, diuisions, railings, reuilings disgracings and defacings one of another, tend to the reproch and dis­honour of our common father, and do giue an heauy te­stimony against our souls with God and his elect Angels. For how do we approach vnto God? how do we come in­to his presence? With what harts do we pray before him and vnto him? Are we not taught Math. 6, 12 to aske forgiuenes of our sins, as we forgiue the trespasses done vnto vs? It then we be malicious and enuious, and carry the fresh remem­brance of wronges in our hearts, to pursue them with re­uenge: do we not pray against our selues? Do we not be­seech God to poure out vengance vpon vs? Do we not o­pen our mouths to our owne destruction? For when wee vse our tongues to say, Luke 11, 4 Lord, forgiue vs, for euen we forgiue: is it not asmuch as if we should pray, forgiue vs not Lord, for we do not, we will not forgiue others? Therefore, af­ter the forme of prayer giuen to the Disciples, Christ ad­deth, If ye do forgiue men their trespasses, your heauenly father will also forgiue you: but if ye do not forgiue men their trepasses, no more will your father forgiue you your trespasses. And as he exhorteth, that when they stand and appeare before the Altar, Mark. 11, 25 they must forgiue: so when we appeare at the Lords table, we must forgiue, if we haue any thing against any man, that our father also which is in heauen may forgiue vs our tres­passes. Now, if we woulde be directed to knowe whether this loue be is vs or not, wee may try our owne hearts by these 1 Cor. 13, 4 holy properties and blessed effectes described by the Apostle, 1, cor, xiii, Loue (saith he) suffereth long, it is [Page 375] bountifull, loue enuieth not, loue doth not boast itselfe, it is not puf­fed vp: it disdaineth not, it seeketh not her owne things, it is not pro­uoked to anger, it thinketh not euill: it reioyceth not in iniquity, but reioyceth in the truth: it suffereth all things, it beleeueth al thinges, it hopeth al things, it endureth al things.

Heere we may see, what manner of loue ought to be in vs. Euery one of vs must indeuour, that all the parts of this de­scription may rightly agree to euery one of vs, and truely be found in vs toward all men, euen our enimies, as we see Iesus Christ hath left vs an example of his loue, Luk. 23, 35 when he praied for his enimies, that crucified and cruelly entreated him, father forgiue them: for they know what they do and this did stephen to those that stoned him, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. This is the way, let vs walke in it: this was their practise, let vs follow it.

Thus we haue shewed the necessity of examination of our­selues before we come to the Lordes supper, and declared the parts wherein it standeth, and the manner how it is to be performed. If we come furnished with these things, with sauing knoledg, with iustifieng faith, with vnfained repen­tance, with a louing and longing reconciliation towarde our brethren among whom we liue, hauing as much Rom 12, 18 as is possible, Peace with all men, yea euen our enimies: let vs not abstaine from the Lordes table by reason of some frailties and infirmities in vs: for God couereth them, 2 chr. 305 18 and will not bring them into remembrance, as we see 2. Chron, 30. A multitude of people had not clensed themselues, yet did eate the passeouer, but not as it was writen: wherfore Hezekiah praied for them, saying, The good God be merciful toward him that prepareth his whole hart to seeke the Lord god, the god of his fathers, though he be not clensed according to the purification of the sanctuarie: and the Lord heard Hezekiah, and healed the people. Where we see, that because their hart was vpright and sincere, their wants and imperfections were not imputed vnto them. For God respecteth the truth of the inward partes, and pard oneth their sinnes that thus prepare their harts to seeke him. So [Page 376] then, The sacra­ment is not honoured by abstaining from it they were greatly deceiued, that thoght they ho­noured the Sacrament by abstaining from it: it is not ho­noured, but dishonoured: not hallowed, but prophaned: not regarded reuerently, but reproched greeuously by our wilfull abstinence, 1 cor. xi, 28 as the Apostle teacheth, 1 cor, 11. let a man examin himself, and so let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup. He doth not say, let him proue himselfe and so let him abstaine. For the Sacrament is abused, as well by for­bearing, hauing examined our selues, as by not examining our selues, and receiuing vnworthily. And thus much of examination, and the manner to be obserued therein.

Chap. 20. The conclusion, containing an abridgement of the whole treatise.

THe effect of that which hath bene deliuered hitherto in these Books, may thus be gathred into a short sum and abridgement. We haue The summ of the 1. book declared that God, in al times and ages of the church from the first being of our first pa­rents, hath to his word and promises anexed sacraments as seales of assurance Genes. 2, 9 &c. for the confirmation of them: therby magnifieng his owne mercy toward his people, shewing our weaknes and vnworthines, and condemning such as of­tentimes desire to come to the Lordes table, but esteeme little of the preaching of the word: whereas the word and Sacraments haue one and the same author, they are instru­ments of the same grace, their whole force and effect de­pendeth on God, they require faith Hebru. 4, 2 to be mingled with them, & they profit not alway at the very moment of hea­ring and receiuing. Notwithstanding some differences wee find betweene them, as namely in the greater necessity of the worde, then of the Sacramentes: Infidels were neuer barred from hearing the word when they would become 1 cor. 14, 24 hearers thereof: and whereas the word affecteth one only of the sences, to wit, the hearing, the Sacraments [...] offe­red [Page 377] to the eies as well as to the eares, and so in some sort become more effectuall then the word.

Touching the worde Sacrament, it is drawne from martiall discipline, and properly signifieth the Souldiers othe, whereby hee bindeth himselfe to his Captaine: which worde being vsed by the olde Latine interpreter, is now become ordinary and common in the Church, which is not mentioned in so many sillables in the Scrip­tures. And howsoeuer the word be often taken in a large and generall signification: yet as we take it in these bookes, What a sa­crament is. a Sacrament is a visible signe and seale ordained of God, whereby Christ and all his sauing graces by certaine out­ward rites are signified, exhybited and sealed vppe vnto vs. This discription being [...], teacheth vs these pointes, first that the force of the Sacramentes dependeth not on the worthynesse or vnworthynesse of the Minister, but vpon the ordinance of God, Math, 23. 2. 3 so that an euill Minister may deliuer the good thinges of God. And this was the cause that Ioh. 4. 2, Christ Iesus baptized none, but his Disciples baptized, that he might learne not to esteeme of the effect of the sacraments by the fitnesse or vnsitnesse of the Myni­sters.

Againe, Dcut. 42, none must adde vnto them, none must take ought from them, none must any way abuse them contrary to the institution and ordinance of God. Lastly, we learne from hence, that the Sacramentes are not bare and naked signes of Christ absent 1 Cor, x, xvi but sure seales of Gods promises, and of the righteousnesse of Christ who is offered to all, but receyued onely of the faithfull: so that the presence of vngodlye men meeting vs at the same Table, cannot hurte vs in our worthye receiuing. In a In a Sacra­ment con­sider hisparts and his vses. Sa­crament we are to consider two thinges, his partes and his vses.

The partes of a sacrament, The partes are outward and and in­ward. are partly outward and partly inward. The outward partes are The out­ward partes of a [...] are [...], the [...], the [...], the signe the [...] these foure. First, the Mynister lawfully called, is necessarily required. [...] then the Mynister [...] not administer them, or if pryuate [Page 378] persons wil administer them, Mat. 28, 19 they sinne against God, the one for not perfourming the dutyes of his calling, the other because he runneth beyond the boundes of his cal­ling. The second outward parte Esay 6, 6, 7 is the word of institu­tion, consisting of a Commaundement and a promise: so that it is required of vs, to vnderstand the wordes of insti [...]ution, to ioyne the word with the sacramentes, and to discharge those from the number of sacramentes, which want the warrant of the word. The third outward part of a Sacrament is Mark. 1, 5 the signe: for wheresoeuer there is a Sa­crament, there must of necessity bee an outward element, so that neither must wee make an Idoll of the signe by aduancing it to high, nor cleane abolish it as the Church of Rome doth by their doctrine of Transubstantiation. The last outward part is the Gen. 17. xii receiuer: so that the Sacra­ments without their lawfull vse are no sacraments at all, so long as the signes are reserued and not applyed.

The inward partes also are r foure: first, God the fa­ther, offering and applying Christ Iesus, as 1 Cor. 3, 7 surely as the Minyster doth the outward signe which is a great comfort to such as come to the Sacraments. The second inward parte of a Sacrament is Tit. 3, 56 the holy spirit, working by the worde: so that wee can neuer heare the worde, or re­ceiue the Sacramentes aright without the speciall directi­on and inspiration of the spirit of GOD: neyther must wee hang vpon extraordinary reuelations, which ope­neth a wide doore vnto all disorders, inasmuch as the spi­r [...]t is not separated from the word. The third inward part is Iesus 1 cor. x, 3 Christ, who is the truth and the life of all Sa­cramentes: now if God the father haue giuen him vnto vs, Rom, 8, 32 how shall hee not with him giue vs all thinges else? Let vs therefore laye hold vpon him especially in all dis­comfits and troubles, when our faith is assaulted by the e­nemies of our saluation.

The last inward parte, is the faithfull receiuer: for except wee Rom. 14, 23 send out saith to bring CHRIST home to dwell with vs in our heartes, wee shall in vaine looke [Page 379] to receiue profit by the Sacraments: so that the reprobate, who are vessels of wrath, and the Children of perdytion, cannot receiue Christ, albeit they partake the signes of Christ. As for the elect, who are the Lordes, sealed vp to the day of redemption, before their conuersion and gathe­ring into the sheepefold of Christ, they also onely receiue the outward signe without Christ, inasmuch as they are without faith: but after they are called with an holy cal­ling effectually, and haue receiued to beleeue vnfainedly, they are partakers both of the signe and of the thing signi­fied. These are the outward and inward parces. Now there Actes [...], 36 is a fit proportion and agreement betweene these partes, each very aptly answering the other. For euen as the mi­nister by the word of institution, offereth and applyeth [...] the outward element to the body of the receiuer: so the father, by the spirit, offereth and applyeth Iesus christ inuisibly to the faithfull receiuer.

We shewed before, that in a sacrament wee are to ob­serue two pointes, his partes and his vses. Hitherto wee haue spoken of all the partes, both such as are outward, and such as are inward. Now it remaineth to handle his vses. The vses of a sacrament 3 cheef vses of a Sacram. are chiefely three: first, Roma. 4, xi to strengthen faith: secondly, Gen, 17, 1. xi to scale the couenant between God and vs: thirdly, Ephes. 2, [...] to be a badge of our profession, and as a banner displayed to witnesse our warfare vnder our chiefe captaine Christ [...].

If these be the true vses and endes of a sacrament, then wee learne to take notice of Mark. 9, 23 our owne failinges and in­firmities of faith; that GOD refuseth none for weake­nesse and wauering of faith; Rom 8, xv that there is an assurance of faith to be attained vnto, in this life; that as God euer­more keepeth his promise with his people, Num 23, 19 who is not as man that he should lie, nor as the son of man that he should deceiue, so must we be careful to keep the articles of 1 Iohn 3, 23 agreement betweene God & vs, namely, to beleeue his word, to loue our bretheren, to obey his will: lastly as our priui­ledges [Page 380] are great, to beare the badges of Christ our Lord, so it teacheth that we are not our owne, 1 cor, 6, xix xx but are bought at a great price, not with 1 pet. 1, 18, 19 corruptible thinges as Syluer and Gold, but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lambe vnspotted and vndefiled.

Hitherto of the nature of the Sacramentes: now of the number of them, as we vnderstand the word for such as are seales of our communion with christ. The sacraments The sacra­ments [...] the new testa­ment are on­ly two. of the new testament are two, baptisme, and the Lords sup­per, neither are there any moe left vnto the Church. For Christ taught no moe 1 Cor. x, i. 2 sacraments to the Apostles, the A­postles deliuered no moe to the churches, who yet were faithfull witnesses, and reueiled the whole counsell of God, Act, 20, 27 without concealing and keeping backe of anye doctrine which themselues had receiued. Besides, these two Sa­cramentes are altogether perfect and sufficient, both to en­ter a Christian [...] the church, and to retaine him continu­ally in the same. From this number of two sacramentes we learne [...] to acknowledge the great loue of God to­ward vs, who hath eased vs of the act. xv x. heauy burden of infi­nite Cerimonies, prescribed in the law, and deliuered vs Au. ust. de [...] ch [...]. [...]. 3, cap, 9. a few sacramentes in stead of many. Secondly, wee see heereby the difference betweene the olde Testament and the New, and betweene the sacramentes of the olde testa­ment and the new: they had sundry significant signes and Ceremonies, whose interpretation was not easily knowne vnto them.

Thirdly, seeing God hath giuen vnto vs two signes, and added two seals to his word and writings, we ought to haue the stronger faith in his mircyfull promises. For, where­fore hath he doubled the signes, but that wee should en­crease in faith, and as it were double our assurance of his graces? Lastly, this number of two, ouerthroweth the number of seauen sacramentes, maintained in the church of Rome, which iust number was Pet, lumb, lib, [...]. 4, dict, 2. first broched by Peter Lumbard, afterwarde ratysied in the Counsell of Florence, and lastlye established in the Counsell of [Page 381] Trent, and is now become the common doctrine of that counterfect church.

For, besides baptisme and the Lords supper, which wee receiue, they The num­ber of seauen sacramentes is false and forged haue instaled into the number of sacraments Confirmation, Penance, Matrimony, Orders, and ex­treame Vnction, contrary to the doctrine of the scriptures, contrary to the nature of Sacramentes, and contrary to the euidence of sundry reasons. And firist of all, Confirma­tion no Sa­crament con­firmation cannot bee lifted vppe into the seate of the Sa­cramentes, or sit downe in this Chaire of honour, because it wanteth the institution of Christ, it wanteth an outward signe, it hath no word to warrant it, or promise of blessing: for howsoeuer act, 8, 5, xiiii xv, xvi, xvii the Apostles by imposition of hands gaue the holy ghost, those miraculous gifts are now withdrawne from the church of God. Lastly, they haue aduanced it a­boue baptisme, they administer it in a strange tongue, and halow the greazy oyle to purifie soule and body. Second­ly, Penance is 1. 0 sacramēt, their popish penance, instituted by bodily chastise­ments to make satisfaction for sinne to God, is no sacra­ment of the new testament, nor any sacred thing being thus vnderstood. For we acknowledge no other satifaction i Ioh, i, 7 for sinne, wherein God delighteth, and the conscience of man [...], but only the death and obedience of christ. Besides, true repentance hath beene preached and practised from the beginning of the world, after that sinne entred into the world. Furthermore their penance hath no visible signe as baptisme and the supper of the Lord haue. Thirdly, matrimony is no Sacra­ment ma­trimony, albeit it be a diuine ordinance, honourable Heb, xiii 4, a­mong all estates, yet can be no Sacrament of the church of christ, because it was instituted before gen, 2, xviii the law, it is ratifi­ed among the infidels which are no members of the church, it hath no promise of grace and saluation ioyned to it, and albeit it be honorable in all, i cor, 6. 7. 7, 37 yet it is not necessary in all. Lastly, the Roman church esteemeth it as an vnclean thing, a prophanation of holy orders, a liuing in the flesh: so that as with one hand they aduance it to a great dignity, with the other hand they cast it downe with great disgrace and [Page 382] contempt, as vnworthy of the high and holy priesthood. Fourthly, orders come in the next Orders no sacrament place, which are the of­fices and ministry of the church, but no sacrament, or sacra­ments of the church. For then, according to the number of orders, we should multiply the number of sacraments. Nei­ther haue they any outward element and visible signe. Last­ly, we are come to extream vnction, which we suffer not to Extreame vnction no sacrament maske vnder the name of sacraments, but pul off the vizard thereof, because the church had the vse of anoynting Iames 5, 14 so long as it retained the miraculous gift of healing. Besides, it hath no word ofinstitution to warrant the continual prac­tise of it, vntill the second comming of christ. Wherefore, seeing the word of God teacheth the number of two sacra­ments onely, and the church of Rome instructeth her chil­dren in the number of 7. sacraments, neither moe nor lesse: they must pardon vs, if we harken rather to the scriptures, then to their traditions, rather to God then to man, rather to the truth then to the spirit of error.

Hitherto we haue spoken of the Sacramentes in generall, of their parts, their vses, their number: now we The summ of the 2 book come to speake of them in particular, first of baptisme, then of the Lords supper. And howsoeuer baptisme hath sundry signi­fications, yet as it signifieth that washing with water which serueth to seale the couenant of the new testament, what b ap. it is the first sacrament, wherein by the outward washing of the body with water once in the name of the father, of the son and of the holy ghost, the inward clensing of the soule, by the blood of christ, is represented. This descrption teacheth, that such as are not yet baptized, Exod. xii, 48 are not to be admitted to the lords table: that albeit dipping be not necessary to the being of baptisme, yet washing with water Ephe. 5, 26 is of the es­sence of this sacrament: that such as are once baptized, are not to be rebaptized, albeit they haue beene baptized by heretickes: and that whosoeuer is baptized, hath made a solemne couenant to professe the Christian religion. Now, q wee are to consider in Baptisme (as wee did before generally in a Sacrament) these two thinges, his partes, [Page 383] and his vses. The partes of baptisme are outward and in­ward.

The outward partes The outwa. parts of bapt are 4 are these foure: The first outward part is the Minister, as the Messenger of God. For bap­tisme is a part of the Math. 28, 19 Minystry, and God hath ioyned the ministry of the word & sacraments togither. Wherfore, the minister must be carefull and not carelesse in the execution of his osfice, who is to sanctifie the Water, and to wash the party: Moreouer, the people are directed, to whom to resort, when they haue children to be baptized. Lastly, the Church of Rome prophane baptisme, when they ap­point mid-wiues and priuate persons to baptize children. The second outward part, Math. 28, 19 is the word of institution, which is as the forme of this sacrament. The third part is the act. 8, 36 element of water, which is the matter whereof baptisme consisteth. Whosoeuer therefore baptiseth with any other liquorthen with water, as with blood, with sand, with snow with milk, or such like matter, doth frustrate Baptisme, and maketh it an idell ceremony. Againe, all Popish corrupti­ons added and annexed to this sacrament contrary to the simplicity of the gospel, as creame, crosses, censors, tapers, spettle, salt, Bellar. de sa Bapt cap 26 and such like vnsauory trumpery, are [...]: hauing also a superstitious opinion of holinesse and worship ioyned with them. Also, if water be an outward part, the want of washing with water cannot hinder the saluation of such as dye without baptisme. All perished not vnder the law, that died without Iosh, 5, 5 circumcision: God is not more rigorous vnder the Gospell. This therefore is a bloody and discomfortable doctrine, to be abandoned and abiured of all parents, of all childeren, of all Christians. The fourth outward parte of baptisme is the body that is washed. Novv, such as are to be baptized, must be with­in the Couenant: these are, act. 8, 36 eyther men and Wo­men of riper yeares, or else the infantes of such, vvho haue interest in Baptisme as vvell as their parentes. This condemneth the Romyshe practise of baptizing bels: and serueth to set forth the great loue of God to all [Page 384] beleeuers, who vouchsafeth to be their God & the god of their seed. Hence likewise it appeareth, Infantes haue interest in baptisme as wel as their parents that infants are to be baptized. For baptisme succeedeth in place of cir­cumcision, the Apostles baptized Col. 2. xi whole houses, Christ calleth infants and sucklings Act. 16. 15. 33 vnto himselfe, and [...] that to such belongeth the kingdome of Heauen: they are Christ sheepe and members of his body: Hence we learne, that the baptisme of infantes is no vnwritten tradition, but a written and diuine institution taught in the Scriptures. Consider also heereby, the difference betweene baptisme and the Lords Supper, cor. 1, i4, 16 Mar. x. xiii, xiiii, xv. and that all are conceiued in ori­ginall sinne. Acknowledge also a difference between them and the children os Infidels, and let parents be incoraged, Psal, 51, 5 to bring vp their children in the instruction and reforma­tion of the Lord.

Hitherto of the outward parts: now follow Eph. 6, 4 the inward parts, which also are four in number. First, The inward parts of bap. are foure. god the father represented by the Mi. wherby our faith is gretly strengthned. For whensoeuer the eie seeth the minister [...] water on the body, faith beholdeth god the father clensing the soule with the precious blood of his sonne Christ. The seconde part is the spirit Math. 28. 19 of God, hauing relation to the word and promise of God: and therefore whensoeuer wee come to heare the word or to receiue the sacramentes, we must craue the assistance of the spirit to open our harts, icor. xii. xii. as he opened the hart of Lydia. If this in ward teacher be wan­ting, the eare heareth and the hand handleth, but the hart is hardned. The third in ward part of baptism Act xvi. xiiii. is Christrepre­sented by the water. This serueth greatly to confirme our faith, to consider with our selues, when we behold with our bodily eies the water poured vpon the bodie baptizd, act. 2. 38. the blotting out of all our sinnes by the blood of Christ Iesus. i Pet. 3 xxi The 4. inward part is the soul clensed, P most liuely and ef­fectualy represented by the body washed. For the washing of the body representeth the clensing of the soul. This tea­cheth, that by nature we are corrupt and abhominable, Eph, 5 26, 27 so that God must worke in vs both the will and the deede. [Page 385] These are the foure in ward parts of baptisme. The agree­ment betweene these outward and inward parts The propovtion betwixt the outward and inwarde parts of bapc. is very e­uident. For as the Minister, by the word of institution, ap­plyeth Water to the washing of the body: so the father, through the working of the spirit, applyeth the bloode of Christ, to the clensing of the soule.

Thus farre of the parts of Baptisme, both the outward and the inward parts: now we come to the vses thereof, Three vses of Baptisme which are principally three. First, to shew our placing and planting into the blood of Christ, to remaine in him for e­uer. This coniunction with Christ is not bodily or naturall, but misticall and marueilous in our eyes: for we are made one with Christ, 1 cor 6: xvii by the same spirit dwelling in Christ, and in all the members of Christ. So then, the saints trium­phing in heauen, and al the beleeuers fighting vpon earth as souldiers in warfar, haue one and the same spirit of christ dwelling in them, and therfore are one with him. Second­ly, to assure vs of the remission of our fins, that we may bee able to stand in the presence of God, Gal 3: xvii hauing put on the garments of Christ, as Iacob receiued the blessing clad in the garments of his elder brother. This ouerthroweth the doc­trin or rather doting of the church of Rome, which teach­eth that baptism abolisheth al sins going before it, and lea­ueth nothing that hath the name or nature of sinne. If this were a truth of god not a dreame of men, it is not only de­cent, but greatly to be desired, to haue baptisme deferred vntil old age, nay vnto the hower of death, that so we may depart hence in peace with greater assurance of Gods fauor in the pardon of our sins. Thirdly, Marke 1: 4 to slay the old man, and to kil our natural corruption by the power of the death and burial of christ: besides, to raise vs vp againeto holines and newnes of life by his resurection. Hence it is, that the Euangelists call it the Sacrament of Repentance: admoni­shing euery one of vs to expresse the strength and power of baptisme, as the Prophets of tentimes exhort the lews to Deut x, xvi circumcise the forskin of their harts, and to harden their necks no more. So we ought not to content our selus to be [Page 386] baptized in body, but must labour to be baptized in soul, by a daily proceeding in regeneration, by bringing foorth the fruites of sanctification, and applying Christ Iesus to our full iustification.

Thus much of baptisme, the honourable badge of our profession and dedication to Christ that dyed vppon the Crosse, what it is, what are the [...] and vses thereof. Now, wee come to The summe of the 3. book the Sacrament of the body and bloode of CHRIST, e which is called by sundrye names in the new testament. Sometimes, it is called the 1 cor. 10, 16 Communion, teaching that we are one body coupled togither in Christ, shewing that it is to bee receiued of many togither, and admonishing vs of vnity and concorde among our selues.

Sometimes, it is 1 cor, xi, xx called the Lords Supper, hence we see, who is the author of it, no man, no Angell, but the Lord Iesus, leauing it for a fare-well token of his loue to­ward vs. We must also come with an earnest desire hun­gring after Christ, that we may be satisfied with his righ­teousnesse. Sometimes, it is called the actes 2, 42 breaking of breade: this sheweth, that the substance of breaderemay­neth after the wordes of consecration, that figuratiue speeches are vsed in the Sacrament, and that this externall rite of breaking the bread, vsed by Christ, practised by the Apostles, obserued by the pastors of the church, ought not to be omitted and ouerpassed. Sometimes, it is called the 1 cor x, 21 table of the Lord: this teacheth, that christ and his Apo­stles, at the celebration of it, vsed a table not an altar; that it is a Sacrament, not a sacrifice, and that we ought to draw neere vnto it with all regard aud reuerence. Lastly, it is cal­led the new testament or Will of Christ. This title teacheth that there is a double couenant betweene God and man, 1 cor. xi, 25 the one old, the other new: the one of the law, the other of the Gospell: the firste of Workes, the seconde of grace.

Againe, it serueth to condemne the cursed sacri­ledge of the church of Rome, which addeth and de­tracteth, [Page 387] altereth and mangleth this sacrament at her own pleasure, and mingleth it with the leauen of her owne inuentions. This is a great comfort to all Gods children, to consider that all faithfull christians are the heires of Christ, to whom he hath promised saluation of their soules, and forgiuenesse of their sinnes.

As we haue seene the seueral names of this sacrament, which shew the nature there of vnto vs: so now we will set downe What the Lo: supper is, what the lords supper is. The supper of the lord is the second sacrament, wherein by visible receiuing of bread and wine, is represented our spirituall communion with the body and blood of christ. Heere God is present, and sitteth as president at this table, he offereth vnto vs his owne sonne for our iustification, and therefore this sup­per must be reuerently regarded, and diligently frequen­ted of vs.

In this sacrament, In the [...]: supper consi­der his partes and his vses we are in like manner to consider, the partes and the vses thereof. The parts are partly out­warde, and partly inwarde. The outwarde partes are The outvv. parts are four foure: First, the Minister, who is to take the breade and Wine into his hands 1 cor. xi, 23 after the example of christ, to sepe­rate the breade and Wine, so taken, from their common vse to an holy, to breake the breade, to poure out the Wine, and deliuer them both into the hands of all the peo­ple present.

So then, they are not consecrated to be priestes of the new testament, but preachers of the gospel, and ministers of the sacraments: and therefore priuate persons may not take this supper to themselues or deliuer it to others. The second part is the word of institution, Luke 22, 19 this is my body, that is, this bread is Tertul. li, 4 cont [...] august. cont. adimaut. c, 12 a signe of my body which shortly shall be crucified for you: this cuppe is the new testament in my blood, that is, this wine in the cup is a true sign of my blood presently to be shed to confirme the new couenant of God touching forgiuenes of sinnes and eternal life. These words are not properly, but figuratiuely to be vnderstood, being sacramentall speeches,

[Page 388] Thus the Scripture speaketh of Gen. 17, x Circumcision and of the paschall Lambe. The third outward part are bread and wine, fit signes to signifie our spirituall nourishment by ea­ting the body and drinking the blod of Christ In Baptisme we haue one onely signe, but in this supper Mar. xiiii, 22 we haue two, to note out our ful and perfect nourishment by Christ. Ne­ther did christ deliuer the deceiueable shewes of bread and wine, or cast a mist before the eyes of his desciples to make them thinke it breade which was no bread, or wine which was no wine: but he gaue them true breade, and the true fruit of the vine, 1 cor. x, xvi as the apostle calleth them, after the bles­sing, breaking, consecration. Hereby falleth to the ground the mystery of transubstantiation, the most misshapen mon­ster that euer liued or was deuised. It bringeth in a false Christ, and turneth him into an idoll: it maketh Sacra­ments without signes: it maketh Christ to haue an infinite body, who is like to vs in all things Heb. 4, 15 sinne onely excepted: lastly, it confoundeth heauen and earth together. Neither let any obiect that Christ hath now a glorified body, sitting at the right hand of his father, and therefore his body hath a great priuiledge aboue ours, to be in diuers places at the Obiect same time. For first, when the holy supper was instituted, the body of Christ was not glorified. Againe, glorification Answer. doth not take away the nature of a true body, but taketh a­way the infirmity and weaknes thereof. Take away space of place from a body, and it remaineth no longer a true body, but the essence of it is abolished, Aug epist. 57 ad Dardā. as Austine hath well determined. Againe, if Christ deliuered both signes, the people ought to receiue vnder both kindes, so that they may be iustly called church-robbers, who haue taken from the people the vse of the cup, and Gal. 3, xv wretched depriuers of christes testament, depriuing the right heires of their inhe­ritance, and ingrossing into their hands the goods of others. They make it of the essence of the Sacrament, to vse [...] bread, and to mingle water with wine, which christe neuer ordained or commanded: but that which is necessa­ry, they esteeme as needlesse and superfluous, b thus trans­gressing [Page 392] the commaundement of God by their owne tra­ditions. The fourth outward part are the communicantes, whose duty it is, Mat. 26, 26 [...] to take the breade and wine into their hands, to eate the bread and to drinke the wine to the no­rishment of their bodies. He did not bid them to reserue the outward signes, to holde them and adore them, or call the sacrament their Lord and their God, he did not command them to offer thē vp to God the father as a propitiatory sa­crifice for the quicke and dead, as is vsed in their vnbloo­dy or rather most bloody Masse, which hath caused so much innocent blood of the blessed martyrs to be shed, Reuel, 6, 9, x who being kild for theword of god, and the testimony which they maintaind, their souls vnder the altar cry day & night with a loud voice vnto the L. holy and true, to iudg and auenge their blood on them that dwell on the earth. Lastly, here­by are ouerthrown the priuat Masses of the church of Rome, which now grow to be too common, 1 cor. 11. 20 & canot stand with the communion of Christe, who deliuered the signes of bread and wine to all the disciples that were present, they did not stand by, and gaze one vpon another, but receiued the supper of the Lord [...].

The outward parts haue bin hitherto handled, which be­ing rightly perfourmed, What con­secration is. there followeth consecration, which is, a seperation of the outward signes from their or­dinarie vse to an holy and spirituall vse, that whereas before they serued for the body, now they are made instrumentes of grace, and seales of the righteousnes by faith. The in­ward parts follow, the inward parts of this Supper are 4, which are foure: First, god the father who appointed his sonne to performe the gratious work of our redemption, and in the fulnes of time sent him into the world, Rom, 4: 25 who died for our sins, and rose againe for our iu­stification. Secondly, the Holyghost, who assureth vs of the truth of gods promises. This sheweth, that he is true Reuel. i, 4: god equall with the father and the son, proceeding from the fa­ther and the son. This [...] such as suppose no parta­king of the body and blood of christ, except he be giuen vs in a carnall and fleshy manner: whereas the spirite wor­keth [Page 390] faith in our hearts, Hebr. xi, 1 which is the ground of thinges which are hoped for, and the euidence of thinges which are not seene. The thirde inwarde part of the Lordes Supper, Luke 22, 19 is the body and blood of Christ, deliuered for vs vnto death. This conuinceth such of a spirit of errour, who make vnbeleeuers and reprob. partakers of Chr. bo­dy and blood: thus his body should be prophaned, Iohn 6, 54 and his sauing graces seperated from his person. But euen as, where Satan dwelleth and possesseth the heart, there al­waies raigne the workes of darkenes and damnation: so the gifts of Christ accompanying saluation, are inseperably ioyned with the person of Christ. This also condemneth the reall presence and carnall eating of Christ, which for­geth many Christs, and reuiueth the Haeresie of Eutiches: it crosseth sundry Articles of the christian faith, and ma­keth faithfull men like the vnfaithfull Barbarians, that de­uoured mans flesh and drunke his blood. True it is, christ is truely present in the Sacrament, howbeit not carnally, and corporally, but spiritually and mistically. He hath gi­uen himselfe to be the foode of our soules, let vs hunger and thirst after him and lay hold on him to our saluation: for iIoh. 5, xii he that hath the sonne, hath life: he that hath not the sonne of God, hath not life. The last inward part is the faith full receiuer, who stretcheth forth the hand of faith, and so layeth hold on Christ and all his sauing graces. For no man can communicat with his body, but the same is made par­taker of his benefits. Let vs all prepare the true and liuely faith Titus i, i of Gods elect, and assure our selues that Hypocrites and vnbeleeuers cannot possibly be partakers of the bodye and blood of Christ. These are the foure inward partes also of the Lord supper. The similitude and relation The proportion betvvixt the outvvarde and invvard partes of the Supper of the outward and inward parts one to another standeth in this manner, euen as the Minister, by the words of institution, offereth and giueth bread and wine to the communicants, to feede the reupon bodily: so the father, by the spirit, offereth and exhibiteth the body and blood of christ Iesus, to the souls of the faithful, to feed vppon them spiritually. [Page 391] Thus much of al the parts of the Lords supper: now folow the vses to be vnfolded. The The vseso the lords sup. are three vses & profit which we reap by the Lords sup. are special three. First, to shew forth with praise and thanks giuing, the death and the suffrings of chri. who his own selfe bare our sins in his body on the tree, by whose stripes 1 Pet. 2, 24 we are healed: so that we haue the chiefe cause in our selus, which did crucifie christ Secōdly to teach our comunion wich christ, being made flesh Ephe. 5, XXX of his flesh & bone of his bones. Hence we learn, that al the godly and be leeuers are made partakers of christ and his graces. This is matter of great comfort in our manifold trials and tentati­ons, that we are ioynd to Ch. as members to the head, Rom. 8, 38 and therfore, neither life, nor deth, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things presēt, nor things to com, nor hight, nor depth, nor any other creatur shalbe able to seperate vs from the loue of God, which is in christ Iesus our L. But on the other side, the vngodly and vnbeleeuers haue no part or Portion in chri. and his graces, they are as branches Iohn XV, 6 cut off which wither, and men gather them to cast them into the fire and to burn them. 3, to declare and testifie our commu­nion, fellowship, and 1 Cor. X. 17 agreement with our brethren, mee­ting together at the same table, and partaking togither of the same supper. Wherfore, seeing we haue not onely an v­nion with christ, but a comunion among our selus, we are the seruants of the church, to serue one another in al duties of loue, to instruct them that are ignorāt, to raise them that are fallen, and to bind vp the broken hearted, to reconcile our selues one to warde another, and to keepe the vnity of the spirit in the bond of peace. Hitherto we haue handled the doctrin of the Lords supper, declaring what it is, what are the parts and vses thereof; the preparation to this work followeth, 1 Cor xi, 28 consisting in the Examination of our selues, and trying our owne harts by the touchstone of the lawe of god. This duty is very necessary to be performd of vs, Ierem. 17, 9 for the hart of man is deceitful aboue all things, and the secret corners of it past finding out. We haue to deal with god in this busines. Great is the profit which we reap & receiue, if [Page 395] we come rightly and [...] prepared. Great is the pu­nishment procured, by want of this try all and examinati­on. And the Hag. 2: 14 Sacrament it self is defiled, by vnworthy re­ceiuing. This preparation principally standeth in these 4. points: in the Ioh: xvii: 3 knowledge of god and of ourselues, espe­cially of the whole doctrine of the sacraments: in a 2 cor: xiii: 5 liue­ly faith in Christ, seeing euery one receiueth so much as he beleeueth he receiueth: in repentance Psa6. 26: 6: from dead works: and lastly in Math, 5: 23, reconciliation towarde our brethren, ha­uing peace Rom xii: 18 with all men, and loue towarde our enemies.

Thus I haue opened plainly, yet truely, the doctrine of the Sacramentes, deliuered in the Scriptures, and taught in the reformed churches. I haue disclosed some part of the mistery of iniquity and discouered and laid open the skirts of that great Idoll of the Masse, the reproach of christians, the scorne of the gentiles, the offence of the weak, and the occasion of ruine to many that stumble therat to their own confusion. The Lord god, high possessor of heauen & earth, and preseruer of his people that call vpon him, put it into the heart of all christian princes and rulers of the earth, to pull downe this abhominable Idoll, that hath aduanced itselfe against the kingdome of christ, and to deface this fil­thy monster that hath deceiued many, who trusted in it. The same Lord vouchsafe, to reueale his truth to the igno­rant, to establish them that are weake, and to con­found all obstinate enemies to his truth, to their prince, and to their coun­try, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen



A Corollary.

THe Apostle Paule (Christian Reader) pro­phesieng of these last times in which Anti­christ should be reueiled, 2 Thes, 2. declareth that his comming shalbe by the effectual wor­king of Satan withall power, signes, lying wonders, & in al deceiuablenes of vnrigh­teousnes, that so they might be damned which beleeue not the truth, but haue pleasure in vnrighteousnesse. In this dis­cription the effectual working of this [...] is set down, but it is in those which [...]. For as God imparteth his 1 cor, 14, 25. power to his ministers, and indueth them with his spirit to saue such as beleeue: so doth Satan after an apish imitati­on giue power to his instruments, and breath his spirit vpon them to condemne such [...] receiue not the truth. The man­ner and meanes of Antichrists preuailing in the children of The meanes of Antichri. preuailing [...] the world disobedience is double, to wit, by worke and by worde. His working is with great power, which is seene by signes and lying wonders. Now, who it is in our daies that boast­eth of wonders, and I wot not what miracles? Who ma­keth the power of working signes and miracles Bellar, lib, 4 de notis Ec­cles, cap, 14 a note of the Church? Who glory that they can euery day, nay euery houre of the day miraculously transubstantiate the bread & wine into the blood of christ? who pretendeth that their re­al presence their Bellar, de imagin, san­ctor. li, 2, c, [...] images, their priuate Bel, de euch lib, 4 cap. 21 Masses, & other like superstitions haue been confirmed by miracles frō heauen? Is not this the church of Rome which hath the Pope for her head, Bel, de Pont Rom, l, 2c, 31 her spouse, and her foundation? And is he not dis­cerned by this note among other to be that very Antichrist described in scripture, prophesied to com in the world, [...] now to the church, and felt of euery christian? Wher­fore, let vs carefully beware, [...] such signes and wonders carry away our eies, and steale away our harts from the sim­plicity and sincerity of the Gospell.

The second meanes of his proceeding and preuailing is by word, to wit, by deceiuablenes of vnrighteousnes. He is indeede an enemy to Christ, and to his church: how beit not open, but secret: not shewing himselfe as he is, but dis­guised: [Page] not oppugning the truth with manifest violence as an open enemy, but masked vnder the cloke of godlines, pretending the fairest frendship, but intending the greatest Antichrist is a disguised e­nimy, play­ing the wolfe in sheeps clothing. & deepest mischiefe against God and his truth. Who is it therfore that propoundeth false doctrine to the people co­loured with the name of Christ and shew of Christian [...]? Who condemneth marriage vnder the cloke of [...]? [...] vse of the creatures vnder the vizard of fast­ing? Lawfull possessions vnder the pretence of voluntary pouerty? Who, vnder a false shew of counterfeit deuotion, zeale, and [...], to bleare the eies of the simple, and to carry away the hearts of the vnstable, hath nourished [...], rebellions, and Machiauillian practises against law­ful princes, but he? I hese are the marks of Antichrist, and these haue been his cunning baits to allure men to his su­perstition, and their owne confusion.

Moreouer, marke the order of their proceeding. First, they haue gon about to erect the kingdom of Babilon, and The subtile practises of the aduersar. to restore their kingd. greatly decaied. as it wer to put life into the beast, by handling the questions of religion betweene them and vs, and to this purpose haue published controuersies, dictates, Narrations, Lectures dis­putations, Demands, Motiues, Principles, Apologies, Cha­lenges, Demonstrations, and [...] of Popish doctrine But being beaten from his bulwark, and out of all their so­phistry by the sword of Gods spirit, which is Eph. 6, 17 the word of god, they haue sought to gaine & get ground of vs another way. For wheras they saw [...] ouermatched in mat­ters of doctrin, they indeuored to excel or at least to equall vs in life and conuersation, and [...] partly at home and partly abroad, they haue penned sundry treatises of Directi­ons, Deuotions, Reuclations, Imitations, Memorials, Me­ditations, and christian exercises tending to reformation of manners, thereby thinking through hipocrisie to win esti­mation among the simple, and to incite men to alow their religion it selfe. But finding themselues in processe of time far inferior vnto vs, both in purity of doctrine and sincerity of life: they haue last of al inuented another shift (wherin is lesse honor, and more dishonesty) to wit, by setting downe [Page] the debates, and disagreements that haue been among our churches and gathering an heape of testimonies out of our own wtiters, bitterly inueighing one against another, there­by to raise vp Prou. 6, 19 [...] to [...] the minds of many from vs, and to work a deepe dislike of our religion.

Among other, ther is a notable example of a crafty enimy both nameles and shameles, who writing against a worthy knight in the common-wealth, and a learned docter in the N D. alias Noddy. church, entituleth himselfe, first the Warder, and now late­ly the warner (though he shew neither skill in the one, nor wisedome in the other) and through their sides seeketh to giue a wound to the [...]. This man, pretending nothing Warn-word counter. 1. c. 4 pag. 46 against vs but braulings, and [...] inuectiues ione against another, as wel at home as abroad, not being able to handle the controuerfies of religiō, hath filled his Warn-word with continual allegations of authorities and speaches out of our owne writers, as Luther, zwinglius, Oecolampadius, Caluin, Be­za, and diuerse others, together with most bitter raylings, and calumniations of his own inuention against vs: al which if they were taken out of his booke, as euil humors out of a body, it could not be esteemed worth so many counters, as now it is k diuided into encounters. There is nothing so hard as to do wel: there is nothing so easy as to speak euil. Let it therfore of al persons be called for euer, not the Warn-word, but the Scorn-word, being a confuted masse of slanders & euil The Warn-word is deuided into two encuonters. practises, to be scorned rather then confuted. And albeit it be the deepe subtility and wretched pollicy of our aduersa­ries, to aledge Luther against Zuingilus, and one of our wri­ters against another, to the end that while they striue about mens words and writings, maters of greatest substance may lye buried in silence: yet they shall neuer bring vs from the holy defence of gods eternall truth, to skirmish with them about mens sayings. We wil not leaue the great keies and questions of religion, and fall to dispute of matters of infe­rior nature & condicion: this wer to wrāgle about nothing, and to fill the world with friuolous & fruitles writings. Let them know, we are no more bound to defend and iustyfie Luther and his followers in all their sayings, then they will [Page] be bound to defend Bellarmine, Hofius, Harding, and other harsh maintainers both of popish opinions, and their owne priuate assertions. If they will take vpon them to allow whatsoeuer positions and propositions Caietan, Durand, Ca­nisius, Gregorius de Valentia, or any of their side, hath publish­ed, let them professe it and giue out so much: otherwise they take paines in vaine, and offer vs great iniury, obiec­ting against vs, words neither vtterd by vs, nor aproued of vs. And howsoeuer we agree together better then the ad­uersaries wish or desire, as appeareth By the Harmony of the Harmony of Churches Churches set forth to be read and vnderstood of all, decla­ring to the world how falsly we are charged with disunion and diuision, and shewing the peace and concord betweene the churches of Britaine, France, Germany, Swizerland, Den­marke, and other places in matters of faith: yet I will not deny (the gifts of God being diuerse) some difference and dissention betweene vs about the sacrament of the Lordes sup. which notwithstanding is not so great as hath beene in former times, nor so bloody as the aduersaries surmise, neither so dangerous and grosse as hath been and is at this day in the church of Rome. No age and generation hath seene all Churches following all together one another in all points, but some Euseb. lib. 8 hystor. cap, 1, difference hath appeared in doctrine, or in discipline, or ceremonies, or manners, or in all: yea By­shops haue beene against Byshops, Doctors against Doc­tors, fathers against fathers, Saints against Saints, churches against churches: yet were they not heerby rent one from another, but ioyned together with hand and hart in the common faith. Cyprian dissented from Cornelius, and Augustine from Ierome, as Lot did from Abraham. Was there not a vi­olent and troublesome contention betweene Theophilus of Alexandria, and Chrysostome of Constantinople: between Cy­rill and Theodoritus, as great as euer was between Luther and Zuinglius? Yet were they Godly, learned, zelous, and ex­cellent pillars of the Church of God in their times.

Neither is the contention so great, or Warre so hote and bloody betweene the reformed churches about the sacra­ment, as is imagined. For touching the matter it selfe, there [Page] is no strife: the difference is onely in certaine circumstan­ces. First, we all acknowledge, that the holy signes haue not a bare signification but assure our consciences through the The agree­mēt betwixt the reformed churches a­bout the Sa. ordinance of God, that the things themselues are as truely and certainely giuen of God to all the faithful that come to his supper, as the outward signes are deliuered by the mini­ster of God. Againe, we professe that the supper consisteth of two parts, the earthly, externall, and visible, which are bread and wine: and besides, the heauenly, internal, and in­uisible, the true body and blood of Iesus Christ, together with al his gifts, benefits, and treasures, according to Iren. [...]. haeves. lib. 4. 34. the doctrine of Ireneus. Thirdly, we agree, that in the supper of the lord, we are made partakers, not onely of the vertue and operation of christ, but of the very essence and substance of his true body and blood, which was giuen for vs to death vpon the crosse and was shed for vs, so that we are most cō ­fortably nourished with the same vnto eternal life. Fourthly we beleeue, that the bread & wine are not changed or tran­substantiated into the flesh and blood of christ, but remaine true and natural bread and wine in substance as before: so that the bread is called his body and the wine his blood, not only because his body and blood are signified by these, and set before vs, but because so often as we eate and drinke them worthily, christ himselfe giueth vs his body & blood truely to euerlasting life. Lastly, we al hold the vse of the supper in both kinds, and that without the right vse of the outward signes it is no sacrament, vnlesse the bread be eaten and [...] wine drunk, and therefore we condemne al [...] and adoration of the bread, al carying it about and lif­ting it vp by the priest to the people, vsed in the Church of Rome. The disagreements and diuersities in opinion among vs, are in certaine adioynts and in the manner of receiuing: The disagreemēt betwixt the reformed churches a­bout the sup. for seeing we all reach and confesse the true communicati­on of the true body and the true blood of our Lord Iesus christ, the controuersie must needes stand in the manner of communicating, and therefore the vnity of the churches is not therby plucked [...]. The difference standeth in these [Page] particulars. First, one part contendeth that these wordes of christ, this is my body, must be vnderstood literally and as the words found (which yet that side doth not so vnderstand:) the other part holdeth that they are to be vnderstood sacramentally and figuratiuely, according to the declaration of christ, the interpretation of Paule, and the infallible rules of our christian faith. Secondly, one part wil haue the body & blood of christ essentially and bodily in, with, and vnder the bread and wine, and so to be eaten, as that together with the bread and wine they enter into the mouth and body of the receiuers: but the other part holdeth, that the body of christ which at the first supper sat at table with his disciples; doth not now continue with vs vpon the earth, but abideth in the heauens, and shal remaine there, vntil he break the heauens, and discend thence to iudgement. Lastly, one part will haue al communicants that come to the lords table, and partake the outward signs, whether they come worthily or vnwor­thily, whether they be beleeuers or insidels, whether godly or vngodly, tó eat the body and drinke the blood of christ corporally and with the mouth of the body, so as the belee­uers doe eate him to life and saluation, the vnbeleeuers to death and damnation: the other side holdeth that the vnbe leeuers abuse the outward signs of bread and wine to their destruction, and that only the faithful can eat the body and drinke the blood of christ by a true faith, & by the working of the holy ghost: wherby they are made flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone, being more neerely and firmely knit vnto him, then the members of our body are vnited to our head, and thereby drawing from him life euerlasting.

These are briefely the pointes of difference, faithfuly not partially, particularly not confusedly, set downe: in discus­sing the truth wherof, howsoeuer great bitternes hath [...] broken out betweene bretheren, as likewise did be­tweene Paule and Barnabas: yet setting the [...] of disputa­tion aside, they were worthy members of the church, zea­lous defenders of the faith, learned teachers of the truth, ear­nest destroiers of heresie, and rare examples of golines, not­withstanding the infirmities, imperfections, and intempe­rate [Page] stile of thone part. And howsoere this odious mak-bate Warr. vvord Encount. c. 14 N. D. boldly auoucheth pag. 46. that these men neuer met [...] to compound their controuersies, but they haue alwaies departed more disagreeing & more enimies theu euer they were before their meeting: yet al men know, he doth either ig­norantly or maliciously conceale the seueral points of their Acts of agreement printed in Latine vnion and agreement, concluded and subscribed at Mar­purge anno 1529. cha. 15. which was in this sort, credimns & [...] omnes, &c. we all beleeue and professe concerning the sup­per of the Lord Iesus Christ that the vse there of in both kinds accor­ding to the inctitution of christ, is to be obserued. And that the masse is not any such worke, wherby one man may obtaine grace for another whether he be dead or aliue. Also that the sacrament of the altar is the sacrament of the true body and blood of Iesus Christ. And that the spirituall eating of the same his body and blood is very necessary for euerie christian man. Moreouer that the vse of this sacrament, euen as the word it selfe, is instituted of almighty God, to stir vp vnto faith the weake consciences of men by his holy spirit. And although it could not hither to be altogether agreed amòg vs whether the true bo­dy & blood of ch. be in the bread and wine corporallie: yet neuertheles both parties ought to declare christian charity one toward the other, so far as conscience can beare. And both parts shal diligently pray vnto god, that he by his spirit may vouchsafe to establish vnto vs, the true vnderstàding of that matter, A men In this act, which was subscribed with the hands of Luther, Melanthou, Brentius, [...], Oecolam­padius Bucer, and others, we see they professe christian chari­ty, and promise earnestly to pray vnto God to reueile his truth vnto them, bring them to be of one hart in the truth, and confirme them to discerne of things that differ: so [...] the enimies of our church haue cause, rather to enuy our agreement, then to in ueigh against our disagreement. It is not the custome of the true church tò delight in contention: it is the fashion of the church of Rome, to command, to compel, to enforce, to presse, to oppresse, to ban, to throw out cursings and to thunder out excommunations against those that dis­sent frō thē: but our churches, not withstanding this variance haue not so proceeded one against another as enemies, we curse not, but blesse: we hate not, but loue: we parsecure not, but pray one for another: keeping the groūdwork of faith, [...] [Page] ioyning harts and hands, we seeke to repaire the ruine of Syon, and pull down the fortresses of the enemies therof. Moreouer, albeit it were to be presumed in men of iudg­ment and discretion, that such, as haue leysure with de­light The dissenti­ons of the papists among themselues and pleasure to paint out the iars and quarels abroad, either are or doubtlesse shoulde be in league and loue at home: yet if we would enter into the infinite dissentions, debates, diuisions, contradictions, wranglings, hart-bur­nings, grudgings, sects, and rentings into diuers partesa­mong the Papists themselues (who indeed neither haue v­nity in truth, nor vnity in falsehood) it should be harder to finde an ending then a beginning. They could neuer yet be reconciled. Their owne schoole men are at deadly feud and defiance one against another: Scotus is against Thomas: Ockam against Scotus: Petrus de Alliaco against Ockam: the Nominales against the Reales: the Dominicans againste the Franciscans: Scotistes against Scotistes: Thomistes against tho­mistes: Canonist against canonist: sect against sect: Order against Order: cloyster against cloyster: priests against Iesuites, and Ie­suits against priests, repugnant one to another, and at ciuill and Domesticall warre amonge themselues, proclaiming their owne shame as with the blast of a trumpet: and ther­fore hauing fought so many fields at home, they shoulde not reproach vs with matter of dissention. We may re­ply vnto them, as one sometimes fitly answeared phillip K. of Macedon intreating a peace amonge the Graecians, and yet hauing his wife Olimpias and his son Alexander, known to liue at mortall dissention within his owne doores, Goe first, and conclude a peace in thine owne house at home. So should our aduersaries remember, that the chiefe procters and protectors of their new religion, haue euer contentiously wrangled with others and with themselues, and the con­tentions cannot yet be taken vp I dare confidently auouch and auerre, that in the greatest conu ouersies and in the greatest number, if not in all (which are now multiplyed to many hundred) some one or other of their highest Popes, chiefest cardinals, reuerent Bishoppes, famous Doctours, [Page] learned schoolmen, holy fathers, & other aproued writers Popish wri­ters ioinvvith vs in the greatest contro­uersies among them, are slatly and fully on our side, ioyne with vs hand in hand, and giue testimony directly to our doc­trine, not in the smallest points, but in the greatest: not in few, but in many: yea not the meanest among them, but as we haue said, the strongest pillars of their church are re­uolted to vs, are come into our campe, haue pitched their tents with vs, and some one or moe of them fight our bat­tels in all our doctrins. This were easie to be shewed parti­cularly touching the Apochryphall booke, touching iusti­fication by imputation, touching Images, touching prai­ers in a strange tongue, touching the notes of the churche, touching the sacraments and such like, among which ma­ny haue written since the late Trent-counsell. Thus while we are in peace, the enemies possessed with a spirit of di­uision, and stricken with giddines by the iust hand of god, wound one another, and the swords of the Midianites Iudg. 7, 22 are drawn out against the Midianites. Therfore the truth resteth among vs, Our Deut. 32, 31 enemies being iudges.

But lest we might peraduenture be thought to offer them wrong, whilst insisting vpon general terms we charg them Popish qvar­rels one with another. to be diuided among themselues, and in their writings to gaul one another: I wil presse them with particulars, and only stand vpon the matter in hand, to wit, the sacraments, the doctrin whereof I haue plainly opened in these Books. Whosoeuer shal read the writers of the Roman church touching the sacraments, shal find almost so many mindes as men among them, they furiously fight and make daily com­bats against each other, moouing sundry questions, which they cannot with al their shifts remoue or determine.

First of al, the schoolmen make a question, whether the body of Christ in the Eucharist be eaten with the mouth of Quest wher­in the school men are at variance the body, and passe into the belly, or onely by faith? Some of them hold he is onely eaten spiritually, and receiued by faith, as cardinal Tom. 2, tra. 2, cap 3 Cajetan a pillar of their church, a peere of the Court of Rome, the Popes legate in Germany, and Luthers hott aduersarye holdeth this, Falsissimnm est corpus [Page] christi corporaliter sumi, quoniam, &c, It is very false that Christe [...] Body is receiued bodily, for the diuines teach that he is taken spiritu­ally, not by handling but by beleeuing. And Bellarmine a man of the same note and of the same coat, saith, Dicemus christum efse, &c. Bel. de euch lib. 1, cap. 2 We will hold that christ is in the Eucharist truly, substan­tially, really, not corporally: nay contrariwise it may be said to be ther spiritually. Others thinke, he is taken bodily into the mouth, but goes not into the belly. This the glosse Gloss in can trious in ver. miscere. holds in Gra­tian, quám cito species dentibus atteritur, tam citó in coelum rapitur corpus christi: that is, So soone as the accidents of bread begin to be chewed by the teeth, presently Christs body is conueyed into heauen. But Durand goeth farther, and saith, Durand. iniration dium. offic. lib, 4. Corpus christs de ore transit ad cor, & tum desinit corporis presentia, remanente spirituali, that is: The body of Christ passeth srom the mouth to the hart, and then the bodily presence ceaseth, and the spiritual remaineth. Lastly, others say, it passeth into the belly, and remaineth there as long as any shew of the bread abideth. Lo, what they hold in this one question, and they varry being constant in no­thing but inconstancy. Some of them resist the beginning of inconueniences that may ensue, and hold he neuer com­meth Bonauen. in 4. sent, dist. 13 art 2. quest. 2 into the mouth: some, that he commeth into the mouth, but not into the stomack: some, into the stomack, but not into the belly: and others sticking at nothing, do hold he goeth into the belly. And to fil vp the measure of iniquity, Antor pa 3 tit 13. c 6. sect 3 de defect [...]. Antoninus Arch. of Florence writes, that the bo­dy of Christ may he vomited vpward by the mouth, and purged downward by a draught: Igitur corpus christi & sanguis tam diu manent in ventre, & stomacho, vel [...], &c. Therfore (saith he) the body and blood of christ remaine in the belly and stomacke, or in vo­mit, and in whatsoeuer course of nature, so long as the shewes of bred and wine remaine. And if they be vomited or purged before they be altered, (as sometimes in those that are non corrupta emittuntur [...] in [...] bus sluxum trobled with the flux) euen there is the true body of christ. If this be true, I would gladly learn of the profoundest doctor, and learnedst Iesuit, what is to be done to the body of christ thus purged or vomited? whether it shall be eaten againe, or burned, or what they would haue done with it? Robert Smith a Martir of blessed memory, reasoning with a Popish priest of the real presēce, [Page] compelled the Doctor by force of reason at length to con­fesse, that c the body of christ being eaten in the sacrament goeth The saying of a Popish Doctor. downe into the belly, and so is cast into the dr aught, saying farther that acts & mon. page 1691 it was no greater derogation to Christ, then to be spit vppon. But wisely and worthily did the Martyr reply, If the Iews, being his sworne enemies, did only spit in his face, and we being his friends do cast him into the draught, which of vs deserue the greater damnation? Thus the Doctor was put to present silence. O yee Cardinals and Byshops, O yee priests and Iesuites, are ye not ashamed of this blasphemy, and of these blasphemers? Haue not all your Seminaries cause to blush at this vilany? Be hold (Christian reader) how the lo. dealeth in Iustice with such as giue ouer the known truth, striking them with blindnes of hart and giddines of spirit, which is the iust reward of errour and superstition. Leaue therefore your grosse and carnall presence: for sake this barbarous and beastly diuinity: renounce this sluttish and vnsauory dung, and returne for shame to truth, to anti­quity, to grauity, to sobriety, & to the institution of christ.

Secondly, they handle this question, whether the Body of Christ be broken & chewd with the teeth, or not? Some, De consecrat dist. 2 hold not, c Non quando manducamus, &c, that is, when we eat, we do not make parts of him. Againe, other thinke, nothing is broken truely, Caietan tit. 2. tr. 2, cap, 5 but in shew, somewhat seemeth to be bro­ken, but nothing is broken: so that we haue a myraculous breaking, where nothing is broken. Contrariwise, Pope Nicholas in a counsell holden at Rome, caused Berengarius to recant in this wife, de consecr. dist, 2 can, ego [...] credo corpus domini nostri Iesu Christi sensualiter et in veritate, manibus sacerdotum tractari, et frangi, et fidelium dentibus atteri, that is, I beleeue that the body of our Lord Iesus christ sensibly and in very deed is touched with the hands of the Priests, broken, and ground with the teeth of the faithful. This was the consent, iudgment, and determination of that counsel, and yet the rude glosse reprouing the same giueth warning to the Reader, Nisi sané intelligas verba. &c. Except you wartly vnderstand the words of berengarius, you wil fal into a greater here­sie then euer he held. Lastly notwithstanding this Synode, the receiued opinion in their schools is, Lumb, lib, 4 sent dist, 12. that onely the accidents of bred are broken and chewd. Thus they wander vp and down in discussing this second question, as men that are in a maze and cannot find the end of their iourney.

[Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] Thirdly, they dispute whether the substance of bread re­maine in the sacrament or not? Scotus holdeth, that In 4. Sent. dist. xi. que. 3 the sub­stance of bread better resembleth the body of christ, then onely acci­dents: seeing there is a fitter proportion betweene substance and sub­stance, then betweene a substance and an accident. So Occam se­condeth this opinion, saying, that Occam lib. 4, quest. 6 to hold that the substance of bread abideth, is most probable, and least subiect to inconuenien­ces, not repugnant to reason, nor to the authority of the Bible. And Petrus de Alliaco, In 4. sent. quest. 6 Ille modus qui ponit substantiam panis rema­nore, &c. that opinion which holdeth the substance of bread to re­maine, is contrary neither to reason, nor to the authority of the scrip­ture, nay it hath better reason in it, and is more easie to be vnder­stood.

And Durand the resolute doctor deliuereth, that, Durand. in lib. 4. sen. dist 11. It is rashnesse to say that the body of Christ by the diuine power cannot be in the sacrament in any other manner, then by turning of the bread into him. Furthemore he affirmeth this, If it be graunted that the substance of bread and wine do remain, one dissioulty ariseth that two bodies are together, which may be answered: but the contrary being holden, many follow, namely, how accidsnts can nourish, how be corrupted, and how any thing can be ingendred in them, seeing there is nothing made but there is presupposed or thought to be a matter, &c. Contrarywise commonly they hold, that the substance of bread is turned into the body of Christ: but about the manner how it is changed, they cannot agree. Some think the bread is consumed to nothing, and the body of Christ brought in place of it. But Thomas their chiefe Schoolman holdeth, that it is Thom. 3, quest, 75 not brought to nothing, whom Scotus crosseth: and againe Scotus is crossed and coufuted by caie­tan. And in the counsell of Trent, it is made an Article of faith, and all such cursed as heretikes, which say, That the substance of bread and wine doth still continue: yet pope Innocenti­us in a counsell before, did not curse those that held the contrary opi­nion, that the substances of bread and wine do remaine. Besides this, there is a great variety among thē, whether the water ming­led with the wine in the chalice bee transubstantiated into the blood of Christ. Some bring and wast it to nothing. [Page] Others holde it to be transubstantiated into blood. Some say it is turned into the vitall humor of Christ. Al these are resolute gamsters: but Durand being fearefull saith, Quis audeat desinire? That is, who should be so bold as to deter­mine this question? Thomas their Saint had rather holde a double transubstantiation, first of the water into wine, and then of wine into the blood of Christ, and there upon wise­ly and warily giueth a caueat, that little water must be mingled with the wine.

Fourthly, they are greatly trobled and perplexed, whe­ther mice eating the sacrament, doe also eate the body of Christ? Bellarmine, Bel. de En­char. li. 3, ca. 1 seeing the iars of the Schoolmen, and the vnsetled iudgments of their profoundest Doctors, hath thought it best in his Iesuiticall wisedome to pasie it ouer, and say nothing: either because he was not resolued, or be­cause he would not lay open the shame, and discouer the nakednes of his fauorites. Peter Lumbard maister of the Sen­tences, and teacher no doubt of Catholicke conclusions a­mong them, when he commeth to this Question, standeth in a mammering, and cannot teach himselfe, saying, Sent. lib 4. dist. 13 Quidigitur sumit mus? vel quid manducat? Deus nouit, that is, What is it therfore that the mouse receiueth, or what doth the mouse eate? God knoweth. As if the should say, the question is too hard, for my part I confesse plainely mine owne ignorance, I cannot tel. Notwithstanding, he taketh hart and giueth his resolution thus, It may be saide very well, that bruit beasts receiue not the body of christ. But the doctors of Paris haue censured and corrected his iudgement, and say, Hic magister non tenetur, that is, Heere in the Maister is not to be followed. And Harding ansvv. to art. 23, diuis. 1 holdeth it for an errour, that a mouse may eate the body of Christ, and calleth the contrary doctrine a vtle asseueration. Now thomas of Aqume saith thus, Quidam dixerunt, that is some haue said that as soon as the sacrament is touched of a mouse or a Dog, the body and blood of christ doth straight way depart from it: but this is a derogation to the truth of this sacrament. And yet this is that worthy doc­tor, to whom they say Christ appeared in a vision, saying, [Page] O Thomas, thou hast written wel of me. So Iohannes de Burgo saith Ioh de burg de [...] [...]. cap. x The mouse eating the sacrament, receiueth the body of Crist. [...] whome wee named before, though he will haue Christ to take vp his lodging as well in the stomacke as in the mouth of mau, yet he liketh not, vt aut mus in ventre [...], aut in cloacam discenderet, that is; Either that the body of Christ should go into the belly of a mouse, or be cast foorth into the draught, because the eares of well disposed persons woulde abhorre that, and if we should defend it, the Haeretickes and Infidels woulde [...] at vs, and laugh vs to scorne. Againe hee saith euidently, The mouse cannot eate it, God forbidde we should euer come to that, Neuertheles Alexander as bold as blind Bayard, in despight of all Heretickes and Infidels aduentureth vpon that opini­on, Alex. de Hales part. 4, qu. [...] 5, memb. [...] If a hogge or a Dogge should eat the whole consecrated hoast, I see no cause but the Lords body should go [...] into the body of that hog or dog. And that we may see the blaspemous school diuinity or [...] villany of those [...] men, hearken once more to Antoninus that beastly Byshop of Florence, anton. de defect, [...] 3, part sum. 3 If a mouse or any other creature or beaste happen to eate the sacrament through negligence of keeping: let the keeper be inioyned penance 40. daies: and if it be possible let the mouse be taken and burnt, and let his ashes be buried neere the altar. Heereunto another addeth, that [...] de Palude. the Mouses entrals must be drawne out, and the portion of the sa­crament that there remaineth (if the priest be [...] to receiue it) must [...] belaid vp, vntill it may naturally be consumed. But the hoast so found in the mouses bowels, may in no wise be thrown in­to the water, as a certaine priest sometimes vsed a fly that he sound in the chalice after consecration. But if a man had such a feruent zeale S. Hugh of Clunice. (saith he) that his stomake would serue him to eat the same with­out horror, this were the best course of all, as God [...] did who is much commended for swallowing and receiuing the host which a lea­per had vomited and cast vp. And heereunto, the goodly and ghostly Canons of the counsell holden at Colen vnder the [...] Radulph, Conc, Col. If there fall any small thing of the bodye or blood vpon the pall of the altar, let the stone be cut and burned, and the ashes put into the holy place, or cast into the fish-poole. If any fall vppon the stone, or vppon the grounde, let the priest licke it vp: if a [Page] Spider or fly be fallen into it, let them be taken out warily, and burnt ouer the fish-poole: If a man shall vomit it vp again, let the peeces be gathered vp and be giuen to a faithfull man to take and eate, and let the rest of the vomit be burnt, and set neere vnto the altar. Can a­ny religious hart repeate, or any christian eares abide this loathsome diuinity? We will therefore cease to stirre this dunghill any farther, for the; due reuerence which wee ought to bear to the glorious body of christ Iesus our bles­sed sauiour.

But to return back to the former question, what shall we say that the beasts eate? Bread it cannot be: for that they say is gone by consecration. Some, not so grosse as the former, hold, they eat the shewes of bread. Others say, the bread De consecr. dist, 2 sect, Qui bene. returneth again: and thus God must wnrke myra­cles to feed mise. So likewise Innocentius, more subtiliy then soundly, saith, The bread passeth away myraculously when the bo­dy commeth; and the body passeth and getteth it selfe away when the mouse draweth [...], and the bread commeth into his place again: so that he holdeth, that it [...] to be a sacrament, so soone as any mouse or beast toucheth it. But Guidmundus and Thomas Walden affirme, that Th, walden tom 2. qui de Sacram, est cap, 46 when mise gnaw the Sacrament, there is deceptio vi­sus, that is, an errour in our fight. We simply iudge they be eating and nibling, but our sight is deceiued, the mise be o­therwise occupied. And might they not as well say our eie­sight faileth in thinking them to be mise or birds: where­as they may peraduenture be angels in their shapes? O­ther hold, some new matter is created in place of christs bo­dy: but I would gladly knowe, whether it be by vertue of these words, this is my body.

And touching the Wormes that are ingendred in the [...], a [...] diuersity is among them. Some say they Diuersity how [...] are ingende­red in the Eucharist. are ingendred of the aire, others of the substance of bread, and [...] of the quality and shewes thereof: and so we shall haue substance made of accidentes, in despight of all [...] and reason. Thus they are carried hither and thi­ther, vppe and downe, too and fro, to reconcile mat­ters they knowe not howe, and to beleeue thinges they [Page] know not what. For how shall the people haue a directi­on and path-way what to followe, when their teachers are not setled and perswaded what is the truth? Against al these confusions, vncertainties, contrarieties, blasphemies, and crossing one another, we teach the people what to hold and instruct them to make a diffe. between ch. body & the Difference betvvixt chri. body & the Sacrament. sacrament of his body. The sacrament is corruptible, christs body is glorious and free from all corruption: the sacra­ment is beneath, christes body is aboue: the sacrament is on earth vpon the table, the body is in heauen the Sacra­ment feedeth the body and outwarde man, the body of christ feedeth the soule and inward man: the sacrament is eaten as well of the wicked as of the godly, the body is on­ly eaten of the faithful: the sacrament may be eaten to death, but the body of christ is euer eaten to saluation. Wherefore, howsoeuer beastes may touch or eate the substance of the bread, which is the outwarde and corruptible element of the sacrament: they cannot eat the body of christ which is in heauen, and sitteth at the right hande of God the Father, which is receiued onely by a liuely faith.

Fiftly, they argue the case, whether the shew of breade be a signe of the bodie without the bloode, or whether it include the soule, humours, spirits, and the blood it selfe? Scotus saith In repor, d. x, quest. 3 Nonest certum, that is, It is vncertaine, both may be defended, but neither can be proued. Notwithstanding, opus 58, c. 13 Tho­mas of Aquin auoucheth, that the blood is in the body, & the body in the blood by a connecting of them togither, which they cal concomit antia or accompanying each other. So then whereas Christ said this is my body, they vnderstand him to say this is my bodie and my blood. Againe, when Christ said this is my blood, they make his meaning to be this is my bloode and my body. This is a new fancie, well agreeing and answering to their newe doctrine, whereby they are constrained to build vp one idle conceit with another. This is a very won­derfull shiste, and a marueylous sigure, passing all figures, whereby one thing is made two, and two are made one.

Lastly, to draw to an end (where almost no end is) they [Page] eagerly contend with what wordes their consecration or rather coniuration is wrought. Some say, christ consecrated when hee blessed. Others denying this, dispute how many words are precisely required to the forme of consecration. Scotus shrowdeth himself vnder his own ignorāce, & flyeth to it as to a place of refuge, saying, In repor, di 8 quest 2 It is a lawfull ignorance not to know how many wordes are necessarily required in the forme of consecration, & therefore he which thinketh he knoweth is deceiued: the Greekes vse not the same forme that we do, yet we deny not, but that they consecrate. Thus hee concludeth the whole matter with an Ignoramus. Vnto these heads before remembred, we might also adde many foolish, friuolous, and ridiculous questions disputed among them, as whether in the sacra­ment Foolish quest disputed by [...] the Papistes. the foote of Christ bee confounded with his face, his hand with his head, and whether one part be distinguished from another? Whether Bel, de euch lib 3 cap, x the host falling, the body of Christ falleth: and whether it be moued to and fro, as oft as the host is moued? Whethe it be fittest for the host to be eaten after a [...] hath vomited it vp, or a drunken man in his drunkennes? Whether christ leaue heauen to come into the place of bread? Whether in comming he passe through the aire? Whether he forsake the earth againe so soone as the shewes of bread are touched with the teeth, or whether he go downe into the stomacke? How long he stayeth in the stomack? Whether he tarry and waite his attendance there till the forme of bread be disgested, and whether he change himselfe at such time into the foule or body of the commu­nicant, or whether he vanish into nothing, or else returne to heauen? They make a quaere likewise, when the sacra­ment beginneth to be God, how long it continueth God, when it is god, and when it is no god? When we may adore and how long we may adore it without danger, and so safe­ly cease and leaue off? Whether the body of Christ Tho. aquin, in 3 qu, 76 ar 30 haue dimension of quantities, proportion of body, and distance of parts one from another, as between eie and eie, eare and eare, head and foote, as it is in other naturell bodies? Whe­ther christ speake of the Eucharist, Ioh. 6. Gabriel, Biell, Cusa­nus, [Page] Caietan, Lyra, and others deny it: but Sanders and Bel­larmine Bel. lib 1 de sac. euch. ca, 5 hold otherwise, & go about to confute the former. Againe, whether the matter of the Sacrament may be bread of any kind of graine and corne, or only of wheaten bread? Some hold the signe of the Sacrament must onely be made of Wheat, as Scotus: some of Wheate or barly, as Albertus, and Thomas de Argentina. Others holde consecration right­ly to bee made Gab. Biel. in lect, 37 in cā. Cajetan in 3 par. Tho, qu. 73, art. 3 in any vsuall and common bread what­soeuer it bee, as Caietan. They cannot agree likewise, whe­ther the priest may be saide to be the creator of his creator? With a thousand such questions or rather fooleryes they blot Paper, wast time, and weary the Reader, neuer knowne, nor heard off in auncient Writers, no not 800. yeares after christ, which argueth that they neuer dreamed of any carnall presence.

But not to stand vpon all the the contradictions among them (which were without end, and without [...]) wee The institution of Christ expounded will come to the m wordes of institution: which albeit they be short and easie, cleere and euident in themselues, yet they haue corrupted them with many glozes, and cros­sed one another in their peruerse interpretations. Christ saith of his last Supper, when hee had taken, blessed, and broken the bread, This is my body which is broken, or giuen for you, do this in remembrance of me. In like manner he tooke the cup, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, this doe as oft as ye drinke it in remembrance of me. As if hee should say, this bread is a signe or sacrament of my body, which is deliue­red to death for you and for your saluation. Christ tooke nothing but bread: he brake that which he tooke: he de­liuered that which he brake as the Apostle saith 1 Cor, x, 16 The bread which we breake, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? So touching the other part, when he saith, This cup, hee mea­neth, this Wine in the cup is a sacrament of the new testa­ment, of our reconciliation with God now to bee fulfilled, of our communion and participation of Christ with all his benifits. This interpretation is agreeable to the circumstan­ces of the text, to the proportion of faith, and to the exposi­tion [Page] of the ancient fathers, who call the sacrament a repre­sentation, a remembrance, an image, a token, a signe, a figure and such like. But because our aduersaries can abide no figures, let vs heare what the Doctours of the Church teach, who thought it no heresie to expound the wordes of Christ by a figure. Tertullian one of the most auncient saith, Tert, cont. Marcion li, 4 Christ receiuing the bread, and the same being diuided vnto his Disciples, made it his body, saying, This is my body, that is to say, a figure of my body. And Chrysostome Chrysost. in Mat. hom 83 If Christ died not, whose token & signe is this sacrifice. Ambrose also hath these words, Am, de illis qui mit. myst cap 9 After consecration the body of christ is signisied. Adde vnto these the testimony of Augustine,, Aug, in psal 30, & epi, 23 ad Bon. & cō adam cap 12 who taught the people thus, christ at his last supper commended and gaue the figure of his body & blood. And epist 23. ad Bonifac. The sacramēt of the body of christ is after a sort the body of christ. And in another place, The Lord doubted not to say, this is my body, when he gaue a token of his bodie. Lastly, the Glose vpon the Canons, dissenteth not heerin frō the fathers, De consecr, dist 2. Dicitur corpus christi, sed improprie, vt sit sensus. It is the body of christ, but vnproperlie: the meaning is, it is called Christes body, that is, it signifieth christs body. Gelasius saith in the same mā ­ner, Gel as cont. Eutich There remaineth still in the sacra. the nature or substance of bread and wine. To conclude, Augustin saith else where, Aug. in ser, ad infant. Quod videtis, panis est, that is, the thing that ye see, is bread. He doth not say, it seemeth bread and is none, or it is the shew and forme of bread, but he speaketh euidently, it is indeede bread.

Now our aduersaries, that can abide no tokens, no figures, no signes, no significations in the wordes of the supper, are notwithstanding driuen to make so diuerse, so doubtfull, so Popish expositions of ch. institution many, so monstrous, so mad and senseles expositions of the word of institution, as al the tropes, figures, metaphors, allu­sions, allegories, and rhetoricke in the world, wil not serue them to salue vp the braunches of their interpretations of these short and few words.

First, they finde in the word, bread, a whole swarme of figures. They say the Sacrament is called Bread, some­times, because it was bread before: sometimes, because an Infidell taketh it to be bread: sometimes because the [Page] accidents and shewes of bread remaine: sometimes, because the same accidentes nourish the body by a miracle, as if it were bread: sometimes, because it is that spirituall bread How the pa­pistes vnder­stand the breking in the supper which came from heauen: and lastly, because the bread sometimes returneth againe after consecration. Againe, these words lying together, he tooke, hee blessed, he brake, go­ing before the words which Christ spake, are strangely ex­pounded on this manner, he tooke the bread: hee blessed, that is, he turned and changed the bread: he brake, that is, the accidents or shewes of bread: and sometimes they vn­derstand, It seemeth to be broken: so that when the Euan­gelists saith he brake, they say the meaning is, hee did not breake but seemed so to do.

Touching the next word This: the pronoune demonstra­tiue they say sometimes pointeth out the bread, as Bonauen­ture what the pa­pists vnder­stand by the pronovn this deliuereth: sometimes they say it demonstrates not the bread but indiuidum vagum, that is, neither bread, nor any certaine determined thing else, but a thing left at randome, and at large in generality, but what thing particularly they cannot tell. Sometimes, they say, it demonstrates nothing, as Ios, angl, de mist, mis, c 17 Durand lib. 4 Iosephus Angles: and Durand misseth not much of that marke, when he saith that by ( This) nothing is signified. Other say it demonstrateth the body, & so they make christ to speake foolishly, This body is my body: and besides, by this interpretation, it shold be his body before the words of cō ­secration. Bellarmine, as he confesseth the papists his good bretheren agree not in the sense of this word, so he inuen­teth a new and strange exposition neuer hard off before in the Church or out of the Church, in iest or in earnest, a­mong the learned or vnlearned, that is, Bel, de euch lib 1 cap, 11 hoc edulium, that is, this food is my body, this drinke is my blood, and yet what foode it was, and what drinke it was, when that word was vtte­red, he dareth not to determine. Thomas of Aquine lea­ueth it more at large, with whom ( This) is as much as Thom lib 4 sent di, 8 ar, 6 Hoc contentum, that is, that which is contained vnder these shewes. Gre­gorius de Valentia after his fashion saith, Christ ment that which he tooke into his hands: yet he holdeth, he ment not bread: so [Page] that by this reason without reason, Christ tooke not bread into his hands. Scotus vnderstandeth hoc ens, that is, this ge­nerall thing that hath a being: but what it is when they should declare, they stick fast in the mire of their owne de­uises. Moreouer, touching the interpretation of the next word ( is:) they likewise muster an Army of many figures. Sometimes they expound it, this shall be, as Occam. Some­times they vnderstand therby is made, as Bonouenture blun­dereth at al aduentures. But Bellarmine refelleth both these. Sometimes they meane, this shall be transubstantiated and changed into the substance of his body. Furthermore, the words following ( is giuen) they vnderstand shalbe giuen: is broken, they expound shalbe broken: do this in remembrance of me, they expound, sacrifice me in remembrance of me. Thus they roue and wander vp and downe as men that haue lost the right way, and yet will be going rather then stand still.

Wherefore by these collections we see, that these words which stand in construction and order together, he tooke, bles­sed, brake, and gaue, they expound on this maner, he tooke the A briefe col­lection of popish interpretations. bread: he blessed it quite and cleane away, and in place ther­of put an other substance: hee brake the shewes, appearan­ces, and accidents of bread, & then he gaue them his body. Behold in these words of christ, how many shapes, formes, figures, nay falsehoods they haue inuented, and so inuerted them? And yet they say, they must be taken properly with­out any manner of figure. To conclude this point, I wilgiue a short, but most sweet tast of the popish diuinity, taught in schooles, in churches, in monasteries, in seminaries, and in al their meetings, by their schoolemen, canonists, doctors, preachers, and Byshops. When the Euange lists report, that christ hauing taken bread, brake it, blessed, and gaue it, saying, This is my body giuen for you do this in remembrance of me: the mea­ning of Christ according to their interpretation must bee this, Christ after his last supper tooke bread into his handes, but blessed it to nothing: hee brake onely certaine shexes of bread, and gaue them his naturall body, saying vnto them, This which I haue in my handes, whether it be bread or not you cannot tel, surely foode [Page] it is, but be it what it may be, it is transubstantiated and turned into my body, and therefore take it and offer it vp an vnbloody sacrifice for quick and dead, and so sacrifice me in remembrance of me. Ne­uer were there such fond and fantasticall figures heard off in the Church of God: neuer was such vanity inuented: neuer was there so great confusion of tongues at the buil­ding of Babell: How much better were it for them to for­sake these fables and deuises of their owne, and to say plainely, euidently, simply, directly, and distinctly with Scholiast Maximus. the Greeke Scoliast, Zumbola tauta, alla ouk aletheia, that is, these be tokens, but not the truth it selfe. And with Tertullian, Tertul. con. Marciō. lib. 4 This is my body, that is, this is a figure of my body. The like wee finde in Chrysostome in many places speaking as cleerely, as when the Sun shineth at noone dayes, chrysost, in epist, ad Cae­sar. Monach, The bread before it be sanctified is called by vs bread: but after that it is sanctified by the grace of God it is thought worthy to be called by the name of the bo­dy of our Lord, notwithstanding that the nature of bread doe still a­bide in it. And in an other place he saith, Chrysost in oper, imperf. homil, xi in Iohannem. If it be dangerous to conuert sanctified vessels to priuate vses, there not being in them the very body of Christ, but the mystery of his body, &c. These things haue so clere euidence of truth taught in those times that Bellarmine hath no way to answere but to inuent this shift, that Bellar, de Sacr, Euchar lib. 2, cap, 22 a certaine Disciple of Berengarius did insert and interlace it. But who it was, or when it was, or how it was disclosed and detected, he cannot tell, and therfore it may iustly be denyed, seeing ofhim it cannot be confirmed. Be­sides, this were an easie way to answere all allegations and authorities, to say they are corrupted by heretikes, if such counterfeit coine might go for good payment. Thus far of this matter. Now if so great variety and dissention bee a­mong them in this one controuersie of the sacrament of the supper, to which we might adde infinite moe: what an huge heape of differences should wee finde among them, if wee should run ouer al the controuersies lying between vs. Let them therefore neuer obiect against vs our diuisions, or tell vs of the motes they espy in vs: let them rather reconcile themselues one to another, and pul out the beames out of [Page] their owne eies, or else for shame hold their peace: doubt­les among vs they shal neuer finde greater doubts and dif­ferences, then haue been among the children and churches of God. Now for our further direction touching this point ofdissentionsin the church, lately & largely debated by this enimy as the cheef obiect and subiect of his Warn-word, and Foure profitable obserua­tions. dilated through many chap. as welbecame a man of his lei­sure and learning: I wil insist a while vpon this point, wher­in obserue with me these 4. things. First, that vnity is often­times out of the Church. Secondly, that dissention is some­times in the Church. Thirdly, that the Church of Rome hath been and is at this present ful of contentions. Lastly, that this discourse of diuisions in our church may bee taken vp of the Turkes, and vsed against christ and christian religi­on, so that while they seeke to giue vs a blow, they reach a sword into the enimies hand to cut the hart-strings of their owne cause. Vnity often-times out of the church.

Touching the first thing, all agreement among men, is no sufficient proofe of the goodnesse of the matter wherin they agree, inasmuch as all malefactors and enemies of the gospell haue a kind of agreement. There are agreements in idolatry, in adultery, in robbery, in conspiracy, in murthers, in mutinies, and in all mannet of impieties, which are al o­dious to God, and hateful to men. When al the earth was of one tongue and language, Gen, xi, 6 they all conspired in building the tower of Babel. They that worshipped the Golden calfe, saide Exod, 32, 3 all with one consent, these are thy Gods ô Israell, that brought thee out of the land of Egypt. So the Apostles out of Psal. 2. declare, Psal. 2, 1, 2 cum act. 4, 26 that the Iewes and Romaines, the state ciuell and Ecclesiastical confederated together, did al con­sent and conspire against God and against his anoynted. There was an agreement Num. 16, xi betweene Corah, Dathan, and Abiram with their rebellious companies and consorts, ioyned and combined together against Moses and Aaron. The ten tribes agreed in worshipping the golden calues in Dan and Bethell. The Priestes of Baall consented King. 22, 13 together against Michaiah the true prophet ofGod.

Al the people with Mat. 27. 22 one mind and with one mouth cried against christ, let him bee crucified. And Iohn [...] [Page] that great Reue, 13, 16 and smal, rich and poor, bond and free should agree in following and worshipping Antichrist the enemy of Christ.

Secondly, as vnity is oftentimes out of the church, so sometime q dissention is in the church. The true members of the church haue not alwaies in outwarde thinges, nor in matters of faith one mind and meaning. Abraham and Lot louing God and beloued of God, Gene. 13, 7 dissented in the things of this life, Iosephes bretheren hated him without a cause, and persecuted him almost vnto the death. The priests and Princes of the people did dissent from the Prophettes of God. Moreouer, in the houshould and family of Christ, Luke 22, 24 ambition, enuy, and dissention raigned and remained, as Luk. xxii. there arose a strife among them which should he the grea­test. And Math. 20, 24. When the other ten Math. 20, 24 hearde of the ambitious desire of these sonnes of Zebede, they disdained at the two brethren. So Paule withstood Peter to his face, Galat. 2, xi because he was to be reprooued, as Miriam and Aaron did to Moses who was not to be reproued. Likwise, Luke, Act, xv, speaking of Pavle and [...], saith, actes 15, 39 they were so stirred, that they departed asunder one from another: which albe­it it fell out to the good of the church, to the gaine of the gospel, and to the glory of God (who is able to bring good out of euill, as he did light out of darkenes) yet it sheweth their weakenes and wantes, especially of barnabas, seeing the spirit of God assigneth the reason whereon Paul groun­ded himselfe touching his determination, but deliuereth not the reason of Barnabas his resolution. Besides, we see Act, xi, they of the circumcision contended against actes 11, 2 Peter, because he did eat with the vncircumcised. As touching the Corinthians who were a true church, and sanctified in Ie­sus Christ, the apostle saith, 1 Cor. 1, 11 It hath bin declared to me of you by them that are of the house of Cloe, that there are contentions a­mong you: and chap, xi In this that I declare I praise you not, that ye come togither, not with profit but with hurt: for I hear that there are dissentions among you, and I beleeue it to be true in some part, for there must be euen Haeresies among you, that they which are ap­proued [Page] among you may be knowne.

Thirdly the church of Rome is so farre from the unity and agreement which they boaste of, that contrarywise it hath bene & is full of contentions and bitter controuersies. If we would search the Histories of former times, we shall finde the contentions and quarrels between them to haue bin infinit and innumerable. Popes haue bin against popes, nay Antipope againste Antipope, when there were two Popes, nay three Popes among them at once: which con­demned, cursed, and banned each other to the pit of Hell. Onuphrius a popish chronicler, Onuphr. in Chro. Rom. Pontif reckoneth vp thirty schisms among them, and those not of short dutance, but of long continuance, so many as no church can boaste of besides. Their variety was such about Formosus, that for some yeares euery Pope cancelled and [...] his predecessors acts, what one instituted, the other repealed: they condemned one another, and followed their priuate factions and affe­ctions with such intestine malice & barbarous cruelty, that Platina Formosus was taken vp after his death, being taken vp was burned, being burned his ashes were cast into the riuer. For Pope Stephen the sixt took vp his carcas Sigon. de regn. Ital. li. 6 out of the graue, brought it into iudgement spoiled it [...] his robes, cut off 3. fingers of it, and cast it into the streame tiber. Thus were the pretended successors of Peter [...] about with giddines, es Krantzius speaketh of them Metrop. lib 2, cap. 22 and the heade of the Ro­mish and popish church was long without braine, though not without brauling. This schisme of two or three popes at onetime shall witnes, [...] all posterity, in all ages, to the end of the world, the perpetual infamy of their deadly dis­cordes, howe farre their church is from that perfect vnity they brag and boast of. What should I speake of their infi­nite [...] and differences in cleauing to this saint and that saint, which they haue multiplied Ierem. 2. 28 according to the number of their Citties: likewise of their diuers Missales, [...], and ceremonies vsed among them? of their sun­dry [...] of Monkes and Nunnes, which they haue so in­creased of late, whereas not many hundred yeare ago, they [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] mangled and mingled them with the leauen of their owne inuentions. NOW, as there is no part of the word of god in common and continual vse among al christians more com­fortable, then the doctrine of the sacraments: so no point of religion is at this day more corrupted and depraued with the gesses, glozes, errors, heresies, wrestings, wranglings, and idolatries of the church of Rome, then the same. I haue therefore vnfolded and vnmasked their false doctrine tou­ching the sacraments in generall in the first booke, which sheweth whence the word is borrowed, what thinges are common to the word and sacramentes, as also what they haue proper and peculiar: what a sacrament is: by whom the sacraments ought to bee administred; that they were ordained of god, and commaunded to be vsed and frequen­ted of all persons in the church: what are the signes and sa­cramentall rites: what is the [...] part and spirituall sig­nification of them, together with the fit and ful analogy and agreement that is betweene them. I haue also intreated of their force and effect, of the ends and vses of them: of the difference between the sacraments of the old testament and of the new: of the number of sacraments, & namely of the 5 falsely named sacraments. Touching baptisme in the second The sum of the 2. Booke booke, how many waies the word is taken: what baptism is, who haue authority to baptize, who haue right and inte­rest to be baptized, wherefore it is not repeated: that it commeth in place of circumcision: how it a greeth with circumcision, and [...] it differeth from it: whether there be an absolute necessity of baptisme; whether the baptisin of Iohn be one and the same with the baptisme of Christ: what sins are put away in baptisme: what are the true partes and right vses therof: what is the duty of the minister in the administration, and of the people in the celebration of it, and what foolish ceremonies the church of Rome vseth, of which trumpery the sacrament is to be purged, that the simplicity of the institution may be retained.

Touching the Lords Supper, by which God witnesseth that his couenant is most certaine toward vs, the 3. booke The sum of the 3. Booke. [Page] intimateth what it is, why there is a dubble sign in the sup­pet, and one onely in baptisine: by what names it is cal­led in the scripture: what is the duty of such as come to the Popish corruptions in the Supper. Lords table, and what are the parts and vses of it. Againe, the words of Christs institution are truely and plainely ex­pounded, and the right maner of preparing our selus to this heauenly banket is propounded. This truth is wholy depra­ued, and the church vtterly depriued of the comfortable vse of this Sacrament vnder Antichrist, where the corrupti­ons [...] all mean and measure, and where it is not only peruerted, but quite abrogated and abolished. For they haue turned the Supper into Conc. Trid, sess 22, cap. 2 a sacrifice: they haue poiso­ned the church with the error of the reall presence, with the monster of transubstantiation, with robbing the people of the cuppe, with administring it in a strange tongue, with the magicall inchantment of consecration, with working miracles to feede Rats and Mise, with disanulling a right vse of the Communion by their priuate Masses, with esta­blishing a sacrament without eating and drinking, with the corrupt custome of carrying about in processions, a cake to bee worshipped and adored as God, mounting it cerem. Rom eccle. lib. 1 sect, 2, 5, 12 on Horsebaeke and carrying it before the Pope with Lanterns and torches, in [...] as the Persians Xeno. grop lib. 8 carryed their god before the King of Persia. And as the church of Rome hath bin sundry waies detected of many superstitions and much silthinesse of Idolatry, by appointing Images to be had in Churches for the instructions or rather destruction of the people, which are teachers Quin. curti, de rep gest Alex. lib 3 of lies and vanity) and by commaunding Saintes, Angels, relickes; and consecrated things to be worshipped: so is this false church deepely de­filed with the sinke and sinne of Idolatry, in adoring and falling downe before their breaden God, prostrating and Ieremy. x, 8 prostituting themselues before a piece a bread. Behold heer the God of the papists. And if we should yeeld vnto them their carnall presence, and their miraculous transubstantia­tion, which is a monster of many heads: yet can they ne­uer The pa. God assure and secure themselues from committing grosse [Page] & palpable Idolatry. 1. because al their consecratiō standeth vppon the intention of the Ptiest, which they cannot tho­roughly vnderstand: for 1 cor, 2, xi Who can know the heart of man, saue the spirit of man which is within him? as the Apostle teacheth. Besides, Innocentius holdeth, that it ceaseth to be a sacra­ment, so soon as any mouse, bird, beast, or vermin toucheth it. It his rule of their holy father the pope holde as a firme foundation & sound conclusion: I wold know how they cā certainly know, whether any of them haue touched it, especially considering their doctrin of reseruation, and keeping it in vessels of the church many daies. 3. sundry cases ordinarily concur, wherin the priest according to their own canons and rules do not Tho. part 3 quest 8 3 Gerson cont Flor, Extran, de colobrat Missae. consecrate at al, which things notwith stā ­ding are not within the knoledg of the people, andtherfore how shal they assure their faith of consecration, and warant their consciences against Idolatry? as for example, if he for­get to mingle water with wine: if there be more water then wine: if the bread be made of any other then wheat flour: if the wine be sharp and soure: if of 7. loaus mo or lesse he did think but of 6. if he haue omitted but one word of consecra­tion; al these being beyond the compas of the peoples kno­ledg, must needs be [...] to the conscience and leaue mē in dout of comitting Idolatry. Lastly, many of thē hold, that priests defiled with adultery, simony and such like crims, cā not (as they speak) make the body of christ: wherunto Peter Lumb. and the canons 1 qu. 1 can 5 quis. 1 qve. 1 can. qoicun incline which say, Siquis episcopus perpecuniam ordinauer it, &c. If any Byshop shall ordain a priest for mo­ny, he shalbe degraded; and the priest so ordaind shalbe no better then a lay-man: for whosoeuer buy or sel orders, can be no priests: how then shal they that are not themselus in the body of christ, be able to deliuer or receiue the body of christ? Out of these canons I obserue three things. First, such as ly in mortal sin canot consecrate. 2. such as buy or sel orders, are no priests. Lastly, mark the miserable estate of the Roman laity, who canot assure themselus they haue, any baptisme, any Eucharist, any penance, any matri­mony, any absolution, any sa. any priests: seeing that as it is certain thousands of them ly in deadly sin, buy and sel or­ders [Page] and wer appointed by Symoniacal bishops, so the people must alwaies be vncertaine, how they obtaind their of­fice of priesthood, whether it were rightly obtained, or vn­lawfully Venalia [...] templa, sacer dotes, altaria, sacra coronae, ignis, thura, preces, coelumest venale de­usque Mātu. Calam lib. 3 purchased. Wherfore, Tho. Salisburiensis vpon these vncertainties giueth this friendly counsel to worship vpon condition, that euerie dutie and things required to the astion, be wel and truly done. Seeing then, by [...] owne doctrine, deliuered by their own doctors, the force of consecration hangeth vpon a slender thred of the priests intention: seeing a beast tou­ching the host, the body of christ departeth: seeing sundry cases fall out about the matter of the bread, about the min­gling of the cup, about the ouerplus of water, about the o­mitting of a word, and such like not known at [...] of the people: & lastly seeing a priest simoniacaly ordaind is no priest: It followeth by these propound principles of their popish diuinity, defended by their owne prophets, that papists in their adoration and worshipping of the sacrament may be Idolaters, and cannot secure themselues from committing Idolatry. For whatsoeuer is not of faith is sin, as that apo. teacheth. But they cannot directly know, whether the priest intended Rom. 14, 23 consecration, and hath performd his rules & directions re­quisite in consecration, or whether a mouse hath touched the host, or whether the priest were ordaind for mony: and therfore for any thing they can assure themselus to the con­trary, the substance of the bread stil remaineth, and conse­quently they fal down to a piece of bread, and commit de­testable Idolatry in the grossest kind, whereof the Gentiles wold be ashamd. O misrable people led by such blind guids! O miserable guides of such blind people! What a wofull condition is this, that a man shal liue al the daies of his life in the bosom of their holy mother the church, & yet her sons and daughters can neuer assure themselus to haue bin bap­tized (thogh they make the want therof See Book. 2 cap. 5 a mark of repro­bation) or euer to haue receiued the Lords supper, or euer to haue bin [...], or absolued, seeing al hangeth vpō the priests intention; obseruation, ordination. This is the lamen table condition of all those that liue vnder the heauy yoake and greeuous bondage of superstition. [Page] Ther is no peace, no comfort, no ioy of hart in such a doubt­ful and doleful religion. Wherfore, as the Holy ghost saith, Reuel, 18, 4 Go out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sinnes, and that ye receiue not of her plagues.

Now, among all other abuses of the church of Rome, and prophanations of the blessed sacrament of the bodye and blood of Christ, none is more notable and notorious, then that great Idoll of the Masse, being indeede a masse of many abominations. And howsoeuer it be greatly liked of those that are enamored of it (as the things that are not Theocrit. in Bvcol. faire, yet seeme faire to them that are in loue) it is knowne to the true church to be an heape of errors, a lumpe of con­fusions, a bottomlesse gulfe of all blasphemies, and an en­gine conc, Trid, [...]. 22, cap 2 can 1, & 3. that ouerturneth the foundatiō of religion. They make the Lordes Supper to bee a sacrifice: not a sacrifice of praise and thansgiuing, but propitiatory to be offered by a masse-priest for the quicke and the dead to saue man: and not onely to saue man, but sometimes their Pigs and their Swine from diseases. For they haue a masse commonly cal­led the Masse of Saint Antony. Yea if a poore womans hen be sicke, and ready to be lost, shee may procure a Masse to be said for it. And heereby, although no good redounde to The Masse of S. anthony. the party, yet some gaine shall returne to the Priest, who, alan, desac, euch, cap. 32 if he see no money, wil say no Masse. And are not these more beastly and vncleane then swine, yea more mad then mad men, thus to abuse the holy ordinance of Christ? and to turne that to their owne profit which was instituted for the peoples comfort? Do they not by this means make the death of Christ of none effect, Gab. Biel while they offer vp a new that only sacrifice, which being once offered hath sanctifi­ed vs for euer? and yet behold more abhominations then these. The right ends of the institution are basely esteemed, they make it of speclall force against tempests, against sick­nes, against Warres: auaileable to saue cattell, to cure the feauer, to restore lost things: yea profitable for the deade, and that Hebr, 7, 27 Ex opere operato, sine bono motu vtentis, that is, onely being present at the worke done, though there be neuer a good motion [Page] brought thereunto by him that is present. Thus they make the Masse deuised by Antichrist, more precious then the holy supper instituted by Christ.

Touching the word Masse, we must vnderstand, that nei­ther the name, nor thing ment by the name by the Church of Rome is found in the Scripture, nor in any [...] and approued Writer for foure hundered yeares after Christ, to call the Sacrament or sacrifice by that name. Tertullian, Cyprian, Ierome, Augustine, Lactantius, knew it not, these Lataine fathers vsed it not. Againe, the fathers of the Greeke Church, Chrisostome, Basill, Nazianzene, Gregory Nissene, and other, were neuer acquainted with it, they passe by it as a stranger vnto them. But as there go many forged and [...] Writings vnder the names of the fathers: so I deny not but the word Masse may be found in such base and bastard bookes, as in Augustines Sermon. 91 & 237. & [...] Sermons de tempore, & Ierom on Ierom. in prou. cap, 11 the Prouerbs: which books were neuer made by them, but are of another style, and of a later stampe. And howsoeuer some would deriue it from the Deut, 16, 10 Haebrew word Missath, which signifieth an oblation: yet it see­meth rather to be all one Suetō. in Ca lig. cap, 25, breui missam fecit with Missio, which importeth a sending away, and a licensing to depart: and therefore Saint Cyprian saith remissa peccatorum in stead of remssio. For this was the order and custome of the Church in former times.

Nouices and such as were Catechume ni. newly planted in the Church, being conuerted srom paganisme to Christianity, and from infidelity to the faith of Christ, and not yet bap­tized till they were able 1 Pet, 3. 15 to giue an answere to such as as­ked of them a reason of their profession, were not suffered to come to the Lords table.

Likewise such as Cyprian. lib, 3, cpistol. denying the faith by sinking and shrinking vnder the heate of persecution, or committing some other heinous offence, were enjoyned to make satisfaction to the church whom they had greeuously offended: no withstanding they might be present at the publike praiers [Page] the church, and at the preaching of the word, yet might not be present at the administration of baptism, nor receiue the sacrament of the lords supper. Wherefore, after the prayers were finished, and the sermon ended, the deaconsaid to such as wer barred either by age or want of susficient knowledge, or their owne offence from the sacraments, Ite missa est, that is, Go ye hence, ye may depart. Moreouer, such as would not communicate with their bretheren, were willed to depart, & not Gregor. di­alog, [...], 2 cap, 23 to trouble the rest of the church that staied to com­municate. Of this dismissing and sending away al nouices, [...], and carelesse persons, which either might not or [...] not communicate: and of this proclamation of the deacon, the whole action of the holy communion in pro­cesse of time was called the Masse, that is, a dismissing of all such persons as wer not to communicate. But whē through negligence of the people, or couetousnes of the priests, this order was altered: yet the name was retained, and now it is vsed for another thing, to wit, for that solemne action What the Masse is. whereby the sacrament is made a sacrifice, and offered vp to god to take away the sins of the quick and dead. And in this sense we haue iustly abolished both the name, and the na­ture of the Masse, inasmuch as it hath frustrated the death of CHRIST, and taken from vs the comforte of the Lordes Supper. And albeit we deny not, but the Lords Supper may truely be called a How this sacrament may be called a sacrifice. sacrifice, being a memoriall of the real sacrifice of christ offered vpon the crosse, being a thaks-giuing to god for the worke of our redemption, being a pre­senting and giuing vppe our selues, our soules, and bodies to God a liuing, holy, and acceptable sacrifice, and being ioyned with almes and releefe to the poore according to e­uery mans ability, which is a testimony of our thankfulnesse to God: yet as they vnderstād it to be a real, external, bodi­ly, and vnbloody sacrifice in the natiue and proper signifi­cation, and themselues to be truely and propely priests (ac­cording to the order of Melchisedech) to offer vp the very body and blood of Christ to god the father for the sinnes of the liuing & of the dead, we receiue it not, but condemne it [Page] to the pit of hell from whence it came. For Christ offered vp himself Heb. 9. 15, 16 ch. x, x but once. And if they be priests properly to of­fer him, they must likewise be the murtherers of him: for­asmuch as when he was offered, he was killed. Moreouer, they make his al-susficient sacrifice to bee vnperfect, which notwithstanding maketh vs perfect, and themselues to be after a sort mediators betweene god and man, and so depriue themselus of the sweet mediation of Christ. Thus much of the gainefull Marchandize of Masses vsed in the church of Rome, and of the oblation or rather abhominati­on thereof.

These and many other errors are discouered and opened in this Treatise which I commend vnto thee (good christian reader) desiring thy farther instruction in the truth. I know it cannot but grieue thee to hear of contentions and dissentions, especially in the matters of God, wherein wee should al think and speak one thing. Wherefore thou must remember, that it cannot be auoided but offences wil com, but Luk, 19. 1 wo be to him by whom they come. The apostle saith, There must be euen 1 cor, xi. 19 haeresies among you, that they which are among you may be knowne. For my part, I haue labored to doe no more, then to quench the fire which other haue kindled, and to plucke vp the weeds which other haue planted. The successe of this worke I commit to the Lord: the examina­tion and fruit thereof to thee, Read it with iudgement. Try al things 1 Thess. 5, 21 and hold fast that which is good. Lay al parti­aly aside, and weigh the doctrine set before thee with the ballance of the Sanctuary. The Lord of heauen and earth bring vs all to be of one mind and of one hart in the truth: and giue vs the spirit of vnderstanding, that we may be able to discerne light from darkenes, and truth from errour: and that we may not be caried away Heb. 13. 9 with euery [...] of false doctrine, but that we may knowe what is the good and ac­ceptable wil of God, and may grow vnto a perfect man in Christ Iesus, to whose mercifull direction and protection I commend thee, Amen.


The Principles of Christian religion, set downe in Questions and answers, shortly for the remembrance, and plainely for the vnderstanding of all persons, re­quisite to be learned and knowne before they be admitted to the Lords Supper.

Q. What is true religion?

A. It is the knowledge of gods wil, to the end we may serue him in holinesse and righteousnesse, Ioh, 17, 3, Eph 4, 23, 24.

Q. How many parts are there of religion?

A. Two: repentance, and faith. Mar, 1, 15, Act. 20, 20, 21

Q. What is repentance?

A Repentance is a turning from al sin vnto righteousnes, act, 3, 19, Ezek. 18, 21

Q How many things haue we to consider in repentance?

A Two thinges: the parts of it, and the meanes whereby to attaine it, Esa 1, 16, xvii, xx.

Q What are the parts of repentance?

A Two partes: first, a for faking of sin, with an hatred and sorrow for it, Secondly, a betaking of ourselues vnto righteousnes, with a loue and li­king of it, 2, Cor. 7, x, xi.

Q What are the meanes to come to repentance?

A Two meanes: first the knowledge of our sins by the law: Secondly, the consideration of the punishments due to sin, Reuel, 2, 5

Q How many commaundements are there in the law?

A Ten: Exod. 34, 28, Deut. 4. xiii, & x, 4

Q [...] how many tables are the [...] deuided?

A Into two tables, Mar, xii, 30, xxxi, Exod, xxxi, xviii, 34, 1

Q What [...] the first table concerne?

A Our duties toward God, contained in the 4, first commaundements, Math xxii, 36, 37. 38

Q what is the [...] commaundemant?

A Thou shalt have none other Gods but me, Deut, 5, 7 Exod, 20, 3

Q what is the summe of this law?

[Page] A We must not account that as God, which by nature is no God: but haue and chuse the true God onely for our god, Mar. 12, 29

Q What is the second commaundement?

A Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image, Exod, 20, 4

Q What is forbidden and commaunded in this law?

A We must not worship the true god falsely: but worship god, as he hath appointed in his word, Ioh. 4, 24, Iosh, 24, 15, Esa. 29, 13

Q What is the third commaundement?

A Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy God in vaine, Exod. xx. 7

Q What is forbidden and commaunded in this law?

A We must not bereaue god of the honor due to him: but vse his titles, word and works with al reuerence, Math. 5, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37

Q What is the fourth commaundement?

A Remember the Sabbath day to keepe it holy, Exod, xx, 8

Q What is commaunded and forbidden in this law?

A We must [...] the sabbath with the works of the sabbath: and not [...] it with our owne works, Esa. 58, 13, Neh, 13, xv, xvi, &c.

Q What are the workes of the [...]?

A [...] as are holy, and of present necessity. Luk, 14, 3, 4, 5, Act. xx, 7

Q [...] must keepe the Sabbath?

A [...], thy son, thy daughter, thy man, thy maid, and thy stranger, Exod xx, x

Q [...] of the first table: what doth the second table concerne?

A [...] duties toward our neighbors, in the sixe last commaundementes, Rom. 13, 8, 9

Q Who is our neighbour?

A Our neighbor is euery one of our owne flesh, yea our enemies, Esa, 58, 7, Luk. x, 35, 36, 37, Math, 5, 44

Q What is the first commaundement?

A Honor thy father and thy mother, Exod, xx, 12

Q who is our father and mother?

A Al superiors set ouer vs of god for our good, Rom, 13, 1, 2, Eph. 6, 1, 2. 3

Q what doth the word honor [...]?

A It [...] reuerence, obedience, and maintenance, whether they be worthy or vnworthy, that are our superiors, Math xxii, xxi

Q what is the first commaundement?

A Thou shalt not kil. Exod. xx, 13

Q what is forbidden and commaunded in this law?

A We are charged not to hurt our owne life, or our neighbors: but to preserue and tender it as our owne, 1 Ioh. 3, 15, Math, 5, xxii, xxiii. 24

[Page] Q what is the seuenth commaundement?

A Thou shalt not commit a dultery. Exod 20, 14

Q what is required in this law?

A we must kepe our bodies and soules chast from consenting to vnclean lustes, Math, 5, 8, 29 [...]. Col. 3, 5

Q what is the eight commaundement?

A Thou shalt not steale, Exod, 20, 15

Q what is forbidden and commaunded in this law?

A we must not [...] or hurt our neighbors goods: but maintaine and preserue them, Eph, 4, 28, 1 Thess. 4. 6

Q what is the ninth commaundement?

A Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbor, Exod, 20. 16

Q what is forbidden and commaunded in this law?

A we must not diminish or hurt the good name of our neighbor: but [...] his credit and estimation Exod, 23, 1, Psal, 15, 3

Q what is the tenth commaundement?

A Thou shalt not couet.

Q what is forbidden and commaunded in this law?

A The first motions and lustes to sin before consent are forbidden: and loue out of a pure heart and a good conscience is required Rom. 7, 7

Q [...] any man able to [...] these commaundementes?

A No man is able to [...] them, Rom, iii. xxiii, i Ioh, i, 8, Galath, iii

Q In what estate stand we by meanes of the breach of the law?

A We are the children of wrath and euerlasting damnation, Gal, 3, x

Q What is the second part of religion?

A Faith, to beleeue whatsoeuer God hath set down in his word, the sum whereof is contained in the apostles creed, consisting of twelu articles

Q what is the first Article?

A I beleeue in God, the father almighty, maker of heauen and earth.

Q what is the second Article?

A And in Iesus Christ, his onely sonne our Lord.

Q what is the third Article?

A which was conceiued by the holy ghost, borne of the Virgin Marȳ.

Q what is the fourth Article?

A Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried, he des­cended into hell.

Q what is the [...] Article?

A He rose a gaiue the third day from the dead.

[Page] Q What is the [...] article?

A He ascended into heauen, and sitteth on the right hand of god the fa­ther almighty.

Q What is the seuenth article?

A From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead.

Q What is the eight article?

A I beleeue in the Holi-ghost.

Q What is the ninth article?

A I beleeue the holy Catholick church, the communion of Saints.

Q What is the tenth article?

A I beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes.

Q what is the eleuenth article?

A I beleeue the resurrection of the body.

Q what is the twelfth article?

A I beleeue the life euerlasting.

Q what are the [...] points of this Creed?

A Two: concerning God, or concerning the church.

Q what consider you in God?

A The vnity and the trinity. 1, Iohn, 5, 7.

Q what beleeue you of the vnity?

A I beleeue, that in substance, there is one only true and almighty God. 1 cor, 8. 4, Deut. 6, 4

Q what beleeue you of the Trinity?

A I beleeue that in one God, there are three distinct persons, the father, the sonne, and the Holyghost, Math. 28, 19. and 3, 16. 17

Q what beleeue you of God the father?

A I beleeue that he is almightie, and therefore hath made all creatures good, and gouerneth all things wel. Gen. 1, 1, Nehem. 9. 6, act, 4. 24,

Q what beleeue you of the [...]?

A I beleeue that we being borne dead in finnes, he came into the world to be a mediatour betweene God and man. 1 Tim, 2, 5

Q what meane you by a mediator?

A I beleeue, that he was sent to reconcile vs to his father, and his father vnto vs: and so to make peace between God and man. Esa: 9. 6, Eph, 2 16

Q What is required of a mediatour?

A Two natures. Iohn 1, 14, Heb. 5. 6

Q what are they?

A The diuine nature, and the human nature. Heb, 2, 16

Q what beleeue you of [...] diuine nature?

[Page] A I beleeue, that he onely is the naturall sonne of God, and therefore God, and our Lord, Heb. 1, 3

Q what beleeue you of his humane nature?

A I beleeue two things: his entrance into the world, and the things that followed the same, Luke, xxiiii, xxv. xxvi.

Q what haue we to consider in his entrance into the world?

A Two things: his conception, and his birth.

Q what [...] you of his conception?

A I beleeue he was begotten by the myraculous power and working of the Holi-ghost. Luke i, 35 Math i. xviii,

Q what [...] you of his birth?

A I beleeue that he tooke flesh and was borne of a virgine whose name was Mary, Math. 1; xx. Esa, 7, xiiii

Q what be the things that followed his entrance and comming into the world.

A two: his fufferings and his glorie. Luke xxiii. xxv. xxvi. 46,

Q what were his sufferings?

A Of two sorts: in bodie or soule,

Q what were his sufferings in body?

A I beleeue, that Pontius Pilate the iudge giuing sentence, his hands and feet were nailed to a crosse, and thereby dying, his body was buried in manner as others were, and lay for a time vnder the dominion of death, Iohn xix. xviii. 1 cor xv. 3, 4, Actes xiii. xxviii, 29, Psal. xxii, xvi

Q what [...] you of his sufferings in soule?

A I beleeue, that he suffered in his soule, the fierce wrath of his father, kindled for our sinnes, to deliuer vs from the curse of the law, Luke, xxii, 44, Gal, 3, xiii.

Q what things are to be considered touching his glory?

A Three things: eyther his glory which is past, or present, or to come, 1 Pet 3. xxi, xxii, act i. xi

Q what beleeue you touching his glorie past?

A His resurrection, and his assention, act, 1, 2, 3

Q what beleeue you touching his resurrection?

A I beleeue, that although for a space his bodie laie dead in graue, yet after three dayes he raised it vp, and gaue it life againe, Math, 28, 6, 2 cor, 13, 4, Ioh, x, 17. xviii

Q what beleeue you of his ascending into heauen?

A I beleeue, that his body being vnited againe to his soule, he was per­sonallie taken vp into the heauens, after that he had bene conuersant [Page] vpon the earth 40, dayes, acts. 1, 9

Q what is his glory present?

A He sitteth at the right hand of the father, Marke. 16, 19

Q what meane you thereby?

A I beleeue, that his father hath aduanced him into the highest honour, and hath committed vnto him the gouernement of all things in hea­uen and earth, Heb. 1, 3, Psal. 110. 1

Q what is his glory to come?

A He shal come from heauen to iudge the quick and the dead. Math. 25 31, Act, 1, xi,

Q what meane you thereby?

A I beleeue, that in the end of the worlde, all flesh shall appeare before him, both of those that haue bene deade from the beginning of the world, and of those also that then shall be liuing: and that then as an vpright iudge he shall throw the wicked into perpetuall cursednesse, and aduance the righteous to euerlasting blessednes. Math, 25, 32 33 1 Thes. 4. 16. 17. Reuel, 20. 12, xiii. x iii.

Q what beleeue you of the Holy-ghost?

A I beleeue that he is God, proceeding from the father and the sonne: and [...] all the children of God. Rom, 8, xi.

Q what beleeue you of the Church?

A Two things: first, that there is one holy Catholicke church, Secondly, that there are [...] giuen vnto it, Math, xvi, 18,

Q what meane'you by a chruch?

A The whole company of the faithfull seruants of God, which euer wer from the beginning, which also be now, and shalbe to the end of the [...], of which number I beleeue that I am one, Iohn, 10. 16,

Q why do you call it holy?

A because none can be [...] to God, vnlesse he be holy and seperated from the prophane of the world, 2 cor, 6, xvi, xvii,

Q what meane you by calling it catholicke?

A I beleeue that the church is not tyed to one time or place: but sprea­deth it selfe throughall nations vnder heauen, whomesoeuer God shall cal. act. x, xxxiiii. Reuel. 5. 9

Q what are the gifts giuen to the church?

A Two fold: first in this [...]: secondly, after this life, Act, 2, 46, 47,

Q what be the gifts in this life?

A Two: the communion of saints: and forgiuenes of sins, 1 Iohn 1, 7

Q what means you by communion of Saints?

[Page] A I beleeue, that howsoeuer the faithfull by distance of place are far se­perated one from another; yet there is such a mutual compassion and fellow-feeling each of others condition, that they are a like both greeued and ioyfull at each others aduersity and prosperity, Act. 4, 32 1 cor. x. i. 25, 26. Rom. xii, xv. xvi,

Q what meane you by forgiuenes of sinnes?

A I beleeue that Iesus christ hath already suffred for my sins, and there­fore they shall be freely pardoned, and the punishment of them for­giuen vnto me, i. Iohn. 2. i. 2, Psal. xxxii, 5

Q what be the gifts bestowed on the church after this life?

A Two: the resurrection of the body, and life euerlasting. i. cor. xv. 42. i. Thess. 4, xvi. xvii.

Q what beleeue you of the resurrection of the flesh?

A I beleeue that the dead bodies of al such as haue dyed from the begin­ning of the world, shall in the end be raised again, and be vnited to their soules. i, cor. xv, xxii. Li,

Q what beleeue you of euerlasting life?

A I beleeue that after the body and soule bee ioyned together againe in one person, the godly shal go into euerlasting ioy and felicity, and the vngodly shalbe cast into endles [...] and misery. Dan, xii, ii.

Q Is it sufficient to haue that Faith, which beleeueth these Articles to be true?

A No: we must haue a iustifieng faith to apply them to our selues, Phil. 3, 8: 9

Q what is that faith?

A Faith is a gift of God, whereby we apply to our selues particularly the promises made to vs in christ. Gal, 2, xx, act, xv, x, xi

Q what be the meanes whereby this faith is attained?

A They are two: the be getting, and the continual nourishing of it, Eph 4, xi. xii, xiii,

Q what are the meanes, whereby faith is first begun and hegotten, in vs?

A The word [...], Rom. x, xiiii

Q How is this faith nourished in vs and increased?

A By the same preaching of the word, by praier, and by the sacraments, act, 242

Q what is prayer?

A Prayer is a calling vpon God alone, in the name of his son Iesus christ Ioh, [...], 23

[Page] Q How many kinds of praier be there?

A Two: petition, and thanks-giuing. Psal, 50, 15, 1 Tim, 2, 1, 2

Q Haue we no rule prescribed, to direct our praiers by it?

A Yes: we haue a forme of praier, which christ taught his disciples com­monly called the Lords prayer. Math, 6, 9 Luk, xi, 1, 2

Q What haue we to consider in this prayer?

A Three things: the entrance, the petitions, and the conclusion of the prayer.

Q What is the entrance of the praier?

A Our father which art in heauen.

Q What meane you when you say, our father?

A Heereby I beleeue, he tendreth vs, as a louing father doth tender his owne children: and therefore is most ready and willing to heare and to help vs, Math, 7, xi, Esa. 49, xv

Q What meane you by this, that he is said to be in heauen?

A I learne, that because he is in heauen, his power is almighty, and ther­fore he is fully able to do vs all good. Luk, 1, 37, Rom, 4, 21 Dan, 3, xvii.

Q What consider you in the petitions?

A Two things. First, they are set downe Secondly, they are considered by reason.

Q How many petitions are there set downe?

A Sixe

Q How are these petitions divided?

A The three first concerne gods glory: the three last petitions concerne our owne selues.

Q What is the first petition?

A Hallowed be thy name. Psal, 111, 1, Dan, 9, 7

Q What do we desire in this first petition?

A We pray, that the name of God may continually be vsed of vs, in thought, word, and deed, with all reuerence, Psal, 48, xi

Q What is the second petition?

A Thy kingdome come.

Q What do we desire in this second petition?

A We pray, that God throwing downe the kingdome of sin and Satan, would raigne in vs by his word and spirit, and hasten vnto perfection his kingdome of glory. Reuel, xxii, 20

Q What is the third petition?

[Page] A Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen? Psal. 40. 7. 8, Mar. 26, 42

Q What do we desire in this third petition?

A We pray, that the reueiled wil of God may be done willingly, sincere­ly, and readily by vs men on earth, as the Angels and saints in heauen do it, Deut. 29. 29, Psal, 103, 20.

Q What is the fourth petition?

A Giue vs this day our daily bread. Gen, 28. xx. 30. 8

Q What do we desire in this fourth petition?

A We pray, not onely for a competent measure of all commodities ser­uing both for necessity and christian delight: but also thar God wold blesse them to our seuerall vses, Psal. 127, 1 Leuit, xxvi, xxvi

Q What is the fift petition?

A Forgiue vs our trespasses, Dan. 9: 5, 8. 9. x, xi

Q What do we desire God in this petition?

A we pray, that God would freely pardon our sinues committed against him, and the punishments due vnto them, giuing vs peace of consci­ence, and iustifieng vs in his Son. Psal, 51, 1, 7, 8

Q Why are these wordes added, as we forgiue them that trespasse a­gainst vs?

A For two causes. First, as a reason to perswade God to forgiue vs, see­ing euen we, which haue not a drop of his infinite mercy in vs, are ready to forgiue such offences as are committed against vs. Luke, xi, 4

Secondly, to assure our owne harts of forgiuenes at the handes of god, if we from our harts forgiue our brethren. Math 5 7, I am, 2. xiii, mat. xviii. 32. 33. 35

Q What is the sirt and last petition?

A Lead vs not into tentation, but deliuer vs from euil. 2, Cor, 12. 7, 8, 9, Math 26. 41

Q What do we desire in this last petition?

A we pray, not onely to be deliuerd from the power of Satan, sinne, and the world: but also to be directed by the spirit of god in the wayes of true obedience. i. cor. x, xiii

Q How are these petitions strengthned and confirmed by reason?

A For thine is the king dome, and the power, and glory for euer.

Q What is the meaning of this strength of the reason?

A It containeth a thanksgiuing: wherin the gouernment and ordering of [Page] al things to gither with the power and glory of the same is ascribd wholly and onely vnto the Lord, 1, chron, 29, xi,

Q what signifieth this word, Amen, in the conclusion of the prayer?

A It signifieth, So be it, Deut, 27, xv, xvi

Q what vse is there of it?

A It sheweth both our feruent desire to obtaine: and an assuraunce to our hearts that we shall obtaine that which wee aske, 2. Cor. 1. 20.

Q what is a Sacrament?

A It is a visible signe and seale that Christ and all his benefits are giuen vnto vs. Rom, 4, xi

Q what is to be considered in a Sacrament?

A Two things: his parts, and his vses, Math. 3, xi

Q what are the parts of a Sacrament?

A Two: the outward parts and the inward, Rom. 4. xi. xii. Gen, 17, xi, 1 cor, x, 1, 2, 3

Q How many are the outward parts?

A Foure: the Minister, the word, the signe, and the receiuer. Math. 26, 26, 27.

Q How many are the inward parts?

A Foure: God the father, the spirit, Christ, and the faithfull, Math. 3s15 16

Q what proportion is there betweene these parts?

A Euen as the Minister by the worde, offereth and applyeth visibly the element vnto the body of the receiuer: so the father by the spirit, of­fereth and applyeth Iesus Christ, inuisibly vnto the faithfull receiuer. Act. 1, 36. 37

Q What be the vses of a Sacrament?

A Three: first, to norish faith, Rom. 49. x, xi Secondly, to be a seale of the couenant between god, and vs, Gen, 17 Thirdly, to be a badge of our christian profession. Eph: ii. xi. xii, xiii,

A How many Sacraments are there?

A Two: Baptisme, and the Lords Supper, 1 cor. xii: xiii, and chap, x, 1, 2, 3. 4

Q what is baptisme?

A Baptisme is the first sacrament, wherein by the outwarde Washing of the body with water once, in the name of the father, of the sonne, [Page] andof the holy-ghost, the inward clensing of the soule, by the blood of Christ, is represented, Math, 28, 29

Q What is to be cosidered in Baptisme?

A Two things: his parts and his vses.

Q What are the parts of baptisme?

A Outward and inward parts. Act, 2, 38

Q How many are the outward parts of baptisme?

A Foure: the Minister, the word of institution, the element of water, and the body washed, Math. 28, 19

Q How many are the inward parts?

A Foure: God the father, the holy spirit, Christ, and the soule clensed, Math, 3. 15, 16, Mar, 16, 16

Q What is the proportion betweene these parts?

A Euen as the minister, by the word of institution, applyeth the water to the washing of the bodye: so the [...], through the working of the spirit, applyeth the blood of Christ to the clensing of the soule, Luk, 3, 16, Ioh, 1, 33

Q What are the vses of baptisme?

A Three: first to seale vp the remission and forgiuenesse of sinnes, act, xxii, 16

Secondly, to shew our setting and engrafting into the body of christ. Gal. 3, 27

Thirdly, to teach vs to dy to sin, and rise againe to righte ousnes. Rom. 6. 1, 2, 3, 4

Q What is the Lords Supper?

A The Lords supper is the second sacrament, wherein by visible recei­uing of the bread and Wine, is represented our spirituall commu­nion with the body and bloode of Christ, 1, Cor. 10. 16, 17

Q What things are to be be considered in the Lords Supper?

A Two things: his parts and his vses. Math, 26. xxvi. xxvii, xxviii

Q What are the parts of the lords Supper?

A Two: outward and inward, 1 Cor, x, xvi

Q How many are the outward parts?

A Foure: the minister, the word of institution, bread and wine, and the communicant, Luk, xxii, 19, xx

Q How many are the inward parts?

A Foure: the father, the spirit, the body and blood of christ, and the [Page] saithfull. i cor, xii, xiii, Ioh. 6 xxvii

Q What is the proportion betweene these parts?

A Euen as the minister, by the word of institution, offereth bread and wine vnto the communicants, to feede thereupou bodily and corpo­rally: so the father, by the spirit offereth & giueth the body and blood of christ vnto the soule of the faithfull to feede vpon them spiritually i cor, xi, xxiii, xxiiii, xxv, xxvi, &c.

Q What be the vses of the Lords supper?

A three: first to shew forth the death, and sufferinges of christ with all thanks giuing. i cor, xi, xxvi, Luk. xxii, xix

Secondly, to teach vs our communion and groweth in Christ, 1 Cor, x, 16

Thirdly, to declare our communion and agreement with our brethe­ren, 1 cor, x. 17, &c. ch, xii. 13.

Q How may wee come aright to the lords table?

A By preparing and examining ourselues, i cor, xi, 28

Q What is the right manner of preparing our selues?

A First, we must haue a knowledge of God, of mans fall, and his resto­ring againe into the couenant by Christ. Ioh, xvii, iii. Secondly, true faith in christ, ii cor. xiii 5. Thirdly, repentance from al dead workes daily renued for our daily sinnes. Psal. xxvi, 6. Lastly, reconciliation to our brethren yea euen our enemies, Math, 5, 23, xxiiii.

Now to him that is able to keepe you that ye fall not, and to present you faultlesse, be­fore the presence of his glory with you: to God, onelie wise, our sauior, be glorie, and Maiestie, and Dominion and power, both now and for euer, Amen. Iude verse 24, 25,

Gentle Reader, I am to desire thee to amende these escapes with thy pen, either alte­ring the sence or hindering the vnderstanding. The rest I remit to thy fauourable construction and correction.

page 6. line 13. read is heere full. P. 18. l, 17. and not make. p. 19, l. xxi, vnfitly, p: 37. l, 3. that they are no. p. 83. l. 36. a connterfect word is fit enough for a counterfect sacrament. p, 88, l, 7. and not accepted, p. [...], l, 33, dele which is good, p: 136. l, xv, and euil workers speed, p, 148 l, 6, by the practise and xiijj but reach eth not, p, 155, l, 32, to baptisme, P, 163, lin, [...], they were admitted. P, 165. l. 1 accesse, p, 170, l, xxi, are not able, p, 179. l, 22, an assurance. P, 201, l, 1, escape vnpunished, and xxii, as an, and 13, thus much. P, 209l, 4, naming the, P, 238, l, 29: and 31, change. P, 240, l, 29, yet was he. 250: l. iii, inhumane, P, 253, l, 4. all the. P. 228, l, 24, in the cup. P, 285, l. 22. out of the holy vse. p: 290 l. 4. consecration.

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