The book [...] of good lywyng. [...]


OWr god impera­tor et makar of hewen̄ et erth and in the begynnyng of tyme and of al thīgys of noth Wyth owt ony mater lyeng thar to. And ar al the said thyngys maid cōtenit en fowr thyngys the qwich ar ewyn yat is to say a thyng et of a age in the quhyche shyn­nys. The soweraine myth of owr makar. The said forthyn­gys ar the Ewyn Empre na­tur [Page] angelicque the matier of The .iiii. elemētys et the tyme and yt is no oyir thing na the Werk of owr redempcion the quyche es been maid befor al thīg efter folowyeꝭ Werk of the distinctiō en ye quhyche. thyng reshaīnyꝭ ye soweraine Wysdome of ye makar yat qwyche vas maid ye thre first dayes for ye first daye god maid ye lygth yat ys to vnderstād a cler clou­de lythnyng the partes abowff of ye varld of a lytel clarte Wyche ve haf cowstum to se in ye poynt of ye daye and diuidit god yat said lygth of frō dyrknes to yt at ye shoold nemr be to gydder and be yat said lygth We shoold Wndestand the daye et be ye dirkneꝭ ye nyght ye second daye god maid the firmament et diuidit ya Waters be yis shoold yt be vnderstandyt Wyche god disposit in yis day the parties abowff the Warld sensable ye Wyche put ye firmamēt in ye myddys of ye Waters yat yis to say Wyche maid ye owtwart partie of Warld of Waters frosyng consolide et cler to the maner of crist of con­tenant in yt al oyir / Thyngys sensibles of ye Warld as ye maner of a cheel of a eg and in this said firmamēt ar ye steris fixit and ys ye terme et in transgressible of Waters ye Wyche ar a­bowff et vnder neth ye Wyche arfroysyng to geddir as cristal at yai ma be dessolut as be fyre ne ewapored as a clowde. ye thred daye god assembled al the Waters ye Wyche ar vnder the firmament in a placefor ye said Waters ye Wyche eld et or cupiet al ye space of ye ayer and War euoparabiles War a lytel cōsolyt et resauyt ye erth Wyth in ye said cauernes et hoilles es es Wyth in ye modir and efter apperit ye erth and calleyd god ye said Waters see and efter ye foesaid dinstinction followies ye ornament en ye qwyche chynnys ye sowerain goodnes of owr makar ye qwych ornamēt vas maid in thre dayes follow­yng for ye first daye god ornet ye lyft and maid ye two gret lyghtys of hewen ye son et ye mownye Wyche he put in yar places shynnyng in ye firma­ment off hewen ye Wyche lyth­nes al ye erth et ar said sone et mown callet ye gret lyghtys es [Page] assend et Wynthe empre of the he hewen by humilite & obediente qwēs he did fawl by his pryd et inobediente & thoght in hym silf That yf he kepit not the cō mandemētis they shuld be put owt et leyfer ye noble place of paradys & shal nat cū finally to the sayd glore et felicite. Thys fawls and myche subtyl lucifer duwtyng that hys malis shuld be knoWn of adam be caus he Was more cleyr in Wyt than eue ꝓposid & thoght in hym silf that The Woman shoold ꝯsent to hym more lyghtly. than the man & adviset how he shuld better cum to his intention falsly parswad the Woman by. The serpent the qwyche for that ty­me Was ryght & did go sterght a pon yr and as a man by hys treyson & falsnes thys a serpent as said the venerable bede The qwyche ys in the fays lyk ou to mayd by caWs that thyngys that be of oon similitud & plesāt to geddar ton Wyt the owther & cam to owr mother eue the said serpent of the Wyche the devyll had mevyt the tong to speyk et did say to owr mother eue. Cur precepit vobis deus vt non co­mederetis de omniligno para­disi. Inlyk as he Wold akyd a questyon What is ye caus god sayd ȝe shuld eyt of sain treys fruyt & noyght of all The fauls feynd of hell aschyd owr fyrst mother. Eue to that eynd that by the answar he myight haue occasiō to say the thyng he cam forht incontinent to owr mo­ther eue albashyd et dowtand did answer et sayd to hym that god ye father of hewyn did so by the raysson they shuld not dey et for caus that thoys the Wyche be in dowt of the thyng be eysyly turnyt to other part the devil Was myche assuryd in that he pretendit to do et vn to eue. Nequa (quam) moriemini. That ys ȝe to Wnderstand nat ryght ȝheshal neuer sowne dy for that bot did say say alone feryng bes ȝhe shuld be lyk vn to hym self in scyens & knoys that qwan ȝe shal eyt of the inhybyt fruyt ȝe shalbe as goddys & shal know good et ewil the qwyche Was for bed ȝow for enwy et in continent the Woman mowyt be pride in Wyllyng to belyk vn to almyghty god be lewyt suyrly the fauls temptacion of [Page] the devyl of hell & sey a foyr hyr that the fruyt of the tre for bed goodly to be hold plesant pure et of good saveur puld the sayd fruyt et eyt it and parswadyng owr first father adam by plesāt Wordes p̄sentyd hym the fruyt the qwych trustyd lyghtly to hyr parswacyon cōsyderyng by hym self how hys Wyf had yet tyne of vt & nat dye incontinent as Was the sentens of god al­myghty & be lewyt fermly that had beynd alone and bed for to makthē affrayed & so in heffecte did of yt thys parfayt sowdāly thar eyris Was opynd & know ī bryff ther nakydneꝭ & trowght yt ys that the passions natu­rellys of concupiscens Was in thē a for they did eyt the fruyt newer the les the sayd Was re­freynod and shet lykwys as be now ī ȝeng chyldre a for the age of .xii. ȝeyr et than immedyatly Was opynd the disordynat mo­vyng of the fleche as rynnyng Water & begā to steyr ther knoWlege so that they know ther inobediēs agyēs god ther supe­rior & also ther membrys Was inordinatly styryd agyens ther gouernour that ys to say ray­son et dowtles they know the fyrst movyng of ther concupis­sens agyēs rayson ī the mēbreꝭ of gn̄ation the qwyche We cal the shaam ful partes of manet Woman for in qwat tyme they parsauit the sayd mowe agens raison the ton began to be aschamyt of the tother seyng that all the mēbris man except the for­sayd mouys after Wyl et plesir thar for immediatly thoy tayk the leyfiꝭ of the fege tre & cowert the places dishonestys et Wer­rayly yt Was not Wyth owt caus the leyf of the fige tre for yf the fleche of mā rubyd Wyth the sayd leyf it Wyl caus ī hym a certayn sayr Wyth the et pre­kyng et after thys propos als sown es owr fyrst fathers ȝad trespast Wyth owt ouy dilaciō ꝑsauit the. Ech et mowyng of ther charnell Wolupte et to ys Wyl & shanful they tak the leyf of the fige tre. Et shurly after thys that they had offendit the maieste of god cam down the voycs of god in paradys treres tre to mowe them ghewe them Wnderstondyng that he Was nat cōtent Wyth them in that they kepyt nat his ꝯmandemēt [Page] et spak to them by a interloqui tur by twys them and for thys cause they did go cower in the­myddis of the trees. Sowdāl [...] god almyghty callit m [...]n to the qwyche he had gheuy [...] his commandemen [...] sayeng Adam vl [...] es that is to say. Adam remembre thy sylf in qwat mys [...]ne and Wrachynes thow as [...]am so­rowfully answerd. Ab [...]ōdi ma quia m [...]du [...]eram. I [...]urd thy syght in that I Was nakyd.

Mythe fow lych Waꝭ thanswer Wenyng the displesyr of god Was in that he Was nakyd qwan yf yn no dowt the powr of god mayks formyt them bo­the nakyd et after th [...] god al­myghty. demandyd of adam. Quis ho [...] indicauit tibi nisi ꝙ deligno comedisti. Th [...] ys to say ada [...] howe vnderstondys thow thy nudyte Wythe owt thow haf etty [...]e the fruyt of knowlege good & [...]wil & adā pēsent hys trāsgression not a lonly be cōfession mekely bot chargyng hys Wyffinly [...] trespa [...] bot al­so hym that dyd gheue hym the said Woman sayeng of ys Wys Mulier (quam) dedists iuichi sociam dedit mith [...]de ligno et [...]o [...]edi.

That ys to say the Woman thow did gheue for my cōpaygȝon presentyd me the fruyt of knowlege of good & ewil et dyd [...]yt. That down god dyd spek to the Woman. Cur hocfecisti. Quhey [...]for dyd chowso. The Woman n [...]t excusy [...]g hyr self blan [...]t the serpēt & s [...]cretly god almighty by [...]aue of the serpēt than seyng owr s [...]ed god that the dewil had comp [...]ist all hys Wyle [...] that he had ꝓpos agyē [...] man. The serpent Was not qwestyny [...] ī no n [...]y [...]e be ca [...] the treson [...]am nat be hyme bot the f [...]tyll fawlfe [...] of the dewyl pars [...] a [...]yng hym et them god cursyt the serpent the Woman & them a [...] in off principaly. The serpent the Was occasion of the syn of the other twone Wer the les the Woman synned morgr [...] wonsly thā man the rayson the serpēt trespast in thre thyngys the Woman ī two & man a lonly in oon. The serpent synned not aloon hym sylf bot also be sug­gestion of the dewil be the ray­sō he mo wyt his tong to Wrāg to tēpre owr fyrst mother Eue for ther most the serpēt W [...]happe Was in Wyns of the ioye et [Page] felicite of owr parens. Secund he shuyt yt that Was fauls et synyd inlesyng and to the thred [...]e falsly desenyt owr fyrst pa­rens et forthys cans meryt the serpent ther maner of cursyngꝭ for by he had enwy that man passit hym in nature god al­myghty un [...]chilyt hym sayng. Super pectus tuumg g [...]iꝭ. That as to say from hēfforthe thow shall go on the brest & shal neuer after thiꝭ tym go streight vp as thow Was formyd et for that thow synyt be thy mowth in lesyngthow shalbe pynyshed in thy mowth for al the daeys of thi ly [...]e thow shall coy nught bot th [...]the et in the playes of thy voys thow shall haf naght bot fowll venyng it for that he defanyt owr fyrst parens god sayd vnto hym. Inimieitias ponam inter te et mu [...]iere / ipsa conteret caput tuū et tu infidia beris calcaneo eiꝰ. That ys to fay I sehalput Warre & haytryd etwys the & the Woman for fho shal brest thy heyd et thow shal Wache after her fawte steppys et dewiles as ther ye naturel hay tred etwys the et the grype or the Wolfe & the doge ī lykewyꝭ sholbe et Wys man & the serpent Wyth owt eynd & in ewyn so as the Wenyn of the serpent pery­shys & slays man so equally the spatyl of man Wenyms & finaly kyllis the serpent and so mythe owr fyrst parens Was nakyd thewr that they Wa [...] cursyd: the serpēt ewer more to theynd of the Warld shal feys a nakyd man et [...]epithe & rynth of a man clothyd. Owr mother eue syn­nyt ī two thyngys & fyrst ī pryd Secund in that she dyd eyt of the fruyt inhybitet for that sho Was prowd god almyghty cor­rectyt hyr Wyth humilite & did gheue y [...]. The sentens agyens hyr fayeng. Sub potestate vi­viri eris. That ys to say thow shalbe vnder the gowernāce of man & shall seuffre paine of hym in thy defloration et shalbe sug­get be fayt thar as thow Was aloonly bo for by loyf et amour et theyr as the Woman synyd ī ettyng the fruyt so i [...] lykwys sho ys punyshyd by. Iustice of god in beryng the finyt of hyr body sayeng. In dolore paries. Et in thays Wordys god al­myghty dyd gheue on cursyng et on hyshyng the cursyng that [Page] as ye sayd / thow shalbeyr thy chyld in sorow. The blessyng thar as he sayd thow shalbeyr thy chyld et so the iustys of god apperyt of Wayes ful of myse­rycord [...]. Adam synnyt aloon in o [...]n thyng that ys to saye in et­tyng the fr [...]yt and ther for he Was punyshyd in payne & labo [...] et al ye of speyng that Was et shalbe heyr after qwyche ys to We oon cursyd thyng et to that We most principally obey to the ꝯmandymēt of god that ye to sers al the thyngy one qui [...]yd to hys lyef. Be the Woord god fayd to adam. M [...]ledicta terra, yat ye to say the erth ys cursyd by thy [...] operacion be the qwy­che operation Was vnderstand the syn of adam et for thyr cau­sys that adam dyd trespas ī ha­bundās of al manyr of fruyttꝭ. Bot new in greyt penuryty et scarnes et Wer oftyntymes yt dyd beyr preciows fruyttys ys new hab [...]ndys in b [...]rys & thor­nys foloth the Word of god to adam. Et comedes herbas ter­re. Lyke as he Wald say thow shalbe lyk the bestys brutal in that thow shall eyt therbys of the erth. Thys parfayt god al­myghty cursyd the erthe et nat the Watyr in so myche the trās­gressiō vaꝭ maid by the fruyt of the erthe & not of the Watyr Et for thys caus owr saweur iesu cryst dydeyt fyche bot We red nat that ewyr he dyd eyt flech bot a loonly the pascal for ke­pyng the commandement of the law. Et yt felothe. In sudore Wltus truveseeris p [...]ne tuo do­ner ī terram reuertaris. That ys to say adam thow shal eyt thy breyd in the sweyt of thy Wysage Wnto the tyme thow returne to the erth that ys to say qwyllys thow depart owt of thys Warld. Quiaterro [...]s et in terrā ibis. Thow ye [...]thē et thow shall twine in ertht. O father Adam thys Was a merwelus sentens yat yf thow hadyst a byd in iustys original in innocē [...] et obediene / et kepyt the Wayes & the ꝯmandymētys of god almyghty the sowerayn makar the formyt the of noght thow hadyst beyn immortel et ascendyt into bewen both body et saoul. Bot new after the syn thow ys constreynd to oun my­seyr [Page] vnto another et newer he in rest lyk vn to the Water the qwyche ewirmore rynneth in­sessantly Wyth owt any rest. At the last adam pleynyng the Wrachythnes & mysere of hym self and hys lynayge that shuld cum after hym cayllyd & namyd ys Wyll eu [...] that Was [...]amyd vyrago as We haue sayd befor thys end dyd. God almyghty dyd mak them cloythis of the skynnys of beyd bestys by cauꝭ they sh [...]d the fyne of that deyd ly [...]ys that they acquityd by ther syn folothe the Word of god fayd to y [...]onee. Erre adam factus est quasi vnus [...]nobis Lyk as he Wold a sayd adam Wald haue beyn mayd lyk to vs. Bot yt ys now euydent yt ys nat fo. For he hath grerneid to know hys imparfection & fragilite. The Wyche ys the voys of the holy trinite corekyng mā kynd of hys pryd / ore [...] yl made Wnderstond the voys of god almyghty spekyng to the an­gels / or yt ys the Woy [...] of the holy trinite pleynyng the my­seyr or transgression of adam. Of thys Wys We haue mayd adam lyk oon of Ws as to the immortalyte yf that he Wald apersyst and contynuyd in the estayt of innocens and obedy­ans. Bot be cause he Wold na [...] et that he hatht cōmyt the syne origynal in dysobeyng vs. N [...] forte mittat man [...] suam et sumat de [...]igno vite & admed [...] et viua [...] in eternum. That ys to say by the / [...]t rayson adāput hys hand & did tayk of the fruy [...] of lyest. For that he shal nat lyue ewet lustynly lat Ws put hym forth of paradys. Alas hard & dreyful semyth the sen­tens of god almyghty qwyche suffyd nat to haue panyshyd man be payn and labour cor­porall. Bot also by the election of paradys for ewermore. Ne­wertheles the sayd punyshon Was nat Wyth owt myerfy by that he mesuryd the payne of adam ghewyng exampyl to vs Cum itatus fueris misericor­die recordaberis. Qwan thow shall executte thy iustys lat yt be mesuryd Wyth mercy et mi­serycord. Et veryly vnderstondyng that owr for ancyteurs oght to lyue in payn et myseyr [Page] ther dymerytys ther for the longer they lyeff shuld haue beyn in so myche longer they shuld haue labeur & payne. Et so We may cōsydyr that yf adā et Eue had eyt of the fruyt of lyue they shuld haue lyuyt my­che longer et so myche they had beyn more miserabyl qweyr for god almyghty dyd cast them forth of paradys vnto the feyld of damask ther as adam Was mayd that he myght trauell et labeur. Ther after ther miserabyl eyection from paradys. Qwer Was al pleysyr & delectacion dyd god almyghty cloys the portys Wyth fyer to the eynd / no man shuld entre & commyt the angel cherubin he shuld deffend yt et from the power of the dewyl that he dyd nat entre Et the sayd fyer for a spays of tyme Was tak a Way to that caus Enoch and Helye myght entre et also yt Was enteyrly quynsyd at the passion of owr sawoyr et redemptur iesus. If yt be aschyd how long Adam et Eue Was in paradys. The cō ­mon opinion sayth yt Was a­loon the tyme of fewyn howrys et other docteurs sayth thre howrys bot Wyth owt dowt they War nat ther long. Also a curyōs questyon yf thow ashe. Qwat Was the caus god al­myghty permyt man to be tem­pyt of dewyllys / et that offen­dys ageyns commandment / to fythe questiōs ys. The cōmon solucion et answer ys that so yt plesythe god almyghty qways Wyl most be compleyd et that answar content hym nat / et he ashe mor ower qwat ys the caus god Wald so et no nother­Wyse / he most Wnderstōd that the Wyllys of god ys the most suffycyand and the moyst greet caus of al other. Et Wyth rayson lat hym by content. We most consydyr that after adam et Eue Was put forth of para­dys adā had carnel knawlege of eue. For in paradys terrestre they War botht parfyt Weyer­gens et the .xv. ȝear efter adam had achyld namyd caym a dow thre namyt chalmana and ȝe Wyl say he Was formyt in the age of thretty ȝear that ys Wnderstond a long imperfec­cyon of natur and notght in [Page] proces of tyme. Et may Weel by that he had moy befor Cayn netherles the maker of the law Moyses makys no mencion of them after other .xv. ȝear he engendryt Abel et hys syster del­lora the ȝear a hondreth & thret­ty of adam. Cayn slew hys browther Abel by enwy in the feyld of damask. Vvher lyuyt Adam & Eue in trystes & sorow The spays of a hondrethe ȝear in a Wallew callet lermes be­syd the mont of ebronet that en dydyd. Owr father adam knowe carnally hys Wyf Eue et so engendryd seth & We most Wndestond that of the lynayge of cayn cam. Enoch that engē ­dryd yrad / et yrad engēdryd manan / et manan mathusael / & mathusael engendryd lameth the qwyche Was ewyl et the .vij. after adam. The sayd lameth had two Wyffys ada & sela and in ys doong qwyche dyd commyt adwltery ageyns the law of natur et the decret of god. The Wyth dyd gheue to adam a loonly o Wyff. Thys lameth Was punyshed grewonsly by the sayd Woman he blyndyt et mowrdret hys awn son cayn / the Wyche cayn et lameth thar generacions peryshyd in the deluge. Seth engendryd Enos / Enos engendryd Caynam the qwyche engendryd malael / ma­lael engendryd Iareth / et ys Iareth engerdryth enoch the qwyche Was the sewynt of adam ī the generation of the sayd seth he Was iuste et pleysyd god in holynes. Et Was trāslatyt in paradys. Et veritably the ge­neration of Cayn forsayd Was ywyl lameth forsayd of con­trare the .vij. of adam ī hys ge­neration of Seth Was ryght iust the sayd Enoch engerdryd mathusalem the Wyche enger­dryd oone other lameth qwy­che engerdryd Noe the .x. after adā ryght iowst et of good lyue Wnder the qwyche Was mayd the deluge by Watre the two thowsand ȝear after the crea­tion of the World. Et certys owr fyrst father adā the Wych Was hooly al the dayes of hys lyue & had the goost of propheycye. dyd mayk gret pennans in thys Warld / et dyd ghewe hys chylder commendymētys [Page] of good lyue Et of iustyce / and cōmandement that they shuld absteyng from the company of cayn et of hys chylder. Et they shuld nat mayk no maryages Wyth the sayd chylder of cayn. bot for the sayd chylder of cayn did not keyp the ꝯmendemētys by that they did tak Wyffys of the lignage of cayn ageyns the prohibicions paternalys. The Wyche Was merweusly lyche­rous god the maker sayd that he shuld efface the erth nat oonly the men bot Wythe that the bestys et al other creatures / by the synnys et byrnyng carna­lytys et lecheryes the qwyche regnys abowff the erth bot god Wold nat do thys Wythowth misericord et meyrcy for he gheue them a hondreth .xx. ȝear to doo pēnans. Et Was doon or noe dyd mayk the arche & ī the end of the hondreth ȝear god send abowndans of Watres et deluge on the eyrthe the qwyche drownyt al creatures of the eyrth. Except noe et hys thre chylder cam / sem / iaphet & thar iiii. Wyffys et the bestys the qwyche noe had put Wytht in the arche by the commandmēt of god. Et yt ys good to notte that the payn that god did send yt Was cōuenabl et ryght / for charnel volupte habūdit a bouf the eyrth the Wyche the bodyeꝭ of men Warpollut et sowllest abouf the erth et by thys cause the erht Was Weshyng et clen­gyd be Watrys / bot ī the end of the Warld that cupidite et aua­rys shall habūd / al shall be clen­gyd be fyer. Certes gold na sil­uer that ar caus of auarys et of cowstū to be purget be fyer. O miserabyl & damnabyl Wrechydnes of auarice how myche soowlys thow has led to perdi­cion et damnacion eternel sen the sayd deluge Was mayd by Watre. Wo shuld heyr notysy that the soowllys of al them qwyche drownyt & Was mayd after the creation of the sayd a­dam & nat oonly they soowllys of thē that trespassyt efter the sayd deluge vnto the resurrexion of iesu cryst et also efter the creation of the sayd adam vnto the forsaid resurrexion rynneth fywe. thowsand two hondryth thrytty et two ȝearys or nyer [Page] thar apoon beyng in the Wyche holy tyme al the sowllys of mā et Woman that Was in thys Warld aftre the creation of adā discendit to hell so the portys of paradys closyd et shet vn to that tyme owr sawyour et re­demptur iesu cryst suffert deth et passion et dyscendit to hel et broght Wyth hym the sowles of holy fathers that Was ī the lymbe. Abydyng the meyrcy of god the createwr & as We haue showe by the cawse that adam et Eue offendyt in commission of synne orginall ageyns the cō mandment of god Was shet et closyt thentre of paradys ī that maner Ne sowl ne for vertu no ryghtusnes no other goodnes myght cum in hewen nor para­dys. As We haue mayny timys rehers aloon for oon syn of ino­bedyans comyt by owr fyrst parens adam & eue the qwyche by ther hooly conuersacion et pen­nance left Ws exampyl & doctrine to retorne to the ioye et ple­santys dilectacions of paradys Et of the reame aboue and for ther conuersacion et holly lyeff god almyghty preseruit & kepit them so they had perfyte fay­the & esperās of the redeymyng of man kynd a bydyng the cu­myng of owr lord Iesu cryst sa­uoyr et redeymer of the World the qwyche Was promys for owr redemption et satisfaction of the synne et inobedians et to rawnson man kynd thys ys sufficiant. For the fyrst chapitre of thys present tracte intytild the schyans to lyue et dy in sal­uacion of sowllys.

¶The secund chapitre of thys tracte present declarythe the maner how owr formest parēs & generaly al natur of man had bygynnyng of thar saluacion & reparation of the sayd.


AL makynd that dis­cendit of adam et eue owr first parēs efter ther preuaricacion et trespays preiection of paradys terrestre did fal et discend to hel. The Wertws did go to ther plays ordaynt of prowision of god called the libe the awthrr to powrgatoyr. The ȝong chyldryn deyd borne of thos that had no fathe ne truft of owr sauyour & redemptiō. Iesu christ discendyt to the said lymbe. Et the veray ewyl to the deype of hell Wyth the dewyll Wyth owt ony fa­the or hope of reydempcyon. Thoos that Was not extreynily ewyl in the owyr partyes of [Page] the lymbe of the good fathers et also in purgatoyr had ꝑfayt knowlege oonꝭ to be redeymyt & sawyt & to tak forth of thoos plays of hell & fynaly be broght to the ioy of hevyn et by caus the tyme of the reparaciō Was mervelus long for owr ho­ly ancyen fathers a boydyng of owr lord iesuchrist mor than v. thowsand ȝearyꝭ that Was a thyng mor paynful than tong can tell si greyt a tyme to Want the syght of god that ys euer­lest and gladnes / and thys cauꝭ ys rehers the docteur serayphi que saynt Bonawanture the good angelys of paradys haf­fand compassion and pytie of the ruyne of nature humayne & ryght besyly et solyciteus of thar reparacion newertheles that oftymys When the tyme & plenytude of grace Was cumyt they mayd obeyssance & proster nyt be for the trowne of the mayeste diwyne & prayed ryght instantly et dewotyly to god al at oonys in thys mayny­re lord god. yff yt as plefyt yowr mayeste to haf mayd et creat man of ȝowr infinyt goodnes the Wych ys oon nobil creature ther to that he shuld be sawyt heyr Wyth Ws et that We shuld proffet be reparacion of the fal of them thar ar fal­lyng fra Ws. Bot alas lord al ys peryshyd and thar ar non sawyt by so mayny thowsand ȝearrys We haf nat seyng per­sonne that ys cum heyr Wyth Ws. Owr ennynnys dewyllyꝭ tryumphys et hathe Wyctory of al et the syeges of hewyn ar nat fowlfillyt of sowllys of mē bot oouly the dynnys et cawys of hel et prysons infernals ar fyllyt. Helas god almyghty qwar for ar men borne for to dyssend in hel. Qwher for ar ghewyn the sowllys of them that truftys in the et has hop in thy goodnes to the dewyllys & bestes of hel. Et nethertheles that it by so maid efter the ordynans of ȝowr iustys al Wayes yt ys tym & howr of pays grayꝭ myserycord et meyrty shuld be opyne. Et yf thys besayd that owr first fathers adam et eue has owergayen ȝowr comande mēt be suggestyō of the dewyll pleyse ȝowr myserycorde and meyrcy to haf pytye of them almyghty [Page] god tak remembrance that the sowllys mayd & creat te ȝowr ymaige et symylytud. Opine the tresor of ȝowr meyrsy et repleynysh them of ȝowr blyshyng. The eyn of al man­kind ar left it Wp to ȝow es the eyn of the serwandys has ther handys Wp to ther lordys to yis at ye do gheue them meyrcy et holp salutayr et thys sayd besayd angels god the father dyd spek to the persons of the soon et holy ghoyst et sayeng at the reqwest of the angels Was raisonnabyl et thys Was apoyntyd the qwyche has be­yng eternaly in the conseyl of the holy trinyte that the person of diuynite yat yꝭ to Wnderstād the son of god shuld dyscend in to the erth and tak flech of the gloryows veyrgyne mary for the reparacion of mākynd. Et sayd god the father to the archā gel Gabriel go to my my Weel­belowyt dowther mary Wyff of Ioseph the qwyche a boue al other creatures ys of Ws most belowyt Et say to hyr that my most deyr son et most belowyt as alestyt et choisyn hyr for the fayrest of al the laf for to be ys mother thow shal hols hūbly & say to hyr I Wyl mayk the re­pairay cō & sauluaciō of al nature of mankynd by hyr et Wyl put in for ȝettyng the iniures & in obedyans that has by doong by owr first parens adam & eue

We shal sey heyr on qwestyon qwyche may be aschyd. What or qweyr for that ys to vnder­stād yf yt Was of necessite that god Was Incarnyt for owr re­deympcion ī so far he myght repayr the sayd mankynd Wyth owt takyn incarnation et also he myght forghewen the syn of adā Wythowt satiffaciō vsand of hys greyt meyrcy also vn­derstād that yf a man satyffyet Weel for on derdly syn act wel yt lykys yt myght by Weyl sa­tyffyed for on syn orygynal so that yt be the syn of owr fyrst parents that the syn orygynal sembleꝭ to by leys ne the deydly syn attwel. For to ausweyr to the qwestyon shortly We do say qwa qwyche that Wold speyk of oon menayr of necessi­te Wyth owth the eynd of oon thyng that ma nat by had es eyt es necessayre to hym that Wyl lyue ī thys World yt Was [Page] nat of necessyte that god tak in carnacyō for prepayr mākynd for god by hys almyghty Wer­tu myght repayr mankynd in maynay other mayners / bot yf We Wyll speyk of oon other We may of necessite by the qwyche We cum better to on ayend et mor conuenabyl to the qwy­che We prettend to cum to ys / the hors ys necessyr & gaynant for the streyt on thys maner yt Was of necessyte that god twk incarnatyon for the reparacion of mankynd by thre raysons fyrst for the fowlnes of the dy wynyte meyrcy ys shewyng of yt / for as yt ys that god ys sowerayne good et meyrsyfwl yt Was nat seymyng that god shwld dynye to hys creature ys said meyrcy / as yt Was that natur humayne Was fallyt et trebwchyt et that yt Was repara­yt conwenabyl that he shuld a repayred yt et qwyche tuk na­tur humayne / & in thys dooyng he haꝭ better shewyng ys meyrcy no et he had forghewyn the syne of adam Wyth owth satysfacion be thys he has exaltyt et leftyt owr natur & suffert deyth for Ws. Secundly yt Was cō wenabyl & necessare to the may nayre aforsayd that god tuk incarnation for the reparacion of mākynd for caus of the immutabilite of ys iustis for hys ius­tys ys immuabyl be the lawe & the decreyt of the qwyche yt ys ordaynt that newyr ys forghe­wyn Wyth owth satyffaciō / for meyrcy that ainchyls iustys Wold be eyther namyt follych­no Wertu et thys caus to god Wold sych Wayes hys infyny­te meyrcy agens natur of mankynd that mayner he Wold not be deroget in oonly thyng to his iustis thys qwyche he hath doon qwen he mayd hym man for Ws to that eyend that he satiffied for owr sīnys. Thredly yt vaꝭ regwyryd that god shold tak incarnation for reparacion of natur of mankynd as to the ordyr seymyng of ys Wysdom & sapiens. Et that god ys siwerayntly saige dyd fynd the maner conwenabyl of the sayd sa­tiffacion for al natur Was cled of natur humayne vnderston­dyng at man hathe symeyd. Or yt ys fwo that a man powr Wyth owth haf other thyng than humanyte he myght mak [Page] satyffacyon for hym self bot for al other / yf the Weyrk et opera­cion satyffactoyr of that man had yt nat a beyng of Waleur no al the good of mākynd that yt qwyche hys impossibyl for the good that Was be the syn origynal of adām yt Was the good of al hys posteryte et generally of al them that ewyr Was ore wyt shal be Et thys caufyꝭ co [...]ly bot god qwyche myght saityfy for the fa [...] fyn for qwoy yt Was gey [...]and that he tuk incarnation & doy [...] no thyng that sayes man satyfies W [...]l for a Wylful syn for the goo [...] that ys corrumpyt for one dydly syn act w [...]l yt ys the good of oon person corrumpyt be the sayd dedly syn in thys cause the man qwych as cōmyt the sayd syn ma satyffacion mak for the self syn bot the good the qwyche Was corrompyt by the syn ori­ginal of adā. yt Was the good of al nature humayne the Wych ys mor dyuine et mor geeyt no the good of o only mā qwc [...] for yt Was Weel reqwyryd that god tuk incarnacion for the re­paracion of the sayd syn origy­nal / qwyche ys mor greyt ewyl than syn act wel thgoth that syn act wel be mor culpe. Et Wery­ta [...]ly yf god had reparyt natur humayne by oon angel. The reparacyon had not been hool for man had being dayly ho [...]yng & bownd to one angel for the sayd repuracyon et for thys cause man had [...]t [...]beyeng egal in beatytud to one angel man had ob [...]eynyd thys he dyd nat syn [...] dy [...] the [...] that ar present be graye of repurarion iuxta il lu [...]. Ot suit sicut angeli der in ce [...]o. matheri .xiij. In thys raus yt Was Weyl femyng that god [...]eparyt man et nat angel bot they ma ash [...] yf adā had newer synnyd that ys to say yf god had takyn incarnaciō on thys qwestyon maynay docturs as spokyn in dywers mayners. For sum sayes that adā had newyr synnyd newertheles the so on of god had takyn incarna­cion the others holdys the con­t [...]ry yet mor Werytabyl for yt ys Wryttyn in the glos a boue te fyrst poystil. Iesus venit in hunc mundum peccatores fal­ [...]os facere. yat ys to. Iesus ys [...]ymd to sawf the synners sayꝭ gloss. Nulla causa fuit veniers [Page] di cristo domino nifi pctōres sal nos facere. That ys to say iesꝰ had nat no cause to cum in thyꝭ World bot to sayf Ws synners Tolle Wulner [...] tolle morbus et nulla est causa medcine that ye to say owt thy Wonde [...] et thy str [...]leys et thar ys no cause of medecyn for Wyht the motiō of the cau [...] followes the remo­cion of the effec. Followes thā yf adam had newer synned god had newyr takyn incarnacion

Item yt apperys be a other Way / for leon pape in o sermon of the byrth of owr lord sayes in thys mayner yf man the qwych as beyng mayd to the ymaige et lyknes of god had bydyng in hys honowr. Crea­tor mundi creatura non fieret. That ys to say the createur of the World hat nat beyng mayd a creature. No he that Was eternal had nat entreyt in the temporalite of thys World No he that Was ewyn to god the maykar the father had nat ta­kyne forme of a serwyteur fol­lowthes thā yf that adā had ne wer synyd god had newyr taykyn incarnacyon & of thys hol­dys faint austyen. In libro de verbis domini. et in affec al the docturs says qwyche that adā had newyr synnyt god had ne­wyr suffert & yf they ashe qwer for the son of god tuk mor et eyther incarnation than the father or the holy gheost the docturs says. At yt Was mor feymeynd that the son shuld & toykyn eyther incarnation [...]o the father no the holy gheost. Fyrst in sa far that the son tha [...] to that We other had beyng ad optys be adopcion by hym and that We shuld by hym be bery­tyrs et boyre of paradys in so far the herytage of he wyn parteynys natwraly to hym. Se­gundly in so far es the War­be of god for comon it ys con­wenabyl to a office of predica­tion et techyng be thys that the Werbe & the Word manyfestye this say and the son manyfestie the father the son of god aꝭ yt yꝭ Wryttyn. Ioānis .xvii. Pater manifestani nomen tuum ho [...] ­bus that ye to say father I has manifestyd thy name to men. Thrydly the son of god ys con­Wenabyl to haf takyn incarnacion in so far he ye the ymayge of the fayther & the qwyche has [Page] cōuenyens Wyth man. Qwych shuld be repayryd the Wyche Was maid to the ymage of god in thys ca [...]e yt Was. Weyl con [...]enabyl that he ymage [...] creat of the son of god shuld tayle be incarnacyon the ymage creat of man. Fowrtly yt Was [...] n [...]byl that the son of god shuld tayle ether than the father or the hooly gheast in so far that the parson of the son ye the me­dyatur be tw [...]r the father & the hooly gheast. Et for th [...] ca [...] Was the sayd parson conuena­byl for the reconsylyacyon of man Wyth god. That to that the said son the qwych ye moye in the triuite War medyatur betwyx god and man qw [...]n to the thyngys that ar appropryet to the son. Fyrst as to the sapiens the qwyche the appo [...]styl ap­proprys to the sayd son for yt is Weyl seymyeng the qwyche ar mayd be sapyēs. Segundly as to Wertu appropryed to the son of god be the sayd appoystyl. The qwyche sayes that the son of god ys the Wertu et powoir of the father be this yt is auenabyl for to tayk victoyr ageyns the ennymys. Teyrcyly as to the egalyte appropryed to the son of god egal to the father for to Wnderstond that m [...]n et the dewyl as synnyd de [...]ant ea­galite that ye to be [...] to god. The dewyl in myght et man in wyt. The egalyte of god ye re­quiryd for [...]ool the sayd seyknes in so far ys it Was reꝓoby [...], in man / et not ī the dewyl. The iiij. cause ī so far that the son of god ys the speye et the beawlte of the father as said holy saynt hylayr yt apptenyt to hym the repaciō of mākynd ī so far that the fowl deturpacyon blakyt et fowlyth the qwych Was in the ymage of god be syn pat ys in man yt Was be hym put forth Et [...]erytably the incarnac [...]on ghanyt not to the father no to the holy gheast For yt Waꝭ nat [...]nyng that [...] that Was fa­ther ī dy [...]ynite shold b [...] soon in human [...] the self said incarnacyons [...] nat to the holy gheast the qwyche the nom of the son Was nat translatyd in may man parsons. Et thoght it be that the charyte of god Was c [...]e of the incarna [...]on & to cause of the causalyte of the dywyne incarnacion of the son of god [Page] Thoght yt be appropry [...] to the persons of the dywyn essens [...] the sylf Wayes that the [...] Was ap [...]yed to the holy ghe­ast. It followes estee nat for that the [...] had [...] ky [...] [...] ashy [...] yf yt Was [...] [...]y [...] Was [...] boorn of the Wye [...]gyn [...]ry in the plays of inury age of [...] the partlye co [...] of [...]s [...]ry [...] [...] of his glory ow [...] mother to the answers the doctur [...] et sayes [...] Of the party of Iesu chryst by rayssone. Fyrst that yt sh [...] nat be spyn of the [...]owys Wn­faythfowl as Wnfa [...]fowl. Segun [...] rayson ye to that the g [...]olygy of man kynd Was Wryttyne be man et [...]y [...] [...] begynnyng of [...]ow [...] man. The th [...] [...] for the [...]st [...] of [...] chyld that to that the Sewy [...] shwed nat [...]row byt hym in hys byrth [...] that yt shuld be [...] and cow [...] to the dewyl. [...] in [...]dysson ys that he shuld be nowryshy [...] by Ioseph the Wych ys ca [...] yt father [...] se [...] ­Ways yf was ꝯuena [...]yl of the part of the vyrgyn mary. First to that [...]ho shuld nat be stonyt as sayes holy ierome. Segu [...]ly that [...]ho [...]wso be se [...]yp yt from sh [...]. Theyr f [...] that the sh [...] be holy ye & sowch we ye of [...]os [...] p [...] Et ī esse ī [...]a [...]ge Was ryght conue [...] of o [...] pa [...]y [...] Fyrst f [...] thys that Wy [...]ne [...] of io [...]ph [...]beyn prowyng [...] it [...] ha [...] beyng [...]ot [...] of [...] vye [...]gyn. Segundly that ma­ryage Was toy [...] the thy [...] ­che Wnyattful. Thogth sho [...] [...] Wyergyh newe [...] sho ys spowsy [...] of a man. That ys of iesu cryst. A [...] sayes saynt au­gustin e [...] [...]ynaly Was the sayd maryage [...]uenabyl the t [...] th [...] vyergynyte & maryage Wa [...] [...] no wreth in the person of the gloryd w [...] vy [...]gyn mary.

¶The thryd cheptur that trayne of the salutacyon of the angel gabryel. The qwyche holfyt the holy [...] gloryows Wyergyn mary et [...] the exposicyon of the sayd be of the prerogaty­nes of the sayd Wyergyn mary.

‘I hole the mary ful of grace is god vyth the.’
‘thov art blyshed aboue al vvoman et blished is the fruit of thi vā iesus’

AFter thys that the archangel Gabryel had hard et resauyt the cōmandment of god beforsayd that Was that he shuld go to the gloryows sacryt vyergyn mary in the cyte of Nazareth et that he shuld shaw the nowelli of owr reparacion he partyt et flew of the hewyn to shaw the nowel­lys of ioy Wyth greyt cōpany Wyth syngyng melodyowlly & dylytly et entryt in the form of man Wyth in the chamber and oraytur of the ryght nobyl & gloryows vyergyn mary bot the sayd archāgel gabryel he Was not so son fle don to the sayd v (ur)gyn qwych Was prewynt of god for he fand ther the holy trinite the qwych tuk hys messaygier. Et indowtabyl the excel­lent Werk of the incarnacyon Was the Werk of the thre per­sons of the trynite bot the oon­ly person of the son incarnyt al­so soon the sayd messayngyer faythful of god dyd meyk hym ryght hūbyl befor the gloriows vyergyn mary et halsand hyr & sayeng. Aue maria gratia ple­na dominus tecū benedicta t [...] in mulieribuꝭ. Et ther for myn [Page] intēcion as ī thys present book to techyng to men after myn smal possibilite the mayner of Wyel & holyly lyue et fynaly to dy Weel et thus that no man may do Wyth owt the holp et moyen of the gloryows mother of god. I shal exposse fyrst the sayd salutacyon angelyk in en­glysh dyclayrant in oon other cheptur followyng the peticiōs of the holy. Pater noster. Et o­rayson domynical / et cōsequēt­ly the symbole & credo ou qweyr ar cōteynyt the artyclys of the fayth et efter. I shal traytte of the .x. commandmentys of the law en ghewyn the form of god lyue as god Wyl teche me et in­fer mayny. Proyfytablys chepturs for the salwt of good et de­woyt persons. Now say We fyrst of the sayd salutacyon an­gelyk of the qwyche god the father Was prīcypal maykayr et ys dyuidyt in two partys the qwyche the angel gabryel noty­fyed vs the fyrst cōtenant thre partys yat ys to Wnderstond. Aue gratia plena dominus tecū benedicta tu in mulieribꝰ. The segund partye that ys to Wn­derstond. Et benedictuo fructꝰ ventris tui. Was notyfyed by saynt Elazabeth qwen the glo­riows mother of god partyt of nazareth sho & ioseph hyr spows for to se hyr cousyn saynt elaȝa­beth the Wyche Was greyt of ion the baptyste for to confort conseil & serue hyr for sho Was ancyen et hold & also son as the sayd sacryt vyergyn Was en­tryt ī the hows of elasabeth the Wyche hows Was from naȝa­reth the spays of .v. thowsand myl from Iherusalaem & be .iiij myl sho holsyt hyr sayd cousyn the qwyche Was glad & imbraysyt of the holy gheast be the sayd salutacyon sho dyd rys et ambraysyt the gloryows mo­ther of god Wyth hye Woys says be the Wertu of the holy goost. Benedictus fructus ventris tui. Et Wnfayllibyl thus the mother of saynt Ion Was fowfillyt of the Word of the holy goost to the Word of owr mother the gloryowe vyergyn mary thus Was the said saynt ion the wyche glad Was & exaltyt of gladnes of the cōmyng of hys redemptur by thys yt apperys that the sayd salutacion ꝯtenys thre partyes efter this that the [Page] angel lowyt & cōmandyt glory­ows mother of god ī haolsaynd of thre thyngꝭ fyrst at sho Was fowll of grace Aue gracia plena Segundly he lowyt hyr & dyd gheue hyr awtoryte sayeng god ys Wyth the. Dominus tecum Et teyrcyly he gheue hyr com­mēdabyl & lowyt hyr greyttūly qwen he sayd thow arth happy amāg hal Woman. Benedicta tu in mulieribꝰ. Et thoys hard be hyr that Was exampyl of al humilite sho merweulyt nat of the sayd Wysyon of angels bot sho merwelyt of the new salutacyon the qwyche sho had newyr coustū to se no to be so holfyt / et this caus seyng by hyr that sho Was so lowyt be the angel of thre forsayd lowynges & cōmendacyons seyng hyr humylite yt myght nat be thoght sho Was trowbillyt sum thyng sho dowtyt nat bot the angel sayeth We ryte bot sho dowtyt in the may­ner of Werray meyk folk the qwyche do tak no heyd to the Wertus & excellens bot heyther yf they War in thē ouy fawltes in repittāt a gret Wertu lyt et a lyt default greyt newertheles ther Was non ī hyr syn deydly origynal no Wenyal et in thys caus as saige & prudent answe­ryt no thyng to the āgel for the fyrst tyme and veraly be thys shuld viergyns & mayddis tayk exēpyl of taciturnyte et stylnes for yt ys a thyng abhominabyl to se a viergyn fowl of Wordes Et soon efter the āgel saw that sho dred sayd to hyr. Ne time aꝭ maria. Mary daym & qweyn of hewyn haue ȝe no dreid no shaā of lowyngys the qwych I haue sayd. For thow art nat oonly fowl of grace bot Wyth that thow as recowerid & fwnd salut & ransoon to al mākynd. Ecce ꝯcipies & paries filiū. &cꝭ. That ys to say thow shal haue in thy bleshyd Waam the soon of god the qwych as choisyn the to his mother that shal sawe al them that has hop in hym & than the gloryows vyergyn. Wald be certyfyed of oon other thyng the qwych sho dred mor that Was sho shuld nat les hyr vierginite ashed at the angel the manayr of hyr ꝯcepcion. Quomodo fiet istud quoniam virum non co­gnosco. That is to say how mathys by that I consawe so that haf Wowyth Wyergynyte to [Page] god & that carnaly I shal newyr haue knawlege of man Wyth owt god dyspose otherwys et than the angel answeryt. Spi­ritus sanctus superueniet in te. Haf no dowt the holy gheost shal cū in the qwyche be a singuliere maynyre spirituel shal be rēplyshed et be that operacyon thow shal consayf thy Wyrgy­nyte sayf / et of this the soon the wych shalbe boorn of the / shalbe callyt the soon of god to qwom ys no thyng impossibyl / et than the Wiergyn mary consentyd & gheue credens to the Wordeꝭ of the angel / et dyd fal a poon hyr knees Wyth deyp deuocyon et sayd. Ecce ancilla domini. yat ys to say gabryel. I am the hād mayd & meyk seruant of god yt mot by doyeng after thys that thow as sayd to me & annūcyd. Et incōtinēt Wyth owt delaye the holy gheost entryt in hyr in on instant formyt the body of owr redēptur of the p̄cyows blood of the Wiergyn mary & in the self instant that the body Was formyt the sowl Was cre­at in the sum instant Was con­ioynt the sayd Worthy sowl to the body et organyzit / et incon­tinent in the self instāt the body of iesu cryst et soowl War vnyt to the god heyd ī the persone of the son. Et certāly newyr Waꝭ ther so ȝong achyld cōsawyt in the modyr Waam as iesu cryst Et after sant augustyn the for­macyon of the body of iesu cryst Was parfyt be for the begyn­nyng of hys concepcion as to al the organacyons of the mēbryꝭ that the qwych yt ys not doō to owther chyldryn Newertheles that the quantyte corporall to hym cōwenabyl yt Was mayd parfyt be succession as the body as of other chylder growyng et awgmentyng in the Waam of ther motherꝭ the maister of the story scolastyk sayes thys that owr sauyowr Was consauyt in the Waam Wyrginal the .viij. kalende of auryl et in the self day after thretty .iij. ȝear reuol wyt he suffryt deyd et passion for to satyfy the syn orygynal the qwych adam commyttyd in paradys terrestre ys sayd ys.

¶Followyt the saluta­cyon angelycque Wyth al the partys to gyther.

‘Sancta maria mother of god pray for vus synners Amen’

THus as yt ys sayd the āgel gabriel hal syt the Wirgyn mary sayeng aue gra­cia plena dominus tecum benedictatu ī mulieribꝰ Et saynt elasabeth. Et bene­dictus fructus ventris tui.

Owr mother the holy chyrh. Sancta maria ora pro nobis peccatoribꝰ. Amen. That ys to say to getther I hols the mary fowl of grace owr lord ys With the blyshed ar thow amang al Women et blyshyd ys the fruyt of thy Waam iesus ys blyshid. Saynt mary mother of god pray for Ws Wrechyd synners amē Weraly ther yꝭ na mā that may halls the gloryows mo­ther of god Wyth a mor exellēt no mor aggriabyl no mor swet no Wyth thys present salutaciō qwych god the father dytyd et composyd et send to men be the āgel gabryel as to the thre first partyes et be sant elazabeth et holy chyrch as to the other partyes. Et Weraly man can nat Wyth mor Worthy lo Wengys loyf the gloryowꝭ Wyergyn mary for that es beyng in hyr con­sawyt / theyr ys no man that has myght no faculte for sup­pos that they had athowsand mowthys et tongys and they [Page] dowrst they / suffyꝭ nat to lowf hyr dewly and sant bernard sayes to my Wyll that I had als mony tongys as ther ys ste­rys in the lyft or in hewyn thar I myght cōuert them et ply thē to the lowenge of the mother of god et thoght yt be that personne Word humayne myght nat be fownd conwenabyl ne suffyciāt for to loef hyr nether­theles We shud nat ces bot ewyr to rehers her louengys et thy caus how mych. I repyt me Wnworthy to speyk of hyr nethertheles for to excite the redarꝭ to deuocyō I schal reherꝭ ix. dignytees of her princypals the Wych I fynd amāg the laef innomyrabyls beyng et haff beyng in the gloryuꝭ Wyrgyne mary the fyrst dignite ys that god the makarkeypyt yr from deydly original & Wenial sin for sho Was consauyt Wyt owt original syn The secūd of the Wyr gyn mary ys that sho Waꝭ choy syn of god aboue al other Wo­menet Weyrgens for hys pre­cyous mother the qwyche ys Wryttyng. Elegit eam deus & preelegit eam. For owr redēp­tur Wold that sho shold be o vyr gyn thar to that he Was pur et cleynet that sho shold cleng the fylth of others synnerꝭ shold be boorn of a vyergyn pur et cleyn but sin. the thred dignite ys yat sho consawyt Wyth vyrgynal integrite & that after the byrth sho shuld be a vyrgyn & be dyly­uerit With owt soyrneꝭ ī al cleynes holynes after the say of the ꝓphete. Sanctificauit tabernaculū suum altissimus the .iiii. dignite of the gloriowꝭ mother of god sho had al in hir the gra­ces the qwyche al the santys had in particular abraham had gret fidelite in hym bot the mother of god had mor. moyses had gret swetneꝭ in him bot the mother of god had mor / dauid had gret humilyte bot the mo­ther of god surmontit et had the sayd humylyte of dauyd et the purte et the vyrgynyte of saynt ioon the Wangelyst. the lyberalyte o mary marthe. For iesu christ Was logyd .ix. moneth in the Waam of the gloryows vyrgyn mary the qwych precydit the contempla­cyon of mary marthe et of the magdaleyne the meyrcy et be­nyngnite of sāt nicoles & thws [Page] may We say of al the santes of paradys. The .v. dygnyte ys that iesu chryst ghewe exampyl to chylder to by suggest to thar parens for he Was sudgest as yt ys Wryttyn. Et erit subdi­tus illis. The .vi. dygnyte of the gloryowꝭ mother of god ys the special collaudacyon & greyt nōbre of crestyans the qwyche they lowe hir ewyryche day wyth oon specyal lowenge for after that so maynay loweyn­ges ar mayd as to hyr soon iesu cryst. Ther followes the Word of the ecclesyastyke the .xliiii. cheptur. Benedictionem omni­um genciū dedit illi .&cꝭ. That ys to say that god Wald that ys gloryows mother War bly­shyd of al the pewpyl. Qwath ys he that ys so greyt o synner bot he has sum dewocyon to the gloryows mother of god or qwath ys he bot he wyl requyr hyr in ys gret necessyte Wer­rayly ther ys nat he bot he Weyl say sum tym vyrgyn ma­ry holp meet Wyl present hyr the sayd salutacyon angelyke aue marya. The .vii. dygnyte of the Wyergyn gloryows ye that owr redemptur exaltyt hyr in body et soawl in hewyn the day of hyr assumpcyon et cam be for hyr Wyth nohyl cō ­pany of angels et so dyd the pa­tryarkys forsho dyscendyt of them et syclyk the prophetys for showas fowfyllyt of the go­ost of prophecy & yt ys to notyfy that the hewyn Was Woydyt of the good angels et hooly spretys two Wayeꝭ fyrst qwen iesu crist ascendit to the hewyn for they dyd nat byd oon angel in hewyn bot they cō to meyt hym Segundly qwen the gloriows mother of god Was exaltyt et lyftyt ī body et saowl in hewyn for than al the angels et al the faowlles of holy men et the self faowl of iesu cryst they cō be­for to meyt hir et .iii. Wayes yt shal be Woydyt of the bly­shed spretys of happy angels qwen iesu cryst cumys to hald hys iugeymēt general in the Walle of iosaphat. The .viii. dygnyte of the gloryows mo­ther of god ys that iesu cryst hyrson owr redemptur shal set hyr et crowne hyr on hys ryght hand as the qweyn of hewyn flyr the say of the appostyl et psalmyst. Astitit regina a dex­tris [Page] tuis in vestitu de aurato. Et Werayly on qweyn has of custū to haue ī a palays royal thre thyngyꝭ be for al other the fyrst ys the most nobyl place after the kyng the nobleyst or­nament et the most cōpany of famylyers the qwyche the glo­ryows vyergyn mary has al For sho has the most nobyl pla­ys that yꝭ on the ryght hand of hyr son sho has the most nobyl arroy et ornament that ys the most nobyl body after hyr son et the fayrest cumpany for hyr company ys Wertus hewynly patryarches profyttys appo­stels martyrs confessurs & vier gyns. The .ix. dygnyte of the mother of god ys that god has mayd hyr aduocat of al synnerꝭ as sayes saynt bernard. O ble­shyd fynder of grace mother of salut plentwos charyte pleysyt the to cower owr synnys. O owr dayme et owr medya­trys et owr aduocat presēt ws et re commend ws to thy sonet for that al synners et conse­quently al man ald & ȝong shold lowf che gloryows Wyergyn mary et hals hyr of the for sayd salutacyon angelyk for sho ys redy to secowr synful mā inqwat deypnes of syn that ewyr they be / that Wyl reqwyr hyr dewotyly We reyd of one nobyl man cayllyt thoophilus the qwyche Was ryght myght ful et after was cum in oon extreme necessyte et powerte be the quych he dyspyryt & tho­ght ī hym self be qwat Way he myght speek to the dewyl that he myght mak hym ryche of the good of thys World & ī effec theophylus callyt the dewyll to hys holp the qwyche ashyt at the dewyl yf he Wold do weyl and sewyrly hys byddyng et he ausweryt ȝe et theophylus Wald do hyꝭ conseyl et he shuld mak hym ryche the Wyche answeryt & sayd ȝe et to that he dyd sweyr et ꝓmest to do the dewil / com to hym be thre nyghtys the fyrst nygh the dyd tyst hym to renonꝭ the sacramēt of baptysyng of the qwyche he trowyt ī god & so he dyd the segūd nyght the dewyl dyd gar hym renō [...] hys makar et the thryd nyght he dyd byd hym renonꝭ the vyrgyn mary mother of mercy af­ter that the sayd dewyl sayd yf thow Wyl gheue me Wryt of [Page] thy blood of the for sayd thre [...]gacyons e [...]orenoncymentye cōform them. Vnder thy signe [...]wel [...] [...]yng me heyr in thyꝭ pl [...]ia [...]e l [...]ttes thow shall [...]cy [...]how ashy [...] throwyo [...] t [...]o phy [...] dyd l [...] ty [...] af­ter [...]he sayd [...] h [...]phylne consy­der [...] the d [...]ngie [...]he Was in be hy [...]spi [...] y [...] dyd Wey [...] [...]on day befor the [...]mage of the m [...] ther of go [...]ashand hym grace et pardon the qwyche dyd pray hyr chy [...] is s [...]fod hym [...]ynaly cum Wyth the sayd theophyluꝭ be for the d [...]yl to the qwyche sho gart [...]he ne the lo [...]r [...]geyn to the said theophylꝭ. Et law yt after that the sayd theophylus holy [...]y so fynaly he Wa [...] [...] nyten par [...]dy or [...] in the qwyche apperys that [...]wath syne that ma [...]doys to thys World heyr so that he returne to the tres [...] ­ryer of grace mother of god et that he serue hyr et hols hyr dewotyly showyl nat faylȝe them in th [...]r necessy [...] [...]o mor than sho dyd to theophylus et Werytably sho [...]h [...]ys cōfort to them that serwys hyr for suppos that they ꝑsewer long spays in syn alwayes at the last they ar callyt ageyn from syn et conwertyt by pennens et be prayer et [...]tercessyon of the gloriowꝭ mother of god wireed of [...] th [...] qwych Waꝭ [...]ngret adwlterer the qwych had oon Wyff lauowing that he holdy a sinful Woman the sayd Wyff of the sayd adwlterer requyryd the gloryows vpergyn mary day ly ī the chyrch that the mo­ther of god Wold reweng hyr of the said adwlterer the qwych had tayky [...]t ahusyt hyr hus­band at don [...], day that sho dyd pr [...] the s [...]rgyn many appe­ryt to hyr s [...]ng how, shal. I Wenge the of thys Woman no do prewyl for thar vs, no day [...]t sho syt [...]s abo [...]drath ty­ [...]ys for to honour mee [...] saye [...] a hondreth [...]ue maria to ho­nowr me & for thys cau [...]. I can n [...] shuld do hyr [...] a wyl et in­contyment the sayd Women as owt of yr Wyt et corrowsyt as p [...]yt sayand in hyr self sa [...]yt ye so that the vpe [...] [...]ry Wyl nat [...]ewenge me [...]nthesayd ad­velterer. I shal comuley [...] to hyr so [...] et say [...]nt. Thys Wordys sho partyt forth of the chyeche as dyd may [...] the sayd Woman [Page] synful the Wyche powyr syn­ner ashyd at hir qwath sho said incōtynēt the tothyr onsweryt I haue long time prayit the mother of god that sho Wold Wenge me on the that as holdynn [...]y spow [...] form me the qwyche answeryt that she Wald nat do the no dysplayser the came that thow serwit hyr on thy kueyis a hondreth tymys the day for the honowr of hyret sayant a hondreth tymye the. Aue maria. et for thys caus. I mowe­mur ageyns the et. I haue hop yr soon shal rewenge me & thys hard be the synful Woman fel a poon hyr kneys [...] for the thoyer ashand yr meyrfyet promettant that sho shuld newyr syn Wyth hyr sayd Spowe the qwyche sho dyd mayk and greyt pennan [...] for hyr synnys & lywand holyly wnto the eynd of hyr lyue. Certes yt ys gret dyfyculty that the showl of ony ꝑson the qwyche serwys dayly the mother of god of ony oray­son shuld be damnyt aboue al other of the sayd salutacyō an­gelyk the qwychhe āgel gabey & holsyt hyr by for / the sowllie of the seruās of the gloryowꝭ vice gyn mary mother of god or they be partyt of theyr body they haff the grace to by repan­tant et days permans ashand meyrcy at god of that synny [...] We haff gret exāple [...] of greyt synne [...] that had serwyt th [...] gloryows mother of god dayly of oon. Aue maria. That an fownd the Waye of salut the Wyche the vyergyn mary a [...] taykyne the saowlle owt of the hand ye of the vewyl. Maynay other thingꝭ We reyd of a they [...] that holsyt mary dayly. Wyth oon Aue maria. So as he dyd reyf ys heyd Was smyttyn frō hym bot the sayd heyd lost not the Word Wn to yat he Was holy they wyn of al hys synny [...] ther for shuld al gyod crystyn man d [...]wotyly serue the vyer­gyn mary be in What stayt that ewyr he.

¶The .iiij. chaptur shal traycie of the o­rayson domye [...]ycal et of hys Wert [...].

‘Ovvr father yat ys in hevvyn holy by mayd thy nam thy kynryk vve mot cum to thy vvyl mot be doon in erth as in hevvyn ovvr dayly bred gheue vvs to day et forgheue vvs ovvr synnys as vve forgheue others et suffyr nat vvs to be temppit bot delyuer vvs from al evvyl. Amen.’

IN this present cheptur We shal say first that the orayson do­minical is callit the Pater noster. Amāg al others thyngꝭ et oraisons yt is the most exellēt & the most sa­lutayr the qwych trāslacion followes in englysh. Owr father that is ī hewyn thy naam most be holowyd thy kynryk We most cū to thi Wil most be doon in erth as in hewyn owr breyd dayly gheue Ws to day and forgheue Ws owr synnys as We for gheue al others & suffyr not Ws to be tēpyt bot delyuer Ws from al ewyl Amen. ¶Or We procede of the exposicyon of ych oon [...]he .vij. ashyns & peticyons cōteynyt in the orayson a forsaid We say that manne Wo man may not haue no obteyne salut ī the reawlme of paradys Wyth owt this oraison. For as the appoystyl in the poystyl the qwych ys Wryttyn to philipencyens. Nō sumus sufficiētes a nobis etiā cogitare. That is to to say that We haf no faculte to thynk ony good of owr self by mor rayson We haue no myght no faculte to do ony thyng vyth [Page] owt the myght be ghewyn to Ws the qwych yt is ghewyn be grace of god that is not ghewin regulary of god to them that ar growyn in aage parfyt Wyth owth thay ashe be orayson de­woyt thys be argumēt taykyn in the sens cōtraire in the Wan­geyl sant ioon ī the .vj. cheptur Petite et accipietis. Ashe at iesu cryst ȝe shal haue it yat ȝe Wald haue / as he Wald say ȝe yf ashe nat be orayson dewoyt ȝe shal haue nat. yff ytis than that na man may be sauyt Wyth owt good oꝑacyon. Quia habitabit ī tabernaculo dei q oꝑat (ur) iusticiā vt ait psalmista. The psalmy­ste sayes that he shal dwel ī the tabernacul of god ī hewyn ī bea tytud the qwych doys Werkys of iustys of vertu & good operacion ma not be maid Wyth owt oraison / yt is so that the oraison domynical that is to vnderstōd the pater noster aboue said is of mor greyttar effec no ony other & exessys al other oraisōs in .iiij thyngꝭ fyrst in autoryte & dignite for iesu chryst owr salwyowr maid & ordaynt yt as sowerayn lord et mayster et techyt to hys dysciplys ī sant mathow in the vj. cheptur. Segūdly yt p̄cedys et exelles aboue et amang al o­rayson as to the sentens & short substans & the redēptur maid yt short for thre thyngys fyrst to that the sayd orayson myght be mor lyghtly leyrd Wnderston­dyt holdyn et layd forȝet. Se­gundly thar to that the oraison myght be sayd & rehersyt & that yt shuld not engēdyr noysūnes to them that sayes yt the .iij. caus thar to no man myght ex­cuse to do orayson to god for ych oon man raisōnabyl myght leyrnyt et sayed dayly ageyns thys doys manay the qwych sū tyme by oon day o .ij. dayes lat­tys to say oon Pater noster By rayson of ther occupacyōs & for ȝettys not the thyngꝭ requyryd to the necessite corporel for they War newyr so ocupyet bot they Wold tak sum howr to holp to the said necessyte corporal that ys to tayk the refectyon of the body bot they forȝet oft yt at ꝑ­tenys to god & theyr awn saowl­lis the thryd & prīcypal the orayson domynical excedys inexaw­dybilyte for yt ys mor exawdy­byl no oon other the raisō qwer for to no man may reppel ne [Page] deny the orayson the Wyche as beyn ordanyt et mayd by hym self yt ys so that iesu cryst has mayd the sayd orayson qweyr for amang al other yt ys the most exawdibyl the fowrth causys the sayd orayson excedys by excellens al other oraisons in fecōdyte et fertilyte for al thyng necessayr to the saowl et the bo­dy in thys present lyue as in the hewynly lyff of paradys ar in­cloysyt in the sayd orayson do­mynical et they ar put after the ordyr after as We shuld ashe et desyr et yt ys to notyfye that the sayd oraison domynical as beyng mayd of oon excellēt lord et mayster as yt apperys yt ys ryght artyficyal for yt captisis the beynoywolēs of god the fa­ther beryng to hym rewerens & honowr qwen ve cal Pater & ve vsys not of this naam heyr do­minus or deꝰ or creator. That ys to say that Iesu cryst callys not god ys father lord or god or creatur the qwyche ar nams of dreyd bot We cal hym father qwych as nam of lowf for that god lowys Ws paternally and Wald belowyt of Ws fillyally for that caus he sayes. Pater noster. That ys to say owr fa­ther on the qwyche nam of fa­ther We shuld remembyr We ar ys chyldryn ys We Wyl that owr oraysō be hoolsumly offert theyr for said saynt ioon. Iohā ­nis .iij. Videte qualem caritatē dederit nobis pater vt filij dei nominemur & sumus. That ys to say se qwat charyte god the father as ghewyne Ws that ys that We ar callyt hys sonnys & the sonnys of god yf We be the soōnis of god not oonly namyt et bot ryally We ar the sonnys of god & yf We ar the hoyrs. He redes dei et coheredes autē xp̄i. Et yt ys to notyfy that he sayd this Woord owrs theyr to that no man shuld meyk Ws & hym for that no man shuld rows no Want hym of hys lynage des­prisant other for no man Weri­tably may say thir Wordis. Pater noster. Bot oōly them that ar brethyer in god et Weritably al man & Woman als Weyl no­byl as Wnnobyl als Weel ȝong as hold ryche as powyr ar lyk in .iiij. thyngys & may be ryght callyt brether fyrst ī so that god as mayd and formyt We al of noght as nobyls kyngys pren [...] [Page] as powyr ar lyk ȝong and ald. Segūdly that We ar al cumyt nakyd aboue the erth. Iob. j. Nudus egressus sum de vtero matris mee. The thryd caus in thys that We ar al of short lyf. Iob. xiiij. Nudus breuis dies hoīs sunt. &cꝭ. The .iiij. rayson that al men as kynggꝭ prencys paysans ryches & powyrs they shal compeyr on the day of iugement in general be for the siege imperyal of iesu cryst for to re­fayf after theyr good deydys et ewyl deydys the sentēs of owr redemptur. Apostoluꝭ. Omnes nos manifestari oportet ante tribunal cristi. In the quhyc yt ys clerly shawyng that We ar al in lyk brether followes after Qui es ī celis. Et yf they ashe qweyr for he sayes. Qui es in celis. That ys to vnderstond god ys ower al Wayr in essens presens and puyssans in erth be myercy in hel be iustys ī hewyn be gloyr the docturs answerys yf as beyng put theyr to that owr redemptur and saluyowr iesu chryst shuld gheue to Wn­derstond that We shuld lowf seyk et desyr the hewynly thyn­gys and not the erthly tempo­ralytees after the conseil of the appoystyl. Que sursum sunt querite non que super terram. Ad collocēses tercio. Et the self thyng he sayes for to shaw Ws the plays War We War mayd & boght to the qwych plays We shuld dayely mayk oō iowrny et for thys We shuld mor desyr the. Eynd and the thyngys the qwyche be holdys the said eynd the qwyche ar ordaynyt for the sayd eynd et for thys caus iesu chryst owr redemptur puttys fyrst two peticions the qwyche be holdys to god the qwye ys the eynd of al thys. Fyrst ys. Sāctificetur nomē tuū. That ys to say shyr thy nam mot be sanctyfyet. In the qwyche pety­cyon We desyr and ashes that the nam of god be honowreth Saynt augustyn. In libro secū ­do de sermone domini in monte / sayes. We ar moneyst ī thys petycyon that the nam of god the qwych ys ewyr holy mot be reputtyt holy toward men that ys to say that yt be nat dyspy­syt that yt prouffyt to men and not to god and be thys apperys that We ashe nat be the sayd peticyon that the nam of god be [Page] sanctifyed ī the self for it ys not possibyl that it be mor sāctified than yt ys bot We ashe that yt be sanctifyed in Ws and that yt shuld be honowryd as holy lo­wyffyng Wyth hart parfyt et low and & p̄sh and Wyth mowht et Weyrk lyw and good lyf bot now ys pitye the nam of god is blasphemyt be manay chrystyn men mor thā sanctyfyed of this playnȝes ysaie the .lij. cheptur. Iugiter tota die nomen meum blasphematur. Sych blasphe­mowrs honowres not the nam of god et they mak no orayson to god aggreabyl bot dysplay­sant. The segūd peticyon of the sayd orayson domynical ys. Adueniat regnum tuum. That is to say the kyngryk mot cum to Ws. Saynt augustyn in the plays befor alleygyd that We excyt owr desyr be the sayd peticyon that ys that the realme of hewyn cū to Ws & that We may regne in yt. Et Werytably the segund thyng that We desyr af­ter the honowr of god ys that We may cū to the reawlme of hewyn. As be the fyrst peticyon as sayd ys We desyr that god be honowryt & glorifyed by the men ī erth. Et be the segund peticyon We ashe We may cum to the gloyr of god et ys a [...] m [...]ch to saye thy reawlme not cum to Ws as qwa Wold desyr at god et ash [...] that he regne in Ws that We may fynaly haue hys gloyr after yt ys Wryttyne be the gloryows ewangelist saynt Euc. ī the .xvij. cheptur. Regnū dei intra vos est. For god dwel­lys ī the sowl of oon ryght wys man as in hys reawlme be gra­ce in hewyn be gloyr qwar We desyr to [...]eyng qwar he Wyl say on the day of iugement ge­neral to his belowyt and faythful peupyl. Cum bleshyd of my father resayf presently the re­awlme the qwyche ys reddy sen the begynnyng of the Warld the thryd peticyon ys. Fiat vo­luntas tua ficut in celo et in ter­ra. That ys to say thy Wyl most be mayd in erth as in he­wyn this present peticyon & the other that followys be holdys the thyngys that ar ordaynt to the eynd for be this present peticion thus as sayes sant awstyē ī the plays p̄allegyd aboue sayd that owr ashyng that ys We asche the meryt be the qwyche [Page] We may haff & obteyn beatytud that consystys in the obeyssans of the godly commandmentys et be thys We ashe as the Wyll of god ys mayd in he wyn be the angels et sych lyk the Wyll of god not bemayd in erth be We tay obedyens / et as the angels cōformys ī the hewyn thar Wil to the Wyl of god sych lyk the men in erth mot conform ther Wyl to the Wyl of god the fa­ther et makar they do nat so thay that mowrimurs ageyns god in trybulacyon the qwyche ys oon ewydēt to kyn that they ar not ī the grace of god they ar lyk to oon pot that voyd that sondys fast et lyk a qweel that ys ewyl oyntyt et cryes fast. Certanly the good peupyl ꝯformys ther Wil to the Wil of god Exampil of owr redēptur that sayd. Non mea voluntas fiat sed tua. God my father thi Wil mot be doon et not myn. The fowrth petycion ys. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. That ys to say gheue Ws to day owr dayly bred be this peticyon We ashe at god at he gheue Ws owr neydful ly­wyng the substās of owr body et the lywyng of owr sawl that the ys holy body precyows & be thys bred yt ys to Wnderstond al neydful et requyryd to thys present lyff. Et certanly the thyngys necessayre qwyche ar requyryd for owr lyue shuld be ashed at god owr father & may­kar for as sayes the psalmyst. Oculi omnium in te sperant et tu das escam illorum ī tempore oportuno. That ys to say lord god the eyn of al them of lyue ar vpleftyt to the and as hop in the for thys caus that thow shuld gheue substās to lyue for thar substētacyon of ther body. Et Werytably the mayneyr of ashyng the thyngys tēporellys yt is shewyng to Ws ower Wydētly ī thys peticyon for be this the sayd. Panē. ys ghewyn Ws to Wnderstond that We shuld fle al superflewyte of meyttys et yf yt happynys that god has ghewyn Ws ouy thyng ower the bred We shuld lowe & thank hym gracioly by thys that ys sayd. Da nobis. It ys to Wn­derstond We haue no thyng of Ws yf god gheue yt to Ws for that sayeꝭ the poystil. Quid ha­bes ꝙ non accepsti. That ys to [Page] say qwhat good ys aꝭ thow bot thow as thakyn et ressawyt them of god be the self that ys sayd da / yt ys shewyng to ws that We shuld nat tayk the thyngys temporellys of owr self bot of god the makar & ghe­wer of al good ashād hym meykyly and dowtably he or sho that resawys et takys them be hym self of hys ꝓpre hand he takys them vn ryghtwsly for god gheue them hym nat bot dyd tayk them by hym self as them that ar vsuriers theyf fys et payllars heurmayster et others that Wynnys iniustly et takys the temporel gooddyꝭ of them self agēs god et thar awn propre salut se and & be hold and qwat they may say ꝓffytably to ther salut. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. For not Wnderstond ne sey be thys that yt ys sayd nobis ys ghewyn to Wnderstond that no man shuld propyrly approyper to them the sayd thyngys tym­porels bot shuld cōmwn them et depart them to mysterfowl folle after the say of sant augu­styn. De meo vti (que) quero ait cristus da michi et reddam tibi habuisti me largitorem et fac me debitorē. That ys to saye that iesu cryst sayd to the rych of thys Warld I ashe the of myn gheue me et I shal gheue the mayk me detteur of thys that I haue lent the thow. ghe­uys me smal I shal gheue the syndry thyngys thow gheuys erth ly thyngys I shal gheue the hewynly thyngys ewyr­lestand for temporellys I shal gheue me self to the thys ys Weyl to notyfy as to the Weyr leys of charyte be thys that ys sayd hodye god Wald tayk frō Ws the gret & effycace besynes & suꝑflew folycytud of the thyn­ghys tēporellys after ys yt ys Wryttyn in sant mathow ī the vj. cheptur. Nolite esse soliciti in craftinum. God Wald nat that We suld be of ower greyt desyr to conwoyt the thyngys temporels the qwych ꝓmyttys long lyue cōqwestand by trews or not trews by many ȝearys to cum as dyd the ewyl ryche et Wraychet synner of the qwych ys Wryttyn in the Wangel by the parson of the sayd ryche. Anima mea habes multa bona in annos plurimos. That ys [Page] to say mysowl mayk good che­re for thow as mych goodys Gadderyt in Thy Lawes and thy garnyers by syndry and long ȝearys. Et answerys the Woys of the diwyne iustys to hym. Stulie hac nocte animā tuā ate et que cōgregasti signa erunt. that ys fowl mōdain the dewyllys shal cum thys nyght the qwyche shal tayk thy sowll and shall beryt to ewyrlestand dannacyon to qwoin shalbe ghewyn the goodys that thow as ī iustly coqwyst as he Wold say thow shal llyff them for ewyr mor. The .v. petycyon ys. Et dimitte nobis debita nrā sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribuꝭ nostris. That ys to say for gheue Ws owr dettys as We for gheue to owr dettourꝭ by thys petycyon We may ashe as god for gheuys owr synnys doon ageyns god ageyns owr nyght bowr et as ageyns owr self et thys petycyon in the regard of ewyl syne of the qwyche ewyl We ashe to be dylymeryt. Et certaynly We ashe mor at god requyrād that he forgheue Ws owr debtes that ys to say owr synnys for the fyrst We reqwyr ashand at he forgheue Ws the coulp et the payne the qwyche We shuld pay for owr synnys. The qwyche can not be doon in the segund as We Wald say forgheue Ws owr synnys for yt happynys oft that the syne ys for ghewyn as to the coulp et alwayes the sayd syn bydys as to the payn by thys that he say­es after. Sicut et nos. & cꝭ. Is ghewyn clerly to Wnderstond yf that We forgheue and owt al rancur et indygnacyon the qwych We haff in owr hartys ageyns owr nythbowrs & pro­chayns god Wyl forgheue Ws et We Wyl not forgheue other god Wyl not forgheue Ws af­ter the saye of the Wangell. Si non dimiseritis nec patervester celestis dimittet vobis peccata vestra. That ys to say yf ȝe forgheue not ȝowr nyghtbowrs theyr miwrys ȝowr father celestial Wil not forgheue ȝow ȝowr synnys. Et in dowttabyl yt ys to notyfy that owr saluyowr et redēptur iesu cryst put thys ar­tikyl befor sayd. Sicut & nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. [Page] For to shaw Ws et teych Ws We may not haue no grace no pardon of owr synnys Wyth owt fyrst We haff ī Ws charite & that We forgheue aꝭ We ashe forgheueneꝭ for thar ys no mā that has rācur apon hys nyght bowr newer mor he shal be for­ghewyn by thys petycyon yt ys ghewyn clerly to Wnderstond that We shuld nat ash at god thyng bot yt Wor iust. Et We­rytably yt ys oon thyng ryght iust to forgheue owr Ennemis so far as We ashe forgheuenes of owr sinnys. The .vj. peticion cōtenyt in thys sayd orayson domynycal ys. Et ne nos īdu­cas intemptationem. That ys to say leyd Ws not intempta­cyon et We ash yat he Wyl de­lyuer Ws of the eWyllys the qwyche We ar inclynyt to fyn & to do ewyl by thys petycyon et thys demād ys ghewyn to Ws to Wnderstōd that We shuld requyr at god no oonly that he forgheue Ws owr synnes bot hals that he p̄serue et keyp Ws from the occasyon of syn et to gheue Ws fors strenght and myght to batayle ageynꝭ the tē ptacyons frauddys et gayllys of the dewyl of hel for pryncy­pally We shuld haue in owr courage ferme constans of purpos Wyth Wyl ther to Weyr et re­syst the sayd temptacyons for also myche as We resyst We shal haue meryt et yt ys good to Wnderstond that owr sawyour et redēptur iesu cryst kno­wand the tēptacyons ar ryght peryllews to man put thys pe­ticyon & yt shuld by Wnderstōd that We ashe symply to by not tempyt bot We ashe & requyrys at god owr maykar that We by not led ne condwys intemp­tacyon that ys to say We be not ower cumyt in temptacyon ne owertaykyn be syn that owr ennemye & dewllys of hel may not hold Ws in thar nettys as the fych ys in the net of the fy­char et certanly yt ys Weel ex­pedyent et reaysonnabyl that We reqwyr god owr makyr in owr orayson that he preserue & keyp Ws from temptacyon for owr adwersayr the dewyll of hel lucyfer et hys complacys et follows ar ewyr in Waych for to temp Ws for the grettast part of owr meryttys ys sow­stenant trybulacyon et owercū ­mand [Page] the temptacyonꝭ of thys present lyff for as sayes saynt bernard. Quociens restiteris tociens coronaberis. That ys to saye also oft as thow resysteꝭ the temptacyōs & tribulacions of this World not only the tēptacions of thys World bot also of the Wekyt et cursyt flech of thy body for thy body tempys the by day & nyght fleshly lust and to caus to syn of lychery et to caus Ws to ryn in dānacyone Wyrlestand & also to shew the the temptacyon of the ennemy that pourchassys the nyght et day for to draw the to the pay­nes of hel et yf thow ma ower cum thyr thre ēnemys also ma­ny tymes thouw shalbe crow­nyt in the realme of paradys yt ys than expedyēt to put & labo r Wyth payn to resyst to the sayd tēptaciō [...] or other Wayes owr Werkys shalbe smal for that sayes sant augustyn. Nullus hōminum est tāta iusticia pre­ditus cui non sit necessaria tri­bulacionis temptacio ad profi­ciendum. That ys to say ther ys no man that ys ornyt of so gret iustys to the qwyche the tē tacyon of trybulacyon ys neyd­ful forto proffyt et haue meryt of the ewirlestand lyue owr sa­wyour et redemptur iesu cryst Was tempyt bot he Was nat led in tēptacyon for he resystyt et owrcom the temptacyon of the dewyll of hel īnemy of man kynd ghenād vs exēpil that he Wald Weyl We War tēpyt bot he Wyl that We resist the temptacyons et that We owercom et ower com and We may meryt the ewerlestand lyue for thys caus yt ys neydful to batell et stryue ageyns the dewyl of hel et the Warld owr propre flech for efter the say of the appoy­styl. Nullus coronabitur nisi qui legitime certaueryt. That ys to say no man may haue the crown of gloyr Wyth owt he stryue et batyhl strenghtly age­yns the dewyl et the temptacyons of the Warld & of the flesh as dyt the gloryowꝭ matyrs as sant āthoin the qwyche batyl­lyt ageyns the dewyl sant ka­theryn qwyche Weryt the flech Wyth gret martyrdom sant se­bastien qwyche suffert gretūly for the louf of god the holy viergyns of paradys the holy mar­tyrs & holy cōfesseurs patryar­chys [Page] proffyttys et al the holy santys of hewyn qwyche as Weryt ageyns thyr thre enne­mys and worcummyt them by the qwyche they ar crownyt in paradys. So most al memlyw and ī thys World most ba­teyl & Weyer ageyns the dewyl the flech and the World & thayr temptacyons yf We Wyl haue crown in paradys. The .vij. et last petyton ys. Sed libera nos amalo amen. That ys to say delyuer Ws from al ewyl & parells of thys Warld Wayr We ar presāt / of the qwyche yt ys ful for We ar awyronnyt ewyrych day & ewyryche howr Wych syndry nettys et tempyt Wych owr ennemys deydly by thayr inwyoes dyedys ful of enwy et inyquite of the dewyl­lys of hel We haue dreyd et dy­sordanyt loue We haue be for owr eyn and Weykyt Wyl by hynd Ws dylectacyō of the syn­nys by passyt on owr lefthand inpacyēs in adwercite oon owr ryght hand elacion & pryd ī pro­speryte & be al thyr Wayes and in qwat stayt at ewyr We by et qwat ewyr We fynd Ws ī dayely We haue the dewyl that Wa­chys et spyes of al partyes for to tayk & put Ws ī hys handys for to haue owr saowl et to beir yt ī hel Wyth lucyfer and al hy­company and for that We shuld do Weyl hauand remenbrant ī mynd be for owr eyn owr sawy­owr et redemptur iesu crist and ys bleschyd passyon et say & cry Wyth he Woys god almyghty delywer Ws from al ewil amē ys also mych to say so most yt be & thys suffys as to the chep­tur of thys present tractye & of al the oraison domynycal et of the .vij. peticyons cōtynyt ī yt

¶The .v. cheptur tractis of the .iix artyclys of the fayth cōte­nyt in the gret credo & the lytel that the cler­kyꝭ callis the symbol­le of the fayth.

Saynt petyr

Saynt andro

Saynt iames the greyt

Saynt ioon

Saynt thomas

Saynt iames the les

THe fayth of Ihesu crhyst the qwyche shuld be preschyt to faythful and trew crestyn pewpyl the quych be them shuld be dyly­gently keypyt for yt ys the fon­dement of al good et the begyn­nyng of al salwt et yt ys planly contenyt in the credo the qwych the appoystyllys mayd to owr doctryn and techyng et for to shaw the fayth of god et the ar­tycles that We shuld trew fer­wently for to be ī the company of god. of the credo followeꝭ the trynslacyon of latyn in inglysh I. trow in god the father al­myghty maykar of hewyn et erth. Et in iesu cryst owr oon­ly lord. The qwyche Was con­sawyt of the holy gheost. Boorne of the viergyn mary qwhych souffryt Wnder pons pylayt qwyche Was crusifyed deyyt et grawyt qwyche dyscēdyt to the hellys and roys the thryd day qwyche ascendyt to the hewyn­nys & syttyꝭ oon the ryght hond of god the father almighty and from that shal cū to iuge qwyk et deyd I trew in te holy geost. [Page]

Saynt phlyp

S. berthelomo

S. mathow

S. symon

Saynt Iud

S. mathyas

Et in the holy chyrch catholyk Et in the cōmunyon of fantys Et in the remyssyon of synnys the rysyng of the flech. Ewyr­lestant lyff and yt ys goodlyar to Wnderstond We shal exspos by partyes the forsayd credo cō tenant al the artykyls of the fayth the qwych the first appartenyt to the father et .vj. other followyng to the soon et the .v. last to the holy gheost for yt ys to notify that ewyrich mā & voman ys holdyng and bownd to beleyf in the sayd .xij. artikyls cōtenyt in the said greyt credo & the les for et ony er in oon of the said artikyls & beleyffys nat ferwently Wyth owt ony dowt he ys ī the stayt of damnacyon be this Wyth owt fayht noon shal be sawyt no enter ī paradys as yt ys Wryttyn be saynt Marc xvj. cheptur. Qui nō crediderit condēnabitur. He that mysbe­lywys he shalbe condānyt. Et indowtabyl al men et Women from that they be cūmyt to the ȝearrys of dyscrecyon they ar bownd to leyrn the Pater no­ster forsayd et the Credo.

‘patrē inuocabitꝭ (qui) fecit ter’ ‘Credo in deum patrem.’

¶It ys shawyng vs be a figur roond. Oon god vyt owt eynd et Wyth owt begynnyng. Fa­ther almighty verray maykar of the World. In to the qwyche We shuld trust sekyrly.

SAynt Petyr put in the sayd credo the fyrst ar­tykyl that ys to Wn­derstond. Credo in deū patrē oīpotētein creatorē celi & terre That iꝭ to say j beleyf god the father almyghty maykar of hewyn & erth of the qwych sayꝭ Ieremy in the segund cheptur qwen he said in the ꝑson of god the father / thow shal cal me father the qwyche as mayd the erth & mayd the hewyn et shal not ces to cū after me by faith Saynt augustyn exposes the sayd artikyl et sayes that god the father ys maykar of he­wyn and erth that ys to say al thyngys vysibyls & inuysibils ageyns thys artykyl errys grettumly the cursyt heretyk Manicheus that said the prēs of tenebrys the dewyl of hel had creat the thyngꝭ vysibyls & that god had mayd the thyn­gys inuysibyls the qwych he­resy ys hattrent to god et men et al creaturs. It ys hatrent to god sych heresy maykys les the lordshyp of god qwen yt owtys the creacyon et lord shyp of thyngys vysybyls. Self that sayd heresy ys hatrent to men qwen it ys said that the men as to a parti corporel visibyl ys by the dewyl & generaly sich heresy [Page] vylipēdys et fylys al the crea­turs visibyls be that yt is said that they haue beyn mayd by dewylry myght / this distroys appertly ysaye .xlv. cheptur qwen he sayd in the person of god the father. Ego dominuꝭ et nō est alter formans lucem et creans tenebras. That ys to say I am the greyt lord and maykar of the Warld / et not no vther the qwych as mayd the lyghtys & the dirknes. Et the psalmyst says. Oīa que­cun (que) voluit fecit. That ys to say god as maid ye thing that as plesyt hym in hewyn et in erth. Et certanly by the cōsy­deracyon of thys artykyl he ys bownd to gheue graces et lowynges to god of hys crea­cyon & to vse Weyl the thyngꝭ creat that ys to Wnderstond to the gloys of god & to hys awn prouffyt humayn sel [...]yk We at monest by cōsyderacyon of this artykyl to Wnderstond the dy­gnyte of mankynd for god as mayd al thyngys & creaturs for man & has put them in the sub­ieccyon of man qwych ys oonly subgest to god.

‘dn̄ꝭ dixit a me filiꝰ meꝰ es tu’ ‘Et in iesum christū filium’

¶Iacob lowyt ioseph ys deyt chyld. Aboue al other Wyth owt cōparason. God almyghty the he kyng tryūphant. Lowyt iesus as verray father the soon

SAynt Andro put­tys the segund ar­tikyl that is to vnderstond. Et ī iesū [Page] cristum filiū eius vnicū domi­num nostrū. That ys to say I trew ī iesu cryst hys oonly soon owr lord for iesu cryst is soon of god the father / et he is owr lord be ryght of creacyō of guberna­cion et of redēpcyon. Et certāly We shuld trew that iesu crist ys verray oonly soon of god the father the qwych has beyn eternaly Wyth hys father et that the ꝑson of the said soon is diuidyt & other thā the ꝑson of the father self lyk that the sayd soon ys of oon self natur & essēs Wyth the father qwych ys lyk & sēblabyl to the father et coeternal to the father after the say of sant ioon in the .x. cheptur. Ego et pater vnū sumus. Iesu crist sayes my father is grettar & I ar a self es­essens. Et pater maior me est. That ys to say my father ys grettar than I to the regard of my humanyte. Be this that ys sayd owr lord ys yt notit yat ve of owr Wyllys awowys Iesu cryst for owr lord by .v. raysōs the fyrst for he is nobyl Luce. i. Altiss imifisiuꝭ. That ys to say that he his the soon of the most hye lord god the father. Segūd [...]y he ys sweth sa that be hys swetnes he ys callit the lam ef­ter the say of saynt ioon the baptyst. Ecce agnuꝭ dei Iohānis .i. & ī ysaye .liij. cheptur. Et quasi agnus coram tondēte se obmu­tescet. The thred rayson ys for he ys stark for to defens Ws et delyuer Ws of ewyl after the sayd of the psalmyst. Dn̄s pro­tector vite mee a quo trepidabo Owr lord ys my defēsor of my lyue of qwam shal I haue dreyd The fowrth raison is for he haꝭ boght Ws of his p̄cyows blood after the say of the appoystyl. Emptient̄ estis precio magno. The .v. rayson ys for he ys fre & large & redy to reward his seruans efter the say of saynt au­gustyn ī the book the .xxij. they tur of te cyte of god. Quod deuꝭ p̄parauit d [...]ligentibꝰ se fide non capit (ur) / spe non attingū / caritate nō apprehendit (ur) desideria & vota transgredit (ur) / acquiri potest estis mari nō potest. That ys to say it ma not be taykyn yt that god as ordaynt to them that lowy [...] hym yt may not be takyn be charyte ne by hop ne charyte yt passys the desyrs of man kynd yt may be gottyn b [...]t yt cannot be exstymet.

‘Ego autē in dn̄o gaudebo qui cōceptꝰ est de spū sācto’

¶Oon greyn bows al in low of fier. Saw moyseꝭ Wyth owt ony lesyon. The Wyergyn also cōsawit the soon of god. Et did beyr hym Wyth owt corrupciō

SAynt ioon the Wā gelyst puttys the thryd artycle Qui conceptus est de spiritu sancto natuꝭ ex maria virgine. That ys to say that iesu crist Was consawyt of the holy gheost et boorn of the vyergyn mary & yt ys to notyfy that We shwld trew ī the incar­nacyon the soon of god by the qwych yt ys ap­peryt to Ws in oon for mevisiblil. Baruch. iij Post hec in terris visuꝭ est et cum hominibus conuersatus est. That ys to say after sum ty­me Iesu chryst soon of god as beyng seyng in the erth and conuersyt Wyth men. Et certes after that the angel gabryel Was send to the Wyergyn mary & that sho trowyt et cōsentyt ther to the holy gheost cū in hyr the qwych formyt in oon instāt of blood pur et cleyn precyows vyrgynal of the gloryows holy mary the qwyche scho trowyt & cōsentyt the body of owr redēp­tur in the qwych Was put in yt the self instant hys saowl the qwyche Was creat of nat and [Page] Was the said saowl cō ioinct in oon instāt to the sayd body & dewlly o [...]ganyȝit & formyt the said body & saowl Was Wnyst to the diwyny­te in the person of the soon of god sayd after the qwych ys boorn of the Wyergyn mary / et certanly thayr ys try­pyl estat of man kynd that ys to Wnderstond of maryage of Wedow & of vyrginite the fyrst ys good the segund better the thryd al ther best ys thys that ys good ys ghewyn to god for thys caus yt Was Weyl sey­myng et conuenabyl that iesu cryst Was boorn of ye vyergyn mary in thys monstre & shawys the exellens of iesu cryst of the stayt of Wyergynite thar Was fulfyllyt the veryte of the pro­phecye of ysaye. Ecce virgo cō ­cipiet & pariet filium. The per­dycyon Was mayd by Eue the qwyche Was Weyrgyn & the reparacyon Was mayd by the gloryows Wyergyn mary fowl of al benedictyon.

‘Aspiciēt ī eū quē trāffixerūt’ ‘Passus sub poncyo pylato.’

¶Moyses maid oon hedder ryꝭ Wp. Qwer of the regard kepyt from deeth. Also iesus for to by deyd. Wnder pylat Was ghe­wyn to the cors.

SAynt Iames The mayr put the iiij. article of the faith ī the credo that ys to vnderstōd. Passus sub poncyo pylato. That is to say owr salwyour Iesu cryst has suffert passyon Wnder pōs pylat et Was crucyfyed deyd & eyrdyt & certāly thus We shuld trow the incarnacyon of Iesu cryst soon of god sychlyk shuld ve trow the passyō & the deyd of the sayd / et certanly owr redēp­tur suffert spolyacyon and de­nudacion owtwart for he Was [Page]


put al naykyt in the cors and had nat oonly oon dysh fowl of Water he had in hys body mer­welows sturgyng et dolor for from the fool of hys feyt wnto hys heyd ther Was no helth in hym et certanly thayr Was a greyt tryst in hys soowl et the gret charyte to & lowf that he had in hym & ī Ws cawsyt hym to thool that Wnder the moost Wekyt prowest of iude for the romayus pone pylayt. The qwych sayes Wyncent in the mirower hystoryal Was accusyt of man ay thyngys bafor vy [...]olyus presydēt of syrye that ys to Wnderstond of the de­yd of mainay men īnocēs the qwych he had sloon et of thys that he put the ymayges of gentylys et pyens of the tempyl of ie­rusaelem and of thys the qwych he applyquys et puttys in the opyn boost of the tempyl & of the fayd money he dyd gar mayk condwyttis et fontayns for to caus the Water to cum in hys hows & in hys iardyns et for thys caus he Was send and fel ī maynay powertes et Wrechydnes et fy­nally deyd carlysly et dyshonestyly.

¶Thre dayes Was Ionas in the see. Sāson brak the portys & bur a Way. In the erth Was iesus dayes thre. Brest hellys portys the thryd day roys he

‘edificauit ī celo ascētionē descēdit ad īferna tercia die.’

Saynt thomas put­tys the .v. artykil of the fayth that ye to Wnderstōd. Descēdit ad ī fer­na tercia die resurrexit a mor­tuis that ys to say that iesu cryst owr redemptur as dyscē ­dyt to hellys & that he dyd roys the thryd day. Et certanly We shuld trow that incōty­nent that the gloryowꝭ soowl of our redēptur Was separyt from the body & yt was alWayes vnyt Wyth the diuyni­te yt dyscēdit to the fym be of the fathers & Was the spayꝭ of .xl. howrys for he royeꝭ the soonday at morow ī the pownt of the day at the propyr howr he broght fourth the sayd saowllys the qwych he led with him the day of hys glory­ows ascencyō to the he­wyn of thyꝭ artikyl We man chyos two teyche­mens the fyrst ys owr redemptur Wysyt the saowlyꝭ the qwych Waꝭ in the lymbe ych of We shuld haue trust that We shalbe vysyt of god ī trybulaciō & that he shal nat leyff We oon other techīg / ys that Wy shuld thynk of the holy saowlyꝭ of owr freī ­dye that ar deyd for iesu cryst discēdyt to hellys their that he shuld dylywer them et that he vold dobe exāpyl that We shuld holp the saowlis of purgatoyr.

‘ero mors tuao more morsꝰ.’ ‘ascēdit ad celoꝭ sedet ad dex.’

¶In paradys Was rawyt. Holyly hely as for oon goodly mysteyr. The swet iesus as frō the Warld ys partyt. Astenbyt to hewyn the ryght hond of the father.

Sayntiames the les put ī the sayd credo the vj. artekyl that yꝭ to Wn­derstond. Ascēdit ad celos sedet ad dexteram dei patris omnipotentis. That ys to say that iesu crist ascēdyt to the hewyn & syttyꝭ on the ryght hād of god the father almyghty of the qwych We shuld Wnderstond and consyder the greytnes of hyꝭ godly Wertu for he ascendyt to hewyn ī the form of mākynd in body et saowl in oon playꝭ callit the mownt of olyuet from the cyte of ierusaelē the spays of oon thowsand fowt et in the presens of hyꝭ appoystylls et of hys gloryows mother & al other holy men et de­woyt Womē that waꝭ of the loond of galyle befor thre score et .xij. dyscy­plys secreyttys for the dreyt of as the iowys Was nycodemus gamalyel ioseph of aromathy & mayny other & certanly thayr Was gret ioye of the party of owr salwyowr et redemptur et of al thē that dyd se hym ascēd to the angels et al the saowllys that he broght forth of the lun [...] [Page] be mayd gret feyst & ioye for the sayd saowllys ascendyt Wyth hym & Was ī greyt ioye.

‘Ascendā vos in iudicio &c’ ‘Inde venturus iudicare.’

¶Kyng salomon iuget egaly. Of the chyld deyd of oon iustys apert. Also iesuꝭ the day of iu­gemēt. Ryght shal iuge to ych oon theyr dysert.

Saynt phelyp puttis the vn artykyl in the sayd credo. Indeventurꝰ est iudicare viuos et mortuos. That ys to say that iesu crist shal cū to iuge the qwyc & the deyd by thyꝭ artykyl yt aperiꝭ that ewy rych crystyn man ys hol­dyng to belo if ī the iugem̄t for to cū for that yt ys oon artykil of the fayth and yt shuld gheue Ws greyt dreid for We shal gheue strayt rekynnyng of al thyngis af­ter the sayd of the ecclesia­tyk. Cunct a que fiūt add [...] cet dn̄s ad iudiciū. Et cer­tāly We shal ghewe cownt of al smal thoghthis. The qwych We may not nōbyt as sayes saynt gregoyr of thys iugemēt general the qwych shal shaw how We shal gheue cownt & rayson of al ydylWordys & of owr Weyrkys & of al the Wer­kys that We haff doon in thys mortel body & al them that shalbe fowndyng on lyne at that hewr that god shal hold the sayd iugem̄t al shal dy sow­danly & roys Wyght them that as beyn deyd and beyrdyth & in has befor.

‘Effūdam de spū meo. &cꝭ’ ‘Credo in spiritū sanctum’

¶God dyscendit in the mownt of synay. Moyses by hym ghe­ue the lawe. The holy gheost dyscendyt so. To the appoistyll and lyghtnyth the fayth.

SAynt bertholomo put­tys the .viij. artykyl of the sayd credo that ys to Wnderstond. Credo in spiritum sāctum. That ys to say I beleyf ī the holi gheost for as that ar We bown dyng to beleyf ī the fa­ther et the soon sychlyk ar We bownd to beleyf in the holy gheost in so far that he ys substan­cyal et hewyn to the fa­ther et soon et of on self substans & essens Wyth them forthys caus yt ys of neyd to the falwt of ewyrych crestyn mā to vndestōd the said holy gheost ꝓcedys of the father & the soon & that Errys the grekys that sayeꝭ that oonly the ho­ly gheost ꝓcedys of the father et not of the soon the qwych ys fale and ageyne the fayth of holy chyrch mylytāt that We syng dayely in the symboyl of the holy mes. Qui a patre filio (qui) procedit. Et the appoy­styl callys the gheost of god ad galathas .iiij. Misit deus spi­ritum filij sui in corda vestra. Et by thys apperys that the said holy gheost procedis of the soon. Et certanly the sayd holy gheost shuld br desyryt of al [Page] mē formen ar qwylmyt of hym iohannis sexto. Spiritus est (qui) viuificat Et he that aꝭ not the holy gheost Wyth hym ys deyd for as the spyryt raisonnabyl ys neydful to qwyeknyn the body sychlyk ys yt of the ho­ly gheost in regard to the soowl efter the say of the spalmyst that say­es to god. Aufera [...] spi­ritum eorum et deficiēt Et tayk owth the holy gheost of tho saowllys et of the bodyes of men et they shal faylȝe et in­faillybyly the sayd holy gheost to Ws ys neydful for We ar not dely­weryt from ewyl bot by hym et We doo no good bot by hym.

‘Inuocabūt nomen domini.’ ‘Sanctā ecclesiā catholicam.’

¶Aaron of god Was choysyn sowerayn. For to exers the godly sacryfys. Holy chyrch ys fondyt aboue the hand. Of sant petyr to do to god offys

SAynt mathow puttys the .ix. artykyl in the said credo that ys to vnderstond Sanctā ecclesiā catholicā. I beloyf in holy chyrch that ys to say that al faythful crestyn mē ar in oon gaderyt in holy chyrche in vnite et fayth & certāly the chyrch ys no other thyng bot the congregacyon of faythful men & crestyn peupyl & as to thys caus oon ewyrych [Page] man or Woman qwyche ys in the stayt of grace ys membyr of holy chyrche and of iesu cryst et ys heyd of yt of thys says the appoystyl in the pystyl that ys Wyrttyn to the Ephecyens in the .v. cheptur qwer he sayes Vir est caput mulieriꝭ sicut xp̄s est caput ecclīe. That ys to say as man ys heyd of the Woman so iesu chryst ys heyd of the chyrche the qwyche ys of pre­sent in thre partyes. The fyrst ys to the Warld and this party ys in dreyd exspecta­cyon. The segund ys in hewyn / et thys par­tye ys vyth owt dreyd and Wyth owt exspec­tacion. The thyrd partye ys ī purgatoyr the qwyche holddys the Way betwyx the sam partyes for yt ys in exspectacyon for the qwyche has no gloyr of the lyue ewyrlestād alwayes yt ys Wyth owt dreyd for yt has the lyberal arbytyr cō fermyt ī good & arthyr thre aboue sayd partyes of the chyrch representyd be thre par­tyes of the sacrement of the au­tyr the qwoche ar mayd in the mes / et in the mysterys of yt qwych is oon thyng mych long for to declayr and for the caus of shortnes j shal declayr after in other passages.

‘deponet dn̄s oēs ini (qui)tates Remissionem peccatorum’

¶Sayge Was mary the syster of moyses. Holyd be hyr con­trycyon. We shuld trow Wyth owt errowr. Of al synnys re­myssyon.

SAynt Symon ca­naneus put the .xi artykyl ī the sayd credo qwar in de­pendys mych of owr beleyf as to the santtys of paradys that ys to Wnderstōd Sanctorum commuionem re­missionem peccatorum. That ys to say j beleyf in the commu­nyon of santys et in the remys­syon of synnys of the qwyche spekys myche as in the .vij. cheptur. Deponet dominus om̄s iniquitates nostras et proijciet in profundum maris. That ys to say owr lord shal tayk away owr synnys and shal put them in the deyp of the see. By thys We shuld Wnderstond et noty­fy that the communyon of holy men of paradys ys no Wther­thyng bot the congregacyon of thyngꝭ spyritwellys ghettyng by the santtys of paradys the qwych ve shuld streynghtly be­leyf to by ꝯmunyques & also by departyt ewyryche oon after hys desert in al the membrys and suppoysytys of the chyrche qwych ar in grace for al crestyn men qwyche ar Wyth owt syn deydly thay ar parttaykars of al the gooddys the qwyche ar doon in the chyrch by ewyrych membyr of the sayd chyrch as We see that oon torch or oon candyl ys lythnyght to lyght­nyng and serue oon man that gooys by the streyt al them that ar in the sayd streyt parsa­wys and resawys the benyfys of the sayd lyght. Et Weryta­bly yt ys so yf deydly syn that dyrkys the Wnderstondyng & fylys the affeccyon Wyth owt yt put enpyshyng after the say of the psalmyst. Particeps ego sum omnium timencium te. Et Werraly charite that ys to Wnderstond that the lowe and vnyon of Werray crestyn men ys caus for charyte requyrys not yt prywe prouffyt bot seyth ys yt the qwyche ys prouffyta­byl to syndry by thys caus cha­rite shuld be callyt maystres of gooddys the qwyche ys in the [Page] chyrch. Et Werytably thys may be in thyngys humayns & naturellys for qwan the meyt ys Weyl dygestyt et that natur dryfys yt et sendys to ych oon membyr that as neyd of nory­shyng et as to the segund party yt ys sayd j beleyf the remys­syon of synnys we shuld beleyf that al syn ys orygynal or ac­twel ys remyssybyl in the chyr­che and to thys artykyl ys re­dwyt the fayth of the sacramēs as to Werray crestyn men the qwyche ys as instrumētys gheuaynt for to sanctyfy & ꝯsequēt­ly for to remyt et forgheue the synnys as be baptysyng that taykys away the syn of the sa­owl of hym the qwyche ys bap­tysyd Wyth owt feeynȝyng or yt hys he the qwyche ys bapty­syd beleyf in thys bas aage and al et oft tymys that ony fal in syn after that he be baptysyd be yt deydfy or Wenyal he ma be reparyt by contrycyon confes­syon et satysfaccyon the qwych We cal the sacrament of pen­nans et as thys caus We shuld ewirych oon beleyf streynghtly that the remyssyon of synnys ys the chyrch catholyk and not no other plays for owt of the chyrche theyr ys no salut for so mych that yt ys not membre of the chyrch et he that mysbely­wys shalbe eternally damnyt. Et in thys present artykyl We haue oon techyng salutayr that noon shuld dysesper qwath syn that ewyr he haue doon for as says ysodore de summo bono. Desperatio est peior omni pec­cato. That ys to say that my­shop ys the Worst of al synnys Et saynt augustyn sayes. De nemine desperandum est in hac vita. Solum enim desperacio­nis crimen est quod mederi non potest. That ys to say that We shuld not dysesper ī thys World for dysespoyr ys oon syn that may not haue no medycyn. As for thys caus We shuld beleyf ī the remissyon of synnys qwath greyt synner that ewyr We by & thoght We had commyttid oon thowsand of thowsanddys of deydly synnys for as says sant Bernard. Maior est dei pie­tas (quam) queuis iniquitas. That ys to say that the meyrcy et py­te of god ye gettar than ony inyquite.

‘Educam vos de sepulcris.’ ‘Carnis resurrectionem’

¶Of helyseuꝭ & hely the prayer Of two chylder deyd put to saluacyon. Trow We shuld by fayth entyer. Of owr flech the resurrexcyon.

SAynt Iudas tha­deus puttis the .xj artikyl in the said credo that ys to Wnderstond. Car­nis resurrectionem. That is to say j beleyf the resurrexciō of flech Et certanly al crestyn men shuld beleyf qwen he cumys in the day of the gret iugement ge­neral al men & Woman shal roys to gydther after this yt ys Wryt­tyn. Iohānis .vj. Ve­niet hora in qua om̄s (qui) ī momētis sunt audiēt vocē filij dei et (qui) audie rint viuent. That ys to say thar shal cū oon howr that al the bodyꝭ of deyd pewpyl that reposys in thar grawys shal eyr the Woys of the soon of god & the appoystyl says. Omnes quidem resurgemus. That is to sayve shal rys good et ewyll et We shuld beleyf that ewyrych crestyn man shal rys ī the self body qwer he lewyt in thys World after the say of the prophet Iob. Ru [...]sum cirrunda [...] bor pelle mea & in carne mea v̄i­d [...]bo deū saluatorē meum / qul visurus sum ego ipse & nō alius [Page] That is to say qwen j shal cum to the iugement j shalbe cowe­ryd & cled Wyth myn awn skyn & humanite the qwych j now in my propyt flech seys my sawy­owr the qwych j chal se my self that ys leffyng and non other. Thys apperys as said ys & alle­gyd the sayd sentēs for to shaw the ydentyte of oonself body et thoght it be so that the bodys of men and Wo­men ar redigyt in powdyr et in as alwayes al thyngys that parte­nys to the integryte of the body shal retowrn Et in the self body the qwyche ys towrnyt in as shal retowrn to the ꝓpyr saowl the qwych as beyng Wyth in the sayd body et shal tayk the sayd body and lyue Wyth yt. Et certanly ve shal ryes ī the aage in the qwych iesu cryst owr sawyowr & redemptur qwen he suffert deyd & passyon as chyl­der men ȝowng as ald and the hody of ewy­riche bleschid that shal rys shalbe immortel subtyl in­corruptybyl Wyth owt default [...]leyr impassybyl et agyl and of the contrary the body of ewyr ych oon the qwych shalbe dam­nyt shalbe ryght passybyl heuy greyt et dyrk and of thys We shal speyk mor ī the tracty that shal fowlow.

‘multide his (qui) dormiunt in.’ ‘Et vitam eternam Amen’

¶Of kyng asswerus myghty terrien. Meyk hester had gloyr tēporel. To good crestyēs that lyuys goodly. God shal gheue them ewyrlestyng lyue.

SAnt mathyas put the .xij. artykyl & the last ī the credo befor sayd that ys to say. Vitam eternā. Et that ys as mych to say as ewyrle­styng lyue by. Thys ys to say & vnderstond that after the resurrexcion of the bodyes befor said shal gheue ewyrlestyng lyue to good et payn ewylestandyng to ewyl dampnyt. Et veritabyly the blyshyd shal haue lyue vyth owt dethlyght Wyth owt dyr­knes ȝouwthheyd Wyth owt heyld cōcord Wyth owt dyscord et other felycytes and ioyes the qwych the good shal haue in pa­radis as We shal say heyr after ī the tractyt et cheptur of ioyes of paradys & of the cōtrary they that ardamnyt shal haue infy­nyt calymytes in hellys as We haue ī the tractyt of the payns of hel and thys suffys as to the short exposycyon of the forsayd artykyls of the fayth et gene­raly of al the credo. Et yt ys to notyfy that al the artykyls of the forsaid ar cōtenyt ys ī that al crestyē vsāt of raysō shuld beleyf meeykly vythowt ony cu­riosite clerly vythowt ony falsite certāly vyth owt ony dowti the self reportāt to the morowr as to the fayth of holy chyrche ageyns the forsayd artykyls synnys the heretykys et sysenatikys ydolaturs Wychys char­mewrs nygrymansewrs vsant of art defendyt et Waryt. The inuocatewrs of the dewyllis et of them that dowtys of the for­sayd artykyls. Them at ar ne­glygent to leyrn the forsayd ar­tikyls yf they may leyrn them they that Wyl not beleyf bot thay that may shaw & [...]eych by cleyr rayson for sych pewpyl le­fys the meryt of the fayth for as says saynt gregor. Fides nā habet meritum vbi humana r [...] tio prebet experimētum. Syn­nys also ageyns the sayd arty­kyls them that kepys and ob­serwys the dayes egypcyens alvays them that kepys the tym as Werkys that dependys of caus naturel as of the inflwēs of planettys and mowymens [Page] of hewynly bodys for to tayk medicyn or for to lat bleyd or to plāt or saw synnys not ageyns the sayd artykyls no adolatrys not for yt appartenys to doo so that they be hold the tym or the day as ve [...]lays that dependys of the lyberal arbytyr & fre Wyl of the parson as in marchandyꝭ or to spows oon Woman synnyꝭ deydly for yt ys Wryttyn in the gret decreyt. Non licet cristia­no elementa colere nec lune nec stellarum cursum deponere in coniugijs sociandis / in herbis colligendis / nec in cantaciones licet attendere. That ys to say that al good eristyen shoold not be hold the tym bot as to the mayner a for sayd. Saynt au­gustyn sayes. Quod ois dies bonus est quia deus primā diē fecit sic / et secundā et terciam et ceteros fecit. As for thys caus We shoold not tayk heyd qwat day We ar furth of owr hows or qwath We begyn qwat thīg as to the sens forsayd. Synnyꝭ also ageyns the fayth al the ex­positurs of Oremys et al them at goys to spay men or Woman as dywynaturs as to recowyr the thīgys lost or owt of Way for sych pewpyl synnys deydly et ryhgt grewously. Synnys also ageyns the sayd fayth they that obsernys the synghyng of byrdys or the recowntryng of bestys or them that ghewys fayth belyffyng of ony syng of good or ewyl to cum for yt ys deydly sin & Wayn & suspicyows Synnys also deydly them that mokys of ony of the sayd arty­kyls prywely or apertly. Et also thē that beleyffys not that god has gowernyt & gowernys al thyng frely & ryghtwsly but fortwn or destynat et also syn­nys grewonsly thē that beleyf­fys that god shal sayf the ewyl as the good et sayd that to do Weyl ys nat & that yt ys al onyꝭ to do Weyl or ewyl sen yt ys so god knowys Weyl qwo shalbe sawyt or dampnyt also synnys grettūly them that sayes qwen ony yꝭ kyllyt ī batail or yꝭ hāgit or drownyt that it shoold hapin hym et that he Was boorn Wn­der sych aplaynet et for that al cumys by destyne et yt ma nat other Wys be. Certanly al sych maner of pewpyl ar herryty­kys & ful of errurs the qwych cumys of pryd et presumpcyon [Page] of the Wnderstandyng or by foly malancoly or by carnalyte the qwych may nat parmyt sy­che pewpyl to haue cognoyssās of godly thingyꝭ & spyrit wellys & qwych beleffꝭ nat the for sayd ꝯmendmētys & artykyls of the fayth & ī effec al the for sayd ar herytykys et nat in the crystyn fayth that et they ar ī the stayt of dānacyon & shalbe dampnyt eternaly Wyth the dewyllys of hellys bot that they do pēnās & towrn them to god and to the vnyte of the fayth in belyff and feruantly in the .xij. artykys aforsayd the qwych ys cōtenyt ī the fayth catholyk. Et īdow­tably they shalbe in the stayt of saluacyō & verry pyllarꝭ of owr mother the holy chyrch.

¶The .v. cheptur shal tracte of the .x. cōmend­mentys of the law & the shoort exposiciō of them

The .v. commādymantys of the lavv
Oon god thovv shal anourn
Et louf parfytly
god in vayn thovv shoold not svver
No other sant vverraly
The soondayes thovv shal keyp
Seruant god devotyly
Honovvr thovv father et mother
That thovv may lyne holyly
Man frillar be thovv not
In deyd vvyllfully
Be thovv not lycherous
Of body no of consentyment
the goodys of others tayk not
No hald them vvyth thyn entent
No fals vvyttnes be thovv not
mayk no lesyngys by thy vvyttyng
the vverk of flesh desyr not
bot oonly in maryage
goodys of other covvyt not
to haue then Vnryghttusly

Sen yt y [...] so that god as maid Ws so voorthyli aboue the bestys to hys ymay­ge et symilytud as We haue sayd be fotne et that he haꝭ ghewyn Ws Wnderstondyng mynd et Wyl for to Wn­derstond serue et honowr hym & that after that soo Worthly & [Page] p̄cyously boght Ws of hys pre­cyows blood tho land mor for vs than We Wold for owr self yt ys than ryght and rayson that ve serue hym of al as faithful suggestys thayr sowerand lord as naturel chylder thayr Worray ryght father & as pry­sōneyrs delyweryt of hard pre­son of deth theyr petyows byar Self Wayes ys to Wnderstōd as efter that Wedo he shal ghe­ue Ws hys gloyr mor thā hart shal or can memoyr. Et yf We faylȝe We shal haue turmēt per durabyl grettar than We can exstyme. It ys sekyr al Wayes that god owr maykar the qwych knowys Weel owr po­wer fragylyte & smal myght he ashes not ne reqwyerys nat al the ferwys that We ar bownd after the rygueur of iustys bot Ws ghewin vs oon certayn no­mowr of cōmendmētys of the laow the qwych ewyryche cry­styn man or Womā ys holdyng to Wnderstond & lyerne by hym self or by other Wnder the payn of damnacyon eternel and We shoold do gret dylygēs to leyr­ne tham as We Wold put owr s [...]yens to a [...]wyer the grettast good that mygh the had in thys World. Et certanly yf yt be so that We can not no may not sewrly lyue no show deyly syn no repent Ws dewly of owr synnyꝭ. Et qwych by neglygēs or sweyrnes Wyl not Wnder­stond them ne can not he shal nat be excusyt on the day of dō bot condamnyt & for thys caus shoold ewyrych crystyne hym self effors to know et Wnder­stōd the sayd cōmendmētys for to keyp the lyue spyrytwel of the saowl so mych or mor than he Wold do for to keyp the lyue of the body et for that We shal put fyrst the sayd ꝯmādymētis al to gydder in gn̄al et after de­term of ewyrych oon in espe­cyal et by order.

On oonly god thow shal adore et lowf perfytly god ī vayn thow shuld nat sweyr no other thing sekyrly. The soon dayes thow shuld keyp seruant god dewoytly fa­ther et mother tow shuld ho­nowr that thow shoold be of long lyue. Thow shoold not by lycherows of body no of confē ­tyment. The gooddys of other thow shoold nat reyff no hald [Page] them by thy Wyttyng. Man sloer thow shoold not by nother by deyd no Wylfully fals Wyt nysyng thow shoold not beyr & le by no Wayes. The Weyrk of flech desyr not bot in maryage oonly gooddys of other cowyt nat bot to haue thē ryghtiwsly & Wyth owt peryl of thy saowl.

THe fryst cōmendmēt ys of the low of god. Non adorabis deos alienos. Tat ys to say thow shal adoyr oon god et not may nay et ī the begynnyng of thys present commendment We put on maxyn. That al vnfaythful pyans iowys et heretykys ar in the stayt et Woy of dānacyon et ar condamnyt & iuged ewyr­lestandly hell ī Wyth owt they towrn to the fayth of iesu cryst et for to speyk of cristyn men yt ys to notyfy of this forsaid cō ­mandyment ys defendyt al ma­ner of ydolatry spiritwel of the qwych spekys saynt ioon qwen he sayes. Omne quod in mun­do et cꝭ. The qwych Wyl defēd by thys that We lowf not mor the honowrs of the World thā god thyꝭ that doys not the prydful peupyl qwych lowys. The­yr Wanyteys mor then god. defendys also the sayd cōmē ­dement that We shold not lowf owr playsans so mych ys god in the qwych aornys lychery peupyl. Et fynaly defēdis that We lowf not so myche tempo­rells goodys et transytoyrys of thys World / as god in the qwych sinnys vreychyd peupyl et ydolatrys and grewis god ageyns the sayd et present com­mādemēt general as the gospel sayth. Tow shal Worchyp oon god of al thy hart of al thy thoght of al thy Wertu dys­cendys thys presant commen­dyment the qwych says that man shoold not mor lowf than god. Ageyns thys commandy­ment synnys they qwych mys­knowys the goodnes of god et murmwrs ageynꝭ the iugemēs of god and ordynans et gower­nemēt of them or other as they Wold say he Wor not iust good no meyrcyful et al to be lowyt aboue al thyngys. Synnys al­so ageyns the sayd commendy­mēt them that fallys ī dyspayr desyrant to dy by inpacyens. Et qwych in theyr malady et seyknes twrniꝭ to Wychcrafti [...] [Page] et dywynewrs. Et qwych vsyꝭ lettryꝭ & Wryttyngys hynging a bowt theyr nek et of al fauls suparstycyons et faulxs bylyf­fyng as that god War not suf­fycyand myghty sayge et good for to holp & to keyp yt that he kennys neydful to them. Et in dowbtabli the parson shoold do yt that ys in hym et of the rey­maynant he shoold trust of al ī god ffor god sendys al Wayes to the parson yt that ys most necessayr. Et Weel oft cūmys that trybulacyon or malady powerty & trybulacyon ar mor mych neidful to men then ower gret ꝓsperyte for that men fow lych as oft of the goodys of god The father Wnderstondys yt qwych ys reqwyrid et neydfwl to hyꝭ chyld et the master to the scolar mor than they Wnder­stond them self ageyns this cō ­mandymenyt synnys lyk they that haꝭ Warldy shaam to obei to the cōmendymentys of god for oonfowlych Word of ewyl cristyn pewpyl. Et mor synnyꝭ they that mokys et makys de­rysion of good & dewot parsons that ar in mor hye stayt & degre et mor Worthy to serue god as ys the stayt of vyrgynite of Weydowheyd of relygion or of them that studyes theolygy et ȝyt synnis they mor qwen they draw the sayd estayttys by Wordly or fleshly affeccyon for sych pewpyl lowys not god no hownowrys not god Wnder the obserwans of thys present cōmandyment ys cōtynyt the hōnewr and rewyrēꝭ the qwych We shoold gheue et do to sātys of paradys and specyal to owr lady et to owr good angell to do them presant owr synnys the qwych We Wald not no dowrst not do befor the pewpyl We shold also hownowr the placys that ar holy et the rely­kys of holy bodyes of santys et theyr ymayges not for them self bot for that en seyeng them We gheue honowr to yt the qwyche representys the dreyd rewerēs honowr and lowyf of god after the intencyon of holy chyrch otherwys yt War ydo­latry mawmens. Et Wery­tably as to thys presant cōmā ­dyment ys oft cōtrary hōnewr that We do to temporel lordys by flatery et ewyl eynd by the qwych thayr cūmys oft tymys [Page] in the mysknowlegs of theyr self et yt ys lyk that they shuld bo aornyt as god et as to thys caws by thys cōmandynent ar reprewyt et defendyt al fātyses et ypocrisy for to haue gloyr or lowyngis of men for to dissayff other. Et generaly yt ys heyr dyffendyt all lowff dysordanyt that We may haue to ony crea­ture as ys thuꝭ as to theyr pro­pyr vyffys chyldyryn gold sel­uer et other creatures trustant ower mych in them self Wnder­stondyng that by the sayd thyn­gys We fal in hellys. Them no We can not put Ws furth for god ys oonly faythful et Wer­ray freynd that may holp Ws ī owr last neyd. Et as to thys caus he shoold by purely sowe­raynly endly lowyt serwyt et honowryt of al

The segund ꝯmādymēt ys. Non assumes no­mendie tui in vanū. That ys to say thow shalt not tayk the nam of god in Wayn he that takys the name of god ī Wayn qwych blasphemys the name of iesu cryst. Et qwych sweyrrys by the Woondys of god by the blood by the deeth or other membres of owr lord. Et certanly sych otheꝭ ar ewyr deydly syn qwen they ar mayd of powrpos dylyberyt theyr to Wyth owth caus no necessyte for they thynk the irre Werens & the blasphemyng & them that swerrys by the santys qwen they sweyr Wyttyngly falsly & lesynly thus as sayes sant tho­mas for as yf the Women the chyldryn or the seruātys swer­rys that thay haue not doyng no sayd no seyeng ony thyng sychlyk qwen ony Willys to fel ony thyng et that he swerys by god or ys santtys that he Wyl nat gheue yt for les aswayes he has intencion to gheue yt et lat yt go for les in thys doyng et sayng he lyes et spekys ageyne hys conscyens he synnys deyd­ly also maynay tymys as he sweyrrys et also Weel may We say qwen ony byys yt he sweyr that he Wyl gheue no mor et that he haue ī tencyon to gheue mor he synnys deydly by so maynay tymys as he swerrys et so shuld We Wnderstōd that they that swerys et affermys ageyns theyr cōscyens falsly that oon thyng ys bettyr than [Page] yt ys or that yt cost mor than yt dyd qwath thyng be yt mych or smal. Et certanly We shoold nat sweyr of oon thyng Wyth owt yt War faythful et yf the thyng be nat lysum and sworn Wyth dyscrecyon for iust and lysum caus et straynȝant necessyte after the Wryt of Ieremye in the .iiij. cheptur. Iurabis in veritate iudicio & iusticia. Et al sweyryng & othys doyng Wyth owt it by followyt of thre thyngys befor sayd yt ys syn deydly or Wenyal after the qwantyte of the cowlp for god may not be Wyttnes of falsyte. Et they that by art sweyrrys fals or by art menswerys them self for they shoold not say fals no af­ferm fals ageyne the cōscyens Ageyns thys commandyment synnys they that swerys fow­lych othes that renoncys and dyspytys god / et ghewys theyr body & saowllys to the d [...]wyl­lys dyshonestly doyeng Wy­kyt execraryons. Et pewpyl of iustys that puttye not theyr the lawys ordaynyt to execu­cyon for to punych the blasphe­mowrs synnys grewonsly. They shoold by Weyl chastyt they that has cowstū to sweyr ower hastly for they fal oft in deydly syn. Et of thys spe­kys the sayge. Vir multum iurans replebitur iniquitate et non recedit a domo eius plaga. That ys to say / That the man qwyche ys cowstumyt to fow­lych sweryng shalbe fowlfyllyt of al inyquyte and the plag of the godly punyshon of iustys the qwych shal cum et dyscend a pon hym. Ageyne thys com­mādyment synnys they qwych brekys theyr Wowes and pro­messys et qwyche bresys theyr maryages and kepys no fayth no lawty. Et they that reweyllys the sacryt of on otheyr in greyt confusyon by yt in confes­syon or owt of confessyon by toyknys or otherwys for after the ryght of natur self after the holy Wryt / sacryt hold shoold / that secret ressawys yf other Wys no by confessyon he Wn­derstōdys not. Et also synnys they that swerys that Wowys thyngys qwych arewyl et dys­honest & vnlysū to do the qwych thyngꝭ doyn & vowyt ar ageynꝭ god & thayr a Wnsaowl to do et morfu [...]fy [...]ād & doyng yt ye syn [Page] for yt ys Wryttyng. In malis ꝓmissis rescinde fidē et in turpi vota muta decretū. Certanly yt ys mor greyt syn to fulfyl et execut the Wow or oth of oon dyshonest thyng than yt ys to do or Wow newertheleꝭ thoght yt be so the oon and the other ar ewyl.

THe thryd commandy­mēt of the law of god ys. Memento vt diem sabbati sanctifices. That ys to say. Thynk thow to sanctyfy the day of the haly sabbat / that ys to say of the holy sownday & consequently the holy dayes or­danyt by holy chyrch et of the sayd holy dayes ys yt ys Wryt­tyn Exodi .xx. Non facias in eo omne opus. That ys to say / thow shuld not do no Weyrk on the holy day. Et al parson that has no lawfull settyng shoold heyr mes holyly oon the sayd dayes. Et shoold absteyn to labowr et mayk marchandys on the sayd dayes et shoold nat do no Werk handly not craftly Wyth owt yt after the Ws of sū placys qweyr yt ys that the cowstume & prelatys of placys apprewys by thys that they Wnderstond Weyl they tayk away for owt for bydddyng the contrary no to empesch them & thoght yt by after the seruys so that the mes by hard. Et ī this dowtabyl cauꝭ they shoold ashe conseyl et opinyon of Wys cler­kys thar to that We War not ī the dangeyr of syn or defalt of ower large conscyens or ower strayt We shoold oon the dayes of holy feystys thynk of owr conscyens of owr lyue & to owr ꝓpyr synnys for to ashe at god pardon We shoold than haue knowlegs of the goodys that god has send Ws & sendys for to loue hym & thank hym ve shuld heyr the holy prechyngys that ys the Word of god et the good techyngys & shoold not go from the sayd prechyngys qwyl al be sayd Wyth owt lettyng et not mok hym that spekys or expo­sys the Word of god We shoold the sayd holy dayes remembyr owr deyth & the payns of hel et the ioys of paradys to reyd / eyr et leyrne the lyue of santtys of ꝑadys We shoold do owr oray­son to god say owr maytyne owr Pater noster owr Credo & do pennans. Et reqwyr at god [Page] that the almws deydys spiry­tuellys prayers et oraysons of saynttys acqwyr the gracys ꝑ­dons indulgēs & the self Wayes We shoold acqwyr the partycy­pacyons of prayers & oraysons of chyrchys collegyat as other chyrchys. Quia impossibile est preces multorum non exaudiri. We shoold exort & monys to do Weyl et to serue god theyr chyl­dryn ferwātys et famylyers to go to the chyrch et heyr the pre­chyngys ve may Weyl tayk on the sayd holy days after that We haue seruyt god sum [...]es [...]e­chyng honestly so that yt be in honest plays & so that We keyp vs from deydly syn. For playes ys Wyth greyt dyffyculte ar but syn Wyth owt mysswoorn othys Wyth owt noyet dyssen­cyons self Wayes dancys ar not doyeng Wythowt fleschly lust et desyr as cary llyng [...] ful of ly [...]hery dewwying othe [...] [...]ly [...] chery qwye [...] of follow [...] ma­nay a wyl synnys. Et co [...]nly howrges marchans et pewp [...]l of al otheyr ost [...]tys shuld keyp theyr dotheyrs from d [...]syng ī fallowshyp that ys not honest no ī placys [...]ry [...] sych carellyngys ar sayd et song and yt War bettyr draw the plowth or la­bowr ī the ȝard no by fownd in sych dyshonest placys & dansys We shoold not hold Ws dysor­daynytly the dayeꝭ that ar holy as soondayes as in clothyng that ar pryd ful for to draw o­ther to syn for yt ys deydly syn We shoold not go to the chyrch Wndyr the colewr to serwe god for to sey Women no men by fowlysh plesans for yt War bettyr to by ī the hows &c wayd syn than to go to the chyirh for to do ewyl & to syn of purpos dely­weryt or for do draw other to syn and thys suffycys as to the thayd cōmandyment.

THe .iiij. cōmādymēt ys. Honor a patrē et matrē vt fi [...] lōgeuuꝭ super [...]erran [...]. That ys to say honowr thy father & mother as thaw Wold by of long lyue aboue the erth ageyne thys cōmandymēt synnys the chyldy [...] that do ye not honowr to theyr fa­ther & mother et that obeys not to them in al thyngys lysum et honest and that helpys not to theyr parentys & freyndys that [Page] ar deyd by prayer the qwyche may draw theyr saowl fowrth of purgatory. Et sych chylder that doys no honowr to father & mother ar oftymys punyshyd of god in thys Warld in theyr propyr body et sowdayn deeth for yt ys so that the reward of them that honowrys father et mother ys of long lyue as says the ecclesyastyk in the .xiij. che­ptur. Qui honorat patrem suū vita viuet longior. Of the con­trary them that doys not ho­nowr to father & mother shal dy of oon in prowisyd deyth after the say of the psalmyst. Subito defecerunt et perierunt propter iniquitatem. Et indowtably they shal not by oōly punyshyd bodyly ī this Warld bot ī the o­ther vyth this shalbe punyshyd of ewytlestand damnacyon as yt apperys in Exodi in the .xxj. cheptur. Qui maledixerit patri vel matri morte moriat (ur). That ys to say that he that myssays to father or mother shal dy e­wyrlestandly. Et certanly the sayd fathers et mothers shoold informe et teche theyr chyldryn in the godly cōmandyment ys & chasty them qwen they fayke qwen they sweyr & blasphemys the name of god the qwych they le Wyttyngly for al the synnys that the chyldyr do ys et redon­dys and fallys aboue theyr fa­thers et mothers bot yf yt be that they chasty them or that they cauꝭ them to by chastyt by other after the say oft the ap­poystyl. Digni sunt morte non solum qui faciunt / fed etiam qui consentiunt facientibus. That ys to say they ar not oōly Wor­thy of deeth ewyrlestand the qwych do ys the syn / bot Wyth that they that ꝯsentys to them that doys yt. Et yt ys Weyl notyfyed that thys commandyment ys not oonly Wnderston­dyt of fathers & mothers flech­ly but yt ys Wnderstōd it Wyth thys of the prelatys of holy chyrch of curatys maysterꝭ lor­dys gooddoars et of prencye tē porestyꝭ on the qwych We shuld honowr vytht rewerēs & obeys­sans ī al thyngꝭ lysum & honest.

THe .v. commādyment ys. Nō occides. That ys to say Thow shal not kyl no man ageyns thys cō ma [...]yment doys they qwych killis thayr nightbowr ageynꝭ [Page] god & iustys be yt thayr parent charnel or other by yt to haue ys goodys / as by yre. Et yt ys oon of the .iiij. sinnys that asheꝭ at god that Wengans fall et cū on hym that ꝯmyttꝭ & doys thē Of thys We reyd ī genesy ī the iiij. chept (ur) that god sayd to cayn after that he had kyllit hys brother Abel. Ecce vox sanguinis fratris tui clamat ad me de ter­ra. Thys may say god to oon ewyrych kyllar. Sey heyr the Woys of the blood of thy bro­ther. That ys to say the Woys of the blood of thy prouchayn innocent by the kyllyt abo­ue the erth ashes Wengens at me of the. Et yt ys to notyfy that thayr ys .iij. mayneyr of menkyllars. Sum ar that kyllys the body oonly as doys vn­faythful pewpyl et tyrans the qwych has kyllyd et kyllys the Werray faythful pewpyl the qwych has suffert & suffrys for iesu crist. Et this killyng shuld not by dreydyd principaly qwen yt ys sustenyd for iustys. Sum kyllys the saowl oōly. That is to vnderstond qwan they draw theyr nyghtbowr to syn by bo­dyly ornemens by ewyl exēpyl that they gheue to other after has says saynt gregoyr qwych says. Tot mortibus qs dignus est quot exempla prauitatis in posteros reliquit. That ys to say that oon parson ys Worthy of ewyrlestand deth in hel of so maynay maynayrs of deth et payneꝭ of hel as he gheuys ewil exempyl to them that dwellys by hym. By qwych shuld dreyd mych they that fyndys nowel­lytys drawyng to syn. Et sant augustyn sayeth. Qui cōspectu populi male viuit quātum in eo est illum a quo attendit occidit. That ys to say that he that le­dys ewyl lyue in the presens of pewpyl kyllys in so mych that in hym ys & that ys to hym possybyl to hym that seys et behol­dys hym. Et yt is to vnderstōd the deeth of the soowl. Theyr ys sum that kyllis oon and the other that ys to Wnderstōd the saowl et the body in oon or two mayneyrs fyrst qwen ony pour chasses that the chyld qwych is in the Waam of the mother shoold by deth boorn / for the chyld than deys in body & saowl

Segundly qwen ony kyllys hym self by dyspayr or impa­cyens [Page] as We reyd of maynay kyngys & tyrans the qwych ar dampnyt in the deypnes of hel. Al the forsaid mayneyrs of kyl­lars ar prohybyt et defendyt by the sayd cōmandyment.

THe .vj. cōmandymēt ys. Non furtū facies. That ys to say thow shoold not by oon theyf in tay­kynet holdyng the goodys and substans of thy nyghtbowr a­geyns hys Wyll Wyt and leyff sychwys that yf he vnderstudyt yt Wold dyspleys hym thoght yt by newyr so small yf he the qwych takyꝭ & holdys theftusly Wyth cowrayge to steyl them & to beyr dāmage to hys nyght­bowr he synnys deydly et offencys ageyns this present cōmandyment as sayes saynt Tho­mas .ij. secunde .q.lxxvj. Et yf man robys qwhat lytel thyng that ewyr yt be and War yt bot oon capon or qwat other thyng & that they dyd eyt yt to gydder ych oon ys holdyng to restitu­cyon as for theyr part & porcyon in so mych as yt twychys hym as thus We say of them that taykys of treys et ȝardyns a­geyns the wyllys of them that yt partenys & of them that cowpys the grappys of the Wyn. Et of hontewrs qwyche Wyth theyr doggys et hors goys in the corne et domayges theyr nyghtbowrs and the carteyrs et others qwyche passys Wyth theyr cariye by the erth ful of corne & maykys vayes & roodye that ys dāmage to theyr nygthbowrs. Et also offendys & syn­nys deydly they that telys the laond wyth theyr plowch & by­thyng of the erth of theyr nightbowr for to grow theyr sayd laond and maykles yt of theyr nyghtbowrs. Synnys also the mayddeꝭ for to mayk fayt how sys & robys the medowys & fey [...] dys of other on the qwych key­pyng theyr bestys lattyng the eyt the corne et the medowys et inferrys tynsel et dāmayge to them the qwych apartenys the sayd corne et of thys ys Wryt­tyn in the decreyt the .vij. q. iiij. Furtum est iniust a ablatio rei quantumcun (que) parne. Et for thys caus shoold weel the fa­thers & mothers tech theyr chil­dryn that they do not rob no thyng from them no other par­son. Synnys also ageyns thys [Page] cōmandemēt them that holdys the thyngys that ar lefyt re­storeyꝭ not them ageyn yf they vyst to qwō they shuld by ghe­wyn or they shoold gheue them ī almows by the cōsell of theyr cōfesseurs that the ca [...] fal they Wayt not to qwom they shuld by ghewyn for as says sant ie­rom. Quod inuenisti et non re­stituisti rapuisti. Synys also ageyns thys cōmandyment al seruans that robys teftwsly the bred the Wyn flech eggys et other goodys of theyr may­ster et theyr maystres et ettys & Waystyst hē vyth owt theyr Wyttyng gheuing thē to theyr freyndys or other parsōs. Et also synnys & offēdys they that doys not Weeyl theyr ioyrnay doys les than they should do as to theweyrk that ys ghewyng to them et qwych resaw ys mor for theyr labowr. Synnys also the marchans that desawys theyr nyghtbowre by lesingys et in ferrys them dammayges byyng et sellant the thyng mor then yt ys Worth by the half et sellys yt mor for credens and swerrys et men swerys in ma­nay et dywers mayners they syn deydly by so maynay ty­mis aꝭ they do yt. Sinnys also ageyns thys cōmendymēt the hostylers qwych sellys cōtent­to theyr hostys the thyngyꝭ the half mor than yt yꝭ Worth age­yns theyr cōscyens. Et synnys ageyns thys commandyment them that lynnys syluer Wyth cōwenād hawand hop to resayf ony thyng aboue the pryncy­pal. Ageyns the qwych yt ys Wryttyn in sant luc in the .vj. cheptur. Muiuum date nichil indes perantes. That ys to say len Wythowt hop to haue prof­fyt. Et also sinnys they qwych sellys owerdeyr theyr goodys that they Wald not do et they had syluer content as yt appe­rys in the cheptur. Consu­luit de vsuris. Et also syn­nys ageyns thys present cōmā ­dyment them that byys prom­pely ony marchandys of ony power man. Et incōtynent for that they gheue sū delai of pay­mēt sellys to hym that yt Was boght of the sayd thyng mordeyr than yt Was sold also syn­nys grewously ageynꝭ thys cō ­mādymēt them thyat resawys or taykys gayge īmowabyl as [Page] medowys erthyꝭ Wyns & lēnys theyr syluer on that et resawys the fruyttys et qwen yt cūys that they resayf the sayd syluer rebatys not the Woorth of the said fruyttꝭ that they haue res­sawyd. Certaynly al mayneyr of peupyl ar holdyn to mayk restitucyon. Synnys also ageynꝭ this ꝯmādym̄t they the qwych byys the thingys that ar robyt the qwych eyttys thayr part of the sayd thyngꝭ also them that taykys ghyftys and presēs of iowys for al fych mayner of folk ar hoyldyn to restytucyon yf they Wold haue remyssyō of theyr sinnys by thyꝭ commandyment ys defendyt al decep­cyon peyrtly or pryuely by the qwych We caus other to leyf theyr gooddys. Et also defen­dys al symony et pluralyte of benyficys Wyth owt the caus by ryght. Et also ys defendyt to allow fals monny suppos that We haue beeyn trompyt. Et sychlyk ys defēdyt detrac­ryon blaphemyng / of other by the qwych We tayk a Way the good nam ī iowstely the qwych ys oftymys better than gret syluer et of thys We ar haldyn to mayk restytucyon for to say aperily the Weryte & to restoyr the good nam of them that We haue howrt and vytupyryd so mych as yt ys possybyl to by doyn. Et of also mych mor We ar holdyn as ve had dyffamyst a cowrt or on stayt. Ageyns thys cōmandyment synnys al lordys et superyowre that byfors or Wnryghtws accyons taykys of ther suggeꝭ mor than ryght et necessyte of the thyng publyk than yt reqwyrys. Et also them that Weyrrys Wn­ryght woly et that fylys Wyo­lently the fredowm of the chyr­che puttant chargys aboue yt & the mynistrys Wyth owt prof­fyt appeyrāt & strāȝant necessy­te. Synnys also ageynꝭ this cō mādyment Woman that caw [...] theyr chyldir Wnlawful in the steyd of theyr chyldir lawghful et they qwych dispēdys the goodys of theyr howsbans owtra­gewsly Wythowt the leyf & the ꝯsentymēt of theyr howsband. Et the men of chyrch that spendys the good of the chyrch in pō pys & pryd & fowlych dyspens et they that payeꝭ not theyr teynd Et also them that payes and quyttys not theyr testament of them that ar deyd et ar ī pre iu­stys [Page] of theyr saowllys. Et also synnys they qwych by syluer or prayers cawsys theyr chyldyr or freyndiꝭ to occupy the benyficys of the chyrch the qwych be­nyficys shoold gheuyn to them that ar suffybyand Wyth owt symony. Et Werytably they ar to cōsyder Weel the circum­stancys of placys / tyme & ꝑsons For mor synnys he qwyche ro­bys ī plays that ys sacryt that ys ī the chyrch no he that robyꝭ in oon plays that ys not sacryt et mor sinnys he that robys on soon day than he that robys on monownday or he that robys from oon power parson than he that robys from oon rych ꝑson the qwych powyr ꝑson has mor necessyte than oon rych parson has. Et indowttably yt ys to Wnderstond We should haue Wyl to restoyr al the dāmayge after the conseyl & iugemens of sayge confessowrs befor that We reffayff the benifysyꝭ of ab­solucyon. Et in deyd to gheue the thyng yf yt by in natur as mych et so Weyl as We may doo dewly. Et qwych may nat of al be restoyrit / restoyr of oon party Wych immortel Wyl of al restoyr / yf We haue qweyr of for as says saynt augustyn.

Non dimittitur peccatum nisi restituatur ablatum. That ys to say that the syn yꝭ newyr for­ghewyn no shalbe yf god the maykar as to the thyngyꝭ that ar stollyn Wyth owth they be restoryt to them to qwom We haue taykyn them from yf yt may be doon or to theyr hoyr­rys or in almows by the cōseyl of Wyis cōfessurs yf We Wayt not to qwom gheue them. Et yf We haf not qweyr of that al the les that We haue oon Wyl hoolily of thys to do Wyth owt fyccyon yf We haue ewyr ony thyng.

THe .vij. cōmandymēt ys. Non mechaberis. That ys to say thow shalt not by lycherows yt ys defendyt Wnder the payn of deydly syn al flechly company of man & Womē to gyddyr owt of the band of maryage & to say the contrary We er ageyns the fayth. By thys cōmandymēt also to them that ar in the band of uaryage as owt ys defendyt al mayner of twechemens ly­choro we ī the qwych & mayner [Page] almyghty god et natur Wold & has ordaynyt to be kyeppyt to haue linayge. Et ys the syn of so mych mor fowl et mor greyt qweyr goyest fowrth the fylth of the ordynans of natur by yt owt of maryage by the qwych yt ys War in maryage & of thyꝭ syn We shal speyk of the kyn­dys of the .vij. deydly synnys.

THe .viij. cōmādymēt ys. Non loqueris contra proximū tuū fal­sū testimoniū. That ys to say thow shal not beyr falꝭ vyttneꝭ ī iugement no owt of iugemēt. Et ys heyr defendyt al lesyn­gys et by especyal they that ar to the domayge of other. Et yt is Warꝭ yf ve assewr the lesyng by oth for than We mensweyr owrself the qwych We shoold not doo for to by oon man from deth by yt in iugement or owth of iugemēt. Et certaynly men­sweryng mayd in iugement yt ys a cas reseruit to the payp ageyns thys cōmendymēt syn­nys they that leys in cōfessyon cower and theyr sinnys or accu­sāt falsly other by the qwych they assewr. Synnys also they that eyryꝭ Wyt ower good Wyl diffamacyōs blaphemyn­gys of other affermand ower lyghtly ageyns god and theyr nyght bowr.

THe .ix. cōmandymēt ys. Non cōcupisces vxorem proximi tui. That is to say thow shoold not desir the vyf of thy nyghtbowr no hys dother no hys mayden in the .vj cōmandyment yt ys forbyddyn and defēdyt lychery as to the deyd. Bot by thys presant cōmandyment al cōcu­pyscēs flesly & Wulysū ageyns thys cōmandymēt sinnys thre manayr of pewpyl. The fyrst ar they qwych cowoyttys & des­yrys Wylfully to fulfyl lichery et to cum to yt yf it be possybyl yf they dred not the World or sclandyr of men. Et qwych for to cum to the sayd deyd sendys lettrys / messangeyrs ghyfty [...] et maykys / may nay / promes / le syngys / et maykys cownte­nans et beholdyngys other to draw to syn. Segundly synnys ageyns thys cōmādymēt they that Weshys ornys et polycys theyr to that they by desyry [...] flesly. The thryd mayner ys of them that synnys that desyrys [Page] not & Wold not bedesiryd char­nelly. Et qwych proposyt not to fulfyl the deyd bot they delyt oōly ī oon long thotgh of liche­ry by the ful cōsentynēt of lady raysson for sych long dylectacy­on ys deydly syn et as so mych ys mor greyt syn ys the parsōs ar by they of lignage or relygy­on or maryed.

THe .x. cōmandymēt ys. Non concupisces rem ꝓximitui. That ys to say thowshalt not desyr the goodys of other. Et cer­taynly yt ys heyr defēdyt theft as to the Wyl for yt ys defēdyt to the .vj. cōmandyment as to deyd. Ageyns thys cōmandy­ment sinnys they qwych Wyth cowrayge dylyuer desyrys in­iustly the good of theyr nygt­bowr doyng them payn of al theyr power to caus them to leys theyr goodys. Et cer­tanly by sych desyrs they fal ost in. Enwy / et inpacyens of hys estayt in spekyng ageyns god for yt ys Weyllyk to hym the qwych cowytyꝭ that he has bettyr desserwyt or that he ys mor Worthi to haue sych good­dis no oon sych bi he hyꝭ nyght­bowr or other. Et yt lykys hym that god doys hym mych Wrong et that fowlych ys he that seruys hym. Et also qwen domayge cūmys to other he ys gled et says that god has doon ryght to haue send hym sych oon dāmayge for hys ewylnes also sinnyꝭ they that denyes the Werkys of meyrcy bodyly and spyrytwaly et Wyl not fawor the powers that ar ordaynyt in necessite opinly. Et yt ys We­rite qwen they haue veyl qweyr of & goodis suꝑflews the qwych aꝑtenyꝭ to the powr the qwych sych pewpyl cowytys ower ar­dently et rekys not of theyr powr parentys et the good ser­wans of god diys of hōger. Et qwen they hold the seruys of theyr seruans. Et Wnder the schodow of fowndyn of chyr­chys orchapellys ordo almw [...] holdyng the goodys of other the qwych We Wayt to qwom We shoold restoyr them saynt to thē self that they the qwych they apperteyn ar ower rych et Wold dyspend them Wor. Et yt ys to not by oon rewl gene­ral qwat sum ewyr good to cū or for to ēpesh ewyl We shoold [Page] not syn no owerpas the cōman­dymentys of god.

¶Heyr after We shal se of the thre Wertus theologycalys et of the iiij. vertus cardynalys

FOr that Wyth owt fayth al o­ther Wertus ar not of sum vty­lyte et Wyt owt it ys īpossybyl to pleys god as says the appoystyl in the pystyl qwych ys Wryttyn to the he­brews in the .xj. cheptur as to thys caus We say that fayth the qwych ys the fyrst Wertu theologycal shoold proceyd al other Wertus of the qwych We shal speyk the qwych ewirych oon man the qwych Wold weyl dyshoold labowr to haue it. Et ceyrtanly yf We Wyl that owr Weyrkys by merytabyl yt ys neydful that they by mayd in parfyt fayth formyt of charyte for good Weyrkyꝭ shal not sayf the saowl but fayth. Et Wn­fayllant the lest Weyrk that man mado infayth et in grace plesys mor to god than al the good Weyrkys that al the Wn faythful dyd do ewyr na Wyl do ewyr yt ys yt that doys cal the men the sonnys of god as it ys Wryttyn to the appoystyl. Omnes filij dei estis per fid [...]. Et for that yf We Wyl Weyl leyf et cōsequently Weyl dy yt ys neydful to keyp the fayth that We may not Weyl doo Wyth owt ve Wnderstōd qwat is of fayth. And as to thys caus We shal sey heyr the dyfyny­cyon of yt after saynt augustyn fayth ys the fōdemēt of al goo­dys et the begynnyng of the sa­lut of mākynd. Et the appoy­styl says ī the poystyl to the he­breus in hys .ix. cheptur. That fayth ys the substās the qwych We shoold haue hop & argumēt of thyngys not apperand. Et of thys fayth et of thyngys to beleyf of necessyte of salut We haue sayd heyr befor ī the chep­tur of the artyclys of the fayth at langht.

HOp ye the segund Wertu theologycal the qwych after sant gregoyr ys no other thyng bo [...] exspectacyon of beatytud to [...]ā procydent of the grays of god [Page] & of the ꝓpre good deydys of the ꝑson for to hop to by sawyt of hys propyr Wertu Wyth owt grays of god no to do qwath sū ewir weyrk meritory it shoold by presumpciō & not hop. Et certāly god techyꝭ Ws ī syndry passages of the holy Wryt that We haue hop ī hym. Et ꝓmys gret goodys that ys beatytud yf We haue ꝑfyt hop Wyth owt dowt Et he Wyl qwath synnys that ewyrwe haue doon ī thiꝭ World that We haue no dyshop bot ewyr that We by ferm et sekyr in the fayth & that We haue no trust in owr ꝓpyr f [...]agylyte in strēght of mā bot We shoold haue dyspayr in belleyffyng that Wyth owt the holp et grays of god We may not do Weyrk no thyng that ys merytoyr.

CHuryte ys the thryd Wertu theologycal et prēses of vertus after the say of sant augustyn yt ys the most ryght affectyon of the cowrage by the qwych god ys lowit forthe loue honowr goodneꝭ / of god. Et [...]nfay [...] ȝāt sho yꝭ qwen of vertꝰ by the q [...]ych after sāt augustī god shuld by first lo wyt aboue al thīg Segūdly we shoold loue owr saowl & owr propyr salut & thred vayes the salut of owr nyghtbowr. Et the iiij vayeꝭ owr ꝓpyr body & the body of owr said nyghtbowr this ys prowyt de. pe. di. ij. s. Itē hecest caritas.

PRudēs yꝭ the first vertu cardynal the qwych ys no other thyng after the phylo­ȝophy ī ys ethyquys bot ryght raisō of thīgꝭ that We shoold cō seyl veyl & iuge Weyl the thyngꝭ & the said thīgꝭ discernyt & iugyd & followīg to the Weyrk by the ꝯmādimēt of raysō. & ī effet the offys of mā prudent ys to haue mynd of the thīgꝭ by passyd & by the said mynd to grayth Weyl the thingꝭ p̄sent & fynaly by prouydēs prouyd quych thyng he shoold do the tym to cum.

Temporās ys oon other vertu cardynal kepar & sister to prudēs & yt yꝭ no other thing tēporās bot oon refreynȝāt of ꝑturbacyōs & passyons by the qwych the saowl & thoght of the parson ys preser­wyt of perturbacyons Wyth owt faynȝeyng of affeccyons in hym self Wnder hym put­tyng them to al rayson thayr [Page] to that modesti shoold by kepit ī al thyngꝭ. Et certāly tēperās kepyꝭ the ītigryte of the thoght Wyth owt ony declynīg to syn.

Force ys oon Wertu cardynal by the qwych ewyrych mā Wertws shoold dreyd & also moyēly Wn­dyr tayk greyt thyngys Wyth owt dreyd of peryllys of deeth Et certanly fors ys cohybytif & pressur of dreydys & temperer of hardynes et as to thys caus the Wertu of fors consystys in dreidys & paryllys of deeth. Et the pryncypal offys of fors ys to susteyn & beyr immowabyl or to Wndertayk greyt thyngys & perylleus to the saowl that ys to Wnderstond for the salut of the saowl ī the tyngꝭ cōseruātꝭ the fayth & the defens of yt.

Ivstis ys oon Wertu cardinal ryght ꝑfyt for yt ys oon seyssable cōnāt of natur fōd for the salut of syndry for the law yꝭ the bād of mā nys company by the qwych the mē lewys honestly Wyth owt hewrt oon other. yt ys yt that gheuys to ewyrych oon yt that ꝑtenys to the et certāly qwych Wold by ryghtꝰ he shoold d [...]yd Weyl & lowe god / & to hī so mych ys yt ys possybyl to hī to ī wyt He ꝓpyrly callꝭ god & followys qwych Wyl proffyt to al / & Wyl not do noy to person / yt that he Wold & desyr to do al mē of good

In thys cheptur subse­quent followyng We heyr after we haue to say of the sewyn ghyftys of the holy gheost. That ys to Wnderstōd of sapyēs / of Wnderstō ­dyng / of scyēs / of ꝯfyl / of pity / of dreyd & of redneꝭ. By the qwych the .vij. deydly synnys ar expel lyt & put away frō the saowl of mākynd. Et first of the ghyft of sapyēꝭ & Wysdoō by the quych the holy gheost haꝭ ghewyn we myght to sawor & gowst the he­wynly thyngys. Te qwych sa­wour & sweytnes ꝓcediꝭ al sweytnes of this World of the qwych spekyꝭ basylyꝰ sayand as thus O sweytnes mellyflewat mor swet thā howny sweytnes mer weyllowe so mych art tho [...] sweyt ī medytacyon mor swet ī vrayson & ryght sweyt in beaty tuō. Et certanly yt ys inexplycabyl et so greyt that yf the be­wyn opynyt & that We myght sey the left ioy that the lest sant of ꝑadis newyr the les that the sayd ioy War long from them [Page] qwych dwellys in the erth / they may suffyr no susteyn the sayd ioy bot they W [...]ld merweyl or by marweyll y [...] & gled beholdyn the Wysyon of yt. Et they [...] Wold not by h [...]rt so sorrowful bot they Wold by gled [...] pa [...]n so byttyr that men shoold [...]eyl yt. Owa [...]s [...]y shall We haue than qwen We shalbe [...]hey [...] [...] qwen We shal moys Ws Wyth god et Wyth [...]l the sant [...]y [...]. Et indow tabyl the vysyon so go [...] so bylec [...]abyl / [...] sant augustyn sayes he low y [...] be [...] yr [...]o by in hel to se god [...] han to by in para­dy [...] & to by p [...]uyt an [...] seys the syght of the vysyon of god.

Thys ghyft forsayd of Wys­dom do ys put away al lychery Quia gusta to spiritu [...]p it o [...]ꝭ curo. That ys to say that he that gowsty [...] thy [...] p̄s [...]nt ghyft of sapyens the sweytn [...] of the hewinly thyngꝭ fyndis not the gowst of the fleshly lust bot syn dye them bytter. Et sūt [...]gustyn says. Thow shal not gowst the ioy. of hewynly sweytnes yf thow fylys thy hart by charnel dylectacy [...]n.

THe segund gyft of the holy gheost yꝭ the gyft of Wnderstōdyng by the qwych the holy gheost gheues Ws to Wnderstond et to know god in Ws & in other creatw [...]s for We know the godly myght qwē we consyder the greytnes & the lar­gynes of thys World / et qwych by hys [...]yght he shoold haue smal & myght haue mayd Worl­dys ī [...] We Wnderstond al­so the sapyēs of god by the fayrnes & be a [...]te of the hewyn & of th [...] [...]re at [...]e of thy World. Et by tha [...] ghyft ys owtyt & t [...] ­ [...]yn away the [...]y of glowtōny for Ws [...] daynls by the ghyft of Wynderstondyng & vs [...] of the [...]e [...] of god / to the bon­ [...]ow not hī & owr profyt & theyr to that Ws may mor [...] hym do & fo [...]l fyl the thingꝭ reqryd to owe Wa [...]acyon [...] & stayt as for this caus We shoold put away al glowtō [...] al superflwyte of meyt & da [...].

THe thryd gyft of the holy gheost ys the ghyft of Wyt and of s [...]yens by the qwych the holy gheost is chyꝭ Ws thre thyngys Fyrst be techis to Ws to know owr propyr self and Qwath thyng yt ys of Ws et qwath yt [Page] Was of Ws & qwath yt shalbe fynally of Ws. Saynt bernard says to cwyrych oon man mot tel. Thynk feō qwenꝭ thowart cūmytet haue shaam of thy ful generacyon. Behold qwey [...] thow art / & in qw [...]h [...]nge y [...] peyry [...] & Weyp for thy bug [...] ­rows dwellyng behold qwa [...]h Way thow goye [...]i behold how thow act et shalbe ordayny [...] in oon my [...]h merwcy [...]ow [...] dr [...]yd for the playcys of he [...]ful of ho­rybyl payn. Consy [...]yr that by cowlp be syn d [...]y [...]y thowar [...] mayd the ennemy of god. Et of the contrary that by gr [...] thow shalbe may [...] he [...] he rytyer of god. S [...]gundly the ghyft of [...]lyens techys Ws also to Wnderstōd that god ys owr lord & owe may [...]at also yt ys to Wnderstond god [...] we lord & that We ar of hys fugges et ser­uans et that We shoold mayk obeyssās et seruys. Et also the sayd ghyft of sry [...] gh [...]uys Ws to Wnderstond that god ys owr father [...]t that We de hys chyl­dryn & that We sho [...]ld ghaue hī rewerēs et hōnowr. Also yt gheuys Ws to Wnderstond god ys owr redemptur et for thys caus We ar bownd to lowe him also yt gheuys Ws to Wnderstond god ys owr iuge & as to that We shoold breyd hī by yt mettyng drynkyng / or slepyng. The thry [...] [...] ynyeyt the gyft a [...] [...] g [...] Ws pryncyp [...] to [...]now owr nygh thow to & [...] al [...] by they rych [...] power no [...]yl or not nobyl at lyk [...] .iiij. thyng ys. Fyrst that al men et Woman ar ly [...] of the par [...]y [...] cost of owr fyrst p [...]e [...] & b [...]gynnyng. For god the may [...] ar mayd al man et Woman of [...] mater that ys of the sly [...] of the [...] / that ar boorn & shalbe boorn al nakyt & pow [...]r. Se [...] ­ly the sayd ghyft of scyens ghe­uys Ws to Wnderstōd owr selfe owr [...]ou [...]tte & that al they th [...] ar of [...]yue ar lyk as to this that they ar mortel et shal dy efter of oon short lyue / rich a [...] pow [...] The thryd mayney [...] yt gheuy [...] Ws to Wnderstond the ghyft of soyens that al men shalbe ardwy [...] in oon self powdyret [...] By qwych aperys as to th [...] nys of deid pepyl as at saynt innocēt or ī chyrche ȝardyꝭ theyr yꝭ no dyfferēs theyr betwix the bonys of nobyl & not nobyl. the [Page] iiij. mayneyr the ghyft of scyēs ghewys Ws to Wnderstōd that al men & Woman shalbe strayn ȝyt to gheue rekynnyng and cownt of owr Weyrkys befor the soon of god owr redemptur & as thys caus ys Wnderstōdyt that al men ar ewyn ī the thyn­gyꝭ by forsayd they shoold lowe Wyth owt dysprisyng of oon or other no to hurt oon other no to enwy oon other & for that the ghyft of scyens doys away the syn of enwy / qwych yꝭ contrary to charite for caus enwy / yꝭ gled sū of the ewyl of other & ys dys­plesant of ys good the qwych yꝭ dewyky et ageyns al charyte.

THe .iiij. ghyft of the holy gheost ys the ghyft of cōseyl & cer­tys the holy gheost Wold We shoold ash cōseyl at thre. Fyrst at god after the say of the holy mā thobyas the qwych sayd to hys son. Gheue thow blishyng of the lowyng of god / and pray hym that he dres thy Wayes & do so that al thy conseyl byd in hym & the sayge says. In oībus dep̄care consiliū altissimi. In al thyngys ashe the holp & the ꝯsyl of god. Segundly We shoold ashe cōseyl at owr prowchayn ye qwych ys ful of Wyt et dys­creyt qwych dredis & lowys god & not mē that ar dyssolut et of ewyl lyue / for Wyth greyt payn he shoold gheue good conseyl quwych ys not proffytabyl et ewyl to hym self Ambro. Quiꝭ iudicet vtilē aliene cause quē videt in vtilē vite sue. The thryd ys We shoold ashe cōseyl at owr ꝓpyr cōscyēs ī the qwych dwel­lys the holy gheost by grace.

Et certāly thys ghyft of cōseyl puttys away al Wrechydneꝭ frō owr soowllys the qwych yꝭ doō qwē the holy gheost by this presēt ghyft of cōseyl coseyllys Ws to dysprys the eerthly thyngꝭ & lowe the hewynly thyngꝭ. For the eerthly thyngꝭ proffytꝭ no thyng as to the deeth & may not by led Wyth them in oon other Warld. Et they do mor ewyl than they do good for We most gheue raysō how they haue be­yng Won / takyn / possess it & how they ar dyspendyt on to the last penny. Bot of the contra­ry the gooddys spyrytwellys shoold be semblyd for they proffyt in thys World et to cū and at the deth and after the deth [Page] yt proffyttys at the deyd for they mayk the man to dy Weyl Et proffyttys after the deeth for the sayd gooddys gheuys ewyrlestand lyf.

THe .v. ghyft of the holy gheost yꝭ pyty. Et ys to not that theyr ys thre mayners of pyty. The fyrst ys to god et consystys in the good that We shoold haue to hym fyrst in the prowysyon of the thyngys temporellys af­ter the psalmyst qwych says. Iacta cogitatum tuum in dn̄o et ipse te enutriet. That ys to say put thy thoght in god et he shal norysh the bodyly et spyrytualy. Thyꝭ trust puttys away al superflewite of tēporel thyn­gys the qwyche has Wrechyd pewpyl that ar ewyr in dreyd for caus the temporel goodys shoold faylȝe them and that ar newyrful as they shoold leyf ewyr mor / alwayes they dysoonnar than they beleyf as yt apperys of the rych lowar of the qwych says saynt luc in the xij. cheptur. Stulte hac nocte &cꝭ. Et certāly yf god has ghe­uyng the saowl et the body the qwych ar of ower greyt thyng thā the lyuyng or the clothyng yt followys that he shal gheue the thyngys qwych ar les / that ys the sayd lyuyng et clothyng Nonne anima est plus (quam) esca & corpus (quam) vestimentū. Certan­ly / ȝe. Secundly We shoold ha­ue trust in god that he shoold powruay Ws of goodys spyrytwels as to the saowl and for thys caus We shoold put away from Ws al mayner of dyspayr for the spalmyst sayes. Sperā ­tem autē in domino misericor­dia circūdabit. The thrid mayner ys We shoold haue ꝑfyt hop et trust that he gheue Ws the goodys ewyrlestād. In reward ewyrlestād / that We shoold not haue hop of owr propyr good deydys bot of the meryt of ie­su crist owr redēptur the qwych god the father as ghewyng Ws et al thyngys in hym in toky­nyng of thys he had ys syd opynyt ī the cors by the qwych We may entyr in paradys for he opynyt the sayd port by hys holy passyon. Ageyns thys doys sum that ar Wayk the qwych also sown as they sey or eyt prech ony thyng of the iustys of god or of the paynys of hell [Page] they haue dreyd et incontynēt says they shoold newyr be sa­wyt cōsyderāt the synnys that they haue doon et mystrustys of the ewyrlestand saluacyon the qwych ys oon thyng dyabolyk. For the dewyl has lost al hyꝭ hop of saluaciō / bot al faythful crystyn pewpyl shoold haue Werray hop et trust in god for yt ys he that sawys thē qwych has in hym hop. The segund pity ys that We shoold haue by the sayd gyft of the holy gheost ys ayens owr self to haue pyty et compassyon of owr saowl no ryshant yt of the holy sacra­mēt of the autyr et Wyth pre­thyngys et Woordys of god et ghenyng yt drynk of the chalyꝭ of trybulacyons et of pacyens et clethyng yt Wyth charyte of god et owr prochayn et herbry­and yt in hewyn by Werray pennans et vysytand yt by contrycyon et byttyr repentās of owr synnys thynkant of the fragy­lyte of man kynd puttand yt furth of the pryson of thys pre­sant World by contemplacyon et desyr of hewynly thyngys. The thryd pyty qwyche We shoold haue by ghyst of the for­said pyty aꝭ to owr nyghtbowr gheuand hym of owr goodys by almows. ecclesia .xiiij. Ante mortem bene fac amico. Do of thy good to thy power brother et crestyn freynd. For almows doon ī the lyue ys of mor Wayl than after the deeth. By thys that oon pēny that thow ghyuyꝭ ī thy lyue yꝭ mor Worth than oon hōdreth after thy deth so yt by ghewyn for the lowe of god. Et self We shoold len to owr nyghtbowr in hys necessyte. luce .vj. Mutuū dātes nichil inde sperantes. That ys to say that We shoold lē to owr nyghtbowr Wyth owt vsur no hop to haue ony proffyt ower the principal. We shoold also forghewe the fawtys the qwych as beyn doō to owꝭ biWoord or by deeth as to the rācur & tokyn of yt / & of dysplaysans. We shoold not iuge no mā no trāslayt the dey dys of other as owr nygtbourꝭ in ewyl part / bot ī the most profytabyl ys after the Woord of owr redēptur. Nolite iudicare nō iudicabimini By thyꝭ ys vnderstōdyt that the Weyrkys of other shoold by interp̄tyt to the bettyr part after the said veyr­kys [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] Wythowt yt War al manyfestly ewyl. Et certāly that to iuge ewyl the Weyrkyꝭ of other of thys ꝓcedys oon of the two causys or by thys or he that ys iuged ys ewyl et for that he be­lyffis ych oon ys lyk to hym after the say of saynt crystome.

Ois hō scdm se estimat alterū Certāly Wyth payn We shoold haue suspecciō ewil to oon good man & of contrary Wyth payn oonewyl man may haue good suspeccyon of oon other. The segund caus ys the raysō that We do mayk ewyl iugemēs ys for that he that iugys ewyl thyngꝭ so of oon other that theyr Weyrkys shoold belyk & as ewyl af­feccyon to hym of the qwych he has the forsayd suspeccyon and ewyl estymacyō the qwych pro­cedys by fawlt of charyte et by this qwych said ys opynly that this qhyft of the holy gheost a­forsayd puttys away al the syn of sweyrnes.

THe .vj. ghyft of the holy gheost ys the ghyft of dreyd the qwych al­so soon ys yt cū ys ī owr saowl yt ghewys syndry goodys fyrst yt teychys Ws & owr saowl to mend owr ewyl synnys that ar by passyt. yt techys to do Weyrkys. Ecclesi. v. Qui timet deū faciet bona. Thys ghyft kepyꝭ the mā & causys hī to ꝑfeweyr ī good Weyrkys. Dreyd of god dyssernys to haue the meyrcy of god. Et gheuys the mā long lyue et prowysyon of thyngꝭ tē porells as after the say of the profyt. Timete dn̄ȝoēs sctī eiꝰ qm̄ nō est inopia timētibꝰ eum. Dreyd makys the orayson to be hard Wyth god. Volūtatē timētiū se facit & dep̄cacionē eo (rum) exaudiet / inquit psalmi. Dreyd dyssernys the lyue & ioy ewyr­lestād ꝓuerbio (rum) .xxviij. Beatꝰ hō (qui) semꝑ ē pauidꝰ. The ghyft of dreyd puttys away al pryd.

THe .vij. et last dreyd of god yꝭ the ghyft of fors spyrytwell by qwych the holy gheost cōfortys the saowl ī thre mayners. First to beyr the aduersyt ys paciētly after the say of the appoystyl. Paciētes estote ad oēs. Segūdly the sayd ghyst confortys the saowl to owercū the dewyl af­ter the say of saynt iamys. Re­sistite dyabolo & fugiet avobis. And the thryd Way the sayd [Page] ghyft of the holy gheost confortys the saowl et techys to do good Werkys as after the say of saynt ioon. Operati oportet donec dies ē Et by thys ghyft [...] put awa [...] the syn of y [...]a. Et [...]ys su [...]y [...] of the sayd .vij. ghyftys of the holy gheost.

HE [...] after in thys present cheptur We shal speyk of the Werkys of meyrcy bodyly & spyrytwaly the qwych algood crystyn man that Wold lyue Weyle dy shoold fulfyl to hys powyr ther to he myght by rewardyt in [...]wyrles­tand be atytud. The sayd .vij. Weyrkys of meyrcy bodyly ar to norysh & feyd the power pewpyl the qwych as necessyte. To gheue them drynk that has nessyte. To gheue the nakyt clo­thyng. To loge et herbyry the powr pylgrayns. To Wysy thē that arseyk & by & delyuer the powyr prysonnyers membrys of owr lord iesu cryst. To bery the bodit [...] of them that ar deyd Et certainly owr lord iesu cryst qwen he shal cum to the iugem̄t general he shal not reprywr thē that ar dampnyt no condain in ewyrlestand damnacyon bot of thys that they haue not fulfyl­led the sayd deydys of meyrcy qweyr for al good crystyn man shoold be dylygent to fulfyl thē char to on the day of iugement they may be crownyt to be Wynly beatytwd.

The .vij. deydys of merry spyrytwells that ys to teche ignorans by good & holy techyng amend reprewy [...] thē that fayl [...]ys by charyte redres thē to the port of salut powyr siners that [...]rys ar owt of the Way of the cōmā dymentys of god. To consort & conseyl the powyr crestyn pew­pyl in theyr adwersytys ī theyr trybulacyōs bodyly & spyrytwaly. Forgheue them that doys We ewyl Wythowt cōsētymēt to do thē ewyl / payn / or labowr Support the fawtys of other that We sclander them not bot keyp them segret. Pray god dewotly for thē that ardeyd & for thē that ar of lyue. Et doyeng thys We meryt the crown of par [...]y [...].

¶Followys the .vij. sacramēs of owr mo­ther the holy chyrche.


AFter cūseqwētly We haue to sey ī lenght & to determ specyaly of the .vij f [...]remēs of owr mother holy chyrch / baptysyng / cōfyrmaciō pennans / ordor / maryage & the sacryment of the [...]ter & the sa­crymēt of W [...]ryē. Et for that he the qwych Wol [...] Weyll lyue & cōseqwently Weyl dy shoold haue the armyꝭ neydful & reqwyryd to feyght ageyne the dewyl of hel cōtrary to al mankynd. [Page] Et sum of the sayd saccemens shalbe neydful sychwys / that Wyth owt the taykyn of the sayd sacremens We may not besawyt no dy Weyl & al the les yf We dyspys & that We had ty­me plays & seruant for to per­sawe & thys caus for the mor rayson yt ys neydful & reqwyryd to determyn of the sayd sacremenꝭ Bot befor that We proceyd of oon ewyrych oon of the sayd sacremens We shal sey sum smal qwestyons neydful. Et yt may be ashed how maynay sacremēꝭ ar necessayr and Wythowt the qwych We may not by sawyt / yf We obmyttyd by dysprysyng & that We myght haue thē & re­sayf thē. ¶Answer ther ys .v. baptysyng / cōfyrmyng / pēnanꝭ after deydly syn doyeng / the ew carystye & Wnxyon. Thyr for­sayd .v. sacremēs ar neydful. Bot the sacremēt of maryage & of ordryꝭ ar Wylful for he quych Wyl not tayle thē may be Weyl sawyt Wyth owt that he resa­wyt thē. ¶We may also ashe yf oon person beyng in deydly syn may lysumly tayk or gheue the sayd sacremēs. ¶Answer. We shoold Wnderstond for the most that parson qwath ewyr he be beyng in deydly syn may not tayk no resayf ony of the sayd sacremēs bot he synnys deydly This ys apprewyt .xl. di. Multi .xxv. di. Illud .xj. q. Mandit. Et that qwen We Wold re­sayf We shoold put Ws in the stayt of grace. Also We shoold Wnderstōd that ony mynyster of holy chyrche may not gheue no admynystyr the sacremens he beyand in deydly syn bot he synnys deydly / Wyth owt the cas cum of adwentur / as oon lawd mā dyd so that he shoold gheue ony of the sayd sacremēs as that he baptysyt in cas of necessyte sū docturs says that he synnys not deydly of the qwych other docturs says they ar ī dowt. We may ashe qwath sacramens may by rehersyd et resawyt mor than oon tyme.

¶Answer. Al the sacramens after the ꝑcepcyon of the qwych the caracter ys not prentyd in the saowl. This apperys .xxxij q. vij. Licite & .j. q. Quod quidē Caracter ys oon qualyte spyry twel beyng ī the saowl disposāt to grace the qwych qwalyte & car [...]tyr dwellys ꝑpetwel in the [Page] saowl. Et ys not the said caracter prentyd bot in thre oonly.

That ys to Wnderstōd ī the sa­crem̄t of baptysyng ī the qwich the fayth ys engēdryth. Et by thys caracter ys dywydyt the crystyn pewpyl frō the wnfaithful. Segūdly the sacremēt of cō firmacyō ī the qwych the fayth yꝭ mayd mor streygtlyar of the qwych the crystyn pewpyl ar oyngtyt & mayd knyghttys to feyght ageynꝭ the dewyl by thiꝭ dywydys frō thē qwych ar seyk & Wayk. Thrydly the sayd ca­racteryꝭ prentyd ī the sacremēt of ordrys to the qwych mych greyt Wertu ys gheuyn & gran­tyt & to the qwych by īpressyon of the sayd caracter mā ys sātyfyd et halowed in the seruys of god & holy chyrch. Et by thys ys separyd & dywyd yt from the pewpyl that ar lawd. Et by thys cleyrly apperys that the sayd thre sacremens baptysyng cōfyrmacyon / & ordyr / may not by reytyred no taykyn bot oon tym. Al the other .iiij. marya­ge / pennās the sacremēs of the anter et vnxyon may be reyty­ryd & resawyt maynay tynnys Alwayes yt ys in dowt yf ony had resawyt ony of the sayd sa­cremens not reytyrabyl yf he War baptysyt or not & that the dowt War prewabyl by cōiecture Werray lyk We moy baptys hym. Quia nō dicitur iteratū ꝙ nescitur factū de cōse. di .iiij. Si nulla & de presbitero & bap. c Veniēs ¶yt may by ahed how maynay thyngꝭ ar reqwiryd in ych oon sacrem̄t. ¶Answer .iiij thyngys ar reqwyryd fyrst the vlement or the mater gaynant theyr to. Segūdly the formys of the wordys thrydly the my­nyster ghanand theyr to. The iiij. the intencyon of hym that mynystrys. And of thys shalbe spokyn heyr after mor largyly yt ma be ashed yf we shoold gheue & mynystyr the sacremēs of holy chyrch to them qwych We beleyf ar in deydly syn. ¶Answer yt may not & shoold not be denyed the sacramēs to ony for rayson of hys synnys secrettys bot monysyng segreyt to hym and monysand hym that he refayf them not in the stayt of deydly syn.


ANd ve shal sey heyr after of ych oon sa­crament by ordyr. Et fyrst of the holy sacrement of bapty­syng / et shal say after saynt au­gustyn that theyr ys thre may­ners of baptysyng the qwyche the fyrst ys clepyd propyrly ba­ptysyng of flood oonly. The segund ys clepyd the baptysyng of blood of the qwych ys Wryt­tyn Iohannis .xij. baptismo. Hoc habeo baptisari. Et the thryd is callyt baptysyng of the holy gheost of the qwych yt ys Wryttyn ī the deydys of the appoystyls in the segund cheptur. doe autē baptisamini spiritu sancto. Thyr two last bapty­syngys of blood et of speryt ar clepyd baptysyngꝭ for they sup­ply the trust of the fyrst bapty­syng the qwyche clengys the saowl. Al Wayes the segund baptysyng that We clep bapty­syng of blood excedys the fyrst baptisyng as to the reward ac­cydental as to the lawreol the qwych is awyn to them that ar baptisyt of the said baptising of blood & not to the other. Et also doys as to the reward essēcyal after Petyr of palude ī the .iiij. For the said baptisyng of blood ghewys mor grace after thys that yt is mor greyt veyk me­ritoyr as is martir. Thoght yt be so that the caractyr of the for sayd by not īprentyt by the said baptysyng of blood as yt ys by the fyrst baptisyng of the flood

Et yt ys thus befor sayd ba­ptysyng of blood as to growyn men qwych has parfyt aage & to ȝowng chyldryn now boorn or qwych ar ī the motherꝭ vaam. for suppoꝭ ȝyt that the said ȝong chyldryn War ȝyt Wyth ī theyr motherꝭ vaam & that they workyllyd for iesu cryst / that ys to Wnderstond for the detestacion of the crystyn fayth the qwych theyr parēs holdys they shoold be cēsyt & reputyt & taykyn martyrs after the docturs / et after petyr palude ī his said .iiij. Et it War so that the sayd mothers War strykyn ī dyspyt of owr redemptur iesu cryst / et that they partyd Wyth theyr chyldryn or that they war kyllyd in ony maynayr ī dyspyt of owr fayth theyr chyldryn shoold by fayth­ful martyrs et baptysyd of the sayd segund baptysyng. The thryd baptysyng of the gheost befor said is no other thyng bot [Page] to haue Werray ꝓpos to resayf & tayle the fyrst baptifyng dew­ly yf they haue tyme et faculte. Et this baptisyng cōpetys not [...]ot oonly to them that ar gro­wyng et cum to aage et has the vsayge of rayson. Et certanly thiꝭ baptisīg of the gheost a not eqpollent to the fyrst ī a [...] thyn­gys / forth ys baptysyng of the gheost al payn that We shoold haue sorowe synnys ys not for ghewyn ys yt ys by the fyrst. Bot rethar yt is mor or les for­ghewyn after the deuocyon of hym the qwych refa [...]ys it. Et also by thys baptysyng the ca­racter aboue said ys not prētyd in the saowl. Et shoold by et he dyed befor or he had rescuyt the first baptisyng he shool [...] not by grauyt no erthdyt ī holy chyrch et also of yt shoold by pryuyt. thoght it be so that holy chyrch prayes for them that dyes so Et for that theyr to that sych pewpyl by sawyt by Wertu of the said baptisyng of the gheost yt ys requyryd that they haue Werray cōtricyon the qwych is not requiryd to the fyrst bapty­syng of flood bot yt suffys that they qwych resawys & ī ar ī parfyt aage haue attricyon oonly. Et thys suffys of the forsayd baptysyngys of blood et of the gheoft. For myn intēcyon ye to declayr of the baptysīg of flood. Et for thys caus yt ys neydful to sey qwat ys baptisyng. The mayster of the sentēs ī the .iiii. ī hys dyst [...]ctyon says that ba­ptysyng ye oon purgacyon own wart of the man Wyth oon ret­tayn form of voordis. Et yt i [...] to not in this bapt [...]syng ys thre thyngꝭ. The first ys the thyng of the sacramēt al oonly. That ys to Wnderstond infusyon of grace & fo [...]gheuy [...] of the fyn. The sag [...]nd ys sacramēt oonly that ys to Wnderstond Water clengand Wyth form gheua [...] of the Woordys. Et the thryd is the sacramēt & the thyng tha [...] is to Wnderstond the caracter. Et verytably this sacramēt of baptisyng ys the fyrst / the port & the fōd [...]mēt of al the sacremē [...]. For We gheue not ī the chyrch to no mayneyr of peupil ony of the other sacramēs bot they by fyrst baptisyd / et by this qwych said is apperys that vater sim­pyl & natural hauand myght to dēge is matyr ꝯuer [...]byl of thiꝭ sayd sacrament & that We may [Page] not baptys in no other lyqwer bot ī cleen vater. As yt apperys de bap. et eiꝰ effectu. c. Non vt. Et for that Waters styllyd as Water of rosys or other shoold not by mater sufficyād of thys sacrament bot Water of sey et Water of marres & Water pas­si [...] throw the us / may by mater of thys sacramēt in cas of neyd for the kynd of Water by dye in theem also may We say of the Waters that passys by the Waynes of the erth ful of flyme or of byrnstoon. Et in­dowttably Water of boo wyt or of flech myxyt Wyth buttyr or Wyth qwat other tallow no Water myxt Wyth vyd qwych has mor gowst of Wyn than of Water & spyshyng no Water of beyr no good haal may not by mater suffycyand of thys sa­crament & We may not baptys of them no be baptysyd. The form of thys forsayd sacramēt ys sych. I the baptys ī the nom of father / et of the soon / et of the holy gheost / Amen. They may ashe qwat ys the affec and the Wertu of thys sacrament.

¶Answer ¶The affec ys sych that yt doys et puttys away from them that ressawys yt Woethyly al cowlp orygynal deydly & Wenyaly & restorys the fyrst innocens as to the saowl, yt flakys the fyer of hel and of progatory as to hym that ye baptysyd. Et taysays away of the satisfaccyon to the qwyche man Was bownd et holdyn in thys World for hys synnys.

Thys apperys / for yf ony iow or sarrasyn had lyuyt oon thowsand ȝeyr et that he had doon ewyryche day oon thowsand deydly synnys et yf he repentyt et Wold [...] the fayth of iesu cryst & be baptysyd dewotly not faynȝād they shoold not gheue no ī put to hym ony pēnans sa­tysfactoyr. For the baptysyng as said ys / puttys away al oblygacyon & clengꝭ the saowl ī sych maynayr yf the sayd. Iow thus baptysyd dyed of thys present World hys saowl Wold fle in hewyn Wyth owt suffryng ony payn in purgatory. Et by thys cleyrly aperys that the Wemen ar fowlych that Weypys the deeth of thayr chyldryn qwych ar deyd in the stayt of innocen [...] after thys that they haue beyn baptysyd or befor that they ha­ue [Page] lesyt the innocens et bapty­syng for the sayd chyldryn they go from the company of men in the company of angels et of the Waly of terys et Wepyngys in the gloyr of hewyn. Et certāly the rayson ys good / for the sayd sacrament ys ordaynyt for to regenyr & inressawant the sayd baptysyng man passys & goyes of thy myght of tenebrys in a­dopcion of the soon of god. Et thayr ar gheuyn by the said ba­ptysyng gracys & Wertus secū ­dum glo. iij.c.ij. de cōse. di. iiij Et yf they ashe at me to Wn­derstond yf the effec of the sayd sacrament ys grantyt and to al men egaly qwych ressawys the sayd sacramēt. ¶Answer. ¶After sant Bonawātur in hys .iiij in the dystynctyon .iiij. in the fyrst artykyl et questyon .iij. of the fyrst ꝑty qwych says thayr ys trypyl effec of baptysyng. The fyrst ys the impressyon of the caracter aboue sayd. The segūd hys the infusyon of grace Et the thryd the rystorās of innocens. Al cristyn men resawys egaly the effec of baptysyng yf they resawyf yt but fyccyon. Bot thys they do not as to the segūd for that grace the qwych ys ghewyn on to the sayd bap­tisyng and other sacramens as two effeckys. That ys to Wn­derstond to do away the syn. Et as thys caus yt doys away mor the fyn in hym qwych mor as cōmyttyt for yt doys away al cowlp. Et the segūd effec ys to dyspos to good. Et as to thys yt as mor greyt effycas in hym qwych ys most goodly dysposyd. By thys We shoold Wnderstond that the effek of the sayd sacryment has oone self effycas as ȝong chyldryn new bo­orn. As to the effec bot not to thē that ar baptysyd aftyr this that they ar cūmyt to the ȝe ar­rys of dyscrecyon. Et yff they ashe / that of awentur that oon chyld War kyllyd qwen We do beyr yt to be baptisyd shoold yt by sawyt ordaynyt. ¶Answer. ¶yf yt War kyllyd ther to that be yre he War not baptysyd of the holy sacrymēt of baptisyng and of iesu cryst by dyspyt We shuld beleyf that the var sawyt as aboue as said / ys bot & he var kyllyd for other caws he shoold be dampnyt and punyshyd in hel of payn & of dōmage oonly. [Page] That ys that he shoold les & by prywyt of the Wysyon of god. Et yt may also be ashed / yf oon ferwētly beleyffyt that he War baptysyd and that he War not really yf he shalbe sawyt.

¶Answer. ¶ȝe / yt apperys in the cheptur Apostolicam de pre. non bapti. I ashe mor ower / yf oon sich not baptisyd belyffyng that he War baptysyd et fayth­ful crystyn man et that he dyd tayk the holy ordrys resayffys he the caracter.

¶Answer. ¶No yt apperys de presbi. nō bap. c. j. et. c. Veniens. Bot yf he dyd do mes ignorātly & that he beleyffyt that he War baptysyd et had resawyt the sayd ca­racter he sacrys for that the vertu of the holy gheost ys ve­getatyff & confortys the chyrch et holpys the myght to cōsakyr ī hym thar to that ys chyrch by not dyssawyt. yt may be ashyd qwen shoold oon chyld or oon o­ther vsāt of rayson by baptysyd ¶Answer. ¶As to smal chyl­dryn the docturs says that they shoold incōtynent by baptysyd Fyrst for the dangeyr et peryl of deeth as yt apperys de con­se. di. iiij. Venerabilis. Se­gundly for that the dewyllys shuld not haue so greyt myght on them after that they ar bap­tysyd as befor qwych says sant denys vltimo capit. Celestis ierachie. Et certāly yt ys hard to excus the syn of them that deferrys along tyme the ba­ptysyng of theyr chyldryn. Et I beleyff not that they may ewayd deydly syn qwyche bap­tysys theyr chyldryn in theyr hows Wyth owt keypyng ghe­uant solēnyte pryncypaly qwen theyr ys no necessyte bot oonly doyes abydyng the gossopys for to do mor greyt pryd theyr after. Et thoght yt be that they beyr the sayd chyldryn to the chyrch after that they ha­ue hym baptysyd for to supply the solemnytys that Was not a for doon al Wayes they that holdys the said chyldryn ar not godfatherys. For they hold thē not to by baptysyd suppos that they War rebaptysyd for that they War onys baptysyd in the hows that qwych aꝑtenys not bot to pryncys bot in the cas of necessyte. Et certāly ī the fyrst baptysīg they haue had for godfathers & godmothers thē that [Page] has baptysyt them et holdyn. Et in thys ar maynay abusy­ons et decepcyons. Et as to them that as vsayge of rayson et ar inparfyt aage et Wald by baptysyd be they iowys or sar­rasyns yf theyr by no peryl of deeth incōtynent they shoold be techyt ī the fayth by the tym and spays of .viij. moneth or other tyme ghanant ther to / the arbytrayge et Wyl of them qwych techys them befor that they be baptysyd. Et so shold We Wnderstōd the cheptur Iu­dei cū se. de. cōse. di. iij. bot et theyr War peryl of apeyrand deeth they shold be baptysyd ī ­cōtynent after that they haue exposyd them the artyclys of the fayth. The tym propyr for to baptys sych pewpyl Wyth owt they be in peryl of deeth ye hestyr & Wytsoonday. Et it ys to not that yf theyr be ony pre­yst qwen they baptys the chyldryn or otheyrs / the p̄yst shoold baptys themet for fawlt of oon preyst oon cleyk yf theyr by oon. Et qweyr theyr yꝭ no p̄yst no clerk oon lawd man shold do yt et may do yt yf he by pre­sent. Et qwayr theyr ys no man than oon Woman may do and not other Wys. de. conse. di.iiij. Mulier et c. Romanus. xxx. q. iij. c. Super. Et certāly yf ony clerk qwych ys not pre­yst baptysyd Wyth owt neces­syte he shoold by censyt irregu­lyer ca.i. de cleai. non ordi. mi. Bot ī cas of necessyte ewyrych oon may oonly baptys bot he ys holdyn in deyd / otherwys he synnys deydly et for caus yt ys good that ewyrych oon shoold leyrn the form of baptysyng a­boue sayd that ys I the baptys ī the nam of the father / et of the soon / et of the holy geost. amen. Et yt suffys that thayr be oon parson qwych says the sayd for me. For maynay shold not say yt ageyns sum fowlysh Womē qwych in baptysyng in cas of necessyte says .iiij. or .v. at onys the sayd Woordys & yt ys lyk to them that the chyld ys goodlyar baptysyd it ys also to notyfy that no parson in qwat cas of necessyte that they be in they may not baptis them self. c. debitum. de bap. Et also yt ys to notyfy that also mych ys oon chyld ys clos ī the Wa­am of ys mother Wyth owt [Page] ony appeyrens of al or of oon party Wyth owt may not be baptysyd / for the segund naty­uite p̄supposys the fyrst. Et it ys neydful to notyfy that he or sho qwych baptysys shoold ha­ue handys et Woord / as thys caus oon that spekys not may not baptys. Et thoght yt by that oon manqwych had no hā ­dys sayd the Woordys et that oon man that has not spyech Warteyt The chyld of Water he War not baptysyt after the most hol opynyon of docturs. Alwayes petir of palud ys of o­pynyon that he War baptysyd. Et certāly in cas of necessite yf ony goyes to oon Wnfaythful man be he iow or sarraiayn he­retyk or cowrsyt et prayes that he baptys hym et that he say thyr Wordys heyr I the baptyꝭ in the nam of the father & of the soon et of the holy gheost. amē. yf thys herytyk or coursyt iow or sarraȝyn baptys hym after the intencyon of hym qwych ashes to by baptysyd et that he Wnderstondys to do yt that they do that baptysys in the chyrch / et thys that the chyrch doys & Wnderstōdys he shalbe baptysyd dewly. Al tym the a­boue sacrament of baptysyng shoold not by ressawyt no ta­kyn of oon herytyk no of oon cursyt no of oon that is suspen­dyd as that says innocens ī the cheptur. Fraternitati. de. cleri. ix. cō. mini. Bot ī the cas of ne­cessyte. Et he qwych doys vyl­fully baptys from fych pewpyl Wyth owt the sayd cas of ne­cessyte resayffys not the sayd grace the qwych ys gheuyn to the sayd sacrament .i. q. multi. et. c. sequenti. For the qwych doys so / ryghtly ageyns the or­dynās of holy chyrch he synnyꝭ deidly. Et it may be ashed that qwen oon Woman ys in payn of chyld et dangyer of deeth et that apperys ony thyng of the sayd chyld by yt fut or hond yf yt may be baptysyt. Landowl­fus in hys .iiij. in the distinccyō iiij. et fyrst qwestyon holdys yf that fut or hond apperys they shuld ī the sayd cas of necessyte Water yt et pronons the forme of baptysyng aboue sayd. Al tymys says that yf he cū after aboue the erth he shoold by in [Page] thiꝭ mayneyr baptisyd yf thow by not baptysyd. I baptys the in the nam of the father & of the soon / et of the holy gheost / amē. Et Werytably in the sayd cas of nycessyte thys qwych shold by baptysyd by rayson of the o­peracyon occ [...]lt et secret of the holy gheost. Et as this opyny­on ful of clemēs & ryght sowyr the qwych holdys sant thomas & rychart ī the .iiij. of the sentēs to the qwych We shoold gheue fayth. Thoght yt be that theyr ys of other opynyons of other docturs We may ashe yf oon mōstyr cūmys aboue the earth the qwych has two hedys .iiij. fyeth et two bakys et yt Wa [...] sēblabyl to haue two faowllys it ys to Wnderstōd yf ve shoold baptys theem ychoon by hym self. The aboue sayd doctur lā ­dulphus ī the .iiij. dystynccyon vj. xij. The questyon says they shoold by baptysyd ych oon by hym self. Bot yf We dowt yf theyr War two faowlys or oon theyr for that yt has .iiij. han­dys two backys & oonheyd / We shoold baptys princypally he that has the heyd. Et after the other Wndyr condytyon fa­yand asthus yf thow by not baptysyd I the baptys in the nā of the father & the soon &cꝭ. Et also yt may be ashyd yf We shoold baptys the chyldryn of i [...]wys qwen they ar new boorn in so mych that they at in the slayt of innocens. ¶Answer. Of this theyr ys diuerꝭ syndry opynyons / bot We shoold hold wyth the scot & the aboue sayd doctur landu [...]phus that Wald theyr paren [...] or the prences or crestyn lordyꝭ may mayk them to by tayky [...] et to mayk them to be baptysyd et nocysh them ī relygyon pryuely theyr to that they be not kyllyd be theyr said parens. Et certanly the iowys has beyn mayd sugges by the passyon of the redēptur / de iu­deis. c. et si iudeo. as thys caus the lord qwych ys theyr prens may sel them. C. si. fer. expor. vene. l. i-et. ij. Et by thys ray­son holdys the archdekyn in cheptur. Fraternitatē. That the prēs / may tayk aWay their goodys as thys doys the chep­tu [...]r Sicut iude. de. iude In the qwych cheptur ys phybyt that ony parson p [...]yuay tayk away the gooddys of the sayd iowys [Page] Wythowt autoryte mādemēt or cōmyssyō of the peyns. Et for that the sayd prēs may taik away the sayd chyldryn & good­dyꝭ for any lawful causys theyr ony lawfuller cauf than to bap­tys thē. yf they ashe meffer the kyng [...] & pryncys may lysumly do & doyeng that they do Weyl yf yt be ashed that ys to Wn­derstōd off the may streynȝe the iowys the qwych ar in parfyt [...]ge to baptys thē. ¶Answer, The scot fays in the .iiii. that the kyngys et pry [...]eys et theyr lordys may strenyte thē theyr to. Et for the said apy [...]yō doyꝭ the cheptur maiores, de chap. qweir yꝭ lowit the kyng qwych cōstrāgȝys vnfaythful pewpyl to baptys them. Thoght yt be that yt sēblys that the cheptur Sicut i [...]dei. de. inde. forbydys & defendys that We shoold not cōstraingȝe thē to by baptysyd. Al tyme the opynyon of the scot ys trew for he vnderstōd yꝭ that ve shuld ꝯstreyngȝe thē ryghtly to do it. That yꝭ to say that the kyngye shoold sh [...]rge et payn them & in so mych intollerabyl serwytud that they may cum Weyl to thē to tow [...]n to the cry ftyn fayth / as that exposyꝭ gre­goyr in thys Word cōpelle in­trare. And as thyꝭ doys the last cheptur .xxiij. [...]iiij. cū. glos [...] & q. iiij. iā. vero. Et the s [...] cheptur. Sicut iubei says th [...] ve shoold not strāȝe thē ryght­ly by bodyly turmens. For god Wyl not haue knyghtys ī hys battail that (ser)uys hym ageyne their Wyl / bot he Wyl that they serue hym vylfully yf they ashe at me qwych ar they qwych may hold thē aboue the fownt ony chyld or ony other that be rayson for to by godfathers of hym qwych shoold be baptysye ¶Answer. Albot monk no n [...] other relygyowes shoold not hold on chyld aboue the fownt de. cōse. di. iiij. Non licet. Al­wayes yf they dyd hold the sayd chyldryn they shoold by godfather et gosseps. Also the fatherꝭ & the mothers cōiungyd by mariage may not hold their sayd chyldryn aboue the fowne for doyeng thys they shoold ē ­gendyr oon cognacyō drawyng of lynage spyrit Wel betwyx thē the qwych shoold empesh that it mith not gheue the det of ma­ryage oon to oon other. Also [Page] shoold not the sayd father or mother baptyꝭ theyr sayd chyl­dryn Wyth owt yt War in ex­treym necessyte. Et yt may be ashed yf oon parson the qwych ys not baptysyt may hold oon other to be baptysyt. ¶Answer No / thys apperys de ꝯse. di. iiij c. Baptismate. Thoght yt be that the sayd person not bap­tysyt may baptys oon other as yt ys sayd heyr befor. Et the rayson as for that the baptysāt is of necessyte bot he the qwych holdys in baptysyng ys not of necessyte of the sacramēt. Et yf the sayd parson not baptysyt hold oon other aboue the sayd fownt of baptysyng he shoold not bi godfather no godmother thoght yt by. That yt had bap­tysyt ony yt War godfather or godmother vnderstōdyng that it var father spyrytwel yt may be ashyd also how maynay per­sōs ar reqwyryd for to hold oon chyld to by baptisyt. ¶Answer That they shoold not hold bot oon oonly parson Wyth hym that mynystrys the sayd sacra­ment. de. cause. di. iiij. Incathe­cismo alwayes they haue not the coustum to do so & the cou­stum ys cōtrary to the forsaid. For yf oon & or thre or maynay holdys oon chyld aboue the fownt / et the coustū of the land ye so to do that / they syn not / et they ar excusid of the syn by the sayd coustum after ioon andre / & the archedykyn ī the cheptur. Quāuis non plures. libro sexto

Et the byshop may dyspens that syndry may hold oon chyld aboue the fownt / secundum do minicū in dicto capitulo. Quā ­uis. Et yt is to not that yf oon man et oon voman had holdyn oon chyld to gidder shal not thiꝭ lat no impesh oon to haue the other by maryage / thus as sa­ys īnocent. Et as to thys deyd the text Wyth the gloys. xxxiij. q. iiij. c. finale. Fynaly oon mā & hys Wyf may Weyl hold oon chyld to geddyr bot yt ys not honest. Fynaly they may ashe me to qwat ar they bownd they that holdys the chyldryn to the baptysyng ageynꝭ the sayd chyldryn. ¶Answer. They ar bwo­dyn to monys them the qwych dyd hold them / to keyp chastyte lowe iustys et to haue charyte. Et they shoold aboue al thyn­gys teche them the symbol that [Page] ys to vnderstond the artykyls of the fayth & the. Pater noster The qwych ys the oraison that owr lord mayd. As the qwych apeprys in the cheptur. Vos ante omnia. de cōse. di. iiij. Et the mayster of the sētens says ī the .iiij. ī hyꝭ. vj. distinc. that the godfathers shoold haue be­synes et thoght Wyth cure dilygēt of them for the qwych they answerit. Thys the qwych ys lymyt et shoold be Wnderston­dyt faythful after sant thomas qwen the parens of the chyld ar notyd neclygens to teche theyr sayd chyldryn. Et thys suffys as to the sacram̄t of baptysyng

ET We haue eyr after to sey of the sacramēt of confyrmacyon. Et first ve may ashe to qwat yt ys good and to qwo yt profytys the sacrement of confyrmacyon. ¶Answer. The pape melchyades in the cheptur. Spiritus sanctus. de. confe. di. v. Sayes yt ys vorth to the augmentacyon of grays It confermys et fortyfys the parson in battayl ageyns the vyces et the dewyl. Et armys et techys hym qwych resawys yt ageyns the tētacyōs of thys World. Et yf they ashe yf the sayd sacremēt of cōfyrmacyon ys neydful to the salut for to be sawyt ¶Answer. Thoght yt be that ony after that he ys bap­tyfyt dyys incontynent Wyth owt resawyng of the sacramēt of confyrmacyon the hewyn ys opyn to hym / et of qwych deeth that ewyr he dy he doys flem­continēt to hewyn as this caus the sayd sacrement of cōfyrma­cyō ys not neydful for to speyle of al salut necessyte for man may by Weyl sawyt Wyth owt yt bot Weel yt ys neydful to hym qwych dysprysys to tayk the sayd sacramēt so he synnys deethly & if he dyed ī sych estayt he shoold be dānyt for to haue oonly contemnyd et dysprysyd. Vt colligitur. ex. dic. c. spiritus sanctus cum ibi notatis. Et as thys caus I beleyf that the byshoppys qwych ar neglygēs to gheue the sayd sacramēt syn­nys deydly ar. di. Spūs sāctus [Page]


[Page] Et yf they ashe qwo may ghe­ue the said sacramēt of cōfirmacyon to cristyn men. ¶Answer. The byshoppys oonly. vt pȝ. c. de his & duobꝰ ca. sequētibꝰ. de cōse. di. v. Alwayes innocēt holdys in the cheptur Quanto. de cōsue. That the pape may ghe­ue lycēs to prestys to ꝯferm the sayd sacrament of cōfirmacyon We may ashe to qwat peupil yt shoold begheuyn the sayd sacre­ment. ¶Answer. To al fayth­ful that ar baptysyt ald or ȝong hoyl or seyk or them that ar in the peryl of deeth as the qwych apperys ī the chept (ur). Vt ieiunij. or in the cheptur followyng de ꝯse. di. v. Thoght yt be that the glos. cōsentys not that they gheue yt qwyl they cū to the aage of .xij. ȝearrys or aboue that I beleyff not that yt ys trew. Et thoght yt be so that they the qwych as parfyt aage ar bown dyn to repent them self of the deethly synnys qwych they ha­ue cōmyttyd befor they resayf the sayd sacremēt for otherwys they syn deydly. Alwayes I be­leyf not that they syn deethly yf they resayf the sayd sacrement Wyth owt cōfessyon. Ar. dict. c. Vt ieiunij in verbo moueātur. Thoght yt War Weyl doyn to confess them ve may ashe qwat tyme We shoold resayf the sayd sacrement of confyrmacyon. ¶Answer. Certanly We may resayf yt ī al tym. Ar. c. Oēs fideles. de ꝯse. di. v. Et he qwyc [...] shoold resayf the sayd sacremēt shoold be fastyng yf yt War ne­cessyte. Other Wys I beleyf Weyl that yt be cōseyl & not cō ­mādyment thys qwych aperys ī dict. c. Vt ieiunij. Et sych lyk shoold the byshop of conseyl et not of cōmandymēt. Et Werytably .vj. thyngys ar requyry [...] to the sayd sacrement of confyrmacyon. Two of the partys et coyst of the sacramēt in yt self. That is to vnderstond the ma­tyr of the cryme / et the forme of the Woordys qwych ys sych I the tokyn of the syng of the co [...] & ꝯfermys of the cryme of salut in the nam of the father & of the soon et of the holy geost amen. Two thyngys ar requyryd of the part of the mysteyr / that ys to Wnderstōd that he be bysshop et that he haue dew et ryght in­tēcyon to do yt that holy chyrch Wnderstondys. Et fynaly two [Page] thyngys ar requyryd of the party et cost of hym that resawys.

That ys to Wnderstond the front in the qwyche shoold be mayd the sygnacyon et vnxyon of the sayd creym. Et that the sayd confermyt shoold by ba­ptysyt. Et yt ys to not that the vnxyon of the creym ye mayd in thre placys as thre sacremēs qwyche imprentys the caracter of the qwyche has beyn spokyn heyr befor. For the said vnxyon as beyn mayd aboue the hye of the heyd in baptysyng for tok­nyng the resauyng of the fayth Et in the sacrement of ordyr is mayd the sayd vnxyon in the hādys for to sygnify the myght of the cōsacryng of the body of iesu cryst. Et thys vnxyon ys mayd in the for heyd in the sa­crement of confyrmacyon that he that ys cōfermyt as hardy­nes to confes the nam of iesu cryst. Et certanly the gracys emundant [...]lengys the syn the qwych ys ghewyn in ewyrych sacrement not oonly yt ys ghe­wyn to thys sacrement of con­fyrmacyon bot Wyth thys spe­cyal grace by the qwych he that ys confermyt ys lawful to con­fes et proclaym constantly the nam of iesucryst. The qwych ys neydful to grant that he his Werray god et man. For yt ys neydful to grāt that he ys egal to the father et to the holy ghe­ost in godly natur. For qwych ys notyd ī the form of the voordys of the trynyte ys expry­myd. Segundly yt ys neydful that the confes that iesu cryst has sufferd deyd et passyon on the tre of the cors as to the hu­manyte. The qwych ys notyd in the toknyng of the cors the qwych ys mayd in the for heyd. Et spyrytwelly thys sacremēt ornys We of spyrytwell beaw­te owt Wart & inwart. Inwart of purte of cōscyens et infusyon of grace. Et owtwart by swetnes of good nam. Et thyr two thyngys ar be toknyt by the creym the qwych ye mayd and composyt of hoylly as to the fyrst / et of bawm as to the se­gund. Thys sacrament gra­thys the saowl to battayll spy­rytwelly and for that al cristyn men ar in the sayd battayll as this caus they shuld resayf thiꝭ sacremēt ther to qwych myght [Page] mor lyghtly ageyns the dewyl & the World et the flech / for saynt esperyt ys ghewyn ī this sacre­ment for to fortyfy the saowl. Et for that not oōly ornys / bot vyth that the body by this that the saowl ys ornyt of the carac­ter / & the body of the buccleyr of the cors, Et ī this sacremēt the cristyn men ar mayd ful of ply­nytud & of habōdans / the qwych ī the sacremēt of baptisyng has beyng maid ful of plenytud & suffysās. This sacremēt crownys the saowl after that the ēnemy ys ower cūmyt thys qwych ys toknyt by the band the qwyche the heyd ys bownd. Et certāly this sacremēt shuld by resawyt dewo [...]ly Wyth owt cōscyens of deethly syn for he qwych refa­wys Wyttanly in deethly syn vyth owt that they haue ꝓpos to confes them of the said syn in tym & placys ghanant theyr to he sinnys deethly. This forsaid sacremēt shuld not be reyteryd & sinnys deebtly he that reyterꝭ yt Wyth hys Wyttyng. They may ashe yf oon ꝑson not cōfer­myt may hold oon other parson that resawis the said sacremēt. ¶Answer. No / yt apperyꝭ ī the cheptur In baptismate de conse. di. iiij. Et yf that ꝑson not ꝯfyrmyt holdys hym qwych ys confyrmyt theyr engēdryth no god fathershyp bytwyx them. ¶yf they ashe how maynay parsōs ar re (qui)ryd for to hold ony other to the said sacramēt of cōfyrmacion. ¶Answer. Oon oonly / as ī baptisyng / as yt apperys ī the chept (ur). Nō plures de cōse. di. iiij Et Werytably the man shoold not hold hys Wyf / no of ꝯtrary for empeschemēt qwych shoold engēdyr ettwys them as to the det of maryage. Et in cas of necessyte he the qwych has hol­dyn oon other ī baptysyng or in cathesymy / that ys to say in ex­orcysme instruccyon et techyng qwyche ys mayd at the port of the chyrch aboue hym qwyche shoold be baptysyt may bold hym Weyl in thys sacremēt of cōfyrmacyon & no otherwys of honesty / thoght yt be so that he may do yt Wyth owt syn. Et of them that holdys hym they ar godfathers of hym or of hyr qwych they hold yt apperys [...] the cheptur fynal. de cognat [...] ̄ [...] spiri. [...]ib. vj. Et thys suffycy [...] of the sacremēt of ꝯfyrmacion.


Beyr after ve shal sey of the sacry­ment of pēnans ryght neydful by the qwyche the syn ys for ghewyn alwayes to thē that ar Worthyly dysposyd The mayster of sentēs says in the .iiij. in his distynccyon .xiiij That pennans ys oon Wertu by the qwych We pleynȝe & hay­tys the ewyl synnys that We haue cōmyttyd Wyth purpos to amend them / & by the qwych We powrpos to do no mor the sayd synnys be thys pleynȝant et Wepant. Et yt ys to notyfy that thayr ys .v. maneyr of pē ­nans. The fyrst ys clepyd pen­nans solēnel. Of thys pennās I Wyl mayk no other determynacyon for caus of shortnes et by that yt ys not ī vsage. The segūd ys pēnans opyn for caus yt ys opynly doon in the face of the chyrch. Et dyfferys from the aboue forsayd pēnans ī thre maynayrs of thyngys. Fyrst ī the maynayr that yt ys not ke­pyt in oon as in oon other. Se­gundly by thys that thys pen­nans publyk may not be input by oon simpyl confesseur / et the solēnel by the byshop oonly yf the coustum dyd lat yt. The thryd mayner thys pēnans pu­blyk may be reyteryd / et the a­boue said pennans solēnel may not be reyteryd. ¶And yf they ashe me qwen shoold be imput pennans solemnel et pennans publyk. ¶Answer ¶Panorme says in hys cheptur. Quesitum de penitencia & remi. That pennans solemnel shoold be input for oon greyt & grewous syn the qwych sclādrys al oon cyte. Et for pennans publyk shoold be ī put for oon syn the qwych sclan­drys not al oon cyte. Says mor yf the syn by grewous & so greyt We shoold not put no gheue pē ­nans publyk no solemnel. As thys caus reprowys the said panorme the cowstū of thē qwych gheuys pēnans publyk te Wo­men. The qwych by myskey­pyng as smoryt theyr chyldryn the qwyche dyd lay them in bed Wyth them et yt may be ashed also to qwom shoold by ī posyd the sayd pennans solemnel. ¶Answer. ¶yt shoold not by inposyd to clerkys no to relygyows no to lawd pewpyl orday­nyt in dygnyte of offys. Thys the qwych ys faythful of oon clerk yf hewar not deposyd be. [Page] The thryd pennans ys clepyt pryuay pennans of the qwych ys Wnderstōdyt the dystyncyō of the pennans aforsayd. Et in the qwych yt ys ghanant fyrst to consyder that he qwych resa­wys. Wold that hys syn War punyshyd. Et that he detestys et has abhomynacyon of hys syn doyng by hym desyrant to hys vyl that he had newyr doō it. Thrydly that he accep Wyl­fully the punyshon & payne to hym doyng for hys sand synet that finaly he do beyr yt paciēt­ly. In thyr .iiij. thyngys consy­stys propyrly the propryety of thys voord heyr pēnans. They ashe comonly of qwat synnys shoold oon man confess hym. ¶Answer of al deethly synnys doyeng by hym befor ys baptysyng & after. The confessyon of venyel sinnyꝭ thoght it be that they be expedyēt alwayes yt ys not neydful in thys World bot to the salwt bot ī two mayners The fyrst qwen the man dow­tye yf the syn ys deydly or We­nyel / than sholod he confess the sayd syn thayr to that he expos hym not to peryl. Segundly qwen the parson has ony affec­cyon Wenyel & that he dowtys that he shryuis hym not. That yt draw hym not no deidly syn. Than for rayson of peryl he shoold cōfess & shryne hym / as that says sant bonavētur ī the iiij. dystyncyō .xvj. ī the segund qwestyon and segund artykyl. Et certanly We shoold repent vs of ewyryche oon deethly syn the qwych We Wnderstond to haue doon qwen yt cūys to the remenbrens. Et We ar holdyn to thynk specyal to ewyrych oon syndoyng theyr to that We may repēt. Alwayes after thys that We haue thoght that by ignorās inwysybyl & excusybyl We may not haue mynd of sin­nys doyng theyr to that We may repent them & al ī general bot & yf the ignorans War ī ex­cusabyl We shoold by holdyn to repent in especyal. For ewy­rych oon ye holdyn to do dyly­gens of al hys body & saowl to remenbyr hys synnys thayr to that he may repēt hym. They ashe comonly yf We may do pēnās of oon deethly syn Wyth owt oō other. ¶Asweyr. No for god forgheuys al the deeth­ly synnys or he forgheuys not / as for this caus yt ys expedyēt to repēt of al. The text ys fo. 55. [Page] Item. de. pe. di. iij. For to the Weryte yf We speyk of pēnās ī so mych is aꝭ the cowlp & obly­gacyō ys to payn ewyrlestād it ys put away by pēnās & man cō sylyt Wyth god / aꝭ thoght yt be that charite the qwich may not beꝑtyd / suffyr no thoyll deydly syn Wyth yt so that yt ys owt of satiffaccyō followys that pē nās may not by doyeng bot yt by doyng of al deydly sinnys to gydder. Alwayes yf We Wyl speyk of pēnās ī so mych yt be holdis ryghtly the satisfaccyon temporel of the payn dettyt for the synnys now forghewyn as to the cowlp / pēnans may veyl by doyn of oon syn Wyth owt oon other & not otherwys. yt ys neidful after to vnderstōd how manay ꝑtys of pennans thayr ys. ¶Answer. Thre / ꝯtrycyon / cōfessyon & satisfaccyon. Cōtrycion after sant bonawētur ī the iiij. in the dyst .xvj. in the fyrst artykyl et fyrst qwestyon says that cōtrycion ys oon dolor & so­row et oon Wylful dysplaysās taykyn of the synnys that ar doyeng Wyth certayn ꝑpos to cōfess hym & to mayk satysfac­cyō. Et yt is to not that aꝭ that We say that oon thyng ys almost anichylyd & that is to say of noght qwen yt ys brokyn in thre smal ꝑtis. Et qwych it ys brokyn qwen yt ys oonly dyuy­syt ī gret ꝑtys sych lyk & by oon fymylytud ve say that the hart of the man ys hard qwen he ghewys not placys to the godly in­spyracyon the qwych twychys hym also as Wyth the hold or Wyth oon other thyng hard re­systāt also mych has he bydys in the affeccyon to do syn. Bot qwen the sayd affeccyon of syn ys holyly distruyt & that the vyl of syn deꝑtys than We say that the hart vs cōtryt. Et We say that yt ys brokyn qwen he tay­kys to haue ony sorow & ꝓpos of Wyl to leyf hys syn than We say that the hart ys cōtryt bot alwayes he twrnys ꝑfytly. Et than shoold he by clepyt attryt et not cōtryt. Et as this cōtry­cyon attrycyō as dyfferēs / for attrycyon ys oon sorow inꝑfyt of the syn as sayd ys. Et cōtry­cyon ys oon dolor ꝑfyt. Segūd­ly actrycyon ys oon sorow the qwych is Wyth owt grace doy­eng greabyl the qwych is maid thankful by cōfession & absolu­cyō sacramētal. Et of attrycyō maid ꝯtrycyō bot qwych the pe­nytēt [Page] put not no obys to the holy gheost. Et ꝯtricyō ys oon so­row ꝑfyt of the syn Wyth grace maykād mā thākful to god. et for to haue ꝑfyt ꝯtricyō aꝭ to haue hop forgheuynes ꝓcedys of the meyrcy of god. Et dreyd of payn by the cōsyderacyō of the iustys of god. Et Werytably mā shoold haue ī hys Wyl oon sorow & dyspleysans of hys syn qwych shuld be ryght gret ī the regard of other sorowys that We may haue of thyngꝭ temporells For oon caus that oon mā shoold by streynȝyt to choos to syn deethly or to ryn ī ony dam­mage tēporel or to suffer body­ly deeth. He shuld sōnar leys al the goodys of the vorld & suffer deeth / thā to syn deydly & ī thys Wyl shoold We lyue & dy. Et al tymys et how maynay tymys that oon ꝑson has thoght of his deethly sinnys self after the for gheuynes of the synnys We shoold detest & haue cōtrycyon & dysplaysans of theyr synnys. Et theyr ys non ꝓposycyō for to not perpetuelly that yt be so that oon māne oon vomā may not haue sorow no haue dys­playsās of the dylectacyon that they haue doyeng deidly syn no of thys that they haue had oon chyld ī adwltery qwych ys oon mā of good / always they ar not fowrth of the stayt of salut bot yt suffycys that they haue so­row & dysplaysās that they ha­ue had sych dylectacyō to haue engendryth sych oon chyld by that maynayr disordaynyt & of fēsāt god that ys to say doyeng ageyns the ordynās et forbyd­dyng of the ꝯmādymēs of god. yt may be ashet qwat ys the af­fec of ꝯtricyō. ¶Answer. That ys the remyssyō of the cowlp & of payn / apperiꝭ. de. pem. de. iij. The segūd of pēnās ys cōfessyō Hostyēs says that cōfessyō ys oon lawghful declaracyō of theyr ꝓpyr sinnys doyeng be­for the preyst by hym qwych ys cōtryt or actryt. Et so shoold cōfeꝭ vs th [...]yr to that ve mayk satiffacyō to god & to the chyrch the qwych as grewyt & that to that they haue forgheuynes of theyr sinnys. By thys apery [...] that he qwych shryuy [...] hym by voyd gloy [...] or qwath other evil cynd synnys deethli / for he that shoold [...]ow in the eynd of the sa­cramēt she also qwych shryuis the syn that he baꝭ not [...]oon synnys deethly qwen his conscyēs [Page] says to hym that he has not doyeng the said syn / and qwych the sayd syn shoold be mortel yf it had beyn doyn / qwych is veel to not. Et We shoold Wnder­stond īdowtabil that after that oon ys Werytabyl sheywyn ve ar not holdyn of necessite to reyter the said cōfessyō. The pape may not maykthe law by the qwych that he shoold cōmand hym after pettyr palud. Et for that to do thys / ys no man hol­dyn̄ yf by good cōseyl he Wold not do yt thayr to that mor oft he shoold haue forgheuynes of hys syn thys qwych yf that he do yt syndry tymys shryuand hym apperys. de. pe. di. i. cap. Mensurā. That docturs in the iiij. of the sētens ī the distinccyō xvij. assygnēt may nay cauꝭ in the qwych oon ꝑson ys holdyn to say ageyn hys ꝯfessyō & ꝯfes hys synnys of the qwych I leyf for cauꝭ of shoortneꝭ. The .iiij. ꝑty of pēnās ys satyffaccyō the qwych aꝭ to the co [...]lp by passyd ys no other thyng bot recōpen­sing of the Wrang now gheuyn after the qualyte of iustys. Et as to the rowlp to [...]ys no o­ther thing to [...]ut [...]tayk away the causys of the syn. Et We shoold not gheue entre to the sugestyōs of the synnyꝭ apper [...]ꝭ de. pe. di. iij. c. Satiffaccio. Et veritabily satisfacciō ī so mych that yt ys party of pēnās is in other thyng bot solucyō of the payn dettyd for the syn. The qwych ewirich oō penitēt sh [...] Wylfully tayk et fulfil. Et ys to notify that satyffaccyon has thre ꝑtys ī yt / orayson / fastyng / et almows / et ar thyr thre sayd partys pryncypal the other as vechyngys / pylgrymage & dys­cyplyns les prencypals. Et y [...] to notyfy that al the Werky [...] afflyctiuys of the body ar re [...] cyt to fastyng. Al Weyrkye of meyrcy spyrytwells to orayso [...] Et certanly yf We Weyl speyk generaly thayr ye thre thyng [...] ī satyffaccyō that ys to say sha­wyng of the coulp / augmētac [...] of grace solucyon of the payn. Orayson to the fyrst almow [...] to the segund by the qwyth m [...] kys theyr frēdys of theyr [...] ney the qwych ashys thē g [...] fastyng to the thryd qwych y [...] the solwcyon of payn.


ANd ve shal sey heyr after of the sacry­ment of the holy awter in the qwych owr sawyowr et re­dēptur iysu cryst saythful god et mā ys contenyd Wnd or the form of breed et Wyn. Et yt ys clepyt ewcarystye that ys to say good grace / for Iesu cryst qwych ys ful of grace ys really contenyd ī the sayd sacrament. Et in so mych that thys sacra­ment ys sygne et rememorans of the passyon of owr redēptur the qwych Was Werray sacra­mēt yt ys clepyd sacryfys. Bot in thys the qwych yt ys syng demōstratyue of the Wnyte of the chyrch ī the qwych the men ar gadderyt at onyꝭ it is chepyt cōmunyom. Et ī so mych that yt ys prefyguryd of the godly fruccyon the qwyth salbe in the heuyn it ys clepyd vyaticū that ys to say kepyng of the va [...] for thys that he has gheuy [...] Way to cū to the forsayd fruy [...] cyon. Or by thys that yt y [...] ghewyn to them qwych passy [...] of thys presēt lyue to iesu cryst Maynay syndry qwestyons et fayr qwestyōs may be infeny [...] of the holy sacrymēt of the e [...] carystye the qwych I leyf f [...] shor caus of nes for to shew the prolypyte of thys present volū the qwychys long et prolyx.


THe .v. sacrement of owr mother the holy chyrch ys the sacrement of vnxyon The mater of thyꝭ sacrement ys the vly sacryt by the blyshop oonly et that of noles no of hym self. Bot the for­me of thys Sacrement after sant thomas ys oon orayson de precatyf of the qwych the translacyō followys ī nyglysh. God by thys holy vnxyon & ye most pyteabyl meyrcy Wald forghe­ue the al that thow has synnyt by seyng / eyryng / thwchyng et gwstyng & smellyng & of al other Wyttys & ꝑtyes of thy body in the nā of the father & the soon & of the holy gheost amē. Et thiꝭ may be oonly ghewyn by oon preyst to seyk men beyng in the peryl of deeth of the qwych We dowt that thayr be aperans of deeth. & We shuld not gheue the holy sacrem̄t of vnxyō / aꝭ the cō mō opinyō of docturꝭ as to chylderyn or to thē that goyeꝭ to batayl no to other that ar orday nit ī sychlyk peryl of deth no to Woydmē so long that they be ī theyr folyshneꝭ Wyth owt they ashe yt thē beyng cler & of hool Wnderstondyng. Et bonawen tur doctur seraphyque holdys ī the .iiij. in hys distynctyō .xxiij that this sacrement shoold oonly be ghewyn to seyk qwych ar not in deethly syn & qwych h [...] raysō & ar ī the artykyl of deeth & qwych has not bot Wemal synnys & no other. Et yt ys to not that We shoold oynt the eyn the eyrys / the hondys the nos the feyt & the neyrys. Alwayes We shoold not oynt the neyrys [...]f Wemen for rayson of honesty. They qwych ar dowm et bly [...] shoold by oyngtyd in the par­tyes most neyr of the said me [...] brys yf they haue them not in the stait that they may be oynt tyd. Et certanly thys sacre­ment may be reyteryd Wyth owt ony iniure doyn to the sayd sacrement for that theyr ys not effec perpetwel and that the heelth of the body and th [...] saowl qwych ys the effek pryncypal of the sayd Sacremen [...] may be losyt after that they [...] ue recowyryd. Et for th [...] yf ony parson ys in peryl [...] deeth and he shap the dang [...] [Page] and the seyknes et that he cum to heelth / et that after that he fal in the sayd or lyk seykneꝭ he may resayf the sayd sacryment Et bonawentur repreuys the master of the sentens qwych sayꝭ that oon parson shoold not be oyngtyt two tymys in oon [...]eyknes yf the said seknes passys mor than oon ȝeyr as he Wold say that in oon ȝeyr oon mā shoold not by oyngtyd two tymys for oon self seyknes thys qwych the sayd bonawen­tur reprewys & says that thys shoold be oon thyng dawyt et obsurd that the sacrymēs War reygulyd after the mowyng et drawyngys of bodys celestys. Et verytably yf thys sacremēt War obmyttyd by dysprysyng et that We dysprysyd yt thys shoold be oon thyng damnabyl Otherwyꝭ shoold be yf the said sacrymēt War obmyttyd by ne­glygens. ¶Et yf they ashe qwych yꝭ the affek of thys said sacremēt of vnxyō. ¶Answeyr Thayr ys .iiij. effekys of the qwych sant thomas in puttys two. The fyrst & pryncypal ys oon heelth spyritwel the qwych ys ghewyn ageyns oon Wayknes the qwych body in Ws by rayson of orygynal syn / by the qwych heelth spyrytwel man yꝭ fortyfyed in taykyn thys sayd sacrement. Et for that grace doyꝭ & gheuys this grace qwych may not suffyr fyn Wyth yt as thys causyff yt fyndys ony Wenyel syn yt doys yt away so doys yt the actwel after sāt thomas / bot that he qwych resawtꝭ put not ony ghayn sayeng of hys part. The segund effec ys the bodyly heelth the qwych ys not ghewyn by thys sacre­mēt bot in so mych ys yt ys ex­pedyēt to the eynd prīcipal that ys to the spirytwel heelth. Et thoght yt be that theyr ys may nay syndry vnxyons / alwayes the laft ys formel in the regard to al the be forsayd. Et as thyꝭ the grace of the holy gheoft ys infusyd in the last vnxyon. The thryd affecys that thys sacre­mēt ꝓfytys to excyt to dewocyō Et also ys for to morlyghtly fley to the ioy of hewyn. Et thys suffycys as to the aboue sayd sacremēt of lactyr vnxyon the qwych ys also ys ꝓtestacyō of hym qwych refawys & qwych abydyꝭ ī the fayth of the chyrch [Page]


THe .vj. sacryment ys the sacrement of ordyr of the qwych We shoold say syn­dry thyngys. Bot for causys of shortnes We shal say fyrst after hugys of sant victor. That order ys oongodly toknyng & syng imprentyd ī the saowl of hym qwych resa­wys yt / to the qwych myght spyrytwel et offys ys ghewyn to hym qwych ys ordonnyt. Et yt ys to not that theyr ys vij. ordrys the keyberyr / the reydar / the exorcyst / the accolyt Subdekyn / Dekyn / et Prest heyd. Of the qwych ordrys I pass lyghtly for causys of shortnes. How Weyll that the ma­teyr by fayr et greyt.


THe .vij. sacrement ys the sacrement of maryage. Et yt ys to notyfy that maryage yt ys Wryttyn in the .xxviij. causys & in the segūd questyon in. f. first ys no other thyng bot coniunc­cyon of man et Woman mayd betwyx lawful persons hol­dyn the cowstum indywydyt of the lyue of the natur & forme of thys sacrement / et how yt ys cō tractyd / et of the iupeshyngys qwych ī specheꝭ yt that yt be not Waystyd et contrayd maynay syndry qwestyons may be heyr ashed et rehersyd the qwych I leyf for caus of shortnes.

HEyr after We haue to sey of the awght beatytwdys. The qwych owr sawyowr & redemptur iesu reyst has put & rehersyd thē by h [...]s ewangelyst fāt mathow in the .v. cheptu [...]. Et the qwych viij. beatytwdys ar adoptyf to the .viij. ordyr fūrys. The first ys. Beati pauperes spū. Bles­hyd ar the powyrꝭ of speryt / for the rewm of hewyn ys for thē. Et thys / beatytwde ghanye propyrly to the ordyr of appoy­styls for they War the fyrst that has left al for the lowe of god. Et certāly We may not haue thys beatytwd of esperyt yf that We put not owr hart in temporel goodys & that We susteyn powerty pacyently. Et to thys that thys powerty by me­rytoyr yt shoold haue thre thingys / that ys that We shoold dysprys eerthly thyngys by ryght intencyon spyrytwel. Et that We shoold desyr the hewynly thyngys as to thys beatytwd ys ghewynongret ꝓmes qwen he says. Quoniā ipso (rum) ē regnū celo (rum). That ys to say that the reawm of hewyn ys to powers of spreyt of the sayd powerty befor sayd. Et certanly the a­boue sayd powyrs shal not ha­ue oonly the reawm of hewyn bot they shal possess it bot With that they may sel yt yt ys certayn that god has thre rewmyꝭ the hewynly / the eerthly & yt of hel. Thys reawm shoold be clepyt by the mayner of spekyng / he has ghewyn the rewm of hewyn to powyr pewpyl. The eerthly rewm to rych pewpyl. Et the mawm of hel to the de­wyllys. Alwayes he has ordaynyt yf that they that ar ryche [Page] Wyl tayk & resayf the powyrs in thys World in the eerthly re­awm that the said powyrs shal resayf them rych in lyue to cum in theyr reawm of hewyn thys apperys in sanc Luc in .xv. cheptur qwayr yt ys Wryttyn. Fa­cite vobis amicos de māmona iniquitatis vt cum defeceritis recipiant vos in eterna taber­nacula. Thys ys to say ȝe rych Wordly mayk ȝowr frendys of ȝowr money gheuant them to powr pewpilthar to qwē ȝe shal cum the howr of the deeth that the bodyly Wertu shall faylȝe ȝow that the sayd powyrs may refayf ȝow ī the tabernaculys & hewynly dwellyngys. Certan­ly sais sāt augustyn the reawm of hewyn ys the powers. For the Werray powyr [...] thyng in the eerth. Et the rych as no thyng in hewyn. Et in thys apperys that god as dyscretyly mayd al hys goodys & ghewyn them to two men the thyngys eerthly to rych et the thyngys hewynly to powyr [...]. Alwayes god Wys [...]and fayf the oon & the other [...] did [...]ynyt that the rych [...]esayf the powyrs [...]hys hery­tage / et the powyrs shal resayf them in hewyn thayr to that ych oon by logyd oon by oon o­ther. For īdowtably the rychyꝭ qwych Wyl not refayf & nory [...] the powyrs pewpyl in thayr reawm eerthly shalbe refawyt of dewyllys in reawm & haby­tacyon of hel. The segund bea­tytwd ys. Beati mites. Bles­hyd ar meyk men. Thys beatytwd ghanys to the angels for qwen lucyfer & hys angels cō ­myttyd pryd / the good angel­lys ferwyt meykly god. Et certanly they ar so ful of humyly­te that they thynk thē not Wn­woorthy to serue & mynyster to Ws other qwych ar abhomynabyl synnars. Et Werytably We maye shoold haue thys beatytwd / yff We Wyl cum to the company of angelle. Certan­ly they ar not sweyt and meyk qwych ar impacyent et prydful qwenthayr ys sayd ony Wrang to them. Et to thys beatytwd god as ghewyn on greyt ꝓmys ffor he promyttys that they qwych ar meyk humbyl & sweyt shal possess the eerth of them of lyue that ye the reawm of he­wyn. Et for that says the Wenerabyl doctur bede yf the [Page] reawm of hewyn ys promysyd to powyrs / et the erth to sweyt et meyk qwath restya theyrto prydful & to them ful of yre bot hellas he Wold say. The yerestys no other thyng. Et as thyꝭ caus they mayk the heyd of angells qwych honowrys god meykly. Et the prydful qwych dansys et puttys theyr hartys to pompys & peydful arraymēt of thys World makys the feyst to the dewyll followyng et ser­uant hym to theyr possybyl iob xlj. Ipse est rex super filios su­per [...]ie. The thryd beatytwd ys Beati qui lugent. Bleshyd ar they qwych. Wepys thys bea­tytwd ys ghaynāt to martyrs of the qwych yt ys sayd iohan­nys .xvj. Amen amen decovobiꝭ quia plorabitis vos et flebitis / mu [...]dus autem gaudebit. I promys yow says iesu crift to martyrs that ȝe shal Weyp and be sorowful & tryst for the lowe of me in the World. That ys to say the Worldly pewpyl qwych martyrys ȝow shalbe ioysum bot ȝowr sorow shal turn in fe­lycyte. Et certanly We may et shoold haue thys beatytwd. For as says sant gregoyr that the thogt of the iowst ys affec­tyd & ꝓfyt of .iiij. mayneyrꝭ of ꝑturbacyons / consyderāt qweyr he has beyn that ys to say ī syn qweyr shal he by in horrybyl in gemēt. Et consyderant qweyr he ys in myser vrechydnes and banyshīg. Et the plays qweyr he ys not that yꝭ in the gloyr of hewyn. Et as thys caus yt ys not to by merwcyllyd yf they weyp in thys World. As to thiꝭ beatytwd god promysys thys qwych followys. Quoniam ipsi consolabuntur. That ys to say that they qwych Wepys shalbe consolyd. And of thys consolacyon yt ys Wayttyn in the poculypsys in the .vij. chep­tur. God shal tayk away the teyrys from cyn of hys holy men qwych has Wepyd in thys World. The .iiij. beatytwd ys Beati qui esurit [...]e & siciunt iustiriam. That ys to say they ar blyshyd qwych has hongyr et thryst to do iustys. Et thys beatytwd ghanys to the pro­phe [...]ys qwych has ho [...]gyr to eye of breyd of iustys / of the qwychys Wryttyn infant io [...]n in the .vj. cheptur. Ego sum panis vi [...]us qui de celo descendi. [Page] They had thryst of the fontayn of the qwych ys Wryttyn in the psalmyst. Quoniam apud te fons vite est. God the fontayn of lyue ys in the. Et certāly We shoold haue hongyr & thryst of this beatytwd of iustys gheuāt to oon ych oon that qwych ap­pertenys to god fyrst / & to owr self / et to owr nyghtbowr for We shoold gheue god fowre / and dreyd & to owr self pays & owr hart & owr conscyens / pwrte et honesty ī owr body. Et to owr nyghtbowr do as We Wold We War doon to after the Woord of iesu cryst in sant mathow. Omnia quecu (que) vultis vt vo­bis faciant homines et facite il­liꝭ. Do to mē al that the qwych ye Wold War doon to ȝow. Et certanly god promysys to men qwych doys so. That they shal be fyllit and fed in hewyn of the ewyrlestand fruycyon. The .v beatytwd ys. Beati misericor­des. Blyshid ar they the qwych doys meyrcy. Et thys beaty­twd ghanys to the patryarkys insyslys to thē that ar lywyng to her beeyng to almows / et to do & fufyl the Weyrkys of meyrcy bodyly & spyrytwelly / of the qwych We haue spokyn heyr he for. Et certanly god promysys them. Quod misericordia con­sequentur That yt ys to say that so as ȝe haue beyn meyr­cyful sychlyk he shal do them meyrcy. Fyrst in thys World temporelly qwen yt ys sayd / lu­ce sexto. Date et dabitur vo­bis. For Wyth gret payn shal he be mayd powyr that gheuys of hys goodys to powyr pew­pyl. Et also god Wyl do them meyrcy spyrytwelly yt apperyꝭ in the segund cheptur to the co­rynthyens. Qui seminat in be­nedictionibus de benedictioni­bus & metet. Qwych sawys the blyshyng of almus in thys p̄sēt lyue shal resayf the blyshyng of grace in hys deeth / for almus followys the saowl at the de­partyng of the body. For as says sant ambros. The goodys that oon man may not beyr Wyth hym qwen he partys of thys World they ar no mor hys Theyr ys no thyng bot meyr­cy qwych berys cōpany to deyd pewpyl qwen they part of thys World. The .vj. beatwd ys. Beatimundo corde. Blyshyd ar they qwych ar cleyn of hart. [Page] Thys beatytwd ghanys to the Wyergyns the qwych has had et kepys cleynes of hart & of body lywand chastyly. Et certanly We shoold haue thys be aty­twd thayr to that We may by chast in hart et keypyng Weyl cleynes to thys that We be not pollyd & fylyd by long abydyng ī owr syn Wyth thoghtyꝭ & dylectacyōs the qwyh ar deydly syn qwen they ar mayd Wyth con­sentyment of rayson. The self Wayes We shoold keyp owr body clenly Wyth owt that We by fyled of the syn of lychery as to the deyd. For al the Werkys of lychery doyēg owt of maryage ys deydly syn. After the say of the appoystyl qwych says. Quod oīs fornicator aut īmundus non habet partem in regno dei. Et verytably god gheuys oon fayr promes to them qwich ar cleyn of hart. Quoniam ipsi deum videbunt. That ys to say that they that ys cleen of hart may see god qwych ys re­ward and beatytwd of al crea­twr. The .vij. beatytwd ys. Beati pacifici. Bleshyd ar they that ar of peys. Thys be atytud ghanys to the confessurs qwych ar in pays of crys­tyens in them and procurys pays to other so mych ys yt ys to them possybyl We shoold haue thys pays for thayr qwayr pays ys god ys to thys pour­pos says the psalmyst in the psalm. lxxv. In pace factus est locus eius. The plays and dwellyng of god ys in pays. Et sant ambros says. Pax est dux ad vitam eternam Pays ys the duc and leddar that leydyꝭ the saowlliꝭ to ewyr left and lyue. Et saynt cry­sostome says. Vbi pax ibi om­nia prosperabuntur. Quhayr pays ys al thīgys goyes Weyl and they shal haue prosperyte. Et as to thys beatytwd god promysys oon gret promys. Quoniam filij dei vocabun­tur. For they qwych ar payfy­byl shalbe callyd the soonnys of god and hoyrs of the reawm of paradys. Et of contrary them of dyscord ar the soon­nys of the dewyl. Et as to thys purpos says sant gregoyr yf they qwych procurys and lowys pays ar clepyd / the sōnyꝭ [Page] of god indowtably they ar soonnys of sathan qwych confon­dys and dystroys the pays the qwych ys newyr dystroyt of the erth bot by pryd and aua­rys that ys to say Wrechydnes The .viij. beatytwd ys. Beati qui persecucionem patiūtur propter iusticiam. Bleshyd ar they qwych suffrys and tholys per­secucyon for rayson and causys of iustys. Thys beatytwd ys ryght neydful to al the holy mē qwych ar in the World / & qwych Wold pytwsly lyue in iesu cryst & qwych Wold serue hym rygh­twsly. And thys aperys by the appoystyl qwych says in hys segūd cheptur the qwych he Wryttys to hys dyssypyl Thymo­thee in the thryd cheptur. Al they qwych Wold lyue goodly and pytwsly in iesu cryst suffy­rys and tholys the persecucyon of ewyl men. Et iesu cryst says in sant ioon in the .vj. cheptur. Si me persecuti sunt & vos per sequentur. yf they haue doyen me ewyl. Certanly they may do yow ewyl. For the serwy­teur ys not and shoold not be mor than ys mayster. Et as to this beatytwd god gheuys oon gret ghyft. Quoniam ipsorum est regnum celorum. Certanly yt ys oon Woord of gret conso­lacyō promysyd to them qwych sowstenys pacyently the trybulacyons of thys World for god promysys them the reawm of hewyn. And thys sayd opynly for to conclud fynaly. Beatieritis cum maledixerint vobis homines et cetꝭ. Gaudete et exultate quoniam merces vestra copiosa est in celis. Bleshyd ar ȝe my frendys says iesu cryst to al faythful crystyn men that le­wys honnestly in thys World kepand them from syn and ha­wand the dreyd of god befor thayr eynqwen the men that ar Wykyt persecuturs of ryght­tws men Wold curs and do to ȝow ony iniurys and Wrong the qwych ye do beyr pacyent­ly for the boue of me. Reioy ȝow for ye shal haue copyows reward in hewyn in ewyrlestād ioy. Et thys suffycys of the viij. beatytwdys and godly promessys of god.

HEyr after We shal sey of the .iiij. conseylls e­wāgelikys of iesucrist The fyrst ys that We shoold be meyk et lyue ī parfyt meyknes so that yf ony Wnfaythful en­nemy of god shoold do Wrang or to stryk oony crystyn man in the cheyk good conseyl ys et cō ­mandyment of the gospel to haue Wyl & cowrayge grathyt to resaue oon other Wrang or ꝑse­cucyon for to susteyn the fayth et les not the pays of hys con­scyēs by yre / or ewyl Wyl to re­wenge hym self. The .ij. cōseyl ys powyrty of spreyt. Et after thys conseyl ys Wryttyn / go et sel al that thow has and gheue to the powyrs & fallow me. Certanly yt ys cōseyl et not propyr commandyment. The thryd conseyl ewangelyk ys Wyer­gynyte & parfyt chastyte / of the qwych yt ys Wryttyn. Qwych haue ys yt may hold and keyp yt. The .iiij. conseyl ys parfyt dyleccyon and parfownd pa­cyens / for iesu cryst conselys et says ī the hospel Pray for them that doys ȝow ewyl lowe ȝowr ennemys et sych thyngys sem­blabyls. Et thys aboue sayd conseyl keyppys they that ar parfyt that ar grathyd to thool iniwrys & to dyspys al rychess tēporells for to fallow powyr­te. Et to leyf chastely in parfyt charyte and of lowyng of god & of theyr nyghtbowr. Et ī innocens of lyue and dysprysyng the Worldly ioy qwych shoold by dysprysyd for .v. thyngys. Fyrst that sayd Warldly ioy ys cursyt of god / yt apperys ī sant Luc in the .vj. cheptur. Ve vo­bis diuitibus qui hic habetis consolationem. Cursyng shal fal aboue yow rych men & vorldly the qwyche has heyr your cō solacyons et pleysyr in Worldly ioy. Qwhat shoold he be qwych dwrst eyt of ony meyt the qwych he Wnderstud War cur­syt of god almyghty or of ony sant of paradys. So mych that the iustys of thys World ys to dreyd et to shew the qwych ys cowrsyt. That ys of iesu cryst. Mor shoold We lowe the We­pyngys that ar blyshyd of owr redemptur as sayd ys of heyr befor. Beati qui lugent. et cetꝭ. Certanly We reyd / saynt Ber­nard says Weyl that Iesu cryst [Page] Wepyd aboue the cyte of iheru­saelem and aboue lazarus / bot We reyd not that he dyd lawgh no play. Segundly the World­ly ioy and play of thys World shoold by dysprysyt for thys that the sayd ioy ys myxyt Wyth sorow. For qweyr the man dylytys hym ī drynkyng or ettyng or in lychery qwyche they gadyr in greyt labowr et kepys them Wyth greyt dreyd and lefys them Wyth greyt so­row or dygnytys or offycys alwayes the man shal fynd sum sorow myxyt Wyth the sayd thyngys. Et they shal newyr haue ioy Wyth the sayd thyn­gys / for they shal haue sum thyng beyt seyknes or dysplay­sans the qwych he Woold haue no good and qwayr they haue defawt ony thyng they may not haue yt. Et by thys theyr ys no parfyt ioy bot al sorow et noysumnes. The thryd ioy of thys World suppos that they be not cursyd of iesu cryst and that yt War cleyn Wyth owt ony myxyng of sorow so shoold they be dysprysyd. For they ar short after the say of the holy man Iob in hys .xx. cheptur. Gaudium ypocrite id est mūdi ad instar puncti. The ioy of thys present World dyssawa­byl ys to the mayner of oon y­pocryt and also as the pownt qwych ys of smal shortnes. The .iiij. caus the ioy of thys World shuld by shewyd for this that yt pryuys of the ewycle­stand gooddys of hewyn / for as says saynt Gregoyr. No man may haue the sowlas of thys World et be Wyth god ewyrle­standly ī paradys. The .v. caus the ioy of thys World shoold be showyt / for yt shalbe towrnyd ī oon other World ī ewyrlestyng cursyng after sāt gregoyr that says. Presentia gaudia sequunt (ur) perpetua lamēta. Ve pyngys & lamētacyons ewyrlestand shal follow to the ioyes present of thys World.

ANd We shal sey heyr after of the noryshīg of the saowl spyry­twelly so mych as yt ys in thys Woord present. That ys to say of the vord of god of the qwych ys Wryttyn. That man lewys not oōly of the breyd materyal bot Wyth thys of al the Woord qwych procedys of the mowth [Page] of god. Et certanly the Woord of god ys oon seyd the qwych is broght of the hewyn by owr sa­wyowr et redemptur iesu cryst. Et yf yt had not beyn broght al the World War peryshyd in synnys. After the Woord of E­saye in the fyrst cheptur. Nisi dominus exercituum reliquis­set nobis semen quasi sodoma fuissemus. yf owr redemptur had not lewyt Ws seyd of hys holy Woord We had beyn ful of Wycys and peryshyd in theyr synnys as dyd do them of so­dom et gomorram. Et Wery­tably the Woord of god shoold by hard rewerently yet dewotly as yt procedys of the mowht of iesu cryst. For yt ys Wryttyn in sant Luc in the .x. cheptur. Qui vos audit me audit. Et saynt Mathow says yt ys not ȝe that spekys qwen ȝe preyche / bot yt ys the geost of god my father that spekys in yow yt ys vryt­tyn ī the decret He shal not haue les syn qwych eyrys the Woord of god neglygētly / no the preyst qwych be neglygens lattys fal the body of iesu cryst aboue the erth. Et saynt Augustyn sayes Benigne audiendum est. et cetꝭ Al thys qwyche appartenys to the salut of saowlys et pryncy­paly the Woord of god shoold be ressawyt & hard meykly / and dewotly holdyng & kepyng be­syly not has the Woord of hym that preshys bot as the Woord of god cōsoland. Segundly the Woord of god shoold by keypyt et holdyng in mynd & oft put befor owr eyn thayr to that We shoold not forghet yt. Et yt ys not ghanant to do as sum the qwych ar lyk oon redyl that ys holyt the qwyche fyllys ful of Water qwen yt ys plongyt in the Water bot qwen they draw yt forth of the Water theyr ys no thyng in yt sych pewpyl may not haue the blyshyng of god qwych says. Beatiqui au­diunt verbum dei et custodiunt illud. Et as to thys purpos says the appoystyl Wryttyng to the Romayns in the segund chept (ur). They qwych eyrys oon­ly the law ar not ryghtws e­nens god / bot the doars et they qwych fulfyllys yt by goodver­kys shalbe iustyfyed. Et yt ys ghanāt that they qwych eyrys the Woord of god and doys yt not rynnys in .iij. greyt perylls [Page] The fyrst ys they shalbe gre­wously punyshyd. Thys appe­rys in saynt Ioon in the .xv. cheptur. Si non venissem. &cꝭ. yf I War not cūmyt sayes the re­dēptur et that I had not spokyn they shoold not haue syn bot they haue not no excusacyon of theyr syn. For yt ys Wryttyn ī sant Luc ī the .vj. cheptur. The seruāt that Wnderstondys the Wyl of ys mayster et doys yt shal not be bettyng of syndry Waandys. The segund dāgyer ys that he qwyche eyrys not the Woord of god ys that he closys the port of hewyn ī so mych as yt ys to hym possybyl. Thiꝭ apperys by the psalmyst qwych says. Hodie si vocem eiꝰ audie­ritis. yf ȝe heyr to day the vord of god be ȝe not ī Wyl to indurs yowr hartys. That ys to say that ȝe be not hard to resayf the Word of god so as dyd owr first parēs in the desert to the qwych he as sworn in hys yre that for that they Wold not heyr hym / they shuld not enter ī his ewyr­lestand rest that ys in the eerth of promyssyon et hewynly bea­tytwd. The thryd dangyer ys that they that Wyl not heyr the vord of god is that they shal criqwen they shalbe ī necessyte as to the eynd of theyr lyue god shal not heyr them. Thys pre­wys the prophet qwen he sayes in the parson of god they shal clep me & they shal not be hard.

Certanly thys Word of god shuld be Wylfully hard for the maynay prowffyttys qwych yt ghewys to them qwych Wyth good Wyl eyrys the Word of god & for the mych goodys that the sayd Word doys in them qwych Wylfully eyrys them. For fyrst the sayd Word of god clengys man Iohānis .xv. Iam vos mundi estis. &cꝭ. ȝear clen & purget Wyth ī Says iesu cryst to ys dyscyplys for the Word that I haue preshyd to ȝow. Et thys cūmys ī two mayners for the Word of god ys as oon my­rower in the qwyche man has Wnderstondyng of hys synnys Et the vnderstōdyng of his synnys ys the begynnyng of salut. Segūdly the sayd Word of god ghewys grace to qwych eyrye yt by the qwych he ys clengyd. For yt ys Wryttyn in the pro­werbys [Page] ī the .xiij. cheptur good techyng ghewys grace to the saowl. The segund good that doys the Word of god to the parson qwych eyrys yt Wyth good Wyl yt ys that the sayd Word as sych oon Wertu that god ys present Wyth thē qwych eyrys Wyth good Wyl the Woord of god Mathei .xviij. Vbi duo vel tres. &cꝭ. Qwen two or thre ar gaderyt in the nam of the sayd redemptur for­to eyr my Woord I am in the myddys of them. Thys appe­rys of the two discyplys qwych dyd go the day of hefter of iherusaelem to the castel of emaus the qwych dyd speyk of Iesu cryst. The .iij. good the qwych doys the Woord of god to the parson the qwyche eyrys the Woord of god ys that yt refre­shys the saowl after thys that yt ys Wryttyn ī saynt mathow in the .iiij cheptur. Non in solo pane viuit homo. & cetera. The saowl lyuys of the vord qwych procedys of the mowth of god as sayd ys. Et saynt Gregoyr says. Cibus mētis est verbum dei. et cetera. The Woord of god ys the fowd of the saowl. For as ys that the body ys no­ryshyd of bodyly meyt / sychlyk the saowl ys noryshyd of spy­twel meyt that ys of the voord of god. Et Werytably as that he qwych may not eyt bodyly et fyndys no gowst in the meyt et holdys no thyng of yt qwych ys taykyn / bot puttys al owt of hym qwych is oon opyn toy­kyn of greyt seyknes and that he ys neyr the deeth. Et sych­lyk yt is of hym qwych vyl not heyr speyk of god and qwych fleys the preshyngys. The .iiij good ys the qwych doys the Woord of god to the parson ys / that Wyth good Wyl eyrys yt that yt shawys ewydently that the sayd parson ys dyscypyl of god and of hys famyl / for yt ys oon natwrel thyng that oon ychoon eyr Wyth good Wyl the Woord of the father / ys mo­ther / ys brether / ys syster et of hys lond. Than yf god almyghty ys owr father & the gloryowꝭ excellant qweyn of hewyn em­pres of hel the vyrgyn mary ys owr mother et the angels et the archangels et al the gloryows santtys of hewynowr brether & the reawm of heuyn owr lond & [Page] ve shoold Wyth good vyl speyk of them et of the mayner how We may cū Wyth them. The v. et last good ys that doys the vord of god to hym that eyrys yt Wyth good Wyl ys that yt delywerys them of deeth / et re­qwyrys to them ewyrlestand beatytwd. yt apperys Iohānis viij. Si quis sermonem meum seruaueryt &cꝭ. He that kepys and holdys my Word shal not gowst the ewyrlestand deeth. ¶yt may be ashyd qweyr for e­wyl parsons Wyl not heyr We­ryte no the Word of god. ¶An­swer. For thre cauꝭ. The fyrst for yt is lyk to them that yt ys hard & sharp Iohānis .vj. Du­rus est hic sermo et quis potest eū audire. That ys to say / the Word of god ys sharp yt may not behard. The segūd rayson ys for that the Word of god ys contrary to theyr dedys et for thys caus they Wyl not beleyf. Et for that yt ys Wryttyn in saynt Ioon in the thryd cheptur Qui male agit odit lucem. &cꝭ. He the qwyche doys ewyl Werkys lowys not the lyght thayr to that ys verkys by not reprywyt. The thryd rayson ys for that theyr hartys ar inclynyt to synet to other Warldly thyngys / et of this spekys the eccle­syastyk in the .xxj. cheptur. Au­diuit luxuriosus & displicebit ei / et proijciet illud post dorsū suū. That ys to say the man that is lycherows as begown to heyr the Word of god et yt dysplefys hym & shal do cast yt a syd from hym. For yt ys Wryttyn in the prowerbys. Non recipit stull verba prudēcie &cꝭ. The powyr synnar qwyche ys fowlych re­sayffys not no vnderstōdis not the Wordys of prudens et of sapyens of god Wyth owt he say yt that he thynkys & the qwych he has in hys hart. Al sych pewpyl shoold dreyd that. They var not taykyn so as oon ryche Wordly man Was taykyng of the qwych spekys iames of vy­try the qwych vold newyr heyr the Woord of god also soon that he saw that ys curat or oon o­ther Wold preyche he dyd go furth of the chyrch and speyk Wyth sych lyk as hym. Et of thys he vas maynay tymys reprewyd of hys curat that he in­peshyt hym et other to heyr the vord of god he dyd not reyk bot [Page] parseuerit alwayes ī syn & ewyl cowstymys as obstynat. The qwych finabyl Was taykyn of oon grewous seyknes soo mo­och that he vaꝭ ꝯpellyt for dreyd of deeth & damnacyon to shryue hym / et not for charyte et lowe that he had to god no of hys awn saowl. Et of thys seykneꝭ after oon sych confessyon deyd the said vorldly rych. Et qwen hys body Was broght in the chyrch befor the crucyfyx & qwē the curat et other clerkys vold begyn the offys of requiē & syng neyr the body. The ymage of the crucyfyx dyd tayk ys two armys of the cors et stoppyt ys eyrys Wyth hys fyngers befor al the pewpyl that Was theyr of / the multitwd of peupyl that vas theyr Was mooch ameyr­Weellyd et ashyd at the curat qwat that vas to say or myght be. Et the sayd curat āsweryt.

Certanly ȝe shal Wnderstand that the ymage of owr redemp­tur Wyl gheue Ws to Wnder­stond that the soowl of thys Wnhappy man of the qwyche the body ys heyr present ys in the hondys of the dewyl. For also that the powyr Wnpappy beyng not long a go in thys World stouppyt ys eyrys qwen he dyd heyr preshe the Word of god & dyd go furth of the chyrch dysprysant the Word of god.

Of the qwych I haue syndry tymys reprewyt hym sych lyk god closys now hys eyrys thayr to that he Wyl not eyr the prayers / the qwych We do for the saowl of hym. Et for that I defend yow al that ye pray not mor god for hym. Et also soon they cessyt of theyr oraysons for that ve shoold not pray for theem that ar dānyt. Quia ī inferno nulla est redēp­cio. Et than they dyd tayk the body herd yt in oon feyld not holowyd for he vaꝭ not worthy therto.

FOr that ve haue seyn heir be for of the fowd spyrituel of the saowl that ys of the Word of god by the qwych syndry ar clepyt to the reawm of heuyn Thoght yt be so that few ar choysyn & predestynat theyr to. Et no man wnderstondys by scyens yf he by in the loue of god or in the indygnacyon of god as to thys caus for toleyf Weyl and conseqwētly [Page] mor goodly dy. Veshal sey heyr after .ix. mayners of predestynacyon by the qwych man may Wndorstond yf he by in the stayt of damnacyon. Et of soo mooch that vefyndī owr self moost of thyr .ix. fyngys so moch shoold We haue mor gret hoyp in god that We shalbe of the nombyr of santys suppos that We be synners. The fyrst syng of predestynacyon ys ad­versyte in thys World. That ys to Wnderstond / beyr bodyly seykneꝭ pacyētly & the powyrte of temporel thyngys. After the saaw of the appoystyl qwych says. ad hebreos .xj. Flagellat autē omnē filiū quem recipit. That ys to say that he gheuys trybulacyon of bodyly seyknes et powyrte of tēporel thyngꝭ & eerthly to his chylder qwych he Wyl resayff ī beatytwd. Et yt ys Wrytyn ī the apocalypsys ī the thryd cheptur I priue and chasty them qwych I loue. Et for that qwen theyr cūmys to ony man ony adversyte in hys parson or in hys goodys / & that they beyr pacyently the sayd adversytes for by adwentur he has befor grewyt god by pryd / or by glotōny / or by Wrechyd­nes or other deydly syn. Or he as beyn Wnthankful to god qwych as gheuyn hym the sayd goodys. Et as to thys caus in punyshon god as punyshyt hym of the sayd goodys. The segund syng of predestynacyon ys qwen ony eyrys Wylfully the Word of god. That ys that he eyr Wyth good Wyl the word of god and of hys propyr saluacyon / et of the ioy ewyr­lestand of ꝑadys & of the paynes of hel. For yt ys Wryttyn ī sant Ioon in the .viij. cheptur. Qui ex deo est verba dei audit. He qwych ys the soon of god eyrys Wyth good Wyl the Word of god. Of the qwych We haue spokyn Wyl at lenght heyr be­for as in them synge of leccyon et of the contrary they that vyl not eyr yt ys synge of ewyrle­stand damnacyon. The thryd syng of predestynacyon ys that qwen ony mā honowrys them that dredys god as the good (ser)uās of god almyghty makar For yt ys that oon fals penny oft passys in the cownt Wyth good pennyꝭ. Sych lyk / yt hap­pynys that oon synner qwych [Page] lowys the good that they enter in hewyn Wyth theem / by thys that god gheuys them grace of cōtrycyon by the prayreꝭ of thē that ar good. For yf god Wold forgheuyng haue the sodomtyꝭ qwych vaꝭ ī .v. cytꝭ of sodoimy cyēs & to al the erth leyng theyr to for .x. good parsons yf they had beyn fownd Wyth in the sayd cyttys. For qwy shal not god forgheue to oon synner doyeng to hym meyrcy for the lowe of syndry et maynay iust persons the qwych ar good & to qwoom he doys faueur to the sayd lowyt frendys ghewant thē befor that they depart furth of thys World Werray contry­cyon and forghewenes of theyr synnys. Et certanly oon man as natwrel Wertws qwych lo­wys the Wertws that ar ī oon other. Et of contrary it ys oon syng of reprobacyon qwen oon mā enwyes the good & Wertwꝭ et ys so mooche cursyd in hym self qwych lowys not the good in hym self ne may not sey yt in others. Bot doys Wrong to the good pewpyl in word and deydto the exempyl of fals the dewyss the qwych ys obsty­nyt in hys malys and ewer parsewys the good & wertws. Et ys oon greyt et grewons syn / for iesu cryst reputis yt doyn to hym self qwych ys doyng to hys freyndyꝭ that thys to good and iust parsons. The .iiij. syng of saluacyon ys meyknes to of contrary pryd ys syng of predestynacyon as the qywych says sant gregoryr. Et sāt au­gustyn sais. Quem superbium videris filium esse diaboli non dubites. Mayk no dowt bot he ys son of the dewyl the qwych thow seys prydful. Et certāly ys the knyghtys & mē of weyr ar knowyn by theyr armys et lyurys et sheyldys et that We Wnderstond eythly by theyr sayd armis & lyurys & sheeldys vnder qwath kyng they feyght sych lyk We know the knygh­tys of iesu cryst by humylyte et the seruās of the dewyl by pryd For indowtably the qwych ys most prydful in thys woorld shal by neyrest lucyfer in hel. Et he qwych ys most meyk in thys World he shalbe neyrest iesu cryst in oon other World that ys ī hewyn. The .v. syng of predestynacyon is qwen ony [Page] eyrys not vyth good vyl speyk ewyl of hys nyghtbowr or bro­ther crystyen. Et qwych expo­sys and conwertys in good al the sayd sawys et dedys of hys nyghtbowr / et of contrary yt is syng of reꝓbacyon qwen ony eyrys Wylfully detracturs qwych interpretys et exposys in ewyl party al that they eyr et sey in the sawys et dedys of other et of theyr nyghtbowr. Sant Thomas says yf ony heyrys Wylfwlly detraccyons Wyth owt that he resyst to the detractur / or that the detractor pleys hym by hatrent to hym of the qwych ewyl ys spokyn he synnys not les than the de­traccyō sumtym mor. For that says Saynt Bernard I can not say eythly qwych of the two ys mor damnabyl detractur or to say ewyl of hys nyghtbowr or to eyr hym that spekys ewyl. Alwayes yf he qwych eyrys the detractur taykys no pleysyr to eyr the detraccyon and for sum dreydor good causys reprewys et repellys not the detractur et to mayk opyn & shaw to the de­tractur that the detraccyon de­splesys hym he synnys verayly bot of so mooch les than the de­tractur / et oftymys venyaly. Et Werytably sum synnys grewously sayeng that the dey­dys and operacyons of others that ys theyr nyghtbowr ar doon by ewyl intencyon. For ys oon ys holdyn after theyr con­scyens to expos the tyngyꝭ do [...] ­tabyls in the moost goodlyest maynayr. For yf ony saw two parsons speyk oon Wyth oon other / et that Wold iuge dyfy­nytly that they do speyk of sū ewyl or that they lawgh by sū fleshly lust that they haue oon to oon other. Certanly they syn deydly. For by awētur they speyk of sum thyngys or they lawgh oon of oon other Wyth owt ewyl intencyon. For that says owr redemptur in Sant luc in the .vj. cheptur. Nolite iudicare et non iudicabimini. Iuge not other & thow shall not by iugyd of ewyrlestand iuge­ment. Ee the appoystyl says. Quo iudicio alium iudicus te ipsum condamnas. Tow con­damnys they self by sych lyk iugement by the qwych thow iugys other. Et ys to Wnder­stond thys qwych is sayd holy­ly. [Page] For yf ony say ony ewyl or syn opynly as to kyl oon man Wyth owt iustyꝭ blasphemyng god opynly. Bot of les deydys qwych may be doon by good or ewyl intēcyō yt ys syn to mayk ony iugement as yt ys sayd.

The .vj. syng of predestyna­cyon ys qwen ony ys meyrcyful to powyr quych ar ī trybu­lacyon et seyknes. For as says Sant Gregoyr We may not otherwys be maydmēbrys of god & of owr redēptur iesu cryst Wyth owt that We haue pytye of owr nyghtbowr that ys in trybulacyon of so mooch theyr is mor gret syng of predestyna­cyon. For that sayꝭ sāt gregoyr ī ys moralys. Tanto quis par­feccior est quanto ꝑfectius alie­nos dolores sentit. So mooch as oon man mor ys parfyt in goodlynes qwyche parfytlyar Wnderstondys the dowleurs & seyknes of others. Sych oon man acqwyrys meryt Wyth al they Wyth the qwych he has pytye in charyte of bretherheyd Et the Werray toykyn of pity ys qwen he holpys them Wyth bodyly goodys or spirytwells qwych ar in trybulacyon. For yt ys ī Wryttyn ī saynt ioon in the fyrst canonyc ī the .iij. chep­tur. He qwych as of goodys of thys World et seys hys nyght­bowr and crestyn brothyr haue necessyte / shettys the Wowel­lys of pyty that ys to say he that holpys not of hys goodys bodyly or spyritwelly to hys sayd brother / qwych ys in ne­cessyte. How may he say that the charte of god bydys Wyth hym. Certanly sych oon ꝑson has no lowe to god / no to hys nyghtbowr. Et sant ioon / says in oon poystyl god Wold that ewyrych oon cristyn man shuld Wnderstōd et / parsayf in hys hart / the trybulacyon et soro­wys of others as owr awn / et We shoold holp them qwych ar in tryhulacyō. So as ve Wold that We War holpyt & We var ī sych lyk adwersyte. Et of the contrary / he qwych as the art not pytyabyl ys syng of ewyr­lestand reprobacyon / by that he has no pyty of powyr pewpyl For sant gregoyr says that he qwych may not obteyn & dyser­ue the meyrcy of god qwych haꝭ not beyn meyrcyful in thys World. Maynay dysprysys to [Page] speyk to powyr peupyl of thys World. Et consyderys not / yf that yt had pleysyt to god / they had beyn mor powyr than they that ar dysprysyt. For theyr ys no man so fayr / so rych / no so hoyl no he may be mayd mor pouryr or mesel blynd dum or paralytyk. The .vij. syng of predestynacion is qwen ony for­gheuys eythly the iniurys that ar doon to them. For theyr ys no Wertu qwych may sonner reconsel man Wyth god / than to forgheue them that as blas­phemyt et howrt and as doyn Wrang to vs. Et for thys caus it ys Wrytten ī Sant mathow ī the vj. cheptur yff ȝe forgheue of al ȝour hart to your ꝓchaynꝭ sych lyk your father of hewyn shal for gheue you your synnys For Sant Gregoyr says. He shoold hold hym self oon synner that as Wyl to do ewyl to hys nyghtbour & Wyl not forgheue hym qwych as mysdoyeng. The .viij. syng of predestyna­cyon ys qwen ony desyrys to be better oon thā other and better than he hys. Et thayr ys may­nay gret desyrs that ar good ī ­wart / by the qwych they desyr to be good et Wert Ws & gouern them honestly in Wordys and maynayrs. Et certanly the gloys says aboue thys passay­ge ī Sant mathow. Beati qui esuriunt et siciunt iusticiam. Qwych as hongyr ec thryst of iustys ys no other thyng than to haue desyr to profyt. Very­tabyl theyr ys no other Way / the qwych ys ghanāt that oon man shoold proffyt or that he dyffaylls. Et so soon that mā proffytys not he fayllys. Et Werytabyl qwen oon man ys hot et than ys cold to do Weyl et that he cowstumys to sleep ī the matyn et to blaphem god et Wse the tawernys dayly in playng of the cach or of the dys Et as to the tyngys spyrytw­ells ad the chyrch / the study the prechyngyꝭ ī hatrent / and that he haf no desyr to excerꝭ hym to do Weyl that ys oon syng of eWyrlestand dānacyon. For the payp leon says ī oon sermō. That the rewm of hewyn shal not cum to them qwych slepye ī theyr synnys. Et that ewyr­lestād beatytwd is not promy­syd to them that ar in sleep by sweyrnes. For yt ys of neces­syte [Page] to exers in good Werkys / and haue desyr to do Weyl. The .ix. syng of predestinacyon ewyrlestand ys qwen ony thynkys of the passyon of iesu cryst the qwych ys pyteabyl et dolo­rows et thynkand of the sayd dolorows passyon & of iesu crist et that We thank hym of thys that yt pleassyt hym so mooch to meyk hym that he has suf­fryd deeth & passyon ī the cors for the redēpcyon of mankynd.

Et certanly We shoold haue hop that he shal not be damnyt qwych thynkys oft of the sayd passyon and that he remembyr yt Wyth good Weyl. For thayr ys no thyng mor aggreabyl to god no mor proffytabyl to man than to haue mynd of the pas­syon of iesu cryst. The greyt Albert says in oon sermon that oon sympyl thynkyn or recordacyon or remembrans of the pas­syon of iesu cryst as qwen he ꝯsyderys the pyller qweyr the redē ptur Was smyttyng or of the tre of the cors qwayr on he vas crucyfyed so mooch oonly / or ony myster of the sayd passyon proffytys mor to oon man than to fast oon ȝear holyly in breed and Water or that he dyd hayt hym self by ewyrych oon day Wyth rodys vnto the effusyon of blood. Or yf that he do reyd by ewyrych day oon hol sawl­tyer / as to thys caus We shoold dewotly thynk et doyeng this he acqwyrys the ioy of paradyꝭ the qwych gheue Ws god be ys grace.

¶Heyr endysh the book of good lywyng. Et fol­lowys oon ryght dewoyt medytacyon of the saowl qwych thyngys of the de­partyng of the body for to haue holp. Et after begynnys the book inty­tulyd the art of god dyeng.

QWo shalbe my faithful freynd my trust holp at my last neyd at the neyrow howr of the departyment of my body. Qwo shal holp me qwo shal speyk or answer for me. Qwo shal dilyuer me qwen I shalbe callyt be for the ryght dreydaybyl iugement of the sowerayn loed qwen the enne­mys of hel goyes abowt me of al partys and shal accus me in syndry mayners qwen they ef­fors them to draw me in the paynes of hel ewyrlestād / qwen my conscyens propyrly et my Werkys shal gheue Wytnyn­syng ageyns me. Shalbe than the World and my carnel freyn dys qwych shal holp me. No Werraly / bot they shal lat me go the Way. Shalbe thys the body to the qwyche I haue ser­wyt so mych and to the qwyche I haue ghewyn al the eysemens et pleysans. Certanly he may les holp me than the World / for yt shal ly ftynkant & rottand in the eerth / and fowd to the Wor­mys. Shal yt be ony mayneyr of owtwart thyngys sych as honewr / gloyr / myght et may­nay syndry mayners of placys et dancyꝭ / and certanly no. Bot than qwen I beleyf to towrn to the body for to fynd ony of the pleysans that I had coustumyt to haue et beleyffys to haue the Wayn consolacyons et lowen­gys of the World. Helas helas & mor than oon hondreth timys helas / in that ryght dreydabyl howr of the deeth. I shal fynd the eyrys et the eyn & the gowst of the towng / et twechement / et al the other partys of the body by the qwych I had ioy the tym by passyt I shal fynd them shet et closyt by the moost streyght et horrybyl lok of deeth. Than qwat shal I do powyr chetyf / or qweyr shall / I towrn me / of qwom shal I cal qwom shal Iashe at thiꝭ howr / I haue no holp no confort / no consolacyon / no may cum non of the body. yt ys certayn that yf befor this howr I haue mayd no freyndys that may holp me et cōfort bryngys to me I shal fal in me by dysso­lacyon by irrewocabyl dam­nacyon.


¶Vyergyn gloryows certayn hop singulier refuge of synnarꝭ et to ȝow my good angel / et to you sant petyr apoystyl & to you gloryows .x. thowsād martyrs of gret meryt the qwych as suf­fert sych martyr as iesu cryst owrlord qwayr for ye ar glory­ows in ꝑadys by ye at my holp be ȝe thayr for to confort me mayk cōpany theyr Wyth this oonly dyssolyt & presēt yt at the ryght hand by for the fays of the sowerayn iuge Wnder your dyffens chays the dogys of hel qwych sekys to vory yt & mayk hym to heyr the sentens lowa­byl / tayk & resayf the reawm of my father qwych ys grathyt to good pewpyl of the begynnyng of the World.


¶Faythfully I qwayk & trēbyl & as dreyd by alwayes as of the othyr sentēs I thynk that shal­be castyn aboue the ewyl. De­part you from me cursyt pew­pyl et go in damnacyon ewyr­lestand fyer. Helas qwat oon hard departyng of the fowe­rayn good ī the sowerayn ewyl of al happynes in al Wrechyd­nes / of ewyrlestand pays in e­wyrlestand et abhomynabyl cō fusyon. Oyre of god / o sentens Wnportabyl fal not aboue me. for thayr ys no myght no fors in me qwych may susteyn me. Smyt me & punysh me in thys lyue after your meyrcy thayr to that ye let not me fal in the cowrt of thys iustys qwyche so horrybyl and crowel for the synnars qwych shal resayff theyr iugemēt. Awayk thow / awayk thow vrechyd creatur eyr vyth thy eyrys and Wnderstond the thondyr of thys sentēs / behold Wyth eyn oppyn the fasson of thys iugemēt. Thow art ower long in sleyp ower deff et blyn­dyt / yf thow parsawys not or Wnderstōdys sych orayge / sych Wrechydnes et so bytter puny­shon & also yf thow dremys thē & trymbles thynkant this mor than layf of the qwakyn asp. Thiꝭ is not fabyl no moqwery that. yf thow be oon cristyn mā ȝe / yf yt pleys god thow fleys [Page] al sorow al bodyly afflyccyon. Et in al mayner by phas or by nephas goodly or ewylly al the eysys / et cōsolacyons that may be powrchassyt to thys vnhappy body and yt as not suffy­sans. Helas yf thow may not oft rest in oon soft bed et in oon payntyd chambyr Weyl flory­shyng. yf thow may not susteyn oon howr oon smal seyknes qwych makys the so mat / byt­tyng et langoryng et inpacyent

yf thow may not suffyr oon Word to the / or ageyns the. yf thow may not se other in mor greyt honowr brwyt or mor a­wancyt than thow. Et in short for to conclud al / yf thow may not suffyr no thyng bot swet thyngys pleysant and lowabyl say to me I pray the qwat shal­be thy fors for to susteyn the greyt tormens of hel for to see Wyth owt eynd the dewyllys

How may thow heyr theyr Wyllennyes theyr reprewyn­gys et mocqwerys qwen they reprewe the tym that thow as lesyt qwych Was gheuyn to the to do pennans et to acqwyr the reawin of paradys Et for that thow as not fulfyllyt thē Weyl thow art chassyt furth of the cō pany of thy god et reprewyt of hym et of al the gloryows sant­tys. O good as the pennans of thys World ys mooch lyght et the dysprysyng of the plesant et esennes of the body / ar lyght in the comparayson of sych tor­mēs not sych bot mor hortybyl that We may not rehers them. The qwych alwayes thow mā sousteyn / yf at thy departement thow be fownd in deydly syn. So I pray the my saowl that thow haue pyty of thy self. For the sentēs of owr sawyour iesu cryst in the gospel / in thys may­ner qweyr he sayes. It ys mor lyghtly to pas oon Chamel qwych ys oon horrybyl et greyt best by the hol of oon nedyl / thā the rych to go in ꝑadys. Waryt be ȝe o rych men of thys World that hauys heyr your consola­cyōs for after ewyrlestandly ȝe shal Weyp.


¶O saowl tayk heyr hey [...] haue pety of thy skyn I pray the that thow be not of them of the qwych ys fayd the cōmo [...] prowerb. Oon fowlych man beleyffys not Wnto he ressayf. [Page] Sych War the gendrys of loth to the qwoom loth sayed the nyght of the synkyng of the .v. cytes that they do part or other wys they shoold perish for they beleyff that he dyd mok so they Warloft Wyth the other. So yt Was of them to qwoom noye preshyt makand the arche & Werrayly them that dyd holp hym to mayk the sayd arche. For so mooch they defferryt et delayt to amēd them & to towrn to god / that sowdanly the yre of god com et al War peryshyd. O my saowl by not to amend the ageyns the peryl of damna­cyon Wnto that thow be stry­kyn Wyth the dart of deeth. Do so thow be grathyt befor the howr of thy departyng. For he is oon fowl qwych befor the howr purwoys hym not. Thow as red so maynay Wryt tyngys et has seyng so manay parsons et of maynay as hard of kyngys / of prencys / lordys / ladys / ȝong as thow art / sages / prydful hauād bruyt ī so mooch et by awantwr mor than thow has. The qwych newertheles the deeth qwych sparys no man as taykyn at the howr hym ꝑ­awētur thynkyeles than thow doys. O my saowl be thow sayge and befor thy howr pour­woy the. Tayk away al deyd­ly syn from the and owt of thy cōpany so mooch as thow may do yt. Et than that thow ma haue no neyd to tayk yt away. Delywer the of the handys of men hastely yf thow be in det to them by rewyngys / by dyssawyngys / by frawd / by theft / by enwy / by pryd / be hettrent / by e­wyl doyng / or by otherwyꝭ. For by sych ewyl Wycys I may ne­wyr be reconsylyt Wyth god. Et for that yt ys ghanāt fyrst that thow leyf al thy syn and Wesh al by cōfessyon / sych Wys that thy conscyens remord the not et than put the ī the meyrcy of god so qwyl thow haue tym. Resayf now and do ys Wyl al­ways as he cūmys to the as father or good doar to gheue the pardon and gra [...]. Et abyd not Wyl he cum to the as iuge aw­ful and god of Wengens. For than theyr shalbe no remeyd no of respyt. O my saowl yf thow Wnderstondys the in sych oon stayt in the qwych thow Wold not dy / no part of the body. [Page] Quheyr for puttys thow the not the day befor the morn. For thow Wnderstōdys not yf god gheuyꝭ the grayꝭ to leyf vyl the morn. Et yf the day be oon thyng streyght the morn shalbe streghtlyar. Oftymys yt hap­pynnys he that vyl not / Wyl he may he shal not qwen he Wold. God gheue the grace to amend / thy self thow abusys and doys Wers qwat hop qwat sewyrte that he shoold gheue the oon o­ther rest for to repent the. Be yt so that thow forghet now be War that he forghet the not in thy neyd. Be yt so that thow trustys ī thy ȝowtheyd sayand qwen thow art hold thow shalt do pennans. Ofowlych hop so mooch as thow dyssauyt & shal dysawe other / as thow letter to lyue vnto thy eyld. Et certāly et yt War so / oftymys morly­wys the lam & Wers is the skyn Be hold how maynay parsons has that fowlych hop qwyche has deyed ȝong Wyth owt vor­thy pēnans. O my saowl thow has not than no other remeyd bot that hastely thow mayk thy pays in god by Werray and hool repentans Wyth owt de­lay punyshant thy self and ma­kand of thy self iustys. For yf We iuge not owr self god shal not iuge Ws. Be yt so thow haue no shaam to haue forfayt so maynay tymys ageyns oon sych father & good doya [...] haue dowt et dreyd to dyspleys hys myght ys iustys / hys fors / hys lordshyp. Meyk the dayly be­for hys presens Wyth lawly sheyr Wyth eyn Wepād ashand hym dayly pardon. Be hold qwat dreyd the santtys of he­wyn hawys of the iugemens of god / so mooch so gret & merweyl lows qwych alwayes as lywyt so cleenly so holyly. Et thow from that thow as cognossans et aage Wyth grot payn thow has beyng oon day no oon half day Wyth owt syn Werrayly & qwath synnys and so gret syn et abhomynabyl. O my saowl iuge by thys qwhat pennans thow shoold do. For yt ys We ryte that the day of iugement thow moost mayk rekynnyng of thy deydys saws and of al fowlych Woordys.


TO think alwayeꝭ of the deeth yt ys not proffitabyl as says the poet ca­thon qwych says. Linque metum leti. &cꝭ. My son says cathōleyf et postpoyn the dreyd of the deeth. For he the qwych thynkys ewyr of yt shal newyr haue good ī thys World. Alwayes yt ys proffy­tabyl to think et self Wayes neydful for the saluacyon of the saowl. For befor that owr saowl may be beutyfyed yt most be partyd of the body. Et that deeth Wych ys comon to al men as mayd ys execucyon aboue man or Woman by the qwych maynay docturs com­tēplatywys consyderāt the mysters of crestynmenet Women. Et yt the qwych holy chyrche syngys oon awꝭ vednes­day theyr qwayr al cre­styn man and Woman shuld go to the chirch for to resaue the aws that the preyst gheuys et in gheuāt says. Memēto homo quia cinis es et in cinerem reuerteris. Remenbyr the man that thow art mayd of aws et that thow shalt retowrn in aws as mayd & cōpylyt of syndrytractem comtē ­placyō Wyth the cōsyderacyō of deeth. Et specyaly oon of the qwych I know not the nam bot I fynd ys book intytulyt ars moriendi begynnant

QVāuis secūdum phi­loȝophum tercio ethi­corum. Omniū terri­bilium et cetera. Thys book haue I beholdyn et consyderāt that to al pewpyl of good yt ys profytabyl et ghanant for thys that ewyrych oon Wnderston­dys not the latyn I Wold trās­lat of latyn ī franch & of franch in inglysh ī the most goodlyast [Page] vys that I may. Theyr to that al crestyn mē may refrech thair Wnderstondyng. For it ys oon of the thyngys of the World qwych most incytys the crea­tur to the saluaciō of hyꝭ saowl that is the cogytacyon of deeth Et for thiꝭ caus that the ēnemy of hel aboue al Wold enpesh vs by fowlysh hop that We haue to lyue owerlong I pray to al the redars of thys book that my present exposycyon Wold mend corryge and support and dres yf theyr by ony fawt theyr & excuse the smal capacite of me yf the auctorytys theolo­gycals the qwych in thys book I fynd that ar not so suffycyent exposyd ys yt appertenys by notgny Wel samoht

¶Heyr begynnys the book intytulyd the ar of good dyeng.

QVamuis scdm philosophūr &cꝭ After thys the philosophe ī hiꝭ thryd book of the ethykys spekand of thyn­gyꝭ terribilꝭ & dreidabilꝭ qwych may hapnyng in thys Warld & & cū to man ys the deeth. Mors resecat mors omne necat quod in orbe creatur. For the deeth ys abolacyon of al gooddys qweyr he says in the book of dysprysyng of thys World as he as sayd befor. For the deeth cuttis kyllys / smal ȝong / ald powyrs ryche / kyngꝭ / dukyꝭ erlyꝭ prensys / barons / ladys damoysells. Et generaly al thyngys at natur as creat For that yt ys terrybyl. The qwych thyng We may cleerly Wnderstond yf We Wold behold the dedys of alixander the gret qwych by armys et bodyly fors vas sayd that the had conquest the mon­archy of the World et had lordshyp of al yt / that neuyr ēnemy so stark that he var that might ower cum hym. Also deyd but yrn or ony armys owercō hym et put hym so law that al the myght that he had myght not preserue hym no keyp hym. Et that the phylozophowr saye Weyl that of al the thyngys terrybyls qwych ar in the World the deeth ys the most. Quheyr yt ys mooch to dowt. Et yt ys mych merweyllows [Page] yf the sayges pewpyl comtem­platywys dowtys yt. For yt ys Weyl Wnknowyng of the qwych oon freynd may not cū or send nowellys oon to other For that and so mych that the gret et sage pewpyl dowtys yt et defferrys to passyt the most that they may yf that qwē they Wnderstond oon of the messan­gyers or currurs of deeth as fewers alteracyons and other seyknes qwych may be intro­ducyt of deeth. They go sowd­danly to the remeyd for to haue medcyns for to alenght theyr lyue. For so mooch that they Wnderstōd veyl that the deeth ys the most dreydabyl thyng et most abhominabil qwych may cum. Et as to thys says the phylosophour spekand of the deeth naturel the qwych ys se­paracyon of body & of the saowl Bot ower thys bodyly deeth qwych ys so crowel et dreyday­byl says the docturs cōtempla­tywys of owr fayth that theyr ys oon other deeth namyt the deeth of the saowl. Qwych Wyth owt comparaison ys the most dreydaybyl et most abho­mynabyl thā the bodyly deeth. Thys qwych approwys the holy doctur Sant Augustyn sayant. Maius est dampnum ī amissione vnius anime quam mille corporum. Says Sant augustyn mor gret ys the dom­mayge of oon saowl qwych ys lost et deyd be damnacyon than ys the deeth of oon thowsand bodys of bodily deeth by aboly­cyon. Thys says also Sant bernard. Totus iste mundu [...] ob vnius anime precium esti­mari non potest. That ys to say that al thys World ful of ryches qwat ewyr yt be ys not Worthy to be estymyt to the prys of oon saowl creat to the semblans of god. Et Wyllyng to say that oon creat to the ymayge of god ys mor nobyl et mor Worthy thā al the World by the qwych deeth & pardycyō of yt ys mor dreydabyl et mor merweyllons than the pardy­cyon of al the World. Et for thys caus & rayson says the doc­tur contemplatyf qwyche as composyt thys present book. Cum ergo anima tante presio­sitatis existat. &cꝭ. Also sen yt is so that the saoul be of so gret Walleur et Woorthynes & that [Page] the pardycion of yt ys mor gret than the pardycyon of al the World the deeth of yt ys mooch to dreyd the qwych at al howr procurys the sayd ēnemy of hel Wyllyng to draw yt to damna­cyon wyrlestand & al mākynd Wyth hym. Et specyally the mor gret infestacyons of temp­tacyon qwych ys gheuyn to the creatur. That ys at the owr of the bodily deeth / & qwen he seys that the pacyent as debylyte et Wayk of seeknes. et be the ve­hemens of the sorow that he fe­lys hys vnderstōdyng ys trow blyt that fals ennemy esperant ewyr mor by hys cursyt admo­nycyon espoyrys to caus the saowl to dy Wyth the body. Be the qwych it ys Weyl necessayr that al man that ys sayge that he haue ī hys extreym seyknes et at the howr that he faylȝys et that deeth partys the body from the saowl et that he haue the art of god deyng of the qwych thys present book ys mayd. For as says holy Sant gregoyr. Valde se solicitat in bono opere qui semper cogitat be extremo fine. Suffycyently he solycytys hymself that put­tys hys study in good operacyō that ewyr thynkys of hys last eynd. For yf that We thynk Weyl et that We tayk in owr thowght that eynd ve shal beyr mor eytgly / the dolewrs that We man suffer. After that it ys Wryttyn. Futura si presciātur leuius tollerantur. So be yt that the thyngis to cum ar pro­wydyt & knowyng they ar mor esyly to suffyr.

¶Ted heu rarissime.

¶Bot says the actur by com­templatyue merwellyng cōsy­derant the preparacyon that al the Wys men that ar crystynyi shoold mak at the last eynd. Helas theyr ar sū qwych layt­ly dysposys them to thys latter eynd. Beleyffand et estymant by the instruccyon of the dewyl of hel of qwom they ar blyndyt that they shoold neuyr so sown dy so that syndry by sych vayn et fowlysh hop / ar deyd vnhap­pyly and Wndysposyt of theyr conscyens. Et for that to al seyknes qwat dowtabyl sey­knes that ewyr yt be ve shoold not eythly ghewe hop to re­towrn [Page] to heelth. Bot sonnar gheue them adwertyssyng of the deeth / they to that they dys­pos of theyr saowl / et that yt may not dy in deydly syn. For so as sayꝭ the chāseler of parys. Sepe per talem falsam cōsola­cionem et fictam sanitatis cō ­fidenciā certam incurrit homo damnacionem. Oft by gret cō ­solacion that the medcyns ghe­uys in seyknes by oon fowlych trust the qwych they beleyff to recower theyr hoelth bodyly he ys neglygent to dyspos of theyr saowllys and rynnys in ewyrlestand damnacyon. For that shoold al medcyns Wys et prudens byfor al thyngꝭ tech to them that ar seyk the thyng qwych ys neydful for the saowl et the profyt of them.

¶The cheptur of the adwertyssemens of the knowlege that ve shuld gheue seyk forto dy veyl

FOr to haue co­gnoyssās ewy­dently yf ony pacyēt that is ī the bed of deeth may dy Weyl & also for to teche Weyl. Fyrst We shoold monys hym to trow generaly al thys that oon good crastyn mā shuld trow / et to haue Wyl to leyff et dy in the fayth of god et in the Wnyte & obedyēꝭ of holy chyrch Segūdly We shoold monys hym that he has greuously grewyt god for that the most iust of the World .vij. tymys the day grewys god & shaw to hym how he shoold haue ī hys hart dysplaysans of so mooch that he has offencyt god. Thrydly ve shoold monys hym to haue good purpos and good Wyl to retowrne to pennās & to amēd hym self yf yt pleas god to alenght hys dayes et to gheue hym heelth et retowrn newyr to syn The .iiij. iꝭ that ve shuld monys hym to forghewe to them qwych as offencyt hym & shaw the exempel of owr sa­wyowr et redemptur iesu cryst the qwych ī hys passyon prayet for them that crucyfyed hym ower that he ashe forgheuenes at al them that he has offencyt The .v. amonycyon ys that ve shoold monys hym that law­bowrs to the deeth yf he has [Page] ony thyyng the qwych ys ewyl gottyn that he mayk satyffac­cyon of the good of other & that he do gheue yt agheyn. For ne­wyr the syn ys forgheuyn vyth owt restytucyon be mayd. The vj. admonycyon ys that We shoold monys them to be leyf that owr redemptur iesu cryst ys Werray son of god et manet boorn of the vergyn mary. Et has suffert deeth et passyon in thys Wal of Wrachydnes for the saluacyon of man et Wyth owt the meryt of the precy­ows passyō / of iesu cryst theyr may not be oon so iust be sawyt et in so mych that the sayd paci­ent may he shoold thank hym in so mooch that Wold meyk hym to haue suffryt deeth for to gheue hym hys saluacyon. After thys that they haue mo­nyst thy seyk man dewly of the thyngis aboue sayd for to Wn­derstond yf he be in the stayt of good deyng. They shoold in qweyr at hym yf he beleyffys Werrayly the thyngys aboue sayd. Et yf he answerys ȝe / ve may aparsayf that he ys of the nombyr of them that dyys veil for so mooch that ys Wordys ar Wylfully sygnyfyes yt that lyis in the hart of the parson. Deīde studiose. After thyꝭ that the pacyent as beyn aduertyd et ī qwyryd as sayd is ve shoold present to hym thy sacrymens of holy chyrch and monys hym to ressaue them fyrst that he haue in hym verray contry­cyon of hart of yt that he has offencyt god. Segundly that he mayk oon hoyl confessyon Wyth Wyl to do pennans yf he cūmys to helth or to tayk the deeth ī thank yf yt plesys god to send yt to hym ī hop to haue the rewm of hewyn not by the meritꝭ of hym Bot be the merit of the bleshyt passiō of iesu crist Of other sacrymens sych lyk as of the sacrymēt of the auter qwych ys ye vyatyk of crystyn mē. The qwych may resawe yt shoold resayf yt in the eynd of hys dayes how Weyl that sum of sych seyknes qwych ar seyk they dar not gheue them for dreyd they cast or vomyt al the les they shoold show them yt. For as says sāt bernard. Cre­de et manducabis. Beleyf and thow shalt eyt. That ys to say qwen the body of iesu cryst ys [Page] present befor the pacyēt qwych bodyly dar not resayf beleyffād feruently the holy sacrement be faythful the body of iesu cryst he resauys sppyrytwelly et as mych after god yt ꝓffytys hym et to hys saowl as yf he had re­sauyt yt bodyly. Et so of the others sacrymens of owr mo­ther the holy chyrch shoold the ressaywer be aduertit todyveyl Quisquis vero.

Heyr the doctor makys solucy on of oon questyon that may be mayd. That ys to Wnderstond yf ony seyk man the qwych ys ī the artikyl of the deeth qwych has no company or assystens Wyth hym in hys deeth to mo­nys hym or qwen he ys in the bed of the deeth that inqwyrys hym of thyngys aboue sayd qwath shal he do. ¶Answerys the doctor that he that fyndys hym in sych oon cas / he shoold inquyr hī self & thynk so nooch as he may the thyngys aboue sayd. Consyderant yf he be so disposyt as qwych ys requyryd in hys cōscyēs that ȝe / he shoold not haue dreyd to dy bot sewr­ly he shoold submyt hys Wyl to the Wyl of god et remember ewyr ī hys hart the holy & Wor thy passyō. For be thys thoght ar owercūmyt al the temptacy ons of the dewyll pryncypally in the fayth.

Vnde notandum est

HEyr says the actur that We shoold notyfy that they qwych ar in the artykyl of deeth hanyꝭ mor gret et mor merweyllows temptacyons than they had be­forn. Et thys ys for that the Wnderstondyng & al the spretyꝭ ar Wakyt as sayd ys. Et theyr ys .v. pryncypal temptacyons qweyr of the dewyll tēpys mā in the artykyl of deeth as yt shal appeyr heyr after. Ageyns the qwych temptacyons the angel of god alwayes ys besyd Ws for to keyp Ws & to conuoy Ws oon good Way yf We Wyl beleyf hym he ghenys Ws .v. good inspyracyons.

HEyr says the actur of the mayner of proce­dyng in hys book say­and. Bot theyr to that thyꝭ mater be fructws and proffytabyl to Ws / & that noon be concludyt [Page] of the speculatyon bot to leyrn al thē of qwath stayt that ewyr they be to dy Weyl I haue trayt tyt thys book in two fachons the oon to correspond to the other. Fyrst in preshyngys auctoryset et parobosys for to ser­ue to clerkys. Segundly infi­gurs & ymayges befor the eyn of them qwych be holdys the letters ys denotyd. Et I haue mayd for to serue to lowd men. The two qwych thyngys ys lyk oon myrower in the qwych al thyng by pass yt present & for to cū ar be holdyn. Qwo Wold than veyl dy he shoold the thyngys befor sayd Wyth them that followys et put them in theyr mynd.

¶Te fyrst temptacy­on the qwych the de­wyl tempys the man in the artykyl of the deeth ys.

‘Infirmus factꝰ ē’ ‘Intēficias teipsū’ ‘Fac sicut pagani.’

After thys qwych sayd ys that the first thīg of the qwych the seyk mā shuld be adwertyt in the artykyl of [Page] the deeth ys the fayth. Sych lyk the fyrst temptacyon of the qwych the dewyl gheuys ys twechant the fayth. For he Wnderstondys weyl by ys cautel he may oon tym do inso mooch that the pacyent ys indowt / of hys deeth or otherwys he be­leyffys not in the fayth of god and holy chyrch that he ys dam nyt. For yt ys impossybyl to pleys god Wyth owt fayth / et for so mooch that Wyth owt fayth We may not haue salut in Wytnyssyng of holy augus­tyng qwych sayes. Fides est bonorum omnium fundamentū et humane salutis initium.

Fayth ys the fondement of al goodys and the begynnyng of salut to man kynd. Sant ber­nard also says.. Fideꝭ est humane salutis initium. Sine hac nemo ad filiorum dei nume­rum potest pertinere. Sine hac labor hominis est vacuus.

Says the gloryows sant Ber­nard / also says to thys purpos. That fayth ys the begynnyng of salut of mākynd. Et Wyth owt yt may no man cum to the nombyr of the soonnys of god So yt yꝭ Wyth owt yt the labe [...] qwych man doys ys Wayn et may not proffyt to hym / by the qwych yf fayth ys the begyn­nyng of the salut of man kynd yt ys Weyl that the ennemy at al howr beyng as oon lyon ro­myshant and sekant ys proy for to Wery yt qwych desyrys not bot for to bryng mankynd to perdycyon. Aboue al thyn­gys puttys ys myght to mayk man to faylȝe in the fayth. For he Wayt Weyl yf he may das­sayff hym by fayth qwych ys begynnyng of salut he may noꝭ cum to blysh of beatytwd. ffor so mooch of al ys myght he efforcys hym that Wekyt en­nemy to caus the seyk man to renons hys fayth sayant to the seyk mā. O meshāt & Wnhapy mā that thow art beleyffꝭ thow yt ys faythful that they presh to the and that thow qwych ys man ful of fyn ys Worthy to haue paradys for oon oonly syn haꝭ beyn dānyt. Hel aꝭ beyn maid for al synnars al & syndry & qwat pennās that ewyr thow do newirmor thow may efhayp Consyder al the pannans of [Page] Iudas that he hym self dyd hyng hym and alwayes he ys dānyt. Ower be hold the kyn­gys payans qwyche so dewotyly seruyt to theyr ydoles et Wer ray godys qwych seys al befor them & thow adorys & beleyffys that at thow seys not et adoryꝭ oon thyng Wnknowyn qwych ys oon gret fowlyshnes Wyth this of thy beleyff thow has no experym̄t. for theyr yꝭ nō of thē that ys passyt the qwych ys cū to say Weryte et thow shoold beleyf the contrary of al the qwych they preshe to the better than otherwys. By sych per­swasyons & fowlych admonycy ons the dewyl tēpys et essays to temp et dyssayf hym qwych ys in the passyonꝭ of deeth thar to that he caus hym to go owt of the Way of Weryte & to caus hym to er in the fayth qwych ys the begynnyng et fondacyō of al salut. For the ennemy wayt Weyl yf the fondement faylȝe of ony edyffys that ys to say ony beggyn ys cast down qwyche necessaryly the edyf­fys that ys aboue the fonde­ment yff the fondement fayl­lys al fallȝys. Sciendum ta­menet cetꝭ. Heyr puttys the actor oon notabyl for to ghe­ue consolacyon to sympyl men not lectoryt qwych may ower mych dyspoyr of theyr Wertu and myght to resyst to the tem­ptacyons of the ennemy and says so. That thoght the en­nemy may be malycyows and dyssawabyl and that ys temptacyons may be gret. Alwayes yt may also that the dewil may not constrayngȝe man in ony temptacyon no ower cum ī ony maner in so far that men as the vsayge of rayson. Et yf he Wyl fully & Wyth owt ony strenȝyn he consent not to the temptacy­ons qwych cūmys to hym the qwych thyng aboue al ys to dreyd. Et for thys shoold the good crysten man in ys good mynd know god and protest be for hym that qwath thing that ewyr the dewyl mayk hym to do by Wayknes of hys Wyt in the sorow of the deeth he con­sent not no Wold consent bot callys befor god protestant to lyue and dy in the fayth of the appoystyls ys oon good crys­tyn man. And also says the doc­turs contemplatyfs of the holy [Page] Wryt that they fynd not that god permyttys not oon man in the Wexacyōs of the deeth that man shoold not be owercumyt of the ēnemy qwych ī hys good Wyt makys thys protestacyō sayant sant pol Fidelis deus (qui) non pacietur vos temptari suꝑ id quod vos potestis sed facient cū tēptacione prouētū vt possit sustinere. God qwych ys good & faythful shal not suffyr that ȝe be tempyt ower yt that ȝe haue myght of resystyng. Bot mor soon shal gheue ȝow holp & confort thar to that he qwych ys tempyt may goodlyar ower cum the temptacyon. Queheyr for yt aperiꝭ ī the artikyl of the deeth that qwē al might fayllyꝭ to man god holpys hym et par­myttys not so mych to be infes­tyt of the ēnemy as qwē he ys ī hys god mynd & that befor as a crystyn man as dewly payd ys det to god. Et for thys ys that ageyns the .v. temptacyons of the dewyl in the artykyl of the deeth god gheuys to man .v. good inspyracyons send by ys angels for to resyst.

¶The good inspyracyon qwych gheuys the angel to the pacyent in the arty­kyl of the deeth ageyns the temptacyon of the de­wyl as to the fayth.

‘Be sekyr in the fayth.’ ‘we lawbour ī Wayn’ ‘We ar owercūyt’ ‘Latws fley.’

OWR salwyour & redemptwr Iesu cryst pyteabyl of mākynd not Willyng that he go to perdycyon. the howr that the powr crystyn man ys in torment of deeth and that the dewyl of al ys myght [Page] drawys to dyssaue hym by fawt of fayth god sendys hym ys angels for to gheue hym ad­monycyons contrarys to them of the dewyl. Et also ys the fawls ennemys by fals perswasyons. Also the angels by good admonycyons tystys hym and says. O man qwych ys formit of the erth and yt ys fors that thow retowrn in the erth haf cō gnoyssās of thy makar qwych has mayd thy saowl to hys propyr lyknes keyp the Weyl that thow beleyff not to the pesty­lens & mortel suggestyōs of the dewyll for that he ys bot oon lear and qwat lesyngys he ghe­uys the to Wnderstond or ony apperās ys of veryte alwayes the eynd of al deyd ys bot dys­sauyng & thynk thow how he dyssauyt adam et eue and cau­syt them to syn by hys lesyngyꝭ qwen by hys fals ghewyn to Wnderstond he causyt them to eyt of the fruyt that Was pro­hybyt promyttāt them & sayād that be that they may be im­mortel and for that says the angel to the pacyent. My freynd keyp the Weyl that in ony may nar thow dowt not of the faith thoght yt be that thy Wndestō ­dyng be Wayk and may not cō prehend yt that ys so gret oon thyng of the fayth of god Wyth thys that ys mor proffytabyl to Wnderstond yt not sensualy For yf thow Wnderstoud yt et may Weyl cōprehend yt shoold yt not be meritabyl thyꝭ qwych says sant gregoyr. Fides non habet meritum vbi ratio prebet experimentum. Fayth ys of no meryt theyr qweyr the thyng may be prywyt by rayson or by experyens remēbyr the of thyꝭ qwych has Wryttyn owr holy fathers fyrst says sant Pol in hys .xj. cheptur to the hebreuxs Sine fide īpossibile est placere deo. Wyth owt fayth yt ys not possybyl to pleys god Wyllyng to infer that the thyng qwych most pleysys to god that ys fayth. Sant ioon says also in hys thryd cheptur. Qui non credit iā iudicatus est. He qwych beleyffys not in the fayth sewr­ly he ys iugyd. Sant bernard also says. Fides est primogeni­ta intervirtuteꝭ. Fayth ettwyꝭ the Wertus qwych causys the man to hys saluacyon ys the fyrst engendryth. Sayes ower [Page] that sant bernard. Beatior fuit maria parcipiendo fidem cristi (quam) carnē xpi Mor happy Waꝭ the gloryows Wyergyn mary for the Werray fayth that sho had ī god in beleyff and fayth fully to the Woordys of the holy angel how Weyl that yt Was oon merweyllows thyng in natur than yt Was of consawyng of the flech of iesu cryst. For that sayꝭ the angel to the pacyent. Fayth ys the most precyows thyng that may be had. Consyder the fayth of owr ancyen fathers as abraham / ysaac / iacob. Consydyr the fayth of sum pyans as of iacob of raab the fowlysh Woman et of syndry qwych so greyt fayth as had in god how Weyl that they War of the ald testament and had not no new law bot the holy Wryt preshyt them they War sawyt for the greyt fayth that they had ī god the father & makar. Consydyr the gret fayth of the appoystils that al theyr possessyons / ry­ches / fathers / mothers / Wyffyꝭ chyldryn & the self Wayes theyr ꝓpir Wyl aꝭ leyfyt for the fayth of iesu cryst beleyff and fayth­fully and Wyth owt fayth and doyeng as befor sayd ys they myght not entyr in the reawm of paradys. The fayth also of the Wyctoryows champyons of the fayth that ys to say the gloryows martyrs qwych ys Werray knythtys et as offert theyr bodyes to innumerabyl tormēs for to susteyn the fayth of god Wyllyng to dy inyt as Werray knyghtys in the fayth & law of ther pryns. The fayth also of the gloryows confessurꝭ and Wyergyns qwych for the nam of god as lywyt in dreydabyl pennās renonsāt the Warld kep and theyr Wyergynyte and lyw and strayt lyue for to pleas god hauand Werray fayth in them. Tak exampyl fyrst at sant petyr that of hys bodyly fut he ȝeyd aboue the Waters / as aboue eerth. Be fayth sant Ioon ewanhelyst dyd drynk the venyn that Was broght to hym and he had newyrewyl by so mooch he beleyffyt faythful­ly that in makand the tokyn of the cors aboue the bryuayge the holy gheost dyd tayk the Wenyn away. Thow as mor gret exampyl says the angel to the seyk man to beleyf that god [Page] shal holp the yf thow trustis as yt ys Wryttyn of alexander et syndry other paganꝭ and by the qwych yt ys Weyl notyd yf god for the fayth of oon Pagan makys so gret oon thyng / mor sonnar shal he do yt than for the fayth of oon crystyn man. By the qwych yt aperys that the fayth be oongret meryt ys bleshyd of god for the gret me­ryt that yꝭ ī yt. For that freynd says the angel to the seyk man thow shoold weyl & manly and of gret fors resyst to the dewyl qwych tempys the to er in the fayth. Et shurly beleyf yt and al thys that holy chyrch beleyf fys. For yt ys yt that may not er for that yt ys gowernyt dressyt & cōwoyt be the holy gheost

¶Nota (quam) cito.

Heyr puttys the actor of thys present myrower oon notabyl sayant. Also soon that the seyk mā dowtys the deeth et that he felys hym self tempyt of the ennemy of hel ageyns the fayth he shoold consydyr in hym self that fayth aboue al thyngys yꝭ necessayr and Wyth owt yt im­possybyl ys to pleas god & that ony besawyt. Segundly that yt ys sowerantly proffytabyl for to acqwyr grays beyt ī thyꝭ World or in oon other sayand owr lord god. Omnia possibi­lia sunt credenti. Al thyngys ar possybyl to do to hym that be­leyffys in god. Et iterum &cꝭ. Et ower thys says owr lord of thyngys qwych deuoyt oraysō & good Wyl ȝe ashe me ȝe shal haue yt / & thys mayner be the aboue sayd admonycyons that the angels gheuyꝭ to the seyk man by the grace of god he may re­syst frō the tēptacyonꝭ of the dewyl how gret that ewyr they be

Quare etiam bonū. &cꝭ Heyr gheuys the actor oon te­chyng to them that ar neyr oon seyk parson lauborant to thys eynd sayād that yt ys oon good thyng proffytabyl & ryght ne­cessayr ys that oon crystyn mā traweyllyng to the deeth to by exposyd and declaryd Wyth he voys the symbol of the fayth that ys to say the credo thar to by yt hard he may ewyr incly [...] ys eyrrys and haue mor gret constans of cowrayge to dy in the fayth of god Wyth that the Wordys of the Symbol ar so Worthy and ful of gret grays [Page] that the dewyllys goyes away from hym & has dreyd to heyr them pronowncyd followyꝭ the segund temptacyon.

‘Fornicatus es.’ ‘Periurus es.’ ‘Auare vixisti.’ ‘Ecce pctā tua.’ ‘Occidisti.’

¶The segund tēptacyon the qwych the dewyl tem­pys the man in the arty­kyl of the deeth ys by myshop.

THe segund tempta­cyon after owr pre­sent Actor of The qwych the dewyl tempys man or Woman & essayꝭ to dyssayf the seyk man in the artykyl of the deeth ys of dysperacyon ageyns the the gret hop & trust that al crys­tyn mā shoold haue in the meyrcy of god. Et he doys thys tēptacyon in two mayners. Fyrst by the shewyng of hys synnys doyn by the seyk man. Sygūd­ly be Wayn Wordys le dyng hym to myshop. Fyrst than seyng the dewyl the powyr crystyn man tormētyt Wyth afflyc­tyons of the dowleurs of deeth Wyllyng to gheue dowleur aboue doleur deypnes Wyth deyp­nes. Taykys oon gret book in hys hond qwar hys Wryttyn al the ewyl deydyꝭ that the powyr synner as doyng in thys World and specyally of them that he has not beyn shrynyng qwych ar so dysplaysant to the crystyn mā of good fayth that ony thīg mor may not be. Et says to hym. Thow meshant Wnhap­py qwych has had fayth in god the qwych has doyn to the so maynay syndry goodys & thow as grewyt hym gretumly how beleyffys thow that he haue meyrcy of the qwen selflyk the sīnys that thow as doyn ageīs hym thow as left the Wnshrynyng and wold not haue kno­wynt them. Be hold I haue put them al ī Wryt and I haue hop thow shal newyr be to no man bot to me or other Wayes god ys not faythful iuge. Thow as beyn ys by grace thow art myn by syn. Thow shoold be natu­relly by to hym / bot by Wrech [...]d Wyl thow as lost thy part and ryght of the heritage & thow art myn ys prysonner ewyrlestand acqwyryd Wyth greyt Weyr god haꝭ boght the by the meryt of hys passyon and I haue stol­lyn the theftwsly acquyryd by temptacyon. Thow aꝭ beyn the soon of god be obedyās yf thow had kepyt ys commandymens [Page] Bot thow ar soon of the dewyl by consentyment in so mooche that thow has trespassyt them Thow as left the habyt of im­mortalyte the qwyche god by hys gracys has ghewyn the. Et has taykyn the habyt of damnacyon and of al payn by the enorm synnys qweyr of thow art clothyd / as yt appe­rys in thys present book qweyr ar al thy synnys. Et specyally of them that thow maid newer pēnans as yt ys Wryttyn et redygyt to mynd qweyr for thow may say as dyd Cayn qwyche kyllyd ys propyr brother Abel. Maior est mea inquitas quam vt veniam merear. Mor greyt ys myn iny (qui)te than al the gra­cys that I can meryt enens god After thys shawyn the dewyl says the to seyk mā at ys neyr the deeth. Be hold as thow as offencyt god. Fyrst in so mooch that aboue al thyngys thow has not lowyt hym thow has swoorn hys nam in vayn / thow has not kepyt thy holy dayes / Thow as not honowrit father [...] other bot do ageyns theyr cōmandyment. Thow as beyn oon murdryer at the lest of thy Wyl yf thow as not beyn yt of deyd. For thow as be awarys or Wodnes desyryt oft tymys Wengens and the deeth of o­thers / et Wylfully as purchas­syt hys deeth had not beyn the dreyd of the World mor than of god. Thow as acqwyryt the goodys of other men be theft by fors by Wylys by dyssa­wyng and be oon thowsand o­ther mayners qweyr of thow mayd nener restytucyō. Thow as brokyn thy maryage of thy nyghtbowr thow as fowlest hys dowther and born fauls Wyttnessyng apon hym & doon oon hondreth thowsand syn­nys ageyns the cōmandymens of god Wyth owt that We keyp them We may not besa­wyt as says iesu cryst. Si vis ad vitam ingredi serua manda­ta dei. yff thow Wyl haue e­wyrlestand lyue keyp the com­mandymens of god. The qwyche says the dewyl to oon seyk man thow has not kepyt them. Bot thow has beyn pryd ful / vrechydful / ful of sweyrnes enwyows / dyspytows ful of [Page] glowtonny and lycherows. Qwyche ar the .vij. deydly syn­nys qwayr of thow ar ful and thow mayd newyr confessyon thys qwych apperys that yt ys wayn et oon fowlych thyng to the to haue hop that he be so m̄rcyful to forgheue the. Seyng that so oft thow has hard presh that yff oon deyd in deydly syn they ar damnyt. Mor ower thow has not fulfylled the Werkys of meyrcy of the qwyche pryncypaly god shal hold ys iu­gement of the qwyche he shal lowe or blam them the qwyche shal assyt befor hym as he put­tys in the bookys mayd of the iugement shalbe at his Wrong hond. That ys to Wnderstond To the ewyl by oon mayner of reprewyng. Ite in ignem eter­num. Nam esuriui et non de­disti michi manducare. Sitiui et non dedisti michi bibere. & cꝭ Sayes god to the ewyl the day of iugement. Go ȝe ewyl pew­pyl forth of my company to the dewyl and al ys angels & to the ewyrlestand fyer of hel. For that qwen ȝe War in the World ye haue dysprysyt me I haue had honger ȝe gheue me no thyng to eyt qwen I had thryst thow gheue no drynk to me. Et for that sayes the dewyl to the pacyent. Thow qwych ys lywāt & thow fowfyllyt newyr no may fowlfyl the Werkys of meyrcy and charyte thow may weyl say et iuge that thow ar frustryt of the meyrcy of god. Et yt ys to the oon greyt fow­lyshnes to espoyr seyng that Wyth owt meyrcy thow h [...] lewyt and faynt Iamye says. Iudicium sine misericordia f [...]t illi qui sine misericordict fuit s [...] per terram. Iugement Wyth owt meyrcy shalbe to hym qwych as not had meyrcy abo­ue the erth. Ower thys thow seys syndry that laborys nyght and day in the law of god and alwayes ī no mayner they dar not presum of the meyrcy of god. For so mooch yf ony Wn­derstōdys not yf he by Worthy of the lowf of god or the hatrēt. Et for that yt ys oon gret fow­lyshnes to oon synnar qwyche has so maynay synnys to haue hop in the meyrcy of god the qwych may not haue. By fych [Page] the monysyngꝭ the dewyl tystyꝭ pacyent to myshop / the qwyche aboue al ewyl ys to shew. As yt be so that We haue offen­cyt the meyrcy of god We may be sawyt. Vytnessyng the pro­phet that sayes. Misericordie domini quia non consumpti sumus. Thys says the prophet of the greyt meyrcy of god that we ar not Wayftyt no adny­chylyt seyng the greyt ewyllys that We ar ful. Ower thys sayes saynt Augustyn techyng to fle myshop. Vnusquis (que) po­situs in peccato si de venia ve­ra desesperauerit misericordiā funditus perdit. &cꝭ. Al parson qwych ys in syn yf he dyspayr that god may not or Wyl gheue hym gracys by that he retowrn dewotyly and by contrycyon of hart to hym. He lefys holy­ly the meyrcy of god / for thayr ys no thyng that mor offencys god than myshop.

¶The segund inspyra­cyon that the angel ghe­wys to the seyk man a­geyns myshop.

AGeyns the Segund temptacyon that the dewyl gheuys to the seyk man in the bed of deeth for to tech hym from myshop ghe­uys the angel of god heyr oon inspyracyon and cōfort that ys good & hol sum sayand. O man qweyr for has thow myshop of the meyrcy of god dowtāt that he Wyl not or may not ghewe the grays vyth owt that thow ashe hym meyrcy Wyth hart contryt et dewoyt mynd I put the cas that thow as cōmyttyd so maynay theftys & mourthres ys theyr ys dropys of Watyr ī the se or sand in the se. Self yf thow oonly as cōmyttyd & doon also maynay synnys ys that e­wyr vas or ar or shalbe ageyns the goodnes of god I put the cas that thow var newyr shry­uyn of them et had newyr doyn no pēnans. For in sych oon cas suffycys oon good cōtrycyon of hart in wyttnes of the psalmyst qwych says. Cor contritum et [Page]

‘Nequa (quam) desperes’ ‘victoria michi nulla’

humiliatum deue nō despicies. O god says the psalmyst I Wnderstond thy goodnes so greyt and so infynyt vyth this that thow dysprys newyr the hart qwych by cōtrycyon and meyk­nes [Page] shal retowrn to the. As thys that the prophet Ezechiel spekand in the parson of god says. Quacum (que) hora peccator ingemuerit saluus erit. Et in qwat howr yt be that the syn­nar haue contrycyon and dys­pleysans of hys syn he shalbe sawyt. Sant bernard also says Maior est dei pietas (quam) queuis iniquitas. Mor greyt ys the pyty and meyrcy of god than ony inyqwyte that man may do in thys Warld. Saynt au­styen sychlyk Wys says. Plus potest deus misereri quā homo peccare. Mor says saynt austyn mor may god for gheue thā mā may syn. By the qwych the an­gel says to the pacyent. My freynd qwhat ewyl that ewyr thow has doyn thow has no caus to haue dyspayr. In casu etiam quo. et cetera. Heyr the angel strengthys ys admony­cyon for to keyp the pacyent from dysparyng and says to hym. My freynd haue no dyspayr of the meyrcy of god not et thow Wyst that thow War of the nōbyr of them that War damnyt thow shoold not haue dyspayr of the meyrcy of god / for that in hel thayr ys no re­dempcyon bot theyr to that he shoold gheue the les torment. For qwen god seys the dyspayr of ony damnyt yt dyspleysys hym so mooch that be so mooch he eykys infynytly his tormēs

Ower thys owr redemptur and sawyowr iesu cryst ys not cūmyt in thys Warld to suffyr deeth and passyon in oon cors for ryghtus men bot for to re­deym synnars as he hym self gheuys Wytnessyng. Nō veni vocare iustos sed peccatores. God saye I am not cummyt to cal the ryghtusmen bot to cal the synnars.


¶Exemplum habeas in pe­tro. et cetera. ¶Heyr prewys the angel to the seyk men by exampyl that he shoold not dys­payr for ony syn that he aꝭ doyn Tayk exampyl of saynt Petyr qwych by .iij. syndry tymys de­nyet god. Of saynt Pol qwych somooch parsewyt the crystyn­men. Of saynt Mathow et of Sacheas yt that they War op­pyn okerers. Of mary Magd­layn qwych Was ful of al syn­nys. Of the Woman that Waꝭ [Page] fwnd in adwltery. Of mary e­gypcyen qwych vas oon cōmon synnar. Of the theyf that hang ī the cors at the howr of the passyon of iesu cryst. Of al thyr that I befor sayd has synnyt gretūly alwayes they haff not dysparyt of the meyrcy of god & also god has forgheuyn them ¶Nota quam cito. et cetera. ¶Heyr techys the actorthys / that the pacyēt shoold do qwen he felys hym tēpyt of dyspayr sayand. Also sown that the pacyent felys hym tēpyt of dyspayr He shoold thynk in hym self of the admonycyons of the angel that dyspayr ys War and mor damnabyl than al thy synnys thar for qwat ewyr syn that mā as cōmyttyd so mooch enorm that ewyr yt be he shoold not haue no dyspayr. For as says saynt Augustyn. Plus peccauit Iudas desesperando quā iudei crucifigēdo christum. Mor syn­nyt Iudas in hym self dyspay­rant than the iowys dyd that crucyfyed cryst. Segundly the pacyēt shoold in this cas thynk so mooch prowffytabyl and ne­cessayr ys hop after Crysosto­mus qwych dyffynys yt & says Spes est salutis nostre ancho­ra / vite nostre fundamentum / dux itineris quo itur ad relum

Hop says Crysostom ys the ankyr of owr salut the fondy­ment of owr lyue the condyt of owr Way by the qwych We go to hewyn / and for that hop for qwat sum ewyr syn yt shoold not be left.

¶The thryd temptacyon of the qwyche the dewyl tempys in the deeth ys of awarys.

‘Prouideas amicis.’ ‘Intende thesauro.’

THrydly qwenthe ēne­my of hel feys that he may not do so mooch that the pacyent in the artykyl of deeth may denye et renons the fayth of god & of the chyrch [Page] et that he beleyf not faythfully et Wyldy as oon faythful cry­styn man. The qwych thys the fals dewyl may not owercū et caus hym torn to dyspayr as yt ys sayd. He essays to dyssayf the pacyent by oon othyr may­ner. Et that the Wnder put ys mynd et thoght of the thyngys that ar salutayr for hys saowl He cūmys to hym et presentys befor hym et bryngys to hys mynd al hys negocys and oc­cupacyons temporells that the pacyent as had in thys World et specyaly them that most he as lowyt and qweyr he as had most affeccyō. Ther to that by regret that the pacyent may hawe to leyff they thyngys temporels qweyr he as had so mooch felycyte he may troubyl hys Wnderstondyng and caus hym leyff the thynkyng of hys saowl. Et thys is Weyl to not that thys temptacyon princy­paly cum ys to them qwych as gret ryches / and possessyons qwych as fayr Wyffys / et fayr lygnayge & al Worldly gooddis in the qwyih them beyng in helth as had mor of pleysans & of occupacyon et solycytud thā in the seruys of god no to the salut of theyr saowl. Et for that at howr of theyr deeth that al thys shoold be forȝet et left / the dewyl of hel cūmys to them et puttys in theyr mynd et says to the pacyent. Own­happy man that thow art at thys howr thow may Wnder­stond that theyr ys in the gret Wnhappynes / qwē so sowdāly thow moost leyf al & of so greyt Worldly go odys that thow has had in so mooch thow as acqwyryd Wyth gret payn et at the hour that thow shuld haue yt et leyf at thy eys thow leysys them. Thy Wyf also thy fayr chyldryn qwych thow as so mooch lowyt thow leyffys them inprowydyt & they Wayt not qwat they shal do after that thow art goon. Thy fayr dwellyng placys thy fayr how­sys thy fayr byggyns qwo shal hald them after the. Thy gret myrchandys so mooch in these as in erth qwo shalbe theyr condyt thow leyffys al at the howr that thow shoold haue ioy et honour et to do veyl heyr as thy vyff & thy ȝong chyldryn that thow leyffys dysconfortyt [Page] Sych dyd do them honour that shal dowrong them thow dyes owersown. Et yt War to the oō gret ꝓfyt if thow myght lyue sum thyng mor. Et ī thys mayner et ī sych parswasyons tempyꝭ the dewyl to desayf mā thayr to that he haue regret in the World et to leyf the thynk­gyng of the saowl for to thynk to the Wanytes. Vnde singu­lariter notandū est. & cꝭ. Heyr the actor techyꝭ thys that they shoold do abowt oon seyk man twechant thys temptacyon of auarys. Et says that yt ys to not syngulary et to keyp pryn­cypaly that befor oon seyk man beyng ī the bed of deeth qwayr theyr ys sum tēporalytes that they speyk of non of them. Et that they remenbyr hym not hys Wyff hys chyldryn ys frē ­dys Wyth owt yt be ī so mooch that yt twechys hys saowl for to mak hys testament et dy as oon good faythful crystyn man in the fayth of god. For that yt ys that al the santys et Wys mē feilland the passyōꝭ of deeth lay in oon bed of aws as dyd holy sant martyn or on strow as sayant that elles they haue forghet the rycheꝭ of the World et also the Wanytes & thynkys no mor bot of the salut of the saowl.

¶The good īspyracyō that the angel gheuys to the pacyent in the ar­tykyl of the deeth.

AGeynꝭ thys sayd tē ­ptacyon of auarys that the dewyl ghe­uys in the artykyl of the deeth the āgel of god of the other part gheuys oon good inspyracyon et fayth­ful medcyn for to resyst Weyl and says. Oman return thy eyrys of the mortel et dange­rows suggestyons of the dewyl that al haylily efforcys hym to turn thy cogytacyō that thow shoold haue to the saluacyon of thy saoul Leyf & put by hynd the thynkyng of the tpalytes. Et remenbyr thy self that thow art bot aws & of as thou ar cūyt et that thow shal retorn ī aws. [Page]

‘Non sis auarus.’ ‘Nō intēdas amicis’ ‘Quid faciam.’

Ower remēbyr the that qwen thow cō ī this World thow had not et that thow Was boorn al makyt et so most thow retorn [Page] Also Wyth thys for the salua­cyon of the saowl yt ys neces­sayr that Weylfully thow re­nons al temporalytys / thus as says owr lord iesu cryst to thē qwych adherys and taykys in felycyte and ioy in the Worldly posessyons. Nisi quis renunci­auerit omnibus (qui) possidet non potest meus esse discipulus. Et that yff oon man renons not fyrst to al hys possessyons he may not by my dyssypyl. Says owr that owr lord. Si quis venit ad me & non odit pa­trem et matrem & vxorem fra­tres et sorores et animā suam nō potest meus esse discipulus. Says owr falwyowr yf ony cūmys to me and has not for ȝet as be hatrent ys father / ys mother / hys Wyff hyꝭ chyldrin hys brethyr et systerys et self Wayes hys propyr saowl that ys to say ys propyr Wyl sen­swel he may not by my dyssy­pyl. Et after thys says owr lord. Et omnis qui relinquerit domum vel fratres Wel soro­rores aut patrem aut matrem aut vxorē aut filios aut agros proter nomen meum centuplū accipiet et vitam eternā possi­debit. Et al man that leyffys hys hows ys brether / hys sy­stres / or ys father / or ys mo­ther / ys Wyff or ys chyldryn or ys feyldds for my nam says owr lord he shal resayf oon hondreth tymys the dowbyl et shal posses the lyff ewyrlestand. Et thus admonysys the angel the pacyent to tayk powyrte Wylfully et to hayt al Warld lynes. Et yt ys that he techys them not that they hayt theyr father or mother or ys chyldeyr of ewyl hatrent procedent of wodnes of hart bot of oon ha­trent leyffand them. That ys to say that We shoold leyf & for ȝet them as oon thyng that ve hat. Says after the actwr. Memento etiam. et cetera. Heyr techys the angel the pa­cyent by symylyiud et says to hym. My freynd remenbyr the of the vylful powerte that owr lard had in he cors for the that Wylfully leyffyt ys most belo­wyt mother et hys dyssypuls that so mooch he lowyt. Con­syder also that so maynay say­ge men et holy men in thys dys­prysyng [Page] of tēporalytys as fol­lowyth owr lord Wyllyng to heyr thys fayr Word. Venite benedicti patris mei possidete regnū quod paratum est vobis ab inicio mundi. Cum my bles­hyd frendys bleshyt of my fa­ther et posses the reawm that ys grathyt to yow befor the be­gynnyng of the World. For that says the angel to the pa­cyent. My frend in prent thys that I haue sayd to the in thy thoght et put a Way al thyng that ar transytoyrs from the as venym et towrn the holyly to vylful pouerty. For so thow may posseyd the rewm of para­dys. Beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsorū est regnū celo­rum. Blyshyt ar the powers of spyryt qwych has Wylfully powerte for the rewm of heuyn is ghewyn to them. Et so says the āgel. My freend put al thy vyl of al thy thoght to the vyl of god ī good fayth & hop qwych shal gheue the cwyrleft and ry­ches. ¶Nota quando infir­mus. et cetera. ¶Heyr techāt the actor of thys book the pa­cyent dreydant the deeth and says. Quhen the seyk Wnder­stondys hym tempyt by Wre­chydnes or louf of thyngys of the erth he shoold cōsyder fyrst that thiꝭ loue deptyꝭ this qwych concludys to the loue of god of the qwych spekys sant gregoyr that says. Tanto quis a supers no amore disiungit quant & hir inferius in creaturis delectac̄. Of so mooch mor yf ony heyr ī thys Warld in the creatures of thys World as mor lowe / he ys departyt of the sowerayn loue of god. Segūdly he shoold cō ­syder how mych vylful pouer­te ys ꝓffytabyl qwych bleshys et ledys the man in hewyn as says owr lord. Beati paupr [...] spiritu. et cetera.

¶The .iiij. temptacyon that the dewyl tempys mā in the artykyl of deeth ys impacyēs

‘Ecce (quam)tam penam patitur’ (quam) Bene decept eam.’

THe .iiij. mayner that the dewyl tempys the man in the artikyl of the deeth ys of īpacyens that makys mā to murmur ageyns god. Et says specyaly that at the howr that he sufferys most gret dolewrs sayand to hym. O Wnhappy how may thow suffer oon so mych sorow qwich yꝭ Wnthoyllerabyl qwich thow as not dysseruyt and yt ys not alwayes proffytabyl et Wyth owt profyt. So yt apperys Weyl that god has left the qwē thow art in oon so gret dowleur & afflyccyō he leyffys the Wyth owt confort. Et qwych ys mor greuabyl. For thayr ys no mā that as pacyens of the no of the dowleur that thow sufferys qwych ys ageyns al rayson.

Thow shoold haue gret dyspyt in thy hart qwen thy Wyf thy chylder & hoyrys ar they qwych in theyr thoght desyrys et has­tys thy deeth Wyth al theyr wyl pryncypally for to haue al thy succession thoght yt be that wyth theyr mowth and theyr eyn they Weyp they shaw them sorowful the qwych they ar not And theyr ys non of thys that lowys That they shaw to the qwych after the departyng of thy saowl wold for al thy good dys that thow as left thē keyp thy body deeth oonly for the spayꝭ of oon day qweyr of thow shoold by mych sorowful and murmur in thy hart that they faylȝe the that sych gret sorow haldys the Wyth owt ony con­fort. By sych mayner tempys the dewyl to dyssayf the pacy­ent by impacyens qwych ys a­geyns charyte by the qwych. We ar holdyn to lowe god abo­ue al thyngys. Et for the lowe of hym pacyently suffyr & thool al aduersytes.

Nota ꝙ moriturus.

HEyr puttys the actor of thys book oon no­tabyl for to tech Ws for to dyspos Ws to the deeth thar to that we by not dyssa­uyt by impacyēs & murmyryng ageyns god. Sayant that by impacyens thayr cūmys not so oft to thē qwych lyuys by long [Page] tym & eyld qwych ys a naturel deeth as to them qwych deys by accydental deeth as of fy­wrys postumys pestylans or ony other pestylens seyknes that ys dāgerows qwych oftyn tymys ys taykyn & taykys by fors ar mor grewyt ī theyr seyknes Et by so mych sum tymys by Wehemens of ewyl they go Wyd et cūmynys demonyaclyꝭ impacyens et murmurans a­geyns god qwych sum tymys yꝭ not oon good toykyn for thyꝭ may happyn by fawlt of con­scyens et by temptacyon of the dewyl qweyr of says snayt ihe­rom. Si quis cū dolore egritu­dinem vel mortem patitur seu accepit signum est quod sufficiē tur deum non diligit. Says sāt ierom yf ony suffrys dowseur & impaciently in seyknes or re­sayffys deeth indisplaysans et murmurys. That ys toykyn that suffycyently he lowys not god. Et for that he deys not in faythful charyte. For as says sant pol. Caritas pacienꝭ est / benigna est. Charyte ys pacyent & benyng. Et by thys mony­sys the actor of thys book to dyspos them to ful heelth pro­testant that for qwath sū ewyr fantasy that We haue by vehe­ment seyknes that We resayf the deeth in thank et pacyently for the lowe of god.

¶The inspyracyon & good monysyng that the good angels ghe­uys ageyns īpacyēs.

‘Sum captiuatus’ ‘o hō auerie ab ī paciētia aīm tuū.’ ‘Labores amisi.’

OF contrary of this that the dewyl of hel perswadis and says to the pacyēt for to caus hym to fal in impacyens et to go from the lowf of god by fawlt of cha­ryte. Et finaly for to caus hym to leyf al the goodys that ewyr he may haue doyn. The angel gheuys hī oon techyn of the contrary et says to hym. O man put away thy cowrayge from impacyens by the qwych the dewyl Wyth al ys damnabyl and deethful castygacyons et desyrys no other thyng bot the tyn­sal of thy saowl. For by impacyens et murmurs the saowl ys lost so as yt ys possessyt by pa­cyens. Vytnes of sant gregoyr that says. Regnū celo (rum) nullus murmurans accipit. Newyr says sāt gregoyr that he qwych murmurys ageyns god shal ne wyr cū to the reawm of hewyn Et for that says the angel my freynd ennoy the not of the noysūneꝭ of thy seyknes the qwych yf thow cōsydrys yt Weyl thow shal fynd smal & lyght in the re­gard of thy synnys. Ower thyꝭ seyknes that god has sēd befor thy deeth yt may be to the oon purgatoyr so that thow suffyr yt pacyently. Et thow shoold thank god gretumly. For We shoold not oonly thank hym of the thīgys that he gheuys Ws to owr cōsolacyon / bot sych lyk of the thyngys that he gheuys Ws to owr affeccyon. For as that says sant gregoyr. Miseri corditer deus temporalē adhi­bet seueritatē ne eternā inferat vlcionē. God for hys meyrcy send Ws afflyccyonꝭ temporels that for owr demeritys he send Ws not & infer to Ws vengens Sant austyen says also. Dn̄e hic vre / hic seca / vt ineternum michi parcas. Byrn me in thys Wolrd / heyr / cleyf me / et kyl me at thy Wyl thar to that ewyrlestādly thow forgheue me / & for so mych trybulacyōs ī this Warld they ar not to be refusyd. For as sayꝭ sāt austyen. Mala (qui) noꝭ hic pugniunt ad deum nostre compellunt. The ewyllys et afflyctyons that punyshys Ws in thys World they compel and strangȝes Ws to towrn ayens to god. Ower thys the angel says / the salut of the saowl ys not apprewyt at the passyon of [Page] the Wyllꝭ of the flesh bot eyther ewyrlestand damnacyon as the qwych says sant augustyn. Signum manifeste damnacionis est beneplacita assequi et a mundo diligi. The syng of opyn dā ­nacyon that ys to fulfyl al ys Wyl & to belowyt of the World mor says sant augustyn. Mirū est quod omnibus ineternum damnandis omnes lapides nō surgunt in solacium. Sed ma­gis mirum est quod omnibus ineternum saluandis omnes lapides non surgūt in periculum. Thys says sant austyen I merweyl that al the stonys of the World that they rys not ageīs them that shoold be damnyt ewyrlestandly for to gheue thē sowlas & ioy. Bot ȝyt yt ys morgret merweyl that the sayd sto­nys rysys not ageīs thoyꝭ that ewyrlestandly shoold besawyt for to gheue them tormēt. For that says the angel to the pacy­ent. My freynd put away from the impacyens as Wenymows pestylens & tayk pacyēs qwych ys oon sowyr bucler et a faythful sheeld by the qwych thow may feght & owercū al the ēne­mys of the saowl in beholdant iesu cryst and hys holy santtys qwych as beyng pacyent Wnto the deyth.

Not at cum infirmus sent it. &c ¶Heyr the actor gheuys oon techyng to the pacyent tempyt of īpaciēs sayāt that al Wayes that the pacyēt felys hī tēpyt in this cas We shoold ꝯsydyr how mych īpaciēs yꝭ noyabil qwych inqwyetys manet turnys hym from the lowe of god may not rest in hym as yt ys Wryttyn. Super quem requiescit spirituꝭ meus nisi super quietem & humilē corde. Aboue the qwych says owr lord shal repos my spyryt / bot aboue the pacyent paysybil & meyk of hart. Segundly consyder that pacyens sowerantly neydful as that / by syndry actorytes ys prewyt. Fyrst by sant polsayant. Paciencia vobis necessaria est. Owr lord also ap­prewys that says. Nonne oportuit cristum pati / & ita intrare in gloriā. God the father ashy­byhowyt he not that iesu cryst suffert pacyently the deeth & in thys manayr entyr in ioy. Sāt gregoyr sayes also. Nun (quam) ser­uari concordia nisi per pacien­tiam valet. Concord and pays [Page] may newyr be kepyt With owt pacyens. Segundly pacyēs ys proffytabyl for the conseruacy­on of the saowl qweyr of says owr lord. In paciencia vestra possidebitis animas vestras. Et in ȝowr pacyens ȝe shal posses yowr soowllys. Sant gregoire sayes also. Maioris meri ti est aduersa tollerare (quam) bonis operibus insudare. yt ys oon thyng of mor greyt meryt to suffer and beyr pacyently in ad­uersytes than to trawayl thy body inswet doyng other good Werkys. Says ower that sant gregoyr. Sine ferro martires esse possumus / si patienciam in animo veraciter seruamus. Vyth owt yrn We may be martyrs et also Wyth owt bodyly tormēs owtwart / says sant gregoyr We may be martyrs yf faythfully We keyp pacyens in owr hartys. Salomon says. Melior est paciens viro forti et qui dominabitur animo suo ex­pugnatore vrbium. Mor good lyar yt yꝭ to oon pacyēt mā thā to a man of bodyly fors. Et he qwych as myght to owercum aboue hys cowrage that he be not ful of yre mor thā he qwich ys oon expugnator of cytes.

¶The .v. tēptacyon that the dewyl ghewys to the pacyent in the artykyl of the deeth yꝭ of wayngloyr

‘Tu es firmꝰ ī fide.’ ‘Gloriare.’ ‘Coronā meruisti’ ‘In paciencia perseuerasti.’ ‘Exalta teipsum.’

QWen the dewyl seys that he cā not caus the mā to renōs the fayth or to tyft hī to dysplaysans auarys or to impacyens & he cūmys by oon o­ther dyssauyng by oon mayner of flechyng for to caus hym to entyr in vayn gloyr & presump­cyon of hym self & of hys deydyꝭ O Woorthy crystyn man that thow art consydyr how Weyl thow as beyn cōstant and ferm in the fayth / stark anens god / charytabyl and pacyēt in al thy deydys. And how maynay Werkyꝭ meritabyls & Woorthy of lowynges thow as doyn Weyl thow shoold haue in the oon gret ioy & gloryffy the. For thow art not aꝭ other mē quych as doyn ewyl synnys innomy­rabyl / alwayes for oon oonly Wepyng et lamentacyon that they haue had to god they haue beyn sawyt the qwych good­lyar shoold be doyn to the thā to them. For thow as ewyr le­fyt Wertusly and in good Wer­kys et as resystyt to Wycys et temptacyonꝭ so as oon Worthy knyght Quher for thow shoold prys thy self and ashe at god a seyge of gloyr excellent be for al other for of ryght he may not denyet to the be so mooch dayly thow as manly Weyr­ryt for the fayth of god. Et thys maynayr instantly The fals ennemy essays to dyssayf man by pryd spyrytwel and by errogans of hym self gloryfy­ant in hys propyr deydys.

Pro quo notandum est

HEyr gheuys the ac­tor oon notabyl and says that for syndry causys pryd & Wayngloyr ys to shew. Fyrst for so mooch that by thys mā ys mayd lyk to the dewyl. For by pryd so mooch oonly Was oon angel mayd oon dewyl. Segundly by so mych that Wayn gloyr ys oon maynar of blasphemyng for thys that he gheuyꝭ to hym self the honowr the qwich he shoold gheue to god. Thrydly for so mooch that yt doys / dā man for as says sant Gregoyr. Re­miniscēdo quis boni quid gessit [Page] dum se apud se erigit apud acto rem humilitatis cadet. Qwen ony in hys parsō gloryfys hym self et aleftys hym by ony good that he has doyn he fallys & de­prymys anens god qwych ys actor of humylyte. Sāt austyē sayes. Homo si se iustificauerit et de iusticia sua p̄sumpserit ca­dit. So be yt that man sayes hym self iust & presumys of hys iustifycatyon he fallys in damnacyon.

¶Remeyd et good inspyratyō ageyns the forsayd tempta­cyon.

‘Sis humilis’ ‘Superbos punio’ ‘Victus sum’

HOr & theyr to that the pacyent lawbours in the artykyl of the deeth that he may resyst to the lattar temptacyon [Page] qwych ys of Wayn gloyr the āgel gheuys hym oon good techyn and certayn inspyracyō for to resyst say t. O Wrechyt powr synner qwayr for aꝭ thow pryd & gheuys the cōstans that thow has in hop fayth / pacyēs and resystens / ageyns auarys / qwayr of oonly the gloyr ap­partenys to god yt ys so for of the thayr ys no thyng of good of Weyl of Worthynes / et of me ryt as says owr lord. Sine me nihil potestiꝭ facere. Wyth owt me ȝe may do no thyng. Ower that yt ys Wryttyn ī other playcys. Non tibi aroges. Gheue thow the not of ar rogans. Nō te iactas. Gloryfye thow not Nonte insolenter extollas.

Alyft thow the not insolētly by pryd. Nichil de te presumas. Presum no thyng of thy self. Nichil boni tibi tribuas. Ghe­ue no thyng of the good to the. For says the angel. O freynd thow as no caus to exalt the. Bot mor eyther to meyk the thayr to that thow be exaltyt. By thys that says owr lord. Qui se exaltat humiliabitur. Qwych he that exaltys hym self shalbe meykyt. By thys that says owr lord. Nisi efficiamini sicut paruulus iste non in­trabitis in regnum celorum. Says owr lord to hys dyssypulys shawant oon innocēt chyld yf ȝe mak ȝow not also meyk as thys chyld ȝe shal not enter in the reawm of hewyn. Et for so mych We shoold meyk We Weyl for thys that god as sayd Qui se exaltat humiliabitur. He that humylys hym self shal be exaltyt. Et sāt austyen saye Si te humilias deus discendyt ad te. Si te exaltas deuꝭ reced [...] a te. yff thow meykys the god shal dyscend towart the. Et yf thow exaltyꝭ the by wayn gloy [...] god shal depart from the. Et for that says the angel to the pacyent my freynd put away that cursyt pryd frō thy thoght qwych mayd lucyfer the fayrest of the angels / the fowlest of al the dewyllys dyd cayst hym down frō the hye of the hewys on to the deyp of hel and qwych ys caus of al ewyl. For as says Saynt Bernard. Initium omnis peccati et causa tocius perditionis est superbia. The [Page] begynnyng of al syn et caus of al pardycyon ys pryd. For that says the angel to the paciēt put away from the al syn of pryd pryncypally and Wyth owt la­bowr or traweyl thow shal o­wercum et corromp al other.

¶Vnde singulariter not ādum est. ¶Heyr puttys the actor of this presant book oon fynal no tabyl twechant the last inspyracyon sayāt that yt ys necessayr to not that qwen ony pacyent labowrys to deeth yf he felys hym tempyt of Wayn gloyr et pryd he shoold fyrst thynk in hym self that pryd dysplesys so mooch to god that be occasyon he sendys et byndys in damna­cyon ewyrlestand. The moost nobyl of al the creaturys thys vas Lucyfer & al ys cōpany for that al creatur Wnderstondys not qwether they be Worthy of the hatrēt of god or of the lowe of god We shoold mych meyk Ws in taykyn exāpyl of saynt Anthoyn to qwyche the dewyl sayd. O anthoni tu me vicisti / cū enim volo te exaltare tu de­primis / cum te volo deprimere tu erigis. O anthoyn thow as ower cūmyt me qwen I Wald exalt the by Wayn gloyr thow meykyt the. Qwen I Wold ab­bayssyt the & put thy hart furth of contemplacyon thow royes and lyftyt the mor than befor. Segundly the pacyent shoold thynk that humylyte so mooch plesys to god that pryncypally for the occasyon of yt the glory­ows Wyergyn mary consawyt et Was exaltyt aboue al the cō ­pany of angels in the gloyr of paradys.

¶The ryght proffy­tabyl conclusyon that makys the actor ī the eynd of thys book in the begynnyng of the latyn. Si moriturus. et cetera.

‘Spe [...] nobis nulla’ ‘Animam amissimus’ ‘Heu infame’ ‘Furore consumor’ ‘Confusi fumus’

FOr to mayk ꝯclusyon of thys good & salutayr techyng the actor of thys book says that at the passiōs of deeth [Page] yf the pacyent may speek and as We of rayson he shoold do of hart et of mowth mak & do good oraysōs to god the father maykar prayant hym by hys holy meyrcy and by the Wertu of hys precyows passyon of his bleshyt soon iesu cryst he Wold ressayff the ī hys gracys. After thys he shoold cal the bleshyt vyergyn mary for ys adwocat enens god. The selfwayes also ys good angel the qwych as kepyt hym et generaly al the sant tys of heuyn qwych Wold pray god for hym. Et hauand ewyr the cors & the remēbrans of the passyon of iesu cryst befor hym & that he kyssyt or that they at ar cyrconstans mayk hym to kyssyt fayllād that he may not speyk in the Wers qweyr yt ys Wryttyn. Disrupisti domine vincula mea tibi sacrificabo ho stiam laudis. Qwych ys to say ī englysh. Lord thow aꝭ brokyn my bandys I shal sacryfy to the hosty of lowengys et he shoold say yt by .iij. tymys. For after Cassydore / the Wers ys of sych Wertu that he that says dewo­tyly in good contrycyon in the eynd of the synnys of the parsō they ar forghewyn. Item after We shoold mak hym to say yf We may the Woordys follo­wyng that they gheue to saynt Augustyn. That ys to say / the pays of owr lord redemptur et sowerayn makar almyghty of hewyn et eerth iesu cryst the wertu of hys bleshyt passyon / the syng of the holy cors the most hayl / and cleen / integryte of the Wyergyn mary / the ble­shyng of the sāttys the kepyng of the angels. Et al the inter­cessyons et suffragys of al the choysyn men of god / and also the suffragys of owr mother the holy chyrch / most be bet­twyx me et my ennemys seya­byl and Wnseyabyl and in thys howr of my deeth. Amen. Et shoold the sayd pacyent say thre tymys yf he may or sum good ꝑson for hym. Ower mor says the actor intechand to al sayge parsons to acqwyr in hys lyue oon faythful et trust freynd to the qwych he as faythful trust the qwych heys vyth hym ī the artykyl of the deeth for to gheue hym trust astane the qwych may caus hym to tayk the [Page] deeth in thank for sych oon freynd ys of mych Woorth and prowffy­tabyl. Et in sych oon stayt the creatwr deys et that they sey that he as thyr condycyōs aboue sayd ī his deeth vyth the prayerꝭ that sum of hys frendys doys for hym We may beleyf at god as doyeng hym grace and has ressawyt hym in the gloyr of paradys to the qwych conwoy Ws the father soon and the holy gheost Amen.

¶Heyr endysh the book intytulyt the art of good deyng by samoht not gnywel Et begynnys The pownt of the dreyd of god for to dyveyl ¶The prologwe of the actor aboue the traycte of godly dreyd for to dyweyl shal conteyn .x. chepture pryncypals.


FOr that no mā lywant in thys present lywe no may vnderstōd certāly yf he be ī the grace of god & lowe or ī the hatrent. That ys to say / forth of hys grace in the stayt of syn / as yt ys Wryttyn in the eccle­syastyk in the .x. chepr̄. Nescit homo vtrum amore aut odio dignus sit. Also yt ys Wnderstō ­dyng that oon man Wayttys not the day no the howr of hys deeth so as yt ys Wryttyn in the sefl cheptur. Nescit homo finem suum. Et as to thys caus shoold oon man rayssonabyl be ordaynyt in mych dreyd of god and alwayes dowt the howr of [Page] deeth incertayn. For sayes the psalmyst in the psalm oon hon­dreth et .x. The dreyd of god ys the begynnyng of sapyens. Et shal be Weyl fynabyl the saowl of hym or of hyr the qwyche dowtys god. Initium sapientie timor domini. For he shalbe blyshyt of god of ys deeth as that ys Wryttyn in the eccle­syastyk in the fyrst cheptur. Timenti deum bene erit in ex­tremis et in die deffunctionis sue benedicetur. Et Weritably the dreyd of god chassys et put­tys forth the syn of owr saowliꝭ For he the qwych shalbe Wyth owt dreyd of god may not be iustyfyed as yt ys Wryttyn in the ecclesyastyk in the fyrst che­ptur byfor allygyt. Timor do­mini expellit peccatum / nā qui sine timore est non poterit iusti­firari. Et in effec they that dre­dys god shal not be mysbeleyf­fand no dysobeyant to hys word as yt apperys in the ecclesyastyk in the segund cheptur. Quitiment dominū non erūt incredibiles verbo illius. Et for that they shalbe bleshyt / for man ys bleshyt in thys World by certayn bydyng et exspecta­cyon of ewyrlestand beatylwd. Et shalbe really by effec in the gloyr to the qwych god as ghe­wyn ys grace to haue the dreyd of hym as yt ys Wryttyn in the ecclesiastyk in the .xxv. cheptur Beatus est cui donatum est ha­bere timorem dei. Or yt ys so that thayr ys nothyng qwych mor may & shoold caus and for­thoryng the dreyd of god ī owr hartys than to thynk oft of the paynes of hel ewyrlestand the qwych suffrys and shal suffyr theyr ewyrmor ewyrlestandly wyth owt hop of redempcyon the qwyche ar deyd of thys world in deydly syn. Et for that al them that arlywant et faythful studyans in the art et scyens of good deyng shoold oon tym the day at al the les or syndry tymys yf yt be possy­byl retowrn to thē self by good medytacyon cōsyderant the synnys that they haue doyn a­geyne the bonte of god ī so gret nōbyr yt may be they may not nombyr them or can not. Et cō syderant that et yt War not the meyrcy of god incōtynent that they offencyt god deydly the dewyl of hel Wold put them to [Page] deeth et Wald beyr theyr saow­lys to hel / as yt ys Wryttyn in the thryd cheptur of the trewis and lamentacyons of Iheremy Misericordie domini quia non consumpti sumus. Also shoold consyder yf they deyd Wyth theyr Wryttyng in oon oonly deydly syn not shrywyng or be malicyows neglygēs that they shoold be dānyt in ewyrlestād paynes of hel Wyth owt ony hop of redēpcyon / as yt ys vryttyng in the Canonyk of saynt Iames in the segund cheptur et they had kepyt al theyr lywe the ꝯmandymēs of god vn the howr of theyr deeth et yt be so that they dy ī the ower passyng & trāsgressyon of the sayd ꝯmā ­dymens by oon oonly deydly syn. Qui totā legem seruauerit offēdat autē ī vno factꝰ est oīmreus. Iacobi .ij.c. Et veritably and We Wyl Weyl be hold this qwych ys sayd and yf the saowl of the creatwr qwych ys dow­ther and spows of god by grace ys delyweryt to the dewyl et condamnyt to suffyr ewyr mor ewyrlestand paynes of hel for oon deydly syn We shoold than contynualy byd in the dreyd of god in doyeng good Werkys and dreyd to fal in the sayd e­wyrlestand paynes. Qwych ar so horrybyl and dreydabyl et merweyllws thayr ys not oon man mortel qwych can suffycy­ently thynk Wryt no pronone For as Wryttyn yt to the corynthyens in the segūd cheptur eyn as not the fyght no the eyr eryꝭ not & yt ys not dyscendyt in the hart of ony man by suffysant Wnderstondyng thys that god as ordanyt to them the qwyche he lowys in paradys. Oculus non vidit nec auris audiuit / nec in cor hominis ascendit que pre­parauit deus diligentibus se. Et of the contrary yt ys to Wnderstond that. Eseys not / no eyr erys not / and yt ys not dyscendyt parfytly in the hart of man that god as grathyt by iu­stys to them that dyis in the stayt of deedly syn. Et for so mooch the prophet Esaye says in hys .xxx. cheptur he merweyl lyt of the sayd paynys qwen he sayd to the synnars. Qwyche ys he ettwys you that may ha­byt Wyth the fwellant fyer of hel and Wyth the ewyrlestyng byrnyngys. As yf he Wold say [Page] no man may habyt Wyth owt gret afflyccyon. Qwych of yow may dwel Wyth the swellyng fyer. Quis ex vobis poterit habitare cum igne deuorante / aut quis habitabit cū arrdoribꝰ sempiternis. Et to thys caus that fowl & parfyt dryed of god may discēd ī to the hartyꝭ of thē that desyryꝭ to leyf Weyl & that they may haue cler Wnderstō ­dyng of thys qwych I shal Wryt heyr after. Et the art of shyens of good deyng I shal traytte short by after the smal grace and Wnderstōdyng that god as lent me of maynay syn­dry paynes of hel & a most of al the payneꝭ of the paynes of the qwych the Wryttyngys & holy docturꝭ of owr mother the holy chyrch as determynit et Wryt­tyn in syndry Wolumes et for to do by ordyr I shal dywys thys present traycte in .x. chep­turs. ¶The fyrst cheptur shal conteyn the dysputacyon the qwych I thynk to mak ageynꝭ them qwych ys Wnfaythful & beleyffyꝭ not that theyr ys hel no purgatory et the raysōs the auctorytes the qwych / I thynk to allege to them.

¶The segūd cheptur shal trac­tye of the fyrst payne of hel sel­fly of certayn Wellyꝭ the qwych the saowllys of prydful men et prydful Woman ar hangyth.
¶The .iij. cheptur shal traycte of the segund payn of hel that thys of freysyng Waters the qwych the saowllys of enwy­ows qwych ar punyshyt cro­welly.
¶The .iiij. chept (ur) shal traycty of the trhyd payn of hel that ys of certayn hoyllys et placys of derknes qweyr they ful of ire ar pershyt Wyth knyffys that ar sharp in syndry mayners.
¶The .v. cheptur shal traycte of the .v. payn that ys of oon plays horrybyl dyrk in the qwych ar heddars serpens that byttys et punyshys the peupyl that ar sweyr in syndry partys of theyr body.
¶The .v. cheptur shal traycte of the .vj. payn of hel that ys of gret chauderons ful of dy­uers metaylls play and & ȝet so as the Water aboue thy fyer [Page] in the qwych al the saowllys of Wrechyd peupyl forto fyl them of theyr auarys to theyr gret & Wrechyd damnacyon
¶The .vij. chept (ur) shal traytte of the .vij. payn of hel that ys of oon gret yl ful of Wellyꝭ that ar deyp et ful of fyer et byrnst­oon the qwych castys oon hor­rybyl et stynkant smok the qwych they that ar lychyrows ar horrybyly turmentyt.
¶The .viij. cheptur shal tra­itte of the .viij. payn of hel that ys of oon vala of oon flood ful et stynkant in the boord qweyr they that ar ful of glotonny ar fyllyt of īnomberabyl turment of taydys serpens heddars and other venunsum bestys of the sayd flood.
¶The .ix. cheptur shal traytte of the .ix. payn contenant syn­dry other kynd. Of paynes of hel after thys that the docturs of owr mother the holy chyrch as the holy Wryttyꝭ of prophe­tys has spokyn.
¶The .x. cheptur shal shortly traytte of sum thyngys neces­sayrs of the paynes of ꝓptory Et thyꝭ shalbe the trayttyt at eynd of thys presāt traytte. &cꝭ

¶The fyrst cheptur shalbe trayttyt of the certayn dysputacyon ageyns the fals cry­styn men.

Qwē yt ys to the fyrst cheptur & party of thys p̄sent traytte it ys to not that theyr ys maynay fals crystyn men & Woomē the qwych says Wyth theyr mowth oonly that they beleyf Weyl in god and in the holy vryttyꝭ the qwych god has pronōcyd by hym et be hys holy prophetys. Bot newer the ses / they thynk of the contrary by effec. Of the qwych says sant pol in the pystyl qwych ys Wryttyn to ys dyssypyl tytus in the fyrst cheptur qwen he says. They shryue Wyth mowth that they Wnderstond god. Bot they deney by thayr Weyrkys. Cōfitentur se nosse deum factis autem negant. Et for that they fals theyr fayth ī gret peryl & dānacyon of theyr [Page] faowllys. For qwhat ewyr he be that Wold besawyt yt ys ghaynant that he beleyf & haue faythful & hoyl fayth apprewyt by good Werkys. Thys the qwych doys not they that ar coustumyt to say yf they be ioyꝭ of paradys et of paynes of hel et purgatory. The Wryt says yt ys oon merweullus thyng. Sych mayner of pewpyl they gayn say not symply et hollyly the holy Wryt et the fayth ca­tolyk that holdys et affermys yt. Bot also sych pewpyl cer­tanly yf they de ī sych oon stayt they shalbe damnyt. For the crystyn fayth shoold be sewr Wyth constāt fors Wyth owt ony dowt no heresy. Sych vys yf theyr com oon angel of he­wyn qwych preshyt oon other fayth than yt of owr salwyowr et redemptur iesu chryst We shoold not beleyf it as that sayꝭ the apoystyl in the pystyl Wryttyn to the hebrews in the fyrst cheptur. Licet angelus de celo euāgeliȝet vobis preter quam eua [...]geliȝamus vobis anathe­masit. Certanly fayth ys the fyrst ettwys al the Wertus Wyth owt the qwych the other ar of no valeur no of no proffyt ys yt ys qwych makys the mā son of god be baptysyng so as says the apoystyl in the pystyl to galatyens. Omnes filij dei estis per fidem. No men may be the son of god bot be fayth yt aperys ī the vangelyst sant ioon in the fyrst cheptur. Debit eis potestatē filios dei fieri his qui credunt in nonine eius. yt ys the fundatur of the fayth et of al meryt. Of the qwych fondemēt says the apoystyl in the segund cheptur qwen he says. No mā may put other fondemēt bot he qwych as put yt that ys to Wnderstond the fayth of iesu chryst. Fundamē ­tum aliud nemo potest ponere preter illud quod positū est iesuꝭ cristus id est fides cristi. Et for that yt ys inpossybyl to pleys god Wyth owt parfyt fayth as yt ys Wryttyn by the apoystyl in the pystyl to the hebrews in the .xj. cheptur. Sine fide īpos­sibile est placere deo. For as the brāchys of the tredryys & deys also soon as the root ys deyd. Self Wayes ys the Werkys of crystyn men et Women ar deyd et of no effec for to meryt [Page] the ewyrlestand qwen they ar partyt of solydyte et of the ferme cōstans of the fayth of owr redemptur. As to thys caus al crystyn pewpyl shoold desyr to lyue and dy in the fayth of the chyrch. Et shoold beleyf hold ferm by the .xij. artykylꝭ of the fayth. For he qwych mysbele­yffys moon artykyl he ys in Way of damnacyō. For that no men may besauyt no shalbe Wyth owt faythful and hoyl fayth of the .xij. artykyls qwych ar contenyt in thy fayth that ys in the credo. Thys aperys by the Woord of owr sawy­owr et redemptur iesu chryst in the gospel of sant marc. He that beleyffys not he shalbe dā ­nyt. Quinon crediderit cōdam­nabytur. Or yt ye so in the .v. artykl of owr fayth contenyt in the credo sant phelyp appoy­styl says of the redemptur iesu chryst that he dyscendyt in hel­lys. Descendit ad īferna tertia die. He dyd incontynent qwen the saowl Was partyt of the body. Thoght it be so thath the sayd saowl vas Wnyt vyth the diuinyte. Et discēdyt ī the lymbe of the fathers qweyr he dyd abyd from the howr of non of holy fryday qwych Was the howr of the deeth of iesu chryst Wnto the howr of hys bleshyt resurrexyon. Alwayes the dy­wynyte Was ewer vnyt Wyth the saowl ī so mooch as he vas in the hellys. Et Wyth the bo­dy qwych lay ī the sepulkyr Of the redemptur. Et yt ys gh [...] ­nant to not that befor the pas­syon of iesu chryst theyr Was ī hel .iiij. receptakyle et placye the qwych al saowlye discendyt to after the dyuersyte of theyr estyat ī the qwych they deyd. For the qwych deyd parfytly ewyl descendyt qweyn they ar ȝyt present in hel of damnyt paynes of the qwych We shal speyk heyr after. Et iesu cryst discendyt not in that hel for he delyuryt non of that plays. For in hel thayr ye no redemp­cyon as says sant gregoyr in the .ix. cheptur of hys mor [...]le [...] The meyrcy of god doyēt ꝑdon delyuryꝭ neuyr them qwych y [...] iustye as onys cōdamnyt ī the payne byl placys of hel. Ne­qua (quam) vltra misericordia ꝑcen­tis liberat quoe semel in locis penalybus iusticia iudicanti [...] [Page] damnat. Et for that ve shoold no Ways pray for them. Thyꝭ cōfyrmys sant augustyn in oon of has sermons qweyr he saye Et yt var so that I Wnderstud that the saoul of my father var in hel I shoold no mor pray for hym than for the dewyl. The segund plays & princypal of hel qwych as aboue the plays of them that ar damnyt ys the lymb of the chyldryn that ar deeth boorn qwych deys in the syn original ī the qwych plays the saowffys of they chyldryn as payn of dammayge that ys to say pryuacyon of the syght of god. For thayr ys not in the sayd plays ony payn sensybyl Bot theyr is dyrkneꝭ owtwart That ys of the pryuacyō of the Wysyō of god et of the grace of god Et in thys plays iesu cryst dyscendyt not no delyueryt nō no Wyl not delyuer non. Rays­son qweyr for that theyr War not captabyls of the grays of iesu crhyst / the saowllys of the chylder deyant Wyth owt cyr­consyon. Et now after the pas­syon of iesu cryst / theyr dyscen­dys the chyldryn qwych deys Wyth owt baptysyng. The thyrd plays of the sayd hel ys purgatoyr the qwych ys aboue the lymb of the sayd smal chyl d [...]n the qwych ys oon fyer corporal byrnāt sharply & mer­ueylleus to suffyr of the qwych ve shal speyk in the last cheptur of thys present trayttye. Et in the qwych plays ar punyshyt the saowllys of them that as not fulfyllyt theyr pennans in thys World as to Worthy sa­tyffaccyon. Of the quych playꝭ they vat put forth be the redēp­tur iesu cryst qwen he dyscēdyt in the lymbe of the fathers. They qwych var sufyffycyētly purget or qwych as meryt or deseruyt that they shoold be di­syueryt in the dyscens of iesu cryst. The .iiij. plays aboue hel is the lymb of the holy fatherꝭ of the qwych they War pryuyt for sum tym of the vysyon of god Wyth owt ony other payn For they had not no thoyllyt not no payn sēsybyl. Et ī thys plays dyscendyt iesu cryst & dyd brest the portys. Et put forth owr holy fathers in the qwych plays befor sayd no men descē ­dyt no shal descend newer mor. By thys that sayd ys clerly yt [Page] apperys by the .v. artykyl of owr fayth that ve shoold of no Wys dowt bot thayr yꝭ oon hel ordant by the iustys of god for to punysh them that deys ī the stayt of deydly syne wyrle stand Et oon purgatory for to purge owr synnyꝭ & for to mayk the layf of the pennans of owr syn­nys. The qwych they that de­cedys of thys present Warld in the stayt of grace may not do parfytly theyr pennans so that they ar taykyn Wyth bodyly deyd. Bot yt ys oon thyng merweullows that sum Warldly peupyl of thys presant Warld ar so holdyn in the temporel thyngys. That be so gret cu­pidyte that they desyr the thyn­gys trāsytoyrꝭ that they forȝet the spyrytwel thyngys. Sych mayner of pewpyl the dewyl ledyꝭ the voorld & the flech that they Wnderstond not theyr self that they beleyf not that theyr ys oon other paradys bot the playsanset pōpes of the Warld that theyr aꝭ no other hel for to punysh owr Wekyt synnys ly­cherows et Wrechydnes in the qwych they leyff in. Thys qwych ꝓcedys by fault of fayth Wyth owt the qwych as I haue declaryth heyr befor the qwych yt ys inpossybyl at ewyr they besawyt. Et in short I shal de­clayr that theyr as oon hel by the Wryttys et autorytes of of holy docturs I suppos also that the dewyl of hel ettwys al the tēptacions of the qwych he tempys mā he efforeys hym gretumly aboue al thyngyꝭ for tayk the eyn of the fayth from them. By the qwych he be­leyffys that hel ys oon plays ordaynyt by the iustys of god for to punysh the ewyl doars et transgressurs of the cōmen­dymens of god qwych ar dam­nyt ewyrlestandly. Et thye doys the dewyl that he may mor eythly led the saowl be the blyndnes that he blyndyꝭ them by the Way of deydly synet do­yand synvyth owt dreyd of ony payn They to qwom he shawyꝭ not the payn of hel. The qwych he beleyffys not to be / he fallye sowdanly ī the payn the qwych he dowtye not. Et to the may­ner of the hang man the qwych bandys the eyn of the trayttur of the qwyche he Wyl smyt of the heyd. Thoght yt be so that [Page] the sayd traytur beleyffys that he shoold not smyt hym so soon et that he shoold lat hym speek mor. In the fygur of thys the kyng Sedechyas had the eyn bryssyng by the kyng Nabego­donosar and Was led in baby­lon as yt apperys in the .iiij. Book of the kyngys in the last cheptur. By the qwyche ys gheuyn to Wnderstond that Nabegodonozor that ye the dewyl of hel taykys a Way the eyn of the kyng Sedechyas. That ys to say that he blyndyꝭ the powyr and Wrechyd syn­ner tayk and from hym the fayth the qwyche he shoold ha­ue and the beleyffyng of the paynys of hel. Et ledys hym fynaly in the captyuyte Wre­chydnes penabylyte of babylon That ys the horrybyl payn confusyon and sorow of hel. Thys I presuppos and say that hel ys and that We shoold not dowt for sum rayssons and certayns causys qwyche I shal say. The fyrst ys. For yf yt appertenys to the gloyr and magnyfycens of oon temporel kyng to haue fayr and greyt pallays for the resydens of hym et of hys pew­pyl and frendys selfwayes yt appartenys to hym to haue fossys and prysons for to put and hold ys mysdoars and others cōtrary ennemys. By mor rayssonyt appartenys to the kyng of gloyr qwyche ye kyng and lord of gloyr aboue al other kyngys qwyche ar aboue the eerth and for to haue oon pal­lays for them that ar good that ys the hewyn. Et oon pryson for thē that are wyl the qwych ar Wnfaythful and transgres­surs of the commandymens of god / that ys to Wnderstond hel The segund raysson ys / for god owr salwyowr and redemptur iesu cryst ys so good so iust that he Wold not in no mayner of vys leyf no thyng ī his reawm and lordshyp be yt in hewyn or in eerth that War fowl et dys­honnest and Wnryghtus War yt ony syn or delyt qwyche dyd byd vnpunyshyt & Wnsatyssyet Et aꝭ to this as Iob ī the .xxiiij chept (ur). God leyf thow no thyng inpunyshyt / thoght yt be oon smal thoght bot he punyshyt. Deus inultū abire nichil putit (ur) [Page] minimum etiam cogitatum. For yt ys that We se syndry synnars dy Wyth owt pēnans the qwych dyis ī theyr howrdoms and mysdoyngys the qwych as contynuyt in theyr mysdoyn­gys and lycherys. The others dyis in Wrechydnes & of thys they haue not suffert no paynyꝭ in thys World. For the qwyche ys neydful to conclud that they shalbe punyshyt in oon other World. Et the placys of the a­boue sayd punycyon ys hel. Et as We sey the lawys posyty­wys dyscernys and ornys that the aboue said synnarꝭ for theyr demerytys shalbe send in ba­nyshyng parpetuel. Sychwys the iustys of god Wyl and ordanys that they synnars by send in hel in the qwyche they shal haue payne wyrlestand. Item et yf the iustys ecclesyastyk partys and puttys forth ony syn­nar qwan they cū to theyr gra­wyng of the company of fayth­ful crystyn men beryen them furth of the holy eerth in pro­phayn placys fowl et fylthful. Qwheyr for may not than the iustys of god the qwyche ys Wyth owt comparayson mor greyt than the iustys ecclesya­styks part ewyrlestandly sum saowllys Wnworthy of the cō pany of santtys leyffand them oon plays fowl et fylthful and gheuāt them in the banyshyng Wrechyt of hel. Item al man Weyl ordaynyt in good raysson says that god the makar ys sowerantly sayge. Et the fyrst et sowerayn good of the qwych may no man be better. Et yf yt be so as thow beleyffys that god ys of al makar and gower­nowr of thys World. Thow shoold not beleyf no say that he be blyndyt and that he seys not clerly the thyngys qwyche ar mayd in thys World. Et thow shoold not beleyff yf he saw them bot he Wnderstōdys them parfytly. Et also thow shoold not beleyff that he be so ī iwst bot that he gheue reward to good paynys to ewyl qweyr for yt ghanys necessaryly to infer that in hel ys the plays ordaynyt for punyshon of the sayd ewyl so as paradys ys or­daynyt for the good and for the reward of the good pewpyl. [Page] Others rayssons and parswa­syons may be heyr mayd bot I leyf them for caus of shortnes. Et I haue not allegyt the sayd rayssons bot for them that ar obstynat infaythful the qwych mysknowys les god than the thyngyꝭ insensybyls the qwych obeys to the makar and to hys Word thys that doys not the sayd Wnfaythful pewpyl. For the reed se to the playsyr of god obeyant to the makar dyuy­dyt / yt self and mayd Way to the chyldryn of ysrael qwyche passyt Wyth in yt qwyche ap­perys in Exodi in the .xiiij. che­ptur. The flood iordayn obey­ant to god dyd draw yt abayk for to gheue passage to the sayd chyldryn of ysrael so as yt apperys in Iosue ī the .iij cheptur The stoonys et hye rochys of armon inclynyt them to obey to god for to gheue them pas­sayge to the sayd chyldryn of ysrael as qwych apperys in the book of Numeri in the .xxj. cheptur. The rooch obeyant to god dyd cast abondans of Watyr by two tymys / as yt appe­rys in the book of Numeri in the .xvj. et .xx. chepturs. Et the sown obeyant to god the makar dyd draw baykware on to the oryent / for yt Was .x. howrs and .x. other howrs War adiowstyt in the tym of kyng Ezechias / as yt apperys in the kyngys ī the .xx. cheptur Et in the tym of Iosue the sayd sown & also the moon did obey to god the create r et arrestyt theyr self and dyd abyd by the spays of oon day Wyth owt steryng of oon plays. Qwhat shal thow say thow myserabyl and Wrechyd synner Wnfaythful yf the thyngs insensybyls o­beys to the Word et to the Wyl of god the maker. The qwych creatwrys as no Wnderston­dyng. By mor raysson thow shoold be obeyant to the Word of god the makar qwyche says to the and affermys in syndry placys et passayges of the holy catholyk techyng ewangelyk. That hel ys oon plays orday­nyt for to punysh the Wrechyd synners qwyche dyis in the stayt of deydly syn / Wyth owt shryuyng et Worthy pennans. Thys he says to the fyrst sal­wyowr [Page] in the gospel Wryttyn be ys ewāgelyst sant Mathow in the .v. cheptur qwen he says. Cursyt dānyt go ȝe to the fyer of hel ewyrlestād. Ite maledicti in ignem eternum. Et mor ex­pressyly he expressys the plays qwen he says by hys scrybe saynt Luc spekand of the ewyl rych in the .vj. cheptur that he ys deyd et grawet in hel. Mor­tuus est diues et sepultus est in inferno. By the qwych aucto­ryteȝ apperys clerly that hel ys oon horrybyl plays et of sharp sorow. Et for that powyr Wn­faythful peupyl qwych as ȝowr hart so indurcyt dreyd ȝe not & dowtys not to fal in the byt­ter payn of hel. Be ȝe certayn et dowt not that ȝe sey or ȝe may not sey fyndry thyngys natu­rells the qwych shoold be lyk to ȝow Wnfaythful War not yt that ȝe haue cowstum to se them. Et certanly yf oonchyld War norryshyt in oon caue that War dyrk Wyth owt lyght that he dyd not se no sown no­mown to the ȝearrys et aage of dyscrecyon and selfwayes that they sayd to hym that theyr ys oon cleyr lythnyng sown that lyghtnys al the World. Et also oon fayr lyght that lyghtnys al the nyght by al the varld the nyght and so maynay sterys qwych ar the ornement of the heuyn. Et selfwayeꝭ that theyr ys so maynay fayr creaturys ī thys World et so maynay fayr edyffycys aboue the eerth. Also Wyth fyndry other thyngys naturells qwyche ar merweyl­lows to beleyff. Et indowta­byly thys may be to hym Wn­faythful also as ȝe thynk the paynes of hel to ȝow Wnfayth­ful. Bot qwen the chyld qwych as beynnorryshyt in oon plays that ys dyrk et that he cūmys aboue the eerht ī oon cler plays and that he seys thys that they haue spokyn to hym befor / he Wyl merweyl & Wyl vnderstōd by experyens thys that he dow tyt to be faythful. Sychlyk qwen ȝe cum to hel ȝe beleyf et Wnderstondys the thyng by experyēs thys that We haue seyn by so maynay tymys sayd and preshyt of the horrybyl et mer­weyllows paynys of hel. Bot helas yt shalbe ower layt. For [Page] that so mooch that We by ī thiꝭ Warld lat vs not by incredibyl The payn of the ewyl rych the qwych said to abraam I am tormentyt in thys law of fyer of hel yt shoold be to ȝow suffy­cyant exampyl of dreyd. No merweyl ȝe not that ve be ewyr lestandly ī the fyer of hel ī payn and sorow Wyth owt deyng. For as says saynt Augustyn in the .xxj. cheptur of the cyte of god. That yt ys a merweyl­lows thyng to leyff in the fyer and to be norryshyt Wyth owt suffyr sorow and that to leyf et suffyr payn. Thys that We may se in thys World by expe­ryens of the salemandyr the qwych leyffys Wyth in the fyer and may not leyf other part. Et maynay syndry examplys bot for caus of shortnes I leyf them al. Et qwo Wyl reyd of lym and the condycyon of yt et other dyuers examplys they may fynd by experyens the qwyche We may say ar lesyn­gys War not that We saw the cōtrary a for owr eyn. Qwheyr for than sen yt is so that so maynay thyngys naturells ar mer­weyllows and lykys to be im­possybyl to them qwych as not had experyens. Et alwayes qwen they haue had experyens of the sayd paynys of hel or qwen they gheue fayth to them that as had exsperymens. Sych lyk of necessyte yt is ghanāt that yt be so of fals crestyn pewpyl and other Wnfaythful qwych beleyffys not thys that they rehers of the paynys of hel. For they man that passys to the sayd plays of hel after theyr deeth for to haue impor­tabyl and inextymabyl expery­ens of the sayd paynys of hel or that they gheue fayth to thē that as feld them by experyens The ewyl ryche aboue sayd of the qwych story yt ys long to rehers has rehersyt ys ī the story of saynt Luc in the .xv. cheptur he had ressaywyt of god in this World the goodys temporells & he beant in torment & paynys of hel leftyt ys eyn ī hye towart the lymbe of the fathers in the qwych he saw abraam and the powyr seppyr man that beggyt from hym. To the qwych the cursyt ryche ha refusyt the al­mows [Page] Et incōtynent the ewyl rych as so mych as he myght cry Wyth hye Woys & sayd. Fa­ther abraam pleyssyt the to ha­ue pytye and meyrcy of me and send me heyr the ladyr heyr to me that he Weyt the eynd of hiꝭ fynger in cold Watyr theyr to that he may lat oon gowt fal oon my tong. For I am horry­byly byrnt et tormentyt in this low of fyer. To the qwych A­braam answeryt. Soon of per­dicyon thynk oon that thow as had the habōdās of the goodys in the World and al thy plesans Woluptys et desyrs. Et the powyr ladyr has had nothyng bot tribulacyōs. Et as to thys caus he has heyr consolacyon plesans et rest Wyth owt that he haue no thoyl ony other payn sensybyl. Et thow shalbe ewyr mor in tormens & paynys for thy syn. Et yf the sayd Wn­trewabyl and fals catholykye Wyl not sewyrly beleyf the said ewyl rych bot that they Wyl haue other approbacyons I shal allyge them & bryng other Wytnes of the qwyche they shuld be content.


DE reyd ī the gospel of sant ioon in the .xij. che­ptur that the Saytterday be for palme soon day the .vj. day / befor hesterday cowntant the sayd saytterday & hesterday Wyth other .iiij. dayes in put. That owr salwyour iesu cryst com in bethany in the hows of oon man callyt leprows. The [Page] qwych Was haylytof leypyr et of mesellery by owr salwyowr et redemptur. Et for that he ys callyt lepreus. Et he gra­thyt to hym oon souper mary magdelayn & mary marthe they War domestykys & famylyers of the sayd symon lepreus to qwych souper cum / maynay io­wys not of al for the louf of ie­sus bot for the lowe to sey & eyr speek lazarus the brother of the sayd maryes qwych of the new vas roysin from deeth to lyue & Was set at the tabyl the qwych they prayet hym that he Wold speek of the poynys of hel and specyaly to declayr them. He shew befor al the existens the syndry placys et paynes of hel et determynyt thē ryght dyly­gently al the horrybyl syeges et al the abhomynabyls Wre­chydnes the qwych they that ar damnyt suffrys ī hel. So as reharsys sant augustyn in the book mayd by hym of the Wor­dys of owr lord. Et the segund cheptur shal declayr the fyrst of the sayd paynys followyng Et verytabyl fayth et credens shoold be adiouxtyt of the pay­nyꝭ to the ewyl rych aboue sayd qwych feld them qwen he spak to the sayd habraam et as feld them et shal feyl thē ewyr mor Et also ewyr mor We shoold gheue fayth to the sayd laȝa­rus qwych by the tym et spays of .iiij. dayes vas in hel qweyr he myght se al the paynyꝭ & pla­cys of hel. Thys that god vold haue doyng for owr instruccyō theyr to that We may be mor certayn of the sayd paynes and mor dylygens to shew them by good Werkys. Et certanly the sayd lazarus qwych rehersys the sayd paynyꝭ of hel ī the pre­sēs of owr redēptur myght not say bot Weryte. For he spak in the presēs of hym that Wnderstwd al. By the qwych no man may thayk caus of ygnorans bot theyr yꝭ oon hel ī the qwych ar the damnyt. Et qwo other Ways holdys opynyon or beleyffys the oposyte shalbe soon of the dewyl meyt & noryshyng of the fyer of hel in the qwych they shal byrn ewyrlestandly vyth owt ewyr that they haue cōsolacyon. Et thoght yt be so that I may allege syndry holy parsons the qwych haꝭ seyn the sayd paynes & as reweyllyt thē [Page] to syndry as yt apperys of sant scaryoth et of the two sonnys of sant symeon. Et of syndry othyr the qwych dyd roys vyth iesu cryst apperyt & shew them to syndry ī the cyte of ierusaelē thus as the text of the gospel berys Wytnes. Et self Wayes apperyt the self soon of symeon to ioseph of aromathy & reueyl­lyt to hym syndry thyngys of the sayd paynes of hel. Alwayeꝭ this quych I haue vryttyn may suffys for the faythful crystyn men the qwych shoold haue by this that said ys mor ferm & cō ­stant fayth to beleyff the hor­rybyls paynys of helet of the qwych I shal speyk heyr after.


¶The segund chep­tur shal traycte of the fyrst payn of hel seyng by lazarus beāt in the partyes of hel.

THe holy man la­ȝarus at the re­quest of the asy­stans of the sou­per aboue sayd ī the hous of the sayd symon le­preus so as says sant augustyn in the book of the Wordys of owr lord self Ways by the cō ­mandymens of the redemptur et salwyowr iesu cryst dyd be­gyn to shaw be ordyr sum of the pryncypal paynes of hel the qwych he had seyng ī hel. Thyꝭ qwych after Was preshyt of the appoystyls by mary mag­daleynet other holy dyscyplys of owr lord. Et after they haue beyn put in Wryt / not that a mortel man myght sufffycy­ently Wryt them no pronons. Bot in so mooch that mynd et engyn of mankynd may haue cōprehendyt et holdyn. Et cer­tanly thoght yt be so that thys qwych shalbe Wryttyn heyr after be mer Weyllous to theyr lementabyl to pronōs & dreyd­ful to sey in to payntyng or hy­story alwayes no man may paynt no mak hystory of the hondreth party of thys qwych ys in the real exystems. Et to thys yt ys not neydful to haue other Wyttnes bot the Wryt­tyngꝭ of the gentylls and pay­ans. The quych as had fayth of the sayd paynys of hel. For Wyrgyl says in the .vj. book of Eneydes that yf he had oon hōdreth tongys & oon hendreth mowthys et the Woys of y [...] or of latton he myth not cōpre­hend al the syndry formys and maynars et al the dyuers na­mys of the paynys of hel. No [...] michi sint lingue centum si [...] or a que centum ferrea vox om­nes stelerum cōprehendere fo­rās omnia penarum parcurere nomina possū. Et as this caus theyr ar mych to dreyd and in dowt. Sayd than lazarus to the assystens I haue seyn in hel fyrst aboue oon yl imbrasyt of fyer & byrnstoon byrnant / gret quantyte of weyllys of myslys theyr qwych dyd towrn by gret impetwosyte cōtynually Wyth [Page] owt ony rest. Et to the partys owtwart et inwart of the sayd Weyl War tadys fessynyt of byrnant yrn to the qwych they War hong Wrechydly the sa­owffys of prydful pewpyl the qwych dyd Weyp & cry & sorow et murn blasphemant the nam of god lynand qwych mayd them for to thool sych paynys.

Et neyr the sayd hyl thayr Was oon horrybyl dewyl na­myt lamathan captayn of pryd et kyng aboue al the soonnys of pryd / the qwych Was trans­formyt ī fygur of oon beyst of merueyllows gretnes. For he vas / as yt lykyt mor gret than al the / hyllys of the World yt had the eyn as two hyllys byrnant the mowth so mooch so horrybyl as it Warlyk that he myght Worray .x. thowsand men of armys of the qwych mouth com furth agret bran­don of feyr mextinguabyl the qwych cowyryt the sayd Wre­chyd saowllye qwych War fes­synyt to the sayd qweyllys. The sayd best dyd hold in hys patys oon gret & merweyflowe stayf of fyer bryngyng et Wyth the qwych he dyd smyt et scruge the sayd saowllyꝭ. Et ewyrych turnyng that they sayd Weyl­lyꝭmayd he dyd smyt vyth hys cursyt byrnand says aboue the hye of the qweyl sayād go down cursyt prydful peupyl & go down in the fyer et byrnston byrnant law ȝow in the deypnes of dā ­nacyon et fyer ewyrlestād. For thys that ȝhe Wold haue beyn leftyt ī the vorld by Wanyte of pryd. O what ꝓfyttys to ȝow now ȝowr greyt / pryd / pōpys / clothys of dyssolucyon / yowr goldyn shaynys / yowr precy­ows stoonys / yowr long et su­perfleu tayllys / by the qwych suꝑfleuyte ȝe haue had hōnowr & exaltacyon ī the vorld ȝe haue not beleyffyt / no obeyt / honow ryt / serwyt to god. Et for the retrybucyon and reward ewyr mor ewyrlestandly ȝe shalbe heyr Wyth me. Et for yowr pryd et eleuatyon ȝe shalbe con­fundyt ī the fyer of ewyrlestād damnacyon. Et at ewyrych Word that he sayd he dyd smyt Wyth gret and merweyllows strokys aboue the sayd saowl­lys the qwych blasphemyt the [Page] nam of god et cursyt of thys that they haue beyn so damnyt sayand. ve / ve. alas / alas. Cur­syng and maledyccyō fala boue We. Cursyt by the feyt that as boorn Ws for ȝe haue born We by your cursyt ganyng in dyssolut placys in the qwych ve haue shawyng yowr prydys superfleus & bonbans. Now ȝe ar entryt in thys horrybyl dā ­nacyon of the qwych ȝe shal ne­wyr go furth. Cursyt be your handys qwych excertyt yow to put et grayth the īuencyons of the dewyl of hel pompys / clo­thyngys dyssolut by your twe­chyngs ȝe haue lost the crown of gloyr and ȝe ar in thy Weyl­lys of fyer et byrnstoon byrnāt of the qwych ȝe shal newyr part Cursyt be thow hart that be they ewyl rogytacyōs & thoght ys dylectacyons thow as pry­uyst We of the ioye of hewyn.

Now thow art in sorow the qwych newyr morthow shal be consolyt of ony gledneꝭ. O cur­syt tong how maynay ewyllys thow as doyng how maynay fowlysh Wordys thow as pro­noncyt of the et of other / as to thys caus thow shal cry heyr oon thowsand thowsand of ȝearryꝭ & theyr shalbe noon that shal gheue the consolacyon but payn trybulacyon et affleccyon Cursyt be ȝe eyn qwych nywy [...] oon drop of Wather dyd Weyp for your synnys. Now Weyp befor the dewyllys Wrechyt damnyt et qwen ȝe haue Weypt pyt by oon towsand towsan [...] of ȝearrys et than ȝe shalbe to begyn. Et ȝe shal fynd no man to cōfort ȝow no to gheue yow consolacyon. O cursyt hylly [...] fal aboue Ws et cower We and oppres We to no thyng in thys fyer of ewyrlestand damnacyō Sych et sych lyk lamentacyōs makys the sayd dānyt saowl­lyꝭ of prydful peupyl the qwych as beyn indyscord Wyth own pays. As to thys caus theyr y [...] ꝯtinuelly mowymēt the qwych ys newyr ful of honneur bodthys as yt ys Wryttyn in t [...] gret decret in the .lxxxiiij. dy­styncyon. Man alefyt bypr [...] shal fal on the day of iugement in the punyshon of the dewyl of hel. Et eleuatus in superbio [...] in iudiciū cadet diaboli. Thys [Page] [...]s yt apperys of the saowllys [...]amnyt aboue sayd the qwych [...]r ryghtowsly said be punishyd [...]n the Weellys of hel. For the [...]rydful pewpyl ys lyk to the Weyl of the qwych the party by [...]eeth turnys et montys in hye [...] sum tym in law placys in hye stayt bot fynaly beyt in thys World or in oon other yt fallys [...]nlaw. For he most meyk hym [...]n thys Woorld by Wnderston­ [...]yng of hys fragylyte & leyffād [...]f the pompys dyssolus to the [...]wych they ar mekyt cōfusant­ [...]y to the sayd Wyellys & paynes of hel of the qwych may be Wn [...]erstōdyt the say of the prophet [...]n the psalm .lxxvj. qwē he says [...]ox tonitrui tui in rota. Et Werytably thys ys oon dreyda [...]yl thondyr of the iustyꝭ of god [...]wen yt ghanys that the saowl [...]s of the cursyt prydful pew­ [...]yl ar so tormentyt in the Weel [...]s et paynys of hel. Off thyr [...]eelys says not oonly the ho­ [...] Wryt bot wyth that the [...]ryttye of the poettys / gētyls payens. Ouide in hys .iiij. [...]ook of methamorphose says [...]hat yxyon ys tormētyt in oon Weel Wrechydly Wyth owt ony cessyng. Doluitur yxyon et es­quitur (que) fugit (que). Et Wirgil in ys .vi. book of eneydes sayand of the sayd paynys of hel / says that the saowllys damnyt ar bound to the bemys of the Wel­lys to the qwych they ar hanyt Radijs (que) rotarum districti pendent. Et for that al men et Wo­men qwych as the dreyd of god befor theyr eyn they may heyr say by opyn attestacyons et ap­probatyons that ys by the re­welacyons of the lazarus. Et by auctoryte of the Wryt not oonly of the psalmyst bot Wyth thys the poetys qwych as the prophetys the ologyens of poy­ens as that says Ioon gers [...]n in the book of hye, Theologye mystyk that the sayd Weys [...]ys et Wrechyd paynye of hel of the sayd Wrechyd pewpyl ar mych to shew. Et that ewyr ych oon shoold meyk hym self et leyff theyr pompys and Wanyteȝ of thi Wrechyd Warld Wyth greyt meyknes tayk [...] ̄d exāpyl of the gloryowꝭ sātꝭ of hewyn [...]throw the qwych We may ewayd the payns of bel, Et We shoold [Page] not trust in ryches myght no dygnyte tēporel that We may haue. For god qwych ye ryght iust & qwych as mayd the gret & the smal sparye no man be he newye so myghtful. Bot of so mych mor that the damnyt as beyn mor gret lordys et as had mor gret dygnyte ī so mych he shalbe mor sharpely damnyt as yt ys Wryttyn in the book of sapyens in the .vj. cheptur. How horrybyl hard et sharp in gemēt shalbe mayd apon them that as presydens dygnytes et lordshyppys aboue others and that the myghtful shal suffyr gret horrybyl torment after the myght that they haue had. For mor gret paynet mor sharp torment shalbe delyweryt to the most myghtyful. Iudiciū duris sunum in hye qui presunt fier / patentes autem. &c.

¶The thryd cheptur of thys present traytte shal traytte of the segōd payn of hel.


THe holy man laȝarus after thiꝭ that he had rehersit the payneꝭ aboue said did say of the segūd payn that he had seyn swffyr & thool other faowllys dānyt et sayand I haue seyn certāly floodys in hel in the qwych the cur­syt enwyows men et Woman qwych partys of thys World ar deppyt sum to the nawel and other to the oxstars. Et aboue thē the qwych floodys rynnes oon Wynd so sharp so coold so cheyrād & so vyolēt that theyr yꝭ no mā that may exsprym yt. of [Page] thys Wynd the sayd saowllys ar smyttyng so horrybyl that for to eshow the sayd Wynd they plong them Wyth in the sayd flood that ys so horrybyl froysyng. & this doyeng they ar merweyllowsly tormētyt & scurgyd thā be for. Neyrthyr sayd floodys ar other stākiꝭ al of byrnyng fyer the qwych ionnys to the aboue sayd floodys & Wyth ī the sayd stākys ys beelzebuth Wyth gret cōpany captayn of ēwy the qwych yꝭ merweyllowsly dreydabyl to behold the sayd cursyt Beelzebuth acompanyt Wyth syndry horrybyl mōstryꝭ et dewyllys of hel taykys sumtymys the sayd saowllys the qwych beys Wyth in the sayd frosyng floodys. Et by gret et impetwos vyolens puttys thē Wyth in the sayd stankys ful of fyer byrnant. Or others horrybylys et detestabyls dewyl­lys smyttys them et tormentyꝭ them so horrybyl and pytewsly that theyr ys no tong that can exspryme no Wndestond com­prehēd no hart thynk. Others dewyllys Wyth gret crukys of yrn the qwych drawys sum of the sayd saowllys owt of the sayd stankys & puttys them by Wntrewabyl felnes Wyth in the sayd floodys. O qwaht We pyngys qwat cryengys qwat mowrnyngys maykyꝭ the sayd saowllys so rewyng / so smyt­tyng / et so shoorn of al partys. Theyr yꝭ hard the dyn of al partys of the thondyr that makys the felon fyer plenyshyt of hyrn ston fowl et stynkant. So heyr We also pyteabyl of the sayd saowllys qwych crys Wyth he Woyꝭ. Cursyt be the howr that We War ewyr boorn. Of the other syd the most dreydabyl dyn of the dewyl pryncypally of the said beelzebuth the qwich the Woys ys so horrybyl says to the sayd saowllys ewyr mor scurgyng thē & castyng thē frō flood to flood. Vnhappy saowllys ȝe ar now payd & rewardyt of yowr cursyt envyes ȝe haue depyt & followyt owr master lucifer father of enwy by thiꝭ that deyd yꝭ entryt ī the Woorld. Et as thys caus ȝe shalbe Weryt of hym / & he says I haue towrnyt my eyn ī oonlaw fos the qwych Was neyr the sayd floodys & yt Was ful of byrnstoon byrnant & ī the deypnes of the sayd hool [Page] the qwych Was neyr the sayd hool theyr Was oon horrybyl best syeng the Woom Wp that ys to say lucyfer the qwych as ys mowth opyn of sortys oon gret stayf of fyer horrybyl & of hys Woam & be his sayd mowth cūmys oon horrybyl cry of syn­dry saowllyꝭ of men & Womē the qwych ys castyng furth by the sayd mowth. Et the qwych suffrys Wnthollerabyl dowleur. Et befor the sayd best ys syn­dry fygurs of dewyllys abho­mynabyls Wyth brochys & turkys of yrn that stāgys the sayd saowllys to entyr ī the mowth of the sayd lucyfer prens of the dewyllyꝭ. Bot a befor that they entyr they smyt them & tormentys them Wyth ryght horrybyl et merweyllows strypys. Et soon the sayd beelzebuth & other dewyllys cōpaygnōs dyd tayk sidry of the sayd saowlliꝭ qwich Was in the sayd floodys & dyd cast them in the mowth of the sayd lucyfer qwych Wooryt thē in hys Woam in the qwych the sayd saowllys Was horrybyl tormentyt. Et thys doyn thys sayd lucifer dyd cast them forth & sum tymys he oppressyt them Wnder hys horrybyl et gret patys in the qwych compassyon the sayd saowllys Was Wre­chydly oppressyt et tormentyt O powyr synnerꝭ qwych as enwy of the good of others & that ȝe haue gladnes of the ewyl of yowr nytghbowr et has sorow of hys good haue now dreyd of the dywyn iustys of god. He ys Weyl Wnhappy qwych by thys the sayd syn of enwy tombys et fallys in the myserabyls & Wrechyd floodys aboue sayd. Haue charyte and lowe Wyth yowr nyghtbowrs / be not the soon of lucyfer father of enwy no ser­uans of Beelzebuth dewyl of hel I pray yow ymagyn not that the sayd paynys aboue sayd be fantasyes or ymagynacyōs. So as doys sū Wnfaythful fals & ewyl crystyens for of thys ȝe haue apꝓbacyon by the sayd laȝarꝰ. & of the sayd floodyꝭ and stankys ȝe haue the text of the holy Wryt in Iob the .xxiiij. cheptur qweyr yt ys Wryttyn that the ewyl saowllyꝭ damnyt shal pas and be boorn of coold Watyrs and hys in oon ower gret Wehemēt heyt ī the qwych they shal haue sorow imcomparabyl. [Page] So aꝭ ych oon may haue experyment as to the handys & the nayllys froysyng / theyr no thyng so sorowful as to hold them to the fyer. Transibunt ab aquis niuium ad calorem nimium. Also yt ys Wryttyn in the appocalyps in the .xxj. chep­tur that the part et portyon of them that ar damnyt shalbe in oon stank byrnant of fyer and byrnstoon. Pars illorum erit ī stagno ardenti igne & sulphure Et thys suffys as to the se­gund payn.

¶The .iiij. cheptur ys of the .iij. payn of hel.



THe cheptur follo­wyng shal traytte of the .iij. payn of hel. The qwych dyd se lazarus in the sayd hel. For he sayd to the assystens qwych Was at the souper in the hows of Symon leprowꝭ that he had seyng in hel oon caue ryght dyrk qwych Was lyk that yt Was ful of ta­blys & stallys so as yt myght be oon bowchery ī the qwich playꝭ he saw the saowllys of men and Women that War ful of yre et of fellonny in thys World. Et says also that the sayd saowllyꝭ War lyeng Wpwart et abowth them Balberyth dewyl of hel capytaynet h [...]yd of menet Wo­mē ful of yre Wyth sindry other dewyllys. The qwych had gret and horrybyl axys Wyth gret swordys et lenyssys Weyl shar­pyt and cowtant the qwych the sayd dewyllys peyrcyt & cowt­tyt the sayd powyr saowllys the qwych dyd cast gret Wepyngys lamentacyons & mournyngys Wyth gret & mee weyllows cryengys horrybyls / et Wre­chyt plantys ryght pyteabyl to eyr. To the qwych saowllys the sayd baalberyth dewyl in­fernal captan as sayd ys of mē et Women ful of yre says Wyth oon Woys dredabyl et horrybyl Vnhappy et Wrechyt damnyt smal thyng proffytys to yow ȝowr yrys yowr blasfemys & felonnes resistans. Now ȝe ar iugyt et condamnyt to preson et ewyrlestād payn. Quheyr ewir ȝe shal dy in lyuand & ewyr lyue ī dyād. Et thys sayd & doyeng cūmys others dewyllys Wyth gret & horrybyl turkysys of yrn al reed of fyer byrnant of the qwich they tayk the sayd saowllys so peyrcyt & cuttyt et castys thē Wyth in oon other fornays mych ful of fyer bytnāt & other dewyllys blawys. Et by gret yre the sayd fornays Wyth gret trukyꝭ & stayssys of yrn. Theyr ys hard Wepyngys / cryengys lamentacyons / showtyngys / in estymabyls. Et so mych Was the sayd saowllys byrnt Wyth in the sayd fyer of the sayd fournays that they War redyget as to noght / [...]yt Warlyk that they War reyd as byrnāt colys & ambrasyt of fyer as on ba [...] of fyer bowyt qwych as yt cummys [Page] forth of the furnays. After they sayd dewyllys of hel qwych tormētyt so / the sayd saowllys thā they dyd tayk thē Wyth theyr turkaysys infernals et put thē aboue theyr studys al imbrasyt of fyer & dyd smyt thē Wyth gret strypys of ammers aboue the sayd saowllys Wnto thys that they War redygyt et put to oon mass or oon lomp so as they had beyn gaderyt ī oon. Et not ageynstādyng they dyd not dy How Weyl al Wayes they desyryt the deeth / & they may not fynd yt. Et thys doyn the sayd dewyll of hel ashyt ettwys thē ys yt a newth suffycys yt not. Et the other dewyl qwich Waꝭ in oon other forge neyr them answert. Cast Ws them thys that they dyd / et they resawyt them Wyth theyr turkysys befor that they myght fal in law. Et in the propyr form et may­nayr that the fyrst dewyllys had forgyt them et tormentyt them. Sychlyk tormentyt the others now heyr & now theyr. Et they War so byrnt the sayd saowllys that yt Was lyk that they War redyget in sparkys of fyer. Et thā after they turnyt ī theyr fyrst figur & Was broght agheyn to the fyrst payn aboue sayd. Et so contynually they ar et shalbe the sayd saowllys in payne wyrle stand for the cursyt syn of yre. the qwych shoold be shewyt by faythful crystyn men yf they Wyl shew the sayd paynes of hel / neyd ys to haue pacyens. Et for al approbacyō of the sayd ys in the holy Wryt I allege thys qwych ye [...] Wryt­tyn in the appocalyps in the xvij. cheptur. that ys that the ewyl damnyt as blasphemyt the nam of god for the sorow of theyr Woondys doyng to them by the dewillys of hel. Blasphe mauerunt deum celi pro dolori­bus et vulneribus suis. Et of thys also ys Wryttyn in the prowerbes in .xix. cheptur that ammers ar grathyt in hel to the body of fowlysh pewpyl that ys to say of synners. Et mallei ꝑ­cutientis stultorum corporibuꝭ Et thys suffycys as to the .iiij payn aboue sayd.

¶The .v. cheptur [...]rayt­tys of the .iiij. payn of [...] seyng by the sayd lazarus [Page]



THe holy man laȝa­rus sayd after that he say ī hel oon hor­rybyl playꝭ of dyrknes in the qwych thayr Was oon gret quātite of hedars gret & smal in the qwych playꝭ the saowllys of sweyr mē et Women ar punyshyt et tur­mentyt of syndry mayners of bytyngys / et sheuttyngys / of the sayd serpens qwych byttys now the Wysayge & other par­tys of the heyd & so do they the other partyes et membrys of the saowllys. Et theyr Was oon gret quātyte of smal serpēs [Page] the qwych persyt the partyeꝭ of the hart of the sayd powyr saowllys al owt as harowys. Besyd theyr Was astaroth captan et prens of sweyr men the qwych had oon gret quantyte of dewyllys of hel et Was the sayd astaroth in form et fygur of oon beyst hauand two gret Wyngys horrybyls oon long nek & on merweyllows groyng Et had two merweyllowꝭ feyt the qwych had syndry spurrys the qwych Was shood. Et of hys gowl gret et dreydabyl cū furth oon gret low of fyer byr­nant stynkant & abhomynabyl Thys beyst sat aboue oon hool remplyshyt of fyr et byrnston byrnant & Woyryt al the saowllys the qwych the other dewyllys dyd bryng to hym of the plays of the aboue sayd tormēt in the qwych War the sayd ser­pens. Et the sayd dewyllys straynȝyt the sayd saowllys to entyr in the Waam of the sayd best & they War gretumly smyttyng et tormentyt be for that they entryt Wyth ī the mowth of the sayd astaroth qwych We yryt them in hys Waam sych wys that yt Was lyk that they War deyd et adnychylyt. Bot soon after he dyd cast thē furth by syndry partys of hym & they fel in the sayd cauern of byrnāt fyer in the qwych they ressanyt new torment for they swellyt Wyth in the fyer et dyd cū gret as bestys by sum smal tym to the mayner of ky qwych ma­kys theyr cawys Wyngys they engendyr oon calumnyosytely gnage of serpens the qwyche byttyꝭ them so long so mych as they ar Wyth in theyr Waam. Also they mayk imputtant thē furth as to the mayner of hedars. For qwen the howr cum­mys that the sayd saowllys shuld cast furth of theyr Waam the sayd serpēs they cry & mowrnys so hye et so horrybyl that they fyl the hellys of theyr hor­rybyl cryengys so mych that yt War lyk that in hel thayr War no other payn no sorowys bot of the sayd saowllys. Et certā ­ly the sayd best & the sayd saowllys puttys not furth of theyr Waamys the sayd serpens as to the saowllys of men and Women by the placys ordaynyt by natur. For the sayd serpens cūmys furth by the eyn by the [Page] eyriꝭ by the neys by the mowth by the armys / by the breyst and by al the partys et membrys of the sayd saowllys & they ar yrn hedyd byrnāt & the nebys ryght sharp by the qwych the peyrs al the membrys of the saowl et the sayd serpens as maynay pykys ī theyr toylyꝭ of the qwych they pryk sorowfully the sayd saowllys. Et sū tym qwen the sayd serpens may not redraw theyr sayd tayllys of the sayd saowllys of the qwych they cū forth they return theyr sayd ne bys ageyne the sayd saowllys so mych that they peyrs Wnto the hart. Et indowtably that the cryengys et shwtyngs horribyls ar ordaynyt in the sayd paynys et of the sayd serpens & bestys aboue sayd ascendys to the hewyn & not Wyth owt caus For yt ys oon thyng importa­byl to suffyr felon to se & behold Certanly thayr ys no membyr synger not toy bot theyr hyngꝭ oon serpēt horrybyl & merweyllows qwych byttys Wn to the inwart partys. Et abowt the truth theyr ys not oon plays bot theyr ys oon serpent horry­byl et merweyllows Wyth two or thre heydys et dowbyl thon­gys the qwych rongys et kna­wys the troght et the pypys of the hart & other inwart partys O qwath Wepyngys qwath cryengys qwath afflyccyōs myserabyls. Certantly thar ys no tong that may suffycyently pronōs them. God by ys grays defend et keyp al crystyn pewpyl that they dyscend not in sych Wrechyd calamytes. For to fleet shaw them / yt ghanas to by dylygent to excers them self in doctryn of the cōmandymēs of god in the artykyls of the fayth & lowād god & owr nyght bowr. Et after to do dylygētly al that We ar bownd to do in the exercysyon of that they me­dyl them Wyth al be yt thyng mechanyque or other. Et that the aboue sayd paynes be in hel yt apperys be auctoryte of the holy Wryt It ys Wryttyn in iob in the .xx. cheptur that al sorow dyscedys [...]ue the cursyt damnyt. Omnis dolorirruet supereum. It ys Wryttyn ī ysaye the xiij. cheptur. That they that ar damnyt shal haue sorowyꝭ owt Wart & inwart & mourn as Women doys that traweyllys of [Page] oon chyld. Tortiones interius et dolores exterius tenebunt et quasi parturentes dolebunt. It ys sych lyk Wryttyn ī iob in the xx. cheptur that the heyd of the aspyk shal roys for to pyk et peyrs the saowl of the cursyt vānyt. Et that the long of the hedder that ys to say of the ser­pens shal peyrs Wyth hys nes sharp of al sydys. Caput aspi­dis furget & occidet eū lingua vipere. Et as to thys caus shoold ych oon be dylygent to do Weyl thayr to that they fal not Wyth ī the sayd paynys. Et thys suffycys of the .iiij. payn of hel et v. cheptur.


¶The .vj. cheptur shal traycte of the .v. payn infernal.

THe holy man laȝarus rehersyt to the assystens at the super aboue sayd that he saw in hel oon other mayner of paynys. For he saw gret chaw­derons to the maynayr of fowrnases byrnāt ful of syndry met tels ȝettant & playant as Water doys aboue the fyer. Et Wyth in the sayd mettals Was plon­get the saowllys of Wrechyt peupyl men & Women that vsyt of awarys for to fyl them of theyr cursyt awarys et cowoy­tys of the temporel goodys the qwych they haue excersyt ī this World. After the qwych theyr vas oon horrybyl dewyl nāmyt māmona heyd and captayn of awarycyows Wyth maynay other syndry dewyllys detestabyls and abhomynabyls to behold. The qwych var al cowert of byrnant fyer et dyd hold the said saowllys Wyth fors Wyth in the sayd chawderons Wyth gret brochys et fowrkys of yrn vyth the qwych they persyt thē Wnto the inwart partys of the hart. Et of that cūmys oon gret horrybyl smok of dyrknes selfways a dyrk low mor styn­kant & mor abhomynabyl that We may not Wnderstond no thynk. Et incontynent I hard oon horribyl cry & shutyng right horrybyl. Et oon thōder so dre­dabyl qwyche myght belyk as al fondemens of hel et of eerth trymblyt. Et ettwyꝭ the otherꝭ thyngys he saw oon gret chaw­deron sqwaryt to thē mayner of oon cystern partyt alow myxyt Wyth oon stynkād smok abho­mynabyl to the maynayr of oō cowlon qwych vas so long that stentyt so hye that yt War lyk that yt twechyt the hewyn. Et in thyr cowlonnys of fyer Was theyr oon gret quātyte of saowlye & dewyllys to the maynayr of sperkys and also as yt Was lyk that they oonly War re­dygyt in noght falland of new Wyth the dewyllys Wnto the deyp of the furnays. The cryat [Page] the saowllys / helas / helas helaꝭ qweyr for dy ve not. Et say and thys they dyd ryf them self the Wysagys. Et the dewyllys eyrand the sayd lamētacyons the qwych dyd go abowt them ī the sayd low they crukyt them Wyth theyr horrybyl crukys & they draw them Wnto the deyp of the sayd furnays and chaw­derons qweyr they haue suffert swffrys et shal suffyr Wnthool lerabyl paynys. Theyr Was the sayd Māmona qwyche sayd to the sayd saowllys. O Wn­happy Wsuryers and Wrechyd saowllyꝭ qwych as put al yowr loue ī gold & met al corruptibyls Resayf now paynys et turmēs Worthy of yowr Werkys & operacyons. Now ȝe ar in the tur­mens of the qwyche ȝe shal ne­wyr part alwayes ȝe shal lyue in byrnyng & incessabyl turmēs et Wrechyt paynys Wyth owt lyght / Wyth owt cōseyl / Wyth owt holp and Wyth owt conso­lacyon. Newyr ȝe haue hop to obteyn meyrcy for thys that ȝe haue not doyn no meyrcy ī the Warld. So ȝe haue foold me et ghewyn yowr saowllys for to haue gold and syluer the qwych may not holp yow now. Bot ȝe shal be ewyr mor be punyshyt byrnt & soddyn Wyth ī the sayd metalls in the fyer of hel. By thys that sayd ys apperys cler­ly that the said synnars of awarys et of okyrers shoold be she­wyt et fled. O Wrechyd et cur­syt pewpyl that as put yowr study ī auarys goodlyar yt had beyn to ȝow to haue leyffyt of rowttys and frwyttys of treys than to haue gaderyt yowr cof­frys ful of gold et syluer so Wrechytly than to be dānyt as sayd ys. Pewpyl of iustys marchās burgys and other qwyche Wyl sum tym be awarys befrand Wsarp the ryghtꝭ of the chyrch haue sum tym mynd of the said paynys. So ȝe that haldys the demys dettyt to god & fulfyllys not the testament of them that ar deyd also ȝe that holdys the serwys of ȝowr powyr seruans and iornay men. Also ye sacryle­gys thewys and rewars that rewys the goodys of others by dyrkwayes haue sum tym mynd of the sayd paynys. Al­so say not that thyr ar thyngys [Page] fantastyks or lesyngys / heyr the testyfycacyons and Wytny syngs of the holy Wryt. It ys Wryttyn in Ioel in the segund cheptur. Al the facys of pewpyl of awarys shalbe put and tur­mētyt in the chawderon of hel. A facie eius cruciabunt (ur) populi. Omnes vultus redigentur in ollam. It ys Wryttyn in Iob in the .xx. cheptur. That god by the mynystres of hys iustys dewyllys of hel shal draw owt of the vaam of the cursyt okerers et awarycyows pewpyl the ry­ches / that ys to say gold & syluer Et that the sayd awarycyows shal put furth the rycheꝭ qwych he has deworyt et swellyt he qwych shal do yt in the aboue sayd paynys. Diuicias quas deuorauit euomet et de ventre eius extrahet illas deus. It ys also Wryttyn in Iob in the .xv. cheptur / that the ewyrlestand fyer of hel shal swel the bodys & the saowllys of them qwyche taykys the ghyftys et goodys of others Wnryghtusly so as doys the Wsuryers & okerers. Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eorum qui munera libenter ac­cipiunt.

¶The .vij. cheptur shal traytte of the .vj. payn of hel. [Page]



LAȝarꝰ new roysyng from deeth to lyue beyng in the hows of the sayd Symon the leprows reher­syt & sayd to the assystās that he beyn in the partys of hel he had seyng in oon flood fowl et styn­kand & abhomynabyl aboue the ryuayge thayr Was oon greyt qwantyte of saowllys of men & Women that War glowttons et so gret oon nōbyr that Wyth payn they myght nōbyr them the qwych in punyshon of theyr glowtonny Was fyllyt by the dewyllys of padokys serpētys [Page] et heddars and aspys et others bestys Wenymews and abbre­wyt Wyth the Watyr of the sayd flood et Wyth gaw myxyt togydder. Et theyr vaꝭ theyr Beelpheboor dewyl of hel cap­tayn of the sayd glowtōs Wyth company of other syndry dewyllys qwych strenȝes by merweyllows stranȝeyng et sorowful et dreydabyl fygurys the qwych swellys the sayd saowllys et in corporys ī them the sayd serpēs Et ī this cursyt cōwoy he says that he saw serue the sayd cur­syt saowllys of the sayd glow­tōs of .iij. meysses myserabyls The fyrst meys ys honger for the sayd saowllys ys so honge­ryt that they. Faylȝe et yf they War mortels they War incon­tynent deyd of honger. Et for to put away that honger the sayd dewyllys fyllys them of padokys of hedders et serpens ryght infayt et stynkant et ab­homynabyls. The segūd meys of qwych the sayd saowllys ar seruyt ys by Wodneꝭ of honger that ys that qwen they twych theyr awn membrys they byt et swellys them self. The thryd meys of the qwyche the sayd saowllys ar fyllyt ys of theyr awn propyr membrys rostyt et soddyn. For they eyt theyr ton­gys rostyt et soddyn in the fyer of hel. O qwath Wepyngys / qwath cryengys / qwath lamentacyons makys the sayd saowllys blasphemant the naam of god. Certanly they cowrs god et the dewyllys. Et they byt oon other qwen they twych oon other makand merweyllows cryengys et Wllyngys. The sayd dewyl Beelphebor says to them. Cursyt dānyt saowllys resayf heyr the howr of yowr reward of yowr glowtsumnes. Now ȝe ar ordaynt in gret honger in the plays of precyows mettys the qwych ȝe War cow­stumyt to eyt delycyowsly: Et ȝe Wold not fast no mayk no abstynens for to shew the ewyrlestand hōger Now ȝe ar mayd ī placys ī the qwych ȝe shal leyf famylyary in ewyrlestand hon­ger Wyth owt ony refeccyon. Opytyabyl sentens. O Wre­chyd glowtonny so mych et so maynay thow as lost of saowl­lys & Wyl / Wyth owt mākynd retowrn to sobyrnes & to mayk abstynēs for the lowf & dreyd of [Page] god. O ȝe Wrechyt cristyn pewpyl that brestys yowr fastyngꝭ of thy holy lenth & the emmyren dayes Wyth owt lawful caus. O ȝe howrmasters et howrys qwyche from the moornyng on to the ewyn. Et sum tym al the nyght Walrand Wnhappely to theyr glowtonnyes et curyosy­tys / not heyr that I haue sayd befor & rehersyt of the sayd pay­nys of men and Women that ar glowtōs by ȝe sekyr god is oon faythful iuge et that he leyffys no thyng īpunyshyt. Et theyr that ȝe say not that I haue dre­myt the sayd paynys that thys be lesyngys or fablys I shal pre­yf them by the faythful text of the holy Wryt yt ys Wryttyn ī the ecclesyastyk in the .xxxix. cheptur. That the fyer et the haol stoonys honger & the deyd ar mayd of god for to punysh et tayk Wengens of the Wrechyd damnyt pewpyl. Ignis grando fames et mors omnia ad vin­dictam creata sunt. Sych lyk yt ys Wryttyn in Iheremy ī the ix. cheptur. I shal fyl the peupyl et multytud of the dānyt Wyth allum et byttyr herbys et shal gheue them drynk of Watyr et gaw. Ecce cibabo populum ab­sinthio / et dabo ei bibere aquā fellis. Says also Ezechiel ī the segund cheptur to the saowl dā ­nyt of the cursyt glowton. Thy ennemys the dewyllyꝭ ar Wyth the / thow dwellys Wyth the scorpyons. Subuersores sunt tecum et cum scorpionibus ha­bitas. yt ys sychlyk Wryttyn in saynt Luc in the segund che­ptur. Cursyng fal appon ȝow the qwych as fyllyt yow ī thys World / for ȝe shal haue honger in the ewyrlestand paynys of hel. Et yt ys Wryttyn ī the ap­pocalypsys in the .xvj. cheptur. The damnyt pewpyl as ettyn theyr tongys be sorow et rayge of honger. Manducauerunt linguas suas pre doloribus. Syndry others auctorytys of the holy vryt asmych of the ald ys of the now testament may be broght to the purpos. The qwych I leyff for caus of short­nes. Et thys suffyycys for the vj. payn.

¶The .viij. cheptur shal traycte of the .vij payn of hel.


THe holy man laȝarus sayd that after he had se­yng in hel oon o­ther payn mer­weyllws. For he sayd that he saw oon other certayn plays that Was of oon gret spays to the mayner of oon gret chāpa­gny the qwych Was ful of vel­lys gret et horrybyls than al the others et ī the myddys oon grettar than the sayd Wellys that var merweyllws deyp ful of fyer & byrnston & dyd cast oon horrybyl stynkand smok. The deypnes of the sayd Wellys dyd cum et respond to the Wel [Page] of the myddys qwych ys the gret gouffer et Wel of hel in the qwych lucyfer ys theyr logyt & shaynȝyt. Et Wyth in the sayd deypnes ar the saowllys of the cursyt lycherows men & Womē The qwych ar ryght sharply byrnt et turmentyt be oon de­wyl callyt asmodeus and other dewyllys hys compaygnons the qwych cessys not day no nyght to turment the sayd sa­owllys of the qwych ys petea­byl the Wepyngys shutyngys et they ar so horrybyls et drey­dabyl that theyr no man lyuāt that may exprym them. Et shoold no man merweyl yf the sayd saowllys castys gret plā ­tys et sorows. For the sayd de­wyll Hasmodeus and hys con­pany strenȝes them to dyscend of the sayd les Welles Wn to the deypnes of the gret Weel & spot in the qwych ys sucyfer in the form et maynayr of oon blak beest / ryght horrybyl. Et as the sayd best the form of oon mannys body from the fyet Wnto the hyed owt tayk that the sayd beyst ys mor blak then oon craw & as syndry han­dys Wn to the nonbyr of oon towsād & as oon hondreth cow­tes of lenght et .x. cowtys of gretnes. Ewyrych oon of the sayd hondys as .xx. syngers et ewyrych oon fynger has oon hondreth fut of lenght et .x. of gret. The sayd best as the na­lyꝭ of the feyth & of the hōdyꝭ of yrn mor lenght et mor gret thā sperys. The neb et the mowth has excessently / long / large / ab­homynabyl to see ys tayl Was large and long et sharp al ful of sharp nedyllyꝭ. Et Weryta­bel the mōstyr & beyst of hel ys ryght horrybyl et Was hong aboue oon brandon of yrn byr­nant Wnder the qwych Was oon gret quantyte of colys in­brasyt & lyghtnyt by dylygens ryght besyly Wyth oon multy­tud innomberabyl of dewyllys the qwych blawys Wyth oon thowsand bellowys for to lyth­nyng the sayd colys. Et in effec the sayd best as gret quantyte & multytud of dewyllys abowe hym et of damnyt saowllys that Wyth payn ony myght / nombyr them or beleyff that the World myght comprehend no resayf ī yt so maynay crea­turys sen the creacyon of the [Page] World. The sayd beyst et ald ēnemy of hel lucyfer ys bownd be al the ionttys of thy men­brys Wyth shanȝyꝭ of yrn al ī ­brasyt of feyr / ryght gret and merweyllows / Wyth faculte that he may torn hym self and remoyff hym. Et qwen he seys that he ys so strangȝet et rostyt aboue the sayd colys of hel he hangerys et cursys hym self so by yre that he turnyꝭ hym vyo­lently of oon syd aboue the o­ther. Et castys be gret yre ys hondys horrybyls abowe the sayd saowllys qwych tumbys et fallys of al the partys of hel aboue hym et taykys the sayd saowllys qwych ys so dystres­syt Wyth hys sayd handys so ys qwo Wold press oon grap of Weriws sych vays that yt ys lyk that the sayd saowllys ar al anychylyt. Soon after he sobys et blawys so horrybyl that he scalys the sayd saowl­lys in the syndry partyes of the fyer of hel. Et thys doyng he goys furth of the Weyl & gouf­fyr of hel oon gret low ryght stynkāt & horrybyl fowl of the sayd saowllys the qwych castyꝭ oon gret et horrybyl Wepyngꝭ Et qwen the sayd best dewyl et prens of hel drawys hys eynd and spreyt to hym he drawys Wyth in hys horrybyl mowth the sayd saowllys the qwych he had so scateryt as sayd ys the qwych dyd fal Wyth the smok et byrnstoon byrnant Wyth in the sayd detestabyl Waam ī the qwych they varlyk to be dyed et swellyt. Bot soon after he dyd cast them furth of the foss of the sayd hel ī the qwych they sufferyt Wnthoolerabyl pay­nys. Et al the saowllys the qwych mayewayd & show that they be not taykyn ettwys the handys of the sayd lucyfer ar smyttyng et scurgyt Wyth the tayl of thys horrybyl sayd lu­cyfer. Et be thyr Wayes qwen yt ys inferryt et ghewyn payn et tourmens al the creaturys īfernals he is / smyttyng rostyt torm̄t aboue the other dewylys For abowt the sayd lucifer ther ys oon gret plante of dewyllys blac as colys qwych as the eyn gret et byrnant / as lāpys / the thayllys as scorpyons the nay­les yrnnyd et sharp as sperys the Wyngys as gryppys / the qwych incessently Wyth owt [Page] ony intermyssyon smyttys / rostys / towrmentys / the sayd lucyfer. The qwych sych lyk / byttys / smyttys / rostys / scur­gys / tourmentys of ys sayd handys et tayl Wyth owt ony cessyng. Et in the sayd Wellys ar the saowllys of lycherows men et Women that ar damnyt the qwych cryys shuttyꝭ horry­byl to heyr. Et Werytabyly to the shaamful partys of men et vomē lycherows hyngyꝭ mych horrybyl serpens the qwych ry­wys the inwart partyꝭ of theyr Waam so as they Wold draw the gowttys of theyr body. Et theyr ys hasmodeus prens et gowernowr of the sayd lyche­rows. The qwych he et ys con­pany the dewyllyꝭ rynnys age­yns the sayd saowllys Wyth crokys of yrn et castys them in the sayd hoyllys byrnant ful of byrnstoon et of leyd et other metals of the qwych Wellyꝭ ar drawyn sowdanly the sayd dā ­nyt saowllys sayand to them Cursyt lycherowꝭ mē & Womē Ressayff heyr your plesans of stynkāt & abhomynabyl lyche­ryes ī the qwych ȝe aboue has beyn so absorbyt et plongyt so that ȝe haue forȝet your makar Et for thyꝭ caus ȝe shalbe ewyr mor burnt te tur mentyt in the deyp spot of hel the qwych the fyer of hel shal bern thayr byr­nyng cōcupyscens of your stynkand lycherys. O helas qwo may say no eyr the Wrechyt regrettys and horrybyl plantys and cryengys that doys the sayd damnyt saowllys. Certā ­ly Wnfaylȝant theyr ys noman mortel qwych may suffyciently say no rehers. Quheyr for ewy rych oon crystyn man & Womā shoold dreyd et dowt that he fal not in the sayd paynys. O po­wyr lycherows consyder now that for oon smal et transytoyr playsans that ys oon gret fow­lyshnes to bynd them self in payn et tomens the qwych ne­wyr shal haue eynd. Et for thys that sum ar so Wnfayth­ful that they dyspys as fablys et lesyngys et doys bot lac and makys of them qwych reher­sys so as they of thyngꝭ that ar faynȝyt as lesyngys. Of dre­mys of melencolykys & beleyf­fys not that theyr ys oon hel or yf they bleyff et yff they con­fess yt vyth mowth. Alwayes [Page] they denyyt be Werk. For they dowt not to lyue in theyr syn­nys Wnto the deeth qwych ys oon cler demonstans that they haue not certayn fayth of the paynys of hel. Thoght yt be so that sant gregoyr in the .iiij. of hys dyalogues as not mayd no dyffyculte to beleyff thys & as put et left thē be Wryt to theyr successurs. Et to thyp caus I shal allege syndry auctorytes of the holy Wryt confermaty­wys et approbatywys of thys that sayd ys of the sayd payny of hel For yt ys Wryttyn by sāt toon the euangelyst in the ap­pocalypsys in the .x. cheptur qweyr he says of the sayd Wel et spot of hel that the Weel of the deepnes of hel thayr ys cū oon smok to the maynayr of oon gret furnays et that the thryd party of the men as beyn kyllyt crusyt tormentyt / of the fyer / smok et byrnston qwych cūmys of the sayd spot īfernal. Et be the sayd thryd party ys Wnderstondyt the ewyl dam­nyt qwych shoold be tormentyt in the ewyrlestand fyer of hel De puteo abissi fumus forna­cis magne et occisa pars tercia hominum. Certanly so says sant gregoyr ȝe shal haue deeth vyth owt deeth falt Wyth owt dyffault. Erit miseris damnatis mors sine morte defectus si­ne defectu quia mors ibi semper insipit & deficere defectus nescit By ȝe seur that he qwych pre­parys to oon man oon fayr bed soft et most goodlyast grathyt the qwych We can not et may not exstym no dewys et that they say to hym yt ys ghanant to the to lym the sayd bed that thow part not of the sayd bed thys .xx. ȝear / for thyng of the vorld he Wold nytly. O helas how may the man Wolupt w­ows that ys ghewyn to hys charnalytys et fleshly lust may be layd in hel by oon towsand of ȝearrys et mor / he shal haue for hys bed serpētys et heddars for hys coweryng abhomyna­byl Woormys and for hys bed the fyer of hell. Quhat folysh­nes ys thys to bynd et oblyge hys saowl so presyows for oon smal dylectacyon off syn to oon ewyrlestand payn of the qwych yt may newyr cum furth / in the qwych payn the fyer shal ne­wyr be slokyn. Et the Woor­mys [Page] et serpens qwych rongys bettys et ryffys the saowl shal newyrdy as that yt ys Wryt­tyn esaye in the last cheptur. Vermes eorum non mouetur et ignis eorum non extingue­tur. Et for to shaw by fygur the bytternes of the horrybyl damnacyon et of the eieccyon in hel of the sayd damnyt says saynt Ioon appocalyps in the .xviij. cheptur he saw oon angel qwych lestyt on hye oon stoon as oon mylstoon et dyd cast yt inpetwosly in the see sayāt that the cōfusyon of synnars shoold be so castyn in hel on the day of the iugement general. Sustu­lit angelus lapidem molarem grandem et proiecit in mare di­cens hoc īpetuose mittetur ba­billon in īfernū. Hel ys mayd to the maynayr of the hows of dedaluꝭ callyt laborinthuꝭ ī the qwych he entryt eythly bot af­ter that newyr mor they may cum forth after the Woord of esaye .xxiiij. cheptur qweyr he says that the damnyt shalbe assemblyt in the layk et deyp of hel in the qwych they shalbe closyt as in oon pryson. Con­gregabuntur in lacum et clau­dentur ibi in carcere. Of the qwych pryson god Wold keyp & deffend al crystyn pewpyl. Et that the serpens et beystys de-Worabyls shal ronge & ryff the shaamful partys of lycherows mē et Womē be the qwych they haue synnyt et offencyt god as yt apperys promply by thys that ys Wryttyn in the book of sapyens qwayr yt ys sayd that oon ewyrych synnar shalbe pu­nyshyt by the menbrys by the qwych they haue synnyt. Per que peccat quis per hec et tor­quetur. Et thys suffycys to the .vij. et last payn et the .viij. partye of thys present trayctye

¶The .ix. chept (ur) shal traytte in general of syndry paynys of hel.

THe medytacyon et thoght of the pay­nys abowe sayd shoold be caus sufficyant to oon ewy­rych crystyn man et Women to Weyr ageyns the dewyl of hel & to resyst to hys temptacyons For yf the man cōsyderys veyl et that he be owercūmyt of the [Page] dewyl he shalbe led & drawyng by the myght of the dewyl ī the paynes of hel aboue sayd. He shal effors hym to resyst to the tēptacyons et do so mooch that he be not owercummyt So We reed of sant anthony that after that the dewyl had tēpyt hym of ony syn he sayd to hym de­wyl of hel yf I dyd the syn that thow tempys me I shal fal in the fyer of hel et in ewyrlestand damnacyon Wyth the thys the qwych I shoold aboue al thyn­gys show. Et so mych go they Way for the mynd of the pay­nyꝭ of hel may not permyt that I Wold habandon me et consent to do ony syn. Soon after thys answer the dewyl apperyt to him ī the form of oon smal child mor or eutheopyen and he dyd cum and ly and prostern the fa­ce ageyns the eerth befor the feyt of the sayd freend of god. Sāt anthony cōfessant qwath he Was owercummyt. Et that thayr Was no thyng in thys that he myght mor ower cum the temptacyons of the dewyl lye than to bryng to ys mynd the sayd paynys of hel in the qwych the saowllys & the bodyꝭ of the damnyt had dowbyl payn. That ys to Wnderstond payn of dommayge. For they shal be prywyst ewyrlestandly of the wysyon of the godly es­sens. Et shal haue other paynes sensybyls of syndry and de­fferent maynars. For they shalbe ewyr mor in hel in sharpnes / betternes / of byrnyng / of the fyer of hel / and crudelyte / of cooldnes / and Wnmesura­byl / stynkyn / in obscuryte / dyrknes / of smok / in horrybyl hon­ger and in thryst qwych may not be slokyn / in stryf conty­nuel / in detencyon and byn­dyng / of cheynȝeꝭ / Wnloyssabyl in byttyng / of serpens in com­pany / of dewyllys / in Wysyon horrybyl / of the sayd dewyl­lys / in hewynes / in imbecylly­te / in dreyd / in horrewr / and shaam / in sorow / in showtyn­gys / in mowrnyng / trymblyng of the teyth / in dyscord / in ha­trent / mennymyts / in blasphe­myngys / incompunctyons and ewyr mor / in bytternes / in ob­probrys / in confusyon / scruy­tud / in trystys / in desolacyon [Page] in myshop et smal and fynal obstynacyon. Et in others in­fynyt Wrechydnes et calamy­tes. The gloryows sant gre­goyrsay and of the crudelyte of the fyer of hel saiꝭ that hou may they se that the fyer of hel that yt byrnyꝭ bodyly the repreywyt alwayes yt ys not lythnyt by the study of man / no yt ys not noryshyt no maītenyt of Wod Bot sen yt ys oon tym creyt yt byrnys ewyr mor Wyth owt slokynnyng and yt has no myster to be lythnyt and yt ys ne­wyr Wyth owt byrnyng. Ge­henne ignis cum sit corporeus in se misses reprobos corporaliter exurat nec humano studio succenditur negligēs nutritur sed semel creatus durat inextinguibilis ne successione indiget nec ardore caret. Et yt ys to not that so as the damnyt et re­preywyt as synnyt in body and saowl in thys World sych lyk they shalbe tormentyt in the sayd fyer of hel to gydder so mych in the faowl as in the bo­dy. Et the psalmyst dauyd spekand to god the maykar of the punytyon and of the dam­nacyon of the sayd Wrechyd dā nyt & reprewyt in the .xx. psalm sayꝭ lord thow shal put the damnyt in hel to the maynayt of oon furnays fulfyllyt of fyer et thys thow shal do the day of thy vengens thow shal trow­byl them and fyer shal swelly them. Pones eos vt clibanum ignis et ea que sequntur. Certā ly thayr to that the prophet shawys clerly that the damnyt shal not byrn oonly owtwart of the fyer of hel. Bot Wyth thys they shalbe tormentyt e­wyr inwart he beyrrys Wytneꝭ that they shal byrn to the may­nayr of oon fornays byrnant for to shaw ewydētly that they shalbe burnt of the sayd fyer owtwart as to the body et tor­mentyt in the thoght in Wart of sorows and dolewrs. Et theyr to that they be mor sharppely tormentyt they shalbe sowdanly castyng of the sayd byr­nyng ī to the yce & cooldnes Wnthollabyl as yt ys prewyt heyr befor. Et que fulgente rehersyꝭ yt in oon serment qweyr he says that theyr ys two pryncypal tormens in hell that ys to say [Page] cooldnes Wnthoollerabyl. Et eyt that the may not be slokynt For to grow the sayd paynys aftyr thys that the sayd dam­nyt shalbe in body et in saowl in hel they shal feyl oon abhomy­nabyl stynkyn of the caryōs of bodys of thē dānyt. For thayr sum tymys muk no fylth in the Warld or charyon so styn­kand as shalbe the bodys of the sayd damnyt. O myserabyl synnars consyder than qwath stynkyng shalbe in hel of the in numberabyl and neyr infynyt bodys of damnyt. Of thys stynkyng sayꝭ ysaye ī the .xxiiij cheptur qwen he says. De ca­daueribus [...]orum ascendit fetor Et for to eyk the sayd paynys the lycherows men et Women qwych as beyn burnt in thys World of fleshy desyrs shal suffyr iustly paynys in fyer et in byrnstoon. For al et so may­nay tymys that the stynkand delectacyon of the flesh domynys in owr thoght yt ys Waty­ryt of fylth of byrnstoon. Etyꝭ the saowl dysposyt to thys that yt shal be byrnt in hel in fyer et byrstoon. Et Werytabyly the sayd damnyt they shal not be oonly tormētyt in the sayd fyer & byrnstoon bot Wyth thys shal fal apon them contynuelly for payn & tormens afflyctywys rā nys of fyer & of byrnstoon coold sowdan tempes thuꝭ as the psal myst. Pluet super peccatores laqueos ignis sulphur et spiritus procellarum pars calitis eorū. Et certanly the Wrechyt syn­nars of thys Warld perseuerāt in theyr synnys so mych that they ar bownd in the cheynes of hel they shal fal in the sayd paynes for that they haue beyn neglygens to purwoy them et that Wold not beleyf them. Et for that the sayd damnyt shal­be craftyn in owtwart dyrknes et shal be bownd the handys et the feyt of them qwich ys Wryttyn in sant mathow in the .xxij. Cheptur. Et in effec says the blyshyt pewpyl ar fyllyt and refreshyt ewyrlestandly and bly­shytly of the ewyrlestand breed that ys of the Wysyon of god. Of the self Wayes ar the damnyt ewyrlestandly pryuyt of the Wysyon of god that ye they dy be honger by fawlt of the Wysyon of god almyghty. Et also deys the sayd damnyt [Page] pewpyl of thryst as yt apperys of the ewyl rych in sant Luc in the .xvj. Cheptur qwych sessyt not to ashe oon drop of Watyr by the spays of .v. thowsand ȝearys and ȝyt may not haue yt. Bot he mowrnys cryys et showtys and Wepys Wyth the other damnyt & fremys Wyth his teeth by Woydnes of sorow qwych ys Wryttyn in the gos­pel. Ibi erit fletus et stridor dentium. Et in sant Luc in the .vj. Cheptur ys Wryttyn. Maledyccyon and cursyng fal aboue yow rych men & myghty of thys World qwych as yowr playsans and yowr consola­cyon heyr in thys World for ȝe shal Weyp in hel. Ve vobis diuitibus qui habetis consolatio­nem vestram / quia plorabitis et flebitis vos. yt ys also Wryttyn in ysay in the .lxv. cheptur that the prophet in the parson of god says to the damnyt. Sey heyr my seruans shal eyt and ȝe shal haue honger. My seruans shal drynk et ȝe shal haue thryst. My seruans shal be reiosyst in gloyr and ȝe shal be confondyt in paynys / my seruans shal lowe by glednes of pacyens et ȝe shal cry in hel by doleur of hart and mowrn by dysplaysans of thoght. Ecce serui mei comedunt et vos esu­rietis et ea que sequntur. The aboue sayd damnyt shalbe fyl­lyt of al fylth and of dreyd and sorowfulnes. For so as says holy anselmus. Ewyrych oon of them shalbe ful of fylth et mor ful than ony charyon or fylth et mor deformyt than monstyr of the World. For so as the blyshyt shynys as the soon of con­trary the damnyt shal stynk as mook or charyon that ys rot­tyng. The bodis of the sayd dā nyt shalbe so ewy as that says sant anselmus that for the ewynes of paynes the qwych shal fal aboue them that they may not moue no hād no fout no ony other party of theyr bodys. Et shal that sayd body be oon gret sharge euy and importabyl to the saowl damnyt the qwych may not leyf yt be ony Wys. Self Wayes oon ewyrych oon damnyt shalbe so bestyab that they may not tayk away from theyr propyr eyn the Wormys serpens qwych byttys them et shalscurg them so as says holy [Page] anselmus. Sayes also that the bodyes of them that ar dam­nyt shalbe so seyk and Wnsekyr that medecyn may not holp thē Et that the aboue sayd dam­nyt shalbe so ordaynt in oon gret and ful seruytud / for they shalbe holdyn seruantly as ewy et Wekyt seruans. They shal­be ful of yre by that Woodnes of al cruel bestys and dewora­byls ewyr mor be trowbyllyt by Woodnes & impacyens after the Word aboue sayd of the psalmyst. Dominus in ira sua conturbabit eos. Et to the caus of the aboue sayd pertur­bacyon theyr shal proceyd mer­weyllows blasphemyng of god et of the santys cursant them. Et in effect they Wald ryf Wyth good Wyl by yre & they myght theyr thongys et the membrys of theyr bodys. Et they haue oon yre indycybyl ettwys them ageyns god & hys iustys cursāt hym of thys that he delyurye not them of paynet tormens of hel. They haue hatrēt to them self for the hatrent et sorow of theyr lyue they desyr the deeth after thys as yt ys Wryttyn in the appocalipsys in the .ix. cheptur. They shal chers & they shal not fynd yt bot they shal fle frō them. Indiebꝰ illis querant ho­mines mortem et non inueniēt Et Wyth owt dyffault yf oon manor oon Woman had al the reawmys of the World he Wold gheue them thayr to that they myght dy. Et for so mych ashys sant augustyn in oon ser­mon qweyr for ys that the deyd ys desyryt in hel et may not be fund. Certanly yt ys for that that so mych as the dānyt War in thys Warld god offryt them the ewyrlestand lyue that ys to say paradys et they Wold not tayk yt. Than yt ys ryght and rayson that qwen they ar dys­cendyt in hel in the qwych they desyr the deyd that yt be denyet to them. Et Wndowtably theyr ys oon merweyllows ha­trent in hel of the syd et party of almyghty iesu owr redēptur and of hys santys the qwych shal hayt and bayttys the damnyt for theyr synnys by sych maynayr that they Wold not holp them in ony Wayes no haue compassyon of theyr pay­nys. For the father shal not haue pitye no cōpassyō of the soon [Page] no the chylderyn of the fathers et mothers. The sayd damnyt as says sāt anselmus shalbe in oongret discord so that theyr body & theyr saowl may not accord to gydder. For the body shal hayt the saowl for thys that yt as beyn ewyl pāsyt et the saowl shal hayt the body for thyꝭ that yt aꝭ fulfyllyt be Werk the thyngys by yt mysdoyng by the qwych they ar intormēt togydder. Et the chylder shal pleynȝe of theyr parēs so as yt ys Wryt tyn in the ecclesyastyk the .xli. cheptur for thys they haue not techyt them the thyngys neces­sayrs to theyr awn saowllys et that they haue not chastyt thē qwen they haue fayllȝyt et tres­passyt / selfways that they haue not forbyddyng [...]st restranȝyt them to do ewyl / & that they haue not monyst them et techyt them the thyngys qwych ar re­qwyryd et proffytabyl to go­wein them. De parte impio cō querentur f [...]ij. Et the parens shal planȝe of theyr chyldryn say and that they haue laboryt intoght for thē. E [...] yf they ha­ue gaderyt synd [...]y thyngyꝭ thef tufty the qwych they haue not restoryt. Et self Ways they haue not doyng no almows of the thyngys ewyl taykyn by them the qwych has not mayd resty tucyon of the qwych they haue sparyt the sayd thīgys to theyr said chyldryn. In the qwych synnys grewously the okerers and auarycyows of thys World the qwych by fault of makyn restytucyon of the thyngys ewyltaykyn they go they theyr Wyffys theyr chyldryn posteryte et ly­nayge / to ewyrlestand damna­cyon yf they posses Wyttansy the sayd goodyꝭ so ewyl taykyn the qwych shoold be restoryt. Et of thys We haue oon exam­pyl that the saowl of oon holy man deuot Was rauyst et led by oon good angel in hel for to se the paynes of them that ar dā ­nyt. Et saw the sayd āgel o mā the qwych lay obreyd ī the deyp spot of hel. Et owt of the Wa­am of hym cum oon gret tremerweyllows hye the sayd trehud maynay brāchys fulfyllyt of smal bur Ions in the qwych Was hangyt damnyt saowllys of men et of Women. Et of the sayd plays of deyp hel Waꝭ layd he of the qwych Waam proce­dyt [Page] the sayd tre / com oon gret low of fyer horrybyl of the qwych Was tormētyt the sayd saowllys the qwych hang ī the sayd brāchys. Et than the sayd saowl al dredant ashyt at the good angel qwath myght yt be & for qwath caus they War hangyt oon the sayd tre et in the branchys of yt so crewsly tor­mētyt. To the qwych the angel answeryt that he qwych lyes in the deyp of hel ys the father & the fyrst begynnyng of al thē qwych hyngys in the sayd branchys. Et he has beyng other tymys powyr bot he ys mayd rych by hys okers auarycyowꝭ nes et theftys qwych as not mayd restytucyon of the thyng ewyl acqwyryd self Wayeꝭ that fynaly he ys so deyd & as to this caus he ys eerdyd in hel. Says also the sayd angel that they that ar hyngant in the sayd brā chys War the hoyrs of the sayd vsurier the qwych haꝭ possessyt Wyttanly the sayd gooddys al­so Wnryghtwsly acqwyryd be the sayd Wsuryer. Et as thys caus they et al them qwych dys­ [...]endys of hym the qwych hol­dys Wyttanly the sayd gooddyꝭ ewyl acquyryd shalbe so dānyt in the deypnes of hel as they that hyngys. In the qwych yt apperys clerly that the Wsu­ryers rapynewrs & theyffys of thys World shoold dreyd the iustys of god et that they shoold not dam thē for theyr chyldryn of the qwych they shal haue no consolatyon in hel bot al repre­wyngys et desolacyon. Et cer­tantly there my considerāt that the damnyt may not be holpyt by prayers no by almows ne be suffrageꝭ / ne pennās Wyth owt they War doyn by them or by theyr frendys lyuant in thys World no they may not be exaltyt in theyr propyr parsōs thys qwych ys cleer ewydent of the ewyl rich the qwich may not haue ȝyt oon gowt of Watyr says in thys mayner spekant to the sayd damnyt. Qwych shalbe he that shal haue meyrcy of the or qwath ys he that Wyl or shal mowrn for the or do pennans for the or qwych shal pray for thy pays & rest. As he Wold say no man shal do for the / for they leyf theyr payn. Quis miseribitur tui aut quis contristabitur propter te / aut quis ibit ad ro­ganduin [Page] pro pace iua. For in hel thayr ys no redempcyon / ne ony smal cōsolacyon. Et so as says sant anselmus et other docturꝭ catholykiꝭ that al the good dys et al the ewyllys of thys p̄sēt World may not twoch the lest degre of theyr parfeccyon that they may not be had et possessyt or mor or les so as yt ap­perys of al the Wertus and of al the Wyses. Et certantly We may not hawe ioy in this pre­sent World Wyth owt trystesse Wyth owt consolacyon no par­fyt heelt Wyth owt seyknes ne the gooddys of the World may not be acqwyryd Wyth owt la­bowr possessit Wyth owt toght no left Wyth owt sorow no the self Wayeꝭ ewillyꝭ of thiꝭ World Wyth owt presens to them contrary. The qwych ys in the he­wyn no in hel / for in hewyn ar al gooddys in al the degres of parfectyon. Et in hel ar al the ewyllys Wyth owt ony degre or ꝑmyxtyon of ony contrary qwych may caus consolacyon. For the sayd ewyllys and pay­nys they ar mayd in theyr last degre of al consummacyon so mych that they may no mor grow. For theyr ys ꝑfyt sorow parfyt byrnyng parfyt caold­nes parfyt fylth parfyt Wayk­nes parfyt desolacyon parfyt Wrechydnes stynkyng and po­wyrte so as that says sant gre­goyr that the damnyt can not thynk other thyng bot to theyr payn in the qwych they ar and ys al theyr cogytacyō & thoght ys to sorow that they suffyr. For that says baruth the ꝓphet in the thryd cheptur that the dā nyt ar deyd in ewyl sorows. Mortui sunt in doloribus pessi­mis. In the sayd Wepyngys for to notyfy the dyuersyte of paynys et ewylnes for to de­not the crudelyte & the rygh austeryte of them. Et thayt to that ewyrych oon crestyn man may eythly ymagyn the aboue sayd crudelyte sant anselmus in the book of symylytudys put­tys oon sych exampyl qwych ys long to rehers and for cuus of shortnes I pas ower. Et consyderant of the paynes of hel oon seyk man has sum rest. Bot the damnyt as seyknes mortel Wyth owt deyng and Wyth owt rest. Et yt be so that in hel after the day of [Page] iugement abydys the qualyteȝ contrayres to the elemens al / wayeꝭ they shal not haue theyr accyons myxyt et temporyt as they haue now for thys that they shal not haue no tempo­rēꝭ no effec oon aboue oon other for the byrnyng of the fyer shal not eyt the caldnes of the Wa­tyr et of contrary the humydy­te of the hayr shal not temper the drynes of the fyer no maykles the euynes et grauyte of the erth. Et of thys ys Wryttyn in the book of sapyens in the .xvi. cheptur the snaw shal fusteyn Wertu of the fysret yt shal not faylȝe. Nix et glacies sustine­bunt vim ignis et non tabescēt Certanly the damnyt shal sus­teynet suffyr al the paynes aboue sayd by the owtwart creatu­res by thys that al the creatu­rys shal punysh the damnyt after the day of the gret iuge­mēt general by infynyt Wayes & mayners. For the lecter & the exystens of al the thyngys of the qwych mā vsys malycyowsly in thys World shal be conser­uyt in sowm of the elymens for to punysh et torment the sayd damnyt thayr to that the Wryt may be Weryfyet by the qwych yt ys sayd in the book of sapiēs in the .xj. cheptur that ewyrych oon damnyt shalbe tormentyt by the thyng by the qwych they haue synnyt. The paynys abo­ue sayd to thynk they ar horry­byl / to speyk they ar dredabyl bot helaꝭ they ar ryght grewōs to susteyn. The rayson for thys that the sayd paynes ar ewyr­lestand. Et Werytably the dolewr and the affeccyon of them that ar damnyt ys not momentayr / ymagynatyue / or transsytoyr bot yt ys sensybyl ferm contynuel et ewyrlestand For the body of them that ar damnyt shal byrn in ewyrles­tand fyer and they may not be Wayftyt / so as We se that the saowl raysonnabyl lyuant / the body may suffer sorow and yt may not dy. Of the self Wayes shal yt be of the body of them that ar damnyt the qwych shal suffyr ewyrlestand paynys and shal lyue ewyr mor thayr to that the deeth lyuys ewyr mor in hel in payn of the qwych the lyue as beyn deeth in thys World by cul [...]. Certanly the holy man Iob put Weel thys [Page] deeth ewyrlestand of the and of the saowl befor the eyn of ys thoght qwen he sayd to god. Dimitte me vt plangam pau­lulum dolorem meum ante (quam) vadam. Lord god lat me plāȝe the sorow of my syn befor that I part of thys World the sorow of owr synqwen the retrybucy­on et payn of hel ys by Ws pro­wydyt Wyth oon gret dreyd kepant Ws from syn. Et ewy­rych oon man shoold keyp hym Weel dylygently also mych as he may that he partyt not of thys Woorld Wyth bwt he do pennans for and he dyscend in hel of them that ar damnyt he shal newyr mor retowrn as yt ys Wryttyn in the book of sa­pyens. Non est agnitus qui sit reuersus ab inferis. Et for that says Weel iob befor that I go / for īdowtably for he qwych shalbe neglygent of Wepyng et mowrnīg of hys synnye ī thys Woorld shal go streyght in hel / as the dectwr the qwych the credytur says / pay yt that thow awys otherwiꝭ I shal mayk the be put in prison bot thow pay yt that thow aw. It ys so of syn­nars the qwych dyscendys in the chartyr and preson of hel bot yf they pay by pennans yt that they ar bownd to god. For they shal dyscend in dyrknes and horrybyl paynys of hel. Et yt ys to notyfy that theyr ys iiij. mayner of paynes in hel two corporells et two spyry­twellys. Fyrst theyr shalbe in hel gret dyrknes and mate­ryalles for the dyrknes of the plays for the thyknes of theyr hayr and the pryuacyon of the lyght of the soon / et of ych oon other lyght. For the fyer of hel shal gheue no shynyng bot smook dyrknes / and stynk­yng. How Weyl that yt be that the fyer natwrel as in yt byrnyng and clarie alwayes the fyer of hel holdys in yt self the byrnyng bot yt as no pro­pyrte of lyght. Thoght yt be thayr to that yt tormētys mor the damnyt yt holdys in yt sum clerte of dyrknes thayr to that the damnyt may so Wyth in the sayd fyer for to mot greyf theyr payn and they Wyth the qwych they haue of­fendyt god. Segundly theyr shalbe in hel oon other dyrk­nes causys of produytys of the [Page] fylth and of the bodys of them that ar damnyt mor blak than swet or colyꝭ the qwych shal gheue and caus of them self oon other dyrknes horrybyls and abhomynabyls. The thryd dyrknes that shalbe in hel oon other dyrknes spyrytwell and mwart. For the damnyt shal­be blyndyt and prywyst Wyth in of al lyght of Wnderstan­dyng and of al congnoyssans bot oonly of the congnoyssans by the qwych they shal feyl and se the paynes of hel & the tor­mens qwych shal tormēt them ewyrlestandly. The .iiij. dyrknes that shalbe in hel ys War & mor sorowful than al others that ys to say to be partyt of the presens of the most hye et incomprehensybyl clarte & vy­syon of god. Et thoght yt be so that in hel theyr ys no ordyr of payn sorowful afflectyue af­ter as says the holy man iob. Vbi nullus ordo. For that as yt ys sayd theyr ys Wnmyxtyon and confusyon of paynys et of tormens. Alwayes theyr ys ordyr of the iustys of god almyghty the qwych ordyr re­qwyrys that ewyrych oon culp be punyshyt and that ewyr as mor offencyt shoold be mor pu­nyshyt after this aꝭ yt ys Wryttyn in the appocalyps in the xviij. or in the deuteronomye in the .xxv. Cheptur. Quantū glorificauit se in deliciis tan­tum date ei tormentum et luc­tum. Et iuxta quantitatem de licti erit et plagarum modus. Et Werytably after the dyspa­ryte and dyfferens of the syn­nys theyr shalbe in hel dyuer­syte of tormens and of paynes so as yt ys shawyn befor. For as says sant gregoyr thoght yt be that fyer of hel be oon and commun to al the damnyt al­wayes yt shal not byrn the bo­dys of them damnyt egaly. For they shal suffer et feyl the byrnyng of the sayd fyer infer­nal after theyr demeryttys crymys et synnys and qwych ys mor synnyt shalbe mor tormē tyt after the ordyr of iustys of god. Theyr shal the damnyt haue gret horreur to se et to be ewyrlestandly in the company of the dewyllys the qwyche shal cum aboue thē Wyth ryght [Page] horrybyl fygurys Inestyma­bly after thys that yt ys Wryttyn in iob in the .xx. Cheptur. Vadent et venient super eum horribiles. Et indowtably oon ewyrych damnyt shal ha­ue horreur of hys propyr fylth in the consyderacyon of hys Wykyt and abhomynabyl statur. Et so be yt that the sayd ar ower prydful alwayeꝭ they shal haue horrewr to se them self et to be hold them. Thoght yt be they may not so mych do bot they so them self no behold the qwych shal caus them oon sych confusyon that they Wold ne­wyr be boorn yf yt Warpossy­byl. Qwath ys he that as no dreyd to be byrnt ewyrlestandly wythowt ony cessyng Wyth owt deīg no anychylyt to thool et susteyn dyrknes and smookkys ryth blak et obscur Wyth owt ony seyng qwath clarte ys yt to feyl the abhomymabyls stynkyns of theyr propyr body et of the bodys of others dam­nyt and for to be tormentyt of the dewyllys and Wyth them to se theyr horrybyl fygurs and to fynd no consolacyon no con­seyl / and newyr to haue no hop to ewayd no to be delyweryt For to be ewyr mor owercum­myt Wyth sorowys plantys cryengis showtyngys of dewyllys and cursyt damnet pewpyl. Certanly theyr ys no man so assewryt bot he shoold dreyd and dowt to fal in the sayd myserabyl calymytes. Et that shoold not contempyl qwath payn ys to thool the aboue sayd paynys et tormens et to be ex­clusyt & partyt of the ioy of god et to be partyt of the bleshyt cō ­pany of angels and santys of paradys. Et Wndowtably they et them qwych puttys in theyr mynd the thyngys the quych We haue heyr befor Wryttyng of the paynes of hel they shal ewayd eythly deydly syn & shal haue dreyd of god be for theyr eyn be the quych they shal show al vyce & do pēnās of theyr synnys by them doyeng et fynaly they shal show the sayd pay­nys of hel & shal haue ioy & beatytwd ewyrlestādly. Et of cōtra­ry the damnyt shal haue ewyr mor fyer ī the ewyrlestād pay­nes of hel the qwych fyer of hel aꝭ to the eyt & the byrnyng theyr ys gret & merweyllows dyffe­rens [Page] Wyth the fyer materyel of thys World the qwych ys not byrnāt to the regard of the fyer of hel qwych ys payntyt in oon Wal ī the regard of the fyer materyal of thys World. Et cer­tanly yf theyr War ony man strenȝyt to hold hys fynger oon howr in the fyer materyal he shoold be grettumly twrmētyt in body et in saowl ewyrlestandly in the sayd fyer of hel in the qwych the paynys newyr shal haue eynd. For yt ys impossy­byl to pas oon thyng infynyt no to fynd the eynd so as says Arestotyl in the segund book of generacyon et corrupcyon. Et indowttably and yt var so that god sayd to the dānyt saowllys I Wyl do to yow thys grays that al the sand that ys in the World be gaderyt in oon yl that ewyr ī oon thowsand ȝear ī oon thowsand ȝear & not ofter theyr cum oon byrd et tayk oon cwrn Et aftyr thys that the sayd yl be taykyn et leftyt I Wyl and ordayn that ȝe be sawyt. The sayd saowllys Wold thank god et say god be blyshyt of ys gyf­tys for owr payn thoght yt be so that yt be ryght lōg alwayeꝭ yt shal haue eynd how Weyl yt ys ghanāt to Ws to suffyr pay­nys by syndry thowsād of ȝear­rys hel as yt shal not be so as sayd ys for newyr the saowllys damnyt may not haue ony hop of redempcyon / et this suffycys as to the .ix. partye.

¶The .x. cheptur et partye of thys present and short traycte shal traycte of the paynys of purgatory.


IN the .x. et last partye of thys present traytte after thys that We haue de­termynyt of the horrybyl paynys of hel. Ve shal traytte in thys party of the paynys of the bytter fyer of purga­toyr. Et befor that We dyscēd in the partyculyer & specyal determynacyon of them yt ys to no­tyfy yf yt War so that god had reweyllyt that of al the menly­wand in thys World that they shoold be bot oon damnyt ych­oon anens hym self shuld dreyd that yt shoold not be he the qwyche by the sentens of the [Page] iustys of god shoold be damnyt So that qwen the redēptur of the World sayd the day of ys seyn to ys appoystyls oon of yow shal sel me and delyuer me to the iowys they dyd begyn to say et haue dreyd lord ys yt I / the qwych shal do sych oon trayson. By mor raysson yf the sal­wyowr of the World sayd in ys gospel in saynt Mathow in the xxij. cheptur that syndry ar cal­lyt et for to haue salwacyon et beatytwd et that newyr the les thayr ys few that ar choysyn et sawyt / ewyrych oon shuld dreid Weyl that he be not of them qwych shal be dānyt & reprewyt abyd and the paynys of hel aboue sayd. Et that syndry men et v [...]men ar callyt to the fayth of god to hawe salwacyon et that they be damnyt & few sawyt yt [...]erys be oon fygur of the ald testament. For We reyd inge­ [...]sy in the .vj. cheptur that god the makar for the synnys et ly­cherys of men & Women send ys iugement et deluge general in the [...]wych al creatures rayston [...]byls War peryshyt and deyt Wnto the nombyr of .viij. par­sons the qwyche War sawyt in the arch of nowel. Et so as the viij. sayd parsons War les of the thyngys ī the regard to the multytwd of the parsōs qwych Was peryshyt and lost. Sych­ways few pewpyl shoold be sa­wyt in the arch that ys in the fayth of the chyrch ī the regard to the damnyt that goys to pardycyon so as nombyr infynyt after the Woord of the ecclesya­styk in the fyrst cheptur qweyr he says that the nōbyr of fowl­lys that ys to say of dānyt the qwyche ar folys ar infynyt. This as beyn sych lyk fyguryt in the entre of the eerth of pro­myssyon in the qwyche of al the chyldryn of ysrael the qwyche com of the eerth of egypt from the aage of .xx. and aboue theyr entryt not bot two that ys to say Iosu [...] et Caleph et al the o­ther dyet in the desert. In the qwych ys gheuyn to vnderstōd that few of men callyt by god the creatwr shal enter in the eerth of promyssyon that ye in the eerth of the lywans of pa­radys thys apperys also in the now testament in Saynt Eue in the .xviij. cheptur qweyryt [Page] ys Wryttyn that iesu cryst haylyt .x. lyppyr men of the qwych they Was bot oon that retowr­nyt towart hym for to thank & to lowe hym. Et in the qwych yt ys oppynly gheuyn to Wn­derstond that Wyth payn the .x. party of men mendyt et medy­cynyt be holy baptysyng shal retowrn in beatytud for to lowe & thank god ewyrlestandly. Et that theyr ys few sawyt yt ap­perys et yt may be eythly Wn­derstandyt by the lyue of men. For it is certayn that the iowst oōly shalbe sawyt that Wytny­sys the psalmyst qwen he says spek and of iesu cryst owr redē ­ptur qwych ys port of hewyn et that ryghtusmen shal enter in yt by fayth et dewocyon. Hec porta domini iusti īntrabunt in eam. Of the self wayes yt ys Wryttyn in the fyrst poystyl of saynt Petyr in the .iiij. cheptur that the iust shalbe sawyt vyth gret payn et Dyffyculte qweyr may appeyr the men Wyth owt pytye & the synners. Et in effecal thys ys this day ī the World theyr ys bot concupyscens of the flesch / or cōcupyscens of the eyn or pryd of the lyue so as says saynt Ioon. Et al thys apperys cleerly and ewydently for the day in the Woorld theyr ys mor that Wsys of lychery than of chastety / thayr ye mor prydful pewpyl than meyk pewpyl and mor Wrechyd pewpyl than meyrcyful et meyk et thayr ys mor trompewrs et lears than theyr ys Werytabyl pewpyl so as says the Psalmyst that the verytys of the soonnys of men ar mayd les: Diminute sunt veritates a filijs hominum. Qwheyr for ve may infer that the Weryte of the soonnys of men that ys the Woord of the redemptur ys Weryfyed qweyr he says syndry ar callyt bot theyr ys few choysyn to be sa­wyt. Et to thys caus ewyrych crystyn man shoold be dylygent so mych as he ys in thys World to do good Werykys et to haue perfyt hop that he shalbe of the nōbyr of them that ar choysyn the qwyche may not be Wyth owt the parson haue ꝑfyt lowe & charyte in god lowād & obeyāt to hym aboue al thyngꝭ & k [...]pāt ys cōmandymēs & also lowant ys nyghtbowr as hym self. Et yf yt be by fragylyte of na­tur [Page] that they fal in ony syn We shoold recowyr to the sacramēt of pēnans inso mych that he as of good heelth et shoold not de­fer to the morowyng or to the deeth so as Doys syndry. The qwyche puttys them self in oon greyt dangyer / for as says the docturs yt ys oon thyng ryght diffycyl et hard that ony mayk faythful pennans that abydys Wnto the deeth. Et to thys be rys Wytnes saynt Augustyn that pennans at the howr of deeth ys ryght perylows thayr fynd We bot oon in al the holy Wryt / that ys to say the good theef / of al them qwych as aby­dyng to do pēnans to the eynd of thayr lywe qwyche ys sawyt no the qwych as doyng fayth­ful pēnās theyr god haue Wold haue that theyr shoold be oon thayr to that no man shoold disesper. For pēnans ys hool ī the man hool & seyknes & Wayknes in the Wnsekyr & deyd as in the man deeth. As to thys caus says saynt augustyn et yt ys rehersyt in the gret dycret. That yf ony synnar be and in the last necessyte of seyknes that ys to say in the dāger & peryl of deeth et he be and in sych oon peryl et necessyte the sayd pouyr synner Wold tayk or ashe pēnans & he in deyd taykys yt & sowdanly he deys of thys World. We shoold not deny hym yt that he ashys bot We presum not that he dyis Weyl I Wayt not says sant austyen yf he passys of thys vorld in sewrte We may Weyl ghewe pennans bot We can not ghe­ue seurte I say not that he shal be damnyt et I say not that he shalbe sawyt. Et for that says he / do pēnanꝭ qwyl thow as thy helth / yf at thow doys so I pro­mes the that thow art asseuryt For thow as mayd pennans in the tym that thow myght haue synnyt et offencyt god. Et yf thow Wyl abyd to do pennans qwē thow may syn no mor thy synnys leyffys the et thow not thē Et certāly yf god seys ī the intēcyon and hart of the synnar be and ī seyknes & artykyl of the deeth yf he trust yt to eshap & cū to the heelth of ys seyknes that he Wold leyf ī syn as befor et in that intēcyon he has oon cōtry­cyon faynȝet et sumylyt et that he shryue hym et maykys ys te stamēt & gheuys gret almows & [Page] ꝑmyttys to mayk satysfacyon to them qwych he has offendyt et that he ashe the holy Wnxyō et cal thesantys of hcwyn to ys holp. Et thoght he do al the thyngys aboue sayd for thys so thys oonly he beleyffys that he shoold dy soon et be damnyt ewyrlestand. Et not for the loue of god bot for the hattrant et dysplaysans that he has of hys syn bot Wyth thys he as intencyō et he myght haue oon xx. ȝear mor ower that he shuld ewyr mor parseueyr in hys syn as sayd ys. Vyth owt ony dy­fyculte he shalbe ewerleftandly damnyt. For theyr ys bot cha­ryte that ys to say leyf to do ewyl for the lowf of god et ha­trent of the syn. Qwych may sayf man et not dreyd ferwyl. Et suppos that the benyngny­te et clemens of god as largyt & for ghewyn the cowlp of hym qwych deserwys et abydys to do pēnās to the eynd of ys lyue alwayes he abydys bownd to the themporel payn the qwych shalbe satyffayt. Payt et mayd be oongret long spays of hym in pugatoyr. Et the qwych payn he myght haue payt yt in oon shoort & smal espays of ty­me yf he had doyeng pennans in thys Woorld in tym he leuāt in hys prospyryte et heelth. Et certanly the saowllys qwych deys of thys prysent lyue in grace et dyscendys in the fyer of proctory shal not be punyshyt for the gret synnys bot Wyth thys for the Wenyal synnys. Et to this ewyrych oon parson shoold do heyr pēnans in so far as he ys hool & punysh ys body et ys menbrys by the qwych he as offēcyt god he be and ī good heelth et mayk satyffaccyon to god in thys World for hys syn­nys / for yf the man as lywyt in dronknes & mayd exces he shuld chasty ys body by fastyng & ab­stynēs. Et yf he as beyn lyche­rous he shuld scurge & chasty ys body & dyscyplyne hys body for to lyue chastely. Et yf he as of fencyt god be clothyng that ar ower soft or be beddeꝭ ower soft We shoold Weyt the hayr cloth or sum other sharp clothyng et ly sum tym aboue hard thyngꝭ Et yf We haue offencyt god by dancys & placys that ar Warldly We shoold go bayrfut to the chyrch and yt War goodly ar to [Page] satyffy to god in thys World than in proctory / for so mych We shoold ashe at god that he punysh We heyr in thys World So sayd saynt Augustyn to god Lord god byrn me heyr Wyth the fyer of trybulacyon et ryeff me et cut my body by seyknes thayr to that thow forgheue me my synnys et that thow cō ­dam me not ewyrlestādly. For [...]s says saynt Gregoyr god for gheuys syndry ī thys Woorld & sendys them no trybulacyon thayr to that he dam them e­wyrlestandly. The others he smyttys and punyshys in thys vorld thayr to that he may for­gheue them ewyrlestandly and that he may not punysh them ī hel no ī purgatory / for the thyngys presupposyt We shal say of them heyr after of the payn of purgatory the qwyche ychoon shoold beleyf that the said payn ys ryght sharp et mor merweyllows thā ve can say. Et thoght yt be so that sum herytikys vyl say that theyr ys no proctory et that qwen god forghewys the culp that he forgheuyꝭ the payn et that al man that deys of this World goys in paradys yf yt be so that the culp et the syn befor gheuyn of god so as dyd the good theyf yt Was sayd thow shalbe Wyth me to day in para­dys qweyr he had dyscendyt in hel and the syn had not beyn for ghewyng / so as dyd the ewyl rych qwych ys beryed ī hel. Al­wayes ageyns sych herytykys thayr ys oppyn rayson ageyns thē Wyth the autoryte et fayth of holy chyrch et of holy doc­turs cotholykys et syndry ex­peryens and rewelacyōs mayd to syndry dewoyt et holy par­sons so as yt shalbe declayryt fullyly heyr after. The rayson sych et yt ys cleyr ewerych oon confessys that al syn ys not mortel so as ych seykneꝭ ys not mortel. Et selfwys al offens mayd ageyns owr nyghtbowr in oon thyng publyk qwych ys not punyshyt of oon iuge secu­lyer or eclesyastyk of the payn of deeth. Self Wayes yf ony crystyn deys of thys World in the stayt of Wenyal syn conly yt ys cleyr that the iustys of god than shal not cōdam hym to be punyshyt ewyrlestandly. For they had no deydly synnys qwē they deyt it sollowys that [Page] theyr shalbe oon tym sayffyt et not damnyt. Or than he may not be sauyt not Wyth owt he be purgyt of the sayd synnys Wenyels. Than yt ys ghanant and neydful to say that theyr ys sū plays in the other World ī the qwych they shalbe purgyt that ys to say proctory. Item & qwen ony shryuys thē of theyr ewy deydly synnys be qwych they haue doyng or al the payn ys put from them of necessyte sych Ways be oon mayner of sayeng that god be strangȝet to put away & forgheue al the culp and the payn to gydder to the qwych he ys not streyngȝet ne­ydfully. Et yf they say that god ys straynȝet to do that the qwych ys oon thyng fals & dayf & that he Wold do & beyr meyk­ly after ys confessyō Woorthy & salutayr fruyt of pennans af­ter the Woord of sant ioon bap­tyst in sant luc / ī the thryd chep­tur qweyr he says mayk Wor­thy fruyt of pennans. Certan­ly thys proffyttys. Et yf yt be so that god ys not to thys ne­cessaryly strangȝet as he ys not et that the contrycyon of the parson War so gret that yt var suffycyand for to put a Way the cowlp & the oblygacyō of ewyr­lestand payn oonly qwyche ys suffycyand & possybyl. Et that by ys goodnes he forgheue the cowlp et the oblygacyon of the payn ewyrlestand oonly to the qwych the sayd parson by ye deydly syn yt followys that the sayd parson abydys bownd to sum payn temporel / et yf the sayd parson decedys of thys World how smal that yt has payt and fulfyllyt the said payn et pennans yt ys neydful that yt be payd in oon other World the sayd payn be yt not suffycy­and payt. Et the said payn shal not be ewyrlestand for the sa­owl shal not be dampnyt Wn­derstondyt the remyssyō of the cowlp thā the sayd payn shalbe temporel et transytoyr et Worthy of purgacyon in the other World namyt proctory in the qwych the saowllys ar purgyt et clengyt of thys qwych yt ys bownd. Et the sayd payn is no other thyng bot oon sharp fyer of proctory in the qwych the sa­owllys ar purgyt et clengyd et qweyr they pay the remanant of theyr paynes and pennans. [Page] Sant gregoyr in hys dyalogue says that yt ys al oon seff fyer ī hel & ī proctory as he says yt ys oon self fyer qwych clengys the gold and qwych byrnys the strow. Et yt ys ghanāt to no­tyfy that proctory ys ordaynt the lymbe of the holy fathers of the qwych proctory com the saowllys befor the passyon of the redēpt (ur) after thys that they var sufycyently purgyt & clen­gyd they assendyt to the sayd lymb. Ve reyd not that the good angels as punyshyt the saowllyꝭ of good bot it var mor ghanāt to the ewyl. Et thoght yt be that the ewyl angels de­wyllys of hel as no intencyon to cleng the saowllys qwych ys in proctory / bot to crucyfy them and punysh them yf they myght aluayes after sant tho­mas the saowlys of proctory ar not punyshyt be the dewyllys of the qwych they haue had vyctoyr. For they may not exers theyr malyꝭ aboue the saowllyꝭ of petory as they do abowe the s [...]ow llys damnyt. Thoght yt be so that the dewyllys presen­tys them ryght horrybyle befor the sayd saowllys of proctory for to mayk them sorowful et for to caus them mor gret payn et afflyccyons for to se theyr paynes bot the sayd saowllys as of the contrary consolacyon of the good angels as yt shalbe sayd heyr after. That the sa­owllys that dyscendys in proc­tory ar punyshyt be oon mer­weyllows et horrybyl fyer yt apperys be auctorytys et pryn­cypally be the auctoryte of sant pol appoystyl qwych says ī the fyrst poystyl qwych ys vryttyn to the coryntyēs ī the .iij. chep­tur. Vnius cuius (que) opus quale sit probabit. That ys to say that the sharp fyer of proctory shal preyf the operacyon of ewy rych man qwat yt ys. Says also the appoystil that the verk et the operacyon of ewyrych man abydys to be byrnt be fyer he shal suffyr grettumly bot he shalbe sawyt et purgyt be fyer Si cuius opus arserit detrimē ­tum pacietur ipse autē saluus erit sic tamen quasi per ignem Et of the qwych fyer spekys sant augustyn qwen he says. Purgandus est igne purgatio­nis qui hic distulit frnctum cō ­uersionis. He shalbe purgyt in [Page] oon other of the sharp fyer of proctory qwych as defferryt in thys World to towrn hym self by pennans. Et certanly yt ys owr fayth that for oon smal pennans doyng Wylfully in thys World they may delyuer of oon long et gret pēnans that shal thool a long spays pēnans in the fyer of proctory. Et he qwych defferrys et says that he ys content to do hys pennans in proctory / he ys lyk to hym qwych for oon halpenny the qwych he Wyl not pay grathly he byndys hym to payn oon hondreth. For the sayd payn of proctory is mor grewous a oon hōdreth thow sant myllyōs thā yt of this present world. Helas syndry ar in thys World qwych consyders not the crudelyte et the bytternes of the payn of the dreydabyl fyer of proctory et for thys caus they Wyl not absteyn them from syn the qwych they ar lyk oon blynd man qwych passys be oon dan­gerows passages be the qwych he dowrst not pas Wyth owt he saw yt cleyr. Theyr ys o­thers that thynkys Weyl / bot as heretykys soonnys of the dewyl of hel furth of the Way of salut they beleyf not for caus they ar roytyt in theyr synnys et for that they dreyd not the sayd fyer lyk to them of sodom that vold not beleyf loth of the dystrowyng of cyte of sodō ne go furth Wyth hym the qwych dyscendyt al qwyk / in hel body & saowl yt apperys in .xix. chep­tur of genesys. Et yt ys sayd comōly that oon fowl beleyf ys not qwyl the tym that he ress [...] ­yff. Et theyr ys sum that dre­dys not the sayd fyer of purga­toyr for that they haue not ex­spyryment of yt. Et they ar lyk to the dog the qwych aꝭ not beyn byrnt for he dredys not the hot Water as he that as beyn byrnt. Et for that thayr to that ych oon of vs haue per­fyt fayth et credens of the sayd fyer We shal allege yt that glo­ryows sant augustyn allegys & says in the gret decret. De [...]pe. distinctio .xxv. et .vij. capitu. Fi. Hic ignis et si eternus non sit et cetera que sequuntur. That ys to say thoght yt be so that the sharp fyer of purgato­yr be not ewyrlestand alwayes yt tormentys grettumly the [Page] saowl. For yt excedyꝭ al payn tē poral that ony may haue sufert or suffrys in thys woorld. No newyr moor may be fund for to tormēt mannyꝭ flech sych payn no so hard tormēs as the payn of proctory. Thoght yt be so that the holy martyrs as suf­fert merweyllows paynys et tormens. Et of thys abowe sayd bytternes et crudelyte We reyd oon exampyl in the holy Wryt I put oon cas that oon saowl has beyn byrnt by the tym et spays of .xxx. ȝearrys Wyth in the sayd fyer of proctory and that theyr com oon āgel of god to the sayd saowl et say god as gheuyn the faculte that thow be oon day heyr or that thow return to thy body in the quych thow shal pay the rest of thy payn the qwych thow shuld do ī this purgatoyr by the tym & spays of oon day. Et for pen­nans thow shal lyue ī the body oon hondreth ȝear. Et al the certh that thow shal go appon shalbe ful of gret sharp naylys aboue the qwych it ys ghanant to the to go ewyr thayr apoon they shal pyers & hool thy feet Wnto the boon. Et thow shal not eyt al thy lyue bot breyd baykyn ettwys the aws & thow shalt drynk gal myxyt Wyth Wynagyr and thow shalt not be cled bot Wyth oon camel skyn of hayret thow shalt not sleyp no ly bot aboue the eerth et for thy cod thow shalt haue oon sharp stoon vnder thy heyd Indowttabyly the sayd saowl Wold moor Wylfully cheys to retowrn in ys body oon hon­dreth ȝear & susteyn the pēnans aboue sayd than to by oon hoyl day in the fyer of proctory. Et by this cleerly it aperyꝭ that no payn tēporel may be mayd ꝯpa­rayson to the sayd payn of proc­tory. Et for that sayd veyl the gloryows sant augustyn qwen he sayd that the fyer of thys presēt vorld shuld not be clepyt byrnāt no actyf ī the regard of the fyer of proctory qwych ys lyk to the fyer of hel as to the crudelyte of yt et not to the du­racyon / not mor than the fyer qwych ys payntyt aboue oon Wal shoold be reputyt as to the byrnant as to the regard of the fyer materyal. Et for caus of the aboue sayd crudelyte they that ar ī proctory thynkys oon [Page] momēt ryght long. Et yt ape­rys be oon exampyl of two re­lygyows mē qwych lowyt oon other merueyllowꝭ veyl & faythfully in thys World and seruyt god oon long spayꝭ both to gyd­der dewotyly. Fynaly oon of them two Was seyk wn to the deeth. Et he beant in hys seek­nes theyr apperyt oon angel of god to hym qwych sayd to hym thow shal decess of thys World in short tym & thow shalt go to proctory et thow shalt be theyr the spays that oon may say oon mes. Et also soon ys the mes may be said thow shalt go forth of proctory et thow shalt fle in ewyn ī gloyr et felycyte. Thys the sayd relygyows reweyllyt to ys fallow peayant hym that incontynent that he War deyd that he wold eynd & say the sayd mes and of thys he prayt hym for charyte et faythfulnes that they had oon to the other Thys the other promyst hym In the mornyng the aboue sayd relygyows dyscessyt et īcōty­nent ys fallow grathyt hym to the mes et so sayd mes et thes doyeng he that Was dyscessyt apperyt to the other ys fallow sayāt. O dysloyal & Wn fayth­ful fallow thow as deseruit veyl to be punyshyt & god shuld sent to the sū punyshon to haue forȝet me so. The relygyows al ful of dreyd sayd / to hym qweyr. For that I prayt the qwen I was lyuant that incō ­tynent after my desces that thow shoold reyd oon mes for me. Et thow art oon felon ī hu­mayn et cruel fallow thow as lattyn me be tormentyt in the sharp fyer of proctory by the spays of .xx. ȝearrys ne thow no noon of my other brethers as not sayd oon mes for me. Et incontynent he that Was lyuāt sayd to hym that vas dy­scessyt I promes the that they charyon Was not eerthdyd et incontynēt that thow dyscessyt I dysposyt me to say mes & I do ȝyt bot endyd at thyꝭ howr. Et incontynent he that Was dy­scessyt sayd to the lyuāt / yf yt be so yt ys ghanāt to say that me thoght the tym so long for the bytternes et the crudelyte of the paynyꝭ I thynk that I haue suffert et tholyt torment mor than .xx. ȝearrys. Et than he that Was dyscessyt thankyt ys [Page] follow et flew gledsumly in he­wyn. Et in the qwych cleyrfy yt apperys the folyshnes of thē qwych desyrys to be in purga­tory and the qwyche settys not by & they may cum theyr to the qwych saynt Angustyn. Nescit quid petat qui purgatoriū petit He that desyrys to be in proctory be Wayt not qwhat he ashes For so as sayes the aboue sayd saynt Augustyn that the payn that oon saowl tholys in purgatory be the tym that thow may oppyn thy eyn et clos them ys mor gret / mor sharp / et mor grewous than the payn the qwych gloryows Saynt Laurens suf­fryd and tholyt aboue the bran­don of yrn. We reyd of gret Al­lert qwych chesyt to by .x. days in purgatory and after thys he apperyt to oon of hys freyndys say and to hym. O thow my freynd how maynay thowsand of ȝearrys haue I beyn byrnt in the sharp fyer of purgatory. The men shoold ashe that god [...]old deffend and keyp them from the fyer of hel / for Wyth payn may be ony so ꝑfyt qwhat that ewyr they be of / for after the psalmyst theyr ys non per­fyt bot oonly god bot Wnder god et ys santtys theyr for We may say Wyth payn yt ys gha­nāt that he be punyshyt by sum dayes in the fyer of purgatory

For thys that befor the saowl may fle in paradys yt ys gha­nant that yt be Wyth owt ony spot of syn and Wyth owt ony fylth of syn so mych deydly as Wenyally so as yt Was at the howr of baptysyng that qwen he had resawyt the sacrament of baptysyng. No yt may ne­wyr se god bot fyrst he be re­dwysyt to the sacrament of ba­ptysyng and to the cleennes et innocens of yt. Et alexander of hallys aboue the cantykys in the .iiij. book et .xvj. cheptur says. Anima que cum macula venialis culpe recedit ab er­gasculo carnis transibit ꝑignē purgatorij purganda ante (quam) cō ­spectui regiꝭ regum presentetur licet virtutum claritate multa refulgeat. That ys to say / that the saowl the qwych departys of the pryson of the body shal pas be the fyer of purgatory for to be purgyt et cleengyt be for that yt be presentyt in the presens of the kyng of kyng ys [Page] Thoght yt be so that yt shynys of mych gret clarte of Wertus. Ve reyd in the dyaloge of saynt Gregoyr that Pascacyus car­dynal lyuyt so dewoytly and holyly et that after ys dysces oon demonyal Was delywe­ryt of the myght et possessyon of the dewyl oonly for the twechyng of ys grayf. Et alwayeꝭ after ys deeth he dyscendyt in purgatory. For that in the elec­cyon of two papys he had faworyt the oon mor than the other by errewr. How Weyl yt ys possybyl to man to leyf in thys Woorld so parfytly and holyly that after ys dysces he fleys al ryght in hewyn so as yt appe­rys of the chylder innocens and of men qwyche as cummyt to aage that as led so good lyue et so parfyt in thys World. Sum may ashe qwat ar the saowllys that entrys in purgatory. Vnto the qwych We answer that thre mayner of saowllys en­trys and shal enter in purgato­ry. The fyrst ar they saowllys the qwyche oonly has had con­trycyon of theyr synnys at the eynd qwen they depart of thys World Wythowt pēnās Wythowt satyffaccyon / selfwayes the saowllys of them qwych ar shryuyng in theyr bodily heelth and dyis befor that they may haue fulfyllyt theyr pennans. For the aboue sayd saowllys shal mayk oon eynd to pay al theyr pennans in purgatory. The segund saowllys qwyche dyscendys in purgatory ar the saowlys of them qwych as taykyn and ressawyt in pennans in this Woorld of theyr synnys et fulfyllyt them bot the satys­faccyon that as beyn gheuyng to them for theyr sayd synnys Was not suffycyant sych may­neyr of saowlys shal mayk the remanent of theyr synnys in purgatory. Et certāly the men ar fowlych that reffusys & Wyl not tayk no hard pennans in thys World. For yt ys oon thyng mor eysy to do et mayk satyffaccyon heyr in the tym of grace than to abyd to mayk sa­tyffaccyon in purgatory. The iij. mayneyr of saowllys the qwyche dyscendys in purgato­ry ar they the qwyche berys Wyth them thayr Wenyal syn­nys. Qwehyr for yt ys to no­tyfy that the smal synnys We­nyals [Page] the qwyche as not beyn put away in thys Woorld they shalbe grewously punyshyt in purgatory for caus they haue mayd no pennans. For how lytel that ewyr the syn be We most mayk pennans and satys­faccyon to the iustys of god in thys World or in purgatory qweyr the payn ys ryght gre­wous and ryght sharp as sayd ys. For and thow be hool and thow sleyp by sweyrnes qwen thow eyrrys ryng to the ma­tyns or to the fyrst mes & thow Wylt not go to the preshyng or to the ewynsong vyth owt lawful caus or yf thow seys dans or loyp / or mayk ony playes / or yf thow beholdyꝭ the fayr maid dyue veyl grathyt & anowrnyt or that thow lawgh be lyghtneꝭ or that thow pronons Wayn Woordys Wnproffytabyl vyth plesans thys shalbe deydly syn. For oon ewyrych oon deydly syn not put away īn thys World thow shal suffer mor payn in purgatory than saynt Laurens dyd in thys World qwen he Was rostyt aboue the brandon of yrn. Grauius est esse in pur­gatorio (quam)diu oculus claudi & apperiri possit (quam) illa pena quam sanctus laurentius sustinuit in craticula. Hec augustinus. Vereyd in the lyue of the ancyens fathers of the ordyr of pres­cheurs that oon good brother after ys dysces apperyt to oon of ys brether & said to hym I am grettūly twrmentyt in purga­tory for this that I haue dronk Wyn Wyth owt Wattyr thayr to I myght goodlyar sleep / bot pray god dewoytly for me that I may be delyueryt et yf thow doys yt beleyf that I shal cum soon furth of the sayd paynys. Et ī the self book ve reyd that oon good brother vas .vij. dayꝭ in purgatory for thys that he had sayd sum fowlych Woor­dys for caus of creacyon: Et vndowtably theyr ys saowlys that ar punyshyd be the spays of .xx. ȝear in purgatory / the o­thers be the spays of oon hon­dreth the otherꝭ by the spays of oon thowsand ȝear and mor / et otherꝭ by short tym for so mych says Rychart of saynt Vyctor. Alique christianorū anime vs (que) ad finem mundi ad ignem pur­gatorij [Page] ex dei iusticia sunt de­putate. That ys to say / that the saowllys of sum crysty [...] men & Women ar ordant et ghe­uyng to the fyer of purgatory by the ordynans of the iwstys of god Wn to the eynd of the World. Et Cesaryus in hys dyaloge Wryttys of oon saowl qwych vas condānyt to abyd ī the fyer of proctory two thow­sand ȝear / bot by the suffragys et prayers of faythful and de­uoyt crystyn pewpyl yt Was delyueryt in two ȝear. Ve reyd also of oon Wyergy [...] qwyche Was syster of the holy martyrꝭ faynt Cosm et saynt Damyen that for oon Wenyal syn of the qwych sho Was cōtryt no shry­uyng. That ys to say / for caus sho hard at ewyn sum pewpyl dans & syng in oon plays qweyr sho had sum lytel dylectacyon / that sho Was ordant et cōdam­nyt .xviij. dayes to thool the fyer of purgatory so as sho re­weyllyt after hyr deeth to oon holy man. Thys that ȝong mayddes and he & sho qwych be ower greyt Wolupte and dylectacyons beholdys the dancys shoold Weyl consyder et notyfy thys. Et thys shoold not be lyk to them oon smal thyng to be in purgatory oon smal spays of tym. For as sayd ys that theyr ys no temporel payn that may be mayd comparayson to the sayd payn. So as the saowl of oon man the qwyche Wa [...] in the fyer of purgatory reweyllyt and sayd to oon of ys freyndy [...] to the qwyche by the playsyr et Wyl of god he apperyt for y [...] correccyon et say and my payn ys so greyt that yf al the Woyd et al the hyllys and af the thyngys Wysybyls of thys World byrnyt and that I War in the myddys of the fyer I Wald not suffyr the hondreth part of the payn of yt that I suffer. Et Wyth owt dyffyculte oon man shoold soonnar desyr to be .xxx. ȝear in oon bed seyk of oon gre­wous seykneꝭ than to byrn oonly oon howr ī the fyer of proctory. Et of thys We reyd in libeo de septēplici timore / that thayr Was oon synnar the qwyche god for to chastys hym and to mend send hym oon hard and sharp seyknes so long Wyl he [Page] prayt dayely to god that he Wold put hym furth of thys World. Et so as he mayd oft ys prayer the angel of god ap­peryt to hym et sayd. God has send me towart the for to grant the thy ashyng cheys of two thyngys the oon that thow be ij. dayes in purgatory or two [...]eur in the seykneꝭ in the qwych thow art Et the said seyle man Was gleds [...]m and choysyt the deeth and incontynent he dyit and ys faowl Was led in purgatory and Wyth in oon owr the angel apperyt to hym to the qwych he ashyt qwhat he Was & he answeryt I am the angel of god the qwyche as led heyr thy saowl yt ys not possybyl thow be oon angel of god for the an­gels of god leys not for thow promysyt to me that I shoold be heyr bot two dayes in pur­gatory et I haue beyn heyr fyn­dry ȝearrys. Et the angel sayd to hym / I promeꝭ the that thow aꝭ not beyn heyr oon hoyl howr Et sown the saowl said to hym I pray the haue me to the vorld for I am redy and grathyt to thool al the seyknes by sych et so long tym qwyl yt pleys to god by thys that I towrn not in thys payn so yt Was doyeng by the dysposycyon of god. Et qwen he Was he dyd beyr al pacyently by two ȝear the seykneꝭ that he Was in. Et Was ys pē nans thankful to god the may­kar. For qwen he dyscessyt he flew in paradys Wythowt tho lyng of ony other payn in pur­gatory. By thys apperys that ych oon shoold be pacyens in ys seyknes and offer the sayd seyknes to god in satyffaccyon of theyr synnys. For he that ys impacyent he as dowbyl hel. The fyrst ys the seyknes the qwyche hemwrmurys ageyns and the qwyche he berys yt im­pacyently. The segund ys hel ewyrlestand dānacyon. Et yf they ash at me qwat spays of tym shoold they be punyshyt in purgatory after the iustys of god the saowl of ewyrych oon crystyn man for the fatyffaccy­on of the payn of oon deydly syn the qwych he ys shryuyn of the qwych he as not mayd pēnans in thys World. Ve answer that rayssōnabyl that oon ewyrych [Page] oon shoold be punyshyt ī proctory after the iustys of god for hiꝭ satysfaccyon for ewyrych oon deydly syn be so maynay ȝear­rys as theyr ys / thayr ys dayꝭ ī vn. ȝear. Et the raysson for af­ter the vetray iowst for ych oon deydly syn they shuld gheue & in iown pēnans ī thys World .vij. ȝear so as yt ys Wryttyn in the xxxij.q.ij. Hoc ipsum, Byt in purgatory the ȝear shalbe ghe­uyng for the day. Et as to this caus of thys qwych We may satysfy in oon day in thys World yt ys ghanant that We suffer in proctory oon ȝear. For god says by the prophet Ezechyal in the iiij. cheptur to them qwyche as tym of grace & of meyrcy & doys pēnans in thys World. Diem pro anno dedi tibi. That ys to say / that I shal gheue the ī thys present lyue in the qwych ys the tym of grace and of meyrcy oon oonly day of pennans for oon ȝear the qwyche ys ghanant to hym to beyr shalbe ī the tym of iustys. Et thys ys fyguryt of the chylder of ysrael the qwych War .xl. ȝear in the desers and dyd abyd for theyr synnyꝭ of the entre of the erth of promyssyon Et yf they had not offēcyt god by mwrmuryng and dysobe­dyens they shoold haue beyn entryt in .xl. days. In the qwych yt apperys cleerly that god pu­nyshyt the sayd chyldryn of ys­rael oon oonly day by pennans et payn of oon ȝear. Et by thys cleerly apperys that sum saowllys shalbe be long tym and gre­wously punyshyt ī proctory fee in ych oon ȝear ar .iij.C.lxv. days & in .vij. ȝear ar two thowsand .v. C. lv. days. Et be so maynay ȝearryꝭ after the faythful iustys of god shuld be byrnt oon saowl in the sharp fyer of proctory for oon deydly syn. [...] Thys cōsyderys not they that ar lycherows qwyche shoold be punyshyt so long for oon deydly syn for oon short dylectacyon charnel of the qwych they haue doyng and mayd confessyon Wyth pwrpos of satyffaccyon to mayk and to retowrn not to theyr fyn Wyth owt faynȝeyng

Of the selfwayes dronkars prydful pewpyl / dansēts / blas­phemowrs / lears / inwyous / y­rows / sweyrnes and them that [Page] bresys the fastyngys & the holy days cōmandyt of holy chyrch Et also the others synnars shoold be dylygent et consyder dylygently thys that sayd ys by the forsayd dreyd et dowt that they fal not in the sayd sharp fyer of proctory. Et cer­tanly no man shoold haue mys­hop for thyng that We hawe sayd. For thys shoold be Wn­derstondyt of the iustys of god almyghty in the other World ī the tym of iustys. Et so mych is We ar in thys World in the qwych ys the tym of grays et of meyrcy god ys ryght meyr­cyful. For be contrycyon eru­bescens et shaam that We haue of owr syn shryuant owr self in hym by satyffaccyon that We do ī thys World by good Weer­lys by the trybwlacyons of scylenes et be the parsecusyons that We suffyr in thys World pacyently et Wylfully oon gret party of the payn of proctory ys put away / et forgheuyn. Et for so mych yt ys oon gret good to shryue them oft. For suppos that he that abydys to mayk ys confessyon Wn to the eynd af ys lyue in the artykyl of the deeth may be sawyt yf he repēt hym Weyl. Et Werytably Wyth owt ony fyccyon thys the qwych ys ryght hard as ve haue sayd [...]n the fyrst present traycte / alwayes he shal haue les ioy in hewyn. For he qwych abydys to do ys pennans Wn­to the artykyl of the deeth et he qwych has doyng pennans et seruyꝭ to god by the spays of .xl or .l. ȝear a [...] ryght Wnlyk and they deffer in the meryt and in the fyer as to thys caus yt ys Wryttyn in sant ioon ī the .xiiij cheptur. In domo patris mul­te mansiones sunt. They may ashe at me yf the saowffys that ar in proctory as ony consola­cyons. ¶Ve answer that they haue .iij. mayner of consola­cyons. The fyrst consolacyon that the saowllys that ar ī pur­gatoyr as / that the good āgels Wysys and confortys the sayd saowllys qwych ar in purgato­ry anoncys to them the suffra­gys the qwych ys doyn for thē by theyr parens / freyndys / and be others that lyuys in thys World. The segund consolacy­on [Page] that the sayd saowllys of proctory as yt that they ar cer­tayn to haue ewyrlestand bea­tytud. Et for that says sant thomas that the saowllys of proctory holdys the myddy [...] ettwy [...] vs the qwych ar ī thys World and of them qwych ar bleshyd in hewyn they ar cer­tayn of the ewyrfystand gloyr wyth owt ony abydyng. Et in the World theyr ys abydyng of bleshyng Wyth dreyd. For man lyuant in thys World he ys not certayn yf he be in the hatrent of god or in the lowf of god or yf he be sawyt or dānyt. Et they that ar in purgatory abydys the meyrcy of god and the beatytwd of ewyrlestand gloyr of hewyn Wyth sewrte & they ar certayn that they shal not be damnyt in hel Wyth the dewyllys / bot they haue Wer­ray Wnderstondyng and Wn­derstondys parfytly that they shal fle parfytly in paradys­so soon as they haue payt theyr pennans. Et in thys presydēt the saowllys of purgatory of mē of thys World be thys that the sayd saowllyꝭ of purgatory ar certayn of theyr salut aꝭ sayd ys and the sayd certylud ys to them oon gret cōsolacyon. The thryd consolacyon ye hop that the sayd saowllys as ys the suf­fragys of theyr frendys pa­rens / and cousyns of others de­woyt parsons of thys World. Et of thys We reyd oon exem­pyl of two saowllys the qwych the oon Was in gret paynye in purgatory and alwayes yt had gret ioy for that oon good an­gel reweyllit to it that that day Was boorn oon thyld qwych shoold delyuer yf of the fyer of purgatory be the orayson of the sayd chyld the day that the ȝōg chyld shoold syng hys fyrst mes. Et the other faowl Was sorowful for thys that yt had no specyal freynd that praytit mayd ony suffragys for yt bot oonly had hop in the common suffragys the qwych ar doy­eng for al the saowlyꝭ ī general and in thys tuk hop and conso­lacyon. Et Werytably theyr ys .iiij. thyngys that shoold caus Ws to holp the saowllys in purgatory. The fyrst ys the bytter and sorowful payn the [Page] qwych the sayd saowllys thool lys in purgatory / for the sayd saowllys ar ryght merweyl­lowsly in gret payn as sayd ys et in gret powyrte and fawlt. The segund ys for thys that the sayd saowllys ar Woorthy that We thynk et that We holp them. For al the sayd saowllys ar ī the grace & charyty of god & hoyrs of the reawm of hewyn & as to thys caus they ar woor­thy to haue holp and that We holp them. The .iij. ys for thys that holpand them We shoold haue hop of the reward that qwen the sayd saowllys ar delyueryt and that they shalbe in paradys they shal pray for We. Thys qwych may appeyr be exempyl. For yf the soon of oon eerthly kyng War banys­hyt Wn to oon certayn tym in the qwych he had fallt et neyd of ony thyng & that theyr War sū good parson that vold holp hym in ys neyd that ys in the tym of ys necessyte and qwen he com ī to hys rewm he Wold reward hym that as holpyt hym in ys neyd. Et yt ys so that the saowllys of purgato­ry ar sonnys and doghterys of god that as gret fault of holp and of succowr. Et also they that holpyꝭ thē shalbe rewayr­dyt qwen they ar furth and fleyng in paradys. The .iiij. raysson that shoold monys vs to pray for the saowllys of pur­gatory ys. Forthe suffragys and gooddys doyn the qwych We do for them yt proffyttyꝭ to owr self and We send the sayd good dedys et suffragys be for as messagyers befor Ws gra­thand the Woy of owr saowl­lys. Et heyr may be mayd oon qwestyon that ys to Wnder­stōd yf the suffragys the qwych ar doyng in thys World for the saowllys of purgatory yf they proffyt to hym that doys them ¶Ve Answer after sant tho­mas in ys .iiij. in the dystyne­cyon .xlv. that the Werk of suf­frage doyng by ony may be cō ­syderyt in two mayners. Fyrst after thys that sayd Werk ys clengyng of the payn by hym by the qwych yt ys also as by the mayner of reward or of sū recompensyng. Et qwen to the Weyrk of the sayd suffrage yt [Page] appertenys oonly to hym by the qwych yt ys doyng. For yt absolys hym by the qwych yt ys doyng of al the paynawn by or of the party of yt. Et yt ab­solys not hym that doys the sayd Werk of the payn doyng by hym. Segundly the sayd Werk of suffrage doyeng be ony may be consyderyt inso­mych that yt ys merytoyr of lyue ewyrlestād yf yt be doyng in clarte and that yt proceyd of the root of charyte. Et as / to thys Werk of suffrage yt profyttys not oonly for hym by qwych yt ys doyng / bot proffyttys mor to hym that doys yt after the say of the psalmyst. Oracie mea in sinu meo conuertetur. That ys to say. My orayson the qwych I do for the saowllys of purgatory shal retowrn in my bosum and shal proffyt to me for to haue ewyr­lestand lyue. Et sant Ioon da­mascene says that qwat ewyr he be that traweyllys hym for the salut and proffyt of theyr nyghtbowr fyrst to hym self et after to hys nyghtbowr. Et yf they ashe be qwat suffragys et Wayes may ve holp the saowl­lys of proctory. ¶Ve answe [...] that al the good Werkys and operacyōs the qwych ar mayd for the sayd sharp fyer of pur­gatory profyttys bot I fynd pryncypally in the Wryt and prechyng of holy docturs .xv. thyngys by the qwych con­monly We holp to the sayd sa­owllys of purgatory. Fyrst ve holp them and bryngys them holp Wyth cādelꝭ that ar lyghtnyt in the hōneur of god thayr to that iesu cryst that ys Wer­ray lyght lyghtnāt al parsō ly­uāt ī thys World delyuer thē & put them furth of dyrknes of the sayd purgatory and lyghtnyng them of hys ewyrlestand lyght. Et ī thys syng ve gheue the byrnant candel in the hand of hym qwych yꝭ to go to deyd & qwych vyl dy thayr to that the pacyēt and al ys frendys at ys deeth desyrys that iesu cryst owr salwyowr and owr redēp­tur the qwych as suffert deeth and passyon for Ws qwych ys lyght of the world Wold lyght­nyng the saowl be the Way of dyrknes and mysknowyng by [Page] the qwych yt shoold go throw. Et selfwayes they put Wyl­fully abowt the beyr and body of hym that ys deyd .iiij. can­dellyꝭ byrnās thayr to that god for gheue to the deyd thys that they haue ofēcyt god be thoght by Word / by Werk / and be ob­myssyon. And also qwen the preyst says mes of the requiem he prays .vj. tymys in the mes that the ewyrlestād lyght may be gheuyng to them. Segund­ly they ghewe confort and hop to the saowllys of purgatory qwen the encens ys lyghtnyt et boorn by the chyrch in suffrage of them that ar descessyt. For be thys ve desyr that the saowl may be delyueryt of al styn­kyng of purgatory qwayr yt ys ī the horrybyl stynkand fyer and so as the smok of the encēs ascendys ī hye sych lyk owr de­Wucyon shoold ascend in hye that ys in hewyn after the Woord of the spalmyst. Diri­gatur domine oracio mea sicut incensum ī conspectu tuo. The thryd hop that We holp to the saowllys of purgatory ys ca­styng holy Waryt abowe the bonys and grawys of them that ar descescyt. Et thys doy­eng shoold the parson dewotyly dyssyst so as the byrnyng of the materyal fyer as slokynnyt be Watyr materyal / sych lyk the byrnyng of the fyer of purga­tory may be temporyt to the saowllys be the moyen of the dew of hewyn of grays / and of meyrcy. The .iiij. mayner they qwych ar in the fyer of purga­tory ar holpyt qwen We offer at the mes breyd and Wyn for them that god Wold fyl them and refrech the sayd saowllys of purgatory and gheue them drynk of ys beatytwd and glo­ryows Wysyon and put them furth of the necessyte that they ar in Thys mayner they ar holpyt qwen We mayk prayers et oraysons for them so as We do for them that ar holdyn in pry­son the qwych may not be dely­weryt be thayr prayers bot be the prayers solycytacyons and requestys of others theyr pu­rens and freyndys. Et Wer­rayly ar delyweryt the sayd saowllys be the oraysons of good men et of chyldryn qwych [Page] ar ȝyt in the stayt of innocens For Wyth owt dyfyculte sych prayers proffytys gretūly to the saowllys. Thys apperys by thys present exempyl. Vereyd of oon byshop right deuoyt qwych saw in hys slepyng oon chyld aboue the boord of oon Weel of the fyer of purgatory and oon Wand of syluer in the qwych hand oon cruk of gold et so as thys sayd chyld dyd cast ys Wand in the sayd Weel he drow oon saowl of oon ryght fayr Women after that he had drawyng hyr the sayd saowl flew in hewyn / & the sayd chyld dyd drow syndry others. In the moornyng after that the sayd byshop Was awayknyt he saw the sayd chyld in the chyrch ȝard abowe oon grayf the qwych mayd to god oraysō ryght dewoytly. To the qwych the sayd byshop ashyd qwhat he dyd aboue the sayd grayf. Et he answeryt / that he sayd ys Paternoster & Miserere meideus. For the saowl of ys mo­ther. Et be thys Wnderstud the holy man that the saowl of the sayd Women Was delyue­ryt of purgatory be the prayer of the sayd chyld. Et yt ys gha­nant to Wnderstond that the Wand et the cruk of gold Was the Pater noster. Of the sayd chyld and the cord of syluer ys to be Wnderstondyt the Mise­rere mei deus. The .vj. may­nayr the saowllys of purgato­ry ys holpyt be the oblacyons of theyr freyndys thayr to that the sayd saowllys may be as­soylȝet et qwyt of the dettyꝭ the qwych the ar bownd anēs god.

The .vij. mayner they may souccur the saowllys of purga­tory in reqwyrant and prayant the sanctys of paradys qwych makys intercessyon to god for the saowllys of purgatory. Et certanly the sayd santtys ar the freyndys and messangyers of god the qwych We send to the kyng of hewyn thayr to that he forghewe the saowllys for the qwych We reqwyr thē. Et to thys caus ve shoold dewoyt­tyly reqwyr the gloryowꝭ vyergyn mary / the gloryows sant­tys ioon baptyst / and ioon ewā ­gelyst / and the gloryows ap­poystyls holy saynt Petyr / et [Page] holy sant pol / et holy sant tho­mas gloryows martyrs / sant thomas / sant denis / sant sebas­tyen & sāt anthoyn / sant stewyn Et the gloryows confessurs sant nycolas / sant benoyst / sant martyn. Et the gloryows Wyergyns sant kateryn sant barbara et sant clare. Et gene­raly al the other sanctys of pa­radyꝭ that they mayk prayer to god for the delywerans of the sayd soawllys. For theyr pray­ers they shal be eythly delywe­ryt. The .viij mayner by the qwych We may holp to the sa­owllys of proctory ys be fastyngys afflyccyons and knellyn­gys & prosternacyons doyn in thys World for the sayd saowl hys of proctory Et Wndowta­lly so that We se that oon membyr ys sum brokyn and hurt thayr to that the other behoyl­lyt et that yt return to conuales [...] or so as We se oftymys that [...]lat ws bleed of oon member thayr to that the other may be holyt. Sychlyk they that ar ly [...]āt may mayk satyffacyon for them that ar deyd yf they ful­fyl parfytly pennans that Was ghewyng to them qwen they lyuyt Et also yt ys alwayeꝭ that the pennans et satyffacyonꝭ ys porcyonnet to the culp of them qwych ar dyscessyt. Et that they that doys and fulfyllys that they be ī the stayt of grays For so mych yt ys Wryttyn .xiij q.ii.c. Animo ieiunia viuentiū sunt auxilia deffunctorum. That ys to say that the fastyn­gys of them lyuant ar the holp of thē that ar dyssessyt. The .ix mayner by the qwych We may holp them that ar in proctory that ys that We pay Weyk lawfully the dettys of them that ar dyscessyt. We reed ī the book of propyrtes of bey [...] of honny that thayr Was oon nobyl man the qwych apperyt after hys dysces to oon of ys seruyteurs the qwych Was ryght deuoyt and Was the sayd nobyl man bownd Wyth cheīȝes of yrn byrnant merweyllowsly be the feet & by the hādyꝭ. & sayd to the said seruāt that yf hys Wyff Wald pay al thiꝭ that he awght to oon powyr smyth qwych he namyt hī & yt shoold ꝓfyt mych for the dylyuerās of ys painys. & thys hard by yꝭ Wyf so clepit the said smyth & cōtyt. Wyth hym of al ī the quych yr housbād Waꝭ bund [Page] et payt hym of ys sayd labowrꝭ Et the nyght followant the sayd man nobyl apperyt in the form qwych follows. The sayd howsband Was set in oon bath ful of fyer on to the throt bund Wyth dyrnant cheynȝes of yrn be al the body. Et sayd to the sayd Womanlows me et sown sho losyt from the to eynd to the other. Et thys doyng hyr howsbant thankyt hyr et sayd I Was so bownd fyrst in the payn of proctory Wn to thys tym that thow as payt al my dettes et thys in the qwych I Was bownd to the sayd smyth / bot now I am qwyt et assoyl­ȝyt of the sayd payn off procto­ry and I go in paradys by thy good dylygēs. Et in thys cleer­ly apperys that yt ys gret danger to hold the fee of powyr la­bowrers et iornay men. Quia dignus est operarius mercebe sua. The .x. mayner by the qwych We may holp the saowl­lys that ar in the sharp fyer of proctory ys for to fulfyl the Werkys of meyrcy bodyly and spyrytwelly notyshant the po­wyr famylyer / gheuant drynk to them that as thryst [...]lethyng the power that ar nakyt Wysy­and the prysonners / beryād the bodys of them that ar deyd consyllād thē that are wil cōseyllyt­et chastyant the mysdoars / confort them that ar dysconfortyt supportant the noysumnes of others / forgheuant theyr enne­mys prayād god for them that ar qwyk et deyd. The .xj. mayner be the qwych the saowllys of proctory ys payant the testamens et last Wyl of them that ar deyd so as they haue orday­nyt. Et that thys be the sho­nest that they may Wyth owt delay / for be delayng the execucyons of the sayd testamenꝭ the powyr saowllys of the sayd te [...] taturs ar sum tym mor tormentyt in the sayd fyer of proctory The .xij. mayner by the qwych We may holp to the sayd saow [...] lys of proctory yꝭ qwen ony fu [...] fyllyꝭ the pennans for them th [...] qwych as beyn ghewyng ī thys Woorld to them befor the bys­ses of thy parson. Et certanly thys shalbe to them & ys proffytabyl thayr to that the sayd saowllys may haue les to pay in the sayd proctory. Et yt y [...] heyr ghanant to notify that .ii [...] [Page] thīgys ar reqwyryd befor that the satyffacyon and pennans that ony doys for the saowllys of proctory beyn to hym proffytabyl. Fyrst that thys be auctorite of cōfessur. Segundly that the parsons for the qwych We mayk satysfacyon may not fulfyl them self the pennans the qwych they Wold do for them self so as ys the saowllis of proctory the qwych ar furth of the plays in the qwych they myght do pennans & beyn bleshyt of meryt. The thryd maner the sayd pennans ys mayd in grace that ys to say Wyth owt deydly syn. Et for so mych yf ony that Wold dy et that he had cō ­mytyd and ghewyn ys pennās and satysfacyon yt shoold pro­fyt to hym mych that he qwych takys the sayd pennans & that he did mayk yt lyghtly he shuld be mor sown delyweryt of the paynes of proctory. The .xiij. mayner that the saowllys of proctory may be delyweryt et holp yt be Ws ys qwen We pay and fulfyl theyr Wowes the qwych they haue trespass yt Wo want them in theyr lywing the qwych they haue delayt to pay thoght yt be that they Wold haue fulfyllyt them and that they haue had contrycyon and shry­nyng them at the eynd of theyr lyue. Et certanly yt yꝭ oon fowlych thyng and peryllows to Wow to god or to ys santtys the thyng that We Wyl not et to pay them not thys that they haue promysyt them. Sāccius est non viuere (quam) votum ꝓposse non perficere .xij.q.i. The .xiiij mayner that We may holp to the saowllys of proctory ys qwen ony forghewys the sayd saowllys of proctory the in­iurys et mysdedys that they haue doon to them they beant in thys World presēt. Et pray­and god that he Wold forgheue them the sayd synnes and al other and he Wold allege them of theyr payn. The .xv. may­ner by the qwych We may holp the saowllys of proctory ys qwen ony syngys or says mes­ses for them. Et thys may­ner yꝭ the grettast and the most Pryncypal suffrayge Be the qwych We may mayk les the payn of the sayd saowllys. & of [Page] thys We reeyd oon exampyl in the lyue of the fathers of the brether presheurꝭ that oon holy father pryor pryncypal of the order in the holy eerth / meyk / gracyows et denoyt Was oon tym in the chyrch qweyr he maid ys orayson ryght dewotylyrso as he leftyt his syght tow art the lamp of the qweyr he saw oon shadow so as yt Was oon brother Relygyows The qwych Was in oon dyrk habyt ryght blak and Wncleyn to the qwych he ashyt qwath yt Was. Et he answeryt I am sych oon brother the qwych ys not long ago sen I Was deyd and in my lywyng I lowyt the Wyth oon speculatyf lowyng. Et soon the holy father ashyt how he Was & inqwath estayt. Et he answeryt ryght ewyl. For I am ī oon horrybyl payn and fyer in the qwych I shoold be thyꝭ .xv. ȝear Et the holy father ashit qweyr for he shoold be punyshyt so lōg et that he had lyuyt so ferwent­ly so relygyowsly and deuotyly Et the saowl answeryt / ashe me not sych qwestyōs for after the iugement of god qwych ys ryght ewyn I dysseruyt Weyl to thoyl the payn to the qwych I am bownd. Bot I pray the holp me by thy prayers and suffrages. Thys the qwych the holy father promyst to do to hym. For so sown as the day Was cummyt the sayd holy fa­ther offryt to god the holy sa­cryfys of the awter for the sayd saowl. Et so as the sayd man dyd hold the sacryt body of cryst etwys ys hand is after the fyrst elewacyon he mayd ys prayer for the sayd saowl Wsant of thyr Wordys or lyk. My ford iesu cryst yf the sowldan qwych ys kyng of payans had oon prysonner in hys presons and that oon of ys frendys chamberlayn qwych as seruyt hym faythful­ly be the spays of .xx. ȝear and he ashyt the sayd prysonneyr for ys reward of al ys seruys that he Wold gheue hym the body of the sayd prysonneyr. The sayd sowldayn Wold not deny yt Wyllfully. My sawyowr et redemptur iesus in the qwych al meyrcy et goodnes abondys pleysyt the by thy bleshyt pas­syon to remember the of thy [Page] pytye et meyrcy and that thow be not mor hard and plesayabyl than the sayd sowdan ys of the sarraȝyns I am thy chamber­layn & I haue seruyt the syndry [...]arrys thow hold is in thy pressons of thy godly iustys the saowll of my faythful brother pleysyt thy goodly goodnes for to gheue me hī for my reward. Et after thys that he had said [...] [...]epit yt mor no oon tym no two tymys Wyth gret effusyon of terys et Wepyngys et syndry lamentacions after that he had sayd et endyd ys mes. The fol­lowyng he be and in ys orayson after the matyns he saw the saoWl of ys sayd brother shy­nyng as the soon. The sayd ho­ly man ashyt qwath yt Was et the saowl answeryt I am the saowl of thy brother of relygyō the qwych apperys heyr / the holy father ashyt how yt Was Wyth hym / the saowl answe­ryt I am delyueryt of the sharp payn of proctory et now I go in hewyn qweyr I shal pray god for the. Et thys the saowl par­tyt / & the sayd holy mā thankyt et ghewe lowenges to god. We reyd also of oon nobyl man at the eynd of hys dayes send ys soon towart the payp qwych Was hys systerys soon thayr to yf yt pleassyt hym to pray god for hym. Et the sayd soon cō to the payp abowe .xij. howrrys after that ys father Was descessyt The payp qwych Waꝭ oon man deuoyt and of holy lyue put hym in orayson and sayd oon mes for the saowl of ys onkyl et eym. Et after the sayd mes the saowl of hys sayd onkyl apperyt / and Saynad to hym that after the ordy­nans of the iustys of god that he shoold be .xxx. ȝear in the sharp fyer of proctory / bot be the oblacyon and by suffrayge of the sayd mes oonly yt Was holyly and Wythowt ony delay yt Was delyweryt of the sayd paynes of proctory and incon­tynent sayd by thy holy prayer and mes I go to the ioy of paradys. And be thyr .ij. exam­pyls abowe sayd that the holy sacryment of the awter and the doyng of the messes ys the pryncypal and sowerayn swf­fraycte be the qwych We may holp the saowllys of the sharp & vnthoollabyl fyer of proctory [Page] Bot they may mayk heyr oon qwestyon / yf oon mes of requiē proffytys mot to the dylyue­rans than oon other mes. To thys qwestyō. ¶We answer after sant thomas in ys .iiij. that in the offys thayr ys not oonly sacryfys / bot Wyth thys theyr ys certayn oraysons. Et for thys the fuffrayge of the mes contenys thyr two thyngys. That ys to say oraysons er sa­cryfys. Say We than qwen yt ys of the party of the sacryfys afferys the mes yt proffytys egaly to the saowllys of proctory of qwych sant that ewyt yt be sayd of and ys the sayd sa­cryfys the pryncypal thyng qwych byys in the mes. Bot qwen yt ys of the party of the oraysons of the requiem prof­fytys mor to the sayd saowllys of proctory than oon other mes for the oraysons determynys of thys in the sayd mes of the requyem. Arwayes qwo Wold do or say oon other mes of ony other sant the deffault of the sayd oraysons so appropryet for them that dyscessyt may be supplyet et recompensyt by the gret dewocyon of hym that causys to say or be the intercessyon of the sant of the qwych they ashe the suffrageꝭ & of qwych the meꝭ ys said Et yt may be ashyt also yf We shoold do mes for the ȝōg chyldryn the qwych dys­cessys of thys World. Sant thomas answerys that We say the suffrages of the mes for the ȝōg chyldryn baptysyt not for that the sayd suffrages proffytys to the remyssyon of ony culp or to the augmentacyon of gloyr bot for others raysons that ys to say for the consolacyons of the lyuans et for to shaw that they ȝong chyloryn appartenys et ar of vnyon of bodys mistykye of iesu cryst / membrys et sonnys of the chyrch thys qwych appe­rys qwen ony kepys lyk form et maynayr as to te grawyng et erthyng of ȝong chyldryn in­nocēs as they do to the eerthīg of ald men ī aage. Et the thryd mayner for to recommand and bryng to mynd the mysteyr of owr redempcyon the qwych ys remembryt in the sacryment of aw [...]er. Et be the qwych meryt of the redempcyon et passyon of owr sawyowr & redemptur iesu cryst the fayd ȝong chyldryn in­nocens [Page] abtenys salut ewyrles­tād Wyth owt tholiyng of ony payn of proctory et not be theyr propyr meryt. Et alwayes yt ys to notyfy after mayster pe­tyr palud aboue the .iiij. of hys sentences yf they say mes for the sayd ȝong chyldryn shoold be mayd & sayd for al them that ar dyscessyt et shoold the sayd oblacyons et oraysons be repor­tyt to al thē that ar deyd qwych abydyꝭ the meyrcy of god in the fyer of proctory. Sant thomas answerys that bydyng that the suffrayges the qwych We do specyaly that the suffrage that We doo for ony ys of Wertu synyt shalbe addressyt et ghe­wyn by the intencyon of hym qwych doys yt or to qwoom yt pleas hym et for that yt shal prowffyt to hym for the qwych ys yt may / as to the delyueeās & the dymynucyon of the payn mor thā yt doys to otherꝭ. Bot qwen congratulacyon & inwart unsolacyon after thys that the snowyl qwych ys in charyte in graceys ioyn ws of the gooddyꝭ of other. Et in thy [...] the suffra­ges doyn be ony for ony saowl proffytys to al the faowllys of proctory and mor to thē qwych ar ī charyte. Et be thiꝭ apperyꝭ that qwē ony causys to be doyn ony suffrages for the saowl / of ys father / or of ys mother / or of ys nerest freyndys as cousyns or others al the saowllys of proctory ar gledsum. Bot We shal ashe heyr that ys to say yf the suffragys doyn be oon ewyl mā yf they proffyt to the saowllys ī proctory. We answer that the suffrayges may be mayd be oon ewyl man in two may­ners. Fyrst the suffrayges prayers oraysons may be ma­yd be oon ewyl man so as be oon mynyster publyk of the chyrch & of god so as oon preyst qwych doys mes in the seruys of thē that ar deyd in the chyrch Et Wnfaylȝant of oonsych mynystyr proffytys to them that ar deyd. Segundly the prayers oraysōs suffrageꝭ may be mayd for thē that ar deyd by oone wil man of ys peopyr mowyng and sych prayers proffytys not to the saowllys of proctory. For yt ys Wryttyn. Peccati [...] inuo­lutis pro alijs or are non potest i. q. i. fertar. Et alwayeꝭ yf oon ewyl man ordaynt in stayt of [Page] deydly syn ghewe almows to oon powyr parson the qwych ys in the stayt of grace et that the sayd powyr man in the Way of the sayd almows War excyt to pray god for the saowl of hym for the qwych the sayd almows Was ghewyn be the sayd syn­nar indowtably the sayd al­mows shal proffyt to the sayd saowl. Et yt ys ghanant to notyfy that the suffrages ar doy­en by the commandemēt of hym qwych ys lyuant in charyte as of hym qwych yꝭ descessyt in the stayt of grace / sych swf­frayges proffytys to the saowl qwath estayt that ewyr he be he that doys them. Et yf the sayd suffragys be doyn be the commandyment of sum qwych yꝭ not ī the stayt of grace quych commādyꝭ that they do the bot yt ys at the howr that they do them be and in the stayt of gra­ce. Self Wayes yf ony be in grace at the pwr that they comand or orbon that they do sum suf­frages proffytys so that they tayk thankful the commande­ment that they hawe doyn or commandyt of new he beant in the stayt of grace. et self Wayes yf ony be in the stayt of grace at the howr that they command or ordayn them that they do ony swffraygys suppos that they be not qwen they do yt sych suffrayges shal proffyt to the saowllys of them that ar decessyt. Et after the sentens of rychart in ys .iiij. in the distync­cyon. xiv. in the .iiij. artykyl et segūd qwestyon how Weyl that sum be in charyte qwen he sen­dys sum suffrayges to be doyn et that he ressayf the fruyttys of the sayd suffrayges shal not be so merytabyl as yf yt War doyn by oon mynyster be and in grace et in charyte / for & yf War so sych suffrayges shoold be me rytabyls of both the partys. That ys to say of the syd of hym that causys yt to be doyn et of the syd of the executur. Et now We haue to se oon qwestyō that ys to say of qwath man pleynȝes the saowllys that ar holdyn in the fyer of proctory I fynd that they sayd soawllys planȝes of .iiij. mayner of pew­pyl. The fyrst of thē that they haue ghenyng ony benyfyrys in thys World. Certanly the sayd saowllys complenȝys of [Page] theyr ingratytwd of thys that they gheue them not other be­nefycys spyrytwels bot they forȝet tham of al. Et in theyr parson says the psalmyst. Obliuioni datus sum tā (quam) mortuus a corde. Et certanly yt ys oon gret Wnthankfulnes & ageyns rayson to forȝet thayr good­doars Wyth owt that they do them ony grace. Or yt ys so that We may not otherwys thank the saowllys of thē that ardescessyt of the benyficys the qwich they haue ghewyn to Ws bot be the prayers the qwych We do or caus to be doon for thē forthys caus ych oon shoold do dylygens to pray for them. Segūdly they plenȝay of theyr hoyrys the qwych possesses et boldys theyr herytayges the qwych they haue conqweryt and the qwyche ar reqwyryd Wyth labowrs alwayes they thynk not of thē. So as theyr ys syndry soonnys and dotherꝭ syster soōnys cowsyns & others qwych possessys the gooddys of theyr for bears and byys gownys & hors et byggys gret howsys & that spendys the sayd gooddys in pryd & other synnys in lycherys pallardyses in ban­kys & in other thyngys super­flews. Self Wayes doys the Wedows qwych marys them incontynent that forȝettys the saowllys of theyr howsbans that ar deyd. Et generaly al them that holdyꝭ the sayd good dys of them that ar deyd the qwych ar bowndyn to holp to them that ar deyd of the qwych they haue the gooddys. Et yf they do not the sayd saowllys playnȝes of them sayand thys that ys Wryttyn in iob in the xx. Cheptur. Quare me perse­quiminisicut deus et carnibus meis saturamini. That ys to say. Qwayr for parsecut ȝe Ws as god and fyllys ȝow of owr flesh gooddys / substans / Wyth owt that ȝe haue ony pyty of Ws. Theyreyly the sayd saowllys planȝes of theyr executurs the qwych expedys not lyghtly theyr testamens and pays not theyr dettes that they haue left bot defferryꝭ them to pay theyr dettes from day to day the qwych ys ageyns charyte and faythfulnes. For after sant thomas the saowllys in so mych ar frustryt of the holp the qwych [Page] We shoold mayk them. That ys of the allegens of the payn that they shoold haue yf the sayd testament had beyn qwyt­tyt in tym. Et certanly they qwych dyssauys thē that ar de­cessyt in the excucyon of theyr testamens offencys grewously god et ar oftymys grewously punyshyt not oonly in thys Woorld bot in oon other. Of thys We reyd oon exampyl of oon of the knyghtys of charles the gret the qwych seād be hym that he shoold enter in the feyld ageyns hiꝭ ēnemyꝭ prayt oon of ys cowsyns yf that he dessessyt in the sayd batayl that he Wold sel ys hors et ghewe the syluer to the powyr pewpil It happyn nyt that he decessyt in the sayd batayl et for caus the sayd hors Was fayr the sayd cowsyn dyd hold yt Oon smal tym after the sayd saowl of hym that Was decessyt appeyryt cleyr et shynyt ys the soon befor the fayꝭ of hyꝭ cowsyn qwych has holdyn the sayd hors sayand. Of als tray­tur & Wnfaythful cowsyn thow has cawsyt me to be tormentyt in the sharp fyer of proctory be the spays of .viij. dayes for thys that thow as not ghewyn the syluer of my hors so as I ordaynyt the. Et certanly thow shalt not eshayp Wyth owt pu­nyshon. For by the ordynans of the iustys of god the dewyl­lys shal beyr the day thy saowl in hel. Et I go clengyt et pur­gyt of syn in the gloyr and fely­cyte ewyrlestand. Et sowdanly in the ayr Was hard oon cry as lyons / of beyrrys & of Wolffys the qwych tuk the trayttur exe­cutur and dyd beyr hym sow­danly the qwych sensyn Was newyt seyn. Et thys shoold ghe­ue dreyd to trayturs and to ewyl executurs the qwych hol­dys the gooddys of the powyr deyd pewpyl the qwych fulfyl­lys not theyr testamēs et theyr ordynās. Et of sych executurs qwych dessauys the saowllys of them that ar decessyt says the decret. Debita suffragia ꝓmortuus non redētes fures sūt sacrylegij et excommunicandi. xij. q. ij. That ys to say that he qwych ghewys not the suffra­ges to them that ar deyd ar theyffys sacrylegys & Woorthy to be ewyrlestādly cursyt & Worthy of ewyrlestād dānaciō The [Page] iiij. mayner they that ardeces­syt plāȝes of relygyows & of mē of chyrch / et also of the powyr pewpyl the qwych ys recew ys the almus of the sayd deyd pewpyl. Et alwayes they pray not for them so faythfully as they shoold. Self Wayeꝭ they planȝe of them that as benefyces / cha­pelles / prebendes / et qwych pos­sessys in theyr abbays the gooddys of them that ar dessessyt approypryit to the sayd abbayꝭ the qwych prays not god so de­uotyly as they shoold for the saowllys of them qwych as re­sawyt the gooddys of them. For al parsons that lywys of almows shoold be mor dewoyt et mor contynuel in oraysons than other parsons for thys that they shoold not oonly pray for them self bot Wyth thys f [...]e the qwyk and the deyd for the almowꝭ qwych they ar sustenyt Et thys ys Wryttyn in the de­cret. x. n. i. Et certanly no par­son qwych may leyf of ys la­bewr, shool [...] not leyf of al­mows. For the powyr seyk et Wayk pewpylet p [...]wyr presonnerꝭ the qwych may not labowr shoold propyrly resayf the awl­mows et for thē or for others / et not they that ar stark et dely weryt & may labowr. Impoten tibus ad laborandum tantum­modo danda est elemosina. xxx q. i. Et of them qwych resawyꝭ the almows et pray not fayth­fully so as they shoold for the saowllys of them qwych they haue ressauyt the sayd almowꝭ We reyd oon sych exampyl in the dyaloge of cesarus. That oon powyr pylgrym dyssessyt and be gheue ys gown to oon preyst et commendyt ys saowl to hym. The qwych gown the sayd preyst tuk dylygently and dyd beyr yt in hys hows. Et so as syndry do as to day qweyr of yt ys pyty after that he had the sayd clethyng and he thoght no mor of the said saowl of the pylgrym. Soon after the preyst Was nouys in the ordyr of cy­teaws. Et he be and oon day in the dortur qweyr he dyd sleyp he Was ra [...]yst in the paynes of hel qweyr he saw the dewyll the qwych dyd cast [...]t cryengꝭ plantys et mowrnyngys & hol­ [...]āt the s [...]yd gowns playāt yt & fowl of pyk dydlyt yt & Wyth the sayd gown cō & [...]ower [...]t et [Page] smyt the nek of the sayd preyst the qwych dyd awayk cryant horrybyly holp me. And sown com syndry of the relygyows the qwych led et toknyt hym of the toknyn of the cors. To the qwych he sayd sey heyr I dy I am bowrnt. Et so as they cō neyr hym for to se in qwath stayt he Was they saw et fand that ys heyd Was byrnt. Et broght hym half deyd in the en­fermery in the qwych he com after in heelth and dyd pennanꝭ of ys neglygens pray and dewotyly for the saowllis the qwych Was to hym recommandyd et aboue al for the saowl of the pilgrym. Et certanly ych oon for theyr power and myght shoold holp the sayd saowllys of proc­tory / for that syndry dyis that as no parens no frendys in the World qwych may holp them no pray for them / as to thys caus ar the sayd saowllys gre­tumly holdyn in the sayd pay­nes. Et thys apperys be exampyl of oon saowl the qwych ap­peryt to oon holy father of rely­gyon sayand to hym that he Was cōdamnyt in the sayd paynes of proctory Wnto the day of iugement Wyth that yt War holpyt by the prayers of holy & dewot men. We reyd also in oon sermon that sum saowllys has beyn in the sharp fyer of procto­ry in the sayd paynys from the tym of Iesu cryst Wn to oon thowsand ȝear after for fawlt of freyndys cousyns or parens qwych as doyn no holpyt Wyth ony suffrayges prayers for to delyuer them of the said payneꝭ Et yt may be that sū saowllys ar ȝyt sen the tym of owr redē ­tur iesu cryst as sayd ys in gret paynes trybulacyons and tor­mens & shalbe Wnto the day of iugement for thys that in thys World qwen they lyuyt as not acqwyryd ony freyndys qwych as doyng no doys prayers suffrayges to god for to soucowr them et holp them of theyr dowlewrs et sayd paynys. Qweyr for We shoold so mych as We ar in thyꝭ World acqweyr the prayers et suffrayges of the chyrch & of holy & deuoyt parsons thayr to that be thayr ordyson & prayers after owr dayes that We be dysc [...]ssyt of thys World god the maybrar gheue Ws ys gra­ce et haue pyty of owr saowllys [Page] et gheue Ws ys meyrcy so that We may ewayd the paynys yf that yt be so that We be ordy­nyt be iustys of god be ony tym to be in the sayd paynys of pur­gatory. Et thys suffycys for the .x. et last partye of thys pre­sent short and lytel traycte. Et pray and et reqwyrand al the [...]yddas et al the eyrrars that yt pleassyt them reyddant and eyrrand sum tymys thys that I haue sayd heyr befor in the sayd lytel et short traycte sayd and translatyt et Wryttyn of the inenarrabyls et horrybyls paynys of hel et of purgatory. yf theyr be ony thyng qwych ys not so dewly translatyt and vryttyn that may reqwyr vold supply to my smal et lytel Wn­derstondyng and pleys them to say god haue meyrcy of the sa­owl of the interpretwr / transla­tor et actor / et of theyr fathers / mothers / parens et freyndys. Et god by ys grace keyp et deffend them of the sayd paynys of hel & purgatory / et gheue thē ewyrlestand blysh by samoht not nywel. Amen.

¶Heyr endysh the trayt­te of the paynys of hel et of purgatory. Et the be­gynnyng of the traytte of the cūmyng of antecryst.


Befor that We trayt te of the ioys of paradys holpād owr lord We haue intē ­cyon to traycte of al the thyngys the qwych may mones man to dreyd god & low [...] et consequently to dy Weyl. E [...] fyrst We shal traycty et say o [...] the cūmyng of antecryst / et o [...] ys byrth / et qwen he shal leys [...] in the World. Et of the parse­cucyon [Page] that he shal do to the chyrch & of ys beyng / et kyllyng et of the payn that he shal suf­fer in hel. Et after ī the segund partye of this tractyte We shal traycte of the .xv. syngys or to­knys that shal cum befor the iugement general of god. Et in the thryd partye of the sayd iu­gement general. Et in this .iiij partye of fynal of the ioyes of paradys.

¶The fyrst party of the cummyng of ante cryst and of the byrth of hym.


QWen to the fyrst partye We shoold beleyf et hold that owr salwyowr Iesu cryst shal not cum to ys iugement general bot fyrst antecryst enne­my of owr fayth shalbe cūmyt in the World of the qwych cum­myng the lymytacyon of the tym ys of al incertayn after thys that says the appoystyl in the segund pystyl the qwych ys Wryttyn to the Tessalyens in the segund cheptur. Rogamus vos per adueutū domini nostri iesu christi vt non cito mouea­mini ne (que) terramini. et cetera que sequuntur. That ys to say / I pray yow my brether be the cūmyng of owr lord iesu cryst / that ȝe mowe not no dreyd not so sown so as at the day of the lord. That ys to say / the day of the iugement War neyr. Et keyp Weyl that ony of yow dreyd not ī no mayner. For the lord iesu cryst shal not cum to ys iugemēt general Wnto this that certayn departement et dyuysyon be fyrst cum et that the soon of ꝑdycyon / that ys to Wnderstond antecryst be reweystyt & apperyt. Et after the doctuts We fynd .iiij. thyngys pryn­cypals the qwyche shal go be­for [Page] the cummyng of antecryst. The fyrst shalbe the dyuysyon et partyng of landys and of the eerth the qwych shal depart of the empyr of Rowm. For befor the cummyng of the sayd ante­cryst the empyr of Rowm shal­be dyuydyt in .x. Reawmys as yt ys Wryttyn in danyel in the vij. cheptur / et fyguryt be the best qwych had .x. hornys. The segund thyng that shal go befor the enmmyng of the sayd ante­cryst shalbe the dyuysyon of the chyrchys ꝑtyculyerꝭ the qwych shal depart of the obedyans of the chyrehys of Rowm. The thryd thyng that shal go befor cūmyng of antecryst shalbe the departyng / et the dyuysyon of syndry crystyn men the qwyche shal depart from the fayth ca­tholyk. Et thys ys Wryttyn ī the appoystyl ī the fyrst that he Wryttys to ys dyscypyl tymo­thee in the .iiij. cheptur. Inno­uissimis temporibus discedent quidam aside. The .iiij. thyng that shal go befor the cūmyng of antecryst he shal cum in the tym in the qwych the synnars shalbe in gret habondans so as they ar new. Et of thys berys Wytnes danyel qwen he sayd. Cum venerint iniquitates consurget rex impudicus. That ys to say qwen the synnys shalbe generaly skateryt Et the kyng of al fylth & of lychery generaly shalbe fyllyt of al inyquyte shal cum aboue the eerth. Et also yt ys ryght that qwē antecryst prens of inyquyte shal cum aboue the erth that he shal not fynd oonly oon inyquyte bot syndry iny (qui)tes. Et after thys qwyche ys Wryttyn ī Osyas ī the .iiij. cheptur in the tym of antecryst men kyllars / okerers / lears / a­dwlterers / rapyns / vrechydnes in ower gret exces et superfluy­tes. Et oon syn shal twech the other for oon syn shal fal in oon other. Et certanly after the merytys of the sugges of god shal send them rectors & gower­nowrs so as says saynt Gre­goyr. Et of thys yt ys sayd in the decreyt. Prelatus malum quando (que) datur propter pecca­ta populi. vj. q. j. Et as to thys caus yt shal not be merweyl yf antecryst cūmys qwen the syn­nys shal habownd aboue the eerth. Of tym yt ys Wryttyn ī sant Mathow ī the .xxiiij. chept (ur) [Page] Inyquyte shal habownd et cha­ryte of syndry shalbe cold befor that the cursyt antechryst shal cum aboue the eerth. Qwych ys he qwyche puttys in dowt that the tym of antecryst cum­mys & drawys neyr Wnderstō ­dyng that be the ewyl coustumꝭ and infynyt synnys qwyche ar now doyn. Certanly et Wyth owt dyffyculte that the men Wertws of the tym by passyt var Wont to haue ī reprewyng et shaam et that ys now ryght honorabyl & iust to men that ar now present. Qweyr ys now the chastyte et honestyte of ma­ryage. The contynens et rely­gyon of men of chyrch. Now the synnys of the flech / howr­dowms / & fylthys ar publykyt in men of oon kynd in oon other fayth and Weryte ar banyshyt / marchans Wsys not bot of fal­set lesyngys and trompety of sweryng et mensweryng for to sel & by mor deyt Wyth owt the dreyd of god befor theyr oyn. Qwheyr for theyr restys not bot that the sayd antecryst cum the qwych ys messāgyer of the rynd of the World. Et yf they ashe at me qweyr shalbe boorn the sayd antecryst. Saynt Re­my aboue the appocalyps says that he shalbe boorn in babylon of sum iowys the qwych shalbe of the lygnage of dan after the prophecy of Iacob in Genesy in the .xlix. cheptur qweyr he says Fiat dan coluber ī via / ceraftes in femita. That ys to say / that antecryst shal dyscend of the ly­gnayge of dan and shal arm a­geyns the holy faythful men the qwych shalbe bytyng of the byt of ys pestyllens te [...]hyng / et shal smyt of the hoorn of ys myght. Than yt ys certayn so ys the redēptur iesu cryst Was boorn of the lygnayge of Iuda in Bethleem in oon ryght smal cyte in the toknyn of meyknes to the oposyte of antecryst shal­be boorn et dyscend of the lygnage of dan et shalbe boorn in ba­bylon in oon prydful cyte in toknyn of cōfusyon et maledyecyon of pryd & after thiꝭ that ys Wryttyn ī the appocalyps in the .xxx. cheptur. Ascēdet de mari. That ys to say so as exposys the glos that he shalbe boorn et cum of babylon the qwych ys neyrthe s [...] ¶Et yt may be ashyt of qwhat mother he shalbe boorn.

¶Answer after Damascene that he shalbe boorn furth of the band of maryage et of pew­pyl that ar lycherows charnels abandonnyt to al dyssolucyon et howrdom. Et also sownys he shalbe cōsawyt in the Waam of the howr et Wnhappy mo­ther ful of al abhomynacyon et fylth of lychery hys saowl dam nyt shalbe fyllyt of the speryt of dewylry the qwych shalbe in ys body et lyue Wyth hym af­ter the say of the appoystyl the qwych says. Cuius aduentus est secundum operationem sa­thane. That ys to say / that the cummyng of the sayd antecryst shalbe after the operacyon of sathan. For after the concepcyon of the sayd antecryst the dewyl shal dyscend befor in the Waam of ys abhomynabyl mother by the Wertu et operacyon of the qwych the said antecryst shalbe boorn et norryshyt. Et for that he shalbe callyt the soon of per­dycyon actyuyly. For he shalbe solycytows and gledsum of the dānacyon of other [...]. Et be this that said ys followys that they ar and shoold bechasyd as oon herytyk & ennemy of the fayth qwych says that antecryst shal be boorn of oon Wyergyn the qwych ys ryght fals and damnabyl heresy. For yt Was ne­wyr ghewyn to oon Wyergyn no grantyt the tym by pass yt no shalbe ī the tym to cum that oon may be mother & Wyergyn to gydder Wyth owt commyx­tyon of seyd & twychyng of man excep the holy Wyergyn mary mother of owr redemptur iesu cryst oonly. The qwych consa­wyt be operacyon of the holy gheost et Was Wyergyn in the concepcyon of yr soon / et Wyer­gyn / ī ys byrth / & after ys byrth of the qwyche owr mother the holy chyrch syngys. Quia nec primā similem visa est / nec ha­bere sequētem. That ys to say / that the holy Wyergyn mary had newyr mor oon sych lyk sē ­blabyl to hyr / to the party after that shalbe lyk hyr. Et for this sho ys callyt in the chyrch. Vir­go singularꝭ. Vyergyn & singlar vyth owt ewyr mor that theyr be oon lyk to hyr. ¶yt may be ashyt after of the mayner of the lywyng & ꝯuersacyon of the sayd antecryst and in the plays qweyr he shalbe norryshyt.

¶Answer ve shoold Wnderstōd that he shalbe noryshyt in two cytys that ys to say ī the cytys of corroȝaym and of bethsayda. Et of the qwych says the re­demptur in sant matohw ī the ix. cheptur. Ve tibi corroȝaym et ve tibi bethsayda. Et cetera que sequuntur. That ys to say cursyng shal cum aboue corro­ȝaym maledycyō shal cū aboue the bethsayda. For et the Wer­tus & myraclys had beyn mayd in the cytes of the payens they Wald haue doyn pennans / and boorn the hayr cloth and lyeng aboue the aws. Says also the docturs that efter that the sayd antecryst shalbe so norryshyt in the sayd eytes he shal go ī ieru­salem in the tempyl the qwych the iowys shal hawe mayd et byggyt. Et shalbe circumcysyt sayād to the iowys I am yowr cryst & yowr messyaꝭ qwych ys promest ȝow by the law. Et incontynent the iowys as fow­lych peupyl et owt of Wyt shal resayf hym for theyr messyas & shal beleyf in hym. Et he shal syt hym in the sayd tempyl sa­y [...]nd ys oon ewyl & Wekytle ar et oon wekyt blasphemour that ys god. Et thys ys that iesu cryst be forsayd et shew to the iowys I am cumwyt ī the nam of my father et ȝe Wold not re­sayf. Alius autemveniet in no­mine suo et illi credetis. That ys to say theyr shal cum oon other that ys to say the ewyl antecryst the qwych ys cūmyt ī ys nam & ȝe shal beleyff hym & shal ressayf hym & beleyf ī hym Et certanly that ys oon gret pyty that the pewpyl of iowys shalbe so dyssauyt that the shal specyally beleyf ī hym & follow hym as theyr god. Et yt ys to notyfy that the sayd antecryst shalbe fyllyt of vycys & synnys for so mych he ys callyt ante­cryst so contrary to cryst et ys lyue shalbe fulfyllyt of vycys. For as iesu cryst ys Weshel of al Wertus / sych lyk antecryst shalbe the Weshel of al synnys et Wycys. Et so as iesu cryst com in al meyknes / the sayd antecryst shal cum in al pryd. Et self Wayes as iesu cryst ys cūmyt for to exalt the meyk of hart et for to iustyfy the syn­nars / antecryst shal cum for to oppress the meyk et to owt cast them. Et for to magnyfy & exalthe [Page] synners. Et shal torment the good and thay that ar iust et shal seyk et shers ys propyr gloyr / for he shalbe ryght pryd­ful. Et thys ys yt that says the appoystyl. Extolletur su­per omne quod dicitur cristus aut colitur. That ys to say that the sayd ātecryst shal exalt hym by pryd aboue al that he qwych he may be honowryt / that ys aboue the godheyd of the redemptur for he shalbe in the tēpyl so byggyt as sayd ys and shal shaw hym to al as he War god. Et Werytably he shalbe ryght ewyl / for he shal­be prens of al ewyl men et of al inyquyte yt ys Wryttyn in da­nyel in the .xj. cheptur. Eleua­bitur et magnificabitur aduer­sus omnem deum. That yt to say he shal exalt & magnify hym self ageyns al the deyte. Et certāly the pryd of antecryst shal­be mor than gret then yt of lu­cyfer for he vold not haue beyn lyk to god bot antecryst Wold exalt hym aboue. The aboue sayd ātecryst for mor gret ewyl Wnrewerans shal stranȝe the men to ador ys ymage & Wekyt ydoll. Et he shal got merk et toknyng al ys sugges of ys ca­racter specyal. Et for thys caus he shal dystroy / et put away the toknys of the corser of the cru­cifyxet shal ordon to adowrn ys ydol as We reed in danyel in the iij. chept (ur) that nobogodonosar that al the gooddys of the eerth War put away thayr to oon­ly that he War reputyt god so shal do antecryst aboue al ly­cherows so as yt ys Wryttyn ī danyel ī the .xj. cheptur. Erit in concupiscenciis feminarum That ys to say that the sayd antecryst shalbe habandonnyt to al concupyscens et lycheryes of Wemē. Et Werytably that shalbe ryght peryllows et dan­gerows after the saw of the ap­poystyl. In nouissimis diebus iustabunt tempora periculosa. That ys to at the dayes of the World of qwych shalbe in the tym of the sayd antecryst the tym shalbe ryght peryllows. For at the cūmyng of antecryst the men et Women shal syn so manyfestly that they shal haue no shaam to do theyr lycherys et adulterys / they shal do them al most [...]pynly et Wyth owt ony shaam. Et yt ys gret pyty [Page] to day of thy lycheryes qwych rynnys in the Woorld / for syn­dry baghthys thē in theyr ma­lys lycherys howrdowms and sych pewpyl ar the messangers of antecryst. For as iesu cryst vas chast & mowrowr of chastyte in deyd & ī saw / of the cōtrary antecryst shalbe lycherowꝭ. Et so as iesu cryst had ioon the ba­ptyst for ys messanger & precur for the qwych ys ful of al meyknes of contrary antecryst shal haue for ys messangers lyche­rows men et Woman howr­masters & howrs ffornycaturs the qwych shalbe of al fylth et of Wncleynnes corrumpyt in Woord et deyd. Et so as iesu cryst Was powyr of temporel goodyꝭ of thys World as to the admynystracyō vsayge / super­flewyte / of them / for he Was ryght powyr in ys byrth in ys lyue after thys qwych ys vryt­tyn in sant mathow in the .xj. cheptur qweyr yt ys Wryttyn the toddys as propyr hoollys for to hyd them et loge thē bot the soon of the vyergyn as not oon lytel propyr plays qweyr he may lay or rest hys heyd. Of the contrary ātecryst shal­be mych rych et ful of temporel gooddys of thys World / for he shal haue myght and lord shyp abowe al the tresors of the World et of the gold and of the sylwer the qwych he shal spend in to ewyl et vekyt vsayge. Et that ātecrist shal blasphem god et ys santtys so yt ys Wryttyn in daniel in the .xj. cheptur. Aduersus deum deorū loquetur blasphemiam. That ys to say that the sayd antecryst shal pronowns blasphemyngys a­geyns god et the santtys et of the angels qwych ar gooddys by partycypacyon of goodnes & not by essens. Et for so mych the blasphematurs ar messan­gers of antecryst. Heyr after We shal se of the persecucyon the qwych shal do the sayd an­tecryst ageyns the crystyn man Et yt ys to not that he & ys de­wyllys shal torment al the cry­styn men ī al ꝑtyes of the eerth. Et thys he shal do ī .iiij. may­nerꝭ. Fyrst by ys subtyl tystyn­gys et fals prechyngys. For he shal presh oon new law ryght Wekyt et ewyl be the qwych he shal lycens et gheue faculte et myght to dosyn. Et also the [Page] law of salut & veryte forbyddys al syn / of the contrary the law of Wekytnes & falsete shal tyst men to syn. Et shalbe the sayd cursyt and Wekyt law preshyt by al the cytes / the qwych law shalbe contēpsyon and dystync­cyon of the law of iesucryst. Et Werytably the sayd antecryst shal presh et cōferm be fals ar­gumens et fals probacyons et tystyngys that iesu cryst Was not the faythful messyas pro­myst in the law & that he shalbe the faythful & that no other no he shalbe yt no as beyn. Et shal rynfals cursyt preshours by cy­tes et shal prech the aboue sayd fals prechyng et techyng. The sayd antecryst shal lat so mych ys yt ys possybyl to hym that the holy Wryt be not exposyd be the faythful docturs after the faythful ryght Wyt and Wnderstondyng / et than shalbe mayd les the Werytys of the soonnys of men and of the self wayes says esaye. Corruet in platea veritas. Et in danyel in the .viij. cheptur. Prosterne­tur veritas in terra. That ys to say in the tym of the sayd an­tecryst veryte shalbe oppressyt. Certanly the fals preshowrs of the sayd antecryst that the lycherows et Worldly men of thys Woord shal eyr vyth good Wyl for they shal tech them to syn and for to by lycherows et fallow the Worldly pleysans Et so as iesu cryst sayes in the gospel in sant mathow in the vij. cheptur. The vay ys ryght strayt that ledys the saowl in the ewyrlestand lyue. Et sayes in oon other plays Essay et effors yow to entyr by the strayt port of pennans. Et of contrary / antecryst shal presh the flesly thyngys techant men to fallow theyr propyr senswa­lyte / et to go by the large Way of Wolwptes of the World / the qwych vay shal leyd the saowl to perdycyon. Et for thys shal the sayd ātecryst haue maynay awdyturs / et that ys yt that says the appoystyl. Erit tem­pus cum sanam doctrinam nō sustinebunt. et cetera que sequū tur. He shal cū says the ap­poystyl oon tym that ys to say the tym of antecryst that the men shal not susteyn no Wold not eyr the holy and faythful techyng of iesu cryst bot shal [Page] fallow theyr desyrs et sensua­lyte fallowyng fals preshowrs the qwych shalbe plesans to thayr eyrrys shal not say to thē oon Woord of Weryte preshant fabyls et lesyngys. The segūd mayner by the qwych ante­cryst shal dyssayff syndry shal­be by the shawyng of myraclyꝭ & merweyllows thyngys after the appoystyl qwych says. Cu­ius aduentus est secundum operationem sathane in omni vir­tute et signis & prodigiis men­dacibus. That ys to say that sayd antecryst shal cum by the operacyon of sathan in al vertu of toknys dyssawabyls et fals Woordys. For the syngys the qwych shal do the sayd ante­cryst shalbe fals for thiꝭ that he doys them by hart & fryēs of nygromācy. Et they shalbe lears for they shal desayff the men by the sayd fals signys so as yt ys Wryttyn in the appocalyps in the .xiij. cheptur. Seducet ha­bitantes in terra propter signa que data sunt illi. That ys to say that antecryst shal dyssayf the habytans of the eerth be to­knys that shal be mayd be hym Et in effec the sayd antecryst shal mayk merweyllows tok­nys for to conform ys Wekyt et fals doctryn / for he shal caus the treys to florys fowdanly et so he shal caus them to dry in­contynent. He shal mayk the ymages to speyk & say the thyngys to cum. He shal mayk and caus tormens et tempes in the see et incontynent he shal caus them to ces. He shal mayk the rywars et the flooddys to ryn Wpwart towrnāt theyr ryght cowrs et natwrel ordyr. He shal mowyf the ayr by gret cō ­mocyons maykand thondyr et fyer flaghtys he shal falsly rays them that ar deeth. For the de­wyllys shal entyr in thayr bo­dys et tayk the spays of men the qwych shal appeyr as thy War roysyng from deeth. Et to the qwych bodys they shal say that they war roysyn be an­tecryst. He shal mayk the fyer to dyscend of the hewyn that ys to say the ewyl spyryt of the dewyl aboue them the qwych ys of ys band thayr to that they may speek Wyth syndry tongys to the mayner of the appoystyls. Et in effec al thys that antecryst et ys dewyllys [Page] shal prech translatant the holy Wryt in ewyl. He shal conform by myraclys and fals synnys doon be art of nygromācy and myght of the dewyl thayr to that they mayk samblant to follow the appoystyls after thys quych ys Wryttyn in sant mathow ī the last cheptur that the appoystyls of iesu cryst pre­chyt be hal placys holpand owr lord maykād sekyrys voordys be toknys et myraclys ewydēt Et thayr to that I say shortly the sayd antecryst & ys dewyl­lys fals prophetyꝭ & preshowrs shal do so maynay ewyllys so maynay fals toknys et. mer­weyllows thyngys that the most gret party of the crystyn pewpyl shalbe put in errewr blyshyt shal they be that as perfyt fayth et qwych abydys ī the law of owr lord iesu cryst / thys that may syndry do qwen they ar dewly aduertyt of the dyssa­wyngys et inwencyons of the sayd antecryst the qwych may be Wnderstondyt of the reeddyng of thys present traytte. Et they may ash queyr for god the makar shal parmyt that the bewyllys et theyr seruans may do sych toknys and mer­weyllows thyngys. ¶Answer sant augustyn says in the thryd book of the cyte of god in the iiij. cheptur that ytys for .iij. rayssōs. The fyrst ys thayr to that the trōpowrs and dyssa­wours most be trumpyt et dys­sawyt. The segund thayr that good pewpyl be exercyd in good et that abydys ewyr mor in the fayth vyth owt Waryeng. Et the thryd that the good pew­pyl pretend not to do sych fals tokyns the qwych they beleyf sewrly to be doon be dewylry art. Et certanly in the tym of the sayd antecryst they that ar good shal not mayk no myra­clys & ī thys shal appeyr thayr constans. Et as to thys caussant gregoyr in ys morales cō ­syderant the trybulacyon the qwych shalbe aboue the cresty­ens in the tym of the sayd ante­cryst says. Et consyder We now and thynk We how mych gret shalbe the temptacyons et trbulacyons of the thoght of man in the tym of antecryst de­lyweryt ys body to martyr / et alwayes the fals dyssauyr that ys to say antecryst shal mayk [Page] miraclys ī merweyllows thyn­gys befor ys eyn for to towrn & dyssayf Ws certanly the cry­styn pewpyl shal than acqwyr gret meryt The thayd mayner [...]e the qwych antecryst shal dys­sayff the men and the Wemen shalbe be ghyftys that he shal gheue them that shal follow hym. For the dewyl shal re­weyl and shaw to the sayd antecryst al the tresors the qwych [...] beyn long ago hydyng in the eerth / and be thys he shal inclyn [...]d draw to hym the most gret party of men. Fyrst he shal draw to hym be the sayd ghy­ [...]tys the gret and myghty men of the erth. Et syen after the others / pryncypally and aboue [...] others the awarycyows / of thys ys Wryttyn in danyel the prophet ī the .xj. cheptur qweyr yt ys sayd diuidit terram gra­ [...]o. That ys to say he shal [...]ywyd the erth thankfully. Et [...]e spalmyst. Sedet cum diuiti [...] in occultis vt interficat in­ [...]centem. That ys to say an­ [...]cryst shal syt Wyth the rych [...]ndayns of thys World the [...]wych he as mayd ryche the qwych he as drawyng to hym be gyftys and promessys thayr to that he & the sayd mondayns so dissauyt be hym may kyl the the īnocēs the god crystyn men the qwych Wald not follow ys fals and Wekyt thechyng. Et certanly yt ys good to dreyd that syndry flatteurs and fals prophettys myght and ewyl preschowrs that they be not precursurs / messangyers and prononsowrs of the cummyng of the sayd antecryst the qwych cōseyllys to the prensys of thys World that they tayk vnryght­tusly the gooddys and substans of theyr subges for to rych thē self thayr to that the sayd fals may obteyn sum gooddys tem­porels gheuant them to Wnderstond thys the qwych they op­pres Wnryghtusly the qwych they may lysumly gheue to the fowndacyon of chyrchys chap­pels / or of obys to the gret per­dycyon confusyon and dam­nacyon as mych of them that cōseyllys as of them that affal­dys the to cursyt Wnhappy Wekyt dyssauars trompowrs the dewyllys follows of the sayd malycyows antecryst to theyr conseyl and fals tystyn­gys [Page] and dyssawyngs. Et Werytably so as antecryst and ys dewyllys shalbe cummyt and resauyt by ys myghthtyꝭ to this he shal gheue temporel gooddyꝭ et ryches sychlyk ar syndry fals ypocrytyꝭ dyssauars Weyl cūmyt Wyth syndry rych pren­sys in the Way of thys that the sayd fals precursurs of ātecryst assewrys the kyngys of theyr saluacyō et that they gheue thē thys that they vnryghtusly ac­qwyryt ageyns theyr cōscyens Wythowt ony Wyl of ryght befor theyr eyn the qwych ys veryte et vndowtabyl & cōmun. Nō dimititur peccatū nisi restitua­tur ablatum. Helas yt ys now gret pyty of the auarys of thys World / for qwych gheuys to day he shal ryng temporally. The ecclesyastyk porweyāt the cursyt tym of the for cursurs et messāgiers of antecryst says in the .x. chept (ur). Pecunie obediunt oīa Al thyng obeys to pecū. Et says in oon other playꝭ that the ghyftys shal blynd the eyn of sayge & Wysmen. Certaynly in owr tym qwych yꝭ pyty most al the men shal appetyt hōnowr & desyr to be rych of the temporel gooddys of thys World mor than ewyr they dyd says. Iere­mye in the .vj. cheptur yt ys ve­ryfyed yt that he sayd be the qwych he says. A minori vs (que) ad maiorem omēs auaricie stu­dent. That ys to say the most gret almayner of pewpyl stu­dys to fallow the cursyt fyer of auarys the qwych shal retowrn the ryght iugement / to auans oon fowl for oon sayge / et berys & trāsportys reawmys / cōtreys et cytys of thayr estayt of pro­speryte in vnhappy et lamenta­byl Wrechydnes. Et Weryta­bly I beleyf that yt may be Weel sayd that yf the sayd antecryst lyuyt or War cūmyt he shoold haue syndry seruans et dewyl­lys for to resayf ys ghystys. Et yt ys mych to dreyd that We be not neyr the tym of the sayd antecryst Wnderstondyng this that sayd ys / as mych they that ar lytteryt / as Wnlettryt / & they that ar ydeotȝ / nobyls as vnnobyl / also mych rych / as pouyr ar taykyn of the stynkād fyer of auarys so as they shuld ewyrlestādly abyd ī thyꝭ World [Page] The .iiij. mayner by the qwych the sayd antecryst shal stranȝe the meyn to obey to hym shalbe by turmens acqwyryt by hym.

For them qwyche he may not twrn be oon of the thre tormēs aboue said he shal punysh them by syndry tormēs Et ī effec the sayd ātecryst & ys dewyllys they shal thynk syndry mayner of tormens be the qwyche he may towrn et put furth the faythful & good crystyn owt of the fayth thys that says danyel in the .xij cheptur. Erit tempus quale nō fuit ex quo gentes ceperunt esse vs (que) ad tēpus illud. That ys to say / thayr shal cum oon tym of antecryst of the qwych they ha­ue not seyn sych lyk tym from the begynnyng of the World vnto thys tym. Et the sayd ante­cryst shal Weyr aboue al the re­lygyows et men of chyrch so as says the Glos aboue the Psal­myst. Oculi eius in pauperem respiciunt. That ys to say that he shal tormēt the holy parsonꝭ of relygyon & of the chyrch & ge­generaly the powyrs of spreyt. Et as this caus the tormēturꝭ of the chyrch & of clerkys et let­tryt also mych regulyer as seculyers ar the messangyers et for cursurs et of antecryst. Et in­dowtably in the tym of the said antecryst shalbe so gret et gre­wows parsecucyon aboue the chyrch mylytāt & aboue the mē brys of yt that thayr Was ne­wyr seyn so gret in the tym of martyrs of owr salwyowr iesu cryst. Thoght yt be so that the sayd martyrs has suffryt syn­dry trybulacyons / alwayes the good and faythful crystyn men shal suffer mor gret in the tym of the sayd antecryst. Et thys confermys the mayster incompendium of the Weryte theolo­gycal qweyr he says that in the tym they vold not sel no thyng to the good crystyn pewpyl no by no thyng of them bot oonly of them that as the caractar of the sayd antecryst by the qwych they shal Wnderstond that they ar of hys pewpyl follows et seruans For so that antecryst shal be the most cruel of al others parsecutwr [...] the qwyche has beyn the tym befor. Sych lyk the santtys and good parsons the qwych shalbe constans that tym than al otherꝭ that as beyn [Page] befor. Et indowtably god shal ghewe & grant in thys tym oon gret grace to ys good & faythful crystyn men by the qwych they may suffer et susteyn the aboue sayd trybulacyons after qwych yꝭ Wryttyn in abacuch in the .iij cheptur. Cū tratus fueris mi­sericordie recordaberis. Lord says the prophet to god / thow shal remembyr of thy meyrcy qwē thow shalbe crabbet at thy pewpyl. Et that the sayd try­bulacyō shalbe so sharp ys sayd ys It apperys be thys qwych ys Wryttyn in sant mathow in the .xiij. cheptur. Erunt tunc trybulacyones quales non fue­runt ab initio vs (que) nunc ne (que) fient. That ys to say that the trybulacyons the qwych shalbe in the tym of antecryst shalbe sych that newyr mor Was seyn sych lyk sen the begynnyng of the World Wn to that tym no shal not be seyn after in tym to cum. O so mych ar fowlysh et owt of Wyt they qwych desy­rys that they may leyf Wn to the tym of the sayd antecryst. Et says ower that yf they le­wyt Wnto that tym the qwych they shal suffer Wyth good Wyl gret paynes et tormēs for owr salwyowr iesu cryst the qwych parawantur for oon lytel persecucyon Wold leyf the fayth & habandon the sayd fayth of owr salwyowr iesu cryst. Consyder ewyrych oon thys the qwych ys cum to sant petyr in the per­secutyon et passyon of iesu cryst et he shal haue gret dreyd et he shal Wnderstōd oon smal thing of hym self Wyth owt presum­cyon. Sant petyr promyst to iesucryst that he shoold not leyf hym ī qwat trybulacyō & shoold he dy. Et always et qwen yt cō to the pyteows howr of ys pas­syon he renoncyt ys redemptur for the sympyl Woord of oon maydyn et chamberer et seruāt the qwych sayd to hym swetly et fynaly renoncyt .iij. tymys. O qwath shal do than the po­wyr crestyn mā the qwych shal be than ī mor gret et mor sharp tribulaciō that Waꝭ newyr seyn sen the begynnyng of the World Certāly they shal haue mich to do. & War not the meyrcy of god qwych shal confort the sayd crystyn pewpyl the sayd antecryst shoold & dyssayf al natur of mā kynd. Bot the maykar the [Page] qwych Wyl ewyr mor holp ys frendys shal send two gret et excellant prophetis that ys to say Enoch et hely the qwych ar in paradys terrest and the qwych shal resyst ageyns the sayd an­tecryst et hys dewyllys preshāt the fayth of owr salwyowr iesu cryst thayr to that they towrn the iowys the qwych as beyn dyssauyt be the sayd antecryst et that they conform et confort the good cristyn men the qwych has resystyt ageyns the said antecryst and shal cal to the fayth them the qwych has goon from yt et from the Way of the fayth by the sayd antecryst et ys de­wyllys. Et certanly crestyens et iowys the qwych ar now dyfferent et of dyscord in the rely­gyon & Wnyte of the fayth they shal concord et be Wnyt Wyth the crystyn men in the law of ie­su cryst. Et yt ys yt that says the prophet. In diebus illis sal­uabitur iuda & israel habitabit cōfidenter. That ys to say that the pewpyl et the crestyens shal [...]e gadderyt in oon in the fayth of iesu cryst. Et shalbe the sayd pewpyl iudayk fawyt. Et so aꝭ yt ys Wryttyn insāt ioon in the .x cheptur that oon park shalbe gadderyt of the iowys et of the crystyn men the qwych shalbe than gadderyt to the mayner of sheyp Wnder oon shyephard. That ys to say in the fayth of iesu crist the qwych yꝭ the fayth ful pastor. The sayd prophetys Enoch et Hely shal presh to al the pewpil the fayth & the techīg of iesu cryst so as yt yꝭ Wryttyn ī the appocalyps ī the .xj. chept (ur) I shal ghewe to my two ꝓphetꝭ that ys to say enoch & hely the sperit of Weryte & they shal ꝓphetise be oonthowsād two hōdreth thre stor & .vj. dayꝭ that yꝭ to say thre ȝearrys & oon half so as dyd iesu cryst. & they shalbe cowert of sekkys / that ys to say they shal presh pennās of woord & of deyd shawād & gheuāt exāpyl of good lyuyng by holynes of lyue Dabo duobꝰ. &c. They shal re­preyf the said ātecryst & shal declayr ys gyllys & dyssauyngꝭ & that he ys bot oon lear. & oon in uocatur & caller of the dewyllys soon of the dewyl of hel and oon chyld of ꝑdycyō. Et for that he shal gar thē dy. Soon after the deeth of the holy prophetys antecryst et hys dewyllys shal­be gret et mayk brankqwettys [Page] et sowpers & feystys etwys thē makand the fest of the deeth of the sayd prophetys the qwych Was ageyns thē. Et they send oon to the others ghystys & presens sayant be gled for now they that War ageyns owr prechyngys et Werkys ar owercū myt. Et of contrary the faythful crystyn men shalbe tryst and sorowful and mowrnant of the deeth of the sayd prophetys et they shalbe cōfusantly scornyt of the sayd dewyllys. Bot owr lord Wyl ewyr mor confort ys freyndys in theyr extreym ne­cessyte shal rays the sayd pro­phetys at the eynd of .iij. dayes et oon half / so as yt ys Wryttyn in the appocalyps. Spiritus vite intrabunt in eos. That ys to say that the saowllyꝭ shal entyr ī the bodyꝭ of the sayd prophetȝ the qwych shalbe aboue theyr feet et shalbe lyuant et vnpays­sabyl for they shal newyr dy af­ter that they be roysyng from deeth to lyue. Et after the sayd resurreccyō so aꝭ befor the good and faythful Crystyn pewpyl mowrnyt et dyd Weyp Wyth owt ony consolacyon & that the dewyllys of antecryst mayd gret chyer / sychlyr and of con­trary they cursyt dewyllys shal be sorowful et confondyt & merweyl. Et the good crystyn men shalbe confort yt et consyrmyt ī the fayth qwen they shal sey the sayd holy prophetys ryssyn and gloryfyed. Et that they shal heyr the Woyꝭ of the hewyn the qwych shal say to the sayd pro­phetys / ascend heyr in the cōpa­ny of angels et of santys. Et than sayant al they the qwych Wold se them ascend to the he­wyn in oon clood in body et in saowl gloryows so as dyd iesu cryst the day of ys holy ascen­cyon. Of the qwych the good crystyn men shalbe mych reioy­syt et conformyt. Et shal Wn­derstond et gheue thankys to god. Et syndry of them qwych as beyn towrnyt be antecryst shal towrn them to pennans et the others shal ꝑseueyr in theyr obstynacyon & shal torment the crystyn morthan befor. ¶Et yt ys ghanant to not that ante crist shal faynȝe him to by deyd by .iij. dayes and shal yed hym in sum secret plays / et after he shal appeyr fayant to ys de­wyllys that he shalbe royssyng [Page] after thys qwych ys Wryttyn in the appocalyps in the .xiij. cheptur. Vidi vnum de capitibꝰ suis. q. occisum. &cꝭ. Et thys doyeng ys dewyllys shal presh ys resurrecciō aboue the qwych he shal sēd the dewyl the qwych shal dyscēd aboue them in kynd of fyer Et syndry shal go Wyth them for by the Woys of the dewyl the qwych shalbe Wyth in them they shal speyk syndry lā ­gayge to the mayner of the ap­poystyls the qwych Was fyllyt of the holy gheost. Et in al and be al qwen to the Werkys ful of myraclyꝭ & godlynes the sayd ātecryst shal effors hym by art of nygromancy et dewyky con­form hym to do sychlyk as iesu cryst to ys appoystyls et dyssy­pyls. Et thys doyeng as yt ys Wryttyn ī danyel in the .xj. cheptur. Antecryst shal cū Wyth oon gret multytwd of ys de­wyllys et adherēs and shal put ys tabernakyl aboue the yl of olyuet. Veniet antecristus in multitudine magna / et figet tabernaculum fuū et cete. For so as says the glos. That ante­cryst shal ascend of the sayd mō tayn in to the ayr by art of ny­gromancy et dewylry myght as dyd symō magus the qwych the dewyllyꝭ dyd beyr in the ayr Et thys doyeng so as says the appoystyl. Reuelabitur ille ini­quus. That ys to say that the inyquyte dyssauyng et malys of the sayd ātecryst shalbe opynly reweyllyt & manyfest. Quē dominꝰ iesus interficiet spiritu oris sui. So the qwych says the appoystyl owr salwyowr et re­demptur iesu cryst shal kyl & put to deeth presently al ys dewyl­lys not by multytud or legyon of angels the qwych he may sēd for to feyght ageyns the sayd antecryst bot oonly the spyryt of ys mowth / that ys to say in the Wertu of the holy gheost et to ys oonly Wyl for he shal suf­fer that he be kyllyt et he shal be deeth incontynent dixit & facta sunt. Or after sum he shal be kyllyt by the archangel sant mygheel executur of the Word et iustys of god. Et thys shal­be doyn abowt the plays qweyr god ascendyt to hewyn in the qwych plays the sayd antecryst shal be smyttyn of deeth ewyr­lestand and shal fal in hel. For indowtably he shal dy of oon [Page] ewyl deeth. Fyrst for he shal dy of oon sowdan deeth. Se­gundly by thys that he shal dy ful of al synnys after the sentēs of the psalmyst In operibus manuum suarum comprehensus est peccator. ¶yt ma be ashyt how shal he be punyshyt in hel. ¶Answer. ¶Certāly ys payn shalbe merweyllows horrybyl / dreydabyl and sensabyl. For fyrst he shal ewyr mor by pry­uyst of the Wysyon of god after the Woord of the prophet ysaye Inique gessit non videbit glo­riam dei. That ys to say. The cursyt antecryst he beyand in thys Woorld put ys tym to do ewyl as to thys caus he shal not se the gloyr of god the qwych ys the most gret payn of them that ar damnyt so as says sant crysostom. Segundly the sayd antecryst shalbe ewyrlestantly crucyt / tormentyt / bowrnt and smyttyn / in hel et shal newyr dy after thys qwych ys Wryttyn in iob in the .xx. cheptur. Luet omnia que fecit nec tamen con­sumabuntur. That ys to say That antecryst shal suffer in hel the payn of al the ewyllys the qwych he as doyn. Bot al­wayes he shal not dy for yt shal be Wyth owt eynd et Wyth owt Waystyng. Et thoght yt be so that ys payn ys lyk to the payn of others that ar damnyt as to the duracyon and infynyte for thys that yt shalbe ewyr­lestand / alwayes as to the byt­ternyes and crudelyte of payn of antecryst shal exceyd al ther payn of damnyt saowllys mor thā ony cā say after this qwych ys Wryttyn in the appocalyps Quantum glorificauit se in delicijs et cetera. The thryd payn of the sayd antecryst ys that he shal abyd ewyr mor in the company and Wysyon of the horrybyl dewyllys and that al ys dewyllys followys sych lyk al them of ys allegens not oonly of oon payn bot Wyth al the paynyꝭ that ys in hel he shal be punyshyt of al the paynes of hel of the qwych We haue Wryttyn afor qwych thayr ys dy­uers et syndry tormens of the qwich the sayd ātecryst shal suffer for yꝭ iniquyte. ¶yt may be ashyt yf owr salwyowr et redē ptur iesu cryst shal cū incōtynēt to hald ys gret iugement ge­neral [Page] after the deeth and dam­nacyon of the sayd antecryst.

¶Answer. ¶To thys answe­rys the glos aboue the .xj. cheptur of danyel the qwych says that .xl. dayes shalbe ghewyn to them to do pennans qwych has beyn dyssawyt be the sayd antecryst the Qwcyh as mysbelewyt et erryt in the fayth of iesucryst. Bot alwayes after the sayd .xl. dayes Wn to the eynd of the World / no manvayt the spays no tym for thys ys in the Wyl & dysposycyon of hym qwych in tym et howr shal iuge the good et ewyl the qwych he as porwoyt to do befor the Worldys. Et certanly shal Wnderstond ewydently that they haue beyn dyssauyt by ante­cryst shal towrn to the fayth of iesucryst as sayd ys. Et shalbe owr mother the holy chyrch payssabyl Wn to te eynd of the Wolrd. Always sum minystryꝭ of antecryst shalbe gled and re­ioys them and mayk feystys and plays in syndry mayners Et shal contynwe in thayr synnys that ar cursyt sayand lat wꝭ mayk good chier for thoght yt be that so that owr mayster be deyd always We hawe seurte and peys. Bot so as says the appooystyl Wryttant to ys dyssypyl thy mothee. Cum di­xerunt pax et securitas repentinus illis veniat interitus. That ys to say qwen they say We ar now in peys and sewyrte sowdayn deeth shal cum aboue them. Et so as says the salwy­owr in sāt mathow in the .xxiiij cheptur. Sicut sint in diebus noe ita erit aduētus filij. That ys to say that so as befor the gret dyluge mayd be Watyr in the qwych dyd not abyd bot viij. parsons of al the creaturs raysonnabyls the qwych Was aboue the eorth the man et the Woman dyd eyt and drynk et dwel in theyr synnys Wyth owt Wyllyng to towrn them Wn to the day that noe entryt in the arch and had no cōgnoys sans of theyr synnys no of ius­tys of god Wn to the tym that the Watyr of the dyluge fel a­boue them drownyt and lost them sych lyk shalbe of the mē in the aend in the World the qwych shal not amend them no towrn them to do pennans Wnto the tym the soon of god [Page] owr redemptur shal cum sow­danly to hold ys iugement qwē they shal not be War of thē self.

¶The segūd partye shal traytte of the .xv. toknyꝭ et syngys that shal go be for the iugemēt general.


IN the segund party We shal declayr et determ of the syn­gnys et toknys the qwych shal go befor the iugement general of god qwych ys so meyrcyful that he Wyl not punysh vs bot fyrst he Wyl send sum toknys befor for to monys Ws to do pē nans. Et after the docturs I fynd that .iiij. sygnys shalbe befor. Et after they .iiij. syngys shal cum other .xv. syngnys the qwych sāt Ie­rosm says that he has fund in the ennelles et cronicqueꝭ of the iowyꝭ of the qwych I shal speyk be ordyr. The fyrst syng of the .iiij. be for said shalbe the eynd et the cōsumacyō of the World shalbe that the myght of sathan the qwych by the Wertu of the passyon of owr re­demptur iesu cryst Waꝭ mayd les et bownd / yt shal be lowsyt thoght yt be that be for by the Wertu of the sayd pas­syon [Page] yt Was bownd that yt myght not noy so mych to men as yt dyd or has yt Wold. For the dewyl ys bownd et holdyn Wn to oon certayn tym Wn to the qwych he shalbe lowsyt thayr to that he may noy mor strenghtlyar by temptacyon and parsecusyon for mor gret purgacyon of the holy choysyn et mor gret subuersyon and dā ­nacyon of ewyl men. For in the eynd of the World the good shalbe ꝑfytly good et the ewyl parfytly ewyl after this qwych ys Wryttyn in the appocalyps in the last cheptur. Tēpus pro­pe est qui nocet noceat adhuc / et qui in sordibus est sordestat ad­huc. Et qui sanctus est santtificetur adhuc et iustus iustifice­tur adhuc. The segund of the .iiij. sygnys of the eynd of the vorld shalbe qwen charyte shal-Wax cold. For so as in man the qwych the phylosophys cal­lys the lytel World qwen he Waxys ald the naturel eyt of hym Waxys cold in hym and qwen he cūmyꝭ aboue the eerth et qwen yt cūmys at the howr of the deeth yt faylȝys of al in hym. Sychlyk ys yt of the gret World / for so mych as yt goys fordwart and that yt drawys neyr the eynd charyte qwych ys the eyt of the lyue spyrytwel shal Wax cold & fyna­ly shal faylȝe / for thys that the World drawys neyr the deeth & of the eynd and terin shalbe cald be fault of charyte & dry by falt of deuocyon / the qwych two thyngys consystys in the con­seruacyon of the spyrytwel lyue Or as yt ys that yt so be that We se the eyt of charyte ys al most slokyn and that the hu­mwr of deuocyon and orayson ys al most dry Qwhat may We other thyng say bot the eynd of the World drawys neyr so as says the appoystyl Wryttyn to the hebreus in the .viij. cheptur Quod enim antiquatur et sene­scit prope interitum est. That ys to say that yt that ys hald ys neyr the deeth. Et yf ouywyl consider as they serue now indewoytly god and Wnrewe­rently to god as he ys dyspry­syt dyshonoryt so howgsumly blaspemyt he shal se that deuocyon ys not oonly Waxyt cold [Page] bot Wyth that slokyn. Et as to regard of charyte towart ys nyghtbowr yt ys fayllȝyt yt apperys ewydently / for syndry that ys nakyt cryes et may not haue no holp. Et syndry how­shaldars dyes of honger qwych has no supple. The port of pyty ys chet and closyt / the fon­tayn of pyty as cloysyt the stryndyꝭ of yt rewyngys opyn­ly theftys ar exercyt aboue the innocēs the qwych as no gheyn sayeng Fayth ys faylȝyt ettwyꝭ syndry freyndys and parens. Thayr restys no mor bot god to mayk ys iugement aboue them qwych as chassyt and put surth of the World / charyte / et mercy in syng of the .iiij. that ys befor the eynd of the World qwen al maneyr of synnys et of inyquytes shalbe in the World Dreyd of god ys be hynd put qwen theyr ys no Weryte / mer­cy / no pyty / in the World bot allesyngys trompery and dyssa­uyngs. Et that the men shal loue of oon secret loue and that they shal not set by bot of theyr preuay proffyt / of the qwych shal preceyd al Wyces so as of charyte procedys al Wertus for the men and the Women befor the eynd of the World schalbe cowoytows / prydful blasphe­mowrs of the nam of god ī obedient to thayr parens and ower maysters corporels and spyry­twels they shalbe Wntankful / trayteurs detraycturs / dessa­uars et Wyth owt pays They shal loue mor thayr fleshly los­tys than god. They shalbe ful of al vyces / of malyꝭ / of auarys of trayson / of men kyllars / of fornycacyon / of enwy and fyn­dars / of fals and Wekyt inuen­cyōs so as yt ys Wryttyn in the pystyl be the appoystyl to hys dyssypyl tymothee. O my freyndys thynk / in owr self et after ryght Werytqwat peweyl thayr rynnys to day and qwat oon world and behold the thyn­gys aboue sayd ar they not al­most al cummyt et Weryfyed Certanly as to Weyl consyde­ryng I haue gret dreyd that ȝe For now the synnys ar so gret that thayr ys not no man that may suffycyently Wryt them no rehers them god be ys grace amend ys pewpyl and gheue them grace to towrn to fayth­ful pennans. The .iiij. syng [Page] of the nombyr of .iiij. that pre­cedys the iugement general et eynd of the World in toknyng the tym drawys neyr in the qwyche god the maykar Wold iuge ys pewpyl after theyr me­rytys that ys after theyr good deydys et ewyl deydys shalbe qwen the cōmocyons Weyrrys feghtyns shalbe mayd ī syndry partys of the World et ettwys al the creatwrys lywant in yt. For fyrst after the Word of the redemptur iesu cryst rehersyt in saynt Mathow ī the .xxiiij. cheptur / batayllys et Werrys shalbe ettwys men ennemys et ad­uersayrs oon of others be al the World. The oon pewpyl shal mowe ageyns the others & oon reawm ageyns the others. Fal set & dyssawyngys shalbe ī townys cytys ettwys the cytes & habytans. Pays shalbe put furth of the eerth. The gret lordys shal rys ageyns theyr seruans and ageyns them self. The ser­uans ageyns theyr lordys & thē self. The oon cyte shal mowe a­ageyns the other. Et ychoon hows shalbe dyuydyt in yt self. The oon ꝑson shal arm ageyns the other. The chyld ageyns the ald man. The carl ageyns the gentyl man. The prens a­geyns ys suggest / & of contrary the suggest ageyns ys prens et lord. Oon relygyon ageynꝭ oon other. Theyr shall not be rely­gyon no colege bot theyr shalbe strywe et dyn / mowyng et dy­wysyon et dyssauyng. Et thys shalbe fulfyllyt qwych ys Wryttyn in Ieremy in the .ix. cheptur Vnusquis (que) a proximo suo suo se custodiat et cetera (qui) sequunt (ur). That ys to say. Oon ychoon shoold keyp hym of ys nyght­bowr & that they hawe no trust in theyr brothers. For ewyrych oon fayāt that he ys oon freynd bot they shal falsly dyssayf thē and hym that he that trustys in hym. Et oon brother shal scorn the other & shal not speyk veryte Wyth hym bot of al fal­syte. He shal speyk of peys Wnder cowleur of pays Wyth ys freynd bot he shal falsly dys­sayf hym and secretly put hym to dyshonnowr yf he may. Selfwayes than shalbe fulfyl­lyt ewyrych thyng be this that ys said be the prophet Mychea [...] [Page] Et keyp the of thy propyr vyf the qwyche sleppys ettwys thy armys. For sho shal dyssayf than yr howsband. The soon shal do Wrong to ys father et the doghter to the mother. The propyt seruans of the man shal be ys propyt ennemys / et theyr ys mor / for the oon brother shal delyuer the other brother to thy deeth. The chylder shal rys a­geyns theyr fathers et shal fol­low them to the deeth. Et We­rytably qwen the aboue sayd cō mocyon shalbe in thyngys pu­blykys / yt shalbe oon tokyne­uydent of the latter eynd of the World. Others commocyons shalbe in the elymens / for befor the eynd of the World shalbe general famyn & not ī oon regyon et in oon prowyns bot generaly owr al the vorld. For the eerth shal beyr no fruyt no other thyng neydful and ghanant for the lyue Et theyr shalbe so gret mowemēs of the eerth ageyns the cōmon cours of natur & ma­neyr of cowstum that syndry cytys towrs et castels shall al be dystroyt et castyn doon. Et in the flooddys theyr shalbe gret tempes and cōmocyons than theyr ys beyn the tym by pas­syt. The ayr shalbe fyllyt of pestylens and of infeccyons of the qwych shal cum the sayd pesty­lens qweyr of deyd shal cum et mortalytys also Weyl in bes­tys as in men. Thondrys / fyer flaghtys / et tempes et Wyndys shalbe aboue the eerth qwyche Was newyr seyn befor / so that the men shalbe ordanyt in oon merweyllows dreyd. Et for thyꝭ as sayd ys / holy Ierosm rehersys that he has fownd .xv. specyal syngys that shal be be­for the gret iugemēt general of god of the qwych We shal speyk heyr after be ordyr. Bot yt ys to Wnderstond yf the sayd tok­nys shalbe cōtynwel Wyth owt ony cryeng bettwyx the sayd to knys / the said holy ierosm declarys yt not no the holy docturs affermys no thyng of certayn bot seyffys them & puttys them in the Wyl of god the maykar.

¶The fyrst syng as the se shal lyft et rys aboue the montayns


THe fyrst of the .xv syngys befor the gret iugement ge­neral ys et shalbe that the see shalbe leftyt .xl. cottys aboue the heyst mōtayngys of the World & shal abayd the sayd vaters of the see so leftyt to the maynayr & symylytwd of myrakyl Wyth owt that they albeys mor in oon partye than ī oon other. Thayr to that the Word of the psalmyst be Weryfyet. Mirabiles ela­ciones maris. That ys to say that the eleua­cyōs of see shal­be merweillouꝭ

Et thys shal send god the maykar for to punysh the pridful pewpyl / for as says the say­ge in ys prower bys in the .xiij. cheptur. Corsuperbi quasi ma­re feruēs qd nō quiescit. The hart of the pryd­ful pewpyl ys also as oon see flowant the qwyche as no rest the qwych desyrys not bot dys­cord & feghttyn the qwych engē ­drys pryd / so as says Salomon in ys ꝓwerbys ī the plays aforsayd. Inter suꝑbos semꝑ iur [...]a sunt. Dyscord et dyuysyons ar ettwys the pridful men for pryd vyl ewyr mor be ī the most hye [Page] playꝭ & thynkys oonlytel thyng oon gret thyng doyn be hym et Woorthy of lowyngys & of gret hōnowrs & serchys how he may appeyr grettar et newyr Wold be ful of hōnowr. Et Weryta­bly god shal send ys sayd ys in payn & punyshon of the said pryd ful peupil so alyftit for to meyk et oppress them / et that the sayd prydful pewpyl most haue Wn­derstondyng of theyr synnys & that they may do pēnans. For owr god & redē ­ptur ys so good so meyrcyful et ful of charyte that he Wold newyr dam no leyf oon saowl oonly. Bot e­wyr moor mo­nysys the syn­nars by toknyꝭ adwersytys et trybwlacyons thayr to that they may re­towrn to hym be grace et pen­nans & satysfaccyon. For as sais the appoystyl Non deletur peccatū nisi resti­tuatur ablatū. That ys to say that the syn ys newyr for ghe­wyn bot fyrst that he mayk sa­tyffaccyon & restytucyon Wyth Woorthy pennans. Et in thys qwych said ys god shal send the sayd .xv. toknys befor that he cum to ys gret and dreydful ingement general.


¶The segund syng ys how the se shal dyscend in the deyp­nes and lawnes of the eerth.

THe segund syng that shalbe be­for the iugemēt general of god qweyr god shal [...] to iuge the qwyk et deed / shalbe that the see shal dyscend in the lawnes et hoyllys of the earth that Wyth payn they may sayt after thys qwych ys Wryt ty [...] in the prophyt Naum. In­crepans mare et exsiccans illud

That ys to say / that god the maykar almyghty of the vorld shal blaym be oon mayner of spekyn / he shal blaym the see be oon sych Wys et be sych fashon that yt shal yed yt in the deyp [...]cym et profundyte et deypnes of the eerth so as yt War dry.

Et in toknyng et horreur et demōstrane that the prydful men & Women lyche rows / men and lycherows vomen ful of fleshly l [...]est the qwi [...]ch as [...]yfty [...] them in thys World by gret presump­cyons et that they haue Wylful lyar labowrryt et takyn payn for to conqwys the dygnytys / honnewrs / myghtes / ryches / Wyt fayr howsys and pleysant byggyns sumptws for to loge & draw theyr bodys et to pleys to thayr fleshly lowstys than they Wold haue doyn for to grayth ī hewyn Wyth god ī the ioy of paradys for theyr saowlys hows­sys & byggyns spyrytwels. Et also qwych has dysprysyt et put Wnder theyr feyt the powyr that [...]r meyk & mysterful of the good [...]ys of thys World. Bot in thys sayd day that the sayd see shal abayss & shal yed yt so / they haue good caus to dreyd & yt ys oon toknyng ewydent that for theyr aboue said synnys prydyꝭ et eleuacyōs / et presumpcyons. They shal be mayd meyk & put doyn ī gret confessyon et dāna­cyon of theyr saowlys after the Woord sayd be sāt Luc ī the .xiij cheptur. Oīs qui se exaltat hu­miliabit (ur). Et also yt ys vryttyn ī the ꝑwerbys ī the .xxix. chept (ur). Superbū sequitur humilitas. That ys to say / al man & of Woman the qwych leftys them self be pryd & presumpcyon they shal be oppressyt & mekyt.


¶The .iij. toknyng of the xv. syngyꝭ that shal preceyd the gret iugemēt of god ys that the sych & the mownstrys of the see qwych shal appeyr makād gret cyrengys aboue the see.

THe .iij. syng the qwych shalbe preceyd the iugemēt general of god yꝭ that al be the bestys / fych & mownstrys of the see of syndry mayners et fygurs be and in the see shal gadder al abowe the sayd see and shal mayk horryhyls lamentacyons et gheuāt gret cryengys et merweyl­lows Wyth how­dows showttyn­gys ī syndry mayneyrs the qwych shal ascend Wn­to the hewyn the qwyche cryengys god shal Wnder­stond oonly. Et of thys says Iob in the .xij. chep­tur qweyr he says. Loquere ter­re et annunciabit tibi et [...]ar­rabunt pisces maris. That ys to say / speyk to the erth & yt shal shaw to the synnys of men & the fych of these also. Et thys shal do god the makar ī toknyng of punyshon of them the qwyche as lywyt in thys Woorld in W [...] ter of lowst et of pleysune g [...] ­ [...]es et lycheryes of thys World [Page] Et they qwych ar ower mooch been gledsum in dancys / in playenygys and carellyngys et other playsans and pryd of in­strumens et mor than they ha­ue doyng in god et ys comman­dymēs. For the glednes of sych pewpyl / theyr ioysummes / and theyr playes & pleysens shalbe towrnyt in Wepyngys et lamē ­tacyons. After thys qwych ys Wryttyn in sant luc in the .vj. cheptur qweyr yt ys Wryttyn Ve vobis qui nūc ridetis quia­lugebitis. That ys to say cur­syng shal cum aboue yow me­ful of fleshly lowst et Warldly pleysans quych ar gled now et lopys et dances for they shal Weyp / & theyr syngys et law­yngys shalbe tournyt in We­pyngys et lamentacyons and mournyng ī the day of the gret iugement general. Et certanly they shalbe assewryt in pays they the qwych as mowrnyt et Wepyt doyeng pēnans in thys World et the qwych as beyn so­rowful et tryst Wyth iesu cryst owr salwyowr and redemptur Wyth owt the glednes of thys World et pleysans of yt. To the qwych ys sayd be iesu cryst. Bleshyt ar ȝe quych Wepys in thys World et berys pacyently the adwercytes of thys World Beati (qui) nunc fletis quia rideb [...] ­tis. That ys to say bleshyt be ȝe qwych Wepys in thys World & berys pacyētly the aduersitys For they shall lawgh in the gloyr & happyneꝭ vyth the holy santtys of paradys. Et Wery­tably the sayd fych et bestys of the see by oon mayner of spe­kyng shal planȝe of the synnys of men ashand Wengens of the sayd synnys by the qwych they suffer sych payn et affleccyons in the see.

¶The .iiij. tokyn ys that the se et al the Wa­ters of the floodys shal byrn.


The .iiij. syng that the see & al the Waters of other flooddys shal byrn in the fyer cūmyng of the hewyn ī punyshō / & reprewyng et abhomynacyō of lycherows men & lycherows vomen howr­masters and fornycaturs / the qwych as lywyt al the tym of theyr lywein playsans & fleshly lowsts ageyns god et ys com­mādymēs. For sych peupyl byrnys in fyer and shal byrn / ī fyer and byrnst oon. For after that they haue dyly­tyt thē qwych aꝭ taykyn theyr pleysās ī lyche­ryes they shal haue forych oō tym oon payn specyal for yt yꝭ Wryttyn in the appocalyps in the .xviij. chep­tur. Erit pars eorum in igne & sulphure. Quā [...] tum in delicus fuit / tantū date illi tormentū et luctum. Gheue payn et torment to the cowrfyt damnyt et lycherows pewpyl after that they haue beyn in de­lyt and flesly pleysans. The qwych punyshon shalbe prefy­guryt qwen the sayd floodys shal byrn.

¶The .v. toknyng shalbe qwen the herbes et trees shal sweyt reed vater as blood.


THe .v. tokyn qwych shall go befor the iu­gement general of god shalbe that al herbys treys Wooddys shal sweyt reed gout­tys of Water as bloud so as sy­byt as befor sayd et the qwych ys Wryttyn be ioel spekand in the parson of god. In diebꝰ illis dabo prodigia in celo et in terra sanguinem et vapore [...] fumi. That ys to say in they days I shal gheue tok­nys of the he­wyn and of the eerth blood & vapewr of smok. Et in the self day byrdys of the hewyn shal gaddyr to gyddyr the qwych shal cry & Weyp Wyth owt eyt­tyng or dryn­kyng in ony mayneyr that may be. That sayd sweyt & vapewr of blood that the sayd herbys et treys swettyng so shalbe send be god the maykar in payn / dreyd & ab­homynacyon of men kyllars the qwych as kyllyd be Wen­gens theyr nyghthowrs. Et pryncypally of them qwych as kyllyt the innorēs the qwych as not mysdoyn no be Word no be deyd. For yt ys oon of the iiij. synnys the qwych ashys Wengens of the qwych abho­mynacyon [Page] creyngys ascendys to the hewynso as yt apperys in genesy in the .iiij. cheptur qweyr yt ys Wryttyn ī the parson of god sayand to them. The Woys of the blood of thy brother abel cryis to me of the erth Et the mowr­nyng & Wepyng of the sayd fowllys the qwyche shall not eyt no drynk shalbe send that day in the tokyn of mē & vomē that ar glowtons et dronkars the qwych as lewyt ī thys World in glowtōnes et in drōkneꝭ / for sich mayner of pew­pyl shalbe fyl­lyt in hel of hon­ger et deeth so as says the psalmyst. Mors depascet eos. &cꝭ. Et they shalbe fyllyt of the payneꝭ of hel aboue sayd qweyr of We haue spokyn ī the trayt­te aforsayd.

¶The .vj. syng ys the qwych shal go afor the iugement gene­ral of god that ys that al the byggyns as cytes et castels a­boue the eerth shal fal.


THe .vj. tokyn the qwych shall p̄ceyd the iugement general of god shal be sych that al the byggyns aboue the erth as towne / cytes castels / towrs / howsys [Page] et al other byggyns shal fal in that day to the eerth after thys qwych ys Wryttyn in the gos­pel in sant mathow in the .xxiiij cheptur. Nonrelinquetur lapiꝭ super lapidem (qui) non destruatur That ys to say thayr shall not [...]bayd oon stoon abowe oon o­ther. Et this god shal do for to gheue thē dreyd qwych as beyn bysy in thys World to mayk Worldly byggyns et as lowyt moe the fayr tēporel byggyns than they haue doyn to grayth et byg howsys of pleysans in hewyn after thys qwych ys Wryttyn in sant ioon ī the .xiiij [...]heptur. In domo patris mei multe mansiones sunt. That ys owr salwyowr qwych says that thayr ys syndry dwellyn­gys ī the hows of ys father / for after the good deydys of the snowllys they shal haue mor gret or les gloyr in paradys thys qwych ys Wnderstōdyng by the maynay syndry dwellyngys. Helas so thayr ys sych to day that grathys et ornys be­fyly the howsys in the qwych thayr bodys shoold. dwel than they do to the saowl in the quych god shoold dwel be grace Et for that says esaye. Ve qui coniungitis domun ad domū et agrū agro copulatis. et cetera Cursyng fal aboue yow ewyl World ryches qwych gaderys hows abo [...]e hows by yowr trō peryes / and dyssawyngys and qwych ioynys donfeyld abow [...] oon other the qwych by falcet (ur) et then or by fors takys from yowr nyghtbowrs qwych as no myght no tēporel resystās O Warldly rych cōsyder sum­tymys et be hold the hows and sumtws byggyng the qwych thow as byggyt et say sumty­mys to thy self. Helas yf I grathyt to my saowl oon sych hows in hewyn Wyth also gret dylygens lawbour et dyspens as I hawe doyn to my body in eerth in the qwych yt may be I shal not dwell the spays of .viij dayes / et yt of hewyn had beyn ewyrlestand / certanly I had doyn Wyslyar mor than I haue doyn. Et Wndowtably syn­dry ar dyssauyt et shalbe thus as yt aperys be the maledy [...]cyō aboue sayd by the ꝓphet esaye.

¶The .vij. vtokyn ys of the stoonys the qwych theoon shal feyght ageyns the others.


THe .vij. syng qwych shal gobe for the in­gement general of god shalbe that the stoonyꝭ shal feght the oon ageyns the otherꝭ et they shal cleyf them self and shal dewyd ī syndry partys and feghttand in them self the sayd stoonys shal mayk oon horry­byl et gret dyn the qwych shal not Wnderstond oonly bot god so as Was doyn in the passyon of iesu cryst so as yt apperys in the .xxvij. cheptur in sant mathow. Petre scisse sunt. Et thys shal send god for to dreyd thā that ar obstinet the quych ar morhard thā stoonnys the qwych may not be mayd soft no causyt to dreyd god foe thyng that they eyr of the paynys of hel no of the iu­gement general no of the pas­syō of iesu crist Bot the stoonyꝭ cleffyt & put them self ī pyechys bot the Wnhappy & cursyt pew­pyl that ar obstynet in thayr synnys they Wyl not clef them self no opyn theyr hartys for to mowrn et Weyp theyr synnys be faythful pennans.

¶The .viij. tokyn precedēt the iugement general of god gret shalbe that the erth shal opyn & trēbyl horrybyl be al the vorld.


THe .viij. tokyn the qwyche shal go afor the iugtmēt general of god owr redēptur iesu cryst qweyr he shal iuge the good et the ewyl parsons thayr shalbe [...]o [...] general trymblyng et mo­wyng of the eerth the qwyche shalbe ower al the World the qwyche shalbe so gret & so mer­w [...]yllo w [...] that man no voman no beyst qwhat kynd that ewyr they be may not be no susteynon theyr feyt / bot they shalbe by the horrybylneꝭ & of the gret shakyn they shally be the erth so as yt aperys ī the apocalyps ī the xvj. chept (ur). Et factus est terre­motuꝭ magnus qualiꝭ nō fuit ex quo hoīes esse ceperūt. That ys to say / that qwen the redemptur & salwyour of al the World shal cū to ys gret iugemēt gene­ral that shalbe oon so gret mo­uyng & trēblyng of the erth that newyt mor Was seyn sych oon mouyng sen the creacyon of the World & sen that adā vas mayd

Et thys shal send god for to dreyd them lyuāt qwych shalbe aboue the eerth Et that ys oon tokyn that the eerth Wold not susteyn mor no beyr from that [Page] tym furth the synnars aboue the erth / bot leyf them & that god shal ꝯfund them & shal dam ewyr lestandly by ys iwstys infynyt & ewyrlestandly Wyth lucyfer et ys dewyllys in paynys et tor­mens of hel. Et that shalbe than be gret byterneꝭ of the sayd mo­wement the synnars shalbe strā ȝyt to yd them ī cauernys and secret placyꝭ of the eerth by al theyr qwheyr they may fynd plays in the qwyche shal appeyr the indygnacyon of god towart the sayd synnars.

¶The .ix. tokyn shalbe ys al the montās & yllys qwych ar aboue the erth shalbe adnychelyt or cū to noght et the erth shal be ewyn et Wnyt & al of oonstatur.


THe .ix. syng that shal go afor the iugement gene­ral of god shalbe that al the mon­tayns of the erth shal be put in powdyr et so shalbe al the eerth ewyn Wyth owt ony hyllys et montayns after the sentens of ysaye ī the .xl. cheptur. Omnis vallis implebitur et oīs mo [...] & collis humiliabitur. That ys [Page] to say / That al Waylla shalbe fyllyt in that day & al mōtayns shalbe mayd meyk et a lawlyt & ewyn to the other erth. Et this god shal send for to mayk the kyngꝭ & nobyl men of the vorld for to dreyd the qwych ar choy­syn in thys present World et as dysprysyt other men. For than shal yt be Wnderstondyt clerly be the prencys / kyngys / dukys erllys / & other gret lordys / mar­chans / et powyr labowrers et carllys ar ewyn as to the nays­sans orygynel and as to theyr byeth they ar al men. Et cer­tanly god shal iuge the aboue sayd kyngys / prēcys & paysans et carllys / ewynly & indyfferent ewyrych oon after theyr good Werkys. Et thys ys Wryttyn in saynt Mathow in the .xvj. cheptur. Filius hominis reddet vnicui (que) secundum opera fua. Wyth owt ony owt taykyn of parson / for he shal iuge the lord also Weel as the seruāt the lady and mastres also Weyl as the madyn seruant et the kyng as the shurl after the Woord of the psalmyst. Cum accepero tēpus ego iusticias iudicabo. That ys to say / qwen I shal tayk the tym and howr of my iugement general I shal iuge and iustyfy the good and the ewyl Wer­kys of men indyfferently or qwhat stayt or condycyon that ewyr they be Wyth owt fawor or owt taykyn of ony parson. Consydyr than al man & al Women qwhat yt ys of the natur of man et that We ar al of oon self mater et al dyd cū of adam et eue. Certāly qwenewyrych oon Wold thynk Weyl that yt ys al Wnhappy Wrechydnes & pardycyon of the saowl that ys the ryches pryd et playsans of thys World in the qwyche they tayk theyr felycyte and aleftys mesprysant the powyrs. Et thys consyder We may.

¶The .x. tokyn shal­be that the men et the Women that War put et ydyng Wyth in the erth in the cawys shal cum furth al estonyst et merweyl.


THe .x toknyng the qwyche shal go befor the gret iugement general aboue sayd shalbe that al the men et al the Women the qwyche War ydyn Wyth in the cawys and hoyllys of the eerth shal cum furth al estonyst & shal towrn as fowlysh pewpyl and owt that they myght speyk oonto oon other so mooch they War estonyst dreydful and abayshyt. Et thys shal send god the makar in tokyn et de­mōstrans that qwen shal cum the latter day of the sayd iugement general in the qwych day salbe iugyd the good & the ewyl the good pew­pyl to ewyrle­stand reward in ioy and infynyt melody of pa­radys & the ewyl to ewyrlestand dānacyon et to be in paynys et tormens in hel ewyrlestādly et to be in paynys and tormens of hel ewyr mor Wyth lucyfer et others dewyl­lys et damnyt that no parson ma excus them that be syndry monysyngs et toknys as beyn sygnyfyed & forsayd the sayd iu­gement general thayr to they myght haue grathyt them to resayf the sentens of god & that [Page] they myght haue doyn pēnans et satysfaccyon of theyr synnys retwrnāt them to gret meyrcy of god almyghty the salwyowr et redēptur iesu cryst. Sychlyk god shal send thys in toknyng for to shaw to them that ar ly­nant than aboue the eerth that the gloryows holy mother of owr salwyowr iesu cryst the bleshyt Wyergyn mary the qwych ys ī thys tym present of grace & of meyrcy adwocat of synful men and Women et sho shal not mayk no prayer et re­qwest at howr of the iugemēt for ony synnarꝭ Also shal not do the gloryows santtys of paradys the qwych for the present ar intercessurs for mankynd & ewyrych day they ar in pray­ers et oraysons for the powyr synnars qwych ar in the World / for than they shal not mayk prayer no re (qui)st for parson that may be. Et for thys ys notyt & toknyt that the sayd parsons they shal cū furth of the cauyꝭ of the erth & shal not speyk. Et by thys aperys that of the day of iugement that no ꝑson shal haue sowccur no holp bot oōly of theyr good Werkys that they haue doyn befor & this consyder ewyrych oon.


¶The .xj. syng shal­be as the bonys of them that ar deeth the qwych ar in thayr grauys they shal ryes et put them aboue thayr sayd grawys.

THe .xj. tokyn & syng shalbe goyng afor the iugement gene­ral of god shalbe that al the grawys et monymens qwyche ar from the orient Wnto the occydent. shal opyn et al the bonys of the bodys of them that ar dyscessyt frō the begynnyng of the vorld Wnto the sayd day shal rys et cum furth of theyr grawys so as they shoold ryes incontynēt et that yt as beyn prophecyd be the ꝓphet ezechyel ī the .xxxvij. cheptur. Ecce ego apperiam tu mulos vestros. Certāly sayes god sayād to mā of the day aboue sayd I shal oppyn yowr gra­wys thayr to that yowr bonys most nedys cum furth of yowr grawys. Et thys aboue sayd toknyng god the makar shal send that al the thyngys sacryt et selfwayes the secret synnys & they qwych has synnys secret­ly Wyth owt that they haue mayd cōfessyon or faythful pē ­nans shalbe reweylled dysco­uert & mayd opyn & the synnars manyfestyd & mayd opynet confundyt / for iesu cryst says in the gospel. Nichil opertū ꝙ non reueletur / nec absconditū quod nō sciatur. That ys to say / that thayr yꝭ no thyng so cowert bot yt shalbe reweyllyt & dyscowert befor god of the day of iugemēt general / no thyng so yd et Wn­knowyn bot yt shalbe than knowyn opynnly et appeyr.

¶The .xij. syng ys that the sterys shal fal of the hewyn et the bestys shalbe Wyth owt eytyn.

THe .xij. syng shal be that the steryꝭ shal fal of heuyn For al the sterys of the hewyn et planettys that mowys thayl­les in the mayner of sperys of fyer byrnant the qwych shalbe horrybyl to se. Et the Way et rayson of thys al the bestys of the erth shal gadder to gydder ī the feyldys Wyth owt eyttyng or drynkyng & they shal cry horrybyly et showt dreydfully. Et [Page] of the sterys yt ys Wryttyn in sant mathow in the .xiiij. chept (ur) Stelle cadēt decelo et virtutes celorum moue­lentur. Thys may be Wnder­stōdyt that they shal not be seyn of the hewyn nor than they War fallyn of hewyn. Et after sāt ambroyꝭ sant ierom & the Wenerabyl be demay be Wn­derstondyt that the soon and the noon et other lyghthys of the hewyn shalbe dyrk not be les makyng of theyr lyght / bot for the presēs of soon of iustyꝭ that ys of the redēptur qwen he shal cū to ys iugemēt in the present of the soonet the moon shalbe lyk to be Wyth owt ony lyght. Et for that says ioel the pro­phet in the segund cheptur. Sol conuertetur in tenebras et luna in sanguinem antequam veniat


dies magnuꝭ & horribiliꝭ. That ys to say be so that god shal cū to hald ys iugement general of the soon shalbe towrnyt ī dyrknes et the mown shalbe dyrk et reed in the mayner of blood so as yt ys Wryttyn in the appo­calyps in the .vj. cheptur. Sol factus est niger quasi saccus silicinus & luna facta est sicut sanguis et stelle cadent super terram. That ys to say on that [Page] day et tokyn merweyllows the soon shalbe dryk et blak to the mayner of oon sek of pennās ghanant to put the aws et the mown shalbe reyd as blood in the qwcyche ys ghewyn to Wn­derstōd that al the hewynly bo­dys seand the eynd of the vorld for the qwych they hawe been mayd for to lyghtnyng & put frō al theyr beawte & shynyng and chal cleyth thē Wyth dryknes in oon toknyng of Wepyng et lamentacyon so as doys the seruans of oon hows planȝys & Wepys and cloythys them of blak clothyngs qwē theyr lord and master ys deyd. Et qwen he says that the sterys of the hewyn shal fal to the erth in the qwych they shalbe corumpyt et mayd of noght / yt ys ghanant to Wnderstōd that gret et mer­weyllows flawghtys certayn Wapewrs and smokys in the aboue party of the ayr shal ryn et mowe selfwayes in the law partys sych lyk yt ma not be lyghtnyt bot the sterys fallys of the hye. Et certāly qwen yt ys sayd that the vertus that ys to say the angels et the bleshyt spretys hewyn shal moyf and trymbyl on the day of iugemēt / yt ys to Wnderstond of the mo­wyng of rewerans and not of dreyd that they haue to be dam­nyt or to suffer ony payn / bot qwen they shal se the maieste of the iuge cūmand to the iugem̄t et ys gret et inperyal autoryte the qwych they shal see grayth hym dreydabyl ageyns them that ar damnyt they shal feyl lytel of them et shal meyk thē befor god so as they had beyng ordaynyt ī dreyd. Et thyꝭ may be ordaynyt that the sayd an­gels et bleshyt espretys of god shal mowe them for to fulfyl the admynastracyō et dylygēs the godly Wyl in so mooch as yt twechys the rysyng of the bodys et other goyeng a for the sayd iugement general. Et yt ys to not that god shal send the aboue sayd syng of the fallyn of the sterys ī syng et dreyd of thē qwych ar fallyng frō the vnyte of the holy fayth / of the qwych prosperyte et aduersyte as dra­wyng them from the serwys of god. God shal send in the self day oon syng aboue the bestys the qwych shal nother eyt no drynk as sayd ys. Et thys in [Page] oon fyng of d [...]eyd to thē vnhappy Worldly okerers and lyche rowꝭ & other synnarꝭ the qwych ar ful of fleshly lowst the quych as not fownd no gowst in the spyrytwels thyngys / suffragꝭ monysyngys of owr mother the holy chyrch.

¶The .xiij. syng that goys be for the iugemēt general of god that al men Women et chyldryn than lyuant abowe the erth.


THe .xiii. tokyn shal go afor the iugement generaal of god ys et shalbe ys that al men et Wemē et chyldryn than lyuand aboue the eerth shaldy Wyth owt taykyn of ony thyng thayr to that they may ryꝭ of the said day of iugement Wyth them qwych as beyn dryd sen the creacyon of the world vnto the sayd day. Et certanly yt ys oon thyng mooch lamēta­bel fy [...]t of gret mow [...]yngyꝭ & lamētabyl We­pyngys & ryght soyr sobbyngyꝭ the qwych void Weyl consyder thys et contē ­pyl the pyteabil sorows et mer­weyllows cry­engys planȝyngys et sobbyn­gys the qwych shalbe in that day ī the qwych al the creaturyꝭ lyuant abowe the eerth / men Women ȝong & [Page] ald indefferātly beyng of fowt or lyeng eyttand or drynkand in qwat estayt that ewyr they be shalbe fowdanly smyttyng at the howr that they shal not be War of them self Wyth the dart et sword of deeth. O hard thyng to thynk merweyllows to hyer dreydabyl to se / to suf­fer / et to thool. Qwhat may oon hart pytows and Wrechyt thynk in yt self for to ymagyn the tyngys aboue sayd deyrly We shoold consyder. Helas qwhat pyty shalbe of them qwych in thys World as lyuyt inlychyrys in enwyes et other playasns et lowstys of theyr bodys et of the qwych they ha­ue not mayd pennans. Opo­wyr et myserabyls et Wrechyd synnars qwych beleyffys ewyr mor that they shal lywe ewyr mor in thys lyue et consyderys not that they moost dy & Wayt not qwat howrno qwat day et the qwych as no repentans of thayr synnys bot contynwys ewyr mor War et War in tron­perys dyssauyngs et theftys okars lycherys & fleshly dylectacyons. Quat shal ȝe do in thys day that al the men & Wo­men et al creatur lyuant Wyth owt dalay or respyt to thynk in theyr conscyens et to repent them of theyr synnys sowdan­ly shal dy. Theyr ys no Wnderstondyng of mākynd that may thynk the gret pyty and Wre­chydnes Qwat faowllyꝭ thayr shalbe loost et dānyt ī helewyr­lestandly Wyth lucyfer et al ys dewyllys. Et thayr ys no dowt the most ꝑty of the World shalbe ī damnacyon. For vyth gret payn the moost iust of the World shalbe sawyt so as yt ys Wryttyn. Vix iustus saluabi­tur Quat shalbe than of them qwych as doyng so maynay synnys et as not doyng no pen­nans thynk qwych may.

¶The .xiiij. syng shal­be of the fyer qwych shal byrn the hewyn et the eerth & generaly al that qwych shalbe aboue the eyrth.


THe. xiiij. syng that go yꝭ befor the aboue said day of iugement gene­ral of god shalbe that in thys day the hewyn et the erth shal byrn et al the elymens et gene­rally / al that they qwych shalbe aboue the erth / as bodys of mē et of Women the qwych shalbe byrnt et shalbe Westyt in aws after thys qwych ys sayd and Wryttyn in genesy in the thryd cheptur. Pul­uis es et in pul­uerem reuerte­ris. et cetera. Et of the abo­ue sayd resolu­cyon of the be­wyn and of the erth ys Wryt­tyn in sant ma­thow ī the .xiiij chept (ur) Celū et terra trāsibūt Et thyꝭ aboue sayd fyer of flagracyō sayꝭ the spalmyst dauid qwen he says. Ignis ante eū precedet. That ys to say that the fyer of conflagracyon shall go befor the cūmyng of owr re­demptur cūmyng to ys iuge­ment general the qwych fyet shalbe gretunly gret. For be the godly myght not oonly the fyer qwych ys ī the spyer bot Wyth that al the fyers qwych ar ī the erth aboue shalbe rynnant to gydder for to byrn the World. Et so as says the docturs that fyer shal haue the offys of the [Page] fyerryꝭ that ys to say the offys of the fyer of hel punyshant thē that ar ewyl. The offys of the fyer of eerth Waystant et byr­nant al the thyngys of lyue et sensybyls as treys herbes bey­ftys & generally al erthly thyn­gys. For yt shalbe put ī aws al the bodys of men et Women yt shal hawe the offys of fyer of the elymens et shal clenge and shal rewolf the elymens dyspo­sant them to certayn innoua­cyon. et theyr ys no dowt bot the deyd of thys fyer shal be followyng for yt shalbe begyn­nyng myddys and eynd. The sayd fyer shal go abowt al the World and clenge the elymens oouly of theyr Wncleynes the qwych they haue had in them for the myxyng of oonfatnes & dyrknes the qwych they haue now contrayt by the synnys et infeccyons of men qwych as pollud et fylled et īfeckyt theyr habytacyon. For the men fylyꝭ et infeckys al the creaturs of the qwych they Ws. Et for that We may beleyf lysumly rayssonnably that the said fyer of conflagracyon cleengyng of the Warld shal assend also hey as the smok of the wekyt sacryfys of ydols et mawmens and also hye as the fylth & infeccyon of crymys and synnys of men that ar ascendyt. Et shal assēd also the sayd fyer for to cleeng et extermyn the sayd infeccyōs Et certanly al the elymēs shal­be be sayd fyer of conflagracyō sych Wys clengent that al dyr­knes / et Wncleynes et infec­cyons shalbe put away from the ayr et also of other elymēs. Et for that qwē the salwyowe & redēptur says that the hewyn et the eerth shal part et perysh yt ys to Wnderstond holyly. For they shal not perysh as to theyr fulstans the qwych ys in corruptybyl / bot after sum dys­posycyō les parfyt ī oon / ī other mor parfyt / for the sayd fyer shal ascend .xv. cowttys aboue the most heast montayn of the World so as dyd the Watyr of the dyluge thayr to that yt may clenge the sayd party aboue of the ayer of fylthys et Wncley­nes. Vapwrs and smok the qwych the synnars as doyn et sayd syndry synnys. Et be thyꝭ Way et the hewyn and the ayr shalbe cleengyt as sayd ys.

Bot the sperys of the hewyn shal not perysh be no mayneyr [Page] be the sayd fyer aꝭ to the nessayr clengyng Alwayes the prophet says. Ipsi peribūt tu autē ꝑma / nes. It ys to Wnderstond that the sayd hewyn shal perysh not as sayd ys as to theyr sbustans incorruptybyl bot they shal pe­rysh after sūdysposicyon & chā ­gyng of theyr estayt of thē ī the qwych they ar now the qwych shal not be than mor neyd ful. For the sayd spe­rys mowys now of oon plays in oon other conti­nuelly & they shal be than et abayd Wnmowabyl in that day after the that nōbyr of choysyn men shal be perfytyt & ful­fyllyd so as I ha­ue exposyt & trās­latyt after mas­ter nicolaꝭ de lira in the trāslacyon that he as mayd aboue the sawl­tyer in the psalm oon hondreth et oon. They may mayk heyr syndry fayr qwe­styons the qwych I leyf for the present & for caus of shortnes.

The .xv. & last syng ys the bodys of men et Women shal rys that Was deyd for to cum to the iugement general of god.


THe .xv. et last che­ptur et syng shalbe that the hewynnys & the erth shalbe to the mayner that I haue sayd heyr befor. Et that al the men et Women shal cum to the iugement. Et as to the fyrst party as to the aboue sayd renewyng says sant tho­mas that the elemens shalbe renewyt for ressauyng of sū clayr te for the erth shalbe cleyn and cleyr in the owtwart party as glas and the Water as crystal. Et the ayer ys the hewyn and fyer as the body lyghtys of he­wyn. Et as to the regard of he­wyn and hewynly speyrs theyr shalbe no other renewyng vyth owt yt be they shal ces of theyr mowyng et shal abayd in theyr placys sekyr Wnmowabyl. Et Werytably the aboue sayd fyer of cōflagracyon & byrnyng aboue sayd shal byrn al the bodys of mē et Women the qwych yt shal fynd be they lyuant or deyd be they good or ewyl For thayr shalbe dyfferens for yt shal gheue payn sensatyf to them that ar ewyl / bo yt shal do no payn to thē that ar good the qwych yt shal not fynd to clēge no mor than the fyer of the furnays that dyd no ewyl to the thre chyldryn the qwych Was put Wyth ī the fornays of byrnant fyer so as yt apperys in daniel in the .iij. cheqtur Bot the good the qwych yt shal fynd ony thyng to cleenge yt shal mayk thē sum dolewr and payn after that they haue mor or les neyd to be clengyd Et verytably the sayd fyer of ꝯflagracyō may clē ­ge at onys yt that shalbe to cle­enge / for the sayd fyer shal re­cowyr in actywyte thyꝭ that yt ys lost in induracyon. Et vold not obey be sum that thys We haue sayd incontinent heyr be­for shalbe contrary to thyꝭ that We haue sayd that the .xiij. day al them lyuant shal dy men and Women and as thys caus the fyer of conflagracyon shal not fynd noon aboue the eyrth ly­uant. Certanly thys maykys no thyng for as I haue sayd heyr befor no man Wnderston­dys the sayd syngys bot god yf the sayd syngys commys oon after oon ofter Wyth owt ony goyeng ettwys the sayd syngyꝭ Or yf thayr shal cum syndry [Page] in oon day / for thys incertayn et vnknowyn. Et for that may yt be that at the howr of the sayd fyer of cleengyng shal cum & that yt shal put to deeth them that ar lywand et that yt shal Wayst them ī powdyr & aws so as sayd ys. Et as thys caus yt ghanys not to say no to afferin that the sayd syngys shal cum so be .xv. days oon after oon other as sant ierom says as he as fund thē ī the cronyks et an­nels of hebrews for he affermyꝭ yt not hym self Bot veyl ve may say that the syngꝭ aboue said or the most part of them & pryncy­pally they qwych ar aprewyt by the text of the holy gospel shal cum vndowtably. Et that the vorld shalbe byrnt & the elemēs clengyd as sayd ys / et also that the bodys of al them that deyd shal rys. Et verytably the fyer aboue sayd after the iugement shal tayk them that shalbe dā ­nyt et al thys that shalbe Wyth in the sayd fyer of byrnyng of hotnes of gretnes shal dyscend in hel for to punysh the sayd dā ­net pewpyl. Et thys that ys in the sayd fyer of clarte shal a­bayd in hye in the gloyr of ble­shyd and chosyn men. Et thys apperys that fyer aboue sayd shal go afor the cūmyng of the iuge the qwych shal follow in syndry mayners self Wys al thys qwych shalbe of dyrknes of bytternes in the ayr / of byr­ternes / that ys sawlt in the Wa­tyr of hewynes / and dyrknes ī the erth shalbe purgyt shalbe cleengyt be the sayd fyer & shal­be castyng in hel for to punysh the dānyt pewpyl. Et for thys that the men shal haue no mor myster no neyd of bestys / of treys & other thyngyꝭ vegetaty wys & sensatyfs shal al the abo­ue sayd thyng be corrūpyt and mayd noght not oonly aꝭ to the mater bot Wyth that as to the form. Et thys suffycys as to the segund party in the qwych I haue promysyd to traytte et determ of the syngyꝭ the qwych shal go afor the iugement gene­ral of god the maykar and the redemptur.

¶The thryd party of thys present traytte contenys al et be al shortly the form et mayner of the iugement general of god.


GOod & faythful crystyn mē shuld Wnderstond by the symbol of the fayth the qwych sympyl pewpyl callys the credo in deum. The qwych ewyrych oon shoold leyrn vnder the payn of ewyrlestand dāna­cyon that owr salwyowr et re­demptur shal cū to ys iugemēt aboue sayd to iuge the qwyk bot and the deet good & ewyl in the qwych iugement shalbe gheuyn to ewyrych oon after theyr good Werkys & ewyl Werkys / & yt shalbe ī the tym aboue said qwen the sayd redemptur shal [Page] cum Wyth gret myght in the tym of iustys ī the qwych theyr shalbe no mercy exercyt after the vysyon the qwych sant toon saw in the appocalyps in the .x. cheptur qweyr he says that he saw oon angel dyscendāt of the hewyn the qwych put ys ryght fowt aboue these et ys Wrong fowt aboue the erth et swor be the god lyuant in the Warld of varldys that the tym shalbe no mor / qweyr the glos exposys that the tym of meyrcy shal not be mor bot the tym of iugemēt et of iustys. Says ower that .vij. thondryꝭ dyd speyk to hym the qwych shoold be Wnderstō ­di .vij. Wrechydnes the qwych shal fal apon the day of iuge­mēt aboue them that ar damp­nyt. Et of cōtrary .vij. specyal ioyes the qwych shal haue the blyshyt in the eynd & latter day of iugement. Be the fyrst thon­dyr We shoold Wnderstond the royssyng of the bodys of men & vomē that ar decessyt For after that the sayd clengyng of the Warld mayd be fyer et that the redēptur shalbe grathyt to cum toys iugemēt he shal send ys ā ­gels Wyth trōpettys and gret sowndyng the qwych shal gad­der al the choysyn mē & freyndyꝭ of god qwych as beyn byrnyt in aws in al the .iiij. partys of the World / yt ys the text of sant mathow ī the .xxiiij. chept (ur). Mittet āgelos cū tuba. &c. (qui) sequūtur. Certāly thys voys shalbe hard of al the good & ewyl the qwych shal roy sal ī this day so as sayꝭ the appoystyl Wryttand to the corinthiēs. Oēs (qui)dē resurgemꝰ Et verytably thys trōpet shal sownd dreydfully of the qwych says sant Ierosm Siue dormio siuevigilo &c. That ys to say be Islepand or Wakād drynkāt or eyttād or other thyng do and yt ys lyk to me ewyr mor that I heyr the voys of the last trōpet of the iugem̄t of god the qwych sawndys in my eyrrys Ryes ȝe that ar dysessyt & cū to the iuge­mēt. Et so as says oon doctur aboue the book of sapyens / the voys of the trōpet yt salbe oon sensybylvoys & oon cōmādemēt callād of iesu cryst by the qwych he shal cōmād to thē that ar dy­scessyt that they roys Of thys voys says crysostom that thys voys of this smal trōpet horry­byl to the qwych al the elemens [Page] shal obey / qwych dyuydys and cleyffys the stoonys et opynys the hellys et brest the portys of bras et the portys of yrn of hel et brestys the bandys of deeth The qwych shal gheue syng to ewyrych oon body the saowl lys the qwych shalbe than dra­wyn of the deypnes / for ychoon saowl shalbe renewyt of the bo­dy. Et shal not be anerly the sayd Woys hard in the eerth oōly bot also ī the heuyn Thayr fyrst shal cum adam Wyth al ys chyldryn and lygnayge the qwych as beleyffyt in god & the qwych has seruyt hym & honow ryt hym. Abraham shal cum Wyth al the holy patryarks. Esaye Wyth al the holy ꝓphets Dauid vyth al the good kyngꝭ Sant petyr / porter of paradys shal compeyr Wyth al the ap­poystyls ewāgelystys & dyssy­pyls Sant stewyn & sant laurēs Wyth al thē that as shed thayr blood for the loue of cryst Sant nycolas et sant martyn Wyth al the confesseurs. Sant katheryn Wyth al the vyergyns Sāt elasabeth Wyth al deuoyt We dowys Sāt anne Wyth al good & Wys maryt Womē the qwych as kepyt the integrite of theyr maryage The qweyn of hewyn shal cum Wyth al dewoyt re­lygyows parsons the qwych as lewyt in thys World Wn to the deeth in to the seruys of god & after theyr ordyr. Et the self­wys shalbe hard the sayd voys in hel so as says crysostom. Et than lucyfer / sathanas / asmo­deus / beelzebub and other ca­ptayns of hel shal cum Wyth al the company of hel. Et be thys that the sayd Woys shalbe hard be hal the World from the oryēt Wn to the occydent & that al the men & Women of the qwych the bodys ar in the erth shal roys / Cayam shal cū Wyth the sayd dewyllys the qwych kyllyt ys brother Wyth mankyllars Et iudas Wyth al trayturs / pylat Wyth al fals iuges Herodvyth al the kyngys et Wekyt pren­cys oppressurs of īnocens. Barrabas vyth al theyffys Lameth Wyth al adwlterers Memroth Wyth okerers. Gizey Wyth al Wnryghtus et fals marchans Symon magus Wyth al symoniaclys Athalya Wyth al mowr dryers of chylderyn Iesabel Wyth al howrys. Et also of [Page] others after the say of sant ioon ewangelyst in the .v. cheptur. Procedent qui bona fecerunt in resurrexionē vite qui vero ma­la egerunt in resurrectionem in dicij. Be the segund thondyr of the qwych spekys the ewange­lyst ī ys appocalyps We shoold Wnderstond the departyng of al thē qwych shoold be gaderyt in the sayd iugement the qwych shalbe partyt ī iiij. ordrys The syrst ordyr shalbe of thē qwych shal asyft to the iugement and shalbe settand aboue the sayd syeges as cōseyllars Wyth the redempteur iesus. And theyr shalbe the holy gloryows mo­ther of god the appoystyls and dyssypyls / martyrs / confessurs prophettys / patryarches. Et shalbe theyr the sayd ordyr not thayr to that he prononꝭ the sē ­tens bot thayr to that they ap­preyf the sayd sentens of the re­demptur. Et ī thys ordyr shal­be al they qwych as lowyt the gooddys the qwych they had in thys World for the honnowr of iesu cryst and has beyn powyrs of spreyt and as followyt the powyrte of iesu cryst in so far as yt Was possybyl to them as powyr relygyows menet other parsons the qwych as lyuyt holyly et as kepyt the commandymēs of god after thys qwych ys Wryttyn in sant mathou in the .xix. cheptur. Vos qui reli­quistis omnia et secuti estis me sedebitis super sedes iudicantes duodecim tribus israel. The se­gund ordyr the qwych shalbe at the sayd iugement shalbe iugyd et sawyt / the qwych shalbe the faythful crystyn men qwych as sum tymys fallyt ī syn bot they haue doyeng pennans and as Wyth good Wyl doyeng the veyrkys of mercy to the qwych the redēptur shal say. Esuriui et dedistis michi manducare. et cetera que sequuntur. That ys to say I haue had honger and ȝe haue gheuyn me meyt I had thryst and ȝe haue gheuyn me drynk I haue beyn oon powyr pylgrym & ȝe haue logyd me / I haue beyn nakyt et ȝe haue clo­thyd me / I haue beyn seyk et ȝe haue Wysyt me. Et also of the other Werkys of mercy. To the qwych he shal say fynally. Cū bleshyt of my father hoyrs of the reawm of paradys Re­sayf the reawm the qwych ys [Page] grathyt to yow sen the begyn­nyng of the World. The thryd ordyr of them qwych shalbe at the iugement shalbe of them that shalbe condamnyt in hel / sych shalbe the crystyn men that as had fayth bot they haue not parseueryt in the good Werkys et kepyt the commandymens of god no fulfyllyt the Werkys of mercy to the qwych shalbe sayd be iesu cryst thys qwych ys Wryttyn in sant mathow in the .xxv. cheptur. Esuriui et nō dedistis michi manducare. &c That ys to say I haue had honger and thryst and ȝe haue not gheuyn no meyt no drynk I haue desyryt the salut of ȝowr saowllys et ȝe haue not holdyn cownt of thē Et ȝe haue not lo­gyd me / no cled / no delyueryt me of pryson &c. Et thoys that ar damnyt shal answer. Domine quando vidimus te nudū. &c Helas lord iesu qwen saw We the nakyt and that We myght gheue the drynk no cleyth the Et as they Wold say / We saw the newyr in the erth. Et iesu cryst shal answer. Quod vni exminimis. &c. Certāly this that ȝe haue gheuyn to the lest of the powyr pewyl of thys World in my nam ȝe haue ghewyn yt me Et of contrary thys that ȝe haue not doyeng to thē ȝe haue denyet yt to me. Et for that go ȝe cursyt damnyt in the ewyrle­stand fyer of hel The .iiij. ordyr the iowys salbe and the payanꝭ sarraȝyns and herytyks the qwych as not holdyn no kepyt the fayth of iesu cryst. Et thys ordyr shalbe gheuyn and delyueryt to the dewyl Wyth owt ony mercy and yt shal haue no my­ster to be iugyt for sych pewpyl ar cōdamnyt and iugyt or they part of thys after the Woord of sant ioon. Qui nō credit iā iudi catus est. Et indowtably after the Woord of sant mathow in the .xiii. chept (ur) the angelꝭ shal depart the / ewyl of myddys of the iwst & shal send them in the for­nays of the byrnant fyer ofhel qweyr theyr shalbe vepyngs sorows / & ī nowmerabyl paynys so as We haue sayd ī the traytte of the paynys of hel. By the thryd thōdyr of the qwych says sant ioon in the appocalyps in the plays aforsayd We shoold Wnderstond the merweyllows syngys & toknys of the passyon [Page] the qwych shalle broght Wyth hym to ys ryght dreydabyl iu­gement. For he shal shaw to al the creaturꝭ rayssonabyle that as beyn sen the begynnyng of the World Wn to the sayd howr the to kyns of ys passyō qwych shalbe mor cleyr than the be­mys of the soon. That ys to say ys most holy cors the pla­cys of ys most holy & Woorthy Woondys the qwych he has su­ffert for Ws so as says crystom aboue sant mathow the qwych says that he shal shaw the sayd tokyns to damnyt pewpyl thayr to that they Wnderstond how they shalbe iustyly dam­nyt for that they haue desprysyt the pryꝭ of ys blood so precyowꝭ Certanly as says the sayd cry­stom iesu cryst shal repreyf thē I haue taykyn humanyte for the lowe of ȝow heyr ys the prys of my lowe the qwych I haue gheuyn for ȝow. Qweyr ys the serwys and the reward that ȝe haue gheuyn to me for the prys of my blood. Et than al the pewpyl of the erth shal playnȝe and cast mowrnygs aboue them self. Pryncypaly the sarraȝyns and the iowys the qwych shal planȝe that ewyr they traytyt owr lord iesu cryst so carlysly Et the fals cry­styn men shal playnȝe of thys that they haue gheuyn the ewyl for moch gooddys to thē doyn be the redēptur et also god shal say to the aboue sayd damnyt Heyr ys the man the qwych ȝe haue crusysyed Behold yowr iuge qwych ys god & man / in the qwych ȝe vold not beleyf / see the Woondys that ȝe haue mayd behald the syd that ȝe haue peyr cyt Tho qwych as beyn opynyt for to resayff yow & ȝe Wold not enter. Behold my hondys the qwych as beyn nalyt ī the cors for to embrays yow & to resayf yow yf ȝe haue Wold. Et for thys of al ȝe haue dysprysyt me et that I haue ewyr callyt yow and ȝe haue not haldyng no cownt of me go ȝe in the ewyrle­stand fyer of hel Wyth the de­wyl & ys angels For the qwych ewyrych crystyn man shoold hast hym to do pennans qwyl he lyuys thayr to that he may be boght of the precyows blood of owr salwyowr & redēptur ie­su cryst et that he be not of the nombyr & ordyr of dānyt Et yt [Page] ys to not that iesu cryst shal shaw the sayd and Woondys to good pewpyl to the gret ioy et honowr of thē / et to the ewyl to theyr dreyd & confusyon. Et fyrst to Wnthankful men the qwych as not thankyt hym et lowyt hym of hys passyon for ewyrych oon shoold thank hym thys dyd sant ambros Plus enī domine iesu debeo tuis iniurijs quibus redemptus sum quam tuis virtutibus quibus creatuꝭ sū nō enī hoc prodesset nisi rede mi ꝓfuisset That ys to say Lord iesu cryst I am mor holdyng to the reprewyngyꝭ Wrongys the qwych thow as suffert in thy passyon be the qwych thow as boght me no I am to the Wer­tus qwych thow as mayd me / for to be mayd yt had not prof­fit to me and yf I had not beyn redemyt. Et Weraly the medi­tacyon of the passyon ys ryght frutwows to manet thankful to god. Thys Wytnysys sant bernard qwen he says. Theyr ys no thyng of so gret effec for to hoyl the Woondys of the cō ­scyens as for to haue pardon of hys syn & to haue contynuel me­dytacyon and mynd of the Wo­ondys of iesu cryst. Segundly the redēptur shal shaw ys pre­cyows crown of thoornys to prydful pewpyl the qwych as offencyt by ornymens / hattys / hayr / and other arraymens of thayr hedys & generally by oys­solut thyngys the qwych they haue put aboue theyr hedys for to pleas to the World Wyth owt they haue had mynd of the sharp and rygh pyckant crown of thornys the qwych the redē ­ptur dyd beyr aboue yꝭ heyd for them The thryd Wayes he shal shaw the speyr passyon to yer­ful pewpyl & to enwyows pew­pyl / the qwych as trowblyt thē and other & has had theyr pro­chayns in hatrent and as beyngled of thayr aduersyte & sorowful of the prosperyte of theyr sayd prochayns. Of the qwych enwyows says seneca. To my Wyl that al the enwyowꝭ of the vorld had theyr eyn ī al the partys of the World thayr to that the speyr of enwy myght tor­ment and peyrs them of al the felycytys of the et prosperytes the qwych they say to men for also maynay sorowys as the enwyows pewpyl as thayr ys [Page] ioyes of them qwych as prospe­rytys. The .iiij. iesu cryst shal shaw hys nalys of hys hōdys to Wrechyd pewpyl of aua rys the qwych ar newyr mor ful no content ageyns the qwych says the appoystyl qwen he sayꝭ. Habentis alimenta. &c. haue We owr lyuyng and clethyng et of that be We content. The .v. ie­su cryst shal shaw the nalys of hys feyt to them qwych has dansyt shaanifully and vnho­nestly in thys World. The .vj. he shal shaw ys cors most holy to thē that ar sweyr the qwych Wyl not Wndertayk ony good thyng hard / no thool ony aduersyte / sych pewpyl Wold reng Wyth iesu cryst bot they Wold not suffer no thyng for hym. Ageyns the qwych says sant gregoyr yf We desyr heyr sveyt thyngys et delectabyl of para­dyꝭ yt ys neydful that We thoyl heyr bytternes. Si illic dulcia appetimus necesse est vt ama­ra tolleremꝰ The .vij. iesu cryst sowerayn iuge shal shaw to ly­cherows men the scowrgys of the qwych he Was scurgyt and smyttyng / the qwych lycherowꝭ men & Women as fowlfyllyt to the lowstys of theyr bodys & fylyt theyr bodyꝭ & theyr saowlys dystroyt theyr goodys & shortyt theyr lyue Wyth owt that they haue chastyt theyr body by pe­nitēs or cōtinēs The .viij. shal shaw ys gown of purpur of the qwych pylayt dyd cleyth hym & ys cleythyng qwyt the qwych herodes dyd cleyth hym by scorn et moquery to the prydfuf pew­pyl the qwych as offēcyt hym ī thys World by gret & superflew habys & clethyngys Wyth lang tayllys large et superflew sle­Wys of the qwych they ar gra­thyt to compleys to the World & to draw the be holdarꝭ to ewyl concupyssens / of the qwych spe­kys crysostō qwen he says that they qwych grathys thē thayr to that they draw other to syn shal sowsteyn the ewyrlestand iugement for they syn deydly. The .ix. the redēptur shal shaw to the fals lears & marchans et other falsmen of the World the gret cloyth of the qwych ys precyows eyn War bandyt / the qwych strenthys them self in so mooch ys yt ys to thē possybyl to band et cloe the eyn of the re­dēptur the qwych seys & Wnder­stondys [Page] al thyng. Thys they do qwen they effors them to sel Wyth blahpemyngys et men­sworn othys thayr marchādys the qwych ys ryght ewyl the qwych thei mayk good & voorth the prys so as god had no Wn­derstondyng of yt. The .x. the redemptur shal shaw the cordyꝭ of the qwych he Was bownd be the handys et be the armys to them qwych by brasyng et twe­chyng prowokys them & other to fleshly lowst. The redēptur shal haw the gal and the Wyna­gyr of the qwych yt Was ghe­uyn hym in the cors to glowtōs et dronkars the qwych as Wa­kyt in thys World to glotonny and dronknes of the qwych he says in sant luc in the .vj. chept (ur) Vobis qui saturati estis. Of the qwych says sant ierosm It ys inpossybyl to the glowtons of thys World to fyl heyr thar Waam and thayr saowl in pa­radys. Et sant bernard says. That he that ys fed and ful in thys World of the bodyly low­stys & esemens ys Wnwoorthy to be fed of the spyrytwel meyt­tys of paradyꝭ. Et sāt ambros saythe dronkars confundys & howrtys natur / they leys the grays of god / the gloyr of para­dys / et rynnys in ewyrlestand damnacyon. The .xij. the redē ptur shal shaw on the day of iu­gement the spyttyng of the qwych ys gloryows fays Was fylyt and mayd blak the day of ys passyon & thys he shal shaw to thē qwych makys thē fayr be art for to pleys & gheue occa­syon of syn & qwych Wold mayk them farer than god as mayd thē of the qwych says sant am­bros / Deles picturam dei si Wltum tuum naturali candore ob nubulas et exquisito rubore parfūdas. Sych vysayge shal­be mayd blak of the fyer of hel The .xiij. Way owr redemptur shal shaw ys precyows hayr et bayrd the qwych vas drawyng frorn hym the day of thys pas­syon. Et thys shal he doyn to thē that as thayr hayr cowlo­ryt & payntyt and also cowrlys thayr hayr for ewyl eynd. Et the Wemen the qwych dys­cowers theyr heydys et lactys theyr hayr fal doon for to draw men to syn. The .iiij. Way the redemptur shal shaw the dyes to howr maysters and players [Page] the qwych has playt be awaryꝭ et Wrechydnes et as dyssawyt theyr nyghtbowrs be trōperys rewyngs & be other playes that ar Wnlysum for the intēcyon to dyssayf the sayd nyghtbowrs ī powyrte for caus of proffyt tē ­porel / for sych play ys no other thyng bot oon spoyllȝyng and rewyng & for that no man may acqwyr lysūly ony thyng. Et Wyth gret payn may be mayd sych play Wyth owt deydly syn pryncypally qwen they play by awarys / for awarys ys of the self deydly syn et ar sych pewpyl holdyn to restytucyon. The .xv mayner et fynally the redēptur shal shaw the pennys for the qwych he Was sald & thys shal be doyn to the okerers qwych has possessyon vnryghtusly of the gooddys of others and ma­kys no restytwcyon. Helas qwat shal say oon sych mayner of pewpyl the day of iugement thoght yt be so that Iudas as restowryt the .xxx. pennys for the qwyche he had saold the re­demptur to the iowys by awa­rys o cwrsyt Wrechyd okerers theyssys et Wrechyt pewpyl sacrylegys and other Wnlysum haldars the qwych holdys Wyttanly the gooddys of others Wyth owt they mayk restytu­cyon / of the qwych ys Wryttyn in the decret. Vsurarius non vere penitet nisi prius vsuras restituat .xiiij. questione .iiij. Quid dicam. That ys to say that the okerer makys not faythful pennans Wyth owt that he mayk fyrst restytucyon of the okyr. ¶Rayson. ¶For that says saynt Augustyn in the rewl of the ryght Weyl cōmun rygh certayn and Wnfaylȝant. Peccatum non dimittuur nisi restituatur ablatum. et cetera. That ys to say / that syn ys ne­wyr for ghewyn bot fyrst the thyng ewyl taykyn be restoryt

Et certanly in the sayd mer­weyllows day of yer & of Wrechydnes ryght dowtabyl to al creatwrys after that god the maykar Redemptur and salwy owr iesu cryst as shawyng the aboue sayd thyngys he shal ash cownt & rekynnyng & rayson of thē the qwych he shal iuge fyrst of theyr thoghttys after thys qwych ys Wryttyn in the book of sapyens in the fyrst cheptur. [Page] as he Wold say / ȝe. Thys con­syderys not thay that dancys et leyppys be ewyl intencyon / et they that goys & towrnys at theyr pleysane & fleshly lowftys Et certāly they most gheue re­kēnyng to god of al twychyng and Wnfysum seyng and of the thyngys Wnlysum hard. Et also he most gheue rekynnyng of the gyftys of the body of the fors / ȝowtheyd et of the heelth & bodyly fayrnes. Et generaly he most gheue rekynnyng of al bodyly Werkys / that ys to say how maynay tymys We haue beyn dronkyn / how maynay ty­mys We haue doyn the syn of lychery et of the flesh furth of maryage / et at how maynay dan­cys We haue fowlyshly dancyt / how maynay tymys We haue smyttyng owr propyr Wyf or othyr men be yre be Wengens & so of other Werkys. The .iiij. et pryncypally We most gheue cownt of temporel thyngys in thre mayners. Fyrst in thow ewyr ych oon as Won the tem­porel thyngys the qwych he possedys in thys World Wnto the lacter penny. That ys to Wn­derstond / yf he Wonnys them ryghtwsly or Wnryghtwsly / et certanly We may not acqwyr ryches Wyth owt fyn. For the appoystyl says they the qwych Wold be mayd rych fallys ī the nettys of the dewyl of hel. Se­gundly ewyr ych oon shal ghe­ue rekynnyng in the iugement of the temporel thyngys / that ys to Wnderstond / how he has spendyt them Wnto the lacter penny / thys shoold they thynk & haue befor thayr eyn the glow tons that qwych dyspendys so maynay pennys ī Wyn in meyt ower habowndant & superflew qwych ar sumtymys from the mornyng Wnto mydnyght and sumtymys al the nyght in ta­wernys for to fyl them of Wyn et superflew exces / of the qwych they shal gheue oon strayt re­kynnyng. Et for thys caus ewyr ych oon crystyn man dre­dant et lowand god shoold ne­wyr drynk vyn Wyth owt cauꝭ of necessyte & proffyt bot shoold ewyr drynkant et eyttand seyk thayr sustentacyon et conforta­cyon of natwr. Of thys says sant angustyn ī the book of the Woordys of owr lord qwen he says yf thow eyttys & drynkys [Page] for the refeccyon & sustentacyon of this mēbyrs gheuant thank to god thy meyt & drynk lowys god. Et the prydful pewpyl qwych dispendys theyr goodys in pryd et superflewyte of clo­thyng gret tayllys & large / and large slewys / & hauāt pluralyte of cloythyng by pomp or pryd et be ewyl eynd. Et they qwych dyspendys thayr gooddys in Wnlysum playes most gheue cownt et rekynnyng befor god on the day of iugement. For vn fayllȝantly oon man or oon Wo man qwyche spendys so ewylly thayr goodys suppos that they haue Won them iustly and that he has acquyryd them ryghtusly they may Weyl be damnyt. Thys prewys cleerly the text of the gospel in saynt Luc in the xvj. cheptur of the ewyl rych qwych drank et eyt habown­dandly Wyth gret suꝑflewyte et Was clothyt of purpor. Et yt makys no mencyon that he Was oon okerer no howr mas­ter bot oonly that he dyspendyt ys goodys ewylly & that he had not holpyt to the powyr lypper man of that qwych he dyspen­dyt ī superflewytys / et for thys caus he ys grawyt in hel. Cry­sostom aboue saynt Mathow says. Thow as taykyn the ryches not thayr to that thow Wayst them bot thayr to that thow gheue them in almows. The goodys that thow as ap­partenys to the powyr pewpyl bot god as lent them the oonly / et had thow conqwest them by thy ryghtus labowrꝭ or yf they War fallyn to the by successyon or herytayge of thy parens. Certāly yt ys oon also gret syn to deny the almows to hym that as myster as yt ys to rob the goodys of other so as says saynt Ambroys. The thryd mayner We shal gheue cownt of the goodys lewyt be Ws to howr hoyrs and of the mayner to leyf them / for yt War better to leyf them noght than to leyf pledyng and proces / for that for sych proces engēdrys enwy et­twys the hoyrs the qwych pro­ces noys to the saowl of hym that ys decessyt / for he shalbe by thys prywydyt of the suffragys of hys freyndys. Et the sayd saowl shalbe punyshyt be thys et of thys that be hys Wre chydnes he as not soonnar dys­posyt [Page] of ys goodys. Et as this caus cwyrychoon shoold haue befor ys eyn the saw of Esaye the prophet sayand to the kyng Eȝechyas. Dispone domui tue (qui)a morieris tu et nōviues. Dyspoyn of thy hows & of thy goodys for thow shal dy et leyf no mor. Also We shal gheue re­kynnyng & cownt on the day of iugement of them of the qwych We haue drawyng to syn by Word or by ewyl exampyl or be fayrnes or by grathyng of the bodyly arrayment. We shal also gheue cownt & rekynnyng ewyr ych oon of ys craft & nego­cyacyon / of tromperys et dyssa­uyngs by Weght or by mesur et gn̄aly of al malys dyssauyngs and new inwencyons drawyng to syn. We shal gheue cownt et rekynnyng of the sugges also Weyl in byshopryk et Worthy­nes of the chyrch as otherwys

We shal gheue rekynnyng e­wyr ych oon of the estayt of the qwyche ewyrychoon as lewyt be yt of maryage / or of Wedow­heyd / or of vyergynyte / or otherwys / or of relygyon. Et also ve shal gheue rekynnyng of the goodys of the qwyche We haue left to do. Et yt suffys not to do no ewyl bot that he dyd sum good for he qwych Wold do so shalbe dānyt. A malo abstinere nō sufficit nisi faciat quis quod bonum est. de pe. ca. Cupiētes in cle. Et the psalmyst says. Declina a malo et fac bonum.

Fynaly yt ys neydful to Ws to gheue rekynnyng of the tym of the qwyche We lyuyt in thys World & how they haue spendyt thayr tym after saynt Bernard for ewyrychoon shal gheue ray­son of al the ȝearrys moneths Weykys days howrrys et mo­mens in the qwych he as lyuyt sen he as had Wsayge of rayson

Helas o synnar parawantwr thow as lyuyt .lx. ȝearrys et in al thys tym of the qwych thow as not seruyt .iij. ȝear faythful­ly to god. Qwhat shoold thow do I answeyr to the that thow shoold haue oon gret displaysās et contrycyon to so ewylly haue spendyt thy tym et shryue the ryght meykly. For after saynt bernard thayr is no thyng mor precyows than the tym helas & et oon hondreth tym helas / for thayr ys fond the day no thyng mor fylful in the lyue of syndry [Page] Warldly men for the days of pēnans & of salut passys dyrk­ly et they go et no parson thyn­kys of thē We reyd of oon holy man that had ewyr be syd hym oon horlege and so soon as he hard the howr smyt he sayd to god. O my lord & maker thayr ys oon howr of my tym passyt qwych thow as ghewyn me for to serwe & lowe the of the qwych I shoold gheue the rekynnyng pleysyt the for to forgheue me my neclygens of thys that I haue not so Weyl spendyt the tym as I shoold haue doyeng / so shoold ewyrch oon good cry­styn to do so. et al the day at the last at ewyn qwen he shoold rest shoold thynk how he as spen­dyt the day. For the damnyt pewpyl in hel pleynȝes abowe al thyng thus that they hawe ewyl spendyt the tym of grace Et in the book of semtemplycy timore We reyd of oon deuoyt holy man that Was oon day in orayson et he hard oon Woys the qwych Was ryght mysera­byl fowl of terys et of sobbyn­gys at the qwych the holy man ashyt / qwat yt Was / & the sayd Woys answeryt I am oon dāp­nyt saowl et also Weyl I as al other damnyt saowllys We mowrn not et conplaynȝes not of thyng so mych no mor as We do of the tym of grace the qwych We haue lost et spendyt yt in synnys. For in that tym We myght in oon howr repent vs of owr sinnyꝭ & haue shewyt ewyrlestand damnacyon in the qwych We ar now by neglygēs et for that We haue ewyl spen­dyt owrtym. By the .iiij. thon­dyr of the qyych spekys Sant Ioon appocallyps We shoold Wnderstond the Wytnes the qwych synnars has ageynꝭ thē in the day of iugement. For the fyrst Wytnes & accusurs of the synnyꝭ shalbe thayr propyr synnys after ieremy that sayꝭ ī the segund cheptur. Arguet te ma­licia tua. That ys to say cursyt synnar thy malys and syn shal repreyf the oon the day of iuge­ment / for the Werkys of syn­nars shal follow thē after the saw of sāt bernard qwych says that the Werkys of the synnys of men shal say to them on the day of iugement. Tunos egi­sti. et cetera. That ys to say thow as mayd Ws We ar thy [Page] verkys vald thow or not thow may not yed Ws thys day / for ve shal not leyf the / bot We shal go Wyth the in the iugement & excus the as culpabyl of syndry crymys & synnys. Et certanly the propyr conscyens of the mā shalbe Wytnes of ys damnacy­on after the say of the appoy­styl ī the pystyl qwych ys vryt­tyn to the romayns. Testimo­nium reddite illis cōsciencia il­lorum. The segund Wytnes et excusator of synnars of the sayd day of iugemēt shalbe the dewyl qwych shal rehers al the ewyl et synnys the qwych they dyd ewyr of the qwych they ha­ue not doyn pennans after sant augustyn qwych says. Presto erit diabolus. et cetera. That yꝭ to say the dewyl shalbe reddy the qwych shal rehers al thys that they haue doyn / in qwat day in qwat howr ī qwat plays Than he shal shaw to the syn­nars al theyr ewyl thoght ys lycherows / yrful / and al thys qwych We haue synnyt / say­and blasphemant detractant / myssayant leant / scornant / et / prouocāt / to yre. He shal reherꝭ al the Werkys of the body the fowt steppys / the loppyngys the seyngys / the [...]wechyngys & al theshaamful Werkys et ly­cherows. He shal accus al the synnars of the syn of cōmyssyō how maynay messeꝭ how may­nay preshyngys as left Wyth owt lawful caus how maynay fastyngys they haue lost how maynay hallow dayes they ha­ue not dewoytly seruyt god how maynay veyrkyꝭ of meyr­cy they haue not doyn no fufyllyt. For than the dewyl shal say the qwych iꝭ ēnemy of mākynd to god the makar. Oryght iu­ge iugye to my by thy sentens dyffynyt yf thys synnar to be myn by culp the qwych Wold no be thyn be grace He as beyn to the desobeyant & he as beyn to me obeyant. He as left thy cleythyng and he ys heyr cum cled of my cleythyng. Et as to thys caus yt ys raysson that he bowrn Wyth me in the fyer of ewyrlestand damnacyon. The thryd excusur the qwych shal excus the synnar on the day of iugement befor god shalbe al the vorld & Wyth al the creaturꝭ of yt of thys says sant gregoyr spekand to the synnar. Et yf [Page] thow ashes at me qwo shal ex­cus the oon the day of iugemēt I answer that al the World. For the erth shal say. O cursyt synnar thow as goyn aboue me Wyth thy feyt / thow aꝭ left god qwych as mayd the. Gheue cownt now of al that. The va­tyr shal say I haue seruyt the of drynk qwē two aꝭ had thryst I haue serwyt the of fych for thy lyuyng now gheue rekyn­nyng. The soon shal say I haue reioyt et gheuyn the lyght for to lythnyng the ghewe cownt of thy Wnthankfulnes of thys that thow as not thankyt god the makar. Crysostom says lhayr ys no thyng that ve may say of the day of iugement the qwych / the soon / the mown / et the erth the days et the nyght & al the vorld shalbe ageyns the synnars et Wytnes of ther inyqwytys et synnys. Et as thyꝭ caus says sāt gregoyr so moch the Wayes shalbe strayt et dā ­gerows to synnars or the sayd day of iugement qwen they shal se the iuge aboue thē & hel horrybyl Wnder theyr feyt at thayr ryght hād thayr synnys qwych shal excus them / at theyr left hand Wnnomerabyl dewyllys qwych shalbe grathyt to draw them ī the paynys of hel. They shal haue Wyth in them theyr conscyens excusant them owt Wart the World byrnant. Queyr shal flee the Wrechyt synnar so taykyn & so reprewyt Et yt shalbe inposybyl to hyd hym inportabyl et eyght shaā ­ful to appeyr. He Wold say Wyth good Wyl to the yllys et montayns fal aboue me et hyd me et put me away from the presens of the iuge hye sytt and abowe the trown of iustys that yꝭ to say of the redēpt (ur) iesu cryst so qwych as vryttyn ī the appo­calyps in the .vj. cheptur. Of the .v. thonder of the qwych spekys the ewāgelyst ve may Wnderstond the Woceferacyō of the Wrechyt dānyt the mor­nyngys the plantys et Wepyn­gys of the sayd damnyt / for the sayd dānyt shal curs thē self on the day af iugemēt sayant thys qwych ys Wryttn in the appo­calyps. Ve Ve that ys to say cursyng cum et fal abowe Ws Wrechyd synners We haue do­yn the synnys be the qwych synnys We ar ewerlestandly dam­nyt. [Page] By the .vj. thondyr We may Wnderstond the sentēs of god qwayr he shal say to the damnyt. Part ȝe of al glednes et depart yow frō myn angels of the qwych ye haue dysprysyt the conseyl et to the qwych ye haue not mayd no rewerens de­part yow from thayr to that they shal newyr keyp yow thayr for they shal leyf yow in the handys of yowr ennemys depart yow from my holy san­tys the qwych ye haue not followyt no Wold fallow theyr holy conuersacyon of the qwych ye haue not hownoryt theyr dayꝭ Depart yow from myn most deyr et Weylbelowyt mother / of the howsald et company of the qwych ye Wold not haue beyn to the qwych ye mayd ne­wyr serwys no dyd gheue hon­nowr. Go damnyt pewpyl in the fyer of hel ewyrlestand in the qwych ȝe shal byrn in body et saowl ewyr mor ewyrlestād Opytyabyl et ryght dowta­byl et lamentabyl sentens / veyl shoold ewirych dreyd the aboue sayd thondyr of the iustys of god and be good Werkys We may do so mych that We may be of the nombyr of the bleshyt the qwych shalbe at the ryght hand of god the father of the qwych he shal say. Cū ȝe ble­shyt of god my father qwych aꝭ dred me seruyt and lowyt me & fulfylyt my verkys of charyte for to loue me qwych aꝭ serwyt & honowryt my ryght deyr mo­ther et my holy santtys. Cū ye to day et resayf the crown of gloyr et tayk the possessyon of the reawm of heuyn the qwych as beyn grathyt to yow sen the creacyon of the World. By the vij. thonder We may Wnder­stond the fyndry paynes et tor­mēs of thē that ar damnyt & af­ter the abowe sayd sentens al thoys that ar damnyt & dewyl­lys of hel shal fal in the qwych they shalbe ewyr mor Wyth owt eynd ī Wnthoyllabyl pay­nys & fyer byrnāt of the qwych ve hawe spokyn and Wryttyer afor. Et of contrary the ble­shyt pewpyl shal ascend in he­wyn syngant swetly and melo­dyowsly the qwych shal hawe ewyr mor bwt eynd ioy and glednes of the qwych We shal speyk heyr after. Et formor cleerly Wnderstond thys that [Page] sayd ys / yt ys ghanāt to hald in mynd that thayr ys dowbyl iugement that ys to say iuge­ment partyculeyr et iugement general iugement partyculeyr ys yt the qwych yꝭ mayd at the howr of deeth of the Wrechyt parson deyng of thys World heyr presāt. Of the qwych sayꝭ innocent in the thryd book of the fylth of the condycyon of man / of the qwych he says oon thyng mych to not / that al mā be he good or ewyl befor or hedy or that the saowl part of the body seys ys iuge owr salwy­owr et redemptur iesu cryst so as he Was put in the cors. The ewyl shal see hym to thayr con­fusyon thayr to that they may be confundyt et that they haue shaam of thys that they shal not be part taykars of the me­ryt of ys passyon and be thayr cowlp the precyows blood of iesu cryst as not broght them the fruyt of redempcyon in the qwych ys ghewyn to Wnder­stond that the iugemnt of the saowl ys doyn befor that yt part of the body. Et for that qwych ys Wryttyn. Viderunt in quem pupugerunt. That ys to say the damnyt shal see the redemptur ageyns the qwych they haue doyn et mayd the py­kyngyꝭ of blaphemyng & other synnys / yt shoold be Wnder­stond also mych of the iugemēt general of the qwych We haue sayd heyr befor as of the iuge­ment partyculeyr the qwych ys oon the day that the parson dyscessys so as says innocent et of the self iugement partycu­leyr yt ys Wryttyn in sant luc in the .xij. cheptur. Estote parati quia qua hora non putatis fili­us hominis veniet. Be ȝe gra­thyt and redy for iesu cryst the soon of the Wyergyn mary shal cum to the iugement partycu­leyr at the howr that We shal not be War of owr self. The iugemēt the qwych ve haue spokyn heyr befor Weyl at lenght yt ys yt in the qwych al men et Women shalbe iugyt after the saw of the appoystyl in the pystylqwych yꝭ Writtyn to the co­rinthyēs. Omneꝭ nos manife­stari oportet ante tribunal cri­sti. et cetera. That ys to say We be hows to compeyr be for the trown of cryst al mē & Wo­men at onys thayr to that ych [Page] oon resayf ys reward of ys pro­pyr Werkys after the qwych he has doyn ī thys World good or ewyl. Et Werytably the sayd iugement shalbe mayd in the ayr aboue the vala of iosa­phat in the plays qwych iesu cryst ascendyt to the hewyn so as yt ys Wryttyn in ioel in the segund cheptur in the parson of the redemptur. Congregabo omnes gentes et adducem eos in vallem iosaphat et ibi sedebo vt iudicē omnes gentes. That ys to say I shal gaddyr al may­ner of pewpyl et I shal leyd thē ī the Walla of iosaphat & I shal set thayr to that I may iuge thē Et verytably aꝭ said yꝭ the said iugement shalbe at the eynd of the vorld bot the day & the howr ar incertayn and parson Wn­derstōdys yt not bot god oonly Sum Wold haue sayd that yt shalbe mayd at mydnyght for thys that yt ys Wryttyn in sāt mathow. Media nocte clamor factus est ecce sponsus veniet. The others Wold say that yt shalbe mayd in the mornyng et allegys the spalmyst. In ma­tutino interficiam omnes pec­catores terre. Bot sant augu­styn says that the iugement shalbe doyn qwen no men shal­be War of them self also says sant mathow. Vigilate quia nescitys diē ne (que) horam. Heyr they may ashe oon qwestyon yf the cowlp of men or Women shalbe dyscouert & mayd opynon the day of iugement & yf the syn of oon shalbe knowyn to oon other also Weyl the synnys shryuyn as Wnshryuyn. Of thys matyr Wryttys glory­owsly the gloryows sans tho­mas abowe the .iiij. of the sentens / et also doys rychart ¶Et for to answer to the qwe­styon yt ys ghanāt to not that oon sentēs dyffinytyf cōdānent or rewardant may no be iust yf yt be not ghewyn after the good deydys or ewyl deydys of thē or ageyns thē of the qwych yt ys ghewyn to. Et as thys caus so as yt appartenys that the iuge et ys accessewrs befor that the sentens be prononcyt that they Wnderstond of the good dedys or ewyl dedys & the caus / sychlyk yt ys ghanāt that yt be so on the day of iugement general of god / that ys that be for that the sentenꝭ of god cōdā notoyr [Page] of ewyl and prymatyf of good may be sayd cēsyt no repwtyt iowst that the holy accesseurs and assystans Wnderstō ­dant the good deydys et ewyl dedys of them qwych shalbe iu­gyd Et that also as the reward et damnacyon of ewyr ychoon shalbe known of ys merytyꝭ or dysmerytyꝭ of the caus sychlyk yt shalbe knouyng to al the as­systans. Et so as god shal bryng to mynd to oon ewyrych oon ys good dedys and ys me­ryttys or demeryttys put befor thayr eyn of oon ewyrych assy­stant in the sayd iugement. Et thys opynyon ys the most cō ­mon thoght be yt ys so that the mayster of the sentens ys lyk to say the contrary that ys to say that the synnys the qwych as beyn put away by pennans shal not appeyr on the day of iugemēt. For after sant thomas We shoold Wnderstōd that the synnys of ryghtus men of the qwych as doyn pennans shal not cum to the Wnderstōdyng of other as synnys punyshabyl that ys to say to be punyshyt. Bot as synnys that ys for ghe­uyn & put a Way of thys thayr shal follow no payn to ryght tusmen bot thayr to shal fallow gloyr. Et so shoold be Wnder­stondyt of synnys shryuyn and for ghewyn to be cowert on the day of iugement for that they shal not gheue no rekynnyng no cownt & that god seys no mor as to thys that he Wyl not that the they be punyshyt of ony payn bot he shal Wyl Weyl that they sayd synnys be occurrēt to the consyderacyon of ewyrych oon thayr to that al the ryghtuꝭ men that seyꝭ thyꝭ may loue god of thys that they haue showyt the paynes that War awyn for the sayd synnys by the pennās the qwych they haue doyng in thys World. Et be thys that sayd ys We may conclud that al the good dedys and ewyl de­dyꝭ of ewyrych oon shalbe may­nyfest that to say al seyn opyn­ly on the day of iugement be for iesu cryst ryght iuge / befor the angels and befor the men. God by ys grace Weyl that We be of the party of iowst men and faythful men and that We may ascend in gloyr of hewyn in gloryows body qwen the aboue sayd day of iugement shal cū [Page] thayr to that We may ewyrle­standly lowf and thank god in the ioyes of hewyn īestymabyl Et thys suffycys as to the thryd party of thys present and short traytte in the qwych as beyn spokyn of the gret iuge­mēt general of god the makar. And prayand and reqwyrand al the reddars & eyrars of thys present book and short traytte that ys sayd / Wryttyn / or trans­latyt Et yf theyr be ony thyng that War not so dewly vryttyn that as yt apartenys / I pray them that they Wold supple my feybyl Wnderstondyng & mend yt qweyr I haue faylȝyt & yt ys oon Werk merytoyr / bescykād them Wyth meyk supplycacyō that yf yt pleassyt them to say god haue mercy of the saowllyꝭ of the actor translator and of theyr fathers mothers parens and freyndys brether et systers good doars and Weyl Wyllars Et also of the redars et eyrars Et that the holy trinite Wold keyp them in body and saowl that We be not confundyt oon that dredabyl day of iugemēt Et god gheue Ws that grays the We be of the nombyr of thē to the qwych god shal say. Ve­nite benedicti patres mei & pos­sidete regnum paratum vobis ab inicio mundi god grant / be not nywel Samoth. Amen.

¶The .iiij. et last party of thys trayt­tyt shal trayttet of the ioyes of paradys


AFter thys that the redēptur aꝭ ghewyn the sentēs dyffyny­tyf & that the cursyt dānyt shalbe dyscē ­dyt ī hel vyth the dewyllys Et the ryghtusmen shal ascend ī hewyn in gloyr et felycite ewyrle­stand so as We haue sayd in the party forsayd in thys last par­tye We haue to declayr of the ioyes of ꝑadys & to shaw qwhat ioyes as the blyshyt saowllys the qwych ar ī heuyn & self wyaeꝭ qwhat ioy shal haue the bodys & saowllys gloryows in hewyn qwen they shal be put to gydder after the day of iugemēt gene­ral of god Et thoght yt be thuꝭ that yt yꝭ īpossybyl to thynk sufycyently of thys or to Wnder­stond no to pronōs no cōsequēt­ly Wryt not oonly of the last ioy of hewyn alwayes holpand owr lord I haue intencyon to Wryt to the lowyng of god / proffyt & vtylyte of the reeddarꝭ part of thys qwych I haue fownd ī the holy Wrytt / & fyrst ī general. Segundly ī especyal Ve say than that the reprewyt as beyn castyng & put furth by the sentās of the cōpany of god et of ys santtys & send ī the deyp of hel et that al the World has beyn purgyt & ordant ī oon mer­weyllows fayrnes so as yt as beyn sayd afor / owr lord iesu cryst shal leyd al ys holy sāctyꝭ & bleshyt Wyth hym & ys āgels ī gloyr Wyth syngyng & canty­kys of inestymabyl blythnes & shal put thē ī ewyrlestād cleyr­nes thayr to that they may ewyrlestādly regne Wyth hym & vyth ys sayd āgels the qwych they shalbe lyk. Et the aboue sayd bleshyt shalbe gled ꝯtēpsāt the gloryows essens of the ma­kar be ewyrlestād & Wntellabyl glednes. Et by possessyō of the lowyng of god et of charyte et louf the qwych they haue oon to oon other they shalbe adherens ewyrlestandly to god et ettwys them to gydder. Et certanly theyr shalbe so greyt & so plen­tws habōdās of ioy & of gledneꝭ of ꝑadys they shal haue that they shal ewyr mor thank god theyr rewardar be rayson of so gret & so Wntallebyl goodys so ghewyn to thē Et they shal not resayf no nosowmnes by the ressawyng of sayd gooddys so plentwsly doyn to thē. Et al [Page] thei qwych shalbe thayr thoght yt be so that dyfferent in meryt alwayes ewyryth oon shalbe cō tent of ys gloyr et reward. Et for so mych my brether & freyn­dys ryght deyr qwych We sow­steyn ī powerte of thyꝭ Worldly pylgrymayge the paynes of owr banyshyng / & qwych dredyꝭ of the other part the nettys & rayssosrs of dwr ennemys spy­rytwels & bodylys for thyꝭ that be oon merweluꝭ blyndyng that We gheue not besyly kepyng et that ve suffyr of oon part & other Wrang tēptacyons & sorow ful­nes temporels et spyrytwels et selfwayes ve sleypdeydly ī owr synnys & lowys Wanyte for We­ryte banyshyng and blaberyng mor than owr propyr land / po­wyrte / for habondans fylth for gloyr I pray yow that We com­tempyl the ioyes of the ewyrle­stand lyue alyftant owr Wnderstondyng to the gloyr of holy men thayr to that We may gowst sum thyng Wyth the lyppys of the hart & that after that We hanlykyt oon smal thyng by the swetnes of the aboue sayd gowstyng We may lowe god mor feruētly and desyrth sayd hewynly gloyr mor ardāt­ly / & that We show syn Wakant­ly dysprysāt the prosperytys of thys World and sustenant mor ioyowsly the aduersytys of yt. For et yf oon tym yt be ghewyn to Ws by the sowerant gheuar of al gloyr that We may gowst oon oonly drop of the ꝓfūdyte & deypnes of the sayd suawyte et swetnes vnestymabyl of the sayd ioyes of paradys / īcōtinēt We shal desyr to be put furth of the noye of thys World present & We shal newyr lowe the bany­shyng of thys Wrechyd pylgra­mage of the World for to lowe owr land & herytayge hewynly bot aꝭ ryght dylygēt he good de­syrs We shalbe hold to the lyue ewyrlestād of paradys Et We­raly thayr ys oon sych dyffe­rēs ettwys the bodyly delyttys & spyrytwels / for qwen ony may not haue hys delyttys bodyly yt lyghtnys & enbrasys ī the ly­tel sensatyf oon gret inpacyēs & desyr Et qwen We haue thā al at owr vyl & playsyr yt towrnyꝭ īcōtinēt to gledsūnes & fraccyō of thē in noysumnes. Bot of cō trary the delytys et ioyes spy­rytwels qwen they may not [Page] he had / causys nosumnes. Et qwen they haue them at thayr desyr et of so mych mor that they haue beyn plenyshyt so mych mor they haue desyr & ta­kys them felycyte & to haue cō ­tynuel fyccyon of the sayd vyth owt noysumnes. Et as thys caus they qwych has them not they may Wyth paynlowe for thys that the saweur of thē ie­sus almyngty godys ioyws et not kanowyn Et as thys caus the psalmyst monysys Ws to gowst the sayd ioyes and says. Gustate et videte quoniam suauis est dominus / that ys to say gowst / feyl & parsayf spyrytwelly / for certāly the lord ys ryght sweyt & ye ken not ys sweytnes for thyꝭ that ȝe gow yt not. Et Werytably so as says sant gre­goyr after thys that owr fyrst father Adam Was castyng of the ioyes of paradys by ys de­merytys and that he Was cūyt in powyrte of thys Wrechyt World & banyshyng the qwych We suffyr now & that he myght not mor see the ioyes of para­dys the qwych he comtemplyt afor / for he had that cowstum he beyant in paradys terrest to Wse of the Wordys of god and assyst by mditacyon of thoght et heenes of visyon in the ioyes of blyshyt spretyꝭ / bot after thyꝭ that he Was fallyng by the syn of the sayd estayt in thys Wre­thyt banyshyng he de partyt of the aboue sayd vysyons cleen­nes et cleyrte of thoght. Et as thys caus We other qwych ar boorn of thyꝭ flech ve haue veyl hard in thys banyshyng of the World that thayr ys oon other land of hewyn that ys to say paradys & that the āgels of god ar indwellars and that speryts of ryghtus men perfyt followys of the sayd angels alwayes the fleschy men qwych may not know no gowst the thyngys in Wysybyls by exsperyens dow­tyꝭ thyꝭ that they haue not feyn by the real existēs Wyth thayr bodyly heyn ys yt or not. The qwych dowtys indowtably yt myght not be ī owr fyrst father for after thys that yt Was ex­cludyt et put furth of the ioyes of paradys he remenbryt hym Weyl he had seyn yt that he had lost. Et certanly We may not thynk thys remenbyr no feyl for We haue not the exsperyens [Page] as he had in the tym bypassyt & has yt not oonly bot be heyr sayeng so as oon Woman gret Wyth chyld War put ī oon pry­sō ī the qwych sho War lyghter of oon chyld et that yt War no ryshyt in the sayd pryson on to the tym of hys adolescēs & that the sayd Woman sayd to hyr sayd chyld & that hye aboue the sayd pryson War the soonet the mown & the sterys montayns & byrdyꝭ hors & syndry mayner of creaturys of cowlewrs and of payntyngs / the sayd chyld eyrant thys the qwych had ne­wyr seyn no thyng bot dyrkneꝭ vold not beleyf no thyng of thyꝭ for he has not knowyng thys be exsperyēs Sych lyk the men qwych ar boorn ī blyndnes ceci­te et dyrknes of thys Wrechyd banyshyng qwen they eyr speyk of the hye hewynly thyngys et vnseabyl they haue mystrust yf they be trew or not for they ha­ue no Wnderstōdyng bot of the erthly thyngys et seabyl in the qwych they haue beyn boorn. Et as by dyspensacyon of god he as beyn mayd that creatur of seabyl thyngys et Wnseabyl com down heyr for the redem­ptyon of mākynd thayr to that be hym he War mayd man sea­byl We War rawyst in the ī wy­sybyly [...] et vnseabyl. Et thayr ys mor for he has send in owr hartys the holy gheost thayr to that after thys that We haue beyn qwyknyt by hym that shoold beleyf feuently & vndowtably ī the ful fayth of the holy Wryt et of the Wytnysyng of the holy men the qwych aꝭ beyn techyt by cōtynuel meditacyon of Wertus by the qwych conty­nwel meditacyon & sowtyl con­tēplacyon et be the rewelacyon of god of the qwych says sant poul the qwych Was rawst vnto the .iij. hewyn thayr to that he so leftyt shoold leyrn ettwyꝭ āgels the thyng that he shoold preshe ettwys the men / says in the fyrst epoystyl the qwych he Wryttys to the corinthiens in the segūd. ca. Oculus nō vidit nec auris audiuit. &c. That ys to say that Ematernal as not seyn no the heyr of man as not hard no the hart of man can not thynk no the vnderstōdyng can not cōprehend al the ioyes the qwch god as grathyt to them that lowys hym in the gloyr et [Page] lyk to be trāfformyt in the god­ly natur & to be lyk to god be the aboue sayd dowayr qwych [...]as cleyr vysyon of the essens & cleyr te of god. We reyd that master iowrdayn brother of the ordyr preshowrs that he vas oon day prayād god to se & Wysy oon synful Woman the qwych vas pos­sessyt of the dewyl of hel. Et al so soon ys the good & deuoyt brother master iowrdayn Was cū befor the sayd voman the dewyl qwych Was in the body of the voman sayd to the said brother in latyn / how Weyl yt War the said voman had newyr leyrnyt no thyng to spek latyn et Was newyr at the scowl. Et incōty­nent the said brother inqwyryt the sayd dewyl lytteraly qweyr for he dyd torment the sayd Woman et pleysans he dyd tayk to abyd Wyth in the body of the sayd Women / to the qwyche the dewyl answeryt I am cōstryng­ȝyt of my creatur to do thys as thys caus I may not be in other placys. Vnto the qwych iowr­dayn sayd / say to me qwehyr thow Wold be yf thow had fa­culte to be in other placys. The dewyl sayd Wnderstondyng thow art oon so greyt clerk and doctwr of the chyrch I Wold that thow had not so symply ashyt. Bot say to me qwhat plays thow Wold be thy self yf thow had facwlte to be or to thynk To the qwych iowrdayn answeryt I Wold not be other part than in the hewyn. Et the dewyl answeryt I Wold be so. Et mayster iowrdayn ashyt at hym qweyr for Wold thow be. The dewyl answeryt thayr to that I myght se the fays of my makar & qwen the sayd brother had hard thys / he fel to the erth Wepand so as he had beyn ra­wyst in spreyt. Et after that he cum to hym self he sayd to the dewyl say to me qwhat paynys thow Wold suffer Weyl thayr to that thow myght se the fays of thy makar. The dewyl an­sweryt. Certanly I Wold be cō ­tent to suffer al the paynys & to susteyn yt that al the dewyllys has tholyt from the howr that they War castyng furth of the hewyn and the qwych they shal susteyn vnto the day of iugem̄t et that I myght se the cleyrte of the fays of god so as yt ys. To the qwych iowrdayn sayd I be­leyf [Page] that thow art of the moost nobyl dewyllys. Et the dewyl sayd to hym I haue beyn of the ordyr of seraphyns the qwych ar ewyr mor befor the fays of god To the qwych master iowr dayn sayd / say to me sum of the fays of god vnderstōdyng that thow as seyn ys fays so neyr. Et the dewyl said to hym I shal not be suffycyant for to say ony thyng of the sayd cleyrte / al­wayes I shal say thyng to the by symylytwd be the qwyche thow may ꝯprehend sum thyng of the sayd cleyrte of the aboue sayd fays I say to the yf that al the flowrys qwyche as beyn et shalbe Wn to the eynd of the World & the greynes / fayrnes & beawlte of al the treys herbys qwyche as beyn et shalbe ewyr mor / et the cowleur & fayrnes of al the precyows stoonys & met­tals et of al other shynant thyngys qwych ar aboue the eerth & that the shynyng et cleyrnes of the soon & of the mown & of al the sterys qwych ar in the hewyn et al the cleyrte of al the lyghtys the qwych as shynyt & shal shyn sen the begīnyng of the Woorld Wnto the eynd & that they shy­nyt al to gydder in the erth al theyr cleyrte shoold be bot oon dyrk nyght to the regard of the fays of god. O so mych mā myserabyl shalbe qwyche lesys by ys syn the Wysyon of the aboue sayd fays et godly cleyrte.

THe segund dowayr of the saowl yꝭ fruyccyon et delectacyon the qwych the saowl shal haue of the aboue sayd godly essens. For in the hewynly eerth of the saowl thayr shalbe oon ryght parfyt cōiunccyon of the saowl of ewyrych oon bleshyt Wyth god et Wyth thys thayr shalbe oon ryght parfyt delectacyon be yt also gret in the thyng pos­sessyt as thys thyng ys gret / et god be oon thyng infynyt / inef­fabyl et incōprehensybyl follo­wys that the delectacyon infy­nyt the qwych as ewyrych oon bleshyt saowl to the Wysyon of god ys vnmesurabyl / ineffabyl et incōprehensybyl after the ca­pacyte of ewyrych oon bleshyt saowl hauand fruyccyon et de­lectacyon. Et shalbe the sayd delectacyon infynyt yf the capacyte of the saowl may tayk the thyng infynyt. Et Werytably [Page] the sayd fruyccyon shal not be egaly of oon ewyrychon bleshyt this the qwych shal not cum no proceyd of the party of the obiec of the qwych the saowl shal ha­ue the fruyccyon that ys of god bot yt shal proceyd of the party et syd of the saowllys hauand fruyccyon. Et certanly of so mych that the bleshyt shalbe mor parfytly lyghtnyt of the lyght of gloyr et that they shal­be mayd be the sayd illustracyō mor parfytly cōfyrmyt to god / of so mooch they shal cōtempyl mor clerly and mor sharply the godly essens et maieste of god. Et shal delyt the sayd saowllyꝭ of the sayd bleshyt mor fully in the contēplacyon et remēbrans of yt. Et thys incōprehensybyl dilectacyon that the aboue sayd bleshyt as taykyn in the godly essēs of god ys clepyt fruycyon the qwych ys begung & taykyn in the ryght cleyr & shynant vy­syon of god in the qwyche they shal myrow them et behold of oon ryght parfyt lowe qwyche shalbe ī them. Et as thys caus al beatytwd ys sayd to cōsyst et be in the sayd Wysyon after the saw et the Word of saynt augu­styn qwych says. Visio est tota merces. That ys to say / that the Wysyon of god ys al the re­ward et the beatytwd of them bleshyt. Et certanly the immē ­syte of the godly cleyrte as dra­wyn to hym self be ys greyt be­awlte et be ys vnmeswrabyl et excellāt sweytnes al the espreyt qwych kepys & contēplys ī sych fachon that the spreyt also fayl­ȝant & forȝettant of hym self be­rys et grantys of al hys Wertu in the aboue sayd cleyrte & godly Wysyon / et that spreyt qwyche also as absorbyt in the deyp of the incōprehensybyl lyght for­ȝettāt in hym self al this qwych ys creat so as deyfyet be oon mayner indycybyl yt Wnys yt self Wyth god by Wnyon et de­lectacyon inseꝑabyl et Wnfayl­ȝant / et for that says saynt au­gustyn. That the beawte & fayrnes of the godly fays ys so fayr et so ioysum & that the iocūdyte & delectacyon of the lyght ewyr lestand & of the immowabyl ve­ryte et sapyens so greyt qweyr he shalbe et be possybyl to abyd in yt that be the dwellyng tym et spays of oon day oonly / ȝear­rys Wnnomerabyl of thys pre­sent [Page] lyue remplyshyt of al dely­lytes temporel gooddys shalbe ryghtusly et Wyth good ryght dysprysyt for the abydyng ī the aboue said ioy not oonly for the the spays of oon day bot for the spays of oon howr. Et of thys says sant bernard. That al the sweytnes & that the delytes ar not bot sorow / to the reward of the ioy of hewyn al Warldy ioy ys bot vepyng al erthly sweyt / nes bot bytternes / al fayrnes bot Wncleynes / al thyng that ys delyt or ioy ī thys World ys bot thyng ful of sorow et ful of melancoly to the regard of the ewyrlestād ioy of hewyn. As yt ys be that the goodnes of god exedys infynytly al other goodnes. Et saynt augustyn says in the parson of god sayand to ble­shyt saowllys I shalbe to thē al that qwych may honestly be de­syryt be thē / for I shal be to thē lyue / copyows / salut / habown­dans / glory / honowr / pays et al goodys / & for so mych he shalbe al thyngys in al / he shal be the eynd of al owr desyrs / he shalbe lyue Wyth owt eynd / he shalbe lowyt Wyth owt noysumnes / he shalbe lowyt Wyth owt tra­weyl / he shalbe desyryt Wyth owt hatrent or fatygacyon. Et he hym self promysant to hys good & faythful serwytur. Moyses says in exodi. Ego oftendā tibi omne bonum. That ys to say / I shal shaw the al good. Et in the book of sapyens. Desiderium iusto (rum) omne bonū. That ys to say / that the desyr of ryghtusmen ys no other thyng bot al good. Et in oon other passayge. Desideriū suū iustis dabit (ur). That ys to say / that ryghtus­men shal haue theyr desyr after thys that says the propheyt. Et indowtably al the desyr of bleshyt men shalbe fulfyllyt qwen they haue the fruyccyon of the godly essens as says the ꝓpheyt. Saciabor cū apparue­rit gloria tua. I shalbe content says the ꝓpheyt qwen the gloyr of god shal appeyr to me / for o­therwys myn appetyt may not befyllyt ī thys World. Et this doys no thyng qwych ys Wryttyn in the ecclesyaftyk. Quis saciabiturvidēs gloriā der. Qwat shal he be qwych ys fowl qwen he seys the glory of god / for as [...]ayd ys. That theyr shalbe in paradys oon refreshyng fruyc­cyon [Page] et delectacyon the qwych shal content et fyl the appetyt Wyth owt ony noysumnes the auctoryte aboue sayd twechys ashand qwyche shalbe he that shalbe fyllyt / that ys to say noy sumnes ī seyng the gloyr of god as the sayge sayd no man may be noyt. Bot alwayes theyr shalbe oonfulnes & refeccyon of the desyr of bleshyt men shalbe plenyshyt of the ryght superha­bowndant fowlnes of dylecta­cyon & shal put away al myster­fowlnes. Et the desyr conty­nuel of the fruyccyon shal put away al noysumnes. Et of the Wysyon the qwych the bleshyt angels seys god / says sant Mathow. Angelieo (rum) semꝑ vidēt faciē patris. That ys to say / that the angels seys ewyr mor the fays of god the father & alwayeꝭ they desyr dayly to se after the say of sant petyr. In quē deside­rant angeli perspicere. Et of thys syngys owr mother the holy chyrch. Mirantur nec de­ficiunt in illum quē prospiciunt fruūtur nec fastidiunt quo erui magis sitiunt. That ys to say / that the bleshyt angels et glo­ryows saowllys the qwyche ar Wyth god ī the gloyr of hewyn et in lyue ewyrlestand / ewyrle­standly they merweyl & defayl­ȝys not seyand the godly essens they haue & yt noys not to them newyr of thys that they haue mor gret thryst & mor gret desyr to se god. We reed that thayr Was oon Woman possessyt of the dewyl of hel Wyth in the chyrch of saynt Petyr in cowl­layn & thayr happinyt oon other voman possessyt sychlyk of the dewyl the sayd two vomen dyd rys et left them self blamant of oon & of oon other by gret cryen gys & showtyngys. Et soon oon dewyl sayd to the other vrechyt espreyt qweyr for ar ve heyr fallyng cōsentand to lucyfer of the heuyn. Et the other sayd et an­sweryt / qweyr for art thow fal­lyng. Et the other sayd to hym Hold the peys caus not me to repent me / for thys pēnans ys ower layt. Et thayr Was oon holy man that hard them the qwych ashyt at them qwat pennans he Wold do thayr to that he myght ascend in paradys. Et the dewyl answeryt I pro­mes the yf that theyr War oon pyllar aleftyt from the eerth [Page] armyt et ful of resoyrs and of sherp naylyꝭ ryght veyl sharpyt abowt and yt War so that yf I had body et flesh of man in the qwych I myght suffyr et thool payn sensybyl I am content to be drawyn from the hye to law rewyng brokyn et cowttyt in thys torment Wn to the day of iugement so that I myght cū after the said day of iugemēt to the gloyr / vysyon of god the qwych I haue lost be my pryd. Et in thys apperys cleyrly qwahat gloyr / qwahat dylecta­cyon as the blyshyt saowllys ī the reawm of hewyn. Et so as says sant ierom. Nullus labor durus / nullum tempus longū videri debet quo gloria eter­nitatis acquiritur. That ys to say / that no lawbowr no ony tym We shoold not thyng long be the qwych the ewyrlestand gloyr ys acqwyryt et thys ys suffycyand as to the segund of the saowl.

THe dowayr of the sa­owl gloryows ys so­wyr tencyon that ys to say parfyt possessyon of god the maykar Wyth owt ony dreyd to leys yt. For the bleshyt shoold not haue ꝑfyt beatytwd no they shoold not be callyt ble­shyt yf they dreyd to leyf god qwych ys al theyr beatytwd. Et certanly god qwych by ys largynes & ys infynyt goodnes as gheuyn the aboue sayd bea­tytud the qwych he Wyl newyr tayk away from the blyshyt saowllys bot ghewys them se­wyrte of ewyrlestand gloyr. Et this sewrte et party of bea­tytud confermys al the other partys of that beatytwd the qwych may not be had Wyth owt the sayd sewyrte & the sayd sewrte ys ordanyt ī gret trans­qwylyte of peys of the befor sayd bleshyd.

HEyr after ve haue to se of the dowarꝭ & ghyftys of the bodys gloryows of them bleshyt. Et certanly thayr ys .iiij. that ys to say cleerte / īpassaybylyte / sub­tylyte / et agylyte. Et as yt ys so that the form shoold be pro­porcyonnet to the mater / the bodys beand dysposyt in the stayt of the ryssyng to cum af­ter the exygens of the saowllys Et as the bodyꝭ of dānyt as by ordynans of god dysposycyons [Page] answerāt to theyr vrechydnes. Sychlyk the bodys of them blyshyt shal haue dowayrs et propyrtes semand et porcyōnet to theyr estayt so Weyl porcyō ­net to the beatytud of saowllys Wyth owt empeschyng of the deyd of gloyr. Et qwych mor ys the sayd bodys gloryows shalbe aleftyt aboue the estayt of ewyrych oon bodyly creatur thayr to that be the beatytwd of the said body gloryows ar of mor cressens. Et certanly the bleshyt shalbe Wnyt Wndepar­tanly to the body thayr to that the form incorruptybyl that ys to say the saowl confers et ghe­uys to be incorruptybyl to the body in the stayt of incorrup­cyon / not ageyns stānant the cō posycyons of the thyngys con­traryows. Et for this that the saowl gloryows shalbe alestyt to the estayt of gloyr yt shalbe Weyl seymāt that the body the qwych shalbe Wnyst to yt be a­lestyt to sych gloyr as yt ys seymand to yt et be the qwych yt most be mayd proporcyonabyl to the saowl. Et thayr to that the body be sugest to the saowl & that yt empesh not of the deyd of gloyr .iiij. thyngys ar reqwyryt of the qwych two apparte­nys to the felyng et other two to the mowement. Et as to the felyng ys reqwyryt that the body be eythly resauabyl to / of the kyndys of sensabylyte & of this dysposys the fyrst dowayr of the body gloryows / that ys to vnderstond clarte. The segund thyng reqwyryt as to the fe­lyng ys that the body gloryowꝭ ys not suggest to the passyons to the qwych they War suggest in the impassybylyte. Et as to the mowemēt two thyngys ar reqwyryt. The fyrst ys that the sayd body gloryows resys­tys not be inclynacyon cōtrary to ys motur / that ys to say to the saowl qwen yt Wold mowe the sayd body. Et to thys dys­posys the dowayr of agylyte. The segund qwen ony resystēs be not to yt doyn be the bodys & inwart thyngys and owtwars by meddys the qwyche he shal mowe to the qwych yꝭ dysposyt the .iiij. dowayr / that ys to Wnderstond subtylyte. Of the orygynal byrth of the sayd dow­ayrs says sum docturs that they shal proceyd of almyghty [Page] god be creacyon et that the said dowayrs shalbe ī the body glo­ryows be redōdans of the glo­yr of the saowl ī the body be the vay of the beatitud of the saowl so as says sāt augustyn expres­syly et yt ys ghanāt dylygently to notyfy & cōsyder sowtylly so as the bleshyt saowl hauād fruyccyon of the ryght cleyr vysyō of god shalbe fyllyt of oon spy­rytwel cleyrte. Sych lyk shal­be the body cled of al spyrytuel­lyte cleyrte of gloyr competant by redundans of the cleyrte of the saowl to the said body. et ys thys qwych says the appoystyl in the poystyl to the coryntyēs Seminat (ur) corpus ī innobilitate surget ī gloria. That ys to say the body of mā ys sawynet cō ­sawyt ī fylth & lymon et inwn­cleynes bot yt shal rys in gloyr For the body the qwych yꝭ now gret et materyal et ful of dyrk­nes shalbe than gloryows and cleyr so as says the appoystyl Reformabit corpus humanita­tis nostre cōfiguratum corpo­ris claritatiꝭ sue That yꝭ to say that god shal reform in beaty twd the bodyꝭ of owr humylyte fyguryd and mayd to the body of ys clayrte. Et certanly as yt ys so that oon thyng may be sayd cleyr in two mayners & for thys that yt ys cleyret shynant as oon steyrn / or for thys that yt ys ower perant / et that We may se yt ī the myddys so as ve do in oon glays as or trow the cleyr Watyr. The gloryows bodys of bleshyt men shalbe cleyr in al the two mayners / that ys to say shynant et ryght perant / for as says sāt gregoyr the corpulans of the body shal not empesh in the reawm of he­wyn that ewyrych oon bleshyt man may see the thoght Wyl & intencyon of oon ewyrych oon the qwych shal appeyr be for al et selfways shal the body be so cleyr that the ermony of the body et organacyon of the men­brys / boonys / Wanys et other subtyllytes ioynttes shal appe­yr to them bleshyt. Sych Wys that oon ewyrych oon may se et be hold hym self / so Wytnysys sant augustyn ī the book of the cyte of god / the qwych sayꝭ that the menbrys & iuwert thyngys of the gloryows bodys incor­ruptybyls the qwych ar now ordaynnyt to syndry necessytes [Page] rys that thiꝭ that ys owr fayth holdys of gret lyghtnes of the body gloryows ys not possybyl to god / et selfwayes the bemys of owr eyn in the lyftyng of thē the syght goyes vnto the heuyn et of oon oōly stryp of thē returnys holy ī the self. The .iij. ꝑty of the beatytwd of the body ys fors / for the body gloryowꝭ shal be so streyght for yf yt pleassys yt to mowe al the erth yt may thys eythly do as the āgels / no thyng may empesh yt. Et yf thow ashis at me qwat shal profyt the aboue said fors abaydīg than that al thyngꝭ shalbe than so veyl disposyt by god the maykar that they shal haue no myster of holp no of dreyd no of chā gyng or owertwrnīg. I answer to the (qui)styon that the possessyō et faculte of the said fors shalbe to Ws thankful matyr et caus of gret exaltacyon thoght yt be so that yt be not alwayes neces­sayr after thiꝭ that god shal put al thyngys in theyr estayt.

The .iiij. ꝑty of the beatytud of the body ys lyberte et fredowm be the qwych them bleshyt may not be cōstraynȝyt ī ony thyng to do ageynꝭ theyr vyl / no to be forbyddīg & defēdyt to do Wyth owt yt be thayr plesyr. Thys the quych mortel man may not do no haue naturelly in thys World. The .v. party of the beatytwd of the body ys helth ꝑfyt be the qwych the body shal not sufyr newyr no thryst no hōger blyndynd no fawlt of heryng / fewyr no seyknes qwhat sum ewyr. Bot shalbe so heel that yt shalbe newyr seyk / for thayr shalbe sowerayn & parfyt heelth The .vj. ꝑty of beatytud apꝑte­nant to the body shalbe lowst / not yt that ys in the flesh in the vsayge of bodyly thyngys / the qwych thyngꝭ apꝑtenys to the beystyly lyue & ar ꝯmun so mych to hoornyt beystis as to vs bot in ꝑadys ar pleysās & delytyngꝭ & ryght hye / ryght cleyn & ryght nobyl ī the qwych We cowmun Wyth the holy angels. Et the qwych thyngys cōsystys in the ryght Wysyon of god et ryght nobyl fruycyon the qwych shal­be cōmun to angels et to men so as says sant mathow. In resurrectione ne (que) nubēt ne (que) nubentur sed sunt sicunt angeli dei. Et that the bodys et saowllys gloryows Wsys not of bodyly [Page] meyttys no othyr thyngys yt apperys by dowbyl raysō Fyrst for after thys that the lyue cor­ruptybyl shalbe put away and partyt ys sayd of necessyte that the thyngys qwych seruys to the lyue corruptybyl ar put away. Sen yt so that the vsay­ge of the two sayd thyngꝭ that ys to say to the bodyly nory­shyng seruys to the lyue corru­ptybyl / thayr to that the body mayd abayd awyn and ghanāt qwantyte et that yt be cōseruyt et keypyt in the beyng. Self­wayes to the Wsayge of the fleshly lowst ys necessayr ī thyꝭ World for the kepyng of the kynd of mā the qwych may not be kepyt in oon oonly suppost ī ­dywydabyl et morte yf yt be so than that in the lyue for to cum that al men shalbe incorrupty­byls yt followys that thayr shal not be than ony generacyō of mankynd. Et certanly the bleshyt lyue shalbe of ower­greyt and of mych et goodly ar ordannyt than ys thys present lyue. For We shal se that ī thys World ys oon thyng streyght & Wycyows et bestyly for to Wse of the sayd thyngys / that ys to say of the bodyly noryshyng & of the fleshly lowst for yt ys oōly playsans and delectacyon. For be ordynans of the law they shoold not Wse oonly for to sus­teyn the body. Et of the Werk of natur oonly for to haue ly­gnayge. Et Werytably the de­lectacyons the qwych ar ī sych Werkys ar not the latter eyn­dys of the sayd accyōs / for they shal haue plays for they shal not haue no deferens ettwys the bestys irrayssonnabyls et the men thys that no man of good Wnderstōdyng Wold not say et susteyn. Et yf thow says thayr ys no auctorytes of the holy Wryt the qwych arlyk to say that they shal eyt or drynk in paradys. For adam in stayt of innocens had lyue immortel Et alwayeꝭ suppoꝭ that he had abaydyd in the sayd stayt so he had vsyt of the meyttys & fyllyt the Werk of natur. Et to thys they may answeyr eythly that adam ī the stayt of innocēs had oon parfeccyon parsonnal that Waꝭ ghanāt to the begynnyng of the lygnayge of man / bot yt Was not of al parfyt for thys that the natwr of mankynd [Page] Was not begung by mul­tiplycacyon of suppostȝ and yt Was ghanant that they engendryth for to multyply the na­tur of mankynd. Et also in the sayd stayt myght adam dy and not dy / dy yf he synnyt so as he dyd / and not dy yf he had abaydyn ī the sayd estayt of in­nocens. Bot after the estayt of the body natur humayn shalbe perfyt and the nombyr of choy­syn men compleyt et mayd par­fyt / and as to thys caus thayr shalbe no mor myster of nory­shyng of generacyon. Et thayr ys mor after the sayd resurre­xyon the sayd bodys shalbe im­mortel qweyr for theyr ys gret dyfferens ettwys the immor­talite of the sayd adam in the stayt of innocens and yt of the body gloryows. Et yf thow says to me that iesu cryst eyt after ys resurrexyon. Certan­ly We say that he ettyt not for caus of necessyte that he had / Bot for to shaw to hys appoy­styls the Weryte of hys resurrexyon. Et the meyt the qwych he tuk Was not twrnyt in no­ryshyng of the flesh gloryows / bot also as absorbyt returnyt & resolut in hys preiacent et fyrst natur. Et as thys caus neces­sayr of eyttyng shal not be ī the reawm of hewyn. Et al auc­torytes of the holy Wryt the qwych ys lyk to say and that shal haue vsayge of drynkyng et eyttyng in paradys shoold be Wnderstondyt spyrytwelly for the holy Wryt condyscendys to the smalnes of owr Wnderstō ­dyng proposys to Ws and pro­mysys spyrytwels thyngꝭ vn­der the symylytwd et lyknes of sensybyl thyngys so / aleftyt to the thyngys Wynknowyng be the thyngyꝭ knowyn so as that sapyēs ys deuotyt et toykynyt in the holy Wryt by the vsayge of meyttys. Miscuunt vinū et posuit mēsam. Et in oon other plays ys Wryttyn. Cibauit il­lum pane vite et intellectus.

Thys qwych ys Wnderstōdyt of sapyens Et for that the auc­torytes of the holy Wryt Wn­derstondyꝭ spyrytwaly conclu­dys not necessayrly no Werytably the Wsayge of meyttys of bodyly so as sō herytykys vold haue sayd. Et qwen We fynd ī the holy Wryt. Quod christus post resurrexionē cū suis disci­pulis bibit vinum nouū yt ys Wnderstondyt that he drank yt [Page] in oon new mayner not for ne­cessyte bot for Werytabyl she­wyng of hys resurreccyon so as said ys. Et verytabyl al the ac­cyōs of the lyue actyf shal ceys after the reyssyng. Et shal not abayd oonly bot the accyon of the lyue ꝯtēplatyf. The .vij. et last beatytwd of the body gloryows shalbe lōgeuyte / that ys to say long lyue after thys qwych ys Wryttyn ī sant Luc. Cuius regni non erit finis. Et certāly thayr ys no other lyue no of o­ther eynd bot to cum to the Wysyon of the godly essens the qwych ys infynyt. Et thys suffycys of the sayd beatytwdys.

Thoght yt be so that the holy docturs as Wryttyn syndry thyngys of the p̄cyosyte of the gloyr of ꝑa­dys alwayes the sayd docturs myght newyr exsplyk them suffycyētly oon oonly ioy of them that ar bfeshyt / for theyr shalbe gheuyn to them bleshyt / syndry spūel meyttys et ryght p̄cyows the qwych god has promysyt to ys choysyn men. He ꝓmysys to thē ȝowthheyd Wyth owt eyld for the men shal ryes ī the age ī the qwych iesu cryst Was qwen he suffryt deeth & passyon for vs in the .xxxiij. ȝear. Selfwayes they quych at the howr of theyr deeth had .ix. c. viij. c. vj. hon­dreth ȝear shal ryes in the aage of the iesu cryst & also oon chyld of oon day of aage shal rys in the aboue sayd aage. Et the rayson ys for man shoold ryes to in the mor ꝑfyt estayt of hys aage. Et for so mych he that desyrys to be ewyr mor ȝong Wyth owt eyld he shoold eyttel to the ȝowthheyd in the qwych he shal newyr be hold. Et they that ar chargyt of eyld shoold haue hop that they shal cum to the said estayt ī the qwych they shal haue ȝowtheyd Wyth owt eyld & ewyrlestand helth Wyth owt ony debylyte / no passyby­lyte / for the body gloryowꝭ may not be mor howrt than the be­mys of the sown and no thyng shal noy to hym this qwych ys Wryttyn in the appocalyps. Absterget deus omnem lachri­mam. et cetꝭ. For theyr shalbe no dowlewr / no deeth / bot ewyrlestand helth the qwyche ewyr mor shal parseweyr. Et in the sayd gloyr shalbe rychess Wyth owt ony powyrte habowndanꝭ [Page] parfyt of al thyngys / for thayr shalbe ghewyn parfyt habown­dans of al thyngys the qwych has myster in thys World.

Et certanly the rayson for the qwych oon man may not be fyl­lyt in thys World present of ry­chess / of honnowrs et of dely­tys / ys for thys that the saowl ys mayd after god et may not be fyllyt vnto thys that yt cum to the exāplayr after the qwych yt as beyn mayd that ys to god et so sown as yt ys theyr yt ys content & fyllyt et thys apperys be oon exampyl famylyer for yf the Wax ys prentyt in ony seel et be yt boorn be al the World et be the sayd Wax applykyt to al the seellys of the World yt may not be propyrly ghanant bot to the fyrst seel / so yt ys of the sa­owl mayd to the ymage of god. The sayd bleshyt shalbe ī ewyr lestand pays & sewrte / et ī sweyt syngyng of angels et holy men the qwych lowys and shal lowe god ewyrlestandly et contynualy after the saw of the psalmyst

Beati qui habitant in domo tua domine insecula seculorùm laudabūt te. Sen yt ys so that yt be oon delectabyl thyng to eyr in thys World the sownd of instrumēs of musyk the qwych sownd ys of no thyng estymyt in the regard of the syngyng of the angelȝ the qwych sweyttneꝭ shalbe thayr in hewyn to heyr the syngyng & melody of al the holy men et angels of paradys. Et certanly yf al the vorld var parchement et the see ynk et al the layffys of treys & of herbys War Wryttars Wyth al the men qwych ar & as beyn & shalbe they Wold faylȝe fyrst et befor that they myght exsprym oon oonly ioy of the syngyng of pa­radys qweyr god shal reward not oonly the good Werkys / bot vyth thys / al this that man may thynk Weyl or as sayd Weyl et of that he has had py­tye of the Wrechydnes of hys prochayn. Et certanly god shal reward al the fowt steppyꝭ that as beyn doyn for to do Weyl / et al thys that haue boyrn pacyens al the sorows that they ha­ue suffert in theyr bodys / or in theyr membyrs / in theyr eyn / in theyr heyd / in theyr han [...]ys & in theyr feyt / et al thys generaly that they haue suffert pacyētly for the hōnowr & lowe of hym. [Page] The other ioy of the gloyr and salwacyon of oon ewyrych oon holy man of the qwych no man Wayt the nombyr after thys qwych ys Wryttyn in the ap­pocalyps in the .vij. cheptur. Vidi turbam magnam quam nemo dinumerare poterat.

That ys to say I haue seyn oon gret multytwd of pewpyl the qwych may not be nombryt. Et certanly oon ewyrych oon crystyn man shal haue so gret ioy of the oon ewyrych oon sāt as he has serwyt god by two hondreth ȝearrys et ȝyt he has not mayd satyffaccyon to god for the ioy the qwych he as had of the saluacyon of oon oonly sant. For thys that the charyte the qwych ys et shalbe ettwys them bseshyt ys so deyp and so greyt that they hold the good Werkys et ioyes of other blys­hyt & santys to be thayr propyr ioyes for rayson of the gret lo­we et charyte the qwych they haue ettwys them. Et Wery­tably sāt petyr shalbe reioyt be gled of the Wyergynyte of sant ioonet sant ioon of the marty­ryng of sant petyr et also of al other sātys the qwych as sayd ys shalbe gled oon of oon other blyshydnes et ioys. Et thys that oon of the sayd santys as not in hym self he shal haue yt ī the others santys. O qwhat ioy shal theyr be qwen sāt ioon vyth al the patriarchys & ꝓphe­tyꝭ qwē they shal diuyt al theyr good deydys to al them that arblyshyt. Et sāt petyr sant tho­mas Wyth al the appoystyls & sant stewyn Wyth al the mar­tyrs sant martyn sant nycolas et sant thomas Wyth al the cō ­fessurs sant kateryn and sant barbara Wyth al the Wyer­gyns the qwych shal part al theyr good dedys et ioye to al them that ar bleshyt. Et so of al other santys. Et to thys purpoys says sāt gregoyr. Qwych ys he that may suffys to shaw et recownt qwhat ioy oon ewy­rych / oon / saowl shal resayf of hym of the meyknes and sym­pylnes of santtys patryarchys of the faythfulnes of holy pa­tryarchys of the constans and stabylyte et pacyens of mar­tyrs of the p [...]tye et clemens of the confesseurs / of the charyte cōtynens of Wyergyns. Cer­tanly Woys and the tong shal


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