¶Instruccions, geuen by the kynges maiestie, to his Commissioners, appoyntted for the execucion of certain statutes, made in the fourth yere of the reigne of kyng Henry the seuenth and the .vii. and the .xxvii. yere of the reigne kyng Henry the eight, to be inquired of, in the Shires and places, in the Commission hereunto annexed, expressed.

FIrst, ye shall enquire what tounes, villages, and hamletes, haue been decaied and laid doune, by enclosures, within the Shire conteigned, within your Commission, sithe the first yere of the reigne, of kyng Henry the seuenth.

Item, what lande was in tillage, at the tyme of the saied enclosures, and what was then in pasture.

Item, how mnay plowes, by reason of the said enclosures, be decaied & laied doune.

Item, how many Meases, Houses, Cottages, and dwellyng houses, be fallen in de­caie, and the inhabitauntes of the same, departed from their inhabitacion there, by rea­son of enclosures taken awaie of the landes, or otherwise. And how muche lande, belonged to the same.

Item, if any persone haue seuered the landes, from any house of husbandry, whereby it is made a cot­tage, a Shepe house, a Dary house, or otherwise conuerted, to any other vse, then for a dwellyng place, of an husband man.

Item, by whom the said enclosures and decaies wer made, and how long agone, and if thei wer made within the same tyme, and of what yerely rent and proffites thei be,

Item, who hath now the state of inheritaunce, and the profites of the same enclosure, and houses de­caied, and of whom the landes be holden.

Item, how many newe Parkes be now made, sithe the saied tyme.

Item, what arable lande, at the tyme of the makyng of the saied Parkes, wer imparked with the same.

Item, how many Parkes within the Shire be inlarged, sith the said tyme, and how muche of the same ground, was then arable and put in tillage.

Item, how many Plowes, houses, inhabitacions be decaied, by reason of the saied newe imparkyng.

Item, if any persone hath or doth kepe, aboue the nomber of twoo thousande shepe, beside lambes of one yeres age, either in his awne right, or in the name of his wife, child, kinsman, or any other persone, and whether he hath kept the same, vpon his awne landes, or vpon his Ferme landes, or otherwise, by couin or fraude, and how long he hath kept them.

Item, how many Shepe ye thynke haue been necessary, for the onely expenses of suche persones, hou­shold for one yere.

Item, if any persone hath letten, any landes to ferme▪ by copie of Court Rolie, reseruyng the shepe pa­sture of the same to hymself, or if any persone hath taken, from any other their Comons, wherby thei be not able to brede and kepe their cattell, and maintein their husbandry, as thei were in tymes past.

Item, if any persone hath had or occupied, aboue the nomber of two houses, or tenementes of husban­dry, liyng in any Toune, Uillage, Hamlet or Tithyng, and how long thei haue occupied the same.

Item, whether suche persone, hath taken the same in Farme, for terme of life, yeres, at will, by Inden­ture, or copie of Court rolle, or otherwise, sithe the feast of the Natiuitie of our Lorde God, a thousande CCCCC.xlv. And where suche persone dwelleth.

Item, if any persone, or body pollitique or corporate, that hath by gifte, graunt, Lease, or Demise, the scite or precinct, and Demeanes of any Monastery, Priory, or religious house, dissolued by thact of Par­liament, made in the .xxvii. yere, of the reigne of the kyng that dedde is, do kepe an honest continual house and houshold, in the same scite or precinct: and do occupie yerely, asmuche of the same demeanes, in plow­yng and tillage of husbandry, as was commonly vsed, to bee kept by the gouernors, Abbottes, or Priors of the same houses, Monasteries, or Priories, or by their Fermer or Fermers, occupiyng the same, within the tyme of .xx. yeres, next before the makyng of the same statute.

Item, that you our saied Commissioners, for your better instruccion, take with you copies of al suche offices as were founde concernyng the premisses, in the .ix. or tenth yeres, of the reigne of our moste noble father, Kyng Henry the eight.

Item, that you cause tappere before you, at all places where you shall sit, for thexecucion of this Cō ­mission, sixe persones of euery Parishe, that is to saie: Twoo Freholders, twoo Fermers, twoo Copie hol­ders, or tenauntes at wil, if there be so many there dwellyng, or els as many as be there dwellyng to make presentment by their othes, of all suche thynges, as bee presentable before you, by vertue of this Com­mission.

Item, if any persone hath or kepeth, in his occupacion, in one Toune, Parishe, Lordship, or Hamlet, any more tenementes of husbandry then one: And by what title he so hath or kepeth them.

Item, if any Comons or high waies, haue been enclosed or imparked, contrary to right, and without due recompence. That then the same shalbe reformed, by the saied Commissioners.

God saue the Kyng.

Excusum Londini, in aedibus Richardi Graftoni Regij impressoris.

Mese Iulii.


Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.

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