[...] of London cōmyssyoners (amonge other) of our souerayne lorde the kynge Henry y e eyght / by his lettres patentes assygned / named / and depu­ted for the orderynge and assessynge of euery persone dwellynge / abydynge / or hauynge theyr moost resorte to: or in the sayd cyte of London chargeable and contrybutory to a subsydye graūted to our sayd souerayne lorde kynge Henry the .viij th. by auctoryte of his parlyament holden at westmynster / & begonne the fourth day of February the thyrde yere of his reygne and contynued by proroga­cyons vnto the fourth day of Nouember nexte comynge to [...] gretynge.

¶ We on the behalfe of our sayd soue­rayne lorde the kynge / and by auctoryte of the sayd lettres patentes & acte we charge and commaunde you / & euery of you vpon the payne of .x. li. that ye personally appere before vs / or before vs & the other cōmyssyoners in y e sayd lettres patentes assygned / or before vs / vi. v. iiij. iij. or .ji. of vs at the [...] day of this present moneth of Marche / at the houre of .viij. of the clocke before noone. And there certyfye vs by your wrytynge the [...]ames and surnames of all & synguler persones men & women aboue the aege of .xv. yeres beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge / abydynge / or hauynge his or her moost resorte win the same parysshe as well within lybertees / sentuaryes / as in all other places within the sayd parysshe and of the sayd warde. And also of all men & women vnder the sayd aege of .xv. yeres hauynge or takynge prouffytes of ony londes / tenementes / rentes / fees / annuytees offyces / or corrodyes of ony yerely value / or hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to y e value of .xl. s. or aboue / the names of women hauynge husbondes / & beggers lyuynge onely by almesse onely except. ¶ And ouer this y t ye certyfye by your wrytynge the yerely value of the sayd ꝓfyte as beforesayd / and the value of goodes & cataylles moeuable of euery persone whose name that ye shall cer­tyfye before vs at the sayd day and place. And also whiche of them ben knyghtes / & whiche of them ben alyens borne and not made denyzens. And whiche ben labourers / handicrafty men / artyfycers / apprentyces / & seruaūtes not hauynge landes or other profytes to ony yerely value / nor goodes moeuable to y e value of .xl. s. And whiche ben hous holders / accordynge to the tenour & effect of thar­tycles here after specyfyed & declared as nygh as ye by your dyscrecyons & wysdome by serche / demaundynge of questyons / or otherwyse can or may.

FIrst ye shall certyfye by your sayd wrytynge in one article by it selfe the names of euery ꝑsone beynge within y e sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauynge his or her moost resorte to or in the sayd parysshe. And hauynge prouffytes of londes / ten̄tes / freholde / or copyholde / fees / annuytees / offyces / or corrodyes to his or her owne vse to y e yerely value of .xl.li. or aboue in ony place or places within this realme.

¶ Also in an other artycle y e names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauynge his or her moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge profyte of ony londes or ony other (the premysses) to his or her owne vse to y e yerely value of .xx. li. or aboue / and vnder the sayd value of .xl.li. in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery ꝑsone beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauinge his or her moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / & hauynge profytes of ony londes or of ony other (y e premysses) to his or her owne vse to y e yerely value of .x. li. or aboue and vnder the sayd yerely value of .xx. li. in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle y e names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauinge his or her moost resorte in or to y e sayd parysshe / & hauynge profytes of ony landes or of ony other (the premysses) to his or her owne vse to the yerely value of xl. s. or aboue and vnder the sayd value of .x. li. in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle y e names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauinge his or her moost resorte in or to y e sayd paryshe and hauynge profytes of ony landes or of ony other the premysses) to his or her owne vse of ony yerely value vnder the sayd yerely value of .xl. s. in ony place or places.

[Page] ¶ Also in an other artycle y e names of euery persone beynge within [...] and dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to the value of .iiij. C. li. or aboue / in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / and dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to the value of .iij. C. li. or aboue / and vnder the sayd value of viij. C. li. in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / and dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to the value of .CC. li. or aboue / and vnder the sayd value of .iiij. C. li. in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to the value of an .C. li. or aboue and vnder the sayd value of .CC. li. in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to the value of .xl. li. or aboue / and vnder the sayd value of an .C. li. in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to the value of .xx. li. or aboue and vnder the sayd value of .xl. li. in ony place or places.

¶ And in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within y e sayd warde / and dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to the value of .x. pounde or aboue / vnder the sayd value of .xx. li. in ony place or places.

¶ And in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / and dwellynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / and hauynge goodes or cataylles moeuable to the value of forty . s. or aboue / vnder the sayd value of .x. li. in ony place or places.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / and dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / beynge an alyen and straunger / not borne vnder the kynges allegeaunce / nor made denyzen.

¶ Also in an other artycle y e names of euery labourer / Iourneyman / artyfycer / handeraftyman / & seruaunt / as well men as women aboue the sayd aege of .xv. yeres beynge within the sayd warde / and dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd pa­rysshe / takynge wages or other profytes for wages to the yerely value of .xl. s. or aboue. Women hauynge husbandes excepte.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the sayd warde / & dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe takynge wages / or other profytes for wages to the yerely value of .xx. s. or aboue / and vnder the value of xl. s. beynge aboue the aege of .xv. yeres. Women hauynge husbandes except.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of euery persone beynge within the same warde / & dwellynge or hauynge theyr moost resorte in or to the sayd parysshe / aboue the aege of .xv. yeres takynge wages or profytes of wages vnder the value of .xx. s. by yere. And al­so of euery apprentyce and of euery other persone takynge no wages nor profytes for wages nor hauȳge nor takynge ony profytes of londes ten̄tes / annuytees / fees / offyces / or corrodyes to his or her owne vse. Nor hauynge goodes nor cataylles to y e value of .xl. s. Women hauynge husbandes (and beggers) alway excepte.

¶ Also in an other artycle the names of all hous holders / and the names of as many persones labourers / seruauntes / artyfycers / apprentyces aboue the sayd aege of .xv. yeres / takynge wages of them / or takynge no wages beynge within theyr houses. Women ha­uynge husbandes (and beggers) alway excepte.

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