The ballade of ane right noble victorius & myghty lord Barnard Stewart lord of Ausigny [...] of [...]eans [...] king of france knyght of hie [...] Capi­tan [...] of the [...] of his body [...] general of the same Comp [...] [...] at the said [...] to Edinburghe in Scotland send in ane tyght exce [...]t [...] fra the said [...] king to our mai [...] Sou­uerane l [...]d and victorius prince James the ferde kyng of Scottis.

Walterus chepman
REnownit[?] ryall right reuerend and Serene
Lord hie try winphing in wirschip and valoure
Fro kyngis downe most cristin knight and [...]ene
Most wyse most valyand moste laurent hie wictour
On to the sterns vpbeyt is thyne honour
In Scotland welcumbe thyne Excellence
To king queyne lord clerk knight and seruatour.
Withe glorie and honour lawde and reuerence
Welcum in flour most strong incomparable knight.
The fame of armys and [...]oure of vassalage
Welcum in were moste worthi wyse and wight
Welcum the soun of Mars of moste curage
Welcum moste lush branche of our linnage
In euery realme oure scheild and our defence
Welcum our tendir blude of hie parage
With glorie and honour lawde and reuerence
Welcum in were the secund sulius
The prince of knightheyd and flour of cheualry
Welcum most valycant and victorius.
Welcum invincible victour moste wourthy Welcum our Scottis chiftane most dughti
Wyth sowne of clarioun organe song and sence
To the atoms lord welcum all we cry
With glorie and honour lawde and reucrence
Welcum oure indeficient[?] adiutorie
That [...] heipit in thare neyd
That neuer said scot yit indigent nor sory
[...] thou did hym suport with thi gud deid
Welcum therfor abute all livand leyd
Withe vs to liue and to maik recidence
Quhilk neuer sall sw [...]ye for thi s [...]k to bleid.
To quham be honour lawde and reuerence
Is none of scotland borne fathfull and kynde
Bot he of naturall inclinacioune
Dois favour the withe all his hert and mynde
Withe fervent tendir trew intencioun
And wald of inwarthie effectioun.
But dreyd of danger de in thi defence
Or dethe or schame war done to thi persoun
To quham be honour lawde and reuerence
Welcum thow knight moste fortunable in feild.
Welcum in a [...]mis moste aunterus and ablē.
Wndir the soun̄ that beris helme or scheild
Welcum [...]how campioun in feght wnourcnablē
Welcum most dughti digne and honorablē
And [...] of [...] and hie magnifecence
Nixt wndir kingis to stand incou [...]pable
To quham be honour lawde and reuerence
Throw Scotland ingland france and lumbardy
Fleys on weyng thi fame and thi renoune[?]
And our all cuntreis wndirnethe the sky
And our all strandis [...] the sterris doune
In euery province land and regioun̄
Proclaimt is thi name of excellence.
In euery Cete village and in toune
Withe gloire and honour lawd and reuerence
O feyrse Achili in furtus hie curage
O strong invincible Hector vnder scheild
O valyeant arthur in knyghtli vassalage
Agamemnon in gouernace of feild
Bold[?] Hennitball in batall to do beild
Iulius in [...]pert in wisdom and expence
Most fortunable chiftane bothe in yhouth & eild
To the behonour lawde and reuerence
At parlament thow suld be hye renown [...]
That did so mony victoryle opteyn
Thi cristall[?] helme withe lawry [...]wnye
And in the hand a branche of olyve greyn
The lueird of conquis and of knyghteid keyn
Be borne sulo highe before the in presence
To represent sicman as thou has beyn
With glorie and honour lawde & reuerence
Hie furius mars the god Arm [...]
Rong in the [...] at thyne natnut [...]e
Saturnus doeme with fyryeyn did blent
Throw bludy [...] manasing to garde
On the fresche wenus [...] hir amour ouse [...]
On the Marcurius furtheyet his eloquence
Fortuna maior did turn hir face on the
Wyth glorie and honour lawde and reuerence
Prynce of fredom And flour of gentilnes
Sweyrd of knightheid and choise of cheualry
This tyme Ilefe for grete p [...]lixunes
To tell quhat feildis thow wan [...]u pik [...]rdy
In france in bertan in naplis and lumbardy
As I think estir withe all my diligence
Or thow departe at lenthe for to d [...]cry
With glorie and honour lawd and reuerence
B in thi name betaknis batalrus
A ablē in feild R right renoune most hie
N nobilnes and A for annterus
R ryall blude for dughtines is D
W valycantnes S for strenewite
Quhoise knyghtli name so schynyng in cle [...]ence
For wourthines in gold suld [...] be
With glorie and honour lawd and reuerence

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Androv myllar


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