THE CATECHISERS HOLY ENCOVRAGEMENT, To the profitable exercise of Cate­chising in the Church of England.

Psal. 19.7. The Law of the Lord is perfect, conuerting the Soule: The Testimony of the Lord is sure, and giueth wisedome to the simple.
Luk. 2.46. And it came to passe three daies after, that they found him in the Temple, sitting in the midest of the Doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.

LONDON, Printed by VV. I. dwelling in Red-crosse. street. 1623.

To the true Catechisers of his Church, the true grace mercy and peace of the true God, be true encouragement.

IF I should accuse you for writing your many Catechismes, I should rather discourage yours from reading them, then excuse my selfe for pen­ning these encouragements for vs all to Catechi­sing. Yet (let it be spoken with all humility) if you in the crowd of Catechisers each one find an excuse for all the company; I hope (if it be not presumption) you all will hold me excused, for these small encouragements for you all, being but one; If you obserued, the two Texts of Scrip­ture on the otherside of the former leafe, you may easely perceiue, these things were one day Preached as Sermons of encourage­ment, in the Eares of Parents, Gouernours, and old men, in the Congregation; if you will see the leaues that follow hereafter, you may vnderstand they were Catechising waies in the Hands of little ones in writing, for their encouragement, another day; I should then be very sorry, that what day soeuer they shalbe seene by your Eyes, you will see the motes that are in your brothers eyes, that labour to shew you, though vnworthily the encouragements that they haue seene: but I hope you will ioyne your Hearts in prayer, that God by all meanes, whether great or small, will harten vs all in this ho­ly exercise. And so

right humbly I rest your poore Bro­ther in the Lord. THO. DOWNING.

To the Right Honourable, Right Worshipfull, and all my souing and worthy Parishioners of S. Mary Aldermanberry London, the multiplication of all spirituall grace, and assurance of Celestiall glory through Christ lesus our Lord.

RIght Hononarable: Right Worshipfull, and my best be­loued in him that loues you best and hath paid for his loue deerest. In the hearing of the most of you (according to the godly commaund of lawfull authoritie knowne vnto you all) I haue lately entred vpon that most commendable and most profitable course of Catechising: and to the end that I might the more cher­ish you, and bolden yours, I tooke courage to my selfe by God, be­fore I began the worke it selfe, to say something as a short begin­ning and introduction to my future endeauours by Gods permis­sion: For your selues by way of Sermon and continuall discourse, as the foode of the strong, for your children and seruants, by ta­king of the same into peeces, for the smallest and weakest disgesti­ons, by way of questions, for all (I hope) as members of the same body, a fit receipt and preperation, especially it being the desire of of some of you to haue these published for the benefit of children, as crummes in common, I know whit-meates are wholesome for you that are growne great ones, but yet I presume it will not be troublesome to you to taste of the milke, both before, and after your small children. I shalbe refreshed before the Lord for the time present, as well as any fare can make me, if you like the Lord that maketh both the body and the bread, will accept of these poore pee­ces I haue to present you; and for the time to come, your gather­ing of such fruite as is growne shalbe full payment for the past sea­son: God that onely must giue encrease (euen to Pauls planting) grant vnto your information, and my consolation, his heauenly blessing, through Iesus Christ, to whom be all honour and glory.

Your affectionate Pastor, THO. DOWNING.



WHat way might a Minister winne the wills, and sharpen the wits of Christians to be Catechised.


By encouraging them vnto the same out of Gods holy word, as Solomon by his parables giues to the simple sharpnesse of wit. Pro. 1.4.

Quest. How many motiues be there to this godly worke of Catechising?

Ans. Many, but for memory sake they general­ly be deuided into three: 1. the Matter of Cate­chising. 2. the Manner of Catechisme. 3. the Meanes we haue of Catechising.

Quest. For the Matter, first tell me what the word Catechisme is in signification?

Ans. Catechisme is a word that is drawne from the greeke word [...] Catecho, which sig­nifieth to eccho, or sound out, and so it is true, In­structions and answers are sounds from heauen, and ecchoes from earth, 1. Cor. 14.19 therefore Saint Paul vseth the word to teach the rudiments of Religion say­ing, [...]. I had rather speake fiue (that is a few) wordes with mine vnderstanding that I might (Catechise o­thers) in the Church, then ten thousand wordes in a strange tongue?

Quest. Who be those (others) the holy Apostle speakes of.

Ans. Whosoeuer are capeable but yet are voide of the elements of the Christian faith.

Quest. But is it not presumption at least if not fol­ly, for small children to meddle with great matters of Religion. 1. Cor. 13.11 Paul confesseth, When he was a child, he spake as a childe, he vnderstood as a childe, he thought as a childe, and before he became a man, he put not away childish things: how then should smattering children be fit for profound and holy mat­ters?

Ans. It is meete for vs that are Children for all that, to read, to study, to meditate, and to conferre touching grounds of Religion.

Quest. What reason can be showne for that?

Ans. A double reason: First from our owne profit. Secondly from Gods law.

Quest. What profit will it be to you?

Ans. That appeares from the knowledge of God, without which vaine is euery child of man, but knowledge of God bringeth righteousnes in [Page 3]this world, and in the world to come eternall life, as Iesus saith, Iohn. 17.3. This is life eternall to know thee to be the onely very God, and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. But as a candle through a window, so a glimpse of the Godhead may be discerned through the Cranies of our childhood.

Quest. Profitable though it be, yet what warrant haue you to tell me for it?

Ans. Dauid the holy father may be a patterne to all our parents, and he tells vs and them in the 19. Psal. 7. Psal. 19.7. The Law of the Lord giueth wisedom to the simple, therefore we ought to receiue it when it is offered, and Salomon his wise sonne, that may be a teacher of all the children of men, Pro. 1.4. To giue to the simple sharpnes of wit, and to the child knowledge and discretion, he wrote his parables, so that we are Salomons table bookes as well as others.

Quest. But is not that to be vnderstood of little ones of soule, rather then of body and age, of children in grace rather then in growth?

Ans. Not rather, but indifferently to both, for the Lord of heauen requireth, Psal. 148.12 That young men and maidens, old men and children should praise the name of the Lord on earth. But they cannot doe that till this, not acknowledge his praise till they know his person and properitie.

Quest. But what then? grant it that children are docible, are their poore soules ere the safer for some knowledge without practise? What good would the light of the sunne doe a man and take away the heate. Wherefore holy Dauid saith that a good vnderstanding haue all they that do thereafter, Psal. 111.10. and Saint Iames bids [Page 4]vs not be hearers of the word onely deceiuing our selues, Iam. 1.21.22 but doers also: &c. But tender children doe rather minde childish folly and play, then regard to prac­tise that they heare, Pro. 22.15. heare Salomon, Foolishnes is bound in the heart of a childe?

Ans. We must confesse our selues guilty of all but yet not without somthing to say for our selues, and something that wise Solomon himselfe will say for vs, and so we hope though one should breake, the other will hold, we haue a double answere.

Quest. Which is the first?

Ans. First for profit, if we learne something, and practise nothing, or but little.

Quest. What profit would that be?

Ans. There is a double commodity, first a pro­fit pertaining to the way vnto the end, secondly, a commodity in the end of the way.

Quest. What commodity haue you in the way?

Ans. Information of our slender vnderstan­dings, touching things to be knowne in the way to our future life, and not to be knowne to be be­leeued, and not to be beleeued, to be done or to be shunned, to be feared, or to be hoped.

Quest. What is your commodity in the end of the way?

Ans. The end of instruction is incomparable not onely grace in this short life but glory in life eternall.

Quest. Why attaine this great incouragement?

Ans. Not learners, but liuers, not hearers, but fearers, yet we that are poore children, if we haue not this rich profit presently, we learne the right [Page 5]way by Gods word to it, and this is a great part of profit, for as learning without liuing is vnprofi­table, so liuing without learning is vnpossible.

Quest. But you say that wise Solomon hath some­thing more to say for you, tell me what it is?

Ans. He giueth vs not only sharpe but sweete, he calles vs fooles in the bondes of childhood, Pro. 22.15. but yet be makes vs amends (though we fooles doe not thinke so) the rod of corection chaseth it away.

Quest. But may not you attaine this without know­ledge, as well as many simple and illiturat men doe. Wisdome saith Apply thy heart vnto me, Wisd. 1. and thinke of God with humility. (Not speake mistically of him) but thinke and seeke him in simplicity of thine heart, but a childe may doe this as well as many lay men doe.

Ans. Our answere to this is from euery fingers end to the contrary, from the right hand to the left: 5. to 5.

The fiue fingers:

  • 1. Necessity of knowledge.
  • 2. Tradition of Teachers.
  • 3. Text of Scriptures taught.
  • 4. Tuition of the Truth.
  • 5. Incouragement to all.

Quest. What necessity is there?

Ans. It is necessity that we should haue this knowledge of eternall life, either by our owne stu­dies or by others, either implicity or explicity, e­ther by report or knowledge, and this is necessary for lay men as little children.

Quest. What is that second finger of Tradition?

Ans. It is no doubt better to haue the docu­ments, and lessons of Religion by our owne labour [Page 6]then by tradition, yet first we must haue them by Traditions of our teachers.

Quest. What was the third answere?

Ans. Thirdly we answere to the text alledged by Text of Scripture. Though God will accept of none without simplicity of heart, yet the Lord requireth more, as the Apostle saith, With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes, but with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation. Iam. 1. So Saint Iames, that faith without workes is dead. They deceiue them­selues therefore that trust to simple harts, without vnderstanding in matters of Religion.

Quest. What is the fourth answere?

Ans. Reason not to regard our owne profit a­lone, but the tuition of the Gospell, and the de­fence of the truth, the depth whereof was neuer more digged at, nor the profession thereof euer more pusht at, now is the time both for old and young couragiously to sanctifie The Lord in their hearts, 1. Pet. 3.15. being ready to satifie euery one that shall aske a reason of their faith and hope that is in them.

Quest. What is the fift Incouragement?

Ans. Comfort and ioy to all from the royall King that sits on his throne to the lowest subiect, to prince pastor and people, as Salomon saith it did him. Pro. 27.11. My sonne be wise and reioyce my heart, that I may answere him that reproacheth me: And surely if euer there was cause, now there is, for all, for Kings to commaund, and Ministers to obey in instruc­ting their hearers, and for both to make glad the heart of their dread Soueraignes, by witnessing of wisdome, and answering the spitefull reproches of [Page 7]all hereiques.

Which if euery man would but labour for a while, hope we ere long, that if our aduersaries will but stand at our Church doores, they shall heare those resounding ecchocs from the mouthes of babes, that shall reioyce their nurcing father and leige king, the spirituall and naturall parents, and confound all false heresies, which graunt O Lord Iesus Amen.

Quest. The profit of a thing doth not consist in the bare matter, so much as in the fruitfull manner, and therefore since you haue spent so much paines on the matter of Catechising, doe no lesse on the manner, will you be tractable to be encouraged to know the same how it is to be performed?

Ans. Yes withall our hearts and studies: for the manner God respects as well as the matter, and for defects in the manner doth reiect the matter, as in Caine, Gen. 4.5. because he had not respect to the manner of his sacrifice to doe it well, God had no regard of him nor his oblation, he had no profit nor com­mendation.

Quest. What then in a word is required in the come­ly manner of this goaly businesse generally?

Ans. As in receiuing the holy Sacraments, de­uout prayer vnto almighty God, Ex. 19.7.10. hearing his holy word, there is a time of premeditation, so in Cate­chising youth in the heads of Religion, there must be preperation.

Quest. What duties are required in this preperation?

Ans. The duties herein required are sundry, but for memories sake againe they shalbe reduced to three.

Quest. Which be those three?

Ans. First, duties that doe concerne your selfe and those that are in place to teach vs. Secondly, duties that doe concerne our selues that are to be taught. Thirdly, duties that doe concerne our parents and gouernours, that are both to teach vs, and to be taught by you.

Quest. What be the duties concerning my selfe that am to Catechise?

Ans. They are diuerse, as well as ours or our parents, but may fitly be drawne to three sorts.

Quest. Which be those three?

Ans. First, duties before Catechising.

Secondly, duties at Catechising.

Thirdly, duties after Catechising.

Quest. You haue answered plainly, so doe still, and tell me what parts in me before we come to Catechising, will set your hearts on worke with courage to it?

Ans. Two: Faculty, and Freewill.

Quest. What is that Falculty?

Ans. It is that ability and power to open the dores of entrance into the temple of Religion, faith and godlinesse, both to old and young, rich and poore, for no man can enter himselfe that can­not open the doore, so no man can teach that he doth not know, and as a Charriot man must haue skill to rule the charge committed to him, else he can neither do well nor it, so neither can they be without danger whose Charriot of their soules is [Page 9]desperately left to an ignorant pastor, and Saint Paul tells Timothy, that a Bishop must be apt to teach, 1. Tim. 2.5. that is, one that can prudently moderate his la­bours to the stirring vp and encouraging of his followers to the loue of labours.

Quest. What meane you by free will, which you say will freely incourage you to be Catechised by me?

Ans. A willingnes whereby you are godly well affected with all readinesse to further our procee­dings and proficiency, desirous to be loued of your answerers and auditors, applying your selfe to our greene age, poore powers, and slender capacitie, as our shepheard compassionate, first feeding vs the tender Lambes of Christs flocke, Ioh. 21.15. before the flocke of his sheepe, not for any lucre and benefit of Much was proffered in my Church before the King sent forth his charge to do it freely. hundred poundes, but for loue and bowells of Christ the chiefe sheepheard of our soules, our fu­ture happinesse, and your owne account of vs at the day of iudgement, neither for any disreputation, some scorners shamefacedly forsakeiug vs bashfull babes, but in an affable maner childishing with vs in the handleing of these things and holy exerci­ses, counting all your grating toile ours, and your owne felicity in the middest of the furnace of your function, Dan. 3.25. as the Sonne of God and his Angell in the midest of the three faithfull Children walking and talking with vs.

Quest. Set forward so still, and tell me my duty at my Catechising to encourage you?

Ans. Your office now is threefold,

  • 1. Matter.
  • 2. Measure.
  • 3. Method.

Quest. What is the first?

Ans. Matter. First to communicate and deliuer whole­some doctrines and lessons, to the true end that we may attaine precious wisedome, and cheerefully profit something in this open schoole of Christ Ie­sus, Our Church therefore doth confine vs to the Decalogue the Lords Prayer, and the Creede. Titus 1.9. and then we all hope stedfastly in God (though through our weaknesse we wot not how) that the learning and nurture of the Lord (as an army that is mighty and subtile) will insinuate it selfe, and slip into our hearts and heads, and creep into our soules, and hold there as Paul to Titus, Hold fast that faithfull word according to doctrine, that thou maiest be able to exhort with wholesom, (not with eloquence or nouelty) but with wholesome doctrine. This first will encourage vs.

Quest. What is my second duty, that being done will encourage you to do your duties at Catechising?

Ans. Measure. If you instill these wholesome things by little and little (as we hope you will, and you ought to doe) and not burthen our childish witts with too much plenty (which will neither be pro­fitable to vs, nor pleasant to you) this will make vs take good courage and strengthen vs to come vnto you merily, as the prouerb is Festinalente, hasten slowly, for to say truly, hast makes wast, and ves­sells that haue narrow mouthes, receiue not the liquour hastely powred ouer, yet if it be by little and little dropped in, they may in time be filled, as Iob saith that Water with small drops will breake stones, so may your instructions by degrees and soft steps get into our hearts more kindly then breake in by oppression, this measure is the second incou­ragement.

Quest. What third encouragement desire you at the exercise of Catechising?

Ans. It will harten vs to waite vpon your words, Methods. if they haue not only full weight, but you set them in faire order, as the Apostle proscribes, 2. Cor. 14. that all things should be done in order, for words without methode giue sound without vnderstanding, Oratio dat siue mente sonum. Esa. 5.17. and the prophet holy and eloquent, saith that the Lambes shall feed, but it must be by good order & maner, for this is the mother of all learning in all schooles, and this will lastly encourage vs at Cate­chising in Christs schoole.

Quest. You haue answerea me, you haue truly told me what you ought to desire at my bands in the time of this exercise, but what haue I nothing to doe afterward to encourage you?

Ans. Two things if it please you: the one is the eye office, the other the eare, as those two are commonly the greatest encouragement, or dis­couragement, especially in our teachers.

Quest. Which way may I encourage you with mine eies?

Ans. By lookeing after vs, and watching ouer vs, driuing farre from vs any euill thing, that may hinder vs from the blessing and benefit of your la­bours, as corrupt company, which would poyson vs with corrupt learning and life, like bleared eyes that will make our eyes as blinde and as sore as themselues; and by seeing that our consorts may make vs more and more apt, better mannered, bet­ter learned, and this is the first and aptest maner to [Page 12]moue and encourage vs to learning after Catechi­sing.

Quest. Which way may I encourage you by my eares?

Ans. By listning to our language whether it be of Canaan or no, to our wordes whether they be of one sweet fountaine or no, I am. 3. not wordes full of sauor in the Church alone, Eph. 5. gracious admini­string good content to our parents and all good people, with your selfe in the Church, but such abroad as the eares of God himselfe, doth like and long for of these encouragements, we shalbe glad both before, at, and after Catechising.

Quest. As you haue told me soberly, that like Saint Peters cocke, Mat. 27. I must first clap and beate mine owne side before I sing to you, now like little chickens let me heare you lift vp your voices to tell me your owne, and what is to be done on your side, what rules were good for you to haue before your eies to encourage your hearts?

Ans. We are to haue in minde the same order­ly with your selfe, before, at, and after Catechising.

Quest. What are the rules before Catechising?

Ans. Two, first, good mindes must be to it, se­condly, the best meanes must be vsed.

Quest. What spirit must you be of, and how must you be minded?

Ans. We must girt vp our mindes fit for labour, and one time after another reuiue our spirits when they are let downe, for as it is lost labour for a wa­terbearer to powre it out of his tanckard into a cis­terne that is deftled, or that will not hold, so is it for a Minister to put the Law of God into the minde of them that are or will not be docible, nei­ther [Page 13]the father nor the sonne can well reioyce, Luk. 11. if when the father shall offer him bread, he will not so much as reach out his hand, he deserues to starue, that will not open his head, so those that will not be ready, but make light of the bread of their soules, and the bread of the Sabbath, if they should want a peece of bread it were no pitty, what good will your masters do you, oh you excusefull seruants about your masters businesse, when the Lord of your masters shall require these things at the day of your soules account? the wheele we hope shalbe turned, and you like spokes in the same shall beare some part of the burthen, to encourage vs poore children.

Quest. What is the second braunch of encouragement before the tree of knowledge of God?

Ans. Meanes that we can vse in writing, that which you haue written and deliuered, both for vs and our friends, and their families this maketh vs to heare and hand your directions, and shun no labour to learne; Our reioycing therefore afore­hand to stoop like children weakely to the grounds of Religion, is that we are able to write them with our fingers for our learning, though inperfectly.

Quest. What morsells or draughts are those that will comfort you at Catechising?

Ans. Two: Heb. 2.2. The first to eate sauourly the coun­sell, and receiue attentiuely your commaunde­ments reuerently, with all paines that we are fit for markeing the places that you presse to vs, & knead vpon vs in this holy place, that we may deliuer and draw againe that we receiue from you: that you [Page 14]may as the conduit, and we as the pipes, runne into our parents, as the vessels and tanckards, these wa­ters that must be diuided amongst vs at home.

Queste What is the second comfortable morsell at the time of Catechising?

Ans. The second encouragement it is, that this Catechising is but a little breake fast in the mor­ning of childhood and youth, and we hope for a feast and dinner to strengthen and settle vs in the age of Manhood, and to be satisfied with our Ma­ster Iesus Christ at Supper: for why should not the light of the Gospell, that in this exercise dawneth vpon vs, make vs to looke vp to higher purposes, and expect fairer points, and to trust that after these groues and purleyes of low shrubbes with­out the pales, we meane these questions of primer­lie beginners, we shall come to walke among and to clime vpon the Cedars of Lebanon the moun­taine, one day being able to aske questions, as well as now to answere.

Quest. What branches of encouragement grow be­hind this tree of the knowledge of God?

Ans. Two branches spring out after Catechi­sing.

Quest. Which is the first?

Ans. The first branch after our Catechifing that comforts vs is grafted in our memory, for this har­tens vs, that our heades through delight in this holy exercise, Heb. 2. do not let slip that you haue taught vs, for this remembrance is the mother of the muses in our schooles, and more in the house of God, nothing breedeth knowledge more in religi­on, [Page 15]then heed taking, that those things that we haue heard as out of cract vessels run not out, yea further, though the morning of our childhood lets many a drop of this heauenly dew to sweat and bleed through, yea we hope that as the Sunne in his Tabernacle, that riseth and runneth ouer vs, and sets downe vpon vs, doth tan our tender skins, so continuance of sitting in this Sunne of Gods holy Tabernacle, will leaue a Christian colour of godlines vpon vs, this is the first comfort after Ca­techising.

Quest. What is the second comfortable branch after Catechesing?

Ans. Then the gift of God to take pleasure in that we remember in this and the like exercises of godlines, to thinke willingly our selues most hap­py to haue our wits exercised, and seasoned with this heauenly liquour, and filled with this ripe treasure, so to shunne pleasures that are noysome, and therefore to delight in reading, hearing, me­detating, and conferring of the same, which for in­struction will make vs the apter, but for swearing, lying, or idlenesse, to eschew them as serpents, which will make our thoughts to fal foolishly from these things, as if they were toylesome.

Quest. As you haue shewed me what milke out of my brests will encourage, and battle you in the first place, secondly, as your mouthes haue satisfied my soule with the good things that concerne your selues; so the next thing is to know what blessings your fathers, and mo­thers haue in keeping for you, if you do this duty man­fully, if you be the sonnes of wise parents, they will fur­ther [Page 16]you in proceeding on the wisedome of God very much; for looke how much ioy they hope to reape in the haruest of their fulnesse of daies, from you there young seed, so much seed of grace and godlines must they set in the beds of your childhood, as you haue told me your du­ty to them, so what will you aske or chuse of them?

Ans. Not to leaue vs riches, if they may, not to lend vs righteousnes, if they could, not to get vs for honour, or honour for vs, when neither we, nor that shall long abide, not to make vs their deer­lings in worldly pleasures, 1. King. 2.9. but as Salomon gardens full of the flowers of wisdome, and grace of God to regard vs.

Quest. What blessings then do you namely desire of them?

Ans. As in you and our selues the same order did comfort vs, so in them both before, at, and af­ter Catechising.

Quest. What duties will comfort you from your pa­rents, like Gardeners and you the gardens?

Ans. Three, first, to see vs sowne with good seed, when we haue beene dressed like a garden. Second­ly, to blow vpon vs, as the South wind vpon the Rose bud, and water vs like wells, when we are in sowing and dressing. Thirdly, to locke vs vp well from the browsing and brusing of beasts, and picking of birds, afterwards we meane to looke to vs carefully after Catechising.

Quest. But are they obliged to graunt and to stand to these duties?

Ans. Both of them are bound to stand to them by a double law. First, of nature. Secondly, of God: [Page 17]Nature binds them, whenc comforts descend to vs from the god of nature, hauing made such a well of natureall affection in the garden of nature, that waters all the plants, and children therein to be be­loued intirely; a liuing and running streame to prouide for vs carefully, an inbred care to cherish vs from our conception tenderly, till we be made able to shift for our selūes by God our father al­mighty.

Quest. But how doth the Law of God bind them?

Ans. Our bended knees shall doe their humble duty to them, and our preuaileing tongues shall cheerfully aske of them, whether they can find in their indulgent hearts to doe otherwise or vndoe vs, Esay. 49. the Prophet therefore as a spirituall parent makes it a strang question, saying, Can a woman (if she be not worse then a very beast) can she forget her child, or a mother (except she be worse then a ve­ry Tygre) can she not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe? Luk. 11.9. So the bowells of all com­passion, our Sauiour, his heart earnes towards vs, when he tells vs what our parts are in three tearmes past: that a sonne must aske, First, before such food as this be set him. Secondly, he must seeke at Ca­techising. Thirdly, he must knocke after at the doores of his fathers eares and heart: Secondy, he specifieth our parents duties in answerable points, demaunding for answere to the first, whether any father will not giue his sonne bread, & not a stone, before this: Secondly, if at this feast he aske a fish, will he giue him a serpent: Thirdly, if the sonne knocke againe, whether the father insteede of an [Page 18]egge, will giue him not a shell, but a scorpion? as if he should say, no father that hath but the bowells of nature in him, but he will put good meate into the mouth of his child, so now no god­ly father but will put wholesome things into the heart of his son. This therefore doth encourage vs that we hope, looke how many fathers we haue, so many Iacobs we haue, that will tenderly loue vs, be­ing so many obedient Iosephs, Gen. 37.34. and little Beniamins, and looke how many mothers, true ones to vs, so many louing, affected grieuously, that their eyes should be open to see their poore childrens soules cut a sunder, 1. Kin. 4. but as much reioycing to keepe them safe from the murtherous sword, that is in the mouth of the harlot, and the false mother.

Quest. Now you haue summed out their affections, let vs cast ouer the perticular effects of those affections, and first before Catechising?

Ans. They are not so few as that a child can tell them; yet more then there be good fathers and mothers, but as the parents are two, so shall their parts be both before, at, and after Catechising.

Quest. What is the first before Catechising?

Ans. First we answere, that as before we could either aske of them, or answere what they asked, before we knew these hands one from another, they performed Christian parts in suffering vs lit­tle infants, Mat. 19.14. not able to come, no: but in bringing vs to Christ, so that as the kingdome of God be­longs to vs, so we to it, by being deliuered into the armes of Christs mercy at the Baptistery, so now as they promised before at Baptisme and vowed [Page 19]they would, they will looke that we can say vnder­standingly in our mother tongue, the ten Com­maundements, the Lords prayer, and the holy Apostles Creede, so as from them we may be taught whatsoeuer is necessary for a Christian to know to his saluation. But this (we hartely thanke them) they haue done, and this is the first incou­ragement.

Quest. What is the second thing that the louing pa­rents haue done to you before hand, to giue you courage to this holy exercise?

Ans. It is the first encouragement that Baptisme of water, wherin they put vpō vs the white & pure garment of Christ to couer vs, but it doth second­ly encourage vs, that as we grow in yeares and sta­ture, they prouid the warm garments of education, and not onely fit our bodies with clothes that are long and large enough for vs, but their desire is to fill our soules with fit meate for vs, and therefore we haue beene led and carried to godly schooles before we could goe our selues, and sent to such houses where we haue learned to reade and write, and so they haue spent their mony, and we the monthes of our youth, in tasting the principles of Religion, Heb. 5.12. that now when they haue sent vs to Church, we are able to drinke vp the precepts of piety: 1. Tim. 4.5. so that our parents being like Timothies Grandmother Lois, and his mother Eunice, 2. Tim. 3.15. instructing vs before hand, we are encouraged (we thanke them) to this holy exercise.

Quest. Whereas you haue shewed me what seedes of encouragement you haue receiued already from your pa­rents, [Page 20]so now tell me when Christ is come downe into you, as into his garden bedds, what things do encourage you now?

Ans. As in a garden, water and wind will make seeds and nuts to grow and flourish, Cant. 6. if they be sea­sonable and soft, and Southernly, so in our hearts, so will the prayers and prayses of our parents, Can. 4. lou­ingly blowing vpon vs, will make vs spring and spread beautifully; and therefore we pray them now to sanctifie vs vnto God at this holy exercise, and as euer they desired to be deliuered of vs out of the vault of the darke wombe, so desire now that we be conceiued from aboue, Ioh. 3.5. and borne a­gaine of water and the holy Ghost, that we may be deliuered in our hearts, from that which they na­turally, and the diuell maliciously hath put into vs in the first garden: Ioel. 2.16. so the Prophet did sanctifie the children, as well as the Congregation, and so did Hannah consecrate her son to the Lord, 1. Sam. 2. esteeming him better as the child of God, then her owne, his prepared for life, hers for death.

Quest. What is the second thing that doth encourage you at the time of this worke from your parents?

Ans. The second is the South winde, of soun­ding still secret prayses to almighty God, blowing on the buds of goodnesse and grace, that they see shoot from vs, as signes of the summer of ripe and good fruite hereafter, not hauing stincking breath, from corrupt lungs and rotten teeth, as the old pharises, murmuring, and grateing their teeth a­gainst the Lord and his disciples, Luk. 19.39. saying, Master, rebuke thy disciples, when they deserue to be re­ioyced [Page 21]at, nor as the surley and the sawcy Scribes, Mat. 21.15. when they saw his marueilous workes, and heard his gratious wordes, such as neuer man spake, Ioh. 7. yet they send officers to apprehend him, and for the childrē that cryed in the Temple, Hosanna to the son of Dauid, disdaine at it, as if it were but boyes play: so did they, and what is this that many amongst vs doe? cauil and carpe in euery company, they come in, contemne the Congregation, censure the Cate­chising, and charging the Catechiser either of tediousnes, or of hardnes, or of confusednes, or else odiously presuming to compare what one doth, with what another Minister doth, if they cannot deny but it is good, yet mince, it is not so good as such a ones, and in my mind such a course were more commodious, when none will content them that are so combustuous, but these are sleights of the deuill to discourage the Ministers, to discomfort the Congregation, to chill the new kindled courage of the children, to dishonour the ordinance of God, whiles the deuill doth leade them out by the elbowes, from likeing any thing that is good, but we hope our parents, while we are setting forth the prayses of Iesus Christ with our mouthes, will not haue stony heart, but spread the boughes in the way, and cast the garments of gratitude and honour in the pathes of his ordi­nance for the same.

Quest. What is the locke of this garden, Can. 4. to keepe you and that is implouted in you, in this exercise, and what blessings do you desire of your parents after Catechising?

Ans. We haue two priuate domesticall petiti­ons, [Page 22]to put into their hands at home, yet as chil­dren haue a priuiledge, we may tell the truth in publike; let not our parents be angry if we speake to them here for our encouragement to be domes­ticall schoolmasters, at home examining vs ouer and ouer what we haue learned at Church, and as they haue faculty more plentifully, as our heauenly Father commaunds that they should whet them continually vpon their children, Deut. and bind them as front­lets (or signes of remembrance) and write them vp­on the postes of their doores, and if they shall set them vp vpon the dry and dead postes of their houses, or else one post will cry out to another for iudgement for neglect of Gods commaundement, how then shall we their suruiuing posterity perishing, how loud shall our bloud cry for iudgement against our parents? 1. Kin. 20.31 and therefore if the seruants of Benhadad can slay the Kings of Israel are mercifull, if the ad­uersaries can, we may much more, that our grati­ous King of England is mercifull to the little peo­ple in his kingdome, and we doubt not but that the Lord tooke of that spirit which was vpon King Dauid, Num. 11.25.29. and put it on our King, when he in Psal. 34.11. Calls and sayes, Come little children hearken vnto me, I will teach you the feare (that is the true Religi­on) of the Lord, the Lord take of the same spirit and giue it to the threescore and ten Elders, we meane the Ministers of his word, and the Ma­sters of the families of this populous kingdome, that as we are (as Salomon saith of himselfe) the sonnes of our fathers (their derlings) and tender­ly beloued of our mothers, Pro. 4.4. so the fruite may be [Page 23]seene by being instructed by them, and locking our hearts to hold fast Gods word, and to keepe our Kings commaundements, that so we may liue, liue here religiously, liue with the King of Kings here­after eternally.

Quest. What is your second petition, wherein you do conclude all you are able to craue at their hands?

Ans. The last is this, that though we be not all one mens sonnes, nor all of one degree and birth, nor of letter and shape, nor all of one stature of bo­dy, nor of one nature, disposition, and faculty of soule, yet from the honourablest to the meanest that is a child, from the beautifullest to the home­liest that hath a father, from the strongest to the weakest that is borne of a mother, that they would (God to helpe) consecrate vs to the best seruice and worship of God in this life that we are fit for, not regarding bloud, beauty, or bignes, to our hinder­ance in the holiest things, for if the seminaries of heresie doe giue such encouragement, and their blinded kings do as Nebuchadnezar did, Dan. 1.3. first speake to their Eunuches to pricke & chuse of the childrē of Israel of the kings seed, and of the Princes.

Secondly, children in whom was no blemish but well fauoured. Thirdly, ripe witted, instruct in all wisedome and well seene in knowledge. Fourthly, strong and without in firmitly in body, or without impediment in speech, able to vtter knowledge, and such as were able to stand in the kings palace, if they that are the princes & Eunuches of Babell be so laborious, so liberall to prouide euery day such children for their king, and such portions of [Page 24]the kings meate, for the children they corrept and corrupt, to the end they may stand, and instruct their kings to cary them to hell and destruction, then how much more should our spirituall and na­turall parents of Ierusalem, of what degree or dignity soeuer enourage vs in the true way to God and saluation? and when they haue seene at our Catechising any hope of profit, or veine of godlinesse and virtue in our faces, they would thereafter let their hearts and hands goe as Gods doe, Pro. 20.11. for as Salomon saith, A child is knowne by his studies, Syra. 33. whether his workes be pure or right, hope­full or noe, fit for our calling if not for another, though not as Samuell did, yet growing a little in fauour and credit both with God and men, with these on earth, Transition. and him in heauen. So be it. Amen.

Quest. Turne your hearts now from the matter of encouragement in Catechising it selfe, and from the man­ner of it either in the Minister or your selues, or your parents, turne your hearts from these two, and tell me the third meanes of hartning you from the meanes we all haue by Gods blessing?

Ans. 2. Cor. 6. The meanes to make our hearts large with comfort to vs all, is very large, and the waies ma­ny, but that we may goe downe from the Temple with the same comfortable stepps numberly that we came vp, the meanes we finde is threefold, Be­fore, At, and After.

Quest. What are the meanes?

Ans. 1. Temples our harts are. 2. Temples our bo­dies are in. 3. Temples that they shalbe in hereafter.

Qu. Before we come, what are the temples of courage.

Ans. Three, First, Iesus Christ our head is a Temple of comfort to vs, the holiest of holiest to our hearts, Eph. 2.20.21. Iesus Christ himselfe being the head corner stone, in whom all the building being coupled together, groweth vnto an holy Temple to the Lord. For if it were a comfort to good Ioseph, Luk. 2.16. and the blessed Virgin Mary, to find him in the Temple after three daies seeking him, when he was but twelue yeares old, and when the Temple of his bo­dy was to be destroyed, Ioel. 2. behold a thousand times more encouragement it is to vs, to seeke him in the Temple of glory that neuer perisheth, whether we are taught he is raised and ascended, and where are we to learne to worship God through him.

Que. Which is the 2. part of this spirituall Temple?

Ans. The Foundation of this holy Temple of comfort to vs is twofold,

  • 1. Principall.
  • 2. Subordinate.

Que. What is the principall Foundation of courage?

Ans. The Foundation principall is the Scrip­ture, the holy Prophets and Apostles, as Saint Paul to the Ephesians 2.20. Ye are built vp on the founda­tion of the Apostes and Prophets, and this no small comfort that we haue so sure a foundation that cannot be shaken.

Quest. What is the subordinate foundation of this Temple of courage to this exercise?

Ans. Though we haue not so many Prophets as the Church of Israel had, nor so many holy A­postles as the Primitiue Church had to comfort vs, yet our Fathers are the Fathers of more propheti­call sonnes and apostolates then they were, and our [Page 26]Church the Mother of more reuerend Doctors, Luk. 2. then the Church of Ierusalem, to teach vs the way vnto life eternall; and this though subordinate is no small encouragement.

Quest. What is the third Temple of encouragement that we are to our owne hearts?

Ans. Not onely Christ our corner stone doth comfort vs, but the Church, though in a lesse mea­sure, and not onely our flourishing Church, but euen euery Christian in the Church, which is fuller of Temples of the holy Ghost, then flourishing Corinth, for we hope our Preachers may speake to more then S. Paul then could there, Know you not that your bodies are the Temples of God, 1. Cor. 16.17 & not only Tem­ples but holy; For the Temple of God is holy, which ye are. Hauing therefore a head or corner stone of so fine gold as Christ, a foundation of such pure siluer that hath beene seuen and seuen times tried in the fire, we receiue the golden cordialls of courage from them both to this holy exercise, that euer we were borne to be Temples built of the same Temples.

Quest. What is the second generall meanes of encou­ragement at Catechising?

Ans. The Temple we are in, which is either for the matter of it, or the manner, either the out­ward, or the inward parts of it comfortable

Que. What comfort is there for this frō the Temple?

Ans. The sacred Churches wherein we meete together in due sort (let God haue his due prayse for it) to heare and learne the grounds of Religi­on, if they were but few & straight and poore bou­ses, yet might they be some courage to vs, but they [Page 27]are many, large and beautified, the many Cathedr­all Churches ordained to spread religion, and the goodly Colledges annexed to both, both for en­larging of learning in Church & Cōmon-wealth, what largenesse of comfort doe these bestow vpon vs? besides the vulgar schooles where many poore boies and girles poore orphanes doe learne these foundations of religion, these do spurre vs forward to this learning of Catechising, lest the Churches that we are in, at the last day should condemne vs, when they shalbe consumed with fire for our neg­ligence in the same.

Secondly, for the manners in the Church, such consociation and concord of Ministers of the Church in the exercise of godlines; such rules and Lawes both for Pastor and people in, and, of the Church, such variety of exercises in the Church af­ter the necessitie of sorts and degrees, whom would they not moue either to gouerne, or to be gouer­ned to Catechise or to be Catechised? away there­fore withall those spirits that either if they be able will destroy the matter or the maner of this Tem­ple we are in, such as depopulate Townes, and dis­figure Churches, or any waies steeple the beauty of the Temple we are in, or the rule & gouernment of the Church we are of, that as soone as they be loose, flie vpon the throate of the Church, it is a shame, it is a shame, that any such should be suffered to the great discouragement of the weake, but be­cause this is not a thing that is vpholden in our charges, let it passe, and let vs take courage from our Temples, as Adam did in Paradise in innocency, [Page 28]more then the Israelites in the Tabernacle, or the Iewes in their Temple, and this must be by keepe­ing them religiously, & vseing them reuerently, & receiueing instructions attentiuely.

Qu. What is the Temple that we shalbe of, which vs Temples in the Temples we are in, doth so encourage?

Ans. This is as far beyond and aboue all other Temples of encouragement, as heauen is aboue the earth, the Celestcall Temple this is, a Tempole so high, so great, so holy, so pretious, so cleane, so walled, so dored, so gated, so windowed, so scitu­ated, so founded, so squared, so long, so broad, so garnished, so allyed, so full of all these, that Iohns eyes could not see it, Reu. 21.11. for the Lord God Almighty, and the Lambe are the Temple, this is our last, our best comfort that we hope our poore desires of our hearts, our ecchoes of our mouthes shall not like lead and earth descend downwards, but shall be heard in that Temple, whether we hope for our encouragement, the exorable clemency of God will bring vs his poore Temples, that when our dead bodies shall descend into our graues in these materiall Temples, our soules shall before ascend into that Temple so glorious, that it cannot be cal­led a Temple, whether the head of both Temples, Iesus Christ bring both our bodies and soules at the day, when he shall iudge vs, to whom be all honour, and glory, both in the Temples of heauen and earth, for euer. Amen.


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