A BOKE NAMED TECTONICON briefely shewynge the exacte measurynge, and speady recke­nynge all maner Lande, squared Tymber, Stone, Steaples, Pyl­lers, Globes. &c. Further, declaringe the perfecte makinge and large vse of the Carpenters Ruler, conteyninge a Quadrant Geo­metricall: comprehendinge also the rare vse of the Squire. And in thende a lyttle treatise adioyned, openinge the composicion and appliancie of an Instrument called the profitable Staffe. With other thinges pleasaunt and necessary, most conducible for Surueyers, Landemeaters, Ioyners, Carpenters, and Masons ⸫

Published by Leonarde Digges Gentleman, in the yere of our Lorde. 1556.


Imprynted at London by Thomas Gemini, dwellynge within the Blacke Friers: who is there ready exactly to make all the Instrumentes apperteynynge to this Booke. ANNO. 1562.

L. D. vnto the Reader.

ALthoughe (gentle Reader) many excellente in Geometry, vppon infallible groundes haue put forth diuerse most certayne and sufficient rules, touchyng the measuring of al maner Superfici­ecis: yet in that the arte of numbring hath ben required (yea, chiefely those rules hyd, and as it were locked vp in straunge toungues) they do profite, or haue furdered verye lyttle the moste parte: certes nothing at al, the Landemeater, Carpen­ter, or Mason, wantyng the aforesayde: for theyr sakes I am here prouoked not to hide, but to open, and so encrease the ta­lent which I haue receyued: yea, to publishe in this our tongue very shortly (if God geue life) a volume conteynynge the flowers of the Sciences Mathematical, largely applyed to our out­warde practise, most profitably pleasaunte to all maner men of this realme. In the meane time I shall desire the Artificers aboue named to be contented with this lyttle booke (a taste of my good wyll towardes them) which I wyshe euen so to farder the readers, as I knowe it suffycient for the true measurynge and readye accompte of all maner Lande, Timber, Stoone, Borde, Glasse, Pauemeut. &c.

Here mine aduise shall be to those Artificers that will pro­fite in this, or any of my bokes, nowe publyshed, or that here­after shall be, first confusely to reade them thorow, then with more iudgement, and at the third reading wittely to practise. So fewe thinges shalbe vnknowen. Note, oft diligent reding, ioyned with ingenious practise, causeth profitable laboure.

Thus most hartely farewell (louinge Reader) to whom I wishe my selfe present to further thy desire and practise in these.

The pleasaunt profite, or content of this lyttle boke. And in what it exceadeth all other publyshed.

OTher Bokes tofore put forth in our englishe tongue conteyned onely the bare measuring of Lande, Tim­ber, and Borde: howe agreable in all places to the rules of Geometry, let the learned iudge. Here (gen­tle Reader) thou shalt plainely perceiue through dili­gent readynge, howe to measure truely and very spe­dely all maner Land, Timber, Stone, Steaples, Pillers, Globes, Borde, Glasse, Pauemente. &c. without trouble, not payned with many rules, or obscure termes. Nor yet with the multitude of ta­bles, as here before hath ben: in whiche not a fewe errours were commytted: for that cause no iust accompte might any way be had. Further ye shall by this booke vnderstande the whole makinge and comely handelynge of the Carpenters Ruler, with the true measu­res. &c. And his vse appoynted to the ready measuringe of all kynde of Tymber, Stone, Borde. &c. Also the leauelinge of groundes, ta­kinge of Heightes, is pleasauntly and diuersely practised by the ru­ler. Ye haue here not the commune but the rare vse of the Squire applied to Heightes, Lengthes. &c. and to the fyndinge of the iuste houre of the daye diuerse waies: throughe the ayde of pleasaunt ta­bles, newely adioyned to my generall Prognostication, by the which the proporcion of thynges direct or squirewise standing, are by theyr shadowes knowen.

To conclude, in the ende of this boke is added a treatise shewyng the makynge and vse of an Instrument, by whiche ye shall get Len­gthes, Heightes, Breadthes, widenesses, where, or howe so euer they stande. Other necessary thinges are con­teyned in this lyttle volume, whiche I commytte to the diligente Readers.

Diuerse thinges conducible, to the arte of measu­rynge. THE I. CHAPTER.

AS there are few craftesmen, whiche haue all the kyndes of Arithmetike rea­dely: Characteres numerall. so I doo suppose none so ignorant but that they do, or maye easelye perceyue the simple significations of these Caracters or figures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. and also theyr strength, in the firste, seconde, and thirde roumes placed.

Besides that, they must be familiar with these and suche like Fractions.

½ ⅓ 1/7 1/16 1/32 ¾ ⅘ 9/10 The firste leftwarde be­tokeneth one secōd parte of an whole, Fractions. be it Pearche, Inche, or any other measure: the nexte, one thyrde, then one seuenth parte: the other ensuyng, one sixtenth. So one thirty and two partes of an Inche. Thē folow thre fourthes: four fiftes. The last is nine tenthes of an Inch: that is nine partes of an Inch, diuided into ten porcions.

These I doo intend to put in my ensamples, and in my tables, and margines folowinge, to represente partes of Pearches or Inches.

As, if I woulde write halfe an Inche after this maner. ½. Thre quarters of an Inche, thus. ¾ One eyght parte of a Pearche, on this wise. ⅛. So of the rest.

¶It is requisite also here to open what a Pearche, a Dayworke, a Roode, and an Acre is.

Althoughe there are diuers opinions engendred throughe longe custome in many places, of the length of a Pearch (vpon whiche our chiefe matter dependethe) yet there is but one true Pearch, by Sta­tute apoynted to measure by. Wherin is ordey­ned.




3. barly cornes, drye, and rounde, to make an Inche: 12. Inches, a Foote .3. Foote, a Yarde .5. yardes and .½. a Pearche: 40. Pearches in len­gthe, and .4. in breadth, an Acre.

So an Acre by statute ought to conteine. 160 pearches: the halfe Acre .80. pearches: a Roode, commonly called a quarter .40. pearches: a Day worke .4. pearches. Loe here the Acre expressed with his length and breadthe.

[Page] I must not omit here to tel you what thing is metest to measure land with. Instrumentes to measuce with Poales Corde knot­ted. They vse commonly in the country, two peales, eyther of them the length of a pearch. They are very good. Profitable staffe. Yet for al kinde of lande, a corde .5. pearches in length, well seared with waxe & rosyn, knotted or marked at the ende of euery pearche, is more mete & rea­dier. But in my fantasy, the Instrument Geometrical, which is put forthe in thende of this boke, passeth all them & other, for the exacte truth, & quickest spede. This instrument is so general & auaylable to so sundry thinges, that it alone requireth a large boke, if it shoulde be sufficiently set forthe.

Also I woulde not haue you ignorant what pece of lande is called a Triangle, Triangle. which often shall hereafter be named. It is suche a fa­shioned piece as hath, or is imagined to


haue thre sydes, and thre angels onelye: whether the sydes be equal or otherwyse as this figure sheweth. Line fallinge squirewise. Againe, note that a lyne is sayde to fall squirewise, when it cutteth any thinge, or any syde of a Tri­angle full crosse, lyke vnto a Squyre: As the hanginge pricked line, a. b. in .c. d. the base line of the Triangle. Loe, it cutteth the syde squyrewise, or full crosse, in the point b. and not as the other lyne a. Base line. e. dooeth. The Base of any tryangle is here called that syde, whiche is cut squyrewise of the hanging lyne.

Concerninge a Circle, Circle. knowe that the compasse of any circle, Circumferēce Center. is named his circumference: Diametre. the myddle point in him his Centre: semidiametre Arcke. the ryght lyne h. Paralleles. i. that goeth ouerthwart that


Centre, touchinge the circumference on bothe sydes, is his Diametre: the halfe of that line, the Semidiametre. Also an arcke is a pece of the circumference cut away, as ye se the arcke aboue the lyne f. g. Also f. g. and h .i. in this circle are named Parallels: for that they differ equally in al places, the one from the other.

Nowe because practyse and experience sheweth me, that there is almooste no lande, but it maye easelye be broughte by imaginati­on, to a Triangle or Triangles, and so mooste truelye measured: therfore to be shorte, this order shalbe taken. I wyll fyrste fygure and set afore your eyes Triangled Lande, and other whiche by ima­gination [Page] shalbe brought into triangles. Then I shall teache the true measuring of them: I meane how to finde a length & breadth, with whiche ye shall enter the Table of accompt folowinge, where the a­cres, and odde pearches, if there be any, shall appeare. As these fy­gures are measured, so all tryangled land, and other, brought into triangles, of what fashion soeuer they be, shalbe measured, And be­cause it is requisite for true measuring of all triangles, to finde a streigth hanging line, I shall shewe firste howe that Lyne is to be founde, imagined, or drawen.

Howe the right hanging line in Triangles is drawen THE II. CHAPTER.

To drawe a hanginge or plumbe line.THis streygth hanging lyne in all Triangles, is euer drawen or imagined from any Angle, cuttinge some one syde of that tri­angle squirewyse: as ye may perceyue the pricked lynes in the triangles folowing. By the helpe of this lyne, all landes of Triangle fashion, are brought to be mesured as ensueth.


Howe to measure all maner Triangled Lande. THE III. CHAPTER.

IF thou be an Arithmetrician multiylie this streigth hā ­ginge lyne, Euclide the firste boke, 41. pro. drawen as aboue as shewed, in halfe the nū ­ber of pearches of that syde which it cutteth squirewise. For want of that knowledge, take the aforenamed pear ches (I meane of the hanginge lyne, and halfe the syde which he cutteth) and with that Length and breadthe enter youre table of accompt, as there is set forth. So shall ye perceaue the nū ­ber of Acres, Roodes, Dayworkes. &c.


FOr the perfect measuring of triangles afore fygured, and all other, suppose the secōd of these laste. 9. fygures on thother syde, hauing written about it. a. b. c. d. to be a pece of land, whereof I would haue the true measure. I fynde by a corde or otherwyse, the pricked hanging lyne a. d. to be. 23. Pearches: the syde b. c. whiche it cutteth squirewise. 44. Pearches, whose halfe is. 22. With these. 22. & 23. the conuenient length and breadth, I enter the table of accompte. There I fynde by that table, at the corner where bothe the lynes of conunient length and breadth do mete .3. Acres, 6. Dayworkes, and 2. Pearches to be in that Triangle. Thus of all before fygured.

Here note, This Table foloweth. your Table must euer be entred with al the pearches of the hanging Lyne, and with halfe the side that he cutteth squire­wyse: Or with the halfe hanging lyne, and the whole syde cut.

A figure of a double Triangle.


THis fygure e. f. g. h. is but two Triangles: and therefore measured as aboue in two partes: Or thus. The hangynge lyne, e. g. is .33. Pearches: the syde. f. h. that he cut­teth squirewyse .20. Pearches, the halfe of the whiche is .10. Nowe enter your Table as afore, with 33. and .10. the conueniente lengthe and breadthe. So shall ye fynde, 2, Acres, 2, Daye­workes and, 2, Pearches, the true contente of this fygrue, e, f, g, h,

An other ensample.

ADmit. i. k. l. m. lande to be measured. Because it is no maner Triangle, it must be brought by imagination, as I haue saied, into a Triangle or triangles. Figures of many Angles. Which imagination is here signi­fied


by the lyne dashed. i. l. Then as aboue is declared, it ought to be measured (accordinge to the rule of Triangles) in two partes, be­cause there are two triangles in that lande. So by profe ye shal finde in the vpper. i. m. l. one Acre .3. Rodes and .5. Dayworkes: in the other i. k. l. one Acre. Thus I gather the whole content of that lande to be 2. Acres .3. Roodes, and .5. Dayworkes.

None otherwyse of the adioyned. n. o. p. q. and all other fygures fo­lowynge, and other whatsoeuer they are, that by any meanes may be brought into triangles.

Furthermore knowe, that the fygure. i. k. l. m. is redely thus mea­sured. Adde the pearches of bothe the hangynge lynes together: so haue ye. 23. Wyth this number, and wyth halfe the pearches of the syde. i. l. whiche he cutteth squyrewyse, beynge. 20. pearches, enter your table: so is founde as afore.

These two fygures folowynge may also be thus measured, other­wise then by the rule of Triangles. Enter your table wyth theyr conueniente lengthe and breadthe. So shall ye fynde the contente of all suche.


[Page] These three fygures folowinge, althoughe they may be measured by the rule of Triangles: yet for quicker spede, they haue also theyr proper measuringe as ensueth.

Laye together the two sydes whiche are parallels of the fyrst fy­gure a. that is .6. and 18. makinge .24. the halfe is .12. the breadthe .5. Enter with .5. and .12. your table. So haue ye one rode, and fyue day­workes. For the other two b, c, and suche lyke, ioyne the heades or endes in one: and enter your table with halfe of those pearches, and with the whole number of the middle lyne.


How by supputation to measure all Triangled Lande.

To measure triangled lāde bi supputatiōIOyne all the sydes together: take halfe: out of that halfe pulle euery syde, nothing difference. Then multiply the [...]ifferen­ces the one in the other: and the thirde difference augment in the product. That which encreaseth multiply in the halfe of all the sydes ioyned. Then the Radix of the surmontinge summe is the content of that Triangle.

Foure rules folowing.Nowe reste foure rules to be treated of. The fyrste for all maner regular square Superficies. The seconde for Rounde lande, and her partes. The third for Steples, Columnes, Globes, and theyr parts. The laste for Mountaines and Ʋalleyes. Here they shall in order followe.

A rule for all maner regular or right squared lande of many sydes, as 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 20. 100. &c. THE IIII. CHAPTER.

To measure lande of many sydes.MEasure and laye all the sydes together, taking the halfe number of Pearches there conteyned. Then drawe a right han­ginge lyne from the centre or myddes of that fygure, to the middes of some one syde. And with that lengthe and the other enter your Table. Note that the Triangle of all sydes like, and the Qua­drate fygure, are also measured by this rule.


S Ʋppose this figure. a. b. c. d. to be a stresquare pece of land and euery syde .24. pearches. The halfe summe of all sy­des is .72. pearches: the right hanginge pricked lyne, a. c. 21. Pearches. With these two numbers ye muste enter your table of accompt folowinge hereafter. And dooe as is opened in the declaration there adioined, when numbres surmoūt the Table, as they do here.

So shall ye finde, 9. Acres .1. Roode, and. 8. Dayworkes, the contēt of this fygure. a. b. c. d. Euen thus is the other nynesquared fygure measured, and all suche like.


A rule for rounde Lande, and the partes therof. The. V. Chapter.

HAlfe the Diametre multiplied in halfe the Circumfe­rence Archimedes in libello cir­culi mensura­tionis. sheweth the content of any Circle.

Or thus more playnelye. Ye sshal enter your Table wyth halfe y e nūber of Pearcches of the whole Circumference or compasse, and wyth the number of half the Diametre or breadth. So haue ye the cotente.


SƲppose a piece of lande, wherof the compasse is 100. pearches, the breadth 33. Pearches. I woulde knowe howe muche lande is in this Figure. Enter your Table wyth halfe the compasse that is .50. and wyth halfe the breadth that is .16.


pearches. Because in the table I can not finde 50. for the greatest Lengthe is .40. (therfore I enter wyth .40). and .16. So is founde foure A­cres. Then I enter agayne wyth .16. pearches remaynyng and .16. the breadth as before: that bryngeth one Acre. Now to conclude, by addi­cion of .1. and .4. I finde .5. Acres in that rounde lande, whose halfe compasse is .50. pearches. and the breadthe .16. pearches.

FOr perfecte knowledge and vse of this Table folowinge, when partes of Pearches are adioyned, note wel this other example that ensueth, & also what is sayd of the declaration annexed vnto the


Table, How parts of pearches are to be cōpted in measuring. when partes of pearches are in the length, breadth, or in bothe.

Imagine. f. g. h. to be a rounde pece of lande: I finde by measure the whole compasse .99. Pearches. The halfe is .49. 2/1. The hangynge Lyne or halfe breadth is .15. ¾. Enter your table wyth the whole Pearches, that is .49. and 15. leauinge out .½. and .¾. whyche were [Page] but parts of pearches. So haue ye .4. acres .2. rodes .3. dayworks, & .3. Pearches. For those parts of pearches omitted at your first entring the table, worke thus. The halfe pearch, quarter, or other parts of a pearch in the length, must be reckened by them selues in the whole breadth: and those of the breadth cōtrariwise in the length. If there be suche odde partes in bothe, then recken them of the length in the whole breadth, and them of the breadth in the whole length: ioining to the other aforegotten, remembring the product of the one fracti­on multiplied in thother, to be pulled from the encrease. To make this matter playne, I wyll take this laste ensample before. The one number wherwyth I should haue entred my Table, was .49.½. the other .15.¾. I founde fyrste by entringe with .49. and .15. (omitting the odde parts) 4. acres .2. roodes .3. Dayworks, and .3. pearches. Now for the encrease of y e partes of pearches left out: I must (as I said) re­ken them of y e length in the breadth, & contrariwise thē of y e breadth in the length. Half .15.¾. is .7. pearches & .7/8. Thre quarters of .49.½. is .37. Pearches .⅛. Which added, makes .45. pearches: This adioyned to the number aforegotten, bryngeth the whole content of the rounde fygure, which is .4. Acres .3. Roodes .4. Dayworkes .3. Pearches .&.5/1. of a pearch, the product of the one fraction multiplied in thother sub­ducted. What must be done whē y e nūbres wherwith ye shold enter excede your table, coūsel y e declaration of your table there adioyned.

Of the halfe Circle.


To measure halfe circled lande.FOr this half Circle, enter y e table with halfe his compasse, & with halfe the Di­ametre of the circle, or with the lēgth of y e pricked hanginge lyne, k. l. So the con­tent of this half circle, is .2. acres .1. roode .7. dayworkes .1. Pearch, & .13/16. of a pearche.

An other ensample of porcions and partes of a Circle.

SƲppose .n. m. o. folowing were a part of a Circle, or pece of land, whose content ye desired. The whole compasse of the Circle whiche this porcion representeth, is (as afore) .99. Pearches: his Diametre or breadth .31.½. The pricked arcke or compasse n. m. o. is .74. Now with the half breadth or semidiametre of the circle .15.¾. & with .37. the halfe of the pricked compasse: enter your table. So haue ye .3. Acres .2. Roodes, 5. Dayeworkes, 2. Pearches, and .¾. of a [Page] Pearche, the contente of the piece of Lande full of Pryckes, to the sydes of the Triangle pricked. To measure partes of cir­cled lande.

If ye desire to knowe the summe of


pearches in thother porcion beneth the Triangle, seperated by the lyne, m. o: ye muste adde the contente of the triangle (whiche is .3. Roodes, and .¾. of a pearch, founde by the rule of Triangles) to the Acres & pearches before searched. So haue ye .4. Acres .1. roode .5. Dayworkes 3. pearches, and .½. of a pearche. This sub­tracted or pulled from the number con­teyned in the whole Circle, the remayne is the pearches included in the smal pece beneath the Triangle. That is .1. Roode .36. pearches, and .1/8. of a pearche.

Howe mixed fygures are measured.

Lande com­pounde of circles or his partes. I Thinke none nowe will doubt how these two fygures folowinge are measured, because they are made of por­cions or partes of Circles, whose measure is before suf­ficiently opened: the one consistinge of two halfe circles and a Quadrangle: the other beinge the porcion of the Circle, m. o. doubled.


If any euyll fashioned lande chaunce to be measure, whiche re­quireth to be brought in many triangles, to saue labour, ye may adde some porcion vnto that, and make it square or otherwyse. So let it then be measured: and after frō the product pul away that ye added: the remayne is the content.

To fynde the content superficiall, of Steples, Columnes, Globes, and theyr partes.

TO the Arithmetician I say. For picked Steples, multiplye the whole syde in halfe the Circumference of the base, To measure Steples, Co­lumnes, Glo­bes. &c. addynge the playne of that base. For Pillers augmente the Circumference of the base in the height, puttinge to the playne of both Bases. For Globes, the Diametre in the Circumference multiplied: euen so of Fragmentes or Partes. Let them that be voyde of Arithmetike, enter my Table of accompte folowinge, with suche numbers as I now wylled the Arithmetician to multiplye, not forgetinge what I haue before written: So I serue theyr turne.

Or thus, by the rule of proportion, the partes of a Globe are founde.


To measure parts of Glo­bes.Suppose.a. b. c. to be a piece of a Globe, and .4. to be a Porcion of the diametre, the whole being .14. Thus I saye .14. The whole Diametre ge­ueth .616. the contente superficiall of this Circle: what shall .4. bringe: So haue ye .176. whiche is the con­tent of that pece.

To fynde the Diametre by some knowen portion therof.

To fynde the unknowen Diametre of a Globe.IF ye be ignorant what lengthe the Diametre of that Globe is whose porcion ye haue: the height or parte of the Dimetient be­ing .4. foote, augment halfe the lyne. a. b, whiche is .6.⅓. in hym selfe, and the product diuide by .4. So haue ye .10. to be added to .4. whiche maketh .14. the whole Diametre.

The true measuringe of Mountaynes and valleyes. THE VI. CHAPTER.

To measure Mountaynes.FIrst ye shall measure the circuite of the fote, or base of y e Moun­taine: then the compasse of the summitie or toppe: adding them together. So shall ye do of the Ascenses, that is, the goinge vp from the foote to the toppe: ioyninge the measure of the longer and shorter in one. Nowe take the halfe of the circuites added, and the halfe parte of the Ascenses ioyned and enter your Table. There shal ye se the content.


A B. C. is the Mountayne: a. c. the circuite of the base, beinge 100. Pearches: b. the toppe .16. Pearches. Whiche ioyned to­gether make .116. F. c.


the one ascense, Figure of a Mountayne. is .55. Pear­ches: the other .75. These ad­ded make .130. The halfe of the circuites, is .58. the halfe of the Ascenses .65. Wyth these two Summes ye shall enter your table of accompt: where ye shall finde .23, acres 2. rodes, and .10. pearches, the true content of this figured hill.

Of the Valley.

To measure Valleyes. AS in the Mountayne ye measured the circuite or com­passe of the base or foote: so here contrary, ye shall meete rounde about the circuite, or compasse of the height of the Ʋalley. And as ye gott the measure, or compasse of the toppe of the Mountayne: so measure the circuite of the deapth of y e Ʋalley. In like maner as ye measured the ascense, that is, the goynge vp from the foote to the toppe: so measure the descense, or goynge downe of the Hyll to the depth of the Ʋalley. The rest all worke, as I haue shewed in measuringe the mountayne.

Figure of a Valley.


For more playnnesse, beholde this ensāple, or figur. If ye lay together the circuits of y e height and depth, whiche is .210 and .30. taking the halfe parte of those two circuites, making an .120. thā the two ascenses .140. &. 60, added in one produce .200. the halfe ther­of beinge .100, with this, and .120. the other halfe of the circuite, ye may enter your table. That doynge, loe .75. Acres.

Howe this table of accompte now folowynge is to be vsed

WHen you haue gotten a conuenient Length & Breadth, (as I haue aboue declared, by dyuers triangles & other figures) then you shal enter this table. Seke there the length and most number of Perches in the higher mar­gyne, which beginneth at .1. and endeth rightwarde at 40. Loke thother summe of Perches (I meane the Breadth) in the right side, & hanging margine, from .1. descendinge to .30. Nowe at the meting of the lines, where the one answereth the other directly in a square, you shal finde the Acres, Roodes, Dayworkes & perches. Note that the fyrste number set on the left side & vpper parte in any square, signifieth the number of Acres. The fygure .1. set in the vp­per part & right side, dothe betoken a Rode: the fygure .2. there two Rodes .3. thre Rodes. Any figure in the left side beneth, sygnifyeth a Dayeworke, or dayeworkes. A fygure in the lower parte ryghte­warde, declareth Perches.

A declaracion adioyned.

what is to be done when nū ­bers (with whiche you shulde enter) excede your Table. V ƲHen it chaūseth that the one number or both with the which ye should enter this table, are greatter then any here founde: it behoueth you to take the halfe of thone and the hole of the other, or what partes ye list of bothe moste commodiouse for your purpose, and so enter your table. Loke then what is there founde, and it shal beare his name of the partes multiplied in them selues.

Ensample. Suppose the number with the which ye should en­ter your table to be .103. pearches in Lengthe, and the Breadth .60. neither of these maye be founde in the margynes: wherfore I take the thirde parte of an .103. which is .34. Pearches and .1. remayneth. The halfe of .60. that is .30. I fynde with entryng them at the com­mune metinge .6. Acres .1. Rode, & .5. Dayworkes. Loke what I haue shewed in the .5. chapter of partes, that under­stande here of hole perches lest: subtrac­tinge. &c.This summe must haue his name of the partes augmented in them selues. I toke the thirde part of the one, and halfe the other number, therfore .2, must be multiplyed in .3. or contrary, so haue ye, 6. which signifieth that ye haue found by entring, but the sixt part of that number ye shuld find Wherfore I must make this summe tofore founde (being .6. Acres .1. Rode, and .5. dayworkes) sixetimes as much. So haue ye .38. acres & 1. Rode. For the Pearche remayning in the Length, recken him in the breadth, (as is afore declared) in the .5. cha. of the remaynes: so haue ye .60. Perches more to be added. So the encrease of these two numbres .103. and .60. amounteth to .38. Acres, 2. Rodes, & .5. daye­workes. Thus any maner Length and Breadthe, is reduced to this Table folowyng, which suffiseth.


TABVLA COMPVTATIONISThe Table of accompte.
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40  
                                                                                1 1
4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 4 4 1 4 2 4 3 5 5 1 5 2 5 3 6 6 4 6 2 6 3 7 7 1 7 2 7 3 8 8 1 8 2 8 3 9 9 1 9 2 9 3    
                                        1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
2   1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 5 5 2 6 6 2 7 7 2 8 8 2 9 9 2   2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 5 5 2 6 6 2 7 7 2 8 8 2 9 9 2  
                          1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
  3 2 1 3 3 3 4 2 5 1 6 6 3 7 2 8 1 9 9 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 1 5 5 3 6 2 7 1 8 8 3 9 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 4 3 5 2 6 7 7 3 8 2 9 1  
  4             1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4
  4 5 6 7 8 9   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
  5       1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
  6 1 7 2 8 3   1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 1 7 2 8 3   1 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 1 7 2 8 3   1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 1 7 2 8 3   1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 1 7 2 8 3  
  6   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6
  9 2 2 3 2 5 6 2 8 9 2 1 2 2 4 5 2 7 8 2   1 2 3 4 2 6 7 2 9 2 2 3 2 5 6 2 8 9 2 1 2 2 4 5 2 7 8 2  
  7 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 7
  2 1 4 5 3 7 2 9 1 1 2 3 4 2 6 1 8 9 3 1 2 3 1 5 6 3 8 2 1 2 3 3 5 2 7 1 9 3 2 2 4 1 6 7 3 9 2 1 1 3 4 3 6 2 8 1  
  8 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 8
  6 8   2 4 6 8   2 4 6 8   2 4 6 8   2 4 6 8   2 4 6 8   2 4 6 8  
  9 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 9
  1 2 2 4 3 7 9 1 1 2 3 3 6 8 1 2 2 3 5 7 1 9 2 1 3 4 6 1 8 2 3 3 5 1 7 2 9 3 2 4 1 6 2 8 3 1 3 1 5 2 7 3  
  10 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 10
  5 7 2   2 2 5 7 2   2 2 5 7 2   2 2 5 7 2   2 2 5 7 2   2 2 5 7 2   2 2 5 7 2   2 2 5 7 2  
  11 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 11
  1 3 5 3 8 2 1 1 4 6 3 9 2 2 1 5 7 3 2 3 1 6 8 3 1 2 4 1 7 9 3 2 2 5 1 8 3 3 2 6 1 9 1 3 4 2 7 1  
  12 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 12
  6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7   3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7   3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7  
  13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 13
  2 1 5 2 8 3 2 5 1 8 2 1 3 5 8 1 1 2 4 3 8 1 1 4 2 7 3 1 4 1 7 2 3 4 7 1 2 3 3 7 1 3 2 6 3  
  14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 14
  9 2 2 6 9 2 3 6 2   3 2 7 2 4 7 2 1 4 2 8 1 2 5 8 2 2 5 2 9 2 2 6 9 2 3 6 2  
  15 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 15
  6 1   3 2 7 2 1 1 5 8 3 2 2 6 1   3 3 7 2 1 1 5 8 3 2 2 6 1   3 3 7 2 1 1 5 8 3 2 2 6 1  
  16 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 [...]
  4 8 2 6   4 8 2 6   4 8 2 6   4 8 2 6   4 8 2 6  
  17 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 [...]
  2 4 6 2 3 5 9 1 3 2 7 3 2 6 1 2 4 3 9 3 1 7 2 1 3 6 1 4 2 8 3 3 7 1 1 2 5 3  
  18 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 2 18
  1 5 2   4 2 9 3 2 8 2 2 7 1 2 6 2 5 9 2 4 8 2 3 7 2 2 6 2 1 5 2  
  19 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 19
  1 5 9 3 4 2 9 1 4 8 3 3 2 8 1 3 7 3 2 2 7 1 2 6 3 1 2 6 1 1 5 3 2 5 1  
  20 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 5 20
    5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5  
  21 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 5 5 1 2 [...]
  1 5 2 3 6 1 1 6 2 1 3 7 2 1 7 2 2 3 8 3 1 8 2 3 3 9 4 1 9 2 4 3  
  22 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 5 5 5 1 5 2 2 [...]
  1 6 2 2 7 2 3 8 2 4 9 2 5 2 6 1 2 7 2 2 8 3 2 9 4 2  
  23 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 2 5 3 2 [...]
  2 1 8 3 3 9 2 5 1 1 6 3 2 2 8 1 4 9 3 5 2 1 1 7 2 3 8 2 4 1  
  24 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 5 5 1 5 1 5 2 5 2 5 3 6 2 [...]
  4   6 2 8 4   6 2 8 4   6 2 8 4  
  25 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 3 6 6 4 2 [...]
  6 1 2 2 8 3 5 1 1 7 2 3 3   6 1 2 2 8 3 5 1 1 7 2 3 3  
  26 4 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 5 5 5 1 5 2 5 2 5 3 6 6 6 1 6 2 2 [...]
  9 5 2 2 8 2 5 1 2 8 4 2 1 7 2 4 2 7 3 2  
  27 4 2 4 2 4 3 5 5 5 1 5 2 5 2 5 3 6 6 6 1 6 2 6 3 2 [...]
  2 1 9 5 3 2 2 9 1 6 2 3 9 2 6 1 3 9 3 6 2 3 1  
  28 4 3 5 5 1 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 3 6 6 1 6 1 6 2 6 3 7 2 [...]
  6 3   7 4 1 8 5 2 9 6 3  
  29 5 1 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 3 6 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 3 7 7 1 2 [...]
  1 7 2 4 3 2 9 1 6 2 3 3 1 8 1 5 2 2 3  
  30 5 2 5 3 6 6 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 3 7 7 1 7 2 3 [...]
  5 2 2   7 2 5 2 2   7 2 5 2 2  
[Page] THus with fewe woordes is ended the certayne measurynge of all maner Lande, towchynge theyr superficiall contentes. Wherfore nowe shall folowe the trewe measuring of tym­bre, Stone, Steples, Pyllers, Globes, accordyng to theyr Crassitude.

To the Reader.

IT cometh communely to passe that Car­penters, Masons, and such like Artificers are put eyther to measure Timber euery waye square, or squared logs, broader on thone, thī on thother syde, yea many tymes mutilate or vnperfecte stuffe: some tymes. 3. 5. 10. or, 20, square in the heade and so throughe, oftenty­mes rounde stone or tymber, with hollowed. &c. Afore I shewe vnto them what muste be done with suche peces of Tymber or stone to gette theyr true mea­sure, my desire shall be, that suche Craftesmen will leaue to be hea­dy or self willed, yea so gredily to sticke to theyr olde corrupted rules that vtterly they refuse to be taught.

Both learninge & experience declareth vnto me, that y e groundes whiche the best of them haue are false. To open howe and where, it nedeth not: neyther doeth it apperteine to instruction. Only it maye suffice hym that liketh the true way, here to receyue it appointed to him. Yet to satisfie and content him whiche wil not beleue any such errours or false groundes to be: I say (and truelye) that the Ruler of tymber measure, which the more parte of them hath, is not made by right arte. Besydes that theyr craft in seekinge the square of some tymber, is very false. They vse in measuring to lay the broader and narrower sydes together in a summe: and to take the halfe of that number for the square. Then they seke this vntrue square vpon the false ruler: and so measuringe the tymber, they conclude of it vntru­ly. As this is corrupted, so are other groundes which they take to be infallible. Now to the purpose, touchinge the correction of those er­rours with other not mencioned, wherby true measuringe may en­sue this way shall be taken. After I haue opened how ye must han­dle all such fashioned tymber (as afore is spoken of) there shall folowe a table, in whiche ye may fynde (as I will declare) the square of any stone, or tymber. That knowen, it is requisite to haue an other ta­ble immediatly folowinge, whiche may appoint to all true squares, from. 1. to. 6. inches, the iust lengthe to make a Foote euery waye square. In a foote square is con­teined 1728. Inches. With that length agreable to your square, your logge must be measured. And as oft as ye finde it from the one ende to thother of your tymber, so oft ye may conclude the foote square to be contey­ned [Page] in that tymber logge, or stone: that is, so many square sete there to be included. This Table of tymber measure standeth in the place of a good Ruler, well docked with true measures. By this ye maye make or correct rulers at pleasure, as after appeareth. Nowe orderly foloweth the true measuringe of all fashioned Tymber or Stone afore named.

Howe tymber or stone, foure square euery way, or broader on the one then on the other syde, is measured. THE VII. CHAPTER.

IF a pece of Timber, or Stone be ether equal­ly square, or broader on the one syde then on the other, ye shall take the iuste measure, I meane howe many Inches the broader syde conteyneth: euen so of y e narrower. This done ye must seke in the table of squares folowing, the measure of the broader syde of the tymber or stone, in the vpper margyne of that table. Then looke for the number of Inches of the equall or narrower syde, in the right part & hanginge margyne. At the commune metinge, where the one number answereth directlye to the other, there your true square shall appeare. This square so founde shall be referred to your table of tymber measure: in y e which ye may playnely see (yf you runne downe by the left margine, vntyll your Inches square appeare) howe many fete or Inches of your ru­ler belongeth to a foote square. As oftē as that measure there founde is conteyned in the tymber or stone, so often and as many fete square ye may conclude (without doubt) that pece of timber or stone to haue.


S Ʋppose this squared Tymber or Stone, a. b. c. d. were to be measured, the broader syde, a. b, 20. Inches: the nar­rower syde. b. c. 13. ynches: the lengthe. 40. ynches. Nowe I muste seke the broader syde. 20. in the vpper margyne [Page] of the table.


The narrower syde. 13. must be founde in the right syde and hanginge mar­gine. At theyr cōmon metyng :16: inches, and .⅛. part of an Inche shall appeare. This true square muste be searched for in the Table of tymber measure. Therfore loke for. 16. in the margine of that Table. In the squares with him rightwarde, ye shal synde. 6. Inches, and .¾. which is thre quarters of an inche. Some­dele lesse of your ruler then .6 and .¼. layed out vpon the Tymber, maketh a fote square. And that measure so discretely handeled, is conteined in the lengthe of your tymber sixetymes. Wherefore af­firme sixe fote there to be, besyde that is left .1/54. parte of a foote. Note because the squares, at al tymes (as in this ensample) ryse not to euen Inches, but sometyme to odde partes: Therfore accordinge to your discrecion, adde or take away some part more or lesse in setting forth the fote square, as aboue is parformed.

It were intollerable tediousnes, yea impossible, to sette forth y e true quantities of tymber measure, to allodde quantities of squares. The discrete handlinge of these, the wyttie shall bringe to a sufficient ex­actnesse.

Of Tymber or Stone. 3. 5. 10. 20. or mosides square. &c. THE VIII. CHAPTER.

WHen Tymber hathe diuerse equall squares in the heade and so through: fyrst measure all the square sydes round about the heade or ende of the Timber. Then take halfe the number of the whole measure for thone Breadthe. Then measure from the Centre (which is the middle of the heade, or ende of the Tymber) to the myddes of one square syde, betwene the two angles: and take the measure of that distance for the other Breadth. Nowe resorte wyth the measures of these two breadthes (as tofore) to the Table of squares: seking the bigger num­ber or breadth in the vpper margyne, and the other lesse in the syde [Page] margine. With the square there founde, haue recourse to the table of tymber measure: and do as I haue instructed.



ADmit this smal pece of tymber .5. square. e. f. .g. h. shoulde be measured, euery syde be­ing .12. Inches. If ye adde together in one summe all y e .5. sydes, they make .60. Inches. The halfe is. 30. that serueth for one Breadth. Then the line .e. f. which goeth from the Centre or middes of the square to the middle of one syde, is .8. Inches. The two numbers .30. and .8. muste be sought (as afore) in the table of squares folowing. At the commune metinge, your square shall ap­peare .15. Inches and .½. This square .15. seke in the table of tymber measure. There ye may se right with it .7. Inches, and .⅔. Nowe because of .½. the odde quantitie of the square aboue .15. Inches, lay sometyme lesse. Then se howe oftentymes that measure (so with discretion handled) is from the one ende of your tymber to the other: and affirme so many tymes a foote square there to be, as that measure is founde in the lengthe of your logge.

Howe rounde and hollowed Tymber, Steples, Pillers, Globes .&c. are to be measured. THE IX. CHAPTER.

FIrst gyrde the logge rounde about with some lyne: then diuide the lyne, whiche compassed that tymber, in two equal partes, kepe the one part for the bygger Breadthe: After ye shall diuide againe that whole length (the twenty and two parte cast away) in thre partes, and take the halfe of one of them for the other narrower Breadth. With the measures of these two breadthes, haste to your table, performing all thing as afore is opened.



SƲppose this little piece of Tymber .i. k. l. m. were to be measured, the compasse or gyrdinge 36. ynches, the halfe of that is, 18. beinge the one breadth: then the thyrde parte of .36. is .12. the halfe of it is .6. whiche is the other narrower breadth. With these two numbers .6. and .18. enter the Table of squares folowinge, and so the Table of Tymber measure. At the laste (all thinges performed as before) ye shall fynde in this rounde logge, (the lengthe. l. m. being. 18. yn­ches). 1. foote and .⅛. parte of a foote. This is suffi­cient for all suche lyke.

A note of hollowed Tymber.

IF it chaunce that hollowed Tymber be to be measured: mea­sure the whole logge as though it were not hollowe, as aboue is declareth. Then measure the narrower and broader syde of the hollowe: and see what is conteyned in that, as though it were massy Tymber. Nowe pulle out the content of it, from the whole aboue measured: the remayne of force muste shewe what tymber is included in that hollowed body.

I Am vnable in few woordes to expresse to the vnlearned, by what meane Pyramidal, or picked regular Steples of all fashions are measured. Also how Pyllers: how the content of Globes or Bow­les are searched: vnlesse the arte of numbringe were tasted. That beinge knowen: thus (as nowe foloweth) I teache.

Howe the Crassitude of picked Steples is knowen.

MƲltiply the playne of the Base in the third part of y e height: so ye haue the Crassitude. Or multiply the content superfici­all (founde as I haue instructed) in the height of the Steple, [Page] takinge for your purpose the thyrde parte of that product.

Howe the content of Pillers is knowen.

Increase the base playne in his altitude or height: so haue ye your desyre.

Howe the Cubicall bodyes of Globes are searched.

THe content superfycial founde (as I haue opened) must be mul­tiplyed in the syxte parte of the Diametre: the product is that ye requyre. Or the thyrde parte of the Superficiall contente in half the Diametre. Or multiple the plaine of the Circle in the whole Diametre: then take two thyrde partes, which added make the cras­situde.

Of the halfe Circle.

HIs superficial content multiplied (as is sayd) bringeth the mag­nitude of him. If any man require ensāples of this laste mat­ters, or more sufficient handlynge: let them resorte vnto my bokes published of Geometrye, there they shall be satysfyed. These little apperteyn to Carpenters or Masons, therfore not by ensample declared.

A generall Note.

WHen thou shalt be put to measure some body without order or fashion, lackinge part of his square, or hauing more then his forme: if it lacke thou shall make it per­fect by obseruing diligentlye the runninge together of the sydes. The partes wantinge shall be measured as though they were there, whiche porcions muste be ta­ken from the whole body measured.

Also when there resulteth any more then the form or regulare square: fyrste measure the square body: then the crassitude whyche aboundeth. All put together do shewe the whole irregular bodye. This suffyseth.

A table to finde the iust Radix or Square of any Tym­ber, or Stone.

IT behoueth you to knowe that this Table folowinge is made for the true square of any maner Timber. Therfore vnderstande that the numbers from .1. to .40. set aboue in the hyghe Margyne betoken the Inches of the broader side of the timber. And the numbers from .1. and so downeward to .30. put in the right part and hanging margine of this Ta­ble, signifie the ynches of the narrower side: and to conclude briefly, the elementes or figures set in euery square roume betoken the iuste square. The bygger sigures leftwarde in euery square place, signifie the whole ynches. And the other lesser ryghtewarde in the same square diuided by a lyne, the partes of yn­ches, as ½ ⅖ &c.

This firste fraction toward the lefte hande betokeneth one halfe parte of an ynche: thother two fyftes of an ynche: and euery fygure or fraction, hauinge a pointe adioyned vnto him, somdeale lesse then the parte is: as this parte ½ representeth scante halfe an ynche, a ve­ry little quantitie lesse. And if he had two pryckes by him, he should haue declared some quantitie more: as this other fraction or parte :⅖ whiche is more than two fiftes, a smale deale.

It had not bene nedefull to haue put the partes of the square so precisely as they are here: neyther is it requisite so curiously to take them.


TABVLA RADICVM.The Table of Squares
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40  
1 1 3/7 1 ¾ 2 2 1/4 2 ½ 2 3/5 2 4/5 3 3 1/7 3 ⅓ 3 ½ 3 4/7 3 ¾ 3 7/8 4 4 1/8 4 1/4 4 ⅓ 4 ½ 4 3/5 4 6/9 4 ¾ 5. 5 5 1/10 5 3/16 5 ⅓ 5 2/5 5 ½ 5 ½ 5 5/8 5 ¾ 5 9/10 5 7/8 6 6 1/16 6 1/8 6 1/4 6 ⅓ 1
  2 2 2/5 2 4/5 3 1/6 3 ½ 3 ¾ 4 4 1/4 4 ½ 4 2/3 5. 5 1/10 5 1/4 5 2/5 5 5/8 5 4/5 6 6 1/7 6 ⅓ 6 ½ 6 2/3 6 5/6 7. 7 1/16 7 3/14 7 3/8 7 ½ 7 3/5 7 ¾ 7 7/8 8 8 1/8 8 1/4 8 3/8 8 ½ 8 5/8 8 ¾ 8 7/8 9 2
  3 3 ½ 3 6/7 4 1/4 4 5/8 5 5 4/5 5 ½ 5 ¾ 6 6 1/4 6 ½ 6 3/5 7 7 1/8 7 3/8 7 ½ 7 ¾ 8 8 1/8 8 5/16 8 ½ 8 2/3 8 7/8 9 9 1/6 9 ⅓ 9 ½ 9 2/3 9 4/5 10 10 2/10 10 1/4 10 2/5 10 ½ 10 5/7 10 4/5 11 3
  4 4 ½ 5 5 1/4 5 2/3 6 6 ⅓ 6 2/3 7 7 1/5 7 ½ 7 ¾ 8 8 1/4 8 ½ 8 ¾ 9 9 1/6 9 ⅓ 9 ½ 9 ¾ 10 10 1/5 10 2/5 10 3/5 10 4/5 11 11 1/8 11 ⅓ 11 ½ 11 3/5 11 4/5 12 12 1/6 12 ⅓ 12 ½ 12 2/3 4
  5 5 ½ 6 6 ⅓ 6 ¾ 7 1/14 7 3/7 7 ¾ 8 1/16 8 3/8 8 3/5 9. 9 2/9 9 ½ 9 7/9 10 10 1/4 10 ½ 10 ¾ 11. 11 1/6 11 ⅓ 11 ½ 11 ¾ 12 ½4 12 1/4 12 ½ 12 2/3 12 4/5 13 ½6 13 2/9 13 3/8 13 ½ 13 4/5 14. 14 1/7 5
  6 6 ½ 7. 7 ⅓ 7 ¾ 8 1/8 8 ½ 8 5/6 9 1/6 9 ½ 9 5/6 10 1/10 10 2/5 10 2/3 11 11 [...]/4 11 ½ 11 ¾ 12 12 1/4 12 ½ 12 ¾ 13. 13 1/5 13 3/7 13 2/3 13 5/6 14 1/14 14 2/7 14 ½ 14 5/7 15. 15 1/10 15 ⅓ 15 ½ 6
  7 7 ½ 8 8 3/8 8 4/5 9 1/6 9 5/9 9 8/9 10 1/4 10 3/5 10 9/10 11 1/6 11 ½ 11 6/7 12 1/8 12 2/5 12 2/3 13. 13 1/4 13 ½ 13 ¾ 14. 14 1/4 14 ½ 14 ¾ 15. 15 1/5 15 2/5 15 2/3 15 6/7 16 1/12 16 ⅓ 16 ½ 16 ¾ 7
  8 8 ½ 9 9 ⅓ 9 4/5 10 1/5 10 3/5 11. 11 ⅓ 11 2/3 12 12 ⅓ 12 2/3 13. 13 1/4 13 ½ 13 5/6 14 1/7 14 3/7 14 2/3 15. 15 1/4 15 ½ 15 ¾ 16 16 1/4 16 ½ 16 ¾ 17. 17 1/5 17 3/7 17 3/5 17 6/7 8
  9 9 ½ 10 10 2/5 10 4/5 11 1/4 11 3/5 12 12 3/8 12 ¾ 13 1/13 13 2/5 13 ¾ 14 1/16 14 ⅓ 14 5/7 15 15 1/4 15 2/3 15 7/8 16 1/7 16 2/5 16 ¾ 17. 17 1/4 17 ½ 17 ¾ 18 18 1/4 18 [...]/2 18 ¾ 19. 9
  10 10 ½ 11 11 2/5 11 ¾ 12 1/4 12 2/3 13 1/32 13 3/8 13 4/5 14 1/8 14 ½ 14 6/7 15 1/6 15 ½ 15 4/5 16 1/8 16 2/5 16 ¾ 17 1/32 17 ⅓ 17 3/5 17 7/8 18 1/6 18 ½ 18 2/3 19. 19 1/4 19 ½ 19 ¾ 20 10
  11 11 ½ 12 12 5/12 12 ¾ 13 1/4 13 2/3 14 1/16 14 ½ 14 4/5 [...] 3/16 15 ½ 15 6/7 16 1/4 16 3/5 16 7/8 17 1/4 17 ½ 17 6/7 18 1/6 18 ½ 18 ¾ 19 1/16 19 ⅓ 19 5/8 19 6/7 20 1/6 20 3/7 20 ¾ 21. 11
  12 12 ½ 13. 13 2/5 13 4/5 14 2/7 14 5/7 15 1/10 15 ½ 15 6/7 16 1/4 16 5/8 17. 17 ⅓ 17 2/3 18. 18 ⅓ 18 2/3 19. 19 1/4 19 2/3 19 8/9 20 1/5 20 ½ 20 4/5 21. 21 ⅓ 21 2/3 21 8/9 12
  13 13 ½ 14. 14 3/7 14 5/6 15 ⅓ 15 ¾ 16 1/8 16 ½ 17. 17 1/4 17 3/5 18 1/32 18 3/8 18 ¾ 19 1/16 19 3/7 19 ¾ 20 1/16 20 2/5 20 ¾ 21 1/32 21 ⅓ 21 5/8 22. 22 1/5 22 ½ 22 ¾ 13
  14 14 ½ 15. 15 2/5 15 7/8 16 5/16 16 ¾ 17 1/7 17 9/16 18. 18 ⅓ 18 ¾ 19 1/14 19 3/7 19 5/6 20 1/7 20 ½ 20 7/8 21 1/7 21 ½ 21 4/5 22 1/8 22 ½ 22 ¾ 23 1/16 23 3/8 23 5/8 14
  15 15 ½ 16. 16 7/16 16 7/8 17 ⅓ 17 ¾ 18 1/6 18 3/5 19. 19 3/8 19 ¾ 20 1/8 20 2/4 20 7/8 21 1/5 21 5/9 21 9/10 22 1/4 22 5/8 22 7/8 23 1/4 23 3/5 23 7/8 24 1/5 24 ½ 15
  16 16 ½ 17. 17 3/7 17 7/8 18 ⅓ 18 7/9 19 1/6 19 5/8 20 20 2/5 20 4/5 21 1/6 21 ½ 21 7/8 22 1/4 22 5/8 23. 23 ⅓ 23 5/8 24 24 ⅓ 24 2/3 25. 25 1/4 16
  17 17 ½ 18. 18 ⅓ 18 7/8 19 ⅓ 19 ¾ 20 1/6 20 5/8 21 1/32 21 2/5 21 5/6 22 1/5 22 3/5 23. 23 ⅓ 23 ¾ 24 1/32 24 3/7 24 ¾ 25 1/13 25 2/5 25 ¾ 26 1/16 17
  18 18 ½ 19. 19 2/5 19 7/8 20 ⅓ 20 ¾ 21 1/5 21 5/8 22 1/32 22 ½ 22 ¾ 23 1/4 23 5/8 24 24 3/8 24 ¾ 25 1/10 25 ½ 25 ¾ 26 1/7 26 ½ 26 ¾ 18
  19 19 ½ 20. 20 ½ 20 9/10 21 ⅓ 21 ¾ 22 1/4 22 5/8 23 1/16 23 ½ 23 7/8 24 1/4 24 2/3 25 1/32 25 ⅓ 25 ¾ 26 1/7 26 ½ 26 7/8 27 1/5 27 ½ 19
  20 20 ½ 21. 21 3/7 21 8/9 22 3/8 22 4/5 23 1/4 23 2/3 24 1/16 24 ½ 24 5/6 25 2/7 25 2/3 26 1/13 26 ½ 26 4/5 27 1/5 27 ½ 27 7/8 28 2/7 20
  21 21 ½ 22. 22 ½ 22 7/8 23 ⅓ 23 4/5 24 1/4 24 2/3 25 1/10 25 ½ 25 8/9 26 ⅓ 26 ¾ 27 1/9 27 ½ 27 7/8 28 1/4 28 5/8 29. 21
  22 22 ½ 23. 23 ½ 23 7/8 24 3/8 24 5/6 25 1/4 25 ¾ 26 1/8 26 ½ 27. 27 ⅓ 27 ¾ 28 1/7 28 ½ 28 7/8 29 1/4 29 5/8 22
  23 23 ½ 24. 24 ½ 24 7/8 25 ⅓ 25 7/8 26 1/4 26 ¾ 27 1/8 27 ½ 28. 28 3/8 28 ¾ 29 1/6 29 3/5 30. 30 ⅓ 23
  24 24 ½ 25. 25 ½ 25 7/8 26 3/8 26 4/5 27 1/4 27 ¾ 28 1/7 28 ½ 29. 29 1/8 29 4/5 30 1/5 30 3/5 31. 24
  25 25 ½ 26. 26 ½ 26 7/8 27 3/8 27 4/5 28 1/4 28 ¾ 29 1/6 29 3/5 30 30 ⅓ 30 4/5 31 1/5 31 5/8 25
  26 26 ½ 27. 27 2/5 27 4/5 28 3/8 28 ¾ 29 ⅓ 29 ¾ 30 1/7 30 ½ 31: 31 2/5 31 7/8 32 1/4 26
  27 27 ½ 28. 28 ½ 28 7/8 29 2/5 29 4/5 30 1/4 30 ¾ 31 1/6 31 3/5 32 1/32 32 ½ 32 7/8 27
  28 28 ½ 29. 29 ½ 29 7/8 30 ⅓ 30 7/8 31 1/4 31 ¾ 32 3/16 32 5/8 33 1/32 33 2/5 28
  29 29 ½ 30. 30 ½ 30 7/8 31 3/8 31 7/8 32 5/16 32 ¾ 33 1/5 33 5/8 34 1/16 29
  30 30 ½ 31 31 ½ 32. 32 3/8 32 7/8 33 ⅓ 33 ¾ 34 1/5 34 5/8 30

The table of Tymber measure, with the declaration and use of it. THE, X. CHAPTER.


THis Table (as ye see) is de­uyded into twoo columes or rowes: the one very shorte, the other longer.

In the headde of the Fyrste I haue put this woord Fote in the Seconde rowe Inches and partes: to signifie feete, inches, and partes of inches. The summes in the margyne and lefte parte of the fyrste and seconde colume, declare the quantitie of the square of timber or stone, from .1. to 36. inches square. Within the rowes you maye fynde the iust lengthe to a foote square, if ye enter into them in ryght order, accordynge to the square


SƲppose the square of your tymber were .7. yn­ches, and that ye desyred to know what mesure or length of the ruler wolde make a foote square. Seke in the leste margyne .7. ynches: and with him in that order towarde the righte hande, ye shal find 2. foote. 11. ynches, & 2/7 of an ynche. Note because the fractiō 2/7. hath a prycke by hym, it betokeneth some small quantitie lesse then 2/7 of an ynche. If it hadde twoo pryckes or poyntes thus: 2/7 it shoulde signyfie some lyttel quantitie more. Neither maketh it mat­ter, whether ye obserue this prickynge or noo, the quantitie is so lyttel to be added or pulled awaye.

Note what hathe ben spoken of Tymber, the same also is to be vnderstande of stone, lyke wyse to be measured.

¶Thus is finyshed the measuryng of timber, nowe ensueth of Bourde. &c.

Howe Tables, Bordes, Glasse, or any such like are mea­sured, accordinge to theyr length and breadth onely to the foote square. THE XI. CHAPTER.

THis thing is performed by y e helpe of a large ta­ble folowing, diuided in sixe smal tables, and as many margines The fyrst and left marigne be ginneth at .¼. whiche is one quarter of an ynch, and extendeth to .6. Inches, as ye may playnely perceyue yf ye runne downe by that margyne. This hath his Table on the ryghte syde adioy­ninge vnto him. The other taketh his begyn­ninge at .6. ynches .¼. and endeth at .12. hauyng his proper table also. The thyrde, from .12 ¼ to .18. And so from .18 ¼. to .24. From .24 ¼. to .30 The laste margine is from .30. 1/4 to .36, and there endeth.

Of this that is sayd, you may gather that euery margine hath his Table on his ryght syde. Also you muste knowe that in the top and beneth I haue put (as in the table of Tymber measure) these words, fote, ynche, and partes, to sygnify fete, ynches, and partes of an ynch. Whensoeuer ye lyste to measure, Borde, Glasse, or any other suche, with the breadth of it enter this Table: and seeke that breadth in his proper margine. There ye shall fynde in right order how many fete, ynches, or partes, of an Inche belonge to a foote square. So often as the measure is in your stuffe, iust as many fete haue ye in that borde or suche lyke. If the breadth excede this Table: than diuide y e breadth in partes and worke as is and shall be declared. So the ingenious applyeth this Table for all maner breadthes moste exactly.


SƲypose I haue a pane of Glasse, or a borde, whose breadthe were 22. ynches .¼. the length .16. fote. In the fourth margin I finde this breadthe .22. and .¼. And euen with it in the Table rightward I se .6. ynches .⅓. So much of my ruler (wanting some small quantity) ma­keth a foote. Nowe, because in the lengthe of my borde (whiche is 16. foote) that measure is founde .29. tymes, and .⅔. partes. I concluded .29. foote ther to be, & two thyrde partes of a foote square, accordinge to [Page]

  Fo Yu   Fo Yu   Yu Par   Yu Par   Yu Par   Yu Par
1/4 48   6 1/4 1 11 ½5 12 1/4 11 ¾ 18 1/4 7 7/8 24 1/4 5 15/16 30 1/4 4 ¾
½ 24   6 ½ 1 10 1/7 12 ½ 11 ½ 18 ½ 7 4/5 24 ½ 5 7/8 30 ½ 4 5/7
¾ 16   6 ¾ 1 9 ⅓ 12 ¾ 11 2/7 18 ¾ 7 2/3 24 ¾ 5 4/5 30 ¾ 4 2/3
1 12   7 1 8 4/7 13 11 1/16 19 7 4/7 25 5 ¾ 31 4 5/8
1 1/4 9 7 1/5 7 1/4 1 7 7/8 13 1/4 10 7/8 19 1/4 7 ½ 25 1/4 5 2/3 31 1/4 4 5/8
1 ½ 8   7 ½ 1 7 1/5 13 ½ 10 2/3 19 ½ 7 3/8 25 ½ 5 5/8 31 ½ 4 4/7
1 ¾ 6 10 2/7 7 ¾ 1 6 4/7 13 ¾ 10 ½ 19 ¾ 7 2/7 25 ¾ 5 5/8 31 ¾ 4 ½
2 6   8 1 6 14 10 2/7 20 7 1/5 26 5 ½ 32 4 ½
2 1/4 5 4 8 1/4 1 5 3/7 14 1/4 10 3/32 20 1/4 7 1/8 26 1/4 5 ½ 32 1/4 4 ½
2 ½ 4 9 3/5 8 ½ 1 4 15/16 14 ½ 9 7/8 20 ½ 7 1/32 26 ½ 5 3/7 32 ½ 4 3/7
2 ¾ 4 4 3/8 8 ¾ 1 4 3/ [...] 14 ¾ 9 ¾ 20 ¾ 6 15/16 26 ¾ 5 3/8 32 ¾ 4 3/8
3 4   9 1 4 15 9 4/8 21. 6 [...]/7 27 5 ⅓ 33 4 ⅓
3 1/4 3 8 ⅓ 9 1/4 1 3 4/7 15 1/4 9 3/7 21 1/4 6 4/5 27 1/4 5 2/7 33 1/4 4 ⅓
3 ½ 3 5 1/8 9 ½ 1 3 1/7 15 ½ 9 2/7 21 ½ 6 5/7 27 ½ 5 2/9 33 ½ 4 2/7
3 ¾ 3 2 2/5 9 ¾ 1 2 ¾ 15 ¾ 9 1/8 21 3/5 6 5/8 27 ¾ 5 1/5 33 ¾ 4 1/4
4 3   10 1 2 2/5 16 9 22 6 ½ 28 5 1/8 34 4 11/4
4 1/4 2 9 7/8 10 1/4 1 2 ½1 16 1/4 8 6/7 22 1/4 6 ½ 28 1/4 5 3/32 34 1/4 4 3/16
4 ½ 2 8 10 ½ 1 1 ¾ 16 ½ 8 ¾ 22 ½ 6 3/8 28 ½ 5 1/16 34 ½ 4 1/6
4 ¾ 2 6 ⅓ 10 ¾ 1 1 3/8 16 ¾ 8 5/8 22 ¾ 6 1/ [...] 28 ¾ 5: 34 ¾ 4 1/8
5 2 4 4/5 11 1 1 1/11 17 8 ½ 23 6 1/4 29 5 35 4 1/8
5 1/4 2 3 3/7 11 1/ [...] 1 4/5 17 1/4 8 ⅓ 23 1/4 6 1/5 29 1/4 4 7/8 35 1/4 4 3/32
5 ½ 2 2 1/5 11 ½ 1 ½ [...] 17 ½ 8 1/5 23 ½ 6 1/8 29 ½ 4 7/8 35 ½ 4 1/16
5 ¾ 2 1 ½3 11 ¾ 1 2/7 17 ¾ 8 3/32 23 ¾ 6 1/16 29 ¾ 4 5/6 35 ¾ 4 1/32
6 2   12 1   18 8 24 6 30 4 4/5 36 4
  Fo Yu   Fo Yu   Yu Pa [...]   Yu Pa [...]   Yu Par   Yu Par

[Page] that length and breadth. I sayde (wantinge some small quantitie) be­cause of the poynte ioyned to this fraction ⅔. whiche is put to diminish that fraction some little thinge, as is declared playnely in the other tables before put forthe.

HE that desyreth to measure Chamber floores, Pauimentes, or such lyke: let him onely multiply the Breadth with y e lengthe: so the producte sheweth the contente.


IF there were a Pauement. 100. foote long, and in Breadthe. 50. I must nedes conclude (by multiplicaciō of that lēgth in the breadth) there to be conteyned. 5000. foote.

Or thus without Arithmetike when the breadthe exceadeth the Table.

DIuide the breadthe in partes (as is opened in the declaration of the Table of accompt) and worke as I haue before instruc­ted. So for Pauementes all maner wayes it serueth youre turne. Of this matter to put for the tables, were superfluous tediousnes and follye. The ingenious with these fewe, will be satisfyed.

The face of the Carpenters ru­ler, figured with the true mea­sures and other thinges necessary. THE XII. CHAPTER.


BEcause the effect of this Ru­ler is aboue declared by Ta­bles, an Instrument also wel knowen and commune amonge good Artifycers: I will not spende many woordes, in opening it. Be­holde the fygures, and learne by them howe ye ought to make, and commonly to decke youre Ruler, bothe with Tymber and bourde measure.


ADmit the ruler to be. a. b. c. d. wel playned, twelue In­ches longe, a quarter of an Inche thicke, and two Inches yn breadth. Truly yt were more com­modious, if it hath two foote in length. This ruler here imagined but a fote in length, is diuided fyrst in twelue euen partes, called In­chess: then euery Inche in halfe, or two equall porciōs: ech half in two quarters: euery quarter in four or two partes at the lest: as in this en sample. Then are the fygures pla­ced from. 1. to. 12. manifestinge the ynches. Thus your Ruler is ready to receaue the measures which are marked or fygured on your Ruler thus. And fyrst the Tymber mea­sure as foloweth.

[Page] YE shall resorte to youre Table of Tymber measure, and seeke howe many fete belonge to. 1. Inche square: there ye shall fynde. 144. This number note write, or rather graue, where this fygure. 1. representinge one inche, is fygured: as pe may se in the middes betwene the lyne. e. f. and the line of the fygure. g. h. This done. resorte to your Table agayne, and beholde howe many fote and par­tes. 2. Inches square requireth. So shall ye fynde. 36. foote, whiche is placed in the next roume leftwarde, vnder the charactere. 2. sygnify­ing two ynches. Thus of the reste, fete, Inches, and partes, founde in youre Table, vntyll you come to the. 12. Inche, where ye shall per­ceyue. 12. Inches onely to be set in his proper roume. &c. Then seeke further in your Table, what belongeth to. 13. Inches: Lo. 10. ynches and. 1/5. This muste be numbred in the lyne. c. a. from c which lyne be­tokeneth the thicknes of the Ruler. Make there a little stryke vpon that grosnes, euen or ryght agaynst the measure. 10. 1/5. what nede many woordes. Thus do vntyll ye come to. 36. Inches, and and that is noted (as the Table of Tymber measure she­weth (right with. 1. ynche, and .3/3. from c. No other­wyse is perfourmed of borde measure, as ye maye beholde set forthe by the helpe of his proper Table in the square rou­mes, beneath the line. e. f. and also in the other thick­nes or lyne b. d.

The back side of the Ruler, with the Quadrant Geometricall. THE XIII. CHAPTER.

The backside of the ruler, Lyne of scaues. The lyne of Heightes vpright.

The makinge of a geometricall quadrantTHis other fygure. i. k. l. m. is the backside of your Ruler, hauing in the middes a Geo­metrical quadrant. n. o. p. q. whose making in few woordes is thus ex­pressed. The line or breadth of your ruler. n. o. y e lyne. o. p. p. q. q. n. ought to be of one equall iust lengthe, cut­ting eche other squirewyse. Note these thre princi­pal lynes. Also frō the centre. n. vnto. p. is drawen an other lyne, which is called the lyne of height. So is. o. n. the lyne of le­uell q. n. the Lyne of Heightes vp­right. This knowen, I open my compasse, one foote remayninge in the centre. n, the other extended in the lyne of leuell, almoost to. o. ma­kynge a Circumference vnto. q. n. whiche is a porcion of a Circle na­med a Quadrant: and ought to be diuided into. 90. equall partes, as ye maye beholde euery of them called a degree. Ye may diuide the Lynes o. p. and. p. q. named the Scale, eche in. The diuided sydes. o. p. & p. q. are cal­led the Scale. 12. as here, or in. 60. yea, in. 100. equall porcions is more mete, for the vse of shadows, Heightes, Len­gthes. &c. Note that the syde or halfe Scale. o. p. is called the Contrary shadow: p. q. Right shadowe. Remē ­bre that vpon the thicknesse m. k. ye ought to haue two fine equal square sightes, wel bored, represented here by r. s., made of wode, or rather me­tall, to be fastened there when time requireth. Let this satisfye.

The commune vse of the Carpenters Ruler, touching the face afore put forthe. THE XIIII. CHAPTER.

S Ʋppose a pece of Tymber to be moaten, whose true square is. The .8. Chap­ter sheweth how the true square is foūd 7. inches: this square appointeth you to the fygure of. 7. in the lyne. g. h. vnder whom rightwarde in the place assigned to Tymber measure, is written 2. foote. 11. ynches, and. 2/7. As often as that measure ys founde in the length of youre Tymber, so many foote of Tymber is in that pece.

An other Ensample.

IMagyne your square to be. 22. ynches: seeke in the lyne. a. c. Note then howe muche of your Ruler is left from that, to the ende of your Rule. c. and so much belongeth to a foote. Therefore laye out that measure vpon your Tymbre, and recken howe many tymes ye maye fynde it, from the one to the other of youre logge: for so ma­ny foote of Tymber is there. Euen thus of Borde. Seke the breadth vpon your Ruler, in the roume or place of borde measure, and imme­diatly before your eyes there remayneth what is to be layed out to make a iuste foote of borde.

The vse of the principall lynes in the Geometricall Quadrant on the backsyde of the Ruler, and fyrste of the Leuell lyne. THE XV. CHAPTER.

IT behoueth you to loke thorow your sightes. q. r. placed in the thicknes or lyne. k. m. a fyne threde and plummet fallinge at libertie out of the centre. n. If this plummet and threde chaunce precisely on the lyne of Leauel (whi­che is. n. o.) whatsoeuer ye se thorow the syghtes, is lea­uell with your eye: yf otherwyse, the thinge that ye looke vnto is not leuell, eyther more or lesse then the height or leuel of your eye: More yf the plummet fall to youwarde: Lesse, if contrary.

Howe by the lyne of Leuell to forsee whether the water of any springe or head is possible to be brought to a place apointed, and also to iudge the hole­somnes of it. THE XVI. CHAPTER.

YE shall go to the head or spring, and set your Ruler to your eye (being in height equall with the water) so y e the fyne corde and plummet fal precisely on the line of Leauell. Nowe yf thorow the syghtes, ye may se abo­ue the place, knowe and iudge the water possible to be brought, yf your syght fall vnder, impossible. It co­meth communely to passe when the place to the whiche ye woulde haue water conueyed, is of any great distaunce from the heade, then hylles, valleyes, and suche lyke impedimentes lette the lyne vysuall to haue his free course: wherefore this remedy is prouided. At the heade of the springe, ye shall loke thorow the syghtes (as before) and note a marke in the next hyll towarde the place, then go to y e marke: in lyke maner obserue there an other in some hyll: so forthe vntyl by any of them ye may perceyue the place desyred. If then your syght running through the pinnes of your ruler, (the threde euer fallinge on the lyne. n. o.) excede that place, the cōueinge of your water is pos­sible otherwise not. Nowe by the waye brieflie ye shall be enstructed howe ye maye knowe the holesomnes of water.

TAke a cleane pot and put water in it: How good water is kno­wen. so set it on the fyre: after a little boiling, poure it owte: if thē no filthie remaine in the bot­tome of the potte, it maye be iudged the houlsomer. Or thus. Let fall droppes vpon metel, or rather on glasse (any of them beinge polished) and suffer that to drye by it selfe: if after there remayne no spot or sygne, it is a good token. Moreouer, if your water be swete, pure, clere, light, or of littel weight, it followeth y e water to be hole­some for the vse of man.

Of the line of Heigt.

WHen so euer the threde and plommet do chaūce iustly on the heigt which is n, p: the altitude or height that ye see is euen with the distāce from the Middle of your fote to y e nether parte directly vnder the toppe equal with your standinge, addinge the heigt of your eye downewarde, Know that ye must euer stande vpright with body and necke, your fete iuste to gether, the one eye closed. &c.

The line of vpright Altitudes.

IƲdge also any thing plumbe vpright when the thickenes of your Ruler. i. l. is closely theron, the plummet then at libertie, fallynge on. q. n, named the line of Heightes vpright. Nowe foloweth the vse of the Scale.

To searche out heightes by the Scale, with the ayde of two places. THE XVIII. CHAPTER.

LEt the threade and plummet fal in the one, on the .12. poyntes: in thother stacion, on the .6. of the right sha­dowe: double the distāce betwene the two places, the summitie appeareth from that part of y e thing mea­sured, which is equall in hight with your eye. Or the one in the .12, the other in .8. of right shadow: then try­ple the distāce. The one in the .12. the other in .6. of right, quaduplate the space. The one in the .12. the other in .6. of the contrary shadowe, then the space betwene bothe y e stacions is equall with that ye mea­sure, euer vnderstandinge from your eye vpwarde. Euen that same cometh to passe, if in the one the threde be founde vpon the .6. of the contrary, in the other one the .4. of the same. or the .4. and .3. of the cō ­trary: In all thes the Spaces are equall with the altitudes. So then in measurynge the distaunce betwene the two places, ye haue the heyght, from your eye vpwarde, puttyng to it the length from your syght downewarde, the whole Altitude appeareth: the base beynge equall wyth your standinge.

[Page] I Woulde not haue you ignorant here howe to knowe lengthes which be in height not easy to come vnto. Fyrste (as before) get the height of the toppe, the altitude of the base or longest parte of your lengthe. Subduct the lesse heighte out of the more, of force your desyred lengthe remayneth. How lenghts in height are knowen. Or thus: Let the plummet and threde fall in the .12. marke your place: go in towarde the thinge (the threde as it was) vntyll ye see the base of that lengthe: the distaunce betwene the two standinges, is vndoubtedly the lengthe.

Howe with the Scale, director vpright heightes, by theyr shadowes are declared. THE XIX. CHAPTER.

TƲrne your leftsyde vnto the Sunne, sufferinge his beames to pearce both your syghtes. q. r. placed as afore is sayed in the thycknes or lyne. k. l. The threde or plummet then hangynge at lybertye out of the Centre. n. sheweth aswel the degrees of height to be compted from. o. as the partes of the Scale cut. If your threde be founde in the .12. parte, or lyne of leauell, shadowes of all thinges being perpendiculer eleuated, are equall with theyr bodyes. If the plummet with the threde be perceyued cuttinge the partes nexte to the syghtes whiche I name pointes of the right shadowe, then euery thinge direct is more then his shadowe, by that proporcion which .12. exceadeth the parts, where the threde was founde. If yt fall in .1. that is the fyrste parte of the ryght shadowe, take the shadowe twelue tymes to make the height. In two: that is the seconde parte. Sixe ty­mes. In the thyrde, foure tymes. In the fourth, thre tymes. In the fyfte, twyse: and .⅖. of the shadowe. In the syxte, twyse In the seuenth once, and .5/7. In the eyght once: and .½. In the nynthe once, and .⅓. In the tenthe once, and .⅕. In the eleuenth ye shal take the shadow once, and 1/11. parte of it.

Right shadow.If the arte of numbring were had, I woulde will you to multiply the lengthe of the shadowe by .12. and the product diuide by the parts, in the whiche ye founde the threde.

But and yf yt be in the partes of the contrary shadowe, augment [Page] the lengthe of the shadowe wyth the partes declared by the plum­met: and the encrease diuide by .12. so commeth the altitude also.

Contrary shadowe.Thus the composition and whole appliance of the Carpenters ruler is shewed: therfore somewhat shal be now sayde of the squire.

I am not ignorant that the cōmune vse of him is better knowen than I can wyth many wordes expresse, wherfore I leaue to write in that behalfe. Notwithstandynge I wyll declare how Heightes, & Lenghtes are taken. &c. matters rare, and knowen of few Artifi­cers. Also by tables to get a true knowledge of the daye houre, and that diuers wayes, wyth the helpe of the squyre: as is opened in my generall Prognostication augmented in the yere of our Lord. 1556.

Vvhat length the sides of thy Squyre ought to be, and the diuision of him. THE XX. CHAPTER.


I Nede not to put forthe the exacte making of this Instrument so wel knowen. Loe therfore thefygure. One side supposed two fote from the inwarde angle: and the other a iuste fote from the same. The longer. a b. inwardly diuided from the angle▪ a. vnto. b. into .24. equall principall par­tes, and euery of them into a lesse (if ye lyst) ech conteynyng .10. minutes. Also the side. c. d. in the outward con­trary plain from the toppe. c. vnto. d is diuided into .12. euen porcions: and again (if ye require exactnes) euery of thē into .6. eche of value .10. minutes. Behold a line & plūmet falling from e. to f. a parallel to cd, and a. b. Thus this squire is well framed for the vse of diuers tables put forthe in my ge­neral prognostication, & also for y e findyng of Altitudes and Longitudes, which here I purpose now brie­flye to open.

Howe by this Squire heightes are knowen.

ALtitudes or heghtes are founde, the line or plūmet centred in the .6. poynte, cuttynge. h. the middle of. a. g. The moueable sightes placed in. a. g, or a parallel from that line, not vnelike as is opened of the line of heigte, in the backe of my ruler.

How Lengthes in pleine grounde are searched by the Carpenters or Masons Squire. THE XXI. CHAPTER.

TAke a staffe deuided into certaine porcions as ye list, in .100. or a. 1000. parts. At the beginning of your Length vpon the very toppe directlye standinge: set the inwarde angle of the squire: lift vp or put downe this instrument vntyle ye see the fardist parte of your longitude. I meane vntyll your sight runnynge from that angle, to the ende of your squire come vnto the fardest parte of that length. The squire so remaininge, and the staffe not remoued frome hys height, marke where the other ende of the squyre next vnto you noteh vpon the groūde. See what proporcion the staffe then beareth to the part of the grounde, which the nerest ende of the squyre poyn­ted vnto from the staffe, the same shal the Length haue to the quan­titie of the sayed staffe.


THe staffe. The cause is taken oute of Euclide. 32. pro. 1. boke: and the. 4. pro. 6. boke. a. c. in this figure is imagined .6. fote, & the space. a. d. 2. fote, Consideringe nowe that .6. the length of the staffe con­teinet .2. thrise, therefore the lōgitude desired. a. b. of force muste conteyne thre tymes the staffe (whiche staffe is .6. fote,) that maketh 18. fote. As this is proued true by a small groūde in the figure folow­inge: so the arte fayleth not in a greater space, whiche the good spe­culator and diligente practiser by anye waye canne not denye. Yet experience willeth me this to confesse, that the squire is not conue­nient for any longe distance, but the Instrumēt Geometrical (whose makinge and vse ye may parceaue in the treatice folowinge) vnlesse ye assend some Tree or turret for your ayde, which length knowen, shall stande in the steade of youre staffe.


Carpenters Squire.

A Note.

IT behoueth you to haue a fyne coarde, made fast in the vpper parte of your staffe. c. whyche shall be tyed euen wyth the in­warde edge of the squire, and so drawen to the grounde, where the neare ende of the square from the staffe poynted, as ye see. d. c. the other ende then truelye directinge to the fardest distaunce.

Knowe that the grounde muste be very playne and leauel, other­wyse erroure ensueth.

Thus the vse of the Squyre is here somewhat declared, but more in my generall Prognostication, yea, mooste plentifullye hereafter (God sparinge lyfe) in a booke titled y e rare vse of y e Squire in practises Mathematicall: in the which boke profitable plesaunte experiences shall be playnelye opened (onelye of me practised) as well of Perspec­tiue, as of the Mathematicals in generall.

I Had thought here folowinge to haue placed the ready hande­lynge of the compasse, yea and to haue shewed the fygurynge and true makynge of all maner letters, bothe Texte and Ro­mayn, wyth the best proporcyon, the quantity as ye would demaūde, besides that, so to place them in height and nearer to the sight, that they beyng of diuers magnitudes myght appeare to the eye, of one bygnes. This when I did attempt to brynge to their capacitie, semed somewhat dificulte wythout pennynge many wordes. Wherfore I omitted it, belongyng rather to the Paynter, then to the Carpenter for whose sake onely the rest afore semeth to be compiled. Here af­ter (as I se men desirefull) my endeuour may be to adde that, and other thinges necessarie.

¶A little treatise decla­ringe the making and vse of an Instrument Geometricall (so farre as it fardereth the Landemeter or Carpenter) named the profitable Staffe. TO THE READER.

I Sayde in the begynninge that no lyttle boke woulde conteyne the makynge, and many­folde fruites of this pryncely Instrument, if it were set forthe as it ought to be.

Certes the trueth euen here maketh mee confesse the same: He that desi­reth manifold fruites of this instru­mēt, legat gē me fricii de radio astrono­mico, & geo­metrico, li­brum. yea, that there is no instru­ment so generall and profitably pleasaunt.

Notwithstandinge knowe (gentle reader) that the occasion of his chiefe vse and profite is not here mynystred: neyther (to say the trueth) doth it apperteine to, or agree with the capacitie of suche Artificers. Therfore I shall leaue to intreate of his ample large vse, and best makynge, and wyl sette hym foorthe in fewe woordes: yea, sufficientlye for the Lande­meaters capacitye, or Carpenters purpose, that at the leaste they maye receaue some kynde of fruite with the Geometrer. And in tyme to come (by other meanes) as I se cause I wyll largely declare, and there decke him wyth hys proper beauties. Here nowe folo­weth the makyng, and so brief­lye howe he is applied for the profite of the afore named Artificers.

The makinge of this profitable Rodde or Staffe. THE FIRST CHAPTER.

YE shall prepare two small, streghte, styffe, rounde, or rather square Roddes, of mettall or of wodde well playned, of lyke bygnesse and lengthe. Althoughe it make no matter of what lengthe, yet to auoyde the errours, whiche lyttle instrumentes and short staues brynge, and also to beare wyth the rude vnwonte handelynge of suche Artificers:


let your Roddes be eche fiue, or at the least thre fote, and euerye fote diuided in .12. euen partes or inches, as ye se. a. b. &. c. d. These roddes muste be forged wyth a vize in the ende of them to ioyne readely .10. or .6. fote in lengthe, (when time requireth) as the Figure e. f. sheweth. Also ye muste get (bi the helpe of some Craftes­man. 4. other like roddes, the lō ­ger g. 2 fote: the next. h .1. fote: the other. i. 6. inches: then k. 3. inches the last and shortest. l. 1. inche & ½. Eche of these must haue in their myddes a hole, that the longe staffe of .10. fote may be put tho­row them, & they moued on him at pleasure vp & downe, alwaies cuttynge the longer staffe. e. f. squyrewise, and made to tary on any diuision as occasion shall be geuen: whiche all are easye to be perceaued by the figures folow­ynge, although my rude declaracion hath not expressed my mea­nynge.

Ianuary hath xxxi. daies

Alramech. Oculus Tauri Alramech.

For the night.
  5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  
1 108 123 143 165 190 213 59   79 From euening to midnight.
5 112 129 150   172 197 220 63 74
10 118 135 153   18 [...] 2 [...]6 227 68 78
15 123 214 156   192 [...]1 [...] 233 71 81
20 130 151 173   199 210 239 75 86
25 2 [...]7 158 183   207 228 244 79 90
30 146 165 191   21 [...] 23 [...] 249 82 93
From midnight vnto day 80 93 105   121 143 168 196   1
86 96 110   127 151 177 205   5
89 101 116   135 160 189 214   10
93 105 122   143 169 198 223   15
98 111 128   152 179 207 230   20
101 116 135   159 190 216 236   25
190 121 1 [...]4   168 1 [...]8 222 242   30
  1 2 3   4 5 6 7    
For the day. gr. ♒
10   12 11 10 9 8 7 H  
Staffe 36: 39: 49: 83: 550 0 shad.
Squire 4: 4 3 2 0 0 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5  
20   12 11 10 9 8 7   10
Staffe 32 34 42 65: 209 0 shad.
Squier 4 14 3 2 1 0 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5  
30   12 11 10 9 8 7   20
Staffe 27 29: 35: 52 119: 0 shad.
Squier 5: 5 4 3 1 0 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5  

February hath xxviii. daies

For the night.
  [...]9 194 210 62 73 83 93 From euening to midnight.
5 174 199 222 64 75 86 98
10 84 207 228 68 79 90 1 [...]2
1 [...]
161 214 234 71 82 94 10 [...]
10 198 220 238 75 86 98 111
Oculus Tauri
205 226 243 78 88 100 116
From midnight vnto day 108 124 164 17 [...] 201 225   1
111 129 153 180 207 231 5
117 136 162 190 216 237 10
122 144 169 198 223 243 15
128 152 178 206 230 248 20
134 159 188 214 236 252 25
  1 2 3 4 5 6  
For the day. gra ♓
8   12 11 10 9 8 7 H  
Staffe 2 [...]: 25 30: 42: 80 6876 shad.
Squire 6: 0 5 3 2 0 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5  
18   12 11 10 6 8 7   0
Staffe 20 21. 25. 34: 61 226 shad.
Squier 7 7 6 4 2 1 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5  
28   12 11 10 9 8 7   20
Staffe 17 18: 22: 29: 45 112 shad.
Squier 8: 8 6: 5 3 1 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5  

Marche hath .xxxi. dayes.

For the nyght.
5 59 70 81 93 105 120 From Euening to midnight.
10 62 74 84 95 108 125
15 65 76 87 99 113 131
20 69 80 91 103 118 138
25 72 83 94 107 123 146
30 75 86 98 112 129 153
  30 90 102 117 135 161
From midnight vnto day 142 168 196 222 241   1
147 173 201 227 245   5
157 183 210 232 250   10
163 192 218 238 255   15
171 200 225 243 259   20
180 208 232 249 262   25
191 216 237 254 267   30
  1 2 3 4 5 6  
For the day. gra ♈
11   12 11 10 9 8 7   H 0
Staffe 5 16. 19 24 37: 74:   shad.
Squire 9 9: 8. 6. 4. 2   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5    
21   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 H 10
Staffe 13 14 16. 21: 30. 54 22: shad.
Squire [...]1 10 9 7 5 2 1. shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6  
31   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 H 20
Staffe 11: 12: 14. 18. 2 [...]: 43 112 shad.
Squire 12 12 10 8: 5: 3 1 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6  

Aprill hath. xxx. dayes.

For the nyght.
  8 9 10 11 12  
1 92 104 118 138 164 From midnight vnto day.
5 94 107 123 145 171
10 98 111 129 153 180
15 101 117 135 160 189
20 105 122 144 168 198
111 128 152 178 207
30 17 185 159 189 215
From euening to midnight. 103 210 229 255   1
[...]25 244 258   5
207 231 248 262   10
215 236 253 266   15
223 253 157 70   20
230 248 262 274   25
236 252 266 278   30
  1 2 3 4 5  
For the day. gr. ♉
10   12 11 10 9 8 7 6   H 0
Staffe 10 11: 13 16. 23: 36: 76:   shad.
Squire 14 1: 11: 9: :6: 4: 2:   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6    
21   12 11 10 9 8 7 6     10
Staffe 9 9 11 15 21 31 48 207 shad.
Squire 16 15 12. 9. 7 4 2 1 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6    
31   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 H 20
Staffe 8: 28 10 14 19: 28 49 139 shad.
Squire 18 17 14 10. 7: 5: 3: 1 shad.
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  

[Page] NOƲ ƲE ENSƲETHE THE nedeful necessary, peculiar Kalender to fore men­cioned: with Instruments belonging therto. The compo­sition, and appliance of the sayd Table, with the pleasaunt vse of them, are before suffi­ciently opened: therefore further de­claration here, might seme superfluous.

A necessary Instrument, to finde exactly, the houre of the day, and night diuers wayes, VVith helpe of this Peculiar Kalendare.

May hath. xxxi. dayes.

For the nyght.
2 8 9 10 11 12  
5 117 [...]3 160 190 2 [...]6 From Euening to midnigt.
10 120 142 163 196 222
15 [...]28 [...]52 178 206 230
20 134 159 138 214 235
25 143 168 196 222 241
30 151 177 206 [...]30 248
  160 189 [...]21 236 [...]3 [...]
From midnight vnto day 237 253 167 278    
241 256 269 280   5
247 261 273 285   10
252 266 278 288   15
257 270 281 296   20
262 274 285 296   25
266 278 288 300   30
  1 2 3 4 5  
For the day. gra. ♊
2   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5   H 0
Staffe 7 8. 10: 13 17: 26: 43 [...]00   shad.
Squire 20 18: 15. 11. 8. 5 3 1   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7    
22   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 H 10
Staffe 77 9. 11 17 24 39 82 25 80 shad.
Squire 21 19 15 13   8 4 2.   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
32   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5   H 20
Staffe 6: 7: 9. 12 16 2 [...] [...]7 78 56: shad.
Squire 22 29 16 12 9 6 4 2   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7    

Iune hath. xxx. dayes.

For the nyght.
  8 9 10 11 12  
1 161 191 216 237 254 From euening to midnight.
5 169 197 223 242 257
10 180 207 231 249 262
15 191 216 237 254 267
20 199 224 243 258 271
25 207 231 249 262 275
216 237 254 297 379
From midnight vnto day. 2 [...]7 279 290 301   1
270 282 292 303   5
274 285 297 308   10
279 290 301     51
283 293 394     20
286 297 308     25
290 301 82     30
  1 2 3 4 5  
For the day.
1   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 H 20 gr. ♊
Staffe 6: 7: 9: 12 16. 23: 37: 74 5 [...]: shad.
Squire 22 20 16: 12: 9: 6: 4: 2:   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
12   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 H 0 gr. ♋
Staffe 6 7 9. 12. 16 23 37 72 565 shad.
Squire 22 20: 16. 12. 9 6 4 2 0 shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
23   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 H 10
Staffe 6: 7 9: 12: 16: 23: 37: 74 565 shad.
Squire 22 20 16 12. 9: 6: 4: 2   shad.
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  

Iuly hath. xxxi. dayes.

For the nyght.
  8 9 10 11 12  
1 219 239 255 268 280 From euening to midnight.
5 225 244 250 272 253
10 233 250 264 275 286
15 238 254 297 279 290
20 243 258 271 283 293
25 249 262 275 286 297
30 254 267 279 290 300
From midnight vnto day. 290 302 83     1
293 304 86     5
297 79 90     10
301 82 93     15
304 86 98     20
Oculus Tauri
308 89 101     25
82 93 106     30
  1 2 3 4 5  
For the day.
3   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 H 20 gr. ♋
Staffe 7 7: 12: 16 24. 39: 82: 258:   shad.
Squire 21 19 15: 12: 8: 6: 4: 2:   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
14   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5   H 0 gr.♌
Staffe 7 8 10. 13. 17 26 43 100   shad.
Squire 20 18: 15. 11. 8 5 3 1   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7    
24   12 11 10 9 8 8 7 6 5 H 10
Staffe 8: 8 10: 14: 19: 28: 46: 139   shad.
Squire 18 17 14 10. 7: 5: 3: 1   shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7    

August hath .xxxi. dayes.

For the nyght.
  8 9 10 11 12  
1 255 257 279 291 302 From euening to midnight.
250 272 284 294 304
10 203 275 286 297 79
Oculus Tauri
267 279 290 300 81
20 270 282 292 303 86
25 274 285 296 308 88
30 278 288 299 81 92
From midnight vnto day. 82 94 107 122 141 1
86 98 111 126 146 5
89 102 116 132 154 10
93 105 119 138 160 15
96 110 125 144 167 20
Oculus Tauri
114 130 152 174 25
104 118 136 158 183 30
  1 2 3 4 5  
For the day.
3   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 H 20 gr. ♌
Staffe 9 9: 11: 15 21. 31: 58: 207: shad.
Squire 16 15 12: 9: 7: 4: 2: 0: shad.
H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  
14   12 11 10 9 8 7 6   H 0 gr. ♍
Staffe 10 11 13. 16. 23 36 76   shad.
Squire 14 13: 11. 9. 6 4 2   shad.
H 1 2 3 4 5 6      
24   12 11 10 9 8 7 6   H 10
Staffe 11: 12 14: 18: 26: 43: 11:   shad.
Squire 22 12 10 8. 5: 3: 1:   shad.
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6    


North. West. East. South.

❧Thus is ended the Peculiar Kalender, very cōmodious for the day and night houre. I haue here adioyned the Instrument vvithout the Square, vvhiche maye sufficie for the whole vse of the toforesaide Kalendar, with the helpe of the Squire and Staffe.

I May not here omitte a Kalender generall deuided in two partes, wherof the first containeth six Monethes, from Ianuary to Iune: The second other six monethes from Iuly to December. In thys Kalendar are setforth the Festiuall dayes, the entring of the Sunne in the Signes celestiall, the euill dayes noted with one Prick. For a further declaration of those euill dayes, read this folowing.

The yeare hath .xxxiii. euil daies general for euer.

IANVARY hath eyght such daies, the .i. the .ii. the iiii. the .v. the .x. the .xv. the .xvii. the .xix. Drinke white wine this Moneth.

February hath thre dayes, the .viii. the .x. the .xvii. these not so euil, the xxvi. the .xxvii. the .xxviii. Eate no potage of okes or malowes: They are venemous.

Marche three dayes .the .xv. the xvi. the .xix. this not so euill, the xxviii. day. This moneth, all swete meates are good.

April. two dais the .xvi. the .xxi. these not so euil, the vii. the .viii the x. the .xx. Ʋse hote meates, of light digestion.

May three dayes, the .vii. the .xv. the .xx. these not so euill, the iii. the .vi. Rise early, and vse breakfast.

Iune two, the .iiii. the .vii: these not so euill, the .x. the .xi the .xxii. Sage & lettuse are good to eat. Cold water fasting hurteth not.

Iuly two dayes, the .xv. the .xx, abstain from earnality.

August two dayes, the .xix. the .xx. these not so euill, the first, the xxix, the .xxx. It hurteth not to abstaine from potage, and all hotte meates and drinkes of spicery.

September two daies, the .vi. the .vii. these not so euil, the .iii. the iiii. the .xxi. the .xxii. Eate good fruit.

October one day, the vi: these not so euil, the iiii. the xvi. the. xxiiii God wyne is olsome this Moneth.

Nouember two dayes, the .xv. the .xix: these not so euil. the .v. [...]t the .xxviii, the .xxix. Blede not.

December thre daies, the .vi. the .vii. the .ix. thesedais not so euil, the .xv the .xvii. the .x xii. Blede not ouer muche. Warme not thy legges at the fyre.

¶The first part of the generall Kalendar: from Ianuarie to Iune.
Ianuarie. Februarie. March. Daies April. May. Iune.
:A Circūci. d d 1 g b Phi. Iac. e
:b e Purifi. e 2 A c f
c f f 3 b .d g
:d g g 4 c c :A
:c A A 5 d f b
f Epiph. b b 6 e .g c
g c c 7 .f :A :d
A :d d 8 .g b e
b e ☉ in ♓ f 9 A c f
:c :f f 10 .b d .g
d ☉ in ♒ g g ☉ in ♈ 11 c ☉ in ♉ e A Barna.
e A A Spring. 12 d f ☉ in ♊ b ☉ in ♋
f Hilar. b b 13 e g c Sūmer.
g c Valen. c 14 f A d
:A d :d 15 g :b .e
b e :e 16 :A c f
:c :f f 17 b d g
d g g 18 c e A
e A :A 19 d f b
f b b 20 .e :g c
g c c 21 :f A d
A d d 22 g b .e
b e e 23 A Georg. c f
c f Ma. f 24 b d g Ioā bap.
d Cō. Pau. g g Ahun. 25 c Marc. e A
e A A 26 d f b
f .b b 27 e g c
g c .c 28 f A d
:A   d 29 g b e Pc. Pa.
b   e 30 A c f.
c   f 31   d  


¶The seconde part of the generall Kalendar: from Iulie to December.
Iuly. August. Sepemb. Dayes October. Nouem. Decem.
g .c Pet. Vin. f 1 A d Om. sā. f
A d g 2 b e Om. ani. g
b e .A 3 .c f A
c f .b 4 d g b
d g c 5 e .A c
e Dog beg. A :d 6 :f .b :d Nicol.
f b :e 7 g c :e
g c f Na. Ma. 8 A d f Cō. ma.
A d g 9 b e :g
b e A 10 c f A
c f b 11 d g b
d g c 12 e A c ☉ in ♑
e A d 13 f b ☉ in ♐ d wynter.
f ☉ in ♌ b ☉ in ♍ e ☉ in ♎ 14 g ☉ in ♏ c e
:g c f Heruest. 15 A :d .f
A d g 16 .b e g
b e Dog end A 17 c f .A
c f b 18 d Luc. g b
d :g c 19 e :A c
:e :A d 20 f b d
f b .e Mathe. 21 g c e Tho. ap.
g Ma. mag. c   22 A d f
A d g 23 b e g
b e Barho. A 24 .c f A
c Iac. Apo. f b 25 d g b Na. do.
d g c 26 e A c Steph.
e A d 27 f b d Io. eud.
f b e 28 g St. Iud. .c e Innocē.
g .c decol. Io. f Micha. 29 A .d f Tho.
A .d g 30 b e Andre. g
b e   31 c   A

Io the briefe vse of this generall Kalendar.

ENtre the Columpne where youre Moneth is noted in the hedde, ye shall there fynde run­ning downe the Columpne the Festiuall dayes of that Moneth, the entrie of the Sunne in the Coelestiall Signes, the Euill dayes pricked &c.

I woulde haue placed in this Kalendare the Fayres, Termes also, but that canne not remaine continuall true: For those that ensue mouable Feastes are moueable, and therfore may haue no certayne place, For the Termes, note these preceptes folowing The Fayres, shalbe declared by two Table immediatly ensuyng this Kalendar generall.

How to know the Termes.

KNow therfore, that Easter Terme alwayes begynneth the 18. daye after Easter, rekening Easter daye for one: and endeth the Monday next after the Ascention day.

Trinitie Terme heginneth the Friday next after Corpus Christi day: and endeth the VVednesday fortnight after.

Michaelmasse Terme beginneth the 9 or 10 day of October: and en­deth the 28 or 29 of Nouember.

Hilary Terme beginneth the 23 or 24 day of Ianuary: and endeth the 12 or 13 day of Februarye,


Generall Faires

A Table containing the Moneth, Daye, and Place of the principal Fayres of England: to be augmented at pleasure in order folovvyng
  • Ianuary. The 6. day at Bristow, at Salisbery. The first of Lent at Exeter.
  • February. The 2. day at Bathe, at Maydstone. The 14. at Feuersame. Ash­wednesday, at Lychfelde, at Royston, at Tamworthe. The firste monday in Lent, at Cisiter, at Abington. The 24. at Henlye vpō. Temmes, at Teukesbury.
  • Marche. The 4. Sonday in Lent, at Stanforde, at Sudbery. The 5. Sonday at Grantam, at Salibury, the Monday before our Lady daye at Wisbich Palme euen The 13. at Wye. The 25. at Northampton, at Great Chart at Waulden.
  • Aprill. The 5. day at Walyngford. The 7. at Darby. The 9. at Byckel­worth, at Bylling worth, at Easam the Mundy after The 3. Sonday after Easter at Louth. The 23. at Charing, at Ipswiche, at Amtill, at Hinigam, at Gilforde The 25. at Darby. The 26. at Tenterdē.
  • May. The 1. day at Stow the old, at Readynge, at Maydstone, at Lei­ceter, at Chensford The 8. day at Beuerly, Ascention day, at Bir­mingcham, at S. Edes, at Byshoppes Statforde. VVithsondaye, at Kngstone vpon Temmes. Trinity Sondaye, at Rouel, at Cran­broke. The 19. day, the 27. day at Lenham.
  • Iune. Corpus Christi. at Couentry, S. Edes, at Byshop Stanforth, at Rosse. The 9. at Maidstone. The 11. at Okingā. The 23. Shrowsbury, at S. Albons. The 24. at Cambridge, at Glocestre, at Lincoln, at Winsor Colchester. The 29. at Woller, at Hāpton, at Peterbo­row. The 17 at Folkston. The 24 at Harisā. The 28. at Hetcorn.


A Table containing the Moneth, Day, and Place of the principal Fayres of England: to be augmented at pleasure in order folowyng.
  • Iuly. The 11. daye Horse fayre at Partney at Nabor, at Felir. The 12. day at Lyd. The 15. at Pinchbacke. The 17. at Wynchecome. The 20. at Ʋxbridge, at Cattesby. The 22. at Marborow, at Win­chester, at Colchester, at Tetbery The 25. at Bristow, at Douer at Chilham, at Ipswitch, at Northhamptō, at Darby, at s Iames by London, at Reading, at Lowth, at Maelsbery.
  • August. The 1. day at Feuersame, at Dōstable, at S. Edes, at Budforth at Marram Churche, at Wysbyche. The 9. at Rumney. The 10. at Bedford, at Fernam, at Strodes, at Blakamore S. Lau. at Walton. The 24 at London, at Tewxsbery, at Sudberry, at Nor­wich, at Northalerton, at Douer, at Rie. The 28. at Ashforde.
  • September. The 8. day at Cambridge, at Sturbridge, at London in South­work, at Smide, at Recoluer, at Partney thre Lady daies. The 14 at Waltam Abbie, at Wotton vnder Hedge, at Smaldinge. The 21 at Croydon, at Hulden in Holdernesse, at S. Edmonds bery, at Maulton, at S. Iues, at Haldy Lanam, at Wyltemal, at Sitting­borowe, at Douer, at Estrie. The 29 day at Canterbury.
  • October. The 6 daye at S. Sithes beside Norwitche. The 13 at Graues ende, at Winsor, at Marchefelde. The 18 at Elye, at Staneton, at Charing. The 28 at Harford, at Ciciter, at Newmarket.
  • Nouember The 2 daye at Kingston, at Blechinglye. The 6 at Newporte ponde, at Standly. The 11 at Douer. The 13 at S. Edmonds bery The 20 at Hyth. The 23 at Sandwyche. The 30 at Rochester, at Maydenhead.
  • Decē [...] The 29 at Canterbury. The 5 at Pluckley. The 6. at Spalding. The 7 at Sanderst.

BEcause I vnderstand many are desirous how to get ex­exactly the iust length of Staffe and Squier shadow before treted of, vpon vnleauell groundes, or other wayes where so euer it be, yea withoute ather Squier or Staffe. I haue calculated a Table folowing, thorowly satisfying thē, so y e they get y e height of the Sunne any way, or as I shal now enstruct.

Behold this Instrument called a Quadrant the iust fourth part of a Circle. euen suche a Circle as I taughte you before to make for the nyght Dyall: cōtaining the fourth part of his diuisions, that is 90 degrees, only two syghts and a plume lyne added, to be placed at the beginning of this booke as ye may there: and here see. I haue here also put the Scale to the Quadrant, whiche serueth well for shadowes, and as well for heyghtes. the vse of this Scale is decla­red in my boke called Tectonicon.


How by this Instrument to get the height of the Sunne at all tymes.

LEtte vp hansomly your Quadrant the Sunne beames persyng y e sightes. The Plommet and Lyne then at liberty falling, noteth there the degrees of height at that present, with the whyche shal entre this Table immediatle folowing, to get them, and in like maner at all other times the iust shadow of the Stue or Squyer.

A Table generall of Shadowes, right and contrary for euery grade of the Sunnes heyght: The thinge cau­sing Shadowe, supposed .12 partes.

Heyght of the Sunne. Staffe. Shadow. Heyghte of the Sunne. Staffe. shadow. Heyghte of the sunne. Staffe. Shadowe.
G g P M G G P M G g P M
0 90 Sha m. 30 60 20 47 60 30 6 56
1 89 687 34 31 59 19 58 61 29 6 39
2 88 343 43 32 58 19 12 62 28 6 23
3 87 228 59 33 57 18 29 63 27 6 7
4 86 171 37 34 56 17 47 64 26 5 51
5 85 137 10 35 55 17 8 65 25 5 36
6 84 114 0 36 54 16 30 66 24 5 21
7 83 97 49 37 53 15 52 67 23 5 6
8 82 85 28 38 52 15 21 68 22 4 51
9 81 75 46 39 51 14 49 69 21 4 36
10 80 68 3 40 50 14 18 70 20 4 22
11 79 61 44 41 49 13 48 71 19 4 8
12 78 56 27 42 48 13 20 72 18 3 54
13 77 51 59 43 47 12 52 73 17 3 40
14 76 48 8 44 46 12 26 74 10 3 26
15 75 44 47 45 45 12 0 75 15 3 13
16 74 41 51 46 44 11 35 76 14 3 0
17 73 39 15 47 43 11 11 77 13 2 46
18 72 36 54 48 42 10 48 78 12 2 32
19 71 34 51 49 41 10 26 79 11 2 20
20 70 32 58 50 40 10 4 80 10 2 7
21 69 31 16 51 39 9 43 81 9 1 54
22 68 29 42 52 38 9 22 82 8 1 41
23 67 28 16 53 37 9 3 83 7 1 28
24 66 26 57 54 36 8 43 84 6 1 16
25 65 25 44 55 35 8 24 85 5 1
26 64 24 37 56 34 8 6 86 4 0 50
27 63 23 33 57 33 7 48 87 3 0 38
28 62 22 34 58 32 7 30 88 2 0 25
29 61 21 40 59 31 7 13 89 1 0 12
30 60 20 47 60 30 6 56 90 0 0 0
Heyght of the Sune. Squier. Shadow Heyht of the Sunne Squier. Shadow. Heyght of the Sune. Squyer. Shadow.

The vse of thys Table, and fyrst for Staffe Shadow


I Suppose the height of the Sūne taken by the Quadrant 34 degrees, nowe I require the exacte length of Staffe and Squier Shadowe. For ryght shadowe, first seke out the degrees in the left part of y e Table and vnder this title the heighte of the Sun: if they be not in that lefte rowe downewardes, resorte to the next rowe and lyke tytle, vntyll ye fynde the degrees, then in ryght order toward the right hand, in the next Columpne vnder the title of Staffe Shadow, are 17 partes and 47 minuts, your desyre.

For Squyer Shadowe, titled contrary Shadow.

SEke your degrees in the ryghte parte vpwarde at thys title Heyght of the sunne, in the botome of this Table: then shal ye find on the right hand of 34 degrees, in the next Columpn 8 partes and 6 Minutes: that is the very lengthe of Squier shadowe, when the Sunne is 34 degrees in height.

OCcasioned I cannot here omitte an other Table faythfullye supputated for the Sunnes altitude, by the which with quicke speade the houre is knowen. This Table conducteth many­folde wayes, yea to the Composition of diuers and many Instru­mentes: as Quadraūtes, Nauicles, Cylindres. Rynges. &c.

Beholde now it doth ensue, and also the brief vse of it.

A Table of the Sunnes altitude for euery hou [...] Pole mounted. 51. degrees 30. Minutes, exactely calculated.

Houres before n. 12   11 10 9 8   7 6 5 4
Houres after n.     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Si. G S G g M G M g M g M g M g M g M g M g M
  30 0 62 0 59 45: 53 45 45 42 36 42: 27: 23: 18 11 9 28: 1 31.
  25   5 61 54                                
  20   10 61 37: 59 21. 53 26: 45 24 36 25 27 6 17 50. 9 9. 1 13:
  15   15 61 9:                                
  10   20 00 30: 53. 17 52 23. 44 32 35 35 25 16. 17 3 8 16. 0 16:
  5   25 59 41:                                
0 0 58 42: 56 34 50 55: 43 6. 34 13. 24 56: 15 41: 6 10. 0 0
  25   5 57 34:                                
  20   10 56 17: 54 15 48 48 41 10: 32 22. 23 6. 13 50 4 55: 0 0
  1   25 51 43:                                
0 0 50 0 48 11. 43 11. 39 53 27 27 8 13 8 5 [...]: 0 0    
  25   5 48 21:                                
  20   10 46 20: 44 37 39 51 32 53: 24 32. 15 27. 6. 8. 0 0    
  15   15 44 25:                                
  10   20 42 23: 40 51: 36 18 2 [...] 34: 21 24: 12 25: 3 6.   0    
  5   25 40 29:                                
0 0 38 3 [...] 36 58 32 37. 26 7: 18 [...] 9 16. 0 0        
  25   5 36 30                                
  20 10 34 32 33 4 28 55: 22 38: 1 [...] 51: 6 7 0 0    
  15   15 32 35.                      
  10   10 30 40. 29 16. 25 18 19 14 11 33 3 [...]: 0  
  5   25 28 48                        
0 0 27 0 25 40 21 51: 15 59: 8 34. 0 6.  
  25   5   25 17.                  
  20   10 23 39. 22 22. 18 42: 13 1: 5 45. 0  
  15   15 22 8.                  
  10   20 20 43. 19 29 15 55. 10 23: 3 19. 0  
  5   25 19 26                 0  
0 0 18 18. 17 6 13 38: 8 13: 1 15. 0  
  25 5 17. 19.                    
  20   10 15 30 14 48. 11 55. 6 36: 0 0  
  15   15 15 51                
  10   20 15 23. 14 13 10 52 5 36 0  
  5   25 15 6                
0   0 15 0 13 51 10 30. 5 15.  

Ʋ Ʋhen the Sunne cutteth the 22 grade of ♋ he toucheth our Horizonat 4 in the morninge Entring the 22 of ♑ he ry­seth at 8 in the fyrste of ♉ at 5. in the first of ♍, at. 7. Note in all my tables, one pricke folowing the Minutes, diminissheth: two, aug­menteth some smale quantitye

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