A briefe collection of some part of the exactions, extorsions, oppressions, tyrannies, and excesses towards the liues, bodies and goods of prisoners, done by Alexander Harris Warden of the Fleete, in his foure yeares misgouernment, ready to be proued by oath and other testimonies.

Murder.1. AFter knowne quarrels and fightings betweene two prisoners, lodging them in one chamber, where quarelling and fighting againe, and notice to him thereof giuen, and of likely further mischiefe, this notwithstanding continuance of them together, vntill the one murthered the other.

Felonie.2. Remouing a prisoner out of his chamber, hauing 51. lib. 1. s. hid vnder his bed, which the prisoner required he might go to his chamber to dispose of, which was denied, and he thrust vp in another roome close prisoner, vntill the Warden and some of his seruants rifled his bed of that mony.

Robberie.3. 11. lib. 6. s. taken out of the Trunk, and by violence from the person of a close prisoner sicke in his bed, by the Warden and his seruants.

Infidelitie.4. After engagement of faith, soule and all vnder hand and seale, contrary thereto detaining a priso­ner, hauing libertie by his Maiesties writ, to his great preiudice.

False imprison­ment.5. False imprisonment of men discharged, offering to pay all due fees, for diuers moneths.

Close imprisonmēt6. Close imprisonment of many without order, warrant or law, by moneths and yeares.

Cruel imprison­ment.7. Close and cruell imprisonment, chaining, manicling, and bolting of them with irons, some of the degree of Knighthood, without cause or warrant.

Staruing close pri­soners.8. Staruing of men close imprisoned, guarding them from meate, drinke, &c. and that after command of authoritie to the contrary.

Seizing and de­taining prisoners goods▪9. Breaking of prisoners chambers, hauing first remoued them, opening their Trunks, seizing their goods, and still detaining them.

Robbing the poore mens box [...].10. Where an order giues vpon euery dayes going abroad by one that is not in execution, 8. d. to the Wardes box, the orders exemplified vnder the great Seale, hath a da [...]h ouer the word wardes, to make it Wardens box; by which practise and vnder colour thereof he continually robbeth the poore of that 8. d. a day, which is yearely a great matter.

Robbing his poore seruants of their dues.11. Where the same order giues 12. d. a day to the keeper that goeth abroad with such prisoner, hee robbeth his seruants of that also, forcing the prisoner besides to content his keeper.

12. He hath Warrant Dormants vnder some of the Councels hands, not naming any particular per­son, by which continually in all countries hee seizeth vpon his Maiesties subiects, Abusing of the Councels Warrant Dormant. forceth them to giue bonds to be his prisoners, exacteth intollerable fees, and compositions, &c. where these apprehensions ought to be by the Sheriffes of the Shires, without such vexation or charge to the subiect.

Excessiue rates of chambers.13. Where by orders no man ought to pay for any chamber, the Warden allowing bed and bedding, aboue 2. s. 4. d. a weeke, he exacteth 8. s. 10. s. 13. s. 4. d. and of some twentie shillings a weeke without bed­ding.

Exacting for lodg­ing in Common wards and Dun­geon.14. Where before his time nothing was paide for lodging in the Common Wards, hee exacteth as if they lay in priuate chambers, vpon his bedding; yea for the very Dungeon also.

15. He exacteth after those high rates chamber rents of men hauing no chambers, but lying abroade by the Kings writ or otherwise. Exaction for chambers, not hauing any.

16. He exacteth for diet whole commons of men that take none of his meate or drinke: a thing neuer demanded before his time. Exactions of diet, taking none.

17. He layeth impositions vpon meate and fuell, and forceth prisoners to pay them, as 2. d. a ioynt, 3. s. 4. d. for a loade of b [...]l [...]ets, Impositions vpon meate and fuell. &c. and forceth prisoners to pay 12. d. a bushell for charcole, which are to be bought for 12. d. a sacke.

Horrible exactions vpon such as go a­broad by the Kings writs.18. Where men be whole vacations abroad by Habeas corpus, he forceth them to pay him 20. d. a day for outgoings, their chamber rent and diet, horrible exactions, neuer had or demanded by former War­dens.

Excessiue exactions for his fauour to go vpon the Kings writs.19. Of men hauing the Kings writs to go about their businesses, hee exacteth of them for his leaue, of some 40. s. 3. lib. 5. lib. 10. lib. or more in money, or other bribes, a dayly trade neuer done by any be­fore: and without yeelding these foule exactions, they are stayed, and lose their occasions.

The foule exactions, extorsions, and base vsages towards prisoners, by Robert Holmes the Clerke, Henry Cooke the Porter, Richard Mansell, and other M. Wardens worthy instruments, seruants, and Affidavit men, would aske a volume, and is reserued for a larger discourse.

There be many other great grieuances, which for breuitie are omitted, all which will directly be pro­ued, and most of these aboue be in the particular accusations deliuered in Parliament, with the witnesses names annexed, ready to be verified vpon oath, as they haue already bin verbally attested before the ho­norable Committee, at foure seuerall meetings in the Fleete.

Proverbs 1.19. Such is the wayes of euery one that is greedy of gaine: he would take away the life of the owners thereof.

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