THE ENGLISH CATECHISME, SET DOWNE IN THE Common-Prayer Booke, breifly ex­planed for the private vse of the Younger and more vnlearned sort of his Parishioners of Apleton, in the County of Berks.

By W. D.

1. PET. 2.2.

As new borne Babes desire the sincere Milke of the word that yee may grow thereby.

Ad Ecclesiae filios instruendos addendum est nostri sermonis obse­quium. Non enim timens nè spiritales & eruditi nota fastidi­ant ad quorum fructum pertinet alijs insinuare quod ipsi cum magnâ sui vtilitate didicerunt. Leo Papa.

AT OXFORD, Printed by IOHN LICHFIELD, Printer to the famous Vniversity Anno. Dom. 1628.


Page 3. line 27. read substance and life

Page 5. line. 16. read truly and visible.

Page 11. line. 29. read properly His

Page 12. line 10. read not to our knowledge


THE Title and frontispice of this booke, shewes for whom it is provided: such as haue need of milke and not of strong meate, Heb. 5. and are vn­skilfull in the word of righteousnesse. And to these I doe present and offer it as the fittest dish for their vse; wherein the milke of the Catechisme is as it were chewed, and softned in the mouth, that their vnderstand­ings may the more easily receiue, and digest it into nourishment, and strength. It was my error I con­fesse, [Page] to make an open and publique offer of this meat vnto you, not considering how some had ra­ther ever want then seeme at any time to be in need, and to perish rather then acknowledge their infirmity: But I am at length reform'd and be­come the man you would perchance haue me to bee, an house-Chaplaine, or priuate Minister to Cate­chise, instruct, and teach you, and your Children, and your seruants at home in the rudiments and beginnings of your Christian profession. Whosoeuer you be take heed how you sleight, and contemne the learning of these small & Childish things; for they are the first principles of the Oracles of God as the Apostle calls them, Heb. 5. and the foundation whereon the spirituall building of Grace and ever­lasting blessednes standeth; Neither doe yee, that are yet vnlearned and ignorant, content your selues with a bare memorie, and Mother-beleefe of words, without some knowledge and vnderstan­ding of what you speake, and professe and to beleiue, or doe. For of good & evill the more knowen the easier the one is to be avoided, and the other done: And in matters of faith perswasion takes most hold, and application is made with most comfort and as­surance where vnderstanding leads the way. The like is to be obserued in Prayer, and other Religi­ous [Page] workes, vnderstanding and knowledge must goe along with them. 1. Cor 14.15 For I will pray with the spirit saith (the Apostle) and I will pray with vnderstanding also. And I will singe with the spirit and I will singe with the vnder­standing also. Jn your seuerall trades and cal­lings it is easie to obserue that you haue them not by roate only; but are therein skilfull and vnder­standing, and able to giue an accompt and a reason of your worke: And my desire and purpose is to make you as learned in the word of Righteousnes, skilfull to discerne both good & evill, Heb. 5. 1. Pet. 3. & able to giue an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you. And for this cause I haue taken this forme with which the Printer hath pleas'd to Cloth me, and wherein I may without any trouble continuallie be present among you, and vpon all occasions readie to doe you seruice in the worke of the Ministrie. No time wilbe vnseasonable for me to be your Teacher as long as you shall finde any need, or will in your selues to be instructed. Fix and fasten me to some convenient place in your Houses (otherwise I shall be in some danger to be swept out of dores) and let me be vnto you for a Fringe that you may looke vpon it, and remember all the Com­mandements [Page] of the Lord and do them; And that you seeke not after your owne heart & your owne eyes after which you vse to goe a whoring. Numb. 15. That you may remember and doe all the Commandements and be holy vnto your God. J shalbe well pleased to stand a side while your dayly, and necessarie imployments are in your hands (for there is no good kindred & agreement betwixt vs) but at your times of rest and leysure, or in the Euenings, or while you are absent from the Church, I could wish my selfe your Compainon to passe a way the time with all. Here together with your Children, and the rest of your Familie yee may continually exercise your selues, by conferring, admonishing examining & edifying one another & searching the Scriptures whether the things be so as you finde them reported to be. By this meanes you may cause the word of Christ to dwell in you richly, Colos. 3. your Faith may be encreased, and confirmed, your vnderstanding and knowledge in the things of God bettered, and en­larged, your affections and will refined, and recti­fied, & at length come vnto a perfect man, vn­to the measure of the stature of the fullnes of Christ: That henceforth yee be no more Children readie to be tossed to and fro and [Page] caried about with every winde of doctrine by the sleight of men, Ephes. 4. & cunning craftines whereby they lie in waite to deceiue: But being groūded & setled in your owne professed Re­ligion, yee may with boldnes make resistance a­gainst the vnderminings of our Romish adversaries who closlie steale into our houses, and surprise weake and vnsetled mindes, and wrest them vnto a deniall and hate of the Church and professi­on wherevnto they were Baptised before they haue learn't either what our Church doth teach them to beleiue and know, or they themselues ought to pro­fesse, and practise for the salvation of their soules. Therefore my people are gone into Capti­vitie saith the Lord, Isai. 5. because they haue noe knowledge. Without this a man is like a Citie without a wall or a trench; hauing not where with all to gainesay & resist an assault made, presently thinkes on a compositiō, & for some faire promises wilbe content to exchange, and deliuer himselfe for ever a slave vnto the Conquerour. Luk. 11. But God be thanked hetherto our houses, & goodes are in peace as if we were all strong men armed the Enimie hath not broke in vpon vs spoiled our houses, or carried any of vs away Captiues. And in this estate, and Libertie of trueth noe doubt we [Page] shall continew firms and setled, if so be that wee be not at any time wanting vnto our selues, and neglect the meanes of strength and knowledge whereby we may be enabled to resist in the day of temptation. For whosoever hath, to him shalbe giuen & he shall haue in more abun­dance. Luk. 8. But whosoever hath not, from him shalbe taken even that he seemeth to haue saith our Sauiour Christ. I beseech you there­fore beloued Parishioners and exhort you by the Lord Iesus Christ that yee labour to put of all Childishnes in vnderstanding, and be strong in the word of God, and in the knowledge of his truth and of your Christian dutie, goe on from strength to strength, from knowledge to knowledge, from grace to grace, and giue not over till you haue clothed your selues with the whole Armour of God. Soe shall you approue your selues worthie of the vocation where with you are called in Iesus Christ, and he will accept of your Godly endeauors, and zeale, and will add there-vnto of his spirit in more abundance, and increase you with increase of God, vntill he shall haue brought you to be perfect and compleat in himselfe, who filleth all things, to whome be honour and praise & thankesgiuing now and for ever. The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all. Amen.



WHAT is your Name?


N. or M.


Who gaue you this Name?


My a Godfathers & Godmothers in my Baptisme, The Chri­stian man. wher­in I was made a b member of Christ, the Child of God, and an inheritour of the kingdome of Heauen.

Q. What did your Godfathers and Godmothers then for you?

A. They did promise and vowe three things in my name. Note that all the good and benefit in the former an­swere mentioned, and which wee are to expect from Christ in our Baptisme sealed vnto vs, is with condition, namely if wee shall performe the promise made in our behalfs by our godfathers and godmothers. Math. 16.27.

Q. What doth your Godfathers promise?

A. First that I should forsake the Devill and all his workes the pompes and vanities of the wicked world, His vowe. and all the sinfull lusts of the flesh. The reason hereof is because being by baptisme entered, and enroled a seruant of God, and receiued into his house and familie, that is into his Church: you are therefore to renounce all loue and obedience to these masters, to which by nature you are subiect, and to put your selfe in open defiance against his enimies which are the Deuill, this world, and your owne flesh. Math. 6.24. Rom. 6.12. &c. Eph. 6.11, &c.

Secondly that I should beleeue all the Articles of the Christian faith: The reason hereof is, because Christ hath in­seperably tyed and annexed faith vnto Baptisme, without which Baptisme profiteth nothing, and saluation is not to be had. Mar. 16.16. Act.

Thirdly that I should keepe Gods holy will and com­maundements, and walke in the same all the dayes of my life. The reason hereof is because the faith of beliefe here requi­red of such as are Baptized must be a working, and a liuely faith, openly shewing forth in the sight of God and men their obedience and loue, in performing the will and commaunde­ment of God, and of our Lord Iesus Christ. Math. 5.16. Luk. 1.74.75. Tit. 1.16. Iam. 2.17. 2. Pet. 1.4.5. 1. Ioh. 5.1.2.

Q. Doest thou not thinke that thou art bound to be­leeue and to doe as they haue promised for thee?

A. Yes verily, and by Gods helpe so I will: 1. Cor. 15.10. Iam. 4.15. and I doe hartily thanke our heauenly Father that he hath called me, to this state of saluation, through [Page 3] Iesus Christ our Saviour. Ephe. 1.3. &c. 2. Tim. 1.9. and I pray god to giue me his grace that I may continue in the same to my liues end. Math. 24.13. Luk. 22.32.

Q. Rehearse. (Rom. 10.8.9. Math. 10.32.33. 1. His beleife Pet. 3.15.) then the Articles, or seuerall parts or pointes of thy beliefe, or of those thinges which thou art to beleeue for the saluation of thy soule

A. 1. I Beleeue in God the father Almightie maker of heauen and earth. That is I a my selfe doe beleeue, that God (the first Person in the Godhead) is the b father of our Lord Iesus Christ, &, through him, my c Father also, in whom I trust, & d relie on his providence & prouision of all things necessarie both for my bodie and soule: in as much as he is e able, & hath the might & power to doe all things what­soeuer he will, & that he f created & made the heavens, & earth, & all things therein, & g me in particuler to his owne glory & service, & to the obteining of that salvation which he hath promised to all that beleeue in his sonne Iesus Christ.

2 And in Iesus Christ his only sonne our Lord. That is I my selfe doe beleeue that Iesus Christ (the second Per­son in the Godhead) is the a only naturall, and proper sonne of God, begotten from everlasting of the Father (having and receaving from him the same nature, substance, and b as naturall Children begotten doe receaue from there natu­rall parents) and that he is c Lord as well as his Father having power and dominion to rule and dispose of all things according to his owne will and pleasure, not onely as he is our d creator & maker, but more especially do I acknowledg him our Lord, for as much as he hath e redeemed, and sett vs free from the power of the Devill, sinne and death & made vs his servants to serue him in righteousnes and holynes all the dayes of our life.

[Page 4] 3 Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary. That is, I doe belieue that Iesus Christ the sonne of God was also a made man, being b conceiued of the seed of a woman the Virgin Mary by the holy Ghost after an vnspeakeable manner, and in due time was borne of her a perfect man, bone of her bone and flesh of her flesh in all things, ( d sinne only excepted) like vnto other Children & sonnes of men. c

4. He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was Crucified, dead & buried. That is, I do belieue, that Iesus Christ (to a deliver me body and soule from the curse of the law and euerlasting Damnation, and to b procure vnto me peace with God and the gift of euerlasting life) hath c suffered the wrath of God al his life time; but especially neer his end, not in body only but in d soule, he was humbled, and suffe­red the vttermost extremitie of his Iustice, and of those vn­vtterable sorrows and torments (due to the sinnes of the whole world) vnder e Pontius Pilate the gouernor of the country being adiudged by him to be nayled, and fastened to the accursed Crosse, whereon he died, and was after taken downe and layed into a graue and buried

5. He descended into Hell, the third day he rose againe from the deade. That is, I doe belieue that Iesus Christ went downe and plainly appeared and presented himselfe in hell, a and on the b third day after he had beene deade and buried, his soule and body came together againe and he, the [Page 5] very same person revived from death by his owne c power came forth a conqueour from Hell, rose, and came out of the Sepulcher or graue wherein he had beene layd. Hereby shewing d that he had fully satisfied & ouercome the Devill, Death, Hell and the graue, and all punishment due vnto my sinnes, and hath from henceforth cleared a passage e for me & al beleeuers vnto life eternal.

6. He ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie. That is, I doe belieue that the a same Christ Iesus, after he had staied b some dayes and conversed with his Disciples on Earth, was truly c and iustly translated, and moued from thence vp into Heaven ( d there to prepare a place for me) where he hath all power, maiestie and glory, all things being made subiect vnto him e

7. From thence hee shall come to iudge the quicke & the dead. That is, I doe belieue that Christ Iesus wil a come againe from Heauen b visibly, and c iudge and giue sentence vpon all men according to their d workes, as well those that are then living, as those which haue beene dead vnto that day.

8. I beleeue in the holy Ghost. That is, I doe acknow­ledge the holy Ghost (the third person in the Godhead) to be a God, the b same and equall with God the Father, and his sonne Iesus Christ, in whome also I doe belieue and trust vpon as the especial worker of all grace, and holynesse in me, by c teaching d sanctifying, e comforting, f and knitting or v­niting me and all belieuers into Christ Iesus,

9. The holy Catholique Church the communion of Saintes. That is I doe beleeue, and acknowledge that God hath and will gather and call forth (through his spirite and the preaching of his word) a Church Catholique, or vniver­sall, that is a a Company of men of b all sorts, times and places through out the whole world agreeing in the faith of Iesus Christ, and through him made c holy, sanctified, and set a part for his owne service and honour, and the attainment of everlasting life: And I doe likewise beleeue, that these men thus sanctified, and made holy, are vnited as members of one and the same body, into Iesus Christ, and are d fellowes and partakers or intercommoners in al the promises of his Gos­pell, and in all those guifts and graces, which are requisite and needfull either for his owne glory, or the common good and saluation of his whole Church.

10. The forgiuenesse of sinnes. That is I do beleeue that God, (for that all sufficient satisfaction made vnto his Ius­tice by Iesus Christ through his blood, and death, and his fullfilling c of all righteousnes,) will d pardon and forgiue all my sinnes, accompting of them as if no sinne had bene committed, and that he will e impute vnto me his righteous­nes that so I may not at any time come into f condemnation. a b

[Page 7] 11. The resurection of the body. That is I doe be­leeue that the a bodies of al men shallbe raised to life againe, and being vnited to their soules, they the same men in sub­stance both b good and bad shall stand before Gods Iudg­ment seate, and be sentenced according to their works done in there life time

12. And the Life euerlasting. That is I doe beleeue, that both to a me & all the elect & Saints of God the guift of euerlasting life, that is an euerlasting estate in perfect holi­nes and vnvtterable happines, shallbe giuen by Christ Ie­sus my Saviour; and together with him I shall liue in his kingdome and enioy the full measure of blessednes for euer and euer.

Amen: That is. So verily are these thinges, and may they be as I haue confessed and acknowledged them.

Q. What doest thou cheifly Learne in these Articles of thy Beliefe.

A. First I learne to beleeue in God the Father who hath made me and all the world As it doth appeare out of the first Article.

Secondly in God the sonne who hath redeemed mee and all mankind As it doth appeare both by the second, third, fourth, fift, sixt, seaventh Articles, which shew what God did, or what meanes he vsed, and will vse for the perfect redemption, of them that beleeue as much: and also by the Ninth, Tenth, Eleuenth, and Twelfth Articles which shew what, or wherein our redemption doth consist

Thirdly in God the holy Ghost who Sanctifieth mee and all the Elect people of God As wee Learne out of the Eight, and Ninth Articles.

Q. It semes by your answere that there are three gods, God the Father, God the Sonne. God the Holy Ghost.

A. There is but one god (1. Iohn. 5.7.) but three Per­sons as I am taught to beleeue in Athanasius his Creede [Page 8] commonly called by the name of Quicunque vult) which is not a Different or seuerall Creed from the Apostles Creed or the Nicene Creed (which is vsually read after the Gos­pell) but a commentary rather or large exposition there­of.

Q. What doe you meane by a Person?

A. By this word Person I doe vnderstand a diuerse, and Incommunicable manner and order of being and wor­king in God. And this is plainely set forth in Athanasius his Creede. Touching the diuers manner of being in the God­head thus it is. The Father is made of none, neither created nor begottē. The Sōne is of the Father alone not made nor created but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father & of the Sonne neither made nor created nor begotten but pro­ceeding and as it were Breathed from both. Ioh Now the diverse order of working in God is thus. The creation of all things is the proper & immediate worke of the Father, the first Person of the three. The re­demption of mankinde is the proper and immediate worke of the Sonne, the second Person of the three Sanctification is the proper and immediate worke of the holy Ghost the third Person of the three. And thus God is One in substance Power, and Eternitie. Three in Number of Persons, both according to the diuerse manner of being, in respect of one another and also of their Different order of working vpon other things.

Q. You said that your Godfathers and Godmothers did promise for you, that you should keepe Gods Com­maundements. His workes Tell me how many there bee

A. Tenne.

Q. Which be they?

A. The same which God spake in the Twentieth Chapter of Exodus saying, I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage.

Q. What doth God command in these words?

A. God commandeth nothing in these words, but ra­ther [Page 9] shewes vs his authority and power in making Lawes, and the reasons why we are to obey and doe them. First, I am the Lord saith he: and therfore to him belongs the power of making lawes. Secondly, I am thy God & brought thee out of Egypt saith hee, and therefore thou art to obey and suffer thy selfe to be ruled by me.

Q. Which then is the first commandement?

A. 1. Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me.

Q. What doth God require of thee in this first comman­dement?

A. This is to bee noted and obserued in generall, of this & of all the Commandements following, that in those cōmandements which are negatiue, that is, forbidding some­what to be done, there also is implyed a Command, bidding vs to doe, those duti [...] which are contrary to them which are expresly forbidde [...] [...] so in those Cōmandements which are Affirmatiue, that is bidding somewhat to bee done, there is also implyed a comand, forbidding vs to do the contrary, to them which are expresly enioyned, for example, in this first commaundement: as God forbids vs to be Atheists, that is to haue and acknowledge no God at al, (Psa. 13.1.) or to be Idolators, that is, to haue a false god, or many gods: (Exo. 23.24.25. Deut. 32.12. Iosu. 24.14.) so doeth he requier vs to haue him to our god, & only him. Deut. Ios. 23.7.8. Math. 4.10.

Q. What is it to Haue God or to haue no other God?

A. It is as much as if I should say. First that I must a know and acknowledge, him to be the true and only god: And b not be negligently ignorant, contemne, or doubt of him, or those things which he hath reuealed of himselfe Secondly that I must humble and a submit my selfe in all things vnto him my onely Lord and Master: and b not ad­uance my selfe against him or obey other men, or mine owne [Page 10] will, or any way grudge at his doings, or sleight his power and goodnes Thirdly that I must put my whole a beleefe, trust, confidence and delight in him alwayes, and stick and cleaue vnto him in all occurrances whatsoeuer: and b not forsake him, or Distrust his word, and goodnes, or delight, seeke, or put my trust, and hope in any thing contrary to his will. Fourthly that I must a worshipp him only by prayer, and calling vpon his name: and not b neglect to doe it, or doe it to any other. Fiftly that I must giue a thanks vnto him the only author of al good things and the Deliue­rer from all evill: and not neglect this dutie, or yeeld it to a­ny other b

Q. Which is the second Commandement?

A. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any graven Image nor the likenes of any thing that is in Heauen aboue, or in the Earth beneath or in the water vnder the Earth. Thou shalt not bowe downe to them, nor worship them.

Q. What art thou taught in this commandement?

A. I am taught after what manner god is pleased to be worshiped, namely, That I a am not to conceiue a false, and an vnworthy opinion of God, as that he is like vnto man, or any other thing whatsoeuer, or to expresse him, in any such [Page 11] vi­sible resemblance, Image, or Picture, & to worship it as God or God in it: but rather am b I so to thinke of God, as he hath revealed himselfe, and onely to worship him, as he doth by his word, direct me.

Q, What is the meaning of these words, For I the Lord thy God am a Iealous God and visit the sinns of the Fathers vppon the Children vnto the third and fourth ge­neration of them that hate me, and shew mercy vnto thou­sands in them that loue me and keepe my Commande­ments.

A. In these words nothing is commanded, but they are annexed to the second Commandement, to perswade me to obedience, and to a iust performance, of the aforesaid Com­mand: Threatening Gods vengeance to all, both Parents & Childeren that offend against it: and on the other side pro­mising mercy and loue to many posterities of those that ob­serue to doe it.

Q. Repeate the third commandement,

3. A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine.

Q. What doth God require of thee in this Commande­ment.

A. That in my outward actions, dealings, and com­merce with others I doe not at any time abuse, profane, or mention the holy name of God, or any thing that is properly, vnbeseeming his great honour, and maiestie: but by all the meanes I may set forth his glory, and with all possible devo­tion and reverence in word and deede vse his name to his honour.

Q. How is Gods name taken in vaine or abused.

A. Divers waies. First to sweare by any thing besides God, either, supposed Gods, or parts of God, or other crea­tures. [Page 12] Exod. 23.13. Ierem: 5.7. Zepha. 15. Mat. 23.6. &c.

Secondly by vsing his name, or swearing in our ordinarie talke, & vpon every sleight occasion, in some passion, or other­wise. Lev: 5.4.5. 1. Sam. 14.39.44. Mat. 5.34.37. Iam. 5.12. Thirdly to thinke and speake despitefully, irreverently, and reprochfully of God, Exod: 5.2. Lev: 24.15.16. 2. King. 18.22.32. &c. Psal. Rom: 1, 23, 9:20. Fourthly to abuse his name in vowing and swearing that which is either absolutly false and vnlawfull, or at least not to acknowledge true and lawful, or with a purpose to de­ceiue the belieuer, or not to stand to that which is sworne, or [...] vowed, Lev: 19:12: Ios: 9:15:16, 18. 1. Sa. 1. King. 21.13. Ps. 15. 4.24.4. Mar. 14.57.58. Act 5.1. Fiftly by rash & sudden imprecatiōs, & cursings, wishing evil to come on our neighbors, our selues, or other creatures from gods hands, Num. 23.8. Rom. Iud. 9. Sixtly by an open evill, & vngodly carriage & demeanour, contrary to our profession, 2. Sa. 12.14. Ro: 2.23.24. Col: 4.5.6. Tit. Seventhly by neglecting, suppres­sing, with holding, opposing Gods will, word, or any meanes of his glory. Levit: 19.17.22. 31.32. Numb. 13.31. Prov. 30.9. Amo: 2.7 Mal: 1.11.12. Math. Luk. 8.13.17. 17.18. Ioh: 42.43. Acts: 26. 11.

Q. You haue tolde how many wayes Gods name may be abused, or taken in vaine, now tell me how Gods name may bee vsed well, or Glorified, and Sanctified, which is a Dutie im­plied, and required of thee in this Commandement: Psal. 29.1.2. Mat. 6.9. 1. Cor. 10.31.

A. Gods name is glorified: First by swearing, and con­firming all truth (not other wayes to be manifested) in his name only, or with some invocation, and attestation referred vnto him, though not plainly named. Exod. 22.11. Deut: 6.13. 1. King. 8.31.32. Isay: Ierem. 4. 2. Heb. 6.16.17. Secondly by performing the workes of pietie: as Blessing and Making Vowes in his name only, and praising, thanksgiving, and praying vnto him only. 1. Sam. [Page 13] 1.11. Psa., 1. Mat: 5.44. Rom. 12.14. 2. Cor: 11.31. Ephes. 6.18. Philip: 4.6. Colos. 3.17. 1. Thes. 5.17.18. Thirdly by an holy and god­ly conversation of life answerable to our profession. Ioh. 15.8. 2. Cor. 8.19. Ephes. 2. Tim. 2.19. Tit: 2.10. Isay. 1.13. &c. 66.3. Philip. 2.11. Fourthly by teaching, and causing others to glorifie Gods name, and by increasing and spreading abroad his honour by all the meanes we may, Deut: &c. Psal Mat: 5.15, Luk. 22.32. Ephes. 4.29.. Colos. 3.16.

Q. What is the meaning of these wordes; For the Lord will not holde him guiltles that taketh his name in vaine.

A. These are annexed to the commandement to giue warning to all that they take heede how they offend against it: for whosoever they be that any way shall presume to dis­honour Gods most holy name, let them be assured that God doth take notice of their sinne, and will esteeme of them as guilty, and will in due time cause iust punishment to be exe­cuted vpon them. Levit: 24.15.16.

Q. Proceed to the next Commandement.

A. Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabouth day

Q. What doth God require of thee in this commande­ment.

A. Three things: First to obserue one day of Seaven for a Sabboth day, that is a day of rest, and cessation from all worldly labours and busines. To which vse the Lords day, wherin he rose from the dead, is generally receiued by Chri­stians, amongst vs commonly but corruptly called Sunday. Secondly to set apart. Sanctifie, or keepe this daye holy to Gods service and worship. Thirdly to remember that aboue all other things it be duly observed.

Q. How is the Sabbath day to be keept holy.

A. Divers waies. First by ceasing from all manner of bodily labours and worldly businesses which are not a­greable vnto, or crosse, slaken, or hinder the service and wor­ship of God. As from the ordinary workes of our speciall cal­lings, [Page 14] from bargainings, buying and selling, and iourneying, from mercy meetings, feastings, and drinkings, and frute­les pastimes, sports and gaimings: yea from talking, thinke­ing, or contriuing in our mindes any of these things against another day. Exod. 1. Cor. 10.7. Exod. 34.21. Ierem. 17.21.22. Neh. 13.15. Isay: 58.13.14.

Q. It seemes by your answere that God doth not simply forbid all manner of workes, and labours on the Sabbath day.

A. He doth not. For workes of mercy and piety, and such as directly tende to the good of man, or other creatures, and furtherance of the seruice of God he doth allow. 2. Kings: 4.44.23. Nehem. 8.10. Hosea. 6.6. Mat. 12.1. &c. Mark. 3.4. Luk. 13.14. &c. Acts: 1.12. Iam. 1.27. Also workes of necessity, such as cannot be deferred without perill, or what nature, and the maintenance of our being, and common ci­vility and decency doth require. 1. Macab. 2.40. Mat. Mark. 2.27. Luk. 14.5. Exod. 19.10.11.

Q. You haue answered well. Goe on now and tell me how els the Sabbath day is to be kept holy.

A. By a spirituall rest, and cessation from sinne, or the occasion of sinne, either in word, thought, or deed. For such a rest and Sabbath there is in heauen whether wee are to la­boure to come. Heb: 4.9.10. Isay: 1, 11, &c: 56, 2, 58, 13, 14: Ierem: 7, 9, &c. Thirdly by exercising, and performing all such holy workes which are commanded by God for the Sanctifying of the Sabbath, namely by a repairing to the appointed, and publike place of Gods worship with due re­verence and preparation, by b expounding, reading, hearing the word of God, and meditating, mutually discoursing thereon, and doing it, by c praying, thankesgiuing, and, singing of psalmes to the honour of his name by d frequent­ing of his Sacraments, and charitable contributions to­the poore, and suchlike Godly workes.

Q. But why doth God require that wee should Remem­ber to doe this commandement aboue any of the rest.

A. The reasons are divers. First because the conti­nuall remembrance and sight of this day, or rather of God, who is to be Sanctified this day, will keepe vs more entirely in our obedience to him, & binde vs as it were to our good be­haviour in all his other Commandements. Secondly the re­membrance thereof will cause vs to order all our doings and dealings so that on that Day wee may able be to give vp a good account thereof before him. Lastly it will cause vs to cast, and appointe our weekely busines with respect vnto this Day, that by no meanes wee may be Distracted and hinde­red from an exacte observance thereof when it comes. And thus we are to make a Dayly preparation for the Sanctifing of this one day, as well by calling to minde and remembring what hath bene done in the Sabbath Day past, as namely what we prayed for, promised, & vowed to God touching the amendment and Sanctification of our liues, and what wee were taught out of his word: as what we are to doe on the next which is to come. But more especially the day, or ra­ther the afternoone of the day immediatly goeing before the Sabbath or Lords day is appointed by the Church for preparation that is by giving over our weekely workes and laboures and by fasting, and prayer.

Q. What doe the other wordes of this commandement serue for.

A. They containe divers reasons and motiues to per­swade vs to the observation and keepeing of the Sabbath day. As first God alloweth vs Six days in every weeke to doe our owne busines, and therefore we may the willinger a­low [Page 16] one to his honour and service. Secondly the seaventh day is the Lords day, he hath chosen and set it apart for him­selfe and it is none of ours, and therefore wee must doe his worke, and none of our owne on this day. Thirdly God himselfe rested from his worke on the Seventh day, and therefore it will become vs to doe the like. Fourthly god hath annexed a blessing vnto this day; insomuch as that hee which observeth, and Sanctifieth it shall also be blessed, and holy, and therefore for this cause are wee to keepe this Com­mandement, namely that we may be holy & blessed lastly this circumstance is to be noted by Parents, Masters and Governors that they take especiall care, that together with themselues, there whole families, and such as are vnder their power, or soiournors sanctifie this day.

Q Tell me which is the Fift Commandement.

A. Honour thy Father and thy Mother.

Q. What doth God require in these words.

A. That all superiors, or such as haue rule, power and preheminen [...]e in any kinde aboue others: as for example naturall Parents, Princes, Magistrates, and their Debuties and Commissioners Ministers of the Gospel, Hus­bands, Masters of families, and such as exceede in learning, wisdome, counsell, riches, age, and other giftes, and callings be honoured, that is their worthines, be acknowledged, and reverent respect, and due subiection yeilded vnto them by their inferiors.

Q. How are naturall Parents to be honoured by their Children.

A. First they are to be beloved, and feared, and not contemned, and hated by them, Levit: 19. [...]. Ruth: 1.16. Mat. 10.37. Deut. 27.16. Prov. 20.20. Secondly they are to be obeyed in all things which are lawfull, and not any waies flighted and resisted, Gen. 26. [...], 14.13. Prov: 15.5.25, 22. Luk: 2, 51, 15, 29, Ephes: 6, 1, Colos: 3, 20, Deut: 21, 18, 27, 16, 1. Sam: 2, 25, Rom: 1.30, Heb: 12, 7:9. Thirdly Children are to shew all reverence towards [Page 17] them in their wordes, gestures, and behaviours, and not to seeme any way to Disesteeme them, or vse any vncomely and vnmannerly carriage towards them. Gen. 29.48.12. 50.17. Exod. 21. 15.17. Prov. 30.17. Malac. 1.6. 1. King. 2. 19. Mat. 21.29.30. Isay. 45. 10. Fourthly Children are to relieve cherish, helpe, and succour them when neede is, and not be any way vnthankefull towards them, or riotously and carelesly Diminish their goods. Gen. 47.11.12. Prov. 28.24. Mat. Luk. 15.29. 1 Tim. 5. 4.16

Q. How are Princes to be Honoured

A. They are to be feared, loved, and obeyed, relieved, served, Defended, prayed for, reverenced, and highly esteem­ed, and the contraries avoided vy their Subiects. Exo. 22.28. Iosua. 1.18. 1. Sam. 2. Sam. 16.7.18. 3:21.16. &c. 1. King. 2.8. Psal. 61.6.7. Prov. 24.21. Lam. 4.20. Eccles. 10.20. Mat. Act. 23.5. Rom. 13.1: &c. 1. Tim. 2.2.3. 1. Pet. 2 Pet. 2.10.

Q. How are the Ministers of gods word to be honoured

A. With loue, obedience, meanes of maintenance, and a reverent, and worthy estimation, and vsage of them with forbearance of the contraries towards them. Gal. 4.15.1. Thes. 5.12. 13. 1. King. 22.8. Deut. 17.12. Hos. 4:4. Heb. 13 17. Acts. Prov. 3. 9. Mat. 3.8. 1. Cor. 9.9. &c. Gal. 6.6. &c. 1 Tim. 5.17.18, 1. Kings: 13.4. 2. Kings. 2.23.24. Luk. 10.16. Gal. 4.14. Phil. 2.29.

Q. How are Husbands to be honoured by their Wives

A. By acknowleding them to be their Head, by reve­rencing, feareing, obeying, pleasing, cherishing, helping, and assisting them in the goverment of the house, and not the con­trarye. Gen. Ephes. 5.22, 24.33. 1. Pet. 3.6. Colos. 3.18. 1. Cor. 14.34. 1. Tim. Tit. 2.4.5. 2. Sam. 6. 16.20. Prov. &c.

Q. How are Masters to be honoured by their Servants.

A. With loue, feare, and obedience, with faithfullnes, and Diligence, and due reverence. Gen. 16.9. [...]1.6.40. 1. [Page 18] Kings. 20.31. 2. Kings. 5.13. Malac 1.6. Luk: 16. 1. Mat. 1. Sam. 2. Sam. 16 1. Ephes. 6.5.6. Colos. 3..22.23. 1. Tim. 6.1.2. Tit. 2.9.10. 1. Pet. 2. 18.19.

Q. How are others of eminent gifts, place, and calling, or the aged to be honoured.

A. It may be gathered by these texts of Scripture fol­lowing. Gen. 16.6. 18.2. 8. &c. Leuit. 19.32. Iob. 29.8: 1. Sam. Esay. 1. Ki. 2. 19.12.8. 1. Tim. 1.3. Prov. Rom: 13. 2. Iud. 8.

Q. What is the meaning of these words. That thy dayes may be long in the land which the Lord thy God gi­veth thee.

A. These plainly speake themselues to be a promise made, and offerd to al which doe keepe the Commandement aforesaid, namely, That vpon such both the blessing of God, and of their Parents shall come to prolong their dayes here on Earth, or in supply thereof, with everlasting daies in the Land of the living.

Q. Name the sixt Comandement

6 A. Thou shalt doe noe Murther.

Q Tell me the meaning of this Commandement.

A. This Commandement looks two waies: not only forbidding all manner of iniurie, and murther to be done in thought, word and deede either vpon our selues or others: But on the other side strictly requiring vs by all the meanes we may to preserue, helpe, further our owne and our Neigh­bours life, health, and welfare, whether of body or soule.

Q. How is a man sayde to murther.

A. First by an vnlawfull violence done vpon his owne or his Neighbours person. As striking, wounding, and take­ing away his life, or willfully and negligently omitting those meanes which should haue preserved him in safety, or by approving, counselling, commanding, consenting, or con­cealing any such matter to the preiudice of his neighbour. And after this manner the soule may be also spiritually kill­ed, [Page 19] As by an b vniust vexing, and grieving it, by omitting and neglecting those things and meanes which tend to Salva­tion, or by doeing, counselling, approving, perswading or not hindering, where power is, the contraries which leade vnto Death. a Secondly by railing, and cursed speakings, and slaunderings, false testimonies, or by vniust censuring, and seeking occasion to wrong, and impaire his life, good name, and safety Psal: 10.7, &c. 15.3. Prov: 12, 18, Ezek, 22.9. Mat:, 26, 60, 61.27, 39, 40, Acts: 9, 1. 1 Cor. 6, 10.13, 4.5. Gen: 21, 9. Gal: 4, 29. Ephes: 4, 31, 1 Pet: 3.9, Thirdly by secret malice of the heart: as by revengefull, and cruell De­sires, thoughts, and wishes, by envying, maligning, hating, and wilfull neglecting the good of his Neighbour, Leuit 19.17.18. Deut: 19.19. Psal. 5, 6.7. Prov: Mat: 5.22. Rom: 1. Cor: 13.4. &c. 1 Thes. 5.15. Iames: &c, 1. Iohn: 3.15.

Q. You haue told me how many wayes a man is saide to kill. Tell me now how thou art to further, helpe and preserve both thyne owne, and the good health and life of thy neigh­boure, which is also a dutie required in this Commandement:

A. By a doeing, saying, wishing, and occasioning all the good to soule or body, and by b removing, or avoid­ing all things harmefull and preiudiciall either to my owne, or my neighbours good name; health, safety, and Salvation

Q. What is the next Commandement.

7 A. Thou shalt not Commit Adulterie.

Q. Tell me the meaning of this Commandement in more wordes.

A. In this Commandement as all manner of vn­cleannes, and lustfullnes in soule and body is absolutly forbidden: so on the other side is it as striktly required that wee should preserve, keepe and possese body and soule in all cleannes, and holynes.

Q. Name the vncleannes which is forbidden.

A. First all lust, and vncleannes in act, either solita­ry, or with another, as Fornication, Adulterie, incest, rape, or that against nature Gen. Leuit. Deut, 25.23:10.17.18. Prov. 6.32. Ezek. Amos. 2.7. 2. Sam. 13.14. Rom. 1.26.27 1. Cor. 2. Gal. 5.19. Secondly all lust, and vncleannes, or Adulterie of the minde or hearte. Prov. 6.25. Mat: Rom. 1.28. Ephes: 4.22. Colos. 3.5. 2. Tim. 2.22. 1. Pet. 2.11. 1. Ioh. 2.16. Thirdly all Adul­terous and vncleane behaviours in wordes, gestures, appar­ell, and any other provocations, and occasions therof what­soever. As evill Company, Idlenesse, Drunkennesse, Glutto­ny, wanton lookes, songs, and pictures and the like. Gen. 2. Sam. Isay. 3.16.17. Ierem. 3.2.3. Ezek. 16.49. Hos. 4.11. Zephan. 1.8. Prov. &c. Ecclus. 8.9. 1. Cor. 5, Ephes. Colos. 3.8. 1. Thes. 5.22. 1 Pet. 4.3. 2 Pet. 2:7.14.

Q. How are you to keepe and possesse your body and soule in Cleannes, Chastitie, and holynes?

A. Not only by an abstinence from the a foresayd vn­cleannes forbidden (Iob. 31:1. Prov. 5.8. 2. Cor. 7.1.1. Thes. But by the practise and exercise of cleannes. [Page 21] and chastitie in our wordes, deedes, gestures, attire; and by vsing all meanes of preserving, and increasing it both in our selues and others. As by good company, and example, tem­perance in meats and drinkes, fasting, and prayer, and busi­ing our selues in our severall callings and such like. Gen. 39.8.9. Deut. 23.10. &c. 2. Sam. 13.13. Psal. 119.37. 1. Cor. 7.2. &c. 9.27, Phil. 4.8. 1. Tim. 2.9.10. Tit. 2.3. &c.

Q. Proceede now and tell me the next Commandement

8 A. Thou shalt not Steale.

Q. What doth God require of thee in this Commande­ment.

A. That I should not any way impaire, Diminish, hinder, detaine, detract, take away, and vniustly get from my neighbour any of his goods, wealth, possessions, commodi­ties, and estate, or his iust title, and claime there vnto: But rather that I should by all lawfull meanes further, main­taine, increase the same as mine owne, and as I would haue him to doe vnto me.

Q. How many wayes is a man sayd to Steale.

A. First he doth steale who by open violence, or secret, and close convaiance getteth and taketh a way or detayneth or doth counsell, assist, consent, conceale, or pertake of those thinges of our neightbours detained, and taken away. Of this kinde are not open a Robbers only on the land and sea, housebreakers, secret pilfarers. But b Oppressors of all kinds cosening bankruptes, c ill pay-masters of Servants, and labourers d sacrilegious persons, and e souldiers pilling of those which are not Enemies, f corrupters of iudges, and for gaine, or some other vnlawfull cause wresting, or hinder­ing, g or giuing wrong iudgment vpon a good cause, removers of landmarkes &c.

Secondly he doth steale and commit theft that by deceit and cosonage, as in wordes, measures, weights and by imposture, counterfeting, or mixing of coyne, or Mer­chandise, or by any other indirect, and fraudulent dealing doth get his neighbours goods from him Deut: 25, 13.14. Prov. 11.1, 20.14.15. Ezek. 45.10. Ierem. 22.17. Amos. 8.4.6. Mich. 6.10.11. 1. Thes. 2. 5.4.6. 1. Pet. 2.1. Thirdly he doth Steale which doth immoderately desire, care, and pur­pose in his heart to get much goods, and gaine vnto himself, which is Covetousnes. Prou. 15.27. Isay. 1.23. Ierem. 22.17. Mat. 6.25. Luk. 12.15. Phil. 4.6. Colos: 3.5. 1. Tim. 6.9.10. Heb: 13.5. 2. Pet. 2.15.

Q. How art thou to further, and increase, and preserue thy Neighbours goods, commodities, and profits.

A. By a plaine and vpright dealing with him, and by my prayers and good wishes for his good successe, and by restoring that which was lent, found, or put to my trust and keeping, by paying what I owe, and by lending with out v­surie and oppression, and giuing where is neede, and every way so to studie and care for his estate as I could wish him to doe for mine. Exod:, 23.4. Leuit, &c, Deut: 15.8.22,, 15, Psal, 129, 8, Eccles, 4, 8, Isay: 58, 6, 7, Mat: 6, 11, 7, 12, Luk: 6;35:38, 16, 9, Ioh, 6, 12. 2, Cor, 8, 11, 12, Rom, 12, 13, Ephes: 4, 28, Phil, 4, 11, Heb: 13, 16, 1, Tim. 6, 6, 1, Thes: 4, 11, 12,

Q. You haue answered well: now rehearse the ninth Com­mandement.

9 A. Thou shallt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour.

Q. Shew me the meaning of this Commandement.

A. In this Commandement God provides for the preservation and maintenance of the good name, reputation and credit both of our selues and our neighbours, forbidding all manner of falsehoode, and vntruth, and abuse of the toung against our neighbour of our selves, either in Iudgement, or otherwayes. And requiring truth, integrity, charity in all our speeches and surmises, that so, for as much as lieth in vs, the estimation, credit; and good name of all men may be pre­served and increased

Q. How many wayes is a man said to beare false witnesse against his owne, or his neighbours credit,

A. First by false witnessing, and accusing of our neigh­bour before a Iudge, or by accepting of slight and vnsuf­ficient proofe against him in Iudgment, or by counselling assisting, perswading, or setting on any such iniurie to be practised Levit. 19.16. Deut. 1. Kings. 3.16. &c. 1. Sam. 1.13. Prov. Hest. 3. 8. Acts. Mat., 13. Mark. 14.55.56. &c. Luk. Secondly by raising of slaunders, backbiting, tale­bearing, scoffing, reviling, and discouering of secret faults, with a purpose to disgrace, and by hard censuring vpon weake grounds: all which things are as so many false wit­nesses against the credit of our neighbour, Gen. 39.19. Exod. 23.1. Levit 19.16. Deut. 22.14. Psal. Prov. 16 1. Sam. 2. Sam. 16.3. 4 Ezek. 22.9. Ecclus. 5.13.14. Mat. Luk, 7.39. Iohn. Act. 1. Cor. Gal. 6.1. Ephes. 4.31. 1. Pet. 2.23. Iam. 1.26. Thirdly 84 falsewitnesse is giuen by flatteries and faire wordes co­louring deceit, and by excessive b boastings, or lessening of a mans selfe, or others, and by all manner of lying c either in iest or earnest, [Page 24] Fourthly by a will or de­sire of lying, or hearing of lyes and scandalous reports, and by surmising and suspecting without sufficient proofe, all which is the false witnessing of the heart. Gen. 39.19. 1. Sam. 17.28. 2. Sam. Zacha. 8.19. Rom. 14.4. 1. Cor. 4.5.

Q. Now tell me how thou art to preserue, defend, and increase the good name, credit, and honour, both of thine own particular, and also of thy neighbour; and then wee will pro­ceed to the next Commaundement.

A By a constant a profession and holding of the truth, and simplicity in all my doings, and dealings, and by b ac­knowledging, confessing, congratulating and defending the good things of my neighbour, and by c concealing, and bea­ring with his infirmities which otherwise may be his dis­grace, and by making the best construction of his doings, and by d stopping mine eares against scandalous and disgrace­full reports, and in a word by desiring e and delighting in all things which may make for my owne, or my neighbours good name, & credit.

Q. Now you are come to the tenth Commaundement, re­peate it.

10 A. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife, nor his servant, nor his maide, nor his oxe, nor his asse, nor any thinge that is his.

Q. Tell me the meaning of this Commaundement.

A. The begining, fountayne, and foundation of all sinne forbidden in the former Commandements is here prohibited. (Now the beginnings and fountaine of sinne are the first motions, and inclinations of the minde or heart to evill, or evill thoughts, phansies, and imaginations: these in the scriptures are cōmonly called by the name of lust, concupiscence, or coveting whether the consent, purpose or delight, of the heart be ioyned therewith, or no) all be it indeede the particular lust coveting or desiring of our neighbours house, or his servant, or his wife, or any other thing els which is not our owne is by name forbidden.

Q. How doth it appeare vnto you that our thoughts phansies, and imaginations of evill, or the bare motions and inclinations of the minde to evill (though without the consent and purpose of the heart to doe them) be forbidden.

A These texts of holy Scripture do shew as much. Gen: 3.6. Exod: 16.3. Numb: 15.39. &c: Deut: 15.9. Psal: 139.23. Prov: Isai: 55.7. Acts: 8.22. Rom: 7.22.23. Gal: 5.16. Coloss: 3.5. Tit: 2.12. Iam: 12.14.15.

Q And where doe you finde that the concupiscence, and desiring of the particular things of our neighbour (which are specified in the commande) are forbidden.

A. These texts of Scripture following speake as much Deut: 5.21. Iosh: 7.21. 1. Sam. 12.3. 2. Sam. 12.1. King. 21. Isai: 5.8. Acts: 20.23.

Q. You haue tould and proved vnto me what is forbid­den in this tenth Commandement; tell me now what it is which God doth require of us to be done.

A. The contrary to that which is forbidden, that is, That a all our thoughts, desires, imaginations, motions, & inclinations, or covetings of our hearts should be alltogether pure, holy, righteous, and blamelesse, as God in Adam first made them to bee; and that wee should labour b and delight to make and keepe them so by all the meanes we may.

Q What doest thou chiefely learne by these Com­maundements.

A I learne two things: My duty towards God, set downe in the first Table containing the first foure Com­maundements: and My duty towards my Neighbour com­prised in the second Table which doth containe the six last Commandements. Deut: 10.1. &c: Mat: 22.36. &c:

Q What is thy duty towards God.

A My duty towards God is &c:

Q What is thy duty towards thy Neighbour.

A My duty towards my Neighbour is &c:

Q My good Childe knowe this that thou art not a­ble to do these things of thy selfe, nor to walke in the Com­mandements of God, and to serue him (Gen: 6.5. Isai: 6.4.6. Mat: 7.18. &c: 8.3. 2. Cor: 3.5.) Without his speciall grace (Psal: 119. 33. Ioh. 1. 17. Ephes: 2.1. 8.9.10.) Which thou must learne at all times to call for by diligent prayer. (Luk: 18.1. 11.9.) Let me here therefore if thou can'st say the Lords prayer.

His Prayer A Our Father &c:

Q Why is this prayer called the Lords prayer.

A Because Christ Iesus our Lord vpon request taught and appointed his Disciples to vse this forme of prayer. Mat: 6.9. Luk: 11.1.

Q. What are you taught to pray for in this patterne and plat-forme of prayer.

A As it is an absolute good and perfect prayer of it selfe: So doth it teach vs as it were by a sampler and pat­terne, how I am to frame and fashion my particular and private prayers vnto God, for all things that are needfull for my body and soule, or which concerne either this life, or that which is to come, in the next world, or, as S t Peter speaks [Page 27] which pertaine to life and godlinesse. As it may more plaine­ly appeare by the severall petitions, prayers and requests, which are easily to be seene and distinguished in this prayer.

Q Are there then severall matters to bee noted in this prayer.

A There be. For this Prayer hath first a Preface or Compellation of him to whome it is directed: then follow the severall Petitions, and lastly the conclusion shuts vp all with Amen.

Q Which words call you the Preface.

A These, Our Father which art in heauen. That is to say, O God which dwellest in the a heauens, full of all glory and maiesty, who art pleased to be a Father b vnto vs in creating c and making vs out of the dust, the chiefest of thy creatures; but more especially by regenerating d and calling vs to be thy Children in Iesus Christ.

Q How many Petitions be there.

A Six severall Petitions or Prayers, whereof the first three teacheth, and directeth vs to aske those things, which principally respect the honour of God our Father, and our duty and thankfulnesse towards him: the three last tell vs what we are to pray for touching our present life and well­fare.

Q Name the first Petition.

1 A Hallowed be thy name.

Q Tell me the meaning of this Petition in more words.

A That is to say Graunt O Father which art in hea­ven, or I pray thee to giue vs the grace alwayes to acknow­ledge thee such as thou hast declared thy selfe to be the only Holy one, and accordingly to reverence, and magnifie thy greatnesse and worthynes, and that in all our thoughts, words, dealings, and doings, wee may principally seeke, de­sire, confesse, and declare thy glory, and shew forth the ho­nour and reverence wee beare vnto thy holy name, by giuing [Page 28] all due observance, respect, thanksgiving, and worship there­vnto, and that wee may not at any time forget, or neglect this our duty, or prophane thy most holy name. 2. Sam, 7.26. 1. Chron: 16.35. Nehem: 9. 4. &c: Iob: 1.21. Psal: Isai: 29:23: Ierem: 10: 6: Malac: 1:6:11: Mat: 11:19: Luk: 1:46: Rom: 11:36: Ephes: 5:20: 1. Cor: 10:21: 1: Tim: 1:17: Revel: 4:8.

Q Proceed and tell me the next Petition.

2 A Thy Kingdome come.

Q Speake this Petition or prayer in more plaine words, that I may perceiue you do fully vnderstand it.

A That is to say, I pray thee O Father let no thinge hinder, but that thy power, a providence, and government, may continually be exercised, and flourish in this world, and thy grace b may come vpon vs, and by all meanes be increas­ed, and improued in vs dayly that being ruled and guided thereby wee may haue thy promised c glory and salvation hastened, and accomplished in vs.

Q Which is the third Petition.

3 A Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen.

Q What do you pr [...]y for in this.

A That is I pray thee O Father not to leaue vs to the lust, and errors of our owne or other mens will, to follow our owne evill imaginations, and desires; but to giue vs the grace alwayes to do, obserue, and keepe thy will, Comman­dements, and word here on earth, as sincerely, constantly and fully, even as the holy Angels are said to doe in heauen. Psal: 27:9.51:10: &c, 119.11. 17.19.33. &c: Ezek: 18.31. Mat: 16.24. Luke. 22 42. Rom. 12.2. Ephes. 4. 6.8. 1. Thes: 4.3.4. Act. 13, 21: 1. Pet. 2:15: Psal 103: 20:21 Revela: 5: 11: &c.

Q The fourth Petition followes repeate it.

4 A Giue vs this day our daily breade:

Q What is your request to God in this Petition.

A That is, I doe pray God this day, and every day to giue, blesse, and Sanctifie vnto vs all things needfull, con­venient, and properly belonging to this present life, as our Foode, Rayment, Health, Peace, Dwelling, seasonablenes of weather, and such like suitable to our condition & calling. Gen: 3:19: Levit: 26:4: 5: &c. Psal: 104:27: &c. 127.144: 145.16: Prov: 30, 8.9, Mat. 6.26: &c: 1 Cor: 9:27: 2: Cor. 9.10: 2. Thes. 3:8: 12: 1: Tim: 6:6: 8: Isay: 3:1: &c: 58:7:

Q Which is the fift Petition:

5 A Forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs.

That is, I beseech thee O Father in a Iesus Christ to remit, pardon, and forget our sinnes and the manyfolde transgressi­ons of thy holy will and word that wee may not therefore be condemned even as b wee our selues most freely and sincerely from the heart doe remise and forgiue all that revenge, and punishment due vnto those men who haue sinned in offending & wronging of vs.

Q Now you are come to the sixt and last Petition, what is it.

6 A Leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from evill.

Q What is the meaning of it.

A That is, a withhold or take not away the assistance, and power of thy grace, and spirit, that so th [...] wicked intice­ments and temptations of the divill, the world, and our flesh, may at any time prevaile over vs, and drawe, or har­den vs in sinne: but b be pleased to preserue, keepe, & deliuer vs from all manner of evill which the wicked one the divill, or his instruments, or our owne evill deservings, hath or may bring vpon vs.

Q You haue truely numbred the Petitions what serve the next wordes for, for thine is the Kingdome and the pow­er and the Glory for ever Amen.

A These are the Conclusion of the prayer wherin by divers arguments, and reasons wee are taught to assure our selues that our prayers will as certainly take effect as wee haue prayed for. For first whome wee pray, all right a and autoritie of granting our requests only belongs to him the Lord and King, and therefore we may assure our selves that he wilbe good, and gratious vnto vs his Subiects and Ser­vants in hearing our prayers, and granting our requests. Then he hath b power to giue whatsoeuer he will giue, or wee haue neeede of, and nothing can hinder his good pleasure and therefore we are not to doubte of his goodnesse. And last­ly all this we are the rather confident he will doe because the honour c and glory of all shall returne and redounde vnto himselfe from whom everie good and perfect gift cometh vpon his people. Even so O Father be al these petitions, re­quests, and prayers certainly accomplished in vs for the ho­nour of thy kingdome and power, the manefestation of thy everlasting glory, and the good of thy Children.

Q What desirest thou of God in this prayer.

A I desire my Lord God &c.

The signes and seales of his Pro­fession. Q How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church.

A Two a only as Generally necessarie to salvation [Page 31] that is to say Baptisme (by which every one hath his begin­ing and entrance into the life and being of a beleiuing, Spirituall, or Christian man) and the supper of the Lord which affords spirituall foode, and norishment to streng­then and preserue him in the saide life and new-beeing. The reason is because to the making, and being of a Sacrament of the Gospel or New Testamēt there is necessarily requi­red. First the worde and appointment of Christ. Secondly the Ceremonie or visible signe with a certaine forme of wordes to be vsed there with all. Thirdly the promise of grace annexed to the thing worthyly receiued. Now these three thinges are to be founde in the Sacraments of Bap­tisme and the supper of the Lord, and in nothing els that we can reade of in the holy Scriptures.

Q What meanest thou by this word Sacrament

A I meane an outward visible signe of an inwarde sprituall grace giuen vnto vs by the hand of Gods minister, so ordained by Christ himselfe and none other, as a meanes whereby we receiue the same spirituall grace, and a pledge or seale to assure vs thereof that we haue indeed received it, and are to shew it forth to the honour of Christ Iesus in our life and conversation.

Q How many partes be there in a Sacrament.

A Two: the outward visible signe and the inward spi­rituall grace.

Q what is the outward visible signe of forme in baptisme.

A Water vnmingled and cleane (the vsuall meanes to doe a way filthines) wherin the person Baptised is dip­ped or sprinkled with it, and with this certayne forme of wordes, In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost.

Q What is the inwarde and spirituall grace.

A A death a vnto sinne and a new b birth vnto righte­ousnesse for being by nature borne in sinne and the Chil­dren of wrath wee are hereby made the Ch [...]lderen of grace. Now sinnes being thus taken away, or forgiuen vnto the Baptised through faith in the bloode of Iesus Christ (they also themselues by the mouth of their Sureties professing and promising to renounce and forsake the workes of the Divell, the covetous desires of the world, the carnall desires of the flesh) are from henceforth accounted as if sinne were dead in them and they to it so that they will not follow nor be lead by it. And this death of sinne or rather to sinne is the spirituall and inward grace represented, and assured vnto every true Christian and beleiver by the outward washing and Baptisme.

Q What is required of Persons to be Baptised.

A Repentance wherby they forsake sinne (Mat. 2:7. [Page 33] 8.11. 4.17. Mark. 1.4.5. Acts. 2.38.) and faith whereby they stedfastly beleiue the promises of God, made to them in that Sacrament. Mark: 16.16. Acts. 8.37. &c.

Q Why then are Infants Baptized, when by reason of their tender age they cannot performe them.

A Yes: They do performe them, (Acts. 2.39. Rom. 11.16.) by their sureties who promise and vow them both in their names, which when they come to age themselues are bound to performe them, that is, both to repent, and to beleiue in Christ Iesus: and that this worke is acceptable and well pleasing to God, done in the behalfe of Infant-children of the faithfull, examples do testify, Gen. 17.7. &c. Mat. 19.14. Luk. 1.59. 1. Cor. 1.16.

Q Why was the Sacrament of the Lords supper or­dained.

A For the continuall a remembrance of the b sacrifice of the death of Christ, offered vp to God vpon the Altar of the Crosse, and the benefits which wee receiue thereby, that is, by that sacrifice of his blood and life made in our behalfe, clensing vs from sinne, and sanctifying, and renewing vs vn­to righteousnesse, for which cause Sacrifices were figura­tiuely in vse in the old Testament. Lev, 4.5.6:12.14. Ephe: 2.13. &c. Heb. 7. 1. Ioh. 1.7.

Q What is the outward part or signe of the Lords supper.

A a Bread and Wine which the Lord hath commanded to be receiued. Mat. 26.26. &c.

Q What is the inward part, or thinge signified.

A The body and blood of Christ. (Mark. 14.22. &c. Luk. 22.19.20. Ioh. 6.47. &c. 1. Cor. 11. 23. &c.) which after an heavenly & spirituall manner are verily and indeed taken and receiued of the a faithfull in the Lords supper. A Faith or beliefe in the passion and death of Christ is the meanes; the hand as it were to take, the mouth to eate, the stomack to receiue, and digest the body and blood of Christ, that so the beleiuer & Christ may thereby be incorporated, and vnited, and after an heauenly and spirituall manner made one and the same body, as the naturall body and the foode thereof eaten and digested, becomes one and the same flesh. Ioh. 1. Cor. 10.16.17. 2. Cor. 13.5. Ephes. 5.30.

Q What are the benefits whereof wee are partakers thereby.

A The strengthening and refreshing of our soules by the body and blood of Christ, a as our bodies are by the bread and wine.

Q What is required of them which come to the Lords Supper?

A To examine themselues whether they repent truely of their former sinnes, stedfastly purposing to leade a new life, haue a liuely faith in Gods mercy through Iesus Christ, with a thankefull remembrance of his death, and be in Cha­rity with all men.

There be diverse things carefully to be obserued in this answere: First the examination of our selues, before we come to the Supper of the Lord, and then the severall points or [Page 39] matter whereof we are to examine ourselues. That we are to examine our selues the Apostle teacheth, Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of that Bread, and drinke of that Cuppe. For he that eateth and drinketh vnworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himselfe, nor discerning the Lords Body. 1. Cor. 11. 28.29.

The principall matter wherein we are to examine our selues is touching our Faith, whether we do indeed and sin­cerely beleiue in Iesus Christ, as we make our profession and confession thereof in the Creed. And this also the Apostle adviseth vs vnto. 2. Cor. 13. 5. Examine your selues whether you be in the Faith: proue your owne selues. Now the meanes to knowe this much, is by the works of true Faith. Iam. 2.18. I will shew thee my Faith by my works. The works are: 1. Repentance, which hath two parts. The first is a Detestation, sorrowe and comfession of former sinnes. 2. Sam. 24.10. 1. King. 8. 33. &c. 2. Chron. 33. 12. Iob 42. 6. Prov. 28. 13. Isai. 1.16. Ioel. 2.12. Ionah. 3. 8. 2. Cor. 7.11. 1. Ioh. 1.9. The second is an Holy desire and pur­pose and labour after a new life, Deut. 4.29. 1. Chron. 7.14. Nehem. 1. 9. Ezek. 18.31.

2 Loue of God (which is shewen in a frequent remēbrance and thankfulnes for the death of Christ. Luk. 1.74.75. Mat. 16.16. 1. Cor. 11.26. Gal. 3.1.) & of Men, especially such as haue any way offended vs, by laying aside all maliciousnes, and revengfull desires and purposes, and forgiving the iniu­ry. Mat. 5. 1. Pet. 2.1. &c.

Laus Deo.


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