THE Country-mans Rec …

THE Country-mans Recreation, or the Art of Planting, Graffing, and Gardening, in three Bookes.

The first declaring divers wayes of Planting, and Graffing, and the best times of the Yeare, with divers Com­modities and secrets herein, how to Set or Plant with the Roote and without the Roote, how to sow or set Pepins or Curnels with the ordering thereof, also how to cleanse your Grafts and Cions, how to helpe barren and sicke Trees, how to kill Wormes and Ver­min and to preserve and keepe Fruit, how to plant and proyne your Vines, and to gather and presse your Grape, how to clense and Mosse your Trees, how to make your Cider and Perry, with many other secret Practises which shall appeare in the Table following.

The second treateth of the Hop-Garden, with ne­cessary Instructions for the making and the maintenance thereof, as the Scituation, quantity, charge and benefit, prepara­tion, time to cut and set, with Rules for the choice and preparation of Rootes, and also divers Instruments usefull for the Hop-Garden.

Whereunto is added, The Expert Gardener, containing divers necessa­ry and rare Secrets belonging to that Art, with Directions to know the time and season to sow and plant all manner of Seeds; with divers new Inventions and Garden-knots, and also present Remedies to destroy Snailes, Can­ker-wormes, Moths, Garden-fleas, Earth-wormes, Moles, and all other Vermin which commonly breed in Gardens.

LONDON. Printed by B. ALLSOP and T. FAVVCET for MICHAEL YOUNG, and are to be sold at his Shop in Bedford-street in Coven-garden neere the New Exchange. 1640.

An Exhortation to the Planter and Graffer.

REgard alwayes before ye doe intend to plant or graffe, it shall be meete to have good experience in things meet for this Art, as in knowing the natures of all fruites and the differences of Climates, which be contrary in every Land: also to understand the East and West winds, with Aspects and Starres, to the end ye may begin no­thing that the Wind or Raine may oppresse, that your labour be not lost, and to marke also and consider the dispositions of the Elements that present yeare, for all yeares be not of like operation, nor yer after one sort; the Summer and Winter doe not beare one face on the Earth, nor the Spring-time alwayes raine, or Autumne alwayes moist▪ of this none have understanding, without a good and lively marking Spirit, few or none without learning may discerne of the varieties and qualities of the earth, and what he doth aske or refuse. Therefore it shall be good to have understanding of the Ground where ye doe plant either Orchard or Garden with fruit, first it behoveth to make a sure Defence, to the end that not onely rude Persons and Children may be kept ou [...], but all kind of hurtfull Cattle endamaging your Plants or Trees, as Oxen, Kine, Calves, Horses, Hogs, and Sheepe, as the rubbing of sheepe doth greatly burne the sap, and often doth kill young Trees and Plants, and where they are broken or bruised with Cattell, it is doubtfull to grow after. It shall be good also to Set, Plant, or Graffe Trees all of like nature and strength together, that the great and high trees may not overcome the low and weake, for when they be not like of height, they grow no [...] ripe not your fruit so well at one time, but the one before the other. That earth which is good for Vines, is good also for other fruit.

Ye must dig your holes a yeare before ye Plant, that the earth may bee the better seasoned, mortified and waxe tender, both by Raine in Winter, [Page] and heate on Summer, that thereby your Plants may take root the sooner, if ye will make your holes and plant both in a yeare: at the least ye ought to make your holes two moneths before ye plant, and as soone as they be made, then it shall be good to burn straw or such l [...]ke therein, to mak the [...] ground warme. The further ye make them asunder, the better your trees shall beare. Make your holes like unto a furnace, that is, more straight in the mouth then beneath, whereby the rootes may have the more roome, and by straightnesse of the mouth, the lesse rainer cold shall enter by in Winter, and so lesse heate to the roote in Summer.

Looke also that the earth ye put to the rootes, be neither wet no [...] laid in water: they doe commonly leave a good space betwixt every tree, for the hanging boughes, for being nigh together, ye cannot set rootes, nor sow nothing so well under your trees, nor they wil not beare fruit so well Some loveth forty foote, some thirty betweene every tree: your Plants ought to be greater then the handle of a shovell, and the lesser the better. See they be straight without knots or knobs, having a long straight grain or barke, which shall the sooner be apt to take Graffes, and when ye set branches or boughes of old trees, choose the straightest branch thereof, and those trees which have borne yearely good fruit before, take of those which be on the Sunny-side, sooner than those that grow in the cover or shadow, and when ye take up or alter your Plants, ye shall note to what your plant is subject, and so let them be set againe, but those which have growne in dry Grounds, let them be set in moyst Grounds, your Plants ought to be cut of three foot long. If ye will set two or three Plants toge­ther in a hole, ye must take heed the roote of one touch not another, for then the one will perish and rot the other, or dye by Wormes of other Vermen, and when yon have placed your Plants in the earth, it shall be good to strike downe to the bottome of every hole, two short stakes as great as your arme, on either side your hole one, and let them appeare but a little above the earth that ye may thereby in Summer give water unto the rootes if need be. Your young Plants and rooted Trees are commonly set in Autumne, from the first unto the fifteenth of October, yet some o­pinion is, better after Alhallontide untill Christmas, then in the Spring, because the earth will dye too soone after, and also to set Plants without root after Michaelmasse, that they may be the better mollified and gather roote against the Spring, whereof ye shall find heereafter more at larger Thus much have I thought meete to declare unto the Planters, Graffers, and Gardeners, whereby they may the better avoyd the occasions and dangers of Planting, Graffing, and Gardening, which may come often times through ignorance.

A Table of all the principall things contained in this Booke. Of the seaven Chapters following.

CHAP. I. Treateth of the setting of Curnels, of Apple-trees, Plum-trees, Peare-trees, and Service-trees.

  • HOw to choose your Pepins at the first pressing.
  • Meanes to use the Earth to sow your Pepins on.
  • Seeing unto the Poultry for marring your beds, and how to weed or cleanse your beds or quar­ters.
  • Wilde Cions how to plucke them up.

CHAP. II. Treateth how to set your wilde Trees which come of Pepins, when they be first pluckt up.

  • VVIld trees that come of Pepins how to dung them.
  • Principall Roots how to cut them in setting againe.
  • Young trees, how to set them in a ranke.
  • [Page]Spaces from one ranke to another, and how to make them.
  • Plants being dry, how to water them.
  • Removing your trees, how to plant them againe.
  • Removing, how to know the fittest time for it.
  • Negligence and forgetfulnesse, and the hurt of it.
  • Not so good to graffe the Service-tree, as to set him.
  • Some trees without Graffing have good fruit, and other being graffed, have but evill fruit.
  • For to augment and multiply your trees.
  • The manner to change the fruit of the Pepin-tree.
  • How to make good Cyder.
  • To make an Orchard in few yeares.

CHAP. III. Is of the setting of Trees which come of Nuts.

  • HOw to set trees that doe come of Nuts, and the time to plant or set them.
  • To set them in the Spring.
  • Dunging and deep digging thereof.
  • Stones and Nuts like the trees they come of.
  • Planting the said Nuts.
  • Why fruit shall not have so good savour.
  • To set the Pine-tree.
  • To set Cherry-trees.
  • Trees of bastard or wilde Nuts.
  • To set Filberds and Hasell wands.
  • To set Damsons and Plum-trees.
  • To graffe Cions of Plums on the like.
  • To set all sorts of Cherry-trees.
  • How to order Plum-trees and Cherry trees.
  • How to graffe Plum-trees and Cherry-trees.
  • How to proyne or cut trees.
  • How to cleanse and dresse the rootes of trees.
  • To keepe the stocke being greater then the graffes.
  • [Page]The remedy when a bough is broken.
  • How to enlarge the hole about the rootes.
  • To set small staves to stay your Cions.
  • What tree to proyne.
  • Why the sower Cherry dureth not so long as the great Helme Cherry.
  • To graffe one great Cherry with another.
  • Of deepe setting or shallow.

CHAP. IV. Sheweth how to set other Trees of great Cions prickt in the earth without Rootes, with the proyning of lesser Cions.

  • BRanches being prickt giving rootes to trees.
  • How to set them.
  • How to bind them that be weake.
  • Huw to digge the Earth to set them in.
  • Cions without rootes.
  • Planting of the Fig tree.
  • Setting of Quinces.
  • Setting of Mulberry-trees.
  • Cutting-time for Cions.
  • Setting Bush-trees, as Gooseberries and small Reisons.
  • A Note thereof.

CHAP. V. Treateth of foure manner of Graffings.

  • DIvers wayes of Graffing.
  • Graffing of all sorts of trees.
  • [Page]Graffing of Apple trees, Peare-trees, Quince-rrees, and Med­lar-trees.
  • Graffing of great Cherries.
  • Graffing Medlars on other Medlars.
  • Divers kinds of Graffes on one tree.
  • Graffing of the Fig-tree.
  • Graffing the great Abricockes.
  • Graffing the Service-tree.
  • Setting the Service-tree.
  • Trees hard to graffe in the Shield,
  • How to see to Trees charged with fruit.
  • Choosing of trees to choose your Cions in
  • Cions on the East part are best.
  • Choosing of your tree for Graffes.
  • To keepe Graffes a long time.
  • To keepe Graffes ere they bud.
  • How you ought to begin to graffe.
  • When is good Graffing the wilde Stockes.
  • To marke if the tree be forward or not.
  • When ye Graffe, what to be furnished withall.
  • Of Graffes not prospering the first yeare.
  • For to Graffe well and sure.
  • How to trim your Graffes.
  • How to cut Graffes for Cherries and Plums.
  • A Note of your incision.
  • To be heedfull in Graffing least you raise the barke.
  • How to cut your stocke.
  • If your wilde stocke be great or slender.
  • Trees as great as a mans Arme.
  • Great trees as big as ones Leg.
  • The Graffes being pinched in the Stockes.
  • How you ought to cleave your stockes.
  • To graffe the branches of great trees.
  • How to cut great old branches.
  • How to bind your Graffes against winds.
  • To set many Graffes in one cleft.
  • [Page]To saw your stocke before ye leave him.
  • If the stocke cleave too much, or the barke open.
  • How Graffes never lightly take.
  • How to set Graffes right in the stocke.
  • Setting in of the Graffes.
  • A note of the same.
  • How to draw forth the wedge.
  • How to cover your clifts on the head.
  • How ye ought to see well to the close binding up of your Graffes.
  • How ye ought to temper your clay.
  • How to bush your Graffe-heads.
  • The second stay to Graffe high Branches.
  • The third manner of Graffing, is betwixt the barke and the Tree.
  • Dressing the head, to place your Graffes betwixt the barke and the Tree.
  • Covering the head of your stocke.
  • The manner of graffing in the Shield.
  • To graffe in Summer, so long as the Trees be leaved.
  • Big Cions are best to graffe.
  • Manner to take of the Shield.
  • If your Scutchion or Shield be good or bad, how to know it.
  • Graffing on young Trees.
  • Setting or placing your Shield.
  • A Note on the same.
  • Raising up the barke to set the Shield on.
  • Binding on your Shield.
  • A Tree will beare the graffing of two or three Shields
  • Unbinding time for your Shield.
  • Cutting the Branches grafted on Trees.

CHAP. VI. Is of transplanting or altering the Trees.

  • BEst to transplant or set them timely.
  • To plant or set towards the South.
  • Cutting the Branches before ye set.
  • Apple-trees commonly must be disbranched before ye set them againe.
  • All wilde stockes must be disbranched.
  • What Trees doe love the Sunne, and what the cold ayre.
  • Many sorts and manners of Trees.
  • Planting or setting Trees at large.
  • Right ordering your Trees.
  • The best manner to enlarge the holes when you plant your Trees.
  • Dung and good Earth for your Trees.
  • If Wormes be in the earth at your rootes of Trees.
  • Digging the Earth well about the rootes.
  • Nature of the places.
  • Goodnesse of the Earth.
  • With what ye ought to bind your Trees.

CHAP. VII. Is of Medicining and keeping the Trees, when they [...]e Planted and Set.

  • FIrst our councell is, when your Trees are but Plants (in dry weather) they must be watered.
  • With what Dung ye ought to dung your Trees.
  • When ye ought in Summer ro uncover your Trees.
  • When to cut or proine your Trees.
  • Cutting off great Branches, and when.
  • Leaving great Branches cut.
  • [Page]Great Branches, and of the trees that beare them.
  • Barrennesse of trees, of cutting ill branches, and uncovering the rootes.
  • Which Trees ye must breake or plucke up the rootes.
  • What doth make a good Nut.
  • Cattle eating and destroying trees, how to graft them again.
  • Wilde stockes ought not hastily to be removed.
  • When to cut naughty Cions from the head.
  • Sometime how to cut the principall members.
  • How to guide and governe the said Trees.
  • A kind of Sicknesse in Trees.
  • Wormes in the barkes of trees.
  • Snailes, Antes, and Wormes that marre trees.
  • How to take those strange creeping Wormes.
  • Keeping Antes from the trees.
  • A Note of ill ayres and weathers.
  • Defence from the Caterpiller.

Heere followeth the Table of Graffing strange and subile wayes, in using of Fruites and Trees.

  • GRaffing one Vine upon another.
  • To helpe a tree long without fruit.
  • To have Peaches two moneths afore others.
  • To have Damsons unto Alhallontide.
  • To have Medlers, Cherries, and Peaches, in eating to tast like spice.
  • How to make a Muscadell tast.
  • To have Apples and Peares to come without blossoming.
  • To have Apples and Chesnuts rath, and long on the trees to remaine.
  • To have good Cherries unto Alhallontide.
  • To have rath Medlers two moneths before others.
  • [Page]To have Peares timely.
  • To have Misplers and Medlars without stones.
  • How to have other Peares betimes.
  • Mulberries how to ripen them very soone, and dure long.
  • Keeping of Peares a yeare.
  • To have fruit tast halfe an Apple and halfe a Peare.
  • Graffing time.
  • Graffing the Quine-Apple.
  • Manner to destroy Pismires or Ants about the Tree.
  • Another way of the same.
  • Nuts, Plums, and Almonds, how to have them greater and fairer then others.
  • How to make an Oke or other Tree as greene in Winter as Summer.
  • Planting with Rootes, and without Rootes.
  • Keeping fruit from the Frost.
  • Choice dayes to Plant and Graffe.
  • Greene Roses all the yeare.
  • Reisons or Grapes good a yeare long.
  • Laxative fruit from the tree, how to make it.
  • A Note for all Planters and Graffers.

Here followeth a Table of certaine Dutch practisce.

  • TO Graffe one Vine upon another.
  • Chosen dayes to graffe in, and to choose your Cions,
  • How to gather your Cions.
  • Of Wormes in the Trees or fruit.
  • The setting of stones, and the ordering thereof.
  • How to gather Gumme of any tree.
  • To set a whole Apple.
  • The setting of Almonds.
  • The watring of Pepins.
  • To Plant or set Vines.
  • To set or plant the Cherry tree.
  • [Page]To keepe Cherries good a yeare.
  • Remedy against Pismires or Ants.
  • The Setting of Chesnuts.
  • To make all stone fruit tast, as ye shall devise good.
  • The Graffing of the Medlar or Misple.
  • The bearing of fruit of the Fig-tree.
  • The Planting of the Mulberry and Fig-tree.
  • The tree that beareth bitter fruit.
  • To helpe barren trees.
  • Another way for the same.
  • To keepe fruit after they be gathered.
  • The Mulberry-tree liking his earth.
  • Of Mosse on your trees.
  • To keepe Nuts long.
  • To cut or proyne the Peach-tree.
  • To colour Peach-stones.
  • If Peaches be troubled with Wormes.
  • Peaches without stones.
  • Another way for the same.
  • Which way to helpe trees that doe not prosper.
  • Graffing Apples to last on the tree till Alhallontide.
  • Making Cherries and Peaches smell like spice.
  • Graffing an Apple-tree halfe sweet and halfe sower.
  • Graffing the Rose on the Holly-tree.
  • Keeping of Plums.
  • Altering of Peares.
  • Making of Cyder and Perry.
  • How to helpe frozen Apples.
  • How to make Apples fall from the tree.
  • Watring trees in Summer, if they waxe dry about the root.
  • How to cherish Apple-trees.
  • How to make an Apple grow in a Glasse.
  • How to graffe many sorts of Apples on one tree.
  • How to colour Apple; of what colour ye list.
  • How to graffe and to have Apples without Core.
  • Setting of Vine Plants.
  • [Page]How to proine or cut a Vine in Winter.
  • Grape and Vine how to order them.
  • How to have Grapes without stones.
  • Making a Vine to bring a Grape to tast like Claret.
  • Gathering of your Grapes.
  • How to know if your Grapes be ripe enough.
  • How to prove or tast Wine.
  • Setting, Planting, and ordering of Hops.
  • How to chuse your Hops.
  • How to sow the Seeds.
  • Setting your Poles.
  • How to proine the Hop.
  • How to gather your Hops.
  • What Poles are best for your purpose.
  • How to order and dresse your Hills.
  • Best Ground for your Hop.
  • A note or all the rest above-said.
  • Packing and keeping your Hops.

The Authors Conclusion of this Table.

TO God be praises on hie
in all our Worldly Planting,
And let vs thanke the Romaines also,
for the Art of Graffing, and Gardening.

A Table for the Hop-Garden.

  • A Perfect Platforme of a Hop-Garden.
  • Of unapt and apt ground for Hops.
  • Of the Scituation.
  • Of the quantity.
  • A proportion of the charge and benefit of a Hop-Garden.
  • Of the preparation of a Hop Garden.
  • The time to cut and set Hop Rootes.
  • Rules for the choice and preparation of Rootes.
  • Of the good Hoppe.
  • Of the unkindly Hoppe.
  • Of the wild Hoppe.
  • Of setting of Hop Rootes.
  • The distance of the Hills.
  • A description of the Line.
  • Abuses and Disorders in Setting.
  • Provision against annoyance, and spoyle of your Garden.
  • Of Poles.
  • Of the erection of Poles.
  • Of ramming of Poles.
  • Of Reparation of Poles.
  • Of pulling up Poles.
  • The way to make the Instrument wherewith to pull up the Hop Poles.
  • The manner of pulling up the Hop Poles.
  • Of the preservation of Poles.
  • Of tying of Hops to the Poles.
  • [Page]Of hilling and hills.
  • Abuses in hilling.
  • Of the gathering of Hoppes.
  • What there is to be done in Winter herein.
  • When and where to lay Dung.
  • The order for reforming your Ground.
  • The order of cutting Hoppe Rootes.
  • Of divers mens follies.
  • Of Disorders and maintainers thereof.
  • Of an Oste.
  • Of the severall roomes for an Oste.
  • Of the Furnace or Keele.
  • Of the bed or upper floore of the Oste, whereon the Hoppes must be dryed.
  • The orderly drying of Hops.
  • Other manners of Dryings not so good.
  • The very worst way of drying Hops.
  • Of not Drying.
  • Of the packing of Hops.
  • The Reformation of a Garden of wild Hops.
  • The Reformation of a disordered Garden.
  • Needlesse Curiosities used by the unskilfull.
The end of the Table.

THE COVNTRY-MANS Recreation, or the Art of Plan­ting, Graffing, and Gardening.

CHAP. I. This Chapter treateth of the setting of Curnels, young Plum-trees, and Peare-trees, of Damsons, and Service-trees.

FOR to make young trees of the Pepins of Apples, Peares, Plums, and Seruice. First, yee must prepare and make a great bed or quarter wel replenished, blend or mixt with good fatte earth, and placed well in the Sunne, and to be well laboured and digged a good time before you doe occupie it: and if ye can by any meanes, let it be digged very deepe the winter before, in blending or mixing it well together with good fatte earth, or else to be mixed almost the halfe with good dung: and so let it rot and ripe together with the earth. And see alwayes that plot bee cleane unto the pressing of Syder, that no wild Cions or Plants doe spring or grow theron. Then in the month of Sep­tember, December or there-abouts, take of the Pepins, or Pomes of the said fruit at the first pressing out of your licour, before the Curnels be marred or brused: then take out of them and rub a few at once in a cloth, and dry them betwixt your hands, and take so many thereof as you shall thinke good: then make your bed square, faire and plaine, and sow your [Page 2] seedes thereon, then take and cover them with a rake lightly, or with earth, not putting too much upon them. This done, devide your beds into quadrants or squares, of foure foote broad or thereabout, that when ye list ye may clense them from the one side to the other, without treading theron. Then shall ye cover your Seeds, or Pepins with fine earth, so sifting all over them, that then they may take the deeper and farer roote, and will keepe them the better in Winter following, and if ye list ye may rake them a little all over, so that ye raise not your Pepins aboue the earth.

Another way, how one may take the Pepins at the first comming of the licour or pressing.

VVHich is, ye shall choose the greatest and fairest Cur­nels or Pepins, and take them forth at the first brusing of your fruit, then dry them with a cloth, and keepe them all the winters vntill St. Andrewes tide: then a little after sow them in good earth, as thin as ye doe Peason, and then rake them over as the other.

How one ought to use his earth to sowe Pepins without dunging.

BVt in this manner of doing (in the Spring) it is not so great need for to raise or digge the earth so deep as that which is dunged in winter: but to devide your quarters, in cove­ring your Pepins not so much with earth, as those which be sowne with good dung, but when ye haue sowne them, a lit­tle rake all them over.

How ye ought to take heed of Poultrey for scraping of your beddes or quarters.

AS soone after as your Pepins be sowne vpon your beds or quarters, let this be done one way or other, that is, take good heed that your Hennes doe not scrape your beds or quarters: therefore sticke them all over light and thin with boughes, or thornes, and take good heed also to Swine, and other Cattell.

How to weed or cleanse your Beds and quarters.

AND when the winter is past and gone, and that yee see your Pepins rise and grow, so let them increase the space of one yeere, but see to cleanse weeds, or other things which may hurt them as you shall see cause. And in the Summer when it shall waxe dry, water them well in the evenings.

How one ought to pluck vp the wild Cions,

AND when these wild Cions shall be great, as of the growth of one yeere, ye must then plucke them vp all in Winter following, before they doe begin to spring againe. Then shall yee set them and make of them a wild Orchard as followeth.

CHAP. II. Treateth how one shall set againe the small wild trees, which come of Pepins, when they be first pluckt up.

FOr the Bastard or little wilde Trees incontinent assoone as they be pluckt up, ye must haue of other good earth wel trimmed and dunged and to be well in the Sunne, and well prepared and drest, as it is sayd in the other part before of the Pepins.

How to dung your Bastard or wild young Trees which come of Pepins.

ABout Advent before Christmas, ye must digge and dung well the place whereas ye will set them, and make your square of earth even & plaine, so large as ye shall think good, then set your wild trees so farre one from another as yee thinke meet to be graft, so that they may be set in even rankes and in good order, that when need shall require, ye may re­moue or renue any of them or any part thereof.

How ye ought in replanting or setting to cut off in the middest the principall great rootes.

IN what part soever ye doe set any Trees, ye must cut off the great maister roote, within a foote of the stocke, and all other bigge rootes, so that ye leaue a foote long thereof, and so let them be set, and make your rankes crosse-wise one from another halfe a foote, or thereabouts, and ye must also see that there be of good dung more deepe and lower then ye doe set your Trees, to comfort the sayd rootes withall.

How you ought to set your Trees in ranke.

YE shall leaue betweene your ranckes, from one rancke to another, one foote, or thereabouts, so that yee may set them with good fat earth all over the rootes.

How to make the space from one ranke to another.

YE shall leave betweene your rankes, from one rancke to another, one foote, or thereabouts, so that ye may passe betweene every ranke for to clense them if need require, and also for to graffe any part or parcell thereof when time shall be meet. But ye must note, in making thus your rankes, ye shall make as many allies as rankes. And if ye thinke it not good to make as many allies, then devide those into quar­ters of five foot broad, or thereabouts, and make and set foure rankes (in each quarter of the same) one foot from another as ye use to set great Cabbage, and assoone after as ye have set them in rankes and in good order as is aforesaid, then shall ye cut off all the setts even by the ground. But in this doing, see that ye doe not plucke up or loose the earth what is about them: or if you will ye may cut them before ye doe set them in rankes. If ye doe so, see that ye set them in such good or­der, and even with the earth, as is aforesaid And it shall suffice also to make your rankes as ye shall see cause. And looke that ye furnish the earth all over with good dung, without ming­ling of it in the earth, nor yet to cover the said Plants withall, but strowed betwixt; and yee must also looke well to the [Page 5] cleansing of weedes, grasse, or other such things which will be a hurt to the growth of the Plants.

How to water Plants when they waxe dry.

IT shall be good to water them when the time is dry: in the first Yeare. Then when they have put forth of new Ci­ons, leave no more growing but that Cion which is the principall and fairest, upon every stocke one: all the other cut off hard by the stocke, and ever as they doe grow small twigges about the stocke, ye shall (in the Moneth of March and Aprill) cut them all of hard by the stocke. And if ye then sticke by every Plant a pretty wand, and so bind them with Willow barke, Bryer, or Osiers, it shall profit them much in their groweth. Then after five or sixe yeares groweth, when they be so bigge as your finger, or there abouts, ye may then remove any of them whereas ye will haue them grow and remaine.

How one ought to remove Trees, and to plant them againe

THe manner how ye ought to remoue trees, is shewed in the sixt Chapter following: then about two or three yeares after their removing, ye shall graffe them▪ for then they will be the better rooted. As for the others which ye leaue still in rankes, ye may also graffe them where as they stand, as ye shall see cause good. When ye haue plucked vp the fairest to plant in either places (as is aforesayd) also the manner how to Graffe them, is shewd in the fift Chapter following But after they shall be so graft, in what place soever it be, ye shall not remoue or set them in of her places againe▪ vn [...]ill the Graffes be well closed vpon the head of the wild stocke.

When the best time is to replant, or remoue.

VVHen the head of the stocke shall be all over closed about the graffes, then ye m [...]y when ye will trans­plant and remoue them (at a due time) where they shall con­tinue, [Page 6] For with often removing, ye shall doe them great hurt in their rootes, and be in danger to make them dye.

Of negligence and forgetfulnesse.

IF peradventure ye forget (through negligence) and haue let small Cions two or three yeares grow about the rootes of your stocks vnplucked vp, then if you haue so done, ye may well pluck them vp and set them in rankes, as the other of the Pepins. But ye must set the rankes more larger that they may be removed without hurting of each others rootes: and cut off all the small twigges about as need shal require, though they be set or graffed. Order them also in all things as those small Cions of a yeeres growth.

It is not so convenient to Graffe the Service Tree, as to set

VVHereas ye shall see young Service Trees, it shall be most profit in setting them, for if ye doe graffe them, I beleeve ye shall winne nothing thereby.

The best is only to plucke up the young Bastard trees when they are as great as a good walking-staffe: then Proyne or cut off their branches and carry them to set whereas they may be no more removed: and they shall profit more in setting then graffing.

Some trees without graffing bring forth good fruit, and some other being graffed be better to make Syder of.

IT is here to be marked, that though the Pepins be sowne of the pomes of Pares and good Apples, yet ye shall find that some of them doe love the tree whereof they came: and those be right, which have also a smooth barke, and as faire as those which be graffed: the which if yee plant or set them thus growing from the maister root without graffing, they shall bring as good fruit, even like unto the Pepin whereof he first came. But there be other new sorts commonly good to eate, which be as good to make Syder of, as those which shall be graffed for that purpose.

When you list to augment and multiply your trees.

AFter this sort yee may multiply them, being of divers sorts and diversities, as of Peares, or Apples, or such like. Notwithstanding, whensoever ye shall finde a good Tree thus come of the Pepin as is aforesayd, so shall ye use him. But if ye will augment trees of themselves, ye must take Graffes and so graffe them.

Of the manner and changing of the fruit of the Pepin-tree.

VVHensoever ye doe replant or change your Pepin trees from place to place, in so removing often the stocke, the fruit thereof shall also change; but fruit which doth come of graffing, doth alwayes keepe the forme and nature of the tree whereof he is taken: for as I have said, as often as the Pepin trees be removed to a better ground, the fruit thereof shall be so much amended.

How one ought to make good Syder.

HEre is to be noted, if ye will make good Syder of what fruit soever it be, bearing Peares or Apples, but specially of good Apples, and wild fruit, have alwayes a re­gard unto the ryping thereof, so gathered dry, then put them in dry places, on boardes in heapes, covered with dry straw, and whensoever ye will make Syder thereof, choose out all those which are blacke brused, and rotten Apples, and throw them away, then take and use the rest for Syder: But here to give you understanding, doe not as they doe in the Country of Mentz, which do put their fruit gathered, into the middest of their Garden, in the raine and mistings, upon the ba [...]e earth, which will make them to leese their force and vertue, and doth make them also withered and rough, and lightly a man shall never make good Syder that shall never come to any purpose or good profit thereof.

To make an Orchard in few Yeares.

SOme doe take yong straight slippes, which doe grow from the rootes, or of the sides of the Apple Trees, about Mi­chaelmasse, [Page 8] and doe so plant or set them (with Otes) in good ground, whereas they shall not be removed, and so graffe (be­ing well rooted) thereon. Othersome doe take and set them in the Spring time, after Christmas, in likewise, and doe graffe thereon when they be well rooted: and both doe spring well. And this manner of way is counted to have an Orchard the soonest. But these Trees will not endure past twenty or thirty yeeres.

CHAP. III. Is of setting Trees of Nuttes.

How one ought to set Trees which come of Nuttes.

FOr to set trees which come of Nuttes: when ye have eaten the fruit, looke that ye keepe the Stones and Cur­nels thereof, then let them be dryed in the wind, with­out the vehemency of the Sunne, to reserve them in a boxe and use them as before.

Of the time when yee ought to Plant or Set them.

YE shall plant or set them in the beginning of Winter, or afore Michaelmasse, whereby they may the sooner spring out of the earth. But this manner of setting is dangerous: for the Winter then comming in, and they being young and ten­der in comming vp, the cold will kill them. Therefore it shall be best to stay and reserue them till after winter. And then before ye doe set them, ye shall soke or steepe them in Milke, or in Milke and water, so long till they doe stincke therein: then shall yee dry them and set them in good earth, in the change or increase of the Moone, with the small end vp­ward, foure fingers deepe, ihen put some sticke thereby to marke the place.

For to set them in the Spring time.

IF ye will plant or set your Nuttes in the Spring time, where yee will haue them still to remaine and not to be [Page 9] remooved, the best and most easie way is, to set in every such place (as ye thinke good) three or foure Nuttes nigh together, and when they doe all spring vp, leaue none stan­ding but the fairest.

Of the Dunging and deepe digging thereof.

ALso whereas ye shall thinke good, ye may plant or set all your Nuttes in one square or quarter together in good earth and dung, in such place and time as they vse to plant. But see that it be well dunged, and also digged good and deep and to be well medled with good dung throughout, then set your Nuttes three fingers deepe in the earth, and halfe a foot one from another: yee shall water them often in the Summer when there is dry weather, and see to weed them, and digge it as ye shall see need.

Of Nuttes and Stones like to the Trees they came of.

IT is here to be noted, that certaine kind of Nuttes and Cur­nels which doe loue the Trees whereof the fruit is like vnto the Tree they came of, when they be planted in good ground, and set well in the Sunne, which be, the Walnuts, Chesnuts, all kind of Peaches, Figges, Almonds and Apri­cocks all these doe loue the Trees they came of.

Of Planting the said Nuttes in good earth, and in the Sunne.

ALL the said Trees doe bring as good fruit of the said Nuttes, if they be well planted, and set in good earth, and well in the Sunne, as the fruit and Trees they first came of.

Why fruit shall not have so good savour.

FOr if ye plant good Nuttes, good Peaches, or Figs in a Garden full of shadow, the which hath afore loved the Sun, as the Vine doth, for lacke thereof their fruit shall not h [...]ve so good savour, although it be all of one fruit: and likewise so it is with all other fruit and Trees, for the goodnesse of the [Page 10] earth, and the faire Sunne doth preserve them much.

For to set the Pine-trees.

FOr to set the Pine-tree, ye must see or plant them of Nuts, in March, or about the shoote of the sappe, not lightly after, ye must also set them where they may not be removed after, in holes well digged, and well Dunged, not to be trans­planted or removed againe, for very hardly they will shoote forth Cions, being removed, specially if ye hurt the maister roote thereof.

For to set Cherry-trees.

FOr to set sowre Cherries which doe grow commonly in gardens, ye shall understand they may well grow of stones, but better it shall be to take off the small Cions which doe come from the great rootes: then plant them, and sooner shall they grow then the stones, and those Cions must be set when they are small, young and tender: as of two, or three yeares groweth, for when they are great, they profit not so well: and when ye set them, ye must see to cut off all the boughes.

Trees of bastard and wild Nuts.

THere be other sorts of Nuttes, although they be well set in good ground, and also in the Sunne, yet will they not bring halfe so good fruit as the other, nor commonly like unto those Nuttes they came of, but to be a bastard wild sowre fruit, which is the Filberd, small Nuts, of Plums, of Cherries, and he great Apricocks: therefore if ye will have them good fruit, ye must set them in manner and forme following.

How to set Filberds or Hasell-trees.

FOr to set Filbirds or Hasels, and to have them good, take the small wands that grow out from the roote of the Fil­bird or Hasell-tree, (with short hary twigs) and set them, and they shall bring as good fruit as the Tree they came of: [...]t shall not be needfull to proin, or cut off the branches there­of when ye set them, if they be not great, but those that ye [Page 11] doe set, let them be but of two or three yeares growth, and if ye shall see those Cions which ye have planted, not to be faire and good, or doe grow and prosper not well, then in the Spring time, cut them off hard by the roote, that other small Cions may grow thereof.

To set Damsons or Plum-trees.

IN setting Damsons or Plum-trees, which fruit ye would have like to the Trees they came of: if the said Trees be not grafted before, ye shall take onely the Cions that grow from the roote of the old stocke, which groweth with small twigs, and plant or set them: and their fruit shall be like unto the Trees they were taken of.

To take Plum Graffes, and graffe them on other Plum-trees.

ANd if your Plum-trees be grafted already, and have the like fruit that you desire, ye may take your graffes there­of, and Graffe them on your Plum-trees, and the fruit that shall come thereof, shall be as good as the fruit of the Cion, which is taken from the roote, because they are much of like effect.

To set all sorts of Cherries.

TO set all sorts of great Cherries, and others: ye must have the Graffes of the same Trees, and graffe them on other Cherrie trees, although they be of sowre fruit, and when they are so graffed, they will be as good as the fruit of the Tree whereof the graffe was taken: for the stones are good, but to set to make wild Cions, or Plants to graffe on.

The manner how one may order both Plum-trees, and Cherrie-trees.

FOr so much as these are two kind of Trees, that is, to understand, the Cherry, and the Plum-tree, for when they be so grafted, their Rootes be not so good, nor so free as the Branches above, wherefore the Cions that doe [Page 12] come from the rootes, shall not make so good and franke trees of. It is therefore to be vnderstood, how this manner and sort is to make franke trees, that may put forth good Cions in time to come, which is; when they be great and good, then if ye will take those Cions, or young springs from the rootes, ye may make good trees thereof, and then it shall not need to graffe them any more after: but to augment one by the o­ther, as ye doe the Cions from the roote of the Nut, as is a­foresaid, and ye shall doe as followeth.

How to graft Plum-trees and Cherry-trees.

YE may well graffe Plum-trees and great Cherry-trees, in such good order as ye list to haue them, and as hereafter shall be declared in the fifth Chapter following: for these would be graffed while they are yong and small, and also graft in the ground, for thereby one may dresse and trim them the better, and put but one graffe in each stock of the same. Cleave not the heart, but a little on the one side, nor yet deep or long open.

How you must proine or cut your Trees.

FOr when your graffes be well taken on the stock, and that the graffes doe put forth faire and long, about one yeares growth, ye must proine, or cut the branch off commonly in Winter, (when they proine their Vines) a foote lower, to make them spred the better: then shall ye mingle all through with good fat earth, the which will draw the better to the place, which ye have so proined or cut.

The convenientest way to cleanse and proine, or dresse the rootes of Trees.

ANd for the better cleansing and proining Trees beneath, is thus: ye shall take away all the weeds, and graft about the Rootes, then shall ye digge them so round about, as ye would seeme to plucke them up, and shall make them halfe bare, then shall ye enlarge the earth about the Rootes, and whereas ye shall see them grow faire and long, place or couch [Page 13] them in the said hole and earth againe: then shall ye put the cut end of the Tree where it is graft, somewhat more lower then his roots were, whereby his Cions so grafted, shall spring so much the better.

When the Stockes is greater then the Graffes.

VVHen as the tree waxeth, and swelleth greater beneath the Graffing, then above; then shall ye cleave the roots beneath and wreath them round, and so cover them againe: But see ye breake no root thereof, so will he come to perfecti­on. But most m [...]n doe use this way: if the Stocke waxe grea­ter then the Graffes, they doe slit downe the barke of the Graffes above, in two or three parts, or as they shall see cause thereof: and so likewise, if the Graffes waxe greater above then the stocke, ye shall slit downe the stock accordingly, with the edge of a sharpe knife. This may well be done at any time in March, Aprill, and May, in the increase of the Moon, and not lightly after.

The Remedy when any Bough or Member of a Tree is broken.

IF ye shall chance to have Boughes, or Members of Trees broken, the best remedy shall be, to place those Boughes or Members right soone againe, (then shall ye comfort the roots with good new earth) and bind fast those broken boughes or members, both above and beneath, and so let them remaine unto another yeare, untill they may close and put forth new Cions.

When a Member or Bough is broken how to proyne them.

VVHereas ye shall see under or above superfluous boughs, ye may cut or proine off, (as ye shall see cause) all such boughes hard by the Tree, at a due time, in the winter follow­ing. But leave all the principall branches, and whereas any are broken, let them be cut off beneath, or else by the ground, and cast them away: thus must ye doe yeerely, or as ye shall [Page 14] see cause, if ye will keepe your Trees well and faire.

How one ought to enlarge the hole about the Tree rootes.

IN proyning your Trees, if there be many rootes, ye must enlarge them in the hole, and so to wreath them as it is a­foresaid, and to use them without breaking, then cover them againe with good fat earth, which ye shall mingle in the said hole, and it shall be best to be digged all over a little before, and see that no branch or roote be left uncovered, and when you have thus dressed your Trees, if any roote shall put forth, or spring hereafter out of the said holes, in growing, ye may so proine them as ye shall see cause, in letting them so remaine two or three yeares after, unto such time as the said Graffes be sprung up and well branched.

How to set small Staves by, to strengthen your Cions.

TO avoid danger, ye shall set or sticke small staves about your Cions, for feare of breaking, and then after three or foure yeares, when they be well branched: ye may then set or plant them in good earth, (at the beginning of Winter) but see that ye cut off all their small branches hard by the stocke, then ye may plant them where ye thinke good, so as they may remaine.

In taking vp Trees, note.

YE may well leave the maister roote in the hole (when ye digge him up) if the removed place be good for him, cut of the master rootes by the stub, but pare not off all the small rootes, and so plant him, and he shall profite more thus, then others with all their maister rootes. When as Trees be great, they must be disbranched, or boughes cut off, before they be set againe, or else they will hardly prosper. If the Trees be great, having great branches or boughes, when ye shall digge them up, ye must disbranch them afore ye set them againe, for when Trees shall be thus proined, they shall bring great [Page 15] Cions from their Rootes, which shall be franke and good to replant, or set in other places, and shall have also good bran­ches and rootes, so that after it shall not need to graffe them any more, but shall continue one after another to be free and good.

How to couch the Rootes when they are proyned.

IN setting your Trees againe, if ye will dresse the rootes of such as ye have proined, or cut off the branches before, ye shall leave all such small rootes which grow on the great roote, and ye shall so place those rootes in replanting againe, not deepe in the earth so that they may soone grow, and put forth Cions: which being well used, ye may have fruit so good as the other afore-mentioned, being of three or foure yeares growth, as before is declared.

What Trees to proyne.

THis way of proyning is more harder for the great Chery (called Healmier) then for the Plum-tree. Also it is very requisite and meet for those Cions or Trees, which be graft on the wild sowre Cherry-tree, to be proined also, for divers and sundry causes.

Why the sower Chery dureth not so long as the Healmier or great Cherry.

THe wild and sower Cherry, of his owne nature will not so long time indure, (as the great Healme Cherry) nei­ther can have sufficient sappe to nourish the Graffes, as the great Healme Chery is graft; therefore when ye have proined the branches beneath, and the rootes also, so that ye leave rootes sufficient to nourish the Tree, then set him.

If ye cut not off the under rootes, the Tree will profite more easier, and also lighter to be knowne, when they put forth Cions, from the roote of the same, the which ye may take hereafter.

To graffe one great Cherry upon another.

YE must have respect unto the Healme Cherrie, which is Graft on the wild Gomire (which is another kind of great Cherrie) and whether you doe proine them or not, it is not materiall: for they dure a long time. But ye must see to take away the Cions, that doe grow from the root of the wild Go­mire, or wild Plum-tree: because they are of nature wild, and doe draw the sappe from the said Tree.

Of deepe Setting or shallow.

TO set your Stocks or Trees somewhat deeper on the high grounds, then in the Vallies; because the Sunne in Sum­mer shall not dry the roote: and in the low ground more shallow, because the water in Winter shall not drowne or annoy the Rootes. Some doe marke the stocke in taking it up, and to set him againe the same way, because he will not alter his nature: so likewise the Graffes in Graffing.

CHAP. IV. This Chapter doth shew how to set other Trees which come of wild Cions, pricked in the earth without rootes: and also of proining the meaner Cions.

Trees take roote prickt of Branches.

THere be certaine which take roote, being pricked of Branches proined of other Trees, which be, the Mulberrie, the Fig-Tree, the Quince-Tree, the Seruice-tree, the Pomgranad-tree, the Apple-tree, the Damson-tree, and divers sorts of other Plumtrees, as the Plum-tree of Paradice, &c.

How one ought to set them.

FOr to set these sorts of Trees, ye must cut off the Cions, twigges, or boughes, betwixt Alhallontide and Christmas, [Page 17] not lightly after. Ye shall choose them which be as great as a little staffe or more, and looke whereas ye can find them, faire, smooth, and straight, and full of sappe withall, growing of young trees, as of the age of three or foure yeares growth or thereabouts, and looke that ye take them so from the Tree with a broad Chizell, that ye breake not or loose any part of the barke thereof, more then halfe a foote beneath, neither of one side or other: then proine or cut off the branches, and pricke them one foote deepe in the earth, well digged and or­dered before.

How to bind them that be Weake.

TH [...]se Plants which be slender, ye must proyne or cut off the branches, then bind them to some stake or such like to be set in good earth, and well mingled with good dung, and also to be well and deepely digged, and to be set in a moyst place, or else to be well watred in Summer.

How one ought to digge the Earth for to set them in.

ANd when that ye would set them in the earth, ye must first prepare to digge it, and dung it well throughout a large foote deepe in the earth. And when as ye will set them every one in his place made (before) with a crow of Iron, and for to make them take roote the better, ye shall put with your Plants, watred Otes, or Barley, and so ye shall let them grow the space of three or foure yeares, or when they shall be well branched, then ye may remove them, and if ye breake off the old stubby roote and set them lower, they will last a long time the more. If some of those Plants doe chance to put forth Cions from the roote, and being so rooted, ye must plucke them up though they be tender, and set them in other places:

Of Cions without Rootes.

IF that the said Plants have Cions without any Rootes, but which come from the tree roote beneath, then cut them not [Page 18] of till they be of two or three yeares growth, by that time they will gather rootes to be replanted in other places.

To Plant the Fig-tree.

THe said Plants taken of Fig-trees graffed, be the best. Ye may likewise take other sorts of Fig-trees, and graffe one upon the other, for like as upon the wild Trees doe come the Pepins, even so the Figge, but not so soone to prosper and grow.

How to set Quinces.

LIkewise the nature of Quinces, is to spring, if they be pric­ked (as aforesaid) in the earth, but sometimes J have graf­ted with great difficulty, saith mine Author, upon a white Thorne, and it hath taken and borne fruit to looke on, faire, but in tast more weaker then the other.

The way to set Mulberries.

THere is also another way to set Mulberries as followeth, which is, if you doe cut in Winter certaine great Mulberry boughes or stockes asunder in the body (with a Saw) in tron­cheons a foote long or more, then ye shall make a great furrow in good earth well and deepe, so that ye may cover well again your Troncheons, in setting them an end halfe a foote one from another, then cover them againe, that the earth may be above those ends, three or foure fingers high, so let them re­maine, and water them in Summer, if need be sometimes, and cleanse them from all hurtfull weeds and rootes.

Note one of the same.

THat then within a space of time after, the said tronchions will put forth Cions, the which when they be somewhat sprigged, having two or three small twigs, then ye may trans­plant or remove them where ye list, but leave your tron­cheons still in the earth, for they will put forth many moti­ons, the which if they shall have scanty of roote, then dung your troncheons within with good earth, and likewise above also, and they shall doe well.

The time meet to cut Cions.

VNderstand also, that all trees the which commonly doe put forth Cions, if ye cut them in Winter, they will put forth and spring more aboundantly, for then they be all good to Set and Plant.

To set Bush-trees, or Gooseberries, or small Raisons.

THere be many other kind of Bush-trees, which will grow of Cions pricked in the ground, as the Gooseberry-tree, the small Raison-tree, the Barberry-tree, the Blacke Thorne-tree, these with many others to be planted in Winter, will grow without rootes: ye must also proine them and they will take well enough, so likewise ye may pricke, in March, of Oziers in moyst grounds, and they will grow, and serve to many purposes for your Garden.

CHAP. V. Treateth of foure manner of Graffings.

IT is to be understood that there be many wayes of Graffings, whereof I have here only put foure sorts, the which be good, both sure and well proved, and easie to doe, the which ye may use well in two parts of the yeare and more, for I have (saith he) graffed in our house, in e­very moneth, except October and November, and they have taken well, which J have (saith he) in the Winter begun to graffe, and in the Summer grafted in the Scutchine or shield ac­cording to the time, forward or slow; for certaine Trees, spe­cially young faire Cions have enough or more of their sappe unto the middle of August, then other some had at Midsom­mer before.

The first way to graffe all sorts of Trees.

ANd first of all it is to be noted, that all sorts of francke Trees, as also wild Trees of nature, may be grafted [Page 20] with grafts, and in the Scutchion, and both doe well take, but specially those Trees which be of like nature: therefore it is better so to graffe. Howbeit they may well grow and take of other sorts of trees, but certaine trees be not so good, nor will prosper so well in the end.

How to graffe Apple-trees, Peare-trees, Quince-trees, and Medlar-trees.

THey graffe the Peare-graffe, on other Peare-stockes, and Apple, upon Apple stocke, Crab or Wilding stocke, the Quince and Medlar, upon the white Thorne, but most com­monly they use to graft one Apple upon another; and both Peares and Quinces, they graft on Hawthorne and Crab-stocke. And other kind of fruit called in French Saulfey, they use to graft on the Willow stocke, the manner thereof is hard to doe, which I have not seene, therefore J will let it passe at this present.

The Graffing of great Cherries.

THey graffe the great Cherry, called in French Heaulmi­ers, upon the Crabbe Stocke, and another long Cherry called Guiniers, upon the wild or sowre Cherry-tree, and like­wise one Cherry upon another.

To graffe Medlars.

THe Misple or Medlar, they may be grafted on other Med­lars, or on white Thorne, the Quince is grafted on the white or blacke Thorne, and they doe prosper well. I have grafted (saith he) the Quince upon a wild Peare Stocke, and it hath taken and borne fruit well and good, but they will not long endure. I beleeve (saith he) it was because the graft was not able enough to draw the sap from the Peare stocke. Some graft the Medlar on the Quince, to be great. And it is to be noted, although the Stocke and the Graft be of contrary na­tures: yet notwithstanding, neither the Graft nor Scut­chion, shall take any part of the nature of the wild stocke so grafted, though it be Peare, Apple, or Quince, which is con­trary [Page 21] against many which have written, that if ye graft the Medlar upon the Quince-tree, they shall be without stones, which is abusive and mockery. For J have (saith he) proved the contrary my selfe.

Of divers kind of Graffes.

IT is very true, that one may set a Tree, which shall beare divers sorts of fruit at once, if he be grafted with divers kind of grafts, as the blacke, white, and greene Cherry, toge­gether, and also Apples of other Trees, as Apples and Peares together, and in the Scutchion (ye may graft) likewise of divers kinds also, as on Peares, Apricocks, and Plums toge­ther, and of others also.

Of the graffing of the Figge.

YE may graft the Fig-tree upon the Peach tree or Apricock, but leave a branch on the stocke, and there must be accor­ding for the space of yeares, for the one shall change sooner then the other. All Trees abovesaid, doe take very well being grafted one with the other. And I have not knowne, or found of any others; howbeit (saith he) I have curiously sought and proved, because they say one may graft on Coleworts or on Elmes, the which I thinke are but Iests.

Of the great Apricocke.

THe great Apricocke they graft in Summer, in the Scut­chion or Shield, in the sappe or bark of the lesser Apricock, and be grafted on Peach-trees, Fig-trees, and principally on Damson or Plum trees, for there they will prosper the better,

Of the Service-trees.

OF the Service tree, they say and write, that they may hardly be grafted on other Service-trees, either on Ap­ple-trees, Peare, or Quince-trees: and I beleeve this to bee very hard to doe, for I have tryed (saith he) and they would not prove.

The Setting of Service-trees.

THerefore it is much better to set them of Curnels, as it is aforesaid, as also in the second Chapter of planting of Ci­ons, or other great Trees, which must be cut in Winter, as such as shall be most meete for that purpose.

Trees which be very hard to be grafted in the Shield or Scutchion.

ALL other manner of Trees aforesaid, doe take very well to be graffed with Cions, and also in the Shield, except Apricocks on Peaches, Almonds, Percigniers, the Peach-tree doe take hardly to be graffed, but in the shield in Summer, as shall be more largely hereafter declared. As for the Al­mond, Percigniers and Peaches, ye may better set them of Curnels and Nuts, whereby they shall the sooner come to perfection to be graffed.

How a man ought to consider those Trees, which be commonly charged with fruit.

YE shall understand, that in the beginning of graffing, ye must consider what sorts of Trees, doe most charge the stocke with branch and fruit, or that doe love the Country or Ground whereas you intend to plant or graffe them: for bet­ter it were to have abundance of fruit, then to have very few or none.

Of Trees whereon to choose your Graffes.

OF such Trees as ye will gather your Graffes to graffe with, ye must take them at the ends of the principall Branches, which be also faire and greatest of Sappe, having two or three fingers length of the old wood, with the new, and those Cions which eyes somewhat nigh together, are the best; for those which be long, are farre one from another, and not so good to bring fruit.

The Cions towards the East are best.

YE shall understand, that those Cions which doe grow on the East, or Orient part of the Tree, are best: ye must not [Page 23] lightly gather of the evill and slender graffes which grow in the middest of the Trees, nor any graffes which doe grow within on the branches, or that doe spring from the stocke of the Tree, nor yet graftes which be on very old Trees, for thereby ye shall not lightly profit to any purpose.

To chuse your Tree for Graffes.

ANd when the Trees whereas you intend to gather your graftes, be small and yong, as of five or sixe years growth, doe not take of the highest grafts thereof, nor the greatest, ex­cept it be of a small Tree of two or three yeares, the which commonly hath too much of toppe or wood, otherwise not, for you shall but marre your graffing.

How to keepe Graffes a long time.

YE may keepe graftes a long time good, as from Alhallon­tide (so that the leaves be fallen) unto the time of graffing, if that they be well covered in the earth halfe a foot deep ther­in, and so that none of them doe appeare without the earth.

How to keepe Graffes before they are budded.

ALso doe not gather them, except ye have great need, un­till Christmas or there-abouts, and put them not in the ground nigh any walles for feare of Moles, Mice, and water, marring the place and graftes. It shall be good to keepe graftes in the earth before they begin to bud, when that ye will graft betwixt the barke and the Tree, and when the Trees begin to enter into their sappe.

How one ought to begin to Graffe.

ALso ye must begin to graft (in cleaving the stocke) at Christmas, or before, according to the coldnesse of the time, and principally the Healme or great Cherry, Peares, Wardens, or forward fruit of Apples: and for Medlars it is good to tarry untill the end of Ianuary and February, untill [Page 24] March, or untill such time as ye shall see Trees begin to bud or spring.

When it is good Graffing the wild Stockes.

IN the Spring time it is good Graffing of wild Stockes, (which be great) betwixt the barke and the tree, such stocks as are to be of later Spring, and kept in the earth before. The Damson or Plum tarrieth longest to be grafted: for they doe not shew or put forth sappe, as soone as the other.

Marke if the Tree be forward or not.

ALso consider you alwayes, whether the Tree be forward or not, or to be grafted soone or lateward, and to give him also a graffe of the like hast or slownesse: even so ye must marke the time, whether it be slow or forward.

When one will graffe, what necessaries he ought to be furnished withall.

VVHensoever ye goe to graffing, see ye be first furnished with grafts, clay and mosse, clothes or barkes of sallow to bind likewise withall. Also ye must have a small Saw, and a sharpe knife, to cleave and cut Graffes withall. But it were much better if ye should cut your grafts with a great Penknife or some other like sharpe knife, having also a small wedge of hard wood, or of Iron, with a hooked knife, and also a small Mallet. And your wild stockes must be well rooted before ye do graffe them: and be not so quick to deceive your selves, as those which doe graffe and plant all at one time, yet they shall not profit so well, for where the wild stock hath not substance in himselfe, much lesse to give unto the other grafts, for when a man thinkes sometimes to forward him­selfe, he doth hinder himselfe.

Of Graffes not prospering the first yeare.

YE shall understand, that very hardly your Graffes shall prosper after, if they doe not profit or prosper well in the first yeare, for whensoever (in the first yeare) they profit well, [Page 25] it were better to graft them somewhat lower then to let them so remaine and grow.

For to graffe well and sound.

ANd for the best understanding of Graffing in the cleft, ye shall first cut away all the small Cions about the bo­dy of the stocke beneath, and before ye begin to cleave your stocke, dresse and cut your graffes somewhat thick and ready, then cleave your stocke, and as the cleft is small or great (if need be) part it smooth within, then cut your incision of your grafts accordingly, and set them in the clefts as even and as close as ye can possible.

How to trim your Graffes.

ALso ye may graft your Graffes full as long as two or three trunchions or cut Grafts, which ye may likewise graffe withall very well, and will be as good as those which doe come of old wood, and often times better, as to graffe a bough, for often it so happeneth, a man shall find of Oylets or eyes hard by the old slender wood, yet better it were to cut them of with the old wood, and choose a better and faire place at some other eye in the same Graffe, and to make your incisi­on there under, as aforesaid, and cut your grafts in making the incision on the one side narrow, and on the other side broad, and the inner-side thin, and the out-side thicke, because the out-side (of your Graffe) must joyne within the cleft, with the Sappe of barke of the wild Stocke, and it shall so be set in. See also that ye cut it smooth as your clefts are in the Stock [...], in joyning at every place both even and close, and especially the joynts or corners of the graffes on the head of the stocke, which must be well and cleane pared before, and then set fast thereon.

How to cut Graffes for Cherries and Plums.

IT is not much requisite in the Healme Cherry, for to joyne the Grafts (in the stocke) wholly throughout, as it is in [Page 25] others, or to cut the grafts of great Cherries, Damsons, or Plums, so thinne and plaine as ye may other graffes, for these sorts have a more greater sappe or pithe within, the which ye must alwayes take heed in cutting it too nigh on the one side or on the other, but at the end thereof chiefly, to be thinne cut and flat.

Note also.

ANd yet if the said incision be more straighter and closer on the one side then on the other side, part it where it is most meete, and where it is too straight open it with a wedge of Iron, and put in a wedge of the same wood above in the cleft, and thus may ye moderate your graffes as ye shall see cause.

How in graffing to take heed that the Barke doe not rise.

IN all kind of cutting your Graffes, take heed to the barke of your grafts, that it doe not rise (from the wood) on no side thereof, and specially on the out side, therefore ye shall leave it more thicker then the inner-side: Also ye must take heed when as the stocks doe wreath in cleaving, that ye may joyne the graffe therein accordingly: the best remedy therefore is to cut it smooth within, that the graffe may joyne the better: ye shall also unto the most greatest Stockes, choose for them the most greatest Graffes.

How to cut your Stocke.

HOw much the more your stocke is thinne and slender, so much more ye ought to cut him lower, and if your stock be as great as your finger, or there-abouts, ye may cut him a foote or halfe a foote from the earth, and dig him about, and dung him with Goates dung, to helpe him withall, and graft him but with one Graffe or Cion.

If the wild Stocke be great and slender.

IF your wild Stocke be great, or as big as a good staffe, ye shall cut him round of, a foote or there-abouts above the [Page 26] earth, then set in two good graffes in the head or cleft thereof.

Trees as great as ones Arme.

BUt when your Stocke is as great as your arme, ye shall saw him cleane off and round, three or foure foote, or there abouts from the earth, for to defend him, and set in the head three graffes, two in the cleft, and one betwixt the barke and the Tree, on that side which ye have most space.

Great Trees as bigge as your Leg.

IF the Stocke be as bigge as your legge, or there-abouts, ye shall saw him faire and cleane of, foure or five foote high from the earth, and cleave him a crosse (if ye will) and set in foure grafts in the clefts thereof, or else one cleft onely, and set two grafts in both the sides thereof, and other two grafts betwixt the barke and the Tree.

When the Graffes be pinched with the Stocke.

YE must for the better understanding, marke to graffe be­twixt the Barke and the Tree, for when the sappe is full in the wood of wild Stocks being great, then they doe common­ly pinch or wring the grafts too sore, if ye doe not put a small wedge of greene wood in the cleft thereof, to helpe them withall against such danger.

How ye ought to cleave your Stockes.

VVHensoever ye shall cleave your wild Stocks, take heed that ye cleave them not in the middest of the heart or pith, but a little on the one side, which ye shall thinke good.

How to graffe the branch of great Trees.

IF ye would graft great Trees, as great as your thigh, or grea­ter, it were much better to graft onely the branches thereof, then the stocke or body, for the stocke will rot before the grafts shall cover the head.

How to cut Branches old and great.

BUt if the Branches be too rude, and without order (the best shall be) to cut them all off, and within three or foure yeares after they will bring faire young Cions againe, and then it shall be best to graft them, and cut off all the superflu­ous and ill branches thereof.

How ye ought to bind your Graffes throughout for feare of Winds.

ANd when your grafts shall be growne, ye must bind them, for feare of shaking of the wind, and if the Tree be free and good of himselfe, let the Cions grow still, and ye may graft any part or branch ye will in the cleft, or betwixt the barke and the Tree, or in the Scutchion, and if your barke be faire and loose.

To set many Graffes in one cleft.

EVer when ye will put many grafts in one cleft, see that one incision (of your Graft) be as large as the other, not to be put into the cleft so slightly and rashly, and that one side thereof be not more open then the other, and that these Grafts be all of one length: it shall suffice also if they have three eyes on each graft without the joynt thereof.

How to saw your stocke before you leave him.

IN sawing your stocke, see that you teare not the barke a­bout the head thereof, then cleave his head with a long sharpe knife, or such like, and knocke your wedge in the middest thereof, (then pare him on the head round about) and knock your wedge in so deep till it open meet for your grafts but not so wide, then holding in one hand your graft and in the other hand your Stocke, set your Graft in close, barke to barke, and let your wedge be great above at the head, that ye may knocke him out faire and easily againe,

If the Stocke cleave too much, or the barke doe open.

IF the Stocke doe cleaue too much, or open the barke with the wood too low, then softly open your stocke with your wedge, and see if your incision of your Graft, be all meete, and just, according to the cleft, if not, make it untill it be meete, or else saw him off lower.

How Graffes never lightly take.

ABove all things ye must consider the meeting of the two saps, betwixt the graft and the wild stocke, which must be set in just one with another: for ye shall understand, if they doe not joyne, and the one delight with the other, being even set, they shall never take together, for there is nothing onely to joyne their increase, but the Sappe, recounting the one against the other.

How to set the Graffes right in the cleft.

VVHen the barke of the Stocke, is more thicker then the graft, ye must take good heed, of the setting it in of the graft in the cleft, to the end that his sappe may joyne right with the sap of the stocke, on the in-side, and ye ought like­wise to consider of the sappe of the stocke, if he doe surmount the grafts in the out-sides of the cleft too much or not.

Of setting in the Graffes.

ALso ye must take good heed, that the grafts be well and cleane set in, and joyne close upon the head of the stock. Likewise then the incision which is set in the cleft, doe joyne very well within on both sides, not to joyne so even, but some times it may doe service, when as the Grafts doe draw too much from the Stocke, or the stocke also on the Grafts doe put forth.

Note also.

ANd therefore, when the stock is rightly cloven, there is no danger in cutting the incision of the graft, but a lit­tle [Page 29] straight rebated to the end thereof, that the sappe may joyn one with the other, the better and closer together.

How ye ought to draw out your wedge.

VVHen your Graffes shall be well joyned with your stocke, draw your wedge faire and softly forth, for feare of displacing your graffes, ye may leave within the cleft a small wedge of such greene wood as is aforesaid, and ye shall cut it of close by the head of your stocke, and so cover it with a barke as followeth.

To cover your clefts on the head.

VVHen your wedge is drawne forth, put a greene pill of thicke barke of Willow, Crab, or Apple, upon your clefts of the stocke, that nothing may fall betweene: then cover all about the clefts on the stocke head, two fin­gers thicke with good clay, or nigh about that thicknesse, that no Wind nor Raine may enter. Then cover it round with good Mosse, and then wreath it over with clothes, or pilles of Willow, Bryar, or Oziars, or such like, then bind them fast, and sticke certaine long prickes on the grafts head amongst your Cions, to defend the Crowes, Iayes, or such like.

How ye ought to see to the binding of your Graffes.

BUt alwayes take good heed to the binding of your heads, that they waxe slacke, or shagge, neither on the one side or other, but remaines fast upon the clay, which clay remaines fast (likewise on the stocke head) under the binding thereof, wherefore the said clay must be moderated in such sort as fol­loweth.

How ye ought to temper your Clay.

THe best way is therefore, to try your clay betwixt your hands, for stones and such like, and so to temper it as ye shall thinke good, if so it require of moystnesse or drinesse and to temper it with the haire of beastes: for when it dryeth, it [Page 30] holdeth not (otherwise) so well on the stocke, or if ye knead of Mosse therewith, or mingle Hay thin therewith: some doe judge that the Mosse doth make the trees mossie. But I thinke (saith he) that commeth of the disposition of places.

To bush your graffe heades.

VVHen ye shall bind or wrap your Graffe heades with band, take small Thornes, and bind them within, for to defend your Graffes from Kites, or Crowes, or other danger of other Fowles, or pricke of sharpe white stickes thereon.

The second way to graffe high Branches on Trees.

THe second manner to Graffe, is strange enough to many: This kind of Graffing is on the tops of branches of Trees, which thing to make them grow lightly, is not so soone obtained: wheresoever they be grafted, they doe onely require a faire young wood, a great Cion or twig, growing highest in the Tree top, which Cions ye shall choose to graffe on, of ma­ny sorts of fruits if ye will, or as ye shall thinke good, which order followeth.

TAke grafts of other sorts of Trees, which ye would graffe in the top thereof, then mount to the top of the tree which ye would graft, and cut off the tops of all such branches, or as many as ye would graft on, and if they be greater then the grafts, which ye would graft, ye shall cut and graft them lower as ye doe the small wild stocke aforesaid. But if the Cions that you cut be as great as your graft that you graft on, ye shall cut them lower betwixt the old wood and the new, or a little more higher, or lower: then cleave a little, and choose your grafts in the like sort, which ye would plant, whereof ye shall make the incision short, with the barke on both sides a like, and as thicke on the one side as the other, and set so just in the cleft, that the barke may be even and close, aswell above as be­neath, on the one side as the other, and so bind him as is afore­said. [Page 32] It shall suffice that every graft have an oylet, or eye, or two at the most, without the joynt, for to leave them too long it shall not be good, and ye must dresse it with Clay and Mosse, and bind it as it is aforesaid. And likewise ye may graffe these, as ye doe the little wild Stocks, which should be as great as your Graffes, and to graft them, as ye doe those with Sappe like on both sides, but then you must graffe them in the earth, as three fingers of, or there-abouts.

The manner of Graffing, is of Graffes which may be set betwixt the Barke and the Tree.
To graffe betwixt the Barke and the Tree.

THis manner of graffing is good, when Trees do begin to enter into their Sap, which is, about the end of Februa­ry unto the end of Aprill, and specially on great wild stockes which be hard to cleave, ye may set in foure or five grafts in the head thereof, which grafts ought to be gathered afore, and kept close in the earth till then, for by that time aforesaid, ye shall scantly find a Tree, but that he doth put forth or bud, as the Apple called Capendu, or such like.

Ye must therefore saw these wild stockes more charily, and more higher, so they be great, and then cut the Graffes, which ye would set together, so as you would set them up­on the wild stocke that is cleft, as is afore rehearsed. And the incision of your grafts must not be so long, nor so thick, and the barke a little at the end thereof must be taken away, and made in manner as a Launcet of Iron, and as thicke on the one side as the other.

How to dresse the head, to place the graffes betwixt the Barke and the Tree.

ANd when your grafts be ready cut, then shall ye clense the head of your stocke, and pare it with a sharpe knife round about the barke thereof, to the end your grafts may [Page 33] joyne the better thereon, then by and by take a sharp pen-knife, or other sharpe pointed knife, and thrust it downe be­twixt the barke and the stock, so long as the incision of your graffes be, then put your graffes softly downe therein to the hard joynt, and see that it doe sit close upon the stocke head.

How to cover the head of your stocke.

VVHen as ye haue set in your graffes, ye must then cover it well about with good tough Clay and Mosse, as is sayd of the others, and then ye must incontinent enuiron or compasse your head with small thorny bushes, and bind them fast thereon all about, for feare of great Birds, and likewise the wind.

Of the manner and graffing in the Shield or Scutchion.

THe fourth manner to graffe, which is the last, is to graffe in the Scutchion, in the sap, in Sommer, from about the end of the moneth of May vntill August, when as trees be yet strong in sap and leaves, for otherwayes it cannot be done; the best time is in Iune and Iuly, some yeares when the time is very dry, and that some trees doe hold their sappe very long; therefore ye must tary till it returne.

For to graffe in Summer so long as the trees be full leaved.

FOr to begin this manner of graffing well, ye must in Sum­mer when the trees be almost full of sappe, and when they haue sprung forth of new shootes being somewhat hardened, then shall ye take a branch thereof in the top of the tree, the which ye will ha [...]e grafted, and choose the highest and the principallest branches, without cutting it from the old wood, and choose thereof the principallest oylet or eye, or budding place, of each branch one, with which oylet or eye, ye shall begin to graft as followeth.

The big Cions are best to graffe.

CHiefly ye must understand, that the smallest and naughty oylets or buds of the said Cions be not so good to graffe; therefore choose the greatest and best you can find, first cut of the leafe hard by the oylet, then ye shall trench or cut the length of a barley corne beneath the oylet round about the barke, hard to the wood, and so likewise above: then with a sharpe point of a knife, slit it downe halfe an inch beside the oylet or bud, and with the point of a sharpe knife softly raise the said Shield or Scutchion round about, with the oylet in the middest, and all the sap belonging thereunto.

How to take of the Shield from the wood.

ANd for the better raising the said Shield or Scutchion from the wood, after that ye have cut him round about, and then slit him down, without cutting any part of the wood within, ye must then raise the side next you that is slit, and then take the same Shield betwixt your finger and thum, and plucke or raise it softly of, without breaking or brusing any part thereof, and in the opening or plucking it off, hold it with your finger hard to the wood, to the end the sap of the oylet may remaine in the Shield, for if it goe off (in plucking it) from the barkes, and sticke to the wood, your Scutchions is nothing worth.

To know your Scutchion or Shield when he is good or bad.

ANd for the more easier understanding, if it be good or bad, when it is taken from the wood, looke within the said shield, and if ye shall see it cracke, or open within, then it is of no value, for the chiefe Sappe doth yet remaine behind with the wood, which should be in the [...]hield, and therefore ye must choose and cut another Shield, which must be good and sound as aforesaid, and when your Scutchion shall be well taken of from the wood, then hold it dry by the oylet or eye betwix your lips, untill ye have cut and taken of the barke from tht [Page 35] other Cion or branch, and set him in that place, and looke that ye doe not foule or wet it in your mouth.

Of young Trees to graffe on.

BUt ye must graffe on such Trees, as be from the bignesse of your little finger, unto as great as your arme, having their barke thin and slender, for great Trees commonly have their barke hard and thicke, which ye cannot well graffe this way, except they have some branches with a thinne smooth barke, meet for this way to be done.

How to set or place your Shield.

YE must quickly cut of round the barke of the Tree that ye will graffe on, a little more longer then the Shield that ye set on, because it may joyne the sooner and easier, but take heed that in cutting of barke, ye cut not the wood within.

Note also.

AFter the incision once done, ye must then cover both the sides or ends well and softly withall, with a little bone or horne, made in manner like a thinne skinne, which ye shall lay it all over the joynts or closings of the said shield, some­what longer and larger, but take heed for hurting or crush­ing the barke thereof.

How to lift up the barke and te set your Shield on.

THis done take your Shield or Scutchion, by the oylet or eye that he hath, and open him faire and softly by the two sides, and put them straight way on the other tree, whereas the barke is taken off, and joyne him close barke to barke thereon, then plaine it softly above, and at both the ends with the thinne bone, and that they joyne above and beneath barke to barke, so that he may feed well the branch of that Tree.


moist place, the which then it were best for to tarry untill Ia­nuary, or February, to plant in the Frost is not good.

To Plant or Set towards the South, or Sunny place is best.

AFore you doe plucke up your trees for to plant them, if ye will marke the South-side of each tree, that when ye shall replant them, ye may set them againe as they stood before, which is the best way as some doe say. And if ye keepe them a certaine time, after they be taken out of the Earth, before ye replant them againe, they will rather recover there in the earth, so they be not wet with Raine, nor otherwise, for that shall be more contrary to them then the great Heate or Drought.

How to cut the Branches of Trees before they be Set.

VVHensoever ye shall set or replant your Trees, first ye must cut of the boughes, and specially those which are great branches, in such sort that ye shall leave the small twigs or sprigs, on the stockes of your branch, which must be but a shaftment long, or somewhat more, or lesse according as the Tree shall require, which ye doe set.

Apple-trees commonly must be disbranched before they be replanted or set.

ANd chiefly the Apple Trees, being Graffed ot not Graf­fed, doe require to be disbranched before they be set a­gaine, for they shall prosper thereby, much the better: the o­ther sorts of Trees may well passe unbranched, if they have not too great or large branches, and therefore it shall be good to transplant or set, as soone after as the graffes are closed, on the head of the wild Stocke, as for small Trees which have but one Cion or twig, it needs not to cut them above, when they be replanted or removed.

All wild Stockes must be disbranched when they are replanted or set.

ALL wild ttees or stockes, which ye thinke for to graffe on ye must first cut off all their Branches before ye set them againe: also it shall he good, alwayes to take heed in replan­ting your Trees, that ye doe set them again, in as good or bet­ter Earth, then they were in before, and so every Tree, accor­ding as his nature doth require.

What Trees love the faire Sunne, what Trees the cold Ayre.

COmmonly the most part of Trees, doe love the Sunne at Noone, and yet the South Wind (or vent d'aval) is very contrary against their nature, and specially the Almond-tree, the Apricocke, the Mulberry-tree, the Fig-tree, and the Pom­granade-tree. Certaine other Trees there be which love cold Ayre, as these: the Chesnut-tree, the wild and eager Cherry-tree, the Quince-tree, and the Damson or Plum-tree, the Wal­nut loveth cold Ayre, and a stony white ground. Peare-trees love not greatly plaine places, they prosper well enough in places closed with walles, or high Hedges, and specially the Peare called bon Christien.

Of many sorts and manner of Trees following their nature.

THe Damson or Plum-tree doth love a cold fat earth, and clay withall, the (Healme) great Cherry doth love to be, set or planted upon Clay. The Pine-tree loveth light earth▪ stony and sandy. The Medlar commeth well enough in all kind of grounds, and doth not hinder his fruit, to be in the shadow and moist places. Hasell-nut-trees love the place to be cold, leane, moist and sandy. Ye shall understand, that every kind of fruitfull Tree doth love, and is more fruitfull in one place then another, as according unto their nature. Neverthe­lesse, yet we ought to nourish them (all that we may) in the place where we set them in, in taking them from the place and [Page 40] ground they were in. And ye must also consider when one doth plant them of the great and largest kind of Trees, that every kind of Tree may prosper and grow, and it is to be con­sidered also, if the Trees have commonly grown afore so large in the ground or not, for in good earth the Trees may well prosper and grow, having a good space one from another, more then if the ground were leane and naught.

How to place or set Trees at large.

IN this thing ye shall consider, ye must give a competent space, from one Tree to another, when as ye make the holes to set them in, not nigh, nor the one tree touch another. For a good Tree planted, or set well at large, it profiteth often­times more of fruit then three or foure Trees, set too nigh together. The most greatest and largest Trees commonly are Walnuts and Chesnuts, if ye plant them severally in ranke, as they doe commonly grow upon high wayes, besides hedges and Fields, they must be set xxxv. foote asunder, one from ano­ther, or there-abouts, but if ye will plant many rankes in one place together, ye must set them the space of xiv. foot one from another, or thereabouts, and so farre ye must set your rankes one from another. For the Peare-trees and Apple-trees, and of other sorts of Trees, which may be set of this largenesse one from the other, if ye doe plant onely in rankes by hedges in the Fields, or otherwise, it shall be sufficient of xx. foote from another. But if ye will set two rankes upon the sides of your great Allies in Gardens, which be of tenne or twelve foote broad, it shall be then best to give them more space, the one from the other in each ranke, as about xxv. foote, also ye must not set your Trees right one against the other, but en­termedling or betweene every space, as they may best grow at large, that if need be, ye may plant of other smaller Trees be­tweene, but see that ye set them not too thicke. If ye list to set or plant all your Trees of one bignesse, as of young Trees like rods, being Peare-trees, or Apple-trees, they must be set a good space one from another, as of twenty or thirty foote in [Page 41] square, as to say, from one ranke to another. For to plant or set of smaller trees, as Plum-trees, and Apple-trees, of the like bignesse, it shall be sufficient for them foureteene or fifteene foote space in quarters. But if ye will plant or set two tankes in your Allies in Gardens, ye must devise for to proportion it after the largenesse of your said Allies. For to plant or set ea­ger or sower Cherry-trees, this space shall be sufficient e­nough the one from the other, that is, of x. or xii. foote, and therefore if you make of great or large Allies in your Gar­den, as of x. foote wide, or thereabouts, they shall come well to passe, and shall be sufficient to plant your trees, of ix. or x. foot space and for the other lesser sorts of trees, as of Quince-trees, Fig-trees, Nut-trees, and such like, which be not com­monly planted, but in one ranke together.

Ordering your Trees.

VVHen that ye plant or set rankes, or every kind of trees together, ye shall set or plant the most smallest towards the Sun, and the greatest in the shade, that they may not annoy or hurt the small, nor the small the great. Also whensoever ye will plant or set of Peare-trees, and Plumtrees, (in any place) the one with another, better it were to set the Plum-trees next the Sunne, for the Peares will dure better in the shade. Also ye must understand, when ye set or plant any rankes of trees together, ye must have more space betwixt your rankes and trees, (then when ye set but one ranke) that they may have roome sufficient on every side.

Ye shall also scarcely set or plant Peare-trees, or Apple-trees, or other great Trees, upon dead or mossie Barren ground unstirred; for they increase (thereon) to no purpose. But other lesser Trees very well may grow, as Plum trees, and such like: now when all the said things above be conside­red, ye shall make your holes according to the space that shall be required of every Tree that ye shall plant or set, and also the place meete for the same, so much as ye may convenient, ye shall make your holes large enough, for ye must suppose [Page 42] the tree ye doe set, hath not the halfe of his rootes he shall have hereafter; therefore ye must helpe him and give him of good fat earth, (or dung) all about the roots when as ye plant him. And if any of the same rootes be too long and brused or hurt, ye shall cut them cleane off a slope-wise, so that the up­per side (of each roote) so cut, may be longest in setting, and for the small Rootes which come forth all about thereof, ye may not cut them off as the great rootes.

How ye ought to enlarge the holes for your Trees when ye Plant them.

FOr when as ye set the Trees in the holes, ye must then en­large the rootes in placing them, and see that they take all downe-wards, without turning any rootes the end upward, and ye must not plant or set them too deepe in the earth, but as ye shall see cause. It shall be sufficient for them to be plan­ted or set (halfe a foote, or there-abouts) in the earth, so that the earth be above all the rootes halfe a foote or more, if the place be not very burning and stony.

Of Dung and good Earth, for your Plants and Trees.

ANd when as ye would replant or set, ye must have of good fat Earth or Dung, well mingled with a part of the same earth whereas ye tooke your plants out of, with all the upper crests of the earth, as thicke as ye can have it: the said earth which ye shall put about the rootes, must not be put too nigh the roots, for doubt of the dung being laid too nigh, which will put the said rootes in a heate, but let it be well mingled with the other earth, and well tempered in the holes, and the smallest and slenderest Cions that turnes up among those Rootes, ye may plant there very well.

If ye have wormes amongst the Earth of your Rootes.

IF there be wormes in the fat Earth or Dung, that ye put about your roots, ye must mingle it well also with the dung [Page 43] of Oxen or Kine, or slekt Sope-ashes about the Roote, which will make the wormes to dye, for otherwise they will hurt greatly the Rootes.

To digge well the earth about the Tree Rootes.

ALso ye must digge well the earth, principally all round over the rootes, and more oftner if they be dry, then if they be wet, ye must not plant or set Trees when it raineth, nor the earth to be very moyst about the rootes. The Trees that be planted or set in Vallies, commonly prosper well by Drought, and when it raineth, they that be on the Hills are better by watering with drops, then others, but if the place or ground be moist of nature, ye must plant or set your Trees not so deepe thereon.

The nature of Places.

ON high and dry places, ye must plant or set your Trees a little more deeper, then in the Vallies, and ye must not fill the holes in high places, so full as the other, to the end that the Raine may better moysten them.

Of good Earth.

VNderstand also, that of good earth, commonly commeth good fruit, but in certaine places (if they might be suf­fered to grow) they would season the Tree the better. Other­wise they shall not come to proofe, nor yet have a good tast.

With what ye ought to bind your Trees.

VVHensoever your Trees shall be replanted or set, ye must knocke by the roote, a stake, and bind your Trees thereto for feare of the wind: and when they doe spring ye shall dresse them and bind them with bands that may not breake, which bands may be of strong soft hearbes, as Bul­rushes or such like, or of old linnen clouts, if the other be not strong enough, or else ye may bind them with Oziers, or such like, for feare of fretting or hurting your Trees.

CHAP. VII. Of medicining and keeping the Trees when they are planted.

The first councell is, when your Trees be but Plants, in dry weather, they must be watered.

THe young trees which be newly Planted, must some­times (in Summer) be watred when the time waxeth dry, at the least the first yeare after they be planted or set. But as for the greater trees which are well taken and rooted a good time, ye must dig them all over the rootes after Alhallontide, and uncover them foure or five foote com­passe about the roofe of the tree: and let them so lye uncove­red untill the latter end of Winter. And if ye doe, then mingle about each tree of good fat earth or dung, to heate and com­fort the earth withall, it shall be good.

With what Dung, ye ought to Dung your Trees.

ANd principally unto Mossie trees, dung them with Hogs dung mingled with other earth of the same ground, and let the dung of Oxen be next about the roots, and ye shall also abate the Mosse of the Trees with a great knife of wood, or such like, so that ye hurt not the barke thereof.

When ye ought to uncover your Trees in Summer.

IN the time of Summer, when the earth is scantly halfe moist, it shall be good to digge at the foote of the Trees, all about on the roote, such as not have beene uncovered in the Winter before, and to mingle it with good fat earth: and so fill it againe, and they shall doe well.

When ye ought to cut or proyne your Trees.

ANd if there be in your Trees certaine Branches of super­fluous wood, that ye will cut off, tarry untill the time of the entring in of the Sappe, that is, when they begin to bud, as in March and Aprill: Then cut off as ye shall see cause, all such superfluous Branches hard by the Tree, that thereby the other Branches may prosper the better, for then they shall sooner close their sappe upon the cut places then in the Win­ter, which should not doe so well to cut them, as certaine doe teach, which have not good experience. But for so much as in this time the Trees be entring into the Sappe, as is aforesaid. Take heed therefore in cutting then off your great Branches hastily, that through their great waight, they doe not cleave or separate the Barke from the Tree, in any part thereof.

How to cut your great Branches, and when.

ANd for the better remedy: first you shall cut the same great Branches, halfe a foote from the tree, and after to saw the rest cleane hard by the body of the Tree, then with a broad Chizell, cut all cleane, and smooth upon that place, then cover it with Oxe Dung. Ye may also cut them well in Win­ter so that ye leave the trunke or branch somewhat longer, so as ye may dresse and cut them againe in March and Aprill, as is before mentioned.

How ye ought to leave these great Branches cut.

OTher things here are to be shewed, of certaine grafts and old Trees onely, which in cutting the great branches thereof truncheon-wise, doe renue againe, as Walnuts, Mul­berry-trees, Plum-trees, Cherry-trees, with others, which ye must disbranch the boughes thereof, even after Alhallontide, or as soone as their leaves be fallen off, and likewise before they begin to enter into Sappe.

Of Trees having great Branches.

THe said great Branches, when ye shall disbranch them ye shall so cut them off in such Truncheons, to lengthen the Trees, that the one may be longer then the other, that when the Cions be growne good and long thereon, ye may graffe on them againe as ye shall see cause, according as every arme shall require.

Of barrennesse of trees, the time of cutting all bran­ches, and of uncovering the Rootes.

SOmetimes a man hath certaine old Trees, which be almost spent, as of the Peare-trees, and Plum-trees, and other great Trees, the which beare scant of fruit: but when as ye shall see some Branches well charged therewith, then ye ought to cut off all the other ill Branches and Boughes, to the end that those that remaine, may have the more Sap, to nourish their fruit, and also to uncover their rootes after Alhallontide, and to cleave the most greatest rootes thereof (a foote from the trunke) and put into the said clefts, a thin state of hard stone, there let it remaine, to the end that the humour of the Tree may enter out thereby, and at the end of Winter, ye shall cover him againe, with as good fat earth as ye can get, and let the stone alone.

Trees which ye must helpe, or plucke up by the Rootes.

ALL sorts of Trees which spring Cions from the Rootes, as Plum-trees, all kind of Cherry-trees, and small Nut-trees, ye must helpe in plucking their Cions from their roots in Winter, as soone as conveniently ye can, after the leafe is fallen. For they doe greatly plucke downe and weaken the said trees, in drawing to them the substance of the earth.

What doth make a good Nut.

BUt chiefly to plant these Cions, the best way is to let them grow, and be nourished two or three years from the [Page 47] roote, and then to transplant them, or set them in the Winter, as is aforesaid. The Cions which be taken from the foote of the Hasell-trees, make good Nuts, and to be of much strength and vertue, when they are not suffered to grow too long from the Roote, or foote aforesaid.

Trees eaten with Beasts must be graffed againe.

VVHen certaine graffes being well in Sappe, of three or foure yeares or thereabouts, be broken or greatly endamaged with beasts, which have broked thereof, it shall lit­tle profit to leave those Graffes so, but it were better to cut them, and to graffe them higher, or lower then they were be­fore. For the Graffes shall take as well upon the new as old Cion being graffed, as on the wild stocke: But it shall not so soone close: as upon the wild stocke-head.

How your wild Stockes ought not hastily to be removed.

IN the beginning when ye have graffed your Graffes on the wild Stocke, doe not then hastily plucke up those Cions or wild stockes so graffed, untill ye shall see the graffes put forth a new sheute, the which remaining still ye may graffe there­on againe, so that your graffes in hasty removing, may chance to dye.

When ye cut off the naughty Cions from the Wood.

VVHen your Graffes on the stockes shall put forth of new wood, or a new sheute, as of two or three foot long, and if they put forth also of other small superfluous Cions (a­bout the said members or branches that ye would nourish) cut off all such ill Cions, hard by the head, in the same yeare they are graffed in, but not so long as the wood is in Sappe, till the Winter after.

How sometimes to cut the principall Members.

ALso it is good to cut some of the principall Members or Branches in the first Yeare, if they have too many, and then againe, within two or three yeares after, when they shall be well sprung up, and the graffes well closed on the head of the stocke: ye may trimme and dresse them againe, in taking away the superfluous branches, if any there remaine, for it is sufficient enough to nourish a young Tree, to leave him one principall Member on the head, so that he may be one of those, that hath beene grafted on the Tree before, yea, and the Tree shall be fairer and better in the end, then if he had two or three branches, or precidence at the foote. But if the Tree have beene graffed with many great Cions, then you must leave him more largely, according as ye shall see cause or need to recover the clefts on the head of the said graffe or stocke.

How to guide and governe the said Trees.

VVHen that your Trees doe begin to spring, ye must order and see to them well, the space of three or foure yeares or more, untill they be well and strongly grown, in helping them above, in cutting the small twigs, and super­fluous wood, untill they be so high without branches, as a man, or more if it may be, and then see to them well, in placing the principall branches if need be, with forkes or wands prickt right, and well about them at the foot, and to proine them, so that one branch doe not approach too nigh the other, nor yet fret the one the other, when as they doe enlarge and grow, and ye must also cut off certaine branches in the Tree, where as they are too thicke.

A kind of Sicknesse in Trees.

LIkewise when certaine Trees are sicke of the Gall, which is a kind of Sicknesse that doth eate the Barke, therefore ye must cut it, and take out all the same infection with a [Page 49] little Chizell, or such like thing. This must be done at the end of Winter, then put on that infected place of Oxe Dung, or Hogs Dung and bind it fast thereon with Cloutes, and wrap it with Oziers, so let it remaine a long time, till it shall reco­ver againe.

Trees which have Wormes in the Barke.

OF Trees which have Wormes within their Barkes, is where as ye shall see a swelling or rising therein, there­fore ye must cut or cleave the said barke unto the wood, to the end the humour may also distill out thereat, and with a little hooke ye must plucke or draw out the said wormes, withall the rotten wood ye can see, then shall ye put upon the said place, a Plaister made of Oxe Dung, or Hogs Dung, mingled and beaten with Sage, and a little of unsleckt Lime, then let it be all well boild together, and wrap it on a cloth, and bind it fast and close thereon so long as it will hold. The Lees of Wine shed or powred upon the Rootes of Trees (the which be somewhat sicke through the coldnesse of the Earth) which Lees doth them much good.

Snayles, Ants, and Wormes, doth marre Trees.

ALso ye must take heed of all manner of young trees, and specially of those graffes, the which many Wormes and Flyes, doe endamage and hurt in the time of Summer, those are the Snailes, the Pismires, or Ants: the field Snaile, which hurteth also all other sorts of Trees that be great, principally in the time that the Cuckow doth sing, and betwixt Aprill and Midsommer, while they be tender. There be little Beasts called Sowes, which have many Legs, and some of them be gray, some black, and some hath a long sharpe snowt, which be very noysome, and great hurters of young Graffes, and other young Trees also, for they cut them off in eating the tender top (of the young Cions) as long as ones finger.

How ye ought to take the said Wormes.

FOr to take them well, ye must take heed and watch in the heate of the day (your young Trees) and where ye shall see any, put your hand softly underneath, without shaking the tree, for they will suddainly fal when one thinkes to take them: therefore so soone as you can (that they flye not away nor fall) take them (quickly on the Cion) with your other hand.

To keepe Ants from young Trees.

FOr to keepe the yong Trees from Snails and Ants, it shall be good to take Ashes, and to mingle unsleckt Lime, beaten in powder therewith, then lay it all about the root of the tree, and when it raineth, they shall be beaten downe into the Ashes and dye: but ye must renew your Ashes after every Raine from time to time: also to keepe them moyst, ye must put cer­taine small Vessels full of water, at the foote of your said Trees, and also the Lees of Wine, to be spred on the ground there all abouts. For the best destroying of the small Snailes on Trees, ye must take good heed in the Spring time before the Trees be leaved, then if ye shall see as it were small warts, knobs or branches on the Trees, the same will be Snailes. Provide to take them away faire and softly, before they be full closed, and take heed that ye hurt not the wood or barke of the said Tree, as little as ye can, then burne those Branches on the Earth, and all to tread them under your feet, and then if any doe remaine or renew, looke in the heate of the day, and if ye can see any, which will commonly be on the clefts or forkes of the Branches, and also upon the branches lying like tostes or Troopes together, then wrap your hands all over with old clothes, and bind of leaves beneath them, and a­bove them, and with your two hands rub them downe there­in, and straight way fire it, if ye doe not quickly with dili­gence they will fall, and if they fall on the Earth, ye cannot lightly kill them, but they will renew againe: these kind of Wormes are noysome Flyes which be very strange, there­fore take heed that they doe not cast a certaine rednesse on [Page 51] your face and body, for where as they be many of them, they be dangerous: it is strange to tell of these kind of Wormes, if ye come under or among the Trees whereas be many, they will cast your face and hands, your covered body (as your necke, breast, and armes) full of small spots, some red, some blacke, some blewish, which will so tingle and trouble you like Nettles, sometimes for a day, or a day and a night after: they be most on Plum-trees, and Apple-trees, nigh unto moist places, and ill ayres: yet neverthelesse, by the grace of God there is no danger, that I understand, to be taken by them. Ye shall understand, that if it be in the evening, or in the mor­ning, when it raineth, they will remaine about the graffing place of the Tree, therefore it will be hard to find them, be­cause they are so small: Moreover, if such branches doe re­maine in the upper part of the boughes all under, then with a wispe on a Poles end, set fire on all, and burne them.

A Note in Spring time of Fumigations.

HEre is to be understood and noted, that in the Spring time onely, when trees doe begin to put forth leaves and Blos­somes, ye must then alwayes take heed unto them, for to de­fend them from the Frost, if there come any, with Fumigati­ons or smokes, made on the windy side of your Orchards, or under your Trees, with straw, Hay, dry Chaffe, dry Oxe dung, of Saw dust dryed in an Oven, of Tanners Oxe dryed likewise, of galbanum, of old shooes, thatch of Houses, of haire and such like, one of these to be blend with another: all these be good against the Frost in the Spring time, and specially good against the East wind, which breedeth (as some say) the Caterpiller worme.

To defend the Caterpiller.

ANd some doe defend their Trees from the Caterpiller when the blossoming time is dryed (if there be no Frost) by casting of Water, or salt Water, every second or [Page 52] third day upon their Trees, (with Instruments for the same, as with Squires of Wood or Brasse or such like) for in keeping of them moist, the Caterpiller cannot breed thereon; this ex­perience have J knowne proved of late to be good. For to conclude, he that will Set or Plant Trees, must not passe for any paines, but have a pleasure and delight therein, in re­membring the great profit that commeth thereby: Against scarcenesse of Corne, fruit is a good stay for the Poore, and often it hath beene seene, one Aker of Orchard ground, worth foure Akers of Wheat Ground.


HEERE FOLLOW­ETH A LITTLE TREA­tise how one may Graffe, Plant, and Garden, subtile or artificially, and to make many things in Gar­dens very strange.

FOr to Graffe a subtill way, take one oylet or eye of a Graffe, slit it round, above and beneath, and then behind downe right, then wreath him of, and set him upon another Cion, as great as he is, then dresse him, as is aforesaid, and he shall grow and beare.

To graffe one Vine upon another.

BUt for to graffe one Vine upon another, ye shall cleave him as ye doe other Trees, and then put the Vine graffe in the cleft, then stop him close and well with Waxe, and so bind him, and he shall grow.

YE shall uncover his roote, and make a hole with a Pier­cer, or small Auger in the greatest roote he hath, without piercing through the roote, then put in a pin (in the said hole) of dry Wood, as Oke or Ash, and so let it remaine in the [Page 54] said hole, and stop it close againe with waxe and then cast earth and cover him againe, and he shall beare the same yeare.

For to have Peaches two Moneths before other.

TAke your Cions of a Peach-tree that doth soone blossome in the Spring time, and graft them upon a franke Mul­berry-tree, and he shall bring of Peaches two moneths before others.

To have Damsons or other Plums unto Alhallontide.

FOr to have Damsons all the Summer long, unto Alhallon­tide, and of many other kind of sorts likewise, ye shall graft them upon the Gooseberry-tree, upon the franke Mulberry-tree, and upon the Cherry-tree, and they shall indure on the Trees till Alhallontide.

To make Medlars, Cherries, and Peaches in eating to tast like spice.

TO make Medlars, Cherries and Peares, to tast in the eating pleasant like spice, the which may also keepe untill the new come againe: ye shall graffe them upon the frank Mul­berry-tree, as J have afore declared, and in the graffing, ye shal wet them in Hony, and put a little of the Powder of some good spices, as the Pouder of Cloves, of Cinamon, or Ginger.

To make a Muscadell tast.

TO make a Muscadell tast, take a Gouge or Chezill of Iron (and cut your Sap round about) then put in your Gouge or Chesill under your Sappe on your Cion, and raise three eyes or oylets round about, and so take off faire and softly your barke round about, and when he is so taken off, doe annoint it all over within the barke, with pouder of Cloves, or Nut­megs, then for it on againe, and stop it close with Waxe round about, that no water may enter in, and with within thrice bearing, they shall bring a faire Muscadell Reison, [Page 55] which ye may after both graffe and plant, and they shall be all after a Muscadell fruit: some slits the barke downe, and so put in of Spice.

To set Apples and Peares to come without blossoming.

FOr to make Apples and Peares, and other sorts of fruit to come without blossoming, that is, ye shall graft them (as ye doe other kind of fruit) upon the Fig-tree.

To have Apples and Chesnuts rath and also long on Trees.

FOr to have Apples called (in French) de blanc Durell, or de Yroall, and of Chesnuts very rath, and long (as untill Alballontide) on the trees; and make such fruit also to en­dure, the space of two yeares, ye shall graft them on a later­ward fruit, as Pome-Richard, or upon a Peare-tree, or Apple-tree of Dangoisse.

To have good Cherries on the trees at Alhallontide.

TO have Cherries on many trees, good for to eat untill Al­hallontide, ye shall graft them upon a franke Mulberry Tree, and likewise to graft them upon a Willow or Sallow-tree, and they shall indure unto Alhallontide on the Trees.

To have rath Medlars two Moneths before others.

FOr to have Medlars two moneths sooner then others and the one shall be better farre then the other, ye shall graft them upon a Gooseberry-tree, and also a frank Mulberry-tree, and before ye doe graft them, ye shall wet them in Hony, and then so graffe them.

For to have rath or timely Peares.

FOr to have a rath Peare, the which is in France, as the Peare Cailonet, and the Peare Hastimean. For to have [Page 56] them rath or soone, ye shall graft them on the Pine-tree: And for to have them late, ye shall graft them on the Peare called in French Dangoisse, or on other like hard Peares.

To have Misples or Medlars without Stones.

FOr to have Medlars without Stones, the which shall tast sweet as Hony, ye shall graffe them as the other, upon an Eglentine, or sweet Bryer-tree, and ye shall wet the grafts (be­fore ye graft them in Hony,

To have Peares betimes.

ALso to have the Peare Anguisse, or Permai [...], or Satigle, (which be of certaine places so called) a Moneth or two before others, the which shall endure and be good untill the new come againe, ye shall graft them upon a Quince-tree, and likewise upon the franke Mulberry-tree.

To have ripe or franke Mulberries very soone and late.

FOr to have franke or ripe Mulberries very soone, ye shall graffe them upon a rath Peare tree, and upon the Goose­berry-tree, and to have very late, and to endure unto Alhal­lontide, ye shall graft them upon the Medlar-tree.

To keepe Peares a Yeare.

HOw for to keepe Peares a yeare, ye shall take of fine salt very dry, and put thereof with your Peares into a barrell, in such sort that one Peare doe not touch another, so fill the barrell if ye list, then stop it, and let it be set in some dry place that the Salt doe not waxe moist, thus ye may keepe them long and good.

To have your fruit tast halfe Apples, halfe Peares.

IF ye will have your fruit tast halfe a Peare, and halfe an Apple, ye shall in the Spring take Graffes, the one a Peare [Page 57] and the other an Apple, ye shall cleave or pare them in the Graffing joynt or place, and joyne halfe the Peare Cion, and to set them into your stocke, and see well that no raine doe en­ter therein upon your joynt, and that fruit shall bring thee halfe a Peare, and the other halfe an Apple in tast.

Times of Graffing.

IT is good also to graffe one or two days before the change, and no more, for looke so many more dayes, as ye shall Graffe before them, so many more yeares it will be ere your Trees shall bring fruit: also it is good graffing all the increase of the Moone, but the sooner after the change, the better.

To Graffe the Quine Apple.

IF ye graffe the Quine Apple, upon an Apple stock, he shall not long continue without the Canker, but to graffe him on a knotty young Crabstocke, he shall indure long without the Canker.

To destroy Pismires or Ants about a Tree.

TO destroy Emets or Ants, which be about a Tree, if ye remove and stirre the earth all about the root of the said Tree, then put thereon all about, a great quantity of the foote of a Chimney, and the Ants of Pismires will either away or else shortly dye.

Another for the same.

TO destroy Ants another way, ye shall take of the Saw-dust of Oke wood onely, and strow that all about the Tree root and the next raine that doth come, all the Pismires or Ants shall dye there: For Earewigs, shoots stopt with Hay, and hanged on the Tree one night, they come all in.

To have Nuts, Plummes, and Almonds.
Nuts greater then other.

TO have great Nuts, Plums, and Almonds greater then others, ye shall take foure Nuts, or of any of this [Page 58] fruit above-said, and put them into a pot of earth, joyning the one to the other as neere as ye can, then make a hole in the bottome of the pot, through the which holes, these Nuts shall be constrained to issue, and being so constrained shall come to perfection and grow together as in one Tree, the which in time shall bring his fruit more greater and larger then others.

To make an Oke or other tree greene in Winter as in Summer.

ALso to make an Oke or other Tree to be greene as well in Winter as in Summer, ye shall take the Graffe of an Oke tree, or other Tree, and graffe it upon the Holly Tree; the best and most surest way is, to graffe one through the o­ther. And who so will edifie or make an Orchard, he ought (if he can) to make it in a moist place, where as the South winds, or Sea winds may have recourse unto them.

The time of Planting without Rootes, and with Rootes.

ALso the best time to plant or set without rootes as with branches or steverings of all sorts of Trees which hath a great pith, as Fig trees, Hasell-ttees, Mulberry-trees, and Vines▪ with other like Trees, all which ought to be set from the mid­dest of September (if the leaves be of) unto Alhallontide, and all other Trees with rootes, ought to be set in Advent untill Christmas, or anone after, if the time be not very cold and dangerous.

To keepe fruit from the Frost.

ALso to keep fruit from the Frost, and in good colour, untill the new come againe, ye ought so for to gather them when the time is faire and dry and the Moone in her decreasing, and that they lye also in very dry places by night, covered thinne with Wheat straw, and if the time of Winter be cold and very hard, then put of Hay above them in your straw, and take it [Page 59] away when as a faire time commeth, and thus ye shall keepe your fruit faire and good.

The dayes to Plant and Graffe.

ALso (as some say) from the first day of the new Moone, unto the xiii. day thereof, is good for to plant, or Graffe, or sow, and for great need, some doe take unto the xvii, or xviii. day thereof, and not after, neither graffe nor sow, but as is afore-mentioned, a day or two dayes afore the change, the best signes are, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorne.

To have greene Roses all the yeare.

FOr to have greene Roses, ye shall (as some say) take your Rose buds in the Spring time, and then graffe them upon the Holly-stocke, and they shall be greene all the yeare.

To keepe Raisons or Grapes good a yeare.

FOr to keepe Raisons or Grapes good all a whole yeare, ye shall take of fine dry Sand, and then lay your Raisons or Grapes therein, and it shall keepe them good a whole yeare. Some keepe them in a close Glasse from the ayre.

To make fruit laxitive from the Tree.

FOr to make any fruit laxitive from the Tree, what fruit soe­ver it be, make a hole in the stocke, or in the maister roote of the Tree, (with a great Piercer slope-wise) not through, but unto the pith, or somewhat further, then fill the said hole with the juyce of Elder, of Centory, of Seny, or of Turnith, or such like laxitives, then fill the said hole therewith of which of them ye will, or else ye may take three of them together, and fill the said hole therewith, and then stop the said hole close with soft Waxe, then lay it thereon, and put mosse very well over all, so that nothing may issue or fall out, and all the fruit of the said Tree shall be from thence-forth laxitive.

A Note for all Grafters and Planters.

ALso whensoever ye shall Plant or Graffe, it shall be meet and good for you to say as followeth. In the name of God the Father, the Sonne and the Holy Ghost, Amen.

Increase and multiply, and replenish the earth: and say the Lords Prayer, then say: Lord God heare my prayer, and let this my desire of thee be heard. The holy Spirit of God which hath created all things for Man, and hath given them for our comfort, in thy name O LORD wee set, Plant and Graffe, desiring that by thy mighty power they may encrease and multiply upon the earth, in bearing plenty of fruit, to the pro­fit and comfort of all the faith­full people, through Christ our Lord, Amen.

[a man grafting a tree]

Heere followeth certaine wayes of Planting and Graffing, with other necessaries heerein meete to be knowne.

To graffe one Vine on another.

YOu that will Graffe one Vine upon another, ye shall (in Ianuary) cleave the head of the Vines, as ye doe other stockes, and then put in your Vine, Graffe or Cion, but first ye must pare him thin ere ye set him in the head, then Clay and Mosse him as the other.

Chosen dayes to Graffe in and to choose your Cions.

ALso whensoever that ye will Graffe, the best chosen time is on the last day before the Change, and also in the Change, and on the second day after the change [...] if ye Graffe (as some say) on the third, fourth, and fifth day [Page 62] after the change, it will be so many yeares ere those Trees bring forth fruit. Which thing ye may beleeve if ye will, but I will not. For some doe hold opinion, that it is good graffing from the change unto the xviii. day thereof, which J thinke to be good in all the increasing of the Moone, but the sooner the better.

To gather your Cions.

ALso such Cions or Graffes, which ye doe get on the other Trees, the young Trees of three or foure yeares, or five or sixe yeares are best to have Graffes. Take them of no under boughes, but in the top upon the East side, if ye can, and of the fairest and greatest. Ye shall cut them two inches long of the old Wood, beneath the joynt. And whensoever ye will graffe, cut or pare your Graffes taper-wise from the joynt, two inches or more of length, which ye shall set into the stocke; and before ye set it in, ye shall open your stocke with a wedge of Iron, or hard wood, faire, and softly; then if the sides of your clefts be ragged ye shall pare them with the point of a sharp knife on both sides within and above, then set in your Graffes close on the out-sides, and also above; but let your stocke be as little while open as ye can, and when your grafts be well set in, plucke forth your wedge, and if your stockes doe pinch your grafts much, then ye must put in a wedge of the same wood to helpe your Graffes: Then ye shall lay a thicke barke or pill o­ver the cleft, from the one Graft to the other, to keepe out the clay and raine, and so clay them two fingers thicke round a­bout the cliffes, and then lay on Mosse, but wooll is better next to your clay, or else to temper your Clay with wooll or haire, for it shall make it bide closer, and also stronger on the stock-head, some take wooll next the clay and wrappeth it all over with linnen clouts, for the wool being once moist will keep the clay so a long time. And other some take Wollen clouts, that have beene laid in the juyce of Worme-wood, or such like bitter thing, to keep creeping Worms from comming under to the Grafts. If ye graffe in Winter, put your clay up­permost, for Summer, your Mosse. For in Winter the Mosse is [Page 63] warme, and your clay will not cleave. In Summer your clay is cold, and your Mosse keepes him from cleaving or chapping. To bind them take of Willow pills, of cloven Briers, of Oziers, or such like. To gather your Graffes of the East part of the tree is counted best; if ye gather them below on the under boughes, they will grow [...]ggie, and spreading abroad: If ye take them in the top of the tree, they will grow upright. Yet some doe gather there Cions or Graffes on the sides of the trees and so graffe them againe on the like sides of the stocks, the which is of some men not counted so good for fruit. It is not good to graft a great stocke, for they will be long ere they cover the head thereof.

Of Wormes in Trees or fruit.

IF ye have any trees eaten with Worms, or doe bring Wor­my fruit, ye shall use to wash all his body and great bran­ches, with two parts of Gowpisse and one part of Vineger, or else if ye can get no Vineger, with Cowpisse alone, tempered with common Ashes, then wash your trees therwith before the Spring, and in the Spring or in Summer. Anniseeds sowne a­bout the tree rootes, drive away wormes, and the fruit shall be the sweeter.

The setting of Stones and ordering thereof

AS for Almond-trees, Peach-trees, Cherry-trees, Plum-trees, or others, ye shal thus plant or set them. Lay first the stones in water, three dayes and foure nights untill they sinke there­in, then take them betwixt your finger and your thumbe, with the small end upward, and so set them two fingers deepe in good earth. And when ye have so done, ye shall rake them all over, and so cover them: and when they begin to grow or spring, keepe them from weeds and they shall prosper the better, specially in the first yeare. And within two or three yeares after, ye shall set or remove them where ye list, then if ye doe remove them againe after that, ye must proine of all his twigs, as ye shall see cause, nigh the stocke: this ye may doe of all kind of Trees, but specially those which have the great Sappe, as the Mulberry or Fig-trees, or such like.

To gather Gumme of any Tree.

IF ye list to have the Gumme of an Almond-tree, ye shall sticke a great naile into the Tree, a good way, and so let him rest, and the Gumme (of the Tree) shall issue thereat, thus do men gather Gumme of all sorts of Trees: yea, the common Gumme that men doe use and occupy.

To set a whole Apple.

ALso some say, that if ye set a whole Apple foure fingers in the earth, all the Pepins or Curnels in the same Ap­ple, will grow up together in one whole stocke or Cion, and all those Apples shall be much fairer and greater then others: but ye must take heed, how ye doe set those Apples, which doe come in Leape-yeare, for in a Leape-yeare (as some doe so) the Curnels or Pepins, are turned contrary, for if ye should so set as commonly a man doth, ye shall set them contrary.

Of setting the Almond.

ALmonds doe come forth and grow commonly well if they be set without the shell or huske, in good earth or in rotten Hogs dung: Jf ye lay Almonds one day in Vineger, then shall they (as some say) be very good to plant or lay him in milke and water, untill he doe sinke, it shall be the better to set, or any other Nut.

Of Pepins watered.

THe Pepins and Curnels of those Trees, which have a thicke or rough barke, if ye lay them three dayes in water, or else untill they sinke therein, they shall be the better, then [...]et them, or sow them, as is afore-mentioned, and then remove them, when they be wel rooted, or three or foure years growth and they shall have a thinne barke.

To Plant or set Vines.

IF ye Plant or set Vines in the first or second yeare, they will bring no fruit, but in the third yeare they will beare, if they [Page 65] be well kept: ye shall cut them in Ianuary, and set them soon after they be cut from the Vine, and ye shall set two together the one with the old wood, and the other without, and so let them grow, plucking away all weeds from about them, and when ye shall remove them in the second and third yeare, be­ing well rooted, ye shall set them well a foote deepe, (in good fat earth) with good dung, as of one foot deepe or thereabouts, and keep them cleane from weeds, for then they will prosper the better, and in Summer when the Grape is knit, then ye shall breake off his top or branch, at one or two joynts after the Grape, and so the Grape shall be the greater, and in the Win­ter when ye cut them, ye shall not leave past two or three lea­ders on each branch, on some branch but one leader, which must be cut betwixt two joynts, and ye shall leave the young Vine to be the leader. Also ye shall leave thereof three or foure joynts at all times, if a young Cion doe come forth of the old branch, or side thereof, if ye doe cut him ye shall cut him hard by the old branch, and if ye will have him to bring the Grape next yeare, ye shall leave two or three joynts thereof; for the young Cion alwayes bringeth the Grape: ye may at all times so that the Grape be once taken and knit, ever as the superflu­ous Cions doe grow, ye may breake them of at a joynt, or hard by the old branch, and the Grapes will be the greater: thus ye may order your Vine all the Summer long without any hurt.

To Set or Plant the Cherry.

CHerry-trees, and all the trees of stonefruit, would be plan­red or set of Cions, in cold grounds and places of good earth, and likewise in high or hilly places, dry and well in the shade: if ye doe remove, ye ought to remove them in Novem­ber and Ianuary, if ye shall see your Cherry-tree waxe rotten, then shall ye make a hole in the middest of the body two foot above the ground, with a big Piercer, that the humour may passe forth thereby, then afore the Spring shut him up againe with a pinne of the same Tree: thus ye may doe unto all other sorts of trees when they begin to rot, and is also good for them [Page 66] which beare scant of fruit or none.

To keepe Cheries good a yeere.

FOr to keepe Cheries good a yeare, ye shal cut off the stalks, and then lay them in a well leaded pot, & fill the said pot therewith, then put into them of good thin Honey, and fill the said pot therwith, then stop it with Clay that no ayre enter in, then set them in some faire Seller, and put of Sand under and all about it, and cover the Pot well withall, so let it stand or remaine; thus ye may keepe them a yeare, as fresh as though they came from the Tree, and after this sort ye may keepe Peares or other fruit.

Against Pismires.

IF ye have Cherry-trees laded or troubled with Pismires or Ants, ye shall rub the body of the Tree, and all about the root with the juyce of Purslane mingled halfe with Vineger. Some doe use to anoint the Tree beneath all about the body with taro and Birds lime, with wooll, oyle boyled together, and anoint the tree beneath therewith, and doe lay the Chalke stones all about the Tree roote, some say it is good therefore.

The Setting of Chesnuts.

THe Chesnut-tree, men doe use to plant like unto the Fig-tree. They may be both planted and graffed well, they waxe well in fresh and fat earth, for in sand they like not. If ye will set the Curnels, ye shall lay them in water untill they doe sinke, and those that doe sinke to the bottome of the water be best to set, which ye shall set in the Moneth of November and December, foure fingers deepe, a foot one from another, fo [...] when they be in these two Moneths set or planted they shall endure long and beare also good fruit, yet some there be that plant or set them first in dung, like Beanes, which will be sweeter then the other sort, but those which be set in these two Moneths aforesaid, shall first beare their fruit, men may prove which is b [...]st, experience doth teach.

This is another way to prove a [...]d know, which Chesnuts be best to plant or set, that is, ye shall take a quantity of nuts, then [Page 67] lay them in Sand the space of thirty dayes, then take and wash them in water faire and cleane, and throw them into water a­gaine and those which doe sinke to the bottome, are good to plant or set, and the other that swimme are naught; thus may ye doe with all other Curnels or Nuts.

To have all stone fruit tast, at ye shall thinke good.

IF ye will have all stone fruit tast as ye shall fansie or thinke good, ye shall first lay your stones to soke in such licour or moisture, as ye will have the fruit tast of, and then set them, as for the Date tree (as some say) he bringeth no fruit except he be a hundred yeare old, and the Date-stone must soke one Moneth in the water before he be set, then shall ye set him with the small end upward in good fat earth, in hote Sandy ground foure fingers deepe, and when the boughes doe begin to spring, then shall ye every night sprinckle them with raine water, (or other if ye have none) so long till they be come forth and growne.

Of Graffing the Medler and Misple.

FOr to graffe the Medler or Misple: men doe use to Graffe them on the White Hathorne Tree, they will prove well, but yet small and sower fruit, to graffe one Medlar upon another is the better, some men doe graffe first the Wilding Cion upon the Medlar stocke, and so when he is well taken and growne, then they graffe thereon the Medlar againe, the which doth make them more sweet, very great and faire.

Of the Fig-tree.

THe Fig-tree in some Country, beareth his fruit foure times a Yeare, the Blacke Figges are the best being dryed in the Sunne, and then layed in a Vessell in beddes one by another, and then sprinckled or strawed all over, every lay with fine Meale, then stop it up, and so it is sent out of that Land. If the Fig-tree will not [Page 68] beare, ye shall digge him all about, and under the roots in Fe­bruary, and take out then all his earth, and put unto him the dung of a Privie, for that he liketh best: ye may mingle with it of other fat earth, as Pigeons dung mingled with Oyle and Pepper stampt, which shall forward him much to noint his rootes therewith: ye shall not plant the Figge-tree in cold times, he loveth hote, stony, or gravelly ground, and to be planted in Autumne is best.

Of the Mulberry-tree.

IF ye will plant the Mulberry-tree, the Fig-tree, or others which bring no seed, ye shall cut a twig or branch (from the tree roote) of a yeares growth, with the old wood or barke, about a cubit long, which ye shall plant or set all in the earth. save a shaftment long to it, and so let it grow, watering it as ye shall see need. This must be done before the leaves be­gin to Spring, but take heed that ye cut not the end or top a­bove, for then it shall wither and dry.

Of Trees that beare bitter fruit.

OF all such trees as beare bitter fruit, to make them bring sweeter, ye shall uncover all the rootes in Ianuary, and take out all that earth, then put unto them of Hogs dung great plenty, and then after put unto them of other good earth and so cover them therewithall well againe, and their fruit shall have a sweeter tast. Thus men may doe with other trees which bring bitter fruit.

To helpe barren Trees.

HEre is another way to helpe barren Trees, that they may bring fruit, if you see your Tree not beare scantly in three or foure years good plenty, ye shall bore an hole with an Auger or Piercer, in the greatest place of the body, (with­in a yard of the ground) but not through, but unto or past the heart, ye shall bore him a slope: then take honey and water mingled together a night before, then put the said Hony and [Page 69] water into the hole and fill it therewith, then stop it close with a short pinne made of the same Tree, not stricken in too farre for piercing the licour.

An other way.

IN the beginning of Winter, ye shall dig those Trees round about the rootes, and let them so rest a day and a night, and then put unto them of good earth, mingled well with good store of watred Otes, or with watred Barley or Wheat, laid next unto the rootes, then fill it with other good earth, and he shall beare fruit; even as the boring of a hole in the maister roote, and striking in a pinne, and so fill him againe, shall helpe him to beare, as before is declared.

To keepe your Fruit.

ALL fruit may be the better kept if ye lay them in dry places, in dry straw or Hay, but Hay ripeth too sore, or in a Barley-mow, not touching one the other, or in Chaffe, or in vessels of Iuniper or Cipers wood: ye may so keepe them well in dry Salt or Hony, and upon boardes, whereas fire is nigh all the Winter, also hanging nigh fire in the Winter, in Nets of yarne.

The Mulberry-tree.

THe Mulberry-tree, is planted or set by the Fig-tree: his fruit is first sower, and then sweet, he liketh neither Dew nor Raine, for they hurt him, he is wel pleased with foule e [...]rth and dung: His branches will waxe dry within every sixe yeares, then must ye cut them off, as for other Trees they ought to be proined every yeare, as ye shall see cause, and they will be the better, and to plant them from the midst of Fe­bruary, to the midst of March is best.

Of Mosse of the Tree.

OF the Mosse on your Trees, ye must not let it too long be unclensed, ye must rub it off with a grate of wood, or a rough Haire, or such like, in Winter when they be moist


To have the Peach without stones.

FOr to make the Peach grow without stones, ye shall take a Peach-tree newly planted, then set a Willow hard by, which ye shall bore a hole through, then put the Peach-tree through the said hole, and so close him on both sides thereof, Sappe to Sappe, and let him so grow one yeare, then the next yeare ye shall cut off the Peach stocke, and let the Willow feed him, and cut off the upper part of the Willow also three fin­gers high: and the next Winter saw him off nigh the Peach, so that the Willow shall feed but the Peach onely: and this way ye may have Peaches without stones.

Another way for the same.

YE shall take the Graffes of Peaches, and Graffe them up­on the Willow stocke, and so shall your Peaches be like­wise without stones.

If Trees doe not prosper.

IF ye see that your Trees doe not waxe nor prosper, take and open the rootes in the beginning of Ianuary or afore, and in the biggest roote thereof, make an hole with an Auger to the pith or more, then strike therein a pinne of Oke and so stop it againe close, and let it be well waxt all about the pinne, then cover him againe with good earth, and he shall doe well, some doe use to cleave the roote.

How to graffe Apples, to last on the Tree till Ahallontide.

HOw ye may have many sorts of Apples upon your Trees untill Alhallontide, that is, ye shall graft your Apples up­on the Mulberry-tree, and upon the Cherry-tree.

To make Cherries and Peaches smell and tast like spice.

HOw to make that Cherries and Peares, shall be pleasant and shall smell and tast like spice, and that ye may keepe [Page 73] them well, till the new doe come againe, ye shall graffe them on the Mulberry-tree, as is afore-said: But first ye shall soake them in Hony and Water, wherein ye shall put of the powder of Cloves, Ginger, and Cinamon.

To graffe an Apple which shall he halfe sweet and halfe sower.

TO graffe that your Apples shall be the one halfe sweet, and the other halfe sower, ye shall take two Cions, the one sweet and the other [...]ower, some doe put the one Cion through the other, and so gr [...]ffes them betweene the barke and the Tree; and some againe doe p [...]re both the Cions finely, and so sets them joyni [...]g into the stocke, inclosing Sap to Sap, on both the out-side [...] of the graffes, unto the out-sides of the stock, and so sets them into the head as the other, and they shall bring fruit, the one halfe sweet and the other halfe sower.

To graffe a Rose on the Holly.

FOr to graffe the Holly, that his l [...]aves shall keepe all the yeare greene; Some doe take and cleave the Holly, and so graffes in a white or red Rose bud, and then put clay and [...]osse to him, and lets him grow, and some doe put the Rose bud into a slitte of the barke, and so patteth Clay and Mosse and binds him featly therein, and lets him grow, and he shall cary his leafe all the yeare.

Of keeping of Plummes.

OF Plums there be many sorts, as Damsons, which be all blacke and counted the best: All manner of other Plum: a man may keepe well a yeare, if they be gathered ripe, and then dryed, and put into Vessels of Gl [...]. If ye c [...] ­not dry them well in the Sunne, ye shall dry them on hu [...] ­dels of Oziers made like Lattice Windowes, in a hot Oven after Bread is drawne forth, and so reserve them. If a Plum-tree like not, open his rootes, and powre in all about the dregs of Wine mixt with Water, and so cover him well againe, or [Page 74] powre on them stale Urine or old pisse of old men, mixt with two parts of water, and so cover him as before.

Of altering of Peares, or stony fruit.

IF a Peare doe tast hard or gravelly about the core, like small stones, ye shall uncover his rootes (in the Winter, or afore the Spring) and take out all the earth thereof, and pricke out all the stones as cleane from the earth as ye can about his root, then sift that earth, or else take of other good fat earth without stones, and fill all his rootes againe therewith, and he shall bring a so [...]t and gentle Peare to eate, but ye must see well to the watering of him often.

The making of Cyder and Perrie.

OF Apples and Peares, men doe make Cyder and Perry, and because the use thereof in most places is knowne, I will heere let passe to speake any furthet thereof, but this (in the pressing your Cyder) I will counsell you to keepe cleane your vessels, and the places where as your fruit doth lye, and specially after it is bruised or broken, for then they draw filthy ayre unto them, and if it be nigh the Cyder shall be infected therewith, and also beare, the tast after the infection thereof, therefore as soone as you can, tun it into cleane and sweet ves­sels, as into vessels of white Wine, or of Sacke, or of Cl [...]ret, and such like, for these shall keepe your Cyder the better and the stronger a long time after: ye may hang a small bag of linnen b [...] a threed downe into the lower part of your Vessell, with Powder of Cloves, Mace, Cinamond, and Ginger, and such like, which will make your Cider to have a pleasant tast.

To helpe frozen Apples.

OF Apples that be froz [...]n in the cold and extreame Win­ter. The remedy to have the Ise out of them, is this. Ye shall lay them first in cold water a while, and then lay them before the fire, or other heat, and they shall come to themselves againe.

To make Apples fall from the Tree.

IF ye put of fiery coles under an Apple-tree, and then cast of the powder of Brimstone therein and the fume thereof as­cend up, and to [...]ch any Apple that is wet, that Apple shall fall incontinent.

To water Trees in Summer if they waxe dry a­bout the Roote.

WHereas Apple-trees be set in dry Ground and not dead in the Ground, in Summer if they want moy­sture ye shall take of Wheat straw, or other, and every evening (or as ye shall see cause) cast thereon water all about, and it will keepe the Trees moist from time to time.

To cherish Apple-trees.

IF ye use to throw (in Winter) all about your Apple-trees or the rootes thereof, the Urine of old men, or stale pisse long kept, they shall bring fruit much better, which is good for the Vine also, or if ye doe sprinckle or annoint your Apple-tree rootes with the Gall of a Bull, they shall beare the better.

To make an Apple grow in a Glasse.

TO make an Apple grow within a Glasse, take a Glasse what fashion ye list, and put your Apple therein when he is but small, and bind him fast to the Glasse, and the Glasse also to the Tree, and let him grow, thus ye may have Apples of divers proportions, according to the fashion of your Glasse. Thus may ye make of Cucumbers, Gourdes, or Pomeci­trons the like fashion.


THese three branches and figure of graffing in the shield in Summer is, the first branch sheweth how the barke is taken of, the middle place sheweth, how it is set too, and the last branch sheweth how to bind him on, in saving the oylet or eye from bruising.

To graffe many sorts of Apples on one Tree.

YE may graffe on one Apple-tree at once, many kind of Apples, as on ever, branch a contrary fruit, as is afore decl [...]red, and of Peares the like; but see as nigh as you [...], that all your Cions be of like springing, for else the one will not grow and shadow the other.

To colour Apples.

TO have c [...]oured Apples, with what colour ye shall thinke good, ye shall bore slope a hole with an Auger, in the big-Tree part o [...] the body of the Tree, unto the middest thereof, [Page 77] or there-abouts, and then look what colour ye will have them of. First ye shall take water, and mingle your colour therewith, then stop it up gaine with a short pinne made of the same wood or tree, then waxe it round about; ye may mingle with the said colour what space ye list, to make them tast there­after: thus may ye change the colour and t [...]st of any Apple. Your colours may be of S [...]ffron [...] soule, Bra [...]ell [...]un­ders, or other what ye shall see goo [...]. This must be done be­fore the Spring doe come: So [...]e doe [...]ay, [...] graffe on the Olive stocke, or on the Alder stocke, they [...]. Ap­ples. Also they say, to graffe to have [...] shall graffe in both the ends of your Cion into the [...] when they be fast grow [...]e to the stock [...] [...]e shall [...] middest, and let the smaller e d grow upward, or else [...] Cion and graffe the small end of the stocke downeward, [...] so shall ye have your Apple-tree on St. L [...]berts day (wh [...] is the xvii of September) they shall never wast, consume, [...]or waxe d [...]y, which I doubt.

The setting of Vine Plants.

[diagram of setting vine plants]

THese figures doe shew how ye ought to plant and set your Vines, in two and two together, the one to have a p [...]r [...] of the old Tree, and the other may be all of the last Cion, but when ye plant him with a part of the old tree, he shall com­monly take root sooner then the new Cion; ye must weed them every moneth, and let not the earth be too [...] above their rootes at the first, but now and then lose it with [...] as ye shall see a raine past, for then they shall enlarg [...] [...] forth better. Further herein ye shall [...].

How to proyne or cut a Vine in Winter.

[diagram of pruning a vine]

THis Figure sheweth, how all Vines should be proined and cut, in a convenient time after Christmas, that when ye cut them, ye shall leave his branches very thinne, as ye see by this figure, ye shall never leave above two or three leaders at the head of any principal branch, ye must also cut them off in the middest betweene the knots of the young Cions, for those be the leaders which will bring the Grape, the rest and order ye shall understand as followeth.

Of the Vine and Grape.

SOmewhat I intend to speake of the ordering of the Vine and Grape, to plant or set the Vine: the Plants or Sets which be gathered from the Vine (and so planted) are best, they must not be old gathered nor lye long unplanted after they be cut, for then they will soon gather corruption, and when ye do gather your Plants ye must take heed to cut & chose them, where as ye may with the yong Cion, a joynt of the old wood [Page 79] with the new, for the old wood will soonet take root then the new, and better to grow then if it were all young Cion, ye shall leave the old wood to the young Cion, a foote or halfe a foote, or a shaftment long, the young Cion ye shall cut the length of three quarters of a yard or thereabouts, and yee shall choose of those young Cions that be thickest joynter, or nigh joynts together, and when ye shall Plant or set them, looke that your ground be well digged in the winter before, then in Ianuary ye may both cut and plant, but cut not in the Frost, for that is danger of all kind of trees, or yee m [...]y plant in the beginning of February, and when ye doe plant, ye shall take two of those plants, and set or lay them toge­ther, a foote deepe in the earth, for two plants set together will not [...]o soone fall, as one alone, and lay them a foote long­wise in the earth, so that there may be aboue the earth three or foure joynts: ye may plant a young Cion with the old, so that it be thicke or nigh joynted, for then he is the better to roote, and also to bring fruit: then when ye haue set or layed them in the earth, then cover them well therewith, in trea­ding it fast downe unto the plants, but let the ends of your Cions or Plants be turned upright, aboue the earth, three or foure joynts, if there shall be more when they be set, ye shall cut them off, and ye shall cut them alwaies in the middest betweene the two joynts, and then let them so grow, and see that ye weed them alwayes cleane, and once a moneth loose the earth round about them and they shall proue the bet­ter, If it be very dry and hot in the Summer after, ye may water them, in making a hole with a crow of Iron to the roote and there ye shall powre in water in the evening. As for the proyning of them is, when the Grape is t [...]ken and clu­stered, then ye may brake the next joynt or two frer the Grape, of all such sup rfluous Cions as ye shall see cause, which will cause the Grape to waxe bigger: Ye may also breake away all supe [...]fluous buddes or slender branches, which commeth about the roote, or on the under branches, which ye thinke will haue no Grape, and when ye proi [...]t or [Page 80] [...] them in Winter following, ye shall not cut the yong Cion [...]ight the old, by three or foure joynts, ye shall not cut them like [...], to leave a sort of heads together on the branch, which doth kill your Vine, ye shall leave but one head, or two at the most of the young Cions upon the old branch, and to cut those yong Cions three or foure knots or joynts of, for the yo [...]g Cion doth carry the Grape alwayes, and when ye leave upon a great branch many Cions, they cannot be well nouri­shed, and [...] ye [...] [...]o cut them in Winter, ye shall bind [...] Oziers, in placing those young branches as ye shall [...] vine, when the branches are ten­der, ye shall bind them so, that the stormy tempest or wind do not hurt the [...] [...] to bind them withall, the best is, great [...]oft Rushes and when the Grape is clustered, then ye may breake of all such branches as is afore declared, upon one old branch three or foure heads be enough, for the more heads your branch [...]th, the worse your Grape shall be nourished, and when ye cut off a [...]y branch, cut him of hard by or nigh the old branch; if your Vine waxe old, the best remedy is, if there grow any young [...]ion about the root, ye shall in the Winter cut off the old Vine h [...]rd by the ground, or as nigh as ye can and let the young Vine lead, and he will continue a long time, if ye cover [...] about the roote with good Earth againe. There is also upon or by every cluster of Grapes, a small [...]i­on like a Pigs T [...]ile, turning about, which doth take away the Sap from the Grape, if ye pinch it of hard by the st [...]lke of your Grape, your fruit shall be the greater. If your Vine w [...]xe too ra [...]ke and thicke of branches, ye shall digge the root in Winter and open the earth, and fill it up againe with Sand a [...]d Ashes mingle together, and whereas a Vine is unfruitfull a [...]d doth not beare ye shall bore a hole (with an Auger) unto the h [...]art or pith, in the body or thickest part thereof, then p [...] in the said hole a small stone, but fill not the hole close therewit [...], but so that the sicknesse of the Vine may passe ther­by. Then lay all about the roote of good earth mingled w th [Page 81] good Dung, and so shall he not be unfruitfull, but beare well ever after: or also, to tast of old mens urine or pisse, all about the roote of the barren Vine, and if he were halfe lost or mard he should grow againe and waxe fruitfull as before: This is to be done in Winter.

To have Grapes without stones.

FOr to have Grapes without stones, ye shall take young Plants or Branches, and shall set or plant the top or small end downeward in the earth, and so ye may set two of them together for failing, as I have afore declared of the others, and those branches shall bring Grapes without stones.

To make your Vine to bring a Grape to tast like Claret.

TO make your Vine to have a Grape, to tast like Claret Wine, and pleasant withall: ye shall bore a hole in the stock unto the hart, or pith thereof, then shall ye make a Lectu­ary with the Powder of Cloves, of Cinamond mingled with a little Fountaine or running water, and fill the said hole there­with and stop it fast and close with waxe, and so bind it fast thereon with a Linnen cloth, and those Grapes shall tast like Claret-wine.

Of gathering your Grapes.

ALL Grapes that men doe cut, before they are through ripe, the Wine shall not be naturall, nor yet shall long endure good: But if ye will cut or gather Grapes, to have them good, and to have good Wine thereof, ye shall cut them in the Full, or soone after the full of the Moone, when she is in Can­cer; in Leo, in Scorpio, and in Aquarius the Moone being in the waine and under the earth.

To know if your Grape be ripe enough.

FOr to know if your Grape be ripe enough, or not, which ye shall not onely know in the tast, but in sight and tast together, as in tast if they be sweete, and full [Page 82] in eating, and in sight, if the stone will soone fall out being chafed or bruised which is t [...]e b [...]st knowledge, and also whe­ther they be white or blew, it is all one matter: The good Grape is he, which commeth out all watry, or those which be all clammie as Bird-lime: by these signes ye shall know when to cut, being through ripe or not, and whereas you doe presse your Wine, ye must make your place sweet and cleane and your Vessels within to be cleane also, and see that they have strong heads, and those persons which doe presse the Grape, must looke their hands, feet and body be clean washed, when as they goe to presse the Grape, and that no woman be there having her termes: And also ye shall eat of no Chebols, Scalions, On [...]ons, or G [...]rlike, Annisceds, or such like: For all strong savours your Wine will draw the infection thereof, and as soone as your Grape is cut and gathered, you shall presse your Wine after, as soone as ye may, which will make your Wine to be more pleasant and stronger, for the Grapes which tarrieth long unprest, maketh the Wine to be small and ill; ye must see that your vessels be new, and sweet within, and to be washed with sweet water, and then well dryed againe, and to perfume them with M [...]sticke, and such sweet vapour, and if your Vessell chance not to be sweet, then shall ye pitch him on the sides, which pitch will take away all evill, and such stinking savour therein.

To prove or tast Wine.

ANd whensoever ye will prove or tast any Wine, the best time is, early in the Morning, and take with you three or foure sops of bread, then dippe one after another into the Wine, for therein ye shall find (if there be any) sharpe tast of the Wine. Thus I leave (at this present) to speake any fur­ther hereof the Wine and Grape.

If this my simple labour be taken in good part (Gentle Reader) it shall the more hereafter encourage me, to set forth a­nother Booke more at large, touching the Art of Planting and Graffing, with other things necessary to be knowne.

Heere followeth the best times how to order or choose, and to Set or Plant Hoppes.

[diagram of setting hop plants]

IN this figure ye shall understand, the placing and making of Hoppe hills, by every Sipher over his head, the first place is shewed, but one Pole set in the middest, and the Hop beneath: The second sheweth, how some doth chop downe a Spade in the middest of the Hills, and therein layes his Hop rootes. The third place sheweth, how other some doe set out one Pole in the middest, and the Hop rootes at holes put in round about. The fourth place sheweth, how some chops in a Spade crosse in the top, and there layes in his rootes. The fifth place sheweth, how some doe set foure Poles therein, and puts the Hop round about the Hill. The sixth place sheweth, that some use to make crosse-holes in the sides, and there layes in the Hop rootes. Thus many practises have beene proved good: Proved alwayes, that your Hills be of good fat earth, specially in the middest downe unto the bottome. This I thought sufficient to shew by this figure, the diversity in set­ting, whereof the laying of the Hop is counted the surest way.

THe best and common setting time of Hoppes, is from the middest of November, to the midst of February, then [Page 84] must ye dig and cleanse the ground of weeds, and mixe it well with good mould and fat earth. Then devide your Hills a yard one form another orderly, in making them a yard a sun­der, and two foot and a halfe broad in the bottome, and when that ye plant them, ye shall lay in every Hill three or foure rootes: Some doe in setting of them lay them crosse-wise in the midst of the Hill, and so covers them againe: some sets the rootes in foure parts of the Hill, other some doe make holes round about the hills, and puts of the rootes therein, and so covers them againe light with earth; of one short roote in a yeare ye may have many plants, to set and lay as ye shall see it good, and it shall be sufficient for every plant, to have two knots within the ground, and one without: then some doe chop a Spade crosse into the Hill, and layes in crosse Hop, and so covers it.

To choose your Hoppe.

YE shall choose your rootes best for your Hop, in the Sum­mer before ye shall plant them, for then ye shall see which beares the Hop, for some there is that brings none, but that which beares, choose for your plants, and set of those in your Hills, for so shall ye not be deceived and they shall prosper well.

To sow the Seeds.

SOme doe hold, that ye may sow among other Seeds, the Seeds of Hops, and they will encrease and be good to set, or else to make beds, and sow them alone, whereby they may encrease to be set, and when they be strong, ye may remove and set them in your Hills, and plant them as the other be­fore mentioned.

The Setting your Poles.

THe best time is in Aprill, or when your rootes be sprung h [...]l [...] a yard long or more, then by every Plant or Hop in your hills, ye shall set up a Pole of xiii. or xiiii. foot long, or thereabouts, as cause shall require. Some doe use to set but [Page 85] foure Poles in every Hill, which is thought sufficient, and when ye shall set them, see that ye set them so fast that great Winds doe not cast them downe.

How to proyne the Hop-tree.

YE shall marke when the Hop doth blossome, and knit in the top, which shall be perceived to be the Hop, then take and cut up all the rest growing thereabouts (not having Hop thereon) hatd by the earth, that all those which carry the Hop might be the better nourished: thus shall ye doe in Summer as ye shall see them encrease and grow, untill the time of ga­thering.

To gather the Hoppe.

AT such time afore Michaelmasse, as ye shall see your hop waxe browne, or somewhat yellow, then he is best to be gathered in a dry day, in cutting your hop by the ground, then pluck up your Pole therewith for shaking of your hop, so cary them into some dry house and when ye have so pluckt them, ye shall lay them on boarded lofts, or on hurdels of cloathes, that the wind may dry them, and the ayre, but not in the Sun, for the same will take away the strength thereof, nor with fire, for that will doe likewise, and ye shall daily tosse and turn them till they be dry: to try them when they are dry, hold them in your hand a space, and if they cleave together when ye open your hand, they are not then dry; but if they shatter a sunder in opening your hand, then ye may be sure they are dry enough. It not let them remaine, and use ye them as is be­fore said. Ye shall understand the drynesse of them is to pre­serve them and long to last, but if need be, ye may occupy them well und [...]yed with lesse portion to sow.

What Poles are best.

YE shall prepare your Poles of such Wood as is light and stiffe, and which will not bow with every Wind, the best and meetest time to get them is in Winter, when the Sap is [Page 86] gone downe, and as soone as ye have taken of your Hop, lay your Poles in sundry places untill the next Spring, whereby they may endure the longer.

How to order and dresse your Hills.

AFter the first yeare is past, your Hop being increased to more plenty of rootes in your Hills, ye shall after Mi­chaelmasse every yeare open your Hills, and cast downe the tops unto the roots, uncovering them, and cut away all the su­perfluous rootes, some doth plucke away all the rootes that spreades abroad without the Hills, then opens the Hills and puts of good new earth unto them, and so covers them again, which shall keepe them from the Frost, and also make the ground fat, so shall ye let them remaine unto the Spring of the yeare in February or March, then againe if ye shall see a­ny superfluous rootes, ye may take them away, and cut them up and your Hop shall be the better, then againe cast up the earth about your Hills, and cleansing them from all weeds and other rootes, which will take away their strength, if the hearbes remaine, so let them rest till your Poles may be set therein.

Of ground best for your Hoppe.

THe Hop delighteth and loveth a good and reasonable fat ground, not very cold, nor yet too moist, for J have seene them prove well in Flanders, in dry Sandy fields, the Hop-hills being of good fat earth, ye may (as some say) for great need make your Hop grow and beare on any kind of Rockie ground, so that your Hills be great and fat earth, but the lower ground commonly proveth best, so that it stand well and hot in the Sunne.

A Note of the rest above-said.

YE shall marke and understand, all this order above said, is to have many Hops and good, with a few rootes and Plants placed in a small plot of ground. Ye shall understand, that wild Hoppe that groweth in the hedges is as good to oc­cupie as the other to set or plant, in any other places but look [Page 87] that ye take not the barren Hoppe to plant, some Hoppe will be barren for want of good earth, and lacke of good dressing which ye shall perceive (as I have told you) in the Summer before, that when they should beare they will be barren, which is for want of good fat earth, or an v [...]kind yeare, or lacke of weeding and good ordering. Therefore such as are minded to bestow labour on the ground, may have as good Hoppe growing in this country, as is in other countries: but if ye will not goe to that cost to make Hoppe yards, ye may with a light charge have hops grow in your hedge-rowes, to serve as well as the other, and shall be as good for the quan­tity as the other in all respects: ye may (for lacke of ground) plant Hoppe rootes in Hedge-rowes, when ye doe quicke set, set up Poles by them when time shall require in the Spring and to bestow every winter after the gathering your Hoppe, on every hill head, a shovell full of dung to comfort the earth for then will they beare the more plenty of Hoppes the next yeare following. To conclude, you that have Grounds may well practise in all things afore-men [...]io [...]ed, and specially to have Hops in this ordering, for your selves, and others: also ye shall give encouragement for others to follow hereafter, J have heard by credible persons, which have knowne a hun­dred Hills, (which is a small plot of Ground) to beare three hundred pound of Hoppes, so that the commodity is much and the gaines great: and one pound of our Hops dryed and ordere [...], will goe as farre as two pound of the best Hops that commeth from beyond the Seas. Thus much I thought meet, and necessary to write, of the ordering and planting of the Hoppe.

How to packe your Hoppes.

VVHen your Hops be well tossed and turned on borded flowres, and well dryed (as I afore have shewed) ye shall put them into great Sackes, according to the quantity of your Hoppes, and let them be troden downe hard together, which will keepe their strength longer, and so ye may re­serve [Page 88] them, and take at your pleasure. Some doe use (which have but small store) to tread them into dry Fattes, and so serve them for their use, which is counted the better way, and the lesse portion doth serve, and will longer kee [...]pe their vertue and strength.

Wishing long life and prosperous Health,
To all furtherers of this Common-wealth.


And necessary Instructions for the making and maintenance thereof, with Notes and Rules for reformation of all abuses, commonly practised therein, very necessary and expedient for all men to have, which in any wise have to doe with Hoppes.


Who so laboureth after goodnesse, findeth his desire.

LONDON. Printed by B. ALLSOP and T. FAVVCET, and are to be sold by MICHAEL YOUNG, at his Shop in Bedford-street in Coven-garden neere the New Exchange. 1640.


AT what time necessity, or any other good con­sideration shall move you to devise for a Hop Garden, you are to consider of these three things.

First, whether you have, or can procure unto your selfe any Ground good fot that purpose.

Secondly, of the convenient standing thereof.

Thirdly, of the quantity.

And this I say by the way, if the ground that you deale withall, be not your own inheritance, procure unto your selfe some certaine terme therein, least another man reape the fruit of your travaile and charge.

Of apt and unapt Ground for Hoppes.

SOme hold at this day (and ancient Writers witnesse the same) that earth being salt and bitter of tast, Ʋirgilius. is neither good, nor apt to be made good.

It is also often written, and generally received, that such earth as you shall see white and bare (that is to say) wholly [Page 92] chalke, or all sand lacking a mixture of perfect earth, or if it be clay, Didymus. Plinius. or so dry, as thereby it shall gape or coane in the Sum­mer, is nought for this or any like purpose.

It is further said, that if you shall feele a clod (being dissol­ved with water) to be very clammy, or cleaving like Waxe to your fingers in kneading it, the same to be profitable land, &c.

J for my part rely not upon other mens opinions, neither meane to dispute with any man herein, J like not to make my mouth an arbitrater in this matter, mine eye may be deceived and my feeling may erre in the precise distinction of good or bad land, but mine experience hath never failed in this thing (that is to say) that a barren, a moory, or wet soyle (though it perhaps doe content a wild Hoppe) shall never please nor maintaine a good Hoppe.

I will not say with Varro, that a good ground yeeldeth Walwoorts, nor with Collumella, that where Crabs or slowes grow, there the ground is rich. J can say nothing of Floren­tines experience in digging a hole, and filling it up againe, and by the swelling to judge the strength, or by the gaping to define the weaknesse thereof; but J can say againe by sure ex­perience, that a dry ground, if it be rich, mellow, and gentle, is the soyle that serveth best for this purpose, and such a mould must either be sought out, or else by cost and labor be provo­ked.

If it be a very shallow rocke (except you raise it with greet or good earth) you shall not set your Poles deepe, steddy and fast enough, to withstand the force of the wind.

But to redresse the convenience hereof, you shall be taught in the tytle of Poales.

A light mould (though it be very rich) is not very apt for this purpose, for it is a received and a proved rule, that the hea­viest ground will beare the most weight of Hops, I say, so as it be a ground apt for this purpose.

Of the Scituation.

IT were good to place your Garden so as the Sun may have free recourse into it, either the whole day, or the greatest and [Page 93] warmest part thereof, so also as it may be armed against the violence and contagion of the wind; but thus I would wish to be considered rather in the scituation of the place, naturally defended with hills, then artificially be set and garded with Trees. Howbeit, if you be driven hereunto, provide so (if you can) that your trees may stand aloofe, even that the shadow of them, reach not into your Garden, but in any wise that they drop not upon the hills.

There be many which (to purchase the favour and benefit of the Sunne) lay their Gardens very open and bleake to the South, the which J would not wish to be done, for as the fore­part of the yeare admitteth into your Garden the cold Easter­ly winds, whereby insue frosts, the which ingenders Blasts, &c. So the latter part of the yeare maketh it subject to Sou­therly stormes, the which doe much annoy a Hoppe Garden when the Poles are loaden with Hops, and then commonly no other wind hurteth.

It should also be placed neare to your house, except you be able to warrant the fruit thereof from such fingers as put no difference betweene their owne and other mens goods.

Also your Garden being thus placed, there may be made thereunto the more speedy and continuall recourse, besides that, that the Masters eye shall many times withstand and pre­vent the Servants negligence.

By this meanes it may be with most ease and least charge holpen with Dung.

Finally (if it may be) let it not stand bleake to the East, West, North, or specially to the South.

Of the quantity.

THe quantity of your Garden, must either be measured by the proportion of your yearely expences of Hoppes in your house, or by the cost you meane to bestow in the pre­paration and keeping thereof, or by the paines and businesse that you are disposed, or able to employ upon it, or else accor­ding to the profite and gaines, that you meane to levie [Page 94] and winne by it, which later consideration pleaseth and flatte­reth much a covetous mans conceit, whose vaine or humour, (or rather vaine humour) is so resisted in the rules appertai­ning hereunto, as many times the greedinesse of his desire is the overthrow of his purpose, as shall hereafter appeare.

A proportion of the charge and benefite of a Hoppe-Garden.

BUt to be resolved in all these points that concerne the quantity of your Garden, you must make your account in this wise. One man may well keepe two thousand hills, and yet reserve his Winters labour for any other purpose.

Vpon every Acre you may erect seaven, eight, or nine hun­dreth hills, as hereafter shall be declared.

Vpon every hill well ordered, you shall have three pounds of Hops at the least.

Two pounds and a halfe of these Hops will largely serve for the bruing of one quarter of Mault.

One hundreth pounds of these Hops, are commonly worth xxvi. shillens viii. pence. So as one Acre of Ground, and the third part of one mans labour, with small cost besides, shall yeeld unto him that ordereth the same well, forty Markes yearely, and that for ever.

And here is to be noted, that ground orderly used, doth not onely yeeld the more, the greater, the harder, and the weightier Hops, but also they shall go further, they shall endure longer, they shall be holesomer for the body, and pleasanter of verdure or tast, then such as be disorderly handled. And in the savour of the Hop thus much more I say, that whereas you cannot make above eight or nine gallons of indifferent Ale out of one bushell of Mault, you may draw xviii. or xx. gallons of very good Beere, neither is the Hoppe more profitable to en­large the quantity of your drinke, then necessary to prolong the continuance thereof For if your Ale may endure a fort­night, your Beere through the benefit of the Hop shall conti­nue a Moneth, and what grace it yeeldeth to the tast, all men [Page 95] may judge that have sence in their mouthes, and if the contro­versie be betwixt Beere and Ale, which of them two shall have the place of preheminence: it sufficeth for the glory and com­mendation of the Beere, that here in our owne country, Ale giveth place unto it, and that most part of our Countrymen doe abhorre and abandon Ale, as a lothsome drinke, whereas in other Nations Beere is of great estimation, and of strangers entertained as their moist choice and delicate drinke Finally, that Ale which is most delicate and of best account, boroweth the Hoppe, as without the which it wanteth his chiefe grace and best verdure.

These things considered, you may proceed to the making of your Garden, wherein you are yet to have counsell, for the laying out thereof, for the due season and the right trade to cut and set Hoppe rootes, what choice ye shall make of them, what charge you shall be at for them, you are yet also to learn the time, when, and the way how to prepare your ground, and to make it able to entertaine and nourish them, to frame your hills, to maintaine them, and to pull them downe to cut, to fashion, to erect, to pull up, and to preserve your Poales, to ga­ther, to dry, and to pack your Hops, with many other circum­stances necessarily appertaining hereunto. Finally, ye must be taught the reformation of many enormities and abuses which are received in most places for good rules, the which (God willing) I will set forth truly according to the notes of expe­rience, although not learnedly after the Rules of Rhetoricke.

Of the preparation of a Hoppe Garden.

YOu must lay forth the ground which you determine to im­ploy this way, in as levell, square, and uniforme wise as you may.

If your ground be grassie, rough, or stiffe, it should be first [...]owne with Hempe, or Beanes, which naturally maketh the ground mellow, destroyeth weeds, and neverthelesse leaveth the same in good season for this purpose.

But in what plight or state soever your ground be, tyll it [Page 96] in the beginning of Winter with the Plough, if it be great, or with the Spade if it be small, and this doe, not onely the yeare before you plant it, but also every yeare after, even so long as you meane to receive the uttermost commodity of your Gar­den, assuring your selfe that the more paines you take, and the more cost you bestow hereupon, the more you do double your profite, and the nearer you resemble the trade of the Flem­ming.

Howbeit in some cases these paines may be spared (that is to say) where the mould is not deepe, and the hill made both good and great, in this case (I say) the hills being pulled downe, the earth contained in them, will cover the whole Garden, and all the weeds growing therein, and the same shall with helpe of dung maintaine your hills for ever.

The time to cut and set Hoppe Rootes.

IN the end of March, or in the beginning of Aprill, re­paire to some good Garden orderly kept, as wherein the Hops are all of a good kind, all yearely cut, and wherein all the Hills are raised very high, (for there the rootes will be greatest) then compound with the owner or keeper thereof for choice rootes, which in some places will cost sixe pence an hundreth, but commonly they shall be given unto you, so as you cut them your selfe, and leave every hill orderly and fully dressed, but what order you shall use herein, I will hereafter shew.

Rules for the choyce and preparation of Rootes.

ANd now you must choose the biggest roots you can find (that is to say) such as are in bignesse three or foure inches about.

And let every roote which you shall provide to set, be nine or tenne inches long.

Let there be contained in every such Roote, three joynts.

Let all your rootes be but the Springs of the yeare last past.

You must have great regard that you cumber not your Garden with wild Hops, the which are not to be discerned from the good, by the rootes, but either by the fruit, or by the stalke.

Of the good Hoppe.

THe good and the kindly Hoppe beareth a great and a greene stalke, a large, a hard and a greene bell, it appeareth out of the ground naked without leaves, untill it be halfe a foote long.

Of the unkindly Hoppe.

THe Hoppe that likes not his entertainment, namely his seate, his ground, his keeper, his dung, or the manner of his setting, &c. commeth up greene and small in stalke, thicke and rough in leaves, very like unto a Nettle, which will be commonly devoured, or much bitten with a little blacke flye, who also will doe harme unto good Hops where the Garden standeth bleake, or the Hop springeth rath, but be not discom­forted herewith, for the heate of the Summer will reforme this matter, and the latter springs will be little annoyed with this Flye, who (though she leave the leafe as full of holes as a Net) yet she seldome proceedeth to the utter destruction of the Hoppe.

Of the wilde Hoppe.

OF the wild Hop, the fruit is either altogether seed, or else loose and red light bells, the stalke is red, howbeit, here­in the difference betweene the good and the bad Hop is not to be discerned, untill the stalke be two or three yards high, for at their first comming up, the one as well as the other ap­peareth red, and the best Hoppe is then the reddest.

Provide your rootes therefore, where you are before-hand assured of their goodnesse.

Of setting of Hoppe Rootes.

HAving made your provision of rootes in this wise, re­turne therewith to your Garden speedily, and either set them immediately, or lay them in some Puddle neare thereun­to, or bury them in the ground untill conveniency of winde, weather, and leisure (the want whereof may sometimes pre­vent good expedition) shall serve. Provided alwayes that you leave them not in water or puddle above xxiiii. houres, but in the earth you may leave them as long as the time of setting endureth, that is to say, till the middest of Aprill.

Your Garden being dressed, as before I advise you, it shall be easie for you to direct your hills aright, and that in equall distance with a Poale, or rather with a line (that will not stretch) tying thereupon short threds, or placing in it pinnes, according to the proportion of space which you meane to leave betweene your hills, whereof if one be placed out of order, it shall blemish and hurt a great part of your Garden.

The distance of the Hills.

IF your Garden be one Acre in bignesse, and lye square, leave betweene every hole three yards, or eight foot at the least in space, as well that the hills may be made the greater, and that the Hops of one Pole reach not to another, as also that the Sunne may the more freely and universally passe through your Garden, which by this meanes may yearely be ploughed betwixt the Hills, whereas otherwise it must be digged, which is a more tedious and costly businesse.

If your Garden be very little, you may set the hills some­what nearer together, namely, seaven foote asunder.

A Description of the Line.

[diagram of a level line or rope]

YOur line being laid levell, you must digge underneath e­very thred or pinne placed upon the same, a hole like a Pit­fall, [Page 99] one foote square, and one foote deepe.

When you have made twenty or thirty holes, take up so many rootes; from where you bestowed them, as ought to be set therein, and goe to work on this wise, alwayes watching a time (if you may) that the wind be in some part pf the South or West, but be not so scrupulous herein, that you over­slip the moneth of Aprill, least Salomons saying, be spoken of you: He that regardeth the Wind shall not sow, and he that hath respect to the Clouds shall not reape. For he that neg­lecteth the Moneth of Aprill, shall have a bad season to cut or plant Hops.

[diagram of a line or rope used as to measure planting]

Take two or three of your rootes (which by this time will yeeld forth greene sciences or white buds, and will also have small rootes or beards growing out of them, the which must be, all saving the smaller sort of white buds, pared away by the old roote) joyne them close together, so as (in any wise) they may be even in the tops: set them also together bolt up­right, directly under the foresaid thred or pinne, holding them hard together with one hand, while you fill the hole with the other with fine mould prepared and made ready before hand, regarding that the tops of the rootes be levell with the face or uppermost part of the ground.

Take good heed also that you set not that end downeward, that grew before upward, which you shall know by the buds that appeare in the knots of each roote, and let no part of the dead remaine upon the uppermost part of the joynt thereof.

And when you have thus done, presse downe the earth with your foote hard to the rootes, not treading upon them, but [Page 109] driving the loose earth close to the corner where the rootes are set.

And here is to be noted, that the readiest and evenest way, is alwayes to set your rootes at one certaine corner of the hole, which corner should alwayes be right underneath the said pinne or thred, as is afore shewed.

At this time you must make no hill at all, but onely cover the tops of your rootes about two inches thicke, with the fi­nest mould you can get.

When you are driven to set your rootes late, if there be any greene springs upon them, you may take the advantage there­of, leaving the same spring uncovered, otherwise you both destroy the spring, and endanger the roote.

Abuses and Disorders in Setting.

SOme use to set at every corner of the hole one roote, but this is a naughty and a tedious trade, because a man shall be longer in dressing one of these, then about foure other. To be short, you shall this way so cumber both your selfe and your Garden, that you will soone be weary with working, and your Garden as soone weary of bearing.

Some wind them, and set both ends upward, and herein both the cunning of the workman, and the goodnesse of the rootes, are together very lively expressed, for if the roots were good, they could not be so wound, or if the workeman were skilfull, he would not be so fond to set them in that order.

Some use to lay them thwart or flat, but I say flatly that the same is an overthwart and preposterous way, for they can neither prosper well, (as being set contrary to their nature and kind of growing) nor be kept as they ought to be.

Some use to make hills, and then set their rootes therein, but these conclude themselves from ministring succor unto them at any time after, besides many incōveniences hereby ensuing.

Some set their rootes, and then bury them with a great hill made upon them, and this is all one with the other, saving that the hill so choketh these, as most commonly they grow not at all▪

Finally, there be as many evill wayes to set, as there be ig­norant men to devise.

Provision against annoyance, and spoyle of your Garden.

IF your Garden be small, and very nigh to your house, you may arme every hill with a few thornes to defend them from the annoyance of Poultry, which many times will scope and bath among the hills, and so discover & hurt the springs, but a Goose is the most noysome vermine that can enter into this Garden, for (besides the Allegory that may be applyed in this case) a Goose will knabble upon every young science or Hop bud, that appeareth out of the ground, which never will grow afterwards, and therefore as well to avoid the Goose, as other noysome cattell, let your closure be made strong, and kept tight.

Of Poles.

IT remaineth that I speake now of Poles, because Poaling is the next worke now to be done.

If your hills be distant three yards asunder, provide for e­very hill foure Poles, if you will make your hills nearer toge­ther, three Poles shall suffice.

And note that in the first yeare you may occupy as many Poles as in any yeare after, the reason whereof I will delare in the title of Hills.

Alder Poles are best for this purpose, as whereunto the Hops seeme most willingly and naturally to encline, because both the fashion of these Poles being as a Taper, small above, and great below, and also the roughnesse of the Alder-ryne, stayeth the Hop stalke more firmely from sliding downe, than either Ash or Oke, which for continuance be somewhat better, how­beit, these with the order that I shall prescribe, will endure sixe or seaven yeares.

These are also best cheape, and easiest to be gotten in most places, and soonest growne ready for this purpose.

There is in the Springs of these, least danger in growing, or in being destroyed, or bi [...]ten by cattell.

Finally, by the expence of these, there ensueth the least annoyance to the Common-wealth, as well for the causes a­foresaid, as also because they grow not in so great quantity, to so good tymber, nor for so many purposes as either Oke or Ashe.

The best time to out your Poles, is betweene Alhallon­tide and Christmas, but you must pile them up immediately after they are cut, sharped, reformed in length, and smoothed, least they rot before you occupy them.

You may not leave any scrags upon them, the reason where­of you shall conceive in the title of gathering Hops.

Your Poles may not be above xv. or xvi. foote long at the most, except your ground be very rich, or that you added thereunto great labour in raising up your hills, or else except your hills stand too neare together: if any of these chance to be, or if all these three things meet in one Garden, the best way of reformation, is to set the fewer Poles to a hill, or to let them remaine the longer. Otherwise the Hops will grow from one Pole to another, and so over-shadow your Garden, the fault thereof being especially to be imputed to the neare­nesse of the hills. Therefore chiefly you must measure your Poles by the goodnesse of your ground.

The Hoppe never stocketh kindly, untill it reach higher then the Pole, and returne from it a yard or two, for whilest it tendeth clyming upward, the branches which grow out of the principall stalke (wherein consisteth the abundance of en­crease) grow little or nothing.

Let the quantity of your Poles be great (that is to say) nine, or tenne inches about the lower end, so shall they endure the longer, and withstand the wind the better.

To describe the price of Poles, or what it will cost you to furnish a Garden containing o [...]e Acre of ground, it were a hard matter, because the place altereth the price of Wood. But in a Wayne you may carry a hundreth and fifty Poles, and [...] small cause why a load of these should be much dearer then [...] of any other Wood.

After the first yeare, Poles will be nothing chargeable unto you, for you may either picke them out of your owne provisi­on of Fuell, or buy them of your Neighbours that have no oc­casion to apply them this way. For the yearely supply of two loades of Poles, will maintaine one Acre continually.

Your rotten and broken Poles will doe you good service, for the kindling of your fiers in the Oste, whereupon you should dry your Hops, and they should be preserved chiefly for that purpose.

At Poppering (where both scarcity and experience hath taught them to make carefull provision hereof) they doe com­monly at the East and North side of their Gardens, set and preserve Alders, wherewith they continually maintaine them.

Before you set up your Poles, lay them all alongst your Garden betweene every row of hills by three or foure toge­ther, I meane beside every Hill so many Poles as you deter­mine to set thereon, so shall you make the more speed in your worke.

Of the erection of Poles.

VVHen your Hops appeare above the ground, so as you may discerne where the principall roots stand, set up your Poles, preparing their way with a Crow of Iron, or a forked wooden toole, with a point of Iron, somewhat

[iron-tipped wooden forked tool]

like unto these. For if you stay till the Hops be growne to a greater length, one inconveni­ence is, that either in making the holes, or in erecting the poles, or else in ramming the earth to the fastening of them, you shall hazard the bruising or breaking of your Hops: ano­ther is, that you shall be faine to tye every stalke to the Pole, whereas otherwise the most part of them will clime up of their owne accord: the third is, that it will hinder the growth of the Hop, if it remaine unstay'd so long.

You must set every Pole a foot and a halfe deepe, and within two or three inches at the most of the principall roote.

If your ground be rockie and shallow, tarry the longer be­fore you set up your Poles, so as your Hops may be growne two or three foote high, that you may adventure to make a hill or banke at every pole to stay and uphold the same, with­out burying any of the younger Springs, which may after­ward be covered with lesse danger and annoyance of the prin­cipall roote.

Let the Poles of every hill leane a little outward one from another.

Of Ramming of Poles.

THen with a peece of wood as big below as the great end of one of your Poles, ramme the earth that lyeth at the outside of the Pole thereunto, but meddle not within the com­passe of your Poles, as they are placed, lost you spoile the Springs.

Of Reparation of Poles.

IF any of the Poles chance to breake in many peeces when the Hop is growne up, undoe and pull away the same bro­ken Pole, and tye the top of those Hops to the top of a new pole, then winding it a turne or two about according to the course of the Sunne, set it in the hole, or besides the hole where the broken Pole stood, but some being loth to take so much paines, turne it about the other Poles that stand upon the same hill, and so leave it. But if it be not broken above the middest, the best way is, to set a new Pole or stalke beside the broken pole to the same, which may uphold the said broken pole, and preserve the Hop. If the pole be onely broken at the ne­ther end, you may shove the said pole againe into the hill, and so leave it.

Of pulling up Poles.

ANd because, when the hills are made great, and raised high, you can neither easily pull up any, nor possible pull up all your poles except you breake them, &c. especially if the wether or the ground be dry, or else the Poles old or small, J [Page 105] thought good to shew you an Instrument wherewith you shall pull them up without disease to your selfe, destruction to your poles, or expence of your money the charge being

[pincers or tongs]

only foure­teene or fif­teen pound of Iron, wherewith the Smith shall make you a paire of tongs, (or rather you may call them) a paire of pinsers, of the fa­shion here set downe, the which may also be made with wood if you thiake good.

The way to make the Instrument wherewith to pull up the Hoppe Poles.

THey must be one yard in length, whereof sixe or seaven inches may be allowed for the mouth or lower end of them, which serveth to claspe or catch hold on the Pole, the same nether end should be the strongest part thereof, and the mouth somewhat hollow in the middest, and there also ben­ding downeward, whereby the extreame point may rise a lit­tle upward.

Vpon the upper edges of the inside thereof, the Smith should hacke or raise a few small teeth, whereby your toole may take the surer hold upon the Pole.

He must also fasten upon every side of this Instrument a ryding hooke, the which may claspe and stay both sides toge­ther when they have caught hold on the pole.

The manner of pulling up the Hoppe Poles.

YOu shall lay a little square block upon the top of the hill, and the better to remove the same from hill to hill, you [Page 106] may thrust therein a pinne. Upon the same blocke you may rest your pinsers when they have clasped the very lowest part of your Pole, and then holding the upper part of each side in your hands, the hooke being clasped, and pulled up hard to­wards you [...] you shall easily weigh up your Poles.

Of the preservation of Poles.

ANd although we are not yet come to the laying up of Poles, I am bold herein, as I began too late, so to make an end too quickly, because J would touch the whole matter of Poles together, laying them by themselves, (I meane) com­prehending under one title, the businesse appertaining unto them.

For the preservation and better continuance of Poles, some make houses of purpose, and lay them up therein.

Some set them upright to a Tree, and over them make a penthouse of boughes or boords.

Some lay a great heape of Hopstalkes upon the ground, and upon them a great heape of Poles, and upon the Poles a­gaine lay another heape of stalkes, &c.

These men doe hereby expresse no great experience, al­though by their diligence they signifie a good desire.

You shall need to doe no more but thus. At the ends or sides of your Garden, take three Poles standing upon three hills placed directly one by another, and three like Poles upon three other hills of the next row right over against them, constraine them to meet together by two and two in the tops, and so hold them till one with a forked wand may put three Withes (like unto three Broome bands, which may be made of the stalkes of Hops) upon each couple of the said sixe Poles, so shall the same sixe Poles being so bound by two and two together, stand like the roofe or rafters of an house.

To keepe the Poles that shall lye nethermost from rotting, by the moystnesse of the ground: within the compasse of your said sixe hills, (underneath the Poles that you have fa­stened [Page 107] together in the tops,) raise three little bankes crosse or thwart from hill to hill, as though you would make your sixe hills to be but three.

Vpon those bankes lay a few Hopstalkes, and upon them your Poles, observing that one stand at one end of the roome, and another at the other end, ordering the matter so, as the tops of the Poles lye not all one way, but may be equally and orderly devided: otherwise one end of the roome would be full before the other, whereas now they shall lye even and sharpe above, like an Haystacke, or the ridge of an house, and sufficiently defend themselves from the weather.

If you thinke that you have not Poles enough to fill the roome, pull downe the Withs or bands lower, and your roome will be lesse, and this doe before you lay in your Poles.

Of tying of Hoppes to the Poles.

VVHen your Hops are growne about one or two foote high, bind up (with a Rush or a Grasse) such as de­cline from the Poles, winding them as often about the same Poles as you can, and directing them alwayes according to the course of the Sunne, but if your leisure may serue (to doe it at any other time of the day) doe it not in the morning when the dew remaineth upon them.

If you lay soft greene Rushes abroad in the dew and the Sunne, within two or three dayes, they will be lythie, tough, and handsome for this purpose of tying, which may not be fore-stowed, for it is most certaine that the Hop that lyeth long upon the ground before he be tyed to the Pole, prospereth no­thing so well as it which sooner attaineth thereunto.

Of Hilling and Hills.

NOw you must begin to make your Hills, and for the better doing thereof, you must prepare a toole of Iron fashioned somewhat like to a Coopers Addes, but not [Page 108] so much bowing, neither so narrow at the head, and therefore likest to the nether part of a shovell, the powle whereof must be made with a round hole to receive a helve, like to the helve of a Mattock, and in the powle also a naile hole must be made, to fasten it to the helve.

This helve should bow somewhat like to a Sithe, or to the steale of a Sithe, and it must be little more then a yard long.

[cutting and digging tool, similar to a cooper's adze, hoe, mattock or brush hook]

The helve hereof should be straight at the upper end.With this toole you may pare away the Grasse which groweth in the spaces betwixt the hills, and with the same also you may raise your hills, and pull them downe when time requireth.

Some thinke it impertinent and not necessary to make hills the first yeare, partly because their distrust of this yeares pro­fite quallifieth their diligence in this behalfe, and partly for that they thinke that the principall roote prospereth best, when there be no new rootes of them forced and maintained. But experience confuteth both these conjectures, for by indu­stry, the first yeares profit will be great, and thereby also the principall sets much amended, as their prosperity in the second yeare will plainely declare.

But in this worke you must be both painefull and curious, as wherein consisteth the hope of your gaines, and the successe of your worke. For the greater in quantity you make your hills, the more in number you shall have of your Hops, and the fewer weeds you shall have on your ground, the more Hops you shall have upon your Poles.

In consideration whereof I say, your labour must be con­tinuall from this time almost till the time of gathering, in raising your hills and clearing ground from weeds.

In the first yeare that you plant your Hop garden, sup­presse not one science, but suffer them all to clime up to the Poles, for if you should bury or cover all the springs of any one of your three rootes, which you did lately set, the roote thereof perisheth, and perhaps out of some one roote there [Page 109] will not proceed above one or two springs, which being bu­ried, that roote I say dyeth, and therefore the more poles are at this time requisite.

After the first yeare you must not suffer above two or three stalkes at the most to grow up to one Pole, but put downe and bury all the rest.

Howbeit, you may let them all grow till they be foure or five foot high at the least, whereby you shall make the better choice of them which you meane to attaine, whereby also the principall roote will be the better, &c.

Some suffer their Hops to clime up to the tops of the Poles, and then make the hills at one instant in such quantity as they meane to leave them, which is neither the best nor the second way.

But if (for expedition) you be driven hereunto, begin soo­ner (that is to say) when the Hops be foure or five foot long, and afterwards if leisure shall serve, refresh them againe with more earth.

But to make them well, and as they ought to be made, you must immediately after your poles are set, make a little banke or circle round about the outside of them, as a mention how wide your hill shall be, and as a receptacle to retaine and keepe moisture, whereof there cannot lightly come too much, so it come from above.

Jf your Garden be great, by that time that you have made an end of these circles or bankes, it will be time to proceed further towards the building up of your hills.

Now therefore returne againe to the place where you be­gan, or else where you see the Hops highest, and with your toole pare off the uppermost earth from the Allies or spaces betweene the hills, and lay the same in your Hops, upon and within the circle that you made before, alwayes leaving the same highest of any part of the hill, and so passe through your Garden againe and againe, till you have raised your hills by little and little, to so great a quantity as is before de­clared, and looke how high your hill is, so long are your new [Page 110] rootes, and the greater your new rootes or springs be, the more larger and better your Hops will be.

Great and overgrowne weeds should not be laid upon the hills, as to raise them to their due quantity, but when with diligence and expedition you passe through your Garden, continually paring away each greene thing assoone as it ap­peareth, you shall doe well, with the same, and the uppermost mould of your Garden together, to maintaine and encrease the substance of your hills, even till they be almost a yard high.

In the first yeare nake not your hill too rath, least in the do­ing thereof you oppresse some of those springs which would otherwise have appeared out of the ground.

It shall not be amisse now and then to passe through your Garden, having in each hand a forked wand, directing aright such Hops as decline from the poles, but some in stead of the said forked wands, use to stand upon a stoole, and doe it with their hands.

Abuses in Hilling.

SOme observe no time, and some no measure in making their hills, but (having hard say that hills are necessary) they make them they care not when nor how.

Some make hills once for all, and never after plucke down the same, but better it were to make no hill, then so to doe, for after the first yeare it doth derogate, and not adde any comfort to the roote, except the same be every yeare new made and dressed, &c.

Some use to breake off the tops of the Hops when they are growne a xi. or xii. foote high, because thereby they burnish and stocke exceedingly, wherein though I cannot commend their doings, yet doe they much better then such as will have their Poles as long as their Hops.

But if your Pole be very long, and that the Hop have not attained to the top thereof before the middest of Iuly, you shall doe well then to breake or cut off the top of the same Hop, for so shall the residue of the growing time serve to the [Page 111] maintenance and encrease of the branches, which otherwise would expire without doing any good in that matter, because that whole time would then be imployed to the lengthening of the stalke, which little prevaileth (I say) to the stocking or encrease of the Hoppe,

And here is to be noted that many covetous men thinking (in hast) to enlarge their lucre, doe find (at leisure) their com­modity diminished, whilest they make their hills too thicke, their Poles too long, and suffer too many stalkes to grow upon one Pole, wherein (I say) while they runne away flattering themselves with the imagination of double gaines, they are o­vertaken with trebble dammage (that is to say) with the losse of their time, their labour, and their cost.

Of the gathering of Hoppes.

NOte that commonly at St. Margarets day, Hops blow, and at Lammas they bell, but what time your Hops be­gin to change colour (that is to say) somewhat before Mi­chaelmas (for then you shall perceive the seed to change co­lour, and waxe browne) you must gather them, and for the speedier dispatch thereof, procure as much helpe as you can, taking the advantage of faire weather, and note that you were better to gather them too rath then too late.

To doe the same in the readiest and best order, you must pull downe foure hills standing together in the middest of your Garden, cut the rootes of all those hills, as you shall be taught in the title of Cutting, &c. Then pare the plot small, levell it, throw water on it, tread it, and sweepe it, so shall it be a faire floore, whereon the Hoppes must lye to be picked.

Then beginning neare unto the same, cut the stalkes asun­der close by the tops of the hills, and if the Hops of one Pole be growne fast unto another, cut them also asunder with a sharpe hooke, and with a forked staffe take them from the Poles.

You may make the Forke and Hooke (which cutteth asun­der the Hops that grow together) one apt instrument to serve both these turnes.

Then may you with the forked end, thrust up, or shove off, all such stalkes as remaine upon each Hop pole, and carry them to the floore prepared for that purpose.

For the better doing hereof, it is very necessary that your Poles be straight without scrags or knobs.

In any wise cut no more stalkes then you shall carry away within one houre or two at the most, for if in the meane time the Sunne shine hote, or it happen to raine, the Hops remai­ning cut in that sort) will be much impaired thereby.

Let all such as helpe you, stand round about the floore, and suffer them not to pingle in picking one by one, but let them speedily strip them into Baskets prepared ready therefore.

It is not hurtfull greatly though the smaller leaves be. mingled with the Hops, for in them is retained great vertue, insomuch as in Flanders they were sold, Anno Domini 1566. for xxvi shillins viii. pence the hundreth, no one Hop being mingled with them.

Remember alwayes to cleare your floore twice or thrice e­very day, and sweepe it cleane at every such time, before you goe to worke againe.

If the weather be unlike to be faire, you may carry these Hoppes into your house in Blankets or Baskets, &c. and there accomplish this worke. Use no linnen hereabouts, for the Hops will staine it so, as it can never be washed out.

Jf your Poles be scraggie, so as you cannot strip the stalkes from them in this order, you must pull them up with maine force before the Hops be gathered, and this is painfull to your selfe, hurtfull to your Hops, and a delay to your worke.

Then must you lay these poles upon a couple of forked stalkes driven into the ground, being two or three yards di­stant one from another, as Spits upon Ranges, and so dispatch this businesse if the weather be faire, if it be like to be foule, you must be faine to carry the Hops together with the Pole [Page 113] into your Barne or house.

In any wise let not the Hops be wet when you cut them from the hills, neither make any delay of gathering after the same time of cutting, for in standing abroad they will shed their seed, wherein consisteth the chiefe vertue of the Hop, and hereof I cannot warne you too often, nor too earnestly.

Now by order I should declare unto you the manner of drying your Hops, but because I must therewithall describe the places meet for that purpose, with many circumstances appertaining thereunto, I will be bold first to finish the worke within your Hop-garden, and then to lead you out of the same, into the place where you must dry your Hops, &c.

When your Hops are gathered, assoone as you have leisure, take up your poles and pise them (that remaine good) as I have shewed you in the title of Poles.

Then carry out your broken Poles, and the Hop-straw to the fire.

Now may you depart out of your Garden, till the March following, except in the meane time you will bring in dung or good earth to the maintenance thereof, towards the height­ning of your hills, or else will plough it, &c.

What there is to be done in Winter hereen.

TO be curious in laying Dung upon the hills in Winter, as to comfort or warme the rootes (as some doe) it shall bee needlesse, rather plucke downe the hills, and let the rootes lye bare all the Winter season, and this is usually done where Hops are best ordered, especially to restraine them from too rath springing, which is the cause of Blasts and many other Inconveniences.

If the ground be great that you keepe, you shall be driven so to doe, otherwise you shall not be able to overcome your worke in due time.

In any case you must avoid new horse-dung as a very [Page 114] noysome and pernicious thing for your Hops.

Stall dung is the best that can be wished for to serve this turne, so it be throughly rotten.

Rather use no dung than unrotten dung about the dressing of your Hops, but omit not to bring into your Garden dung that may there be preserved till it be good or needfull to be used.

When and where to lay Dung.

ABout the end of Aprill (if your ground be not rich e­nough) you must helpe every hill with a handfull or two of good earth, not when you cut your rootes, for then it will rather doe harme then good, but when the Hop is wound a­bout the Pole, then should you doe it.

The order for reforming your Ground.

IM March you shall returne to your Garden, and find it re­plenished with weedes, except by tillage, &c. you have pre­vented that matter already. It must (as well therefore, as be­cause the earth may be more fine, rich, and easie to be delivered unto the hills) be digged over or plowed, except in the case mentioned.

The order of cutting Hoppe-rootes.

VVHen you pull downe your hills, (which if you have not already done, you must now of necessity goe a­bout to doe) you should (with your Garden toole) undermine them round about, till you come neere to the principall roots, and then take the upper or younger rootes in your hand, and shake of the earth, which e [...]rth being againe removed away with your said toole you shall discerne where the new rootes grow out of the old Sets.

In the doing hereof, be carefull that you spoyle not the old Sets, as for the other roots which are to be cut aw [...]y, you shall not need to spare them to the delay of your work, except such as you meane to set.

Take heed that you uncover not any more then the tops of the old sets in the first yeare of cutting.

At what time soever you pull downe your hills, cut not your rootes before the end of March, or in the begy [...]ning of Aprill, and then remember the wind.

In the first yeare (I meane) at the first time of cutting and dressing of your rootes, you must (with a [...]rpe knife) cut a­way all such rootes or springs as grew the yeare before out of your sets, within one inch of the same.

Every yeare after you must cut them as close as you can to the old rootes, even as you see an O [...]e [...]s head cut.

There groweth out of the old sets certaine Rootes, right downwards not joynted at all, which serve onely for the nou­rishing and comfort of those sets or principall rootes which are not to be cut off. There be other like unto them growing outward at the sides of the sets. If these be not met withall, and cut asunder, they will encumber your whole Garden.

Because it may seeme hard to discerne the old sets from the new Springs, I thought good to advertise you how easie a thing it is to see the difference thereof; for first you shall be sure to find your Sets where you did set them, nothing increa­sed in length, but somewhat in bignesse inlarged, and in few yeares all your Sets will be growne into one, so as by the quantity that thing shall plainely appeare: and lastly, the difference is seene by the colour, the old roote being red, the other white, but if the hills be not yearely pulled downe, and the rootes yearely cut, then indeed the old sets shall not be perceived from the other rootes.

If your Sets be small, and placed in good ground, and the hill well maintained, the new rootes will be greater then the old.

If there grow in any hill a wild Hop, or whensoever the stalke waxeth red, or when the Hop in any wise decayeth, pull up every roote in that hill, and set new in their places, at the usuall time of cutting and setting, or if you list, you may doe it when you gather Hops, with the rootes which you cut a­way, when you make your picking place.

Of divers mens follies.

MAny men seeing the springs so forward, as they will be by this time, are loth to loose the advantage thereof, and more unwilling to cut away so many goodly Rootes, but they that are timerous in this behalfe, take pitty upon their own profit, and are like unto them that refraine to lay dung upon their Corne land, because they would not betray it with so un­cleanly a thing.

And some that take upon them great skill herein, thinke that for the first yeare they may be left unhilled and uncut, &c. deceiving themselves with this conceit, that then the Sets prosper best within the ground when they send least of their nature and state out of the ground. In this respect also they pull away or suppresse all such Springs (as soone as they ap­peare) which grow more, and besides them which they meane to assigne to each Pole, as though when a mans fingers were cut off, his hand would grow the greater. Indeed if there be no hill maintained, then the more Springs are suffered to grow from out of the principall roote, the more burden and punishment it will be to the same. But when the Springs are maintained with a hill, so much as remaineth within the same is converted into rootes, which rather adde then take away a­ny state from the principall roote, in consideration hereof, the suppressing of the Springs may not be too rath, for whatsoe­ver opinion be hereof received, the many Springs never hurt the principall roote, if the hills be well maintained, but it is the cumbring and shadowing of one to another that worketh the annoyance.

When you have cut your Hops you must cover them as you were taught in the title of Setting, and proceeding accor­ding to the order already set downe,

Of Disorders and Maintainers thereof.

SOme there be that despise good order, being deceived with a shew of increase, which sometime appeareth in a disorde­red [Page 117] ground, to them I say, and say it truely, that the same is a bad and a small increase in respect of the other.

I say also that although disorderly doings at the first may have a countenance of good successe, yet in few yeares the same, and all hope thereof will certainely decay.

Some other there be that despise good order, satisfying themselves with this, that they have sufficiently to serve their owne turne, without all these troubles, and surely it were pit­ty that these should be troubled with any great abundance, that in contempt of their owne profite, and of the Common­wealth, neglect such a benefit proferred unto them.

Of an Oste.

NOw have I shewed unto you the perfect Platforme of a Hop-Garden, out of the which J led you for a time, and brought you in againe when time required, and there would I leave you about your businesse, were it not to shew you by de­scription such an Oste as they dry their Hops upon at Poppe­ring, with the order thereof, &c. Which for the small charges and trouble in drying, for the speedy and well drying, and for the handsome and easie doing thereof, may be a profitable patterne, and a necessary instruction for as many as have, or shall have to doe herein.

Of the severall Roomes for an Oste.

FIrst a little house must be built, of length xviii. or xix. foot, of widenesse eight, wherein must be comprehended three severall roomes.

The middle and principall roome must be for your Oste, eight foote square. The fore-part which is to containe your greene Hops, and the hinder part which must receive your dryed Hops, will fall out to be five foote long, and eight foote wide a peece.

The chiefe matters that are to be by me described herein, are the Furnace below, wherein the fire is to be made, and [Page 116] [...] [Page 117] [...] [Page 118] the bed above whereon the Hops must lye to be dryed: this I have chiefly to advise you of, that you build the whole house and every part thereof as close as you can, and to place it neare to your Garden for the better expedition of your work, and somewhat distant from your house to avoid the danger of fire.

Of the Furnace or Keele.

THe floore or nether part of your Furnace must be aboue thirteene inches wide.

The depth or height thereof must be thirty inches,

The length of it must be about sixe or seaven foote (that is to say) reaching from the forepart of the Oste almost to the further end thereof, so as there be left no more roome but as a man may passe betweene the wall and the end of it.

It must be made wide below and narrow above, fashioned in outward shape somewhat like to the roofe of an house.

Jt must have three rowes of holes at each side, the length of one Brick asunder, and the bignesse of halfe a Bricke, placed checkerwise. Before you begin to make your holes, you should lay two rowes of Bricke, and when your three rankes of holes are pl [...]ced upon them, you must lay againe over them ano­ther row of Bricke, and upon the same you must place your last and highest course, and they must stand long-wise (as it were a tiptoe) the tops of the Bricks meeting together above (the nether part of them resting upon the uppermost course) and note that till then, each side must be built alongst direct­ly upward.

You should leave almost a foot space betweene the mouth of your Furnace, and your rowes of holes, especially of that row which is nethermost.

The further or hinder end of your Furnace the which is opposite to the mouth thereof, must be built flat with an up­right wall, and there must also be left holes as at the sides.

The Furnace in the top (J meane from the upper course of h [...]les) must be dawbed very well with morter.

And so upon the top of your Furnace there will remaine a [Page 119] gutter, (whereupon the Flemmins use to bake Apples, &c.) and the highest part thereof will reach within two foote and lesse of the Oste.

Finally, it must be placed upon the ground in the middest of the lower floore of the Oste, the which floore must be made

The hindermost part or fur­ther end of the Furnace.

One side of the Furnace.

The mouth and fore­part of the Furnace.

very perfect, fine, and levell, the reason whereof you shall per­ceive in the tytle of Drying.

Of the bed or upper floore of the Oste, wherein the Hops must be dryed.

THe bed or upper floore whereon the Hops shall lye to be dryed, must be placed almost five foote above the neather floore, whereon the Furnace standeth.

The two walls at each side of the house, serve for the bed to rest upon two wayes.

Now must two other walls be built at each end of your Oste, whereon the other two parts of the bed must rest, and by this meanes shall you have a close square roome beneath, be­twixt the lower floore and the bed, so as the floore below shall be as wide as the bed above.

These two walls must also be made foure foot above the bed (that is to say) about nine foot high.

At the one end below, besides the mouth of the furnace, you must make a little doore into the roome beneath the bed. At [Page 120] the other end above the bed you must make a Window to shove off from the bed the dryed Hops, downe into the room [...] below prepared for them.

The bed should be made as the bed of any other Oste, saving that the Railes or Laths which serve therefore must be sawne very even one inch square, and laid one quarter of an inch a­sunder. But there may be no more beames to stay the Laths but one, and the same must be laid flat and not on edge, in the middest from one end of that roome to the other, and the Laths must be let into the same beame, so as the upper side of the beame and all the Laths may lye even.

If your Garden be very great, you may build your house somewhat larger, namely xxii. foot long, and tenne foot broad, and then you must make in this Oste two Furnaces, three or foure foot asunder, placing the doore betwixt them both, o­therwise in all points like to that which J first described, and

The Win­dow printed unto may not s [...]and below in the nether rowe but above as is before de­clared.

the ground-worke hereof is so set out here, that any Carpen­ter will easily frame the whole house by the same figure.

And now once againe wishing you to make every doore, Window, and joynt of this house close, I will leave building, and proceed to the drying of Hops, saving that I may not o­mit to tell you, that you should either build all the walls of this roome with Brick [...], or else with Lime and Haire pargit them over: and at the least that wall wherein the mouth of [Page 121] the Furnace standeth be made of Bricke.

And although I have delayed you from time to time; and brought you from place to place, and tediously led you in and out, and too and fro in the demonstration hereof, yet must J be bold to bring you round about againe, even to the place where I left you picking, from whence you must speedily con­vey your pickt Hops to the place built and prepared for them, and with as much speed hasten the drying of them.

The orderly Drying of Hoppes.

THe first businesse that is to be done herein, is to goe up to the bed of the Oste, and there to receive Baskets filled with Hops, at the hands of one that standeth below.

Then beginning at the further end (least you should tread on them) lay downe Basketfull by Basketfull, till the floore or bed be all covered, alwayes stirring them even and levell, with a Cudgell, so as they may lye about a foote and a halfe thicke, and note that upon this Oste, there is no Oste-cloth to be used.

Now must you come downe to make your fire in the Fur­nace, for the kindling whereof your old broken Poles are very good, howbeit, for the continuance and maintenance of this fire, that wood is best which is not too dry, and somewhat great.

Your Hop stalkes or any other straw is not to bee used herein.

You shall not need to lay the wood through to the farther end of your Furnace, for the fire made in the fore-pare thereof, will bend that way, so as the heate will universally and indif­ferently ascend and proceed out of every hole.

You must keepe herein a continuall and hote fire, howbeit, you must stirre it as little as you can.

Neither may you stirre the Hops that lye upon the Oste, untill they be throughly dryed.

When they are dry above, then are they ready to be re­moved away, and yet sometimes it happeneth (that through [Page 122] the disorderly laying of them) they are not so soone dry in one place, as they are in another.

The way to helpe that matter, is to take a little Pole (where­with you shall sensibly feele and perceive which be, and which be not dry, by the ratling of the Hops which you shall there­with touch) and with the same Pole of turne aside such Hops as be not dry, abating the thicknesse to the moyst place.

When your Hops are dry, rake up the fire in such sort as there may be no delay in the renuing thereof.

Then with expedition shove them out of the window be­fore mentioned into the roome prepared to receive them, with a Rake fashioned like a Cole-rake, having in stead of teeth a boord, &c.

This being done, goe downe into the lower floore, and sweepe together such Hops and Seeds as are fallen thereinto, and lay them up among the dryed Hops, and then without delay cover the bed againe with greene Hops, and kindle your fire.

Lay your dryed Hops on a heape together till they be cold, and by this meanes such as were not perfectly dryed through some disorder upon the Oste, shall now be reformed.

If they have beene well ordered, they will now be throwne, and yet bright.

If they be blacke and darke, it is a note that they are dis­ordered.

The Flemmings packe them not up before they sell them to the Marchant, but lay them in some corner of a Loft where they tread them close together.

Other manners of Dryings not so good.

SOme use to dry their Hops upon a common Oste, but that way there can be no great speed in your worke, nor small expence of your wood, besides the danger of fire and ill suc­cesse of your doings.

On this Oste you must have an Oste cloth, otherwise the Seed and Hops that fall downe shall not onely perish, but en­danger [Page 123] the burning of your Oste.

Upon this Oste you may not lay your Hops above eight or nine inches thicke, which neverthelesse shall not be so soone dry as they which lye upon the other Oste almost two foote thicke, and therefore this way you shall make more toyle in your worke, more spoyle in your Hops, and more expence in your wood.

Some use to dry their Hops in a Garret, or upon the floore of a Loft or Chamber, in the reproofe whereof I must say, that as few men have roome enough in their houses to containe a­ny great quantity or multitude of Hops, so the dust that will arise, shall empaire them, the chinkes, crevises, and open joynts of your Lofts being not close byrthed, will devoure the seed [...] of them, in the end the leaves will endanger them with heating, when they are packt, as being not so soone dry as the Hops, which thereby shall be utterly spoyled in colour, in scent, and in verdure.

As for any low roomes or earthen floores, they are yet worse for this purpose then the other, for either they yeeld dust in drinesse or moisture in wet weather.

And therefore if you have no Oste, dry them in a Loft as open to the ayre as may be: sweepe, wash, and rub the boords, and let your Broome reach to the walls, and even to the roofe of your Loft, for I can teach you no way to devide the dust from your Hops, but so to prevent the inconvenience hereof.

Stop the holes and chinkes of your floore, lay them not a­bove halfe a foote thicke, and turne them once a day at the least, by the space of two or three weekes.

This being done, sweepe them up into a corner of your Loft, and there let them lye as long more, for yet there remai­neth perill in packing of them.

If the yeare prove very wet, your Hops aske the longer time of drying, and without an Oste will never be well dryed.

The very worst way of drying Hops.

SOme lay their Hops in the Sunne to dry, and this taketh away the state of the Hops, and neverthelesse leaveth the [Page 124] purpose of drying undone.

Of not Drying.

SOme gather them, and brew with them being greene and undryed, supposing that in drying, the vertue and state of the Hop decayeth and fadeth away, wherein they are decei­ved: for the verdure is worse, the strength lesse, and the quan­tity must be more of green Hops that are to be brewed in this sort.

In the first Woort which the Brewers call the Hopwort (be­cause the time of seething thereof is short) there goeth out of these Hops almost no vertue at all, and therefore experience hath taught them that are driven to brew with these greene Hops, to seeth them againe in the Woort, which they call the Ney beere, where after long seething they will leave the state which remaineth in them, and that is not much.

Of the Packing of Hops.

IN the making of your Hop-sackes, use your owne cunning or invention, for I have small skill therein, howbeit, I can tell you that the Hop-sackes that are brought out of Flanders, may be good samplers for you to worke by, the stuffe is not dainty wherewith they are made, the Loome is not costly wherein they are woven, the cunning not curious whereby they are fashioned, but when you have them, and are ready to packe your Hops, doe thus.

Thrust into the mouth of your Sacke (which must be dou­bled and turned in strongly least it breake) foure strong pinnes, a foot long a peece, placed in equall distance the one from the other, then lay two Bats or big Poles crosse or thwart two Beames or Couplings of your house, which two Bats must lye no farther asunder then the widenesse of the Sackes mouth. Fasten upon each pinne a roape, and knit two of those roapes upon each crosse Batte, so as the bottome of the Sacke being empty, may hang within halfe a foot of the floore, then stand within the Sacke, and receive the Hops, treading downe very hard, and before the Sacke be halfe full, it will rest upon [Page 125] the ground, whereby you shall be able to presse them the har­der together.

But the handsommer way were to make a square hole (as wide as the Sackes mouth) in the floore of the Loft, where your Hops lye, and to hang downe your Sacke at that hole, and with a Scuppet or shovell to shove downe your Hops there­into, and to receive them as is aforesaid: when the Sacke is al­most full, undoe the roapes, and wind those pinnes about for the harder shutting of the Sacke, and fasten them therein.

If you list, you may sow (over the mouth of this Sacke) ano­ther peece of Sackcloth, whereof you must leave a little un­sowed, untill you have thrust as many Hops as you can be­tweene the Sacke and the same, but in beholding the Hop­sackes sent from Poppering, you shall better understand and learne the doings hereof.

For your owne provision you may preserve them in Dry-fats, Barrels, or such like Vessels, for want of roome to leave them in, or Sackes to packe them in.

There is according to the Proverbe, much falshood in pac­king, I am unskilfull in that Art, if I were otherwise, I would be loth to teach such doctrine.

But to avoid such deceit, and to make the more perfect and better choise, it is usuall and lawfull in most places where Hops are sold, to cut the Sacke that you mean to buy, in seven or eight places, and to search at each place whether the Hops be of like goodnesse.

Such places as you shall feele with your hand to be softer then the rest, you should specially cut, where perhaps you shall find Hops of another kind, elder or worse then the rest.

The reformation of a Garden of wild Hops.

TO reforme a Garden where the Hops be wild, the work is tedious, and none other way remaineth, but to digge over the same with a Spade, so deepe as you may search out and throw out every roote and piece of roote that [Page 126] may be found in, or neare thereunto, and then to plant accor­ding to the order before declared.

The reformation of a disordered Garden.

TO repaire a ruinous Garden, which through ignorance was disorderly set, and through sloth suffered to over-run and decay, where neverthelesse the Hops remaine of a good kind (though somewhat empaired, as needs they must be, by this meanes) the very best way were to doe as to the wild Hoppe.

The second way is to forget that it is disordered at all, ima­gining that all were well, and to set your Poles in such order, and so farre asunder as is prescribed in that title, alwayes di­recting them right with a line, so as a stranger beholding them, may suppose that your Garden is kept after the best manner, then lead unto each Pole two or three stalkes which you shall find nearest thereunto, and there erect a hill which you may ever after cut and dresse according to the rules before declared, and so by continuall digging, paring, and diligence, you shall at leisute bring it to some reasonable perfection.

If your Garden be very much matted with rootes, so as it be too tedious to digge, set your Poles as you are already taught, and bring into your Garden, and lay neare to every such place where you meane to make a hill, one Cart lode of good earth, with the which, after your Hops are tyed to your Poles, begin to make your hill, and proceed as in the title of Hills, alwayes cutting downe such Hops or weeds as grow betweene the said hills.

If your rootes be set orderly, and your hills made accor­dingly, and yet left undressed by the space of two or three yeares, it will be very hard (I say) to discerne the Sets from the other later rootes: neverthelesse, if your geound be good, you may yet reforme the inconvenience thereof, namely, by pulling downe the hill, and cutting away all the rootes con­tained therein, even with the face or upper part of the earth, searching also each side, and digging yet lower, and round a­bout [Page 127] the roote which remaineth, and to take away from the same all such rootes as appeare out thereof.

Needlesse curiosities used by the unskilfull.

TO water your Garden, as to make the rootes grow the better, it were more tedious then needfull, for the hilling thereof serveth for that purpose, and there is time of growing sufficient for them betwixt the middest of Aprill and August, and yet it never hurteth, but rather doth good, if it be before the hill be made.

To plucke of the leaves, to the end that the Hops may pro­sper the better, is also needlesse, and to no purpose, and rather hindereth then helpeth the growth of the Hops, for they are hereby deprived of that garment which Nature hath necessari­ly provided for them, and clothed them with.

To flaw the Poles, thereby to prolong their continuance, is more then needeth to be done in this behalfe, for it is too tedious to your selfe, and hurtfull to your Hop, and little avai­leth to the purpose afore-said.

To burne the nether part or great end of your Poles, as some doe, to the end they should last or endure the longer, as also endure the longer, is also an unnecessary trouble, onely Wil­low Poles you may so use, to keepe them from growing.

So is it to weed the Hills with the hand, whereas the same weeds shall be buried by the raising of the Hill.

The expert Gardener: …

The expert Gardener: OR, A Treatise containing certaine ne­cessary, secret, and ordinary knowledges in Grafting and Gardening: with divers proper new Plots for the Garden.

Also sundry expert Directions to know the time and season when to sow and replant all manner of Seeds. With divers remedies to destroy Snails, Canker-wormes, Moths, Garden-Fleas, Earth-wormes, Moles, and other Vermine.

Faithfully collected out of sundry Dutch and French Authors.

LONDON, Printed by Richard Herne. 1640.

Certaine common Instructions how the Stumpe must be chosen, whereupon you will graffe or plant.

EVery diligent Housholder who will plant, should use thereto a conve­nient place, to the end that the wilde beast chaw not, nor paire the Plants; or if they be yong, wholly eat in pieces: which to avoid, is needfull to be in a towne or closed Orchard where there is not too much shadow, but a sweet ground well muckt, tilled and turned.

Every Plant will have foure things:

First moistnesse, so that the seeds or stumpe bee moist or green.

Secondly a convenient place, which hath such earth as will lightly be rubbed to ponder, and that Sun may come to it: for where there is filthy lome, a lean ground, or sandy, dry, burnt, or salt ground, there is nothing good to be planted, to have any continuance: neverthelesse where the ground is lean, there you must give more dung; in a fat ground not so much. Take heed the ground be not too moist nor too dry: and muck the trees with hogs dung.

Thirdly, a mediate water or nourishing moyst­nesse, therefore be those Orchards best which are scituated between two waters, for those that are pla­ced by a water side remaine still yong and fruitfull, and have commonly the bark smoother and thinner than the others. And those trees are more fruitfull than others which are planted in a valley, or in the lower part of a deepe hill: for from those hills may come to them nourishment and moistnesse, and the ground which is so scituated is very fruitfull. But he that cannot get for his trees such a ground, must with all diligence seeke to bring to his trees a little spring or pond, of which the trees may sometimes finde some reviving, and if you may not have any of those, and have a garden who by it self is naught, the trees will grow with thicke roots, which hindereth the growing of them, and drieth them at length.

Fourthly, The aire is required, which must be a­greeable to them, and of complexion to beare; for there be some trees that doe prosper in all aires, to wit, apple and peare, cherry and plum-trees. Some will have a cold aire, to wit Chessenut trees; & some a very warme aire, as the palme and pepper trees: therefore they be rare with us. That plant which hath these foure things shall prosper: and if they want one or more of these foure things, they wil de­cay, and their prospering perish.

At what time trees ought to be planted and set.

ALL kind of trees may be planted, transported, and cut in March, but it is better to turn them in October, for then the frost hurteth them not so [Page 3] much as at other times: for learned men say, that in dry townes and warm countries they plant in Octo­ber or November, and that in moist townes and cold vallies they plant in February or March: in none o­ther time may you plant or graffe. When you will plant or set againe wild stumps, if there be any thing broken at the root, cut it off. Euery plant must be set two foot one from another, or at the least one foot, especially when they should beare strong fruits: likewise when thou wilt set strong seeds, as nuts, al­monds and peaches. When a man will plant two stumps, so must they be of two yeare old, except the uine.

These things you must understand of those plants or stumps which are planted with roots.

How the stumps and plants must be prepared and dressed, which you will plant.

THe plant or sprout you must cut round about, so that you leave the very end of it, and put it then into an hole, but if the stump be great, cut it clean off, and then put only the undermost part into a hole, long or short as you will: but if you find two stumps growne together, you may cut the lesser a­way. And above all things you must take heed that the sprout grow upright, and if it will not, you must constraine it, and tie it to a sticke.

Here follow certaine instructions how the trees must be kept and how you must labour them.

SOme trees will have a fat ground, as Figge trees and Mulberrie trees, and some leane ground, but [Page 4] all trees be in that point equall, that they will have in the top dry ground, and in the bottome moist earth.

2 In harvest you must uncover the roots of the trees so deep, that they may partly be seene, and lay dung upon them, which dung must be dissolved of raine in the ground, that it may come to the roots, which mucking giveth good increase to the roots.

3 If the ground wherein the trees stand bee too sandy, then mixe among it faire and new lome: and if it be too lomy then mixe amongst it sand in place of mucke, the which you must not only doe hard by the tree, but also foure or fiue foot off from it round about the tree, according as the tree is in bignes, or that the roots are large and great.

Such diligence giueth to the trees great help, for their nourishment and strength is thereby renewed. Hereafter you shall understand, whereby to know the fruitfull soile.

4 In the fat ground the stumps whereupon you wil graf, must be left long, but in lean ground short.

5 The plants of trees from their youth, till three yeres must not be cut nor shred, but they may bee transported, and if they be too weak you may pricke sticks next unto them.

6 Diligent regard must be taken, that no sprouts spring out of the stump, which might take the nou­rishment from the tree sprouts, and those boughes which spring from the root of the tree at the first planting.

7 When thou perceiuest the yong trees to waxe weake, then uncover the roots and put other fresh ground to them.

[Page 5]8 If the ground be neither too soft nor too hard, then may you chuse all kind of stumps in February for to plant, when the green juice is dispersed in the bark, but when the ground is too hard, then the swet holes or pores of the root doe remaine closed and stopped, so that they cannot draw to them their nou­rishment, such hardnes of the ground or earth, hin­dereth the aire and moistnes which commeth from beneath upward, for it cannot be pearsed of the sofr sprouts, with the small heat which is beneath, ther­fore you must come to help them with a spade, for with a plough you will neuer come to an end, be­cause of the root.

9 There is great diligence to bee taken for pre­seruing of the trees, when they begin to grow great, to scrape from the barke all rudenesse, which is don, when you take from them all superfluitie, & sprouts which come out of the tree. You may cut them in February.

10 It is good for the trees to mucke them often, and moderatively to water their roots.

Also to cleaue the roots, and lay stones into them, to the end they may revive againe of the dri­nesse which they have suffered, or of the barrennes of the ground, or when the young planted trees for the great heat will perish. Also when immoderate heat is, then you must help them with turning of the ground, and, with watering, but the water wherewith you should water them, must not be altogether fresh nor cold, or newly drawne out of the spring: but out of a ditch, pond, or well, or any other foule ditch wa­ter, or with spring water, which hath stood long in the sunne, or put a little dung in the water, and stirre [Page 4] [...] [Page 5] [...] [Page 6] it once or twice well about, and the water wil be fat, wherwith water your trees. You may also keep them with shadowes and straw from the heat: or else put (in great heat) fat green herbs at the stump, tempred with loame: some anoint the stumpe (toward the South or Mid-day) with chalke, some with oile, or with any other ointment that cooleth.

11 When you would transpose a plant, or have wilde stumps digged out to plant again, then mark the part which standeth towards the South of mid-day, and put it so againe when you graffe it.

How to keep plants, stumps, or trees, from the wilde beasts, that they hurt them not.

WHere the path of the beast is free and reme­dilesse, there must be put poles, and with thornes the same yong trees must be inclosed.

That the Deeres spoile them not.

TAke the pisse of a Deere and anoint the Tree therewith.

That the Hares do not hurt them.

SPet in thy hand, and anoint the sprouts there­with, and no Hare will hurt them.

Here follow some instructions of graffing.

[a man up a ladder, pruning a tree]

FIrst you must know that imping, graffing, and setting, is all one thing.

The imping sprous must be young and new, with great bodies, and many eies: for where many and great buds be, that is a token, that is of a strong fruit.

2 The imping sprouts must be broken off at the sun rising, although that those of the other side bro­ken off grow likewise: yet those of the other side are most naturall and temperate of heat: Some country clownes beleeve, that if you in cutting the sprouts turn them upside downe, that they will never grow right, but be crooked.

3 All graffing and imping is don by putting one [Page 8] into another by a fast binding, that the little sprout may spread his boughs to the stump or tree, wherein it is graffed, that so it may become one tree.

4 Ouer, yong imps (which are so weake that they will breake before they be put into the earth, or into the stump) are naught, and therefore they may not be imped or set.

5 When you impe upon a house, or fruit tree, the fruit will be far better: But if you cut of a Garden tree a branch, and imp into it one of his own sprouts, it will bring forth fruit of another taste, forme and bignesse: for imping maketh all the diuersities in peares, apples, and other fruits.

6 It is far better to impe low in the stumpe, than in the top in the high branches: yet neverthelesse if you will make of wilde apple trees garden trees, you may impe them upon the top.

7 In great trees which have a great bark, it is not so good to impe, for they take not to them so easily the veins of the roots which grow out of the young sprouts, because of their hardnes, & especially when the imping sprouts are too weake. Wherefore they which graffe trees must seek smal and yong stumps, wherein they find much liquor and little hardnesse, and which may endure the binding.

8 It is best imping or graffing when the liquor is in the barke, if you have a great tree upon the which you would impe, and hath many branches, you may cut them all off, and impe into the stumps all kinde of boughs, such as you please: but if the tree be over old, so that her boughes be ranckled, and her moist­nesse consumed, then cut the tree cleane off, and let the stump stand a whole yeare: afterward take the [Page 9] sprouts which are sprung out of that stumpe, and graffe them, and cast the others away. Such a stump is like to bear, and therfore nourish as many sprouts as you please: but if it be a wild stump, graft garden sprouts upon it.

9 If you graffe a sprout or bough upon a Haw­thorne tree, that same bough will grow great, and the stumpe will remaine small, therefore he that will impe upon such a tree, see he cut it off by the root, then will the imped sprout and the stumpe grow all of one thicknesse: but you must have still regard that you Impe kinde upon kinde, as apples upon apples, peares upon peares: for he that graffeth strange upon strange, as peares upon apples, and apples on peares, and such like, although it be don often for pleasures sake, yet will it not last: for the naturall nourishment is so, that it will hardly nourish a strange kinde of fruit.

10 The tree which is graffed in February, in his fruits grow no wormes nor maggots.

11 When the imping sprouts begin to prosper, and will not grow streight and levell, then you must constrain them perforce, that they may grow order­ly. Furthermore you must have a care to keepe the prospering sprouts well with sticks from the wind, if they stand any thing high, and especially when they have stood a yeare or two, and where they are pricked in the stump, it is most needfull, as shall af­ter appeare. And because there be many and diuers waies to graffe and know how wild stumps & trees are to be made garden trees, we thought it good to set some of them here downe.

Divers fashions and waies of graffing there be.

HE that will extraordinarily graffe all manner of trees, he must know that the more one tree is li­ker another, the better it will prosper.

The first sort of graffing is, when the sprout is prickt between the barke and the wood of the stump; which must be don in May or Aprill, when the bark may easily be loosed from the tree, and is done after this sort.

First take a stump or tree, and cut him off with a sharp Saw, knife, or such like instrument, where he is smoothest and cleerest, and full of juice, and polish the place with the barke of the same tree which was cut off. Afterward tie the stump with a peece of barke, and then prick a hole between the bark of the tree with a prick of bone, elder wood, or yron, so that it cleave not, and then put in the place of the pricke, the sprout, which you must have broken off a plaine and even tree, of a good kinde, and one yeare old, which you shall know by this: every branch have rinckled knots like the joynt of a mans finger, cut it at one side under the knot, so that you touch not the heart of the tree: and at the other side you must soft­ly loose the barke, that the sprout may ioyne very close to the stump, then pull out the prick, and take the sprout, and turn the greene barke to the barke of the stump, so that it may stand strait.

The sprout may be foure or five fingers, or eight at the most, high above the stump.

Of this sort of imping, you may see two, three, or more, according to the bignesse of the stump, or as [Page 11] he can beare, provided alwaies that they stand at the least the length of a finger one from another.

Afterward tie it fast (with bark) together, and put over it good mucke, and tie over it a cloath, that no raine or aire may come between it and hurt it. This sort of imping is commonly used in stumps, which are great and old trees, whose barke is thicke and strong as apple trees, pear trees, cherry trees, and wil­low trees, on which are imped oftentimes apples, al­so on figge trees, and chestnut trees.

Such grafting is also done in high stumps, and branches, which be great, but they must be well kept from the wind, that it do not breake them.

After this sort you may graft many sorts and kinds of pears upon one tree, but if you bring peares upon apples, or apples upon peares stumps, it will not last long, as afore is said.

The first way of grafting prospereth best, and hath a good continuance, there be many other sorts of grafting, as followeth.

Another way of grafting is, when the stumps are clo­ven, and the sprouts afterwards are put in, the which doe as followeth.

Take a yong tree which is scant of the bignes of a finger, and cut it smooth and even, & cleave it in the midst, then take the sprout which you wil impe, and cut it three square, and at the one side leave the barke uncut, and then turne the same barke outward at the stump, and tie it fast as I have taught, that the wind nor raine hurt him not.


When the stump is uncovered and clean burnisht [Page 12] at the soft place, then tie him fast, that he cleave no further than ro the length of your sprout, which you must graffe upon him, and then leave the prick in it, then make your sprout pointed like a pricke, so that the middle be not touched, then put it into the cleft, having clensed the hole first with the point of a knife, so that one bark may touch the other, and out­ward one wood another, to the end the moisture may have the more easier his course, then pull out the pricke, and that which remaines open and bare be­tween the cleft and the sprout, that bind well every where with the barke of the tree, or with hard pres­sing with a little sand, or with dung of an oxe, or with waxe, or with a linnen cloth washed in waxe, that no raine, winde, or wormes may hurt it. This helpeth much to keep the moistnes in, which com­meth from the root, that it cannot breake out, but nourisheth the better the new plant: but when the stumps are great, they bee cleaved after two waies. The first is, that you cut or cleave the tree with a knife at one side only, even to the heart, and that you graft into it but one sprout. The other is, that you cleave it all over, and that you prick or graft on every side one sprout, or one alone, and leave the other side without.

When the stumpe is but a little bigger, then the sprout must necessarily be cloven in two, and you must graft but one sprout into it, as is said in the be­ginning.

This cleaving may be done in February, March, and Aprill, then it is good to cut them before they be greene, for to keepe them the better under the ground, in cold or moist places.

The third way of grafting.

THis sort of grafting is very subtill, witty, and ready; and is done as followeth.

Go to a smooth apple or peare tree, in April, when the trees get liquor, and seeke a branch which hath greene eies, and see that the same be lesse than your little finger, and teare it from the tree, and where you see that the greene sprouts will come off, there cut them off wholly, and clense the middle thereof, that the little red at the wood may turne about, and draw it not off, untill you come unto another good peare or apple tree, and seeke there another branch of the same bignesse that the other was, and cut it off, and take from it likewise the red, as far as you will put them againe, and looke where the branches join, that they may well sit together upon the top, and tie the same place gently and well with a little barke, be­hinde and before, that the water may not hurt them: in the first yeare it bringeth forth leaves and bran­ches, in the second, floures, which you may break off, for the sprout is yet too tender, so that it may beare no fruit, and in the third yeare it bringeth floures and fruit, and by this meanes you may graft divers kinds of pears and apples vpon one tree. I have like­wise set such sprouts upon wilde stumps, and they have prospered.

The fourth way of grafting is,

HOw buds are transported and bound upon ano­ther tree, like as a plaister is tied to a mans body: this sort of grafting is called in Latine Emplastrum. Wee read of such a sort of grafting which is called in Latine Abducellum, and it is much like unto this sort, wherefore we will only speake of it, being done after this sort.

When you see upon a great fruitfull bough, a bud which will prosper without doubt, and wouldst faine plant it upon another tree, take a sharp knife, and lift the bark up two fingers bredth, that the bud be not hurt, then go to another tree, upon the which you will graft, and put into a convenient place, a like hole into the barke, and put the same bud with the bark into it, and tie it with dung (or with a clout which hath lien in a dunghill) over the cut, that it may be kept from the outward damage of weather, and for an especiall nourishment and keeping of the inner juice: then cut off the branches round about it, that the mother may the better nourish the new son: within twenty daies after take away the band, so that you see that the strange bud hath prospered and joined himselfe with the tree. This may be done in March when the bark commeth easily from the tree. Also in April, May, and Iune, and yet she prospereth both before and after a time, when you may conve­niently find such buds.

This sort of planting prospereth best in a willow tree or such like, which is pierced through, and is done after this sort.

The fifth way.

When you pierce a willow stick with a sharp pier­cer, see that betweene every hole be left the space of one foot, and prick therein branches a little scraped, and put the sticke into a ditch, so that the branches stand upright, one part of the sticke remaining over the earth; and within a yeare after take it out of the ditch, and cut the stick asunder, so find you the bran­ches full of roots, and put euery one into a hole in the ground, and 'tis fit the holes were stopped with lome, or with waxe.

Some do take in March a fresh Beech tree, which is of a mans thicknesse, and pierce him ouerthwart with maine and great holes and small holes till unto the lowermost barke, or quite through: then take sprouts or boughes, which be as big and small, that they may fit into the holes: and when you will put them into the Beech stump, you must scrape the up­permost barke off, untill the greene, and no further: then the bough must remaine into the beech, the sprouts must stand a foot or somwhat lesse asunder, then keep your beech stump with the sprouts in a fresh ground, and skant a foot deep, you must first maime the sprouts, that they may not flourish; then the next March ensuing, dig it out with the sprouts, and cut it asunder with a saw, and every block which is cut off with his branch, you must set in a fresh ground, and so they will bring forth the fruit the same yeare.

The sixth Way.

This way teacheth how to graffe, that they may bring forth fruit the first yere, which do as follows.

Pare an old stumpe of what kind soever it be, the uppermost bark till to the lower green barke, a span long or somewhat lesse, which doe in harvest in the wane of the Moone, and anoint it with Oxe dung and earth, and tie it with barke, and after in March when trees are transposed from one place to another then cut the same branch from the tree, and put it into the ground, and it wil bring fruit the same yere. I have seene that one hath prickt sticks on Alhallow eve, in the earth, and hath pulled them out again up­on Christmas eve, and put boughes in the holes, and they have prospered and come out.

The [...] that the fruit bee without [...] sp [...]ut & graffe it into a great stump▪ [...] thicke [...] and lower part of the sprout, then take the upper or thinner end o the sprout, and cut it al [...]o fit to be graffed, and turne it downeward, and [...]raffe it into the said stump; and when the sprout of both sides prospereth, cut it in the midst asunder, so that which is grown right upward with the tree, the fruit of it hath stones, but that which was the top of the sprout that groweth contrary, brings forth fruit without stones. And if so be the turn [...] sprout pros­per, you must break off the other▪ to the end that the turned sprout doe not perish, which you may try a [...] ­ [...]er this sort: for oftentimes it commeth and prospe­ [...]eth, and many times it is perished and spoiled.

How Cherries are to bee graffed, that they may come without stones.

WIll you make that Cherries grow without stones? pare a little Cherry tree of one yere old at the stump, and cleave it asunder from the top to the root, which do in May, and make an Iron fit to [...]raw the heart or marow from both sides of the tree; [Page 17] then tie it fast [...]ther and anoint [...]

H [...] [...]

PLant a V [...]e tree next unto a Ch [...] [...] when it groweth [...]igh, then pierce a [...] [...] Cherry tree right above it, that the ho [...] [...] than the Vine is thick, and pare the up [...] bar [...] of the Vine branch till unto the greene [...] must go through the tree, & looke well to it tha [...] [...] branch of the Vine bee not bruised, and well anoin­ted. You must not suffer any sprouts to come out o [...] the vine from the ground up, but unto the tree only▪ that which commeth out of the other side, let that same grow and bring fruit. Then the next March fol­lowing, if the Vine prosper and grow fast into the tree, then cut the Vine from the tree off, and anoint the place with diligence, and it will bring fruit.

How a grape of a Vine may be brought into a glasse.

WIll you make that a grape grow into a nar­row glasse? take the glasse before the grape cast her bloud, or while she is little, and put her into the glasse, and she will ripen in the glasse.

To graffe Medlers on a Peare tree.

IF you graffe a branch of a Medler upon a Peare tree, the Medlers will be sweet and durable, so that you may keep them longer than otherwise.

How apples or other fruits may be made red.

IF you will graft upon a wild stump, put the sprouts in Pikes bloud, and then graft them, and the fruit will be red.


Take an apple branch, and graft it upon an alder stump, and the apples will be red. Likewise if you graft them upon cherry trees.

Of the Quince tree.

THe Quince tree commeth not of any grafting, but you must plucke him out by the roots, and plant him againe into a good ground or earth.


The Quince tree requireth a dry & sweet ground, and he prospereth therein.

How to make that Quinces become great.

TAke a branch of a Quince tree when it hath cast his bloud where a Quince groweth at, and put it into a pot, and set it into the ground, and let the Quince grow in it, and it will be very great.

And if you will shew some cunning therewith, cause to bee made a pot which hath a mans face in the bottome of it, or any other picture whatsoever, and when the quinces have blossomed, then bow the branch, and put the quince into the pot, and she wil grow very bigge, in the shape of a man, which may also be done in pompons, mellons, cucumbers, and other earthly fruits.

The conclusion of graffing.

OVt of all the forewritten causes (gentle reader) is evidently shewne, that although every plan­ting or grafting be better from like to like, and from [Page 19] kinde to kind, yet neverthelesse it agreeth also with contrary kinds, as now is said, wherefore he that will exercise and use the same, and try divers kindes, he may see and make many wonders.

What [...]oy and fruit commeth of trees. The first.

THe first is, that you plant divers & many kinds: for every housholder who hath care to his nourishment, with all diligence causeth oftentimes, such trees to be brought from forrein countries.

The second.

The second is, when the trees bee planted and set orderly and pleasantly, they give no small pleasure to a man, therefore every one should cut his trees or­derly, and he that cannot, should procure other men to do it, which know how to do it.

The third is of well smelling and spited fruit.

Cleave a tree asunder, or a branch of a fruitfull tree, to the heart or pith, and cut a piece out of it, and put therein poudred spices, or what spice soever you will, or what colour you will desire, and tie a barke hard about it, and anoint it with lome and oxe dung, and the fruit will get both the sauour and co­lour according to the spice you have put in it.

How sower fruits be made sweet.

WHich tree beareth sower fruits, in the same pierce a hole a foot or somwhat lesse above the root, and fill that with honey, and stop the hole with a haw-thorne branch, and the fruit will bee sweet.

How trees ought to be kept when they wax old.

WHen trees lose their strength and vertue for age, & the branches break off for the weight of the fruit, or when they wax barren for lack of moi­sture, that they beare not fruit every yeare, but scant every other or third yeare, you must cut some of his heavy branches, which he can little nourish, which is done to the end hee might keep some moistnesse to himselfe for his nourishment, for else the moist­nesse would go all into his branches.

Wheteby you may mark whether you must give them, or take away from them branches, according to their nourishment, and as the earth where shee standeth can abide, that is, you must leave them so much as will nourish them, and no more, which if you doe not, the trees will bring so little fruit; that your labour will not be recompensed.

Which cutting of trees may be done from the be­ginning of November till to the end of March, in warme countries. But it is more naturall to be done from the time that the leaves fall, till the time that they begin to grow greene againe, except where the frost is very great and sharp.

How trees must be kept from divers sicknesses, and first how to keep them from the Canker.

WHen the Canker commeth in any tree, he becommeth barren and dry, for it mounteth from the stumps into the top, and when it taketh a peare or apple tree, the bark will be black and barren thereabouts, which must be cut off with a knife, to the fresh wood, and then the place must be anointed with Oxe dung, and tied with barke, so that neither wind nor rain may hurt it.

Against worms which must be driven out of the tree.

IT happeneth oftentimes, that th [...] superfluities of moistnesse in the trees breaketh out like as some­times to a man or beast betweene the flesh and skin [...] and when that beginneth to rot, wormes grow out of it, which takes his strength away: wherfore mark.

When the barke of a tree at any time swels, cut it presently open that the poison may runne out, and if you find already wormes in it, draw them out with a little yron hooke.

How the wormes are to be killed, if they bee al­ready growne into the tree.

IF you will kill the worms which grow in the tree, take pepper, lawrell, and incense, and mingle all well together with good wine, and pierce a hole into the tree downeward, to the pith or heart of the tree, and poure this mixture into it, and stop it with a hawthorne, and the wormes will die.


Take ashes or dust and mingle it with sallet oyle, anoint the trees therewith, and the wormes will die.


Take poudred incense when you graffe, and bring it betweene the barke of the stump, which you will graffe, and no wormes will eat the fruit.

When a tree in many places becommeth chang­able because of wormes, or superfluous humors. Cleave the tree at some end from the top of the stump to the earth, that all the foule liquors may come out and dry. Also when a tree becomes sicke because of evill humors or fault of ground, so that he becommeth worme-eaten, or brings no fruit, take [Page 22] the earth away from the root, and put other sweeter in the place, and pierce a great hole in the stump, and put therein a pinne of Oake, and it helpeth.

A remedy against Caterpillers.

ALl kinde of Caterpillers which eat the greene, and blossomes of the tree, doe hurt them very much, so that thereafter may come no fruit.

Therefore their eggs which lie hidden, as it were in a cobwebbe, must diligently be searched, and bur­ned from the boughes, before they bring forth other Caterpillers, which do in December, Ianuary, and February.

Some were wont to breake them off, and tread them with their feet, but therwith they be not whol­ly killed. The fire consumeth all things, and therfore it is best to burne them.

Against the Pismires or Ants, when they will hurt the yong trees.

CVt the leaves off which are eaten or poisoned of the Ants or Pismires, and where there is any thing made uncleane in the top of the tree, of those little worms, that rub in pieces with your hands, that it may not staine the other leaves, and that the yong sprouts may grow up without any hinderance.

How to keepe the Pismires from the trees.

FIrst make a juice of an herbe, called Portabaca, and mix it with vineger, and sprinckle the stump therewith, or anoint the stumpe with wine dregs. Some take a little weake pitch, but very thinne, that it may not hurt the tree.

Another instruction.

Take a little bundle of cotton, wooll, flax, or towe, and lay it about the stump, and tie likewise a bundle above, about the stump, and draw it out a little, and the Pismires can do no hurt: or put about the stump bird-lime.

In what time of the harvest the fruit must be gathered.

THe fruits are not altogether at one time gathe­red, for they are not ripe all at once, as some pears which shew the ripenesse by the colour, those should be gathered in Summer, and if you let them stand too long, they will not last.

Peares which are ripe in harvest, those may be ga­thered in October, when the weather is cleare & dry: in harvest in the increase of the moon, fruits may be gathered.

A short instruction very profitable and necessary for all those that delight in gardening, to know the times and seasons when it is good to sow and replant all manner of seeds.

CAbbages must be sowne in February, March, or April, at the waning of the Moone, and re­planted also in the decrease thereof.

Cabbage Lettuce, in February, March, or Iuly, in an old Moone.

Onions and Leeks must be sowne in February or March, at the waning of the moone.

Beets must be sowne in February, or March, in a full moone.

Coleworts white and greene in February, or March, in an old moone, it is good to replant them.

Parsneps must be sown in February, April, or Iune, also in an old moone.

Radish must be sown in February, March, or Iune, in a new moone.

Pompions must be sowne in February, March, or Iune, also in a new moone.

Cucumbers and Mellons must be sown in Febru­ary, March or Iune, in an old moone.

Spinage must be sowne in February or March, in an old moone.

Parsley must bee sowne in February or March, in a full moone.

Fennell and Annisseed must be sown in February or March, in a full moone.

White Cycory must be sown in February, March, Iuly or August, in a full moone.

Cardus Benedictus must be sowne in February, March or May, when the moone is old.

Basill must be sowne in March, when the moon is old.

Purslane must be sowne in February or March, in a new moone.

Margeram, Violets and Time, must bee sowne in February, March or April, in a new moon.

Floure-gentle, Rosemary and Lavander, must bee sowne in February or Aprill, in a new moone.

Rocket and Garden cresses, must be sowne in Fe­bruary in a new moone.

Savell must bee sowne in February or March, [...] new moone.

Saffron must be sown in March, when the moone is old.

Coriander and Borage must be sown in Februa­ry or March, in a new moone.

Hart [...]horne and Samphire must be sowne in Fe­bruary, March or April, when the moone is old.

Gilly-floures, Harts-ease, & Wall-floures, must be sowne in March or April, when the moon is old.

Cardons and Artochokes must be sown in April or March, when the moone is old.

Chickweed must be sowne in February or March, in the full of the moone.

Burnet must be sowne in in February or March, when the moone is old.

Double Marigolds must be sowne in February or March, in a new moone.

Isop and Savorie must be sowne in March, when the moone is old.

White Poppey must bee sowne in February or March, in a new moone.

Palma Christi must be sowne in February, in a new moone.

Sparages and Sperage is to be sowne in February, when the moone is old.

Larks foot must bee sowne in February, when the moone is old.

Note that at all times and seasons, Lettuce, Ra­dish, Spinage and Parsneps may be sowne.

Note also, from cold are to bee kept Coleworts, Cabbage, Lettuce, Basill, Cardons, Artochokes, and Colefloures.

Worthy remedies and secrets availing against the stroying of Snailes, Cankerwormes, the long bodied moths, garden fleas, earth-wormes, and Moles.

AFricanus, singular among the Greek writers of husbandry, reporteth, that Garden plants and roots may well be purged and rid of the harmefull wormes, if their dennes or deep holes be smoaked, the winde aiding, with the dung of the Cow or Oxe burned.

That worthy Pliny in his first booke of histories writeth, that if the owner or Gardener sprinckleth the pure mother of the oyle Olive, without any salt in it, doth also drive the wormes away, and defend the plants and herbes from being gnawne of them. And if they shall cleave to the roots of the plants, through malice or breeding of the dung, yet this weedeth them clean away. The plants or herbs will not after be gnawne or harmed by garden-fleas, if with the naturall remedy, as with the herbe Rocket, the Gardener shall bestow his beds in many places.

The Coleworts and all pot-herbs are greatly de­fended from the gnawing of the garden-fleas, by Radish growing among them. The eager or sharp vineger doth also prevaile, tempered with the juice of Henbane, and sprinckled on the garden-fleas. To these, the water in which the herbe Nigella Romana shall be steeped for a night, and sprinckled on the plants, as the Greek Pamphilus reporteth, doth alike prevaile against the garden-fleas.

Paladius Rutilius reporteth, that the noisome ver­min or creeping things will not breed of the Pot-herbs, [Page 27] if the Gardener shall before the committing to the earth, dry all the seeds in the skin of the Tor­toise, or sow the herbe Mint in many places of the garden, especially among the Coleworts. The bitter Fitch and Rocket (as I afore uttered) bestowed a­mong the pot herbs, so that the seeds be sown in the first quarter of the Moone, do greatly availe us. Also the Canker and Palmer worms, which in many pla­ces work great injurie both to the gardens & vines, may the owner or gardener drive away with the fig tree ashes sprinckled on them and the herbs.

There be some which sprinckle the plants and herbes made with the lee of the fig-tree ashes, but it destroies the wormes, to strew (as experience repor­teth) the ashes alone on them.

There bee others which rather will to plant or sow that big onion, named in Latine Scilla or Squilla here and there in beds, or hang them in sundry pla­ces of the garden.

Others also will to fix river Cresses with nailes in many places of the garden, which if they shal yet withstand or contend with all these remedies, then may the Gardener apply to exercise this devise, in taking the Ox or Cow urine, and the mother of oile Olive, which after the well mixing together, and heating over the fire, the same be stirred about until it be hot, and when through cold, this mixture shall be sprinckled on the pot-herbs and trees, doth mar­vellously prevaile, as the skilfull Anatolius of experi­ence reporteth.

The worthy Paladius Rutilius reporteth, that if the owner or Gardener burne great bundles of the Gar­licke blades (without heads) dried, through all the [Page 28] allies of the Garden, and unto these the dung of Backes added, that the sauour of the smoke (by the helpe of the wind) may be driven to many places, es­pecially to those where they most abound & swarm, and the Gardener shall see so speedy a destruction, as is to be wondred at.

The worthy Pliny of great knowledge reporteth, that these may be driven from the pot-herbes, if the bitter Fitch seeds be mixed and sown together with them, or the branches of the trees, Crevises hanged up by the hornes in many places, doth like prevaile. These also are letted from increasing, yea they in heaps presently gathred are destroied, as the Greeks report of observation, if the Gardener by taking cer­taine Palmer or Canker-wormes out of the Garden next ioyning, shall seeth them in water with Dill, and the same being through cold, shall sprinckle on the herbes and trees, that the mixture may wet and soke through the nests, euen unto the young ones, cleaving together, that they may taste thereof, will fpeedily dispatch them. But in this doing, the Gar­dener must bee very wary, and haue an attentive eye, that none of the mixture fall on his face or hands.

Besides these, the owner or Gardener may use this remedy certain, and easily prepared, if about the big armes of trees, or stums of the herbes, he kindle and burne the stronger lime and brimstone together. Or if the owner make a smoake with the Mushromes, growing under the Nut tree, or burne the hoofes of Goats, or the gum Galbanum, or else make a smoake with the Harts horne, the winde aiding, by blowing towards them.

The husbandmen and gardeners in our tune have [Page 29] found out this easie practise, being now common e­very where: which is on this wise, that when these af­ter showres of raine are cropen into the warm sun, or into places standing against the sunne, early in the morning shake either their fruits and leaves of the pot-herbs, or the boughes of the trees, for these be­ing yet stiffe, through the cold of the night, are pro­cured of the same, the lighter and sooner to fall, not able after to recover up againe, so that the Palmer worms thus lying on the ground, are then in a readi­nesse to be killed of the Gardener.

If the owner mind to destroy any other creeping things noyous to herbes and trees, (which Paladius and Rutilius name, both herb and Leek wasters) then let him hearken to this invention and devise of the Greeke Dyophanes, who willeth to purchase the maw of a Weather sheep new killed, and the same as yet full of his excrementall filth, which lightly cover with the earth in the same place, where these most haunt in the Garden, and after two daies shall the Gardener find there, that the mothes with long bo­dies, and other creeping things will bee gathered in divers companies to the place right ouer it, which the owner shall either remove and carry further, or dig and bury very deep in the same place, that they may not after arise and come forth, which when the Gardener shall have exercised the same but twise or thrise, he shall utterly extinguish, and quite destroy all the kinds of creeping things that annoy & spoile the Garden plants.

The husbandmen in Flanders arme the stockes, and compasse the bigger armes of their trees, with wisps of straw handsomely made and fastened or [Page 30] bound about, by which the Palmer wormes are con­strained to creep up to the tops of the trees, & there staid, so that, (as it were by snares and engines laid) these in the end are driven away, or thus in their way begun, are speedily or soone after procured to turne backe againe. As unto the remedies of the Snailes particularly belongs. These may the Gardener like­wise chase from the kitchin herbs, if he either sprin­ckle the new mother of the oyle olive, or soot of the chimney on the herbes, as if he bestowed the bitter sitch in beds among them, which also avails against other noysome wormes, and creeping things, as I a­fore uttered, that if the Gardener would possesse a greene and delectable garden, let him then sprinkle diligently all the quarters, beds, and borders of the Garden, with the mixture of water and pouder of Fenny-greeke tempered together, or set upright in the middle of the garden, the whole bare head with­out the flesh of the unchaste Asse, as I afore wrote.

Excellent inventions and helps against the garden Moles.

THe skilfull Paxanus hath left in writing, that if the Gardener shall make hollow a big nut, or bore a hollow hole into some sound piece of wood being narrow, in filling the one or the other with Rosin, Pitch, Chaffe and Brimstone, of each so much as shall suffice to the filling of the Nut, or hollow hole in the wood, which thus prepared in a readi­nes, stop every where with diligence, all the goings forth, and breathing holes of the mole, that by those the fuming smoke in no manner may issue out, yet [Page 31] so handle the matter, that one mouth and hole bee only left open, and the same so large, that well the nut or vessel kindled within, may be laid within the mouth of it, wherby it may take the wind of the one side, which may so send in the savour both of the ro­sin and brimstone into the hollow tombe, or resting place of the Mole: by the same practise so worke­manly handled, by filling the holes with the smoke, shall the owner or Gardener either drive quite away all the Moles in the ground, or finde them in short time dead.

There bee some that take the white Neesewort, or the rinde of Cynocrambes beaten and farced, and with Barley meale and egges finely tempered toge­ther, they make both Cakes and Pasties wrought with wine and milke, and those they lay within the Moles de [...]ne or hole.

Albertus of worthy memory reporteth, that if the owner or Gardener closeth or diligently stop­peth the mouths of the Moleholes, with the garlick, onion, or leeke, it shall either drive the Moles away, or kill them, through the strong savour stinking or breathing into them.

Many there be, that to drive away these harme­full Moles, do bring up yong Cats in their Garden ground, and make tame Weasels, to the end, that ei­ther of these through the hunting of them, may so drive away this pestiferous annoyance, being taught to watch at their streit passages, and mouthes of the holes comming forth.

Others there bee also which diligently fill and stop up their holes with the red Okare or Ruddell, and juice of the wild Cucumber, or sow the seeds of [Page 32] Palma Christi, being a kind of Satyrion, in beds, through which they will not after cast up, nor tarry thereabout.

But some exercise this easie practise, in taking a live Mole, and burning the pouder of brimstone a­bout him, being in a deep earthen pot, through which he is procured to cry, all others in the meane time as they report, are mooved to resort thither.

There are some besides, which lay silke snares at the mouth of their holes.

To the simple husbandmen may this easie pra­ctise of no cost suffice, in setting downe into the earth a stiffe rod or greene branch of the Elder tree.

[a man grafts a tree]

[decorative motif of an orchard trees]
[garden tools]
A Direction to set or lay your lines or thread to make or draw a simple Knot, without a border.

You must leave your Lines as they be first set, untill your Knot be altogethet finished or done.

The Manner or Ordering to set the thread or line upon another manner of Knot.
A Direction to fasten your Lines to make another manner of Knot.
A plaine Knot without Lines.
A plaine Knot without Lines.
Another plaine Knot without Lines.
A Direction to fasten Cords or Lines to draw a Knot with a Border; as also to make a Border of Beds parted in the middest.
A Direction of the Cords fastned upon the Border, with a Knot in the midst
A Border with a Knot in the midst thereof.
A Border or Knot divided or parted, con­taining five small Knots.
The forme of the Lines set upon the Knot, whose squares or beds are parted.
A Border of Beds or Squares parted; and the midst thereof
A Maze.
[fish and eels swim in a pond surrounded by plants]

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