Coridons commendation in the praise of his loue the faire Phillis. To a pleasant new tune.

MY Loue she is faire and honest,
I know she is faire and honest,
For shée will all her busines doe,
I know shée is faire and honest too.
My Phillis is full of fauours,
And faire as faire may be:
Silly Swain [...]s leaue off your labours,
Shée will loue no man but me.
For she is most faire and honest,
I know she is faire and honest:
And will each vertuous businesse doe,
I know she is faire and honest too.
No sugred tempting tongue,
Nor golden promise faire,
Can doe my Phillis wrong,
Or her good name impaire.
For she is faire and honest,
I know shee is faire and honest:
And will doe st [...]ll what maids will doe,
Yet is shée faire and honest too.
Shée hath a charming voyce,
Not lik [...] her in musicke many:
Yet Phillis remaines my choyce,
And will not be won by any.
For shée is most faire and honest,
I know shee is faire and honest:
And will show fauor as others doe
Yet is she faire [...]
If Cupid bend his bow,
His shaft she turnes aside,
And tells him whither to goe,
That can it better abide.
So shée is faire and honest,
I know shée is faire and honest:
And will performe what others doe,
Yet is shée faire and honest too.
My Phillis can Garlands make,
To set on her louers head:
And gallantly vndertake,
To deck out a Bridall bed.
Yet is she faire and honest,
I know she is faire and honest,
And will shew loue as Maidens doe,
Yet she is faire and honest too.
My Phillis can foote it right,
And follow the Bagpipes droone:
When Coridon comes in sight,
Experience must be showne.
So still she is faire and honest,
I know she is faire and honest,
And take pleasure as others doe,
Yet is she faire and honest too.
When mirthfull May comes in,
My Phillis will vndertake,
[...]at shall begin,

The second Part. To the same tune.

YEt still she is faire and honest,
I know she is faire and honest,
And make sport as maides will doe,
Yet is she faire and honest too.
No lasse in all our towne,
In sporting or in play,
Can put my Phillis downe,
She beares so great a sway.
Yet is she faire and honest,
I know she is faire and honest:
Though she c [...]n such like pastimes doe,
Yet is she faire and honest too.
Her huswiserie's well knowne,
Theres nothing goes to wracke,
She kéepes full well her owne,
While other good lasses lacke.
Yet is she faire and honest,
I know she is faire and honest,
And can good houshould-busines doe,
I know she is faire and honest too.
My loue can brew and bake,
As other huswiues can:
And make a boul [...]ed cake,
To giue her neighbors man.
Yet is she true and honest,
I know she is true and honest,
Though she such friendly tricks can doe,
Yet is she true and honest too,
My loue can milke a Cow,
And teach a calfe to suck:
And knowes the manner how,
To set a brooded Duck.
So is she wise and honest,
I know she is wise and honest:
And can such houshould busines doe,
So is she wise and honest too.
My loues a louely lasse,
Her Coridon must loue,
And times will come to passe,
When maids and men may proue.
For she is true and honest,
I know she is true and honest,
And will loue as maids will doe,
Yet is she faire and honest too.
You shepheard swaines be wise,
Chuse one as I haue done,
That will not be precize,
But be with reason wone.
For she is faire and honest,
I know she is faire and honest,
And will her husbands pleasures doe,
Therefore she is faire and honest too.

Printed at London for I. T.

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