The Catechisme in Me­ter, for the eafier learnyng, and better remembryng of those prin­ciples of our Faithe, whiche wee ought moste familiarly to be acquainted withall.

For the proofe of those thynges, whiche I haue not quoted, I referre you to the vsuall Catechisme. Onely in the margent I haue quoted those thynges whiche I haue added for plainnesse.

The verse will agree with moste of the tunes of the Psalmes of Dauid, and it is deuided into par­tes, that eche parte maie be song by it self.

¶ Jmprinted at London by Robart Walley. 1583. [Page] [Page] [...]

To the Christian reader, mercie and peace in Christe.

HE, that considereth the dulle vntowardnesse of our nature in learnyng of heauenly thyn­ges, the tediousnesse that easi­ly creepeth vpon vs, the scorne that many haue to teache, and others to bee taught by their Pastors and Maisters, the difficultie and infinite trauaile in teachyng, and the small encrease of continuall labor with thē, besides the diligence of the aduersaries, in blastyng abroade their poison, and how ne­cessarily therefore the people of God are to be foreseasoned and confirmed with the cō ­terpoison of truthe against them, shall ease­ly perceiue this to bee no idle or vaine Poe­trie, but a needefull and Christian pollicie. This is more then inough to the godly wise: He that giueth encrease to the Planter and Waterer, giue a blessyng here vnto, that it maie spread it self to his glory, and the en­crease of his kingdome. This Newyeres daie. 1583.

Thine in Christ. T.R.

G.S. To the Authour.

AMongest a number of Cathechismes, which flie abroad, I haue not reade any, either for shortnesse more com­pendious, or in matter more substantiall, or in maner of stile more easie, or for the ca­pacitie of the simple more facile, then this Metricall Cathechisine of yours, whiche la­tely came to my handes: whiche though it were sent by you to your familiar freendes, as a testimonie to them of your good will, (beeyng at the firste farre from any purpose to haue it come to light, or to bee published to others) yet presumyng vpō your freend­ly acceptation of my good meaning, I haue aduentured to put in printe, that a worke so needefull for all, should not bee made pri­uate to some fewe, but communicated to many. And I doubte not but that the good acceptyng of these firstlynges of your la­bours, [Page]and the greate profite whiche this small booke shall bryng to the Churche of GOD, will enbolden and animate you to proceede to the publishyng of greater mat­ters. For howsoeuer in humilitie you seeke to shrowde your self intra domesticos pari­etes, carefully and painfully keepyng your self within the cōpasse of your owne charge, yet you cannot so hide your rare and excel­lēt giftes (I write without flaterie) but that profitably thei breake for the to the aduaūcement of Gods kyngdome, and greate bene­fite of his childrē. And I would wishe (suche is my desire to haue others profited, as I my self haue been comforted and confirmed by you) that as you haue been by preachyng the worde, a fruitfull labourer in Gods vine­yarde, so you would vouchsafe also by wri­tyng at your conuenient oportunitie, to do good to many, who though thei haue not seen you, yet desire to bee partakers of the fruites of your labours. You are better kno­wen then you surmise, and more is expected at your handes, then you imagine. Employe your Talentes euery waie to the vttermost and applie your self to benefite not a priuate [Page]Congregation onely, but the whole bodie of the Churche also, so farre forthe as it shall seme good to your godlie wifedome. I take not vppon me to directe you, but I tell you what I wishe, that the same benefite whiche I myself and other yoùr hearers, haue recei­ued by your preaching, might also by other your trauailes, redounde to the comforte of them, who neuer heard you.

Your louyng freend. G.S.

The first part.

WEE liue this life, to learne to liue,
that is to knowe the waie:
To be discharged before the lorde,
for sinne at Iudgement daie.
Againe wee liue to honor God,
by care to doe his will:
And not in recklesse brutishe life,
our fancies to fulfill.
The waie to learne our true discharge,
is first our charge to knowe,
That is th'inditement of our sinne,
and our deserued woe:
The meanyng of Gods holie lawe,
indites me for my sinne:
The ten Com­maundements.
And doeth pronounce the fearfull cursse,
that I deserue therein.
God did enioyne me by his lawe,
to haue no Gods but one:
That is to loue, to feare, to praie,
and trust to God alone:
Next that I doe deuise no
Leuit. 26.1. Exod. 32.4.8. VVe maie not make any signes as remembrance of Gods person, for the signe cā not agree with the thyng sign­fied Abac. 2 [...]8. but of his loue, [...] mercie, iustice, [...] deliuerance, & [...] we maie haue signes and re­membrances, as Gene. 28.18.
or image of the Lorde:
Or any thyng to worship it,
but serue hym by his worde:
The third that bothe I thinke and speake,
of hym with reuerent feare:
In trifles not to make hym
God is made adge either by othe Heb. 6.16. or by lottes, as in Cardes and Dice, or in any other casuall triall of contro­uersies. Prou. 16.33.
by creatures not to sweare.
The fourth to rest one daie in seuen,
Deut. 5.14.15
Gods workes to muse vpon:
And euery daie to rest from sinne,
Heb. 49.10.
whiche is our worke alone.
Next to [...]aye my par [...]tes
For besides our naturall [...]a­ren [...]es, Magi­strates are so called. Iudg. 5. [...]. pastors. 1. Tim. 1.2. Maister 1.2. King. 25.12. Old men. 1. Tim. 5.1.
whiche rule me in Gods steede:
And I as Parent rule and
Heb. 13.17. Gene. 18.19.
my charge with carefull heede.
The sixt forbiddes my harte my hande,
or tong to wreke my spite:
And bids me saue by all these meanes,
the life of euery wight.
The seuenth condemnes bothe thought and deede
and cause of wanton luste:
Commaundyng to suppresse it still,
or liue in wedlocke iuste.
The eighth to shun the stelth of harte,
of craft or wrongfull deede:
To labour with contented minde,
and helpe my brothers neede.
The nineth all falshoode doeth forbid,
in witnesse, talke, or thought:
To speake it, or beleue it, till
redresse and truthe be sought.
The tenth condemnes bothe staine of birthe
Rom. 7.23.
firste deuise of sinne:
Though neither action nor consent,
The first thoughtes of sinne are often, tymes odions to the godly so sone as thei a­rise, and yet thei be sinfull, be­cause thei are the wisedome of the flesh, that is to saie, enmi­tie against god. Rom. 6.7.
pleasure passe therein.

The seconde parte.

she Law be­wra [...]th our im­perfections.
this I see there can no fleshe,
this perfect lawe fufill:
And y t in thought, in word, in deede,
I still offende Gods will.
And to my least vngodly thought,
Gods curse is due by right:
Whiche bryngs hell fire and wofull worme
that gnawes bothe daie and night.
From these so euerlastyng paines,
no goods can raunsome mee:
Nor worldly woe nor works of myne,
from hell can set me free.
And though our God be mercifull,
yet is he iuste and true:
And must of iustice punishe sinne,
with plagues by iustice due:
Whiche none is able to endure,
and saue hymself at length,
If he be but a
Iude. 6.
and haue no greater strength.
Wherefore our Christe becommyng man,
Christ hath doen that for vs which we could not doe for our selues.
his Godhead ioyned thereto:
That he might compasse that for vs,
whiche we could neuer doe.
As man to take mans cause in hande,
and subiect be to woe:
As God to vanquishe Death and Hell
and Sathan ouerthrowe.
And yet by this none saued are,
but that with faithe vnfainde
Are sure Gods promise in his Christ,
shall firmely be maintainde.
This faithe is full beleef of harte,
vpon Gods promise stayed:
And by the holie spirite of God,
into my soule conuayed.
Whereby I knowe that all that Christ,
hath doen pertains to me:
And is myne owne, as if my self,
thereof could worker be.
By this my faithe I see my sinns,
forgiuen, and plagued also:
For I am quitte, yet Christ for me,
this plague did vndergoe.
Thus God to me is mercifull,
and iuste in Christ his sonne:
And counts me also cleane and pure,
by that whiche Christ hath doen:
And this beleef of Gods free grace,
doeth frame my thankfull minde,
To serue my God with chearfulnesse,
that was to me so kinde.
This faithe the Creede containes in somnie
whiche doeth vs all direct:
The Creede.
What to beleeue of God, and of
Gods Churche his deere elect.

The third parte.

TH'eternall God the father of Christ
doeth all Christs members take
To be his children with their hedde
for Christ their Sauiors sake.
I beleue in God the father,
Againe, this God Almightie is,
Almightie, make [...] o [...]. &c. Heb. 1 [...].3.
'creatyng all of none:
And he in heauen in yearth and hell,
doeth gouerne all alone.
Of Christ the sonne of God, and God,
And in Iesus Christ, &c.
I stedfastly doe hold:
That he by holie Ghost conceiude
did take our fleshly mold,
Conceiu [...]d,
Of Virgine pure,
to bee our pledge,
and so was free from sinne:
Rom. 8.3.
all his life performde Gods Lawe,
for vs that failde therein.
At length he was condemned,
and curst by hangyng on the Tree,
Frō Gods moste fearfull iudgement barre,
and curse to sette me free.
On crosse he suffred
(c) 1. Pet. 2.24. Math. 27.46. Crucified, Dead, Buried, Descended,
hell, and death,
Gods wrathe to pacifie:
And that as he was deade for sinne,
so I to sinne mate die.
From graue the third daie he arose,
Rose againe,
as conqueryng Death and Hell:
That I maie rise to vertue first,
and last in heauen to dwell.
He did ascende,
that so maie I,
and intercession still
He makes for me,
Heb. 10.14.
alonely by,
his blood whiche he did spill.
His father hath endued hym,
Sitteth on the right hande.
bothe God and man with might,
To rule his Churche by his decrees,
and all the worlde with right.
And therefore I beleeue at length,
Shall come to iudge,
that Christ as Iudge shall come:
To quit his chosen Sheepe, and damne,
the reste by righteous doome.
God holie Ghost I doe beleeue,
I beleeue in the holy Ghost.
doeth seale into my breast,
That Christ is myne, and killyng sinne,
to vertue makes me prest.
The Father Sonne and holie Ghost,
I call them God all three:
And yet one God because his worde,
hath so sette doune to mee.
Gods Churche or flocke to persone, place,
Holy Catho.
or tyme particularly
Not tied is, God knowes them all,
and loues them tenderly.
The same from Christ their hedde all gifts,
Communion of Sainctes.
of soule and bodie drawe
Rom. 12.3.
measure, for to helpe the reste,
by Christian mercies lawe.
To these forgiuenesse of their sinnes,
in Christe his blood is giuen:
The raisyng of their fleshe from dust,
Resurrection, Life euerlastyng
and life with Christ in heauen.

The fourth parte.

OF this my faith by preachyng bredd
by preachyng still I haue
and by the Sacraments,
whiche Christ as earnest gaue
Vnto his Churche, whereby he bindes
hymself to raunsome me:
And I by takyng binde my self,
his seruaunt for to be.
These are but twoo: in Baptisme first
the water is our signe:
2. Sacramentes, Baptisme and the Lordes Sup­per.
And in the Supper of the Lorde,
we haue the bread aud wine:
The water serues to teache that as,
it washeth cleane our skinne:
So Christ his death doeth cleanse my soule,
from guilt, and plague of sinne.
So I and all are Baptizde, whiche
with Christ to sinne are dead:
And rais d with hym in righteousnesse,
a better life to lead.
The bread and wine doe teache,
The Lords Sup­per.
that as
without the naturall food
Our thirst and hunger none can swage:
Math 11.28.
nought but Christ his blood,
And suffryngs can refre she the settle,
with sinne opprest and pinde:
Whiche still doeth runne into dispaire,
till Christ doe come to minde.
But when with liuely stedfast faithe,
Ioh. 6.40.
my Christ on crosse I see:
And all his hellishe wofull paines,
that he endured for mee:
Then is his fleshe my meate in deede,
Ioh. 6.47.54.
his blood then doe I drinke:
If that my soule refreshed be,
when on his death I thinke.
What thyng can then this foode of soule,
more liuely represent,
Then foode of body bread and wine:
and so a Sacrament
It is in deede, in nature not
transformde, but vse alone:
Not fleshe of Christ, but signifiyng,
that fleshe we feede vpon:
For if the bread be turnd to Christ,
in Godhead, fleshe, and bone,
By force of consecratyng wordes,
then Christ, whiche is but
1. Cor. 8.6.
Shalbe so many Christes,
The last coūsell of Trens affirmeth, that in euery peece of the conse­crated host, is whole Christ God and man, and curseth all that denye it. Cano. 3 de. Saca­mento Euch.
as crummes
were euer consecrated:
And of the substaunce of the bread,
Christes Godhead is created.
His manhood subiect to no
Luc. 24.39.40.
no fleshe, or bone shalbee:
So bothe his natures ouerthrowen,
by this wee plainly see.
To eate this foode I must prepare,
my soule by greef for sume:
And true desire in holinesse,
a newe life to be ginne.
Next, faithe must teache me that my sinns,
in Christ haue full release:
And I with all men, euen my foes,
in harte must be at peace.

The fift parte.

THis care is cheefly then required,
when I doe take this foode:
But yet I must frequēt the works,
that holie be and good
Continually, for though in Christ,
my full redemption lie:
I worke not for my self in deede,
yet God to glorifie,
And for to she we my thankfull harte,
to make my cassyng sure:
Isa. 38. [...].
helpe the helplesse, and to Christ,
some others to allure.
And these good workes by Gods precept,
must still be warrantable:
And flowe from faithe, or els to God
thei be abhominable.
Amongst these workes our praier is not
the least, whiche doeth auaile
To strength my faithe exceadyngly:
for God,
Tit. 1.2.
who can not faile,
In pledge of loue, doeth
Ioh. 16.24.
bid me aske
of hym, in Christ, with faithe,
And earnest importunitie,
what he by promise saieth
That he will giue, and I shall haue,
for me what maie be best:
And to that ende hath left to his,
this forme of true request.
OVt father which art in the heauens,
The Lordes prayer.
all praise to thee bee giuen:
Thy Church encrease, thy will bee doen
of vs as t'is in heauen.
Giue vs this daie that maie suffice,
our sinns to thee release:
As we in harte forgiue our foes,
and meane to liue in peace.
Lorde yeeld vs not to suares of sinne,
from Sathan sett vs free.
For kyngdome, power, and glorte is thine,
O Lorde so let it bee.

¶ The somme of all.

THe Lawe be wraies my deadly woūd
by sume, whereof the cure
The Creede doeth teache by Iesus Christ,
the Sacraments make sure,
That by that meanes I cured shalbe,
the praier of the Lorde;
Confirmes Gods loue, because he bids,
me aske, and doeth accorde
To graunt me ought that maie be good,
for me in any wise:
Like as a father to his child,
no needefull thyng denies.

¶ Or els thus.
The sixt parte.

THe state of all mankinde to God,
mate be resembled well
In some respects, vnto a Prince,
and subiects that rebell.
The Lawe on treason death decrees,
and thei in warde are cast:
Till tyme of execution come;
but yet the Prince at last
Of his free mercie doeth deuise,
those traitours to preserue,
And eke as tustice doeth hym binde,
not from the Lawe to swarue.
The Death that Lawe on treason setts,
his onely Sonne shall dye:
And he by this will rescue all,
that will be saued thereby.
This pardon sealed he proclaimes,
and bids them aske beside,
What thyng soeuer he maie giue,
it shall not be denied.
Of this free mercie some take heide,
whiche knowe the Princes trothe
And faithfulnesse, some others are,
to leaue their dungeon lothe,
And rather choose of traiterous harte,
to dye then for to take:
The grace so freely proffered them:
some others lewdly make
This promise plaine of noue effecte,
as though it could not be,
That he should meane good soothe with thē,
that dealt so traiterouslie:
Or that his sonne would dye for them,
or if he did, it might:
Suffice the sentence of the Lawe,
from death to set them quight.
The rest doe hope by other meanes,
though this be cleane neglected,
By pitie or their owne desarts,
that thei shalbe accepted.
Of whiche at length none saued are,
but thei that flie vnto
The Princes pardon: all the rest,
their sentence vndergoe.
Euen so all we by sinne haue been,
ranke rebells to our God:
The Lawe pronounceth hell thereon,
and we haue here abode
Vpon this yearth as twere in warde,
till execution daie:
But yet our God of his free grace,
hath found a wondrous waie
To saue vs and performe his Lawe,
by yeeldyng vp to die
His onely Sonne to be our pledge,
and able suretie,
To paie the debts of all the worlde:
here of the patent letter
He hath by Scriptures giuen to vs:
and to confirme vs better
He settes his Sacramentes thereto,
this pardon so to seale
And farther bidds vs boldly aske,
and he will not repeale
Our lawfull suits: vpon his worde,
and promise some doe staie,
And claime his pardon, knowyng sure,
that he will not vnsate
His promise made: some others like
this yearthly dungeon well:
And for to dye, thei spare not still,
moste lewdly to rebell.
Some others thinke it but a tale,
that God suche grace should showe
To them that had deserued so ill;
and these doe make a mowe
Of Christ his death: the rest doe hope
God will not be so rough,
Or by their good euill workes, and toyes
to please hym well enough.
But these shalbe defeated all,
except those first alone
That doe take hold of grace in Christ,
and onely staie thereon.
And as those faithfull subiects saued
by trustyng to that grace
Whiche Princes pardon offereth them.
cannot in any case
But shewe their thankfull harte to Prince
that dealt so graciousite,
And wholie for to please their kyng,
hereafter doe applie
Themselues: euen so the Christian saued
by faithe in Christ his death,
Doeth consecrate hymself to God
as long as life and breath
Doeth last, to serue hym saithfully,
that hath hym so deserued,
And by so deare a raunsome hath
from death and hell preserued.

When you haue doen singyng so muche as you will, it were good to adde that praied for the Churche of God, in the 28. Psalme 9. verse.

Thy people and thyne heritage,
Lorde blesse, guide, and preserue:
Increase them lorde & rule their harts
that thei maie neuer swarue.

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