DYETS DRY DINNER: Consisting of eight seuerall Courses:

  • 1. Fruites
  • 2. Hearbes.
  • 3. Flesh.
  • 4. Fish.
  • 5. whitmeats.
  • 6. Spice.
  • 7. Sauce.
  • 8. Tabacco.

All serued in after the order of Time vniuersall. By Henry Buttes, Maister of Artes, and Fellowe of C. C. C. in C.

Qui miscuit vtile Dulci.
Non nobis solùm nati sumus, sed Ortus nostri sibi vendicant

Printed in London by Tho. Creede, for Wil­liam Wood, and are to be sold at the West end of Powles, at the signe of Tyme. 1599.

Partem Parentes TO THE RIGHT Worshipfull and vertuous Lady, the Lady Anne Bacon, sole heire to the Worship. Edward Buttes Esquire, her Father, as also to her Ʋn­cles, the right worthie Syr Wil­liam Buttes Knight, and Thomas Buttes E­squire, deceased.
The Name of this Booke.

A Painter (Right worshipfull) fain woulde make a speech to great Alexander, and (for that being a meane man, and vnknowne to the King, small notice and lesse respect would bee had of [Page] him) he procured Alexanders owne cloake or princely robe, and therein presented himselfe before the King. The same deuise my selfe am forced to put in practise, for being vnwor­thie, or at least not knowne worthie to be knowne vnto your Ladiship, I do partly cloake me with the large Mantle of common Homage: part­ly cloath me with the proper coate of my Ancestors: who as they were a litle nearer then my self vnto your blood, so were they much nearer to your thoughts, and better knowne vnto you. Thus hauing put on my cloake with the Painter, I begin my speech.

Madame, as the admired perfec­tion of all excellent indowments, wherewith God hath inriched you, necessarily plucketh from the hearts of all that know you, due reuerence; so the naturall league of mutual loue and friudship betweene your and [Page] my Ancestors, (while they all liued togither in Norffolke) more neerly vrgeth mee particularly to deuote my selfe vnto you. And yet not on­ly your Ladiships proper name (now cancelled and concealed in you, by participation of another) is thus po­werfull to commaund my thoughts; but infinit cause (me thinkes) I haue, highly to respect and honour you, euen in, & by that name, which (but for my fathers progeny stil continu­ing in Norffolk) had put our name to silence. Yea, who most gladly ho­noureth not the glorious name of that thrise worthie and renowmed wight of famous memory, Syr Ni­cholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the great seale of England, while he li­ued: whose magnificent bountie to our Vniuersitie, and especially to Corpus Christi Colledge (whereof himself sometime was, as I am now) hath purchased him a perpetuitie of [Page] glory, to be celebrated for euer a principall Benefactor. The chiefe Ofspring from this so excellent a roote (into whom the whole acoom­plishment of all that worth is trans­fused and deriued) is your Ladiships rightly right Worshipfull Knight, of the same name, now liuing. Who is wel knowne to be the vndoubted heire, not only of his fathers wealth, but of his vertues and glory also. All these premised words (excellent La­dy) inferre thus much: I most wil­lingly acknowledge, either of you both may iustly claime interest in the Fee-simple (or rather simple fee) of my best indeuours, studies and praiers, for the preseruation of your health, and continuance of your life. The which least I should seeme on­ly idlely to wish, I haue not onely bene Votary to Aesculapius, Phi­sickes great Grand-father, but Ser­uant also to Dyet, healths kindest [Page] Nourse. To whose frugall Table, I inuite your Ladiship.

But afore you come, I think it my best course to tell you what kind a feast you shall finde. In three words I describe it thus: Dyets dry Dinner. That is, varietie of Fare: prouided, prepared and ordered, at Dyets own prescription: whose seruant and At­tendant at this feast I professe my selfe. Thus far (perhaps) not disliked of any. A Dry Dinner, not only Ca­mnum Prandium, without Wine, but Accipitrinum, without all drinke ex­cept Tabacco, (which also is but Dry Drinke): herein not like to be liked of many. What ere it be (as he saith in the Comedie) Habeas vt Nacta, take it as you finde it, and welcome. More then which I cannot perform. And therefore most humbly I kisse your hand.

Your Ladiships most deuoted. Henry Buttes.

Partem Amici TO MY WORSHIP­full and especiall friends, Richard Thekeston E­squire, and Elynor his Wife.
The cotall Mehod.

IT is a dignitie in actiue Nature, (Right worship­full) that Agens agit, vt assimu­let sibi Patiēs: that is, to make the passiue like­wise actiue. It were an easie (though a tedious) taske, to note in euery one of Natures actions, Re-action. But that [Page] great labour may be greatly lessened by arguing A Minoie: by instance of the lesse actiue Eliments. For who seeth not (but he that doth not see) that he seeth his own face in the water, no otherwise, then by reference of the offered shape or species of his obiect countenance? Nay the most (if not meerely) passiue Earth returneth notwithstanding, euen to the middle ayre, those splendent beames which formerly the Sunne conferred on it. If the sencelesse and lifelesse Eli­ments can thus react it, then reasona­ble man, hath much more reason to be conformable vnto those that worke his good. We to whom your Worships exhi­bite your bountie, are those same waters on which the wise Salomon biddeth you cast your bread; in whom you see your faces, the shape and Image of your selues: for we are also men as yee be. Then (according to your worships won­ted affabilitie) graciously embrace that conformable reaction, which your owne most hounteous fauours haue begotten [Page] in me. I haue bene passing desirous some way to intimate vnto your worships, that I am not senseles or vnmindfull, though vnworthy of your kindnesses. And ther­fore finding my selfe vnable to requite your greater fauours. Quod quimui quando quod volumus, non. In Item of that great good cheare I haue often bad with you, both at London and in Yorke-shire, I do semblably inuite you both to a Schollers Dinner. But where, or whither, I may not (for I cannot) tell you. Your Worship Sir, well remem­breth that solemne inuitation at Cam­bridge, in Vesperijs Comitiorum; and therefore will easily let passe this fallacian without Elench or reprehen­sion. Neither can I hope for, at either of your hands, any vngentle or discourte­ous censure. It is an other kind of guest, an vnkinde guest, vnbiaden, and as bold as welcome, whom my minde presa­geth, some Gentleman, Sewer to some certaine Gentlewoman Semster, who more nice then wise, picketh a quarell with the order, or disorder rather (as [Page] he weeneth) of my Dinner; stoutly a­uerring him that scrued in the courses, to be both ignorant of fashions, and void of all good customes. What? (quoth he) Fruite in the first course? Then Flesh, Fish, White-meates, and at last come in salt and spoones, spice and sauce, when all the meate is eaten? Nay more? Ta­bacco after all, vpon a full stomack. Fie, fie: Dyets Dinner? a most grosse ab­surd, and preposterous banquet. May it please your Worships, this challenge must of force be answered. Therefore in vshering these my seruices, I professe my selfe a verie preuaricatour of this Ages fashion: and do follow the order of vniuersall time, by consequence and succession.

FruitesThus much all we know, our grand parents at first sed on the fruites of E­de [...]. and some merrily say, Adam rob­bed Gods Orch-yard.

Hearbes. [...] [...]fter their exitement, they fell to Hearbes and Rootes, and (as seculer [...] witnesieth) we liued a long time (like H [...]g [...]es) with Mast or Accornes, [Page] till age taught Tillage.

Flesh.But all either could not or would not be husbandmen, therefore some went forth on hūting, some at home kept sheep and cattle: so came we to finde sauour in Flesh Which (probably) we did long afore we tasted Fish, Fish. since of the two, Flesh is more obuious & easie to be had. As also Fish by good reason preuēted white-meates, for the simple is afore the Compound, and the Naturall afore the Artificiall.

White-meates.Therefore after Fish follow White-meates, requiring the helpe of art, and bumane inuention in tract of time.

Spice.Neither did our infinit appetite here consist contented with things necessary, but something yet was wanting to adde voluptuous delight. Wherefore wanton appetite growing weary of Natures bare and simple Ordinary, gan glycu­rously to banquet with all sorts of Spi­ces and Aromatique delicates.

S [...]use.But eating Honny with a Ladle, it was soone cloyed with the excesse of sweetnesse: so that tart Condiments & sauces, seemed requisite to prouoke and reuoke loathing and lost appetite.

[Page] Tabacco. Thus proceded wee by degrees, from simplicitie and necessitie, to varietie and plentie, ending in luxury and superflui­tie. So that at last our bodies by surfee­ding, being ouerflowne and drowned (as it were) in a surplurisie or deluge of a superfluous rawe humour, (common­ly called Rheume) we were to be anhe­led (like newe dampish Ouens, or olde dwelling houses that haue stood long de­solate). Hence is it that we perfume and aire our bodies with Tabacco smoake (by drying) preseruing them from putrifation.

May your Worships be fully satisfied with this reason of my extraordinary Dry Dinner (to whom both it and my self are purposely deuoted) the first dish of it (I meane a Figge) for the rest.

Ʋntil I haue in readinesse some other matter more worthie your countenance and Patronage, I most humbly take my leaue.

Your Worships Scholler, H. Buttes.

Partem Patria. To my Country-men Readers.
The partiall Method.

WElcome courte­ous Countrey-men. I meane especially Nor­folkmē. For they are true Catho­liques in matter of Dyet: no Recusants of any thing that is mans meate. I bid all in general, excepting only such as are affrayed of roasted Pigge, a breast or legge of Mutton, a Ducke &c. To conclude, I for­bid no man, but him onely that [Page] hath maried a wife & cannot come. No man shall loose his labour. Here are Lettuses for euery mans lips. For the Northeren-man, White-meates, Beefe, Mutton, Venison: for the Sou­therne man, Fruites, Hearbes, Fowle, Fish, Spice, and Sauce. As for the Middle-sex or Londoner, I smell his Diet. Vescitur aura aetheria. Here is a Pipe of right Trinidado for him. The Yorkers they will bee content with bald Tabacodocko. What should I say? here is good Veale for the Es­sex-man: passing Leekes and excel­lent Cheese for the Welsh-man. Deni­que quid non? Mary, here are nei­ther Eg-pies for the Lancashire-man, nor Wag-tayles for the Kentish-man. But that is all one here is other good cheere enough. And what is wan­ting in meate, shall bee supplyed in kinde welcome and officious atten­dance.

Least any thing should be amisse, or missing to thee, I haue my selfe [Page] (for fault of a better) taken vpon me all such Offices as any way concerne this Dinner.

1 Choise.First, I am Cator: and haue pro­uided the very choise of such dayn­ties as Natures Market affoordeth.

2 Vse.Secondly, I am Taster: commen­ding each dish to thy Palate, accor­ding to his right vse and vertue. 3 Hurt.And (since nothing is so perfectly good, as it partaketh no euill property) I haue put into a by-dish (like Eg­shelles in an Saucer) what worthily may breed offence. Herein imitating a merry Greeke, who espying an haire in a dish of Butter, called for another dish and dished it by it self.

4 Preparatī ­on, or Cor­rection.Thirdly, I play the Cooke: so pre­paring, seasoning, and saucing the harmefull disposition of euery meat, as it shall be either in whole aboli­shed, or in part qualified.

Lastly, I assume the Caruers Of­fice: and hauing noted the nature and operation of each particular dis­pense [Page] to euery of my Guests accor­ding to the Season, Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. his Age, and Constitution.

Thus very rudely, I obtrude vnto thee not a banquet, but a byt rather of each dish Scholler-likely, that is, badly carued. For Schollers are bad Caruers. Do thou, by thy kindly fee­ding on Dyets dry Dinner, but cause thy selfe to thirst for Dyets Drink­ing: and I shall with like alacrity, act thy Cup-bearer. Wherefore vntill thou beest Dry drunke, Fare-well.

Thy Countryman, H. Buttes.

The Authors Method comprise [...] in Verse, by Samuel VVallsall.

COme welcome Guest: s' deigne not, whateuer Wi [...]
Thou be, this shot-free entertainement:
This Boord with Fruit, Hearbs, Flesh, Fish, Whit [...]
Spice, Sauce, Tabacco, and faire furniment.
Fruit, suites thy Fish: Hearbs relish Flesh aright
Sauce sharpens both: Spice sweetens White-meat [...]
Fruit, Herbs, Flesh, Fish, Whit-meats, Spice,
Concoct are by Tabaccos cordiall.
First is here Friut (th' Authors first-fruits) dispred.
Our Grand-sire Adam base earthes baser stime,
In Paradice earths heau'n enthronized,
Slakd hungers rage on Fruit-full Orchards prime.
But soone as Man fro Man degendered,
Tainted with blemishment of Ʋgly crime:
Aimightie this a veng-full doome areeds,
That beastly Man shall beast like graze on Weedi [...]
Whose nicer appetite being olut of yore
With nigard earths so bloodlesse caterie,
Gan murdrous hand embrew in g [...]iltlesse gore,
And raunge amid the Forrests farre, and nye,
And chace with winged foote the tuskie Bore,
[Page] [...]d blood with bloods expence full deere abye.
[...]or rests his thirsting soule aslackt with blood,
[...]ut must be drenched in the fomy Flood.
[...]rets out whateuer Fishes wonn
[...]the Maine, or in the Christall Brooke:
[...]sated yet, must Whit-meates feeden on,
[...]-meats addressed by Art Natures Cooke.
[...]lis Arabie, still Lands outgon
[...] or Esting Sunnes, or [...]estings looke;
[...] Phenix-like t'embalme with Spice [...]y.
[...]d to perfume Arts queinter Cookery.
[...]st thou keen thy blunted appetenes,
[...]d with Spices loathsome surfiture?
[...]omacks whet-stones, tongue-tart Condimenes.
[...] thy lunges haue tane discomfiture
[...]assault of Rume, loe surest fence
[...] Rumes incursion; power-full to recure
[...]efeebled, and reuiue the deaded spright,
[...]eraine Nepenthes, which Tabacco hight.
[...]co not to antique Sages knowne,
[...]rizardi that Tabacco knewen not?
[...]le agreeu'd with care? is head o'reflowns
[...]rinie de luge of defluxes hot,
[...] by stealth the neighbour parts adowne?
[...]hiffe, and smoke Tabaccos antidot
[Page] Fom out thy kindly traunced Chimny-head,
With I [...]dish ayre, like to Chameleon, fed.

The same man in prayse of this learnedly witty Booke.

[...]Ome, stead of Dieting, wont Eating dy,
Paunched with gormandise, and Surquedry:
Loe Buttes aright thy Legend aymes I weene.
[...]gend, where Natures art, Arts nature sheene:
[...]here man. kindes meate, meates Diet, Diets Inne
[...]here some Phisicke, yea summe of Phisicke bin.
[...]inst common ills these writtes came well me se▪
[...]hat Well is come, Well may be Welcome deemd.
These with Cates, Delices, Tabacco, Mell:
[...]ew to Fare well: bring Well-fare: thus Fare-we [...]

Eiusdem ad Libri nomen allusio.

[...]S noctu convina? negant hoc Prandia. Vini [...]es
[...]gurges? Sicca negant. Lurco? Diaeta negat.
Prandia vis? Prandebis apud me. abstemia [...]
[...]andia? Sicca dabo. sana? Diaeta dabit.
[...]ndit olus Cyuicus patiens: qui hac Prandia te [...]n [...]
[...]n'erit Cynicus? non, erit ille Canis.

Grace before Diets dry Dinner serued in by Time.
Puer stans ad mensam.

[...]IRST Giue ye thankes vnto the giuer,
And carefull Cator of this Dinner:
The sooner he will on you thinke,
[...]d to your Dinner send you drinke.
Then loose no time: you see you [...] fare,
Eate: I beshrew you, if you spare.
[...]soft and fayre: oregreedy iawes
[...] not their meate with decent pause.
[...]ke on your right hand: there standes Time
[...]ixt your Dinner and this [...]ime:
[...]eate, Drincke, and Leysure, take together,
[...]se (saith olde Cronus) come not hether.
[...]annerd Time th'art ouer rude,
[...]ixt Grace and Dinner to intrude.
[...]at doth olde Ribax Cronus here,
[...]ere is not Wine, nor Ale, not Beere?
Though here for Cronus be no Merum
[...]et Time (you know) is Edax rerum.
[...]is will not suffice your minde,
[...]pther reason you shall finde:
[...] Time brought all these courses in,
[...] they in order serued bin.
[...] then thinke not much my gentle Guest,




[Page]DYETS DRY Dinner.



Choise. WHite, best: red, second: blacke, basest: full ripe, tender-skinned.

Vse. Nourish very well, and much more then other fruits: take away the stone in the reines: resist ve­nims: quench thirst: cleanse the breast.

Hurt. Immoderately vsed, engender flatiue humors and crudities: ther­fore greatly annoy such as are sub­iect to the Collicque.

Preparati­on and cor­rection. Mundified and pared: then ea­ten with Orenges, Pomgranats, tart meates, or condite with Vine­ger.

Degree. Hot in the first degrée, moist in the second.

Season. Age. Constitutiō. Alway in season, chiefiy in Au­tumne: conuenient for all ages and constitutions: least for old folkes.

Story for Table-talke.
A Ioue principium.

SOme good Scholastique Di­uines, think the fruite forbid­den to be bitten, Gen. 2. 17. was not an Apple but a Figge: then surely as our first parents wilfully discoue­red their ambitious minds by ea­ting of the frute; so very witlesly thought & sought they to couer their shame with an apren of the leaues, this was (as the latine pro­uerbe speakes) Ficulneum Auxili­um, A Figs worth of help: therfore whensoeuer we fall to Figges, we haue occasiō to remember our fal frō God. This plant in it selfe ve­ry bitter, yeeldeth passing sweete fruite: transfusing indeed all his sweet iuyce into his frute, leaueth it selfe exhaust of sweetnesse, and so by consequence bitter.


Choise. RIpe: white, swéete: thin-skin­ned.

Vse, Passe quickly: bréede lesse wind, nourish very well: make fat (with an R. some say) coole inflam­mation of the Liuer: prouoke vrine and Venus.

Hurt. Cause thirst and wind: trouble the belly: immoderatly vsed, bréed Collicke passions: puffe the spléene and make it sicke: encrease defluxi­ons in old folkes.

Correction. Eate them moderatly, and after them salt meates, Pomegranates, and such sharpe things, or condit [...] with Vineger.

Degree. Hot in the first, moyst in the se­cond, yet without excesse.

Season. Age. Constituti­on. In Autumne and the spring, for all but old folkes.

Storie for Table-talke.

THat Grapes are verie nouri­shing, it is well seene by the Grape-gatherers in the time of Vintage, for they eate little or nothing else, yet growe they pas­sing fat and corpulent.

The superexcellency of this plant and frute is inestimable, yet by the way to bee noted, in that God calleth his, Church a Vine; the fruite or Vuae whereof, are good workes: therefore in many places of the scripture, euery vine is cursed with a Vae, wheron there are found no Vuae. Aue blesseth a, Vae curseth.


Choise. BLacke: fulsome: best ripe: not corrupt by touch of any thing: gathered afore sunne.

Vse. Remedie hoarsenesse: quench thirst: supple the bodie: asswaye choller: cause appetite.

Hurt. Bréed winde: disturbe the sto­macke, especially fraught with ba [...] humours.

Correction. Kinse them first in Wine, and eate tart things after them.

Degree. Ripe, are hot and moist in the se­cond: vnripe, cold and drie.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In hot weather, for youth, cho [...] ­lerists, and sanguines.

Storie for Table-talke.

MOros, is Greeke for Foole: yet the Poets call this plant Prudents Morus, the wise Mulberry: because it springeth last of Trees, not till the cold by­ting frosts and nipping blasts of black mouthed winter are al ouer

All contradiction is reconci­led, and the matter moderated by rutning Prudents Morus, Moroso­phus. a wise Foole. For this is the height and depth of Fooles wisedome: they haue the wit to keepe themselues out of the raine: Id est, Out of apparant dāger. Which notwith­standing if one most wise Morus (minime moros) had bene so wise as to haue done the winter storms of angry Ioue had not nipt him on the head, or naped him rather in the neck, for speaking against the head.

This fruite was at first white, til it was dyed red with the blood of P [...]mus and This be,


Choise. REd: ripe: faire: fragrant: Gar­den: set.

Vse. Asswage the boiling heate and acrimony of blood and choller. coole the liuer: quench thirst: pro­uoke vrine and appetite: are pas­sing gratefull to the pallate.

Hurt. Nought for the Paisey, diseased sinows, and weak stomacks: those that growe of themselues or in woods, offend their stomacks with their sharpnesse.

Correction. Rinse and mundify them with the best wine, then eate them with a good deale of sugar.

Degree. Season. Age. Consti­tion. Cold and dry in the first: the ri­per the temperater.

For hot weather, youth, cholle­ricke, and sanguine.

Story for Table-talke.

THey were vtterly vnknown to Antique leeches, and are indeed yet more beholding to Poets then Phisitians. They named them Fraga: neither haue they any other name, as farre as I know. The English name im­porteth their manner of setting in beds, not cast on heapes, but (as it were) strawed here and there with manifest distance.

Conradus Gesner reporteth, he knew a woman that was cured of the pimples on her face, onely by washing it with Strawberrie-wa­ter: and yet it was very homely and rudely distilled, betwixt two platters, and not in a limbeck.


Choise. RIpe: sharpe: new-gashered: whose pulpe is hard, and iuyce steyneth blood-red.

Vse. Eaten fasting, or afore dinner, make soluble: passe quickly, slake thirst, coole moderately, prouoke appetite, moysten the body.

Hurt. Soone corrupt: much eaten in­flate the stomacke, hurt the aged or very phlegmaticke: do the body litle good.

Correction. Eate presently after them meats of good iuyce, salt or tart.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Cold in the first, moist in the se­cond.

For hot weather, youth, cholle­ricke.

Story for Table-talke.

CHerryes take their name of the Latine Cerasa, and Ce­rasa of Cerasunte, a Towne in Pontus: whence Lucullus first brought them to Rome, after hee had conquered Mithridate, in the sixe hundreth and eightieth yeare of the Citie.

Cantabrigian Achademicks, may very fitly interpret Cera­sunte Cherry-Hintō their neigh­bour Cherry-Towne. Where many Athenian Squires are so ouercome by cherryes, that they can very hardly conuey them cleanly home to Athens: and af­terward are constrained to im­plore the ayde of Mithridate and his Cosin Triacle, in regaining to them the Castle of health.


Choise. KIndely and throughly ripe: tender skinned: swéete and toothsome: gathered afore sunne.

Vse. Purge choller: abate heate: refresh and moisten the body: slake thirst: excite appetite: superexcel­lent in burning agues.

Hurt. Losen and weaken the stomack: engender watry humours in cold and weake stomacks: yéeld litle or no nourishment: hurt the aged, stuft with fleame, or such as haue the collicque.

Correction. Eate them afore meate, and eate after them Saccarum Rosa­tum aromaticum, or salt meats.

Degree. Cold in the beginning of the se­cond, moist in the end of the third.

Season. Age. Constitutiō. For hot weather, youth, cholle­ticke, and sanguine.

Story for Table-talke.

DAmascena or Damaske-prunes, are so called of Da­mascus in Syria, which yeel­deth your best and most com­mended Prune. Next in Galens iudgement, is the Spanish, sweeter then the Damaske, and not so a­stringent. The French with vs is of much request, for speciall vse.

Damascens of all other Plums are thought most whole­some, in so much as many are of the minde, that a good stomack can very hardly surfet of them.


Choise. OLd, swéete, faire, ripe in any case.

Vse. Comfort the hart: quench thirst: enlarge the brest: dispatch distillations of rume: cause to spit: quiet the cough.

Hurt. Annoy weake stomacks, and diseased sinowes: especially eaten raw, or many.

Preparatiō. Correctiō. Roast, baked, stewed, powdered with sugar and aniséed comfits; or else eate Saccarum Rosatum vpon them.

Degree. Swéet, are hot in the first, tem­perately moist: sower, are cold and dry.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In Autumne and spring, for youth, chollericke and good sto­macks.

Story for Table-talke.

AN Apples is of euill report, or at leastwise hath but an euil name amongst the Ro­maines: for the very name ( Ma­lum) signifieth euill. Hence some forbid both cheese an apples with this fallacian. Caseus est nequam, et mala sunt mala. Howbeit not o­rigination but fortune made thē Sophisters. For Mâlum (an apple) deriueth his line of Ancestry frō the Greeke Melon, of great an­tiquitie, not vnknowne to Homer. Yet the obuious Notation pas­sing plausible and more passable: because an apple was the cause or occasion of all euill: but whe­ther it were an apple or no, fides sit penes Authores.


Choise. THroughly ripe: swéete. Please the taste;

Vse. cause ap­petite: comfort a weake sto­macke: by forcing the iawes to raise and spit out fleame, proucke to the stoole.

Hurt. Bréed cold and flatulent blood: nought for the collicke.

Correction. After meate, powdered with much sugar, drinke olde wine of good sauour vpon them: or indeed, prepare them thus.

Preparatiō. First part them in halfes and cut out the Cores.

Then pare, salt, and cast them so out of doores.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Cold in the first, dry in the se­cond.

In Autumne and winter, for all but the aged and rumaticke.

Story for Table-talke.

OVr English name Peare, comes of the Latine Pyrum or Pyrus, and Pyrus of Pyra­mis, because both the Peare-tree and the Peare it selfe also, some­what resemble that figure or pro­portion: yet inversim, if they be compared. For the Peare-tree aspireth and riseth with a kinde of Conus in the top: the Peare ( Contrâ) pointeth toward the stalke; and his broad crowne re­prefenteth the basis.

The Italians call their chiefe or best Peare Bergmot. Mot is a Peare, and Berkg signifies Lord or Master in the Turkish tongue, whence they borrowed it. As we say a Pome-roy from the French.


Choise. THe greatest: best coloured: ripe: whose inward kernels are passing swéet, and comes easily from the shell: pleasant in taste.

Vse. Quench thirst: wh [...]t the sto­mack: the kernel kils wormes.

Hurt. Instale the stomacke: soone corrupt: possesse the blood with much water, and make it soone pu­trifie.

Correction. Eate after them Anyse-séedes, meates well salted or spiced, and old chee [...]e: drinke old wine of good sauour vpon them.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Cold and moist in the second.

About the end of May, or be­ginning of Iune, for youth, such as abound with choller or blood, and haue strong stomacks.

Mala Armeniaca.
Story for Table-talke.

SO cald in Latine of Armenia: whence they were first trans­planted; in Greeke Bericoccia, in Latine Praecocia, or Praematura. Id est. Soone ripe, or first ripe: for they offer themselues about the end of the spring. Hence we call a ripe-headed young boy, a prin­cock. Horace saith; Non amo pue­rum praecocis ingeni. Id est. I loue no Aprecocks. And so on the contra­ry, a Cockni is inuerted, being as much, as Incoct, vnripe. Other de­riue Apricock of Apricum, because it ripeneth best in Aprico.

Now as Aprecocks be soone ripe, so (according to the old rule) soone rotten. And though Galen saith, Aprecocks be not so ob­noxious to corruption as the Peach, yet experience giues him the lye.


Choise. OF a good colour; fragrant smell, and pleasant taste; ripe: such as come easily frō their stone.

Vse. Mend the euill sauour of the breath arising from the stomacke: their smell is wondrous good in cordiaque passions.

Hurt. Being soft, moist, and flatulent, they engender humours very sub­iect to corruption: euil for old, fleg­maticke and weake stomackes.

Correction. Eate them alwaies fasting, and drinke a cup of the best wine, most fragrant, and well aromatized.

Degree. Cold in the first, moist in the se­cond.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. For youth, chollerists, and san­guines.

Mala persica.
Story for Table-talke.

CAld Persica of Persia. Persi­ques. Therfore haue we no­toriously impeached their name, as we do all other deriua­tiues indeed. For in stead of Persi­ques, we say Peaches. But no great matter for the name: that will neuer feed or fill our mawes. As he said, Voca panem lapidem et da mihi lapidem.

Those Peaches, whose meate cleaueth fast to the stone, are cō ­mended of some, as also, such as seeme friezed ouer with a thinne downe, like a Quince. But questi­onlesse both these, are of last and least request.


Choise. VVAightie: full ripe: sad co­loured: twixt sweete and sower.

Vse. The sweete open obstructions; are good for melancholists, and such as be subiect to distillations: the middle sort are good in Agues, and recall appetite.

Hurt. The exquisitly swéet are too hot; the sower coole, and offend the sto­mack: stuffe the belly: constraine the brest, and arteries.

Correctiō. Therefore eate but litle of them: after them Orenge pils condite, which are good for the stomacke.

Degree. The sower are cold in the first, moist in the second; the sweet tem­perately hot: the middle cold and temperately drie.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. The sweete are good euen for old folkes: the sower in hot weather, for youth, chollerists and sanguine.

Mala Aurantia.
Story for Table-talke.

THe flowers of this plant are siluer-coloured; and from them is distilled a water sur­passing all other in fragrancy and sweete smell. The leaues are in colour like an Emeraud: The fruite like Golde. Whence they are called Aurantia of Au­rum, gold in Latine; and in Greek Chrysomêla, golden apples. In English properly and truly Au­range, but we haue both them and their name by tradition from the French. So wee both speake and write it Orenge.


Choise. SMelling like a Citron: best ripe of good colour: a day or two gathered.

Vse. The iuyce is good sauce to pro­uoke appetite: stayeth casting: breaketh grosse humours: re [...] ­steth pestilenticall feuers: good for the stone: nourisheth not at all.

Hurt. Excessiuely cooleth the stomack: causeth collicque-passions, leane­nesse, and melancholious humours: hurteth the aged, phlegmaticke, and cold stomacks.

Correction. Used moderately and seldome without the rinde: laide in water: condite with sugar.

Degree. Season. Age. Cōstitutiō. Cold and drie in the second.

Onely for hot weather, youth, and chollericke.

Malum Limonium.
Storie for Table-talke.

THe Citron, Limon, and O­renge, growe especially on the sea-coasts of Italy: and in the Adriatique and Tyrrhene I­landes. They were brought first out of Media into these parts, and thence are they called, Mala Me­dica.

They beare fruite all the yeare long, some at the same time ripe and falling off, other but now budding and sprouting forth.

All say a Limon in Wine is good: some thinke a Leman and Wine better.


Choise. RIght Quinces: small: dim­pled or dawked: mosie: most swéetly fragrant: best ripe.

Vse. Recreate the heart: comfort, strengthen, and close the mouth of the stomacke: staie [...]luxes.

Hurt. Eaten rawe, or ouergréedily a­fore meate, hurt the sinowes: pro­cure to many collicke passions, but being exquisitly ripe.

Correction. Boyled verie well with hony: boyled, and then powdered with store of sugar, or a grain of muske: or made in Marmalat, and eaten in the last course.

Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. Cold in the first, drie in the be­ginning of the second.

In haruest, and winter, for any.

Malum Cydonium.
Storie for Table-talke.

CAld in Latine Cydonium of Cydone, a Castle in Crete. Al­so Cotoneum, because clad in a sute of white thin Cotten. As for our English name, I finde as li­tle sauour in it, as in an vnripe raw Quince. In Galens time, Quince was brought out of Syria to Rome.

Simeon Sethi, counselleth wo­men with child to eat many quin­ces, if they desire to haue wise children.


Choise. SWéete: ripe: big: with great kernels: whose rinde comes ea­sily off: the sharpe full of iuyc [...]

Vse. The swéete, excite Venus: go [...] for the stomacke, brest, cough: the sharpe, for hot liuers and agues.

Hurt. The swéet bréed wind and heat, naught in feuers: the sharp offe [...] the teeth and gummes; constrain [...] the brest; naught for old folkes.

Correcti­on. Eate the kernelles of both toge­ther.

Degree. The swéete are temperatly hot and moyst: the sower colde, and somewhat binding.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. The swéet in winter, for all: she sharpe in sommer for youth, and chollerists.

Malum punicū se granatū.
Storie for Table-talke.

CAlled Punicū, because brought out of Affricke, from Carthage. [...]t may now be called Malū Tu­ [...]itū, for that which was Carthage, [...] now Tunis, Granatum, or Pome­ [...]ranate, of his multitude of grains [...]r kernels, not of Granata or Gra­ [...]ado in Spaine, as some fondly cō ­ [...]eit it: but rather Malum Grana­ [...]um was god-father to the realme of Grando: for they beare a Pome­grant in their Eschutcheon.

If one eate three small Pome­granate flowers, (they say) for an whole yeare he shall be safe from all maner of eye-sore.


Choise. FVll ripe, a great faire one, th [...] grew in an hot Country: so [...] time gathered.

Vse. Best preserueth against poyso [...] the rinde mendes concoction, [...] commends the breath.

Hurt. Slowe of concoction: annoye [...] hot braines: eaten at night, causeth dizinesse.

Correction. Condite with sugar, and eaten not afore meate, or with meate, but alone, and fragrant violents, or new Saccarum Rosatum, presently af­ter.

Degree. The rinde and séed are hote and dry in the second, the pulpe or meat cold and moyst: she sower is colde and drie in the third.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Condite with sugar, for all, at al times: raw, for none, at no time.

Malum Citrium.
Story for Table-talke.

THe bigger Citrons, though they be fairer to see too, yet those that growe in Italy a­bout the Laque Benacus, surpasse in taste.

The decoction of Citron, held in the mouth, commendeth the breath.

The rind laid amongst cloaths, keepeth them from moth-eating: and smelt on, preserueth in time of pestilence, or corrupt aire.

The Citron is the Embleme of Loue, & Loues delightfull paines or painefull delightes. A bitter sweete, an Oxymel or Glycypi­cron.

Citrull Cucumbers

Choice. LOng: thicke: best ripe: yel­low, like a ripe Orenge.

Vse. Excéedingly cooleth an hote stomacke: quencheth thirst: appea­seth choller.

Hurt. Is hard of digestion: engendreth flearue & clammy humours, which soone after proue virulent, but in a stomacke hote aboue measure: p [...] ­son to a cold stomacke.

Correcti­on. Eate it with Onions, Oraggon wort, Mint, Rewe, Pepper, and such other very hot things.

Degree. Colde in the ende of the second; moist in the end of the third.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Bad nourishment, for any sea­son, age, or constitution.

Cucumis citrulus.
Storie for Table-talke.

THe best vse of Citrull Cu­cumber is this. Pare off the rinde, and cut the Cucumer into thi [...] broad sliees, & lay them in wa [...]r. Then apply them to the tongue of one sicke of a burning ague: it shall do him great case. If you seeth them first with sugar, all the better; for by this means they quench his thirst, mitiga [...]e the scalding heate of the feau [...]r: and in place of siccitie or [...] cō ­tinually instilla verie gratefull li­quor, with which the tongue, pa­late, throate, and drie soule of the patient, is wondrously suppled and refreshed.


Choise. GReat: full and plumpe: with litle kernels: rightly ripened or mellowed.

Vse. Good against drinkenesse, [...], casting, pleasing to the stomack, especially to women with childe.

Hurt. Slowly concocted: hinder the concoction of other meates: ou [...] much vsed ouetlay the stomack.

Correction. Eate P [...]nid [...]e, Sacra [...]um Vo­larum, Sugar Candid, [...]iey [...]s, or such other pectorals after them.

Degree. Cold and drie in the first.

Season. Age. Constituti­on. For winter, youth, thollerists, and strong stomackes.

Storie for Table-talke.
Meddle not with Medlers.

THis Fruite ripeneth verie slowly: the flowers & leaues are of a binding nature.

Such hurt as commeth by ea­ting Medlars, the like also ensu­eth by dealing and medling with medlers or common smatterers: they are hard and dry meat, hard­ly digested: not soone brought to any reasonable order: besides, they hinder, disturbe, and inter­rupt the course, and orderly pro­ceeding of other mens matters: and if you deale much with them, they wil extremely irck, & loath you.


Choise. PLump: best ripe: not corrupt: hung vp, or kept a while in straw [...].

Vse. Taken afore meate, stay fluxes and immoderate casting: taken af­ter meate, strengthen the stomack, mend the breath.

Hurt. Much hinder concoction: immo­deratly vsed, burthen the stomack: bréed litle, cold, grosse, and melan­cholious iuyce.

Correcti­on. Eaten after meate, moderately, and after them, an hony-combe.

Degree. Cold in the first, drie in the se­cond, verie astringent.

Season. Age. Constitutiō. An Autumne and Winter, [...] youth, and hot constitutions.

Storie for Table-talke.

THe Soruice and Medlar, are much alike in nature, taste, and operation.

Plinie, li. 15. cap. 21. noteth foure differences of them, arising from their forme and fashion. None of them all fructifie, vntill they be three yeares old.

Cato willeth vs to condite them in the decoction of new Wine.

A Lotion of their decoction, straiteneth the matrice.

Galen vtterly forbiddeth them as meate, commendes them for good astringent phisicke.

Hasil Nuts.

Choise. GReat ones: little couered with their huske: ful of iuyce: not worme eaten: nor any way contaminate.

Vse. Nourish more then Walnuts: encrease braine: sodden with ho­ny, cure an olde cough: toūed and eaten with pepper, ripen the distil­lations of reume.

Hurt. Annoy the stomacke: hard of concoction: windie: engender much choller: cause headach, it much ea­ten.

Correction. Eate them new, macerated a while in water: moderately, and after them, meates condite with sugar.

Degree. The gréene or new, are tempe­rate in the first qualitie: the old or drie, are hot and drie in the ende of the first.

Season. Age. Constiu­tion. In winter for yong, strong, and laborious persons.

Story for Table-talke.

AƲellanae of Avellanū, a towne in Campania: or else à Ʋel­lendo, because any may haue them for the plucking or gathe­ring. The Greekes call them Pon­ticae, for that (as saith Pliny) they were first brought out of Pontus.

Nut in English, of Nux the La­tine: and Nux à Nocendo, because it annoyeth all other plantes or hearbes that are subiect and ob­noxious to his leaues-dropping.

All hard or shell-fruite, are cal­led Nuces: all soft or pulp-fruite, Poma.

Melons, commonly called Pompions.

Choise. OF most exquisit sauour: plea­sant to the palate: new: ripe.

Vse. Quench thirst: cause appe­tite: coole sensibly: cleanse the bo­die: prouoke vrine: daily vse of them, preserueth from the stone in the bladder and reines.

Hurt. Bréede winde and belly-ache: naught for collick, splenticke, aged, phlegmaticke, melancholicke.

Correction. Eaten with old Chéese, falt or tart meates, and a cup of briske Wine.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Cold in the beginning of the se­cond, moist in the third.

For yong and hot bloods.

Melones seu Melopepones.
Story for Table-talke.

ANguria, which Galen calleth Melopepon, of Melon and Pepon: because it is not di­stinguished with stemmes, as the single Melon or Pumpion is; but round and smooth like an Apple. Also its eaten together with the inwards of it, which the Pumpion is not: yet retaineth it the smell and sauour of the Pumpion.

This fruite is the greatest or biggest of all Hearbes or Trees. That it hath a scouring and clen­sing properly, its euident in that if you rub any part of the body with it, it becommeth much the brighter and cleaner.


Choise. BIg: long: ripe: easily shaled: especially new, not rotten.

Vse. Repaire decaied téeth: eaten with Figges and rewe, saue from mortall venims, and kill wormes in the belly.

Hurt. Immoderately vsed, hurt the throate, pallate, and tongue, stuffe the breast; cause the cough and headach, especially if they be dry.

Correctiō. Eate them new; stéeped in wine, and then pilled: a small quantitie, and with a litle garlicke: old, with raysons, or after fish, in stead of chéese.

Degree. The dried are hot in the third, dry in the beginning of the second: the gréene are excéedingly moist, and partake litle heate.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In winter for phlegmatick, melan­colicque, & old, not straight brested.

Nuces Iuglandes.
Story for Table-talke.

IVglandes, quasi Iouis glandes. Io­ues Acornes. For when our grand-forefathers had a long time liued with Acornes, at last finding Nuts, they called them Ioues Acornes, for their excellēcie. Therein apppeared their thank­full hearts for any benifit recei­ued at Gods hands, by acknow­ledging God the author and be­stower of it. Contrary to the base humour of many muck-borne Scarab-flyes, and earth-rooting hogges of this age; who are con­tent to eate of Ioues Acornes, but like swine as they are, neuer lift vp their eyes to the tree whence they fall.

Pine-Nuts or pine Apples.

Choise. OF Orchard pines; femall: of best sauour, very new.

Vse. Nourish much: fat: cleanse the brest, lights, reynes, and bladden sodden with honey, prouoke vri [...], restore the weake, consume all cor­rupt humours: good for the sho [...]t winded, and paraliticke.

Hurt. Concoct somewhat slowly: [...] but grosse iuyce: much eaten, grow the stomack and belly.

Correction. Macerated hot the space of [...] houre, giue them with sugar to [...] and phlegmaticke, with honey to youth and chollericke.

Degree. Hot in the beginning of the se­cond: moist in the first.

Season. Age. Constitutiō. In cold we ather, for the foresaid, as aforesaid.

Story for Table-talke

IF the tops of the pinetree be once lopped off, it neuer bears fruite, nor prospereth after. Whēce it was that Croesus threat­ned the Citizens of Lampsacum, that he would destroy them like a Pine-tree: meaning he would cut off all their heads, or else slay all their heads, Id est, their gouer­nors & magistrates, which done, the citie like a lopped Pine shuld pine away and come to nought. Pine Nuts much augment seed, especially if three or foure drops of their oile be put into a soft egge and so sooped off.

Pistake Nuts.

Choise. GReat: Smelling like Turpe [...] ­tine: of old trees: of a sadde gréene colour: most new.

Vse. Purge the brest: strengthen the reynes and stomacke: open ob­structions of the liuer: stay disposi­tion to vemit: heale the biting of serpents: preuoke Venus won­drously.

Hurt. Though they fat, yet nourish li­tle: vnholsome for boyes, and hot constitutions: for they extenuate, inflame the blood, and bring dizi­nesse.

Correction. Eate them immediatly afore meate, with Orenges, or Sacca­rum Rosatum.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and dry in the second order of the second degree.

In cold weather, for flegmatists.

Story for Table-talke.

MAthiolus holdeth this plant to be a kind of Terebinth, or Turpentine: it groweth in Aegypt & Syria. Thence brought to Venice: a few yeare since they haue fructified in Sicily. The Husbandmen say, it growes of an Almond-tree Imp, inserted to a Mastick stock.

Lucius Vitellius Censor, first brought Pistakes into Italy, in the beginning of Tiberius Cae­sars raigne, when he was Embas­sadour into Syria.


Choise. SWéete: ripe within: some and vncorrupt.

Vse. Make sat: good for the [...]er: cure the cough: loose the belly.

Hurt. Hurt the téeth and mouth: cause gripings in the stomacke, and scalles to breake out: gnaw the bottome of the belly: plague the head with ache: obstruct the li [...], splene and veynes.

Correction. Eaten sodden or condite w [...] sugar: or rawe with sewer and taxt in meates after them.

Degree. Season. Age. Constiu­tion. Hot in the second, moist in the first.

For no season, age, or constituti­on, but well sugard.

Story for Table-talke.

PAlme or Date-trees are most rife in AEgyt and Iudea. In I­taly the fruite neuer ripeneth throughly: in the coasts of Spaine they are sower and vnsauoury. There are 49. sundry kindes of Palme-trees numbred and noted by writers, so different, that they may scarce seeme to be al Palmes.

This tree is of a most asspiring nature: it will beare no coales. It resisteth all burden, bearing it vpward with his armes & boughs: Therefore is it an Hieroglyphick or Embleme of victory and con­quest.


Choise. SWéet: new: not corrupt by vn­seasonable weather: that grew in an hot soile.

Vse. Yéeld store of nourishment: fat: helpe the sight: encrease seed, and braine: fetch vp fleame: purge the breast: cause sléepe: open [...]b­structions of the liuer.

Hurt. Ouer-dry, they are hard of c [...]n­coction; stick long in the stomacke: cause headach.

Correction. Holsome, being tender and full of milke, blaunched; with a good deale of sugar.

Degree. The swéete are temperately hot and moist almost in the first: the bitter are drie in the second.

Season. Age. Constitutiō. For all seasons, ages, constituti­ons.

Story for Table-talke.

AMygdala the Greeke name, signifieth as much as the long Nut: some call it Nu­ [...]lica.

It prospereth best in hot coun­tries, and therfore better in Apulia and Sicily, then in Italy, Spaine or Fraunce.

The tree and fruite both much resemble the Peach: yet some­what bigger.

Phillis was turned into an Al­mond-tree, for telling tales out of schoole: euer sithence, it hath bene a by-word: an Almond for the Parrat: which least it be ap­plied to me, I will leaue my pra­ting.


Choise. BIgge: which by being kept, are growne more toothsome, and lesse vnholsome.

Vse. Being flatulent incite Ve [...] yéeld strong and very good no [...] ­rishment, step flures taken with sugar, abate choller, with honey, fleame, wrought with honey and sugar, cure the biting of mad dogs.

Hurt. Eaten much cause headach and winde: binde: and rawe are hart of digestion.

Correction. Loast or roast them, then e [...]ti them moderately with a good deale of sugar.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in the beginning of the se­cond, drie in the second.

In cold weather, for any.

Story for Table-talke.

CAstanea quast casta nux. Chestnut, Chastnut: say some. I knowe not vpon what ground. I am sure not by a meto­nimie of the cause. For being fla­tulent, it prouokes lust: yea fur­ther. this nut in his huske much resembleth Testes, the instrumēts of lust. So that some deuide this Nut not as other Nuts. In Nucē et [...]ucleuns. But In Testam et Testes. The enucleating of it, they call castrating or gelding. So then by this reason, it is not Casta nux, till [...] be Nux castrata. Id est. Testa si­ [...]e testibus, I'le bee his witnesse, [...]he is chaste with a witnesse.


Choise. GRéene: best condite: such [...] grew in sun-shine: gre [...] ones: as are at Bonom [...] which being naught to make o [...] of, are condite, becomming mo [...] sauoury and toothsome.

Vse. Cleanse the stomacke of flea [...] prouoke appetite: stay casting.

Hurt. Cause watchfulnesse and he [...] ach: or much eaten, stuffe the hea [...] especially the salted.

Correction. Eate them well condite, w [...] vinegar, at the second course, w [...] other meats.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. The salt are hot in the second the rest temperate, somewhat [...] stringent and strengthening.

In cold weather, for any.

Storie for Table-talke.

OLea is the tree. Oliua the fruite: Oleum the iuyce or oyle. The Oliue was an Embleme of peace, euer since the Doue brought an Oliue leafe in her mouth into Noahs Arke.

The Spanish Oliues are big­ger then the Italian. Yet the Itali­ans, especially they of Bonony, condite them far better then the Spaniards. Besides that, the Spa­nish haue an od vnsauory smell, and looke yellow, vnpleasant to the eye.

Wash the mouth with their pickle; it closeth the gums, and fastneth the loose teeth.


Choise. COndite in vinegar, which art not so hot as the salted.

Vse. Very good for the short win­ded and splenaticke: prouoke Ve­nus, and monthly flure: cure the Haemorhoids: kill wormes: passing good for a moist and phlegmaticke stomacke.

Hurt. Cause thirst, especially the salted, which also inflame the entralls.

Correction. Vse the salted rather for phisicke then meate, rinse them well in wa­ter first: the condite in Vinigar are to be eaten afore other meals like sallets, with oyle, raisons of the sun, or Opymell.

Degree. Season. Age. Cōstitutiō. The salted are hot in the second, dry in the third: the other hot in the first, dry in the second.

For cold season, age, constitutiō.

Storie for Table-talke.

THe plant it selfe is a prickly shrub, the braunches falling to the grounde, somewhat like a Bramble or Briar.

Cappars are (to say the truth) rather sauce or medicine, then nourishment or meate, especially the salted: or if they yeelde any nourishment, it is passing little, not passing good.

The best Cappars are thought to be brought from Geneua. Cap­pars in dyet, and Capers in daun­cing, serue both for relish.


Choise. NEw: tender: gréene: light: swéete.

Vse. Helpeth the chollericke, by quenching thirst: sodden with ver­iuyce, cooleth the liuer.

Hurt. Hurteth the cold & flegmaticke: bréedes winde, and wheyish hu­mors: weakeneth the stomacke: yéelds bad iuyce.

Correcti­on. Eate it with pepper, mustard, vineger, or hot hearbes, as onions, and parsley.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitutiō. Cold and moyst in the second.

For hot weather, youth, and hot temperatures.

Storie for Table-talke.

THe Poet (as his chiefe pride resteth in hitting the nayle on the head with a quainte Epithitae) called the Onion, Sapi­entissima cepa. That is, most wise. The Gourd, Voracissima Cucurbi­ta: that is, most rauenous. His reason was, the Onion is all head, and the Gourd all belly. The Ra­dish hearing this, steppeth in, and tels the Poet he was deceiued.

For (saith he) the Onion wan­teth wit, and the Gourd wanteth teeth.


Choise. CRéene: new: tender: not cor­rupt.

Vse. Please the taste: mundifie the brest: cure the cough: yeeld sin­gular good nourishment.

Hurt. Hurt euil teeth, and whom soe­uer winde annoyeth.

Prepara­tion. Dresse them well with salt, oile, pepper, and the iuyce of sower hearbes. Oyle of Almonds is good condiment for them.

Degree. Colde in the first, temperately moist.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. For hot seasons, youth, cholle­rists.

Storie for Table-talke.

PEase are either wilde or tame. The wilde do differ in kinde; but one kind of them is called euerlasting pease, because their roote neuer dieth: but being once sowne or planted, so continueth for euer, yeelding fruite in due season.

Pease are much of the nature and operation of Beanes, but lesse windie, as saith Hippocrates: And our common prouerb accordeth, speaking somewhat homely: Eue­ry pease wil haue a fease: but eue­rie beane, fifteene.


Choise. GReat: pure: bright: without spots: not worme-eaten: yong and tender.

Vse. Cause sleepe: restraine the Mi­gram, fat the bodie.

Hurt. Bréed much winde: dull the sen­ses: cause terrible dreames.

Prepara­tion. Huske them with salt and Ma­ioram: and séeth them asunder.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Cold in the first, drie in the se­cond.

Best in cold weather, for grosse and homely feeders.

Storie for Table-talke.

TOng-tying Pytagor, biddeth vs tie vp our chaps also from eating of Beanes. A Fabis ab­stineto. Wherein Iudicious Anti­quaries say, there is much myste­rie, and therefore diuersly inter­pret it. Simeon in his Dyet Booke saith Pythagor, forbad them, for that they cause turbulent & fear­full dreames. Other referre it to their flatulencie, whereby they prouoke to lechery. Other ex­pound it mystically, & not accor­ding to the grammaticke sense: therein shewing much reading, if not wit. But to gather togither their gatherings, were to send my wit a wooll-gathering, and indeed to contend de lana caprina.


Choise. BRight and cleare kernels, like Pearles Margarite: such as swell in seething.

Vse. Wonderfully asswage the b [...]r­ning heate of the stomacke: encrea­seth séed: stops fluxes.

Hurt. Bad for the Collicke: for being of a clammy and glewish nature, it sticketh too long in the guts: and breeds some winde.

Prepara­tion. Séeth it in Cowes milke, or in the creame or oyle of swéete Al­monds.

Degree. Hot in the first, dry in the second: temperatly saith Auicens and Rha­sis.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In winter, for youth and labou­rers.

Storie for Table-talke.

RIze is sowne in a moyst and lowe ground.

Frumentie made of Bar­ley, is moister then Rice, & yeel­deth singular good nourishment to the bodie, verie holesome for the sicke. You may much melio­rate your Rice, both for nourish­ment & toothsomenesse, by see­thing it in fat flesh-broath, or in passing good Cowes morning milke. Sodden with Oyle or But­ter, it relinquisheth his astringent qualitie.

The Painters Prouerbe.
Manum de Tabula.

THat is, (as present occasion in­terpreteth) no more Table-talke. The reason hereof (as I gesse) may be these.

First and principally, except I speake wiselyer.

Secondly, the consequent is like to proue barren, for Certs fruitles; for all the fruite is antecedent.

Thirdly and lastly, it's Dinner-time, so that if more time be spent in prating, my Dry Dinner will not be ready in due time. Quod omnium rerum est primum.

These reasons would binde any man, any reasonable man to the peace. Yet for all this, presuming vp­on your fauourable estimates, who are wise, Et nostis os adolescentiae [Page]quàm sit impudens, I am purposed to proceed in my perpetuall paralell of paraphrase. The which I desire, it may be serued in amongst the rest of the dishes, and be tasted also, but yet of such onely as are of eager appetite. If any be desirous to know what a mā may call it, surely I can thinke of no fitter name then an hasty pudding. For I protest, in so great haste I com­posed it, that when a friend of mine came into my chamber, and suddenly surprising me, asked what I was ma­king, I as not minding what he ask't, or what I answerd, tolde him in my haste, that I made haste.



Choise. GArden, or set, the lesser sort: the litle leaues of it.

Vse. Good against the paulsie and quiuering of the ioynts, procéeding of a cold cause: cōforteth the head, braine, senses, and memorie.

Hurt. Annoyeth melancholicke per­sons by ouer-drying them: also the hot and chollericke, by ouer-hea­ting and burning them.

Correcti­on. Eate it in sallets with other cold and moist hearbes: as Lettuse: or with moist meates.

Degree. Hot and drie in the beginning of the third, or in the verie end of the second: somewhat astringent.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In winter and the spring, for old, cold, and phlegmaticke.

Storie for Table-talke.

MAny do much extoll Sage, calling it an holy Hearbe, auerring that it preuenteth all abortument in women. They counsell a woman the fourth day of her going abroad after childe­birth, to drinke nine ounces of Sage iuyce with a little salt, and forthwith to vse the company of her husbant.

The holesomenesse of Sage-ale is notoriously famous.

Heywoods merry wit noted two kindes of Sage, not named in our Herbals: Sages wise: Sage foole.

Foenill or Finckle.

Choise. GArden: young (if you eate it gréene): full ripe (if you keepe it) sodden with the rootes and tender stalkes.

Vse. Doth make store of milke: pro­uoke vrine and monthly flur, open obstructions, purge y e reines won­dronsly, helpe the sight.

Hurt. Attenuate and inflame the blood, neither sodden nor rawe, is easie of digestion, especially eaten much.

Correction. A litle: yong: laied a while in cold water.

Degree. Season Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in the second (many say in the third) dry in the first: very opening.

For any time, age, or constituti­on, least for youth and chollerists.

Story for Table-talke.

SNakes & Serpents by eating of Foenill renew their age, and repaire their decaied sight by rubbing their eyes with it. Wher­fore it is vsed of vs to the like pur­poses. There is a bad propertie in the seede, to breede poysonous wormes, whose poyson is curable by no Antidot. Therefore afore they be eaten, they must be ope­ned and carefully purged.


Choise. HOme: lately sowne: the [...]ep now bowing to the ground­ward.

Vse. Doth open obstructions of the reines and liuer: make soluble: pro­uoke vrine and Venus.

Hurt. Eaten cold, disposeth to domit: and through his bitternesse, great­ly increaseth choller in collerick [...] stomackes.

Correcti­on. Is boyled, and (the first decocti­on cast out) condite with Oyle, Vi­neger, Pepper, and salt.

Degree. Hotte in the first: temperately moist.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. For any age, or temperature: chiefly for old and cold.

Story for Table-taske.

DIoscorides saith, that Sparage causeth barrennesse: but it is not probable, sithence it nourisheth very much, and mani­festly prouoketh Venus.

It is very soone sodden: and therefore Caesar speaking of any thing, that was soone done, had this prouerbe vsually in his mouth. Citiùs quàm Asparagi co­quantur; Id est; Sooner then Spa­rage can be sodden. As much in effect, as, while you cā say, what's this? in the turne of an hand: in the twinckling of an eye.


Choise. VEry yong: growing in a wel manured and fat soyle, wa­tred from aboue.

Vse. Doth enlarge the breast: cure the cough: moderately coole the lungs: make the belly soluble, & the wea­sand smooth.

Hurt. Is verie windie: annoyeth the stomacke: engenders watry hu­mours in a cold stomacke.

Correction. Fried with it owne iuyce, with­out water: then condite with Oile, Sorrel-iuyce, and Raysons of the sun.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitutiō. Cold and moyst in the first.

For any age or constitution: e­specially youth and chollerists.

Storie for Table-talke.

SOme will needes haue this hearbe, a bred & natiue Spani­ard: and therefore miscall it, Spagnaeci. But they much abuse it, for the Arabians called it Sphina­che: the reason of the name is ob­uious: because the seed thereof is Spinosum. That is, prickly. The iuyce of Spinache drunke, cureth any wound receiued of a Scorpi­on. Therefore it is of much re­quest in Italy.


Choise. THiffle or prickly. Artichokes, cōming of Artichoke: tender.

Vse. Please the taste: prouoke vrine and Venus: remoue flatiue hu­mours: open obstructions: heate the entralls.

Hurt. The Thistle is somewhat fla­tulent; annoyeth the head: burd­neth the stomacke: Artichoke is not so hurtfull.

Correction. The Thistle sodden, or raw, is ea­ten in the last course, with salt and pepper: Artichokes are boyled in Pottage, and eaten as the Thistle.

Degree. Season. Age. Cōstitutiō. Hot in the second, dry in the first.

The sodden are preferred afore the raw: for cold season, age, con­stitution.

Cardui seu Cinarae.
Story for Table-talke.

THe Thistle or prickly Ar­tichoke, differeth from the plaine or common Artichoke, onely by certaine prickles vpon the stalke. The Italian most esteemeth of the Thistle.

In former times they were to be had no where but in Sicily; now euery where.

Theophrastus calleth them Pinei, because they somewhat re­semble Pine-apples, consisting of many skales, cōpacted Globe­wise.


Choise. THick, commonly called Cab­bage Lettuse: growing in a fat soyle: afore it swell with milke: not washt in water.

Vse. C [...]s [...] of digestion: the best of pot-hea [...]s, increaseth milke: pro­cureth sleepe: states the running of the reines: all wageth heate in the stomacke, especially eaten with vi­neg [...].

Hurt. Dimmeth the sight: quencheth naturall heate: corrupteth the seed: caus [...] barr [...]nnesse: mortifieth ve­nus: makes the bodie sluggish: we [...]keneth the stomacke.

Correcti­on. Eaten with Mint, Rewe, and [...] hea [...]bes: sodden, rather th [...] rawe: vnwasht: good Wine drunke vpon it.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitutiō. Cold and moyst in the second.

In h [...]t weather, for youth, verie cho [...]ricke, and hot stomackes.

Storie for Table-talke.

GAlen commendeth Lettuse thus: in a yong man, it aba­teth the burning heat of his stomack: vnto an old man it cau­seth sleepe. In olde time they ate Lettuse after supper, to represse vapors arising from the stomack to the braine, and to dispose them selues to sleepe. For they vsed to dine very spa [...]ingly, but supped largely.

Aristoxenes Cyraenaeus, watred his Lettuses with Mead, to make them bigger and sweeter.

Lactuca a lacte quasi Lactoca, because it breeds milk in women, saith Martiall.


Choise. GArden: tender: not yet milky sauouring most swéetly.

Vse. Asswageth inflammation and thirst: prouokes vrine & appe­tite; especially in hot weather.

Hurt. Bad for the Palsie; quiuering of the ioynts, and cold stomacks: somewhat sloweth concoction.

Correction. Eaten with Nip, the stalkes of Mint, Rew, and such hot hearbs.

Degree. Cold in the beginning of the se­cond: moist in the end of the first.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In hot weather for youth, chol­lericke, sanguine, and very hot sto­macks.

Story for Table-talke.

ENdiue is much of the nature and operation of Lettuse.

The wilde Endife is not so cold or moist as the Garden or homegrowing, and hath a more sharpe and vigorous taste.

The wilde Endife is curled and crisped somewhat like to Cab­bage Lettuse, but much bigger.


Choise. COmmonly vsed, is that veri [...] Buglosse of old. This therfore taken with the leaues,

Vse. Wondrously cleanseth the blood: recreateth & exhilerateth the heart and spirits, especially put in wine: strengtheneth all the entrals: very good for such as are in recouery.

Hurt. Correcti­on. Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Somewhat hard of digestion: greatly annoyeth sore mouthes.

Séeth it in very good flesh broath.

Cold and moist in the first.

For any season, age, or tempera­ture.

Story for Table-talke.

APuleius writeth, that they of Lucania calleth this Bu­glosse Corage, because it hath an apparant sympathy and notable affinitie with the affects of the heart. Whence in tract of time the name is depraued: and B. put for C. Surely it is a most excellent hearbe, and of speciall vse. It hath this peculier vertue, that laied in Wine it strengthneth and cheareth the heart, putting merry conceits into the minde.


Choise. VVIth blew flowers: fol­lowing the sunne: there­fore called Heliotropium: tender: the tops of it.

Vse. Very much helpes an inflamed stomacke: without all measure openeth the obstructions of the li­uer.

Hurt. Hurteth a weake and cold sto­macke: makes litle and bad no [...] ­rishment.

Correction. Eaten boiled, in sallets, with [...] and vinegar: or raw, with Nip and such hot hearbs.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Cold in the first; dry in the se­cond.

Conuement alwaies, (best in sommer for youth and hot consti­tutions.

Story for Table-talke.

IT hath bene, and yet is, a thing which superstition hath belee­ued; that the body anoynted with the iuyce of Cichory, is very auaileable to obtaine the fauour of great persons: howsoeuer, it is of a most opening nature, and maketh way or free passage in the body by taking away al obstructi­ons and opilations.

The leaues of Succory brused, are very good against inflamati­on of the eyes, being outwardly app [...]ied.


Choise. THe first buds, or yong braun­ches shooting from the roote, not yet least, of a tender and slender stalke.

Vse. Not only engenders singular good humours, but also reduceth them into an equall and due tem­per: strengtheneth all the entrals: makes pure and refined blood.

Hurt. Somewhat flatulent: stuffeth the bead.

Correcti­on. Boyled and eaten with Vine­ger and Oyle.

Degree. Tempertately hot, moist in the first.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. For any season, age, constituti­on.

Storie for Table-talke.

OVr forefathers knewe not Hoppe: howbeit it is a most excellent hearbe, & excee­deth all other for good iuyce: for cleansing the blood, and scouring all the entrals. Besides the neces­sitie hereof in brewing of Beere, is sufficiently knowne to Germa­ny and England, and all these Nor­therne parts of the worlde: yet I know not how it happened (as he merrily saith) that herisie & beere came hopping into England both in a yeere.


Choise. SMall: garden-spear-mint: the tops onely.

Vse. Very exceedingly comforteth the stomacke: especially cold and weake: consumeth fleame, and prouoketh appetite.

Hurt. Annoyeth an hot stomacke, or li­uer; for it in a manner scaldeth and burneth the blood.

Correctiō. Eate it sparingly, with cold Hearbs.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and dry in the end of the se­cond, or beginning of the third.

In cold weather, for old men, flegmaticke, and melancholicke.

Story for Table-talke.

THe Poets faigne, that Men­tha Proserpines Nymph, was metamorphosed into this hearbe, being taken at her leche­ry with Pluto the black Prince.

The Graecians liked the sauour of it so well, that they called it Hedyosmus, that is sweete-smell. Perhaps their mint was of better sauour then ours, for we h [...]ue ma­ny other hearbes which deserue that name rather then Mint: al­though it sauoureth very well.


Choise. GArden: of a déepe gréene co­lour: the leaues no whit red.

Vse. Restraineth choller: quen­cheth thirst: exciteth appetite: cu­reth fluxes: is very holsome in bur­ning and pestilentiall feuers.

Hurt. Exasperateth the stomacke: bin­deth the belly: hurteth melancho­lists.

Correction. Eate it in Sallets with other hearbs, as Lettuse which is moist, and Mint which is hot.

Degree. Cold in the first, moist in the be­ginning of the second.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In hot weather for youths, chol­lerists, and sanguines.

Oxalis seu Acetosa.
Story for Table-talke.

BY reason of the tart taste, it is called in Latin Acetosa. That is, Vineger hearbe. And in Lombardie they call it the sowre hearbe. It was wholly vnknowne to the Antique.

There be two sorts of it, the greater sowne in Gardens which is the better: the lesse growing in the fields hauing lesse leaues, and the stalke like a speare, the leaues very red and shining.


Choise. LOw: set in gardens for sallets, with litle leaues, notcht like a Saw, and indented rounde a­bout the Verge: the stalke red.

Vse. Doth purge the reines and blad­der: verie much prouoke vrine: voyd the stone and grauell: verie good against the plague: put in wine, greatly comforts the hart.

Hurt. Hard of digestion: stuffeth the belly: and in many, inflameth the liuer and blood.

Correction. Eaten raw in sallets, with other cold hearbes.

Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. Hot and drie in the second.

Storie for Table-talke.

IT is an Hearbe that the aun­cient were verie litle acqu [...]n­ted with. Yet the Nomencla­tors haue referred it vnto that sort of hearbes which are good against the stone.

The decoction of it made in pottage, is a present remedie a­gainst the plague. Also the water distilled, is p [...]ssing good for that purpose. It is vulgarly thought to be put in wine as a cooler: but it hea [...]eth in the second degree, and ioyneth with wine in his operati­on for the strengthening of the heart.


Choise. THe braunches, afore either they flower or séed: the rootes at halfe their growth.

Vse. Very much prouoke vrine and womens fluxe: clenseth the liuer and matrice: openeth the obstruc­tions of those parts: is verie plea­sing to theistomacke: the decoction of it resists poyson.

Hurt. Is of no verie good iuyce: enfla­meth the blood: s [...]uffeth the head: is slowly digested.

Correction. Eate it little, rawe, with colde hearbes: sodden, in flesh pottage: the roote boyled throughly:

Degree. Season. Age. Cōstitutiō. Hot in the second, dry in the end of the first.

Good sodden, for any season, age, or constitution.

Storie for Table-talke.

THe excellency of this hearb, accordeth with the frequent vse thereof. For there is al­most no meate or sauce which may not haue Persley either in it or about it. Our English word Persly, is a manifest contract of the Latin Petroselinum.

The chiefest vertue lieth in the roote: second in the seed: last and least in the leaues: and yet these are of most vse in the kitching.

Taragon or byting Dragon.

Choise. GArden: in a fat & moist soile: the tender branches & leaues not spread vpon the ground.

Vse. Chiefe of hearbes for ac [...]ony and sauourmes: Card [...]all: exciting appetite and Venus: comforting the stomacke.

Hurt. Atte [...]uateth the blood, and burns [...] liuer: naught for hot constituti­ons.

Correction Eate it sparingly, with Borage flowers, or Endiue, Lettule, and such cooling hearbes.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot almost in the beginning of the third: drie in the second.

For cold, old, phlegmaticke.

Dracunculus Hortensis.
Story for Table-talke.

THis is an Artificiall herbe: for it commeth of a Line­seede put into an Onyon, or Leek, & so buried in the ground. Husbandmen haue a stronge conceit of it (and not without some cause) that it is a preserua­tiue against the plague, & all ma­ner of poysō inward or outward: experience and proofe is no de­tracter of the credit and estima­tion thereof.


Choise. TEnder: byting the tongue: most whi [...]e.

Vse. Helpeth vrin: voydeth gra­uel and sand from the reines and bladder: healeth the stomack [...]: cla­rifieth the voyce.

Hurt. Causeth l [...]annesse, belechings, headache, and lice: b [...]nes the blood: hurseth the teeth and eyes: is slowly conce [...]ed.

Correction. Therefore is best eaten after meate.

Degree. Hot in the second: dry in the first.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion, In colde weather, for youth, la­bourers, and hot stomackes.

Story for Table-talke.

WE English haue greatly honour'd this roote, by calling it a Radish, that is, Radix, a roote: as if this roote were the only roote, and all other rootes no rootes in cōparison of this roote: or at leastwise that the Radish is Radix radicum, the roote of rootes, a roote indeede, a roote Cath' Hexochen (as the Rhetoricians speake, a most ex­cellent roote. But I feare mee, I haue ouercloy'd you with rootes, may it please you to fall to some­what else.

Carot, or red Parsnip.

Choise. Vse. REd: great: sweet.

Prouoketh vrin, Venus, and monthly slure: engenders milke: ope [...]th obstructions: is pre­ferred afore the Parsnip.

Hurt. Of [...] and bad nourishment: slowly digested: very windie.

Prepara­tion. Boyle it th [...]oughly: then eate le with [...], oyle, mustard, and coriander.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in the second, moyst in the first.

In colde weather, for all but olde, and phlegmatique.

Carota seu pastinaca rubens.
Storie for Table-talke.

CArot, that is, redde roote: as some Antiquaries gesse. Athenaeus, quoting Diphilus, saith the Grecians called the Carot Philtrum, for that it is thought to be agreat furtherer of Venus her pleasure, and of loues delights: but although generally it furde­reth Venus, yet it is especially to bee vnderstood of the wilde Carot.


Choise. THat grow in a moyst soyle: great: full of iuyce: round, as the Flemish.

Vse. Excite Venus: increase séede, and milke: restore appetitie: pre­serue in change of water.

Hurt. Eaten raw, or much, cause head­ache: burne the blood: dull the vn­derstanding: hurtes the eyes.

Correcti­on. Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Lay it sliced a while in cold wa­ter; then séethe it throughly.

Hot in the third, dry in the se­cond.

For old and colde onely.

Story for Table-talke.

THe word Onyon, comes of the olde Latine name Vnio. For so the olde Latine Ru­sticks tearmed that which the lat­ter call Cepa. And the reason why they called it Vnio, was, because one herbe or branche (as it were) groweth vpon one roote. Where­to accordeth that, that Columella saith in his 12. Booke and 10. cha. of Husbandry: Cepa simplex quam Vnionem Rustici vocant.

Storie for Table-talke.

Choise. THat comes vp about March: put in sallets, or vsed dry: full of sprigs and knots.

Vse. Greene, qualifieth the coldnes and moystnes of sallets: dry, it re­sists poysons, cleares the voyce, kils wormes, prouoketh vrin, and Venus: consumes the salt rume in the stomacke.

Hurt. Hurtes the voyding facultie: braine: sight: head: very bad for women with childe, youth and hot constitutions: reuiueth old dis­eas [...]s: [...] the blood.

Correctiō. Bo [...]ls [...] throughly, then eate it w [...]th oile, vineg [...]r or other meates.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in the fourth, dry in the third.

In colde weather, for the aged, and phlegmatique.

Story for Table-talke.

GArlicke is of most speciall vse for Sea-faring men: a most excellent preserua [...]iue against all infection proceeding from the nastie sauor of the pump or sincke, and of tainted meates which Mariners are faine to eate for fault of better. It also pacifieth the disposition to vomit, crused by the roughnesse of the sea, and greatly strengthneth the rowers: therefore they eate it by break of day. It may be rightly termed the poore mans phisicke.

Scallion or litle Onyon.

Choise. SMall: like a Daffodill Roote: red: hard: sweete.

Vse. Helpeth a sa [...]nt stomack, lan­guishing through ouermuch heate: causeth appetite: furthereth con­coction.

Hurt. Causeth winde, grosse humors, headache, thirst, dreames.

Correction. Prepared as the Onyon: condite with strong Vi [...] eger, Oyle, & Salt: eaten with brused Sage & Parsly, moderately.

Degree. Season. Age. Cōstitutiō. Hotte in the fourth, drie in the third.

Vnholesome for hot season, age, com [...]tution.

Cepa Ascalonia.
Storie for Table-talke.

A Scalion, is so called of Asca­lon, a Towne in Iudaea, where it is very plentifull, and was first found. Thence transplanted to Greece and Italy, and so to these paits.

The Latines call the Scalion, Onyon, Lecke, and Garlicke, by one common name Bu [...]bus.

The Scalion infinitely furthe­reth Venus, as some say, that haue vsed it to that purpose.


Choise. GArden: sowne: in a moyst soyle, or often watred; v [...]rie small and tender:

Prouoke vrine, Venus, & month­ly flux: break [...] winde: [...] with hony, [...]difie the lungs & lights: applied in a plaister, cure the He­morhoids.

Hurt. Bréed melancholious humours: annoy the head: dimme the sight: procure fearefull dreames: ouerlay the stomacke: make vlcers in the bladder.

Correction. Sodden twi [...]: then dressed with Oyle of sweet Almonds, and eaten with Lettuse, Endiue, Purslane.

Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. Hotte in the third, drie in the se­cond.

Vnfit nourishment for any but rusticke swaines.

Story for Table-talke.

THe Emperour Nero tooke great pleasure in this roote: and therefore was nick-na­med P [...]rrophagu [...]: which to Eng­lish, is as much as Welchman.

Garlick, Onion, and Leekes, are very holesome, but their sa­uour is passing loathsome and of­fensiue. Wherefore some haue thought of a medicament to take away the sent of them. But none like Syr Thomas Mores. To take away the smell of Onions, eate Leekes: and to conuince your Leekes, eate a clowe or two of Garlicke: and if then Garlicke breath be strong. choke him with a piece of a T. with a u. with an r. with a d.


Choise. ONly the tender buddes, and long sprowtes, cropt off the herbe, whose leaues are wide open and [...]et c [...]mpacted.

Vse. Halfe sod [...]n, make soluble; tho­rowly boyl [...]d, [...].

Hurt. Anns [...] [...] lists: especially in som [...], [...] it is harder then at other times.

Prepara­tion. Seethe them [...] in water, then (that dec [...]ction [...] in fat flesh broath, with [...] and Pepper.

Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. Cold and [...] in the fist.

In the pri [...] of the spring.

Storie for Table-talke.

MAister Gerard, in his newe H [...]rbal, reckoneth 18 sorts of Colewo [...]ts, differing ei­ther in colour or forme.

It is called by the Graecians A­methystus, because it repelleth drunkennesse: or because it re­sembleth the precious stone cal­led the Amethyst. The Apothica­ries and common Herbarists, call it Caul [...]s, because it hath so good­ly a stalke: so the right name is Cawle, not Cole.



Choise. Of a sucking Calfe, let runne abroad two or three dayes a­fore: from the Dame; fed in ch [...] pasture.

Vse. Nourisheth excellently: makes [...] good blood: holesome for them that exercise much.

Hurt. Though yong and tender, yet being of gr [...]sse substance, natural­ly hurteth the weake or in recoue­ry.

Correction. Boyled with yong Pullets, or fat Capons, and Parsly.

Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. Temperate in all qualities.

For all seasons, ages, constituti­ons.

Storie for Table-talke.

THe Italians should be calfes by their name; for Italos in Greeke is the same that Vitulus in Latine, and calfe in English. Therefore they collaude it by tearming it Vitella, id est, vitam illia dans: signifying the holesomnesse thereof to a good stomacke. It is good for sound and ableconstitu­tions, not so good for the weake, sicke, or languishing stomackes, for it is of a lash and yet grosse substance, not very digestible. Essex calfes the prouerb praiseth, and some are of the minde that Waltome calfe was also that coun­trey man.


Choise. MOst yong and tender: fat: wrought at plowe, or other strong labour.

Vse. Nourisheth exceedingly: en­gendreth very much blood: stoppes chollerous fluxes.

Hurt. Is of bad nourishment: slowe of digestion: makes grosse blood: yea clodders of blood in the veines, and other melanchollicke diseases.

Correction. Is powdred with much sall, 24 houres, and sodden exquisitly.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Cold in the first, dry in the se­cond.

The tenderest, in cold weather, for youth, labourers, and great ex­ercisers.

Vaccina seu Bubula.
Story for Table-talke.

BEefe, ( quasi) Boue of Bos, an Oxe, Cowe, or Steere.

Sir Thomas More in his V­topia Li. 2. commendeth the Oxe farre aboue the Horse.

Oxen, yeeld to horses in fierce­nes, but excell them in patience; neyther are they subiect to so many diseases, are kept with lesse charge, and lastly, worne out at plowe and cart, yet are mans meate in fine.

The Oxe is the Country-mans fellow-labourer, and one of Ceres [...] houshold seruants. Promethe­us, first slew an Oxe.


Wethers Mutton.

Choise. NOt yet of the first Shere: [...] sheepe Wether, not Goate.

Vse. Makes very much and very good nourishment: for the weake.

Hurt. Olde, is vnholesou [...]e being cor­rupted with age, and ouermuch dried, for want of his stones.

Degree. The yonger, boyled, is eaten with opening and cardiall herbes.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Temperately hot, and moyst.

For any time, age, constitution, or region.

Story for Table-talke

THose things which are most necessarie vnto vs, by Gods great goodnes are also most com­mon: what more necessary to life then ayre, and what more obui­ous? insomuch as that onely is the Eliment, elmeno Tyrant can de­priue the meanest Vassall off, not taking away his life. Aqua & igni interdici potest, so the most hole­some and conuenient meate for sustenante of our bodyes, is mut­ton, and beefe: of all other flesh most cōmon. I dare say there are no foure other sundry meates wherewith wee may continue longer full fedde, with lesse loa­thing.


Choise. REd and blacke kiddes: scarse halfe yeare, lately caned, not yet weaned.

Vse. Is easily and soone digested: of best nourishment: good especially for such as are weake, or in reco­uery.

Hurt. Vnholesome for the aged, colde, and moyst stomackes, and such as exercise much.

Prepara­tion. Holesommer roast then sodde: the hinder quarters, then the fore: because they lesse abounde with excrementitious moysture.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and moyst temperately [...] the first.

For yong and hot stomackes: not old, nor flegmaticke.

Story for Table-talke.

CApra à Carpendo, because it carpeth and biteth off the yong buddes and sprowtes of plants and shrubbes.

That which we call a Kidde, the Italians call Capretto, till it be halfe yeare olde, and then they alter the name.

An heard of Goates finding Eringium, gather together to it, and depart not thence, vntill they haue eaten it all vp quite and cleane. They can best render the reason, who are goatish and loue to eat Eringoes.


Choise. MAle, a yeare olde, fit for sea­soning: not in winter.

Vse. It is of excéeding good and plentifull nourishment: resisting melancholly; best for an hot con­stitution.

Hurt. Sucking Lambe, is excéeding moyst, therefore nought for phleg­matique stomackes.

Preparatiō. A yéerling, roasted, and eaten with Rosemary, Garlicke, Sage, cloues, and such hot things.

Degree. Hot in the first, moyst in the se­cond, (the sucking is moyst in the third order.

Season. Age. Constitutiō. For hot weather, youth, and chollerists.

Story for Table-talke.

IF the Southwinde blow in sea­soning time, the Sheepheardes may looke for store of Ewe lambes; if the North winde, then for Males.

So soone as the Lambe is ea­ned, it knoweth his damme, and presently gins to play and dally with her.

All femall mutton, or vnder a yeere olde, breedes b [...]d iu [...]ce, for it is ouermoyst, making thicke and clammy humours.

It is no meate for cold seasons.

Swines Flesh.

Choise. NOr olde, nor thinne; but of a full groweth, and middle age; male: fed in the fields.

Vse. Doth yéeld very much and ve­ry good nourishment, for labourers especially: kéepe the paunch slip­perie: prouoke vrine.

Hurt. Hurt olde folke, and those that liue delicately or at ease: hasten the Gowte and Sciatica.

Correctiō. The leane of a yong fat Hog ea­ten moderately: with spices and such hot things.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in the first, moist in the end of the second.

In colde weather, for youth, hot stomackes and labourers.

Story for Table-talke.

IN olde time they detested Swines flesh, accounting it o­uer moyst; especially sucking pigges; or yong shotes: and sure­ly they were wiser then we: our appetite, captiuates our reason in this matter.

The most tollerable, is such as is at his full growth and naturall perfection. Which flesh questi­onles commeth neerest to mans in taste and sauour: especially be­ing a litle powdred. Bacō may be eaten with other flesh to prouoke appetite, and to cut asunder fleame cloddered in the stomack.

wilde Boare.

Choise. YOng: fat: tender: much cha­sed: in winter.

Vse. Of much nourishment: is fit meate for great excercisers: ea­sie of digestion.

Hurt. Nought for olde and idle folkes, in making store of excr [...]mentiti­ons and superfluous homours.

Prepara­tion. Carued into steakes, and spiced: or as the Italians make their Bro­lardieri; or else baked with store of spice.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and moyst in the first, tem­peratly.

In colde weather, for hot and laborious.

Aper seu Apcugna.
Storie for Table-talke.

IN the beginning of winter the wilde saine gender; and about the prime of the spring they pigge, in desart, streyte, craggie and deuious places.

If they bee at any time sicke, their physicke is Iuie. They are so so loadē with the weight of their vrin, that Hunters surprize them at such time as it vrgeth them, not giuing them leasure to voyde it, and so not being able to escape by flight, take thm.

P. Seruillius Rullus, first ser­ued in Wilde Boare to the table, mongst the Romaines.

Red Deere.

Choise. YOng; and (if it may bée) such as yet sucketh: gelt so soone as it is calfed.

Vse. Is of excéeding good nourish­ment.

Hurt. Olde, breedes euill humours: harde of digestion: causeth a quar­tane feuer.

Prepara­tion. Roast, or baked in pasties, lar­ded with the fat of other beastes.

Degree. Hot somewhat remisty in the first: dry in the second.

Season. Age. Constituti­on. Neither for hot weather, nor for olde folkes, very bad for me­lancholists.

Storie for Table-talke.

HArtes flesh yeeldeth but grosse and melancholious nourishment. Eatē at break­fast, it is said to prolong ones life: at supper to abridge the same.

The Hinde goeth 8. moneths with her yong, which so soone as she hath calued, she exerciseth them to the race: carryeth them to steepe down-fals, and teacheth them to leape.

It is a most simple and inno­cent Animall, howsoeuer nature in a mockery hath armed it most magnificently. It is the very Em­blem of a Gull, girded to a sword, being as hartlesse as the Hartis.

Fallow Deere.

Choise. YOng: fat: very well chased, hang'd vntill it be tender.

Vse. Nourisheth better then a­ny other Venison: especially resi­steth the collicke, & palsie: good for such as abound with humours.

Hurt. Hurteth the leane and thinne: for making dry blood, it annoyes the sinewes, especially being olde.

Correction. In roasting, basted throughly with oyle, or larded very much.

Degree. Season. Age Constitutiō. Hot and dry in the second.

Bad for youth, and chollerists: good for them that haue the palsie, and store of rume.

Storie for Table-talke.

IT is a rare thing to see a tame Doe: and yet it may hardly be tearmed wilde: howsoeuer the Latines call it, Fera in speciall, and the flesh thereof Forina. For there are many brutes which are Neuters, neither wilde nor tame, but in a meane: as the Swallow amongst Foules: amongst Flies the Bee: mongst Fishes the Dol­phin.

Martiall hath penned the Does lamentable women-tation in two verses: thus.

The Bore is feared for his tosh,
His hornes defend the Hart:
But we poore harmles hartles Does
Are nak'd on euery part.


Choise. YOng: well coursed.

Vse. It maketh slender: causeth good fresh colour in the face.

Hurt. Slowly digested: engenders me­lancolike blood: much eaten, makes sléepie and drowsie.

Prepara­tion. Farsed with suet, or gobbets of Larde, and spices.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and dry in the second.

In winter, for youth & sanguine: not for melancholists or students.

Story for Table-talke.

HAres flesh is good for those that wold be leane & faire. It is a receiued opinion, that vse of Hares fleshe procureth beautie, fresh colour, and cheer­full countenance, for a seuenight space: in so much as the Italians haue a by-word, which speaketh thus of a faire man, He hath eaten an Hare.

And Martiall mockes a foule sowe, telling her that shee htah not eaten any Hares fleshe of a weeke. It runneth most swiftly, especially vp the hill: because the fore feet be shorter then the hin­der legges.


Choise. YOng, fat, in winter, hangd a night in the coole.

Vse. Affordeth store of verie good nourishment: consumes all corrupt humours, and fleame in the sto­macke.

Hurt. Hurteth melancholists, and olde folkes.

Preparatiō. Parboyled: then roasted, with swéete hearbes, cloues, and other spices.

Degree. Cold in the beginning of the first: drie in the second.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In hot weather, somewhat vn­holesome for the foresaid.

Story for Table-talke

BEcause the Conny is some­what like the Hare, it is called ( Paruus Lepus) the lesse Hare.

It taught the souldier to vnder­mine his enemy, by earthing: which the Latines tearme Cuni­culum agere) to play the Conny. And yet (alas) of it selfe it is very Conny, a most simple Animall: whēce are deriued our vsual phra­ses of Conny, and Conny-cat­ching.

There is so great store of Con­nies in the Baleares Insulae, vsual­ly called Maiorica, and Minorica, that oft they waste their whole crop of corne, and cause extreme dearth in those Ilands.


Choise. YOng: fat: well crammed: set vp a fatting in a wide Co [...]pe.

Vse. Yéelds to mans body better nourishment then any other meat: principally good for the braine: pro­cureth an equall temperature of all the humors.

Hurt. Giueth such as take their ease, ouermuch nourishment.

Correction. Vsed moderatly, and with extra­ordinary exercise.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Possesseth an equal temperatur [...] of all qualities.

For any time, age, constitution.

Story for Table-talke.

SO named, for his excellencie, and chiefe worth amongst all foules of that kinde. It makes perfect blood. The Italians de­nue the name of two Hetrurian words, Quá pone: that is, huc ap­pone: set it afore vs: as much as our by-word: It saith, Come eate me. So these two words, Eate it, are the vnlettered mans latine for any good meate.

The eleuenth yeare afore the third Punique warre, Caius Fan­nius Consull, made a decree, that no foule should be serued to the table, but the Capon or Hen fat­ted abroad.

Turky-Cocke, or Ginny-Cocke.

Choise. YOng; fatted abroad; in win­ter; hangd all night.

Vse. Of very plentifull and very good nourishment: restoreth bodily forces: passing good for such as are in recouery: maketh store of séede: enflameth Venus.

Hurt. Bad for those that line at ease: disposeth to the gout, and such like defluxions.

Prepara­tion. Eaten little and seldome; spiced throughly in roasting.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitutiō. Hot and moist in the second.

At any time, for any but decrepit age.

Gallus Indicus.
Story for Table-talke.

IT may be, the vulgar for Indy Cock, miscall it Ginny-Cock, The Cocke, Hen, and Chic­kens, are all of one nature: the Chicken is preferred for tender flesh.

The Ginny-Cocke was first brought out of Numidia, into Ita­ly, and not from India.

The Graecians call these foules Meleagrides: induced thereunto, by Poeticall fiction. For (they say) Meleagers Sisters were transfor­med into Ginny-hens, while they mourned for their brothers death


Choise. YOng: sed in a most cleare and open place: tender.

Vse. Nourisheth exceedingly: fit for hot stomackes.

Hurt. Hard of digestion: bréeds me­lancholious blood; vnfit for idle folkes.

Correction. The throate cut, and hanged with a waite tyed at the heeles, in some cold place, fiftéene dayes.

Drinke good wine vpon it.

Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. Hot in the second, dry in the first.

For colde weather, hotte sto­mackes, and great exercisers.

Storie for Table-talke.

PEacocke, is very hard meate, of bad temperature, & as euil iuyce. Wonderously increaseth melancholy, & casteth (as it were) a clowd vpon the minde. It lay­eth at the third yeare, and liueth fiue and twentie. It is so spitefull & enuious, that it eateth his owne dung, least any body should make any vse of it.

Great Alexander, imposed a great penaltie on him that killed a Peacocke.

Quintus Hortensius, the Ro­mane Oratour, first set it vpon the table, beeing himselfe a perfect glutton.


Choise. THat first assay to goe, and get their owne meate: plump and fat.

Vse. Cure the palsie, procéeding of a cold cause: excite Venus: increase heate in the weake: purge the reines: are easily digested.

Hurt. Enflame the blood: annoy hote cōstitutions, and their heads which which delight to eate Pigeōs heds: therefore we alway behead them.

Correcti­on. Boyled in fat flesh broath, with Veriuyce, Plums, sower Cheries, or with Vineger and Coriander.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and moist in the second.

In cold weather, for old folkes, and stomackes full of fleame.

Storie for Table-talke.

VVIlde or wood Doues, are but dry meate. They liue 30. yeares.

They are mute all winter long, in the spring they begin to mouth it. Some of them are called Viua­riae, Stockdoues: other Torquatae, Ringdoues. The house or tame Pigeon is much the better: yet a [...]tle too moyst. Their flesh is very preseruatiue in time of pestilence [...]ising of corruption. It is the Em­bleme of sincere and simple mea­ning, also of pure loue, voyd of all malice. It was good Angell to Noah.


Choise. YOng: fat: bred in the chem­pion, and free ayre.

Vse. Yéeldes very good nourish­ment: fatteth the macilent.

Hurt. Fils the body with superfluous humours: is slowly concocted: (the flesh of an olde Goose, causeth a feuer.)

Correctiō. Stifled with borage-smoake set in at the throate; then far [...]ed with swéete herbes, and spices, and for roast.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in the first, moyst in the second.

In colde weather, for hot sto­mackes, and great exercisers.

Pullus Anserinus.
Story for Table-talke.

THe Iewes are great Goose-eaters: therefore their com­plexion is passing melan­cholious, their colour swort, and their diseases very perillous.

The liuer and wings are best, especially of fat Geese.

Sessius, first commended the goodnes and pleasant taste of the Goose-liuer: some ascribe it to Metellus: other to Scipio.

A gard of Geese kept the Ca­pitoll at Rome, in times past.

A Goose, is the Embleme of meere modestie.

Duck or Mallard.

Choise. YOng: fat: tender.

Vse. D [...]oth nourish excéeding much: fat: cause very good co­lour: cleare the voice: increase seed: dispearle winde.

Hurt. Get them an heate that are cold, and them a feuer that are hote: di­gest hardly: yeeldes but bad nou­rishment.

Correction. Is perfumed at the mouth with Borage, and so forth, as it is said of the Gosling.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitutiō. Hot and moist in the second.

In colde weather only, for hot stomacks, and such as vse great ex­ercise.

Story for Table-talke.

OF all foules that vse to flock, the Duck is the hottest and moistest. The liuer and wings are most commended. Martiall wil­leth the whole Duck to be set a­fore him; but he chooseth onely the neck and the brest, and sends the relicks back to the Cooke.

They hatch their yoong neare vnto Lakes, and Fennes; but so soone as they are out of the shell, they take the water, and after­ward mount vp into the ayre.


Choise. FAt, gotten in hawking in win­ter.

Vse. Good in hecticks feuers: [...]sto­reth their strength that are in reco­uery: of singular good nourishment: helpeth a weake stomacke.

Hurt. It onely makes the Swaine, short winded.

Therefore good Peasant,
Touch not the Pheasant,
But saue thy weasant:
Y'ar somewhat pleasant.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Temperate in all qualities.

In Autumne, and winter, for any.

Storie for Table-talke.

PHeasant, in digestion and nourishing is very like Hen: yet more toothesome: in a meane betwixt Capon, and Par­tritch. Passing restoratiue for the thinne and macilent.

It taketh his name of Phasis, a riuer in Choichis. The Italian vul­gars, call it Fasan, quasi faciens sa­num: because it is so exceeding holesome.

It is much molested with lice, which it riddeth it selfe off, by tumbling in the dust.


Choise. YOng: female: like Chickens: fed in the house, if it may be.

Vse. Yéelds excellent nourish­ment: soone digests: fats: dries vp superfluous humours in the sto­mack: very healthsome for such as are in recouerie:

Hurt. Young, hurts none but the ru­sticks, the old be tougher and of bad sauour.

Correcti­on. Eate the young, hang the old all night in the coole.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in the first, dry in the second.

For all, in cold weather, especi­ally the yong ones.

Story for Table-talke.

THe Parti [...]ch neuer liues lō ­ger then 16. yeares.

It is not good, if not yong.

The Henne is better then the Cock.

They are so venerious, that the Cock opposed to the Henne on the windie fide, she conceiueth through the winde that blowes from him.

Cardan thinks the Hen is part­ly Cockish.

If they feele themselues sicke, they purge themselues with Lau­rell.

In Paphlagonia they haue two harts.

The Partritch is consecrated to Iupiter and Latona.


Choise. YOng: fatted in the house a while, afore it be eaten.

Vse. It pleaseth the taste: affords very good nourishment: digesteth eastly: comforteth the stomacke: sharpeneth y e wit: exciteth Venus.

Hurt. Being exceeding dry, hurts chol­lerists, and melancholists.

Correction. Fedde in the house with moyst meates, then kill and hang it two nights in the coole.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitutiō. Hot and dry in the second.

In colde weather, for old folkes, and phlegmatike.

Storie for Table-talke.

AT the beginning of the Springe they hide them­selues, because they then [...]ast their feathers, and are in a maner naked.

It is a thing noted in the Tur­tle, that while it drinketh, it lif­teth not vp her head, as all other birdes doe.

The time of her life, is eight yeares.

It purgeth it self with an herbe that groweth vpon walles.


Choise. NOt fed with Hellebore or Beare-foote: taken with the Quaile-pipe [...] fat and tender.

Vse. Doth helpe melancholists onely, by moistning their dry constitutiō.

Hurt. Easily corrupteth in the stomack: inuiteth the Ague, Palsie, Cramp.

Correction. Eaten with Vinegar and Cor­ander.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in the end of the first: moist in the end of the second.

In cold weather: hurteth olde folkes, paralytick, and flegmatick.


Storie for Table-talke.

I Am much in doubt whether Coturnix be our Quaile. Car­dan also doubteth: and his ma­ner of doubting, maketh me dout more: for setting downe sixe de­grees of delicates that please the taste, he maketh Quaile the first dish of the first cour [...]e. His words are these: Aues videntur primum locū vendicare, atque inter eas qua­lea: seu sit Coturnix, seu non, hand refert. I am sure all other writers giue Coturnix their euil word, af­firming that it is a breeder of the Crampe, Palsie, and Falling sick­nesse: and in a word, passeth for badnesse.

Thrush, Mauis, or Blacke-bird.

Choise. IN cold weather, fat: fed with holly, Iuniper, and Mertle ber­ryes.

Vse. Is of very good iuyce: easily di­gested: very holesome for such as are in recouery.

Hurt. Naught for those that are sub­iect to the migram, or frensie.

Preparatiō. Sod in good flesh broath, with parsly, and other opening herbes.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and dry in the very ende of the first.

In colde weather, for any, but olde folkes.

Story for Table-talke.

THis Lataine name, soundeth to English eares somewhat vnsauoury: but much worse as I haue heard it ioyned with o­ther like Consonants. As for ex­ample. Edo Fartum, & Turdum pistum. But there is nothing euill spoken, but being euill taken.

Now because it signifies diuers­ly, a Thrush, a Black-birde, a Ma­nis: some may bee desirous to know if all these bee much of a nature, yet Virum horum, which is best and holesomest. Therefore to his Virum horū. I answere, Ma­uis accipe. Pliny reporteth, Agrip­pa Claudius Caesars wife, had a M [...]uis, that did speake very plainly.


Choise. OF yong and fat Hens: Cock. trodden: new laied.

Vse. Nourish soone, and much: excite Venus: supplying matter for it: very much helpe them that are in a consumption: open the breast: stay spitting of blood: clarifie the voyce.

Hurt. Hinder the concoction of meates eaten presently after them: make the face freckled.

Correcti­on. Eate them boyled: she yolke on­ly: and pawse betwixt Egges and other meates.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Temperately hot and moyst.

New, for all seasons, ages, con­stitutions and diseases.

Storie for Table-talke.

EGges (some thinke) because the [...] egge on backward hus­bands.

Egges haue the possibilitie of being liuing creatures. The white is cold, the yolke hot. They nou­rish soone and much, by reason of the pliable softnesse of their sub­stance and temperature: very pro­portionable to our flesh and na­ture.

Not only Hens Egs, but Par­tritch, Phesant, and Turkies, be verie holesome.



Choise. VVHensoeuer you can get it, great or litle.

Vse. Nourishith best: ta­steth most excellently, and erqui­sirely: in all mens iudgementes a fish of chiefe note.

Hurt. Onely it is soonetainted, there­fore dresie it presently.

Prepara­tion. Lay it sealed and gutted sire houres in salt: then fry it in oyle, and besprinkle it with vinegar in which Spaces and Saff [...]on haue boyled.

Degree. Temperately hot and moyst, in the [...] either first.

Season. Age. Constitutiō. For any season, age, or consti­tution.

Cyprinus qui & Carpio.
Story for Table-talke

NOne of the Greeke or La­tine writers, euer knewe this fish.

In Italy it is somewhat rare, and thought to bee onely in the lake Benacus, and the lake com­monly called Della posta.

It spawneth about the begin­ning of the summer.

Many are of the minde, that it eateth gold, because in the guites are found no other excrementes, but a bright san [...] glittering like golde: and besides, it liue [...]h al­way at the bottome of the lake.


Choise. THick: caught in May: in a [...] running Riuer, full of deepe down-fals and Rocks: and not out of standing pooles.

Vse. Nourisheth well: soone digested: yeelds coole iuyce for an ouer hott [...] Liuer and blood: therefore good in hot Agues.

Hurt. It soone putrifieth: scarse fit for old men, and weake stomackes.

Correction. Seethe it in iust somuch Vineger as water: ease it with sower sance assoone as you can.

Degree. Cold in the beginning of the first, moist in the ende.

Season. Age. Cōstitutiō. In hot weather for all ages, but decrepit: euery temperature but phlegmaticke.

Trocta seu Turtur.
Story for Table-talke.

IT is very much commended for good nourishment. Inso­much as it is permitted vnto one sicke of an hot ague. That it is passing holesome, our vulgar prouerbe accordeth: As sound as a Trout. And another phrase, Fish-whole, I think is most ment of the Trout.

It is a fish that loueth to be flat­tered and clawed in the water: by which meanes it is often taken.


Choise. RIuer: for it is fatter, and ther­fore more gratefull to the pa­late, then sea Sturgion: in sommer: the belly of it.

Vse. A friendly dish on the table: ve­ry daintie, and of chiefe account: nourisheth very well: inciteth Ve­nus: cooleth the blood moderately.

Hurt. Naught for the sicke, or in reco­uery: for it is somewhat too fatte: makes thicke and clammy iuyce: slowly digested.

Correcti­on. Séeth it in water and vineger: let the sauce be white vineger, with a litle Cynamon or Fennel in it.

Degree. Hot in the beginning of the first, moyst in the second.

Season. Age. Constitutiō In hot weather: for all, but those that are plagued with distillations and diseased ioynts.

Sturio seu Acipenser.
Story for Table-talke

PLiny in his 9. booke of Natu­rall story, and 17. Chapter, writeth thus. In former times Sturgion was counted a most no­ble Fish: now it is of no recko­ning: the which I much maruell at, sithens it is so rare. We may now a dayes vse Plinies wordes, with an inuersiō of the sense. For what fish is there almost now of greater esteeme?

It hath his skales turning to­ward his mouth, and swimmeth against the streame.


Choise. RIuer: in March or Aprill, for then it is notably fat, and the backe bone marrow tenderest.

Vse. It hath a most excellent fine re­lish: nourisheth passing well: in­creaseth seed: a Lordly dish.

Hurt. Somewhat slowe of digestion: especially not boiled inogh: naught for the Gout and féeble sinowes.

Correcti­on. Choake it with white Wine, stop the mouth with a Nut-meg, and the other holes with Cloues: then fry it with Nuttes, Bread, Oyle, Spices, and white Wine.

Degree. Temperately hot, moyst in the first.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. For any season, age, constituti­on, but decrepit, gowtie, and disea­sed sinowes.

Storie for Table-talke.

TEarmed so, a Lambendis Pe­tris: a Suck-stone.

About the beginning of the Spring, it enters the fresh wa­ters, and in Summer departeth a­gaine into the sea. Whereas all other fishes haue finnes to swim withal, some more some lesse; the Lamprey hath none at all: but moueth in the waters, as Snakes and Serpents creepe & glide vp­on the earth.

Many in England haue surfet­ted of Lampry pies, as our Chro­nicles will tell vs if we looke into them.

Mullet or Barbell.

Choise. OF the lesser size: not taken in muddie places, or standing lakes, but grauelly & cleare.

Vse. Pleasing to the palate: the flesh applied, cures the biting of vene­mous things: or any harme done by womens menstruous flure.

Hurt. The wine wherein a Mullet is stifled drunke, depriueth men of all genital vertue: makes women bar­ren: the meate is hard and slow of digestion.

Correction. Roast vpō a gridiron, sprinckled with Oyle, and the iuyce of Oren­ges: or boyled & condite with Vi­neger, swéete hearbes, and Saf­fron.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitutiō. Hot in the first, dry in the begin­ning of the second.

In hot weather, for youth, chol­lericke, strong stomackes.

Mullus seu Barbo.
Story for Table-talke.

BArbo, bicause it hath a double beard vpon the neather lip.

And therfore Tully in his Pa­radox, calleth those that are well barbed, Mulli. Fenestella thinkes they were called Mulli, because they are in colour like the shoes of the Almane Kings, and the Pa­tricij amongst the Romans: which Shoes were tearmed Mullei, of Millo, an obsolet word, signify­ing the same that suo, to sowe as Sowters do.

The Romanes prized this fish at a wonderfull high rate. It is in­credible to tell what Asinius Celer and Crispinus, gaue for a Mullet.


Choise. FEmall: Riuer: in Autumne or Winter.

Vse. It litle benefiteth the bodie: but only as some think, cut length-wayes in halfes, and applied to the soles of the féete, stancheth the heat of Agues.

Hurt. Is sllowly digested: heauy on the stomacke: bad nourishment, espe­cially in the Dogge dayes.

Correction. Bake it with Garlicke, swéete hearbes, and spices: or boyle it with Oyle, Onyons, and Raysons: far­sed with Garlicke, Parsly, and Vi­neger.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Cold and moyst in the second.

In Autumne and Winter, for youth, collericke, and very labori­ous.

Storie for Table-talke.

THe Anticke make no men­tion of this fish: not respe­cting it in deede, because it was so common, and the poore mans prouin.

Onely Tully, in his Booke de claris Oratoribus, mentioneth one Placentinus an Oratour, who was called Tinca, for his merry con­ceited wit.

It is onely to be found in fresh waters, riuers, lakes, and ponds: and is fittest meate for labouring men.

Pike or Pickerell.

Choise. RIuer, rather then Pond, and Pond not muddy: great: fresh: new, and fat.

Vse. It nourisheth much, the iawe­bones burnt to power, and giuen the weight of French crowne in wine, will breake the stone.

Hurt. Hard of concoction: badde nu­triment: burdeneth the belly: in­creaseth fleame: naught for the sicke.

Correcti­on. Seeth it with sweete hearbes, and oyle, eate it with white vine­ger: or broyled, with wild mario­ram and vineger.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Colde and moyst in the second.

Being hard meate, it is fittest for winter, youth, and chollericke.

Storie for Table-talke.

NOr yet of the pickerill haue old writters recorded any thing, which is companion and an associate of the Tench: by rubbing vpon whom, the Picke­rill cureth himselfe of any wound or hurt receiued.

It is a very rauenous Fish, de­uoring any thing be it fish or flesh that lyeth in his way.

It is no meate for those that be sicke or weake, whatsoeuer triui­all Leeches prate.


Choise. TAken in a sandy sea, not mud­dy: in March: dressed pre­sently.

Vse. Tasteth very pleasantly: nou­risheth marueilous well: may bée kept long salt: good for the stomack against fleame.

Hurt. Somewhat windie, especially the backe of it: also ouer moyst.

Prepara­tion. Roast in a leafe of paper, with oyle, parsly, coriander: or kéepe it condite a day or two with salt and origan.

Degree. Cold in the beginning, moyst in the end of the first.

Season. Age. Cōstitutiō. In the spring, for any age, or temperature, taken moderately.

Storie for Table-talke.

THe generation of Eeles is in nature very easie: but to our vnderstanding passing diffi­cult. For they breed euen in dry­ed lakes, presently after a sudden raine, of the very corruption and slime of the soyle.

Athenaeus sayeth, he himselfe sawe in Arethusa of Eubaea, Eeles with siluer and golden earings, so tame that they would eate meate out of ones hands.

The Ile of Ely, may be called the Ile of Eeles: for the aboun­dance of Eeles which it yeeldeth.


Choise. NEw sodden: and eaten colde.

Vse. Tender meate, and grate­full to the palate: easlie dige­sted: nourisheth very well: excée­dingly holesome, if continually vsed.

Hurt. Whatsoeuer fault if hath, pre­pare it as followeth.

Preparatiō. Fry and condite it with Orange iuyce, and peper: or eate it hot with veneger.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Temperate in the actiue quali­ties, moyst in the first.

Best in winter, for any age, or temperature: moderately taken.

Story for Table-talke.

THe Graecians so tearme it because it is red of colour. The Venetians call it Ar­bor: the Latines in imitati­on of the Graekes, Rubellus.

It is a Sea fish, neither comes at any time into the f [...]esh waters: It harbowreth some time about the shore.

So soone as they are spawned, they are presently full of egges. And therefore (it is thought) they be all faemall.

They vse to rout together, and roue about the sea in troopes.


Choise. THat that growes vpon great ships bottomes, or in places not muddy;

Vse. in those Mo­neths that haue the letter R. in their names.

Hurt. It hath a kinde of salt iuyce in it, that affecteth the palate more then other shell fishes: exciteth ap­petite, and Venus: nourisheth litle.

Prepara­tion. Somewhat hard of degistion: greatly increaseth fleame in a cold stomacke: causeth obstructions.

Degree. Dresse it with pepper, oyle, the iuyce of sowre Orenges: after it be roasted on the imbers.

Season. Hot in the first, moyst in the se­cond.

Age. Constitu­tion. For cold weather, youth, cholle­rists, and hot stomackes.

Story for Table-talke.

THe Oyster is an headlesse fish, yet passing toothe­some: it is engendred of meere myre, or mudde inclining to corruption: or of the sea froth and spume, which cleaueth vpon ships. It liueth not out of the wa­ter, yet breatheth not ayre, nor taketh in any external moysture. It hath not locall motion: and plucked from his proper place is deuoyd of sense, increasing and decreasing with the Moone.

It is vnseasonable and vnhole­some in all monethes, that haue not the letter R. in their name, because it is then venerious.

Crab or Cra-fish.

Choise. RIuer, or fresh water, rather then sea Crab: at the prime of the spring, or in haruest: when the Moone is at the full.

Vse. Good for the corsumption, and biting of a mad dog: prouoketh [...] ­rine, & Venus: purgeth the reynes: nourisheth very much.

Hurt. The meate is hard of conecti­on, bréedeth grosse and phlegma­ticke humours.

Prepara­tion. Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Roast it quicke, on the [...]bers: eate it with vineger and pepper.

Colde in the second, moyst in the first.

Storie for Table-talke.

THe Crab also wants a head, and therfore hath all the Or­gans of sense placed in his breast.

It engendreth at the mouth: goeth as readily backewarde: It turneth red in seething.

In the Coasts and riuer bancks of Phaenicia, there be Crabbes so swift in running, that it is a great masterie to ouertake them on foote.



Choise. OF yong beastes [...]edde in the choise pasture: 1. Womans, 2. Cowes, 3. Sheepes, 4. Goates.

Vse. Milke increaseth braine, fattes the body: good for hecticke, asswa­geth scalding heat of the vrin: nou­risheth plentefully: procureth good colour: furthereth Venus.

Hurt. Naught for feuers, headaches, sore eyes, distillations of rume, di­seased reynes, obstructions, the teeth, the gummes, olde folkes.

Correctiō. A litle afore you take it, put into it some salt, sugar, or hony, least it curdle in the stomacke: drinke it fasting.

Degree. Moyst in the second, temperate­ly hot.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. For hot weather, youth, cholle­rists, and strong stomackes.

Story for Table-talke.

MIlke consisteth of a three­fold substance. The first is whitish, colde, and moyst: Nitrous and powerfull to make the belly soluble. The second fat and oyly, of temperate quali­tie, of which butter is made. The third is grosse, clammy, and fleg­maticke, whereof cheese is made.

Eate no more Milke, then you can well digest: though it see­meth to be soft and easie meat, fit for children and milkesops, yet it is not so. Vse no vilolence after it, nor drinke wine, afore you feele it throughly decocted.


Choise. THe newest and swéetest, shéeps. Cleanseth and mightily fetch­eth vp fleame cloddered about the breast and longs, especially procée­ding of a colde cause: quieteth the cough.

Vse. Too often vsed, makes the sto­make loose and weake: and causeth loathing.

Hurt. Eate strengthening and astrin­gent meates vpon it, or old Sacca­rum Rosatum.

Correcti­on. Hot and moist in the beginning of the second.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. At any time, for olde folkes ra­ther then youth: because it much purgeth distillations.

Storie for Table-talke.

NEw Butter and newe Oyle are of like nature and ope­ration. The benefite and vse of salt Butter is very notable. For only that way it may be pre­serued, neither thereby doeth it lose his proper vertue, to open and enlarge the breast: the older it is the hotter also it waxeth.

The Flemming or Hollander, is thought to liue so long as hee doth, onely for his excessiue ea­ting of Butter.

Some eate it first, and last.


Choise. NEw: boyled with a soft fire, so soone as it is flette of the milke.

Vse. As good as butter for the disea­ses of the brest: pleasant to the taste: cureth the sharpenesse and drowth of the stomacke.

Hurt. Slowly concocted: swimmeth aboue other meates: of grosse iuyce: easily turnes to fumes.

Prepara­tion. Vse it sparingly, put store of su­gar, and hony into it.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and moyst in the first.

Fitter for youth, chollericke and strong stomackes, then the old and rumaticke.

Flos lactis.
Story for Table-talke.

RIghtly so tearmed by the La­tines, for it is the very flow­er of milke, as also butter is the flower of Creame.

Although it be not altogether so fat and oyly as butter: yet shal one be glutted and euen loathed with it, far sooner then with but­ter: neither is it so lasting as but­ter, but changeth in a moment many times, as Dairy maides can better informe you.


Choise. MAde of the most choise mor­ning milke: fire-newe: for these be most digestable.

Vse. Holesome for hot constitutions, and such as are troubled with the distillations of chollerous humors: quench thirst: and restraine chol­ler.

Hurt. Annoy colde stomakes and the smowes, make drowsie, slowly di­gested.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Colde and dry in the first.

At any time, for youth, cholle­rists, and such as exercise much.

Lac coagulatum Re­cocta vulgo.
Storie for Table-talke.

PLatina missed his cushion, where he saith that Curds are hot of temperature: for experi­ence thereof, we may note the vse of them. For let a sound, hot and strong stomacke eate them, and they doe him more good then hurt: but if a colde stomacke eate them, they will neuer be concoc­ted enough.

The reason is plaine: their colde and grosse temprature.


Choise. NEw made: of well tempered milke, of beastes fed in choise pasture.

Vse. Mollifieth: fatteth: gratefull to the palate.

Hurt. Too often vse of it, bréedes ob­structions, especially in a weake stomacke.

Correction. Eate it with Nuts, Almondes, Peares, and Apples, and neuer but when you haue neede.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Colde and moyst in the second.

For youth, and great exercisers, for it requireth a strong stomacke.

Storie for Table-talke.

GReene or new cheese, new­ly made, nourisheth and moysteneth more thē salt and olde. That which is neither new nor old but in a meane, best agreeth with the stomacke: espe­cially eaten moderately.

They that haue best leysure & loue cheese best, I would wish them to write an Apologie in defense of the common dislike thereof, why so many loue it not.



Choise. THe cornes new: full; not full of withered wrinckles.

Vse. Helpes concoction: recals appetite: breakes winde: streng­theneth the stomacke: very much heateth the sinewes, and muskles: prouokes vrine: wasts fleame.

Hurt. Hurtful to hot constitutions, es­pecially in hot weather, and hot countries: consumeth séede: immo­derately vsed burneth the blood.

Correction Vsed moderately in cold wea­ther and in moyst meates: not o­uermuch beaten.

Degree. Hot and dry in the third, and al­most in the beginning of the fourth.

Season. Age. Cōstitutiō. For colde weather, olde folkes, rumaticke, and such as are subiect to distillations.

Storie for Table-tacke.

IN India, Pepper is gathered in October, and dryed in the Sunne: the Cornes strewed in beds of palme-leaues, vntill they be wrinckled.

Isidorus telleth a mad tale of Pepper: that it groweth in cer­taine woods on the South side of Caucase mount, which woods are full of serpents: therefore the in­habitantes of those partes set the woodes on fire to scarre away the serpentes, and so the Pepper comes to be blacke.


Choise. THe finest or thinnest: of an exquisite sweete smell, biting taste, and colour red: new.

Vse. Prouokes vrine, resists poy­sons: strengthens the braine, and all the entralles: comforteth the sight: preserues from putrifaction.

Hurt. Hurtes the colle [...]ke, in hots weather and hot coūtries: also hot constitutions, by inflaming the in­ward parts, and blood.

Correction. Vsed moderately, with colde or moyst meates, not beaten ouer much.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Very hot in the third.

In colde weather, for olde, and colde, and weake stomakes.

Story for Table-talke:

OVr vsually receiued Cinna­mon is not the right and true Spice, but this is passing rare, and scarse: very little or none of it is brought to vs.

The vse thereof, is great and manifold to the body, and all the parts of it.

Onely we must moderate our selues, least ouermuch enflame vs. The more substantiall and grosse in quantity it seemeth, the lesse vertue and power it posses­seth.


Choise. PLaine, or smooth, which nipt with the nayle, yéeld some moi­sture: of a most absolute fine smell: new.

Vse. Strengththē the principal parts of the body: and principally the stomacke: stay fluxes: and casting: ameud stinking breath.

Hurt. Annoy, chollerists: especially in summer: much put in meates, cause an vnpleasant and bitter taste in them.

Correction. Taken moderately, when the stomacke is full of fleame, in colde weather, and with moyst meates.

Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. Hot and dry in the third.

In winter, for olde men, phleg­maticke, and such are troubled with distillations.

Story for Table-talke.

CLowes quasi Glowes, be­cause thorough their vehe­ment and ardent heate, they cause a glowing in the mouth.

Thy grow in certaine Ilandes of the Orientall Indian sea. And thence wee haue them transpor­ted to vs, for their fragrancy and sweete vertue: whereof they whose breath is tainted, make ve­ry good vse.

For they most excellently re­lish the mouth, mend and com­mend the breath.


Choise. NEw: not rotten: of the best smel: which biteth the tongne most: cut in pieces, turnes not to dust.

Vse. Breaketh winde, yet heateth slowlier then pepper: good for cold stomacks: prouoketh sluggish hus­bandes: wosteth fleame: sharpe­neth the sight.

Hurt. Enflameth hot constitutions, in hot weather, or in hotte coun­tries.

Correction. Greene Ginger, condite with hony, warmes olde mens bellyes, or dry, moderately vsed.

Degree. The gréene is hot in the third, moyst in the first: the dry, dryeth in she second.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In hot weather, for olde, phleg­maticke, or troubled with winde.

Story for Table-talke.

GInger new or greene, is pas­sing moyst: which may bee gathered, in that it most soone rotteth and corrupteth. Hence al­so, it heateth slowlier then pepper vnto which notwithstanding in all other qualities it is very like.

It is first fetched from Calecut, the most famous Indian Mart: where being condite greene with sugar or hony, it is very restora­tiue.


Choise. NEw: not rotten: weightie. Full of iuyce and oyle: the colonr inclining to red.

Vse. Mendeth a strong breath: ta­keth away pimpels: comforteth the sight: stomacke: spleane, and belly: prouokes vrine.

Hurt. Bindeth: and therefore hurteth such as haue the Haemorhoids, are costiue, or melancholicke.

Correction. Vse it sildome, moderately, and with a litle Ginger.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot and dry, in the ende of se­cond.

In winter, for very olde folkes full of [...]leame.

Nux Myristica.
Story for Table-talke.

SO called in Greeke, for his most sweete and pleasant sa­uour. As therefore the com­mon Essay, As weake as water, is very badly applied to Aqua for­tis: so contrariwise, that other Adage, As sweete, as a Nutte, may most properly and kindely be vnderstood, of the Nut My­ricstick, or sweete Nut. Euen as he that saith, he is Dog-sicke, as sicke as a Dog: meaneth a sicke Dog, doubtlesse.


Choise. NEw: well coloured: the tops of it a little white in the very ende: long: tough: not soone brayed: of most fragrant smell: which moi­stened, dieth the hand.

Vse. Preserueth all the entrals: cau­seth good colour: wonderfully re­createth the heart: prouokes vrin, and Venus: drunk, hasteneth child­birth: driueth away drunkennesse.

Hurt. Stuffeth and paineth the head: makes drowste: takes away ap­petite.

Correction. Vse it moderately, and in colde weather.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hotte in the second, dry in the first.

In winter, for the olde, phleg­maticke, and melanchollicke.

Story for Table-talke.

SAffron (as it groweth in the ground) much resembleth the Onyon, as Aristotle noteth: but they differ, in that the Saffrō head is continuous and solid, not diuided into tunicles or skinnes, as the Onyonis, neither yeeldeth seed as doth the Onyon. But the Sementiue vertue of Saffron, re­steth in the head or roote.

It is so good a preparatiue, that Pliny saith, he that drinks Saffron in some liquor, shall neither sur­fet nòr be drunke.



Choise. CAndid: heauie: solide: hard: not going soone to powder.

Vse. It kéepes the bodie cleane and neate: holesome for the reines: nourisheth more then honny: clen­seth the breast.

Hurt. Causeth thirst: soone turnes to choller: naught for hot constituti­ons.

Correction. Eate it with Pome-Granates and sower Orenges.

Degree. Hot and moyst in the first, or as some thinke, possessing an equall temperature of all qualities.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In winter, for old, cold, and such as be troubled with distillations.

Story for Table-talke.

SVgar by some writers is tear­med Cane or Reede-Honny: because it is excocted foorth a Cane or Reede.

No kind of meat refuseth Sugar for his condiment, but only the inwards of beasts, as tripes: which if you condite with it, they grow most vnsauourly. If I were not very reuerently sparing of your reuerent modestie, especially at the table, I wold tell you it makes them smell and stincke like newe Oxe-dung.


Choise. PVre: cleare: most splendent: whitest: curdled and thicke.

Vse. It heateth the stomack: ther­fore holesome for old folkes: dispo­seth to the stoole: resisteth putrifac­tion: makes good blood.

Hurt. Worst for hot stomackes, enfla­ming the blood, and through his ac­crimony, increaseth choller.

Correction. Eate it with fruit, sower meats: or with Saccarum Rosatum.

Degree. Season. Age. Constituti­on. Hot and drie in the second.

In winter, for old, cold, and reu­maticke.

Storie for Table-talke.

ALl Honny is made of Dewe. For out of flowers the Bees gather that of which they make their Combes: of the gum which droppeth from trees, they make Waxe: of Dewe they make Honny. So that Dewe is congea­led togither or crassified, either by liuing creatures, and is made Honny: or of it owne accord, which also is Honny, vsually tear­med Dry Manna: or is not thick­ned at all, which they call liquid Manna: Whereof there is great store about Hormus, a Cittie in Arabia Faelix.



Choise. VVHite: dry and hard for preseruing, but moist for euery bit.

Vse. The first thing that is set on the Table, and the last taken away: v­sed almost in all meates, to season or preserue: by drying, resists poy­son: consumeth al corrupt humors.

Hurt. Makes soone looke old: dries the bodie: wasteth séede: engenders sharpe and biting humors: causeth itch and scabbes.

Correctiō. Eate little of it, and that in or with moyst meates.

Degree. Season. Age. Constitu­tion. Hot in dry.

In cold weather for flegmaticke and cold stomackes: bad for chol­lericke.

Storie for Table-talke.

VVE haue onely added a letter to the latin name: which takes his original as Salt it selfe doth, a Sole, Salo, & Solo. For the Sunne naturally oft times makes Salt, of the fome which the sea waues leaue vpon the shore. Howbeit, art is a much perfecter Salt-maker.

There is Salt of diuerse co­lours. In Aegypt it is red: in Sici­lia purple: in Pathmos, it is most bright and splendent. In Cappa­docia, it is of a Saffron colour. The Diuel loues no Salt with his meat saith Bodinus.


Choise. MAde of the best wine, a year [...] old: bettered by putting Ro­ses in it.

Vse. Best temperateth choller: quen­cheth thirst: closeth and strengthe­neth weake gummes: breakes fleame: holesome in time of Pesti­lence.

Hurt. Taken fasting hurts the sinows, old, leane, and melancholicke folks: gnaweth the stomack and entrals: bad for the diseases of the belly.

Correctiō. Allay it with a good deale of wa­ter, or take it with Raisons of the Sunne.

Degree. Cold in the first, moyst in the se­cond.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. For hot weather, youth, cholle­rists.

Story for Table-talke.

THere be foure principall cō ­tingates to Wine. 1. To be kept vncorrupt: 2. To be kept sweete: 3. Beeing corrupt, to be restored: 4. To be chaunged into Vineger. This last is effec­ted many wayes: most of which are commonly knowne. The rea­son and effect of them all, is only this: to bereaue wine of his pro­per fatnesse. Whence it follow­eth, that vineger nourisheth no­thing at all: & that it best quen­cheth fire: for it is vtterly voyd of that same Pingue Humidum, and by his exceeding Acrimony and rartnesse, eateth and consumeth.


Choise. VVHich taken, pearceth the braine and prouoketh néesing.

Vse. Good sauce for sundrie meates, both flesh and fish: besides medi­cinable to purge the braine.

Hurt. Not so good for the sight, hotte folkes, or in hot weather.

Degree. Much hotter then salt, there­fore called in Latine Mustarda (quasi) Mustum ardens: In Eng­lish Mustard: that is, much tart.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In colde weather, for old, colde, and rumaticke.

Storie for Table-talke.

PLiny highly commendeth the hearb that yeeldeth this con­diment. But (saith he) the seed is (as it were) a Compendium of the hearbe. And that, sine vllo di­spendio vertutis. Yea the seed is all vigour; and though least in quan­titie, yet most in power and ver­tue.

It is the most perfect Embleme of Ex minimis initijs, Omnia ex ni­hilo, that is, creation: to see of li­tle or nothing, what a most ample and large Hearbe ariseth.


Greene Sauce.

Choise. MAde of swéete hearbes, as Betony, Mint, Basill: also Rose vineger, a Clowe or two, and a little Garlicke.

Vse. Eaten with flesh (as mustard) exciteth appetite: commendeth meates to the Palate: helpes con­coction: breaketh fleame in the sto­mack.

Hurt. Naught for Feuers and hotte stomacks, especially eaten largely.

Correction. Mingle it with the iuyce of Sower Oranges, and eate very good meates vpon it.

Degree. According to the temperature of the herbs it is made of, now more, now lesse hot.

Season. Age. Constitutiō. In hot weather, for any, especi­ally for youth.

Condimentum viride.
Story for Table-talke.

THis kinde of Sauce, I ne­uer tasted my selfe: yet am bold to communicate and commend it to my friendes, as I finde it described by the Italian Freitagio. The Italian (as all the world knowes) is most exquisite in the composition of all sortes of Condiments, they being indeede the better part of his Diet. All kinde of Greene-sauce, is questi­onlesse best in season, while herbs retaine their full strength and perfect vigour.

A Satyricall Epigram, vpon the wanton, and excessiue vse of Tabacco.

IT chaunc'd me gazing at the Theater,
To spie a Lock-Tabacco-Chevalier,
Clowding the loathing ayr with foggie fume
Of Dock-Tabacco, friendly foe to rume.
I wisht the Roman lawes seuerity: Alex. seu. Edict.
Who smoke felleth, with smoke be donto dy
Being well nigh smouldred with this smokie stir,
I gan this wize bespeak my gallant Sir:
Certes, me thinketh (Sir.) it ill beseems,
Thus hereto vapour out these reeking steams:
Like or to Maroes steeds, whose nosthrils flam'd;
Or Plinies Nosemen (mouthles men) surnam'd,
Whose breathing nose supply'd Mouths absency.
He me regreets with this prophane reply:
Nay; I resemble (Sir) Iehouah dread,
From out whose nosthrils a smoake issued:
Or the mid-ayrs tongealed region,
Whose stomach with crude humors frozenon
Sucks vp Tabacco-like the vpmost ayr,
Enkindled by Fires neighbour candle fayr:
[Page] And hence it spits out watry reums amaine,
As phleamy snow, and haile, and sheerer raine:
Anon it smoakes beneath, it flames anon.
Sooth then, quoth I, it's safest we be gon,
Lest there arise some Ignis Fatuus
From out this smoaking flame, and choken vs.
On English foole: wanton Italianly;
Go Frenchly: Duchly drink: breath Indiauly.


Choise. TRanslated out of India in the séed or roote; Natiue or satun in our own fruitfullest soiles: Dried in the shade, and compiled very close: of a tawny colour, som­what inclining to red: most perspi­cuous and cleare: which the Nose soonest taketh in snuffe.

Vse. It cureth any griefe, dolour, opi­lation, impostume, or obstruction, procéeding of cold or winde: especi­ally in the head or breast: the leaues are good against the Migram, cold stomackes, sick kidnits, tooth-ache, fits of the moother, naughty breath, scaldings or burnings: 4. ounces of the iuyce drunk, purgeth vp and downe: cleanseth the eyes, being outwardly applied. The water di­stilled and taken afore the fits, cu­reth an Ague.

[Page] The sume taken in a Pipe, is good against Rumes, Catarrhs, hoarse­nesse, ache in the head, stomacke, lungs, breast: also in want of meat, drinke, sléepe, or rest.

Hurt. Mortifieth and benummeth: cau­seth drowsinesse: troubleth & dul­leth the sences: makes (as it were) drunke: dangerous in meale time.

Correcti­on. The leaues be-ashed or warmed in imbers and ashes: taken once a day at most, in y e morning, fasting.

Degree. Hot and dry in the second: of a stiffening and soddering nature. Also disensing and dissoluing filthy humours, consisting of contrary qualities.

Season. Age. Constitu­tion. In Winter and the Spring, for hot, strong, youthful and fat bodies only, as some thinke.

Tabacus Pilciet.
Storie for Table-talke.

THis Hearbe is of great anti­quitie & high respect among the Indians, and especially tho [...] of America or new Spain. Of whō the Spaniards tooke it, after they had subdued those Countrie [...] first vpon a liking of the hearde ve [...]e faire and glorious to the eye; af­terward vpon triall of his vertues worthie admiration.

The Name in India is Pilciet, surnamed Tabacco by the Spani­ards, of the Ile Tabaco. By their meanes it spred farre and neare: but yet wee are not beholden to their tradition. Our English Vlis­ses, renomed Syr Walter Raw­leigh, a man admirably excel­lent in Nauigation, of Natures priuy counsell, and infinitely [Page] reade in the wide booke of the worlde, hath both farre fetcht it, and deare bought it: the estimate of the treasure I leaue to other: yet this all know, since it came in request, there hath bene Magnus fumi questue, and Fumi-vendulus is the best Epithite for an Apothecary.

Thus much late Histories tell vs: among the Indians it is so highly honoured, that when the Priests are consulting in matter of importance, they presently cast Tabacco into the fire, and re­ceiue at their nose & mouth, the smoak through a Cane, till they fall downe dead-drunke. Af­terward reuiuing againe, they giue answeres according to the phantasmes and visions, which appeared to them in their sleepe.


Grace after Diets dry Dinner, where­in Diets Drinking is promised.

NOw that your barking stomackes mouth is shut,
And hungers rage apppeas'd with choycer fare,
And murmuring bowels be to silence put,
Now that the boordes with voyder purged are:
Both thank you God, and thanke Simposiarch's pains,
That for your thankes, he may thanke you againe.
For if you hunger yet, or if you thirst.
Both which (I weet) may Diets Drinesse make,
A second course may hap to swage the first,
And Diets Drinking shall the latter slake:
Accept meane while, these Cates of D. D. D.
Drest by Arts Cooker [...], in C. C. C.
Proficiat. Proface. Mytchgoodditchye.

IOa: VVeeueri Epicrisis ad Henricum Butsum.

DIETS dry Diner? change thy Dinners name,
For (wittie Buttes) thou doest thy Dinner wro
[...]f fish, fruite, flesh, and white-meat doest thou fra [...]
[...] dyet with Tabacco leaues among:
[...]nd can'st thou say thy Dinner then is dry
[...]hen both of Spices and of Sauces store
[...]nd of Tabaccos moysture fresh supply
[...]hy Dinner is replenish't euermore?
With salt of wit so sweet thy Dinner seasond,
[...]nd relisht with the sharpenesse of thine Art:
[...]he Historie of this thy Dyet reasond.
[...]he table furnisht rich in euery part.
Change, change, thy name: I see no reason why
[...]Buttes) thou shouldest call thy Dyets Dinner dry

Eiusdem ad eundem de eodem Palinodoia.

CHange not the Name: for Dinners should be dry.
Tis now the fashion: on a Cupboord by
The drinke must pauling stand: For once I sate
Pontus Table, and withall forgate,
[...]r else it was my blushing modestie,
[...]amde to shoute for drinke so openly)
[...] call for beere. From Diuner I rose vp,
[...] neuer toucht of Pontus fomy Cup:
[...] With Pontus then ere any more I dine,
[...]tes (by thy leaue) Ile be a Guest of thine.

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