TEXTES of Scripture, Chayning the holy Chronicle vntyll the Sunne lost his lyght, and the Sonne brake the Serpentes head: dying, rising, and ascending.

Search the Scriptures: for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life, and they are they which testifie of me.
Iohn. 5. 39.

Imprinted at London, for Gabriell Simson and W. White: and are to be solde at their house in Fleetelane. 1591.


IN humane affayres (gentle Reader) of Princes reigne, the yeres wherin thinges fall out, are noted of common necessitie for distinction and certaynety arising by recorde of tyme. But this recorde hath not of ancientie conti­nued to posteritie. For the Lord, who altereth times and seasons, changeth states in such varietie, that the true report of theyr me­mory perished with them. For Diuine stories, tymes haue more vse then for humane affayres: no lesse then heauenly thinges ouermatch earthly. And as the worke of God is perfect: so he beginneth and continueth times register, from the Creation to the Redemption. The golden Chayne which Salomon drew before the dore of the most holy Debyr, hath not so much admi­ration as this Chayne: continued from since Paradise was shut to Adam, vntyll the Lord opened the heauens vnto the Thiefe, that craued remembrance in his kingdome. The Fathers in the noblest lyne, draw in their age these yeeres, slyding by the Sunnes course, from the promise made to Eue, vntyll one of those [Page] Fathers fell once away from hope of that promise. Terah was he that fell away: after whose death the Pro­mise is reuiued to Abraham. Thence the Lynkes of this holy Chayne are fastened on other poyntes: stately in story, to be soner marked: few in number, to be easely remembred: deepe in signification, to be carefully stu­died. These are, the Lambe and the Temple: fit starres to draw out the tymes, vntyll the true Lambe buyl­deth the Temple, raysing vp the temple of his body. For the distance from the Promise vnto the Lambe, euen the very day is by Moses set downe. Likewyse the distance thence, vntyll the buyldyng of the Temple by Salomon. Thence the whole yeres of Salomons reigne: and from the departure of ten Tribes vnto the bur­nyng of the Temble. Ezek 4. How long the Temple lay without any decree of buyldyng it agayne, we may certainely gather by the whole Captiuity which Iudah suffered in Babylon. For Nebuchad-nezars house was to reigne Seuentie yeeres: and Iudah so long to be in cap­tiuitie. VVherefore the beginnyng of that Captiuity must needes be, when Nebuchad-nezar tooke Ierusa­lem, in the first of his reigne, and brought the noblest to Babylon. In the ninteenth yeere of Nebuchad-nezar the Temple was brent: and thereupon the thirde Captiui­tie folowed. VVherfore fiftie ful yeres are to finysh the Seuenty, when Cyrus came vp, and made a decree to buylde the Temple againe. Cyrus was not mooued so to do, vntyll Daniel was taught by an Angel, when Christ the true Temple woulde consecrate him selfe. That he was taught: for the very houre, when he prayed, at the tyme of the euenyng offeryng, how long it shoulde be vntyll the Lord did make hymselfe the euenyng Offe­ryng, when the vayle of the Temple rented. For this last part, the Lord hath taken speciall care, so long be­fore [Page] tellyng the matter playnely: and ceassing further particulers beyonde that age, that men shoulde rest in the playnnes of his worde, as his holy Prophetes then taught of Redemption.

Holy writynges touching these poyntes, I haue ioy­ned togeather. The playnnes whereof, yf any stryue to ouerthrow, I wyll no more yeelde to him, then Iob woulde to Eliphaz, Zophar, and Bildad. Although many differ in their Chronicles, yet these places onely being noted, all strife ceasseth. One, that after Terahs death, Abraham at seuentie and fiue yeeres olde, receyued the Promise: whereof I haue disputed at large in the trea­tise of Melchisedek. An other, that three hundreth and ninetie yeeres. Ezek. 4. are from Ieroboams drawyng Is­rael away to the burnyng of the Temple, with the third captiuitie: which time, both in particulers, many haue cast aright: and for the general summe these agree: Iohn Caluin vpon Ezek 4. Gerard Mercator, Clement Schu­bert, Math. Beroald, Ioseph Scaliger, Henry Bunting. An other is, that Nebuchad-nezars house reigned but seuen­tie yeres: which the Talmud, wherin lieth all Countrey-Iewes consent, expressely holdeth: also olde Tatianus in Eusebius, and old Grecians commonly, no lesse of anti­quity then the Apostles age: in hym, and in Clemens, with late writers very many, from Dan. 1. and Ier. 25. and the common rate of ages, in such as were caried captiue: and saw both the fyrst Temple, and the se­conde buylded. The fourth knot is, the Seauens of Daniel: wherein the proprietie, as Daniel vnderstoode it, and penned it, shoulde suffise.

These foure places ryghtly holden, ende the endles controuersies. Reade the textes, and vnderstand them. The Lord teach vs so to number our dayes, that we may bring the hart to wysedome.

H. B.

The chiefe poyntes of the holy Chronicle.

FRom the first Promise of Christ, to restore life vpon death, brought in by the Serpent: vnto the se­conde Promise made to Abra­ham vpon the death of Terah: whom first of the Fathers the Serpent drew to Idolatrie, are yeeres.
2083. That space is recorded by the particuler Fathers.
From the Promise vnto the Lambe, appoynted to ex­presse the Lambe of God, are yeeres.
From the Lambe, to the beginnyng of the Temple: a shadow of the truer Temple, are yeeres.
From the buyldyng of it, vnto the burnyng: or ra­ther the captiuitie vpon that, are yeeres.
Thence to the end of the Captiuitie, where Cyrus mad a decree of building it againe, are yeeres full.
Thence, vntyll the Temple of our Lord his body arose the thyrde day, are yeeres.
The whole summe is.

Textes of Scripture, chayning the Chronicle vntill the Sunne lost his lyght, and the Sonne brake the Serpentes head: dying, rysing, and ascending.

ADAM lyued an hundreth
Gen. 5. 3.
and thirtie yeeres, and be­gate Seth.
Seth lyued an hundreth and fiue yeeres, and begate Enosh.
Enosh lyued nintie yeeres, and begate Kenan.
Kenan lyued seuenty yeres, and begate Mahalaleel.
Mahalaleel lyued sixtie and fiue yeres, and begate Iered.
Iered lyued an hundreth sixtie and two yeres, and begate Henoch.
Henoch liued sixtie & fiue yeres, and begate Methuselah.
Methuselah lyued and hundreth eightie and seuen yeeres, and begate Lamech.
Lamech lyued an hundreth eightie and two yeeres, and begate Noah.
And Noah was fiue hundreth yeeres olde: and Noah be­gate Sem, Cham, and Iapheth. And Noah was sixe hundreth yeeres olde when the flood of waters was vpon the earth.
SEM was an hundreth yeeres olde, & begate Arphaxad
Gen. 11. 10.
two yeeres after the Flood.
[Page] Arphaxad lyued fiue and thirtie yeres, and begate Selah.
Selah lyued thirtie yeeres, and begate Eber.
Eber lyued foure and thirtie yeeres and begate Peleg.
Peleg lyued thirtie yeeres, and begate Regu.
Regu lyuen two and thirtie yeeres, and begate Serug.
Serug lyued thirtie yeeres and begate Nahor.
Nahor lyued nine and twentie yeres, and begate Terah.
Terah lyued seuentie yeeres, and begate Abram, Nahor, and Haran. So the dayes of Terah were two hun­dreth and fiue yeeres, and Terah died in Haran.

The Promise made to Abram, when his Father was dead. Actes. 7.

ANd God sayd to Abram, Get thee out of thy land, Gen. 12. 1. and from thy kinred, and from thy fathers house, vnto the lande that I wyll shewe thee. And I wyl blesse them that blesse thee, & curse them that curse thee, and in thee al the families of the earth shalbe blessed. And Abram went as the Lord commanded him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seuentie and fiue yeres olde, when he departed out of Haran. Then Abram toke Sarai his wyfe, and Lot his brothers sonne, and all their substaunce that they possessed, and the soules that they had gotten in Haran, and they departed to go to the land of Chanaan: and to the land of Chanaan they came.

The departure from Egypt, or Passeouer, and Law.

SO the peregrination of the chyldren of Israel, which Exod. 12. 40. 41. 42. were soiourners in Egypt, was foure hundreth & thir­tie yeeres. And when the foure hundreth and thirtie yeere were expired, euen the selfe same day departed all the hostes of the Lorde out of the land of Egypt. It is a [Page] nyght to be kept holy to the Lorde, because he brought them out of the land of Egypt: this is that nyght of the Lord, which al the children of Israel must keepe through­out their generations. This is y e law of the Passeouer. &c. The Law which was foure hundreth and thirtie yeres Gal. 3, 17. after, can not disanull the Couenant that was confir­med afore of God in respect of Christ, that it should make the Promise of none effect.

The Temple of Salomon.

ANd in the foure hundreth and fourescore yeere (after 1. Kin. 6. 1. the childred of Israel were come out of the lande of Egypt) and in the fourth yeere of the reigne of Salomon ouer Israel, in the moneth Zif (which is the second mo­neth) he buylt the house of the Lorde.

The whole time of Salomon, and the diuision of the kingdome.

THe time that Salomon reigned in Ierusalem ouer 1. King. 11. 42. all Israel, was fourtie yeeres.

And Rehoboam went to Shechem: for all Israel were 1 King. 12. 1. 2 20. 19. come to Shechem, to make him king. And when Iero­boam the sonne of Nebat heard of it (who was yet in Egypt, whyther Ieroboam had fled from king Salomon, and dwelt in Egypt.) And when all Israel had heard that Ieroboam was come agayne, they sent and called him vn­to the assemblie, and made him king ouer all Israel: none folowed the house of Dauid, but the tribe of Iudah onely. And Israel rebelled agaynst the house of Dauid vnto this day: and sayd. What portion haue we in Dauid? we 1. King. 12. 16. 17. haue none inheritaunce in the sonne of Ishai. To your tentes, O Israel: now see to thine owne house, Dauid. So Israel departed vnto their tentes. Howbeit ouer the chyldren of Israel, which dwelt in the cities of Iudah, did Rehoboam reigne styll.

The Captiuitie of seuentie yeeres, nineteene yeres before the burnyng of the Temple. This captiuitie must needes begin with the first yeere of Nebuchad-nezar, seeing his house reigned but 70. yeeres, and so the He­brewes continually, and most anci­ent Grekes haue helde it: Grekes, both the prophane and Christians.

IN the thirde yeere of the reigne of Iehoiakim king of Dan. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 21. Iudah, came Nebuchad-nezar king of Babel vnto Ie­rusalem, & besieged it. And the Lord gaue Iehoiakim king of Iudah into his hand, with part of the vesselles of the house of God, which he caryed into the house of Shinar, to the house of his God, & he brought the vesselles into his gods treasurie. And the king spake vnto Ash­penaz the maister of his Eunuches, that he shoulde bring certayne of the chyldren of Israel, of the kinges seede, and of the princes: chyldren in whom was no blemyshe, but well fauoured, and instruct in all wisedome, and well seene in knowledge, and able to vtter knowledge, and such as were able to stande in the kinges Palace, and whom they myght teach the learnyng and the tongue of the Caldeans. And the king appoynted them prouision euery day of a portion of the kinges meate, and of the wine which he dranke, so nourished them three yeeres, that at the ende thereof they myght stand before the king. Now among these were certayne of the chyldren of Iu­dab. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. And Da­niel was vnto the first yeere of king Cyrus.

The burning of the Temple shewed in a vision, and performedin story: and the last captiuitie of. 50. yeeres.

1 THou sonne of man, take thee a Bricke, and lay it Ezek. 4▪ 1. 2. 3▪ 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9▪ 10. 11, &. 12. verses. before thee, and pourtrey vpon it the citie, euen Ierusalem, and lay siege against it, & buylde a fort against it, and cast a mount against it: set the campe also agaynst it, & lay engines of warre against it round about. Moreo­uer, take an yron pan, & set it for a wall of yron betweene thee and the citie, and direct thy face toward it, and it shal be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege agaynst it: this shal­be a signe vnto the house of Israel. Sleepe thou also vpon thy left side, and lay the iniquitie of the house of Israel vpon it: according to the number of the dayes, that thou shalt sleepe vpon it, thou shalt beare their iniquitie. For I haue layde vpon thee the yeeres of their iniquitie, ac­cording to the number of the dayes, euen three hundreth 390. yeeres frō Ieroboam. 427. from the foundation of the temple. 40. yeres since Ieremy began in. 13. of Io­sias.. and ninetie dayes: so shalt thou beare the iniquitie of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplyshed them, sleepe againe vpon thy right side, and thou shalt beare the iniquitie of the house of Iudah fourtie dayes: I haue ap­poynted thee a day for a yeere, even a day for a yeere. Therefore thou shalt direct thy face towarde the siege of Ierusalem, and thine arme shalbe vncouered, and thou shalt prophecie against it. And beholde, I wyl lay bandes vpon thee, and thou shalt not turne thee from one side to another, tyll thou hast ended the dayes of thy siege. Thou shalt take also vnto thee Wheate, and Barley, & Beanes, and Lentiles, and Miller, and Fitches, and put them in one vessell, and make thee bread thereof according to the number of the dayes, that thou shalt sleepe vpon thy side: euen three hundreth and ninetic dayes shalt thou eate [Page] thereof. And the meate whereof thou shalt eate, shalbe by weight, euen twentie fhekelles a day: and from time to time shalt thou eate thereof. Thou shalt drinke also wa­ter by measure, euen the sixt part of an Hin: from time to time shalt thou drinke. And thou shalt eate it as Barly cakes, and thou shalt bake it in the doung that commeth out of man, in their sight.

The story of the Vision.

2 ANd in the ninth yeere of Zedekiahs reigne, the 2. King, 25. 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6 7. 8 9. 10. & 11 ver. tenth moneth and tenth day of the moneth, Nebu­chad-nezer king of Babel came, he & all his host against Ierusalem and pitched agaynst it, and they buylt fortes against it round about it. So the citie was besieged vnto the eleuenth yeere of king Zedekiah. And the ninth day of the month the famine was sore in the citie, so that there was no bread for the people of the land. Then the citie was broken vp, and al the men of warre fled by nyght, by the way of the gate, which is betweene y e two walles that was by the kinges garden: now the Caldees were by the citie rounde about: and the king went by the way of the wildernesse. But the armie of the Caldees pursued after the king, and tooke him in the desartes of Iericho, and all his hoste was scattered from him. Then they tooke the king, and caried him vp to the king of Babel to Riblah, where they gaue iudgement vpon him. And they slew the sonnes of Zedekiah before his eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bound him in chaynes, & caried him to Babel. And in the fift moneth, and seuenth day of the mo­neth, which was the ninteinth yere of king Nebuchad­nezer king of Babel, came Nebuzar-adan chiefe ste­warde and seruant of the king of Babel to Ierusalem, and burnt the hause of the Lord, and the kinges house, and all [Page] the houses of Ierusalem, and all the great houses burnt he with fire. And all the armie of the Caldees that were with the chiefe stewarde, brake downe the walles of Ierusalem rounde about. And the rest of the people that were left in the citie, and those that were fled & fallen to the king of Babel, with the remnant of the multitude, did Nebuzar­adan chiefe stewarde cary away captiue.

The last captiuitie of. 50. yeeres, complete.

3 THey that were left by the sword, caried he away to 2. Chro 36. 20. to the end. Babel, and they were seruantes to him and to his sonnes, vntyll the kingdome of the Persians had rule, to fulfill the worde of the Lord by the mouth of Ieremiah, vntyll the land had her fill of her Sabbathes: for all the dayes that she lay desolate, she kept Sabbath, to fulfill seuentie yeeres.

The Babylonians fall by Cyrus, who sendeth the Iewes home, after Daniel was taught, the yeere of our Lord, his death, and the decree for buyl­ding the Temple.

1 IN the first yeere of Cyrus king of Persia (when the Ier. 25. woroe of the Lord, spoken by the mouth of Ieremi­ah, was finished) the Lorde styrred vp the spirite of Cyrus king of Persia, and he made a Proclamation through all his kingdome, and also by wryting, saying, Thus sayth Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdomes of the earth hath the Lord God of heauen geuen me, and he hath commaunded me to buylde him an house in Ierusa­lem, that is in Iudah. Who is among you of all his peo­ple, [Page] with whom the Lord his God is? let him go vp.

For when King Belshazzar made a great feast to a Dan. 5. 1. 5. 9. 27. 25. thousande of his Princes, and dranke Wine before the thousande: At the same houre appeared fingers of a mans hande, which wrote ouer agaynst the candlesticke vpon the playster of the wall of the kinges palace, and the king sawe the palme of the hand that wrote. Then was king Belshazzar greatly troubled, and his countenance was changed in him, and his Princes were astonied. Then Daniel sayd before king Belshazzar, This is the writing that God hath written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL VPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing, MENE, God hath numbred thy kingdome, and hath finished it. TEKEL, thou art weighed in the balance, and art founde too light. PERES, thy kingdome is de­uided, and geuen to the Medes and Persians. Then at the commaundement of Belshazzar, they clothed Daniel with purple, and put a chayne of golde about his necke, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the thirde ruler in the kingdome. The same nyght was Belshazzar the king of the Caldees slayne: and Darius of the Medes cooke the kingdome, being three­score and two yere olde. But not alone: for the Persians and they had a felowshyp in the diuision: as expressed. wordes shewe.

Daniels Seuens.

2 IN the first yeere of Darius the sonne of Ahashu­erosh, of the seede of the Medes, which was made Dan. 9. 1. 2. 3. 20. to the end. king ouer the realme of the Caldeans, euen in the first yeere of his reigne, I Daniel vnderstoode by bookes the number of the yeeres, whereof the Lord had spoken vnto Ieremiah the Prophet, that he woulde ac­complysh [Page] Seuentie yeres in the desolation of Ierusalem. And I turned my face vnto the Lord God, and sought by prayer and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. And while I was speaking and praying, and con­fessing my sinne, and the sinne of my people Israel, and did present my supplication before the Lord my God, for the holy Mountaine of my God: yea, whyle I was spea­king in prayer, euen the man Gabriel, whom I had seene before in a vision, came flying, and touched me about the time of the euenyng oblation: and he informed me, and talked with me, and sayde, O Daniel, I am now come foorth to geue thee knowledge and vnderstandyng. At the beginuyng of thy supplications the commaunde­ment came foorth, and I am come to shew thee, for thou art greatly beloued: therefore vnderstand the matter and consider the vision. Seuentie seuens (of yeeres) are cut out for thy people, and for thy holy Citie, to consume wickednes, and to abolysh sinnes, and to make reconsi­liation for iniquitie, and to bring in righteousnesse euer­lastyng, and to seale vision and prophet, and to shewe Christ the Holy of Holy. Know then and marke: From the outgoing of the Worde, to returne and to buylde Ierusalem, vnto Christ the gouernour, shalbe seuen se­uens (of yeeres) and sixtie and two seuens: in the other, it shalbe restored and buylded, streete and wall: and trou­blous shall these times be. In that after the sixtie and two seuens Christ shalbe killed: and not for him selfe: there­vpon the Citie and holy place shall he destroy, the Go­uernours owne people to come, and their ende shalbe with a Flood: and at the ende of warre, it shall haue a finall iudgement to desolation. But he shall confirme the Testament for many the last seuen, when in Halfe that Seuen he shall ende the Sacrifice and Oblation. After­wardes by an armie abominable he shall make a deso­liation, [Page] euen tyll vtter destruction and finall iudgement flow vpon the desolate.

The decree of buylding the Temple.

3 ANd there was founde in a coffer (in the palace that Ezra 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. was in the prouince of the Medes) a volume, and therein was it thus written, as a memoriall: In the fyrst yeere of king Cyrus, king Cyrus made a decree for the house of God in Ierusalem, Let the house be buylt, euen the place where they offered sacrifices, and let the walles thereof be ioyned together: let y e height thereof be three­score cubites, and the breadth thereof three score cubites, three orders of great stones, and one order of timber: and let the expenses be geuen of the kings house. And also let them render the vesselles of the house of God (of golde and siluer, which Nebuchadnezar tooke out of the Temple which was in Ierusalem, and brought vnto Ba­bel) and let him goe vnto the Temple that is in Ierusa­lem to his place, and put them in the house of God.

The Iewes Temples fall, an others arysing.

IEsus went out, and departed from the Temple, and Math. 24. 1. 2. 3. 15. his Disciples came to him, to shew him the buyldyng of the Temple. And Jesus sayd vnto them, See ye not all these thynges? Uerily I say vnto you, there shall not be here left a stone vpon a stone, that shall not be cast downe. And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues, his Disciples came to him a part, saying, Tell vs when these thynges shalbe, & what signe shalbe of thy comming, and of the ende of the worlde. When ye shall see the abomina­tion [Page] of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stan­dyng in the Holy place: (let him that readeth, consider it. Therefore, when ye see Ierusalem besieged with Soul­diers, Luk. 21. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. then vnderstande that the desolation thereof is neare. Then let them which are in Iudea, flee to the Mountaynes: and let them which are in the mids there­of, depart out: and let not them that are in the countrey, enter therein. For these be the dayes of vengeance, to ful­fill all thinges that are written. But wo be to them that be with chyld, and to them that geue sucke in those dayes: for there shalbe great distresse in this lande, and wrath euer this people. And they shall fall on the edge of the sworde, and shall be ledde captiue into all nations, and Ierusalem shall be troden vnder foote of the Gentiles, vntyll the tyme of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

Jesus sayd vnto them, Destroy this Temple, and in Iohn. 2. 19. three dayes, I wyll rayse it vp agayne. Then sayd the Iewes, Fourtie and sixe yeeres was this Temple a buyl­dyng (from the thirde of Cyrus, Dan. 3. Ezra. 4. vntyll Nehemias obteyned the kinges letters to Asaph for tim­ber, to buylde the gates of the Cloyster Palace, hard by the house of God) and wylt thou reare it vp in three dayes? But he spake of the Temple of his body.

Then there arose certayne, and bare false witnes against Mark. 14. 57. 58. 59. him, saying, We heard him say, I wyll destroy this Temple made with handes, and within three dayes I wyll buylde another, made without handes: But their witnes yet agreed not togeather.

At the dispensation of the fulnesse of time, when the time of the promise was come, then spake Iesus, & said.

Father, the houre is come: glorifie thy Sonne. &c. Iohn. 17. 1. Iohn. 19. 14. 15. 16. 17. Then Pilate on the preparation of the Passeouer, about the sixt houre, sayd vnto the Iewes, Beholde your king. But they cryed, Away with him, away with him, cruci­fie [Page] him. Pilate sayde vnto them, Shall I crucifie your king? The high Priestes answered, We haue no king, but Cesar. Then deliuered he him vnto them, to be cru­cified. And they tooke Jesus, and led him away. And he bare his crosse, and came into a place named of dead mens skulles, which is called in Hebrewe Golgotha: where they crucified him, and two other with him, on eyther side one, and Jesus in the middes. It was (I say) about the sixt houre, and there was darknes ouer all the land vn­tyll the ninth houre: and the Sunne was darkened.

The time of the euening offering. Dan. 9.

ABout the ninth houre Jesus cried with a loude voyce, Math 27. 46. 47. 48 49. 50 51. 52 53. saying, Eli, Eli, lamasabachtani? that is, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? And some of them that stoode there, when they heard it, sayd, This man cal­leth Elias. And straight way one of them ran, and tooke a Spondge, and filled it with Uineger, and put it on a reede, and gaue him to drinke. Other sayd, Let be: let vs see yf Elias wyll come and saue him. Then Jesus cryed agayne with a loude voyce, & yeelded vp the ghost. And behold, the vaile of the Temple was rent in twayne, from the toppe to the bottome, and the earth did quake, and the stones were clouen, and the graues did open themselues, and many bodies of the Saintes which slept, arose, and came out of the graues after his resurrection, and went into the holy citie, and appeared vnto many.

Christ is king Dan. 9

ANd Pilate wrote also a title, and put it on the Crosse, Ioh. 19 19. 20. 21 22 38. and it was written, Iesus of Nazaret the king of the Iewes. This title then read many of the Iewes, for the place where Jesus was crucified, was neare to the citie: [Page] and it was written in Hebrewe, Greeke, and Latine. Then sayde the high Priestes of the Iewes to Pilate, Write not, The king of the Iewes, but that he sayd, I am king of the Iewes. Pilate answered, What I haue written, I haue written. And after these thinges, Ioseph of Arimathea (who was a Disciple of Jesus, but secret­ly for feare of the Iewes) besought Pilate that he myght take downe the body of Jesus. And Pilate gaue hym ly­cence. He came then and tooke Jesus body. And there came also Nicodemus (which first came to Jesus by nyght) and brought of Mirrhe and Aloes mingled to­geather, about an hundreth pounde. Then tooke they the body of Jesus, and wrapped it in linnen clothes with the odours, as the maner of the Iewes is to burie. And in that place where Jesus was crucified, was a Garden, and in the Garden a new Sepulchre, wherein was neuer man yet layde: there then layde they Jesus, because of the Iewes preparation day, for the Sepulchre was neare. Now the first day of the weeke came Marie Magdalene Iohn. 20. 1. 16. 17. earely whyle it was yet darke, vnto the Sepulchre, and saw the stone taken away from the Tombe. Jesus sayth vnto her, Marie. She turned her selfe, and sayd vnto him, Maister. Jesus sayd vnto her, Fasten not so vpon me: for I goe not yet vp to my Father, &c.

Also he presented him selfe a liue after that he had suf­fered, Acte. 1. 3. 4. 5. to the. 13. verse by many infallible tokens, being seene of them by the space of fourtie dayes, and speaking of those thynges which apperteine to the kingdome of God. And when he had gathered them togeather, he commaunded them, that they shoulde not depart from Ierusalem, but to wayte for the promise of the Father, which, sayd he, ye haue heard of me. For Iohn in deede baptized with water, but ye shal be baptized with the holy Ghost within these fewe dayes. When they therefore were come together, they asked of [Page] him, saying, Wilt thou at this time restore the kingdome to Israel? And he said, It is not for you to know the times, or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his owne power: but ye shal receiue power of the holy Ghost, when he shall come on you: and ye shall be witnesses vnto me both in Ierusalem, and in all Iudea, and in Samaria, and vnto the vttermost part of the earth. And when he had spoken these things, while they behelde, he was taken vp: for a cloude tooke him out of their sight. And whyle they looked stedfastly towarde heauen, as he went, beholde, two men stoode by them in whyte apparell, which also sayde, Ye men of Galile, Why stande ye gasing into heauen? This Jesus which is taken vp from you into heauen, shall so come as ye haue seene him goe into heauen.


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