SENTENTIAE PVERILES, TRANSLATED Grammatically: Leading the Learner, as by the hand, to construe right, parse, and make the same Latine; also to get both matter and phrase, most speedily and surely, without in­conuenience.


AT LONDON, Printed by H. L. for Thomas Man, 1612.

TO THE NO­ble and hopefull yong Lord, Ferdinando, Lord Ha­stings, son and heire apparant of the right Honourable, the Earle of Hun­tingdon.

TO promise, is the easiest mat­ter of all other, right Noble Lord: but in things of mo­ment all the difficulty is in performance. How I haue in­gaged my selfe to your most honourable Parents, by publike acknowledgement of the bond of my duety, for their many fa­uours, and by protestation of my desire euer to witnesse my thankfulnesse, in seeking the aduancement of them and their Noble house, it is well knowen to all. Can I then be blamed, if I studie to performe that vnto their worthy progeny, which I cannot to their Honours otherwise? That as your Lordshippe, with all the Noble offspring of [Page] their most renowned family do excell in birth, so you may in all singular learning, wherein true Nobility doth chiefly consist, and whereby you may be admired and ho­nored of all. When Nobility hath all parts of rare wisedome to gouerne it, then is it as the goodliest ship, hauing winde at will, vnder the rule of a skilfull maister, so as it shall euer saile safely, in the middest of most perilous rocks and boysterous stormes. To this ende this hath been my first desire to­wards your Lordship, that the entry to all good learning may be most easie vnto you, and full of all sweet delight. Though all my schoole labours be yours in this respect, that they haue beene of later yeers, more specially intended for your Lordship aboue others, and proceeded in principally by the fauour of my Honourable Lord; yet heerin I haue thought it most fit to signifie this duty. Because, howsoeuer it be the least of all my indeauours for your Lordship, yet it is for your entrance into your Latine stu­dies, and the first of those Grammaticall translations, whereof I haue conceiued an vndoubted hope of a perpetuall benefit to come to all Schooles and good learning by them: by setting all the younger sort in the high way, and guiding them by the hand, to goe through all their first vsuall Au­thors with certainty and double fruit, and that almost in one halfe of the time, which [Page] is ordinarily spent in them; as I trust ex­perience shall prooue to all, and this little book shall giue sufficient tryall. So that your Lordship may haue passed all the dif­ficulty of learning, before you haue felt what any paynes of learning doe meane: and that, that part which hath been wont to be the discouragement of the little ones, may be made vnto them the pleasantest of all; to their exceeding ioy, with the com­fort of all both parents and instructours. Also for the little booke it selfe, which I haue thus made choyse of, to shew the first triall in, according as it was gathered of purpose, for the first enterers into Latin, although it bee small in quantity, yet the worth of it truely knowen, and it rightly vsed, shalbe found aboue the weight in the finest gold; for that there are contained in it, so many wise sentences of most learned men, as shall at the very first giue your Lordship a true taste of all kinde of that wisedome, which shall so much adorne you, and also furnish you with words to expresse the same. Which, after that you are once perfect in the first grounds of Grammar (as you may soon be, by the plaine direction which I haue laboured to prepare for you, in my questions called the Posing of the Accidence and Grammar) by the help of this translation, and your oft reading the sentences out of it, you shall haue both [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] matter and phrase to flowe into your re­membrance, without either toyling of your minde, or ouercharging of your memory at all. For the manner of the vse hereof, and the rest of this kinde, that your Lordship may reape the benefit of them, and of all my trauells for you, I referre your director vnto that which I haue written in my Grammar-Schoole. These first fruits of my most dutifull affections, being accepted according to my entirest desire towardes your lasting honour, I haue iust cause to hope that by that time that your Lord­ship shall bee meete to proceede to higher studies, the Lord who hath thus begun, will make all the way to the toppe of all excel­lent knowledge, as sure, ready, and full of all pleasant allurement vnto you, as euer Noble personage did knowe before. Vntill which time, I shall not faile thorough his gratious assistance, to prosecute the worke by a continued inquiry of all the learnedst and best experienced, of this present, and all ages past; nor yet to haue vndoubted assurance, of whatsoeuer I shall commend vnto your Lordship. If this dedication shall seeme strange vnto any, by reason of your Lordships tender yeeres, this will bee my iust defence: that as God gaue this spe­ciall experiment of translating Grammatically, and of the benefits thereof together with you, so far forth as I know▪ so my hope [Page] is that it shall growe vp with you, and come to maturity by that time that your Lord­ship shall be able to iudge of it, by your own experience. In the meane while I shall not be wanting to striue with God by prayer, that he may so blesse you with your hopeful Brother, and all other allied to your Noble house, and to fit you for the best studies, that you may adde to the renowne of all your famous progenitors, & propagate an euer­lasting augmentation of all vertue and honour to all that euer succeed you, and be lights to all other of true no­bility.

Your Lordships, in all study, and dutifull affection, IOHN BRINSLEY.

FOr the manner, vse and benefits of this and my other Grāmaticall transla­tions, for speedy attaining the Latin song, see LVDVS LITERARIVS or the Grammar-Schoole, Chap. 8.

By the helpe of these translations, any who haue lost the knowledge of the Latin, maie some recour it; and they who haue but a taste (if they bee of vnderstanding) may very much increase, and goe forward of themselues.

Sentences of wise [men] gathered. collected for nouices or fresh water souldiers. the first young beginners of: the Latine tongue.

  • Aide or succour.
    HElp [thy] friends.
  • Abstaine from
    Other mens goods.
    o­ther folks things.
  • Keep close a secret.
    Conceale a secret thing.
  • Easie to be spoken­to.
    Be thou affable [or courte­tecus in speech.]
  • Trie.
    Proue [thy] friends.
  • Foolish boldnesse.
    Audaciousnes [is]
  • Vse the helpe of, or be familiar with.
    Vse [thy] friends.
  • Honour good [men]
  • Be thou
    courteous in speech.
  • Be kinde or boun­tifull.
    Do well to good [men.]
  • Blesse all.
    Say well to all men.
  • Know who and what thou art.
    Know thy selfe.
  • [Page]
    Fauour or esteeme of thy kinsmen.
    Loue [thy] kinsfolkes.
  • Pursue.
    Follow after
    peace or agreement.
  • Hate thou.
    Thou shalt hate
    crafty accusation.
    calumni­ation [or false and maliti­ous accusation.]
  • Aske counsell or give counsel.
    with­out blame.
  • Bee afraide of.
    guile or fraud.
  • Keep
    that which is gi­uen thee.
    a thing giuen.
  • Giue againe.
    thing laied down.
    the pledge [or that which is laied down or cō;mitted to thee to keep]
  • Accuse no man.
    Defer [or cary vp] no man, [or carry complaints or ac­cusations against no man.]
  • Please or giue con­tentment to.
    Delight [thy] friends.
  • Be diligent.
    Adde diligence. [vse thou diligence.]
  • Keep or maintain.
    Retaine [thy]
    credit, reputation.
  • Drunkennesse
    maketh men madd.
    doth make madde.
  • Fly drunkennesse.
  • Practise or vse.
    Exercise honesty [or good­nesse.]
  • Iudge equally or in­differently.
    Iudge a right thing. [or iudge that which is equall [Page 2] and right.]
  • Care for [thy] familie.
  • Doe those things which are just.
    Do iust things.
  • Teach or informe.
    Instruct [thy] sonnes or children.
  • Auoide dishonest things.
    Fly filthy things.
  • Fly
    enmities [or strife and variance.]
  • Stay or moderate.
    anger or passion.
  • Vnloose or make an end of.
    Dissolue enmities. [or break off strife and dissension.]
  • Iudge thou iustly.
  • Maintaine.
    Loue iustice.
  • Keep [thy] oath.
  • Learne willingly.
  • Be not giuen ouer to play or gaming.
    Fly playes [or pastime.]
  • Obey the lawes.
  • Praise honest things.
  • Rule or gouerne.
    Temper [thy] tongue.
  • Reade ouer or turne ouer.
    Roule ouer books.
  • Institute or teach.
    Instruct [thy] children.
  • Hate.
    Thou shalt hate
  • Thinke of or me­ditate of.
    Think mortall things.
  • Feare the
    the Ruler.
  • [Page]Be thou
    neate or handsome.
  • Giue place
    to thy better.
    to a greater [mā.]
  • Spare thy inferiour.
    Spare a lesse [man.]
  • Feare [thy] maister.
  • Please
    the greatest part.
    the multitude.
  • Hate thou.
    Thou shalt hate a lie.
  • Fly a whore [or harlot.]
  • Moue no man, or stirre vp no man to anger.
    Prouoke no man.
  • Thou shalt
    scorne or laugh at.
    mock no man.
  • Do not sweare.
    Sweare not.
  • Dispraise no man.
  • Be an aduersary to.
    Thou maiest bee against no man.
  • Nothing is
    long lasting.
    long continuing [or perpetuall.]
  • Please all men.
  • Gouerne.
    Moderate [thy] eyes.
  • Be not idle.
  • Fly idlenesse.
  • All things are changed.
  • Loue peace.
  • Seek after.
    Follow after
  • Fly thou
    dishonesty or any reproachfull act.
  • Honour the Prince.
  • Rashnesse [is]
  • Obey the Prince.
  • [Page 3]
    shamefastnesse [or modesty.]
  • Keep
    thy proper things.
    thine owne things.
  • Giue thy selfe to.
    Exercise prudence [or wis­dom.]
  • Look to, or regard.
    a thing to come.
    that which [is] to come.
  • Reuerence [thy] parents.
  • Honour or haue in estimation.
    religion, [or the true worshipping of God.]
  • Honour the King.
  • Stay or gouerne.
    Moderate [thy] laughter.
  • Seek
    that which is right.
    a right thing.
  • Obey reason.
  • Beware of sprea­ding reports.
    Fly rumours.
  • Vse the company of.
    Vse wise men.
  • Be thou sober.
  • Greete.
    Salute willingly, [or cour­teously.]
  • Reuerence [thy] seniour, [or elder.]
  • Be not suspicious.
    Cast thou away suspicion.
  • Be temperate.
    Exercise temperance, [or moderation.]
  • Obserue the time.
    Obey the time.
  • Dwell with thy selfe.
  • [Page]
    Adhere or strick fast to.
    Cleaue to the truth.
  • Vsevertue.
  • Hate thou violent or forcible compul­sion.
    Thou shalt hate violence [or wrong]
  • Moderate.
    Temper [thy] pleasure.
  • Answere thou modestly [or with reuerence.]
  • Obserue.
    Keep modesty [or bashful­nes.]

Sentences of three words.

  • LOue doth ouercome all things.
  • Selfe loue, or loue of a mans own selfe.
    Loue of himselfe [is] blind.
  • Armes or warres.
    Weapons doe not knowe laws, [or regard no laws.]
  • Luck or chance.
    Fortune doth helpe
    ventrous men.
    bolde [men.]
  • Continuall sitting at it.
    Assiduitie [or continuall di­ligence] doth ouercome the hardest things.
  • A couetous [man]
    is alwaies needy.
    dooth need alway.
  • Nothing is more miserable then
  • [Page 4]Nothing [is]
    vnable to be won with gould.
    unconquera­ble to gould.
  • Science or skill.
    Arte doth ouercome nature.
  • A bowe
    too much bent.
    bent ouermuch is broken.
  • Do not desire ear­nestly.
    Doe not couet other mens things.
  • Fly vice.
    Abstaine from vices.
  • Riches doe get friends.
    Money doth make friends.
  • Couetousness [is]
    the chiefe.
    the head of vices.
  • One [man]
    doth excell.
    is better then another.
  • Continuall custom.
    Accustoming is most effec­tuall.
  • The ende of warre [is] vn­certaine.
  • Remember a good turne.
    Be thou mindful of a benefit receiued.
  • The issue or euent.
    The fortune of warre [is] doubtfull.
  • Warre is to bee
    borne, handled, done or atchieued.
    made with counsell.
  • The life of men is short.
  • Old men [are]
    twise children.
  • Religion or the worship of God.
    Worship [is] a
    holy thing.
  • [Page]The heart of man [is]
    cannot bee tamed or brought vnder.
  • The heart of man [is] wic­ked.
  • Many
    crimes are to be
    to be passed by.
  • Euery comparison.
    All comparison [is] odi­ous.
  • The proper.
    His owne gift [is] to euery one [or, Euery one hath his owne proper gift.]
  • Curtesie or huma­nitie.
    doth bring forth.
    dooth gette friendes.
  • Wayward, or hard to please.
    Froward [men] are to bee ouer come by gentlenesse.
  • The conscience
    is insteede of a thousand witnesses.
    [is] a thou­sand witnesses.
  • Ouermuch meate.
    Immoderate meate is hurt­full.
  • Angrinesse is an enemy
    to reason.
    to counsell.
  • Couetousness is
    vnsatiable, can ne­uer haue enough.
    vnfillable, [or vnpossible to bee fil­led.]
  • Couetous or gree­die desire.
    Couetousness of money is to be fledde or shunned.
  • Aduersitie or mise­rie.
    Calamitie [is] to be vpbrai­ded to no man.
  • [Page 5]Wee must not answere
    to reuilings.
    with raylings.
  • Slothfulness
    doth ingender or breede.
    dooth begette
  • Time.
    A day dooth bring many things.
  • [It is]
    a hard thing.
    a difficult thing to leaue things accustomed.
  • Riches
    do cause pride or hautinesse.
    do bring forth dis­daine.
  • Time.
    The daie dooth take away griefe.
  • We must
    be out of hope.
    despaire of no mā.
  • Gifts
    can much preuaile.
    can do much.
  • Offenders.
    [Men] offending are to bee corrected.
  • Riches are the
    seruants or occasi­ons.
    ministers of vices.
  • [It is]
    a most hard thing.
    a most difficult thing
    to conquer.
    to ouercome nature.
  • Kingdomes
    are ouerthrowne or lost.
    do slide down by
  • [Those things are] difficult which are honest.
  • The speech of a rich man [is]
  • Contention.
    doth lessen or con­sume.
    doth waste the [Page]
    substance [or goods.]
  • Proue thou euery doubtfull thing.
  • The issue or falling out.
    The euent of things is doubtfull.
  • Euery rich man [is]
  • Time [is] the physician of of griefe.
  • Exercise [is] the best mai­ster.
  • Exercise can do all things.
  • Like things.
    Equall things doe delight equall men.
  • Banishment.
    doth commend or grace.
    doth make-honest many men.
  • Nothing [is] more certaine then
  • Wee are made more wise by age.
  • Obliuion follow­eth.
    Forgetfulnesse [is] the com­panion of drunkennesse.
  • Age
    is hu [...].
    is corrupted by wine.
  • The end of horrible offences [is]
  • There are [many] kinsfolks [Page 6]
    of men in prosperi­tie.
    of happy men. [that is, rich men haue many kins­folkes.]
  • Felicity.
    Happinesse doth stirre vp enmities.
  • Hunger [is] the best cooke.
  • Prosperity.
    Fortune dooth make men
  • Enuie [is] the companion
    of prosperity.
    of felicitie.
  • Crueltie.
    is aswaged.
    is pacified
    by mildnesse or gentleness.
    by lenity.
  • A foole doth acknowledge the fact [or
    the deed when it is done.
    a thing done.]
  • Women are inconstant.
  • We must giue place
    to rage.
    to fury.
  • Fly
    things high ouer­much.
    too high things.
  • Behold.
    Look to the end of [thy] life.
  • Beauty
    is marred.
    perisheth by wine.
  • Fortune dooth helpe valiant [men.]
  • Nothing [is] more misera­ble then hunger.
  • Nothing [is]
    sure or stable.
    firm in [this] life.
  • Age [is]
    flying away speedilie.
    flying away.
  • Nothing [is] to be
    committed in trust.
    to a foole.
    to a blabbe or prattling [Page] [man.]
  • Death [is] the end of misery.
  • Ioy [is] ioyned to griefe.
  • Thanks gets good will or kindnesse.
    Fauour bringeth forth fa­uour. [or, One good turne deserues another.]
  • Labour [is] the foundation of glorie.
  • Honor doth nourish
    the Arts.
  • The minds of men [are]
  • Money dooth
    giue or bring.
    affoord ho­nours.
  • Mens chances.
    Humane chaunces [are] doubtfull.
  • [There is]
    a course of succee­ding by course.
    an enterchange of
    things belonging to men.
    humane things.
  • The end
    of contentions.
    of strifes [is] vn­happie.
  • The
    end of things [is] vn­certaine.
  • Anger [is] the torment
    of a mans self.
    of it self.
  • Labors
    done [are] pleasant.
  • Veritie.
    Truth [is] in wine.
  • [Page 7]It is a hard thing
    to restrain or bridle.
    to keepe in anger.
  • Enuy [is] the companion
    of boasting.
    of bragging.
  • The wittes of men [are] di­uers.
  • men who take no aduise, or rash, or in­considerate.
    Vnaduised men [or men who take no counsell] do rush [or fall downe head­long] easily.
  • A discommodity [is] to
    to be lessened or sweetned.
    bee seasoned
    With cheerfulness.
    vvith mirth.
  • Neede.
    Necessity [is]
    very great or pier­ceth deep.
    an huge dart.
  • God doth help
    the diligent or painfull man.
    the industri­ous man.
  • Partnershippe.
    Societie [
    is alwayes.
    is] vnfaithfull alwaies.
  • Inconstancy doth
    disdaine friendes.
  • An vnknowne thing.
    A thing vnknowne is not loued.
  • Beggerlinesse is vnfillable.
    Beggerie is vnsatiable.
  • An iniurie is ouercome by
    a good turne.
    a benefit.
  • Change or inter­course.
    The course of things is pleasant.
  • All vnconstant.
    Euerye ignorant man is [Page] vnstable.
  • Vnhappinesse or misery.
    Infelicitie is to be obiected to no man.
  • It is a difficult thing
    to beare or suffer.
    to to­lerate iniuries.
  • Praise
    doth excite.
    dooth stirre vp the witte.
  • Strife
    doth breed.
    doth bring forth strife.
  • All things doe flourish by la­bour.
  • The tongue hath destroyed many [men.]
  • Labours [are] the foundati­on of glory.
  • Bridle.
    Keepe in thy tongue with thy finger.
  • Labour is the treasure of man.
  • Praise [is] the reward of ver­tue.
  • Nothing [is] more sweete then liberty.
  • An euill [man] dooth seek
    a like man.
    [a man] like.
  • A thing euill got­ten.
    That which is gotten euill doth slide away.
  • Hunger dooth teach many [Page 8] things.
  • An euill thing
    is borne.
    is taken away by patience.
  • The minde is
    a diuiner or fore­teller.
    a presager
    of that which is to come.
    of a thing to come.
  • Silence dooth adorne a wo­man.
  • [It is] a most miserable thing to die
    thorough hunger.
    with hunger.
  • Nothing is safe to mortall men.
  • Gifts
    doe catch.
    do take men.
  • Defence of one another.
    Mutual defence is most safe.
  • Loue doth teach musicke.
  • Death doth throw downe all things.
  • Death is
  • Crosses, losses, mis­fortunes.
    Euill things doe hasten old age.
  • Chastitie [is] the dowrie of a woman.
  • Memory [is]
    the treasurie or treasure.
    the treasure­house of Arts.
  • We must not answere
    to reproches or rai­lings.
    with euill-speeches.
  • Nature [is] content with a fewe things.
  • [Page]No man is borne
    for himselfe.
    to himself.
  • Thou shalt belieue nothing rashly.
  • Thou oughtest not to lie.
    Thou oughtest to lie no­thing.
  • Neede runnes bare legd.
    Necessitie wants bootes or startvps.
  • Do not bragge of thine owne things.
  • Doe not despise other folkes things.
  • Speake not ill of a­ny man behinde his backed.
    Do not backbite any man.
  • Necessitie hath no law.
    Nothing doth repugne [or resist] necessitie.
  • Neede.
    Necessitie doth break yron.
  • Too much nig­gardlinesse.
    Ouermuch sparing [is] to be shunned.
  • The night
    is without or voide of.
    doth want shame­fasteness.
  • Let not any thing be.
    Not any thing ouermuch, [or, Nothing too much.]
  • Nothing [is] greater then
    dayly practise.
    continuall custome.
  • Fidelitie or faithful­nesse.
    Faith is safe no where [that is, it is hard to finde him whom we may trust.]
  • [See that] thou try.
    Thou maiest affirm nothing
  • [Page 9]
    It is repugned.
    It is resisted to nature in vaine. [or,] it is in vaine to resist [nature.]
  • Nothing [is] more
    floting or swift.
    flying away then time.
  • Dutifulness or o­bedience.
    doth bring forth.
    dooth gette friendes.
  • The occasion doth make the thiefe.
  • Wealth taketh away friends.
  • Euery beginning [is] grie­uous.
  • Occasion [is] not to be neg­lected.
  • Riches do slide away
  • Hatred is
    quicklie pacified, qualified, or made more gentle.
    asswaged by
    seruiceeblenesse or dutifulnesse.
  • Time.
    taketh away.
    brings all things.
  • Riches
    are gotten or pro­uided.
    are prepared
    by skill.
    by Art.
  • Idleness [is]
    the spoyler.
    the rust of the wit.
  • Pouerty
    doth make vs to seek Arts.
    doth stir vp Arts.
  • Let the schollar o­bey.
    The schollar let him obey the master.
  • [Page]All things obey money.
  • Rash.
    Headlong counsell [is] vn­luckie.
  • Pouertie
    depriues vs of.
    spoyles [men] of friends.
  • Things gotten are to be kept.
  • Shame or bashful­nesse.
    Shamefastnesse [is] vnprofi­table to a beggar.
  • An account or forecast. Calculus is also a pebble stone or a table-man.
    A counter doth ouercome very much, [or we may do much by counters or by an account.]
  • Nothing [is] more sweete then our country.
  • Delaying or put­ting off from day to day.
    Procrastination is odious.
  • The beginning [is] the halfe of the whole.
  • What things do hurt do teach.
  • Euery
    earth [is] a country [that is, to a valiant man, because hee can liue any where.]
  • Ouermuch laughter is to bee taken heed of.
  • Like things fauour like [or [Page 10] like to like.
  • A like thing.
    Like doth reioice in the like.
  • All
    seruitude is miserable.
  • Only
    rich men, or in prosperity.
    fortunate men are lo­ued.
  • Sleepe [is]
    a picture or resem­blance.
    the image of death.
  • Hope
    saues or preserues.
    doth keepe afflicted [men.]
  • Learning or endea­uour.
    Study dooth make men courteous [or ciuill.]
  • His owne things.
    His owne [is] faire to eue­ry one, [or Euery one likes his owne things best.]
  • The spring time.
    The spring doth follow the winter.
  • A foolish man.
    A foole doth speake foolish things.
  • The course of life.
    do shew.
    doe declare the minde.
  • Chance or hap.
    doth turne vpside­downe.
    doth turne about all things.
  • Silence [is] safe euery where.
  • Proud [men] are
    amended or refor­med.
    corrected hardly.
  • Onely a wise man [is] rich.
  • Hope doth
    comfort and sus­taine.
    nourish banish­ed men.
  • [Page]Euery man doth please him­selfe.
  • Abundance, or plenty, or riches.
    doth bring forth.
    doth breed fierce­nesse [or cruelty.]
  • Holy dayes [are] alwaies to
    slothfull [men]: [or, Idle men would haue euery day holyday.]
  • Speech
    doth heale sorrow­fulnesse.
    doth cure sadnesse.
  • Nothing is more profitable then silence.
  • Time is
    a deuourer or con­sumer.
    an eater of things.
  • Time is short.
  • Time
    doth passe away.
    doth fly away most swiftly.
  • Al things are changed in time.
  • Time
    brings all things to light.
    dooth reueale all things.
  • All things are
    accomplished or fully done, or brought to an end.
    finished in time.
  • Nothing is swifter then time.
  • All things are done in time.
  • Time doth
    doth lenifie or as­swage.
    mitigate griefe.
  • The belly wanteth eares [or, The belly cannot be per­swaded.]
  • [Page 11]
    We haue an appetite to, or desire earnestly.
    We couet more greedily things forbidden.
  • The speech of truth [is]
    one and not di­uerse.
    sim­ple, [or plaine.]
  • The iudgement of the common people is foolish.
  • Vertue praysed doth increase.
  • All things are consumed by vse.
  • The gifts of men [are] diuers.

Sentences of foure words.

  • Euery age of man hath the proper courses which do be­com it: as, Chil­dishnesse chil­dren, Grauitie old age &c.
    O Other things doe become an other age.
  • Another thing of vice.
    Other men haue other falts: or euery man hath one fault or other.
    Another vice is to other [mē.]
  • Wee must vse friendes with mo­desty.
  • Dayly.
    Continuall exercise can doe all things.
  • We must take heede.
    Wee must beware of flattering men.
  • We know [our] friends amongst [aduerse things [or in aduersity.]
  • Good friends are rare.
  • Ancient.
    Olde friendshippe is abolished seldome.
  • Nothing is difficult to a louer.
  • [Page]Ambition is
    hurtfull or dan­gerous.
    most pestilent in the Common-wealth.
  • Friendship is to be
    put before, pre­ferred before.
    preferred to all things.
  • The yeare
    Doth make fruitfull,
    dooth fructisie, not the earth.
  • The mind of euery man is
    relieued or comforted.
    by his speech:
    by speech.
  • [There is] no wisedome before
  • Euill things accustomed doe not
  • Loue is not
    able to be hea­led.
  • Aduerse things doe stir vp the wit oft times.
  • A couetous king is
    pleased or qui­eted with gold.
    pacified by gold.
  • Couetousnesse or greedy desire.
    The couetous desire of a coue­tous man is filled
    no where.
  • It is not of.
    It is not the part of a wise man
    to be ouerbold
    to be bold.
  • Nothing is more pretious then a faithfull friend.
  • There is a measure.
    A measure
    let it bee pre­sent, or let there be a measure.
    is present to e­uery thing.
  • [Friendes] admonishing freelie are rare.
  • Chastitie is
    beauty inough.
    beautye ample enough.
  • [Page 12]Friendshippe dooth refuse no
    burden or la­bour.
  • The eyes do get loue especially.
  • Couetous men
    can neuer haue inough.
    cannot be satis­fied.
  • No vice is
    worse or more vile or mischie­uous.
    more foule then co­uetousnesse.
  • Lawes are like to the webbes of spiders.
  • A good turne.
    A benefit alwayes
    doth procure.
    doth pro­uoke a benefit.
  • A benefit is to bee measured by the minde of the giuer.
  • The
    objecting or casting in the teeth.
    vpbraiding of a benefit is
  • Ciuill-warre [is]
    dangerous, noysome, or deadly.
    a pernicious euill.
  • Many good things are lost by neglecting.
  • We must vse good friends more sparingly.
  • All things do becom good men.
  • Men are ouer-intreated
    with fawning or flattering speeches.
    with faire words.
  • The mariage of
    vnequall ma­riages.
    vnequals is e­uill.
  • [Page]Fearefull dogges do bark more vehemently.
  • Too much sut­tletie.
    Ouermuch crastinesse dooth hurt sometimes.
  • [That thing] is deare which is rare.
  • Custome
    doth make easie.
    doth lenifie [or soft| en] all hard things.
  • Counsell dooth preuaile very much euery where.
  • A good con­science.
    A right cōscience is most sweet.
  • Custome [is] more mighty then any tyrant.
  • A common shipwrack [is]
    a comfort.
    a solace to all.
  • Counsell is vnprofitable after
    the deeds done
    the deeds.
  • Wisedome is more pretious then all riches.
  • More money more care: or more rich more carefull.
    Care doth followe money in­creasing.
  • An enemy dooth deceiue when he flattereth.
  • Friendes are changed with for­tune.
  • Feare
    doth proue or declare.
    dooth argue
    base or dast­ardly mindes.
  • [Page 13]Riches are the burdens of a good minde.
  • Learned [men] do reioyce in the familiaritie of learned [men.]
  • It is a sweet thing
    to haue re­membred of.
    to remember our labours.
  • The soyle or place where we were borne.
    [Our] fathers soyle is pleasant.
  • The greater part [is] alwaies of the worse [men.]
  • Damage [is]
    to be prefer­red to.
    to be put before filthy
  • Diuers earths bring forth diuers things.
  • A gift
    is esteemed, or considered.
    is weighed by the minde of the giuer.
  • Riches [are] the cause
    of braulings.
    of chi­dings.
  • We ought to condemne no man
    rashly or light­ly.
  • A mans owne miserie.
    His owne miserie
    is to bee hidde.
    is to be dis­sembled.
  • A rose
    is not bredde.
    doth not growe vpon a sea-onion.
  • An idle hand doth bring
    neede or want.
  • Loue
    groweth of sight or seeing.
    is bredde of sight.
  • Wee are all made more learned [Page]
    by damage.
    by losse.
  • Mourning
    doth follow occupy or take.
    doth possesse
    the last things or last parts.
    the extreamities of ioie, [or After the greatest ioy comes mour­ning.]
  • Drunkenness
    doth discouer or vtter.
    doth bring forth
    the most secret things.
    the most hidden things
    of the heart.
    of the breast.
  • The greatest things [are made] of the least beginnings.
  • It is a common thing to mortall men to erre.
    To erre is a common thing to mortall [men].
  • Sword-point to be giuen to children.
    A sword is not to bee commit­ted to boyes.
  • Vpbraiding
    of misery.
    of calamity is to be obiected to no man.
  • Experience is
    the teacher.
    the mistresse of prouidence.
  • Great things are made of little things.
  • Vices do come of idlenesse.
  • He-that-hath-tryed dangers
    doth easily fear.
    is sore afraied easily.
  • Prosperity or men in prosperi­ty.
    Felicitie hath many kinsfolks.
  • Fortune is most like to the winde.
  • It is an euill thing to.
    To deceiue others is an euill thing.
  • [Page 14]
    There is no certaine.
    No certaine knowledge [is] of things to come.
  • Thou shalt bee made euill by the
    familiaritie in the same Inne, house, or tent.
    Contubernium of con-taberna. in the same Ta­uerne.
    company of euill men.
  • The
    custome in buying and sel­ling, trafique with.
    commerce [or familiar company] of euill [men] is to be sledde.
  • The
    concorde of brethren is rare.
  • Too high things are to be fled.
  • Faith.
    Fidelitie [is] to be kept euen to an enemy.
  • It is
    a great fault.
    a grieuous fault to speake things
    to be kept in.
    to be kept secret.
  • Glory is not bought with mony.
  • Men [are]
    prone or tur­ning or incli­ning.
    ready to euill.
  • The figure, the condition.
    The fashion of man is knowen by his speech.
  • The lowe or base.
    The humble kinde of life [is] most safe.
  • Nothing is more intollerable
    then an vnwise or foolish man in prosperitie.
    then fortunate foole.
  • Angry men do nothing
  • Agreement.
    Concorde [is] rare amongst brethren.
  • [Page]Holy-daies are alwaies to
    to slothful men
    slug­gish men.
  • vnthankfulnes.
    Ingratitude [is] the head of all vices.
  • There is neede
    of a courage.
    of a minde in e­uery thing.
  • A friend is proued
    in aduersitie.
    in aduerse things.
  • Change.
    Varietie doth delight in euery matter.
  • Lawes are silent [or doe hold their peace]
    in warres.
    amongst wea­pons.
  • Impatience doth
    make al things more sharp.
    exasperate all things.
  • Vehement rage or force.
    doth effect or work.
    dooth minister all things euilly, [or vnhappily.]
  • Honour
    doth cost.
    doth consist of innu­merable labours.
  • Anger dooth wax olde the most slowly of all things.
  • A good friend [is]
    a huge.
    a very great treasure.
  • Euills
    vnlooked for, or besides our o­pinion.
    vnthought of are more grieuous.
  • Glory hath
    an exceeding great spurre.
    an vnmeasurable spurre, [or, Glory doth set vs on exceedingly.]
  • [Page 15]Enuie
    doth vexe.
    dooth writhe [or-tor­ment]
    the author of it.
    the owne author.
  • Nothing is
    more mischie­uous.
    more pernicious then
    a malepart tongue.
    a naughty tongue.
  • Carelesnesse.
    Securitie dooth bring forth in­numerable euills.
  • Euill things often
    do stir vp the wit often.
    do mone the wit.
  • Anger is not
    appeased by an­grinesse.
  • Labour is a treasure to men.
  • Labour
    is crowned with vertue.
    doth receiue the glory of vertue.
  • continuall or sturdy.
    Vntired labour doth ouercom all things.
  • A longer life a long-lasting cala­mitie.
  • Thou maiest beare.
    [See that] thou beare willinglie that which it nec [...]ssarie.
  • Nothing is to be
    the goddesse of lear­ning or of wit.
    Miner­ua [or nature being vnwilling] [or We must attempt nothing against nature.]
  • An ill-weed dyeth not.
    An euil hearbe doth not perish.
  • The minde [is]
    a foreteller.
    a presager
    of that which is to come.
    of a thing to come.
  • [Page]Manie thinges are wanting to [men]
    to them that aske.
    asking many things.
  • It behoueth a lyar
    to haue a good memory.
    to be minde­full.
  • Euill
    is no better then loss.
    is equall to losse.
  • An oke
    is hewen down.
    is cast downe by manie blowes.
  • Wayward.
    Frowarde [men] doe
    do expound.
    inter­prete nothing
    sincerely [or well and louingly.]
  • Euill counsell is the worst
    to the asker.
    to the consultour.
  • Nothing is more deare to mor­tall men then money.
  • Death is common
    to all age.
    to euery age.
  • Euill things are
    next or neere neighbours.
    neere to good things.
  • A foole is wise,
    an euill thing.
    the euill being receiued [or after the euill.]
  • Forced.
    Compelled wits do answere e­uilly.
  • Modesty dooth
    conferre [or help] much to health.
  • Men in misery.
    Miserable men are wont to en­uie
    Men in pros­perity.
    happy men.
  • Nature doth loue
    no solitarie thing.
    nothing soli­tarie.
  • [Page 16]It is
    a troublesome thing.
    a busie matter
    to wrangle, or sue one another in law.
    to striue [or to contend in law.]
  • Do not follow.
    Thou maiest not follow the er­rours of the common people.
  • Doth knowe: few haue know­en quiet rest.
    Quiet rest hath knowen few▪
  • Nothing [is] more effectuall then
    the plain truth.
    the simple truth.
  • Thou mayest not vndertake
    things aboue thy strength or power.
    greater thinges then thy strength.
  • Nothinge is more filthy then
    leeherous or incontinent.
    an old man giuen to lust.
  • Nothing [is] more
    against reason or sense.
    absurde then
    a couetous rich man.
    a rich man couetous.
  • No mortall man.
    None of mortall men [is] bles­sed
    on all parts, or euery way.
  • The necessity of nature is paci­fied with
    a little.
    little thing.
  • No man is hurt except of him­selfe.
  • Want of con­sideration.
    Rashnesse doth hurt mortall [men] much.
  • No possession is better [then the possession] of friendes.
  • Nothing [is] more
    miserable or subiect to mise­ry.
    calamitous then man.
  • No thing [is] more sweete then a friendly
  • [Page]Nothing is
    more commō.
    more vulgar then to deceiue men.
  • Ouer much
    lenitie is not ap­proued.
  • Fortune doth not
    laugh vpon vs alwaie.
    smile alwaies.
  • Riches
    reconcile or procure.
    doe not get friends.
  • No man can haue all things.
  • No man is wise
    at all times.
    at all houres.
  • [It is] the best thing
    to make vse of, to learne to bee wise by other▪ mens foolishnes.
    to inioy as other mans madnesse [or folly.]
  • All things [are]
    to be done.
    to be finished in their owne time.
  • All things are changed easily.
    The care or seeing to of the maister,
    The eye of the maister dooth make fatte the horse, [or The maisters eye dooth feede the horse.]
  • Idlenesse doth teach many vices.
  • It is
    the sweetest thing of all things.
    the most sweete thing of all to receiue.
  • All good things
    are vpholden by peace.
    doe consist in peace, [or depend vppon peace.]
  • We all are
    made worse.
    by liberty.
    by licence.
  • The speech is
    a likenesse or resemblance.
    a picture of the deeds.
  • [Page 17]The eyes are
    more to bee trusted, or that which we see is more sure.
    more faithful then the cares.
  • Euery
    earth or place.
    soyle is a countrey
    to a couragious▪ man.
    to a valiant man.
  • The death of poor men is
    without stir, or talking of.
    with­out noyse.
  • The speeches of poore men
    are not regar­ded.
    are vaine.
  • The
    iudgements, or opinions are better.
    sentences of olde men are more excellent.
  • Small things.
    Little things are not to be con­temned.
  • Wits
    ouer timely, quickly.
    Soone ripe, soone rotten.
    ouersoone ripe do faile soone.
  • His owne country [is] most plea­sant to euery man.
  • Nothing is more profitable then
    common peace or agreement.
    publike concorde.
  • Substance.
    Things [or goods] doe in­crease by sparing and labour.
  • It is the part of a wise man
    to hide, or conceale.
    to dissemble many things.
  • Nothing [is] pleasant to a trou­bled
  • It is
    a varie difficult thing.
    a very hard thing to bee good.
  • Frowardnes, or obstinacie.
    Stubbornnesse is the compani­on [Page] of a minde
    puffed vp, proud.
    lifted vp.
  • Goodnesse.
    Honesty maketh
    a bolde or pre­sent wit.
    a great wit.
  • Pliantnesse, rea­diness to please.
    Obedience is not to be perfor­med to [a man] sinning.
  • Enuy ceaseth after death.
  • The minds are
    wanton, or running riot.
    proud in pros­perous things, [or prosperity.]
  • How many heades, so many
    judgements, meanings, opi­nions.
  • As the man [is] such is his speech.
    What a man, such a speech.
  • As the prince [is] such is his peo­ple.
    What a prince such a people.
  • Euery man
    doth flatter himselfe in his owne sinnes.
    doth flatter his own euills.
  • What is
    more filthy.
    more dishonest then
    arrogant vnskilfulnesse?
  • How many men, so many
    sen­tences [or mindes]
  • How much thou shalt haue,
    of so much reckoning or ac­count, or so much esteemed.
    of so much valewe thou shalt be.
  • What a question, such an answer: [or As the question [is] such [should be] the answere.]
  • Taking coun­sell or aduise.
    Consultatiō is
    a holy thing.
    a sacred thing.
  • A foole vnderstandeth
    a thing done and past, or when it is too late.
    a thing finished.
  • Wee are all wise
    a thing done and past, or when it is too late.
    a thing being past.
  • [Page 18]
    Rednesse is the colour of ver­tue.
  • [There is] seldome any calami­tie alone.
  • Reason
    doth grow our of kinde.
    doth degenerate with­out exercise.
  • Onely
    men in misery.
    miserable men
    are free from.
    do want enuy.
  • The qualitie of a man is knowen by his speech.
  • We answere more fitly.
    It is answered
    many things.
    to many men more aptly by silence.
  • Clearenesse or faire weather.
    A calme doth follow
    a storme.
    a tem­pest easily.
  • A mans owne skill.
    His owne Art
    doth maintain.
    doth nourish e­uery man.
  • Nothing [is] more pleasant then
    quiet, which may bee at ease.
    ▪ idle olde age.
  • Meere speech, or in due season.
    Fit speech is the best.
  • Speech is
    the ingrauen forme, picture or image.
    the character [or print] of the minde.
  • Her owne King
    doth like the Queene best.
    doth please the Queene.
  • Sparing
    is too late.
    is late
    in the bottom of the purse.
    in the bottom.
  • Whosoeuer doth couet is
    needy, wanting help.
    poore alwayes.
  • His owne studies doe delight e­uery [Page] man.
  • Wee are able [to doe] nothing
    without the help of God.
    without helpe.
  • Nothing in the life [is] better then health.
  • No man is borne without
  • Ouermuch wisedome is not wise­dome.
  • Euery man hath his errour.
    His owne errour is to be attri­buted to euery man.
  • We must trie, or attempt.
    Nothing [is] to be tryed aboue strength.
  • Euery man is delighted with his owne study.
  • Hope doth
    foster, or sus­taine.
    cherish the mindes of men.
  • Dishonest.
    gaine doth bring mis­fortune [or losse.]
  • Time doth draw all things with it.
  • His owne pleasure doth
    intice, or allure.
    euery one.
    euery man, [or Euery owne followeth his owne pleasure.]
  • A friend is proued in time of ad­uersitie.
  • All things are made more light
    by time.
    in time.
  • [Page 19]
    ouermuch, or wine immode­rately taken.
    Immoderate wine is the cause of euills.
  • Consolation is better
    when the bellie is full.
    with a full belly.
  • The common people
    doth measure, or allow by gain
    doth ap­proue friendships by profit.
  • A more seldom vse.
    More rare vse doth commend pleasures.
  • Where feare [is] there is shame.
  • Where friends [are] there [are] riches.
  • Where
    our loue.
    loue [is] there [is] the eie.
  • Where
    our griefe.
    griefe [is] there [is] [our] finger.
  • One man [is] no man.
  • As
    euery one.
    euery man is, so he speaks.
  • No possession is greater then vertue.
  • The enterchanges of things are
    variable, or changing.
  • Faults.
    Vices cannot be
  • Our owne glory.
    Vaine glorye is not to bee

Sentences of moe words.

  • LEarn what thou maiest
    shun by the
    chance, mishap or perill.
    fall of other men.
  • Shame or o­uermuch mo­desty.
    Shamefastnesse is to bee cast a­way, as oft as necessitie doth
    constraine, re­quire or inforce.
  • A boare is holden oft times
    of a little dog.
    of a dogge not great.
  • We all are
    inclining, han­ging or prone.
    ready to idlenesse.
  • Troubles.
    Aduerse things are to be
    tole­rated [or borne]
    with an e­quall minde.
  • Flatterie [is] the greatest plague in friendship.
  • It is the duty.
    It is [the part] of a young man to reuerence his
    elders or bet­ters.
    greaters by birth.
  • It is
    so great a thing, or of so great force.
    so very much to accustome [our selues]
    frō our tender.
    in our tender [yeares.]
  • Olde age is more slowe
    to euery in­struction, or to learne any thing.
    to all discipline.
  • Doers and consenters are puni­shed with like punishment.
  • The vndoing or fall.
    The destruction of one [man] [Page 20] is
    the rising or making.
    the riches of
    of another.
    another [man.]
  • The riches of one [man] are the
    spoiles of another [man.]
  • Another life
    another man­ner.
    , another way of li­uing, [that is A new course of liuing is a new life, [or, An other trade of life, another course of liuing.]
  • A true friend is a great treasure.
  • Friends are knowen in
    aduerse things.
  • True loue
    hath knowen to haue no measure.
  • A minde accustomed
    to troubles.
    to hard things
    is less offended.
    is offended lesse.
  • The minde of euery man is re­uealed by [his] speech.
  • Art
    doth trauell.
    doth labour about the help of fortune.
  • An asse
    had leiffer haue.
    will rather haue
    straw then gold.
  • Gold hath perswaded oft times many [men]
    ill [or amisse.]
  • Excellent.
    Egregious learning is
    the stay or little staffe.
    the staffe of life.
  • A benefit bestowed vpō thank­full [Page] full [men] is wont to be
    lent to vsurie, or to com home with gaine.
    put to vsurie.
  • It is better to bee
    an honest poor man, then a wic­ked rich man.
    a poore man well, then to waxe rich euil­lie.
  • The Cittie [is] most blessed, vvhich
    is gouerned by.
    is ruled of vvise men.
  • Good lawes are
    made, begun or enacted.
    procreated of euill manners.
  • That which is done well.
    VVhat thing is done well to good men, doth not perish [or is not lost.]
  • Euill speeches
    doe nothing hurt.
    do wound good men nothing.
  • Good [men] do come
    of their owne accord, to the feasts of good [men.]
  • The dogge
    doth annoy, or enuy, or bark a­gainst.
    dooth trouble alwayes a poore stran­ger.
  • The bitch ma­king haste.
    The hasty bitch dooth bring forth blinde whelpes.
  • [Page 21]An old dog cannot be
    acquainted, or taught to lead.
    accusto­med to the chayne.
  • Those things [are] more cer­taine which are seene, then which are heard.
  • What thing is
    What is saide
    we are not to beleeue rashlie.
    is not to bee be­leeued quicklye [or rash­lie.]
  • Wise men doe hide their
    houshold e­uils, or euils at home.
    do­mesticall euills.
  • Wee must take heede of him who hath
    put vnto vs, be­guiled, or cir­cumdented.
    deceiued [vs] once.
  • VVhatsoeuer
    is gotten.
    is prepared by wage, is
    more pretious.
    more deare.
  • Thou maiest ouercome better by counsell then by
    anger, or cha­sing.
  • There is not need of consultati­on,
    after the deede done.
    the thing beeing finish­ed.
  • Counsell is to bee asked
    men skilfull & experienced.
    of [men] able to giue counsell, and wise.
  • Familiaritie.
    Custome [or familiar acquain­tance] is to be had with good men.
  • Thou maiest be willing, or thou hadst rather
    Thou wilst rather [thy] body [Page]
    to be grieued.
    to bee affected with griefe, then [thy] minde.
  • It is
    a hard thing.
    a difficult thing
    to change or amend.
    to cor­rect an euill nature.
  • Thou taking a iourney.
    Thou beeing about to goe [a iourney] doe not vse
    a leud compa­nion.
    a wicked companion at any time.
  • Custom is
    most potent or auaileable.
    most mighty alwaies in all things.
  • Care
    doth auaile most of all.
    preuaileth very much in euery thing.
  • Strife is not
    to be begun.
    to bee taken vp with a friend hauing deserued well.
  • Hee hath no friend
    who is in ad­uersity.
    to whom fortune is aduerse, [or against him.]
  • It is the chiefest wisedome
    to play the fool or seeme foolish.
    to doate in place, [that is] at somtimes.]
  • differing man­ners do follow.
    Differing studies doe follow
    vnlike or di­uerse.
    differing manners.
  • They that dis­agree.
    [Men] disagreeing are ouer­come easily, [men] agreeing not easily.
  • No man is loued, but to whome [Page 22] fortune
    is second, or who is in pros­peritie.
    is prosperous.
  • It is a hard thing to faine a iest, with
    a sad or heauy minde.
    a sorrowfull minde.
  • He is a rich man, who thinketh nothing to be wanting vnto him.
  • Riches are gotten by labour, they
    vanish, or are lost or cōsumed.
    perish by prodigalitie, [or by spending aboue our com­passe and vainely.]
  • That which is
    of equall va­lue, or an equall recompence.
    equiualent is not rendred, [or restored] to the Gods, parents,
  • A true friend is a thing hard to be found.
  • Thou being rich shalt remember
    to do good to.
    that thou mayest profit
    the little poore ones.
    the silly poore.
  • Learning is vaine
    without reasō.
    vnlesse rea­son shall come vnto it, [or beioined vnto it.]
  • A portion.
    A dowry dooth not make a happy mariage, but vertue.
  • It is a hard thing to leaue those things to which
    thou hast been accustomed.
    thou hast accustomed [thy selfe] long.
  • Euerie one makes wordes [or [Page] speaks]
    concerning his owne matters.
    of his owne matters.
  • Sith that.
    I cannot.
    it is not lawfull
    as I look for, or wish.
    as I expect, I liue
    as I may.
    as I can.
  • Thou shalt condemne no man
    his cause not being knowen.
    the cause not being knowen.
  • The vertue of the parents is a great
  • The mise doe dance
    whilst the catte sleepeth.
    whilst the catte doth sleep.
  • Riches are giuen now
    to none but.
    to no man, except to rich [men.]
  • It is
    a harder thing.
    more difficult to beare happy [fortune] [or prospe­ritie] then aduerse fortune [or aduersity.]
  • A poore man learned,
    is preferred.
    is put before a rich man vnlear­ned.
  • A great thing
    doth spring, or grow.
    dooth rise from a little beginning.
  • A wise man dooth
    amend his owne [fault,]
    by the vice.
    by the fault of another man.
  • Wee our selues are made
    more heedy.
    more wary,
    of the
    by the
    errors, or slips.
    faults of others.
  • It is a banishment to a man, there [Page 23] where hee liueth little, [or no­thing]
    fitly, or profita­bly.
  • It is
    a choise, or rare vertue.
    an excellent vertue to performe silence
    in businesses.
    in mat­ters, [or to be silent in weigh­ty matters.]
  • A sword point.
    A sword doth wound the body: but speech [doth wound] the minde.
  • Wee.
    We our selues do not acknow­ledge
    our owne er­rours, or slips.
    our faults.
  • It is
    the duty, or wisedome.
    [the part] of a valiant man to contemne a false
    slaunder, or re­proach.
  • It is the part of a valiant minde not to be troubled greatly
    in aduersity.
    in aduerse things.
  • Any man dooth
    aduise, consult, or aske counsell.
    giue counsell more easily to others, then to himselfe.
  • The discommodities of fortune,
    do not trouble a wise man.
    doe mooue a wise man no­thing.
  • The companions
    of hasting, or making haste.
    of haste, are errour and repentance.
  • Hee is wise happily, who is wise by an others mans
  • [Page]
    He may finde.
    He shal finde
    a staffe.
    a club easilie, who
    coueteth to beate a dogge.
  • A word
    passeth forth or escapeth vs.
    dooth flie out easilie:
    it doth not returne.
    it retur­neth neuer.
  • Prosperity.
    Prosperous fortune doth de­stroy whilst it flattereth.
  • Hee is most happy to whom no­thing of euill, [or no cuill thing]
    chanced or fal­len out.
    hath happened in his life.
  • [Thou art] happy, whosoeuer doest learne by the griefe of an other [man] to be able
    to be free from
    to want thine owne.
  • It is an easie thing to ouercome [a man] absent who doth not resist.
  • He is wise
    to no purpose
    in vaine, who is not wise
    for himselfe.
    to himselfe.
  • A cocke can doe very much in [or vpon] his owne dunghill.
  • Vertue comming from a faire body is
    more pleasing.
    more acceptable.
  • It is the best reuenge to ouercom [Page 24] an enemy
    by kindnesses or good turnes.
    by benefits.
  • The meant estate.
    The low fortune [or conditi| on] is more safe then
    the high.
    the lofty.
  • The
    inheritance of a
    of fame.
    good name is more honest
    then [the in­heritance] of riches.
    then of riches.
  • The ghessing at.
    The coniecture
    of the humane minde.
    of mans minde is difficult.
  • A couetous man doth hasten all things whatsoeuer he doth.
  • Calme waters haue also their
    trouble or danger.
    tranquillitie [or calmness.]
  • The goodness.
    The honesty of the master doth make also the family better.
  • There is
    an ancient con­tention.
    olde warre betweene the mother in law and the daughter in law.
  • Things
    vnlooked for.
    vnhoped for, doe fall out more often then [those things] which
    thou hopest for.
    thou canst hope for.
  • Famous wits
    haue wanted neuer.
    haue neuer wan­ted
    enuiers or followers for vaine glory.
  • [He] who beareth a yoke
    wil­lingly, doth make it light.
  • The day it selfe [is] sometime [Page]
    friendly as a parent or mo­ther.
    a parent, sometimes a step­mother, [or vnluckie as a step­mother.]
  • Hide thy
    vnhappinesse, mishap or mise­ry.
    infelicitie, least thou make [thy] enemies
    to reioyce.
    merry [or ioyfull.]
  • Huge wealth.
    very great riches are not
    got­ten without
  • Ingratitude doth
    imbrace or containe.
    comprehend all vices in it selfe.
  • Discommoditie is alwayes
    goeth with.
    a companion of commodities.
  • Wee are
    full of eyes or sharp sighted.
    quick sighted by na­ture, into other folks vices, not into our owne.
  • Thou
    ruling anger shalt liue a
    most strong, healthfull, or comfortable.
    most able, [or healthfull] life.
  • It is
    feeble, or lan­guishing.
    a saint thing, euery where to apply [ourselues] to diuers things.
  • There is need of good counsell in euill things.
  • A friend is knowen
    in aduersity.
    in aduerse things.
  • We are not to sleep, or be neg­ligent.
    We are not to slumber in a dan­gerous businesse.
  • It is a signe of one that doateth
    It is [the part] [of a man] doa­ting, [Page 25] to wish impossible things vnto himselfe.
  • Shame.
    Shame fastnesse is vnprofitable, when necessitie doth
    compell, or in­force.
  • It behooueth vs to bring a buy­er,
    of our selues, or to seek out a buyer.
    of our owne accord,
    to marchan­dise.
    to ware
    vnmeete to be sold.
  • The time
    doth declare.
    doth shew friends, as the fier [doth shew] the gold.
  • An enuious man dooth
    pine away, or fret away.
    waxe leane at the
    plentie, or a­boundance.
    fatte things, [or prosperity] of another man.
  • Strifes are wont to take away the
    peace, or qui­etnesse.
    tranquillitie of the mind.
  • A longer life,
    a life somwhat long.
    is wont to bring very many discommodities.
  • Hee is praised, not who [hath li­ued] long, but [he] who hath liued well.
  • Euill gaine.
    Euill lucre doth bring losse al­waies.
  • The
    edge of the minde dooth waxe dull, by the
    excesse, or in­temperance.
    riot of the body.
  • It behooueth [a man] to be libe­rall; but
    according t­his faculty, bilitie.
    for his abilitie, [or not beyond his compasse.]
  • [Page]Vnlesse there were
    gaine, no man would be euill.
  • It is
    beleeued, wee beleeue.
    credited more willinglie to
    eyed witnesses, them that see.
    eye [witnesses] then to
    eared, or them who heare.
    eare witnesses.
  • The burden is made light, which is borne well.
  • Men are ouercome by praise, and pliantness.
  • An euill woman is more fierce, then all
    sauage, or cru­ell.
    wilde beasts.
  • A thriftie matrone is not
    easie to bee mette with, or found.
    all abroad.
    euery where.
  • A woman is the
    preseruation, ouerthrowe.
    health, [or sa­fety,] & calamity of the house.
  • It is the most miserable, &c.
    To die with hunger, [is] the most miserable kinde of death.
  • Euill speeches
    ouerthrowe, or corrupt.
    throwe downe good manners.
  • Thou shalt lose greater things, vnless thou shalt
    retaine lesse things.
  • Many things
    do chance, or fall out.
    doe happen to man, which he will not.
  • A meane is best to bee had in all things.
    The best meane [is] to be had in all things.
  • [Page 26]Many good things haue fallen out to many besides hope.
  • Many men doe enuy the good thing to others, which them­selues do want.
  • The elegancie,
    The finenesse of the speech is wont
    to declare the disposition or qualitie.
    to shew the habit of the minde.
  • Hee that doth please himselfe o­uermuch, doth displease many men.
  • It is better by much
    to look to, or help.
    to cure, [or remedy] the beginnings then the end.
  • Naughty com­pany.
    Wicked liuing together, [or familiaritie] doth infect good manners.
  • Thou shalt knowe the manners of thy friend; thou shalt not hate [them.]
  • All mortall things haue many changes.
  • Great things doe perish by dis­cord:
    they are in­creased.
    they are strong [or preuaile] by concord.
  • Euery wise and good man,
    hath hated.
    doth hate a lie.
  • Idlenesse dooth bring many e­uills [Page] to men.
  • It is the greatest
    profit, to know to vse pouertie.
  • Nothing is ours, which may bee taken away.
  • There is no discord, where there is the same minde.
  • Thou mayest not haue
    buying and selling, compa­ny, fellowship or familiaritie.
    com­merce, [or trafique] with wic­ked men.
  • It maketh no matter.
    It skilleth not how long thou shalt liue, but how well.
  • Punish no man.
    Do not thou punish any man, vnless thou shalt
    weigh the mat­ter well.
    weigh tho­roughly the matter.
  • Doc not
    insult ouer a misera­ble man:
    lot is common.
  • A good man
    is neuer made rich.
    , hath neuer been made rich of a sudden.
  • No liuing creature, no merchan­dise, is harder to bee knowen then man.
  • It is not to bee liued, or wee doe not liue.
    Thou must not liue that thou mayest eate: but thou must eat, that thou mayest liue.
  • Wisedome is gotten, not by age, but by wit.
  • [Page 27]
    Goodnesse of wit.
    Happinesse of wit shal not pro­fit thee, except thou shalt exer­cise it.
  • Thou mayest not
    torment, or disquiet.
    vexe thine owne minde with cares.
  • Thou shalt not
    stir a bad mat­ter.
    mooue an euill
    ended well.
    well hid, [or couered.]
  • Nothing is
    more filthy.
    more dishonest, then
    to contend or braule.
    to make war with a fa­miliar [friend.]
  • There is
    no man at all.
    no man of [all] men, in whom there is not
    something of vice.
    some vice.
  • It is not a benefit, which is
    sent forth for profit.
    sent into gaine, [or which is done for aduantage.]
  • He maketh
    no small.
    no little gaine, who
    flyeth from.
  • Do not learne filthinesse, neither shalt
    thou shalt not permit euill to be done.
    thou admit it, [or suf­fer it.]
  • Gold dooth not
    set forth, or beautifie.
    adorne a wo­man, but good manners.
  • Nature hath not giuen, to wo­men
    to beare rule ouer the man.
    to rule.
  • A woman
    knoweth no­thing.
    hath knowen no­thing, besides [that]
    which shee longeth for, or coueteth vehe­mently.
    which she desireth earnestly.
  • [Page]Nature doth not suffer a woman,
    to be before, or ouer men.
    to beare rule.
  • Nothing is
    of all parts.
    of euerie part.
  • Nothing
    is more com­mon then sor­row, griefe or heauinesse.
    is before sorrowe, in the things of mortall men.
  • Thou canst beare.
    Thou shalt beare
    no burden.
    no weight,
    more grieuous­ly.
    more bitterly then pouerty.
  • I aduise thee.
    I pray [thee] that thou do not
    beleeue all things alwayes to all men.
  • do not deuise.
    Thou maiest not study to do e­uill
    hauing trusted riches.
    trusting to thy wealth.
  • Nothing is so
    grieuous as po­uerty.
  • Do not thou make haste
    to be rich.
    to wax rich, least thou
    soon come to pouertie.
    bee made poore straight way.
  • The iniquity [or naughtiness] of manners, doth
    infect na­ture
    altogether, or quite.
  • There is nothing
    so heauie.
    so grieuous, but thou maiest make it friend­ly.
  • Nothing in the life.
    Nothing is better then health in life.
  • No man
    doth look to.
    dooth care for other mens businesses, so diligently [Page 28] as his owne.
  • Do not
    go about that
    indeauour [that] which cannot be done.
  • Nothing is so
    hard to be done.
    long continuing, [or so hard] which
    continuall sit­ting by a matter.
    assiduity, [or continual diligence]
    cannot make soft or easie.
    can­not soften [or ouercome.]
  • The night, loue, wine
    do incourage to lewdnesse.
    doe per­swade filthy things.
  • It hurteth no man to haue holden his peace: it hurteth [him] to haue spoken.
  • The same man cannot.
    It is not of the same man, to speake both many things, and fit [or seasonable.]
  • Nothing is more odious then
    the same thing alwayes.
    that which is alwayes the same.
  • It is a difficult thing to take a­way the owne right
    from nature.
    to nature.
  • Fearne
    meet to be bur­ned.
    to be burnt
    is bredde.
    doth grow
    feelds vnhus­banded.
    in neglected feelds.
  • The
    seruantes doe nothing
    rightly, vnlesse the master be present.
  • All things doe not fall out which
    thou shalt de­termine.
    thou hast determined in thy minde.
  • [Page]Euery thing
    which is ouer­much.
    too much, is
    to bee auoyded.
    to be fled in all things.
  • Trust is to be giuen, or we are to beleeue.
    Faith [or credit] is to bee had rather to the eyes, then to the eares.
  • Things deui­sed.
    Things thought of the best of all, doe
    do fall.
    fall out the worst of­tentimes.
  • It behooueth [a man] waxing old,
    to learne to, or euer to bee learning.
    to learne something al­wayes.
  • All
    very good things.
    best things haue difficult
    egresses, or issues.
  • All men
    do chuse ra­ther.
    wil rather to be better to themselues, then to another man.
  • Euerie thing
    doth breed. properando.
    doth bring forth errour,
    in preparing.
    with making haste.
  • Euery euill
    comming vp.
    growing is
    suppressed, or preuented.
    op­pressed, [or stayed] easily.
  • All delay, although very little, doth seeme
    the longest.
    most long.
  • It behooueth
    to consult or esteem good of, or of good.
    to take in good part, that thing which is pre­sent, [or which we haue.]
  • It is the best to take the fit seasō.
    It shall be the best thing, if any man shall look to the fit time.
  • [Page 29]
    Thou shalt not take on thee.
    Thou shalt not vndergoe the burden, to which thou art
    vnlike, or vna­ble to beare.
  • Euery
    vaine, not nece­sary.
    superfluous thing,
    doth spring a­broad.
    doth flow forth from a full breast.
  • Death is
    the last or vt­termost.
    the last thing of all things.
  • [Those things] are to be borne patiently which cannot bee changed.
  • The manners of [our] fathers are not to be
    reprehended, or found fault with.
    reproued, but to be borne.
  • Fewe [men] are moderate in prosperous things.
  • Anger is the worst
    the worst di­rectour.
    of things to be done.
    of doing things.
  • A mans owne countrie.
    His owne countrey, is most pleasant to euery man.
  • We are more wise.
    We are wise more for most part after the deed.
  • Hornes
    do shoote out of a sudden.
    do rush out to rammes well fedde.
  • Anger and
    lust, or immo­derate desire.
    couetous desire, are the worst
  • It is better to be enuied,
    then pitied, or in miserie.
    then miserable.
  • [Page]Very many things are to bee knowen: but the best things are
    to be holden.
    to be retayned.
  • rash, or incon­siderate anger.
    Headlong anger is the author of many euils.
  • Medicins are to be vsed, in the beginning.
    Remedies are to bee added to an euill breeding, [or begin­ning.]
  • Beauty.
    Faireness of the body is a
    frail good thing.
  • It dooth appeare
    forthwith, what plant
    will be fruitful.
    may bee fruit­full.
  • A little sparke being
    hath caused a most grieuous fire.
    hath stirred vp a most great burning.
  • It is
    a perilous thing.
    a daungerous thing,
    to credit or trust.
    to commit himselfe to the vva­ters.
  • There is the chiefest rarenesse, [or scarsitie]
    of the best things.
    of most excel­lent things.
  • It is
    [the duty.]
    the part of a vvise man to doe nothing rashly.
  • Men of like condition.
    Like [men] are gathered together easilie vvith like [men.]
  • A good
    doth soon find buyers
    doth [Page 30] finde a buyer easily.
  • Things past maie bee
    found fault with.
    repre­hended: they cannot be
  • Moe are ouercome
    by equall, or milde dealing then by rough­nesse. or by e­quity then force.
    by equali­ty, then by hardness.
  • It is
    a goodly thing
    a faire thing
    to knowe the time.
    to knowe the measure [or manner] of euery time.
  • It is better to die then to liue
    a dishonest life.
    a filthy life.
  • Griefe shal be
    cured rightly by
    pleasing and sweete words.
    pleasant words.
  • It is a good thing,
    to keep a mea­sure.
    to put a mea­sure to anger and to plea­sure.
  • It is better
    to be poore.
    to neede, then to wax rich
    from or by wic­kednesse.
    of wickednesse.
  • It is better
    to hold a mans peace.
    to holde the peace, then to speake
    things vnbe­seeming.
    vndecent things.
  • One eye witnesse is of more
    price or value.
    [worth,] then ten care wit­nesses.
  • The tongue doth kill moe then the sword.
  • Nothing is
    pleasant, to a troubled heart.
  • [Page]A fatte belly doth not beget
    a dull head, or little wit.
    a thin sense [or wit.]
  • The smoke of our countrey is,
    more full of light, more clear or shining.
    more bright then another mans fier.
  • Euerye man dare doe more at home, then abroad.
  • Eyes do see more then an eye.
  • Good deeds,
    do spring forth or issue out.
    do flow out from good mindes.
  • It is [his] countrie to a man, wheresoeuer hee dooth [or li­ueth] happily.
  • Hee is a poore man, not vvho hath little, but who
    is alwayes co­ueting more.
    coueteth more.
  • Naughty com­pany.
    Peruerse fellowships do beare euill fruit.
  • Shamefastness being lost, all ver­tue
    doth rush down or decay of a sudden.
    dooth fall downe, [or come to nothing.]
  • Things past doe compell vs to haue
    a reason, or consideration.
    a regard of things to come.
  • It is
    a faire thing.
    a goodly thing
    to commute, to do good for euill.
    to change iniuries into fauour.
  • It doth hurt
    children to drink wine.
  • [Page 31]That which is taken vp sudden­lie, is not
    not continu­ing, or durable.
    long lasting.
  • Those things which are seene.
    What things are seene, are more certaine then what are heard.
  • What thing any man loueth ve­hemently, hee cannot
    be forgetfull of that.
    forget that.
  • Thou thy selfe shalt not do that,
    which thou blamest others for.
    which thou turnest for a vice to others.
  • Whatsoeuer dooth happen be­sides hope,
    depute, or ac­count that thing to be gained.
    depute it to be in gaine.
  • They that doe
    fly often, do shun.
    flie labours, do wish holy-daies.
  • Whosoeuer refuseth labor
    doth get no good.
    doth not beare fruit.
  • See often what thou sayest,
    concerning a­ny man and to whom.
    of any man, and to whom.
  • That which many men do, is not good straight way.
    That thing is not good foorth­with, which many men do.
  • VVhat thing [seemeth] good to one [man,] seemeth euill to another [man.]
  • That thing which is not in­ured.
    What thing is not accustomed, [to labour] doth refuse labour.
  • [Hee] who hasteth ouermuch, [Page]
    doth absolue later.
    doth finish more lately.
  • [He] who knoweth not to dis­semble, knoweth not
    to gouerne.
    to beare rule.
  • Let him wish nothing more,
    who hath e­nough.
    to whom that doth happen which is enough.
  • [Hee] who knoweth not him­selfe
    to do euill.
    to sin, will not bee cor­rected.
  • How many e­uils, doth idle­nesse bring to men?
    Idlenesse dooth bring to men very many euils.
  • Thou shalt correct, [or amend] by no labour.
    Thou shalt correct by no busi­nesse [that thing] which is
    ingrafted by nature, [ Al. Thou shalt not correct by any businesse.]
  • Euery man
    taketh good heede to, or is carefull for.
    watcheth to that thing which hee earnestly de­sireth.
  • Hee, who
    doth place a good turne vp­on an vngrateful man.
    bestoweth a benefit, vppon an vnthankfull man, doth lose
    his di­ligence.
    his labour.
  • That thing is not easily chan­ged, which is na­turall.
    VVhatsoeuer is naturall, that thing is not easily changed.
  • He that
    taketh or see­keth greedily.
    catcheth at [or hunteth after] a double commoditie
    at once,
    is deceiued of.
    is frustrate of both.
  • [Page 32]
    No man can shun.
    It is lawful to no man to
    shun that thing which is decreed by destinies.
  • What thing is done, cannot bee made vndone.
  • VVhat Arte euery man
    hath knowen, let him exercise him­self in this, [or Let euery man followe the Arte which hee knoweth.
  • [They] who
    talke of, or vaunt of.
    doe make report more arrogantly of them­selues, haue
    bad neighbors
    euil neighbours.
  • Those things which thou suffe­rest
    deseruedly, are to bee borne
    lightly, or pati­ently.
  • A diuerse fortune is to be feared,
    A cōtrary state.
    in things
    most prospe­rous, or chiefly prosperous.
    especially prospe­rous.
  • [Our]
    matter, state, or goods.
    substance cannot stand sure [or abide] vvhen
    our expense or laying out.
    our cost [or spending]
    doth exceed.
    doth go beyond [our] gaine.
  • A matter little in the beginning, doth increase into a greater.
  • A thing hard to bee done,
    yet or neuer­thelesse.
    is brought to passe.
    is ouercom by [Page] continuall
  • The custome
    of an euill thing.
    of a thing not good, is the worst.
  • Humane things are
    prone, incli­ned, or turning to.
    ready to fall
    to decay.
    to corruption by nature.
  • It is an euil thing, to
    couet greedily
    couet ma­ny things.
  • [He is] a great king, whosoeuer, if he shall rule well.
  • A friend ha­uing compassiō.
    A compassionate friend, [or a friend suffering with vs,] is
    a comfort.
    a solace in miseries.
  • Prosperitie.
    Prosperous things doe make madde, and do destroy vnwa­ry [men.]
  • Idleness
    belong to old age.
    is of old age, and
    rest [is of old age.]
  • Wisedome is oftentimes euen vnder
    an ill fauoured, or poore little cloke.
    a base cloke.
  • Anger
    is often
    for small causes.
    of most light causes.
  • It is not an easie thing, to fly without
    wings, or pens.
  • A clear, or loud crie, or a good name.
    A famous cry is
    the best dowrie.
    the houshold stuffe, [or instore] of a wo­man.
  • [Page 33]
    The best wits lie hid.
    The chiefest wits doe lie oft times in a secret [place.]
  • Euery one.
    Euery man
    doth like of.
    doth approue his owne study especially.
  • It is wisedome, to learne of a wise man.
  • The tongue ought
    to be gouerned
    to be ruled, with the chiefest care.
  • They are fooles, who will not be corrected.
  • All fortune is to be ouercome by bearing.
  • If thou canst not [doe] what thou wilt, thou maiest will that thing which thou canst.
  • An old man is
    troublesome, to the company of young men.
  • There is not any thing more worthy then wisedome.
  • A wise man hath all
    substance in himselfe.
  • Neuer
    bewray, vtter, reueale, or be­tray.
    disclose the secrets of [thy] minde.
  • It is
    a reproachfull thing.
    a dishonest thing to a wise man, to say I haue not thought.
  • choise, or pic­ked as out of a flock.
    Egregious [or most excellent] vertue hath beene enuied al­wayes
    of euill men.
    to euill [men.]
  • [Page]An olde man doth see many things which
    he would not.
    he will not.
  • If thou shalt say what things thou wilt, thou shalt heare what things thou wilt not, [or Thou shalt heare what things thou wilt not, if thou shalt say what thou wilt.]
  • Oft times all the people
    doth suffer punishment for, or satisfie for, or redeeme.
    dooth pay for [or rue] the euill deeds of an euill man.
  • A foole is changed
    like as, or in like manner as.
    euen as the moone.
  • Thou maiest ouercom
    oft times.
    often by patience, whom thou shalt not ouercome
    by force.
    by violence.
  • Things
    not ouer­come.
    inuincible otherwise, may be
    ouercome by fight.
    ouercome [or con­quered]
    by mony alone
    by only money.
  • It is better
    to remedy, or help.
    to cure the begin­nings then the end.
  • The
    of one hand a­lone.
    of a solitarie hand, is
    not valiant.
    feeble [or weak.]
  • Life is
    is not pleasant.
    vnsweet [or vnpleasant] without a friendly conuictour. [or companiō to liue with vs.]
  • No man doth offend
    by holding his peace, or by si­lence.
    by being silent; by speaking, very often.
  • [Page 34]
    We all in com­mon.
    [We] all doe despise in [or commonly] present things.
  • Euery man dis­likes his owne estate.
    It doth repent euery man of his owne lot, [or conditiō] he doth admire anothers mans [lot.]
  • We are able [to do] nothing with­out
    the help of God
    the diuine help.
  • God
    doth direct.
    doth lead [or guide] al­waies a like man to a like.
  • Wee doe imbrace very often the worst things, for good things.
  • A mind
    ouer suspicious.
    presaging [or ghessing before] ouermuch, doth feare alwaies.
  • It is better
    to be silent.
    to holde the peace, then
    to vtter.
    to speake out
    things not to be spoken.
    things to be kept silent.
  • The
    euent [or end] [is] often­times vnlike to the counsell.
  • the issue.
    The ende and going out of a thing, is to bee looked to al­waies.
  • No time is to bee
    spent vnprofi­tably.
    passed ouer vnfruitfully.
  • [Page]Such things shallbe sayd to thee,
    of what sort, or as.
    what ones thou thy selfe shalt say.
  • Men
    do iudge at length.
    doe iudge then,
    where it doth repent now [or when they begin to repent.]
  • Time doth bring truth to light.
  • A drunken man
    when he is a­sleepe.
    sleeping is not to be stirred vp.
  • Slownesse in dooing things, [is]
  • Euery one.
    Euery man is had [or accoun­ted] of so great
    reckoning, or worth.
    how much wealth he hath.
    how much he hath.
  • Euery one is made such a one,
    as they with whom he is fa­miliar.
    [as] with what ones he doth [or hath] familiarity.
  • Bashfulnesse is a good signe in a young man.
  • Violence dooth bring forth ha­tred: hatred [doth bring forth] dissensions.
  • violence.
    Force dooth profit nothing, without counsell.
  • Where euery one hath his trea­sure, there also he hath his heart.
  • As thou shalt speak, so thou shalt be answe­red.
    As thy speech, shal be, so it shall [Page 35] be answered vnto thee.
  • The will is to be praysed often­times, where strength
    is wanting, or away.
    are wanting.
  • Will and labour
    do breed, or in­uent.
    doe procreate Arts.
  • A woman is
    variable and muta­ble alwaies.
  • A wife which hath lost chastity, hath lost all things
  • Wee learne
    the faults.
    the vices of wiues after mariages.
  • Men
    are catched.
    are taken with pleasure, as fishes [are taken] with a hook.
  • The onely
    place of refuge, or succour.
    refuge in pouertie is Art [or skill.]
  • Prepare [thy] liuing
    from what place soeuer.
    howsoeuer▪ but not
    from vice.
    of sin, [or by wicked­ness.]
  • Nature hath giuen
    a fault.
    a vice
    to euery man, or euery creature.
    to e­uery one created.
  • Where any man grieueth, he hath also his hand
    in the same place.
  • Our life is like a bubble
    on the water.
    in the water.
  • Cheerfulness, [or pleasantness] of wine
    doth lessen.
    doth diminish
    the sorrow, or wearisomenesse.
    the grief of old age.

Holy. Sacred sentences to be taught. to be propoun­ded, to schollars. to the learned youth vpon the feast dayes, or holy dayes. in the festiuall dayes.

  • We are able to doe.
    We can doe nothing with­out God.
  • God doth
    strictly require
    exact the affection of the heart.
  • The Lord is wont to be present
    to men in af­fliction.
    to afflicted [men.]
  • All things
    hang vpon.
    doe depend of God.
  • We must not respect earthly things.
    Wee must not looke back to earthly things.
  • A tree is knowen
    by the fruits.
    of the fruits.
  • We must be do­ing good.
    We must work well
  • Our
    troubles, or crosses.
    aduersities [are] from God.
  • Couetousness.
    doth cause.
    doth bring in forget­fulnes of God.
  • We must adde nothing.
    Nothing is to be added to the word of God.
  • All things are to bee hoped for
    from the Lord onely.
    from the Lord alone.
  • The word of God being lost, all things are lost.
  • [Page 36]
    The saluation.
    The health of the soule dooth depend of the word of God.
  • Couetous [men]
    do laugh at.
    do deride the word of God.
  • The Lord doth cast down
    proud, or pre­sumptuous men.
    bold [men.]
  • Sinne is deriued from Adam to vs.
  • All things which we neede.
    All things are giuen from God which we haue need of, [or do need.]
  • Man
    is prone.
    is ready to vanitie by na­ture.
  • Help, or suc­cour.
    Ayde is to be
    to be looked for.
    expected from the Lord.
  • Auarice.
    Couetousnesse doth blind and harden the heart.
  • God is the author of all works.
  • The blessing of God
    doth make all things plentious.
    dooth make fruitfull all things.
  • All good things are giuen
    to the beleeuer.
    to a man beleeuing.
  • We are only
    stuards of our good things.
    dispensours of our goods.
  • The goodnesse of God dooth
    shine bright, or appeare.
    shine out in all things.
  • We must not contend.
    We must not war except neces­sity
  • [Page]
    Men mouing warre, are oft o­uercome first.
    The first men mouing war, are ouercome oftentimes.
  • Kingdoms gotten
    in warre.
    by war,
    are ouerthrown or lost.
    do perish in war.
  • Good things
    do come to.
    do happen to the godly, by the grace of God.
  • Good works
    do declare, or approue.
    do proue faith.
  • The blessing of the Lord, dooth nourish and
    men belieuing.
    the beleeuers.
  • The knowledge of God
    brings euerla­sting life.
    [is] e­ternall life.
  • All things
    are made, or do come to passe.
    are done by the counsell of God.
  • All things are possible
    to a beleeuer.
    to [a man] beleeuing.
  • The counsells of God are not changed.
  • All good things are
    giuē, or impar­ted.
    to [men] beleeuing.
    to beleeuers.
  • God dwelleth in Christians.
    Christiās are the temple of God.
  • Loue.
    Charity is the
    note, or mark.
    badge of belee­uers.
  • Charity is
    the fulfilling.
    the fulnesse of the law.
  • [
    No counsell is.
    There is] no counsell against the Lord.
  • [Page 37]Carnall men doe not
    perceiue things belonging to Gods kingdom.
    see the kingdome of God.
  • Sole confi­dence, or confi­dence alone is to be had in God.
    Confidence is to bee had only in God.
  • [Hee] who hath Christ by faith
    that which is better then all.
    hath all things.
  • Christ is
    the treasure­house.
    the treasure of al good things.
  • The cross doth follow
    men confes­sing the faith.
    the con­fession of faith.
  • Glory doth follow the cross, [or sufferings for Christ.]
  • We must
    haue cōpassion.
    suffer together with all men.
  • The cross is the
    triall, or pro­uing.
    trying of faith.
  • All things are to be done, with
    a certaine.
    a sure conscience.
  • Blindness is a punishment of the
    contempt of the worde of God.
  • All things are to bee done by counsell
    painfulness, or diligence.
    and industry.
  • All misery.
    Euery calamity is a punishment of sins.
  • Beleeuers doe commit all things to God.
  • men beleeuing.
    Beleeuers in Christ haue eternal life.
  • [Page]The Church is to bee
    ruled by concord.
  • All power is giuen to Christ.
  • [
    He heareth Christ who &c.
    He] who is of the truth, doth heare Christ.
  • All creatures do obey Christ.
  • The kingdome of Christ shall
    for an euerla­sting time.
    for euer.
  • [There is] no worship of God without faith.
  • The counsell of God is
  • All care [is] to be committed to God.
  • Christ only, or Christ alone.
    One Christ dooth deliuer from death.
  • Nothing can bee wanting
    to them that follow.
    to [men] following Christ.
  • It is to be done.
    We must
    do bountifully with our enemies.
  • Greedy desire▪
    Couetousnesse of hauing, is the root of all
    euill [things]
  • It is not to be trusted to vs. pordered by God.
    We must not trust in man.
  • The counsels of men are
    ordered by God.
    mode­rated from God.
  • There is no remedy against death
  • The wil of God is to be looked to in all things.
  • [Page 38]God doth help in afflictions.
  • God
    careth for vs.
    hath the care of vs.
  • Nothing is to bee
    condemned rashly.
  • A reason [or an account] is
    to be giuen.
    to be rendered
    of euery idle word.
    of an idle word.
  • God doth amēd vs
    by affliction.
    by the cross.
  • God is
    the spring or cause.
    the fountain of al good things.
  • God doth help
    his children speedily, or of a sudden.
    his suddenly.
  • God alone [is] the searcher of the hearts.
  • Euery thing is possible.
    Nothing is not possible, [or is impossible] to God.
  • God is
    the maker.
    the builder of al things.
  • God doth
    succour in time.
  • Only God.
    God alone is eternal.
  • God
    is knowen.
    is acknowledged by faith▪
  • God [is] the hope of faithfull [men.]
  • Nothing is
    hid to God.
  • All things
    are manifest.
    lie open to God.
  • God doth
    rule all things.
  • Euery doctrine [is] to be
  • God
    hath set vnder.
    hath subdued all things to man.
  • God doth not respect persons.
  • [Page]God doth see, and doth heare all things.
  • The counsells of God are
    hidden frō vs.
    hid to vs.
  • Wee must obey God more then men.
  • God
    hath reserued.
    hath kept all things
    for himselfe.
    to himselfe alone.
  • Nothing [is] to be added to the commandements of God.
  • Riches
    do come to vs, or fall out.
    do happen by the bles­sing of God.
  • God dooth deliuer his,
    in the time ap­poynted.
    in his owne time.
  • The rich [man] & the poor man, are made of God.
  • Where God is not, there [is] no­thing.
  • Mans subtlety.
    Humane subtletie
    can conceale.
    can hide God nothing, [or can hide no­thing from God.]
  • God
    being an ad­uersary.
    being against vs, all crea­tures are against vs.
  • God will not
    haue men.
    men to be idle.
  • The couetous desire of riches
    doth draw vs from God.
    doth lead away [men] frō God.
  • God doth feede and
    preserue vs.
    keepe vs
    beyond our care.
  • [Page 39]God is
    a spirituall na­ture.
    a spirit, and
    to bee worshipped.
    to be ado­red in spirit.
  • The works and counsels of God are
    not to be sear­ched out.
  • God doth re­mit sins alone, and freely.
    God alone and freely doth re­mit sins.
  • God doth work all good works in vs.
  • God dooth
    admonish by his word, before he do punish.
  • God doth correct, but not cast a­way his.
  • A man
    exalting, or lifting vp.
    extolling himselfe shall be humbled.
  • The examples of many men are not to be imitated.
    shalbe brought lowe.
  • Outwarde things, or with­out a man.
    Externall things do not defile the man.
  • [Those things]
    come to passe.
    fall out, not which we
    appoint, but which
  • God hath
  • It is blindnes to care for outward things, the inward things be­ing
    not regarded.
  • The
    amending of [our] life is by the law of God.
  • Foolishness [is] a punishment of drunkenness.
  • [Page]Nothing is wanting
    to the faithfull.
    to faithfull men.
  • The world hateth the faithfull.
  • Rage.
    doth marre.
    doth depraue the iudge­ments.
  • Faith is the gift of God.
  • Faith
    onely dooth iustifie, [or make vs to stand iustified, or iust in Gods sight.]
  • Faith is giuen
    without any desert.
  • God doth
    respect faith.
  • Works are the signes of faith.
  • Faith maketh the sonnes of God.
  • Faith is
    is tried.
    proued in aduersity.
  • The death of the faithful is life.
  • God cares for faithfull men.
    Faithfull [men] are a care to God.
  • The faithfull
    haue enough.
    are satisfied in the time of
    hunger, or dearth.
  • Faith
    doth rest vpon.
    doth leane vpō the word of God.
  • the carking care.
    The care
    of things to come.
    of future things is vnprofitable to vs.
  • The faithfull doe not perish
    for lack of food.
    with hunger.
  • True faith cannot be
  • [Page 40]
    Euery mans faith.
    The faith of euery one is know­en
    of his fruits.
    by fruits.
  • Glory is to be giuen to God, not
    to our selues.
    to vs.
  • God dooth heare
    the groanings, or mournings.
    the sighes of the oppressed.
  • Ouermuch talk.
    Pratling is not without sin.
  • Pratling is
    a signe.
    an argument of foo­lishnesse and
    of lying.
    of a lie.
  • God doth promise good things by grace
    to them not yet borne.
    to [men] not yet borne.
  • God doth lift vp
    the lowly.
    the humble.
  • We must not
    trust in man.
    trust to man.
  • All things do serue man.
  • Humility doth please God.
    God will haue humility.
  • The life of man is a warfare.
  • Honour
    it belongs on­ly to God, or comes only from God.
    is of God alone.
  • Mans inde­uours are vnpr [...] fitable without God.
    Humane indeauours are not vnprofitable.
  • Humane comforts do perish.
  • Man is a
    miserable, or subiect to cala­mity.
    calamitous liuing creature▪
  • Man is borne
    to misery.
    to to calamity.
  • [Page]Man doth receiue all things from God.
  • God dooth giue his gifts
    to the humble.
    to humble [men.]
  • Men are gouerned by wisedom; not by their strength.
  • God
    doth bring down.
    dooth humble all high things.
  • The heart of man [is]
    wicked, of the one nature.
  • Humane reason dooth not ac­knowledge God.
  • Man is
    the cause of his owne misery.
    the authour of calami­ties, to his owne selfe.
  • [It is] the best reuenge, to ouer­come an enemy
    by deseruing well.
    by a benefit.
  • The iudgements of God are vn­searchable.
  • Disobedience displeaseth God.
  • It is
    a perilous thing to iudge others.
  • Infidelity
    doth make all things vncleane, or impure.
    doth defile all things.
  • Wee must iudge after the cause knowen.
  • The counsells of
    impious men.
    vngodly men do not
  • vnbeleefe.
    Incredulity is the roote of all sinnes.
  • [Page 41]Wicked men
    are ouer­thrown by their owne deuises.
    are consumed by their owne counsells.
  • Wicked men doe contemne the gifts of God.
  • [
    They who knowe not.
    Men] not knowing the law of God are accursed.
  • All things are to be
    attempted, or taken in hand.
    gone vnto in the feare of God.
  • It is
    a delight; or pleasure.
    a will to wicked men to hurt another mans
    good name, or credit.
  • Wee are saued in the name of Ie­sus
  • Wee must not
    be lazie, or sleepie.
    be drowsie in good works.
  • What thing
    an vngodly.
    a wicked man doth feare especially,
    that thing.
    [it] dooth happen to him.
  • All things
    do fall out.
    doe giue place [or turne] vnto euill to vngod­ly men.
  • The liuing is to bee gotten with labour.
  • God doth blesse liberall men.
  • Wee must labour that wee may
    benefit, or doe good to.
    profit [our] neighbour.
  • The
    mirth, gladnes, reioycing.
    ioy of iust men doth neuer perish.
  • [Page]
    Plenty, or multitude.
    Store of children [is] the best gift of God.
  • Longer life,
    longer misery.
    long continuing calamity.
  • We must obey the Magistrate.
  • There is a cer­taine time of death.
    The time of death [is] certain.
  • Diseases do come from sin.
  • Honour is to be
    exhibited to our
    el­ders, or greater.
  • Miracles are not done rashly
    from God.
    of God.
  • Euill [men] are to be punished, that good [men] bee not hurt.
  • The mercy of God is the begin­ning of our
  • The mercy of God is necessary to all [men.]
  • Doth not follow, or seldom
    A hard death doth follow a good life.
  • [
    They who o­bey not.
    Men] not obeying wholesom admonitions do perish.
  • Death hath no
    power, or au­thority.
    right vpon the beleeuers.
  • An euill Magistrate is giuen to an euill people.
  • Euill is not
    put away by a­ny other means.
    driuen away by an [Page 42] other meanes then by good.
  • God doth vse euill [men] as in­struments.
  • We must not iudge rashly.
  • No euill
    will be vnpu­nished.
    [is] vnpunished.
  • Nothing is worse then
  • We must
    speak euill to no man.
  • No man [is] without sin.
  • No man [is] innocent before God.
  • No man [is] borne to himselfe
  • A iust [man] doth abuse nothing.
  • Vngodly [men]
    doe not indure chastisement.
    do not beare correction.
  • Nothing is more easie then
    to charge false­ly, or deceitfully.
    to accuse maliciously.
  • No Prophet [is] accepted in [his owne] countrey.
  • The number of the people of God [is]
    the smallest.
    the fewest.
  • We can do nothing of our selues.
  • Nothing is more
    pestilent then euill doctrine.
  • God doth not forget his.
  • Nothing is more blind then the [Page] heart
    of an vngodly man.
    of a wicked man.
  • God
    doth stay for, or regard.
    doth pass for [or esteem]
    no externall thing.
    no outward thing.
  • Thou hast not begun well e­nough, vnless thou perseuer.
  • God doth
    curse idlenesse.
  • We all are sinners.
  • All the works of men [are]
  • The work-man [is] worthy his meate.
  • A new life [is] the best repen­tance.
  • The lust, or feru'ent desire.
    The concupiscence of the eyes doth deceiue.
  • All our things
    are in the hands
    are put in the hand of God.
  • All things are possible
    to him that be­leeueth.
    to the beleeuer.
  • God doth not respect the work, but the minde.
  • All things are
    made for man.
  • All things are made by the word of God.
  • All things are to be
    expounded, or construed to the best.
    interpreted to the better.
  • Opportunity [is] to be obserued [Page 43]
    not no where.
    euery where.
  • Drowsiness of praying [is]
    an euill signe.
    an euill presage.
  • God doth cast down the mighty▪
  • The Lord
    doth foster, or make much of.
    dooth cherish the godly.
  • Sin [is] the cause of death.
  • Charity
    doth not think the worst, nor spread haynous sinnes.
    doth couer sins.
  • The punishment of vngodly [men] [is] eternall.
  • We ought to obey our parents.
  • The memory of godly [men] [is] eternall.
  • God doth reuenge the poore.
  • Sinnes are not
    blotted out, or abolished.
    put out by works.
  • Sweet things are
    kept to godly men with bitter things.
  • All things doe fall out
    to godly men.
    to the godly, to good.
  • A good prince is giuen from the Lord.
  • Sinnes are
    by the grace.
    of the grace of God.
  • God doth feede his
    most certainly.
    most sure­ly.
  • [Page]It is a sinne which is without faith, or That is a sin which is without faith.]
  • There is
    no acception of per­sons with God.
  • The hirelings wage, or hire.
    The wage is not to be deferred to the poore.
  • Onely God.
    God alone doth remit sins.
  • The world is gouerned by the prouidence of God.
  • The mercifull God is the best in­heritance.
  • A boy.
    A childe doth bring
    nourish­ments, with him into the world.
  • Hee who
    sueth after.
    goeth about more,
    gets lesse.
  • They who
    indeuour, or attempt.
    goe about great things,
    bring nothing to passe.
    effect nothing.
  • The Common-wealth doth flo­rish for the godly.
  • It shall bee
    rendered to euery one according to his deeds.
  • Good counsel.
    Right admonitions doe make
    reprobate men, or cast-awayes.
    reprobates worse.
  • We must vse our goods: but wee [Page 44] must not
    trust to them.
    trust [in them.]
  • Reprehension let it be.
    Let reprehension bee without
    detraction, or euill surmise.
    malitious accusation.
  • Olde age [is] to be
  • God doth destroy the
    proud men.
  • Euill
    societie [is] to be shunned.
  • The successe is
    of God.
    from God.
  • Pride [is] the destroyer of soules.
  • A
    offence, or a­ny thing wherby another taketh harme.
    scandall is not to be giuen to children.
  • Wisedom doth defend; not wea­pons.
  • The end of se­ditious men hath neuer bin happy.
    It hath neuer fallen out happi­ly to seditious men, [or muti­nous, or factious men louing discord.]
  • No man is saued without faith in Christ.
  • No man is vvise vvithout the word of God.
  • Wise men
    do indure cor­rection, or take it patiently.
    do beare correction.
  • Sathan cannot hurt,
    except God do giue him leaue.
    God not permitting.
  • God doth make the counsells of wise men
    frustrate, or vaine.
  • Humane wisedome [is] foolish in the things of God.
  • [Page]We must be angry slowly.
  • Rest, or quiet­nesse.
    Tranquillity [is] not to be
    hoped for.
    ho­ped in this life.
  • Men fearing the Lord
    will liue well.
    shal liue well.
  • The will of God [is] good.
  • We are nourished
    by his cōmand or appointment.
    by the word of God.
  • The will of the Lord [is] stable.
  • The Lord doth forbid reuenge.
  • The truth
    alwaies will haue.
    will haue alwaies per­secutors.
  • A good wife is giuē of the Lord.
  • Let euery one look to his own vocation.
    His owne vocation is to be ca­red for to euery one.
  • The contempt of truth [is] the most greeuous sinne.
  • It is the grea­test fortitude, to ouercom coue­tousnes, or inor­dinate desire.
    To ouercom couetousness [is] the greatest fortitude.

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