❀ The besieging of Berghen vppon zoom by the Prince of Parman the Monethes of September and October last 1588.


THe Towne of Bergen vpon Zoom, with her Palisades / prouided with all kinde of ammunition, Also with about foure thousand English Souldiers / besides three or foure lustie companies of Horssemen, the [...]y Lorde Willebuy [...] companie: the other, Capitaine Parkars: the third, Capitaine Baxes, besides other dutch souldiours and Borgers. 2 The gate called Steenberg-gate. 3 The Ham gate. 4 The Water gate. 5 The Bos-gate. 6 The [...]sche gate. 7 The Bagine poorte: About foure yeres ago, the en [...]ie came from vnderneath this gate into the towne, but were expulsed by Monsieur de la garde, being slaine on the e [...]ies side aboue 300. [...]. 8 The Marquis Court. 9 A little Shansse close to the towne. 10 A secret sallie, called Hell gate. 11 The Fort called The Priestes cappe. 12 The N [...]rd skansse: This s [...]anse the enime thought to haue gotten, by m [...] of promising a su [...] noney vnto an Enseigne bearer of the said Fort Maister Grimstone, who went vnto the Prince of Parnia, and promised him to deliuer, vnto him the Fort: And least the Prince should doubt any thing, the said M. Grimstone suffered him­to be brought vnto the Fort his armes tyed with matches, and men with daggers readie to kill him: So he entred into the Fort with a munber of the eniemie, and cried arme, arme, thinking to haue bin [...] the Fort: But our mening intelligence of it, preuented their purpose, and many of them were slaine, others drowned, besides certen Noble men taken prisoner. 13 The great Skansse on the South side: betwene these Skansses, [...] Hauen. 14 This it is called Wilfords Fort, or Parmaes Spectacles, which was made in the time the towne was besieged. 15 The head of Berghen, with his batterie. 16 The Fort called, Stande fast, with his batterie, [...]h also was made in the [...]ging. Casterly from this Fort Stand fast, vpon the Dythe, came the enimie with his batterie: but our men charged them with their batterie from Stande fast, so soare, that they were forced to retire. 17 [...]on gate. 18 The Ca­ [...]f Borguliet. 19 The Prince of Parma his Tente. 20 The Spaniardes quarter. 21 The Alemans quarter. 22 A mountayne called Ryserbergh. 23 The Marquis of Renti his quarter. 24 Our horssemen issu­he Towne, came on a suddaine on the en [...]ie, and charged them so fiercely, that they flewe many of them, putting the rest to flight. 25 The Raber-mount. 26 Our shipp of warre. 27 The [...] the Towne. 28 Ca­ [...]ne Bare with his company of horssemen. 29 Shy Lorde Willebuis company of horssemen. 30 Capitaine Parkars companie. These three companies, of most valiaunt courage issued almost [...]p, running fiercely e­minie, and killing many of them.

By the water gate Eastward was Captaine Morgans Rauelyne. By the Houwer was Capitaine Druries Bullewark. By the Myll Eastwarde, was Lagarde Reueline. This is (gentle Reader) shortlie the state of Bergen vpon Zoom, as it was besiged by the enimie in the mouethes of Septemb. and Octob. last 1588. And howe wonderfully the Lorde hath deliuered it, to [...] by meanes of senvinge heauen aboundance of rayne, and other infinite mumber of meanes more which the Lord hath to preserue his people, and to bring his enimies to confusion, as of late also we seen the wonderfull [...] the Lorde, by sending [...]htre Southerly winde, whereby to conforme that mightie and proude Name of Spaine. &c. It resteth [...]re on our behalfe, considering on the Lordes side there are meanes left left whereby a [...]that wee render to [...] and thankes, all the dayes of our life,


Printed at Middleborough, by Richard Schilders.

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