The boke of keruynge

[four diners (two men -- one wearing a crown -- and two women) seated at a table, one servant standing to the left and presenting a dish; two other servants and a jester standing by in the foreground]

¶ Here begynneth the boke of keruynge and sewynge / and all the feestes in the yere for the seruyce of a prynce or ony other estate as ye shall fȳde eche offyce the seruyce accordynge in this boke folowynge.

¶ Termes of a keruer.

  • BReke that dere
  • lesche y t brawne
  • rere that goose
  • lyft that swanne
  • sauce that capon
  • spoyle that henne
  • frusshe that chekyn
  • vnbrace that malarde
  • vnlace that cony
  • dysmembre that heron
  • dysplaye that crane
  • dysfygure that pecocke
  • vnioynt that bytture
  • vntache that curlewe
  • alaye that fesande
  • wynge that partryche
  • wynge that quayle
  • mynce that plouer
  • thye that pegyon
  • border that pasty
  • thye that wodcocke
  • thye all maner of small byrdes
  • tymbre that fyre
  • tyere that egge
  • chyne that samon
  • strynge that lampraye
  • splatte that pyke
  • sauce that playce
  • sauce that tenche
  • splaye that breme
  • syde that haddocke
  • tuske that barbell
  • culpon that troute
  • fynne that cheuen
  • transsene that ele
  • traunche that sturgyon
  • vndertraunche y t purpos
  • tayme that crabbe
  • barbe that lopster
¶ Here hendeth the goodly termes.

¶ Here begynneth Butler and Panter.

THou shalte be Butler and Panter all the fyrst yere / and ye muste haue thre pantry knyues / one knyfe to square trēchoure loues / an other to be a [Page]chyppere / the thyrde shall be sharpe to make smothe trēchoures / than chyppe your soueraynes brede hote and all other brede let it be a daye olde / housholde brede thre dayes olde / trenchour brede foure dayes olde / than loke your salte be whyte and drye / the planer made of Iuory two inches brode & thre inches longe / & loke that youre salte seller lydde touche not the salte / thā loke your table clothes towelles and napkyns be fayre folden in a cheste or hāged vpon a perche / than loke your table knyues he fayre pullysshed & your spones clene / than loke ye haue two tarryours a more & a lesse & wyne cannelles of boxe made accordynge / a sharpe gymlot & faucettes. And whan ye sette a pype on broche do thus / set it foure fynger brede aboue y e nether chyme vpwardes aslaunte / and than shall y e lyes neuer a ryse. Also loke ye haue in all seasons but­ter chese apples peres nottes plommes grapes dates fygges & raysyns compost grene gynger and chardequynce. Serue fastynge butter plommes damesons cheryes and grapes. after mete peres nottes strawberyes hurtelberyes & harde chese. Also brandrels or pepyns with carawey in confetes. After souper rost apples & peres with blaunche poudre & harde chese / be ware of cowe creme & of good strawberyes hurtelberyes Iouncat for these wyll make your souerayne seke but he ete harde chese / harde chese hath these ope­racyōs / it wyll kepe y e stomacke open / butt (er) is holsome fyrst & last for it wyll do awaye all poysōs / mylke creme & Iouncat they wyll close the mawe & so dooth a posset / therfore ete harde chese & drynke romney mo­dō / beware of grene sallettes & rawe fruytes for they wyll make your sourayne seke / therfore set not mo­che [Page]by suche metes as wyll set your tethe on edge therfore ete an almonde & harde chese / but ete non moche chese without romney modon. Also yf dyuers drȳkes yf theyr fumosytees haue dyspleased your souerayne let hȳ ete a rawe apple and y e fumosytees wyll cease mesure is a mery mene & it be well vsed / abstynēce is to be praysed whā god therwith is pleased. Also take good hede of your wynes euery nyght with a candell bothe rede wyne and swete wyne & loke they reboyle nor leke not / & wasshe y e pype hedes euery nyght w t colde water / & loke ye haue a chynchynge yron addes and lynen clothes yf nede be / & yf the reboyle ye shall knowe by the hyssynge / therfore kepe an empty pype with y e lyes of coloured rose & drawe the reboyled wyne to y e lyes & it shal helpe it. Also yf your swete wyne pale drawe it in to a romney vessell for lessynge.

¶ Here foloweth the names of wynes.

¶ Reed wyne / whyte wyne / clared wyne / osey / capryke / cāpolet / renysshe wyne / maluesey / bastarde / tyer romney / muscadell / clarrey / raspys / vernage / verna­ge wyne cut / pymente and ypocras.

For to make ypocras.

¶ Take gȳger / peper / graynes / canell / synamon / su­ger and tornsole / than loke ye haue fyue or syre bag­ges for your ypocras to renne in & a perche that your renners may ren on / than muste ye haue .vi. peautre basyns to stande vnder your bagges / than loke your spyce be redy / & your gynger well pared or it be beten [Page]to poudre than loke your stalkes of synamon be well coloured & swete canell is not so gentyll in operacyon synamon is hote and drye / graynes of paradico bē hote and moyste / gynger / graynes / longe peper / and s̄uger ben hote and moyst / synamō / canell & rede wyne ben hote and drye / tornsole is holsome / for reed wyne colourynge. Now knowe ye the proporcyons of your ypocras / than bete your poudres eche by themselfe & put them in bladders & hange your bagges sure that no bage touche other / but let eche basyn touche other let the fyrste basyn be of a galon and eche of the other of a potell / than put in your basyn a galō of reed wy­ne put therto your poudres and styre them well / than put them in to the fyrste bagge and let it renne / than put them in to the seconde bagge / than take a pece in your hande and assaye yf it be stronge of gynger / and alaye it with synamon / and it be stroge or synamon / alaye it with suger / and loke ye lette it renne thrughe syxe renners / & your ypocras shall be the fyner / than put your ypocras in to a close vessell and kepe the re­ceyte / for it wyll serue for sewes / than serue your souerayne with wafers and ypocras. Also loke your com­poste be fayre and clene / and your ale fyue dayes olde or men drynke it / thā kepe your hous of offyce clene & be curtoys of answere te eche persone and loke ye gy­ue no persone noo dowled drynke / for it wyll breke y e scabbe. And whan ye laye the clothe wype y e borde clene with a cloute / than laye a cloth a couche it is called take your felawe that one ende & holde you that other ende than drawe the clothe straught the bought on y e vtter edge / take the vtter parte & hange it euen / than take the thyrde clothe and laye y e bought on the inner [Page]edge / and laye estat with the vpper parte halfe a fote brode / than couer thy cupborde and thyn ewery with the towell of dyaper / than take thy towell about thy­necke and laye that one syde of y e towell vpon thy lefte arme / and there on laye your soueraynes napkyn / and laye on thyn arme seuen loues of brede with thre or foure trenchour loues with the ende of y e towell in the lefte hande as the maner is / than take thy salte seller in thy lefte hande and take the ende of y e towell in your ryght hande to bere in spones and knyues / than set your salt on the ryght syde where your souerayne shall sytte and on y e lefte syde the salte set your tren­chours / than laye your knyues & set your brede one lofe by an other / your spones and your napkyns fayre folden besyde your brede / than couer your brede and trenchoures spones and knyues / & at euery ende of y e table set a salte seller with two treachour loues / and yf ye wyll wrappe youre soueraynes brede stately ye muste square and proporcyon your brede and se that no lofe be more than an other / and than shall ye make your wrapper manly / than take a towell of reynes of two yerdes and an halfe and take the towell by y e en­des double and laye it on the table / than take the ende of y e bought a handfull in your hande and wrappe it harde and laye the ende so wrapped bytwene two to­welles vpon that ende so wrapped lay your brede botom to botom syxe or seuen loues / than set your brede manerly in fourme / and whan your soueraynes table is thus arayed couer all other bordes with salte tren­choures & cuppes. Also so thyn ewery be arayed with basyns & ewers & water hote & colde / and se' ye haue napkyns cuppes & spones / & se your pottes for wyne [Page]and ale be made clene and to y e surnape make ye cur­tesy with a clothe vnder a fayre double napry / thā ta­ke y e towelles ende nexte you / & the vtter ende of the clothe on the vtter syde of the table & holde these thre endes atones & folde them atones that a plyte passe not a fote brode / than laye it euen there it sholde lye. And after mete wasshe with that that is at y e ryghte ende of the table / ye muste guyde it out and the marshall must conuey it / and loke on eche clothe the ryght syde be outwarde & drawe it streyght / than must ye reyse the vpper parte of y e towell & laye it w tout ony gronynge / and at euery ende of y e towell ye must con­uey halfe a yerde that y e sewer may make estate reu [...] ­rently and let it be. And whan your souerayne hath wasshen drawe y e surnape euen / than bere the surna­pe to the myddes of the borde & take it vp before your souerayne & bere it in to y e ewery agayne. And whan your souerayne it set loke your towell be aboute your necke / than make your souerayne curtesy / than vncouer your brede & set it by the salte & laye your napkyn knyfe & spone afore hym / than knele on your knee tyll the purpayne passe eyght loues / & loke ye set at y e en­des of y e table foure loues at a messe / and se that eue­ry persone haue napkyn and spone / & wayte well to y e sewer how many dysshes be couered y e so many cup­pes couer ye / than serue ye forth the table manerly y t euery man may speke your curtesy.

¶ Here endeth of the Butler and Panter yoman of the seller and ewery.

And here foloweth sewynge of flesshe.

THe sewer muste sewe & from the borde conuey all maner of potages metes & sauces / & eue­ry daye comon with the coke and vnderstade & wyte how many dysshes shall be and speke with the panter and offycers of y e spycery for fruytes that shall be etē fastynge. Than goo to the borde of sewynge and se ye haue offycers redy to conuey & seruauntes for to bere your dysshes. Also yf marshall squyers and seruauntes of armes bo there thā serue forth your souerayne withouten blame.

¶ Seruyce.

¶ Fyrste sette ye forthe mustarde and brawne potage bete motton stewed. Fesande / swanne / capon / pygge venyson bake / custarde / and leche lombarde. Fruyter vaunte with a subtylte two potages blaūche māger and gelly. For standarde venyson roste kydde fawne & cony / bustarde storke crane pecocke with his tayle herōsewe bytture woodcocke partryche plouer rabettes grete byrdes larkes doucettes paynpuffe whyte leche ambre / gelly creme of almondes curlewe brewe snytes quayle sparowes martynet perche ī gelly / pe­typeruys quȳces bake leche dewgarde fruy [...]er fayge blandrelles or pepyns with carawaye in cōfettes wafers and ypocras they be agreable. Now this feest is done voyde ye the table.

¶ Here endeth the sewynge of flesshe.

And begynneth the keruynge of flesshe.

THe keruer must knowe the keruynge and the fayre hādlynge of a knyfe and how ye shall seche al maner of fowle / your knyfe muste be fayre and [Page]your hādes muste be clene & passe not two fyngers & a thombe vpon your knyfe. In y e myddes of your hā de set the halfe sure vnlassynge y e mynsȳge wich two fȳgers & a thombe keruynge of brede layenge & voydynge of crommes with two fyngers and a thombe / loke ye haue y e cure / set neuer on fysshe / flesshe / beest / ne sowle more than two fyngers and a thombe / than take your lofe in your lefte hande & holde your knyfe surely / enbrewe not the table clothe / but wype vpon your napkyn / than take your trenchouer lofe in your lefte hāde and with the edge of your table knyfe take vp your trenchours as nye the poynt as ye may / thā laye foure trenchours to your soferayne one by an o­ther / and laye theron other foure trenchours or elles twayne / than take a lofe in your lyfte hande & pare y e lofe roūde aboute / thā cut the ouer cruste to your so­uerayne and cut the nether cruste & voyde the paryn­ge & touche the lofe no more after it is so serued / than clense the table that the sewer may serue poure soue­rayne. Also ye muste knowe the fumosytces of fysshe flesshe and foules & all maner of sauces accordynge to theyr appetytes these ben the fumosytes / salte soure testy fatte fryed senewes skynnes hony croupes yon­ge feders heddes pygyons bones all maner of legges of bestees & fowles the vtter syde for these ben fumo­sytees laye them neuer to your souerayne.

¶ Seruyce.

¶ Take your knyfe in your hāde and cut brawne in y e dysshe as it lyeth & laye it on your soueraynes trenchour & se there be mustarde. Venyson with fourmē ty is good for your seuerayne touche not the venyso with your hāde but with your knyse cut it .xii. draugh­tes [Page]with the edge of your knyfe and cut it out in to y e fourmenty / doo in the same wyse with pesen & bacon befe chyne and mottō / pare the befe cut the mottō / & laye to your souerayne / beware of fumosytees / salte senewe fatte resty & rawe. In syrupe fesande partry­che stokdoue & chekyns / in the left hāde take them by the pynyō & with the foreparte of your knyfe lyfte vp your wȳges / than mynce it in to the syrupe / beware of skȳne rawe & senowe. Goos tele malarde & swan̄e reyse the legges than the wynges / laye the body in y e myddes or in a nother plater / the wynges in the myddes & the legges after lay the brawne bytwene the legges / & the wynges in the plater. Capō or henne of grece lyfte the legges thā the wynges & caste on wyne or ale than mynce the wynge & gyue your souerayne. Fesande partryche plouer or lapwynge reyse y e wynges & after the legges. woodcocke bytture egryt snyte curlewe & heronsewe vnlace them breke of the pynyons necke & becke / thā reyse the legges & let the fete be on styll than the wynges. A crane reyse the wynges fyrst & beware of the trumpe in his brest. Pecoke storke bustarde & shouyllarde vnlace them as a crane and let y e fete be on styll. Quayle sparow larke martynet pegyon swalowe & thrusshe y e legges fyrst thā y e wynges Fawne kyde and lambe laye the kydney to your souerayne thā lyfe vp the sholder & gyue your souerayne a rybbe. Venyson roste cut it in the dysshe & laye it to your souerayne. A cony lay hȳ on the backe cut away the ventes bytwene the hȳder legges breke the canell bone than reyse the sydes than lay the cony on y e wombe on eche syde the chyne y e two sydes departed from the chȳe thā laye the bulke chyne & sydes in y e dysshe [Page]Also ye must mȳce foure lesses to one morcell of mete that your souerayne may take it in the sauce. All bake metes that ben hote open them a boue the coffyn & all that ben colde opē theym in the mydwaye. Custarde cheke them inche square that your souerayne may ete therof. Doucettes pare awaye the sydes & the bottom beware of fumosytes. Fruyter vaunte fruyter say be good bett (er) is fruyter pouche apple fruyters ben good hote / and all colde fruters touche not. Tāsey is good hote wortes or gruell of befe or of mottō is good. Gelly mortrus creme almondes blaūche manger Iussell and charlet cabage and nombles of a dere ben good / & all other potage beware of.

¶ Here endeth y e keruynge of flessshe.

And begȳneth sauces for all maner of fowles.

MVstarde is good with brawne befe chyne ba­con & motton. Vergius is good to boyled chekyns and capon / swanne with cawdrons / rybbes of befe with garlycke mustarde peper vergyus gynger sauce to lābe pygge & fawne / mustarde & suger to fe­sande partryche and conye / sauce gamelyne to herō sewe egryt plouer & crane / to brewe curlewe salte suger & water of tame / to bustarde shouyllarde & bytture sauce gamelyne: woodcocke lapwȳge larke quayle mertynet venyson and snyte with whyte salte / sparowes & throstelles with salte & synamō / thus with all metes sauce shall haue the operacyons.

¶ Here endeth the sauces for all maner of fowles and metes.

¶ Here begynneth the feestes and seruyce from Eester vnto whytsondaye.

ON Eester daye & so forthe to Pētycost after y e seruȳge of the table there shall be set brede trē chours and spones after the estymacyō of them that shall syt there and thus ye shall serue your souerayne laye trēchours / & yf he be of a lower degre estate laye fyue trenchours / & yf he be of lower degre foure trenchours / & of an other degre thre trenchours / than cut brede for your souerayne after ye knowe his condycyons wheder it be cutte in ȳ myddes or pared or elles for to be cut in small peces. Also ye must vnderstāde how y e mete shall be serued before youre souerayne & namely on Eester daye after the gouernaunce & seruyce of y e countree where ye were borne. Fyrste on that daye he shall serue a calfe soden and blessyd / and than sodē egges with grene sauce and set them before the most pryncypall estate / and that lorde by cause of his hyghe estate shall departe them all aboute hym / than serue potage as wortes Iowtes or browes with befe mottō or vele / & capōs that ben coloured with saf­fron and bake metes. And the seconde course Iussell with mamony and rosted endoured / & pegyons with bake metes as tartes chewettes & flawnes & other af­ter the dysposycyon of the cokes. And at soupertyme dyuers sauces of mottō or vele in broche after the or­dynaunce of the stewarde / and than chekyns with bacon vele roste pegyons or lambe & kydde roste with y e heed & the portenaūce on lambe & pygges fete with vinegre & percely theron & a tāsye fryed & other ba­ke metes / ye shall vnderstāde this maner of seruyce [Page]dureth to Pentecoste saue fysshe dayes. Also take hede how ye shall araye these thynges before your soueray­ne / fyrst ye shall se there be grene sauces of sorell or of vynes that is holde a sauce for the fyrst course / and ye shall begyn to reyse the capon.

¶ Here endeth the Feest of Eester tyll Pentecoste.

And here begynneth keruyng of all maner of fowles.

¶ Sauce that capon. ¶ Take vp a capon & lyfte vp the ryght legge and the ryght wynge & so araye forth & laye hym in the plater as he sholde flee & serue your souerayne & knowe well that capons or chekyns ben arayed after one sauce the chekyns shall be sauced with grene sauce or vergyus.

¶ Lyfte that swanne. ¶ Take and dyghte hym as a goose but let hym haue a largyour brawne & loke ye haue chawdron.

¶ Alaye that fesande. ¶ Take a fesande and reyse his legges & his wynges as it were an henne & no sauce but onely salte.

¶ wynge that partryche. ¶ Take a partryche and reyse his legges and his wynges as a henne / & ye mynce hym sauce hym with wyn poudre of gynger & salte / that set it vpon a chaufyng­dysshe of coles to warme and serue it.

¶ wynge that quayle. ¶ Take a quayle and reyse his legges and his wynges as an henne and no sauce but salte.

Dysplaye that crane. ¶ Take a crane and vnfolde his legges and cut of his wynges by the Ioyntes than take vp his wynges and his legges and sauce hym with poudres of gynger mustarde vynegre and salte.

Dysmembre that heron. ¶ Take an heron and reyse his legges and his wynges as a crane and sauce hym with vynegre mustarde poudre of gynger and salte.

Vnioint that bytture. ¶ Take a bytture and reyse his legges & his wynges as an heron & no sauce but salte.

Breke that egryt. ¶ Take an egryt and reyse his legges and his wynges as an heron and no sauce but salte.

Vntache that curlewe. ¶ Take a curlewe and reyse his legges and his wyn­ges as an henne and no sauce but salte.

¶ Vntache that brewe. ¶ Take a brewe and reyse his legges and his wynges in the same maner and no sauce but onely salte & serue your souerayne.

Vnlace that cony. ¶ Take a cony and laye hym on the backe & cut awaye the ventes / than reyse the wynges and the sydes and laye bulke chyne and the sydes togyder sauce vynegre and poudre of gynger.

Breke that sarcell. ¶ Take a sarcell or a teele and reyse his wynges & his legges and no sauce but salte onely.

Mynce that plouer. ¶ Take a plouer and reyse his legges and his wynges as an henne and no sauce but onely salte.

A snyte. ¶ Take a snyte and reyse his wynges his legges and his sholdres as a plouer and no sauce but salte.

¶ Thye that woodcocke. ¶ Take a woodcocke & reyse his legges and his wyn­ges as an henne this done dyght the brayne.

And here begynneth the feest from Pentecost vnto mydsomer

IN the seconde course for the metes before sayd ye shall take for your sauces wyne ale vynegre and poudres after the mete be & gynger & canell from Pentecost to the feest of saynt Iohn baptyst. ¶ The fyrst course shall be befe motton soden with capons or rosted / & yf the capons be soden araye hym in the maner aforesayd. And whan he is rosted thou must caste on salte with wyne or with ale / thā take the capon by the legges & caste on the sauce & breke hym out & laye hym in a dysshe as he sholde flee. Fyrst ye shall cut the ryght legge and the ryght sholdre & bytwene the foure membres laye the brawne of the capon with the crou­pe in the ende bytwene the legges as it were possyble for to be Ioyned agayne togyder / & other bake metes after And in the seconde course potage shall be Iussell charlet or mortrus with yonge geese vele porke pygy­ons or chekyns rosted with payne puffe / truyters and other bake metes after the ordynaūce of the coke. Also the goose ought to be cut membre to membre begyn­nynge at the ryght legge and so forth vnder the ryght wynge & not vpon the Ioynte aboue / & it ought for to be eten with grene garlyke or with sorell or tender vynes or vergyus in somer season after the pleasure of your souerayne. Also ye shall vnderstande that all maner of fowle that hath hole fete sholde be reysed vnder the wynge and not aboue.

¶ Here endeth the feest from Pentecost to mydsomer.

And here begynneth from the feest of saynt Iohn̄ the baptyst vnto Myghelmasse.

IN the fyrst course potage wortes gruell & fourmenty with venyson and mortrus and pestelles of porke with grene sauce. Rosted capon swanne with chawdron. In the seconde course potage after the or­dynaunce of the cokes with rosted motton vele porke chekyns or endoured pygyons heron sewes fruyters or other bake metes / & take hede to the fesande he shall be arayed in the maner of a capon / but it shall be done drye without ony moysture and he shall be eten with salte and pouder of gynger. And the heronsewe shall be arayed in the same maner without ony moysture & he shulde be eten with salte and poudre. Also ye shall vnderstande that all maner of fowles hauynge open clawes as a capon shall be tyred and arayed as a capon and suche other.

¶ From the feest of saynt Myghell vnto the feest of Crystynmasse.

IN the fyrst course potage befe motton bacon or pestelles of porke or with goose capon mallarde swanne or fesande as it is before sayd with tartes or bake metes or chynes of porke. In the seconde course potage mortrus or conyes or sewe / than roste flesshe motton porke vele pullettes chekyns pygyons teeles wegyons mallardes partryche woodcoke plouer byt­ture curlewe heronsewe / venyson roost grete byrdes snytes fe [...]defayres thrusshes fruyters chewettes befe with sauce gelopere roost with sauce pegyll & other ba­ke [Page]metes as is aforesayde. And yf ye kerue afore your lorde or your lady ony soden flesshe kerue awaye the skȳne aboue / thā kerue resonably of y e flesshe to your lorde or laby & specyally for ladyes for y e wyll soone be angry for theyr thoughtes ben soone changed / and some lordes wyll be sone pleased & some wyll not / as they be of cōpleccyō. The goos & swanne may be cut as ye do other fowles y t haue hole fete or elles as your lorde or your lady wyll aske it. Also a swan̄e w t chawdron capō or fesande ought for to be arayed as it is a­foresayd / but the skynne must be had awaye / & whan they bē kerued before your lorde or your lady / for ge­nerally the skynne of all maner clouē foted fowles is vnholsome / & the skynne of all maner hole foted fowles bē holsome for to be eten. Also wete ye well that all maner hole foted fowles that haue theyr lyuȳg vpon the water theyr skynnes ben holsome & clene for by y e clenes of the water / & fysshe is theyr lyuynge. And yf that they ete ony stynkynge thynge it is made so clene with y e water that all the corrupcyon is clene gone a­way frome it. And the skȳne of capō henne or chekyn ben not so clene for the ete foule thynges in the strete / & therfore the skynnes bē not so holsome / for it is not theyr kynde to entre in to y e ryuer to make theyr mete voyde of y e fylth. Mallarde goose or swanne they ete vpon the londe foule mete / but a nō after theyr kȳde they go to the ryuer & theyr they clense them of theyr foule stynke. A fesande as it is aforesayd / but y e skȳne is not holsome / than take y e heddes of all felde byrdes and wood byrdes as fesande pecocke partryche woodcocke and curlewe for they ete in theyr degrees foule thynges as wormes todes and other suche.

¶ Here endeth the feestes and the keruynge of flesshe

And here begynneth the sewynge of fysshe.

¶ The fyrst course. TO go to sewynge of fysshe musculade mene­wes in sewe of porpas or of samon bacon he­rȳge w suger grene fysshe pyke lampraye salens por­pas rosted bake gurnarde and lampraye bake.

¶ The seconde course. ¶ Gelly whyte and rede dates in confetes congre sa­mon dorrey brytte turbot halybut / for standarde ba­se troute molette cheuene sele eles & lamprayes roost tenche in gelly.

¶ The thyrde course. ¶ Fresshe sturgyon breme perche in gelly a Ioll of samon sturgyon and welkes apples & peres rosted with suger candy. Fygges of malyke & raysyns dates cap­te w t mynced gynger / wafers and ypocras they ben agreable / this feest is done voyde ye the table.

¶ Here endeth sewynge of fysshe.

And here foloweth keruynge of fysshe.

THe keruer of fysshe must se to pessene & four­mentye the tayle and y e lyuer ye must loke yf there be a salte purpos or sele turrentyne & do after y e fourme of venyson / baken herynge laye it whole vpon your soueraynes trenchour / whyte herȳge in a disshe open it by y e backe pyke out the bones & the rowe & se there be mustarde. Of salte fysshe grene fysshe salt samon & congre pare awaye y e skyn / salte fysshe stocke fysshe marlynge makrell and hake with butter take awaye the bones & the skynnes. A pyke laye y e wombe vpon his trenchour w t pyke sauce ynoughe. A salte [Page]lampraye gobone it flatte in .vii. or .viii. peces & lay it to your souerayne. A playce put out the water / than crosse hym with your knyfe cast on salte & wyne or ale Gornarde rochet breme cheuene base molet roche perche sole makrell & whytynge haddocke and codlynge reyse them by the backe & pyke out the bones & clense the refet in y e bely. Carpe breme sole & troute backe & belly togyder. Samon congre sturgyon turbot thor­pole thornebacke hoūde fysshe & halybut cut them in the dysshe as y e porpas aboute / tenche in his sauce cut it / eles & lamprayes roost pull of the skynne pyke out y e bones put therto vyneger & poudre. A crabbe breke hym a sonder in to a dysshe make y e shelle clene & put in the stuffe agayne tempre it with vynegre & pouder than couer it with brede and sende it to the kytchyn to hete / than set it to your souerayne and breke the grete clawes and lay them in a disshe. A creues dyght hym thus departe hym a sonder & slytee the belly and take out y e fysshe pare away the reed skynne and mynce it thynne put vynegre in the dysshe and set it on y e table w tout hete. A Iol of sturgyon cut it in thynne morselles & lay it roūde aboute the dysshe. Fresshe lampraye bake open y e pasty / than take whyte brede and cut it thynne & lay it in a dysshe & with a spone take out galentyne & lay it vpon the brede with reed wyne & poudre of synamon / than cut a gobone of the lampraye & mynce the gobone thynne and laye it in the galentyne than set it vpō the fyre to hete. Fresshe herynge with salte & wyne / shrympes wel pyked floūdres gogyons menewes & musceles eles and lamprayes sprottes is good in sewe / musculade in wortes / oystres ī ceuy oysters in grauy menewes in porpas samō & seele gelly [Page]whyte and reed creme of almōdes dates in comfetes peres and quynces in syrupe with percely rotes mortrus of houndes sysshe ryse standynge.

¶ Here endeth the keruynge of fysshe.

And here begȳ neth sauces for all maner es fysshe.

MVstarde is good for salte herynge salte fysshe salte congre samō sparlynge salte ele & lynge vynegre is good with salte porpas turrentyne salte / sturgyō salte threpole & salte wale / lampray with ga­lentyne / vergyus to roche dace breme molet base floū ders sole crabbe and cheuene with poudre of synamō to thornebacke herynge houndefysshe haddocke whytynge & codde vynegre poudre of synamon & gynger grene sauce is good with grene fysshe & halybut cot­tell & fresshe turbot / put not your grene sauce awaye for it is good with mustarde.

¶ Here endeth for all maner of fauces for fysshe accordynge to theyr appetyte.

¶ The chaumberlayne.

THe caumberlayne muste be dylygēt & clenly in his offyce with his heed kembed & so to his souerayne that he be not recheles & se that he haue a clene sherte breche petycote and doublet / thā brusshe his hosen within & without & se his shone & slyppers be made clene / & at morne whan your souerayne wyll aryse warme his sherte by the fyre / & se ye haue a fote shete made in this maner. Fyrst set a chayre by the fyre with a cuysshen an other vnder his fete / thā sprede a shete ouer the chayre and se there be redy a kerchefe [Page]and a combe / than warme his petycote his doublet and his stomachere / & than put on his hosen & his shone or slyppers than stryke vp his hosen manerly & tye them vp than lace his doublet hole by hole & laye the clothe aboute his necke & kembe his heed / than loke ye haue a basyn & an ewer with warme water and a towell and wasshe his handes / than knele vpon your knee & aske your souerayne what robe he wyll were & brynge hym suche as your souerayne cōmaūdeth & put it vpon hym than doo his gyrdell aboute hym & take your leue ma­nerly & go to the chyrche or chapell to your soueraynes closet & laye carpentes & cuysshens & lay downe his boke of prayers / than drawe the curtynes and take your leue goodly & go to your soueraynes chambre & cast all the clothes of his bedde & bete the federbedde & the bolster / but loke ye waste no feders than shall the blankettes & se the shetes be fayre & swete or elles loke ye haue clene shetes / than make vp his bedde manerly than lay the hed shetes & the pyllowes / than take vp the towel & the basyn & laye carpentes aboute the bedde or wyndo­wes & cupbordes layde with carpettes and cuysshyns. Also loke there be a good fyre brennynge bryght / & se the hous of hesement be swete & clene & the preuy borde couered with a grene clothe and a cuysshyn / thā se there be blanked donne or cotton for your souerrayne / & loke ye haue basyn & euer with water & a towell for your so­uerayne / than take of his gowne & brynge him a mantell to kepe hym fro colde / than brynge hym to the fyre & take of his shone & his hosen than take a fayre kercher of reynes & kembe his heed & put on his kercher and his bonet / than sprede downe his bedde laye the heed shete and the pyllowes / & whan your souerayne is to bedde [Page]drawe the curtynes / than se there be morter or waxe or perchoures be redy / than dryue out dogge or catte & loke there be basyn and vrynall set nere your souerayne / than take your leue manerly that your souerayne may take his rest meryly.

¶ Here endeth of the chaumberlayne.

¶ Here foloweth of the Marshall and the vssher

THe Marshall and the vssher muste knowe all the estates of the chyrche and the hyghe estate of a kynge with the blode royall.

  • ¶ The estate of a Pope hath no pere.
  • ¶ The estate of an Emperour is nexte.
  • ¶ The estate of a kynge.
  • ¶ The estate of a cardynall
  • ¶ The estate of a kynges sone a prynce.
  • ¶ The estate of an archebysshop.
  • ¶ The estate of a duke
  • ¶ The estate of a bysshop
  • ¶ The estate of a marques
  • ¶ The estat of an erle
  • ¶ The estate of a vycount
  • ¶ The estate of a baron.
  • ¶ The estate of an abbot with a myter
  • ¶ The estate of the thre chefe Iuges & the Mayre of London.
  • ¶ The estate of an abbot without a myter
  • ¶ The estate of a knyght bacheler
  • ¶ The estate of a pryour dene archedeken or knyght
  • [Page]¶ The estate of the mayster of the rolles.
  • ¶ The estate of other Iustices & barons of the cheker
  • ¶ The estate of the mayre of Calays.
  • ¶ The estate of a prouyncyall a doctour dyuyne
  • ¶ The estat of a prothonat he is aboue the popes col­lectour and a doctour of bothe the lawes.
  • ¶ The estate of hym that hath ben mayre of London and seruaunt of the lawe.
  • ¶ The estate of a mayster of the chauncery and other worshypfull prechours of pardon and clerkes that ben gradewable / & all other ordres of chastyte per­sones & preestes worshypfull marchauntes & gen­tylmen all this may syt at the squyers table.
  • ¶ An archebysshop and a duke may not kepe the hall but eche estate by them selfe in chaumbre or in pauylyon that neyther se other.
  • ¶ Bysshoppes Marques Erles & Vycoūtes all these these may syt two at a messe.
  • ¶ A baron & the mayre of London & thre thefe Iuges and the speker of the parlyament & an abbot with a myter all these may syt two or thre at a messe
  • ¶ And all other estates may syt thre or foure at a messe
  • ¶ Also the Marshall muste vnderstande and knowe the blode royall for some lorde is of blode royall & of small lyuelode. And some knyght is wedded to a lady of royal blode she shal kepe the estate that she was before. And a lady of lower degree shall kepe the estate of her lordes blode / & therfore the royall blode shall haue the reuerēce as I haue shewed you here before.
  • ¶ Also a marshall muste take hede of the byrthe and nexte of the lyne of the blode royall.
  • [Page]¶ Also he must take hede of the kynges offycers of the Chaunceler Stewarde Chamberlayne Tresourer and Controller.
  • ¶ Also the marshall must take hede vnto straungers & put them to worshyp & reuerence for and they haue good chere it is your soueraynes honour.
  • ¶ Also a Marshall muste take hede yf the kynge sende to your souerayne ony message and yf he send a knyght receyue hym as a baron. and yf he sende a squyre recey­ue hym as a knyght / and yf he sende you a yoman re­ceyue hym as a squyer / and yf he sende you a grome re­cerue hym as a yoman.
  • ¶ Also it is noo rebuke to a knyght to sette a grome of the kynge at his table.
¶ Here endeth the boke of seruyce & keruynge and se­wynge & all maner of offyce in his kynde vnto a prynce or ony other estate & all the feestes in the yere.

Enpryn­ted by wynkyn de worde at London in Flete strete at the sygne of the sonne. The yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.xiii.

wynkyn de worde

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