THE CHYRVRGIANS CLOSET: OR, An Antidotarie Chyrurgicall.

Furnished with varietie and choyce of: Apophlegms, Balmes, Baths, Caps, Cataplasmes, Causticks, Carots, Clysters, Collyries, Decoctions, Diets, and Wound-Drinks, Defensa­tiues, Dentifrices, Electuaries, Embrocations, Epithemes, Errhi­nes, Foments, Fumes, Gargarismes, Iniections, Liniments, Lotions, Oyles, Pessaries, Pils, Playsters, Potions, Powders, Qui [...] Suppositaries, Synapismes, Trochisces, [...], and Waters.

The greatest part whereof were scatteredly set downe in sundry bookes and pape [...] by the Right Worshipfull M r. THOMAS BONHAM, [...] r. [...] Physick; and now drawne into method and form [...] EDVVARD POETON of Petworth, (late a [...]ng seruant to the foresaid Right Wo [...]pfull D r.) and published for the benefit of his Country, and the helpe and ease, of young practitioners in the ancient, necessarie, [...]nd noble Science of Chy­rurgerie.

LONDON, Printed by GEORGE MILLER, for EDVVARD BREVVSTER, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible at the North doore of Pa [...]. 163 [...].

An Alphabeticall Catalogue of the Authors of this Worke.

  • Adolphus Occo.
  • Actius.
  • Aegidius Euerardus.
  • Albacara.
  • Alexius.
  • Alphonsus Ferrius.
  • Altimarus.
  • Amatus Lusitanus.
  • Ambrosius Pareus.
  • Andernacus.
  • Andreas Lucana.
  • Andromachus.
  • Andronius.
  • Angelus Bologninus.
  • Angelus de Bononia.
  • Anglus quidam.
  • Antidot: Banesteri.
  • Antonius Montagn.
  • Aparitius de zubia.
  • Appolonius.
  • Arceus.
  • Arnaldus.
  • Arnoldus Villanoua:
  • Augerius Ferrius.
  • Augustanus.
  • Auicenna.
  • Author incertus.
  • Baker.
  • Balthrop.
  • Banester.
  • Bayrus.
  • Bertapalia.
  • D r. Bonham.
  • Brunus.
  • Butcher.
  • D r. Butler.
  • T. B.
  • Calmeteus.
  • D r. Campion.
  • Iacobus Carpensis.
  • Carpus.
  • Chyrurgicus Innominatus.
  • Cleopatra.
  • Clowes.
  • Dispens. Collonensis.
  • Cordus.
  • Isabella Cortesa.
  • Crito.
  • D r Cunyngham.
  • Democratus.
  • M r. Dowce.
  • Dymus.
  • Dyoscorides.
  • D r. Elu.
  • Euonymus.
  • D r. Fach.
  • Fallopius.
  • Ʋictor Fauentius
  • Fernelius.
  • Fiorouantus.
  • Forrestus.
  • D r. Foster.
  • Fracastorius.
  • Frederick.
  • Fuchsius.
  • Fumanellus.
  • Gale.
  • Galenus.
  • Geron.
  • Gesner.
  • Gilbert.
  • Goodrus.
  • Cardinall Granduile.
  • Guydo.
  • Guyllemaw.
  • Gyllam.
  • T. H.
  • Henricus.
  • Heurnius.
  • Hier: Fabritius.
  • Hier: Mercurius.
  • Hollerius.
  • D r. Hood.
  • Beneuenutus Hierosolymitanus.
  • Iarret.
  • Iucertus.
  • [Page]Innominaetus.
  • Ioubertus.
  • Italus quidam.
  • Keeble.
  • Kelly.
  • King.
  • Lanfrancus.
  • D r. Langton.
  • D r. Wenc: Lauinius
  • à Leidikero.
  • Liber hyspan.
  • Leuinus Lemnius.
  • Dominus Benardus Londrada.
  • D r. Lyster.
  • D. M.
  • Magistrale.
  • Iacobus de Manlijs.
  • Manuscript.
  • Marianus Sanctus.
  • Marinellus.
  • Martin.
  • Matthias.
  • Matthiolus.
  • Medici Florent.
  • Medici Patiuini.
  • Melich.
  • Heben Mesne.
  • Mesnes.
  • Montispesulinus.
  • Moses.
  • Nicholaus Alex.
  • Nicolaus.
  • H. de Othen.
  • Owen.
  • Palmerius Saxmundensis.
  • D r. Palmer.
  • Paracelsus.
  • Pareus.
  • Paulus.
  • Petrus Apponensis.
  • Petrus hysaniensis.
  • Phiorouantus.
  • Plinius Secundus.
  • Poeton.
  • Iasonius
  • Pratensis.
  • H. P.
  • Quercitanus.
  • Ranzonius.
  • Renuerus.
  • Rhasis.
  • Riolanus.
  • Rochfort.
  • Rogerius.
  • Rondeletius.
  • Rosa Anglicana.
  • Rubeus.
  • Ruffus.
  • Rulandus.
  • D r. Smith.
  • D r. Shepheard.
  • M r. Sherly.
  • M r. Southwell.
  • Textor.
  • Thaddeus.
  • Theodorus.
  • Theodotius.
  • Turniesserus.
  • Valerianus.
  • Valeriela.
  • Variguana.
  • Vesalius.
  • Benedictus Victorius.
  • Vigo.
  • Weckerus.
  • Zuingerus.

TO THE RIGHT HONOV­RABLE AND RIGHT vertuous Lady, FRANCIS Countesse of Exceter; EDVVARD POETON of Petworth (Licentiate in Physick and Chy­rurgery) wisheth aboundance of internall grace; a full measure of externall good things, and an eternall and incorruptible crowne of glo­ry in the world to come.

Thrice noble, vertuous, and renowned Lady;

HAuing after long labour brought forth, this vnpollished birth; be­gotten of many Fathers (ancient, and moderne) men famous (for arts) in their seuerall generations. I remaining no lesse carefull for its future, prosperous progresse: then I had beene laborious for its pre­sent production. I therefore held it most necessary, to prouide for it, some godly guardian, and potent Patron to defend it from the iniurie of malig­nant Momus and his snarling, yelping brood. But finding amongst men (to me knowne) none so much affecting this noble Science as I could wish. I therefore emboldned my selfe (though a stranger to your Honour) to commend it [Page] vnto your Christian and noble Tutelage; and that so much the rather, because Fames trumpet sounds forth euery where your iust deserued Honour, in the loue vnto, (and practice of) this so noble a Science. For be it spoken with­out adulation; where is there any woman liuing, that hath spent so much time in the study of this Art, and made so gracious & painefull a progresse in the practice thereof, as your thrice noble selfe. Do not the soules of the sick & sore, & the limbs of the lame, euery where (where ere you reside) blesse you; proclaiming to the world, that Exceters noble Countesse abounds in mercy, charitie, piety, pitty, com­passion, bountie, affabilitie, humilitie, hospitalitie, and all other commendable vertues. And that shee is constantly cheerefull in the diurnall and painefull performances of these fame-meriting actions. Accept therefore I beseech your Honour of this poore Orphan, and place it within the pale of your Potent Patronage, and let it serue you in chiefe. And as you shall finde its abilities and worth; so esteeme it, so commend it. And pardon I pray you, the boldnesse of your poore neighbour in this attempt; And he shall euer rest during life,

Your Honours most respectiuely deuoted in his best abilities and seruices, EDVVARD POETON.

TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL the Master, Wardens, Assistants, and Brotherhood of that antient, vsefull, and noble Societie, the medicine Chyrurgians; the principall members of that Societie, or Corporation of the Barber Chyrur­gians of London, EDVVARD POETON of Petworth wisheth all happinesse in this life, and eternall felicitie in the life to come.

Right worshipfull,

IT is not vnknowen vnto the most of you, that I was a long, (and the last) seruant, vnto the Right Worshipfull, M r. THOMAS BON­HAM D r. of Physick; (and one of the Assi­stants of your noble Societie,) who whilest he liued was to me a Master, yea more, a Fa­ther, and at his death a bountifull Bene­factor; for he gaue and deliuered vnto mee before he dyed, all his Manuscripts, both of Physicke and Chyrurgerie: the which being knowne vnto sundrie of your Societie, they requested the sight, suruey, and copies of them, or of such of them as they should best like; whereunto I yeel­ded. But being drawne forth of the City, vnto the place where I now reside; the opportunitie of satisfying their request, and performing my promise was cut off. But not forgetting what I had promised, as leysure would permit: I gradually composed this present Worke, and haue procured it to be prest for your seruice. If there be any thing in it that may accommodate but the Iunior sort of your Societie; I shall be glad. If not; I pray you accept my loue therein, and I shall for euer rest,

Your Worships in his best Deuotions, EDVVARD POETON.

To the reading Artist.

CHristian Reader, as by former passages you may perceiue the graduall generation of this Worke, so as it being now come to your hands; know that it is more for vse, then delight, vn­lesse you delight in what is vsefull: what's a­misse in it, I pray you pardon; what may serue your turne, vse. The following Table will direct you both to the malladie, and the medicine. The Lord blesse, guide, and prosper you: I onely intreate acceptance of my good-will, with your prayers for me. From my Chamber in Petworth, in the Countie of Sussex.

Yours in the Lord, E. P.

An Alphabeticall Table of the Maladies and diseases for which, cures and reme­dies are prescribed in the follow­ing Tractate.


  • ABortion to preuent, a Playster, 231. B. an Vnguent, 332 A.
  • Aches, Balmes, 15 B. 8. B a Playster, 218. A. Vnguents, 275. D. 285. A 296. E. 314 B. a Water, 346. F.
  • Aches or paine, proceeding from old brui­ses or falles, a Liniment, 149. G.
  • Aches, benummed members, &c. Decoctions, 95 96. A.
  • Aches neere the bone, or in and about the ioynts, a Water, 356. D.
  • Aches cold, Vnguents, 296. C. 303, F. 304. D. 305. B. F.
  • Aches cold and tumors, a Playster, 202. G.
  • Aches cold or paine, a Liniment, 145 F.
  • Aches cold, inueterate in the Ancle, &c. a Playster, 229 E.
  • Aches cold, shrunke, withered members, &c. a Liniment, 155. D.
  • Aches dolorous which proceed of Lu [...]s Ve­nerea, a Balme 22. B.
  • Aches in the eye, a Decoction, 94. C.
  • Aches grieuous by a humour congealed, to remoue, a [...]layster, 229. F.
  • Aches in the head, &c an Vnguent, 282. A.
  • Aches violent of the head, &c. an Oile, 183 H.
  • Aches of the huckle bones, to take away, a Balme, 12 A. a Playster, 240. D.
  • Aches hot, an Vnguent, 303. E.
  • Aches inueterate to remoue, a Foment, 117. B. a Playster 191. D.
  • Aches of the ioynts, a Fume, 123. D. an Oyle, 182. G. a Petion. 244. E. an Vn­guent, 282. B.
  • Aches of the ioynts, arising Ex Lue Vener [...], a Pille, 191. A.
  • Aches of the ioynts, sinewes, and hippes, Sy­napismes, 268 A.B.
  • Aches, running issues, &c. a Decoction, 93. B.
  • Aches and paines of the armes, an Vnguent, 330. D.
  • Aches and paines of the shoulders, armes, &c. a Playster, 206. C.
  • Aches or paines in and aboue the shoulder-blade, a Playster, 226, B. a Quilt. 263 D.
  • Aches and strumes, an Oyle, 181. D.
  • Aches and windy tumors, an Vnguent, 302. G.
  • [Page]Affects cold to helpe, &c. a Balme, 22. B. an Oyle, 180. C
  • Agues to driue away, a Fume, 125. F. an Oyle, 168 B.
  • Agues sharpe and shaking rigor, &c. an Oyle 180. C.
  • Agues intermitting, &c. a Clyster, 80. B.
  • Agues quartane to cure, Balmes, 12. C. 22. B.
  • Alopecia gallica, Baths, 25. B. C. 30 A. 33. B. an Vnguent. 301. B.
  • Angina to helpe, Cataplasmes, 53. F 55. A. Gargarismes, 129. B. E. 131. E. 133. D. 1 [...]4. D. an Vnguent, 328. D
  • Angina in the beginning a Gargarisme, 134. G.
  • Angina in the augmentation, Gargarismes, 134. F. 135. B.
  • Angina in the state, Gargarismes, 134. H 135. C.
  • Anthonies fire to extinguish, a Liniment, 159. G. a Playster. 228. A an Vnguent 288. C.
  • Apoplexie to profit, a Clyster 81 E.
  • Apostemes, balmes, 8. C 15, A. 31 F. Plai­sters, 211. B. 214. B.
  • Apostemes to ripen, a Caustick, 61. C. a Playster, 228 A.
  • Apostemes to breake and open, a Caustick, 59. F. a Playster, 233. A. an Vnguent, 334 C.
  • Apostemes to suppurate, Cataplasmes, 35. A 50. D an Vnguent, 320 C.
  • Apostemes cold to suppurate, a Cataplasme, 42. E.
  • Apostemes to maturate, Cataplasmes, 44 C. D. an Embrocation 109. D. a Plaister, 206. E an Vnguent. 316 A.
  • Apostemes hot to maturate a Cataplasme, 44. B.
  • Apostemes cold to maturate, a Cataplasme, 44. A.
  • Apostemes to clense, a Playster, 206. E.
  • Apostemes pleureticke to breake, a Ca­taplasme, 49. B. an Vnguent. 285. D.
  • Apostemes of the armes or leggs, a Foment. 114. D.
  • Apostemes hot in womens breasts, a Plai­ster, 194. G.
  • Apostemes corrupt to heale and breake, a Plaister, 210 C.
  • Apostemes of the iawes, a Gargarisme, 135. D.
  • Apostemes strumous, &c. a Powder. 255 G.
  • Apostemes phlegmonidous, &c. a Plaister, 214. A
  • Apostemes behinde the eares, a Cataplasme. 56. B.
  • Apostemes of the eares, a Plaister, 236. B.
  • Apostemes to mollifie called Parotides, an vnguent, 328. C.
  • Apostemes of the stomacke, a Cerot, 77. B.
  • Apostemes cold of the stomacke, a Cata­plasme 42 B.
  • Appetite to stirre vp, a Cerot, 73 A. Oiles, 180 G.H. Plaisters, 206. D. 214, B. 233 A.
  • Armeholes ranke smell, a Lotion. 164. B.
  • Arrow heads, thornes, &c. to draw forth a Plaister, 237. C.
  • Arsgut to reduce, &c. Baths, 26 C. 27 A. Iniections, 136. A 141. A. a Plaister, 230. F.
  • Asperiterias roughnesse to make smooth, an Oile. 17 [...] D.
  • Attractiues, a Cataplasme, 35. D.
  • Ayre corrupt to profit, a Fume. 123. B.


  • Back to strengthen a Cerot 71. B a Plaister, 233 A.
  • Back weake to strengthen, a Plaister. 223. F.
  • Backs paine and weaknesse, a Plaister. 222. C.
  • Back and loynes to strengthen, a Plaister, 202. D.
  • Baldnesse to preuent, a Liniment, 149 D. an Vnguent. 249. A.
  • Beard to cause to grow speedily. Vnguents. [Page] [Page] [Page] 291. E. 307. C. 322. E.
  • Beauty to preserue, a Balme 12. A.
  • Belly to moue, an Vnguent. 315. D.
  • Belly lower to purge, Suppositaries. 26. C. D
  • Belly torments to ease, a Cataplasme, 34 B.
  • Biles, soares, or pushes on womens breasts, a Flaister. 219 B.
  • Bladder obstructed, an Oyle 177. A.
  • Bladder torments by, &c. an Oile. 182. C.
  • Blisterings, an Vnguent, 299. F.
  • Biting of a mad dog, Balmes. 19 D. 20. A. a Clyster. 82. B. a Decoction 93. C. a Plai­ster 234. C. an Vnguent. 332. B.
  • Biting of venemous beasts, Balmes 5. C. 21. B. a Plaister. 22 [...]. A. Vnguents 316. A. 331. D 332. B.
  • Biting of Scorpions, an Oyle. 176. C.
  • Biting and stinging of serpents, a Plaister. 211 F.
  • Bitings of all kinds, a Plaister. 234. C.
  • Bleeding at the nose to stay, Cataplasmes. 36. A. 53. D. an Epitheme. 111. a Fume. 127. B.
  • Bleeding of a wound to stay, a Potion. 250. E
  • Bloud to stanch, a Liniment. 155. E a Plai­ster. 217. C. Powders. 256. A. B. C. 257. 260 G. 261. D.
  • Bloud spitting or vomiting to stay, a Poti­on 248. C.
  • Bloud spitting to stay, a Cataplasme. 56. I. a Gargarisme. 13 [...]. E. an Oile. 178. D.
  • Bloud congealed to scatter, a Plaister 222. F.
  • Bloud in an eruption to stay an Vnguent. 326. D.
  • Bloud violently bursting forth from the no­strills, lungs, &c an Vnguent. 329. F.
  • Bloud flowing to preuent and forbid, a Ce­rot. 68. D. a Plaister. 210 C.
  • Bloud to debarre from flowing into any wound, &c a Cataplasme 43. C.
  • Bloud vnnecessary flowing to any part, an Vnguent. 287. B.
  • Bloud contused to dissolue and scatter, a Foment, 121. D.
  • Body to open in any griefe, a Clyster. 81. A
  • Bodies costiue to make soluble. Clysters. 79. C. E.
  • Bodies ouer hot to coole, a Clyster. 80. A.
  • Body inflamed to coole, &c an Oile. 183. B.
  • Body to adorne with colour, an Oile. 182. F.
  • Bodies vlcerated, a Potion 240 F.
  • Bodies vlcerated which are strong, &c a Po­tion. 250 A.
  • Body to preserue against venemous ayre, &c. an Oile. 178. D.
  • Bodies cold affects, an oyle, 184. A.
  • Bodies leane to fatten, an Oyle 176. D.
  • Bodies infeebled to nourish, a Clyster. 80. F.
  • Bodies strong and rustick to purge, Pilles. 190. A.
  • Bones broken to restore Cerots, 73. C. 77. D. Plaisters. 192. C. 226. A.
  • Bones broken to conioyne and consolidate, &c. an Vnguent. 316. F.
  • Bones bared to couer with flesh, &c. a Balme. 17. C. A. Plaister 192. D.
  • Bones corrupt to cleanse a Trochisce, 296. B.
  • Bones to cleanse, and to produce flesh in vl­cers, a Cerot. 75 C.
  • Botium gulae, Powders 255. G 257. G.
  • Bowels torments to ease, a Cataplasme. 42. F.
  • Bowells torments, with pissing of bloud, a Quilt. 265. G.
  • Bowells to free of waterish humours, a Sup­positarie, 267. A.
  • Braine to comfort, a Cataplasme. 59. B. a Lotion. 160 A.
  • Braine to strengthen, a Balme. 22. B. Cata­plasmes. 58. B G. 59. E. an Oile. 178. B. a Quilt. 262. B.
  • Braine, ioynts, &c. to strengthen, an Oile. 183. F.
  • Braine to temper, a Quilt. 263 C.
  • Braines cold affects, a Cataplasme. 58. F. a [Page] Lotion 160 B.
  • Braine and sinewes cold affects, an Oile 176 C.
  • Braines cold and moist affects, an Apo­phlegme. 2. C. an Oile. 178. D.
  • Braines affects, and also of the Mouth, Teeth, &c an Oile. 177 B.
  • Breath straight to enlarge, a Fume. 129. A.
  • Breasts straitnesse to profit, an Vnguent 280 F.
  • Bruises to cure, Cataplasmes. 43 F. 45. B a Liniment. 151. E an Oile. 182. A. Plai­sters 209 D. 211 B 221. C. 233. A. a Po­tion. 249. A. an Vnguent. 304. A.
  • Bruises inward or squats, Vnguents. 285. C. 321. D.
  • Bruised by stroakes, falls, &c a Balme 8 H.
  • Bruises bloudy vnder the skinne to discusse, a Plaister. 240. C.
  • Bubo Venerea to ripen, Cataplasmes 43. A. 45 A. 46. B. an Electuary. 108. D a Fomen [...] 120. D. a Lotion. 166. C. Plaisters 22. E. 240. A.
  • Bubo pestilentialis, a Cataplasme 40. B a Plai­ster. 219. D.
  • Bullets, bones, &c. to draw forth, a Cero [...] 74. E.
  • Burnings to heale, a Liniment. 155. A. Plai­sters 206. F. 211. B. 2 [...]1 A. Vnguents 270. E. 296. B. 299. F. 304. A. 319. F. 325. A.
  • Burnings or skaldings to heale, Liniments. 144. E. 149 F. an Oile. 182. B an Vn­guent 284. C.
  • Burnings or skaldings by fire, water, &c. Vnguents 280 D. 294. C.
  • Burnings with fire, an Vnguent. 289. A. a Water. 356. D.
  • Burnings with gun-powder, a Liniment. 15 [...] E. Vnguents 284 B C 302. G.
  • Burning by gun-powder to profit by repel­ling the skalding flux, &c. a Liniment. 254. F.
  • Burnings with lightening, an Vnguent 278 C.
  • Burnings in the face, a Liniment. 153. E.
  • Burnings and inflammations to allay, an Vnguent. 287. C.


  • Callous of a fistula to draw out, a Plaister. 225 a Powder 258. a Water. 342. D.
  • Cancer to cure, Balmes. 8. F. 10. C. 18 D. 21. D an Oile 18 [...]. E Plaisters 202. B. 221 A 2 [...]8. A Vnguents. 311. D. 316. A 319 D 320. A a Water. 354. E.
  • Cancer not vlcerated, Electuaries. 109. A. B.
  • Cancer vlcerated, a Water. 358. G.
  • Cancer in a womans breast, a Decoction 90. B.
  • Canker to profit, a Cerot 62. B. a Liniment. 147 B a Powder. 25 [...] B Vnguents. 285. C. 317 F. [...]31. A Waters. 347. A. 349. A
  • Canker not vlcerated, a Potion. 252. E.
  • Canker vlcerated, an Vnguent. 271. B
  • Canker gnawing and fretting to cure, a Li­niment. 142. E.
  • Canker stinking, festering, &c. an Electua­ [...]y [...]07. A.
  • Cankers stench to take away, an Oile. 183. G. an Vnguent. 272 B.
  • Carbun [...]le to profit, a Cataplasme. 40. C. a Foment. 116. E. a Plaister 210. C.
  • Caruncle to roote out, a Balme. 2 D. Iniecti­ons 139. A B a Powder 257. E. Vn­guents. 274. A. 289. C. a Water. 354. A.
  • Caruncles paine to asswage & to cicatrize, an Iniection. 139. C.
  • Caruncles sorenesse, by applying, &c. an Vnguent 189 D.
  • Cathar or pose to helpe, an Oile. 183. I. a Sy­napisme. [...]08. C.
  • Causticks. 61 B.D. a Powder. 256. F.
  • Chaps of the hands, an Oile. 178. D. Vn­guents. 290. E 305. C. 309. F.
  • Chaps of the hands, feet, or nepples of the [Page] [Page] [Page] breast &c. a Foment. 117. E. an Oile. 168. A. Vnguents. 289. B. 304. C. 312. G.
  • Chaps of the lips, Vnguents 302. B 322. A.
  • Chaps or clefts of the Nailes or any other part, a Water 346 A.
  • Chests straightnesse, an Vnguent. 325. B.
  • Chilblaines, a Plaister. 202 G.
  • Choler yellow to draw forth, a Clyster. 81. B
  • Cicatrizes to produce, Plaisters 196. B. 197. a Powder. 259 B. Vnguents. 285. I. 300. A. 319. E. 324 B. Waters 339. D. 346. B. 351. C.
  • Cicatrizes to make comely, an Oile. 168. A
  • Cleanse and dry, a Plaister 209. F.
  • Clyster for any griefe 81. F.
  • Coccix fractured a Plaister 235. C.
  • Cods swelling to asswage, Cataplasmes, 41. A 48. E a Plaister. 194. D.
  • Colds, a Balme 15 B.
  • Cold and moisture to helpe, an Oile 178. B.
  • Collick torments to ease, Balmes. 5. C 20. A. a Cataplasme 55. F. a Clyster. 82. A. a Fo­ment 118 Oiles. 168. A. 177. A. 178. D. 180. L. 181. A. 184 B. 185. E Plaisters. 191. E 214. B. 233 A. Quilts. 262. F 26 [...]. A. 265. E. a Suppositarie. 267. E. Vn­guents 313 B. 225. A.
  • Colour to make good, an Oile: 183 E.
  • Coolers, an Oile. 183 C. a Plaister. 212. A. Vnguents 270. C 271 F
  • Concoction to further, a Cataplasme. 34 D a Cerot. 73. A. a Liniment. 148 B. an Oile. 180. G. Plaisters 191 E. 204. D.
  • Concoction to hasten in a hollow com­pound wound, a Liniment. 148. l.
  • Conglutinatiues, Vnguents. 311. E. 324. A.
  • Consolidatiues, a Plaister. 197. Vnguents. 283. F. 294. D. 333. A.
  • Contraction to cause where the parts were relaxed, an Vnguent. [...]7 B.
  • Contusions, a Balme. 15. B. a Plaister. 195. E.
  • Contusions in the head, a Cerot. 64. C.
  • Contusions in childrens heads, a Plaister. 195. A.
  • Conuulsions to cease, Balmes. 15. B. 16. B. 22. B. a Clyster 80. E: a Liniment. 151. E. Oiles 168. B. 180. C. Vnguents 305. F. 313. B. C. 326. B.
  • Conuulsions happening by a wounded si­new, a Liniment. 155. C.
  • Cornes in the feet, &c. a Playster: 217. A.
  • Corosiues for vlcers, Powders. 254: B. 255. B.
  • Costiue to make soluble, Clysters. 79. C. E.
  • Cough to cure Balme. [...]12. A C. 13. A. an Oile. 17 [...]. B. Vnguents. 274. F. 285. D. 286. F.
  • Cough old to cure Fumes. 126. B. 127. A.
  • Cough to cure caused from a continued de­fluxion, &c a Fume. 122. C.
  • Crampe, Balmes. 5. C. 7. B. 10. D. 14. B. 1. 5 B. 19. B. a Bath 24. B. a Cerot: 72: C. a Liniment. 153. B. Oiles. 168. A. 180. C.L. a Potion. 241. B. Vaguents. 310. E. F. 312. D. 314. A.
  • Crampe happening in a wound or other­wise, Electuaries. 107. C. D. an Oile. 175. B.
  • Crampe of the Iawes, an Oile. 176. C.
  • Crudities raw to remoue, a Plaister. 191. E.


  • Darts, wood or any thing infixed in the bo­dy to draw forth, Vnguents. 332. C. 333. A.
  • Deafnesse to cure. Balmes. 3. C. 20. A. 21. A. 22. B a Lotion. 165. C. an Oile. 168. A Plaisters 215. C. 233. A.
  • Defensatiues, a Plaister. 203. A.
  • Defluxions to repell, Colli [...]es 83. B. 89. D. an Oile. 184 B
  • Defluxion viscuous, a Collitie. 80. B.
  • Defluxion to stay either of bloud or hu­mors, an Vnguent. 310. A.
  • Defluxion into the eyes, an Vnguent. 297. D
  • [Page]Deterge & discusse, a Cataplasme. 54. C.
  • Diarrhea to stay, a Cataplasme. 58. E.
  • Diarrhea diurnall, an Vnguent. 330. H.
  • Digestiues. 105. E. an Oile. [...]84. B.
  • Dislocations to confirme, a Balme. 15. B a Plaister. 228. A.
  • Dislocation of the Iaw, an Vnguent 295. D.
  • Diseases to cure, a Bath. 27. C.
  • Distillations to stay, Cataplasmes. 58. B. D. G H. a Lotion. 160. D. an Oile. 177. A. a Plaister. 230. D. a Quilt. 262. B.
  • Distillation from the braine to stay, a Fume. 124. D.
  • Distillation hot to stay, a Quilt. 262. C.
  • Distillation cold to stay, a Quilt. 262. D.
  • Distempers hot, &c. an Oile 183. A.
  • Dolours, a Balme. 18. B.
  • Dolours of the spatula, ioynts, and armes, &c. a Liniment. 150. A.
  • Dolour to open, heate, resolue, &c. an Oile. 180. L.
  • Dolour of phlegmon, herpes, crysipilas, to miti­gate, an Vnguent. 310. F.
  • Dolours and vlcers concomitating Lues Ve­nerea, an Oile. 178. A.
  • Dolour of the liuer, intestines, &c. a Plai­ster. 202. C.
  • Dolour of wounds, an Oile. 179.
  • Dolours arthriticall, springing, &c. a Cata­plasme. 44. E.
  • Dolour of the reines to asswage, Foments. 119. A. E. a Plaister. 202. D. an Vnguent. 315. D.
  • Dolour of the backe or reines, a Balme. 20. A.
  • Drie and heale, Vnguents 271. G. 311 B.
  • Dropsy to cure, a Balme. 19. D. an Electua­ry. 106. C. Plaisters 212. D. 224. D. 226. B. 238. E. Vnguents. 280 B. 304. F.
  • Dropsy, Ascites, &c. a Cataplasme. 56. C.
  • Dura mater to defend, &c. an Vnguent. 272. B.
  • Dying person to reuiue, a Balme. 10. D.


  • Eares singing noise to put away, Balmes. 8. A. 14. A. a Lotion 165. C. 183. H.
  • Escar. speedily to cast off, a Water. 351 C.
  • Elephantiasis, a Bath 29 B.
  • Epilepsie to profit, A pophlegmes. 2. B. C. Balmes. 10. B. 17. B. 20. 22 B. a Cata­plasme. 59. D. a Clyster 81. E. Oiles 168. B. 177. B. a Plaister. 220. E.
  • Erysipilas to heale, a Cerot. 69. B. a Lotion. 165. A. a Plaister. 206. F. an Vnguent. 330. A.
  • Erysipilas phlegmonides, a Potion. 252. B.
  • Erysipilas vlcerated to draw and cleanse an Vnguent. 315. C.
  • Erysipilas, or any hot inflammation, a Lini­ment. 156. E.
  • Excoriations, Vnguents. 193. C. 295. B. 299. F.
  • Excoriations watery, a Water. 337. C.
  • Excressences to consume, a Balme. 8 C. a Plaister. 210. C. a Trochisce 269. D. an Vnguent. 311. B.
  • Excressence about the glans of the yard, a Powder 257. E.
  • Expectoration easie to cause, Vnguents. 274 285. D. 286. F. 30 [...]. G.
  • Eyes, a Collerie. 88. E. Waters 337. A. 338. B. 346. D.
  • Eyes apple to enlarge, a Foment. 121. B. a Water. 358. D.
  • Eyes disease called chemosis, Colliries 83. B. C. 89 C.
  • Eyes disease called Agnies, a Collirie. 84. F.
  • Eyes runing issue called Epiphorae, a Collirie. 83. D
  • Eyes disease called lippitudo, &c a Collirie. E. an Errhine, 112. C.
  • Eyes inflammation called Opthalmia, a Fo­ment. 119. C.
  • Eyes to cleare, a Balme. 12. A.
  • Eyes to cleanse, Colliries. 87. C. 88. C.
  • [Page] [Page]Eyes inflammation to asswage, Cata­plasmes. 38 C. 48. F. 55. G. Vnguents 326. C. 328. B.
  • Eyes to helpe of all manner of heate and inflammation, Collities. 33. C. 87. A a Water 336. C.
  • Eyes flux to stay, a Cataplasme 8. C Colliries 87. B 88. B. a Denfensatiue. 102. A. a Plaister. 197. F. an Vnguent. 326. C.
  • Eyes to helpe in a flux lachtimall, Vnguents. 308. D. 329. B.
  • Eyes ouer moist, a Balme. 21. A.
  • Eyes to helpe of wound, defluction, and ca­taracts, Vnguents. 277. C.D.
  • Eyes waterings, a Water. 347. A.
  • Eyes burnt with gun-powder, a Water. 350. E.
  • Eyes matter to remoue, &c. Colliries. 87. D. E.
  • Eyes to free off spots, a Water. 357. H.
  • Eyes to free off blacke and blew markes af­ter a stroake or fall, a Liniment, 151. C. an Vnguent. 308. C.
  • Eyes rednesse, &c. a Collirie. 86. D. an Vn­guent. 308. E. Waters 345. F 355. A.
  • Eyes rednesse and waterishnesse, a Collirie. 84. B. a Water. 358. C
  • Eyes bloudy suffusion to profit, a Collirie. 84. A a Foment. 113. D.
  • Eyes swolne, a Foment. 116. B.
  • Eye to helpe off web, and spots, a Water. 346 G.
  • Eyes itch and scabbinesse, pin and web, &c. a Collirie. 85. G.
  • Eyes sorenesse and paine to helpe, Colliries. 83. F. 84. G. 85. A.B. 86. B. E. F. a Wa­ter. 351. F.
  • Eyes vncleane vlcer in the corners, Colliries. 86. G. 88. F.
  • Eyes vlcer to maturate, a Collirie. 85. E.
  • Eyes vlcer to incarnate. Colleries. 85. F.
  • Eye-browes branny scales, a Potion. 242. A.
  • Eye-browes itchinesse, Colliries. 89. C.D.
  • Eye-lids rednesse, scabbinesse, scurfe, and vlcers, a Balme 8. B. Vnguents. 310. D. 3 [...]9 A.
  • Eye lids sorenesse, &c. a Balme. 21. A.
  • Eye-lids roughnesse, &c. to cure, Colliries. 88 B D. 89. D.
  • Eye-sight to preserue and quicken, Balmes. 4. B. 12. A. a Powder. 257. H.


  • Face to free of spots, Vnguents. 304. B. 305. A. 322. A. Waters. 343. E. 343. D. 350. F. 357 E.
  • Face to free of rednesse, Vnguents. 304. E. 329. G. Waters 346. C. 352. E.
  • Face to free of rednesse pustules, blemishes, spots, &c. a Liniment. 158. C. Vnguents. 277. A. 289. F. 294. B. 297. B. Waters. 336. A. 350 C.D.
  • Face spots called lentigines, Liniments. 150. G. 151. I.
  • Face to free of warts and other like tuber­cles, a Water. 357. B.
  • Face to cure of scurfe or manginesse, a Wa­ter. 342. D.
  • Face sawce flegme, &c. an Vnguent. 317. D.
  • Face to beautifie, a Water. 351. B.
  • Face to make smooth & free of wrincles, a Water, 357. C.
  • Falls to profit much, a Potion. 249. B.
  • Falling-sicknesse, Synapismes. 268. A.B. an Vnguent 312. D.
  • Feet much swolne, a Bath. 32. A.
  • Feets euill smell, a Lotion. 163. D.
  • Felon to breake and cure Cataplasmes. 51. F.H. Plaisters. 204. C 233, A.
  • Felons anguish to extinguish, &c. a Cata­plasme. 38. D.
  • Festers, a Water. 349. A.
  • Feuers heate and burning, an Vnguent. 303. B.
  • Feuers rigor, an &c Oile. 180. K.
  • Feuers pestilentiall, a Balme. 13. A.
  • [Page]Feuers to preuent, a Balme. 17. B.
  • Fingers to profit in the cleaning and tearing of the skin neere vnto the white of the nailes, an Vnguent 291 A.
  • Fistulaes to cure, Balmes 8 A.F. 10. C. 15. C. 18. D. 21. D. a Caustick. 59. F. a Col­lirie 88. A. Decoctions 93 B. D. 97. C. 98. A. 100. C D. an Iniection. 140. A Oiles 185. E. 193. A. 202. B Plaisters. 210 C. 228. A. Potions 246. A D. a Pou­der 254 C. Trochisces 269. B.D. Vn­guents 272. C. 288. C. 311. D. E. 329. F. Waters. 348. B. 349. A. 351. G. 353. E. 354. E.
  • Fistulaes in ano, a Water 354. A.
  • Fistulaes and all sores, a Plaister, 221. B.
  • Fistulaes which haue not yet, &c. a Plaister. 209. B.
  • Fistulaes to incarnate and hollow vlcers, Vnguents. 300. D E. 31 [...]. E.
  • Fistulaes and foule vlcers about the ioynts to mundifie, an Vnguent. 296. F.
  • Fistulaes callous to eradicate, a Caustick. 61. E. a Liniment. 154. A. a Trochisce. 269. D.
  • Flatuosities to discusse, a Plaister. 206. D. Vnguents. 286. E. 288. B. 299. H.
  • Flatuosities within the cranium, an Oile. 176 C.
  • Flegme tough and clammy, &c. to cut, a Clyster. 81. G. Gargarismes. 128. D. 130. G 132. C.
  • Flesh superfluous to consume, a Plaister. 220 H a Trochisce. 269 B Vnguents. 286. D. 311. B. a Water. 337. D.
  • Flesh proud to abate, a Pouder. 254 D 228 A. an Vnguent. 333. A. a Water. 355. F.
  • Flesh spongie to abate, a Liniment. 159 A. an Vnguent. 293. D.
  • Flesh superfluous in vlcers to eate away, a Balme. 20. A. a Powder. 260. F.
  • Flesh in vlcers to generate, a Plaister. 234. B a Pouder. 260. C. an Vnguent. 335. B.
  • Flesh lost to restore, a Plaister. 192 D.
  • Flesh in wounds to cause, an Oile. 170. A.
  • Flesh good to replenish, an Vnguent. 311. E.
  • Flesh to make firme in healing, an Vnguent 329. E.
  • Flesh contused to profit happening by fall, &c a Cataplasme. 38. A.
  • Flesh hard to soften, an Vnguent. 272. C.
  • Flesh rotten to prevent the increase, an Vn­guent. 311. D.
  • Flowing inordinate, &c. a Plaister. 208. D.
  • Flux to stay, a Cataplasme. 54 A.
  • Fluxes of the belly, &c. a Bath. 26. C. a Plaister 231 A.
  • Fluxes of the belly, proceeding from a cold cause, a Quilt. 264 A.
  • Flux of bloud to stay, a Pouder. 255 D. an Vnguent. 320 B.
  • Fluxes great of bloud after the cutting off an arme, or, &c. a Pouder. 256. D.
  • Fluxes bloudy of vlcers, &c. to restraine, a Plaister. 210 C.
  • Flux of choler, &c a Clyster. 82. D.
  • Flux diarrhaea to stay, an Oile. 178 B.
  • Flux dissenteriall, and also the gonorrheall, &c. a Plaister. 214. B.
  • Flux gonorrhaea, a Plaister. 223. F.
  • Flux of humors to restraine, &c. a Defen­sitiue. 102 B.
  • Flux lyenteriall, a Cataplasme. 57. A. a Cly­ster. 80 C. an Vnguent. 300. A.
  • Flux immoderate of the mouth, &c. a Gar­garisme. 129. A.
  • Flux inordinate of teares, a Water. 354. A.
  • Faetus to retaine, a Cerot. 711 B a Plaister. 223. F.
  • Foynes and thrusts to cure, a Plaister. 22 [...]. A.
  • Fractures to profit, a Cerot. 65. A. a [...]ai­ster. 238. C.
  • [Page] [Page]Fractures and di [...]ocations, Plaisters. 195. C. D. E.
  • Fractures to consolidate, a Plaister. 205 B.
  • Fractures of the skull, &c. Plaisters. 191. D. 195. F. 199. A. 237. F.
  • Fundament to cure of griefes and maladies, an Oile 178 D a Plaister. 2 [...]3. A. an Vn­guent. 331. A.
  • Fundament to free of rists, an Vnguent. 286 B.
  • Fundament to benefit in the filthy breakings out, a Water. 344. D.


  • Gallings of the skin; &c. an Vnguent. 305. C.
  • Gang [...]enes, a Balme. 18. D. Defensitiues. 101. E 102. F. a Foment. 114. C. Plai­sters. [...]3 B. 334. F Vnguents. 319. D. 320 A. 321. C.
  • Gangrene of the thigh, &c. an Vnguent 288 A.
  • Gargarisme cleansing. 128 C.
  • Gonorrhaea to stay, Oiles 178. C. D a Plai­ster. 233. A Potions. 246. C. 249. C.
  • Gonorrhaea saeda to profit, an Iniection. 138. B.
  • Gonorrhaea saeda not inueterate, a Powder 258. C.
  • Gonorrhaea filthy virulent and inueterate, a Water. 356. B.
  • Gout to asswage and ease, a Balme 6. B. Baths 27 B. 31. a Cataplasme 34. C. 39. A. 46 D. E 49 A.C. 50. G. Cerots 65. D. 66. B.C. 78. C a Clyster. [...]9. D. a Fo­ment. 117 C Lotions 161 A 164. F 166 F. Oiles. 167. A. 1 [...]8. B. 169 F. 175. C 181. B. 182. E. 185. E. Plaisters. 197. D. 212. E. 214. C. 218. A. 220. E F. 223 D. Vnguents. 275. 279 A. 285. A. 295. A.F. 297. F. H. 301. F. 314. A. B. 335. D. a Water 346 F.
  • Goute arthriticall, a Foment. 117. A. a Plai­ster. 220. E. Potions. 243. C. 252. A.
  • Goute cold, Balmes. 8. G. 15. F. Pills. 189. E. F.
  • Goute proceeding from a cold cause, a Balme. 21. D.
  • Goute running, a Bath. 32. C.
  • Goute in the hands, a Foment. 115. D.
  • Goute painefull in the feet, an Vnguent. 330. E.
  • Goute of the feet and huckle bone, an Oile. 178. D. a Plaister. 197. E.
  • Goute of hip and knees, &c. a Balme. 14. A.
  • Goute to ease in a cholerick person, &c. a Cataplasme 43. B.
  • Griefe proceeding from a cold cause, a Balme. 20. A. an Oile. 177. A. Syna­pisms. 268. A.B. Vnguents. 301. A. 313 B.C.
  • Griefe arising from cold, putrefaction, or fl [...]tuositie, an Oile. 177. B.
  • Griefe of the chest, &c. an Vnguent. 314. D.
  • Griefe inueterate of the head, a Plaister. 233 A.
  • Griefe of the liuer, spleene and reines, an Vnguent. 316. A.
  • Griefe of the reines, Vnguents. 313. B. C.
  • Griefe of the Thorax, a Plaister. 226. B. an Vnguent. 285. D.
  • Gummes to strengthen, a Dentifrice. 103. F a Pouder. 256.
  • Gummes putrefaction, an Vnguent. 297. C.
  • Gummes to cleanse and heale, a Water 336 B.
  • Gummes to rub in the scorbute, a Pouder. 256. E.
  • Gutta rosacea, a Water. 338. C.


  • Haire to preserue from falling, a Balme. 8. B. a Bath. 30. A. Liniments. 144. C. D. 148. A. Lotions. 161. B. 165. 166. D. Vn­guents [Page] 28 [...]. C. 286. A. 309. D.
  • Haire to cause to fall off, a Liniment. 152. F an Vnguent. 271. A.
  • Haire to cause to fall off so as it shall not grow againe, an Vnguent. 3 [...]2. D.
  • Haire to cause to grow where it is fallen off, Vnguents. 277. D. 322. F. Waters 340. C. 343 A.
  • Haire to restore in an inueterate Alopecia, Vnguents. 283. B. 291. F. 292. B. 309 C.
  • Haire to cause to grow speedily, a Lini­ment 149. D. an Vnguent 309 A
  • Haire to keepe from growing, an Vnguent. 309. B. a Water. 345. A.
  • Haire to make blackish, an Vnguent. 286. A.
  • Haires gray to preuent, an Oile. 182. F.
  • Hands contracted, an Vnguent 330. F.
  • Hand swolne through cold, &c an Vnguent 290. F.
  • Hardnesse to resolue, a Cataplasme. 46. F. Plaisters. 196 B. 218. D. 226 A. an Vn­guent 313. C.
  • Hardnesse of the stomack, liuer, and spleene, &c. Plaisters. 223. B. 225. A. B. 231 C
  • Hardnesse about wounds to mollifie, an Oile. 173 B
  • Hardnesse of womens breasts to resolue, a Plaister. 216 D.
  • Head-ach, a Balme. 12. C. a Liniment. 143. B. Oiles. 180. E 182. G. Synapismes. 268. A.B.
  • Head-ach inueterate, a Cataplasme 58. A. a Liniment. 143. C.
  • Head-ach caused by a bruise, &c. a Lini­ment. 148. F.
  • Head-ach proceeding of choler, &c. an Apo­phlegme. 1. B a Liniment. 148 E.
  • Head-ach comming of cold, a Cerot. 68. E. an Embrocation. 110. B. an Epithime. 11 [...] B an Vnguent. 324. F.
  • Head-ach proceeding of heate, Vnguents. 310. D. 324. D.
  • Head-ach proceeding of heate in the decli­nation, an Vnguent. 324. E.
  • Head-ach proceeding of ouermuch moi­sture, Caps. 57. F. 59 A.
  • Head to free of viscous slime and flegme, an Apophlegme. 2. C.
  • Head to helpe against Cathars, a Plaister. 215. B.
  • Head to free from distillations, an Apo­phlegme. 2 A.
  • Head skald to cure, a Liniment. 143. G. a Water. 336. E.
  • Head to cleanse of scurfe, scaule, dandruffe, &c. a Liniment. 158. F Lotions. 165 E. F.
  • Healing to cause, Plaisters. 196. B. 198. A. 200. E. Vnguents. 283. H. 286 D. 30 [...]. D.
  • Heart to helpe of al euills, an Vnguent. 296. D.
  • Heart to cheare, &c. a Balme. 22. B.
  • Heart and stomack to comfort, &c. an Oile. 177. A.
  • Heart to sense against venomed gunshot, a Potion. 261. C.
  • Hearts cold affects, a Quilt. 264. G.
  • Hearts melancholy passion, a Quilt. 264. D.
  • Hearts palpitation, a Liniment. 148. D. a Quilt. 264. C.
  • Heat's distempers, an Oile, 183 C.
  • Heate, resolue, and digest, an Oile. 180. I.
  • Heate, mollifie, and moisten. &c. Vnguents. 292. C. 314. C.D.
  • Hectick to relieue, a Balme. 12 A.
  • Hectick or phthysick to profit, an Oile. 176. D.
  • Haemorrhagia, an Errhine 112. B
  • Hemorrhoids to cure a Bath. 26. C a Cata­plasme. [...]2. A. Cerots. 63. B 76. E. a Fo­ment. 114. E 120. A. Liniments 151. F. 153 A an Oile. 182. B. Plaisters. 21 [...]. B. 233 A 23 [...]. A. a Pouder 258. F. Vnguent. 271 K. 292. E. 295. E. 316. A 330. C. 332. A.
  • [Page] [Page]Hemorrhoids blind to cure, a Liniment, 151 G Iniections 136. B. 141 A an Oile 184. M a Plaister. 205. A
  • Hernia aquosa, a Cataplasme. 39. C. a Plai­ster 236. H.
  • Hernia humoralis. a Cataplasme 48. D. Plaisters 236. D. E
  • Hernia carnosa, a Plaister 202 F.
  • Hernia intestinalis, a Plaister. 239 F.
  • Hernia ventosa, &c. a Cerot. 70. E.
  • Herpes commonly called Saint Anthonies fire and shingles, an Vnguent 323 A.
  • Herpes creeping, &c. an Embrocation. 110. F a Plaister 239. C.
  • Herpes miliarie, an Vnguent. 278. E.
  • Hip gout, an Vnguent 299 C.
  • Hips resolution, an Vnguent 313.
  • Humours flux to restraine, &c. a Balme. 8. H. a Plaister 212. A.
  • Humours flowing to preuent, an Vnguent, 2 [...]1 F.
  • Humours running to draw out, &c, a Plai­ster. 233. A.
  • Humours to concoct, a Plaister. 192. A.
  • Humours moist to dry, a Cerot 68. A.
  • Humours gleeting of wounds in the ioynts to stay, an Vnguent. 276 A.
  • Humours corrupt proceeding Ex Lue Vene­rea, a Pill. 190 B.
  • Humours euill in any part of the body, &c. an Vnguent 273. E.
  • Humours salt and adust, a Potion. 245. A.
  • Humour christalline to attenuate, a Colli­rie, 84 C.
  • Humours grosse to attenuate, Colliries. 84. D.E. a Plaister. 192. B an Vnguent. 274. F.
  • Humour cold to expell, a Balme. 8. C. an Oile. 80. L.
  • Humour hot causing dolour, &c. a Water. 356. A.
  • Hydropick, an Oile. 185. E an Vnguent 315. D.
  • Hydropick that hath vlcers, a Decoction. 101. B.
  • Hypochondriall tensions, a Plaister. 225. A.


  • Iandise, Oiles. 168. B. 178. D. 183 D.
  • Illiaca passio, a Quilt. 265. F. an Vnguent. 314. A.
  • Imposteme to lay open, an Vnguent. 316. D.
  • Incarnatiues, Plaisters 228. A 219. D. Pou­ders. 259. E. [...]60. G. 261. C F. Vnguents. 275. A. 283. G. 295. G. 318. F. 323. F.
  • Induration to mollifie, a Bath. 26. A. Ce­rots. 71. A. 73. C. a Liniment. 147. F. Plai­sters. 206. E. 214 A.
  • Infirmities cold of the head, chest, stomack, an Vnguent. 314. A.
  • Inflammations to allay, a Balme. 15. A. 2 Bath 23. D. Cataplasmes 33. F. 35. B. 54. B Cerets. 63. D. F. 74. B. a Decoction. 98. B. a Foment 118 E. Oiles. 180 F. 182. B Plaisters. 194 C. 214. A. 223. G. 234. E. Vnguents. 276. H. 296. A. 315. A.
  • Inflammations to extinguish in the begin­ning, Cataplasmes. 36. B. 52. B. a Foment. 121 A. a Liniment. 148. C.
  • Inflammation in the augmentation, Cata­plasmes. 39 F. 52. C.
  • Inflammation in the state, a Cataplasme. 52. D.
  • Inflammation in the decrease, a Cata­plasme. 52 E.
  • Inflammations pleuretick, an Vnguent. 311. A
  • Inflammation of the eye, a Water. 350. C.
  • Inflammation of the cods, a Cataplasme. 49. E an Vnguent. 303. A.
  • Inflammation of the side, a Balme. 2. D.
  • Inflammation of the liuer, fundament, eares, &c. a Liniment. 156. H.
  • [Page]Inflammation of the tonsils, 4. 2 C. a Fume 127. C. Gargarismes. 127. E. 128. A. 130. D. 131. F.
  • Inflammation of the vuula, &c. a Clyster. 79 A. a Gargarisme. 133. B.
  • Inflammation in womens breasts, a Lini­ment 152. A.
  • Inflammation to preuent in wounds, &c. a Potion. 250. C.
  • Inflammation of the yard, an Vnguent. 303 A. a Water. 354. C
  • Inflammation of the yard by the act of, &c a Water 312. F.
  • Inguinum inflammationem extinguere, an Vn­guent. 310.
  • Ioynt-gout, Cataplasmes, 41. E. 42. A. an Vnguent 314. A.
  • Ioynt dolours to asswage, Cataplasmes. 55. C. 56. A. 57. C. Cerots 72. C. 78 B. a Fume. 126. C Liniments. 150 A B. Oiles. 109. B. 83. D
  • Ioynts hardnesse to mollifie, &c. Cataplasmes 41. 42 A. an Oile. [...]76. D.
  • Ioynts and sinewes stifnesse, an Oile. 175. D.
  • Ioynts cold infirmities, an Oile. 184 D.
  • Intestines falling downe, an Vnguent. 287. B.
  • Intestines torments to ease, an Oile. 178. D.
  • Intrailes to strengthen, a Plaister. 191. E.
  • Intrailes erosion, &c. a Clyster. 79. D.
  • Issue to keepe open, a Plaister. 220.
  • Itch to kill, an Oile 169. A. Vnguents. 270. A 275 B. 299 F. 307. A. a Water. 352. C.
  • Itch, scabs, and wormes to kill, &c a Balme. 21. A. Baths. 23. E. 25. A. 32. D. 33. A. a Foment. 114. A. Liniments. 143. F. 157. F. 158. E.


  • Kibes, chilblaines, &c. a Plaister. 202. G. an Vnguent. 281. A.
  • Kidneyes heate to asswage, a Plaister. 233. A.
  • Knobs in the face, an Vnguent. 270. D.
  • Knots Ianglious, a Plaister. 100. D.
  • Knots ganglious, a Plaister. 213. C.
  • Knots scrophulous to wast, a Decoction. 97 D.
  • Knots hard to resolue, a Cerot 64. D. a Plai­ster 9 [...]. C.
  • Knots hard in children to resolue, a Plaister. 208. C.


  • Larnix to free of tough and viscuous matter, &c. a Gargarisme 130 F G.
  • Legs lamenesse after the gout, a Liniment. 157 E
  • Legs disease called malum mortuum, a Bath. 33. A. C.
  • Legs stifnesse to resolue, a Lotion. 166. B.
  • Legs to free of spot, vlcers, excoriations, an Vnguent. 317. E.
  • Lepry Elephantiacall, an Vnguent 345. B.
  • Leprosy to cure, Balmes. 10. C. 12. B. Baths. 25. E. 29. C. an Oile. 185. E an Vnguent. 311. E.
  • Lethargie an Embrocation. 110. A. an Oile. 182. G.
  • Lice to destroy, an Vnguent. 316. B.
  • Lice, nits, wall-lice and fleas to kill, an Vnguent. 298. E.
  • Lice to kill in the eye-browes, a Liniment. 152. D.
  • Lice in the head to kill, a Lotion. 163 C. an Vnguent. 325. C.
  • Lips roughnesse and sorenesse to heale, an Vnguent. 305. C.
  • Limbes wearied to refresh, a Balme. 17. B. [...]aths. 23. B. 30. E a Lotion. 160. E. an Oile 176. C. a Plaister. 191. E.
  • Liuers ill affects, a Plaister 211. C.
  • [Page] [Page]Liuer to strengthen, a Cerot 73 A an Oile. 183 F.
  • Liuers hardnesse to resolue, a Cataplasme. 47. A a Cerot 74. G. Liniments. 150. C. 156 G
  • Liuers obstructions, an Oile. 183. D.
  • Liuers sanguifying facultie to strengthen, an Vnguent 327. D.
  • Liuers tumour to mollifie, &c. a Cata­plasme. 34. D.
  • Liuer cold to heate, an Oile. 182. G.
  • Liuer cold and ouermoist to heate, &c. an Vnguent. 327 B
  • Liuers heate, &c. to asswage, Cataplasmes 35. E.F. 45 D a Cerot 72 B a Quilt 263. A an Vnguent. 325 F.
  • Longaons exiture to stay, a Plaister. 194 E.
  • Lues Venerea to cure, a Bath 31. E. a Deco­ction 94 A. Fumes 123 A 124 B. H. I. a Gargarisme 135. E Liniments. 147. C. 158. D Pilles. 188 A B 189 B 190 C E F 191 B. Potions 241. A C. 248 A Vn­guents. 271. F 279. C 282 C. 302 E. 309 G. 310 B. 3 [...]7. C. Waters 341. D 344. A. 355 E. 357. F. 358 A.
  • Lues Venerea in young and tender persons, Pilles. 188 C a Potion. 249 D
  • Lues Venerea vlcerated or not, an Vnguent. 285 B.
  • Lues Venerea outward affects, a Bath. 24. E.
  • Lungs to preserue, a Balme. 22. B.
  • Lungs suffocated to open, an Oile. 176. D.
  • Lungs and Thorax to profit in ripening the matter, &c. an Vnguent, 274. F.
  • Lupus. an Oile. 185 E
  • Luxations, Plaisters. 195. D.E.
  • Luxation of the foot, a Plaister, 235. B.


  • Maimoles, a Water. 349. A.
  • Matrix to strengthen, a Plaister. 231. B.
  • Matrix suffocation, a Bath. 26. G.
  • Matrix to cleanse, &c. a Pessarie. 187. B.
  • Matrix dolours, an Oile 183. E.
  • Matrix rising and strangling, &c a Balme. 17 B. a Plaister 223 C.
  • Matrix precipitation to forbid, a Plaister. 208 D. an Vnguent. 287 B.
  • Matter moist to dry, heate, resolue, &c. a Plaister. 225 D.
  • Maturatiues, &c. Cataplasmes. 37. D. E. a Cerot 76 C. Plaisters. 192 A. 237. B.
  • Megrim to cure, a Balme 22. B. Oiles. 182. G. 1 [...]5. E. Synapismes. 268. A.B.
  • Melancholy to purge, a Clyster 81. D.
  • Members inflamed, a Bath. 23. C.
  • Members to comfort weakned by wounds, a Liniment. 153. F.
  • Members weake, &c. Cerots. 65 B. C.
  • Members bruised to comfort, a Cerot. 70. B.
  • Members wholly consumed, &c. a Lini­ment 145. B.
  • Members trembling or shaking, a Balme. 20. A.
  • Members neruous to incarnate, &c. a Plai­ster 215. A.
  • Member taken, &c. a defensitiue. 103. A.
  • Members cold to heate, &c. a Bath. 31. B. a Cataplasme 53. B
  • Members conuulsed to profit, a Liniment. 155. D. an Oile 178 D
  • Members fractured to strengthen, Cerots. 77. E. 78. A a Lotion 166. E.
  • Members contracted, &c. to profit, a Balme. 4. B Baths. 23. A. 31 D. Fumes. 125. A. B. Liniments. 142. F. 157. B. an Vnguent. 317. A.
  • Memorie to strengthen, Balmes 5. C. E. 20 A. Lotions 160. A. C. an Oile. 168. A. an Vnguent 274. D.
  • Memory lost or decayed to restore, Balmes. 3 C 13. B
  • Menses to prouoke, Pessaries. 186. C. 187. D.
  • [Page] Menses inordinate flowing, a Pessarie. 186. B. an Vnguent 316. A.
  • Mindes defects, Fumes. 126. F. 127. C.
  • Moisture superfluous to dry vp, &c a Balme 8. H. a Liniment. 156. B. a Water 357. H.
  • Moisture superfluous in vlcers to dry vp, &c. a Water 355 B.
  • Mola a disease of the Matrix, a Bath 25. F
  • Mollificatiues, &c. a Cataplasme 46 C. 89. C. Plaisters. 198. B. 200. E. 236. A. Vn­guents. 314. C.D.
  • Morbus Arthriticus, a Cataplasme 55. D. a Fo­ment. 116.
  • Morbus pedicularis, a Liniment. 159 D.
  • Morphew to put away, Liniments. 150. F. 151. I. a Lotion. 163. B. an Oile. 185. A. Vnguents 287. D. 306. B. a Water. 350. F.
  • Mortification in wound or sore to stay, a Lotion. 164 A.
  • Mouth to cleanse of pituitous flegme, &c. a Gargarisme 132. B.
  • Mouths vlcerated in Lue Venerea, a Water. 343. C.
  • Mundificatiues, &c. a Plaister. 192. D Vn­guents. 271. H. 273. A. 283. E. 302. F. 309. H. 316. A. 318. D.
  • Mundificatiuum Magistrale, an Vnguent. 335. A.


  • Nauels starting forth, a Clyster. 82 E.
  • Nailes rugged and deformed, &c. Vnguents. 28 [...]. C 390 G 291. A. B.
  • Necks contraction, an Vnguent. 330. G.
  • Necks cold affects, an Oile. 180. I.
  • Nerues to comfort an Oile 180. L.
  • Nerues infirmities, a Liniment. 152. B. Plai­sters. 230. B. 236. A. an Vnguent 315. D.
  • Nerues conuulsion, a Balme. 9. B. an Oile. 173. D.
  • Nerues or muscles wourded to cure, a Plai­ster. 210 A an Vnguents 333 A.
  • Nerues punctures, &c. to profit, a Cerot. 64. D.
  • Nerues contracted to enlarge, a Foment. 118 B.
  • Nerues and ioynts cold affects to dissolue, &c. a Cerot. 73 B.
  • Nodes venereall to resolue, Cerots. 75. D. E. Plaisters 194 A. 207. C.
  • Nodes or glandulous tumors to resolue, Plaisters. 200. C 204. A.
  • Nodes and knotty tumors to resolue, &c. a Plaister 200. D.
  • Noli me tangere to cure, Balmes 8. F. 21. D. a Water 351 G.
  • Nostrils disease called Polypus, an Vnguent. 297 G.
  • Nostrils stinke to helpe, an Errhine. 112. E.
  • Numbnesse, a Balme. 7. B. a Liniment. 157 D.


  • Obstructions to open, a Balme. 22. B. Oiles. 180. H. 182. F.
  • Oedema to cure, a Cerot. 77. A. an Embro­cation. 110. G. Foments. 113 B. 116 D. a Liniment 147. E.
  • Ophthalmia to profit, Colliries 85. D. H. 86. C.
  • Ozena to profit in the beginning, an Vn­guent. 324. C.


  • Paines to asswage, Balmes. 15. C. 18. B. 19. C. a Bath. 30. F. Cataplasmes 33. F. 37. B. C 46. F 47. B. Cerots. 73. C. 74 A Fo­ments 118 D.E. 119 G an Iniection. 139 C. Liniments. 145. C.D E. Oiles. 180. K. 183 F. Plaisters. 195. E G. 196 A. B C. 197 B 201. B. 205. D. 214. B. 215. F 216. A. 222 F. 225. A. 226. A. 228. A. 233. A. a Quilt. [Page] [Page] [Page] 264. F. Vnguents. 271. F. 272. E. 284. A. 299 H. 310. A 335. D.
  • Paine to assuage proceeding of a cold cause, a Liniment 145 E an Oile. 182. A
  • Paine to assuage proceeding from a hot cause, a Cataplasme. 36. E. a Collerie. 86. A.
  • Paine of the backe and Ioynes, a Cerot 69. E an Oile 182. E.
  • Paine in the back arising from the stone in the kidney, an Vnguent 278. B.
  • Paine of the head to assuage, &c, Cata­plasmes 39. B. 59. C, an Embrocation 109 D. Liniments. 143. E. 147. G. a Plaister. 216 A
  • Paine of the eye to assuage, a Water. 345. C.
  • Paine of the eares to mitigate, a Liniment. 144. F. a Quilt. 265. D.
  • Paines in the ioynts, &c. a Balme. 19. B. a Cataplasme 41. D. a Liniment. 146. A. Vnguents. 293. A. 305. F. 313. B. 321. E.
  • Paine in tenesmus, a Foment. 119. F.
  • Paine of Erysipilas, a Liniment. 152. G.
  • Paine of the huckle bone, a Foment. 121. F.
  • Paine of the blind hemerrhoids a Cata­plasme. 39 E.
  • Paine of the spleene, a Liniment, 147. F.
  • Paine of the sinewes, an Vnguent. 314. B
  • Paine in Lue Venerea, Vnguents 274 E.
  • Paine to assuage in bruises, an Vnguent. 305. G
  • Paine in the cure of a carbuncle, a Plaister. 239. B.
  • Paine in an aposteme, a Liniment. 158. B.
  • Paine in tumors, a Cataplasme. 36. D.
  • Paine in the reines, an Vnguent 314. B.
  • Paine in the reines caused by grauell, sand, &c Vnguents. 313. C. 314. A. B.
  • Paine in the side, a Quilt 265. B.
  • Paine in the side and breast, an Vnguent. 274 F.
  • Paine in malignant cancrous vlcers, a Lini­ment, 157 C.
  • Paines and inflammation of virulent vlcers, a Cerot 66. F.
  • Paine to assuage about wounds and vlcers, a Liniment 146 C.
  • Paine in wounds to assuage, a Cataplasme. 57. E.
  • Paine to assuage, digest, mundifie, &c. a Plaister. 196. Vnguents 325. C. 333. D.
  • Paine to assuage, and allay an inflammati­on, a Cataplasme 55 B.
  • Palsy, Balmes 3. C. 5. C.D. 7. B. 9 B. 11 A. 18 C. 19 B. 20 B 21. C. a Bath. 31. C. a Cerot. 70 C. a Clyster 81. E. Liniments. 152. C. 157. D. Oiles 180. C. 182. A. a Plai­ster. 220. a Potion 241. B. Vnguents. 278 F. 297. E 307. A. B 310 E. 312. D. 314. A. B.
  • Palsy fixed, an Apophlegme 2 C
  • Palsy to preuent, an Apophlegme 2. C.
  • Palsy dead, an Vnguent. 305. F.
  • Palsy of the tongue, mouth, &c. a Balme. 20. A. a Cataplasme. 56. K.
  • Palsy proceeding from a cold cause, a Balme 10. D.
  • Palsy and crampe, happening in wounded persons, a balme. 16 C. Electuaries. 107. C. D.
  • Palsy of the yard, a Foment 120. B.
  • Palsy of children to profit, a Cerot. 75. A.
  • Panicle that couers the braine to restore, a Liniment 143 H.
  • Paralitick to profit, an Oile. 176. C. Pilles 189. E.F.
  • Parts weak through cold, &c. to strengthen, an Oile. 180. H.
  • Parts conuulsed to releeue, a Cerot. 71. C
  • Parts neruous to corroborate, Oiles. 180. F. 184. B.
  • [Page]Parts wanting moisture, a Liniment. 156. A.
  • Passages to straiten that are superdilated, an Vnguent 287. B.
  • Passions proceeding from melancholy and cold, a Water 34 [...]. F.
  • Penetration to cause, a Caustick. 60. C.
  • Peripneumonia, an Oile, 185. E.
  • Pest to cure, a balme. 2. D an Oile. 177. B. Pilles 187. F. 189 D. Quilts. 263. F. 264 E. a Trochisee. 269. C.
  • Pests venome to draw, a Synapisme. 268. D.
  • Pestilence to preuent, a Balme 10. B. Ele­ctuaries 106. A. D an Oile 182. D. Pilles. 187. G.
  • Phrensie to profit, Embrocations. C D. an Oile. 183. F.
  • Phlegmon to helpe, &c. a Cataplasme. 50. E. a Clyster. 78 E a Liniment. 158. A. Plai­sters. 204. B. 206. E. 234. D
  • Phlegme tough to cut and purge, a Clyster. 81. E. Pilles. 189. E.F.
  • Phlegmons burning heate to contemper, an Vnguent. 287 A.
  • Phthiriaseos or lowsy euill, a Bath, 33. E. an Oile 176. E.
  • Phthisis, an Oile. 185 E.
  • Pimples of the face, an Vnguent. 308. A.
  • Pimples and heate proceeding Ex Lue Vene­rea, a Water. 356. G.
  • Pissing involuntarie, a Plaister 218. C.
  • Pituite to draw forth, a Clyster. 81. C.
  • Plaister a stringent 220 C.
  • Pleurisie, a Balme. 12 C a Foment. 113. C a Gargarisme. 133 G. a Liniment. 143. a Vnguents 286. F 299. H 314. D. 330 B. 335. D.
  • Poares to open, Oiles. 180. K. 184 B.
  • Polybus to profit, Vnguents. 316. A. 324. D. C. a Water. 358 E.
  • Poyson to expell, &c a Balme. 20. A. an Oile. 181 D. a Plaister. 234. A.
  • Poyson to preserue from, Balmes. 2. D. 10. B.
  • Poyson cold of toades, spiders, &c. to expell, Balmes 8. D 21 B.
  • Poyson or venome of any biting or stin­ging, &c. a Cataplasme. 45 C.
  • Prickes or punctures to cure, a Plaister. 209. D.
  • Pricks in the sinewes, a Plaister 237 E.
  • Prinities swelling to abate, Cataplasmes. 51 E. 16. C D
  • Priuities vlcers and excoriation, Lotions. 162. B C.
  • Psora or the wild scab, a Potion 245. B.
  • Psora inueterate, an Vnguent 329 C.
  • Pushes to breike, a Plaister 233. A.
  • Pustules or spots of the face, &c Liniments. 143 I 150. H a Pouder. 258. D. an Vn­guent 302 B. Waters. 340 D. 343. D. 351. A.
  • Pustules carbunculous, a Pouder 261 G.
  • Pustules cruptions, cauities, &c. a Collirie. 80 A.
  • Pustules in Lue Venerea, a Water 344. D.
  • Pustules with ache neere the bone, an Vn­guent 281. D.
  • Pustules to make on the yard, a Lotion. 161. C.
  • Putrefaction to preserue from, Balmes 9. A. 13. A. 17. B. an Vnguent. 316 A.


  • Refrigeratiues, &c. Vnguents 287, C. 315. C
  • Reines to strengthen, Plaisters 214. B 219. C 220 D
  • Reines griefe arising from the stone, an Vn­guent 330 D.
  • Reines to free of sand and grauell, an Oile. 167. A.
  • Reines dolour, an Oile. 184. A.
  • Reines paine, heate and weaknesse, a Plai­ster. 315. E
  • Reines heate and inflammation to allay, a Bath. 26. D. an Vnguent. 303 B.
  • Reines heate in burning agewes, &c. an Vnguent. 287. A.
  • [Page] [Page]Reines, matrix, and bladder to warme, &c. Pilles. 180 L.
  • Relaxations, a Balme. 15. B.
  • Rest to procure, an Embrocation, 110 E. Epithemes. 11. A. F a Quilt. 264 F. a Sup­positary 267. D. Vnguents. 287. A. 289. E 303. B. 304. I.
  • Rest to procure in extraordinary watch­ings, a Lotion. 164. E. an Vnguent. 312. F.
  • Rest to procure in feuers and melancholly, a Lotion 164. C
  • Ringwormes, a Balme. 8 C. an Vuguent. 315. B. a Water. 354. E.
  • Ringworme inueterate, called Mentagra, an Vnguent, 291. D.
  • Ringwormes, tettars, scabs, &c. to kill, a Foment 117 F a Liniment. 151. D a Lo­tion. 163. E. a Potion 242. A. an Vnguent. 280 C. Waters 349 B 357. D.
  • Rheumes to stay, Balmes [...] C. 12 C Fumes. 122 A 124. F 125. E. Oiles. 78. B. 182. A. a Potion 241. 6.
  • Rheume hot. a Quilt. 263 C.
  • Rheumes to dry, Balmes 12. A 30 A.
  • Rheume to draw from the eyes, a Plaister. 2 3 A
  • Roofe-fallen, a Gargarisme. 129 C.
  • Ruptory milde to make, a Caustick. 60. B.
  • Ruptory strong to make, Causticks. 60, A. 61 A
  • Rupture to cure a Bath. 24 F. Cerots. 62. A. 63. A. 68. C 76 D Decoctions. 99. D. 100. A an Electuarie. 106. E. Foments 114. 120 C. 1 [...]1 C. a Liniment. 144 B. Plai­sters 194. F 199 C. 207 A 208. E. 211. B. 212. D. 219. A 232 A. a Potion 249. A. Pouders 258. E 260. B.
  • Rupture called Hydrocele, a Plaister. 201. A.


  • Scabs to cure, a Balme. 8. C. Baths 30 B D. Potions. 241 B. 242. A. 245. A. Vnguents. 289. G. 299. B. F. 302. D. 304. H. 323. C. a Water. 343 B.
  • Scabs and itch, &c to kill. Baths. 23. F. 27. E. 28 B. C. a Foment. 117 D. Liniments. 146. D. 127. D. 149. E. Vnguent 301. C. 306 A. Waters. 337. B. 354. B. 359. C.
  • Scabs maligne and inueterate, an Vnguent. 318. A.
  • Scabs dry, an Vnguent. 311. D.
  • Scabs dry, and hot vlcers, a Plaister. 206. F.
  • Scabs, and chaps of the nostrils, an Olie. 168 A.
  • Scabs, and wormes in the skin, a Balme. 12. B.
  • Scabs, and wheales in the face and hands, &c. a Balme. 10. A.
  • Scabs burning heate &c. to assuage, an Vn­guent 287. C.
  • Scabs, and vlcers, an Oile 180. F.
  • Scabs hard and crusty, a Bath 29 B.
  • Scabs, tettar, or ringworme, an Vaguent. 290. C.
  • Scabs caused of a salt flegme, an Vaguent. 290 A a Water. 342 D
  • Scabs moist, &c. a Plaister. 213. A. an Vn­guent 323 B.
  • Scabs and itch in children to kill, Vnguents, 2 [...]9 B. 280 E. 290 B. D.
  • Scab foule of the head a Cataplasme. 45. E. an Vnguent. 296. H
  • Scabs branny of the head, a Bath. 29. D.
  • Scabs foule and filthy, Fumes. 123. C. E.
  • Scabs foule and filthy, proceeding Ex Lue Venerea, a Fume. 124. G.
  • Scab wild called Psora, Vnguents. 311. C. 322. G.
  • Scabs to cure, called Athories, &c. a De­coction. [Page] 91. A.
  • Scaule and scurfe of the head, &c a Bath. 33. D. a Liniment. 145. A. a Potion. 242. A.
  • Scaul old, a Water 344 D.
  • Schirrous to resolue, a Plaister. 103. D. Vn­guents 312 D 321. A 328. A.
  • Schirrous of the liuer, spleene, stomack, &c. a Plaister. 214. A. an Vnguent. 314. A.
  • Schirtous of the wombe to mollifie, a Plai­ster. 208. C.
  • Sciatica, a Bath 32. B. a Cataplasme 48. B. Cerots. 65 D. 69 G 70. A a Liniment. 153. C. Oiles 181 L. 182. C. Plaisters 196. D. 202. 218. A. 220 E. 223 D E. a Quilt 265. C. Vnguents. 299. D. 305. F. 314. A. 320 D.
  • Scorbute to cure a Bath 25 D an Electuary. 106. B. a Fume 114. A. a Gargarisme 134. A. a Plaister 206. A.
  • Scrofulaes, &c. a Balme. 21. D. Plaisters 200 D 213 C. a Pouder 253. C.
  • Senses and nerues to strengthen, a Lotion. 166 A.
  • Shingles to cure, a Cataplasme 51. B. a Plai­ster 228 A.
  • Side pained to ease, a Foment 119. B.
  • Siege to prouoke, Suppositaries, 266. A. B.
  • Sight to preserue and strengthen. a Path 22 E. Colliries 87. C. 88. C. 89 D. Waters 345 B 346 G 348 A.
  • Sight to cleere, a Foment. 116. C a Water. 351 F.
  • Sight to restore, Waters. 340. E 345 D. 348. A.
  • Sincop in the extremity of a feuer, a Quilt. 243. B.
  • Skinne to produce speedily, a Plaister. 200. G.
  • Skinnes chafing or gilling, a Liniment. 148. H.
  • Skinnes deformed colour to put away, an Oile 168 B.
  • Skinne to make smooth, and free of rough­nesse and hardnesse, Vnguents. 311. C 322 B a Waters. 350 D.
  • Skin to cleanse of scurfe, scabs, filth, and all deformities, Baths 28. A. 29 A Oiles 176 E. 183. D. Vnguents 3 [...]3. C. 318. B. a Wa­ter 347. C.
  • Skull fractured to discerne, a Plaister. 198. C.
  • Skulls depression. a Plaister. 237 D.
  • Sleepe to prouoke, an Electuary. 108. C. Oiles 180. K. 183 C. H an Vnguent. 315. A.
  • Sleepe to prouoke while the Chyrurgians cut, &c a Potion [...]41. F.
  • Sleepe to procure in any hot feuer, a Plai­ster. 208. B.
  • Sleepe to procure in melancholy madnesse, Epithemes. 111. D. E. a Lotion. 164. D.
  • Small-pocks spots and prints, an Vnguent. 329 D. a Water 357. G.
  • Sneesing to prouoke, an Oile. 168. A.
  • Soares to dry and heale, a Plaister, 218. E. an Vnguent 305. E.
  • Soares feftered, &c. an Vnguent. 306. D.
  • Soares of all kinds, 306. C.
  • Soares old and new, a Plaister. 228 A.
  • Soares running of childrens heads, called Achote a Foment 113. A a Liniment. 146 G a Lotion [...]65. D.
  • Soares eroding called Nome, a Trochisce. 269 A.
  • Soares running, and fretting Phagedanae, a Trochisce 269 B
  • Soares, scabs, and vlcers Ex Lut Venerea, Baths, 30 C D a Plaister 219 [...]an Vn­guent. 297. A Waters 348. E 354. E.
  • Soares cancerous in womens breasts, a Ca­taplasme. 5 [...]. F.
  • Soares spreading or vlcers in the mouth, &c. to stay, a Water. 342 B.
  • [Page] [Page]Soares in the mouth to mu [...]isie, an Vn­guent. 283. E.
  • Soares outward to cure, a Cerot 75. B.
  • Soares to wash, &c a Plaister. 222 E.
  • Spasme pertinacious, Pilles. 189. E. F. Plai­sters 191. C 230 E.
  • Speech lost to recouer, a Balme. 20. A. a Water 359. B.
  • Sperme to increase, an Oile. 176 D.
  • Spirits animall and vitall to strengthen, a Fume. 122. B.
  • Spirits grosse and melancholious to dissi­pate, an Oile. 178. B
  • Spleenes affects, a Cataplasme 34. D. Lini­ments. 150 E. 154 C. Plaisters. 207 B. 222. A.
  • Spleenes hardnesse to mollifie though inue­terate, an Vnguent 280 A.
  • Spleenes hardnesse and schirrous, &c to re­solue, a Cataplasme 51 C. Cerots 67. F 63. B Foments. 118 A. 119 D. Liniment. 149 A 159 C. Oiles 180. D 182. G. Plaisters 202. E. 211. C. 212 G 226 B. Vn­guents 286. E 288. B. 298. B. 300. B D. 313 A. 316 C 326 E 327. A.
  • Spleenes hardnesse and windinesse, an Vnguent 317. A
  • Spleene and stitches in the side, a Plaister 223. A.
  • Spleenes schirrous proceeding of flatuosi­ties, a Liniment. 149 B.
  • Spleene to comfort in such as are affected with the scorbut an Vnguent 317. E
  • Spleenes drynesse and hardnesse, an Vn­guent 294 A.
  • Spleenes weakenesse and paine, a Quilt. 265 A.
  • Spleene inflamed to refrigerate, a Cata­plasme 43 G.
  • Splinters to draw out, a Plaister. 211. A.
  • Splinter and shiuers of bones to draw out, &c a Plaister 192. D.
  • Spots, markes, or scarres proceeding Ex Lue Venerea. a Water. 343. D.
  • Squinancy, a Gargarisme. 128. B.
  • Stench of the mouth to profit, a Garga­risme. 132. H.
  • Stitch of the side, &c. a Balme 13 A. a Po­tion. 248. C. 253. F. 278. A. C 300. C. 305 G.
  • Stinging of bees, waspes, &c. a Balme. 19. D.
  • Stinging of scorpions, serpents, &c a Balmes 20. A.
  • Stomack to strengthen, a Balme. 16 A. Ce­rots 72. 73. A B. Oiles. 178. B. 182. F 183. F. Plaisters 206 D. 216 B 217. B. D. Quilts. 263. E. 264. A
  • Stomack to strengthen and stay vomiting, a Cataplasme. [...]0 B.
  • Stomacks hardnesse to remoue, &c. Cerots. 72. D.
  • Stomack dolours to ease, a Cerot. 61. F. a Plaister. 214 B.
  • Stomack diseases after greene wounds, &c. an Electuary 108. A.
  • Stomack decayed to restore, an Oile 178. D.
  • Stomacks weaknesse and paine, a Quilt 262 E.
  • Stomack cold &c to strengthen, Oiles 180, G. 184. A a Water 340 F.
  • Stomacks griefe arising from a hot cause, Cerots. 69 F 72. B a Quilt 264. B. an Vn­guent. 310 F.
  • Stone to breake. &c Balmes. 12. A. 14. A. Baths 26. E. F. a Clyster. 82. A. Foments. 116 F G 119 A E. Oiles. 168 B.C. 182. D. 184 D an Vnguent. 335. a Water. 346. F.
  • Strangury to profit, a Bath. 26. F. a Fume. 127 D an Oile 177 A.
  • Strumes to mollifie, &c. a Balme 20. A. Ca­taplasmes. 51. A 56 H. [...]ters. 214. A. 225. B. 232 B a Pou [...] 253 D. an Vn­guent 328. C.
  • Sun-burning, Vnguents 202 B. 322. A.
  • Suppuratiues, a Cataplasme. 45. F. an Vn­guent 320 D.
  • Swallow to further, a Gargarisme. 133 F.
  • [Page]Sweate to prouoke, 91. C. Fumes. 122. D. 125. D. an Oile. 180. K.
  • Sweate to prouoke in Lue Venerta, a Fume. 126. E. Vnguents. 381. B. 282. B.
  • Sweate of the armeholes, a Bath. 24. D.
  • Swellings to resolue, Plaisters. 194. B. C. 201 E. 222. F.
  • Swelling hard of the ioynts, a Plaister. 231. C.
  • Swelling in the Thorax. a Potion. 252. D
  • Swelling in the throate, a Plaister. 240. B. a Pouder 201.
  • Swounding to preuent, an Oile. 178. E. an Vnguent. 333. C.
  • Synewes to comfort. a Balme 8. H. a Cerot 66 A. an Oile 173 E an Vng 333. C.
  • Synewes weake to strengthen, a Decoction. 24. B. an Vnguent. 283. D.
  • Synewes hardnesse to mollifie, a Balme. 3. B. Baths. 2 [...]. B. 26. [...] a Plaister. 212 an Vn­guent. 333. B.
  • Synewes resolution, Balmes. 16. B. 22. B. a Liniment. 157. D an Oile. 178. D. an Vn­guent. 313. B.
  • Synewes shrunke to enlarge, an Oile. 181. C. a Water 346. F.
  • Synewes connulsed, a Liniment. 159. B.
  • Synewes contracted to releeue, Vnguents. 316. A. 330 D 333. B.
  • Synewes diseases proceeding from cold, &c. a Balme. 21. D an Oile. 107. B an Vn­guent. 312. D.
  • Synewes wounded, &c. to heale, Balmes 10. A. 22. [...] an Oile. 183. B Plaisters. 209. D 218 A Vnguents 308. B 231. C.
  • Synewes to consolidate. Oile 182. C. F.
  • Synewes and muscles to conglutinate, a Plaister. 211 A.
  • Synewes cut to conioyne, a Playster. 209. D. a Pouder. 209. D.


  • Teares superfluous to dry vp, a Balme. 8. B a Water. 34 [...]. E.
  • Teeth loose to confirme, a Dentifrice. 103. F. a Pouder. 256. a Water 336. B.
  • Teeth totten to cleanse, a Dentifrice. 104. C. an Vnguent 297 C
  • Teeth to make white, Dentifrices 103. C. D. E. 104. A. B D E F. 255 A Pouders. 253. E 255. F. 258. G. 259. C. 260 A. Wa­ters. 335 E. 357. A.
  • Tooth-ache, an Apophlegme a C Balmes 5 C 8 D 20 A. a Gargarisme. 131. F. a Plaister 215. G. a Pouder. 258. A a Wa­ter. 346. E.
  • Tooth-ache caused of Rheume, an Apo­phlegme 1. A. Gargarismes 132. G. 134. B
  • Termes to prouoke, an Oile. 184. D. a Plai­ster. 233. A.
  • Termes ouer-abundant flowing to re­straine, a Pessa [...]ie 187. E.
  • Testicles tumefaction to abate, a Cata­plasme. 50. A an Vnguent. 298. C.
  • Testicles induration to resolue, a Cata­plasme 46. A.
  • Tettars, ringwormes, scabs, &c a Balme. 8. C a Cataplasme 48. C. Vnguents 270 D 298 A 308. A. 311. C 315 B 325. E. Wa­ters 252. B 354. E
  • Tettars or ringwormes proceeding Ex Lue Venerea, Vnguents 8. B. 321. F.
  • Tettars or ringworme in the face, an Vn­guent 322. C.
  • Tettars creeping to kill, a Water 347. C.
  • Thirst inordinate to slake, a Cataplasme. 43. E.
  • Thornes splinters, &c. to draw out, Plai­sters 19 [...]. C. 200 A. 206. G.
  • Timpany, a Suppositarie 267. C.
  • Tinea capitis, a Plaister. 238. A.
  • Thorax inordinate heate, a Liniment 156 D an Vnguent. 411. A.
  • Thorax cold affects, a Liniment 157. A.
  • Thorax sorenesse, a Liniment 156. F.
  • Thorax strait to enlarge, &c a Liniment. 156 C.
  • Thorax to helpe of such as are phthisick, an Vnguent. 310 A.
  • [Page] [Page]Tongues scabbinesse and blacknesse, a Gargarisme 130. E
  • Tongues burning heate after, &c a Garga­risme. 13 C.
  • Terments concomitating the stone, &c. a Clyster 80. D.
  • Tuell contracted, &c an Vnguent. 287 B.
  • Tumours to dissolue and assuage, Cata­plasmes 34 A. 37. A.C. 50. 56 E. Cerots. 6. C. 66 B 72. C a Liniment. 144. A. Oiles 180. F. 18 [...] F Plaisters. 201. B. 208. C. 33 A Vnguents 313. C. 314. A.
  • Tumours pestilent, a Plaister 211. B.
  • Tumours inueterate, a Fume. 124 B.
  • Tumours inueterate and windy, a Plaister. 224. B.
  • Tumours windy, a Plaister 239. E.
  • Tumours phlegmonous to suppurate, a Plaister. 222 B
  • Tumours hydropicall and watery, Cata­plasmes. 52. G H 5 [...] E
  • Tumours hardnesse, and schirrous to dissolue, a Caustick. 60. D. a Fume. 126 D. a Liniment. 15 [...] E. Pilles. 188 B Plaisters. 193. B. 203 C. 232 B.
  • Tumours hard of the liuer, spleene, &c. Ce­rots. 73. A. B
  • Tumours hot to digest and maturate, a Plaister 22 C.
  • Tumours scrophulous, a Cerot. 70. D.
  • Tumours proceeding of cold and wind, &c. Balmes. 3. D. 9. A. Cataplasmes 41. E 42. A a Foment 114. B a Plaister 306 B.
  • Tumours Oedematous to discusse, Cata­plasmes 40. A. 53 B. a Foment 118. C. a Liniment. 159 F a Plaister. 239. D. Vn­guents 300 G. 315. D.
  • Tumours in womens breasts to maturate, &c. Cataplasmes 37 F 38. F. 40. D. Ce­rots 62. C. D. 67. C Liniments. 140. E. F. a Plaister 200 B.
  • Tumours vnder the eares, &c. to assuage, Cataplasmes 34 E. 3 [...] C 48 G
  • Tumours in greene wounds to consume, an Vnguent. 272. E.
  • Tumours in and about the throate, Cata­plasmes 40. F. 57. D. a Pouder. 257. G.
  • Tumour of the throate called Bronchocele, a Cataplasme 40. E.
  • Tumour in the Fundament, a Cataplasme. 41 B
  • Tumours of the knees, or ioynts, &c. to sof­ten, a Cerot. 69. D a Plaister 234. A.
  • Tumours of the Testicles to discusse, Cata­plasme. 45. D. 48. A. 56. F. a Liniment. 151 A
  • Tumour inueterate of the testicles, a Plai­ster. 227. A.
  • Tumour cold in the Cods to resolue, Plai­sters 236. F G,
  • Tumour in the Cods called Sarcocele, a Plai­ster. 208 A.
  • Tumours of the legs to abate, Cataplasmes. 47 C 49. D.
  • Tumours in the feete, hands, and fingers, &c a Cataplasme. 56 G. a Cerot. 77. C.
  • Tumours flatuous of the lower belly, a Sup­positary. 267. E.
  • Tumour in the breast called Sephiros, a Ce­rot 76 B
  • Tumours in or about the eye, a Balme. 8. C.
  • Tumour of the Vua, a Gargarisme. 133. A.


  • Vapours to restraine, &c. a Cerot. 68. G
  • Vapours to resolue, an Oile. 184. B.
  • Veine to cicatrize, a Caustick. 59. G.
  • Veine to cauterise that otherwise will not stay bleeding an Vnguent. 271. E.
  • Venome to draw out of wounds, &c a Ce­rot. 74 E. Plaisters 230. C. 234. A. Vn­guents 319. D 132. C 333 A.
  • Venemous creeping creatures, a Balme 19. D.
  • Ventris rugas apartu abstergens, an Vng. 309 E.
  • [Page] Venus act to forbid, an Oile. 183 C.
  • Vertebres broken to cure, a Defensitiue 102. D.
  • Vertigo to cure, a Balme 22. B. an Oile. 178. B. Synapismes 268 A. B.
  • Vlceration in the mouth with a watery canker, a Gargarisme. 135 F.
  • Vlceration in womens breasts, a Cata­plasme. 38. B.
  • Vlcerations in burnings to preuent, a Lini­ment. 155. B.
  • Vlcers to cure, Balmes 3. A 6. A. 12. B. 15 E. 17 C. a Cerot. 67. B a Decoction. 97. B. a Foment 115 A. an iniection 137. D a Liniment 154 B a Lotion. 162. D a Plaister. 209 A. a Pouder. 258. F Vnguents 272 C. 273 E 295 B 301. E. 305 E. Waters 337. 3 [...]9. B 341 C 344 E 346. E 349. E. 350. A.
  • Vlcers small, a Water 342. D.
  • Vlcers, scabs, and scrophulacs, an Vnguent. 295 C.
  • Vlcers, cankers, and fistulaes &c. a Lini­ment. 151 B. Oiles. 169 C 174. B. Vn­guents. 273. B. 293. D 312 C. Waters. 341 A B
  • Vlcer in the bladder, Iniections 138. 140. C. a Water. 353. A.
  • Vlcer where the bone is corrupt, a Water 359 A.
  • Vlcer in the breast, &c. an Iniection. 142 D. a Liniment. 151 H. an Oile. 182 B an Vn­guent. 331 B.
  • Vlcer in womens breast, &c a Cerot. 76, A.
  • Vlcer in the care, a Trochisce. 269. B. an Vnguent. 303. D
  • Vlcer in or about the fundament, a Lini­ment. [...]49 C
  • Vlcer in the fundament called Condyloma, a Trochisce. 209. B
  • Vlcer in wounds of the head, an Vnguent. 332 E.
  • Vlcer about the huckle bone, a Collirie. 85. C.
  • Vlcer in the ioynts, an Vnguent. 276. E.
  • Vlcer in the legs, &c. a Bath. 24. A. Vn­guents 273. E. 288. D. 315. C. 317. E. a Water. 347. D.
  • Vlcers of the lungs, nostrills, &c Fumes 125 F. 126. A.
  • Vlcer of the Matrix, a Pessary. 186. A.
  • Vlcer of the mouth, &c Gargarismes 128. E. 130. B. 131. B 132. A. 134 D. an Iniecti­on. 137 F. a Lotion 162. D an Oile. 177. B an Vnguent. 271. D a Water 347. E.
  • Vlcers in the mouths of children, Garga­rismes 131. A. 134. C.
  • Vlcer in the mouth proceeding Ex Lue Ve­nerea, Gargarismes. 128. F. 129. D. 130. A.
  • Vlcer in the mouth by taking of poyson, a Gargarisme. 135 A.
  • Vlcer in the mouth caused with Vnguents, a Gargarisme. 131 C.
  • Vlcer in the mouth proceeding of the Scor­but, an Vnguent. 276. C.
  • Vlcer in the mouth to preuent, of such, &c. a Gargarisme 132 E.
  • Vlcers of the nose, &c Errhines 112. A. D. an Vnguent 323 D.
  • Vlcer in the nose proceeding Ex Lue Vene­rea, Fumes 12 [...] C 126 G
  • Vlcer in the pallat, a Gargarisme. 133. E.
  • Vlcers of the priuities, a Plaister. 202. B. a Pouder 261 F. Waters. 342. C. 348. C. 349 C. 357. B D. 358 B 354. C.
  • Vlcer in the reines and bladder, Pilles. 190. D. a Water. 356. C.
  • Vlcers about the secret parts, an Vnguent. 277. B.
  • Vlcer inueterate of the throate, a Water. 359 C.
  • Vlcers and cankers of the throate, mouth, &c a Gargarisme 131. B. a Lotion. 163. A.
  • Vlcers of the tongue, &c. a Pouder. 255. E.
  • Vlcers in the vritory passage, a Water. 353. C.
  • [Page] [Page]Vlcers in the yard, &c. a Cataplasme 36. C. a Clyster. 78. D. a Collirie. 83. A. a Decocti­on. 90 C. an Epithime. 111. C a Foment 113. C. Iniections. 136. C. 137. G. a Plai­ster. 199 D a Potion. 240. E. a Pouder 261 E an Vnguent. [...]71. C.
  • Vlcers old, putrid, to skinne, cleanse, incar­nate, &c an Oile 17 [...]. C Plaisters 217. C 210. F. Vnguents 254 D 288. A. 299. E 323 E Waters 3 [...]7. C. 348. B. F. 352. A
  • Vlcers new and old, Vnguents 312. A. 332. A.
  • Vlcers greene to heale, a Balme. 8. C. a Cata­plasme. 4 [...]. F.
  • Vlcers hollow and filthy, &c Iniections 137 B C 139 E 140. A. 141. D. [...]4 [...]. B C [...]otions 161. E [...]62 A. 163 G an Oile 174. C a Pouder 254 F. Vnguents 300. F 310 A. 312. A. 315. C. Waters. 338. A. 3 [...]3. E
  • Vlce [...]s old, rotten, sordid, &c. a Balme 8. E. Cataplasmes 47 D 50. C a Collirie 87. F an Oile 184. D Vnguents. 281. C 285. D. Waters 342 A 354. E.
  • Vlcers filthy, fretting to cleanse, heale, &c. a Pouder. 254 D. 27 [...]. G an Vnguent. 315 D. Waters. 139. A. 344. B.C. 349. B. 355 C D.
  • Vlcers putrifying and corrupt to cleanse, a Plaister [...]15 D a Trochisce. [...]9. D
  • Vlcers cancerous, fistulated, &c. a Balme 15 G. a Cerot 66. E. an [...]ile. [...]5. A a Plaister 219. B. Vnguents 170 D 334. A B 3 [...]7 E.
  • Vlcers malignant, eroding, &c Balmes 18 D [...]1 D a Bath. 27. D an Oile. [...]7 [...]. D Plaisters 19 [...] B 20 [...] D. 210. B C 21 [...] D 221. A. 238. D F. Vnguents. 292. D 311. E.
  • Vlcers virulent and corrosiue, a Potion 352. F. an Vnguent. 320. A. a Water. 358. F.
  • Vlcers rebellious, &c an Electuary. 107. E. a Foment, 121. E. an Iniection. 137. A. Pilles. 1 [...]8. B.
  • Vlcers fradulent and ambulating, a Plaister. 235. D 288 A
  • Vlcers moist to dry and wash, a Plaister. 233 B. Waters [...]1. D 3 [...]2 D.
  • Vlcer oedematous to free of, &c. an Vn­g [...]ent 299 G.
  • Vlcer gangrenous, an Vnguent 271. l.
  • Vlcers strumes, and fistulaes, &c. a Plaister. [...]11. A.
  • Vlcers painefull, Oiles. 169. D F.
  • Vlcer itching, a Water. 337 C.
  • Vlcers hollow, and impostenies, a Digestiue 105. D.
  • Vlcer to cure caused by the biting of vene­mous beasts, a Foment 119. H.
  • Vlcers ex Luc Vencrea, a Fume 125 C. an Vnguent. 270 B Waters 341 C. 342 D.
  • Vlcers of ha d curation, Plaisters 193. A. [...]2 [...]. F. 225. G.
  • Vlcers sharpe to cleanse and dry, a Water. [...]55 F.
  • Vlcers desperate to heale, a Cataplasme. 4 D an Vnguent 319 D.
  • Vlcers inflamed and excoriated, an Vn­guent 288. A.
  • Vlcers plaine to cicatrise and heale, Waters. 336 D. 3 [...]7. G.
  • Vlcers to cleanse, an Oile 174. Waters. 349. D. 351 E
  • Vlcers to cicatrize, &c a Balme 4 C. a Plai­ster. 214. B Pouders 254 E G 25. A. a Water 338. D
  • Vlcer to dry and skinne, Pouders. A B. a Water. 344 F.
  • Vlcer to incarnate, &c. an Vnguent. 296. G
  • Vlcer to defend, a Defensitiue 102 C.
  • Vlcers hard edges to take away, a Plaister 217. C
  • Vnguentum sanatinum, 330. l.
  • Vnguentum defensiuum Magistrate, 334. D.
  • Vnguentum restrictiuum. 301. D.
  • Vnguentum desiccatiuum, 292. F.
  • [Page]Vomit to prouoke, an Vnguent, 325. D.
  • Vomiting to stay, &c. an Electuary. 108. B. an Oile. 178 D. 180. G. an Vnguent 279 D.
  • Vomiting of bloud, &c. an Electuary 107. B
  • Vomiting to restraine in young children, a Cerot. 69. A.
  • Vomiting after healing of vlcers, a Foment. 115. C.
  • Vomiting to helpe in cure of wounds, &c. 115. B.
  • Vrine retained to send forth, Balmes 12. A 13. A 14 A a Cataplasme. 42. F. Pilles. 189. A an Vnguent 327 E.
  • Vrines sharpnesse to allay &c an Oile. 176. D
  • Vrines burning heate to put away, an In­iection 138. A. a Plaister. 202. B.
  • Vriters to dilate, a Foment, 119. A.
  • Vua prelapsed, a Gargarisme. 130. C.
  • Vuula to helpe, a Gargarisme 129 C. a Plai­ster 233. A.
  • Vuula inflamed, a Gargarisme, 129. F.


  • Warts to take away, a Liniment. 150. E. an Vnguent. 308. Waters. 342. D 354. D.
  • Warts in the secret parts to take away, a Plaister. 255. C
  • Warts in the hands, an Vnguent. 291. C.
  • Watching immoderate, an Oile. 183. H.
  • Water betweene the flesh and the skinne to consume, an oile [...]08 B.
  • Wen to profit. Plaisters. 200. D. 203 E. 213. [...] 2 [...]8. G. 239. A.
  • Whites to stay, a Plaister. 223. F.
  • Wildemange an Vnguent 329. C.
  • Wind to dissolue and disperse, an Embroca­tion, 109. E. a Foment. 113. E.
  • Wolfe, a Plaister 202. B.
  • Wombes imbecillity, a Plaister. 208. D.
  • Wombe, or reines to preserue from flowing of bloud, a Plaister. 231. B.
  • Wombes precipitation, Pessaries, 1 [...]7. A. C.
  • Wombes strangling, a Plaister. 233. A.
  • Wombes hardnesse, a [...]essary. 1 [...]6. D.
  • Womens cold affects, a Plaister. 226. B.
  • Womens immoderate fluxes to stop, an Vnguent. 287. B.
  • Womens breasts to assuage of paine, &c. a Liniment. 156 l.
  • Womens breasts to free of hardnesse, a Plaister [...]3 [...] C.
  • Womens to kill, and driue out, Balmes. 5. C. [...]3. [...] 14. A. a Cerot 68. F Lini­ments. 1 [...]7 A. 148. G Oiles 178. C. D. 180. H. Plaisters. 213. A. 230. A. an Vnguent 299 A
  • Wormes in the eares, Iniections, 137. E 141 E.
  • Wormes in childrens heads, an Vnguent. 190 I.
  • Wormes in the teeth, a Balme 8 D.
  • Wounds to cure, Balmes. 3. A. 4. B 5. A. F. 6. A 10. B 11 A. 13 A C D. 15 E. 17. A. C 21. D. a Cataplasme. [...]3. E De­coctions 90 D. 92. A. 9 [...]. A 97 A. 98. B.C. 99. E. 100. A.B Defensitiues. 1 [...]1. C.D. 103. B. Digestiues 105. C. a Fo­ment. 115. A. Oiles. 171. B 173. C 176. A.B. 179 A. 180. A.B.E 184. C. 185. B. Plaisters. 2 [...]8. A. 229. A. Poti­ons. 242. A. 243. A.B. 244. A. 247 A. 248. B. 250. B.D. 251. D. 252. C. Vn­guents. 270. D. 271. C. 288. C. 298. D. 317. B. a Water. 350. B.
  • Wounds greene to heale, Balmes, 9. D. 21 B. 22. B. a Cerot. 67. E. a Decoction 91 B. a Foment. 116. A. a Liniment. 150. D. Oiles. 170. C.D. 172. A. C. 173. A. [Page] [Page] [Page] 175. D. an Vnguent. 304. A.
  • Wounds new or old, to cure, Plaisters. 211. A. 213. E. a Trochisee. 269. B.
  • Wounds to cure with speed and safety, Balmes. 3. E. 4. A. 7. B 9. C. 19. D. a De­coction. 100. A.
  • Wounds to cure in children, an Vnguent. 310. C.
  • Wounds to heale in the common sort, a Po­tion. 251. B.
  • Wounds to heale how deepe, wide, &c. an Vnguent. 306. D
  • Wounds in the armes, hands, or feet, a Ce­rot. 64. B. a Defensitiue. 102. E.
  • Wounds in the bladder, an Iniection. 242. A.
  • Wounds in the belly, &c a Clyster. 82. C. a Decoction. 99. C. an iniection. 138. C. a Potion. 251. A.
  • Wounds in the breast, Decoctions. 90 A 99. B. an Oile. 182. B.
  • Wounds in the eye, a Plaister. 205. C. a Water. 346. B.
  • Wounds in the feet, and anckles, an Oile 185. D.
  • Wounds in the head, &c. to heale, Balmes. 11. A 12. C. 15. B. Cerots. 64. A. 67. D. De­coctions. 99. A. 101. A. Plaisters. 199. B. 203 B. 205. E. 230. B. 237. D. a Potion. 244. C. Pouders. 253. A. 261. G. Vn­guents 274. C. 283. A 318. E.
  • Wounds of the intestines, an Iniection 139. D.
  • Wounds in the ioynts, &c Balmes. 19. A.B. an Oile. 174. A. an Vnguent. 273. D.
  • Wounds in the lips to agglutinate, a Pou­der. 260. D.
  • Wounds in the neck and throate, an Inie­ction 141. G. an Oile. 185. C.
  • Wounds to heale in neruous and venall parts, &c. Balmes. 11. C. 13. C. 16. B. an Oile 182. C.
  • Wounds in the nose, a Pouder. 260. E.
  • Wounds in a rupture to dissolue, a Foment. 114.
  • Wounds of the sinewes, an Vnguent 288 C
  • Wounds in the Thorax, a Plaister. 225. G. [...] Potion. 250. F.
  • Wounds venomed, or poisoned, a Cata­plasme. 53. C. a Plaister. 212. F. Vnguents 319 B 320. A. 321. B. 331. D.
  • Wounds to heale made by the biting of ve­nemous beasts, a Balme 5. B.
  • Wounds made with sharpe pointed wea­pons, a Balme. 4. D.
  • Wounds hollow to cure, Iniections 136. E F. 140. B. 141 F. Waters. 339. C. 340. A.
  • Wounds hollow, and fistulaes, an Oile 170. B.
  • Wounded persons who voide bloudy vrine, a Potion. 247. B.
  • Wounds in pockie persons, an Vnguent. 272. A.
  • Wounds and bruises to cure, an Oile. 168. D.
  • Wounds or soares to heale, Plaisters. 232 C. 233 A.
  • Wounds where the bones are fractured, Ce­rots 74. A. B. a Decoction. 98. E.
  • Wounds dangerous, an Vnguent. 2 [...] C.
  • Wounds ouer-moist to dry, &c. a [...] Vn­guent. 331. E.
  • Wounds burning heate to assuage, a Lini­ment. 154 D. an Vnguent. 276 F.
  • Wounds to consolidate a Balme. 4. C. an Oile. 168. a Plaister. 209. A. a Pouder. 257. C.
  • Wounds to conglutinate, Balmes. 6. C. 7. A. an Oile. 171. A Plaisters. 204. D. 209 C. D. a Pouder. 267. D. an Vnguent. 312 B.
  • Wounds to incarnate, Oiles 172. B. 173.
  • Wounds to mundifie, a Plaister 235. A. Vn­guents. 293 B 318. C. 319 D.
  • Wounds contused to profit, &c. Cata­plasmes. 41. C. 51. D. a Digestiue. 105. B. an Vnguent 275. C.
  • Wounds hollow with losse of bloud, a Pou­der. 262. A.
  • Wounds bloudy, a Plaister 2 [...]. B.
  • Wounds sordid to purge and heale, an Vn­guent. [Page] 315. C.
  • Wounds to free of iron, leade, wood and such like, Plaisters. 228. A. 230. C.
  • Wounds swelling edges to represse, &c an Vnguent. 276 B.
  • Wounds made by gun shot to cure, Balmes. 15. C. 18. E. a Cataplasme. 43. F. an Iniection. 141 C. a Plaister. 205. D an Vnguent. 320 D.
  • Wounds venomed made by gun-shot, a Pouder. 2 [...]9 A.
  • Wounds made with poysoned shot, a De­coction 98 D. a Potion 244. B
  • Wounds made by gun-shot to helpe of their burning hea [...]e, an Vnguent. 319 G.
  • Wounds made by gunshot where the bone is fractured, a Potion. 244. D.
  • Wounds or vlcers, &c. to incarnate, cica­trice, heale, &c. Cerots 67. A. 74. B. A. Foment 120 E. an Iniection. 136. D. a Lotion 161. D. Oiles. 172. B 177. B. Plaisters 201 C. 216. C. 228 B. 235. E. Potions. 246. B. D Pouders 254. A. 257. F. Vnguents. 273. C. 279. E. 192. G 294. E. 302. A. 303. C. 311. B. 332. D 334. C. a Wa­ter. 3 [...]0 B.
  • Wrench or straine to cure, a Cataplasme. 51. G.


  • Yard vlcerated, a Lotion. 163. F. a Water, 339 A.
  • Yard tumified, &c. a Cataplasme. 49 F.
  • Youth to preserue, an Oile. 168. B.

Courteous reading Artist, the most remarkable errors in this present worke may (by your helping hand) be amended by the following directions. The first number will direct you to the page: The second number stands for the line, or lines, in which the faults are; the word or words following the letter (r.) shewes how they ought to be read. But there are some generall errors, not set downe by page and line, which I entreate you to amend as you meet with them. viz. for Mesne and Mes­nes. reade Mesue and M [...]sues for Comis reade Cōu. for landani or labdani, reade ladani or laudani, for lenistici, reade leuistici.

Page 2. Line 4. reade ℥ ss 3. l, 11. r. ol. l. 27. r. Succot. 4 l 35. r. olybani. 8. l 6 r. without any. 10. l. 24. r. elemil 33. l 7. r. eius. 47. l. 32 r. refrig. 49. l. 4. r. Iua. 66. l. 21. r. ℥jss l. 26. r. empli. 70. l. 30. r. altheae. 82 l. 4. r. vrticae. l 32. r. Salis nitri. 85 l 12. r. floris. 91. l. vlt. r. neruiae. 93 l. 10 r. sychenis. 96. l. 5. expunge (Ecc.) 98. l. 37. r. expelling. 104. l 17. r. the hearbs. l 29. r pal 106 l. 9. r. eringij 108 l. 8. r. miua 109 l. 10. r. rad [...]um 120. l 30. r. add. 122 l. 17. nolybani 125. l. 37. r. bizantie. 126. l. 14. r carded. 129. l. 19 expunge (the) 139. l. 139 l 16. r. fabar. 150. l. 37. r. Mesuae & infrig. 167. l. 22. expunge (only to expresse the materials) 175 l 11 r. ol: anethi ℥j ss. 177 l. 16. r. with some. 202. l. 4. r warme 211. l. 21. r. of the mirtil. 243 l. 25. r. cauous 252. l. 23. r. Cassiae, ℥j. 253. l 7. r. foliator 290. l 28. & 29 r. folior. 300. l. 6. r. Carannae 301. l. 31 expunge ( [...]err.) 333 l 8. r ameos. 336 l. 13. r. pocu­lum. 339. l 21. after masticis, ʒiij. insert thuris ℥iij l 22. r. ℥ ss. 349. l 10. after purgeth, insert mettals.

THE CHYRVRGIANS CLOSET: Or an Antidotarie Chyrurgicall. Furnished with varietie, and choyce of Medicines.


℞. MAsticis, ℥j. Piperis pyrethri, ana ʒj ss. mellis q. s. s. a. f. Trochisci. secundum magnitudinem Lupinor. One whereof being held in the mouth by the space of halfe an howre fasting. *. Asswa­geth A the Toothach, caused of Rhewme, by drawing the same forth. Andernacus.

℞. Masticis contritae, ℥ss. mellis, q. s. make Trochisces in forme aforesaid; One whereof being held in the mouth as aboue said, and then chewed and spit forth. *. As­swageth B Headache caused of Choler. Andernacus.

℞. Masticis, ℥j. Cort. Capparar. ʒij. Pyrethri, ʒiij. Piperis, ʒj ss. vuar. passular, ℥ ss. Commixe them well together, and reserue them in a masse: a portion whereof being tied vp in a littell mod­dell, in a linnen cloth, and chewed 'twixt the teeth by the space of [Page 2] halfe an hower, (the patient being fasting, or the stomacke emp­tie) A by frequent repetition, *. It frees the head from distillaci­ons. Andernacus.

℞. Pyrethri, masticis, ana ℥ssj. cerae, q.s. Make Trochisces, each singular, about the bignes of a filberd: One whereof being chew­ed by the space of halfe an howre together, often spitting out the B pituitous slyme, by often repetition. * greatly profits such as are Epileptick. Andernacus.

℞. Masticis, ℥j. sem synapij, ℥ss. piperis longi. & pyrethri, ana ʒij. staphidis agriae, & piperis guiniae, ana ʒj. mellis puri, q.s. s.a. forme trochisces, each singular, about the bignes of a small beane, to be held betweene the teeth each morning fasting, by the space C of halfe an hower at once, by frequent vse thereof. *. It at­tenuates viscuous slyme and flegme, in [...]he head, and drawes it forth: thereby preuenting a palsie iustly feared: It's also profitable against a palsie fixed. Against the Epilepsie. The Toothache, and all cold and moist affects of the braine. Poeton.


℞. Partem humani corporis incisam. Put it into a large bellied vessell of glas (that which the Chymists call Ampulla) digest it therein for a moneths space, Then make separation thereof s. a. Take of the lycour thereof lbj. theriacae opt, ℥vj. commixe and ma­cerate them s.a. for xxx. dayes space, Then draw forth the balme D s.a. which is called a mumiated treacle. *.℥j. whereof commixt with like quantitie of oyle of sweet almonds, and giuen to one who hath drunke poyson, or is infected with the Pest. it speedily cures; if you cause the patient to sweat effectually in his bed. It heales Carbuncles and the inflamations of the sides. ʒj. thereof taken fasting, withstands the force of poyson. Andernacus ex Paracelso.

℞. Myrrhae, aloes, spicae, sang: drac, thuris, mumiae, opoponacis, ammoniaci, Carpobalsami, Sarcocollae, Croci electi, masticis, gum: arab, Styracis Calamitae, ana ℥ij. ladani, ℥ss. restinae abietinae, lbj. terebinth, lbviij. vini generosi, lbss. Put all these into a narrow mouthed vessel and distill them s.a. then commixe with the distil­led [Page 3] lycour moschi puri gra: xv. and then reserue it for the cure both of *. wounds and vlcers. Andernacus. A

℞. Galbani, lbss. gum: hederae, ℥i [...]j. Bruse mix: and distill them: then adde to the distilled lycour, terebinth: lbj. ol laurini, & spicae, ana ℥j. Put them into a narrow mouthed glas vessell, and s. a. draw forth the moisture; then seperate the oyle from the water and reserue it. *. As effectuall to resolue the hardnes of sinewes, B Andernacus.

℞. Galbani. ℥x. gum: hederae ℥iij. Beate and commix them, put them into a fit vessell for distillacion, and s. a. draw forth the lycours, which will be water and oyle, adde vnto them, o [...]: lauri­ni ℥j. terebint: clarae, lbj. s. a. distill them againe, and seperate the balme, and reserue it closely and carefully, as effectuall. *. Against C Palsies. Resolucion of synewes, Deafnes, Decayed memory and such like. Arnoldus Villanonanus.

℞. Ol: aneti lbss. oleor: lauri, rutacei, spicae, & masticis, ana ℥iij. olei comis, ℥vj. absinthij, origani, calamenthi, centaurij, agrimoniae, ana Mss. sem: anisi, faeniculi, carui, cumini, ameos, Caryoph, bace: lauri, rad: gentianae, rubiae tinctor, ana ʒjss. aq: vitae, ℥iiij. croci, ʒiij. sem: danci, ʒj. sem: petrosilini ℈ij. Bruse the seeds, and the hearbes together: then mix the whole ingredients together, and boyle them in B: M. when it is cold make a strong expression, and distill it in a glas body. The Balme extracted cures *. Tu­mors D proceeding of a cold and windy cause. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Terebinth: lbj. masticis ℥j. olybani, ℥iiij. gum: hederae, ℥ij. sarcocollae, ℥iij. aloes hepat, ℥ss. myrrhae, ℥ij. aloes succor: ℥ss. galba­ni, ℥jss. gum: elemi ℥iiij. ammoniaci, ℥ss. nuc: mosch, galangae, rad: gentianae, tormentillae, & symphiti maioris, cubebar, mumiae, ana ʒij. ol: comis lb [...]j. Powder what needs: dissolue the gummes in white wine, after this commix the whole, and boyle them in B: M. xxiiij. howers, Then distill them in a Copper still: seperate the E Balme and reserue it. *. To heale wounds very speedily. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Terebint: purgatae, lbj. resinae purae, lbss. thuris masculi, ℥iiij. masticis, myrrhae, ana ℥j. olibani, ℥jss. sarcocollae, ℥j. gum: elemi, ℥ss. aloes epaticae, ʒj. euphorbij, ʒij. ammoniaci, ʒiij. galbani, ℥ss. aloes succot, ℥iiij. nuc: mosc, ℥j. galangae, ʒj. macis, ʒij. cinamo. ℥jss. la­dani, [Page 4] ʒj. Croci, ʒij ss. Caryoph: ℥ ss. Spicanardi, ℈j Cubebar, ℈ij. Iridis, ℥j. Saluiae virescentis contusae, M j. ol: magistralis, ℥v. ol: liliacei, lbss. ol; comis. ℥xij. ol: laur, ℥iiij ss. ol: lumbricor, ℥ij. mellis, ℥iiijss. aq: compositae, ℥iij. Powder whats necessary, incorporate, and infuse the whole xxiiij. howers; then distill them s.a. and se­perate A the Balme, the which reserue carefully. *. To heale wounds with speed and safety. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Ol: comis: lbi [...]j. Terebint, lbj. gum: karabae, ℥vj. masticis, myrrhae, olybani, sarcocollae, ana ℥ij. salis nitri, ℥ij ss. aq. vitae, lbj. Powder what's requisite, commix and distill them at a gentle fire, s.a. and receiue the water with a thinne oyle swimming aloft, which seperate by it selfe, but the thickest oyle in the botttome, B seperate by strayning, which is an excellent Balme. *. The wa­ter quickens the Eyesight. The oyle is good against Contra­ction, and stifnes of members. The Balme for wounds. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Terebint: purg ℥iij. myrrhae, ℥iiij. styracis, mumia, sarcocol­lae, ana ℥j. masticis, thuris, ana ʒiij. gummi hederae, ʒiijss. aloes l [...]tae, aristolochiae vtrius (que), aluminis vsti ana ℈ij ss. malicorij, ℥ ss. hypoci­stidis, balaustior, sang: drac, nuc: cupressi, ana ʒij. boracis ℥iij. Capbura, ʒss. Powder what is to be powdred, and infuse the whole together by the space of one night, then distill them C through a glas still, gather and reserue the Balme. *. which doth maruelously consolidate and Cicatrice wounds, and vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banist.

℞. Terrebint, lb ss. aq. vitae, lbj. thuris, ℥j. sarcocollae, ℥jss. myr­rhae, ℥ij. masticis, ʒvj. gum: hedera, ℥ss. euphorbij, ʒij. opoponacis, ʒiij. gum: elemi, ℥iss. resinae pini ℥iij. succi symphiti vtrius (que) ana ℥ss. nuc. mosch, & cinamo, ana ʒij. Croci ℈ij. aloes epaticae, mumiae, ana ʒjss. Powder what's fit, and let them stand together a while, then distill them in a Copper still, vntil by sublimation the water be se­perated D from the Balme. *. which is of great vertue for wounds made by sharp pointed weapons. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Terebint, lbiij ss. myrrhae, ℥iij. sarcocollae, ℥iiij. thuris, ℥ij. gum: elemi, ℥ij ss. masticis [...]ybani, ana ℥iij. gum: arab, & dragar, ana ℥j. gum: hedera, euphorbu, ana ℥ss. aloes epat: ℥ss. croci, ʒv. malicorij, galanga, Caryophyl. Xyloaloes, Cubebar: nuc: mosch, cinamo, ana ʒj. Powder (very finely) what are to be powdred, then infuse the [Page] [Page] [Page 5] whole together xij. howres, then draw forth the Balme by a glas limbeck, and reserue it. *. For wounds. Ex Antidot: Banisteri. A

℞. Succor: card: benedicti, valerianae, saluiae, hyperici, ana ℥iiij. ol: comis: lbij. terebint: lbj. myrrhae, ℥iiij. sarcocollae, ℥vj. euphorbij, ℥ ss. olybani, masticis, ana ℥j ss. gum: elemi, ℥ij. aq. vitae, lb ss. Powder what's fit: Then boyle them together to the wasting of the iuices, Then distill them in a Copper still, first with an easie fire, after encreasing it, till the water and oyle be seperated; then reserue the oyle or Balme. *. To heale wounds made by the bitings of B venemous beasts. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Terebint: lbv. aq: vitae, lbij. succor: saluiae, draconcellae, sca­biosae, Card: benedicti, hyperici, melissophylli, ana ℥ij. galbani, opo­ponacis, ammoniaci, serapini, euphorbij, ana ʒiij. masticis, sarco­collae, myrrhae, aloes epat, landani, belzoini, gum: hederae, ana ʒij. rad: zedoariae, helenii. gentianae, iunci odorati, dictamni, rub: tin­ctor: angellicae, ana ʒj. lumbric: terr, ℥ij. bacc: lauri, iuniperi, & hederae, ana ℈ij. Cinamo, Cassiae, lig, zinz, Cardamo, nuc: mosch: ana ʒj. piperis, Cubebar, Carpobalsami, Cort: Citri. santali citrini, rhabarb, ana gra: xxvj. malicorij, ℥ij. sem anisi, faenic: dauci, carui, cumini, petrosilini, saxifragiae, ana ℥ij. balaustior, ʒjss. Powder what is to be powdred, and dissolue the gums in aq: vitae (prepa­red for wounds) and in malmsy: so let them infuse vj. dayes and after at an easie fier seperating the water from the oyle, distill them through a limbeck, and reserue the water and Balme apart. *. The Balme heales the bitings of venemous beasts. It's pro­fitable C against the Palsie. Crampe. Rhewmes. Weake­nesse of the Memory. Collicke. Wormes. Toothache, &c. When you will vse it for any inward affect, take iij. drops of the oyle, with sweet wine. When you vse the water: Take halfe a spoonefull thereof with iiij. spoonefuls of some pleasant wine. ℞. Huius balsami, ℥ ss. ol: enphorbii, ʒvj. misce. *. Against D the Palsy. ℞. Huius balsami, ʒiij. ol: Castorei, ℥iss. misce. Anoint therewith the hinder part of the head together with the nuke or nape of the neck. * Against debility of memory. ℞. E Huius balsami, ℥j. ol: rosacei, ℥ij. misce. * For wounds. In F other like affects proceed with iudgement, for it is not simply to be vsed in regard of it's great heate. Ex Antidot: Bani­steri.

[Page 6]℞. Terebint, lbjss. aq: vitae, lbss., galbani, opoponacis, ammoniaci, ana ℥ss. gum: elemi, ℥j. Cinamo. ℥iiij. laudani, ʒiij. [...]libani, ℥j. thu­ris, ℥jss. macis, ʒij. resinae pini, ℥ij. masticis, ℥ss. myrrhae ʒvj. mumiae, ʒij. aloes, ℥iijss. nuc: mosch, ℥ss. gum: bederae, ʒv. galangae, ℥ss. bora­cis, ʒiij. Caryoph, ʒ [...]ijss. Sarcocollae, ℥ss. Powder (grosly) what's fit: and infuse them together xij. howres, then distill them A s.a. and seperate the Balme *. which is for wounds and vl­cers, both commodious and comfortable. Ex Antidot: Ba­nisteri.

℞. Saluiae, rutae, hyssopi, cinamo, flo: genistae, absinthij. ana M ss. iridis, ℥ij. ol: ros, lbss. ol: Cymini, & laurini, ana ℥ij. butyri recentis, ℥iiij. medullae Crur. bouis, lbss. axung: porc, ℥vj. rad: altheae, ℥iiij. saenug [...], ℥iij. terebint. lbjss. ammoniaci, ℥ij. galbani ℥iiij. opopona­cis, bdellij, ana ℥vi. vini Sanguinei, lbj. Bruse the hearbes, and mix the whole, then boyle them in a close vessell xx. howres, and open not the vessell till it be cold, then adde to the strayned ly­cour, Croci Subtiliter triti, ℥iij. Sulphuris viui, ℥iiij. Salis puri, ℥ij. opii. ℈iiij. Being well mixt, put them into a glas body well luted, and draw forth the moysture; Seperate the Oyle or Balme, B and reserue it. * As preualent against the gowt: being applied s.a. iij. or iiij. times a day; in small quantitie at once. Prouided that the body be first duly purged. Note that the gums ought to be dissolued in aq: vitae. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Bol: arm, ℥ij. far: volatilis, ℥j. sang: drac, terr: fig, ana ℥j. terebint, ℥iij. Powder what's fit: then (ouer a gentle fire) com­mixe the whole, cum oleo rosaceo lbiij. incorporate them without C any boyling and reserue them in a pewter bottell. *. To Agglu­tinate wounds. When you need to vse it, shake well the bottell, then powre out your quantitie and warme it. Dip your tents, or pledgets therein, and your cloathes for defense to lay vpon all, and so rowle it vp. Vse this Balme for the first dressing onely. Balthrop.

℞. Mumiae, ℥iij, aloes epaticae, ℥ j. picis naualis, ℥ss. sarcocollae, gum: hederae, masticis, myrrhae, ana ℥j. Powder finely what's fit, and commixe them with aq: vitae (prepared) ℥xij. Boyle them in a double vessell in glas iij. dayes, which done, adde thereto olei terebint: ℥ix. balsami Banesteri distillati, ℥iiij. Boyle them againe vnto the wasting of the aq: vitae, then reserue it to your [Page] [Page] [Page 7] vse. *. Being of excellent operation to agglutinate wounds. A Banester.

℞. Terebint, clarissae lbviij. vini nigri, lbij succi consolidae ma­ioris, lbss. Cyd onior. minutissimè incisor. n o: x. prunellor. Siluestri­um, lbss. rad: consol, ma, ℥iii. gum: ammoniaci, ℥ij. olybani, ℥j. gum: elemi, ℥iss. masticis, Sarcocollae, ana ℥ij. aloes epaticae, myrrhae, mummiae, ana ℥jss. Cinamo, ℥jss. Cassiae ligneae, ʒvj. sang: drac, ℥iss. bol: arm. ℥j. ʒvj. malicorij, ʒvj. balaustior. ʒij. hippacistidis, & Santalor. rubror. ana ʒiss. nuc: mosch, Cupressi, ana ʒiij. myrtil­lor. ℥ss. Powder what's fit, commix and let them macerate in. B. M. ij. dayes, then s.a. extract the Balme called Balsamum Banesteri.

℞. Ol: terebint, lbv. verm: terrest: praep, lbijiss myrrhae, ℥iiss. masticis, Sarcocollae, olybani, ana ℥iij galbani, ammoniaci, ana ℥j. b [...]ellii: ℥ij. gum: elemi, ℥iij. Caryoph, ℥iij. ol: Cois: lbij. ol: lumbri­cor. (nostrae inuentionis) lbj. terebint, puriss. lbj. Put them alto­gether (the oyle of wormes, and common oyle except) into the oyle of Turpentine: the gums being first finely minced, and the rest finely powdred; Let them so stand xxx. dayes, then powre out by it selfe the clearer part, but the thicker part with all the grounds, put them into your boyling vessell, and adde thereto one pint of good malmsy or sack, and the ij. former reserued oyles. Let this gently boyle together (with constant stirring) for iij. howers space: At length when the thick ascends and swims aloft, take it from the fire, and put into it the oyle of tur­pentine formerly cleared of, incorporate them: After straine it purely and reserue it for vse. *. It cures all sorts of wounds with B speed, specially those of the ioints, sinewes, tendons, and about the head. It cureth pricks according to the first intention. And is profitable against Cramps, Palsies, Numnesse, and such like. Banester.

℞. Terebint, ℥j. thuris masculi, ℥ij. aloes hepat, masticis, caryoph, galangae, cinamoni, nuc: mosch, cubebar. ana ℥j. gum: hed [...]rae, ℥v. Powder whats fit: Commixe the whole, put it into a limbeck: lute it close, and distill them with a gentle fire. That which first commeth out will be a cleere and white water: Afterwards will issue a water thicker in substance, of a saffron like colour; when that first appeares, change the receiuer continewing the same, [Page 8] vntill the Balsome manifest it selfe, which will come forth cleare like hony. Then put to another receiuer (without any more change) vntill all the Balme be drawen forth: the which you ought to reserue as a Iewell. If you take the quantitie of one drop thereof vpon the point of a knife, and put it vnto the bottome of a bason of faire water; It will remaine entire with any separati­on: And about the space of one hower after it will ascend vnto the top of the water, and will there swim whole. This Balsam (being set on fire) will burne. One drop thereof dropt hot into a pint of new milke, will coagulate the same, euen like vnto the naturall Balme. The first and cleere water is called water of A Balme, and is of maruelous vertue. *. In the cure of fistulaes. It likewise ceaseth the noise in the Eares, if iij. or iiij. drops thereof be instilled hot into them. The second lycour is B called oyle of balsam. *. This cures the scabbines of the Eyelids, and preserueth the haires from falling of, and dries vp superflu­ous teares, if morning and euening the Eyes be therewith artifi­cially C fomented. The third is called artificiall Balme, which in vertue is not inferiour vnto the naturall Balme *. This cures all sorts of Ringwormes, Tettars, Scabs, and excressences, in whatsoeuer part of the body they be seated. It cures Apo­stemes. New Vlcers. Tumors in or about the Eyes. It's a more forcible repercussiue against cold humors, then any other D medicine whatsoeuer. *. Being applied to the Teeth, it cures all sorts of Toothache. Kils wormes in the Teeth. It's also wonderfull in expelling and curing all cold poysons of Toades, Spiders, Serpents, Scorpions, and such like. Yea one drop there­of E sufficeth being applied hot to the place enuenomed. *. It cures all sorts of old rotten and malignant vlcers, how deepe soeuer they F be rooted in the flesh or bone. *. It cures Fistulaes, Cancers, No­li G me tangere, &c. *. It strangely and speedily easeth the cold gowt, a linnen cloth being moystned therewith, and applied hot H to the place affected. *. It helpes such as are brused, by strokes, falls, or any other accident. It dries vp superfluous moysture. Restraines flux of humors. And strengthens and com­forts the sinewes. Note It's hot aboue any degree so that there is not found any thing to be hotter: Yea it is of such a penetrating force, that if one drop thereof be put into the palme of the hand [Page] [Page] [Page 9] it will worke through without either sense or hurt. *. It A cures all cold Tumors, and such as arise from corrupt bloud. It preserues from putrefaction. Bertapalia.

℞. Rad. ireos, & aristoloch, ana ℥ j. Symphiti maio: Inae Ar­thriticae, herbae paralysis, pimpinellae, rutae, saluiae, ana Mj. Bacc. lanri, & iùniperi, ana, ʒvj. flor. stechados, & anthos, ana pj. ga­langae, zedoariae, zinzib: cinamo: caryoph: & nuc. mosch: ana ʒiij. ligni aloes, ℥j. thuris, masticis, ana ʒx. aloes, sarcocollae, bdellij, ammo­niaci galbani, myrrhae; ana ℥j ss. castorei, ℥ ss. gum elemi, ℥ij. diachyli ireati, ℥.ij. aequae vitae optimae, ℥iiij. Prepare them all s.a, and cast them into a limbeck, and shut it close, and with a gentle fire with diligent care extract the moysture, and separate the Balme s.a. and reserue it as right precious. *. Against the Palsy, and all con­uulsed B nerues. D r. Bonham.

℞. Terebint, lbj. euphorbij, sulphuris, ana ℥ss. salis, ℥j. olei, lbj. Boyle them by the space of two houres with a gentle fire and constant stirring, then straine and reserue the Balme, the which being applied hot. *. doth speedily conglutinate wounds. Cal­meteus. C

℞. Terebint, lbj. gummi elemi, & galbani, ana ℥ij. gum. hede­rae, thuris, masticis, & myrrhae, ana ℥ij aloes, xyloaloes, caryoph: ga­langae, cinamo: nuc. mosc: cubebar: ana ℥j. aq. vit: ℥iij. Powder what's requisite, and infuse the whole xxiiij. houres; afterwards distill them twice, s. a. and reserue the extracted oyle as a soue­raigne Balme. *. Vsefull for the cure of greene wounds. Cal­meteus. D

℞. Agrimoniae, alchymillae, androsemi, aschyri, betonicae, bifolij, prunellae calendulae, caprifolij, consol. ma. cruciatae, hypericonis, iaceae, lauendulae, meliloti, millefolij, nummulariae, origani, perfoliatae, pilo­sellae, plantaginis, quinquefolij, rorismarini, veronicae, violae nigrae, vio­lae luteae violae matronalis, ana Mj. Let these be gathered each one in his time and kind, and let them be stampt with sweet oyle o­liue, and so kept euer as you get your hearbes, from time to time, till at length all be gotten, and the whole quantity of oyle a­mount to a gallon. Put the whole into a pot well nealed and gla­sed, and shut it close, then let it stand in hot horse-dung by the space of a moneth. In the interim prepare these following: viz. Gum. ammoniaci, galbani, bdellij, masticis, myrrhae, olibani, opopo­nacis, [Page 10] rosinae, pini, sarcocollae, sagapeni, styracis, calamitae, thuris ana, ℥j. garyophillor: maceris, [...]uc. mesch. cinamo: ana, ℥ Powder those which are to be powdered, and dissolue the gumms in good white wine, then put your infusion into a faire brasen vessell, and set the same ouer a gentle fire, putting thereto vini mal [...]atici, lbiiij. vermium terrestium vino albo lotor: & depurator. lbiij. Boyle them gently with constant stirring, vnto the wasting of the wine and iuyces, and that the oyle haue attained a faire greene colour. Then make a strong expression, and adde to the expressed oyle, the gums and powders, with three pints of mus­cadell or malmsy, &. Terebint. clarissimae, lbj Boyle all this toge­ther (as before) vnto the wasting of the wine. Then reserue it. A* To cure wounds very speedily and effectually. It healeth scabs, and wheales in the face and hands, and makes those parts faire. It is very excellent in wounds of the sinewes and ioynts, and stayeth muscilage and gleeting humor. If you will distill this s.a. You shall first haue a fine water. Secondly, a pure B oyle. And thirdly, a precious Balme. * Which is excellent in all wounds. As also in Vlcers of the fundament, &c. The oyle is precious against all aches and gowtes. The water preserueth from poyson and pestilence. Clowes.

℞. Terebint. ℥iiij. thuris, ℥ss. ligni aloes, ʒij. masticis, caryoph: galangalae, cinamo: zedoariae, nuc. mosch: cubebar: ana, ʒij. gum. elenci, ℥ss. Mixe and distill them s.a. and reserue the Balme ex­tracted. The which being inwardly taken, and outwardly apply­ed. C*. Cures the Leprosie. Cancers. Fistulaes, and many other like infirmities and maladies, of hard and difficill curation. Euomimus: a quodam Emperico.

℞. Terebint. lbij. myrrhae, castorei, masticis, ana, ℥iij. olybani, aloes, succot, ana ℥iiij. rad, consol. mino: ℥j. rad. tormentillae, gum. hederae, nuc. Indicae, Zedoariae, ana ℥ss. cubebar. ʒj. Prepare them s.a. and macerate them together for two dayes space, neare a gentle fire. Then extract the Balme s.a. and reserue it close. D*. This Balme cures wounds in short space. And being an­noynted on bruised parts, it disperseth the congealed bloud and humors, relieuing the sinewes, and restoring the parts to their pristine healthfull estate. It helpeth the Crampe. Cures Palsies proceeding from a cold cause. Yea, if one droppe [Page] [Page] [Page 11] thereof bee giuen vnto one ready to dye: it will reuiue him, Enomymus a quodam Anglo.

℞. Galbani, lbj. gum. Hederae, ℥iij. Beate them as small as you can. Being well commixed, put them into a glasse Limbecke with a necke, and distill them by B. M. Adde to the distilled matter, ol. Laurini, ℥j. Terebint. lbj. Commixe and redistill them, then seperate the water from the Balme, and reserue this close, which you shal find to be of maruelous vertue.* Against the A Palsie, and trembling or shaking of the members: The manner of application is this: Let the Paraleticke or Spasmaticke person be layde vpright on his backe, and apply of this Balme (tempe­rately hot) vnto his nauell, so as it may sinke downe to the bot­tome thereof, and in short space you shall see a worke rather di­uine, then naturall. It cures that Palsie which succeeds the Collicke. Euomymus,

℞. Ol. Abietis, lbj. album Ouor: lbj. resinae Pini, ℥vj. gum. E­lemi, ℥ij. Being well commixt, put them into a Retort well luted, and s: a. extract the Balme, which may be performed in xxxvj. houres. Reserue the Balme as exceeding auaileable in the cure of. *. Contused wounds of the head. It's good in any B wound. Fallopius.

℞. Terebint. clarae, lbij. ol. Lini, lbj. resinae Pini, ℥vj. Thuris, Myrrhae, Aloes, Sarcocollae, Macis, Croci, ligni Aloes, ana ℥ij. These being duely prepared, cast them all into a Retort: And then s.a. (beginning with a gentle fire) draw forth the lycours. The first will be cleare like water. After that will distill forth a red oyle, the which when you perceiue, encrease the fire more and more vnto the end of the distillation. Then separate the ly­cours and reserue them apart. The water in processe of time will waxe red. The Balme will euer retaine it's first colour, which is of soueraigne vertue. *. to heale wounds, in neruous and venall C parts: and that with speed, safety, and ease. Fallopius.

℞. Tereb. puri. lbj. ol: Laurini, ℥iiij: Galbani ℥iij. Gum. Arabi­ci, ℥iiij. Thuris, Myrrhae gū. Hederae, ligni Aloes, ana ℥iij. Galangae, Caryophyll: Consolid. Mino: Nuc. Mosch. Cinamo: Zedoariae, Zin­zib, Dictamni albi, ana ℥j. Moschi, Ambrae Grisiae, ana, ʒj. Be­ing all prepared, and mixed s. a. cast them into a Retort and powre on them aq. vi [...]ae, lbvj. Then wet a cloath in aq. vitae, and [Page 12] set it on fire, and put it so burning into the Retort, that the aq. vit. therein may burne. The which whilest that it burneth, commixe the materials well together; Afterwards leaue them to mace­rate together (close stopt) for nine dayes. Then distill them by ashes with a gentle fire, and you shall receiue a water, white and bright: After that an oyle, and lastly the Balme. Separate and reserue them apart: for they haue their seuerall vertues. Inpri­mis A the water * cleares the Eyes, and preserues the sight. It maintaines youthfull beautie in the face, it being washt therwith. Being inwardly taken it breakes the stone in the raynes, and ex­pels it. It prouokes vrine, though formerly stopt by a carnositie. It heales all sorts of wounds, and that in any part, being applyed with a feather. It relieues the Hectick. Easeth the Cough. Dri­eth Rhewmes. Takes away the ache of the huckle bones, if the place affected be therewith fomented. Secondly, the oyle (called B by some the mother of Balme, speedily cures * all sorts of scabs, and wormes in the skin, Leprosies, and Vlcers, and that with­out corosion. Thirdly, the Balme it selfe is profitable against innumerable infirmities, griefes, and maladies. First it's soue­raigne C* against wounds in the head, where both the bones and membranes are hurt. It's admirable against the Pleurisie, if ʒj. thereof be giuen to drinke with Balme-water; ʒ [...]j thereof so administred, doth sodainely driue away the paines of the sides. It mightily auailes against the Cough, Rhewmes, and all cold af­fects of the head and stomacke. It benefiteth the whole head, if the futures thereof shall (once in a day) be therewith rub'd. For by reason of it's penetrating vertue, it aduantageth both parts and places, though much remote. It cures Quartane Agues, if the whole body bee therewith anoynted, so as there bee not any part thereof left vntoucht. In a word: it promiscuously cures all infirmities, both hot and cold by a certaine hidden propertie. Fiorouantus.

℞. Terebint: abiegnae, ℥xviij. Cerae opt. ℥xij. ciner. vitis, ℥vj. Put them all together into a Retort well luted, distill them in ashes vntill no more will runne forth, the which you shall know when the wax ascends and sticks vnto the neck of the Rteort. Keepe the Balme (with all carefulnesse) in a glasse vessell close stopt. If any one anoint himselfe therewith twice in a moneth. [Page] [Page] [Page 13] * It preserues and maintaines a youthfull beautie. It preserues A from putrefaction what euer thing is put into it. It heales any wound at iij. or iiij. dressings. ʒij. thereof giuen in­wardly, sends forth retayned vrine, kills wormes. Puts a­way stitches and prickings of the sides. Easeth the cough. dryeth Rhewme, and mightily, auailes against pestilentiall fea­uers. Fiorouantus.

℞. Aq: stillat: ex floribus rorismarini, lbj. nuc: mosch: Caryoph: granor. paradisi. Cinamo, Cubebar. macis, zinzib. ana ℥j. Beate what's fitting, then mix and set them in some hot place, to mace­rate, for iij dayes space. After distill them s. a. by the heate of ashes, encreasing the fire vntill the faeces be burnt; then adde to the extracted lycour, of the distilled water of Rosemary lbj. Boyle these together in a vessell of glasse, vnto the wasting of the halfe: then adde thereto ol: veteris lbj. olei de been, ℥j euphorbij & castorei. ana ℥iiij. Synapi. ℥vj. Oleor. Sesamini, Hypericonis, Citri, Spicae, & de Zibetto, ana ℥ss. Commixe and inclose them firme in a glasse curcubite, then expose them to the sun for iij. moneths and it shall be perfected. *. It doth wonderfully restore B the decayed or lost memory, if the whole head, thorax, and re­gion of the stomacke, be therewith anointed hot at going to bed. Fiorouantus.

℞. Alb: ouor. ad duritiem Coctor. ℥xij. Terebint: clarae, ℥xiiij. Myrrhae elect, ℥iij. Commixe and distill them in a Retort s. a. at the first with a gentle fire, gradually encreasing the heate vnto the finishing of the distillation, then seperate the Balme and re­se [...]ue the same in a glasse vessell close stopt. * It cures all wounds: C in chiefe, of the head and sinewes. Fiorouantus.

℞. Olei vetu [...]tiss. ℥iiij. terebint: purae, lbss. frumenti integri, ℥iss. Flor. Hyperici, ℥ij. rad: Card: benedict. & valerianae, ana ℥j. thuris pul. ℥j. The roots and hearbs being grosly beaten, put them into a pot, and powre on them so much white wine, as will immerge or couer them, then permit them to imbibe for ij. daies compleate, then adde the oyle and the wheate, and boyle them all to the wasting of the wine. Then make a strong expression. And adde to the expressed lycour, the turpentine and the fran­kincence, and boyle them (with due stirring) vnto compleate incorporation: and then reserue it in a fit vessell of glasse. *. This D [Page 14] Balme will heale any wound in xxiiij. houres, being applied as followeth. First, the wound must be duely washt with good white wine cold: which done, apply the Balme (instantly) hot either by siringe, tent, or pledget, as the forme of the wound re­quires: Then forthwith close the orifice of the wound, s. a. ei­ther by bolster, lygature, future, or artificiall glew. This being done, re-anoint the wound (together with the circumadiacent parts) with the said Balme hot: then cloath it vpon with lint madefied in the same Balme: then apply stuphes madefied in (and exprest out of) blacke wine. Lastly, tricloathe it with dry lint, and so rowle it vp. Hier: Fabritius; ab Aqua Pendent. It was gi­uen him for a great secret, by a Priest of Spaine, being his worthy and faithfull friend.

℞. Terebint: lbj. olei veteris, ℥vj. ol: laurini, ℥iiij. Cinamo: Spicae Nardi, ana ℥ij. tegular. recentium bene Coctar. lbss. Beate what is to be beaten, and s. a. distill them by an alembick, and A draw forth the Balme. *. This prouokes vrine, and breakes the stone: Kils wormes: Takes away the singing noyse of the Eares proceeding from a grosse vapour. It profiteth such as are B paraletick. *. Puts away the Cramp: Easeth the gowtes of the hips, knees, and feet, or of any other ioynt, either inwardly ta­ken or outwardly applied. But that which is giuen inward, must be but small in quantitie, and that also commixt with some ap­propriate lycour. Medici Florentini.

℞. Ol: oliuar. lbviij. flor. herbae paralysis, lbij. Bruse the flowers and infuse them in the oyle vntill the latter end of Iune, then pre­pare Rorismarini, Laureolae, Calendulae, Lauendulae, Chamacype­rissi. Helaimis, Pyrethri, Philantropi, Saluiae, Chamo: Pulegij, Abrotani, Eupatorij. Febrifugae, Calamenti, Cataputiae, Flor. Lilior. ana M ij. All these being finely stamped, infuse them in vino albo, lbviij. Let them stand vnto putrefaction; which done, Then put the former infusion, together with these into a large kettle, and boyle them moderately vnto the wasting, not onely of the wine, but also of all the watery substance of the hearbes, which you may know by the ceasing of the reake or steeme. Note that you ought to be carefull during the whole time of boyling, that you keepe it with constant stirring that it burne not. Then presse it well through a strong canuasse bag, and reserue the [Page] [Page] [Page 15] Balme close, and cast not away the faeces, for they are profitable being boyled with milke and chesill. *. Against Apostemes and A Inflamations. The Balme is profitably applyed. *. Against all B manner of Aches, Cramps, Conuulsions, Coldes, Dislocations, Relaxations, Contusions, Greene wounds in the head, with ma­ny other accidents. Gillam.

℞. Ol: comis: lbiiij. Vermium terrest: praeparator. lbj. fol. ni­cotianae, Contusor. lbij. Boyle them in a double vessell, s.a. And after set them in the sun fifteene dayes: then straine it through a thinne strayner, and reserue, and regard it as excellent. *. To cure C wounds made by gunshot. It ceaseth payne, and speedily con­cocteth. Goodrus.

℞. Ol. hyperici cum gummis, ℥j. Mercurij praecipitati, ʒij. vi­ridis aeris in pul: tenuis: redact, ℈j. Boyle them together on a gentle fire (with constant stirring) vnto compleate incorporation, then reserue it for vse. *. This digesteth, mundifieth, and incar­nateth, D and may right profitably be applied in fowle vlcers, where causticks may not be vsed. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Olei Rosacei Completi, lbj. Olybani, Masticis, ana ℥j. Gal­bani, & viridis aeris, ana ℥ss. terebinthinae, ℥j. Prepare, Commixe, and macerate all the ingredients (the verdigrease except) for xxiiij howers, then boyle the macerated matter at a gentle fire (with constant stirring) vntill it cease to froth: Then take it from the fire, and put in the verdigrease in fine powder: stir it still, and keepe it neere the fire, but so that it boyle not, when it is incorporated compleatly, then straine, and reserue it. This is called the greene Balsame. And is right profitable. *. in wounds E and vlcers. *. As also against the cold gowt. Ex Manu­scripto. F

℞. Oleor. Ʋitrioli, & Tartari, ana partes aequales. misce. Take of this mixed oyle, ʒj. aquae vitae optimae, ℥j. bene miscean­tur. This applyed s.a. *. Heales any maligne or cancerous Vlcer. G It will in like sort heale a fistula, and that in short space. Ex Ma­nuscripto. Th' Author kept this as a great secret.

℞. Resinae, Terebint: Abiegnae, ana lbi. Thuris albi, Ladani, ana ℥vj. nardi indicae, ʒij. rad: Phu. iridis, Acori, Asari, Cyperi, ana ʒj. Masticis, Galangae, Caryophyllor. Cassiae Odoratae, Zedoariae, ana ʒvj. Nucum myrist. ℥iiij. Macis, ℥j. Agollechi, ℥ij. gum: [Page 16] elemi, ℥vj. aloes hepaticae, Myrrhae, ana ℥iss. Castorei, gra: [...] ­ossium Caryotar. Styracis, calamitis pinguis, Lasceris odorati, ana ℥j. Lachrymae sang: Draconis, Sexunciam. Flor. Lauendulae, ℥iiij. olei vnguentarij glandis. ℥vj. Powder (of these ingredients) those which are to be powdred, and commixe them with those which are liquid. Then commit them to a glasse limbeck and lute on the head: and s.a. (with heedful diligence) draw forth the lycours. The first whereof will be thinne, cleere, and fragrant and is called wa­ter of Balsam. The second wil be oyly, and of a golden colour, & of substance meane, and is called the oyle of Balsam. The third will A be reddish yellow, and is called Balsam or Balme. *. The water of Balsam administred with wine or broath. Helpeth the sto­mack which is weakned either through repletion of pituitous phlegme, or molested with flatuosities. The oyle of Balsam B doth wonderfully profit in the cure. *. of wounds, which hap­pen in neruous parts, easing and asswaging those dolorous tor­ments, which those parts are incident vnto. It's no lesse com­modious, Against Conuulsions, Resolution of sinewes, Epilepsies and such like. As for the Balme it selfe it's indowed with vertues sufficient; to quell innumerable maladies appertaining to the bo­dy of man; The which for breuitie sake, the Author hath wil­lingly shut vp vnder the lock of silence. Matthiolus.

℞. Myrrhae, Aloes hepaticae, Spicae nardi, Sanguinis dracconis, Thuris, Mumiae, Opobalsami, Bdellij, Carpobalsami, Ammoniaci, Sarcocollae, Croci, Masticis, gum: Arabice, Styracis calamitae, ana ʒij. Ladani electi, Succi Castorei, ana ʒijss. moschi. ʒss. terebinth: optimae, ad Pondus oim. Powder those which are to be powdred, and commixe the whole, and cast the same into a limbeck, and at an easie fire s.a. extract the Balme, and reserue the same in a strong C vessell of glasse, as right vertuous. *. Against the Palsie in woun­ded persons. Mesues.

℞. Aquae vitae extremè rectificatae, ℥iij. Stibij, Masticis, Thu­ris albi, Myrrhae, ana ℥j. Powder what's fit, and put the same into a glasse limbeck, and powre the aq: vitae, vpon the pow­ders, and shut close the limbeck. Suffer it to digest iij. dayes. Then distill it in ashes, s.a. and first there will ascend the spirit of wine which will sauour ill. After that, encrease the fire, and the Balme will come forth: The which being seperated from the [Page] [Page] [Page 17] water, will sent well. The which ought carefully to be reserued as a treasure. *. To cure wounds withall. Muller. A

℞. Myrrhae, Aloes hepaticae, Nardi indicae, Thuris albi, Sanguinis draco; Croci, Mumiae, Opoponacis, Bdellij, Carpobalsami, Sarco­collae, Masticis, Styracis Calamitae, gum: Arabici, ana ʒij. Lada­ni, Castorei, ana ʒijss. Moschi, ʒss. Resinae Terebinth, ad pondus omnium. Prepare the ingredients and s.a. extract the Balme. *. which cheeres the heart, and restores decayed spirits. It pre­serues B the body from putrefaction. It preuents feuers, if the chine of the backe be therewith anointed (hot) before the comming of the fit. It cures the Epilepsie, being administred with odorife­rons wine: As also the strangling of the Matrix, with other like griefes. It expels melancholy and sadnesse, which oppresse the heart without any iust cause from without. It refresheth ouer wearied limbs. Petrus Aponensis.

℞. Olei Oliuar. lbss. Terebinth, ℥iiij. Flor. Hyperici, ad im­plendum: Flor. verbasci tertiam partem, ad flo: Hyperici. vini albi generosioris Sextarium vnum & Semis. Boyle them together to the wasting of the wine. Then presse out the remaining lycour, set it in the sun, or neere the fire for ten daies space. Then adde thereto Resinae Lucidae, Thuris optimae, Terebinthinae clarae ana ℥j. Masticis, & gum: elemi ana ℥ss. Galbani, Ammoniaci, Opoponacis, ana ʒij. Olei vulnerarij & vini albi optimi: ana ℥vj. Boyle them gently (with constant stirring) vnto the wasting of the wine, C then expresse the Balme and reserue it. *. This excels in the cure, C both of wounds and vlcers, after due mundification. It is also of speciall vse to couer bare bones with Peryostion: and to vnite se­uered flesh and bones, in maligne vlcers. H. P.

℞. Flor. Hyperici, lbj. visci rad: Symphyti Maio, ℥iiij. Flo: Camomeli, & verbasci, ana pij. Oleor. ouor. & terebinthinae, ana lbss. aq: vitae, lbj. Thuris, Masticis, & Mumiae, ana ℥ij. Sacchari rubri. ℥vj. Inclose them all in a fit vessell, so as no ayre may pe­netrate the same. Then set them to putrifie in hot horse dung by the space of one moneth, then expresse the lycour, and shut it close into a fit vessell of glasse, and boyle it (with a gentle fire) in B. M. for iij. dayes space, vntill it attaine the consistence of a Balme and then reserue it. Quercitanus. Th' author hath not exprest any vertues hereof. Notwithstanding, both the matter [Page 18] A and forme, declare it to be soueraigne in the cure. *. of wounds, in the ioynts, and neruous parts.

℞. Fol: visci pomor. minutatim Concisor, lbij. Put them into a glasse matrat: And adde vnto them Acinor. populi arboris, lbss. Olei axungiae taxi, & ol: Butyri, ana ℥iiij. ol: Terebinthinae, ℥vj. ol Lumbricor, lbijss. Vini albi generosi: lbij. Shut them into a fit vessell, and set them to digest in hot horse dung by the space of ij. months. Afterwards boyle them in a double vessell vnto the wasting of all the watery substance, and reserue the rest as a B most pretious Anodine. *. Against all dolors, aches, and paines. Quercitanus.

℞. Ol: Hyperici, lbj. Terrebinth: lbss. ol: Laurini, ℥iiij. ol: Spicae, ℥jss. Granor. iuniperi, lbss. Castorei, ℥j. Euphorbij, ℥ij. Ca­ryophyllor. Macis. nuc: mosch: Cinamo: ano ℥jss. Flor. lauendulae, Saluiae, & Lilij Conuallij, ana M ij: Masticis, Myrrhae, Thuris, ana ℥ij. Mumiae. ℥j ss. Pingued: taxi, ℥iij. Digest them s.a in hot horse-dung, for a moneths space, then distill them in a brasse C limbeck s.a. and extract the Balme, which is soueraigne. *. A­gainst the Palsie, the parts affected being therewith anointed. Quercitanus.

℞. Antimonij, ℥iij. Mercurij sublimati, ℥jss. Mellis, ℥vj. Commixe and distill them in a Retort (s.a.) with a meane fire, D and you shall extract a Balme of excellent vertue to heale *. Ma­ligne Vlcers, Fistulaes, Cancers and Gangrenes. Quercita­nus.

℞. Ʋisci herbae Peti, & Consolidae, ma: ana lbss. terebinth, lbij. Flor. Hyperici, & Verbasci, ana M iiij. pomor. vlmi, [...]j. acinor. populi arboris, lbss. Spiritus vini, lbiij. Let them digest together (in a glasse vessell close stopt) in horse dung, or else within a stoue, for a moneths space, then straine them, and adde vnto them, Thuris, Masticis, & Myrrhae, ana ℥iiij. Sanguinis draconis, ℥j. mumiae, ℥xij. Terebinthiae, lbj. Benioini, [...]j. Let them circulate in a pellican viij. dayes, then at a moderate fire draw forth the spirits of the wine, and you shall finde remaining in the bottome, E a pretious Balme. *. for the cure of wounds made by gunshot. Quercitanus.

℞. Olei oliuar. lbj. vini ingerimi pontici, lbiij. Mix and distill them, and adde to the distilled lycour, Olei Hypericonis, ℥vj. li­quoris [Page] [Page] [Page 19] è mumia, ℥iiij. s.a. Distill them againe, and carefully re­serue the Balme, as most soueraigne to cure. *. wounds in the A ioynts. Quercitanus.

℞. Olei vermium terrestrium, lbj. Ol: Hypericonis, lbss. tere­binth, lbj ss. Aq: vitae, lbss. Colophoniae, lbss. Euphorbij, ℥iij. gum: hederae, ℥ij. garyophyllor. nuc: mosch: Cinamo: Cubebar. [...]alangae, Xyloaloes, ana ℥j. Masticis, ℥iiij. Myrrhae, ℥iij ss. gum: elemi, ℥iij. Galbani, Olybani, ana ℥ij. Croci, ʒij. Sang: drac, ʒiij. Powder what is to be powdred, and dissolue what is to be dissolued in aq: vitae, then commixe the whole, and cast the same into a copper still. And draw out the Balme s.a. first with a gentle fire, after with a stronger: Afterward seperate and reserue the Balme, to cure *. wounds in the ioynts. It's also good against the Crampe B and Palsie, and against paines in or about the ioynts. Ronde­letius.

℞. Resinae terebinthinae, lbj. Opoponacis, Galbani, & Sagapeni, ana ℥ss. granor iuniperi, Mij. Thymiamatis, lbj. Prepare and di­still them according to art: at the first with a gentle fire; then with a stronger: Lastly, with a vehement fire vnto the end of the distil­lation, then seperate and reserue each apart. *. The Balme is so­ueraigne C against paines in the ioynts. Rubeus.

℞. Resinae terebinthinae, lbj. Thuris, Masticis, Myrrhae, La­dani, nuc: mosch. Caryophyllor. Galangae, Zedoariae, Carpesij. ana ℥ss. Folior: daphnoides, Pj. Succi ebuli, & Succi Cucumeris agre­stis ana ℥iij. Hauing powred what's necessary, commixe all the ingredients and distill them according to art, and reserue the Balme, which is of great vertue. *. Against the stingings of D Bees, Wasps, and Hornets. As also of creeping venemous crea­tures. The bitings of mad dogs, onely by anointing the part bit­ten. It's likewise very effectuall against the Dropsie, if the belly of the Hydropick be therewith anointed. Rubeus.

℞. Resinae terebinthinae, lbij. olei laurini, ℥iij. Cinamo: Spicae nardi, ana ℥ij. Caryophyllor, n o: 50. folij, ℥ij, Euphorbij, Baccar: Lauri, gum: Hederae, ana ℥ss. Galbani, Castorei, Cyperi, ana ℥vj. Tegular. bis Coctar. & in oleo Communi extinctar. lbss. Beate the tiles into fine powder and cast that powder into the bottome of a Curcubit. The other ingredients being duely prepared, place them on the top of that powder within the Curcubit, then lute [Page 20] on the head (with a beake) and set to the receiuer. Then begin the distillation with a gentle fire vntill the water be drawne forth, and the oyle begin to appeare, then change the receiuer, and increase the fire a little, vntill that the oyle be exhausted, and the Balme begin to shew it selfe: Then change the receiuer a­gaine, and augment the fire, vnto a strong heate, and so continue it vntill that the Balme be all come forth. Then reserue with carefullnesse, each apart by it selfe. The water is of like vertue with other waters of the most excellent artificiall Balmes. The oyle is no whit inferiour vnto any other oyle of Balsam. The A Balme it selfe equals the naturall Balme in vertue, heating, drying, and penetrating, in no degree thereunto inferiour. *. The Balme auailes against all griefes proceeding from a cold cause. viz. The Palsie of the Mouth, Tongue, and Yard. The Epilepsie, Trem­bling or shaking of the members. Dolours of the Backe, Raines, Sinewes, and Ioynts, being inwardly administred and outwardly applied. It's of rare force against the bitings, or stingings of Scorpions, Serpents, Mad dogs, and other venemous creatures. By the same reason, if any one be poysoned with Henbane, Hem­locks, Opium, or any the like cold poyson. This being drunke with pure wine hot, and the body be therewith outwardly anointed, it expels the poyson and restores health. It restores speech lost: It cures Strumes: It takes away proud and corrupt flesh in vlcers. It strengtheneth the memory, if the hinder part of the head be therewith anointed. Being dropt into the Eares, it cures Deafnesse: It ceaseth the Toothache: It puts a­way the Collick, arising from colde, windie, or grosse vapours. Note that neither the water, nor yet the Balme, is inwardly to be administred, vnlesse it be mixt with some appropriate lycour. Reubeus.

℞. Terebinthinae purae, lbij. latirum antiquor. in oleo iasmino ex­tinctor. q. s. macis, & styracis, ana ℥j. belzoini. ℥ss. Prepare, com­mixe, and distill them according to art. And (as in other the like) there will flow forth iij. lycours: The which you ought to re­ceiue, B and reserue apart: the Balme is of great force, *. Against the Palsie. Rubeus.

℞, Terebinthinae purae ℥vj. aloes benè tritae, ℥j. Masticis, Ga­langae, Caryophyllor, nuc: myrist: Cinamo: Zedoariae, Cube­bar. [Page] [Page] [Page 21] ana ℥j. gum: ficuum, ℥vj. The needfull things being well bea­ten, incorporate the whole, and so inclose it in a limbeck, that no­thing may expire: then place the limbeck in a fornace, and ac­cording to art, with a gentle fire, draw forth the lycours. Note this, that the milder the fire shall be, the sweeter shall be the wa­ter, which will bee likewise cleere as fountaine water. The second lycour will bee thicke, and of a saffron colour, and will swimme [...]n the top of the first. The third lycour will come forth like vnto cleare hony; the which when you shall perceiue, then change the receiuer, and augment your fire a littell, and you shall receiue a Balme of rare and excellent vertues. This tryed by water remaines entire as doth the naturall Balme. The seuerall names of these lycours are so well knowne to euery Artist that I omit to set them downe: their vertues follow. The water cures *. ouer-moist Eyes, Sorenesse, and swellings of the Eyelids, if A they be washt therewith morning and euening: But beware that it enter not within the eylids, for then 'twill offend the apple of the Eye. It auailes against deafnesse, if ij. or iij. drops thereof (hot) be dropt into the eares, first and last, for diuers daies toge­ther. It cureth Itch, Sabs, and Wormes, in any part of the body, the same being often made wet therewith. The oyle cures *. greene wounds, or new vlcers, cold Apostemes, and cold Tu­mors, B Ceaseth paines of the Teeth caused by wormes, or flux of humors. The Balme cures *. all cold poysons, and bitings of vene­mous C beasts, by applying a drop or ij. thereof (hot) vnto the ve­nomed part. *. It cures all wounds how deepe soeuer; Cancers, D Fistulaes, Scrophulaes, Noli me tangere, Gowtes proceeding from a cold cause; Eroding vlcers, Bruises, Palsies. In summe all greefes of the sinewes, arising from cold & moisture. M r. Sherly.

℞. Terebinthinae optimae, lbj. olei laurini, ℥iiij. gum: el [...]mi, ℥iij. ss galbani, ℥iij. thuris, myrrhae, gum: hederae, Caryophyllor, Symphiti, minoris, Cinamoni, nucis moschatae, zedoariae, zinzib, dictamni albi, ana ℥j. olei lumbricor, ℥ij. aq: vitae, lbvj. Powder what's requisite, and infuse them altogether in the aq: vitae, for vj. daies space: then commit them into a Retort, and lute it well, and s.a. at a moderate fire draw forth the lycours; whereof the first will be very subtill, watery, and passing cleere: the second will be yel­low and very subtill: the third is the Balme, which in colour will [Page 22] A betwixt red and purple. Reserue the same as pretious. *. for to cure wounded sinewes. Vesalius.

℞. Olei omphacini, lbij, Styracis Calamitae, Ladani, Thuris Masculi, Croci, gum: arabici, rubeae tinctor, gum: hederae aloes Succor, Masticis, Cariophyllor. Cinamomi, Galangae, nucis moschatae, Cubebar, ana ℥ij. gum: elemi, lbj, myrrhae, bdellij, ana ℥j. Sagapeni, ammoniaci, opoponacis, ana ʒx. Stampe what is to be stamped, and then commixe the whole together: After put the same into a Curcubit, and lute on the head, then set it to a gentle fire, (for the first xij. howers) and set to the receiuer. Then for vj. howres more, encrease the fire s.a. vnto the perfection of the distillation: The whole humor being drawne forth, stampe the faeces, and in­corporate them with the former extracted lycour, and redistill them as before. Repeate the same method a third time, so shall you attaine a substance hauing all the notes, and vertues B of a true Balme. *. It doth euen admirably ease those dolourous aches, and paines, which proceed of Lues venerea. It cures the Epilepsie; if for thirtie daies space (each seuerall day) the Co­ronall future be therewith artificially anointed: And likewise that one spoonefull thereof commixt with like proportion of the powder of the roots of Paeonie, be inwardly taken each day fa­sting. It cures a Quartane Agew, at the fourth fit, if ℥ss. thereof mixt with generous wine, be administred before the inuasion of the fit. It maruelously cheeres the heart by putting away melan­choly and sadnes: It preserueth the lungs: It's good against all cold affects, whether inward, or outward. A purple cloth made­fied therein, and applied to the Temples; cures the Megrim, and the Vertigo. It opens obstructions, Strengthens the braine, Cures deafnesse, Ceaseth conuulsions and the resolution of the sinewes, And healeth any greene wound. Vigo.


Corticis radicum altheae, vlmi, brioniae, Cucumeris asinini, helenij, acori, lilij vtrius (que), ana lbss. faenugraeci, sem: lini, ficuum pinguium, ac dactylor, ana lbj. pedes arietinos vel bubulos bene mundatos, n o: x intestinor pinguium ac diligenter mundator. ex arietinis vel bouillis, lbiiij. Capita arietina, n o: ij Boyle all these in aqua fluente q. s. vntill all fall to peeces, then straine it for a Bath, which is exceeding profitable. *. for contracted members: A if they be therein, or therewith bathed twice a day mouing, rub­bing, and handling the member, as much as the patient can endure. Afterwards the member being dryed: Let it be anointed with the Liniment thus marked. Ω Alphonsus Ferriùs.

℞, Hyssopi, origani, pulegij, thymi, Saturiae, ana M ss. Saluiae, folior. lauri, rorismarini, chamaepyteos, pyrethri, ana Mss. Boyle all these in aqua fontis q.s. for a Bath. *. To refresh and comfort B wearied limbs. Andernacus.

℞. Maluae domesticae, maluae siluaticae, & meliloti, ana Mij. sem: lini, & faenugraeci, ana ℥ij. Boyle them in aqua fontis q.s. for a Bath. *. Against inflamed members. Andernacus. C

℞. Plantaginis, polygoni, folior. rubi, ana M iij. malicorij, ℥iij. Boyle them in aqua font: q.s. for a Bath. *. Against inflamations. D Andernacus.

℞. Radicum brioniae, oxylapathi, ari Serpentariae, ana lbj. rad: asphodeli, & gentianae, ana ℥j. Saponariae, Parietariae, Absinthij, Scabiosae, Boraginis, ana Mj. fllo: centaurij, ℥iij. rosar. P ij. lu­pinor fabar integrar. ana lbss. Boyle them in aqua q.s. for a Bath. *. For to kill and cleanse of Itch, Scabs, and other such foule affects E of the skin. Andernacus.

℞. Aquae fontanae, lbxl. araeti, lbiiij. aluminis, lbss. Sulphuris vini, puluerizati, ℥vj. fol: Saluiae, Rorismarini, Scabiosae, Hyssopi, Hyosciami, plantaginis, tanaceti siluatici, faeniculi, heleneij melis­sophylli, ebuli ana M iiij. tartari albi, lbj. Boyle all these vnto lbx. for a Bath. *. Against Scab, Itch, &c. Ex Antidotario F Banisteri.

[Page 24]℞. Vrinae pueror. lbiiij. seri lactis, lbviij. aquae pluuialis, lbvij. rad: lapathi acuti, lbj. maluar. quin (que) solij. Chamomeli, absinthij, brioniae, helenij, ana M iij. mellis Crudi lbj. aluminis, ℥ij. furfuris triticei, M ij. Boyle them to the wasting of lbiiij. for a Bath. A*. Comodious for vlcers in the legs, before the application of any playster therto. Ex. Antidot: Banist.

℞. Rad: bismaluar. & lilior. ana lbj. rad: iridis, lbss. maluae, bismaluae ciclae, brancae vrsinae, geranij maioris, ana M iij. Flor. Chamomeli, meliloti, & Sambuci, ana P iiij. Flor. Scaenanthi, anthos, ana P j. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana lbij. Sem: bismaluae, anethi, Sesami, ana ℥j ss. flor. narcissi, Pij. Make a decoction insufficient quanti­tie B of water to make a Bath. *. Against the Cramp, and hardnes of sinews. Ex Antidot: Banist.

℞. Chamomeli, & meliloti, ana Mj. rad: altheae, lbj. Som: fae­nugr. & lini, ana ℥iiij. Boyle them in sufficient water together with the head and feet of a weather, vntill halfe be consumed, and C so make a Bath: against *. hardnesse of Sinewes. Ex Antidot: Banist.

℞. Rorismarini, Mj. maioranae, Ozimi, Garyophyllatae, ana Mjss. absinthij, artimisiae, ros: rub. ana Mij, Myrtillor. Mss. Squinanti, Staechados arabicae, ana ʒiij. nucum Cupressi, n o vi. Coriandri praeparati ℥vj. aluminis crudi, ℥ij ss. maratri, ℥ss. Salis. ℥ss. vini Cretici, lbiiij. aceti rosar. lbss. aq: pluuialis lbxiiij. Boyle them till halfe be consumed, and make a Bath. D*. Against the sweat of the Arme-holes. Ex Antidot: Banist.

℞. Flor. Chamomeli, meliloti, fumiterrae, anethi, lapathi acuti, rosar. rubrar. Siccar. herbae paralysis, absinthij, menthae, pulegij, Chamaed, ana M iij. faenugraeci, Sem: lini, ana ℥iij. nitri, aluminis, ana ℥vj. Sulphuris vini, ℥iiij. Bruse the hearbs and seeds, pow­der the rest, and boyle them in aq: fluuiali q. s. to the halfe, for E a Bath. *. Against the outward affects of Lues Venerea. Ex An­tidot: Banist.

℞. Corticum granator. balaustior. Cupulor glandium, Sumach, ana ℥j. herbae herniariae Calcatrapae, & Symphiti maioris, ana Mj. hypocistidis, gallar. aluminis, ana ʒij. rosar. rub: Chamomeli, anethi, ana P ij. Boyle them in vino rubro, & aqua ferreata, ana F partes aqu [...]les. Make a Bath. *. Against the Rupture, to bathe or foment the part affected. Calmetens.

[Page 25]℞. Rad: & fol: lapathi acuti, M iij. rad: helenij, lbss. rad: acori, & brioniae, ana lbj. maluar. violar. fumariae, Scabiosa, Sapo­nariae, Calaminthae, hederae, ana M ij. hordei integri, Iupinor, fa­barum, leutium, ana lbj ss. surfuris, lbj. elebori, M ij. Boyle these in aquae font. q s. for a Bath. *. Against Scabs, Itch, &c. A Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: & fol: helenij, lapathi acuti, maluae, Scabiosae, fuma­riae, lapuli, ro bri porcini, agrimoniae, buglossae, violar. ana M j. lentium, lupinor. hordei, ana Rij. Bruse these, and adde to them hellebori nigri triti, ℥j. Sulphuris vius ℥j. Boyle them in aqua q.s. for a Bath, which is of excellent vse in *. Alopecia gallica; B if the patient shall bathe himselfe therein long before supper, and then be laid in his bed and sweate. Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: & fol: helenij oxylapathi, altheae, maluae, ana M ij. radic, lilior. lbss. rad: ebuli, pedis Columbini, ana ʒiij. violar. branchae vrsinae, fumariae, Scabiosae, ana Mij. Sem: melonum, & raphani. ana ℥j ss. Sem: lini, & faenugraeci, ana ℥j. flor. Chamo: me­liloti, violar. rosar. rubrar. nympheae, ana Pj. aquae, q.s. Boyle them for a Bath. *. Against Alopecia, or shedding of the haire. C Calmeteus.

℞. Flor. Chamomeli, meliloti, absinthij [...]ochleariae, nasturtij aquatici, becabungae, ana Mj. granor. iuniperi. Miij. vini maluatici lb j. butyri recentis, lbj. aquae fontanae, q. s. Boyle all these together to the wasting of a third part, and so make a Bath. *. Against the D Scorbute; double cloathes being dipt therein, and applied hot to the legges and thighes: and afterwards to dry the parts with some hot and dry linnen cloathes; by doing whereof you shall profit the patient very much. Clowes.

℞. Fumariae, lapathi acuti, Scabiosae, Chamomeli, meliloti, sta­phidis agriae, Synapis, piperis longi, nucis mosch Sulphuris, nitri, auripigmenti, aloes, ana q.s. Boyle them in aqua & aceto, ana q.s. and so make a Bath against the *. Leprosie. Guydo. E

℞. Rorismarini, saluiae, thymi, menthae, hyssopi, pulegij, betonicae, parthenij, chamaedrios, abrotani, ana Mj. Croci, ʒiij. Boyle them in aqua fluuiatili to the halfe, and so make a Bath, which auailes much against that disease of the Matrix called *. Mola. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Caput & pedes Castrati, aliquantulum Concis. & rad: [Page 26] altheae lbij. Chamo. meliloti, an [...]thi, ana Mij. Sem: faenugraci, & lini integror: ana lbss. Boyle them altogether in aquae q.s. vntill the flesh seperate from the bones. Then take out the flesh and A the bones, and vse the Bath to mollifie *. any induration. Let the part affected, be often and well bathed in, or else fomented with this decoction: And after being well dryed: let it be cloathed with that playster which is thus. [...]. marked. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Flor. Chamomeli, & meliloti, ana M j. rad: altheae, lbj. Sem: lini & faenugrae: ana ℥iiij. ficuum pinguium contusar, ℥iij. flor. hyperici. ℥ij. absinthij sicci, ℥j. Caput & pedes vernicis. Prepare all according to art, and boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto the halfe, then B cast away the flesh and bones, and apply the residue, *. To soften hard sinewes, Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Folior: quercus, Mv. rosar. rubrar. M ij. glandium quer­cus. M iij. Boyle them in aqua pluuiali vel fontana. q. s. The decoction being perfected, quench often therein red hot iron or C steele, and so make a Bath to be vsed morning and euening, *. a­gainst fluxes of the belly, and wombe. The flowing of the Hae­morrhoids: and the going out of the Arsgut. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Maluae, & altheae, ana Miiij. Sem: lini, & senugraeci, ana D [...]j. Boyle these in aqua fontanae, q s. for a Bath. *. vsefull in the inflamation of the Raines. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rapar. n o: v. vel vj. nasturtij aquatici, & polygani, ana m iiij. Shred, and inclose them all in a linnen bag, and boyle them E in aqua. q s. for a Bath. *. This causeth to auoid both sand and grauell out of the Raines; if the patient bathe himselfe herein in the time of his affliction. Ex manuscripto,

℞. Raphanor. n o: x. Shred and inclose them in a linnen bag, and boyle them in. aqua. q.s. for a bath, which accomodateth F very much, such as are afflicted *. with the Strangury, and the stone in the bladder, if the patient be frequent in the vse thereof. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Melissae, mx. pulegij, m iiij. rorismarini, m iij. Boyle G them in aqua, q.s. for a Bath. The which by daily vse (before dinner and supper) auailes against *. the Suffocation of the Ma­trix. Ex manuscripto.

[Page 27]℞. Plantaginis, m j. rosar. rubrar. m ss. Boyle them in aqua Chalibeata, q. s. for a Bath. The which being duly applied, *. reduceth the Arsgut to its naturall Scite. Ex manu­scripto. A

℞. Salis comis: lbij. aluminis, lbj. Sulphuris vini pul. ℥iiij. baccar. Iuniperi Contusar, lbj. bacc: lauri, contus. lbss. vrinae pueror. immaculator. lbij. aquae fontanae lbiij. Boyle them for a Bath. *. To asswage the paines of the Gout, either of hands, feet, B or of the huckle bones, if the parts affected be therewith bathed (hot) morning and euening by the space of one hower at once. Note that it be renued each third day. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Aluminis, lbx. Salis comis: lbxx. aceti stilatitij. q.s. Com­mixe them well, and let them stand to infuse for iij. daies space, then boyle them to the wasting of the vineger. Then adde there­to aqua pluuialis, q. s. and reboyle them vntill it appeare, or seeme to be of an oyly substance, then reserue it for a Bath, wher­in, or wherewith let the patient bathe after the common manner and custome. (Th' author affirmes vpon his owne experience that) this cures * all diseases proper vnto Chyrurgerie: Yea C euen such as could not be cured, by Abstinence, Purging Baths, or any other ordinary meanes. Paracelsus.

℞. Vrinae pueror. immaculator. & à f. cibus expurgatae, lbvj. aquae ferreatae expurg. lbiiij. Seri lactis, lbvij. aq: pluuialis lbv. rad: lapathi acuti. in frustulis conciss. lbj ss. rad: brioniae concisae lbj. rad; helemi Conciss. ℥xx. fol: Cynoglossi, totae bonae, maluae, sal­uiae, ebuli, lamij flore albo, & sumitat: absinthij, ana mij. alumi­nis rochae, ℥ j. Sulphuris vinipul. & salis atri: ana ℥iiij. vitrioli albi, ℥ij. tariari albi, lbss. furfuris tritici, mij. far: orobi, & lu­pinor. ana ℥ij. Boyle them to the wasting of th'one halfe, for a Bath. *. To cleanse dry and heale, maligne and rotten vlcers, D moist scabs, running sores, and such like. Poeton.

℞. Rad: lapathi acuti cum folijs eiusdem, m iij. rad: enulae cam­panae lbiiij. rad: acori, & brioniae, ana lbj ss. maluae, violariae, sca­biosae, fumariae, chelidoniae, saponariae, hederae, calaminthae, ana mij. hordei integri, lupinor. orobor. fabar. lentium, ana lbjss. furfuris, lbj helleboris nigri. m ij Boyle them in aq: q s. for a Bath. *. A­gainst E Scabs, Sores, and Itch, proceeding ex Lue Venerea. Remerus.

[Page 28]℞. Maluae cum radicibus, branchae vrsinae, violariae, ana m iiij. mercurialis, parietariae, betae, ana mij. flor. chamomeli, P ij. Sem: A lini, ℥j. aq:q.s. Make a decoction for a Bath. *. against all foule affects of the skin: If the patient bathe therein twice a day, by the space of an hower at a time. Rondeletius.

℞. Rad: brioniae, lapathi acuti, Cucumeris Siluestris, ari: Ser­pentariae, ana lbj. rad: asphodillae, vel gentianae, vel Squillae. lbss. Saponariae, parietariae, absinthij, Scabiosae, fumariae, & boraginis, ana m j. lupinor fabar. ana ℥ss. Flor. Centaurij minoris, P iij. Ro­sar. rubrar. P ij. Make a decoction for a Bath: Whereof let the patient vse more or lesse, often or more seldome, according to the condition of the disease, strength of the body, season of the B yeere, necessitie, benefit, and such like circumstances. *. It is more forcible then the former, in curing of Scabs, and other foule effects of the skin. Rondeletius.

℞. Fol: myrti, vel lentisci, vel plantaginis, tapsi barbati, pilosellae, hippuris, polygoni, ana mij. rosar. rubrar. mj. rad: iridis, bistortae, pen­taphylli, ana ℥ij. Make a decoction in aq: q. s. and dissolue there­in, Salis comis: lbiij. aluminis ℥iiij. Commixe and make a Bath: and let it be vsed hot, and the parts affected rub'd with new and cleane sponges. The Bath may be made with Lee, if it be not ouersharpe. This Bath is yet more forcible then any the former, C and more effectuall. *. against Scabs, and other foule affects of the skin. But note, that it is more astringing, and that it strentheneth, the part or member. But it ought not to be vsed vntill the matter hath beene resolued, and cleansed by the former Bath. Ronde­letius.

Rad: lapathi acuti lbij. rad: aenulae, lbss. fumariae lupinor. bora­ginis, buglossae, parietariae, betae, saponariae, ana m iiij. Sem: Cucur­bitae, Cucumeris, melonis, Citrulli, ana ℥ij. acetosae lapathi acuti, l [...]tiginis aquati [...]i, ana m ij. aq: q.s. Decoct them for a Bath, to the which you may adde farinae fabar. lbij. The Bath being duely prepared, let the patient sit therein so long, and as often; as strength enables, conueniencie permits, or necessitie requires. Vel.Rad brioniae, & cucumeris siluestris, ana lbss. rad: aspho­dell. ℥iij. rad: lepathi acuti, & aenulae, ana lbss. mercurialis, betae, saponariae parietariae, ana m iij. lupinor. sumariae, ana m iij. S [...]m: raphani, ℥j. Sem: melonis. Citrulli, Cucumeris, Cucurbitae, [Page] [Page] [Page 29] ana ℥j ss. lumbricor. per med: dissector. n o: iiij folior. Sennae, ℥iij. folior. boraginis, violar. buglossae, ana P iij. These being commixt in aq: q. s. make a decoction for a Bath, in which dissolue farinae lupinor. & cicer. rubrum, ana lb ss. and let it be vsed as the former. * Either of these cure both great, grosse, and foule affects A of the skin. Rondeletius.

℞. Rad: brioniae, cucumeris siluestris, ana ℥iij. rad: altheae, lilior. albor. lapathi acuti, ana lbiij. rad: serpentariae, & bastulae re­gis, ana ℥ij. maluae, bismaluae, & branchae vrsinae, ana m iiij. lupi­nor. fumariae, lapathi acuti, saponariae, acetosae, endiuiae, cichorij, ana m j. Sem: lini & faenugraeci, ana lbj. Sem: raphani, ℥j. Sem: melonis, cucumeris, citrulli, & Cucurbitae, ana ℥ij. flo. chamom. & meliloti, ana P ij. flor, boraginis buglossae, nympheae, hordei integri: cicer. rub: ana Pij. Commixe and make a decoction in aq: q s. for a Bath * which is soueraigne against hard crustie scabs. And Ele­phantiasis, B yea though it couer the surface of the skin. After the vse of this Bath; let the patient vse the former Bath thus † mar­ked. Rondeletius.

℞. Brioniae, cucumeris asinini serpentariae, aenula cāpanae, ana lbss. cum radicibus lapathi acuti, acetosae, boraginis, buglossae, saponariae, ana m iij. cum radicibus fumariae, lupulor. endiuiae, Cichorij, & plantaginis, ana m iij. lupinor. corticum fabar flor. nenupharis, tri­um flor. cordialium, & tamarisci, ana m iiij. flor. chamo. & meli­loti, ana m ij. aq: font. & pluuialis, ana q. s. Make a decoction for a Bath. *. This cures the Leprosie being vsed as followeth. Let C the Leprous person enter into this Bath euery morning fasting: and so againe long after dinner, each time eating in the Bath one tablet of Diamargariton frigidum, and drinking after it a draught of borage water. This course being duly continued (after due pur­ging) for certaine daies; by the grace of God, he shall be cleansed. Rond [...]letius.

℞. Rad: lapathi acuti, & helenij, ana ℥iiij. maluae, Cyclaminis, bismaluae, parietariae, ana miiij. lupinor. & fabar. integrar. saponariae ana lbj. flor. centaurij minoris, P iij. hordei integri, P iiij. Boyle them in aqua q. s. for a Bath, to be vsed *. against the branny scabs of D the head. Rondeletius.

℞. Radicum brioniae, & cucumeris agrestis, ana lbij. marubij, abrotani, verbenacae, ana miij. herbar capillar. ana m ij. lupinor. [Page 30] & sabar. integrar. ana lbj. aq. q.s. Boyle them s. a. adding to­wards the end of the decoction, flor. anthos m ss. and so make a A Bath. *. Against falling of the haire, or Alopetia. Rondele­tius.

℞. Ramentor. ligni iuniperi, & folior. quercuum, ana q.s. Boyle B them in aqua font. q.s. to make a Bath. *. To cure Scabs. Rulan­dus.

℞. Flor. chamo. & melilot. ana lbj. candae equin. lauendulae, maluae, aristolochiae longae, centaurij ana M iij. Sem: faenugrae, M j. ligni guaci, vel iuniperi, lbiij. aq: font: q. s. s. a. Make a decoction, C straine and reserue it. *. Against Sores, Scabs, and Vlcers, arising ex Lue Venerea. After due bathing herewith: Let the sores, scabs, or vlcers, be well dryed, and and afterwards cleane washed with a mixture made, ex oleo ligni guiaci, & aquae plantaginis ana q s. This course being outwardly and orderly prosecuted, and the body duely and properly purged (by the grace of God) the patient (in short space) shall be perfectly healed. Rulandus.

℞. Folior. quercus, & pisor. ana M x. Boyle them in aq: fluuiali. D q.s. for a Bath. *. against all sorts of Scabs, Vlcers, and Lepries. Let the Patient sit in this Bath morning and euening: and when he goes forth of the Bath, let him be well dryed with cleane lin­nen cloathes, and then let the vitiated parts of the skin be moi­stened (with a feather) with the mixture following. ℞. Aquae plantaginis, lbj ss ol: ligni guiaci, ℥ij. benè misceantur. Suffer this to dry in without any wiping. And if there be any vlcers, then cloathe them vp with emplastrum diasulphuris. And by this meanes alone (saith mine Author) I haue cured all sorts of Scabs, Vlcers, and Lepries; Yea euen those which haue beene he­reditary, and all other deformities of the skin. Note that this Bath is to be renewed euery third day, as all other artificiall Baths are. Rulandus.

℞. Origani, pulegij chamomillae, ana M iij. Saluiae, & bac [...]or. lauri, ana M ij. aquae fontana, q. s. Decoct them for a Bath. E*. To refresh wearied limbs. Rulandus.

℞. Rapar. n o: vj. Salis comis: M iij. aqua q. s. Decoct them for F a Bath. *. This asswageth paine (if it be without inflamation) if the patient sit therein morning and euening.

Saliscomis: lb j. aluminis, lbj. Sulphuris vini pul ℥ij. bac­car. lauri par. contusar. lbss. Boyle them in duobus Sextarijs aquae, [Page] [Page] [Page 31] for a Bath. *. This caseth the Gowne in what part soeuer, if the A part affected be bathed therein, or fomented therewith (hot) morning and euening by the space of one howre at once. Note that euery third day, you adde thereto aquae recentis from lbss. vnto lbj. and reboyle it a little. Rulandus.

℞. Chamomeli, origani, absinthij, ana M x. grauor. iuniperi, M vij. Boyle them in aq: q.s. for a Bath. *. This (artificially B applied) heates cold members. Rulandus.

℞. Baccar. iuniperi par. contusar. Mxv. Boyle them in aqua fluuiali q.s. for a Bath: Wherein quench red hot steele vij. times: *. This profits much against the Palsie. If the Patient C fit therein (vp to the necke) morning and euening, so long at a time, as he can endure. Let it be renued euery third day. Rulandus.

℞. Folior. Sambuci, M xx. Boyle them (for rich persons) in vino, but for poore people in aqua q.s. for a Bath. Let the Pa­tient daily sit therein so long as it remaineth hot: and at his com­ming forth of the Bath. let him be well and speedily dryed with cleane and dry linnen, and so enter into his hot bed, and there sweate a good; then dry him well, and after anoint him with the Lyniment, thus Ω marked. *. This profits much in contracted D members. Rulandus.

℞. Flor. chamo. meliloti, anethi, Sem: lini, & faenugraci, ana M j absinthij, menthae, Calamenthae, pulegij, abrotani, Carui, ameos, polypodij, betonicae, flor. staechad: arab: saluaiae, acori, herbae paralysis, origani, granor. iuniperi, baccar. lauri, ana Mjss. ros. rub: cha­medryos, chamaepytios, granor. myrti, spica nardi, ana M ss. Sul­phuris viui pul. ℥ij. Salis nitri, ℥j. Boyle them all in aqua fluuiali, q.s. to the wasting of a third part. Let the Patient sit in the hot distrained lycour, for one howers space: then (being well and speedily dryed) let him enter into an hot bed, and therein sweate for ij. howres space: this course with iudicious purging, and conuenient diet, profits much in the cure of *. Lues Venerea. Ru­landus. E

℞. Veronicae, M iij. aquae fontanae, & lixiuij, ana lbx. Boyle them together to the wasting of lbij. In this decoction, let the Pa­tient bathe the part affected, morning and euening, for a quarter of an howers space at once. This is profitable against *. Apo­stemes, F or greene vlcers. Rulandus.

[Page 32]℞. Rad: & folior. Sambuci, ebuli, raphani, absinthij, pulegijs origani, fol. lauri, centauri minoris, anethi, baccor. lauri, rutae, abro­tans, marhubij, saluiae, thymi, nasturtij, chamo. hederae, vorismari­ni, maioranae, calamenthae, salis, ana M j. Sulphuris pul. M ss. Boyle all these in lixiuio forti. q.s. for a Bath. The vse whereof followeth. Let the Patient hold his feet, ouer the hot reek, fume, or vapour thereof enduring it in the greatest height of heate he can, and when the reek ceaseth, cast into the lycour flint stones, red hot, that so the greater steeme thereby maybe stirred vp. By A this meanes one was cured: *. whose feet were much swolne. Rulandus.

℞. Flor. chamo. granor, iuniperi par. contus. ana M x. Boyle them in aq: q. s. for a Bath. Ʋel. ℞. Chamo. artimisiae, pulegij, menthae, maluae, granor. iuniperi, ana M x. Salis M v. Com­mixe and boyle them for a Bath; which profits very much, B*. Against the Sciatica, or Gowte of the huckle bone. Rulandus.

℞. Aluminis crudi, M j. Salis, M ij. plantaginis, folior. quer­cus, ramentor. ligni iuniperi, ana M v. Boyle them all in aqua q.s. for a Bath. Vel.Ligni iuniperi minutim incisi. lbiiij. menthae, chamomillae, ana M x. Boyle them in aq: q.s. for a Bath. C*. Against the running Gowte. Let the Patient bathe himselfe in either of these, morning and euening, by the space of ij. howres at a time, and after sweat in a hot bed; renue it each third day. Rulandus.

℞. Folior maluae, violar: betae, eleboris nigri, & sumariae, ana M iij. hordei, M vj. Boyle them in aqua font. q.s. for a Bath. D*. Which is good against Scabs, Itch, &c. Ʋesalius.

℞. Potentillae. M iij. parietariae, eupatoriae, verbenae, chamome­li, sabinae, ana Mij. Boyle these in aqua fluuiali, q. s. for a Bath. In the which if the feet and legs be bathed by the space of ij. howers in the morning, and by the space of iij. howers in the euening. And whilst that the Patient is bathing; let his eyes be fo­mented with the distilled water of fennell, and hot pigeons blood commixed: And let him often take inwardly of the powder fol­lowing. ℞. Rad: Scabiosae. & herbae Henrici, ana ℥j ss. Sem: ut [...], & faenugraeci, ana ℥j. rad: galange, ℥ss. f. puluis. These intentions E being duely and orderly prosecuted, profits much *. against weaknesse of sight. Vesalius.

[Page 33]℞, Maluar. Violar. Hordei, Furfuris, Capilli Ʋeneris, Galli­trici, Polytrici, & Fumariae, ana Mj. Pomer. Acetosor. n o. x. Boyle these in aqu. font. q. s. vnto the wasting of third part: then adde thereto folior. Senae, & Epithymi, ana ℥ ss. Let them boyle together a little space for a Bath, which is very effectuall * against Scabs, Itch, &c. Vigo. A

℞. Fumariae, rad. Lapathi acuti, & folior. E [...]s, ana Mj. Hor­dei, Lentium & Lupinor. ana Mij. rad. Helenij, & Ebuli, ana lb ss. Ellebori nigri tritaturi, ℥ ij. mellis, lbj. Sulphuris, ℥iij. Boile them all in aq. font. q. s. vnto the wasting of a third part, and so make a Bath, and let the Patient therein bathe, sweate, and bee well washed in a stooue, or hot-house. This profits much * in the B cure of Alopecia Gallica. Vigo.

℞. Lapathi acuti, & Fumariae, ana Mij. Nepitae, Mj. Furfurie Hordei, & Lupinor. ana Mjss. Violar. & maluar. ana Miss. Elle­bori albi & nigri, ana ℥ ss. mellis, ℥ j. Boyle them in aquaâ fontanâ q s. vnto the wasting of a third part, for a Bath, * Against the dis­eases C of the Legs called Malum mortuum. Vigo.

℞. Rad Lapathi acuti, & aenulae, ana ℥ iij. maluae, bismaluae, Cyclae, Parietarae, Saponariae ana Miiij. Lupinor. & Fabar. integrar. ana lbj. Centaurij minoris, Piij. Furfuris vel Hor­dei integri, Pij. s.a. cum aq q s. Make a Bath * against the bran­ny D scales of the head. Weckerus.

℞. Ciclae. Absinthij, Marrubij, & Betonicae, ana Mj. Centau­rij mino. & Stechados, ana Pij. Staphidis agriae, lbj. Aristolochiae, lb ss. Salis; lbiij. Boyle them all in lixiuio forti, q.s. for a Bath, * Against the disease called Phthiriasis, or the Lowsie Euill. E Weckerus.


℞. Rad. Altheae, ℥iij. Maluae cum radicibus, Ʋiolar. in puluer: redactar. & Furfuris, ana Pj. Boyle them in fat broath, or else adde to them axungiae Porcinae, lb ss. Being tender, stampe and straine them, and reboyle them to the consistence of a Cata­plasme. This applied, * Asswageth paine, and allayeth inflama­tion. F Andernacus.

[Page 34]℞. Folior. maluae, Altheae, Ʋiolar. ana Mj. Rad: Altheae, Li­lior. albor. & Iridis, ana ℥ ss. flor, Chamo. meliloti, Anethi, Comae, ana Pj. Hordei, & sem. Lini, ana ℥ ss. Cumini, ℥j. baccar Lauri, ʒij Croci, ℈j. adipis Anatis, & Anseris, medulla crur. Ʋituli, Butyri recentis, olei Irini, & ol: Lilior, ana ℥ ss. vel qu. s. s.a. f. Cataplas­ma. A This applyed, * Mollifieth, dissolueth, and asswageth Tu­mors, proceeding of flegme and bloud, being without inflamati­on. Andernacus.

℞. Rosar. rubrar. Pij. carnis Cotoneor, & Palmar. ana ℥ ss. Absinthij pontici, Iunci rotundi sicci, Oenanthae, ana M ss: Polentae, ℥ij. Boyle these in Ʋino rubro, and towards the end of the deco­ction, adde masticis, ʒij. olei melini, ℥ij. s: a. f. Cataplasma. B* This applyed hot to the belly, easeth the torments thereof. An­dernacus.

℞. Farinae Hordei, Pij. vel Cassiae fistularis, ℥ij. Temper it cum oleo Costino vel succo, Aquaue Solani aut Plantaginis, s.a. f. Cata­plasma, vel ℞. micar. Panis Secalini, ℥iij. Infuse them a while in Lacte bubulo, q.s. then boyle them a little, adding towards the end Vitellor. Ouor. bene conquassator. n o. ij. Croci pul. ℈j. s.a. f. C Cataplasma. * Either of these asswage the paines of the Gowte. Anderacus.

℞. Thymi, & Pulegij pul. ana ʒj. Fermenti, ℥ij Aceti, q s. s. a. f. Cataplas. Vel ℞. maluae & Altheae cum radicibus, ana Mij flor. Chamo & meliloti, ana Pij. Pulegij. Origani, Saturiae, ana Mj. Boyle them in aqua q s. vnto tendernesse. Then stampe them vntill they attaine the forme of a Cataplasme. Either of D them applyed s.a. * Do mollifie hard Tumors of the Liuer, and Spleene. Andernacus.

℞. Farinae Frumenti, vel Hordei, vel sem. Lini, Pij. cum mul­sa, q.s f. Cataplasma. Vel ℞. Altheae, & Chamo. ana Mj. Far. Hord. Pij, cum Aqua Hord. q.s. f. Cataplas. Ʋel ℞. Cremo­ris Lini & Faenugraeci, ana ℥ij. Vitellor. Ouor. n o. ij. Butyri re­centis, ℥ss. Olei comis: loti in aqua Calent. ℥ij. s.a.f. Cataplasma. A­ny E of these (being artificially applied) * Doe asswage the paines of those Tumors behinde the Eares (called Parotides) in the be­ginning. Andernacus.

℞. Medullae panis, ℥j. Vuar. passular. sine acinis, ℥j. Butyri re­centis, & axungiae Porc. ana ʒvj. Fermenti, ʒv. Lactis Vaccini, ℥ij [Page] [Page] [Page 35] Croci, ℈j. s.a. f. Catpplas. VelFar. Fabar. & Tritici, ana ℥j. Farinae, sem. Lini & faenugraeci, ana ʒvj. Ficuum contusar. ℥iss. Axungiae veteris, ℥ij. Croci, ℈j. Vitellor. Ouor. duor. s.a.f. Catapl. Either of these (being changed twice a day) *. Doe safe­ly A and speedily suppurate any Aposteme. Andernacus.

℞. Rosar. rubrar. Pij. flo. Chamo. & meleloti, ana ℥ ss. Sem­peruini, Cucurbitae, Lactucae, & Parietariae, ana Mj. Cort. mali punici, Rhus, ana ℥ ss. Far. Hord. Pij. aq. q.s. Boyle them to the forme of a Cataplasme. ℞. Lapathi, Parietariae, Chamo. meli­loti, ana M ss. Rosar. Pj. Palmular. n o. x. Far. Hord. Pij. aq. q.s. s.a. f. Cataplas. ℞. Altheae, maluae, ana Mj. flor. Chamo. meli­loti, & Rosar. ana Pj. rad. Altheae, & Lilior. ana ℥j. sem. Lini & fenugraeci, ana ℥ ss. Ficuum pinguium n o. x. Furfuris Farinae Tri­ticiae, Pij. aq q.s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. * These allay an inflamation. B The first ought to be applyed in the augmentation. The second in the state. The third in the declination. Andernacus.

℞. Far. Fenugraeci, ʒiij. Far. sem. Lini & Erui, ana ℥iss. Vini tenuis & generosi, q.s. Boyle these together vnto a meane thicke­nesse, then adde thereto Olei Nardini par. if it bee in Summer. But if it be in Winter then add Olei Cyperini, s.a. f. Cataplasma. Ʋel ℞. Stercoris Caprilli, ℥ij. Vini albi optimi, q. s. Boyle them together, and in the boyling adde olei Lilior. mellis & far. sem Li­ni, ana q.s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. * These auaile against the Apo­stemes C behind the Eares, called Parotides. Andernacus.

℞. Flor. Chamo. Piss. Far. Sem. Lini, & Fenugraeci, ana ℥ij. rad. Iridis pul ℥iij. Stercoris Columbini, ℥iss. Adipis Gallinae, ℥ij. Oleor. Lileor. & Chamo. ana ℥iss. s.a. f. Cataplas. * To attract. D Andernacus.

℞. Palmular. pinguium contusar. ℥j. glaucij, ʒiij. Croci ℈j. Far. Hord. Pj. aq. q.s. Boyle them vnto the forme of a Cata­plasme. * This applyed vpon the region of the Lyuer: allay­eth E the vnnaturall heate thereof. Andernacus.

℞. Carnis mali Cotonei, ℥ij. Farinae Hord: & faenugr: ana Pij. aq: q s. Boyle them vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. * This be­ing F applyed vpon the region of the Lyuer, cooleth the intempe­rate heat therof, Andernacus.

℞. Boli Armeni, Sanguinis Draconis, albuminum Ouor, & succi Plantaginis, ana q.s. Commixe them in forme of a Cata­plasme. [Page 36] The which being applied to the forehead, temples, and testicles of a man: but to the forehead, temples, and breasts of a A woman. * Vndoubtedly stayeth bleeding at the nose. Ander­nacus.

℞. Parietariae, Attriplicis, Lactucae, Cucurbitae, maluae, ana M ss. Semperuiui, M. tertiam partem, glaucij, ʒj. Cort. mali puni­ci, ℥ ss. Farinae, Hordei, ℥ij. Boyle them in so much water as will ouer couer them the thicknesse of two fingers, suffering them to boile vnto tendernesse, then stamp them to the forme of a Cata­plasme. B* This applyed: extinguisheth an inflamation in the beginning. Andernacus.

℞. Aquae vel succi Plantag. & aq. Rosar: ana ℥iiij. aceti Ro­sati, ℥ j. album Ouor. duor. Boli Armeni, Sang: Drac: Coralli, Ro­sar. myrtillor, Cortices mali punici, Terrae Spragitidos (i. Terrae Lemniae) pul: ana ʒij. Labour them together in a morter to the C forme of a Cataplasme. * Which is of rare vertue against Vlcers in the yard. Andreas Lucana.

℞. Lactis Ʋaccini, lbviij. medullae panis triticei, lbjss. rad: Li­lior: ℥vj. folior. maluar. Violar. Arthemisiae, Chamo: Ebuli, Sam­buci, ana M ss. sem. Lini & Faenugr. ana ℥j. Iridis, ʒiij. pingued: ca­pi: Axung: Porc: Butyri recent. ana ℥iij. Far: Fabar: ℥ijss. Boile them to the thicknesse of a Cataplasme, adding in the end Vitel­lor. D Ouor. n o iiij. Croci, ℈ij. f. Catapl. * This asswageth paine in Tumors. Ex Antidot. Banesteri.

℞. Lactis vaccinni, & seri lactis, ana lbij. medullae panis triticei, pulpae pomor. dulcium, lbj. fol: maluar. & violar. ana M j. fllo: chamo. & meliloti, ana Piij. Bruse the hearbes, and powder the flowers, and boyle them vnto due thicknesse, adding thereto, olei violar. ℥ss. butyri recentis ℥j ss. Croci ℈ij. vitellos duos. f. E Cataplasma. *. This asswageth paine in a hot cause. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Maluae, violar. mercurialis, altheae. solatri, chamo. flo: lilior. sambuci, & hyoscyami, ana M j. Boyle them in sufficient water with the head of a weather, till they be tender, then cut them very small and boyle them in milke, adding thereto, far: fab. ℥iiij. far: lini & faenugr. ana ℥iij. oleor. aneti, chamo. & meliloti, ana ℥j. pingued: Capi, & anseris, ana ℥ij. axung: suillae, ℥iiij. micar. panis triticei, ℥iiij ss. vitellos, iij. Make them in forme of a Cata­plasme. [Page] [Page] [Page 37] *. This duly applyed; Ripens Tumors proceeding of a A hot cause. Ex Andidot: Banesteri.

℞. Fol: maluar. violar. altheae, sambuci, & chamo. ana lbss. Boyle them in aq: fontana lbviij. till the third part be wasted, then straine them, and adde to the strained lycour, vng. rosati, ℥ij. pingued: capi, & anatis, ana ℥ss. olei rosar. & chamo. ana ℥j. far: faenugr: & lini ana ℥ij. medullae panis triticei, ℥ij. lactis recen­tis. q. s. vitellor. ouor. erium, s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. This applied, B asswageth paine. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Fol: maluae, M ij. erigeri, M j. Binde them in a linnen cloath, and boyle them in veale broath vntill they be tender, then stampe them very small, and adde thereto, cremoris lactis dulcis, lbss. micar. panis albi. ℥vij. Seui ouilis minutim incisi, lbss. olei ro­sar. ℥iiij. Boyle them till they be thicke, and in the cooling, adde thereto, vitellos ouor. duor. & f. Cataplasma. *. This asswa­geth C paine, and suppurateth Tumors. Ex Antiditario Bane­steri.

℞. Fol: maluar. flor. violar. meliloti, chamo. lactucae, ana M j. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto tendernesse. Then bruse and straine them, and adde to the strained lycour, far: lentium, tritici, lini, & faenugraeci, ana ℥j. micar. panis, ℥iij. axung: porc. adipis capi, & bu­tyri recentis, ana ℥iijss. Boyle them altogether to the forme of a Cataplasme, and in the end, adde thereto, vitel: ouor. duor. & Croci, ℈ij. f. Cataplas. *. Forcible to maturate. Ex Antidot: D Banesteri.

℞. Fol: mercurialis, maluar. chamo. bismaluae, betae, aneti, Sambuci, erigeri, ana Mjss. Boyle them in salt broath vnto ten­dernesse, then stampe them, and reboyle them in whay, adding thereto, micar. panis lbss. far: lini, ℥iij. far: lupinor. ℥j. far: hord. ℥iiij. axung. Suillae, lbss. butyrirec. ℥x. incorporate them well for a Cataplasme. *. which is of force to maturate grosse and sli­mie E matter in any part of the body. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: ros. lbj. ol: Sem: lini, ℥iij. ol: chamo. medullae crurium vaccarum, ℥iiij. pul: cort: rad: altheae, ℥iij. Sem: anisi. ℥ss. far: fab: [...]j. vini rubri, ℥vij. gum: arabici, in vino dissoluti, ℥j. Mix them to a Cataplasme. *. This dissolues Tumors of womens breasts F proceeding of coagulated milke. Ex Anti ot: Banesteri.

℞. Absinthij virescentis, M j. ol: ros. ℥ij. lactis mulieris, ℥j. aq: [Page 38] A ros. & album ouor. ana ℥j. Mix them to a thicknesse. * This pro­fits contused flesh; hapning by some fall, stripe, &c. Ex Anti­dot: Banisteri.

℞. Maluae, absinthij, ana lbj ss. Boyle them in water vnto tendernesse: then bruse them finely, and adde to them, axung: Suillae, lbj. vini maluat, lbj. pul: centaurij, ℥iij. helenij, ℥iiij. garyophyllor. ℥j. Boyle them to the wasting of the wine, and when all is cold, put therein Cuminipul: subtiliss. ℥iiij. Mix them B for a Cataplasme. *. Against vlcerations in womens breasts. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Folior. papaueris albi sub cineribus coctor. carnis pomor. dulcium, similiter coctor. ana ℥ij. Croci, ʒj. far: Sem: saenugr. ʒss. C lactis mulieris, ℥j ss. ol: rosar. q.s. f. Cataplasma. *. To asswage paine, in the inflamation of the Eyes. Ex Antidot: Bani­steri.

℞. Stercoris vaccae, lbj. baccor. lauri, ℥ij. myrrhae, ℥j. Cymini, ℥ss. Sem: petrosilini, ℥iij. ireos, ʒij. flo: chamo. meliloti, hyperico­nis, ana Pij. far: lupinor. ℥j ss. far: fab: ℥j. far: orobi, ℥j. Sulphuris, ʒij. lixinij, lbij. ol: hypericonis, & chamo. ana q.s.f. Cataplasma: D adde thereto in the end. Mithridati, ℥ij. *. This is most effectuall for Hydrocele. Banister.

℞. Sem: nasturtij. & Synapi, ana ʒss. rutae P [...]j. Cepae vnius magnae sub cineribus coctae, micar. panis tritici, M j. butyrimaialis, vel axung: porc. veteris, ℥j ss. s.a. f. Cataplas. Vel. ℞. Fol: hyoscyami nigri rec. q.v. axung. porc. par. misceto. Inuolue them in papyro humido, and roaste it vnder hot embers: after stampe it to the forme of a Cataplasme: Either of these applied hot, E*. doe not onely asswage the vehement anguish of a felon; but also speedily bring it to suppuration. D r. Bonham.

℞. Far: fab: album ouor. & aceti, ana q. s. s.a. f. Cataplas. Vel. ℞. Far: Sem: lini, ℥j ss. far: hord. ℥ij. flor. chamo. P j. ros. rub: ʒiij. baccar. myrti pul. ʒij. Boyle them in aceto, to the wa­sting of the vineger, then adde thereto pingued: gallinae, ℥iiij. ol: rosar. & chamo. ana ℥ij. Stampe them together to the forme of F a Cataplasme. This applied warme *. asswageth inflamed Tu­mors of womens breasts, comming through abundance of milke. D r. Bonham.

℞. Pulp: rad: Sigil: Salomonis, & ebuli fimiliter coctar. ana [Page] [Page] [Page 39] ℥iiij. pulp: rad: heloni, lb.j. ol: myrt chamo. hyrund, petreoli, ana ℥j. ol: terchinth: ʒvj. ol: vulp. spicae, lilior. lauri, & sambuci, ana ʒvij. Boyle them at a gentle fire (s.a.) adding in the boyling, Colophoniae, & terebinth. ana ℥j ss. There hauing boyled a little, adde there Cerae nouae, ℥ij. The which being molten, remoue it from the fire and incorporate therewith Croci pul. ℈iiij. far: fab: & cicer. ana ℥iiij ss. styracis liquidi. & pul: olybant, ana ʒiij. thu­ris, ʒij. This applied hot. *. doth maruelously asswage the paine A of the Gowte. D r. Bonham.

℞. Rutae rec. M ij. Solani rec. M iij. Croci pul: ʒiij. Salis co­mis: ʒj ss. far: hord: lbss. Stampe them all well together, then adde thereto, album ouor. n o. vij. s.a. f. Cataplas. This applyed to the forehead, and temples, *. asswageth the dolorous tormen­ting B paines of the head, in a violent burning Ague. D r. Bon­ham.

. Ficuum ping. lbj. ol: iuniperi, ℥iiij. far: fab: ℥vj. Stampe them in a morter to the forme of a Cataplasme. This applied hot, C and shifted iij. times a day, *. profits very much in Hernia aquosa. D r. Bonham.

℞. Micar. panis albi, q.s. Boyle them in lacte rec. vnto the forme of a Cataplasme, add thereto the quantitie of an hens egge of the plaister for the blinde Haemorhoids, thus [...] marked. Commixe and apply it warme, changing it twice a day. *. This D mittigateth the paines of the blinde Haemorrhoids. D r. Bon­ham.

℞. Nucam cupressi, squinanti, far: hord. & lupinor. ana ℥ss. blaectae bezantiae, & aluminis, ana ʒ [...]j. Sem: papaueris cornuti. ʒiij. aloes, myrrhae, ana ʒj. Croci ℈ss. Succi brassicae, & aceti. q.s. s.a. f. Cataplas. *. To be vsed in cold Tumors from the originall to E the state. Calmeteus.

℞. Far: Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥iij. fa: orobi, ℥j. flo: chamo. meliloti, & Sambuci, ana Pss. ros. rub. ʒij. fol: aneti, ℈iiij rad: iridis florent: pul. ℥ ss. Boyle them in vino generoso seu succo apij, q.s. Afterwards adde to it faecum olei lilior. ℥iij & olei lilior. puri, ℥ij. f. Cataplasma. *. To extinguish an inflamation in the decli­nation. F Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: altheae, & lilior. ana ℥iiij. rad: brioniae, & cucumeris agrestis ana ℥iij. ol: liliacei, lbss. ol. costini, ℥iiij. vini generosi, ℥ij. [Page 40] Boyle them together vnto the wasting of the wine, after strai­ning, adde thereto, far: Sem: liui, & faenugr. ana ℥ij. fermenti, ʒjss. A pingued: anseris & anatis, ana ℥iij f. Cataplasma. *. To suppu­rate a cold oedematous Tumor. Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: lilior. ℥ij. maluae, bismaluae, & violar. ana M j. far: Sem: lini, hord. & tritici, ana ℥j. Caricar. paria ij. flo: chamo. & violar. ana d j. flo: Sambuci, ℥ss. Boyle and straine them, and adde thereto, axung: suillae, gallinae, & vituli, ana ℥jss. ol: amygd: dul. & B lilior ana ℥iij. Croci, ʒss. s. a. f. Cataplasma. *. Auaileable against a pestiferous Bubo, or a pestilentiall Carbuncle. Calme­teus.

℞. Theriacae, ʒj. axung: suillae, ʒss. Succi Scabiosae, vel modi­cum C Symphyti, vel Symphytum cum Sale, & oni vitello, f. Cata­plas. Profitable against * Aurthrax: or a Carbuncle. And to cause the Escar to cast of. ℞. Maluae altheae, violar. ana M ss. far: tritici, & adipis Suillae, ana ℥ij. vitel. ouor. n o: ij. f. Cataplas. Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: altheae, ℥iiij. maluae, & violar, ana M j. far: tritici & hordei ana ℥j. Boyle them in aq: q s. vnto tendernes. Then stamp and straine them, and adde to them. butyri Salis experti ℥iij. D axung: Suillae, ℥ij. vitel. ouor. n o: ij. s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. Against Tumors in womens breasts. Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: lilior. brioniae, & cucumeris agrestis, ana ℥iij. ficuum paria vj. amygd: amar, ℥ij. Scyllae, ℥j ss. Colocynth. ℥ss. Boyle them in oleo & vino muscadino, vnto the wasting of the wine, then stampe and straine them, and adde thereto, far: fab: & orobi, ana ℥ij ss. far: lini, & faenugr: medullae crurium bubuli, ana ℥iiij. ol: E nucum, vel piperis, vel irini, q.s.f. Cataplas. *. To be applied in that Tumor of the Throate, called Bronchocele. Calme­teus.

℞. Rad: altheae, lilior. & bryoniae, ana ℥iiij. m [...]luae, violar. & parietariae, ana Mj ss. nidor hyrund. n o: j. Boyle them in aq: q.s. Being stamped and strained, adde thereto, axung: Suillae, veteris salis expertis, ℥iiij. adipis gallinae, & anseris, ana ℥j. far: faenugr: & lini, ana ℥ss. fermenti acris, ℥j ss. ol: lilior. & chamo. ana ℥ij. f. F Cataplasma. *. To be applyed to the outward part of the necke, against a Tumor in the Throate. Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: altheae, ℥iij. rad: lilior. ℥ij. rad: Cucumeris agrest, ℥jss. [Page] [Page] [Page 41] maluae, violar. brauchae vrsina, & rosar. ana Mj. Summit: abstat hij M ss. flo: violar. P ss. flo: Chamo. Meliloti, & Sambuci, ana P j. Boyle them in aq: q.s. Then stampe and straine them, and adde vnto them, Far: Fabar. & Hordei, ana ℥ij. Adipis gallinae, ℥j ss. Ol: Chamo. & Rosar. ana ℥ij. Croci ʒss f. Cataplas. *. A­gainst A the tumefaction, and inflamation of the Codds. Calme­teus.

℞. Lentium P iij. flo: Chamo. & Sambuci, ana P ij. Boyle, stampe, and straine them, and adde thereto, Far: Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥j. Butyri recentis ℥ij. ping: anseris, ℥j. Cerebrum eiusdem, vitel. oni vnius, Croci par. s.a.f. Cataplasma. *. Com­modious B to asswage a Tumor in the fundament. Calme­teus.

℞. Rad: altheae, lbss. Maluar. & violar. ana M j. Stampe, boyle, and straine them, then adde Butyri, & ol: comis: ana ℥iij. vitel. ouor. n o: ij. Croci modicum. Far: Tritici, & Hordei, ana q.s. f. Cataplas. *. For a contused wound. Calmeteus. C

℞. Fol: Maluar. violar. ana M ij. flo: Chamo. Meliloti, Rosar. ana Mj ss. Boyle these in the broth either of Veale, or of Chicken, or else in new milke, vnto tendernesse, then stampe them, and adde to them, Ol: Rosacei, & amygdalini, ana ℥ j ss. Far: fab. Hord: ℥ij. Medullae panis q.s. Croci, ℈ j. vitel. ouor. n o: iij. as also ℥viij. of the ensuing muscilage: viz. ℞. Rad: altheae, M ij. Sem: lini, & psyllij. ana ℥iij. Sem: faenugr. ℥j ss. Infuse them in aq: pura, & vino albo xij. howres, then boyle them, and straine forth the muscilage, and so according to art, make a Cataplasme. This being applyed s.a. *. appeaseth paines in the ioynts, and cea­seth D inflamations. Clowes.

℞. Fol: Sambuci, Saluiae, Rutae, Altheae, & Chamo. ana Mij. Shred them all small, and boyle them in the decoction of linseed and faenugreek, vnto due height, then add to them, Ol: irini, anethini, castorei, ana ℥j ss. Let them seeth together, to the con­sistence of a Cataplasme. *. This applied, mollifies, and re­solues, E all hardnesse of ioynts, and grosse slimie matter therein compact. Therefore it is profitable in all Ioynt gowtes, whether Chiragra, Ishchia, Genugra, or Podagra. Also it auailes much a­gainst cold Tumors, infesting the musculous parts of the arme and legs. D r. Cunyngham.

[Page 42]℞. Rad: & fol: ebuli & altheae, ana Mj. fol: rutae, Sabinae, palegif, & Sambuci, ana M ss. Chamo. & meliloti, ana M ij. Shred, bruse and boyle these in one part of Malmsy, and iij. parts of oyle of Camomill, vntill they attaine the consistence of a Cataplasme. A*. which is of like vertues with the former, but of greater strength in the affects there mentioned. D r. Cunyngham.

℞. Fol: maluae, rad: altheae, flo: Chamo. fol: Menthae, & ab­sinthij vtrius (que). Stampe them with new butter, for a Cataplasme, B and apply it hot. * Against a cold Aposteme of the Stomacke. Forrestus. By this often repeating hereof, the Author (in short space) brake an Aposteme, which had continued the space of one whole yeare.

℞. Rad: altheae ℥ij. flo: ros. rub; meliloti, Chamo. & Scabiosae, ana M j. Boyle them in aq: font. vnto tendernesse, then with Far: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥ss. Ol: Chamo. Ol: amygd: dal. & bu­tyri C rec. ana q.s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. which is auaileable against the inflamation of the Tonsils. Forrestus.

℞. Caprillum stercus exustum. q.v. Stampe it, cum vino q.s. vnto D the forme of a Cataplasme. *. This applyed s.a. heales desperate vlcers. Forestus.

℞. Rad: altheae, ℥iiij. Capit: lilior. albor. n o: iij. Caricar. ping: n o: xx. Bruse, and boyle them in hydro mellite (q.s.) vnto soft­nesse. Then stampe them, and adde vnto them Far: Sem: lini, & saenugr. ana ℥j ss, Ol: lilior. Ol: Chamo. axung: porc. & fimi Co­lumbini, E ana q.s. s.a. f. Cataplas. *. Forcible to suppurate a cold Aposteme. Forrestus.

℞. Parietariae, M iii. Ol: Scorpionis, ℥j. butyri rec. q.s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. Vel. ℞. Parietariae, M ij. Cherefolij. Mj ss. Chop and boyle them in aq: q s. vnto tendernesse, then adde bu­tyri recentis, ℥ij Ol: Scorpionis, ℥j ss. f. Cataplasma. Vel. ℞. Ce­pam excauatam, in quam infunde oleum anethinum; Roaste it in hot embers, then stampe it to the forme of a Cataplasme. Any of F these being applyed. *. Ease the torments of the bowels; and send forth the retained vrine. They are to be applied hot, vpon the Pecten, as also vpon the region of the neck of the bladder, be­tweene the Scroton and the Tuell. Forrestus.

℞. Rad: bryoniae, lbss. Cepam, vnam, rad: altheae, rec. ℥iiij. fol. maluar. Siccar. P j. Hydropiperis, M j. ficuum, & passutar. en [...] ­cleatar. [Page] [Page] [Page] ana ℥j. Boyle them very well, then stampe them, and add vnto them, fermenti, axung. Suilla insulsae. & butyr [...] recent: ana ℥ij. euphorbij pul. ʒj. s. a. f. Cataplasma. *. which doth both A Suppurate, and mundifie Bubo Venerca. D r. Foster.

℞. Fol. insquiami, & violar. ana M j. Boyle them in aq. q.s. till they be tender, then stampe them very fine, and adde to them panis purissimi, & lactis recentis, ana lbj. Ol: Rosar. ℥iij. vitel. ouor. n o: ij Croci, ℈j. s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. This is very excellent B in ceasing paines of the Gowte in cholerick persons, where great inflamation is, and in a sensible and tender body, for it asswageth both paine and swelling, in short space, if the body be well pre­pared before. Gale.

℞. Succi Portulacae, Semperuiui, & Ʋmbilici Veneris, ana par: aeq. Far: Hord, q. s. s a. f. Cataplas. This applyed. * Debarrs bloud C from flowing into any wound, sore Tumor, &c. Hier. Fabriti­us, ab Aq: Pendente.

℞. Fol. Ros. rub, fol: Rubi, ana M ss. Far: Hord: lb ss. flo: Cha­mo: P ss Boyle them in aq q. s. vnto due height, then add there­to, ol: myrtini, & Olei communis: ana ℥j. s. a. f. Cataplasma. This beeing artificially applyed vnto the Region of the Lyuer: * It allayes the vnnaturall heate thereof. Hieronymus Mercu­rialis. D

℞. O leor; Nympheae, Ʋiolar: & Curcubitae, ana lb ss. Succi Lactucae, Endiuiae & Solani, ana ℥ij. Far: Hord: q s.s.a. f. Catapl- * It slaketh inordinate thirst: being applyed to the region of the E stomack. Hier. Merc.

℞. Galbani, ammoniaci, opoponacis, bdellij, cerae, ana q s. Ol: comis: lbij. Spume argenti, lbj. Ol. laurini, ℥ss. Myrrhae, Thuris, Masticis, Aristolochiae ana q. s. terrae lemniae, siue lapidis calami­naris praepar. ℥j. Caphurae, ℥ss. terebinth, ℥j. Powder what's fit, and at a cleere and gentle fire, s. a. f. Cataplasma. *. Right excel­lent F to cure wounds made by gunshot, and that both with speed and safetie. It likewise cureth bruses. Chyrurgicus Innominatus.

℞. Sem: Synapis, ʒj ss. pyrethri, ʒj. laureolae, ℥ss. pul. rosar. ru­brar. ʒss. gentianae, nuc: mosch: ana ʒij ss. Caricar. ping. n o: xij. Being prepared s.a. macerate them all in aceto forti, for vj. howres space, then make a Cataplasme. *. To refrigerate the inflamed G Spleene. Hier: Merc.

[Page 44]℞. Rad. altheae, & lilior. albor. ana ℥j. Parietariae, Cham [...]. ana Mss. Boyle them vnto softnesse; then stampe them, and add vnto them, Far. lini, ℥j ss. Far. faenugr, ℥j. Reboyle them vnto the forme of a Cataplasme; then incorporate therewith, Vng. dialthea, agrippae, axung. porc. & ol: laurini ana ʒvj. Ol: lilior. Chamo. & amygd. dul: ana ℥ss. terebinth: venetae. ℥j. s.a. f. Cata­plas. A*. It's very effectuall to maturate a cold Aposteme. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rad. altheae, ℥j ss. bulbum vnum lilij magnum, fol. malnae, M j. fol. violar. M ss. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto tendernesse, Then (being stampt) add vnto them, Far. fab. hord: frumenti (que) ana ʒvj. Far. lini, & faenugr. ana ʒv. Reboyle them vnto the B forme of a Cataplasme, which being applyed, is of great force to *. maturate an hot Aposteme. Ex Manuscripto.

℞, Rad. altheae, & lilior. albor. ana lb ss. ficuum n o: vj. fol mal­uar. & violar. ana M j. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥j. Boyle them vnto tendernesse, then stampe, and add to them, Far. tritici, bu­tyri rec. & ol. amygd: dul. ana q.s. f. Cataplasma. This is of more C then ordinarie vertue. *. To maturate an Aposteme, and to ex­haust the matter peccant from the Center to the skins superfi­cies. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Rad. altheae, ℥iiij. Maluae, Mj ss. Capit: lilior. albor. ℥ij. Being decoct, and stampt, as before, adde vnto them, Far: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥j. furfuris tritaturi, M ij. vitel: ouor. n o: ij. axung: porc. & butyri recentis ana ℥jss. fermenti acidi, ℥ij. Cepar. sub prunis Coctar. n o: ij. Ol: ros. & Chamo. ana ℥j. s.a.f. Cataplas. D which is of approued force *. to bring an Aposteme to speedie and safe maturation. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Euphorbij, & lactis, ana lbj. micar. panis, q.s. Boyle them to the forme of a Cataplasme, which being applyed hot, doth E strangely asswage *. Arthriticall dolors, springing from a cold cause. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Medullae panis, ℥ij. vuar. exacinatar. ℥j ss. butyri rec. ax­ung: porcinae, ana ℥j. fermenti, ʒvj. lactis vaccini, q.s. Croci, ℈j. vitel: oui vnius, s.a.f. Cataplas. Vel. ℞. Far: fab: & tritici, ana ℥j. Far: Sem: lini, & faenugr: ana ʒvj. ficuum contusar. ℥jss. axung. veteris, ℥ij. Croci, ℈j. pul. rad: altheae, ℥j. rad: lilij tosti, ℥j. Ol: liliaces, q. s. vitel. ouor. duor. s.a.f. Cataplas. Either of these are [Page] [Page] [Page 45] of great force. *. To ripen Bubo Venerea. Ex Manuscrip­to. A

℞. Ol: Myrti, & Rosar. ana ʒiij. Aq. Rosar: ℥ ss. Far. Hord: P ss. Bol. Arm. ʒijss, Aceti Rosati, ʒij. Commixe all these cum Albumine Ouivnius, and apply it hot to the place affected. Vel, ℞. Vitel: Ouivnius, Far: Fab. & Lini, ana ʒij. Aceti, ʒij. Croci, gra. iiij. Ol: Ros: ℥ss. Ʋng: Populeonis, ʒvj. Commixe them, &c. Vel ℞, ol: Ros: ʒij. Cerae, ʒiss. Terebinth: ʒj. Far: Fab: Hord: & lini, ana ℈ij. masticis, myrrhae, & thuris albi, ana ℈ ss. s.a.f. Ca­taplasma, B and apply it hot, &c. Any of these auaile much against any Bruise or Squat. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Cepas albas, n o. iij. Cut off the Crownes, and excaue them, then fill that hollow part cum Theriacâ optimâ, then re­close the Crownes vnto the Onyons, and cloath them with wet paper, then rost them in hot embers vnto tendernesse, then stamp them small, and passe the pulp through a haire scarce: Af­ter add vnto that pulp these things following in fine powder: Aristoloch: vtrius (que), ʒiij. Cancror: fluuiatilium, ʒv. myrrhae, Bdel­lij, Galbani, ana ℥iss. s.a. forme a Cataplasme, and apply, it to suck out * the Poyson or venome of any biting or sting of mad C Dogge, Serpent, or other venomous Creature. Ex manu­scripto.

℞. Maluae, Violar. Cicutae, ana Mj. rad: Altheae rec. ℥ij. Pari­etariae, Mj. flor: Chamo: M ss. meliloti, Pj. Boyle them in Cere­nisia, q.s. vnto tendernesse, then stamp them, and add thereto, Far: Fab: & Hord: ana ℥j. Ʋng: Altheae, & ol: Ʋiolacei, ana ℥ij. s.a.f. Cataplas. * This effectually discusseth Tumors of the Testi­cles. D Ex manuscripto.

℞. Far: secalis, q.v. Resinae subtiliss: pul: q s. Boyle them in aq fluente vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. * The which being E spread on leather, and applyed hot, cures the foule scab of the head. Expertum. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Maluae, Altheae, fol. Ʋiolar: Purpur: Chamo: ana Mjss. rad. Altheae, ℥j. Boyle them in aq. q.s. vnto tendernesse, then stamp them into the forme of a Cataplasme. * To suppurate. F Ex manuscripto.

℞. Far. sem: Lini, Faenugr. & Iridis, ana ℥j. Far. Hord: & butyri maialis, ana ℥ij. Aquae decoctionis, Zarzeparillae, q.s.s a.f. [Page 46] A Cataplasma. * This resolues the induration of the Testicles. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Sem: Lini, & Faenugr: Grossae pul: ana ℥ij. Ficuum contus: ℥iiijss. pingued: Lardi: ℥ ss. Cereuisiae, q.s. Boyle them to the forme of a Cataplasme, and apply it as hot as may bee suffe­red, B so is it forcible * to suppurate Bubo Venerea. Ex manu­scripto.

℞. Fol: Apij, Rutae, maluae, Bismaluae, Chamo: ana Mj. Shred them all very small, and boyle them in Lacte rec: lbjss. Add ther­to mellis cochlear: ij. seui ouini, q. s. Far: Auenacci, par: Let them boyle vnto the forme of a Cataplasme, the which being applyed C hot, * mollifies exceedingly. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Fol: Tapsi Barbati, q.s. Boyle them in vino maluatico, vnto tendernesse, then stamp them vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. D The which being applyed hot, * easeth the Gowte. One forsa­ken of Physitians, was hereby cured. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Saponis nigri, q.s. Add thereto Vitel. Ouor: ad Saponis me­diatim. Commixe them effectually vnto the change of the co­lour of the soape, then add thereto Crocipul ʒ ss. vel q.s. ol. Spi­cae, & aq. vitae, ana ℥j. vel q.s. These being well incorporated, spread thereof plaister-wise vpon leather, proportionable to the place affected: and so apply it. After that recloathe it vpon with that which followeth. ℞. Album Ouor. & Far. Triticei, q.s. Commixe and spread thereof on linnen cloath, and apply it lar­ger then the former, stirre it not, ne take it off, vntill it offend by E its drinesse, vnlesse vrgent necessitie thereunto compell. * This easeth the Gowte, of what cause soeuer it spring. Ex manu­scripto.

℞. Saponis nigri, Fellis Taurini, & aq. vitae, ana ℥ij. Plumbi rubri, & albi, ana ℥j. Boyle them together (with constant stir­ring) vnto the forme of a Cataplasme: being well nigh colde, add thereto Ʋitel. Ouor: bene conquassator? [...], iiij. Incorpo­rate, F spread, and apply it, * to asswage paine. Mollifie hardnes. And to heale greene Vlcers. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Flo: Chamo: maioranae, fructuum Capparar: Rutae, Absin­thij, flo: meliloti, & Ebuli ana M ss Cumini, Baccar: Lauri, & Iuniperi, Caryoph: & sem: Lini, ana ʒij. Ammoniaci, ʒ ss. Brui [...]e and powder what's fit, and boyle them in Cereuisia, q.s. Vnto [Page] [Page] [Page 47] the forme of a Cataplasme, then add ol: Capparar: & Chamo: ℥iss. Far. Faenugr. q.s.s.a.f. Cataplasma. * This (duely applyed) sof­tens A the hardnesse, and mitigates the dolours both of the Lyuer, and Spleene. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Croci pul. ʒj. Ol: Rosacei, ʒiij. viteller. ouer. n o: iiij. These being duly incorporated; spread it vpon leather (of a good thicknesse) and apply it to the place affected. Vel. ℞. Fol: mal­uae, & hyoscyami albi, ana Mj ss. Flor. Chamo. & ros. ana M j. Boyle them in lacte rec. q.s. adding thereto Far: Hord: ℥ij. Sem: lini, ℥iij. micar. panis albi q. s. Ol: Ros. & violar. ana ℥j ss. vitel: ouor. n o: iij. Croci, ℈j. s.a.f. Cataplasma. Either of these *. As­swage B paine, whatsoeuer cause it proceed from. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Fol: ebuli, Cerae, aceti, Far: Hord: ana q s.s.a.f. Cataplas­ma. Vel. ℞. Fol: maluae, q.v. Boyle them in aq: fontis, q.s. vnto the wasting of the lycour; then stampe them, and passe them through a hayre searce; then adde vnto that muscilage axung. porc. q s. Incorporate them at the fire vnto the forme of a Cataplasme; Either of these applyed warme, morning and night, are commodious. *. To abate Tumors, and allay inflama­tions C of the legs, &c. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cereuisiae optimae, lbj. vitellor. ouor. n o: iij. polinis tritici, q.s. Commixe them well, and boyle them gently vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. Then add thereto, aeruginis pul. ℥j. incorporate them fully, and then (after due washing) apply it *. vnto any old D rotten, fowle or stinking vlcer, and by due and frequent applica­tion (by Gods grace) it shall bee whole. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Fol: hyoscyami, Cicutae, Solani, maluae, violar. ana Mj. Boyle them in Cereuisia, q.s. vnto the wasting of the lycour, Then stampe them well in a marble morter, adding thereto vng. populeo, & vng. [...]rig. Galeni, ana ℥ij. vng. dialtheae, ℥ij. axung. porc. ℥j ss. Far: Fab: in oxymellite coctae. ℥j ss. Ol: Ros. & Chamo. ana ℥j. opij the baici, ℈ij. s.a. f. Cataplasma. Vel. ℞. Micar. panis atri, & far: fab: ana q.s. Boyle them in new wort; when it is almost boyld enough, add thereto, Sem: cumini pul. & butyri rec. ana par. & fio f. Cataplas. Vel. ℞. Mellis clarificati, lbj ss. far: fab: lbj. Sem: cumini pul. ℥ij. aceti fort. cochl. ij. Incorpo­rate [Page 48] A them for a Cataplasme. Any of these applied warme. *. As­swage the Tumors of the Testicles. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Stercoris Columbini recent: lbiiij. aceti vini albi, lbj. Sa­ponis, ℥iiij. far: auenacei, M j. Contemper all these; and boyle B them in axung: porc. q. s. vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. *. Ap­proued good against the Sciatica. It ought to bee applied hot, and shifted once in xij. howers, vntill the paine cease. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Rad: lapathi acuti, q. v. aceti vini acerrimi, q.s. Stampe them together in a marble morter, vnto the perfect body of a C Cataplasme. *. This heales inueterate Tettars, Ringwormes, and Chaps in the hands or feet, being applyed s.a. twice a day. This a secret (with Gods blessing) neuer failing. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Far: fab: ℥ij. furfuris triticei, Mj ss. Mellis torrefacti, P j. Flo: Chamo. M ij. flo: meliloti, M j. Ol: aneti, & Chamo. ana ℥ij. ol: rutae, ℥j. Sem: anethi, ℥ ss. ol: laurini, 3vj. empli. meliloti, ℥j ss. s.a. in bona formaf. Cataplasma. Vel. ℞. Herbae Roberti, M iij. Stampe them a little: then add vnto them, Far: far: ℥iij. Sem: Cumini, ℥ij. Sem: aneti, ℥j. fol. altheae, Mj ss. Boyle them all in aq: font. q.s. vnto the forme of a Cataplasme, adding thereto, and in­corporating therewith, Ol: ros. ℥ij. Vel. ℞. Far: fab: lb ss. Cu­mini ℥j. Saluiae, & rosar. ana ℥iiij. vini rubri adstringentis, q. s. aceti par. s.a.f. Cataplasma. (The Author extols these, as infal­libly D effectuall.) *. Against Herniam humoralem, & ventosam. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Far: fab: q.s. vini albi, ana q.s. Boyle E them vnto due height, then add Ol: ros. q.s.f. Cataplasma. *. This applyed, asswageth the swelling of the Cods; hapning by bruse or otherwise. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Far: Hord: pulpi, pomi dulcis affati, lactis muliebris, aq: ros. alb: album: oui vnius bene Conquassati. Commixe them accor­ding to art. This (applyed warme vpon the Eye-lids, at going F to rest) *. allayeth the inflamation of the Eyes. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Far: Hord. & Sem: psyllij pul. ana q.s. Boyle them in aq: font. melle, & oleo liliaceo, ana q.s. vnto the forme of a Cata­plasme; G The which being applied warme, *. doth asswage Tu­mors [Page] [Page] [Page 49] vnder the Eares, and about the Throate. Ex Manu­scripto.

Rad: altheae, ℥j. flo: Chamo. ros. rub: & meliloti, Summitat: anethi, & I [...]ae arthriticae, ana ℥ ss. Sem. hyoscyami, ℥ss. far: faenugr. & hordei, ana ℥ij. Ol: lumbricer. ℥iiij. Croci, ℈ij. Sapae, q.s.s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. This maruelously asswageth the paines of the A Gowt. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rad: altheae coctae, ℥iiij. Stampe them well in a morter, then add thereto, butyri rec. ℥j. mellis, ℥j ss. Stercoris Columbini, ℥ij. s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. It speedily breakes the Pleuretick Apo­steme; B being applyed hot to the place affected, after due motion, or friction. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Minij, Cerussae, bol: arm: aluminis, vitrioli, tartari, ana q.s. aceti rosati, q.s. Powder what's fit, and make a Cataplasme. *. To mitigate the paine of the Gowt. First, let the part affected C be well rub'd or chaft with linnen madefied in hot vineger, and that as hot as the Patient may suffer; the which being done; let the Cataplasme bee spread thick vpon a linnen cloth, and ap­plyed as hot as may bee endured, then apparrell it thick with hot cloathes, and procure sweate if you can. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Flo: Chamo, meliloti, & rorismarini ana P j Saluiae, & pri­mulae veris, ana M ss. staechad. & fol: lauri, ana P ss. Boyle this in vino al [...]o vnto tendernesse, and reserue it. Tum ℞. Stercoris Caprini: far. fab. & Sapae, ana q s. Make a Cataplasme. *. To as­swage D Tumors of the legs, caused of a grosse matter. Note; before you apply the Cataplasme, let the part affected be well fomented with the former fomentation. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Far: fab: rutae, Cymini, menthae, ana part: aequales, Cum vrina pueri immaculati xv. annor. aut circiter. s.a.f. Cataplas. Apply it hot, to asswage the *. inflamation of the Codds. Ex E Manuscripto.

℞. Totum porri incisi. Stampe it a little, and with axung: porc. F q s. at the fire, make a Cataplasme. This applyed asswageth *. the Tumified Yard, hurt by vncleannesse. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Absinthij, rutae, parietariae, faenugr. Sem: lini, flo: tapsi bar­bati artimisiae, Cap: veneris, meliloti, Citrini, origani, serpilli, ana ℥ij. far: fab: tritici, hord. & auenar. ana ℥j. bol. arm. vini albi, & [Page 50] Ol: olinar. ana q.s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. This asswageth any Tu­mor. Expertum. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Far. fab. M j. flo: Chamo: pul. M ss. fol. ros. pul. Pj ss. Boyle them in aceto & melle, ana q.s. about the end of the decoction, add A ol. rosar. ℥ij. incorporate, and make a Cataplasme. *. To abate the Tumefaction of the Testicles. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Bac. lauri menthae, masticis, & Cymini, ana ℥j. Caryoph. ʒiij. aceti rosati, q.s. faecis olei Mastichini, ℥j ss. s.a. f. Cataplas. B*. This being applyed vpon the region of the stomacke, strengtheneth the same, and stayeth vomiting. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Cereuisiae opt. & satis veteris, lbviij. fol. hederae humilis, ca­lendulae, absinthij, maluae, ana M iij. fol. caprifolij, & Chelidonij, ana M ij. Sumit, vrticae rub. & fol. brassicae, ana M j. rad. bryoniae nigrae, ℥vj. Shred what's fit very small, and boyle them vnto ten­dernesse, then add Far. fab. far. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥iiij. continue the boyling (with constant stirring) vntill it attaine the C forme of a Cataplasme. This being applyed hot, and thicke, and renewed twice in xxiiij. howers. *. It mundifieth, and healeth, old, rotten, and sordid vlcers. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rad: altheae lbj. far: hord: lini, & faenugr. ana lbss. adipis anserini, & gallinae, ana ℥j. ficuum pinguium, n o: viij. ol: violar. D Seui ouilis, & butyri rec. ana q.s.f. Cataplasma. *. This will sup­purate an Aposteme, whether interne or externe. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Oxymellis simplicis ℥xij. nucum cupressi tenuiss: pul. ℥ij. Boyle them together in aq: q.s. vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. E This applyed somewhat thick, *. repels Phlegmon, or any Bili­ous humor in the beginning. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Partis albae stercoris anserini, & Succi Chelidonij ana q s. F s.a.f. Cataplasma. *. This applyed (according to art) doth maruelously profit in Cancrous soares of womens breasts. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rosar. rub: Pj. Chamo. melilo. & far: lini, ana ʒij. mica­rum panis albi, lbss. Boyle them in lacte q.s. adding thereto Croci integri ʒj. vitellor. ouor. n o: ij. ol: chamo. rosar & axung: porc. ana ℥ss. medullae vituli, & adipis gallinae, ana ʒiij. s.a. f. Cataplasma. G This applyed hot twice a day. * Asswageth the paine of the [Page] [Page] [Page 51] Gowte, whether fixed or current. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Lanceolatae, plantag. Caprifolij, bursae pastoris, betonicae, graminis leucanthemi, Scabiosae, Solani, agrimoniae, ana M iij. Beate them together in a morter and straine out the iuice, add thereto mellis, equall portion, Succi apij, as much as of both the former; and againe, mellis as much in quantitie as of all the for­mer. Boyle them altogether, adding thereto Far. Hord. q.s. to make a Cataplasme. This applyed s.a. *. dissolueth Strumes and A Scrophulous abcessions. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Fim [...] Columbini rec. q.s. far: tritici, & aceti fortis, ana q.s. f. Cataplasma. Apply it cold, and lay a Colewort lease on the top thereof, renew it each vj. hower: and at iij. or iiij dres­sings (Deo volente) *. It cures the Shingles. Ex Manu­scripto. B

℞. Fermenti acris, ℥j ss. far: hord. & lini, ana ℥ss. vng. dialtheae Nicolas, Cum gummis, ol: rutae, & laurini, ana ʒvi. aceti, q.s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. This dissolues the hardnesse, and alayeth the C inflamation of the Spleene, Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rad: altheae, lbss. maluar & violar. ana M j. Stampe, boyle, and straine them, add to the strained lycour, butyri rec. & ol: co­mis: ana ℥iij. vitellor. ouor. n o: iij. Croci modicum: far: tritici, & hord. ana q.s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. This profits much in a Con­tuse D wound. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ʋini albi, lbj. micar. panis albi, q.s. Boyle them to the forme of a Cataplasme, wherewith incorporate axung: porc. rec. ℥ij. *. This applyed hot, abateth the swelling of the Priuities. E Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Sem: masturtij, ℥ij. Synapi, ℥j. rutae, P ij. pul. ireos, ℥iij. cepae tostae, ℥ss. far. hord. ℥iiij. butyri maialis ℥j. decoctionis Zarzae­parillae, & guiaci, ana q. s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. This applyed, F cures a Felon. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cepar. apij, Senecionis, & Seui ouini, ana q.s. Chop the hearbes small, and boyle the whole in healthfull vrine, vnto the forme of a Cataplasme; This applyed hot vpon vpon a blew cloth. *. Cures a wrench or straine. Ex Manuscripto. G

℞. Acetosae fol: calthae palustris, ana M ss. rad: lillij albi, ʒj. Stampe them a little together, then lap them in a docke lease, and roaste them in the embers. *. This being bound hot vnto a H [Page 52] felon, will both breake and heale it. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ol: Sem: lini, fol: plantag. rec. ana q.s. Stampe them to A the forme of a Cataplasme. This being artificially applyed, *. as­swageth the paines of the Haemorrhoides. Matthiolus.

℞. Plantag. Solatri, hyoscyami, ana M ij. caudae equinae, tapsi [...]arbati, Centinodij, ana M j. Boyle them in aq: & aceto ana q.s. then stampe and straine them, and add thereto myrtillor. nucis cu­pressi, B ros. rub. pul. ana ʒij. far: fab: ℥ij. ol. ros. & ol: Cidonior. ana ℥j ss. s.a f. Cataplasma. This applyed, *. extinguisheth an inflamation in the beginning. Pareus.

℞. Fol. maluar. absinthij, plantag. ana M ij. Seeth them in aq: & aceto. Stampe, and straine them, and add vnto them, Far: fab: & hord. ana ℥j. ros. & absinthij, pul. ana ʒij. ol: ros. & cha­mo. C ana ℥j. s.a. f. Cataplasma. *. Against an inflamation in the augmentation. Pareus.

℞. Rad: altheae, ℥iiij. maluar. & parietariae, ana M ij. Roaste them vnder the embers, then stampe therewith Far: fab: & len­tium ana ℥ij. chamo, & meliloti pul. ana ℥ss. ol: ros. & chamo. ana D ℥j. adipis gallinae, ℥ j. f. Cataplasm. *. Against an inflamation in the state. Pareus.

℞. Rad: bryoniae, & cucumeris agrestis, ana ℥ij. flo: chamo. & meliloti, ana ℥ij. Boyle them in hydromellite, add thereunto far: sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥. j. ol: anethi, adipis anscris, & anatis ana E ℥j. s.a. f. Cataplasma. * against an inflamation in the declination. Parew.

℞. Far: hord. ℥iiij. nucum cupressi. malicorij, balaustior. pul. ana ℥j. myrrhae, aloes, aluminis, ana ℥ss. Boyle all these in Lixiuio comi. q.s. vnto due height, then incorporate therewith olei myrtillor. F ℥ij. f. Cataplasma. *. Against an Oedematous Tumor. Pareus.

℞. Far. fab: & orobi, ana ℥iij. Boyle them in decocto pulegij, origani, Calamenthae, & Saluiae, add thereto chamo. & melililoti, pul ana ℥ss. Sulph: vini pul. ʒij. ol: anethi & chamo. ana ℥jss. G f Cataplasma. *. Against a watery Tumor. Pareus.

℞. Cerae citrinae, lbij. fimi Caprini, Sem: apij, ana ℥iij. Samp­suci ℥iiij. nitri, ammoniaci puriss: ana ℥ij. faenugr. & bacc: lauri, ana ℥iij piperis albi, ℥ij. terebinth, ℥ij. ol: Cyprini, q.s. s.a. f. Ca­taplasma. H Right profitable *. against watery, Tumors, and Hydro­pick bodies. Plinius Secundus.

[Page 53]℞. Absinthij, Abrotani, Sambuci, & Chamaeparissi, ana Mj. A Summitatum Thymi, Rutae, Origani, Rorismarini, Saturiae, & La­nendulae, ana M ss. flo. Chamo: & meliloti, ana M j. flo: Centaurij, Saluiae, & lauendulae, ana, Piij. Boyle them all in Vrina Pueror. immaculator. q s. vnto tendernesse, then stamp them very fine, and adde vnto them, Far. Triticei, ℥iiij. Far. Orobi, & Lupinor. ana, ℥ij. Baccar. Lauri, & Iuniperi, pul. ana ℥j. sem. Vrticar, & Cymini pul. ana ʒvj. sem. Carui, & Rutae, pul. ana ℥ss. Axung. Porc. lb ss. ol. sem. Lini, lb ss. ol. Ros. complet. ℥iij. ol. Rutae, ℥j. ol. Spicae, ℥ ss. Terebinth. ℥iij. Myrrhae, & Masticis pul. ana ℥j. aq. vitae opt. lb ss. Aceti acerrimi, ℥iiij. Boyle all these together at a gentle fire (with constant stirring) vnto the due forme of a Cataplasme. This (applyed hot, and somewhat thick, and chan­ged twice in xxiiij. houres) * speedily abates Oedematous Tu­mors, B heats cold members, comforts the neruous parts, and dis­cusseth wind. Poeton.

℞. Flo. Verbasci, Hyperici, & Rosar. ana Pij. Ruti, Hyoscia­mi, ana Mj. Aceti, q.s. Boyle them together s.a. and make a Ca­taplasme. * Which is a rare and excellent defensitiue in veno­med C wounds, if the whole member affected be therewith cloa­thed, for it much comforteth the part, asswaging paine, and preuenting Tumour, and Apostemation. Quercitanus.

℞. Bol. Arm. Far; volatilis, molendinariae, album. Ouor. & A­ceti Rosati, ana q.s.s.a. f. Cataplasma. * It stayes bleeding at the D nose, being applyed on hempen cloath to the forehead and arte­ries, and a linnen cloath (being wet in vinegar) lapt about the necke, and another (so wet) lapt about the priuities. Ran­zonius.

℞. Cerae, ℥iijss. Colophoniae, seu Picis Graecae; pingued: Thymal­li Piscis, Mumiae, ana ℥jss. Myrrhae, ℥j. minij ℥ss. Coralli albi, ʒiij. Thuris, masticis, ana ℥j Caphurae, ℥ ss. s.a. make a Cataplasme: The which (being duely applied) * Cures any wound, cut, or E puncture. This was frequently vsed by Christian, King of Den­marke. Ranzouius.

℞. Vng. Dialtheae, vel Oesypi, ℥iiij Sterceris Hyrundinum, vel Gallinar. ℥vj. s.a.f. Cataplasma. * Against Angina, or the Squi­nancy. F Rondel.

℞. Micar. Panis tosti, & in aceto macerati, ℥vj. Caryophillor. [Page 54] macis, gra: myrti, masticis, Galangae, acinor. vuar. & Balaustior, ana ℥ss. ol. Absinthij, & menthae, ana ℥j. s.a.f. Cataplasma. Vel ℞. Prunor. Siluestrior: & Prunellor: ana lb ss Boyle them in A­ceto, then passe them through a haire searce, and gather the pulp. whereunto adde micar: panis atri, lbj. fol. Absinthij pul. masticis & Coralli, ana ℥j. Santalor. omnium, malecorij, ana ℥j. Od. Rosati, & Citonior, ana, ℥iij. with the lycour of the former decoction, s. a. make a Cataplasme. Either of these applyed hot to the belly, A* stayeth the fluxe thereof. Rondeletius.

℞. Succi semperuiui, lbj. Ʋini crassi acerbi, lb ss. Far. Hord. ℥iij Cort. mali granati, & Sumach: ana ℥ss. s.a. f. Catapl. Ʋel ℞. Pomor. mandragorae, q.s Boyle them in Lacte, q.s. stampe them for a Cataplasme. Vel ℞. Fol. Hyoscyami, Boyle them in Lacte. Afterward stamp them, and adde Crocipar. Commixe B them for a Cataplasme. * Any of these are effectuall against an in­flamation. Rondeletius.

℞. Parietariae, M j. Chamo: meliloti, Sambuci, ana Pij. aq. q s. Boyle them together vnto tendernesse, then stamp them, and in­corporate with them, Far. Fab: Far: Hord: vel furfuris macri, a­na lbss. Olcor: Chamo: & Amygd: amarar: ana ℥ j. Adipis Galli­nae C ℥j. s.a.f. Cataplasma. Which is vertuous, * to deterge, and discusse. Rondeletius.

℞. Rad. maluae, & Bismaluae, ana Mj. Panis candidi, q.s. make a decoction vnto due height, then stamp the whole diligently, and passe it through a scarse, and so make a Cataplasme. Vel ℞. Far: Tritici, lbj. Sapae, q. s. s.a. f. Cataplasma. Where­with D incorporate Ʋitellor Ouor. n o. iij. * These concoct. Ronde­letius.

℞. Stercoris Bouini, lbj. sterc: Caprini, ℥iij. sem: Anisi, faenic. Carui, ana ℥ ss. s.a.f. Cataplasma. Ʋel ℞. Sulphuris vi [...]i sem. Cumini, ℥j. sem: Apij, & Petrosilini, ana ℥ ss. cum excrementis E Cochlear. q s. f. Catapl. * Either of these asswage Hydropicall Tumors. Rondeletius.

℞. Sterc. Hyrundinum, vel Gallinar: vel Canis, ℥iiij. Far. fab. ℥ij. Ol: Lilior: & Chamo: ana ℥iij. Butyri rec: ℥ij. s.a. f. Cataplas. Vel ℞. Decoctionis nidum Hirundinalium in Aceto, q s. f. Catapl. Vel ℞. Mucilag: Faenugr. ℥xx. Cerusae, ℥iiij. Caphurae Tritae, ℥j. s.a. f. Catapl. Ʋel ℞. Flo: Chamo: Miij. Aceti, & Olei, [Page] [Page] [Page 55] ana partes aequales, [...].a.f. Catapl. Ʋel ℞. Sterc. Canini albi, & mellis, ana q.s. Commixe and boyle them vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. Any of these are profitable to bee applyed * A­gainst A Angina, and to be shifted each eighth houre. Rondele­tius.

℞. Rad: Altheae, ℥iij flo: Chamo: & Violar: pul: Furfuris, ana Pj. Maluae cum radicibus, Ʋiolar. & Branchae Vrsinae, ana Mj. Make a decoction in the fat broath of a Weathers head, then stamp, and passe them through a scarce, and adde thereto axung: Por [...]: lb ss. s.a.f. Cataplasma * to asswage paines, and allay infla­mations B in all outward parts. Rondeletius.

℞. Far: Auenacei, lbj. Boyle it in aceto forti, to the forme of a Cataplasme. The which being applyed hot vpon the region of the nether belly, * It ceaseth, or taketh away the torments there­of. Rondeletius.

℞. Medullae Panis medij, lbj. Lactis recentis q.s. Boyle them together vnto the forme of a Cataplasme, then adde thereto Olei Ʋiolacei, if the paine be meane, ol; Hyosciami, if the paine be great, ol: mandragorae, if the paine be violent. * This asswa­geth C dolours of the Ioints, arising from a hot cause. Ronde­letius.

℞. Solani, Violar. ana Mj. flor: Hyoscyami, Mij. flo: Violar. & Chamo: ana Pj. Boyle them in lacte, vel aquâ, vnto tendernesse, then adde Croci pul: ℈j. stamp them all with Axung: Porc: q. s. vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. * Apply it s. a. in Morbo Ar­thritico. D Rondel.

℞. Stercoris Bubuli, lbj. Vini & mollis, ana par: s.a. f. Catapl. Vel ℞. Stercoris Bouis, lbj. Sterc: Caprae, ℥iij. sem: Anisi, Faenic. Carui pul: ana ℥ss. mellis par: f. Catapl. * These asswage the tor­ments F of the Collick, and Nephretick passions: the latter is the stronger. Rondeletius.

℞. Pomor: acidor: n o. iij. Boyle them in Aq: Ros: vnto tender­nesse, then stamp them vnto the forme of a Cataplasme. Vel ℞. Portulacae, vel Plantag: vel Solani, Mij. Stampe them vnto the forme of a Cataplasme * Against the dolorous inflamations of G the eyes, to bee applyed colde vpon the Eye-lids. Rondele­tius.

℞. Cochlae: cum Testis, q. s. Stampe and apply them in [Page 56] forme of a Cataplasme, and you shall finde it to be of rare ver­tue. A* To asswage the dolorous paines of the Ioynts. Ru­landus.

℞. Mucilag; Faenugr: ℥x. Cerusae, ℥ij. Caphurae, ℥ss. s.a. f. Cataplasma. This being applyed morning, noone, and night, pro­fits B much * against the Apostemes behinde the Eares, called Paro­tides. Rulandus.

℞. Panis Secaleeei, Miij. Lixiuij. q s. Boyle them to the form C of a Cataplasme. * This applyed to the tumified priuities, in the Dropsy Ascites, mitigateth the dolour, and asswageth the Tu­mour. Rulandus.

DOl: Lilior: albor: ℥v. Argillae, M ss. s.a. f. Catapl. * This applyed to the priuities of a man hurt by vncleannesse, profits much. Rul.

℞. Flor: Nympheae, Nasturtiae aquaticae, ana Miij. Aceti Ros: fortis, & olei Rosati, ana q s. Stamp them together to the E forme of a Cataplasme. Rulandus. * The Author applyed it morning and euening, in a tumor of the hand: Concomitated with dolor and inflamation, and at twice applying the aposteme brake, the dolour ceast, and the inflamation was extinguished. F With the same he cured * a tumour in the testicles, accompanied with great dolour and inflamation.

℞. Stercoris Ʋaccini, & Aceti, ana q: s. Boyle them together to the forme of a Cataplasme. This (being applyed hot twice G a day). * Abates Tumors in the feet. Rulandus.

℞. Coaguli, lbj. Brodeum Caseatum, q. s. Boyle them to the forme of a Cataplasme, which being applyed hot three times H a day, * Auailes much in the cure of Strumes. Rulandus.

℞. Medullae Panis Se [...]aleoci, Mxij. Vini rubelli, Stiptici, & Acetifortiss: ana q.s. Boyle them to the consistence of a meane I Cataplasme. * This being applyed hot (morning and euening) vnto the whole Thorax, it stayes the spitting of bloud. Rulan­dus.

℞. Fermenti, q. s. Make a Cataplasme thereof, asperse it with the powder of Carabe. This applyed hot to the Crowne K of the head, profits much * against the Palsy of the Tongue. Ru­landus.

℞, Micar: Panis Sicalicei, q s. cum Aceto sorti f. Cataplas. [Page] [Page] [Page 57] Apply it hot vpon the region of the stomack, to stay. *. the Lyen­teriall A flux. Rulandus.

℞. Fermenti, & bol: arm: ana q.v. aq: plantaeg. vel solani, q s s.a. f. Cataplas. Note before th'application hereof, the part affected must be anointed, Cum ol: ros. velchamo. Ʋel. ℞. Flo. Chamo. B ʒjss. rosar. ʒj. Far. lini, fab: & hord. ana ʒiij. micar. panis albi, ʒ [...]j ss. vini albi, & aq: ana q.s. Boyle them vnto the forme of a Cataplasme, then being from the fire, commixe therewith, Ol: ros. chamo. & butyrirec. ana ʒvj. then giue them one single ebu­lition. Lastly, add vitel: oui vnius, & s.a.f. Cataplas. *. These C asswage the dolorous paines of the ioynts. D r. Shepheard.

℞. Maluae, & altheae, cum suis rad: ana ℥ij. Fol: Caulium rubr. violar. hyssopi, ana M j. Caricar. ping. n o: xxx. flo: Chamo. & me­lile. ana P j Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥ij. Cap: lilior. alb: ℥ j. furfuris, Pj. Boyle them all in aq: q.s. Stampe, straine, and add nidi hyrundinis hauing first beene boyled in ol: liliaceo, and with the whole stamped and strained) Far: Sem: lini, & faenugr. far: frumenti, ana ℥j Boyle the meales with oximell to a conuenient thicknesse, then add axung. gallinae rec. & butyri rec. ana ℥j. Cro­ci, D ʒj. ol: liliacei, ℥iij. s.a. f. Cataplas. *. Of rare vertue, against any Tumor about the Throate. Valeriola.

℞. Far: fab: hord. lentium, & lupinor. ana ℥iij. Far: Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥ij. far: orobi, ℥j. Croci, ʒij. aceti, & mellis, ana q s. Boyle them vnto the consistence of a Cataplasme. *. To as­swage E paine, in and about wounds, and to comfort the Parts. Ʋaleriola.


℞. Maioranae, betonicae, meliss [...], rorismarini, staechad, ana P j. ros. rub. corticis citri, gra alkermes ana ʒiij. macis, piperis longi, Cubebar. Caryoph, ana ʒss. This being powdred with bombace and red sarcenet, make a Cap. This being worne, *. asswageth F headache, proceeding of ouermuch moysture. Anderna­cus.

℞. Ros. rub: violar. flo: chamo. melilo. staechad: rorismar. ana P ss. melissae beton, maioranae, pulegij, ana M ss. Cocci infectorij, ʒij. [Page 58] Make them into fine powder, and make a Cap as before, to be A constantly worne for diuers moneths together. *. Against an in­ueterate headache proceeding of mixt humors. Andernacus.

℞. Ros. rub: P ij. melissae, beton: maioranae, origani, ana M ss. nuc: mosch: Caryophyll: gum: iuniperi, baccar. cupressi, ana ʒj. Cocci infectorij, maceris, ana ʒj ss. thuris, masticis, ana ʒij. s.a. B Make a Cap *. to strengthen the braine, and stay a distillation. Andernaeus.

℞. Flo: [...]aechad: hyssopi, beton: chamo. ana P j. ros. rub: P ij. Ca­lami aromatici, ligni aloes, & cyperi, ana ʒj. fol: lauri, & maio­ranae, ana P j. nuc. mosch: rad: ireos, & Cinamo: opt: ana ʒ [...]j ss. caryoph: ʒj ss. styracis, calamitae, ʒj. ambrae grisiae, gra. vj. moschi, C gra: iiij s.a. Make a quilted Cap. *. This worne stayeth that de­fluxion into the Eyes, which causeth the disease called Amaurosis, Note that before the Cap be put on to be worne, the head ought to be well rub'd with a hot cloath, wherein is tied or bound vp, some salt and bran commixed. Andernacus.

℞. Flo. rorismar. staechad: saluiae, beton. lauend. orig. ana M ss. Caryoph, ℥ss. nuc. myrist: macis, nigel: rom: ana ʒij. styrac: calam: laldani, benzoini, ana ʒj. cal: aromat: ʒss. santal: citr: ʒj Sem: milij torref ℥j. ros. rub: Mj. Powder them all, and s.a. make a D Cap, to be constantly worne,* To stay a distillation. D r. Bonham.

℞. Melyssophillae, beton: Sampsuci, ana M ss. staechad: arab: ros. rub. flo: rorismarini, ana P j nigellae torref. ʒiij. gum: iuniperi, ʒij. E Coriand: praeparat: & Coc [...]i infectorij, ana ʒ [...]j ss. macis, Carioph: ana ʒj. s.a. Make a Cap. *. This worne staies a Diarrhaea caused of a defluxion from the braine. Fontanouus.

℞. Flo. ros [...]xic. beton sic, ana ʒj. Sandarach, masticis, Sem: myrtil ana ʒss mace ris, ℈j. Make of these a grosse powder, and s a make a Cap, of that largenesse that it may couer the Coronall F future, which being constantly worne, *. Auailes much against cold affects of the braine. Forrestus.

℞. Ros. rub: exic. masticis, Sem: myrtill, & nigella, ana ʒss. G beton: sicc, Pj. Being grosly powdred, s.a. make a Cap. *. To strengthen the braine, and to stay a distillation. Forrestus.

℞. Ros. rub: & flo: nymph ana P j Sem: Coriandri praepar. ʒjss. Sandarachi, & masticis, ana ʒj. Santali rub: & Citr. ana ℈j. H Powder them grosly, & s.a.f. Pileus. *. This worne, staies a di­stillation. Forrestus.

[Page 59]℞. Flo: rorism. & lauend. ana Mj ss. flo: chamo. beton: ros. rub. ana Mj ss Saluiae, maioranae, & serpilli ana M ss. fol: senae, ʒij. flo. staechad: ʒiij. macis, nucis mosch: caryoph, ana ℈ij. s.a. Make a Cap. *. This assuageth the paine of the head proceeding of ouermuch A moisture. Fuchsius.

℞. Flo: chamo. melilo. ros. rub. menthae, beton. scananth: ana ʒj ss. staechad: calament: orig. flo: lauend, ana ℥ss. iridis, calam: aromat, cyperi ana ʒij. macis, nuc: mosch. ana ʒj cocci infectorij, & galliae mosch. ana ʒj ss. Cinamo, ʒij. mosch. gra: iiij. Powder them all, and s.a. make a Cap. *. The which doth wonderfully B comfort the braine. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Galangae, cal: odorati, & cyperi, ana ʒiij. nuc: mosch, cary­oph: ana ʒij beton. & maioranae, ana ℥j flo. anthos, & flaechad: ana ℥ss. Powder them and so make a Cap. s.a. *. This mitigateth C the paine of the head arising from superfluous moysture. Ronde­leti [...]s.

℞. Rad: ireos, cyperi, & paeoniae, ana ʒij. Sem: paeoniae, caluariae humanae, ana ʒj. macis, & nuc: mosch. ana ℈j. flo: chamo. P ss. Pow­der them all, and so s.a. make a Cap; which being continually worne. *. Auailes much against the Epilepsie, or falling sicknesse. D Rulandus.

℞. Cort: citri sicci ℥ss. Cyperi, Caryoph: ana ʒij. Cocci, infectorij, ℈iij. Coriandri praep. ʒij ss. Sampsuci sicci, beton: siccae, ana ʒss. flo: staechad: & ros. rub. ana ℈ij. Powder them grosly, and make a Cap to be worne constantly. *. To strengthen the Braine, and E to put away melancholy. Rulandus.


℞. Cineris fabar. ij. part. Calcis viuae pul. a third part, make with them a lee so strong, that it will beare vp an egge; resolue therein calcis viuae pul. auripigmenti, saponis saraceni, ana q. v. F Commixe them to the forme of an vnguent. *. This applyed s.a. is forcible to open an Aposteme, and to kill a Fistula. Arnaldus.

℞. Vng. popul [...]onis, ℥ss. vitrioli vsti, ʒij. mercurij sublimati, ʒiij. s [...]vng. *. This will cicatrize a vaine which will not otherwise stay G bleeding. Ex Antidot: Banest.

[Page 60]℞. Calcis non extinctae ℥ix. ciner. de cerro [...] (which Dyers vse) on these powre as much water as will couer them, and ij. fingers breadth aboue: Let them infuse till the ashes and Calx haue yeel­ded their force. Then cleere out the water, whereunto put new Calx and ashes as before, doe thus eight times. Tum ℞. Ca­petelli istius. Cyathum. j. olei Cyath: j. Boyle them together to A the wasting of the Lee, at a gentle fire. *. So shall you obtaine a strong Ruptorie. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Lixiuijfortiss. lbij. vitrioli albi ℥iiij. Calcis vinae opt: com­bustae, B q.s. Mix and boyle them at a gentle fire to the forme of an vnguent. *. for a milde or gentle Ruptorie. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri.

℞. Calcis viuae opt, lbj. Burne the same againe in a fire of Charcoales by the space of iij. or iiij. houres; after powder it finely, and put it in lixiuij barbitonsoris lbij. boyle them together in a brasse pan till it be thick, hereof you may make tents and tro­chises, round, flat, and euery forme that may serue your purpose. Reserue them in a glasse vessell close stopt. When occasion inuites their vse, wet one side of them with your spettle, and lay it to the C place affected, *. and in one houre it will penetrate the thicknesse of halfe an inch. Balthrop.

℞. Ciner. tartari glauci, sextarium vnum, Ciner. quercinor. bene mundator. & Calcis viuae bene vstae, ana lbj. Steepe all these in ij. gallons of water, and stirre it iij. or iiij. times in xxiiij. houres, then set it ouer a fire of coales, and let it boyle a little, after that let it stand to settle xij. houres, then straine the cleerest of the lycour through a double wollen cloath, so that no ashes may goe through, but onely the cleere lycour. Set that ouer the fire, and continue the ebulition, vntill it attaine the thicknesse and hardnesse of salt; then seperate it with a knife into small peeces, and reserue them in a double glasse close from the ayre (else it will D returne againe to water) *. This applyed s.a. opens and breakes hard Tumors, nodes, or knots (which cannot bee resolued) which are fixed to the bones of the armes, or leggs. Clowes.

℞. Calcis viuae, vitrioli, salis petri, & aluminis rochae, ana q s. Beate them all into powder, and put that powder into an earthen pot which is made full of holes in the bottome, then take strong soape lees q.s. powre the same into the pot (where the powder [Page] [Page] [Page 61] is) and let it draine forth into some fit vessell, then stirre vp the powder, and powre on the Lees againe, and let it draine as be­fore, let it be often repeated: Lastly, boyle the lycour as the for­mer was boyled, vnto the hardnesse of salt, and so reserue it, *. for A a strong Ruptory. Clowes. Calmetheus cals it, lapis infer­nalis.

℞. Lixiuij acerrimi Saponarij, lbij vitrioli rom: salis ammoniaci, & [...]itri, ana ℥j. Let these be well beaten, and after dissolued with the Lee, then add thereto opij thebaici, ℥ss. Boyle them altoge­gether, with a gentle fire, vntill it attaine the forme of a stone, then reserue it. *. This workes without any great paine. B Clowes.

℞. Mercurij sublimat, ʒij. ss. vng. popul. ʒiij. opij gr. v lap. haematit, ℈ss. Mixe these into the forme of an vnguent, and apply it vnto a *. ripe Aposteme and it will breake it. C Clowes.

℞. Sublimat: pul. ʒij Succi hyoscyami, ℥j. Mix and dry them, and after make them into a fine powder, *. for a Caustick. D Clowes.

℞. Vitri antimonij, q.v. grinde it exceeding fine, then put vpon it Succi apij, & mellis rosacei, of each proportionable to the for­mer, grinde them together, to the forme of an vnguent. *. The E which roots out all Callous of fistulaes, and fowle spongious growings of Cancerous vlcers. Matthias.


℞. Ladani puri & bene olentis, ʒj ss. lig: aloes, ʒss. masticis, & thuris, ana ʒij. nuc: mosch. macis, pip: long. carioph: cal: aromati­ci, & monthae, ana ʒj. galliae mosch: Mesnes, ʒss. Cum cera, & resina, ana q.s. s.a.f. Ceratum. This spread vpon a peece of Scar­let cloath, cut in forme of a shield, and applied vpon the region F of the stomack. *. Is euen maruelous in expelling the malignant distempers thereof. Amatus Lusitanus.

℞. Lytharg. lap: haematit, sang: drac, bol: arm: opij, masticis, ammoniaci, mumia, galbani, thuris costi, lumbricor. ana ʒss. picis nigrae, & graecae, seu colophoniae, cerae albae, & rubrae, ana ʒj. rad: [Page 62] consolid: ma: & minor: ana ʒiij. ros. rub: myrrhae, aloes, ana gra. xviij. Succi hypocislidis, gallar. immaturar. balaustior. aristoloch: rot: ana ʒvj. visci quercini, & terebinth, ana ʒij. Sang: homis: rufi, ℥ix. Forme it as followeth. Take a whole rams skin (new flaide) wooll and all; Cut it into peeces, and boyle it in water, vntill the substance of the skin be dissolued, then straine it, and take of the strained lycour, lbj. Put it into a new vessell, and at a gentle fire dissolue therein the misle of the oke (stirring it constantly) then put in the wormes, then add the waxe, turpentine, and the ma­stick. These being molten, add the gummes (being first dissolued in vineger) lastly, cast in the other ingredients, (hauing first pow­dred, and scarsed such as need) boyle and stirre it to the forme of a Cerot. Then worke it with your hands, and reserue it in a A masse. *. This is of singular force in the cure of Ruptures. Ar­noldus Ʋillanouanus.

℞. Ol: ros. & myrtillor. ana lbss. seui vituli, & vaccae, ana ℥iiij. Succi plantag. & solatri, ana ℥iij. Boyle them together to the consumption of the iuices; then straine, and add to them, ly­tharg. auri, & argenti, ana ℥ij. bol: arm: terrae sigill: cerusae, minij, ana ℥j. Set them on the fire againe, and stirre them well, adding in the end Caphurae, ʒj. Boyle them vnto blacknesse; then B worke it vp and reserue it. *. As profitable against a Canker. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: Sem: lini, lbss. ol: ros. ℥iij. mellis despumati, ℥iiij cerae albae, [...]j. far: fab: ℥iiij. myrrhae, ℥ss. ammoniaci, ℥j. faenugr. ℥jss. lytharg. ʒiij. Saluiae si [...]cae ℥ss. Dissolue the gummes in vineger, C and so s.a. make a Cerot. *. Against Tumors in womens breasts. Ex Antidot: Bane [...]teri.

℞. Ol: Sem: lini, lbss. Ol: ros. & chamo. ana ℥iiij. ol: amygd. dul. ol: lilior. ana ℥j. vini albi, lbss. axung: suillae, & adipis capi, ana ℥j. cerae citrinae, lbj. ammoniaci, ℥j. bdeliij ℥ss. Dissolue the gummes, and boyle the whole vnto the wasting of the wine, then adde thereto, Far fab: ℥xij. iridis, ℥j. Caphurae, ʒiij. flor. chamo. & melioti, ana ℥ss. Powder what is to be powdred, and make a D Cerot in good forme. *. Against hard Tumors in womens breasts. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Lytharg: auri, lap. haematit. Sang: drae. bol: arm. gal­bani, thuris, costi dulcis, Sarcocollae, masticis, mumiae, ammoniaci, [Page] [Page] [Page 63] ana ℥j. Vermium terrest: Picis naualis, Colophoniae, propoleos, ana ʒij. Terebint: ℥ ss. rad: Consol: vtrius (que), ana ʒvj. Ros; rub: myrrhae, Aloes, ana ʒ ss. Gallar: contusar: Balaustior, Aristoloch: Rot: ana [...] ss. Visci Quercini, ℥ ss. seui Ouini, lbj. Ʋini rubri, & succi Sym­phiti maio: ana ℥iiij. Boyle the iuyces with the sheeps suet, and the gums to the consumption of the iuyces and the wine, then straine it, and adde to the strained substance all the other ingredi­ents in fine powder, & sic f. Ceratum. * Right profitable in the A cure of a Rupture. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Succi Ʋiolar: maluar: Parietariae, Altheae, Tapsi Barbati, Chamo: meliloti, ana ʒiij. Ʋitel: Ouor: ℥ ss. ol: sem: Lini, ℥ij. ol: Chamo: ℥ ss. ol: Amygd. dul: & Aneti, ana ʒiij. ping: Anatis, ℥ij. ping: Capi, & Anseris, mucilag: Altheae, & Psillij, ana ʒiij. car­nis Pomor: dul: ℥iij. Seui Bouini, & Vitulini, ana ℥j Far. Fab. ℥iss. Lytharg: Auri & Argenti, ana ℥v. Boyle them vnto a true B substance, and adde to them Terebinth: ℥iij. f. Ceratum. * A­gainst the Haemorrhoids. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Cerae rubrae, lb ss. Resinae, ʒiij. seui Ceruini, lb ss. Butyri re­centis, ℥ j. Ammoniaci, Dragaganti, & Arabicae, ana ʒij. muci­lag: Altheae, [...]j. ping: Capi, & Anseris, ana ʒiij. Terebinth: & m [...]sticis, ana ʒ.ss. Olybani, ʒ ss. olei Ros: Chamo: Ʋiolar: & meli­loti, ana q.s. with pleasant Wine f. Ceratum. * to maturate Tu­mors. C Ex Antidot. Banesteri.

℞. Cerae albae, ℥iiij. axung: Porc: in aq: plantag: lotae, ℥iij. ol: Ros: ℥iiiss. Seui Ceruini, ℥ij. Santal: omnium, ana ℈ij. flo: Nymphe­ae, ℈ jss. Coralli vtrius (que), spodij, & margaritar: ana ʒ ss. Caphurae, ℈j. Ros: rub: ʒj. Powder what are to be powdred, and s.a. make a Cerot in good forme * Against an inflamation. Ex Antidot: D Banesteri.

℞. Ol: Amygd: ℥ij. Cerae purae, ℥iiij. Terebint: Venetae in aq: Plantag: Lotae, ℥ ss. Lapid: Calaminar: & Tutiae, in Ʋino albo ex­tinct ana ʒij Plumbi albi & Cerussae, ana ℥j. Lytharg: Auri & Argenti, ana ℥ ss. Mixe them with the iuice of Housleek, and so make a Cerot, * against an inflamation. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri. E

℞. Terebint: in Ʋino Cretico loti, ℥iiij. Resinae Pini, ℥iij. Cerae Citrinae, ℥iii [...]ss. Ammoniaci, ℥ij. myrrhae, ℥j. Masticis, Thuris, & mumiae, ana ℥ ss. Ol: Ros. ℥iij. succi Betonica, lb ss. Boyle the wax, [Page 64] Rosin, Oyle, and iuyces together to the consumption of the iuy­ces, then adde thereto the Ammoniacum, (dissolued in Malmsy) after that the Powders, and last of all the Turpentine, and so s a. A forme a Cerot, * To heale wounds in the head, or other parts. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: Ros: Ʋiolar: & Chamo: ana ℥ij. Seui Vitulini, lb ss. Ax­ung: Suilae, ℥ij adipis Gallinae, medullae crurium Vituli, ana ʒj. Verm: terrest: cum Vino albo lotor: ℥ij. Butyri rec: ℥iss. muci­lag: Altheae, lbj. Boyle altogether (at a gentle fire) vnto the wa­sting of the mussilage. Then straine them through a strong can­uas cloath, whereto adde Lytharg: Auri & Argenti, ana ℥iss. minij, ʒvj. Cerae albae, q. s. (at the fire) make a Cerot in good order, and put thereto Terebint: Abietinae, ℥ijss masticis, ℥j. B Let them boyle a walme or two, and then reserue it, * to heale wounds in the Armes, Hands, or Feet. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Sarcocollae, masticis, & Terebint: ana ℥j. gum: Elemi, ʒx. Colophoniae, & Resinae Pini, ana ʒ ss Ammoniaci, ʒ.j. succi Betoni­cae, & Symphiti vtrius (que), ana ℥j. succi Apij ʒvj. Boyle them in vino albo odorifero, lbii j. vnto the wasting of the wine. Then straine it strongly, and adde to it Cerae albae, & olei mastichini, ana q.s. and so make a Cerot in good forme * against contusions in the C head. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Cerae albae, lb ss. Far: Orobi, & Lupinor: ana ℥iiij. Euphor­bij, ℥ ss. Olybani, ℥j. Verm. terrest: Pulueraz: ℥iijss. Far: Fab: ℥ j. Bdellij, ʒiij Sarcocoll, ℥iij. Sagapeni, [...]j. matricariae, caudae E­quinae, ana ℥ ss. Succi flor: Chamo: ℥j Cort: rad: Alth desiccator: & pul. ℥iiij. rad: Lilior: ℥iiij. Vini rubri, ℥vij. ol: Ros: ℥iiij. ol: Eu­phorbij, ℥ij. ol: Lumbricor: ℥iij ol: Lileacei, ℥iiss. oli Aneti & A­migd: dul. ana [...]ss. mellis Rosar: ℥iiij. Butyri rec: ℥iiij. Dissolue the gummes in vineger, and prepare the rest s.a. And boyle them altogether vnto the wasting of the wine, and so make a Ce­rot D* auaileable in punctures of the nerues, and strokes of the ioynts. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: Ros; & myrt: ana lbj. Bol: Arm: ℥ijss. Sang: Drac: ℥j. & mumiae, ℥ ss nuc: Cupressi, ʒiij. rad. Symphili maio: ʒvj. gum; Arab: & Dragacant: Thuris, masticis, & Sarcocollae, ana ʒiij. far: volat: ℥ ss. Far: Fab: ʒiijss. Ballaust: & malecorij, ana ʒiss. Ter: Si­gill: Lap: Calaminar: Lytharg; Auri & Argenti, ana ʒij. Santal: [Page] [Page] [Page 65] alb: & Citr: ana ʒj. Seui Ceruini, ℥iiij. Cerae albae, ℥iijss. Resinae, ℥iij. Ros. rub. sic: ℥ss. Aceti Rosacei, ℥j. alb: ouor. ℥iiij. Powder what's fit, then melt what is to be molten, and incorporate the powders and meales therewith, and when it is cold, adde the whites of eggs and make a Cerot * Vsefull in fractures, by reason A that it is both defensatiue, as also consolidatiue. Ex Antidotario Banesteri.

℞. Ping: Capi, Anatis, Anseris, & Cygni, ana ℥j. Butyri rec: ℥ij. ol: Vulpini, ℥j. ol. Lileacei, ℥ ss. ol: myrt: ℥ij. ol: Sambuci & Euphorbij, ana ℥ ss. Picis nigrae, ℥iiij. Colophoniae, ℥ij. Resinae Pini, ℥iss. Ammoniaci, ℥iiss. Terebinth: ℥ij, Saluiae, & Rorismar: ana Mj. Bruise the herbes, and boyle the whole to the wasting of the iuyces, then straine it, and add to it Cerae nouae, ℥j. s.a f. Ceratum. B * To apply to members weakened through default of nourish­ment. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: Ʋulpini, Amygd: dul: & Lilior: ana, ℥j. ol: Chamo: & Aneti, ana ℥ ss. ol: Euphorbij, Saluiae, & Rorismarini ana ʒij: ping: Capi, Anatis, & Anseris, ana ℥ ss succi Dauci, ℥ ss. Picis ni­gri, ℥iij, Colophoniae; & Resinae Pi [...]i, ana ℥ij myrrhae, ℥j. Ʋini Cretici. lbj. Boyle them to the consumption of the wine, and s.a. C make a Cerot, * to restore a member which is consumed for want of nourishment. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Cerae, ℥x. Ʋisci Quercini, ℥j. Terebint; [...]ss. Ammoniaci, Galbani, & myrrhae, ana ℥ ss Picis Naualis, ℥j. ol: Genistae, Cha­mo: Anetini & Rosar: ana ℥ j Colophoniae, ℥j. succi Plantag. & A­maraci, ana ℥ij. Vini odorati, lb ss. Seui Vitulini, & Caprini, ana ℥j. Boyle them to the wasting of the wine, then add thereto (in fine powder) Ros: rub: ʒij. flo: Champ: meliloti, & Genistae, ana ℥ ss. Croci, ʒiijss. Cassiae extractae, ℥iij. mu [...]ilag: sem: Lini, faenugr: & rad: Altheae, ana ʒij. mu [...]ilag: Psyllij, ʒiss. Dissoue the gums, and powder what is to be powdred, and s.a. frame your Cerot, * Which is auaileable against the Gowte or the Sciatica. Ex An­tidot: D Banesteri.

℞. Chamo: melilo: Aneti, Arthemisiae, ana Mj. Cremoris, rad: Alth. lb ss pul. rad. Alth ℥v. medullae crurium Ʋaccar. ℥iiij. ping: Capi, & Anatis, ana ℥j. Ammoniaci dissoluti in Ʋino maluat: ℥iiij. [...]utyrs recentis, ℥iss. olei Aneti & Lilior: ana ℥iij. Cerae, ℥vj. Tere­ [...]: ℥iij. Furfuris tritici torrefacti, lb ss. Bruise the herbes fine­ly, [Page 66] and put to the branne, then melt the Waxe, Oyle, and Fats A together, and make a Cerot in good forme. * To comfort the sinewes, and assuage paine. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: Lilcacci, & Anethini, ana ℥iij. ol. Ros. ℥ij. ol. Chamo: ℥j gum. Ammoniaci, ℥vj. Bdellij dissoluti in oleo Lileaceo, ℥iiss. Cassiae extractae cum decoctione Chamo. maioranae, & Absinthij, ℥ij. Opij, ʒj. oesypi, ℥j. micar: panis, ℥j myrtillor: ℥ ss. Croci, ʒ.j. Cre­moris Psyllij, ℥ss medullae crurium Vaccar: ℥iiss. ping. Capi, Ana­tis, Anseris, & Butyrirec: ana ʒiij Ʋini albi, ℥iiij. Cerae albae, ʒvij. Terebinthinae, ℥iiij. Melt the Waxe, Oyle, Butter, and Marrow together, then put in the Castia, and the crums of bread, and lastly adde the rest, and so s. a. make a Cerot in good forme, B* to mollifie Tumors, and to assuage paine in the Gowt. Ex An­tidot. Banesteri.

℞. Cerae albae, ℥j. Croci, ℈j. Opij, ℈iiij. ol: Ros. q.s. Macerate the Opium and the Saffron in Vinegar, then incorporate them C with the Waxe and Oyle, and so make a Cerot, * to allay in­flamations, and to asswage the paines of the Gowte. Ba­ker.

℞. Gummi Ammoniaci, ℥vj. rad. Altheae, & Brioniae, ana ℥j. turpeti mineralis, ℥ ss. butyri rec [...] ℥. Dissolue the gums in vinegar. Powder and searse the roots, and mixe altogether, and with ℥j. of D white Waxe, s.a. Make a Cerot, * of excellent force to dis­solue all manner of hard knots, and ganglious Tumours. Ba­nester.

℞. Eplimi: Diac [...]lciteos, lbj. vng. Hyescyami, vng. Populeonis. vng. Ros: ana ℥iij. Plumbi, vsti, & loti, ℥j tutiae prepar: ℥ j. succi Plantag: & Solani, ana ℥iiij. Caphurae, ℥j. Powder very finely what is to be powdred, and mixe them together at a gentle fire, E and at the end adde Cerae, q.s. and so make a Cerot, * right pro­fitable against Cancerous Vlcers. Banester.

℞. Cerae Citrinae, & Seui Ouini, ana lbj. Resinae, lbj. Butyri rec: ℥vj. Lumbricor: prepar: lb ss. Opij in Aceto dissoluti, ℥j. Croci, ℥ ss, Hyoscyami, Miiij. Aceti, lbj. Stampe the herbes, and boyle the whole together (except the Opium and the Saffron) vnto the wasting of the lycours, then adde the rest, and make a Cerot, s.a. F* This allayeth inflamations, assuageth paines, and takes away the sharp biting humor of virulent Vlcers. Banester.

[Page 67]℞. Ol: Oliuar: & Seui Ceruini, vel ouini, ana ℥xij. Seui Hir­cini, ℥iij. Succi Prassij, ℥xij. Boyle these to the consumption of the iuyce, then adde Cinabrij, ℥j. Cerusae, ℥vj. Lytharg. Auri, ℥iiij Boyle them (with constant stirring) vnto a blacke colour, then add thereto Terebinth: ℥ij. Cerae albae, ℥xij. f: Ceratum mol­le. *. This moderately cleanseth, but forcibly drieth and cicatri­zeth A both wounds and vlcers. Banester.

℞. Minij, lbj Cerusae, lbss. Saponis albi, ℥iiij. olei, lbij. Ce­rae, ℥ j s.a.f. Ceratum. Which is to be vsed by way of Spara­drap. * And is notably approued in all Vlcers, many hauing B beene healed thereby euen vnto admiration. It doth mundifie, incarne, cease paine, and cicatrize. It remooueth the hard edges of Vlcers. This was obtained from a D r. of the Chancery, by M r Wm. Martin, and by him imparted to M r. Banester.

℞. Altheae coctae, lb ss. ping: Anatis, ℥j. medullae crurium Ʋi­tuli & Bouis, ana ʒvj. Seui Vaccini, ℥ ij. ol: Ros. ʒj. ol. Chamo: & Aneti, ana ℥ ij. ol: Lilior: ℥jss. Cerae, q. s. s. a. f. Ceratum. * Right profitable against Tumours in womens breasts. Cal­meteus. C

℞. Terebint. Resinae Pini, & Cerae flauae, ana ℥ss. Betonicae, pul D ℥j. Masticis & Thuris, ana ℥ ss. mumiae, ʒiij. s. a. f. Ceratum. * Right profitable in wovnds of the head. Carpensis.

℞. Ol. Ros. omphac. [...]j. Aristoloch. Galbani, opoponacis, Am­moniaci, aeruginis, myrrhae, Iridis, ana ℥j. Terebinth. ℥vij. Cerae tantundem, s.a.f. Ceratum. * This is of excellent vertue to heale E all greene wounds. It conglutinates effectually, and in contused wounds it preuents Phlegmon. It cures the biting of mad Dogs. It produceth flesh on bare bones. It's of speciall vse in wounds of the nose and eares. Carpensis.

℞. Ammoniaci in Aceto dissoluti, Dialtheae, Empli: è meliloto, ana ℥ ss. rad. Brioniae, sic. rad. Ireos pul; ana ℥ ss. ping. Anatis. An­seris, & Gallinae, ana ʒiij. Bdellij, Galbani, ana ʒiss. ol, Irini, ℥ iss. mucilag. Sem. Lani, & faenugr. ana q. s. Boyle them lightly together and ad therto Cerae, ℥iiij. Terebinth. & Resinae Pini, ana ℥iss. s.a. f. Ceratum. * This being applyed resolues the scyrrsious indurati­tions F of the Spleene. Forrestus. Hee confesseth it not his owne, but that he obtained it of a friend as a great secret.

℞. Cerae citrinae, Terebinth. olei antiqui, Salis nitri, & aq. [Page 68] comis: ana lb ss. Put the Niter into a morter, and dissolue it with the water, then straine it. Melt the waxe in the oyle, and make hot the nitrous lycour, and put it by degrees into the molten wax and oyle on the fire, and stirre it constantly with a woodden spatula. Boyle them gently vnto euaporation of the water, then add the Turpentine and boyle it to perfection, whereof (in good A forme) make a masse. * This dryeth maruelously the moist hu­mors of all parts, especially of the Scroton. Galenus.

℞. Ammoxiaci in Aceto dissoluti, part. ij. succi herbae Reginae, quam Tabacum vocant, part. j. Resinae Pini, & succi Ebuli, part. dimid. ol. è Capparibus, part. j. Cerae nouae. q.s. s.a, f. Ceratum. B* This applyed dissolues the scyrrhous of the Spleen. Hier: Fa­britius.

℞. Bol. Arm. Sang. Drac. Masticis, Sarcocollae, ana ʒj. Bis­maluae, Tegulae puluerizatae, ana ʒj. Resinae Pini, ℥iss. Oui albumi­nis, C & Cerae, q s. s.a.f. Ceratum. * Right profitable against a rup­ture. Hier. Fabritius.

℞. Sem. Psillij, ℥iiij. macerate them in aq. lbiiij. Boyle, and expresse the musciiage, whereto adde olei comis: lbj Cerae, lb ss, D f. Ceratum. * This preuents the flowing of bloud into any part or member. Hier. Fabritius.

℞. Fol. Ros. sic. & Beton. sic. ana ʒj Sandaracae, masticis, sem. myrtill. ana ʒ ss. Maceris, ℈j. Make them into fine powder, wherunto ad Ladani, ℈ij. ol. Chamo. & Cerae, ana q.s.s.a.f. Ce­ratum. This being spread vpon leather vnto the proportion of the palme of a mans hand, and then couered with silke, and well interbasted and applyed vpon the Coronall future, auailes more E then a Cap, * Against greeuances of the head proceeding of cold, Hier. Fabritius.

℞. Myrrhae, & aloes, ana ʒj. pul. Scordij, Sem: absinthij, Sem: F citri, ana ℈ss. Cerae, & resinae, ana q.s.s.a.f. Ceratum. *. This ap­plyed driues forth wormes. Hier: Mercurialis.

℞. Masticis, ℥ss. gum: arab: ʒ6. bol: arm: corall: rub. ana ʒiij. Cerae, & resinae, ana q.s. Powder what's fit, & s.a. f. Ceratum. G*. This applyed to the temples, restraines vapours ascending from the stomacke to the head. Hier: Merc.

℞. Ol: myrtini, ʒij, Succi omphacini, ʒj ss. vini austeri rubri, ʒj. Boyle them in a double vessell vnto the wasting of the wine; [Page] [Page] [Page 69] then add Mastic, myrrhae, acaciae, & thuris, ana ℈ss. Cerae, & resinae, ana q s. f. Ceratum molle. *. This being applyed vpon the A region of the mouth of the stomack, forbids inordinate vomiting in young Children. Hier: Mercurialis.

℞. Cerussae, lbjss. Ol: ros. lbj. Cerae Candidae, ℥iiij. Melt the wax and add the Ceruse thereto in fine powder; Boyle them (with constant stirring) vntill they wax blacke; then take it from the fire and reserue it: *. To heale Burnings, Erysypelas, drie B Scabs, and hot vlcers. Innominatus.

℞. Galbani, opopanacis, aeruginis, thuris, aristoloch: masticis, myrrhae, ana ℥j. ammoniaci, ʒx. Cerae, lbss. lytharg: ol: comis: ana lbj ℥ij. bdellij, ʒij. lap: calaminaris, & haematit, ana ℥j. ol. absin­thij, ℥iiij. terebint. ℥vj. s, a. f. Ceratum. *. To mollisie, mundifie, C and conglutinate. Innominatus.

℞. Styracis liquid, ℥iiij. Ceraeflauae, ℥ij. thuris, myrrhae, ana ℥j. s.a. f. Ceratum. *. To soften the hard Tumors of the Ioints, D and the hardnesse of the nerues. Magistrale.

℞. Ol: chamo. anethi, & lilior. ana ℥ij ss. ping. gallinae, verm: terrest. vino lotor. ana ℥ij. flo: rorismar. Sambuci, staechad: hyperi­ci, & sampsuci ana M ss. Cinamo, bacc. lauri, & iuniperi, ana ʒij. vini, ℥vj. Boyle and straine them; then add cerae q.s. s.a. f. Cera­tum. *. This applied from the nuke downewards, asswageth the E paines of the backe, caused through a defluxion of humors from the head. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Far: hord. ℥ss. santall: alb. & rub. ana ʒij. bol: arm. ʒjss. aloes, & masticis, ana ʒss. absinth. nuc: mosch: balaust. ana ʒss. Ol: masticis & ros. ana ℥j ss. Cum Cera & resina terebinth, ana q.s. s.a. f. Ceratum. *. This applyed vpon the region of the stomacke, F allayes the burning heate thereof. But if the stomacke be weake in the retentiue facultie thereof. then shall you add vnto the for­mer, hipocistidis, vel succum absinthij, aut menthae, & sic forme­tur Ceratum. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Seui ceruini, ℥j. ol: amygd: dul. ʒij. Cerae albae, ʒiij. styra­cis calamitae, ʒij. ol: chamo. ℥ss. ol: Caryoph, ℈j. ol: orig. ℈j. aq: vitae opt. ℥j. Powder what needs, and boyle them altogether, by the space of halfe an hower in a Charger or platter, and so s.a. f. G Ceratum. *. This is profitable against the Collick. Asthma, Paines in the muscles. The Sciatica, and all aches proceeding [Page 70] from a cold pituitous cause. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Picis naualis, & vng: dialth. ana ℥j. ol: de euphorbio, & resinae pini, ana ʒvj. ol: vulp costini, & cerae nouae, ana ℥j ss. ol: te­rebinth. ℥ss. pul. enphorbij, ʒij. Sem: vrticae, ʒiij. Castorei, ʒj. A s.a. f. Ceratum. *. Of rare and much approued worth against the Sciatica. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cerae citrinae, ℥iij. ol: abietis, ℥ij. pul. Cymini, ʒvj. Croci, B ℈j. gummi elemi pul. ℥ss. ping. castores, ʒiij f. Ceratum. *. This releeues and comforts, parts, or members, which are bruised. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Saluiae rorismar. maioranae, & flo: hyperici, ana M ss. vini adoriferi, ℥vj Ol: chamo. lilior. laurini, vulpini, lumbric, & irini, ℥j. Boyle them to due height, and make a strong expression, whereunto add Ol: benedicti, iuniperi, terebinth, & Castorci, ana ℥ss. vng. martiati, aurei, & aregon, ana ℥j. cerae, ℥v. resinae siccae, ℥iij. s.a. f. Ceratum. Note; that when your masse begins to C wax cold, you must incorporate therewith Sem: melanthij, pul. & euphorbij, ana ʒij. and so reserue it. *. It's very effectuall in a Palsy. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ammoniaci, Galbani, bdellij, ana partes equales, Dissolue D them in a [...]eto forti, then straine them, and add to the strained sub­stance, Sulphuris opt. pul. par. misce & f. Ceratum. *. This is very effectuall to dissolue Scrophulous Tumors. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Far: fab: ℥ij. furfuris tritici. Mj ss. Mellis torrefacti, P j. flor. chamo & aneti, ana M ij. flo: meliloti, M j. oleor: aneti, & chamo. ana ℥ij. Ol: rutae, ℥j. Sem: aneti, ℥ss. Ol: laurini, ʒvj. empli. e E meliloto, ℥jss. s.a f. Ceratum. *. This duly applyed profits much both in Herma ventosa: & humorali. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rad: althe [...] & lilior. albor. ana ℥iij. rad: iridis recentis ℥jss. Boyle them in aqua q.s. vnto tendernesse: Then stampe them and passe them through a hayre searse; Then add to the musilage, oleor. lilior. an [...]ti, & liui, ℥j ss pingued: gallinae, anserinae, & ana­tinae ana ℥ss. ol [...]i vulpini, ʒvj. medullae, crurium vaceae, aut bonis pingued: taxi, & vrsi, vng. agrippae, & dialtheae, ana ℥j. diachyli magni gummati, & s [...]uic. strati, ana ℥iij. cerae, q.s terebinth, clare, & cerati oesypi, ana ℥ij ss s.a. f. Ceratum. V [...]l. ℞. Gum: ammo­niaci, ℥j ss. Sagapeni ʒx. bdellij mollis, ʒvj. resinae pini, terebinth, [Page] [Page] [Page 71] mucilag lini, faenugr. & altheae, ana ʒx. ping: gallinae, & anseri­nae, medullae, bubuli, cerui, & vituli, ana ℥ ss. Cerat: oesypi, ℥j. Ol: chamo. lilior. & lumbricor. vng. agrippae, & dialtheae, ana ʒiij. vini albi par. Boyle the musilages with the oyles, fats, marrowes, and wine, vnto the wasting of the wine, then put in the gums, being first dissolued in aqua vitae. Then add the remaining ingre­dients, and with wax q. s. s. a. f. Ceratum. Ʋel. ℞. Flor. cha­mo. & meliloti, ana M ij. rad: altheae, lbss. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥iiij. Caput, & pedes castrati vnius. Boyle them altogether in aq: q. s. to the wasting of the halfe, and that the flesh fall from the bones, then take out the bones, & straine the remainder with a strong expression. Then add vnto the expressed substance, oleor. lilior, vulpini, & amygd: dul. vng. agrippae, & dialtheae, medullae cruris vituli, & bouis, ana ℥j. pingued: gallinae, anatis, vrsi, taxi, & anseris, ana ℥j ss. ammoniaci in aceto dissoluti, & oesypi ana ℥ ss. lumbricor. terrest. in vino lotor. ℥ij. Boyle the whole together, to the wasting of the waterish substance. Then straine it againe, and add thereto, terebinth, ℥j ss. Cerae albae q. s. f. Ceratum. Either of these iij. last written Cerots, haue beene applyed with good successe. * To mollifie Indurations, whether about A the Ioynts, muscles, nerues or other parts. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Hypocistidis, acaciae, sang. draconis, terrae sigill. ros. rub. boli B arm. ana ʒj ss terebinthinae modicum, s.a. f. Ceratum. *. This being applyed to the raines, and the nether belly. It both strengtheneth the backe, and retaineth the Foetus. Me­lich.

℞. Ol: Cinamoni, vel olei antiqui, lbj. Cerae slauae, ℥ij. euphor­bij, recentis, ℥j. s.a. f. Ceratum. *. Of excellent vertue to releeue C Conuulsed parts. Mesnes.

℞. Castorei, euphorbij, piperis longi, & nigri, ana ℥j. ammoniaci, opoponacis, & galliae, ana ℥j ss. medullae cruris cerui, medullae cruris vaccae, ana ℥ij. terebinth. ℥vj. styracis liquid, ℥j. adipis gallinae, anatis, auseris, & porci, ana ℥j ss. cerae, lbj. olei veteris, oleor, nar­dini, irini, laurini, chamo. leucoi lutei, & napthici, ana lbss. Ol: balsami, ℥iiij. oesypi, ℥iiij. vini veteris q s. ad macerandum oesypum. s.a. f. Ceratum. *. This effectually dissipateth the Scyrrhous Tumors of the Ioynts. It frees the Nerues from all dolors arising [Page 72] from any cold cause. It profits in contracted Sinewes. And assua­geth the torments of the painfull Palsy. Mesnes.

℞. Cerae flauae, ℥iij. Ol: chamo. & irini, ana ℥vj. Masticis, ℥j. Spicae, nardi, ʒij ss. Croci, ʒj ss. Terebinth, ℥j. resinae, ℥ ss. oesypi ℥iij. ʒvj. s.a. f. Ceratum. Vel. ℞. Croci, ʒv. bdellij Masticis, am­moniaci, aloes, styracis liquidae, ana ʒvij. Cerae flauae, lbj. Tere­binth, ℥j ss. Medullae cruris vaccae, & adipis anseris, ana ʒxv. oesypi humidi, ℥j ss. Ol: nardini, q.s. Dissolue the gummes and the aloes in water wherein hath beene macerated saenugraecum & chamaemelum, and after commixe them s.a. Certaine Artists add to the former, Succi Squillae ℥iij. Seui vitulini, ʒxv. Thuris, ℥j. Cerae, ℥ix. & sic fiat Ceratum. Vel. ℞. Ammoniaci ʒx. bdellij, ʒv. styracis liquidae, vel myrrha stactis, ℥ ss. Croci, ʒj ss. aloes, ma­sticis, & thuris ana ʒij ss. Cerae, ʒiij. Seui, & medullae vituli, ana A ʒiij. oesypi, ℥v. Ol: irini, q.s. s.a. f. Ceratum. *. Any of these will mollifie, and deterge hard Tumors of the Lyuer, Spleene, Wombe, Nerues, Ioynts, and other parts. It likewise assuageth paine. Mesnes.

℞. Ros. rub. ℥j ss. Santali rub. ʒx. Santali albi, & citri, ana ʒvj. boli armeni, ʒvij. Spodij, ℥ss. Caphurae, ʒij. Cerae albae, ℥iij. Ol: B rosati, lbj. s.a. f. Ceratum. *. This extinguisheth Phlegmous, and all other hot distempers of the Stomacke, Lyuer, and other parts. Mesnes.

℞. Cerae slauae, ℥iij. Styracis liquidae, ℥iij. Terebinth. ℥j mucca­ginis itchthyoccolae, vel gummi hederae, & olei irini, ana q.s.s.a. f. C Ceratum. *. This puts away the Cramp; Assuageth the paines of the ioynts; And lesseneth Tumors, and hard nodes. Mes­nes.

℞. Comar. absinthij, thuris, ana ℥x. ammoniaci, & styracis ca­lamitae ana ℥j ss. Spicae nardi, ʒiij. Cerae flauae, ℥iiij. Ol: chamo. q.s. Macerate the ammoniacum and the frankencence in good wine, by the space of xxiiij. houres, then straine them, then melt the wax in the oyle, and put into it by degrees the strained gummes; These being incorporated: The residue (being finely powdred) ought gradually to bee inspersed thereinto, and being through stirring and gentle boyling, come to a good forme, reserue and D apply it. *. To remoue the hardnes of the Stomacke and lower belly, as also to strengthen them. Mesnes.

[Page 73]℞. Ros. rub. & masticis, ana ʒxx. fol. Absinthij sicci, ʒxv. Spicae Nardi Indicae, ʒx. Cerae stauae, ℥iiij. ol. Rosar. lbiss. aq. Ros. q.s. ad lauandum, Vini veteris Austeri, & succi Cotoneor. ana q.s. ad lauandum. Aceti par. Beat (very fine) what is to be beaten, then melt the waxe in the oyle, the which being done, then wash them a good space in the rose water: After that melt them againe to­gether, then wash them well with the wine and iuyce; then ad­ding the other ingredients, according to art forme a Cerot. * This strengtheneth the Stomack, and the Lyuer, and cures their A old infirmities. It stirres vp appetite, and furthers concoction. Mesnes.

℞. Styracis, ℥ ss. masticis, ℥iss. Spicae Nardi Indicae, ℥iijss. Eu­phorbij, ʒiij. Cinamo: ʒvj. Cerae albae, ʒxx. olei Balanini, lb ss. olei Bal [...]ami, ʒxv. s.a.f. Ceratum. * This being applyed to the regi­on B of the stomack, not onely strengthens the same, but also for­bids the accesse of excrementitious humors (from other parts) into the same. It digesteth and dissolueth and hurtfull affects of the nerues and ioints, whether they be Tumors or indura­tions, if they bee capeable of cure, if otherwise, it con­cocts and suppurates, if they incline to maturation. Mes­nes.

℞. Croci, Picis nigrae, & Picis grecae, ana ℥iiij. Terebinth. Gal­bani, Ammoniaci, myrrhae, Thuris, & masticis, ana ℥j. ʒiij. Dis­solue the Galbanum and the Ammoniacum, in aceto forti q.s. Vp­on a gentle fire, then straine and boyle them vnto euaporation of the Vineger, then adde the pitches, the waxe, and the turpen­tine, being molten together, when there are incorporated, adde the mastick, the myrrhe, and the frankencence in powder. Let them boyle gently (with due stirring) vnto a full height. Then cast into cold water, and let it rest there, vntill it be fit to han­dle. Then vpon a colde marble stone (being moystned with oyle of bares) worke in the saffron being made into fine powder) and so with diligence s. a. make a masse thereof and reserue it. C *. This mollisies indurations, by discussing the matter. It assuageth paine in any part, and profits broken bones. Nico­laus.

℞. Resinae, & Cerae, ana lbj. pulueris corticis Tiliae. ℥iij. succi Ceranij, ℥iiij. Boyle them s.a. to the consistence of a Cerot. [Page 74] A* This is to be applyed on lint (which hath beene first madified in oxyrhodino) vnto wounds where the bones are fractured. Quercitanues.

℞. Gummi rad: consol: maioris, visci Pomor: Visci populi, ana ℥iiij. succi Geranij, ℥vj. Lapidis Sabulosi Rhenensis, vel Argillae rubrae, aut Boli Arm: ℥iij. pul: Cort: Tilie, ℥ij. Ʋitel: Ouer: n o B xx. Terebinth: lb ss. ol: Lumbricor: ℥iij. s.a.f. Ceratum, * of sin­gular vse in wounds where bones are fractured. It asswageth paine, allayeth inflamations, and preuents all bad symptomes. Quercitanus.

℞. Massae empli: Diacalciteos, ℥ ij. ol: Visci pomor: q.s. vt fiat C instar Cerati. * This detergeth any wound or vlcer. Querci­tanus.

℞. Cerae, & Picis Naualis, ana ℥ij. Liquoris Myrrhae, ℥ij. Colophoniae, ℥iss ol: Frumenti, & ol: Ouor: ana ℥ ss s.a.f. Cera­tum. D* This being applyed after due scarification, cures a Gan­grene. Quercitanus.

℞. Ammoniaci, bdellij in aceto ros: dissoluti, ana ℥ij. galbani, ʒss. mumiae, Thuris, & masticis, ana ʒiij. Caphurae, ℥ij. Coralli vtrius (que) magnetis praepar. Asphalti, & Carabis, ana ℥ ss. radicum Aristo­loch: Serpentariae, & Arundinis, ana ʒiiss. Cerae, & Picis naualis, ana ℥iij. Alablastri, ʒiij. oleor: Terebint: & Ouor: ana q.s. f. Ce­ratum. E* This is of great force to extract Venome out of wounds. It drawes out bullets, bones, iron, rags, &c. Quer­citanus.

℞. Rhabarbi electi, ʒij. Aloes opt: ℥ ss. Bdellij, & Ammoniaci, ana ʒiss saponis venetae, ℥vj. tereb: ʒiiss Dissolue the gums in aceto, and the Soape in simple aq. vitae. The rest being beaten into pow­der, s.a. mixe the whole, and so make a Cerot, * of excellent vse to be applyed to Nodes or Knots proceeding ex Lue Ʋenerê. When you will vse it, take a thin plate of lead, and lay it to ma­cerate in strong Vinegar and salt, and lay it vpon the plaister, shift it twice a day during the space of a moneth, or as occasion serueth Rennerus.

℞. Oesypi, & Medullae Cerui, ana ℥j. ammoniaci in Ace­to Dissoluti, Bdellij, Styracis liquidae, Spicae Nardi, Pul. Ab­sinthij, masticis, & aloes he pat: ana ʒij. ol. absinth: & cerae, q.s.s.a.f. G Ceratum. * This resolues of schyrrous of the Lyuer. Riolanus.

[Page 75]℞. Ol. Chamo: ℥ij. Euphorbij, ʒij. Cerae, q.s.s.a.f. Ceratum. * This auailes much against the megrim. It's profitable in the A Palsy of children, being applyed to the Nuke, and vnto the whole chine of the back. Riolanus.

℞. Fol: Pimpinellae, Beton: Pilosellae, Eupatorij, Saluia, Pule­gij, millefcilij, Consolidae vtrius (que) & Caprifolij, ana ℥vj. Thuris, masticis, Aristoloch: Rot: ana ℥vj. Cerae albae, ℥iiij. gummi Elemi, ℥ij, Resinae Pini, ℥v. Terebinth: & ol: Aneti, ana ℥vij. Vini albi o­dorati, q.s. Bruise the herbes, and infuse the whole in the Wine, by the space of eight dayes, then boyle them at a gentle fire, vn­till two parts be wasted, keeping them with constant stirring, af­ter straine it, and let it coole, then worke it with your hands in water, and make it vp in rowles, then cast them into foure pints of new milke, either of the Goates, or of the sheepe, let them ly therein xxiiij. houres. Lastly, labour it well with your hands, and so reserue it to your vse. * This (applyed after due mundificati­on) B cures all outward sores. Ʋesalius.

℞. Pul: Peucedani, Aristoloch: Rot; Opoponacis, & Euphorbij, ana ʒj. Terebint: ℥iij. Cerae, ℥j. Aceti, ʒij. Mixe and boyle them s:a. to the substance of a Cerot. * This cleanseth bones, and pro­duceth C flesh in vlcers. Ʋesalius.

℞. Rad: Alth: decoct: & Cribellat, ℥iiij. ol: Lileacei, Chamo: & Ros: ana ℥j. ping; Gallinae, Anseris, & ol: Amygd: ana ʒvj. Seui Vituli, medullae crurium Vituli, ana ʒx. Terebinth: ℥iss. Diachilo; alb: sine Gummis, ℥ij. Lytharg: Auri & Argenti, ana ℥ij. ss. Boyle these together (with constant stirnng) at a gentle fire, vntill it attaine a blacke colour, then adde to it Cerae al­bae, q. s.f. Ceratum. * Profitable in the cure of Venereall Nodes D Vigo.

℞. Mucilag. alth. lini, saenugr. & ficuum siccar. ana lbj. Ol: chamo. lilior. & Cymini, ana ℥ij. ping. gallinae, & Castrati, liquefact. terebint. ana ℥ijss. lytharg, auri, lbss. Boyle them to the wasting of the muscilage, then add Gummi ammoniaci, & galbani, in aceto dissolut. ana ʒj. rad: irid: recent. subtiliter tritu­rati. ℥j ss. Cerae albae, q.s. Boyle them s.a. to the consistence of a Cerot, and reserue it *. To resolue and mundifie venereall Nodes. E Vigo.

℞. Dyachilo: alb: gummati, ℥ij. ping: gallinae, medul: cruris [Page 76] vituli, & vaccae, ana ʒvj. Ol: amygd. dul. & butyri rec. ana. ʒv. Ol: chamo. aneti, & lilior, ana ℥ss. ping. ansoris, & anatis, ana ʒvjss. mucilag. alth. & Sem: lini, ana lbss. Boyle them s.a. to the wa­sting of the muscilages, then straine them, and add thereto, Ca­rae A albae, q.s.f. Ceratum. *. Against vlcers in womens breasts, be­ing not cancerated. Vigo.

℞. Ol: ros. violar. & vng. Galeni, ana ℥ij. ping. vituli, & ana­tis, Ol: amygd: dul. ana ℥j. mucilag. alth. & psyllij, ana ℥ij. muci­lag. Sem: Cytonior. ʒiij. Boyle them all to the wasting of the muscilages, then add to the strained substance, Succi Solatri & plantag. ana ℥ij. Boyle them vnto the wasting of the iuices, and straine them againe. Then add lytharg. auri, & argenti, ana ℥ij. tutia alexandrinae, ℥j. Caphurae ad artem tritaturae, ʒjss. Far: hord. ℥j ss. Cerae q.s. On a gentle fire, with constant stirring, s.a.f. Ce­ratum. B*. Against the Tumor in the breast called Sephiros. Vigo.

℞. Rad: alth: lbss. Capit. lilior. albor. ℥ij. Boyle them in the broath of flesh, then stample and straine them, and add to the strained matter, Ol: ros. ℥j. ol: chamo. ℥iiij. ping. vituli, & dia­chylo: C albi, ana ℥ij. cera, q.s.f. Ceratum. *. To hasten maturati­on in Bubo venerea. Vigo.

℞. Pul. pro ramice per Iho. Vigonem descript, & a particula pul. introducti, ℥iiij. Succi Symphiti vtrius (que), ʒx. Terebint. cla­rissimae, ℥iij ss. olei masticis, & omphac. ana ʒiij. ol: myrtini, & te­rebint. ana. ℥ss. lytharg. auri & argenti, ana ʒvj. Seui hyrcini, ʒv. Boyle the oyles and the lytarges together, Cum aceto pauco, at a strong fire, vnto the wasting of the vineger, then add the iuices of the Comfryes, and boyle them a little. After that, add the tur­pentine, and stirre it well at a gentle fire. Lastly, add Cerae albae, q.s. with the powders, and s.a. make a Cerot in good forme, D*. Vsefull in the cure of a Rupture. Vigo.

℞. Chamo. aneti, Sem: liri, ana ℥iiij. ol: de chrysomelis, & de amygd: dul. butyri rec. ana ℥j ss. Seui vaccini, & vituli, ana ℥ij. ping. gallinae, anatis, & anseris, ana ℥j. mucilag. Sem: & rad: alth. psyllij, lini, maluae, & violar. ana lbj ss. litharg. auri, ℥iiij. Terebint. purgatae, ℥ij ss. at a gentle fire, s.a. make a soft Cerot in E good forme. *. This is profitable against the Haemorrhoides. Ʋigo.

[Page 77]℞. Fol: maluar. & violar. ana M j. rad: linguae boninae, ℥ij. rad: alth. lbss. Sem: Cytonior. ℥ss. Hord. mund. M ij. Boyle them all in aq: q.s. vnto the breaking of the barley, then straine them well, and add to them, Ol: ros. myrt. violar. & Chamo. ana ℥ij. nug. ros. & Galeni, ana ʒj. Seui vituli, haedi, at (que) carpini, ana ℥ssj. Boyle them altogether a little, then add thereto, Far: sub. & hord. ana ℥j. Cerae albae, q.s. s.a. f. Ceratum. *. vsefull in the cure of A Oedema. Ʋigo.

℞. Ol: chame. absinth. & Spicae ana ʒx. ol: citri & ros. ana. ʒvj. ping. gallinae, & anatis, ol: lilior. ana ℥ss. matricariae, M ss. anthos, & Scaenanthi, ana par. cal: aromat, & Cinamo, ana ʒj. menthae ro­manae paululum. Boyle them altogether with sweet wine till it be consumed, then straine it. Lastly, add Croci pul ʒss. Cerae albae, q.s. s.a.f. Ceratum. *. vseful against Apostemes of the stomack. Vigo. B

℞. Rad: alth. ℥iiij. rad: iridis, ℥j. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto tendernesse, then stampe and straine them, and add thereto dia­chylo: alb: gummanti, ℥iiij. ping: gallinae, & anatis, ana ℥ss. ol: Chamo. & lilior. ana ʒvj. ol: Spicae & aneti ana ʒv. Ceroti hyssopi galeni, ʒx. Mix them altogether on the fire, suffering them to boyle a little, then with wax, q.s. make a Cerot. *. vse­full C in the Cure of Tumors in the hands, fingers, and feet. Vigo.

℞. Sigilli Salomnis, ℥iiij. rad: alth. ℥j. fol: plantag. M ij. Boyle them till they be tender. then stampe them, and add vnto them, ol: ros. & myrt. ana ℥ij. terebint. clarae, ℥j ss. vng. agrippae, & dialth. ana ℥ss. bol: arm: ʒvj. Sang: drac. ʒiij. thuris, ʒj. San­tal: omnium, ʒij. Cerae albae, f. Ceratum. * This may be D profitably applyed after the vij. day if need be to restore broken bones. Vigo.

℞. Rad: alth. lbj pedum vitulinor: n o: ij. Boyle them in wa­ter and pleasant wine, then straine the roots, and add thereto Ol: myrt. & amphacini, ana ℥iiij. Ol: mastichini, ʒj ss. Terebint. cla­riss. ʒx. Croci Subtilis. triti, ʒss. thuris, ʒij. Far: fab: ℥j ss. Cerae albae q s. s.a.f. Ceratum. * To be applied to a fractured member. E Vigo.

℞. Rad: enulae, & Sigilli Salomonis decoctor. & cribellator, ana ℥iij. Rad: alth. decoct: & Crib, ℥ss. Ol: Chamo. aneti, & myrt. ana ℥j ss. Vng. agrippae, & dialth. ana ʒvj. Ol: mastich: ℥ss. Ʋer­mium [Page 78] terrest. Cum vino letor. ℥jss. Chamo. Scanant, ros. absinthij, ana par. vini odoriferi Cyathum vnum. Boyle altogether, till the wine be wasted, then add to the strained substance, Far: fab: & Hord. pul: rubi. ana ʒvj. Sang: drac. mumiae ana ʒiij. Creci ʒj. Sautal: omnium ana ʒj ss. Terebint: clariss. ℥j. Cera albae, q f. A Boyle them s.a. to the forme of a Cerot. *. vsefull to comfort a fractured member. Vigo.

℞. Rad: enualae in aq: decoctor. pistor. & cribellator. lbj. Rad: Sigill: Salomonis, & ebuli, ana ℥iiij. Ol: myrtillor. Chamo. & pe­trosilini, ana ℥j. ol: Terebint. ℥j ss. Terebint. purg. ℥ij. ol: vulpini, lilior. Spicae, laurini & Sambuci, ana ʒx. Cerae albae, ʒj ss. Boyle them to a soft Cerot, adding in the end, Far: fab: & Cicer. ana B ℥iij ss. Styracis liquidae ʒiij. Thuris ʒiij. Mixe them wel together and make a Cerot in good forme. *. To assuage paines in the ioynts. Vigo.

℞. Succi rad: ebuli, ʒiij. resinae pini, ℥ss. Terebinth, ℥ss. ol: vul­pini, & Chamo. ana ℥ij. Cremoris Sem: lini, faenugr. & alth. ana ʒij ss. opoponacis, Sagapeni, & ammoniaci, in aceto dissolut: C ana ℥ss. Croci, ʒj. Cerae, q.s.s.a. f. Ceratum. *. This assuageth the paine of the Gowt. Weckerus.


℞. Flo: Maluar. violar. parietariae, & lactucae, ana M j. Hord. mund. prunorum damascenor. ana P j. Boyle them in aq q.s. add to the strained decoction, Pulpae Cassiae, rhodomelitis, ol: violac [...] D ana ℥ij. f. Enema. *. vsefull in the cure of vlcers in the yard. An­dreas Lucana.

℞. Alth. totius, maluae, attriplicis, violar. parietariae, branch. vrsinae, lactucae, ana M j quatuor Sem: frig: contusor. ana ℥iij. Sem: anisi, faenic. ana ʒj. prunor. dul. paria vj. Flo: violar. buglossae, ny [...] pheae ana P j. Boyle them, and take of the decoction lbj ss. being strained, add thereto, Sacchari mellis rosati colati ana quart. ss. ol [...] violar. ℥iij ss. Salis tantillum. Let this be ministred long before E meate. *. as a mollificatiue in the cure of Phlegmon. Cal [...] teus.

℞. Herbar. mollientium, ana M j. beton: melissae ana M ss. Fl [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 79] Chamo. staechad: Sambuci, ana P j. prunor. & caricar: pinguium ana paria, vj Sem: anisi, & faenic. ana ℥ij. Sem: carthami contusi, ℥j. aga­rici troch: ʒiij. Sem: lini & faenugr. ana ℥ss. colocynth. ʒj ss. Boyle them in aq: q.s. and in lbj ss. of the strained decoction, dissolue Cassiae cum Zacchar. & Catholico, ana ℥ss. Elect. nidi maio. vel be­nedicti, ʒvj. ol: de lilij ℥iij. Succi Cyclaminis, mellis rosati, Colati ana ʒj ss. vitellos duos ouor. salis par. fiat Enema. *. In the inflam­mation A of the vuula. Calmeteus.

℞. Hord. integri lbss. maluar. violar. ana M ij. Make a de­coction in lbj. whereof dissolue vitell. ouor. n o: ij. ol: violacei, ℥iij. ping. caprae ℥ij. olei rosar. ℥j ss. Make a Clyster, which must bee administred warme, that the fatt bee not cold, and repeate it as often as need shall require: *. so doing, it profits much against B erosion of the intrailes, in the cure of Alopecia Gallica. Cal­meteus.

℞. Herbar, emollientium, parietariae, ana M j. rad: alth. & li­lior. alb: ana ℥ ss. Sem: lini & faenugr. ana ℥ss. fic: ping. n o: iiij. anisor. ʒij. f. decoctio ad lbj. Dissolue in the distrained lycour, Cassiae, mellis violati, butyri recentis ana ℥j. ol: violacei, ℥iij. f. Enema. *. This mollifieth such bodies as are much subiect to co­stiuenes, C and by frequent vse brings them to a soluble condition. Heurnius.

℞. Maluae, Betae, Chamo: ana Mj. Sem: Anisi, faeniculi, ana ʒiij. Caput vnius Veruicis. The head being chopt, and the herbes a little bruised, boyle them in Aquâ q. s. Take of the strai­ned Lyquour one pound, adde thereto Oleum Amygd: dul: D ℥ij. Sacchari sordidi, ℥iij. f. Enema. This duely administred, accomodates much such as are afflicted with the Gowte. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Rad: Alth: maluae & Lilior: ana ℥iij. fol: maluae, & Bis­mal: ana Mj sem: Lini, ℥j. fic: ping: n o. xx. flo: Violar: & melilo: ana Pj. Sem: Anisi, ʒiij. Boyle them in the broath of fat flesh, and in lbj. of the strained lycour dissolue Diacassae pro Clysteribus, ℥ij. ol comis: vel Butyri recent: vel Axung: Porc: vel ol: Violar: ℥iij. f. Enema. * The frequent vse whereof profiteth such as haue co­stiue E bodies. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Fol. maluar. & violar. ana Mij. Flo: violar. & buglossi ana P ij. Hord. mund. P j. Make a decoction in aq:q.s. Dissolue in lbj. [Page 80] A of the strained lycour ol: Ʋiolar: ℥iij. f. Enema. * The [...] whereof is to coole bodyes which are ouer-hot. Ex ma [...] scripto.

℞. Maluar: cum rad: Bismal: Branc: Vrsint Vesicaris, Cicl [...]s Parietariae mercurialis, ana Mj. passular: Fic. ana n o. xx. sem. Li­ni ʒj. Anisi, ʒij. flo: Ʋiolar: & melilo: ana Pj. Boyle them in iu­re capitis Vernicis, vel in aquâ maris. In lbj. of the strained lycour B dissolue mellis violacei, ℥ij. Salis par: f. Enema. * This mollifies and alters, in which respect it's profitable in intermitting Agues. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Cyperi, Tapsi Barbati, Bistortae, ana ℥j. Absinthij, fol: Cu­pressi, ana Mj. Nucum Cupressi, n o. iij. flo: Anthos, staechados, ros: Saluiae, ana ʒj. Boyle them in aq. ferrata, & vino rubro ad­stringente. In lbj. of the strained lycour, dissolue Hypocistidis, & C Ladani ana ℥ ss. f. Clyster. * This being often repeated profits much in the fluxe lyenterie Ex manuscripto.

℞. Rad: Graminis, Apij Glycyr: Asparag: Hybisci, ana ℥ij. fol: Beton: Saxifrag: Faenic: marini Linariae, ana Mj. sem: Alkekeng: milij Solis, Raphani, ana ℥j. Make a decoction. In lbj. of the strai­ned lycour dissolue succi Parietar. vel Faenic: vel Raphani, ℥j. [...]k D Scorp. ℥iij. f. Clyster. This profits much * against the torments concomitating the stone, and all Nephritick dolours. Ex manu­scripto.

℞. Rad: Alth: ℥ij. sem: Lini & Faenugr: ana ℥ ss. Boyle them in aq:q.s. ad lb ss. adde to the strained lycour, olei comis: lb ss. & si [...] f. Enema. Vel ℞. Flo: Chamo: melilo: Summitat: Aneti, ana Pij Boyle them in Lacte, q: s. In ℥x. of the strained lycour dissolue Sacchari albiss: ℥iss. Vitel: Ouor, n o. ij. ol: Aneti & Chamo: an [...] E ℥ij. f. Clyster. * These are right profitably administred in Con­uulsions. But if time will not permit the making of these, or the place affoord materialls, tum ℞. olei comis: tepefacti, lbj. & [...] ­ciatur. Ex manuscripto.

Iuris Esculenti, vel decoct: Hord: vel Lactis Caprini, ℥iiij. Sacch: albiss: ℥iiij. Vitel: Ouor: rec: n o. ij. misce (if there be no s [...] ­uer present, adde to the former Vini generosi par:) and inie [...]t [...] F warme one houres space before meate. * This being o [...] repeated, nourisheth an enfeebled Bodie. Ex Manus [...]i [...] to.

[Page 81]Iuris carnium, vel decoctionis maluae & Hord: lbj. Sachru­bri ℥ij. Ʋitel. Onor: rec: n o, ij. ol. Ʋiolar. ℥ij. misce, & iniiciatur tepide. This may promiscuously be administred * to open the A body in any griefe. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Hord: Ʋiol: mercurial, ana Mj. Boyle them in aq. q. s. add vnto ℥xij. of the strained lycour Diacathol: ℥j Elect: è succo Ros. ʒvj. Olei: Ʋiolar: ℥iij. Salis Prunellae, ʒss. Misce, & fiat Clyster. *. This drawes forth yellow Choler. Ex manu­scripto. B

℞. Chamo: Melilo: Origa: & faenugr. ana Mj. Boyle them in aquâ vnto the third part: Adde vnto lbj. of the strained ly­cour, Diaphaen: Indi, Ma: Bened: Lax: Hier: Pier. Simp. ana ℥ss. ol. Chamo: ℥ij. ol: Rutacei, ʒj. Salis comis: ʒiij. misce &. f. Clyster, to be iniected warme. * This drawes forth Pituite. Ex C manuscripto.

℞. Ʋiolar: Maluar: Alth: Melilo: ana Mj. Boyle them in aquâ q. s. Take of the destrained lycour lbj. adde thereto Vitel: Oni vnius, Diacathol: & Confec: Hamech: ana ℥j. ol: comis: ℥iij. Salis, ʒj. misce, f. Clyster. * This purgeth Melancholy. Ex ma­nuscripto. D

℞. Centaur: mi: Saluiae, Abrot: Calament: ana M ss. Origa: Marrubij, Staechad: ana Pj. Sem: Anisi & Basiliconis, ana ℥ss. Pulp. Colocins: ʒij. Furfuris, Mj. Mel. Anacardini, ℥j. ol. Ca­storei, ℥iss. Salis Gemmae, ʒij. Helleb: alb. ʒvj. Boyle them all in aquâ q. s. adde lbj. the which being strained, adde thereto Hierae picrae, ʒvj. & optime misceantur. &c. Iniect it warme. * It E cuts tough phlegme, and brings it away, by reason whereof it profiteth much in the Palsie, Apoplexie, Epilepsie, &c. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Decoct: comis: lbj. Dissolue therein Cassiae, & Cathol: ana ℥ss. Mel: Ros: & Sacch; rub: ana ℥iss. olei Ʋiolar. ℥iiij. misce & iniiciatur tepide. * This may be administred without F perill, in any griefe wherein a Clyster is requisite. Ex manu­scripto.

℞. Decoc. accomodati, lbj. Hier. Simp. Diaphaen. ana ℥ss. mel: Rosati, & Authosati, ana ℥j. ol. Rutae & Aneti, ana ℥iss f. Enema. G * This calls off (by egestion grosse flegme, surcharging the in­testines. Ex manuscripto.

[Page 82]℞. Fol: & rad: Alth: ana Mj. Parietariae, Miss. Saxisrage, M ss. sem. Alth: milij Solis, & Petrosilini, ana ʒiij. Baccar: Lan­ri, & Iuniperi, ana ʒij. sem. Anisi, Faenic. Carui, Coriandri, Cy­mini, Ʋrticae, Ruta, ana ℈ij. Wring in sunder the herbes, slyce the rootes, and bruise the seeds, and boyle them all in aq. q. s. vnto the halfe. Take ℥x. of the distrained lycour, and incorporate therewith Salis Nitri, ℈ij. Cassiae, nouiter extract: & Cathol: ana A ℥ ss. ol: Rutae, & Nucum ana ℥ij. Iniect it warme * against the Collick, or torments of the stone. Poeton.

℞. Maluae, Altheae, Ambar: cum radicibus, matrum violar: Branch: Ʋrsinae mercurialis, melissophylli, ana Mj. flo: Chamo: me­lilo: & Rorismar: ana Pj. Epithymi, ℥ ss. Furfuris, Pj. Boyle them all in iure capit: Ʋeruicis, & intestinor: eius ping nedinosor: q: s. vn­till it be wasted vnto the proportion of a pinte, the which being strained, add thereto Catholici, ℥j. Confec. Hamech: ʒiij. ol: vi­elacei, B ℥iiij. Sacchar. rubri, ℥j. f. Clyster. * Against the biting of a mad dog. Ʋaleriola.

℞. Maluae, alth, mercuria: Betae, Caulium rubror: ana Mj. Thymi, M ss. Saturiae tantundem, flo: Chamo: & melilo: ana Pj. sem: Lini, Faenugr. Anisi, aneti, ana ℥iij. furfuris, Pj. Boyle and straine them, and in lbj. of the strained lycour, dissolue Cathol. ℥j. Hier: Picri Gal. ʒiij. olei Viol. ℥iij. Zacchar: rub: ℥j. f. Enema. C* For wounds in the belly and side. Valeriola.

℞. Fol: mercurialis, Betar, Caulium, ana q. s. sem. Carthami, fol: Centaurij minoris, Violar. ana ℥j. Boyle them all in aq. q. s. Dissolue in lbj. of the strained lycour, Hier. Simp. Cassia extracta ana ℥ij. mellis Rosati colati, ℥iiij. Salis Cochleare vnum, olei Viola­cci, D ℥iij. fiat Clyster. * For a fluxe of choler chauncing about wounds. Vesalius.

℞. Sem: Anisi, Cymini, Ameos, ana ʒj. Rutae, Miss. Boyle them in aq. q. s: Take of the strained decoction, ℥x. Put thereto olei Ru­taecei, Laurini, ana ℥iss. Salis nitri Salis Gemmae, ana ʒ ss. Sacchari rubri, ℥iss. fiat Enema, to be administred before meate, and euery E day to be repeated so long as need requires: * Against the sta­ting forth of the Nauell. Weckerus.

[Page 83]℞. Aq: Plantag: & Ros. ana ℥iiij. Sacchari Lapidiscentis, ℥j. Ce­russae Argenti Spumae, Aluminis Rochae, ana ʒiss. Caphurae, ℈ss f. Collyrium. * To cicatrize an Vlcer in the Yard. Andreas Lu­cana. A

℞. Cadmiae, Pompholigos, Thuris, ana ʒx. Cerussae, ℥v. Opij Gummi, ana ʒvj. aq. Pluniae, q.s.f. Collyrium. Dry and reserue it. It holds its vertue for two yeares. A subtill powder being made of a part thereof, and commixt with some appropriate wa­ter, * auailes against defluctions, as also against the disease of the B eyes, called Chemosis. Corduus.

℞. Cadmiae lotae, ℥ij. Amyli, Thuris, ana ℥j. Cerussae, ℥vj: Opij ʒvj. Aq. pluuialis, q, s. f. Collyrium. Dry and reserue it in paper intincted in molten waxe: so it will keepe forcible for two yeares space. * This auailes against the burning heat of the eyes. C Pustules on the Eye-lids. Against the disease of the eyes called Chemosis (id est) a turning vp of the Eye-lids. Yea, it is of sin­gular vse for those who cannot endure sharpe medicines. Ga­lenus.

℞. Cadmiae lotae, ℥ij. Cerussae, ℥j. Amyli, Gummi Tragacan­tht, ℥j. Opij, ʒij, Aq. Pluniae, q. s:f. Collyrium. * This is vertuous D against the running issues of the Eyes called Epiphorae, and such like effects. Galenus.

℞. Cadmiae, ℥v. Chalcitidis vstae, Piperis, albi, gummi, ana ℥iiss. E Aq: Pluuial: q.s.f. Collyr. * This auailes against the disease called Lippitudo, which is a running or watering of the Eyes, ac­accompanied with Rednesse, Paine, and Shooting. Against Bleere-eyednesse or Blood-shottennesse. Against fleshly Ex­cressences, and those Warts which Occulists call Sycosin. Galenus.

℞. Cadmiae, ℥ij. Cerussae Lotae, ℥j. Amyli, Tragacanti, A­caciae, Opij, ana ʒij. Aquae Pluuiae, q. s. f. Collyrium. * This F easeth the most sharpe, bitter, and biting paynes of the Eyes. Galenus.

℞. Haematitis allutae ʒiij. aeris vsti ʒij. corallij, margaritar. per­forat. [Page 84] ana ʒss. gummi arab: & dragac: ana ʒij ss. Piperis ʒij. Ce­russae lotae. ʒj. arsnici rubri, Sang. Drac. Croci, Carabae, ana ʒss. Mixe them with the blood of a henne, and vse it with womens A milke that suckleth a female childe. *. against any bloody suffusion in the Eye. Guydo.

℞. Tutiae praeparatae, ℥j. aloes Succotrinae, ℥ss. Camphorae, ʒj. aq. ros. lbj ss. vini granator. lbss. Powder what is to be powdred, Mixe them with the rest: Seeth them a little on the coales, and B straine it to your vse. *. Against rednesse and running of the Eyes. Guydo.

℞. Succi faenic. Succi rutae, ana ʒij ss. fellis galli, fellis perdicis, ana ʒj. Croci, myrrhae, piperis, ana ℈j. Powder what is to be powdred, commixe them first with the iuces then with the galls; C lastly, mixe therewith, mellis alembicati, ℥ss. s.a. f. Collyr. *. This attenuates and sharpens the supercrassated christaline humor. Hiero: Merc.

℞. Fellis taurini exiccati, ʒiij. Croci, Myrrhae, ana ʒj. piperis albi ℈ij Sem: rutae ʒss. Powder them all, & cum albumine oui, vel gummi tragacanti, in aq: ros. dissoluti, s.a. f. Trochisces. Dry and reserue them: And when need requires, reduce thereof into powder, and with some appropriate water, make a Collery. D*. This attenuates grosse humors, concocting and discussing them. Hier: Merc.

℞. Fellis hyrcini, ℥j. Succi maioranae, ℥j ss. antimonij, Croci, ana ʒij. gummi arabici, ʒj. vrinae pueri impoluti, q.s. s.a f. Collyrium. E*. This is in vertue and efficacie like the last foregoing. Hier: Mere.

℞. Tutiae (being made red hot in the fire, ix. seuerall times, and each time quenched in aqua chelidoniae) ʒij. aloes hepat, croci, ana ʒj. Piperis albi, ʒss. Marchasitae ℈j. Make these into a subtill F powder, & cum aq: chelidonia, q.s. f. Collyrium. *. This auailes against the disease of the Eyes called Agnies. Hier: Merc.

℞. Floris aeris, ammoniaci, ana ʒj. Croci, ℈iiij. aloes. ʒv. cum G Succo faeniculi q s. f. Collyrium. *. This is good against the an­guish of the balle of the Eye, proceeding of superfluous humiditie. Hier: Merc.

℞. Rosar. ʒss. Croci, ʒij. gummi, ʒiij. opij, nardi indici, and ʒj. [Page] [Page] [Page 85] aq: pluuiae, q.s.f. Collyrium. Ʋel. ℞. Fol: rosar. ʒxv. Croci, gummi arabici ana ℥j. opij, nardi indici, ana ʒij. aq: pluuialis, q.s. f. Collyrium. *. These mitigate vexing paines of the Eyes; stay A defluxions of humors; cure pustules, &c. Hollerius ex Ga­leno.

℞. Aq: distillatae faenic. rutae, verbenae, betonicae, endiuiae, Sileris Mont. ros. rub. cappil: veneris, chelido, ana partes aequales. Mixe them in a fit vessell of glasse, add vnto them a fit proportion of Camphore in powder, expose it to the Sun for vij. viij. or ix. daies. and after. *. Bathe sore eyes therewith and they shall be whole. B Cardinall Granuile.

℞. Vini albi lbj. aq: rosar. & plantag. ana quart: j. auripigmen­ti, ʒij. Horis aeris, ʒj. Grinde them finely, and mixe them with the rest, & make a Collerie to be administred with a syringe. *. for C vlcers about the huckle bone. Laufrancus.

℞. Sarcocollae ʒv. Spicae ʒij. Rosar. Croci, ana ʒij. amyli, aloes, gummi, arabici, dragacanti, ana ʒj. opij, ʒss. Mixe them with raine water, and make a Collerie. *. This is good in the begin­ning D of Ophthalmia if the matter be cold. Apply thereon a play­ster of Mallowes and dill sodden with wine. Mesnes.

℞. Thuris, ammoniaci, Sarcocollae, ana ʒv. Croci, ʒij. Muci­lag. faenugr. q. s. f. Collyrium. Dry and reserue it, vnto ij. yeeres. *. This brings vlcers of the Eyes vnto maturitie. E Mesnes.

℞. Plumbi vsti, antimonij, tuthiae, lotae, aeris vsti, gummi arab: tragacant, ana ℥j. opij ʒss. aq: pluuiae, q.s.f. Collyrium. *. This in­carnates F and heales vlcers of the Eyes. Mesnes.

℞. Sem: Canabis, ʒiij. aeris vsti, myrrhae, ana ʒij. Croci, ʒj. aeruginis aeris, Salis ammoniaci, piperis nigri, ana ʒss. aq: pluuial: q.s.f. Collyrium. Vel. ℞.: Aeruginis aeris, ʒiij. Chalcanti vsti, ʒvj. auri pigmenti rubri, Spumae nitri, Spumae maris, ana ʒj. am­moniaci, ʒj ss. Salis ammoniaci, ʒss. Macerate the ammoniacum in aq: rutae, & s.a.f. Collyrium. *. These auaile against itching G and scabbinesse of the Eye-lids; as also against the Pin and web. In like sort against the naile. Mesnes. Sed Cane.

℞. Sarcocoll in lacte asinino, maceratae, ʒv. amyli ℥ss. traga­canti, ʒiij. opij ʒj. Thuris ʒj ss. Cerussae lotae, ʒx. aq: pluuiae, q.s. f. Collyrium. *. This is conuenient to be applied in the augmen­tation [Page 86] of Ophthalmia, (which is an inflammation of the timide Adnata) for it assuageth the dolor thereof. Mesnes.

℞. Gummi arabici, tragacanti, amyli, ana ℥ss. Cerussae l [...]tae, A ʒvj. Sarcocollae nutritae, ʒiij. opij ʒij. cum oui albumine f. Seif *. This asswageth vehement paines arising from a hot cause. Mesnes.

℞. Cadmiae vsta lotae, & in lacte muliebri maceratae, ʒxv. Ce­russae lotae, ℥j, Squamae ferri, ℥ss. opij ʒij. gum: arab: & tragac. ana B ℥ss. aq: pluuialis, q.s. f. Collyrium. *. It assuageth vehement paines of the Eyes, springing from a hot roote. Mes­nes.

℞. Tutiae praepar. ℥ss. lapid: calaminaris, praepar. ʒij. Garyophyl­lor. n o: v. Mellis, ℥i. vini albi, ℥ij. aq: ros. quart: j. Caphurae, ʒj. C Mixe it s.a. *. This profits against Ophthalmia in its declination. Montispesul.

℞. Tutiae praepar. in vrina pueri, & exicatae, ʒij. Caphurae, ʒss. D aq: ros. & vini rubelli, ana q.f. Collyrium. *. This is commodi­ous against the stifnesse and rednesse of the Eye-lids. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Sumach: triti, ʒij. Macerate it in aq: ros. ℥ij. expresse it strongly, add to the lycour, Caphurae gr. iiiij. incorporate and apply it. Vel. ℞. Cerussae lotae, ʒv. Sarcocollae, ʒj. Tragac. ʒss. opijgr. iiij. Dissolue the tragacant, in aq ros. alb: q.s. afterwards, cum lacte muliebris, & albumine ouibene conquassato, s.a. f. Collyr. E*. These cleanse, coole, dry, and assuage paines of the Eyes. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Faenic, apij, rutae Schweinwuriz. vna cum radicibus, eufra­giae, Saluiae, betonicae, auripigmenti, guidij, Pimpinelli, Cardui, be­ned, ana partes aequales. These being seuerally bruised and com­mixed, infuse them in vrina pueri immaculati q s. add thereto pi­peris contusi, gr. xiiij. Mellis cochlear. ij. Mixe them well, and make a strong expression, expose it to the sunne, for ix. daies; F then distill it s.a. and reserue the water. *. The which being but dropt into the Eyes, morning and euening, is generally good against all the infirmities thereof. Ranzouius.

℞. Plumbi vsti & loti, tutiae lotae, aeris vsti loti, gummi, traga [...]. ana ʒj. opij gr. iiij. Cum aqua pluuia, q.s. f. Collyr. *. This G heales the vncleane vlcers in the corners of the Eyes. Riol [...] nus.

[Page 87]℞. Cadmiae vstae ℥vj. Croci, ℥vj. opij ℥iij. plumbi vsti & loti, ℥j. Squamae aeris, nardi Indici, acaciae, ana ʒvj. gummi ℥iij. aq: plu­niae, q.s. f. Collyr. Vel. ℞. Cadmiae vstae & vino odorato extinctae ℥j. Croci, antimonij, vsti, & in lacte extincti ana ℥ss. amyli ʒj. gum­mi ʒij. Succi anagallidis faemina, q.s.f. Collyrium. *. These auaile A against burning heate of the Eyes; against tormenting paines, pu­stules, heauinesse of the lidds, and against the confusion of hu­mors called Girrheae. Theodotius.

℞. Bol: arm: ℥j. tutiae, Sang: drac. dragagunti, gum: arab: ana ℥ss. Grinde them with aq: ros. lbj. which being well mixed together, put them into a narrow mouthed glasse, shut it close, and boyle it in B.M. by the space of one houre, then remoue it from the fire, and add thereto vini grannator. ℥ij. incorporate, straine, and reserue it. *. This dropt into the Eye warme, twice B a day, restraines flux of humors, and comforts the Eye. Ve­salius.

℞. Aq: faenic. rosar, euphragiae, ana ℥j. Cremoris faenugr. ʒij. Mixe therewith, tutiae praepar. ʒij. f. Collyrium. *. This vsed C warme, cleaanseth the Eyes, and strengthens the sight. Ve­salius.

℞. Aq: ros: aq: myrtyllor. vel plantag. ana ℥j. aq: faenic. vini albi, ana ℥ss. Sarcocol. cum lacte mulieris nutritiae, tutiae, prepar. ana ℈ij. Sacchari candi: è syrupo rosar. ʒj. myrob: citriuor. ʒss. Seif. albi sine opio, Sief de thure ana ʒj ss. Worke them all finely in a morter, and vse it. *. To remoue the matter contained in D the Eyes, twixt Vuea and Cornea. Vigo.

℞. Aq: ros. plantag. ana ℥j, tutiae praepar. ʒj ss. aq: flor. myrtil­lor. ℥j ss. Fol: Semperuiui, ʒx. album: ouor. sub prunis aliquantu­lum decoctor. n o: iij. Seif alb: siue opio ʒj ss. Caphurae, gr. iij. Mixe them, and let them stand iiij. houres, then straine and vse it warme. *. It's vertuous with the former. Ʋigo. E

℞. Aq: rosar. ℥ij. aq: caudae equinae, ℥j ss. Seif de thure, ʒss. vini odorati ℥ss. Mixe, straine and vse it against *. vlcers in the Eyes. Vigo.

℞. Aq: vitae ℥ij myrrhae, aloes, ana ʒij. thuris, ʒj ss. Croci, ℈j. peucedani, Sarcocollae, ana ʒjss. Mixe, straine and vse it. *. to F mundifie and incarnate, a rotten and filthie vlcer. Ʋigo.

℞. Aq: vitae, ℥ij. vini maluat. ℥j mellis rosati colati, ʒx, myrrhae, [Page 88] rad: peucedani triti, ana ʒij. Sarcocollae, aloes, ana ʒj ss. [...] A them and let them boyle one walme, &c. *. Being iniected wit [...] a syringe; it's profitable in a fistula, after the irradication of the Callous. Weckerus.

℞. Cadmiae, Croci, gummi, ana ℥j ss. aeris vsti, ʒv. stibij, acaciae, ana ℥x. nardi indici, ℥ss. opij, myrrhae, ana ʒv. vini q.s. f. Collyrium. B*. This repels a thin and sharpe fluxe, causing dolor and vexation, It cures pustules, and roughnesse of the Eye-lids. This medicine is called Collyrium nardinum.

℞. Cadmiae, lap: haematit: aluminis Scissilis, ana ʒx. aeris vsti, ʒvij ss. Chalcyt: ℥j. Sem: papaueris, ʒv. Macerate the poppie seeds in aq: pluuial. q.s. afterward expresse them, whereunto add th'other ingredients (in fine powder) & cum vino austero q.s.f. C Collyrium. *. To cleanse the Eyes, cleere the sight, and preuent scarres, and is named Diaaenu.

℞. Aeris loti & vsti, ℥iij. lap: haemat: ʒj. Croci, opij, ana ℥ss. D gummi, ℥j ss. aceti q.s. s.a. f. Collyrium. *. This makes smooth Eye-lids which are rough; assuageth swellings, and preuaileth against th'inueterate affects thereof, and hath to name. Dia [...] ­matites.

℞. Cadmiaelotae ℥iij ss. lap: haemat: vsti & loti ℥iij. ʒj. Spedij, ℥iij. myrrhae, ℥vj. Croci, ℥ss. opij ℥j. Piperis albi, ʒss. Gummi ʒvj. E vini q.s. f. Collyrium, *. This is profitable against diseases of the Eyes as haue beene of long continuance. It also cures those di­seases which are called Rhoeadae and Aegylops, and is entituled, Diamyrrhae.

℞. Cornu Ceruini vsti & loti, thuris, & plumbi vsti & loti ana ℥ss. Squamae aeris lotae, ʒiij. opij ʒj. gummi ℥ss. aq pluuiae, q.s. f. Collyr. Dry and reserue it vnto ij. yeeres. Vel. ℞. Plumbi vsti & loti Cornu Cerui vsti & loti ana ℥ij. thuris, acaciae, Spodij, & Cr [...], ana ℥j. amyli, ℥ss. opij, Squamae aeris, ana ʒij. myrrhae, ʒvj. tragaca [...], F ʒj. gummi, Sem: hyoscyami, ana ℥j. Mucilag. Sem: hyoscyami, q.s. f. Collyr. *. These cure vlcers in the corners of the Eyes, wiping of, or preuenting a cicatrize; & appellantur. Sief: è Cor. Cer.

℞. Cadmiae vstae & lotae, stibij vsti & loti ana ℥ij. Cerussae lotae ℥ij. pompholigis, myrrhae, terrae Samiae, tragacant, opij ana ℥j. alb [...] oui q.s. f. Collyrium. Vel. ℞. Pompholygis ℥j. Cadmaiae vs [...] [...] lotae, ℥ij. stibij vsti & loti ℥j ss. Cerussae lotae ℥ij. amyli ℥j ss. t [...]r [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 89] Samiae, plumbi vsti ana ℥j. myrrhae, opij, tragacant: ana ʒij. aq: pluniae, q s.f. Collyr. *. These are preualent against pustules, erup­tions, A and cauities, they wipe off purulencie, and cicatrizes, and auaile against circumadiacent dolors. They likewise cure the di­seases of the Eyes, called Chemosis: & staphyloma, and are stiled Libiarum. These eight foregoing colleries are set downe by Weckerus.

℞. Cadmiae lotae, stibij loti acasiae, gummi tragacanti, ana ℥iij. ʒj. rosar. siccar. de purgator. ℥j ss. aeris vsti, myrrhae ana ℥j. Castorei, licij indici, Croci, folij Spicae, nardi, Calcitidis tostae, Cerussae, Sem: ericae, opij, gallar. omphacinar. ana ʒij. s.a. f. Lozenges. When you will vse them, you may dissolue them with the iuice of Cole­worts, or with the white of an egge well beaten. *. So shall they B be profitably applyed in viscous defluxions. Diseases of the eyes.

℞. Cadmiae ʒij. Chalcitidis crudae ʒj. aloes ℈ij. Piperis ℈ss. flor. rosar. ʒiij. Powder them, and according to art make a Collerie. Aetius highly commends it against *. Psorothalmia. C which is a manginesse and itching of the Eyebrowes, and hee cals it Achariston, because (saith hee) the patient is not able to require it. Diseases of the eyes. D r. Hood (our Coun­tryman) did vse to mixe the foresaid powder with pomatum q.s. and made it into the forme of an vnguent, and so put a fit quanti­tie thereof into the corners of the Eyes at going to rest, against the former greefes.

℞. Calcanthi albi ʒj. boli armeni ʒij. Make them into a most subtill powder; commixe them well with aq: ros. alb. ʒiiij. put them into a narrow mouthed glasse, shut it close, and let it stand in a temperate heate of B.M. for vj. houres then reserue it. This being shaken together and dropt into the Eye (the patient lying vpright) the stomacke being emptie. *. It repels defluxions cleares D and stengthens the sight, and heales itching and rawnesse in the eyelids. But if the eyes be inflamed, add thereto (in fine powder) at the first Caphurae. ℈ss. Nri..

Decoctions, Diets, and wound-drinkes.

℞. Pilosellae, Pimpinellae cum radicibus garyophyllatae, rad: gentianae, at (que) arthemisiae, matrum violar. Subrubentium, brassicae veter. folior. Cymar. Canabis, Senatior. rubiae, quae bene mundata sint, ana M j. Cinamo: galangae Cardamomi, Meligettae, Garyophyl­lor. ana. ʒss. vini albi odorati lbxx. Boyle all these to the halfe, and straine them, then add to the strained lycour, Mellis despumati, lbj. Put them into a glasse vessell, and boyle them at a gentle fire A(in B. M.) vnto the wasting of lbj. then reserue it, lbss. or ℥iiij. hereof giuen in the morning, foure houres before dinner, *. is very profitable in wounds of the breasts, which are of a fistulous disposition. Alfonsus Ferrius.

℞. Ius cancror. fluuialium, ex lacte asinino quin (que) diebus exbi­bit: ita vt totidem subinde diebus ipsimet Cancri Comedantur. B This course (saith the Author) being vij. times repeated, *. so tameth and ouermastereth a Cancer in a womans breast, that it may afterwards be cured by simple epithemes. Altimarus.

℞. Amygd: dul: à Pelliculis mund. ℥j. Sem: frig: Ma: recent: & mundatar. ℥j. Sem: papauer. albi, ʒj. Beate them together, and infuse them in the decoction of liquorice, then straine it, and C add thereto (being warme) Sacchari albiss: ℥j. *. This being drunke, profits such as haue vlcers in the yard. Andreas La­cana.

℞. Hyperici, M ij. Scabiosae, M j. agrimoniae. M j ss. consolid: Ma: & Mi: ana Mij ss. Saluiae, hyssopi. ana M j. Polypodij, ℥iiij. rad: consolid: Ma. ℥ij. rad: helenij, ℥v. glycyrrhizae, ℥vj. Mellis despumati lbss. (vel Sacchari) vini Cretici lbvj. Stillatitij liquoris cardui benedicti & Scabiosae, ana lbj. Simul contundantur & repo­nantur in vase figulino per 10. dies. Then with a glasse limbecke distill it at a gentile fire, and giue thereof ℥iiij. earely in the mor­ning, and as much before dinner, and as much before supper, one D houre. This is of excellent vertue, and benefits much, *. in the cure of wounds, if the wound be therewith (also) fomented, or the same thereinto iniected; vsefull, in chiefe, for delicate per­sons, whose taste and Eye must be pleased, Banester.

[Page 91]℞. Fumaria, Oxylapathae, fol: hedera, Oleastri, Salicis. Sicta, acetosae herbae roberti, ana M j. Cum aq: q.s.f. Decoctio. *. This A profits much in the cure of those scabs (called Achores) where­with childrens heads are anoyed, if the head (being first shauen) be therewith well washed morning and euening, for vj. or vij. daies together. D r. Bonham.

℞. Ʋini albi lbviij. aq: comis lbx. Zacchari albi lbij. Conso­lidae vtrius (que) filicis aquaticae, Calendulae, Ophioglossi, Chelidonij, Polypodij, Quercini, Numulariae, Lilij Conuallij, Sanamundae, Diapensiae, Veronicae, Verbenacae, Pimpinellae, ana M j. Boyle alto­gether in B.M. fiue houres, and so let it rest till it be cold. *. This B profits much in greene wounds, if the Patient drinke thereof iij. times a day, but especially morning and euening. Clowes.

℞. Milij excorticati P j. aq: pluuialis, lbj ss. Boyle them till the seeds doe breake, then put to them vini albi veteris, lbss. then giue them a heate together, and after straine it. Sixe ounces whereof being drunke at a draught (hot as I thinke) morning and euening after euacuation. *. prouoketh sweat. But it will C prouoke sweate yet more strongly, if ramentum Corun taurini, be decocted therewith. D r. Foster.

℞. Saniculae, Sanamundae, rumicis, canabis, Sem: caulium rubr: consolidae minoris, rubiae maioris, ana q.s. Bruise and boyle them in vino q.s. vnto due height, suffering them to remaine in the wine one whole night after: in the morning straine it, and giue part thereof. *. This cures any wound, applying onely aloft a D plantine leafe. Vel. ℞. Caulium rub: Canabis, apij, rubiae, Ma. ana, partes aequales, make it as aforesaid. Vel. ℞. Apij, arno­glossae, Lanceolatae, Sanamundae, Consolidae vtrius (que), Rubiae, & can­lae. Vel. ℞. Sanamundae, Pimpinellae, Saluiae, Cardui benedicti, Agrimoniae, pedis Columbini, Plantag. Centinodij, Linguae auis, & Spergulae, prepare these as the first. Vel. ℞. Sanamundae, Beto­nicae, Saluiae, Hederae terrest: Agrimoniae, Pilosellae, Pimpinellae, Vio­lariae, Plantag. Molaginis. Draw out the iuice of these hearbes, and boyle it with wine, then giue it to drinke; but obserue, that you daily withdraw of the quantitie of your Melag. which was added, to preuent an ouer speedie closing of the wound at the first. Vel. ℞. Angellicae, Betonicae, Agrimoniae, Pilosellae, Ho­derae terrestis, Septem meruiae violariae, but the least of the Ange­lica. [Page 92] Boyle them in wine, let the Patient drinke of it thrice a day, the oftner the sooner whole. Ʋel. ℞. Betonicae, Agrimoniae, Fragariae, Asari, Violariae, Linguae bouis, Ambrosij, Plantaginis, Quinque folij, Hyperici, Spicae, Linguae auis, Pimpinellae, ana Mj. Stampe and boyle them in wine, straine them, and add thereto, Mellis q.s. and if the partie haue no feuer, then add one hundred graines of pepper. Another much commended by the Author; Is to be made ex Caule rubr: & rubia, & teneritatibus rumicis, & Sem: Canabis, vel teneritate ipsius herbae & Sanamunda, & conso­lida minore, & Sanicula, of each a like proportion, saue that you must double the portion of the rubia; Stampe, and boyle the hearbes in wine, to the wasting of the third part; you may (for A delicate persons) sweeten it with honie or sugar, and giue there­of morning and euening. *. All these last recited, are wound-drinkes. Gilbert. Rules obserued by the Author in the ordai­ning of the drinkes. First, that if there be any danger of a feuer, that then he made these drinkes with water and sugar, and not with wine and hony. Secondly, that the Patients diet, should be free from milke, cheese, egges, fruites, and flesh of vngelded beasts or foules, and that he eate vnleauened bread. As for carnall copulation, all other authors forbid. Further obseruations of the same author. Giue vnto a wounded person to drinke Succi pilosellae, if he cast it againe (in what part soeuer the wound be) he shall die; but if he retaine it, he shall liue. Then for the first, giue him to drinke, plantaginem & fragariam. The second day, giue him the same againe garyophillatam being thereto added. The third day, add pilosellam to the former. The fourth day doe as yee did on the third. The fifth day, add to the former, hederam terrestrem; the which continue vntill the seuenth day. After which, you shall decline your method, as you did formerly aug­ment it, vntill you come to the hearbes of the first day, where­with you began. Another order practised by some, and recorded by our Author. First, they wash the wound with warme water: Next they apply the lard of bacon, stamped with wormwood, for iij. daies: After that, whites of egges with flaxe, for foure daies. In the meane time, they giue also a drinke made ex vino vel: cer­uisia & mediate mellis, with which is also boyled Succus Consolide mino, & Saniculae, & Absinthij, & Faeniculi; of which they [Page] [Page] [Page 93] gaue euery morning a full cup fasting, which would issue out of the wound, and mitigate paine; The wound being thus mundi­fied, they applyed to consolidate it that which followeth. ℞ Oli­bani, Sarcocolla ana pares portiones, aloes quantum est medium istor. Make them in fine powder, which then shall consoli­date the wound in ij. daies, though it be very large. Also puluis cornu ceruini, shutteth vp a wound, and taketh away the moist disposition. Gilbert.

℞. Equiseti (that kinde which is called Hippuris) filicis flori­dae, ana M j. Musci Clauati, Lychemis, ana M ss. Centaurij Ma. Prunellae, Consolidae, Mediae, Rubiae tinctor. Saniculae, Caryophyl­latae (both roots and leaues) Geranij Cretici, Betonicae, Virgae aurea, ana M j. Stampe all these hearbes, and put them into an earthen pot with vini albi, lbxij. and boyle them on a gentle fire vnto the wasting of the halfe; then straine it, and put to it Mellis opt: depurati, lbvj. Boyle it a little, giue hereof ij. spoonefulls at morning, and as much at night, in the destilled wa­ter of the greater Comfry. *. This is of excellent vertue for A wounds. Iarret.

℞. Guiaci, Zarsae, ana ℥ij. Rad: Polypodij rec. Senae orient: ana ℥ij. Agarici rad: mechoacae, rhabar, ana ʒij. Zinzib, Cinamo, ana ℈iiij. Turpeti ʒvj. Sem: anisi, faenic: an ℥ss. Epithimi, Staechad, Beton, ana P j. Scabiosae, Chamaepit, ana M ss. liquir: rasae, ℥ss. nuc: mosch: macis, ana ʒj. Cereuisiae opt: lbiij. aq: font: & vini albi, ana lbj. Infuse and boyle them in a double vessell (s.a.) to the halfe, then passe it through an Ipocras bag; and reserue it in a close ves­sell. This is to be administred warme in the morning; the dose is ℥v. diurnally to be taken, or to be added or substracted, accor­ding to the strength of the patient, or working of the medicine. *. This profits much in Lues Venerea, if it be not inueterate. It's B good against aches, running issues, fistulaes, & such like. D r. Iaster.

℞. Ruta P j. allij ʒss. nucleorum nucum auellanarum, Mj. Stampe and straine them with stale ale, add thereto theriacae opt: ℈j. *. This C is good against the biting of a madd dog, if the liquor be drunke warme by the Patient, and the faeces applyed to the sore. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ligni guiaci, ℥iij. Zarsae, ℥ij. Turbith: ℥j. Hermodact: ℥j ss. Senae elect: ℥ij. Liquir: gra. iuniperi, ana ℥ss. Flo: bugloss: borag. ana [Page 94] M ss. rad. Chinae, ℥ ss. Infuse them all in aq. font. lbxij. by the space of twelue houres, in a close vessell vpon hot embers, then boyle them to the halfe, towards the end of the decoction, adde Cinamomi parum, passe it through an Ipocras bag and reserue it. A* This in continuance profits much in the cure of Lues Venerea. The dose is ℥v. or vj. hot first in the morning, and about mid-af­ternoone, or oftener, as necessity compels, or conueniency ad­mits. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Zarsae, Cort: Lig: Sancti, ana ℥ij. Sassafr. ℥j. Guiaci, lb ss. sem. Coriand: praep: ℥iij. Bruise and boyle them in aq. font. lbxij. vnto the halfe then adde Vini albi, lbij. Cinamo: contus. ℥iiij. boyle them gently to the wast of lbj. then straine and reserue it. B* This auailes much against weaknesse of the sinewes, and o­ther parts if the patient take thereof euery day two good draughts: viz. first in the morning hot, and about foure of the clocke in the afternoone colde. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Cort. Guiaci, ℥iij. Scobs Guiaci, Zarsae, Liquir. ana ℥j. rad. Polypodij quercini, ℥iij. Senae, ℥ij. sem. Faenic. ʒvj. Pulpae, Colo­cynt. ℥iss. Vini albi, & Ceruisiae lupulatae fortiss. ana lbiij. Mixe and infuse them in a vessell of glasse close stopt, set it in a mode­rate heate in B. M. for a whole nights space, then cause it gently to seeth for twelue houres space, then straine and reserue it for a purging drinke. The dose is ℥vj. (more or lesse) first and last. Then prepare the decoction following to drink with their meat. viz: ℞. Scobs Ligni Sancti nigrioris pingnioris (que), ℥vij. Zarsae, ℥ij. Cort: Guiaci, ℥iss. Liquir. Rasae, ℥j. sem: Faenic: & Anisi, ana ʒiij Passular: enucleatar. ℥vj. aq. purae, lbxij. Infuse them in a heat of embers xxiiij. houres, then boyle them to the halfe, and when it is cold, passe it through an Ipocras bag, and reserue it. Then add to those faeces, Scobs Guiaci rec. ℥j. Zarsae, ℥ss. aq. purae, lbxv. Boyle them to the wasting of a third part, adding in the seething Passul. Corinth. Cerul ℥iiij. Cinamo. contus. ℥ ss. straine and re­serue C it for an ordinary drink. * This course is experimented a­gainst ache in the ioynts. Ex manuscripto:

℞. Lig. Aloes, ℈ij. Cinamo. ℈j. Coriand. praep. ʒiij. Sebesten, Iuiubar. ana ℥j. Glycyrrh. Rasae, ʒj. flor. Cordial. Mj. Haec omnia ex aq. lbx. vs (que) ad tertias concoquantur, inde colentur, & addatur Zacchari ℥vj. * This Drink profiteth such as are weake and addi­cted [Page] [Page] [Page 95] to Melancholy, being affected with Lues Venerea. Mat­thiolus.

℞. Cort. Guiaci, grosse pul. lbj. Senae. mund. ℥iiij. vel v. liquir Rasae, ℥ij. Pulpae Colocynt. ʒij. Put all these together into a fit stone pot, ad thereto Ʋini [...]bi opt. & Cereuifia lupulatae mediatae, ana Lxij. pounds: then stop the pot very close, and set in some cauldron or fornace of water, so placing hay about it, that it may stand stedfastly vpright; this done, cause it seethe continually by the space of twenty foure houres: and as the water doth wast with boyling, fill it vp againe with other water seething hot, that the decoction be not made imperfect. Afterwards straine it through a cleane cloath, and reserue the lycour in a cleane close vessel for vse. Let the Patient drink hereof in the morning ℥xviij. blood-warme, and about two houres after let him drinke lbj. more, blood-warme as before, and one houre after that lbj more, and about foure or fiue of the clock in the afternoone, ℥xv. more, remembring alwayes to drink it warme. Let the Patient so or­der the businesse, that he may haue foure or fiue stooles within the compasse of a naturall day, but not to exceed fiue stooles, and let him drink more in the forenoone then in the afternoone, that he be not forc't to rise in the night, least he take cold. Let the Pa­tient vse a very slender diet the first eight dayes, eating very little. After that hee may somewhat enlarge his Diet, for seuen dayes following, with this caution, that he still leaue off with some appetite. Let him continue the Drink as he findeth the working thereof: for it is both Diet and purging. * It's excel­lent for all aches, benummed members and all old painfull disea­ses Note. If the Patient be of a weake stomacke, then mixe a spoonfull or two of syrup of Roses, and a few drops of Cinamon water with the first draught that he drinketh in the morning. And let him obserue this Diet following: viz. To eate but of one sort of meat at one meale, and let that meat be either Veale, Mutton, Capon, Chicken, or Rabbet, vsing his Drinke as before. Let his bread be made as followeth: viz. ℞. Scobs Guiaci, ℥iiij. steep it in lbxij. of pure water warme in a close earthen pot the space of twelue houres, then boyle it to the wasting of a third part of the water, afterwards straine it vntill it be cleare, then adde to th lycour fine sugar in powder, lb ss. of the powders of [Page 96] Annisseeds and Coriander-seeds prepared, I had this re­ceipt of Master Henry Fish, brother vnto Master Fish, the Chamber­laine of Lon­don. ana ℥ij. With fine Wheate-flower, q.s. make paste, whereof make cakes, and bake them throughly, till they be hard and dry, which are to be eaten in stead of bread with his meate. Before hee enter into the Diet, let him do as followeth. ℞. Cassiae [...]: extract: cum aq Ros. ℥ ss. Pulpae tamarindor. ℥ ss. f. Bolus. Let him take this in the mor­ning, and about halfe an houre after let him drinke a draught of the broath of a Pullet, wherein is dissolued Mannae, ʒx. Moses Diet.

℞. Scobs Guiaci, & Cort. eiusdem, ana lb ss. Senae mund: lb ss. Zarsae, ℥iij. Sassafr: ℥ij. Liquir: Rasae, lb ss. Infuse these in Cere­uisiâ nouâ fortissimâ, & Ʋino albo, ana Lxij lb. Let them stand by the space of one night, then boyle them in B: M: as before by the space of twenty foure houres, then adde to the strained ly­cour Mithridati opt: lbj. Commixe it being hot, let the Patient A drink none other drink vntill he attaine his desires: * It's effectu­all with the former. Moses.

℞. Ceruisiae recent; coctae mensuras xx. succi herbae Cornu Cer­ui mensuram vnam: Let them purge and fine together, to bee drunke three times a day. Another chiefe one is: Ex succo de Cornibus Cerui distillato. Vel ℞. Rad: Cyclaminis, ℥ ss. Dia­pensiae, In my iudge­ment the pro­portion of the Wine must needs be mista­ken by the Printer. Mj. Consolidae mediae, M ss. Boyle them in Vino albo, lb ss. to the consumption of the third part: to these may be added in this sort for to giue: ℞. Decocti, ℥iij. olei Caryophyllor. di­stillati, ℈j. Mixe them, and thereof giue three times a day. Ʋel ℞. Saniculae, Pyrolae, Centaureae, Betonicae, ana Mj. Consolidae re­galis, Agrimoniae, ana Mij. Boyle them in old white Wine, q s. in B.M. one houre or two, so stopped as that there be no brea­thing out. Ʋel ℞. Ophioglossi, Miij. Alchimillae, Mij. Pirolae mino­ris, Mj. Periclemini, Miss. Rhabarbari, ℥j. Reupontici, ℥iij. Boyle them altogether in Wine, in manner aforesaid. Ʋel ℞. Ange­licae, ℥ ss. mummiae, ℥j Spermatis Ceti, ʒij. Glandium, ℥ij. Consoli­dae minoris, Mij. Cyclaminis, ℥ j. Pirolae vtrius (que), ana Mij. Ʋini, q.s. wherto you may ad a third part of water, or as you see good. Vel ℞. Baccar Iuniperi, lbij. well bruised with these things fol­lowing, Pyrolae vtrius (que), Pereclimini, Saniculae alb: radic: ana M ss. Ophioglossi, Miss. Consolidae ma: Aristolochiae, ana ℥v. Per­sicaraie, ℥iiij. Distill them altogether, and after in that water, [Page] [Page] [Page 97] seethe what vulnerarie herbes you will, adding thereto Baceas Iuniperas cum Cinamomo. Vel ℞. Flor: Spicae, Mj. Hypericonis, Miiij. Verbasci, Mij. Betonicae, Centaurij minoris, Prunellae, ana M ss. Of these prepare your drinke in manner aforesaid. All these are commended by the Author, * as both vsefull and profi­table A in wounds. Paracelsus.

℞. Ʋitrioli, ℥v. Hang it in a vessell with twenty measures of Wine: so let them worke and fine together: giue a spoonefull at a time. Vel ℞. Vini recentis, mensuras xl. let it purge with Liquoris Tartari distillati, lbj. and hereof giue one spoonefull at a time. Vel ℞. Centaurij, q.v. macerate the herbe in aquâ arden­te, q.s. then draw out his quintessence after the common manner. Giue of this extraction, ten graines in one spoonfull of some vul­nerary distilled water. Ʋel ℞. Folior: radicum, & sem: Esulae, q.v. Seeth them in aq. q s. vntill you haue his substance, then straine it, and euaporate (gently) all the lycour, reserue the thick remainder, whereof giue a little (in some appropriate lycour) e­uery day in the morning to drinke. These foure last rehearsed are profitable * in the cure of Vlcers. Paracelsus. B

℞. Aquar. Cyclaminis, de folijs Serpentariae, Sophiae, ana ℥iiij. Mixe them for a draught, of which giue ℥iiij. for a dose morning and euening vnto the end. Ʋel ℞. Aquar. de corni­bus Cerui, Centaureae, Consolida aurea, ana ℥iij. Parthenionis, ℥iiij ss. Rhabarbari, Mannae electae, Spermatis Ceti, ana ℥j. Infuse the whole together in a fit vessell, stirre them often together, giue thereof (to drink) euery morning and euening a spoonfull; and immediatly vpon that three spoonfulls of good Wine. * These C profit in the cure of a Fistula. Paracelsus.

℞. Succor: herbae Sanctae, & Agrimoniae, mixed cum Vino ru­bro, giue it euery morning to drinke, from the beginning of March, vnto August. Vel ℞. Succi Agrimoniae, & Serum Lac­tis. Mixe and giue it on an empty stomack for nine dayes toge­ther, euery decreasing time of the Moone. * These wast strophu­les, D and kernelly knots. Petrus Hisp.

℞. Caeulium rub: Faenic: Abrotani, Tanaceti, Fragariae, fol: Rubiae ma. Herbae Roberti, Plantag. Apij, fol. Canabis, ana partes aequales, artus muris. Boyle them in white Wine, q.s. add to ho­ny, straine and reserue it both for drinke and iniection. Ʋel ℞. [Page] [Page 98] Rad. & fol. vel Sem. Sinapis, Summitat: Lapathi acuti, Rad: Al­thea mat Pimpinella, fol. Caulis rub. ana q. v. Tanaceti, q. s. De­coct them in wine, straine them and put in some hony, for drink A and iniection. * These are highly commended in the cure of Fi­stulaes. Petrus Hisp.

℞. Consolidae vtrius (que), Veronicae, Cyclamini, ana Mj. Astacos expurgatos, n o. iiij. Vini albi, men sur. is ij. Circulate them in bal­neo, three dayes, after that straine them, giue hereof three spoon­fulls in the morning. Vel ℞. Occulor. Cancri pul: ℥ ss. mummi­ae, ʒij. Boli Arment, ʒiss. Agrimoniae, Ophioglossi, Veronicae, & Cy­clamini, ana Mj. Spermatis Ceti, ʒj. Mixe and macerate them in white Wine (for one nights space) in B. M. giue hereof two spoonfulls in the morning, and as much at night, if need be. B* These are profitable in wounds to be vsed the first seauen dayes. They extinguish inflamations and burnings. Querci­tanus.

℞. Macis, oculor: Cancri, Zedoariae, ana ʒiij. mummia, Ga­langae minoris, ana ʒij. Nucis Vomicae, ℥iss. Beate these grosly, and put them into a glasse vessell, powre vpon them Ʋini albi, mens. j ss. macerate them in a most gentle heat two dayes. The dose is one spoonfull morning and euening. * This profits much C in wounds, to be vsed after those first seuen dayes, whose vertue merits high renowne. Quercitanus.

℞. Flor: Vincae Peruincae, Lilij conuallij, ana Pj. Galangae, Ze­doariae, ana ʒij. Bol. Arm. verae. mummiae, ana ʒj. Spermatis Ce­ti, ʒ ss. Vini albi mens. ij. Digest and circulate them in B. M. foure dayes. The dose is one spoonfull at morning, and euening. D* Right profitable in wounds made with poysoned shot. Quer­citanus.

℞. Aristolochiae, Cyclaminis, Serpentariae, Consolidae vtrins (que) Geranij. ana Mj. Sabini, M ss. Macis, Zedoariae, & Occulor: Can­cri, ana ℥ ss. mummiae, Galangae mino: ana ʒiss. Shred and stampe the herbes finely, make the rest into grosse powder. Boyle them cum Vini albi, mens. j. in a double vessell by the space of foure E houres, and vse it morning and euening. * It is of incomparable worth in wound, where the bones are fractured by gun shall expelling those splents, wherewith some are tormented. Quer­citanus.

[Page 99]℞. Flor: Lilij, Conuallij, & Betonicae, ana Pj. Galanga, macis, ana ʒiij. Persicariae, Chelidenij, Vincae, Peruinca, Veronicae, & Cen­taurij, ana M ss. Macerate them, and vse them morning and euening. *. This profits in Wounds of the head. Querci­tanus. A

℞. Succi Verbena, Betonicae, Veronicae, ana ℥ij. Aquae Chamo: lbj. Macerate them as before, * against wounds in the breast. B Vel ℞. Consolidae ma: & mediae, Saniculae, Betonicae, ana Mj. O­phioglossi, Agrimonia, ana M ss. Rhabarbari, ℥ ss. mummiae sincerae, ʒij. Spermatis Ceti, ʒj. Decoct them in a double vessell close stopped. The dose is ʒx. Morning and euening. Quercitanus.

℞. Bol. Arm: ℥ ss. Consolidae vtrius (que), ana Mj. Galangae, ʒij. Temper them with Wine as aforesaid, * for wounds in the belly. C Quercitanus.

℞. Plantag: Rosar. Iaceae alb. & nigrae, consolidae ma. & minor Auentiae, (i.) Garyophillatae, Vaelarianae, Caudae Equinae, Verbenae, ana Mj Epatic. Mij. Cinamo. Nuc. mosch. Corall. alb. & rub. ana ℥ ss. Zacchari vel mellis, ana lb ss. vel q. s. Of these things s. a. make your decoction, and if there be added Sumac. rad. Brusci, & quinq. Neruia, it will be more auaileable. * This is of great D force in the cure of a Rupture. Rosa. Angl.

℞. Succi Pimpinellae, as much as much as will fill an eg-shell, giue it to a wounded Patient to drink, if he cast again, he shall dy, otherwise not, but it shall issue forth at the green wound without changing its colour. Some vse to draw forth the iuyce with wine, and so giue it. Vel ℞. Betonicae, Lenistici, Nepitae, E Prouencae, ana ʒj. Mixe it with a little Honoy and giue it: if it go forth by the wound he shall liue, if not he shall dy. Ʋel & Ru­biae ma: Summitat: Canabis, sem. Tanaceti filuetris, & Oleris rubei. giue it to drink: if it issue forth by the wound, he shall liue, els not. Rosa. Angl.

℞. Pimpinellae, Buglossae, Sana mundae, Agrimoniae, ana M ss. Pound and mixe them with Water, Wine, or Ale, and so giue it. * It will go forth by the wound, and so heale it well. Vel ℞. Sanamundae, fol. Canabis, fol. Caulisrub. Pilosellae, Buglossae, Nar­di Celtici vel Gallicae, Saliuncae, ana M ss. sem. Canabis, ℥j. Pound them in a mortar with very good Wine, and decoct them a little, giue therof iij. spoonefulls in the morning, and iij. more a good [Page 100] while after dinner. Vel ℞. Pedis columbini cum rad: suis rad: consolidae, rad: osmunid, ozimi, Card: bened: senacionis, fabariae, sum­mitat: rubi, ana q.s. Bruise and put them into a pot, and poure vpon them white wine or ale, and giue it morning and eue­ning. A*. It cureth any wound or rupture in nine daies. Vel ℞. Plantag. Garyophyllatae, Sem: canabis, ana q.s. rubiae maioris plus. If there bee a broken bone, add consolidae minoris, in double quantitie. If the wound bee in the head, boyle them in water; if it bee in the bulke of the body, boyle them in ale; but if the hurt bee beneath the nauell boyle it in wine. *. All these are of great vertue to heale wounds. Rosa Anglica­na.

℞. Zinzib: alb: galangae, Cinamo, Cardamo, ana ʒj. Piperis longi, ℥ss. Gentian, ʒss. Croci, ʒj. Make your infusion in pure wine, and giue thereof twice a day for iij. daies. Vel ℞. Vini optimi, Cinamo, Spicae, Zinzib: Caryophyll: Cubebar. nuc: mosch: B Calami aromat: & Saluiae, f. Decoct. *. These are vsefull when nature wants refreshing and strengthening in wounded persons: But in wounds of the Thorax, put into the drinke, hyssop, lyquo­rice, raysons and sugar: giue also diapenidion, and diatragacantum. Rosa Anglicana.

℞. Card: bened: pedis Columbini, ana Mj. Eupatorij, Summi­tat: rubi, ana M ss. Decoct them, straine, and add honie; make C thereof a syrupe. *. This is vsefull to heale a fistula, if it be in­wardly taken, and the substance of the hearbes, outwardly ap­plyed vpon, and about the Orifice. Rosa Anglicana.

℞. Agrimoniae, Tapsi barbati, Sananiundae, Chelidonij, Absin­thij, Brion: Fol: caulis rub: Herbae roberti, pedis Columbini, Sum­mitat rubi, Pimpinellae, Saluiae, Card: bened: Lanceolatae, Hyssopi, Plantag: Gallitrici, Abrotani, Marrubij, albi, Millefolij, Capri­folij, Scolopendriae, ana partes aequales. Boyle them in aq: & vino q.s. add honie, and giue it morning and euening to drinke. D*. This heales a fistula in the inner parts. Rosa Anglica­na.

℞. Passular. Enucleatar. Glycirrh: ana ℥j. Tamarindor. Iuiubar. Iridis, Hyssopi, ana ℥ss. Hordei ℥ij. Faenugr. ʒij. Capillor. veneris, ℥ss. Boyle them in aqua pluuiali, vnto the halfe, keepe it to your vse. Vel ℞. Hordei mundi M ij. Glycirrh: razae, ʒiij. Sem: [Page] [Page] [Page 101] faenic. ℥j ss. iuiubar. & Sebesten, ana n o: x. passular. enucleatar. ℥j. Sacchari candi ℥iiij. Hyssopi Mj. Capillor. veneris. ℥j. Boyle them in sufficient quantitie of water, till halfe be consumed, then straine it, and clarifie it with the white of an egge, and in the end, add thereto loch: de pino ℥j. and vse it *. in wounds of the head. A Ex antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ligni Sancti lbjss. rad: chinae ℥j. aquae fontanae lbxvj. vini albi, lb j. Cui addas radicum asparagi, faenic. apij, petrofilini, gra­minis, rusci, rubiae tinctor. iridis recentis, ana ℥ij. radicum azari, cort: rad: tormentillae, tamarisci Capparis, ana ℥j. agrimoniae, cichoriae, Ceteracis, capill: ven: ana M j. Soldonellae, Mj ss. anisor. Passular. enucleatar. n o. xx. Cinamo: electi, ʒiij. cicer: rubr. P ij. trium flor. cordialium, ana P ij. maratri, ameos, ana ʒiij. Sem: melonum contusor. ℥j. builliant simul ad consumptionem vnius partis, deinde exprime & adde Syrupi de eupatori [...] ʒiij. Clarifie it and make it sweet, Cum Santalo citrino. cinamomo. & iride ana ℥j. Make your decoction for iiij. daies. *. for an hydropick body B that hath vlcers. Ex Antedot: Banesteri.


℞. Empli: diachaciteos lbj ss. Succi Semperuiui, Plantaginis, Solani, ana ℥j ss. ol: rosar. ℥ij ss. olei myrtini ℥j. albuminum ouorum n o: ij. aceti rosati ℥j. misce. *. for wounds. Clowes. C

℞. Diapalmae ℥viij. olei rosacei, Succi Solani, & Plantaginis, ana ℥j. Ʋnguenti populeonis, ℥j ss. Let these be boyled with a soft fire, till the iuice be wasted, putting in the iuice by little and little, and last of all the populeon. *. So shall you haue an excellent de­fensatiue D for wounds. Goodrus.

℞. Olei rosar. omphacini, olei myrtini, violar. ana ℥j. aceti acer­rimi ℥ij. Succi Plantaginis, Solani, absinthij, Scabiosae, consolidae minoris, ana ℥j. Boyle all together, to the consumption of the iuices, then add thereto, boli armeni, sang: draconis, Sandalor. omnium, macis, Cinamomi, Squinanti, Ciperi, ana ℥j. Mixe them together, and with waxe sufficient make it in good forme. *. to E be vsed in the cure of Gangrena. Guido.

℞. Cineris lanae non lotae, & Cum albumine oui, apply it plaister­wise [Page 102] A vpon the forehead and temples. *. It stayeth the flux, and taketh away the paine of the Eyes. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Crassulae Ma: & Mino, Plantag. Ma: Solani, fol: hyoscya­mi, Semperuini, rostri Ciconiae, ana M ij. Stampe all these toge­the, then boyle them in oleo oliuar. lbiij. till all the licour be con­sumed, then straine it. Take of this oyle lbij ss. lapidis calami­nar: praeparati, terrae Sigillatae, ana ℥ij. cerrussae ℥iiij. lythargyri. ℥iij. Caphurae, &j. cerae albae, aceti rosacei ana lbss. Melt your wax and oyle together, put in the rest being made into very fine powder, and lastly, the vineger, then labour them in a morter, vntill it B attaine the forme of an vnguent. *. so shall you obtaine an excel­lent defensatiue, to keepe backe all flux of humors flowing to any part of the body. Renuerus.

℞. Vnguenti è bolo, ℥vj. Sandalor. omnium, ʒj ss. Pulueris Myrtillor. & Rosar. ana ʒij. olei rosacei & myrtini, ana ℥j ss. aceti rosar. ℥ij. Albumen oui vnius. Mixe them well together, C and vse it *. as a good defensatiue about an vlcer. Ʋale­riola.

℞. Olei myrtini, olei rosati ana ℥iij. cerae albae ℥j ss. Melt the wax with the oyles at a gentle fire, and before it be cold, add thereto, boli armeni ℥j. Santalor omnium, ʒj. sarinae fabaceae ʒx. D far: hord, ℥j ss. Mixe and apply them. *. when any of the verte­bres are broken. Vesalius.

℞. Ol: ros: Ol: myrtini, ana ℥iij. Ol: Chamo. ℥ij far: fab: & hord. ana ℥j. boli armeni, terrae sigill: ana ʒvj. Santalor. omnium, ana ʒij. rosar. myrtillor. ana ʒj ss. cera albae, ℥j ss. aceti rosacei, ℥iij. Succi Plantag. Succi Solatri, & lactuca, ana ℥ss. Melt the wax with the oyle, add the iuices, and let them boyle gently a little, then E add the rest, and make it into the forme of a plaister. *. To bee vsed in wounds in the Armes. Vigo.

℞. Ol: ros. & myrtini, ana ℥iiijss. Succi Plantag. & Solatri, ana ℥ij. Boyle them to the waste of the iuices, add to the straining, Cerae albae ℥j ss. far: fab: hord: & lentium, ana ℥ss. Santalor omuium, F ana ʒij ss. bol: arm: ℥j. pul. myrti. ʒj. Mixe them for a Defensa­tiue *. to be vsed in the cure of Gangraena. Weckerus.

℞. Bol: arm: ℥iiij. terr. Sigill, plumb vsti, ʒiiij ss. Semper [...] Succi plantag. & absinth. ana ʒj. aceti rosacei, albuminum [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 103] ana q.s. Make a Defensatiue to be applied *. in taking of a mem­ber. A Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: ros. lbj. Ol. Chamo. ℥iiij. butyri rec. ℥iiij. Cerussae, ter­rae sigill: ana ℥iiij. Sandali alb: & citr: an ℈ij. lapid: tatia, ℥j Sem: 4. freg: Ma. ana ʒj. Coralli albi, ʒiij. album: ouor. n o: ij. aceti ros. ℥j. Sang: drac ʒiij. Powder, what is to bee powdred, and melt the rest with the vineger after it's from the fire, put in the powders, and stirre it till it bee cold. *. for a Defensatiue for B wouds. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.


℞. Rorismar. menthae, pulegij, ana ʒss. rad: iridis, iunci odorati, ana ℈j. nardi, piperis, ana ℈ss. pumicis, salis tosti, Cornu ceruini, ana ℈ij. Being powdred, cum gum: tragacant, dissolued in Rose-wa­ter, s.a. make pensils dry and reserue them. VelCoralli rub: ℥j. terrae maioricae, ℥ss. Ossis sepieae, pumicis, ana ʒij. Caryoph: Cinamo: Mastic, ana ℈j. Vnionum elector. ʒj. Sang: drac: ʒij. mosch: gr: j. Being poudred, make pensils as before. * The teeth C being daily rub'd with these, are thereby both made and kept ve­ry white. Andernacus.

℞. Summitat: myrti, summitat: lentisci, oleastri, Saluiae, rorismar. ana M j. Coralli rub: eboris, dentium equor. ana ℥ss. salis comis, P j. Burne them in a fining pot vntill they attaine whitenesse, then powder them, and add vnto them in powder, Caryoph: rosar: Cinamo: ana ℥iiij. Mixe them well, and rub the teeth therewith, and the gummes, or els with gum dragant. as before, make pensils D and dry them for daily vse. *. They make and keepe the teeth very white. Andernacus.

Rx. Corall: rub: ossium dactylorum, pumicis, ossis cepiae, salis assi, ana q.s. Mixe and make a powder. *. To rub and whiten the E teeth. Bayrus.

℞. Corall: rub: margaritar. sang: drac. bol: arm: thuris, Cort: Cancror. ana q.s. Commixe make a powder. *. To strengthen the F gummes: and to confirme the teeth. Fumanellus.

℞. Tartari duriss: aluminis vsti, corall: rub: silicum albor. ana (Subtiliss. tritor) ℥ss. rad: pyrethri, ℥ss. rad: bistort: iridis, ana [Page 104] ʒij. Caryoph: matris perlar. rad: tormentillae, ana ʒj. pauis Sige­lenij A cumbust, ʒiij. Commixe and make a powder. *. To rub and whiten the teeth withall. Note that you ought to wash cleane your mouth, teeth, and gummes, after the rubbing, with the di­stilled water of milke. A: Leidikero.

℞. Ossium cepiae, & tartari, aequaliter. Powder them, and put thereof into thinne linnen or silke (tie it vp round) and made­fie it in aceto vini albi, cum pauco mellis albi, being mixt. where­with rub the teeth. Vel ℞. Salis ammoniaci & gemmae, ana ℥j. aluminis ℥ss. Caryophyll: ossium dactylor, & myrobal: citri, ana ʒss. B vini antiqui par. Powder what needs, and commixe altogether in a glasse alembick, and by B. M. draw forth a water; *. right excellent to whiten the teeth. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Menthae. q.s. Boyle them in aceto. Ʋel ℞. Pentaphyll: C Boyle it in vino clareto. *. These cleanse rotten teeth, if the mouth be often washt therewith, and the teeth well rub'd with hearbes. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ossium cepiae, marmoris albi vsti, ana ℥j Caryoph, Cinamo, Pyreth. ana ℥iij. Spongiae, Pumicis, Salis, ana ℥j. Commixe and make a subtill powder or pensills, ad placitum. Ʋel ℞. Ziuz, Caryoph, Pumicis, ligni aloes, nuc: mosch: maris ana ℥ss. piperis, pyrethri, synapis, staphidis agriae, una ℥iij. spongiae, mar moris albi, ana ℥ss. ossium dactyll: vstor. helleb: albi, ana ℥ij. panis hordei vsti cum sale, & melle, ℥ss. tegular. rub: cornu ceruini vsti, aluminis plumae, ossium oliuar. vstor. ana ℥iij. Commixe and make a most D subtill powder, or pensils at your pleasure. *. The which make white the teeth, and through vse, preuent toothach by drawing out the rheume. Marinellus.

E Axungia vitriin pu [...]: subtilliss: redacta. *. Makes cleane and white the teeth. Item, ol: sulph: doth the like. Item, panis ordinarius in cinerem vstu. Item later. puluis subtillissimus: ex­cels in this. If afterwards you wash your mouth, teeth, and gummes with white wine. Rochfort.

℞. Cornu ceruini, dentium equi ana ℥ij. Conchar, mariuar. sa­lis comis, nuc: cupressi, ana ℥j. Burne them together in a fining pot, and with the powder of them, and the muscilage of dragant, F make pensils to *. make white the teeth. Ʋel ℞. Myrrhae, masticis, thuris, ana ℥ss. Cornu cerui vsti & loti, coralli rubis, [Page] [Page] [Page 105] Santali moscatelini, Caryoph. ana ℈ij ossis Cepiae, Aluminis Rochae vsti, ana ʒij. Pumicis, ʒiss. Salis comis: vsti, ʒj. Make of these a subtill powder, and apply it with a mallow root, * to whiten A the teeth. Rondeletius.


℞. Terebinth. lotae, ℥ij. mellis Rosacei, ℥iiij. Butyri rec. ʒvj. rad. Iridis, Aloes, Sarcocollae, myrrhae, ana ʒiss. Aristoloch: rot. ʒss. Powder which are to be powdred, and so make a Digestiue for * contused wounds. B

℞. Terebinth: purgatae ℥iijss. mellis Rosar: ℥j. olei Lumbricor: ℥ ss. Vitellos duos Ouor. olei Rosati, ℥ ss. myrrhae, ʒij. masticis, ʒj. Sarcocollae, ʒ ss. Far. Hord. ℥ ss. Powder which are to be pow­dred, and make it to art, * proper for wounds. Ex Antidot: Ba­nesteri. C

℞. Olei Rosar. ℥iiij. ol. Lumbricor. & Hypericonis, ana ℥iiss. mellis Rosarum, ℥v. Cerae, Resinae Pini, Resinae, Butyri recent. ana ʒiij. Terebinth: purae, ℥vj. Succi Apij. & Plantag. ana ʒiiij. Melt them at the fire, and adde thereto Sarcocollae, ℥j. myrrhae, ʒiij. Croci, ℈ ss. Aloes Epat. ʒ ss. Powder what is to be powdred, and with the yolkes of foure Eggs make it to art. Ʋel ℞. Mel­lis Rosac. ℥viij. Sarcocollae, ℥ ss. myrrhae, Thuris, ana ʒiij. succi A­pij, ℥iij. olei Rosar. ℥iss. Vitellos tres Ouor. Terebint. ℥j. Far. hord. ℥ss. Mixe them to art, * for hollow Vlcers and Impostemes. Ex D Antidot: Banest.

℞. Terebint. ℥iiij. Vitellos Ouor. n o. ij. mellis Rosacei, ℥ ss. ol. Liliacei, olei Amygd. dul. pingued. Capi, ana ʒiss. Butyri recentis, ʒj. Make it to art, * to remoue an Escar. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Terebint: lotae in aq. vitae, ℥iiij. Vitellos ouor. duos, Vng. Po­pulci simp. ℥ij ol. Rosar. ℥ ss. mercurij precipitati, ʒij. Croci, ℈j. Mixe them and make a Digestiue. * Clowes. E


℞. Rad. Verbasci, & Tormentillae, ana ʒiij. sem. Citri, ʒij. suc­ci Verbenae, melissae, Card. Bened. ana ℥j. Sacchari in aq. melissae dissolut. q. s. Boyle them altogether at a gentle fire, and s.a. make a liquid Electuary. * One spoonefull whereof being taken in a A morning fasting (with Gods blessing) preserues from the Pesti­lence, and keepes the bloud from putrefaction. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Sonae, Cochleariae, Soldanellae, ana ℥iss. Origani, melissae, Scabiosae, Pulegij, Thymi, Fumariae, Hisso: Calamonti vtrius (que), ana ʒij. rad. Glycyrrh. ʒiij. rad. Eringij, Peoniae, Rusci, Asparagi, E­nulae, Ireos, Rubiae, Cardamomi vtriusque, Bryoniae, Filependulae, Phu: Garyophyl. flo: Chamo: Anthos, Borag: ana ℈j. Make all the ingredients into fine powder, and with Mel q.s. Make an B Electuary * against the Scorbute. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Eupatorij, Cuscutae, Passular. Liquir. myrobal. Citr. ana ℥ ss. rad. Apij, Faenic. Capparar. Agarici, ana ℥j. Bruise them all, and boyle them in aq. q.s. vnto the halfe, then straine it, and adde thereto mellis despum: lb ss. Sacchari, ℥iiij. Boyle them againe vnto the consistence of a syrup, then add therto in powder (when it's taken from the fire) Rhabarbari, ʒj. Turbit: alb: ʒij. fol. me­zereon, in aq. infusor. ʒj. Diagridij, ℈ij. Spicae, Zinz. elect. ana C ʒ ss. Mixe and make it. The dose is ℥ ss. * right profitable in the cure of the Dropsie. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Onum rec: cum Croco praepar. n o. j. sem. Sinapi albi, pond [...] illius, Oui assati, rad. Diptamni, & Tormentillae, ana ʒij. Pal [...] ­cis Vomicae, ʒj. Theriacae Andromicae, ad pondus omnium, s.a.f. D Electuarium, * against the Pest. Ex manuscripto.

℞. Conseruae Symphiti maioris, & Rosar. antiquae, corticum Ci­tri Saccharo condit. ana ℥j. Sigilliae mariae. Inceae albae & nigrae, ana ʒij. Boli Armenij in aquâ Rosar: loti, Sanguinis Draconis, ana ʒijss. Acaciae, Hypocistidis, ana ʒiss. Carnium Cytonior: Sace [...]o conditar. siue Aromatibus, ℥ij. Lymaturae Chalybis, ℥j. Syragi E myrtini, q.s.f. Elect. * Vsefull in the cure of a Rupture. Cal­meteus.

℞. Pulueris Cancror. fluuial. vel marinorum in Lacte [...] tor. & in Clibano exficcator. ℥iiij. pulueris canar. L [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 107] Erinaceor. ana ℥j. Cort. Citri conditor. ℥ij. Rasurae Eboris, offis de corde Cerui, ana ʒiij. Xylobalsami, Xilcaloes, Santalor. Corallor. Limaturae Chalybis praep. ana ʒij. sem. Acetosae, Citripul: Card. Bened. Scordij. Citrach, ana ʒj. Ambrae, Mosci, ana gr. ij. Con­serue, Boraginis, Buglossi, Acetosae, Sonchi, ana ʒij. Syr. de Pomis simpl. q.s.f. Electuarium. * Which resisteth the malignity of a A restring and stinking Canker. The dose is that quantity of a Chesnut, three houres before meat. Anton: Montaguana.

℞. Conseruae Rosa.. & Symphiti maioris, ana ℥j. Bol. Arm. in Aq. Ros. loti. Lapid. Haematit. ana ʒj. Coralli rub: ʒ ss. Acaciae, Baccar. Myrti, ana ʒj. Penidiar. ℥ ss. Zacchari, ℥iiij. f. Electua­rium. * This stayes vomiting of bloud, by reason of a bruise, or B otherwise. The dose is ℥ ss. with red Wine in the morning, or afore meat. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Dinsatyrionis, vel rad, eius conditor. ʒj. rad. Ernigij, con­dit. ℥ ss. Diamosci dulcis, ℈j. Specier. Electuarij de Gemmis, ℈j. Dianisi, ℈ ss. Diagalangae, Diatrion Pipereon, ana ℥ ss. rad. Acori & Pconiae, ana ℈ ss. Mithridati, ʒiij. Conseruae herbae Parilysis, ʒiij. Conser. Anthos, ʒij. Zacchari, ℥vj. cum aq. Saluiae, f. Elec­tuarium. * Against the Palsie and Crampe, hapning to woun­ded C Patients, being void of learned counsell. Ex Antidot. Bane­steri.

℞. Dianisi, Diamosci dulcis, Dianthos, ana ℈iiij Diagalangae ʒ ss Mithrid: ʒiij. Cort: Citri, ʒ ss. rad. Acori, ℈ij. folior: Sal­niae siccae, ℥ ss. Conserue Anthos, ℥j. Zacchari, ℥vj. cum aq. Sal­niae, D f. Elect. * For one that is wounded and affected with the Cramp. Ex Antidot. Banesteri.

℞. Letificans Galeni, ʒiij. Diamosci dulcis, ʒvj. Garyophillor. ʒj. Electuarij Regum, ℈iiij. Elect. de gemmis, ℈ij. Conseruae Bo­raginis, Buglossae, Cytonior. ana ℥j. Syrupi de Pomis, q.s.f. Electu­rium. * To be giuen in rebellious Vlcers, after sweates, purgati­ons, E &c. The dose is ʒij. in one morning, or one spoonfull. Ex Antid. Banest.

℞. Capillor. Ʋeneris, Tussilag. Pulegij, Hissopi, Calamenthae, ana ʒj. Iuiub. & Sebesten, ana n o. x. Glycyrrh. ℥ij. Iridis, ʒij. Caricar. ping. n o. vj. sem. Faenic. ʒj. Faenugr. ℈ij. sem. quatuor Frig. ma. ana ℈j. Polypodij Quercini, ℥iss. Boyle them in aq. pu­ra, lb ss. vnto ℥vj. adde to the strained lycour Carnium Passular. [Page 108] extract. Penidiar, ℥iiij. Nucleor. Pini, ℥ ss. Diareos simpl. ℥ij. pul­monis Ʋulpis praepar. ℥ ss. Diadragaganti frig: ℥iss. Diacalamin­thae, ℈ij. Glycyrrh. ℥ ss. myrrhae, ʒj. Zinziberis albi, ʒij. Piperis A longi, ʒj. Diahissopi, ℈j. Zacchari candi, ℥vj. misce. * This is of excellent vertue against the diseases of the stomack, happening af­ter greene wounds, or long continued vlcers. The dose is ʒj. to be taken at any time. Ex Antidot. Banest.

℞. Succi Citonior. depurat. lbj. vel eius loco mi [...]ae Citonior. lb ss. Aceti Rosar. ℥iiij. Zacchari, lb ss. Boyle them vnto a thick body, whereunto adde Diacinamomi, ℥ij. Aromat. Rosat, ʒj. Diambrae, dianisi dulci [...], ana ℈j. diacoralli, ℈ ss. Zinzib. Galanga, Piperis albi, ana ʒ ss. Misce & f. mixtura, cuius dosis est ℥ ss. To be taken on an empty stomack in the morning, or before meates, B and after two dramms at a time. * It stayes vomiting, and strengthens the stomack after the cure of Vlcers. Ex Antidot. Banesteri.

℞. Decoctionis Lactucae, & Portulacae, vehementer expressae, ℥ij. Syrupi Papaueris, ℥j. Diamarg. Frig. ʒij. Dispermaton, ℈ij. sem. Papaueris albi, ʒij. Croci, ʒ ss. Opij, ℈iiij. Hyoscyami, ℈ij. quatuor sem. Frigid. ma. ana ℈j. Succi Glycyrrh. ℥ ss. gummi A­rab. Galanga, Dragaganti, ana ʒj. Amyli, ʒiij. Boyle sugar to­gether with the decoction, and syrup to the consistence of an E­lectuary, or rather higher: then ad to the rest in fine powder, but last of all the Crocus, Mel, and Opium, stirring them a long C time together. The dose is ℈j. * This prouokes sleepe in dis­membring any part, but not (to be administred) without learned, counsell. Ex Antid. Banest.

℞. Sanguinis siccati Anatis masculi, Anatis faeminae, Sanguinis Anseris, & Haedi, Rutae Siluestris, sem. Faenic. Cumini, Anethi, Sem. Napor. ana ʒiij. Radicum Gentianae, Trifolij, Squinanti, Thuris, Rosar. rub. ana ʒiiij. Piperis albi & Longi, Phu. Costi, Cinamomi, Anist, ana ʒij. Myrrhae electae, Spicae Nardi, ana ʒvj. Asart, Ammoniaci. Amaraci, Agarici, ana ʒij. Carpobal­sami, ℈j. Iridis, Croci, Rhabarbari, Zinzib. Masticis, ana ʒj. Staechados, ʒv. Haec omnia misce, & paretur puluis subtilis­simus, & cum lbiiij. Mellis despumati optimi misceantur, &c. D* This digests the humour in the cure of Bubo Venerea. Ʋr­salius.

[Page 109]℞. Pulueris cancrorum, ℥iij. pulueris ranarum, pulueris de li­macibus, ana ℥ij. cort: citri conditi, ℥ ss. rasurae eboris, ossis de corde cerui, ana ʒiij. Xylobalsami, ligni aloes, sandali moschati, Corall: rubr: limaturae Chalybis, ana ʒij. Sem: acetosae, Sem: citri, & en­diuiae, ana ʒj. ambrae, ʒss. Conseruae boraginis, buglossae, & anthos, ana ℥ij. Mixe them for an Electuarie, whereof you may giue at any season at your discretion. *. It's good against a Cancer, which A is not vlcerated. Weckerus.

℞. Confectionis de hyacintho, ℥j ss. Confectionis alchermes. ʒiij. Conseruae Rosar. Conseruae radi [...] buglossae, ana ℥j. Syrupi de po­mis, q.s f Electuarium. Whereof giue three times a weeke, ij. houres before meate to the quantitie of a nut, and let the Patient drinke vpon it, a small draught of good wine, delayed with a portion of buglosse water. *. It's vertuous with the former. B Weckerus.


℞. Thymi, origani, Saluiae, Calamenthae, ana M j. Boyle them in water vnto due height, then with that lycour wash all about the feet of such as are affected with the Gout, and after lap them vp warme. Andernacus.

℞. Ramentor. tenuissimor. ligni indi, ℥ij. Saluiae, Staechados, ruthae, ana M j. vini antiqui flauescentis opt: lbss. olei antiqui, lbj ss. Boyle them to the halfe, and with the strained part make an Em­brocation. *. It asswageth the paine of the head in Lue Venerea. C Augerius Ferrerius.

℞. Radicum altheae, capitum lilior. ana lbj. ficuum siccar. n o: x, violar. maluar. ana M j. faenugr. Sem: lini, ana ℥j. Boyle them in aq: q.s. with wheate meale, butter, and oyle of sweet almonds, D of each a small quantitie, and make it vpon the fire. *. It matu­rates an Aposteme. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Chamaemeli, meliloti, aneti, ana M j. Sem: maratri, & anisi, ana ℥ss. Cumini, ʒij. furfuris, ʒij. far: fab: Mj ss. Milij solis, Mij. Boyle them together with lee, and red wine, as much as is sufficient, and so make an Embrocation against *. windinesse. Ex E Antidot: Banesteri.

[Page 110]℞. Hyssopi, origani, calamenthi, pulegij, ana M ss. Sem: anissi, Sem: faeuugr. Coriandri praepar. ana ʒij. Flo: Staechados: rorismar. ana P j. Boyle them vnto lbj. and make an Embrocation for the A head. *. In the Lethargie. Rondeletius.

℞. Rad: acori, Cyperi, & ireos, ana ℥ij. Beton: maiorauae, Sal­uiae, origani, Calamenthi, ana M ss. Cort: citri Sicci, ʒiij. Sem: anisi, ℥iss. Coriandri praepar. granor. tinctor. ana ʒj ss. flo: vtrius (que) staech: ana P j. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto the consumption of B the halfe make an Embrocation *. against colde affects of the head, but if the humor be pertinacious, add some aq: vitae. Ron­deletius.

℞. Lactucae, violar. plantag. Solatri, Semperuiui, Portulacae, ana M j. flo: violar. Nenupharis, Rosar. ana P j. flo: myrti, M ss. Make a decoction, &c. and by a fit vessell instill it on the head. C*. It's profitable in a Phrensie in the beginning. Rondeletius.

℞. Violar. lactucae, Solatri, Plantag, Portulacae, ana M j. Ro­sar. flo: Violar. Nenupharis, ana P j. fol: Myrti, M ss. Flo: Camo. anthos, meliloti, ana P j. Boyle them to the halfe, towards th'end of the decoction, add Betonicae, Spondilij, Origani, & calamen­thi, D Make, &c. *. against the Phrensie in the augmentation. Rondeletius.

℞. Lactucae, Violar. Plantag. Solatri, Semperuiui, Portulacae, ana M j. Flo: Ʋiolar. Nenupharis, Rosar ana P j. Flo: myrti, M ss. Sem: lactucae, Papaueris albi, ana ℥ij. Cort: Mandrogorae, ℥j. E Boyle them in aq: lbij. vnto the halfe, Make, &c. *. To procure rest. Rondeletius.

℞. Centinodij, Plantag. Solani, ana M j. Cupulor. glandium, vel nucum cupressi, ana paria, x. Baccar. & folior. myrti, malico­rij, balaustior. ana ℥j. Acaciae, Hypocistidis, ana ʒvj. Myrrhae, F Thuris ana ʒv. Boyle them in Smiths water, and make, &c. *. a­gainst the creeping Herpes, to wash and bathe the vlcer there­with. Weckerus.

℞. Ciner. Sarmentor. vitis, ficus brassicae, tamarisci, ana P j. fol: ebuli, tamarisci, ana M ss. boli armeni ℥j ss. aquae in qua ser­rum fuit extinctum, lbiij. aceti ℥iiij. Boyle them till the third G part be wasted, make, &c. *. against Oedema to bathe the Tu­mor therewith, and binde a spunge weth therein vnto the same. Weckerus.


℞. Flor. nympheae, violar. meliloti, ana P j. fol: lactucae, I thinke that it ought to be madefied in some appro­priate licour. Papaue­ris albi, ana M ss. Sem: papaueris, lactucae, anethi, ana ʒj. Sem: al­terci, ʒss. Beate them altogether, and make a frontale quilt, and binde it on, Vel ℞. Aq: Rosar. ℥iij. aq: lactucae, papaueris, ana ℥j ss. Olei violati, vel rosati. ℥j. albumen oui vnum. Commixe them, and with a sponge or with soft linnen cloathes (being therein madified) apply it warme to the temples. *. These pro­cure A rest. Andernacus.

℞. Saluiae, Rorismar. Chamo. Meliloti, Betonicae, Bryoniae, ana M j. Boyle them in aq: font: q s. and with a sponge, or soft lin­nen cloathes, made wet therein, apply it hot to the fore-head. *. This easeth headach comming of cold. Andernacus. B

℞. Aq: Rosar. ℥iiij. aceti rosacei, ℥j ss. boli armeni, ʒj. Com­mixe them well and wet a double linnen cloth therein, and apply it cold vnto the fore-head. *. against bleeding at the nose. For­restus.

℞. Aluminis rochae, ℥j. Ʋiridisaeris, ʒj. aq: sabar. q.s. Cause them to boyle together for ij. houres space, reserue the strained lycour. *. against vlcers of the yard. A quodam Italo. C

℞. Aq: ros. acetosae, eniduiae, borag. buglos. ana ℥iij. vini malua­tici. ℥j. Specier. de gemmis frig. ʒij. diarhod: abbat: ʒj. marga­rit: praepar. ℈ij ss. fragmentor. lapid: pretiosor. ʒss. Specier. Cord: Simpl. ℈j. opij, ʒij. s.a. f. Epithema. Wherewith the head and temples being fomented, morning, noone, and night, and a tri­ple linnen cloath being therein madefied and bound to the fore­head and temples. *. procures sleepe in melancholy madnesse. D Rulandus.

℞. Aq: ros. ℥x. opij, ʒss. Croci, ℈ss. Commixe them well and make an Epitheme to be applyed to the forehead, temples and nostrils, of one who is mad and cannot sleepe *. and it procures E rest. Rulandus.

℞. Aq: ros. ℥vj. Violar. ℥iiij. opij, ℈ij. Dissolue the opium and commixe it for an Epitheme, this aplyed to the fore-head, temples, and nostrils, of one afflicted with the Frensie. *. it pro­cures F rest. Rulandus.


℞. Succi maioranae, ℥jss. nigellae torrefactae, ʒj. Commixe and apply it warme before meate: But if the vlcers be very noisome and greeuous to the Patient, and that the matter issuing forth, be foule and stinking. then shall it be conuenient to mixe with the A former. Succi anagalidis, aut betae, vel Ciclaminis, a fourth part, vini puri lbj. mellis anthosati, ℥iiij, and so mixed iniect it. *. It cleanseth and healeth the fretting and filthy vlcers of the Nose. Andernacus.

℞. Thuris, ℈ij. aloes, ℈j. Powder them, & cum albumine oui quassati & molissimis pilis leporinis, q.s. s.a. Make nassalls and ap­ply them. Vel. ℞. Succi Polygoni, & Plantaginis, ana ℥jss. Succi stercoris asinini, ℥ij. Polinis, ℥j ss. Commixe and make nassalls of cleane linnen clouts, and imbibe them in the said medicine and B apply them. *. Against Haemorrhagia, or violent bleeding at the Nose. Andernacus.

℞. Nigellae, ʒij ss. Salis ammoniaci, ℈j. elaterij, ℈iiij Powder and mixe them, Cum ole irino, q, s. vnto the forme of a soft Ce­rot. Vel ℞. Decocti maioranae, ℥j ss. Mannae granatae, ʒvj. Com­mixe C them. Let either of these bee often snuft vp before meate. *. They profit much against watering eyes, or the disease called Lippitudo. Andernacus.

℞. Decoctionis Hordei, lbj. Mellis rosacei, ℥iij. Commixe and D iniect it into the nostrills. * It cleanseth the fretting vlcers there­of. Rondeletius.

℞. Succi Rosar. vel Maioranae, ℥ij. aq: Rosar. vel flor. aranteor. E vel myrti, ℥j. Mellis rosacci coloti. q.s. to make a fit body. *. This duly iniected, auailes against the stinke of the nostrills: But if the ill sauour procced from an vlcer, then shall you onely iniect aq: ros. vel myrti: But if it proceed of ouer much moisture, then in­iect aq: ex floribus Citri, vel Succ: Maioranae, or the iuice of some other hot hearbe. Rondeletius.


℞. Calcanthi viridis, ℥ij. rutae, Saluiae, ana Mj. Boyle them in aq: font. lbij. vnto the halfe. *. this cures the running fores of A childrens heads called Achores. Albaras.

℞. Nucum Cupressi, granor. Sumach: balaust, ana ℥j. Saluiae. origani, Calamenti, Hyssopi, Melissae, ana M j. Absinthij, Plantag. Caudae equinae, tapsi barbati, Centinodij, ana M ss. Aluminis, tar­tari, & Salis comis: ana ℥j. Boyle them in lixiuio coj. and ap­ply it with sponges. *. It's profitable in Oedema. Ambros: B Pareus.

℞. Malua, Saluiae, Absinthij, Abrotan: Scabiosae, ana M ss. Boyle them in Sextario aquae, to the waiting of a third part. *. It C asswagerh the paines of the Pleurisie, if the place affected, be fo­mented with a sponge made wet in the hot distrained lycour. Andernacus.

℞. Faenugr. loti, ℥ij. Flor. Chamaemeli, P ss. Sem: rutae, ʒiij. Boyle them in aq: q.s. and make a fomentation. *. Against suffusi­on D of the Eyes. Andernacus.

℞. Maluar. cum rad, M j. Flo: Chamo. Melilo. ana P j Sem: lini, ℥j anisor. ℥ss. ficuum n o: xl. Boyle them in aq: q.s. to the waste of a third part. *. This dissolues, and disperseth winde, if E a bladder filled with the hot decoction, be once or twice applyed to the side or part affected. Andernacus.

℞. Folior maluar. Mj rad apij, altheae & faenic. ana ℥iiij. Sem: li­ni, Citonoir. & faenugr. ana ℥j. Flor. Chamo. Staechados, meliloti, pu­legij, origani, ana P ij. Caricar. pinguium, ℥j ss. Boyle them all in aq: q.s. vntill the rootes be tender, and vse it against an *. vlcer in F the yard. Andreas Lucana.

℞. Albumen oui vnius, it being throughly beaten, add thereto olei myrtini & pul: myrtillor. ana ℥j. incorporate them: This ap­plyed with linnen stuphes (hauing beene first wet in vinegar, and water, of each alike, and wrung out againe) vnto a contused part. *. It dissoblueth and scattereth the bruised blood, and dissolueth G the Tumor if it be applyed in the beginning. Arceus.

℞. Lactis à cremore Separati, & aquae, ana partes aequales: flor: [Page 114] rosar. M j. Heate them together, and let them coole againe. A*. This will remoue the itch, that hapneth in the purse of the Testicles, if cloathes be wet therein, and applied cold, renewing them still as they dry for xxiiij. howres. Balthrop.

℞. Lixiuij ex Cineribus guiaci, lbviij. flor. Chamo. M j. flor. meliloti, & hyperici, ana M ss. fol: & rad: althea, ana M j rosarub: M ss. Sem. faenugr. ʒiij. far: lupinor. ʒij. myrrhae, ʒj ss. Sulphuris viui, ℥j. Let all be somewhat bruised, and boyle them together at a soft fire to the halfe, then put in vini albi lbj ss. After it is B cold, straine it. *. It's effectuall in cold Tumors. Banester.

℞. Lixiuij, lbiiij. aquae vitae, lbj. oxymel: simpl. lbj. myrrhae, ℥ij. Salis torrefacti, ℥j ss. lupinor. ℥j. ireos [...]j. absinthij, M j flor. Chamo. Hyperici, Staechadis, ana ℥j. Cymini. ℥ss. Powder them grosly, and seeth them all to the wasting of one pinte; so straine C it. * It excels in Gangraena. Banester.

℞. Rad: bistortae, rad: Symphiti vtrius (que), ana ℥j. ss. Hyperici, Polygoni, folior, rubi, ana M j. Sem: cumini, anisi ana ℥j. nasturtij torrefacti, ℥ss. flor. staechad, anthos, & centaurij, ana Pij. Boyle them in sufficient raine water and wine, and apply it with sponges. *. To dissolue winde in a windie rupture. Ex Antidotario Bane­steri.

℞. Chamaemeli, meliloti, folior. myrti, ana M ij. Absinthij, Squinanti, Staechados. Rosar. matricariae, ana M j. Coriandri, ma­ratri, ana M j. mellis, lbss. Salis, aluminis rochae, ana ℥ij ss. Boyle them in water to the consumption of the third part, and vse it. D*. Against cold Apostemes of the armes, or legs, which are cal­led Vndimia. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Lixiuij barbitonsoris, lbiiij in quo bulliant Seminis Cumini, ℥ij. Seminis petrosilini, & apij, ana ℥ ss. Salis comis: lbj. Make a foment. *. against a watery rupture. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Maluae, bismaluae, brancae vrsinae, ana M ij. Chamaemeli, stae­chad: E arabici, & citrini, ana M j. Mixe them together, and boyle them in water sufficient, &c. and with a sponge, foment *. the Hemorrhoids. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Seri lactis, lbiiij. vini Sanguinei, lbiiij. vini maluatici, lbj. ros. rub: ℥iiij. flor. anthos, Chamaemeli, Betonicae, Hyperici, Me­liloti, Saluiae, Ʋalerianae, ana P iij. Mellis rosar. ℥iiij. rad: Sym­phiti maioris, ℥ ss aloes hepaticae, ℥ ss. Vermium terrestium, ℥j. alumi­nis, [Page] [Page] [Page 115] ʒij ss. iridis ʒij. Cinamo. ℥iij. thuris, ℥ij. Powder what is to be powdred, and boyle them to the wasting of lbj. Then distill them, and with that lycour, bathe either wound, or vlcer *. and A it will both comfort and heale them. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri.

℞. Absinthij, musci odorati, rosar. rub: ana M ss. Caryoph: masticis, macis, ana ʒij. Cinamo. nuc: mosc: cyperi, ana ʒj. Boyle them in red wine and being warme, moyst a sponge therein, and bath the region of the ventricle therewith morning and euening. *. Against vomiting, in cure of wounds, vlcers, or bruises. Ex B Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Absinthij, menthae, ros. rub: ana ℥j. galangae, Cinamo: ana ʒiij. Calami odorati, ʒj. masticis, ℥ss. Squinanti, ℈iiij. flor. Chamo: ʒvj. flo: anthos, ʒiij. Zedoariae, ℈ij. mosci: ℈j. First, bruise the hearbes, and then the rest, and put them in a cloath, and boyle them in ij. pounds of Malmsey, and iij ounces of Rose water, with the pulp of one Quince, till halfe be wasted, and with a sponge, foment the region of the Stomacke warme; after that, apply the boyled ingredient in manner of a Sacculus, and when it waxeth cold, renue it, chiefly in the morning, and before meales. *. Against vomiting, after the healing of old vlcers. Ex Antidot: C Banesteri.

℞. Et fac Lixiuium ex cineribus quercus, ficus, sarmentor. cort: fabar. in quo concoques rad: ebuli, ℥ij ss. Canlium rubror. M iij. lupinor. saenugr. ana P iij flo: Sambuci, & staechados, ana P ij. alu­minis, Sulphuris, ana ℥ij. Salis ℥iiij. aceti ℥v. *. This easeth the D gout in the hands, if they bee fomented therewith. Calme­teus.

℞. Saluiae, maioranae, calamitae, ebuli, rutae, rorism: beton: ana M ss. rad: acori ℥j. fol: lauri, P ij. Boyle these in aq: & vino ana q.s. Fill a fit vessell with this decoction, to set the feet of the Pa­tient into (and that as hot as may bee endured) then couer close the legges, feet, and vessell, and cause the Patient to vse motion with his toes, whilest his feet remaine in this decoction; After­wards apply the materials or the strained ingredients (hot) vnto the part or parts affected, and when they waxe colde, remoue them, then dry well, the parts moystned, with hot cloathes, then anoint the plants of the feet, and parts affected, cum ol: laurino. [Page 116] *. This hath been profitably aplyed in morbe arthritico. D r. Bonhā.

A ℞. Ʋini albi, lbij. aq: vitae, ℥iij. myrrhae, aloes, ana ℥j. resinae pini, ℥iiij. s.a. make a fomentation. *. which is very commodi­ous in greene wounds. Clowes.

℞. Flor. Chamo. melilo: ana P j. ros. rub: P ij. Saluiae, beton: ana P j. Sem: anisi, faenic. lini, faenugr. ana ʒiij. Seeth them in B equall portions of tart wine, and running water. This applied with a sponge, assuageth *. swolne Eyes. Diseases of the Eyes,

℞. Beton. euphragiae, ana M j. Saluiae, maioranae, hyssopi, ana C M ss. flo. Chamo. ros. melilo. ana P ss. Sem: auisi, fae nic. ana ℥ss. Seeth these in equall parts of wine and water. *. The which being applyed with sponges, cleares the sight. Diseases of the Eyes.

℞. Fol: Saluiae, absinthij, nuc: cupressi, alchymillae, ana M ij. Salis comis: M j. aluminis, ℥j. furfur: ligat: in panno M ij. Boyle them in aq: ij. parts, & vini rubri one part, cum modico aceti. D Being boyled vnto due heigh. The Tumor called Oedema. *. be­ing therewith fomented, and a sponge (therein inbibed) apply­ed hot thereto, and suffered there to rest by the space of xij. houres by diurnall and nocturnall repetition, in short space (with Gods blessing) dissolues the Tumor. D r. Fach.

℞. Fol: & rad: maluar. fol: & rad: altheae, Saponariae, Parie­tariae, ana M j. radicem lilij albi, Caput veruicis cum pelle & lana, ficnum ping: n o: xij. Boyle all these a good space, and let the Pa­tient E sit ouer it and receiue the seme thereof, or with a sponge apply it warme, and often. *. To mollifie a Carbuncle. Frederick.

℞. Rad: altheae, ℥j. maluar. violar parietariae, flo: Chamo. melilo. ana Mj. Sem: maluae, faenugr, ana ʒiijss. Make a decoction in aq: q s. F vnto lbij. This applyed with sponges vnto the regions of the raines and Bladder. *. profiteth such as cannot pisse, by reason of some stop of slime, grauell, or stone. Forrestus.

℞. Nasturtij aquatici, parietariae, fursuris in nodulo ligati, (& inter Coquendum sepius expressi) fol: maluae, ana M ij. Boyle them in6 vino albo, q.s. Foment the region of the bladder with the ly­cour, G then stampe the ingredients with butter, and apply them hot vnto the same parts after the fomentation. *. It's vertuous with the former. Forrestus.

℞. Melanthij, & artimisiae, ana q.s. Boyle them in aq: marinua, vel muria, vnto tendernesse. Let such parts as are affected with [Page] [Page] [Page 117] the *. Arthriticall gowt, be therewith often fomented; and by A the grace of God the Patient shall thereby receiue much ease. Iasonius Pratensis.

℞. Cornu damae ras. q. s. Boyle it in Cereuisia illupulata q.s. vntill it become a Ielly-like substance; then with proper stuphes (being therein madefied) foment the part affected, the which by frequent vse, remoues inueterate aches. *. I receiued this as a B great secret; from the right worshipfull Master Edward Dowce Esquire.

℞. Aq: distillatae, hyoscyami, lbj. vitrioli albi, ʒij. Sang: drac. ʒj. ol: garyoph: gut: viiij. Commixe them for a Foment. *. It as­suageth C the paines of the gout, if the parts affected, be therewith fomented; and after being well dried, cloathed vp with the play­ster thus marked. [...] M r. King.

℞. Furfuris macri, M j. absinthij. flo: Chamo. melilo. agrimo. Scabiosae, fumariae, rad: lapathi, ana M j. Boyle all these (being bruised) in lixiuio forti, lbvj. vnto the halfe, straine and apply it with sponges, being fomented and dryed, anoint the parts affe­cted, with the vnguent thus marked. [...] This being repeated. *. It kills both scabs and itch. But it will bee necessary after­wards D to purge the body by the aduise of a skilfull Physitian. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Auenar. nigr. lbiij ss. aluminis rochae pul: ℥xx. adipis carnis porcinae Siccatae & rancidae, ℥xij. folior, brassicae contusor. M iij. Put them all into a cleane and fit vessell, powre thereon iij. gallons of faire water; boyle it to the halfe: then take it from the fire, and let it stand till it be cold; then take off the fat which swimmes on the top & reserue it for your vse. *. It healeth dry Chaps in the E hands, or other parts, if they be first fomented with the hot licour, and afterwards anointed with some of the fat; Let the Patient weare dogs leather gloues. Ex Manuscripto. I haue found it best to beate or stampe the rustie bacon, before the boyling.

℞. Aceti vini acerrimi q.v. Dissolue therein gummi arabici, q.s. being made hot; foment the parts affected therewith, the which by frequent repetition. *. killeth Ring-wormes, Tettars, F Scabs, Hot and running sores in what part soeuer. Ex Manuscript

℞. Rad: althea, ʒij. rad: ireos, ℥ss. fol: maluae, & altheae, ana M j. absinthij, M ss. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥ss. Sem: ta­marisci, [Page 118] staechados, ana P j. Make a decoction with iij. parts of A water, and one part of wine, add thereto a little vineger. *. It dissolues the hardnesse of the spleene, if the region thereof be fo­mented therwith. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Saluiae, rorismar. ana M j. Boyle them in lbij. Cereuisiae fortissimae, in a new earthen vessell vnto the wasting of a third part, then add Ol: irini: ℥ij. ol: lilior. ʒvj. ol: costini, nardini, laurini, anethini, ana ʒij ss. Succi ireos, & Scillae, ana ℥ss. aqua vitae, ℥iiij. Commixe and boyle them at a gentle fire, vnto the wasting of the halfe; reserue it in a narrow mouthed vessell close stopt. B*. This (being artifically applied) enlargeth contracted Nerues. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Calamenthi, origani, betonicae, flo: rorism: ros. rub: ana P j. fol: lauri, Saluiae, ana M ss. lupinor. Calami odorati, Squinanthi, Spicae nardi ana ʒij. flor. vtrius (que) staechados, ana P j. Make a de­coction in aq: pluuiali q.s. whereunto add aceti par. Straine and C apply it with a sponge. *. to discusse an Oedematous Tumor. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Apij, lenistici, solatri, ana M j. or ij. Seui ouini, q.s. Co­quantur ex-saecibus vini albi, vel aceti albi, vel cereuisiae bonae, vnto D tendernesse. *. It asswageth paine, if the part affected be there­with fomented, and the ingredients bound hot thereto. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Fol: visci pomor. minutim concisor. cum fructibus, M iij. rad: alth: cum solijs, maluar, violar. ana M ij. Sem: bini, & faenugr. ana ℥ij. flor. Chamo. melilo, ana P ij. Boyle them in E lacte q s. f. Foment. *. It extinguisheth inflamations, assuageth paine, and softneth Tumors. Quetcitanus.

℞. Rad alth [...]e, ℥j Calament: origani, ana M j. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥j. Sem: apij, Petrosilini, Seseleos, ana ℥ ss. flo [...]. Chamo. meliloii, vel Sambuci, ana P j. Make a decoction, in aq: vel vino, F vel oleo, apply it hot with sponges, *. to mittigate the paines of the Collick. Rondeletius.

℞. Rad: altheae, ℥ij ss, parietariae, maluae; altheae, ana M j. Sem: milij Solis, ℥ss. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ʒj. flor. a [...] ethi, Chamo. melilo: ana P j. Make a decoction with three parts of water, and one part of white wine. Ʋel. ℞. Rad: Saxifràg. raphani, [...]lior. alber. altheae, ana ℥j. Senecionis, parietariae, violariae, Sysimbrij and [Page] [Page] [Page 119] aquat: ana M j. maluae, branchae vrsinae, altheae, ana M ss. Decoct them as the former, with either of these s.a. foment the raines and vriters. *. To dilate the vriters, and to assuage the dolors of A the raines, the latter is more forcible, for it reuelleth the stone in the kidneyes. Rondeletius.

℞. Maluae cum rad: M j ss. ficuum, n o: xl. flo: Chamo. violar. melilo. ana P j. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥j. anisi, ℥ss. Make a de­coction with water q.s. straine and apply it hot with sponges, *. to ease the pained side. Rondeletius. B

℞. Euphragiae, M j. palea, auenae, M ij Sem: faenugr. in aq: faenic: loti, ʒiij. Sem: anisi, faenic. ana ʒj ss. flo: staechad: P ss. Pow­der these, and fill with thee powder ij. little square bags. Infuse them in vino albo, & aq. faenic. ana q.s. *. with these foment the C Eye against that inflammation called Ophthalmia. Rondeletius.

℞. Flo: Chamo. melilo. staechados, ana Mj. flo: Genistae, anethi, Sco­lopendriae, ana M j ss. cum vino alb, & aq: ana q.s. Make a deco­ction: fill two fit bags with the boyled ingredients, and apply them, alternis vicibus, hot, and hot to the region of the spleene. *. To mollifie, and assuage the hardnesse thereof. Rondeletius. D

℞. Rad: alth: ℥ij Calament: origani, ana M j. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥j. Sem: apij. seseleos, petrosilini, ana ℥ ss. flo: Chamo. melilo: ana P j. Rad: apij, asparagi, graminis, petrosilini, ana ℥ ij. Make a decoction in aq: & vino, vel oleo, apply the strained ly­cour with sponges, vnto the regions of the raines and bladder. E *. It profiteth such as cannot pisse, by reason of slime, grauell, or stone. Rondeletius.

℞. Tapsibarbati. absinthij, ana M vj. Bruise and boyle them in lacte recenti, q.s. Make thereof ij. fit bags, apply them often hot to the belly and fundament. *. To assuage paine in Tenesmus. F Rulandus.

℞. Ol: ros. ℥ ij. Ol nympheae, ℥ iij. lactis caprini recentis, ℥v. Commixe them at the fire, and being hot, madefie linnen cloathes therein, which being wrung out and applyed hot and double, being often repeated. *. It asswageth paine, euen vnto admirati­on. G Rulandus.

℞. Mithridati, ℥j. theriacae, ℥ij. aegiptiacae, ℥ ss. Dissolue them all in aq: vitae, & aq: Card: benedict: ana q.s. *. This cures vlcers cau­sed H by the bitings of venemous beasts, if it bee often fomented herewith hot. Rulandus.

[Page 120]℞. Glandulor. contusor. vel fol: querc. q.s. Boyle them in aceto forti, And with fit stuphes of red cloathes, therein madefied and A frequently applyed hot. *. It cures the Hemorrhoidall flux. Ru­landus. In scipso expertum.

℞. Castorei ping: ℥j. Being well beaten, boyle it in vino ge­neroso, B q.s. vnto the halfe, straine and reserue it. *. It auailes against the palsie of the yard, being applyed hot with a sponge. Rulan­dus.

℞. Vini stiptici, lb viij. ros. balaust: fol: myrti & fructus eius, Sumach: fol: plantag: hyperici, Caprifolij, ana M j. rad: consolid: Ma: & Mino: eor (que) fol: ana M ss. Rad: altheae, ℥ ij. nucum cupressi, n o: xij. hypocistidis, ℥ ss. aluminis rochae, ℥ij. aceti rosati, ℥ij ss. licij ℥iij ss. myrrhae, thuris, ana ʒv. glutinis piscium, ℥j. fol: querc: M ij Rad: Mori, ℥ij. Boyle them altogether vnto the wa­sting C of halfe the wine. *. It profits much in the cure of a rupture. being duly applyed twice a day, and after the fomentation, to anoint the place affected with the vnguent thus marked. [...]

℞. Fol: absinthij maioranae, eupatorij veri, origani, pulegij, ca­lament. Rutae, ana M ss. sol: ebuli, Sambuci, & Caulium rubr: ana M j. fol: querci, lentisci, rubi, & cupressi, ana M ss. thymelaeae, Sol­donellae, ana M. j. flor. chamo. & melilo. ana P j. Sem: anisi, aneti, maratri, cumini, conquassor. ana ℥j. uncum cupressi, gallar. omnium contritrar. ana paria iiij. aluminis, lbss. Salis comis: tantundem. D Boyle them all in Lee made of oke ashes and the stalkes of Cole­worts, and so make a foment, *. against Bubo Venerea to be apply­ed with a sponge. Valeriola.

℞. Fol: plantag: M ij. absinthij, M ss. fol: oliuae, lentisci, Summi­tat: rubi, ana M j fol: beton: M ss. flor. Chamo. melilo: anthos, hy­perici st [...]echad: ros. rub: folior. ac granor. myrti, ana M j. Decoct them i [...] aq: q.s. towards the end, and thereto vini rubri adstrin­gentis, E lbiiij. Being applyed s.a. it dryeth *. an vlcer, and brings it to Cicatrization. Valeriola.

Specier. Cordialium temperatar. ℥ ss. moschi, ambrae, ana gr. xx. camphorae, gr. j. Sandalor. omnium ana ʒ ss. ligni aloes, ℈j. lan­dani. ʒij. vini maluatici, aq: ros. aq: flor. myrti, aq: flor: arantior. ana q.s. aceti par. Bruise what is to bee bruised, and commixe F them with the lycours, and to be applyed with a sponge *. against Bubo Venerea, lurking in the flesh. Vesalius.

[Page 121]℞. Vrinae pueri masculi, decimum annor. non attingentis lbj. al­buminum ouor. n o: iij. aceti albi, lb ss. aq: ros. ℥ij. Mixe them, ap­ply it warme with proper stuphes *. against an inflammation, in A the beginning, or in the augmentation. Victor Fauentius.

℞. Rosar. myrtillor. ana M j. melilo. authos, ana M ss. uncum cupressi, n o: ij. vini nigri Spissi, lbj ss. aq: ros. aq: myrtillor. ana ℥iij. Bruise what is to bee bruised, and boyle them together to the B halfe: vse it with a sponge. *. against the enlarging of the apple of the Eye. Vigo.

℞. Vini nigri stiptici, lb iiij. rosar. balaustior. fol: myrtill: & gra: eius, sumach: fol: plantag: hyperici, matri siluae, ana M j. rad: Symphati vtrius (que), & fol: eiusdem, ana M ss. rad: altheae, ℥ij. nu­cum cupressi, n o: iij. hypocist: ℥ss. aluminis rochae, ℥ij. aceti ros. ℥ijss. licij, ℥iij. myrrhae, thuris, ana ʒv. glutinis piscium, ℥j. Boyle alto­gether to the halfe, apply the strained lycour with a sponge. *. In C the cure of a Rupture. Vigo.

℞. Vini nigri, lbiij. lixiuij barbitonsoris, lbj ss. nucum cupressi aliquantulum trituratar. n o: x. myrtillor. rosar. absinthij, ana Mss. aluminis rochae, ℥ss. Coriandror. Cymini, Calami aromatici, ana ʒij. Boyle them altogether to the wasting of a third part. This applyed warme with a sponge *. dissolueth, scattereth, and ven­teth D forth contused bloud, hauing made a bunch or knob in the flesh, the skin being whole. Ʋigo.

℞. Aq: plantag: aq: rosar ana ℥iij. balaustior. myrtillor. ana par. myrabolanor. citrinor. ʒij. aluminis rochae, ʒij ss. terrae sigilla­tae. ʒiij. Santalor. omnium, ana ʒj. aq: endiuiae, ℥ij. mellis rosar. ℥j. Boyle them to the consumption of a third part; Straine and ap­ply it *. against virulent, corosiue, and rebellious vlcers. Vigo. E

℞. Rad: & folior. ebuli, & altheae, ana M j. rutae, Saluiae, Sam­buci, pulegij, ana M ss. Chamameli, meliloti, ana Pj ss. Sem: faenugr. Pj ss. Boyle them in iij. parts of oyle, and one of wine. *. this as­suageth F the paine of huckle bone, if it be fomented hot with a sponge. Weckerus.


℞. Thuris, masticis, ladani, styracis calamitae, ana ʒss. These be­ing A powdred with gummed water, make lozenges s.a. *. These artificially applyed, stay and dry rheumes. Andernacus.

℞. Rosar. rub: flor. flaechad, rorism. ana ʒj. thuris, ʒij. macis, ca­ryophyllor. B Xyloaloes, ana ʒj ss. Powder them for a Fume. *. To strengthen the animall and vitall spirits. Andernacus.

℞. Thuris, masticis, ana ʒiij. Santalor. omnium, ana ʒj. styracis calamitae, ladani, ros. rub: ana ʒij. with the powder of these, and C gummed water, s.a. make Trochises *. whose Fume artificially receiued, cure that cough, which is caused by a continuall de­fluxion from the head. Andernacus.

℞. Santalor. omnium, ana ℥j. nuc: mosch: masticis, iunci odo­rati, Caryophyllor. Capharae, Succini, asari, ana ℥ ss. Cort: mali D a [...] antij, ℥j. terebinth, q.s. Make Trochises. *. This prouokes sweate in morbo gallico. Andernacus.

℞. Cinabrij, ℥ss. thuris, masticis, ana ℥j. Calami aromat, Zedoa­riae, ana ʒiij. o [...]ibani, Sandaracae verae, ana ʒij Cerussae, ℥ss. Tere­binth: q.s.f Trochis. Vel ℞. Cort. thurit, ʒij. masticis, gummi hederae, gummi iuniperi, ladani, hypocistidis, ana ℥ss. auripigmenti rubri, vel citrini, ʒiij. Cinabri, ℥j. Terebinth, q.s.f. Trochis. Ʋel ℞. Cinabrij, ℥ij. ladani, ʒij. Cort: citri Sicci, ℥ss. Sublimati, ʒj. thuris, masticis, styracis, calamitae, rad: dictamni veri, ana ʒjss. theriacae veteris, q.s. Forme trochises, each seuerall to weigh ʒjss. The Author (as he affirmeth) neuer vsed Fume if by any other meanes he could preuaile, by reason of ill accidents, which he had obserued in other mens practise. viz. That sundry of the noble parts had receiued hurt thereby. In some hath chanced the Syn­cop: In some the Palsie: In other some Conuulsions, &c. But if necessitie compelled; he euer vsed one of these three here set downe. Further, obseruing these rules. viz. That if any flux de­scend to the lungs, in stead of the Sublimate he vsed auripigmen­tum. Secondly, when he vsed the Fume after the vnction, to ex­tirpate the reliques of the greefe, that then he omitted both the Cynabrium: as also the auripigmentum, and in their steades hee [Page] [Page] [Page 123] commixt with the other ingredients some proper Cordials, for­cible to cut, attenuate, and to discusse. Thirdly, he administred his Fumes in this forme: viz. he placed his patient naked vnder a canopie on a fit seate, causing him to shut his eyes; Sometimes he gaue libertie to put forth his head. He spent at once ℥j. or ℥jss. of the Trochises. He further vsed the bed (after the Fume) and enlarged the sweate, Secundum vires. Fourthly, he administred the fume in the morning fasting; vnlesse that the Patient were very weake; then he gaue libertie for the yolke of an egge and a little wine, or else diamargaritonis frigid. ℥ss. or a little of the barke of a Citron condited. *. In the cure of Lues Venerea. An­tonius A Calmeteus.

℞. Ros. rub: Spicae nardi, ligni, aloes, costi, rorism. masticis, san­tali rubri, bdellij, ladani, olibani, Croci, ana ʒj ss. Cort: colocynth, styracis liquid: ana ʒj ss. bardanae, piperis, citrini, ana ʒiij. Carda­moni, Cubebar, Caphurae, ana ℈ij. gr: 5. mosch: gr. 6. Being powdred and searsed with Rose-water, q.s. Make small Trochi­ses, and dry them in the shadow. *. The Fume of these profits B much against corrupt ayre. Arnoldus Villonauanus.

℞. Cinabrij, ℥j. mercurij sublimati, ʒj. myrrhae, masticis, thu­ris, styracis calamitae, ana ℈v. gummi iuniperi, terobinth, landani, ana q.s. f Trochisci. This Fume being applyed s.a. cleanseth the body of soule and filthie scabs proceeding * Ex Lue Ʋenerea. Ex C Antidotario Banester.

℞. Cinabr. & lapid: haematit: ana ℥j. Beate them seuerally, and then commixe them, and after due purgation, let the Patient be artificially and diurnally fumed therewith by the space of vij. daies. Let him be carefull that he take not cold. (If need require, let the Patient vse adstringing gargarismes) *. This cures Aches, D in and about the ioynts, being often tried both on young and old. D r. Bonham.

℞. Cinabrij, ℥j ss. belzoini, styracis, myrrhae, rad: ireos florent, masticis, olibani, ana ℥ ss. nuch: mosch: maceris, ana ʒiij. theriacae, E ℥ij. terebinth, q.s.s.a. f. Trochis. *. The Fume of these (artificially applyed) cleanseth the body of such foule and filthie scabs as often proceed, Ex Lue Venerea, Clowes.

℞. Myrrhae, olybani, assae faeditae, ana ʒij. Beate them grosly, and binde them vp in a linnen cloath, hang them in a fit pipkin, in [Page 124] aceti lbj. cause it gently to boyle, and let the Patient receiue the A Fume with a funnell, the which by repetition *. profits much against the Scorbute. Clowes.

℞. Cynabrij, ℥j. thuris, myrrhae, ana ℈vij. aloes hepat: Sādarachae, styra: Calamitae, benzoini, ana ʒj. Mixe and make them into a B grosse powder, the fume whereof profits much *. in Lues Venerea. Clusius.

℞. Cort: thuris, masticis, olibani, myrrhae, gummi iuaiper: ana ℥ss. ros. rub: Santalor, omnium, ana ʒij. auripigmenti rubri, ʒiij. lapidis pyritis, ʒij. With muscilage of gum dragant. Make Tro­chises C*. against vlcers of the nose proceeding Ex Alopecia Gal­lica. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Thuris, masticis, ana ʒj. styrac: calamit: ladani, ana &ij. Succi Syrenacij, ʒiij. Sandarachae, ʒss. Make powder of them and D fume therewith each morning and night, *. This staies a distilla­tion from the braine. Fontanonus.

℞. Cinabrij, ℥ij. olibani, myrrhae, benzoini, ana ℥j. galliae mosch: ʒjss. theriacae electae, ℥ss. styracis liquid: q.s. f. Troch. Ap­ply E them s.a. to dissolue indurated Tumors. *. in Lues Venerea. Forrestus.

℞. Trochis. galliae moschatae, ʒj. Saluiae, maiorana, rorism. ana ʒj ss. maceris; Caryoph: Cinamon. ana ʒj. fol: lauri, ʒss. lig. aloes ℈j. mosch: gr: iij. Beate them seuerally, then commixe them, and F fume the head s.a. *. This excels in staying and drying of rheumes. Fuchsius.

℞. Cinabrij, lapidis haematitis, ana partes aequales: Commixe G and apply them *. against foule and filthie scabs proceeding Ex Lue Ʋenerea. Iarret.

℞. Mercurij praecip: & Cinabrij, ana ℥jss. lap: hamatit: ℥j. Sulph: viui, & Salis nitri, ana ʒij. Mixe and powder them for a H fume *. against Lues Venerea. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cinabrij, & praecipit, ana ℥j ss. lap, sanguinalis, ℥j. Sulph: viui, & Salis nitri, ana ʒij. Make powder and mixe them. Vel ℞. Salis nitri, ʒj. Salis gemmae, ʒj. Sulph: viui, ʒij. praecipit, ʒj. vermilionis, ʒij. lap: haematit: ʒiij. Powder and mixe them. The I fume of these is to be administred by a tunnell. *. So doth it pro­fit much in Lues Ʋenerea. Owen.

℞. Olei oliuar. olei iuniperi, ana ℥v. masticis, lbss. terebin. ℥iiij ss. [Page] [Page] [Page 125] Mixe them for a Fume. *. against contracted members, to be ap­plyed A in forme following. Place the lame member, in a fit vessell of wood, made for that purpose, and so enclose the member therein, as that none of the fume may issue forth: vnderneath, kindle part of this receipt, and maintaine the fume for vj. houres space. This vapour will thicken into a water, as such things doe in a limbecke. It will peirce and warme the member, and cherish the vaines and humor of life, and restore the member to naturall liueliehood. This intention is to be prosecuted vnto per­fect cure. Paracelsus.

℞. Taxi pinguedinis, olei oliuar. adipis ranae minimae, viridis, calamites appellatae, ana lbj. myrrhae, masticis, terebinth: ana lbss. Vse it as before. *. for the foresaid infirmities. Paracelsus. B

℞. Cinabrij, ℥j. belzoini, styracis, myrrhae, olibani, & opopona­cis. ana ℥ss. masticis, thuris, ana ʒij. terebinth: q.s. Commixe them and s.a. forme little balls for your vse. *. This applyed s.a. cures C vlcers proceeding Ex Lue Venerea. Rondeletius.

℞. Cinabrij, ℥j. styracis, rubei, & Calamitae, nucis moscatae, ana ʒiij. belzoini, ℥ss. terebinth: q.s. forme small balls, each seuerall to weigh ʒij. *. This applyed prouokes sweate. Rondele­tius. D

℞. Coriandri, rosar. gummi hederae torrefacti, ana ℥j. nigellae torrefactae in aceto. ℥j ss. masticis, thuris, cort: thuris, ana ʒiij. gum­mi iuniperi, ʒij. Make a powder twixt subtill and grosse, Cast thereof vpon quicke coales, and fume the head therewith (being couered.) You may if you please, make small lozenges with the powder and gummed water, in forme of Lupines, and so drie and reserue them. *. This doth stay and dry rheumes. Rondele­tius. E

℞. Gummi hederae torrefacti, coriandri, ros. rub: Santalor. ma­sticis, thuris, Cort: thuris, myrrhae, ana ʒiij. belzoini, styracis, ladani puri, hypocistidis, ana ʒij. auripigmentirubri, ʒj. With the powder of these and turpentine, q.s. Make Trochises in forme of Lupines, dry them for vse. *. The Fume of this auailes against F vlcers of the lungs, nostrills, and wombe. Rondeletius.

℞. Coriandri praep: ros. rub: ana ℥j. ladani puri, hypocistidis, ana ʒiij. Santali rub: & alb: blattae [...]izantiae, ana ʒij. Capit: papa­ueris, Cort: mandrag. ana ʒij. styracis, belzoini, ana ʒj. auripig­menti [Page 126] ʒss. With the powder of these, and gum dragant, and gum arabick, ana q.s. Dissolued in Rose-water, with powder of a willow cole; make Trochises, &c. The Fume profits much. A*. in vlcers of the lungs accompanied with inflammation. Ron­deletius,

℞. Rad: & fol: vngulae Caballinae, ℥j. marrubij, ℥ss. myrrhae, sty­racis, bdellij, ana ʒiij. Capit papaueris, Sem: hyoscyami, ana ʒj. These being powdred, cum terebinth: pice, & butyro: ana q.s.f. B Trochis. The Fume of these being receiued by the mouth and no­strills, *. cures an old cough. Rondeletius.

℞. Fol: absinthij, anthos, staechad: Chamo. ana ʒij. myrrhae, sty­racis, C belzoini, ana ʒiij. terebinth: q.s. s.a. f. Tabulae. *. This Fume maruelously asswageth the paines of the Ioynts: if woll or bom­bace (well c [...]rded) be duely fumed therewith, and so applyed hot to the place affected. Rondeletius.

℞. Marchasitae, ℥ij. propoleos, ℥iij. bdellij, myrrhae, styracis, D iridis, ana ℥ss. terebinth: q.s. Make Tabulates s.a. whose fume dis­solues *. indurated Tumors. Rondeletius.

℞. Cinabris, ℥ij. styracis, belzoini, ana ℥j. myrrhae, Cort: pini, E ana ℥ss. terebinth: q.s. Make orbicular Trochises. The Fume whereof prouokes sweat in Lues Venerea. *. It is to be admini­stred in a close roome made hot by art; the Patient to bee close couered (the head except, least he bee ouercome and suffocate, which hath sometimes chanced) the Fume being ended, cast him speedily into a hot bed, and continue the sweat. Secundum vires. Rondeletius.

℞. Thuris, masticis, ana ℥j. Cort: citri Sicci, ℥ ss. agallochi, sty­racis calamitae, calamenthae, Caryoph, ana ʒiij. These being well powdred, let the Patient bee well fumed therewith before the F comming of the fit: this comforteth the spirits, and heart. *. It's right profitable in an Ague, as also against the defections of the minde. Andernacus.

℞. Cort: thuris, masticis, olybani, myrrhae, styracis, gummi iu­neperi, ana ℥ ss. Rosar. rub: Sandalor. omnium, ana ʒij. auripig­menti rubri, ʒiij. lapidis pyritis, ʒij. With the muscilage of gum G dragant. Make Trochises. *. The Fume whereof profits much in vlcers of the nose, proceeding Ex Lue Venerea. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

[Page 127]℞. Styracis, Sandarachae, masticis, nicotianae, terebinth: ana partes aequales, s.a. f. Trochis. *. The Fume whereof (frequently A receiued, cures an old cough, enlargeth a straight breath, and ex­pelleth rotten, and pleuriticke matter. Riolanus.

℞. Thuris, masticis, ana ʒij. gummi tragacanti, ℈iiij. vnguli equi, ℥j. s.a. f. Trochis. The Fume whereof being receiued be­neath through a hollow stoole. *. stayeth the violent bleeding at B the nose. Rulandus.

℞. Carabae albissimae, ʒj. Make it into grosse powder, part whereof being laid vpon quicke coales (in a fit vessell) and the Patient receiuing the Fume thereof into his mouth (through a funnell) morning, noone, and night. *. It auailes much against C the inflammation of the Tonsiles. The Author conuaied the said Fume (by the nostrils) vnto the braine; against the defects of the minde. Anointing (after the Fume) the inside of the nostrills. Cum oleo Carabae: Rulandus.

℞. Rad: raphanor. q. v. Shred them, and put them into a fit vessell, poure good white wine on them in such sort, that they may be couered ij. or iij. fingers depth: then lute on the couer of the vessell so as no ayre may issue forth; then boyle it on a gen­tle fire, by the space of one houre; then place the vessell in a close stoole, and giue it some vent. Let the Patient sit ouer it, and re­ceiue the Fume thereof into, and about his nether parts. *. This D profits much against the Strangury, causing vrine to flow forth liberally, for it mightily opens and dilates the passages, and that with much ease and safetie. The Author commends it vpon ma­nifold experience. Rulandus.


℞. Plantag. oxalidis, portul: ana M ss. Cort. Mali granati, rhus, ana ℥ ss. ros: rub: P j. Cort: glandium, ʒiij. Boyle them in aq: q.s. to the wasting of a third part, then add to the distrai­ned lycour, diamoronis, ℥ ss. Syr: myrtill: Syr: è papauere, ana ℥j. aceti, ℥j. Commixe them for a Gargarisme, *. Against the in­flammation E of the Tonsils in the beginning. ƲelLentium, Rosar. Palmular. ana q.s. Boyle them in aq: q.s. for a Garga­risme. [Page 128] A*. To bee applyed in defect of the other. Andoena­cus.

℞. Cerasor, acidor. vel. Cerasor. immatur [...] r. M ij. aq: cisternae, lbij. Boyle them together to the halfe; add to the strained ly­cour, aceti ℥ij. f. Gargar. against the former greefe. Vel ℞. Spinae aegiptiae, ʒj. iridis, ʒss. glycyr: rasae, ʒss furfuris frumenti, P ss. Palmular. n o: vj. Boyle them in aq: velsapa q.s. add to the strained lycour, mellis optimi par. f. Gargar. Vel ℞. Diamoronis, ℥j ss. mellis rosati, aq: plantag. & Caprifolij, ana ℥iiij. misce & f. B Gargar. *. Against the Squinancie. Andernacus.

℞. Pisor. P ij. Boyle them moderately in aq: q.s. In lbj ss. of the strained lycour, dissolue mellis rosati, ℥j. Commixe them, C &c. *. This he entitles the common cleansing Gargarisme. An­dernacus.

℞. Maioranae, Saluiae, hyssopi, origani, ana M j. Passular. ℥j. Cort: rad: ebuli, Cort: Cappar. ana ʒij. Make a decoction in aq: q s. vnto the wasting of a third part. Dissolue in lb ss. of the strai­ned lycour, Syr: de prassio, & mellis rosati, Colati, ana ℥j. f. Garg: D*. It cuts tough and viscous slime and flegme. Anderna­cus.

℞. Plantag. vtrius (que), prunellae, fragrariae, ligustri, Ros. Rub: malua, flor. intybi Siluestris, ana partes aequales, aq: q.s. Boyle them in a new earthen pipkin vnto the wasting of a third part; E straine and vse it. *. against foule vlcers of the mouth. Ander­nacus.

℞. Plantag. candae equinae, ana M j. Rosar. balaustior. Summi­tat: absinthij, & Salicis, ana P j. hord: integ: ℥j. lenticular. Su­mach: nucum Cupressi, ana ʒiij. Decoct them sufficiently in ten parts of water, and one part of vineger. In the straining, dissolue mellis, rosati, vini granator. & diamori, ana ℥j. f. Garg: VelAq: Plantag: Caprisolij, Rosar. ana ℥ij. aq: portulacae, & diamori, ana ℥j. rob: de ribes, mellis rofacei, omphacij, ana ℥ ss. misce, &c. F*. Against vlcers in the mouth, proceeding Ex Lue Venerea. Ba­nester.

℞. Ceruisiae lactis Suffocatae, lbj ss. dianucum, ℥iiij. Syr. è papa­uere nigro, ℥iij. Syr: violar. ʒij. Misceantur. Vel ℞. Aq: Hord: Ros. & Caprifolij, ana lbss. Syr: violar. ℥ij. Syr: Ros. Siccar. dia­moronis, ana ℥j. Zacchari Christallini, ℥iiij. Landani Paracels [...] [Page] [Page] [Page] gra [...] vj. M [...]ze them for a Gargarisme. *. Against i [...]i [...] moderne A flux of the mouth after the vnction, the latter is the more forcible. Banester.

℞. Ros. Rubi myrtiller. passular. enucleatar. ana ʒij. Boyle them in water of Endiue, Roses, and Plantane, of each ℥iij. vntill the third part be wasted, then straine it, and add to the ly­cour; Syr. [...]idi Simpl: & diamor [...]i, ana ℥j. ss. f. Garg: Ʋel ℞. Di [...]moronis, ℥iij. aceti rosacei, ℥j. Succi granator. musor. ℥ij. aq: plantag: Solani, vel Caprifolij, ana ℥iiij. Zachari candi, ℥j. f. Garg: *. Against Angina, or swelling in the throate in the be­ginning. B Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Balanstior. gallar, ana ʒ ss. gummi tragac: thuris, masticis, ana ʒj. Boyle them in aq: q.s. and add to the strained lycour, mellis rosari, [...]onoronis, & aceti, ana q.s.f. &c. *. for them that C bee roofe-fallen, commonly called the Vuula. Ex Antidot: Ba­nesteri.

℞. Plantag. consolid: med: Cynoglos: prunellae, rutae, ana M v. balaust: ʒ j: nucum cupressi, gallar ana ℥ss. nucleor. glandium, n o: vj. aq: font. lbiiij. Bruise them all, and boyle them in the water to the halfe, then straine it, and add rob: nucum, & mellis rosati, ana ℥ ss. Make a Gargarisme, and vse it against * all vlcers, and D excoriations of the mouth, proceeding Ex Lue Venerea. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Balauit: ℥j. Caricas pingues, n o: vj. dactil. n o: ij. Seth: lini, & saenugr. ana ℥ ss. Boyle them in aq: q. s. vnto lbj. dissolue in the straining, Cassiae, ℥ ss. myrrhae, ʒij. Croci. ʒss. lacter mulieros, ℥ j. f. Garg: *. Against Angina, or swelling in the E throate in the augmentation. Cal [...]eteus.

℞. Rad acori, vel galangae crassae, iridis, ana ℥j. Verbene, agri­moniae, brassicae ana M ss. fol: [...]lcastri, plantug: & Summit at: rubi, ana M j. Serpilli, & pulegij, ana tertiam partem M j Baccar. myr [...], ʒj ss. Ros. rub: P j. myrrhae, thuris, ana ʒij. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto lbj ss in the straining, dissolue Zacehari rosacei. ℥iij. mellis rosati, ℥ij ss. f. &c. *. Against the inflamed Vuula. Cal­meteus. F

℞. Pilofellae, plantag: Solani, Caprisolij, agrimonia Summitat: [...]leae, rubi, mori, Candae equinae, ana M j. fol: myrti cum baccis, ana ℥j. licij. ʒiij. nuc: cupressi, n o: iiij. lentium. Pj ss. Make [Page 130] your decoction is aq: ferreata, q. s. and in lbj ss. of of the strained ly­cour, A dissolue Sucri Citunior. & rosar. ana ℥ijss. mellis rosati, vel diamorenis, ℥ij. aluminis, ℥ ss. s.a. f. Garg. *. Against vlcers in the mouth, proceeding Ex Lue Venerea. Calmeteus.

℞. Hord: integri, P ij. enpaterij, nicotianae, plantag: morsu [...] gallinae, res. rub: ana M j. Boyle them in aq: lbiiij. add lbiij. add to the strained lycour, Mella Rosar. Sy [...]: Ros. Siecar. ana ℥iij. B aluminis vsti, Chalcanti vsti ana ʒss. f. Garg. * against vlcers in the mouth. Calmeteus.

℞. Aq: Res. Rub: aq Plantag: ana ℥iiij aceti opt: ℥ss. Diamo­rouis, C ℥j. Syr: violar. ℥ss. f. Garg. *. against the prolapsed V [...]. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Balaustior. gallar. ana ʒss gummi tragac: thuris, masticis, ana ʒj. aq: q.s. Boyle them to the halfe, add to the strained lycour, Mellis Rosati, diamoronis, & aceti Rosati, ana q.s. f. Garg. D*. Against the swolne and inflamed Tonsils. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Aq: Hord: aut ptisana, bene prepar. ℥iiij. Zacchari E violati [...] Zacchari Candi, ana ℥ ss. f. Garg. *. against the scabbi­nesse and blacknesse of the tongue. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: Altheae distill: lbj. Syr. è bitonica, ℥iij. In defect of the syrup, you may decoct in the water, Conser: flo: betenicae, vel stae­chad: q.s. So straine and apply it. Vel ℞. Muccilag: Sem: Maluae, & Sem: Caulium, ana ℥ij. ficuum pingnium, ℥iij. glycyr: F rasae & Contusae, ʒij. butyri recentis, ℥j. aq. altheae extillatae, lbj. Boyle them gently to the halfe, then straine it for vse. *. These concoct and dissipate, tough and viscous matter, impacted about the Larnix. And if some of the latter be sometimes swallowed, it causeth the easier expectoration. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Masticis, ʒj. Sem: Synapi, pyrethri, & staphidis agriae, ana ℈ij. piperis longi, & rad: Cyclaminis, ana ʒ ss. helleb: alb: ℈j. en­phorbij, gr: vj. flo: Chamo. & staechad: ana P ss. vini albi, aceti vini albi, & aq: Chamo. extillatae, ana ℥v. Bruise what's fit and boyle them together to the wasting of a third part, add to the strained lycour, Mellis faeniculati, & Syr: glycyr. ana ℥j ss. oxymellis G Scyllitici, ℥ss. f. Garg. *. This effectually cuts and drawes forth cold, tough, glassie, and viscons slime and flegme, both from the Larnix, Columella, and all the adiacent parts. It likewise [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page 133] [...] [Page 132] fol. pyri Siluestris, myrti, lontisci, and M ss. Boyle them in aq: Hord, q.s. In lbj ss. of the strained lycour, dissolue Mellis Rosati A Colati, ℥iiij. f. Garg. *. against vlcers of the mouth. Rondele­tius.

℞. Hyssopi, Origani, ana M j glycyr. ʒiij. Boyle them in aq: q. s. In lbj. ss. of the strained lycour dissolue, Mellis Scyllitici, vel oxymell: Scyllitici, vel Syr: e glycyr. vel Syr: de stae [...]had ℥iiij. f. B Garg. *. This cleanseth the mouth, &c. of pituitous shine there­unto adhering. Rondeletius.

℞. Hyssopi Saluiae, thymi, ana M ss. Boyle them in aq q.s. to the wasting of a third part; dissolue in lbj. of the strained lycour, C Oxmymellitis, ℥iiij. f. Garg. * against tough and clammie slime and flegme. Rondeletius.

℞. Plantag, myrti, Ros. Rub: pyri Siluestris, ana M j. aq: q.s. Boyle them to the wasting of a third part; dissolue in lbj. of the strained lycour, aluminis pul ℥j. vel ℥ij. vini albi par. f. Garg. D*. against foule vlcers of the mouth. Rondeletius.

℞. Ol: amygd dul. rec. extract. q s. If the mouth be often gar­garised E herewith. *. It preuents vlcers in the mouthes of such as are fluxed in Luc Venerea. Rondeletius. Probatum.

℞. Rad. Pentaphylli, ℥ij. Hederae, M j. rad. Cyperi, nucum Cu­pressi, F ana ℥ss. Boyle it them in aq: & aceto ana q.s.f. Garg. *. This asswagweth paine in the Teeth. Rondeletius.

℞. Pyrethri, ℥ss. Rad. Pentaphylli, ℥j. Caryoph. Cubeb. Pipe­ris longi, ana ʒij. Hederae, M ij. aq: & vini astring ana q.s. Boyle, G straine, and apply it, *. to assuage Toothache caused of rheume, or of a flux of humors. Rondeletius.

℞. Hord. niteg. torrefacti, P j. Ros. P. ss. Cort. Citri, ℥jss. Ca­ryophyllor. Cinamo. ana ʒiij. aq: cisterna, & aceti, ana q.s. Boyle, straine, &c. Vel ℞. Rad: Cyperi, ℥j. ros. rub. Pj. Santal. citrini, Ci­namo. ana ʒij. aq: cisternae, vel Chalyb [...]atae, q.s. Boyle, straine, &c. Vel ℞. Aq [...]myrti, & Ros. ana ℥ij. aq: flo. genistae, vel aq: citri, ℥ ss. Salis par. moschi, vel ambrae, gr. vj. vel plus si opus sit [...] H*. These art profitablbe against the stench of the mouth. Rondele­tius.

℞, Saluaiae, hyssopi, ana M ss. pyrethri, zinzib: garyoph. ana ʒj. aq: q.s. Boyle them to the wasting of a fourth part, then ad Oxymellis Simp. ℥ij. let them boyle together a little, then straine it for vse. [Page] [Page] [Page 133] Ʋel. ℞. Iridis veneta, ʒij. Succi glycyr. ʒj ss. piperis, ʒss. Satchar. Candi, ℥j. mellis, ℥ij. vini albi, q s. Boyle, straine, and make a Gargarisme. *. To assuage Tumors of the Vua &c. Rondeletius. A

℞. Aq: plantag. lbj mellis rosati colati, ℥ij. misce. Vel ℞. Plan­tag. cum rad: M j ss prunellae, M ss rad: lappa maioris, ℥j. vini ru­belli, & aq: comis: ana lbij. Boyle, straine, &c. Ʋel ℞. Flor. prunellae, & Saluiae, ana M j. gra. myrtillor ℥j ss. Boyle them in vino rubro, & aq ana q.s. vnto the halfe, add to the distrained lycour, diamoronis, ℥j ss. misce. *. These auaile against the inflmmations, B and vlcerations of the Vuula, the lawes, Almonds, or any other parts adiacent thereunto. Rulandus.

℞. Rapar q.v. Bruise and boyle them in aq. q.s. with the strai­ned lycour, let the Patient often Gargarise * against the burning C heate of the Tongue, after Gargarising, let the tongue be anoin­ted with new butter (being well washt in cold water) and then giue him Cremor. lactis, to licke of, & Succi rapar, to swallow. Rulandus.

℞. Beton origani, Saluiae, ana M ss. Sem: nigellae verae, ʒij. Cort. granator. ℥j. Ros. immaturar. M s. Pyrethri, ʒij. staphid. agriae, ʒj. Boylet them in aceto forti, q.s. vnto the halfe, straine and reserue it, to be applyed euery houre. Ʋel ℞. Aq. plantag. aq. Ros. aq. vel decoctionis rad. altheae, ana lbj ss. aluminis vsti, ℥j. tar­tari, ʒij. Sacchari, ℥ ss. Mixe, boyle, straine, reserue, and apply s.a. Ʋel ℞. Hord. M j. flo. Ros. P j. Passular. iuiubar. ana ℥ij. liquir. rasae, ℥j. aq. q.s. Boyle them to the halfe, add to the strai­ned lycour, Mollis Rosacei, & inlapij Rosacei, ana ℥ij. Commixe and apply it hot. *. These profit in Angina. Rulandus. D

℞. Aq. font. lbiiij. aq. mulsae, lbj. Plantag. M j. Boyle them to the wasting of ℥iiij. Straine and administer thereof, hot. *. A­gainst E an vlcer in the Pallate. Rulandus.

℞. Aluminis, ʒ ss. Hydromellitis, lbj. Boyle them together a little, & f. Garg. *. Against difficultie of swallowing. Rulandus. F

℞. Decocti pectoralis, Syr. violar. Simpl. ana ℥iij misce. *. This G profits in a Pleurisie (to be applyed as often as the tongue wax­eth dry. Rulandus.

℞. Hydromellitis, & aq. clarae, ana lbj. aluminis. ℥ ss. Boyle them together a little, wherewith let the Patient Gargarise (hot) first in the morning, againe after meate, and last at night. [Page 134] Ʋel ℞. Aq: extillat plantag. lbj ss. mellis rosati, & Syr: siquirit, A ana ℥j ss. f. Garg. *. These profit in the Scorbute.

℞. Origani, beton. Saluiae, ana M ss. Sem: nigellae, ʒij. Cort: granator. ℥j. ros. immaturar. in nodis existetium, M ss. pyrethre, ʒij. staphidis agriae, ʒj. vini rubelli, aceti rosati, lbj. Boyle them toge­ther B vnto the wasting of a sixt part. Straine and apply it hot * a­gainst the Toothache, repeate it vntill the paine cease. If any acrimonie remaine after such Gargarising, let the Patient wash his mouth, Cum lacte caprino. Rulandus.

C ℞. Veronicae, M ij. mellis & aq: ana q s. Boyle them to the wa­sting of a third part, straine, and apply it * against vlcers in the mouthes of young children. Rulandus.

℞. Plantag. cum rad: fol: querc: ana q.v. Boyle them in aq: lbiij. about the middest of the decoction, add thereto diamoronis, D ℥j. straine, and apply it, * against vlcers of the mouth, as also in Angina. Rulandus.

℞. Psidiar. balaustior. ana ℥j. Sem Sumach: Plantag. ana ʒj. ros. rubr. P ij. aq: peculi rosar. & portulacae, ana lb ss. Boyle them s.a. dissolue in the drained lycour, mellis rosati colati, & Syr: èrosis E Siccis, ana ℥ij. f. Garg. *. Against spitting of blood. Valerianus.

℞. Summitat: rubi, lentisci, & plantag. ana M j. glycyr. rasae & contusae, ℥j. passul. enucleat. ℥j ss. Caricar. ping, n o: x. hord: cum cortice, P j. Boyle them altogether in aq q.s. dissolue in lbj. of the decoction, diamoronis, ℥j. mellis rosati colati, Syr: violate, ana ℥ij. F f. Garg *. against Angina in the augmentation. Valeriola.

℞. Diamoronis ℥iij. aceti rosati, ℥j. Succi granator. musor. ℥ij. aq: plantaginis, Solani, vel Caprifolij, ana ℥iiij. Sacchari candi al­biss. ℥j. f. Garg. Vel ℞. Fol: plantag. & myrti, ana M ss. granor. Sumach: rubentium, lentium, ana P j. mali punici cum suo putamine & granis internis contusi, n o: j. hordei cum Cortic. Pj. Boyle them in aq: q s. vntill there remaine but lbj. dissolue therein (being strained) diamoronis, ℥iij. Succi granator. musor. mellis rosar. ana G ℥ij. s. Garg. *. against Angina in the beginning. Valeriola.

℞. Hyssopi, Calaminthae, ana M ss. glycyr. rasae, ℥j. Caricar. ping. n o: xij. passul: exacinatar: n o: xx. hordei integri, Pj. Boyle them in aq: q.s, and dissolue in lbj of the strained lycour, mellis rosati, H Oxymellitis simplicis, ana ℥ij. Sapae dulcis, ℥iij. dianucum, ℥j. s. Garg. *. against Angina in his state. Valeriola.

[Page 135]℞. Fol. Oxalydis, portulaca, plantag. centinodij, & lentisci, ana M ss. lentium, rosar. rubrar, ana P j. Sem: Sumach: & plantag. ana ʒj. hordei cum Cortice, P j. Boyle them all in aq: q.s. vnto lbj. wherein (being strained) dissolue Syr: Citonior. Succi granator. musor. Syr: [...]berber: ana ℥ij. f. Garg. *. against vlcers in the mouth A by taking of poyson. Ʋaleriola.

℞. Rosar. Sumach: ana M j. hordei, Passular, ana Mss. ficuum Sic­car. n o: vj. iniubar. n o: x. Boyle them all in aq: q.s. vnto the wa­sting of a third part, add to the strained lycour, diamoronis, ℥iiij. mellis rosar. ℥j ss. f, Garg. *. against Angina in the augmentation. B Vigo.

℞. Rad: altheae, ℥iiij. ficuum Siccar. n o: x. passular. ℥ij. fursu­ris, M ss. hordei, M j. glycyr. ʒx. nidi hirundinis, lb ss. puller. hy­rundinis, n o: iij. Boyle them all in the broath of a weathers head, adding to the strained lycour, mellis rosati, ℥j. Sacchari rubri, ℥jss. Croci ℈j. Syr: è duabus radicibus, ʒx. f. Garg. *. against Angina C in the state. Vigo.

℞. Ficuum Siccar. dactylor. ana n o: xij. passular. ℥j. rad: altheae, ℥iij. hord: mundi, fursuris, ana M j. Sem: Citonior. ʒiij. iniubar. n o: xx. Boyle them all in the broath of a hen, q.s. vntill ij. parts be wasted, then add to the strained lycour, Zacchari, ℥iiij. mellis ro­sar. ℥j ss. Boyle them together one walme, and vse it actually hot. *. against Apostemes of the Iawes. Vigo. D

℞. Hord: mund: ros. Sumach: ana M j. aq. ferreatae, lb vj. Boyle them together vntill ij. parts of three be wasted: then add to the strained lycour, Syr: ros. ℥iij. mellis ros. ℥ij. aluminis rochae, ʒx. Boyle them a little for a Gargarisme, * to be vsed in the cure of E Lues Venerea. Vigo.

℞. Vini granator. aq: plantag. ana ℥ij. folior. oliuar. aliquantu­lum contritar. M ss. V [...]g. aegiptiaci, ʒx. licij, ʒj. Boyle them till ij. parts of iij. be wasted, straine, and reserue it. Ʋel ℞. Hord: mundi, Sumach: balaustij, fol: oliuar. Cimar. rubi, fol: plantag. lentium, ana M ss. granator. ambor. n o: ij. aq: ros. aq: plantag. licij, diamoronis, mellis rosacei, ana ℥ij. aluminis rochae, ʒx. myrabol: citrinar. ℥ss. caudae equinae, M ss. Boyle them all to the wasting of a third part; straine, and vse it. *. against the vlceration in the F mouth, commonly called a Water Canker. Vigo.


℞. Plantag. M j. Ros. rub. M ss. Boyle them in aq. chalibeata, q.s. straine it for an Iniection. Ʋel. ℞. Fol. querc. M v. Ros. rulae M ij. glandium quercus, ℥iij. Boyle them in aq: chalibeata, q.s. A straine it, &c. *. These profit much against the falling out of the Arsegut. Note; that the gut must be reduced before the Iniecti­on. Andernacus.

℞. Plantag. polygoni, equiseti, fol: rubi, ros. ana M j. malicorij, ℥ij. rad: Symphiti, & calicum glandium, ana ℥j. Boyle them in aq: chalybeata, q.s. straine, &c. Vel ℞. Verbasci, plantag, ana M j. Flo. verbasci, P j. Sem: lini, ℥ij. Cort. malor. punicor balau­stier. B rhus obsonior. baccar. myrti, ana ℥j ss. Boyle them in aq: & vino austero, ana q. s. f. Iniectio. *. These heale the blinde Hae­morrhoydes. Andernacus.

℞. Plantag. rosacei, ana ℥iiij. seri lactis caprilli, ℥ij. cerusae, ʒvj. aluminis rochae, marmor is Candidissimi, Spodij, Cristalli, ana ʒj ss. Caphurae, ℈j. Powder finely what's fit, and scarce it through a fine cloath, and mixe the same, with the lycours for an iniection. C*. against an vlcer in the yard. Andreas Lucana.

℞. Aq: Hord: ʒiij aq: ros. ʒ ss. aq: plantag. ʒv. vini albi, ℥iij. mellis rosacei, ʒiij ss. aluminis crudi, ʒiij ss. Boyle them to­gether, D and vse it warme. *. in wounds, or vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Aq: fontanae, lbvij. aceto, lbj. Chelidonij Saluia, hyperici, na M ss. radicum helenij, ℥iiij. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto the halfe, add thereto, mellis despumati, lbj. aloes Succotrinae, pul. ℥iiij. Let them boyle together xx. walmes, then straine, and E vse it. *. In the cure of hollow wounds. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri.

℞. Lixinij. ℥iiij. aq: plunialis. lb ss. vini oderiferi, lbj. glycyr. ℥ij. hord: excort: M j. plantag. verbena, agrimoniae, Symphiti, vtrius (que), Centaur millaesolij, ana M ss. Thuris, Myrrhae, ana ʒiij. mellis rosasi, ℥iij. Boyle them altogether to the halfe, straine, and F vse it. *. In the cure of hollow, and putrid wounds, when neither abstersiues or incarnatiues, wil auaile in them. Ex Antid: Banest.

[Page 137]℞. Decoctionis hordie, lbj. vini Cretici, lbss. rad: gentianae, ʒij. lupinor. lentium, ana ʒj. plantag. candae equinae, eupatorij, ana M ss. glycyr. ʒss. aloes epaticae, ʒij. mellis rosar. ℥j. boracis, ʒss. Boyle A these to the halfe; straine, and reserue it * for venimous and re­bellious vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Mellis, lbj. sellis bouis, ℥iiij. aq: vitae, ℥iiij. Succi plantag. linguae caninae, absinthij, apij, & vrinae pueri, ana ℥iij. Boyle these (almost) to the substance of a syrup: adding thereto, Aluminis vsti, ʒiij. Sarcocollae, ℥j ss. straine, and vse it * in hollow and fistu­lated B vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Aq. fontanae, lbiiij. vini albi ℥ij. guiaci in puluerem redacti, lbj. aluminis, ℥ij. Boyle them vnto the halfe, then add vnto lbij ss of the decoction, Succi Saluiae, Succi Plantag. Pedis Columbini, tapsi barbati, linguae caninae, apij, & Caprifolij, ana ℥iiij. depuren­tur, adde (que) praetered, aq: vitae lbss. Sarcocollae, masticis, aloes, ana ℥ss. mellis despumati, lbij ss. Boyle them a little, and vse it. *. In C Cankerous, and fistulated vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Lixiuij facti de cinerebus faeniculi, lbj. mellis despumati, lbj ss. Succi plantag. absinth, Symphiti maioris, & Salviae, ana ℥j. aq: vitae, lbss. myrrhae, ℥ ss. Sarcocollae, ℥j. masticis, ʒss. terebinth: lbss. Boyle altogether, and make an Iniection s.a. *. for vlcers. D Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Rad: elebori albi, Cort: capparis, gentianae, dictamni albi, ana ℥ss. aq: plunialis, q.s. Boyle them s.a. add vnto lbj. of the strained lycour, vrinae humanae veteris, Succi absint hij ana ℥ij. vng. E agypt: ℥j. & fiat. *. It killeth wormes in vlcers of the Eares. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Aq: hordei, lbiij. vini albi, lbj. fol. plantag. M j. Caprifo­lij, M ss. Saluiae, rorismarini, ana Pi j. myrtillor. ℥ss. nucum Cu­pressi, ℥ss. malicorij, ʒj. Caudae equinae, Mj ss. mellis rosacei, ℥vj. aluminis, ℥ij. Boyle them to the halfe, add to the straining, F diamoronis ℥ij. * against vlcers in the mouth. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Decoctionis hordei, in qua folia plantag. fragariae, violar. Symphiti mino & faeniculi, decocta fuerint lbj. Cui decoctioni addas aluminis vsti, ʒiij ss. Zaecharirubri, ℥ss. mellis rosar. ℥iiij. Cam­phorae, ʒj. Cassiae nouiter extract. ʒj ss. s.a.f. Iniectio. *. for vlcers G in the yard: it will both heale and assuage paine. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

[Page 138]℞. Aq. sontanae, lbiiij. passular. exacinatar. ℥v. fol: plantag. M j. quin (que) folij, fragariae, polygoni, ros. rub: ana M ss. quatuor Sem: frigidorum ma: mundator. ana ʒj. aluminis, ℥iij. Boyle them, add A vnto lbij. of the strained lycour, Mellis rosati, Colati, ℥vj. *. a­gainst the burning heate of vrine. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Aq: plantag. Solani, ros. rub: ana ℥iiij. aq: Caprifolij, ℥ij. aq: millefolij, ℥iij. Cerussa opt: ℥ ss. Sacchari Saturnij, ʒiij, tutiae alexandriae praeparatae, ʒij. myrrhae pul. ʒss. diamoronis, & mellis rosacei, ana ℥ss. alb: oui vnius bene conquassati, s.a. f. Iniectio. B*. This cleanseth the passages in Gonorrhaeafaeda, if it be iniected warme twice a day. D r. Bonham.

℞. Vini, cidonior. thuris, & masticis, q.s. Boyle them, &c. Vel ℞. Aq. plataginis, cum thure, & mastice, misceantur ad vsum. C*. These conglutinate wounds in the belly. Calmeteus.

℞. Aq. Hord. lbss. Sacchari finiss. ℥j. Dissolue the sugar in the 1 water, and iniect it hot. Vel ℞. Seri lactis, ℥iij. Sacchari finiss. ℥j ss. Dissolue the sugar in the whay, and iniect it.

℞. Alb: ouor. n o: iiij. Being beaten vnto a watery substance, add thereto, boli armeni, & Sang: drac: ana ℈ij. mucilag: Sem: psylli, & lactis muliebris, ana ℥ij. being well mixt, iniect it warme. 2 Ʋel ℞. Lactis Sem: frigidor. cum aq. Solani fact: ℥viij. muccilag. Coim. olei nenupharis, & aq: eiusdem, ana q.s. in the which dissolue, 2 Croci, opij, Caphurae, hyoscya. ana gra. iij. f. &c. Ʋel ℞. Sem: Iusquiami, & papaueris alb: ana q.s. alb. oui bene conquassati, In­fuse the bruised seeds in warme Rose-water for an houres space, then straine it, and mixe the white of the egge therewith, and in­iect it.

℞. Ros. rub: plantag: hord: integri, absinth. ana M j. Centaur. 3 mino, M ss. aq. q.s. Boyle them vnto lbj. In the strained lycour, dissolue mellis rosati colati, ℥j. aloes Subtillis. pul. ʒij. myrrhae, ʒj. aristol: rot. pul. ℈ij. Boyle them a little, then straine and iniect it. Ʋel ℞. Aluminis crudi, ℥iiij. Succi plantag. & portulaecae, ana lbss. alb: ouor. (opt: conquass. n o: iij. Commixe and distill them in a glasse limbecke in B. M. reserue the water and iniect it. Vel ℞. Aq. plantag. lbj. dissolue therein, trochis. alb. Rhasis, cum Caphura, ℥ss. or in defect thereof, lythargi auri, cerussae, & boli arm: ana q.s. s.a. f. Iniectio. These auaile much * against the vlcer in the bladder. Those of the first description doe mundifie. [Page] [Page] [Page 139] Those of the second, deterge. Those of the third doe cicatrize. D r. Elu.

℞. Lytharg: auri, & plumbi, aq: viridis, (wherewith Gold­smiths haue separate gold or siluer) ana ℥j. argenti vini extincti & bene loti, ʒij. Put the water and the argent. viuum into an ear­then pan, and set it on a fire of coales, and stirre it with an ear­then ladle or spatula, and when it beginneth to bee hot, add the rest of the powder, stirring it constantly, vntill it attaine a sea­greene colour, then beate it into fine powder. Take thereof ℥j. aq. ros. aq. plantag. aq: Solani, ana ℥iiij. (Steele being quenched in the waters iiij. or v. times) add thereto, diamoronis, Syr. ex rosis siccis, mollis rosati, ana ℥j. Mixe them all well together, and reserue them in a glasse, close stopt. *. This consumes a Caruncle, A if it be iniected thereon s.a. through a fit instrument of siluer or lead. Frederick.

℞. Aq. fab [...]ar plantag. Solatri rosati, ana lbj. psidiar. balaustior. nucum cupressi, aloes, Sumach: ana ℥j ss. aluminis, ʒij. fol. ros. M ss. flo, aeris, bene praepar. ℈ij. Croci martis, ℥ss. Boyle all these together a good space, then straine it, and let it settle, then poure off the cleerest; add thereto Sacchari cand ℥j. Syr: ex rosis Siccis ℥ij. Syr: absinth. ℥ss. f. Iniectio. *. to be vsed when the Caruncle is ta­ken B downe. Frederick.

℞. Fol. ros. Siccar. P j. Sem: canabis, maluar. ana ℥ss. Sem: frig. ma. & papaueris albi, ana ʒij. Sem: hyoscyami, ʒss. granor. alchakengi. n o: x. Boyle them in aq: fontana, lbij. to the halfe, add to them, trochiscor. alchakengi. ʒij. Sacchari candi, ℥j. Caphu­rae, ʒj. lactis muliebris, ℥iiij. aquae albuminis ouor. ℥ij. Syr. rosar. mellis rosar. ana ʒvj. f. iniectio. *. To coole, assuage paine, and to C Cicatrize in the conclusion of the Caruncle. Frederick.

℞. Sulphuris, aluminis, Salis, ana q.s. Dissolue them in water. *. It profits much in wounds of the Intestines, if you iniect there­of, D of warme morning and euening. Hier: Fabritius ab Aq: pen­dente.

℞. Aq. distillat. prunellae, bugulae, Caprifolij. plantag. Consol. maio. ana q.v. Add vnto them aq: fluentis, as much in quantitie as all the rest; these being commixed, add vnto them, lytargi au­ri, & vitrioli albi, enought to make it tart vpon the tongue. *. This E profits much in hollow vlcers. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 140]℞. Ʋitrioli albi, ℥iiij. aluminis vsti, ℥ij. Make them into fine powder, put them into a fit vessell of glasse, poure vpon them aq: A font. lbiiij. shake them together, then let it settle and reserue it for vse. *. This is approued to be of excellent vertue, against Fistu­laes and hollow Vlcers being iniected hot, and presently to shut or closed vp the orifice, that none of the lycour may issue forth; keepe it thus shut the space of a quarter of an houre: in which time, it will produce an Escar: Then vncloath it, and iniect aq: plantaginis warme, reclose the orifice, like space of time as before. In which proportion of time, the paine will cease, and the heate will be allayed, then vncloathe it againe, and iniect of these oyles being mixt. viz. Ol: lilior. albor. hypericonis, rosar. lumbricor. ana ℥j. Ol: Spicae ℥ ss. misce. This being iniected, close, and cloath it vp, suffering it so to rest by the space of a day naturall. Then reiniect more of those the oyles, closing, cloathing, and suffering it to rest xxiiij. houres as before. Repeate this iniection of the oyles, and the other operations vnto the fourth time. Then shall you see abundance of sanious and putrid humors to slow forth, the which you shal wash off with water (warme) by iniection. Let this course bee iudiciously prosecuted vnto perfection of cure. But Note; that if the vlcer wax exceeding tender, that then it is behoofefull, to weaken the strength of the water, which you may discerne by the touch of your tongue. The Author professeth that, with these iniections he hath cured many Fistulaes, Hollow Vlcers, Caruncles, and such like. And that with the water hee hath cured Scabs, Wheales, Itch, &c. Hee also affirmeth it to bee profitable against burnings or skal­dings, first to be washt with this: and after with plantane water. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: hord: lb ss. agrimoniae, centaurij mino. pimpinellae, absin­thij. plantag. M ss. aristol. rot. ʒ ss. Boyle them in aq. q.s. vnto lbj. add vnto that (being strained) aloes epaticae, ʒiij. mellis rosacei, B ℥ij. Boyle them vnto due forme. *. This profits in hollow wounds. Pareus.

℞. Rad. consol: ma. ℥j. equiseti, plantag. Ceterach: pilosella, herniariae, polygoni, ana M ss. flo. ros. rub. P j. flo: hypericonis. P ss. C Boyle them in aq. hord. plumb. aut ferreati q.s. straine it for an in­iection, * against an vlcer in the bladder. Rondeletius.

[Page 141]Aluminis crudi, ℥vj. Boyle it in aq: pluuiali (where­in red hot steele hath often beene quenched) q.s. Straine and apply it, * not onely against the blinde Haemorrhoides, A but also against the falling downe of the Arsgut. Rulan­dus.

℞. Agrimonie, centaurij mino. pimpinelle, absinthij, plantag. ana M ss. rad. aristol. rot. ʒij. iridis florentin: ʒiij. Boyle them all in strong and pure wine vnto lbj ss. and in the cooling, add to the expression, aloes epaticae, ʒiij. mellis rosati, ℥ij. Boyle them againe one walme, and reserue it, * for the cure of wounds made B by gunshot. Valeriolae.

℞. Fol: plantag. & hederae recent. ana P j. ros. rub: P j. gra: myrti, Contus. Pj ss. fol. & flo: centaurij mino. P j. aluminis rupini, ℥j. Cort. granator. ℥j ss. Boyle them in water, and s.a. make an in­iection, * to mundifie hollow vlcers. Valeriola. C

℞. Fol plantag. M ij. agrimoniae, herbae roberti, fol. pentaphilli, ana M j. Summitat: absinthij, n o: iij. Symphiti vtrius (que), Caudae equinae, ceterach: hyperici, ana M ss. beton. M j. Boyle them in aq: q.s. in the end of the decoction, add thereto, vini rubri astring: lbij. ros. rub. fol. myrti, ana P ij hord. integ. P ij. Add vnto lbiij. of the strained lycour, far. fabar. ℥j. far. orobi, ℥ss. thuris, ma­sticis, Sarcocollae, resinae pini, ana ℥j myrrhae, aristol. rot. ana ʒvj. iridis florent. ℥ss. mellis rosati, Colati, ℥iij. s.a. f. Iniectio. *. Pro­fitable D in the cure of hollow vlcers. Ʋaleriola.

℞. Absinthij, centaurij, marubij, calamithae montanae, ana ℥j. aq: plunialis, q.s. Boyle them to the halfe, add vnto lbj. of the straining, mellis lbss. f. Iniectio. * against wormes in the Eares. E Vesalius.

℞. Ros. balaustior. cimar. rubi, myrtillor. Sumach: ana M j. hy­pocistidis, myrabolanor. citrinor. ana ʒij. mellis rosar. ℥ij. Boyle them in aq: plantag. & vino granator. ana q. s. vnto the wasting of a third part, then straine and reserue it * for the cure of hollow F and putrid wounds, to bee applied after due mundification. Ʋigo.

℞. Rad: gentianae, ℥ss. lupinor. lentium, ana ʒij. plantag. agri­moniae, ana M ss. thuris, myrrhae, ana ʒj. mellis rosar. par. Boyle them in wine for an Iniection. * for wounds in the threat. G Vigo.

[Page 142]℞. Aq. ros. ℥iiij. aq. plantag. lbss. aq. caudae equinae, lbij. hord. mund. lentium, rosar. ana M ss. myrabolanor. citrinor. hypocistidis, balaustior. myrtillor. ana ʒj. Sumach. ciner. rubi, fol. oleastri, Sym­phiti ma. ana M ss. glycyr. mund. ʒx. Sacchari rubri, ℥ij. aloes A epaticae, Sang. dra. bol. arm. terr. Sigillatae, ana ʒij. Boyle them altogether, to the wasting of a third part, s.a.f. Iniectio. *. against wounds in the Bladder. Vigo.

℞. Aq: plantag. aq. peculi rosar. ana ℥iiij. vini ℥ij. aluminis vsti, ℥ss. baccar. myrti, aloes, ana ʒj. Mixe, boyle, and order them s.a. B for an iniection * for hollow vlcers, Weckerus.

℞. Hordei integri. Pj ss. Ceterach. agrimoniae, Centaurij ma. absinthij, ana M ss. Boyle them in hony and water, ana q.s. Make C an iniection * for hollow vlcers. Weckerus.

℞. Rad. asari, iridis, gentianae, aristolochiae, ana ℥j. agrimoniae, pentaphylli, pedis columbini, ceterach. centaurij minoris, hyperici, ana M j. myrrhae, ℥ss. Boyle them in vino & aq. ana q.s. dissolue D in lbij of the strained lycour, mellis rosar. ℥vj. s.a.f. Iniectio. * A­gainst vlcers of the Breast. Weckerus.


℞. Sumach. vel rhus Coriarior, lbiij. pilul. cupressi, ℥iij. gal­lar. immatur. cassiae, ana ℥jss. Beate them together, and infuse them in vino rubre vetere, lbv. Afterwards boyle them (stirring them constantly with a Cipresse spatula) vnto the wasting of a third part: then expresse it, and castaway the faeces. Reboyle the ly­cour (with constant stirring) at a gentle fire, vntill it attaine the consistence of hony, reserue it in a vessell of glasse, (Note) if in keeping it waxe ouerthick for vse, then may you s.a. relent it, cum E vino pauco. *. It is of admirable force, to extirpate a malitious gnawing and fretting Canker. Aetius.

℞. Axung. gallinae, anseris, anatis, suis, asini, muli, vrsi, gliris, vul­turis, leonis, medullae crur. vituli, equi, cerui, butyri recentis, vtrius­que lilij, olei vulpini compositi, amygd. dul. Sesamini, laurini, nucis indicae, muscelini, styracis, benzoini, muccilag. rad. altheae. faenugr. Sem: lini, ana ℥j. Croci tenuiss. triti, ℥ss. aq: vitae, lb ss. s.a f. Li­nimentum. F *. For contracted or lame members, to bee applyed [Page] [Page] [Page 143] after the Bath, and after the anointing, to cloathe vp the member with the skin of a Fox, or of an hare. Alfonsus Ferrius.

℞. Ol: irini, Camo. adipis capi, ana ℥ss. butyri rec. non Saliti, ℥ss. Cearae lotae, par. s.a f. Linemen. *. against paines of the pleurisie. A Andernacus.

℞. Ol: Chamo. recent. praepar. ℥ij. if the forehead and tem­ples B be therewith anointed. *. It assuageth head-ache, caused by heate of the sunne. Andernacus.

℞. Ol: Chamo. rec. praep. ℥ij. Ol: ros. ℥ss. misce Vel ℞. Ol: ros. ℥ij. olei Chamo. ℥ss. misce. Vel ℞. Ol: rosacei, ℥j. aceti, ʒij. Cerae lotae ex aq: frig. q.s.f: Liniment. *. These assuage inueterate C Head-ache. Andernacus.

℞. Olei rosar. aut melino, aut hydrelaeo, aut Cerato. *. This D assuageth Head-ache, caused by heate of the Liuer. Anderna­cus.

℞. Ol: rutacei, aut laurini, aut irini, aut nardini, aut piperini, E aut euphorbini, q.s. * These mitigate paines of the head, caused through cold. Andernacus.

℞. Vitellor. ouor. n o: ij. pompholigis, praep: ʒij. Ol: ros. ℥iij. Cerae nonae par. f. Liniment. Vel ℞. Ol: lini, ℥ij. Cerae nouae ʒi. misce. *. against paines and inflammations of womens F breasts, caused through curded milke. Andernacus.

℞. Olei rosar. ℥ix. labour it in a leaden morter, with a leaden pestell vntill it attaine the colour of lead, and become thick; then add thereto (being seuerally beaten) lithagyri, & Cerussae, ana lbj. incorporate them with the oyle & f. Liniment. *. To cure a G skald head. Appollonius.

℞. Syr. rosati, ex infusione ℥j ss. flo: & fol. hypericonis, flo: ro­rismar. granae ana par. terebinth: vini odoriferi, ana ℥ij. olei ompha­cini, ℥iiij ss. Croci par. Boyle altogether, except the saffron, the which you shall add (in fine powder) in the end, incorporating H it with the rest for a Liniment. *. for the perfect restauration of the panicles that cloath or couer the braine, after the remouing of the blacknesse by the vse of mel rosarum. Arceus.

℞. Albumen oni vnius rec. beate it effectually, then add to it, Sublimati, & Caphurae: ana gra. iiij. incorporate them s.a. for a I Liniment. *. against pustules or spots in the face, in chiefe such as spring, Ex Lue Venerea. Angerius Ferrius.

[Page 144]℞. Seui onini, lbj. Colophoniae, ℥ij. ammoniaci, bdellij, opopona­cis, galbani, ana ʒiij. ping: capi, anseris, Cygni, axungiae Suillae, ana ℥ss. oleor. anethi, Chamo amygd. dul. ana ʒiij ss. medullae Crurium vaccar. ℥ij. Succi maluar. & mercurialis, ana ℥iiij. Boyle them together, to the consumption of the iuices, and make a Lini­ment A in good forme. *. To mollifie all Tumors or Swellings. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Fol: consul. ma. mino. & med. ana M j. arnoglossae, candae equinae, Centinodij, Sigilli Salomonis, ana M ss. rad. Symphiti, & valerianae, ana ʒiij. vermium terrestrium, ℥j. aristolochiae vtriusque, ana ʒj. flor. citanior. ℥ij. vini nigri, lbj. axung. porc. lbij ss. masticis. Sarcocollae, ana ʒij. Bruise what's fit, Commixe and infuse the whole (in a fit vessell) for x. daies space, then boyle, straine, and B reserue it, *. as profitable against a Rupture. Ex Antidot: Ba­nesteri.

℞. Ol; myrt. amygd: dul. & lini, ana ℥j ss. landani, ℥j. enphor­bij, ℥ss. Spumae marinae, ʒi [...]j. ellebori albi, ℈j. rutae siluestris, ʒss. fimi columbini, ℥ss. Sulphuris vini, ʒss. amygd. amar. combustar. Spicae nardi, cassiae ligneae, ana ℈j. vini nigri asrtingentis, ℥iiij ss. Pre­pare and boyle them together, to the wasting of the wine, then add to the strained substance, mellis despumati ℥j. Commixe and C reserue it. *. against falling of the haire. Ex Andidot: Banesteri.

℞. Fol: Salicis, fol Sumach: Sem: Sumach. ana ℥ij. ros. rub. ℥ss. myrabolanor. embelicor: ℥ij ss landani, ℥j mellis crudi, ℥ss. olei myr­tillor. ℥vj. vini nigri, ℥ij. Bruise what needs, then mixe and boyle them all in a close vessell, vnto the wasting of the wine, then D straine and vse it, * against shedding of the haire. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Fol: maluar, violar. fragariae, Consol, med, & rad [...] eius, quin (que) fol: Sambuci, Semperuiui, bederaeterrest. Solatri, ana M ss. Bruise them small, and add to them axang. porc. lbiiij. Ol: Sem: lini, lbss. mellis lbss. resinae pul. lbj. misce, let them stand to mace­rate (in an earthen vessell close stopt) for x daies space, then boyle; E straine, and reserue it *. as of excellent force against burning and scalding. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Olei amygdal dul. ℥ij. Croci, ℈j. myrrhae, ℈ij. opij, ʒss. mis­ceantur. F* being put into the Eares, it mitigateth paine there in Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

[Page 145]℞. Aceti, lbj. rad: helenij, cheledonij, Centaurij, ana ℥ij. olci lau­rini, lbj. Sulphuris, lbj. mellis, lbss. aloes, floris aeris, olibani, ana ℥iiij. Bruise what's requisite, and powder what's fit; boyle the whole (the powders except) vnto the wasting of the vineger, then add the powders, and boyle them a little, so straine and re­serue it, * against the Scaule of the head, to be applied after that A the head hath beene duely washt with a decoction of the rootes of [...]ula compana and the leaues of Centory boyled in Childes vrine. Ex Andidot: Banesteri.

℞. Vng. popul. ℥iiij. Ol: laurini, ℥vj. vng. dialth. ℥v ss. picis nig. ℥iiij. olei Comis: lbss. pingued: capi, Cygni, anseris, & anatis, ana ℥iij. butyri recent. [...]j. axung. pore. lbss. olei è pedibus vaccinis ℥iiij. maluar. altheae meliloti, arthemisiae, tapsibarbati, valerianae, & Sambuci, ana M ss. Bruise the hearbes, and boyle the whole together till the iuices bee wasted, straine and reserue it, * for a B member that is whollie consumed, yea, although it hath beene so along time. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: masticis, lb ss. aq: vitae, ℥iiij. theriacae, ℥iij. Mixe and boyle them in a double vessell six hours, then straine and reserue it, * to assuage paine. Ex Antidot: Banesteri. C

℞. Maluar. bismaluar. mercurialis, arthemisiae, melilo: chamo. Sambuci, violar. erigeri, hyoscyami, ana M ss. ping. Capi, & anseris ana ℥iiij. axung. porc. lbj ss. adipis humanae, ℥ij. Bruise and infuse them altogether xx. dayes. Boyle, straine, and reserue. *. To D mollifie and assuage paine. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Lardi porcini, lbiiij. vini cretici, lbj ss. Caryoph: ℥iij. rad: belenij, ℥iij. Card: bened: ℥iij. rorism. Saluiae, ana ℥ijss. myrrhae, [...]. theriacae, lbj. Bruise the hearbes and straine them, and make the other in grosse powder, boyle them together vnto the wa­sting of the wine, then straine them, and make them to the forme of a Liniment. *. To assuage paine, proceeding of cold matter. E Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Saluiae, tanaceti menthae, melissae, rutae, absinthij, abrotani, Chamo: arthemisiae, lauendulae, Saturiae, nasturtij aquat. faeniculi, fol. pyrethri chamedrios, ana M ss. axung. huma­nae, lbss vini cretici, lbj. Sem: anisi, ℥iiij. Bruise them together, and infuse them ten daies, then straine them for a Liniment, * a­gainst F cold aches or paines. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

[Page 146]℞. Ping. humanae. lbj. ping. capi, anseris, anatis, & Cygni, ana ℥iiij. vini cretici, lbss. flo: anthos, lbij vermium terrest: praepar. lbss. Bruise and stampe them iij. houres together, and infuse them in a vessell well bound viij. daies, then boyle them to the consumption of the wine, and the strength of the flowers, and add A to the straining, Ol: terebinth: ℥vj. f. Liniment. *. Against paine of the ioynts proceeding of a cold cause. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri.

℞. Ping. capi, ℥iiij. medullae Crurum vaccar. ℥iiij. terebinth: ℥iij ss. Ol: ros. ℥iij. Ol: Chamo ℥iiij. vermium terrest: praep. ℥iij. misceantur & bulliant ad inuicem: & in fine adde cerae albae, ℥iiij. B Make a Liniment to the precepts of art. *. To assuage paine about wounds or vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ping. capi, anatis, anseris, & Cygni, and ℥iiij. vini cretici, lb ss. flor. anthos, lbj. Bruise them, and incorporate them, then let them stand together three houres, then expose them to the sunne C xx. daies after boyle then in in a vessell well stopt to the consump­tion of the wine, then straine them for your vse, *. against paines of the ioynts. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: ros. lb ss. flo: Sulphuris, ℥iiij. mercurij sublimati gra: vj. Camphorae, ℈ss. Labour these together by the space of ij. houres D in an Alablaster or marble morter, and so make a Liniment, * a­gainst all Scabs and Itch. Banester.

℞. Ol: terebinth: ℥vj. Caphurae pul. ℥iij. Dissolue the Cam­phore in the oyle, adding thereto, Ol: myrtyllor. & Cydonior. ana ℥i ss. Ol: laurini opt: ℥ij. Ol: Succini, ʒiij. Ol: Succini, ʒiij. Ol: absinth. chymici, ʒss. E Cerae par. f. Liniment. *. Against Oedematous tumors, namely in Scroto. Banester.

℞. Ol: lini, ℥iiij. Ol: rosacei, ℥iii ss. ol: ouer: ℥ij Cerae citrinae, F ℥j. f. Liniment. *. Against inflamed and indurated Tumors in womens breasts, by curdling of their milke. Banester.

℞. Nuces com [...]s: cum corticibus assas, n o: 20. aluminis, vitrioli, ana ℥ ss. lythargyri, ʒij. Cinabrij ℥ij. Cinabrij ℥ss. Ol Iuniperi, & nucum ana ℥ij. G resinae, & picis, ana q s. s a. f. Liniment. *. This cures those sores in childrens heads called Achores. The head being first shauen, then rub'd vnto rednesse, and after that anointed. D r. Bon­ham.

℞. Ol: amigd: amar. ol: absinth: ol: rutae, ana ℥ss. aloes, myrrhae, [Page] [Page] [Page 147] ana ʒss: s.a.f. Litus. *. Against wormes. D r. Bonham. A

℞. Testar. cancror. fluuialium combustar. ℥j. pul. ranar. ʒiij. lythargyri auri, ℥j. plumbi vsti & loti, tutiae praepar. ana ʒij. Ce­rusae in aq: ros. lotae, ʒj ss. Succi bursae pastoris, & arnoglossae, ana ℥iij ss. Ol: ros. omphacini, vel myrtini, ℥iiij. Labour these well in a leaden morter vnto the forme of a Liniment. *. Against a Can­ker. B Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: helenij, & lilior. albor. ana ℥j. ss. Sūmitat: absinthij, lupuli, sumariae, scabiosae, ana M ss. cicer. lentium, hordei, ana P j. flo: cha­mo melilo Sambuci, ana P j. Boyle them in aq: q.s. add vnto lbj ss. of the strained lycour, ol: ros. ℥ij. ol: masticis, & laurini, ana ℥iiij. butyri recent. ℥v. axung. Suillae Salis expert: lb ss. Boyle them together vnto the wasting of the decoction, after mixe there­with, thuris, masticis, myrrhae, ana ℥j ss. Sarcocollae, & Cerusae, ana ℥j. aluminis, ʒvj. lythargyri, ℥j ss. terebinth: ℥iij. styracis liquidae, ʒx. argenti vini in Succo limonum extincti, ℥iij. vel plus vel minus pro aegrotantis viribus. Labour them well in a morter for a Lini­ment, *. vsefull in the cure of Lues Ʋenerea. Calmeteus. C

℞. Lythargyri, aceti fortis, ana ℥vj. Ol: ros. ℥xij. argenti vini extincti in aceto rosar. ℥iij. f. Liniment. *. Against Scabs and Itch. D Constantinus.

℞. Butyri cum aceto loti, Succi ebuli, ana q.s. s.a. f. Linimen­tum. *. Against the Tumor Oedema. D r. Fach.

℞. Ol: lilior. albor. ol: è cappar. muccilag. alth: extract: cum aq buglossi, s.a. f. Liniment. *. Against paines of the Spleene. Fernelius.

℞. Muccilag. Sem: lini: senugr. maluae, & altheae, ana ℥v. Succi ircos. ℥iij. ping. anatis, anseris, gallinae, ana ʒvj. Ol: cheirini, ℥i ss. Boyle them to the wassting of the iuices, then add Croci, ʒss. Cerae, q.s. f. Liniment. *. It's effectuall against an induration, yea F the Author affirmeth that therewith hee cured an inueterate scyrh. Forrestus. It's as highly extolled for that cure by Nicholaus.

℞. Succi enulae, Succi bryoniae, Styracis liquidae, terebinthinae, ana ℥j. gummi eleni ℥ss. ping. vrsi, anseris, butyri, ana ℥jss. thuris, iri­dis, ana ʒiij. ol: irini q. s. argenti vini, partem octauam, misce & s. Liniment. *. It assuageth paine in the head, in Lues Venerea, if the G inside of the armes be therewith anointed, in chiese where vena Cephalica runneth. Fracastorius.

[Page 148]℞. Succi myrti, succi oliuae siluestris, ana ʒij. rosar. siccar. ℥ss. absinthij, ʒij. aceti lbss. Boyle them to the halfe, infuse in the strained lycour, landani, ℥ij. let them stand ij. daies, then poure vpon them, ol: myrtini, & vini stiptici, ana q.s. to bring it vnto a hony-like substance, then add thereto, aliptae moscatae, & galliae A moscatae ana ʒj. f. Liniment. *. Against falling of the haire. Heben Mesue.

B ℞. Succi menthae, ʒij. ol: nardini, Caryophyll. ana ℥ss. Cera, q.s. f. Liniment. *. It helps concoction, being applyed to the re­gion of the stomack. Hier: Merc.

℞. Bol: arm: partem vnam terrae sigillat: part: dimid. ol: ros. C part: tertiam aceti, & succi herbar. frigid. part. dimid. Powder what requires, & s.a. f. Liniment. *. It allayeth an inflammation in the beginning. Hier: Fabritius.

℞. Theriacae opt. ʒj. Scordij, nucis myristicae, cinamo. ana ℈ss. D Croci, moschi, ana gr. iiij. cum vino aromatico, q s. s.a. f. Lini­mentum pectorale. *. against the palpitation of the heart. Hier: Merc.

℞. Ol: nympheae, ol: rosati completi, ana ℥iij. opij ℈j. vini gene­rosi, E par. s.a. f. *. It assuageth headache, proceeding of choler, the forehead and temples being therewith anointed. Hier. Merc.

℞. Succi maioranae, & Saluiae, ana ℥ss vini opt: ʒiij. vitel. oui F vnius. Commixe them s.a. neare the fire for a Liniment. *. It ca­seth headach, caused by a bruise, if the part affected be therewith anointed. Hier: Merc.

℞. Colocynth: subtilliss: pul. ʒj ss. nitri, ʒj. Sem: Synapi, & vr­ticae, G Coralli rubri pul. ana ʒss. aceti par. s.a.f. *. against the inflam­mation of the Spleene. Hier: Merc.

℞. Medullae Ceruinae, ʒiij. Cerussae lotae, ʒij ss. butyri rec. in aq: ros. abluti, ʒ ss. myrrhae, ʒj. terebint: lotae, q. s. f. &c. H*. It cures chafings or gallings of the skinne. Hier: Merc.

℞. Succi absint: Succi abrotani, ana ʒj ss. pul Scordij, aloes, and ℈ij. ol: comis, ℥j. cerae par. f. &c. *. against wormes. Hier: Merc.

I ℞. Succi apij. ebuli, vini, mellis, axung. proc. butyri recent ana par­tes aequales. Commixe and boyle them vnto due height. *. This hastens concoction in a hollow compound wound. Hier: Fabrit.

[Page 149]℞. Succi Cyclam. muccilag. rad: filicis, ana ℥lij. Succi extre­mor. tamarisci, ℥ij. Ol: myrtini, lbj aceti, ℥j ss. Boyle them in a double vessel vnto the wasting of the vineger and the iuices: then add thereto, Oesypi humidi, ℥ij ss. ammoniaci, bdellij, ana ℥j ss. cera citri, ℥iij. f. *. This applyed to the region of the spleene, profits A much against the scyrrhous thereof. Hier: Mercurius.

℞. Ol: rutacei, costini, capparar. ana ℥ij. Sem: faenic. anisi, subtil pul: ana ʒij. pul: Ceterach: ʒj ss. cerae par. f. &c. *. against B a scyrrhous of the spleene proceeding of flatuosities. Hier: Merc.

℞. Lythargyri, & cerussae, ana ʒv. thuris, ʒj. aluminis, Scissi ℈j. Croci, ʒ ss. vini, & rosacei, ana q.s. f. Linimentum. *. against C Vlcers, in or about the fundament. Hier: Mont.

℞. Rad: canae, brioniae, betae, raphani, ireos, cepae, ana ℥iiij. ficuum ping. n o, vj. capillor. veneris, abrotani, anethi, ana Mj. Bruise all these together very small, and boyle them in Malmesie, q.s. vnto the wasting of a third part, then expresse the lycour, and add thereto, butyri recent. mellis despumati, ana ℥ij. ol: amygd: dul. & amar. ol. Sesamini, ana ℥j. far. faenugr. far: Sem: lini, nigellae roma­nae, pul. ana P j. landani, ℥j. Commixe and boyle them on a gentle fire (with constant stirring) vntill it attaine the forme of a Liniment. *. Approued against baldnesse; causing haire to grow D speedily in any part: It is to be applied after euacuation of the body. Leuinus Lemnius.

℞. Picis liquidae, mellis depurati, & Seui ouini vel Ceruini, ana q.s. s. a. f. &c. *. against Scabs and Itch, Ex Manuscrip­to. E

℞. Ol: oliuar. ana q.v. Cort: med: Sambuci, q.s. Boyle them together in a new earthen pipkin on a soft fire, vntill the barks be of a browne colour, then straine it, and add to the oyle Cerussae, partes duas, plumbi vsti, lytharg. ana partem vnam. Labour them together in a leaden morter vnto the forme of a Liniment, * which heales either burning or scalding. Ex Manuscrip­to. F

℞. Ol: vulp: vng. dialth. axung. cati, ana ℥ss. ol: ros. masticis, ana ʒiij. Oesypi, ʒj ss. ol: nardini, ʒvj. aq: vitae, par. s.a.f. *. This G assuageth aches, or paines, proceeding from old bruses or fals. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 150]℞. Ol: chamo, anethi, ana ℥j. ol: vulp. & lumbricor. ana ℥jss. A dialtheae cum gummis, ℥ij. aq: lauend;, ℥ij. s.a.f. Liniment. *. This assuageth the painfull dolors of the Spathula, Ioynts, Armes, and other parts, if it be applyed (with a hot hand) to the place af­fected, and afterwards cloathed vp with some fit rolle., whereon is imbasted wooll, being first well moistned, with the said Lini­ment, and applyed hot. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Thuris veri myrrhae, opij, ana ℈j. muccilag. psillij, ex aq ros. B ping. anserinae, ana ℥ss. vitel. oni vnius rec. ol: ros. si opus est, misce & f. Linimentum liquidum. *. which assuageth paines of the ioynts. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ol: amygd: dul. ol: absint. ana ℥j ss butyri rec. ℥ij. ping. gal­linae, C ℥j. masticis, ʒij. Commixe and apply them to soften, * the hardnesse of the Liuer. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Terebint: venet: mellis despumat: vitel, onor. ana part: aeq: Boyle them gently together, a little space, add thereto. far. D volatilis par. & f. Liniment. *. for greene wounds. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Ammoniaci, bdellij ana ʒij. galbani, ʒss. Dissolue them in aceto acerrimo. Straine and add ol: è Cappar: ol: aneti, & adipis an­serini, E ana ʒvj. f. *. It easeth the pained Spleene. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Aceti acerrimi, lbss. Sulph. ℥j. Saponis comis: ʒij. albu­men F oui vnius, f. Linimentum. *. It cureth or putteth away the morphew, if it be applyed to the parts affected, with a fine linnen cloath to bedward, and in the morning washt off with warme water. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: ros. ℥ij. lactis muliebris, & omphac: vuar. ana ℥j. polli­nis G thuris, ʒij. oui albumen, f. &c. *. Against those spots of the face and skin, called Lentigines. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cinamo. Sulphuris, ana ℥j. Caryoph: Zinz: bol: arm: ana H ℥ss. Caphur, ʒss. aq: ros. & ping. gallinae, ana q.s.s a.f. *. A­gainst Pustules of the face, to be applied at going to bed, and to be washt off with hot water in the morning. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Vng. ros. mesneae, populeonis, vng. alb: Camphor, & infrig: Galeni, ana ℥ss. Succi Cicutae, & ol: ros. ana. ℥ss. aceti, Sambuti, ʒj ss. Beate them altogether in a morter of leade, with a pestell of [Page] [Page] [Page 151] lead, vntill it attaine the perfect forme of a Liniment. *. The A which applyed hot with stuphes, abateth the Tumors of the Te­sticles. Ex Manuscripto.

Terebinthinae venetae, & Succi Sambuci, ana q.s. Commixe them s.a. *. This mundifieth and incarnateth, both vlcers and fi­stulaes. B Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ol: lini, ℥j. vitel. oui vnius. These duely incorporated and applyed vpon pledgets of fine towe. *. Doe take away C blacknesse and blewnesse from a bruised Eye. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Aluminis Crudi, ℥j. aut ℥ij. allij mundati tantundem. Dry the garlicke, and burne it to ashes, beate the allome to powder, Commixe these, cum aceto forti, & melle, ana q.s. Boyle them gently to a good body (take off the skumme which ariseth) then straine and reserue it. *. It destroyeth either Ring-worme D or Tetter, being applyed iiij. times a day. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Ol: petrolei ℥ij. ol: terebinth: ℥j. ol: ros. ℥ss . Cerae citrinae, ʒiij. s.a.f. &c. * profitable either against bruise or conuulsion. Ex E Manuscripto.

℞. Argenti viui, ℥. vi [...]id: aeris pul. ℥ss. bacc: lauri pul. ℥ij. axung. porc. q s.f. *. against the Haemorrhoides. Ex Manu­scripto. F

℞. Vng. ros. mesnae, populconis, & desic: rub: misce. Artificiall tents being therewith armed and applied (in processe of time) not onely ease, but doe also cure * the blinde Haemorrhoides. Note; G that if iust cause require more speedy drying, that then it shall be profitable to roule your tents in the fine powder of burnt cockle­shells. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Luteor: ouor. n o: vij. mellis despumati, lb ss. vini nigri, lbj ss. Boyle them together on a gentle fire (with constant stirring) vn­to the forme of a Liniment. *. against vlcers in the breast. Ex H Manuscripto.

℞. Ouor. integror. n o: vij. macerate them in aceto fortissimo, vntill the shells be dissolued, then add vnto them, Sem: Synapi pul. ℥iiij. Labour them in a morter vnto the forme of a Liniment; the I which applyed s.a. * Cures the morphew, and other spots of the face and skin, as also beautifying the same. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 152]℞. Vitel. onor. duor. pomphologis praepar. ʒij. ol: ros. ℥iij. Cera A nouae par. f. &c. *. To allay inflammations, and assuage paines, in womens breasts, arising from ouermuch milke. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Vermium terrest. in vino lotor. lb vini albi, lbj. oleor. lum­bricor. Camo. hyperici, ana ℥iij. Saluiae, rorism. maioranae, flo: hy­perici, ana M j. staechad: Schaenanthi, ana Pj. Boyle them altoge­ther s.a. to the wasting of the wine, then add to the strained ly­cour, vng. agrippae, dialthea, & ol: laurini, ana ℥iij. Cerae, ℥ij ss. B f. Linimentum. *. Profitable for the Nerues. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Ol: castorei, ol: masticis, ana ℥j. ol: vulp. axung. taxi, vng. dialth. ana ʒvj. pul. euphorbij, Castorei, ana ʒ ss. aq: vitae opt. ℥ss. s. C*. Against the Palsie. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Argenti vini cum Saliua extincti, staphidis agriae, ana ℥ ss. butyri, q.s. misce. Ʋel ℞. Staphidis agriae, ℥j. ol: absinthij, ℥ij. D Cerae, q.s. f. *. These kill lice in the Eyebrowes. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Saponis nigri, axung. porc. aq: vitae, ana lbj. Relent the fat and the soape together, then put thereto halfe the aq: vitae, boyle them gently (with constant stirring) to the wasting of the aqua vitae, then add the remainder of the aq: vitae, and boyle them vnto compleate incorporation, then reserue it for vse. Vel ℞. Ol: Chamo. anethi, carui, ana ʒij. Cerae albae, & aq: vitae, ana q s. f. E*. These dissolue hard Tumors, which are cold and flatuous. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Auripigmenti, ʒj. Calcis viuae, ℥j. lixiuij aut vrinae, q.s. F Boyle them to the forme of a soft Liniment. *. This causeth haire to fall off. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Vng. nifrig. gal. ℥j vng. popul. ʒvj. Succi plantag. Solani, ana ℥ ss. pingued: vituli, & ol: rosar. ana ℥v. Seif. alb: sine opio, lytharg. auri, plumbi vsti ana ℥ ss. Beate the altogether in a leaden mor­ter, with a leaden pestill, by the space of one houre, vnto the due forme of a Liniment. Ʋel ℞. Vitel. oui vnius recent. mellis albi farianae subtillissimae, ana ad quantitatem vitelli praedicti, boli arme­ni opt. med. part. vnius, s.a.f. Liniment. Vel ℞. Lythargyri argenti, Cerussae, ana ℥ ss. Croci, ʒ ss. opij, gr. xij. oleor. ros. & violar. ana ʒvj. axung. gallinae, si opus est ℥ss. cum vitello oni vni [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 153] recent. s.a.f. in a leaden motter, &c. *. These applyed hot with a A feather, assuage the paines of the Haemorrhoides. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Ol: vulp. ol: amygd. dul. ol: Chamo. ana ℥ss. vng. agrippae, & dialtheae, ana ʒvj. Oesypi, ʒij. s.a.f. *. This applyed hot: Cum B lana Succida, vnto parts affected with, or enfeebled by the Crampe, accommodates the Patient exceeding much. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Fellis taurini, & aq: vitae optimae ana partes aquas piperis al­bi tenuiss. pul. ℥j. bene commisceantur. *. This assuageth the tor­tures C of the Sciatica, being applyed (after due purging) as fol­loweth. 1. The part affected is to be rub'd (against the fire) with a sharp linnen cloth, vntill it looke very red. 2. Then to work in, as much of the medicine as the part will receiue. 3. To cloath it vp with wool moystned in the same, and applyed hot, and so rowle it vp, repeat this course twice a day, vntill the greefe cease. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Vng. martiati, ℥j. vng. dialth: ℥iij. axungiae Canis, ℥j. axung. vulpis, ol: vulpini, ana ℥ij. olei nardini, ol: Chamo, ana ℥j. olei pe­trolei, ℥ ss. s.a.f. *. for colde aches, shrunke, withered, or benum­med D members. Martin.

℞. Cort: interior. Sambuci ol: rosati Completi, ana ℥ss. Cerussae, E ℥ ss. Cerae par. s.a.f. Liniment. * against burning in the face. Montanus.

℞. Ol: amygd: dul. adipis porcini rec: Sine Sale, ℥ij. bdellij, myrrhae, ana ʒj. Croci, ℈j. Dissolue the gummes in vineger, F then straine and mixe the whole s.a. *. This comforts members which are weakened by wounds. Montanus.

℞. Succi hyoscyami, Cicutae, & Solani, ana ℥j. alb. ouor. n o: ij. aceti, ℥ ss. opij, Caphurae, ana gr. iiij. Croci, ℈ ss. muccilag: Sem: psyllij, & faenugr. extractae in aq: ros. & plantag. ana ℥j. ol: è papa­uere, ℥ij. s.a.f. adding thereto and incorporating therewith, vng. refrig. Gal. q.s. *. This mitigateth the paines of Erysipelas. Pa­reus. G

℞. Ol: Chamo. anethi, lilior. albor. ana ℥j. vng. dialth. ℥j ss. ol: Spicae, ʒ j. Cerae citrinae, q. s. Croci, ℈j. s.a. f. *. Against H hard and inueterate Tumors of the Testicles. Master Pal­mer.

[Page 154]℞. Olei mellis distill [...]i ignis expressione, ℥ij. ol: Saturni, ol: mercurij Sublimati, ana ʒj. ol: petrolei, ol: Caryoph: ana ʒj ss. te­rebinthinae, A q.s. s.a. f. Linimentum. *. Wherewith tents being armed and applyed, they are preualent to irradicate the Callous of a siftula. Quercitanus.

℞. Ol: myrrha distillati per descensum, purificati cum vini Spi­ritus, ℥ ss. ol Caryopht ʒij. ol: Sulphuris cum Colchotare distillati, ʒ ss. s.a.f. Vel ℞. Olei tartari per retortam destillats, ol: guiaci, ol: Sulphuris, ol: vitrioli, ana ʒj. s.a.f. Ʋel ℞. Balsami mer­curij, B ℥ ss. ol: antimonij, ʒiij. Salis Saturni, ʒij. s.a.f. *. These (in chiefe the latter) cure Vlcers, euen vnto admiration, yea euen where the bone is corrupted. Note; that the Vlcer is first to bee artificially cleansed and dryed with lint: and then the medi­cine to be applyed. It ought to be dressed twice a day. Querci­tanus.

℞. Succifolior. byoscyarni, & Semperuiui, ana ℥ij. olei visci po­mor. olei nenupharis, ana ℥j ss. butyri recentis, ℥ij. Ceraenonae, ℥j. C s.a.f. *. To mitigate paines of the Spleene. Quercitanus.

℞. Lardi liquefacti, & aq: Solani excepti, ℥ij. ol: Saturni, ℥ss. misce. ƲelƲisci rad: hyoscyami, visci papaueris rubri, ana ℥j. Salis petrae, ʒj. muccilag. Sem: Cydomor. ʒiij. olei Caphura, D q.s.f. *. These allay the burning heate, in or about wounds. Quer­citanus.

℞. Succi pomor. Succi Cepar. Sub prunis coctar. ana ℥ij. aq. Sem: ranar. ℥j. ol: è visco pomor. ol: populini, Cerae albae, ana q.s.f. Vel ℞. Butyr: liquefact: in aq: ex ranar. Semine extract. inijce, aut in aq: grammaror. more nostro praeparat. Repeate this at the least ten times, vntill the butter become white as milke. Take there­of (being thus prepared) ℥iij. add thereto, olei luteor. ouor. ℥j. E Commixe them for a Liniment. *. These heale burnings with gun-powder. Quercitanus.

℞. Salis Saturni Saccharnini, ℥j. ol: vitel: ouor. ℥ij. butyri prae­parati, F ℥iiij. misce & f. Liniment. *. Pretious to repell the scal­ding flux in burning by gun powder. Ʋel ℞. Succi Cepar. sub Cineribus coctar. ℥ij. olei nucum, ℥j. misce. Ʋel ℞. Fol. hederae nigrae, cum aq: plantag. contusor. M ij. olei lbj. vini albi ℥iiij. Boyle them together to the wasting of the wine, then add Cerae q.s. f. Ʋel ℞. Lardi ad flammam liquati ℥ j. Succibetae; & [Page] [Page] [Page 155] rutae, ana ℥ij. Cremoris lactis, ℥j. muccilag. Sem: Cidonior. muc­cilag. tragacanthae, ana ℥ ss. s.a. f. *. These heale Burnings. Quer­citanus. A

℞. Ol. lardi, ol: butyri, ana ℥ss., Succi solior. & baccar. hederae, ℥ij. Succi Corticis med: Sambuci, ℥iiij. Salis petrae, ʒij. Boyle them to the wasting of the iuices, then add Cerae q.s. s.a. Make a Liniment * of great vertue, to preuent vlcerations in burnings. B Quercitanus.

℞. Ol: Sulphuris terebinthinati, ʒij. ol: Sabinae, ol: terebinth: and ʒij. ol: vitel. ouor. ℥ ss. misce. Ʋel ℞. Ol: butyri, olwesinae, ana ʒij. ol: euphorbij distillari, ol: bacchar. iuniperi, ol: terebinth: ana ℈j. ol: vitel. ouor. ℥j. misce. These applyed hot to the parts C affected * profit much against a Conulsion happening by reason of a wounded sinew. Quercitanus.

℞. Balsami gummi hederae, balsami gummi elemi, ana ℥ij. ol: Cerae, ol: terebinth. ol. iuniperi, ana ℥ ss. ol. Caryoph. ol. belzoini, ana ℈ij. s.a. f. Vel ℞. Balsami visci pomor. balsami hederae, bal­sami hypericonis, ana ℥ij, ol. Saluiae, ol. terebinth. ana ℥j. ol: iuni­peri, ℥ ss. ol: tartari fatentis, ʒiij. axung. taxi, ℥iij. misce. *. These D profit much in a wonded member conuulsed, if the originall or proper spondels of the backe, and the parts affected be therewith anointed. Quercitanus.

℞. Bol. arm. Spagyricè praeparati, ℥ij. Croci martis, & Croci veneris, ana ℥j. ol. rosati, q.s. s.a f. Vel ℞. Colchotaris dulcifica­ti, Cineris ranar. adustar. ana ℥ ss. albuminum ouor. q.s. s.a. f. Vel ℞. Succi fol. nympheae, Succi fol. Semperniui, Succi fol. hyoscyami, ana ℥ij. aq: Spermatis ranar. aq: flo. tapsi barbati, ana ℥j. lythargy­ri, vel salis eiusdem, ℥ij. ol. visci pomor. ol. ros. omphac. ana ℥ij ss. creti rosati, ℥j. Incorporate them throughly in a morter of lead, with a pestell of lead, and so make a Liniment. Vel ℞. Bol. arm. praeparat. Sang. drac. Coralli rubri, ana ℥ ss. Croci martis, ʒij. bac­car. myrti, ʒj ss. ol. rosati omph. ℥iiij. aceti rosati, ℥ j. cerae, ℥j ss. s.a. f. *. The first, and second of these stanch blood. The third, E not onely effects the same but also repels humors. The fourth is in like manner a defensatiue. Quercitanus.

℞. Myrrhae, Sarcocollae nutritae in lacte mulieris, ana ℈ss. tutiae praepar. ℈j. mellis par. s.a. f. for wounds in the Eyes, but if the Patient doe complaine of the sharpnesse thereof; then mixe [Page 156] therewith a little of the white of an egge, and some Rose-water. Rondeletius.

℞. Olei violar. ℥iij. ol: è Sem: Cucurbitae, ℥j. lactis mulieris A rec. ℥j ss. Mixe them for a Liniment. *. To be applyed vnto parts wanting moisture, iij. howers before meate, after a hot fomenta­tion. Rondeletius.

℞. Ol: irini; & costini, ana ℥ij, pingued. galli [...]ae, antiquae Sa­litae, B butyri Salitirancidi, ana ℥j. vini veteris generosi, ve laq: vitae parum. s.a.f * To dry vp superfluous moisture. Rondele­letius.

℞. Ol: amygd. dul. ℥iij. butyrirec. ℥ij. adipis gallinae, vel ana­tis, C ℥j. s.a.f. *. This enlargeth the straightnesse of the thorax, and takes away the sorenesse thereof. Rondeletius.

℞. Ol: amygd. dul. & violar. ana ℥ij. butyri loti in aq: hord: mund: ℥j. Mixe them vnto the forme of a Liniment. *. against D hot affects of the Thorax. Rondeletius.

℞. Muccilag. Sem: psyllij, extractae cum aq: Semperuini, & pauco aceto, ℥iij. Succi plantag. vel Solani, ℥j. ol. nympheae, vel pa­paueris, vel hyoscyami, ʒiij. Boyle them gently vnto the wasting E of the iuice, then add thereto, and mixe therewith pomatae. ℥ ss. *. against an Erysipelas, or any hot inflammation. Rondele­tius.

℞. Ol amygd. dul. & ros. ana ℥iij. butyri rec. ℥ij. adipis gallinae, F ℥j. f. Linimentum. *. Against sorenesse about the Thorax. Ron­deletius.

℞. Ol: absinthij. & amygd. amar. ana ℥j ss. butyri rec. ℥ij. pin­gued. C gallinae, ℥j. masticis, ʒij. f. Linimentum. *. Against the hard­nesse of the Liuer. Rondeletius.

℞. Ol: violar. ℥ ss. Cremoris radicis althea, Cremoris psyllij ex­pressi cum lacte mulieris, veliure pulli, vel aq: hord: purgati, ana ʒj. butyrirec. vel axung. porc. vel. medullae porc. rec. vel medullae H vitulinae ʒss. f. *. Against the inflammation of the Liuer, of the fundament, of the Eares, &c. Rondeletius.

℞. Ol: lini, & rosar. ana ℥iij. Cerae nouae, ℥j. f. Linimentum. I*. This applyed with linnen cloathes hot; assuageth the paines of womens breasts, springing from ouermuch milke. Rondele­tius.

℞. Ol: amygd. amar. ol: lilior. vel irini, vel Cheirini, ana ℥ij. [Page] [Page] [Page 157] butyri raucidi lo [...]i, ℥j. adipis galline, & anatis, ana ℥ss. muccilag: Sem: lini, & faenugr. extractae cum aq: hord: & pauco vino albo; ana ℥ ss. Croci par. s.a. f. Liniment. *. Against the cold affects of A the Thorax, and of the sides. Rondeletius.

℞. Pingued. taxi, ℥iij. ping, vulp. lbj. masticis, ℥ ss. euphorbij, ʒij. piperis vtrius (que), ʒx. vini boni mensuras duas, s, a. f. Liniment. *. Which is right profitable against contracted members. Ω B Rondeletius.

℞. Ciner. cupressi lotor. & resiccator. plumbi albi vsti & loti, Succi rosar. ana ℥ ss, ol: ros. q.s.s.a.f. *. It assuageth paine in ma­lignant Cancerous vlcers. Theodorus. C

℞. Rad: angelicae minoris, lbx. Shred them very small, and and boyle then in vino generoso & forti, vnto a viscous thicknesse, then add to the strained substance, Saponis venet: opt: praeparat: lbij. olei comis lbij. s.a.f. Linimentum. *. Against numnesse, pal­sies, D and resolution of sinewes, with lamenesse of members that grow thereby. ☞ Your sope must be shauen very thinne; then take an earthen pot or pipkin, (being well leaded and nealed) of a fit size, put thereinto vini sublimati lbvj. set it on a gentell fire, and make it hot, euen ready to seeth, then put in the shauen soape, stirring it vntill the soape be all molten, and as it were va­nished, then put into it the strained lycour, and boyle them gently to the halfe; then add the oyle, and boyle them to the forme of a Liniment. Turneisserus.

℞. Gummi ammoniaci, & bdellij, in aq. vitae dissoluti, ana ℥ij. axung: taxonis, anseris, anatis, & vulpis, ana ℥iij. pul. iridis ʒx. fol. rutae, betonicae, herbae paralysis sicc. ana ℥j. flo: staechaed: & an­thos, ana P j. flor. Chamo. & meliloti, ana P ss. styracis calamitae, & benzoini, ana ʒij. Caryophill. olibani, nucis moscatae, ana ʒj. olei vulpini, lumbricati, & de costo, ana ℥iiij. faecis olei lilior. ℥ij. Cerae q.s.s.a.f. *. Against lamenesse of the leggs after the gout. Ʋa­leriola. E

℞. Sulphuris triti & ter ex aq: rosar. abluti, ℥j ss. lardi saliti, lbj. Beate it diligently, and wash it thrice, Cum aq: ros. q.s. & succ. limonum, ℥ij. s.a.f. Linimentum. *. Against itch and scabs. F Vesalius.

℞. Santali albi & rubri, ana ʒiij. glaucij, ʒij. terrae chimolia, boli armeni, ana ʒj ss. Beate and searce them into a very fine [Page 158] powder, and after, with the iuice of Houseleek, Put slaine, or Let­tice, A q. s. s.a. f. Liniment. *. Against I'hlegmon in the beginning. Vesalius.

Far: hord; pul. flo: Chamo. ana ℥v. Oesypi humidi, ℥iiij. ol [...] ros. lumbricor. & Chamo. ana ℥j. Sapae dulcis, ℥xx. s.a. f. Linimen­tum. B*. To assuage paine in an Aposteme, and to hasten matura­tion. Ʋesalius.

℞. Lapathi acuti, Succi plantag. asphodelor. ana ʒj ss. ol. vitel. ouer. ʒx. terebinth: clar, ℥ ss. Succi limonum, ʒiij. aluminis vsti, ʒj. argenti viui extincti, ℥ ss. ol: myrtini, omphaciui, ana ʒv ss. La­bour them altogether (the quicksiluer except) in a morter of lead, by the space of ij. houres, then s.a. incorporate the whole. C*. It freeth the face of those red pimples which proceed of salt phlegme. Vigo.

Ping. porc: liquefactae, lbj. ol: Chamo. anethi, mastichini, & laurini, ana ℥j. slyracia liquidae, ʒx. rad. helenij aliquantulum con­quassatar. rad: ebuli, ana ℥iiij. Squinanti, staechados, ana parum, euphorbij pisti, ℥ ss. vini odoriferi, lbj ss. Boyle them together to the wasting of the wine, then add to the straining, lythargyri auri,℥vij. thuris, masticis, ana ℥vj. resinae pini, ℥j ss. terebint hinae olarae, ℥j. argenti viui extincti cum Saliua, ℥iij. Cerae alba, ℥j ss. Melt the wax with the oyles on a gentle fire, and s.a. make a Li­niment. D* vsefull in the cure of Lues Ʋenera.

℞. Succi lapathi acuti, Succi plantag. ana ℥ ss. ping. porc. lique­factae, vng. populeonis, ana ℥ij. ol: ros. omph. ol: myrtillor. ana ℥j. vitel: ouor. ʒx. lythargyri auri, & argenti, ℥j ss tutiae, ℥ ss. plumbi E vsti, ʒvj. Cerusae, ʒx. argenti viui, ʒix. s.a. f. Linimentum. *. a­gainst Itch, arising from salt flegme. Vigo.

℞. Ol: vitel. ouor. ʒx. ol: Sem: lini, ℥ ss. ol: masticis, & laurini, ana ℥ ss. lardi porcini liquefacti, ping. vituli, ana ℥iiij. terebinth: clarae, ℥j ss. fol: plantag. oliuar. Siluestrium, faemariae. lapathiacuti, mali granati integri, acetosi, & caudae equinae, ana M j. fol. hederae, M ss. Bruise the hearbes, and boyle them with the oyles and fats vnto the wasting of the iuice, then add to the strained matter, lythargyri auri, & argenti, ana ℥ij. Calcis decies lotae, aluminis vsti, ana ʒvj. argenti viui extincti cum Salina hominis, ʒv. Commixe F the whole s.a. for a Liniment. *. Against brannie scales of the head. Vigo.

[Page 159]℞. Aq. Solani, plantag. rosar. ana ℥iiij. opij, ℈j. medulla panis, optimae coctae, ℥ij. argenti Sublimati, ℈iiij. Grinde on a marble stone the Sublimate and opium, then Commixe the whole, and boyle them gently to the halfe, then straine it through a thinne cloath, and put into the strained substance, fine scraped lint, boyle them a little together, then straine and reserue it. *. To abate A spongie flesh without any dolor or paine. Vesalius.

℞. Ol: amygd. dul. ping gallinae, medullae Crurium vituli, ana ʒix. ol: violacoi, ℥vj. ping. boedi, & vituli, ana ℥xv. Boyle them altogether in a decoction of mallowes, the roots of marsh mal­lowes, and quince seeds, to the wasting of the lycour, then straine it, and make in forme of a Liniment. *. Profitable for conuulsed B sinewes. Vesalius.

℞. Ol: amygd. dul. & absinthij, ana ℥j ss. butyri rec. ℥ij. ping. gallinae, ℥ij. masticis, ʒij. s.a.f. Linimentum. *. against the hard­nesse C of the Spleene. Weckerus.

℞. Olei amygdalar. amarar. ℥ij olei rutae, ℥j. staphidis agriae, ʒij. Centanrij minoris, ʒij. myrrhae, ʒiij. argenti vini, ℥ij. axun­giae rancidae salitae, ℥iij. aceti par. s.a. f. Linimentum. *. Right D profitable in morbo pediculari. Weckerus.

℞. Floris aeris, chartae vstae, ana ʒv. Colocynthidis, boracis, ana ʒvj. Salis ammoniaci, ℥ ss. Salis alkali, arsenici Citrini, fellis vac­cini, ana ʒvj. vsneae persici, ʒvij. Powder what's fit, and with soape lees q s. make a Liniment * against warts. Weckerus. E

℞. Succi ebuli, Sambuci, oxylapathi, lenistici, faeniculi, ana ℥j. vng. dialtheae, ℥iij. olei Chamaemeli, ℥ij. mellis ℥j. Boyle them to the consumption of the iuices, and so make a Liniment * against F an Oedematous Tumor. Weckerus.

℞. Olei rosar. ℥iij. olei nymphae, ℥ij. Sandali Citrini, & ru­bri, ana ʒij. trochisc: de Camphora. ʒj. Succi Solatri, aceti, ana ℥j. s.a. f. Vel ℞. Succi plantag. ℥j. rosacei, ℥iij. lythargyri nutriti, ℥j. Cerussae lotae, ʒiij. lactis mulieris, ℥ss. Incorporate them in a leaden morter to the forme of a Liniment. *. These extinguish G Saint Anthonies fire. Weckerus.


℞. Chamo. Saluiae, origani, betonicae, ana M j. Boyle them in Lee made with raine water and good ashes, straine and reserue it. The day before the vse hereof. ℞. Ros. rub. maioranae, la­uendalae, rorismar. Spicae, betonicae, ana P j. agarici concisi, ʒij. Shred the hearbes and mixe them with the Agarick, put them into a fit bag, madefie the same in the former decoction, suffer it there to remaine by the space of a night. In the morning (the Patient being fasting) wash well the head, with that lycour, and with a sweet ball; then rub the head well, with the bag wrung hot out of the lycour. Lastly, dry it with cleane, dry, and hot A cloathes. By discreet repetition, *. This comforts much the braine, and strengthens the memorie. Andernacus.

℞. Saluiae, rorism. origani, Calamenthae, ana M j. fol. lauri, M ss. flo. staechados, & helyocrisi, ana P j. Make a decoction, to wash the head withall, in the morning fasting, and after to rub it dry. B*. So doth it auaile much against cold affects of the braine. An­dernacus.

℞. Maioranae, rorism melissae, ana Mj ss. fol: lauri, M j. flo: Chamo. staechados, pensonardi, seu lauendulae, ana P ij. Make a Sac­culus with these, and boyle it in lixinio. After due purging of the body (in the morning fasting) let the head be washt with the lycour hot, then well rub'd with the bag, being wrung out C hot, lastly dryed as before, and after kept couered with a Cap. *. This strengthens the memory. Andernacus.

℞. Maioranae, betonicae, melissae, ana P j. flo: Chamo staechados, anthos, belycrisi, ana P iij. nigellae, ʒij. Boyle these in a Lee made D of the ashes of box. *. This staies a distillation, if the head be of­ten washt therewith. Andernacus.

℞. Origani, pulegij, ana Mj ss. Saluiae, M j. Boyle them in aq: E q.s.f. *. It refresheth wearied Limbs, if they bee well washt therewith or bathed therein at going to rest. Andernacus.

℞. Lixiuij fortis, ex sagicineribus faecti, q.s. Straine it iij. or iiij. times, add thereto vini generosi, like portion, aluminis q.s. Put them altogether into a earthen vessell well glased, shut it [Page] [Page] [Page 161] close, and at a gentle fire cause it to boyle a little space, then re­serue it for an excellent remedie. *. Against the Gout, to be ap­plyed A in forme following: It being made hot, let the Patient bathe his feet therein, vp to the ankles, continuing them therein, halfe an houres space at once, and that before meate both mor­ning and euening: and as it waxeth colde, still renew it with more of the same, being still kept hot, for the same purpose. It will attenuate, and sucke out the pituitous humor, which adheres vnto the Nerues: and in proces of time, not onely procure ease, but also perfect remedie, if it be constantly vsed. Neither let the Patient be discouraged, if at the first the swelling be augmented, and the paine encreased, together with rednesse and inflammati­on. Many persons (by the blessing of God) haue receiued much good hereby. Andernacus.

℞. Myrtillor. Spicaenardi, rad: aesphodeli, corticis pini, ana ℥j. landani Sem: apij, fol. senae, cyperi, ana ℥ss. Sem: papaueris albi, cort tamarisci, Sem: absinthij, ros. alb: Sem: hederae, ana ʒiij. Be­ing prepared; Infuse them in vino astringenti, in a double vessell, out of the fire, then straine and apply it. *. Against the faling of B the hayre. Augerius Ferrerius.

℞. Tutiae cum aq: ros. praeparatae, aeruginis ana ʒij. aenethi Com­busti, & abrotani vsti, ana ʒij. aq: ros. & plantag ana q s. Boyle them s.a. one walme, then cleere it by expression. Vel ℞. Aerugi­nis, aluminis, pulueris mercurialis, ana ʒj. vini albi, ℥ss. aquar­plantag. & rosar. ana ℥j. Boyle them softly, but straine them not. *. These applyed s.a. make pustules, on the yard. Augerius Fer­rerius. C

℞. Vini albi ℥ ss. aq: vitae, ℥ij. mellis rosar. ℥iij. aluminis vsti, ʒ ss. Mixe and preserue them * for wounds and vlcers. Ex An­tidot: D Banesteri.

℞. Melis crudi, lbij. aq: vitae, lbj. vini albi, lbj. vini albi, lbss. fellis bouini, ℥iiij. aluminis rochiae, ℥iij. myrrhae, masticis, olibani, ana ℥ ss. Sar­collae, ℥ij. Succi apij, & saluiae, ana ℥iij. Powder the gummes, and steepe them in the aqua vitae, then seeth them iiij. houres and re­serue it * for hollow vlcers, and Cankers. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri. E

℞. Aq: fontanae, vini rubri, ana lbij ss. ros. rub. ℥iiij. balaustior. malicorij, ana ℥ij ss. Sem: Sumach: ℥ij. Saluiae, M j. Symphiti [Page 162] vtrisque, ana M ss. aluminis, lb ss. Sarcocolle, ℥iij. masticis, ℥ij. mellis, lbj. aq: terebinthinae, lbjss. Bruise such as are requisite, A then commixe and distill them s.a reserue the water, *. for deep hollow vlcers. Ex Antidot. Banesteri.

℞. Aq: ros. & Solani, ana lbj. eupatorij, M j. Sacch: C and: ℥ij. flo: aeris. Boyle all these together, almost to the halfe, then add to the strained lycour, Syrupi infusionis ros. ℥ij. Mixe and reserue it, Vel ℞. Aq: coelestis lbviij. Sacch: candi albi, lbj. Boyle them together, and about the end of the decoction, add viridis aeris pul. ℥iiij. Vel ℞. Aq rosar: ℥iiij. aq: hord: lb ss. Syr. ros. ℥ij. Collyrij albi sinc opio, ʒjss. misce. Vel ℞. Lythargi auri, ce­russae venetae, ana ℥iiij. Caphurae, ℥ss. Make all these into fine powder, and reserue it close, when you haue cause to vse it, take thereof ℥j. or ℥ij. put it into a glasse, powre thereon, vini albi, B q.s. shake them well together, then let it setle. *. These are to be vsed warme, against vlcers and excoriations of the priuities; the last of these medicines may bee iniected, and when the wine is exhausted; you may powre fresh wine vpon the ingredients, and so shake it, and let it settle as before. Clusius.

℞. Aq. plantag. & solani, (vel vini albi) ana lbj. virid: aris ʒij. C aluminis, ℥ij. Boyle and reserue it. *. for vlcers of the priuities. Apply it in this forme, viz. wet a linnen cloath therein, and ap­ply the same warme vnto the vlcer, and when it waxeth dry, re­moysten, and re apply it. Yee may in no wise iniect hereof, vn­lesse yee add vnto ℥j. of this water, ℥ij. of plantaine water, or else ℥ij. of white wine, or of each of them ℥j. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Chalcytidis, lbij. aluminis, lbiiij. boli arm: lb ss. aq: niualis, lbij Boyle them altogether in a cleane pipkin, vntill the water be wholly euaporated, stirre it constantly vntill it bee colde, then make the substance into powder, and reserue it close: Take of this powder ℥j. aq: niualis, lbij Commixe them for a Lotion. D*. profitable against vlcers of the mouth, or any other part what­soeuer. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Saluiae, M ij. fol. Caprifolij, Miij. rorism. beton. thymi, plantaginis, capill: veneris, violar, aequilegiae. hyssopi, ana Mss Sum­mitat: Sampsuchi, M j. fol. fragar. ros. rub: balaust: ana ℥ ss. poly­gani, ℥j. fol. lauri, ʒij ss. Let them lie apart in a dry shadowie [Page] [Page] [Page 163] place by the space of vj. daies, then boyle them in aq: font: lbviij. vini albi lbij. after vj. houres gentle boyling, add aluminis rechae, lb ss mellis, lbj ss. let them boyle softly ij. houres longer, then straine and reserue it as pretious. *. Against vlcers and Cankers A of the mouth, throate, and yard. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: ros. lbj. aq: fumariae, aq: flo: Sambuci, ana lbss. limonum, n o: iiij. tartari, ʒij. caphurae, ʒss. moschi, gr. iij. Slice the lymons thinne and infuse altogether, to make a Lotion against * the Mor­phew. B Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Agarici minutissimi concisi, ℥ ss. Boyle it in strong, cleane, and sweet Lee, vnto the wasting of a third part, and then reserue it for your vse. *. It kils lice in the head, if it bee therewith C washt. And if there be any sores (after that the Lee is dryed in) anoint them with the oyle of Balsam, with a feather. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Aluminis, lbj. Boyle it in aq: q.s. make a Lotion, * against D the euill smell of the feet, if they be washt therewith hot morning and euening vp to the Ankles. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aloes Succot. ℥jss. Dissolue it in aceto fortiss. ℥iij. Incor­porate them exquisitely, adding vnto them, and mixing with them, olei vitrioli chym: extract. ʒ ss. f. Lotio. *. Against E Ringwormes, Tettars, and such like infirmities. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Myrrhae, thuris masculi, ana ʒj. myrobal: citri, ℥j ss. Boyle them in aq: q s. vnto the halfe, add thereto, aluminis vsti, ℥j. lastly, add vini albi, (equall proportion vnto the remaining lycour) mellis rosati ℥j ss. Boyle them a little, then straine and re­serue it. *. Against the vlcered yard. Ex Manuscripto. F

℞. Saniculi, bugulae, prunellae, consolidae mino. auentiae, ana M j. Boyle them in aq: q s. straine, and add mellis, ℥j. vnto each pound of the decoction. *. Against vlcers of the Eares. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Aq: stillat, prunellae, consol. ma. Caprifolij, & plantag: ana q.v. add thereto, aq: font. as much as of all the rest, Commixe with these, lytharg. auri, & vitrioli albi, as much as will make it tart on the tongue. *. It's profitable in foule and hollow vlcers. G Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Summitat. absinth: centaur. hyperici, saluiae, beton. rutae, [Page 164] eupatorij, Rorism. abrotani, ana M j. magnum flo: Chamo. Caprifolij, bellis & meliloti, ana M j. Scobs guiaci, far: lu­pinor. & orobor. ana ℥iiij. aloes Succot. & myrrhae, pul­uerisat. ana ℥ij. aluminis rochae, ℥vj. Boyle them in lixinio forti & puro. lb xx. on a gentle fire vnto the halfe, then straine it first through a strong canuas, then passe it through a cotten bagge. Lastly, adde to the strained lycour, mellis pur. & aq: vitae opt. ana lbj. Boyle them a little, and scumme them cleane, and reserue it in vessells of glasse A(close stopt) It will keepe good for vij. yeares. *. Being ap­plyed s. a. It staies mortification in wound or sore. It mundifieth, and perfectly healeth soule and noysome vlcers of the Pocks, and other malignant vlcers of hard curation. Poeton.

B ℞. Fol: olcastri, & lentisci, flor. ros. rub. ana partes aequales. Boyle them in lixiuio dulci, q.s. Make a Lotion. *. Against the ranke smell of the arme-holes. Rondeletius.

℞. Fol: vitis, violar. lactucae, ana M j. Salicis, flo: violar. bu­glossae, nenupharis, ana M ss. Capit: papaueris albi: n o: iij. Boyle them all in aq: sont. lbxij. vnto the wasting of lbj. If the hands, C feet, temples, and wrists be therewith well washed, suffering it to drie of it selfe. *. It procures rest, in Feuers, and melancholy. Rulandus.

℞. Capit: papaueris albi, n o: v. Boyle them in aq: q.s. The hands, feet, and wrists being therewith well moystned, suffering them to drie as before, and a triple linnen cloath being therein D made wet, and bound vnto the temples. *. It procures sleepe in melancholy madnes. Rulandus.

℞. Bimaluae, Chamo. ana M iij. Boyle them in aq: q.s. E*. It procures rest in vnnaturall watchings; if the Patients thighes, leggs, and feet, be therewith washed, or fomented, by the space of one quarter of an houre, afore the houre of rest. Ru­landus.

F ℞. Salis comis: M iij. aq: q.s. Boyle them well together. *. It easeth the Gout, if it be applyed hot, (vnto the parts affected) morning and euening (before meate) and dry them with hot linnen cloathes. Rulandus.

℞. Ros. & plantag. ana M iij. aq: q.s. Boyle them together a [Page] [Page] [Page 165] pretty while, then reserue it. *. It auailes against Erisipilas: A if the feet bee washt therewith, morning and euening, and dryed with soft linnen cloathes, and then anointed with vng. ros. mesneo. Rulandus.

℞. Saluiae, betonicae, hyssopi, ana M ss. flo: Chamo ros. rub. gra. myrti, contusor. Put these into a fit bagge, and boyle them in lixiuio dulci, for a Lotion. * It profits much in Asthma; which B springeth from a distillation, flowing from an enfeebled braine; if the head be therewith washt twice a weeke one houre before meate. Rulandus.

℞. Menthae, pulegij, rad: asari, ana M j. Being cut and bruised in a meane, put them into a fit linnen bag, and boyle them in lixi­uio forti, q.s. by the space of a quarter of an houre, then straine, and reserue if. The head being therewith washt (hot) in the morning fasting (the body being first purged from excrements) and then rub'd dry with linnen loathes, and a warme Cap put on and worne; by daily repetition (in proces of time.) *. It cures C deafnesse, and puts away the noise of the Eares. Rulandus.

℞. Lixiuij fortis, & aq: fontanae, ana lbiiij. fol, Senae, ℥ij ss. agarici, ℥j. pisor. P iij. Boyle them altogether on a gentle fire, vnto the wasting of lbj. of the lycour, or vntill the pease be soft. Ʋel ℞. Absinthij flor. Chamo. Serpilli, matricariae, ana M ss. baccar. laurini, rad: ireos, & asar. ana ℥j ss. Shred the hearbes, bruise the berries and rootes, put them into a fit bag. Boyle them in lixiuio ex ligni iuniperi cineribus facto, q.s. vnto the wasting of a fourth part. The strained lycour of these cure. *. The running D sores of Childrens heads called Achores; if the head bee washt therewith (hot) morning and euening, during the decrease or wane of the Moone. Rulandus.

℞. Lixiuij fortis, lbiij. pisor. M iij. Make a decoction s.a. wash the head therewith (hot) morning and euening, and dry it with hot cloathes. *. It cleanseth the head of Scurfe, Scaules, and E Dandruff. Rulandus.

℞. Ciner. Sarmentor. vitis, q.v. aq: q.s.f. Lixiuium. Where­with in the morning (after due purging of the body) it being hot, wash the head, and dry it with hot cloathes. *. It cleanseth the F head from all filthinesse. Rulandus.

℞. Alcyonij, q.v. aq:q.s.f. Lixiuiū potentissimū. *. It stayeth the [Page 166] shedding of the haire, if the head be often washt therewith. Ru­landus.

℞. Senae, ℥j. ros. rub: flo: lauendulae, P ij. aq: q.s. Make a Lo­tion A for the head. *. It strengthens the Sences, and Nerues. Ru­landus.

℞. Betonicae, Sambuci, Rutae, Saluiae, Summitatum lauri, ana M ij. flo: chamo. meliloti, rorismarini, & staechados, ana P j. rad: ebuli, & acori, ana ℥ij. Sulphuris ignem non experti, ℥iiij. Salis, ℥iij. aluminis, ℥j. furfuris, P ij. Caryophyllor. contusor. ℥ ss. Lixi­nij, B & vini albi, ana q.s.f. Lotio. *. It resolueth the stifnesse of the leggs. Valeriola.

℞. Hord: mund. ros. ana M j. fol plantag. M ij. Sumach: len­tium, ana M ss. Sem: Citonior. ʒ ss. aq: q.s. Boyle them to the C halfe. f. Lotio. *. Vsefull in Bubo Ʋenerea. Vigo.

℞. Fabar. lupinor. ana M j. passular. ficuum siccar. ana ℥ij. rad. lapathi acuti, lb ss. fumiterrae, fol. ebuli, capillor. veneris, ana Mj ss. pomor. acetosor. n o: x. furfuris M ij. hord. mund. ℥iiij. glycyrr. ℥j ss. lixiuij barbitonsoris, q.s. Boyle them vnto the wasting of a third D part, add to the strained lycour, mellis rosar. ℥iiij. f. Lotio. *. To stay the falling of the haire. Vigo.

℞. Rosar. rub. myrtillor. granator. fol. Caprifolij, & millefolij, ana M j. rad: fraxini, & folior. eius, ana M iij. nucum cupressi ali­quantulum contritar. n o: vj. rad: altheae, aliquant. contus. ℥iij. Chamo. melilo. absinthij, ana M ss. mellis, ℥iiij. licij. ℥ij. Sarcocol­lae, myrrhae, thuris, ana ℥ ss. aq: & vini rub: densi, ana q s. Boyle E them to the halfe. *. It strengtheneth a fractured member to bee bathed therewith. Vigo.

℞. Ros. rub. balaustior. flor. myrti, plantag. verbasci, fol. lauri, origani, pulegij, calamenthae, saluiae, thymi, flo: rorismarini, ana M j. baccar. iuniperi, ℥iij. aluminis rochae, salis, comis: ana ℥iij. F Boyle them all in aq: q s. f. Lotio. *. It auailes much against the Gout, if the Patient bathe, foment, or wash the feet therewith hot by the space of ij. or iij houres together euery morning fa­sting, some certaine daies together without intermission. Wec­kerus.


The true manner or method of preparing Oyles, as it is pre­scribed by that learned Quercitanus.

℞. Olei omphacini, q.v. wash well the oyle in the distilled wa­ter, of common water, after that purifie the oyle in B. M. vntill there remaine no faeces. ℞. Huius olei sic praeparati lbj. ros. rub. ex vnguibus expurgatar. (well stampt in a morter) lbj ss. put them together into a glasse matrat, well closed; place it in hot prepa­red horse-dung to putrifie, by the space of xij. daies. Then make a strong expression, and cast away the faeces: Add like quantitie of Roses (prepared as the former) againe vnto the oyle, vsing the former method for putrefaction, and expression; repeate it a third time: So shall you attaine a farre better Oyle, then that which is commonly sold by the Apothecaries. But if you will make oyles more forcible to heate, attenuate and digest. Then take of your purified oyle as before, and of spirit of wine, of each like portion, so may you make oyle, ex baccis lauri, &c. But these ought to digest a moneths space in horse-dung, and so to expresse and repeate as before. But the best and strongest of all (which we call Chimicall) are drawen without addition of oyle, vnto any the materialls, only with spirit of wine, and that in Balneo vapo­roso. Thus hauing set downe this so generall a method; I pur­pose therefore [...], onely to expresse the vertues of such oyles as are made of one simple. But in com­pounds to follow mine Authors.

Oleum ammoniaci chym: extract. *. Expelleth sand and A grauell forth of the Raynes. It easeth the Gout. Anderna­cus.

Oleum terebinthinae chym: extract: *. Commodious against all B cold affects of the sinewes; as also generally good against all greefes springing from a cold and windie roote. It's of maruel­lous force against Asthma, or difficultie of breathing, if ʒij. there­of bee taken euery morning with some conuenient broth or ly­cour, vntill the desire of the Patient be accomplished. It auailes [Page] against Empyema, or any other ill affects of the Thorax, springing A from a pituitous ground. *. It easeth the torments of the Collick. It maketh comely Cicatrizes. It remoues and cures Scabs, and Chaps of the nostrills, if it be lightly applyed with a feather. In like manner applyed, it prouokes sneesing, and drawes slymie flegme from the Braine. It heales Chaps in womens breasts. It cures deafnesse; strengthens the memory, and puts away the Crampe. It consolidates wounds in very short space, if you make an vnguent of this oyle and of virid: aeris ana partes aequas, and duely apply it. Andernacus.

Oleum Salis. Commixt with the oyles, of Wax, Turpentine, B Chamomill, and Mullen, of each proportionable s.a. *. This mar­uelously mitigateth the paines of the Gout. It breakes the stone, and sends it forth, being outwardly applyed to the region of the Raynes. One drop thereof being mixt with some appropriate lycour, and daily taken by the mouth, puts away the deformed colour of the skinne. Three drops thereof mixt with like quan­titie of pure aq: vitae, being accustomably (taken fasting) once in vij. daies; preserueth youth, in such as are young, and renewes youth in such as are aged. It consumes the water which is be­tweene the flesh and the skinne, by outward application. It cures the Epilepsie: Heales the Iandise: Driues away Agues: Dissolues Conuulsions; and cures Abcessions. Anderna­cus.

C Oleum tartari, being mixt with mumia, and applyed. *. Cures eroding vlcers. Being drunke with wine, it breakes the stone in the raynes, expels the grauell, and prouokes vrine. Ander­nacus.

℞. Olei comis veteris lbiij. terebinth: abietinae, lbij. vini albi veteris & electi, lb ss. olibani triti, lb ss. frumenti purgati, ℥iiij. vel ℥vj. hypericonis, lbss. valerianae, Cardui benedicti. ana ℥iiij. In­fuse the hearbes in the wine, far vj. or vij. houres space, then add thereto the wheate, and the oyle. Boyle them with a gentle fire vnto the wasting of the wine, then expresse the oyle, and add thereto the olibanum, and the Turpentine. Boyle them gently D vnto compleate incorporation; reserue it in a glasse. *. It spee­dily cures both wounds, and bruises. Aparitius de Zubia: Chirur­gus Italus.

[Page 169]℞. Succi oleandri, lbj. olei rosacei, lbss. Mingle and boyle them gently, vnto the wasting of the iuice, then straine, and add there­to, Sulphuris puluerizati, ℥j. *. It cures the itch, and moyst or A watery scabs. Arnaldus.

℞. XL. ouor. vitellos coctione induratos & dissipatos, cum ℥vj. pyrethri in puluerem redacti, misce. Distill them by a Retort, first with a gentle, afterward with a stronger fire; Mixe with the ly­cour drawne forth, Castorei, ℥j. thuris albi, ℥ss. hermodactylor. ʒvj. Distill them as before. The which being done; remixe the faeces, with the extracted lycour, adding thereto bacc. lauri, quantum conuenit. Distill them againe as before. If you shall yet oftner repeate it, it will be the more forcible, * to free the Ioynts of such B paines as afflict in Lues Venerea. Angerius Ferrius.

℞. Apij, marrubij, millefolij, plantag. absinth: saluiae, tapsi bar­bati, Chelidonij, valerianae, hyperici, ana M j. ol: comis: lbij. tere­binth: lbviij. galbani, ℥ij. aluminis, ℥j ss. theriacae, ℥ij. viridis aeris, ℥j. thuris, ℥j. gentianae aristol: rotundae, ana ℥j. vitrioli, tartari, ana ℥ij. myrrhae, Sarcocollae, ana ℥j. resinae pini, ℥xij. Pouder what's requisite, and boyle them altogether, to the wasting of the iuices. But note that the verdigreace must bee incorporated therewith, after it is taken from the fire: then expresse and reserue it, as pretious * against Vlcers, Cankers, and Fistulaes. Author in­certus. C

℞. Olei comis: lbviij. vini albi, lbij. Summitat: hyoscyami, & Sem: eius viridium: lbiij ss. vermium terrest: garyophyllor. ana ℥iiij. Croci, ℥j. opij, ℥ss. Chop and stampe the hearbe very small, then mixe the whole, and expose it to the sunne xij. daies: after boyle them to the Consumption of the wine and iuice, then straine, and keepe it for vse. *. for painfull wounds or brui­ses vse it thus. ℞. Huius ole. ℥iiij. olei hyperici, ℥j. olei lumbri­cor. ℥ ss. gummi elemi, ʒvj. terebinthinae lotae in lacte mulieris. ʒvij. misce. If you would haue it in the forme of an vnguent, and vse it to painfull * vlcers. ℞. Huius olei ℥iiij. resinae pini, resinae, ana D ʒiiij. vng. ros. ʒvj. Cerae albae, ℥ ss. Hereto may also be added a little Myrh, & a few drops of oyle of Sulphure, or antimonie, as the ma­lignitie requireth. To make a soft playster or sparadrap of it, doe thus. ℞. Huius olei, ℥vj. vng. hyoscyami, ℥iiij. resinae. ℥ij. Ceraecitrinae, ℥iij. misce. *. for wounds, vlcers. gouts, and other paines. Banest. F

[Page 170]℞. Olei comis: lbij ss. ol: rosar. lb ss. ol: amygd: dul. ol:lilior ana ℥iij. vini albi, lbij. aqaue vitae, lb ss. terebinth: venet. lbij. Sarco­collae, lb ss. myrrhae ℥iiij. gummi elemo, ℥vj. olibani, ℥iij. masticu, ℥ij ss. aloes epaticae, beioini, stryracis calamitae, gummi hederae, ana ʒiij risinae pini, ʒij. nucis mosc. ʒij. spicae, ʒj. galangae, ʒ ss. Croci, ℥ ss. ammoniaci, ℥j. opoponacis, ℥ ss. Pouder which are to be pou­dred, and dissolue the gummes in wine, then put them together, letting them stand in the sunne xx. daies. Then boyle them at a gentle fire (in a pot close stopped) by the space of xiiij. houres, A then let it stand in the sun, other xx.daies, and at the last, straine & keepe it as a secret. *. It doth wonderfully cause flesh in wounds, and doth mitigate paine, and causeth good matter. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: comis: lbij. galbani, ℥j. ammoniaci, ℥ ss. terebinth: ℥vj. vini albi, lb ss. Succi apij, & plantag. ana ℥j. fellis bonis, ℥ij. aq: vitae, ℥ij ss. resinae pini, ℥ ss. masticis, Sarcocollae, ana ʒij. aluminis vsti, ʒiij. First, dissolue the gummes in aq: vitae, and boyle them very softly xij. houres, then mixe the whole, and boyle them to B the consumption of the whine and iuices, adding thereto in the end, viridis aeris, ℥ij. and make it according to art, * for hollow wounds and fistulaes. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: lumbricor. masticis, & hypericonis, ana ℥iiij. ol: comis: lbj ss. Sarcocollae, lbj. aq: vitae, lb ss ol: terebinthinae, lbj. flo: anthos. lb ss. Pouder what's fit, then mixe and boyle them in B. M. xij. C houres. then set them in the sunne xl. dayes. After boyle them a­gaine: and reserue the oyle * for greene wounds. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: comis, lbij. vini cretici, lbj. rad: helenij. ℥iiij. in pulue­rem redact. salui [...], hypericonis, ana M j. masticis, ℥iiij. Caryophyllor. ℥iij. Mixe and boyle them (in a vessell strongly bound) vnto the consumption of the wine and iuces, then straine, &c. ℞. Olei lumbricor. & hypericomis ana ℥xij. ol: masticis, ℥iiij. ol: comis: ℥vj. aq: vitae, lb ss. viui maluatici, ℥iiij. Sarcocollae, lb ss. masticis, ℥iij. myrrhae, ℥iij. flo chamo. ℥ ss. Caryophill. ℥ij. terebinth: venet. D ℥iiij. Prepare and boyle them to the wasting of the wine and water, straine, &c. *. for greene wounds. Ex Antidot. Ba­nesteri.

℞. Boracis, ℥vij. Sarcocollae, ℥vj. masticis ℥iiij. Caryoph: ℥j. oli­bani, [Page] [Page] [Page 171] ℥ij. myrrhae, ℥ijss. Make them all in powder, and infuse them in aq: vitae, ℥xx. add thereto after the infusion, ol: hyperici, vel comis: lbiiij. terebinth: venet, lbj ss. Succi Symphiti minoris, lb ss. vini nigri, lbj. thuris, ℥j. Boyle them at an easie fire xx. houres, then put in the infused gummes, and boyle them in a brasen vessell close stopped, by the space of xxiiij. houres, then remoue it from the fire, and stirre in till it be colde, then put it into a glasse, adding thereto, ol: terebinth: lbss. masticis, Sarcocollae, & flo: hypericonis pulueriz. ana ℥ij. Commixe, sunne, and reserue it, &c. Vel ℞. Ol: nardini, ℥iiij. ol: hyperici, ℥vij. ol: com: lbj. vini cretici, lbj. Sar­cocollae, ℥vj. masticis, ℥ij. olibani, ℥iij. ss. myrrhae, ℥ ss. terebinth: purae, ℥vij flo: saluiae, ℥iiij. flo: rorismarini, ℥iij. flo: hyperici, ℥vj. Caryophillor. ℥iiij. Pouder what's fit, and boyle the oyle, wine, flowers, and cloues (in a vessell close stopped) xij. houres: after let them steepe in the same vessell xij. daies, then mixe the whole, and boyle them together xx. houres: lastly, let them stand in the sunne xij. daies, then straine, and reserue it. *. These agglutinate A wounds with speed. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Summitat: hyperici contus. lbj ss. vini maluat: lbiij. ss. ol: oliuar. lbiij. Mixe and set them in the sunne ten daies, then boyle them in B. M. xij. houres, then straine, and add thereto, flo: hype­rici, lbj. Infuse them other x. daies, and then add thereto, tere­binth: venetae, lb ss. masticis, ℥j ss. Sarcocollae, Caryophyllor. ana ℥ij. myrrhae, ℥j. macis, ʒvj. vermium terrest: ℥iij. Pouder what is to powdred, and boyle the whole together, to the wasting of the wine and iuice of the hearbes, then straine and reserue it * for B wounds. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: com: lbiiij. vini rub. aq: vitae, ana lbj. terebinth: lbj. Sarcocollae, lb ss. masticis, ℥j. olibani, ℥ij. Consolidae maioris, M iiij. Bruise the hearbes, and mixe them with the wine, oyle, and aq: vitae, infuse them together xij. daies, then boyle them in B. M. xvj. houres. After they be cold, add thereto, Consolidae maioris recentis, M iij. let them infuse other x. daies, then add thereto the Turpentine, and boyle them together xx. houres, and after strai­ning, commixe therewith the Sarcocoll. and the rest in fine pou­der, &c. Vel ℞. Aq: vitae opt. lbij. Sacch. albiss. lb ss. ol: com: puri, lbiiij. terebinth: purae, ℥xx. Sarcocollae, lbss. masticis, myrrhae, ana ℥j. Pouder which are to be poudred, mixe, and put them in­to [Page 172] a pot with a narrow mouth, letting than stand In B.M. xxiiij. houres, then set it in the sunne ten daies, after which reboyle them A xij. houres, then straine and reserue it. *. These heale greene wounds. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: com: lbiiij. vini albi, lbij. aq: vitae, lbj ss. saluiae, M ij. Cardui benedicti, Mj ss. valerianae, M j. hyperici, Mj ss. melissophil­li, M ss. melilo. M j. betonicae, centaurij, scabiosae, dictami sambuci, ana P iij. Bruise the hearbes, and infuse them xx. daies, then straine them strongly, and boyle them to the wasting of the wine, and the iuices of the hearbes, add thereto, terebinthinae purgatae, lbj ss. ma­sticis, ℥j. olibani, ℥ij. myrrhae, ℥j. Sarcocollae, ℥ij. euphorbij, ʒiij. nu­cis mosch. ℥ ss. Caryophyll. ʒvj. iridis, ℥j. resinae pini, ℥iij. oppopona­cis, ʒiij. Croci, Caphurae, ana ʒj. vermium terrest. ℥ ss. theriacae optimae, ℥j. flo: hyperici, ℥iiij. ros. rub: ℥ij ss. rubiae tinctor. ℥ss. Pou­der what's fit, then boyle them together one houre, then put them into a fit vessell and close it, let it so remaine xx. daies, then add thereto the gummes (being first dissolued in malmsy) and boyle them together at an easy fire iiij. or fiue houres, after straine and B reserue it as excellent * for wounds, and vlcers being first mundi­fied. It doth also incarnate, assuage paine, comfort, and speedily conglutinate. Ex Andidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: com: lbj. vini cretici, lbj. terebinth: ℥iiij ss. bdellij, ℥iij. myrrhae, ʒiij ss. Sacocollae, ℥j. thuris, ʒiij ss. masticis ℥ ss. Pouder, &c. mixe and boyle them vpon a cleere fire, til the wine be consumed. Vel ℞. Ol. mastichini, lbss. ol: com. lbj. aq: vitae, lb ss. Sarcocollae, ℥vj. Sang: draconis, ℥ij. masticis, ℥iij. myrrhae, ℥ij. Cinamo. ℥ ss. nucis mosc. ℥j. boracis, ℥ij. aloes epaticae, ℥ ss. aq: Caprisolij, ℥vj. Succi Symphiti vtriusque, ana ℥iij. aquae mellis ℥iiij. Make it to C your vse. *. These heale both greene wounds, as also old vlcers, and that very well. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Ol: com: lbiiij. vini albi, lbij. aq: vitae, lbj. Succi absinthij, va­lerianae, pimpinellae, hyperici, Cardui benedicti, saluiae, apij, conso­lidae maioris, minoris & mediae, plantag. millefolij ana ℥ijss. Bruise the herbes, and mixe them, and steepe them xij. houres, then boyle them in a vessell close stopped, till the wine and iuices be consu­med, then add thereto, terebinthinae purg [...]tae. lbj ss. myrrhae ℥iiij. Sarcocollae, ℥iiij ss. olibani, ℥ij. masticis, ℥ij ss sang. drac. thuris, ana ℥iij. gummi elemi, ℥iij ss. Caryophyll. ℥j. nucis mosc. ℥j. ss. Cinamo. [Page] [Page] [Page 173] ℥j ss. galangae, ℥ ss. Carpobalsami, ʒj ss. Croci, ℈ ss. Pouder, &c. and boyle them together foure and twenty houres, and after it is strained, reserue it to your vse. Vel ℞. Ol: laurini, ℥ij. ol: com. ℥iij. ol: lumbricor. ℥ij ss. ol: hypericonis, ℥ij. olei benedicti, ℥j. ol: ros. ℥iij. terebinth: lbj. euphorbij, ʒj. styracis, calamitae, ʒj ss. resinae pini, lb ss. galbani ʒiij. Sarcocollae, ʒj. gummi ammoniaci, bdellij, oppoponacis, gum: hederae, ana ʒj ss. landani, ʒ ss. masticis, ʒij. olibani, ʒiij. thuris, ʒij. nuc. mosc. ℥ij. mumiae, ʒ ss. Caryo­phyllor. ℥ ss. Pouder, &c. and s.a. make an oyle in good forme. * These cure greene wounds. Ex Antidot: Banesteri. A

℞. Terebinth: lbj ss. styracis liquidae ℥ss. styracis calamitae, be­uioini, ana ʒij. thuris, ʒj. nuc. mosc. ʒij. landani, ʒss. galbani, ʒij. gummi elemi, ℥ ss. ammoniaci, ℥ij. oppoponacis, gum: hederae, saga­peni, ana ʒ ss. ol: laurini, ℥iiij. resinae pini, ℥ij. aq: vitae, lbss. Mixe them, and make an oyle in good forme. *. It mollifieth hardnesse B in or about wounds. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Ol: com: lbj ss. ol ros. lb ss. vermium terrest: ℥iiij flo: hype­rici. ℥iij. rorismarini, ℥j terebinth: venetae, lb ss. vini albi, lb ss. myrr­hae, Sarcocollae, ana ℥ij. masticis. ℥j ss. euphorbij, iridis, ana ʒj. Powder, &c. and boyle them to the consumption of the wine, then straine and reserue it, * for wounds in any part of the body. C Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: amygd. dul. ol: lilior. violar. Chamo. ana ℥vj. opopona­cis, ℥iij. ammoniaci, ℥iij. myrrhae, ʒij. Oesypi, ℥iij. ol: pedum vac­car. ℥v. fellis bouis, ʒiij. ping. capi, anatis, anseris, & Cygin, me­dullae cruris equini, ana ʒj ss. Succi hyoscyami, ℥ ss. aq: vitae, ℥vj. butyri recentis. Succi maluar, branchae vrsinae, ana ℥ij ss. Succi altheae, Sambuci, ana ʒiij. Dissolue the gummes in aq: vitae, and boyle them all to the consumption of the iuices, straine and re­ferue it, as right profitable against * Conuulsion of Nerues. Ex D Antidot Banesteri.

℞. Ol: terebinth: & ros. ana ℥iiij ss. ol: lumbricor. masticis, ana ℥iij. ol: Sem: lini, ℥iij ss vermium terrestrium, ʒj. terebinth: clarae, ℥iiij. masticis, myrrhae, ana ℥ ss. gum: elemi, ammoniaci, ana ʒij ss. Sarcocollae ʒj Croci. ℈j. Dissolue the gummes in vineger, add thereto, Centaurij ma. M j. Bruise the hearbes, and boyle alto­gether in a double vessell, and set the straining in the sunne. *. This incarnates wounds, and comforts sinewes. Ex Antidot: Banest.

[Page 174]℞. Ol: com: lbij. vini odoriferi, lbj. rarismarini, M ij. Symphi­ti maioris, plantagiuis, ana M j. aquae vitae, ℥vj. Bruise the hearbes small, then mixe and straine them, add thereto, terebinthinae, ve­netae, lbl. Sarcocollae, lb ss. masticis, ℥iiij. Boyle them gently vnto the dissoluing of the gummes, and wasting of the iuices, then A straine and sunne it xx. daies. *. It healeth wounds in the ioynts, or sinewy parts. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Apij, marrubij, millefolij, plantag. absinthij, saluiae, tapsibarbati, chelidoniae, valerianae, hyperici, ana M j. ol: com: lbij. terebinth: lb ss. galbani, ℥ij. aluminis rochae, ℥j ss theriacae, ℥j. virid: aeris, ℥ij. thuris, &j. gentiana, aristolochiae rot. ana ℥j. resinae pini, ℥xij. Pou­der what's requisite, and boyle them together, to the waste of the B iuices, then straine it, and in the cooling, add the verdigrece in fine pouder, stirre it strongly vnto compleate incorporation. *. It's profitable in vlcers, fistulaes, and Cankers. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri.

℞. Ol: oliuar. lbij. ol: laurini, lb ss. galbani, ℥iiij. aq: vitae, lbj. myrrhae, ℥j. virid: aeris, ℥iiij. in pul. subtillis. redact: Dissolue the galbanum in the aq: vitae, then boyle them with the oyles (at an easie fire) ten houres, in the end put to the verdigrece, incorpo­rate them well together, and stirre them three houres, in the end straine and reserue it. Vel ℞. Ol: magistralis, ℥ij. ol: lumbri­cor. ℥j. ss. ol: benedicti ℥ ss. ol: terebinth: ℥iiij. ol: rosar. ʒij. tere­binth: purg. ℥ij. masticis, ʒij. Sarcocollae, ʒiij. myrrhae, ℥j. ammo­niaci, galbani, ana ʒj ss. gummi elemi, ʒiij. ss. resinae pini, ℥j. Succi plantag. Solatri, apij, ana ℥j. vini albi, ℥iij. Boyle them in a dou­ble vessell vnto the wasting of the wine and iuices, then expresse C and reserue the oyle for your vse. *. These are commodious for hollow vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: Magistralis, ℥ij ss. ol: com: ℥iij. Succi plantag. Solani, apij, ℥j. olei lumbricor. ℥j. ol: benedicti. Boyle them to the con­sumption of the iuices; then add thereto, terebinth: purgatae, ℥j ss. Sarcocollae, ℥ij. masticis, & thuris, ana ʒj. olibani, ʒij ss. resinae pi­ni, ℥ ss myrrhae ʒj. gummi elemi, ʒij. Croci, ℈ ss. virid: aeris, ℥j. D Incorporate them. *. To mundifie vlcers. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri.

℞. Ol: com: lbij. terebinth: lb ss. myrrhae, ℥ ss. Sarcocollae, ℥iij. aq: vitae, aceti opt. ana ℥iij. aluminis crudi pul. ℥j. ss. vitrioli, ℥ ss. [Page] [Page] [Page 175] boracis, ℥ ss. Boyle them to the consumption of the vineger and aq: vitae, then add thereto, virid. aeris, pul. ℥j. Reboyle, straine, A and reserue it in glasse, * for fistulated, and cankered vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: nardini, ℥ ss. ol: rutacei, ℥j ss. ol: masticis, ℥ij. ol; tere­binth: ℥j ss. vini cretici, cochlear. iiij. aq: vitae, coch: ij. Mixe and boyle them to the consumption of the lycours, straine and reserue it, *. for the Crampe, happening in a wound or otherwise. Ex B Antidot: Banisteri

℞. Ol: com: lbj ss. ol: ros. & Chamo. ana lbj. ol: spicae, vulpini, hypericonis, ana ℥ij ol: ana ℥j ss. chamo. absinth. anthos, matrica­riae, calamenthae, ana M j. Squinanthi, M ss. Sem: hypericonis, Mj ss. pingued. anatis, & anseris, ana ℥iij. medullae crurium vituli, & vaccar. ana ʒx. rad: ebuli, & helenij, ana ℥iiij. ranar. n o: viij. ver­mium terrest: lot: cum vino, ℥iiij. Bruise them all, mixe and in­fuse them with white wine q. s. for xxiiij. houres, then boyle them at an easie fire to the wasting of the wine, then add to the strai­ned part, terebinth: ℥ij ss. Croci, ℈ij. Cerae nouae, ℥ ss. s.a. misce. C *. Against the Gout. Ex. Antidot. Banesteri.

℞. Ol: com: in que fuerint extinct, lateres recentes, lb ss ol: amygd. amar. ℥ij. ol: papaneris albi, ℥j ss. thuris, masticis, ana ℥j. ammoniaci, galbani, in aceto dissolutor. ana ʒij. resinae. ℥ ss. tere­binth: ℥ij. aeruginis rafilis, ℈ij. When the gummes be dissolued, put them into the oyle, together with the Frankensence and the Mastick, and boyle them a little, then add the Rosin, lastly the Verdigrece, then straine and reserue it. Vel ℞. Ol: com: lbj. flor. hyperici, lb ss. cast the flowers into the oyle, and let them ma­cerate certaine daies, then expresse out the flowers, and macerate like quantitie of flowers as before; let this be repeated foure or fiue times; lastly, add to the expressed oyle gummi elemi, ℥iij. D then sunne it for certaine daies, then straine and reserue it. *. These heale greene wounds, if an agglutinatiue playster, be applyed vp­pon the Orifice. Calmeteus.

℞. Ol: violar. lbiiij. caticulor recent: nator, n o: ij. vermium ter­restrium, in vino albo lotor. lbj. fol nicotianae M iiij. lanceolae, con­sol: ma. & rad: eiusdem, ana Mj ss. Bruise the hearbes, and roots, and infuse the whole (being commixed) for vj. daies. Then boyle them gently vntill the flesh of the kitlins fall from the bones, then [Page 176] add to the expressed oyle, terebinth: venet: ℥iiij. aq: vitae opt. ℥j. Reboyle it with stirring vnto compleate incorporation, reserue A it in glasse, * as pretious for the cure of wounds. Clowes.

℞. Ʋini albi, lbij. ol: veteris, lbiiij. ol: terebinth. lbij. flor. hy­perici recent: Cum Sem: q.s. Bruise the flowers, and seedes, and mixe them with the oyles and the wine, put them into a fit glasse, and expose them to the sunne, for vij. daies, then boyle them in B. M. vj. or vij. houres, then straine and add fresh flow­ers and seeds as before, then sunne, boyle, and straine, as before. Repeate this course vntill the oyle be red, and the wine consu­med, then straine, and add thereto, alo [...], epacicae, myrrhae, masticis, mummiae, olibani, ana ℥j. Caryophillor. macis, nuc: mosc. Cinamo. ana ℥ ss. Croci, ʒj. granor. tinctor. ℥ ss. vermium terrest: ℥iiij. Let the wormes be duly purged in white wine, then put all these to­gether with the oyle into a double glasse, and set it in the sunne a moneth, after boyle it againe in B.M. twelue houres (the glasse close stopped), then take it from the fire, and when it is al­most B colde, straine and reserue it, * as pretious for wounds. Clowes

C Oleum Sampsuchinum. *. Refresheth wearied Limbs; profiteth much against cold affects of the braine and Synewes. It much ac­commodates such as are Paraletick, if the spine of the backe bee therewith well anointed in the Bath. It puts away the torturing Cramp of the Lawes, by being iniected into the nostrills. It disperseth flatuosities within the Cranium, by sending it into the Eares. It auailes against the bitings of Scorpions. Cor­dus.

D Oleum amygd. dulc. *. Makes smooth the roughnesse of the Asperiteria, and opens the suffocated longs. It moystens and softens the hardnesse and drinesse of the ioynts. It's not onely pleasant in meates, but much profiteth such as are either Hectick, or Phthisick. It fattens leane bodies. It encreaseth Sperme. It mitigates the violence of the Cough. Being iniected, It allayeth the acrimonie and sharpnesse of vrine, and healeth the excoriated writers. Cordus.

E Oleum raphaninuns. *. Auailes much against Phtyhriaseos, or the lowsie euill. It frees the skin from Scurf, and Scabs. Dios­corides.

[Page 177] Ol: macis chym: extract: is vertuously hot. *. It assuageth the A Collick, arising from a cold cause. It staies distillations from the head. If comforts the heart and stomacke, fencing the heart a­gainst tremblings. It openeth the obstructed bladder, and auailes against the Stangurie. In some it's good against all greefes, which spring from a cold roote. The dose is iij. or iiij. drops (with some appropriate lycour, or morsell) to bee taken fasting. Euonymus.

Oleum Sulphuris chym: extract: *. Auailes in greefes, arising B from cold, putrefaction, or flatuositie. viz. in Feuers, putrid, tertians, quotidians, quartanes. The Pest. In wounds, and vl­cers, hollow and sinowie. In many affects of the braine, mouth, teeth, stomacke, lyuer, spleene, matrixe, bladder, intestines, and ioynt [...]. In chiefe, such as spring either from putrefaction, or ple­nitude of humors. The dose is so much as will be taken vp with a feather of a pullen; dipt into, and drawen forth [...] some ap­propriate distilled water, wine, decoction, &c. viz. In a quoti­dian, in wine, wherein hath beene decocted Mints, or Rosema­rie; to be taken a little before the inuasion of the fit. In a Terti­an; in wine, wherein hath beene decocted, Centory. In a quar­tane; with buglosse water. In the Pest. in wine decocted with radishes, and commixt with Andromachus Treacle, and Mithri­date. It healeth Vlcers and Pustules of the mouth, being apply­ed softly with a feather. It profits in the Epilepsie, administred with the decoction of Betony, & Paeonie. In the Cough: in wine, wherein hath beene decocted, nettle seeds, and hyssope. In quea­sinesse of the stomack, with worme-wood water. In dolor of the stomacke, and Collicke arising from winde; in water of Ca­momill. In coldnesse of the lyuer, and dropsie: with waters of Ireos, Celandine, and honie. In obstruction of the spleene: with water of tamarisk. In Lues Ʋenerea: in water of fumitary, or in water of broome flowers. Against wormes: in water of grasse or of wormwood. In greefes of the Matrixe: in wine, decocted with Betony, and Mother-wort. In suppression of vrine: in wine, decocted with garlicke. In the cold gout: in water of Chamae­piteos. In the toothach: to be applyed only with a feather, vnto the tooth or teeth affected, but if all the teeth be affected, then to commixe a drop or two with the decoction of Mints, and to hold [Page 178] it in the mouth. In all wounds, or vlcers, lightly to be applyed with a feather. Euonymus.

A Oleum ligni guiaci, chym: extract. *. Is of excellent vertue against dolors, and vlcers, concomitating Lucs Ʋenerea. Euo­nymus.

B Oleum Caryophyllor. chym: extract: *. Is hot and dry in the third degree. It comforts, and strengthens the stomacke, the lyuer, and the heart. It staies the flux Diarrhaea. Auailes against colde and moysture. It attenuates, and dissipates, grosse, melan­choly spirits. It hath all the vertues of Balsam. It strengtheneth the braine, and the visiue spirits. Auailes against Vertigo: if iij. or iiij. drops thereof, be taken in the morning fasting, in some ap­propriate matter. It stayes rhewmes. Euonymus.

C Oleum spicae, chym: extract: *. Heales the Gonorrhaea, if the raines be therewith anointed. It expels wormes, if ij. drops thereof be [...]iuen in wine. In summe it's endued with many excel­lent vertues, as being profitable against all cold and moyst affects. Euonymus.

D Oleum è baccis iuniperichym: extact: *. Is full fraught with vertues. It easeth the torment of the intestines; if iij. or iiij. drops thereof be administred in good wine. It staies Gonorrhaea; by anointing of the raines therewith. It's comparable (in many things) with Balsam. It preuents swounding; in those who are thereunto subiect; and recouers them being in it, if iij. or iiij. drops thereof be giuen with spirit of wine. It's good against re­solution of the sinewes, and all cold affects of the braine. It pre­serues the body against venemous and pestilent ayre. It restores a decayed stomacke. It staies vomiting, and fluxes of the nether belly. It kills wormes. Stayes spitting of bloud. Heales the landise. Helpes conuulsed members; being outwardly applyed. It cures inueterate and maligne scabs. Heales the greefe of the fundament, called Condyloma. Heales Chaps of the hands. Easeth the gout of the feet, and huckle bone. And being applyed to the Nauell: it helpeth the Collick. Euonymus.

Oleum antimonij, seu sanguis stibij, is thus made. ℞ Reguli antimonij q.v. grinde it most finely vpon a marble stone, pouring still vnto it a little distilled vineger: when it is perfectly ground, put it into a cleane felt, and poure of your vineger gradually vpon [Page] [Page] [Page 179] it, vntill it haue dissolued and carried through all the Antimonie into the vessell that standeth vnder to receiue it: then put all that lycour into a limbeck, and distill it out; the faeces remaining in the bottome will be red, which take and put in a cloth, hang the same in some moist place, with a receiuer vnder it to drop into, and that which so resolueth and droppeth downe, reserue as ex­cellent, against * creeping, and maligne vlcers: Your Regulus is thus made. ℞. Stibij q.v. Melt, and let it coole againe, re­melt, and let it coole againe; repeate it fiue or six times, vntill it bee perfect. Fallopius. Gesner. Affirmeth that this oyle assua­geth the dolors of wounds; and perfectly cures any wound whatsoeuer. Hee likewise extols it as wonderfull in curing Cancrous, and Contumacious Vlcers.

Carpobalsami, myrrhae, nucis indae, ana ℥j ss. flor hyperico­nis, ʒij. Beate the ingredients somewhat grosly, and commixe them with old pure oyle, ℥iiij. let them macerate (in a place con­uenient) for six moneths, then extract the oyle by B. M. Vel ℞. Olei veteris & puri, lbj ss. Xylobalsami, opoponacis, bdellij, aloes, Carpobalsami, ammoniaci, Serapini, nucis indae, flo: hyperici, gum­mi arabici, tragacanthae, thuris, aena ℥j.. tegular. recent: in frustulis fractar. candent: fact: & in oleo extinct: ℥iij. terebinthae clarae, ℥vij. Pound what needs, and commixe the whole vnto compleate in­corporation, then s.a. draw forth the oyle. Vel ℞. Carpobal­sami, myrrhae, nucis indae, ana ℥ss. flo: hypericonis, ʒij. Pound them grosly, and commixe them with ℥v. of pure oyle, and ℥j ss. of cleere Turpentine; drawe of the oyle s. a. wherewith com­mixe oleum è lateribus [...]. moschi, gra. v. ambrae grisiae, gra. iij. *. These oyles are no lesse vertuous then balmes, in healing of A wounds. Guilielmus de Saliceto, &c.

℞. Ol: oliuar. lbiij. vini albi lbij. flo: fol. & Sem: hyperici lbj. valerianae graecae, saniculae guttatae, diapensiae, Solidaginis Sara­cenics, prunellae, ana. M ss. Stampe the hearbes, and infuse them in the wine & oyle xxiiij. houres, then boyle them at a soft fire, to the consumption of a great part of the wine and iuice; then strai [...]e it, and put thereto, terebinth: venetae, lbj ss. ol: terebinthinae, ℥vj. clybani, ℥v. myrrhae. ℥i j. masticis, ℥j. Sang: drac. ℥j. the rootes of Alkanet (being first bruised, and infused in a little oyle, by the space of ij. houres) ℥ss. Boyle them gently, and sufficiently to­gether, [Page 180] A then straine and reserue it, * for to cure wounds. It being the best that euer I found. Iarret.

℞. Ol. rosar. lbiij. terebinth: abietinae, lbij. myrrhae, thuris ana ℥iiij. tritici viridis, M ss. rad: vel fol. valerianae, & Card. benedi­cti, ana ℥iiij. hyperici, ℥vj. vini albi hispanici, lbij. Bruise the hearbes and wheate a littell, and put them into a glasse with a narrow mouth, poure vpon them your wine; let them infuse iiij. houres, then add the oyle, and boyle them together in a double vessell vnto the consumption of the wine; then add the Turpen­tine, B Myrh, and incense, so boyle and straine them * for wounds. Ex libro hispanico.

C Oleum Castorinum. *. Mightily auailes against all cold affects; in chiefe, in neruous parts. It heales the Palsie, Cramps, Con­uulsions, &c. It preuents the sharpe, and shaking vigor and rigor of Agues: if the spine of the backe be therewith anointed, before the inuasion of the fit. Iacobus de Manlijs.

D Oleum de Capparibus. *. Good against hardnesse, and stopping of the Spleene, and other consimilar greefes thence arising. Inno­minatus.

E Oleum nicotianae. *. Good in wounds; against scabs, and vl­cers. It assuageth headache. Innominatus.

F Oleum rosatum. *. Allayeth inflammations, assuageth dolor, abateth tumor, and gently resolueth; Corroborateth those parts which are neruous. Innominatus.

G Oleum menthae. *. Heates, and strengthens a cold weake sto­macke, stayeth vomiting, stirs vp appetite, and helpes concoction. Innominatus.

H Oleum absinthij. *. Heates and strengthens parts weakned through cold, in chiefe, the stomacke; it stirs vp appetite, opens obstructions, killeth wormes. Innominatus.

I Oleum lileaceum. *. Heats, resolues, and digests. It's profita­ble against cold affects of the neck, thorax, stomacke, matrix, and bladder. Innominatus.

K Oleum anethinum. *. Assuageth paines, opens the pores, re­solues Apostemes and hard Tumors, abates the rigor of Feuers, prouokes both sweate and sleepe. Innominatus.

L Oleum rutaceum. *. Openeth, heateth, resolueth and mitiga­teth dolor. It warmeth the raynes, matrix, and bladder, assuaging [Page] [Page] [Page 181] their paines. It helpeth the Collick, if the belly bee therewith anointed hot, or a simple Clister thereof administred. It com­forts the nerues, abates the vigor of the Cramp, and expels cold humors. Innominatus.

Oleum è baccis lauri chym: extract: *. Easeth the torments A of the Collick, and Iliack passions, profits much against the Scia­tica. Innominatus.

Oleum ex granis ebuli chym: extract: *. Is admirable in giuing B ease, and cure in the gout. Innominatus.

℞. Ol: ex pedibus bouinis, lbij. fellis bouini, lbj. aq: vitae, aq. rosacei ana lb ss. Put them in a brasse pan, add vnto them, Chamae­cyparissi folior. lauri, ana M j. rorismarini, Spicae, lauendulae, fol: fragariae cum filamentis. The hearbes being bruised, boyle them with the rest; then straine and reserue it * for shrunke sinewes. C Ex Manus [...]ripto.

℞. Hyrundinum n o: xxiiij. fol. fragariae cum filamentis, Mij. rosmarini, fol. violar. lauendulae albae, absinthij ana M j. Stampe the hearbes and swallowes together, vnto compleate incorpora­tion; set them to digest in an earthen pot couered for ix. daies, then add vnto them, butyri maialis lbiiij. vel v. Commixe and boyle them together gently for ij. houres space, then let them stand from the fire ij. or iij. dayes; then make it hot againe at the fire and expresse it. *. for aches and straines. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Pullor. hyrundinum, n o: xx. Put them lyuing into a large morter, and stampe together with them: Chamaecyparissi, lauendulae, Camomaeli, polygani, quinque neruiae, melissae, Sum­mitat: Caprifolij, vitis filamenta. Summitat: maluar: fol: he­derae terrestris, fragariae filamenta, folior. plantag. Summitat: iu­glandis, fol: betae, hyssopi, absinthij romani, hyoscyami dubij flore lu­teo, valerianae, fol: violar. saluiae, auentiae, thymi, Phu. ana M j. fol. ros. rec. expurg. M ij. These being all well stamped, add vnto them, olei pedum bouinum, lbij. Caryophyllor: tenuiss. pul. ℥ij. Put them all into a new earthen pot, well glased, and lute on the couer, set the pot in hot horsedung for iij. weeks space; Then set the pot into a kettell, or pan of water, and put into the pot, olei pedum boninum, lbj. Cerae Citrinae, lb ss. Boyle them together for vij. houres space, then expresse it, and when it is cold, seperate the [Page 182] A oyle and reserue it, * as right profitable against rheumes, falling downe into, and vpon the ioynts, and limbs, causing aches, I'ts good against all outward paines proceeding of a cold cause. It's vsefull in Palsies, helpeth Bruises. Ex Manuscripto. It ought to be made about Midsomer.

℞. Fructuu [...] balsaminae Seminibus exemptis, q.v. olei ompha­cini, q.s. Macerate them in a fit vessell, either in B.M. or else set them to digest in hot horsedung, for so long time as in iudge­ment they ought to stand. Afterwards s.a. draw forth the oyle, B* which is pretious in wounds of the breast, allaying inflamma­tions, and preuenting ill accidents. It auailes against vlcers and in­flammations of the wombe; if it be iniected with a matricall siringe. It wonderfully assuageth the paines of the Hemorrhoides. It cures wounded sinewes, and heales burnings, or skaldings, if it bee mixt with oyle of sweet almonds: adding proportio­nably to euery pound, one ounce of liquid vernix. Matthiolus.

C Oleum hyperici. *. Is of thinne parts, it heates and dries. It heales wounds in neruous parts; Consolidates the sinewes; Cures burnings by fire. It asswageth the Sciatick tortures; Easeth the torments of the bladder, by prouoking detained vrine. Medici Florent.

Oleum Scorpionum; Hereof are ij. sorts. The simple breakes, D* and expels the stone in the raynes, if the loynes, and the region of the bladder, be therewith anointed, or that it be iniected in the vrinary passages. The compound oyle is of greater force, against the stone; And no lesse power full against poyson and the Pesti­lence. Mesnes.

E Oleum vulpinum. *. Easeth the gout, and all arthriticke greefes. It maruelously easeth the pames of the back, and loynes. Mesnes.

F Oleum Costinum. *. Heates, opens obstructions, comforts and strengthens the sinewes, and all neruous parts, as muscles, tendons, ligaments, &c. It comforts and strengthens the stomacke, pre­uents gray haires, adornes the body both with colour, and odor, both commendable, and acceptable. Mesnes.

C Oleum euphorbinum. *. Being sent vp by the nostrills mightily auaileth against the generall, or vniuersall headache, the Megrim, and the Lethargie, It remoueth aches of the ioynts, proceeding [Page] [...] [Page] [Page 183] from a cold cause. It heates a cold lyuer, opens the stoppings of the spleene, and disperses the windy vapours thereof. Mesnes.

Oleum papaueris. *. Is good against hot distempers, and all A greefes thence arising. It prouokes sleepe. Mesnes.

Oleum violaceum. *. Cooles inflamed bodies in hot feuers. B Mesnes.

Oleum Nymphear. *. It cooles more then that of violets: yet C lesse then that of poppies; vsefull against any distemper of heate, in chiefe of the raynes. It prouokes sleepe, and forbidds Venus acts, if the genitals be therewith anointed. Mesnes.

Oleum Sambucinum. *. Makes smooth and cleane, a rough D and foule skinne, and helpes the ill colour thereof in the Iandise. It profits a weake and obstructed lyuer, if the region thereof bee therewith anointed. It mitigateth paines of the ioynts. Mes­nes.

Oleum Crocinum. *. Takes away paines of the nerues, softning E their hardnesses, as also comforting and stengthening them. It profits against the Crampe, assuageth dolors of the matrix, and and makes a good colour. Mesnes.

℞. Ol: rosar. lbj. Masticis, ℥iij. vini odoriferi, ℥iiij. Boyle them in B. M. vnto the wasting of the wine, then straine and reserue it. *. This strengthens the braine, the ioynts, and nerues, F as also the stomack, and the lyuer. It mitigateth paine, and aba­teth Tumors. Mesnes.

℞. Myrrhae, Carpobalsami, nucis myristicae, ana ℥s. oleor. hyperici, & terebinthina, ana ℥iij. moschi, & ambrae grisiae, ana gra. iiij. ol [...]i de lateribus, ℥vij. Boyle them in a double vessell, s.a. &c. *. This abates the stench of a Canker, if it happen to bite G much, you may allay it, cum oleo ranino, vel lacte. Antonius Montagnana.

Oleum mandragorae. *. Auailes against all violent aches of the H head, frensies, immoderate watchings, procures sleepe; if the temples, forehead, nostrils, wrists, palmes of the hands, and plants of the feet, be therewith anointed. Nicolaus.

Oleum Irinum. *. Helpes the Cathar or Pose, if the nostrils be I therewith anointed; being in like sort applyed, it cures the di­sease of the nostrils called Ozena, which yeelds a stinking sauour vnto the Patient. Being mixt with the oyles of Rue, and of bitter [Page 184] almonds, and dropt hot into the eares, it puts away the trouble­some noise of them. Being gargarized it profits such as are Asth­matick, or short winded. Being administred Clysterwise, it cures the inueterate blinde Hemorrhoides. Nicolaus.

℞. Olei puri, lbviij. folij (pro eo macis) nardi indici, Costi, Masticis, ana ℥iij. styracis calamitae, Croci, myrrhae, Cinamo. Casiae, lignea verae, ana ℥j ss. Carpobalsami, Caryoph: bdellij, ana ℥j nuc. mosch. n o: iiij. aq: lbiij. Beate the folium, myrrh: Casiae, Carpo­balsamum, & bdellium. Mixe them with the water and oyle, and let them macerate ij. dayes. Then boyle them in B.M. vnto the wasting of the water; Then add vnto the strained oyle the resi­due of the ingredients in fine pouder, remacerate these, and re­boyle them as before for a small space; then add thereto, moschi puri pul. ʒvj. incorporate, and reserue it. It excels in vertue, A* against all cold affects of the body, whether interne or externe, and may be conueniently mixed with Epithemes, or playsters against the infirmities of the neruous parts, coldnesse of the sto­macke, dolor of the Raines, and other such like infirmities. Ni­colaus Alexandrinus.

B Oleum Camomillae. *. Assuageth paines of the Collick; and of the Arthriticall greefe in the beginning. It repels, and digests in a meane; opens the pores, resolueth vapours, stayeth defluxions of humors, correcting their ill qualities, comforts the neruous parts. Paulus.

℞. Olcirosati, ℥ix. rhabarbi minutim concisi, ℥vj. Commixe these in a pewter flaggon, and lute it close, and so let it stand in some warme place iij. daies compleate. Then cause it to boyle in B.M. by the space of one houre, then open the pot, and add to the former, masticis, pul. ʒvj. thuris, bdellij, opoponacis, Caphurae, ana ℥ ss. Incorporate them with a spatula, and reclose the pot, and boyle them as before one quarter of an houres space; then presse it through a strong and clean woollen cloth, and reserue the oyle C in a glasse, as a soueraigne medicine, * to cure all wounds what­soeuer. Cap à pe. Ranzouius.

D Oleum è baccis hederae, chym: extract. *. Auailes much against all cold infirmities of the ioynts; prouokes the termes, breakes and expels the stone in the raynes, cleanseth and healeth sordid vlcers. Rogerius.

[Page 185]℞. Olei abietis, ℥jss. thuris masculi, ℥j. Succi lymonum, lbj. Bruise the incense, and commix the whole, and suffer than to infuse (with an easie fire) in B. M. by the space of xij. houres, then distill it, s.a. and seperate the water from the oyle, and keep them apart, to wash and anoint the face, or skin, * to put away the A Morphew. Valeriola.

℞. Ol: vitellor. ouor. ʒvj. ol: ros. omphacini, ʒij. Croci, ℈j. vini odoriferi, ℥j ss. terebinth: clarae, ʒij. Sem: hypericonis, flor. authos, ana M j. masticis, ʒij ss. Succi plantag. ℥j. lactis mulieris, ℥ ss. Seui vituli, ʒx. ol: Sambuci, ℥ ss. ol: rosacei completi, ℥j ss. vermium terrestrium in vino lotorum, ʒx. Boyle them altogether at a gentle fire, vnto the wasting of the wine annd iuice, then straine and reserue it * for wounds. Vigo, B

℞. Ol: ros. omphacini, ℥j. olei terebinthinae, ℥ ss. terebinth: clariss: ʒx. vermium terrestrium cum vino lotor. ℥j. ss masticis, ʒiij. flo: an­thos, Mij. Sem: hypericonis, M j, Centaurij vtriusque, millefolij, Cynoglossae, ana tertiam part: M j. plantag. M ss. Croci, ʒ ss. vini odoriferi Cyathum vnum. Boyle them altogether vnto the con­sumption of the wine, then straine them through a thicke cloath, and add thereto, olei hypericonis, ℥j ss. Mixe and reserue it * for C wounds in the necke and throate. Vigo.

℞. Olei terebinth: & ol: ros. omphae. ana ℥ij. terebinth: clarissae ʒx. vermium terrestrium, ℥j ss. masticis, ʒvj. gum: elemi, ʒiij. am­maniaci in vino dissoluti, ʒj ss. Croci, ℈j. flor. hypericonis, Mj ss. Centaurij maei ris M j. ol: Sem: lini, ʒvj. Boyle them altogether a little, and straine them through a thick canuas cloth, then let it stand in the Sun one moneth, adding thereto, flor. hypericonis, q.s. changing the flowers once euery weeke, * for wounds in the feet, D and ankles. Ʋigo.

℞. Autimonis, & Salis gemmae, ana partes aequales. Commixe and distill them by a Retort. s.a. So shall you obtaine an oyle of admirable vertue. *. One drop whereof taken in wine, assua­geth E the Collick, and Iliack passions. Being administred with ap­propriate lycours (according to sound iudgement) it cures Phthisis: Peripneumonia, and Asthma. Being applyed to the temples; it cures the Megrim. It much auailes against Cancer, and Lupus: heales fistulaes, and maligne vlcers; driues away the Gout, if a cloath (therein moistned) be applyed to the part affe­cted. [Page 186] If iij. drops thereof be daily administred, with pure aqua vitae, vnto one that is Hydropick: it cures that greefe vnto ad­miration. And if you commixe therewith potable gold, or lan­danum mineralis, and administer it s.a. it cures the Leprosie. D r. Wenc: Lauinius.


℞. Medullae Ceruinae, adipis Ceruini, ana ℥ ss. luteor. ouor. coctor. n o: ij. terebinth. ʒj. Croci, ℈j. s.a. forme a Pessary, and apply it, * to dry the vlcers of the matrix. The same effect wor­keth A a Pessarie made with vng. è pompholyge, & vng. ros. mesnae, being commixed and applyed. Andernacus. Note; that if at any time the Matrix be pinched with paine, arising from a hot cause; that then you ought to commixe a little Opium with your Ano­dinall ingredients, and therewith to cloath or arme your Pessarie: the which applyed duely as it ought, will blunt or dull the sharpnesse of such greefe or paine. But this rule must, bee obser­ued, that no opiated Pessary may be permited to remaine (with­in the Matrix) aboue the space of one halfe houre, least that there­by the membranous and neruous parts, should any way be hurt. Andernacus.

℞. Cornu Cerui vsti, ʒij. thuris, ʒj ss. gallar. ʒij. balaustior. ros. rub: ana ʒj ss. gummi acaciae, hypocistidis, ana ℈ij. bol. arm. ʒss. Make them into fine powder, & cum Succo plantag. q s.s a. Make a B Pessary, and apply it, * against the inordinate flowing of the Men­ses. Fuchsius.

℞. Artimisiae, abrotani, dictamni. ana ʒij. rad. acori, rad. rub: tinctor. ana ℥j ss. Sem: nigellae, ℈ij. bacc lauri, ʒ ss. Sem rutae, ℈ij. Sabinae, ℈j. Castorei, ℈ ss. myrrhae, styracis liquidae, ana ʒj. Sagapeni, ʒj ss. Beate and searce what is requisite, and with hony, C q.s.f. &c. *. To prouoke the Menses. Fuchsius.

℞. Butyri recentis insaliti, ʒiij. medullae Ceruinae, adipis anserini, & gallinae, ana ʒj. Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ʒj ss. luteor. ouor. n o: iij. ol: ros & irini, ana ℥ ss. Cerae, q s. with fine wooll herein ma­defied, D s.a.f &c. *. Against the hardnesse of the wombe. Fuchsius.

℞. Assae foetidae, galbani, ana ℈ij Castorei, ℈j. Caryophyll: ʒss. [Page 187] balaust. sang: dram & boli veri, ana ℈j. Succi attriplexi foetidi, ℥ss. ol: rutae, gut: viij. Cerae par. s.a f. &c. and apply it after due A cleansing of the Matrix. *. Against the precipitation thereof, Poeton.

℞. Spec: benedict. laxat: ℥iij. agarici troch: ʒij. terebinthinae. parum, Succi herbae mercurialis, q.s.s.a.f. &c. to bee applied at night and to be drawne forth in the morning. *. To cleanse the B Matrix of pituitous sl [...]me. Rondeletius.

℞. Benionini, styracis, Caryophyllor. ana ʒj. Galliae moschatae, ʒ ss moschi, gra. vj. Pouder the ingredients, and with bombace q.s. s.a. f. &c. apply it. *. against praecipitation. Rondele­tius. C

℞. Myrrhae, Sem: nigellae, ana ʒiij. Saluiae, ʒij. Castorei, ʒ ss. With the iuice of the hearb mercurie, or with a little Turpen­tine, or honie, s.a. forme a Pessary. Or els commixe the pouders with carded bombace, and make a proportionable Pessarie. *. To D prouoke the Menses. Rondeletius.

℞. Stercoris porci, ℥ ss. sang. drac. ʒj. boli arm. ʒij. Succi burst pastoris, vel Succi plantag. q.s. s.a. f. &c. cloath it with thinne silke, and apply it in the night. *. To straine the ouer-abundant E flowing of the Termes. Rondeletius.


℞. Aloes lotae, ℥j. myrrhae, ℥ ss. agarici, ʒj. masticis, ʒj ss. Cro­ci rhabarbi electi, boli armeni, ana ʒ ss. Specier. hierae pior, ʒj. diagridij, ʒij. Cum vino fiant pillulae. *. Against the Pest. Ange­lus F de Bononia.

℞. Aloes Succot. ℥j. myrrhae, Croci, ana ℥ ss. vini albi, q.s.f. Massa. *. Against the deuouring Pestilence. Auicenna. G

℞. Rhabarbi clecti, ℥x. Scamonij ʒiij. Terantur, Succum, vel Syruoum de limonibus affundendo, argenti vini panno conclusi, vt granis minimis effluat ℥ij. ʒvj. Take speeciall care that the quick­siluer be well slaine with the iuice; which being exactly perfited, and the whole duly incorporated; then add thereto, Farinae tri­ticeae ʒij. mosch [...] ʒj, of the former iuice or syrup q s. Incorporate the whole, & sic f. massa. Make fiue Pills of each seuerall dragme, [Page 188] and guild them with carefull diligence, because the gold doth wonderfully bridle the hurtfull qualitie of the quicksiluer. These administred (after vniuersall purging of the body) in forme fol­lowing; A doe perfectly cure *. Luem veneream. Let the Patient take or swallow one Pill, each day, six hours before meate, and so continue the same course thirtie daies together without any intermission; during which time, let him vse none other medicine neither inward nor outward, onely twice in each weeke let him drinke aquae faeniculi ℥j. & aq: vitae ℥ss. Antonius Chalmeteus.

℞. Sagapeni in vino cretico dissoluti, ℥ij. Salis guiaci, colocyntidis, diagredij, ana ℥j. turpeti mineralis, ʒx. moschi, ℈j. olei caryophyllor. gra. xij. s.a.f. Massa, Doss is from xij. graines vnto xx. VelExtracti Colocinthidis, ℈iiij. extracti rhabarbi, extracti hermo­dactilor. ana ʒj. extracti veratri nigri, ℈ij. Sagapeni in aqua ce­lesti dissoluti, ʒvj. mosci, & ambrae odoratissimae, ana gra. xij f. Massa. Doss. à gra. x. ad gr. xvj. To be constantly taken for ten daies together, or vntill the Patient flux sufficiently at the mouth. B*. Against Luem Ʋeneream, hard Tumors, and rebellious vlcers. Banester.

℞. Turpeti mineralis, ℥iij ss. fol. auri, & argenti, ana ℈j. So­luti perlarum, gra. xxvj. terrae Samiae, boli orientalis, ana ℈ ss. Cornu monocerotis, gr. xv. lapidis bezoardici, ℈ ss. ossis de corde ceruae, rasurae eboris, ana gra: xij. lapid: grauati, rubentis, Saphyri, & Smaragdi, praeparator. ana gra. viij. Coralli rub: & alb praeparat: ana gr. vij. mosci gr. vij. ambrae odoratis. gr. iiij. fiat eor. omnium puluis subtillissimus. ℞. Huius pulueris gr. xviij. diagredij, gr. xxxviij. Conseruae berberis q.s. To make a masse. Diuide this quantity into six or twelue Pills (according as you iudge fittest for the strength and such like circumstances, concerning your Pati­ent) and giue one euery night when the Patient goeth to bed, con­tinuing it vntill there bee flux at the mouth, which in some will C not bee in xij. or perhaps in xx. daies, * for the Cure of Lues Ve­nerea, in the most delicate, young and tender persons. Ba­nester.

Terebint: coctae ℥j. rhabarbi electissimi, ʒiij. Succini albi, succi glycyrr. ana ʒ ss. Cinamo. electi, ʒj. s.a. f. Massa. forme hereof Pills in a meane quantitie, and administer of them ix. in number, before supper, and if they prouoke not a stoole, giue more, forth­with [Page] [Page] [Page 189] after supper. *. So shall you produce vrine obstructed. A Crato.

℞. Ell [...]bori nigri triti, ℥j praecipitati, ℥ss. fol: Senae alexand. ℥ ij. Croci, ʒj. misce & cum melle albo f. Massa. Dosis à ʒj. vs (que) ad ʒij. B *. Vsefull in Lue Venerea. Fiorouantus & Forrestus

Accipiatur Talpa. Boyle it sufficiently, then drie it in the sun, and bring it into a fine fearsed pounder, mixe the pouder cum melle albo into a masse: whereof form Pills of the bignesse of Ciches, and giue euery day iij. or fiue with whay. *. It consumes C Scrofulous Tumors, carying the matter thereof away by the seige Henricus Anglicus.

℞. Aloes optimae, ʒij. rhabarbi electi, myrrhae, optimae, ana ʒj. Zedoaria Selectae. & Croci, ana ℈j. Cum Succo Curi, v [...]llimonum, vel au [...]antior. vel acetosae, fiat massula, whereof forme Pills, whose dose is ʒ ss. to be taken once a weeke, * to preuent the Pest. Me­dici D Basiliensis.

℞. Sagapeni, ammoniaci, bdellij, opoponacis, aloes, Castorci, rutae, agrestis, ana ʒij Colocinthidis, ʒiij. Salis gemmae, ʒj. Succi porri, q.s. f. Massa. Dry, and reserue it (in paper intincted in molten wax) for ij. yeares. The dose is from ℈ij. vnto ʒj. *. It E purgeth viscous slime and flegme. In which regard it much pro­fits, the Paraletick, Arthritick, and Spasmatick persons. It auailes much against the colde gout. Mesnes. & Cor­dus.

℞. Opoponacis, hermodactylor. Sagapeni, bdellij, ammoniaci, Colo ynth: ana ʒv. Croci, Casterei, myrrhae, Zinziberis, piperis nigri longi, Cassiae ligneae, myrobolanor. Citrinor. indar. bellicar. embellicar. ana ʒj. Scamonij praepar. ʒij. turbith: ʒ ss. aloes, ℥j ss. Succi braessicae, q.s. f. Massa. Reserue it as before one yeare. The dose is as the former, * and is no lesse vertuous then the for­mer F against all the afore recited greefes. Mesues Cordus & Mon­tagna.

℞. Palpae colocinth: ℥v. aquae vitae opt. lbij. Let them stand to infuse three daies, and then make a strong expression, and add to the strained part, aloes puriss: veratri nigri, ana ℥j. hermodaectylor. ℥j. agarici, ℥ ss. Being made into fine pouder, commixe them with the lycour, and let them stand in a hot place, till it be almost dry, then incorporate therewith (being poudred) Croci, Cinamo­diagridij, [Page 190] storum Sulphuris, ana ℥ ss. f. Massa. Whence forme A Pills, * to purge, strong, rustick, and foule vlcerated bodies. Phiarouantus & Banester.

℞. Colocinth: ʒvj. ℈ij. turbethi, staechad: arab: ana ʒx. diagri­dij, ʒv. agarici optimi, ℥ ss. rhabarbi electi, ℥ij. Cinamo. ℈iiij. azari, ros. rub. Spicae indicae, masticis, ligni aloes, styracis liquidae, ana ℈ij ss aloes Succot. ʒxiij. s.a. f. massa, & formertur Pillutae. B*. These purge all corrupt humors proceeding Ex Lue Venerea. Rennerus.

℞. Mass: pil. indar. aut de lapide lazuli, ℥ij. Specier diambrae, & latificantis galeui, ana ʒij. argenti viui Succo lymonum extin­cti, ℥j. f. massa. Whereof make, and giue euery day one Pill, vj. C houres before meate, constantly continuing it for xxx. daies. * In Lue Venera. Riolanus.

℞. Tragacanti leuiter assi, gummi arabici par. vsti, coralli rubri, Sanguinis drac. boli armeni, ana ʒss. masticis, lapidis Iudaici, ana ℈j. Sem: melonum, Sem: alkekengi, ana ℈ j. Sem: bismaluae, ℈j. D Cum Succ. Candae equinae, vel narcisci formentur Pilulae. *. Against the vlcers of the Reynes, and Bladder. Note; that if the vlcer be very painfull by reason of heate, that then you ought to add the former ingredients, Sem: papaueris q.v. accoridng to iudge­ment. But in case that the paine be exceeding sharpe, then may you add vnto the former, opij (bene Castigati.) par. Rondele­tius.

℞. Rhabarbari, agarici, ana ʒij. aloes, ℥j. argenti viui extin­cti in Succo rosar. ʒiij. Cinamo. ambrae, ana ℈j. myrrhae, masticis, ana ʒj cum terebinthina excipiantur, & formentur Pillutae octo E pro ʒj. Capiat pro vna vice ℈j. Deinde ʒj ss. postremo ℈j *. To be vsed in the Cure of Lues Venerea. Note; that for such as can, and will pay well, you may add to the composition, limaturae, vel pan­nor. auri, ℈iiij. Rondeletius.

℞. Landani puri, hypocistidis, ana ʒj. aloes ℥j ambrae, mosci, ana ℈j. argenti viui in vino loti, ʒij. Syrupi ros. laxatiuum, q.s. s a. f. F Pilulae. The dose is ℈j. euery morning. *. In Lues Ʋenerea. Note; that these Pills must not be taken before the body be eua­cuated. Rondeletius.

℞. Aloes, ℥j galangae, myrrhae, agarici, Salis gemmae, ana ʒj. Succi absinthij, ʒj ss. aq: absinthij, q.s. f. Massa. The dose is, ʒj. [Page] [Page] [Page 191] Twice or thrice in a weeke. *. Against aches in the Ioynts, ari­sing A Ex Lue Venerea. Rondeletius.

℞. Myrabolanor. embellicor. bellicor. indor. ana ʒijss. Specier. pillu­lar mastichinar. ℥ ss. staechados, folliculor. Sennae, epithimi, Croci, ana ʒ ss. gentianae, anisor. ana. ʒj. polypodij quercini, ellebori nigri, ana ʒij. turpeti albi, & gummosi, ʒj ss. diagred. ℈iiij Zinzib Serapini. Cinamoni, nucis moscatae, ligni aloes tormentillae, dictami, Cardui benedicti, Colocynthidis, ana ℈ij. agarici trochiscati, rhabarbari electi, aloes lotae, ana ℥ ss. theriacae optima Galeni, ʒvj. Syrupi ace­tosae q.s. s.a.f. Massa. The dose is ʒj. *. Vsefull in the cure of B Lues Ʋenerea. Vigo.


℞. Picis naualis, ℥ij. More or lesse proportionable to the part affected, being molten, add thereto, olei Costini, a fourth part, Castorei pul. ℥ss. s.a.f. Empl. *. Right profitable against a C pertinacious Spasme. Aetius.

℞. Picis, cerae, Colophoniae, ana ℥iij. nitri, ℥j ss. bituminis, ℥j. Sulphuris viui, ʒiij. piperis, euphorbij, adareae, ʒij. Cantharidum, ʒss. ol: Cyperino, ℥j. s.a. Empl. *. This auailes much against in­ueterate D aches, and is conuenient to prepare the part or member before the applying of a Synapisme; and being applyed after the vse of the Synapisme, it doth irradicate the disease. Aetius.

℞. Picis, q.s. ol: comis: vel terebinth: par. Incorporate them at the fire, & sic. f. Empl. *. This comforteth, refresheth, and E strengtheneth weake and withered limbs, by heating and moyst­ning them, and by attracting blood and spirits into them. Ap­plyed vpon the region of the stomack, it furthers concoction, and remoues crudities. Being applyed a hand-breadth about the Na­uell, it strengthens the Intrailes, and easeth the Collick. Ae­tius.

℞. Rad: altheae, & lapathi, ana ℥iij. faenugr. & Sem: lini, ana ℥j ss. Caricar. albar. ℥ij. Being bruised, boyle them gently vnto a moderate thicknesse. Take of the strained substance lbj. ol: lilior. lb ss. boyle them againe to the wasting of all the moysture, then add adipis Suilli, & adipis vitulini purgati, ana ℥iiij. rad: [Page 192] iridis tritae, farinae tritici: resinae. Colophoniae, ana ℥iij. Corae q.s.s. A Empl. *. This applyed, concocteth humors, and hastneth ma­turation. Andernacus.

℞. Absinthij, papaueris corniculari, ana M j. rad: altheae, mal­uae, narcissi, ana M ss. Sem erui, & faenugr. contusor. ana P j. Make a decoction s a. add vnto lbj. of the strained lycour, Ol: anethini, & hyperici, ana ℥ij. adipis Suilli veteris, & adipis gallinacei, ana ℥j. Boyle them gently vnto the wasting of the former moysture, then add Salis vsti, ʒij. Coralli, ʒj. Sem: anisi, Cimini, ana ʒij. far. B lolij, & hord. ana ℥j. Croci, ℈ij. Cerae, q.s.s.a f. Empl. *. This makes humors thinne, and sucks them through the pores. An­dernacus.

℞. Mellis, & fermenti, ana lbj. ammoniaci, ex aq: faenugr. aut lacte mori arboris dissol. ℥iij visci quercini, ℥ ss. faecis olei veteris, C q.s. s.a. fingatur Empl. *. This drawes broken bones from out a fractured skull, yea though they bee fixt in the membranes. It drawes out thornes, splenters, or the like, which sticke in the flesh. Andernacus.

℞. Betonicae viridis, pimpinellae, agrimoniae, Saluiae, pulegij, millefolij, Consol. ma. Callitrichi, ana ℥vj. thuris, masticis, ana ʒiij. Ireos, & aristoloch: rot. ana ʒvj. Cerae albae, & terebint: ana lb ss. gummi oleae Aethiopicae, ℥ij. resinae pini, ℥vj. olei abietini, vini albi, ana q.s. Bruise the hearbes well in a morter, and after ma­cerate them in white wine by the space of viij. daies (in the inte­rim) often stirring them; then boyle them together (gently) a prety space, then expresse the wine, reboyling the same at an easie fire vnto the wasting of a third part; then add the oleum abieti­num, and the wax (being first molten) then the Rosin, and the Gum; lastly, add the Turpentine. These being incorporated, suffer them a little to coole, then gradually put in the remaining ingredients, being well beaten and finely searsed, stirre it con­stantly, vntill you bee able to endure your hands therein, then kneade it effectually with your hands, vntill all the moysture be euaporated, then remoysten it with goates milke, and worke it still with your hands vnto the perfect body of a Playster, then D make it vp in rowles, and reserue it. *. Being excellent in vniting the fractures of the skull; couering the bare bones with flesh. It drawes out shiuers and splinters of bones, and bruised blood [Page] [Page] [Page 193] from those who haue fallen from on high. It restores lost flesh. In summe, it mundifieth, digesteth, and cicatrizeth. Ander­nacus.

℞. Myseos, aluminis rochae, chalcitidis, melantherij, aeruginis, aluminis Scissilis, gallar. acerbar. ana ℥vj. Cerusae, cerae, resinae frictae, picis naualis, bituminis ol: omphacini, folior Salicis teneror. ana lbij. Boyle the leaues in aceto forti, then dry them, and make them in fine powder, melt what's requisite, and pouder what's fit, and make a Playster according to art; * right profitable a­gainst A fistulaes, and vlcers of hard curation. Anderna­cus.

℞. Serapini, ℥iiij. ammoniaci, ℥iij. bdellij, ℥j. euphorbij, gal­bani, ℥ ss. Dissolue the gummes in Malmesey, then add thereto, ol: lilior. & amygd. dul. ana ℥j. propoleos, ℥iiij ss. Mixe them for a Playster. *. To resolue hard Tumors. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri. B

℞. Olibani, ℥j ss. masticis, ℥j. myrrhae, ℥ ss. thuris, ℥ij. Cerae, ℥ij. resinae, ℥iij ss. euphorbij, ʒiij. gummi ammoniaci, ℥j. galbani, ℥ ss. gum: arab: & dragag: ana ʒiij. aloes epaticae, ʒij. laudani, ʒj ss. Sagapeni, bdellij, ana ʒiij. baccar. lauri, ʒij ss. vng. dialth: ℥ij ss. terebinthinae, ℥j. aq: vitae, ʒiij ss. ol: Spicae, ʒiij. axung. porc. ℥ij ss. theriacae, ℥ ss. rad: ireos, ʒij ss. Cinabrij, ℥ij. argenti fugitiui mor­tificati, ℥ij ss. s.a. f. Empl. *. Against all Knots. Ex Antidot: Ba­nesteri. C

℞. Cerae Citrinae, lbj. resinae pini, ℥iiij. adipis humanae, ℥iij. ol: Chamo. ℥iiij. Medullae Crurium vaccar, lb ss. gummi elcmi, ℥v. muccilag. rad: altheae, & Sem: lini, ana ℥iiij. Mixe, and boyle them to the wasting of the muscilages; ad to the strayning, ammoniaci, galbani, ana ℥vj. bdellij, Sagapeni, in vino Cret. dissol. ana ℥iiij. rad: brioniae, ℥j ss. rad: enulae campanae, ℥ ss. euphorbij, ʒiij. Cinabrij, ℥vj. argenti viui extincti & incorporati cum terebinth: & styrace liquida, lb ss. s.a. f. Empl. Vel ℞. Axung. porc. lbij. olei co­mis: lbj ss. rad: brioninae, & altheae, ana lb ss. vini albi, lbj. Infuse them x. daies, then boyle them to the consumption of the lycour; then straine, and add thereto, lytharg: auri, ℥xx. vitrioli, ℥iij. Boyle them to the forme of a Cerote, then add to it, galbani, am­moniaci, bdellij, in aceto dissol. ana ℥viij. Ceraecitrini, lb ss. Cina­brij, ℥vj. terbinth: ℥iij. euphorbij ʒ [...]j. argenti viui extincti, lb ss. [Page 194] A myrrhae, ℥ij. s.a.f. Empl. *. Against Nodes and paines in L [...] Venerea. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Cerae albae, ℥ij ss. terebinth: ℥j ss. Calaphoniae, ℥iiij. thuris, ʒvij. masticis, ℥ ss. myrrhae, ʒiij. Seui Ceruini, ℥iij. lapid: calami­naris, invino albo extincti, ʒx. lithargyrtauri, ʒij. lapid: tutiae, B ʒij ss. Caphurae, ʒvj. s.a. f. Empl. *. To mollifie and abate Swel­lings. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Cerae citrinae, lbj. Seui ouini, ℥vj. butiri recentis, ℥j. pin­gued capi, anatis & anseris, ana ℥j. ol: liliacci, ℥j ss. ol: chamo. ol: amygd: dul. ana ℥ ss. ol: Semilini, ℥ ss. ammoniaci, ℥v. bdellij, ℥iij. C [...]emoris Sem: lint ℥vij Cremoris rad: alth: lbj. vini cretici, lbj ss resinae purae, ℥iiij. Colophoniae, ℥vj. Commixe and boyle them C to the wasting of the iuices, then add to the strained part mini [...], lb ss. Incorporate and make them vp into roules. *. This resolues all Swellings and Inflammations. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Bdellij opoponacis, Sagapeni, in aceto dissolut: ana ℥ ss. mus­cilaginis alth: lini, & faenugr. ana ʒij ss. flo: chamo. & melilots, ana ʒiij. far: sab: ℥iij. butyri, ℥ss. With a decoction of figs, and mal­lowes, D make a Playster. *. Against the swelling of the Cods. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Emplastri oxycrocei, ℥jss. baccar. myrtillor. gallar. masticis. ana ʒj ss. bedeguar. pul. ʒij. ol: costini, q.s. misce. This applyed E Playster-wise, twixt the raynes and the fundament: * stayeth the exiture of the Longaon. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Sarcocollae, masticis, sang: drac. olibani, ichthyocollae, ana ʒiij. rad: Symphitima. & osmundae, ana ℥ ss. Dissolue the glew in vineger, and with oyle of Mastick and Myrtils make a Playster. Vel ℞. Masticis, Sarcocollae, olibani, thuris, gummi dragag: itchthyocollae, ana ℥j. lap: haematitis, ℥iiij. Dissolue the glew and F gummes in vineger, and so make a Playster. *. Against a Rupture. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Furfuris triticei, M ij. flo. Chamo. P iij. flo: melilo. Pij. far. fab. ℥iiij. ol: chamo. aneti, ros. ana ℥j ss. pingued: gallinae, ol. vio­lar. G ana ℥x. vini dulcis, q. s. f. Empl. *. Against hot apostemes in womens breasts. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ol: Myrtini, ol: ros. ol: absinthij, ana ℥j. pulueris rubri restri­ctiui, ʒx. far. fab. ℥j. furfuris benè triti, ℥ ss. nucum cupressi benitriturat: calami aromatici, ana ʒvj. chamo. absinthij, myrtill [...]r. [Page] [Page] [Page 195] granor. & folior. eius, ana M ss. Cumini, ʒj ss. Cerae albae, ℥j ss. Pouder what's fit, and with sufficient sweet wine, make a play­ster according to art. *. Against contusions in childrens heads. A Ex Antidot Banesteri.

℞. Colophoniae, ℥j. thuris myrrhae, ana ʒij ss. terebint: lot: ℥ ss. aluminis vsti, ℥ ss. hyoscyami, ℥ ss. ol: Sulphuris per Campanam destillati, ℥j. Cerae, q.s.f. Empl. *. Against malignant vlcers. Ex B Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Emplastri oxycrocei, ℥viij. bol. arm: ℥j. far. volatilis, ly­tharg: auri, & argent. ana ℥ ss. Cerae citrinae, ℥iiij. ol: masticis, ℥j. ol: ros. ℥iiij. medullae crucis vituli, ℥iiij ss. terebint: ℥j. resinae. ℥ ss. ammoniaci, ℥jss. Caphurae, ʒiij. Sarcocollae, bdellij, ana ʒiij. Oesypi himidi. ℥ij. f. Empl. *. For fractures and dislocations. Ex An­tidot: C Banesteri.

℞. Ol: rosar. nympheae, myrtini, ana ℥ij ss. album: ouor. n o: v. bolt at meni, terrae Sigillatae, ana ʒvij. far: volatilis, & bord: ana ℥j. Sang. drac. ℥ss. ros. rub: ʒiij. gra. myrtill. ʒv. Sucoi Symphiti mino. aceti ros. ana ʒij. terebint: ℥j. Cerae, ℥ ss. resinae, ʒiij ss. mellis ros. ʒvj. f. Empl. *. To confirme luxations, and dislocations. D Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Cerae albae. lbj ss. ammoniace, ʒx. opoponacis, ℥iiij. resinae, ℥iiij. Seui Ceruini, ℥v. terebint: venet: ℥iij ss. bdellij, ℥ij. masticis, ℥j. olibani, ℥j ss. Cerusae, ℥iij. Caphurae, ʒij. Cremoris altheae, ℥vj. Dissolue the gummes in vineger, and so make a playster. *. Re­soluitiue, E for contusions, luxations, and excesse of paine. Ex An­tidot: Banesteri.

℞. Rad: altheae, lb ss. flo: chamo. melilo. ana M j. ros. rub: M ss. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto the halfe, then add to the decoction, far. hord. q. s. Sarcocoll. ℥iij. ol: ros. omphacini, ℥ij ss. ol: chamo. ℥j ss. Croci, ℈j. vitel: ouor. n o: ij. Make a playster according to al [...]. *. Against the fracture of the Scull. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri. F

℞. Olei comis: lbij. galbani, lb ss. plumbi albi, lbj. Cerae citrinae, lb ss. Boyle them to the substance of of a playster. *. To assuage G paine. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Terebint: ℥ ss. vng. diapompholigos, ℥j. Cerae albae, ℥vj. axung. porc. bene lotae in aq: rosacea & nymphaea, ℥iiij. resina, ℥ij. vng. populeonis, ʒiij. oleor. papaueris, & menthae, ana ʒij. ss. Sem: [Page 196] papaueris albi, & hyoscyami, ana ℥j ss. Sem: lactucae, & portulace, ana ʒ ss. quatuor Sem: frig: maior. ana ℈ ss. Succi Solatri, & la­ctucae, ana ℥iij. cremoris psyllij, ℥ss. Bruise the seedes, and melt the wax, and the greace in the oyle, then put to the other things in powder; lastly, add Croci, ʒiij. opij, ʒiiij. incorporate them A well, make a playster stupefactiue. *. against exceeding paines: if it be malaxed with womens milke and vineger, and so applyed. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Cerae albae, lbj ss. terebint: ℥iij. gum: ammoniaci, lb ss. opo­ponacis, ℥ij ss. masticis, ℥j. bdellij, ℥j ss. gum: tragac: ℥ ss. cremoris rad: alth: psyllij, & Sem: alth: ana ℥j. pingued. capi anatis, & anseris, ana ℥ ss. medullae crur. vaccini, ℥iij. Oesypi, ℥j ss. ol: amyge dul. & ros. ana ℥j ss. Boyle them together, stirring them constantly vntill it wax white, then add Cerusae, q.s. Caphurae, ℥ ss. s.a. f.Empl. B*. To asswage paine, and mollifie hardnesse. Ex Antidot: Banest.

℞. Ol: ros. lbj. Cerusae, minij, ana ℥ij. lytharg. auri, & argenti, Sang. drac. lap: Calaminaris, bol: arm: ana ℥ss. Caphurae, ʒiij. Pou­der what's fit, & cum Cera alba, q.s.s.a.f. Empl. *. To heale, ci­catrize, and assuage paine. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Lytharg. auri Subtiliter pul. lbj ss. ol: lilior. chamo. & amygd: dul. ana q.s. Worke them in a hot morter vnto a conue­nient substance, then add thereto, ammoniaci, bdellij, ana ℥ ss. opo­ponacis, ʒij. galbani, ʒj. myrrhae, ʒij ss. being first infused in wine and molten; moreouer put thereto baccar. lauri, ℥j myrrhae, ℥ss. mellis de spumati, ℥iij. Cerae rubrae, lb ss. terebinth: ℥ij ss. rad: iridis, ℥j. These being prepared and incorporated, your hands being an­nointed C with oyle of lyllies, malax it to your vse. *. It abstergeth and assuageth paine. Ex Antidot. Banesteri.

℞. Cerae flauae, resinae, resinae pini, ana lbj Colophoniae, lbss. masti­cis, thuris, ana ℥ij. myrrhae, ℥j. Seui arietini, lb ss. Caryophyllor. macis, ana ℥j. Croci, ℥ ss. galbani, opoponacis, bdellij, ana ℥j, vini D rubri, lbij. aq: currentis, lbj. Caphurae, ʒiij. s.a. f Empl.*. Right excellent against the Sciatica. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Herbae arthriticae, herbae paraliticae, pulegij, calamintae, Samp­suchi, chamo. melilo. ana M j. opopo. bdellij, ammo. Serapini, ana ʒj. far. faenugr. & lini, ana ʒj. Boyle the hearbes in aq: q.s. vnto ten­dernesse, then stample them, putting vnto them, ol: laurini, lilior. & terebinth: an q.s. The gummes being dissolued in wine, add [Page] [Page] [Page 197] them vnto the rest, and according to art make a playster, * against A paine of the ioynts. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Gum: ammoniaci, ℥iij gum: hederae, opopo. Sarcocollae, gal­bani, resinae pini, ana ℥j. bdellij, ℥j ss. masticis, olibani, Sandarachae, carabae, thuris, ana ℥ ss. ʒij. macis, caryophill. styracis, calamitae, her­modactylor. ana ʒv. adipis cordis cerui, ℥iij. Cerae flauae, ℥ij ss. Cre­moris faenugr. lini, & caricar. pinguium, extracti cum decoctione chamo. melilo. ana q.s. terebinth: par. s.a. f. Empl. *. Against paines B in the ioynts, proceeding of a cold cause. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Pulpae rad: helenij decoct. lbj. Sigilli Salomo: rad: ebuli, ana ℥iiij. ol: myrtini, chamo. petrolaei, ana ℥j ss. ol: terebinth: ℥j. Colo­phoniae, terebinth: ana ℥ij. ol: vulpini, spicae, lilior. lauri, & Sam­buci, ana ʒx. Cerae albae, [...] ss. With an easie fire make a soft Ce­rot, C add thereto. far: fab: & cicer. ana ℥iiij ss. styracis liquidae, ʒv. thuris, ℥iij. f. Empl. Vel ℞. Far: fab: & lentium, ana ℥iiij. furfuris, M ij. chamo. meliloti, pistaceor. ana M ss. absinthij antio­chiae, ana M. quart. rosar. ℥j. Mixe them at the fire, with sufficient white wine, and wine of pomegranats, adding vnto them, ol: ros. & aneti, ana ʒvj. ol: myrtini, & chamo. ana ℥j. adipis anseris, Seui vitulini, ana ʒv. Cerae albae, ʒvj. stercoris caprini, ℥ij ss. vini odori­feri, ℥ij. s.a.f. Empl. *. These applyed, ease the gout. Ex Antidot: D Banesteri.

℞. Cort. rad: helenij, lbj. rad: alth: lb ss. Boyle them vnto ten­dernesse, then stampe them very fine, and add thereto, ol: chamo. lilior. anethi, amygd: dul. ana ℥ij. Seui hircini, & vitulini, ana ʒiij. ol: ros. ℥ij ss. Cerae alhae, ℥ij. far. fabar. ℥ij. hermodactyllor. ℥j ss. Cro­ci, ʒss. flo. chamo, & melilo. ana par. s.a.f. Empl. *. Profitable against E the gouts of the feet, and huckle-bones. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Zinzib: alb: pul ℥iiij. vini cretici, aceti rosati, aq: ros. album: euor. ana ℥ ss. Incorporate, and apply it vnto the forehead and tem­ples at going to bed. Vel ℞. Thuris, ℥ss. Sang. drac. ʒij Sarcocollae, ʒj. Make them into fine pouder, and incorporate them with the white of an egg, a little vineger, and Rose-water, and apply it as the former. *. To diuert humors from flowing into the Eyes. Ex F Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Gum: dragag: Sang. drac. ana ʒiij olibani, masticis, myrrhae, ana ʒij. bol: arm: ℥j ss. far. volatilis, ʒss album: ouor. q.s.s.a.f. Empl. *. To consolidate, and to Cicatrize. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

[Page 198]℞. Picis nigra, lb ss. picis graecae, lbj. galbani, bdeliij, opopo. Sera­pini, ammoniaci, ana ℥ ss. resinae pini, ℥ij. Cerae albae, ℥iiij. mastiois, thuris, ana ℥j. terebinth: venet. ℥ij. ol: comis: ℥j. vini albi, ℥x. Dissolue the gummes in wine, and melt the wax, pitch, and oyle together, then add thereto the gummes, and turpentine, and the A rest in pouder, and so make, &c. *. Which doth heale, draw, mundifie, and resolue, and must be applyed three daies. Ex An­tidot: Banesteri.

℞. Stercoris canis, ℥iiij. far. lentium, ℥ij far: fab: ℥j. terrae Si­gilla:. bol: arm: ana ℥j. ss. Carusae, lythargyri auri, ana ℥x. Goates, or Cowes milke, (in which hot iron hath beene quenched) q.s. to incorporate the ingredients. Vel ℞. Far: fab: ℥iiij. far: lini, & fanugr. ana ℥j. flo: Chamo. & melilo, ana ℥ ss. medullae panis, ℥iij pulpae pomor. dulcium sub prunis decoctor. ℥ij. butyri recent. & ol: chamo. ana ℥iiij. pingued. capi, ℥ij m [...]llis despumati, ℥iij, s.a.f. Empl. Vel ℞. Ceraecitrinae lbj. pingued. capi, anseris, & cygni, ol: chamo. violacei, lileor albor. ol: Sem: lini, terebinth: ana ʒj ss. muccilag: alth: & Sem: maluae, ana ℥ ss. myrrhae. ℥j. Boyle them to the consumption of the muscilages, and make a playster. Vel ℞. Propoleos, lbj. ammoniaci, lb ss. medullae cru­rium vaccar. ℥iiij. ping. capi, ℥iij. Colophoniae, ℥j. masticis, ℥vj. gum: arab: & dragag. ana ʒiij. plumbi albi abluti, & Cerusae di­lutae, ana [...]j. s.a. f. Empl. Ʋel ℞. Medullae bouinae, ℥v. dia­chylonis magni, lithagyri, ana lbiij. terebinth: lbj. ireos. ℥x. Cerae, B ℥vj. axung. porc. q.s. s.a. f. Empl. *. These mollifie and re­solue.

℞. Cerae nouae citr. thuris, Santali, ana ℥ij. terebinth: aceti fortiss. C far: fab: ana ℥j. Mixe them at the fire and make a playster. *. This being applyed in forme following, will manifest whether the skull be fractured, or not fractured. First, shaue the head on the part suspect, or on the whole if need require, apply this playster in forme of a Cap, or otherwise as in your iudgement you shall see cause; now is the skull bee fractured, against that place the playster will be much dryer then elsewhere, and this will be ma­nifest in three daies space, but if the playster bee equall an vni­forme, then iudge the skull to be whole. Arceus.

℞. Sordicei aluearis apum, (or if that cannot be had) cerae nona sordidae, (that is soft and vncleared) q s. mellis comis: puluerizati [Page] [Page] [Page 199] ℥j. lap: haematit: in puluerem redact ℥ ss. pumicis lapidis, Cymini, absinthij surfuris comis: ana ʒij. Mixe them all at the fire, and worke it to the forme of a playster. *. This applyed, cures a A fracture of the skull, where the skinne is whole, chiefly in young children. This must be applyed ij. fingers breadth in circumfe­rence, larger then the place depressed. The vertue and force of this playster, is admirable, for within twelue dayes, it reduceth the bones vnto their naturall scite, place, and station, and there confirmeth them, so that (as saith the Author) there hath not hitherto beene knowne, any medicine more excellent. Ar­ [...]eus.

Gum: elemi, ℥iij. resinae pin [...]e puriss. armoniaci, gum: hede­racei pul. cerae, ana ℥ij. terebinth: ℥iij ss. ol: ros. ʒj ss. Boyle them all (the armoniack, except) in a fit quantitie of fragrant wine vnto the wasting thereof. Then add the armoniack, and with wine and aqua vitae anae q.s. f. Empl. *. For wounds in the head. Arceus. B

℞. Lytharg. lapid: haematit: Sang. drac. bol: arm: opij masticis, ammoniaci, mumiae, galbani, thuris, costi, lumbricor. ana ʒ ss. picis [...]g. picis grecae, Cerae albae, & rubrae, ana ʒj. rad: consolid: ma. & mino. ana ʒiij. ros. rub: myrrhae, aloes, ana gra. xviij. Succi hypo­cistidit, ʒvj. gallar. immaturar. balaustior. aristolochiae rot. ana ʒvj. visci quercini, terebint: ana ʒij. Sang: hominis rufi, ℥ix. forme the playster as followeth. viz. Take the skinne of a ram newly taken off, and boyle it in water, wooll and all, vnto the dissolution of the p [...]t: Then make a strong expression: put into a new vessell lbj. of the strained lycour, and set it ouer a gentle fire, and dissolue therein the viscum (stirre it constantly) then cast in the lumbricos, afterwards the Ceram: terebinth. & masticem: these being mol­ten: add the gummes, (being first dissolued in aceto) last of all, ad the remaining ingredients, being finely poudred, stirre and work them vnto compleate incorporation. Then forme it into rowles, to be reserued, as right excellent, * in the cure of Ruptures. Ar­noldus C Villanouanus.

℞. Bol. arm: terr. sigill: Sang. drac. coralli rub: ros. rub: electri, Spodij, Sandali citr. ana ʒ. acaciae, thuris, masticis, ana ℥ s. picis naualis, Colophoniae, ana ℥j ss. terebinth: cerae, ana ℥j. rob: myrtini, ℥ij. s.a.f. Empl. *. To be applyed to the region of the raynes of D him that hath an vlcer in the yard. Adreas Lucana.

[Page 200]℞. Fermenti, mellis opt: aut aluear. Sordiditiae, quam propole [...] A nominant: ana lbss. visci quercini, ℥iij. ammoniaci, ℥j ss. ol: ℥iij. s.a.f. Empl. *. To draw out a thorne or splinter of the flesh. Aui­cenna.

℞. Micar. panis, ℥iij. far. fab: rad: maluanisci, ana ℥jss. far: B faenugr. ℥j. ouor. coctor, vitellos, n o: iij. Croci, myrrhae, & assae fae­tidae, ana par. f. Empl. *. To maturate Tumors in womens breasts. Auicenna.

℞. Stercoris vaccar. ℥ij. rad: caulium, rad: capparis, squillae, fi­cuum ping. ana ℥ ss. lupinor. bdellij, ana ʒij. mellis aceti, axung: porc. C amurcae, olei antique, ana q.s.f. Empl. *. Against Nodes and glan­dulous tumors. Auicenna.

℞. Mercurij, ℥viij. plumbi, ℥vj. First, melt the lead, and after a little cooling, put to the Mercury and shake them well together, duide them into ij. crucibles, and when it is cold, take thereof ℥vj. turpeti mineralis, ℥j. cinabrij, ℥iij. labour them together in an iron morter the space of ij. houres, or vntill it be finely pou­dred; then haue in readinesse, gum: ammoniaci, in aceto distillato dissoluti, ℥xxx. pingued viperar. ℥iiij. (and for delicate persons) mosci, ℈iiij. misce, &c. Ʋel ℞. Plumbi mercuriati, (which is taught in the foregoing receipt) lbj. turpeti mineralis, ℥iiij. Ci­nabrij, ℥ij. Grinde them together very fine, and with gum: ammo­niaci, lbij. in aceto dissoluti, f. Empl. Ʋel ℞. Gum: ammoniaci, in aceto dissoluti, lb ss. rad brioniae pul. ℥j turpeti mineralis, ℥j cinabrij. ʒx. Cerae, ℥ij. f. Empl. Vel ℞. Gum: ammoniaci, ℥vj. rad brio­niae & altheae, ana ℥j. turpeti mineralis, ʒv. butyrirecentis, q.s. Ce­rae D aelbae, ℥j. f. Empl. *. The two former receipts, resolue, and con­sume, all Nodes, and knottie tumors, in chiefe those which arise from Lues Venerea, if they be taken in time before they be confir­med, and the bone foule. The ij. latter receipts profit in the cure of Wennes, Scrosulaes, and Ianglious knots. Banester.

℞. Ol: comis: lb [...]j plumbi albi, lbj. Boyle them together till they turne colour, then add thereto, picis naualis, ℥xij. Cerae ci­trinae, ℥xiiij. Boyle them to the stifnesse of a playster, and in the E end, add to them terebinth: ℥j. Caphurae trituratae, ℥ ss. labour them well, and make them in rowles. *. This mollifieth, healeth, and assuageth paine. Banester.

℞. Empl. de baccis lauri, lbij. Mithridati, &iij. fimi colum­bini, [Page] [Page] [Page 201] ℥iiij. lupinor. ℥iij. bacc. lauri, ℥ij. Cymini, ℥j. absinthij Sicci, ℥ss. flor. chamo. ℥j. flor. hyperici, ʒiij. aq: vitae, ℥iiij. ol: hyperici, ℥vj. f. Empl. *. Against the rupture called Hydrocele. Banester. A [...]. ℞. Picis nigrae, colophoniae, resinae pini, cerae, terebinth: ana ℥vj. galbani, ammoniaci, Sagapeni, ana ℥iij. bdellij, opoponacis, ana ℥ij. opij ℥ij ss. Croci, ℥ij. myrrhae, thuris, Sarcocollae, aloes, ana ℥j ss. styracis calamitae, caphurae, ana ʒij. Spermatis ceti, ℥vj. Sang. drac. turpeti mineralis, ana ℥j ss. Croci martis, ℥ ss. gummi elemi, ℥j ss. Dissolue the gummes in aceto hyoscyami, & s.a. f. Empl. *. To as­suage B paine, and to dissolue Tumors. Banester.

℞. Ol: oliuar. lbiiij. lytharg. auri, lbj ss. lap: calaminaris, lb ss. C [...]rae, ℥xx. Colophoniae, ℥x. ammoniaci, in aceto dissoluti, lbj. myrrhae, ℥ij. masticis, thuris, ana ℥j. aristoloch: rot: Succini, ana ʒvj. terebinth: ol: ex ouis, ana ℥iiij. Melt the oyle, Colophonie, and wax together, then put in the lytarge, and the lapis calaminaris, boyle them so to some consistence, after that put in the gummes, then the pouders, and lastly, the turpentine, and the oyle of eggs, &c. *. This doth comfort and warme a weake member. It dis­solueth C or ripeneth Apostemes. It healeth wounds and plaine vlcers. Banester.

℞. Colophoniae, ℥ij. ammoniaci, galbani, ana ℥ ss. masticis, ʒiij. thuris, myrrhae, ana ʒiij. terebinth: ℥j. aluminis vsti, ʒj. ol: hyoscya­mi ℥j. ol: Sulphuris, ℥ij. ol: ouor. ʒvj. Cerae citr. q.s. f. Empla. *. For all malignant vlcers. Banester. D

℞. Gum: ammoniaci, in aceto dissol. lbj. ol: chamo. [...]j. ireos opt: pu [...]: ʒij. Cerae albae, ℥vj. f. Empl. *. To resolue, and consume E swellings. Banester.

℞. Rad gentianae, aristoloch: rot: ana ℥ ss. imperatoriae, angelicae, ana ʒj. ba [...]: lauri, & iuniperi, ana ʒ [...]j. Scordij, Saluiae, Rorism. ana M ss. S [...]m: anisi, faenic: Sil [...]ris montani, ana ʒ ss. rhabarbi, ʒjss. Scobisguiaci. ℥iiij. aloes, myrrhae, ana ʒj. theriacae opt: ʒij. & gra xv. vini maluatici, lbj ss. aq: vitae, ℥iiij. Pouder what's requi­site, and dissolue the treacle in the aq: vitae, put the whole receipt into a conuenient vessell of tinne or stone, place it neere vnto a small heate, that may be constant, shake it thrice a day, let it (in this manner) stand to euaporate, vntill it attaine the thicknesse of dissolued gumme, which will be accomplished within the space of xij. daies. Then dip linnen cloathes therein, and dry them in the [Page 202] A shadow; repeate this so often vntill the cloath be fully and com­pleatly mantled with the said lycour; then reserue it as right pre­tious. B*. It putteth away the burning, and sharpnesse of vrine, if the yard bee cloathed therewith, and the playster warme xxiiij. houres. It heales the vlcers of the priuities, and those that pro­ceed; Ex Lue Venerea. It heales Fistulaes, Cancers, Wolfes, and such maligne vlcers. A Dno. Bernardo, Londrada Du porte.

℞. Bacc. lauri, ℥ij. olibani, masticis, myrrhae, Cymini, men­thae, C ana ℥j. mellis, q.s. s.a. f. Empl. *. Profitable to assuage the dolors of the lyuer, intestines, raynes, bladder, and wombe, ari­sing from a cold distemper, or from flatuosities. D r. Bonham.

℞. Masticis, ℥ ss. laudani, ʒiij. bistortae, nucum cupressi, hypo­cist: acaciae, Sang. drac. torr: Sigill: bol: arm: ros. rub: ana ʒj ss. terebinth: par. ol: masticis, & cerae citr. ana q.s. Vel ℞. Ma­sticis elect: ℥ij. laudani, ℥j ss. rad: bistortae, nuc: cupressi, terr: sigill: corall: rub: Santal: rub: menthae siccae, Sem: Coriandri, praep. Succi hypocistidis, acaciae, Sang: drac: ros. rub: ana ℥iiij. ol. ros. Cerae, ana lbj ss. terebint: venet: ℥iiij. s.a. f. Empl. *. These applyed, put D away the dolors of the raynes, and strengthen the back and loynes. D r. Bonham.

℞. Picis alb: perosinae, cerae, ana ℥vj. ol: dul. axung: vet. ana ℥iij ss, vini maluatici, lb ss. Melt, what is to be molten, at a gentle fire, then boyle the whole together one quarter of an houre, and being taken from the fire; add thereto terebinth: ℥iij. centaurij, ℥j. Calamint. absinth: marini, ana ℥ ss. flo: Chamo. Sem: anisi, E ireos, ana ʒij. Croci, ℥ ss. f. Empl. s.a. *. Against the hardnesse of the Spleene. D r. Bonham.

℞. Ol: laterini, ℥vij. opoponacis, galbani, bdellij ana ʒiij. Bring the gummes to a liquid forme. then add far: fab: ʒiij. ficuum con­tusar. F n o: iiij. Caphur, rutae, ana ʒj. s.a. f. Empl. *. Against Hernia Carnosa. D r. Bonham.

℞. Perosinae, cerae, Sem: cumini, bacc. lauri, olei comis: ana ℥iiij. G thuris, lb ss. resinae, ℥xij. s.a. f. Empl. *. Against Kibes, Chilblaines, Cold aches and Tumors. W. Butcher.

℞. Salis nigri Siccati & pul. Sem: cumini pul. ana ℥iiij. picis aridae, lbj. mellis despumati, ℥ij. Worke them effectually together in a hot morter with a hot pestell vnto a proper body. This ap­plyed vpon leather, auaileth much against * the Sciatica. Note; [Page] [Page] [Page 203] that after you haue vsed it iiij. or v. daies, you ought then to make incision below the garter, and to put into it a corrall beade, and to apply thereon the white of an egge (beaten vpon towe; the next dressing, apply onely an Iuy lease, and ouer that some fit playster, and so keepe it open at your pleasure. W. Butcher.

℞. Resinae, lb j. Cerae, thuris, ana ℥ij. Seui ouilli, ℥iiij. Melt them altogether, and boyle them a little, and that right gently, then straine it into a boule of faire water, and labour it with your hands vntill it be white, then reserue it for an excellent defensi­tiue; A if you vse it for a sore, then apply it not onely about the sore, but also aboue the sore, ground about the member fit may be with conueniencie. If you melt thereof, add thereto, vitrioli albi vsti, q.s. to turne it red, this duly incorporated, spread vpon vel­uet, and applyed to the temples, easeth the Toothache. D r. Butler.

℞. Centaurij, M vj. infuse it in vino generoso, by the space of one whole night, then boyle it to the halfe, then expresse out the lycour, and reboyle it to the thicknesse of hony. Take hereof ℥iij. lactis mulicris ℥ij terebinth: lbj. resinae, ℥ ss. thuris, masticis, gummi arabici, ana ℥j. Cerae nouae. ℥iij. Make a Playster, * right B commodious in wounds of the head. Calmeteus.

℞. Caricas pengues, n o xij. (Boyle and stampe them) ammo­niaci bdellij, galbani, in aceto dissolut: ana ℥ij. styracis liquidae, ℥j. muccilag altheae, Sem: lini, & faenugraeci ana ℥ij. ol: ricini, vel Se­samini, vel lilior. ℥iij. Cerae q.s.s.a.f. Empl. *. To mollifie and C resolue a Scyrrhous tumor. Calmeteus.

℞. Adipis gallinae ℥j ss. pingued: taxi, muli, & asini, ana ℥ij. medullae crurium: vituli, & cerui, ana ℥iij. Oesypi, styracis calami­tae, bdellij, ana quart: ss muccilag: Sem: alth: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥ij. masticis, & thuris ana ℥ ss. olei amygd: dul. amurcae, & o: li­lior. ana ℥iij ss. Cerae, q.s. s.a.f. Empl. *. Right profitable in the D cure of an exquisite Scyrrhus. Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: bryoniae, cyclaminis, cucumeris agrestis, altheae, lilij Coelestis, ana ℥ij. Boyle them in vino albo, vnto tendernesse, then stampe them and add vnto them ammoniaci in aceto Scillitici dis­soluti, bdellij, & opoponacis in ol: Sesamino dissolut: ana ℥j terco­ris celumbini, & Caprini, ana ℥j, landani, & styracis calamitae, ana ℥ ss. picis naualis, q s. s a. f. Empl. *. for a Wen. Calmeteus. E VelOlei antiqui, vel lilior. vel laurini, ℥xij. picis aridae, ℥vj. [Page 204] landani, ℥iij. lythargyri, ℥xij. galbani, ℥iij, styracis, ℥ij. Boyle the lytarge with the oyle, vnto thicknesse; then add the pitch, and th'other ingredients, and being remoued from the fire, & f. Empl. Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: altheae, & bryoniae, coctar. & pistar. ana ℥j. axung. Suillae recentis, ℥j ss. ping. gallinae, anseris, & anatis, ana ℥ ss. me­dullae crurium vituli, ℥ij. ol: lumbricor. lilior. & vitellor. ouor. ana ℥f. styracis calamitae, ℥j ss. gummi arabiti, ℥ij. bdellij, gummi hode­rae, ana ℥j ss. terebint [...] inae, ℥iij. Oesypi ʒvj. Emplastri Io: de Vigo, ℥ij. Emplastri de meliloto, & diachylonis ireati, ana ℥j. mercurij, in Saliua hominis ieiuni extincti, ℥ij. Mixe them, and with your hands washt, in aq: vitae: worke them to perfection, and make A it in rowles. *. To dissolue Nodes, and glandulous Tumors. Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: lilij, & altheae, ana ℥j. ss. rad: brioniae, cyclaminis, cu­cumeris agrestis, ana ℥ij. Doyle them in vino albo, and beare them small; then add thereto, stereoris columbini, & caprini, ana ℥j ss. gummi ammoniaci in aceto diossoluti, bdellij, & opoponacis, in oleo sesamino dissolut: ana ℥j, landani & styracis liquidae, ana ℥j. picis B naualis, q.s.f. Empl. in bona forma. *. To mollifie the hardnesse of Phlegmon. Calmeteus.

℞. Picis naualis, ℥j. adipis suillae expurgatae, ℥v. adipis taurini, C vel Oesypi, ℥ij. resinae pini, ℥v. Cerae, ℥iij. s.a.f. Empl. *. For a Fe­lon. Calmeteus.

℞. Terebinth: purgatae, lbj. resinae pini, ℥vj. gum: elemi, lbss. Sarcocollae, ℥iiij. masticis, ℥iij. Sang.drac. ℥iij. aristoloch: long. ℥j. D Cerae albae, ℥iiij. Cerusae, ℥ij. s.a.f. Empl. *. To conglutinate wounds. Calmeteus.

℞. Olibani, lapid: calaminaris, bol: arm: lytarg: plumbi, ana partes E aequales, olei q.s.f. Empl *. To cicatrize. Chancey. Vel ℞. Oli­bani, boli veri, lythargyri plumbi, lapid: calaminaris, ana ℥ij. Cerae citrinae, ℥iiij. f. Empl. Vel ℞. Lytharg: auri, & argenti, oli­bani, plumbi albi, lap: calaminaris, ana ℥ij ss. resinae pini, Cerae F nouae, ana ℥iij. ol: rosar. ℥j. f. Empl. *. To cleanse and dry. Chancey.

℞. Fol: Sambuci, M xij. maioranae tenuioris, Saturiae fol: violar. faeniculi, barbae Iouis, acetosae, parthenij, & camo. ana M j. chamae­cy parissi, & lamij, flo: rub: ana M ss. Cerae slauae, ℥j. butyri recentis [Page] [Page] [Page 205] & insulsi, lbj. Seui ouilli purgati, ℥iiij. Let the hearbes be gathe­red in the beginning of May. Shred and stampe them in a mor­ter, together with the butter then boyled a little and strongly prest; let the lycour. stand in a bason xxiiij. houres, then poure away the watery part of the lycour, and reboyle the residue with the wax and suet: In the boyling, add vj. spoonefulls of Rose-water, and take of what scum ariseth, and being boyled to a due height, straine it into a faire bason, and reserue it, * for the A cure of the blinde Haemorrhoides. The manner of applying is this. Take hereof q.s. make a tent or suppositary thereof, and put it vp through the Tuell; repeate it twice a day for vij. or viij. daies together, in which space (with Gods blessing) the Patient shall be whole. D r. Bonham.

℞. Emplastri diacalcyteos, emplastri de minio, ana ℥j. ol: rosar. & myrtillor. ana ʒij. misce. *. It consolidates fractures. Clo­wes. B

℞. Emplastri diacalcyteos, lb ss. ol: rosar. ℥ij. Succor. plantag. & Solani, ana ℥j. albuminum ouor. n o. ij. aceti rosati, q.s. Com­mixe and apply it, * for a repercussiue and defensiue playster, for C wounds in the Eyes. Clowes.

℞. Axung. porc. lbiij. olei veteris, lbij. rad: altheae, & bryoniae, ana lb ss. Stampe the rootes, and incorporate them with the oyle and the greace, let them stand to macerate x. daies, the boyle them in a pan on a soft fire, by the space of one houre; then add to the straining, lytharg. auri, lbiij. vitrioli pul. ℥iiij. boyle them to the forme of a syrup, and then add opoponacis, & ammoniaci, in aceto dissoluti ana lbj. Boyle them at a gentle fire (with constant stirring) to the consistence of a playster, and when it is neere cold, make it vp in roules. *. It appeaseth paine, and is well approued D in wounds made with gunshot. Clowes.

℞. Gummi elemi, ℥iij. resinae pini puriss. gummi ammoniaci, gummi hederae, ana ℥ij. terebinth: ℥iij ss. ol: ros. ℥j ss. vini odoriferi, lbss. Boyle them together to the consumption of the wine, then ad ammioniaci in aceto dissoluti, and the gum: hederae in pouder. Being boyled vnto due height: worke it vp into rowles, your hands being washt with wine and aqua vitae. *. It's good for wounds E in the head. Clowes.

℞. Emplastri de minio, lbij. gummi ammoniaci in vino malua­tico [Page 206] dissoluti, lb ss. adipis humanae, ℥ij ss. Boyle them together to the consistence of a playster: dip cloathes therein, & s.a. rowle A and reserue them, * against the Scorbute, to bee applyed to the thighes and leggs affected. Clowes.

℞. Ol: aneth: lb ss. resinae lbiij. resinae pini, lbij. Cerae citr: lbj. bac: lauri, & Sem: Cumini pul. ana lbj. Mixe the rosin and wax at the fire, then strowe in the pouders, mingle them well together, and when it waxeth cold, worke in the oyle with your hands, and B make it vp in roules. *. It resolueth colde and windy Tumors. Clowes.

℞. Cerae citrinae, ℥xij. resinae, ℥viij. picis naualis, ℥j ss. olibani, C ℥iiij. resinae pini, lbj. Seui ceruini, ℥ij. Croci, ʒij. masticis, ℥ ss. ga­ryophill: ℥ ss. vini rub: lbij. s.a. f. Empl. *. For aches and paines of the shoulders, armes, and other parts of the body. Clowes.

℞. Tacamahacae, ʒiij. styracis, ʒj. ambari pul. ℈j. Commixe D them into the forme of a playster. *. The which applyed vpon the region of the stomacke, doth maruelously strengthen the same; stirres vp appetite, discusseth flatuosities, and helps con­coction. Clusius. Note; that in stead of tacamahaca, you may vse Caranna.

℞. Muccilag. rad: altheae, muccilag: Sem: lini, muccilag med: cort: vlmi, mucilag: faenugr. ana ℥iiij. ol: Chamo. lilior. & anetbi­ni ana ℥j ss. ammoniaci, galbani, opoponacis, Sagapeni, ana ℥ ss. Ce­rae nonae, ℥xx. Croci, ʒij. terebinth: ℥ij. Resolue the gummes in E vino optimo, & s.a.f. Empl. *. It mollifieth indurations, brings apostemes to maturation. It partly resolueth, partly digesteth. It cleanseth broken apostemes of sanious matter, and healeth Phleg­mous. Cordus.

℞. Cerussae, lbj ss. ol: rosati, lbij. Cerae candidae, ℥iiij. Melt the wax in the oyle, then lightly sprinkle on the Ceruse, boyling it F gently with constant stirring, vntill it wax blackish. *. This heales burnings; Erysipilas, Dry Scabs, and hot vlcers. Cor­dus.

℞. Fermenti, lbj. sorditiei oleor. lb ss. Succi centinodij, Succi pulegij, aut eorundem puluerizator. ana ℥iij. terebinth: lbj. visci quercini, ammoniaci, galbani in vino dissolut. ana ℥j. C [...], G ℥iiij. s.a.f. Empl. *. To draw out thornes, splinters, and such li [...] Democratus.

[Page 207]℞. Cerae nouae, lbj. resinae, Colophoniae, ol: ouor: picis naualis, ana ℥iiij. terebinth: ℥ij rad: & flo: nenupharis, ana ℥ij. rad: consolidae maioris, [...]j. nucum cupress, ℥j. gallar. [...]j. bol. arm: ℥j. Cort. Thu­ris, ℥j. aloes, ℥ij. lap: haematit: ℥j. lytharg. vtriusque, ana ℥ss. ma­sticis, myrrhae, mumiae, ana ℥ ss. carabae, vermium terrest: combu­stor. ros. rub. ana ℥ ss. galbani, ʒix. ammoniaci, ʒvij. Now to make your playster, prepare by you in readinesse, iij. skillets, viz. a great, a middle, and a small one; set the biggest skillets, ouer a gentle fire, and put thereinto the wax (being thinne slyced) the Rosin and the Colophonie, and melt them together. Melt the pitch in the second skillet, and then straine it into the biggest skillet, vnto those ingredients there formerly molten. In the third skillet melt the gummes, and that with such heedfulnesse that they may not so much as smell of burning; then straine them likewise into the biggest skillet: Stirre them constantly, adding the Turpentine, and the oyle of eggs, these being corporated with the former; put in the residue of your ingredients (being made into fine pouder) stirring and boyling them vnto a perfect emplaystick body. Then poure it forth vpon a cleane marble stone, being wet with faire water. And your hands being moystned with oyle, make it vp into such rowles as you thinke fit; and reserue them, as right profitable * in the cure of a Rup­ture. A Ex Dispensario, Coloniensi.

℞. Ammoniaci in aceto dissoluti, ℥j. rad: arthanitae, & ireos flor, ana ℥ ss. Em [...]lastor, muccilaginibus, & de meliloto, ana ℥j. misce & f. Empl. *. Against the affects of the Spleene. Ferne­lius. B

℞. Hydrargyri opt: bene extinct: ℥j. Emplastri de minio, ℥ij. Saponis albi, ℥ ss. Melt and incorporate the playster and soape to­gether, then s.a. add the quick siluer, and so make a playster. Vel ℞. Hydrargyri opt. bene extinct: ℥iij. diacalcyteos, ℥iij. floris vn­guentor. ℥j. Saponis albi, ℥j. terebinth [...] ℥ ss. olei comis: par. First, mixwell together the oyle, Turpentine, and quicksiluer, then melt the playsters and soape, and incorporate the whole s. a. *. These resolue Nodes in Lue Venerea. C

Picis naualis, Cerae, resinae, ana ℥ ss. galbani, ammoniaci, bdellij, Semperuiui, ana ʒiij. aloes, masticis, olibani, mumiae, myrrhae, Sang: drac. consolidae vtriusque, aristoloch: hypocistidis, visci quer­cini, [Page 208] gallar. acaciae, Spodij balaustior. Cort: Spinae nigrae, Sumach: haematit: Sem: arnoglossi, & nasturtij, lumbric: terr: ana ℥ ss. pilor. leporis, ʒij [...] Sanguinis humani, lb ss. Confect it in forme follow­ing. ℞. Pellem arietinam recentem, pilis rasis vel extractis. Boyle it in aq:q.s. vntill it be dissolued, then expresse it strongly, ad thereto Seui arictini, ℥iiij. aceti, & succi plantaginis, ana lb ss. brusci, M ss. as also the Sanguinis humani. These being incorpo­rated, and the rest duly prepared, compound the whole s.a. into A the forme of a playster. *. Against the Tumor in the Cods called Sarcocele. Forrestus.

℞. Sem: papaueris, & hyosciami, ana ℥j. pomum vnum mandra­gorae. Make them into fine pouder, and infuse them in succo la­ctucae, q.s. let them stand in a heate of B. M. for iij. whole daies, then add thereto opij, (dissolued in a morter with a hot pestrell) ʒj. gummi ladani, & myrrhae, ana ℈ij. Croci, ʒj. bring these to B pouder, and, commixe them with the former, and forme a playster s.a. *. This procures sleepe in any hot feuer, if it bee applyed vpon leather vnto the temples and wrists. Forrestus.

℞. Galbani electi in aeceto dissoluti, ℥j. bdellij mollis & Subalbidi, ʒij pul matricariae, ʒj ss. Make a playster s.a. of a Sphericall C forme, six fingers broade, and apply it to mollifie * a Schyrrhus of the wombe. Forrest. Ficus cum ostreis contritae, spread vp­on leather, and applied, resolue Tumors, or hard knots in chil­dren. Forrestus.

℞. Rad: bistortae, lbj. ligni aloes santali citrini, nuc: mosch: ber­beris, antherae, Cinamoni, ana ℥j. Ca [...]yophillar. schaenant: flo: cha­mo. ana ℥ ss. thuris, masticis, aliptae moscatae, galliae moscatae, styra­cis calamitae, styracis rubrae, ana ʒiij. moschi fini, ʒ ss Cerae lbj ss. D terebint: lb ss. ladani, lbiiij picis naualis lbiij s.a. f. Empl. *. A­gainst the imbecillitie of the wombe. It staies the precipitation of the Matrix; and suppresseth all inordinate flowings from that part. Forrestus.

℞. Emplastri contrarupturam, ℥iiij. Emplastri de mastice, ℥iij. lapid: magnetis, ℥ij. olei cotonei, & terebint: ana q.s. f. Empl. Apply it vpon leather, and apply it to the place affected, and binde or rowle it on; renew it euery ix. day, and at thrice repearing E(with Gods blessing) it closes and confirmes * any Rupture. [...] tanouus.

[Page 209]℞. Betonicae, verbenae, aenagallidis, platag. Scabiosae, agrimo­niae, ana M j. rad: consolidae minoris, ℥iij. Stampe them together, and boyle them in vini albi lbviij. vnto the halfe, then straine and boyle it againe, and add in the boyling, seui ouini, ℥iiij. resinae, cecae, ana lb ss. let them boyle together a prettie while; in the coo­ling, add olibani ℥j. masticis, ℥ij. Stirre them well together a good while; when it is cold enough, add terebinthinae, ℥j. incor­porate it well, and worke it vp with womans milke, reseruing it in rowles. *. To consolidate wounds, and to heale vlcers. A Frederick.

℞. Lytharg. argenti. lbj. [...]lei veteris, aceti optimi, ana lbij. Let the lyttarge be lightly beaten; then mixe it with the oyle, and vi­neger in a stone morter; after boyle it at a gentle fire, vnto a due height. Some vse to encrease the quantities of the oyle, and the viniger vnto lbij ss. some vnto lbiij. and encrease the boyling, so will it be the blacker, and the more forcible. *. It cures fistulaes B which haue not as yet attained a hard Callous. It conglutinates bloody wounds. Galenus.

℞. Lytharg. argent: lbj. olei clari, vini albi opt: ana lbij. Con­fect it as the former. *. This dryeth, and is, therefore profitably C applyed against rheumatick greefes. It healeth bloodie wounds. Galenus.

℞. Argenti Spumae, Cerae, ana ʒcxliiij. guttae ammoniaci, ʒlxxij. terebinthinae ʒxxxvj. lanae succidae combustae, ʒxiij. allij, Hemina: is a measure con­taining about iii. quarters of a pint. xijx. Squamae aeris. Squamae Stomotatis, thuris, aristoloch: rot: ana ℥j. olei ricius, hem: iij. Boyle the lytharge and oyle together vntill they change colour, then add the wax and rosin; when it is boyled to that height that it will not stick to your fingers, then add the rest of the ingredients, and according to art, make a playster, reseruing it in rowles. *. This heales wounded sinewes, conglutinating D wounds, both in the sinewes, and muscles. It heales bloodie woundes. It cureth pricks, or punctures. It conioyneth sinewes, which violence hath seperated. It cureth bruises. Vel ℞. Ar­genti Spumae, cerae, ana ʒclx. guttae ammoniaci, ʒlxxx. propoleos ʒxl. resinae siccae, terebinthinae, Squamae aris, thuris, ana ʒxvj. alij, xviij. lanae Succidae, Squamae Stomomatis [...]ana ℥j. opoponacis, ℥ ss. olei ricini, heminas iij. Confect it as the former. Galenus.

℞. Euphorbij, ℥. Cerae, ℥iij. olei, ℥xij. s.a. by boyling them to­gether [Page 210] A make a playster. *. Commodious in the cure of wounded Nerues. Galenus.

℞. Chrysocollae, Squamae diphrigis, ana ʒij. Squamae argenti, ℥j. ol: ros. vel myrtins, par. s.a.f. Empl. Vel ℞. Diaphrigis, ʒxiiij. B Spumae argenti, ʒxl. Cerae, ʒliij. ol: myrtini, ℥x. s.f. Empl. *. These anaile against maligne vlcers. Galenus.

℞. Chamaepytios, Symphiti, Chamaeleontis, ana ℥ ss marrubij, ʒiiij. alij, ʒvj. polij. ʒvj. Centaurij minoris, ʒvj. helenij, aristolo­ [...]biae, ana ℥ ss. thuris, ʒxij. ss. myrrhae, ʒiij. aloes ʒvj. galbani, ʒvj. ob. ss. olei, ʒclxxx. mellis ʒxxx. propoleos, ʒxij ss. aluminis fissi, ʒvj. ob. ss. Chalcitidis, terebinth: ana ʒvj. ob. ss. bituminis, ʒl. terrae am­pelitidis, Spuma argenti, ana ʒl. gallae, ʒiij. pulueris iridis, ʒiij. Bruise the hearbes and roots, and commixe them with the oyle, and let them stand together for a nights space. In the morning, put vnto them, the argenti Spuma, terra ampelitis & the bitumen: boyle these together on a gentle fire (with constant stirring) vn­till they wax thick; then take them from the fire. In the interim, let there be molten in another pot, the mell: resina, galbanum, and the propolis, this done mix these ij. seuerall confectiōs together, in a faire and fit large vessell, and boyle them on a soft and sweet fire (with constant stirring) vnto due height, which is that vpon try­all it will not sticke to the fingers, then take the vessell from the fire, and lightly insperse thereon the myrrha, and the thus, (being pourdred) incorporate them well with your spatula; (you ought to haue speciall care in making this medicine that it inflame not, C for it is very difficill to quench) then make it vp in rowles. *. This will heale all malignant and corroding vlcers. It restraineth cree­ping vlcers. It restraines the naughtie, and bloody fluxes of vl­cers. It mollifieth the indurated edes of vlcers. It breakes and and heales, corrupt Apostemes, if before the application hereof they bee lightly annointed with oyle of myrtills. It forbids the flowing of blood, into any sore, or vlcer. It consumes superflo­ous excressences. It heales Fistulaes, Carbuncles, and such like. Galenus.

℞. Olei veteris, lbij ss. lythargyri, lbj ss. aeruginis, ℥j. Squamia [...] aris, ʒvj. Colophoniae, ℥vj. ʒii. polinis thuris, ℥j ss. ammoniaci [...]. aris vsti, ℥j. diphrygis, gentianae ana ʒvj. propoleos, aloes, ana [...] galbani, ℥j ss. aristoloch: rot: dictamni Cretensis, ana ℥j. ʒij. C [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 211] ʒxxv. Confect it as followeth. Mixe the oyle with lytarge, and boyle them gently vnto compleate incorporation (constant­ly stirring them) then add the arago, and the Squama aeris, let them boyle a little, then take it from the fire, and instantly put in the resina, and ammoniacum, being first resolued in aceto, incorporate them with your spatula, then add the Cerae, and as vstum, boyle them againe vnto due height, then take it from the fire, and in­sperse the rest in fine pouder, and so s.a. finish and reserue your playster. *. Which cureth wounds, whether new or old. It A conglutinateth cut sinewes and muscles. It heales vlcers, strumes, fistulaes, or any hurt comming by stroake or bruise. It drawes out splinters of bones; peeces of arrowes, darts or any such like. Galenus.

℞. Axung. porc. vet. a membranis per liquationem & colatio­nem purgatae, lbij. olei veteris, lytharg. triti & creti, ana lbiij. chalcytidis vstae, ℥iiij. Boyle them together at a gentle fire, stir­ring them with a spatula made of the wood of a Date tree if it may be gotten, or in stead thereof, of oken wood. D r. Hood. When it is almost boyled, add M iiij. of the thinne shauings of the boughes of the Date tree, being bound vp close together; or in stead thereof, of the shauings, of the Myrtill, Medlar, or Cer­uice tree. Feruelius. Boyle them vnto due height, and s.a. forme rowles and reserue them. This playster is often appointed to be mixt with other things for sundry vses of it selfe. It's profitable. * In bloody wounds, Pestilent Tumors, and other Apostemes, B Ruptures, bruises, burnings, and such like. Galenus.

℞, Cerae, terebinthinae, ammoniaci, Cardamomi, Cyperi, ana lbj. amoni nardi, myrrhae, thuris, Cinamomi, ana ʒxv. olei Cyperini. C lbj. vini odorati, q.s. s.a. f. Empl. *. This applyed, auailes much against the ill affects of the lyuer, and the spleene. Gale­nus.

℞. Lythar. argenti, lbj. aquae limpidae, olei puri, ana lbij. Let the lytharge be lightly beaten, and diligently mixed with the wa­ter and the oyle in a stone morter, then boyle them at a gentle fire of coales throughly kindled, with continuall stirring: after in bright weather, let it in the sunne to whiten; then boyle it a­gaine (in forme as before) vnto due height. Vel ℞. Lythar­gyri, & olei, ana lbiij. aquae limpidiae, lbij. order it as before, so [Page 212] A shall it be the whiter. *. The vertue whereof is moderately to coole; by whose due application. Humors (which flow into, or from moyst and virulent vlcers) are staied, and the humors di­uerted vnto the circumadiacent parts; hence it is that it healeth moist Scabs, and small scaly vlcers. Galenus.

℞. Boli armeni, gum: arabici, Sang: drac. masticis, ana ʒiij. myrrhae, balaustior. ros. rub: Sicc. ana ʒij. Pouder and searce them, then take butyri ℥j. olci ros. ℥iij. Succi folior. porror. colati, B ℥ij. s a. f. Empl. *. To mitigate paine of the Haemorrhoides. Galenus.

℞. Serapini, ℥iij. castorei, ℥ij. euphorbij, ℥j ss. bdellij, ammo­niaci, ana ℥ss. Bruise the gummes, and dissolue them in warme C water, add thereto Cerae albae, ʒxv. olei Sambuci, ʒiij. s.a. f. Empl. *. Against the hardnesse of sinewes. Galenus.

℞. Aloes citr: ℥j ss. Sang: drac. & myrrhae, ana ℥J. masticis, boli arm: gum: dragac. ana ʒiij. Pouder them all most subtillie, & D cum viscocitate limacum rubrar. q.s.s.a.f. Empl. *. Approued for the Rupture. Goodrus.

℞. Cerae, pices, diachylon: ana ℥iij. axung: asini, ℥j ss. landani, hyssopi humidi, galbani, opopanacis, ammoniaci, bdellij, styracis ca­lamitae, masticis, Sarcocollae, in vino dissolut: ana ℥j. axung: vrsi, E struthionis, aquilae, anguillae, amurcae, olei liliacei, terebinthinae, ana ℥ ss. farinae faenugreci, & lini, Croci, ana ℥ij. s.a.f. Empl. *. For the gout. Guydo.

℞. Far: hord: & fabar. ana ʒx. glycyrrhizae, rad: alth: picis, F ana, ʒv. Cerae albae, adipis anseris, ana ʒx. olei vet: & vrinae puellae immaculatae, ana q.s.f. Empl. *. Against poysoned wounds, and biting and stinging of Serpents. Haliabas.

℞. Rad: alth: maluae, lilij, & faenugr. caricar. ping. ana. ℥iij. Infuse them all in aceto forti, by the space of one night, then boyle them in aq: chamemilini, with a soft fire vnto tendernesse, then stampe, and bring them to the forme of a playster. Vel ℞. Fol: mentastri, rutae, meliloti, ana ℥j. nitri, salis gem: ana ʒiij. amin­niaci G in vino opt: dissol. ℥j. s.a. f. Empl. *. These spread vpon leather, and applyed to the region of the spleene, dissolue the Scyrrhus therein compacted, and discusse flatuosities. Hier: Merc.

℞. Fol; absinthij, & abrotani, ana M j. lupinor. contuser. crus [...] [Page] [Page] [Page] modo Pj ss. aquae, lbvj. aceti Scyllitici, lbj. Bruise the hearbes and boyle them together vntill they be almost dry, then stampe them diligently, and apply them playsterwise, to the belly. *. To kill A and expell wormes. Hier: Merc.

℞. Olei Iuniperi, ʒvj. ol: lumbricor. ℥ ss. ol: euphorbij, & hy­perici, ana ʒij. masticis, thuris, Sulphuris viui, euphorbij, pyrethri, ana ʒj ss. Carannae, oxycrocei, ana ℥ ss. Emplastri Saponis comis: ℥iij ss. s.a. fiat Empl. *. Against dolors of the ioynts. D r. B Hood.

℞. Medullae radic: brioniae albae per cocturam lixiuij extractae, ℥ij casei antiquissimi in decocto pernae remolliti, ℥j ss. ammoniaci, galbani Sagapeni in aceto dissolut: ana ℥ ss. medullae crurium vituli, axung. humanae, ana ℥ij. pyrethri, cardamomi, ana ʒij ss. euphorbij, ʒiij. lapid: gagatis, ℥ ss. Sulphuris vini, ʒvj. marcasitae verae, ʒx. argenti viui Saluia ieuini hominis extincti, ℥ij ss. Cum cere citrina, q.s.s.a.f. Empl. *. Against Wennes, Scrofulaes, and Ganglious C knots. But before the applycation, you ought to anoint the place with this vng.Medullae crurium vituli, & olei petrolei, ana partes aequales. Misce. H: de Othen.

℞. Ol: ros. lbj. lytharg: auri, vini albi ana lb ss. vrinae veteris à facibus purgat: aceti albi, ana ℥iiij. Boyle them together to the wasting of the lycour, then add olibani, myrrahae, Cerae albae, ana ℥j. At a gentle fire, incorporate them into forme of a playster. *. To cure those malignant, creeping, and eroding vlcers, called D Nomae. Incertus.

℞. Olei comis, lbj. minij tenuiss: triti, & cribrati, lb ss. Cerae albae, butyri vel axung: recentis, ana ℥iiij. thuris, tenuiss. triti & cribrati, resinae, ana ℥j. Melt the wax, the butter, or greace, the frankensence, and rosin, together with the oyle, let them boyle iij. or iiij. walmes, at a gentle fire: Then add the minium, let them boyle altogether a little (with constant stirring) vntill they be­ginne to cast forth a thick fume, and the colour to wax darke, then take it from the fire, and when it ceaseth to fume, ad thereto, terebinthinae clarae, ℥j. incorporate the whole by stirring. After makeit vp in rowles and reserue it. *. To heale either greene E wound, or old sore. If you apply it to any weeping sore, or wound, and it worke not effectually. Then take of this playster, ℥j. mercurij praecipitati, ℈j. incorporate them s.a. and apply it, so [Page] will it take effect. If you haue occasion to take away superfluous or putrid flesh, then incorporate with ℥j. of the the playster, al [...] minis vsti, & mercurij praecipitati ana ℈j. and then apply it, and you shall haue your desire. Incertus.

℞. Rad: alth: lb ss. Sem: lini, & fanugr ana ℥j. violar. Sem: maluae, Sem: alth: Sem: Cydonior. ana ℥ ss. Sem: psyllij. ℥ij. rad: ireos, ℥ij. ol: chamo anethini, lilior irini, & lini, ana ℥iij. pingued: gallinae, anatis, & anseris, ana ℥iij. ol: amygd: dul. Oesypi humidi, Succi glicyrrh: ana ʒx. terebinth: ℥j ss. Seui vituli lbss. lytharg: auri, ʒx. Boyle them altogether (constantly stirring them with a staffe) vnto the consumption of the mucilages, then cum cera alba, q s.f. ceratum molle, whereunto add Sagapeni, opoponacis, bdellij mollis, galbani. ana ʒiij. ammoniaci, ʒv. dissolut: in aceto, s.a. f. A Empl. *. Effectuall against the scyrrhus of the lyuer, spleene, sto­mack, and other parts. It mollifieth and helpeth strumes, and other indurations. It maturates Apostemes. It mollifieth, di­gesteth, cleanseth, and healeth, obrupted Phlegmonidous Apo­stemes. In briefe it resolueth and maturateth all sorts of indura­tions, and allayeth inflammations. Ioubertus.

℞. Olei oliuar. lbiij. plumbi rub: & alb: ana lbj. Saponis hispa. ℥xij. Make the leades into fine pouder, and mixe them with the oyle, boyle them together vntill they attaine an ash-colour, then add the soape (being thinne shauen) and boyle them together B(with constant stirring) vnto due height, &c. *. This easeth the dolours of the stomacke, prouokes appetite, mittigateth the col­lick, strengtheneth the raines, stayeth the dysenteriall flux, as also the gonorrhaean, assuageth paines, dissolueth apostemes, or else bringeth them to suppuration, it maruelously attracteth, and cica­trizeth an vlcer. Kelly.

℞. Gum: bdellij, ℥j. Cerae, mellis, terebint: Seui cuilis, axung: porc. ana ℥iiij. Succor. hyoscyami Camo, & Solani. Make all these into the forme of a stiffe oyntment. Spread thereof on leather C and apply it playsterwise. *. To ease the gout, let it lie on xxiiij. houres, then new spread and reapply it, repeate it as oft as needs. King.

℞. Consolidae ma. & mi. Cynoglossae, pilosellae, plantag. uni [...], ana M j. Ʋermium terrest: lb ss. Stampe them all, and mac [...] them in oleo com. for vij. daies; then boyle them a little and [...] ­presse [Page] [Page] [Page 215] the oyle, whereunto add Seui arietini mundati, lbj. picis na­ualis, lb ss. picis graecae, ammoniaci, galbani, opoponacis, terebinth: ana ℥iiij. thuris, masticis, ana ℥ij. Dissolue the gummes with vi­neger, & s.a.f. Empl. *. To incarnate, and consolidate neruous A members. Lanfrancus.

℞. Piperis albi, Sem: nasturtitj, & Synapis, euphorbij, fimi co­lumbini, Sandrachae, ana ℥ ss. Cerae, resinae, picis, ana ℥j ss. s.a.f. Empl. *. For the head against Cathars, or thinne distillations. B D r. Langton.

℞. Succi radicum raphani, ℥ ss. Succi porror. ℥j. olei nardini, anetini, amygd: amar: ana ʒj ss. interioris coloquintidae: ʒj. aristolo­chiae rot: Costi, rutae, ana ʒ ss baurach: id est Spuma nitri, ℈ij. euphorbij. ℈j. Boyle them together to the wasting of the iuices, & f. Empl. *. To be applyed to the Eare, against deaf­nesse. C Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Lytharg. auri, lbj. ol: ros. lbij. vini albi, lbj. aceti, vrinae pueri, ana lb ss. Boyle them to the wasting of the lycours, putting them in by order, and the vrine last; when it draweth to a forme, put in Cerae, olybani, myrrhae, ana ℥j. So make it vp. *. For all D putrifying, filthy, and stinking vlcers. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Ol: olinar. lb ss. plumbi albi, ℥iiij. Saponis bysp: ʒv. bulliant simul: olei laurini, & axung: porc. ana q.s s.a.f. Empl. *. Against paine, heate, and weaknesse of the Raynes. Ex E Manuscripto.

℞. Furfuris, Saponis, & Salis, ana q. s. Boyle them al­together vnto due height, and apply it, * to assuage paine in F any part. Th'author saith, par non habet. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Album: oui vnius in Spumam coquassati, ros. rub: M j ss pip: nigri, gra: paradisi, ana ʒj. masticis, thuris, ana ℥ ss. boli arm: ℥j. olei ros. ℥iiij. ol: chamo. ʒvj. Beate what is to be beaten into fine pouder, and incorporate the whole into the forme of a playster; double a gray paper, spread hereof thereon, of a pretty thicknesse, and apply it to the place affected, and let the Pa­tient lye vpon that side for ij. houres together, and with Gods blessing. *. It cures the Toothache. Ex Manuscripto. G

[Page 216]℞. Emplastri de melilot, lb ss. terebint: in aq: vitae lorae, ℥iiij. gum: ammoniaci, galbani, bdellij, in aceto Scyllit: dissolut: ana ℥f ss. styracis liquidae, ℥j. ol vulp. hypericonis, anethiui, rutae, & absinith: ana ʒx. ol: chamomillae, lilior. lumbricor. ana ℥j. pul. rad: ireos florent. ℥j. euphorbij subtilis. pul. ʒvj, resinae siccae, ℥ij. Cerae, lb ss. A f. Empl. This spread vpon leather, * assuageth paine wheresoe­uer it bee applyed: It being applyed vnto the head (the haire being first shauen off) it mittigates the paines thereof. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Cerati stomachi Gal. ℥j ss. ol: nardini, ℥j. ol: absinthij, ℥ ss. B Cerae, q.s. f. Empl, *. To strengthen the stomacke. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Cerae, & resinae, ana ℥iiij. thuris, ℥ ss. Seui ouilli, ℥iij. lap: calaminar. ℥iij. ol: ros. ℥ ss. Melt the wax, rosin, sheepes suet, and frankensence, then put in the lapis calaminaris, in fine pou­der, and the oyle of roses, then add of pure Turpentine, ℥ij. incorporate them s.a. poure it into a faire bason with cleare wa­ter, and worke it vp into rowles, and reserue them, as profi­table C to heale * either wounds or vlcers. Ex Manuscrip­to.

1 ℞. Far: hord: & fab; ana lb ss. cymini, ℥j. ol: vitel: ouor, Coa­guli 2 hoedi, ana ℥ij. aq: acetosae, q.s.f. Empl. Vel ℞. Far: fab: orizae, ana ℥j ss. ros. rub: M iij. Pouder the roses, & cum lixiuio, 3 & succo apij, ana q.s.f. Empl. Vel ℞. Far. faenugr ℥iiij. lactis 4 recentis, q.s. Boyle them vnto a stiffe playster. Ʋel ℞. Apij, faenic: mentae, ana M j. Sem: Coriandri, faenugr. ana ʒij. Sem: por­tulacae, ʒj. Boyle the hearbes vnto tendernesse, then stampe and passe them through a haire siue, pouder the seeds, add to these, far: lentium, ℥ ss. Succi plantag. ℥j ss. aceti acerrimi, ʒvj. s.a. f. 5 Empl. Vel ℞. Apij, mors. gallinae, mentae, portulacae ana Mj ss. boyle, stampe, and passe them through a haire searce as before, then add Sem: cumini, Coriandri, anisi, pul. ana ℥ ss. far: lini, fae­nugr. hord: cicer. rub: orizae, ana ʒv. cum ol: anethino, & oxy mel: 6 simp: ana q.s. s.a. f. Empl. Vel ℞. Muscylag. Sem: psyllij, ol: ros. violar, aceti, ana ℥ ss, opij, Caphurae, ana ℈j. far: hord: & al­bum: 7 onor. è singulis q.s.f. Empl. Ʋel ℞. Ol: violarum, chamo­millae, anethi, ana ℥j. adipis castrati recentis, ʒ ss. Cerae albae, s.s.f. D Empl. *. These resolue the hardnesse of womens breasts. E [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 217] Manuscripto. He that is an Artisan knoweth the nature of sim­ples: and is able to diuide these according to the nature and qua­litie of the greefe.

℞. Ammoniaci, diapalmae, ana ℥j. argenti viui mortificati, & axungiae Suillae, ana ℥ ss. terebinth: ʒj ss. styracis liquidae; ʒ ss. Cantharidum, vitrioli rom. calcis viuae, ana ʒj. auripigmenti, viridis aeris, ana ʒj ss. Cerae citrinae. ʒij. s.a. f. Empl. *. A­gainst A Cornes in the feet, or any other part. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Menthae, absinthij, ana ℥ ss. ros. rub: masticis, ana ℥ ss. Ca­ryoph: nucis mosc. Cort: Citri, ana ʒ ss. galangae, calami aromai: lig. aloes, Cinamoni, rad: angel: ana ʒij. labdani, ℥iiij. styrac: cala, ℥j. terebint: ℥ij. Cerae, lb ss. balsami peruuiani, ℥ij. vel q.s.s.a.f. Empl. *. This being spread somewhat thick vpon leather, and B couered with sarsnet, and interbasted s.a. and fastned with strings, vpon the region of the stomacke, mightily strengthneth, and comforteth the same. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Plumbi albi, pul. ℥xij. Cretae, ℥iiij. Worke them in a hot morter with a hot pestell gradually putting thereto axung aprinae purgatae & liquefact. q.s. Vel ℞. Plumbi albi pul. lbij. Cretae pul. ℥ij. axung. aprinae, as before, and worke them as before. *. This cures old putrid vlcers, being applyed as followeth. ℞. Vitrioli albi, ℥j. aq: fluuialis lbij. boyle them together a little, and wash and bathe the vlcers well therewith; making them, or it, very cleane, then apply your playster (as you would apply a peece of dough) of a good thicknesse, filling each hollow place therewith, then rowle it vp fast and sure, and let it so remaine by the space of xiiij. daies ere you open it, (and you shall see a strange effect) then renew and repeate it as you see cause. Note; that the playster must be applyed warme. Ex Manuscripto. *. These C playsters likewise stanch blood, and take away the hard edges of vlcers.

℞. Absinithij, ℥iij. Sampsuchae, ℥ij. rosar. & menthae, ana ℥ ss. Cinamo. & nuc: mosc: ana ℥ ss. Caryoph: ʒiij. Zinae: ʒj. Cardamo. ʒ ss. anisi, ʒij. Calami aromat: ℥ij. nuc: curpressi, ʒij. galangae, ʒvj. ol: nuc: mosc. & macis, ana ℥ ss. benzoini, ʒiij. landani, ℥ ss. ol: ci­donior. & cerae, ana q.s. s.a. f. Empl. towards the end, add moschi, gr. 4. ambrae gr. vj. *. To heate, comfort, and strenghen D [Page 218] the stomacke. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Saponis nig: ℥iiij. fellis tauri, n o: j. Zinziberis contusi, & percribati, ℥ ss. aceti fortis, lbj. aq: ardentis, ℥ij. Boyle them all together vnto a due forme. This applyed vpon leather, easeth A* the Sciatick gout. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Minij, cerusae, bol: arm: aluminis, ana partes aequales, B vitrioli, & tartari, ana par. Pouder, and mixe them. *. Against the gout. The place affected, must first be fomented with good white wine vineger hot; and then make a playster of the pouder with vineger and apply it. Vel ℞. Picis, lb ss. Salis triti, Sem: Cumini, ana ℥iij. hermodact: ℥j. s.a. f. Empl. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Atriplicis, cymar. pampini, & mespili, ana M j. berberis, Sumach: ros. ana ℥j. psidiae, balaust: virgae pastoris, ana ℥ij. Succi C ribes, olei violar. & cotoneor, ana q.s.s.a.f. Empl. to be applyed vn­to the regions of the Raynes, and the Os Sacrum. *. Against in­uoluntary pissing. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Myrrhae pinguis, ℥ ss. opoponacis, ℥ ss. ammoniaci, galbani, ana ℥j. ireos, ℥ss. butyri maialis, vng: dialtheae, ana ℥ij ss. piperis, ʒj. D aq: vitae, q.s. ad dissoluend. gum: s.a.f. Empl. *. To resolue any hardnesse. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ol: ros. ℥vj. ol: myrtillor. ℥ij. Cerae albae, ℥iiij. Cerusae, ℥ij. terrae Sig: [...]j. lytharg: auri lap: calaminaris, ana ℥iiij. Caphurae, E ʒiij. s.a.f. Empl. *. This will dry and heale any sore being once cleansed. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Osmundi regalis, Cort: rad: quercus iuneni [...], rad: sigil: Salomonis, ana ℥j. herbae equisitae, consolid: ma. & med: ros. rub: bugulae, pilosellae, ana M ss. psidia, balanst: nuc: cupressi, gallar. immuturar. ana ℥ ss. aluminis crudi, ʒij ss. Make a decoction in vino austero q.s. wherewith being hot, foment the part affected; then stampe small the materials, adding vnto them, cerebint: & ol: ouor. ana q.s. Make a playster, & apply it hot to the part affected, instant­ly after the fomentation. Vel ℞. Trium consolidar. inceae nigrae, centum [...]odi, crassulae ma. ana M j. rad: rusci, & osmundi, ana ℥j. fol: plantag. equiseti, pedis leonis, millefolij, ana M ss. Boyle them all in vino Rhenesi, vnto the halfe; with this foment the place af­fected. Then take vngi comitiss: & ol: myrtini, ana ℥ ss. Com­mixe these, and annoint therewith the part affected, after the [Page] [Page] [Page 219] fomentation; lastly, apply this playster. ℞. Massa Emplastri contra rupturam, ℥j. macti [...], S [...]cocolla, glutini [...] piscium, ana ʒij. ol: mirtini, q.s.f. Empl. *. Against a Rupture. Ex Manu­scripto. A

℞. Ricis naualis. ℥x. pic [...] liquidae, & resinae opt: ana ℥iiij. axung: porc: & adepis vaccini, ana ℥iij. [...]erchint: ℥ij. Cerae slaua, ℥ij. s.a.f. Empl. *. Against Bites, sores, or pushes, on womens breasts. Ex B Manuscripto.

℞. Succi plantag: & Semperuiui, ana ʒvj. ol: ros: ma [...]tich: & myrtil: ana ℥ij. coral: rub: & ros. rub: pul. ana ʒiij. terr. sig: pul. ℥ ss. Cerae, ℥xiij. resinae. lb ss. s.a. f. Empl. *. To strengthen the C raynes. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ficuum ping: n o: vj. passular. enucl: ℥ ss. Salis fossil: ʒij. mellis, ʒj. ol: Camo. q. s. s.a. Make a drawing playster. *. Being of speciall vse in Bubo pestilentiali. Ex Manu­scripto. D

℞. Axung. Suillae, ℥iiij ss. ol: laurmi, ℥ss. mercurij extincti in terebinth: ℥j. terebinth: ʒiij. Cerae, ℥j ss. f. Empl. *. Against sores E in Luci Venerea. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cerae, resinae, picis, ana ℥iiij. olei, ℥ij. Put these toge­ther into an earthen pipkin well leaded. Then take plan­tag: polygam, & consolid: ma. ana M ij. Stampe them with a little vineger, and straine out all the moisture into the pip­kin, vnto the ingredients, then boyle them altogether at a gentle fire, for one houres space, then add thereto, vitrioll rom. pul. & in aceto dissoluti, ʒj. let them seeth a little more, then take it off the fire, and put into it (being in fine pou­der) asphalti, ℥j. olybani, ℥j ss. Caerusae, ʒj. this pouder must bee put in by degrees, that it may bee duely incorporated with the other ingredients, by carefull stirring, which ought not to be omitted from the first melting, vntill the end, now when it begins to waxe cold, powre it out vpon some large cleane stone, or cleane pauement, the same being first wet with good vineger; then keepe it together with some meet thing, vntill it be cold enough to handle, then with your hands wet in vineger, make it vp in rowles, and reserue it. *. As excellent in the F cure of old putrid vlcers. The older it is, the better. Ex Manu­scripto.

[Page 220]℞. Cerae citrina, ℥iij. virid: aris, ℥j ss. Sublimati, ʒij. gum: A [...]lemi, ʒiij, s.a.f. Empl. *. This will keepe open an issue if a pel­let bee made thereof proportionable to the issue, and kept therein, and taken out and wiped cleane morning and night. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Resinae, & resinae pini, ana lb ss. Cerae albae, olibani, ana ℥iij. masticis, ʒss. Seui coruini, ℥j ss. Caphurae, ʒij ss. terebinth: venet. ℥iiij. olei myrtillor. ℥iiij. vini albi, lbj ss. Boyle them all together B vnto the consistence of a playster. *. Against dolorous infirmi­ties of the Nerues. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Emplastri contrarupturam, ℥iiij. picis burgundi [...], ℥j ss. rad: C consol: ma. pul. ℥j. ol: myrtil: q.s.f. Empl. *. To astringet Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Emplastri Caesaris, & diacalcyteos, ana ℥j ss. Sabigantur oleo D n [...]nupharis, & s.a.f. Empl. *. To strengthen the Raines. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Assaefaetidae expurgatae, euphorbij, castorci, Sulph: vini, ana ℥iiij. Cerae nouae, q.s. s.a.f. Empl. durum, ad modum diachyli. In E such sort that it may be spread vpon cloth, or leather. *. Which is auaileable against the gout, the Sciatick. and Arthritick gouts, the Epilesie, and the Palsie. Historie. A certaine Noble man of this kingdome (as saith mine Author) was cured of a Palsie, by this playster; applyed vnto his ankle, his knee, his shoulder, his el­bow, and wrist; renewing it once in xxiiij. houres. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Emplastri diacalcyteos, ℥ij. ol: terebint: ol: vulp. ana ℥j. F Commixe and spread it vpon leather, * for the Gout. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Caphurae, terrae, sig: lap: calam: lytharge: auri, ana ℥iij. Sang: drac: ℥ij. Cerae, ℥vj. resinae, ℥ij. ol: oliuar. lbj ss. s.a. f. G Empl. *. To skinne any place in xxiij. houres. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Emplastri de gratia dei, spread it on lint, and wet it with oyle of sulphur, or oyle of vitriol: and apply it vnto superfluous H flesh, * and it will take it away without paine. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Galbanis, opoponaci, assae faetidae, ana ʒj. ammomi, ℥iij. Beat [...] them as small as you can, & macerate them in aceto distillato, xxiiij [Page] [Page] [Page 221] houres. Then boyle them gently (a little space) vpon a soft and sweet fire of coales, then expresse them through a strong cleane canuas, and reiect the faeces forthwith in another vessell, melt to­gether, olei oliuar. lbj ss Cerae no [...] flanae, lb ss. whereunto add ly­thargyri minutiss. triti, lbj. Stirre them vnto compleate incorpo­ration; and that it appeare blackish of colour, then put in your gummes by degrees, and mixe them well with the oyle, wax, and lytarge, (Being very prouident that the fire be not too hot; for then all, or the most part will runne into the fire) then add in fine pouder, aristoloch: long: & rot: ana ℥j. thuris opt: ℥vij. mumiae oli­bani, bdellij, masticis, ana ʒij. virid. aeris, magnetis, ana ℥j ss. Boyle, and stirre them with all artificiall care and diligence, vnto the consistence of a playster: To bee applyed with iudgement in the cure of * Cancers, and malignant vlcers. Note; that it will be A requisite to wash or cleanse the sores with aqua Lauinij thus no­ted, [...] and if occasion vrge sometime to touch them, cum aq: Mercurij; thus noted. 🝞 Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cerae flauae, ℥xij. ol: comi [...]: lbj. plumbi albi, lbss. Melt the wax and the oyle together, then mixe the leade with them: Boyle them gently together halfe an houres space: Then take it from the fire, and add thereto (in fine pouder) thuris. olibani, myrrhae, masticis, ana ℥ij. Stirre them constantly, and boyle them together gently for the space of halfe an houre, then add Cam­phore dissolued, ʒij. when the colour waxeth blacke, take it from the fire and make it vp in rowles, and reserue it, * for the B cure of fistulaes and all other Sores. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cerae nouae, lb ss. picis, ℥iiij. galbani, ℥ij. Seui ouilli, lb ss. Melt them together at a soft fire; adding thereto, vini albi par­thuris, & masticis pul. ana ℥ ss. Stirre it constantly, & s.a. make there of a playster, * for all manner of bruises. It must be applied C as hot as may be endured: Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rad: maluae, branchae vrsinae, lilior. albor. ana ℥ij. flo: chamo. melilotu, Sambuci, lilior. albor. ana M ij. mucilag: Sem: faenugr. lini, & altheae, ana ʒij. ficuum ping: lb ss. Cort: rad: Cappar: ʒij. tamaricis, ℥ ss. Scolopendriae, centaurij mino, ana ℥j ss. medullae Cerui, vituli, bubuli, pingued: gallinae, & anserinae, ana ℥ij. ammo­niaci, bdellij, galbani, styracis, ana ℥ ss. olei brioniae, capparum, amygd: du l. & lilior. albor. ana ℥ij. Bruise and boyle the roots, [Page 222] flowers, and hearbes, in Succ [...] foli [...]r & radicum brioniae, q.s. vnto the wasting of the wine, dissolue the gummes in aq: vitae, extract the muscilages with wormwood water. Stampe, and expresse the boyled rootes, hearbes, and flowers; then commixe the A whole, and with cerae noua q.s. s.a. f. Empl. *. Against all affects of the Spleene. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ʋitel: oui vnius, mellis cochl: j. terebint: venet: & f [...]r: B triticei, ana q.s. f. Empl, *. It suppurateth Phlegmous tumors, and breaketh them: afterwards a playster of melilot: (spread of linnen) will both cleanse and heale it. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Ol: comis: lbj. minij, lb ss. plumbi albi, ℥iiij. Saponis hisp. ℥v. Boyle them together s.a. vnto a sufficient thicknesse; then take it from the fire, and in the cooling, incorporate therewith C ol: laurini, & axung: porcinae, ana ℥j. f. Empl. *. A­gainst weaknesse, and paines of the backe. It's likewise profita­ble, for a ioynt, ache, or gout; if you anoint the playster all ouer with oyle of spike, before the application thereof. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Stercoris vaccini, caprini, ana lbss. Macerate them in aceto vini albi. vj. houres, then dry and pouder them adding aluminitrechae, Salis nigri torres. Sulphuris slaui, ana ℥ij. Succor. ebuli, & tithy­mali, ana ℥iij. fol: Soldanellae, ℥j ss. Sem: anisi, faenic. cymini, ana ℥j. far. lupinor. & orobi, ana ℥j. terebint: ℥ij. picis naualis, ℥xij. D axung: porcinae, ℥iiij. s.a. f. Empl. *. Against the Dropsie. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Plumbi albi, olybani, bol: arm: lap: calam: ana ℥ij. cerae, & resinae, ana ℥iiij. ol: ros. ℥j. Pouder what's fit, melt the wax, and oyle in a fit vessell, add vnto them the pouder, by degrees, stirre, E incorporate, and boyle them vnto due height; lastly, with hands moistned with oyle, worke it vp in rowles. *. Against vlcers of hard curation. There is a water proper to wash the sores withall, thus marked. [...] Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Stiptici Paracelsi, & diachylo: mag: cum gum: ana q.s. in­corporate these in a hot morter, with a hot pestell, and apply F it vpon any contused place. *. It mitigateth paine, assuageth the swellling, and scattereth the congealed blood. Ex Manu­scripto.

[Page 223]℞. Meliloti, anethi, ana M iij. Chamo. fol. lauro, & ab su [...]h: ana M j. Stampe them well in a stone morter, incorporate with them, vini albi, lbj. then melt together, resinae purae lbiij. Seui arietis lbj. Cerae ℥xij. incorporate the whole (being hot) and let them macerate vij. daies, then boyle them to the wasting of the wine, then straine and make it vp in rowles. *. Against the A Spleene, and stiches in the side. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Emplastri predicta, ℥iij. Carannae, tacamahacae, ammoniaci, ana ℥j. Incorporate these in a hot morter with a hot pestell. *. To B mollifie the hardnesse of the stomacke, lyuer, and spleene. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Galbani, tacamahacae, carannae, ana ℥j. balsami nigri, ℥ij. artemisiae, & matricariae, ana ʒj ss. f. Empl. This applyed hot to the Nauell, * helpeth the rising or strangling of the Matrix; and C setleth it in the right place. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Emplastri melilo ℥iiij. Caranna, ℥j. galbani, opoponacis, Sa­gapeni, & ammoniaci, in aq: vitae, dissolut: ana ℥j. picis, & empla­stri diaphaenici, ana ℥iiij. Incorporate these in a hot morter, with a hot pestill, and apply it on leather. *. Against the Sciatica. Ex D Manuscripto.

℞. Picis lb ss. Salis triti, & Sem: cumini pul: ana ℥iij. her­modactil: pul. ℥j. s.a.f. Empl. *. Against the Sciatica. Ex Ma­nuscripto. E

℞. Bol. arm: ʒij. olibani, ʒj ss. Sang: drac. ʒj. lap: haematit: ʒss. diachylonis simpl: ℥v. Pouder what's fit; dissolue the diachylon in a hot morter: then gradually sprinkle in the pouders, and with a hot pestell incorporate the whole, then make it vp into a rowle & reserue it. *. It strengtheneth a weake back, stayeth the Gonor­rheall F flux, staies the whites, and applyed to the lower region of the belly, it retaineth the Foetus, in such as are subiect to abort. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ʋini albi, lbj. ol: comis: lb ss. Seui Ceruini, ℥j. Cerae albae, ℥ij. plumbi albi, & rubri, ana ℥ ss. Pouder the leades very fine, then boyle altogether in a deepe kettell; keeping a very hot fire vnder the same, sti [...] with constant diligence, till it sinke and turne blacke as a [...] it off, and make it into rowles, (your hands being anointed with oyle of spike) and so reserue it. *. As an excellent defensatiue playster; against any G [Page 224] great inflammation. Ex Manuscripto.

Misceatur stercus Caprinum, vel vaccinum, cum melle, & A aceto, and apply it playsterwise, vnto great tumors, * of the knees, or other Ioynts, and you shall see a maruellous operation. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Far: fab: furfur: triturati, ana lb ss. Stercoris Caprini. & vaccini, ana ℥viij. flor. chamo. melilo. aueti, Cymini, ana M ss. Sa­pae, & lixiuij barbitonsoris, ana q.s. ol: chamo, aneti, absinthij, ana B ℥ij. s.a.f. Empl. * Against an inueterate windie Tumor. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Pulp: rad: helenij coctae, lbj. rad: sigil: Salamo, & ebuli, ana ℥iiij. oleor. myrti: chamo. petreoli, & hyrundinum, ana ℥j ss. olei terebinthinae, ℥j. Colophoniae, terebinthinae, ana ℥ij. oleor vulpi­ni Spicae, lilior. lauri, & Sambuci, ana ʒx. Cerae albae ℥j ss. Croci ʒj. C styracis liquidae, ʒv. far: fab: & Cicer. ana ℥iiijss. At a gentle fire, s.a. make a playster. *. Right profitable against the Gout. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Stercoris columbini aceto macerati, lbj. Sulphur: vini, ℥j. nitri, ℥j. pul. rad: anulae, pul. bacc: lauri, pul. anethi, pul. flor. chamo. ana ʒvj. Sem: nasturtij, ʒij. Boyle them all in vino gene­roso, q.s. vnto due height, then admellis, ℥ij. terebinth: ℥j ss. Suc­ci D ebuli, ℥ij Succi iridis, ℥j. far. fab: ℥j ss. s.a.f. Empl. *. Of much experience, and great force against the Dropsie. Medici Pata­uini.

℞. Meliloti, ℥vj. flo: chamo: faenugr. bacc: lauri, rad: alth: Comar. absinthij, ana ʒij. Sem: apij, Cardamo. iridis, Cyperi, Spicae nardi indicae, Casiae, Sem: ammi, ana ʒj ss. maioranae, ʒiij. ammoniaci, ʒx. bdellij, styracis calamitae, ana ʒv. terebinth: ℥j ss. ficuum ping. n o: xij. Seui hircini, resinae, ana ℥ij ss. Cerae, ℥vj. ol: Sampsuchini, & nardini, ana ℥iij. Boyle the melilot. wormwood, camomill flowers, and the faenugreek, in af: q.s. vnto the halfe, then expresse it, and boyle in the strained lycour, the pouders of such ingredients, as require poudring, these being incorporated, add the oyles, fat, wax, rosin, and turpentine, (first molten to­gether) with the gummes, first dissolued in vineger, then made hot and strained, then add the pulpe of the rootes, and figs, being first boyled, well beaten and passed through a course strainer, and so s.a. make the playster and reserue it in rowles, lapt vp in [Page] [Page] [Page 225] paper intincted in oyle of Dill. *. This mollifies all hardnesse of A the lyuer, spleene, stomacke, intestines, and other parts. It assua­geth vehement paine; and abates the hypochondriall tensions. Mesues.

℞. Mucilage rad: alth: Sem: lini, & faenugr. ana ℥j. lytharg, ℥j ss. ol: antiqui clari, ℥iij. Make the lytarge into fine pouder, and commixe it with the oyle, then boyle them at a gentle fire (with constant stirring) vnto compleate incorporation, being ta­ken from the fire, let them coole a little, then put in the muscila­ges; and at a soft fire reboyle them (with constant stirring) vnto a fit Emplastick forme. *. This mollifies and helpes the Scyrrhus B indurations, of the lyuer spleene, and other parts. It resolueth Strumes, and such like Tumors. Mesues.

℞. Lytharg: ℥vj ol: veteris clari, lbj. mucilag: psyllij, ℥iiij. mucilag: Sem: hyoscyami, ℥j ss. mucilag: Sem: lini, & rad: maluae, ana ℥ij. s.a. f. Empl. *. To digest and maturate hot Tumors. C Mesues.

℞. Rhabarbi elect: ℥ ss. aloes he pat: ℥j. lixiuij fortis, lbj. Saponis venetae, lb ss Cerae ℥iij. Boyle them together vnto due height, &c. *. This dryeth, heateth, dissolueth, and spendeth out, moist D matter. Mesues.

℞. Visci, & gummi elemi, ana ℥ij. Cerae liquefactae, ℥ ss. Con­temper them well against the fire, vntill they attaine the forme of playster, * which excels in drawing out, and mundifying the mat­ter E of the Tumor Bubo. Mesues.

℞. Vitrioli albi, Soleae calcis valde veteris super laeterem exicca­tae, ana ℥ij. Carbonis fossilis, aluminis vsti, ana ℥j. Make them all into fine pouder; & cum medulla, ex pedibus ouinis, floreque lactis, ana tantum quantum satis erit, s a. f. Empl. *. The which F drawes forth all the Callous of a fistula, without any paine, so that afterwards you may cure it as it were an hollow vlcer. D r. M.

℞. Minij, lbij. ol: ros. ℥xx. picis, naualis, ℥iiij. Boyle them gently together (with constant stirring) vnto the forme of a Ce­rot; then ad terebinthinae, ℥ij. These being incorporated, cast it into a vessell of cold water, and when it's cold enough, worke it with your hands vnto a good Emplastick body. *. It's auaileable G against deepe wounds in the Thorax, and against old vlcers of hard, and difficult curation. Nicolaus.

[Page 226]℞. Croci picis, C [...]ra, Colephoniae, [...]l [...] ℥iiij. terebinth: galba [...], ammoniaci, myrrha, thuri [...], masticis, ana ℥j. ʒiij. Dissolue the gummes in strong vineger, then boyle them a little, then straine them, and euaporate the vineger, then melt the pitch, wax, colo­phonie, and turpentine, together, and incorporate the gummes with them: then add vnto them (in fine pouder) the myrh, ma­stick, and frankensence; then boyle and stirre them to the thick­nesse of a Cerot; then cast it into water. and forthwith take it forth, and on a marble stone, (anointed ouer with oyle of bayes, worke in the saffron. (being finely poudred) and so make it vp in A rowles, and reserue it. *. It profiteth broken bones, ceaseth paine, mollifieth, and discusseth hardnesse. Nicolaus.

℞. Picis naualis bene colatae, cerae ammoniaci, terebinth: Colo­phoniae, Croci, ana. ℥j. ʒiij. Sagapeni, ℥ij. aloes, thuris, olibani, myrrhae, ana ℥j. opoponac: flyracis, calamitae, galbani, masticis, alu­minis, saenugr. ana ʒvj. faecis styracis liquidae, bdellij, ana ʒiij. ly­tharg. ʒj ss. Confect these in forme following. Bruise lightly the Sagapenum, galbanum, opoponacum, and the ammoniacum, and con­temper them with wine, then boyle them to the wasting of halfe the wine; then set a vessell os tinne ouer the fire, and transfuse the former matter thereinto; when if begins to boyle, add thereto the pitch, and stirre them well with a spatula vnto incorporation; then add the wax; (being thinne shauen) that being molten, put in the Colophonia, then the styrax, being broken to peeces with a hot pestell; after that, put in the mastick, and olybanum; after that, the myrh, and bdellium; a while after, the turpentine, and consequently the allome, and lytarge; lastly, the faenugreek, in fine pouder: after due concoction, poure it into warme water, and taking it out thence, work nut all the water with your hands, being anointed with oyle of baye; adding thereto the saffron, in fine pouder; then with your hands worke it altogether into a made, labouring it vnto an exact incorporation, and so forme, and keepe it in oyled parchment, and it will remaine good, fiue B yeares. *. It is of speciall vse against aches of the shoulder blades, greefes of the Thorax, arising from a cold cause. It dissolues cold humors, softens the spleene; auailes against the dropsie, which proceeds from the coldnesse of the liuer; as also against all cold af­fects of the wombe. Nicolaus.

[Page 227]℞. Emplastri meliloti pro splene, & de mucilag: ana ℥j ss. argen­ti vini extincti, ℥ ss ol: Spicae, ʒij. s.a.f. Empl. *. Against an in­ueterate A tumor of the Testicles. But this medicine is not to bee applyed, but where all other fit meanes haue failed; and speciall care must bee had that it bee not applyed to a Rupture. Pal­mer.

℞. Galbani, & opoponacis, ana ℥ij. ammoniaci, bdellij, ana ℥iij. Beate them as small as you can, and put them into a new, and well leaded earthen pot, which will containe iij. pintes, and power vpon them, aceti fortiss: lbj. then couer them close, and and let them macerate together xxiiij. houres, then add more vnto them, aceti fort: ℥iiij. and stirre them well together, then set them ouer a gentle fire, that the gummes may dissolue by de­grees. Note; that you forget not at any time to cease stirring; your gummes being dissolued, straine them through a peece of new, thinne, and strong canuasse; let your pot bee cleane wiped, and then put your gummes into it againe, and gently, and care­fully (at a soft fire) euaporate the vineger, so stirring the gummes that they burne not, and be watchfull that nothing fall into them. Then take Cerae nonae (thinne shauen) lb ss ol: oliuar. lbij. Melt these together in a fit vessel, on a gentle fire, then put into them, lythargyri auri bene tri [...]i, lbj ss. stirre them vnto due incorpora­tion, and that it become (in colour) a bright tawny; then take heed that your fire be very small, and put in your gummes by degrees, about the quantitie of a nut at once, it will require an houres space to put them in, be carefull to stirre them with dili­gence, and watch that they boyle not ouer: Then add thereto, aristolochiae vtriuqsque, calaminaris, myrrhae, thuris, (subtil: pul.) ana ℥j. terebinth: purae ℥iiij. ol: laurini ℥j. Insperse the pouders gradually, that they knot not together, and take it off the fire ere you put in the turpentine, (else will it runne ouer doe what you can) which must be done by degrees; then set it our a heate of embers, and stirre it till it attaine a due consistence, then poure it into cold water, and work it vp with oyle of Roses or of Camo­mill, by the space of three or foure houres together, reserue it (in rowles) in oyled paper, or oyled leathe, or both, and new oyle the paper once a yeare, and so keeping it from sunne and winde, it will remaine in force, for fiftie yeares space, and bee then as [Page 228] good as at the first making. Vel. ℞. Ol: comis: lbij. Cerae nona, lbj. lytharg: auri, lbj ss. galbani, opoponacis, ana ℥j. ammoniaci, bdellij, ana ℥ij. aristoloch: vtriusque, & rad: ireos, ana ℥j. lap: ca­laminaris, myrrhae, ana ℥j. ol: laurini, & gummi elemi, ana ℥j. te­rebinth: venetae, ℥iiij. Dissolue the galbanum, opoponax: the amonia­cum and the bdellium, in strong vineger; dissolue the gum: ele­mum, in the oyle of bayes; pouder, and searse what's requisite, and proceed according to the forme of the precedent playster, vnto the finishing and reseruing hereof. These playsters accord A in their vertues: * good both for new and old sores; they dry, cleanse, incarnate, confirme, comfort, and heale, they admit not putrefaction, ne suffer proud flesh to grow, they heale sinewes which are cut, prickt, or otherwise hurt; they exhaust out of wounds, iron, leade, wood, and such like; they cure the bitings of venemous beasts. They ripen all kindes of apostemes. They profit in Cancers, Fistulaes, S. Anthonies fire, and shingles. They assuage paine, and therefore profit in aches. They are vsefull in wounds of all sorts. Cap à pe. They confirme dislocations. They cure foynes and thrusts, without tenting, if they matter not be­fore the first application. Note; that this playster, destroyes not any dead, or proud flesh; so that such ought to be remoued before it be applyed. Paracelsus.

℞. Cerae. lytharg: ana lbj. lap: calaminaris, colophoniae, ana ℥ij ss. ol: comis: lbj ss. Melt the wax, Colophonie, and oyle toge­ther at an easie fire, after by degrees, put in the lytarge, and the calaminaris in fine pouder, then boyle them gently without bur­ning (with constant stirring) vnto the thicknesse of a playster, the add thereto, opoponacis, Serapini, bdellij, ammoniaci, galba­ni, ana ℥j. (But first prepare them with vineger, s.a.) next put in corallor. vtriusque, mumiae, myrrhae, thuris, ana ℥j. antimonij, ℥ ss. Croci martis ʒij. Last of all, mixe them, mastic: ʒvj. te­rebinth: purae, ℥iij. Then powre it into water, and worke it vp, cum oleo hypericonis, & lumbricino, wherein hath beene dissolued B Caphurae, ℥ ss. forme and reserue it as the former. * This is right pretious both for wounds, and vlcers, in chiefe for wounds in the head. Paracelsus.

℞. Rad: Consol: ma. lbj. fol: ophioglossi, lb ss. vermium terr. (in vino albo lotor.) lb ss. aristoloch: rot: recent: ℥j. Beate them [Page] [Page] [Page] together, put them into a fit vessell, poure vpon them vini albi, so much as will couer them. Boyle them in a double vessell well nealed, x. houres, then put to the strained lycour, new ingredi­ents as before; add thereto, butyri recentis, q.s. commixe and boyle them in a double vessell as before: Then straine it, set it in the sunne and reserue it. Take thereof lbj ss. Cerae virginis tantun­dem lytharg. lbj. plumbi vsti loti, lb ss. teribinth: ℥iiij. ammoniaci, bdellij, ana ℥ ss. galbani, opponacis, ana ʒvj. Dissolue the gummes in aceto forti, & s.a. f. Empl. *. Right excellent to heale wounds. A Paracelsus.

℞. Cerae albae, ol: ros. ana ℥ij ss. Succi granator. & Solani, ana ℥ij. Cerusae lotae, ℥j. plumbi vsti loti, & tutiae praeparatae, ana ℥ ss. thuris, masticis, ana ʒij. s.a. f. Empl. *. Against a Cancerous vlcer; B Pareus.

℞. Cerae albae, ℥xij. viridis aeris, ℥iiij ss. Mercurij Sublimati, ℥j. gummi elemi, ℥j. Mixe them according to art. This applyed in thinne plates, * dissolues the hard edges of vlcers, and such as C are hard to cicatrice; applyed in fit pellets, it keepes open an issue. Pareus.

℞. Sem: faenugr. ℥iiij. Macerate them in vino albo for ix. daies space, vntill they putrifie, then stampe them effectually, and ex­presse them strongly; whereunto ad Seui hircini, ℥xij. Beate these well together, and boyle them vnto compleate incorporation, then add thereto Cerae. ℥iiij. refinae, ʒij. f. Empl. *. the which D doth maruelously incarnate. Petrus de Bonanto.

℞. Assae faetidae, opoponacis, galbani, Sagapeni, Carannae, ana ʒj. picis, ℥ ss. Dissolue these in a hot morter, with a hot pestell, adding euphorbij, & castorei, (in fine pouder) ana ℥ ss. Labour it vnto a perfect body. The which being spread vpon leather, and applyed, suffering it to rest on a fornights space without remo­uing. *. It cureth an inueterate cold ache, in the Ankle, Knee, E Hipp, orany other Ioynt. H.P.

℞. Emplastri magistral: meliloti, ℥iiij. galbani, opoponacis, Sagapeni, ammoniaci, carannae, ana ʒj. Incorporate them in a hot morter, with a hot pestell. *. This remoues a greeuous ache, by F a humor congealed. H. P.

℞. Pul: lumbricor. ʒj. pulpae Colocynth pul: Sem: absinth: abro­tani, & tanaceti, pul. ana ʒ ss. aloes hepat: ℈ij. myrrhae, pul. ℈j. ol: [Page 230] absinthij, & fellis taurini, ana q.s. Confect them in a hot motter, A with a hot pestell, &c. *. This applyed (in forme following) driues wormes out of the body. Cut ij. fit playsters of leather, and cloathe them herewith and apply them to the Nipples of the breasts, the first day. The second day apply a playster (in forme of a shield) vpon the region, of the mouth of the stomacke. The third day apply a playster thereof vpon the Nauell. The euening following, administer vnto the Patient, a small Clyster of new milke and hony, and the wormes shall void with the eiection. Poeton.

℞. Succi peruinae, chelidoniae, consol: ma. ana ℥j. mumiae, myrrhae, Sarcocollae, ireos, ana ʒj. rad: aristol: rot: ℥ ss. pul. Suc­cini flaui opt: triti, ʒij ss. terebinth: mellis, ana ℥iij. Croci, martis B subtiliss: pul: ʒiij. Cerae flauae q.s. s a.f. Empl. *. Against wounds in the head, where the Cranium is fractured. Quercita­nus.

℞. Gummi Cort: med: tiliae extracti, ℥ij. magnetis praeparati, ℥j. Succini flaui praep: ℥ ss. opoponacis cum Succo Serpentariae repurgati, ʒiij. Cerae, terebinth: ana q. s. misce & f. Empl. C*. This drawes venome out of a wound: as also bullets of lead, iron, bones, splinters of wood, and peeces of garments. Quer­citanus.

℞. Emplastri è beton: masticis, ana ℥j. Malax them, cum D oleo costino, q.s. & f. Empl. *. It staies a distillation. Riola­nus.

℞. Picis, ℥ij. More or lesse proportionable to the part affe­cted; ol: costini, a fourth part, Castorei pul: ℥ ss. aut cir [...]uer. E Mixe them at the fire, and apply it against* a pertinacious spasme. Riolanus.

℞. Masticis, thuris, Sumach: ros. rub: cort: granator. ana ℥ ss. balanstior. myrtillor. ana M ss. Boyle them in vino rubro stiptico, F q.s. & s.a. f. Empl. *. To bee applyed hot to the Tuell, against falling downe of the Arsegut, after somentation with red stiptick wine. Rondeletius.

℞. Malecorij, gallar. balaust: aluminis, ana ℥ ss. acaciae, Sang [...] drac: myrtillor. cort: myrobal: chel: Sem: vuar. ana ʒij. Make them all into fine pouder, & cum syrupo è Succo Citonior. & m [...]ci­lag. e tragacant: cum aceto extract: ana q.s. f. Empl. VelSac [...]i [Page] [Page] [Page 231] Citonior. Succi pycor. agrest: aceti ana ℥iij. medullae panis, lb ss. Beate them together to an exquisite incorporation then boyle them with carefull heed that they burne not; adding thereto, masticis, Sang: drac: bol: arm: ana ℥ ss. far: lentium, & hord: ana ℥j. mucilag. tragacant: ℥j ss. boyle them gently (with constant stirring) vnto the consistence of a plastick body. *. These ap­plyed A to the region of the belly; stay the fluxes thereof. Ronde­letius.

℞. Ol: Citonior. ol: myrtini, ablutor. cum aq: plantag: & peculi rosar. vel cum decocto rad: bistortae, gallar. balaust: Coralli rubri, masticis, rad: bistort: ana ʒiij. Cerusae, ℥j. Cerae rubrae, ℥iij. Sang: drac: bol: arm: acaciae, hypocistidis, ana ʒ ss. terebinth: lotae in Suc­co è bursa past: ℥iij. Boyle first the Ceruse in the oyles; then add the turpentine, lastly the rest (in fine pouder) & f. Empl. This applyed, * strengthens the Matrix, preuents abortion; and re­straines B flowing of blood from the wombe or raines. Rondele­tius.

℞. Lytharg. auri tenuiss: triti, ℥iiij. ol: chamo. q.s. First mixe them well in a morter, then boyle them softly (with constant stirring) vntill it wax thick, then add ammoniaci, bdellij, (dissol­ued in wine, molten and strained) ana ℥ ss. Cerae, ℥v. terebint: ℥iiij. iridis, ℥j. Being boyled to due height, (your hands being moistned with oyle of lillies) make it vp into rowles. Vel ℞. Fol: chamaepytios, M j. rad: maluae, & cucumeris agrestis, ana ℥iij. Shred and macerate them, cum oleo part: ij. & vino part: j. after boyle, and straine them; add to the strained lycour, lytharg. pul. ℥iiij. boyle them to the wasting of the wine, then add thereto (being molten) picis, Colophoniae, & ping. porci, ana ℥iiij galbani, ammoniaci, opoponacis, (being dissolued in ol: amyg: amar.) ana ℥j. iridis, myrrhae, styracis, propoleos, masticis, Cerae, ana ℥ij. s a. f. Empl. Malax it, Cum lacte mulieris. *. These auaile against all C hardnesse of the lyuer, or spleene: The hard swellings of the ioynts, or any other parts. Rondeletius.

℞. Glutinis piscium, vel pellis arietinae decoctae, ℥iiij. picis grecae, ℥j. picis naualis, armoniaci, ana ℥ij. aloes, masticis, thuris, rosar. bol: armeni, Sang: drac: myrtillor ana ℥ ss. aristoloch: vtriusque, Consol: ma. & mi. ana ʒvj. gallar. balaust: psydiar. olybani, pilor. leporis, ana ʒiij. Sanguinis humani, lbj. Mixe them altogether in [Page 232] the lycour wherein a Rams skinne hath beene boyled wooll and all, & cum cera, q.s. f. Empl. Ʋel ℞. Aloes, mastacis, ros. olibani, ana ℥ ss. myrrhae, Sang: drac: bol: arm: picis naualis, picis grecae, colophoniae, ana ℥ij laceae nigrae, consolidae vtriusone, plan­taginis, balaust: haematitis: fol: quercus, Caudae equinae, ana ʒiij. Cerae A ℥j ss. Cum landano, & terebinth: ana q.s. s.a. f. Empl. *. These auaile against a Rupture. But the place must first be anointed, Cum oleo mastichino, rosaceo, myrtino, & landano, then the plaister ap­plyed, and then a fit trusse, and not to bee stird but once in foure daies. Rosa Anglicana.

℞. Serapini, ℥iiij. ammoniaci, ℥iij. galbani ℥ij. bdellij, ℥j. eu­phorbij ℥ij. vini maluatici q.s. to dissolue the gummes; ol: lilior. B ol: amygdalar. ana ℥j. propoleos, ℥iij ss. vel in defectu propoleos, Cae­rae tantundem, s.a.f. Empl. *. To mollifie and resolue, Strumes, Scyrrrhous Tumors, and such like. Ruffus.

℞. Ol: Sulph: ℥iij. Cerae, ℥ ss. Colophoniae, ʒiij. myrrhae ad pon­dus omnium. Melt the wax and the Colophonie in the oyle, which being incorporated, insperse the myrh, (being finely poudred) by little and little, stirre it constantly, let it boyle most gently for one quarter of an houre, then let it coole, and make it vp to re­serue: C* as approued for excellent, to heale either wound or sore. Rulandus.

℞. Stercoris vaccini, lbj. aceti, ℥iij. ol: ros. ℥iiij. Croci, ℈ ss. D misce, &c. By constant shifting this once in iij. houres. *. An Anthrax was perfectly cured in the foot. Rulandus.

℞. Ol: oliuar. opt: lbj. plumbi rub: lbj. plumbi albi calcinati, lb ss. Saponis hisp: ℥x. Commixe all these well together in an ear­then pan well glased; then boyle it on a gentle fire (with constant stirring) by the space of one houre and halfe, then make the fire a little hotter, vntill the reddish colour turne to gray, continue stir­ring & boyling vntill it attaine an oliue colour or darker; then let a drop thereof fall on a trencher, which being cold) if it will come cleane off without sticking to, it's then boyled enough; then in­corporate therewith axung: porc: bene praep: ℥j. Then dip fit lin­nen cloathes therein, and betweene ij. smooth staues draw them ouer the pan; and when they be cold, slyck and rowle them vp, and reserue them for vse. Vel ℞. Ol: oliuar. opt: lbij. ℥iiij. plumbi rubri, lbj. plumbi albi calcinati, & Subtiliss: pul lbj. Saponis [Page] [Page] [Page 233] veneti ℥xij. Incorporate, boyle, stirre, and order it in all things as the former; this will last xx. yeares. *. This applyed to the re­gion A of the stomacke, procures appetite, assuageth paine, and helps digestion; applyed to the belly, it puts away the collick: applied to the raynes, it strengthens the backe, stayeth Gonorrhea, and assuageth the heate of the kidneys. It helpeth bruises, assuageth tumors, breaketh fellons, pushes, and other apostemes, and healeth them. It drawes out running humors, without breaking the skinne. It healeth the Haemorrhoides, and other diseases of the fundament; being applyed to the nuke, it helps the Vuula. Being laid to the belly of a woman; it prouokes the termes, and makes her fit for conception. Applyed to the nuke, it drawes backe rheume from the Eyes, and easeth the inueterate greefe of the head. Laid vp­on the Eares it helps deafnesse. Applyed to the Nauell, it helps the strangling of the wombe. It healeth wounds, or sores, old or new: But if there be any dead flesh, that ought first to be eaten out with burnt allome or the like. When you apply it vnto wound, or sore, make your plaister thrice as big as the place you would couer with it; warme it a little when you lay it on, and morning, and euening, take it off, and make it cleane, and turne the other side, so doing till it be whole. One playster will cure a wound, if it be not very great. You must prepare the hogs grease for this playster in forme following: Melt the barrowes grease in strong vineger, then straine them both through a linnen cloath, let them coole) and stand all night: repeate this three seuerall times, the iiij. time commixe well with the grease, the pouders of Cina­mon and Cloues, so letting it stand iij. or iiij. dayes, then wash it well with Rose-water; you may if you please, add thereto Musk, Ciuet, and Ambergreefe. M r. Southwell.

℞. Pul: rad: consol: ma. (& rad: nigra glutinosae) q.v. Put the pouder into a fit vessell, and poure hot water thereon, stirre it vntill it be of a glewish forme. *. This applyed (in forme fol­lowing) B cures moist vlcers, and gangrenes. Spread thereof vpon linnen, in forme of a playster, and apply it; and then rowle vp the part or member, suffering it so to remaine xxiiij. houres, and when you take it off, it will bring away with it whatsoeuer is putrid or corrupt, in the vlcer or gangrene, repeate it vntill there [Page 234] appeare good flesh, then desist from this intention, of incar­nate it with what's fit. Thaddeus.

℞. Rad: ferulae, (that were gathered in the new of the Moone, well dried, and rasped small) lbiij. aquae quae in distillatione tere­binthinae albicans Secernitur, lbix. Stop them close in a vessell, and boyle them in B.M. (with a strong fire) xxiiij. houres, then expresse it, and reiect the faeces: Euaporate the liquid part vnto the consistence of honie; then add vnto it, resinae, clarificatae, ma­sticis. eodem modo praep: & Caphurae dissolut: ana ℥ij. seui Ceruini, ℥x. adipis taxi, ℥vj. Cerae. ℥xiiij. Boyle them in a latten vessell to A a perfect body. *. This playster is good against all poyson, and virulent milignitie, either in wounds or vlcers, yea it attracts venome, from the center to the circumference. Turneisse­rus.

℞. Lytharg: auri, ℥vj. ol ros. omph: lbj ss. aceti ros. lbss. Boyle them together at an easie fire (with constant stirring) vntill it B waxe very blacke, then make it in rowles. *. It generateth flesh in hollow vlcers. Valeriola.

℞. Galbani, opopo: Sagapeni, ana ʒ ss. euphorb: iridis florent: aristol: rot: rad: gentianae, ana ℥j. Cancror. fluuial: ʒij. terebinth: C ℥ij. Cerae, q.s.s.a. f. Empl. *. Against the biting of a mad dog. Valeriola.

℞. Sandali albi & rub: ana ʒiij. bol: arm: terr: sig: ana ʒjss. ol: ros. ℥ij. fol: plantag: lactucae, Semperuiui, ma. Solani, ana q.s. pul. D Sumach: ℥ ss. Pouder what's fit, & s.a.f. Empl. *. To be apply­ed in the beginning of Phlegmon. Ʋesalius.

℞. Maluae, parietariae, ana M j. far: volatilis, furfur; Subtiliss: ana P j. aneti, faenugr. ana ℥ ss. ol: chamo ℥ij. Boyle them in wine, E and worke them vnto due forme. *. Against an inflammation. Vesalius.

℞. Pul: Sem: sinapi: ℥j. garyoph: ℥iij. Sem: lini, ol: nucum in­glandium F vetustiss: ana gr. v. Commixe them in a morter. *. A­gainst Gangrena. Ʋesalius.

℞. Spumae argenti, Cerusae purae, ana lbj. ol: veteris, lbiij. Ce­rae, ℥vij. ammoniaci, ℥iiij. galbani tantundem. Boyle the Ceruse, lytarge, and oyle together, till they cease to sticke to your fingers, G then dissolue the gummes, and incorporate the whole. *. Against all Bitings. Vesalius.

[Page 235]℞. Mellis rosati colati, ℥j. myrrhae, thuris Sarcocollae, ana ʒ ss. far: hord: faenugr. q. s. ad inspissandum in bona forma f. Empl. *. To mundifie a wound. Vesalius. A

℞. Ol: myrtini, & ros: omph: ana ℥ij. album: ouor. n o: iij. quinque neruiae minutim incisae & trituratae, M ij. far: volatilis, far: hord: cribellatae, far: fab: ana ʒvj. Of these, forme a playster. *. Against luxation of the foot. Ʋesa­lius. B

℞. Album: ouor. n o: iiij. ol: myrtini, & ros. ana ℥ij. terebinth: opt: ℥j ss. thuris, ʒiij. masticis, ʒj ss. myrrhae, aloes, ana ʒij. Sang: drac: bol: arm: ana ʒ ss. far: volatilis, ℥iij. s.a.f. Empl. *. To bee C applyed when the Coccix is fractured. Vesalius.

℞. Stercoris canis (comedentis ossa) triti, ℥iiij. far: lentium, ℥ij. far: fab: ℥j. terr: Sig: bol: arm: ana ℥j ss. Cerusae, lytharg: ana ʒx. With the milke of a goate, or of a Cowe, wherein hot iron hath beene quenched, make a playster. *. Against fradulent vlcers. D Vigo.

℞. Ol: ros. odorati, lbj ss. ol: myrtini, vng. populeo: ana ℥iiij. ping: gallinae, ℥iij. Seui castrati, Seui vaccini, ana lb ss. ping: porc: ℥vij. lytharyrij auri, & argenti, ana ℥iij ss. Cerusae, ℥iiij. minij, [...]ij. terebinth: ℥x. Cerae, q.s. s.a.f. Empl. tending to black­nesse. *. This cures wounds, and vlcers, though old and malig­nant. E Vigo.

℞. Ol: chamo. & ros. ana ℥ij. ol: mastich: lini, & terebinth: ana ℥j ss. terebinth: clarae, ℥iiij. Seui vituli, hircini, & Castrati, ana ℥ j [...]ss. Rorismar. betone candae equinae, Centaur: ana M j. vermium terrest: in vino lotor. & purgator. ℥iij. Coquantur simul in vino rad: rub: tinctor. ʒx. fol: hypericonis, & Sem. hyper: ana M j. masticis triti, & gummi elemi, ana ʒx. picis naualis, resinae, ana ℥j ss. Saga­peni, galbani, ammontaci, ana ʒiij. Dissolue the gummes in vine­ger, and after stampe them with one Cyath of odoriferous wine, then boyle, expresse, and repose them. Boyle the hearbes, roots, seeds, and wormes, in vino odorifero, q.s. together with the oyles, vnto the wasting of the wine, then add to their expression, the fats, the mastick (in fine pouder) and the turpentine, boyle these (with constant stirring) vnto compleate incorporation, then add Cerae q.s. Lastly, add lytharg: auri, & argenti, ana ℥ij ss. minij, ℥ij. and so according to art finish your playster, and reserue it [Page 236] A as excellent. *. To mollifie, resolue, and digest. It's profitable against all neruous infirmities. Ʋigo.

℞. Cepar. albar. sub prunis decoctar. lb ss. Capitum lilior. albor. Sub prunis decoctor. ℥iiij. butyri recentis, ℥iij. ol: amygd: dul: ping. gallinae, & anseris, ana ʒvj. vitel: ouor. n o: iij. Then with the pou­ders of melilot: camomill flowers, and faenugreek, with the deco­ction B of althea (at the fire) s.a.f. Empl. *. Against Apostemes of the Eares. Ʋigo.

℞. Furfuris, M ij. Chamo. M ss. meliloti, M j. far: fab: ℥iiij. ol: chamo, aneti, & ros. ana ℥j ss. ping: gallinae, ol: violacei, ana ʒx. Then with sweet wine, q.s. s.a. f. Empl. adding thereto C Croci, pul. ʒij. *. This mollifies hardnesse in womens breasts. Vigo.

℞. Fol: caulium nigror. rad: alth: chamo. ana M j. Coriandri, ℥ ss. Boyle them all in fat broath of flesh, then stampe, and ex­presse them, whereto add ol: chamo. & aneti, ana ℥ij. ol: ros. ℥j. Croci, ℈j. Cymini, ℈ij. far. fab: & Cicer. amarar. ana q.s. to D make a soft resoluing playster vsefull in hernia humoralis. *. Vigo.

℞. Fol: maluar. & violar. ana Mi j. rad: alth: Capit: lilior. albor. ana ℥ij. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto tendernesse, then stampe, and straine them, whereto add butyrirec: ℥iiij. ol: oliuar. dul. ℥jss. E vitel. ouor. n o: ij. far: hord: q.s. s.a. f. Empl. *. It maturates in hernia humoralis. Vigo.

℞. Far: fab: lb ss. medullae panis, ℥iij. ol: chamo. aneti, ping: anatis, ana ℥j ss. Cumini pul. ʒj ss. Cum decoctione altheae, meliloti, F anethi, chamomillae, at pauco cumini s.a. f. Empl. *. To resolue cold Tumor in the Cods. Vigo.

℞. Capitum lilior. ℥iij. rad: alth: ℥iiij. fol: caulium nigror. & maluar. ana M j. Boyle them all in aq: q.s. vnto tendernesse, then stampe and staine them, adding thereto butyrirec. ℥iiij. far. triti­ci, G lini & faenugrae, ana partes aequales s.a.f. Empl. *. To matu­rate a cold Tumors of the Cods. Vigo.

℞. Rosar. balaustior. nucum cupressi, ana M j. far: fab: & orobi, ana ℥iiij. Stercoris Caprini, ℥iij. Cum vino dul: & lixinio H barbitonsoris, ana q. s. f. Empl. *. For Hernia aquosa. Vigo.

℞. Rosar. myrtillor. fol: plantag: linguae passerniae, ana M j. [Page] [Page] [Page 237] Boyle than all in aquae ferraria, then beate and straine them, & cum pauco aceto rosato, & vino punico, f. Empl. *. For the Hae­morrhoides. A Vigo.

℞. Capit: lilij, rad: alth: ana lbj. Boyle them in aq: q.s. Stampe them very small, then stampe and add to them, and incorporate with them ficuum Siccar. ping. nucleor. nucum, ana ℥j ss. axungiae porc. lb ss. butyri ℥iij. vitel: ouor. bene conquass: n o: ij. far: lini, faenugr. & tritici ana q.s. with some of the decoction, make a playster. *. To maturate Bubo Venerea. Vigo. B

℞. Succirad: ari, diachylonis gummati, ℥j. aristolochiae long: ʒij. fermenti, ʒx. terebinth: ʒvj. galbani, ammoniaci ana ʒiij. Dissolue the gummes in vineger, and compose the whole into an emplastick forme. *. To draw out arrow heads, thornes, &c. C Vigo.

℞. Centaurij, per noctem in vino albo infusi, M vj. Boyle them to the halfe, then reboyle the strained lycour to the thicknesse of honie; whereof take ℥iij. lactis mulieris, ℥ij. terebinth: lbj. resinae ℥ss. thuris, masticis, gummi arabici, ana ℥j. Cerae, ℥iij. s.a. f. Empl. *. For wounds in the head, or depression of the skull in D young children. Vigo.

℞. Ol: rosar. violar. chamo. ana ℥j. Seui vituli, ℥iij. axung: [...]orc. ℥j. ping. gallinae, medullae crurium vituli, ana ℥ ss. lumbricor. in vino lotor. ℥j. butyri rec: ʒvj. mucilag. lb ss. Boyle them at a soft fire, to the wasting of the muscilages, then add to the strai­ning, lythargyrij auri, & argenti, ana ʒx. minij, ʒiij. cum Cerae q.s.f. Cerot: addendo in fine cocturae, resinae abietis, ʒx. masticis, ℥ ss. Boyle them a walme or ij. together, & sic f. Empl. *. Against E pricks in the Sinewes. Ʋigo.

℞. Furfuris exiccati & triturati, lb ss. far: fab. ℥viij. ros. myr­till: ana ℥j. chamo. mililo. ana M j. staech: Schaenant, ana a third part of M j. Coriandri, anisi, ana ʒvj. beton: periclimini, aneti ana M ss. absinth: M ij. Bray and mixe them all, (cum vino muscatello, Seu odorifero q.s.) vnto a solid thicknesse, then adding, ol: cha­mo. aneth: ros. & myrt: ana ℥ij ss. Cerae albae, ℥ij. Croci, ʒj ss. Boyle them againe one walme, then set it by vntill it be but warme, then incorporate therewith, Calami aromatici bene pul. ʒx. & sic f. F Empl. * For a fracture in the skull, where the skinne is whole, especially in young children. Ʋigo.

[Page 238]℞. Elebori albi, ℥ ss. apij risi, ℥vj. lapathi acuti, ℥j ss. axung: ℥j ss. butyri, ʒx. aluminis Saccharini, ʒv. fermenti, ℥iiij. furfuris, A ʒvj ss. Bruise whats fit, then mixe and apply it in forme of a play­ster. *. In Tinea Capitis. Vigo.

℞. Album ouor. n o: iij. ol: ros. omph: ol: ros. completi, ana ʒx. ol: myrt: ʒj ss. far: volatilis, & hord: ana ʒvj. bol: arm: Sang: drac: B ana ʒiij. s.a. Make a good formall plaister, * To restore a broken bone. Vigo.

℞. Album: ouor: n o: iiij. terebinth: clariss: ℥j. far: valat: ʒx. pul: myrtillor. grauor. & folior opt: tritor. far fab: ana ʒvj. pul. rubi, C ℥j. Croci, ʒ ss. mumiae, tragac: pisti, ana ʒij. Mixe them to your vse, for a fracture. *. Ʋigo.

℞. Ol: chamo. spicae, & lilior. ana ℥ij. ol: Croci ℥ij. axung: porc: lbj. Seui vitulini, lbss. euphorbij, ʒv. thuris, ʒx. ol: laurini, ℥j ss ping. viperar. ℥ij ss. ranar. viuar. n o: vj. vermium terrest: in vino lot: ℥iij ss. Succi rad: ebuli, & helenij, ana ℥ij. Squinati, stae­chaed: matricariae, ana M j. vini odoriferi, lbij. Boyle them altoge­ther, till the wine be consumed, then add to the expression, ly­thargyrij, auri lbj. terebint: purae, ℥ij. These being incorporated, add styracis liquidae, ℥j ss. Then take it from the fire, and stirre it till it be but luke-warme; then add thereto argenti viui (cum Sa­liua) ixtincti, ℥iiij. stirre it well vnto compleate incorporation, D & sic f. Empl. *. Profitable in malignant and Cancerous vlcers; as also in those sores and vlcers which proceed Ex Lue Ʋenerea. But the vlcers ought to be well mundified, before th'application hereof. Vigo.

℞. Panis nigri in lixiuio molliti, q s. Sulph: viui & triti, ℥ss. ni­tri, ʒij. Salisfabar. ʒj. stercoris columbini in aceto macerati, q.s. E oleor. laterini, baccar. laurini, aneth: chamo. ana ℥ss. s.a.f. Empl. *. Against the Dropsie. Weckerus.

℞. Colophoniae, ℥j. masticis, ʒj thuris, myrrhae, ana ʒj ss. tere­bint: lotae, ℥ ss. aluminis vsti, ʒ ss. ol: hyosciami, ℥ ss. ol: Sulph: per F campanam distillati, ℥j. Caerae q.s. s.a.f. Empl. *. This heales in short space all kinds of maligne vlcers. Weckerus.

℞. Ol: lilior. vel laurini, ℥xij picis aridae, ℥vj. landani, ℥iij. lythargyrij, ℥xij. galbani, ℥iij. styracis, ℥ij. aeruginis, ʒxij. s.a. misce G & f. Empl. *. For a wenne. Weckerus,

℞. Rad: alth: & lilior, ana lb ss. aq: q.s. Boyle them vnto [Page] [Page] [Page 239] tendernesse, then stampe and straine them; add thereto allier, sub prunis coctor. cepar. coctar. ana ℥iij. ol: lilior. butyri, ana ℥ij. ping: Suillae, anserinae, ana ℥ij ss. far: triticeae, faenug. Sem: lini, ana q.s. vitel: ouor. n o. ij. s.a. misce & f. Empl. *. To maturate a wenne. A Weckerus.

℞. Maluar. & violar ana M ij. Seeth them in water, vnto tendernesse, then stampe, and add vnto them, far: hord: ℥iij. butyri rec: el: rec: ana ℥ij. vitel: ouor. n o: ij. misce & f. Empl. *. To miti­gate B paine in the cure of a Carbuncle. Weckerus.

℞. Succi plantag. & Solani, ana ℥j. Succi rad: lapathi, ℥ss. ba­laustior. P j. ros. rub: ʒj ss. alum: ʒj. aceti, ℥ij. Boyle them toge­ther to the wasting of the iuices and vineger, then grinde them in a leaden morter, and add thereto, lytharg: vtriusque ana ℥ij. Ce­rusae, ℥j. tutiae, ʒ [...]j. floris aeris, ʒj in bona forma f. Empl. *. Which C is repercussiue and desiccatiue, vsefull in the cure of the creeping Herpes. Weckerus.

℞. Fol: ebuli, Sambuci, absint; ana M j. aluminis, Sulph: Salis, ana ℥ ss. Boyle them and beate them small, adding thereto, dial­theae, ℥ij ss. axungiae Suillae, ℥j ss. mellis, ℥j. Mixe them well, and make a plaister. *. For an Oedematous Tumor. Wecke­rus. D

℞. Propoleos, lbj ss. micar. panis, lb ss. ros. rub. ℥j. vini albi, q.s. Boyle them together and straine them, and add thereto, piperis, Caryoph: nuch: mosc: Zinzib: ana ʒij. Sem: Cumini, anisi, faenic: apij, ameos, ana ℥ ss. ol: chamo. anethi, rutae ana ℥ij. f. Empl. *. Against a windy Tumor. But the place must bee well sca­rified E in the top, ere that you apply the playster. Wecke­rus.

℞. Picis naualis, ℥v. Coloph: ℥iij. lytharg. gum: ammoniaci, opopo. bdellij, mastic: terebint: ana ℥j. bol: arm: thuris Sang: drac: Sarcocollae aloes, Centaurij, Symphiti, Oxiacanthae, pillul. Cupressi, gallar. viridium, malecorij, vermium terrest: ana ʒij. glu­tinis pellis taurinae, vel arietinae, madefactae in aq: chalybeata, & aceto ana ℥ij. At a gentle fire, s.a.f. Empl. *. Against hernia inte­stinalis. F Weckerus.

℞. Fol: maluae, & violaceae, ana M ij. rad, alth: lb ss. Capit: lilior. albor. ℥iiij. Boyle them in aq: q s. then beate them small, adding thereto, far: triticei, vel hord; q.s. ol: comis, butyri ana ℥iij. ping. [Page 240] A porc: ℥ij ss. vitel: ouer: n o: ij. f. Empl. *. To maturate Bubo Vene­rea. Weckerus.

℞. Rad: brioniae, & cucum: agrest: ana ℥iiij. ficuum immatu­rar: paria, vj. amygd: amar. ℥ij. Scillae, ℥j ss. Colocinth: ℥ ss. Boyle them in equall portions of malmesie, and old oyle, then stampe and straine them, adding thereto, far: fab: & orobi, ana ℥ij. ss. far: B Sem: lini, & saenugr. ana ℥j. Croci, ℥j ss. f. Empl. molle * forswel­ling in the throat. Weckerus.

℞. Symphiti vtriusque, ana lb ss. flo: chamo. & melilo. ana, P ij. Croci, ʒ ss. far: fab: ℥iiij. far. faenugr. ℥v. butyri rec. ℥j. Boyle C them in a meane, and s.a. make a playster. *. To discusse bruised blood vnder the skinne. Note; that if you add Succi absinthij ℥j. it shall more resolue and dry. Weckerus.

℞. Vng: martiati, agrippae, ana ℥j. olrutaceae, ℥ij. galbani, in aceto dissoluti, ʒij. euphorbij, ʒ ss. pyrathri, stapid: agriae, ana ʒj. D resinae, q.s.s.a.f. Empl. *. Against the ache in the huckle bone. Weckerus.


℞. Prunor. damascen: glycyr: rasae, tamarindor. hord: mund: ana ʒiij. Sem: frig: ma. mund: ana ʒiij. trium flor. cord: ana Pj. Boyle them gently together in aq: q.s. Dissolue in the strained lycour, Cassiae nouiter extractae, & diacathol: ana ʒv. syr: ros. solut: ex no­na infusione, ℥v. puluer. electuarij trium Sandalor. ℈j. Incorpo­rate, E and reserue it, * for such as haue vlcers in the yard. Andreas Lucana.

℞. Rad: helenij, fol: hederae, ana ℥iiij. Succi anthos, capill: ve­neris, mentastri, pulegij, gallitrici, pollitrici, matricariae, ana Mj. rad: faeniculi, apij ana ℥ij. rad: Cychoriae, ℥iij. Sennae, ℥j ss. polypodij quercini, glycyr. ana ʒx. Croci, gra. iij. agaricitrochisc: ℥j ss. Boyle them in aq: pluniali, lbx. on a gentle fire vntill ij. parts of three be wasted, then add to the strained lycour, mellis puris: lbj. Boyle it F a little and scumme it cleane. *. Profitable for vlcerated bodies. The dose is ℥vj. in the morning, and to sweat after it. Ex Anti­dot: Banesteri.

℞. Rad: buglossae, capill; veneris, flor: buglossae, ana M ss. polyp­dij, [Page 241] epithymi, ana ℥vj. myrabol: nigr. & chebulor, ana lb ss. rhabarbi electi, ʒiij. Sennae, ℥iij. agarici frustatimincisi, chamaepytcos, cha­maedryos ana ℥ ss. Zinziber. ʒj ss. vnar. passular glycyr. ana ℥j. ve­ratri nigri, ʒj ss. Squainanti, ʒ ss. fumariae, M j. eupatorij, ℥j ss. Boyle all (the epithymum and rubarb except) in Sero lactis, lbv. vnto the halfe, then put in the rest, and let them haue one walme; then straine, and clarifie it, and add thereto, oxymellitis simp: & Sac­chari ana ℥j ss. Syrupi acetosi simp: & Compos. Syrupi fumaria, ana ℥ij ss. *. Vsefull in the cure of Lues Venerea. The dose is ℥v. (at A once) euery morning. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Lig: guiaci, ℥vj. Cort. euisdem ℥ij. Sarsaeparillae, ℥ij ss. chinae ℥j. rad: lapathi acuti, ℥j. rhabar: turpeti alb: & gummosi, agarici, ana ℥ ss. polypodij, ℥iiij. medullae Sem: Cartami, ℥ ss. Cort: cappar. ℥j. rad: aperientium, ana ℥ ss. Saluiae, M iij. absinthij rom: Mj ss. anisor. ℥ij. glycyrrh: ℥iiij. mellis, lbj. Cinamo. ℥vj. vini albi, lbiiij. aq: fontanae, lbxvj. Infuse them one night, and boyle them xx. houres, then straine and clarifie it, and reserue it for vse in a ves­sell. *. This auaileth against Palsies, Cramps, Rheumes, Scabs, and B all such diseases as proceed from moysture. The Patient is to take thereof ℥iiij. at once euery morning fasting, and ℥iiij. at once both before dinner, and supper. Boyle the residents againe with so much water as before, whereto add vini albi, & mellis rosar. ana lbij. let this serue for to drinke at meales. This course is to bee held thirtie daies, be is to sweate, ten dayes by the space of one houre in a day; and if his body bee not sufficiently purged, let him take of the first decoction ℥iij. manna electae ℥j. Syrupi, rosar. solutiui ℥ ss. confec: hamec: ʒij. Mixe them for a draught. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Ligni scii, lbj. cort: eiusdem, lb ss. aq: puriss: lbx. Infuse them xxiiij. houres, then boyle them to the third part: then take rad: eualae, carnis dactylor. ana lbj ss. Senae opt: ℥j. Macerate them in vino albo (vpon hot embers, that the wine may bee scalding hot) for xxiiij. houres, then straine both the decoctions into one vessell, adding thereto, Sacchari lb ss. Cinamoni, ℥j. Commixe and let them stand on embers iiij. houres, then straine, and re­serue it. *. As vsefull in the cure of Lues Venerea. The Patient is C to take fiue or six ounces euery morning, and so much againe, ei­ther before supper or at his going to bed. Further add vnto the [Page 242] ingredients of the first decoction aq: puris. lbxv. and boyle them to the consumption of the third part, then straine, and add Sugar and Cinamon, ana q.s. to make it acceptable to the Patient, &c. Calmeteus.

℞. Dentis leonis, saniculae, caryophillatae, absinthij, abrotani, quinqueneruiae, betonicae, consolidae, vtriusque, rad: Simphyti, li­quir: rec: ana M j. prunor. damascenor. n o: xl. vini albi, lbiiij. Bruise the hearbes and roots a little, and infuse them in the wine by the space of xij. houres, then boyle them gently vnto the wa­sting of a fourth part in a close vessell that it may not euaporate; then add to the strained lycour, mellis puri, lbj. reboyle and scum A it, and then reserue it, * for the cure of wounds, giue thereof morning and euening ℥iiij. at once, and let the wound be bathed therewith, and a Cole-wort leafe be laid thereon. It's also appro­ued good for fistulaes. It's also good against the scurfe and scaules of the head, or the brannie scales of the head, and eye-browes. It likewise cureth Scabs, Ring-wormes, and Tettars. Clowes. Ex louberto.

℞. Bugulae, fragariae, consolidar. omnium, raphani rusticani, rubi, vrticae faeminae, osmundae, canabis, Saniculi tanaceti, anagal­lidis masculi, pilosellae, violar. purpurear. ana M j pedis columbini cum folijs & rad: M iij. Caryophillae, cum rad: & fol: geranij cre­tici, beton: cum rad: & fol: ana M ss. rad: rubiae tinctor. A third part of the weight of all the former; wash cleane the hearbes and roots, and swing them dry, then stampe and mingle them altoge­ther; put them into a new earthen pot well nealed, and put to them, vini albi opt: lbviij. boyle them at an easie fire, vnto the wasting of halfe the lycour; then add to the strained lycour, mellis puri clarificati, lbiiij. boyle these together (at a gentle fire) one quarter of an houre, then reserue it in a close vessell; so may you keepe it good x. yeares. The dose hereof is one spoonfull, dissol­ued in iij. spoonefulls of sodden water. Vel ℞. Vini albi lbviij. aq: comis: lbx. Sacchari albi, lbij. Consolidae vtriusque, Osmundae, Calendulae, Ophioglossi, Chelidonij, Polypodij querc: Nummulariae, lilij Conuall: Sanamundae, Saniculae, Ʋeronicae, Ʋerbenae, Pimpi­nellae, ana Mj. Put altogether into a fit vessell, so close shut that no ayre may enter, or vapour expire; let them macerate together, in B. M. iij. daies compleate, then straine it, and ad Sacchari albi, [Page] [Page] [Page 243] & mellis puri, ana q.s. then boyle, scumme, and reserue it. The dose hereof is, ℥iiij. (at once) viz. morning, after dinner, mid-afternoone, and last at night. Vel ℞. Baccar. lauri, aristoloch: rot. prunellae in vmbra crescentis, pul. ana ʒj. Carnis Cancror. flu­uiatilium exiccator. & pul: rad: ireos, pul. ana ʒ ss. vincae peruincae, Mj. Binde them vp in a cleane thin linnen cloath, and boyle them in vino albo lbiij. to the wasting of a third part, reserue it (with the module of the ingredients therein) for vse. *. All these are A right profitable in the cure of wounds. This last recited was much practised by Madame Donnill, a French woman, and is to be ap­plyed as followeth: First, epithymate the wound therewith, then close vp the lips thereof, and couer it with a leafe of a red Cole-wort, wet in the said lycour. If the wound bee deepe, iniect thereof, and let the Patient drinke euery morning fasting ℥ij. thereof, and fast iij. or iiij. houres after. Clowes.

℞. Agrimo. pimpinellae, verbenae Centaurei ma: staechad: saluiae, pilosellae, consolidae vtriusque, plantag: Sanamundae, rubiae maio: Caulium rubror. pedis Columbini, Callitrici, absint: rom: tanaceti, linguae auis, hederae terr: fragra: buglossae, gentianae, ana q.s. Bruise and boyle them in vino albo q.s. straine and add hony q s. reboile. scum, and reserue it * for wounds. The dose (fasting) is ℥vj. or B at the most lb ss. But if there bee a feuer, diminish the dose or abstaine, (according to iudgement) This potion is not altoge­ther so proper in a greene wound, as in a wound growne sordid, cauous, or fistulous, either by accident, or improper intentions. Gordonius.

℞. Aq: Saluiae, & hyssopi, ana ℥ij. Macerate in them (for a nights space) agaricirec: troch: ʒij. rhabarbi electi, ℈iiij. Cinamo. ʒss. Dissolue in the expression, diacarthami ʒij. Syrupi è stae­chad: ℥ ss. f. Potio. *. Right profitable in the Arthriticall gout. C Fernelius. Th'author cals it; medicamentum facile & benignum.

℞. Fol. & rad. rub. tinctor. rad. aristoloch. rot. fol. & rad. plantag. fol. & rad. consol. vtriusque, fol. & rad. caryoph. & cen­taur. ma. rad. altheae, ana M ij. Summitat. pimpinellae, artimisiae, Ca­nabis, Caulium rub. fragra, ana M j. thuris albi, ℥ij. Sarcocollae. ℥j. vini albi, bocalia, xv. Put all these into an earthen vessell well nealed of such capacitie, that it may remaine halfe emptie, couer the vessell very close, boyle them (with a moderate fire) for iij. [Page 244] houres space, then add to the strained lycour, mellis puri, lbvj. A boyle them againe to the consumption of the fourth part. *. It healeth wounds, if the Patient drinke thereof ℥iiij. at once, mor­ning and euening, and that the wound bee bathed therewith, and a red Colewoort leafe, wet therein bee applyed thereon. D r. Foster.

℞. Flo: vincae peruincae, & lilij conuallij, ana P j galangae, Ze­doariae, ana ʒij. mumiae, bol: arm: veri, ana ʒj. Spermatis caeti ʒ ss. vine albi mensuras duas. Digest and circle them in B. M. the B space of iiij. daies; then straine and reserue it. *. Against poiso­ned wounds, made by gunshot. The dose is one spoonefull first and last. Incertus.

℞. Flo: lilij conuallij, & beton: ana P j. galangae, macis, ana ʒiij. persicariae, chelidonij, vincae peruincae, veronicae, centaurij, ana C M ss. Macerate, and vse them as before. *. Against wounds in the head. Incertus.

℞. Aristol: Cyclamini, Serpentariae, consol: vtrinsque, geranij, ana M j. Sabinae, M ss. macis, Zedoarij, occulor: cancri, ana ℥ ss. mumiae, galangae minoris, ana ʒj ss. Shred and bruise the hearbes a little, and beate the rest into a grosse pouder, boyle them in a double vessell with one measure of wine, by the space of iiij. D houres, then straine, reserue, and vse it as before. *. In the cure of wounds made by gunshot; where the bone is fractured. In­certus.

℞. Rad: helenij, & Cariophyll: ana M j. Sacchari & mellis despu­mati, ana ℥iiij. vini opt: odorati, lb ss. Croci anglici, ʒ ss. Boyle these gently together one quarter of an houre, in a cleane earthen vessell, straine and reserue it. The dose is ℥iiij. hot, (the Patient must take it in bed, be well couered, and sweate iij. houres after) E*. Against aches in the ioynts. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Fellis porci masculi Sectarij (for a man) & fellis suillae Se­ctariae (for a woman) cochlear: iij. Succor. Secuti, nepetae siluest: hyoscyami, & papaueris, ana cochlear: ijj. Succi pomor. accidor. cochlear: iij. Boyle them altogether (in a vessell close stopt) in B. M. by the space of iij. houres, then reserue it in a cleane ves­sell close stopt for your vse: This the Ancients call Dwale, and it F is* to make one sleep, whilst Chyrurgions cut, and carue him. When you would make vse thereof; Take iij. spoonfulls of this [Page] [Page] [Page 245] lycour, and put it into a pottell of good wine, and commixe them well together: Then set the Patient in a chaire against a good fire, and giue vnto him (to drinke) one cup full after another, vn­till he fall asleepe; then may you doe to him what you please, the which being finished; and that you would haue him wake, mixe vineger with salt, and rub his temples therewith, and he will awake right soone. Ex Manuscripto antiquissimo.

℞. Rad: eringij conditi, ℥iiij. ficuum, idiubar, ana n o: xv. rad: faenic: ℥ fs. rad: petrosilini, & apij, ana ʒiij ss. Sem: anisi, & faenic: dul. ana ʒj flo: violar. & chamo. P ss. flo genistae, M ss. passal: enucleat: ℥j. liquir: ras. ʒvj. Cicer. rub: ℥ij. Boyle them in aq: q.s. vnto the halfe, then infuse in lbj. of the strained lycour, rha­barbi opt: incisi, ℥ ss. agaricitroch: ʒiij. Sem: carthami, ℥j. turpeti, ʒvj. calami aromatici, ʒj ss. Dissolue in the expression hereof, manna calabriae, ℥iij. Syrupirosar. pallidar. ℥ij. Syr: violar. ℥iiij. f. Potus. Let the Patient take hereof (in the morning) x. or xij. spoonefulls, more or lesse, according to the working thereof, vn­till the whole be exhausted. And let him fast after each Potion, iiij. houres. VelSem: melonum, & citrul: ana ℥j. Sem: papaueris albi, ℥ ss. amygd: dul. excort. ℥iij ss. liquir: rasae, ʒj ss. hord: mund: P iiij. Beate them altogether in a stone morter, add vnto them aq: lbj. Commixe and straine them, and add to the strained lycour, Syr: violar. ℥iij. Syr: Capill: ven. & myrtill. ana ℥ij ss. Sacchari candi rub: q.s. ad gratum dulcorem. The dose is ℥ij. or ℥iij. hot in the morning fasting, and the like proportion at going to bed. *. Against salt, and adust humors, scabs, &c. Ex A Manuscripto.

℞. Rad: oxalidis, asparagi, cichorij, ana ℥j. fol: endiuiae, cichoriae, scariolae, fumariae, acetosae, ana M j. bugulae, boraginis, cum radici­bus summitatum lupulor, ana M ss. capill: ven. hepaticae, mercuriae, hepat: nobilis, ana P iij. vuar. passular. exacinatar. ℥ij. trium flor. cordial: ana P j. Boyle them all in Sero lactis, q.s. and in ℥xij. of the strained lycour dissolue Syr: fumariae, & acetosae, ana ℥ ss. Mixe them for iij. doses. tum ℞. Senae, ʒij. rhabarbi, ʒj. Cinamo ℈ij. vini albi, & aq: fumariae ana ℥ij. let them stand to infuse on hot embers, by the space of one whole night, then dissolue in the ex­pressed lycour, manna opt: ℥j. Syr. ros. solut. ℥ ss. misce, &c. giue this the fourth day. *. Against Psora; or the wilde scab in the B beginning. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 246]℞. Cort. lig. ind. & Zarsae, ana ℥iiij. rad. tormentillae, bistoriae, virgae pastoris, ana ℥ij. baccar. iuniperi, ℥j. fol: maluae, Saniculi, alchymillae, hyperici, prunellae, consol: ma. ana M ij. Make them all into pouder, and weigh them, then tie them in a fit cloath, hang the same in a vessell of new tunned drinke, proportioning iij. ounces of the pouder vnto one gallon of the drink; let it stand A till it be fit to drinke, then vse it as an ordinary drinke. *. Against a Fistula. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Zarsae ℥v. hord. mund: ℥iiij. aq: font: lbviij. Boyle them at a gentle fire to the wasting of lbij. then add thereto, Saniculae, Consol. ma. beton. Scabiosae, eupatoriae, alchymillae, plantag. pilosel­lae, ana M j. polypo. quer. hyperici, hyssopi, centinodij, ana M ss. Boyle them againe to the wasting of other, lbij. then take it from the fire, and dissolue in the strained lycour, mellis [...]opt: & Sacch: candi, B ana ℥ij. boyle them againe a little, and reserue it for vse. *. It's very effectuall either in the cure of wound, or vlcer, if the Patient take thereof iij. times a day, three ounces at once, and that the wound or sore, be therewith bathed, or if need require, cast in by a syringe, cloathing it vpon with a linnen cloath moystned in the same lycour. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Far: fab: ℥j. carnium glandium, cornu cerui, Sem: canabis, ana ℥ ss. nuc. mosc. ʒij. Zinzib: ʒj ss. Cinamo. opt. ʒij. lactis vac­cini rec. lbiiij. Boyle them together to the wasting of the halfe. C The dose is ℥iiij. first and last. *. It stayeth a Gonorrheall flux; being taken after due purging. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Saniculae, bugulae, ana M iij. auentiae, beton. consol ma. ar­temisiae, fol: & rad: Consol. mi. Summitat. rubi bati, veronici pauli, ana M j. Boyle them in aq q.s. in a vessell close shut, (so as no vapour may expire) by the space of vij. houres, vntill it come to lbiiij. Then take it from the fire, and add to the strained lycour, vini albi, lbij. Boyle these gently together halfe an houre, then add thereto, mellis puri, lb ss. let them boyle together a little D and skum it cleane. Lastly reserue it in a cleane, close bortell. *. It's very profitable either in wounds, vlcers, or fistulaes, if the Pati­ent drinke thereof ix. or x. spoonefulls at once, three times a day, viz. first in the morning againe about x. of the clocke in the fore­noone, and one houres space before supper. If the Patients bo­dy require euacuation; then take Sennae, ℥iiij. guiaci, ℥vj. polypod. [Page] [Page] [Page 247] querc. hermodact. Zarsae, rub. ma. tinctor. ana ℥j. unc. myrtist: Zinzib. macis, Cinamo. ana ℥ ss. rad. lapathi [...]rub. ℥ij. Cut, what is to be cut, and bruise what is to be brused, and sowe them all vp in a fit linnen cloath, put the same into ij gallons of strong ale, new tunned vp; let them worke together iij. or iiij. daies, ere the Patient vse it; then euery morning (fasting) let the Patient drink a draught thereof, in such quantitie, as his body and the cure shall require. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Brassica rubrae, faenugr. petrosilini, abrotani, tanaceti, fol: fragrariae, rosar. caninar. odorar. plantag. canabis, apij, rubi tinctor. gerannij, ana M ss. Sem [...]milij, ℥j. aluminis, ℥ ss. Let the hearbes be cleane washt, and swung drie in a cleane linnen cloath, then bruise them a little, and boyle them in vini albi, lbx. at a gentle fire vnto the wasting of the halfe, then add to the strained lycour, mellis despumati, q.s. Reboyle, clarifie, and reserue it, * as admi­rable A in the cure of wounds. The Dose is vj. spoonefulls at once, letting it downe softly, and to wash the wound therewith, and to lay vpon the wound a red Colewort leafe, and then to rowle it vp. It ought to be drest twice a day. This cleanseth a wound from all filthinesse. It draweth out splenters, peeces of weapons, shiuers of broken bones, &c. Let the Patient drinke very often thereof. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Consol. ma. plantag. centinodij, bursae pastoris, agrimoniae, Coronopij, ruelli, quinque folij, fragrariae, pimpinellae, pulmonariae, ana M j. rad: Consol. med. & tormentillae, ana ʒiij. rad. polypod. quere. ℥ ss. masticis, nuc: mosc. macis, baccar. myrtillor. ana ʒij. ros. rub: M ij. Bruise them all in a grosse manner, and infuse them a while in vini albi, lbvij. after boyle them at a gentle fire, then straine; add honie, &c. *. It accommodates, wounded persons, B who auoid bloodie vrines, if they drinke often thereof. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Zarsae, ℥vj. guaci, ℥iiij. Cort. guiaci, ℥ij. Sennae, ℥iiij. tur­bith. alb. & gummosi, ℥j. hermodact. ℥iiij. agarici, ℥j. polypodij, ℥ij. epithymi, ʒvj. liiquir. rasae, ℥j. passul. enucleat. ℥iiij. Sem. faenic. d [...]l. ℥ij. rad angellicae, ℥j. macis, ʒiij. fol. Scabiosae, fumariae, & agrimoniae, ana M j. trium flor. Cordial. ana P j. aq. font. lbxvj, s.a. Boyle them to the halfe, then add vini albi, lbiiij. and boyle them a little, after straine, clarifie, and aromatize it cum Cinamomo. ℥j. [Page 248] The dose is lb ss. at once, more or lesse; according to judgement. A*. It excels in vertue, in the cure of Lues Venerea. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Auentiae, betonicae, eupatorij graec. plantag. mino. consol: mino. cumradic. dentis leonis, veronici, canabis Summitat. rubi bati, consol. ma. ana M j. absint, & artemisiae, ana M ss. Saniculae, & bugulae, ana M iiij. aq: fontanae lbxx. Wash, swing, and shred the hearbes, and boyle them to the halfe; then add mellis ℥vj. vini albi, lbj ss. boyle them gently halfe an houre, then remoue them from the fire, and when it's cold, straine, and reserue it. The dose is v. or vj. spoonefulls at once, warme, viz. first in the morning; B about ten in the forenoone, about three in th'afternoone, and last at night. *. It's preualent in the Cure of wounds. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Fol. & flo. hypericonis, rad. fol. & flo. tanaceti, fol: apij, Scolopendriae, rad. & fol. plantag. & phillipendulae, cort. vitis. rad. & fol. quinque neruiae, dictamni, verbenae, fragrariae, hederae terr. Cerae folij, fummariae, rad. ebuli, fol. bugulae. Summit. trifolij, odo­rati, ana M j. rad. & fol. betonicae, pilosellae, bugulae, Saniculae, herbae paralysis, millefolij, Cardui stellati, herbae benedictae, consol. ma. anagallidis, ana M ij. rad. & fol. herbae roberti, mentha, belenij, hederae terr. officinar, nasturtij, tormentillae, aristol. long. penta­phylli, bardanae, fol. Cardiacae, absint. abrotani, gentianae, chamae­dris, Centaurij, rad: & fol: primulae veris, rad: raphani, Sem: Sca­riolae, Summit: brassicae, vrticae vtriusque ana M j. rad. rubiae ma. rec. M xiiij. Stampe what is to be stamped; Slyce, and beate what's requisite, and infuse them in vino albo, q.s. let them stand to digest xij. daies, then add vnto them mellis, & Sacchari, ana partes aequales. Boyle them gently together to the wasting of the iuices, then straine it; and reserue the lycour in faire glasses (close stopt) vntill you need it. *. It's very effectuall against all inward wounds, bruises, apostemes, festers, palsies, lepries, &c. The dose is one spoonefull; with iij. spoonefulls of sodden wa­ter, ale, beere, or wine, it's to be taken off ix. or x. times a day. Let the hearbes be all gathered before the feast of S. Iohn Baptist, or C in their proper seasons. *. This also staies spitting, or vomiting of blood, and is likewise good against stiches. Ex Manu­scripto.

[Page 249]℞. Rad: Symphitima. & consol: mi. auentiae & betonicae, ana q.v. Stampe and expresse their iuices; mixe them with good ale, and giue thereof in the morning (cold) and at night (hot) for ix. daies together. If you add thereto rad: Sigill: Salamo: it will be the more effectuall. Vel ℞. Pedum vitulinum, n o: ij. vini albi, lbiiij. macis, ℥j. dactyllor. mundat. ℥ij. passul. Corinth: ℥ ss. rad: polypodij, osmundi reg: consol: ma. & Sigill: Salomo. ana ℥j ss. fol: crat [...]gi, & herniariae, ana M j. Inclose them all in a fit ves­sel, and boyle them in B.M. vnto perfection. Then straine and reserue it. The dose is, a prettie draught, first and last. *. These A are of great force in the cure of a Rupture. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Hyssopi Sicc: Capil: ven: hord: mund: ana P ss. liquiritiae, ʒj. Summit: rubi, ʒj ss. Sem: anisi, ʒ ss. passul: Solis, n o: 12: aq: font. q.s. Boyle them to the proportion of the draught; then dis­solue in the strained lycour, diaprunis Sol: & diaphaen: ana ʒiij ss. mummiae, ʒ ss. Syr: è Cort: Citri ʒij. misce. Vel ℞. Diaprunis Sol: ʒiij pulpae Cassiae fistulae, nouiter extractae, ℥ ss. mummiae, ʒj. Spermae Caeti: ℈ ss. aq: Scabiosae, ℥iij. misce pro hausto. *. These B profit much against falls, or bruises. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Nasturtij aq: & aquilegiae, ana q.v. Boyle them in lacte rec: q.s. vnto tendernesse, let the Patient eate of the hearbes, and drinke of the milke, first and last. *. Against heate of the raynes, C and the Gonorrhaea passio. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Syrupi rosar. Solut: ℥iij. mannae electae, ℥j ss. aq: violar. ℥ij. misce. *. It's vsefull for delicate persons in the cure of Lues Ve­nerea. D Matthiolus. Vel ℞. Syr: ros. Solut: Syr. Cychor: compos. mannae electae, ana ℥j. electuarij lenitiui, ʒiij. electuarij è Succo ros. ʒij ss. rhabar: Subtillis. pul. ʒ ss. Spicae, gra. ij. Cum de­coctione flo: & fructuum Cordialium, q.s. f. Potio. This is more forcible then the other.

℞. Fol: Sennae, ℥j ss. fumiterrae, ℥j. Capill. ven. ℥ ss. Scolopen­driae. ℥ ss. thymi epithymi, ana ʒvj. liquir: rasae, ʒiij. Colocinthi­dis, ʒij. helleb: nigri, ʒjss. myrabol. indor. ʒvij. prunor. damasc: n o: xij. Sebesten: n o: x. tamarindor. ℥j. Succi fumiterrae, lbj. aq: fumiterrae, q.s.s.a.f decoctio: Filter, and giue it, with appropriate syrupes, against the humors peccant. *. In such as are infected E with Lues Venerea. Nicolaus.

[Page 250]℞. Saluiae, absinthij, Cichorij, cardui benedicti, vrticae, origani, ana M j. ficuum, passular. dactylor. amygd: dul: Salis gemmae, ana ℥iiij. Colocinthidis, aloes hepaticae, cinamo. myrobal: citr. ana ℥ij. Beate all these grosly and commixe them with lbij. of pure honie. Infuse them in aq. font. lbxviij. boyle it to the halfe, then straine, and filter it; Commixe with the filtered lycour, aq: ros opt: lbj. A moschi, Carrett: ij. The dose is from ℥iiij. vnto ℥vj. *. It's ve­ry effectuall, in strong vlcerated bodies, which are hard to worke vpon. Phiorouantus. Master Banester in his Antidotarie adui­seth, some part of this medicine to be reserued without any addi­tion of musk, in regard that it is offensiue to some; he also affir­meth that, ℥iij. of this Potion is dose sufficient for the most part.

℞. Consolidae vtriusque, veronicae, cyclaminis, ana M j. aca­stor. expurgator: n o: iiij vini albi, mensuras. ij. Circulate them in B B. M. by the space of iij. daies. *. To heale wounds, the dose is one spoonefull in the morning, for the first vij. daies. Querci­tanus.

℞. Occulor. Cancror. pul. ℥ ss. mummiae, ʒij. bol: arm: ʒj ss. herbae agrimoniae, ophyglossi, veronicae, cyclaminis, ana M j. Sperma­tis caeti, ℥j. Macerate them (in vino albo) in B.M. for a nights space The dose is ij. spoonefulls first and last if need require. C*. This preuents inflammations in wounds, and assuageth burning heates. Quercitanus.

℞. Macis, occulor. cancror. Zedoariae, ana ʒiij. mummiae, ga­langae mino. ana ʒij. nucis vomicae, ʒj ss. Bruise them grosly, and put them into a glasse vessell; poure vpon them vini albi. mens. j ss. Let them macerate for ij. daies, with a very gentle heate. D The dose is one spoonefull first and last. *. For curing of wounds, and preuenting of accidents; The vertue hereof cannot suffici­ently be praised. Quercitanus.

℞. Ol: Croci martis, & essentiae Corallior. ana ℈j. Mixe them, E Cum aq: Spermatis ranar. vel rosar. q.s. f. Potio. *. To stay the bleeding of a wound. Quercitanus.

℞. Succi verbenae, betonicae, veronicae, ana ℥ij. aq: cinamoni, F lbj. Macerate them in B.M. &c. *. Against wounds in the Thorax. Quercitanus.

℞. Boli armeni, ℥ ss. consolidae vtriusque, ana M j. Galange, [Page] [Page] [Page 251] ʒij. vini albi generosi, q. s. Commixe and macerate them in B.M. &c. *. Against wounds in the lower belly. Qercita­nus. A

℞. Croci martis, (nostro modo praeparati) ℈j. Calcis testar. ouor. ʒj. Syrupi ros. Sicc: & myrtillor. ana ʒj. aq: distillatae pa­paueris rubri, q. s. f. Potio. To bee taken iij. houres before meate; and last at night giue a Potion of barlied water, with Rose-water and poppie seeds. *. to cure wounds in the Com­mon B sort. Querritanus.

℞. Mithridati, thaeriacae opt: ana ʒ ss. margarit: praep: Corall: rub: praep: ana ℈j. boli arm. ʒ ss. Syr: è limonibus, ℥j. aq: buglossae, & Scabiosa, ana q.s. f. Potio. Reiterate it twise or thrice if need require. Ʋel ℞. Auri vitae, & essentiae margaritar. ana gra: 6 essenti Cor [...]lli gr. 8. terrae Sig: elect: ℈j. aquae thearicalis nostrae, [...]j. f. [...]otio. to be forthwith taken. *. These Potions are Anti­doticall, C and doe wonderfully fence the hearth against venomed gunshot. Quercitanus.

℞. Coreuisiae, mensuras duas, Clematis, M j. artimisiae rubrae, vincae peruincae, ana par. Put them into an earthen vessell, well glased and close stopped, and boyle them to the halfe; then straine and reserue it, in an earthen or glasse vessell, with a narrow mouth; stop it very close: the dose is iij. spoonefulls at once, first in the morning, againe in the afternoone, and last at night. Let the Patient vse abstinence, after the taking of each seuerall Potion, for ij. houres space at the least; and wash the wound therewith, and apply thereto a red Colewort leafe (being wet therein) saying the grounde side of the leafe next the wound, and rowle it vp with a linnen rowler. Vel ℞. Limonij Siuestris, & betonicae, ana ʒj. Saniculae, pedis leonis, ana ʒ ss. vini opt: mens. ij. Boyle them together in an earthen vessell (well glassed, and close stopped) by the space of ij. houres. Then straine and reserue it: The dose is one good spoonefull (at once) first and last. Wash, iniect, or bathe the wound therewith, as need requires, and apply a Colewort leafe (as before) or else some proper wound playster. *. Thes are of great force to heale wounds Ranzouius. D

℞. Rad. asari, ℥ij. aq: font. & vini albi, ana lbiiij. Boyle them at a gentle fire to the halfe. The dose is ℥vj. to be taken in the morning, in bed, (hot) for sundry daies. Vel ℞. Summitat: [Page 252] Centaurij mino: M ij. rad: asari, ℥ij. aq: font. lbx. Boyle them to the halfe. The dose is lb ss. to be taken as before. Vel ℞. Cen­taurij mino. & melissae, ana M ij. rad. asari, ℥iiij. aq: q.s. Boyle A them to the halfe. The dose is ℥v. as before. *. These are pro­fitable against Th'arthriticall Gout. Rulandus.

℞. Rhabarbi elicti, ℈iiij. flo: violar. & boraginis, ana ʒj. deco­ctionis tamarindor. q.s. Infuse the ingredients in the decoction x. houres, then dissolue in the straining, diacatholici, ʒiij. Syrupi ro­sar. B ℥ij. s.a. f. Potio. *. Vsefull in Erisipilas Phlegmonides. Ve­salius.

℞. Virg [...] aureae, Saniculae, polygonati, plantag. Saluiae minoris, pulegij, aristolo [...]hiae rot: & Centaurij mino. ana M j. vini, & aq: ana mensuram vnam semis. Boyle them to the wasting of ij. fingers thicknesse of the lycour; then straine and reserue it. Giue a C draught thereof fasting. *. To such as are wounded. Weckerus.

℞. Agarici trochiscati, in oxymellite simpl: infusi, & expressi ℈iiij turbith: ʒj. Salis gemmae, gra. vj. Zinz: gr. vj. Syr: ros. So­lut: D ℥j ss. aq: betonicae, & melissae, ana ℥ij. misce & f. Potio. *. For swelling in the Throat. Weckerus.

℞. Fumariae M j. Senae, epithymi, ana ʒiij. flo anthos, Pij. Infuse them in Sero lactis, q.s. then straine, and dissolue in the lycour, E rhabarbi, in aq: buglossae infusi, ʒj. Cinamo: gra: iiij. mannae, ℥j ss. Cassi [...] and so according to art make a Potion, * for a Canker not vlcerated. Weckerus.

℞. Flo: borag: & violar. ana P j. rad: Cichorij, ℥ ss. passular. ℥ ss. polypodij, glycyr. ana ʒij. prunor. paria, v. Sebesten: ℥ ss. rha­barbi, ʒiij. agarici, ʒj ss. Sennae, ʒx. Spicae indicae, & Zinz. ana ʒj. Salis gemmae, ʒ ss. Boyle them in aq: q.s. for ij. Potions, where­in dissolue Syr: ros. laxat: ℥ij. Mixe them for ij. draughts. To be F giuen ij. seuerall mornings, * for a Corosiue, and virulent vlcer. Weckerus.


℞. Myrrhae, ℥ ss. Sem: rub tinctor. Cyperi, iridis, Sarcocollae, ana ʒiij. f. Puluis. *. For wounds in the head. Anderna­cus. A

℞. Salis agarici, & tartari, vini albi, ana partes aequales. f. Pul. Subtiliss. *. To remoue a scale from of a corrupt bone. Angelus Bologuinus.

℞. Auri, & argenti foliator. ana ℥ ss. lapidis bezoar. ℥j. pul. cancror. marinor. ℥j ss. f. Pul. *. Of rare vertue, to resist the ma­lignitie B of a Canker; either to bee inwardly taken, or else out­wardly to bee applyed, being ground vnto the forme of a Lini­ment, Cum aqau Scordij. Antonius Montagnana.

℞. Ligni aloes, margaritar. perforat: ossis de corde cerui, Spicae nardi, blattae bizantiae, nuc: mosc: Caryophyllor. galangae, thuris, Coriandri, piperis, diagredij in pomo cocti, ana ʒj. euphorbij, ʒj ss. ambrae, gr. ij. Let them be all seuerally ground, and carefully searst, then duely commixed. The dose is the quantitie of a nut shell full at once, (more or lesse, secundum vires) Cum aqua frigida. *. It C euacuateth by seege the matter of Scrofula; and insensibly consu­meth, the Tumors thereof. Arnaldus.

℞. Spongiae combustae, pilae marinae tostae, ossis Sepiae, piperis lon­gi, piperis nigri, Zinzib: Cinamo. Salis gemmae, pyrethri, gallar. lapidis Spongiae, ana ℥j. f. Puluis. *. This wasteth Strumes. Arnal­dus D de villa noua.

℞. Cornu Cerui vsti, pumicis, corall: vtriusque, tuthiae praep: masticis, Sandara [...]ae, Cinamoni, ana ʒj. rad: ireos, ℥ ss. moschi gra: vj. f. Pul. *. To make the teeth cleane and white. Augusta­nus. E

℞. Far: volatilis, ʒiij. bol: arm: thuris, ana ℥ ss. olibani, masti­cis, myrrhae, ana ʒij ss. Sang: drac: ʒiij ss. lapidis haematit: ʒj. f. Pul. adstrictiuus, to bee vsed, * in stiching of wounds. Commixe F thereof with the white of an egge, and spread it vpon a cloath, and let it lye to one night, and on the morrow stitch the cloathes whereby you may ioyne the edges of the wound. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

[Page 254]℞. Corticum pini, nucum Cupressi, ana ʒiij. masticis, thuris, Sarcocollae, aloes epaticae, mummia, balaustior, malecorij, ana ʒij. vitrioli combusti, aluminis vsti, ana ʒij ss. Chartae papyraceae ʒiij. Saluiae siceae, ʒij. lapidis Calaminaris, lythargyri argenti, Cina­brij, Sang: drac: ana ℈ij. Sumacis ʒij. Centaurij mino. ʒj ss. myr­rhae ʒj. Coralli rub: ʒiij. tutiae, ʒj. plumbi vsti, ʒj ss f. Puluis Sub­tilis. A*. To Cicatrize wounds and vlcers. Ex Antidotario Ba­nesteri.

℞. Mercurij praecipitati, & argenti Sublimati, ana ʒ ss. vitrioli vsti, & aluminis, ana ℈ij. floris aeris, ℈j. Coralli rub: ʒ ss. Cina­brij, B ℈ij *. Mixe and make a fine Corosine powder for vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Mercurij praecipitati, ℥ ss. vitrioli Combusti, ʒiij. masticis, bol: arm: ana, ʒij. f. Pul. Ʋel ℞. Vitrioli Combusti, ℥j. bol: C arm: ʒij ss. mosticis, ʒj. f. Pul. *. For a fistula. Ex Antidot: Ba­nesteri.

℞. Mercurij Sublimati, ʒiij. boli arm ʒij ss. masticis, ʒj. f. D Pul: Subt: *. To abate proud flesh, and lay open a filthie vlcer. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

Thuris, ℥j. aloes, ℥iij. Sang: drac: ʒij. Sarcocollae, ʒj. ari­stoloch: Combust: ʒij. ossis humani combusti, ʒiij Corticum pini, ʒij. gallar. balaustior. ana ℈iiij. aluminis vsti, ʒvij. Mixe and E make them in fine powder. *. To drie and Cicatrize vlcers in moist bodies. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Thuris, ʒiij. masticis, ʒj. myrrhae, ʒij. Sarcocollae, ʒiiij. far. orobi, ʒ ss. balaustior. malicorij, Cinabrij, Saluiae siccae, aristolochiae ro. ana ʒ ss alumnis vsti, ℈iiij. vitrioli combusti, ʒiiij. Make F them in fine powder. *. for moist and hollow vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Camphorae Calcinatae, ℥j. vitrioli combusti, ℥j ss. cinabrij, ʒiij. aluminis vsti, ʒ j. praecipitati. ʒvj. boli arm: ʒiij masticis, ʒij. thuris, ℥ss. Sarcocollae, ʒvj. Make them in fine powder, and when you will vse it, take Rosewater, white wine, and aqua vitae, of each halfe a pinte, warme them at the fire, and put into them ℥j of the powder, so let them remaine ten houres, then straine G it to your vse. *. To Cicatrize, and heale vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Cineris anethi, plumbi vsti, terrae Sig: ana ʒij. litarg. argenti, [Page] [Page] [Page 255] ʒj. Cinabrij, ʒiij. balaustior. ʒj ss. aluminis vsti, ʒ ss. Cerusae, ℈ij. testar. Cancror. fluuialium: ʒij. Chartae nigrae exiccatae, ʒj. Make all into fine powder. *. To Cicatrize vlcers withall. Ex Antidot: A Banesteri.

℞. Mercurij praecipitati, ℥ ss. Cinabrij, ʒj ss. vitrioli combusti, ℈ij. masticis, ʒij. Sarcocollae ʒj ss. vermium terrest: ℈ij ss. f. Pul. Subt. VelMercurij praecipitati, ℥ ss. masticis, ℥ ss. Cinabrij, ʒij. Sarco­collae, ʒij ss. aluminis vsti, ʒj. f. pul. Subt. Ʋel ℞. Pul. Sublimati, ʒij. Succi hyoscyami, ℥j. Mixe them together, and let them drie together, afterward make them into fine powder. *. These B powders are both forcible, and gentle corosiues. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Sabinae Siccatae, ℥j. hermodactylor. torrefact: & myrtillor. torre fact: ana ʒiij. vitrioli rom. aluminis, ana ʒij. auripigmenti rub: ʒj: opij, ℈j. f. Pul: Subtiliss. *. To take away warts in the C secret parts. Baker.

℞. Colophoni [...], ℥iiij. bol: arm: ℥ij. masticis, olibani, Sang: drac: ana ℥ ss. rad: consol: ma. rosar. ana ʒij. f. Pul. *. To stay any flux D of blood, and to preserue the stitches of a wound. Th'author sometimes added hereunto the hayres of an hare, and whites of egges, sometimes whites of egges alone. Baker.

℞. Aluminis combusti, ʒij. Coccinej panni floccos, a pretty quantitie, parch them vpon a new hot tile, vntill the colour fade, then make both into fine powder; and add pulueris Caryophillor. gra: iiij. grinde them all finely together, and reserue the powder in a glasse (it wilt be of an ash colour) apply it vpon a little lint wet in plantaine water, or Red-rosewater, or else rub the places therewith. *. So shall you heale vlcers of the Tongue, which are E of hard curation. Balthrop.

℞. Corall: rub: ossium dactylor. pumicis, ossium Sepiae, Salis assi, ana q. s. misce & f. Pul. *. To make the teeth white. F Bayrns.

℞. Rad: aristol: rot: raphani, & spatulae faetidae, ana ʒj. pimpinellae, pilosella rutae, ana ʒij. Scrophulariae, phillipend: ana ℥ ss. Sem: anisi, ʒij. Zinz: ʒj. turbit: opt: Sennae orient: ana ʒiij. Sacchari albissi­mi ℥iiij. f. Pul. The dose is (euery morning) one spoonefull, ei­ther in white wine, or with the distilled water of broome flowers. *. Add Botium gulae, or strumous Apostemes G [Page 256] about the Throate. D r: Bonham expert.

℞. Calcis viuae, Sang; drac: gipsei, aloes, thuris, vitrioli ana partes aequales. Make them into fine powder, and incorporate A them with the white of of an eggc, and some cob webs, and apply it. *. To stanch blood. Brunus.

℞. Lapid: haematit: ℥iij. Coralli rub: ʒj. thuris, ℥ij. aloes hepat. ℥ ss. Chartae papyracea combustae, ʒij. Sang: drac: ʒij ss. far: volat: ʒiij. masticis, ʒij. bol: arm: ʒij ss. vitrioli combusti, ʒ ss: terrae sigil: ʒj ss. Make them into fine powder; and when you apply it, let it not be remoued in three daies. Ʋel ℞. Calcis viuae, ʒij. bol: arm: ʒiij. Sang drac: mummiae, lapid: haematit: masticis, olibani, B Sarcocollae, ana ʒj ss. aloes hepaticae, ʒiij ss. terrae sigil: ʒj. thuris ʒss. far: volatil. ʒ [...]ij. Make them into fine powder, and apply it. *. To stanch blood. Brunus.

℞. Lapid: haematit: ℥j. tutiae, masticis, bol: arm: gallar. viridium, ranar: exiccatar: gypsi, fuliginis, far: volat: telae araneae molendina­riae, ana ℥ij. vitrioli combust. calcis viuae, tragacanti, ana ʒiij. Chartae papyraceae pilor. leporis, & bombacis torrefactor ana ʒj. stercoris asini ℥ss. Make them into fine powder. Vel ℞. Bol: arm: ʒvj terrae sigil: ℥ij. far: volat: ℥iij. gypsi, calcis vinae, ana ℥iiij. thuris, aloes, ana ℥j. Make a powder, to be applyed with C the white of an egge. *. To stanch blood. Calmeteus.

℞. Bol: arm: ℥iij. Sang: drac: aloes hepat: ana ℥j. terrae sigili masticis. ana ℥ ss Crocimartis, ℥ij. lapid: haematit: ℥ ss. Calcis ex testis ouor. mummiae. ana ℥j. gypsi, ʒvj. far: volat: ℥ii j. Bring all these into a fine powder, and for applying thereof, mixe it with the whites of egges, and hares hayres dipt so short as is possible, D according to the quantitie you need. *. To stay great fluxes of blood, after a legge or arme is cut off. Clowes.

Salis comis: Cytenior. ana q.s. Burne and powder them, * wherewith rub the gummes in the Scorbute. Clowes.

℞. Corall: rub: margaritar. Sang: drac: bol: arm: thuris, Cort: cancror. ana partes aequales, f. Pul. *. To strengthen the gummes, and to confirme the teeth. Fumanellus.

℞. Chartae combustae, plumbi vsti, aeris vsti, arsenici, Squama F ferri, ana ℥j Sulphuris viui, ℥ ss. f. Puluis. *, Causticus. Gale­nus.

℞. Aloes, olibani, Sang: drac: Sarcocollae, ana ʒiij. aristolochiae [Page] [Page] [Page 257] adustae, Cerusae, Cort: arboris Spinae, Crutaurij mino ana ʒj. gallar. A balaustior. ana ʒij. f. Pul. Sub: *. To dry vlcers. Gale­nus.

℞. Cerusae, rosar. balaustior. ana ℥j. Sem: rosar. aluminis, gal­lar. ana ʒiij. aristolochiae. longae adustae, ʒiij. thuris, ʒj. fiat puluis B Subtilis. *. To dry vlcers. Galenus.

℞. Boli arm: partem vnam, Sang. drac. partem ss. thuris, ma­sticis, aloes Succot: ana partem tertiam, pilor. leporis minutissime incisor. partem quartam. f. Pul: Subt. *. To stanch blood. Gale­nus.

℞. Cort. pini, ℥j. lythargyrij, cerusae, ana ℥ ss. nucum cupressi, certaurij mino. aristolochiae vstae, ana ʒij. Pul. Subt. *. To con­solidate C wounds. Henricus.

℞. Rad: consolidae ma. ʒiij. masticis, ʒij. olibani, ʒij ss. mum­miae, myrrhae, Sarcocollae, aloes epaticae, Colophoniae, ana ʒij. Sang: D drac: ʒj ss. gum: tragacanti, & arab: una ʒij. f. Pul. Subt: *. To agglutinate wounds. Henricus.

Puluis ex Sabina factus s.a. applicatus. *. Rootes out a Ca­runcle, or takes away any excrescense, about the Glans of the yard. Hier: Fab:

℞: Thuris, masticis, faenugreci ana q.s. f. Pul. Subt. *. To F incarnate a wound, [...]r vlcer, after due mundification. Lan­franck.

℞. Spongiae adustae, gallae marinae adustae, bedegnar, adust: Cort: ouor. adust: limaturae martis praeparatae, prunicis, ossium Sepia, ana ʒss Sem: plantaginis, nucis moscatae, gariophyllor. cinamo. ana ℈j. piperis, Zinz: Salis genuae, turpeti, hermodact: ana ℈j. aristoloch: vtriusque, ellebori vtriusque ana ℈ss. f. omnium Pul. Subt: *. To G waste by seege the Tumors growing about the Throate, called Botium, or Bronchocele. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Leuistici, ameos, apij, Sileris montani, Cymini, Saluiae, Ca­lamenthi, anisi, Cardamoni, origani, anethi, Carmi, faeniculi, thymi, piperis, hyssopi, ana ℈j. Cinamo. garioph: galangae, Croci, pulegij, ana ℥j. f. Pul. Subt. to be ordinarily vsed with meates. *. To H preserue and quicken the Eye-sight. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Pyrethui; & staphid; agriae, ana ʒj ss. Sem: hyposilini, ʒj. nu. cum cupressi, masticis, myrrhae, ana ʒ ss. Sem: hyosciami, ℈ij. alu­minis, ℈iiij. Diuide these equally, and powder th'one moitie, and [Page 258] reserue it. Then bruise th'others moitie, and boyle it in aq: ℥iij. & aceri acerr. ℥j. some ij. or iij. walmes; then let it stand on a heare of embers, one houres space, then add thereto, mellis ros. & Syrup: è staechad: ana ʒvj. Commixe them on the fire without boyling, then straine it for to gargariae withall, iij. or iiij. times in a day one houre before meate, hot: Then tie vp in a cleane linnen clout, a small quantitie of the powder, and wet the same in ij parts of strong vineger, and one part of aqua vitae, and hold A it betweene the teeth. *. This in short space helps the Tooth­ache. Ex Manuscripto.

B ℞. Sublimati, & boli armenij, ana q.v. f. Puluis. This ap­plyed on the end of a proper tent, remoues * the scyrrhous Cal­lous of a fistula. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Santali albi, ℈ij. pro vice. These giuen in white wine, or C any other conueninent lycour, first in the morning, and againe about iiij. of the clocke in th'after noone. *. Cure Gonorrhaea faeda, that is it not inueterate, in vj. or vij. daies at the most. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Cerusae, & lythargyri auri, in aq: ros. opt: lot: ana ℥j ss. flo: Sulph: ʒiij. aluminis vsti, ʒj ss. nitri depurati, ʒij. misce & f. Pul. This tied vp in a cleane linnen cloath, and wet in aqua ros. & ne­nupharis. D*. Cures pustules of the face or nose, if (at going to bed) they bee parted therewith, and the cloath bee so prest be­tweene the fingers, that some of the powder may remaine on them. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Limaces, n o: ix. dry then in an ouen betweene ij. new tiles, then beate them to powder, & giue it in white wine, in the mor­ning, and let the Patient vse abstinence ij. houres after; let this E be repeated xvij. daies together: So shall you cure any * Rupture. Ex Manuscripto.

F ℞. Bytuminis, q v. Dry it s. a. and beate it to powder. *. This applyed to the Haemorrhoids, will stop the blood and dry them vp. The same healeth all vlcers, if the sore (at euery dressing) be washt with white wine, and then the powder be strawed on. Ex Manuscripto.

lb. Ossium Sepiae, marmoris albi vsti ana ℥j Caryoph: Cin [...]. pyrethri, ana ℥iiij. Spongiae, pumicis, Salis, ana ℥j. misoe & [...]. G Pul. Subt. *. The teeth being (often) rubd herewith, [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 259] thereby made very white, Marinellus.

℞. Rad: asclepiadis, ℥j. valerianae, termentillae, ana ℥ss. polypodij querc. ℥ij. angelicae Sativae, ℥iiij. angelica siluest: altheae, ana ℥ij. vrticar. ℥j. thymeleae, ℥j. ss. Scabiosae, valerianae mino. ana ℥ ss. Let all the roots be gathered betweene the midst of August, and the viij. of September Let them be made very cleane, and shred, and put into an earthen pot well glased, add thereto strong vineger, q s. then close the pot, and let them macerate together xij. houres, then boyle them gently ij. houres and halfe, then drayne of the remainder of the vineger, and dry the ingredients, and bring them into powder, whereunto add acinos herbae paris, n o: xij. Cum eiusdem folijs, xxxvj. f. Pul. & misce. The dose is ʒj. with white wine. *. Against venomed wounds made by gun­shot, A often approued. Iosephus Quercitanus.

℞. Calcis testar. onor. optime calcinatar. ℥ ss. boracis, aluminis B vsti ana ʒj Croci martis, ℥j. misce & f. Pul. *. To produce a Ci­catrize. Quercitanus.

ʒ. Corall: rub: & alb: ana ℥j. pyrethri, maceris, masticis, ana ℥j. boli armeni, pumicis, ana ℥j. misce & f. Pul. Ʋel ℞. Corall: rub: & aluminis, ana ʒij. Cornu cerui vsti, Santali citri, Sang: drac. ana ℈iiij. margaritar. ʒ ss. Spumae maris, ʒiij. moschi, gra. iij Caphurae, gr. v. sa.f. Pul. *. These make the teeth white if C you rub them therewith, or you may forme pills of them, Cum Syrupo aliquo, aut melle rosaceo. Ranzouius:

℞: Occulor. cancror. f. Pul. Subtilissimus. *. To conioyne, or D vnite a cut sinew. The manner of application is as followeth; In­sperse of this powder vpon the wounded sinewes, and close vp the wound s.a. and rowle it vp with a fit linnen rowler, hot and drie, so as no moysture may come into or neare the wound; let it thus remaine by the space of xxiiij. houres. Historie. It chanced to one thus dressed, that before the time came to open it, that the rowler slipt besides the wound: The Chirurgion being recalled, beheld this disaster with much greefe; and with all care, haste, and diligence, hee reappareld it, and comming the second day after, vpon vncloathing thereof, he found a perfect vnion. Ran­zouius.

℞. Olibani, aloes: Sarcocoll, Sang. drac: rad: ireos, ana q s. f. Pul. *. incarnans. Rhasis. E

[Page 260]℞. Hyssopi, origani menthae, ana ℥ij. aluminis Sissilis, Cornu cerni, comis: ana ʒj. Commixe and burne them in a pot, and add to them, and commixe with them (in pouder) piperis, pumicis, a pyrethri, masticis, ana ʒ ss. myrrhae, cinamo. ana ℈j. *. This ap­plyed, maketh the teeth very white. Rondeletius.

℞. Myrtillor. Cinamo. nuc mosc: ana ʒij. Sanguinariae desiccatae, ℥ss. Sem: plantag. & portulacae, ana ʒiij: Sem: nasturtij hortulani, ʒj. Coralli: rub: ʒj ss. f. Pul. Ad therein sugar so much as will make B it sweet: ʒj. or ʒ ss. hereof, giuen with wine, euery morning, or at the least, each second morning, * profits much in the cure of a Rupture, you ought not to administer it in broath, because that is of too slypperie a condition. Rosa Anglicana.

℞. Aloes electae, ʒij. thuris, & Cort: eiusdem, myrrhae, Sarco­collae, C ana ʒj. rad: iridis florentini, ℈iiij. f, Pul. Subt. *. It encrea­seth flesh in a hollow vlcer. Valeriola.

℞. Bol: arm: terrae sig. ana ʒvj. thuris, masticis, Sarcocollae, ana ʒij ss. aloes myrrahe, ana ʒj ss. tragacanti, Sang: drac: ana ʒj. far: hord: & fab: ana ʒ ss. misce & f, Pul. Incorporate thereof with D the white of an egge, and apply it. *. to agglutinate wounds in the lips. Ʋesalius.

℞. Masticis, thuris, myrrhae, tragaganti, gum: arab: ana ʒij. far: faenugr. ℥ ss. f. Pul. and vse it after good digestion, made with E the yolk of an egge and turpentine, * for wounds in the nose. Ve­salius.

℞. Auripigmenti, ʒxij. Sandaracae, ʒvj. Calcis vinae, ʒviij. chartae papyraceae combustae, ʒj. Make them in fine powder, and F with the iuice or decoction of Myrtill forme Trochises. *. To eate downe superfluous flesh in vlcers. Vesalius.

℞. Aloes, myrrhae, ana ʒj. Sarcocollae, ʒj ss. thuris, pollinis farinae, ana ʒij. Sang: drac: terrae lemniae, ana ʒij ss. tuthiae, lythar­gyri, G tragacanthae, ana ʒj. f. Pul. Subt: *. To stanch blood, and to incarnate. Vigo.

℞. Thuris, masticis, myrrhae, ana ʒij. aloes, Sarcocollae, Sang: drac: mummiae ana ʒj ss. bol: arm: terrae sig: ana ʒijss. gummi tra­gac: triturati, glutinis piscium, ana ʒj ss. balanstior: nucum cupressi, myrabolanor. citrinor. hypocistidis, ana, ℈iiij, landani, ʒiij ss. f. Pul Ʋel ℞. Rad: Consolida ma. ℥j. valerianae, ℥j. mummiae, ʒj. Co­riandri praeparati, ℥ ss. Crassulae ma. ʒiij. Zacchari, ℥iiij. f. Pul: [Page] [Page] [Page 261] Subt: These (administered s.a.) profit much in the cure * of A a Rupture. Vigo.

℞. Aluminis combusti, ℥ss. rosar. myrtillor. ana ʒij. hermo­dact: ʒj ss. boli armeni, ʒvj. myrabolano. citrinor. ʒiij. f. Pul. Subt. *. Vsefull in the cure of a Carbunculous pustule. Vigo. B

℞. Peucedani, ℥ ss iridis, ʒv. myrrhae, ʒiij. Centaurij, ma. & mi. ana ʒij. aristoloch: rot: tutiae, opoponacis, far: orobi, ana ʒij ss. f. Pul. Subt: Vel ℞. Sarcocollae, ℥ij. olibani, ʒij. aloes hepat: ʒiij. masticis, ʒj. thuris, ʒij. Sang: drac: ʒj ss. balaustior. ʒ ss. f. Pul. Subt. Vel Terebint: venetae pul: ʒiij. boracis, ʒij. Sarcocol­lae, ℥ ss. masticis, ʒiij ss. tragacanti, ʒij ss. myrrhae, ʒiij ss. colopho­niae, ℥ ss. thuris, ℥j. aluminis vsti. ʒ ss. vitriols adusti, ℈j. mercurij praecipitati, ʒij. misce amp; f. Pul. to be applyed with mel: rosar. *. These incarnate in wounds. Ʋigo. C

℞. Aloes epat: thuris, Sarcocollae, ana ʒij. terrae sig: bol: arm: lytharg: auri, & argenti, ana ℈ij. myrrhae, ʒj. pilor. leporis minu­tiff. incisor. ʒj ss. far. volatilis, fabar. lentium, & hord: ana ʒij. f. Pul. *. To stanch blood, you must strew thereof on the wound, D and incorporate thereof with the white of an egge, making there­of a plageat, and apply it vpon the wound. Vigo.

℞. Lytharg: auri, & argenti, ana ʒj. tutiae, ʒ ss. bol: arm: terrae sig: ana ʒj ss. myrabol: citrinor. aluminis, rochae combustae, ana ℈j. fl Pul. *. To Cicatrize vlcers of the yard. Vigo. E

℞. Cort. thuris, aloes lotae, myrrhae, Sarcocollae, gummi elemi, ana ʒ ss. aneti vsti, ℈j. Cort. pini, ℈j. tutiae praeparatae, antimonij, plumbi vsti, cerusae, ana ʒj. Sang: drac: ℈ij. f. Pul. Subt. *. Pro­fitable F for vlcers in the priuities. It doth exiccate, mundifie, in­carnate, and agglutinate, Weckerus.

℞. Rad: aristoloch: iridis florent: cort: thuris, Sarcocollae, Sang: drac: ana ʒj. uncum cupressi, ʒ ss, myrtillor. ʒ ss. centaurij mino. ℈j. coralli, ℈ij. far: orobi, ʒj. f. Pul. Subt. Vel ℞. Sarco­collae, myrrhae, aloes epaticae, ana ʒiij. thuris, ʒj ss. Sang: drac: ℈ij. Croci, gr. xij. f. Pul. Subt. *. For wounds in the head, to be ap­plyed G vpon plageats, and cloathed vpon with Empl: è betonica, vel de Caprifolto. Weckerus.

℞. Saturiae, hyssopi, polij montani, pulegij, Spicenardi, ana ʒij. Caryoph: nuc: mosc: ana ℥ ss. Cinamo. ʒiij. Sem: apij, & petrosilini, ana ʒij ss. piperis longi, & myrrhae, ana ʒj ss. f. Pul. Subt. *. For [Page 262] swelling in the Throate. The dose is ʒj. to be taken iij. houres before meate each other day. It is most proper in winter. Wec­kerus.

℞. Thuris, masticis, myrrhae, Sarc [...]cellae, bol: arm: Sang: drac: A far: hord: ana partem vnam, f. Pul. Subt: *. For hollow wounds, with losse of substance, to be artificially insperst thereon. Wec­kerus.


℞. Salis torridi, ℥j ss. milij torrefacti, ℥iiij. Commixe and di­uide them, and with thinne linnen cloath, make ij. quilted bags, apply them hot, one after another, vnto the mould or forepart of B the head, euen vnto the coronall future. *. To dry and strengthen the Braine, and to stay a distillation. Andernacus.

℞. Salis comis. torridi, ℥ij. nigellae, maior anae, ana M j. Cort: ci­tri, thuris, ana ʒj. gummi iuniperi, ʒ ss. Powder the ingredients; then diuide them, and make ij. bags as before, and apply them hot, one after another (by the space of an houre) in the morning C before meate. *. To stay a cold distillation. Andernacus.

℞. Milij torrefacti, P ij. myrtillor. bacc: cupressi, ana ℥ss. rosar. rub: P ss. Powder the ingredients, and make a quilt thereof, to D bee constantly worne vpon the mould of the head. *. To stay a hot distillation. Andernacus.

℞. Comar. absi [...]thij sicci, menthae sweae, Sysimbrij, ana M ss. Coriandri praep: ʒiij. Caryoph: Cinamo. electi, ana ʒij. ladani, ʒjss. coralli rub: ℈iiij. maceris, ʒj. Cocci infectorij, ʒ ss. Powder them finely, and with purple silke, and a little bombace s a. make a E quilted Scute for the stomacke. *. Against the weakenesse, and paines thereof. Andernacus.

℞. Milij torridi. P iiij. Salis, P iij. flo: lauri, P ij. Beate th'ingredients; and make a bag therewith, and apply it hot to the F belly. *. To asswage the torments of the Collick. Ander­nacus.

℞. Ros. rub: flor. nymp: & violar. ana Pj ss. nitybi Sati [...]i [...] ­ris, P iij Santali albi, & rub: ana ʒij. Sem: oxalidis, portulaca, & [...] ­dinia, ana ʒj. Spicae nardae, ℈j. Make ij. quilts (s a.) in a semil [...] ­ry [Page] [Page] [Page 263] forme, bedew them with the distilled waters, of red roses, and endiue, then make them hot and apply them (one after another) vpon the region of the lyuer. *. To coole the heate thereof. Fon­tanonus. A

℞. Melissophyll. flor. bugl [...]ff: [...]ixsij, ana P jss. Caryoph: Ci­namo. agallochi, ana ʒ jss. Santalor. omnium, ana ʒj rosar. rub: ʒ ss. Croci, ℈ij. Cocci infectorij ʒj. moschi, ambrae, ana ℈j. s.a. s. Scu­tum cordiale. *. Against the Sincop, in the extremitie of a feuer. B Fontanonus.

℞. Rosar. rub. rad: nenupharis exiccatae, myrtillor. Sumach: ana M j. These being grosly powdred, with thinne linnen cloath make a fit quilt therewith; the which being made hot on a new hot tile, apply it vpon the Coronall future. *. Against a hot C rhewme, and to temper the Braine. Forrestus.

℞. Salis tosti, milij torridi, furfuris, & flor: chamo. ana q.s. Make a fit quilt (s.a.) and apply it hot. *. Against ache or paine D about the shoulder blade. Forrestus.

℞. Flo: chamo. meliloti, anethi, ana M ss. Sem: lini, faenugr. & altheae, ana ʒij. origani, abrotani, menthae siccae, calaminthae, rutae, ana M j. Being all bruised with soft linnen cloath (s.a.) make a Shild for the stomacke: the which being applyed thereto, and then worne thereon, * doth strengthen and comfort the same. E Fuchsius.

℞. Bufones duos magnos, & veneno turgidos, Kill these in the moneth of May, and hang them vp in an open ayre to dry; redry them in an ouen or furnace (taking heed that they be not burnt) and then beate them to powder. ℞. Huins pul. ℥ ij. arseniei ℥ ss. rad: tormentillae, & dictamni, ana ʒij. margaritar. ʒj. corallor. hya­cinthi, smaragdi ana ʒ ss. Croci ℈ij. Dry the rootes, and powder both them and the rest, and with bombace and purple silke, s.a. make quilted Scutes for the region of the heart. *. To be worne F against the Pest. Hernius.

℞. Ros. rub. siccat: P j. masticis, corall: rub: ana ℥ ss. Sem: anisi, & faenic: ana ʒj. Caryoph: nucum myrist: ana ʒj. ss. absinthij, menthae, ana M j. Make them all into a grosse powder, and accor­ding to art make a quilted Scute. *. To lengthen and comfort the stomacke: Hernius.

℞. Thuris, masticis, ladani, comaer. absint: menthae, ana ℥ ss. [Page 264] panis assati, ℥j. Coriandri prapar. ʒiij. Caryoph: nardi, Cyperi, Squinanti, ana ʒj ss. vini stiptici q.s. Boyle them together a pretty while; then make a bag or quilt with the ingredients, and apply it hot to the region of the stomacke, and when it wax­eth A cold, heate it againe, and reapply it. *. To strengthen a weake stomacke. It likewise auailes against the Collick, and the flux of the belly, proceeding from a cold cause. Hieronimus Mercurius.

℞. Baccar. myrti, ros. rub: plantag: acetosae, ana ℥j ss. acaciae, hy­pocistidis, berberor. cornu cerui vsti, masticis, ana ʒj. vini stiptici aqua rosar. rub: & succi plantag; ana aequas portiones. Boyle, or­der, B and apply, as before. *. Against greefes of the stomack, ari­sing from a hot cause. Hier Merc.

℞. Melissae ficcae M iiij. flor. cordial. ana P j. Caphurae gr. xlv. Powder them grosly, and with red silke and bombace s.a. make C a quilted Scute. *. Against th'inordinate beating of the hart. In­nominatus.

℞. Flor. cord. ana P ij. flor: nenupharis, & Sambuci, ana P j. flo: melissae, Sem: ocymi, been alb: & rub: Santalor omnium, ana ʒj. nuc: mosc: diambrae, diagalangae pul. Sem: angelicae, ana ʒ ss. D pul. granae ʒij. s.a. Make a quilted Scute. *. Against the melan­choly passions of the hart. Lud: Merc.

℞. Saphyri, Smaragdi, hyacinthi, corall: vtriusque, ana ʒj. Croci, ℈j. margarit: ʒ ss. ambrae gr. vj. irid: sicc: & odorae, ℥ ss. Cornu cerui vsti, ʒj. auripigmenti, ℥ ss. Powder them, and with purple silke, s.a. make a quilted sheild to be worne vpon the re­gion E of the heart. *. Against the Pest. Ranzonius.

℞. Coriandri, ℥ ss. Sem: lactucae, ʒiij. Sem: papaueris, ʒij. flor­nempharis & violar. ana ℥j. flo: ros. rub: ℥ss. Mixe and powder them, and s.a. make a frontale quilt, fiue fingers broad, and a foot F long, and apply it to the forehead. *. To coole, repell, assuage paine, and to procure rest. Rondeletius.

℞. Flor. anthos, staechados, ana ℥ij. Summitat: ocymi. Cort: citri sicci, macis, & Caryoph: ana ʒiij. Species diamargarit: cal: [...] diagemmae, vel diat hamaron: ʒij. Powder what needs, and with bombace and sarcenet, make a round quilt, moysten it with w [...] and balme water; make it hot, and apply it vnto the region of the G heart. *. Against any the cold affects thereof. Rondeletius.

[Page 265]℞. C [...]mar. absinthij sicci, menthae siccae ana ʒij. Cort. Citri sicc: ℥j. galangae, Cyperi, Caryoph: ana ℥ ss. ros. rub: ʒij. f. Pul. & s.a. f. Scutum Stomachale. *. Against weaknesse A and paines of the stomacke. Rondeletius.

℞. Furfuris macri, P j. Sem: anisi, faenic: carui, ana ℥ij. flo: Chamomillae, meliloti, anthos, Sambuci, ana P j. Bruise what's fit, and make ij. quilted bags, fit for the side; sprinkle them with wine, make them hot an apply them. * Against paines in the B fide. Rondeletius.

℞. Granor. iuniperi, q.s. Bruise them, and make ij. large quilts, for the hip; wet them with strong aquauitae, make them very hot, and apply them one after another, vnto the place affected. *. Against the Sciatia, Rulandus. C

℞. Salis tosti, & pul. Make a bag thereof. *. The same D applyed hot to the Eare driues away the paines thereof. Rulan­dus.

℞. Milij Solis, M ij. Cymini, M j. Bruise, and commixe them, and make ij. quilted bagges of them; Apply them hot; one after another. *. Against the Collick. Rulan­dus. E

℞. Stercoris porcini recentis, q. s. Boyle it in aceto forti. Make ij. bagges thereof, and apply them hot one after ano­ther. *. To assuage the torments of Illiaca passio. Rulan­dus. F

℞. Absinthij, & Chamomillae, ana q.s. Boyle them in lacte Caprino. Make ij. bagges, and apply them hot, one after ano­ther, with often repetition. *. Against Torments of the bowels, G with pissing of blood. Rulandus.


℞. Far: hord: vel tritici, q. s. Salis par. Boyle these in water, vnto a good stiffe body, forme thereof Suppositaries, about the length of the ring finger; then dry and reserue them, at time of need; dip one of them in oyle, and put it vp. Vel ℞. Radicem Betae, vel mercuriaelis, forme it s.a. Intinct it with oyle, and rowle the top of it in a little fine salt, and so put it vp. Vel ℞. Sa­ponis venetae, q. v. forme Suppositaries thereof, and apply them as before. Ʋel ℞. Ficuum, n o: j. Turne it and put it vp. Vel ℞. Mellis q.s. Salis par. Boyle then vnto due height, then forme and apply. Vel ℞. Mellis concreti, vel massae ex farina tritici, vel hordei, ex aqua coacti ℈ij. Salis comis: ℈j. forme; drie, and apply it. Vel ℞. Vitellor. onor. n o: j. Salis comis: ℈ij. Commixe them well, then tie it vp in a linnen cloath, with a strong thred, (lest hanging to, it pluck it forth againe withall) then dip it in oyle and put it vp. Ʋel ℞. Mellis concreti ℥ ss. Salis comis: A vel fossitij, ʒ ss. Boyle, forme, and apply. *. Any of these will gently prouoke vnto siege. Andernacus.

℞. Mellis concreti, ℥ ss vel ℥j. Salis comis:: ʒ ss. species hiera B picrae, vel aloes vel agarici, ℈j. misce, &c. *. This is more forci­ble then the former. Andernacus.

℞. Mellis ad spissitudinem cocti, ℥ ss. verati, Scamonij, Salis, ana in puluerem redactor. ℈j. Mixe, &c. Vel ℞. Mellis con­creti, ℥ ss. colocynthidis, vel Succi cyclaminis, vel Scamonij, vel grani Cnidij, gra. v. s. a. Forme, intinct with oyle and apply C*. These purge the lower belly. Andernacus.

℞. Mellis ad spissitudinem cocti, ℥ ss. Sem: rutae, anisi, cumini, colocynthidis, salis fossitij, ana ℈ ss. s.a. forme Suppositaries. D*. To discusse windie tumors of the lower belly. Vel ℞. Mellis ad spissitudinem cocti, vel massae bordeaceae, ℥j. Sem: rutae, Cymini, faenic ana ʒ ss. Salis comis: ʒj. vel colocyntidis, & Salis comis: ana ʒ ss. s. a. misce, &c. These vertuous with the former. Ander­nacus.

℞. Troch: alhandal: & bacc: lauri, ana ℈ij. Sem: ruta, & Cumini, ʒss. mellis bene cocti. q.s. adiecto Sale Indo, vel geni [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 267] par. Mixe, forme, &c. This auailes against the Flatuous Tumors of the lower belly. Forrestus.

℞. Mellis cocti & concreti, ℥ij. pul. euphorbij, ℈ ss. pul. colo­cynt: gr. iiij. pul: ellebori albi, gra: ij. Salis com: ʒj. s.a. f. &c. *. These (applyed) draw forth cold waterish humors from out A the bowells. Fuchsius.

℞. Mellis cocti, & concreti, ℥j ss. Sem: anisi, cumini, & faenic: ana ℈j. Sem: carui, ℈j. colocynt: ℈j. Salis comis: ʒj. Beate and searce, what is requisite, &c s.a. forme Suppositaries. These ap­plyed. *. Discusse winde and assuage flatuous Tumors of the B lower belly. Fuchsius.

℞. Specier. hierae picrae, Sem: cumini, & anisi, Subtiliss: pul. ana ʒj. mellis q.s. s.a. forme Suppositaries. *. Vsefull in a Timpa­nie, C Hieronimus Merc.

℞. Opij, gra: xj. castorei, gra. iiij. mellis bene cocti, q.s. s.a. f. Glans. *. This applyed procures rest. Hieronimus. D Merc.

℞. Ellebori albi & diagredij, ana gra. iiij. Salis nitri, gra: xij. mellis, ℥j. s.a.f. Glans. *. Against the Lethargie, Caros or dead sleepe. Hier: Merc.

℞. Specier. hierae picrae, & salis nitri, ana ℈ij. Sem: rutae, cy­mini, bacc: lauri, bacc: iuniperi, bacc: hederae, Subt: pul. ana ℈j. ol: iuniperi chym: extracti gut: ix. Incorporate the oyle with the powders, boyle the salt, cum melle q.s. for iij. Suppositaries, and E forme them s.a. *. These duely applyed, mittigate the tor­ments of the Collick, and discusse the flatuosities of the lower belly. Poeton.


℞. Ficuum ping. Macerate them in hot water xxiiij. houres, then expresse them strongly, and stampe them exactly; stampe likewise Sem: synapi q.s. adding thereto as much of that lycour formerly strained from the figs, as will serue to make it in forme of a paste. Then if you require the medicine to be strong; take ij. parts of the synapiated paste, and one part of the fig paste, [Page 268] and with the former lycour incorporate, and apply it. If you require it in a meane; make it of equall mixture: If weake, then inuert your order, viz. Take ij. parts of the fig paste, and but one part of the other. In delicate and rare skins, add micar panis A par. being first madified in aceto. *. This auailes in old greefes arising from cold, against the falling sicknesse, the vertigo, vni­uersall hedache, the megrim, aches of the ioynts, sinewes, and hips. Aetius.

℞. Ol: Costini, ℥j. ol: è Castoreo, ol: euphorbij, ana ʒj ss. Sy­napis, ʒij. Castorci, ʒj. euphorbij, ℈j. Sagapeni, & aceti ana ʒj ss. Cerae. q.s. s.a. f. Amagdala, vnto the consistence of a playster. B*. This more forcible then the former, against any the said greefes. Fuchsius.

℞. Nigellae torrefactae, ℥j. Synapi, thuris, ana ℥ ss. masticis, ʒij. Stercoris Columbini, far: hard: ana ℥j. oxymel: Scyllit: q. s. C Make it in forme of a Cataplasme. *. This applyed on the Coronall future, auailes against a Catarch. Heurnins.

℞. Fermenti veteris, q. s. aceti fortis q. s. Worke them with your hands into the forme of a liquid paste, impose it (of a prettie thicknesse) on a double cloath; bedew the superficies thereof, cum aceto; then couer it with a subtill powder of Cantharides. D*. This will attract vnto it venome of the Pest: being applyed as followeth. If there appeare any Tumor in any of the Emuncto­ries: Apply this iij. inches beneath the Tumor; let it lie on xij. houres, then take off both it and the blister; then apply vpon the place, wort leaues bereft of their ribs; shift these each eight houres. By this meanes you shall liberally exhaust the venemous matter, neither shall you need to feare the recoyling of the sore, if you succour the same with some appropriate Cataplasme. D r. Hood.


℞. Flor: mali punici, ʒxij. aluminis Scissilis, ʒiij. thuris, myrrhae, ana ℥ ss Calcanthi, ʒij. fellis taurini, ʒvj. aloes, ℥j. vini austeri, q. s. s.a. Formentur pastilli. *. These cure those dolourous A eroding sores called Nomae. They may also be applyed in stead of pastilli Andromij, being as effectuall to cure, &c. Androma­chus.

℞. Flor. mali punici, ʒx. gallae emphacitidis, ℥j. myrrhae, aristolochiae, ana ℥ ss. chalcanthi, aluminis Scissilis, mysij, ana ʒij. s.a.f. Trochisci. *. These are effectuall in wounds, new and old. B They cure Fistulaes, vlcers of the Eares; Cleanse corrupt bones, represse excrescent flesh, heale those fretting running sores called Phagedaenae, as also the vlcer in the fundament called Con­dyloma. Andronius.

℞. Arsenici albi crystalini, ℥ij. arsnici rubi, ℥j. Cum oni album: vel mucilagine tragacanthae, Make a round tabulate, of the thick­nesse of a finger; inclose it first in linnen, then recloathe it with silke to be worne vpon the region of the heart. *. Against the C Pest. Iacobus Carpensis.

℞. Medullae panis non cocti. bene fermentati, ℥ ss. Sublimati electi, ʒij. minij, ʒ ss. aqua rosar. q. s. s.a. f. Troch: Dry them in an ouen and reserue them. *. These purge all vncleane and cor­rupt D vlcers; waste all naughtie excrescences of the flesh. Loose and draw out the callous matter of fistulaes, and cureth them. Ioannes de vigo.


℞. Styracis liq: ℥j. terebint. lot: butyri loti, ana ℥ij. succi lymo­num, A ℥j ss. cerusaelotae, ℥j. salis, ℥ij. s.a. f. Vng. *. Against the Itch. Adolphus Occo.

℞. Butyri, ℥ij. axung: porc: ℥viij. theriacae, mithridati. ana ℥ ss. argenti viui mortificati, ℥vij. lithargyri, Salis comis: ana ʒvj. ol: vermium terrestrium: aq: vitae, id est vini Sublimati, ana ℥j. mos­chi, B gra. v. s.a. f. Ʋng: (Th'author cals this, vng: mercuriatum cum theriaca, but conceales the vertues. But the composition shewes it to be vsefull against malignant vlcers. Ex Lue Ʋene­rea.) Adolphus Occo.

℞. Ol: ros. lbj ss. lythargyri, ℥ij. minij, ℥iij. Cerusae, ℥j ss. tutiae, Caphurae, ana ʒiij. Cerae albae aestate, ℥ij. hyeme, ℥j. Melt the wax with the oyle at a gentle fire, make the rest into fine powder, and in a leaden morter incorporate the whole, labouring it vnto the forme of an Vnguent. Adolphus Occo. This is Ʋnge rub: seu de C minio Caphurat. *. It Cooles, and dries.

℞. Fol: nicotianae, lbj. Let them be the largest, greenest, fat­test, free from dust and outward moysture, of raine, dew, or any casualtie. Stampe them well in a marble or woodden morter, and hauing ready molten (in a cleane brasse vessell) axungiae bene pu­rificate, lb ss. Put this whole hearbe, and iuice thereinto, boyle them with a very soft fire, (hauing your vessell set on a treuet, or in B. M.) vntill the waterish part of the iuice be consumed, and the rest attaine the consistence of an Vnguent; then straine and D reserue it. *. As right profitable for wounds, Creeping tettars, Cancerous vlcers, and knobs in the face. Aegidius Euerar­dus.

℞. Ol: ros. lb ss. ol: ouor. ℥ij. vitri albissime tenuissime pul. ℥j. cort: med: sambuci, M j. Cerae alba, ℥j ss. Boyle them s.a. & f. Vng. E*. To heale burnings. Aetius.

℞. Auripigmenti, ℥iij. calcis viuae, ʒj. lixiuij fortis, q. s. Boyle them together vntill it haue attained strength enough to deplume a feather, then reserue it. Vel ℞. Albuminum ouor. contusor. n o: iij. Calcis viuae, lb ss. auripigmenti, ℥j. lixiuij fortis, q.s. s.a. f. [Page] [Page] [Page 271] Vug. Either of these applyed with a feather, (vnto any shauen part, take away haire. *. It ought not to remaine on aboue a A quarter of an houre ere it be washt of with hot water. Alexis.

℞. Theriacae vet: ℥j. succi cancror. ℥ ss. succi lactucae, ol: ros. ana ℥j ss. vitellor. ouor. sub cineribus coctor. n o: ij. Caphurae, ʒ ss. Beate them altogether in a leaden morter vnto the forme of an Vn­guent, * for a Canker vlcerated. Ambrose Pareus. B

℞. Vng. ros. & refrigerant: Galeni, ana ℥j. ol: violacei, ℥ss. pul. rosar. rub: Santalor. Citrinor. Spodij, and ʒj. Caphurae, gr. xv. aceti ros. par. s.a. f. Vng. *. Against vlcers in the yard. Andreas C Lucana.

℞. Argenti viui extincti in aceto vini albi, ℥iiij. succi Saluiae ℥iij. Seui Castrati, medullae bouis, ana ℥ ss. thuris, ℥j ss. s.a.f. Vng. *. For Tettars, Ringwormes, and Scabs. Angelus Bologninus,

℞. Terebint: cerae, resinae, ana ℥iij. ol: ros. ℥iiij. pul. aristoloch: rot: myrrhae, olibani, aloes, masticis, ana ʒij ss. f. Vng. *. For vlcers D where the matter is thinne and subtill. Angelus Bologninus.

℞. Vng: populeonis, ℥ ss. vitrioli vsti ʒij. mercurij sublimati, ʒiij. f. Vng. *. To cauterize a veine that will not otherwise stay E bleeding. Angelus Bologninus.

℞. Cerati albi, ℥iiij. ol: ros. ℥x. Santal: alb: & rubr. myrrhae, olibani, masticis, ana ʒij. Caphurae, ʒ ss. terebint: ℥ij ss. s a.f. Vng. *. To coole, cease paine, and preuent the flowing of humors to F any part. Angelus Bologninus.

℞. Olibani, masticis, aloes, ana ℥ ss. Colophoniae, ℥iij. aristolo­chiae longae toreefact, ʒiij. ol: ros. ℥vj. terebint: Cerae albae, ana ℥iiij. f. Ʋng. *. That doth dry and heale. Angelus Bologninus. G

℞. Terebint: venet: ℥vj. mellis ros. ℥iiij ss. myrrhae, iridis, ari­stelochiae longae, ana ℥ ss. far: hord: q.s. f. Vng. *. To mundifie H where the matter is grosse and slimie. Angelus Bologuinus.

℞. Flo: aeris, aluminis, mellis, ana ℥iiij. aceti acerrimi, ℥v. Salis comis, ℥j. vitrioli rom. ℥ ss. Sublimati, ʒij. s.a.f Ʋng. *. To I be applyed in a gangrenous vlcer. Andreas Pareus.

℞. Thuris, ℥ ss. myrrhae, croci, ana ʒiij. opij, ʒj. Seeth them in ℥iiij. of goates milke, vnto the wasting of a third part; then add muscilaginis psyllij, ℥ ss. olei rosacei, ℥iij. vitellum oui vnius, min­gle all and make an oyntment, * for the Haemorrhoides. Ex An­tidotario K Banesteri.

[Page 272]℞. Mercurij, ℥ij. Let it first stand in new milke three daies, shaking it together each houre then let it stand in aceto rosato, other iij. dayes then proceed, taking terebinthepuriss: ℥vj. herewith mingle all your mercurie vpon a marble stone exactly; then keepe it to be incorporated, with the following mixture. ℞. Gummi elemi puriss: ℥vij. resinae pini, ℥iij. Sepi castrati, ℥iiij. ping. porci, ℥iij ss. ol: hyperici, ℥iiij. gummi hederae, ℥ij. masticis, ℥j ss. mercurij praecipitati, ʒviij. Cerae albae, ℥j ss. Melt first of these, what is to be melted, and stamp them, then ad to the gum: haederae, masticis & praecipit: in fine powder; last of all, ioyne this and the former A mixture together, * for wounds that happen in pockie persons. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Aq: vitae, ℥ij ss. Croci, ℈ ss. Sarcocollae, ʒiij. resinae pini, ʒijss. mellis ros. ℥j ss. Succi apij, & beton: ana ʒiij ss. Boyle them to the halfe, then add to the strained substance, terebint: purg: ʒiij ss. ol: B vitellor. ouor. ʒiij. myrrhae, ʒj. aloes ℥j. and so make it. *. To de­fend Dura mater; from putrefaction. Ex Antidotario Bane­steri.

℞. Cerae albae, terebint: resinae, ammoniaci, ana ʒxiiij. aristol: long: thuris, bdellij, ana ʒvj. myrrhae, galbani, ana ʒiiij. lythargyrij, ℥j. opoponacis, aeruginis, ana ʒij. ol: comis: lbiij. Dissolue the gummes in white wine vineger, and boyle the oyle, wax, rosin, and turpentine, vnto the consumption of the vineger; then add the other (being finely powdred, and so make your ointment, C commonly called vnguentum apostolor. *. It is effectuall against dangerous wounds, vlcers, fistulaes. It consumeth dead flesh, and breedeth new. It softneth hard flesh, and healeth wounds. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Butyri recentis lbij ss. Cerae Citrinae, resinae pini, resinae puris­simae, gum: elemi, ana lb ss. masticis, ʒvij. mercurij praecipitati, ℥iij. D Cinabrij, ℥ij. ol: ros. par. s.a. f Vng. *. To mundifie, and heale wounds, and vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Seui Ceruini, lbij. Seui ouini, lbiiij. aluminis rochi puris. lbj. resinae clarae, ℥xij. vini albi, lbj. Boyle all these on the fire to E the forme of an Vnguent. *. To assuage paine, defend accidents, and consume tumors which happen in greene wounds. Ex A [...] ­tidot: Banesteri.

℞. Terebint: ℥ij. mellis ros. ℥j. far: hord: myrrhae, mas [...]is, [Page] [Page] [Page 273] ana ʒij. s a. f. Ʋng. *. Mundificatinum. Ex Antidot: Bane­steri. A

℞. Plantag: arthemisiae, absinthij plantag: mino. garyoph: Ca­prifolij, bellis, moliloti, ana M j. hyosciami, violar. ana M ss. barda­nae, trifolij, ana P j. apij, as much as all the rest. Iuice all these, then take as much hony as there is iuice; Commixe with them, tere­bint: ℥iiij. far: tritici, lbj. incorporate the whole diligently, and boyle them to the forme of an ointment. (If it clod in the boy­ling, then straine it.) *. This mundifieth vlcers and fistulaes. Ex B Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Resinae terebint: adipis vaccini, picis nanalis, thuris, ana lb j. Cerae, & ol: comis: ana lbij. f. Vng. Basilicon. *. Vsefull both in C wounds and vlcers. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Mellis, lbj. resinae, ℥v. terebint: lb ss. myrrhae, Sarcocollae, ana ℥j. Sem: faenugr. & lini, ana ℥j. Infuse the seeds xxiiij. houres in white wine, then extract the mucilage thereof, and take thereof ℥iiij. Boyle the same with the honie, rosin, and turpentine, vnto the wasting of the mucilage, and in the cooling, put in the myrrhae and the Sarcocoll: &c. *. This mundifieth wounds of the ioynts, D aand stayeth the mucilage and gleeting humor that floweth from the ioynts. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Terrae fig: lap: calaminaris, lytharg: auri, ana ℥iiij. ol: oli­nar. lb. j. Cerae. ℥xij. Caphurae, ʒij. f. Vng. Ʋel ℞. Ol: ros. lbj. Cerae, ℥vj. terebint: ℥iiij. lap: calaminaris, lb ss. boli armeni, ℥ij. f Ʋng. Ʋel. ℞. Ol: ros. lbj. Cerae, lb ss. butyri maialis, lb ss. lap. calaminaris, lb ss. f. Ʋng. Vel ℞. Lap: calam: seui ceruini, Ce­rae albae, ana lb ss. ol: ros. lbj. Caphurae, ℥ ss. f. Vng. Vel ℞. Olei, & resinae, ana lbj. Cerae, Seui onini, ana lb ss. terebint: ℥xij. lap. cala­minaris, lbj. f. Ʋng. *. For hot vlcers in the leggs, and defen­deth E euill humors in any part of the body. The last receipt is good for vlcers in any part of the body. Ex Antidot: Banesteri.

℞. Axung: porc: lbj. butyri rec: ℥vj. ol: laurini, ℥iiij. ol: vul­pini, hyperic: & terebinth: ana ℥v. styracis liq: lotae cum aq: cha­mo. & vino Cretico, ℥ij. ol: Sulphuris, ℥ ss. Cinabrij, ℥j ss. mercurij extincti ℥vj. Sublimati, ʒj. Cerae, q.s. s.a. f. Vnguentum. *. This F is vsefull in the cure of Lues Venerea. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Argenes vini, ℥iij. aq: fortis, ℥iiij. Put them together into a strong glasse, and let them stand vntill the Mercury be hardned, [Page 274] (which will be in ij. or iij. daies) than breake the glasse and take it forth. ℞. Etiam plumbi tenuissime laminati, & in minimas par­ticulas incisi, lbj. aq: fortiss: lbj. set them together, and bring it so to powder. These things being thus prepared. ℞. Merecu­rij Superius praeparati, ℥j. plumbi praep: ℥iij. pingued: haedinae, vel agninae, ℥vj. Boyle them softly, & cum modico Cerae Virgineae, f. A Vng. *. To roote out a Caruncle. Apply it euery day once for iij. or iiij. daies, and after that but once in three daies vnto the end. If it chance to bleed in the first dayes, yet goe forward. Ex Antidot: Banisteri.

℞. Citri in vitro inclusi, & balneo mariae donec flacescat cocti, lb ss. Stampe it fine, and add thereto bol: arm: orient: ℥j. extracti vel succi vincetoxici ad mellis Spissitudinem condensati ℥iij. misce B & f. Vng. *. To take away the stench of a Canker. Antonius Montagn.

℞. Gum: elemi, terebint: abietinae, ana ℥ jss. Sepi Castrati anti­qui & liquefacti, ℥ij. pingued: porcinae liquefactae, ℥j. misce apud ig­nem C & sic f. Vng. *. For wounds in the head. Th'author cals it his digestiue balme; and sometimetimes in stead of the gum: elemi, he put in so much of the playster de gummi elemi. Arceus.

℞. Rad: rutae, linguae bouinae, valerianae cum suis rad: ana ℥iiij. Castorei, linguae auis, ana ʒij. Make them into a most subtill pow­der & mixe them, then take succi euphragij, Cristae galli, verbenae, D ana ℥iiij. medullae anacardi, ℥j. adipis vrsi, q.s. f. Vng. *. It com­forteth and strengtheneth the Memory; if the hinder part of the head be therewith anointed. Arnoldus Ʋillaenouanus.

℞. Vng: martiati, vng: resumoptini, vng: aregon: vng: dialtheae, ana ℥iiij. pyrethri, hermodactylor. nitri, Zinzib: ana ʒj. ol: chamo­vulpini, laurini, ana ℥j. ol: è lateribus, de terebint: & aq: vitae, ana E ℥ss. petreoli ʒiij. aristolocb: rot: ʒj ss. Cerae, q.s.f. Ʋng. *. To mi­tigate paines in Lues Venerea. Angerius Ferrerius.

℞. Ol: amygd. dul. ℥iiij. ol: chamo. & violacei ana ℥iij. butyri rec: ℥vj adipis gallinae, adipis anatis, ana ℥ij iridis ʒij. Groci ʒ ss. Cerae albae, ℥iij. Let the fats be well washt, in aq: hord: aut Capil­lor. veneris; melt the fats, wax, and oyles together; then add the F ireos, and saffron (in fine powder) & sic f. Vng. *. This asswageth the paines of the sides and breast; stayes the Cough, ripens the matter in the Lungs and Thorax, causing easie expe­ctoration. [Page] [Page] [Page 275] It attenuateth, and digesteth grosse humors. Augu­stanus.

℞. Resinae, ℥iiij ss. terebint: lb ss. mellis, ℥iij. Cerae slauae, ℥v. thuris, masticis, myrrhae, Sarcocollae, aloes, Croci, ana ʒij. Relent what's requisite, and in the cooling, incorporate the powders. Vel ℞. Ol: ros. ℥xij. resinae, ℥xij. Cerae citr. ℥vj. terebint: ℥viij. olibani, ℥iiij. masticis, ℥ij. Croci ʒj. f. Vng. Ʋel. ℞. Resinae, Cerae, ana lb ss. terebinth: ℥iiij. olibani, masticis ana ℥j. myrrhae, Sarcocollae, ana ʒiij ss. ol: masticis, & mellis rosati colati, ana ℥j. far: hord: ℥ij. f. Vng. *. These incarnate. Baker. A

℞. Axung: porc: lbj. ol: terebint; ℥j argenti viui, cum oleo lau­rino mortificati, ℥j. bol: arm: ℥ ss. vitel. ouor. n o: iiij. Let the yolkes of the eggs be rosted very hard, and then beaten well to­gether, with the oyle of turpentine, then add the rest, and beate them altogether vnto compleate incorporation. Ʋel ℞. Bu­tyri rec: ℥iij. Cerae albae, ℥ij. aceti vini albi, lb ss. Sulphuris viui, ℥iij. aq: ros. ℥ij. garyophillor. ʒij. Commixe, and boyle them (the cloues being whole) to the wasting of the vineger, and rosewater, so straine and reserue it. *. Against the Itch, to be vsed by the B fire iij. nights together. Baker.

℞. Lupinor. ℥j. hyperici, centaurij mino. ana M j. aquae, lbj ss. Boyle these to the wasting of lb ss. ℞. Huius decoctionis ℥vj mel­lis ros. ℥viij. myrrhae, ℥ ss. boracis, ʒjss. viridis aeris, Croci, ana ʒ ss. Boyle all these vnto the cōsistence of hony to be applyed with tent pleadgeat, or seton; after the vse thereof a sufficient time. ℞. Vng. praefati ℥ij. terebint: venetae, ℥ ss. ol: lumbricor. ʒij. mercurij praeci­pitati ʒj. Commixe, and apply this vnto perfect digesting and mundifying. *. It's very excellent in all contused wounds; It C helpeth and quickneth naturall heate in the part, appeaseth paine, staieth putrefaction, concocteth and seperateth that which is vnsound. Baker.

℞. Chaemapyt: Succi Saluiae, Succi rutae, ana lb ss. decocti vini cum limatura Cornu Ceruini, lb j ss. ol: chamo. & liliacei, ana lbj. Boyle all these together to the wasting of the wine, then ad Cerae, Sagapeni, opoponacis, bdellij, galbani, ana ℥ij. The gummes that you cannot powder, dissolue in wine, & sie s.a.f. Vng. *. For stif­nesse D of ioynts, and sinewes, gouts, and all aches. Baker.

℞. Myrrhae, & aquae vitae, ana partes aequales. Grinde them [Page 276] together on a marble to a perfect pliable body, and if you will A haue it to assuage paine, add thereto, Succi nicotiane tantillum. * It stayeth the gleeting humor of wounds in the ioynts. Bulthrop.

℞. Seui [...]uini, lbiiij. Seui ceruini, lbij. aluminis rochae, lbj. resina pul. ℥xij. vini albi, lbj. f. Vng. Vel ℞. Seui ouini, lbiij. thuris, lb ss. aluminitrochae, ℥vj. vini albi, lbij. Boyle them till the wine be almost consumed, then add to the strained substance, Cerae albae B ℥iiij. then stirre it till it bee cold. *. To represse the swelling edges and distemperatenesse about wounds. Balthrop.

℞. Mellis, lbij. Succi cochleariae, lbiiij. vitrioli albi, ℥vj. First boyle together the hony and the iuice, then add the other in C powder, & sic f. Vng. *. To mundifie vlcers in the mouth, pro­ceeding of the Scorbute. Balthrop.

℞. Resinae pini, resinae comis: puriss: Colophoniae, terebint: Soui cer­uini, Cerae citri, ana lb ss. ol: comis: ol: Sem: liui, ana ℥xij. vini albi, lbij. Boyle all these together at a milde fire, vnto the wa­sting of the wine, then take it from the fire, and add to it viridis aeris. (in most subtill powder) ℥j. incorporate, straine, and reserue D it, * for to cure old and painefull vlcers. Banester.

℞. Ʋini gypsati, lbij. mellis rosati. lbj. Zacchari candi albiss: lbj. myrrhae, ℥iiij. masticis, ℥ij. Powder what needs, & f. vng. E*. To cure vlcers in the ioynts. Banester.

℞: Ol; vel pingued: lardi, ℥iiij. ol: butyri, vel pingued: cremoris per ignem seperatae, ol: ouor. ana ℥ij. ol: Sambuci ℥j. ss. ol: amygd: dul. ℥ij ss. ol: papaueris, & hyoscyami, ana ℥j. Salis nitri ʒij. F Cerae albae ℥ij, f. vng. *. For wounds with burning. Bane­ster.

℞. Ol: ros. ℥iiij. ol: ouor. ℥ij. ping. palmae, ℥iij. terebint: ℥j ss. ol: myrrhae, ℥j. masticis, ℥j ss. Cerusae, ℥ij ss. picis grecae, siue Colo­phoniae, ℥ij. Cerae citrinae, ℥j. or lesse wax if you see cause. f. vng. G*. To cleanse and heale filthie vlcers. Banester.

℞. Axung: Suillae, lbviij. fol: & Summit: hyoscyami, lbviij. Stampe the hearbes, and incorporate them, keepe them in B.M. ten daies, then boyle them to the wasting of the watry iuice, then add to the strained matter, lbvj. more of fresh hearbes, repeate the H former method, and reserue it. *. Against all painefull inflamma­tions. Banester.

℞. Rad: Cucumeris asinini, been albi, bryoniae, lupinor, ana ℥j. [Page] [Page] [Page 277] Cerusae, lytharg: tartari, ana ʒj. rad: Cannae Serapini, stercoris co­lumbini, ana [...]j. ol: Sesamini, ℥iij. ol: iuniperi, ol: è frumento, ana ℥ij ss. Succi arantior: ℥iiij. Powder and searce what's requisite, and commixe the powder with the oyles, and iuice; boyle them with a gentle fire to the wasting of the iuice, then remoue it from the fire, stirring it constantly with a spatula vntill it be cold; then add thereto Caphurae tritae, ʒj. albuminis oui vnius bene con­quassati & colati, stirre them vnto compleate incorporation. Af­ter that, wash it ten seuerall times in aqua expressionis comar. quando sunt tenerae, still stirring it with a spatula, which done re­serue it as a medicine of singular worth. *. To free the face from A all pustules, spots, and such like deformities. Bayrus.

℞. Vng: albi, ℥iiij. aloes epaticae, ℥j. tutiae praepar. ʒiij. Caphurae, gr. vj. aluminis vsti, ʒj ss. viridis aeris, ʒj. ol: ros. ℥ ss. in mortario plumbeo f. *. Against vlcers about the secret parts. Bened: Victorius. B

℞. Summitat: rubi, n o: 50. rutae, M j. alabastritae, lb ss. Sem: saenic. ℥ ss olei ros. lbj. flo: chamo. ℥iiij. vini albi, lbij. Cerae, ℥j. album: ouor. n o: vj. Crush the whites of the eggs through a new and cleane sponge, till they be as water, so keepe them apart; grinde your alablaster on a marble stone (with rose, or fennell water) till it be as fine as a painters colour. Now to compound them doe thus; Take your hearbes, flowers, and seeds (being all well stamped) and powre vpon them your oyle of roses and wine; boyle them to the wasting of the wine, after straine them cleerely into another faire vessell, and set it on the fire againe, then put in your ground alablaster, and your wax, let it boyle againe, very gently (alwaies stirring it) vntill the moysture be euaporated; Then take it from the fire to coole, but cease not to stir vntill it be vtterly cold, when it's almost cold, incorporate therewith your whites of eggs, and so reserue it, * for wounds, defluxions, and C cataracts in the Eye. Beneuenutus Hierosolymitanus.

℞. Ciner. capill: veneris, ʒj ladani puri. ʒiij. myrrhae, ʒij. pul. abrotani vsti, ʒ ss. ol: Sesamini, & myrtini, ana ℥ij. vini rubri, ℥j. adipis vrsini, & anserini, ana ℥ ss. Cerae, q.s. f. vng. Vel ℞. Ster­coris muris, & ciner. apum, ana partes aequales, ol: ros. q.s. f vng. *. These cause hayre to grow againe, where it's lately fallen off. D D r. Bonham.

℞. Cerati Santalini, ℥ij. ol: nardini, absinth: chamo. ana ℥ss. ol: [Page 278] ros. & mastich: ana ℥j. pul. absinth: & ros. rub: ana ʒij. Cerae, q.s. A f. vnguent. *. Against a stitch in the right side. D r. Bonham.

℞. Ʋng. refrig: Gal: vng: ros. ana ℥j. vng. populeonis, ℥ ss. Su. B bigantur cum oleo Scorp: & f. vng. *. Against paines of the backe, arising from the stone in the kidneyes. D r. Bonham.

℞. Vng: dialthea, ℥ij. emplastrie meliloti, ℥j. ol: de cappar: ℥iij ol. lilior. ℥j ss. ammoniaci, bdellij, Sagapeni, opoponacis, ana ℈ij. C Cerae, q.s. Dissolue the gummes in aceto Syllitico, & f. vng. *. A­gainst paines and stitches of the left side, arising from a tumified spleene. D r. Bonham.

℞. Bol: arm: ℥iiij. terr: sig: ℥ij. Cornu eerui vsti, & rasurae eboris, ana ʒij. Caphurae, ʒiij. Cerae, ℥iij. Cerae, ℥iij ol: ros. lbj. aceti, ℥iiij. D aq: ros. ℥ij. album: ouor. n o: ij. s.a. f. vng. Against bur­ning with lightning. Expertum. D r. Bonham.

℞. Vng. enulati cum mercurio, vng. alb: camphor. Succilimo­num, ana ℥ ss. ol: tartari, ʒiij. arsineci, pul: gr. iij. Caphurae in aq: E ros. & plantag: dissol: gr. iij. f. vng. *. Against Herpes miliare. D r. Bonham.

℞. Ʋng: martiati, & agrippae ana ℥iij. Sagapeni, & opoponacis, in Spt: vini dissol: ana ʒij. ol: chamo. lauerini, arini, castorei, rutae, costini, petroliae nardini, vulpini, ana ℥ij. Spts: castorei, & terebint: F ana ʒiij. Cerae, q.s.f. vng. *. Against the Palsie, to anoint the nuke, the chine, and the parts affected. D r. Bonham.

℞. Flo: genistae, anthos, chamo. ros. pul: ana Pij. fol: absinthij, abrotani, lauri, rutae, hyssopi, meliloti, parthenij, ana M ij. rad: bryoniae, & altheae, ana ℥ij. pullor. hyrundinum cum visceribus contu­sor. n o: vj. lumbricor. & cochlear. terrest: similiter contusar ana lbviij. oleor. vulpinum, genistae, lauri, lumbricor. nympheae, butyri rec: axung: pore: in succo limonior lotae, Seui vituli, & caprini, ana ℥ij. Let the flowers, leaues, and roots, be gathered in their proper seasons, and (being bruised) macerated with the oyles and the fats, vntill the other ingredients may be gotten; then inclose the whole in a fit vessell, and set them to digest in hot horsedung, for xiij. daies space, then powre them out into a large, and fit vessell, and powre vpon them vini maluatici opt: q.s. Then boyle them gently (with stirring vnto the wasting of the wine, then add to the strained substance, galbani ammoniaci, opoponac: (in aceto dissol:) terebint: ana ℥ ss. incorporate the whole on the fire, which [Page] [Page] [Page 279] done, take it from the fire, and incorporate therewith, pul. ireos, ℥j. pul. masticis, myrt: thuris bdellij. Caryoph: ana ʒij. Croci. ℈iiij. ol: Cinamo. ʒj. s a f. vnguentum. *. To ease the paines of the A Gout. D r. Bonham.

℞. Axung: suillae, ℥iiij. Sulphuris vini, ℥j. Salis albi, ℥ ss. tere­bint: lotae, ℥j. album: ouor. duor. butyri rec: ʒj. moschi: gr. iij. f. vng. *. Against scabs, and itch in children. D r. Bonham. B

℞. Ol: petrolei, axung: cerui, taxi, cati siluestris, ana ʒij. at a gentle fire f. vng. *. Against Ringwormes, tettars, &c. But they ought first to be fumed as followeth. Accipe Cinabrij, ʒiij. slyra­cis calamitae, benzoini, ladani, ana ʒj. styracis liquidae, q.s. labour all these into a paste; whereof make cakes of the thicknesse of a shilling, whereout cut trochisces, about three quarters of an inch square, then dry them in an ouen, and after reserue them, to fume the part affected. D r. Bonham.

℞. Axung: porc: lbiij. argenti vini, ol: laeurini, aq: vitae, ana ℥viij. lythargyri argenti, terebint: aq: vitae lotae, ana ℥iiij. thuris, myrrhae, ana ℥ij. veratri nigri, iridis styracis liquid: ana ℥j. petrolei, ℥ ss s.a.f. vng. *. Right profitable in Lues venerea. D. Bon­ham. C

℞. Ol: masticis, nardini, absinth: ana ℥iiij. ol: cydom: ℥ij. absinthij rom: & vulgati, menthae, ros. rub: ana ʒij. Caryoph: nuc: mosch: cy­peridis, maceris, ana ʒj ss. masticis, ʒiij. Powder (subtilly) what is to be powdred, then ad Cerae, ℥iij ss. aceti rosati, aut vinigra­nati, par. ol: lauendulae guttas paucas, s.a.f. vng. stomachale. Vel ℞. Huius vnguenti, ℥j. ol: nardini, mastich & ol: Spicae, ana ℈j. misce. *. These stay vomiting, and comfort and strengthen the D Stomacke. D. Bonham.

℞. Meliloti, plantag: apij, bugulae, prunellae, Iacobeae, crassulae, ma. hederae humilis, nicotianae, chelidoniae ma. ana M ij. olei comis: lbj ss. terebint: lbj ss. resinae, Colophoniae, ana ℥iiij. Seui ouilli, lbiij. Cerae, thuris, ana lb ss. vini albi, lbij. Bruise the hearbes, and boyle them with the wine and oyle, vnto the wasting of the wine, then add vnto the strained lycour, the wax, the Colophonie, and rosin, boyle them together, then add the turpentine, and so s.a.f. vng. *. To heale any wound or vlcer. D. Bonham. E

℞. Ol: oliuar, opt. lbj. hyperici, M ij. maioranae tenuioris, ocymi, menth: romanae, (1. basill mint) ana M j. flo: lauendulae spicae, M j. [Page 280] Balsanitae, minoris, Serpilli, ana M ss. vini maluatici opt: lbss. Stamp all your hearbes well together, and put the whole into a pipkin, and inte on the couer (so as nothing may expire) then place it where it may haue a moderate heate (as the heate of the sunne, in the hottest day) let it so remaine xiiij daies, then straine it from the hearbes, and put into it, nuc: mosch: & maceris pul. ana ℥ ss. Cinamomi pul. ʒj. Cerae, nonae, ℥ij. Boyle altogether vnto the wasting of the watery substance, then reserue it. Vel ℞. Abro­tani, Summitat: rorismar. menthae, balsamitae, maioris, flo: buglossae, rutae, absinthij, becabungae, chamaesyparissi, camo. ana M ij. lauen­dulae, M iij. limacum nigror: lbiiij. batyri maialis lbviij. thuris pul. ℥iiij. Salis nigri, stercoris vaccini, stercoris gallenactor. ana ℥ij. Melt the butter, and put in the snayles and the frankensence, stirring them well together, then bruise your hearbes and put them in, let them boyle well together, with constant stirring, then let them stand xxiiij. houres, then heate them againe, and incorporate A with them the dungs, and salt, then straine and reserue it. *. These mollifie the hardnesse of the Spleene, although it be inueterate. D. Bonham.

℞. Succor, cucurbitae agrestis, interioris Syllae, cyclaminis, ebuli, med: cort: fambuci, tithymalli, chamo. and ℥ j. Succor. violar. rad: cucumeris agrestis, paeoniae, mercurialis, polypodij, laurcolae, fellis tauri, aloes epaeicae, ana ℥iij. diagredij. ℥j ss. ol: oliuar. lbiij. Ce­rae B alba, lbj. s.a.f. vng. *. Against the dropsie. D. Bonham.

℞. Vng: ad pruritum, vng: alb: caphurati, ana ℥ss. Mixe them, and anoint the place affected therewith. Tum ℞. Vng. diapo [...] ­pholig: ʒvj. vng. è plumbo, ʒiij. vng. alb: Camphor: ʒjss Com­mixe these, and spread thereof vpon a linnen cloath, and apply it to the place affected, morning and euening, after the vse of the C former Vnguent. *. Against Ringwormes, or Tettars in the hands or elsewhere. D. Bonham.

℞. Succi plantag. Semperui [...]i, & consolid: mi. ana ℥iiij. sterce­ris onini (dissolued in the foresaid iuices) ℥ij. Seui onini, lbj. Boyle them together (at a gentle fire) vnto due height, then straine and D reserue it. *. Against burnings, or scaldings; with fire, water, lead, tinne, &c. D. Bonham. Sepius expertum.

℞. Terebint: bene lotae, ℥iiij. butyri loti, ℥ij. Salis, ℥j Succilimo­num, E ℥j ss. vitellor, ouor. n o: iij. ol: rosati, ℥j. misce. *. Against scabs in children. Brass.

[Page 281]℞. Flo: chamo: & meliloti ana ℥j. rad: altheae, ℥ij. Sem: cumini, & bacc: lauri, ana ℥ ss. axungiae aprinae, lb ss. Powder finely what's fit and with the grease make an ointment. *. Against Kibes, A Chilblaines, &c. if you commixe herewith piperis guineae pul. ℥j. it will be of great force against cold aches, and tumors. Butcher.

℞. Fellis vaccae, ʒj. fellis vulturis, vel milui, vel galli, ʒ ss. mel­lis rosati colati, ʒij. ossis Sepiae, ʒj. stercoris lacerti, ʒ ss. s.a.f. vng. keepe it in a brasse box. *. This scoureth off the webs of the Eyes. Calmeteus.

℞. Axung: Suillae, lbj. pingued: gallinae, butyri rec: ana ℥j. ol: chamo. & lilior. ana ℥iiij. ol: laurini, & anethini, ana ℥ij. thuris, masticis, myrrhae, ana ℥ ss. argenti viui mortificati, ℥iiij. terebinth: in aq: vitae lotae, ℥iij. resinae pini, ℥iiij. styracis liquidae, ℥ ss. vng. aregonis, & martiati, ana ℥ij. s.a.f. vng. *. To prouoke sweat in B Lues Venerea. Calmeteus.

If you shall add vnto this ointment; gummi bdellij, ammoniaci, galbani, (being first dissolued in white wine, and aqua vitae,) ana ℥j. pingued: anseris, anatis, & medullae cruris vituli, ana ℥ij. then it will be of great efficacie. *. Against Scyrrhous Tumors. And if you commixe therewith the powders of Lytarge, Ceruse, and Minium, ana q.s. *. Then is it right profitable against rotten vl­cers. C Calmeteus.

℞. Rad: enulae, rad: lilior. albor. ana ℥i ss. Summit: absinthij, lupulor. fumariae, Scabiosae, ana M ss. Cicer. lentium, hordei, ana P j. Make a decoction; Take of the strained substance lbjss. ol: ros. ℥ij. ol: mastichiui, & laurini, ana ℥iiij. butyrirec: ℥v. axung: Suillae, Sa­lis expertis, lb ss. Boyle them all to the consumption of the de­coction, then add thuris, masticis, myrrhae, pul. ana ℥j ss. Sarcocol­lae, cerusae, ana ℥j. aluminis, ʒvj. lytharg: ℥j ss. terebint: ℥iij. styra­cis liquid: ʒx. argenti viui, in succo lymonum extincti, ℥iij. (more or lesse, according to the strength of the Patient) incorporate them with all diligence in a marble morter, vntill it attaine a per­fect body. *. This is to be vsed, where there are pustules, with­out D ache neare the bone. Calmeteus

℞. Axung: gallinae, anseris, anatis, ana ℥j. medullae crur. vituli, & bouis, ana ℥j ss. axung: suillae, lbj. argenti viui, in ea axung: extincti, ℥v. vj. vel vij. thuris, masticis, bacc: lauri, ana ℥ij. Sar­cocollae, myrrhae, ana ℥j ss. Cynabrij, ʒij. euphorbij, ℥ ss. resinae pini, [Page 282] ℥ij ss. teribint: l [...]t: in aq: vitae, ℥iij. Sublimati, ʒj ss. ol: lumbricor, amurcae, ol: lilior. chamo. vulpini, ana ℥iij. Labour them to­gether in a marble morter vnto the consistence of an Vnguent; A then incorporate therewith, styracis liquidae, ʒx. *. This is most proper where there are aches in the head, and other parts with­out pustules. Note: that this vng: is not to bee applyed, where there are any foule vlcers, either in the head, or in any other parts. Calmeteus.

℞. Radicum acori, enulae, ireos, ebuli, altheae, hermodactylor. ana ℥j. betonicae, saluiae, Inae arthriticae, ana M j. flor: hyperici, & staechad: ana P j. vini albi opt: lbij. Boyle all these together, s.a. then mixe with the strained substance, axung: suillae, Salis ex­pert, lbj. adipis gallinar. anseris, anatis, medullae cruris vituli, ana ℥j. vng: agrippae, martiati, dialtheae, ana ℥j ss. ol: lumbricor. & vulpini, ana ℥j ss. ol: lilior. chamaemilini, anethini, laurini, masti­chini, ana ℥j ss. thuris, masticis, ana ℥j. myrrhae, ℥ss. baccar. lauri, ℥j ss. euphorbij, ʒij. resinae pini, in oleo lumbricor. liquefactae, ℥iij. terebint: in vino albo lotae, ℥ij. mercurij, in aqua vitae, & Saluiae, loti, exiccati, & axungia extincti, ℥vj. styracis liquidae, ℥ ss. s.a. f. vng. B*. This prouokes sweate in Lues Venerea, and is specially vsefull in extreame aches of the ioynts. Calmeteus.

℞. Axung: suillae, lbj. opoponacis, galbani, Sagapeni, bdellij, dissol: in aq: vitae, ana ℥j. resinae pini liquefactae, ℥iiij. ol: rutae, ℥ij. ol: lumber. spicae, chamo. laurini, ana ℥iij. vng: dialth: ℥v. thuris, masticis, myrrhae, ana ℥j. hermodactyllor. ʒiij. euphorbij, ℥iij. ss. Ci­nabrij, C ʒiij. s.a.f. vng. *. Vsefull in Lues Venerea. Calmeteus.

℞. Terebint: resinae pini, Cerae nouae, ana ℥iiij. ol: ros. lbss. ma­sticis, thuris, gum: elemi, ana ℥ij. Caprisolij, betonicae, ana ℥iij. vini opt: lbx. Let the hearbes be stamped very small, and macerated in the wine xxiiij. houres; then add thereto the wax and the oyle, and boyle them on a milde fire, vntill the whole attaine a greenis [...] colour, then straine, and suffer it to coole, then powre away [...] ramainder of the wine, then reboyle it againe vnto an exq [...] [...] euaporation of the wine. Then straine it againe, and add ther [...] [...] th'other ingredients (being duely prepared) boyle them with gentle fire (with constant stirring) vntill it become a good [...] then take it from the fire, and set it in some coole place, and [...] not to stirre it, till it be throughly cold, then reserue it [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 283] most soueraigne medicine. *. For wounds in the head. Car­pus A

℞. Cort: arundinis, & Spuma nitri, ana ℥ ss. picis liquida, q. s. f. vng. *. To restore hayre in an inueterate Alopecia. It will be B very profitable daily to shaue the place, and to rub it with a lin­nen cloath, and then to anoint it, by which meanes the hayre will grow with more speed. Cleopatra.

℞. Brassicae aridae, q.s. stampe it cum aq: q.s. vnto the forme of an vng: *. To preserue haire from falling. Cleopatra. C

℞. Eupatorij, chamo. betonicae, saluiae, menthae, hederae terr. abrotani, absinthij, nasturtij, maluae, origani, pulegij, auriculae, muris, solani, chamaepyt: vrticae, fol: lauri, ebuli, costi, Serpenta­riae, helenij, rubiae maio: herbae paralysis, rutae, raphani, Sambuci, aristoloch: long: apij, rad: altheae, Ciclaminis, Calendulae, Caulis rub: Calamint: Centaurij minoris, vitis albae, hyperici, ana ℥iij. butyri maialis; lbxij. Cera virgineae, lbj. Se [...]i arietis, ℥xij. adipis gallinar. ℥vj. ping: anseris, ℥iij. olibani, ℥xij. ol: laur. lbviij. s.a.f. vng: *. To strengthen weake sinewes. Clowes. D

℞. Succi Caprifolij, lbiiij. mellis comis: lbij. boyle these toge­ther to the thicknesse of honie, then put to them vitrioli albi pul. ℥iiij. boyle them againe a little, and so reserue them to your vse. This was frequently vsed in Saint Bartholmewes Hospitall (by men of great experience.) *. For a mundificatiue, especially for E soares in the mouth. Clowes.

℞. Gum: arabici, tragacant: in aceto dissol: ℥j. Sarcocollae, ʒij. Sandarachae; hypocistidis, ana ʒj. masticis, thuris, tutiae praep: ana ʒj ss. ol: mastich: ℥iij. Cerae, q.s. f. vng. *. To consolidate. F Clowes.

℞. Ceraecitrinae, lb ss. resinae, ℥ vj. terebint: ℥ ss. ol: ros. lb ss. ma­sticis, olibani, myrrhae, Sarcocollae, ana ℥ ss. aloes, ℥ij. Croci, ʒj. mel­lis G ros. ℥iiij. s.a. f. vng. *. To incarnate. Clowes.

℞. Lapid: calaminaris praeparati, ℥iiij. Cerusae, lotae in aq: ros. ℥j. lythargyri auri loti, ℥ij. ol: ros. lb ss. Seui ouini, ℥ij. terebint: lot: in aq: ros. ℥ij. Caphurae, ʒj. Cerae citrinae, q.s.f. vng. *. To heale. H Clowes.

℞. Antimonij, Cerusae, ana ℥j. plumbi vsti, lytharg: terebint: ana ℥ij. ol: ros. ℥iiij. Cera albae, ℥iij. f. vng. *. To Cicatrize. I Clowes.

[Page 284]℞. [...]oliorum Saluiae, & rutae, ana abj. fol. lauri, chamo: absin­thij. ana lb ss. adipis ouini, lbiij. ol: oliuar, lbiij. vini albi, lbij. Chop the hearbes small, and stampe them in a morter; shred the suet very fine and stampe it with the hearbes vnto an exquisite incorporation, then put it into a faire vessell, and couer it close, let it so stand by the space of x. daies, then put it forth into a brasse pan, and add thereto the wine, then set it ouer a milde fire of coales, and boyle it gently vnto the wasting of the wine, and the parching of the hearbes, then add the oyle and boyle it (with A stirring) vnto due incorporation; then straine and reserue it. *. To assuage paine. Clowes.

B ℞. Salis comis: ℥ ss. Succi Cepar. ℥iiij. misce in vng. *. Against burning with gunpowder; it cooles, dries, and forbids bliste­ring. But it ought not to be applyed, vpon any vnskinned part. Clowes.

℞. Saponis nigri, lbj. mellis comis, lb ss. Salis comis, ℥j. misce, & adhibetur. vt antea. Ʋel ℞. Succi Cepar. ℥ij. ol: lini, ℥j. misce, &c. Vel ℞. Lardi, ℥ij. liquefiat, vt infundatur, in succis betae, verbenae, rutae, & cremoris lactis vaccini, ana q.s. mucilag. Sem: Cydonior. & tragac: ana ℥ ss. f. vng. &c. vt anteà. Ʋel ℞. Axung: porc: lbiiij. lotae in aq: ros. & Solani, ana q.s. ol: lini, lbij. ol: ros. lbj ss. fol: maluar. violar. nympheae, plantag. prunellae, vmbilici veneris, cort: Sambucirec: Semperuini, ana M j. hederae terrest: fol: pomor. Spinosor. ana M iiij. adipis ex Corio calceario decocti, lb ss. Bruise the hearbes, and infuse them together for vj. daies, then boyle them vnto due height, and add to the strai­ned substance. Caphurae in oleo ros. dissol: ℥ ss. Cerae albae, q.s. to C make a soft ointment. *. This heales burnings with gunpow­der, or any other burning or skalding, yea euen where the flesh is destitute of skinne. Clowes.

℞. Ammoniaci, ℥j ss. galbani, ℥j. myrrhae, ℥ ss. opoponarie. ℥iij ss. Sarcocollae, ℥j. terebint: ℥iiij ss. resinae pini, ʒvj. olibani, [...] masticis, ℥ ss. Cerae, ℥x. ol: hypericonis: lb ss. ol: lumbricor. ℥iij [...] D ridis aeris, ℥j. Dissolue the gummes in vineger, & s.a. f. vng. *. T [...] mundifie inueterate vlcers. Clowes.

℞. Vulpem integram interancis exemptis, Saluiae, rorismaer. [...] & bacc: iuniperi, anethi, maioranae, lauendulae, chamo. ana lb ss. [...] the hearbes be finely stampt in a morter of stone, and chop [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 285] fox in peeces, put these together into a vessell of eight gallons, and put to them olei oliuar. lbiiij. ol: pedum vaccinor. lbj. Seui vituli, Sepi damae, adipis auserini adipis taxi, ana lbj ss. aq: mari­nae, & vini cretici ana lbvj. Boyle them together till the wine and water be consumed, and the flesh seperated from the bones, then presse it through a strong canuasse, and reserue it as a preti­ous oyntment. *. Against aches, gouts, &c. Yea it restoreth A limbs and ioynts, which haue beene lamed through the gout. Clowes.

℞. Axung: porci, lbij. ol: laurini, ℥vj. argenti viui extincti cū Suc­co Saluiae, ol: hyperici, irini, chamaemelini, lumbricor. rosacei, & ma­stichini, ana ℥j. theriacae opt: ℥ ss. vng: martiati, & vulpini ana ℥ij. vug: hyrundinariae, ℥j ss. vng: dialth: compos. vng: genistae, ana ℥j. terebint: vonet: ℥j ss. aq: vitae, ℥ij. lytharg: auri, ℥iiij. Cerusae, ℥ ss plumbi vsti, ℥j. masticis, myrrh: olybani, ana ℥ ss. nuc: mosch: maceris, Caryoph: ana ʒvj. mosci odoratiff: ʒ ss. s.a. f. vng. *. Right profitable in Lues Ʋenerea, whether vlcerated or not. B Clowes.

℞. But yri rec: fine sale, lbiij. rubiae tinctor. castorei, Spermatis caeti, tormentillae, ana ℥j. Boyle them in vino odorifero, to the wa­sting of the wine, & s.a. f. vng. potabile. *. It profitably admi­nistred C vnto such as haue fallen from on high, and are inwardly bruised. Cordus.

℞. Mucilag: Sem: psyllij, tragac: gum: arabici, Sem: lini, fae­nugr. adipis gallinae, medullae vituli, butyri recentis loti cum aq: violar. ana ℥j ss. olci violati, ol: amygd: dul: ana ℥j. Cerae albae, q.s. f. vng. pectorale. *. It mitigateth the greefes of the Thorax, ea­seth D the cough. It digesteth, and maturateth, causeth easie ex­pectoration, and resolueth the Pleuritick Apostemes. Cor­dus.

℞. Ladani, in vino austero macerati, & triti, q.s. ol: myrtini 1 q.s. f. vng. To be applyed before bathing. Vel ℞. Ladani 2 partes duas, ol myrt: & vini, ana q.s. adianti, partem vnam f. vng. Ʋel ℞. Baccar. myrti, ladani, ana ℥iij. Cum decocto acatiae, 3 ad Spissitudinem coque, deinde addo ol: nardini, vel myrtini q.s.s.a f. vng. Vel ℞. Baccar. myrti, Sem: apij, Sem: betae, virgul­tor: 4 myrti, ana Sextarium vnum adianti, ladani, ana Sextarium ss. Boyle them together vnto an exact tendernesse of the mate­rials, [Page 286] then add thereto ol: myrtini, Sextar. iij. reboyle to fit thicknesse VelSem: apij callitrichi thuris, ladani, ana Sextantem: nuces inglandes: n o: xv. cort: nucis pineae, lbj. Put them all into a new pot, stop it close with potters clay and set it into an ouen to dry, then beate small th'ingredients, and com­mixe them with adipis vrsini, lbj. for an vnguent; reserue this in A a box of Cypresse, or of holme, or holly wood. *. These apply­ed twice a day, preserue the hayre from falling. The fourth re­ceipt will make the hayre blackish. Crito.

℞. Picis liquidae: ol: ex luteis ouor. ol: ros. ol: myrt: & gum: B iuniperi, ana part aeq: f. vng. *. Against rifts in the fundament. Dioscorides.

℞. Picis liquidae, Succi ranunculi, & chelidonij, ana q.s. f. vng. C*. Against roughnesse of the nayles. Dioscorides.

℞. Chelidoniae, plantag: Scabiosae, vrticae, lenistici, centrum galli, ana M j. ol: oliuar. lbij. beate the hearbes, and macerate them in the oyle vij. daies, then boyle them gently vntill the hearbes wax browne, then expresse the oyle, whereto add Cera, ℥iij. terebinth: ℥vj. resinae, ℥ij. Boyle these vntill they begin to thicken, then take them from the fire, and add thereto (in fine powder) thuris, Sarcocollae, aloes, ans ℥j. aristolochia longae, flo: D aeris, ana ℥yj. incorporate them for an ointment. *. To mundifie all old rotten vlcers. To consume superfluous flesh, and to heale soundly. Dymus.

℞. Ol: Capparar. ℥j ss. ol: lilior. albor: ol chamo. irini, ana ℥ss. ping: gallinae, ʒv. troch: è Cappar. Scolopend: tamaris: ana ℈ij. flo: E melilo: & chamo. ana ʒ ss. Cerae, q.s.f. vng. molle. *. To resolue, and mollifie the hardnesse of the spleene, and to discusse flatuosi­ties. Fauentius.

℞. Ol: amygd: dul. & butyrirec: ana ℥iiij. adipis gallinae, ℥ij. iridis, Croci, ana ʒj Cerae nouae, q.s.f. vng. quod si sit materia [...] gidior. addimus ol: anethi, amygd: amar. Sem. lini, & dialthea, [...] si sit affectus in musculis addimus, terebint: abiect, & lariceum. [...] F laterum doloribus, addimus picem. *. Against straightnesse [...] the breast, the cough. To resolue the pleurisie, and to cause [...] expectoration. Fernelius.

℞. Gemmar. populi rec, lbj. Stampe and macerate them [...] axung: Suillae insulsae, lbiij. Let them stand vntill the other [...] ­gredients [Page] [Page] [Page 287] may be gotten. Tum ℞. Folior, papaueris rubri, mandragorae, hyoscyami, cymar. rubi, gemmar. solani, lactucae, Sem­peruini vtriusque, bardanae, violar. vmbilici veneris, ana ℥iij. Let them all be bruised, and commixed with the former, let them stand to digest x. daies compleate, then powre thereinto aq: ros. rub: lbj. and boyle them with a milde fire vnto the wasting of the lycour; then expresse it, and if you finde it not to be boyled high enough; reboyle it vnto due height, and so reserue it. *. This A contempers the burning heate of Phlegmon, of the raynes and head in burning agues, and being applyed to the temples it pro­cureth rest. Fernelius.

℞. Gallar. immaturar. nucum cupressi, baccar. myrti, balau­stior. malicorij, cort: glandium: acatiae, rhois, masticis, ana ℥j. Let them bee all exquisitely beaten, and macerated (for iiij. dayes space) in Succis, mespilor. & Sorbor, immaturor, ana q.s. after­wards dry them at the fire; Then take ol: rosar. lbj ss. (and wash it often in aq: aluminosa) Cerae albae, ℥iiij. s.a. f. vng. *. This B contracts parts that are relaxed, straightens passages that are superdilated, stoppeth immoderate fluxes in women, forbids praecipitation of the Matrix. Contracts, and confirmes the di­lated Tuell; in ani procidentia, preuents falling downe of the intestines, and stops the vnnecessary flowing of blood to any part. Fernelius.

℞. Cerusae, ℥iiij. lytharg: ℥ij. wash them well with Rosewa­ter, then drayne of the water, labour them together in a morter, gradually adding, ol: ros. so much as they will drinke vp; worke them vnto a perfect body; about the end, add aceti pauxillum, Caphurae, ʒj ss. & sic s. a. f. vnguentum. *. This refrigerates C with light adstriction. It allayeth burnings and inflammations. It assuageth the vexing burning heate of scabs, and all manner of bilious eruptions. Fernelius.

℞. Succi chelidonij ma. & flor. Sulph: ana q.v. Mixe them in forme of an oyntment. *. Against the Morphew. The parts af­fected D are to bee anointed therewith at going to bed, and to bee washt off in the morning with hot water Note; that if the skin haue beene so fowled by former medicines, that it seeme to bee wrinckled, then this medicine will not cure it. M. For­rest.

[Page 288]℞. Plumbi vsti, ℥ij. lytharg: ℥j. Cerusae lotae, aceti, ana ℥ ss. [...] rosar. ℥iij. mellis rosar. ℥j. vitel: ouor. n o: iij. myrrhae, ℥ ss. Cerae, A q.s.s.a.f. vng. *. Auaileable in all inflamed, and excoriated vl­cers, in ambulating and fradulent vlcers, as also against inueterate vlcers, likewise in Gangrenes of the thighes and other parts. Forrestus.

℞. Ol: amygd: dul: & è Cappar, emplastri è meliloto, ana ℥j. ammoniaci in aceto dissol: ʒiij. pul. è cor: rad: Cappar, & Cete­rach: ana ℈ij. pul: Scolopendriae siccae, rad: filicis, ana gra. v. Cerae, q.s.f.vng. Vel ℞. Ol: Capparar. ℥j ss. ol: lilior. albor. chamo. & irini, ana ℥ ss. ping: gallinae ʒv. trochis. de cappar. Scolopend: ta­marisci, B ana ℈ij. flor: meliloti & chamo. ana ʒ ss. Croci, ℈ ss. Cerae, q.s f. vng. molle. *. Against the hardnesse of the Spleene, and to discusse flatuosities. Forrestus.

℞. Pimpinellae, verbenae, betonicae, ana M j. Stampe them, and put to them vini albi, lbij ss. Boyle them together in a tinned vessell, to the wasting of iij. parts, then straine them, and set the strained lycour againe ouer the fire in a glased vessell, and add thereto terebint: bene colatae, ℥vj. resinae, bene colatae, lbj. Cerae no­uae & albae, ℥iiij. these being molten (in the same vessell) add to them masticis, bene pul. ℥j. de lacte lactantium masculum & fami­num: C ana ℥ij. Boyle them (with stirring) to a perfect body. *. It auailes for all wounds, in chiefe of the sinewes. Also for Cankers, Fistulaes, and Saint Anthonies fire. D. Foster.

℞. Cerusae lotae, ℥ij. lytharg: ℥ix. ol: ros. completi, ℥v. Succi Solani, ℥ij ss. Cerae albae, ℥j. thuris, ℥ij ss. Let the Ceruse, oyle, and iuice be well wrought together in a morter, then add the rest, D and s.a. f. vng. *. Against vlcers in the leggs: being thus apply­ed; Take a peece of linnen cloath (which hath beene iij. times wet in Lixiuio forti, and dried againe in the shade) and spread of this oyntment vpon one side thereof, apply the vnspread side to the vlcer, so will it not stick, & yet effect the cure. And if you [...] huius vnguenti, & nifrig: Gal: ana partes aequales, and inco [...] rate them, it defends from inflammations, and drieth mode [...] ly; but it ought to be very new not past ij. daies old, for ot [...] wise it will wax sowre, and hurt. D. Foster.

℞. Ol: ros. lb ss. ol: vitel. ouor. ℥ij: vitri albiss: Subtiliss [...] & puluer: ʒij. Cerae albae, ℥j ss. cort: med: virgular. Sa [...] [Page] [Page] [Page] M j. Boyle, and straine them, & s. a. f. vng. *. Maruellous a­gainst burning with fire. D. Foster.

℞. Sem. Cardamomi, iuniperi, ana ʒ ss. Sulph: viui, ℈ij. argenti viui, ℥ ss. Succi hepaticae, ℥j. vng. ros. ℥j. Mixe and labour them B in a leaden morter iij. houres together, & f. vng. *. Against pockie tettars, and chinks, or chaps, in the hands or feet. D. Foster.

℞. Argenti viui, plumbi tenuiss: laminati, ana ℥j. aquae fortis, ℥iiij. Let these stand close stopt, in a strong glasse or pot, xlviij. houres, vntill the argent: vinum become like ice, and the plumbum white; Then at a gentle fire euaporate away the water, beate the rest into fine powder, and wash it well in plantaine, or rosewater vntill it be sweet, then add thereto, virid: aeris praepar. ℥ ss. Sabi­nae pul. ʒj. antimonij pul. ℥ ss. Caphurae, ʒv. sterc: canis pul. ʒij. emplastri Finichini, ℥ij. seui caprini, & terebint: venetae, ana ℥j. Sanguinis Columbar. Siccati, ʒj ss. Let all these be mixt in a lea­den morter, s.a. & sic f. vng. *. To roote out a Caruncle. Note; C that this vnguent must be applyed vpon a hollow tent made of lawne and paper. Frederick.

℞. Vng: diapompholig: ʒij. nifrig: Galeni, vng: albi Rhafis, ana ʒiij. vng pomati, & populeonis, ana ʒj. opij ℈j. Mixe all these in a leaden morter, with a leaden pestell, vntill it attaine the colour of leade. *. This assuageth the paine and sorenesse, that may happen D by applying corosiues vnto the Caruncle. Frederick.

℞. Vng: popul. ʒij. ol: violacei, ʒiij. Sem: hyoscyami, cort: rad: mandrag: ana ℈ ss. opij. gr. ij. Croci, gr. iij. aceti pur. Cerae albae, q.s.f. vng. pro temporibus. *. To procure rest. Fuchsius. E

℞. Rad: lapathi, ℥ij. adipis suillae, ℥ij. Cerae albae, ℥j. Melt them together, and ad to them argenti vini extincti, & Caphurae, ana par. Succi absinth: mellis ana q.s. s.a.f. vng. Vel ℞. Succi arantior. n o: vij. Succi Solatri aquae nenupharis, aq: limacum, ana ʒij. Cerae albae, ℥ ss. ping: gallinae, & arietis, ana ℥j ss. rad: vesicariae viridium ʒij. f. vng. VelVng: pomati ℥j. ol. Sulph: q.s. To make it sowre. F f. vng: *. Against rednesse, spots, and blemishes of the face. Fumanellus.

℞. Sulphuris viui, lb ss. Salis tandundem, axung: porc: lbij. olci laurini lb ss. Commixe them in a morter, & sic f. vng. *. A­gainst Scabs. Fumanellus.

[Page]℞. Lytharg: auripigmenti, argenti viui, tartari, masticis, olyba­ni, Sulphuris viui,, ana ℥ ss. axung: porc: vet: ℥vj. ol: laurini, ℥ij. A aceti par. Commixe in a morter, & s. a f. vng. *. Of great force against scabs caused of salt flegme. Fumanellus.

℞. Terebint: in aq: ros. lotae, ʒiij. ol: ros. ℥iiij. Succi arantior. q.s. vitel. ouor. n o: iij. s.a. f. vng. Ʋel ℞. Butyri recent: ʒvj. aluminis rochae, Salis comis: ana ʒij. Succi lapathi acuti, Succi fu­mariae, ana ℥ ss. vitel: ouor. n o: iij. pul. iridis, ʒiij. styracis liquidae, B ʒvj. f. vng. *. To kill scabs in children without perill. Fuma­nellus.

℞. Lytharg: aluminis, argenti viui extincti, ana ʒ ss. rosar. Ce­rusae, Sabinae, Cadiniae, ʒj. Cineris lentisci, Calamenthae, ana ʒ ss. Cum succo menthae except: ad tertias oleo incoquantur rosaceo, ad. C dita Cera. Against any scab, tettar, or ringworme. Fuma­nellus.

℞. Terebint: lot: ℥j. vitel: oui vnius ol: lini, ℥ ss. f. vng. Vel ℞. Butyriloti, ℥ij. terebint: lot: ℥iij. vitellor ouor. ℥j. ol: ros. ℥j. f. vng. Vel ℞: Butyrirec: in aq: fumariae loti, terebint: lot: Salis comis: ana ℥iij. vitel: ouor. n o: ij. Succi arantior. q.s.f. Vng. D*. Against scabs in children. Fumanellus.

℞. Ʋng: ex lythargyro, vng. Cerusae, ana ʒj. misce. Ʋel ℞. Axung: arietinae, amyli, lythargyri, olei ana q. f. misce. Ʋel ℞. Tuthiae, Cerusae, lytharg: ana ʒ ss. arsenici Sublimati, gr: iij. minij, aluminis, ana ℈ ss. aquar. ros. plantag: portulacae, ana q.s. albumen oui vnius, s. mixtura. Vel ℞. Tragacant: ℈j. farinae E amyli, ℥ ss. Succi plantag. ʒij. Cum syrupo rosato f. mixtura. *. A­gainst chaps in the hands. Fumanellus.

℞. Ol: comis: ℥iiij thuris albi, Cerae mundae, ana ℥j. Succi fo­liore Sambuci, ℥iij. vini albi odorati, ℥iiij. in vino, oleo, & Succo, Coquatur pomum vnum, then add the rest, so boyle and straine F it. Vel Rad: lapathi acuti, & axung: porc: ana q.s.s.a.f. Vng. *. Against swelling of the hands through cold, being also chapt. Fumanellus.

℞. Ping. arietis, Colophoniae, ana ʒij. terebint: Cymini, ana G ʒj. f. vng. *. Against rugged, and deformed nayles. Fumanel­lus.

℞. Ol: mastichini, emphacini, ana ℥ij. Cinamomi, ʒj. Cerusa lotae, plumbi vsti, ana ʒ ss. tuthiae praep: ʒvj. Cerae albae, refinae lotae [Page] [Page] [Page 291] Cum vino, ana ℥j. f. vng. *. Against cleauing or tearing of the A skinne of the fingers neare vnto the white of the nayle. Fuma­nellus.

℞. Cerae nouae, cumini, costi, ana q.s.s.a.f. vng. VelPing. anatis, & vrsi, euphorbij triti, ana q.s.f. vng. *. To helpe a brui­sed B nayle. Fumanellus.

℞. Rad: vitis, stercoris ouini, & Caprini, ana partem vnam, lactis ficuum, v [...]llactis tithymalli, q s.f. vng. Vel ℞. Faecis olei, aluminis Zacharini, ana ℥j. viridis aeris, ℥ij. picis naualis, ℥ ss. s.a. f. vng. Vel ℞. Aeruginis, auripigmenti, dactylor. calcis viuae, Spumae maris, tartari, vitrioli, stercoris columbini, farinae Siligi­nis, & nigellae, ana partes aequales, fellis taurini, q.s.f. vng. Ʋel ℞. Cort: salicis ambust: & cum aceto misce. Vel ℞. Stercoris Canini, & cum Cera q s.f. vng. *. Against warts on the hands. C Fumanellus.

℞. Atramenti Sutorij, faenugr. molliti, Cardamomi, ana ʒij. melanthij, fol: Caprifici, ana ʒj ss. aceti acerrimi, q.s.f. vng. *. To kill the inueterate ringworme called Mentagra. Gale­nus. D

℞. Faenugr. Sextarios iiij. Sem: lini, Sextarios ij. ladani bessem: Succi acaciae, folij malabathri, ana Sexuncem, gallar. n o: xx. onychis aromatici, Sextantem, Calami Siriaci Sextantem & ℥ ss. bdellij Sextantem, myrrhae vstae Sextarium vnum, musci quem alij bryoniae aromaticae vocant quadrantem, iridis astragalitidis, alij Illiricae Sextantem. Beate them apart, then searce and commixe them, with some appropriate oyle. *. To cause the beard to E grow speedily. Galenus.

℞. Erinacei terrestis, Caput aut Corium vstum, Cum melle q.s.f. vng. *. To cause hayre to grow in an inueterate Alopecia. F Galenus Ʋel ℞. Cineris arundinis vstae pilor. vrsi, adianti, adipis vrsini, picis liquidae, pilor. Caprar. vst: Cedriae, ana partes equales, s.a.f. vng. Eiusdem.

℞. Adipis taurinae insolatae, lbj. adarces, ℥j. Succi thaspiae, ℥jss. myrrhae, ℥j. polytrichi, callitrichi, ana lb ss. membria asinini, Splenis asini, ladani, ana lbj. Macerate the ladanum in a little wine & melt the fat by the heate or vapour of water; Dry in an ouen (or other fit meanes) the membrum asini, vntill it be sit to be powdred; torri­fie in a new earthen pot the Splenem, with the Collitrichum, and [Page 292] Polytrichum. Powder what is to be powdred, and searce it, and with the other ingredients, and with gleucinum, aut Sabinum, A s.a.f. vng. *. Against baldnesse: Let the head be well combed and rub'd, and then anointed, before the vse of a bath. Ga­lenus.

℞. Muscerdae, & thuris, ana ʒij. Dissolue them in aceto acer­rimo: & f. vng. Vel ʒ. Erinaceor. marinor. vna cum testis exustor. gallar. immaturar, amygdal: amarar. vstar. ana ʒij. mus­cerdae, ʒj. Dissolue them in aceto acido, and grinde them toge­ther to the forme of an vnguent. Vel ℞. Cineris ranar. mini­mar. in olla vstar. partem vnam muscerdae, veratri albi, rad: arun­dinis vstar. & piperis albi, ana partes aequales. Cum aceto acerrimo B s.a. f. vng. *. To restore hayre in an inueterate Alopecia. Note; that the place ought first to be shauen and well rub'd. Ga­lenus.

℞. Picis nigrae, resinae, Cerae, adipis vaccini, ana ʒij. f. vng. C*. This heateth, moystneth, assuageth paine, and procures mat­ter Galenus.

℞. Olci lbij. aceti, lbj ss. lytharg: virid, aeris, ana ℥j. Boyle the lytarge with the vineger and oyle, vntill it wax thick, then put in the verdigreace (in powder) and boyle it vnto a due height, and a laudable colour, let it be constantly stirred in the boyling. D*. Against maligne vlcers of hard curation. Galenus.

℞. Mellis, ℥iij. aceti, ℥ij. vitrioli vsti, ʒj. tutiae praepar. ly­tharg: plumbi vsti, ana ʒj ss. Boyle the hony and vineger toge­ther, E and mixe the rest with them, in a morter of lead. *. Against the Haemorrihoides, in case they may be staid. Galenus.

℞. Lapid: calaminaris, terrae sig: lytharg: auri minij, ana ℥iiij. Cerae, ℥v. caphurae, ʒj. ol: ros. & violar, ana ℥v. ol: nympheae, ℥j. F olibani, masticis, ana ℥j. & f. vng. desiccatiuum. *. Galenus.

℞. Succi herba peti, (quem etiam nicotiam & piperinam ve­cant) lbj. Cerae nouae, picis resinae, ol: comis: ana ℥iiij. Boyle them altogether to the wasting of the iuice, then ad terebint: venet: ℥iij. boyle them vnto due incorporation, then straine and reserue G it. *. It vndoubtedly cures both wounds and vlcers. A quo­dam Gallo.

℞. Saponis albi & puri minutim incisi, ℥iij ss. aq: fumiterrae, ℥vj. bulliant simul: ebullitione vna facta, adde ol: de euphorbio, & [Page] [Page] [Page 293] hypericonis, ana ℥ ss. ol: vermium terrest: ℥j. Let them boyle to the consumption of the water, then add (in powder,) masticis, thuris, ana ʒiij. Sulphuris vini, euphorbij, pyrethri, ana ʒij ss. misce, & f. vng. *. Which is is of great force, to asswage paine A in the ioints. D r. Geron.

℞. Ol: comis: sepi arietiri, ana lbj. picis naualis, lb ss. picis grae­cae, ℥iij. Cerae (in aestate) ℥ij. (Sed in hieme) ℥j. masticis, olibani, galbani, ammoniaci, Serapini, opoponacis, terebint: ana ℥ ss. Melt the liquid things in the oyle, and add the rest finely powdred, stirring them well together on the fire; and when the restare sufficiently decocted, add the turpentine, then incorporate, straine, and reserue it. *. It cleanseth wounds from putrefaction, and be­getteth B good flesh. Gilbertus.

℞. Lytharg: auri, ℥iiij. ol: comis: opt: ℥xx. aceti albi distillati, ℥xij. Make the lytarge into fine powder, and put to it iij. or iiij. spoonefulls of the oyle, worke them together vntill it wax thick, then put thereto some vineger (but lesse then you did of the oyle) and labour them well together. Againe, put to more oyle, and after that againe some vineger; so continuing by course, mingling and working them, till all be perfectly mixed: which to doe well, will aske a whole daies labour; being well done, it will be very white, thicke, and in good forme; and it's cald vng: nutritum. *. Being, good against all inflammations, excoriations, C and itchings. Note; that a portion of this may be brought to the forme of a playster, by continuall boyling and stirring of it (at a soft fire) to a black and perfect consistence, which for his shining colour, I call Emplastrum lucidum. Goodrus.

℞. Mellis, lbj. aceti opt: ℥vj virid: aeris, ℥j. aluminis, ʒv. f. vng. aegiptiacum. Vel ℞. Mellis lbij. aceti fortis, lbj. virid: aeris, ℥iiij. aluminis, ℥iij. Boyle all together till it attaine a red colour; but note that you must grinde your verdigreace, and allome vnto very fine powder, and mixing all together, boyle it to the forme of an vnguent. *. It mundifieth, vlcers, and fistulaes, and abateth D spongy flesh. Guydo.

℞. Cicutae, Miiij. ammoniaci Semilibram. Infuse them in aceto acerrimo, by the space of viij. daies, then boyle them gently, vnto the dissoluing of the ammoniacum, then expresse them through a strong linnen cloath, boyle the expressed matter [Page 294] fiue times, then add Cerae & ol: amygd: dul. ana q.s. s.a.f. vug. A*. Against the drynesse, and hardnesse of the Spleene. Heuri­us.

B ℞. Vng: pomati, ℥j. ol: Sulphuris, q.s. to make it sowre, Suc­ci limonum par. Commixe and apply it cold. *. Against rednesse, spots, and blemishes of the face. D r. Hood.

℞. Succi plantag: Semperuiui, consol: mi. ana ℥iiij. stercoris ouini, ℥iij. Seui ouini, lbj. Dissolue the dung in the iuices, and at the fire, s.a. boyle them to due height, then straine and reserue it. C*. Against burning or scalding by fire, water, tinne, lead, &c. T. H.

℞. Ophioglossi, as much as a peck will containe, meliloti, vale­rianae, ana M j. Solidaginis Saracenicae, M ss. Saniculae prunellae, virgae aureae, iacobeae, ana M ss. Stampe them in a stone morter, and powre on them ol: oliuar. lbvj. so let it stand all night; in the morning boyle it gently vntill it haue an excellent greene co­lour; then add to the strained oyle, Cerae lbj. Seui Ceruini lb ss. masticis, ℥j. olibani. ℥j. (being finely powdred) In the cooling, D put in terebinth: ℥iiij. & sic f. vng. *. Which is an excellent con­solidatiue. Iarret.

℞. Ol: antiquiss: lbj. Succi narcissi, Succi Syderitis, ana ʒiij. flor. hyperici, ℥iiij. gum: clemi, ℥v. masticis, drac: aloes ana ℥ij. blattae, bizantiae, ℥ ss. Boyle the oyle alone by it selfe a prettie space, then ad the iuices, boyle them together vpon a very soft fire vnto the wasting of the iuices, then put the flowers of hyperi­con into a glasse vessell, and poure the oyle thereinto, then shut it close, and expose it to the sunne for x. daies; the eleuenth day ad to the strained oyle, the powders and the gumme, and commixe E them well together; re-expose it to the sunne for xx. daies, and after reserue it for vse. This applyed s.a. * safely and speedily heales both wounds and vlcers. Innominatus.

℞. Flor. genistae gallonum vnum, lymacum nigror. lbj. ol: vul­pini, lbj ss. Scowre the snayles well with bay salt, then put the snayles and the flowers together into a new earthen pot, and binde a parchment close about the mouth of the pot: let it so stand for iij. or iiij. dayes, then shift the ingredients, into another new pot, powre in the oyle and lute on the couer, then put the pot in­to an ouen with a batch of houshold bread, and let it there re­maine, [Page] [Page] [Page 295] vntill the ouen be well neare cold, then take it forth and straine it, and reserue it for vse Vel ℞. Mellis puri lbj. lima­cum nigror. cum Sale bene expurgator. lbj. flor. genistae Congium vnum, Stampe the snayles with the flowers, then incorporate the honie with them both; let them stand to macerate ten daies, then inclose, bake, straine, and reserue as before. *. These mar­uelously A assuage the paines of the Gout. Innominatus. Note; that the time to make these is in the moneth of May.

℞. Lytharg: ℥ij. Cerusa, ℥ ss. aceti, ℥j. ol: ros. q s. lento igne, f. vng. *. It heales vlcers, and excoriations of the skinne chancing B by meanes of the scortching heate of the sunne; or of iournying on horsebacke, or on foot, by rubbing or chasing the skinne, or by the venereall act. Ioubertus.

℞. Fol: nicotianae, lbij. axung: porc: recent: vel diligenter lotae, lbj. Bruise the hearbe, and steepe it one night in vino rubro, in the morning boyle it with the axungia to the wasting of the wine; then straine them and put to them Succi nicotianae, lb ss. resinae abietinae, ℥iiij. Boyle them to the wasting of the iuice, put­ting to in the end, rad: aristoloch: rot: pul. ℥ij. Cerae nouae, q.s.f. vng. *. Against vlcers, scabs, and scrofulaes. Ioubertus. C

℞. Cineris de foco albiss: per Cetam excreti, lbj. limaturae de ferro, ℥vj. lytharg. auri, ℥iiij. terebint: ℥iij. Boyle them s.a. in an iron vessell vnto the forme of an vnguent. *. To bee applyed D vpon a linnen cloath, in advocation of the law. A quodam Italo.

℞. Vng: ros. mesui, ℥ij. vng: populeonis, ℥j ss. vitel: oui vnius, opij, ʒ ss. misce. *. Against the Haemorrhoides. Keeble. E

℞. Flo: genistae, lbvj. Chamo. melilo. absint, ebuli, aparines, ligustici, Coronopi, ruelli, ana M ij. butyri rec: lbj. Beate them all well together, then add thereto ol: oliuar. lbij. set them to pu­trifie for vj. weekes, then add to them vini albi, lbij Cerae citrinae, ℥xij. s.a.f. vng. I found it described without vse: But the in­gredients manifest it to bee profitable * against the Gout. F Keeble.

℞. Cerae, resinae, ana ℥iiij. terebint: ℥ij. ol: comis: lb ss. mel­lis, ℥iij. vitellor. ouor. n o: iiij. s.a. f. vng. *. To incarnate. G Keeble.

℞. Ʋng: populeonis, & ros. ana ℥j ss. in aq: rosaceo, & plantag: [Page 296] lotae, ol: ros. ℥iiij. Cerusae, ʒij. Cerae albae, q.s. terrae sig: ʒj ss. A Caphurae, ℈ij. opij, ℈j. s. a. f. vng. *. To heale inflammations. Keeble.

℞. Fol: hederae terrestris, M iiij. fol: plantag: & lychindis, ana M j. pimpinellae, M ss. Bruise all these together grosly, and let them stand viij. daies; then add to them stercoris anserini, & Cerae, ana q s. Boyle them together till the hearbes haue almost B lost their colour, then straine and reserue it. *. To heale burnings. Keeble.

℞. Ol: Chamo. aneti, rutacei, meliloti, ana ℥j. ol: laurini, ℥ ss. aq: vitae: ℥ij. ol: nardini, ʒvj. Cerae citr. ℥iiij. vng: martiati, ℥vj. C Melt all these together, then straine and reserue them. *. Against cold aches. Keeble.

℞. Butyri rec: ix. times washed in vino albo odorifero, ℥j. tutiae praeparatae & pul: ʒj ss. Caphurae tritaturae, ℈j. antimonij, D ℈ ss. In a leaden morter s.a. f. vng. *. Being generally good a­gainst all euills of the Eyes. The vse is to put a little thereof into the eyes, when the Patient goeth to bed. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Saluiae mense maio collectae, ebuli, & menthae odoratiss: ana M j. Being small chopt, boyle them in vini albi, lbiiij. vnto the halfe, then add to the strained lycour, ol: oliuar. lbij. Cerae, ℥iij ss. E and boyle them to the forme of an vnguent. *. Against Aches. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Mellis, lbij. vitrioli albi, ℥iiij. Succi Caprifolij, lbiiij. First boyle together the hony and iuice, then add the other, and boyle F them to the forme of an vnguent. *. To mundifie fistulaes and foule vlcers about the ioynts. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Butyri maialis, ℥iiij. ol: oliuar. ℥ij. Cerae, ℥j. Seui Ceruini, ℥ ss. These being all molten together, forwith insperse into it G(in most fine powder) lapidis calaminaris, ℥vj. s.a. f. vng. *. To incarnate vlcers after due mundification. Ex Manuscrip­to.

℞. Ol: myrtillor. ℥iij. ol: ros. ℥ij. pul. fol. myrti, ʒij. Sulph: H vini, lytharg: vtriusque ana ʒij. s.a. f. vng. *. Against the fowle scab of the head. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Lytharg: Cerusae, Cadmiae, fuliginis, gallar. antiquar. perfo­ratar. I amurcae, Cerae, & aceti, ana q.s. s.a. f. vng. *. Against wormes in childrens heads. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 297]℞. Axung: Suillae, ℥iiij ss ol: laurini, ℥ ss. mercurij extincti [...] terebint: ℥j. Cerae, ℥j ss. f. vng. *. Against force in Lues Venerea. A Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Adipis Caponis, ℥j. Sulph: & Cinamo. ana ℥ ss. Ca­phurae, ʒij. Let each be very finely beaten, and then mixt. *. A­gainst B rednesse and pustules of the face. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Alaminis, vitrioli, ana ℥j. mellis albi, ℥iiij misceantur. *. A­gainst C putrefaction of the gummes, and rottennesse of the teeth. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Lap: calaminaris, tutiae praep: ana ʒj ss. Powder them fine­ly, and add alb: ouer. n o. ij aq: ros. ℥ij. misceantur, s.a. expresse them through a thin cloath, and add to them, vng: ros. ℥j. at the fire (with constant stirring) f. vng. *. Against defluxions into the D Eyes. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Bdellij, ʒvj. euphorbij, castorei, ana ʒiij. Sagapeni, ℥ ss. ol: Sambucini, ʒx. Cerae, q.s. Dissolue the gummes in Succorutae, & s.a.f. vng. *. Against the Palsy. Ex Manuscripto. E

℞. Ol: ros. Cerae citrinae, ana ℥iiij. Croci, ℥ ss. opij, ʒij. vitel: ouer. n o: ij f. vng. *. To asswage paine in the Gout. Ex Ma­nuscripto. F

℞. Aeruginis, ℥ ss. omphacij, ℥iij. s.a. f. vng. Vel ℞. San­darachae, vel auripigmenti, & chalcytidis praep: ana ʒij. mellis, q. s. f. vng. If you desire it stronger; then add omphacium; if milder, then enlarge the proportion of honie. *. Against the disease of G the Nostrills called Polypus. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Hyrundinum n o: vj. flo: genistae, rorismarini, ros. palidar. flo. chamo. absinth. Saluiae, abrotani, lauri, rutae, hissopi, meliloti, ana M ij. rad: ireos, ℥j. rad: altheae, ℥ij. lumbricor. terrest: & Cochlear. ana congium vnum Caryophyll: ʒj. Croci, ℈ij. terebint: ʒ [...]j. Cerae ℥j. ol: laurini, & lumbricor. ana ℥ij. cinamo. ʒj. vulpini, genistae, ana ℥ij anethini, nympheae, ana ℥ij. butyri rec: ℥ij. axungiae porc: lotae in Succo limonum, ℥ij. Seui vetulini, & Caprini, ana ℥ij. Commixe them all according to art, and put them into a fit ves­sell (close stopt) and set them in hot horsedung, by the space of xiiij. dayes. Then boyle and straine them, and set the strained matter ouer the fire againe, adding thereto myrrhae, masticis, thuris, pul. ana ℈ij. ammoniaci, galbani, opoponacis, bdellij, in vino albo odorifero dissolut: ana ℈ij. s.a. f. vng. *. Against the Gout: H [Page 298] Sepius experium. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Tereb [...]t: venet: in aq: sumariae letae, ℥j ss. butyri ita l [...]ti, ʒvj. Zinzib: ʒj. Salis, ʒ ss. Succilimonum, vel aurantior. acidor. aut aceti aterrimi, ʒij. vitel: oui vnius, ol: ros. ℥ ss, mercurij extincti, ʒiij. Sulph. ʒij. f. vng. Ʋel ℞. Butyri rec: ℥ij. Sulph: vini, ʒiij. lytharg: argenti, ʒvj. ol: violacei, ℥ ss. Succi limonum, vel au­rantior. acidor. q.s. In a leaden morter s.a. f. vng. Vel ℞. Sulph: viui ʒvj. lytharg: ʒiij. oleibutyri, Succi as aforesaid, f. vng. Vel ℞. Lytharg: argenti, ʒiij. Cerusae, ʒj ss. Sulph: vini, ʒj. aceti acerr: & aq: ros. ana ʒij. ol: ros. & violacei, ana ℥j. f. vng. Ʋel ℞. Lytharg: arg: ʒiij. ol: violacei, ℥j. Sulphur: vini, ʒvj. aceti acerr. q.s. f. vng. Vel ℞. Albuminum onor. optimè conquassa­tor. n o: [...]ij. Cadmiae botridis praep: ℥ ss. ol: ros. q.s. f. vng. Vel ℞. Terebint: lotae, in Succo vel aq: fumariae, ℥ ss. butyrietiam loti, ʒij. Oesypi, ʒj ss. Sulph: vini, ℈ij. Zinzib: Salis nitri, ana ʒ ss. Caphurae, gra: xv. ol: violacei, ʒiij. lytharg: ʒj ss. s.a. f. vng. Vel ℞. Terebint: lot: ʒiij. butyri, & ol: violacei, ana ʒij. Mixe and wash them well in Succo fumariae, then ad to them, lytharg: ʒj. nitri, & Sulph: ana ʒ ss. Caphura, gr. vj. f. vng. Ʋel ℞. Gra­nor. parad: Caryoph: Zinz: albi, Subtiliss: tritor. ana ʒij. Sulph: viui, ʒvj. axungiae porc: ℥ij ol: lauendulae, ℈j. moschi, gra. iiij. A s.a. f. vng. *. These destroy Tettars, Ring-wormes, Scabs, Itch, &c. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ol. lilior: chamo. Capparar. & Sper: Coeti, ana ℥ ss. Croci, B ʒ ss. f. vng. *. Against hardnesse of the Spleene. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Ros. rub: ℥j. flo: chamo. & meliloti, ana M ss. far. fab: pa­rum, C vng: ros. ℥iiij. Beate the flowers, & s.a.f. vng. *. Against swelling of the Testicles. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Lardi porc: veteris, assetur. & pinguedo cadens in vasculo in q o: sit aq: plantag: cum ea aqua multum lauetur. Take hereof lbj. ol: mastichini, rosar. violar. ana ℥ij. lap: calaminaris, olibani ana D ℥iiij. s.a.f. vng. *. Excellent to cure wounds. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Ciner. hyrundinum, ℥j. Costi, & stryracis liq: ana ℥ ss. San­guinis E Suillae, q.s.f. vng. *. Against Lice, nits, wall lice, and fleas. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ol: amygd: amar. ℥j. Succi fol: perfici, & matricariae, ana [...] [Page] [Page] [Page 329] monij, aena ʒj. vng. ros. ℥ ss. f. vng. *. Against scurse, scabs, and vl­cers A of the Eyelids. Rondelitius.

℞. Cort: thuris, masticis, Sarcocollae, ana ʒij. tragacant: & gum: arabici torrefact: ana ʒj. tutiae praep: antimonij, ana ʒ ss. Sang drac: acaciae, amurca inspissatae, ana ʒij. f. vng. *. It stayes the B Lachrymall flux being applyed to the corners, and lids of the Eyes. Rondeletius.

℞. Ol: iuniperi, ℥ij. ol: nucum, ℥j. tartari albi, ℥ ss. vitrioli, Sulphuris, & Salis comis: ana ʒiij. terebinth: lotae cum Succo ly­monum, ℥ij. lytharg: ℥j. ss. argenti vini extincti, ℥ij. Sublimati aeris, ʒij. f. vng. *. Against an inueterate and stubborne Psora; the C wilde mange, &c. Rondeletius.

℞. Ol: lilior. lbj. pingued: anatis, ℥iiij. ol: ros. ℥j. Wash them well, cum aq: rosar. & lilior. Then take album: ouor. n o: iiij. prepare them in the shells, and in a heate of embers, make them stiffe; Then mixe them in a morter with the former ingredients; Then add thereto (being stampt very fine) amygd: dul. & amar. excorticatar. ana ℥j. rad: arundinis, ʒij ss. Sarcocollae, Sem: melo­num mund: lytharg: auri, Sacchari, medullae anisi, Cretae, ana ʒj. Labour the whole in a morter vnto the forme of an vng. *. To D take away the spots and prints of the small pocks. Rondele­tius.

℞. Succi apij. betonicae, Sanamundae, osmundae, Summitat: rubi, plantag: ana q. v mellis, q s. resinae, Cerae, olibani, Sang: drac: & ros. ana part: ss. f. vng. *. It makes a firme foundation of flesh in hea­ling. E Rosa Anglicana.

℞. Lactis tithymalli, partes duas, axung: veteris, partem terti­am. First, melt the fat, then commixe with it the milk, and boyle them to the third part; and being taken from the fire, add thereto (in fine powder) myrrhae, subt: pul. a proportionable quantitie, & sic. f. vng. *. Preualent in the cure of a fistula. Rosa F Anglicana.

℞. Axung: porc: & Sulphuris ana ℥ ss. aquar. portulacae, & Sem­peruiui ana q.s. Croci, ʒj. Commixe them at a gentle fire, s.a & sic f.vng. *. Against rednesse of the face; to be applyed morning G and euening. Rulandus.

℞. Lyntharg: ℥iij. ʒvj. vng. populeonis, Cerusae lotae, infrigidan­tis, galeni ana ℥ ss. ol: ros. completi, ℥j. ʒij. incorporate them in a [Page 330] A morter. *. Against an Erysipolas. Rulandus.

B ℞. Ʋng. dialtheae, ℥ij. ol: amygd: dul. ℥ ss. misce. *. It profits in a pleurisie by anointing the place once in iij. howres, helps bruises, &c. Rulandus.

℞. Pul. troch: è Carabe, ℥j. adipis hircini, ℥ ss. Succi vel pal. C rad: consolidae, ʒj. Cerae, q.s. ol: myrtini par. f. vng. *. Against the Haemorrhoids. Rulandus. he anointed the spine of the back, from the middest thereof, euen downe to the Tuell, as also ap­plyed the same vnto the Haemorrhoids.

℞. Pingued: taxi, & vulpis, ana ℥iij. ol: mastich: ℥ij. ol: Spicae, D ℥ ss. aceti, ʒij. Mixe them at the fire for an vnguent. *. It profi­teth in the Sciatica, in contracted sinewes, in the greefe of the raines, arising, from the stone, in aches and paines of the armes, &c. Rulandus.

℞. Ol: ros. ℥iiij. opij, ʒj. Sem: iusquiami, papaueris albi, ana ʒij. cort: mandrag. Sem: apij, ana ʒj. aceti, ʒij. s. a. f. vng. E*. Against the painefull gout of the feet, to be applyed hot. Ru­landus.

℞. Pingued: vulpis, ℥iiij. pingued: taxi, ℥ij. masticis, ʒiij. euphorbij, & piperis vtriusque ana ʒij vini opt: lbj ss. Boyle them to the wasting of the wine, and so make an vnguent. Rulandus. Th'author applyed it (with good successe) madefying triplicated linnen cloathes therein, and applyed them hot, renewing it each F iij houres, * in contracted hands.

℞. Ol: ros. & Chamo. ana ℥iiij. butyri rec: ℥v. Boyle them a G little space. Rulandus, applyed it as before, * in a contraction of the neck.

℞. Ol: Cydonior. myrtillor. rosar. anethi, ana ℥j. troch: è Spo­dio, ℥j ss. bol: arm: Sem: myrtillor. ana ʒj. masticis, ʒ ss. Cerae, q.s. H f. vng. molle. *. Against a diurnall diarrhaea, to anoint the belly therewith. Rulandus.

℞. Herbae Serpentariae, plantag. vitis albi, Saniculae, agni casti, tabaci, ana M j. axung: porc. lbj. ol: comis. lb ss. vini albi lbj. Stampe the hearbes and the fat together, and boyle the whole to the wasting of the wine, then add to the strained substance, Cerae, I lb ss. resinae, & terebint, ana ℥iiij. f. vng. *. Sanatinum. D r. Smith.

℞. Lytharg: ℥vj. thuris, Oesypi, axung: porc: rec: butyri rec: [Page] [Page] [Page 331] Cerae, ana ℥ij. ol: ros. ℥iiij. Beate the lytarge with the iuice of garden succorie, and then incorporate it with the rest, being mol­ten together. *. It's maruellous effectuall, against the Canker, A and other maladies in the fundament. Textor.

℞. Croci, Succi papaueris albi, thuris, ana ʒj. lytharg: plumbi, combusti & loti, ana ʒij. plumbi albi praep: ℥ ss. Cerae alba, ℥ij. pin­gued: anseris, butyri rec: ana ℥iij. ol. ros. opt: ℥iiij. Beate the dry things Cum Succo Solatri, then melt the rest, and incorporate the whole for an vnguent. *. For vlcers in the breast. Tex­tor. B

℞. Centaurij mino: linguae canis, lanceolatae pilossellae, Consoli­dae ma. & mino. ana M j. vermium terrestrium, lb ss. ol: comis: lbj. picis nigrae, resinae, ana ℥iij. ammoniaci, galbani, opoponacis in acete dissolut: ana ʒv. Boyle them altogether, at a temperate fire, vnto the wasting of the vineger, then straine them, and in the cooling, add thereto terebint: ℥j ss. thuris, masticis, Sarcocollae, pul. ana ʒiij Croci, ʒij. Labour them in a morter vnto the forme of an vnguent. *. Much commended, for the cure of wounded sinewes. C Tugaltius.

Ol: panacis heraclij, ʒij: ol: Cerae, terebint: alb: ana ʒ ss. Cum fime. Canino. q.s. s.a. f. vng. *. Against venemous bitings, D and venomed wounds, right pretious. Turniesserus.

℞. Pimpinellae, q.v. butyri maialis, q.s. Chop the hearbe, and boyle them (at a gentle fire) vntill the hearbe wax black; then straine and reserue it. *. To dry ouermoist wounds, and the glee­ting E humor of the tendons. Turneisserus.

℞. Cort: med: glandium, cort: med: castanear. cort: med: quer­cus arboris, baccar. myrti, caudae equinae, gallar. cort: fabar. acinor. vuar. calicum glandium, Sorbor. immaturor. Siccor. mespilor. acerbor. Siccor. fol: capparis, fol: pruniols siluestris, rad: chelidonij, ana ℥j ss. Bruise them a little, and boyle them in a decoction of plantane (q.s.) vnto the wasting of the halfe, then straine it, and diuide the lycour into ix. seuerall portions, wherein you shall suc­cessiuely wash olei myrtini & mastichini, ana lbj ss. Cerae nouae, ℥viij ss. these being incorporated at the fire, and washt in all those ix. seuerall waters, in a fit vessell (on a temperate fire) make them hot, and insperse into them (in subtill powder cort: med glandi­um, cort: med: castanear. cort: med: querc: arboris, ana ℥j. gallar. [Page 332] Succi hypocistidis, Cineris ossium cruris bubuli, bacear: myr [...], acini vuar. Sorbor. Siceor. ana ℥ ss. troch: è Carabe, ʒij. [...]ssce & A s.a.f. vnguent. *. It preuents abortion, stops the haemorrhoides, and strengthens the weake raynes. Varignana. This is called in shops, vng. Comitisse.

℞. Galbani, opoponacit, ana ʒj. ammoniaci, terebint: Cerae, ana ʒj ss. Sagapen, ʒij. picis, ʒij ss. Set them on a gentle fire, and in fit time put into them far: fabar. par lytharg: Croci, bdellij, ana ʒj. myrrhae, olybani, ana ʒ ss. masticis, ℈iiij. faenugr. ℈j. Boyle them all to a due forme, then add ol: ros. & Sesamini, ana ʒij. f. B vng. *. Against the biting of a mad dog, or other venemous creatures. Vesalius.

℞. Resinae pini, ℥ij. galbani, ℥iij. lapid: calamithae, ℥j. fellis be­uint, ℥j ss. terebinth: ℥iij. Cerae noua, ℥ij. Melt together the rosin, C turpentine, and wax, then straine, and mixe the galbanum, and the gall: Lastly, add the other in fine powder, & f. vng. *. To draw forth darts; wood, or any other thing infixed in any part of the body. Ʋesalius.

℞. Pingued: veruicis, ℥iij. ping: taxi, ℥ij. ping. cerui, ℥j. ping: mu­ris montani, ℥jss. ping: gallinae, & cati siluestris, ana ℥ss. ping: vrsi ℥ijss. medullae bonina, vng. dialtheae, & agrippae, ana ℥j. diachilonis, dia­postoliconis, ana ʒvj. Cerae albae, ℥vj. olei ℥iiij. butyri, ℥ij. axung: porc: masculi ℥v. resinae pini, ℥iij. terebint: ℥ij. far: faenugr. far: Sem: lini, ana ℥j. aeruginis, ʒij. lytharg: ℥j, Succor. plantag: Solani, vio­lar. D betonicae, ana ʒij. picis naualis ℥ij. s a.f. vng. mirabile. *. Both for wounds and vlcers. It digesteth crude matter, and asswageth paine euen at once applying. Vesalius.

℞. Betonicae, matrisiluae, pimpinellae, perforatae, Caryophillatae, pilosellae, ana ℥ij. vini stiptici, lbj. let them macerate together iij. daies, then boyle them to the third part, straine of the hearbes and add to the lycour ol: ros. ℥iiij. boyle them a little, then a6dd resinae pini, Cerae nouae, ana ℥ij. Lastly, terebint: alb: ℥iij. f. vng. E Capitale. *. For vlcers or wounds of the head, in chiefe where the bones are broken. Vesalius.

℞. Pimpinellae, betonicae, verbenae, ana M j. Stampe, and steepe them in good aq: vitae, xxiiij. houres, then expresse the lycour, and dissolue therein thuris ℥j. gum: oliuae, ℥vij. masti­cis, ℥ ss. resinae. ℥vj. terebint: lbj. Cerae alb: ℥ ss. Lactis mulieris. [Page] [Page] [Page 333] q. f. f. vng. *. For vlcers new or old: It consolidateth, hinde­reth A the growth of bad flesh, and too much matter. It cures nerues or muscles being wounded. It matturateth, drawes out venome, splints, iron, or bones, as much as is possible. Vesa­lius.

℞. Meliloti, ʒvj. flo. Chamo. fanugr. lauri, altheae, rad: ab­sinthij, ana ʒiiij. Synapi, agui casti, iridis, Cyperi, carni, Spicae, Cassiae ligneae, amos, anisi, ana ʒv. terebint: ʒj. ficuum n o: xij. adipis, caprae, q.s.s.a.f. vng. *. To mollifie hard contracted si­newes. B Ʋesaelius.

℞. Myrrhae thuris, ana ʒiiij. ireos, ʒij. mucilag: rad: altheae, Sem: faenugr. axung: gallinae & anseris ana ʒj. aristolochiae rot: ʒij ss. opoponacis, ammoniaci, Sem: ruta, ana ʒj. Spicae, ʒij. styracis liquid: ʒvj ss. ol: chamo. & Cerae, ana q s.f. vng. *. To strengthen the C sinewes. Ʋesalius.

℞. Ol: chamo. ol: ros. completi, ana ℥ij. ol: masticis, ol: de te­rebint: ol: è Sem: lini, ana ℥j ss. terebint: clarissi: ℥iiij. Sepi vnuli, castrati, hyrciuni, ana ℥ij ss. rorismarini, batonicae, caudae equinae, Centaurij ma. ana M j. vermium terrest: in vino lot: ℥iij. rubiae tin­ctor. (somewhat bruised) ʒx. fol: & Sem: hypericonis, ana M j. masticis, gum: elemi, ana ʒx. picis naualis, rosina pini rec: ana ℥j ss. Serapini, galbani, ammoniaci, ana ʒiij. Dissolue these iij. last gummes in vineger, and bruise what is to be bruised; Commixe the whole with a portion of pleasant wine, let them macerate to­gether xxiiij. houres, then boyle them gently to the wasting of the wine, straine, them cleere, and add thereto lytharg: auri, & argenti, ana ℥ij ss. minij, ℥ij. Boyle them gently (with constant stirring) a pretty while, then encrease your fire, and boyle it vn­till it attaine a black, or very darke colour, then add Cerae nouae q.s. & f. vng, basilicum magistrale. *. Of maruelous proofe, for D digesting, mundifying, and swaging of paine. Vigo.

℞. Ol: ros. odoriferi, ol: omphacini, ana lb ss. ol: myrtini, vng. Gal. vng. popul. ana ℥ij. fol: plantag: & Solatri, ana M ij. Chop and stampe the hearbes and commixe the whole, let them stand together a whole weeke, then boyle them a little, and straine them, and add thereto, Cerae albae, q. s. to make it a soft vnguent, then take it from the fire, (stirring it as long as it is warme) lastly, put to it lytharg. auri, & argenti, bene tritaturi, ana ℥iiij. [Page 334] tutiae, ʒj ss. Cerusae, ʒx. plumbi vsti ʒvj. Caphura, s a. tritaturae; ʒj. Commixe and labour them well together in a leaden morter A by the space of an houre, then reserue it. *. Against cancrous, corosiue, and fradulent vlcers, specially of the priuie parts. Vigo.

℞. Ol: ros. omph: ol: ros. completi odoriferi, ana lb ss. Sepi vi­tuli, & hyrcini, vng: ros. vel vng. Gal. vng. popul. ana ℥ij ss. Succor. plantag. Solatri, acetosellae, ana ℥jss. vini granator. ℥ijss. Boyle them altogether at a soft fire, to the wasting of the iuices and wine, then straine them and add Cerusae, lytharg: auri, & argenti ana ʒij ss. plumbi vsti, antimonij, ana ʒx. tutiae alexandrinae, ℥j ss. Ca­phurae, s.a. tritaturae, ℥j. Cerae albae, q.s. First melt the wax in the former strained lycour; then put in the minerals, and labour the whole well together in a leaden morter, by the space of ij. B houres, and then reserue it, * for Cancrous vlcers. distempered with heate, and difficult of cure. Vigo.

℞. Hyperici, cardui benedicti, bellidis siluestris, occular, populi arboris, plantag: lanceolatae, valerianae graecae, betonica, prunellae, Cepeae, Semperuiui, Solani, ana Miij. Chop them small, and stampe them with axung: porc: lbiiij. Let them stand together in an earthen pot, one whole moneth in a Cellar, (or in horsedung which is better) at the moneths end (if it haue stood in a Cellar,) take off what which is moulded on the top; then boyle it ij. houres, then straine it off, and put the strained substance a­gaine into your boyling pan; and add thereto Cerae, lbj ss. resinae, terebinth: ana lbj. herbar. omnium praedictar. ana M j. Stampe and straine out all their iuice, which when you haue put in, boyle altogether (with constant stirring) vnto a perfect vnctious body, if it want wax; you may add more; ad placitum, and so reserue it. Note; that that which remaineth of one yeeere, may be refre­shed C with new hearbes the next yeare. *. It's excellent to cure wounds, or vlcers, open Apostemes. Giuen by one Mistrisse War­ren, vnto Master Banester.

℞. Bol: arm. Sang. drac: terrae sigil: ana ℥j. ol: ros. ℥vj. Cerae, ℥j ss. aceti, ℥iiij. Seeth the oyle, wax, and vineger together, vnto the wasting of the vineger, then take it from the fire, and in the D cooling; add the rest in fine pouder, & sic f. vng. defensinum * ma­gistrale. Weckerus.

[Page 335] lb. Mellis rosati colati, ℥j ss. terebint: clarae, ℥iiij. Succi apij, Succi prassi, ana ʒ ss. Succi absinthij, ʒij. Boyle them altogether, and then add far: hord: & fabar. ana ʒvj. far. lupinor. & orobi, ana ʒiij. Sarcocollae, myrrhae, ana ʒj ss. Make them in fine pow­der, & sic s.a. f. vng. mundificatinum. *. Magistrale Wecke­rus. A

℞. Pul. rad: arundinis, peucedani ana ʒj ss thuris, masticis, myrrhae, ana ʒij. pul. iridis, & aristolochiae, ana ʒj. cort. pini, ʒj ss. vng. comitiss: ℥iij mellis rosacei, q.s. s.a. f. vng. *. To procure B flesh in vlcers. Weckerus.

℞. Lytharg. ʒj staphidis agriae, ʒ ss. Cum oleo & pauco aceto, f. vng. *. To destroy lice in the heads of young Children. Weckerus. C

Seui porcini, Seui ceruini, Seui vitulini, ana ℥iij. pingued: humanae, pingued muris alpini, ping: taxi, ping: vulpinae, adipis, ca­pi gallinae, ena [...]is, anseris ana ℥j. ol: pingued: humanae, ol: butyri maialis, ana ℥ ss. ol: malor. aureor. ℥j. ol: ros. & violacei, ana ℥j ol: Cerae, olei lini, ol: lilior, albor. ol: Chamo. anethi, ol: è baccis lauri, ol: Scorpionum, ol: ouor, ol: cheyrini ana ʒij. mellis, vng. dialtheae, butyri maialis, ana ℥ ss. Cerae, q.s. moschi ℈ ss. Commixe them s.a. at the fire, and being almost cold, add aeq: vitae Sequentis ℥ij. ℞. Sem: alkekengi. Sem: vrticae, Semi: asparagi, Sem: anisi, faeni­culi, cumini, Sem: petrosilini, anethi, milij solis, Sem: nicotianae, al­theae, & maluae, ana ʒj baccar. lauri, granor iuniperi, ana ʒij. gen­tianae glycyrrh: rad: ireos, santali rubri, ana ʒij. rhabarbi electi, aga­rici, turpeti, ana ʒij. Cinamoni, galangae, ana ʒij macis, Caryophill: nucis mosch: Croci, ana ʒj. aq: vitae, q s. Mixe and macerate them for a moneths space, then straine, and keepe the lycour in a glasse vessell (close stopt) for your vse. *. The vnguent assuageth paine, D breakes, and expels the stone; and profits in gouts, and pleurisies. Weckerus.


℞. Primae aquae mellis distillatae quae alba est, lbj. aluminis, lb ss. Salis nitri, Salis albi, ana ℥j. aq: ex folijs lentisci, lbj. masticis, ℥ij. aceti albi, & vini albi, ana ℥ij. Commixe and distill them all in B. M. and reserue the water. *. To make the teeth white. When E [Page 336] you apply it; First wash the teeth with faire water, and dry them well with cleane linnen cloathes; After wet a cleane cloath in this water, and rub the teeth well therewith. Alexius.

Florem farinae frumenti subigito, Cum Sextario lactis capri [...]i, inde panem in furno lenitet coquito, & extrabito ante quam ni­mium coctus sit, huius panis medullam per minuta frusta diuisam, aut friatam, & in alio centi lacte caprino infusam per horas sex relin­quito. Admiscebis aquam in duodecim albuminibus ouor. cum Spontia factam. Calcis è putaminibus ouor. ℥j. Caphurae, aluminis, Saccharini, Coralli albi, ana ℥ij. Pouder and incorporate these with the liquids, and distill them in a glasse limbecke, and reserue A the water. *. Against all blemishes of the face. Alexius.

℞. Aq: lentisci, rorismarini, aceti distillati, ana pa [...]culum di­midium, myrrhae, masticis, bol: arm: Sang: drac: aluminis vsta, ana ℥j. Cinamomi electi ʒ ss. aquae pluuialis, poculatria. Commixe, and boyle them on a gentle fire, by the space of one quarter of an houre; then add thereto mellis despumati, lb ss. belzoini par. B boyle them a pretty space, then straine and reserue it. *. To fasten loose teeth, and to cleanse and heale the gummes. Alexius.

℞. Aloes hepaticae, Zacchari puriss: lap: tutiae, Subt: pul: ana ℥j. aq: ros. rub: & vini albi, ana lbij. In a double glasse set them C in B.M. fiue or six daies, often shaking it about. *. Against all manner heates, and inflammations of the Eyes. Ex Antidotario Bauestri.

℞. Aq: fontanae, lbiiij. mercurij Sublimati, ℥ ss. vitrioli albi, album: oui. ana ʒvj. Cinabrij, ℥j. lap: haematitis ℥ij. bol: arm: ʒx. masticis, olybani, Sarcocollae, ana ʒiij. Pouder those that are to be powdred, then mixe the whole and boyle them to the con­sumption D of the halfe. Ex Antidot: Banesteri. *. To Cicatrize plaine vlcers speedily.

℞. Aq: font: lbviij. aluminis, ℥ ss. mellis albi, lbj. let these boyle a pretty space, skimming it very cleane, then put to viridis aeris pul ʒij. and boyle it againe a little, then filter it for vse. Vel ℞. Lixiuij minime fortis, lbij. vini albi, lbj. mercurij Sublimati, ʒj. Salis nitri, ℥ij. Boyle them to the wasting of the halfe, and E then filtre it. *. For a skald head approued. Ex Antidot: Ba­nesteri.

[Page 337]℞. Fol: euphrasiae, pimpinellae, vilag: cichorij, occuli Christi, fae­niculi, fragariae, draconc: consolid: mino. caprifolij, ana partes equa­les. Distill them together, and add to as much Camfer as is suf­ficient. A *. For the Eyes. Ex Antidot: Banesters.

℞. Aq: plantag: & ros. ana lb ss. mercurij sublimati, ʒij. alu­minis crudi, ʒvj. Powder what is to be powdred, mixe and boyle them in a double vessell at a soft fire by the space of one houre, the filtre and vse it. *. Against Scabs and Itch. Ex An­tidot: B Banesteri.

℞. Vitrioli albi, ℥iij Caphurae, ℥ ss. Burne them together, and make them into fine powder, Cum boli arm: ℥iij. when you will vse it mingle iij. spoonefulls hereof with a pottle of running wa­ter, when it is ready to seeth. *. For watery excoriations and C itching vlcers. Balthrop.

℞. Salis nitri, ℥ij. vitrioli romani, lbj. Cinabris, ℥iiij. Beate each seuerally, then mixe and distill them s.a. by a lembick. *. It D eates off superfluous flesh; may be vsed in stead of a Cautery. Bartapalia.

℞. Aq: plantag; & ros. rub: ana lbj. succi Solatri, Semperuiui, & plantag: ana ℥iiij. ros. rub: M ss. myrtillor. nucum cupressi, ana ℥ ss. flo. hyperici. Pij. flor. verbasci, P j. masticis, mayrrhae, thuris, ana ʒj. mellis rosacei, lbj. ℥iiij. Powder that which is to be pou­dred, and distill them altogether. ℞. huius aquae distillatae, lbj. Dissolue therein Conseruae rosar. ℥vj. Syr: ros. Siccar. ℥j. ol: Sul­phuris, gut: xij. misce. *. It's of great force to cleanse a filthy E Cancerous vlcer. Banester.

℞. Plumbi albi puriss: ℥x. aluminis rochae, ℥xij. vitrioli, ℥vj. mi­nij, ℥v. Make them into fine powder, and calcine them exactly. Take herof ℥ij ss. and put it into aq: rosaceae, lbj. when it is made hot, let them stand for a day together, and so vse it. *. As very F effectuall for healing of vlcers. Banester.

℞. Aq: chalybiatae, lbiiij. fol: plantag; centinodij, & bursae pa­storis, ana M ss. aluminis rochae, ℥j ss. masticis, ℥j. thuris, ℥ij. vi­trioli albi, ʒij. Boyle them to the consumption of the halfe, straine, and vse it s.a. *. To Cicatrize and heale any plaine vlcer. G Banester.

℞. Ʋini albi, lbj ss. aq: plantag: & rosar. ana lbj. mercurij Sub­limati, ʒiij, boli armeni, ℥ ss. aluminis vsti, ℥j ss. vitrioli albi, bora­cis, [Page 338] ana ℥ ss. Zacchari albi, ℥ij masticis, Sarcocollae, ana ℥j ss. Pow­der what are to be powdred, and boyle them together till halfe be wasted; then filter it, and add aq: vitae opt: lbj. and reserue it. A*. To cleanse filthy and hollow vlcers. Banester.

℞. Vini albi, lbiij. faeniculi frondentis, M ij. aluminis, ℥iiij. guiaci, lb ss. Zacchari albi candidi, ℥ij ss. vitriole albi, ℥ j. chelidonij, M iij. rutae, M ss. Saluiae, verbenae, ana Mj ss. hederae terrestris, Mij lap: calaminaris, ℥ij. lap: tutiae, ℥j. Caphurae, ʒiij. mellis, ℥iij. Powder B what is to be powdred, and distill it in a glasse limbeck. *. For the affects of the Eyes Banester.

℞. Aq: pluuialis, lbj. aq: ros. lbj ss. succilimonum, ℥vj ss. suc­ci Semperuiui, lb ss. vini albi, lbj. boracis, ℥ij sublimati, ʒiij. salis gemmae, ℥j. Zacchari candi, ℥ij. lytharg: auri, ℥iij. salis armeni, ʒiij. Sulphuris viui, ʒij. rad: lapathi acuti, ℥iij. rad: brioniae, ℥v. Caphurae, ℥ ss. Powder all that are to be powdred very fine, and set all in B.M. in a vessell close stopt, and so distill it at a gentle C fire. *. For Gutta rosacea. Banester.

℞. Vini nigri, lbij. aq: plantag: lb ss. aq: rosar. ℥iiij. succi plan­tag: succi verbasci, bursae pastoris, Centinodij Consolid: ma. & mino. succi centaurij mino. ana ℥j. aluminis crudi, lbj. nucum cu­pressi, ℥iij; balaust: ℥ ss. malicorij ℥iij. gallar. ℥ ss. Sumach: cort: quercin: ana ℥ ss. cort: thuris, ʒiij. terebinth. ℥iij. mellis crudi, lb ss. masticis, olybani, ana ʒx. Sarcocolae, ℥ij. vvrioli combusti, plumbi vsti, ana ʒj. bol: arm: ℥iij. cassiae ligneae, ℥ ss aristoloch: rot: ℥iij. Powder what is to be powdred, and mixe them altogether, then distill the water, and reserue it to your vse. Vel ℞. Masti­cis, olybani, myrrhae, Sarcocollae, mumiae ana ʒiij. thuris, ℥j. nucis moschatae cinamomi, garyophillor. cubebar. ana ʒij. nuicis cupressi ℥ss. balaustij, malicorij, ana ʒ j. bol: arm: ℥j. Sang: drac: ℥ ss. ros. rub: ʒij ss. aluminis rochae, lbj. vitrioli. ʒ [...] j. mellis despumati, ℥j. aq: vitae, lbj ss. vini albi. lbj. succi plantag; Solani, Consolid ma. & mino. ana [...] ferratae. lbiiij. Powder what is to be pow­dred, and infu [...]m all night in aq: vitae, in the morning drawe D forth the water by a limbeck, and reserue it to your vse. *. To cicatrize vlcers in any part of the body. Banester.

℞. Aq: ferratae, lbij rosar. rub: ℥iiij. balaustior. malicorij, ana ana ʒij. tantag: Semperuiui, ana ℥iij ss. mellis rosar. tere­bint: ana lb ss. aluminis, ℥vj. vitriole albi, ʒiij. Boyle them in a [Page] [Page] [Page 339] cleane vessell till halfe be wasted, then straine it, and add viridis aeris, ℥iij. Boyle them a little, and filtre it. *. For exulceration A of the yard. Banester.

℞. Vini albi, lbiiij. aq: plantag: lbij. aluminis lb ss. vitrioli albi, ℥v. mellis crudi, lbj. glycyrrh: rasae, lbj. bol: arm: ℥v. Caphurae, ℥j ss. mercurij Sublimati, ʒij. Bruise them that are to be bruised, and distill them through a limbeck. *. For vlcers. Banester. B

℞. Aq: font: & vini rubri, ana lbij ss. ros. rub: ℥iiij. balaust: malicorij, ana ℥ij ss. Sumachi ℥ij. Saluaie. M j. consolid: ma. & mino. ana M ss. aluminis, lb ss. Sarcocollae, ℥iij. masticis, ℥ij. olyba­ni, ℥j. mellis, lbj. aq: terebint: lbj ss. Bruise those which are to be bruised, and put them into a glasse limbecke, and drawe out the water with a gentle fire, and reserue it. *. For hollow wounds. C Banester.

℞. Aq: ferratae, lbiiij. aq: balsami veri, lbiij. terebint: lbj ss. mellis crudi, lbj. aluminis, ℥x. vitrioli albi, ℥v. bol: arm: ℥vij. mercurij sublimati, ʒ ss. fol: plantag: consol: ma: mi: & med: Sal­uiae, virgae pastoris, Centinodij. hyperici, ana Mj ss. thuris, ℥ij. oly­bani, ℥ ss. Santali albi, ℥ ss. ros. rub: Mj ss. cassiae ligneae, Cinamo. ana ʒiij. pro primae distillatione. Deinde ℞. Terebint: lbj. masti­cis, ʒiij resinae purae: ℥. j. Cinamo. ʒij. garyophillor. ʒij. malicerij, Thuris ℥iij ss. nucis cupressi, ℥j ss. vitriolialbi, ℥ij. aluminis, ℥iij. olybani, ℥iiij. Sang: drac. ℥ ss. aq: balsami veri. lbj. pro secunda distillatione. Postea. ℞. Terebint: lb ss. flor. hyperici, saluiae, Rorismarini, card: benedict: Centaurij, ana ℥j. masticis, Santali rubri, ana ʒiij. lig: al [...]aes, ℈ij. Cubebar. ʒj. aq: vitae, lb ss. aluminis vsti, ℥ij ss. tartari albi, ℥j ss. myrrhae, ℥ ss lumbricor. in puluere, ʒj. cort; thu­ris, ℥iiiij. cort: med: querc: ℥vj. Cassiae ligneae, ʒiij. vitrioli albi, ℥j. malicorij. ℥ ss. Cinamo. ʒij. balaust: ʒj. guiaci, ℥iiij. Carpobalsami, Xylobalsami, ana ʒj. myrtillor. ʒij, mummiae, ʒij. boracis, ʒ ss. ga­ryophillor. ʒij. tormentillae, gentianae, aristol: rot: ana ʒij ss. aluminis, crudi, ℥ij ss. This is for the third and last distillation; but yet af­ter this distillation, add aluminis vsti, ℥ ss. vitrioli albi, ʒij. masti­cis, ℥j. in fine pouder and keepe it. *. This is of wonderfull force D in bringing in of a Cicatrize. Banester.

℞. Aq: font: vini nigri, ana lbij ss. ros. rub: ℥iiij. balanst: mali­corij, ana ℥ij ss. Sumach: ℥ij. Saluiae, M j. consolid: vtriusque, ana M ss. aluminis, lb ss. Sarcocollae, ℥iij. masticis, ℥ij. olybani, ℥j. [Page 340] mellis, lbj. aq: terebint: lbj ss. Prepare the ingredients, s. a. and A distill altogether in a glasse limbeck at a gentle fire. *. To miect into hollow wounds. Banester.

℞. Calcis viuae: extinctae, in aq: font: lbviij. aq: plantag: ℥iiij. aq: rosar. lbj. vini albi, Heate all these together, afterward, let them stand and cleere. Powre forth all the cleere into your limbeck, and put to it mellis lbij. aluminis, ℥ij. bocaris, ℥iij. ma­sticis, ℥iij. [...]libani, ℥iiij. med: cort: quercus desiccatae, ℥iij. Pow­der B what's fit, and distill them. *. For vlcers or wounds. Ba­nester.

℞. Carnis limaciar. vespar. apum, sanguisugar. salis adusti, ana partes aequales. Put them all into a glasse vessell being perforated in the forme of a fine seiue in the bottome; place this in another vessell of glasse, wherein the descending moysture may be recei­ued, suffer it so to remaine, vntill all the moisture be descended; C then reserue the lycour. *. To cause hayre to grow againe in the place, from whence it is fallen. Bayrus.

℞. Lactis caprini, vel in eius defectu, lactis vaccini, album onor. n o: vj, Caphurae, ʒij. medull panis triticei, succi limonum, n o: vj. fol: plantag: q.s. First couer the bottome of your distilling vessell, with plantane leaues, then put in the crummes of bread, the cam­phore (being powdred) the whites of the eggs, and the iuice of the lymons; then couer these with a laying of plantane leaues, then powre on the milke, in quantitie sufficient to imbibe the whole; lastly, lay on another layre of plantane leaues, and then s.a. distill them at a gentle fire, and reserue the water in a glasse vessell for D fifteene daies, ere you vse it. *. Against Pustules of the face, to be applyed with soft linnen after due purging the body. D r. Bon­ham.

℞. Tutiae, & aloes hepat: ana ʒiij. Zachari candi albi, pul. ʒij. aq: rosar. & vini albi odorati, ana ℥ vj, Commixe, and set them in the sunne, by the space of a moneth, stirring them once a day, iiij. or v. drops hereof being put into the Eyes, of one who was E blinde, * morning and euening, in continuance of time, recoue­red his sight. D r. Bonham.

℞. Aq: ferraria, lbviij. Straine it through a double wollen cloath, and then put into it calcis vinae. ℥iiij. let it stand xij. houres, vntill it be well setled, then take the scum from it, and powre off [Page] [Page] [Page 341] off the cleere water into a fit vessell, and reserue it. *. For vlcers A and fistulaes, but if the sore be very fowle, then put into a pottell of this water, vitrioli, aluminis crudi, & salis armoniaci, ana ℥j. if you will haue it more mundifying, then make a lather thereof with cake-sope, and add to it, mellis despumati, ℥ij. when the vl­cer or fistula is well cleansed, add thereto aluminis rochae vsti & pul. q.s. Butcher.

℞. Aquar. ebuli, Semperuiui, & abrotani, ana ℥xij. mercurij pul. ℥ ss. Commixe them without fire. *. Against vlcers, and fi­stulaes. B D r. Rutler.

℞. Vitrioli albi, ℥iiij. Caphurae, ℥j. Bruise, and put them both into a blacke earthen pot; set them on the fire vntill they become thin, and boyle, stirre it with a stick till it be stiffe and dry, then beate it into powder, and add to that powder, bol: arm: subtiliss: pul. ℥iiij. Commixe these well and keepe them close in a blad­der; then take aq: font: lbiiij. set it on the fire till it be ready to seeth; then take it from the fire, and put into it iij. great spoone­fulls of the powder, and stirre them well together; then put them into a galley pot, or into a glasse, and let them settle till they be cleare, then poure off the cleere water very curiously into a glasse, and reserue it for vse. *. Against all vlcers, yea those which pro­ceed C Ex Lue Venerea. As also against fistulaes. The vlcer or sore is to be washed therewith as hot as the Patient can suffer, and then to wet a linnen cloath (foure-fold) therein, and lay it thereon, and so to rowle it vp; it must be drest morning and euening. T.B.

℞. Rasurae ligni Sancti opt: lb ss. vini albi dulcedinis expertis, lbij. aq: defecatiss. lbviij. aquar. fumariae, cichorij, Chamo. ana lbj. polypodij quercini, lb ss. Macerate them together xij. houres, then add to them epithymi, ℥ij. asplenij, ℥vj. sem: iuniperi, ℥ij. cort: citri, ℥j. Conseruae rosar. cichorij, buglossae, & boraginis, ana lb ss. Conserua enulae Campanae, & theriacae veteris, ana quart. j. Distill them s.a. and after add vnto the water, Zacchari, & Cina­moni, q.s. to make it pleasant. *. Against Luem Veneream. The D Dosse is iij. iiij. or v. ounces according to the strength of the Pa­tient and force of the disease. Calmeteus.

℞. Calcis viuae, lbj. put it into aq: sont: lbiij. stirre it about and let it settle, take off the scum, and cleere off the water careful­ly, dissolue therein merci: sublimati, ℥ss. vpon hot ashes, and re­serue [Page 342] it in glasse. Vel ℞. Merc: praecipitati, q.v aq: plantag: A q.s. Commixe them in a cleane bason and reserue it. *. These auaile against sordid, cancrous, and gangrenous vlcers, being arti­ficially applyed. D r. Campion.

℞. Aq: stuuialis, lbij. malor. arantior. optimor. n o: ij. rad hele­nij, ℥j. Cut the oranges in sunder, and slyce the rootes, boyle them altogether in a cleane earthen vessell, vnto the wasting of halfe the lycour; then straine it, and add to the strained part, Sub­limati, B ʒij. boyle it againe a little and reserue it for vse. *. To stay the spreading soares, or vlcers, comming in the mouth, throate, or yard of such as are fluxt in Lues Venerea. Clowes.

℞. Aq: pluuialis, lbviij. Sacchari candi, lbj. Boyle them a lit­tle, C then add thereto, viridis aris pul. ℥iiij reserue it for vse. *. A­gainst vlcers of the priuities. Clowes.

℞. Aquar. ros. & plantag: ana lbj. aluminis rochae, & Sublima­ti, ana ʒij. Boyle them in a glasse vessell to the wasting of a fourth D part; then reserue it. *. To eradicate the Callous of a fistula. Clowes. Rulandus hath the same prescription; who applyed it in Polypo narium; as also against the wilde scab, scurfe, or mangi­nesse of the face. Against vlcers in Lues Ʋenerea. Against scabs bred of salt flegme. Against warts: Against small vlcers ouer all the body, &c. I vsed to ad to the former waters, aq: Caprifolij, lbj. and encrease the Sublimate proportionably; I likewise ad­ded Caphurae, ℈j. I neuer boyled it, but digested it in ashes or neare the fire, vnto an absolute clearenesse; which though it be more trouble, yet haue I found by manifold experience, that it is farre more effectuall.

℞. Aq: ros. succi limonum, ana ℥iiij. Sublimati, ʒj album: ouor. n o: ij. Commixe them with diligence, and expose them to the sunne viij. daies, then reserue it. Ʋel ℞. Lactis asinae, lbiiij. vini albi, lbj medullae panis recentis, n o: ij. ouor. cum corti­cibus, n o: xij. Sacchari candidi. ʒiij. Commixe and distill them. E*. These take away spots in the face. Isabella Cortesa.

℞. Mellis purioris, vini cretici, vrinae pueror. & lactis rec: ana lbj. Commixe, distill, and reserue the water. Vel ℞. Hyssopi montanae, Calaminthae montanae, fol: abrotani, ana M ij. vini gene­rosi, Cretici, vrinae, mellis, lactis, ana lbij. Sem: Synapi, lbss. Pound what is to be pounded; commixe, and macerate them three [Page] [Page] [Page 343] daies, then distill it by B.M. *. These cause hayre to grow againe A in that place, from whence it is fallen. Fallopius.

℞, Aq: lapathi acuti, lbij. succi plantag: ℥iij. aq: rosar. ℥iiij. succi limonum, ℥ij. lytharg: ℥vj. Cerusae, ℥ss. sublimati, ℥j ss. sa­lis comis: ℥ ss. Sulphuris viui, ʒiij. terend: terantur, then infuse them xxiiij. houres, and after distill them, s.a. *. This water de­stroyeth B scabs. Victor Fauentius.

℞. Faecis vini, & faecis aceti, aruginis, aluminis, nitri, ana ℈j. aq: ros. & plantag: ana q.s. Boyle them altogether, a walme or ij. passe them through a strayner without pressing, and reserue the cleere and pure part for vse. Vel ℞. Theriacae, aq: vitae, & aceti, ana partes aequales, destill them s.a. by a glasse gourd: dis­solue in that water, terrae sigillatae pul. q.s. and reserue it. Vel ℞. Aq: ros. plantag. & prunellor. agrestium, ana ℥j. aceti, & aq: vitae ana ʒvj. diamoronis, & mellis ros. ana ʒiij. theriacae, bol: arm: aluminis, ana ʒij. Commixe them in a fit vessell, and let them stand for a certaine space, on hot embers, but not to boyle; after­ward straine them lightly, and reserue the cleere water. *. For C vlcered mouthes in Lues Venerea, Augerius Ferrius.

℞. Masticis, olybani, dragaganthi, landani, ana ʒj. succi limo­num, ℥j. aq. plantag: & ros. ana ℥ij. Sumach: tartari rubri, coralli albi, & boracis ana ʒ ss. sublimati pul. gr. iij. Boyle them in a glasse vessell at a gentle fire to the consumption of the fourth part; then clarifie it, and aromatize it with muske, q.s. *. Against pu­stules, D and spots, in the face or whole body; especially such as spring Ex Lue Venerea. Augerius Ferrius.

℞. Scordij. Mij. Calendula, morsus diaboli, pimpinellae, hype­rici, betonic e, maioranae, buglossae, scabiosae, saluiae, ana M j. hisopi, melissae, ana Mj ss. Stampe them well, and put them into a new earthen vessell, and powre on them, of the distilled waters, of as many of the simples as you can procure, so as the hearbes may be throughly immerged therewith; then expose the vessell vnto the heate of the sunne, for a weeks space stirring the ingredients well about euery day. Then expresse it strongly; and re-immerge in that lycour, the like proportion of hearbes as before, and set them to the sunne; stirre them, and presse them as before; Then add vnto that lycour, rad: tanicae, tormentillae, sem: Card: bened: ana ℥ ss. Zedoariae, nuc: mosch: Caryoph: ana ʒj. macis, ʒ ss. sem: pim­pinellae, [Page 344] ʒj ss. Croci, ʒj. mithradati opt: lbj. theriacae veteris, ℥iiij. Commixe them in a glasse limbeck, and expose them to the sunne for a weekes space, then distill them in B. M. and reserue the A water, as right precious, yea admirable. *. To cure such as are in­fected with Lues Venerea. Fernelius.

℞. Cerusae, lytharg: ana ℥j. plumbi vsti, lapid: calaminaris, ana ℥ ss. bol: arm: ℥j ss. Sang: drac: terrae sigil. ana ℥j. aluminis combusti, ℥ ss. calicum glandium, gallar, viridium, bacc: myrti, psidiae, ba­laustior. Sumach: ana M j. Coriandri, sem: plantag: ana ʒ ss. ros. rub: P ij aq: fabar, q.s. Boyle them altogether to the wasting of a third part, then straine them, and being setled, reserue the cleere water for vse. Vel ℞. Aq: plantag: ℥vj. Sublimati, ℥j. salis ammoniaci, ʒ ss. salis comis: ʒij. aluminis, ʒj. Boyle them altogether in a double vessell of glasse, vnto the wasting of B a fourth part, and then reserue it. *. These cure filthy and fretting vlcers. Fiorouantus.

℞. Aq: plantag: & ros. rub: ana lb ss. aluminis, ℥ij. Sacchari, ℥j. Boyle them together vnto the melting of the sugar, and al­lome, C and then reserue it. *. Against filthy eroding vlcers. Fioro­nantus.

℞. Vini albi antiqui, lbj. aeruginis, auripigmenti, aluminis, ana ℥ ss. cinabaris, ʒv. Sublimati, ʒij. Powder what's fit; and di­gest D the whole on embers, then filtre and reserue it. *. Against Pustules in Lues Ʋenerea; for an old scall; for filthy breakings out about the fundament. D. Foster.

℞. Theriacae, q.v. aq: vitae, & aceti, ana q.s. Commixe and distill them by a limbeck, and you shall receiue, a cleere and bright water, endued with diuine vertues; chiefly auailing in the cure E of vlcers. *. Fracastorius.

℞. Vini albi, aq: font: ana lbj. lig: Sancti, ℥iij. Steepe them together xxiiij. houres, then add thereto, minij, ℥ ss. aluminis tan­tundem, mellis albi, cochl: iiij. garyophillor. n o: xij. Rorismarini, Saluiae, Siccatar. ana par. Boyle these a pretty while; then F straine and reserue it. *. To dry and skinne an vlcer. Frede­rick.

℞. Sanguinis ranar. terrae sigillatae, Sumach: rosar. ana q.s. aceti, Semperuiui, ana q.s. Macerate them them together xxiiij. houres, then distill them in balneo. Vel ℞. Cornu vaccae, [Page] [Page] [Page 345] aluminis rochae, papaueris nigri, ana tritor. q.s. Sanguinis vaccini recentis, lbij. Macerate and distill them as before. Ʋel ℞. Ti­thymalli decoctum cum acero calcis vinae, & maluar, ana q.s. Mixe, macerate, and distill, &c. Vel ℞. Sem: hyoscyami triti, lbss. repose it in some moist place, and after a while add thereto, tele­phij, ℥ij. distill it s.a. *. These applyed on any shauen part, keepe A hayre from growing againe. Fumanellus,

℞. Myrrhae, ℥j. aloes, ʒij. thuris, Zinziberis, Sarcocollae, Ca­phurae iritae, ana par. aquae eufrasiae, q.s. Bruse what's fit, then in­fuse them together, and reserue the cleere lycour. Vel ℞. Fae­niculi, verbenae, euphragiae, endinuae, betanicae, ros. rub: cap: veneris, ana M iij. Bruise the hearbes, and infuse them in white wine (q. s.) xxiiij. houres, then distill it in a limbeck in balneo, and reserue the water. Vel ℞. Faeniculi, chelidonij, saluiae, rorismarini, ver­benacae. rutae, ana partes aequales, order them as before. *. These B waters (applyed vnto the Eyes) preserue the sight. Fumanel­lus.

℞. Aq: resaceae, euphragiae, chelidonij, ana ℥j. tutiae praepar. ʒj. Commixe, and reserue it. Vel ℞. Aq: rad: vitis albi, which issu­eth from the roote being cut. * These asswage the paines of C the Eyes, Fumanellus.

℞. Faeniculi, chelidonij, verbenacae, rutae, fol: aenulae, virgae pa­storis, millefolij, ana M j. Caphurae, ʒ ss. Bruise, Commixe, and di­still them in an alembick. *. The water restores the sight being D decayed. Fumanellus.

℞. Tuthiae praep:lap. haematitis, ℥ ss. Sang: drac: acaciae, an­timonij, terrae sigil: ana ʒj. Capphurae, ʒij. thuris, masticis, piperis albi, ana ℈ ss. aq: faeniculi, enphragiae, ana ℥j. aq: rosar. violar. ana ℥ij. vini albi antiqui, ℥iij. Boyle them all in a double vessell to the halfe, then straine, reserue, and vse it. *. To dry vp vnnecessary E or superfluous teares. Fumanellus.

℞. Succi vuar. immaturar. ℥ij. aloes, ʒj ss. Beate the aloes, and binde it in a cleane linnen cloath, and infuse it in the said wice. *. The Eyes being madefyed therewith (at going to rest) It put­teth F away the rednesse of them. Fumanellus.

℞. Limaturae aeris tenuissimae, ℥j. aq: plantag: lb ss. Boyle them together, till halfe be consumed, then straine and reserue it. Lin­nen cloathes being madefied therein, or wet therewith, and ap­plyed [Page 346] to the chaps or clefts, about the nayles, or other parts of the A hands or feet. *. Easeth the paine, and cures them speedily. Goodrus.

℞. Album: ouor. n o: iiij. (Crush them through a cleane sponge vntill they become as cleere as water) vini albi, lactis re­centis, ana lb ss. lapidis Calaminaris, in vino albo extincti, ʒiiij. ma­sticis, myrrhae, olybani, Sarcocollae, ana ʒj. vitrioli albi crudi, ʒij. Powder what's requisite most finely, and mixe them with the lycours, and set them to sunne, or in horsedung iiij. dayes, afrer B filtre of the lycour and keepe it. *. It Cicarizeth notably, and is of excellent vse for wounds of the Eyes. With ℥iiij. of this wa­ter, C and Sublimati, ℈iiij. is made an excellent water. *. For red­nesse of the face. And if you take huius aquae ℥iiij. Zacchari candi D albissimi, ℥ij. aloes praep: ℥ ss. and s.a. make a Collirie. *. It's of great force against sundry affects of the Eyes. Goodrus.

℞. Aluminuis rochae, salis gemmae, & sulphururis, ana lbij. boracis, masticis, ana ℥ij. Beate, mixe, and distill them s.a. and in ij. houres E you shall receiue a water of admirable force. *. To cure vlcers; And to ease the paine of the teeth. A quodam Italo.

℞. Sem: anisi, lbj. liquiritiae, lb ss. Cinamo. ℥ij. galangae, Zin­zib: rad: ireos, aenula, Sem: faniculi, carui, amomi, ameos: paeoniae, ocymi, saturriae, maioranae, ana ℥j. baccar. iuniperi, ℥ij. chamaepit: M ss. piperis longi, Calami, Spicaenardi, maceris, ana ʒiij. valeria­nae, ʒj. rad: angelicae, ℥ ss. cyperi, ℥iiij. ligni aloes ℥ ss. rad: alchanet: ℥j. Cereuisiae fortissimae, vel vini maluatici, lbxxxij. Sacchari, ℥iiij. F Prepare them, and distill them s.a. and reserue the water; *. Which is of soueraigne vertue, to enlarge sinewes which are shrunke. It's good against all aches, and easeth the gout. It auailes against all passions proceeding from melancholy and cold. Being inwardly giuen, it breakes the stone, strengtheneth cold and weake sto­macks, and comforts such as wax faint in the Venerean cure. In­uented by Master Keble.

℞. Rutae sclareae, plantag: faeniculi, rosar. papaueris rub: verbenae, fol: chelidonij, ana ℥j. aq: ros. lbj. vini albi generosi, lbj. tutiae praep: ʒj. aloes epaticae, ℥j ss. garyoph: ℥j. Pouder, mixe, and distill them s.a. and reserue the water, which being dropt into the Eye mor­ning G and euening, * weares away both web and spots, and sharp­neth the sight. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 347]℞. Aq: ros. & faeniculi, ana ℥vj. vitrioli, albi, ʒij. Make the copperice into very fine powder, then mixe the whole, and re­serue it. *. Against watering eyes; let a drop be put into the A Eye at going to bed, and in short space it shall dry vp the superflu­ous moisture. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: font: & vini albi, ana lbiiij. rad: plantag: herbar. sal­niae, rutae, lauendulae, rorismarini, ana M j. Caprifolij, M iJ. Boyle these whole in the lycours to the quantitie of iij. pintes; then add to the strained lycour, mellis clari, ℥iij. vel iiij. aluminis vsti ʒiij. and so reserue it, as profitable, * in the cure of a Canker. Ex Ma­nuscripto. B

℞. Aceti vini albi fortiss: lbij. lytharg: auri, tenniss: triti, lbj. Let them macerate together iiij. daies, stirre them euery day twice; after let it settle a whole day, then powre off the cleerest, and reserue it in a glasse. Tum ℞. Aq: pluuialis, lbj. salis gemmae, ℥ij. salis comis: cochl: j. Boyle these vnto dissolution of the salts, and after due setling, reserue the cleerest in a glasse; of these ij. lycours is made Lac virginis, as followeth. Take of the former water iij. parts, but of the latter ij. parts and a little more, these being put together, will presently appeare like milke, which is much commended. *. To skinne olde vlcers, to cleanse the skin, C and to kill creeping tettars. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Rutae, saluiae, fol: nucis auellanae, pulegij, fol: & flo: Capri­folij, ana M j. mellis, ℥iij. Cereuisiae fortiss: lbiiij. aluminis ℥ij. Clarifie the ale, then put in the other ingredients, and boyle the whole to the wasting of a third part; then make a strong expres­sion and reserue it, the elder the better. Vel ℞. Lixiuij cort: mediae fraxiui, lbviij. aluminis rup: lb ss. infusionis cort: quercus (which we call Tanners ouse) Coria non expertae, lbviij. rubiae tinctor. lb ss. Boyle all these to the wasting of one fourth part, then straine and reserue it. *. Against putrified vlcers of the leggs. Ex D Manuscripto.

℞. Flor. & rad: bellidis minoris, M j. Caprifolij. aequilegiae, ros. rub: violar. fol: nucis, sonchi, rubi rorismar. ana M j. aq: font: con­gios ij. Boyle them almost to the halfe, then add to the strained lycour, aluminis rupini, ℥ij ss. boli armeniae, ℥iiij. mellis depurati, ℥vij. vel ℥x. Boyle them to lesse then a gallon, and reserue it. E *. For vlcers of the mouth. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page]℞. Ros. rub: apij, rutae, verbenae, capill: veneris, euphragiae, endiuiae, semperuiui, faeniculi, & chelidonij ma: ana M j. vini albi genersoi. lbiiij. Let them macerate together xxiiij houres, then distill them in a limbeck in B.M. The first water will be like gould, the second like siluer, the third like balme, reserue them A apart. *. For the preseruing and restoring of decayed Eye-sight. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aquar. ebuli, crassulae, & abrotani, ana ℥xij. sublimati pul. ℥ ss. Mixe them without fire. Vel ℞. Sublimati, ʒvj. aq: font: lbij. Boyle them together in a double vessell (at a gentle B fire) by the space of an houre. *. Against fistulaes, and olde vl­cers. Note; that the first water may be applyed simply of it selfe, but the latter ought to be mixt with like proportion or sallet oyle, and lint to be wet therein, and so to be applyed. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Aluminis rochae, ℥j. viridis aeris, ʒj. aq: ferratae purificate, C q.s. Boyle them together ij. houres, then straine and reserue it. *. Against vlcers of the priuities, to be applyed s.a. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Aquar. plantag: & ros. ana lbij. aluminis, ℥ij. sacchari D albiss: ℥j. Boyle them together vnto a perfect dissoluing of the allome and sugar. *. Against filthy eroding vlcers. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Sulphuris, ʒij. salis ammoniaci, & nitri, ana ʒij. sublimati, & aluminis rochae, ana ʒj. aq. font: lbj. Put all these into a glasse ves­sell E and shut it close, and let it stand in hot water vnto perfect di­gestion. *. Against the sores or vlcers of Lues Venerea. Ex Ma­nuscripto.

℞. Cineris fraxini, & calcis viuae, ana partes aq: aq: font: q s. Make a lee therewith. Let it stand ij. or iij. daies, and there will arise on it a scum, which you must take off with a feather; powre the cleere lee into a bason, and add thereto, salis armoniaci, subt: F pul. q.s. stirre it vnto dissolution, and then reserue it in a glasse. *. To heale an old sore, and to take out heate of any sore. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aceti vini albi fortis, lbviij. cineris, lbj. let them stand to infuse iij. naturall daies, stirring them twice a day, then put there­to calcis viuae, lbj. Let it stand other iij. daies, stirring it as before. [Page] [Page] [Page 349] Then being well setled, take of the scumme with a feather, and fleet off the cleere lee, and put thereto, salis gemmae, salis alkali, salis vitae, salis armoniacae, & salis tartari, ana ʒj. calcis ouor. & calcis viuae, ana ʒj. Grinde all these together and temper them with the said lee; put them into a glasse limbeck, and distill it in B.M. giuing it the first xxiiij. houres, no more heate then will make and keepe it warme; After that s. a. distill it off, and pre­serue the water as a great secret, which worketh admirably in the cure of * Fistulaes, Festers, Cankers, Marmoles, and many A other maladies. It likewise purgeth of their naturall sick­nesse, if they be boyled therein; But Mercurie boyled therein congeales it. Ex Manusc. Alchymist.

℞. Sulph: & plumbi albi pul. ana ℥j. aq: fluuialis, lbiij. Boyle them gently together one quarter of an houres space, then straine it, and set the lycour ouer the fire againe, and when it begins to simper, put into it (in fine powder) mercurij sublimati, ℥ss. stir them together for ij. minutes space, then take it from the fire, and let it stand till it be colde, then reserue it in a glasse. *. Against fil­thy B vlcers, Ringwormes, Tettars and Scabs. Note; yee ought to scratch the Tettar or Ringworme, before th'application of the water. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: plantag: & solani, vel vini albi, ana lbj. viridis aeris, ʒij. aluminis, ℥ij. boyle them a little, then straine, cleere, and re­serue it. *. Against vlcers of the priuities. If you will iniect C thereof, commixe with one ounce of this water, ℥ij. of plantane water. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: font. lbxij. ros. rub: sicc: M j. plantag: M ij. cort: mali punici, vel balaust: ℥ ss. Boyle them to the wasting of lbij. Then add to the strained lycour, mellis opt: despumati, lb ss. aluminis ro­chae, ℥ ss. Reboyle, scum, clarifie, straine, and reserue it. *. To D mundifie and incarnate vlcers. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Fol saluiae, lauendulae. rorismarini, caprifolij. & plantag: ana M j. summit: rutae, P ij. aluminis vsti, ℥j aq: font: lbij. Boyle them gently to the halfe, then add to the strained lycour, mellis ros. ℥jss. Commixe and reserue it, * to wash (with, and apply vn­to) E vlcers. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Vitrioli albi, lb ss. bol: arm: ʒv. Caphurae, ℥j ss. Powder and mixe them. ℞. huius pulueris, ℥j ss. aq: font: lbj. Make the [Page 350] water hot vpon the fire, but not to seeth, & cast in the powder, & A stirre it about, then take it from the fire, and let it settle, then se­parate the cleere water and reserue it. *. Against vlcers, to be ap­plyed hot. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Saluiae, caprifolij, chelidonij, ana M j. aq: fluentis. lbviij. Boyle them to the halfe, then ad to the strained lycour, mellis lbj. set them on the fire, and take off the scum so long as any will B arise, then add thereto, aluminis rochae, pul. ℥iij. granor. paradisi contasor. ℥j. Boyle them a little, then straine and reserue it. *. For wounds. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Lytharg: argenti, ℥ij. cerusae, ʒvj. aequar. lactucae, solani, & nympheae, ana ℥vj. aceti vini albi, ℥iiij. Mixe them well, and let it C settle, and reserue the cleere water. *. Against inflammations of the Eyes, and deformities of the face. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: font: lbij ss. Sem: papaueris albi, ℥iiij. album: oui vnius, mercurij sublim: ʒij. boracis, & Sacchari candi, ana ℥ ss. s.a. misce. D*. It frees the face from all filthinesse, and makes the skin smooth and faire. Ex Manuscripto.

E ℞. Aq: ros. rub: ℥iiij lactis muliebris, ℥ij. album: ouor duor. Sacchari candi, q s. s. a. misce. *. For Eyes burnt with gunpow­der. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Lytharg: plumbi praep: ℥iij. aceti vini optimi, lbj. Boyle them (with constant stirring, vnto a wasting of one fourth part of the vineger, then filtre of the lycour. Ʋel ℞. Caphurae ʒij. alumi­nis, ℥j ss. boracis ʒj. ol: tartari, ℥j ss. aq: ros. ℥xij, salis gemmae, ʒj ss. Powder what's fit, then mixe them, and after settling, filtre off the water. Vel ℞. Aceti distillati, lbj. ouor. rec: n o: ij. flo: sul­phuris cochl: ij. rad: lapathi acuti, n o: iij. Bruise the roots, then mixe the whole, and macerate them together, in a glasse vessell, for iij. daies compleate, stirre them often each day, then straine and reserue it; this is to be applyed with a nodule of branne tied vp in a cleane linnen cloute. Vel ℞. Lytharg: auri praep: ℥iij. aceti vini opt: lb ss. Mixe, and macerate them xij. houres, then filtre of the lycour, and reserue it. Vel ℞. Aq: flor. fabar. & ros. rub: F ana ℥iiij. ol: tartari, ℥iij. salis gemmae, ʒij. Mixe them well and reserue it in glasse. *. Against the morphew. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: sperniolae, lb ss. Sem: papaueris albi, ℥j ss. sublimati pul. G gra. v. succi limonis gut: vj. s.a. f. Emulsio. *. Against spots in the face. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 351]℞. Caphurae, & Sulphuris, ana ℥j. myrrhae, thuris, ana ℥ss. aq: ros. lbj. being prepared and mixt, put them into a glasse, and ex­pose them to ten daies hot sunne, then apply it. *. Against pu­stules A in the face. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: ros. damascenar. lbij. Caphurae, ʒj. Christalli, ʒij. Sul­phuris viui, olybani, ana ʒj. ossis sepiae, ʒ ss. succi lymonum duor. Prepare and put them into a glasse, and sunne them as before *. It's B right excellent to beautifie the face. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Merc: sublimati, ℥ ss. aq: plantag: ℥j. Stampe them toge­ther in a stone morter with a wooden pestell vntill it wax dry; then put it into a little linnen bag, then take succi limonum ℥ ss. aq: ros. rub: ʒij. Mixe them, infuse the bag therein, vntill it haue imbibed all the lycour, then make a light expression thereof, and reserue the lycour in a glasse vessell, * this applyed with a feather, C causeth an escar speedily to cast off, and produceth a Cicatrice. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Succi plantag: q. v. Sacchari albiss: q. s. Boyle, scum, and reserue it to wash * moist vlcers, before th'applying of a drying D playster. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Vng: agiptiaci nouiter sacti, ℥ij. Whilest it is yet hot, put it into a pinte of white wine; commixe them well, then let them settle, afterward separate and reserue the cleere for vse. *. To E cleanse vlcers. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: ros. rub: lb ss. vini albi ℥x. fol: ros. rub: siccar. lbss. Put them altogether into a new pipkin, and couer it, let it stand in a vessell of hot water vntill the Rose-leaues wax white, then add to the strained lycour, tutiae praep: & aloes succot: ana ℥ ss. Put them together into a glasse, and stop it close, set it to the heate of the sun (or some other answerable heate) for xv. daies; in the interim, shake it often and well together. After drop of the cleere part thereof into the Eyes at going to bed. *. Against sorenesse of the F Eyes and dimnesse of the sight. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ʋitrioli viridiss: ℥iij. Burne it in a crucible, till it returne to its naturall verdure, then coole and powder it; cast that powder into iij. quarts of boyling water, let them seeth together, and there will arise a black scum, take it off with a feather, so long as any will arise, and then reserue it. *. Against fistulaes, and Noli me G tangere. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 352]℞. Sublimati, ℥j. vitrioli rom: ℥ij. mellis, ℥iiij. aq: fabrilae, lbij. Boyle all these together on a gentle fire, to the wasting of a third A part, then add caphurae pul. ʒj. album: ouor. duor. benè conquassa­tor. clarifie and reserue it. *. To cleanse and dry olde vlcers. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Calcis vinae, lbiiij. quench it in three gallons of scalding wa­ter, commixe it well and straine it, then let it settle, and reserue a gallon of the cleerest, for vse. Vel ℞. Absinth: centaurij mino, rorismarini fol: lauri, rad. helenij, & lapithi lutei, ana M j. ciner. lbj ss. salis atri, M j. aq: font: lbvj. Boyle them together to the B wasting of a third part, then straine, and vse it warme. *. Against Tettars, Scabs, or Itch. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aceti vini albi, ℥iiij. aluminis rochae, ℥ ss. fol. quinquefolij, caprifolij, & plantag: ana n o: xij. Boyle them gently to the wa­sting of the halfe, then add to the strained lycour, mellis cochl: j. C merc: sublimati, ʒij. Boyle them a little and reserue it. *. To kill any Itch. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: plantag: ℥j. balaustior. ʒ ss. fol: ros. rub: ʒjss. Sang: drac. ℈j. myrtill: ʒj. aluminis combusti, ʒij. Boyle them s.a. at a gentle fire, D straine and reserue it. *. To dry vp a moist vlcer. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Portulacae agrestae, maluae, solatri, plantag: cum seminibus, ana M iij. albuminū ouor. n o: xij. lymonum n o: xij. aluminis rochae, ℥iiij. Mixe and distill them s. a. Vel ℞. calcis corticum ouor. coralii albi, pul. ana ℥ij. aluminis saccharini, ℥iiij. salis calcinati, & boracis, ana ℥vj. gum: tragacant: ℥vj. rad: lilior. albor. n o: vj. Saponis albi, lbviij. styracis calamitae, & belzoini, ana ℥iiij. Mixe and distill them by an alembick, and reserue the water. Vel ℞. Aceti vi­ni, lb ss. lytharg: auri, ℥j ss. Cerusae, ℥j. salis gemmae, ʒvj. aluminis rochae, ℥ ss. boracis sulph: viui, & salis nitri ana ʒiij. caphurae, ʒ ss. E Mixe and distill them as before, reserue these waters in glasse close stopt. *. Against rednesse of the face. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Vitrioli albi, & aluminis rochae, ana partes aequales, vini al­bi, q. s. Set them to macerate on hot embers for one whole night; F then reserue it for vse. *. Against the inflammation of the yard by the act of vncleanesse. You must first wash the part cleane with white wine warme, then iniect the former water, incorporated with the iuice of houseleek; and if there be any part vlcerated, strow on it powder made vitrioli albi, aluminis rochae, & Sacchari albi. Ex Manuscripto.

[Page 353]℞. Aq: lactis distillatae, lb ss. Sacchari albissimi, ℥v. Mixe them at the fire and iniect it hot. *. Against the vlcer in the bladder. A Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: plunialis, lbviij. Sacchari candi pul. lbj. Boyle them a little, and then put in viridis aeris pul. ℥ij. Let them seeth toge­ther a prettie space, then straine and reserue it. *. Against vlcers B of the priuities. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Aq: plantag: ℥iiij. aq: ros. ℥ij. aq: hord, lb ss. Syr. ros. ℥ij. Collyrij albi sine opio, ʒjss. misce. Vel ℞. Aq: ros. & solani, ana lbj. agrimoniae, M j. Sacchari candi ℥ij. floris aeris, ʒss. Boyle them together to the halfe, then ad Syr. infusionis rosar. ℥ij. straine and reserue it. Vel ℞. Lytharg: auri, Cerusae venetae, ana ℥iiij. Ca­phurae, ℥ ss. Make them all into fine powder, and mixe them well together, take ℥ij. of this powder & vini albi lbj. misce: and re­serue it in glasse, when you vse it shake it well together. *. These C (iniected) auaile against vlcers in the vritory passage. Ex Manu­scripto.

℞. Ouor. ad duritiem coctor. n o: iiij. Stampe the yolkes very fine, and powre vpon them aq: vitae opt: lbij. ad to these aluminis, ℥ ss. Caphurae, ʒij. aeruginis, ʒ ss. Powder these, and mixe the whole, then let them macerate xij. houres, then straine and re­serue D the lycour. *. Against sordid vlcers of the priuities, it is to be applyed with lint, and renewed once in vj. houres, if the vlcer be corosiue; then add to the former, pul. myrrhae, & aloes, ana q. s. if it be cancerous; then add pul. praecipitati, vng: aegiptiaci, vel apostolor. according to iudgement, or else anoint the vlcer cum oleo ouor. and asperse thereon powder of burnt lint, but not the ashes. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Ʋitrioli albi, ℥iiij. aluminis vsti, ℥ij. Make them into fine powder, and put them into a fit vessell of glasse, and put vnto them aq: font. lbiiij. and so reserue it for vse. *. Against fistulaes, or hol­low E vlcers, to be iniected hot, and then so to shut or close vp the orifice (for one quarter of an houre) that nothing may flow forth: (in which space, it will certainely make an escar) then secondly iniect aq: plantag: colde, and close vp the orifice as before, this will asswage dolor, and allay the heate; thirdly, iniect these fol­lowing oyles, being commixt. viz. Ol: lilior. albor. ol: hyperici, rosar. & lumbricor. ana ℥j. ol: spicae, ℥ ss. inclose this iniection xxiiij. [Page 354] houres, repeate this course iij. or iiij. times, so shall you see much sanious, and rotten humors to flow forth, or so long as that the vlcer be cleansed from all corruption of humours. But Note; that if the vlcer grow very tender, that then you ought to make the water weaker; which you iudge of by the touch of the tongue. A*. This is likewise approued good against the Caruncle, fistula in ano, scabs, wheales, itch, &c. first washing them with these, then with plantane water. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Album: ouor. recent: n o: iij. Beate them to oyle and take off the froth, ad to that oyle, olei rapini, cochl: j. aq: fluentis cochl: B ij. Beate them well together, &c. *. This applyed (with soft linnen cloathes) extinguisheth the inflammation of the yard, if it be often repeated, and not suffered to wax dry. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Merc: sublimati, & aluminis rochae pul. ana q. v. aq: distilla­titiar C saluiae, rorismarini, & plantag: ana q. s. put them together into a glasse, and shut it close, and reserue it. *. Against vlcers of the priuities. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Mercurij sublimati, ℥ ss. aq: font: lbij. Boyle them toge­ther D in a pipkin, till it come to lb ss. then reserue it in a glasse. *. To destroy warts, wet them therewith, and strow on them the pow­der of sauin, mixt with a little pepper, and this will destroy them on any part of the body. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Absinthij, & apij, ana M ss. parthenij, artemisiae, plantag: bellidis, saluiae, buglossae, caprisolij, & rorismarini, ana M j. rutae, P ij. aq: fluentis, q. s. boyle them together to the halfe; then add to the strained lycour, aerugin [...], vitrioli albi pul. ana ℥ss. aluminis rochae, ℥j. mellis puri, ℥ij. take the scum cleane off, and set it by; when it is almost colde, put into it in fine powder mercurij subli­mati, ʒj. Caphurae pul. ℈j. incorporate and reserue it in glasse. E*. Against sordid venemous vlcers, soares, Ex Lue Venerea, fistu­laes, cancers, tettars, ringwormes, &c. To be applyed warme. Ex Manuscripto.

℞. Fragariar. maturar. q. v. Set them to digest in fimo equino. fifteene daies, then distill them per B.M. and reserue the water. F*. Against th'inordinate flux of teares. Marinellus. Vel. ℞. Flor. spinae albae, folior. vel comar. salicis, & euphragiae, ana q. s. distill them as before.

℞. Succor. chelidoniae, verbenae, rutae, faeniculi, ana ℥iij. comar. [Page] [Page] [Page 355] & fol: ros. ana q.s Sacchari candi, ℥iij. tutiae optima, sanguinis dra­conis, ana ℥iiij Bruise, distill, and reserue the water. *. Against A rednesse of the Eyes. Marinellus.

℞. Aceti opt: lbj. aq: font: lbj. lytharg: auri, & argenti, ana ℥ij. Cerusae, ℥j. aluminis ℥ ss. Powder fine what's requisite, and boyle altogether a quarter of an houre (with constant stirring) then reserue it to vse. *. To dry vp superfluous moysture in vl­cers, B to allay heate, and heale; when you will vse it, straine that portion you vse, and make it warme, and apply it with stuphes. Martin.

℞. Ros. rub: siccar. fol. myrti, malicorij, balaustij, tartari, vini albi, aluminis, hordei, sem: canlium, ana partes aequales, aq: plan­tag: q s. Decoct them s. a. and add to euery pound of the strained lycour, mellis ros. ℥iij. Mixe and reserue it. *. To cleanse and dry C filthy vlcers. Nicolaus Massa.

℞. Aq: seperationis auri ab argento, ℥ij. aq: ros. ℥vj. Com­mixe and reserue it. *. To cleanse, dry, and heale, filthy vlcers, D especially such as arise Ex Lue Venerea, lightly to be toucht there­with, it will stay the maligne gadding thereof, and preuent de­scending of humors. Nicolaus Massa.

℞. Caryophillor. pyrethri, ana ℥ ss. piperis nigri, ℥ij. cardamo­mi, ʒiij cantaridum, ʒv. aluminis, salis nitri, sulphuris, cerusae, ana ℥j. crociorient: ʒj. sublimati, ℥iij. theriacae andromicae, ℥j. aq: ardentis, lbiij. Powder those that are to be powdred; let them all stand to macerate in a colde place for certaine daies, then re­serue it in a close and fit vessell. *. Against Luem Ʋenerem, to be E applyed as followeth; viz. Madefie a sponge in this lycour, and wet therewith all the principall ioynts of the body vntill they bli­ster, or other accidents fall out, as in the vnctions are accustomed; vse no medicines for the blisters, but abstaine from this a space, then returne to it againe, and repeate it till you be sure the disease is eradicated. H. de Othen.

℞. Aluminis crudi, [...]j alb: ouor. crudor. n o: xv. succor portu­lacae, plantag. solani semperuini, nicotianae, aq: vlmariae, lagopi, & rosar. ana ℥iiij. labour them well together, and draw off the wa­ter by an alembick of glasse in B. M. *. To cleanse & dry any sharp F vlcer; and to take away proud flesh. Iul: Palmarius.

℞. Aq: plantag: lbj. sanicula, M j. croci, ʒj. aluminis pul. ℥ ss. [Page 356] Let them stand on hot embers (couered) one houre; then add to the strained lycour, mellis despumati, & caphurae in albumine oni A dissolutae, ana ℥ ss. incorporate and reserue it close stopt *. Against a hot humor, causing dolor, and making raw the skin; to be ap­plyed twice a day with loft linnen cloathes wet therein. H.P.

℞. Pul. menthae siccae, dictamni, & rad: iridis florent: ana ℥j. pul. sem: agni casti, lactucae, rutae, ana ʒvj. terebint: venetae, ℥iiij. vini albi, ℥xx. Commixe all these and distill them in a glasse lim­beck B in B.M. and reserue the water. *. Against a filthy virulent and inueterate Gonorrhaea; the dose is ij. spoonefulls euery mor­ning with continuance, vnto a perfect cure; alwaies prouided, that the Patient hath first beene purged with some appropriate mercuriated medicine. Th'author affirmeth that he hath cured an C hundreth persons with this water. *. It likewise auaileth much against an vlcer in the raynes. Quercitanus.

℞. Phlegmatis vitrioli, & phlegmat: aluminis, ana lb ss. flo: tapsi barbati fol: hederae nigrae, ana M j. limacum, ranar. astacor. vel can­cror flunialium, ana n o: x. After due preparation, distill them al­together in a large limbeck of lead, with a reasonable strong fire, D and reserue the water. *. Against burnings with fire; foment the place therewith v. or vj. times a day. Vel ℞. Aq: spermatis ra­nar. & phlegmatis vitrioli, ana q.s. misce. and apply it as before. Quercitanus. Ol: tartari, ℥j. aq: fontanae, ℥vj. misce. *. Against spots in the face. D. Rainald.

℞. Caryophill: salis nitri, & sulphuris, ana ℥j. zinz: tip: long: pirethri, aloes epat: sem: erucae, ana ℥ ss. croci, euphorbij, ana ʒij. alu­minis, ℥ij ss. cantharidar. purgatar. ʒvj. aq: vitae, lbij ss. Powder what's fit, then put the whole into a glasse, and close it. Let it stand in a heate of B. M. xiiij. daies, then straine, and reserue it. E*. Against aches neare the bone, or in or about the ioynts, procee­ding Ex Lue Venerea. Rennerus.

℞. Tutiae praeparatae. ʒj sulphuris, aluminis vsti, ana ʒij. aceti F rosacei, ℥j. aq: rosar. ℥ij. misce. *. Against spots, marks, or scars, proceeding Ex Lue Ʋenerea. Rennerus.

℞. Cerusae, ℈ij. merc: sublimati, gr. xij ol: tartari, ℥j. aq: rosar. alb: ℥v. Grinde the Ceruse and Mercury very fine, then mixe the G whole. *. Against heate and pimples proceeding Ex Lue Ʋe­nerea. Rennerus.

[Page 357]℞. Aluminis rubri, ℥vj. salis comis: ℥iij. masticis, myrrha, A caryoph: ʒvj. Bruise, mixe, and distill them. *. This water makes the teeth white. Rondeletius.

℞. Salis ammoniaci, vitrioli romani, viridis aeris, ana ℥ij alu­minis rub: ℥j. calcis vinae, ℥ss. s. a. distill them in a glasse limbeck. B *. Against warts & other like tubercles in the face. Rondeletius.

℞. Decoctionis bryoniae, decoctionis ficuum, ana partes aequales, misce. *. The face being often washt therewith, is made smooth C thereby and freed from wrinkles. Rondeletius.

℞. Aq: lapathi acuti, ℥iij. boracis ʒiij. salis comis: ʒj. aceti scyllitici, ℥j. misce. Vel ℞. Aceti albi opt: ℥iiij. succi lapathi acuti, succi lymonum, ana ʒiij. lytharg: auri, lbj. Boyle them to­gether a little, then distill them s. a. and reserue the water. *. A­gainst D a Ringworme or Tettar in the face. Rondeletius.

℞. Aq: vitae opt: partes iij. flor. anthos partes ij. Macerate them together xxiiij houres, then distill them s. a. and reserue the water. *. Against spots in the face. Rondeletius. E

℞. Theriacae vet: lbj. acetose, M ij. camo. pulegij, graminis, card: bened: ana M ij. Contemper them with white wine and distill them, and reserue the water. *. As admirable in Lues Venerea: F The dose is ℥ij. with ℥iij. of Sorrell or Buglosse water entering into bed or bath. Rondeletius. Th'author affirmes, that with this medicine he hath cured many both olde and young.

℞. Masticis, myrrhae aloes hepaticae, nardi, sang: drac: olybani, opoponacis, bdellij, carpobalsami, croci, gum arabici, styracis liquidi, ana ʒij ss. Beate what is be beaten, and add vnto them terebinta clarae, equall waight; mixe, and distill them in a glasse limbeck, and reserue the water for vse. Vel ℞. Fabar. rad: serpentariae, flo: fabar. lymonum, arantior. mellis, pedum vituli, arietis, & por­celli, ana q. s. Prepare and distill them s a. and reserue the water. *. To take away the spots and prints of the small pocks. Rubeus. G

℞. Aq: ros, ℥iij. stibij perlucidi pul: & recte praep: ℈ ss. Com­mixe them well, then let them stand to settle xxiiij. houres, v. or vj. drops at once of the cleere and pure part of this water, being dropt into the Eyes first and last doth free them * from spots, and H dryes vp superfluous moysture. Rulandus.

℞. Ligni guiaci, & plypodij quercini, ana lb ss. epithimi, ℥ij. asparagi, ℥vj. conser: Rosar. cichorij, borag: buglossae. ana quat: ij. [Page 358] theriacae bonae & conser. aenulae, ana quart j. aq: font: lbviij. vini albi, lbij aq: fumariae, aq: cichorij, & chamo. ana lbj. Commixe and macerate them on a heate of embers for a nights space, then distill them in B.M. in a limbeck close shut, and reserue the wa­ter. A*. As of singular vse in the cure of Lues Ʋenerea. Add vnto ℥iij. of this water. sacchari alb: ℥j: Cinamo. bene contusi, ℥j. let them macerate together (on embers) all night, passe it through I po­crasse bag in the morning, and giue the Patient before sweate. Syluius.

℞. Aluminis rochae, ℥j. viridis aeris, ʒj. aq: ferratae, q. s. Boyle them together for ij. houres space, then straine and reserue it. B*. Against vlcers of the priuities. A quodam Veneto.

℞. Sacchari albi, aloes epaticae, ana ʒv. tutiae praep: ℈ss. caphurae, gra: ij. vini albi clari, aq: ros. & faenic: ana ℥ ss. Commixe them in C a glasse vessell; let them infuse together vj. or vij. houres, then ap­ply it s.a. *. Against the rednesse and waterishnesse of the Eyes. Vesalius.

Succifaenic: dul. vel sem: eius, ʒj. sang: columbini, ℥j. tutiae, antimonij, ana ʒij. aq: ros. & myrtillor ana ℥jss. myrabol: citrin: ʒss. misce. s. a. draw forth the water by an alembick, and reserue it. D*. To enlarge the apple of a straightned Eye. Ʋigo.

℞. Vuar. immaturar. lbiij. mali granati, balaust: sumach: ana lbij. aceti, q. s. Infuse and distill them s. a. then add to the distilled water, aluminis, lbj. vitrioli, ℥iij. re-distill these, and reserue the E water. *. Against Polypus. Weckerus.

℞. Cerusae, lytharg: ana ℥j. plumbi vsti, ℥ ss. lap: calaminaris, ℥ss. bol: arm: ℥j ss. sang drac: terrae sigil: ana ℥j. aluminis combusti, ℥ss. calicum glandium, gallar. viridium, baccar. myrti, psydiae, balaustij, sumach: ana M j. coriandri, sem: plantag. ana ℥ ss. ros. rub: Pij. aq: chalybiatae, q.s. mellis q.s. Boyle them together, straine, and re­serue F it. * Against vicers virulent and corosiue. Weckerus.

℞. Succor. solani semperuiui, acetosae, Scabiosae, caprisolij, tapsi barbati, Scrophulariae, philopendulae, lunariae, & agrimoniae, ana lb ss. succi omphacij. lbj. carnis limacum, ranar. & cancror. ana G lb ss. album: ouor. n o: vj aluminis, ℥vj. caphurae, ʒj ss. Distill them together in a leaden limbeck, and reserue the water to dry. *. An vlcerated Cancer. Weckerus.

℞. Rad: aristol. vtriusque & iridis, ana ℥ ss. centaurij mino­ris, [Page] [Page] [Page 359] ℥j ss. agarici, ℥iij. symphiti, M j. hyperici, ped: columb; herbae roberti, ana M j. cort: pini, ℥ij. ros. rub: & anthos, ana P ss. mellis rosar. ℥iij. vini albi, q. s. Commixe and distill them, * for an vlcer A where the bone is corrupted. Weckerus.

℞. Aquar. lauondulae, saluiae, paeoniae, pulegij, maioranae, ana ℥ ss. misce. *. This held often and long in the mouth, (and not B swallowed downe) recouers lost speech. Weckerus.

℞. Vitrioli albi, lbij. aluminis rochae, lbiij. bol: arm: pul. lb ss. aq: pluuiae, q. s. Put them into a pot together, and boyle them to the wasting of the water, then take forth the dry masse. Take ℥j. hereof, and dissolue it in aq: pluuiali q. s. then reserue it against * the inueterate vlcers of the Throate, or any other part. It like­wise C cures scabs and Itch. Zuingerus.

Triunus Deus in aeternum glorificetur.


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