M r. GEORGE BLACKWEL, (Made by Pope Clement 8. Arch­ priest of England) his Answeres vpon sundry his Examinations: Together, with his Approbation and taking of the Oath of Allegeance: And his Letter written to his Assistants, and brethren, moouing them not onely to take the said Oath, but to aduise all Romish Catholikes so to doe.

¶IMPRINTED AT London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. 1607.

[royal blazon or coat of arms]

THE FIRST EXAMI­NATION OF M r George Blackwell Arch Priest, assigned by the Pope for England.
Taken at Lambeth by the most Reuerend Father in God, the L. Archbishop of Canterbury his Grace and some others, the 25. day of Iune, 1607.

BEeing demanded, M Blackwel was apprehen­ded neere Cler­ken well on Midsummer day at night, viz. 24 Iunij. Whether his name were Blackwel, He an­swered out of a place of [...] Chrysostome wri­ting vpo those words, Estote prudentes si [...]t serpentes, & simplices sicut columbae; That before hee came into trouble, he was to vse all caution for the preseruation of his head, that is, of his faith: but now that he is ap­prehended, hee is to deale simply without [Page 2] any duplicitie. And there upon he acknow­ledged his name to bee George Blackwell, and that he was Arch-Priest, which Office hee hath borne about nine or ten yeeres.

Georgius Blackwellus Archipres-byter.

¶The second Examination of M. Blackwell taken at Lambeth, &c. the 26. of Iune 1607.

HEe confesseth, he hath not his Pardon, but sayth that he laboured to haue obtai­ned it: but no man durst mooue for it, his name be­ing so knowen.

Being demanded, How hee durst take such an Office vpon him as he hath, to di­rect and command, first her late Maiesties, and now the Kings Subjects without their consent, hee answereth; That it was layd [Page 3] vpon) him without his seeking for it: That hee vndertooke onely to keepe the Priests in order, and to stay all vnlawfull attempts so farre as he was able &c.

Georgius Blackwellus Archi presbyter.

¶The third Examination of M. Blackwell, taken at Lambeth, &c. the last day of Iune 1607.

MAster Blackwell being requi­red to deliuer his knowledge [...]hing a Booke lately come forth, Intituled, Quae­stiones duae de sacris alienis non adeundis, ad vsum praxim (que), Angliae breuiter explicate: concerning the occasion, and authour of it, saith, that as he thinketh, M. Parsons is the authour of it; and that he so thinketh, by reason of the subscription, R. P. and vpon no other information.

[Page 4] That the occasion of the treatise (as he supposeth) was a certaine short Pamphlet of a sheete and an halfe, as hee guesseth, written by Thomas Wright a Priest, contei­ning certaine reasons, to prooue it lawfull for Recusants, to goe to the Church here in England; which reasons being sent to Rome (but not by this Examinate, nor with his priuitie) were answered in such sort, as in the said Treatise doeth appeare.

Being hereupon demaunded, whether the said treatise written by M. Parsons as a­foresaid, bee generally receiued by the Priestes here in England, as conteining a true decision of the points it handleth: he answereth, that the same notwithstanding, unus quis que abundat in suo sensu, as he sup­poseth, &c.

Georgius Blackwellus, Archi-presbyter.

¶The fourth Examination of M. Blackwell, taken at Lambeth, &c. the first of Iuly 1607.

Master Blackewell confesseth,

THat he was appointed Arch­priest by Henry Cardinall Caietane, as appeareth [...] the said Cardinals Letter, be­ginning, The effect of this Breue and of the other, is set downe in the latter end. Scitum est &c. and dated from Rome the 7. of March, 1598.

That the said Cardinall together with the said Letter, sent vnto him certaine in­structions for his direction, and better exe­cution of his Office, the first whereof be­ginneth thus, Cùm praecipua intentio suae san­ctitatis sit, &c. They bare the same date with the said Letter, viz. 7 o. Martij, 1598.

That hee receiued the said Letter and instructions the 9. day of May following, viz. anno 1598.

That vpon the receit thereof, hee ac­quainted two Priests with the contents of [Page 6] them, and from that time forward did exe­cute his Office for peace, and for restraint of the stubbornnesse of some.

That in Nouember following, another Letter was directed vnto him from the said Cardinall, beginning, Admodum Reueren­de, &c. and bearing date 10. Nouember, Anno. 1598.

That the yeere after he receiued a Bre­ue from Pope Clement the 8. for the Con­firmation of his Office. The Breue began thus: Ad futuram rei memoriam, &c. and bare date 6 o Aprilis, Anno 1599.

That hee made the same knowen vnto some of his Assistants; that the same yeere hee receiued certaine Spirituall Faculties from Cardinall Caietane, in number, eight: which he sent vnto some of his Assistants. The Faculties were thus intituled, Faculta­tes concedendae Sacerdotibus, &c. and his Letter which he sent vnto his Coadiutors, began thus: Dilectiss. Coadintores, iam tan­dem à superioribus deducta est ad me potestas communicandi facultates, &c. My beloued [Page 7] Coadiutors, now at the last, is brought vn­to me from my Superiours, authoritie to graunt Faculties, &c.

Memorandum, that the Copies of all the said Breues and Letters were in the hands of the L. Archbishop of Canturbury, and acknowledged to be true by M. Blackwell.

Georgius Blackwellus, Archi-presbyter.

¶The fift Examination taken at Lambeth, &c. the second of Iuly 1607.

Master Blackwel confesseth,

THat he receiued another Breue from Clement the 8. beginning, Cùm nobilissimum Angliae Re­gnum, &c. and dated from S. Makes in Rome, 17. Augusti Anno 1601.

That he published the said Breue, wher­in hee is declared to bee Arch-priest in the whole Realme of England, and to be pla­ced by the same authority the Prefect ouer all the Catholikes in England. This Breue, [Page 8] he saith, did afterwards appeare vnto him, to haue beene vnlawfully sent into this Realme.

That certaine Bookes being printed Permissu Superiorum, hee certified the Ca­tholikes, that they might with a safe con­science reade them, as not being within the compasse of the sayd Breue.

That hee receiued from Rome another Breue, beginning, Venerunt nuper ad Nos nonnulli Sacerdotes Angliae, being dated, 5. Octob. 1602.

That he published the said Breue, which had been published before, and printed by the discontented Priests that procured it.

That he gaue order for generall prayers to bee had for the good successe of that which was intended by himselfe in his prayers: which was not (as hee sayth) for any good successe towards the Rebels in Ireland in the late Queenes time: but for­asmuch as there was a certaine report gi­uen out of the Infanta her being with childe, that shee might haue a safe deli­uerance: [Page 9] adding, that he euer detested those courses in Ireland.

That vpon the late Queenes death, when his Maiestie was proclaimed King, he was very ioyfull; sent wine to a bonfire not farre from him: and afterwards, fearing some euill intent, because hee perceiued some, who had been alwayes too forward in disobedient attempts, to goe with great attendance vpon them in gallantrie, hee divulged his letters of perswasion and com­maundement (so much as lay in him) to all Catholikes and Priests, that in any wife they should be quiet, and attempt nothing, but liue as became Subiects, in duetiful and peaceable obedience.

That vpon the publishing of the othe of Allegeance made the last Session of this present Parliament, he divulged his iudge­ment and direction for the lawfulnesse of the taking of that oath: and many Priests did concurre with him in opinion therein, though there were some that dissented.

That when M. Singleton was banished, [Page 10] this Examinate, as fearing that his former direction should be disliked in Rome, did deliuer vnto him the reasons of such his o­pinion, and directions to be imparted euen vnto the Pope himselfe, if occasion should require.

That matters were handled with such speede, as that M. Singleton in his iourney towards Rome met a Breue from this Pope Paul the fifth, at Sienna, comming towards the Low Countries, to be sent from thence hither.

That after the departure of M. Single­ton, this Examinate not contenting him­selfe with that which he had committed to his relation, prepared one purposely, to haue been sent to Rome with all his reasons in writing: and in the meane while, till his sayd messenger might be ready, he wrote his Letters and reasons with a more speedy passage, to haue stayed all directions or Breues against the taking of the sayd oath of Allegeance.

That when his sayd Letters were come [Page 11] to Rome, none durst present his reasons to the Pope: that M. Singleton sent him word, how he himselfe hauing had speach with the chiefest Cardinals, and most of the lear­ned men in Rome, did finde them to be in opinion contrary to this Examinate: and that his this Examinates sayd opinion is condemned already in Salamanca, as hee hath been informed.

That afterwards the sayd Breue which M. Singleton met at Sienna, came to this Examinate: but with no more particular direction to him, then to all other Ca­tholikes.

That this Examinate hauing receiued the said Breue, as others likewise had, did shew the same vnto some persons: but hee sayeth, that hee did neuer publish it: and, that he hath bin challenged both at home, and from abroade, and greatly blamed in that respect: adding, that when some haue vrged him in that behalfe, his answere was, that he would not thrust his head into the halter wilfully: and that therefore hee vt­terly [Page 12] denyeth the This Letter cō ­teineth the pub­lication of the said Breue, a­gainst the ta­king of the oath aforesaid. Letter shewed vnto him dated 28. Septem. 1606. to haue proceeded from him, or that euer hee had any know­ledge of it, but sayeth it was falsely giuen out in his name.

Georgius Blackwellus, Archi-presbyter.

¶The sixth Examination taken at Lambeth, &c. the third of Iuly 1607.

BEing demaunded, whether vpon the receipt of the sayd Breue last mentioned, his for­mer opinion for the lawful­nesse of the taking of the sayd oath of Al­legeance, be altered: After a due time of deliberation he saith, that his said opinion is not altered by the said Breue, or by any other reason which hitherto he hath seene.

Being further asked, whether hee doe [Page 13] hold this a lawfull oath to be taken by Ca­tholiques in England, and whether hee himselfe, if he shalbe required, will take the same, he saith, that the oath carying that sense, His Maiesties speech in the Parliament, letter C. pag 1. Their point of doctrine is that arrogant and ambitious Supremacie of their Head the Pope, whereby he not only claimes to be Spirituall head of all Christi­ans, but also to haue an Imperiall ciuill power ouer all Kings and Emperors, dethro­ning and decrowning Princes with his foote as pleaseth him, and dispensing and dispo­sing of all Kingdomes and Empires at his appetite. The other point which they obserue in continuall practise, is the assassinates and murthers of Kings, thinking it no sinne, but rather a matter of saluation, to do all acti­ons of rebellion and hostilitie against their naturall Soueraigne Lord, if he be once cur­sed, his subiects discharged of their fidelity, and his Kingdom giuen a pray by that three crowned Monarch, or rather Monster their Head. which his Maiesties words, touching the do­ctrine of the Church of Rome in that behalfe, do seeme to import in his speech before the Lords & the rest in Parliament, 19. Martij 1603. His iudgement is, That the same may and ought to be taken by al the Catho­likes in England, and that he himselfe, if it shalbe tendered vnto him, will not refuse to take it.

And hereupon he wished, that he might but haue spoken with Master Drury before his death: in that he vnderstandeth his life had bene preserued, if he would haue taken that oath.

Being further demaunded, forasmuch [Page 14] as his sayd former opinion for the lawful­nesse of taking the said oath is not altered, whether he can be content, to write to the Priests as much as heretofore he hath deli­uered vnto them by word of mouth, tou­ching that his opinion: he saith, that when he first deliuered his said opinion, hee did relie vpon certaine reasons sent by him to Rome, (the briefe whereof he hath before set downe in one of his former Examinati­ons:) and that, his opinion continuing the same it was before, he could be content to write as much concerning the lawfulnesse of taking the sayd oath, as before hee hath deliuered in speech to some Priests, were it not, that hee should therein subiect himselfe to great opposition: and there­fore now addeth, that relying vpon his Maiesties sayd words, as formerly hee did, and now perceiuing, how the Parliament did purposely auoyd in the penning of the sayd oath, to call into question the Popes authoritie to Excommunicate, but did on­ly intend to preuent the daungers which [Page 15] might ensue by the supposed doctrine of such inferences, as thereupon haue beene made, and are mentioned in that oath; he can be content to publish in writing vnder his seale to all the Catholique Priests in England, that in the sense aboue by him expressed, he thinketh it lawfull for them to take the sayd oath: and doth himselfe take the same accordingly: viz.

IGeorge Blackewell doe truely and sin­cerely acknowledge, professe, testifie, and declare in my conscience before God and the world, That our Souereigne Lord King Iames is lawfull and rightfull king of this Realme, and of all other his Maiesties Domi­nions and Countreyes; And that the Pope, neither of himselfe, nor by any authoritie of the Church, or See of Rome, or by any other meanes with any other, hath any power, or authoritie to depose the King, or to dispose a­ny of his Maiesties Kingdomes or Dominions, or to authorize any forreine prince to inuade or annoy him, or his countreys, or to discharge a­ny [Page 16] of his subiects of their allegeance and obedi­ence to his Maiestie, or to giue licence, or leaue to any of them to beare armes, raise tumult, or to offer any uiolence or hurt to his Maiesties royall Person, State, or gouernment, or to any of his Maiesties subiects within his Maiesties Dominions.

Also I doe sweare from my heart, that not­withstanding any Declaration or sentence of Excommunication or Depriuation made or granted, or to be made or granted by the Pope, or his Successours, or by any Authoritie deri­ued, or pretented to be deriued from him, or his See against the said King, his Heires or Suc­cessours, or any absolution of the said Subiects from their Obedience; I will beare faith and true allegeance to his Maiestie, his Heires and Successors, and him and them will defend to the uttermost of my power against all con­spiracies and attempts whatsoeuer, which shall be made against his or their Persons, their Crowne and Dignitie, by reason or colour of any such Sentence or Declaration, or otherwise, and will doe my best endeauour to disclose and [Page 17] make knowen unto his Maiestie, his Heires and Successours, all Treasons and traiterous conspi [...]ies, which I shall know or heare of to be against him or any of them.

And I doe further sweare, That I doe from my heart abhorre, detest, and abiure, as impi­ous and hereticall, this damnable doctrine and position, That Princes which be excommuni­cated or depriued by the Pope, may be deposed or murdered by their Subiects, or any other whatsoeuer.

And I doe belieue, and in conscience am re­solued, That neither the Pope, nor any person whatsoeuer, hath power to absolue mee of this Oath, or any part thereof, which I acknowledge by good and full Authoritit to be lawfully mi­nistred vnto mee, and doe renounce all Par­dons and Dispensations to the contrarie.

And all these things I doe plainely and sin­cerely acknowledge and sweare according to these expresse words by me spoken, and accor­ding to the plaine and common sense and un­derstanding of the same words, without any Equiuocation, or mentall euasion, or secret re­seruation [Page 18] whatsoever. And I doe make this recognition and acknowledgment heartily, willingly, and truely, upon the true faith of a Christian: So helpe me God.

George Blackwell Arch-priest.

¶The seuenth Examination, taken at Lambeth, &c. the 4. of Iuly 1607.

MAfter Blackwell being vrged to explicate himselfe more fully touching the sense hee relieth vpon out of his Maie­sties words 19. Martij 1603. since publi­shed in print: in that he may so vnderstand them, as notwithstanding his oath former­ly taken, that duety which is expected is no way satisfied: because his Maiesties meaning is euident, that he doeth account it to proceede from appetite, and rashnesse in any of the Bishops of Rome whosoeuer, who presuming to excommunicate any [Page 19] King, shall by the same either absolue his Subiects from their obedience, or excite them to beare Armes against him, or au­thorize them to lay violent hands vpon his Person, or to stirre vp any sedition or tu­mult within his Kingdome, or to assist any that shall make such Attempts either a­gainst the King, or the State of the King­dome:

Hee answereth for the further opening of his meaning, That no lawfull Excom­munication can [...]roduce such effects, nor ought to inforce the same. And he further saith, First, that he is verily perswaded in his conscience, that the Bishop of Rome wil neuer Excommunicate his Maiestie; and yet that if he should so do, and in the same take vpon him to discharge his Maiesties subiects of their allegeance, or require them to beare Armes against him, or to offer vi­olence vnto his Royall person; he this Ex­aminate would neuerthelesse for his owne part continue his Maiesties faithfull Sub­iect: and that in his iudgement, all Catho­likes [Page 20] ought to concurre, with him therein, notwithstanding any thing in the sayd Ex­communication that might be inserted or threatned against those Catholikes, that should so doe. For he verily thinketh, and therein is resolute, that no lawfull Excom­munication can bee iustly denounced or published against his Maiestie, that can or ought to worke any such effects: but that all his Maiesties Subiects, the same not­withstanding, doe continue obliged vnto him, as fully to all intents and purposes, as euer they were before, or as if the sayd Ex­communication had neuer bene either fra­med, denounced, or published.

Georgius Blackwellus Archi-presbyter.

¶M. BLACKWELS Letter to the Priests his bre­thren for the lawfulnesse of taking the Oth of Allegeance.

My very reuerend Abetaistants and deare Brethren, M. Blackwell being sent for to Lambeth the eighth time, vp­on some spee­ches with him, did thinke it fit to write to his Assistants the [...]u [...]e in gene­rall of all his former examina­tions: as by the letter it selfe doth appeare.

YOu knowe how many yeeres I haue passed ouer among you in much tribulation, and how of­ten vnder God his holy protecti­on I haue escaped dangers, albeit they were still imminent, and hanging ouer my head. But now of late it hath pleased our gracious Lord to suffer me to fall into the mouth of one, who long hath gaped after me: for the sase­tie of whose soule, if I be as carefull, as he hath been forward vpon the apprehension of my body, I shall but performe the duety of a good Christian. I thanke God, that in all my affli­ctions, of twelue dayes close imprisonment, and of eight Examinations at Lambeth, I [Page 22] haue giuen no occasion to any person to speake euill of me; neither (as I trust) shall I runne vpon your hard censures for any thing I haue done. I must confesse, but not without much griefe, that in the course of my Examinations, I espied great defects of sincere dealing among our selues: for the Lord Archbishop made an heauie present vnto me of his holinesse Briefs, and of the copies of my Letters about the pub­lication of the same, with such other pressing euidences of all my proceedings, that I could not auoide, without a reproachfull note, and much discredite, the force of trueth in the points ob­iected against mee. But the urging super­eminent point was, to knowe, whether I had al­tered, or reteined still the continuance of my former opinion about the lawfulnesse of taking the Oath of Allegeance: For answere; finding what hatred, and iealoufnesse wee haue incur­red, in the opinion of his Maiesty and the State, for the refusall of the Oath; and thereupon making a reuiew of the reasons, drawing mee into the former publike approbation thereof; and relying vpon very mouing considerati­ons [Page 23] deliuered by his Maiestie the nineteenth of March, An. 1603. which are now in print: And further, being informed how the Par­liament did purposely auoid to call into question the authoritie of the Pope to Excommunicate, but did onely intend to preuent the dangers which might ensue by the supposed doctrine of such inferences as thereupon hath beene made, and are mentioned in that Oath: Vpon these respects & others, I granted and made knowen the admittance of my former Opinion, and did accept of the Oath of Allegeance, and haue taken the same, word for word, as it is set down in the Statute. Afterwards, falling into speech of Excommunication, I deliuered my minde: First, that I thought his Holinesse would not at any time Excommunicate his Maiestie: Secondly, that no lawfull Excommunication can or ought to produce, or to enforce such grie­uous effects as haue beene made, and are men­tioned in that Oath: Thirdly, that if any such Excommunication should come from his Ho­linesse, that, by the vertue thereof, it should be thought that his Maiesties subiects were dis­charged [Page 24] of their Oathes and duties of Alle­geance, or that they were bound to beare armes against him, or to offer uiolence unto his Royall Person, or to commit any treacherie or treason against any of his Dominions; I would holde my selfe neuerthelesse, for my part and estate, bound by the Lawe of God to continue his Maiesties most loyall and faithfull subiect. And my iudgement further is, that all good Catholikes ought to concurre with me herein, and to doe the like. For this is my conscience and resolution, that no lawfull Excommunica­tion can be iustly denounced and published by the Pope against his Maiestie, which can or ought (as I haue sayd) to inculcate, command or worke, and bring foorth any such effects. And that all his Maiesties Subiects, the same notwithstanding, (if any such should euer hap­pen) doe still continue as firmely obliged to his Maiestie to all intents and purposes, as they were euer obliged at any time before, or as if such an Excommunication had neuer beene thought of, framed, denounced, or published. And therefore not knowing whether euer I [Page 25] shall haue opportunitie againe to write unto you, I haue thus at large discharged my consci­ence in this matter: perswading my selfe, that you (my Assistants & deare brethren) wil take the oath, as I haue done, when it shall be offe­red unto you; and that you will instruct the lay Catholikes, that they may so doe, when it is tendered them. So shall we shake off the false and grieuous imputations of Treason, & Trea­cheries: So shall lay Catholikes not ouerthrow their estates: so shall we effect that, which his Holinesse desireth, that is, to exhibite our due­ties to God and our Prince. Surely this will bring us gaine, and increase of many com­forts. And so to conclude in the Apostle his wordes, Charitas mea cum omnibus vobis in Christo Iesu. Amen.

Georgius Blackwellus Archipresby­ter & protonotarius Apostolicus. Here his Seale was fixed. Endorced, To my reucrend Assistants and lo­uing brethren.

[Page 26] 8. Iulij. 1607.

This being read in the presence of Master Blackwell, It was thought fit, for the auoy­ding of some in­conuenience, that M. Black­well should ac­knowledge this his Letter before some of the Lords, whereus­to he very wil­lingly yeelded. he doth acknowledge it to be his owne hand writing, and to be agree­able to his Conscience and Iudgement, voluntarily by him set downe, without any indirect meanes vsed, or constraint.

R. Cant: T. Ellesmere Canc. T. Dorset. H. Northampton. Salisburie. E. Wotton. Iul. Caesar.

THE SVMME OF THE BREVES before specified vpon di­uers occasions in the former Examinations.

¶The effect of the first Breuè men­tioned in the fourth Examination beginning, Scitum est, &c.

THe summe of this Briefe is, that the Pope bade Cardinall Caietane, the Protectour of the Eng­lish Nation, by the ex­ample of the Colledge at Rome, to thinke of some course for con­corde amongst Priests in England: that thereupon, after some deliberation by the Cardinall and others, it was thought fit by the Pope, that there should bee a subordi­nation constituted for the gouerning of the Priests of the English Nation, both in [Page 28] England, and Scotland, and M. Blackwell was appointed to bee the Arch-priest ouer them: that his authority was to direct, ad­monish, reprehende, and chastise those Priests; to depose, remooue, and change them from one residence to another; to conuent any Priest before him; to summon many together; to be the chiefe ouer them assembled; and to correct them by Ecclesi­asticall censures: that for the better mana­ging of the affaire, twelue Assistants should be chosen: that he & his Assistants should write to Rome euery sixe moneths, of the state of their matters, for the Popes better information: that one particular ende of this subordination was, for the maintei­ning of peace and vnion betwixt the Secu­lar Priests and the Iesuits; because they the saide Iesuites doe trauaile for supporting of the English cause, by erecting Semina­ries, &c. it being the deceit of the deuill, for any to stirre vp emulation against them: and that if any shall weaken this concorde, he may either be reformed, or corrected.

¶The summe of the Cardinals in­structions to the Arch-priest, men­tioned in the said Examination, is as followeth:

THat the Popes intention by the sayd subordination, being, that the Arch­priest and his Assistants should pre­serue peace, they should informe him (the Protector) of such as were contentious: that the Arch-priest should do nothing of any great importance, without the coun­sell of his Assistants, if it might be had that thenceforward none should giue faculties to the Seculars but the Arch-priest, nor to the Iesuites, but their Superiours that nei­ther the Arch-priest nor his Assistants, should vse their authoritie, but when it was necessarie: that if any thing were amisse a­mong the Iesuites, the Arch-priest and his Assistants should deale with their Superi­our; and finding no redresse, should write either to the Protector, or to the Generall [Page 30] of the Iesuites: that the Arch-priest in cau­ses of greater importance, should vse the aduise or the Superiour of the Iesuites, be­cause hee was a man of great experience in the affaires of England: that they should send their Letters to the President of Do­way to bee conueyed to Rome: that the Arch-priest should do his best for the com­pounding of the controuersies betwixt the Priests of Wisbich, and others: that the Arch-priest should, as he thought fit, place and displace Priestes for their residence in houses of Catholikes.

¶The summe of the Cardinals let­ter, mentioned in the Examinati­on aforesayd, beginning Admo­dum Reuerende, &c.

IT seemeththat the Archpriest with some that approoued his subordination, toge­ther with the Iesuites, did write a Letter of thankes-giuing to the Cardinall, signi­fying vnto him, that the same was com­monly [Page 31] here receiued: whereunto the Car­dinall for answere relateth the great ioy, which the Pope had in that behalfe. But withall, he taketh notice of some oppositi­on and contradiction against it, where­with he saith the Pope was grieuously mo­ued: and therefore requireth the Arch­priest in the Popes name, to send true in­formation thereof, with the names of the contenders and causes of the reluctation: and wisheth him not to faint for meeting with some difficulties, and contradiction in his regiment.

¶The summe of the Breue sent by Pope Clement the 8. mentioned in the Examination aforesaid, and beginning, Ad futuram reimemoriam, &c.

THere hauing growen many disputa­tions, and difficulties against the sub­ordination of the Arch-priest, and a­gainst [Page 32] the Cardinals authoritie so to ad­uancehim; The Pope doeth in this Breue acknowledge all to haue bene done by the said Cardinall at his direction: & doth fur­thermore by the plenitude of his Apostoli­call Authoritie for remoouing of all after­questions, of his certaine knowledge and meere motion, ratifie all that the Cardinall had done: pronouncing all voide that hath, or might bee attempted to the con­trarie.

¶The effect of some of the faculties mentioned in the said Examina­tion, viz.

TO absolue in the Kingdomes of Eng­land, Scotland and Ireland, from all censures, referued by the Bull of Cae­na Domini: to graunt Apostolicall benedi­ction, with plenarie Indulgence, to those whome they had reconciled: to change simple vowes to another good vse, except the vowes of Chastitie and Religion: to [Page 33] dispense with Marriages in the third and fourth degree: to hallow Vestments and other things appertaining to the sacrifice of the Masse, besides those that require Chrisme: to giue licence to Catholikes to reade Bookes of controuersies, written in English by Catholikes: to dispense with Priests when they cannot without danger carie their Breuiaries, and say their Ser­uice, to supply the same by repeating some Psalmes, or other prayers which they can say by heart.

¶The effect of the Breue sent from Pope Clement the 8. mentioned in the fifth Examination, and beginning, Cùm Nobilissi­mum Angliae Regnum, &c.

THe Pope in this Briefe doeth summa­rily recite the effect of his two for­mer Briefes, touching the causes of them both: hee taketh particular notice of the great opposition, that continued be­twixt [Page 34] the Secular Priests, M. Blackwel and his Adherents, as also of the Treatise of Schisme, written by one of M. Blackwels part against the rest of the Secular Priests. Likewise that M. Blackwel would not re­call the said Treatise of Schisme, which caused greater strife: that the Secular Priests vpon his two Briefes before menti­oned were quiet: that the Adherents to the Arch-priest did notwithstanding their said quietnes, terme them Schismatickes, which they complaining of, the Arch-priest would not reforme, except they the Secu­lars would giue some satisfaction, before they receiued the benefite of absolution: that thereupon the former dissentions be­gan to bee more hote: that the Seculars so mooued, appealed to Rome, and made their griefes knowen: And therefore the Pope doth in a sort blame the Arch-priest, telling him that he gaue him that Authori­tie to edification, and not to destruction, to feede the flocke and gouerne them, not as by force but gently, not to tyrannize o­uer [Page 35] the Cleargie, but to bee an example to his flocke: and after some other admoniti­ons and precepts for a Church gouernour to obserue, he doeth aduise him to mingle curtesie with his seueritie, and chargeth him that he do not, either by word or wri­ting, condemne any man, but after mature deliberation: that he suffer no contentious Bookes to be published, but vse his best en­deuour for compounding controuersies, as soone as they arise. Also he admonisheth the Priests, which did adhere to the Arch­priest, to studie for peace, not to arrogate too much to themselues, nor condemne o­thers of their brethren, nor offend them either by word or writing. The same course also he holdeth to the Priests in op­position, perswading them to concord, and to forgiue one another, and telling them, that he admitteth not of their Appeale, be­cause hee foresaw it would minister matter of further contention: hee suppresseth the said Treatise of Schisme, commanding that no such matters should bee written from [Page 36] that time foorth or divulged, or kept in the hands of any, vnder paine of Excom­munication: the name of Schisme he abo­lisheth, prohibiting the mentioning of it, vnder the like penaltie: and so after diuers perswasions to Charitie and carefulnesse in their dueties, he endeth.

¶The summe of the Breue sent from Pope Clement the 8. mentioned in the fifth Examination, and beginning, Venerunt nuper ad Nos, &c.

NOtwithstanding the said last Breue, the discontented Priests did prose­cute their Appeale, and sent some to Rome to that effect: where their cause be­ing heard after a sort, the Pope did write to the Arch-priest, admonishing him, that heeshould vse the Authoritie giuen him warily, and wisely: that hee should not ex­ceede his faculties, as in some things hee [Page 37] had done: that from thence forward hee should not exercise his Authoritie vpon Priests not brought vp in the Seminaries, or vpon Lay-men, nor haue any facultie to inflict censures, or to make Statutes, nor to proceede against any of the Priestes appel­lant which went to Rome, except first hee receiued direction so to doe: from the Pro­tector, nor take away or suspend the facul­ties of the Priestes appellants without the consent of the said Protector, nor remoue the residence, without great cause. Also he commandeth him in the vertue of his obedience, to vse his Authoritie without a­ny offence, and with more quietnesse, peace and concord, and that hee should not intermeddle any further in any matter with the Prouinciall of the Iefinites, or any other Religious person in England, lest new discordes might arife; nor that hee should write any thing touching his regi­ment to any of the Iesuites, either in Rome or in any other place, but to him or to the Protector. Furthermore he maketh it law­full [Page 38] to the Rectors of the Colledges, to giue their Letters testimoniall for their Schollars of the Societie, to the Arch-priest, and ta­keth order for their entertainment in Eng­land: he commandeth the Archpriest, that as the places of his Assistants become void, three of the Appellants should bee admit­ted to them: but the Almes bestowed bountifully in England, should be rightly distributed; that hee should admit of Ap­peales, as there was cause, to be deuolued to the Protector. Hee condemneth and prohibiteth all Bookes, wherein there is a­ny thing against the Institution of the Ie­suites, or against any of their Persons, com­manding that none such should be hereaf­ter written in the behalfe of either side, vn­der paine of Excommunication: and so admonishing the Arch-priest, and all other Religious persons and Priests to peace and humilitie, he finisheth his Breue.

¶The effect of the Breue sent from Pope Paulus the fift, and men­tioned in the fift Examination.

THis Breue conteineth a resolution a­gainst M. Wrights reasons for going to the Church, mentioned in the third Examination; and likewise an admonition against the receiuing of the oath of Alle­geance; but no censure is inflicted vpon any that shall notwithstanding take the said othe.

IT hath beene thought fit to pub­lish the premisses, to the ende, that they who peraduenture will make doubt of some thing therein conteined, may be satisfied (if they list) from M. Blackwel himselfe now prisoner in the Gate-house.


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