GEORGE, by the diuine prouidence, Bishop of London:
To all and singuler Archdeacons, Deanes, and their Officials, Parsons, Vicars, Curates, Churchwardens; and to all other Ecclesiasticall Offi­cers and Ministers within my Diocesse of Winton, and the seuerall Pa­rishes thereof, Greeting.

Whereas Letters haue been lately addressed vnto vs from the most Reuerend Father in God, the Lord Archbishop of Canterburie his Grace, recommending, according vnto speciall directions, by him re­ceiued from his Maiesty and the Lords of the most Honourable Priuie Councell, the publi­cation of a Discourse written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne, concerning New-found-land, and a Collection to be thereupon made in all the seuerall Parishes within this Kingdome of England: And that by my selfe and my Officers I would giue my best furtherance thereunto. Now, forasmuch as the publication of the said Discourse tends principally to the aduance­ment of his Maiesties Plantation already there begun, by inciting Aduenturers thereunto, as well for the propagation of the Gospell in that Countrey, as also for many great benefits that may be there gotten to all such as will be Aduenturers therein; and likewise for the generall good and inriching of the whole Kingdome, and not be any way burdensome, or hurtfull to any of his Maiesties subiects, as by the Discourse it selfe, herewith sent vnto you, doth more at large appeare; And for that his Maiesty and the Lords of the Councell haue so well approo­ued the said Captaines good endeuours herein, as to recommend him in an extraordinary manner; That towards his great trauels, charge, and expence of time, with seuerall Com­missions, and otherwise in this businesse; and towards the Printing and free distributing his Bookes, and his seuerall great losses receiued at Sea by Pirats and otherwise, in aduenturing to further the said Plantation, and partly discouering the good which may come therby vn­to all his Maiesties subiects; The voluntary bounties of all his Maiesties subiects should be collected to his vse and behoofe, as by their Lordships Letters, and his Maiesties pleasure thereupon signified, which is Printed in the forepart of the Booke, doth appeare. These are therefore to pray and require you my Brethren of the Ministery, in your seuerall Parish Chur­ches and Chappels, thorowout my Diocesse of London; That within one Moneth next after the said Captaine Whitbournes Booke, with this my Letter, which I doe allow to be Printed, shall be by him, his Assignee or Assignes brought vnto any of you, you signifie vnto your Pa­rishioners in so friendly and effectuall manner as possible you can, vpon some Sabbath day, in the time of Diuine Seruice, and when no other Collection is to be made, this my Letter, and the scope and intent of his Discourse, and seriously stir vp and exhort them to extend their bountifull liberality herein; which you the Churchwardens are to collect, after the due and vsuall manner from seate to seate, and such of the Parishioners as shall be then ab­sent, to collect their gratuities at their houses, and ioyntly with the Minister endorse the summe and place where it is collected, in letters, and not in figures, vpon these Letters, and then speedily returne both the money and Letters, vnto M r. Robert Christian, Gent. at his house in Knight-rider-street, neere the Cathedrall Church of S. Paul in London, whom the said Captaine Whitbourne hath intreated to receiue the same to his vse; that all such mo­ney and Letters may be speedely redeliuered ouer to the said Captaine Whitbourne, or his lawfull Assisignee or Assignes.

Geo. London.

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