The admirable vertue, property and operation of the quintessence of Rosemary flowers, and the meanes to vse it for the sicknesses and diseases herein mentioned.

MAny authors, as well ancient as moderne, haue described the great propertie, both of the leaues and flowers of Rosemary, and of the quintessence that is drawne thereof by the art of distilling, also the meanes to vse the same. But whosoeuer will know the truth, besides the experi­ence had of it, let him peruse what Galen hath written in his 7. booke of Simple faculties; Paul Aeginetia in the 7. booke; Dioscorides in the 3. booke of simples; Arnauld de Villeneufue in the treatie made by him of the sundrie compositions of Wines; Theophylact in his 9. booke; Sapara and Martiol in the chapter of Rosemarie; Marcel in the booke that he hath made of Medicaments; Raphael Volateran in the book of Medicaments; Plinte booke 29. Aurelian 3. Aeluius in the second tome, Rel­fonso de Eriera booke 3; Marciel question 10. Soceps Chirurgion in his booke of the secrets of Physick, and an infinite number of other famous and learned authors, the recitall whereof should be ouer tedious.

[...]he said quintessence preserueth the humane bodie from all cor­ [...]ction of corrupt aire: it cureth all kind of ve­nom [...]eth the heart, strengtheneth the braine, scattereth the melan­cholike humour, consumeth flegme, helpeth digestion, diuerteth [...]hes or Catharres, quencheth the thirst, vomiting, freeth from the hickock, which procureth euill taste in the mouth, dissolueth windinesse, openeth oppilation, melteth the blood that is congealed in the stomack, encreaseth naturall heat, corroborateth and fortifieth the digestiue facultie, reuiueth appetite, procu­reth to liue long in health. The manner to vse it is thus:

You must put one drop or two of the same in a little quantitie of broth, or in good wine, and drinke it in the morning fasting: and they that are subiect to Melancholy, Lethargie, Megrim, Lunacie, Vertigo, Apoplexie, and any o­ther infirmities that come to the head by reason of humiditie and coldnes, let them drinke of the same quintessence, as abouesaid, and according to their pleasure may put some more drops, to vse of it many times a day, for it stayeth the fluction in what part soeuer it be. It is a most certaine remedy to augment memorie, rubbing the temples with a little cotten dipped in it, and vsing it morning and euening, as aforesaid, you shall see admirable effects thereof af­ter some daies continuance.

Moreouer, the force and vertue thereof extendeth it selfe euen to the si­newes shrunke and weakned, annointing morning and euening the mem­ber offended, and in few daies it will restore strength to the sinewie parts, and healeth conuulsions.

Such as haue weake sight, and the eyes offended with clouds, skinnes and such like euils, it is good to let drop in them one small drop thereof, and to continue this remedie from two daies to two daies, for in few daies the effect thereof shall be seene; aduertising you that in putting it within the eye it will smart a little, but without any damage.

Furthermore, the said quintessence is excellent for all sorts of Aches, Im­postumes and deafenes of the eares, comming by accident: To that effect it is good to infuse one drop in the eare at night when one goeth to bed, but one may not sleepe on the eare wherein the medicament hath been put, for then it would issue forth; but if the disease be in both eares, in that case the one must be cured in one day, and the next day following applie the medicine to the other eare, and so the whole cure shall come to perfection.

Moreouer, it sheweth forth euidently her heauenly vertue in the tongue palsie, and stinking wounds and vlcers of the mouth, with a little cotten dip­ped in the said quintessence; one must touch the sore part, and holding it a little in ones mouth, it will sweeten the breath, cleanse the gummes, and take away the dolour of the teeth.

Likewise it stoppeth the fluction which falleth on the stomack, encreaseth naturall heate, helpeth digestion, and cleareth the voice, purifying all the or­gans which nature hath ordained to that function.

I [...]m, the said quintessence hath verie great force to comfort the substance of the hart, reuiueth the vitall spirits, and giueth them an incredible liuelines, in such sort that that great Philosopher and Physition Arnauld de Villeneufue dothrestifie, that it maketh them that vse thereof to wax yong againe.

Irlike manes it profiteth to all sorts of collick passions and gripings of the inwards, wasteth winds, stoppeth the bloodie flux, and al other sorts of fluxes, though it be inueterate, and therfore it will be very good to continue the vse thereof in wine or broth, the quantitie of three or foure drops.

I vil relate the excellency of the same in taking away the griefe of the He­morhoides or Piles: besides that, many are wholly cured thereof by it, anoin­ting them with the said medicament, and after applying thereon the flower of beanes. And the gut comming forth, it must bee anointed, and after­wards cast on it the powder of gaulles; by that mea [...]es one shall recouer his health.

The great vertue of the same seruing to comfort [...] whose [...] it couereth and attenuateth the viscusse and fatte [...] it commeth to driue out the grauell and stores: and if [...] solution in those [...] readily, and withall it easeth readily [...] retention of vrine, so that it proceed from the stone, and not [...] for it comforteth the blader, vnlesse the retentiue force bee weakened, openeth the spermaticke conducts, and prouoketh vrine.

Aduising you that when the dolor doth oppresse you, you must take halfe a French crowne weight of the said quintessence, and as much Turpentine in good white wine, and when the griefe is appeased continue to take the same euery fortnight, to preserue your health.

Moreouer, it is maruellous profitable for all cold aches which come to the hands, feet, knees, hanches, which parts must, to that effect, be nointed during a fortnights space, and thereof a miracle of nature will bee shewen aboue all medicaments as well old as new, except it be of the Pox.

It is an admirable medicament for women which are brought to bed be­fore their full time, by reason of ouer much humiditie, being ouer fleshie and fat by reason it skoureth and cleanseth the matrix, and helpeth the concepti­on: besides it faciliteth the menstruall purgations, it driueth out the griefe and suffocation of the matrix, mildeneth the pangs of childbirth, and cutteth off all sinister accidents which vexe the woman, vsing thereof as aboue­said.

By the same meanes the said quintessence sheweth forth in very short time her great force, in the healing and whole cure of wounds and effusions what­soeuer: but one must take heed if the parts haue need of reioyning, for in this case it is meet to reunite and ioyne them, and afterwards applie the said quin­tessence without any tent: which being done, one shal see in a very short time what is pretended.

The worthie man Master Hierome Martine, great Operator to the French [...] the said quintessence worke miracles of nature to them that be subiect to the falling [...] conditionally the partie be not aboue fiue and twentie yeeres of age, vsing therof at the wane or sall of the Moone by three daies continuance halfe a French crowne weight, and as much of true Viscus Queroinus, or Missel-toe of the Oake in powder.

Furthermore the said Operator testifieth that he hath seene and experien­ced in many cities of Italie and France, in time of contagion, many wonderful effects made by the said quintessence for the infection of the aire, in vsing thereof euery morning: take foure drops of it, and foure times as much of Aqua-vitae, and drinke it fasting in the morning, and rub your temples there­with, the pu [...]ses and about the heart, and happie is hee that hath of the said quintessence in his house for the sicknesses aboue written, aduertising you that the said quintessence may be kept one hundred yeeres, so that it bee well stopped, by reason of her great subtility.

Prouided that this quintessence be not applied to any sicknesse that proceeds of a hot disease.

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