¶ Most Godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Mar­tyr.

Translated out of Latin into English by Charles Gremhan. G.

Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.

¶ Imprinted at London by William Seres.


Cum priuilegio.

To the Reader.

Correct your Booke in the arguments of the .14. and 15. prayer as folo­weth.

Prayer .14. The argument therevnto set, be­longeth vnto the .15.

Prayer the .14. His proper argument: A praier for the grace of Christ against ori­ginall sinne.

Iosias Simler sendeth har­tie greeting to the right worshipfull and his singuler good friend Doctor Herman Folkersheimer Frise­lander.

WHen as the last yere (most curteous Her­man) I pervsed the writings of the exceeding godly & notable learned man Peter Martir my scholemaster, and had gathered togither out of his librarie euery small pam­phelet noted wyth his owne hand, I lighted by chaunce vp­pon certaine papers cast a side [Page] and layde apart, wherein were diuers holy praiers of his owne hand writing. And when I had pervsed these diligently ouer, I thought it meete to put them forth in print: for although I certainlye knewe hee did not make them to that intent, yet neuerthelesse there bee dy­uers causes which moue me to go on vvith my former deter­mination. The first is, that whē the counsaile of Trent began, there rose vp both grieuous & deadly warre in Germanie for Religion, at which tyme Mar­tir finished these praiers which he openly vsed in the Schooles [Page] at Strasborow at the end of his lectures, and are now very con­uenient to be set forth in these dayes, wherein it behoueth vs to make feruent prayers vnto almightie God, that the like to the Counsaile of Trent being novv ended be not kindled a­gaine. Moreouer the prayers conteyned in this small booke, are both plaine, and do verye little disagree from the wordes of the Psalmes, vvhich I ac­compt to bee highly esteemed amongst praiers. For diuers ar­guments of many Psalmes are briefly and euidently expoun­ded in these prayers, and a nū ­ber [Page] of darke and hard places made plain with a notable Pa­raphrase. VVherefore I doubt not but that such as be desirous to read this short little booke, shall reape farre greater cōmo­ditie therby then many would suppose. Novv haue I dedica­ted this small booke vnto thee (my deere Herman) that thou mayst haue both our Martyres token of remembraunce and mine also. For seing that thou diddest honour and reuerence Doctor Martyr (so long as hee liued) like a father: and more­ouer louedst me so excedingly hitherto, as I maye rightfully [Page] place thee in the number of my deerest friendes: I verilye thinke that thou vvilt take this booke in right good vvorth, (although it be of a very small volume) vvhich I sende vnto thee being vvrittē in both our names. For so oft as you shall looke in this booke (vvhich of your godly dispositiō you vvil do very oft) so many times shal you call to minde the remem­braunce of your olde friendes, not altogither to thee vnplea­sant (as I hope.) Neyther can the death of Doctor Martyr cause vs to be any thing forget­ful of him: nor yet the distance [Page] of place be any breach of our vnfeyned good vvill so long as vve haue life, that vve shoulde retain any whit lesse the frend­ship heretofore begunne vvith letters and a friendly recorda­tion of olde acquaintance.

Fare vvell

¶ Holy Prayers collected out of Dauids Psalmes, by Docter Peter Martyr.

¶ A prayer out of the first Psalme.

O Most good and moste mightie God saue and kepe vs (we pray thée) first from the perswasion of all wic­ked counsayles, A prayer for a christian lyfe. next after this from all heynous and deadly crimes: suffer vs not to fall into a wicked and vi­cious kinde of lyfe, and finally remooue our mindes farre from the contempt of godlynesse and deryding of all maner of vertuous déedes: graunt that in the stead of these most pestilent thinges, we maye perpetually occupie our selues in thy law and in the holy Scriptures, so that we bée not led about lyke the wicked with euery blast of affections and doctrines, as small dust and empty chaffe: but rather as trées planted by the riuers side, being indued with the lyfe of the spirite and with faith, [Page] we may abundantly shew forth the fruits of good woorkes: and that whatsoeuer we go about, maye haue prosperous successe: to the praise and glorie of thy name, and the increase of our saluation: So that at the last, when in the tryall of thy iudge­ment, the wicked shall be cast downe and brought to shame and vtter confusion, we may by thy mercie both stand & be acquited through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE know euidently ynough (O most mightie God) y e greeuous calami­ties and miserable, doe in this respect vexe the Church, bicause we haue often frequē ­ted the counsels of the wicked, which (be­ing knowne of vs) we ought forthwith to haue eschewed: who haue in lyke maner not declyned from y e way of naughty and malicious persons, but daylie followed their lewde footesteps, through continuall transgressions of thy blessed commaunde­ments: moreouer, wholesome corrections and helthfull discipline haue of long tyme beene dispised by vs: and whatsoeuer was [Page] through thy sacred word offred vnto vs, we haue frowardly ynough, yea & impudently neglected it, and made a laughter there­at. Wherefore no maruaile is it, if in stéede of felicitie and quiet peace, which we haue hitherto (alas) too too long abused, we are now inforced to taste al heauie, sorrowful, yea, and most sore and bitter griefes. But now (O good God) by the acknowledging of these our wicked and lewde deserts, we humbly flie vnto thée for succour, & with vehement & most feruent supplications, de­sire, y t the sinnes which we haue so foolishly & wickedly committed, thou wilt fauoura­bly pardon & forgiue. We hartily pray thée y t thou wouldst make our minds most stu­dious of thy sacred lawe, so as we maye day & night meditate in our harts none o­ther thing then y e words of the holy scrip­tures. For so through assured cōfidence in thy blessed worde, we shal bring forth sea­sonable and pleasant fruites: neither shal the ornaments of y e holy ghost be quite ta­kē frō vs: yea happy successes wil alwaies ensue of our works, although at this pre­sent, through y e iust desert of our heynous sinnes, we are lyke to dust or chaffe toste [Page] vp & downe wyth the blastes of tempesti­ous afflictions. Graunt yet at y e least way (O most merciful father) that our lyfe may not come to an euil ende, as wicked mens doth. But that thou wilt defend y e cause of the righteous with an exceeding great care and mightie protection, so as in the iudge­ment and felowship of the iust, we maye stande, and not be brought to confusion: through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SEing that we know right wel (O most mightie God) that a good part of our fe­licity (whilst we here liue) cōsisteth in this, that we take heede of the wicked counsels and curssed behauiours of men, by eschew­ing the felowship of them, who bee so dis­pitefull that they laugh and scorne at all matters: And that in stead of these most deadly things there be placed in vs an ex­céeding feruent zeale of Gods lawe (there­in to delight and exercise oure selues both day and nyght,) & therby to perceyue how that hitherto we haue greatly gone astray from the scope and marke of our saluati­on, [Page] yea & to haue offended very miserably & lewdly agaynst this thy blessed lawe and diuine worde: wée desire thée that thou wouldst (of thy singuler mercie) pardon & remit whatsoeuer we haue committed a­gainst thy excellent maiesty: And vouch­safe (through the continuall studie and ex­ercise of thy worde) to make vs euer here­after fruitful and liuely plants, so that we may not onely bring forth wholsome and pleasaunt fruites in thy sacred Church du­ring this life, but also maye in the other worlde stande faste in iudgement before thee (who knowest and best vnderstandest the way of the righteous) through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the second Psalme.

WE nowe perceyue (O most good and mightie God) that not one­ly Antichrist, A prayer for comfort in persecution. but also the force & power of the world hath cōspired agaynst thée and thy annoynted: as they who think the gospel and réedefying of thy blessed Church to be intollerable bandes, and a most hard & gréeuous yoke: Wher­fore [Page] they indeuour themselues (by all meanes they can possible deuise) to breake the societie of the faithfull, & vtterly to cast awaye all discipline: but seing that thou sittest in the heauens, and art not igno­raunt what the Deuill and wickednesse of the fleshe enterpriseth: laugh thou also their vaine counsels to scorne, and make such things as they haue begon & enterpri­sed, of none effect, causing them in like ma­ner to bee as a mocking & iesting stock vn­to thy elect & chosen seruants. Do those mē to vnderstande thy heauie wrath, & at the length to be so terrified with y e fury of thy indignatiō, that they may haue no power or strength to destroy thy blessed Church, ouer the which thou hast set Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour, for to reigne therein with his blessed worde and holye spirite, with suche might and puissaunce as maye neuer haue ende. Vouchsafe therefore to giue vnto vs (although thy most vnwor­thy and trayterous children) so much faith and constancie, as we may both take him to be oure onely king, and also confesse hym so to bée, and wythout all doub­ting assure oure selues that we are hys [Page] Nation, people, and herytage: know­ing this assuredly howe that he is of such force and power as he can torment and vexe whome he liste, wyth a dominion farre stronger then any stéele, and breake them in péeces like potsheards. Conuert therfore (O mightie God) the hearts of the kings of the earth, in such sort vnto thée, y t they may be so perfite wise, as truly to ac­knowledge, heartily imbrace, & louingly kisse thy d [...]ere & only sonne: least his ireful wrath being kindled & enflamed, they pe­rishe immediatly: and make those which haue wholly committed themselues to thy protection, euermore happie and blessed, when it shall séeme good in thy sight, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An orher prayer out of the same psalme.

ALthoughe (moste good and myghtie God) the Deuill fret, the powers of the worlde stande vp daylie, and the fleshe wyth all hir seruitors conspire against the kingdome of thy onely sonne Iesus Christ our Lord: let vs yet vnderstande, yea, let vs be perswaded through a constant fayth [Page] that thou doest deryde and contemne all such: who (so soone as it pleaseth thée) art hable to destroye them in thy wrath and whote displeasure. But alack, seing in this confidence we are oftentimes vnsta­ble and moueable, in so much as we (being led away by dyuers terrours) doe obey thy commaūdements lesse than it becommeth vs, we beséeche thée of thy fauourable and bountifull goodnesse to bée mercifull vnto vs, so that we may ground our selues sted­fastly vpō this rock of faith, that thy sonne our king and redeemer hath in thée of all thinges the highest power and gouerne­ment, for when thou didst beget him, thou gauest all Nations to hym, to rule and gouerne them by right of inheritaunce. Graunt therefore, that we maye once at length be so godlye, wyse, and so ryghtly instructed, as (seruing thee wyth all reue­rence and humble feare) wée bee not at the last daye lyke a potters vessell, con­sumed and brought to naught wyth the rod of thy indignation: through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

¶A prayer out of the thirde Psalme.

THeir armies (O most mercifull and mightie God) which assault and persecute thy Church, A prayer a­gainst our persecutors▪ are in­creased aboue measure: for euen now verie many are so bolde as to disquiet and vexe the same, who doe cruelly rise vp agaynst it, hauing confidence truely in none other counsell, but that they imagine and determine with themselues, how that there is no more helpe for vs to be looked for at thy hande, as thought thou hast vt­terly abandoned and forsaken thy people, and bereft them of all manner of succour and defence. We denie not truely, conside­ring the sinnes and wickednesses by which we haue offended thee, but that we haue deserued to be loft destitute of thy help, and set out as laughing stockes to the despite­full dealings and iniuries of those which are the enimies of thy holye name. But notwithstāding for the faithes sake, which through thy fauourable mercie remayneth in vs, we are bolde to come nigh vnto thée and beséeche thee that amongst these rauil­lous [Page] & false braydings of our aduersaries, thou wilt vouchsafe to giue vs somuch spi­rite & constancy, as we may not doubt, but that thou wilt be y e only defence, worship, & mighty reuenger of thy blessed people. Ha­uing this assured fayth & confidence, that if we shall craue thy ready help in our ear­nest praiers, thou wilt without faile heare vs out of thy heauenly dwelling: yea, whilst we doe wholy rest and fully repose our hartes on this thy protection, we shall be so voyde of feare (euen in the middle of thousands of our enimies) that we may ac­cording to oure accustomed maner, safely take our sleepe, and wake agayne, bicause we doe with a good and bolde courage stick stedfastly to thée alone. Wherefore arise (O mightie God) according to thys our as­sured trust: and according to thy accusto­med & woonted maner, breake the teeth of those that boast themselues against thee, so that they be not of force to teare & crash thy sacred Church in peeces at their owne wil and pleasure: make them to vnderstande that saluation belongeth vnto thée, & how thou canst of thy fauourable goodnesse, rid and delyuer thy blessed people out of these [Page] extreme daungers: through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

ALthough (O most mightie God) the force of Sathan and all malicious po­wers (who séeke to stop from vs the king­dome of thy déere sonne) séeme to augment and increase dayly more & more, and go a­bout to bring vs in vtter dispaire, as though there were no succour nor helpe any more hereafter to be loked for of vs at thy hands, albeit wee perceyue that sinne aboundeth much & increaseth greatly in vs, notwith­standing all this, we lift our head & hands vnto thée, who art our strōg shield & glory, & desire thee (according to thy accustomed mercy) to pardō and forgiue those things y t we haue done amisse, and also to giue a fa­uorable & attentyfe eare vnto the prayers & supplications which we poure out before thy diuine maiestie: that being raised vp from heynous and deadly works, and ha­uing a good affiaunce in thy louing mercy, we néede not to feare whole Millions of thine enimies, whome now by fayth, we [Page] knowe thou hast smitten vpon the chéeke bone, and dismaied vtterly. Graunt (O deare Father) that we may féele the plen­tiful abundaunce of thy blessing to be pou­red vpon vs, and be most assuredly per­swaded that our saluation dependeth one­ly vpon thee: Through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the fourth Psalme.

[...] prayer for true fayth.WE being streightly holdē in with great perilles and distresses, crie vnto thée (O almighty God) that thou ayding vs wyth thy puys­saunt helpe, wee may at length haue most large & pleasant passage out of the afflic­tions of this world. We acknowledge our selues to bée vnworthie of thy assistaunce, bycause we haue verie often & gréeuously declyned from thée: but our humble petiti­on and earnest request is, y t thou wouldest vouchsafe not to regarde euerie particuler and seuerall worke of oures, but the wor­thinesse of the cause. And forsomuch as (O God) thou thy selfe art accustomed to shew and approue in euerie point the righteous­nesse [Page] of thy blessed word, defend & vpholde nowe mightily thy high renowmed honor and Gospell, and vs also, who, according to thy will and pleasure are corrected and chastised. This is it that we bewaile and lament presently before thée, that y e migh­tie & puissaunt of this world, being vnited togither, go about by all the meanes they can, to defate the glory of thy sacred gospel and pure religion, yea, and vtterly to sub­uerf it, by meanes of their foolishe deuises and vayne hopes, which of themselues they haue imagined. I would it were thy pleasure (O high and mightie God) openly to shewe and make manifest the bewtie of thy true Church vnto them, which thou hast picked out and chosen for thy selfe, and which also thou hearest so often as it prai­eth & calleth faithfully vpon thée. So they should peraduenture vnderstand, so should they be rather moued, & haue a verie great regard they offēd it not. They would per­haps weigh with themselues, yea, euen in their bed they would consider; what a re­garde they ought to haue vnto [...]t, and so peraduenture they would be in quiet, and perswaded to offer, wysh it the Sacrifices [Page] of true righteousnesse: where as now be­ing altogither blinde, they wishe nothing more then to satisfie their madnesse & out­rage against the same, and estéeme it an high felicitie to subuert and vtterly ouer­throw y e true church. But so many of vs (O good God) as honor & worship thy diuine maiesty in spirite & truth, haue verie often prayed to thee for these our cruel enimies: yea when any good and prosperous things happened vnto thē, we did hartily reioyce. Graunt therefore (for thy infinite mercies sake) y t we may at the last lyue peaceably and in quiet by them: vouchsafe also (I saye) that reposing oure selues onely in thée, and assuredly stayed on thy faithfull couenaunt and promise, wée maye dwell with thée in safetie without feare, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

O Mightie God, from whom cōmeth all oure righteousnesse, who of thy good­nesse art wont to giue eare to those y e crye earnestly vnto thée, and bring them out of straightnes & aduersity into a swéete state [Page] of fréedome & libertie: we humbly beséeche thée not to despise thy faithfull seruaunts y e cry and cal vnto thée for help, nor suffer our glory (which is true and perfect godlinesse) to be brought into contempt of anye, al­though he be a great potentate and migh­tie ruler of this world. We haue in déede sinned against thee, yea & that verie grée­uouslye: but neuerthelesse of thy infinite mercie & clemency, prouide that vanity and lying ouercome vs not, nor yet preuaile a­ny thing at all against vs, but as thou hast elected & chosen vnto thy selfe those whom thou wilt haue saued, so graunt that the grace and fauor of thy louing countenance may in such wise shine vpō vs, as we may be glad and reioyce euen at the prosperitie and welfare of our enimies: vouchsafe (O good Father) that we being grounded on an excellent and perfite fayth, maye take very great pleasure in thée only, and trus­ting also in thy mightie protection, maye dwell safely in thée and with thée, through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the fift Psalme.

A prayer a­gainst false Prophets and enimies of the truth.WE flie daylie vnto thée in oure prayers (O almightie God) and doe earely in the morning direct and laye forth our petitions be­fore thy diuine maiestye as those who be not ignoraunt y t thou hatest iniquitie, and doest marueylously detest sinne: wherof, although we may not denie but y t wee are guiltie (for we feele our selues to be laden therewyth aboue measure) yet doe we flie and approch vnto thée for succor, trusting most assuredly in thy excéeding plentifull goodnesse and clemencie. We beséeche thée to pardon and forgiue vs whatsoeuer we haue sinned and committed agaynst thee, and leade vs hereafter in thy righteous­nesse and innocencie, least the aduersa­ries of our saluation (in whom verily there is no part whole and sounde, but all full of viciousnesse) preuayle against vs, let their counsels and deuises be of none ef­fect, and cause their force and layings a­waite to be vtterly consumed and brought to naught: so that we thy déere and fayth­full children may perfitely reioyce, whilest thou doest defend, nourishe, and compasse vs about with thy fauourable kindnesse [Page] us with a shield: Through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the sixt Psalme.

SO it is, A prayer in distresse. that we deserue wythout fayle (O most mightie God) by reason of the euilles and infinite sinnes we haue committed, to be gréeuously and sharpely chastised at thy handes. Yet we beseeche thée, (trusting in thy excellent and excéeding great mercie) not to chastise vs in thy furious wrath and whot indignation: who tremble (O good Father) and are almost deade whilst wée consider on the one side our owne sinnes, and on the other side thy iustice: therefore we beséeche thée that thou wylt not (as we haue iustly deserued) thrust vs downe into the pit, bicause we can there neyther sing, nor by any meanes praise thée. Our enimies doe maruelously, yea and that with great feruencie desire it should so be, but haue thou (O good God) a regarde vn­to the teares and clamours of those that trust in thee, and cause the author [...] and [...] [...]enters of iniquitie to depart and go farre [Page] from vs. Finally giue eare vnto vs in such wise, that so many as are enimies to thy glorie and our saluation, may be ashamed and brought to vtter confusion: Through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶A prayer out of the seuenth Psalme.

A prayer a­gainst the ad­uersaries of the Gospell.THou knowest, O most mighty and mercifull God, wyth what an earnest affection the aduersaries of our saluation do both daye and night assaulte vs, who, (except thou be our ready helper) couet most cruelly like fierce & sauage beastes to haue vs torne in péeces & swallowed vp into euerlasting de­struction. But like as we put oure trust and confidence in thée only, so our earnest desire is, that thou wilte succour and de­fende vs. We doe not lay forth our owne cause before thée, as though we had com­mytted none of these thynges whereof they accuse vs, but are perswaded that thou (of thine owne mercye) wilt par­don and forgiue vs the same, through the intercession of Iesus Christ our Mediator. Wherefore we humbly require and ear­nestly [Page] beséeche thee to stande vp for to be our helper, that thou wilt also direct, and as a most strong shield defende vs y t those euils may fall from vs, and lyght vpon the authors of al temptations, deceites, & mali­ciousnesse, so as we may on the other side praise thée and set forth thy glorious name with all possible & studied cōmendations, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same psalme.

IT is trulie a singuler and right excellēt benefite (O almightie God) to be an ob­seruer & keper of thy blessed precepts, but yet such a one as they can not attaine and reach vnto, from whose eyes thou hast not taken away the vayle and cloke of darke­nesse. Which being not remoued, the se­cret and hidden things of thy diuine lawe cannot be seene: wherefore we lamentably desire thée to helpe & lighten our infirmi­tie & blinde ignorance, that whilst we liue and remaine here as straungers and pil­grimes, thou wouldest not hide from vs the pure and right vnderstanding of thy blessed commaundements: wherwith, for [Page] so much as we haue through our owne de­fault béene hitherto little instructed, we are fallen into these reproches, into this cō ­tempt, and into these euil reportes. For be­sides the perils & grieuous afflictiōs wher­with thy holy Church is at this daye sore vexed & oppressed, are added slaūders of thy sacred doctrine, reuylinges of true godly­nesse, and horrible blasphemies of thy bles­sed name: forgiue therfore thy people and pardon (O mightie God) whatsoeuer they haue committed against thée, refresh those that be fallen, with thy sacred word & pro­mises. We do day by day very boldly open and declare our cause to thee: harken vnto vs (we earnestly beséeche thée) and from tyme to tyme confirme with newe be­nefites the faith and hope of those that be doubtfull, neyther putte them to shame and reproche which call vpon thée, so that we being againe quieted and restored to libertie, may runne in the way and pathe of thy blessed commaundementes with a perfite ioy and hartye chéerefulnesse, through Iesus Christ oure Lord. Amē.

¶ A prayer out of the eight Psalme.

ALl the thinges (O most good & mer­cifull God) which thou hast created both in heauen & earth for our com­modity and singuler profite, A prayer in trouble for the fauour of Christ. declare most euidently howe wonderfull and ex­cellent thy glorious name is: and al­though thy goodnesse be spreade forth, and séene in all things, neuerthelesse euen the very infantes and sucking babes (whome from their mothers wombe thou causest to be cherished and brought vp wyth moste tender and louing carefulnesse) do giue vs such assurance thereof, that we cannot but warrant our selues al excellency of y e same, insomuch that the infantes in the time of their noureing, & whē they begin to speak, do set before our eies most euidēt tokens of thy gentlenesse: by these wonderful things are all the wicked confounded which carp [...] and speake euyll of thy excellent good­nesse and diuine prouidence. The hea­uens truelye might haue beene thought a péece of worke worthy such a workemai­ster as thou art, but in that thou wouldest [Page] so muche humble and abase thy selfe as to haue so careful a regard to fraile and mor­tall man, it appereth to be a signe and to­ken of thy wonderfull vnspeakable loue towarde vs. Wherefore againe, and that worthily are we prouoked, (although we haue heynously sinned, & lyued vnworthi­ly both in respect of thee & of our owne vo­cation) to begge and craue at thy handes with a verye earnest & assured confidence, not to permitte thy Churche to be ouer­whelmed with these present troubles. For if thou hast so highly extolled man to be li­tle inferiour vnto Aungels, wheras other­wise, he is vyle of his owne nature: re­member them much more I hartily besech thée, whome y u hast nowe adopted to be thy deere children, and to whom thou wouldst (for thy mercies sake) haue all the workes of thy handes serue and be obedient, suffer them not to be troden vnder foote of vn­godly and wicked persons. For thou hast alwayes accustomed to visite the children of men with thy fatherly care and prouy­dence: assist vs now also with thy readye helpe, when wée stande in moste néede thereof. Deliuer vs in such sort we humbly [Page] beséech thée, that all men may well vnder­stande thy name thereby to bée right won­derfull (as most certainly it is,) and by all meanes possible worthy to be honored and made glorious, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same psalme.

THy magnificence & renoumed glory (O almighty god) is well & sufficiently set forth by these things which through thy ex­cellent power & diuine prouidence, be done both in heauē & earth, notwithstanding for the more & better stirring vp of our grosse and leaden harts, thy power would set out it selfe also in babes & yong children. Euen frō our childhood we are miserable & wret­ched, not by the workemanship & creation, by the which thou hast made and fourmed vs, but through our originall and natu­rall sinne, & an infinite number of faults that we our selues haue added thereto: for the which neuerthelesse, wee hum­blye beséeche thée, bée not so displea­sed with vs, but that (according to thy accustomed mercie) thou wilt often visite [Page] and looke vppon vs, and those whome thou hast made little inferiour vnto Aun­gels, make them partakers of thy owne nature. Finallye, seing that thou haste in lawfull wise made vs Lordes ouer all thy creatures, graunt that we maye vse them to the praise and glorie of thy name, so as thy sacred worde and Gospell maye be spreade abroade amongst all Nations, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the ninth Psalme.

A prayer a­gaynst our enimies in persecution.IF thou (O good God) wilt take our cause in hād, & reuenge vs vpō the enimies of thy glorious name & of mans saluation, we will (from the bottome of our hart, and with an excéeding great gladnesse) shewe forth and celebrate thy wōderous and excellent actes: who be afflicted in déede with temptations & other like oppressions (by reason of our heynous sinnes) but we beséeche thée O highe and mightie God (for thy goodnesse and mer­cies sake) that as thou hast accustomed to be a Sanctuarie and sure defence for the oppressed which flie vnto thee for succour, [Page] so now forsake vs not, neyther séeme to be forgetful of the prayers that we vnfeined­lye poure out before thy diuine Maiestye. Haue mercy vpon vs (O good God) deliuer and rescue vs from the Gates of death, least we be swallowed vp therewith: be­ing aided and holpen by thée, we shal shew forth thy worthy prayses in the congrega­tion, namely, bycause our trust hath not bene reposed in thee in vaine. Arise there­fore, and suffer not impietie, vnrighteous­nesse, and sinne to preuayle agaynst vs, but graunt also, that we bearing well in minde oure owne estate and condition, maye with a modest and lowlye minde, be alwayes obedient to thy will and plea­sure, through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same psalme.

IT happened verie often in our fathers dayes (O most mightie God) that thy people were filled with a wonderful & vn­speakable gladnes, who being replenished with exceeding great ioye, did set forth thy glorious name with songs, and celebrated [Page] thée with high praises, and that with their whole heart, bicause they (hauing thée for their rock of defence) droue their enimies back in the daye of battayle, who fell and perished at thy presence. Neyther hast thou onely once giuen sentence on the behalfe of thy saintes, or defended their cause, but didst oftentimes rebuke and destroye the Heathen that purposed in themselues to subuert the famous Cytyes of thy peo­ple with an vtter ruyne, and haste puyssauntlye ouerthrowne suche wicked men, insomuche, as euen the very name of them is also abolished. Seeing there­fore that thou reignest eternallye, and hast alwayes a seate prepared for iudge­ment, to the intent thou mayest pre­sently trie oute the truth, as touching the spilling and shedding of thy Sainctes bloud. Despise not neyther yet contemne our hartie prayers (O mightie God) nor be thou forgetfull of them. We know ve­rily that we haue sinned and offended thy excellent maiestie dyuers & sundry waies, which nowe we are both hartily sorie for, and also doe openlye confesse the same: yet through the confidence we haue con­ceyued [Page] by the things which thou (O Lord) hast done for our fathers, (though of their partes vndeserued) wée drawe nere vnto thy diuine Maiestie and humbly beséeche thée to be fauorable vnto thy Church: haue a regarde (we hartily pray thée) vnto hir great trouble, and deliuer the same from the cruell gates of death, so that it maye daylye be able to celebrate thy worthye prayses more feruentlye. Extende thy wrathe towardes them that are forget­full of thee: lette them perishe in their owne crafts and deceites, and be taken in the nettes that they themselues haue laid, which (with such gréedie indeuor and vio­lence) séeke thy peoples destruction and vtter vndoing. But let vs (that are help­lesse and gréeuously afflicted) take a little breth and receiue some comfort vnder thy strong defence & mighty protectiō. Vp lord and suffer not vile mortal men to haue the vpper hand of thee and thy holye Gospell? put our enimies in feare, and terrefie them in such sort, as they may vnderstand what a thing it is to set themselues against true godlynesse and pure religion, through Ie­sus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶A prayer out of the tenth Psalme.

A prayer a­gaynst eni­mies and tyraunts.SEing that (O most good & mer­cifull God) our beliefe and con­fidence is, that thou art not onely the chiefe good thing, but godly­nesse it selfe: we earnestly desire thée not to turne and withdrawe thy countenaunce from vs, as sometime thou séemest to doe. For although we do not deny but that our sinnes haue deserued that punishment, yet we humbly beséech thée, (euen as thou art right gentle and mercifull) to pardon and forgiue vs the same: and that contrarie to oure desertes, thou wilt notwithstan­ding, fauour oure cause (for the glorie of thy name) to the intent the vngodlye may well vnderstande that they beguile themselues in thinking thée to bée no GOD, neyther meanest at anye time to looke for an accompt at their han­des, of the heynous déedes and crymes which they doe wickedly commit: who laye snares, oppresse, beat, and miserably kill the godly, being nowe fully perswa­ded that thou hast forgotten and art vtter­lye [Page] vnmindfull of the state of the worlde. Wherefore assist those whiche call vpon thée, and louingly giue eare vnto their humble petitions, so that the Godlye (be­ing by thée set at libertie) may teache the proude and oppressors to behaue themsel­ues after a more modest fashion, when as it shall bée manifestly knowen that thou hast a most vigilant care and regard of thy beloued Church, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same psalme.

THou mightest be thought (O moste mercifull father) to haue withdrawne thy selfe marueilous farre off from thy ser­uaunts, in this most troublesome tyme of affliction, insomuch as with closed vp eies thou forgettest to looke and beholde what the wicked Antichristes (with an extréeme pride and set obstinacie) attempt and en­terprise agaynst thy faythfull people, be­cause the thinges they deuise haue so good and luckie successe: whereby it commeth to passe that they sticke not to blaspheme thée, yea, and be perswaded that there is no [Page] God, & bicause thou séemest to haue with­drawne al kind of punishment from them, their opinion and beléefe is, that they shall neuer fall, and assure themselues that their estate will be alwayes prosperous, where­by they haue no measure in periuries, de­ceites, iniuryes, and dishonestie, they kill thy faithfull seruauntes, both openly and priuily, they do assayle, vexe, and oppresse thy blessed Church, thinking (O good god) that thou regardest not the same, nor hast any care at all thereof. But although wee haue now wel deserued that thou shouldst turne away thy eyes from our calamityes, and to consider nothing at al our troubles, in that wée haue grieuouslye sinned, and béene marueylous vngratefull for thy no­table benefits (abusing our vocation, Gos­pell, and Sacramentes, and dispising the libertie offered vnto vs) to serue thée accor­ding to y e expresse rule of thy sacred word: yet we acknowledge and confesse our sel­ues to haue committed all these thinges a­gainst thée, and other innumerable detes­table factes, whereof we do nowe earnest­ly craue perdon, and most humbly beséeche thee at length to arise, and (with thy migh­tie [Page] hande) to represse the wicked from the blasphemies, wherewith he hath both ray­led agaynst thée and thy blessed doctrine: we commit our selues wretched creatures and miserable caytifes vnto thée, who of thy owne accorde vsest to bee an helper to the poore and distressed. Breake thou yet once at length the power of the vngodlye, heare the prayers of the afflicted, and final­ly deliuer the oppressed, so that they being set free from so great terrours, may giue due thanks vnto thée in thy sacred church, for thy great mercye and compassion, tho­row Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xj. Psalme.

IN thée (O most good and mightye God) repose wée our whole trust and confidence, A prayer a­gainst the temptation of fayth. therfore when our fleshe, when humaine wisedome, when also the vngodly do obiect and lay to our charge that our cause is turned vpside downe, and quite ouerthrowne, neyther a­ny helpe at all left for the maintenance of the true doctrine and the most holy and sa­cred Gospell, wée are not for all this per­swaded [Page] to dispaire of thy mercy & power▪ who see in deede that the enimies of thy glorious name haue bent the bowe of their puyssaunce, and made ready their arrowes to pearce and shoote vs thorow: Moreouer wee also wey and consider that oure lyfe hath béene such as we deserue all maner of euill hap and miserie that may bée, who haue not done after thy will as it became obedient children, no, but haue alwaies hi­therto (which now sore gréeueth vs) rebel­led agaynst thy holy commaundementes. Yet nowe with all humilitie do we craue pardon for our sinnes, and are very bolde to require this of thee, through the confi­dence wée haue in thy excellent goodnesse, and singuler clemencie, that thou (which hast thy exceding princely palace and most holy seate in the heauens, from whence it is thy accustomed woont to looke downe, and fixe thine eyes vpon all thinges that are done on the earth) wilt at length di­ligently trie out the equitie of this cause, and looke vpon the vngodlynesse and cru­eltie of our enimies: But restraine thou and kéepe backe (which hast very often v­sed to cast fire, brimstone, and burning [Page] thunderboltes vpon the vngodlye) at the least wise the cruell persecutors of thy bles­sed Churche, to the intent all men maye knowe (that thou beyng most righteous) doest fauour the right cause, and wilt bee our strong defence, who haue taken vpon vs an earnest zeale and loue of thy most glorious name, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same Psalme.

WHen we (O most good and mightye God) do put our whole trust and cō ­fidence in thee so much as in vs lyeth, the desires of our owne fleshe, the counsayles of the vngodly, and the temptations of Sa­than do not sléepe or cease, wherewith wée are alured day and night to renounce and vtterly forsake all Godlinesse, as thoughe we should be wholy oppressed and vanqui­shed with the strength of bowe, of ar­rowes, and other force of our wicked eni­mies, if we go on forwarde to leade such a life as becommeth thy seruauntes. But we (notwithstanding we be compassed about and ouerwhelmed with greauous sinnes, [Page] and iniquitie) yet neuerthelesse vpon the sure trust and confidence that we haue in thy rich mercy, we humbly besech thee first to forgiue vs our heynous offences who do acknowledge and confesse the same vnto thy diuine Maiestie: And that then thou wouldest (out of thy celestiall and heauen­ly palace) shewe forth thy louing counte­naunce to be our most strong helper, that at what tyme thou hast tryed and proued the case on both partes with an equall bal­lance, then the enimies of godlinesse maye be iustly punished according to their owne desertes, and on the contrary part thy belo­ued seruauntes trie by receyuing of salua­tion that thou art a defender of equitie and vpright dealing, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xij. Psalme.

[...] praier a­ [...]ainst hu­ [...]aine, false, [...] erronious [...]octrine.IN so great a want and scarsitie of good and godly men, thou onely (O most mercifull and mightie God) remaynest to be our strong defēce: Wherefore we drawe néere and approche vnto thée with these our dayly prayers be­séeching [Page] thy diuine Maiestie to helpe at length our most troublesome and afflicted estate: For vnlesse thou mightily defen­dest thy louing Church, howe can it be in safety amongst such kinde of enimies, who do not kéepe any maner of fidelitie, and go alwayes aboute to deceyue plaine simple persons with vaine lyes and false flatte­ring wordes, neuer faythfullye thinking that in their hart which they vtter by word of mouth: Deliuer vs not ouer (O most mercifull father) to be handled of them as our sinnes and wickednesse deserue: but in this case haue an especiall regarde to the glory of thy puyssaunt name, the mightye increasing of thy Gospell, and the farre passing faythfulnesse of thy louing promi­ses: this do not (for our sakes) but for the causes here shewed and mencioned: beare not with these men that séeke to augment and enlarge their owne power only, which being straungers to Godlinesse, haue no knowledge at all of thée: Looke vpon the great affliction and groninges of thy bles­sed Church: arise vp nowe and helpe vs, according to thy mercifull promises: For thy wordes are white and more pure then [Page] the most excellent and finest siluer. Final­ly seing euery sort of wicked and vngodly persons did couitte with all the witte and industrie they can, to bée moste mightie, defende thou thy Church (for thy infinite mercies sake) from those mens extréeme iniuryes and cruell oppressions, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

FOrsomuch as (O heauenly father) du­ring the time we liue in this transitory worlde amongst frayle mortall creatures, of Godly true dealing and faythfull per­sons, there is marueylous great want, wheras, contrariwise, men may sée a won­derfull company of vngodly persons, de­ceytfull men, flatterers, & such as be great talkers, and speake very prowde wordes: we poure out our humble prayers before hande, vnto thée, who art our refuge, be­séeching thee, that thou wouldest not so weigh and regard those things which wee haue frowardly committed against thée, as to giue vs ouer vnto the lust and furye of wicked and lewde men, according to our [Page] iust deserts. But rather (for thy great mer­cyes sake, which is marueylous ample and excéeding large) arise, and with thy migh­tie power, deliuer those that trust in thée, from the snares, deceipt, and subtile wiles which the enimies of all godlines do prac­tise and imagin continually against them: that whilest thou art their defence & migh­tie preseruer from the wicked and moste cursed generation, all men may vnderstand thy promises and woordes to be both gar­nished with a singuler and vnspeakeable veritie, and also most pure and vncorrupt from euery sporte of deceyuablenesse and vaine léesing, through Iesus Christ oure Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the xiij. Psalme.

WHilest that the Godly (O most mightie God) do sée themselues vexed with grieuous afflictions, A praier that we dispayre not in try­bulation. and tossed with painefull mise­ries, they greatly feare that thou art for­getfull, and takest thy grace and fauour vtterly away fro them. Graunt that suche maner of thoughtes and suspicions be not [Page] graft and fixed in our minds: for surely we deserue to be vtterly left and quite forsa­ken of thée, by reason of our most heynous offences: but suffer not O good God (for thy most glorious names sake) the stoute arrogant enimies of Godlinesse, eyther to preuaile any thing at all or haue occasion to triumphe ouer thy faythfull seruauntes like victorious conquerors: illuminate and lighten the eyes of our minde (we humblie beséech thée) with thy holy spirit, that wée séeing and right well allowing those thinges which be most iust, may neyther honor nor worship thée amisse, nor yet be­come slouthfull towardes the amendment of our sinfull life: for so shall all occasion of reioysing and vaunting be quite taken from our aduersaries, and we haue great cause to render eternall thankes vnto thy diuine Maiestie as thou hast right well de­serued, through Iesus christ our lord. Amē.

¶ A prayer out of the .xiiij. Psalme.

A praier that we may per­ceuer in the nūber of true christians.TAke away from thy déere children (O most mightie God) those no­torious wicked Counsels and foo­lishe [Page] imaginations, whereby we may sur­mise in our mindes that thou art no God at all: and although thou knowest well ynoughe that we haue oftentymes erred & gone astray from the true path of righte­ousnesse, for which cause sake, we haue ve­ry well deserued euen like bread and most delicious meate, of them to be deuoured and vtterly consumed as are the most mis­chieuous and furious enimies of godlines. We humblie besech thée, that as thou hast promised to ayde and assist the generation of these men, and all such as put their trust in thée, so thou wouldest not forsake vs be­ing thus extréeme miserable & greauous­ly afflicted. Let thy help appeere and shew forth it selfe out of the heauenlye Sion, that when thou hast deliuered vs from the bondage and corruption of sinne, death, and the Deuill, thy beloued Church maye not onely be cheered and refreshed, but al­so be excéeding ioyous, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xv. Psalme.

SEing that (O most mighty god) none can inhabite and dwell in perpetuall felicitie and thy hea­uenly kingdom, but such as haue béene voyde of fault, and vndefiled fro the filthie corruption of wickednesse, who haue in suche wise yéelded and dedicated their heart, tongue, and outward workes, to the honor of thy blessed name, that they do omit or let slip by negligence or malice none of thy sacred cōmaundements. Here­by we nowe perceyue and right well vn­derstand (that if we should be dealt withal as our owne deserts are, and according to the worthinesse of our workes) how farre of we be from thence, so as we may in a maner dispayre and be altogither doubt­full of our saluation: but (trusting in thy excellent goodnesse) we boldely demaunde this at thy mercifull handes, that (the me­rits of our déedes beyng layde apart) thy faythfull promises maye according to our assured hope, still remaine most firme and stable, and vouchsafe to graunt vnto vs re­ceyued againe into thy louing fauour, that being henceforth adourned with the orna­mentes of perfite righteousnesse, sincere [Page] truth, and pure loue, wee maye neuer bée drawen away from the habitation of thy blessed felicitie, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xvj. Psalme.

FOrsomuch as we are so poore (O most déere father of heauen) and thou so exceding rich in al things, A praier tha [...] we may not perishe by fayth, but at­tayne vnto glory therby▪ and thy workes most noble and plentiful, surely nothing is giuen vnto vs, nor any thing at all in our power where­by we may eyther merite or increase thy most blessed estate and felicitie: but yet se­ing that our whole trust and affiaunce de­pendeth on thée onely, we humbly present our selues, and fall downe before thy de­uine Maiestie, beséeching thée to preserue vs from those euils which inuiron & com­passe vs about on euery side. And our hey­nous sinnes wherewith thou well percey­uest vnto be ouerladen, being pardoned, graunt that as thou art become our right­ful inheritaunce, so we may whol [...] set our ioy and delight in thée aga [...], and accompt it a most pleasant camely thing to set forth [Page] and commend thée onely and none else: in­struct thou vs, counsaile thou vs, & be thou alwaies before our eies, least we swarue at any tyme from the right way, so that wee may with great ioy (during this mortall life) remaine and abide in thée, and after the most and glorious resurrection be par­takers of those euerlasting & perfect plea­sures, which we beleue do consist onely in thy most mightie will and power, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xvij. Psalme.

[...] praier that [...]ur enimies may not get [...]he victorie [...]uer vs.THy blessed Churche prayeth thée (O most mightie God) and lifteth vp hir voice daily vnto thy throne, beséeching thée to weigh and con­sider at one time or other hir most righte­teous cause: wherefore giue eare and haue regarde vnto the prayers which the fayth­full sort poure out before thée with an vn­fayned heart: who knowe verie well that we are laden and burthened with other innumerable sinnes, so as we are faine at all tymes humbly to craue pardon of thée for the same: but as for those which oure [Page] aduersaries doe lay to our charge, wée are nothing giltie in them: wherefore if thou thy selfe (who art a most righteous iudge) be examined in this case, we knowe no­thing can be found that by thy holy worde may be condemned. But our whole doing is onely for this ende and purpose, that the renuing and setting vp againe of religion and true godlinesse may be aduaunced, to the intent thy blessed commaundementes might be duly obserued, and thy sacred law with more sinceritie obeyed: And whereas this care and studie hath brought vpon vs most extreeme perils, yea almost vtter de­struction, vnlesse thou remoue and turne the same away quite from vs: we humbly beséech thée to hold vp and strengthen our goynges in thy pathes with a puyssaunt steadinesse, which are otherwise of them­selues very slipperie, that we may neither stand in doubt, nor be discouraged in these kinde of distresses. Thou mayest hereby make thy excellent goodnesse (O mercifull God) to be much marueled and wondered at, if thou wilt defende those that trust in thee at a tyme vnlooked for, yea, thou shalt not onely reuenge vs thy louing seruants [Page] by that meanes, but thy selfe also, forso­much as they haue chiefly risen vp and bēt themselues against thee. Hide vs therefore vnder the shadowe of thy winges, and the more prosperous successe that they seeme to haue in their doyngs, so that now they hang vpon our neckes like hungry Lions, the more a great deale preuent thou their furye, and spéedily deliuer and rescue the life of thy faithfull seruauntes out of theyr handes, and vnto the same graunt, that by acknowledging & confessing thée, they maye both in this life, and in the life to come, be farre more happy and blessed then their enimies, bicause they reioyce & vaunt themselues aboue measure in their present luckie estate, through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same psalme.

FOr this intent and purpose we nowe pray (O most mightie God) bicause we nothing at all mistrust but that thou wilt harken and giue eare to our humble peti­tions, which we poure out before thée, not of hypocrisie and double dealing, but sin­cerely [Page] and from the heart: for séeing that we desire to be tryed rather by thy iudge­ment then mans, graunt that when wée are sore tempted and proued by greauous aduersities, nothing maye be found in vs whereby we should be condemned and ad­iudged to perpetuall destruction: but for­somuch as we are naturally euill, how can this thing come to passe, vnlesse y u doe stay and gouerne our steps with thy excellent grace and holy spirite, and so vpholde and vndersette vs, as thy vnspeakeable mercy may wonderfully vtter and shewe forth it selfe by our saluation? defende and keepe vs therefore from all men which resist the force of thy glorious Gospell, and striue agaynst thy holy will so much as in them lyeth. Thou seest what diligent watch our enimies lay for vs, and howe lyke deuou­ring Lions they couet to praye vpon vs: they are as swordes (O good God) prepa­red to be the handes and instrumentes of thy indignation: defende and kéepe vs ne­uerthelesse vnder the shadowe and moste sure defence of thy wings, that during this wretched life, wee may be comforted with thy fauourable countenaunce, and in the [Page] blessed resurrection, haue with an exceding great pleasure, the fruition of thy glorious presence, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xviij. Psalme.

A prayer to be deliuered out of great distresse.WE acknowledge and confesse thée (O most mightie God) to be our onelye health, buckler, defence, strength, and sure refuge, and therefore do wée both earnestly loue thée, and greatly couet to publishe and set forth thy worthy prayse euerlastingly: but our extreeme enimies do now thus greauously oppresse vs, bicause our sinnes deserue the same, so that we (being sore discomforted) are almost in the straite pangues and an­guishes of death: wherfore it séemeth that no other helpe and succour remayneth for vs, but to make our crye vnto thée, and to direct our prayers towardes thy mercies seate, vnto whom, séeing that the Moun­taines, the earth, the heauens, lightnings, windes, clowdes, raynes, hayle, and tem­pestes are obedient without any delaye or gainsaying, it shall be a thing most easy for [Page] thée to rid and deliuer vs from the force of our outragoius enimies, although they bée neuer so mightie, which we earnestly re­quire (O good God) that thou wouldest vouchsafe to graunt vnto the feruent prai­ers of thy sacred Churche, hauing no re­gard at all to our lewde deserts, but chiefly to thy exceeding great clemencye and vp­rightnesse of the cause it selfe, so that thou mayst deale holily with the holy: and con­trariwise vpon the wicked sende trouble and aduersitie: preserue thy afflicted peo­ple according to thy accustomed maner, and in so great darckenesse lighten them with the bright lampe of fayth and perfite wisdome, to the intent they may acknow­ledge none other buckler or defence but thee onely. Graunt vs (O most deere fa­ther) so to walk without fal or stumbling, as the féete of our fayth may not stacker in such great perilles: arme and strengthen thy beloued seruants to battaile, and con­found them (O most mightie God) who go about to gainsay and resist thée, to the intent thy blessed name may be spoken of and magnified amongst all Nations, by­cause thou hast giuen great and glorious [Page] prosperitie vnto thy renowmed Church, through Iesu [...]; Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same Psalme.

SEing that we are verye weake by na­ture, an [...] compassed about on euery side with most thicke clowdes of darknesse, we come vnto thée (O most mightie God) and require at thy handes that the splendent light of thy holy spirite may bée kindled in our heartes, for so shall we vnderstand thy vndefiled word, and most vncorrupt spéech of thy sacred scriptures, wherein it is most cléerely and euidently promised that thou wilt be an excellent strong defence for all such as haue their onely aff [...]aunce in thée. The sinnes truly which we haue commit­ted, deserue not that we should obteyne so much fauour and helpe at thy hande: but our earnest desire is that these things may happen vnto vs euen for the glory of thy most renowmed and excellent name. For­somuch as therefore none other God is to be sought out or founde, who may be com­pared with thée eyther in power, or good­nesse, garnishe thou vs with holinesse, and [Page] gird [...] vs about with such strength, as wee may once be led out and vtterly deliuered from imminent daungers, and obteyne full triumphe and conquest ouer the eni­mies both of thy glorie and our saluation, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same psalme.

WE can not choose, (O most mightie and mercifull God) but earnestlye loue thée, séeing that (by the fayth whiche thou hast giuen vs) wée well perceyue thée to be our onely refuge, stay, and deliuerer: for our sinnes haue oftentymes purchased vnto vs most deadly griefes, and mightye and valiaunt enimies, who haue (like ve­hement streames of water) enuironed and compassed vs aboute with tribulations, snares, yea and death it selfe: but thou (O good God) who as thou (being the soue­reigne Lord of all thinges) art knowne to haue thy throne in heauen, euen so for thy infinite mercies sake, haue respect vnto vs, and when thou hast remitted and pardo­ned our offences, vouchsafe that we maye be deliuered from thy wrath, and extréeme [Page] punishments which thou art woont to laye vpō y e vngodly. And graūt that whilest we inuocate & cal vpon thée, our loud cries and earnest praiers be not poured out in vaine, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THou knowest (O mercifull and most mightie God) howe many and howe great aduersaries we haue both within and without, who as they can not awaye with thy name and glorie, so do they also most lewdly & wickedly repine at our sal­uation: wherefore we do not without iust cause, humbly sue vnto thée, that as thou hast often deliuered vs out of the daunge­rous perilles of damnation and perpetuall destruction, so now also (notwithstanding the most grieuous and heynous offences which we haue committed against thée, and for y e which we repent vs at this time of them from the bottome of our heart) it would please thée to fortefie and strength vs in such wise with thy assistaunce, as we may vanquishe and ouercome what thing soeuer hath set it selfe against thy glorious [Page] kingdome, whereby we maye at length shewe forth and magnifie thée onely in the chiefest assemblies of men for our alone defender and excellent sauiour, throughe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same psalme.

SEing that we are (O heauenly father) during this miserable life, wrapped in and compassed about with an infinite nū ­ber of perilles, we direct our humble pray­ers and hartie peticions vnto thée, to the intent thou wouldest stretche foorth thy mightie arme to be our defence, and not suffer the great and verie strong enimyes of oure saluation to preuayle agaynst vs. When we are most busily vexed and af­flicted of them (O good God) make it ma­nifest that thou art our mighty protector & redy defender. There is no righteousnesse or puritie in our workes which we maye vaunt and boast off in thy presence: wée francklye acknowledge and confesse that we haue greatly strayed from thy holy pre­cepts. Neuerthelesse yet pardon (according to thy accustomed woont and mercie) the [Page] grieuous sinnes committed by vs, and vouchsafe of thy gracious fauour, to graūt that we may hereafter liue as becommeth thy chosen, blessed, and innocent people, so y t (on the other side) we may finde thee e­lect, holy, and hurtlesse vnto vs, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xix. Psalme.

[...] praier that [...]s may be [...]rtakers of Gods diuine [...]orde.THy wonderfull power, wisdome, and goodnesse (O most mightie God) which thy nature is excée­ding plentifully indued withall, sheweth it selfe in all places vnto vs, by those things which thou hast fourmed and created. The heauen truly with all hir or­naments, with the alteration of tymes, with the brightnesse of the Starres, and of the most whote burning Sunne, are no­thing else but plain voices and a vniuersal doctrine for all sortes of people, by y e which the prayses of thy Maiestie are most amply blazed and set forth. Wherfore we confesse howe that we can make no excuse at all of our so slender confidence and féeble loue to­wardes thée: who ought truelye to haue [Page] béene assuredly perswaded by the aucthori­tie of these thinges, that we should vnse­perably cleaue vnto thée alone, being the chiefe and principall causer of so many good workes bestowed vpon vs: but, alas (these admonishments not regarded) we haue fo­lowed, the lustes and desires of our filthie fleshe, with mad imaginations and feyned thinges of our owne braine, and made ve­ry little accompt of thée, who art the Crea­tor and maker of all thinges. And for that cause doe well deserue the offlictions which we are assayled with, who haue not onelye dispised and had in contempt the workes of nature, that should haue allured and drawne vs vnto thée, but haue coldely & altogither vnprofitably heard thy worde, that is to say, the holy Scripture, and Gos­pel of thy déere and welbeloued sonne, pro­uoking thy indignation towardes vs by that from whence we shoulde to the com­fort of our soules, haue drawne out wise­dome, light, ioyfulnesse, and perfect righte­ousnesse: but although we now séeme (for these weighty considerations) most vnwor­thie of thy mercie, yet we instantly require thée to pardon and forgiue vs, and not to [Page] afflict thy Church according to hir deserts. Graunt (we humbly beséech thée) that we may hereafter to our great profite and cō ­fort haue these thy creatures in estimation: and let thy wordes be not only swéeter vn­to vs than hony, but farre excéede all the ioy and pleasure of this world. Take from vs our heynous sinnes, and shewe thy selfe to be a true defender and redéemer of thy chosen people, through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE vnderstande it commeth to passe through thy excellēt goodnesse (O al­mightie God) y t the knowledge of thée may be graft and imprinted in mennes mindes, by the fourme, order, and most beautifull comlinesse of the thinges that be created, whom the circles and globes of the Hea­uens, the continuall alteration of the day and night, and most goodly brightnesse of the sunne, do declare to be their most wise Creator, & with wordes plain ynough doe teach vs both to knowe, and also to won­der at thy Maiestie: herevnto are added thy [Page] written lawes, which haue brought vnto vs mortall creatures, the true wisedome, the testimonie of thy will, the substanciall pleasure of the soule, & heauenly delicates. But as we be lewd and wicked wretches, so haue we neuer made an ende of abusing both these most faythfull scholemaisters. Therefore our earnest request is that thou wouldest vouchsafe to pardon and forgiue wherin we haue offended thee, contrary to the admonitions of so worthy instructions: and graunt vs hereafter so attentiuely to beholde with due fruct, the creation and workmanship of y e world, that we may be­come very earnest obseruers of thy sacred lawes, through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xx Psalme.

OVr dayly peticion is (O almigh­tie god) that the kingdome of our Lorde Iesus Christ may be aug­mented, A prayer for y e prosperou [...] successe of christs kingdome again [...] the enimies thereof. and appeare at length to be most perfect, which thing we nowe also desire very instantly in our hartie prayers and humble supplications. Be alwayes [Page] mindfull thereof (O good God) of his fatte and most pleasant oblation which he made for vs vpon the Aultare of the Crosse, and graunt that by the tryumphe of his moste perfect victorie: and conquest, wée maye take both saluation and delyghtfull plea­sure. Althoughe wée denie not but that the same shall come to passe without oure deserts, who haue (through our manifolde wickednesse) offended thée very many and infinite wayes: yet (for thy tender louing mercies sake) put them to shame and con­fusion, that repose all their trust in Cha­rets, horse, and worldly power: but raise and lift vp to saluation such as are wholy bent to depend vpon thee, and bow downe thy merciful and fauourable eares to heare the feruent prayers and peticions whiche we make vnto thy diuine Maiestie, for the mightie inlarging of our Lord Iesus christ his kingdome, throughe the same Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxj. Psalme.

A prayer for [...]he prayse [...]nd augmen­ [...]ation of the Gospell.WEe confesse with a singuler ioy (O most mightie God) that Ie­sus Christ our king being indu­ed [Page] with power and honour after his resur­rection, doth abide and liue with thée. And forsomuch as he hath nowe obteyned and gotten most largely whatsoeuer may bee wished or desired, tending to moste perfect and euerlasting blessednesse, it can not o­therwise be but that verye much of his sal­uation, giftes, and glory be shedde abroade and light vpon vs also, which are his mem­bers. Of which felicitie and most singuler gift, although we acknowledge and con­fesse our selues most vnworthie, by reason of our wicked maners and vngodlye life: yet forsomuch as we heartily repent vs of them, we are nothing doubtfull of his redy helpe, but doe also most assuredly beleue that he will once vanquishe, and bring to nought so many as do aduaunce and sette themselues agaynst hys glorious King­dome. Graunt (wée humblye beséeche thee, moste deere father) that their pesti­ferous deuices being of none offect, thy high and famous power may at length bée so knowen and manifested, as we may al­wayes shew foorth thy worthy prayses and passing wonderous workes, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxij. Psalme.

A prayer for Gods fauour in distresse.THou couldest indure and suffer that our Lorde Iesus Christ thy Sonne (O most mightie God) should so be tormēted on the crosse for the sinnes of men, that he did appeare to be vtterly forsaken of thée and left voide of all helpe. Thou which wert woont to ayde and succour thy Saintes at what tyme they called vpon thee, séemedst to con­temne our Sauiours praiers, as though he had béene a worme and no man, the verye abiect of all mankinde, and the outcast of the people: and at length sufferedst him to die a very shamefull death by the hands of the furious raging Iewes, who came and fell vpon him as they had béene mad dogs, fierce bulles, and roaring Lions. Whom notwithstanding thou diddest rayse after­warde from death in suche glorious wise, that for the same cause his faythfull mem­bers doe alwayes laude and celebrate thy excellent name: therefore we heartily pray and humbly beseche thée (for that thy most abundant mercye wherewith thou wert [Page] moued in such wise to permit so many e­uils to happen vnto thy onely beloued son for our sakes) not to suffer the cause of thy most afflictted Church to come into ruine and decay. We acknowledge our sinnes to be passing horrible, for the which not onely a temperall, but also an immortall death is due: yet looke thou not vpon vs (O mightie God) in respect of that we are our selues, but because we be members of thy déere and onely begotten sonne, effec­tually preseruing and mightily defending our cause in the Gospell, being also thy case, and which the aduersaries of the gos­pell iudge that thou hast left destitute and vtterly forsaken, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

FOrsomuch as thy sonne our lord Iesus Christ (O most mightie God) suffered in such wise for our redemption sake as he might séeme to be cast out of thy sight and vtterly forsaken of thée: who being ouer­whelmed on the Crosse with the waues and sourges of a most bitter death, at the [Page] last dyed, and (being made a most inno­cent sacrifice) suffered the paynes and tor­ments which we had iustly deserued. Then being raysed from death after thrée dayes, appeared to his disciples, and manifestly shewed forth and published thy excellent name and glorie, none otherwise then he accustomablye vsed a little before to doe while he liued among them. Séeing that therefore we both acknowledge and also confesse our selues to haue béene abusers of such an vnspeakable mercie and infinite clemencie, we humbly flée vnto thée harti­ly praying that whom thou hast graunted and ordeyned to be ingraffed and to spring a newe in so excellent a Mediator (who is the authour and onely preseruer of our sal­uation) thou wouldest graunt the same to be pricked forwarde and stirred vp, somuch as in vs lyeth, to séeke for all true godly­nesse, so that not onely the whole number of vs which be now liuing, but all mortall men also that shall liue hereafter may be drawne to worship and serue thée alone, holily and after a most chaste maner, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same psalme.

THy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ (O most good and mightie God) suffered maruelous bitter punishmentes, and ex­treeme painefull torments for the saluatiō of mankinde. For when he had layde the sinnes of the worlde vpon himselfe, it be­houed him to be vexed so fiercely and out­ragiously, as he might suffer the full pu­nishment for them all. Finallye, being nayled vnto the Crosse, he spent his moste swéete life for vs, vnto whom he hath, by that meanes purchased pardon & forgiue­nesse of sinnes, thy louing friendship, and eternall life, if we shall faythfully beleue his sacred doctrine and blessed gospell. But alas, as we be very weake in fayth, so are we lightly forgetful of such great and ma­nifolde benefites: yea we rather liue as men vnworthye of the redemption that was of so mightie a price vnto our moste innocent lord. For which cause we bewail this calamitie in thy presence (O heauen­ly father) humbly praying and earnestly beseeching thée not to suffer vs to be vtter­ly [Page] destitute of the fruite of our Lord Iesus Christ his Crosse and death, who liueth and reigneth with thée euermore worlde without ende. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxiij. Psalme.

A praier that God woulde both feede & defende vs.AL such as haue thée (O most migh­tie God) for their shepherd, do leade their life excéeding happily, as those who haue alwayes foode abundant­ly ynough of thy heauenly doctrine, and most fruitfull and plenteous watering of the holy Ghost, whereby they may be re­nued, and comforted so often as they shall be oppressed with the mishaps of this wret­ched world, or wearied with the afflictions of the persecution thereof. Although there­fore we acknowledge and confesse our sel­ues vnworthie of thy gouernaunce and shepherdlike care ouer vs, who haue verie often dispised thée and thy sacred word, and (by reason of oure most greauous and in­numerable transgressions) deserue to bée thrust out of thy blessed shéepefoldes: not­withstanding we hauing confidence in thy great mercie and goodnesse, which is vnto [Page] thée proper and naturall, humbly beseeche thy goodnesse that thou wouldest vouchsafe to gather vs home as lost sheepe vnto thy selfe, and suffer vs not to wander and stray without thée, through the wide desertes, and outgrounds of this deceyuable world. Thou seest vs nowe to be at deathes doore, therefore be so present with vs as we may put away and cast off all feare: who nowe stande in néede of thée to strengthen and comfort vs, with the staffe and shéepehooke of thy authoritie. Thou canst refreshe vs if it please thée, with a most exquisite and well furnished banquet of thy sacred doc­trine and blessed sacraments, and make vs to drinke plentifully of the cup of thy holy spirite and grace, the enimies and aduer­saryes of thy glorious name beholding the same. O let that thy mercy and clemencie alwayes so imbrace vs (we humbly beséech thée) which thou hast accustomed to bestow vpon thy faythfull seruauntes, as in the sacred Church (which is thy mansiō house) we maye continue stedfastly in fayth and thy most glorious Gospell, throughe the merits and loue of our Lord Iesus Christ, who liueth and reigneth with thée world [...] [Page] without ende. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same Psalme.

THou vsest (O most mighty God) to pre­serue those thy children whom thou hast louingly adopted, with no lesse care and di­ligence, then if they were shéepe, & the same alwayes ledde of thée, being their most lo­uing shepheard, toward their owne health and perfect commoditie, who, so long as they haue thée for their maister and gouer­nor, they shall be destitute neyther of the meate nor drinke of thy moste wholsome doctrine. Wherby it is manifest that if we pine away (so long as we liue in this mi­serable and wretched life) for the hunger and thirst of true and perfect goodnesse, it happeneth for this cause (and of no other) in that we haue forsaken thée and folo­wed straunge guydes: whereof come the great perilles and miserable troubles of mind which fall vpon vs. Wherefore we humbly beséech thée (O most faythfull and louing shepheard) to call vs backe from errors into the right and perfect way: cor­rect the vices of the wandring and straying [Page] flocke, with the rod and shéepehooke of thy righteousnesse, so that we maye féede at length, orderly, purely, and chastly of the moste wholesome delicates of thy sacred worde and blessed Sacramentes, by which meanes, the whole heade, heart, and all the powers of our minde may be made fat and well liking, and we be alwayes so vn­derpropped with thy louing mercie, as we maye finallye inioy in thy house the soue­reigne delightes and dainties of euerla­sting life, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxiiij. Psalme.

THou (O most mightie God) which art not onely the founder and ma­ker of the earth and all thinges conteyned therein, A prayer fo [...] the kingdo [...] of Christ a [...] a new life. but also hast fourmed man the tiller and inhabitor ther­of, and vouchedsafe to instruct vs mortall creatures with the doctrine of thy diuine law and sacred Gospell, by which meanes they may annex and knitte themselues a­gaine vnto thée from whom they came in­to this worldly light, that is to haue their [Page] habitation in the holy Mount of thy sacred Churche wherein thou art alwayes con­uersant: who truly requirest this of them, that they should be of an vndefiled conuer­sation, pure of heart, not addicted to vaine and transitorie delights, neyther folowers of deceipts, nor yet periured persons, which sort of men thou doest promise to be parta­kers of thy infinite mercie and singuler li­beralitie. Therefore ought we to haue in­deuored our selues to séeke thée out by these meanes: but we haue, (like most sinfull wretches) declined from this path of truth and righteousnesse, and fallen from thée, thorow the perillous steepe wayes of vices and of all voluptuousnesse. Wherfore no maruell is it, if we nowe be fallen into so marueylous difficult times & troublesome estate. Thus thou séest and right well per­ceyuest by what meanes the state of thy blessed Church is at this present in a ma­ner desolate and throwne downe. We hū ­bly require thée not to take vengeance vp­on our euill and lewde factes as they haue deserued: but (for the glorie of thy name) as thou art a most puyssaunt king and ex­cellent in vertue, in whose handes are all [Page] armies and powers, euē so shew forth thy most valiaunt strength in defending thy beloued Church, and thy singuler good wil towardes those which repose their whole trust and confidence in thée, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SEing that all thinges (O most good and mightie God) haue their being through thy creation and making, we must certain­ly without any doubt conclude, that both the earth, and also men which inhabite the same, be onely thine: but vnto thee verily (who, as thou art Lorde of all thinges, so art thou accompted, and that most right­fully, to be the perfection and highest tipe of our felicitie) can no man come, but such as haue a pure heart, innocent hands, and constaunt fidelitie towardes their neigh­bors. Forsomuch as we be not as now in­dued with these kinde of ornamentes, but rather spotted with filthie vices, being al­togither vtter enimies to these vertues, we do in our feruent prayers lamentably de­sire thy fauorable mercy (which thing only [Page] is the last refuge we haue to stay our sel­ues vpon) that thou which art called the king of glory, accompted strong & mightie, a valiant conquerour and noble triumpher in warres, wilt with thy mercifull good­nesse farre surmount and ouerpasse oure sinfull deseruings. And graunt (although of our partes greatly vndeserued) that wée may be partakers of thy excellent blessing and incomperable righteousnesse, for so much as we haue reposed our whole fayth and confidence in Iesus Christ thy sonne, who liueth and reigneth with thée euer­more worlde without ende. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxv. Psalme.

A prayer for constancie in a troublesom contention for the word of God.WE lift vp our mindes, prayers, wordes, and hands vnto thée (O most mightie God) desiring this especially, that whilest we staye our selues and depende wholye vpon thy goodnesse, thou do not suffer vs to be so con­founded, as the aduersaries of thy glori­ous name, and enimies of the pure and sin­cere doctrine, may greatly reioyce thereat, and be much boldned in their wickednesse. [Page] Neither do we pray for this as though our deserts iustly required the same: but con­fesse how much and how greatly we haue gone astray from thy sacred lawe and bles­sed will, which, as we acknowledge wil­lingly and before the face of the worlde, so indeuor we our selues to craue pardon and forgiuenesse of thée in these our dayly prai­ers. Declare therefore thy blessed wayes hereafter effectually vnto vs (according to thy mercie & louing kindnes) & bring vs in vre with thy sacred lawes & statutes, to the performaunce whereof y u wouldst haue vs surely bound. For it is a thing impossible, but that he doth stedfastly perseuere and a­bide in thy holy couenaunt, whome thou thy selfe shalt instruct and teache: bicause his minde (without doubt) shall inioy per­fect good things, and his féete be set at liber­tie, were they intangled in neuer so strong and craftie a net. Beholde nowe (O good God) with what troublesome afflictions and painefull griefes thy blessed Church is oppressed, whose safetie and deliuerance dependeth onely vpon thée. Deliuer hir therefore in such sort (O mightie God of Israell) that she fall not vnder the most fu­rious [Page] rage of Antichrist and the Deuill, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WE do resort & haue dayly accesse vnto thee (O most mightye God) who in­stātly in our earnest praiers & feruent peti­cions require thy mercifull goodnesse not to suffer nor permitte vs to haue the foyle in the contention which we nowe holde con­tinuallye with the cruell enimies and ad­uersaries of mans saluation. Pourge and vtterly wipe awaye the sinfull blemishes and spottes of our infirmitie, with thy vn­speakable clemencie: and although we be altogither vnworthie of thy louing fauour (by reason of our naughtinesse and wicked life) yet we heartily require, and earnestly desire thee, to direct, teach, gouerne, and fi­nally, shewe vs thy blessed wayes which we knowe are garnished with an incre­dible liberalitie, and marueylous assured truth. Haue a great regarde and care (O most gentle father) vnto the perils and ca­lamities wherein we are wrapped, and in maner ouerwhelmed. Deliuer vs oute of [Page] them, and wipe away al our wretched ini­quities, and rescue thy sacred Churche, (which to do is in thy onely power) not on­ly from outward afflictions wherewith it is diuerslye vexed, but chieflye from that great calamitie whereby thy honour is much defiled, neyther purely and chastly set forth as it ought to be, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxvj. Psalme. A praier tha [...] we reuolt no [...] from Christ

IF wée had led our lyfe innocently (O most mightie God) we should not be so striken with feare and terror in these daies (as who should know for a certaintie that they cannot wa­uer nor fall in decaye, which surely haue sticked and cleaued to thée) yea rather wée should wholy submitte our selues wyth a willing minde to be searched and tried out of thee. But forsomuche as we had little and verye small confidence in thy diuine Maiestie, we trusted in vaine persons and fleshly helpe, neyther haue we forsaken the companie and felowship of verye hurtfull and wicked doers, but haue both with our [Page] filthy handes and lewde conditions, defiled thy most holy Gospell: therefore are we at this present in great perill, least our lyfe and soule perish after the maner of the mis­chieuous and bloud thirstie. Wherfore we heartily pray thée to bée as nowe mercifull vnto vs, and forsomuche as we call vpon thy blessed name, y t thou wouldest vouch­safe to pardon and remitte whatsoeuer we haue hitherto so wickedlye committed a­gainst thee, and let the vprightnesse of our cause, obteyne that thing at thy handes which we doe not deserue: for in this case not onely our saluation is impeached, but also thy sincere doctrine and pure religion. Suffer not thy sacred church therfore to be in subiection, and as an vnderling to the fraudes and decepts of Antichrist. Deliuer it from the destruction which the Deuill and his members doe prepare and worke for hir, that we may hereafter leade an ho­ly and innocent life, and highly extoll thy noble actes and wonderfull workes, in the sacred and blessed congre­gations, throughe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another prayer out of the same Psalme.

WE are verye desirous (O almightie God) to lead an innocent and blame­lesse life before thée, and not to turne from the right waye, when thou shalt trie vs with sundrie and manifolde temptations: we haue not as yet atteyned thereto, by­cause we haue reposed small fayth, and lit­tle hope (to speake of) in thée. Wherefore our humble request is that thou wouldest haue mercye vpon vs, and pardon whatso­euer we haue committed and done amisse: for if thou be fauourable and gentle vnto vs, we will neuer be vnmindefull of thy louing mercie & euerlasting truth. Graunt (O most benigne father) that amongst in­nocents we may liue innocently, and vt­terly detest (with an extréeme kinde of ha­tred) all maner of decepts, and cursed ly­ing, that we maye addict our selues wyth all our heartes, to laude, magnifie, and celebrate thy glorious name: neither suf­fer vs to knitte vppe and finishe our last dayes with malefactours and wicked per­sons, but rather let a blessed enteraunce to [Page] the house of eternall felicitie, (whether we haue dayly a feruent desire to come) be set open and made as a frée passage vnto vs, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxvij. Psalme.

A prayer for comfort in fayth agaynst our enimies.FOrsomuch as (O heauenly Fa­ther) we make our accompt of thee onely, to be the whole stay and principall defence of our saluati­on, light, strength, and stedfastnesse, it shoulde behoue vs to continue: and abide (wish a good courage, and assured con­stancie) in the studie of godlinesse, whatso­euer the worlde may séeme to attempt a­gaynst vs, what aduersitie soeuer may (by the instigation of the deuill) hang ouer vs, and finally, what calamitie so euer men do moue and stirre vp agaynst vs, all that we ought boldly to dispise, thou being our strong defence, and hiding vs in thy bles­sed Tabernacle. But bicause our fayth is verye weake, and our confidence in thée doth oftentymes both wauer and stagger, hereof it commeth that we are so muche fearefull and timerous. Therefore streng­then [Page] thou vs (O highe and mightie God) with thy excellent grace, and bounteous spirit, that we may liue orderly, godly, and after an honest sort in the holy congrega­tion, which is thy blessed Church in déede. Hide not thou thy louing countenaunce still awaye from vs (we humbly beséeche thée) for that is our sole and onely desire. Graunt that we may constantly perseuer, and be made strong to abide the comming of thy ready helpe with stedfast and vnap­palled courage, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the xxviij. Psalme.

IF thou (O most mightie God) shouldst dissemble, A prayer for comfort in necessitie a­gainst doubl [...] tonged per­sons. and haue little regard to helpe and comfort vs in these oure gréeuous afflictions which happen vnto vs, not onely true god­linesse shoulde come to ruyne and decaye, but we also might incontinent bée easily compared to those which are put downe, and laide at the pittes doore readie to bee burned: giue eare therefore vnto our hum­ble prayers and peticions, whome thou [Page] séest to haue assured confidence in none o­ther, then in thy onely sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour. For as touching our selues, we haue behaued vs so euill, and liued so lewdly and vngodly, that when we consi­der and looke vpon our selues, we sée no­thing due vnto vs but death and endlesse damnation. Therfore of thy singuler mer­cie and goodnesse destroy vs not (according to our deserts) amongest the vngodly, de­ceptfull, and wicked persons, but rewarde all thy aduersaries, and namely the eni­mies of thy blessed Church, according to their iust desertes, so y t whatsoeuer the vn­faithful do either inuent & imagin against vs, may fall vpon their owne head. But whensoeuer they begin little to regard thy holy words and wonderous workes, bring to nought their crooked and cruell deuises, wherby thou thy selfe mayst be exalted and lifted vp with highe prayses, bicause thou hast heard the voyces and piteous com­plaints of thy most humble and lowly ser­uauntes. Be thou (O good God) our assu­red strength and shield of defence, preserue thy faythfull people in these great daun­gers, and suche as thou hast chosen to bée [Page] thy gracious heyres, augment and heape vpon them thy sauing health and most no­ble benefites: giue those men sufficient foode so long as they here liue, and finally bring them vnto eternall ioy and blessed felicitie, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE heartily require thée (O heauenly father) to be fauourable and merci­full vnto vs, that seeing we poure out our humble prayers and earnest petitions vn­to thée, thou wouldest (according to thy ex­cellent goodnesse) paciently heare vs. If thou O Lord shouldst accept vs according to the rate and goodnesse of oure desertes, we should euery where and in all places suffer an infinite number of greauous mi­series and sorowfull calamities. And by­cause the outragious aduersaries and cru­ell enimies both of our saluation, and also of thy famous honor, go about nothing else then to pull thy faythfull seruaunts awaye from true Godlynesse, and that stedfast de­sire they haue to leade a vertuous life: bée [Page] thou therefore our assured strength and strong shield of defence agaynst them. If we be thy blessed people and chosen heri­tage (as thou hast promised & as we faith­fully beleue) then preserue, féede, and be fauourable vnto vs, and bring vs forth to the chiefe and highest blesse which we haue alwayes an especiall eye and principall re­gard vnto, through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxix. Psalme.

A praier that we may be o­bedient to the word of god.SO many of vs (O heauenly fa­ther) as are promoted throughe thy vnspeakeable mercy, that we both be, and also are named the children of God, haue no light occasion or small regarde to celebrate thy diuine ma­iestie, by the effect of those things which in the worke of nature we see to procéede frō thée, which are so passing excellent and maruelous, that they shewe forth themsel­ues, to those that behold them, as most cer­taine and manifest tokens of thy vnspeak­able glorie and dignitie. Thou bringest forth so mightily, when thy good pleasure [Page] is, showers, clowdes, lightnings, earth­quakes, and ouerflowings of waters, that euen the hilles and trées (although they be very high, and all other liuing things, doe both greatly and horribly quake. We only (O good God) are blinde, deafe, and dull to conceyue these thy moste wonderous workes. Wherefore, for the loue thou bea­rest vnto vs, hauing compassion vpon so great foolishnesse and vnskilfulnesse, which procéedeth of nothing else then of sinne, graunt that we (being at length exemp­ted from them) maye both acknowledge thy excellencie in thy notable workes, and sing also perpetuall prayses to thée for thy manifolde benefites extended towarde vs, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxx. Psalme.

WE ought (O most mercifull god) to celebrate and extoll thée with wonderfull and vnspeakeable prayses, A praier tha [...] all our afflictions maye well depart from vs, by Gods especiall grace. bicause thou art so prone and readie to preserue those that with an vnfeyned heart call diligently vpon thy blessed name. We doe plainely acknow­ledge [Page] and openly confesse our sinnes to be innumerable and most heynous, for the which right worthy are we to be adiudged of eternal destruction and perpetual death. But our earnest request is y e thou wouldst shewe the like fauourable mercy towards vs, as thou wert accustomed to doe vnto thy elect and chosen seruauntes, although thou art woont to chastice them with a short kinde of wrath, and such a one as in­dureth but the turning of a hande, which forthwith thou alterest into an excéeding great good will, and such a one as lasteth continually. Preserue vs therefore from the present euils and iminent perils, which hang ouer our heades, that we (beyng sa­ued and deliuered out of all daunger) may confesse thée, and be both sure and experi­enced witnesses touching the truth of thy faythfull promises, and also euery where, and in all places shewe forth and publishe that thou onely and none other ought to be trusted in, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THy blessed Churche (O almightie GOD) prayeth thee to relieue hir, beeyng sore tossed and oppressed with these stormye tempestes: neyther suf­fer thou the fierce enimyes of thy glori­ous name to reioyce and triumphe at hir destruction. Thou art accustomed (O good God) both to heare and also to helpe without delay such as earnestly call vpon thée, and it is in thy mightie hand & power to bring backe againe from the graue, and to quicken those which were nowe in a maner fallen into the pitte. Wherefore to the intent thou mayest stirre vp an earnest desire & feruent affection in our mindes to thy worthy prayse, shewe thy selfe to haue bene angry with vs, yet let it be but for a moment: neyther shall that inestimable loue of thine towardes vs (whereby wée liue and shall liue in thée) be any thing the more in that respect deminished. Bring spéedily to passe we humbly beseeche thée, that our sorrowfull teares, déepe sighes, and piteous grones, may shortly be chaun­ged into godly mirth and ioyful gladnesse. Marke thou in no wise our desertes, but what beséemeth thée best. We truely are [Page] worthie of deadly hatred and extréeme pu­nishmentes, by reason of our manifolde sinnes, who so long as all thinges happe­ned luckely, and as we woulde haue it, vainely imagined, that we could beare out all things of our owne strength & power. But nowe, when thou hast a little tur­ned thy louing countenaunce from vs, and present calamities haue appeared, we are so astonished and stricken with feare, that we can scarcely abide or stande vpright. Howbeit haue thou an especiall regard (O good God) what thy mercifull promises re­quire, namely that thou wilte not suffer those to perishe and come to ruine which crie heartily vnto thée. For our aduersaries would doe nothing lesse then set forth thy worthie prayses. At length therefore make an ende of our sorowfull mourning, that (the spirite of gladnesse beyng restored to vs againe) we maye both nowe and in an other world also, render euerlasting prayse and thanks vnto thée, through Iesus christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxxj. Psalme.

SEing that thou (O most mighty God) art our assured rocke and strong defence, A prayer in distresse and triall of faith it is nowe néede­full for thy names sake, that thou shouldest saue and deliuer those which re­pose their whole trust in thée, so that we may be nothing ashamed of the fayth that we haue firmely affixed in thée. Thou séest howe they (of whome thy sacred doctrine and holy Gospell is had in contempt) haue priuily layde snares and nettes to trap vs. We therfore which sée that we can be pre­serued by none other meane, do now com­mit our selues to be defended by thy onely handes and mightie power. For we haue no affiaunce in curious and wicked artes, but repose our selues (O good God) vpon thy goodnesse only, and require thée to haue an especiall care and regarde to the afflic­tions we nowe are in, neyther suffer thou vs to be shut vp into the handes of wicked persons. We knowe for a certaintie that our sinnes wherewith we are so sore bur­thened, shall make exceedingly agaynst vs in thy iust iudgement, that of right we can not escape. But beséeche thée of thy infi­nite goodnesse, to haue mercy vpon vs, ney­ther [Page] suffer thy blessed Church to be a by word and ieasting stock both to the neigh­bors and enimies thereof. Shew forth thy chearefull countenaunce vpon hir, let the wicked be put to vtter shame, we humbly pray thee, who mayest stop the mouthes of lyars, when they most arrogantly imagine very horrible accusations agaynst hir. And although (as to the iudgement of the flesh) we thinke our selues to be thrust downe hedlong, and cast vtterly from the sight of thine eyes: yet notwithstanding, we stil hope in spirite that thou wilt giue atten­tiue eare vnto our hartie prayers. Graunt therefore that the vertuous men which earnestly loue thée, may well vnderstande that thou mightily preseruest thy faithfull seruauntes, and doest greatly strengthen such as honor and reuerence thee with an vnfeyned heart, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

LEt thy fauourable and louing counte­naunce (O most mightie God) shine vpon vs, from whence commeth all conso­lation, [Page] ioy, and gladnesse vnto thy belo­ued seruaunts: and seing we craue for thy ready helpe, bring vtterly to naught the subtile inuentions, craftes, deceptes, and laiyngs awaite of the violent force of our enimies. Surely most great, most bewti­full, and most ioyfull is the swéetenesse of thy inestimable goodnesse which thou hast layde vp for those that repose their whole trust in thée: that the sinnes therfore which we haue lewdly committed seclude vs not from the same, we hartily beséeche thée to clense and purifie vs with thy gracious fa­uour. For if we once obteyne this, there is no doubt, but that we shall be both hid­den, and also defended from all imminent mischiefes, vnder the tabernacle & strong defence of thy mightie protection, so as we boldely and stedfastly perseuering in thy blessed loue, may at length be brought and conueyed vnto thée, being the piller and chiefe stay of our saluation, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THe confidence (O most mightie God) which the Godly repose in thée, hath [Page] this notable and singuler propertie, that it maketh no man ashamed thereof, nor defraudeth any person of his iust desire: the same therefore doth greatly inforce vs to craue thy readie helpe, that thou wouldest alwayes be our puyssaunt strength, strong defence, assured stay, valiaunt Capitaine, and most prouident nourisher. Moreouer we know right well, that (by reason of our manifolde sinnes) the malicious enimies of thy glorious name and our saluation, haue euery where layde snares, trappes, and ambushes for vs. Therefore doe wée commit our whole spirite and lyfe to thy faythfull custodie, and put them into thy hands to be strongly defended: forsomuch as thou séest our innumerable infirmities, and howe we are alwayes inuironed and compassed about with the violent force of our fierce enimies: be mercifull therfore to our sorowfull estate, and helpe vs present­ly without any delay. And as thou hast both life and death in thy puyssant hands, graunt that we thy faythfull seruants may liue and rest with thée for euer, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxxij. Psalme.

WEe are admonished by thée (O most good and mercifull God) that the felicitie of thy faythfull seruaunts consisteth herein, A praier tha [...] our sinfull crimes may be pardoned. that their sinnes are forgiuen, couered, and not imputed vnto them in thy iust iudgement: which thing if euer we had néede to ob­teyne, certainly we nowe séeme to lacke it most, when as (through present calamities) our heynous sinnes are set before our eyes. For we feele thy hande to waxe heauie o­uer thy sacred Church, wherefore we haue thought good not to hide our sinnes, but publikely and openly to confesse them be­fore thy d [...]uine Maiestie: neyther doe we any thing at all mistrust the vnspeakable goodnesse thou art indued withall, who in­continent doest quite, pardon, and vtter­ly forgiue vs our gréeuous offences. Ther­fore we that be thy déere beloued seruants, doe nowe earnestly require thée (doubting not but thou art to be found) not to permit thy faythfull people to be violently oppres­sed of their cruell enimies, who be like vn­to [Page] ouerflowing waters. Be thou a denne and place of refuge for vs in these moste greeuous afflictions. Informe and teache vs the right way of blessed saluation, and whatsoeuer brutishe and beastlye lust re­mayneth as yet in vs, kéepe thou it so vn­der with the hard bit and bridle of thy holy spirite, that wée bée not for the same cast downe hedlong into perpetual destruction: and finally poure out lamentable sorowes and pitious calamities vpon the aduersa­ryes of thy most glorious name, but let such as trust onely in thée be inclosed and fortified with thy singuler louing kinde­nesse as with a strong rampire, that those which haue a feruent zeale to thy excellent name, and be of an vpright heart, maye chéerefully reioyce in thée, and triumphe with a perfite gladnesse, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THey without doubt are right happie and blessed (O most mightie God) to whom thou of thy vnspeakable mercy hast forgiuen their gréeuous sinnes, not impu­ting [Page] them, but couering and remitting what wicked and naughtie thing soeuer they haue bene stayned and polluted with. Wée doe most manifestly acknowledge that so great and notable a benefite coulde not haue happened vnto vs, vnlesse oure sinnes verilye were openly knowen and disclosed to thée, and that we poure into thy blessed bosome what sinnes so euer we haue lewdely and shamelessely committed agaynst thy sacred lawe. Therefore we ac­knowledge and confesse vnto thée (O hea­uenly father) that our vnrighteousnesse is excéeding great, and our soules miserably burthened with the waight of our impie­tie: wherefore nowe ayde and helpe vs with thy fauourable mercye, and we hear­tily beseeche thee, to wipe away after a lo­uing & gentle maner, what naughtinesse soeuer doth remain behind. Deliuer vs frō the sorowful calamities and greeuous mi­series that are hanging ouer our heades, make vs to haue an vncorrupt minde, and gouerne vs with thy prouident care least through our euill affections, we do not de­generate into most foolishe brute beastes, but being inuironed and compassed about [Page] with thy excellent goodnesse, let vs be chea­red vp with rightfull mirth and assured ioy before thée, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxxiij. Psalme.

A prayer for prayse and [...]hankes gy­ [...]ing to God [...]or his omni­ [...]otencie.HOw many soeuer (O most mighty God) as haue attayned vnto righ­teousnesse throughe an vnfeyned fayth, doe well vnderstande howe much prayse and glorie thou art worthy of by reason of thy maruelous works. There is nothing in the world but it beareth wit­nes that thou art good. The heauens stand fast, and all the hostes of them were made by thy sacred worde, neyther are the wa­ters of the sea and great déepes conteyned within their boundes by any other power, then through thy holy spirite and mightie force. Therefore it is and hath béene oure dutie both to honour and feare thée onely, euen as thou hast rightly deserued: but we haue (O sinfull wretches that we are) done nothing lesse in all our whole lyfe. And therefore haue well and iustly deser­ued the great troubles and daungerous [Page] perilles we now are in. But séeing that thy infinite goodnesse cannot be drayned drie through mens naughtinesse and lewd behauior (be they neuer so innumerable) we craue pardon and forgiuenesse of all those thinges which we haue committed agaynst thy diuine Maiestie, and heartily require thee (according to thy woonted mercy) to make voyde all the subtile coun­sayles and lewde deuices wherewith the fierce enimies of godlinesse pretend to sub­uert and ouerthrowe thy sacred Church. Let thy thoughtes & ymaginations stande immoueable towardes that people which hath thée for their fauourable God & most lawfull heritage. Thou that beholdest the heartes of men from the high heauen, and which hast fourmed them from the begin­ning, knowest well what the Antichristi­ans haue ymagined against thy faythfull seruauntes. Wherefore vouchsafe wée humbly beseech thée to maintaine and de­fende vs at this instant: for we require neyther valiaunt prince, nor strong horse, nor yet mans force (which are of no power) to saue and deliuer vs, but flie vnto thee onely, who settest our soules at freedome [Page] and libertie: let thy inestimable mercy (we earnestly require thée) be at hande and re­die for vs, as we vndoubtedly beleue and certainly hope it will so be, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy glorious name (O almightie) God) for diuers causes deserueth to be extolled with vnspeakable prayses, and to be celebrated with a meruelous earnest indeuour of the god­lye: forsomuch as all thy wordes, and all thy precepts and déedes are nothing but faythfulnesse, vertue, iustice, and goodnesse. Whatsoeuer is in the whole vniuersall worlde eyther bewtiful or gorgeous: what soeuer is profitable and commodious, all that procéedeth and commeth from thée onely. Thou alone bringest to naught the pernicious counsayles of the vngodly, and makest their wicked enterprises voyde and of none effect. But thy ordinaunces are most sure with a marueylous inuiolable constancie. Wherefore right happie and blessed are those people who haue chosen [Page] thee to be their God, and honor thée most purely and alonely as their principall he­ritage. Therefore thou being such a one, and so mighty a fourmer and maker of vs, art not ignoraunt how often and horribly we haue transgressed thy diuine law. Par­don vs (we humbly beséeche thée) neyther suffer thou vs to repose our trust in the force & power of any creature: but graunt that we hauing thy wonderfull mercye in experience, maye perfectly reioyce, and rightfully take pleasure in y e same, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxxiiij. Psalme.

THy singuler and most notable de­sertes extended towardes vs (O mightie God) in what case so e­uer we are, A prayer for comfort in distresse. whether it be prospe­ritie or aduersitie, moueth vs at all tymes to celebrate thy glorious name with great prayses. Surely thou art alwayes present to those that vnfeynedly craue thy furthe­raunce, and deliuerest the miserable from carefull and greeuous calamities, and such as flie to thée for defence, thou doest fortifie [Page] and inclose them with a gard of Aungels. We therfore being sore oppressed and vex­ed with the fardell of most gréeuous mis­chiefes, are like to be led and caried awaye vnto finall destruction, without thy assis­taunt helpe. Wherefore we heartily pray and earnestly require thée to rayse vp those that be fallen, and receyuing vs againe in­to thy louing fauour, thou will teach vs the true feare, perfect worship, and sincere loue of thée, so that we may haue especially a pure conscience: bridle our tongue least it bable vnaduisedly such things as be vn­séeming for thée or our owne vocation, but let vs in all our deedes decline from wic­kednesse, and rightfully perfourme those thinges which thou willest vs to doe, and become verye zealous desirers and earnest séekers of thy gracious peace: and as thou wouldest not haue our soules to be redée­med with a common and simple price, so vouchsafe to bestowe eternall saluation li­berally & bountifully vpon them, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxxv. Psalme.

SEing that thou (O moste good and mercyfull God) hast an in­uincible strength and most ready will to helpe thy faythfull ser­uauntes when they vnfeynedly call vpon thée. A praier bot [...] against our enimies, and false prophets also. We now earnestly require and hope assuredly in all our feruent peticions, that thou wilt vouchsafe to ayde and assist vs, séeing wée are continually (during thys mortall lif) so greatly opprest through the violence and force of our aduersaries: for Sathan is risen vp, with an vnspeakeable deadly hatred, to cut vs off from our salua­tion. Wherefore haue no regard at all how wickedly and lewdly we haue behaued our selues towardes thée, but (of thy infinite mercy) forgiue our most heinous and grée­uous offences, wherewith we féele our sel­ues to be most miserably ouerburthened: driue away farre from vs through thy in­uincible power, and force of thy blessed Aungels, the outragious assaultes of the Deuill and all his adherents, in such wise as both they may be disappoynted of theyr practises, and our mindes (by reason of thy louing fauour and present helpe) maye swéetely reioyce, and proclayme abroade [Page] howe there can be no God founde which may deliuer those that call vnfeynedly vp­on him, from al wofull calamitie, like vn­to thee. They scorne and mocke at our in­firmitie and weakenesse, but we humblye beséech thée O excellent father, (who be­holdest the great daungers and miserable distresses we are in) to take vs into thy mightie protection, and vouchsafe to pre­serue vs from euerlasting damnation, tho­rowe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WEe haue a great while sore longed (O most mercifull God) to celebrate thee in the most frequented assembly of the godly, which truly we will then do with a most readie and ioyfull minde, when as thou (through thy mightie power) shalt rid and deliuer vs from the cruell Deuill and his furious Ministers. It is not vn­knowne to thée howe craftily, deceptfully, and after what a wicked maner he disquie­teth thy faythfull seruauntes. Wherefore we heartily beséech thée, with so Godly an affection as we can, first to pardon and re­mit [Page] whatsoeuer we haue vnworthily com­mitted against thy sacred lawe, and conse­quently stirre vp thy selfe stoutly to main­teine, and valiauntly to defende our right­full cause, least the pernicious enimies de­ride and vaunt themselues agaynst thy deerely beloued seruauntes, (when as at their pleasures) they shall make them be­come very miserable: but rather let confu­sion and shame fall vpon them, at what tyme they dare presume to set themselues agaynst thy glory and our saluation. But contrariwise, let vs (which be desirous of thy famous honor and excellent righteous­nesse) be filled with perfite ioy and glad­nesse, that with a pleasaunt and chéerefull heart we maye set foorth thy noble prayse and deserued worthinesse, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxxvj. Psalme.

WEe knowe right well (O moste mightie God) the force of wic­kednesse to be so great, A prayer for vpright ius­tice. that who soeuer hath the same abiding in him, cannot be pricked and moued with [Page] the feare or reuerence of thy diuine power. For he is so delighted in his owne detesta­ble actes, that in the ende it becommeth both knowne and hatefull vnto all men. For whatsoeuer he speaketh is verye wic­ked, neither can he be perswaded to permit himselfe to be instructed to do well, but y­magineth much mischiefe in the night and so incourageth himselfe in his heynous sin­nes, that he escheweth no kinde of euill which commeth in his minde. For thy in­finite mercye sake therefore (O good God) and for thy singuler faythfulnesse, iustice, and most vpright iudgement, which rea­cheth euen vnto the glorious heauens and high clowdes, which passeth the most large Mountaynes, and excelleth the bottomlesse depth, giuing life and health not onely to men, but to euery liuing thing also. Wée humbly beséeche thée (that our gréeuous sinnes being done away) thou wouldst not suffer our soules to be defiled & stained with filthy wickednes. Yea rather graunt, y t we (reposing our selues vnder y e shadow of thy winges) may through thy most rich spirit and his eternal dainties, inioy the Prince­ly Palace of heauen, and quaffing verye a­bundantly [Page] of the well spring of life which is with thée, may (by the excellent benefite of thy glorious light) behold the brightnesse of perpetual felicitie: so that they which be deadly enimies of our saluation, may be of no force or abilitie to pull vs therefrom, but rather (vnlesse they ceasse from that they haue begun) let them so fall that they haue no power at all to rise vppe againe, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxxvij. Psalme.

FOrsomuch as thy blessed Church (O almightie God) hath manye weaklinges which might per­haps bée gréeuously offended in seeing most wicked and naughtie persons to haue such prosperous successe: A prayer for constancie in fayth against such as will hurt vs. confirme thou them therefore with thy holy spirite, to the intent they may right well vnder­stand this felicitie (which now the enimies of the Gospell inioy) is not stable and du­rable, but rather that it shall be dryed vp verye quickly like a withered wéede, and moste vile grasse. Vouchsafe so to reple­nishe vs with thy heauenly grace, that we [Page] may haue our affiaunce onely in thée, and alwayes conceiue a singuler delight in cha­ritie and well doyng, whereby we maye thorowlye perswade our selues, that all pleasure and felicitie ought to bee fetched from thée, as out of the onely vndraynable well spring. Graunt also, that we maye with a right contented and pacient minde, suffer thée to worke thy diuine will in all our affayres (so farre as it shall séeme good in thy sight) and boldly abide and wayte thy blessed leysure when it shall happen that thou séemest to prolong the tyme for our, helpe and deliueraunce in suche wyse as we be not furiously offended at matters which bée presently done, but perfectly vn­derstand and right well perceyue that our most heynous sinnes haue deserued farre gréeuouser plagues: for we haue in such sort (O good God) sinned agaynst thée, that all the punishment which lighteth vpō vs, is farre lesse then our wicked & lewde me­rits deserue. Yet notwithstanding, vouch­safe thou (who art most fauourable) to di­rect our goyngs, and so assist those which trust in thee, that all men may perceyue vs not to be vtterly throwne downe, although [Page] we haue gone farre astray, bicause we are very gently and maruelous softly holden vp with thy strong hande: and let all peo­ple vnfeynedly confesse that thou doest in no wise forsake and abandon thy faythfull seruauntes, whereby very many may bée bolde and hardie to commit themselues to thy mightie protection, so that thou mayst be their readie helper, and deliuer them (through thy present ayde) from the hands of their vngodly and cursed enimies, by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

LEt not the prosperous successe of the wicked (O moste good and mercifull God) moue vs to withdrawe our mindes from folowing thy most pure and sincere Religion, forsomuch as thou declarest vn­to vs that their prosperitie is so short and vanishe so quickly away as the gréenenesse of grasse and flowers in Medowes. Vn­burthen thou quickly (we humbly beséeche thée) our consciences from the heauie fer­dell of our sinnes, from the which (vnlesse we be eased by thy gracious fauour) wée [Page] shall verie readily fall into vtter destructi­on. But séeing that thou art our sole and onely confidence, vpon whome we wholy depend, and haue committed our selues al­togither vnto thy custodie, we doubt not but thou wilt condiscend and giue eare vn­to our earnest requestes: which is, that we may repose all our whole pleasure and fe­licitie in thée alone, wholy dispising and setting vtterly at naught all the prosperity of this wretched worlde. For like as such as leane therevnto are destroyed in a mo­ment, euen so those that be exceeding quiet, very méeke, and of a right vp minde, shall after a marueylous gentle and peaceable maner inioy a perpetuall heritage. Wée néede not to feare howsoeuer the vngodly rage, whatsoeuer he doth manace & prac­tice agaynst thy blessed Sainctes, for his naughtie and lewde enterprises shall fall vpon his owne head. But pardon thou (O good God) and trye both our intentes and doings, whereby an euerlasting herytage may remaine and abide for vs, who cele­brate thy glorious name from day to day, with most highe prayses, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SEing that thou (O most mightie God) hast taken vpon thée to be a guide and companion for the godly, to the intent they shoulde not stray from the true path of righteous­nesse and a proppe to shore them vp if per­aduenture they should fall by mishap: and moreouer, inasmuch as these thy promises haue beene hitherto so firme and stable, that there was neuer found any godly per­son so destitute of thy fauourable good wil, but had all things necessary for the preser­uation of his life. Therefore assuredly ho­ping and faythfully trusting in thy merci­full promises, we humbly beséech thee not to punishe vs, as the sinnes we haue com­mitted agaynst thée do merite and deserue, but pardon them (for thy excellent mercies sake) to suche as flie vnto thée for readie helpe: and vouchsafe to bestow (vpō those that trust onely in thy goodnesse) thy bles­sed wil and sacred lawes to be printed and ingrauen within their heartes, to the in­tent they maye continually meditate and [Page] talke of the same, neyther let them be va­riable and inconstant touching the execu­tion thereof. Suffer not the glittering and famous fortune of the vngodly (who beare vnreconcileable hatred and deadly foode to thy faythfull seruauntes) to remoue vs a­ny thing at all from the right way, but so inflame and lighten our soules with thy holy spirite, that we may quickly perceyue them to be vtterly wiped out, and fallen into most extreeme and endlesse torments: but indue thou vs with firme strength and perfect health (according to the confidence we haue reposed in thy faythfull promises) and graunt that we may be deliuered from imminent calamities and the spitefull eni­mies of our saluation, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶A prayer out of the .xxxviij. Psalme.

A prayer a­gainst our e­ [...]imies and [...]he dread of [...]onscience.REbuke and chasten vs (O most good and mercifull God) like thy déere children, by remouing and taking away thy gréeuous wrath and dreadfull indignation from these pre­sent aduersities. Surely we féele thy heauy [Page] hand and perceyue the great perils we are in, who know that it can not be remedyed and amended by mans helpe: which thing doth not befall and happen vnto vs with­out our iust desectes. For doubtlesse our heynous sinnes and gréeuous iniquities haue wrapped vs in on al sides, wherwith we are sore bourthened and miserably op­prest farre aboue our power. Herevpon it cōmeth to passe that we go alwayes mour­ning, and are in a maner at deathes doore, through great heauinesse and anguishe of heart. We sée our neighbors and friendes stand a farre of, and our aduersaryes pitch guileful snares, who worke all the meanes they can possible deuise vtterly to ouer­throwe vs. Thou therefore (O good God) for thy louing mercies sake, first and for­most reconcile vs vnto thée, by louinglye forgiuing and fauorably pardoning what­soeuer we haue most filthily committed a­gainst thy diuine Maiestie, then make hast and speede to be our readie helpe. We a­bide looking forthee our onely refuge, who hast béene accustomed readily to succour those that vnfeynedly call vpon thee, and giue eare vnto their lamentable peticions. [Page] Thou art not ignoraunt howe the Anti­christians triumph and rise vp agaynst vs, whilest we are so shaken and tossed: for they which hate vs verye vniustly, increase and waxe dayly stronger and stronger. Wherefore we humbly require thée (O excellent Father) not to forsake vs in so great and gréeuous afflictions, séeyng that thou thy selfe art our onelye saluation, make haste (we hartily beséech thée) to helpe and succour thy blessed Church, and migh­tily rescue it, being in extréeme perill, tho­rough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

ALthough (O most good and mercifull God) we finde the fardell and burthen of wickednesse which we haue committed agaynst thee to be so great, as we are not now any lenger able to susteyne and beare them, therefore vpon affyaunce of thy vn­speakeable goodnesse, we come and call vp­on thée with a sorowfull heart, not to cor­rect vs for them with yre and wrathfull in­dignation: let thy admonition be fatherly as thou hast béene accustomed of olde to [Page] shewe and extende the same towardes thy faithfull seruaunts. Behold how (through conscience of our heynous sinnes) our har­tes be altogether amazed, all thinges are marueylously putrified and verye corrupt in vs: we shall liue excéeding sorowfully in affliction, and in a maner quite destitute of light, vnlesse thou puttest to thy assis­tant helping hande. Neyther doe we trust any thing at all in our friends & neighbors: for our gréeuous sinnes purchase vs all thinges frowardly and after an enuious maner. Therefore (O good God) at what time we poure out our wretched iniqui­ties into thy bosome, and are so much care­full to procure pardon for them, let vs not be vtterly destitute of the louing fauor and riche mercie that is naturally graffed in thée, but as thou art alwayes tractable and easie to be intreated, so vouchsafe to make haste for to minister spéedie and stedfast helpe in our sorowfull distresses, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xxxix. Psalme.

[...] prayer a­ [...]inst vani­ [...], and the [...]ters of [...]ns lyfe [...]d safetie.SEing that (O most mighty God) we are vexed with present cala­mities in this most troublesome time, and opprest with so great a storme of afflictions: we flie vnto thee for succour, humblye requiring that thou wouldest so bridle our mouth and tongue with thy holy spirite as nothing may passe from vs either detestable to thy diuine Ma­iestie, or vnséemely for our profession. But séeing we cannot rightfullye complaine that these perplexities and anguishes doe surmount our heynous sinnes, or that we be vnworthily punished, graunt we maye appease and stay the cursed cryes of such as wrongfully complaine of thée: but rather let our bowels be stirred vp with a perfect griefe for the heinous sinnes we haue com­mitted, let them waxe whotte with a most inward sorrow, and cause our hartes to be kindled and set on fire with a continuall earnest repentaunce. Graunt that we may right well vnderstand (O most gentle fa­ther) euery moment and houre the state of our vnripe life, forsomuch as it is but méere vanitie howsoeuer we lead it, and we are farre wide to thinke that our carefull tur­moyle, [Page] or heaping togither of vncerteine riches, are able to profite or auaile vs anye thing at all. Therefore it behoueth vs (O mightie Lorde) to haue a speciall regarde vnto thée onely, whom if thou wilt especi­ally reléeue from our gréeuous sinnes and heynous iniquities, our assured hope is that we shall be no more a scorne and re­proche to the vngodly. For thou hast béene accustomed to remoue thy plagues from such as be purged and clensed of their wic­ked crymes, and sinfull déedes, least they should be vtterly consumed at the shaking of thy most mightie and inuincible hande: which, if it should perseuer and go on in continuall vexing men (according to their iust deserts) it would no lesse consume thē, & grind them to powder then Mothes fret out clothes. Giue eare therefore (O good God) vnto our humble prayers, and séeing thou knowest we cannot haue an assured and perfect rest vpon earth, graunt that we maye finallye liue with thy excellent Maiesty by a constant fayth, and walke be­fore thée in muche safetie, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WHile we féele any tokens of thy ry­gor and seueritie (O most mightye God) although we are perswaded in spirit not to speake euill of thy goodnesse or iu­stice: yet (through the greatnesse of our ex­treeme sorrow & testimonie of our sinnes) we are almost so farre gone, & brought to such a poynt that our life is very yrkesome vnto vs: wherefore, seing y t we confesse our heynous sinnes vnto thée, and haue sundry wayes wickedly offended thy diuine Ma­iestie, bée mercifull & fauorable vnto vs for thy louing kindnesse & mercies sake. Thou seest howe short and vaine a thing our life is, beyng lyke vnto shadowes, wherein is nothing firme, sound, or worth y e trusting to: we fade away in a moment, and what tyme soeuer thou giuest vs here to liue, we passe ouer all the same (through our owne default) with most heady, troublesome, and pernicious affections. We require thée therefore that thou wouldest yet at length haue mercy vpon vs: let our earnest peti­cions and sorowfull mourning (which thy [Page] blessed spirite hath from our hearts wrong out in vs) enter into thy mercifull eares, and moreouer vouche thou safe to refreshe our distressed mindes, with thy louing fa­uour from time to tyme, so long as wee wander lyke pilgrymes in this wretched worlde, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xl. Psalme.

THose which are susteyned and stayed vp with suche a hope (O most mightie God) that they looke for thy ready helpe in their present tribulations, whē they most charge them, A praier th [...] our sinnes may be par­doned tho­row the me­rites of Christ. and haue an especiall regard vnto thée, be­ing in no dispayre thereof at all, thou at length (according to thy accustomed good­nesse and vnspeakable mercie) grauntest their humble requestes, thou hearest theyr lowde cryes out of the deepe waters, and sticking fast in myre and durt liftest them out thereof with thy most puyssaunt helpe. Whereby it happeneth, that they beyng mightily deliuered, haue thy enestimable prayses cōtinually in their mouthes, which [Page] they celebrate with new ditties, both open­ly and priuately, to the intent they would stirre vp and prouoke all men to the per­fect beliefe, assured hope, and due feare of thée. Giue vs therefore at this present such grace, as we maye both repose our whole trust in thée onely, and also not to passe for the prowde persons or lyers that haue risen vp togither against thy sacred church, perceyuing right well that thou art the authour of all wonderfull matters, who hast in the high treasures of thy diuine pro­uidence, such deuises and purposes which no man can rehearse or shewe forth in or­der, nor yet once to vtter, in as muche as they excell in number and greatnesse all force of wordes, and efficacie of speache. Therfore where as we haue hitherto gree­uously offended thée, by reason of our hey­nous sinnes, neyther can make sufficient satisfaction by any sacrifice of our owne, graunt vs an obedient fayth to be at all tymes procliue and readie to followe thy blessed will, which thou hast vouchedsafe to manifest and reuele vnto vs in the booke of thy sacred lawe: graunt that we maye readily and with a frée will execute the [Page] same, being surely printed in the most in­warde partes of our sinfull bodie. And like as thou doest neuer withhold thy selfe from spéedie mercie and vnspeakable goodnesse towardes vs: so againe let thy zealous lo­uing seruauntes manifestly shew forth thy stedfast faythfulnesse, vpright iustice, and sincere truth, both in their words and con­uersation. Thou séest howe we are borne downe and loden with gréeuous sinnes, howe we are ouerwhelmed with misera­ble aduersities, and howe both heart and witte fayleth vs: wherefore haue thou an especiall regard to our saluation, and make spéedy hast to helpe vs. Or rather confound and putte the fierce enimies of thy blessed name to vtter confusion, but let vs which vnfeynedly séeke thée, be at length greatly refreshed, and cause vs to finde by proofe, that it is not in vaine, that thou art repor­ted to be the most assured saluation it selfe, and helper of poore siely wretches and gree­uous afflicted persons, through Iesus christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THey which suffer the prolonging of thy fauorable helpe (O most mighty God) with right & pacient mindes, do at length well perceyue and assuredly féele that thou hearest their feruent prayers: and when in good earnest they finde themselues to bée deliuered, do not onely celebrate thy glori­ous name with due prayses, but giue a sufficient example to other godly men for to do the like. Nowe therefore (which we may onely doe) forsomuch as thou deligh­test not in outwarde sacrifices, we indeuor and striue to obteyne thus much by oure hartie prayers, that we may become verye louing and desirous to follow thy holy wil dayly more and more, setting forth thy blessed truth and vnspeakeable mercye to­wardes vs with often, or rather continu­all praises. But in the meane season, what soeuer we haue done dishonestly or after a wicked maner agaynst thee, according to thy louing mercye and excellent goodnesse forgiue it vs, neyther suffer those gréeuous punishments and wofull calamities to o­uerwhelme vs, which our sinnes haue iust­ly deserued. And let such as séeke thy dis­honour and our confusion, be put to vtter [Page] shame and rebuke: but cause those that be excéeding zealous and very carefull of thy blessed name, to be replenished with true ioy and perfect gladnesse. But séeing thou right well knowest that we are greatlye dispised, & marueylous destitute of world­ly and fleshly helpe, make thou hast migh­tily to saue vs, who art our puyssaunt de­fence, and very strong fortresse, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xlj. Psalme.

IT is a token of no small grace (O most mightie God) well to iudge both of such as be féeble minded, A prayer a­gaynst the e­nimies of Gods holy worde, and for y e worke of charitye. and also of all the Godly whome thou doest sometime chastice and scourge diuers maner of wayes, although thou v­sest correction with a fatherly affection, yet wilt thou readily deliuer them, speedily quicken them, and in the ende abundantly blesse them with thy excellent presence: which hope we also leaning vnto, and trusting vpon, (who are nowe most grée­uously afflicted) doe here togither earnestly require thée to haue mercy vpon vs, by re­leuing [Page] and deliuering vs from the gree­uous sinnes wherewith we haue most hei­nously offended thée. Thou knowest vn­doubtedly that the cruell enimies of thy holy Gospell, wishe vs muche euill: thou vnderstandest what they ymagine and de­termine amongest themselues of our de­struction. They verily practise and goe a­bout nothing more then to ouerthrow thy blessed Church, and with them also do such take part as we though to haue béene al­lyed with vs, both by religion, and also for many other respectes and good turnes. Ex­tend thou therefore (O good God) thy mer­cie and compassion towardes vs, whereby thou hast béene accustomed not onely to rayse vp suche as are fallen and lie vnder foote, but also vtterly to confound and bring their aduersaries to vtter ruine. Giue not the fierce enimies of true religion and per­fect godlinesse, scope to reioyce at thy faith­full seruants destruction. But if thou wilt mightily deliuer vs out of these present ca­lamities, and with great force confirme the same by thy holy spirite, thy blessed name shall be openly commended and highlye praysed of all godly men, which thing wee [Page] earnestly require may continually come to passe and that without ceassing, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THere remaine wonderfull great rewardes (O most good and mer­cifull God) for such as haue much compassion vpon the afflicted: but those that shewe mercy vnto the most mi­serable, and such men as be in great dis­tresse, doe immitate and follow the exam­ple of thy excéeding great goodnesse. For thou art woont to comfort thy faythfull ser­uaunt which lieth sore sicke in his bed, so that thou thy selfe séemest to make the same, to the intent that he which is diseased might lye the softer, neyther is there anye point of dutifulnesse which wee accompt most singuler, wherewith thou doest not verye fauourably pleasure and serue the turne of thy blessed people, whensoeuer thou shalt thinke time conuenient to helpe them. Wherefore seeing we may well per­ceyue that (for our gréeuous sinnes) we be fallen into most daungerous and sore di­stresses, [Page] we humbly flie vnto thy goodnesse onely, hoping that thou wilt vouchsafe to remit whatsoeuer we haue offended or dis­pleased thee in, neyther suffer the wicked enimies of our saluation, to triumph and reioyce at our destruction, forsomuch as it shalbe manifested in this one poynt, that thou doest make a verye great accompt of vs, when as thou art our strong defender in such a noysome and troublesome tyme. Succour vs (we humbly beséech thee) and shew how thou doest mightily vpholde vs, whereby we maye (according to our boun­den dutie. Publishe and set forth the wor­thie prayses of thy most glorious name, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .lxij. Psalme.

A prayer in distresse for the comfort of the gospell.THere is none (O most mightye God) that well & rightly conside­reth thy inestimable goodnesse, but with a feruēt mind doth (like vnto a hart that is very thirstie) breathe and fer­uently bray vnto thée both day and night: for howe can it be that any man hauing a true fayth, should not make earnest haste [Page] to come vnto the liuing God? but wée haue bene hitherto greatly slacke in that harty desire, neyther haue we vnfeynedly sought God (as we ought to doe) in the sa­cred and holy Congregations. Therefore, (through much heauinesse and sorrow) pi­teous teares haue béene oure meate and drinke in these marueylous troublesome times, whyles the most cruell enimies of thy blessed Church doe dayly mocke and ieast at vs, saying where is their God. But as thou (O good God) art mercifull and most gentle, so lay downe and turne away (we humbly beséech thée) thy heauie dis­pleasure which thou hast rightly conceiued agaynst vs, and remembring thy faythfull promises, graunt vnto vs (although we in no wise deserue it) that our assured hope and constant fayth may be most firme and strong, so as our soule be not cast downe lower then it ought to bee. For although flouds, tempestes, and bottomlesse pittes of temptations séeme to be poured out vp­on thy blessed Church, yet so asswage and moderate them with the goodnesse of thy singuler mercye and excellent grace, that our minde and conscience be not depriued [Page] of their perfect ioy. Graunt, that we being stirred vp with thy holy spirite, maye al­wayes incourage our selues to hope and trust in thy most stedfast helpe bicause we shall yet still celebrate and prayse thy glo­rious name, for restoring vs health and perfect quietnes, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WEe desire with our whole heart (O most good and mercifull God) to be knit & annexed vnto thée, dayly hungring and thirsting for the same, bicause we can not without great sorrow and griefe, heare the gyrds and scornings both of our owne minde and of our cruell aduersaries (when thou séemest to haue forsaken vs) where­with they mocke at godlinesse and fayth conceyued, namelye by casting vs in the téeth with the wofull cares, piteous mise­ries, and lamentable calamities that wee (being sore opprest) séeme in a maner to be cast downe with, and that so much the more bicause our owne sinnes become eue­ry day greater and greater. We humbly beséech thee (O good God) for thy excellent [Page] mercies sake, to pardon and forgiue vs the same, whereby we maye be made able to confirme & strengthen our selues, being as­suredly printed in our mindes by thee one­ly: and séeing that our euill affections and greeuous terrors of punishments are very troublesome vnto vs, graunt that we (be­ing mightily strengthned with thy louing promise) maye comfort our owne afflicted soules, perswading thē, that as they trust onely in thee, so shall they be in good hope chéerefully to celebrate thy moste glorious name, bicause thou art both become their perfect saluation, and also their true God, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xliij. Psalme.

TAke at length vpon thée (O most good and mightie God) throughe thy owne aucthoritie and inuin­cible power, A prayer in necessitie. the iudgement of our cause, which although it indeuoureth to maintaine and vpholde the true worship­ping of thée & thy pure religion, for which thinges sake, the same is very good, and yet neuerthelesse is it forsaken and disallowed [Page] of all men. Wherefore we haue excéeding great néede that thou doest deliuer vs from deceypfull and wicked men. Thou onely remainest y e chiefe cōfort, assured strength, and strong defence of thy blessed Church: Notwithstanding we haue liued vnwor­thy of thy holye name, profession, and doc­trine, but such is thy vnspeakable mercye, that it hydeth such mens iniquities as vn­feynedly repent and turne vnto thée, it for­giueth heynous sinnes, and will not lay to the charge of the faythfull whatsoeuer they haue most wickedly committed. Therefore we heartily require thée to haue pitie vpon vs, and make vs in such wise partakers of thy splendent light and glorious truth, that we may both here worship thée purely in the holy congregations, and at the last bée conducted to the most blessed habitations of eternall life. Our soule truely is nowe heauy and vtterly dismaied: we are often­times vexed with timerous imaginations, and the bowelles within vs doe tremble and quake for feare. Yet we humbly besech thée (O excellent father) to confirme such an assured hope in vs, that we may here­after set forth thy worthie prayses, and be [Page] excéeding chearefull for the obteyning of our saluation, when as thou shalt declare thy selfe to be our most famous God, as in very déede thou art, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WEe commit our cause to thy strong defence and puyssaunt gouernment (O most mightie God) being in maruey­lous great daunger, and in so great perils of this sinfull life. For although we haue no strength and power in our selues, so long as we continue in this most mise­rable life, wherevnto may we leane, seing we be wretchedly ouerlayde with originall sinne, and an infinite number of wicked­nesses adioyned thereto: yet we humblye beséech thée, let the cléere light of thy most louing countenaunce shine vpon vs, that the darkenesse of our minde may be made bright thereby. For if it happen vnto vs through thy vnspeakably mercie, to be re­plenished with thy excéeding gladnesse and incredible ioy, we will then bid our minde (which otherwise would be abashed) to be [Page] of good cheare. This one thing we hartily require of thee, to vouchsafe for to graunt vs, that we maye repose our whole trust and affiaunce in thée alone, bicause thou onely art become our saluation and verye true God, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xliiij. Psalme.

prayer in [...]secution, [...]el against [...]porall eni­ [...]es as spi­ [...]all.THou hast of thy singuler goodnesse (O most mightie God) chosen thée a Church out of many nations, planted with thy puyssaunt hand, and not by mans force, which beyng (tho­rowe thy singuler fauour and blessed spi­rite) clensed and pourged from hir heinous sinnes, hath hitherto escaped the mischie­uous assaultes of the cruell deuill, through thy mightie ayde and strong defence: thou hast alwayes preserued it from hir outra­gious aduersaryes, and put them to vtter shame & endlesse rebuke which bore dead­ly hate thereto. We ought therefore to haue reioysed in the alone, and highly to extoll thy blessed name onely: but alas for sorowe, we haue beene most vngratefull [Page] for all these excellent benefites, in flesh and mans power hath bene our onely affiance, for we (through our most wicked life and vngodly behauiour) haue brought thy bles­sed doctrine which we professe, to great in­famie and reproche. Thou therefore doest cast vs down presently, and heapest shame vpon vs: we are now in a maner become a praye vnto Antechrist, and a mocking stocke vnto our neighbours. Thy sacred Gospell (O good God) is at this present a bye worde vnto the Infidels, a scorne vnto the people, and a Mayegame vnto euerye rascall: we acknowledge that all these thinges haue happened vnto vs by reason of our mischieuous sinnes, and that right worthelye. But (O excellent Father) reconcile vs againe vnto thée (according to thy mercifull goodnesse) and vouchsafe to pardon whatsoeuer we haue very lewd­lye and foolishlye committed agaynst thy diuine Maiestie, and graunt also that we be not any thing at all forgetfull of thée, neither be found false harted, or vnfaythful in thy holy couenant. Let not our minde at any tyme start and shrinke aside from thy blessed footesteppes, although we should be [Page] worne to the vttermost, and compassed a­bout on euerie side with the shadowe of death. Let vs neuer so ouershoote our sel­ues, (no though we be appoynted as shéepe to the slaughter) as to be forgetfull of thy glorious name, and to haue recourse vnto detestable worshipings. Awake (we hum­bly beséech thée (O good God) neither slum­ber nor sléepe thou any more. Let not thy face be hidden from our gréeuous afflicti­ons: arise and mightily preserue them that are throwne downe, and brought verye low, whome we doubt not but thou of thy vnspeakeable mercy hast chosen vnto thy selfe, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WOnderfull things are set forth vnto vs in the sacred scriptures (O most good and mercifull God) of thy excellent mercy and victorious actes which thou hast shewed in old time, as touching the strong defence, the mightie preseruation, and ex­cellent increasing of thy faithfull seruants: by hearing whereof, we are assuredly per­swaded to repose oure whole trust in thée [Page] onely, and not in our owne strength, ry­ches, and power. But nowe (being sore opprest with the most gréeuous burthen of our heynous sinnes, when as we féele the deserued reuengement of thy heauy wrath, and fearing more dreadfull paynes and sharpe punishments, (as men whose con­sciences do iustly accuse them) earnestly re­quire thée, who art alwayes verye merci­full, to pardon and forgiue whatsoeuer we haue lewdly commitced agaynst thy diuine Maiestie: furthermore, if thou shalt purpose and determine with thy selfe to vex vs with bitter calamities and wofull miseryes, graunt that the same be not the cause we defile the godly awe and reue­rence which is due of our partes vnto thée: neyther suffer thou vs to haue recourse vn­to any other counsels then thine. Stirre vp thy selfe therefore, and make haste to helpe vs: for thou séemest to haue turned away thy fauor from vs, while thou prolongest the tyme to be our strong helper. And ther­fore, to the intent thy accustomed tender mercy and fauourable goodnesse maye bée manifested and well knowne, vouchsafe mightily to deliuer vs from these daunge­rous [Page] perils that inuiron and compasse vs about on euery side, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xlv. Psalme.

A prayer for saluation purchased vnto vs by Christ.WE haue Christ Iesus (O moste good and mercifull God) an one­lye and most ample King to all sortes of good men, whose force as it is verie notable, so is the throne of hys glorious Empire established for euer. His excellent power is inuincible, it is garni­shed with most notable righteousnesse, he standeth in highe fauour with thée, and is (in his vnspeakeable wisedome) right glorious. The Church is vnto him as a most royall Quéene espoused, to the in­tent she may bring him foorth a most plen­tifull and holy seede. We therefore which ought with all our indeuour to haue hono­red so mightie a King, haue (through our naughtinesse, and lewde behauiour) defi­led his excellent name and holy kingdome, which we now heartily acknowledge, and earnestly confesse before the (O most ex­cellent father) humbly requiring thy diuine maiestie to pardon, and forgiue vs the [Page] same, that we being receyued into thy lo­uing fauour, may féele a fresh the benifits of our good king: and although we neyther merite nor deserue the same, yet graunt that he may arise in this time of our great distresse, be girded about with his two ed­ged sworde, and deliuer his déere espoused Church from the violent iniuries and op­probrious slaunders of Antichrist. Let him now drawe out the excéeding sharpe darts of his mightie worde and blessed spirit, and execute the rodde of seuere iudgement and righteousnesse, wherewith he hath béene alwayes accustomed to gouerne his king­dome: and at this present verie manifestly to declare that he greatly loueth truth, and hateth iniquitie as a most wicked thing, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy onely begotten sonne our Lord Ie­sus Christ (O most good and mercifull God) is worthie to be commended by all meanes possible that can be deuised, who hath aboue all things vttered and set forth him selfe elegantlye and after a beautifull [Page] maner, in the forme of excellent vertues, and shape of pure holinesse, vsing a most gentle maner of perswasion, both in his teaching and exhortation, and bringeth all things vnder his diuine power and omni­potent gouernment, through the puissant sworde of his blessed worde, and efficacie of his incomparable force: who hath from time to time shewed himselfe a verie great louer of righteousnesse, & a most extreeme enimie of iniquitie. But whereas we sin­full wretches as a chast spouse in wedlocke were handfasted to such & so puissant a one as he is, haue defiled our selues through sundrie and manifolde spottes of corrupt vices. Therefore our earnest request is, that thou wouldest clense vs with heartie rapentaunce and thy blessed spirit, where­by the wicked and lewde desires that bée graffed in vs, being once forgotten, wée may altogither aspire vnto the loue of this most delectable bridgrome, & that through our labor layde togither in stéede of our fa­thers, who are now alreadie gathered vn­to him, manie mo faithfull children maye be begotten vnto him a new, wyth whome we may alwayes set out and celebrate his [Page] famous honour and moste noble prayses, thorowe the selfe same Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xlvj. Psalme.

WHosoeuer doe certainely beléeue thée (O most good and mercifull God) to be their onely hope and assured strength, A prayer for victorie in temptation. thou hast béene alwayes very prone & readie to helpe them in their great afflictions. Wherefore the faithfull are vtterly voyde of all maner of feare, although the whole earth be mooued, the hilles shake, the waues and sourges of the sea doe so outragiously beate vppon the shore, that all things may séeme incon­tinent to be destroyed and quite ouerflown with waters: and on the other side they are indued with a great and notable assu­raunce, when as thou refreshest them in their grieuous distresses, with the most pleasaunt riuers of thy heauenly consola­tions, namelye in setting out the rare and wonderfull meanes of thy assistant helpe through thy fruitfull spirit. Vpon which thy excellent goodnesse, we also hauing as­sured [Page] confidence, notwithstanding the in­numerable sinnes which we confesse to be the chiefe cause why we haue offended thee most gréeuously, require that thou wouldst shake and make feeble the Nations and Kingdomes which thou seest doe resist thy sacred Churche with great violence, and most craftie deuices: shew forth that voyce of thine wherewith the earth and euerye creature therin are woont to be shaken and vtterly brought to naught. Be thou (O our God) as a most strong and vnuincible Tower vnto vs: cause thou warres here to ceasse, and make thou speares, horse, cha­rets, and all kinde of weapons blunt, that they may finally leaue of their lewde en­terprises, who mightily fight agaynst vs, and shewe thou thy selfe great and excel­lent aboue all things, while thou doest ma­nifest thy selfe to be better for our deliue­raunce then all the armies and puyssance of the whole worlde, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

AFter what sort soeuer a very sodaine or horrible mishappe (O most mightie [Page] God) shall sore vex vs, our hope shall not faile vs, neyther will we be any thing dis­maied or troubled, séeing we are now ful­ly resolued that thou art our onely helper and deliuerer: although the whole worlde be moued, the stormes of humaine flesh do swell, and that all the Deuils of hell with their whole furniture shoulde séeme to shake all thinges of ours, yet do we repose and settle our selues in thy vnspeakeable goodnesse, and inuincible power. Oure sinnes truely deserue all maner of trouble and enmitie: but forgiue thou vs them, (according to thy accustomed goodnesse) and pitiyng our present calamities, graunt that such as vnfeynedly call vpon thee, may en­ioy health, peace, and quietnesse of minde: for thou canst very easily disappoynt and breake the swordes, bow, warlike ingines, and all the craftie deceyptes and imagina­tions of the Deuill, not onely through thy most mightie and inuincible worde, but al­so euen with a becke, and at thy onely will and pleasure: our earnest request is (O good God) to applie our selues here vnto that wee maye attentiuely beholde those marueylous actes which thou doest for thy [Page] faithfull seruauntes, whereby all Nati­ons maye right well knowe and perceyue that thou takest our part, and determinest to bée a continuall helper, of thy blessed people, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xlvij. Psalme.

A prayer for the good suc­ [...]esse and in­ [...]reasment of [...]he Gospell.THou hast vouchedfafe (O moste mightie God) to gather and col­lect a Churche vnto thy selfe on earth, which thou hast not con­ueyed into stonie houses, or Temples of Marble, but into the liuely hearts of men, whome thou deckest and garnishest with thy most wonderfull giftes, and doest pol­lishe the same passing well with the holy Ghost: and therefore séeing they be indued with so great a rewarde, it behoueth all faythful people to make an excéeding plea­sant mirth and ioyfull gladnesse. But the most deadly and heynous sinnes which we haue committed, doe greatly darken these thankes giuings and mery songs, who are worthily verye sore oppressed with the af­flictions of them: and seing we heartily ac­knowledge [Page] and earnestly confesse that we haue hitherto gone astray, and suffer none otherwise then we haue most iustly deser­ued: thou that art very mercie it selfe, for­giue thy faythfull people, and thou also who art most highe, and rulest farre and néere, destroy vs not according to our me­rits. Graunt (O excellent father) that our naughtie and lewd behauiours hinder not the propagation of thy glorious kingdom: arise and go forwards by causing straūge people to be in subiection to the fayth, and make those Nations (which haue béene hitherto Infidels) obedient to thy sacred worde: and thou who hast chosen thée a Church as a most notable and famous he­ritage, magnifie thy selfe continually by al meanes and with most exquisite prayses therein, in such wise as all men maye ac­compt, preach, and exalt thée for their king: but as for thy faythfull seruants who now séeme to be aboue all others most cast a­wayes, lighten them in such wise with thy blessed spirit, and rule them so by thy holy worde, as all men may perceyue that they be guyded and gouerned by thy mightye power. And vouchsafe that the souereigne [Page] estates and what power soeuer is in the world, may at length be annexed and knit vnto thée, that thou be none otherwise their God then thou wert in olde time the God of faythfull Abraham. Graunt that the kings and princes who ought of duetie to helpe and defende their subiectes, may per­fectly acknowledge thée, whereby thy fa­mous honour and renowmed glorie maye most brightly shine therein to the singuler benefite of thy sacred Church, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

IT behoueth all faithfull people (O most good and gracious God) to extoll and aduaunce the kingdome of Christ with an excéeding ioy, wonderfull gladnesse, and most hartie endeuour: for so thy vnspeake­able goodnesse is both mightily declared, and we also are come to the full attaine­ment of our saluation. Surely it is verye requisite that all people & Nations should be in subiection to his gouernment, and the worlde shall go best on our side, who be his peculier heritage, and especial flock. [Page] We heartily require thée therefore (O our most puyssaunt king) who art exalted into the high heauens, and vnto the right hand of thy father to vouchsafe for to acquire vs of the heynous faultes we haue gréeuously committed, and whatsoeuer sorrowfull ca­lamities and straunge mishaps be like to fall vpon vs, put them of from our shoul­ders through thy inestimable mercie and mightie power, whereby thou thy selfe a­lone mayest beare rule and reigne in our mindes. And graunt that all kinges, all princes and great states that haue auctho­ritie vpon earth, may vnseperably cleaue vnto thée being the rightfull and most true God, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xlviij. Psalme.

THy excellent Maiestie and excée­ding honour (O moste good and mercifull God) aboundeth great­ly in the Church, A prayer f [...] the christia [...] Church a [...] congregati [...] seeing that thou doest mightilye rule hir with thy sacred worde and holye spirite, neyther art thou marueylously praysed there onely: but [Page] what comlinesse or perfect ioy soeuer is in the whole worlde, it issueth and procéedeth doubtlesse from thée. And forsomuch as thou art farre better knowne there then a­ny where else, it commeth hereof, that thou art in the same place a sure defence and moste strong fortresse to thy faythfull seruauntes. Let the kinges therefore as­semble togither, and the princes conspire (as they thinke good) vtterly to subuert and ouerthrow hir, yet shall they be inforced to leaue of their fonde deuices, as who at the féeling of thy mighty power present (being striken with excéeding feare) must néedes ceasse from their wicked attempts: for such as thou strykest a feare into, they are ouertaken wyth sorrowe as women la­boring of childe. Wherefore (O good God) suffer not our heynous sinnes to excéede & surmount thy vnspeakable goodnesse: we truely haue offended thée verye gréeuously (neyther doe we denie the same) but togi­ther with oure heynous sinnes wée ac­knowledge also thy excéeding great mercy, which we séeke for with sorowfull teares, that we may at length be reconciled vnto thée, not for our owne deserts, but through [Page] the inestimable goodnesse, louing fauour, and bening grace of thy deere sonne: and graunt that the fierce enimies of thy bles­sed Church may in likewise come to vtter ruine, as shippes are oftentymes torne a­middest the sea through the very great and excéeding hideous noyse of the wind which is sodenlye stirred vp: so that like as wée haue heard with our eares thy most large promises set forth and preached out of the holy Scriptures, so we may also with our eyes sée them mightily come to passe and be performed. We haue alreadie conceyued an assured hope and stedfast confidence by those thinges which are set out vnto vs in thy most blessed worde, now graunt (wée humbly beséech thée) that the thing maye take so good successe, as through the publi­shing of thy glorious name and goodnesse, incontinent after the performaunce of thy excellent benefites, we may with great so­lemnitie render due thankes for the same. And to the intent it maye be euery where knowne, that whatsoeuer procéedeth from thée, is nothing else but vpright iustice: be thou our God, euen our God I say, both so long as we here liue, and also euerla­stingly, [Page] through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

ALl creatures (O most good and merci­full God) doe plainelye and euidentlye acknowledge thy great goodnesse: but thy sacred Church is the especial worke wher­in thou art singularlye preached and mag­nified. From thence all the whole worlde receyueth gladnesse, for so much as the sounde doctrine is there, wherby both thou thy selfe art manifestly knowne, & we also called to heauen, for what most pleasaunt, ioyful, and blessed thing so euer can be had vppon earth, it florisheth there. And therefore no maruell is it, though the ad­uersaries force rageth against hir with cruell threatning, outragious madnesse, and furious violence: if thou be at hande without delay, thou doest maintain, fauor, and defend it in such wise, that the mighty rulers of the worlde, and princes of darke­nesse are inforced will they nill they to be sore troubled to runne hedlong away, & to be marueylously disquieted with excéeding [Page] great feare. Their impotent threatnings are vtterly disapoynted through thy migh­ty power: but there thy faithfull seruants are vnburthened of their heauie cares and sadde gréefes, which benifites of thine we now and then féele not, bicause we fall ex­céeding miserably and meruelous painful­lye into sundrie and manifolde faults, be­ing driuen therto partly by infirmitie, and partly through ignoraunce. By this so great honor of thy glorious house, we hum­bly beséech thée therefore to blot out what­soeuer we haue committed against thée, to the intent that thou thy selfe mayst rule and gouerne vs in the same Church, to the glory of thy most excellent name, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xlix. Psalme.

WE heartily require thée (O most mightie God) that fayth may be annixed to y e doctrine of thy holy Ghost, A praier that we abuse not temporall goodes. when as being greeuous­lye afflicted through the naughtie behaui­our of our outragious enimies, we maye duely way this with our selues, that they [Page] stay most vpon their transitorie riches and welth wherein they much abounde: for they verilye perceyue not that men can by no riches in this world redeme themselues from death and eternall damnation. Bri­dle thou (O excellent father) our affecti­ons, in such wise that no fraile things take any place at all in vs. Let the common in­firmity and miserie which is wholy sowne in such as we be, admonish vs, or else verie death y t spreadeth it selfe ouer all people, how wise or foolish soeuer men be, they can in no sort so mocke death, as alwayes to kéepe and inioy the goods they haue gotten in this wreched world. We also doe plain­ly confesse, that we haue oftentimes fallen on this behalfe, who, trusting in worldlye strength, were perswaded of wonderfull victories, pompes, & triumphes, as though our names shoulde haue beene exalted a­boue all measure. Neyther did we well consider that a good fortune, and prospe­rous successe of the fleshe, endureth but a time, and so many as haue assured confi­dence in them, shall perishe at length lyke beastes, and are put into hell, and inpriso­ned vnder an euerlasting night. Forgiue [Page] vs (O good God) this heynous crime, that putting awaye and casting aside all vayne hope of worldly welth, thou thy selfe mayst take vs vp into thy tuition, and rayse vs from eternal death and the paines of Hell. Graunt that we stande in no feare at all of them, who haue greatly increased them­selues and their houses with riches and ho­nor, all which things are but commodious onely for this present life, that they might be the better able to follow the sensuall ap­petite of their fleshly lustes. Finally, wée humbly require thée (O good God) to deli­uer thy blessed church from these outragi­ous enimies which haue not this percey­ueraunce, as to vnderstande that the honor and authoritie they haue, is giuen them of God, whoe dye not onely like senselesse beastes, but (being depriued of their world­ly goods) shall after this wretched life, suf­fer eternall punishment, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THe renowmed oracles of the sacred doc­trine which thou hast vouched safe to [Page] set out in the holye scriptures, ought men (O mightie God) well to consider with most attentiue mindes: yea, there is no man so ignoraunt, or any of so high degree, but it behoueth him verie diligentlye, to ponder and waye the excellent things that thou speakest. And this thou chiefly admo­nishest vs off, that we haue not that confi­dence in the pleasures of this world, (being verie vayne and frayle) which wée ought to repose in thee only. What thing soeuer is wonderfull, puissaunt, excéeding strong, meruailous excellent, or verye honourable amongst men, are of no force to redéeme and deliuer vs from death: but such is their propertie and condicion, that they are quic­ly chaunged, & perish in the twinckling of an eie: neyther may the man which hath his whole affiaunce in these, abide anye while in honor. For so soone as they wi­ther and perish, so sone also doth their coun­terfeit renowne fade away. Wherefore we earnestly require thée (O good father) to forgiue vs, bycause we haue hither to (so long, and with such a feruent desire) trus­ted in these transitorie riches, that oure harts and mindes being withdrawne ther­fro, [Page] thou wouldest most straightly annixe them to thee and thy sacred wordes, to the intent we may delight in nothing more, then to folowe thee, and chéerefully inde­uour to do whatsoeuer is thy holy will and pleasure, least we become as brute beastes, and perish like most dumme cattel, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .L. Psalme.

O Puyssant and most mighty God, A prayer for remembranc [...] in distresse of y e last iudge­ment & pro­mises of god. who of thy bountifull mercy hast vouchedsafe to gather thée a bles­sed Church out of all parts of the world, and that first by the Apostles whom in Mount Sion thou induedst with thy sonnes most abundaunt spirite. Neyther wouldest thou for any other cause gather thy very chosen and good people so wonder­fully togither, but that a true way how to worship thée (wherein doubtlesse consisteth the whole perfection of faythfull beleuers) might at length be vniuersally knowne a­mongst all nations: and cause vs to learne that godlinesse doth not altogither consist in outward obseruations and most dumme [Page] ceremonies. For like as these thinges doe please thée so long as they are witnesses and testimonies of fayth, so if they be desti­tute thereof, they are exceeding odious, and very detestable in thy sight. The thing that thou chiefly requirest of vs, is this, that thy holy name may be highly praysed and duly glorified, not only in words and thoughts, but with all the déedes of this our life. Thy blessed will is that we shoulde vnfeynedly performe whatsoeuer we haue hartily pro­mised, and with feruent zeale vowed vnto thee, so as we be assuredly perswaded that they are both agréeable to thy sacred word, and a furtheraunce to perfect godlinesse. Moreouer thou requirest vs to inuocate and call vpon thée when we are most tou­ched with aduersitie, and to render due thankes to thy diuine Maiestie (as expedi­ent it is so to doe) at what time soeuer we be mightily deliuered therefro. Thou doest exact & require these things at our handes as the chiefest poynts of our religion. But we (O good God) haue hitherto most wret­chedly and vnhappily sinned, who haue al­wayes put no smal affiaunce in our owne rites, and ceremonies, and perused often­tymes [Page] the holy Scriptures when our hart was farre from them: discipline hath bene displeasaunt vnto vs, and we haue euerye where (through our moste wicked lustes) neglected thy sacred commaundementes. Now therfore (for thy singuler mercie and infinite goodnesse sake) pardon and forgiue vs these our misdéedes, and mightily deli­uer vs from such as (being wrapped in with rapine and vnchastnesse) spake most vileynously of thy sanctified Churche and holy Gospell, beleuing that thou spiest not the naughtinesse which they lewdly com­mit, when as thou séemest not to reuenge it, but very paciently to permit and suffer the same. Cause them shortlye to vnder­stand this right well, neither let vs be ha­ryed thus violently of them, as thoughe there were none that coulde or would deli­uer vs, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THou hast shewed vnto vs (O most good and mightie God) through that seuere sentence of thine, by what thing mortall [Page] mens causes are to be decided before thy high iudgement seate, and it liketh thée no­thing at all to make inquisition for burnt offerings, or outward sacrifices, séeyng the Calues, Goates, wilde beastes, and final­ly all liuing thinges that be in the worlde, are in thy mightie hande and power, ney­ther was it thy good pleasure at any tyme that these thinges should be offered vnto thee, any otherwise, but as manifest to­kens of reuerent awe, pure religion, and inward godlinesse. But thou hast chiefly required this of mankind, that they should yeelde and render most hartie thankes for the benefites they haue receyued, and to ascribe all the good thinges they inioy vnto thée onely: but let them diligently annixe and ioine this therevnto, that whatsoeuer they pretend or purpose to do, it may (accor­ding to theyr faythfull promise) greatly re­downe to the glorie of thy blessed name, and call vpon thée onely in their great di­stresse and miserable calamities. We do in this point (as thou O good God right well knowest) erre very gréeuously: and there­fore our harty desire is, that (for thy infinite goodnesse sake) thou wouldest pardon and [Page] forgiue whatsoeuer we haue wickedly and after a lewde maner committed agaynst thée, so as we handle not thy sacred worde to our condemnation, least we be, through thy vpright sentence, pronounced wonder­full arrogant, straunge children, exceeding couetous, giuen to fleshly lust, and curssed speakers, but rather that we may earnestly offer vnto thee an acceptable sacrifice of thankesgiuing, and fashion our whole life according to the square rule of thy blessed commaundements, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lj. Psalme.

WEe lamentablye wyth heartye prayer call vpon thy louing mer­cie (O moste good and gracious God) that we maye be clensed, A prayer for remission of sinnes. washed, and pourged from our heinous in­iquities, and excéeding detestable and mis­chieuous déedes: who do acknowledge and confesse howe lewdly we haue hitherto be­haued our selues, but our gréeuous sinnes shall neuer be of such force, as to make thée vniust, or false of thy excellent promise: [Page] we truely doe right well vnderstand that our deserts are not such, as thou shouldest vouchsafe to make most large and notable promises vnto vs, but stand nowe in great néede of thy vnspeakable faythfulnesse and constancie to helpe vs. Thou seest that we were brought forth into this worlde cor­rupted and defiled euen from our mothers wombe, and were before conceyued in the same iniquities also: purifie therefore our mindes, and garnish them with such a pas­sing whitenesse as séemeth acceptable vn­to thee. Create in vs a pure heart, a right, holy, and seruiceable spirit, that we be not cast of from thée as moste wicked persons, but may recouer the true ioyes and perfect consolation. If thou wilt deliuer vs from those deadly sinnes which accuse vs as gyl­tie of eternall death, our lippes shall meri­ly and with right great ioy shewe forth thy worthie prayse. Graunt (we heartily be­séech thée) that we may approche vnto thy diuine Maiestie with a troubled spirite, and an humble and contrite heart, as an of­fring wherein thou chiefly delightest: then shall our present calamities be mollefied, and then also shall we not celebrate thy [Page] prayses vnthankefully: manifest thy lo­uing kindnesse vnto Sion, thy beloued Church: for thou right well perceyuest the manifold perils it is subiect vnto, and that she is gréeuously assaulted both without and within. We hartily require thée to de­liuer hir not onely from outward enimies, but also reforme the same, and set it in good state, to the intent she may not séeme alto­gither vnworthie such an husband as thou art, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WEe acknowledge (O moste mightie God) with howe great a pernicious infection of sinnes wée haue defiled oure mindes: which thing séeing that it is most troublesome and excéedingly gréeueth vs, neyther can we (through our own strength and good workes) wash out the spottes al­readie conceyued: but this is our onely re­fuge, that we may come vnto thée béeing the well spring of mercye, so that thou ha­uing compassion vpon vs, mayest doe a­way our greeuous offences, washe away our deadly iniquities, blot out our heinous [Page] sinnes, and purifie againe our vices, wher­with we are wonderfully infected euen frō our conception and birth. For if thou wilt most franklye pardon the misdeedes and wickednesse wherwith we are sore burthe­ned, then verily shalt thou appéere to be ex­ceeding true, faythfull, and most constant in thy faythfull promises. Vouchsafe to sprinckle vs with the bloud of thy only be­gotten sonne, by whiche one souereigne thing both the soule and bodie maye bée renued with a marueylous comfortable ioy. We earnestly desire a new heart to be created in our bowels, and to be indued also with thy most noble spirite, to the en­tent we may not compelled, but with right good will, offer vnto thee a sacrifice of a troubled and contrite heart, which thou ne­uer vsest to contemne: that finally beyng so clensed by thy gracious fauour and lo­uing mercie, we maye alwayes offer vnto thée an acceptable sacrifice of thankesgi­uing, throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lij. Psalme.

SVch as haue (through their owne maliciousnesse) preuayled, A prayer a­gaynst all pernicious seducement. and by their pernicious factes attayned vnto some aucthoritie, are woont to boast arrogantly thereof, and haue al­waies had a great delight in cursed words, accompting it for the singularest pleasure in the worlde, to do hurt, to lye, & to speake very deceyptfully. But yet (like miserable wretches as they be) they doe not in the meane while diligently consider howe so­dainly & in a time vnlooked for, their pros­perous estate and such transitorie goodes, will be turned vp side downe, and they al­so to haue no porcion at all of eternall sal­uation, in such sort as they shall not haue any place in the land of the liuing. But we O almighty and most mercifull God (who chiefly trust in thy vnspeakable mercy & in­finite goodnesse) beséech thée, y t the heynous sinnes being done awaye, whereinto we haue through humain inbecility oftētimes fallē, may be of a right lowly mind, neither puffed vp w t arrogancye through any of thy excellent gifts, but by the fall & ouerthrow of prowde persons, may rightly perceyue, that they tooke not God for their inuincible [Page] strength and sure defence, but riches and worldlye prosperitie. Graunt vs wée humbly beséech thée for thy infinite mercie and goodnesse sake, stedfastly to repose our whole confidence in thée only, and that we may like the leauie and florishing Oliue trée, liue fruitfullye in thy sacred Church, and magnifie thée (as meete it is so to bée) bycause thou art moste richely liberall to suche as be thy faythfull and louing ser­uauntes, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Liij. Psalme.

A prayer for deliueraunce [...]ut of trouble through faithWO be vnto the brainsicke lewd­nesse of the vngodly which hath burst forth into suche madnesse, that they perswade themselues howe there is no God, whereby they leade a most filthy life, and are defiled thorowout with detestable conditions, and most abho­minable factes: but as they be beneficiall to none, so do they séeke their owne things with doing of wrong to other folke. But, God, whome they little set by knoweth these their lewde practises right well: who, [Page] although he filleth the heauens with his Maiestie, yet espyeth he out mens wicked and lewde facts, amongst whome (alas for sorrow) he séeth not one truly that setteth hys minde vpon goodnesse, faythfulnesse, and vprightnesse: all haue strayed aside from the right way, al oppresse the weaker sort, neyther do they vprightly honor God, nor truly call vpon his blessed name. But the tyme will come, when as these that be so carelesse shall be quickned vp with most vehement feare. And such as nowe seeme to welter fortunately in their owne wic­kednesse, shall at the last be depriued of all their goodes, and feele God to shewe him­selfe angrie with them. Wherefore oure earnest request is (O heauenly father) that thou wouldest be fauourable and mercifull to such as flie vnto thée for succour, and lo­sen vs from the Chaynes of our gréeuous sinnes wherewith we are fast bound, so that we maye be comforted with a right perfect ioy, and liue with thee in perpetuall felicitie and most happie blessednesse, tho­row Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Liiij. Psalme.

A prayer for helpe in ne­cessitie a­gainst the crueltie of the vngodly.AT what time thy faythfull ser­uants (O most good and mercifull God) bée tost with doubtfull casu­alties, and their mindes very vnsta­ble through most gréeuous thoughts, then laying a side all mans helpe (which thou tellest them is altogither vaine, and in no wise to be trusted vnto) do come vnto thée as their most strong defence, calling vpon thy inuincible Godhead (and that from the bottome of their heart) to deliuer them frō the outragious, vnmerciful, and cruel har­ted, who rise vp to assault thy déere saints, whome thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe to inherite thy glorious kingdome: and so much the more maliciously doe they deale with them, and practise all kinde of out­rage, bicause they neuer sette thée before their eyes, whome they ought to haue in great honour and high reuerence. Séeing therefore (by reason of the heynous sinnes by vs committed) we perceyue that deser­ued tormentes and gréeuous punishments doe hang ouer our heades, we require thée to shewe thy lawfull fauour vnto them which make humble intercession, who are hartily sorie in that they haue so gréeuously [Page] offended thée, and (for thy infinite mer­cies sake) stand in their defence when their raging and most cruell enimies do assault them, for although our merites require it not, yet neuerthelesse doth thy assured faith­fulnesse, stedfast truth, and constant promi­ses assure vs the same. But hauing atchie­ued our desires, we shall with songes of prayses, continually call vpon thée, and wil shewe forth our thankefull minde in the ioyfull Congregation of faithfull and god­ly men, through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WE doe continually call vpon thy glo­rious name (O most mightie God) to the intent we may find thy present helpe in these extréeme miseries of thy greeuous afflicted Church: it is nowe néedefull for thée (through thy force & inuincible power) to rescue vs out of the hands of the vngod­lye, and take vs vnto thy selfe: and al­though our corrupt maners and wicked life which we haue hitherto led, do nothing at all deserue the same, yet notwithstan­ding [Page] we knowe thy fauourable mercie to be such that thou wilt not dispise those that flie vnto thée for succour, be they neuer so miserable and vnworthie: for that mercies sake therefore, and not for our good works, which (as we haue none, so can we not boast of any) giue eare (O good God) vnto our deuout prayers, and gently accept the words that we with one consent haue pou­red out before thy diuine Maiestie: thou séest after what sort the wicked and straun­gers which feare thée not, doe most cruelly rise vp agaynst vs, who, séeing that they haue not thee nor thy sacred wordes before their eyes, go about by all the meanes they can possibly deuise, to ouerthrow thy bles­sed and sanctified Church. Be thou (wée humblye beséeche thée) our readie helper, make thou thy seruauntes to be of a nota­ble stout courage, and requite the vngodly with the notorious euils which they haue deserued, to the intent we may abundant­ly glorifie thy most excellent name, and e­uery where shewe foorth thy vnspeakable goodnesse, bicause we be deliuered from all gréeuous oppressions, and sée those things light vpon thy enimies, which all the faith­full [Page] would right gladly wishe to haue fal­len vpon them, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lv. Psalme.

WE are inforced (O most good and mercifull God) by reason of the extréeme and vrgent distresse of the Church, A prayer for saluation purchased vs by Christ. to cry out dayly vnto thée: for we cannot be quiet in our minds, when as we both sée and knowe for a cer­taintie, that those who wishe muche euill vnto the Gospell, do so carefully indeuour themselues to bring such vnto confusion as vnfeynedly trust in thée, we greatly trem­ble, we are thorowly troubled, and quake for feare, wishing that we had wings like Doues: whereby we (eschuing these mis­chiefes) may at length rest quietly in thée. But very conuenient is it that we should be afflicted for our heynous sinnes where­with we haue of long time, and that excée­ding gréeuously offended thée: those trulye are the occasion why these great mischiefes doe light vpon vs. But we earnestly re­quire thée (O most excellent father) not to [Page] be more heynously moued against our wic­kednesse and very lewde behauiour, then thou wilt giue vs grace well to beare: de­liuer vs (for thy infinite mercies sake) from subtill wordes, and deceiptfull deuices, and haue a great foresight that thy holy church be not sore plagued of them, who seeme sometime greatly to fauour hir, and were partakers in the same with vs, of the most pleasant and swéete foode of thy blessed Sa­craments: we nowe heartily call and ear­nestly cry vnto thée with importunate prai­ers, that as thou hast oftentymes hereto­fore miraculously holpen thy faythfull ser­uauntes, so thou wouldest at this present time deliuer vs from imminēt destruction. Let not the league be broken which those haue that be at one with thée. We nowe cast our heauie burthens and moste grée­uous troublesome cares wholy vpon thy shoulders: vouchsafe to beare both them and vs also through thy mightie power: otherwise we slide and faint vnder the bur­then, wherefore sustaine and increase this our féeble and slender hope with thy moste present and readie helpe, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THere is right great cause why wée should alwayes (O most mightie God) lamentably require thy ayding hande: for we are continually afflicted by sundrie mis­haps of the worlde, the fleshe, the Deuill, and enimies of righteousnesse, which mo­ueth vs more often and after a vehementer sort to wishe that thou wouldest gyue vs wings and feathers of Doues, wherewith we might flie hence most spedily vnto thée: for here haue we no man to deliuer vs out of so great euils, but thee onely: yea so de­ceiptfull is the hope which we repose in men, that such as a man woulde iudge to be most bound vnto him in loue, those are founde his extréemest enimies: for vene­mous tongues do euery where scourge the godly: violence, quareling, wrongfulnesse, oppression, fraudes and deceipts doe in all places assault them. Wherefore we ear­nestly crie vnto thée euen from the heart roote, that our mindes being pourged, thou wouldst blot out the faults wherewith we are miserably stayned, and betake vs to thy [Page] selfe who repose our whole confidence in thée onely: for we haue cast our heauy bur­thens and great griefes vppon thy backe. And in somuch as we are almost sunken downe vnder them, we beséech thee to hold vs vp with thy vnspeakable goodnesse and mightie power, that the confidence we haue affixed in thee, doe not slide nor bée weakened, but maye become strong and stedfast dayly more and more, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lvj. Psalme.

A prayer for a stedfast cō ­fession of the Gospell.WIcked men (O moste good and mercifull God) go about to swal­low vs vp: they doe assault and afflict vs so much as in them ly­eth. But seing that thy mightie power far excelleth the princes & kinges of the earth, and our whole affiaunce dependeth on thée onely, extende nowe thy fauourable mercy vnto vs: for we heartily confesse that wée haue most gréeuously prouoked thy heauie displeasure for our manifolde sinnes, consi­dering that we haue so wretchedly dispised the doctrine of thy sacred law and Gospell, [Page] which thou hast sent vnto vs, that we haue alwayes hitherto béene a slaunder vnto the same. But nowe are we very heartily so­rie for it, who trusting in the death and bloudshedding of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour, doe with great feruencie and most earnest prayers, lamentably call vp­pon thée for pardon of all our sinful crimes. For when thou shalt haue receyued vs into thy gracious fauour, we néede nothing at all to feare what flesh can doe agaynst vs. Thou shalt be present at thy owne case, and shalt sée howe the vngodly doe all the day long rayle vpon thy glorious Gospell, and true worshipping of thee, and how they continually imagine mischiefe agaynst thy déere and chosen people. Forsomuch as therefore they deale lewdely agaynst those whome thou hast redéemed, how shall they escape thy wrathfull indignation. Thou art woont to put downe thy aduersaries at what time thou art angrie with them. It is not thy propertie to be forgetfull of the so­rowfull mournings and lamentable cries of thy poore afflicted seruaunts: for the whole number of our prayers are already written in the booke of thy prouidence. Har­ken [Page] vnto them (O God our heauenly fa­ther) and when as we be moued and stirred vp through thy holy spirite to call vpon thy blessed name, turne thou our enimies back, and put them to flight. Be thou present with thy armie, defende it, strengthen it, and confirme the same with couragious boldenesse: if thou bée on oure side, wee will not feare what man doe agaynst vs: who beeing deliuered by thée, shall mag­nifie thy blessed wordes and faythfull pro­mises for euer. Vouchsafe (O good God) that we hauing atchieued peace & tranqui­litie, may be conuersant in thy sight for e­uer, and directed alwayes with the bright light of thy fauourable and louing counte­naunce, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SO long as we liue here (O most migh­tie God) all things are so vnquiet and at so small stay vnto vs through the desert of our gréeuous offences, that we be on eue­ry side, assayled with the deadly assaults of the force of oure aduersaries: but vnlesse [Page] thou puttest to thy helping hande, we shall séeme to be swalowed vppe out of hande. Wherefore, (to the intent we may be de­fended so oft as our fraile mindes be possest with a vehement feare) we poure out our feruent prayers before thy mercie seate, which glistereth and shineth most farre a­broade, that regarding and highlye estée­ming thy sacred wordes and louing pro­mises in such sort, as (being strengthned by them) we may with a stout courage ouer­come whatsoeuer sorrowfull, horrible, vn­pleasaunt, and rough thing setteth it selfe agaynst vs. As our teares (O excellent fa­ther) are gathered and written by thee, euen so when thou art called vpon, deliuer thy faythfull seruauntes from the Gyues and Fetters of their carefull myndes: and thou of thy infinite goodnesse, purging our gyltinesse, bestow vpō vs so much strength and stedfast hope, as we néede nothing at all to feare the violence and power of mali­cious disposed persons: for if thou shalt be our redemer (especially from eternal death) we will alwayes in oure dayly prayers shew forth the worthie prayses of thy most glorious name, through Iesus Christ our [Page] Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE doe dayly indeuour our selues (O moste mightie God) lamentably to call vpon thy mercie, when as they go a­bout to subuert thy sacred Churche, who (being not a fewe in number, and waxen strong aboue measure) do not ceasse by sun­drie meanes to assault the same. Neyther is there any thing that maketh vs more a­frayed, then these our owne proper sinnes wherewith we haue moste greeuously of­fended thée, and made our selues vtterlye vnworthy of thy gracious fauour: yet not­withstanding (of the great and vnspeake­able louing kindnesse that is in thée) wée ceasse not to hope, but set thy louing pro­mises before our eyes, the sayinges and words wherof, we commend and approue, and also (so much as in vs lyeth) take holde of them by fayth. Graunt therefore (O ex­cellent father) that we be not more feare­ful then is decent, which the flesh is able to worke agaynst vs. We know assuredly y t the wicked do now euery where malicious­ly [Page] rayle vpon vs, bending all their deuices agaynst thy most sacred doctrine, lying in wayte, and séeking occasion by all meanes possible quite to subuert and vtterly ouer­throwe thy sacred Churche. Dispise not thou (O good God) the prayers and sighes of thy faythfull seruauntes, so strengthen and confirme our weake consciences, that we passe nothing at all what men doe a­gaynst vs. Deliuer our soules from sliding and destruction, so that we may both nowe and also after this life be partakers of thy most commodious and splendent blessed light, throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

¶A prayer out of the .Lvij. Psalme.

SEing that there is no refuge for vs (O moste gracious and moste mightie God) but to flie vnto thée onely, A prayer for the aduaūce­ment of the Gospell con­trary to hir enimies ex­pectation. we commit our whole sal­uation into thy tuition and gouernment, to the intent thou shouldest miraculously preserue the same, so that thou mayest bée our strong defence vntill this their outra­gious furie (who violently oppresse thy sa­cred [Page] Church) be much abated and greatly brought lowe. Therefore we incessauntly call vpon thy euerlasting name, through whose mightie power and high aucthority all thinges maye for the Godly be surely brought to passe. Graunt (we humbly be­séech thée) that our heynous sinnes be not the cause thou withdrawest thy mercifull goodnesse from vs, which, as we confesse them to be most gréeuous and infinite, so are wée nothing doubtfull but that they shall be forgiuen vs, for our onely media­tor Iesus Christes sake, through whose louing fauour thy faythfull seruaunts shal not only be preserued in the glorious king­dome of heauen: but for thy excellent pro­mise and goodnesse sake, they shall also at length be brought to confusion, whosoeuer they are which go aboute to oppresse thy constant and stedfast beleuers. Thou thy selfe right well seest (O excellent father) howe his blessed Church is compelled to haue hir dwelling continually amongest Lyons, in the middest of whote burning flames, inuironed with moste forceable weapons, and tongues chiefly that be very noysome and do excéeding great hurt. To [Page] the intent therefore thou mayst shew forth and mightily declare thy inuincible power touching hir preseruation, graunt that the snares and great layings awayte which be prepared for thy holy ones, may in conclu­sion be onely hurtfull to the Authors and chiefe deuisers thereof: but vouchsafe to giue vnto vs a right stedfast heart and ex­céeding constant minde touching the con­fession and publishing of thy blessed name. For wée heartily acknowledge and ear­nestly confesse thy vnspeakable goodnesse to be so great, as it deserueth high prayse, not onely in voyce, but with Lute and Harpe, and by all wayes and meanes of commen­dation that possible may be, which pearceth the clowdes euen vnto the glorious hea­uen. And for bicause it may dayly increase the better, and be more vnderstood, lift vp thy selfe in this our age, by shewing forth thy right excellent power in being oure shielde of defence and buckler, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THere is nothing that doth more reléeue and comfort our féeble mindes being in great distresse and extréeme calamities (O most good and merciful God) then the An­cre of fayth, which dependeth most stedfast­ly vpon thy excellent goodnesse. Wherfore, seing that not without iust cause we burne and frie in our lewde vices, we resort vn­to thy diuine Maiestie, and (being maruey­lous sore burthened with the gréeuous far­dell of our most heynous sinnes) do dayly call vpon thée for thy assistant and readye helpe. Send vs ayde from heauen we hum­bly beséech thée, otherwise we shall not be in safetie from the Lions, Speares, Darts, and deceiptfull tongues, wherewith Sa­than doth merueylouslye aflict thy holye Church. Aduaunce thy selfe, and make thy infinite power most manifest in taking vs out of our enimies handes. For so thy vn­speakable clemencie and notable faythful­nesse (which farre surmount the Clowdes and glorious heauens) shall appéere bright in their owne excellent greatnesse, and we in giuing due thankes for our deliuerance, will ioyfullye sing double prayses to thy glorious name for euermore, through Ie­sus [Page] Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SEing that thy blessed Church (O moste mightie God) is so vexed with the cruell enimies of thy glorious name and blessed doctrine, we repose our whole confidence in thee onely, and flie for succor vnder the sha­dowe of thy wings: we acknowledge and confesse that it is our partes to direct oure supplications parpetually vnto thée, when thou only and none else art able to redresse our good cause. We doe not denie but that our deserts are marueylous wicked, inso­much as we should verye iustly be altogi­ther destroyed with these present calamy­ties: who haue nothing faythfully perfor­med that which in name and outwarde shewe hath béene of vs professed. But it is thy nature, O good God, (forsomuche as thou art mercy and very goodnesse it selfe) not to cast off those which flie vnto thée for succour. Sende downe thy ayding hande from heauē (we humble besech thee) wher­by thou mayst deliuer thy faythfull people from the reproches of vngodly and wicked [Page] persons. The Antichristians rore against thy blessed Church like Lyons, and theyr hote burning furie agaynst thy holy worde increaseth dayly more and more. Shewe forth thy selfe therefore (O excellent father) and cause thy glorie wherewith thou art renowmed aboue all other, to be manifest­ly knowen. Rende the nettes, fill vppe the ditches, and make the deceiptes of none ef­fect, which they practise agaynst the sacred Gospell, whereby our minde may daylye more and more be strengthned heartily to confesse, couragiously to extoll, and aboue all thinges to exalt thy wonderfull prayses vncessauntlye, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lviij. Psalme.

[...]ayer a­ [...]st our [...]rall de­ [...]ngs frō [...] & crafty [...]ges a­ [...]e of the [...]dly.THe princes of this wretched world (O moste mightie God) doe grée­uously assault thy blessed Church, bicause sounde and vpright iudge­ment is not giuen vppon diuine and hea­uenly things, by such as continually ima­gine mischiefe in their mindes, and onelye practise violence against thy elect and cho­sen [Page] seruaunts. But howe should they doe otherwise, that euen from their mothers wombe are borne wicked into this worlde, and haue a most noysome venime (like vn­to poyson of Ser [...]ents) naturally graffed in them, which c [...]uld neuer by any exhor­tations or friendly [...]arnings at gods hand be taken out of the [...]: for they put those thinges after none o [...]her sort from them, then doe the deafe Adders that shunne the charmes of the Charmers. Our heynous sinnes therefore haue verye well deserued that the outragious enimies of thy fayth & doctrine should afflict vs, which nowe we both hartily confesse, and also (for thy infi­nite mercies sake) earnestly require thée to pardon and forgiue. Furthermore we fer­uently desire this at thy mercifull handes, that thou wouldest breake in péeces and gnashe the Lions téeth, to the intent they may shed away as water, and be like bro­ken shaftes, neyther let those men hurt thy faythfull seruauntes any more, but cause them to wither awaye as a Snaile in hir shell, and be weake as the vntimely fruite of a woman. And finally, let their outrage fade away euen so easily as a flame made [Page] of thornes is quenched. But chéere thou vp (O good God) thy faithfull seruaunts, who (séeing the great reuengementes which thou thy selfe takest vppon the sworne ad­uersaries of thy blessed religion) may right well perceyue that thou hast a reward laid vp in store for thy faythfull beléeuers, and let their well doing be established, when as they shall assuredly know and perfectly vn­derstand that thou executest streight iudge­ment vpon the earth, through Iesus christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

ANtichrist with all his adherentes doe imagin none other thing in their mind agaynst thy sacred Church (O most good and merciful God) then mischiefe and most wicked deuices: but whereas they make a goodly shewe to the intent they woulde be accompted godly and religious, yet in very deede they imagine nothing but lyes, going astray from thée, euen from their birth, ha­uing alwayes hitherto marueylous great delight in erronious thinges. Nowe at length are they desirous to spewe out and [Page] cast forth their venome which they (like the Adder) haue kept in a readinesse, neyther could they so be charmed with the sayings of the holy Scriptures, as to ceasse from their owne lewde desires. Surely (O hea­uenly father) we are not they that deserue not to be destroyed by them for oure euill déedes and lewde behauiour, for somuch as (through thy excellent mercy) we haue wel knowen the waye of truth and life, albeit we haue cōtinually started aside therefro, & giuen our selues to vaine ymaginations & wicked desires. But deale thou with vs ac­cording to the glorie & honor of thy name, and vouchsafe to yéelde vnto vs not that which we haue deserued, but that which by thy promises behight vs. Ouerthrowe, grinde to powder, and vtterly make voyde the subtile deuices, outragious force, and deuilishe power of the enimies of thy glo­rious name and sincere doctrine, so that the godly may perfectly reioyce when as they sée thée take their cause in hande, and shall perceyue that their is some fruite of righte­ousnesse, while thou dealest by vpright iudgement, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THe behauiours of the wicked (O most mighty God) are so corrupt and naugh­tie, that verye little wholsomnesse or none at all can seeme to be in their decrées: they practise deceyts, they offer wrong, and now from their childhood haue both fallen from thée, & also liue in subiection to their owne cākred maliciousnes: in fiercenes, in hard­nesse of heart, in furious moode, in outrage of minde & in vnbrideled crueltie, they may be likned vnto stinging Serpents, roring Lyons, & such kinde of rauenous beastes: therefore (we earnestly require thée) not to suffer vs for to fall as our heynous sinnes haue iustly deserued, into such an extréeme madnesse, that (forsaking thee who art the Well & Fountaine of all good things) we may put our trust & cōfidence in them, nei­ther permitting vs to followe their lewde decrées & fond fantasies, which were so pe­rillous a thing as the other. Cause vs (we humbly require thée) to dissent wholy from them, & in the meane time let their power in doing any hurt be vtterly abated, so that [Page] as men altogither vnarmed, althoughe their desire to do mischiefe be not aswaged, yet both habilitie and knowledge to fulfill their wicked desire and extréeme egernesse be quite taken from them. Confound thou in the turning of a hande their lewde deui­ces, & cause the Congregation of the faith­full greatly to triumph, when as they may right well perceyue that thou both rende­rest the fruit of righteousnesse to the righ­teous, and also takest punishement of the vngodly, according to their wretched and lewde desertes, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lix. Psalme.

OVr earnest request is (O moste mightie God) that thou onelye wouldest be our spéedie deliuerer, A prayer a­gaynst the Pharisies and false pr [...] phets. when as the extreeme enimies of thy sacred doctrine and pure religion doe gréeuously oppresse vs: nowe it appertey­neth vnto thee for to defend vs frō naughty persons, who gape much for our destructi­on, and haue augmented theyr force and power with great and huge conspiracies, [Page] to wipe out thy holye ones from off the earth. They do persecute vs nothing at all for our heynous faultes and mischieuous déedes, whereof we acknowledge and con­fesse that we haue committed many, but they runne vpon vs for hatred they onelye beare to sincere godlinesse and perfect reli­gion, to the intent they would both crafti­ly & with extréeme violence furnishe them­selues to our destruction. But thou (O good God) who hast dominion ouer all crea­tures, first pardon whatsoeuer we haue wickedlye committed against thée: then stirre vp thy selfe, and at length discusse the cause of the godly. Our most cruel enimies go to and fro, they grenne like Doggs and runne aboute in all Countries, for, when they speake anye thing of oure matters, swordes and weapons onely are in theyr lippes, but thou (O good God) shalt laugh these men to scorne and haue them in great dirision: we attend and looke for helpe al­togither at thy mercifull handes, who art our mightie Tower and moste strong de­fence. Let thy sacred Church be such a par­taker of thy wonderfull and vnspeakeable goodnesse, as she may sée hir desire vpon the [Page] enimies of all righteousnesse. Slay not these men after an accustomable maner, but destroy them vtterlye in such a sort as thy blessed people may not lightly forgette the same: cause thou them to become runa­gates & beggers for euer, by reason of their abhominable vices, blasphemous lyes, and cursed periuries, wherewith they are be wrapped and abound greatly: consume thou such maner of men at length, bring them to naught I say, as they may become a laughing stocke and by word vnto euery man, to the intent all people may assured­ly know and right well perceyue that thou shewest thy selfe a very God vnto thy bles­sed Church, wherein thou oughtest to bée highly magnified as a firme defence, and most strong ayde for all such as will vnfei­nedly inuocate and call vpon thy glorious name, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE being hedged in (O most mightie God) through humaine infirmitie, and bound in conscience with the chaynes [Page] of most heauie sinnes, do continually with right great lamentation, call vpon thy vn­speakable mercie, wherewith thou mayest willingly and gently bowe downe thy fa­uourable eare to our humble peticions: the force of our outragious enimies doth won­derfully assault, marueylously inuade, and greatly oppresse vs, but seing y t the strēgth of our nature vtterly falleth in this behalf, and sheweth it selfe altogither vnuaylable, arise thou (O God) and ouerthrowe by thy mightie puyssaunce, whatsoeuer shall bée repugnant to our saluation, and finally de­ride and mock such a one as hath a greater pleasure to resist thy blessed will, then to submit himselfe therevnto as méete it is he should so doe. We haue reposed the whole strength of our welfare in thée onely, ha­uing no mistrust but that thou art oure chiefe goodnesse and most mercifull God: although therefore the fierce enimies of thy glorious name compasse vs about, and af­ter a sort besiege vs with the darke and ob­scure blindnesse which they shead, we (tru­sting in thy excellent goodnesse) hope that the malicious wickednesse they haue ima­gined, shall not fall on vs, but light vpon [Page] their owne neckes: wherfore let thy inesti­mable goodnesse (according to our assured hope) be in stéed of a strong fortresse, puys­saunt refuge, and mightie Bulwarke vn­to vs, who are wonderfull desirous to cele­brate and set forth thy excéeding great ho­nor and vnspeakable mercy, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lx. Psalme.

THou hast vsed oftentimes (O most good and mercifull God) to cha­stice thy déere children with a fa­therly correction, A prayer for Gods helpe in necessitie. so that they bée­ing at length brought low through vnfor­tunate mishappes, and broken with mise­ryes, may right well perceyue and vnder­stand that they haue sinned greatly, who aspiring with all their indeuour to come vnto thée, may much couet to be deliuered from these abhominable vices wherewith they were before excedingly ouerwhelmed: there doest thou yeelde thy selfe againe, be­ing altogither appeased and at attonement with them. Wherefore we humbly require thée (O heauenly father) that thou wouldst [Page] in like maner keepe still with vs this thy auncient couenaunt, and vouchsafe to take thy poore humble suters which fly vnto thee for succour, from their gréeuous sorowes and lamentable miseries that our heinous sinnes doe dayly purchase vnto vs: which we mistrust not but will come to passe, for­somuch as we be nothing doubtfull but such things as thou hast promised shall not fade out of our remembraunce. For thys cause chiefly is our minde much reuiued, hereby we be well cheered, and finally by this wée are certainly perswaded that wée (which séemed in tymes past, and that late­ly to be reiected of thée) are nowe in verye déede and that wholy receyued into thy lo­uing fauour. Procéede and go forwarde therefore to succour vs, so that we béeyng furthered by thy mighty defence, may bold­ly and manfully go thorow with the mat­ter, to the glorie of thy blessed name, by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THou séemest verye often (O most good and merciful God) to put back thy faith­full [Page] seruauntes from thee, and being in a maner sore angrie with these men, doest scatter them abroade into diuers partes of the worlde: but thou comforting thy bles­sed people againe with thy excéeding great clemencie, bowest downe thy fauour and louing kindnesse afreshe towardes them: by meanes whereof our hope is renued in vs, that (seing it hath séemed good vnto thee to moue the lande in this our age, and to dismay the inhabiters thereof with a newe and extraordinarie feare) thou wilt also heale hir gréeuous wounds. And although it be thy good will now and then to vex thy faythfull people with hard and most bitter mishappes, in like wise as if thou shouldest giue them a poysoned cup to drinke of: yet notwithstanding, thou raysest vp the ban­ner of saluation vnlooked for, vnto such as dayly feare and perfectly honor thee, to the intent that thy louing promises being as­suredly performed, they may lead their life verye prosperously vnder the same: nowe therefore turne thou alway thy eyes from the sinnes we haue most greeuously com­mitted: for we denie not but that we haue done very wickedly and peruersely, but for [Page] so much as (of thy infinite mercy fake) thou wilt pardon and quite forgiue such as vn­feynedly call vpon thee, finally ayde thou thy beloued Church according to thy accu­stomed vse, and mightily preserue hir with thy puyssant right hande. But go thou O good God (which seemest to haue forsaken thy blessed people for a time) nowe forth with vs, and rayse vp thy selfe to be our readie helper, for we craue not thy fauou­rable ayde without iust cause, who haue learned euen by experience it selfe, that mans power and strength is but a vaine thing to stay by. Be thou therefore a pre­sent succour vnto those which repose their whole trust and confidence in thée: graunt that they may deale manfully & doe migh­tie actes, so that they may by thy meanes get the victorie ouer their most cruell and outragious enimies, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxj. Psalme.

A prayer for constant [...]ith in christ [...]esus.OVr earnest and feruent desire is, O most good and mercifull God, that as thou art in déede a singu­ler [Page] good father and wonderfull mercifull vnto vs, so thou wouldst heare the lamen­table cries which we poure out before thée, by reason of the excéeding heauinesse wee are oppressed withall, and for the gréeuous temptations we indure, suffer not thy be­loued seruaunts, miserably to perishe, in whome the deuill goeth about to quenche and burie thy benigne grace and especiall good giftes. Permit vs therefore to haue a fort and strong Tower with thée, where­vnto bicause we are not able to clime vp of our owne power, breath thou thy louing fauour downe vpon vs in such wise, as we may bée lifted vp vnto the Tabernacle of thy glorious sight, and vnder the couering of thy glistering winges, so that by thys meanes we shall bée deliuered from the thresholde and iawes of death. We truely haue transgressed thy holy lawe, & through our moste heynous sinnes haue defiled the sacred bodie of thy blessed Church. How be it whilest wee acknowledge this, and la­mentably require thy fauourable mercie, surely we féele verye great ease & comfort, neyther are we now afrayed of any bytter mishaps, forsomuch as our whole confidēce [Page] dependeth vpon thy inestimable goodnesse, but rather our heart is inflamed with an ardent loue both in celebrating thy glori­ous name, and also in rendring moste a­bundant thankes for those thinges, which by our profession we owe and thinke to be due vnto thée, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxij. Psalme.

[...] prayer for true fayth [...]nd contempt [...]f mutable [...]hinges.SEing that we are perswaded (O most good and mercifull God) that thou art our strong defence, in­uincible tower, sure ayde, & migh­tie safegarde, we kéepe a quiet and verye peaceable minde euen in the middest of our extréeme miseries and gréeuous calami­ties. For we doubt not but that the deuill and his wicked members shal haue no suc­cesse at all in those thinges they enterprise to do agaynst our welfare: and whosoeuer they be which thrust forwarde themselues contrary to thy blessed will, are in no wise able to stand and abide, but are at the ende disappoynted of that they looke for. Where­fore we humblye require thee, that our of­fences [Page] being done away, which (by reason of our infirmitie) we denie not, but are an infinite number, thou wouldest still perse­uer to be our Buckler and sure defence as thou hast hitherto beene accustomed. For­somuch as through thy especiall helpe, wée shake of all worldly mens feare, as whom we know to be altogither vaine, yea and so foolishe, that if they were weyed in a bal­lance, they should be found altogither ligh­ter then vanitie it selfe. And as we dreade them nothing at al, so likewise our earnest request is, that we may haue no affiaunce in euill gotten goodes and flourishing ry­ches, but alwayes well and diligently to set before our eyes, that thou art iust, mer­cifull, & of a wonderfull inuincible power, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxiij. Psalme.

WEe doe in this wretched life (O most good and mighty God) with great feruencie, sighe, desire, A prayer i [...] distresse for the comfor [...] of the gospe [...] and earnestly thirst for thee onelye, when as all thinges are become trouble­some, horrible, and cruell vnto vs. We are [Page] greatly desirous cléerely to beholde thy sin­guler vertue & excellent honor, for nothing can happē more blessed, nothing more ioy­ful, & nothing more pleasāt to mortal crea­tures, then the perfect knowledge thereof. We may through thy readie helpe (O hea­uēly father) exalt thy glorious name conti­nually, when as we render due thanks for the excellent benefites thou hast bestowed vpon vs, alwayes requiring of thée in our earnest peticions and most ardent prayers, those things which may be both to thy glo­rie and our owne saluation. These verily are the meere delites of the godly, there is the minde fed with perfect and true glad­nesse, when as euen at midnight in the bed it is not forgetfull of thy goodnesse and cle­mencie. But our heynous offences are a very great hinderance to this singuler be­nifite, whereinto both our infirmitie and ignoraunce driueth vs, which, we humbly beséech thée (for thy infinite mercies sake) to wipe away: be our ready helper as thou hast begunne, hide vs vnder thy fauoura­ble winges, and cause our mindes to be linked alwayes vnto thee. But as for such as resist thy glorye obstinately and with [Page] stubburnesse, let them runne hedlong into the déepe gulfe of perdicion, and make vs euermore reioyce and be glad in thy com­fort and consolation, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxiiij. Psalme.

IF we were not altogither drowsie minded and vtterly dulled (O hea­uenly father) we are dayly stirred vp to inuocate and call vpon thée with our feruent prayer. For why, A prayer a­gaynst the wicked eni­mies of the Godly. Sathan and his wicked retinue make great haste both day and night to destroy vs, and the filthinesse of the flesh striueth continually to driue vs hedlong into the disobedience of thy blessed commaundements. Séeyng that therefore our minde is on sides assay­led, and the strength we haue become féeble and deminished, through a false tongue, deceiptfull wordes, most pearcing stinges, and deadly darts, we flie vnto thée onely, being the true hauen of safegarde, and re­quire, that sith thou perceiuest vs to be sore and painefully troubled sundrie wayes for the sinnes and gréeuous offences we haue committed) thou wouldest for thy tender [Page] mercies sake pardon and forgiue what spotte or giltinesse soeuer we are infected with, ruling and gouerning vs in suche sort, as wée maye laye all the burthens wherwith we are gréeuously oppressed, on thée onely. So shall we haue iust cause to be excéeding ioyous, neyther shall it repent vs any thing at all, but contrariwise wée will greatly glorie for that we haue beta­ken our selues wholy to thy protection and gouernment, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxv. Psalme.

[...] prayer for [...]stenaunce [...]nd all kinde [...]f Gods be­ [...]efites.SO great and manifold are thy be­nefites (O most good & mercifull God) towards mākind, as al peo­ple in euery place ought greatly to land, wonderfully to prayse, & highly to extol thy blessed name: for what thing can be more pleasant to men, then y t thou doest easily heare them at what tyme they call vpon thée for such things as they stande in néede of. In what other good thing ought we more to reioyce of then this, for that thou yeeldest thy selfe appeased and fauou­rable [Page] to our iniquities. Or why be we not right happie and blessed whome thou didst vouchsafe to annix vnto thy selfe in thy sa­cred cōgregatiō, in féeding our hungry sto­macks with spirituall good things, & hea­uenly dainties? Thou dealest fauorably e­uen with all other creatures for thy elects sake: thou stablishest the Moūtaines, stillest the raging of the sea, appeasest y e madnesse of the people, and doest refresh and lighten with great ioy the vttermost partes of the earth, through the brightnesse of the hea­uenly fiers. Thou sendest seasonable and timely showers, whereby onely commeth fertilitie, and the fieldes wonderfull garni­shed with all kinde of fruits, whereby both men and beastes haue abundantly where­on to feede. Graunt thou therefore thus much also vnto vs (who art the auctour of so many good things) that we may render moste condigne thankes, and vse to oure health and comforte those thinges which thou so louingly bestowest vpō vs, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxvj. Psalme.

A prayer in necessitie to the glorie of God, for set­ [...]ing vs at libertie.SVch is thy mightye power and inuincible force (O moste good and mercifull God) that thou at length vsest to subdue vnder thy obeysaunce the enimies of thy name and glory, euen by thy puyssaunt strength, how muche so euer they striue agaynst thée in their furious madnesse: which thing the godly duly waying with themselues, haue a very great and feruent desire to honour thy diuine Maiestie, to exalt thée with prayses, and faythfully to worship thy ex­cellencie. For as thou in tymes past cau­sedst the sea to open hir selfe vnto the chil­dren of Israell, and didst turne aside the ri­uer of Iordane agaynst his streame, and hast expulsed y e Iewes enimies from their auncient inheritaunce, who séemed other­wise not to be subduable: so we now ear­nestly require thée that thou wouldest doe the like for thy déerely beloued: let them flourishe in heauenly giftes, so that they faint not through exercise of temptations, but being well tryed, fined, and thorowly pourged with vnfortunate mishaps, they maye shine in the brightnesse of vertues, who hauing comfortable things prepared [Page] for them of thée, being their father & crea­tor after their gréeuous afflictions & much troublesomnesse of minde, let them in the ende render vnto thée, the vowes of praise, and songes of commendation. Moue vs for­warde I humblie beséech thée, to feare and honor him, by hauing his benifites very di­ligently in our remembraunce, which (of his infinite goodnesse) he hath bestowed vpō vs, who being prouoked by our thank­fulnesse, may hereafter giue a more louing and fauourable attentiue eare to our low­ly prayers, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxvij. Psalme.

THe two thinges (O most mightie God) which mortall creatures doe very greatly wishe for, are these, A prayer for the augmentation of the Gospell. namely y t they may be acceptable to thy diuine Maiestie, & replenished with the light and brightnesse of thy louing coū ­tenaunce, which two we right well know do faile vs by reason of the sinnes we haue very gréeuously committed: therefore our earnest request is that thou wouldst heale [Page] our deadly woundes with the playster of thy vnspeakeable mercie, and whatsoeuer we haue offended thée in, let thy louing fa­uor wholy remit, and cause thy most glad­some light to driue away the darknesse that we haue procured vnto our selues: which sute, if we may obteyne, yet shall we rea­dily acknowledge (although we be inuiro­ned with the darknesse of this mortall life) the deuises, ordinaunces, & meanes, wher­by thou doest greatly gouerne, prouidently mainteine, puyssauntly defende, and migh­tily preserue all things with incomparable goodnesse and faythfulnesse, and prouidest wonderfully for thy blessed people: which things being well seene and rightly consi­dered, we and all people shall shewe foorth thy worthie prayses, and be also thorowly replenished with pleasaunt ioy, forsomuch as thou rulest all Nations, Prouinces, and Kingdomes, with rightful iudgement and most indifferent iustice. For if al people did manifestly know the same in such sort as it is, euery man would praise thée in the open face of the worlde. Graunt vnto vs there­fore (O excellent father) these two things, neyther disdeyne to adde vnto them a plen­teous [Page] fruitfulnesse of the earth: for the more boūtifully thou dealest with thy déerely be­loued children; y e more shalt thou be feared & amplier honored, through the whole vni­uersal world, by Iesus christ our lord. Amē.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxviij. Psalme. A prayer for the vnity an [...] inlargement of the Chri­stian Con­gregation.

WE haue both our health and also all other commodities of this life at thy mercifull handes (O most good and mightie God) being the fountaine and originall of all good things, who doest both adorne and continually be­stowe so great benefites vpon thy faithfull seruants, that impossible it is to compt the nūber of them. But this chiefly ought not to be passed ouer with silence, that thou thy selfe hast so happily & with so good successe fought our battailes against sinne, death, the deuill, and all euilles, insomuch as the deadly enimies of our saluation felt thée to be our present helpe, when as thou diddest puyssauntly ouercome, mightilye subdue, and greeuously punishe them. Wherefore it is our right bounden duty to render per­petuall thankes wyth Psalmes, louing prayses, godly songes, and all kinde of dit­ties [Page] and Musicke, which thing that it may not be done maliciously, and grudgingly, but with a minde voyd and frée from flesh­ly cares and carnal desires, we humbly be­séeche thée to pardon whatsoeuer we haue transgressed, either through the darknesse of ignoraunce or weaknesse of minde, and procéede also euer hereafter to defende vs from the craftie snares and subtill layings awayte of the force of our enimies (as thou hast heretofore stedfastlye from tyme to tyme assisted such as trust in thée) whereby all men shall assuredly perceyue that thou so fauourest the faythfull beleuers, as thou giuest vnto them aboundaunce of strength and power inuincible, through Iesus christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SEing that thy power is such, O moste good and mercifull God, as no enimies (although they be neuer so strong & migh­tie) are able to stand agaynst thée, our ear­nest request is that thou wouldest (for thy infinite mercies sake) most puyssauntly a­rise to helpe vs. The children of Israell [Page] felt thy presence to be a continual safegard vnto them, at what time they encountred to fight with their enimies, althoughe kinges and armies throughlye furnished were raysed vp agaynst them: forsomuch as therefore thou hast lifted vp thy inuin­cible power and puissant strength on high, disdaine not (wée humbly beseeche thée) to turne thy louing countenaunce towardes vs, who do continually wrestle with Sa­than, the fleshe, and lustes thereof: sure­ly we acknowledge that thou art our sole and onely defence, who flye therefore vnto thée, bicause thou art the fountaine and roote of all good things, requiring, that wée (being mightily deliuered from the mis­chieuous euilles which inuiron vs on eue­ry side) may set forth the worthy prayses of thy most glorious name, euen as it hath right well deserued, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy force and puyssaunce (O most good and mighty god) is of so great a strēgth, that when thou mouest and stirrest vp thy [Page] selfe, they are immediately scattered from their place, and put to flight whosoeuer they be y e beare hatred to thy blessed name and glorious kingdome: wherefore, ney­ther do we doubt but that at this tyme the power of Sathan and his adherents (who ceasse not euery where to ouerthrowe thy faythfull people) shall be dispatched and come to naught, euen lyke vnto smoke that vanisheth, and mistes which passe a­way. And for this cause, there is layde vp a great pleasure and excéeding comfort vn­to the faythfull, whereof, we heartily re­quire thee that we also may be partakers, and that thou wouldst ease vs of the fardell of sinne wherwith we are most gréeuously burthened, & that taking vs vnto thy gra­cious fauour againe, thou wilt indue vs very largely with thy holy spirite. Seing that thou arte the father of the father­lesse, and a reuenger of such as be misera­bly oppressed, vouchsafe also to deliuer vs from the fetters of our iniquities, neyther be thou any thing lesse our strong defence, then thou wert the children of Israelles mightie protector in the wildernesse. Wée bée as thou well perceyuest (by reason of [Page] our heynous sinnes) greatly disfigured: let therefore the bright fauour and light of thy fauourable countenaunce be present with vs, wherby our mindes may be made splendent & reformed vnto the souereigne blesse and highest felicitie, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SVch is thy excellent wisdome (O moste good and mercifull God) that as thou hast an innumerable maner of wayes and infinite meanes to preserue thy faythfull seruaunts, so hast thou also as manye to bring the wicked to perdicion. Wherefore in restoring thy blessed people being sore opprest both of sinne and Sathan, & in get­ting great & famous victories of thy cruell enimies, out of all doubt, thou deseruest that so many as naturallye apperteyne to the stocke and linage of Israell, should set out thy worthie prayses and moste noble triumphes with a wonderfull great glad­nesse. Wherefore we humbly require thée (by thy notable and exceding great power) that what giftes of saluation thou hast be­gunne [Page] to bestowe vpon vs, thou wouldest from day to day augmēt and increase with a prosperous successe, whereby we may of­fer vnto thée (who art borne vp beyond the heauens with noble triumph) not the sa­crifices of brute beastes, but our selues as an acceptable and blamelesse fréewill offe­ring, to the intent it may be left for a suffi­cient witnesse both vnto vs & to all others, that it onely apperteyneth vnto thy singu­ler force and incomparable power to bring thy elect children vnto the moste desired fe­licitie, and chiefest place of blesse they looke for, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxix. Psalme.

A prayer in [...]ribulation [...]or the glory [...]f the resur­ [...]ection.MAns weake and fraile nature (O most mighty God) is continually tost and turmoyled with infinite calamities. Neyther should that séeme a matter so greatly to be lamented, if in this vniuersall case, such as faythfully honor and worship thee, were not séene to be more greeuously afflicted and punished then the rest: but the worlde goeth so that the stormie waues, the clammie mire, the [Page] déepe and whirling gulphes of temptati­ons doe little better then choke vppe those which haue a stedfast beliefe and assured trust in thee. Which matters being done to the intent they may paciently and with a quiet mind suffer whatsoeuer is commo­dious for them, doth certainlye not muche further the saluation of such as be weake, who see these things come to passe, vnlesse thou (for thy infinit goodnesse and vnspeak­able mercies sake wherwith thou art plen­tifully indued) puttest too quickly thy spéedy furtheraunce: for so shall the thing which seemeth to haue weakened and dismayed their heartes, wonderfullye cheere and re­freshe them: for if thou shalt giue eare vn­to our lowly prayers (as our assured trust is) and deliuer vs out of so great perils ac­cording to our humble peticions, these grée­uous afflictions truly shal bring forth fruit not to be repented of. Graunt we hartily beséech thée (O excellent father) that suche as be in a maner consumed and at deathes doore for the zeale they beare to thy glorie, may according to their feruent praiers, ob­taine this of thée, both the inlarging of thy most famous kingdome, and also their wel­fare [Page] which assault the same, and be sworne aduersaries thereto, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SVch was thy excéeding great goodnesse and clemencie towardes mankinde (O most good and mercifull God) that to saue them thou diddest suffer thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde to be touched with moste greeuous reproches and heynous sclaun­ders, insomuch that euen at the houre of his death he being greatlye a thirst, they gaue him none other drink, but most sharp and sowre vinegar mingled with gall. If we be any thing forgetfull of these things, eyther we shewe that we are vtterly desti­tute of fayth, or make our selues giltie of most hatefull vngratitute. We haue before our eyes the moste gréeuous vengeaunce which in the ende thou tookest of those wic­ked and vngodly persons, who raged so greatly agaynst thy most déerely beloued sonne, and yet are not moued by their ex­ample to amende our naughtie factes and wicked life: then the which, looke howe [Page] much he is nowe more glorious and excel­lent then he was at that tyme, so much the more wrong and reproch is done vnto him on our behalfe. We therefore humbly re­quire and earnestly intreate thée that thou wouldest vouchesafe to inspire into vs a more perfect minde & a better desire which professe his glorious name and most pure religion, by the selfe same Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxx. Psalme.

FOr this intent and purpose (O most good and merciful God) haue we recourse in our feruent pray­ers to thy gracious tuicion and fa­uourable mercie, A prayer i [...] necessitie. for that we see nothing in this life, eyther voyde of perils, or in safety from the outragious enimies of our salua­tion, through whose spitefull malice, deui­lishe falshoode, and tyrannous crueltie, we finde all thinges very froward, and full of most gréeuous enmitie: but bicause we feele our selues giltie of no smal or light crimes, and are nothing ignorant how thou of thy iustice takest punishment of our greeuous [Page] sinnes, we humbly beséech thée (according to thy woonted and accustomed mercie) to forgiue vs whatsoeuer we haue filthily cō ­mitted, and what vengeaunce or punish­ment is worthilye and of desert due vnto vs, may eyther be vtterly released, or else mercifully mittigated. So shall so many as be sworne aduersaries to thy true religi­on which we professe, be abashed and put to vtter shame when thou shalt haue hel­ped and assisted vs: but contrariwise they which be greatly desirous to set forth thy glorious name, shall be right glad and tri­umphantly reioyce with vs. Therefore make no long tarying to be our readie hel­per, least the vngodly (which thing they are very readie to do) vpbrayde vs therewith, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxj. Psalme.

A praier that [...]ur faith fay­ [...]th vs not in [...]ge and great [...]istresse.FOrsomuch as we doe euidentlye knowe (O almightie God) that there is alwayes spéedie succour in a readinesse to helpe and fur­ther such as flie vnto thy protection, there­fore haue we reposed our whole trust and [Page] confidence in thée onely, that of whom we ought to craue assistaunce, vnto him must our fayth and hope be most aduisedly direc­ted. Thou aydest, chéerishest, and garni­shest those which honour thée from their youth, insomuch as that if thou séemest at any tyme to leaue them, it is woont to bée taken for a wonder. We hope therefore, that (séeing thou hast béene alwayes with vs from our conception & birth) thou wilt not forsake vs, neyther in our crooked olde age nor at the last ende of our life: in con­sideration whereof, that what prayses and thankes we are bounde to giue vnto thée, the same do we dayly yeelde, and (as our as­sured trust is) shall yéelde for euer, that as thy benefites towardes vs are infinite, and the more thy goodnesse also and mightie déedes are set forth, so much the more are they knowen to surmount the prowes of all prayse and commendation. Notwith­standing, vnto the rest of thy benefits, adde this also (we hartily beséech thée) that as thou layest now and then bitter and vnfor­tunate things vpon thy faythfull seruants, so thou thy selfe wouldst vouchsafe readily to comfort and quicklye ease them of the [Page] same, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amē.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxij. Psalme.

A praier that the kingdom of heauē may come vpon vs through the preaching of the gospell.FOrsomuch as we shall haue Ie­sus Christ our Lorde as a moste iust iudge, it is méete that wée should alwayes both feare and re­uerence him. For seing that his father hath as nowe also indued him with a singu­ler power, this was his chiefest care, that the righteous might be strengthned to the intent they should both set vp, and also in­large the true worshipping of him so farre as might be. Our humble request is there­fore (O heauenly father) that (before we be brought vnto his tribunal iudgement seat) we may be redéemed from the heynous sin­nes which we are giltie of, who being thus regenerated by his blessed spirit, may bring forth plentie of good workes, so that we be not dampned for oure wicked misdéedes, which thing if we by strong and constant fayth may perceyue our selues to haue ob­teyned, we shall verily (by reason thereof) iudge our selues blessed and marueylous happie for the same, who minde to extoll [Page] and celebrate thy excellent name and glo­rie with moste high prayses, whereby the whole earth (if it were possible) may haue true and perfite knowledge of thée, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxiij. Psalme.

ALthough thy goodnesse (O almigh­tie and most gracious God) A praier th [...] we may n [...] repine at th [...] prosperitie the wicked▪ be excée­ding notable towardes those men that reuerence thée with true and perfect deuocion. Yet notwithstanding (such is the weaknesse of man) that the pro­sperity of the wicked doth very often bleare and dasell the eyes of thy elect and chosen seruaunts, whilest they sée all things hap­pen vnto them luckely and as they woulde wishe, who contemne aswell all humaine lawes as diuine, and are fallen into so ex­tréeme wickednesse, insomuch as they both thinke and preach most shamelessely, that thou hast nowe no regarde of our affayres and welfare. Neither suffer (we humbly be­séech thée) the féete of our fayth eyther to stacker or to be any thing doubtfull, stretch forth thy mightie hand to our great misfor­tune, [Page] and bridle our mouthes and imagi­nations in such sort, that we beginne not to ymagine a vaine and vnprofitable ma­ner of worshipping thée. Strengthen vs so, as we may paciently and with a Chri­stian kinde of sufferaunce abide the issue and vttermost successe of things. At what tyme thy last excéeding great iudgement shall mightily shew forth hir selfe, then wil it appéere with howe notable an vpright­nesse thou orderest all thinges. Graunt vs also in the meane season, to desire nothing more feruently, then that our mindes may be fastned and linked vnto thée with an in­dissoluble knot, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxiiij. Psalme.

A prayer for [...]e churches [...]reseruation [...]gaynst the [...]duersaries the gospell.IF it shall happen (O most mighty God) which we right well knowe doth oftentimes come to passe, that (by reason of the manifolde sinnes which are by vs oftentymes committed) we prouoke thy wrathfull indignation a­gaynst vs, and purchase the gréeuous scour­ges wherewith we be much chastised. Be [Page] mindfull (we humbly beseech thée) of thy exceeding great goodnesse and louing pro­mises, which thou knowest we haue alrea­die layde holde of by fayth, neyther deliuer thou our soules into the power of the out­ragious aduersaries of thy glorie and our saluation. Forsomuch as they earnestlye bend themselues about none other thing, but eyther to throwe downe thy excellent works, or to make voyde and of none effect the saluation of mankinde, which with so great mercifulnesse thou hast purchased, let their enterprises be made frustrate, whose driftes tend to none other ende but that thy glorious name maye be blasphéemed and very euil spoken of. Be mindefull (we hū ­bly beseech thée) of the good thinges which thou hast hitherto bestowed vpon vs, ney­ther ceasse to bring vnto perfection y e work of redemption y t thou hast alredy mightily begunne in vs. Arise (O good god) and aide such with thy spéedie helping hand, as vn­feynedly call vpon thée, that the fonde deui­ses of the vngodlye haue no successe at all either agaynst thy renowmed glorie or our saluation, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxv. Psalme.

A praier that we may be o­bedient to [...]he worde of God.OVr earnest and feruent desire is (O moste mightie God) to cele­brate thy glorious name and ex­céeding wonderous actes: for we require thée (euen from the bottome of the heart) to bring to passe, that thy blessed peo­ple maye be defended from these terrible daungers, in such wise as they come not to vtter ruine. Remoue our heynous sinnes out of thy remembraunce (we humbly be­séech thée) neyther impute this thing chiefly vnto vs, that where as thou hast called vs vnto thée, and set before our eyes an order of true godlinesse, and made the same free for euery one of vs to leade our life accor­ding to thy blessed word and christian pro­fession, we haue not onely behaued oure selues coldely therein, but haue most vn­thankfully cast away the discipline & trade of liuing which the fayth thou inlargest vs with and bestowest vpon vs, is worthy of. Regard not therfore the nūber of our hey­nous sinnes, neither how great our deserts be, nor yet what thy iustice might rightful­ly [Page] require at our handes: but (for our Lord Iesus Christes sake thy most déerely belo­ued sonne) be mercifull vnto vs, and set for­warde thy selfe to defende vs agaynst our most vehement and outragious enimies, and publishe that abroade to their shame, which is rightfull & excéeding iust, when it shall séeme good in thy sight. Thou vphol­dest the earth and whole worlde, and eue­ry creature depend onely vpon thée: wher­fore if thou doest stand on our side, nothing can so hinder vs, but that we may be safe­ly preserued. The very foolishe and vngod­ly Antichristians haue not onely lift vppe their hornes, but also are wonderfull out­ragious against vs, who vtter horrible and vnspeakable blasphemies agaynst thée, and with a stiffe necke cast away from them e­uery yoke or burthen that thy sacred worde bringeth. Our helpe (O good God) which is of any force, commeth neyther from the East, nor from the West, nor yet from a­ny other part or coast of the world: but thou onely oughtest to be our iudge, who canst at thy will and pleasure both rayse vs vp and cast vs downe againe. But forsomuch as the cup is in thy hande, let them drinke [Page] and sucke out the dregges thereof, where­with they may be so brought a sléepe, as thy blessed Church maye be no more hereafter troubled of them. We will then talke of thée, and sing Psalmes vnto thy glori­ous name, when as the hornes of the vn­godlye shall be broken in péeces, and the righteous take quiet and peaceable rest in thée, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

FOr this intent and purpose (O moste mightie God) are we determined to ho­nor & extoll thée, bicause thou art alwayes readie to heare those that call vpon thy glo­rious name with a right sincere fayth, and doest manifest thy presence by y e bestowing of notable and excellent giftes. We ren­der most heartie thankes vnto thee for this cause chiefly, in that thou hast vouchedsafe to choose vnto thy selfe a Church out of this great number of vs, wherein (seeing it is conuenient that thou shouldest reigne and shewe thy almightie power) we earnestly require thée, vtterly to subuert all maner of vngodlinesse, and contrariwise maintein [Page] innocencie and right pure religion. What earthly and fleshly thing of the worlde re­maineth in vs, let it forthwith be drowned, and cause thou all thinges (which by thy heauenly spirite thou hast bestowed vpon vs in our regeneration) to bée throughly grounded in vs: make thy righteous and elect seruauntes like vnto most strong pil­lers, but let suche as inhabite the earth, which striue against thy holye name, and blessed doctrine, stagger and fall. Haue a regarde to this, we humbly beséech thée (O excellent father) that the fooles may forsake at one tyme or other their folly, and let the wicked at length ceasse to abuse their po­wer, which they séeme to bend against god­linesse and thy sacred Gospell: doe away their furious wordes, arrogant taunts, and rebellious blasphemies. Neyther haue thou (O good God) any respect in this case what our sinnes haue deserued (which are verye heauie and right gréeuous to be borne) nei­ther are we ignoraunt of them, nor yet doe we mistrust, but thou (for thy infinite mer­cies sake) wilt vtterly blotte those out, least we be inforced through the same, to drinke drie the cup of thy most bitter wrath. Let [Page] so manye as giue themselues to naughti­nesse, drinke of the same, yea make them to sucke out all the dregges thereof, so that thy blessed church may haue thy iust iudge­ments in perpetuall remembraunce, and extoll them with continuall prayses, when as she shall sée the hornes of the vngodlye broken, and suche mightily preserued and highly set vppe as haue altogither addicted thēselues to righteousnesse & a perfect godly life, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxvj. Psalme.

A praier that our courage faileth vs not in affliction.IT hath pleased thy vnspeakeable goodnesse without anye of our de­sertes (O most mightie God) that thy blessed worde shoulde be well knowne amongst vs, and thy sonnes holy Gospell preached in the midst of vs, which thing, as we do know to be a singuler and right excellent benefite, so doe we diligent­ly cōsider, that (through our owne default) the same doth greatly burthen vs. For we haue doubtlesse vsed shamefull vnthanke­fulnesse towardes thy diuine Maiestie, in that we haue framed our life nothing at [Page] all according to the knowledge of thy bles­sed worde and sacred doctrine. Notwith­standing forsomuch as we be sorowfull for our great wickednesse, and are willing to amend our heynous faultes, we humbly require thée to helpe them that are fallen, stretch out thy ayding hande to such as call vpon thy most holy name, and pardon vs whome it heartily repenteth to haue any thing at all offended thée. And forsomuch as (according to thy louing promises) we be thy Tabernacle and dwelling place, a­gainst y e which the vngodly haue set them­selues in battaile, to the intent they maye vtterly subuert it and pull vp the same by the rootes: breake thou their Dartes and Bowes in péeces, and strike downe their shields, swords, & armor. This canst thou doe without any trouble, bicause thy force is more excellent & of greater power then all the tirannie of y e world. Let it therefore wast & al to spoile them: let both their hors­men & footemē be cast in a dead sléepe at thy mighty rebuke. And whē as such haue slept their sléepe which leane so prowdly to their own strength, let them find in their hands that which may eyther do them good or de­light [Page] them. We know for a certaintie that thou art very terrible, and how no man is able to stande before thée when thy heauie wrath shall be kindled: wherfore we hum­bly require thée to arise and saue thy méeke people. For at what time thou shalt subdue this force and furie of our aduersaries, it will redowne to thy worthie prayse: for­somuche as therefore thou canst mightilye bridle the spirite and crueltie of Princes, neyther suffer vs to come vnder the yoke thereof, but rather assist vs in such wise, that we, atchieuing and getting the victo­ry, maye pay the heartie vowes which wée owe vnto thée, with a right ioyfull minde and most ready will, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

FOrsomuch as (O moste mightie God) thou hast chosen thée an house and man­sion place in thy sacred Church, therefore art thou well knowen in hir, and thy glo­rious name is there most notably set forth, bicause thou hast full many a time and ve­ry often driuen the shaftes, bowe, sworde, [Page] and shielde therefro, with all warlike in­gines, and subtil deuices inuented by soul­diours, which the fierce aduersaries of thy sacred doctrine and enimies of true religi­on did prepare against the same, being set vp thereto by thee. There thou hast (I say) for this cause béene continuallye famous and had in very great admiration aboue al robbers & tyraunts of this wretched world. Wherefore our right humble request is, that oure sinnes bée not the occasion thou withdrawest thy selfe from so laudable and renowmed a custome of thy excellencye. But if thy sacred Church be a little while afflicted and greeuously troubled, as wee haue well deserued, make thou, for the glorie of thy name, hir puyssaunt aduer­saries, (yea rather thine) of such féeblenesse, as those be which are a slepe, so that, if they will abuse their strength, let them greatly faile thereof, and cause both their footmen and horsemen (throughe thy rebuking of them) to be of no force at all. We right wel know (O good God) that thou onely ough­test to be feared, insomuch as no man is a­ble to indure thy wrathfull displeasure. Arise therefore to iudge thy sacred Chur­ches [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] cause, insomuch as hir milde Citizens may by thy puyssant helpe be mightily pre­serued, & that whatsoeuer the most disdain­full enimies haue interprised by threates to doe against the same, it maye redowne to thy owne prayse and renowmed glorie. Graunt (O good God) that we maye with an excéeding cheerefulnesse and ioyfulnesse of heart, render such thankes giuinges as we haue vowed vnto thee for so great a be­nefite, when as we shall perceyue all the kinges of the earth to stande in great feare of thy excellent Maiesty, and that thou hast abated the courages of the mightie princes of this wretched worlde, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxvij. Psalme.

[...] prayer of [...]onsolation [...] distresse, [...] cōsidering [...]e wonder­ [...]ll workes [...] God.WE crye vnto thée in heart & voyce (O most mightie God) with such an assured confidence, that seing thou be our puyssaunt God, wée are heard of thée in théese our sorowfull tri­bulations, who (through our earnest re­pentance and hartie inuocation of thy bles­sed name) make diligent searche for thée, [Page] whilest we are on euery side oppressed with much anguishe and sore afflictions, neither is there any other firme & substanciall con­solatiō remayning vnto vs. For so long as our minde is gréeuously troubled, and hart excéedingly disquieted, what other thing remaineth, but that we (being moued with extréeme heauinesse and dolefull sorrowe) doe make our mone and heauie complaint vnto thée. Aboue all other things our hey­nous sinnes do sting vs, whereby we both right well knowe that thou art offended, and also féele by experience a troublesome and wounded conscience in oure selues. Wherefore our mindes are miserably af­flicted, and being ouerwhelmed with feare and sorrowe, all our strength doth vtterly fade away. Our eyes attend diligently vp­on thée, whose minde and heart being bro­ken and cast downe, wée lamentably re­quire thy fauourable mercie. Ah God most déere father, shall our manifolde sinnes bée the cause why thou wilt alwayes hyde thy selfe from vs? Wilt thou ceasse to shewe thy selfe both merciful and gentle vnto vs? For thou truely art of nature patient and long suffering: wherefore let vs not be de­stitute [Page] of thy mercie and louing kindnesse which are vnmeasurable. Be not thou (O good God, who art the father of mercie) for­getfull to shew thy fauourable compassion towardes vs. We verily haue prouoked thy heauie displeasure, by reason of oure naughty behauiour: notwithstanding thou canst with thy most high right hand easily alter the same and pardon our gréeuous of­fences, which we haue no mistrust of, so long as thy excellent workes depart not out of our remēbrance. Thou wert woont to shewe wonders in deliuering thy fayth­full people: therefore at this time also stretch out thy mightie power against the vngodlye, who haue assayled thy blessed flocke with deceyptfull pollecies and war­like crueltie, and deale with them accor­ding to thy olde accustomed maner. It is not vnbeknowen to vs how wonderfully thou diddest deliuer the Israelites from the Egyptians. The waters of the great depe, the clowdes, the thunders, the lightnings, and al creatures haue at thy forceable word set forth their safegarde and welfare: inso­much as thou didst lead out thy chosen peo­ple like shéepe by the hands of Moyses and [Page] Aaron, euen whither soeuer it pleased thée. Be thou (O excellent father) in such wise assistant vnto vs with thy armies, that (be­ing deliuered from our moste cruell eni­mies) we may through an vnfeyned fayth and pure conuersation of life, be drawne vnto thée, who art our assured hope and chiefe thing we delight in, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WE haue a perpetual regard to thy ex­cellēt goodnesse (O almightie God) in these most troublesome times, who make thée wearie through our dayly prayers and very feruent peticions, flying to thy diuine Maiestie as vnto our only Sauior, whilest thy blessed Church is in so great peril. Nei­ther is our sorrow and mournings smally increased, so long as we call to remem­braunce the things that were done in olde time, wherein a man might with an assu­red minde and very quiet conscience, peace­ablye and without offence haue addicted himselfe to set forth with high prayses, both thy glorious name, and also thy excellent [Page] doctrine. But forsomuch as we haue very muche abused the gift of so great securitie and most sound quietnesse, we do now ear­nestly beséech thée (O excellent father) to forgiue whatsoeuer we haue committed a­gaynst thy excellent Maiestie: but seing it cannot come to passe that thou shouldest be forgetfull to shewe mercie towardes thy faythfull seruauntes, cast vs not vtterly a­way. And forsomuch as it behoueth thy lo­uing promises to take place at length, withdraw not thy fauourable mercie alto­gither from vs. We doe nowe right well cal to remembrance thy wonderous works of olde, which thou wroughtest in deliue­ring the children of Israell out of Egypt: for so soone as the waters in the sea behelde thy omnipotent power, they were sore a­frayed, and moued after a marueylous sort. Thou didst fight against the vngodly with darke clowdes, thunderinges, lightnings, windes and an horrible tempest. In lyke maner therefore thou then deliueredst thy people of Israel, euen so now preserue thy blessed Church from the outragious cruel­tie of Sathan and enuious enterprises of his wretched adherentes, throughe Iesus [Page] Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THe greater the afflictions be (O moste good and merciful God) that we indure, so muche the more are we accustomed to pray the feruētlier vnto thée: for seing that we nowe right well perceyue and do day­ly more & more feele that thy sacred church is miserably tormented and vexed sundrye wayes, we come and make intreatance to thy gentlenesse, beséeching thée to ayde hir in such wise as thou wert woont to doe in hir first age. Doubtlesse thy most perfect nature, and also thy excéeding constancie, wherewith thou art indued, can not abide that thou (who hast béene alwayes fauou­rable towards those which thou didst most tenderly loue) shouldest nowe gather, thy goodnesse togither in a bundel, to the intent thou wouldest withdrawe the same from them. Wherefore our earnest and hartye desire is that thou wouldest vtter thy aun­cient inuincible power towardes vs at this instant, in raysing, cherishing, and resto­ring thy holy Church, no lesse then thou [Page] shewedst the same in tymes past touching the deliueraunce of the Israelites from the Egyptians bondage and seruitude: to the intent that howe much the more care thou hast therof, so much the more a great deale it may appéere that thou hast mightily de­liuered the same from the deuill, sinne, and moste cruell death, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxviij. Psalme.

A prayer for grace and [...]prightnesse of heart.FOrsomuch as the diuine scriptu­res haue most perfectly published thy excéeding glorious workes (O most mightie God) by setting thy children at libertie in Egypt, assuredlye knowing that what thinges soeuer are set forth in the holy Bible, they all make very much to our comfort and consolation: wée nowe most heartily require thée, that thou wouldest in these excéeding daungerous tymes, continuallye renue our memorie with thy holye spirite, who béeing moued herewith, may repose our whole cōfidence in thee onely. Thou broughtest thy children of Israell oute of Egypt, in working of [Page] dreadfull things agaynst Pharao. The sea gaue place, a clowde couered them, a light of fire guided them on their iourney, the rocke gaue water, the heauen sent them both Manna and fleshe: and in Mount Si­nai thou shewedst thy selfe at what tyme it pleased thée to giue them a law by Moy­ses. Thou therefore who hast done so great and manifold things for the Israelites, for­sake vs not in such wise, as the shepe of thy flocke may be scattered abroade by the De­uill and Antichrist. We verily haue sinned agaynst thee, and that gréeuously and very often: howbeit they also were oftentymes rebellious and murmured agaynst thy di­uine Maiestie in the wildernesse, when as they had lesse credite to thy sacred worde then beseemed them. There thou diddest sharpely punishe that people, neyther yet sufferedst thy heritage to be destroyed, but knewest well that they were fleshe, and had a verye wauering spirite: wherefore thou wert so touched with mercy that thou didst helpe them in aduersitie. We therfore earnestly require thee (O good God) that thou wouldest doe none otherwise to thy blessed Church at this present, in mightie [Page] defending and valiant deliuering hir after any other sort then thou didst the Iewes when thou haddest layde thy rod of correc­tion somewhat vpon them, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WEe heartily acknowledge and ear­nestly confesse (O most mighty god) that the ingratitude of mankinde is excée­ding great, which thing truely appeareth plainly by our lewd deedes: but séeing that it is an easie matter for euery man to bee blind in his owne case, it is more manifest­ly set forth by our forefathers actes, which are most truely made mencion of in the ho­ly scriptures. We haue heard that the chil­drē of Israell were deliuered through thée, by a number of miracles, when as thou broughtest them out of Egypt, who being gouerned, defended, and nourished in the desert with such a diligent studie and pru­dent care, as no greater could be deuised and imagined, yet for all this the same peo­ple are reported to shewe themselues so much vngratefull and obliuious of thy ex­cellent [Page] benefites, that they alwayes mur­mured against thée their god, their maker, deliuerer, & guide most iust. Therefore we humbly beseeche thée, O excellent father, that (seéing thou of thy frée mercie hast elec­ted vs, and moreouer bewtified vs with the highest ornamentes of thy grace) thou wouldest neuer suffer or cause the same to depart out of our memory, but rather stirre vs vp euery moment with thy blessed spirit to render such kinde of thankes vnto thée, wherby both thou mayst be most honored, and we greatly prouoked forward to leade a godlye and vertuous life, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

BEsides the prodigious wonders and marueylous signes (O moste good and mercifull God) whereby thou thoughtest good diuers and sundry times to maintaine and defend the fathers in the olde lawe, the selfe same hast thou commaunded both to be set forth for the commoditie of those that come after, and also to be registred for a perpetuall remembraunce, to the intent [Page] that so many as shall perceyue the things by fayth, may conceyue as assured an hope of thy mercie, louing kindnesse, and fayth­fulnesse toward themselues, as they won­der excéeding greatly at thy vnspeakeable goodnesse extended vpon their olde fathers. For the séeing of those mens chasticements by the seueritie of thy iust iudgement, may also be a verye great warning vnto them, that they shall be no more spared then the others, when through their lewde behaui­our, they ceasse not to prouoke thy wrath­full indignation agaynst them: Our ear­nest request is therefore (O heauenly fa­ther) that we may reape much commoditie hereby. For we verilye are (through thy gracious fauor) deliuered from euerlasting destruction, euen as they were out of E­gypt. But this is our most earnest request which we require as nowe at thy mercifull handes, that we be not ledde by our filthie lustes and lewd desires to prouoke thy hea­uie wrath vnto our confusion, in such sort as they were by grudging at thy vn­estimable goodnesse in the wilder­nesse, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WE may right well perceyue (O most good and mercifull God) that the de­sires of our wicked lustes be much hurtful, either bicause we are prouoked through thē to poure out complaints agaynst thée, who art most perfectly good, or else for that (in compassing the filthie desires of them) we purchase greatly vnto our selues the most seuere punishmentes of thy vnspeakable iustice: for we are now admonished in due tyme by the holy ghost, of all such thinges as happened vnto the Israelits in the wil­dernesse. Wherefore we (being taught by other mens perilles) are very carefull, least we be wrapped in semblable misfortunes through the like misbehauiour. Our ear­nest desire is therefore that thou wouldest giue eare vnto our feruent prayers, where­in, we humbly beséech thee to giue vs grace that we may neuer be forgetfull of thy ex­cellencie, neyther let it come at any time into our harts, either by words or thought, to dallye with thée, in whome is nothing but most perfect veritie. For whensoeuer [Page] we fall through humaine infirmitie, haue thou mercie vpon vs, who knowest vs to he both frayle fleshe, and also very weake spirited: and so (of thy infinite goodnesse) in­cline thy selfe nowe partly to rayse vs vp, being alreadie fallen, and partlye also to confirme vs, that we be not thrust downe into euerlasting destruction, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxix. Psalme.

A prayer for obteyning of mercie and fauor agaynst the persecu­tors of the Church.THou hast chosen vs (O most migh­tie God) to be thy heritage, and doubtlesse there is nothing per­mitted which might be a furthe­raunce to the furnishing, garnishing, and making vs right blessed: thou hast giuen vs the knowledge of thy sacred scriptures, the preaching of thy blessed Gospel, the ad­ministration of thy holy Sacraments, and others innumerable, which belong to the bewtefying of this thy heritage. But wée alas, (being vngratefull of all these moste excellent and singuler giftes) haue accom­plished nothing as was required of vs. Therefore the wicked and barbarous Na­tions [Page] are not without iust desert stirred vp togither (through thy wrathfull indigna­tion) to inuade thy holy Churche, and to shed the bloud of thy faythfull people and blessed inheritance as if it were water, ma­king of vs a verye scorne and laughing stocke: and that (which is more lamenta­ble and greatlier to be sorowed) they perse­cute in vs not our deadly sinnes, but thy owne selfe, thy holy Gospell, thy diuine ho­nor, and pure worshipping of thée. Wher­fore (O God most déere father) our earnest request is that thou wouldest not bée al­wayes angrie with thy people and shéepe of thy pasture. Poure out therefore thys thy wrath (which is kindled against vs for our sinnes) vpon the heathen that haue not knowne thée: and suffer not thy blessed Church to be deuoured of the vngodly. We hartily desire thée (for thy infinite mercies sake, and by the intercession of thy moste déerely beloued sonne our Lorde) to haue no more in remembrance our olde heynous sinnes. And séeing that we put our whole trust and confidence in thy goodnesse onely, assist and deliuer such as crie and call vnto thée, euen for the glorie of thy names sake. [Page] Be mercifull vnto our gréeuous sinnes, otherwise y e vngodly will say that thou hast reiected thy owne case. Let the sorrowfull sighing & lamentable teares of y e oppressed came before thée, and not be put out of thy sight: pardō whatsoeuer we haue gréeuous­ly cōmitted agaynst thee, and vouchsafe to shew vpon vs the force of thy assistant help to the intent that we thy louing heritage, thy faythfull people, and shéepe of thy good pasture, maye giue thee thankes for euer, and shewe forth thy worthie prayses from one generation to another, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

LEt the wonderfull examples of thy ry­gorous iustice (O moste mightie God) wherewith thou hast subuerted the King­dome of Israell, and wrapped that people for their rebelliousnesse agaynst thee, in slaughters, rapes, booties, burnings, cap­tiuities, with all kinde of miseries and in­felicitie, be a wholesome and comfortable admonition vnto vs, so that we may with a right chéerefull minde, lay hold vpon true [Page] repentaunce, and be deliuered therby from most gréeuous torments, which (through our innumerable heynous sinnes) we haue worthely deserued. For verye méete it is that thou shouldst haue an especiall regard vnto thy moste blessed and glorious name: but if thou shalt poure out thy wrath vpon vs, the wicked will imagine y t thou hadst no care to helpe such as duely honor thée, and craue thy assistaunce with abundance of teares: for if any calamitie or aduersitie light vpon thy sacred Church, it is incon­tinent their accustomed maner malipartly to scoffe agaynst the same, saying, where is nowe their God become? What profite haue they by theyr religion? By meanes whereof this kinde of reproch redowndeth vnto thée▪ vpon thy sacred doctrine, and vp­on thy holy Gospell. Wherefore our hum­ble and earnest request is, that (being right mindfull of the sheepe of thy pasture) thou wouldest so defende and mainteyne vs, as we may perpetually in all places, both publish and also set forth thy wor­thye prayses, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxx. Psalme.

A prayer for the repairing of the afflic­ted Church.THou hast alwayes hitherto béene accustomed (O most mightie god) to be present like a louing shéepe­herd, with thy faythfull people, and to lead them forth vnder thy protecti­on, as if they were sheepe. We now there­fore require thée to stirre vp thy mightye power in so great perilles, and shewe vs the bright light of thy fauourable counte­naunce. Rayse vp thy selfe and be ready to helpe and deliuer vs. We truely acknow­ledge and earnestly confesse, that (in consi­deration of our heynous iniquities, & most gréeuous sinnes committed against thée) thy heauie wrath hath not without good de­sert béene kindled agaynst vs, and thy iu­stice to be the principall cause why these ex­céeding great mischiefes wherewith thy blessed Church is nowe opprest, haue inua­ded the same. But séeing that at this pre­sent, we are right hartily sorie for all the sinnes which haue by vs béene committed agaynst thée, and that we may lamentably require thy louing fauour and mercie, how [Page] long wilt thou be angrie with vs? Howe long wilt thou suffer the great strife, grée­uous rebukes, and opprobrious slaunders wherewith the vngodly and moste lewde persons do touch thée in vs? Turne vnto vs, O excellent father (in this most trou­blesome time) the quiet and cheerefull coū ­tenaunce of thy inestimable goodnesse, and be mindfull of thy notable benefits which thou hast bestowed vpon thy sacred church: and séeing that thou hast hitherto nouri­shed it, bewtified it, and alwayes garnished the same with the most plentiful and large giftes of thy blessed spirite. Deliuer hir not now ouer (we humbly beséeche thée) to be spoyled of the outragious, vngodly, & most cruell Antichristians: suffer not so pleasant and chosen a vineyarde, which (with thy most high & excéeding mightie right hand, thou hast planted & increased) to be shame­fully and after a very wretched maner cast downe, set on fire, and vtterlye rooted vp. Looke downe from heauen and haue an es­peciall regard vnto suche as earnestly crie and call for thy spéedy assistaunce: let the vngodly perish at the rebuke of thy louing countenaunce, who doe perpetually blas­phéeme [Page] cruell bondage of Antichrist: but we vile wretches haue most filthily abused our fre­dome and benefite of quietnesse. Thou hast oftner then once (as thou didst vnto the Is­raelites) both by the sacred Scriptures, and also through the ministers of thy blessed worde, protest vnto vs on this wise: giue eare vnto me (O my people) and acknow­ledge me truly to be thy God, not in words (I say) only, but in minde verily, and with a perfect and most pure worshipping. But we (alas) haue turned our heart from thy holy wordes, whereby our heynous sinnes are continually more and more increased, and the aduersaries of thy holy Church al­so (whome thou without doubt wouldest haue ouerthrowne and cast downe if wée had giuen credite vnto thée) are nowe be­come a very terrour vnto vs: for we that might exceeding quietly and carelesly haue inioyed thy most swéete and pleasant gifts, are nowe ouerthrowne day by day wyth greater and more greeuous afflictions. Yet we humblye beséeche thée (for thy singuler mercyes sake) not to forsake thy sacred Church being vexed so miserably and after such a wretched sort. Be present at length [Page] therevnto in such wise, that she may perpe­tually kéepe and retaine the true Religion and pure doctrine which thou hast set forth and deliuered vnto hir, through Iesus christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxxij. Psalme.

THe gouernment of all kingdomes and earthly power appertayneth vnto thée (O moste good and mer­cifull God) who neyther minister iustice nor right vnto their people, A prayer for a good Ma­gistrate. vnlesse they be ruled and guided with thy blessed spirite. Wherefore we earnestly requyre thee to helpe mortall mens causes which be farre out of order, both by multiplying and mainteyning of good Princes: and also by correcting the lewde and outragious, so that poore mens suyts be not neglected, that the oppressed may be set at libertie, and that godlinesse in especiall maye flourishe and greatly go forward. And as thou hast vou­chedsafe through thy diuine power to bew­tifie our Maiestrates, Princes, and King, with thy heauenly name, euen so we har­tily require thée also (of thy vnspeakeable [Page] goodnesse) to cause their worke and mini­sterie to be such, and so duly executed, as the faythfull (so long as they liue in this wret­ched worlde) may honor thée purelye and lead a right vertuous and godly life, so that togither with them they maye be brought vnto thée (who art king of kings and Lord of Lordes) where they may ioyntly be per­takers of eternall good thinges, and moste excellent felicitie, throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE hartily acknowledge and earnest­ly confesse (O moste mightie God) that thy chosen people who haue neglected their obedience towardes thée are very of­ten inforced to be in subiection vnto wicked rulers, and vnbeleuing Princes, neither is there any cause why we should complaine of iniurie profered vnto vs in so doing. For we haue so gréeuously and after such a fro­ward maner sinned against thée, as wée haue not only deserued these, but also much more heynouser punishments. Notwith­standing, the assured hope we repose in thy [Page] blessed wordes and louing promises, wée most heartily and with much feruencie be­séeche thée to succor thy sacred Church in these most troublesome times. And thou who hast vouchedsafe to bewtifie the supe­rior powers and Magistrates with y e name and title of Gods, vouchsafe also to ouer­looke their counsels with thy iustice, shew­ing thy selfe as an vpright iudge amongst them, least they (being left vnto their owne sensualitie and lewdnesse wherwith mans corrupt nature is of it selfe greatly ouer­charged) do not very wrongfully persecute thy holy Church, and yéeld vnto vngodli­nesse those thinges which be neither méete nor conuenient. If thou O most déere fa­ther, do (according to our earnest prayers) intermeddle thy selfe amongst them in or­dring the common wealth, we doubt not but thou wilt (by thy direction and furthe­raunce) reuenge the poore and fatherlesse, and set such at liberty from their most grée­uous and extréeme perils, as be exceeding­ly afflicted and very sore opprest. Our ear­nest request is, that thou wouldest not de­liuer thy blessed Church vnder their rule & dominion which walke in darknesse, who, [Page] hauing no maner of vnderstanding, nor perceyueraunce of their duetie, go about so much as in them lyeth to ouerthrowe all right, iustice, and godlinesse. Nowe when these men (who are so highly promoted by thée, as to be called Gods, and the Sonnes of the moste highest) doe neyther perceyue nor yet vnderstande the same, they deserue to be cast away, and die like most vile per­sons. The Church (O good God) is thy chosen heritage, wherefore mightily assist it, and take thou thy selfe vpon thée hir case to mainteine and defende, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxxiij. Psalme.

[...] praier that [...]od would [...]fende hys [...]ord in dis­ [...]te of the [...]ngodly.THe hatred, armies, deceipts, and pernicious deuices of the fierce e­nimies of our saluation (O al­mightie God) do so dayly increase, that we are inforced to crie vpon thée con­tinually. Whose whole driftes tende to none other purpose then to pull vs from thée, and that there might not any person be found, which should eyther trust in thée, or purely call vpon thy blessed name as he [Page] ought to do. For our owne fleshe, our sen­ses, and vngodly men haue togither with the fierce rulers of darknesse, conspired a­gainst thy sacred Churche, and finally all earthly and worldlye affections and habi­litie haue lift vp themselues to ouerthrow the same. Wherefore our earnest request is that thou wouldest not keepe silence, ney­ther holde thy peace, nor yet be in quiet: for like as thou hast of olde time ouerthrowne the Egyptians, Madianites, Cananites, and Philistines, for the safegard of the Is­raelites: euen so at this day deliuer thou those which haue wholy committed them­selues to thy faythfull protection and go­uernement, whose force, puyssaunce, and saluation, is layde vp in thee onely. Bridle thou so the boldnesse of our outragious e­nimies (or rather of thine) to the entent all men may perceyue that thou onely art the God, whom (reiecting all maner of super­sticions) they ought wholy to worship and purely call vpon, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxxiiij. Psalme.

A prayer for [...]he increase­ment of [...]ayth.LOke what earnest and feruent de­sire so euer the olde fathers had (O most mightie God) to come vnto the place wherein thou haddest ap­pointed a Tabernacle to thy selfe for that tyme, euen the like are we kindled with­all in beholding the repayring of thy sacred Church, and to sée therin a very great com­panie of Godly men lawfully assembled to­gither for the aduauncement of thy glorie, hearing thy holy doctrine, and duly recey­uing of thy blessed sacraments accordingly. Wherefore we humbly besech thée, (which art our God and King) that we may one day or other reioyce to be there: for what felicitie soeuer maye bee attayned vnto in this frayle life, we doubt not but it will light vpon the sacred companie of the god­ly. Giue eare therefore (O excellent father) vnto our earnest prayers, and graunt that we make none other accompt of thy bles­sed house, then thy will and pleasure is wée should do: for a more blessed thing it were for vs to haue one dayes méeting and abode therein, then if we abide neuer so great a time of continuaunce in the congregation of the vngodlye, or in suche a one as is not [Page] lawfully assembled with the aduauntage and ouerplus of all the pleasures of thys transitorie world. Seeing that therefore thou art our most splendent light, & strong defence, cause our assemblies on the earth so to redound to thy vnspeakeable glory, that our assured hope (by comming in the ende vnto thée into the euerlasting tabernacles of the heauens) may be augmented, and ve­ry muche increased, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxxv. Psalme.

SHewe thy selfe gentle and graci­ous (O almightie God) towards thy beloued Churche, A prayer f [...] the whole congregat [...] of Christ. for thy excéedinge great gloryes sake and mercie moste magnificent, that we may be miraculously delyuered from the horrible fardell and cruell bondage of our deadlye sinnes: who haue hitherto béene bond slaues to the fleshe, and wretched pri­soners of the diuill, and yet hast thou vou­chedsafe to release & forgiue vs the whole number of our deadly iniquities, and coue­red all our heynous offences. Notwith­standing [Page] therefore we are nowe also very vngratefull, and such as be not worthie of thy gracious benefits: our earnest request is that thou wouldest withholde thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignation. Surelye thou art iustly angrie with vs, but (for the glory of thy name) represse this furie which is stirred vp by reason of our gréeuous sin­nes, and leade vs into the straite way of perfect health, forsomuch as it appertey­neth not to thy louing kindnesse, to be al­waies offended with thy faithful seruaūts, or to continue thy heauie wrath and fierce indignatiō vnto many generations. Deale with vs after thy olde accustomed maner, and not according to our lewde desertes, scatter abrode our cruell enimies, and put them to flight whom thou (being prouoked through our great default) wouldest that we should féele. Thou which in thy great wrath doest kill, and being pacified, quick­nest againe, shewe thy mercie and sauing health, like as thou hast set destruction before our eyes, to the intent thou wouldst both terrefie and chastice vs. Graunt that we (which haue heretofore beene mar­ueylous rebellious and verye stubburne) [Page] maye euer hereafter giue obedient eare to these things which thou speakest and wil­lest vs to doe. Let thy vnspeakable louing mercie and famous truth be lincked in vs togither, & vouchsafe that peace and righte­ousnesse may with an vndissoluble bande, sticke fast in our hearts, that when as thou hast deliuered vs from the handes of the most outragious Antichrist and his cruell Champions, we may yéelde vnto thée the plentifull fruites of holinesse and perfect righteousnesse, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

FOrsomuch as (O moste mightie God) we be thy adopted shéepe, faithfull peo­ple, and louing heritage, our whole assu­raunce is that thou wilt be mercifull vnto vs, yea and so fauorable, as to forgiue our cursed iniquities and heynous sinnes, and to pardon such gréeuous penalties & hor­rible punishments as we haue right wor­thily deserued. Quench thou of thy louing kindnes (we humbly beséech thee) thy great furie which we haue kindled agaynst our [Page] selues, and dissolue the yrefull indignati­on that we haue prouoked to be poured vp­on vs, forsomuch as it is not thy propertie (although our lewde and naughtie behaui­our hath iustly deserued the same) eyther to be alwayes angrie, or else to shew forth thy fierce wrath a long tyme. But contra­riwise doest rather set out thy inestimable goodnesse euery where and in all places, and art accustomed to profer saluation vn­to so manye as flie vnto thée for the same. Graunt thou (O most déere and excellent father) who speakest alwayes peaceable matters and those thinges which are for our singuler commoditie, that we maye haue a verye great regarde to thy blessed wordes. Which thing if it so fall out, wée shall not onely be saued and adorned with glorie, but also euerie thing of ours shal be replenished with goodnesse, truth, righte­ousnesse, and peace: fayth shall abounde, and through the same shall we be plente­ously iustified. Our earnest desire is to ob­teyne this at thy mercifull handes, that we be not ydle and vnfruitfull seruaunts, but may walke in holinesse and innocencie be­for thée all the dayes of our life, throughe [Page] Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxxvj. Psalme.

SEing that (O almightie God) our wretchednesse and pouertie is right great, A prayer in distresse. therefore haue wée very much néede of thy saluation, for so long as we nowe flie vnto thée to the intent thou shouldest be our spéedie succor and assured defence, we call to remēbrance our most gréeuous sinnes, corrupt life, and lewde behauiour, which neyther we will hide, nor yet (if we were willing thereto) could kéepe y e same secret from thee. Thou right well perceyuest all our naughtinesse, which we truly acknowledge and confesse vnto thy diuine Maiestie: we haue grée­uouslye sinned, wée haue done greatlye a­misse, we haue bene marueylous disobedi­ent, very stubburne, and excéeding wilfull agaynst thée, who deserue farre more hey­nous displeasures then these which wée now féele and suffer. But how thou downe thy fauourable looke (O excellent father) and giue eare vnto our feruent prayers, haue compassion vpon vs that crie out day­lye [Page] vnto thée, and lift vp our sorrowfull eyes and heauy mindes towardes thy most excellent mercies seate, hauing this assured confidence, that, thou who art readie to for­giue, riche in louing kindnesse towardes such as call vpon thée, and excéeding migh­tie in thy workes aboue all Gods, wilt not dispise vs in so great distresse and tribula­tion. Thou art most puyssaunt, thou shew­est wonderfull thinges, and thou art God alone. Teache vs therefore thy perfect wayes, cause vs to walke in thy blessed truth: call backe our wandring heart vnto thée, that it may stande greatly in feare of thy holy name. Thou verilye hast nobly made vs partakers of thy excellent mer­cye, but forsomuch as we were verye vn­gratefull, the hostes of the vngodly are ri­sen vp against vs, and the forefrunt of cur­sed mens battailes hath assayled vs, who neyther regarde thée at all, nor make any accompt of thy most blessed name and pure doctrine, indeuouring alonelye by their moste lewde practises, through the same meane to destroy at one push both the true worshipping of thée and our soules also. Seing that therefore thou art a very mer­cifull [Page] God, long suffering, of great loue, and true to trust vnto, haue an especiall regarde vnto the children of thy louing pro­mise, be fauourable, strengthen, & defende them, aduaunce thy Banner to our salua­tion, so that the cruell aduersaries may bée confounded, and all men right well see and euidently perceyue thée onelye to be our most good and louing God, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

NOtwithstanding we doe right well consider (O most mightie God) that our force and counsayles are very simple, yet we doubt not but that we thy blessed Saintes and elect vessels, are prouoked to poure out our earnest prayers and wofull cryes continually before thy diuine Maie­stie, and to repose our whole confidence in thée onely. Be thou therefore prest and rea­die (who art verye meeke and louing, and also indued with moste bountifull mercie and goodnesse) to heare them that call vn­cessauntly to thée for spéedie helpe. Before all things teach vs thy most perfect wayes, [Page] so that (all dissimulation and hypocrisie be­ing layde apart) we maye very purely and with much sinceritie obey thy blessed com­maundements. And like as nothing is able to match thy Godhead, so our earnest de­sire is that all mortall men should knowe and duly reuerence the same: which thing shall be done, if, as thou hast oftentymes deliuered thy louing seruauntes from most daungerous perilles: so thou wouldest at this present haue an especiall regard vnto them, by increasing their strength and ma­king their perfect deliuerance more ample, at what time the most puyssant enimies of mans saluation rise vp mightily agaynst thy faythfull people. Publishe we humbly besech thée, this famous and notable signe, to the entent that when as the cruell ad­uersaries of thy glorie shall right well vn­derstand the same, they may in good earnest vnfeynedly turne and bée conuerted vnto thée, throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxxvij. Psalme.

SEing that the Church is thy bles­sed house wherein thou (O Lord God) art highly praysed & greatly cōmended. A prayer for the reedify­ing of y e chri­stian congre­gation. Vouchsafe we humbly beseech thee, that the foundation thereof be not made vpon sand, but in a large plaine ground cituated vpon the hils of thy most holy Saints, whose head and Chieftain is Christ. And to the intent thou (O good Lord) mayst continually abide therein, or the place of thy habitation to be wonder­full pleasant and delectable, in which thou speakest things of very great importance, wherevnto men haue recourse from all partes and borders of the worlde, being augmented through the mighty preaching of thy blessed worde, and is notably increa­sed vpon all men by the comfort of thy ex­céeding sweete promise: let hir fame be ve­ry largely spred abroad, for that she hath no respect of persons or deserts, but cause all thy sanctified children (bée they Iewes or Ethnicks, Lordes or seruauntes) to spring and grow vp in the same togither, through the stedfast and vnremoueable fayth they haue in Christ Iesu. For this was thy owne purposed will (O most high & migh­tie [Page] God) euen from the beginning, to ga­ther some togither out of diuers nations of the world, throughe the most manifest de­claratiō of straunge & vnknowne tongues, by whom thou mightest be highly celebra­ted in pleasaunt songes and lowde blastes of glorious Trumpettes, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. So be it.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxxviij. Psalme.

A prayer in the tryall of fayth.SEing that our onelye saluation dependeth wholy vpon thy diuine Maiestie (O almightie God) and that we doe crie dayly vpon thée, bowe downe thy fauourable eare to our humble prayers, turne not away thy face from them, but permit the same to come into thy blessed presence, specially at thys tyme when we be so glutted with aduersi­tie, who are neyther vniustly, nor yet with­out good cause punished with these trouble­some and most sharpe afflictions: for wée haue behaued our selues so vnthankfully, liued after such a wicked sort, and so neg­ligently honored thée, as all those euilles light vpon vs for our naughtie and lewde [Page] behauiour. How be it we are excéeding so­rie for the same, and doe lamentably in our most feruent prayers, require thy fauoura­ble mercy, bes [...]eching thee not to deale with vs according to our iniquities and naugh­tie vsages. Make vs not like vnto them that nowe lie in the graue, neyther recken vs with those that goe downe into the pit. Thou séest what mans strength is, what succour is to be had in fleshly handes, and howe vaine a thing outwarde power is: wherefore make haste to be our readie hel­per, neyther establishe thou thy wrath vp­pon vs, nor yet suffer vs to be drowned in these stormie tymes of Antichrist. We are become an open shame vnto the aduersa­ries of thy glorious name and Gospell, our friendes and acquaintaunce withdraw and hide themselues from vs. For which cause we call earnestly vppon thée, and stretche forth our sorrowfull handes vnto thy most fauourable mercies seate: hide not thy lo­uing face from vs, we humbly beséech thée, whereas otherwise we shall die like mise­rable wretches, neyther be able to abide the terror of thy fierce iustice. Althoughe our déere friendes, nere neighbors, and familier [Page] acquaintaunce withdraw themselues farre from vs, yet shewe thou thy selfe present with vs, and lighten vs in such wise with thy most redie helpe, to the intent, that be­ing deliuered from so great perilles, wée maye not prayse thée in the graue, or in death, but amongs such as remaine a liue, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

BYcause (O most mightie God) we often fall from thée like men, so long as wée here liue, our mindes being ouercast with darknesse, and wée who ought to walke outwardly in thy blessed wayes, haue dy­uers times eyther fallen, or else do coward­ly lye still: from the which thou (of thy vn­speakable goodnesse) hast béene accustomed to rayse vp such as thou well fauourest, ei­ther with some sicknesse, or aduersitie, to the intent thou mayest shake of their vn­palpable darknesse and slouthfull sluggish­nesse from them, which thing we assuredly knowe thou wilt presentlye doe, and that without any delay, who feele our selues so bowed to the grounde and made crooked [Page] with the heauy burthen of woful miseries, as we are euen in a maner brought to vt­ter confusion and vndoing. Wherefore our earnest request is, (O moste déere Fa­ther) that thou wouldest not chastice vs in thy furie, nor destroy vs with the wrath of thy sore displeasure: but we woulde that the things which haue hitherto happened, might make to our renuing or restoremēt. For we nowe poure out our humble peti­cions and lamentable cryes before thy eye sight: thou séest how our friends and alies are gone cleane against vs, & that y e aduer­saries laying awayt for our lyfe, ceasse not to pitche snares, who do alwayes imagine craftes and deceypts whereby they might do vs some notable mischiefe. Giue eare (O good God) to our feruent prayers and earnest peticions, and suffer not the eni­mies of thy glorious name to triumph ouer vs. Forsake vs not vtterly, holde not thy selfe aloofe from vs, and make haste to bée our readie helper, forsomuche as the whole hope of our saluation con­sisteth only in thée, through Iesus Christ oure Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

FOrsomuch as (O almightie God) du­ring this wretched life, we are hedged in with naughtinesse on euery side, who haue such plentie of calamities, and bée so glutted with miseries, that being yet aliue we walke in the middest of death: there­fore with vehement and continuall prayer we crie vnto thée without ceassing, whom we accompt as our onely Sauiour. Behold (we humbly beséech thée) howe we by rea­son of our heinous sinnes, are so sore pined away, as we be now in a maner swalowed vp of finall destruction: thy gréeuous wrath and heauie indignation being kindled for their sakes, doth make vs much afrayde, and miserably vexeth vs. Neyther can our faithfull friends, louing neighbors, or well willers, helpe vs any thing at al, touching our deliueraunce from so greeuous incon­ueniences. Wherefore make hast (O excel­lent father) to helpe vs, and for thy infinite mercies sake, pardon whatsoeuer we haue most lewdly cōmitted against thée: which, if thou doest not so lōg as we here liue, that [Page] (which our desire is thou wouldst remoue from vs) can take no place after thy laste iudgement and sentence of condemnation. Shew forth againe the light of thy fauou­rable countenaunce vpon vs, which (by reason of our most wicked and lewde de­serts) thou seemedst worthily to haue tur­ned so long time from vs, whereas other­wise we shall not be able to indure anye longer, our conscience accusing vs, and the sharpe hands of thy iustice ouerwhelming vs, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Lxxxix. Psalme.

THy inestimable mercy (O almigh­tie god) is most manifestly knowē, A prayer to put God in remēbrance of his pro­mise. both bicause all Saintes do cele­brate the same, and also for that it doth continually vtter and shewe forth it selfe throughout all generations, by mea­nes whereof thou art brought to make a couenant with thy elect people, y e Christes kingdome & his séede (which is the Church) should alwayes indure, neyther ought any mortall man to feare or stande in doubt, that thou art not able to performe whatso­euer [Page] thou hast stedfastlye and with a so­lemne othe promised. The euident proofes of thy almightie power appeared by puni­shing the Egyptians: and seeing that the heauens, the earth, the whole circuit of the worlde, the windes, the seas, and what­soeuer thou hast made, perteyne to thy mightie gouernement, we doubt not but thou canst right well preserue thy beloued people whom thou hast adopted vnto thée, and which walke in the light of thy blessed countenaunce. And herevpon wée haue great néede, that thou shouldest doe thus much for vs in especially: namely to vouch­safe to forgiue vs the sinnes, wherwith we confesse our selues to haue most gréeuously offended thée, forsomuch as they truely be the onely things why we are sore afflicted, and it is the waight of them that presse vs most downe. Giue pardon therefore vnto such as humbly cal to thée for readie helpe, and be our strong defence against the fierce aduersaries of thy blessed name: stretche out thy mightie arme, make thy hand strōg for our preseruation, and in these daun­gers arme thy puyssaunt right hande for our deliueraunce, least the outragious vio­lence [Page] of the vngodly preuaile against vs: and suffer not the children of iniquitie to trouble vs according to their hatred and malicious euill will. Shake thou those and turne thou them so aside, that they be not able to execute the mischieuous deuises which they intend to doe agaynst our holy Gospell. We call vpon thee, being our on­ly Sauiour, louing God, and mercifull fa­ther: performe therefore and kéepe thy sa­cred couenant which thou hast fauourably made with thy faithfull ones. We haue vt­terly forsaken thy diuine law, we haue not walked in thy holy commaundements, we haue vnhallowed thy sacred thinges, ney­ther haue we bene obedient to thy blessed will: wherefore refuse we not to be beaten with the roddes of thy heauie displeasure, or to be kept vnder, with the scourges of thy most greeuous chasticement, but this onelye is our humble request, that thou wouldest not berefe vs of thy vnspeakeable mercie, fauourable louing kindnesse, and vnspotted truth, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE hartily acknowledge (O almigh­tie God) that it is the vse and guise of the Godly to set forth thy vnspeakeable mercie and fauourable goodnesse, when as their affayres haue so good successe as they would gladly wish: but if we vndoubted­ly shall reteyne and kéepe that custome in vnfortunate mishappes and greeuous ca­lamities, as to set out thy fauourable mer­cie and louing kindnesse continually tho­rowout all generations, then shall we bée most assuredly able to beare witnesse of the effectuall working of thy grace in vs. Suf­fer therefore (we humbly beséech thée) the promises and couenaunts which thou ma­dest with Dauid thy moste faythfull ser­uaunt, neuer to slip out of our memories, namely, that thou wouldst of his séede giue Iesus Christ a moste puyssant and euerla­sting king for all faythfull beleuers, vnder whose gouernment the vniuersall Church should both be defended from the enimies force, and also greatly flourish, being right well garnished with all kinde of good thinges. More then once we haue tryed the assurednesse of these faythfull promises. For thou hast oftentimes deliuered thy [Page] blessed people from moste gréeuous and horrible daungers, for none other cause thē this onely: and therefore are we nowe in­couraged to be importunate vpon thée, that thou wouldest (according to thy olde woont and accustomed maner) prouide remedy for the necessitie of thy louing people, when they stande in most neede thereof, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THou hast not onely promised vnto vs (O most mightie God) abundaunce of grace in Christ Iesus our Lorde, whereby we maye be acceptable vnto thee, and be­come thy trustie friends, déere children, and peculier heyres, but also thou hast taken vpon thee to bestow so great clemencie vp­on vs, that if we fall into any kinde of vice through our weaknesse, thou wilt chastice our iniquities with a fatherly rodde and mercifull scourge, and not turne away thy louing countenaunce & well inclined mind from thy blessed Church at any tyme. Bée mindfull therefore (O heauenly father) of this thy sacred couenaunt which thou didst [Page] once determine to bée more firme and of stedfaster continuaunce then the high hea­uen, the bright Sunne, and the splendent Moone: but forsomuch as thy wrathful in­dignation is not a little kindled by reason of our most gréeuous sinnes, and that thou séemest to thrust down the case of thy faith­full seruauntes, and not a little to fauour the aduersaries of true godlynesse and eni­mies of thy glorious name, shewe forth nowe at length (we humbly beséech thée) thy great mercies of olde, neyther suffer vs which are the déere members of Christ (al­though of our partes marueylous vnwor­thie) not to be made a laughter and moc­king stocke for the vnbeleuers to iest at, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xc. Psalme.

[...] praier both [...] attain vn­ [...] the know­ [...]dge of god, [...]nd the va­ [...]tie of this [...]e also.FOrsomuch as thou (O almighty God) wouldest we shoulde haue this knowledge of thy holy Ta­bernacle, that it was not in déede of so great bignesse as it could conteine thy infinite power and vnmeasurable nature, therefore do we nowe hartily confesse thys [Page] to be most manifest, that thou art the only tabernacle, habitation, & sure refuge to our weaknesse: neyther art thou to be compted a fresh or new made dwelling place for the faythfull, but such a one as is perpetuall and permanent, seing thou choosest them before the making and constitution of the worlde. And therefore the gréeuous cala­mities and painfull miseries which we in­dure, driue vs from all sides vnto thée our mightie bulwark and most strong defence. Surely we lead both a very miserable & fu­gitiue life, which floweth abroad like wa­ter, fadeth away as a sleepe, and withereth incontinent in such sort as doth a gréene herbe, while we are continually consumed and putte in feare by thy greeuous wrath and heauy indignation. We acknowledge that the heynous sinnes which we haue lewdly committed, be the onely cause why thou art iustly sore displeased with vs, for if thou didst purpose assuredly to be reuen­ged of them, thy most arden displeasure woulde vtterly consume and bring vs to naught. Our earnest request is therefore (O mightie God) that thou wouldest for­giue the heynous offences and excéeding [Page] wicked deedes wherewith we haue greatly offended thée, so that thou doest not con­demne vs for euer, but cause vs to reape this singuler commoditie of these present mischiefes, that (considering and well way­ing the force and efficacie of thy heauie wrath, and our brittle and most short lyfe) we may with a greater earnestnesse stande more in feare of thee. Vse thy olde accusto­med maner (O excellent father) in shewing thy selfe as now well pleased with thy af­flicted and persecuted children: then shall we perfectly reioice and be right glad when thy working appéereth and is made mani­fest vnto vs. Let thy holy Ghost (we hum­bly beséech thée) direct vs in such wise, as thy famous honour, thy excellent glorie, and thy cléere brightnesse, may shine both in vs and in all our doings, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

IF we doe greatly reioyce in our owne behalfe (O most mightie God) that the plentiousnesse of thy louing fauour was so exceeding abundant towards vs, that such [Page] as thou right well louest, those didst thou elect before the foundation of the worlde was layde, and didst predestinate to be par­takers of thy eternall ioyes or euer y e moū ­taines were made, or any part of the world brought in ripe shape: our ioy doubtlesse shall be doubled, if we thorowly way and consider how y t of our owne selues (both by infirmity of nature, & also through the wic­kednesse of our heynous sinnes) we are o­therwise nothing. For we run hedlōg into perdition, slide as water, vanish away like a dreame, and in the twinckling of an eye we wither like grasse. Which discommo­dities, at what tyme we call to remem­braunce, let them (we humbly require thée) styrre vp in vs an occasion of learning and wisedome, so that we may vnderstand and right well perceyue howe vnworthie wee are (in respect of our selues) to inioy thy lo­uing fauour, and contrariwise, how great thy benigne clemencie is towardes vs, by the which (we hartily beséech thée) to turne thy fauourable countenaunce vpon vs, in shewing that we are thy workemanship, as we be in déede. Let thy excellent bright­nesse lighten our blind mindes in such sort, [Page] that oure deedes neuer swarue from the marke of thy excéeding great glorie, tho­rowe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xcj. Psalme.

A prayer in temptation and perils, for deliue­rance & pre­seruation.WHosoeuer dependeth wholye vp­on God, so that he accompteth him to be his sure defence & most strong holde, he néedeth not to feare any calamitie, no layings awayte, nor finally to dread any distresse. For God no lesse defendeth his seruauntes, then the hennes do their chickens at what time they hide them vnder their winges, or that the Souldiours defende and couer themselues in battaile with their shielde and target. For can pestilence, plague, calamitie, or wasting, terrefie those which beleue fayth­fully in God? Nothing truely shall make them afrayde? For although Sathan and all the vngodly worke most greeuous and pernicious thinges agaynst him, yet hath God committed his welfare to an innume­rable company of Aungels, through whose conduct and protection he is not onely de­fended, but caried also on their handes and [Page] shoulders, that he dashe not agaynst hurt­full things. There is no power in the most cruell beastes, but is troden vpon and bea­ten downe vnder his féete. If we therefore stand nowe in much feare of the wicked, it is a plaine token that we haue small confi­dence and little trust in thée, by reason of which dull and weake fayth, we are be­come so plyable to an innumerable sort of sinnes, as by our backslydinges from thee, we prouoke thy gréeuous wrath continu­ally agaynst vs. Wherefore our hartie re­quest is, that (according to thy accustomed goodnesse) thou wouldest in such wise par­don whatsoeuer we haue verye lewdly cō ­mitted against thée, and make vs hereafter most earnest louers of thy diuine Maiestie, that we may in right perfect fayth, haue thy glorious name and dignitie in won­derfull admiration, and cause our prayer not to be vnfruitfull before thée, wherevn­to we humbly beséech thy infinit goodnesse, that thou wouldest make aunswere accor­ding to our demaund. And finally be pre­sent to the feruent peticions and trouble­some matters of thy blessed Church, tho­rowe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SVch as repose their whole trust and con­fidence in thée onely (O almightie God) haue put themselues vnder the shadowe of thy assuraunce and fortresse of thy moste strong defence, where they may be in safety from all the assaultes of the enimies, and preserued from euery pernicious thing that may annoy them. When as wicked men (being vndoubtedly members of the deuill and his Catchpolles) shall practise any euil thing agaynst them, they shall at no tyme be left destitute of Gods assured helpe and faythfull promise, for he wil quickly defend them as a mighty strong shield. And when most gréeuous temptations, which happen dayly, doe rage on euery side, whereby an infinite number of mortal men fall downe hedlong into euerlasting damnation: what soeuer they are which haue assured them­selues in their heartes and prayed vnto the Lord: thou art my God, and thou art the thing I onelye trust in: euill shall in no wise happen vnto these kinde of men, but they shall remaine stedfast and without [Page] feare when others fal and come to naught. He will not onely deliuer them from trou­blesome mishaps by the handes of blessed Aungels, but also there shall be no beastes so venemous & outragious that may hurt them any thing at all. And therefore wée humbly require thée (O excellent father) to vouchsafe that we may not be secluded frō partaking of so great good things, but that we maye in such wise loue thee, and so re­pose our whole trust in thy diuine Maiesty, as wée maye seeke none other refuge and piller to stande by, but thée onely, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xcij. Psalme.

WE are then slacke in celebrating thy glorious name (O almighty God) when as we forget thy wō ­derfull workes, which, A prayer a­gaynst the perswasion such as we haue iustifi­cation to pr [...] ceede of goo [...] workes. so soone as we diligently consider, and thinke more attentiuely of, they shall by and by cheere vs excéedingly, and consequently inforce a great strength and efficacie in vs touching the setting foorth of thy worthie prayses. But such truely are very foolishe and dull [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] fighted, who eyther do not waye them, or else are nothing moued therewith: theyr eyes therefore are sore blinded, bicause they see the matters of the vngodly to haue good successe and go long vnpunished. But these maner of men ought to consider that for this purpose thou wouldest doe thus with the wicked, bicause they might be the more sorowfull to sée their flourishing estate so­dainly altered, yea, and that in a tyme vn­looked for, who (after they haue walked in the shadowe of felicitie) maye runne into méere and assured calamitie, and such veri­ly as is euerlasting, and hath no end, when as the iust men (like the Ceder and Palme trée) inioy the sincere and euerlasting good things in the blessed habitation of the hea­uens. We humbly beséech thée (O excellent father) to cherishe and comfort this hope in vs, to the intent we maye right well per­ceyue, that thou art both good and iust, and also doest publishe vnto all creatures that there is no vnrighteousnesse in thy noble iudgement, through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. A­men.

¶ A prayer out of the .xciij. Psalme.

WHen as wée right well consider (O moste mightie God) that the world was made of thee to abide exceeding firme and vnmouable, A prayer [...] the establi [...] mēt of chri [...] kingdome. who doest gouerne the same with so great constancie and in such perfect order, as wée verily know thy excellencie, might, and no­ble power thereby. Wherefore wée take heart to vs, and perswade our selues most assuredly, that thy louing promises shall be of no lesse assuraunce to sticke vnto, then the nature of things teacheth vs, that thy glorious kingdome is both strong and vn­moueable. Although therefore the cruell enimies of our saluation doe vaunt them­selues agaynst vs, fret excéedingly, & conti­nually dashe vs togither with the sourges of their yrefulnesse and gréeuous tempta­tions, and rise vp against vs like huge wa­ters, and tempestuous seas, yet our assu­red hope is that thou wilt defende vs wyth thy inuincible power and excéeding great might. Vouchsafe therefore, that both this fayth maye alwayes bee printed in oure [Page] mindes, and also that thy good and notable promises which thou hast made vnto thy blessed Churche, maye not onely come to passe, but also (being bestowed vpon it) may long tyme be preserued in the same, so that thy moste famous goodnesse and vn­speakeable mercie maye be published more and more throughout the vniuersal world, by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xciiij. Psalme.

[...] prayer a­ [...]aynst our e­ [...]mies, de­ [...]eyptfull tea­ [...]hers, & cruel [...]raunts.THe presumption and statelinesse of sinners (O most mightye God) is wonderfull, for it doth not one­ly teare in péeces the féeble, and grinde to powder the weaklinges, but also bringeth them in the end to such madnesse, as they iudge their wickednesse and gree­uous offences which they haue most lewd­ly committed, to be hid and vnknowne vn­to thée. Vouchsafe therefore that this kinde of foolishnesse maye b [...]e farre from oure thoughts, and graunt that we may be most assuredly perswaded, y t thou hauing made the eare, fourmed the eye, and giuen vnto men the power and habilitie of vnderstan­ding, [Page] art ignoraunt of nothing which is done by vs in earth: but rule and order vs so in the meane season, as we may not on­ly escape and flie from the euerlasting and perpetuall destructions which are prepared for the vngodlye, but also inioy the moste high quietnesse & perpetuall felicitie which thou hast vouchedsafe to bestow vpon thy faythfull seruaunts. If thou verily be not present, hauing the helpe alwayes prepa­red and in a readinesse, wherewith thou mayest mightily defend vs, we shall easily fall into those mischiefes which hang ouer our heades. Be thou (we humbly beséech thée) our Castle, fortresse, & strong shielde of defence, least we séeme to haue vainely reposed our whole trust and confidence in thée onely, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xcv. Psalme.

FOrsomuch as (O moste mightie God) thou art our saluation and strength, A prayer fo [...] true fayth. it is meete wée shoulde prayse thy glorious name to the vttermost of our powers: and to the intent [Page] we may the more orderly doe the same, we first and formost come vnto thée with har­tie cōfession of our heinous sinnes. Wher­as thou hast (of thy infinite goodnesse, and not for oure merites sake) chosen vs to be thy blessed people & shéepe of thy pasture, as hauing no néede of our seruice at all, forsomuche as thou art the great king a­boue all Gods, in whose hand be not onely the earth and exceeding high Mountaynes, but also the heauens and all creatures: we haue gréeuously offended thée diuers and sundrie wayes, hardning our sinfull hearts at thy fatherly admonicions, who haue ve­ry readily fainted in temptation, our mind hath fowlye erred, and we haue alwayes (by reason of our lewde sinnes and moste wicked desertes) become bourdenous and merueylous troublesome vnto thee. For which cause thou hast at this tyme raysed vp so prowd and cruel enimies against vs, by whom we are brought into great perill and daunger: neuerthelesse acknowledging howe vnrighteouslye we haue dealt, wée knowe for a certaintie that besides thy infi­nite goodnesse and mercy, there remayneth none other defence for vs. Wherfore with [Page] these our feruent prayers and earnest sup­plications we prease into thy sight or euer we perishe, requiring thée not to grinde vs vnto powder in thy most gréeuous wrath: take away the heynous sinnes (we hum­bly beséech thée) wherewith we and our fa­thers haue greatly tempted thée, and pro­uoked thy heauie displeasure agaynst vs. Call to remembraunce that thou art oure mightie God, valiaunt king, and louing shepherd. Therfore mightily preserue, va­liantly kéepe, and noblye defende vs from those that hate thée no lesse then they do vs: suffer them not (according to y e lust of their crueltie) vtterly to destroy the worke of thy blessed handes which thou hast begunne passing well in vs, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THy excellent Maiestie and inuincible power (O most good and mercifull god) is of such force, as euery where it excelleth and beareth dominion moste amplye and without desert, but séeing that all thinges as well high as lowe were made by thée, [Page] there is nothing to be found eyther hidden in the depth of the earth, or set vppe in the height of the mountaynes, whereof thou wert not the author and first founder: for which cause we iustly desire to shewe forth thy worthy prayse. To the furtheraunce hereof also maketh this, that thou art our onely stay, and we as thy blessed flocke and sheepe of thy pasture appertain and belong vnto thée onely. Therefore doe we greatly worship, humbly reuerence, duely honor, & right earnestly cal vpon thy most fauorable Godbeade, requiring this especiallye, that thou suffer not our heart (which of nature is disposed vnto euill) to be hardned at thy friendly admonitions. Make the same soft (we hartily pray thée) with the inspiration of thy good grace and holye spirite, neyther suffer vs to striue and struggle against thy blessed commaundementes, like vnto the stifnecked Iewes, who woulde so often ty­mes put thée to the tryall of thy mightye power: but séeing it was not their hap to inioy the promised land, graunt (for thy in­finite mercies sake) that we may at length be permitted to enter into the hauen of e­ternall felicitie after our long and daylye [Page] trauaile, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xcvj. Psalme.

WE are admonished for diuers and sundrie causes (O most mightye God) greatly to magnifie thee, A prayer of thankes gi­uing for Christs be­nefites be­stowed vp­pon vs. and highlye to sanctifie thy holy name. But able we are not thus to doe, vnlesse the heynous sinnes wherewith we are miserably oppressed, be first put away and driuen farre from vs. We haue recey­ued at thy mercifull handes (through the preaching of thy blessed Gospell) the most noble and excellent gift of saluation, but we haue hitherto led our life so coldly ther­in, and wrought so contrary to our voca­tion, in neglecting and dispising thy sacred commaundements, that néedfull it was in the ende for the calamities which we now suffer, to incounter with oute lewdnesse, and that thou shouldest extende thy furi­ous wrath vpon vs, by these moste grée­uous perilles, being moued and prouoked thereto through oure wicked desertes and naughtie behauiour. Notwithstanding (O [Page] good God) haue no regard at all to our me­rites, but rather sée to this, that thy fa­mous glorie may be greatly published a­mongest the heathen, and thy wonderfull worckes made manifest vnto all people. Both thy aduersaries and ours also repose their whole affiaunce in worldly strength and cursed Idolatrie, who would inforce vs to yéeld such honor vnto Antichrist as they do: wheras we contrarywise acknowledge thée to be a great and terrible Lorde aboue all Goddes. Wherefore we earnestly call vpon thy excellent Maiestie, and in these daungerous daies flie vnto thy mercy seat, requyring pardon for our heynous sinnes, and that thou wouldest shewe howe vaine our enimies goodes be. Iudge (O good god) the aduersaryes of thy true worshippe, and enimies of thy sacred Gospell, so that thou (as right méete it is) mayst reigne & beare dominion ouer the heathen. Stretche out thy inuincible power, thy puyssaunt glory, and thy renowmed magnificence (O good God) for our speedy deliueraunce, who be­ing deliuered from so many and great in­conueniences, maye render vnto thée due oblations of heartie prayses. Cause thy glo­rious [Page] name to be well spoken off in euery place, and let all men honor and reuerence thy diuine Maiestie with moste pure and perfect deuotion, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy benefites (O almightie God) are not only bestowed vpon vs cōtinually, but also after a new and vnaccustomed ma­ner do spring vp freshe from time to tyme: wherefore (vnlesse we will be marueylous vngratefull) they deserue that we should, euermore magnifie the same with newe prayses and pleasaunt songes. Such is thy magnificencie and vnspeakeable power, whose bewtie and Maiesty is so great, that thou doest surmount beyonde all measure, what Godhed or Deitie soeuer mē could at any time deuice to themselues. Graūt ther­fore that whensoeuer we go about duely to honor & reuerently to worship thée, we may chéerfully offer vp our selues & al that euer we haue to thy incōprehensible glorye, so y t we may preache thy glorious kingdome to all nations, not onely with wordes, but in verteous lyfe and holy conuersation, to the [Page] intent euery man maye right well knowe and perceyue that like as thou hast created vs and the whole vniuersall worlde, so al­so shall we and all thinges be repayred a­gaine, throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xcvij. Psalme.

A praier that we may ap­peare in the [...]ay of iudge­ment, with a [...]ure & chear­ [...]ull heart.THou thy selfe (O moste mightye God) which art the author of full ioy and perfect gladnesse, art also indued with exceeding seueritie and dreadfull power, which thy properties thou bestowest vpon man, according to thy infinite iustice and righteousnesse. Where­fore our earnest request is, y t thou wouldst not burne vs vp with the fire of thy wrath­full indignation, who otherwise (by reason of our heynous sinnes) are worthie of most greeuous punishments, but (according to thy great mercie, and through the merits of thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour) remit and pardon whatsoeuer we haue lewdly committed agaynst thée: but contrariwise, turne the wrath of thy heauie displeasure vpon thy fierce aduersa­ryes. [Page] Let those men be set on fire, make them to tremble, let them melt away like wax at the sight of thy bright countenance. But let vs (being restored and reformed in a new kind of life by thy blessed spirit) feele in our selues, and set out thy noble iustice such wise vnto them, as all people maye right wel perceyue the same. For although we haue greatly and verye muche strayed from thy holy will reuealed vnto vs in the sacred scriptures, we are notwithstanding heartily sorye for our lewde deserts, and be verye desirous to make thy glorious re­nowme excéeding famous. Let not therfore this our assured hope and feruent desire be made frustrate: put them to confusion who beleue nothing at all in thée, but haue an infinite number of Idols, wherein they put their whole trust, wherevnto they shewe much worship, merueylous great honour, and wonderfull obedience. And finally graunt this thing also, that suche as thou hast regenerated and quickned with thy blessed spirit, may vtterly detest sinne, and whatsoeuer fighteth or is repugnant to thy holy will. Afterward take the soules of thy faythfull seruauntes out of wicked mens [Page] handes, and when we be throughly dely­uered from them, cause vs not onely to re­ioyce with great gladnesse, but make thy healthfull light of saluation to shine vpon all that are thine, whereby they may bee conuerted vnto thée, and celebrate thy wor­thie memoriall with perpetuall prayses, throughe the selfe same Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SEing it is thou (O almightie God) that rulest farre and néere, and mightily go­uernest all things, there is nothing in the whole worlde but ought to be excéeding glad thereof: for like as thy glorious king­dome (which is the chiefest thing to be desi­red) is most gorgeously decked with iustice and equitie, euen so is there such strength and puyssaunce graffed in the same, as no crafty deuices, and subtile practises can pre­uaile agaynst it, but that (whatsoeuer thou hast with a most rightful counsaile and sin­guler iustice decreed vpon) shall be brought to good ende. We earnestly require thée therefore that as the earth, heauen, and v­niuersall [Page] worlde are most euident witnes­ses of thy vnspeakeable wisedome and sin­guler iustice, so the truth and sincere wor­shipping of thée may appéere in thy blessed Church, where all men maye heartily re­ioyce togither, bicause supersticious and corrupt Religions are altogither bany­shed. Let them be ioyfull in this behalfe which purely and with feruent zeale do vn­feynedly loue and honor God: whome fi­nally (we humblye beséeche) to augment the light of our mindes, and that we maye with an exceeding pleasant chéerefulnesse, reioyce in the sacred Congregation of hys blessed Sainctes, for the vnspeakeable be­nefites he hath bestowed vpon vs, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

FOrsomuch as all thy iudgementes (O most good and mercifull God) doe shine forth with perfect equitie and right vp iu­stice, we ought therefore to be excéeding glad and very ioyfull. For although thy faithful seruants be punished for a while so lōg as they are in this wretched life, yet the [Page] time will one day come, when thou by fire and with the cléere lightsome presence of thy diuine Maiestie shalt iudge the world, rewarding euery man vprightly according to his deserts. Then shall the very heauens shewe foorth thy righteousnesse, and al men compelled whether they will or no, to say that thou art most iust: and then also shall thy blessed Church be filled with true and perfect ioy. Seing that therefore the matter standeth thus so long as we are here straū ­gers from thée, cause light to rise in vs, and a spirituall reioycing with excéeding pure­nesse of heart, whereby we may sincerely and after a due maner ioy in thée onely, so that one of vs maye alwayes put an other in remembraunce not to bée forgetfull to publish thy vnspeakable holinesse, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xcviij. Psalme.

A prayer for the fauour of Christ through his glorious re­surrection.THou hast shewed oftentimes that saluation belongeth vnto thee on­ly (O moste mightie God) for the doing and accomplishing whereof thou hast no néede of any creatures assis­taunce. [Page] Thou shewedst marueylous won­ders in our fathers dayes, and diddest often preserue them with thy onely right hande and blessed arme: for thou hast in such wise extended thy readie helpe towards them, y t thy excellent mercy & vnspeakable goodnes became manifest to al nations. Seing that therfore thou hast not hitherto bene forget­ful of thy faithful promises, but rather hast alwayes assisted thy beloued seruants, whē soeuer they stoode in néede of a deliuerer: whervpō they thought thy glorious name was to be extolled & praysed all maner of wayes, so much as in them lay, both with heart, voyce, trumpets, harpes, shawmes, and sundrie ditties of songes: we therfore thy faythfull people doe in like sort pray at this present, that thou hidest not thy selfe from vs in this time. Thou truely art not ignoraunt how many and howe great the perils are, which do gréeuously molest vs. And so long as we do wey the case by our owne deserts, they séeme to be more hard and gréeuous vnto vs then we be able in any wise to beare: for we haue sinned in such wise agaynst thee, so impudētly trans­gressed thy sacred lawes, and so often playd [Page] the rebelles agaynst thy diuine Maiestie, that if thou shouldest reward vs according to our lewde lyfe and filthie condicions, we may be euen in vtter dispayre of our salua­tion. But we do greatly & with much fer­uencie labour to obteyne this at thy fauou­rable handes, both that thou wouldst deale. with vs according to thy accustomed ma­ner, by forgiuing the penitent, pardoning their heynous offences which vncessauntly call vpon thy blessed name, and being mer­cifull vnto such as faythfully trust in thée. And also that of thy singuler iustice and excellent clemencie, thou wouldst mightily deliuer vs, after a puyssaunt maner main­taine vs, and defend vs with an inuincible force, from the most cruell enimies of thy blessed name, through Iesus Christ oure Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

AL mankind in generall (O most migh­tie God) are bounde to prayse and sette forth thy blessed name excéedingly, for the notable benefits thou bestowest vpō them, and most especially, for that thou hast deli­uered [Page] vs from euerlasting death by the helpe of none other creature, but onelye through the sole oblation of thy alone and most dearly beloued Sonne: insomuch as we may rightly saye, that thou onely de­fendest vs with thy holy arme and puissant right hande. Thou hast verye certainlye shewed howe mindfull, and what a good kéeper thou art of faythfulnesse and good­nesse, which the whole endes of the earth and all mortal creatures may assuredly see and right well perceyue by our redempti­on: but we be so dull, rude, and blockishe, that we haue in a maner lost the whole perceyueraunce of so noble and great libe­ralitie, the fault whereof we must impute to our heynous wickednesse and mischie­uous déedes. Wherefore, with a migh­tye lamentation and verye sorrowfull crie, wée doe earnestly call vpon thy inesti­mable mercie to forgiue whatsoeuer wée haue moste gréeuously committed agaynst thée, and to take from thy blessed Churche the occasions of so great sorrow. For whi­lest we knowe godlinesse and religion to hang in so great distresse, we can in no wise sing vnto thée with heart and voyce [Page] as we ought to do, or prouoke all creatures through oure great ioye, to vnspeakeable gladnesse. We do nowe earnestly require thée to come and iudge the case of thy faith­full people. Rayse vp and sustaine with thy iudgement such as mourne, and comfort the afflicted, that thy equitie and iustice (wherein thou doest much excell all others) may moste manifestly shewe forth it selfe, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .xcix. Psalme.

A prayer for the iustifica­tion of fayth, agaynst the righteousnes of workes.IT is truly an excéeding great force of thy glorious kingdom that thou (moste mightye God) vsest in the defence of the Godly, and ouer­throwing of the enuious and rebellious people, which our fathers haue oftentimes had tryall of. Whereby we doe most certainly beleue and earnestly confesse, that so long as thou doest fauour thy faythfull seruaunts, the courages, minds, and strengt [...] of those that assault them, yea and the ver [...] earth also doth quaile: seeing therfore tha [...] thy puyssaunce and strength is so great i [...] the Church, let thy mightye power (we b [...] séech [Page] thee) disquiet and trouble all nations which would quite subuert and vtterly o­uerthrow thy glorious kingdome. And as thy puyssaunt force and mightie strength surmounteth all Gods and kings, euen so nowe shew thy selfe a terrible and feareful GOD for the preseruation of thy blessed Church. It is verily not vnbeknowne vn­to vs, that thou louest iugdement, and de­cidest mens causes vprightly. We heartily require thée therefore to vouchsafe, that (when as our iniquities which we haue cō ­mitted prouoke thée to extend thy seueritie vpon vs) thou wouldst turne thy eyes from these thinges, and bend them wholy vpon Iesus Christ our sauiour, who is for vs in the stead of Aaron, Moses, Samuell, and a true Bishop. Bée mindfull of the prayer, sacrifice, bloud and teares which he shed for vs vpon the Alter of the Crosse. Admit, we haue committed an infinite number of naughty factes, yet remember that we tho­rowe him doe call vpon thy blessed name, pardon therefore, forgiue, and vtterly remit our heynous transgressions, and make no [...]ariance in deliuering vs from these excee­ding great and daungerous perils, so that [Page] we may leade our lyfe with an vncorrupt heart towards thee, and exalt thy glorious name, euen as it right wel deserueth, with such prayses as maye pearce the heauens, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

ALthough the vngodly (O most mightie God) seeme to ruffle sometime so great­ly, as they turne all things vpside downe, yet there is no cause why y e faythful should be greatly afrayde, forsomuch as thou hast taken the gouernement of all worldlye things into thy mightie protection, and guydest with thy excellent wisdome the state of the whole worlde: for whosoeuer they be which are assuredlye perswaded in this poynt, they leaue feare for such as be otherwise minded, while they themselues (being fully replenished with pure ioy and perfect gladnesse) doe extoll thée with vn­cessaunt prayses to the vttermoste of their powers, and shewe forth thy famous glo­rie by all meanes that can be deuised: vnto whom we also annix our indeuours with an exceeding chéerefull courage, and also [Page] humbly require thée in our most feruent cryes and earnest petitions, that as thou shewedst thy selfe gentle and treatable vn­to Moses, Aaron, Samuell, and the rem­naunt of thy most faythfull priestes, when they did inuocate & call vpon thy glorious name: giue eare in likewise to vs at thys present, & defend thy sacred Church (which now standeth in great néede of thy mighty assistance, if euer it wanted the same) no lesse with thy diuine presence, good counsel, holye spirite and grace, then thou diddest help our fathers in times past with a piller of fire, with clowdes in the Sea, and in the most wide and large wildernesse, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .C Psalme.

VErily thy excéeding great honour (O most mightie God) and nota­ble benefites bestowed vpon vs, A praier that we may in all places both glorifie God, and also con­fesse him. require this, y t we of dutie should come before thy presence with thankes gi­uing, and magnifying thy blessed name with a notable gladnesse and vnspeakable ioy. There be two thinges chiefly which [Page] seeme to hinder vs from doing thereof: first we are burthened with an innumerable multitude of horrible vices, and so kept downe with sinne, that wée dare scarcely lift vp our eyes vnto thée: furthermore we are by the desert of our owne lewde factes, inuironed in such wise with anguishe and feare of Antichrist, as we are in a maner swalowed vp therewith. For experience teacheth that he is so stirred vp agaynst vs by thy iustice, through our owne wicked behauiour, that (vnlesse thy louing mercy be our readie helper) mannes power and strength shall further vs nothing in this behalfe. First and formost therefore our earnest request is, that thou wouldest take vtterly away from thy faythful seruaunts, the burthen of wickednesse, and graunt that we may lead a pure and vndefiled life, in stéede of such a one as is very lewde and marueylous corrupt. Secondly, that thou wouldst deliuer thy blessed people from the Iawes of the most cruell enimies, whose indeuour is alwayes to bring not only the bodyes and goodes, but also the soules of thy faythfull seruaunts to eternall destruc­tion. Thou that art our God, suffer not [Page] these things to be done we humbly beséech thee: we are the worke of thy handes, for thou diddest make vs and not we our sel­ues. Seing therefore that we be thy cho­sen people, & shéepe of thy pasture, be pre­sent so to helpe vs both in the outward and inward man, that we may in the end enter the Court of thy diuine presence, by publi­shing thy vnspeakable goodnesse with high praises, godly Hymnes, & pleasaunt songs, so that assuraunce thereof may be giuen by vs, both to all Nations, and throughout all ages, by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WE being greatly assured by the out­ward testimonie of the sacred scrip­tures, and inward inspiration of thy bles­sed spirite (O most good and mercifull God) that thou wilt be fauourable and mercifull vnto vs and all ours, are both filled wyth perfect ioy, and receyue full pleasure. But forsomuche as we right well perceyue by the excellent benefites of fayth, that thou art our founder, by whome we are created and chosen to be thy beloued flocke and pe­culier people, we can neuer be fully satisfied [...] [Page] due thankes giuing, and remembraunce of thy so great goodnesse. We come and ap­proche vnto thee therefore with vncessaunt prayses and humble supplications, moste earnestly requiring thy diuine Maiestie in oure feruent prayers, to manifest thy glo­rious name vnto all Nations, and of thy louing kindnesse to set thy sacred Church againe in such blessed felicitie, as all men may right well know and perfectly vnder­stand thy clemencie extended towards hir, both for the veritie of the doctrine, and also for liuing and conuersation fully agréeable to the things that are faythfully and truely taught, by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cj. Psalme.

[...] [...]rayer for [...]dly life.THou requirest this especiallye in such mens liuings as professe thy blessed name and holy Gospell (O most good and mercifull God) that they should lead their life excéeding iustly and with great vprightnesse, and to per­forme the déedes of charitie towardes their neighbours: which thing séeing the holye Scriptures do euery where beate into vs, [Page] we vnfeynedly confesse that we haue in no wise performed it, and in this behalfe wée acknowledge before thy diuine Maiestie, our gréeuous wickednesse & moste wrong­full dealings, and the colde zeale we haue had towardes thy holy Church and blessed people: praying thee that thou wouldest pardon and remit whatsoeuer we haue hi­therto trayterously and rashlye committed agaynst thy sacred commaundements, and graunt that (being inforced therto through the wisedome of thy holy spirite) we maye beginne an innocent and blamelesse life: let all wicked deuices be excluded far from our hearts, and cause vs to detest such mat­ters as be repugnant to iustice and equity, so that we may neyther thinke nor yet doe any thing which may be disagreable to thy blessed lawe and good pleasure. Moreouer (we humbly beséech thee) not to forsake thy holy Church in this most troublesom time: for thou both féest and right wel perceiuest, howe the cruell, malicious, and vngodlye Antichristians haue inuaded hir: being so puft vp with pride, & inflamed with furie, scorning as well diuine lawes as humaine with like statelinesse and equall contempt, [Page] doing nothing with courtesie and faythful­nesse, but practise to bring all thinges to nought by forged tales, politique deceypts, and very much outrage: wherfore our ear­nest request is (O good GOD) that thou wouldest make hast to succor thy faythfull people, and destroy with thy puyssant force and mightie power, suche as are wicked, who be no lesse aduersaryes to thy blessed name, then of our peace and quietnesse, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

IT behoueth the Church (O al [...]htye God) which is thy blessed house, to bée decked with all maner of ornaments ap­perteyning to holinesse and vertue, where­of, forsomuch as we sée it to bée as now mi­serably destitute, we humbly beséech thée, who art beneuolent, and wisheth hir (as wée doubt not) all good and prosperous things, whom thou especially fauourest ac­cording to the meaning of thy louing pro­mises, graūt hir in such wise to be restored, as all thinges may be ordered there by thy spirituall wisdome, and auoyde those of­fences [Page] therefro, vnto which euerlasting damnation is due by iustice. Let them de­part thence which fall from thée by infideli­tie, and are through obstinate wilfulnesse, trayterous rebelles to thy sacred lawe: let backebiters, togither with suche as are proude, and those which dare shameleslye presume any thing, bée vtterly rooted out. And cōtrariwise, let there be space in espe­ciallye for suche as be verye zealous of the truth. Let not these be onely conuersant there before thée, but cause them to féed thy blessed people with a singuler fayth and inno [...]sie, & minister all things diligently vnto them, which be necessary toward sal­uation. Remoue far from thence, far from them (O excellent father) be all mans inuē ­tion and deceyptfull ydolatrie, so that final­ly all Godlinesse maye be vtterly rooted vp from the Congregation of the faythfull, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cij. Psalme.

WE are of our owne selues altogi­ther vnworthie (O most mightie God) A praye [...] the tryal fayth a [...] fliction [...] Church that thou shouldest gyue [Page] eare vnto our prayers, seeing we haue eue­ry where transgressed thy sacred lawe and blessed commaundements, and liued excée­ding dishonestly towards thy holy Gospel, and our vocation. Howbeit, hide thou not away thy face (for thy infinit mercies sake) from our humble petitions & earnest sup­plications. For we are greeuously assayled and sore opprest with most great perilles. And therefore bowe downe thy fauourable eare vnto vs, and graunt them with spéede their desires which inuocate and call vpon thée. First we require to be deliuered from our heynous sinnes and lewde corruptiōs, and let our weake and feeble heartes bée strengthned in thy blessed way, and the wi­thered powers of our minde (which are dri­ed vp) watered with the holy Ghost, that we may liue vnto thée, who (being altogi­ther repaired and wholy renued) may cause thy glorious name and sacred Gospell to be well spoken of. This once done, extende thy inuincible power and might vpon such as rayse vp innumerable slaunders and re­proches vpon the name of thy Sonne and his holy doctrine. Haue mercy out of hande (we humbly beséech thée) of Sion, that is to [Page] say, thy blessed Church, for the time is now come that she standeth in great néede of thy readie helpe. Looke out, we heartily pray thée, from thy high dwelling place, behold our gréeuous calamities, and heare theyr pitifull cryes which are in great bondes, much beaten, and gréeuously tormented to death diuers maner of wayes for thy glori­ous names sake, by preseruing thy chosen sheepe out of so great daungers, whom the Antichristians doe adiudge not onelye to death, but also to vtter destruction, that thy adobted children maye one time or other lead a peaceable and quiet life before thée, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THe whole company of thy faithfull peo­ple (O most good and mercifull God) do lamentably require thy fauourable helpe, which is cruelly opprest through the tyran­nie of sinne, and the sacred sappe of godli­nesse almoste dryed vp in the same, for hir mouth is in a maner so stopped vp that she cannot sing thy worthie prayses, and there remayneth not well néere any member in [Page] hir bodie that may execute his office in hel­ping one another. Thou therefore which alwayes florishest fresher and fresher, rise vp to be our spéedie helper, bicause we haue now thought it highe time for thée to assist thy blessed Church so gréeuously afflicted: which thing if thou wilt graunt vs, wée doubt not but the feare of thy glorious name and sincere godlinesse shall bée spred very farre abroade. For if thou wilt deliuer thy faythfull people from so great and mis­cheeuous daungers, thou shalt teach there­by that thy louing promise remayneth al­wayes firme and vnappayred: in such wise, that although the heauen & earth be trou­bled with wonderfull interchaunges, and be so shaken as they perishe, yet doth the same continue alwayes one towardes thy elect seruaunts, whereby, we heartily be­séech thée, to be both preserued, and also set in good estate againe, not according to our owne strength and desertes, but throughe his mercy and gentlenesse effectually wor­king the same, by Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Ciij. Psalme.

WE are bounde (O moste mightye God) for thy singuler deserts ex­tended towards vs, A prayer for a newe life. to prayse thée continually, with minde, heart, & all our whole power, rendring condigne thanks vnto thy diuine maiesty, vnlesse we will like vngratefull persons, forget all those thinges which thou hast hitherto be­stowed vpō vs. First thou hast freely offred vs forgiuenesse of sinnes, by Christ, and re­generation throughe his precious bloud: herevnto is added doctrine, sacraments, bo­dily life, and whatsoeuer else apperteyneth to the preseruation both of the outwarde and inwarde man. But wee heartily ac­knowledge that we haue notwithstanding moste filthily abused all these thy excellent benefites, for we haue done nothing fayth­fully that aunswereth fully to our calling. We nowe therefore do humbly beséech thée to pardon our gréeuous offences and lewd behauiour, amending our corrupt maners and the dishonest life which we haue led hi­therto. Deale not with vs after our sinnes, neyther reward vs according to our iniqui­ties. Wilt thou (seing that singuler louing kindnesse and mercie preuayleth with thee) [Page] bée alwayes reuengeable? or correct and chastice vs in thy furie? Remember that thou art our father, and therefore earnestly do we desire thee to shewe forth a fatherly affection towards such as both honour and worship thée. It is not vnbeknowne to thy diuine Maiestie that we are dust, and (vn­lesse thou be present with vs) the vaynest things that euer were made: we are more lither then grasse and flowers. Regard not therefore our lewde and wicked factes, but way rather the league made betwixt thée and vs, and deliuer thy faythfull people from the hands of thy cursed and most mis­chieuous enimies, so that we may magnifie thy wonderous workes, with the glorious Aungels, and all holy men for euermore, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

MAnnes weake and féeble nature can at no tyme (O almightye GOD) prayse thée according to thy worthinesse: for thou doest not onelye bestowe vppon vs the benefites whereby we both obteyne lyfe, and also doe [Page] from day to day continue and maintain the same, but thou hast forgiuen thy faythfull people their most gréeuous and infinite sin­nes, by Christ, which surmounteth al other things that thou hast participated amongst vs, for the which most excellent and nota­ble gift, we yéelde thee heartie thankes, al­though not such as we ought, yet such as we can: and to the intent we may thereby become more chéerefull in requiring the same, our earnest request is (O excellent Father) that thou wouldest establishe and perpetually maintaine the worde of pure and sincere doctrine in the mouth of thy blessed Church, so that an alteration of hir olde Leuen being made, she may (like the Eagle) from time to time renue hir youth. And like as thou dissembling the sinnes of the Israelites, didst not onely bring them to the dwelling place that thou hadst pro­mised by Moses whom thou hadst taught, but also through the perpetuall benefites of thy excellent mercie bestowed vppon that people didst shewe and manifest, that thy goodnesse, towardes them, surmounted all their mischieuous dedes, no lesse space then the heauens are distant from the earth: bée [Page] thou (which art our father and we thy déere children) moued with mercie towardes vs, who are lyke to be ouerwhelmed wyth darknesse and lewde behauiours, vnlesse thou presently puttest to thy assistant hel­ping hand. Cause vs to finde by proofe that thou hast renued the couenaunt made be­twixt thée and vs, and (the same being re­stored) let vs with all earnessnesse, indeuor our selues to set forth thy blessed lawe and commaundementes in holynesse of life, whereby not onely the earthly Church may render condigne thankes vnto thy vnspeak­able goodnesse for our saluation, but also the Aungelles which accomplishe thy holy will with a marueylous cheerefulnesse may do the same, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the. Ciiij. Psalme.

A praier that we may vse [...]he creatures of God in such [...]ort as we [...]re willed.EVery creature doth abundauntlye shew forth vnto vs thy inuincible force, splendant bewtte, and fa­mous glorie (O most mighty god) inasmuch as we sée that all things doe ad­orne thee with their whole power & might, [Page] obeying not onely thy sacred wordes, but euen thy very beckes also: it behoueth vs in like sort to be likewise affectioned, séeing that thou hast created all things chiefly to our profite and singuler commoditie. For we certainly know and right well perceiue howe the earth doth continually yéeld fruit for our sustentation, and how we be helped with the welles, flouds, beastes, raine, her­bes, corne, wine, oyle, and all kinde of foode: but our nature is so blinde, corrupt, and de­filed, that the more we are bounde to thée for thy excéeding great benefites, so much the stubburnlier swarue we from thy sacred wordes and blessed will. Wherefore our earnest request is, that thou wouldest (for thy infinite mercies sake) pardon whatso­euer wée haue hitherto committed agaynst thy diuine Maiestie, and vouchsafe vs to de­pend soly vpon thée, will we or nill we, tou­ching our bodily foode, so y t also our whole motions, strength, counsels and workes be fastned onely vpon thy excellent goodnesse. Moreouer, we humbly beséech thée, not to turne thy face awaye from vs in these our dayes, whereas otherwise we shall be sore troubled, giue vp the ghost, and be brought [Page] to nothing. Thou hast (O good God) diuers meanes and sundrie wayes to destroy thy mischieuous enimies: who vsest the moste violent windes, lightnings, and flames of fire, in steede of thy messengers, for if thou doest looke downe vpon the earth, it trem­bleth by and by, and if thou touchest y e moū ­taynes, they smoke straight wayes. Sley thou therefore the wicked Antichristians, in such wise, as they may no more remaine: and let peace and tranquilitie be so giuen to thy blessed Church, that she may ioyfully sing, and pleasantly shewe forth thy moste worthie prayses, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

IT is not vnbeknowne to thy faythfull people (O most mightie God) that thou hast created all things from the beginning to the behoofe of thy elect seruaunts. There­fore like as we see the whole worlde which thou hast made to be garnished with won­derfull and most bewtifull ornamentes: so (we humbly beséeche thée) to lighten and pollishe thy blessed Church in suche wise [Page] (which is the congregation of such as shall be saued) that thy glorie maye no lesse ap­péere in hir then in the whole worlde: let the pure light of thy sacred wordes shine especially therein, which maye cause the mightie power and inuincible force of thy Spirite to worke more effectually in oure heartes, and make the constancie in fayth of the beleuers, so great as they may be more stedfast then the masse of the earth, or foun­dations and pillers of the worlde. Driue from thence at the rebuke of thy puyssance, daungerous temptations, the hurtfulnesse of hell, and the prince of darknesse: and con­trariwise in stéede of them, let the inspira­tion of thy most swéete spirite succéede like springs of liuing water, and let not perpe­tuall foode bée wanting to our weaknesse, where with to féede it. But let there be a fortresse in the confidence of thy glorious name, for vs to retire vnto: and like as in thy blessed creatures is great abundance of light, whether it be in the starres, or in the sundrie variety of beasts, herbes, & stones, so we humbly beséech thée, to garnishe and bewtifie thy holy Church with the bright­nesse of all vertues, through Iesus Christ [Page] our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

AL creatures which thou hast created (O most good and mercifull God) are wit­nesses, by their greatnesse and most exqui­site ornaments, with what a wonderfull wisdome and inuincible power thou flouri­shest: there is nothing but it dependeth wholy vppon thée, for what things soeuer haue life, are fed by the foode which thou gi­uest them, and from such as thou hidest the sight of thy louing countenaunce, they are not able any longer to indure but die in­continent whensoeuer they be depriued of thy spirit. Forsomuch as therfore (O excel­lent father) thou art so good and mighty in working, euen towards those things chiefly which thou hast ordeyned to be farre inferi­our to man, wée humbly beséech thée to ex­tend thy fauourable clemencie no lesse to­wards thy blessed Church. Shee verily is thy owne worke, wherefore reioyce and de­light therein, and (of thy excéeding highe prouidence) cause thy maiesty to shew forth it selfe in hir most euidently, whereby wée [Page] may alwayes both ioyntly amongest our selues haue most pleasaunt wordes concer­ning thy blessed wil, and also magnifie thée with perpetuall prayses, forsomuch as thou hast taken all vncleanesse quite from hir, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cv. Psalme.

THy marueylous and vnspeakable workes (O heauenly father) doe much counsaile vs, A praier th [...] we be not [...] norant of t [...] works of o [...] redemptio [...] and thy com­maundements earnestly teach vs, to search for thy louing countenaunce with a most pure worship and faythfull inuoca­tion in thy holy congregations, by calling this to mind and remembraunce, that thou art our mercifull God, who hast made vs the true Israell by Christ, and sonnes of thy most famous seruaunt Abraham, tho­row fayth. Take away therefore from vs (we humblye beséeche thée) our heynous sinnes and all vncleanesse of life, to the in­tent we may according to our boūden du­tie, séeke thée & come before thy diuine pre­sence. We acknowledge our selues to haue hitherto most gréeuously offended thée both [Page] in minde and voyce, and vnlesse thou ma­kest haste to helpe vs, our sinnes will cast vs downe into the déepe. For (euen accor­ding to our iust deserts) the outragious eni­mies of thy blessed name, are raysed vp and haue mightily preuayled agaynst vs, who dayly strengthen themselues agaynst thy sonne our Lord and fauiour Iesus Christ. We know right wel y t (by reason of the life which we haue hitherto liued repugnant to thy glorious name and our profession) all these most gréeuous euilles haue happened to thy sacred Church. But our earnest re­quest is that thou wouldest be mindefull of thy faythfull couenaunt, wherein thou pro­misest that we should be the méeting line of thy blessed heritage: for thy couenant is not transitorie, but perdurable. Thou hast vsed at other tymes to chastice kinges that they should not hurt thy elect people, who doest preserue and defende thy blessed ser­uaunts inhabiting here vpon the earth, so often as it is thy holye will and pleasure. The Heauen, Elements, and all creatures haue serued thée as souldiours in Egypt for the deliueraunce of thy faythfull people. As thou therefore wert not then forgetfull of [Page] thy sacred couenaunt, so shewe thy selfe mindfull thereof at this present: for wicked men, the deuill, and Antichrist, practise by all the meanes they can possible imagine and deuise to swallow vs vp. Wherefore renue thou thy wonderfull workes in vs, O mightie God, who (being altogither voyde of helpe) require thée to hide vs vnder thy mercifull winges, and spread them so ouer vs, as thou mayest not onely bée our defender, but cause vs to leade a quiet and peaceable life towards thée, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SEing that the godly (O almightie God) can not haue an excellenter and more noble desire, then vnfeynedly to remember thy marueylous and excéeding great actes, by celebrating the same both in worde and most exquisite commendations, being now folowers of the fayth of Abraham, and chil­dren not degenerate from the aūcient holy fathers, members of Christ, and instructed by the tradicions of his blessed Apostles, do call to remembraunce how vnuiolably [Page] thou hast kept the sacred couenaunt which thou madest with thy holye Church from the beginning. Thy sure protection & most strong defence hath béene alwayes meruei­lous readie to helpe thy elect seruaunts at what time they reposed their whole trust in thy vnspeakable mercie, and when thou tookest vpon thée to be their strong helper and mightie deliuerer, no man could in any wise hurt them. Moreouer when thou didst strike the whole world by any calamitie, with thy seuere iustice, or didst trouble it with scarcitie of foode and lacke of vittailes, al that (so much as it was) turned at length to thy singuler welfare and famous glorie of the people of Israell. We being greatly admonished by these thinges, are of verye good comfort, who come humbly vnto thy diuine Maiestie, and hartily pray thée that thou wouldest be no lesse mindfull of thy holy couenant towards thy blessed church at this daye then thou wert in olde time. For thou seest howe many discommodities do on euery side assaile hir and besiege it a­bout: we humbly beséech thée (O excellent father) who alone canst doe this, to com­maūd all those things either to fade away, [Page] or else graunt them power to pourge vs of our lewde condicions, through Iesus christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

OVr earnest request is (O most good and mercifull God) that thou wouldst aug­ment the felowship of thy déere children (as well in nūber as also in faith) & all other or­naments of thy excellent grace. And like as thou hast giuē Aaron to be a most faythfull pastor of thy children of Israell when they grew to be a very great people, so now also prepare godly, learned, and wise Ministers for thy sacred Church, by whose good beha­uiour the Egypt of our men maye fade a­way, and let the doctrine wherewith we be instructed by them, be kindled dayly more and more in vs, so that euery one of vs may be inriched most abundantly both with spi­rituall goods, and spirituall fruites. Suffer vs not (O excellent father) to be at any time destitute of the bright light of thy sacred word, and guyding of the holy ghost, wher­as otherwise we shall both miserably stray in the Wildernesse of this miserable lyfe, [Page] and also perishe excéeding vnfortunately, that when as innumerable perils of temp­tations hang ouer thy faythfull seruaunts, let them not want the strength of thy good grace and louing fauour, wherby they may be able (so long as life indureth) to set out thy glorious kingdome vnto many, and fi­nallye obteyne at thy louing handes the dwelling place of perpetuall felicitie, tho­rowe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SEing that the holy scriptures make not mencion, without iust cause, of the chil­dren of Israels vngratitude and rebellion agaynst God (for they were alwayes trou­blesome to him by reason of their com­plaints) we humbly beséeche thée, O hea­uenly father, so to rule & gouerne vs with thy vnspeakable mercy and fatherly louing kindnesse, that we be not found like vnto them. They did lately and very readily for­get thy wonderfull workes, whereby thou deliueredst them from bondage: then they trusted in straunge Gods: they were defi­led with fleshly pleasures; and finally did [Page] both dispise the amiable lande which thou promisedst them, & also polluted themsel­ues with most gréeuous and shamefull of­fences. For the which notable and grée­uous sinnes, thou hast oftentymes chasti­sed them with a fatherly discipline, but yet (such was thy vnspeakable goodnesse) thou wert neuer forgetful of thy couenant made with their forefathers. Euen so, we hum­bly beséeche thee (O good God) to chasten and correct thy blessed Churche (when it doth now and then slide very sore) with thy accustomed mercifulnesse, and fauourable louing kindnesse, sauing the right of the e­uerlasting couenaunt, which thou hast re­nued with vs through the death of thy one­ly beloued Iesus Christ our Lord, who ly­ueth & reigneth with thee euermore worlde without ende. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy vnspeakeable goodnesse is such (O most mightie God) towards the congre­gation of thy faythfull seruaunts, that looke whatsoeuer thou hast done hitherto for set­ting thy faythfull people at libertie, the [Page] same also might she now both hope for, and also assure hir selfe of, if she had abidden in the couenant that she made with thee. For euen as the persecutors of the Israelites were sore vexed & at length opprest through thy mightie power: so in likewise (when it shall seeme good vnto thée) let all such as be enimies to thy sacred Church and veritie, be consumed with the force of thy inuinci­ble spirite. We now therefore require this especially at thy mercifull hands, that thou wouldst (so long as we be straungers from thée in this wretched lyfe, and are compas­sed about on euery side with an infinit nū ­ber of perils) lighten the night of our dark­nesse with the bright fire of thy blessed spi­rite, and vouchsafe to mittigate the heate of our manifold temptations, with the most sweete clowde of thy benigne grace, where­by we may so purely and with such safetie finishe our iourney through the deserts of this sinfull lyfe, as in the ende we may reioyce, for béeing come vnto thée with pourged minds into euer­lasting tabernacles, tho­row Iesus christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

OVr fayth (O most good and mercifull God) is more feeble and weake then it ought to be, whereof it commeth that wée sinne oftentymes with our fathers, whilest that we do not faythfully trust to thy bles­sed promises: but as thou (who art God) hast not dealt with the children of Israell according to their infidelitie and vnbeliefe, but didst deliuer them with a strong arme and most puyssaunt power from the bon­dage of the Egyptians, euen so we hum­bly beséech thee to be in suche wise present with vs by vanquishing & beating downe the gréeuous sinnes whereby we are led into captiuitie, as thou hast drowned the Egyptians in the depth of the Sea, to the intent that we being moued with y e féeling of this thy vnspeakeable goodnesse, maye haue a more firme and constant fayth, no­thing pampering our lustes in passing tho­rowe the desert of this wretched life, least we also in like maner kindle not thy heauy displeasure agaynst vs, as did the Israelits who prouoked thy wrathfull indignation [Page] agaynst thē, through their sundrie naugh­tie and lewde desires. Let vs (we heartily pray thée) haue their penalties and punish­ments alwayes before our eyes, who being admonished by other mens perils and mis­chiefe, may behaue our selues warelier and with more wisedome in thy blessed house, which is thy sacred Church, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cvj. Psalme.

A prayer for perfect con­ [...]ssion, & that grace which God hath in­ [...]ued vs w t, [...]aye haue [...]uch rule [...]uer vs.WE are all greatly bound to mag­nifie thy blessed name so much as in vs lyeth (O moste excellent God) for thy singuler goodnesse and euerlasting mercie, who hast very of­ten shewed the vnspeakeable force of thy puyssant strength for thy faythfull peoples deliuerance, the like we nowe doe humblie beséech thée to visite and comfort thy afflic­ted Church withall, which nowe is little better then opprest with the furie of Anti­christ and lewde practises of euill persons. But forsomuch as it is thy blessed heritage, we haue a merueylous earnest desire once to behold the peace, ioy, and prosperity ther­of. [Page] We know right well, and plainly con­fesse, that we haue committed very muche lewdnesse togither with our fathers, so that wée haue sinned exceeding gréeuous­ly, and haue most wretchedly fallen from thée our God: yet doe we not therefore dis­paire, bicause we verily perceyue that thou didst alwayes shewe thy selfe to be such a one towards thy chosen people of olde time which thou diddest adorne with incredible benefites, who although they were altogi­ther forgetfull of the same in starting aside to ydolatry and vngodlinesse, yet didst thou onely not vtterlye ouerthrowe those men, but (being chastised with a fatherly correc­tion for a season) restoredst thē to their for­mer quietnesse, at what time they returned into the way of thy holy cōmaundements. Wherfore (we humbly besech thee) O most mightye God, to preserue vs none other­wise, & not according to our deserts, but for the glorie of thy name only, that like as we are gathered togither out of manye nati­ons, so also being deliuered from a number of great perils, may shew forth thy moste worthie prayses and speake very much ho­nor of thée, through Iesus Christ our lord. [Page] Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THy inestimable clemencie and wonder­full goodnesse (O most good and merci­ful God) is such, that the déepelier we con­sider the same by thy glorious workes, so­much séemeth it to be a more difficult thing to prayse thée according to thy desert and worthinesse: yet seeing the mindes of the beholders hereof doe alwayes perfectly sée that such are blessed which execute Iustice and equitie, and contrariwise those moste vnfortunate, that in their life and conuer­sasion swarne from thy sacred lawes. We earnestly require thée therefore to kéepe vs (through the grace and fauour of our Lord Iesus Christ) in the obedience of thy moste holy will, and call vs backe from our in­numerable & most gréeuous sinnes, vouch­safing finally to preserue thy blessed church, not verily for hir owne desertes sake, but for the honor of thy most glorious name. Let it neuer be forgetfull of thy vnspeake­able benefites, which, if we doe not al­wayes well consider, we shall readily yéeld [Page] to worldlye and fleshly desires. Remoue farre from hir, hatred and sectes, whereby thy faythfull Ministers haue béene some­time vexed by the craft and subtiltie of the Deuill. And like as thou hast of olde time spared thy people (whome thou determi­nedst to destroy) at Moses intercession, euen so pardon and forgiue vs all maner of cri­mes and faultes that we haue offended thée in, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THe fathers in the wildernesse behaued themselues hedlessely towardes thée (O most mightie God) and were so shame­lesse, as they are a spectacle vnto vs, who did (in a maner parpetually, or at the least within a short while one after another) prouoke thy wrathfull indignation, swar­uing marueylous vnfortunately from thee through their lewde temptations, wicked grudginges, and most odious repinings. Wherefore thou wert rightly, and not without good cause moued agaynst them, for which thinges sake thou shewedst forth thy heauie displeasure nowe and then in [Page] suffering and permitting their cruell eni­mies marueilous seuerely to chastice them. These things ought to be an ensample and warning vnto vs, for to haue an especiall regard to eschewe those kinde of vices, for the which we know they were cast of from thée. Howbeit, we are so apt and plyable to wickednesse, that we haue miserably de­filed our selues with the selfe same vices no lesse then they did. And therefore haue wée oftner then once felt, that thou (who art a righteous Iudge) hast giuen vs vp to be punished by our owne wickednesses and lewde desires: but (séeing we haue nowe suffered punishment ynough) we humblye besech thee, that like as thou didst helpe the Israelites when they called vpon thee, in the chiefest stormes of their calamities, be­ing nothing forgetfull of the couenaunt thou madest with thē, so also thou wouldst be our mightie defence, and set vs at liber­tie from our errors and bondage of sinnes that we are gréeuously burthened withall, into the fauour of our Lorde Iesus Christ thy sonne, who liueth and reigneth with thée euermore world without end. Amē.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cvij. Psalme.

SVch verily are greatly bound to thy clemencie, O almightie God, A prayer for y e knowledg [...] of Gods be­nefites, con­trary to all worldly lew [...] thinges. vnto whom (so long as they saile and are miserably toste of stormie tempestes and windie waues) thou sendest thy readie helpe in time conuenient, and that bicause they haue faythfully called vp­pon thée. Also thy mightie power is no lesse shewed in giuing abundance of water to drie and sandie places, and in altering and turning the barren ground to a fruit­full soyle. And contrariwise, mens sinnes are the occasion thereof, that by a wonder­full exchaunge, thou makest pleasaunt and fertile places to be come barren and alto­gither fruitlesse: in fine, to the intent thou mayst be well knowne, thou causest mor­tall creatures to féele thy inuincible force, by casting downe excéeding mightie kings and princes, and making them to be had in contempt, and become a moste shamefull laughing stock, and liftest vp the poore and basest in degree, vnto highest kingdomes. We earnestly require thée therefore not to [Page] suffer vs to thinke of those thinges negli­gently, but rather graunt this thing onely, that we being moued hereby may commit our selues altogither both to be preserued through thy vnspeakable goodnesse, and al­so guyded by thy sacred lawe, so that thou being our chiefe Capitaine and ruler, we may swim out of worldly sourges, whose mindes being hitherto vtterly voide of good déedes, may now bring forth most abūdant fruit: and that wheras we haue bene pin­ched with an excéeding scarcitie of goodnes, we may (by thy onely helpe) attaine to the excellent riches of the kingdome of heauen, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WHosoeuer they be (O moste good and mercifull God) that thou deliuerest from exceeding gréeuous daungers, it beho­ueth them vncessantly to celebrate thy worthie praises, and to render condigne thanks to thee for the same. Such as are driuen to wander from place to place, and walke through théeuishe wayes in solitarie and vnhaunted places, being in daunger of [Page] wilde beasts and théeues, euen these when they earnestly pray vnto thée, do dayly feele thy louing mercie and readie helpe. Thou art present also with them that are distres­sed with captiuitie, bound with fetters of Iron, and layde in moste darke dungions. Neither art thou forgetfull of them whom deadly diseases haue almost consumed and made vtterly an end of: forsomuch as thou hast once decréed that suche as lamentably require thy assistaunce from the bottome of their heart, shall neuer be destitute of thy helping hand. We therefore that haue of long time and that gréeuously wandred out of the path of godlinesse and holy life, doe nowe come vnto thee for succor, who (being so wretchedly opprest with the tirannicall bondage of our heynous sinnes) do call vp­pon thée, and finally in all our prayers doe earnestly desire that thou wouldest heale the diseases of our wounded soules, so that we may alwayes liue as thy faythfull ser­uaunts, and thou thereby to receyue perpe­tuall praise, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cviij. Psalme.

A praier that y e godly may [...]aue grace to [...]ithstand the assaultes of [...]he wicked.STrengthen and furnish our min­des and heartes in such wise with thy holy spirite (O most mightie God) that although diuers & sun­drie mishappes fall vpon them, or that they be shaken with the feare and dread of the enimies of true godlinesse and sincere reli­gion, yet they may not ceasse to shewe forth thy worthie prayses. Let our whole witte, minde, and perceyueraunce. (O excellent father) he stirred vp in vs for the right vn­derstanding of thy goodnesse, and acknow­ledging of the moste stedfast faythfulnesse of thy benigne promises. For these two things are so famous in thée, as they do not onely (by reason of their hugenesse) sur­mount the highe Cloudes of the ayre, but also farre excéede the height of the heauens. Therefore are we bolde humbly to intreat and heartily beséech thée, that (our innume­rable and most gréeuous sinnes being for­giuen) thou wilt set vp thy honor againe, and shewe thy famous glorie to the whole worlde, by deliuering thy sacred Churche from the Iawbones of Antichrist. Call to remembraunce that she is thy beloued he­ritage and chosen possession, which (al­though [Page] for our iniquities sake) thou séemest sometime to relinquishe and cast of from thy fauourable protection, yet art thou not able for thy goodnesse & faythfulnesse sake, to forget it in déede. Wherefore our whole trust consisteth in thée onely, as they that know most certainly that mans helpe is of none effect. Be thou therefore present with vs, and graunt that we maye behaue our selues both boldly and with great constan­cie in the behalfe of thy glorious name and of thy holy Gospell, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WHilest we call to our remembraunce and thinke vpon the riches (O moste good and mercifull God) of thy louing pro­mises, we are wonderfully stirred vp to ce­lebrate thy name with singuler prayses, which then augmenteth a more vehement desire, when we finde by experience that thou doest very faythfully performe what­soeuer thou hast promised to bestowe vpon vs. Thou verily hast giuen vs hitherto ma­ny thinges, and that truly without our de­sertes, [Page] yet there bée manye remayning, which we earnestly require may very spée­dily be accomplished. Thou hast begunne to deliuer vs from the handes of our cruell enimies, and let this luckie beginning pro­céede to a further successe: we bée nowe so farre forth exempted from sinne, that (so long as we truely beleue in thée) they shall not be imputed to vs vnto death. But yet for all that are we hitherto still oppressed with them: let vs therfore by thy high and mightie power, shake of their yoke dayly more and more. Forsomuch as thou art the first founder of thy sonnes Kingdome (who is the true Dauid) haue a regard therefore, (we humbly beséech thée) to set forth & make famous the light thereof amongest all Na­tions, and that he may purely & with great deuocion be honoured and called vppon by vs in especiall, whereby thy sacred Church may doe thinges nobly for the aduaunce­ment of thy glorie, and not be plucked back by the enimies of vngodlinesse from the right path of perfect religion, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cix. Psalme.

WE acknowledge and confesse that thou alone (O most mighty god) doest giue vs all thinges which we possesse: A prayer of the godly for the enimies of the gospell. vnder whose go­uernment and religion wee accompt it a marueylous felicitie to leade our life, ney­ther haue we anye other thing so déere and precious vnto vs, as to continue in the prayse and commendation of thy glorious name. Dissemble not at this time nor kéepe silence against the wicked persons & guile­full enimies of thy holye Church, who doe not onely rise vp agaynst thée with forged tales and blasphemies, but also make war agaynst vs with a most furious hatred and outragious crueltie, being vtterly forgetful of all humanitie and godlinesse. But thou (O good God) right well knowest howe peaceably we haue béene hitherto towards them, and haue heartily loued those men, and earnestly prayed for them both publik­ly and priuately, who nowe recompence vs with extréeme afflictions and gréeuous ca­lamities for our good turnes extended to­wardes them. Wherefore be thou stirred vp agaynst them (O heauenly father) let their cursings and blasphemies which they [Page] haue continually in their mouth returne vppon them, ouertake, and sore oppresse them, hauing a iust rewarde for their ha­tred and iniuries, which they extend chiefly both towardes thée and also towardes vs that be thy faythfull people. But deale not with vs (O moste mercifull father) accor­ding to the worthinesse of our iniquities, who haue in such wise sinned, and behaued our selues so wickedly in thy sight, as there are no punishments (though they be neuer so gréeuous) but that we haue deserued thē. Yet haue thou not a regard vnto vs, but to the glorie of thy owne name: preserue and succour vs, for thy infinite goodnesse sake, when we be gréeuously afflicted and vtter­ly destitute of all succor: let the Antichristi­ans bée put to rebuke and clothed wyth shame, and cause reuilings to be a daylye cloke to couer them withall. But be thou alwayes readie to assist vs with thy readie helpe, saue the soules of thy faythfull ser­uauntes which depende wholy vpon thée, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SEing therefore thou art the same God (O heauenly father) which we make a vaunt that thou art, Neither be thou silent or at rest in so great oppressions of thy sacred Church, when as none other thinges are euery where heard, then meere blaspheemies a­gaynst thee, agaynst thy pure doctrine, and agaynst thy blessed people, yea and that chiefly of such, for whose preseruation shée hath alwayes prayed hartily to thée. Thou knowest right well how we haue continu­ally wished that peace and all good things might happen vnto our chiefest aduersari­es, who notwithstanding are nowe moste impudently puffed vp, forsomuch as they verily thinke that they haue espyed a con­uenient time to ouerthrow thy blessed heri­tage. Wherefore, they surely do right well deserue that thou shouldest paye them the hire of their lewd behauiours, and all those things which we haue now heard thy holy spirite to threaten agaynst obstinate and vncurable sinners. But our conscience doth accuse vs that we haue behaued our selues most vnworthie of thee and thy sa­cred doctrine, who first confesse our sinnes [Page] to be excéeding gréeuous, and secondly doe earnestly desire thée (for thy infinite mer­cies sake) to forgiue vs the same: and final­ly that thou wilt succor thy afflicted people, to the intent we may both confesse thée, and also celebrate thy glorious name in holye and great congregations, bicause thou hast set thy selfe as a ready defender at the right hande of the poore, and of such as are verye like to be ouerthrowne, and hast preserued their life and religion from the force and madnesse of Antichrist, who now séemeth to presume and take vpon him to do what he lysteth agaynst them, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

O Most good and mercifull God, who of all the prayses wherewith the Church magnifieth thée, art the rightfull and rich ground and matter, it is not hidden from thy diuine Maiestie, what the subtile and deceyptfull sort doe dayly practise agaynst the same. Shée of hir gentlenesse loueth them with a motherly affection, and with prayers both most feruent, and also moste [Page] often, doth make supplication to thée for their welfare. Notwithstanding, seing that they do not amend, but are more stubburn­ly boldned in their naughtinesse (we hum­bly beséeche thée) at length to asswage and represse their furious rage, and appoynt some meane and ende for thy seruaunts af­flictions. Thou séest howe all thinges are nowe in a maner brought to extréeme weaknesse, so that there is almost nothing in thy worshipping, but is shamefully defi­led and very lewdly corrupted. Make haste therefore to be our ready helper, to the in­tent it may be perfectly knowen that thou wantest neyther strength nor wisdome to succor those that be thine, which shall bée marueylous conuenient for the delating and publishing of thy blessed name & most worthie prayses: wherefore, seing that there is now great scarcitie of good and spi­rituall stuffe in thy blessed Church, remedy thou the same with the most plentiful trea­sures of thy bright light, pure doctrine, be­nigne graces, and vnspeakable benefites, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cx. Psalme.


[...] prayer for [...]e benefite our re­ [...]mption [...]rchased [...] Christ.SEing that thou (O most mightie God) hast vouchsafed thy dearely beloued Sonne our Lord and sa­uiour Iesus Christ to sitte at thy right hand, hauing a full, perfect, and so­uereigne power, insomuch as he doth rule and gouerne all things, neyther shall there be any of his aduersaries remayning, but may at length be cast vnder him as his foot­stoole: ponder diligently we humbly besech thée, after what sort the vngodly and most outragious Antichristiās aduaunce them­selues in these dayes, who dare openly say of him: we will not haue this man raigne ouer vs, neyther can they be any thing sa­tisfied by shewing forth this their outragi­ous anger after a moste spitefull maner, both against thy blessed spirite, and also vp­on vs thy chosen people: wherefore sende out from heauen (O mightie GOD) thy puissaunt Scepter and rod of thy great fu­rie vpon them, so that thy déere sonne may (by the holy ghost and sacred Gospell) be of souereigne aucthoritie, euen in the middest of his deadly enimies. Graūt also his faith­full people to be of such a willing and rea­die minde, as they (being a very great num­ber) [Page] maye assemble and méete togither for the defence of his glorious kingdome, not onely with their most feruent prayers, but also by all y t meanes they can possible ima­gine and deuise. We truely are (by reason of our heynous sinnes) vnworthie of so great and vnspeakable a benefit, who haue hitherto ledde our life nothing faythfully. Haue no regarde to vs at all (O heauenly father) but vnto thy solemne othe and pro­mise, wherewith thou hast ordeyned thy déere sonne to be both a noble Prince, and also a louing priest in the true Church for the preseruation therof. Vouchsafe therfore in these our dayes, that the kings, rulers, & mightie powers of this wretched worlde, (who haue so layde their heddes togither a­gaynst him) maye bee vtterlye consumed with the furie of thy heauie displeasure, and do due execution vppon these blasphemous and most dishonest aduersaries, so as this sacred Dominion and Empire of the glori­ous Gospell may be greatly inlarged tho­rowout the vniuersall world, and that Ie­sus Christ thy déere sonne which séemeth to be in a maner altogither opprest in vs, may be right well knowen to lift vp his heade [Page] most renowmedly, and after an excellent maner, for whose sake we heartily require all these things, which liueth and reigneth with thee euermore worlde without ende. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

FOrsomuch as it is thy gracious wil and pleasure (O moste good and mercifull God) that our sauiour Iesus Christ thy deere sonne should shewe forth his notable power ouer all creatures, and set in suche wise on thy right hande, as at length the force of all his outragious enimies may bée like a footestoole cast vnder him: our earnest request is that he would nowe set out and publishe his mightie power in this great needfull time of the Church. Let him rayse vnto himselfe willing and forward labou­rers for such a noble, excellent, and moste commodious a worke, who being inflamed with the zeale of his honor and dignitie, may establishe the truth of his doctrine, a­mend mens maners, and set vp integritie of life amongst thy faythfull people. For, séeing we heartily acknowledge and hum­bly [Page] confesse that we haue both defiled and polluted our selues by diuers innumerable and moste gréeuous crimes, we earnestly beséech thée to absolue vs of them, through the expiation of Christ our mediatour and high priest, which thing vnlesse he doth it, who is ordeyned a priest for vs after the or­der of Melchisedech, wee can none other wayes obteyne the same. Forsomuch there­fore as our heynous sinnes are blotted out and wiped away by him, turne thy heauie displeasure from vs, and poure it out a­gaynst the stubburne and rebellious eni­mies of al godlinesse. Giue sentence in such wise vpon the wicked people, that at what time thy streight iustice shall bée séene, knowne, and manifestly perceyued, al men in generall may lift thée vp with perpetual prayses, according to thy worthie desertes, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WE know (O almightie God) that the desolution of the world is not so long deferred, and that our Lorde Iesus Christ thy most dearely beloued sonne being con­ueyed [Page] out of our sight, sitteth on thy right hand in glorie, for any other cause, but that all the enimies of the Gospell should in the meane while fall downe flat vnder his féet, and that his doctrine (which by the impul­sion of the holy Ghost is spred abroad from Mount Sion thorowout the whole world) shoulde both be published farre and néere, and also bring forth fruit in such wise, that thou mayest haue whole nations true wor­shippers of thée, not now constrayned and brought thereto by compulsion, but of a willing heart, and such as will thinke it a goodly matter to spende not onely all their goodes, but euen their life also for the de­fence of thy sacred truth. Seing that thou (O excellent father) hast promised with an assured othe to performe these thinges in very deede, we do chalenge thée at this time vpon thy faythfulnesse to accomplish them with so muche spéede as possible may bée: pronounce sentence (I heartily pray thée) with thy sacred Church, which the prince of darkenesse hath of such long time and so sharpely assayled. Teare in péeces the de­uils cursed engines, & mad outrage where­with the infernall powers kéepeth hir be­sieged, [Page] so that one time or other Christ may put vp his bright hed amongst vs, who ly­ueth and reigneth with thée in the vnity of the holye Ghost euermore worlde without ende. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxj. Psalme.

AL thy works, O most mightie god, A praier th [...] Gods won­derful wor [...] may be mad [...] manifest. are very great & wonderfull, which (if we did deuoutly and with much feruencie search out) we should find nothing in them that shoulde not greatly satisfie our desires. But (alas for sorrowe) séeing that we are so much burthened with a corrupt life and an innumerable multi­tude of sinnes, we are not able purely and with singlenesse of heart, to beholde the magnificence and vprightnesse that thou vsest in thy marueylous workes. Yet not­withstanding by calling to remembraunce the vnspeakable benefites which thou hast bestowed vpon vs and our fathers, we can not but say that thou art louing and mer­cifull vnto vs. Abolishe not thou therefore (who neuer hast forsaken thy faythfull ser­uauntes, by nourishing and giuing them [Page] the promised heritage of the Gentiles) the holye couenaunt which thou madest wyth them, neyther be forgetfull of vs, for thy infinite mercies sake, but shewe forth thy selfe an earnest louer of iudgement and ve­ritie, by manifesting the equitie, iustice, and vprightnesse of thy blessed will. The cause why our fierce enimies doe so assaile vs, is not vnbeknowen to thée, but thou vnderstandest right well the cruell malice and mischieuous hatred they haue borne to sincere godlinesse, true religion, and pure inuocation of thy blessed name: who can not abide that the Gospell should flourishe in our Churches, for which cause they are so earnestly bent to swallow vs vp. Sende thou therefore redemption vnto thy fayth­full people: and let the blessed couenaunt which thou haste made wyth thy sacred Church, be inuiolable and euerlasting, in respect whereof (we humbly beséech thée) mightily to deliuer vs, so that all men may right well perceyue thy infinite goodnesse, and greatly feare and stand much in awe of thy diuine Maiestie: but cause vs alwayes to celebrate thy most worthie prayses, tho­row Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

IF we did diligently pervse and seeke out the thinges which thou (O almightie God) hast created, we should euen with all our heart be inforced to acknowledge the equity and vprightnesse of them: forsomuch as we see nothing amongest all thy crea­tures but is wonderfull notable, and most excellent. Moreouer the famous tokens of thy inestimable goodnesse which thou doest for men, are of euerlasting memoriall, and ought at no time to be forgottē. Thy faith­full seruaunts haue hitherto neuer lacked or béene destitute of thy readie helpe, who hast very carefully thought alwayes of the couenāt thou madest with them. For thou giuest vs abundauntly all maner of things which are for the health of the bodie, thou adornest them with an excéeding great he­ritage, & doest furnishe them with doctrine & most wholesome precepts: adding more­ouer herevnto the wonderfull promises an­nixed to a marueylous stedfast veritie, and finally hast béene accustomed to deliuer thē from sorowfull bondage and greeuous op­pression. [Page] We that beleue assuredly these things, do nowe with much humilitie, pre­sent our selues before thy gracious pre­sence, requiring thée to remit the most grée­uous sinnes wherewith we haue offended thee, and to deliuer vs from imminent pe­rils, so that we (being voyd of fearefulnesse and frée from wicked persons) shall by that meanes haue the feare of thée (which is the beginning of wisdome) and the true vn­derstanding of thy blessed law, through Ie­sus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE ought to poure out (both openly and in priuate places) no fained prai­ses before thée (O moste good and mercifull God) but such as procéede from the bottom of the heart: for thy notable factes whereby thou hast linked vs vnto thée, are so to bée marueyled at of all men, as the Godly doe not search those out but for a singuler de­light they take in them. Neyther doubt we but that thou wilt yet doe such thinges for our preseruation, as shall be worthie to be regestred in perpetuall memorie: for wée [Page] are nothing mistrustfull that thou canst be at any time forgetfull of thy holy couenant which thou hast vouchedsafe more then once to enter into with thy faythfull ser­uaunts. We right well perceyue, and the Scripture doth euery where put vs in re­membraunce, how thou hast alwayes stood most constantly to thy blessed couenaunts. For thou hast not onely brought our Fa­thers out of Egipt, but of thy wōderful cle­mencie feddest them in y e desert, who didst (according to thy faythfull promise) place those thy people in y e land of Canaan: our earnest request and humble desire is there­fore, O excellent father, that thou wouldst extend thy mercie & truth no lesse towards vs. For performaunce whereof sende out thy most puyssant force of thy blessed word, whereby the true honouring of thy holye name in thy sacred Church may be set frée from errors and darknesse, so that we may at length luckily attaine to the true wor­shipping of thée, which is the originall and piller of all wisdome, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxij. Psalme.

A praier that [...]he godly [...]aye be [...]lessed.FOrsomuch as we haue not yéel­ded such honor vnto thée (O most excellent father) as was our right bounden dutie, neyther haue bene obedient to thy blessed commaundementes as we ought, therefore are these trouble­some and difficult tymes nowe come vpon vs. For those which duely obey, faythfully loue, and truely worship thée according to thy prescript word, do not wallow in dark­nesse, but are strengthned in righteousnes, and order all their doyngs with an vpright iudgement. Let thy vnspeakable mercye therefore, O most mighty God, amend that in vs which hath (through our lewde de­fault) béene greatly appared. First vouch­safe to giue thy benigne consent vnto this, that we swarue hereafter nothing at all from the perfect waye which thou hast set forth vnto vs: then, so strengthen oure mindes and heartes, that we be not more affrayed of imminent mischiefe then néede is, but vndershore thou the weakenesse of our féeble minde, and graunt that we may repose our whole trust in thée onely. Cause the horne of thy people to bee exalted and lifted vp in this so sharpe and perillous a [Page] battaile. Thou séest how greatly ourwic­ked and vngodly enimies do fret at vs, for if they were of abilitie, they would not on­ly destroy vs and all that we haue, but also vtterly race and abolishe out of the Church the pure worshipping of thée, all perfect Godlinesse, and true religion: who gnashe the téeth of their crueltie, and with moste forceable weapons they rage without mer­cie. Beate thou downe therefore and make frustrate their deuilishe enterprises with thy excellent might and inuincible power, so that they maye fade awaye as voyde of their fond practises, and all their moste de­testable ymaginations vtterly perishe, to the glorie and prayse of thy name, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THe due feare of thée (O moste mightie God) that is to say, reuerent godlinesse, causeth men to be right blessed, who care for none other thing then howe they may most readily obey thy blessed will. There­fore are we moued lamentably to require thy louing mercie, whereby thou mightest [Page] renue thy holye Church being in a maner come to vtter ruine: for otherwyse shall not hir or rather thy posteritie or ofspring be at any time eyther famous or mightie, for the abundaunce of spirituall giftes is to be looked for from none other place, neither wil light burst out by any other meanes in the middle darknesse of errors and wicked­nesse. Moreouer, if godlinesse (according to our earnest peticion) may reuiue in hir, the perfect office of charitie towards our neigh­bor shall not be wanting, but euery man will pleasure his brethren somuch as in him lyeth, ordering his doings not rashely or by chaunce, but with a spirituall & ghost­ly iudgement. Wherefore we earnestly de­sire thée to establishe vs quickly in thy con­fidence, from the which, let not (eyther tem­pestuous stormes & gréeuous aduersities, or the delight of fortunate thinges) in any wise withdraw vs, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

LYke as they which indeuor themselues to the vttermost of their powers for to [Page] follow true godlinesse and the obseruation of thy holy commaundements (O merci­full God) do leade a right happie and bles­sed life: euen so do we right well perceyue that it was very agréeable to thy incōpara­ble iustice, that we should be presently tor­mented with these troublesome times, who haue coldely applied our selues to the true honoring of thée, and negligently obeyed thy sacred law as becommeth vs. But take not thou (O good God for thy infinite mer­cies sake) such reuengement of our sinnes as they haue iustly deserued, but cause some light to shine out vnto vs in so great a mist of darknesse, whereby pure godlinesse may be set vp agayne in thy sacred Church, and holy religion flourish excéedingly. Graunt moreouer that thy true worde and fayth­full promises may take such déepe roote in our sinfull hearts, that (although we heare of gréeuous mischiefes hanging ouer our heddes) yet let vs not start nor stagger any thing at all from thy sacred fayth and holy purpose. Vnderproppe thou vs thy owne selfe, by causing it thus to fall out that we may in this dreadfull time, leane stedfastly to thée alone, so as Antichrist may fret and [Page] gnash with his téeth, and the spitefull ad­uersaries of thy glorious name pine away. But contrariwise let the prayse and cleare­nesse of thy fauourable mercie exalt it selfe more and more, and be made manifest to all creatures, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxiij. Psalme.

A prayer for the comfort & cōsolation of Christes Church.SEing that we ought to magnifie thy glorious name (O most good and mercifull God) so much as in vs lyeth, and by all the meanes we can possibly deuise, who haue not liued in such wise heretofore, as to further thy worthy prayses according to our right boū ­den dutie, but rather thy blessed truth and sacred Gospell hath (through our great de­fault and cursed lewdnesse) béene muche slaundered, and that thing which ought to haue béene highly commended amongst all Nations, is euery where (by our naughti­nesse) made of none accompt. Wherefore we heartily acknowledge and earnestlye confesse that thou hast most gréeuously vex­ed and troubled vs, to the intent we should [Page] the better vnderstand thy iustice, & vpright iudgement. Yet notwithstanding, our ear­nest request is, y t (forsomuch as nothing can be compared vnto thee in respect of goodnes & mercy) thou wouldst at length be our rea­dy helper & speedy deliuerer: who hast béene accustomed, of thy infinite bountiousnesse, to looke not onely vpon the things that are in heauen, but also doest humble thy selfe to beholde all matters which be done vpon the face of the earth. Haue an eye therefore vnto the troublesome estate of thy blessed Church, and diligently regarde the moste greeuous oppression of thy faythfull people. Forsomuch as we haue hitherto wallowed in the m [...]ery puddle of our lewd vyces, and be now (according to our iust deserts) sore tost with the heauie burthen of extréeme aduersities. Stretch thou out thy helping hand to ayde our princes & armies, who v­sest to take the simple out of y e dust, & doest lift the poore from the dunghill, and succor thy blessed Church in such sort, as it do not become altogither barren. Vouchsafe that it may one day reioyce in peace and tran­quillitie, and graunt hir to bee made vnto thée (through thy sacred worde and holye [Page] spirit) a mother of many children, by whom thy glorious name maye bee exalted with perpetuall prayses, euen as it behoueth thē, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WHosoeuer addict themselues to honor thée (O moste mightie God) wyth fayth and pure deuocion, are bound to ren­der immortal thanks to thy glorious name, which they ought to paye vnto thée in all places, euery yere without ceassing, euery day, and euery houre. The puyssaunt force of thy great goodnesse extended towards vs is manifested in such wise, as all men must néedes confesse that thou art no lesse merci­full then inuincible. For although thou art sayde to haue placed thy kingly Court and Pallace in the highest coastes of the Hea­uens, notwithstanding thou submittest thy diuine prouidēce to euery base thing which lyeth hid in the lowest part of the earth, in­somuch as nothing can be done eyther in heauen or earth, but is cléerely and moste plainely séene of thée. For séeing therefore we perfectly vnderstande that such thinges [Page] as bée done of vs are not vnbeknowne to thée, and that it is alwayes thy accustomed maner to rayse vp the poore and needie (so they beleue vnfeynedly in thée) out of the fowle and filthie dust, to more noble & most renowmed Kingdomes: who also doest of­ten cause the childlesse and barren women to haue a plenteous houshold, we doe with great humilitie lamentably require this at thy fauourable handes, that thou wouldest be mercifull vnto the calamities thy blessed Church is nowe in, so as it may at length (by thy good meanes) be most noble & right famous, which yet goeth bestoubered with filth and dust, and whereas she séemeth to haue left child bearing, let hir be glad with a perfect and substanciall ioy for the num­ber of hir most faythfull sonnes, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxiiij. Psalme.

WHen as thou (O moste mercifull God) broughtest the children of Israell by thy inuincible power, A prayer for a true fayth by the con­temolation of Goddes wonderfull workes. from the bondage of Egypt, and hadst layd sufficient greeuous punishments [Page] vpon the cruell and obstinate Egyptians, hauing a fatherly carefull regarde and sin­guler affection towardes the people of the Iewes, diddest therefore moste manifestly declare (through wonderfull examples and moste abundaunt fauour) that thou wert with them at the deuision of the waters in the red sea, by the marueylous quaking of mount Sinay, by the goyng backe of the riuer of Iordane, & the vncredible gushing of waters out of the hard rocke: whereby we may right euidently vnderstand that al things happen prosperously, and are great­ly obedient to those whome thou hast vou­chedsafe to regester in the number of thy elect seruaunts. For which cause sake, an excéeding liuely hope is raised vp in vs, that séeing our assured affiaunce is, that we be­long to thy blessed house by the adoption of fayth, it will come to passe, that as we bée alreadie deliuered by thy benigne grace from the miserie of eternall death, so also whatsoeuer is among thy blessed creatures (whether it be the likenesse of prosperitie or aduersitie) shall redounde at length moste luckely for the welfare of thy sacred church: vnto the which thing as we right well per­ceyue [Page] that our heynous sinnes be worthily and not without iust cause a great let and hinderance, so also, we humbly beséech thée, (for thy infinite mercie and promised good willes sake) to bring the same very spéedi­ly to passe, and that in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde, who liueth and reigneth with thée euermore worlde without ende. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxv. Psalme.

AT what time we do lamentably re­quire thy fauourable mercy (O most mightie God) A prayer for a constant confession of the Gospell. thereby to be deliue­red from such horrible calamities as do greatly assaile vs, which is not done on­lye to the intent we our selues shoulde re­ceiue benefite thereby, but also that thy blessed name might become more glorious through out wonderfull deliuerance. For if thou shouldst suffer thy blessed seruaunts to lie vnder foote, we sée it woulde easilye come to passe, that the children of this wret­ched world will vpbrayde them, & accompt the hope they repose in thée onely to be as a vaine thing. As for our part, who being il­lumined [Page] with thy heauenly grace doe very well consider (that what good thing soeuer is in this wretched worlde, whereof the vn­beleuers haue made thēselues their ydols) they haue neyther power nor habilitie at all to make men happie & blessed, although they both honor & reuerence them. Where­fore we knowe this to be still remayning for vs, that so many as haue the feare of thy diuine maiesty before their eies, and apper­taine to the spirituall Israel, & be also graf­fed in the Kingdome & priesthood of Christ, should make their ful accompt to haue thée as their onely helper and defender. For if that be done which they are bound to per­forme, they shall dayly attaine greater en­creasementes of perfect good thinges. For which cause we heartily require thée, who dwellest in the high heauen, and hast ordei­ned vs to haue our habitation in the earth so long as this life indureth, graunt vs so to liue, that thou suffer vs not to passe our tyme like vnto them which be deade, who can not set forth thy worthye prayses, but our earnest desire is that we may both in talke and holy workes alwayes set out thy most glorious name, through Iesus Christ [Page] our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxvj. Psalme.

THou doest then moste chiefly de­clare thy singuler good will to­wardes the Godly (O almightye God) A prayer to the like effe [...] of the psalm [...] which goe [...] next before. when as thou art present to helpe such as lamentably call vpon thée in the middest of their vnfortunate mishaps: and the heynouser those be whereout thou doest deliuer them, so much the greater is thy notable louing kindnesse manifested vppon them, and the mindes of them all more inflamed to haue accesse vnto thée in their moste harde and troublesome tymes. Wee therefore being sore cast downe and ouerwhelmed with the most gréeuous bur­then of our heynous sinnes, do humbly call vpon thée. And forsomuch as we know by experience that men are lyers, and all hope to be of none effect which shall be reposed in things created, we hartily require thée with so much earnestnes as can be deuised, to forgiue vs whatsoeuer we haue wicked­ly and lewdly committed, by taking away those punishments from thy sacred Church [Page] which our deadly sinnes haue worthilye deserued, that we being mightily deliuered, may bée exceeding ioyfull before thée, and both quaffe the cup of thankes giuing, and also cause thy singuler louing kindnesse, towardes vs, to be made manifest vnto all men. And like as thou hast alwayes had not onely a speciall regarde vnto the death of the blessed saints, but also vnto their mi­serable affliction and most pitious lamen­tation, so (wée humbly beséech thée) to take pitie at this time vpon the féeblenesse of thy sacred Church being in a maner as nowe distroyed & brought to vtter ruine, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxvij. Psalme.

[...] prayer for [...]e perfect [...]nowledge [...] Christ.THou hast created mankinde (O most mightie God) to the intent all Nations should be knitte togi­ther to render vniuersall prayses vnto thy glorious name: for the doing whereof, thou didst in olde time ordeine the Patriarkes, Prophetes, and Apostles, to this office, & at this time (when all things were now defaced with darknesse, fond ab­vses, [Page] and filthie defilinges) thou hast ga­thered vs in the sacred Church for the selfe same worke and purpose. Which thing, to the intent we may commodiously and very conueniently accomplishe, we humbly re­quire thée that our heynous iniquities and most deadly sinnes be not an hinderaunce herevnto, which as we heartily acknow­ledge and earnestly cōfesse to be right grée­uous and innumerable, so we humbly de­sire thée, that they may be vtterly wiped a­way, cléerely remitted, and quite pardoned, who be nowe (as thou well seest) so hedged in with great perils, and little better then alreadie opprest, bicause we haue reposed our whole trust and confidence in thée a­lone. Looke therefore (we humbly beseeche thee) that our fayth maye be so vnderprop­ped with thy blessed spirit, as it shrinke not in these troublesome daies. Set (we hartily pray thée) thy vnspeakeable goodnesse be­fore our eyes, which thou hast alwayes moste louingly bestowed vpon the godlye, that we, acknowledging the same fullye and euidently, may be nothing mistrustfull but that thou wilt at this present be a faith­full patrone and assured defender of thy [Page] blessed Church, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

AT such time as mankind (O most good and mercifull God) was striken with a wonderfull blindnesse and ouerwhelmed with mischiefes innumerable, then was thy vnfallible mercie at hande vnto him, through the which thou diddest vouchsafe to deliuer thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde for the saluation of the world: therefore are we bound to giue thée immortall thankes, who sée our selues pre­serued by thy méere and singuler goodnesse onely, and not through our owne deserts. And forsomuch as we haue founde thée so constant and right faythfull in thy louing promises, we doubt not but thou wilt (of thy excellent mercy and vnspeakable good­nesse) at thy appoynted tyme, fully accom­plishe those small thinges which are yet re­mayning to be fulfilled. Our earnest re­quest is therefore, that thou wouldest so fortifie our weake mindes with the spirite of fayth, as we may not onely lay holde vp­pon [Page] the good things thou proferest vs with­out any mistrustfulnesse, but also render thee condigne thanks in thy sacred Church with all people and nations, for so great bountifulnesse and liberalitie bestowed vp­on thy faythfull seruauntes, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxviij. Psalme.

SO manye as feare God, A praier [...] we may [...] comforted in fayth. and bée graffed in Christ, and haue a fer­uent zeale to godlinesse, are dayly allured and prouoked by newe meanes and infinite benefites, to magni­fie his blessed name: for séeing that they well know Gods goodnesse to be of suche great force as he is present therewith vnto those that vnfeynedly call vpon him for the same, and deliuereth them from all perill and disquietnesse of minde, who causeth them to haue so great fayth and confidence, as they neede not to stand in néede of mans power, bée it of neuer so great a force. Wherefore, in as much as the same is not at this present vnbeknowne to vs, we cō ­mit our selues to thée onely (O most migh­tie [Page] God) who art our alone sauiour, requi­ring that thou wouldest vouchsafe to de­fend thy blessed Church being as now hed­ged in and compassed about on euery side with extreeme perils: our sinnes haue iust­ly deserued farre gréeuouser thinges, who do confesse (O good God) that we haue hey­nously and like miserable wretches offen­ded thée, but here it behoueth, that for thy singuler clemēcies sake, our wicked déedes shoulde be vanquished of thy vnspeakable mercie. Graunt vs therefore (being chasti­sed by thée as disobedient and rebellious children) not so to be deliuered to subiection and destruction, as we may not highly ce­lebrate, worthily prayse, and duly magnifie thy wōderous workes within the Gates of thy glorious kingdome amidst the congre­gation of the righteous. Vouchsafe y t we, who are now as reprobates, castawayes, and made a laughing stock to al men, may be aduaunced so muche in righteousnesse, holinesse, and good liuing, as all men may right well vnderstand, that whatsoeuer we determine or go about to do touching reli­gion, it is not mans deuise but thy owne onely worke, through Iesus Christ oure [Page] Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WE are continually tost with so many gréeuous stormes of aduersities (O almightie God) as it behoueth vs to haue accesse and recourse vnto thy mercie onely, that we be not ouerwhelmed vnder them. But now we know for a certayntie, that mans power can do nothing touching their ouerthrow whome thou hast appoynted to saluation. Forsomuch as therefore we sée them fed with a false and deceiptfull hope which haue anye confidence in men, wée iudge this to be a singuler poynt of wise­dome of the godly, to trust hereafter in no mortall creature, but to repose their whole affiaunce in thee alone. For which cause, we humblie beséech thy diuine Maiestie (O excellent father) that, although thou art sometime angrie, and, by reason of our hei­nous sinnes, doest worthilye chastice and subdue our stubbornnesse, yet let vs not fal vtterly away from thée, which thing shall verily come to passe, if thou wilt builde vs [Page] vpon that most firme corner stone, who as he was layde aside and dissalowed of men, so is he aduaunced by thée to the chiefest top and piller of glorie, through our Lord Ie­sus Christ thy sonne, who liueth and reig­neth with thée euermore worlde without ende. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxix. Psalme.

[...] prayer in [...]ecessitie, an­ [...]uishe, and [...]stresse.THou hast alwayes of thy vnspeak­able goodnesse and clemencie (O most good and merciful God) from time to time indued vs with nota­ble and plentifull benefites, but we of the contrary part (who ought to obey thy bles­sed cōmaundements with all earnestnesse) haue very miserably transgressed the same, and procured vnto oure selues the euilles wherewith we are sore oppressed, neyther can we iustlye complaine, that Antichrist and his cursed members haue worse dealt with vs thē our deserts required: but know assuredly that thou doest not chasten and correct vs in thy furious displeasure, but with fatherly mercie and louing kindnesse. Wherefore we (whom thou sore chastisest) [Page] hauing recourse vnto thée, require these thinges at thy mercifull handes, that thou wouldst open the eyes of our minde wyth thy healthfull light, so that we be not blin­ded at the beholding of thy wonderous workes: let not thy sacred precepts be hid from vs so long as we be pilgrimes in this wretched world, causing our mindes to bée continually inflamed with a moste ardent desire towardes those thinges which thou hast giuen in commaundement to be ob­serued. Graunt that our deserts be not such henceforth, as we be reproued amongst the lewde sort, or cursed like execrable thinges, bicause we haue greatly swarued from thy holy precepts. Thou séest right well the slaunders and reproches wherwith thy cru­ell enimies do euery where assaile vs, and after what sort the great princes and migh­ty rulers of this wretched world when they were set togither agaynst vs, did striue not onely by worde, but also by indeuour to turne vs away from thy sincere worde, from the deuout worshipping of thee, and from thy pure ceremonies. Thou therefore so strengthē and quicken vs with thy puys­saunt force and mightie power, as we may [Page] bée assuredly perswaded that thy faythfull promises are most true and certain, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Aleph, Beth.

SVch truelye are to bée accompted right happie amongst mortall men (O moste good and mercifull God) as haue thy sacred law alwayes set out before the eyes of their minde, which they make as a patterne to beginne their life by, and as a rule to pro­ceede by, when they haue begunne, so that if they shal perhappes go astray, their fault may both be amended thereby, and they al­so lead a vertuous life according vnto iu­stice. These shal liue blamelesse, and when their doinges shall be examined by vpright iudgemēt, they shal not be ashamed, which will greatly auaile, if it be diligently prac­tised from the tender age. But we heartily acknowledge and earnestlye confesse (O most deere father) that all mans pollicie is altogither vnprofitable, and none accompt at all to be made thereof, vnlesse thou bee present with thy blessed spirite, and doest direct our minds, for otherwise what gaine may wée haue by meditating of thy holye [Page] law, then a colde and very hurtfull know­ledge. Wherefore our earnest request is, that thou wouldest not onelye minister strength vnto vs by thy grace, for the ac­complishing of those thinges which thou commaundest in thy diuine lawe, but also to bring this vnto good effect, so that wée may haue more felicitie in them, then in all our owne deuices, and take a greater de­light in the execution hereof, then in anye fleshly or worldly pleasures, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Gimel, Daleth.

SEing that all the force wee haue, depen­deth vpon thee (O most good and mercy­full God) and that wée do nothing, wyth­out thy gracious ayde and furtheraunce, which may please thée, wée haue good cause to flie vnto thy excellent mercie seate, so that we may (through the helpe and assis­taunce of thy good grace) frame our deedes altogither confirmable vnto thy holye lawes, which thing can in no wise happen vnlesse thou remouest from oure eyes the vale which euill lustes and lewd desires do alwayes put betwixt vs and thy wholsome [Page] doctrine, by reason whereof we do not wel consider the beneficiall thinges which are there commaunded vs to obserue. Driue also farre from vs (we heartily beséech thée) the swelling of the minde and a haute con­ceypt, wherethrough wée are accustomed beyond all measure to haue mens ordinan­ces and humaine deuices in marueylous admiration, so that sometime thy holy pre­ceptes séeme vile vnto vs, in comparison of them: and that moste chiefly when as wée be afraid to abide the displeasure of mightie men and the shame of this wretched world. At what tyme therefore our minde shall be thus diuersly seuered, refreshe thou vs (O good God) with thy blessed worde, and mittigate with thy spirituall calmnesse, the ouer vnquiet thoughtfulnesse of our mind, and suffer vs not to be deceyued by the lea­sings of this corrupt life, being of themsel­ues marueylous pleasaunt and flattering. For if thou shalt once set our destressed hart at libertie, there can be no cause to the con­trarie, but that we may make wonderfull expedition for the accomplishing of thy sa­cred commaundements: which, we hum­bly beséech thée, to vouchsafe that we may [Page] obteyne with as earnest an intention as can be possibly deuised, through Iesus christ our Lorde. Amen.

He, Vau.

WHen as we on the one side doe consi­der the weakenesse of oure owne strength (O moste mightie God) and con­trariwise the absolutenesse and perfectnesse of thy blessed lawe, wée euidently perceyue, that for the obteyning thereof, thy moste puyssant helpe will stand vs in very great steade: first therefore teache vs the true wayes of thy holye commaundementes, moreouer illuminate in such sort our mind and vnderstanding, as we may be able to incline with great feruencie vnto those things which thou hast both taught & com­maunded. Furthermore it is néedefull for thee to graunt vs power and habilitie to performe whatsoeuer we haue learned of thée, otherwise it shall profite vs little or nothing at all to haue knowledge, vnlesse some part of obedience be eyther performed or at least wise begunne in vs, which the lewde inclination of our sinfull heart doth greatly hinder; and finally our senses and [Page] corrupt affections are wonderfull huge ad­uersaries herevnto. Succor thou vs there­fore, we humbly beséech thée, with thy good grace and abundant fauor, forgiuing what­soeuer we haue committed and do dayly af­ter a most sinfull maner agaynst thy sacred lawe, neyther let it be imputed vnto vs for our eternall destruction. And in the meane season (O good God) let thy louing mer­cies vtter and shewe forth themselues to be a strong defence and mightie preseruation for thy sanctified Church, which thou seest gréeuously tormented with great perilles, mischieuous reproches, and diuerse kyndes of afflictions, not permitting hir to bée in such sort wrested out of thy handes, as shée may be robbed eyther of thy blessed worde, or of the lawfull, holy, and most pure hono­ring of thée, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

Zain, Heth.

WE flie vnto thée in this most trouble­some time (O almightie God) when as we see thy blessed church so sore afflicted, and that thorow our owne euill desertes: who haue greatly sinned against thee, done [Page] very lewdely, and transgressed thy sacred lawes innumerable wayes, and there is but one thing onely which rayseth vp our hope, and comforteth vs most in these our gréeuous afflictions, namely that we know how thou art right mindfull of the louing promises made to thy faythfull seruaunts. Forsomuch as our sinnes & former wret­ched life doe marueylously accuse vs, (wée humbly beséech thée) therefore so to quicken and lift vs vp with thy vnspeakeable mer­cie, which we sée offered vnto vs in the be­nigne promises of thy holye Scriptures. Our earnest request is that thou wouldest not permitte vs to swarue from the sacred lawe which thou hast vouchedsafe to set be­fore vs, who do with much feruencie desire to be vnseperably annixed vnto thée, how­soeuer the vngodly doe sore vexe and scorne vs. For séeing that thou hast diuers times heretofore taken vppon thée to discide thy faythfull seruauntes causes when as they were in a maner drowned with extreeme calamities: therefore nowe also leaue not of to succour and helpe those which vnfey­nedly call vpon thee. Thy outragious eni­mies commit none other thing then to de­priue [Page] the Church of thy sacred wordes, thy holy ceremonies, and all deuout worship­ping of thee. Forsomuch as thou art our onely lot, we lift vp our eyes vnto thy face with our whole heart: but or euer the mul­titude of wicked and moste abhominable men do swallow vs vp, be thou present for thy infinite goodnesse sake to succor vs, so that we may applie our selues day & night to laude and prayse thée for thy iust iudge­ment, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amē.

Zain, Heth.

WEe haue not conceyued hope of our saluation (O almightie God) anye where else, then from thy moste faythfull promises, drawing out thereof onely an as­sured consolation, if that at any time either the fleshe, mans reason, the deuill, or wic­ked men shall vaunt themselues any thing stoutly against vs. We take a marueilous good courage agaynst all these thinges, for­somuch as thou wilt most largely perform whatsoeuer thou hast faythfully promised, bicause, that euen from the beginning, we haue had thy fayth in perfect remembrance, seing it doth manifestly appeare [...] thou [Page] hast neuer deceyued any that trust onely in thée. Vouchsafe therefore that we may both day & night be vnseperably annixed to this most strong rocke, inuincible fortresse, and well cast Anchor. For inasmuch as we mis­trust not but thou wilt performe whatso­euer belongeth vnto thee, this remayneth, that we execute with an excéeding feruent desire, the charge which is left vnto vs, so that we may (marueylous spéedily) bestyrre our steppes and feete towarde the fulfilling of thy blessed law. Cause thou vs (O excel­lent father) we humbly beséeche thée, to cut of and cast aside all delayes, and that con­trary to the expectation of the vngodly, who alwayes cast lettes to intrappe vs, we may be obedient to thy sacred precepts, so that all those which honour and loue thée purelye, may accompany vs, that like as the earth is euery where replenished with thy inesti­mable goodnesse, so the number of thy true and faythfull suppliauntes may be daylye more and more greatly augmēted, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Teth, Iod.

THou hast bene hitherto accustomed (O almightie God) to deale louingly with thy faythfull seruaunts, and we especially being (through thy vnspeakable mercye) brought to the true knowledge and perfect vnderstanding of thy sacred Gospell, haue had thy excellent benefites in a wonderfull triall, which we do plainly acknowledge and confesse that our heynous sinnes haue greatly defiled, wherewith we haue not onely polluted our selues, but also thy holy name, and the blessed doctrine of thy deere sonne is thereby euill spoken of amongest the Gentiles, and a great number (by our default) driuen with feare from the way of truth. We now therefore heartily beséech thée (O heauenly father) to cause vs for to sauer thee rightly and so acknowledge thy blessed name as we maye most constantly sticke to thy sacred wordes and holye com­maundementes. Let the afflictions wher­with we are touched be effectuall spurres and prickes to moue vs for to returne into the right perfect waye: and forsomuch as thou art good and fauourable vnto al men, suffer not those (whome thou hast adobted to be thy beloued sonnes by Christ) to denie [Page] thée shamefully. For the more that the de­uill, Antichrist, and his cursed members indeuour with all their industrie to plucke vs from thée, make thou vs on the contrary part (we heartily pray thée) to be vnfeined­ly obedient vnto thy blessed precepts: and what troublesome things soeuer these men haue subtilty deuised, let the same turne to y e profite of thy blessed Church. Let our heart (which of it selfe is grosse and fat) be made soft diligently to perceyue & right well vn­derstanding thy sacred worde & diuine law, hauing it in more credite and estimation, then golde, siluer, and all the treasure of the worlde. Forsake not (O good God) y e worke of thy handes, which thou thy selfe haste made and garnished: and let the vngraci­ous persons be put to shame, who (through a lewde zeale) go about to ouerthrowe thy blessed wayes. But let such reioyce in thée, as honour thy diuine Maiestie, and haue an eye with a pure fayth vnto thy louing promises. Cause them also to inioy thy vn­speakable goodnesse, & lead alwayes such a lyfe as may right well please thée, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Teth, Iod.

THere is nothing either more honorable or greatlier to bee wished for of vs (O most good and merciful God) then that thou wouldest giue vs power to vnderstand thy holye worde with a right vp iudgement: and we so feruentlye desire this, that wée may be also in a readinesse to purchase the same with any calamitie whatsoeuer it be. Wherefore if thou sée that thou canst by euill successe of fortune or by aduersities bring thy elect to a right minde, which slide away oftentimes, deale which way thou séemest best for to make vs applie our sel­ues with earnest desire to liue after thy di­uine lawe. And séeing thou hast fashioned vs in our mothers wombe, so fauour thou vs also and illuminate vs in such wise that we be not blinded in the worde of thy bles­sed truth. For whilest we earnestly desire these things at thy mercifull handes (O ex­cellent father) we doe not onely with heart craue our owne consolation, but the com­fort of all those which make much of thy sacred lawe and perfect truth. These veri­ly will wonderfully reioyce, if they shall [Page] perceyue euery one of vs to be annixed vn­to thee with vncorrupt mindes. Wherfore we heartily beséech thée, that thy holy will (which thou hast set forth vnto vs in the sa­cred Scriptures) maye be dearer vnto vs then gold, and more beloued then all riches, so as we may imbrace y e same with a right perfect heart, and nothing whatsoeuer wée attempt to do, may redowne eyther to our shame or to the dishonour of thy sanctified Church, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Caph, Lamed.

FOrsomuch as we haue an especiall re­gard (O most mightie God) in these our dayes to thy faythfull promises, and that our soule doth in a maner faint with long­ing for thy ayde: whiles health séemeth to vanish away from before our eies, it is time for thée to be our readie helper and sure de­fence. Wey not, we humbly beseech thée, our weake fayth; corrupt vices, and wicked behauiour wherewith we haue slaundered thy blessed name, and caused thy sacred gos­pell to be euil spoken of. Vouchsafe (O good God) that we may leade the rest of our life, [Page] altogither in godly and religious workes: for if we shall obteyne this at thy mercifull handes, we mistrust not but thou wilt im­mediately after powre out thy fierce iudge­ments vpon thy enimies, who do assault vs thus cruelly. And thou thy selfe seest how vndeseruedly they do it. For although wée haue sinned so heynously as we haue procured vnto our selues greeuouser pu­nishmentes then these be, yet our aduersa­ries haue not for our sinnes sake onely dig­ged these pittes for vs, but they persecute, yea and would vtterly destroy vs, for that religion is a little purged, & the true wor­shipping of thée restored. Therefore con­firme and strengthen thou vs (O excellent father) for thy infinite goodnesse sake, vou­chingsafe that thy holy worde may haue a perpetuall abyding in thy sacred Church, and suffer vs not to perish in this gréeuous persecution, but cause vs to bée delighted therein and to refresh our selues therwith, that forsomuch as we are thy faythfull ser­uauntes, and haue no confidence at all in mans force, saue and defend vs thy owne self frō such perils as hang ouer our necks, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Caph, Lamed.

OVr soules haue nowe fainted vs (O most good & merciful God) with carefull longing after thy blessed worde, so long as we hope both for helpe, and saluation at thy handes onely. Vnto thée, I say, do we lift vp our handes day and night, to the entent thy faythfull seruaunts maye at length in­ioy their hoped promises, who in the meane season do desire to haue this graunted vs, that in no wise we be forgetfull of thy sa­cred lawe, whilest thou delayest thy helpe in the middest of our gréeuous calamities. And like as thy sacred lawe abideth stedfast in the most bewtifull furniture of the hea­uens, and by it a most firme stabilitie in the earth, and also that most commodious and goodly varietie of time perseuereth and hath his continuaunce: euen so we humbly be­séeche thée, that it be not worne out of our heart and inward partes by any processe of time, for vnlesse our meditation be alwaies hereof, we shall easily perish in our sorow­full afflictions. Seing then it is thy blessed worde which quickneth vs, (for if we giue credite thereto, we shall obteine both salua­tion, [Page] and also know how to behaue our sel­ues according to iustice, neyther shall we bée troubled at the iniuries which our ad­uersaries profer vs: graunt O excellent fa­ther, that this may neuer slippe out of our remembraunce, but vouchsafe vs rather to sée an ende of all other things, then thy sa­cred worde eyther to be forespent or ouer­throwne in thy blessed Church, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lamed, Mem.

WHosoeuer they bée that applye them­selues to thy blessed worde (O moste good and mercifull God) shall reape at length no small fruit and commoditie ther­by, for they shall not onely surmount their enimies in knowledge and vnderstanding of heauenly thinges, but also farre excell those which are had in great reputation, both for their learning, and also for the ex­perience they haue attained vnto, by reason of their long life. To the intent therefore we be not depriued of so great a benefite, we humbly beseech thee, that (detesting vt­terly the lewdnesse of our heynous sinnes) we maye haue more felicitie in thy sacred [Page] wordes then in all other pleasures. And forsomuch as this life of ours is hedged in and compassed aboute on euerye side with blind ignoraunce, we can not haue a meter lampe then thy diuine worde to lighten our mindes withall: mans way ought to be or­dered and directed hereby, euen like a most cleere light, and that chiefly, when as the matter it selfe doth declare howe that euery one of vs doe beare his life alwayes in hys handes, by reason of the excéeding great pe­rils we are in. There want not euery where puyssaunt Champions of the aduer­saries which lay a thousand snares for our life: wherefore wee intreate thée so much as in vs lyeth, that thou wouldst stirre vp our sinfull heartes to fulfill thy holy com­maūdements which thou hast vouchedsafe to bewtify with so great promises, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mem, Nun.

THy diuine law and sacred wordes (O most mightie God) be of such force, as those which loue them and thinke continu­ally thereof, become euery day wyser then other, and surmount all mortall men in [Page] vnderstanding, althoughe they bée better learned and auncienter in yeares: which study is marueylous commodious to with­draw our feete from the path of wickednes, and doth sometime confirme our feeble foot­steps, least they swarue peruersly from thy blessed commaundements. Forsomuch as therefore we haue miserably declined from thee in our former life, and shamefully sin­ned, which doth manifestly appéere in that wee haue neglected thy righteous wordes, louing promises, sacred ceremonies, and whole law. Wherefore wée ought not to wonder or complaine at all that thou doest at this present punish vs vniustly: but haue truely well deserued this (through oure naughtie and lewd behauiours) that so vn­iust and cruell enimies should rise vppe a­gaynst vs: for these things verily would not haue happened vnto vs, if wée had al­wayes vsed thy blessed words and holy pre­cepts as a Lanterne to our feete: neuerthe­lesse our earnest request is (O good God) that thou wouldst (for thy infinite mercies sake) haue an especiall regarde to the grée­uous daungers and perils whereinto our soule is now brought. Pardon, wée hartily [Page] beséech thée, our heynous sinnes, and make our heart méeke and forwarde to fulfill thy holy commaundements, so that thou mayst deliuer vs from the snares which the eni­mies of thy blessed name haue layd to tray vs in, and suffer not those whom thou hast chosen and adopted into thy euerlasting in­heritaunce, to be vtterly opprest and come to miserable confusion, through Iesus christ our Lorde. Amen.

Samech, Ain.

SVch as be illumined with thy heauenly spirit (O most mightie God) do vtterly hate all maner of sinne and iniquitie, and therfore haue thée for their sure refuge and strong shielde: bicause they sée them liue most blessedly and in great felicitie, whom thou doest strengthen with thy puyssaunt force and inuincible power, & such as thou susteynest and nourishest be deliuered from most gréeuous perilles, whereas contrari­wise so many as fall from thée, and goe a­stray from thy blessed precepts, are horribly punished. Our earnest desire is therefore, that (being moued by lyke perswasions) we maye both put our whole trust in thée [Page] onely, and also become most zealous in all thy holy commaundements. For flesh and the power of our aduersaries practise con­tinuall enmitie agaynst vs: let them not be of such force as they may destroy vs, but make vs rather sticke fast vnto thy sacred wordes, so that we may take as much de­light in them as in the greatest pleasures: for the accomplishing whereof it is verye néedefull that thou, of thy infinite mercye, doest instruct and teach vs. For séeing the knowledge of diuine things can not be at­teyned vnto without thy good spirite, vouch­safe thou therefore thy owne selfe, that we may very perfectly vnderstande thy sacred law, and iudge thereof aright, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ain, Pe.

THy blessed wordes (O almightie God) are in all places so worthie of admira­tion, that they can not but bée regarded of the godly, therefore we earnestly require thée, that thou (who art mercifull and plen­tious in goodnesse) wouldest looke vpon vs altogither well appeased, and so frame our thoughts and déedes, that we giue no roome [Page] at all to vngodlinesse, then the which no­thing is more vaine: for seeing we be men, and therefore hedged in with a fleshly bur­then, suffer not the waight thereof to ouer­whelme vs, but rather breath the spirite of repentance into our nostrelles, whereby we may shed forth most flowing riuers of teares for the faultes we haue euery where committed. For bicause thou art our ex­céeding right vp Iudge, who neyther clo­kest our sinnes, nor yet permittest them to go vnpunished: and seing that thy iudge­ments and lawes are stuft with so great vprightnesse, as nothing is conteyned in them, that any creature can by iust reason reproue or finde fault with (for siluer and golde tryed in the fire, matcheth not the purenesse of them.) Therefore we earnest­ly desire thee, that thou wouldest not onely cause vs to acknowledge them, but also o­bey the same so much as our féeble & weake nature is able to doe, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pe, Zade.

OVr minde (O most good and mercifull God) is verye much darckned euen of [Page] natiue infection, with a thicke mistinesse, so that it is not able to vnderstand thy holye commaundements perfectly: and we are of nature excéedingly bent vnto affections, which as they be displeasant to thée, so they marueylously like vs, and we cannot abide the scorninges of the vngodly wherewith they vaunt themselues ouer vs when wée do wholye applie our mindes to serue thy excellent Maiestie. We earnestly require thee therefore, that thou wouldst lighten our darkned mindes, asswage our lewde affections, and strengthen vs in such wise, that what reproch so euer shall hang ouer our heades for thy glorious Gospels sake, we may ouercome it with a stout courage. And cause vs to resist those which ieast at vs, with a stedfast hope and assured confi­dence we haue to thy louing promises, so that the naughtinesse of lewde lustes may be broken in péeces with the puyssant force of thy blessed truth. Let not any worldly power (moste deere father) be an impedi­ment to vs, but that we may stedfastly de­fend thy holy precepts in the presence of all men be they neuer so glorious and wonder­full in their doings, which I beseech thee to [Page] make so pleasant and delectable vnto vs, as we may compt nothing in this life to be preferred before thē, neither any matter to be an hinderaunce, but y e we may performe the same with an excéeding cheereful mind, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cuph, Res.

WE require thee (O most mighty god) euen from the bottome of our heart, and with an vnfayned fayth, that we may he diligent obseruers of thy sacred law and holy commaundementes: for we are won­derfully prouoked to defile thy blessed pre­cepts through the impulsion of fleshly mo­tions, fiercenesse of our natiue corruption, and vices graffed in vs, but seing that we haue bound our selues with such a number of most gréeuous and detestable sinnes, it is no maruaile, if thou (who vsest iustice and seueritie towards thy elect seruauntes) doest suffer vs to be thus tormēted and put in feare of Antichrist and his rascals. But now our earnest request is y t thou wouldest (for thy great goodnesse and infinit mercies sake) pardō whatsoeuer we haue gréeuous­lye committed against thee: and looke vp­pon the state of the Church, being in a ma­ner [Page] rent and torne, with a marueylous lo­uing eye & right fauourable countenaunce, deliuering hir (according to thy accustomed maner) from imminent perils, when as she could not be preserued but by thy onely gui­daunce and gouernment. It is méete (O good God) that saluation shoulde be farre from the vngodly who do vtterly dispise thy sacred worde, holy lawe, and blessed com­maundements: but it happeneth otherwise to them that trust in thée, for they haue lo­uing promises of their saluation, of all the which, truth is the most excellent and no­tablest. To the intent therefore it may re­maine without spot and vnuiolated, defend vs with thy owne handes when as we bée in great distresse and much perill for the profession of thy glorious name, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Cuph, Res.

FOrsomuch as through fleshlye affection (O moste good and mercifull God) wée are perswaded to receyue any thing rather then thy diuine law, therfore haue we day­ly recourse vnto thee in our feruent praiers▪ that thou wouldest guide vs with thy holy [Page] spirite for the obseruing therof. And to the intent our lamentable cryes may not be in vaine, soften thou our harts, and bow thou our mindes in such wise, that they may care for nothing so much, as to obey thée in all things whatsoeuer they doe. We meditate vpon this one only matter at midnight, and in the dawning of the day, that whereas there wanteth no store of thinges to drawe vs an other way, we may therefore be forti­fied with thy mighty protection agaynst the same. And as thy blessed precepts be cer­taine and sure, so cause vs to sticke fast vn­to them: for whosoeuer of a frowardnesse swarue therefro, do stray farre from salua­tion: by meanes wherof, if this shall hap­pen vnto vs through our infirmitie, lay to thy helping hande without any delaye, by raysing vp vs that are fallen: and although our case be very naught, yet helpe vs wyth the warrant of thy blessed worde. For sée­ing it is not vnbeknowne to thée (O excel­lent father) how many go about to destroy vs: therefore make thou speedie hast to bée our readie helper and deliuerer, by confir­ming those most stedfastly which inuocate and cal vpon thée with most stedfast beliefe [Page] in thy faythfull promises, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Schin, Tau.

THe Deuill verily, Antichrist, and puys­saunt Princes of this wretched worlde, do persecute thy blessed Church (O moste mightie God) without any offence giuen, who séeme in suche wise to vaunt themsel­ues and waxe furious agaynst godlinesse, as the faythfull bée not without iust cause greatly afrayde, whome nothing but thy worde is able to make mirry and restore to gladnesse againe: therefore stirre vs vp in such sort with thy blessed spirite, that wée may be alwayes wonderfull desirous ther­of. For we certainly know that peace will insue, augment, & continue in them which loue thy sacred law, so that nothing verily shall be able at any time to doe them hurt, but if we be as nowe voyde of perfect peace and quietnesse of minde, the occasion with­out doubt must rise hereof, bicause we haue neglected thy holy worde, and slenderly fo­lowed thy diuine lawe. Pardon vs there­fore, pardon we humbly beséech thée, what wicked and lewde thing soeuer wée haue [Page] committed agaynst thée, so that wée maye not decline anye more hereafter from the perfect waye of thy blessed commaunde­ments: then may we clayme vnto our sel­ues the true & substanciall delightes, wher­in our soules may liue, yea and lead such a pleasant life, as they may by al meanes in­deuour to set forth thy most worthie pray­ses. For séeing that we haue wandred hi­therto like brute beastes, therfore call thou vs away, O excellent father (who art our onely sauiour) from the heynous errours and gréeuous sinnes we are infected with­all, so that euery one of vs may be wholy addicted to obey thy sacred will and holye commaundements, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Schin, Thau.

ALthough the malice and deceyptes of those which in the worlde are alwayes aduersaryes to thy glorye (O almightie God) be both mightie and of great force a­gainst our féeble courage: yet notwithstan­ding on the contrarie part, so great is the pleasure which thy sacred worde bringeth vnto vs, that it is nowe déerer vnto the [Page] godly then anye spoyles bée they neuer so fatte, or then any pray be it neuer so ritche: for they pricke vs forward to render day by day wonderfull prayses vnto thée. And this onely remayneth as a speciall comfort that thou wilt not suffer vs to be depriued of the saluation which we looke for at thy merci­full handes. Our earnest request is, that thou wouldest (for this cause) giue an at­tentiue and readie eare to our humble peti­tions, that forsomuch as the righteousnesse of thy blessed law is in all pointes true and stedfast, furnishe vs fully with this thy ho­ly spirite, that whatsoeuer we haue nowe chosen to kéepe, through the grace thereof, we may accomplishe so much as our feeble nature is able to do: and where the weak­nesse of the fleshe fayleth, there let the in­uincible power and notable strength of thy holy spirite supplie. We haue wandred hi­therto (O Lorde God) diuers wayes lyke foolish & misled shéepe, for vnlesse thou doest séeke vs out with a fatherly and shepherd­like prouidence, we shall readily perishe in our naughtinesse: and therefore suffer vs not who are in verye great daunger, to walke any more in darknesse and amongst [Page] rauening Wolues, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxx. Psalme.

WEe being wearied and sore trou­bled (O almightie GOD) with most gréeuous and excéeding pe­rillous mishappes, A prayer a­gaynst the enimies of Gods diui [...] worde. as thou right well knowest, do dayly flie vnto thy graci­ous mercies seate, humbly requiring thée to giue eare at length vnto the feruēt pray­ers which we alwayes make, namely that thou wouldest deliuer thy blessed Church from the deceypts, lyes, and false ymagina­tions of Antichrist and his retinue. For the blasphemies, reproches, & slaunders where­with they inuade and defame thy holy gos­pell, may be compared to deadly sharpe ar­rowes, and whot burning coles, through which the heartes of the godly are striken wyth excéeding great sorrowe, and their mindes bée inflamed with zeale and right­full anger for the glorie of thy name. We acknowledge our selues verily to haue wel deserued for to be troubled with such vn­cleane infection and outragious pestilence, [Page] bicause we haue sinned moste heynously a­gaynst thée and thy diuine lawe. But our earnest request is that (of thy naturall and frée mercie wherewith thou art indued) we who are so greatly desirous of perfect peace, for the true honouring, sincere celebrating, and due setting out thy worthy prayse, may at length attaine thereto through thy most gracious fauour, sore agaynst their willes, which are chiefest enimies to the peace and tranquillitie of thy faythful, through Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WE know by experience (O almightie God) howe great the affliction and miserie of the Church is, for the vices and lyes of corrupt opinions sakes which are brought into it. Wherefore we humbly be­séech thée to deliuer hir from this kinde of calamitie: for we haue nowe at length be­gonne right well to vnderstande how de­ceyptfull and craftie the seducementes of Antichrist hath bene hitherto. Cause hence­forth the puyssaunt force and moste sharpe weapons of thy blessed worde to be present, [Page] whereby all the subtiltie of Sathan maye be confounded and brought to nought. Yea rather thurst thou in thy most mighty shaft (which thou vsest diuers tymes to punishe vngodlinesse withall) agaynst this pesti­lent plague, so that all malicious snares may thereby be consumed, as it were with moste whote burning coales: whereas o­therwise, if thou doest not laye to thy moste strong and puissaunt hand, our pilgrimage shall be continued in wofull miseryes and sinfull wickednesse without end. For there is no hope of peace to be loked for where thy sacred truth is had in deadly contempt: yea rather it séemeth dayly to be the further of from thy blessed Church, the more loue and earnest desire she hath thereto. Seing ther­fore that it behoueth vs to wage continuall warre agaynst spirituall wickednesse, re­fuse not thou (O excellent father) redily to helpe such as vnfeynedly call vpon thée for the same, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxj. Psalme.

A prayer in necessitie for Gods diuine [...]reseruation.WE looke for thy assistant helpe (O most mightie God) with an excée­ding heauinesse of minde in these our most troublesome mishaps, eliuating our eyes to thee onelye, through whose mightie power, like as we knowe that heauen and earth was created, so also our assured hope is that thou canst deliuer vs from these present mischiefes. Verilye we acknowledge our sinnes to be such as they haue deserued to bée punished with these sore afflictions and greeuous chastice­ments. For we haue not yéelded due honor and reuerence vnto thee when as thou didst call vs to the profession of thy sacred gospel, but seeking our owne profite onely, haue miserably neglected thy renowmed honour and famous glory. Wey not therefore (O good GOD) this our ingratitude and wic­kednesse committed: but (for thy infinite mercies sake) keepe our féete from falling, by setling them so in thy holy lawe and sa­cred commaundementes, as they swarue not at all therfro. Moreouer séeme not to slumber or sleepe touching the defence and preseruation of thy blessed Church being so sore afflicted. If it hath béene thy accusto­mable [Page] maner to defende thy faythfull ser­uaunts from the heate of the Sunne in the day tyme, and from the colde of the Moone in the night, dispise not vs that suffer so ma­ny and great tormentes through the furie and outragious woodnesse of Antichrist: preserue not onely our soules and life from his subtile deuices, but especially maintain thou thy pure religion, which he doth most of all fight against. For our earnest request is that thou wouldest so direct the begyn­nings and endings of our doinges, in the true pathes of thy blessed cōmaundements, as they may perpetually abyde in the per­fect rule thereof, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SO long as wée (O almightie God) are tormented with these sorrowfull & most troublesome times, our heartes and eyes are erected to thee onelye, as vnder whose dominion we doubt not but the chiefe force of all thinges consisteth, whereby we are greatly inflamed lamentably to requyre thy readie helpe. For by what most excellent [Page] power thou hast formed the heauen and earth, it is nowe very needefull for thée to helpe thy blessed Church with the same, when it is in a maner swalowed vp with the most noysome Iawes of hir cruell eni­mies. Suffer not (wée humbly beseech thée) the féete of our fayth to stagger or folter: for of it selfe (such is the infirmitye where­with we are clothed rounde about) it is weake and wauering ynough. We truly fell first from thée, and swarued wretchedly from the law and decrées of thy blessed wil: but vouchsafe, we humbly beséech thée, not to deale with vs according to our worthi­nesse, but after thy vnspeakable goodnesse and most excellent mercie, preseruing the Church, being well hedged in and compas­sed about with thy puyssaunt defence, for if thou shouldest forsake hir (who art other­wise the keeper of Israell) shée can in no wise indure. But if it be bereft and spoiled of thy mightie protection, then through whose care and industrie maye shée bée preserued? Graunt that we maye gather our wittes to vs and call them backe vnto thée, to the intent thou mayest not onely be our defender, but also the preseruer of [Page] all that euer we haue, through Iesus christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

FOrsomuch as we are alwayes subiect to aduersities (O most mightie god) during this wretched life, therfore do we loke euery where about vs with our eyes, frō whence found and perfect helpe might be ministred vnto vs: and thou before all things méetest with our fayth. For seeing we right well know that all creatures were made by thée euen from the beginning, and that thou nourishest with thy perpetuall goodnesse, both celestiall powers, and also terrestriall: we humbly beséeche thée, that whereas o­therwise thy high and excellent prouidence is not vsed to be interrupted, thou wouldst shewe thy selfe to be a most vigilant shep­heard towards vs. Let thy louing fauour (we heartily pray thee) be euery where our sure defence, that we burne not with to fer­uent an heate of filthye lustes, or (through coldnesse of infidelitie graft in our sinfull heartes (both the loue we ought to beare towards our neighbours, and also the god­ly [Page] deuotion which of right is due to thée, be not vtterly extinguished. O that we might by dayly prayer and intercession, obteyne to be kept pure by thée from all infection of vi­ces, so that our lyfe maye be such, as eyther by our going or comming, we may be both clensed from our wicked faultes and also, plentiously garnished with most excellent vertues, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxij. Psalme.

A praier that [...]he christian Church may throughe [...]ayth & cha­ [...]itie) be re­ [...]ayred.THe Godly do continually stirre vp one another to make holy assem­blies (O almightie God) with wō ­derfull exhortations, wherein thy blessed name is lifted vp with high praises, the faythfull instructed in thy sacred words, and thy holye Sacraments duly receyued. Nowe forsomuch as wee see presently be­fore our eyes that this is in a maner hinde­red by Antichrist, to our excéeding great so­row, for (like a naughtie packe and cast a­way as he is) he practiseth nothing else, but that the holy Hierusalem which is newlye begunne to be edified and repayred, should [Page] fall to decaye againe and be vtterly ouer­throwne, to the intent the pure worship­ping and holye inuocating of thy blessed name might haue no more place there. We earnestly and with a feruent minde and ve­hement affection humbly beséeche thée (O most excellent father) who well considerest how great a broyle and trouble he maketh, that thou wouldst cause those things for to haue good successe, which appertaine vnto the quietnesse of Ierusalem, being thy holy and santified Churche, our vnséemely de­serts somewhat layde apart. For séeing we do exceeding filthtly transgresse and moste lewdly defile thy sacred lawes, we ought of right to assure our selues of no good thing. But when as we haue an especiall regard to the honor of thy glorious name, then ta­king a courage again, we do boldly require thée, that thou wouldest be present with thē which are assembled togither in the name of Iesus Christ, and do call vpon thée ther­by, to the entent we may one day repose our selues in the true Hierusalem, being quite deliuered from the furious and violent in­uasion of Antichrist. And cause that those Citizens which doe credite the sacred doc­trine [Page] of thy holy Church may by thy excel­lent benefites become friendes and faythful brethren one to an other, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

ALthough the holy Scriptures doe teach vs euery where that the heauē (O most good and mercifull God) is thy dwelling place, yet the same doe in such wise set out thy infinit goodnesse, as the Church is both called, and also is in déede thy sanctified house wherein thou most frequentest: at what time therefore we shall come togither in the holy congregations, our earnest re­quest is that we may be there with chéerfull and very desirous mindes. For thou truly hast (of an excéeding liberalitie) adorned thy holy Church with most flourishing and ex­cellent giftes, neyther is there any thing pretermitted that apperteyneth to hir gar­nishing, which maye eyther belong to the spirituall decking and bewtifiyng thereof, or to the plenteous inriching of it in abun­daunce of all heauenly good things. Which seeing they haue procéeded most fully from [Page] thée, this only remayneth, that thou woul­dest so condiscend vnto our feruent prayers, as the members therof may be annixed to­gither with a perpetuall concorde: cause their meetinges to bée in such sort as they may render due honor vnto thée, let the sa­cred scriptures be there purely and sincere­ly interpreted, and let thy glorious King­dome from day to day be more and more in­larged, making all these things to be sta­blished with thy ioyous peace and the tran­quilitie of thy holy spirite. For so long as we pray for the quietnesse and felicitie here­of, let vs procure substanciall and perfect good things both to our neighbours, and al­so vnto thy blessed house, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxiij. Psalme.

THere remayneth no greater helpe for thy faythful seruaunts (O most mightie God) then that which cō ­meth from heauen: A prayer fo [...] the mercie of God. for the puissant force of Antichrist and his deuilish practises haue so greatly preuayled, as true godly­nesse, and the right honoring of thée are in a [Page] maner extinguished and vtterlye ouer­throwne. Therefore lift we vp our eyes to heauen vnto thée, to the intent thy helping hand may reuiue vs againe, and that wée may escape out of so manyfold great daun­gers. For as the eyes of seruauntes and maydes looke vnto their Maisters and Mis­tresses: euen so doe our eyes wayte vppon thee, being the onely refuge of our saluati­on: that like as they do wholy depende and hang vpon their Maisters and Mistresses, so do we crie dayly to thee vntill thou haue mercy vppon vs. Bee not thus excéeding wrathfull and angry at our wickednesse, wherewith we are little better then ouer­whelmed, that thou doest lesse regarde the glorie of thy name, then the reuenging of them. Pardon we humbly beséech thée, thy poore suppliants, that they may be nothing destitute of thy infinite mercy and singuler goodnesse. Haue pitie vpon vs (O good god) in these miserable dayes, be fauourable vn­to vs, who knowe right well with what troubles and reproches thy holy Church is euery where sore touched. Let not the arro­gancie and dispitefulnesse of the wicked passe any further, being now so puft vppe [Page] without measure through the prosperous successe of the matters they take in hande, as mans power is nothing able to asswage the same. Make thou therfore (who art in­uincible and omnipotent) an ende of theyr outragious madnesse, and kepe them with­in their bounds, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

ALthough thou hast appoynted thy seate and dwelling place (O moste good and mercifull God) to bée in the passing highe heauens, yet notwithstanding thou neuer ceasest to styrre vs vp with thy holy spirite, whereby thou instructest the heartes of the faythfull, who at what tyme we be tryed with heauinesse of mind, yrksome tribula­tions, and daungerous perils, indeuor our selues both by our earnest prayers and con­tinuall petitions to craue helpe at thy han­des onely. Now therefore, like as seruants are attendant onely at the handes of theyr Maysters, and handmaydes wayt diligent­ly vpon their Mistresse hande, euen so the eyes of our fayth looke onely vppon thee (O [Page] heauenly father) and shall alwayes hereaf­ter haue a due regarde to thy diuine Maie­stie vntill thou hast mercie vpon vs. Be fa­uorable vnto vs we humbly beséeche thée, according to thy accustomable mercie and louing kindnesse, neyther suffer the force of our fierce aduersaryes to haue thy faythfull seruantes in contempt and make vs a iea­sting stock. We doubt not but thou know­est right well that the mightie and highe minded of this wretched worlde doe with much arrogancie both hate and dispise thy holy and sanctified Church. Wherefore our earnest request is, that thou wouldest spee­dily lay to thy readie helping hand, not per­mitting hir neyther to be polluted with su­persticious and deuilishe errors, nor yet op­prest by Sathan or force of the vngodlye, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

LOke downe from heauen vpon vs (O most excellent father) who doe eleuate and lift vp our eyes to thee onely, earnestly requyring that thou wouldest defend vs by thy readie helpe from the great perilles [Page] wherewith we be at this present sore vex­ed. For séeing thou hast created vs, and wée be duly and rightfully thine: lord (of thy in­finit goodnesse) dispise not thou thy seruants who looke for helpe at thy handes onely in this their néedfull tyme. We acknowledge verily, we confesse I say, that we haue (by reason of our heynous sinnes and great of­fences committed agaynst thée) deserued these things which are now fallen vpon vs. But our feruent desire is, that thou hauing compassion vppon thy louing feruauntes, wouldst pardon (for thy great goodnesse and infinite mercies sake) what things soeuer they offend thée in them. Wey not (O good God) our vnworthinesse, but consider the rebukes and slaunders wherewith thou art touched in vs. For whilest the wicked eni­mies do stirre vp blasphemies agaynst thy faythfull people, they doe wrong, not vnto vs, but to thy glorious name, when as they rage by force of armes and great violence, they chiefly shoote at y e ouerthrowing of thy true honor, sincere religion, and most bles­sed worde: these are the thinges which they meane to take vtterly away, if they might haue successe. For so long as they perceyue [Page] themselues to abounde in much strength, and doe whatsoeuer it pleaseth them, they become marueylous high minded, and thy Church being troubled by them, is put to an excéeding great foyle, which hath none to flie vnto for helpe, but thée onely who art their Lord. Driue thou away these in­iuries and mischieuous euilles which they bring vpon vs, we humbly beseech thée: for nothing is required in this behalfe, but that thou wouldest defende the honor and glorie of thy true doctrine and sacred gospel, least the wicked make a laughter hereat. Graūt (O good God) that those men may one day feele the force of thy blessed veritie, so as they shall will they [...]ill they, acknowledge thee to bée a God of might, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxiiij. Psalme.

A prayer a­gainst vio­lence and deceypt.VNlesse thou doest assist vs (O most mightie God) with thy puyssaunt power and readie helping hande, the Antichristians are so bent to rise vp agaynst thy faythfull people, as they séeme to committe nothing more then to [Page] swallow vs all vppe euen quicke: whose woodnesse is in such wise kindled, that (if thou puttest not to thy helping hande) they are like to consume and deuoure vs, which truely we can not denie but hath béene of our partes iustly deserued, if we well wey and consider our owne sinnes. For what scourge and tormentes can wée déeme that thou ordeynest vniustly for vs, weying so great ingratitude as we haue shewed to­wardes thée? who haue beene such trans­gressors of thy holy commaundements, as there is no penaltie so great, but that wée both are worthie thereof, and also seeme so to be. For although thou wilt not be pre­sent to helpe thy sacred Church for our sa­kes, yet do it for the glory of thy name, least the most raging riuers do ouerwhelme and choke it vp with their ouerflowing and vio­lence of waters: turne away (we heartily require thée) their mouthes and téeth from thy holy ones, least they teare them in pee­ces like vnto a pray: who verily hunt for nothing else by their subtilties and lewde practises, then to catch and snarle in the trappes of their vngodlynesse those which haue addicted themselues to thy blessed [Page] wordes, to the pourging of the true wor­shipping of thee, and to a more sincere and pure maner of religion. Make hast therfore (O good God) to be our speedie helper, and deliuer vs from the Nettes of such cruell hunters. But vouchsafe thou (we humbly beséeche thée) who hast made heauen and earth, that we may impute our whole sal­uation vnto thée only, and none other, tho­row Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

VNlesse, thou thy owne selfe (O most good and mercifull God) doest at this present suppresse and kéepe vnder the fury and madnesse of the Antichristians, in such sort as they be not able to accomplish those things which they haue now enterprised and deuised amongst themselues, they will swallow vp thy sa­cred Church whole and quicke: who doe in such wise rise vp, gnash their téeth, rage, & swell for anger, as thy faythfull seruants are nowe in a maner almoste drowned of them, vnlesse thou doest verye spéedily as­swage and thrust back the storme of vngod­linesse, [Page] & huge waues of the deuill. Turne away thy furious wrath from vs (we hear­tily pray thée) O heauenly father, and pu­nish not thée wickednesse which we haue committed agaynst thée, according to our iust deserts: who doe not this onely to the intent thou shouldest consider our worthi­nesse, but that thou mightest not fayle thy owne name, thy pure doctrine, and thy faythfull promises. Graunt that we may once say, verilye our God is to be magni­fied and praysed, which will not suffer hys blessed Church to bée dispersed of wicked mens outragious crueltie, but hath taken hir from the snares and Iawes of vngraci­ous persons, by his excéeding famous and most puyssant arme. Cut their Nettes a­sunder, let their naughtie enterprises bee frustrated, and make their force to fayle them, who do nowe greatly terrifie all such (O good God) as stand in feare of thée: let vs looke for helpe at thy mercifull handes onelye who hast made heauen and earth. Wherefore our earnest petition and hartie request, is, that thou wouldest (of thy sin­guler mercie and excellent clemencie) yéeld thy selfe plyable to our feruent prayers, [Page] through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SVch as belong to thy heritage, and are the true Israell, must needes confesse with vs (O most mightie God) that vnlesse we had béene preserued and holpen by thy singuler fauour and mightie power, wée should haue beene swallowed vp and vtter­ly consumed to nothing more then once, by the fierce enimies of our saluation. For if we looke for helpe else where to succor vs, we know assuredly that it is of no force at all. The violence and outrage of those men which do greeuously assault vs, is lyke most swift streames of water that doe so­dainly ouerflow the fieldes, whose outragi­ous crueltie may bée fully compared to the fiercenesse of brute beastes, which men also vse such craftie and couert snares to trap vs in, as the fowlers and hunters are nothing comparable vnto them herein, but séeme very simple, & farre theyr inferiors. Wher­fore (according to our bounden duetie) wée render condigne thankes vnto thée, forso­much as thou hast hitherto deliuered thy [Page] simple and féeble flocke from so great pe­rillous daungers, and request this at thy mercifull hands, that thou wouldst in lyke­wise not suffer thy sacred Church hereafter to bee ouerthrowne, neither by outragious violence, nor yet through subtile deceipt, so as our assured cōfidence in thée may be day­ly more and more greatly augmented and mightily increased, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxv. Psalme.

FOrsomuch as mannes helpe (O most good and mercifull God) is verye weake, A prayer for the preserua­tion and long continuance of fayth. wonderfull vncer­tain, and merueylous deceyuable, we are euidētly taught to repose our whole confidence in thée onely, vnto whom who­soeuer they bée that doe annixe themselues, they neuer go nor yet wander out of the right way. Thou therefore which hast pro­mised to stablishe Mount Sion (being thy holy Church) in such wise with thy migh­tie protection, as it maye abide for euer a­gaynst all the craftie assaultes and layings awayte of hir outragious aduersaries: haue [Page] the like regarde (wée humbly beséech thée) to the same at this present, neither permit the rod of the vngodly to waxe fierce vpon hir. For if it bée inforced to bée in subiection to thy wicked enimies, euen they also which seeme godly men shall fall redily into im­pietie. Punish our sinnes, O good GOD, (which be great and gréeuous) with an o­ther maner of chasticement and correction: for we do desire no more at this tyme, but that we may not be oppressed by Antichrist, requyring thée to defend the congregations of thy faythfull inuironing them about on euery side lyke most defenceable Mountay­nes, so that the wicked aduersaries of thy glorious name haue no power to make ha­uocke of them at theyr will and pleasure. Deale louingly & fauorably in these dayes w t such as be greatly desirous of goodnesse and vpright dealing: but cause those to féele and haue in tryall what the workers of iniquitie doe deserue, whose mindes are not onelye wrapped altogither full of vn­godlinesse, by practising mischiefe & naugh­tinesse, but also indeuour so much as in thē lyeth, that thy blessed worde may no where flourish, that true religion might be vtter­ly [Page] extinguished, and the perfect inuocating and calling vpon thy glorious name quite rooted vp. But as for thy beloued Israell, after she hath inioyed peace and tranquili­tie, let it be ioyned more and more vnto thee, so as shée maye continually lay sure holde vpon thy worthie prayses, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

IN whose minds soeuer the beliefe of thy faythfull promises (O moste mightie God) is assuredly graffed and firmely esta­blished, they being like vnto wel grounded Mountaynes, do nothing shake in trouble­some tymes, but their constancie and vnre­moueablenesse is of such force, as their assu­red hope is, that they be no lesse armed with thy mightie protection and sure defence, then was the Citie of Ierusalem inuironed with a rampire of Mountaynes which did ouerlooke it rounde aboute on euery side. Now therefore when as the mischiefe and flame of the vngodlye is occupied on this one poynt, how to scatter the Church and to oppresse it, assist the same (O excellent [Page] father) and make it manifest vnto hir what a singuler loue thou bearest therto. But if (as wée openly and with a sincere fayth acknowledge and confesse) our horrible naughtinesse haue deserued, y e (being depri­ued and left destitute of thy ayde) we should be giuen ouer into the woodnesse and cruell handes of the Antichristians: wey not, we humbly beseech thée, what our misdéedes do rightly deserue, but haue a regard how we are cōmitted vnto thee, & that thou art put in trust with vs in christ: neyther shew thy selfe wrathful contrary to thy old and aun­cient custome, whereby thou neuer gauest libertie to the tyranny of wicked persons to persecute the godly any long time, least if thy vpright iudgements should be prolong­ed, they perhaps (who are righteous) may be boldned to reuolt therefro, and yéelde to naughtinesse, as y e cōmon sort do. Be thou (O most mighty god) good, louing, & merci­full vnto these men whose earnest desire it is to haue the zeale of godlinesse imprinted in their hearts, and extend thy indignation rather vpon those which thinke and do no­thing but rather that which is lewde, vn­righteous, and wicked. But preserue and [Page] increase (for thy infinite mercies sake) the accustomable peace of thy beloued Israell, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

WHosoeuer do giue credit to thy sacred truth (O almightie God) as becom­meth them, remaine irremoueable like vn­to stedfast Mountaynes, and moste strong rockes, what great stormes of temptati­ons soeuer the deuill or worlde doe styrre vp agaynst them: for as Cities be fortefied and raunged euery where about with thick rampires, strong walles, huge towers, and high hilles, so God doth, as with a shield de­fend those whom he greatly fauoureth, and which are his elect seruaunts, and gardeth them also like an excéeding strong Bul­warke. Therefore do we not without iust cause (O excellent father) call earnestly vp­pon thée, that thou doest not permit the vn­godly to poure out their crueltie vppon the Church of the righteous, least if such as be yet weaklings amongs the faythfull, sée the prosperitie of wicked persons, they also of an euill zeale, begin to follow their lewd [Page] vices and most greeuous sinnes. Where­fore rather defend and aduaunce (we hear­tily pray thée) thy blessed saintes, and be fa­uourable vnto them, whom thou hast now appoynted to followe thée with a perfect mind and vncorrupt faith. But beat downe such with thy puyssaunt strength & mightie power, as bée enimies to godlinesse and the honor of thy glorious name, so that thy sa­cred Church (which is the holy Israell) bée not defrauded of the ioyfull saluation shée looketh for at thy mercifull handes, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxvj. Psalme.

A praier that we may bee deliuered frō thraldome, & attaine to the glory of god.SVrely the thraldome and bondage of thy blessed church (O most good and mercifull God) hath béene hi­therto excéeding hard beyonde all measure, being sore opprest vnder the ty­rannie of Antichrist, and yet notwithstan­ding, thou (of thy infinite goodnesse) hast re­déemed it to our wonderfull comfort, and the great hope of others which as yet haue an earnest desire to the attayning of Chri­stian libertie. We at this present heartily [Page] beséech thée (that at what time the deuill and power of the aduersarie séeme by all the meanes they can deuise to bende their force for to hinder the good workes which is begunne) not to be forgetfull of thy Chur­ches captiuitie, from which thou hast after a sort begunne to restore the same, who ve­rily hath behaued hir selfe so vnthankfully towardes thée, as one that made small ac­compt of the benefites bestowed vpon hir, according to their worthinesse. But forsake hir not (for thy accustomed mercies sake) be­fore thou hast fully repayred in hir y t which remayneth as yet to be restored thereto, yea rather vouchsafe to bestowe vpon the same (as on fieldes wanting moysture at noone tyme) the moste swift streames of thy hea­uēly grace, & flowing waters of thy blessed spirite, to the intent we maye with abun­daunt gladnesse reape the pleasant fruite of the prayers which we doe now sowe with teares▪ so as the heathen which behold these calamities with a doubtfull minde, where­with the outragious enimies of thy glori­ous name do sore oppresse vs, may at length openly publish that thou hast dealt honou­rably with thy faythfull seruants by which [Page] meanes we may (after these gréeuous sor­rowes bée ended) inioy not onely suche a gladnesse as we woulde willingly wishe, but also a very healthfull comfort, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SEing it is thy most auncient accustoma­ble maner, O almightie God, to a [...]d and helpe such as vnfeinedly trust in thée (by thy wonderfull and singuler prouidence) when as they be fallen into greatest distresse, so that thou sendest them deliueraunce euen when they least looke for it, séeming rather to inioy the same as a dreame then lyke a matter of truth: we haue no dispayre at all of thy sacred Church, being almost without hope of recouery, who know right wel that it is a light thing to thée, yea and excéeding easie, to fill our mouth with laughter and our tongue with ioy, in suche wise as our cruell enimies shall be inforced to say whe­ther they will or not, that these mens God hath vndoubtedlye done wonderfull great thinges for them, at what tyme he caused those his seruants to inioy a notable com­fort [Page] and marueylous delectation, euē when they were without hope thereof. Our ear­nest request is therefore that thou wouldst, for thy infinite mercies sake, pardon the of­fences wherewith wee haue stubburnlye (through our outragious madnesse, feeble imbecillitie, and naturall corruption) pro­uoked thée to extréeme anger, so that wée obteyning againe at thy mercifull handes the auncient fauour and beneuolence, may finde no lesse alteration of our estate, then those which being parched w t a Southerne drougth and such ardent burning as is at noone day, may be moysted with a freshe and sodeyne abundaunce of waters vnloo­ked for. And what things soeuer we sowe with teares, graunt vs (we heartily praye thée) to reape them at length with great ioy and gladnesse, so that finally we may haue most plentifull fruites of consolation out of the prayers wée (in moste humble wise) poure out dayly before thée, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WHen it happeneth at any tyme (O moste good and mercifull God) that thou of thy singuler goodnesse, doest vtter­ly deliuer thy sacred Church from the cap­tiuitie and thraldome of the deuill, and that it beholdeth al thy members and hirs quite set frée from fond errors and blinde darke­nesse, then shall it be replenished with such gladnesse as shée shall rather thinke howe shée dreameth of that great good thing, then verily to inioy the same. At what time shée maye well say that shée is mitry in déede, and shall be indued with perfect gladnesse, neither shall shée not onely render immor­tall thankes and prayses vnto thée, but also euery man will maruaile at the high and mightie things thou hast done for hir. Our earnest request is therfore, that thou woldst now at length condiscend vnto the accom­plishment of these thinges, and excéedingly fauour hir captiuitie being thus miserable and of such long continuaunce: deliuer thy faythfull seruants from obscure darknesse, and vnloose the bandes of thy accustomed louing kindnesse wherewith thou hast re­déemed the children of Adam which are so long a time in bondage and thraldome: [Page] and with the liuely waters of thy benigne grace cause thou the barrennesse and thirsty soyle of our soule to be right pleasaunt and fertile, so that the wofull teares which the godly did sowe and poure out in the time of their captiuitie, may bring them at length to their desired ioyes, and that such (as with great sorrow and heauinesse) haue hitherto sowne the séede of feruent praiers and dole­full sighings, may with very much ioy and marueilous pleasure reape the sound fruits of true godlinesse and pure religion, tho­row Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxvij. Psalme.

IT is out of all controuersie, A prayer for sustentation and safe keping and a matter agreed vpon among al god­ly persons, that no family can be well ordered, or any common welth rightly gouerned, vnlesse thou (O moste mightie god) doest further and prosper their proceedings. We therefore who are not ig­norant but thou wilt do farre better for thy holy Church then for any house of honour, or most large Citie of this worlde, knowe assuredly that the same can by no meanes [Page] continue without thy mighty preseruatiō, and that especially in this tyme, when as both so many of the deuils engines, and al­so of Antichristes subtile pollecies, do much inuade vs. For that thing therefore which could not be atchieued by the painfull la­bour, carefull watchings, and great indus­trie of men, we do most earnestly require of thée (O heauenly father) by continuall praiers, who hast bene accustomed to graūt vnto thine, as it were in their sleepe, the thing which séemed otherwise to bee excee­ding difficult and almost impossible. First and formost, take away our greeuous ini­quities which are the chiefest let and stay why thou releauest not the present wret­chednesse and miserable calamitie we are in, for it is they and none other thing that do disseuer and withdraw vs from hauing confidence in thy vnspeakable mercie. Now at what tyme thou shalt haue pardoned them (as our earnest desire is, that thou wouldst) be so good as to increase thy blessed Church with a plentifull issue: for if shée shall ingender children vnto thée, let them (who are worthie of thée and thy blessed spirite) be sent out lyke arrowes, through [Page] thy inuincible arme agaynst the outragi­ous enimies of godlynesse and doctrine of the sacred Gospell: but cause the vncorrup­ted Congregations and assemblies to haue a companie of valiaunt and strong men, who (so long as they take vpon them to de­fende thy sincere truth both in worde and déede) may neither be ashamed, not yet once shrinke backe therefro, through Iesus christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

AL our force and enterprices are of none effect (O almightie God) without thy especiall grace and fauour: for if no priuate house can be maintayned, or any City buil­ded, except thou layest to thy present helpe and gracious good will, howe much lesse then may the blessed Church bée reedified, enlarged and set at a stay, vnlesse thou bée marueylous readie to assist the same with thy holye spirite and benigne grace: men haue labored in vaine, their rising vp early, and holding long fastings, shall be to none effect & vainly and to no purpose shall they forespend thēselues with toiles & troubles. [Page] Wherefore wée earnestly intreat thée (O good God) that thy diuine presence & migh­tie power bée not farre from vs in any of our attempts and enterprises. For what thing verily soeuer hath béene at any time gathered vp and repayred of the ruines of the Church, it taketh no good successe with­out thee, yet rather thou hast giuē the same to thy labourers as it were in their sléepe, making it such a thing by thy secrete and wonderfull meanes, as humane strength (if it were duly considered) is altogither in­sufficient to so puyssant a worke. But sée­ing we haue béene nowe very vngratefull, and most lewdly abused so great and mani­fold benefites, thou hast not without iust cause begunne to vexe vs with excéeding gréeuous troubles, from which mennes painefull trauayle and subtill pollecie are of no abilitie to deliuer vs. Make thou hast therefore, for thy accustomed mercies sake, (when we thinke least hereof, or iudge our selues to be in daunger of many perils) to vntangle those which flie vnto thy diuine Maiestie, that being set at libertie, we may acknowledge thee to be the onely Authour of true and perfect saluation, through Ie­sus [Page] Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

BIcause so manie as enterprice any thing without thy especiall assistance and fa­uourable good will (O most gracious and mercifull God) do labour to no purpose and trouble themselues in vaine, and that they which haue not thee for theyr readie helper, cannot saue and defende themselues from their cruell enimies: therefore séeing (that both thy Church standeth alwayes in very great néede of building, and the City of our congregation is destitute and voyde of de­fence) we cal vpon thée onely to be our cou­ragious helper, who art readie to ayde the builders, and canst strongly defend the va­liaunt fighters. But to the intent we may the readilier attain the same, multiplie (we earnestly require thée) the issue of thy sacred church, which may be sent out as arrowes to rayse it vppe euery where by thy blessed worde, and be made so skilfull and well practised in handling thy sayinges, that when those thinges bee done which apper­teyne to theyr vocation, they maye by no meanes be put to shame and rebuke of the [Page] most godlesse and vnfaithfull persons, tho­row Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxviij. Psalme.

[...] praier that [...]e may feare God & leade blessed [...]fe.IF no good thing or any kinde of fe­licity can happen to any but to such as feare God and reuerence him, and to those, which (through a per­fect lyfe) walke faythfully in the wayes of his blessed commaundements, the matter is nowe manifested vnto vs why we are thus vexed with gréeuous calamities. For whereas thou of thy infinite mercie (O al­mightie God) hast giuen vs a comfortable and wholesome doctrine, we haue perfor­med nothing lesse then honoured thee as is our bounden dutie: who haue set more by our owne filthie desires, then the feare of thée & due reuerence of thy glorious name, by casting aside the ordinaunces of thy bles­sed precepts. Wherefore there is no cause why we should complaine that afflictions are wrongfully layde vpon vs at any time. Pardon we hartily pray thée, our gréeuous iniquities and mischieuous déedes, and re­nue in vs (for thy infinite mercies sake) per­fect [Page] feare, true godlinesse, and holy conuer­sation. Finally shine downe out of Sion (that is, from thy excéeding high light, and such as can not be attayned vnto) vpon thy afflicted Church, and deliuer the same from the number of perils which she is in daun­ger of. But forsomuch as thou hast coupled hir vnto thée to be thy wife by faith, graunt that she may haue an infinite companie of holy children: let hir be as a vine spreading it selfe farre abroad, which Antichrist maye not with all his industrie be of force to cut and hewe downe. For wée require thys chiefly at thy mercifull handes (O most ex­cellent father) that thou wouldest indue thy heauenly Hierusalem with good & whole­some things, and send peace and tranqui­litie vpon thy true Israell, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy sacred word (O most good and mer­cifull God) doth teach vs that godlinesse onely maketh men right happie and bles­sed. For the feare and dread wherwith god­ly men doe reuerence thée, is an effectuall [Page] bridle to cause them for to proceede iustly in the way of thy righteousnesse. But bicause this vertue is a singuler ornament of thy beloued church, our earnest request is, that there may be continuall labouring in the same by doctrine and example to nurter thy blessed children, so that the workes be not in vaine, or to none effect. Let hir be dayly made like vnto a moste fruitfull woman, that may be compared to the ranke Oliues and exceeding fertile vines: which vnspeak­able happie giftes we mistrust not but thou wilt one day bestowe readily vppon vs, if from the seate of thy Maiestie, it shal please thee to behold the congregation of the faith­full with thy merciful eye, bicause al things that apperteyne to true and perfect felicitie, come from the will of thy inestimable good­nesse. For seing we doubt not but this re­downeth to y e honor of thy glorious name, (that a continuall ofspring of thy déere chil­dren shoulde bée multiplied in the blessed Church, and become notable in peace, in prayses, and in puritie of life) we heartily require thée in our most feruent prayers to obteine the same, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxix. Psalme.

THou knowest (O moste good and mercifull God) howe greatly the enimies of thy gloryous name haue fought continuallye agaynst thy sacred Church, A prayer a­gaynst the counterfeit holinesse of such as wold be iustified by their workes. and alwayes troubled the same from hir infancie, yet notwith­standing thou hast done this of thy singu­ler fauor thou barest therevnto, that hir ad­uersaryes coulde neuer preuaile agaynst hir, who diddest it for this intent, bicause thy faythfull promises should be accompli­shed. They seemed diuers and sundry times to thrust the share of affliction verye deepe into hir backe, who (hauing a marueylous obstinate heart) purposed to make exceeding long ridges vpon the same. But thou O good God of thy perfect iustice, hast alwaies cut a sunder the cordes of the vngodly in péeces. Wherefore we nowe heartily be­séech thée not to regard our wicked factes, but the glorie of thy name. For if thou shouldest deale with vs according to oure worthinesse, we do not onely deserue such painefull miseries, and sorowfull calami­ties, [Page] but much more gréeuouser. Yet (for thy infinite mercies sake) poure not out thy fu­rious wrath on vs, but vpon the vngodly, let them be confounded and turned backe­ward, and graunt that they maye quickly wither euen as the grasse, before they bée any thing able to bring their lewde enter­prises to an end: whose deserts are not such as we ought to pray for their good successe, séeing their practises bée excéeding naught. But now cause the Church of thy faythfull people, to inioye some blessing of peace and tranquilitie, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THe assaultes of thy faythfull people (O moste good and mercifull God) be not onely very many and diuers, but they are also continually tempted, and be inforced to fall into vtter destruction: for the deuill and power of our fierce aduersaries desire nothing more, then to turne thy Image vnto them from the purpose thou hast or­deyned it for. And therefore we heartily crie and call vnto thée (who hast an incompre­hensible [Page] mercie ioyned with thy excéeding great Iustice) that thou wouldest, for the intire good will and louing fauour thou bearest vnto vs, breake a sunder the slithe coardes of temptations, and teare in péeces the subtile snares of such as lay deceyptfull trappes to snarle vs in, so that the wicked enimies of our saluation, maye (according to their iust demerites) be brought to vtter shame and confusion, to the intent all men may right wel know that thy perfect righ­teousnesse will not suffer their deuilishe fraudes and cursed deceyptes to escape al­wayes vnpunished: whereby thy blessing which thou hast appoynted for the elect and chosen, may not be impeached: and let not the force of the deuils subtilties and craftie ymaginations, disappoynt the saluation, which we (that hope in thy faythfull promi­ses) looke to atchieue and attaine vnto, tho­row Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxx. Psalme.

THou art woont verye often (O al­mightie God) to punish thy fayth­full seruaunts greeuously, A prayer for grace in the time of nede. to the [Page] intent they might therby returne vnto thée with earnest and perfect repentance, which now experience teacheth vs to féele in thy sacred Church by reason of these most trou­blesome tymes: for we that haue béene hi­therto innumerable wayes very vngratful towards thée, and euery where transgres­sed thy holy lawe and blessed commaunde­ments, are so oftentymes vexed with the fiercenesse of the cursed deuill and his bond­slaues, that we be inforced to crie vnto thée out of the bottomlesse pit, and from the vn­measurable déepenesse of our aduersities, requiring thée not to marke our heynous sinnes so seuerely. For if thou (O good god) wilt dulye consider and iustly punishe the iniquities that we haue committed (accor­ding to their iust deserts) which of vs shall be so blamelesse and holy, as he may be able to stand before thy iustice? But, forsomuch as we right well know that thou art indu­ed with excéeding great gentlenesse, we doe both early and late looke and wayte for thy readie helpe. Although therefore our ini­quities are very many in number, vouche thou safe (for thy most abundaunt goodnesse and infinite mercies sake) to redéeme vs [Page] from them all, so that wée, being deliuered from imminent perils and present calami­ties, may as well beleue in thée onely, as publish to the whole worlde that there is true and perfect redemption, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SEing that we be perpetually tost (O al­mightie God) with the most déepe sea of temptations, neyther are able of our selues to match them, there is good reason why we do not without iust cause require thée spée­dily to helpe and succour our wofull mise­ries. But, if thou (who art both a rightfull iudge and perfect arbitrer of oure causes) wouldst consider all things whatsoeuer we haue gréeuously offended thée in, and ear­nestly marke the same, who were able (I pray thée) to stand before thy tribunal seat? Seing therefore thy mercie is notable and infinite, our earnest desire is that we maye in such wise depend onely therevpon, as the iniquities which we haue cōmitted, might be redeemed thereby, who are nourished dayly and hourely in this hope alone, tru­sting [Page] that thou wilt neuer be forgetfull of the true Israell, which is thy holy and bles­sed Church. Graunt vs therefore (we hum­blie beséech thée) to obteyne at thy fauoura­ble handes, pardon and remission of sinnes, as a sound and sincere fruite of this stedfast confidence, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxxj. Psalme.

A praier that we may haue humilitie, and dispise arrogancie.FOrsomuch as we are marueilous vngratefull towards thée (O most mightie God) for the exceeding great benefits bestowed vpon vs, leading a life hitherto nothing agréeable to thy holinesse and our vocation, there is no cause why our heart should bée puffed vp, or walke in wonders. Cause thy holy spi­rite to be aboundantly poured vpon vs, in­somuch as all pride and arrogancie beeing vtterly layd aside and quite done away, we maye heartily acknowledge this which is most true, howe that we are heynous sin­ners, by which meanes thou wilt (through a true and sincere repentance) pardon our naughtie and lewde behauiour. Moreouer [Page] frame and comfirme vs in suche wise to­wards thee, as we may be like vnto a wea­ned childe, which alwayes longeth for hys mother, by whom it is cherished and nur­sed. Vnlesse thou therefore be our ready hel­per, what other thing eyther can wée or ought we to iudge of our owne power and strength, but the same shall be hurtfull vn­to vs. Wherefore, séeing that thy blessed Church hath none other refuge but thée on­ly, being vtterly voyd of all humaine helpe, therefore euen after the maner of a childe it looketh vnto thée, whose earnest desire is that thou wouldest not vtterly forsake hir, but so assist the same with thy fauourable goodnesse, as she maye alwayes wholy ad­dict hir selfe to cal vpon thy glorious name, and publish thy famous renowme, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

FOrsomuch as (O most good and merci­full God) it verily behoueth thée onely to be high and excellent, our earnest request is that thou wouldest not permit pride to breake into our heart, being of it selfe stub­burne [Page] and rebellious ynough, séeing that all humaine arrogancie and ouerwéening of our selues can not be but very vaine, as that which hath neyther true nor iust cause so to do. We desire therefore a very méeke heart and marueilous lowly eyes to eschue all such lewde deuises and fond enterprises as may excéede the meane and boundes of our vocation. Vouchsafe (we humbly be­séech thée) that our minde may none other­wise depend vpon thée, then Infants hang vpon their Nources breastes. For we per­ceyue right well that thy blessed Churche shall neuer be compted in a prosperous es­tate vnlesse shée doth both vtterly dispaire of hir selfe, and also repose hir whole hope and confidence in thée onely, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxxij. Psalme.

A praier that [...]he Gospell may reigne [...]mongst vs.WE know right well (O most good and mercifull God) that thou art not forgetfull of the couenaunt thou madest wyth vs in Christ Iesu: but acknowledge our selues to haue swarued from thy most sacred couenaunts [Page] and blessed agréements. For, wheras it be­houeth vs to frame our life so as we might please thee, and that all our déedes ought to redowne vnto the glory of thy blessed name, then the which we haue done nothing lesse, who haue marueylous coldly exercised true and perfect godlinesse, neither indeuoured our selues to reedifie thy holy Church with a feruent desire as it became vs to do. But be not thou reuenged (O good God) vppon our naughtie facts, neyther let these things which wée haue heynouslye committed a­gaynst thée, be an occasiō that thou shouldst not giue eare vnto our heartie prayers. For this verily do we earnestly desire in all our humble petitions, that the place wherein the Arke of thy glorious couenaunt remay­neth, that is to say, (thy elected church) may continue thy louing Spouse, inioying at length a quiet and peaceable rest, to the in­tent thy blessed kingdome may more pros­perously be inlarged, and the glory of thy famous name spred abrode farre wider then it is at this day. Shewe we humbly beséech thée, that thou art (according to thy faythfull promise) truly resident in thy holy Church, by induing thy faythfull seruauntes with [Page] true holinesse and perfect saluation. Suffer not (as thou hast louingly promised) the light of thy people to bée extinguished and quite put out: but let the princely bewtie and renowmed glorie of thy excellent Ma­iestie shine perpetually in hir, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

FOrsomuch as thou of thy infinite good­nesse (O moste gracious and mercifull God) hast determined to dwell perpetually in the congregation of the faythfull (which is the Church that Christ hath redéemed with his precious bloud) we humbly beséech thee neuer to forget this thy moste louing promise. For our earnest request is to haue thy resting place abide in vs, and that thou wouldest haue an holy and well furnished habitation in our hearts through fayth. As therefore wée mistrust not but thou wilt kéepe this thy sacred couenaunt firme and stedfast, so we heartily desire thée to vouch­safe that we on our part may not swarue therefro, but follow and accomplish to the vttermost those testimonies of thy holy wil, [Page] which thou hast thought good to teach vs in thy sacred scriptures, so that the ministers of thy Sacraments, the faythfull people, and all the estates and degrées of thy elect seruaunts, maye shine in true godlynesse and most sincere vertues, to the honour of thy glorious name, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxxiij. Psalme.

WHen as those which take vppon them the defence of thy glorious name (O most mightie God) doe liue wonderful friendly amongst themselues, A prayer f [...] christian charitie. and practise al the meanes they can deuise to honor and reuerence thee, then doth thy blessed church increase dayly more and more in famousnesse and puyssaunt power. And in likewise on the other side it is greatly torne and weakned if they which ought to haue dwelt togither like brethren, breake out into dissentions, or else be pluc­ked asunder through any debate. Our ear­nest request is therefore to haue such peace graunted vs by thy excellent goodnesse, as we may be ioyned togither like members [Page] in thy one bodie which is the holy Church. But, seing that our innumerable sinnes do marueylouslye hinder so great a felicitie, howe then can it fall out that such as bée at discorde with thée, maye be in vnitie a­mongst themselues? We earnestly desire this at thy mercifull handes, that the hey­nous offences wherewith we haue sundrie tymes and that greeuouslye prouoked thy wrathfull indignation beeing quite forgi­uen, thou wouldst receyue vs againe into thy blessed fauour, causing vs faythfully to imbrace mercy and louing kindnesse in such wise, as wée maye bee annixed vnto thée without seperation: for hereof our tran­quilitie shall haue hir originall and deriua­tion, hereof shall there be made an excellent & most fertile Church of good déedes, hereof shal the hid and secret treasures of thy holy spirite open themselues vnto vs, & brust out into very swéete and pleasaunt fruites, and finally a most redolent smell of iustice and vertue shall breath forth from thence tho­row out the whole worlde. Graunt therfore (O excellent father) to thy humble suters, that they may haue peace with thée, a­mongst themselues, and also with all men [Page] so much as in them lyeth, whereby, they béeing gathered togyther in thy blessed name, according to thy louing promises, may haue thee present with them, feele thy most plentifull blessing, and finally obteine eternall ioy and felicitie, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

FOrsomuch as thou hast of thy singuler fauour and exceding great goodnesse (O mercifull God) adopted vs to be thy déere children through fayth we haue conceyued in Christ Iesu, it behoueth vs to leade a life amongest our selues not like straungers, but as brethren and sisters ought to do: nei­ther haue the godly a greater desire or more pleasure in anye thing, then to be in perfect vnitie & peaceable agreement in the house of God. Wherefore it is no small griefe vnto vs that this brotherly affinitie is eue­ry where rent and broken asunder, which we ought warely to chéerishe and haue in great estimation. But we acknowledge oure selues to haue giuen an apparaunt cause of this gréeuous vexation and sorow­full [Page] calamitie: for how can it be then that we who are not knit vnto thee with our whole heart, and be nothing in such wise obedient to thy sacred commaundements as thou requirest, should be well ioyned to­gither, or be in loue with our neighbours? We humbly beseech thée therefore (O good God) to pardon whatsoeuer we haue here­tofore lewdly committed agaynst thee, bée­ing aduersaries to thy diuine lawe and sa­cred commaundementes, and to couple vs one to another, with an excéeding stedfast charitie, into the sacred bodie of thy holye Church, so that our louing consent & fayth­full agreement may spread it selfe abroade most largely as a swéete smell of mutuall loue, and through the pleasaunt dew of thy heauenly blessing, become euery day more fruitfull then other in good and godly wor­kes, leading (of thy singuler good will) not onely a quiet and peaceable life, frée from the present euils in this wretched worlde, but finally obteyne such a one as is blessed and euerlasting, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SEing thou hast of thy louing kindnesse (O most good and mercifull God) chosen all faythfull people to be thy déere children, graunt that we who are brethren by a bles­sed generation, may be fastned togither in mutuall loue, long peace, and perpetuall charitie, so that (during this lfie) wée maye take perfect pleasure of such kinde of tran­quilitie, and also become an excéeding de­lectable odor towardes the perpetuall sal­uation of all others which be as yet straun­gers to thée. Thy blessed Church may bee (O heauenly father) through this especiall example, greatly wondered at of all men. For certainly we know by experience that thou hast vsed to poure out a moste ample blessing vpon so many as lead an agréeable and friendly lyfe in thy healthfull doctrine and pure religion: and therefore doe wée nowe requyre this earnestlye at thy merci­full handes béefore all ritches and other earthly commodities, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶A prayer out of the .Cxxxiiij. Psalme.

A prayer for fayth in our dayly peti­cions.IT ought to be a most pleasant and ioyfull thing vnto vs (O almighty God) to celebrate thy high prayses perpetually, and shewe forth thy marueylous workes without ceassing: for the performance whereof, godlinesse would require, that we shoulde not onely doe the same on the day tyme, but also in the night season. But yet notwithstanding, our most heinous sinnes and continual backslidings compell vs rather to brust out into sorow­full teares, piteous sobbinges, and déepe sighes, wherethrough we may say alwayes before thée: we verily haue sinned (O good God) excéeding gréeuously, whose offences are more in number then the sande of the sea, and Starres of the skie, but nowe wée lift vp our handes vnto our holy sanctuary, which is Iesus Christ thy dearely beloued Sonne, so that whatsoeuer we cannot ob­teyne through our owne worthinesse and desertes, we indeuour to atchieue the same by his onely meanes and gracious fauour. We heartily require this at thy mercifull handes (O most excellent father) that thou wouldest at one tyme or other, out of Sion (that is to say out of the hid treasure of thy [Page] clemencie) be fauourable vnto the people which flie to thee for succor, by deliuering them from present mishaps, whereby thou (who diddest make heauen and earth) hast vouchedsafe to call vs vnto the knowledge of thy blessed name, so that we maye law­fully render abundant thankes and shewe forth thy worthy prayses with a moste free and ioyfull heart, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

SEing thou hast bewtified all those with a notable promise (O most mightie god) which are knitte togither in the honouring of thy blessed name, so that thou wilt not onely be present with them, but also be­stowest excellent benefites vpon these men whosoeuer they are that excell in sincere fayth and pure godlinesse, and haue an ex­ceeding desire to be in the blessed congrega­tions, insomuch as there is nothing which they more couet or desire, then to appeare diuers tymes before thée in the sacred as­semblies. But bicause we see our selues greatly defiled with most heynous faultes, [Page] ouerlading vs in such wise, as we dare not celebrate and prayse thée as Christians ought to do: our earnest request is therfore that thou wouldst (of thy vnspeakable mer­cie, infinite goodnesse, and excellent clemen­cie) deliuer vs from the Champions of Antichrist and his ministers, who inde­uour themselues so much as they can possi­ble, that thy faythfull seruaunts might no more assemble and meete togither for to ho­nor thée sincerely and as they are willed to do. Reserue those to thy selfe (we humblye beseech thée) who haue so great a desire to lift vp their handes vnto thée and to direct their prayers vnto thy mercies seate with a most holye intent: shewe these men much pleasure from heauen, cherishe them great­ly, and be their strong defence, being a thing nothing impossible to thy wonderfull and inuincible power, forsomuch as the whole worlde and all thinges conteyned therin, were not only made by thy puissant might, but also indure and bée preserued through thy omnipotencie, by Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy vnspeakeable goodnesse is such (O most merciful God) as it ought alwaies to be greatly praised and highly magnified. Wee will therefore lift vp pure handes in all places, touching the publishing of thy glorious name, & render perpetuall thanks (according to our bounden dutie) for thy lo­uing kindnesse extended towards vs. But, seing that this ought to be done in the most sacred and holy assemblies, our earnest de­sire is for to haue thée present there wyth vs, & to bestow thy plentifull blessing vpon thy beloued Israell, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxxv. Psalme.

WHosoeuer they be that are moued by the holy ghost to assemble togi­ther (O almightie God) for to ce­lebrate thy glorious name, A prayer a­gainst a [...] and false confidence. haue a wonderfull heape of benefites set out before them, which thou hast most plentifully be­stowed vpon vs. For looke what thinges thou hast by thy wonderfull wisdome crea­ted in heauen and earth, all the same doest thou continuallye dispose according to the [Page] pleasure of thy good will, causing the clow­des, raine, windes, and other workes of na­ture to be in such wise obedient to thée, as they serue excéeding commodiously for the vtilitie of mankinde. But seeing that the hearts of kings and princes are vnder thy dominion, thou doest cōtinually bow them so farre as the preseruation of thy faythfull seruaunts doth require, which is sufficient­ly manifested ynough by Pharao king of Egypt, Sion, and Og, moste puyssaunt princes of the lande of Canaan. By reason whereof, the hope that we haue assuredly conceyued in thy beloued promises, is so confirmed and established, that (althoughe wée maye sée the Churche gréeuouslye op­pressed with excéeding great perilles) yet our onelye trust is that thou wilt so aide and helpe the same, out of the hidde and se­crete treasures of thy louing mercie, as first and formoste to pardon our innumerable and most shamefull declinings from thee, wherwith wée haue mischieuously polluted our selues: and that thou wilt also in such wise vanquish, subdue, and represse the ma­lipertnesse of the deuill and his gard, as we be not inforced anye more by them, to im­brace [Page] againe an ydolatrous trade of wor­shipping thée, and giue honor to those Ima­ges which can neither speake, heare, nor yet haue breath, although they séeme as if they had both eares, hands, & mouthes. Graunt we heartily pray thee (O excellent father) that all men may perpetually laude and set forth thy glorious name out of Sion (which is thy true Church) with an auncient, yea rather an euerlasting peace and tranquili­tie, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THou deseruest verye great commenda­tion for a number of excellent causes (O almightie God) and diuers wayes to be ex­tolled with moste noble prayses: first and formost thou art good, & thy name is mar­ueylous pleasant and wonderfull amiable. Moreouer thou hast chosen vs to be thy pe­culiar people, that is, & true Israell, who art of such an inuincible force, as there is onely not any creature, but also none other God at all that may be compared to thée in power. For thou onelye doest wonderous things in heauen, in earth, in the sea, and in [Page] the déepes and bottomlesse pit: thou also stirrest vp and bridlest at thy will and plea­sure, the flaming lightninges, boysterous windes, raynie showers, raging waters, and stormie tempestes. Whose mightie puyssaunce, the Egyptians, Amorreites, and Chenaneits haue felt, when thou didst defend the children of Israell with thy ac­customable clemency, and gouernedst them through an vnspeakable louing kindnesse and wonderfull mercie that thou didst ex­tend towards them. Iudge thou therefore thy faythful people, who hast béene accusto­med to rule the course of nature by suche a wonderful meanes, and finally comfort thy beloued seruants, haue an especiall regard, behold, and sée (we humbly pray thée) the gréeuous calamities of thy sacred Church, neither deale with vs according to our wic­ked & lewde deserts. We acknowledge ve­rily (euen from the heart) that we haue led a lyfe to muche vnbeséeming thy glorious name and our vocation, who doe not nowe returne vnto dumb Idolles (when we are thus gréeuously afflicted) being the workes of mens hands, hauing as it were a mouth, eyes, and eares, and yet do they not speake, [Page] neyther sée, nor vnderstande: but haue re­course vnto thée, our true and onely God, that like as thou louest the sacred Church and wouldst be highly praysed therein, so vouchsafe to deliuer the same from immi­nent perils, through Iesus Christ our lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THere be two thinges (O most good and mercifull God) which ought chiefly to styrre vs vp to speake of thy worthy praises: whereof, the one is this, for that nothing can be found or ymagined greater thē thou art: the other, bicause there is a pure ioy and assured pleasure conceyued in the very setting out of thy worthy praises. Moreouer the number of thy notable benefits are so great, as not only matter to the publishing of thy glorie is ministred euery where, but also that it doth in a maner ouerwhelme such as thinke thervpon any thing earnest­ly, as they can readily finde neither begin­ning nor yet ende for the setting forth of thy glorious name, without the wonderfull assistaunce of thy holy spirite. Which thing [Page] (so long as it is duly cōsidered of our parts) we doe earnestly require in our dayly prai­ers, that especially in the sacred assemblies, we may with moste pure fayth set out thy worthie prayses, yéeld thée thy true wor­shippe, and publishe thy renoume with a pure life and holye conuersation, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxxvj. Psalme.

A prayer for [...] knowledge [...]f Gods om­ [...]ipotent goodnesse.THy puyssaunt power and singuler goodnesse (O moste gracious and mercifull God) doth euery where so abounde vppon vs, as mannes thought and ymagination can not suffici­ently comprehend the same: for if we looke vnto the skie that is garnished with excée­ding bewtifull and almoste innumerable lightes, or if we consider the earth which is marueylous abundauntly replenished and decked with most pleasant fruites, they bee alwayes wonderful tokens of thy vnspeak­able and passing good will towardes vs. Herevnto are added, the wonders which thou didst in Egypt, where through (when thou hadst spoyled the tyraunt of all that [Page] euer he had, and finally bereft him of hys lyfe) thou madest it manifest what a plea­sure the fredome of the children of Israll was to thée, vnto whom thou shewedst thy selfe no lesse a most stedfast preseruer in the wast & lothsome wildernesse, then an excée­ding strong defender, at what tyme they walked through the whole lande of Cana­an, and causedst the huge & mightie king­domes thereof to be vnder their subiection. Thou therefore who art indued with ex­cellent goodnesse, wonderfull clemency, and vnspeakable mercie that neuer hath ende, haue an especiall regard (we heartily pray thée) vnto thy beloued Church, being nowe in marueylous great perill and extreeme daunger, neyther let the most lewde déedes (wherewith we haue both polluted our owne selues, and also thy sacred Gospell) drawe thée from thy natiue louing kind­nesse. Pardon (we heartily pray thee) what soeuer we haue committed agaynst thy di­uine Maiestie: and suffer not thou (who gi­uest sustinaunce to all fleshe) thy faythfull seruauntes to bée depriued of a perfect doc­trine and most pure and sound sacraments, which are in déede the feede of eternall lyfe. [Page] Vouchsafe that euery man may hereby per­ceyue howe good and mightie thou art, to the intent all persons maye euery where (as right méete it is) feare and loue thée with a most feruent and heartie good will, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy goodnesse is such and of so great force (O most mightie God) as thou wouldst not onely haue vs fedde thereby, but also (which is not the least part of our felicitie) that we should féele and perfectly acknow­ledge the same: who hast for this cause, brought forth excéeding bewtifull thinges as well in heauen as in the earth, after a most wonderful artificial maner. All which matters, if we did beholde with a godly af­fection and well disposed minde, our heart without doubt should alwayes be kindled and inflamed with a feruent desire it hath towards thée. To the intent therefore our stonie and frozen hearts might be more ve­hemently styrred vp, thou hast chosen out for thy selfe one people, which was Israel, by whom thou mightest declare with howe [Page] great zeale and after what maner of proui­dence and moste large benefites thou hast shewed thy selfe beneficiall vnto such as continually applyed themselues to the true worshipping of thee and vnto godlinesse. But hast at length poured out al treasures of thy excellent goodnesse in Christ Iesu our Lord, and thy most intierly beloued sonne, to the ende thou wouldest deliuer vs from eternall and euerlasting death. For which cause sake, we being prouoked (through the wonderfull miracles of so great and mani­folde benefites) do render hartie thanks vn­to thee, although verily not such as thou deseruest, yet those that we are able, and to the vttermoste of our power we doe com­mend thy sacred Church vnto thée, by the selfesame Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxxvij. Psalme.

WHosoeuer they bée (O almightye God) that make a true accompt of sincere godlinesse and pure re­ligion, A prayer [...] gaynst su [...] as be eni [...] es & derid [...] of the gosp [...] are excéeding sorowfull if they sée the sacred Church scattered, whole­some doctrine derided, the prayses of thy di­uine [Page] name had in contempt, & such things as apperteyne to a deuout worshipping of thee turned vnto heathnish gewgawes and voluptuous pleasures. To the intent ther­fore these things may in no wise happen as nowe vnto vs, which we sée not to be farre of, we power forth dayly before thée, with great submission, these our dolefull com­plaints, that thou wouldest first of thy ex­céeding great goodnesse and louing mercye, blot out all our heynous offences (being in a maner infinite and excéeding gréeuous) committed not onely through weaknesse and ignoraunce, but also done oftentymes both maliciously and of a set purpose. More­ouer be fauourable vnto our gréeuous sin­nes, and turne away from vs in such sort the most fierce wiles and subtile layings a­wayte of Antichrist, as thy sacred Churche bée not depriued of all blessed ioy and spi­rituall gladnesse: suffer not the mouthes of good and wholsome instructors to be closed vp, permit not thy due honour to be had in obliuion, nor yet let the hymnes and songs wherewith thou art highly celebrated, bée vsurped of such as will haue the same in de­rision. We humbly beséech thée, O excel­lent [Page] father, that (what wrath or indignati­on so euer is due vnto vs by reason of the heinous sinnes we haue wickedly commit­ted) thou wouldst, for the glorie of thy fa­mous name, turne it from thy sanctified Church, and poure out the same rather vp­pon them, who, with a enimy like rage and most malicious affection, ymagine nothing else, but quite to marre and vtterly laye waste thy blessed heritage, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy sacred Church would be greatly de­sirous (O most mightie God) to extoll thy famous name ioyfully with Psalmes and Hymnes, but as yet hir oppression and bondage is so great in darknesse and blinde errors of newe fond supersticions that haue béene brought thereto, as it is more agrée­able for hir sorowfull estate, rather to laye aside the instruments of gladnesse, and giue hir selfe day & night to weaping, wayling, mournings, lamentable prayers, and most feruent supplications, wherewith she may craue thy furtherance and readie helpe: to [Page] the intent it may (in the straunge tentes of this wretched world) rather be forgetfull of all delectable pleasures, then vtterly voyde of true & perfect worshipping of thee. Our earnest request is therefore y t thou wouldst very spéedily deliuer hir from the tirannie of the enimies of Godlinesse, who haue in nothing so great a delight, as to reioyce in the destruction thereof. Turne thy selfe wée hartily require thée, vnto them, and restrain their mad outrage, so that they may here­after the lesse pollute and defile the Church thy louing spouse, eyther with theyr deui­lishe errors or lewde behauiours, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxxviij. Psalme.

THy mercie (O most mightie God) is so notable & famous, [...] praier that [...] men of [...]eat power [...]d high au­ [...]oritie may [...]brace the [...]ord of god. as it ought to be celebrated, with séemely pray­ses, euen in y e assembly of princes & highest powers: for séeing y t thou hast, with all faithfulnesse aboundantly accomplished thy louing promises, the reputation of thy glorious name is wonderfully augmented by giuing saluation euery where to such as lamētably requyre the same. Forsomuch as [Page] therfore the monuments of thy great mer­cie be innumerable, we earnestly intreat & humbly beséech thée not to decline therfro in these our most wretched dayes, nor yet per­mit thy selfe to bée alienated & withdrawne from vs. Although we haue not framed our déedes, according to thy sacred lawes and diuine will, as was our bounden dutie, but haue wretchedly sinned agaynst thée, dead­ly offended, and spitefully reuolted from thy excellent Maiestie: which verily we hearti­ly acknowledge and earnestly confesse, and albeit we are vnworthy that thou shouldest be fauourable and mercifull vnto vs, yet it greatly apperteyneth vnto thée for to par­don such as craue mercie at thy hands tho­row an vnfayned fayth. Wey not then (in this so cruell a case) what we are bound to doe, but that which belongeth to thy vn­speakable goodnesse. For if thou wilt be pre­sent at this time to helpe such as vnfeyned­ly cal vpon thée, there is no man liuing but shall follow thée with a wonderfull admi­ration. The common people, the nobilitie, yea and kinges also shall striue who maye prayse thée most: for thou shalt very mani­festly proue to their faces, that thou hast a [Page] great respect to such things as be excéeding lowlye and of verye small reputation, al­though thy tribunal seate be in heauen: for, notwithstanding thou seemest to dwel very ry farre of from vs, yet thou makest all men vnderstande the wonderfull tokens of thy excellent iustice and vnspeakable goodnesse. Establishe vs (O good God) with hope in in such wise, as if we shoulde walke euen through the middest of trouble and great distresse, thou wilt not permit our courage (being vpholden with thy right hande) any thing to fayle, but remember the worke of thy handes, what maner a people so euer we be of our selues, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

THe people & common sort of men ought not onely to extoll the honor of thy glo­rious name, and noblenesse of thy famous words with right great praises (O almigh­tie God) but also such as bee noble and re­nowmed are bound to do the like, bicause thou pourest thy singuler benefits vpon all mortall creatures, and neuer faylest of thy [Page] louing promises in faythfulnesse and truth, but rather doest perpetually giue an atten­tiue eare to those which call vpon thée with a pure fayth and vncorrupt minde. Let so many therefore as be famous and excell in dignitie and power amongest men, prayse thée when as they shall perceyue the mar­ueylous wisdome of thy deepe counsels and excellent deuices. For, though thou excel­lest all others in heigth, yet doest thou not dispise such thinges as be humble and low­ly, but séemest to behold the prowde a farre of, bicause thou alowest in no wise their doings. We humbly require thée therefore to refreshe and quicken vs in the middest of our sorowfull tribulations, and represse the violence and hatred of the outragious eni­mies of godlinesse, so that whilest thou shalt nourishe and defende vs (being the worke of thy puyssaunt handes) thy infinite mercie maye be made right famous wyth eternall glorie, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxxxix. Psalme.

A prayer for y e knowledge of Gods di­uine proui­dence.THy knowledge and wisdome (O most mightie God) is of such force, as thou perfectly knowest all mens wordes, déedes, and thoughts, who also vnderstandest the ymaginations of our mindes before we vtter them. For no man is able to conceyue and euidently discerne the great wisdome thou shewest in making and fourming of our bodies: if wée were comparable to the swift course of y e Sunne, or did excell the quickenesse of the Mor­ning, or might clime vp to heauen, or go downe to hell, there is no place but thou wouldst méete with vs, who hast seene and moste euidently perceyued euen from the first creation, the vnshapen masse of our bo­dies with all the members thereof, when as yet there was none of them. Forsomuch therefore as thou séemest to bée on all sides so wonderfull, our earnest request is that thou wouldest (for thy famous honors sake) be at length highlye reuerenced and dulye worshipped in thy blessed Church. Let the wicked and such as haue thy glorious name in great contempt, depart thence: but trie thy faythfull seruaunts, we humbly beseech thée, and search them thorowly out, to the [Page] intent they may know themselues: that if perhaps they swarue from the true & right way (as it often so happeneth by humaine infirmitie) bring thou them againe of thy great goodnesse, into the streight path of perpetuall felicitie, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxl. Psalme.

SEing that wée can looke for none other thing to procéede from wic­ked and vngodlye men (O moste good and mercifull God) then ab­hominable naughtinesse: A prayer a­gaynst the venemous tongues of the vngodly. for where there is a lewd heart, a man can neuer sée an vp­rightnesse to be obserued neither in wordes nor déedes. Therefore do we most earnest­ly call vpon thée, so much as we ran possi­ble, to rid and deliuer vs from the violence and malicious enterprises of lewd persons. But many are the coardes, trappes, and snares, which the Deuill and his cursed members doe prepare agaynst the Church. Bée thou thy selfe therefore hir mightie strength and puyssant preseruation, by for­tifying the same in such sort with thy sted­fast [Page] defence, at what time the battayles of temptations are fought, as the lewde sub­tilties, wherewith it is furiously assayled, and vnluckely opprest, maye fall and light vpon the Authors thereof. Which thing, if thou wilt thus doe, thou shalt reteyne thy olde wont by vndershoring with thy diuine and celestiall helpe, such as be vtterly desti­tute of mans ayde: whereby the godly may continually set forth thy glorious name, and inioy eternall felicitie by the fauour of thy bright and shining countenaunce, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxlj. Psalme.

A prayer a­gaynst hi­pocrisie.WEe dayly craue for thy gracious helpe (O almightie God) and ear­nestly require this at thy merci­full hands, that our feruent pray­ers maye be accepted with thee as a moste laudable sacrifice: for, séeing we perceyue it can not bée done, vnlesse we refraine oure minds wholy from vice, we desire thée ther­fore inespecially to remooue all our sinnes from vs, wherewith we haue excéeding fil­thily defiled both our owne selues and thy [Page] glorious name also: who do not kéepe this secret, that we haue liued heretofore vnwor­thily and after a most wretched maner, but acknowledge and make the same manifest before thee, with a common and verye wil­ling confession. Our earnest desire is then that thou wouldst pardon thy poore suppli­ants, by seuering our heartes in such sort hereafter from the contagion of filthie wic­kednesse, as wée maye in no wise attaine thereto, either by thought, worde, or deede: vouchingsafe to fortifie godly mens minds with such a maner of puyssant force and re­nowmed godlynesse, that they suffer not themselues to be deceyued with the subtile allurementes and craftie promises of the wicked, but rather beate, chastice, and cor­rect thou vs thy selfe (O good God) then per­mit vs to bee shaken or made tender with the subtile inticementes, delectable plea­sures, and poysoned flatteries of mischie­uous persons. We be discouraged and slain (as thou right well knowest) and finall de­struction hangeth ouer the Church: not­withstanding we lift vp our eyes excéeding stedfastly towards thée, and heartily require that thou wouldst deliuer vs from the sub­tile [Page] wiles and craftie layings awayte of ex­ecrable men. But, forsomuch as they are past all hope of recouerie, better it is for them to be caught in their owne nettes and lewde engynes, to the intent thy sacred Church may escape the mischieuous hands of those wicked and vngodly men, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

MAke hast to be present with vs (O most mightie God) according to thy accusto­med goodnesse, when we heartily inuocate and call vpon thée, least we be inticed by a­ny meanes from thy sacred worde and pure religion. Let the vnfayned prayers (which we poure forth) ascende into thy sight like a pleasant perfume, and a most acceptable sa­crifice, although our sinnes do not deserue the fame. For we earnestly confesse, euen from the heart roote, that we haue verye of­ten inclined to most hurtfull thinges, and not obeyed thée hitherto in worde and wyth mouth, but haue offended thée in that be­halfe also, and bene more readie and hastie then néedeth, to committe deadly wicked­nesse, [Page] which is the onelye cause why thou doest nowe thus gréeuouslye rebuke and chastice vs. But graunt this (O good God) for thy excéeding great goodnesse and infinit mercies sake, that we may assuredly know these thy fauorable chasticements to be the m [...]ere benefites of thy most fatherly good af­fection towardes vs, so that (when as they procéede from thy diuine prouidence) wee maye both accompt and also estéeme them more profitable, then if we inioyed maruei­lous aboundantly the loue of the world and pleasure of vngodly persons: for our assu­red affiance is such in thee, as we knowe most certainly that it is thy accustomed vse to helpe them (so that they craue the same at thy fauourable handes) whose bones are both broken a sunder and also dispersed in such wise, as though they should go downe out of hand into hell. Forsake not therefore the Church (according to thy woonted ma­ner) in these perillous dayes, at what time she is in most miserie, but deliuer hir from the trappes, snares, and nettes of the vn­godlye, and let the wicked fall into theyr owne wiles & pittes, which they haue made and digged, and not thy faythfull people, [Page] through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

WIthdrawe not thy readie helpe from vs, we humbly beseech thee (O moste good and mercifull God) so long as wée la­mentably require the same at thy mercifull handes: for this is our dayly sacrifice wher­with we do greatly honor and highly reue­rence thy glorious name, neyther doth it lesse please thée to haue vs taught in thy blessed worde, then if we should burne vp­pon Alters a most swéete odor and pleasant perfume of spices, as the vse and custome was in old time: our earnest desire is ther­fore, that thou wouldest set a sure watche vppon our tongue and heart, that we may not do any thing either in word, or thought, (and much lesse in déedes) contrarie to thy blessed lawe. Remoue from vs all inter­course of the vngodly, but cause vs to take in exceding good worth brotherly admonici­ons and friendly rebukes, hauing no regard at all to highe prayses and pleasant flatte­ring tales. For séeing that there be a thou­sand snares and trappes which our aunci­ent [Page] enimie hath layde to snarle vs in, let thy gracious fauour at length deliuer vs from the whole number of them, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶A prayer out of the .Cxlij. Psalme.

WEe crie out dayly in thy sight (O most good and mercifull GOD) pouring out our feruent prayers and humble supplications, A prayer for comfort in persecution. that the sorow and heauinesse conceyued in our heart maye be vttered, and this wée doe in thy gracious presence, who onely knowest the way and meanes howe to deliuer thy faythfull seruaunts in their vttermost trou­bles. Our spirit verily is continually vexed within vs, so long as we consider the pre­sent state of thinges, insomuch as whether we looke on the right hand or towardes the left, we sée no man truely which will vn­feynedly take vpon him eyther to defende or acknowledge y e cause of thy blessed Church. Which euilles in deede happen vnto vs by reason of our heynous sinnes, wherewyth thou art thus gréeuously offended agaynst vs, as to stirre vp so fierce and slie enimyes [Page] against thy chosen people, who lay snares almoste in all places, and extende violence euery where vpon vs. Bée mercifull nowe therefore vnto vs (O God oure deere fa­ther) at what time we seeme to bée destitute of al succor, neither is there any remayning aliue that hath a regard for the preseruati­on of our soules: heare thou thy selfe oure wofull complaints, and be a sure refuge for vs, and our porcion amongs the liuing: by deliuering vs from our malicious persecu­tors, who séeme at this present to haue the vpper hand. For if thou wilt mightily deli­uer thy sacred Church from this sorowfull calamitie, thy excellent name shall be spred abroad in euery place, and all men will re­ioyce with vs, vpon whome they shall per­ceyue that thou hast shewed this vnspeake­able fauour and louing kindnesse, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

SEing that we are perpetually inuironed (O most mightie God) with an infinite number of perils, necessitie it selfe perswa­deth vs neuer to desist from prayer, but alwayes to poure them out exceeding fer­uently [Page] before thée. For, to whom may wee better declare our extréeme heauinesse and gréeuous miserie (which doth dayly assaile vs) then to thée? who knowest all thinges right wel, neither art ignorant of the crafts and subtilties of the force of our cruell ad­uersaries. Thou onely canst succor and de­liuer vs: who may not trust in mans ayde, either because they will not, or else for that they be not able to helpe vs. And there­fore do we earnestly crie vnto thée, béeing our sanctuarie and lotte in the land of the liuing, to the intent thou wouldst set vs frée from the deuill the auncient enimy of man­kinde, and his cursed garde: whose mindes being thus recreated and refreshed, shall vncessantly acknowledge thy blessed name: and all such as be faithfull louers of vertue, will togither with vs publishe and set out thy excellent benefites with condigne and deserued prayses, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxliij. Psalme.

WEe doe earnestly desire thée (O most good and mercifull God) to accept our common petit [...]ons, A prayer in temptation for the auoy­ding of des­peration. and [Page] that thou wouldest (for thy excellent mer­cies sake) heare the heartie prayers which we poure out before thée, neyther denie wée that the heynous sinnes, wherwith we day­ly prouoke thy heauie wrath, hath not de­serued the same. But if thou wilt enter in­to iudgement with vs, and giue seuere and vpright sentence, seing that no man liuing, yea no creature at all (be it neuer so pure and holy) is able to abide the same, we also shall without fayle be cast, neyther haue a­ny force to stand in thy presence before the tribunall seate. Looke thou therefore vppon vs with thy louing fauour and woonted cle­mencie, that as the enimie hath gréedily persecuted our soules, so verily wée séeme, being sore smitten and greatly forsaken, to be in a maner at the poynt of death, bicause our spirit is thus vexed within vs, and hart made desolate. Who are notwithstanding right mindfull of thy old and auncient mer­cie, wherewith thou hast beene accustomed to succor and helpe thy elect people at what tyme they were miserably afflicted. There­fore doe we not onely lift vp our sorowfull handes vnto thy diuine Maiestie, but inde­uour our selues so much as in vs lyeth for [Page] to haue thée deliuer thy blessed church from the handes of hir outragious enimies: di­recting vs so with thy good spirite, that we maye hereafter execute those things fayth­fully which are right and holy, according to thy diuine will and pleasure, being conuey­ed out of this present distresse by thy good guidaunce, and quickned with thy readye helpe, throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THe infirmitie of our righteousnesse (O most good and mercifull God) is of such force, as those which be instructed with thy blessed spirite, know very well that it is not able to stande before thy iudgement seate: when as therefore we do consider our lewd deserts, our spirite fadeth awaye, and our hart waxeth amazed. But we haue recourse out of hand to thy infinite mercie, who doe heartily acknowledge and earnestlye con­fesse that our righteousnesse proceedeth not of our selues, but commeth from thee onely: so that we (being stayed vp and confirmed by this stedfast faith) do lamentably require [Page] thy fauourable assistaunce in the daunge­rous perils of this wretched life. For, vn­lesse thou puttest to thy redie helping hand, wée doe vtterlye dispaire of our saluation. Shew vs the way wherein we may walke without daunger, and teach vs after what maner we may accomplish thy blessed will, and rule all our thoughts and déedes by the helpe of thy holye spirite which procéedeth from thée, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxliiij. Psalme.

WE vnfeynedly confesse (O moste good and mercifull God) that all warlike force and pollicie procée­deth from thée onely, [...] prayer a­ [...]aynst wic­ [...]ed doctrine ydolatrous [...]orshipping. who bestow­est the same at thy will and pleasure, vpon such as thou wilt: forsomuch as therefore we ascribe all power & victorie to thy bles­sed name, wée take thee onelye to bée our strong Castell, inuincible Tower, vnre­moueable rocke, and mightie shield. For al­though we right well perceyue that man of his owne nature is a thing of naught in re­spect of that he should be acknowledged of thée, and we to haue sinned so heynously, as [Page] we are altogither vnworthye that thou shouldst make any accompt at all of vs, but hauing neuerthelesse assured confidence in thy vnspeakable mercie, we are bolde to di­rect our hartie praiers vnto thy diuine Ma­iesty, in this our most difficult & troublesome time, requiring thee to shew forth thy migh­tie power from heauen for our deliuerance, by scattering and dispersing of our cruell enimies. Stretch out thy puyssaunt hande (we humbly beseeche thée) and rid vs from the layings awayte of vngodly persons. It is thou which hast sent helpe vnto kinges and princes that put their whole confidence in thée, by the deliuering not of Dauid on­ly, but also through the often setting at li­bertie of verie many of the auncient fathers from noysome mishappes and extréeme pe­rils. Forsomuch as therefore thou hast al­wayes indued thy faythfull seruaunts with innumerable and most excellent benefites, as well temporall as spirituall things, that is to wit, a plentifull issue, flocks of shéepe, riches and honour, insomuch as all people might easily iudge y e nation blessed which tooke thée for their God. Reiect not now thy sacred Church: for, séeing that thou knowst [Page] the great afflictions, wonderfull perils, and marueylous distresse shée is in, make spéede to helpe hir, neyther permit the enimies of thy glorious name to lay the same waste: and graunt that she, being at length deli­uered from these euils, may sing new songs vnto thée, and extol thy excellent name with perpetual praises, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THere is none other force (O most good and mercifull God) besides thine, where­in thy faythfull people may haue their rock, theyr fortresse, shield and place of refuge in a readinesse. But shoulde thy godlinesse make any accompt of vs who be vile dwar­fish men? For both we and all our doings shall fade away like a shadowe and meere vaine thing, vnlesse thou of thy excellent mercy be present and deliuerest vs, from the daungers that are without measure layde euery where for vs: who then can other­wise escape the subtile crafts and wilie ima­ginations wherewith the enimies of man­kind doth dayly assaile vs? Our earnest de­sire [Page] is therefore to haue thée lay to thy hel­ping hand, whereby we may diuers times celebrate thy worthye prayses with newe songes and ditties. Neyther doe we onely require this, that those thinges may thriue with vs which apperteine to this life and a worldly prosperitie: for, although these cō ­monlye bee of great waight, yet doe we ac­compt it a greater blessednesse, if thou veri­ly wilt so shew thy selfe to be our god, as in dede thou art, through Iesus christ thy son, who liueth and reigneth with thee euer­more worlde without ende. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxlv. Psalme.

THy worthynesse is so noble and ex­cellent, O almightie God, A prayer for the glorifyin [...] of gods workes in vs with the pr [...] seruation of the Church and comfort of the faithf [...] as our searching (bee it neuer so exactlye done) can in no wise comprehende the same. Yet we certainly vnderstand this by fayth, that thou art excéeding mercifull, and so aboundest therewith, as it is verye long before thy heauie wrath be kindled. For such is thy vnspeakable goodnesse, that nothing can be founde eyther among the creatures which thou hast made, or in the gouernment of the worlde, but that thy sin­guler [Page] clemencie appeereth in the same. For­somuch as therfore we know assuredly that the sacred Churche which is thy glorious kingdome, shal indure for euer, we earnest­ly require thée to vpholde the same continu­ally, when as it is like to fall, to rayse it vp when it seemeth most pressed downe, by fée­ding all thy people in time conuenient with thy blessed worde, and satisfying all suche (with thy liberall grace) as repose theyr whole trust in thée: neyther suffer these mens prayers to be in vaine which with a pure and vnfeyned heart call vpon thy most holy name, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxlvj. Psalme.

A prayer for [...]he acknow­ [...]edging of our [...]utie in pray­ [...]ng God and [...]rusting in [...]im, of our [...]eaknesse, & [...]f Gods pro­ [...]ection ouer [...]ll sortes of [...]eople.THou right well deseruest (O most good and mercifull God) that wée should continually extoll thy wor­thie prayses from the bottome of our heart and with a right pure minde, nei­ther can we practise any thing in this lyfe more noble or of greater profite. In thée on­ly ought we to repose our whole trust, and not in men bée they neuer so famous and [Page] puissant: for their bodie is easily dissolued, their soule is soone breathed out, and their y­maginations are of none effect. But thou (who hast created the whole worlde) doest confirme thy faythfull promises with euer­lasting truth in reuenging the oppressed, sa­tisfying the hungrie, deliuering the fettered out of prison, giuing sight to the blinde, re­comforting the heauie hearted, fauouring the righteous, defending the straungers, fatherlesse children, and widdowes, and al­so in disappoynting the lewde wyles, slie craftes, and subtile disceyts of vngodly per­sons. Seing that all these thinges bée thy wonderous works, and are séene of vs con­tinually, they do marueylously establish our wauering fayth. And therefore, being styr­red vp by them, we do earnestly beseech thee both to gouerne and also preserue y e Church (which is thy blessed kingdome) among the waues of this wretched worlde, throughe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxlvij. Psalme.

WE are bounde to render excéeding great praise (O most mightie god) to thy glorious Maiestie, A praier th [...] the worde [...] God may b [...] of great for [...] in vs. who doe [Page] euidently perceyue that thou healest those which are broken in heart, exaltest them that be méeke, & bringest the vngodly euen vnto hell. There is no force able to incoun­ter with thy puissaunce: which rulest the starres, and callest them forth by name for the accomplishing of thy blessed will, as though they were thy sheepe or seruaunts. Thou therfore that bringest forth clowdes, raine, and hay, which doest féede cattell and yong Rauens, and preseruest such as feare thée, without the helpe eyther of footmen or horsemen: looke vpon thy blessed Church, we humbly beséeche thée, fortifie it agaynst hir enimies, and indue hir children wyth continuall peace. Suffer it not to pine a­way for lack of the foode of thy blessed word: and euen as by thy word thou sendest forth snow, yse, & hore frost, dissoluing the same incontinent with a puffe of winde when it seemeth good in thy sight, euen so with thy gracious fauour, cause thou those aduersi­ties which thou procurest for a tyme to exer­cise hir withall, to vanishe spéedily away. And thou (who hast not dealt in such wyse with other nations as to reuele the miste­ries of thy sacred scriptures vnto them, [Page] graunt that we may vse them to our soules health, through Iesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen.

¶A prayer out of the .Cxlviij. Psalme.

SEing that the monuments of thy excellēt goodnesse & inuincible po­wer in all things which thou hast created (O almighty God) be farre & néere so famous & notable: A praier that God may be commended in al his crea­tures. the setting out of thy worthy prayses in them, séemeth wō ­derfull and in a maner singuler, if so be that any man doth déepely wel consider the hea­uenly mindes, the Sunne, Moone, Starres, and workmanship of the Skies, none other thing shall bee founde there, then a méere commendation of thy louing fauour and vnspeakable wisedome. All which things, séeing that the clowdes, rayne, thunder, windes, hilles, plantes, liuing creatures, with the whole vniuersall worke both of nature, and of ciuell ordinaunce, whereby common wealthes be gouerned amongest men, do manifest the same vnto vs: it is a thing to be wondered at, how we should be so cold in this behalfe, that being so pricked [Page] forward and stirred vppe with all things, should kéepe silence and become almost as dumbe persons in publishing of thy worthy praises, yea (and which ought to séeme more hard and gréeuous) in stead of praysing and glorifying thy excellent name which wée owe vnto thy diuine Maiestie for so great benefites as thou hast bestowed vppon vs, we haue requited thée with slaunders, re­proches, and blasphemies: which thinges (although we do not pronounce in expresse wordes) yet notwithstanding, forsomuch as we haue so sore defiled our selues with the most filthie spottes of sinne, dishonored thy holy doctrine, and by our lewde examples haue called others backe from the praysing of thy blessed name, we dare not be so bolde as to speake of thy commendation, and ther­fore worthily are our calamities made eue­ry day more gréeuous then other. But our earnest request is (O good God) that thou wouldst swa [...]ue nothing at all in this most sorowfull time from thy accustomed good­nesse and louing mercie: who knowe thée very well to be of sufficient force for to van­quishe all maner of thinges that be repug­naunt to thy blessed will, which puissaunce [Page] of thine is in no wise shaken of, albeit thou hast thought good to hide it for a time, to the intent we should vnderstand how sore wée haue sinned. Vouchsafe now therefore that thy blessed Church maye (according to thy faythfull promises) both inioy and also re­taine all good things which make to the glo­rifying of thy blessed name, euen as it de­serueth, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same psalme.

THy vnmeasurable goodnesse, infinite po­wer, and excellent wisedome (O moste mightie God) hath after a wonderfull sort set forth it selfe in all thinges which thou hast created for our sakes. Wherefore it is not without iust cause sayd that euery crea­ture doth publishe thy glorious renowme, for they haue not come to light of their own proper nature: but to the intent they should bée, they were called out by thée, and after­ward when they were made, thou didst not stablish them any otherwise then by thy sa­cred commaundement, who do obserue the lawes which thou hast appoynted, neyther [Page] passe they the certaine and decréed boundes that be limitted them. All which things so long as we do dayly beholde with diligence, it is very requisite that we should be stirred vp to magnifie thy blessed name, bicause in them thy owne onely workmanship com­meth to our sight and remembrance: wher­vpon we, being moued hereby, do as nowe flie vnto thee for succour, whome we haue learned to bée the aucthour of so great and manifold good thinges, whose earnest desire is, that thou wouldst lift vp the horne of thy mighty power vnto thy beloued people be­ing thy blessed Church, so as she maye haue sufficient abilitie to withstande all the force of hell, and be linked dayly more and more vnto thee, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cxlix. Psalme.

[...] prayer for [...]e aduaūce­ [...]ent of the Gospell.EIght worthie art thou (O almigh­ty god) to whom new songs should continually bée song in the sacred Church, and whose prayse should be set out in the Congregation of Saints. For can it be that such as are thy faythfull [Page] people will not publish thée their king and maker, doyng the same not onely with hart and voyce, but also with euery outwarde instrument prepared for the same purpose. Seing then that thou oughtest to bée so greatly commended and highly magnified for thy nature, goodnesse, and excellent be­nefites extended towardes vs, bée not so greatly prouoked at our heynous sinnes, as to chastice vs in thy furie: pardon vs, (wee humbly beséeche thée) for thy infinite mer­cies sake, when we turne vnto thée, and la­mentably craue thy readie helpe by conti­nuall prayer. But if thou haue so good a lyking of thy blessed people as thou hast of­tentymes affirmed, then assist and garnish them with thy readie helpe in so great an extremitie. Giue vs this cause of exalting thy glorious name, which may be euermore in the mouth of thy faythfull seruants. For we doubt not but thou canst be reuenged of the nations & people that blasphéeme thee, and binde the kings and princes (who be ad­uersaries to thy blessed religion) with fet­ters and linkes of Iron, by executing most seuere iustice vpon them. Our earnest de­sire is therfore that thou wouldst either con­uert [Page] them vnto thée with the two edged sworde of thy blessed worde, or if it séemeth not good in thy fight so to doe, remoue the same farre from our neckes, that all men may right well perceyue what great things thou doest for such as commit themselues wholy to thée, and be desirous to celebrate thy worthy prayses, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

FOrsomuch as thou hast from tyme to tyme (O most mightie God) blessed vs with new benefites, it is very requisite (vn­lesse we will become vtterly vnmindfull of our bounden dutie) that we shoulde dayly with freshe ditties and newe songes giue thanks to thy blessed name in the congrega­tion of the faythfull. For what end shall we make of praysing thée, whom in all things and at all tymes we féele to be our maker and perfect king of our saluation? Certen­ly séeing that we right well perceyue thée to be so fauourable to the faythfull, and doest garnish such as be godly with most plenti­full giftes, it is requisite that we should vt­ter [Page] tokens of a right thankfull minde, in thought, worde, and worke, and with all instruments, meanes, and wayes where­with that thing may best be done. And to the intent this thing may be the better ac­complished of vs, put into the handes of our heart, the sword of thy blessed word, where­by we may take vengeance of the flesh, wic­ked vices, and lewde desires, which doe in a maner destroy vs, and so to bridle and kéepe vnder sinne which is naturall vnto vs, that it may be deposed from the tyrannie which he executeth vppon the children of Adam, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A prayer out of the .Cl. Psalme.

WHen as al things which thou hast created (O almightie God) praise thée, A praier [...] wee may prayse G [...] with a ch [...] full heart they do not onely that which is due to thy famous honour and glorious renowme, but also they worke moste wonderfully and aboundantly theyr owne perfection: for there is nothing which we can do of more excellencie, then to cele­brate thée as being the originall and ende of all good things, whose vnmeasurable bene­fites [Page] we feele dayly poured vpon vs. But neither can we sufficiently ynough perceiue them, nor yet thy infinite goodnesse, so long as we be here oppressed with the most grée­uous burthen of our heynous sinnes, and borne downe by reason thereof, with an ex­céeding great waight of afflictions, so that a man must néedes vnskilfully prayse the thing which he knoweth not. We do there­fore earnestlye require thée (O mightye God) euen from the bottome of the heart, to disburthen vs of the fardell of our corrupt naughtinesse, which being layde downe, we mistrust not but the darknesse of present ca­lamities shall be driuen away from the sa­cred Church, so that she may lift vp hir eyes to hir maker and redéemer, who (wondering as well at the ryches of thy excellent good­nesse, as of the vnspeakable wisdome) shall magnifie thée with most highe prayses, as méete it is. But nowe verily, so sorowfull and lamentable things do incounter vs eue­ry where, that we sée nothing towardes vs sauing thy wrathfull indignation: which as we deny not our selues to haue deserued, so wée earnestly desire and heartily praye thee, to withdrawe the same from vs at [Page] length, to the intent we may be stirred vp to the worthie praysing of thy gloryous name, not onelye in wordes, but with all tunable instruments méete to lift vppe our mindes vnto thée, through Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

An other prayer out of the same Psalme.

LIke as the holinesse and magnificencie of thy excellent name (O most mightie God) is continually celebrated in the glori­ous Sanctuarie of suche as be blessed and spiritually minded, which thing maye bée done so much y e more excellentlier of them, for that they beholde the secretnesse of thy Maiestie both néerer and perfectlier: euen so is it méete also that mortall men should alwayes addict themselues to extoll thy worthie prayses: who see the vnmeasura­ble treasure of thy excellent goodnesse, migh­tie power, and incomprehensible wisedome to be dayly manifested, both in heauen and in all creatures. But aboue all others, this belongeth to our charge, who (being illu­mined with fayth and with thy heauenly spirite) doe vnderstande more of thy diuine [Page] misteries out of the holy Scriptures, then nature is able to set forth with all hir bew­tifull furniture: and therefore (we humblye beséech thee) to styrre vp our sinfull heartes in such wise, as we may worship thée with moste pure prayses and excéeding feruent peticions, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ A Prayer of Doctor Peter Martyr a­gaynst worshippers of bread and all maner of supersticion.

AYde vs nowe at length I humbly beséech thée (O hea­uenly father) by lightning the mindes and heartes of thy Christian people wyth the spirit of thy sonne Christ Iesus: who (laying Idolles and superstiti­ons apart) may returne to the pure and vn­corrupt worshipping, honouring, and cal­ling vpon thee onely: neyther suffer the ho­nor due to thée alone to be wickedly and de­uilishly attributed vnto bread, wine, pic­tures, Images, and bones of dead persons: thy holye name hath alreadie beene to long [Page] slaundered, to long hath the puritie of thy blessed Gospell béene polluted: men haue ynough & to much abvsed the institution of thy sonnes supper, by conuerting the same to most filthie Idolatry. Mittigate at length these outrages of mad brayned men, that miserably ouerthrowe themselues hedlong, as they may no more go a whoring lewdly and voyde of shame, vpon euery hill, vnder euery trée, in all by wayes, stréetes, Chur­ches, and Chappels, with bread and wine, vnder the name of thy déere sonnes Sacra­ment, and let them not defile the true hono­ring of thée after this wicked and blasphe­mous maner. Vnlesse thou (O most good and mercifull God) doest with thy puyssant hand, take away & vtterly subuert this wor­shipping of bread, the saluation of mankind and reedifying of thy sacred Church can ne­uer be looked for. Helpe (O good God) suc­cour thy faythfull people whome thou hast redéemed with the bloud of thy deere sonne. And thou, O Christ Iesu (who art a true and euerlasting God) establishe this worke which is begunne by thée, and bring it to the desired ende: or if the sore bée without hope of recouery, and that thy truth maye [Page] not any more take place commonly and o­penly in thy sacred Church, then come and excercise iudgement with all spéede, and driue awaye (for the glorie of thy name) so shamefull a reproche from thy holy supper, which thou of thy incredible mercie and sin­guler goodnesse hast instituted, who ly­uest and reignest with the father, and the holy ghost euermore world without ende. Amen.


A Table wherein is con­teyned the effect of all such notes or arguments as be set in the margent at the beginning of the first prayer for euery Psalme, conteyning in number. Cl.

  • A Prayer for a Christian life. Psalme. j.
  • A praier for cōfort in persecution. Ps. ii.
  • A praier against our persecutors. Ps. iij.
  • A prayer for a true fayth. Psal. iiij.
  • A prayer agaynst false Prophetes and enimies of the truth. Psal. v.
  • A prayer in distresse. Psal. vj.
  • A prayer agaynst the aduersaries of the Gos­pell. Psal. vij.
  • A prayer in trouble for the fauour of Christ. Psal. viij.
  • A prayer agaynst our enimies in persecution. Psal. ix.
  • A praier against enimies and tiraunts. Psal. x.
  • A praier against the temptatiō of faith. Psal. xj.
  • A prayer against humaine, false, and erronious doctrine. Psal. xij.
  • A prayer that we dispayre not in tribulation. Psal. xiij.
  • A prayer for the grace of Christ agaynst origi­nall sinne. Psal. xiiij.
  • A prayer that we may perseuer in the number of true Christians. Psal. xv.
  • A prayer that we may not perishe by fayth but attaine vnto glorie thereby. Psal. xvj.
  • A prayer that our eminies may not get the vic­torie ouer vs. Psal xvij.
  • A prayer to be deliuered out of great distresse. Psal. xviij.
  • [Page]A prayer that we may bee partakers of Gods diuine worde. Psal. xix.
  • A prayer for the prosperous successe of Christes kingdome against the enimies therof. Psal. xx.
  • A prayer for the prayse and augmentation of the Gospell. Psal. xxj.
  • A prayer for Gods fauour in distresse. Psal. xxij.
  • A prayer that God woulde both feede and de­fende vs. Psal. xxiij.
  • A prayer for the kingdome of Christ and a newe lyfe. Psal. xxiiij.
  • A prayer for constancie in a troublesome conten­tion for the worde of God. Psal. xxv.
  • A praier y t we reuolt not from christ. Psal. xxvj.
  • A prayer for comfort in fayth agaynst our eni­myes. Psal. xxvii.
  • A prayer for comfort in necessitie agaynst double tongued persons. Psal xxviij.
  • A prayer that we may be obedient to the worde of God. Psal. xxix.
  • A prayer that al our afflictions may wel depart from vs, by Gods especiall grace. Psal. xxx.
  • A prayer in distresse & triall of fayth. Psal. xxxj.
  • A prayer that our sinfull crimes maye bee par­doned. Psal. xxxij.
  • A prayer for prayse and thankes giuing to God for his omnipotencie. Psal. xxxiij.
  • A prayer for comfort in distresse. Psal. xxxiiij.
  • A prayer both against our enimies, and false Prophetes also. Psal. xxxv.
  • A prayer for vpright iustice. Psal. xxxvj.
  • A prayer for constancie in fayth agaynst such as will hurt vs. Psal. xxxvij.
  • A prayer agaynst our enimies and the dread of conscience. Psal. xxxviij.
  • A prayer against vanitie and the haters of mans [Page] life and safetie. Psal. xxxix.
  • A prayer that our sinnes may be pardoned tho­row the merits of Christ. Psal. xl.
  • A prayer agaynst the enimies of Gods holye worde, & for the works of charity. Psal. xlj.
  • A prayer in distresse for the comfort of the Gos­pell. Psal. xlij.
  • A prayer in necessitie. Psal. xliij.
  • A prayer in persecution, aswell agaynst corporall enimies as spirituall. Psal. xliiij.
  • A prayer for saluation purchased vnto vs by Christ. Psal. xlv.
  • A praier for victorie in temptation. Psal. xlvj.
  • A prayer for the good successe and increasement of the Gospell. Psal. xlvij.
  • A prayer for the Christian Church and congre­gation. Psal. xlviiij.
  • A prayer y t we abuse not tēporal goods. Ps. xlix.
  • A prayer for remembrance in distresse of the last iudgement and promises of God. Psal. L.
  • A prayer for remission of sinnes. Psal. Lj.
  • A prayer agaynst all pernicious seducement. Psal. Lij.
  • A prayer for deliueraunce out of trouble through fayth. Psal. Liij.
  • A prayer for helpe in necessitie against the cru­eltie of the vngodly. Psal. Liiij.
  • A prayer for saluation purchased vs by Christ. Psal. Lv.
  • A prayer for a stedfast confession of the Gos­pell. Psal. Lvj.
  • A prayer for y e aduauncement of the gospell con­trarie to hir enimies expectation. Psal. Lvij.
  • A prayer agaynst our naturall declinings from God, and craftye layinges awayte of the vn­godly. Psal. Lviij.
  • [Page]A prayer against the Pharisies and false Pro­phets. Psal. Lix.
  • A praier for Gods helpe in necessitie. Psal. Lx.
  • A prayer for a constant fayth in Christ Ie­sus. Psal. Lxj.
  • A prayer for a true fayth and contempt of mu­table things. Psal. Lxij.
  • A prayer in distresse for the comfort of the Gos­pell. Psal. Lxiij.
  • A prayer agaynst the wicked enimies of the Godly. Psal. Lxiiij.
  • A prayer for sustenaunce and all kinde of Gods benefites. Psal. Lxv.
  • A prayer in necessitie to the glorie of God, for setting vs at libertie. Psal. Lxvj.
  • A praier for y e augmētatiō of y e gospel. Ps. Lxvij.
  • A prayer for the vnitie and inlargement of the christian congregation. Psal. Lxviij.
  • A prayer in tribulation for the glorie of the re­surrection. Psal. Lxix.
  • A prayer in necessitie. Psal. Lxx.
  • A prayer that our fayth faileth vs not in age and great distresse. Psal. Lxxj.
  • A prayer that the kingdome of heauen may come vppon vs through the preaching of the Gos­pell. Psal. Lxxij.
  • A prayer that we may not repine at the prospe­ritie of the wicked. Psal. Lxxiij.
  • A prayer for the Churches preseruation against the aduersaries of the Gospell. Psal. Lxxiiij.
  • A prayer that we may be obedient to the worde of God. Psal. Lxxv.
  • A prayer that our courage fayleth vs not in af­fliction. Psal. Lxxvj.
  • A prayer of consolation in distresse by cōsidering the wonderfull workes of God. Psal. Lxxvij.
  • [Page]A prayer for grace and vprightnesse of heart. Psal. Lxxviij.
  • A prayer for obtayning of mercy & fauor against the persecutors of the Church. Psal. Lxxix.
  • A prayer for the repayring of the afflicted. Church. Psal. Lxxx.
  • A prayer for perseuerance in faith. Psal. Lxxxj.
  • A praier for a good Magistrate. Psal. Lxxxij.
  • A prayer that God would defende his worde in disyite of the vngodly. Psal. Lxxxiij.
  • A praier for y e increasmēt of faith. Psal. Lxxxiiij.
  • A prayer for the whole congregation of Christ. Psal. Lxxxv.
  • A prayer in distresse. Psal. Lxxxvj.
  • A prayer for the reedifying of the christian Con­gregation. Psal. Lxxxvij.
  • A prayer in the triall of fayth. Psal, Lxxxviij.
  • A prayer to put God in remembraunce of hys promise. Psal. Lxxxix.
  • A prayer both to attaine vnto the knowledge of God, & the vanitie of this life also. Psal. xc.
  • A prayer in temptation and perilles, for deliue­raunce and preseruation Psal. xcj.
  • A prayer against the perswasion of such as wold haue iustification to proceede of good workes. Psal. xcij.
  • A prayer for the establishment of Christes king­dome. Psal. x [...]iij.
  • A prayer agaynst our enimies, deceyptfull tea­chers, and cruell tyraunts. Psal. xciiij.
  • A prayer for true fayth. Psal. xcv.
  • A prayer of thanks giuing for Christes benefits bestowed vpon vs. Psal. xcvj.
  • A prayer y t we may appeare in the day of iudge­ment, with a pure & chereful hart. Psal. xcvij.
  • A prayer for the fauour of Christ through his [Page] glorious resurrection. Psal. xcviij.
  • A prayer for the iustification of faith agaynst the righteousnesse of workes. Psal. xcix.
  • A prayer that we may in all places both glorifie God, and also confesse him. Psal. C.
  • A prayer for a godly life. Psal. Cj.
  • A prayer in the tryall of fayth and affliction of the Church. Psal. Cij.
  • A prayer for a newe life. Psal. Ciij.
  • A prayer that we may vse the creatures of God in such sort as we are willed. Psal. Ciiij.
  • A prayer that we be not ignorant of the workes of our redemption. Psal. Cv.
  • A prayer for a perfect confession, and that the grace which God hath indued vs with, maye haue much rule ouer vs. Psal. Cvj.
  • A prayer for the knowledge of Gods benefites, cōtrary to al worldly lewd things. Psal. Cvij.
  • A praier that the godly may haue grace to with­stand the assaults of the wicked. Psal. Cviij.
  • A prayer of the Godlye for the enimies of the Gospell. Psal. Cix.
  • A praier for the benefite of our redemption pur­chased by Christ. Psal. Cx.
  • A prayer that Gods wonderfull works may be made manifest. Psal. Cxj.
  • A praier y t the godly may be blessed. Psal. Cxij.
  • A prayer for the comfort & consolation of christs Church. Psal. Cxiij.
  • A prayer for a true fayth by the contemplation of Gods wonderfull workes. Psal. Cxiiij.
  • A prayer for a constant confession of the Gos­pell. Psal. Cxv.
  • A prayer to the like effect of the psalme which goeth next before. Psal. Cxvj.
  • A prayer for the perfect knowledge of Christ. Psal. Cxvij.
  • [Page]A praier y t we may be cōforted in faith. ps. Cxviij
  • A prayer in necessitye, anguishe, and distresse. Psal. Cxix.
  • A prayer agaynst the enimies of Gods diuine worde. Psal. Cxx.
  • A prayer in necessitie for Gods diuine preserua­tion. Psal. Cxxj.
  • A prayer that the christian church may (through fayth and charitie) be repayred. Psal. Cxxij.
  • A prayer for the mercie of God. Psal. Cxxiij.
  • A prayer against violence & deceipt. Ps. Cxxiiij.
  • A prayer for the preseruation and long continu­ance of fayth. Psal. Cxxv.
  • A prayer that we may be deliuered from thral­dome, & attain to the glorie of god. Psal. Cxxvj.
  • A praier for sustētatiō & safe keping. Ps. Cxxvij
  • A praier that we may feare God and lead a bles­sed life. Psal Cxxviij.
  • A prayer against the counterfeit holinesse of such as woulde bee iustified by their workes. Psal. Cxxix.
  • A prayer for grace in y e time of nede. Psal. Cxxx.
  • A prayer that we maye haue humilitie and [...]is­pise arrogancie. Psal. Cxxxj.
  • A prayer that the Gospell may reigne amongst vs. Psal. Cxxxij.
  • A praier for christian charitie. Psal. Cxxxiij.
  • A prayer for fayth in our dayly petitions. Psal. Cxxxiiij.
  • A prayer against a vaine and false confidence. Psal. Cxxxv.
  • A prayer for the knowledge of gods omnipotent goodnesse. Psal. Cxxxvj.
  • A prayer agaynst such as be enimies and dery­ders of the Gospell. Psal. Cxxxvij.
  • A prayer that all men of great power & high au­thority [Page] may imbrace y e word of god. ps. Cxxxviij
  • A prayer for the knowledge of Gods diuine pro­uidence. Psal. Cxxxix.
  • A prayer agaynst the venemous tongues of the vngodly. Psal. Cxl.
  • A prayer agaynst hipocrisie. Psal. Cx [...]j.
  • A prayer for comfort in persecution. Psal. Cxlij.
  • A prayer in temptation for the auoyding of des­peration. Psal. Cxliij.
  • A prayer agaynst wicked doctrine & ydolatrous worshipping. Psal. Cxliiij.
  • A prayer for the glorifying of Gods workes in vs with the preseruation of the Church, and comfort of the faythfull. Psal. Cxlv.
  • A prayer for the acknowledging of our duetie in praysing God & trusting in him, of our weak­nesse, and of Gods protection ouer all sortes of people. Psal. Cxlvj.
  • A prayer that the word of God may be of great force in vs. Psal. Cxlvij.
  • A prayer that God may be commended in all his creatures. Psal. Cxlviij.
  • A prayer for the aduauncement of the Gos­pell. Psal. Cxlix.
  • A praier that we may prayse God with a chere­full heart. Psal. Cl.
  • ¶ A prayer of Docter Peter Martyr agaynst worshippers of bread, and all maner of super­stition.

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