THE BOOK OF PRAYSES, CALLED THE PSALMES. The KEYES and Holly Things of DAVID. Translated out of the Hebrevv, According to the Letter, and the Mystery of them. AND According to the rule and Methode of the Compile-er. Opened in Proper Arguments vpon every PSALME, following the same.


AMSTELREDAM. Printed by Ian Fredericksz Stam. M. DC. XXIX.

To the Highe and mighty Prince: CHARLES: By the grace of God, KING of England, Scotland, France, and Irland: Defendour of the faith, &c. All Grace, peace and felicity Everlasting.


Becaus the children of God bee peaceable, and the Kingdom of heaven be­longeth to the poore in spirit, and contention is a hinderance of under­standing, and Skorners are farr from it: becaus wisdom is the true happines, and stops the mouth of iniquity: becaus the lion and the serpent is vanquished, and Iu­stice raigneth, and the Turtle dove is com and heard in our land: becaus the glory of the law & the strength therof shineth in your Majesties hart, by cleernes of judgement & golden verity: becaus your Majesty is the Prince of peace; & an endles gouvern­ment is layd upon you; and none els is fitt to sit upon the Throne of David: I humbly present unto your Majestyes handes, this Scepter of the Psalmes of David, his ser­vice & my paines to your Majestyes service; as fear to whom fear, and honour to whom honour, & Scepters to whom Scepters belong, beeing an instrument full of eyes, sharp & provident & fitt for gouvernment, made of Moses and the Prophets, & hath Christ and his Apostles looking on it. That your Majesty may never bee weary of beholding it: when your Majesty shall perceive how potentiall it is made for the Church: by sweet invitation of skorners, by revelation to the Ignorant, and re­solution to the straitened. How therby, the wisdom of the Ministry of that great congregation and Allowance of the Temple of Ierusalem, and their blessing of the poore, with instruction, & crowning of them that keep the law & reprobation of the contentious, to answer all reprochers: the most heavenly perfection of the church, that beareth all peace and beatitude, is brought to light. By dividing the waters of the Scriptures and making a cleer passage through the depth therof. The rod of government that ceaseth all contention in them, and melteth the hard rocks & bringeth liquor of life out of the same. Considering the heighth of the stile, and depth of the invention; the reach of the work, and largenes of Matter, becaus the world (I suppose) have no more such piles: I make your Majesty the Pillar and stay of all. And as the deliverance is upon the knees of your Majestyes Dominion: that your Majesty may live in them, and they bee susteined by your Majesty, that your Majesty my live eternally with them, and they with your Majesty, that your Majesty bee ever blessed by them, & they by your Majesty, that your Majesty may sanc­tify them, & they may sanctify your Majesty. That your Majestyes name may bee their sanctuary, & they the Ministers to extoll the same, as long as the sunn and moon la­steth. That by the light in the night of them, & the clowdynes in the day time: they may, & the Church may, & all the Godly may, walk safe & untouched of the Enimy, and live and Conquer for ever. Seeing all kinde of rule and art & government & regularity is conteined in them, that nothing is wanting. That your Majesty like David may lead yours with a skillfull hand, & feed them hartily. And thus have your Majesty a most glorious entrance into the strong and invincible citty of Da­vid, the fort of Sion. Where all the blinde and lame are smitten, and a most hea­venly pile of cleernes and uprightnes and Kingdom of knowledge is erected. By Principles in the tongue, and in religion, and in divinity, by letter and figure, till it [Page] come to a perfection of strength & glory for the defendour, & such was the occasion of this work. The work is so well knitt together from Psalme, to Psalme, & one mat­ter to another, and one thing with another: that they are not to bee sundred for the strength therof. And that your Majesty may say the same: and perceive, how the stile is lifted from the ground, & how the heavenly understandíng is overcovered with cloudes: I here present a revelation therof, by naturall Arguments rising from them, for your Majesty to lean on, while your Majesty ministreth just judgement, & giveth the strength of the Law to your people, to feed on. And that your Majestyes endes may bee ever blessed: that the wicked bee Cutt off, and the just may ever possess the land & peace enough to delight them. And now the vail of all is drawen & the light is manifest: I moste humblely submit all to your Majesty, the Shield of Truthe, and end with Iob. No man can bee silent for want of knowledge. I therfor repent; and give over, pray your Majestyes pardon, & conclude with prayer for your Majestyes dayes and raigne, as the dayes of heaven with all happynes.

Your Majestyes moste humble subject, ALEXANDER TOP.

To the Reader.

COnsider, Gentle Reader, that all Knowledge and Learning is descended f [...]om rudenes, and inclines to return unto it. With much pain it was brought forth: so with might and main it must bee held up, lest all runn into confusion again. And this is the work of the Prophet. All piles incline to confusion the [...]for hee seeketh to save the Law. Because in language ther bee many kindes. weigh his rule, hee write­eth upon the five books, five books: under the five beginnings out of the five books; to wit, the first wordes of every book. That he so purposed: the ends and the beginnings, do throughly prove. They make every one a perfect conclusion, and beginn directly upon the first wordes of the same book in the Law. Though the books bee precisely five: yet the number of the psalm continueth through all, which cannot but intend mys­tery. This way is not strange to Poets, to descant upon words by allegoricall discours. by this, hee travaileth onely upon the mysteryes, and doubtfullnes of the Law, or the termes of it, in the propheticall or heavenly stile, takeing his frame from the Prophets. And this shall suffice to make the psalmes to argue the Law. Every glory hath his co­vering: Is. 4. so the psalms are a brief copy of the Law. They treat of the Law and of the King, as every Law must have a King. as it is a kingdom. The Law is made out of the vertues, and the psalms ext [...]ll it much out of the names of God. The psalms do carry a fair outward stile, but their treasure is within them; and that is their holines. They are indeed the revelation of the Law and the Prophets. His way is all upon A. B. C. defect, abounding, or disordered, becaus the Letters bee so significant. This is no strange lerning, for most of the other books of [...]he bible play the like. By any strangenes in the constructiō, you shal find the mystery. he works every psalm to agree with the num­ber of it, by the significatiō of the letters: becaus the letters in the tongue be so significant, that it were absurd to neglect thē, of frowardnes to thwart the allusion, or to cross them. Vnder such a cloud hee passeth, and with such a vail hee revealeth. The curiosity is not to bee wondred at, yf you consider the diligence of the Masorites, and Rabbins, and their thirteen rules for the study of the Law. He draweth all to the immortall life of the Law, and the kingdom of God, and the power and glory therof, the way of God­lines, and commendation therof, for his title PRAISES. yf this bee his way, I have set your feet therin, and I rejoyce. As for my way: first I have not versed the Psalms, becaus they can carry no mystery with us, & becaus the coherence is scattered, by the curiosity of the work, that it is like a latine vers, with great distance between the Concords, neither can a psalm be construed but with relation from end to end. I have cut them into three parts, so much the better to conclude them: by how much the greater the sections are, for the gathering of the more sens before the pause. The busines of every psalm beeing threefold: the section naturally agreeth. As a Proposition, Example, and Conclusion. Mark the first psalm. Such a one is happy. How? Like a tree &c. And why? Becaus. or for, &c. So moste commonly the division will answer to thes questions, what, how, and why, though the psalm cannot bee cut precisely at the question. My Quotations are ordered in three Columnes, unversed, for the multiplicity of them. The first of Psalms, the next of the Law and first Prophets, to wit, all the books to Isaiah. The last, all from Isaiah and likewise the new testament. They are of as many kindes as ther can be questions: somtimes for the language, somtimes for sens, somtimes for matter, sometimes for form, sometimes for phrase, sometime for wordes, and some­time for construction, quality, time or place, &c. by the points they are to bee apply­ed. You shall know them by their fruit, and shall soon see by the recommendation of places in the psalmes: what profit will com of the rest of all the books, yf they were requoted accordingly. for so the vers may well be spared. For variation of the let­ter both in word and Clause: it manifesteth, how the Construction goeth, and accent­eth the matter and sense of every Psalme; and that in many respects. The Capitals are for Generals, to which all parts have relation. And they are usually doubled and mul­tiplyed: that they may be noted. The change in the Clause, is a satisfaction to all que­stion, [Page] according as the stile declineth: often doubled and multiplied also. My arguments are of this sort; first, a representing of the psalme, in proper or figurative language. Secondly, a Construction which applyeth it self wholely to the letters and exposition of them. And thirdly, how every psalm hath dependance from the first words of his pro­per book of the law. And all is to revive the Prophet, and bring his glory to light, for a light unto all nations, and a glory to our own. God give Light, and also Grace. Farewell.

Thine in the Lord. A. T


HAPPY is hee that followeth not wicked counsell nor con­tinueth in a sinfull way, psalmes. 26. the law and first prophets. 2 Cor: 22. P [...]o: 1, 4, 2 Co [...]: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 6, Ier: 15, 23. nor can abide mockers: psalmes. a m 40:112:119 111:101:119. but de­lighteth in the doctrine of the ETERNALL and thin­keth upon his lessons, day and night. psalmes. 37. the law and first prophets. Deu: 17.6. Pro: 1. Ios: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Pet: 3:3:

For hee shalbe like a tree planted by the wa­ter-bróokes, that giveth his fruit in his season,, psalmes. 44, 137, the law and first prophets. Nu: 24, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 18 the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 17.31, 47, Ier: 16, 17, Isa: 44, Apo: 22, whose leaves never wither, psalmes. 37,, 112, the law and first prophets. Gen, 39. Pro: 7. 2 Cro: 31. and that bringeth all that ever it doth, to good.

The wicked shall not be so; psalmes. 37:18; 69.68; 35; 125.69. the law and first prophets. Deu. 18, 18, Iob: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Mth. 2, Ih: 21, Hos: 13, Ier: 13, Is [...]: 29, Mal: 3, Isa: 41, 29, Mth: 3, Dan: 2, but as the chaff which the winde driveth away, therefore the wicked shall not indure in time of judgement nor Sinners among the Righteous: the law and first prophets. Ios: 22. for the ETERNALL will make the way of the Righ­teous plaine, psalmes. 103 144, 37 [...] the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 16, 25, P [...]o: 14. Lev: 5. Iob: 8.17.29. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 6▪ but the way of the wicked shall perish.


WHY doe the nations keepe such stirr, and the people TALK so idley? psalmes. 83.35.64, 149 the law and first prophets. Pro: 11, 26, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 4. the Kings and Princes of the earth oppose them­selves and joyne toge [...]her against the ETER­NALL'S Anoynted? psalmes. 31 [...] 64? 71? 129? 107? 18 [...] 105▪ the law and first prophets. Iu: 4, 5.6, 7.8? the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30? Is: 8 [...] Eze: Ie [...]: 5? 27? Na: 1? Let vs breake their ban­des, and cast away their cordes; The LORD in heaven doth but laugh at them. the law and first prophets. Prov. 1.

And hee made them sore afraid, psalmes. 59.52. the law and first prophets. Prov. 11, 26, 1 S [...]:16, Iu: 4.5, 6, 7.8. Exo: 4, 6, 23. Exo: 4, 6, 23. 2 S [...]: 6, 7. Iob: 12, De: 26, 27, 32, 19, 20, 29, N [...]: 9, 1 Cro: 12; Lev: 20. Num: 10. when hee tolde them in his kindled anger, psalmes. 69, 81,, 3▪. I have appoin­ted my King over Sion, my holy Hill; I will shew the Decree of the ETERNALL, psalmes. 40, 45, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 37. that saith of mee, Thou art my Sonn, this Day I begat thee; psalmes. 89, 44.80, 35, 105. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 11. Act: 13:4: Luc: 1: Mt..: 2; Aske mee, and I will give thee the Heathen for thine in­heritance, and the worldes end for thy Posession; psalmes. 22, 72, 111, 11.81. the last proph. & the n: t: H [...]b: 1, 5, 13, thou shalt rull them with an iron rodd, the law and first prophets. Ge: 48, 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 51, 15, Apo: 2, and beat [Page 2] them in pieces as a Potter his potts. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 17, Iob: 34 1 C [...]o: 2, 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 13:18. Is: 30.33.

And now ye Kinges and Iudges of the erth, beware and take heed, serve the Eternall gladly, with feare and trembling, psalmes. 10 [...]. the law and first prophets. Deu: 2, 6, 2 S [...]: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 7, 2, 3. Eph: 5.6.10:21 Ph [...]: 2, 12 Da: 3, Na: 1 Is: 30. I [...]r: 17. Ro: 9.10. 1 Pet: 2. A [...]: 17. make much of the child, least he be angry, and yee perish quite a­way, psalmes. 76.55,:110.: if his anger be but a litle kindled: Happy are all they that put their trust in him. psalmes. 34. the law and first prophets. Pro: 16:

the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 15.18. 1 K: 2. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 14.III. A Psalme of David, when hee fled from Absolom, his Sonn.

psalmes. 7, 95, 9 [...], 59.11.56; the law and first prophets. 2 K: 12!O ETERNALL how many are mine afflictors! how many rise against mee! how many say of mee! psalmes. 35.71,! the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 3. God hath no salvation for him su­rely. the law and first prophets. Pro: 4! 15! Yet thou ô Eternall art a Buckler about mee, psalmes. 57.71, [...]60, 149, 27, 62.18.77 110.4,, 2, 15; 44; the last proph. & the n: t: Ez [...]: 23. Can: 3. my glory and holder vp of my head.

I complaine to the Eternall, and hee heareth mee from his holy Hill; Surely I ly down and sleep, psalmes. 41, 11. and wake againe for the Eternall sustei­neth mee. the law and first prophets. Pr: 5.

I feare not, psalmes. 27:18:43: the law and first prophets. Deu: 20: if ten thousand people sett vpon mee, and besiege mee round about: vp ô Eter­nall, the law and first prophets. 1 Re: 22, 1 Sa: 15. Iob: 29 1 Cro: 29. Pro: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 4, Is: 43. and save mee, ô God, smite my wicked enemies on the cheek, psalmes. 58,, 55,, and break their teeth. Sal­vation is with the ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 2. H [...]: 13. Is: 45, 21. and thy bles­sing vpon thy people, psalmes. 24.3 [...] surely.

psalmes. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 15.23. 2 Cro: 2, 5 34! 1 S [...]: 16. Le: 25 G [...]: 43. the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 3. 1 Cor: 14.IV. For the Maister in Musicque, A Psalme of David.

psalmes. 107, 50, 15.71, 66, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 23,O God, my RIGHTEOVSNES, heare mee when I cry, the law and first prophets. De: 6,, Iud: 11,, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 10. and widden to mee, in my destresse, the law and first prophets. Iob: 36. haue pitty on mee, and heare my Prayer. psalmes. 8., 18,, 31,, Men how long in repróch of my Glory, will yee love vanity and invent falshood, psalmes. 44.106.58? the law and first prophets. Pro: 1, 2 K: 17. surely?

the law and first prophets. Ex: 11, 9, 26, 30.35.37. Le: 16. Nu: 3.7. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 9.And be sure the ETERNALL severeth the Gratious one to himselfe, psalmes. 17, 31, 100, & the ETERNALL will heare mee when I cry vnto him. the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 3. Therefore sinn not in your murmuring; psalmes. 76; 77; the law and first prophets. Iob: 13. Gen: 45 the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 4; Mth: 9; bethink you in your mindes, psalmes. 18; and imagine quietly on your bed, surely. the law and first prophets. De: 2. Sacrifice sacrifices of RIGHTEOVS­NES, psalmes. 149.51, 1 [...], 65; 24:119. P. 141.118. the law and first prophets. De: 33. Ge: 4. and trust in the ETERNALL.

Many desire to see som good, doe thou, ô [Page 3] ETERNALL, psalmes. 70.80:67:119:31 79:43:44:97:93.92. open vpon vs the light of thy countenance, the law and first prophets. Le: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 4, thou shalt make mee merier in hart then they are at the great increase of their corne and wine; and besides, psalmes. 65 the law and first prophets. Nu: 10, 6, the law and first prophets. De: 16. Iud: 9 Ex: 23. L [...]: 25. Ge: 27. Le: 26. R [...]: 4. 1 S [...]: 12 Le: 25.26. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 25 I shall ly down and sleep in quiet for thou only, psalmes. 3.127, 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 32.33. Is: 46.47. ô ETER­NALL, makeest mee abide in safety.

V. For the Maister vpon the winde Musicque, A Psalme of David.

O ETERNALL, marke my wordes, psalmes. 17. vnder­stand my MEDITATION, hearken to my complaint (my KING and GOD) when I pray vnto thee, ô Eternall, psalmes. (44) (144) (84) (47) psalmes. 40, 130, the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 12, 1 Cro: 29, the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: (6) L: (11) betimes in the mor­ning, heare my voice, assoone as I awake, and frame it to thee. psalmes. 101. the law and first prophets. Le: 1.6. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 9, Because thou art not a God delighted in vvickednes, neither doth any evill inhabit thee, psalmes. 15; 24; 73, 125 75; the law and first prophets. Le: 17 Nu: 14▪ Iol: 4; the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 22. the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 1. there stand no vain boasters in thy sight; thou hatest all vvrong dooers, thou destroyest Lyers, psalmes. 34.59. bloudy and deceitfull men the Eternall abhorreth. the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]:16,

Therefore I in thy great Kindnesse come into thine house, psalmes. 138; and in thy feare vvorship at thy holy Temple, lead mee, ô Eternall, psalmes. 103, 31, by thy RIGHTEOVSNES, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 33, and make thy vvayes plain before mee, psalmes. 8, 25, because of mine E­nimies, for ther is no firme thing in their mou­thes, they are smoothe tonged, psalmes. 64.49 62.38 91.94. 55. the law and first prophets. Iob: 6. Ex: 12. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 3, Ier: 5. and they haue throates like open Graues, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 11, and thoughtes full of corruption.

Make them desolate, ô God, psalmes. 34.81.106, the law and first prophets. Iob: 1 [...]. let them fall by their counsells, the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 5. beat them dovvne vvith their mighty trespasses, psalmes. 78, the law and first prophets. Nu: 20, D [...]: 21, 2 Re: 15,, 1, Ez 9, 1 Sa: 15. for rebelling against thee, that all that trust in thee, and love thy Name, may bee glad and reioyce in thee, the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 3. & triumph in thy Protection for ever, psalmes. 90 91, 105.140, 20, hovv thou blessest the Righteous, ô Eternall, and guár­dest him vvith a gratious shield. psalmes. 8, 24, 103.35.91. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 23. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 6,

psalmes. 12, 76, 69, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 6, 2 Cro: 15,VI. For the Master in Song Musicque, vpon the Octava, A Psalme of David.

psalmes. 38, 37, 85, 89, 90, the law and first prophets. Iob: 33, 42, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 10,O ETERNALL, rebuke me not in thine anger, nor correct mee in thy choler; have pitty on mee ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 41, 77, fór my bones be astónished, psalmes. 35, 88, 40.13. the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]m: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez [...]: 32 Ie [...]: 15, and my mind much trou­bled, the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 2; because thou art so long.

psalmes. 34, the law and first prophets. Deut: 25. the last proph. & the n: t: Mark: 1,Come ô ETERNALL, release my life, and save mee for thy Mercies sake, for in death there is no thinking on thee, psalmes. 30? 88? 115? and in the grave who shall thanke thee? the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 38? I am weary of my gro­nings, psalmes. 69, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 45. every night I wet my bed and make my pallet flow with teares.

psalmes. 31, 54. s. 119,, 25,,Mine eye-sight is decayed with griefe, my coúlour is gone by mine enemies meanes; the law and first prophets. Num: 22, Iob: 16,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mh: 7, 16,, 25, Lu: 13, 4, away from mee all yee molesters, the ETERNALL hath heard my weeping, hath heard my suppli­cation; the law and first prophets. Iob: 42. the ETERNALL accepteth my prayer. Ashame and great astonishment be on all mine Enemies: psalmes. [...]. the law and first prophets. Num: 16. Iob: 34. the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 32. Ie [...]: 4 let them all come to sodaine shame.

psalmes. 19. the law and first prophets. Iob: 19. Lev: 4, 5, 6, 2 Sa: 16, 19, 18 Est: 3, Nu: 26, 15, 1 S [...]: 22, 24. 1 Cro: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 3 Eze: 45VII. Davids Song of Error, which hee sang concerning Cush the Ieminite.

O ETERNALL, ô my God, save mee that put my trust in thee, psalmes. 71, 11, 4, the law and first prophets. Exod: 4, 33, 3, Iob: 12, 34. and deliver mee from all my pursuers, psalmes. 71, 50, 35, least they teare mee, and devoure mee like Lions, the last proph. & the n: t: Ho: 6, and I haue no deliuerer. ô ETERNALL my God, the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 5, if I haue don any such iniury: the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pet: 3: Mh: 5: Ro: 12: Ie: 38: if my handes haue don any such wrong as this: psalmes. 35, 41. the law and first prophets. Iob: 31: 10: 2 Sa: 3: Ge: 31 Nu: 10. 1 Sa: 24. Pro: 24. if I haue rewarded him that payed m [...]e ill, and requited him that tormented mee for nothing: psalmes. 20, 91. the last proph. & the n: t: 1: Thess: 5, then surely, let the Enimy pursúe mee and overtake mee, and lay mine honour in the dust; and tred my life on the ground.

psalmes. 94. ts. 119. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 22.Vp ô Eternall in thine anger, advance thy selfe for my tormentors, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 18 Ex: 18. Nu: 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 33 and let mee haue the iudgement, psalmes. 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Mh: 25 Da: 7. Ier: 23. Is: 3 He: 10, Ro: 12, which thou hast ordeined, yea, get thee vp on high, psalmes. 82; 9; 89; 35, 50.58, 50, 99 79. with a number of people about thee, the law and first prophets. Deut: 32 the Eternall that iudgeth the folke, [Page 5] iudge mee ô ETERNALL, according to my RIGHTEOVSNES, psalmes. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 18. 1 K: 8: the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 11.17.20. and perfection which is on mee. O God, thou IVST one; & examiner of the hart and reynes: psalmes. 10: the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 28: 1 Sa: 16, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 2: 1 Thes: 2: Ier: 12:20:17: Let the malice of the wicked haue an end; psalmes. 147. and set thou fast the Iust. psalmes. 32..36.. My defence is vpon God that saveth the VPRIGHT in hart.

God is a iust Iudge and a severe God all­wayes, if a man return not, he whets his sword, psalmes. 69, the law and first prophets. Nu: 23. the law and first prophets. Deu: 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 1 and bends his bow and makes it ready, and pre­pares him deadly weapons, psalmes. 11, the law and first prophets. Ge: 31. and makes his ar­rows for persecutors. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 59, Lo hee that conceiueth pain and is great with sorrow, and bringeth forth falshood: psalmes. 37, 35,, the law and first prophets. Iob: 15; deggeth a pitt and vndermi­neth it, and falleth into it, the law and first prophets. Iob: 4. P [...]o: 26.5. 2 Cro: 6. 1 K: 8. Est: 7.9. when hee hath made it, His mischeeff commeth vpon his owne head, and his cruelty lighteth on his owne crown. I thank the Eternall for his IVSTICE, psalmes. 83.92. the law and first prophets. Ge: 14 the last proph. & the n: t: Phil: 2. and praise his most high Name.

VIII. A Psalme of David: for the Maister vpon the Gitt. psalmes. 81.84. the law and first prophets. 1 Cr: 13.20. the last proph. & the n: t: Isa: 37.

O ETERNALL our God, psalmes. 36! 59! 76! 148! 138! 119: M. 5. (96.) the law and first prophets. Ex: 3, 4, 33, Nu: 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 11, 13, Ier: 22, Ro: 13, Mt: (11) Lu: 10! 1 Co: 1, Mi: 9 Io: 2. Mt: 10. how noble art thou in all the earth, the law and first prophets. 1 K: (3) and worshipfull a­boue the heavens! thou hast made sucking children (in respect of thine Afflictors) able with their mouthes, psalmes. 44.25. to put to silence the moste spitefull Enimy.

When I look vpon the hevens of thy fingers makeing, psalmes. 37, 96, 113 the law and first prophets. Ex: 32 1 C [...]o: 17. 2 Sa: 7, Deu: 4, Iob: 7.17. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 2. Ro: 7. Ie: 15. and the Moon and the starrs of thine appointment: I wonder thou hast such a minde to a wreched creature; psalmes. 104.144, 106, 18, 90, 25.5.96: and lookest so well vnto man. Thou hast made him want litle of God, thou hast crowned him with Glory and worship.

Thou makest him ruller ouer thy work, the law and first prophets. Ge: 1, and puttest all vnder him, all sheep and oxen, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor. 15. Eph: 1, I [...]: 3, and beasts, and foul, and fish, travailing the pathes of the seas. ô Eternall our God, psalmes. 77.144.107! 138! the law and first prophets. Ge: 9: Iob: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Mth: 14! how noble art thou in all the erth!

the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 12, Ex: 4, 1, 1 Sa: 17.IX. For the Maister of Musicque vpon the Death of the Sonn.

psalmes. 5, 75, 40, 149 the law and first prophets. Iob: 4 10.13.I Thank the ô ETERNALL with all my hart, and set foorth all thy wonders, thou madeest mee exceeding glad, and to chaunt out thy Name, ô Moste-highe, for turning mine enimies back, which fell and perished before thee: psalmes. 7, 140, 82, the law and first prophets. Ge: 18, for thou hast giuen foorth my iudgement and sentence like a righteous Iudge, thou hast chid the Heathen and destroyed the wicked, & wipeed out their name for euer and all. Thou hast broken down their Citties, psalmes. 59, 109, the law and first prophets. Le: 26, 2 Cro: 34. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 44, they be consu­med and ly waste, and their memory is perished for euer.

psalmes. 93, 96,, 98.30., 67; 18; 91; the law and first prophets. Ex: 18, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 9. Ie: 51,,The ETERNALL sitteth euer ready for iud­gement, the law and first prophets. Pro: 29; Nu: 35. to iudge the world righteously, & sen­tence the people iustly; and to bee a refuge for the oppressed, psalmes. 10:34:37:46:22:; a refuge at times of destresse: and let them that know thy name, the law and first prophets. Iob: 37. trust in thee; for thou forsakest none that seek thee, ô ETER­NALL. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27. Chaunt yee to the ETERNALL in Sion, psalmes. 105; the law and first prophets. Ge: 4; 9; De: 21. 2 Cro: 24. Iob: 34. Pro: 24. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 10, tell the people his excellent acts; How hee that findes out blood, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 15. Apo: 19. will remember them, & not forget the cry of the poore. Haue pitty on mee, ô ETERNALL, behold my oppres­sion by them that hate mee, psalmes. 30,.103,. ô thou that takeest mee vp from deathes dore. psalmes. 107. the law and first prophets. Iob: 38.

That I may shew all thy PRAISES in the gates of Sion, psalmes. 21, 13.7.35. beeing glad of thy saluation. The Heathen are sunk into the pitt which they ma­de themselues, psalmes. 57, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8. and are caught in a nett of their owne laying. psalmes. gn. 76.94 the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 6, Nu: 23. Ge: 18, Ro: 12.5. Surely the SENTENCE of the ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 50, 23, that doth iudgement, is mani­fest: The wicked is snareed by the work of his owne handes & thought also. psalmes. 108.60.10. The wicked shall goe to Hell, psalmes. 140.149. and all Nations that forget God: but the poore shall not still be forgottē, psalmes. 13. the law and first prophets. Iob: 5.8. nor the hope of the afflicted perish for euer. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 1.. Vp ô Eternall, let not woefull men prevaile, the law and first prophets. 2 C [...]o: 15. I [...]b: 36, 33. let the Heathen be iud­ged in thy sight, teách the Heathen to know, they are but woefull men, psalmes. 141, 84, 6 [...]. the law and first prophets. Nu: 14. 2 K: 17. surely.


O ETERNALL, why art thou strange, and hideest out of sight at times of destresse? psalmes. 55? 9? the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 17. De: 22? the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 23, Ier: 48? La: 3.7 the wicked haue a pride in dogging the poore. Let them bee caught in their owne meaning. psalmes. 7.9. the law and first prophets. Ge: 31. Pro: 5. De: 12; For the wicked boast eth of his own hartes desire; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 26 Ha: 2 and the Eternall that blesseth him in his desires: hee blasphemeth. When the wicked is vp, psalmes. 5:74:14; 36; 53; 54; the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 1.2. 2 Cro: 26; on High, hee hath no minde of God at all; neither will hee, once seek his face. the law and first prophets. Iob: 35. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 12., His wayes all­wayes prosper, psalmes. 27.73. that hee cannot perceiue thy Iudgements; psalmes. 12.18.91. the law and first prophets. P [...]o: 6.14. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 4. and maketh a puff at all his besie­gers.

Hee thinketh hee shall never bee moued, psalmes. 5 [...],, 73,, the law and first prophets. Iob: 15. be­cause hee is in no ill, there is nothing in his mouth but cursing and swering, psalmes. 59, 66, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 3, deceit and guile: and nothing in his tonge but molesta­tion and greeff. Hee lyeth in waite in his clo­sters and privy courts, to slay the Innocent; psalmes. 11, 17; 17, 64, 66; the law and first prophets. Ge: 25, Ios: 8 P [...]o: 27, N [...]: 12, His eyes level at the Harmlesse, hee lurketh close, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 32, La: 3,,, like a Lion in his den, to catch the poore, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 17,, and cat­cheth him by drawing him into his nett, and by his sorces, beateth down the harmlesse ones, psalmes. 135, the law and first prophets. Iob: 21, 33, Pro: 7, and sayeth in his minde: psalmes. 64:73:94:1 [...]. The Almighty will for­get it, hee will hide his face and never see it.

Vp, ô Eternall, lift vp thy hand, psalmes. 7.94? the law and first prophets. Iob: 19,. ô thou Migh­ty one, and forget not the meek ones; wherefo­re should the wicked Blaspheme God, the law and first prophets. Pro: 20:12: the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 8? [...]? sayeing in his hart; Thou examinest not? Thou knowest, the law and first prophets. Iob: 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 1, thou beholdest all molestation and vexation, and hast it in thine owne handes; The destitute leaveth himselfe vpon thee, thou art hee that helpeth the Fatherlesse: break the wickeds arme, psalmes. 17, 35, 37, the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 18, I [...]b: 38 serch out all his wicked naughtines as long as thou canst finde any. psalmes. 82 psalmes. [...].99. the law and first prophets. Nu: 12: the last proph. & the n: t: Ho: 10: Ioel: 2: La: 5 D [...]: 4 O ETERNALL the euerlasting & perpetuall King, that the Heathen doe perish out of his land: psalmes. Heare thou the de­sire of the meek, thou that preparest their hart; listen with thine eares, the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 13, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 6 Ie [...]: 15 Is: 9 1 Tim: 1 to defend the Fatherlesse that the man of the erth tirannize no more. psalmes. 54. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15

XI. For the cheef Musician, by David.

psalmes. 71, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 14. Ge: 14, 19, Pro: 6, 26, 2 K: 4. 1 K: 20, Ios: 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 7, Ie: 49, 50, Is: 51, Mth. 24. Lu: 21, 1 Cor: 3: Ie [...]: 50?IN the ETERNALL doo I rely, how say you then to my person, fly birdes to your Hills, for lo; psalmes. 3, 55, 72, 121, 124, 8, 10, 21, 37, 64. The wicked bend their bowes and haue their arrowes on the string, privily to shoot at the vp­right, and to destroy the ground work that the Iust hath wrought?

psalmes. 19, 20, the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 2. Eph: 2;The ETERNALL, whos Hollynes is in his Temple, psalmes. 19; the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 15: Pro: 4; Nu: 16; and his throne in Heaven: his eyes behold it, his eye lides try all human men; the ETERNALL approveth the iust, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 11.17.20. but the wic­ked and iniurious man hee hartily detesteth.

the last proph. & the n: t: Ies: 30. Ap: 2, 20.9. Ie: 13. Ez: 38. Lu: 17; La: 4, Da: 9, Heb: (1)He will raine vpon the wicked, snares and fire and brimstone stormes, the law and first prophets. Exo: 9, Ge: 19. 2 Cro: 31, Iob: 21, De: 29. the portion of their cup; psalmes. 34; 75; ts. but the Iust Eternall loueth iustice, and his countenance regardeth the vpright.

psalmes. 6. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 15.XII. For the cheef vpon the Octava, A Psalme of David.

the law and first prophets. Ge: 47.18; the last proph. & the n: t: Isa: 57, Mic: 7, 1 Cor: 5;HELP thou, ô ETERNALL, for there is not a sincere or faithfull man left of all hu­man men; but are all at an end and dispersed: they talke all counterfetly one with another, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro. 12, the last proph. & the n: t: 2· Pe: 2, Gal: 2, with smooth lipps and hollow hartes. psalmes. 11, 41, 55. The ETERNALL cut of all flattering lips, and proud-speaking tongs, that say: With our tongs wee will confirme our talke, psalmes. 106, 73, 67, 74, 7, 77 the law and first prophets. Iob: 5, Ge: 39, 11. Nu: 14, 32, our lips are ours, who is ma­ster over vs? the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 19?

the law and first prophets. Iob: 5, De: 32. Ex: 10.2, Pro: 14.29. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 2 [...], 33, 2, Ioel: 1, For the spoile of the meek and cry of the poore, I will vp sayth the ETERNALL, psalmes. 102, 10. and set him in safety that is conspired against. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 9.

the law and first prophets. Pro: 30, 1 Sa: 22,The Sayings of the Eternall are pure sayings, like tryed siluer, psalmes. 18, 66, 105, 119. P siluer clensed seuen times ouer, in a fine erthen vessell: keep them ô Eternall, and preserve him from the wordly generation, psalmes. 14:66: the law and first prophets. 2 K: 24, De. 17. Pro: the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 16, Mth: 13. Ier: 48. 1 Pe: 5. 2 Thess: 2. the wicked that walk all about, psalmes. 13, 17, when the vile sort of men is exalted. psalmes. 14.53.

XIII. For the Cheeff Musician, A Psalme of David.

HOW long wilt thou still forget mee, psalmes. 9? 42? 10? 6?" the law and first prophets. Nu: 14? Iob: 34? the last proph. & the n: t: La: 5? ô ETERNALL? How long wilt thou hide thy face from mee? How long shall I take thought in my minde, and sorrow in my hart dayly? psalmes. 12? 25? the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6? How long shall mine Enimies be exalted over mee? psalmes. 10? 119 n? 41?

Looke vpòn mee & consider mee, psalmes. 16, 118,, the law and first prophets. Ge: 2, 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 5 [...], Is: [...]8. ô ETER­NALL my God, and lighten mine eyes that deathsleep take mee not, and mine Enimy say, I haue gotten Dominion over him: and my besee­gers reioyce at my fall, when I am gon.

And I, that trust in thy loving kindenes, psalmes. 28, 33.62:66:68:142:103. with a glad hart for thy salvation: may sing vnto the Eternall what hee hath done for mee.

XIV. Of the Cheeff Musician, of David.

THE foolish man thinketh there is no God, psalmes. 5, 53.74, 10, 36, 39. the law and first prophets. Iob: 30,, Iud: 19, 20, 1 Sa: 25, Le [...]: 18, 20. 2 Cro: 1. Ge: 4, 67 Pro: 15; Ezr: 4; Exo: 18, 2 K: 18, Iob: 15, 25. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 32, Zeph: 3. R [...]: 3.10. 1 Pe: 2, 15. and they doe all manner of wicked, psalmes. 33.54. and abhominable corrupt work, and none doth good. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 5; The ETERNALL looketh out of Hea­ven vpon all human men, to see if there were any that would consider, and seeke after God; the last proph. & the n: t: [...] Cor; 13: and all were gon away, and all become stin­king reprobates together: none dooing good, no not one.

Doe not all the workers of greeff know, psalmes. 41, 69.147.12, 27, 79, 44? 105? 69, the law and first prophets. De: 7, G [...]: 4? they eat vp my people like meat when they call not on the ETERNALL? the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 10, Mic: 3. Hos: 10, where they are afrayd that God is in the generation of the IVST: psalmes. 36.119. S. 31. psalmes. 33. the law and first prophets. Iob: 36, Ge: 31. Le: 2 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pe: 3. yee make the poore abashed of their conceit, of relying on the Eternall.

God grant that Iacob may be once glad, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 5. Deu: 30. Ez. 3. Iob: 42. and Israel reioyce from Tzion, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 52. Ie: 30.35.46. Ez [...]: 39. the saluation of Israel: psalmes. 10.126. when the Eternall shall bring again the captivity of his people.

XV. A Psalme of David.

psalmes. 5.24.4: 69? the law and first prophets. Ex: 23.19. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 53, 57, Ez [...]: 18, 26, Ro: 10? 1 Co [...]: 3, 2 Cor: 6.12. Za: 8. Ioh: 14. Gal: 5 1 Ioh: 3.2. Ap: 21 Eph: 4. 1 Tin: 3. Ia: 3, 4.O ETERNALL, who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle, and inhabit still in thy holly Hill? psalmes. 119. A. 17, 101. the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 19, Hee that walketh perfect, worketh Iusti­ce; and in his conscience speaketh the truth. Hee that hindreth not his freend with his tong, and hurteth him not; and raiseth no reproch against his neighbour.

psalmes. 34; 36; 37; 46; 55; 56; 89, 110; the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 19 Lu: 18 Ma [...]: 10.Hee that despiseth the reprobate, and much esteemeth them that feare the ETERNALL; the law and first prophets. De: 26. Nu: 30; Le: 5. hee that sweareth to his freend and changeth not. the law and first prophets. Ex: 22, 23, Le: 25, De: 23, 2 Cro: 19; Iob: 15; 1 Sa: 8; 12; De: 16.27. 2 K: 16. Pro: 17.

the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 6,Hee that lendeth his mony freely and not for gain, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 18; 22; M [...]: 27:26: M [...]c: 3. Am: 5: and taketh no reward against the Inno­cent: psalmes. 26:125. hee that doth thus, shall neuer be moued.

psalmes. 56; the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 2. 1 Co [...]: 14.XVI. A Mictam, or Illustration of David.

psalmes.; 65; 68; 59, 110, 1 [...]2, the law and first prophets. Deu: 23.12, 14 5 Eccl: 5, 2 Cro: 20. Iob: 313 Neh: 10 Leu: 20, Deu: 6, 7, 8.17. 1 K: 11. Ios: 24 Ge: 3, 6, 8, Pro: 15.23, Ios. 23. Ex: 23.22. Nu: 28. 1 K: 5 2 K: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Is; 57.KEEP mee, ô thou Mighty one, for I rely vpon thee. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 12.11 17. ô my Welth, say thou to the ETERNALL, I am not for thee; I am for the famous Saincts of the erth, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 13. which are my whole delight: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 16. Great bee their sorrows that runn to any other. psalmes. 27.135.40, 106, 147, I will offer none of their bloody offerings, nor take their names once in my lips.

psalmes. 111, 119 ch, 142 104. the law and first prophets. Nu: 18.26, De: Ios: 13.17.19. I [...]b: 38.35. Pr [...]: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 12The ETERNALL mainteine my LOT, Hee is my portion, my part and my cup. My mea­sures light in pleasant places, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 47. I [...]: 30 Ier: 5 12. Act: 2. and a goodly HERI­TAGE is fallen to mee. I thanke the ETER­NALL: psalmes. 51, 73, 139. Hee counselleth mee, and my reines teach mee by night, I set the ETERNALL allwayes by mee at my right hand that I slip not. psalmes. 37.57.121.

psalmes. 4:13:78: the law and first prophets. Ge: 49, 14 Iob: 33: the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 7; Is: 38; Act. 2.13. 2 Cor: 7. Mt: 16, Ioh. 14,Therefore my hart is glad, my body reioy­ceth, psalmes. 21, 49, 118, and my flesh dwelleth assured: that thou wilt not leave mee at Hell; nor let thy sacred one see the pitt below; but wilt shew mee the path of life, the fullnes of ioyes that are be­fore thee, psalmes. 50, 86, 102▪ 27; 132, 4, 9, 17, 23, 110▪ 65, 4, the law and first prophets. Pr [...]: 3, 5. 2 Cro: 7.20. and pleasures at thy right hand for euer.

XVII. A Prayer of David. psalmes. 8 [...].142.

O ETERNALL, psalmes. 5, 61, 84, 88, 42, 11, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 6.20. 2 K: 17. 1 K: 22. Iob: 32 Pro: 17; 1 Cro: 29. Nu: 14, 24, 1 Sa: 16.15. Ios: 14, 7, 2 Sa: 24 1 K: 7. Ios: 22. marke well my righteous cry, the last proph. & the n: t: Col: 3 Mt: 6, Lu: 12 Isa: 65, Ier: 11, La: 2, 1 Th: 2, La: 2 Ier: 12.3. Col: 3. Is: 35: Mr: 7: Ex: 18:7; and heare my prayer with vndeceitfull lips. I will bee iudged by thee, thine eyes be­hold the right, which proovest and seest my hart in the night, and tryest mee to the vtter­most. I meane not to overshoot with my mouth, psalmes. 39.109.119 B 28.62.18, 89 119. H 23.144. by the word of thy lips I take heed to the workes and pathes of the ROBBER: keep my steps in thy high wayes, that my feet slip not.

When I call thee, the law and first prophets. De: 9.22.28. the last proph. & the n: t: Dan: 11, answer mee ô thou Mighty one, turn thine eare to mee, & heare my Saying: psalmes. 18, 92, 138, 4, 31.106.59. Thou that savest by thy right hand them that relye theron: the law and first prophets. 2 K: 11. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 14. conceal mee by thy Kindenesses, from them that rise vp against mee. psalmes. 97; 36; 22, 88. the law and first prophets. Pro: 7; De: 13.32. 1 Sa: 24: Iob: 19. Keep mee as the aple of thine eye; the last proph. & the n: t: La: 23 hide mee in the shaddovv of thy vvinges from my vvicked E­nimies, psalmes. 27, 73.119 v k 70. the law and first prophets. Iob: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 33. Iude. that in minde cast about to destroy mee: vvith their mouthes, they speak svvelling vvordes vvhich are closed vp vvith their fatt.

Novv they goe round about mee, psalmes. 10, 5, 6; & vvach to lay mine vpright steps an the ground; like Lions grady of prey, psalmes. 10.34. the law and first prophets. Iob: 38. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 4. and Lions vvhelps lying close in their dens. Vp ô ETERNALL and stand before him, make him crouch, psalmes. 138, and by thy svvord reskue my life from the VVic­ked, by thy hand, ô Eternall, psalmes. 109, 108, 7.12. the law and first prophets. Iob: 15, 21. reskue mee from vvorldly men, that haue their part in this life, and haue their bellies full of thy store, psalmes. 73 the law and first prophets. Ie: 1 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 16, Phi: 3. Lu: 12, and their Children haue enough, psalmes. 4.16.42. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20. and leaue their residue for their babes after them, for when I awake and behold in RIGHTEOVSNES the Image of thy countenance, I am satisfyed. psalmes. 4.18. the law and first prophets. Nu: 1 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 4, Mt: 6.18, Lu: 12. Ro: 6.

psalmes. 36. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 29. 2 Sa: 12.22. 1 Sa: 6. Ios: 1. Ez: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 8.XVIII. By the Cheeff, by David cheeff Servant of the ETERNALL, who vttered to the E­TERNALL the wordes of this Song, when the ETERNALL delivered him from the gripeing of all his enimyes, and from the handes of Saul, and sayd:

psalmes. 104.144, the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 22, Ios: 4, Iu [...]: 4,I yeeld thee mercy, ô ETERNALL my forti­fication; psalmes. 71,, the ETERNALL that is my Rock and my Fortresse, my Reskuer, my Might and Safegard, psalmes. 31, 59, 62, my Defence, my Releeff and Horne of Salvation, psalmes. 9:46:148:(96) 113, 119 m, 145, 48.77.116; 106 55. the law and first prophets. De: 2; 32: Iob: 5: P [...]o: 18: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 33: He: 2, 13. [...] in whom I relyed: I called on the ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 25, 30. Pro: 19, 1 K: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 2, 24.13. (who is to be praised) and I was saved from mine Enimies. Deadly sor­rowes compassed mee, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]r: 22, whole floodes of the wicked frighted mee; the very cordes of Hell were round about mee, the law and first prophets. Iob: 38, the last proph. & the n: t: Io [...]: 1. and snares of death be­fore mee. In my destresse I called on the ETER­NALL, psalmes. 3, 4, 66, who hard my voyce in his Temple, & my shoute (before him) came into his eares. the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 1.14. And the erth quaked and gaue a crack, the foun­dations of the Hills stirred, and they quaked, for it kindled him, psalmes. 77,, 104. the law and first prophets. De: 29▪ the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 31. his anger smoked and wax [...] a fire out of his mouth and devoured, psalmes. 114. & the coa­les burnt by it. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 23, Mt: 3, Is: 50. Na: 1, Ier: 48, 49, Mrk: 1, Is: 50, 3. H [...]: 3, Lu: 3, I [...]: 1, He bowed the Heavens & came downe with mirknesse vnder his feet, psalmes. 97; the law and first prophets. De: 4, 32.33. Ex: 19. De: 28. Iob: 30, 22, 1 [...]. rideing and flying vpon Cherub, psalmes. 104. and spread vpon the winges of the winde, hideing himselfe in dark­nes, psalmes. 27. and covering himselfe all about with the thicke watery cloudes of the sky. psalmes. 36.78; At his bright­nes his cloudes went haile stones and coles of fire, psalmes. 29 the law and first prophets. Ex: 9. Iob: 41.26, De: 5. 1 Sa: 2. Ios: 10, 1 S [...]: 7, Est: 9. De: 2, 7, and the Eternall thundered in heauen, and the High-one gaue his clap, and sent abroade all his arrowes, psalmes. 46. and disturbed them with haile stones, and coales of fire and great lightnings. At thy rebuke, ô Eternall, at the blasting breth of thine Anger, the water chanels were seen dry; the law and first prophets. De: 321 and the foundations of the world were revealed. Who sent from an high and tooke mee, psalmes. 144, 98.32, 76, the law and first prophets. Ex: 15.14, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 36, 37, 1 C [...]: 10. and drew mee out of the great waters, and deliuered mee from my mighty Enimies, and foes that were to strong for mee, and had ad­vantage over mee in my calamity. But the Eter­nall [Page 13] was the staff I leaned on, psalmes. 23, 4, 22, 32, N. V. 41. and hee brought mee foorth into a large place, and released mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 3.17. 2 Pe: 1. because hee delighted in mee.

The Eternall restored mee according to my RIGHTEOVSNES, psalmes. 2, 19, 26, 24, 73, the law and first prophets. Iob: 22, 1 S [...]: 24. the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: 27, and rewarded mee accor­ding to the cleanes of my handes, because I keep the wayes of my God the ETERNALL, and haue not wickedly-swarved from him; psalmes. 10, 50; the law and first prophets. [...]x: 20, P [...]o: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 5: for all his Iudgements are by mee, and I cast not his prescriptions from mee; and I am whole with him, and keep mee from mine iniquity: psalmes. 19: the law and first prophets. Ios: 7; the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 13: and the ETERNALL hath rewarded mee according to my righteousnes and purenes of my handes before him. Thou with the kinde, psalmes. 24.26.73. the law and first prophets. Le. 26; De: 32. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Tim: 24. art moste kinde; with the intire, moste intire; with the pure, moste pure; with the froward, moste per­verse, psalmes. 101, 138. the law and first prophets. Pr [...]: 6. because thou savest the opp [...]essed people and humblest the proud lookes, because thou lightedst my candle, the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 2 [...], Lu: 4.18. and my God the ETER­NALL cleered my darknes. For by thee, my God, I runn leaping on the garreson wall. psalmes. 84. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 30. 2 K: 13. Ge: 49. Iob: 19, 29 1 Cro: 7. P [...]o: 30, 5. Ge: 4.14. De: 3, [...], 1 K: 8: De: 8, Pro: 30, 1 Sa: 2, Da: 32. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 22, Is: 2, 33, 16 Ap: 15. The way of the Almighty is perfect, psalmes. 11, 12, 119, ts 7; 17: and the Saying of the ETERNALL, a tryed saying: Hee is a DEFENDOVR of all that rely on him. psalmes. 86. For what God, or what safegard is there beside [...] our God, the ETERNALL? The Almighty, psalmes. 62,, 118▪. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 43, 44, 45, that girded mee with valour, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 58. N [...]: 3 Am: 7.3, Mi: 1· & made my way perfect, makeing my feet like hindes feet, psalmes. 49.119 A. 40. to stand vpon my high places, that teacheth my handes for bataile, psalmes. 144. the law and first prophets. Iob: 20. De: 33. G [...]: 49. Iud. 3, 2. and mine armes to breake a bow of steel. psalmes. 20, 119 S. 28, 33.8 45. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 51, For thou gauest mee the shield of thy Saluation, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 62 Mt: 21 Za: 9 Lu: 1. and heldest mee vp with thy right hand, and with thy lowlines hast made mee great.

Thou madest broad my footsteps vnder mee, psalmes. 17, 26, the law and first prophets. Iud: 5. and my ancles reeld not. I pursued mine Eni­mies, and overtook them; and turned not again till I had made an end of them, I wounded them that they cold not stand, psalmes. 36.62; 118; the law and first prophets. De: 33.8, Pro: 30; De: 28. [...]x: 23:29. De: 22, 28, Pro: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Mi: 7. but fell vnder my feet: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 45; 2 [...], 25, 43. for thou girdedst mee with valour for battaile; thou hast bowed downe vnder mee them, that rose vp against mee: psalmes. 92: thou gavest mee the neck of mine Enimies, and them that hatched [Page 14] mee, and I dissolued them. They shouted and there was no Saviour, psalmes. 17; 119 R. vpon the ETER­NALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Mi: 7; but hee answered them not, I layd them like durte in the street; and beat them as small as dust before the winde, psalmes. 73; 89; 1, 35, thou savedst mee from the contendings of people; the law and first prophets. Ge: 12; the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 15; Thou set­test mee cheeff among the Hethen; the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 55; a people that I knew not served mee, psalmes. 66. the law and first prophets. De: 33, 2 S [...]: 22: as sone as they heard of mee they obeyed mee: Strangers revolted to mee, the fo­rein fadeed away, psalmes. 144, 142.19.31. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1, and shrunk from their holdes. Let the ETERNALL live, and blessed bee my Defendour, the last proph. & the n: t: H [...]: 3. and the God of my Saluation bee exalted. psalmes. 68.24, 25, 27, 47, 118, 35. The God that giveth mee revenge, and commandeth nations vnder mee; the law and first prophets. 1 K: 5. 2 K: 3. that re­skeweth mee from mine Enimies; yea thou ta­kest mee vp from mine Insurrectours, and deli­uerest mee from the iniurious man. Therefore I will thanke the, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 15.9. ô ETERNALL, and sing praise vnto thy Name among the Hethen. psalmes. 17, 2, the law and first prophets. Exo: 20. The ETERNALL that gives his King so greate salvation, psalmes. 132. and sheweth such kindenes to his annointed, to David and his seed for ever.

XIX. For the Cheeff, A Psalme of David.

psalmes. 20 [...] 4 [...] 11;, 94, 145, the law and first prophets. Ge: 1; Iob: 32. 2 Cro: 21, 24, 30, Pro: 7.11.15 16. Ioh. 7. Iob: 22; 2 K: 10, Iob: 37, 38, Io: 4 G [...]: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 1; De: 2. 1 Co: 11. Iob: 1, 1 Co: 4; Ro: 10;THE Hevens declare the glory of God; and the FIRMAMENT setteth out his handy worke. Day vpon day, and night vpon night it vttereth speech, and manifesteth knowledge, and in all languages their tonge is vnderstood. psalmes. 84, 119 N, For their Rulles goe over all the erth, and their wordes are heard in the farthest part of the worlde. psalmes. 65; 16.61. In them hath hee made a dwelling for the SVNN that riseth like a Bridegroome coming out of his Bride Chamber; the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 2, Mt: 9, cheerfull like a strong man to runn a race. The end of all the Hevens is his going out; the law and first prophets. Eccl: 1. and his compasse towards the endes thereof; that nothing can be hid from the heat thereof.

The LAW of the ETERNALL is most perfect, psalmes. 23.89.1 [...]9 a. ts. 9 [...]: 116. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1. P [...]o: 25, 19 Iob: 36. the last proph. & the n: t: [...]p: 3.19. 2 Co: 7. M [...]: 3 and converteth the minde; his Testi­mony [Page 15] is faithfull to advise the simple. psalmes. 101.111. the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: 1. Lu: 3. The Sta­tutes of the ETERNALL are plain, and cheere the hart. the law and first prophets. Ca: 6. P [...]o: 6. E [...]: 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 11. I [...]: 1. A [...]: The Commandement of the ETERNALL is pure, and lighteneth the eyes, the feare of the ETERNALL continueth euer cleare; the law and first prophets. De: 32. the law and first prophets. Ca: 5; Pr [...]: 5, 8, 24, 16, the Iudgements of the ETER­NALL are true and Iust. psalmes. 18.119; gn. m. th. 81.112. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 10.5. They are better to mee then gold, yea then much fine gold; and sweeter then honny, and the dropping of the honny combes.

Yea by them is thy Servant warned, the last proph. & the n: t: Ge: 11. M [...]: 5.6. Ro: [...]; 6; and for keeping of them I haue good reward. psalmes. 7; 119; p. Sh, 90; the law and first prophets. Le: 16; There is no man that vnderstandeth all his owne faul­tes; the law and first prophets. Nu: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 6, M [...]: 5. Lu: 13. wherefo [...]e clense mee from my hidden ones; the law and first prophets. De: 1, 17, I [...]b: [...]6, Ex: 28, Ie: 1, 19, 22. De: 32 Iob: 19.17. Ge: 49. and restrain thy Servant from proud pre­sumptions, that they doe not overcome mee. That I may be perfect, psalmes. 119. P. 145.31.44 49.71.139. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 16. 1 Co: 10. 2 Co: 5. and cleere of much transgression, and all my wordes and thoughts be in acceptation before thee, ô ETERNALL, my Creator and Redeemer.

XX. For the Cheeff, A Psalme of David. the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 1 2 Cr [...]: 6.

THE ETERNALL heare thee in thy de­stresse, psalmes. 54,, 5, 63; 141.23 the law and first prophets. Ge: 48, 3. 2 Sa: 6, Pro: 18, 15, De: 28, 12 Nu: 28, 4, 1 K: 8 18. Iud: 6. Ex: 5, 12, 3.31, 30, 15, Iob: 36 42, 11, 13, 36 [...]: 1, 2, 4, 2 C [...]o: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 9 44, Lu: 20, Ma: 22, 21, 12, 23, Ma [...]: 16, M [...]: 6. Iob: 8.17. Ie: 14. I [...]: 55. Eze: 46 De: 9 6 the CALLING vpon the God of Iacob, fortifie thee, and send the help from his Holy place, and support from Sion; and thinke vpon thy meat offerings, and fatten thy burnt offerings surely; and giue the thy hartes desire, and fullfill thy minde.

That wee may sing out, vpon thy salvation, psalmes. 68. and in the NAME of our God; put vp our coulours. psalmes. 118, 84, 41, 11.19.33. the law and first prophets. Ex. 1 [...].1 [...] E [...]: 20.14. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 21, 22. Now I know the Eternall saveeth his anointed by the vertuous salvation of his right hand, and heareth him from the heavens of his Sanctuary.

Som set their mindes on chariots, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 18; 2 [...]r [...]: 18; 2 C [...]o: 1; 1 K: 10. Ex: 14 De: 17, 2 S [...]: 10, De: 20, 32, Ios: 11.17, Iud: 4. 2 Sa: 14. and som on horses, psalmes. 36.118.108. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30, Ie [...]: 46, 51, but wee make allwayes mention of the NAME, of our God the Eternall. They haue crouched and are fallen, but wee stand vp, and are yet remaining. The ETERNALL save the King, and heare vs when wee call.

XXI. For the Cheeff, A Psalme of David.

O ETERNALL, let the King reioyce in thy STRENGTH, psalmes. 28, 95.9: the law and first prophets. 1 K: 3. Ca [...]: 5. and be very glad, for thy Salvation. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 26. Thou hast given him what his heart could wish, and denyed him nothing that his lips requested, Surely. Thou hast set before him many blessings, psalmes. 34, 61:16:30:34: the law and first prophets. De: 11, 28, 30, Ca [...]: 3, 11. De: 30: 2 Cro: 1: 1 K: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 2, and hast put a crowne of fine gold vpon his head, and thou hast giuen him the life hee asked of thee: long dayes, ever­lasting and perpetuall.

the law and first prophets. Iob: 40. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 4.Great is his glory by thy Salvation, worship and honour thou hast layd vpon him: psalmes. 23, 111, 104.45, 105. because thou puttest vpon him blessings perpetually, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 18. and makest him cheerfull before thee, and seing the King trusteth in the ETERNALL; psalmes. 26; 37; 119 I; 125; 12 84.112.119 N. the law and first prophets. Pro: 16, 27; Ex: 18. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 39; by the Grace of the moste High hee shall not bee mooved. Let thy hand finde out all thine Eni­mies: and thy right hand, them that hate thee. Sett them as a firy oven at the time of thy pre­sence; psalmes. 62. the law and first prophets. Nu: 16. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15, 24.3 [...]. Iob: 20, De: 9.4.32. Nu: 11. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8.12. Is: 31; 3 D [...]: 3, La: 4 K Is: 30. He: 12. that the ETERNALL in his anger may devour them, psalmes. 90.106.50. and his fire consume them.

the law and first prophets. Iob: 20, 42, the last proph. & the n: t: Iud [...].Destroy their fruit, and let their seed fade away from among men, for intending euill against thee, and imagining mische [...]ff beyond their might. Set them as a butt, and vpon thy string, the law and first prophets. Ge: 48. the last proph. & the n: t: Ho: 6 La: 3 Ze: 3. make ready against their facees. Be thou exalted, ô ETERNALL, in thy STRENGTH: that wee may sing out thy power; psalmes. 11.57: and chaunt thy worthynes. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 22. the last proph. & the n: t: Mi: 7.

psalmes. the law and first prophets. P [...]o: 5. Iob: 7.8. Ge: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 22XXII. For the Cheeff vpon Ajeleth Hashahar, A Psalme of David.

MY God, my mighty God, why hast thou left mee, psalmes. 94? 32? 38? 27. the law and first prophets. Er: 15? 1 K: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Ma: 27? Ma [...]: 18? Ap: 3. and art farre from my Salvation, considering my roaring? My God, I cry all day, and thou answerest not, and all night, and haue no attendance: and thou the Holy one that in­habitest all the PRAYSES of Israel; psalmes. 9 [...] 65? 55, 145 the law and first prophets. De: 32, In thee our Fathers trusted, and thou reskuedst them, to [Page 17] thee they cryed and were delivered, psalmes. 34, 106, 25.31. the law and first prophets. De: 30 Nu: 20:25. Iob: 19, 22 7, 25. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 10: H [...]: 11: La: 3: g. Is: 41, in thee they trusted and were never abashed. psalmes. 40, 123, But I am as a worm and not a man; the skorn of men and the basest of all the people; every one that seeth mee, mocketh mee; psalmes. 44:109: the law and first prophets. Iob: 16. 2 K: 19. P [...]o: 16. De: 3, 32, and they lett passe with their lips, wagging their heads: psalmes. 37, 144, 18, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 2. Mt: 27. Hee trusted in the ETERNALL, let him reskew him, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 6. M [...]: 4, let him deliver him, because hee hath delight in him. the law and first prophets. Iob: 38, Because thou wast my creeping out of the bel­ly, and my trust vpon my mothers brest, psalmes. 110, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 48, 49, Ap: 3, 2, vpon thee was I cast from the bearing, and thou hast been my MIGHTY God from my Mothers womb: psalmes. 10. ô bee not thou farre from mee when my destresse is at hand, and there is none to help mee.

Many mighty bulles of Bashan inviron mee about, psalmes. 50, 68, 136.135.34. the law and first prophets. Nu: 21, De: 3.32. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 50, Is: 34 46, Am: 4, 3, Eze: 19, 22, D [...]: 5. Na: 2, Is: 13, Ze: 3, Ez: 7.24. they com with open mouthes vpon mee, like roaring and preying Lions; psalmes. 92, 88, 59, the law and first prophets. Iob: 4, My bones are fallen out of ioint, the law and first prophets. Ios: 2, 5, Iob: 6, 40, Ios: 7, 2 Sa: 14, Iob: 18; 30; 2 K: 4, 1 Sa: 17. De: 33. Nu: 23.24, my hart is like molten wax in the midle of my bowells, and I am powered out like water, my virtue is as dry as a sheard, and my tong steeks to my iawes; psalmes. 38, 7; 113; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 26, 38.49. M [...]: 7. E [...]e: 22, Am: 3. and thou puttest mee even in the dead dust. For a company of malitious doggs are come about mee, and like Lions teare mee hand and foot. psalmes. 17.34.88. They stand looking on mee, psalmes. 35. the law and first prophets. Iob: 16 19 33, the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 3. Obad. Mt: 27 Ma [...]: 15. Lu: 23, Ioh: 19, Ioel: 3, A [...]: 3. Phi: 3. while I tell all my bones, they divide my clothes among them, and cast lotts for my garments; but thou, ô ETER­NALL, be not farre from mee, psalmes. 40, 71, make haste to help mee, ô my MIGHTY-ONE: Deliver my life from the sword, and my solitary soul from the doggs, save mee from the Lions denn, psalmes. 34.35, the law and first prophets. D [...]: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Ma: 7, 2 [...]im: 4, Is 34. D [...]: 6 7, Heb: 2, and from the Vnicorns hornes receive mee; I may declare thy Name to my Bretheren; psalmes. 2 [...]. and in the midle of the congregation praise thee.

All yee that feare the ETERNALL praise, yee him, yee that are of Iacobs SEED, psalmes. 24, 115. the law and first prophets. D [...]: 7, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19. glorifie him, psalmes. 33. and all yee the SEED of Israel stand in aw of him. For he doth not despise, nor dis­dain the MISERY of the afflicted, nor hideeth his face from him, psalmes. 69, 34. the law and first prophets. De: 31, 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 8, but heareth him when hee cryeth vnto him. From thee, the law and first prophets. De: 10, Le: 27, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 17, shall bee my Praise in the great Congregation, psalmes. 35, and I will pay my [Page 18] vows before them that feare him; psalmes. 35, 36, the law and first prophets. De: 23, Eccl: 5, Nu: 30, Ezr. 3 Ne: 7. 2 K: 4. Ex: 16, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 14, 15, Mr: 6, 8, Lu: 9. Io: 6. that the lowly ones may eat their fill, & they that seek him, praise the ETERNALL, that your harts may be refreshed perpetually. psalmes. 2.7 [...]. 86. [...]6.67.145. the law and first prophets. Ge: 18.9. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8, Let all the endes of the erth haue minde to com to the ETER­NALL, the law and first prophets. N [...] 23. De: 8. and all families of the Hethen worship before thee. psalmes. 35, 59, 92, 47, 78,, 65. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 29, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 6, For all KINGDOM is the ETER­NALLS, & hee rulleth the Nations. Let all the ashes of the erth worship and eat, the law and first prophets. Iu: 3. Iob: 13.18.30, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 45 Lu: 1. and all that are going to dust, and they whose liues haue no refreshing, psalmes. 69, 7 [...], the law and first prophets. De: 30. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 12, 3, Is: 1, 61, Ro: 9, Io: 8. Ma [...]: 2. Act: 13. let them bowe before him. The SEED that serveth him, shall bee reconed the Generation of the LORD, psalmes. 2.14.24. the law and first prophets. Iob: 38. which shall com and tell of his RIGHTEOVSNES, and shew to a people vnborn, psalmes. 78.102. what hee hath don.

XXIII. A Psalme of David.

psalmes. 2, 78, 80, 37, 121, 28, 22, the law and first prophets. Ge: 48, 49, 2 Sa: 7. De: 2, Can: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pe: 2, Ioel: 2, Io: 10, Ez: 23 25, 34; Ier: 14, 23,THE ETERNALL is my sheaperd, I shall not want, he will fold me vpon the greene gresse, psalmes. 65,, 74,, 78,, 83,, 19,, 60,, 77.. and leade me by the quyet waters, Hee will convert my minde, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 32, 40, 49, 63, Eze: 38, 39, Io: 10, Ap: 7, 1 Pe: 2, La: 1, Ez: 20.36 and guyde mee in the tracks of RIGHTEOVSNES, psalmes. 25.106.17. the law and first prophets. Pro: 2. for his Names sake.

Yea when I goe in the dim & dusky valley, I feare no ill, psalmes. 3, 27. the law and first prophets. Iob: 12.3. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 12, 13, 23, Is: 9. because thou art with me, and thy very rodd & thy leaning staff, psalmes. 18. the law and first prophets. Ex: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 7. thy comfort me.

psalmes. [...], 7, 21.22, 25, 20, 133, 100, 106, 136. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 12. Le: 8. Iud: 9, Eccl: 9, Ex: 33. Ne: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 21. Mr: 14. Mt: 6Hard by my tormenters thou furnishest a table before me. Thou anointest my head with oyle, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 61, M [...]: 6, 26, and fillest my Cupp brim full, for good­nes and KINDENES have followed mee all dayes of my life, psalmes. 16, 27, 32, 103, 86, 118, the law and first prophets. De: 30. the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 22, Eze: 47, and I will contynwe in the House of the ETERNALL to my lives end.

XXIV. A Psalme of David.

psalmes. 50, 89, 146, the law and first prophets. Ex: 9 19, De: 10, 19, Iob: 26, 38, 41 Ios: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Co [...]: 10,THE earth is the ETERNALLS and all the implements thereof, the World and all that dwell therein are his, for the founded it vpon the Sea, psalmes. 104, 136.133. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20, and set it sure vpon the Ryvers, & who may come vp vnto his Hill or stand in his Holy place? psalmes. 15, 26, 137, 5, 120, 121, the law and first prophets. D [...]: 19, 1 Sa: 8, Iob: 17 Ge: 20 the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 10 22, Is: [...], 22, 33, 52, 57. Ro: 10? Is: 35, Mt: 5. M [...]: 7, Ia: 4 3, Ez: 18.22. only Innocent hands and pure hearts, psalmes. 18, 73.21.25, 139, the law and first prophets. Ex: 20 23. De: 5. and such as doe not sett their mindes vpon vanitie, psalmes. 15, 125, nor sweare deceitfu [...]ly.

[Page 19]Such a on shall come, psalmes. 133, 134, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 6, He: 6, and receive the bles­sing of RIGHTEOVSNES from the ETER­NALL, the God of their Salvation; psalmes. 3. the law and first prophets. Ios: 15, Ge: 28, 14, psalmes. 18, 25, 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 9,, 50,, 15.45, this is the Generation that looketh after him, psalmes. 27, 68, 27, 135, 14, 4, 105, 118, 119 p the law and first prophets. De: 7, 32, N [...]: 23, 2 K: 15. 1 Cro: 9 the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: [...]. Ier: 51, 17.26. I [...]: Is: 13, 45, Iacob is hee that seeketh thy face surely. Therefore open your cheeff gates, & set vp your mighty doores, that the KING of GLORY may com in.

Who is the KING of GLORY? psalmes. 145? 57, 138, 29, 9 [...], the law and first prophets. Ex: 33? 1 Sa: 9, 1 K: 22, 2 K: 10, Pro: 1, Ex: 15, Iob: 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Obad: Is: 1, 24.42.62. Za: 9 Mt: 21. Io: 12, L [...]: 22, even the ETERNALL that is strong and valiant, the ETERNALL the valiant warrier, open your cheeff gates, set vp your everlasting doores, that the KING of GLORY may com in. psalmes. 57 Who is this, that is KING of GLORY? even the war­lik ETER: he is KING of GLORY surely. psalmes. 21.68.138. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 29.48. 1 Co [...]: 2.

XXV. Of David.

O My God ETERNALL, psalmes. 71, 86, 119, S. 143, 22, 129; the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 4, Ier: 17, vpon thee doe I set my minde, and in thee doe I trust, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioe [...]: 2. R [...]: 10, Is: 54, 33, 24, 18.49, 21, 35, Ie [...]: 12, let mee not be abashed, psalmes. 13, 34, the law and first prophets. Iob: 6, and mine Enimies vaunt over mee, nor let any, that wait on thee, bee abashed, but let them be abashed that revolt without cause. psalmes. 31:59, 69, 73, 78.119 d r. 27.86, 35, 38, the law and first prophets. Pro: 21; 23; 25; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 25; 35; H [...]s: [...]; Ha [...]: 2; N [...]: 2; I [...]: 16. Mt: 11 4 1 Co [...]: 10, Wise mee thy wayes ô ETER­NALL, and teach mee thy pathes, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 33. De: 8 train mee and instruct mee in thy truth, for thou art the GOD of my salvation, psalmes. 119 u. 37.24, 68, 18, 27, 118, 1 [...]6, 119 p q. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 5 1 Cr [...]: 16. Ne: 9. and I waite all wayes on thee. Remember thy wonted Mercies, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 33. and loving-kindenesses which have ever been, psalmes. 103, 106, 107, 85,, 86,, 89.90, 51, the law and first prophets. Iob: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 54. [...] [...]in: [...], re­member not my youthfull sinnes and transgres­sions, but remember mee according to thy LO­VING-KINDENES, & for thy Goodnes sake, ô ETERNALL. psalmes. 23. the law and first prophets. Ex: 33.

The ETERNALL is very vpright, and will teach Sinners the way, psalmes. 85. hee will direct the Hum­ble right, psalmes. 51, 103. the law and first prophets. Pro: 16, the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: 11 4, and make the Meek ones perfect in his way. psalmes. 26 101, 117. All the WAYES of the ETERNALL are true LOVING KINDNES & FAITHFVLNES, psalmes. 119, r, a. the law and first prophets. Ge: 47 1 S [...]: 15. Io [...]: 2. the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 18. Io: 14 for them that keep his Covenant and Testimo­nies, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Co [...]: 12, 13. Mt: 3, I [...]: 1, Mi [...]: 7, Ez [...]: 20, 36, therefore ô ETER: for thy NAMES sake, psalmes. 23, 106, the law and first prophets. I [...]d: 10, N [...]: 22, pardon mine Iniquity that is so great, who so feareth the Eter: the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 11, Ie: 6, [...]: 3, Is: 54, Mt: 13. I [...]h: 6. Ier: 23. him will hee teach what way to chuse, that his minde may rest well at ease, psalmes. 32, 16, 1, 37 145 the law and first prophets. Iob: 36, De: 6 Ge: 18, Pro: 3. & his seed inherit the land: the Etern: will tell his minde to them that feare him, psalmes. 101. for his covenant is to teach them.

[Page 20]Mine eyes are allwayes towards the ETER­NALL, that hee would take my feet out of the Net, psalmes. 31.85, 86, the law and first prophets. Ex: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9, Mt: 18, 8, Lu: 17, 1 Ie [...]: 27,, 29,, ô look vpon mee, and haue Pitty on mee, for I am very miserable and desolat, psalmes. 35,. 124,, 34.102, 74, 107, 119 7, 31.8. bring mee out of my Destresses and Torments of my minde, the law and first prophets. Est: [...]. which they have enlarged. Behold my Misery and Greeff, psalmes. 103.34, 79, the law and first prophets. Nu: 14. Ex: 3, Ge: 4, De: 32,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 9. and forgive mee all my sin­nes, see how many mine Enimies are, & what cruell hatred they haue to mee, ô keep my life and deliver mee, psalmes. 10, 94, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27,. let mee not be abashed because I rely on thee, the law and first prophets. Iob: 1, 2,, 8,. let SOVNDNES & VPRIGH­TENES preserve mee, psalmes. 129, 14, 16, 22, 119, th. 26. the law and first prophets. Pro: 11, 13, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 5. because I wait ernestly on thee, psalmes. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2, 3 4. ô God deliver Israel from all his de­stresses.

XXVI. Of David.

the law and first prophets. Ge: 20, 1 K: 22, Iob: 2, Pro: 11, Ex: 28, 2 K: 8. Neh: 7, De: 33, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 19, Lu: 18, Ephe: 6,IVDGE mee, ô ETERNALL, for I walk in mine INTEGRITY, psalmes. 7, 4 [...].116, 25 18, 101. and trust in the E­TERNALL that I reel not; Examine mee, ô ETERNALL, and proove mee, try my very reines and my hart, for thy Louing Kindenes, is before mee, psalmes. 25, 40, 1.149.31, the law and first prophets. Le: 8, Iob: 31, 34, 21. Ez: 2. and I walke in thy TRVTH, I cannot abide vain men, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 5. Mt: 18. 2 Th: 3. and com not with dis­sembling Hypocrites. the law and first prophets. Pro: 20.20, 9.

psalmes. 119 s 5.I hate the Assembly of Naughty persons, I sit not with the Wicked, but wash cleane my handes, the law and first prophets. Ge: 20, Ex: 29, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27, and am present about thine Altar, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 18, 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 17. with a thankfull voice, to ring out and declare thy wondrous worke. ô E­TERNALL, I love thy House of Habitation, psalmes. 73,, the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 2, and Dwelling place of thy Glory. the law and first prophets. Ex: 33.

Reckon not my person among the Sinners, nor count thou my life among the liues of Bloody-men, psalmes. 28, in whose hands is Fornication, and whos right-hands are full of whoorish rewards. psalmes. 24.15. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 16. Iob: 31, 34, De: 16.10. Ge: 38.9. Iud: 20. Pro: 15.17. 1 Sa: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 23, 16. Mt: 23. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 1. And I, that walke in mine INTEGRI­TY, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27, Za: 14. haue pitty on mee and redeem mee, that my feet may stand in plaine ground, psalmes. 122, the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 2, Eph: 2. and I may blesse psalmes. 68. the ETERNALL in the Synagogues.

XXVII. Of David.

THE ETERNALL is my LIGHT and my salvation, I feare no body; psalmes. 18, 36, 56, the law and first prophets. Ex 28. Nu: 27? De: 33, 1 Sa: 28, 21, 24, 26.27. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 7, Heb: 13, Act: [...]22, Ap: [...]2 Io: 12. the ETER­NALL is the Stay of my life, psalmes. 3, 23.118 14? 24? 43? 149. who should frighten mee? when naughty men came against mee to devour mee, and my sore Enimies to eat mee vp: they stumbled and fell. psalmes. 3: 91,. the law and first prophets. Le: 8, Ez: 2 Ne: 4, If a camp of men pitch against mee, the law and first prophets. Iud: Ios: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: He: 11 my HART shall not faint, if ware rise against mee, yet will I trust. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 12, Only ONE THING I ask of the ETER­NALL, psalmes. 84, the law and first prophets. Le: 28, which I hartily desire, That I might bide all my life in the House of the ETER­NALL, psalmes. 135.142. the law and first prophets. Ex: 33. to behold the sweet delights of the E­TERNALL, and contemplate in his Temple. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 23.

That hee will keepe mee close in his Taberna­cle in the euill time, and hide mee safe in his Tent, psalmes. 13, 31, 91, 61, 105, the law and first prophets. Ex: 17.33. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 32, and in the Rock take mee vp, psalmes. 28, and now ad­vaunce mee over all mine Enimyes that are round about mee, psalmes. 3. the law and first prophets. De: 25 psalmes. 33. the law and first prophets. Nu: 10. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 27. M [...]: 16, 7. Lu: 6, that I may sacrifice sacrifices of Triumph in his Tabernacle, and sing & PRAYSE the ETERNALL. Heare, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 92. my CRY I make vnto thee, and consider mee, psalmes. 57.3. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16, and pitty mee. Thine (ô ETERN: psalmes. 3 [...]. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 45.) my Minde sayth, Seek yee my face, thy face, ô ETERN: psalmes. 24,. 65.133.135, 13, 31, 119, b, wil I seek, hide not thy face from mee, the law and first prophets. De: 31, 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 1, Eze: 39, turn not away thy Servant, nor be angry with mee, psalmes. 30. for thou art mine only help, psalmes. 18, 24, 25, 68, 38.94.22. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27, thou art the GOD of my Salvation, doe not leave mee, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 28, 1 K: 8, nor for­sake mee.

And though my Father and Mother forsake mee: let the ETERN: take mee vp. psalmes. 20, 16.7 [...], the law and first prophets. Ex: [...]0: Pro: 1:6: 1 Sa: 22 Iud: 19, Pro. 16, Iob: 24, Ez: 8, Teach mee thy WAYES, ô ETERN: psalmes. 5, 25.8 [...], 119, [...], and lead mee a right course, because of mine Extortors, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 26. Mt: [...]4. let mee not be in the will of mine Oppressors, psalmes. 35, 41, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 24, 26, Ez [...]: 16, De: 19, when false witnesses rise against mee; and violence brea­theth out. psalmes. 81.106.16, 52, 65, 116 142, 26, 65, 133, 135, the law and first prophets. Ex: 33, Iob: 28, Pro: 1 [...], Certainly I trust to see the GOOD­NES of the ETERN: before I dye; the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 26, 32, Is: 38. Therefore waite thou on the ETERN: psalmes. 31, 42.43. the law and first prophets. Ios: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 11, waite valiantly on the ETERNALL, and hee will strengthen your hart. the law and first prophets. De: 31. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 25.28.

XXVIII. Of David.

psalmes. 149, 27, TO thee, ô ETERNALL, did I CRY: Heare the voice of my SVPPLICA­TION, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Co [...]: 10, ô my ROCK, vvhen I shout vnto thee, psalmes. 141, 119; a. [...]3,, 39,, 50,, 143, 63, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 6, 8, 1 S [...]: 7, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 16, 7, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3▪ n. and hold vp my hands at thy holly Oracle, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7. and not be deaff tovvards mee; lesse at thy Silence, I be like one going to his Grave. I cryed, dravv mee not vvith vvicked and mischeevous men, psalmes. 12 26.88, 120. the law and first prophets. Ge: 37. that speake peaceably and freendly vvith their Neighbours, and haue malice in their hartes. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 9,

psalmes. [...]25. the law and first prophets. Ex: 6. Ge: 15, Ne: 9I CRYED, Giue such according to their Labours, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 11.18. and according to their VVic­ked inventions, giue them according to their ovvne hand vvorks, psalmes. 62, the law and first prophets. De: 28, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3, [...]. Mt: 19. Io: 5:3:8:6: Ro: 10. Eze. 30: Ie [...]: and cast them a full Re­vvard. And seeing they vnderstand not the DEEDS of the ETERN: psalmes. 17, 119: b, 145: the law and first prophets. De: 32, 4: Ex: 18: nor the VVORK of his handes: let him destroy them vvholy and not build them vp. psalmes. 31. the law and first prophets. Iob: 12.22. Bl [...]ssed be the ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 10.13. he hath hard the VOICE of my SVPPLICATION.

The ETERNALL my Strength and my Defence, psalmes. 33.18 13, 37, 105, 118, 62, 29, 59.61, 21: 147: 2: 146: 68, 69.81 78, 22.37.23. the law and first prophets. Iob: 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 6, 21, 4, Mt: 27. in whom my hart trusteth, and I am holpen, and my hart is cheered, and with my song will I prayse him; the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 12 the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1 the ETER: that is the Strength of his people, the law and first prophets. De: 8. 1 S [...]: 10. E [...]: 16. and strong Saluation of his Annointed: the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: 15. Mr: 8 L [...]: 9 [...] 1 Cor: 10. ô Saue thy people, and blesse thine Inheritance, and feed them, and succour them for ever.

XXIX. A Psalme of David.

psalmes. 89.114. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 24, Pro: 32, Ge: 6, Ex: 15, De: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 34, 57, YEeld vnto the ETE: yee GODLY-ONES, yeeld vnto the ETERN: the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 17.32. all GLORY and STRENGTH. psalmes. 59 61.95.96, 68, 110.93, 150.81, 145, 18, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 11. Yeeld GLORY vnto the Name of the ETERN: the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 11. 1 Cro: 16. 2 Cro: 20, and worship him with holly Decency. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 2. Da: 4, Eze: 1, 43, Apo: 16, 11, 19, The VOICE of the ETER: is on the waters, the law and first prophets. De: 4 Iob: 37, 38, 40 1 Sa: 7. the God of GLORY thund [...]eth on the great waters, his VOICE is with MIGHT and MAIESTY.

[Page 23]The VOICE of the ETERNALL breaketh the Ceders, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 17, 32, Ie: 123, the ETERNALL shivereth the Ce­ders of Libanon, psalmes. 89.133. the law and first prophets. Ex: 9, and maketh them daunce like a Calf, and all Libanon and Shirion like a Vnicorns colt, the VOICE of the ETERNALL cutteth, psalmes. 18, 104, 50.66 98. the law and first prophets. De: 3, 9, 1, 4, 5, 10, 33, Ex: 3, Iob: 38, the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 3, [...]s: 33, 66, 30, He: 12, Ie: 21, 22, Ioel: 2, Mt: 3, Lu: 3, with firy flames, the VOICE of the ETERN: punisheth the Wildernes, the law and first prophets. E [...]: 17.3 19. Nu: 20 33 34, I [...]s: 10.14. De: 1.2.5. G [...]: 14. the VOICE of the E­TERNALL punisheth the great Desert of Cadesh.

The VOICE of the ETERNALL makeeth the Forests bare, and tormenteth the deer, psalmes. 22, 68, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 10, Iob: [...]9, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 14, Ie [...]: 6.8. and all that ever bee sayeth in his Temple is GLO­RYOVS. psalmes. 53.150. The ETERNALL sitteth on the flood, psalmes. 18, 93, 98, 10, 117.28.37 59.62.147. the law and first prophets. Ge: 6 P [...]o: 30. De: 39. the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 2.6. Mt: 14. Ap: 15 19. the ETERNALL abideth KING for ever, the ETE: giveth his People STRENGTH and blesseth them with PEACE.

XXX. A Psalme Song of the Didication of the House of David. the law and first prophets. N [...]h: 12 1 Cro: 14 15, 16 2 Sa: 5, 6, D [...]: [...]0. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 10.

I Will Extoll thee, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 145, 41 119. d. 13.25, 41, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: [...]5, Io: 6, for thou hast raised mee, and hast not suffered my foes to triumph at mee; ô ETERNALL my God, psalmes. 119, t. I shouted vnto thee for help, and thou didst heale mee. ô ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 37, thou hast taken mee out of the Skull, thou hast revived mee, psalmes. 16,, 49,, 120, that I should not goe down to the Pitt. psalmes. 119 n. Chaunt to the ETERN: ô yee his Saintes, and Celebrate his Holly REMEMBRANCE. psalmes. 97. For hee is but a moument in his anger, psalmes. 103, 96, 42.36. the law and first prophets. Ex: 33, 40. Ez [...]: [...]9, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 18, Is: 26, 47, 54, Ioh. 3. and in his loving fa­vour, is LIFE.

At night hee will suffer weeping, but on the Morrow they shall sing out for ioy. psalmes. 4, 46, 59, the law and first prophets. Ex 16, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 14.17.18. As I thought when I was at ease, I should never be moved, ô ETERNALL in thy Goodwill hadst setled my hill so fast: psalmes. 90, 104, the law and first prophets. Io [...]: 3 [...], the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2; thou turnedst away thy face, & I was stroken amazed. psalmes. 16, 27, the law and first prophets. De: 31, 32, Then I CRYED vnto the, ô ETERN: psalmes. 21, 119, h. the law and first prophets. Ge: 37, 2 K: 1. De: 3. Iob: 10.22. and be­sought the ETERNALL, vvhat avai­leth my blood if I goe dovvne into the Pitt.

[Page 24] psalmes. 6? 88? 115? the law and first prophets. Le: 2? 3? 7? the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 38? Shall the dust confesse thee? shall the dust declare thy TRVTHE? hear mee, ô E­TERNALL, psalmes. 1 [...]. and have pitty on mee, & be thou my helper, turn my mourning to daun­ceing, psalmes. 116.149, the law and first prophets. Ex: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 11, Is: 20,, 61, La: 5. take of my sack cloth, & gird Gladnes about mee, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 19, that GLORY may chaunt thee out and never cease, psalmes. 16.108. the law and first prophets. Ec [...]: 3. and I may thank thee, ô ETERNALL my God for ever.

XXXI. For the Cheeff, A Psalme of David.

psalmes. [...], 16, 25, 11,ON thee, ô ETERNALL, doe I relye, let mee never be abashed, psalmes. 23. the law and first prophets. Iud: 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 49, rescue mee by thy RIGHTEOVSNES, harken to mee, and de­liver mee with speed, psalmes. 18, 19, 72, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 17, Mt: 16. be thou my Strong-hold, and house of Munitions to save mee, because thou art my ROCK and GVARISON, psalmes. 27, 28. the law and first prophets. Ex: 3 [...], the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 10, also for thy NAMES sake lead mee and guide mee, bring mee out of the Net, which they haue privily layd to catch mee, psalmes. [...]5 [...] because thou art my Strength. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 11, I put my life in thy hands, redeem thou mee, psalmes. 43. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 23, Act: 7, ô ETERNALL, ransom mee, ô God of TRVTH. I hate all such as obserue false-vanities, psalmes. 40, 26, the last proph. & the n: t: Ion: 2, I trust onely in the ETERN: I reioyce mightily of thy LOVEING KINDE­NES, because thou hast seen my Mise­ry, psalmes. 25 [...] and knovvn my Destresses; and hast not shut mee vp in mine Enimyes handes, psalmes. 41, 8 4.18.119, u. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 17.23. but hast set my feet at liberty.

Have pitty on mee, ô ETER: for I am in great DETRESS, psalmes. 14, the law and first prophets. De: 4. mine eyes are decayed, my very soul & my bovvels vvithin mee, psalmes. 6, 88. are consumed, psalmes. 90, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 1. vvith Greeff, for my life is spent in Sorrovv, and my yeers in Sighing, my Bones are consumed, psalmes. 25. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 64. and all my Strength is gon through mine Iniquity, I am revileed of my Besiegers, psalmes. 38, the law and first prophets. Iob: 6, 1 [...], and my next Neighbours skorn mee out of measure, mine Acquain­tance [Page 25] are afrayed of mee, and vvhen they see mee in the Street; flye from mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 26, M [...]: 14, Lu: 22, Io: 18, I am clean out of their minde, and quite forgotten, like a dead man, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 9. and like a broken vessel good for Nothing. psalmes. 92,, the law and first prophets. Nu: 13, De: 25, Pro: 10, 25, Can: 7, Ios: 23, 1 K: 19, Ge: 36, 30, 42. the last proph. & the n: t: [...]er: 6, 20, 46, Eze: 36, For I heare a horrible report of many, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2, 1. and of their Plotting together against mee, and hovv they deuise to take avvay my life, but I put my trust vpon thee, ô ETERN: the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 31. M [...]: 2. I say still, thou art my GOD, psalmes. 39, the law and first prophets. Ge: 45. my time is in thy hand, deliver mee from mine Enimyes and Persecutors, psalmes. 4, 27, the law and first prophets. Nu: 6, shew thy Countenance vpon thy Servant, and saue mee with thy LOVEING KINDENES.

O ETERN: psalmes. 14.25, the law and first prophets. Iob: 6, let mee not be abashed of cal­ling vpon thee, let the Wicked be abashed, and hold their tonges in the ground, and all false lips that speak arrogantly, psalmes. 27, 49, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2,, Pro: 8, 1 Cro: 4. proudly and spite­fully against the IVST: be made dumb. psalmes. 63,, 22.75.94. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 [...]: 64. Won­derfull great (in the sight of men) is thy Good­nes, the law and first prophets. De: 4, psalmes. 16, 124, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 2. which thou layest vp for them that feare thee, and doest for them that put their trust in thee; the last proph. & the n: t: Ile: 9, Thou hideest them in the secret Chamber of thy Presence from Combrous men, psalmes. 61, 18, 27, 91, the law and first prophets. Ex: 28, and keepest them close in thy Tabernacle from quarellings tonges. psalmes. 78, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 4 [...], Blessed be the ETERNALL, for hee hath shewed mee wonderfull KINDENES in a strict Citty, psalmes. 28, 55, the last proph. & the n: t: Obad: psalmes. 4, 17, the last proph. & the n: t: Nah: 2, Mic: 7, I [...]: 37, Ier: 15, Eze. 37: when I foolishly thought I was clean cutt off from thy sight: psalmes. 6 [...], 108, 5, 61:88:116:18, the law and first prophets. De: 20:28: yet thou hardest the voice of my Supplication, as I shouted vnto thee. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 22 Loue yee the ETERNALL all his Holly-ones, psalmes. 62, for the ETERN: preserveth the FAITHFVLL, and rewardeth the proud doer in abundance. psalmes. 11.79.25. Ther­fore, all yee that waite for the ETERN: psalmes. 27,, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 28, 2 Th: 2.3. be of good cheere, and hee will strengthen your hartes.

XXXII. A Mascil or Vers of David. psalmes. 39.14 [...]. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 19. 1 K: 2.

HAPPY is the man whos Trespasse is for­giuen, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 9. Mar: 2, Lu: 5. 2 Co [...]: 5, Ia: 5 Ro: 4, 8, He: 8, 10, and his Sinn concealed, psalmes. 85, 65, the law and first prophets. Ge: 50, whom the ETERNALL chargeth not with Iniquity, [Page 26] and in whos minde is no deceipt, I CRYED dayly, psalmes. 69.,, 3.,, 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 25,, till I was hoarse and my bones Withe­red, psalmes. 38, 101. the law and first prophets. Iob: 30.33. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. [...]. for thy hand was heavy vpon mee, and my Moisture is overthrouwn as with a great Som­mers drought surely. psalmes. 106. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 12, N: 11, L [...]d: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 25.58.6 [...].

psalmes. 41.38, 65, the law and first prophets. Pro: 28. Iob: 31, 33, N [...]: 5.I shewed thee my Sinnes and concealed not mine Iniquities, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 3, I meant to confesse my Sinnes vnto the ETERNALL, psalmes. 85. the law and first prophets. N [...]h: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Io: [...]. and thou forgavest the Iniquity, and my Sinne surely. Therefore, let every Godly-One pray vnto thee, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: [...]55, when thou mayest be found; psalmes. 18, 124, 69, 2.126. the law and first prophets. Pro: 27, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 43, lesse when Trobles arise, they cannot com at him. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 8,, Ier: 47, ô thou, that art my Skonse and Hideing-place, preserve mee from Destresse, psalmes. 9,, 132, the law and first prophets. Leu: 9, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Co [...]: 6, rescue them that CRY and gard mee su [...]ely.

I vvill vvise thee, and teach thee vvhat VVAY to goe, psalmes. 25, 101, the law and first prophets. Ex: 18. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30, and vvill tend on thee vvith mine eyes, psalmes. 33. the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 11, P [...]o: [...]6, 1 K: 7 2 K: 19. Iob: 41 if yee be not like a Horse and Asse voyd of all vnderstanding, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 3, Is: 37. to be tyed vvith bitts in their mouthes, and bridles on their heads to keep them from thee. For the Sorrowes of the Wi [...]ked are great and many, psalmes. 37, 1 [...], the law and first prophets. 1 K: 17, De: [...]8. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8, I [...]: 65. but he that TRVSTETH in the ETER­NALL, GRACE and LOVEING-KINDE­NES shall environ him. psalmes. 23, 103.62, the law and first prophets. Le: 9, Now reioyce and be glad in the ETERNALL, yee IVST-ONES, and T [...]iumph all yee that be of an vpright minde. psalmes. 7 [...]


psalmes. 64, 111, 147, the law and first prophets. Le: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 14,TRIVMPH in the ETERNALL all yee that be IVST for the PRAYSE of Vpright men is goodly, psalmes. 71. 9.. 96. 40, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 10. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 52, sing to the ETERNALL with the Harp, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 8, N [...]: 10, P [...]o: 30. Le: 25. 2 C [...]o: 15. 1 Cro: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 5, 6, play vnto him with ten-strin­ged Viols, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 23. Ie [...]: 49. sing a New song vnto him, and play your loudest Musicque. For the WORD of the ETERNALL is moste certain, and all his WORKES are sure. psalmes. 27.47.11, [...]7.146. The ETER­NALL loveth IVSTICE, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 46. and RIGHTE: and all the erth is full of his GRACIOVS GOODNES. psalmes. 119, [...]h. the law and first prophets. Ge: 16. Ex: 33. By the [Page 27] VVORD of the ETERNALL the Heavens vvere made, and by his Breth, psalmes. 48. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 1, all their Host, psalmes. 78, 114, 40, the law and first prophets. Ios: 3. Ge: 1, 2 Ex: 15. I [...]: 26, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 14. he heaped vp the vvaters of the Sea, and layed vp the bottomlesse Deeps in Treasures.

Stand in aw of the ETERNALL, psalmes. 2, 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 14, [...]e [...]: [...]4, La: 3, [...]. and feare him all people of the world, psalmes. 148, for what hee sayth, that shall bee, and what soever hee Appointeth, that shall stand. the law and first prophets. Nu: 14.23. The ETERNALL frustrateth the counsell of the Hethen, the law and first prophets. P [...]o: 21, 19, Ge: [...]. I [...]b: 5, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19, and bringeth the peoples devises to nothing. psalmes. 14, the last proph. & the n: t: L [...] ▪ 1. But the Counsel of the ETERNALL stande [...]h for ever, and his Devises indure still; the last proph. & the n: t: Is▪ 15, Lu: 7, Act: 5, from one age to another, the law and first prophets. Pro: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 46, Act: 5, [...]. [...], and happy is the Nation that hath the ETERNALL their GOD, and the People whom hee chuse [...]h for his Inheritance. psalmes. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 20, Ge: 17,, [...]e: 20. De: 31 32. The ETERNALL LOOKETH out of Heaven from his dwe [...]ling Seat, psalmes. 14, 53.162, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8, 2 Cr [...]: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 2, vpon all the Children of men that dwell in the world, hee that both formed their hartes, psalmes. 94: the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 28, the last proph. & the n: t: He: 4, Act [...], Lu: 6, and is cunning in all their WORKES: and Loe, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 2: Io: 2: Ie [...]: 9, A [...]u: 2. A King is not saved by the greatnes of his Army, the law and first prophets. [...] Sa: 2. nor a Strong-man deliuered by his great strength.

A Horse is a vain thing for Salvation, psalmes. 10, the law and first prophets. Pro: 21, G [...]: 11, 12, 17, Iob: 36. [...]9, Nu: 11, 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 31,, and cannot free for all his great Might. psalmes. 66. But the EYE of the ETERNALL is vpon them that feare him, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pe: 3: psalmes. 34, 66, 32, and vvait for his LOVING-KINDENES: the law and first prophets Iob: 5. To de­liuer them from Death and releeve them in Famine. Our Soul waiteth for [...]he ETERN: psalmes. 116. psalmes. 37 147. the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. De: 33. hee is our Help and Shield of Defence, psalmes. 47, [...]8:18.13. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27. and be­cause our Hart is delighted in him, and our whole TRVST is in his holly NAME: let thy mercy, ô ETERNALL, be vpon vs as our hope is in thee.

XXXIV. A Psalme of David, psalmes. 52.119. th. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 4. 1 Cro: 24. Ge: 2 [...].21.26. 1 S [...]: 6.21 22.27. vpon his changing of his Be­haviour, before Abimelek (or Achish) King of Gath, then when hee banished him & hee went his way.

[Page 28]I Will ever thank the ETERN: and allways PRAIS him with my mouth, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 10. 1 Cor: 1. Ier: 9. I my selfe will glory in him, psalmes. 107, that the Lowly may be glad to heare it, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1, come magnify the ETERN: with mee, let vs extoll his NAME together, for I sought out for the ETERN: and hee answered mee, and deliuered mee from all my Terrors. There­fore let them look cheerfully vpon him, psalmes. [...]5.22, 119, a. the law and first prophets. Iob: 3, 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 60, 2, Ier: 34, and not be ashamed, for this poore oppressed one in his affliction CRYED: psalmes. 149, and the ETERN: hard him, and saved him out of all his De­stresses. The Angel of the ETERN: the law and first prophets. Nu: 1, will pitch about them that FEAR him, psalmes. 78, 85.91, 123, 148, the law and first prophets. Ge: 32. Ios: 3, 2 K: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: He: 1, Mt: 5, and release them. Now consider and mark how GOOD the ETERNALL is, psalmes. 6.35.140 145. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 57, 58, Gal: 5 and how HAPPY is the MAN that relyeth on him. psalmes. 28, 119. a m. 2.103.

Feare the ETERNALL all his Saintes, For they shall vvant nothing that FEARE him, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 19. psalmes. 17, 22, 35, 37, 57, the law and first prophets. Iob: 4, 20, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 5, the Lions vvhelps shall goe lean for vvant of meat, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1▪ and pine avvay for hunger: but they that SEEK the ETERN: psalmes. 60, 128, shall not vvant any thing that is good. Com then my Children, the law and first prophets. De: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: 3 Io: psalmes. 84. and harken to mee, and lett mee TEACH you the FEARE of the ETERNALL. psalmes. 36, If you loue to liue long, and loue to see many dayes: the law and first prophets. Iob: 5 [...], the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 5, Mt: 5, Keep your Ton­ges from ill communication, psalmes. 97, 5, 21, 52, 107, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 14. and your lips from speaking Deceipt, medle vvith nothing that is ill, psalmes. 10, 35, 50, 90, 36, 109 119 m. 11, 66, the law and first prophets. De: 31. Iob: 28.1, Pro: 28, the last proph. & the n: t: Amos: 5, 1 Pe: 3, 2, Ro: 12, He: 12, 1 Pe: 3. Is: 1.7.56. but doe that vvhich is good, seek af­ter Peace and pursue it. For the ETERN: looketh tenderly to the IVST, the law and first prophets. Iob: 26. and hath a ten­der eare to their shouting. psalmes. 32.33. the law and first prophets. Ez. [...]8.

VVhen they Crye: hee heereth them, and deliuereth them from all their Destresses. But hee will look angry toward them that doe ill; psalmes. the law and first prophets. Le: 20; Eccl: 8; the last proph. & the n: t: La: 4: p. and will cutt off their Remembrance out of the Earth. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 57, The ETERN: is neer to them that be broken-harted, psalmes. 145, 85. and will save them of oppressed mindes, psalmes. 9.74, 143, 25, 102, 119 [...], the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8. for many are the Woes of the IVST-ONE, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Tim: 3, but the ETER: will deliuer [Page 29] him from them all, the law and first prophets. Ex: 12, Nu: 9 Iob: 20. De: 28, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 19, and will keep him that not a bone of him shall be broken. psalmes. 37, 140, 35, 5, 55. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: [...] 18. Som Mischeeff shall make an end of the Wicked and slay him, and they that hate the IVST shall waste away, psalmes. 5. but the ETERNALL will redeem his Ser­vants life, psalmes. and none that relye on him shall be waste-ed


DOE thou maintaine my Quarell, psalmes. 119. r. 9, 56, 64.6, the law and first prophets. Pro: 13, 22, Iud: 6, 5, De: [...], the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 12, 15, 18, 20, 50, Is: 49, Ie: 46, ô ETER­NALL, and fight thou my Battell, ô take vp thy Shield and Buckler, and com and help mee, draw out thy Speare and arme thee to meet my Pursuers. Say to my life, psalmes. 3, 11,; 38; 71; the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 4. Io: 18. I will be thy SALVATION. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 10, 24; 1 K: 19; Let them be ashamed that seek my life; and retire with sharp reproche, that thinke mee ill, and be like dust before the winde, and the Angel of the ETERN: driveing them, psalmes. 1, 34, 78, 104, 18, 141. the law and first prophets. Iob: 13, 21, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 29, 57, 66, Hos: 13, let their WAY be in dark and slippery Place-es, psalmes. 73. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 21, Iob: 19.30. the last proph. & the n: t: Zeph: 1.2. and the Angel of the ETERN: the last proph. & the n: t: Dan: 11. Ier: 23.51.18. to pursue them at the heeles. psalmes. 119 k, 7, 9, Because they haue hid a Net in the Pitt for mee, vndeserved, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 24. and vndermined for my Life without a Cause: psalmes. 36:57:109: the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 12. Bring a RVINE on them that they be not ware of, and let their owne Net, the law and first prophets. Iob: 18; Pro: 29; Iob: 30.38. that they have layed; take themselues, and by it let them fall into the same Ruine. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1. So my Soul shall be glad and reioyce in the SALVATION of the ETERNALL. psalmes. 40.

All my bones shall cōfesse, psalmes. 6, 12, 31, 51, 34 141. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15. De: 32, 33, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 44.45.64. There is none like thee, ô ETERNALL, vvhich deliverest the oppressed from him that is to strong for him, and the Poore Afflicted vvrech from him that vvould spoile him. psalmes. 27, 18, 54, 144 40, 7, 109, the law and first prophets. De: 19, Ex: 23, 24, 26, 1 Sa: 25,, Pro: 17.19. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 26, Mr: 14, Ap: 12. False Witnesses arose, such as I knew not, saluteed mee, to re­quite mee Euill for Good, and take away my life. When they were sick, I wore fackcloth, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 19, & punished my body with fasting, psalmes. 69, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 58,. 37, Mt: 10, but my Prayers returned again vpon mine owne bos­some, I was as sory for them, as for my freend, or my Brother, I went wailing for them, psalmes. 42,, the law and first prophets. Iob: 30, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 4, and mourned as for my Mother, yet they are mery [Page 30] together at my halting. psalmes. 38.20.123. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 16, the last proph. & the n: t: He: 12. Is: 28, 33, Ro: 12, Eze: 21, The vile people are ga­thered against mee er I am ware, and never rest tearing of mee, psalmes. 30.37 112. while the Slaves derideing mee gnash their teeth vpon mee, the law and first prophets. Iob: 10. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 14, 20. ô LORD, thou markest it well, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2. p. M [...]: 10, deliuer my Deere Soul out of their Daungers, psalmes. 22, 63.73, and saue mee from thos Lions whelps, psalmes. 7, 25.34, 57, 22.40.91. the law and first prophets. Iob: 30, the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 2, Tit: 4, & I will thank thee in the great Con­gregation and Praise thee among a number of people. psalmes. 109. the law and first prophets. Ez [...]: 3.

Let not them that are mine Enimies for no­thing, psalmes. 25.38, 69, 7, 85, 120, 122, the law and first prophets. Pro: 6, 10, 16, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 15: and hate mee without a cause: LAVGH and WINK at mee, for they desire no peace with any quiet people in their talke, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 31, 47, 50, but still devise Coussening talk and deceiptfull words against them. psalmes. 52, 101, They com against mee with wide mouthes SAYEING, the law and first prophets. Iob: 16, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2, p. Oh, Oh, ah Sirr ho, wee saw it. psalmes. 22, 109, the law and first prophets. Iob: 39 the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 25, 26, 36, Is: 57, 44, M [...]: 15. Thou seest, ô ETERN: and be not thou silent, psalmes. 40, 54, 70, nor be away from mee, ô my Lord. Awake and arise, psalmes. 59.1:8, 2 [...], 50, [...]3, 83, 44, 17.45.76, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 24. ô my LORD GOD, to IVD­GE my Quarell, and Iudge mee according to thy IVSTICE, ô ETERN: my GOD, and let them not reioyce and LAVGH at mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 44. let them not SAYE in their mindes, psalmes. the law and first prophets. Ex: 31, Ho wee haue our desire, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 51, La: 2, b we haue devoured him. But let them be ashamed, and confounded that are glad of my hurt, psalmes. 132, the law and first prophets. Iob: 8,. and weare shame and Ignominy for euer that reare themselues against mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9, and let them be mery and Triumph for ay [...]hat wish my RIGHTEOVSNES, psalmes. 34, the law and first prophets. Iob: 39, the last proph. & the n: t: [...]z: 25, 26, 36 and allwayes SAY: The ETERNALL be magnified for delighting in the Peace of his Seruant. psalmes. 1 [...]6. psalmes. 40. [...]0, 51.37, the law and first prophets. De: 23. Ez: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 19, L [...]: 1, 2. Is: [...]0.31. And my Tonge shall tell out thy IVSTICE, and thy PRAISE for euer.

psalmes. 18.132. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 7.XXXVI. For the Cheeff: Of DAVID the Servant of the ETERNALL.

psalmes. the law and first prophets. Pro: 2, 7, 28, 29, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 3. IN my minde, the TRESPASSE of the Wicked doth shew, psalmes. 34. there is no feare of GOD before him. psalmes. 14.53.50, 86. Because he thinketh to make light vnto him, psalmes. 55.78, 18, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 11, Ez: 12, Ie.: 48, his moste haynous iniquity, [Page 31] for all his vvords are Greeff and Deceit, psalmes. 15, 69, 94, the last proph. & the n: t: D [...]n: 11, Eze: 11, Ier: 48, and hee hath left lerning to doe vvell, psalmes. 2, hee deviseth Greeff vpon his Bed, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 1, 2.3, 4, 13 Is: 1, Mic: 2, Gal: 6. I [...]: 65, 2 [...]h: 3. Eze: 36, hee persisteth vpon the VVAY that is not good, psalmes. 15. the law and first porphet. De: 30, and vvill not leaue that vvhich is euill. the law and first prophets. Iob: 42,

O ETERNALL, psalmes. 8.86, 108, the law and first prophets. Ez [...]: 9, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 1 great is thy LOVEING-KINDENES in the Heavens, and thy TRVTHE even to the Cloudes, psalmes. 57.61.68, 80, 90. thine vpright IVSTISE is of a mighty highth, the law and first prophets. G [...]: 7, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 11. and thy IVDGEMENTS a [...]e of a great Depth. psalmes. 19, 92.33. For thou, ô ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 27, Mt: 10, sauest both man and beast. psalmes. 63. the law and first prophets. De: 32. O GOD hovv Pretious is thy LOVING-KINDENES, vvhen all human men are safe vnder the Shadovv of thy vvings? psalmes. 4.91.119. u ch 17.61.

VVhich are refreshed vvith the fat of thy House, psalmes. 23 65 66, 20, 2 [...].63, 65, 92, 46, 110, the law and first prophets. Ge: 2, the last proph. & the n: t: L [...]: 3, h. I [...]: 31, E [...]: 47,,, Za: 14, Ap 7, 8.21, 22, Io: 4.17, and of the vvater thou giuest them of thy Plesant Riuer. For with thee, the law and first prophets. Iob: 29, 37, Pr [...]: 16, 6.13.14. there is a quick wellspring of life, and by thy LIGHTE doe wee see Lighte. psalmes. 84, 119, n 30, 18, 2 [...], the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 31.36. Is: 60. Act. [...]2. ô Draw vp KINDENES for them that know thee, and RIGHTE-DI­RECTION for them that are of an VP­RIGHTE MINDE. psalmes. 143, psalmes. 7, 32.35, 40, 1, the law and first prophets. P [...]o: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 13, Let not the Foot of Pride cary mee avvay, nor the vvicked Hand leade mee astray: vvher the VVORKERS of Greeff doe fall and are dovvn, psalmes. 18.41.55. the law and first prophets. Pro: 24. the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 8.5. and cannot rise no more.


CHAFE thou not at Naughty men, psalmes. 1, 69, 49, 119, s. 125, 90.103.129, 147. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 19, P [...]: 3, 23, 24, and spite not WRONG-DOERS, the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 1, Mt: 24. Is: 34. Ie: 14.15 54.31. Io: 6.21.4. Ia: 2 [...]t: 4. Ro: 10. Da: 2. for they shall be soon cut off like Grasse, the law and first prophets. Ge: 1, and wither like a green blade. Feed thou vpon the TRVTH, doe Good, psalmes. 34,, 119 a,, 139, 40, 28, 22, 15, 36, 86, 2 [...], 21, 2 [...], 5 [...], and TRVST in the ETERN: the law and first prophets. Iob: 14.24. De: 30, 8, and inhabit the earth. Set thy whole delight vpon the ET: the law and first prophets. Iob: 27, 22, Pro: 16. and hee will giue thee thy hartes desire, committ thy course vpon the ET: & trust wholely vpō him, and hee will bring it to passe, psalmes. 145, 36, 72, 99, 62, 119 n. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 51., Act: 24,, 9., & bring thee foorth thy righteous Iudgmēt, as cleer as the light at none. [Page 32] Therefore RELYE thou on the ETERNALL, and haue Patience in him, psalmes. 51, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 35,, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 58. Ph: 4. and chafe not when the MISCHEVOVS man doth prosper in his course, psalmes. 49, 52, psalmes. 46, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 12,, but forbeare from Anger, and forgoe thy Choler. psalmes. 138, Chafe not when hee thriveth onely by doeing of Euill, the law and first prophets. Leu: 5, 1 Cor: 16,, 21,, Pro: 24,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 13,, 31,, Zoph: 1, for NAVGHTY men shall be cutt off, psalmes. 109, & they that WAIT for the ETER­NALL, shall Inherit the Earth, and haue their roome. psalmes. 34, [...]2, the law and first prophets. Iob: 3, 20; 21, 27. For after a little while, the WICKED will be gon, and his place to seeking, and the Poore Meek people shall haue the Inheritance of the Land, psalmes. 49.119. sh. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5. and peace enough to delight them. The WICKED man inventeth MISCHEEFF against the IVST, psalmes. 29.125. the law and first prophets. Iob: 16,, and skrasheth his teeth vpon him for malice, psalmes. 35,, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Th: [...]1, Is [...]: 41. but the LORD LAVGHETH at him, psalmes. 2,, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 18.14.15. De: [...]2. for he see-eth his Time is come.

the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 9 The VVICKED dravv their Svvor­des, psalmes. 11, 64, 57, 59, and bend their bovves to kill an slay the Poore, and all them of an vprighte Course. But their Swords shall peerce their owne hartes, and their bowes be broken in peeces. psalmes. 49, 52, the law and first prophets. Pro: 15, 16, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 51, 54, A little of the IVST-Mans is better, then the Abundance of welth of many wicked men, the law and first prophets. Iob: 38, 31, for the Armes of the VVICKED shall be broken, psalmes. 10, 32, 91, 119, s.a. but the E­TERNALL will hold vp the IVST. psalmes. 1, 25, 28, 100, 61, 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6, The ETERNALL will teach the dayes of PERFECT MEN, psalmes. 81, the law and first prophets. Iob: 15, 29.5, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 54.39, 51, Ie: 31. Io: 6. Lu: 1. and that their Inheri­tance shall last for ever. They shall not be a­bashed in any hard time, the law and first prophets. Pro: 2.13, the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 8, & in Time of dearth they shall haue enough. psalmes. 33, 94, the law and first prophets. Ell: ( [...],) (8,) the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 8. But the VVICKED shall perish, psalmes. 49.75, 9 [...], 1, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 4:20: Ie: 14.4 (3) 1 Sa: 18. De: (12) 1 Cro: (25) (26) Ge: (18) De: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: (4) Ia: 24.18.2. Nah: 3. and the VNGODLY (for all their Honour and Advauncement) shall vanish, psalmes. (119 s) 102, (109,) (68) and all consume as in smoke. The VVICKED vvill borrovv, psalmes. 58, 59, 68, 49, the last proph. & the n: t: Act. 20, & not pay again, but the IVST man hath Pitty and bestoweth, psalmes. 55, 62. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5,, Lu: 6,, for the BLESSED of the ETERNALL shall inioye the Land, psalmes. 82, 128, the law and first prophets. Ga: 12,, 14,, Nu: 22, 1 Cro: 17, De: 28,, 15. and the CVRSED shall be cutt off. All mans Proceedings are from the ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. Pro: 20, 16, Iob: 34. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 1 [...], and they are sure, if hee de­lighteeth in them. psalmes. 112, 2.91, 109, For hee will not let them fall, [Page 33] but the ETERNALL will stay them vp in his hand. psalmes. 119. s. 109,, the law and first prophets. De: 4. I haue been yong, and now am gon an old man, yet in all my Time, psalmes. 112,,, 109, the law and first prophets. Iob: 15.27. 2 Sa: 3. Iob: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6, 2 C [...]r: 4, Act: 20, I neuer saw the IVST MAN destitute, with his seed begging bread, but allwayes mercifull and lending, psalmes. 147, the law and first prophets. De: 28, Dex: 20. and his children blessed. Therfore shunn EVILL, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 6. and doe that which is GOOD, psalmes. 34, 115, 97, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Th: 5, and you shall ABIDE for ever, for the ETERNALL loveth RIGHTE, and his Saintes hee will not forsake. psalmes. 11, 33, 82, the last proph. & the n: t: Isa: 61, Da: 7. 1 Cor: 6, They shall ever be preserued, but, the law and first prophets. Ex: 20. The Children of the WICKED shall be cutt off. The IVST shall INHERIT the Earth, psalmes. 69, 25.49,, and DWELL ever­lastingly vpon it, for the JVST man will talke wisely, and speak that which is Righte, psalmes. 1.16.40. the law and first prophets. Pro: 31. the last proph. & the n: t: Isa: 51,, Mt: 1 [...]. and haue the LAW of GOD in his minde, that his steps slip not. psalmes. 80.

The WICKED watcheth and seeketh to kill the JVST, the law and first prophets. Nu: 16 Iob: 8,, De: 25. I [...]b: 10, 15, 2 Cro: 22, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Pe [...] 2▪ but the ETERNALL will not leaue him in his hand, psalmes. 109,, 119,, [...], nor condemn him when he is to bee JVDGED. the law and first porphet. Pro: [...], If thou wilt Wait vpon the ETERNALL, psalmes. 81.25.106, and observe his WAY, he will exalt the to the Inheritance of the Land, psalmes. [...]1, 1 [...], and thou shalt see the WICKED cutt off. I haue seen the WICKED lusty, psalmes. 140.92: the law and first prophets. Iob: 20.24, E [...]: [...]2 Ge: 12 Iob: 8,, 21, 24, and shoo­ting vp like a green graff: but Loe, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 11,, Da: 4 Isa: 41. hee is passed by and gon, psalmes. 6, and if I seek him he is not to be found. MARK and consider the PLAINE and VPRIGHTE MANS end is Peace, psalmes. 73.125, 109,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 22. and the Po­sterity of the WICKED is cutt off, the law and first prophets. Iob: 18, 5, 21.27, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 5. Za: 8, Ap: 9. [...]8. and also the TRESPASSERS they themselues are destroyed. The SALVATION of the IVST is from the ETERNALL, psalmes. 74, 9,, the law and first prophets. De: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 5. l. Lu: 1, 2. that is their whole CONFI­DENCE in Time of Destresse, and the ETER: psalmes. 25, 50.84, 65, will rescue them, hee will rescue them from the WICKED, and will SAVE them, psalmes. 17, because they relye vp on him.

XXXVIII. A Psalme of DAVID for a Memoriall. psalmes. 70.71.97. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16. Leu: 2 the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 26.

O ETERN: reproove mee not in thy chafe, psalmes. 50,,, 89, 69, the law and first prophets. Iob: 9.33 6,, Pro: 3.6, the last proph. & the n: t: Iude. La: 3,, d. Is: 66, Ez: 5, Ie: 10, nor CORRECT mee in thy Choler, for [Page 34] thine Atrowes are lighted on mee, & thy hand lyeth vpon mee. psalmes. 32,, 88,, 139, the law and first prophets. Iob: 33, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 9.2.5. Ie: 23, I haue no helth in my flesh, nor any ease in my bones, thou rage-est so for my SINNE. psalmes. 40, 42, For mine Iniquities are gon vpon my head, the law and first prophets. Ez [...]: 9, like a hevy burden, more then I can carry, psalmes. 14 the law and first prophets. Ge: 4,, the law and first prophets. Pro: 20,, Ge: 34, Leu: 7, 3, 4, Iob. 15, 30,, the last proph. & the n: t: Zach: 14,, Is: 1, my blovves are putrified, and my Stripes stink for my folly, I stoop and goe vvonderfull crooked, psalmes. 69, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez [...] 3. Ier: 40. Ro: 2. I goe all day mourning, my Loynes are full of Burning, psalmes. 35,, 42,, 43 the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 18, Pro: 12, and I haue [...]oe helth in my flesh. psalmes. 39.7

I am much bruseed and vveakned, I roare vvith the vvorying of my hart, psalmes. 42 the law and first prophets. Iob: 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 48,, O LORD thou knovvest my Desire, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 8,, and my sighings are before thee, psalmes. 6,,, 40,, my hart is in Paine, my Strength is gon, the law and first prophets. De: 34. mine eyes are spent, and mine eyesighte gon from mee. psalmes. 22,, psalmes. 69, 31, the law and first prophets. Can: 6. Iob: 6, Ge: 21. Nu: 2, Ex: 4,, Iob: 19.25,, 1 K: 19,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 26. I [...]:: 8. Io: 30. My Lovers and my Freends vvill not com nigh my Pla­gue, psalmes. 88, & my Kinsmen stand a farre off. VVhile they that seek my life, psalmes. 91, 5,, 31,, 35, 55. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pet: 2, Ap: 14, and serch my hurt, speak corrupt vvords to intrap mee, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 28, and talk nothing but Deceipt all the Day, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 53. and I like a dumb body that could not speak, psalmes. 39. the law and first prophets. Iob: 13, 33. so vvas I like a man that heareth not, the last proph. & the n: t: Eze: 3. and like one that could not rebuke.

psalmes. 55, the law and first prophets. Ge: 41,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 10.13.12. Thou shalt CONSIDER and ANSWER for mee, ô LORD my GOD, for I WAITE for thee, ô ETERN: lesse they LAVGH at mee for what I say, psalmes. 8,, and MAGNIFY themselues over mee, psalmes. 41.55.35, 75, when my foot slippeth. For I was ready to halt, the last proph. & the n: t: He: 12. and my greeff is euer before mee. When I shew mine Iniquity, psalmes. 3 [...]. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 12. and am sory for my Sinn. For they that are Enimies of my Life, are mighty and many, psalmes. 143.69,, the law and first prophets. Ge: 40 Iob: and they that hate mee wrongfully are wonderfully increased. psalmes. 35 the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 12. Io: 10. They are against mee, because I follow that which is God, psalmes. 25 69,, 109. the law and first prophets. Ge: 41, paying mee EVILL for GOOD. Forsake mee not, psalmes. 44 22. [...]7. the law and first prophets. 1 K. 8. ô ETER: bee not farre from mee, ô my GOD my LORD & my SALVATION, make haste to help mee. psalmes. 70.40.

XXXIX. For the Cheeff, for Ieduthun: A Psalme of DAVID. psalmes. 77,, 62, the law and first prophets. 1 C [...]o: 16,, 25,, 6,, 2 Cro. 5, 29,

I Thought, I would look to my WAY, for Sinning with my tonge, psalmes. 89, 17, the law and first prophets. Pro: 1 [...]. and to bridle my Mouth before the WICKED. Therfore I be­came stark Dumb, psalmes. 28,, 62, 38.32, 40. the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 32, 33, 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 3, and forbore from speaking that which was GOOD, and that greeved mee more. And I CHAFED in my minde, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...] 30. and my Thoughts weare on fire, so I SPAKE and SAYED, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 49, 90, the law and first prophets. Iob: 15. shew mee when my end shall bee, and the MESVRE of my DAYES, I may know, how long I shall stay. I know thou hast made all my dayes but a HANDFVLL, psalmes. 110.8 [...].144.94. the law and first prophets. E [...]: 37, 1 K: 7, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 40, and my whole Age is Nothing before thee, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 7. Ge: 4 1 K: 4. for Surely every mans ABIDEING is nothing, but Meer Vanity.

Every man is much troubled, psalmes. 62, 55, 49, 17, 73: 62, 52,, 119. k. 40.47 the law and first prophets. De: 2 Eccl: 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 34, and caryed away with a vain Fansy, to beap vp; and knoweth not who shall Spend it: the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: [...]: Ro: 8. I [...]: 64. but my only HOPE and WAITING is for thee, O LORD. psalmes. 84: 85: 38,, 130 Deliver mee from all my Trespasses, & make mee not weare the Reproche of the Filthy-fooles, psalmes. 14,, 53,, 36,, 74,, 44.69, 52. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 3, for I was still Si­lent, & held my Tonge because it was thy Dooing. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 16. O take away thy SCOVRGE from my back, psalmes. 38, 77, 88 90.119 g. the law and first prophets. De: 2, Iob: 19;, 13,, 2 K: 14, 15, 2 Cro: 25 the last proph. & the n: t: H [...]: 1 [...], I am quite consumed with the Tentation of thy hand.

VVhen thou CORRECTEST a man vvith Rebukes for Iniquity, psalmes. 38, 118, 77, 88, 90, the law and first prophets. Iob: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Isa: 50.51. Ro: [...]. 2 [...]o [...]. 54. thou meltest avvay his Lovelynes like a Moth, psalmes. 78, the law and first prophets. Lev: 17,, for Surely every man is fraile VANITY. psalmes. 144.3 [...] the law and first prophets. Iob: 7, Heare my PRAYER, ô ETERNALL, and my Shouteing vnto thee, psalmes. 105,, hearken vnto my teares and be not deaff, psalmes. 73,. 9 [...],, 119, g the law and first prophets. Ex: [...],, 12 [...]eu: 25,. 1 Cro: 29, 15, 16, G [...]: 20,, 23, 47. the last proph. & the n: t: He: 11, Act: 7. 1 Pet: [...]. Is [...]: 6, 2 Cor: 5. for J am a STRAN­GER vvith thee, psalmes. 86, and a So JOURNER as my Fathers vvere. ô Spare mee, and deale gentlely vvith mee, J may be somvvhat refre­shed before J goe hence quite, psalmes. 38, the law and first prophets. Ioh: 9, 10.15. and com no more.

XL. For the Cheeff, A Psalme of David.

psalmes. 130. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1, I Continued my WAITING on the ETER: and at last hee turned to mee, and hard my SOVTEING. And took mee out of a horrible Pitt, psalmes. 35,, 105,, 18,, 69. the law and first prophets. G [...]; 37,, Ex: 12,, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 6,, 66,, out of Dirt and mire, and gaue mee sure footing, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 7: La: 6, 16: and sett my feet on a Rock, and put a NEVV SONG in my mouth: the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 14. A PRAYSE to our GOD, the law and first prophets. Ex: 14 many savv it and FEARED, psalmes. 23: 33· 79: 96: the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 15. and TRVSTED in the ETERNALL. psalmes. 14, HAPPY is the man that makeeth the ETERNALL his TRVST, psalmes. 146,, 1. and carreeth not for Moc­kers, psalmes. 52,, 7 [...]: 84, the law and first prophets. Can: 6: Iob: 5▪ 9, 10, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 3, nor such as dravv to Falshood. Thy mervilous FEASTS, psalmes. 101, 89, [...], 119 [...] [...], 36,. ô my GOD ETER: vvhich thou hast don for vs are many, psalmes. 31, 139, 9, 5,, and no man can reckon them vnto thee, the law and first prophets. Leu: [...] if I should assay to declare them: psalmes. 83, 111. they are to many to tell.

psalmes. 50 [...]1, 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 10 Mt: 9, 11.13. Ier: 6, 8, Ro: 10 Gal: 3 He: 14, Ap: 12, 2, Hos: 6,Sacrificees and Meat offerings thou ca­rest not for, the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: (15) (28) 7. Ge: 50, Eccl: 4, Leu: 4.23. Hest: 1, (THOV HAST MADE MEE EARES TO HEARE.) Neither burnt of­ferings nor Sinn offerings requireest thou. Then SAYED I, psalmes. 101,, 1, 2, Loe, heer I am, in the open book, the law and first prophets. Ezr: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 36, 15, Iob: 5,,, Ez: 2, 2 Pe: 2. Ro: 10, Mt: 4 [...] plainely, it is VVRITTEN of mee, for I haue pleasure to doe thy vvill, ô my GOD, psalmes. 132,, 37, the law and first prophets. De: 30.8, Ge: 6. 1, N [...]h 7, and in my Belly is thy LAVV, J PREACH RIGHTEOVSNES in the Great Congregation, psalmes. 37, 4,, 119 1,, 111, 111, 35, 81, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 31, 23. Mic: 6, and J shut not my Lips, ô E­TERN: the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 20, thou knovvest. I conceal not thy RIGHTEOVSNES in my minde, the law and first prophets. Iob: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 17, Mt: 10, J declare thy FAITHFVLLNES & Thy SALVATION, psalmes. 92, 119. gn. I hide not thy Lo-KINDNES, the law and first prophets. Neh: 7, Ge: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 2, I declare thy TRVTH [Page 37] to the Great Congregation. Therfore, psalmes. 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 9, 10, 12, O ETER­NALL, shut not thou thy mercyes from mee, psalmes. 71.88.61, 116, 18, but let thy LOVEING KINDNES and thy TRVTHE allwayes preserve mee, psalmes. 48, 46, the law and first prophets. De: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 1, Mt: 14, 10, for Innumera­ble Evills are come vpon mee, psalmes. 49,, the law and first prophets. Iob. 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 6. Lep: 3. and mine Iniquityes haue overtaken mee, and I cannot SEE, psalmes. 31,, 6., 119, gh 38,, they are more then the Haires of my Head, and my Hart fayleth.

Be so GOOD as to deliuer mee, the law and first prophets. Est: 8.9. O ETER­NALL, O ETERNALL, help mee with Speed, psalmes. 22, 35 39,, 70,, 38. and let them be ashamed and confounded, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3.2. gh De: 3 [...]. that goe about to Shorten my Life, psalmes. 109 35, 119 gh, z and be turned back with Reproche, that would hurt mee, the law and first prophets. Ios: 8. De: 7,, 8,, let them be Stund with their Shame that SAY, ô Sir, ô Sir. psalmes. 22, 105, 35, the last proph. & the n: t: Isa: 44, That all that SEEK thee, and Love thy SALVA­TION; may be glad, and reioyce in thee, the law and first prophets. Est: 8.9. the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 1,, and SAY allwayes: Great be the ETERNALL. psalmes. 96. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 19 O my LORD, psalmes. 37, 6. think on mee that am vvre­ched and Needy, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9, thou that art my help and Rescuer, and tary not, O my GOD.

XLI. For the Cheeff: A Psalme of DAVID. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 15,,

HAPPY is hee that well considereth the Poor and Empty man, psalmes. 14 the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 18. Pr [...]: 19.14. Eccl: 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6, Lu: 5. Io: 10, 12, psalmes. 72.30 112, The ETER­NALL vvill dravv him out, in Time of Evill, the ETERNALL vvill keep him, psalmes. 91, and refresh him, and hee shall be BLES­SED in all the Land▪ psalmes. 31, 27,, the law and first prophets. Iob: 8, thou vvilt not put him in his Enimyes vvill; psalmes. 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 16. the ETERNALL vvill Souccour him, psalmes. 6, vvhen hee is vveak and feeble on his bed, & thou vvilt make his Lod­geing in his Sicknes. I SAY, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 6.32.51. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 6, 36, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6.9. have thou Pitty on mee, and heal my Soul, for I have Sinned against thee.

[Page 38]Mine Enimyes, when I am ill, SAY, when will hee dye, and his Name perish? and if he co­mes to see mee, psalmes. 144; 12; the law and first prophets. Io [...]: 16; all his TALK is COVNTER­FET; the last proph. & the n: t: Is [...]: 32;. for in his hart hee thinketh to molest him, and as soon as hee is gon out, hee telleth it abroad, the law and first prophets. Ge: 9. besides; all my Haters WHISPER against mee, psalmes. 58, 101.6.36,, and DEVISE against mee, while I am in Misery: Some discommodity oppresse him, that hee may never rise again, when hee is down.

Yea my Peaceable FREEND that I trusted, and that eat of my meat, psalmes. 101, 6.69.55 14 the law and first prophets. Ios: 8, Iob: 31, 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 38.20.14. Mt: 26.10 Lu: 22 10 Io: 13, O [...]ed: 1 A [...]: 1. Col: 3. I [...]: 5. Zeph: 2. Mt: 18, 6, Kicked at mee. But ô ETERNALL, haue thou Pitty on me, and RAISE mee again, psalmes. 119, d. and I shall acquite them. Hereby I KNOW, psalmes. 20, 18, the law and first prophets. Ex: 18. Pro: 24. thou hast pleasure in mee, For mine Enimyes doe not Triumph over mee, psalmes. 30, 13, the law and first prophets. Nu: 10. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 18 1 Cro: 29 Neh: 5,, 8,, 9,, Ezr: 7 1 C [...]o: 16. 2 1 [...]: 1. 1 K: 8; 1. 2 K: 10. Ge: 42. the last proph. & the n: t: Iam: 2. thou mainteinest mee in mine VP­RIGHTENES, psalmes. 7, 26, 63, and settest mee before thee for ever. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1: Ro: 9. Ier: 11.28. 2 Cor: 1. Blessed be the ETERNALL the GOD of Israel, psalmes. 72 106. from Everlasting to Ever­lasting; indeed and indeed.


XLII. For the Cheeff: A Mascil of the Sonnes of Corah. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 14.

AS the hunted Deer doth LONGE for wa­ter-streames: psalmes. 27: 63: the law and first prophets. Can: 5: 1 K: 4: so doth my Soule longe for thee, ô GOD. My Soule is a thirst for GOD, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 1, to com to the LIVING GOD, the law and first prophets. Ex: 23,, Ios: 3, 1 S [...]: 1.17 2 Sa: 6. De: 32,, Iob: 1.3.30; Ex: 17, 1 Sa: 1; 2 Sa: 6, 7, 12, 14, 17, 1 Cro: 13, 15, 16 I [...]d: 17. Ge: 28 1 Sa: 30 Ex: 5.12.23. Le: 23. Ex: 17. De: 16. and appeer before GOD. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 2? My Teares are all my Meat day and night, while they SAY still vnto mee, psalmes. 14? 53? 80? 79? 115? the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 7? Where is thy GOD? When I think on these things, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 8: Is: 53. Zach: 14; Mt: 26. Ez: 28, Is: 38, 17, 14, I euen power out my SOVLE for greeff for mee; psalmes. 44, Seing I went out with them, and conveyed them, and protected them, psalmes. 43. euen to the house of GOD, with great Triumph and Thanksgi­uing, and a solemne feast.

Be not abase-ed and troubled for mee, psalmes. 44, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 31, 48, Io: 12, 2 Cor: 4. Ro: 14. Mr: 14 ô my SOVLE, waite thou on GOD, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 6. for I will yet confesse the SALVATION of his presence. ô GOD, my SOVLE is abased for mee, where­for I think on thee from thee Hills of Hermon, psalmes. 68, 29, 69, the law and first prophets. Nu: 21, Ios: 1, 4, 11, 12 Iud: 1, 1 Cro: 2, 7, Ies: 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 Ge: 19, De: 34, 29. 2 Sa: 19, Ex: 13, Nu: 21, & from the Hill Mizaar in the Land of Iarden. the last proph. & the n: t: Dan: 11, Am: 4, Thy Chanells call all the Deeps together, psalmes. 38, the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 3, Ion: 2, Ier: 48, Is: 15, Mt: 13, all thy Brea­ches and Waves goe over mee. Let the ETERN: send his LOVE:-KINDNES by day, psalmes. 26, and in the nighte, psalmes. 78, 30.40? 63. the law and first prophets. De: 32. Nu: 9, Iob: 35. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30.26 Io: 1. Act: 17. let his SONG be with mee A PRAYER to the GOD of my Life.

I SAY to the Almighty, my Rock: psalmes. 18? 13? the law and first prophets. Iob: 30? E [...]: 3? the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3? z [...]sh 1 Cor: 10,, VVhy hast thou forgotten mee? vvhy goe I mourning by the oppression of the Enimye? psalmes. 35 [...] With a Slaughter in my bones doe my Besie­gers reproch mee, while thy SAYE still, psalmes. 62, the law and first prophets. De: 32? the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 2? VVhere is thy GOD? the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 31, 48,, Is: 16, Io: 12, M [...]: 26, 2 Cor: 4. Ro: 14. Be not abaseed and troubled for mee, ô my Soule, psalmes. 2? 79? 115? 27, 44. waite thou on GOD, for I vvill yet confesse him, psalmes. 5. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 6, my pre­sent SALVATION and my GOD.


psalmes. 35, 119 r. the law and first prophets. Ge: 15, I [...]d: 6, 5. P [...]: 13 2 [...], De 3, I [...]: 9. 1 S [...]: 4, 2 Sa: 1 [...], Iob: 6? E [...]: 3? the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 51, 50, La: 3. r.PLEAD thou my Quarell, ô God, & Shift mee from an vnkinde Nation, res­cue mee from deceiptfull and vniust men. ô GOD of my Strength, psalmes. 31, 28, 68, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1, Io [...]: 2, Is: 26. put not thou mee back, why goe I mourning by the oppression of the Enimy? psalmes. 35, 3 [...]?

psalmes. 119 [...]. 3 [...] [...]; [...]1 [...] the law and first prophets. Ex: 13, 26, 36, Ie: 23.34. Na: 29. De: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Io: 2,Send thy LIGHTE & thy TRVTHE to Guide and Lead mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 1; 7. and bring mee to thy Holly Hill, psalmes. 42, 15, [...]4. and into thy Tabernacles; and that I may com to the Altar of GOD; psalmes. 45 [...] to GOD the Ioy of my Mirth, psalmes. 92, 108, and Thank thee vpon the Harp, ô GOD, my GOD.

psalmes. 57, 44, 5, the law and first prophets. Ex: 20, De: 5, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 31, 5, Ez: 8, Io: 12. La: 3. z.Be not abased and troubled for mee, ô my SOVLE, vvaite thou on GOD, for I vvill yet confesse him on my present SALVA­TION and my GOD.

the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Co: 14.XLIV. For the Cheeff of the Sonnes of Corah: A Mascil.

psalmes. 78, the law and first prophets. De: 32, Iu [...]: 6.O GOD, our Eeares haue hard it, and our Fathers haue told vs, psalmes. 35. of the WORKES thou wroughtest in their dayes, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 26. and in the dayes before. Thou, vvith thy hand di­dest dispossesse the Heathen and plantedst THEM; psalmes. [...]: 78; 80 [...] psalmes. 2, 105, 135, 11 [...], 111, 118, 117. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2, Io [...]: 3, [...]ud: 1, De: 4. 2 Re [...]: 21, 1 C [...]o [...] 17. [...] Cro: [...]3.20. De: 9.32. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 7. Ier: 2. and didest deale hardly vvith the Nations, and didest setle THEM. For not by their ovvn svvord, the law and first prophets. Ios: 24, did they possesse the Land, neither did their ovvn Arme save them: the law and first prophets. Iud: 7,, but thy Righte hand and thine Arme, and the LIGHT of thy COVNTE­NANCE, psalmes. 4, 126, 85, the law and first prophets. De: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: E [...]: 20. did it; because thou didst ac­cept of them. psalmes. [...], 47, 7.71, 60 the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 29, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6. Ier: 30, O thou the same GOD, my KING, send IACOB deliuerances, that by thee wee may push down our Besiegers, the law and first prophets. De: 33, & by [Page 41] thy NAME trample vpon our Insurrectors (for I trust not in mine own bow, psalmes. 3, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 18, 1 K: 22, and mine owne sword, that they should saue mee) that when thou hast saued vs from our Besiegers, and abashed our foes: psalmes. 14, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2, Wee may Glorifye GOD dayly, and set out thy NAME for euer surely.

Yea, thou drawest back and refuseest to goe foorth with our Armyes, and shamest vs, psalmes. 60, 89, the law and first prophets. Iud: 2.3, 2 Sa: 19.21, thou make-est vs turn back from the Besieger, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 42,, so that our foes suppresse them, psalmes. 80, 89; the law and first prophets. 2 Reg: 17, Le: 26, thou hast skatered vs among the Hethen, and giuen vs among them, like sheep for their meat, psalmes. 74, 119 g h, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 24,, Iud: 2, 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 8,, thou hast sold thy people, and hast noe welth for them, the law and first prophets. De: 28, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 5, d. and art neuer the richer for their price. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 12. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 52. Mr: 27, Dan: 9, He: 9. Ioel: 2, 3, Ier: 24, Thou hast set vs a Reproche to our Neighbours, psalmes. 39, 79, 119 z, 69, and a Derision and a Mocking-stock to them round about vs, the law and first prophets. Ne: 2, Iob: 17. thou fettest vs a Byword among the Hethen, and a Beckoning among the Nations, my Sha­me is dayly before mee, psalmes. 22, 109, 69, 89, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27, Mr: 15. Ie: 3, 20, 23 51, and Bashfullnes all over my face, the law and first prophets. 2 Reg: 18, 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 36. for the VOICE of the Reproche­full and Revileing spitefull Enimye: psalmes. 8.36, Yet for all this, wee haue not forgotten thee, psalmes. 89. the law and first prophets. Iob: 31. nor been false in thy Covenant.

For all thou hast beaten vs down into the place of Dragons, psalmes. 143, the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 34, 43, Mal: 1, Is: 45:44: Mt: 23, 1 Cor: 3, and heiled vs ouer in Obscu­rity: our Minde is not gon back, nor our Steps turned out of thy pathes. psalmes. 63,, 90 80, the law and first prophets. Iob: 30: 32: 31; De: 9, 10, 17, Ex: 34, 1 K: 8,: 11,: If wee haue forgot­ten the NAME of our GOD, psalmes. 88,: 16: 143: the last proph. & the n: t: Ze: 1? and spred our palmes vnto a strange GOD: will not GOD finde it out, psalmes. 33? the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8? the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 8? Is: 53, Ier: 15, seeing hee knoweth the secrets of the hart? for, for thee are, wee dayly killed, and counted as slaine sheep. Awake and arise, ô LORD, psalmes. 35: 74: 60:. 78: 83: 121, 15, doe not sleep and draw back conti­nually: ô doe not hide thy face, forget not our misery and oppression, the law and first prophets. De: 31, 32,] 2 Sa: 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 53. when our Soule is hum­bled to the dust, psalmes. 22, 35, 119, d 42, 35.63, 102.103. and our Belly cleevs to the ground. Stand vp a HELP for vs, and redeem vs for thy LOVEING KINDENES fake.

XLV. For the Cheeff, vpon the Lillyes, or Lira, of the Sonnes of Corah: A Mascil, A Loue-song. psalmes. 69.80. the law and first prophets. 1 Reg: 7. 2 Sa: 12, Can: 6, 2. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 14.

[Page 42] psalmes. 57, MY Hart aboundeth with a good matter, and I will tell my WORKE of the King, the law and first prophets. Iob: 32. and my tonge shall be as swift as the Pen of any Scribe. Thou art fayrer then any Human vvight, the law and first prophets. Ezr: 7. the law and first prophets. Can: 4,, 7,, the last proph. & the n: t: Col: 3,, 4,, thy Lipes are povvred full of Grace, therfore thy GOD hath blessed thee for euer. Gird on thy Svvord vpon thy thigh like a valiant man, psalmes. the law and first prophets. Can: 3,, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 4, gird on thy VVorship and thine Honour. psalmes. 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 21, 22, Eph: 1, Za: 9. Zep: 2, Ap: 19. Ride thou vpon the VVord of Truth and meek Iustice, & increase thine honour: & thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. psalmes. 119 r, 65, For by thy sharp Arrovvs in the hart of the Kings Enimyes, the people shall fall dovvn vnder thee. psalmes. 120.

psalmes. 10, 89, 125.2, 4, 61, 143, 145, 146, the law and first prophets. 1 Reg: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 1,, Da: 7, Ro: 6.14. Hab: 1. Ap: 22. Mt: 23, 22,Evermore thy THRONE is GOD, and the Septer of VPRIGHTNES, is the Septer of thy KINGDOM. Thou lovest RIGHTEOVSNES, and hate-est WICKEDNES, therfor thine own GOD hath annoynted thee with the Oyle of Ioy above thy fellows. psalmes. 21, 23. the law and first prophets. Can: 3, 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 61. Lu: 4; Ez: 41, 46, The edges of all thy Garments, don with Myrrh and Aloes, psalmes. 133,, the law and first prophets. Ex: 26, out of the Ivory clo­sets of Minni doe delighte thee. the law and first prophets. 1 Re: 22. 6, Iud 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 3, Ier: 51, Io: l: 3, Ez: 27. Kings Daughters are in thy dignityes, psalmes. 37,, and at thy right hand doth stand thy Bedfellow, the law and first prophets. Ne: 2. 1 Reg: 9, 10, Ge: 2.10 8. 1 Cro: 1, 2 Cro: 8, 2 Sa: 15. 1 K: 3, 7.9, 11 Nu: 1, Iud: 14, Ge: 2, 3, (18) 1 K: 1. P [...]: 19: Iob: 11, 2 Cro: 33· 1 K: 13. 2 K: 13. Ex: 28. the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 14,, Is: 13. all in fine gold of Ophir. O Daughter hearken well, consider and turne thine Eare, and forget thy Nation and thy Fathers House: & the King shall be in Love with thy Bew­ty. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. & be thou Lowly to him (for hee is thy Lord) & the rich men of Tyre shal intreat thee with Presents. psalmes. 68.119. ch. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pe: (3.) Z [...]: 8.9.7. D [...]: 9.

The Kings Daughter is moste Glorious vvithin: the law and first prophets. 1 K: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 23, vvith her clothes of golden Imbrodery of Needlevvork, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 16, 27, shall shee be brought to the King, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 21. after her, the virgines that be her com­panions shalbe brought vnto thee; vvith ioy & Mirth shall they be brought flovving into the Kings Court. psalmes. 43. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1. In steed of thy Fathers thou shalt haue sonnes, to set Princees in all Coun­tryes. Therfore I will make thy Name a Memo­riall in all Generations, psalmes. 67. for the people to Publish & confesse thee for evermore.

XLVI. A Song for the Cheeff of the Sonnes of Corah, vpon Alamoth. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 15. 2 Cro: 20. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 33,

GOD is our stronge RELYE & ready Helpe in distresses: Therfore wee fear not, psalmes. 62: 68: 71: psalmes. 56:12, at the CHANGE of the erth: psalmes. 12, the law and first prophets. Iob: 9; the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 4,, At the mooveing of Mountaines into the midle of the Sea, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 17, Mt: 17 Apo: 6, Ie [...]: 5. Iude. Is: 57, at the Rorering and boyling of the VVaters, psalmes. 65, nor at the Shakeing of Mountaines vvith the Pride thereof Surely. psalmes. 36, 65:110, 36, 48, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 47. the last proph. & the n: t: Isa:, 12, Ap: 21.22. Io: 7. His holly chanells doe cheer the Citty of GOD, and delighterh the Dwellings of the HIGHE.

GOD is in the middest of it, psalmes. 119. [...].40, 48, the law and first prophets. Ex: 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Ze: 3, Ap: [...]2, 7 it can not be stirred, GOD will help it betimes, before the morninge springs. The Hethen raged, psalmes. 65, the law and first prophets. Iudg: 9. De: 23. and the Kingdomes weare in a commotion: psalmes. 18.68.75. Hee vttered his VOICE and the Earth melted. The warlike ET: is with vs, psalmes. 48, the law and first prophets. Iud: 6, 2 S [...]: 5, 1 K: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 7, 8, Mt: 1, [...]m: 8, Ro: 8, Lu: 20, Ap: 6. the GOD of Iacob is our RELEEF surely. Com and behold the miraculous ACTS of the ETERN: what Desolations hee hath made in the earth. psalmes. 73. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 6.

Ceasing tho wars vnto the end of the erth that Shivereth the bowes, and cutteth the speares in peeces, psalmes. 65.76. the law and first prophets. Ios: 11, 14,, De: 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 14. Za: 9. and burneth the chariots ìn the fire. Hold your handes & know, psalmes. 37. that I am GOD and will be exalted in all Nations of the worlde: the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 24, The war­like ETERNALL is with vs, psalmes. 1241, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 7, 8, Ro: 8. Mt: 1. Lu: 20. Am: 8. the GOD of Ia­cob is our RELEEFF surely.

XLVII. A Psalm for the Cheeff, of the Sonnes of Corah. the law and first prophets. 2 C [...]o: 20.

ALL people, clap your handes, psalmes. 81, 100,, the law and first prophets. Nu: 10,, triumph vnto GOD with a loude voice, for the ETERN: the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 13, 14, 15 is a dread SOVERAIGNE, psalmes. 24.89, 97, 18, 100. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 11. and a great KINGE over all the earth. the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 14. Hee hath subdued Diverse people vnder vs, and Nations vnder our feet, psalmes. 144.68,, 78,.136,, 117. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 5. and chose vs our INHERI­TANCE the very Pride of Iacob surely. the law and first prophets. Do: 6.

GOD the ET: psalmes. the law and first prophets. Nu: 10. I [...]: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 24, 1 Cor: 15. 1 [...]h: 4. Ep: 4.5. Col: 3. is gon vp with the shrill sound of the Trumpet. ô sing Psalmes to GOD, ô sing Psalmes to our KING, because GOD is KING of all the Earth; sing a MASCIL Palme. psalmes. 74;

GOD SITTETH vpon his holly Throne, psalmes. 5, 44, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 29, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6, Lu: 11, and Raigneeth over the Heathen, the Principall people are gathered together, psalmes. 10, 22 83.103, 113, 118.59:84:89:105:115:97.137.147 148.149. the law and first prophets. Iud: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1 [...]: 20 [...] but because the DEFENSES of the earth are GODES: the law and first prophets. Ex: 2:3:5: the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 22. Ro: 4. The People of Abrahams GOD is much preferred. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 18. G [...]: 15.

the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 20.XLVIII. A Psalm-Song by the Sonnes of Corah.

psalmes. 18, 46, 95. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16,GREAT is the ETERNALL in the CITTY of our GOD, psalmes. 76, 96, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9, Ez: 40, 48. Mt: 5. & his Holly HILL very renowmed, Mount Sion, the Citty of the great KING, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8, 9, 2 Cro: 5. on the North side, stan­ding faire and lofty, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2, s. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 25 27. the Ioy of all the earth. GOD is certainly her DEFENSE in her Bat­telments. psalmes. 46. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 16. For, behold, VVhen Kings vvere assembled, psalmes. 2 [...], the law and first prophets. Ios: 6, 2 [...]ro: 9, Nu: 14,, De: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 4,, b. Isa: 23, Ioe [...]: 4, Isa: 3 [...], 2, Act: 11 2.22.7 they passed by at once, vvhen they Savv, psalmes. 5 [...]. they mervilled, they vver terrifyed and astonied, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 14, 6, Lu: 14, M [...]: 6, Ie [...]: 49, 50, Ez: 26.27.38. Io [...]: 1. I: 23.27. Ier: A [...]: 9, 11.21.27. ther a trembling took them, and a Paine as of a vvoman in travaile of child, vvith an East vvinde thou brakest the Ships of TarShish. psalmes. 72, the law and first prophets. De: 2 Nu: 24, 1 K: 10 22, Ex: 14.15, Ca [...]: 5. [...]e: 10. 1 [...]r [...]: 1. 1 C [...]o: 8.9.20.

the law and first prophets. 1 K: 11. Iob: 21.22.27According as, wee have heard and SEEN in the Citty of our GOD the warlike ETER­NALL, GOD will establish it for ever surely: Wee think thy LOVEING KINDNES is with in thy Temple. psalmes. 87:56, 40, 46, the law and first prophets. Nu: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Z [...]: 3, Ap: 22, 7, I [...]: 1, ô GOD thy NAME and thy PRAYSE is over the endes of the worlde, psalmes. 113. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 10, the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 3, [...] Thess: 1, for thy Righte hand is full of IVSTICE. psalmes. 97. Let Mount Sion reioyce, and all the Townes of Iu­dah be glad for thy JVDGEMENTS. psalmes. 119.9.

the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 41.Goe round about Sion, and compasse it, and tell her Towers, psalmes. 62.122, the law and first prophets. Iob: 7.. think vpon her Trenches, con­sider her Platformes, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 16, 21, P [...]o: 18, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2, [...], that you may tell it to ano­ther Generation, for this shall be our ONELY GOD for evermore, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 1. Hee hath brought vs over Death. psalmes. 9.68.

the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 20.XLIX. For the Cheeff: of the Sonnes of Corah, A Psalme.

HEARKEN hither, all yee Nations, and hear this, the law and first prophets. Iob: 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 2: all yee that inhabit the Continent, E­very Human wighte aswell rich as poore: psalmes. 39: 62: 8 [...], my mouth shall speak WISDOM, and my hart think of VNDERSTANDING, psalmes. 37. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 13,, I will turn [Page 45] mine eares to a PARABLE, psalmes. 40 and open my RIDLE vpon the Harp. psalmes. 78. the law and first prophets. Iob: 5, 18, 13, 14: Pro: 5: VVhy should I FEAR in dayes of Misery, psalmes. 37, 94, 107, 112, 36.37? 89? 40? 39? 62? 52? vvhen the Iniquity of my heeles is round about mee? Men trust in their vvelth, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 16? and glory in their great riches. psalmes. 65,▪ the law and first prophets. Leu: 27? no man shall redeeme his Bro­ther, nor giue a price to God for him, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 12, Ex: 13, 21 30, Nu: (3) (18,) 2 K: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 10, M [...]: 8, (the Redemption of their liues is so deer) that hee should stay for ever, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 17, and liue continually and and not see the Pitt. Hee see-eth, psalmes. 16,.89,. the law and first prophets. Iob: 9:4 36, E [...]cl: 2:3: the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 1: that VVise­men dye, and that Bruteish Sots doe perish together: and leave their vvelth to others. psalmes. 73.,, 92.,, 94.,,

They think theire Houses shall indure for ever, psalmes. 5, the law and first prophets. Iob: 21. and their Dvvellings for all Gene­rations, the law and first prophets. Ies: 14: De: 3: Ge: 4, 17, Iob: 36:14:, 18, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 12: and call them by their Names vpon their Landes: the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 12: but Man lodge-eth not in Honour, and is ouercom like vnto Dumb Beastes. psalmes. 37.31. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 15. Hos: 4.13. This their VVAY is a Sottery to them, and they that com after them vvill vvellcom it vvith their mouthes Surely. psalmes. 73, 92, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 15. They shall lye like Sheep in the Pitt, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 17. Pro: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 6.2. Death shall devoure them, & straightvvay they shall haue Dominion over them: psalmes. 37. And the Pitt shall vveare out their shape as soone as they be from their dvvelling house, in it. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8, 18. 1 Cro: 17. 2 Cro: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 25.63. But GOD vvill redeem my life from the Brinck of hell, because hee hath accepted mee surely. psalmes. the law and first prophets. Iob: 19.33. De: 30. Oc: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 13, 14. 2 Cro: 6.

FEARE not, when a man goeth rich, psalmes. 37,, the last proph. & the n: t: Iob: 27. [...]1. and the Glory of his house groweth great; for hee shall take nothing in his death; the law and first prophets. Eccl: 5:6: De: 29. nor shall his Glory descend after him. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 6.16. Ap: 18. Ie [...]: 22. Because hee made much of himselfe in his Life; and men did set thee out, because it went well with thee: psalmes. 37, 109, the law and first prophets. Leu: 22: Iob: 34:27. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 14, 5, thou shallt enter into the Genera­tion of his Fathers, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 18, that Never shall see Lighte more, till Everlasting. Men in Honour vvithout VNDERSTANDING: psalmes. 73.32.92, 37.31. perish like vnto dumbe Beastes, and there is noe talk of them. the law and first prophets. Iob: 35. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 4. Is: 15,

the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 25.16.15.L. A Psalm of Asaph.

psalmes. 94,.95. THE most mighty GOD, the ETERNALL hath SPOKEN and called, the law and first prophets. De: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 27, 28, the world from the East even to the West, psalmes. 113, 48, from moste faire Sion hee hath made to SHINE that our GOD will com & not linger, psalmes. 80, 35, 21, 29, the law and first prophets. Ex: 19, 24, De: 4, 9,, 33, I [...]b: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2, d L [...]: 3. Mt: 24, 1 Tim: 4, 1 Cor: 15, Heb: 12, Is: 30, 66, Ie [...]: 23, Ioel: 2, Obad: Da: 2. Ier: 21. Heb: 10, with a consumeing Fire before him, & a horrible Scorching round about him. Hee will CALL vnto the Heaven aboue, & the Erth to IVDGE his People. psalmes. 97, 98, 7, 9, 96. the law and first prophets. D [...]: 31, 32, 30, Gather to mee, ô my Sain­tes, doing my Covenant vvith Sacrifice, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 2, for surely GOD himself is IVDGE, psalmes. 75, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 18. and the Heavens shall tell his IVSTICE. psalmes. 19 97.

Hear, ô my People Israel, and I thy very GOD vvill SPEAKE & protest of thee, psalmes. 81, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 8,, De: 4,, 30,, 31 the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 17, I approove thee not for thy Sacrifices, psalmes. 38,, 40,. the law and first prophets. Leu: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 6, A [...]: 5, nor thy burnt offrings vvhich are perpetually before mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 1, 56, I vvill none of the Bullocks of thy House, psalmes. 51, nor of the Male goates of thy Folds, for every Forest of Catell is mine, psalmes. 79. the law and first prophets. Iob: 38, 39, Nu: 2. and all the Beastes in a thousand Hills. the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]l: [...]1. I knovv all the Foule of the Hills, and the vvilde Beastes of the Feeld are vvith mee. the law and first prophets. Ex: 9, 19, D [...]: 10, 19, If I be hungry I vvill not tell thee, for the vvhole Chaos is mine, psalmes. the law and first prophets. Ios: 3, Io [...]: 20.38.41. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 10. & all the Implements thereof. VVhat? Doe I eat Bulls flesh or drink the blood of Hee-goates? the law and first prophets. Leu: 7 [...] the last proph. & the n: t: He: 13, Sacrifice to GOD Thanks­giveing, psalmes. 4, 56, psalmes. 69, 80, the law and first prophets. Iob: 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 9, and to the moste Highe Soveraigne paye thy Vovves, the law and first prophets. Ec [...]l: 5, if thou CALL vpon mee, J release thee in time of Distresse, psalmes. 91, 107, 81.86, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 12, 13. and thou shalt glorifie mee. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2.

And to the Wicked GOD SAYED, What hast thou to doe, psalmes. 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 9,. to declare mine ordinance, takeing my Covenant in thy mouth, psalmes. 18 [...] seeing thou hate-est correction, psalmes. 165; 6? 141 [...] the law and first prophets. Ne: 9? Ex: 20? P [...]o: 1? the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 5? and castest my COMMANDE­MENTS behinde thee? If thou see-est a Theeff and runnest with him, the law and first prophets. Iob: 24. and hast thy Part with [Page 47] Adulterers, thou settest thy mouth on Evill, the law and first prophets. Pro: 16, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Co [...]: 6, Eph: [...], Ap: 21 1 T [...]: 1, and with thy Tonge dost plot Deceipt, psalmes. 34? 51? thou sittest and speakest against thy Brother, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 13,, and slaunderest thine owne Mothers sonne? These things thou doest, psalmes. 35,,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 15? & because I hold my peace, psalmes. 48,, thou imaginest that I am as thou art, I vvill reproove thee, and reckon with thee to thy face. I praye vnderstand THIS, psalmes. 7, the law and first prophets. Iob: 23. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Thess: 1. all yee that think not on GOD: psalmes. 100,. 107 116., the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 5. Lest J consume you, and ther be none to deliver you. the law and first prophets. Leu: 7,, the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: 9, Hee that sacrificeeth Thanksgiving, psalmes. 69, 91, the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 1, G [...]: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 12, 13, 17,. doth Glorifie mee, and J vvill putt him in the VVAYE, psalmes. 85, and shevv him the SALVATION of GOD. the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 6, Act: 16. Lu: 5.

LI. For the Cheeff, A Psalme of David: When Nathan the Prophet came to him, as hee went in vnto Bath Shebah. the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 12:

HAVE pitty on mee, ô GOD, according to thy LOVEING KINDENES, psalmes. 69, 119, [...]. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 21, 2 [...]: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 1, Da: 9, and according to thy great MERCYES wipe away my Trespasses, wash mee well from mine iniquity, & make mee clean from all my Sinne, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 21, P [...]o: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 43, 44, Ie [...]: [...]3. for I know my Trespasses, psalmes. 119 b. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 59. and my Sinnes are ever before mee. Towards thee onely haue I sinned, psalmes. 37. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Ze: 1, Is: 43, 27. Da: 9, 11. and thee onely have I displeaseed that all that thou SPEAKE-EST and JVDGE-EST may be right and cleer. Behold, the law and first prophets. Ge: 25, Io [...]: 9, 12, 38, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 3. [...]: 43. in Iniquity vvas J born, & in Sinn, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 12, I [...]: 9, I [...]: 48. my Mother concei­ued mee. Loe, psalmes. 16.119 s. thou delightest in the TRVTHE of the Loynes, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 2. therefore teache mee the WIS­DOM that is moste inward.

Purge mee with Isop that I may be clean, the law and first prophets. Leu: 14, [...]: 9, I [...]b: 9, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8, wash mee that I may be whiteer then Snow, psalmes. 25,. 35, 116,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 3, b. let mee heare some ioye & gladnes, that the bones that thou hast broke-en, may reioyce. ô hide thy face from my Sinnes, and wipe away all mine Iniquityes, make mee a clean Hart, ô GOD, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 21, 2 [...]ro: 17,. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 12. Lu: 11 I [...]: 18,, 36,, and renew a perfect Minde within mee. ô cast mee not away from thy Presence, nor take thou thy holly Spirit from mee. the last proph. & the n: t: R: 1, Bring mee the Ioy of thy SALVATION, And with thy free Spirit vphold mee: that I may teach Trespassers thy WAYES, psalmes. 25, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 30, the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]l: 2, Da: 12, & Sinners how to com vnto thee.

[Page 48] psalmes. 18,O GOD, O GOD of my SALVATION, deliver mee from blood, that my Tonge may sounde out thy RIGHTEOVSNES. psalmes. 35. ô LORD open my Lips, the law and first prophets. 2 S: 11,, that my Mouth may tell out thy PRAYSE. psalmes. 109, 71, For thou hast noe De­lighte in Sacrifice, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 10. & Offering thou wilt none if I would giue it. psalmes. 40, 50, the law and first prophets. Iob: 16. The SACRIFICES of GOD are a Contrite Spirit, GOD setteth by a broken and an afflicted hart. psalmes. 4,, 34,, ô mend vp Sion in thy favour, psalmes. 147. 50,, 69,, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 58, and build vp the Walles of Ieru­salem, the law and first prophets. Le: 6. that then they may offer vp Bullocks vpon thine Altar, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 7. De: 13. Leu: 6. and thou mayest delighte in righte Sacrifices, psalmes. 4, and in perfect offerings.

psalmes. 27.34, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 1 Cro: 24.LII. For the Cheeff: A Mascil of David: How Doeg the Edomite told Saul, and sayd to him, Da­vid is com to Abimeleks House.

WHY dost thou allwayes glory in MI­SCHEEFF, psalmes. 10, 28. the law and first prophets. P [...]o: 25, Leu: 20. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 9, and in the DBTESTA­TION of the Almigthy, the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 2: 1 Ti: 6, ô Stout-man? Thou vvorkeest Greeff vvith thy tonge, like a keen rasor, psalmes. 38, 55, 57, doeing Deceipt. Thou lovest Naugh­tynes better then Goodnes, psalmes. 50., 101, the law and first prophets. Pro: 14. to speake false, rather then righte Surely. psalmes. 34, 35,

the law and first prophets. Iob: 19,. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 1,, Thou lovest all devouring talke, O deceiptfull Tonge. psalmes. 58,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 12, 45, 24, Even so, GOD shall throw thee down for ever, the law and first prophets. Pro: 15, prostrate thee, and pull thee out of thy Tent, the law and first prophets. Iob: 31; the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 15: and root thee out of the world for ever Surely; psalmes. 27. and the RIGHTEOVS shall see it and Feare, psalmes. 2.34, 40, and LAVGHE vpon him. psalmes. 119 I.

psalmes. 37. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15, Loe this is the Stout man that put not GOD his Confidence, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 12. Ie [...]: 9, M [...]: 10. and trusted in his great Riches, and had confidence in his Substance. psalmes. 39 49, 62. the law and first prophets. Eccl: 5. But I like a green olive-tree in the House of GOD, psalmes. 92. will trust in the LOVEING KINDENES of GOD evermore. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 14. Ro: 11. I will thank thee for ever, for that thou hast don, and because thy NAME is good: psalmes. 39,, [...]4,, I will tary in presence of thy Saintes for ever.

LIII. For the Cheeff ouer the Chore: A Mas­cil of DAVID.

THE Ignorant fool THINKETH in his minde ther is no GOD: psalmes. 5, 14, 37, 74, 10, 36, 39, the law and first prophets. Iob: 30, Iud: 19, 20, 1 S [...]: 25, Leu: 18, 20, Pro: 30, 2 Cro: 1, Ge: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 31, They doe all man­ner of abominable filthly vvrong, the last proph. & the n: t: Ze: 3, Ro: 3, and none doth good. psalmes. 33· 54., the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 5., GOD looked out of Heaven vpon all Human men, to see vvhether ther vvere any DISCREET man seeking after GOD: and all vver gon back, psalmes. 29,. the law and first prophets. Iob: 35, Ez: 14, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: [...]. and all becom stinking Reprobats together, none doeing good, noe not one.

Doe not the workers of Greeff know, psalmes. 41, 69, 147, 27.79.1 [...]5. the law and first prophets. De: 7, the last proph. & the n: t: Me: 3, Ier: 10, 1 Pet: 3 they eat vp my People like meat, the law and first prophets. Iob: 3. Ge: 31. vvhen they CALL not vpon GOD? psalmes. 64,, Where they feare a FEARE, ther is no feare, psalmes. 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 37, Is: 29, because GOD hath dispersed the bones of thy besieger; psalmes. 141, 140. the law and first prophets. Pro: 28,, thou make-est them abashed, as if GOD had cast them off.

GOD graunt that Iacob may be once glad, psalmes. the law and first prophets. Ez [...]: 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Zep: [...], [...]s: 52. Ier: 32.33.46. and Israel REIOYCE out of Sion the SAL­VATION of Israel, the law and first prophets. D [...]: 30. when GOD shall bring again the captivity of his People.

LIV. For the Cheeff in Song, A Mascil of David. VVhen the Zipps SAYDE to Saul: David is hid vvith vs. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 6. 1 Sa: 23, 26. Ios: 15. 1 Cro: 2.4.

SAVE mee and Cleer mee, ô GOD, psalmes. 36, 68, 135. the law and first prophets. Iob: 36, 1 S [...]: 18, 2 K: 13, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 3, 4, by thy victorious NAME, ô GOD, heare my PRAYER, psalmes. 30,, and hearken to the WORDES of my Mouth, psalmes. 35, 144, 10, 87, 36. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 28, Is: 29, for cruell Enimyes are risen a­gainst mee, and seek my life, that put not GOD before them surely.

Behold, psalmes. 118: the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 12. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Tim: 4 [...] let my LORD GOD that is my HELPER, and is vvith them that vp­hold my Life: psalmes. 94.101. bring the Evill to my Tor­mentors, [Page 50] and by thy TRVTHE dissolue them. the law and first prophets. Iob: 6.

psalmes. 7:52:83:20:143, the law and first prophets. Leu: 7, Ex: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Phil: 2,▪ 2 Co [...]: 12. That I may freely Sacrifice vnto thee, & set out the GOODNES of thy NAME, ô ETERNALL, that hath delivered mee out of all DISTRESSE: that mine eyes may look vpon mine Enimyes. psalmes. 56.59.9 [...].112.118.

psalmes. 4.6.54. the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 3.LV. For the Cheeff in Song Musicque, A Mascil of DAVID.

psalmes. 1 [...] the law and first prophets. Leu: 20., HEARE my PRAYER, ô GOD, and con­ceale not thy selfe f [...]om my pittifull SVP­PLICATION, psalmes. 6, listen to mee and consider mee, that am setled in my Complainte and CRYE out, psalmes. 64. the law and first prophets. Ge: 27, the last proph. & the n: t: Iam: 3,▪ for the vrgeing Talk of the wicked Enimye, psalmes. 66, which Attempt to Anger, the law and first prophets. Ge: 49, Iob: 16.30. the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 3. M [...]: 5. and Greeve mee. My Hart is in paine within mee, psalmes. 56,, 77,, 140., the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3, 8. the Threatnings of death are fa [...]len vpon mee, psalmes. 95.2. feare, and Trem­bling is within mee, and Terror doth overhelle mee. psalmes. 18.34. the law and first prophets. Iob: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 21. And I SAYED: J would J had winges like a Dove, psalmes. [...]3 [...],▪ the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 12, that I might flye and have Rest; be­holde, I would remoove farre off, and Lodge in the Wildernes, psalmes. 11. Surely. J would soon escape from the Tempestuous Whirlewinde. psalmes. 69, the law and first prophets. Ge: 10... the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 10,,, 12,,, Lu: 12... O LORD, diuide their Tonges, the law and first prophets. Nu: 16,, and Devoure them for the INIVRY and CONTENTION which I see in the Citty. psalmes. [...]. the law and first prophets. Iob: 19.

psalmes. 5 [...], the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 6..Day and Night they goe aboute it vpon the VValles thereof, and Sorrovv and PAINE is vvithin it, Ther is a miserable CALAMITY with in it: psalmes. 5:10:1▪5▪ the law and first prophets. Ex: 33. Iud: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 3. Ze: 1. DECEIPT and GVILE dravve not out of the streets. For, it was not an Enimye that defameed mee, that J should beare it, nor my Foe that hated mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Ze: 2,, that made Much a doe against mee, the law and first prophets. Ex: 40:,, that J might be hid from him: but thou, a wrech of mine owne Ranck, psalmes. 3 [...].48.69.78. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 26: Lu: 21 Mic: 7.▪ my wonted Companion and my familiar Acquaintance; the law and first prophets. 2 K: 10▪ P [...]o: 16▪ wee went in Com­pany into the House of GOD, psalmes. [...]. [...]4. and took sweet Counsell together. psalmes. 49·,,, the law and first prophets. Iob: [...]., 10., Let Him put Death vpon them, [Page 51] and let them goe dovvn to Hell aliue, psalmes. 106,, the law and first prophets. Nu: 16. for MICHEEFFS are in the midle of their Dvvelling Houses. psalmes. 74. the law and first prophets. De: 31. psalmes. 57.. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 13. 2 Sa: 24. I CALL vnto GOD the ETERNALL to SAVE mee.

Euening and Morning, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 1, 3. and at Noon doe I Complaine and Cry out, psalmes. 39, 77, that hee vvill hear my VOICE, the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2, I [...]: 16. & by PEACE ransome my Life from the vvarr, vvhich J haue vvith many that are vvith mee. psalmes. 38, 64,. The AL­MIGHTY GOD hear and ansvver them, psalmes. 22.119 [...]. and Hee that Jnhabiteth their presence Surely. They haue noe Changes, psalmes. 73, 90, 10 [...], the law and first prophets. Iob: 10, 14, 17; De: [...]1, and they Feare not GOD. Hee giues his hand vvith his Freend in League, psalmes. 15, 89, 7, 5, 12, 36, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 18. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 1, 2 [...]: 3, Is: 19. M [...]: 7. and breaks his coue­nant, the vvordes of his Mouth are smoo­ther then Butter, his Hart being all vvarr, psalmes. 52,, 57, they are Softer then Oyle, yet, are they naked Svvordes. psalmes. 37, 112, 121. Cast thy Prouidence vpon the ETERN: and hee vvill content thee. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 23, 1 Pe: 5. Mt: 6, Lu: 10.1 [...]. 1 Co [...]: 7. Phi: 4, And I doe TRVST in thee. O GOD, psalmes. 35, 34, the law and first prophets. Ge: 45. bring THEM dovvn to the Pitt of Cor­ruption, and let not Murtherers, psalmes. 56.59. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 12. Iob: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30. and Trea­cherours men atteine to halfe their Time.

LVI. For the Cheeff vpon Ionath-elem, of the Forei­ners: A Mictam of David: When the Phelisti­nes had hold on him in Gath. psalmes. 65, 73, psalmes. 14.53.

HAVE Pitty on mee, ô GOD, psalmes. 57,. 119 Is. 27, 109. the law and first prophets. Iob: 7,,, for Man devoureth mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Gal: 5. dayly fighteing to oppresse mee: my Tormentors gape dayly, psalmes. 3.35.103, they being ex­ceeding many, that fight against mee. When I was afraid, I put my TRVST in thee: the law and first prophets. De: 30,. in -- GOD (I praise his WORDE) in GOD I put my TRVST, psalmes. (107) the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: (1) psalmes. 46.118. the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 10. I feare not what flesh shall doe vnto mee. They are much mooved dayly, psalmes. 94, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 18;, because of mee, for mee, all their DEVISES are for MI­CHEEFF. psalmes. 4 [...], 140. the last proph. & the n: t: Lo: 3 sh.

[Page 52] psalmes. 17,, 27,, 59. the law and first prophets. Ioh: 7,, Nu: Ge: 3. They lye in vvaite and lurk in secret, and ob­serve my steps, psalmes. 49. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 51. as looking for my Life. O GOD, put them, psalmes. 107.11 55.77. to flight for their MOLESTATION, and in thine Anger overthrow the Nations. Counte my REMOOVINGS, the law and first prophets. Nu: 33? the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 11▪ ô GOD, and put my TEARES in they Botle, psalmes. 119 [...]. 48.114. Be they not in thy reckoning? THEN, when mine Enimyes turne back when I call, the law and first prophets. Ge: 3,, Can: 2, then, this I know that GOD is with mee.

In GOD (I PRAYSE his WORDE) in the ETERNALL ( J PRAYSE his WORD) in GOD I put my TRVST, psalmes. 94; the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 1, Act: 13, the law and first prophets. De: 30, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 10, I feare not what man shall doe vnto mee. psalmes. 27 50, 118.107. I will pay thee Thanke-Offrings, ô GOD, and thy Vowes that I haue made thee, psalmes. 116, 140, the law and first prophets. Eccl: 5, Nu: 30, De: 23, because thou hast delivered my per­son from Death, and my feet from scatering, to walke before GOD in the LIVEING LIGHT. psalmes. 35, 116, 119 n. the law and first prophets. Iob: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 13, Lu: 16 Ioh: Da: 12.

psalmes. 78 r 105.242.16 56, 58, 59, 60. the law and first prophets. De: 9, Ge: 18. 1 Sa: 21.22, 24.26. 2 Sa: 23, 1 Cro: 11.12. 2 Cro: 35. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 7, 8.9. 1 Cor: 14. Is: 65,LVII. For the Cheeff: DESTROYE NOT: A MICTAM, of David, vpon his flyeing from Saul into the Cave.

HAVE Pitty on mee, ô GOD, for on thee doth my SOVLE rely, psalmes. 36,,, and in the shadow of thy winges, the law and first prophets. Iob: 19. De: 32, I wholely RELYE till CALA­MITY be past, psalmes. 6, 38, 52, 91, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 23, Is: 26, I CALL vnto GOD my SO­VERAIGNE, the ALMIGHTY that doth all for mee. psalmes. 12.54, 138.91.42, 43.63, 61, 108, the law and first prophets. Ex: 13, 16, De: 8, 1, 2 Sa: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 1, That hee vvould send his LO­VEING KINDENES and his TRVTHE from Heauen, and saue mee from the Reproche of my Devourer Surely. psalmes. 56.119 p. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 4.11. Heb: 4. 1 Pet: 1.

psalmes. 34, 35, 58, the law and first prophets. P [...]o: 30,, the last proph. & the n: t: Dan: 6, My Soule is among Lions, I lye among inflamed Lions, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 9. 1 Ti: 4, men vvhose teeth are spea­res and arrovves, psalmes. 21,, 52,, 55, and their tonges sharp svvordes. psalmes., 108, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2, O GOD, be thou extolled aboue the Heavens, and thy GLORY over all the Earth. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 11, When they set Nets for my feet, hee clip­ped my SOVLE, psalmes. 9,, 140. they haue digged Pittes before mee, psalmes. 7, 35. the law and first prophets. Ec [...]l: 10▪ and they are fallen in the midle of them Surely.

[Page 53]My Hart is ready, ô GOD, psalmes. 86.,, 108.,, the law and first prophets. Ge: 49,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 26,, my Hart is ready to SING PSALMES, psalmes. 3, 22, 92. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 16.. I will vp betime with my GLORY, my Lute, and my Harp▪ psalmes. 16, 27,,, and thank thee, ô LORD, among the people, and LAVDE thee among the Nations. For the GREAT­NES of thy LOVING-KINDENES to the Heavens, and thy TRVTHE even to the clou­des. psalmes. 36.108, the law and first prophets. E [...]: 13, 16, De: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 1, Be thou extolled, O GOD, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2. aboue the Hea­vens, and thy GLORY over all the Earth. psalmes. 81,. 21., 113.

LVIII. For the Cheeff: DESTROYE not, A Mictam of DAVID. psalmes. 78, 105.75, the law and first prophets. De: 9. Ge: 18. Io [...]: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 7, 8, 9. 1 Cor: 14.

WHAT indeed, psalmes. 4,?? 82??? the law and first prophets. Ge: 18,., De: 1?? 25?? Le: 19? the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 7,, will yee never speak the TRVTHE? the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 75? will ye never IVDGE RIGHT, ô Human men? and will you still in your heartes work wrong, and in the world, psalmes. 64? the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 7. weigh INIVSTICE with your handes? The WICKED stray, even from the bearing, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 45? Is: 48? Ioh: 8? 1 Ioh: 3. and ERR as sonn as they be out of the wombe, Speakeing FALSLY. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 6.

Their Burning is like the Stinging of a Serpent, psalmes. 91, 140, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 12,, 23,, like the Stinging of a deaff Adder, psalmes. 41,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 8. that hath his eares stopped, and cannot be charmed by the wiseest Coniurer. O GOD, psalmes. 3.? the law and first prophets. Eccl: 10. De: 18. Iob: 4. break their Teeth in their mouthes, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 3. Ioe [...]: 1,. and dash the lawes of the Lions whelps in pecce-es, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 35, 52, 57, psalmes. 64, that the Arrowes that hee draweth may be shunned, that they may goe like water and be broke-en. psalmes. 37.90.

Let him goe like a melting Snaile, like the falling of a Woman, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 1. Eccl: 6. [...]ob: 3: the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 24.21. let them never see the Sunne. Before your pots feele the Briars: psalmes. 2. let his owne Choler burn him like raw flesh. the law and first prophets. Iud: 9: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 26: That the JVST MAN may REIOYCE, psalmes. 21.50. the law and first prophets. Leu: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 11. Hol: 7. Act: 28. because he hath seen a revenge, psalmes. 79. the law and first prophets. Iob: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 10, 1 Ti: 5. Mt: 13; 1 [...]: 2, Iam: 3, 1 Cor: 6.7.8. Io: 10, 16 Act: 14. Ez 9.8 Ro: 2. and washed his feet in the blood of the WICKED. psalmes. 68.94. And that men may SAYE; Certainly ther is fruite of IVSTICE, psalmes. 75. the law and first prophets. Pro: 11, cer­tainly ther are Godes Judgeing in the Erth. psalmes. 94. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 17.27. Iud [...]: 11.

LIX. For the Cheeff: DESTROYE not, a Mictam of David: When Saul sent and wached the House, to kill him. psalmes. 78, 105, 75.57.58. the law and first prophets. De: 9, 20, Ge: 18, 1 Sa: 19, 26, 2 Sa: 24, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 14. Apo: 7, 8, 9,

[Page 54] psalmes. 3, 17,DELIVER mee, ô GOD, from mine E­nimyes, and FREE mee from mine Insur­rectours, psalmes. 5, the law and first prophets. Pro: 1. deliuer mee from MOLESTORS, and save mee from BLOODY men. For loe, Mighty ones lye in vvaite for my Life, psalmes. 56, the law and first prophets. Iob: 16.33.34 2 Sa: 20,, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pet: 5, and Lurk for mee, vvithout any Trespasse or Offence of mine, ô ETERNALL, for noe Iniquity they runn and Prepare them selues against mee. ô, VP at my Calling and Beholde, and thou, ô ETERNALL, GOD of the Hostes of Israel, AWAKE to com visit all the Paganes. psalmes. 69, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 7,, And haue Pitty on none that revolue sorrow and MOLESTATION surely. psalmes. 25.

the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 6,, Ze: 3.Let them goe yelling, at night like Doges about the Citty, psalmes. 55,, 52,, 37. beholde, Swordes are within their Lips, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 3. and they vtter with their mouthes, as if none doth hear them. psalmes. 19,, 57,, 64., And thou, ô ETERN: LAVGHEST at all the Paganes and deride-est them. psalmes. 2.21.68. the law and first prophets. Pro: 1.10. the last proph. & the n: t: Io:· 17.1. because GOD hath been my RELEEFF, I will keep them whose STRENTH is in thee, psalmes. 16,, 28, 29, 62, 118.144, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 11., 2 Sa: 22. the last proph. & the n: t: Lam: 3, a that my people forget not, O kill them not. let the GOD of my LOV-KINDENES set mee present, and let GOD make mee look vpon my TOR­MENTOVRS. psalmes. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 23. ô LORD, our DEFENSE, shake them by thy POWER & debase them, & let them be takē in all their PRIDE, psalmes. 47. The Sinfull WORDES of their Lips, psalmes. 109. the law and first prophets. Pro. 18. the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 4.3. and of their Mouthes.

They SPEAKE nothing but Othes and Falshood, psalmes. 10, destroy thē with their CHAFEING, make an end of them, psalmes. 37,, that they never be no more, that they may KNOWE that GOD ru­leeth in Jacob, psalmes. 22. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 20. 1 Cro: 29. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6. and to the Ends of the Erth Sure­ly. And let them goe yelling at Night, like Doges about the Citty, psalmes. 55,. let them goe vp and down for meat, psalmes. 37,. the law and first prophets. Ex: 16, and goe murmuring to their Lodgeing for want of their FILL: psalmes. 34. and I will SING and sound out thy STRENGTH, & thy LOVING KINDENES betimes in the morning, psalmes. 30. the law and first prophets. Pro: 10. the last proph. & the n: t: I: 1.17, for being mine RELEEFF & REFVGE in time of my Destresse. psalmes. 18 ô my STRENGTH, to thee will I SING Psalmes, because the GOD of my LO: KINDENES hath been mine RELEEFF. psalmes. 8.16.

LX. For the Maister vpon SHVSHAN EDHVTH, A lerned Mictam of David, vpon his Skirmish vvith Aaram Naharim, and Aram Zo­bah: VVhen Ioab returned, and slevv tvvelv thousand Edomites in the Vally of Melach. psalmes. 45, 80, 81, 122, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 18, 1 K: 7, De: 31. Nu: 17, 26, 2 Sa: 8, 10, 14, 21, Ex: 26. 2 Cro: 23, 24. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 41. the law and first prophets. Ge: 3, 5, 22, 24, 25, 1 K: 11, Leu: 23, Iud: 3, 2 Cro: 22: De: 23:25? the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 17, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 11. 2 K: 14.16. Ios: 12.

O GOD, thou that hast been angry, & bro­ke-en vs, and giuen vs REPVLSE; psalmes. 44, 108, 89,, 23, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 29,,, turn again vnto vs. Thou that hast made the Earth to quake and gape; that it foundereth and slip­peth: psalmes. 41:107: the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 30:36: the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 3: Ier: 19.50.51. ô heale the Breaches thereof. Thou that hast shewed thy People Hardnes, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 8,: 9,: and giuen vs drink, of wine of Astonishment: the law and first prophets. Nu: 26, 2 Sa: 21. 1 Sa: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 51: Za: 12: Am: 9. and hast made them that fear thee, remoove their Stan­dard and fly, because of thy TRVTHE, surely: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 10.11. Io: 1.17. ô consider mee and help with thy Right hand, that thy Beloved ones may be released.

GOD SPAKE in his Sanctuary (I was glad) I vvill diuide Shechem, psalmes. 108. psalmes. 42. the law and first prophets. Ios: 13. Ge: 33.34, 1 K: 12, 2 Sa: 2, 8, 1 Cro: 7.5, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 17, 18, 2 [...], 32, H [...]: 3., and meat out the vale of Succoth, Giliad shall be mine, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 T [...]: 2. and Manasse shall be mine, the law and first prophets. Iob: 19. I [...]: 1.5. Ge: 19. 1 C [...]o: 5. Ios: Ruth: [...], the last proph. & the n: t: Obad: Ez: 25. I [...]: 33. Lam: 4, A [...]: 9: Ephraim shall be my Cheeff Confirmation, Iudah shall be my Lavvier, & Moab my vvashing pot, psalmes. 71,, vpon Edom vvill I cast off my Shooes, psalmes. 65. the law and first prophets. Ex: 3. Pro: 18. Nu: [...]4. ô thou Phelistia triumph for mee.

Who conducted mee to the Citty Mazor? psalmes. 31? Who brought mee to the strong Citty Edom? psalmes. 44? the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 1? 11? 29 [...] 32? 2 K: 17? 18? 1 Cro: 18? Didst not thou, ô GOD, the last proph. & the n: t: Mic. 7? Ier: 40? that doest giue vs REPVLSE? and goest not foorth with our Armyes? O giue vs HELPE in Distresse, psalmes. 146,. for vaine is the help of men. psalmes. 44. the law and first prophets. D [...]: 3 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: Dan: 8.12. Through GOD vvee shall doe prosperously, & hee vvill trede dovvne our Besiegers.

LXI. For the Cheeff over the Song Musicque, of DAVID.

psalmes. 17.,, 18,,, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 15,, [...],, 1 K: 8. Ge: 47,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 10,, 12, 51HEAR, ô GOD, my Shout, & conceive my Prayer, psalmes. 19.31.135. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 5, 13.42.43. Dan: 1, whē at the Extremity of the world I Cry vnto thee, psalmes. 65.73, 102, the law and first prophets. Ios: 15. Ex: 16, 2 Sa: 21, 2 [...]. whē my hart fainteth. guide thou mee by the Rock that is aboue mee: psalmes. 43,. 107, 27, 105, 2: the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 23, 1 [...]or: 10. Heb: 10, Mt: 16, 7. L [...]: 16, Is: 45. Da: 9. Mt: 23. That I may Soiourne everlastingly in thy Taber­nacle, the law and first prophets. Ex: 17, & relye on the hideing of thy VVinges.

psalmes. 62. the law and first prophets. Pro: 18.Because thou art my RELYE, and strong TOVVER, for the Enimye. ô thou, ô GOD, psalmes. 66, 132; the law and first prophets. De: 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19, that hearest my vovves & vvishes, and grauntest to them their REQVEST, psalmes. 2, [...] 21:34: that Feare thee: the law and first prophets. Pro: 10: ô double the KINGS dayes, psalmes. 81, 145, and make his yeers as many Genera­tions.

psalmes. 103, 40, the law and first prophets. Leu: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 4, 9, 6, 1 Co [...]: 10,That hee may ever dvvell before GOD, and that LOVING-KINDENES and TRVTHE, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 15, De: 8, Pro: 20, 29, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 1.14, Mt: 6, his Portion, may ever preserue him, that J may perpetually chaunt out thy NAME, the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 15. Nu: 30. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19. Ion: 2. by my payeing my Vovves euery daye.

psalmes. 39. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1.LXII. For the Cheeff, by Ieduthun, A Psalm of DAVID.

psalmes. 4, 57.65. the law and first prophets. Ios: 10, De: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 2,SVRELY vpon GOD my SOVLE doth rest, from him is my SALVATION. Surely hee is my ROOK and my SALVATION, psalmes. 59. hee is my STAYE that I Slip not over much. Why doe yee Devise against a man? that yee may all slay him like a ruinous wall, psalmes. 94. the law and first prophets. D [...]: [...], 1. Ge: 4. Iob: 27.13, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 50?. & like a broke-en and destroyed hedge. psalmes. 137. the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]r: 6.. Surely they CONSVLT to beat down his honour to the ground. the law and first prophets. Lam: 2. a They love FALSHOOD, they make much of one vvith their mouthes, but in their harts despise him Surely.

[Page 57]Surely vpon GOD rest thou my Soule, for, psalmes. 37. the law and first prophets. Iob: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 2, from him is all my waiteing. Sure he is my ROCK & my SALVATION, he is my STAYE that I slip not. Vpon GOD my SALVATION, psalmes. 21. and my GLORY, in GOD my strong ROCK is my RELYE. Trust in him allwayes yee people, psalmes. 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 16. power out your hartes before him and SAYE, psalmes. 104.42, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 1. GOD is our whole RELYE Surely.

Surely the sonnes of Adam are Vaine, psalmes. 49, and the children of Men are false, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 10. Ier: 2. Lam: 2. & to be weighed together they are lighter then Vanity. Put not vaine confidence in Deceipt, and Robbery, psalmes. 17, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 17, Pro: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 2, Lam: 1, Lu: 12, Iames: 5. if your welth increase, psalmes. 48, set not your hartes vpon them, the law and first prophets. Iob: 33. once or twise hath GOD SPOKEN it and I haue hard it: psalmes. 63, 29, the law and first prophets. De: 1, 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 13, 1 Pet: 1, Ier: Mt: 16, Coll: 3 Ap: 2. Rom: 2, Ap: 22. 1 Cor: 3, That all STRENGTH is GODS, and KINDENES thine, O LORD, because thou payest every man according to his WORKE. the law and first prophets. Iud: 1. 1 Sa: 22.

LXIII. A Psalm of David: VVhen hee vvas in the VVildernes of Iudah. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 15.16.17 1 Sa: 22 23.25. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 3.1.3.

O Thou, my Mighty GOD, psalmes. 16,. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 26,. 47.. Hos: 5, I earnestly de­sire thee, my SOVLE thirsteth for thee, psalmes. 42,, 107,, the law and first prophets. Iob: 30, 34, and my FLESH longeth for thee, psalmes. 78:143: in a Dry and thirsty land without water: the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 16:17: the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 12: Ez: 19: Is: 29:32:41: that I may even be­holde thee in thy Sanctuary, psalmes. 28, 68, 78.96, the law and first prophets. Ex: 33, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 52. Ez: 44,, and to see thy STRENGTH and thy GLORY, psalmes. 106, 132, 35, 42. and to com­mend thee with my lippes, the law and first prophets. De: 32. Pro: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 1. for thy LOVING-KINDENES that is better then Life. psalmes. 90.92.100.

That I may ever hold vp my hands, psalmes. 28, 104, 119, u 20.36, 107, and blesse thee in my life, and my mouth may PRAYSE thee with triumphing lippes, when my SOVLE is satisfyd, as with fat, psalmes. 65,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 31,,, 59,,, Is: 58,, and thick­nes; & triumph in the Shadow of thy winges, psalmes. 36 61.80.78, 103, 119 zq 95, 149, the law and first prophets. Eccl: 6: when I remember and think on thee vpon my bed, in the Waches, psalmes. 9.44. the law and first prophets. Ex: 14, how thou hast been my HELPE.

My SOVLE cleeveth after thee, psalmes. 41.73.119 d 64.35, 139. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 10, 2 S [...]: 14, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 42, Is: 41, Ez: 26: Is: 6.44. thy righte hand holdeth mee, while they that seek my LIFE, are vnder the Earth, and are shaken, and com to nothing, psalmes. 75:77: they that prouoke the KING [Page 58] by the sword, the law and first prophets. Iob: 5, 30, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 18; Ez: 13; 35; La: 3 c h. Zep: 1., Is: 19, 41, 45, 48, 65, Ier: 4.5.12. Mic: 7. Rom: 3. are becom meat for foxes, and let the KING reioyce in GOD, psalmes. 64. the law and first prophets. De: 6, and every De­vout man glory in him, the law and first prophets. Iob: 5. because the mouth of them that speak Treason is stopped.

LXIV. For the Cheeff, A Psalm of DAVID.

the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 4. O GOD, in my Complaining hear my VOYCE. psalmes. 31, 53, 55. the law and first prophets. Iob: 5, 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 24, Ier: 6, 20, 48, Lam: 3, ch. p. Act: 13. Preserue my Life from Dread of the Enimyes, the law and first prophets. G [...]: 49., hide me from the se­cret counsell of Naughty men, psalmes. 27. and from the Conuent of them that be vvorkers of Greeff, psalmes. 2., 55., vvhich vvhet their Tonges like Svvordes, psalmes. 14 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 9. & dravve their Arrovves, psalmes. 57, 59, BITTER vvords, priuily to hit the PERFECT man, psalmes. 10.11.120▪ they shoot at him on a Suddain and fear not.

VVhich comfort themselues in an ill mat­ter, psalmes. 141, 140,, the law and first prophets. De: 17, Eccl: 8, vvhich reckon to hide Snares, and SAY, Noe man shall see them. psalmes. 55,,, 77.. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 6,, 4,, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 29. Ier: 18, 23, they make a vvon­derfull serche to finde out VVronges, and the Invvard Thoughtes of a Man, psalmes. 5, 58, 103, the law and first prophets. Nu: 17, Pro: 20, 25, 28, 30, Ge: 44. the last proph. & the n: t: Lam: 3, Zeph: 1, Ier: 16.17. and the Bottom of his Hart: and so let GOD shoot them, the law and first prophets. E [...]cl: 7: and Soudain Arrovves be their strokes.

And let their ovvne Tonges that offend him, psalmes. 55. the law and first prophets. Ex: 16. fall vpon themselues, that all may start that look vpon them, and all men be afrayd, and declare GODS VVORKE, the last proph. & the n: t: Nah: 3. and con­sider and Lerne his DOING. psalmes. 106. That the IVST man may REIOYCE in the E­TERNALL, psalmes. 65. relyeing in him, and they Glory that are of an vpright minde.

LXV. A Psalm for the Cheeff: A Song of David.

[Page 59] FOR thee, ô GOD, psalmes. 4,, 22,, 39,, 62 57,, 119 d. the last proph. & the n: t: Is [...] ▪ 56. abideth PRAYSE in Sion, to thee be all Vowes performed, ô thou that hearest PRAYER, euen to thee let all flesh com, psalmes. 145, 7,, 49,, 86,. the law and first prophets. Iob: 33. Ex: 29,, 30,, Leu: 16,, Ge: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 15. for thou reconcile-est our Trespas­ses, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 49, and pardonest the Iniquityes that ouercame mee. HAPPY is hee whom thou chuse-est, psalmes. 32, 33, 38, 69, 84, 144, the law and first prophets. De: 10, Ge: 7, and entertainest, to dwell in thy Courtes, to satisfye vs with the GOODNES of thy House, and Closet, O Holly one. psalmes. 63, 103, 26, 16, 27, 36, 45,, 46,, 23, the law and first prophets. Ex: 33, 1 K: 6,,, Ge: 6: Fearefull things shouldest thou Ans­wer vs in IVSTICE, psalmes. 56:130:18. the law and first prophets. Iob: 26. the last proph. & the n: t: Ion: 2. O GOD of our SALVA­TION: the TRVST of all the endes, and Lon­ginquityes of Land and Sea.

With the Girdle of his Power, psalmes. 46, 93, the law and first prophets. Ge: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 10, and EXCEL­LENCE, which fasteneth the Hills, psalmes. 66, 68, 35, 89.107. and stilleth the proude waves of the Seas, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: M [...]: Lu: 8.4.8. Is: 51, Lu: 1, 4, and Roaring of the Nations; and the Inhabitants, of the Endes and Issues of Morning & Evening, psalmes. 19. which are afrayed of thy Signes, thou make-est to Triumph: psalmes. 67, the law and first prophets. Ge: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 2,. 4,. 7▪ Thou loo­kest on the Erth, and makest it runn full of water, psalmes. 113, 107, O GOD, thou greatly inrichest it with Rivers, thou prepare-est their corn, psalmes. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 7. Is: 12: Ez: 47. for to that end thou ordey­nedst it.

O wet her furrowes, break her clodes, psalmes. 46,, the law and first prophets. Ge: 7, 2. De: 11. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 10,, Is: 61, Lu: 4. & dissolv it with Showers, bless her Chisming, psalmes. 103, 16, 68.23, 36.30. crown the yeer with thy GOODNES, that thy cart routes may flow with fatnes, and drop Dwellings in the Wildernes, and the Hills gird on Gladnes, psalmes. 104..107,. the law and first prophets. Ge: 8, 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 35; Mt: Mr: Lu: 3, 1, 3. and the Plaines put on sheep, psalmes. 72. and the Vales be clad with corne, that they may triumph and Sing. psalmes. 60.

LXVI. For the Cheeff, A Psalm Song.

SHOVT vnto GOD all the Eearth, the law and first prophets. Num: 10, Ios: 6▪ SING PSALMES of his Glorious NAME, psalmes. 68, 71. set out his Glorious PRAYSE, SAYE vnto GOD: How fearfull is thy doing? psalmes. 68.18.65,, the law and first prophets. Ex. 15. De: 33,, 2 SA, 22. by thy great STRENGTH are thine Enimyes subdued vnto thee, all the erth doe worship thee, the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 1,, and make Hymnes vnto thee, they chaunt out thy NAME surely. Com and beholde the WORKES of GOD, hee hath terrible IN­VENTION for the Children of men: psalmes. 46, the law and first prophets. Ex: 14, 17. Ios: 3. Nu: [...]1. hee turneth the Sea into Dry Land, that they went over the River on foot, psalmes. 12, 114.106. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 10. wher wee reioyced in him. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 11, Hee rulle-eth the World by his EXEL­LENCE, his Eyes wach over the People, and let not the Rebel­lious exalt themselue Surely. psalmes. 11, 33, 34, 68.

[Page 60]Blesse our GOD, yee People, Sound out the VOICE of his PRAYS, that hath put our Soules in LIFE, psalmes. 13, 121, and not suffered our feet to slipp. the law and first prophets. Nu: 10. For thou hast prooved vs, ô GOD, psalmes. 1 [...], the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 7,, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 13,, and tryed vs like Silver, thou hast brought vs into the Toyle, and pressed our Loynes, thou hast made men ride ouer our Heades, psalmes. 55,, 69,, vvee haue gon through fire & vva­ter, and thou broughtest vs out to a RE­FRESHING: psalmes. 18. the law and first prophets. De: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 3, 9, 3, 12, 1 Pet: 4, Is: 43, 51, and I vvill goe into thy House vvith OFFERINGS, psalmes. the law and first prophets. Nu: 10.30. 2 Cro: 6. I vvill pay the my Vovves, psalmes. 61.119 n. the law and first prophets. De: 23. Eccl: 5. vvhich my Lips ope­ned, and my mouth SPAKE in my Di­stresse. psalmes. 4.

psalmes. [...]0. the law and first prophets. Le: 6, 7, 4.I vvill offer Offerings of Rams fat, and Incense vnto thee, and I vvill Sacrifice Bul­locks and Buck-Goates surely. Com hearken all yee that fear GOD, and I vvill TELL you vvhat hee hath don for mee. psalmes. 13. the law and first prophets. Ge: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Ma: 2 [...] Mt: 5. Lu: 12. Mt: 6. I Cryed vnto him with my Mouth, and he was much exalted vnder my tonge, psalmes. 10.119. [...]. the law and first prophets. Nu: 23. If I see any molestation in my hart: psalmes. 139: 149. the law and first prophets. Can: 4. Iob: 11:. 31. the LORD hear mee not. J assure you, GOD hearkened to mee, and hard the VOICE of my PRAYER. Blessed be GOD, vvhich put not avvaye my PRAYER, psalmes. 40. the law and first prophets. Pro: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 9.10.12. nor hath taken avvay his KINDENES from mee.

psalmes. 4.6.LXVII. For the Cheeff in Song Musicque, A Psalme Song.

psalmes. [...]0., 12,, the law and first prophets. Num: 6,, Ios: 4, Iob: 37, 1 K: 8,GOD be gratious vnto vs, and blesse vs, and LIGHTEN vs with his COVNTE­NANCE surely, psalmes. 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1, Mr: 24, that they may knowe the WAYE psalmes. 48, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 38, of SALVATION among all Nations [Page 61] of the world, that the People may confesse thee, psalmes. 45, O GOD, that all People may confesse thee. psalmes. 138. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 6., 18.

That all Nations may Reioyce & Triumph, psalmes. 96, 97, 65, 98, 9▪ 78, that thou Iudgest the People, and leadest the folke rightely and discreetly surely. That the People may confesse thee, ô GOD, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 18.6. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 13, that all People may confesse thee.

Our own GOD blesse vs, psalmes. 85, the law and first prophets. Iud: 6. Leu: 25, 26, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 8, that the Earth may giue her Abundance of increase, the law and first prophets. Ios: 4. GOD blesse vs, psalmes. 22.65. that all out-coastes of the Earth may fear him.

LXVIII. For the Cheeff, of DAVID, A Psalm Song. psalmes. 83.87, 88.92.

LET GOD arise, psalmes. 36, 37, the law and first prophets. Num: 10, the last proph. & the n: t: Z [...]: 13, and let his Enimyes be skatered, and they that hate him flee before him. Drive them away like smoke, and as wax melteth before the fire: psalmes. 97. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 1: so let the WICKED perish before GOD. psalmes. 21, 59.66., That the RIGHTEOVS may reioyce, that they may leap before GOD, and REIOYCE with ioy. the law and first prophets. Leu: 23, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 3, 1, 3, 1, Mt: Mr: L [...]: ô SING vnto GOD, CHAVNT out his NAME, psalmes. 20. strew vnto him that ride-eth in the Deserts, the law and first prophets. Nu: 36, De: 1, 12, Ex: 15. 2 Sa: 6. and in his NAME ETERNALL, psalmes. 66, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 14. Ia: 1. vawnt and skip before him. A father of the fatherles, psalmes. 14 [...]. the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 24. De: 10.33. and a Husband of the Widowes, psalmes. 54. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 25. 1 Ti: 5. Act: 16. is GOD in his holly MAN­SION, hee teacheth to keep house alone, hee bringeth out the Restrained in to commodious places, psalmes. 69, 113, psalmes. 66. but the wayward ones abide still in Droughth. O GOD, psalmes. 144. the law and first prophets. Iud ▪ 5,. Ex: 19, 2 Sa: 6, when thou wentest out before thy People, when thou marchedst in the Wildernes surely: the Earth shook in Sinai, psalmes. 97,, 114. the law and first prophets. Ge: 7: De: 1:. 33. Ex. 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 12, and the Heavens dropped from the very GOD of Israel, thou droppedst liberall showers, ô GOD, the law and first prophets. Ex: 16,, 19, Nu: 11, 2 Cro: 31, 2 Sa: 23. Nu: 10. thou confirmedst thine Inheritance, psalmes. 78, 105, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 6.8, 4, Mt: 14, 15, Ioh: 9.6. when it was weery, thy Congregation dwelt ther, ô GOD, and thou didest PROVIDE for the Op­pressed. My LORD gaue his word, psalmes. 16,, 65,, 103.4, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 40, 14, and ther was a Great ARMY of MESSENGERS, the law and first prophets. De: 33, and warly Kings fled, they fled, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 6, and the Good wife of the House diuided the spoile. the law and first prophets. Iud: 4.5.

[Page 62] the law and first prophets. Ge: 49, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 46. Will you lye in your Cotes with your sil­ver & gold plate-ed fethers, yee Culver-winges? while the ALSVFFICIENT snoweth Kings in Salmon and spreds them on it? psalmes. 76? 83?,, 60? 108? the law and first prophets. Iud: 9? Num: 33? Ex: 3, 4, De: 33, Ios: 9, 10.11, 12, 13, Iud: 5. De: 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 11? the HILL of GOD, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 28, the HILL Bashan, the HILL Bashan MOVNT GABHNVNIM? psalmes. 114. why vrge yee the HILLS GABHNVNIM, a Hill that GOD li­steth to haue for his Seat, psalmes. 132. Yea the ETERNALL will abide ther for ever? the law and first prophets. Nu: 10, De: 33. Ez: 5, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 7,, M [...]: 26, Iude, Ez: 5, The Chariots of GOD are twenty Millions of Souldiers, psalmes. 119 sh. and my LORD in the middes of them in the Sanctuary of Si­nai. the law and first prophets. Ex: 25. Thou surmountest to the High-est, thou takest captive, psalmes. 7, 47.123. the law and first prophets. Iud: 5, Nu: 21, the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 4, Hos: 12, Is: 14, Ier: 41, Ioh: 14, and receivest Ransomes for men, and also the Wayward ones are to abide still, O GOD ETERNALL, psalmes. 66,, blessed be my LORD the GOD of my SALVATION, when wee are burdned sure­ly. psalmes. 24.25, 18.27, the law and first prophets. De: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 2. Is: 46. Ez: 48. Mt: 10. Our GOD is the GOD of SALVATION, and the ISSVES of Death are my LORD the ETERNALLS: psalmes. 28. psalmes. 48. the law and first prophets. Pro: 4. Ge: 3. De: 33. but GOD will wound the head of his Enimyes, and the hairy crown of him that walketh in his Crimes. My LORD SAYED, I vvill bring thē againe from BASHAN, the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. I will bring them againe from the Bottom of the Deep Sea. the law and first prophets. Nu: 13, 32, De: 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Nah: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 33. Ez: 27. That thou mayest blood thy feet, psalmes. 58, and vvet the tonges of thy Doges in the blood of thine Enimyes.

the law and first prophets. Ex: 25., 26,, Iob: 6, 2 Sa: 6, 1 K: 11.They savv thy GOINGS, ô GOD, and Hovv my GOD and KING mar­ched in his SANCTVARY, Singers goe before, psalmes. 26, 46, and Minstrels follovv, and in the midle, are maydes tabouring vvith Ta­bors, in the Congregations they blessed GOD, they blessed the LORD from the Fountain of Israel. psalmes. 80. 87. the law and first prophets. Ex: 29. 1 K: 4. Iud: 5, 7, 2 Sa: 2, 1 Cro: 12. the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 13. Ie [...]: 2. Ther is litle Benjamin their Com­mander, vvith the Princes of Iudah, the Prince-es of Zabulon, psalmes. 63, 82. and Prince-es of Neph Taly their band. Thy GOD, send thy STRENGTH (The strength, psalmes. 65, 110, 43, 66, 80. the law and first prophets. De: 32. Ex. 15. 2 Sa: 22. ô GOD, [Page 63] vvhich thou hast vvrought for vs) out of thy Temple vpon Ierusalem, that KINGS may vvaft giftes vnto thee. psalmes. 72.76.74, 119 g. 22, 76, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 32. 2 Sa: 23, 1 Sa: 10, 12, 13, 14, De: 32, Iob: 38. Ge: 15, 49. Iud: 3, 5. Pro: 6, Ge: 3. 2 K: 18. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 18.60.14. Ez: 20, Is: 36, 43.46, 11, 42. Mr: 12. Am: 4, Ie [...]: 34, 46, 50, CHASTICE thou the beastes vvith the reed, and the herd of the mighty bulls vvith the Calues of the People, that creep for peeces of mony. psalmes. 12, Let him scatter the Nations that delight in vvars, that Prince-es may com from Egypt, psalmes. 87, 105, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 18.19. & Ethopia send her hand Post vnto GOD: the law and first prophets. Ge: 10: 2 Cro: 30. the last proph. & the n: t: Ma: 4. Is: 11:20:44:55:66. Ze: 3. Yee KINGDOMES of the Erth SING vnto GOD, & CHAVNT out my LORD surely. SING to him that ri­de-eth in the Ancient Heauens, beholde vvith his VOYCE, hee gaue a mighty VOYCE. psalmes. 29.62.46, 36.93. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15. 2 Sa: 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 1, 3, Is: 30▪ O giue STRENGTHE vnto GOD for Israel his highth: and his STRENGTH in the Skyes. psalmes. 22, 18, My GOD terrible out of thy SANCTVARYES: the Mighte of Israel, that Giueth STRENGTH and FORTITVDE to his People, Blessed be GOD. psalmes. 21.59.28.

LXIX. For the Cheeff vpon Shoshamin, of David. psalmes. 45.60.

O Save mee, ô GOD, psalmes. 40,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ion: 2. the waters are come euen to my SOVLE, I steek fast in the deep mire, and ther is no Standing, psalmes., 125.38, 37. the law and first prophets. Ge: 37, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 38.12, Ez: 27, I am come into the deep Waters, the law and first prophets. I [...]d: 12, and the Currents drowne mee, I am weery of CALLING my throat is hoarse, psalmes. 6, 119 k. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 15▪ mine Eyes are spent with waiting for my GOD, my Haters for nothing, psalmes. 35. are more then the Haires of my Head, and my Traytorous Enimyes exceed my Lockes, the law and first prophets. Can: 4. Iud: 16,. that I restored that which I stole not. O GOD, thou knowest my Folly, psalmes. 32, 38, 65.25. and my faultes be not hid from thee. ô my LORD, let thē not be abashed of mee that waite for thee. ô warlike ETER: GOD of the Hostes of Israel: psalmes. 59. [Page 64] Let not them that seek thee be reproched by mee, the law and first prophets. I [...]b: 39. seeing I bear reproche for thee, and my face is covered with shame, psalmes. 55. the last proph. & the n: t: Obad? I am a strange-er to my Bretheren, psalmes. 44, 38, the law and first prophets. Ge: 45. Pro: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7. [...]nd vnknown to my Mothers chil­dren, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 2. 2 Cor: 2, Ro: 15. Ier: 15. for the Zeal of thy House devoured mee, the Reproche-es of thy Reproches falling vpō mee. psalmes. 119 I, 139, psalmes. 35,, 139,, 30, the law and first prophets. Ge: 37. 1 K: 20, 2 K: 19, Iob: 30: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 61. Ier: 3, Lam: 3: h. Is: 28: My body fasted, & I wept, & that was a reproche to mee, I put on Sack-cloth, and they flouted mee, they sit in their Doores and talke of mee, and the Ale-drinkers rhime vpon mee. And I with my PRAYER to the ETER­NALL, the law and first prophets. De: 28. the last proph. & the n: t: La: [...]. 1. ô GOD, psalmes. 32.91.61. when it pleaseth thee for thy great KINDENES, & TRVTHE of thy SALVATION. Hear mee.

O Deliuer mee out of the Durt, and let mee not steek fast, let mee be deliuered from my Hate-ers, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 12, and from the vvater-vvhirle-pooles, let not the Currents overflovv mee, & let not the Deep svvallovv mee, psalmes. 12 [...] the law and first prophets. Iud: 12, let not the Pit close her mouth vpon mee. psalmes. 32, Consider mee, ô ETERNALL, of thy bountifull KINDENES, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 24, De: 31, 32, and of thy great Mer­cyes look vpon mee, psalmes. 5 [...], the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 16. and hide not thy face from thy Seruant, vvhen I am in Distresse; hye and Consider mee. Com neer vnto my SOVLE & ransom it, psalmes. 34. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. q com neer because of mine Enimyes, and redeeme mee. Thou knovvest my Reproche-es, my Bashfullnes and Shame: all my vvrongers are before thee, Reproche and Greeff hath broken my Harte. I looked for escapeing, psalmes. 39. the law and first prophets. Iob: 2, 42, Eccl: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 17. and ther vvas none, I looked for Comforters, psalmes. 11, 55. and I finde none, but they put Gall in my feeding, psalmes. 140,, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Lam: 1. g. Nah: 3. and giue mee vi­niger to Drinke for my thirst. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: M [...]: Lu: 27, 15.23, 19, Ier: 23. O let their tables before them be a Trap, and their freendly Truce-es a tileed Snare, psalmes. 36, 41, 106, the law and first prophets. Ios: 23, De: 7. Ex: 23, De: 29. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 1, 26, 14, 22, 13 Obad: let their Eyes be dark from seeing it, and make their [Page 65] Loynes allvvayes tumble, psalmes. 66. the law and first prophets. Leu: 7.10, povver vpon them thy vvrath, psalmes. 2.7.38. the law and first prophets. Iob: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 16. let the Kindling of thy COVN­TENANCE ouertake them.

Let their Tyrets be vvaste, psalmes. 109, the law and first prophets. Can: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]t: 1. Ro: 11. and noe man dvvell in their Tents; and because they pur­sue him vvhom thou hast strooken, the law and first prophets. Iob: 19, and rec­koned to greev thy Slaine: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 50:53: Put thou VVRONG vpon their VVRONG, the last proph. & the n: t: Z [...]: [...]. Ie [...]: 17. & let them neuer com into thy RIGHTE. psalmes. 1, the law and first prophets. Ex: 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Phi [...] 4. Apo: [...]1. Ez: 13, Let them be vvipe-ed out of the Book of Life, and vvith the IVST let them neuer be vvritten, and I beeing in Misery and Greeff, psalmes. 20.28. the law and first prophets. Leu: 7, [...] [...]. [...]2. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 5. that thy SALVATION may re­leeue mee, that I may PRAYSE and Magnify the NAME of GOD, vvith Songs of THANKSGIVING, and it shall please the ETERNALL better, psalmes. 4,, 50,, 5 [...],, the law and first prophets. Leu: 4, 10, 11, 22, N [...]: 17, D [...]: 14. then a yong horned clouen footed ox bullock. psalmes. 34,, 1 [...]6, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 43. That the LOVVLY may see it and reioyce, and yee that seek GOD, psalmes. 119 I. 22.91. it may re­uiue your hartes, the law and first prophets. Nu: 1. Iob: 22. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 60.12. that the ETERNALL hearkeneth to the Poore, and despiseth not his Prisoners. That the Heauens and Earth, psalmes. 8, 23, 68, 148. and Sea, and all that creepeth in them, may Prayse him: for GOD vvill saue Sion, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 7. and build the Cittyes of Iudah, psalmes. 51. that they may dvvell there and possess it, and that the SEED of his Seruants that Loue his NAME; may inherit it, psalmes. 22, 37. psalmes. 103. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 1, 61. Mal: 2, R [...]: 9. and abide in it for euer.

LXX. For the Cheeff, of David, for Remembrance. psalmes. 38. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 26.

O GOD ETERNALL, psalmes. 40, 71. the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 6. make haste to deli­ver mee, and help mee, that they may be [Page 66] abashed, and confounded that seek my Life, and be turned back with Reproche that would hurt mee.

Let them returne with shame that SAYE, ô Sir, psalmes. 35, 69, the law and first prophets. De: 4. ô Sir, that all that seek thee and loue thy SALVATION, psalmes. 40. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2. may be glad and reioyce in thee, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 19. and all way SAY: GOD be great.

And I being wreched and needdy; ô GOD, haste-en to mee, psalmes. 22, [...]1. and thou my HELP and RESCVER, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9, ô ETERNALL, make noe tarying.


IN thee, ô ETERNALL, doe I RELYE, let me never be abashed, psalmes. 25, 31.1. by thy RIGHTEOVS­NES, deliver mee and RESCVE mee, turne thine Eare to mee, and SAVE mee. Be thou my strong Hold, psalmes. 90. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 1, 31. 1 S [...]: 23, 2 S [...]: 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: L [...]: 10, 13, 12, Ier: 36, to receiue mee allwayes, and being my ROCK and GARISON, psalmes. 19, 31, 18, 44, send out to save mee. Rescue mee, ô GOD, from the hand of the WICKED, the law and first prophets. Ex: 12. the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: 16. 1 Cor: 5. Is: 26. and from the gripes of the le­vened WRANGLER. For thou art my HOPE and TRVST, psalmes. [...]2, 27. ô my LORD ETERNALL, from my youth. Vpon thee was I layed from my Mothers belly, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 7. and thou wast my TAKER from her Bowels, and my PRAYSE shall all­wayes be of thee.

the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 1, Is: 3.I am a Wonder to many that thou art my strong RELYE, psalmes. 46,, 81,, and that my mouth is dayly full of thy PRAYSE and DECENCYE. psalmes. 41. ô cast mee not off in time of old-age, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 7. nor forsake mee as my strength faileth. psalmes. 60, 88, 90, Because mine Eni­myes SAY of mee, the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 23. and the Observers of my Life are consulted together, psalmes. 3. the law and first prophets. Iob: 7.10, 13, SAYING: GOD hath forsaken him, psalmes. 2.83,, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 6, Pursue him, take him, for ther is none to deliuer him. ô GOD, be not farr from mee, psalmes. 7.27. ô my GOD, make haste to my HELP, psalmes. 22.70. that they may be quite abashed, and they that are against my Life; and they that seek my hurt: psalmes. 38,, may put on RE­PROCHE and SHAME: And I will all­wayes [Page 67] WAITE, psalmes. 115, and put more continually to all thy PRAYSES, psalmes. 41:88: my Mouth shall dayly declare thy RIGHTEOVSNES, and thy SALVATION: For I know noe Number of them. psalmes. 40. I will come with all my MIGHTE, and make Mention of thy sin­gular IVSTICE, O my LORD ETER­NALL.

O GOD, the law and first prophets. Pro: 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: 19, 10▪ thou hast taught mee from my youth, and hitherto, to set foorth thy mervil­lous WORKES, and also, psalmes. 22:27:38:46: the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 7. at my old-age forsake mee not, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8. till I TELL of thy MIGH­TY ARME to all Generations to come: and thy RIGHTEOVSNES, O GOD, the law and first prophets. De: 3. 2 K: 8, to the Hi­ghest. VVhat great things thou hast don, psalmes. 86.35.30. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 45. O GOD, that ther is none like thee. VVhich hast shevven mee many Distresses, and EVILLS, and come again and reviue-ed mee, and come and took mee vp out of the Deepth of the Earth. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 14: Thou hast turned a­bout, and comforted mee, the law and first prophets. Iob: 42: and increased my GREATNES manifold: And I vvill set out also, vpon my VIOL Instrument, thy TRVTHE, ô my GOD, psalmes. 92,, 108,, and vvill SING PSALMES vnto thee on my Harp, ô Holly ONE of Israel. psalmes. 46,. My Lips shall triumph, psalmes. 63, 51. vvhen I SING vnto thee, psalmes. 4. and my SOVLE that thou hast redee­med, and my TONGE shall dayly talk of thy RIGHTEOVSNES, Seeing that they are abashed, psalmes. 35. and confounded that sought my Hurt.


O GOD, giue thy IVDGEMENTS, psalmes. 37, 99: & RIGH­TEOVSNES to the Kings sonne, the law and first prophets. De: 16. that hee may SENTENCE the Lowly people with Righte Iudgement, psalmes. 119 gh. 82. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 10, 2 C [...]o: 9. that the Mountaines and [Page 68] Hills by IVSTICE may bear PEACE for the people, psalmes. 11, 85, 34. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 32.45. Ian: 3. Mt: 10, Ma: 4. Ie: 21. that hee may quite the Lowly people, and save the Children of the Poore, psalmes. 82, 89, 119 n. the law and first prophets. Nu: 1, and beate down the Oppressour, that with the Sunne & Moone a Generation of Generations may fear thee. psalmes. 102. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 14. That it may com downe like Raine vpon the Aftermath, and dropping Showers on the Land. That in his dayes the RIGHTEOVS may flowrish, psalmes. 85. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 4. and much PEACE, as long as the Moone lasteth. And that hee may RVLLE from Sea to Sea, psalmes. 89. the last proph. & the n: t: Za 19. and from the River to the vt­must Land.

psalmes. 74. the law and first prophets. Ge: [...]. Nu: 24.28, 1 K: 4.20. Ge: 10. Iob: 6. 1 K: 10, 1 C [...]o: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]e: 7, Is: 65. Ez: 27. Mt: [...].That the Savages may bow, and his Eni­myes lick the Dust, the Kings of Tarshish, and of the Ilandes render Presentes, psalmes. 47.46.48, 68, 76,. the Kings of Sheba and Seba offer Rewardes, and that all Kinges of all Nations, psalmes. 22:86: may worship him, and serve him: the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 20. Is: 60. because hee deliuereth the Poore when hee shouteth, psalmes. 146.34.37, 41, the law and first prophets. Iob: 29.: Nu: 1. and the Oppressed, when he hath no Helper, because hee ha [...]h pitty vpon the Empty and Poore man, & saveth the Liues of the Poore, and Ransometh their SOVLES from GVILE and INIVRY (their blood being deer in his Eyes) That he may dayly BLESSE him, psalmes. (116) the law and first prophets. Iob: 42, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 10. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 17, I: 60. Mt: 2. and allwayes Pray for his Life, and giue him of the Gold of Sheba.

psalmes. 65. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos. 14.That the fruite of a little feeld of Corn on the hill TOP, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 16, 4. Iob: 15. Is: 65. may shake like Libanon: and that they may flowerish out of the Citty like the grasse of the Earth. psalmes. 74.119 n. the law and first prophets. Iob: 5. That his NAME may be in the Sunn, and spring for ever. That all Nations may BLESSE themselues in him, the law and first prophets. Ge: 48.22.26. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 4. Lu: 1. Mt: 5. and call him HAPPY. Blessed be GOD ETER­NALL, psalmes. 41.77.86, 136, 66, the GOD of Israel, that only doth MERVILLOVS things, and Blessed be his GLORIOVS NAME, for ever, and let his GLORY be plentifull in all the Earth, the law and first prophets. Nu: 14. Ge: 42,. the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 2. Ier: 28,. IN­DEED and INDEED.

The Prayer of David, the Sonne of ISHA are ended.


LXXIII. A Psalm of ASAPH. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 29.

TRVELY GOD is good to Jsrael, psalmes. 125, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5,, 1. Pet: 3. Is: 48, Ie: 12. hee is good to the pure mindeed, psalmes. 24, 37,. 5, 75, the law and first prophets. Pro: 3,, for I frea­ted exceedingly at the vaine glorious fooles, vvhen I savv the Peace of the vvicked, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 48, Ier: 12, and my feet vvear allmoste gone, psalmes. 2,, 35,, 38,, 18, and my footings even quite confounded, because their death hath noe cōstreints, & it is free from bandes; the law and first prophets. De: 32. Iob: 10, 21, 12.17. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 58, they are not Plagued vvith the paines of vvreched men: therfor Pride inuirons them, psalmes. 10,, 35,, 55,, and the very habit of Iniury doth couer them. the law and first prophets. Pro: 3, 7, Their eyes are euen out vvith fatt, psalmes. 17. and they haue vailes ouer their hartes, psalmes. 119. [...]. the law and first prophets. Ex: 26, De: 32, Nu: 29, 33, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 13. 2 Co [...]: 3. Ez: 8, they speak pu­trifyed speeches of the naughtines of their misdealing, they speak a highe, psalmes. 17.75, 119, gh 94.105, 12. the law and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 2. Ge: [...], and set their mouthes in the heauen, and their tonges goe in all the earth, and they say: the law and first prophets. Iob: 21? the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 12? How doth GOD know, or is ther any knowledge in the Soveraigne?

Therfore let his people come hither: psalmes. 78:. the law and first prophets. Iob: 11, 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 4, 7. Ez: 47. Ioel: 4 [...]. and plenty of water shall be wrong vnto them, be­hold, these wicked men gett all the prosperity in the world. psalmes. 18, 51, 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Z [...]: 14. 2 Cor: 15. Truely in vain doe I cleer my hart, and wash my handes in harmlesnes, the law and first prophets. G [...]: 20, Iob: 9, the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: 7. Mt: 27, and am dayly plagued, and haue Correction every morning. If I say, I will Speak like them; Be­hold, psalmes. 24.25, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 12. I doe renounce the generation of thy chil­dren, and I made reckoning to knowe this, the law and first prophets. Eccl: 8,, and it seemed paine vnto mee, vntill I came into the Sanctuary of the Almighty, the law and first prophets. Ge: 1. De: 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 12, 23, 51. La: 3. and vnderstood their later END. psalmes. 37.92, Certainly thou puttest them in [Page 70] slippery place-es, psalmes. 46, 74, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 22; thou make-est them fall into Traines, How are they (as in a moment) wasted; spent and fearfully consumed?

Like a dream of one vvhen hee avvaketh, ô my LORD, the law and first prophets. Iob: 20, 34, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 11, thou marrest their Image in the riseing. psalmes. 39, 49, 37, 49, 94, 120, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 29, And I was with thee like a brute beast with a sower hart, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 2,, and my reines pric­king and knew nothing, and I beeing conti­nually with thee; thou heldest mee by my right hand, psalmes. 39. 16, 119 n. the law and first prophets. De: 33; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 42, and ledest mee by thy counsell, and after entertainedst mee with GLORY. Who haue I in heaven but thee? psalmes. 49. the law and first prophets. Pro: 3. Ex: 20? the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 2. Phil: 3? Mt: Mr: Lu: 10: 12, 3, 8, 16 Mt: 19. Lu: 18. Heb: 1,. 7,. La: 3. Ie: 10. and in the erth I haue none with thee to delight in: all my residue is don, and GOD is my hart, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 14:. my very ha [...]t pinn and portion for euer. And I, because loe thy far-ab­senters perish, and thou destroyest every one that whooreth from thee: psalmes. 119 h. the law and first prophets. De: 23: Leu: 20: the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 1: Eph: 2: I like the neernes of GOD, psalmes. 16: and put my whole Relye in my LORD the ETERNALL, psalmes. 100, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 58. La: 3. [...] that I may declare all thy messages. psalmes. 26.

LXXIV. A Mascil of ASAPH.

psalmes. 44, 78, 89, 79? 80 [...] the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 24, 25, 28, 32, De: 29, De: 9, Ex: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 64, 63, Lamenta [...]: WHY drawest thou back still, O GOD, that thine angry countenāce smokes against the sheep of thy Pasture? remember thine As­sembly, which thou purchasedst long agoe, and the shaft of thine Inheritance, which thou redeemedst, psalmes. 78? 125. the law and first prophets. Ge: 33. this Hill of Sion wher thou dwellest. psalmes. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 33.36. De: 10.32.37. 2 K: 21, 24, ô deliver thy foot-steps at perpetuall DESOLATIONS. the last proph. & the n: t: Is. 37. The Enimye spoyleth all in the Sanctuary, psalmes. 73, 99, the law and first prophets. Can: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 12, 20, 26, thy Besiegers roar in the midle of thy Synagogue, psalmes. 25, 74, 140, 1.37. the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 14. Nu: 2, Iob. 21, the last proph. & the n: t: Lam: 2, Is: 5, Dan: 9, and make their monstrous Signes, it was known, psalmes. 78, 105. at the bringing to perfection, the Axes wear in the thick woodes, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 5.6, 2 Cro: 2, Iud: 9, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 24. Io: 21, and now the grauen vvork and all, they knock dovvn vvith bietles and Hammers, psalmes. 37, 79, the law and first prophets. Leu: 26, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 34, they cast thy Sanctuary into the fire, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 36. 2 K: 25, Iud: 1. Num: 31. they break dovvn the Tabernacle of thy Name to the ground. psalmes. 83. They say in their mindes, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 2. and their Ofspring also, Burn all the Synagogues of GOD in the Land. the law and first prophets. De: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 12, 15, 17, 19, Mic: 3. Mt: 16.24, 12. Da: 9. 1 Cor: 1 [...]. La: [...]. Wee see not our Signes, we haue no more Prophetes, psalmes. 12. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 15.18. Pro: 29. ther is none with vs can tell how long.

[Page 71]How long, ô GOD, psalmes. 89? 85? the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 6? shall the Besiege-er re­uile? the law and first prophets. 2 K: 19? 13? 1 K: 13? 2 Cro: 24,, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 5 [...]? Ez: 20? Is: 14, 27, La: 2? shall the Enimy blaspheme thy Name for ever? why returnest thou thy hand, evē thy right hand, to bee noe more out of thy bosom? psalmes. 47? the law and first prophets. Ex: 4? Nu: 31? G [...]: 31 [...] 2 C [...]o: 20? Ex: 14? and GOD my King of old, the worker of SALVA­TION in the midle of the Erth? Thou diui­de-edst the Sea by thy strength, psalmes. 68. the law and first prophets. Ge: 3, thou brake-est the heades of the great Dragons by the vva­ters, thou crushedst the heads of the Leuia­than in peeces, psalmes. 104. the law and first prophets. Iob: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 27. psalmes. 44, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 33.23, & gauest him to the Ilanders to eat, thou didst cleaue vp the flovving sprin­ges, and dryedst vp mighty riuers. psalmes. 72, the law and first prophets. Nu: 10, The day and night are thine, psalmes. 114. the law and first prophets. Ios: 3. thou ordeinedst the light of the Sunn, the law and first prophets. Ex: 14. De: 32, Ge: 1, 9, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 33, thou Settest all the boundes of the Erth, yea Sommer and VVinter, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 54. them thou formedst.

Remember this, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 10, 14, 53, 68,, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 18, 2 C [...]o: 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 36, 37, 52, the Enimy reproche-eth, and the vile people blaspheme thy Name, the law and first prophets. Ge: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 1, giue not the life of thy Turtle Dove to the Beasts, psalmes. 89.118. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2. and forget not thy gentle Congrega­tion for euer. Look to thy COVENANT, the law and first prophets. Ge: 9, 12, 15, 3 Cro: 6, 21, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 33. Am: 3. Z [...]: 1, how the rude-ignorant people of the world fill their houses with Injury, let not the contrite, psalmes. 33, 55, 34, the poor and wreched ones that Praise thy Name, goe away with reproche. Vp, O GOD, mainteine thy quarell, psalmes. 35.39.69. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 25. Ne: 2. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 51, remember thy Reproche from the vile ones dayly. Forget not the voice of thy Besiegers, and the Pride of thine Insurrectors, which conti­nually increaseth.

LXXV. For the Cheeff, Al tashcheth, A Psalm: A Song of ASAPH. psalmes. 57.58 the law and first prophets. Ge: 18. the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 7:8:9:

WEE THANK thee, O God, psalmes. 101, 9, 17, 18, 82, 102.58.119. gh the law and first prophets. De: 30, Eccl: 8, 3, Ex: 9.29, 30. Iob: 9,. Ex: 15. vvee THANK thee that thy Na­me is nighe, the law and first prophets. Pro: 21. 1 S [...]: 2.14. De: 30. and that they declare thy vvon­derfull vvorkes. That I haue opportunity, that I JVDGE vprighte, psalmes. 46. the law and first prophets. Ios: 2, Ge: 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 40, Lu: 17. Ez: 18, 45, I measure the molten Pillars of the Erth, and all her Inhabitants Surely.

[Page 72] psalmes. 73, 82, the law and first prophets. Iob: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 2. Da: 2; 8;I SAY to the Vaine glorious fooles, Boast you not, psalmes. 89; 131; 138; and to the Wicked; Hold not vp your hornes, hold not vp your hornes a highe, and speak not vvith a stiffneck, psalmes. 73. for neither from East nor VVest, psalmes. 31, 94, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2, the law and first prophets. De: 30: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 2: Ez: 21: Mt: 23. Lu: 13.18. nor VVildernes is Aduan­cement: psalmes. 37: 50, the law and first prophets. Iud: 11. Ge: 18. but GOD is hee that Iudge-eth, hee humbleth and hee aduaunce­eth.

psalmes. 102, 11, the law and first prophets. Ex: 29; 30, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 5, 51, Ier: 25, Apo: 13. Dan: 5. Ioh: 2. Hab: 2. Is: 25. 2 Cor: 12, La: 2.For the Cup is in the hand of the ETER­NALL, and a vessell of Seething vvine full of Liquor, and hee dravveth out of it, but all the VVicked of the erth shall vvring out, the law and first prophets. Iob: 21. and drink vp the dregs thereof. psalmes. 14. And I vvill tell & sing Psalms vnto the GOD of Iacob. psalmes. 104, 107. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1. That I may cut off the Hornes of the Wicked, and that the Hornes of the Iust may bee ex­alted. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2.

psalmes., 92.LXXVI. For the Cheeff in Song Musicque, A Psalm of ASAPH.

psalmes. 48, 68, 46.78. the law and first prophets. Ge: 33, Ios: 11. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 3, Hos: 2, Hab: 3. GODS Name is greatly known in Iudah & Israel, haveing his dwelling Tabernacle in Shalem and Sion, wher hee brake the flightes and shieldes and swordes of battaile surely.

psalmes. 8, 68 93. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15. Ie: 32. 1 S [...]: 4.33. Ex: 18. Is: 2. Iob: 5, 36, Ge: 47. M: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 16. Ier: 32; 50 51. Ez: [...]6. Is: 41. Thou appeerest greater then the devouring MOVNTAINES. The Stoute harted wear bereft, and slept their sleep, & the valiant men found not their hands. At the Rebuke (O GOD of Iacob) both Chariot & Horses were in a swefen. Thou art very terrible, psalmes. 20. the law and first prophets. Ex: 14.15. Ge: 39? 7. and who can stand before thee, when thou art angry? When GOD arose to Iudgement, to save the Lowely ones of the Erth: psalmes. 2? 1 [...] 5? 7, 35, 50, 82: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 14. M [...]c: 4. Thou vtte­redst thy Sentence from Heaven, and the Erth fea­red, psalmes. 46. the law and first prophets. Ios: 11. and was at quiet Surely.

psalmes. 78; the law and first prophets. Ex: 15: 2 Cro: 11.Seeing the Chafe of men doth make thee famous; gird on the rest of thy Chafeings. Pay you your Vowes to the ETERNALL your GOD, all yee that bee about him, psalmes. 4, 22, the law and first prophets. Eccl: 5, and waft giftes to your Dred, psalmes. 68, 72, 89, the law and first prophets. Ios: 11. the last proph. & the n: t: Dan: 4, that crops the spirit of PRINCE-ES, and is ter [...]ible to the KINGS of the Erth.

LXXVII. For the Cheeff over Ieduthum, A Psalm of ASAPH. psalmes. 39.62. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 5. 1 Cro: 16.25.

I Cryed with my voyce to GOD, vnto GOD I cryed with my Voyce, psalmes. 120; that hee would hear­ken to mee; in the day of my destresse I sought the LORD, psalmes. 39.63, 142, the law and first prophets. Ex: 17, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 1. my hand was streched out by night, and is not weery, the law and first prophets. Ge: 30,, 37,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 2,, and my soul refuseed comfort. I remembred GOD and cryed out, psalmes. 55, 143.17, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2. Act: 16, that my spirit fainted surely. Thou holdest myne Eye-waches, the law and first prophets. De: 3 [...], and I was strooken that I spake not, I thought vpon the dayes of old, psalmes. 61.119. z. 4, 6, the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. and the yeeres of many worldes. I remember my LEDEN in the night, which I vttered with my hart, and my Spirit invented. psalmes. 44, 60, 64, 85, the law and first prophets. Iob: 33.35. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 3? Will the LORD ever bee averse, and never bee pleased more?

Js his Loueing Kindenes ceased for euer, psalmes. 6? 12? 89? 55, 56, the law and first prophets. Ge: 47, Ex: 5? and his Promiss at an end for all Genera­tions? hath GOD forgotten to be gratious, or hath hee stopped vp his mercyes vvith an­ger, Surely? psalmes. 79? 119 z. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3? And I sayed that which I will sing is the YEERS of the RIGHTE HAND of the Most Highe. the law and first prophets. De: 32, Leu: 21, I vvill remember the Excellent VVORKES of the ETER­NALL, psalmes. 143. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7. remembring thy Miracles of old, and meditat vpon all thy VVORKS, and SPEAK of thy most Excellent ACTS: O GOD, thy vvay is in thy Sanctuary, psalmes. 145. vvhat MIGHT is so great as GOD? psalmes. 35? the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 7 [...] Iob: 37? the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 44? 45?

Thou art the Mighty one that hast don vvonderfull thinges, psalmes. 72. and manifested thy Povver among the Nations, vvith thine Arme thou ransomedst thy People. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 52, 53. The Children of Iacob and Ioseph surely. psalmes. 74.114. the law and first prophets. Ex: 11.14. Ios: 3, 4. Assoone as the vvaters savv thee, O GOD, psalmes. 114, vvhen they Savv thee, they Trembled, yea the [Page 74] Deepes wear stirred. The cloudes showred down waters, psalmes. 4.18. the law and first prophets. Ge: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: H [...]b: 3, the Skyes gaue a Clap, yea thine Arrowes went every way, thy Thunder claps wer in the round Orbs, psalmes. 97. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 24. thy Lightings Lightned the whole World, psalmes. 4.18. the law and first prophets. Ex: 14, the Erth stirred and quaked. Thy way beeing in the Sea, and thy Pathes in the Great Waters, the law and first prophets. Iob: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 14, and thy footsteps vnknown; thou leddest thy People like Sheep by the hands of Moses and Aaron. psalmes. 8.78. the law and first prophets. Ex: 3.4. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 43; Ro [...]: 11.


psalmes. 7 [...].HEAR, ô my People, my DOCTRINE, and hearken to the WORDES of my mouth; I will open my mouth in PARABLES, and vtter ancient ridles, psalmes. 49.19. the law and first prophets. Pro: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: [...]u: Io: 4.8.12. [...]7:17. M [...]: 13. which wee haue heard and known, the law and first prophets. Iud. 6. and our fathers have told vs. that wee should recount the PRAYSES of the ETER­NALL to another Generation, psalmes. 446. the law and first prophets. 1 [...]a: 2, and not conceal from their children his power, and his mervil­lous WORKES which hee hath don. Hee set a TESTAMENT in Iacob, psalmes. [...], the law and first prophets. De: 4, 6. Ne: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: [...]. Lu: 1. and put a LAW in Israel, which hee commaunded our fathers to acquaint their Children with, the law and first prophets. Ex: 10, that an other Generation might knowe it, and children vn­borne might vp, and tell it to their Children, that they might put their TRVST in GOD, and not forget the Excellent DEEDS of the ALMIGHTY, psalmes. 119. the law and first prophets. De: 4. and obserue his COMMAVN­DEMENTS. And not be like their Fathers, a froward and rebellious Generation, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19. M [...]c: 7. a Genera­tion that had noe stedfast hart nor faithfull minde with GOD: psalmes. [...] 64, 31.. the law and first prophets. De: 18: Ge: 49: Iud: 8: the last proph. & the n: t: O ad [...]h. Hos: 7. [...]2. The Children of Ephraim, that turned aside like Warping bowes in the day of Battail, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 12. 2 Cr [...]: 28. and kept not the COVENANT of GOD, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 11. Ex: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 7.9.11. and refuse-ed to walk in his LAW, and forgot his Excellent ACTS, and wonder­full WORKES which hee shewed them. The WONDERS hee did in the feelds of (the Cit­ty) ZOAN in the Land of Egypt, the law and first prophets. E [...]: [...].8.9.10, 15. Io [...]: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19.30. Ez: [...]0. hee claue the Sea a sunder, psalmes. 18, and conveyed them over, and made the Waters stand like a heap, psalmes. the law and first prophets. Ex: 14.15.40, Nu: 13▪ 14 Ex: 17, he lad them by a cloud in the day, and all the night by fire-light. Hee clave the rockes in the wildernes, and gave drink [Page 75] as vvith store of Deepes. the law and first prophets. Nu: 11, 21, hee brought floods out of the cliftes, and made them run dovvn like riuers of vvater, and yet they sinned again tovvards him, psalmes. 63, 105, 107, vexing the most High in the Desert, and tempted GOD in their mindes, asking food for their bodyes, psalmes. 95. psalmes. 35, 105, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 9, and spake a­gainst GOD, and SAYD: psalmes. 17. Can GOD fur­nish a Table in the VVildernes? psalmes. 23 [...]55? the law and first prophets. Ge: 1? Behold hee smote the Rock and Riuers of vvater issued out abundantly, psalmes. 144, the law and first prophets. Ex: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 10, can hee also giue bread and prouide meat for his People? psalmes. 68? the law and first prophets. Nu: 11? the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 14. M [...]: 6. Lu: 9. Io: 6. and therfor the Euerlasting vvhen hee hard it vvas enra­ge-ed, and fire kindle-ed in Jacob, psalmes. 18. and also anger grevv great in Jsrael, because they be­leeued not in GOD, & TRVSTED not in his SALVATION. psalmes. [...]8. And hee cōmaun­ded the Skyes aboue, & the doores of Heaven to open, psalmes. 68. the law and first prophets. Ex: 16, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 6.1. and rained vpō them MANNA to eat, & gaue them vvheat from Heauen. psalmes. 61.

Mē eate bread of Strength, psalmes. 84, the law and first prophets. De: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 4, 10, he sent thē victuall enough, hee remooued the East winde in Hea­uen, and by his strength brought in the South, psalmes. 68. the law and first prophets. Iob: 4.9. & rained vpon them flesh like dust, & winged foul like the Sand of the Sea, psalmes. 105. and made it lighte within his camp, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 14, Lu: 1, & round about all his dwel­lings, they did eate and wear well satisfyed, and hee brought them their own longing. psalmes. 106. the law and first prophets. Iob: 33, they for­sook nor their lustings while they wear yet ea­ting, & the meat in their mouthes, the law and first prophets. Nu: 11, & the anger of GOD increased among them, the law and first prophets. Ne: 8. & he slew of the fattest of their men, psalmes. 18, 22, the law and first prophets. Iud: 3, 4, and bowed down the choise men of Israel. For all this, they sinned a­gain & beleeved not in his wonderfull Workes, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro [...] 20. and hee ended their dayes in vanity, psalmes. 102, 63, the law and first prophets. N [...]: 9. and their yeers in terror. Did they seek him whē hee slew them, psalmes. 22 [...] the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 16. did they turn & inquire after the Almigh­ty? & did they remember that GOD was their safe Rock, and the most Highe their Redeemer? psalmes. 19 [...]


psalmes. 36, 73, Yea they deceived him with their mouthes, & lied vnto him with their tonges; and their hart was not firm with him, the law and first prophets. Iud: 16, 2 Cro: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: Is. 16. Mr: 7, neither wear they faythfull in his COVENANT; yet hee beeing mercyfull; psalmes. 65, 79, 57,. 106, 76, the law and first prophets. Ex: 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Dan: 9, reconciled for the Iniquity, and de­stroyed not, and many times hee refrained his Anger, and would not rouse vp all his Heat, remembring, that they wear flesh, and a winde that passeth, psalmes. 103, 102, 119 k. the law and first prophets. Ge: 6, Iob: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 2, Iam: 4, Ier: 22. and cōmeth not again. How often did they vex, and greev him in the wildernes & solitary Desertes; the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 20: and went & tempted the ALL MIGHTY, psalmes. 95, the law and first prophets. Ex: 17, 2, and limited the Holly one of Israel? not remembring his hand in the day hee redeemed them from the Enimy, what Signes & WONDERS hee left in the Country of (the Citty) ZOAN in EGYPT? psalmes. 74. the law and first prophets. Ne: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 11? Is: 19? 30? how hee turned their rivers into blood, and their brookes that they could not drink. Hee sent flyes to devour them, the law and first prophets. Ex: 7, 8, 9, 10, the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 21, and frogs to destroy them, he gave their increase to the Caterpiller, & their Toile to the Grass-hopper. the law and first prophets. De: 28. Hee beat their vines with Haile, and their Figtrees with Hailstones, psalmes. 105, the law and first prophets. Iob: 1, and shut vp their Bease vnto the Hail, psalmes. 18. and their Cattell to Flames of fire.

Hee sent among them a Message of euill Angels, psalmes. 34, 35, 76, the last proph. & the n: t: Gal: 5. Ze: 2. his hot Anger, his VVrath and his tormenting Seuerity of Affliction. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8. Hee pondered a fit vvay for his Anger, hee kept not their ovvn Persons back from death, and their herds of Cattell, psalmes. 105. hee shut vp to the Pestilence, the law and first prophets. Ex: 9, Ge: 9.14. he Smote the first-born in Egypt, and the prime of their strength in the Taber­nacles of Ham. psalmes. 23. the law and first prophets. Nu: 33, Ex: 11, 15, And remooued avvay his people, and lad them like a flock in the VVil­dernes, psalmes. 80, 16, hee conducted them safly, vvithout fear, and the Sea ouervvhelmed their Eni­myes, and hee brought them to his holly bor­ders, psalmes. 74. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 13, this Hill, vvhich his Right-hand con­quered, [Page 77] and droue out Nations before them, psalmes. 2, 44, 136,, 16, the law and first prophets. Nu: 21,, 26,, and hee made them fall an Inheritance by Lot, the law and first prophets. Ios: 12,, 23,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 47,.48.. and the Tribes of Israel to dvvell in their Tabernacles. And they tempted and angered GOD the most HIGH, the law and first prophets. Iud: 1, 3, and kept not his TESTIMONYES, psalmes. 25, and turned back and reuolted like their Fathers, psalmes. 106, the law and first prophets. Ex: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 7.9, they tur­ned aside, like a vvarped bovv, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 3, 2 Cro: [...]8, De: 32, 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 7.11. and they vexed him vvith their high places, psalmes. 79. and tinned him vvith their graue-en Images. GOD heard it, and vvas enrage-ed, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 2,, Ios: 8, 16, 1 Sa: 4.5. E [...]: 25. Ge: 15, 49, 1 Sa: 1.2, Iud: 21, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 7, 26, and greatly reprooued Jsrael, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7: and hee forsook his Habitation in Shi­lo, and his Tabernacle vvhich hee place-ed in Adam, psalmes. 114.14. the law and first prophets. Ios: 18, 21.3, 22. 1 Sa: 3, 4, 1 K: 4, 7, 1 Cro: 2. De: 12.14.16. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 3. and gaue his STRENGH to captiuity, and his GLORY into the hand of the Enimy, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 36. and hee shut vp his People to the Svvord, and vvas inrageed against his Inhe­ritance. The fire consumeed his yong men, & his maydes vvere not commended, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 5. his Prie­stes fell by the Svvord, psalmes. 44. the law and first prophets. Iob: 27, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 12, & ther vvas noe vvee­ping of his VVidovvs. the law and first prophets. Ge: 9, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 9. Ier: 9.23. Ioel: 1, Is: 28. And the LORD a­vvaked vvith a noys like a strong-man asleep vvith VVine, psalmes. 14, 53, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 5. De: 28, Ex: 9. and smote the hinder part of his Enimyes, and gaue them an Euerlasting re­proche. And hee refuse-ed the Tabernacle of Joseph, psalmes. 132.60. the law and first prophets. Ge: 49, 1 Cro: 5, 7. 1 Sa: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 7. Hos: 18. and the Tribe of Ephraim hee liked not, and hee chose the Tribe of Judah Mount Sion, vvhich hee loued, psalmes. 74, 114. the law and first prophets. De: 1 [...]. [...] Sa: 6.7. Nu: 24, 1 C [...]o: 28, Ecc: 1. and hee built his Church most highe, and founded it like the Erth for euerlasting. psalmes. 89.104.23, 125, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 17. And hee chose his Seruant Dauid, and took him from the Sheepfolds, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 16, [...] Sa: 3, 5, 7, the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 7. Ez: [...]4. Mt: 2, hee took him from follovving the yevves vvith Lamb, psalmes. 59 b to feed his People in Jacob, & his INHERITANCE in [Page 78] Israel, psalmes. 67▪ the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]h: 21. I [...]r: 3.23. & hee fed them vvith his vvhole hart, and lad thē vvith all the skill of his handes.

LXXIX. A Psalm of ASAPH.

O GOD, the Hethen are come into thine IN­HERITANCE, psalmes. 40, the law and first prophets. De: 23. the last proph. & the n: t: Ex: 9, 12, 19, Iam: 1, 4, 5, Ie [...]: 32, 9. Mic: 4. I [...]el: 3. Ie [...]: 20; 21; 26; 34: & haue defileed thy hol­ly Temple, psalmes. 74, the law and first prophets. Nu: 3, 16, 17, 18, and brought Ierusalem to confu­sion. They haue made the carcases of thy Ser­vants, meat for the fowles of Heaven, and the flesh of thy Gratious ones; the law and first prophets. De: 28, food for the beasts of the erth. psalmes. 50, the law and first prophets. Nu: 23, the last proph. & the n: t: Lam: 2, They haue shed their blood like water round about Ierusalem, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 24, De: 12, Leu: 26, the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 10, 11, and ther is none that buiryeth them; the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, and wee are a Reproche, a Laughing stock, and a Mocking stock to all our Neighbours round about vs. psalmes. 44, the law and first prophets. Ne: 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Dan: 1, 9, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 22.23.

psalmes. 4, 75, 85, the law and first prophets. Ex: 15? 20? the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 22, 40,O ETERNALL, wher to wilt thou be an­gry for euer? & how lōg shall thy Ialousy burn like fire? the law and first prophets. Can: 8? the law and first prophets. 1 Thes: 1? ô powre out thy hot Wrath vpon the Hethen which know thee not, psalmes. 78? 80? 89? and vpon the Kingdoms that call not vpon thy NAME. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 10, 25, Ap: 6, 12, 15.11, 16. Be­cause it hath eatē vp Iacob, psalmes. 14.53. and they haue made his goodly dwelling desolate. the last proph. & the n: t: Lam: [...], 5. Mt: 23.24, Remember not our former Iniquityes, but set thy mercyes quickly before vs, psalmes. 59.85, 80.142, 116, for wee are greatly waste-ed. Help vs, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 14, 6, Leu: 26, 1 K: 8, ô GOD, for the GLORY of thy NAME; psalmes. 74.78.23. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9. 1 Io [...]: 1: Heb: 5. and deliuer vs, and make reconcilia­tion for our sinnes for thy Names sake. the law and first prophets. Leu: 16.

psalmes. 42? 115? the law and first prophets. 2 K: 18? 19? the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 2? Mic: 7? 1 Th: 1, Is: 51, 52, Ie [...]: 50, Ap: 6.19.Why shall the Hethen SAY, Wher is their GOD? Let him be known manifestly among the Hethen, before our eyes; a Revenge of the blood of his Servantes that is shed. psalmes. 58.94. the law and first prophets. De: 32, G [...]: [...].4, Nu: 35. Let the Prisoners groneing come before thee, and ac­cording to the greatnes of thine ARME, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8, 1 Cro: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3, re­store thou them that are condemned to dye. psalmes. 102. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 25.50.51, 52, And to our Neighbours, turn into their bo­somes, seven times, ô Lord, their Reproche which they have reproched thee, psalmes. 25 [...]. [...]1..119. [...], 85. the law and first prophets. Ne: 3, P [...]o: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 1.3. I [...]: [...]5. D [...]: 9. 1 Pe [...]: 4, Lu: 123; and wee thy People and the sheep of thy pasture; will pu­blish, and tell out thy PRAYSE for ever, yea for all Generations. psalmes. 11 [...].74 [...].95;. [...]0. [...], the law and first prophets. Deu: 30.

LXXX. For the Cheeff vpon Shoshannim: Edbuth, A Psalm of ASAPH▪ psalmes. 45:60:81. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 6; 7: Can: 2:5:

O Sheephard of Israel, hear vs; psalmes. 23, 40, 70, 67, 68; 78; 107; 62; 63; the law and first prophets. Ex: 3. Ge: 49, 2 Sa: 6; 1 Sa: 4; E [...]: 2, [...]37; Ge: 3; 1 K: 6; 2 K: 19; Nu: 2.3.4. Iu [...]: 5. De: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 63, Ie: 3. Mt: 26. Is: 37, thou that conductest Ioseph like a flock of sheep; & Inhabitest the Cherubs: SHINE out. Rouse vp thy STRENGTH before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasses, and come and help vs. Guide vs, psalmes. 67. O GOD, by the Shineing of thy COVNTE­NANCE we may be safe. O ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. Nu: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 4. Ier: 17. GOD of hostes; psalmes. 74? 79? the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3? [...]? How long wilt thou FVME against the PRAYERS of thy People? thou fee­dest them with bred of weeping, psalmes. 42? 137? 102? 126? and make-est them drink with abundance of Teares?

Thou settest vs a Taunt for our Neighbours, psalmes. 2, 44, the law and first prophets. Ne: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2, and our Enimyes make a Mock at them. the law and first prophets. De: 28, O GOD of Hostes, Conduct vs by the Shineing of thy COVNTENANCE wee may bee safe. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 5. Thou re­moovedst a VINE out of Egypt, psalmes. 2, 44. the law and first prophets. Ex: 14.15. De: 4, 7. Ge: 49, and expelledst the Hethen, and plantedst it; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 5, 40, thou madest a clean rid­dance before it, and madest her rootes take root & fill the Land, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 4, and the hilles wear covered with her Shadow, her branches beeing like mighty Ceders; psalmes. 36; the law and first prophets. Nu: 24; Ex: 23; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 10; 16; her short bowes and sucking shoots shee reached out to the Sea, and to the Rivers. the law and first prophets. Iob: 5? 31? D [...]: 28? 2 K: 22, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2? Heb: 6? Why hast thou bro­ke-en down her hedgees that all Travailers doe curss her?

The Savage Swine out of the wood, psalmes. 60? 89? the last proph. & the n: t: Mt. 7? 8 [...] Lu: 8? 15? Ier: 12? Is: 5? 8? 9? and the wilde beestes of the feeld waste it and devoure it? ô GOD of Warr, com look vpon, I pray thee, psalmes. 85. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 14. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3, Lu: 1, 7. out of Heauen, and behold, and visit this Vine, & the Stock which thy right hand hath plan­ted; the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 15. Ie: 2. Mt: 3; Heb: 1, psalmes. 2, 86, 116. the law and first prophets. Ge: 48, 49, Ex: 4, and vpon the SONNE which thou hast confirmed to thy self, which are burnt with fire as of a purgeing, psalmes. 50, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 2 [...]. Is: 33. Mt: 3. and perish with thy chi­deing Countenance. Let thy Hand bee vpon all human men of thy Right hand, psalmes. 102. the law and first prophets. Ge: 48. Ex: 4, which thou hast confirmed vnto thee, psalmes. 37., 4, 85, 97, 10 [...], that wee may not slip back from thee, quicken vs to call vpon thy NAME, ô ETERNALL, GOD of Hostes, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 5.: & Guid vs with the Shineing of thy COVNTE­NANCE that wee may be safe. psalmes. 44.

psalmes. 8.84.LXXXI. For the Cheeff vpon the Git Instrument, A Psalm of ASAPH.

psalmes. 47, 68. the law and first prophets. De: 32. Iob: 38. Ex: 3. 2 Sa: 6, Ex: 15, 34, 10, 12, 17, Nu: 10, Pro: 4. De: 16; 25; 1 K: 8; Ex: 15, Iud: 11, Leu: 23. the last proph. & the n: t: Is. 16.SOVND out to our MIGHTY GOD of STRENGTH. Sing aloud to the GOD of Jacob, take vp the Psaltery, and take the ta­ber, psalmes. 34,, 92,, 150,, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 3, Am: 5. Ez: 45, 40, the sweet harp and the Viol, and at our feast-dayes, in the new-moones appointed; blow the Trumpet: for that was a prescribe-ed custom of the GOD of Iacob vnto Israel, hee set it a TESTIMONY in Ioseph, of his going out against the Land of Egypt. psalmes. 60, 68..70,.80.12 [...].

psalmes. 114. the law and first prophets. Ge: 15, Leu: 26, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 3,I heard Lips that I knew not, hee whos shoulders I took from the burden, and his handes went from the basket, in distresse thou didst call, & J released thee; I answered thee in secret thun­der, psalmes. 4; 34; 50; 91, 61: the law and first prophets. Ex; 1, 3, 6, 19:17: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 10, 14, & tryed thee at the waters of Meribah surely: Hear, psalmes. 29:95: the law and first prophets. Nu: 20: O thou my People of Israel, and I will protest of thee, if thou wilt hear mee; that ther bee no strange GOD within thee, psalmes. 50. the law and first prophets. De: 4, 6, 30: Ex: 19, 20, 32: neither wilt fall down to worship any forain GOD: I the ETERNALL, thy GOD which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt; psalmes., 44, 104. the law and first prophets. Le: 26: 2 K: 17. De: 8.18.28. Ex: 4.13, 15. the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]l: 2: Mt: Mr: [...]: Io: Ie: 1. Ex: 3, Mt: 4. open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

psalmes 95; But my People Israel, would not hearken to my VOYCE, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 15; the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 22; 23; I [...]: 1; 41; Act: 14, Mt: 8. Mic: 6. nor consent vnto mee; and I let them goe in the torment of their mindes, and walk in their own counsells. If Israel had hearkened to mee, psalmes. 5.37:. the law and first prophets. De: 28.29, and had walked in my wayes: J would had soon abased their Enimyes, psalmes. 21: the law and first prophets. Iob: 36; and layed my hand on their foes. The Haters of the ETERNALL had been devoteed to him; psalmes. 138.21, the law and first prophets. Ex: 7.23. De: 33; Iob: 36. and their time should had lasted for Ever, psalmes. 37.40, 147.71. the law and first prophets. D [...]: 28 32.33. Ex: [...]e: 49. De: 32 6. Nu: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 36. I [...]h: 6. 1 Cor: 10. Ez: 3. Mt: Mr: I.: Io: and hee would had fed him with wheaten flower, and I would had satisfyed thee from the Hony rock. psalmes. 19 61.107.


psalmes. 68, 75.95.97. the law and first prophets. Ex: [...]. Leu: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 3. Ie [...]: 5. 1 Cor: 6.8. GOD standeth cheeff, in the Assembly of GOD, and is IVDGE among the Godes [Page 81] themselves. psalmes. 58? 75? the law and first prophets. Eccl: 3? Iob: 13? Pro: 2? 8? 2 Cro: 19? De: 10? 16? 17? 21? Ex: 23? the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 22.12, 20. Ia: 2? I [...]: 10? 11? Ga [...]: 2? Mt: 22? Mal: 3. Why will you doe wrong JVD­GEMENT, psalmes. 15? and accept the face of the vvicked ones Surely?

Iudge yee the Empty and the fatherlesse, psalmes. 72. the law and first prophets. De: 24, 27, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 7. the oppressed and poor-man with Iust IVDGE­MENT: Free and deliuer the Empty, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 22; the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 2 [...]; 1 Th: 4. and Needy out of the handes of the VVicked. But they know nothing, psalmes. 89.93 96, the law and first prophets. De: 29. Pro: 30. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 9. Ioh: 11. nor vnderstand any thing, they walk in darknes, that all the foun­dations of the Erth are moved.

I sayd, Yee are Godes, psalmes. 84; 29; 50. the law and first prophets. Ex: 4; 7; 18; 21; 22; Nu: 19; Can: 6; I [...]d: 16,. Iob: Pr [...]: 28, 1 S [...]: 24, Ex: 22. De: 32. Ex: 19.2 [...]. Leu: 25. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 10; Mt: 5; Ez: 20; 32; Act: 23; Is: 10, 14, 2 Cor: [...]2. Iud; Mic: 4. Za: 4.6.14. and I call yee all the Children of the Most Highe; but like men shall yee dye, and fall like any one of the Prince-es. Vp thou, O GOD, and Iudge the Earth, psalmes. 9, 10, 68.76. for thou hast inheritance in all Nations.

LXXXIII. A Psalm Song of ASAPH. psalmes.

O GOD, bee not thou silent; hold not thy peace, nor sit thou still, psalmes. 28.35.44. the law and first prophets. Ex: 14, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 64, ô ALLMIGHTY one. For, behold, thine ENIMYES that hate thee, make a noyse and hold vp the head: they take crafty counsell against thy People, psalmes. 93; 2.10. the law and first prophets. Iob: 10: the last proph. & the n: t: Lam: 2; Is: 9; 13; 17: Da: 2, and con­sult against thy Preserved. They say, Come let vs cut them off, from a Nation, psalmes. 94,. the law and first prophets. Ne: 4, 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Gal: 4. Ier: 31, 43, Io: 11. that the NAME of Israel bee never remembred more, psalmes., the law and first prophets. Nu: 22, 2 K: 17, De: 2 [...]. for they con­sult in their mindes together, and make a Co­venant against thee.

The Tabernacles of Edom and Moab, psalmes. 106. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 5.18, 2 C [...]o: 20, Ge: 16, 36, 1 Sa: 11, 2 Sa: 12, Iu [...]: 11.12. Nu: 24, De: 25. Ex: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Oba. Is: 15.16. Gal: 4. Ez: 25.26.27. and the Ismaelites, and them of Hagar, Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, and Phelistia with the Inhabitantes of Tyre, psalmes. 100, 136, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 3. Ie [...]: 47, 48, 49, 25. 1 Pe: 4 yea Assur also is ioyned with them, and wear a helping Arme to the Children of Lot surely. psalmes. 3:68, the law and first prophets. Iu: 4; 5:6:7:8: 1 Cro: 1, Nu: 31, 2 K: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 10, Doe thou to them as thou didst to Midian: as thou didst to Sisera & Iabin at the River Qishon, that wear smitten in Endor, and became dong for the Land; the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 8, 16, 25, make their Prince-es like Oreb and Zeeb, psalmes. 47, 147. the law and first prophets. Nu: 21, 22, 33, and all their Elect like Zebah and Zalmunah.

[Page 82] psalmes. 23.48. the law and first prophets. Nu: 24. the last proph. & the n: t: Oba: Lam: 4.Which sayd, Let vs get vs the possession of GODS fair Habitation. O GOD, make them like dust, psalmes. 1, the law and first prophets. Ex: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 17, Ma [...]: 4, Heb: 6, 10, and like chaff before the winde; as fi­re-y flames burne and inflame the Hills and the Forest: the law and first prophets. 2 K: 2.12, so pursue thou them with thy Tempest, and with thy Whirlwinde make them sore a­frayed. Fill their face-es with scorching, when men seek thy NAME, psalmes. 48, the law and first prophets. Nu: 24. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9. ô ETERNALL; let them bee terribly abashed and vtterly confoun­ded, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 13, 17, and perish for ever more. That they may knowe that thy NAME onely, ô ETER­NALL, psalmes. 7. [...]2. the law and first prophets. De: 2,. the last proph. & the n: t: Phil: 2. Rom: 14. is the Soveraigne NAME over all the Earth.

psalmes. 8.31. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 2.20.LXXXIV. For the cheeff vpon the Git, A Psalm of the Sonnes of Corah.

psalmes. 87, 122, the law and first prophets. Nu: 21? 2 Cro: 20?O Warlike ETERNALL, how lovely are thy dwellings? yea my soule is spent with longing for the courtes of the ETERNALL, psalmes. 27:42: my hart and my flesh, to sound out to my li­uing GOD. psalmes. 16.73.4 [...]. Both the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest (thine Altars) for her to lay her yong ones. psalmes. 11, the law and first prophets. Leu: 14. De: 22, 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8, 10. O warlike E­TERNALL, and my King and GOD. Happy are thos that dwell in thy house; psalmes. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 1 [...], 2 K: 18.19. that they may ever praise thee surely.

Happy are the men that haue their STRENG­TH in thee, psalmes. 40, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 20. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 40. Mt: 3. and thy plaine Wayes in their hartes. They that travailed in the Vale of Baca, made a fountain of it; the law and first prophets. Pro; 3.5. 2 Sa: 5. 1 Cro: 14. Nu: 21, 26. 2 Cro: 20. yea the raine covered it with blessings. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 3.4. They went stronger and stronger, whē they appeered before GOD being present in Sion. psalmes. 107.78, 42. the last proph. & the n: t: [...]z: 34.39. O thou ETERNALL, ô thou GOD of Warr, hear my Prayer, hear mee, ô thou GOD of Iacob Surely.

O GOD our Shield, see and behold the face of thine Annoynted; psalmes. 47.119 s. 120.109, 10, the law and first prophets. De: 33, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 60. Ap: 21.23, for a day one spendeth in thy Courtes and in the House of my GOD, I chuse better then a thousand dayes cōtinuance in wicked Tabernacles. psalmes. 120. the law and first prophets. Nu: 16, Ge: 18. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 14, Da: 4. Eph: 6, Mt: 13. Mal: 4, Is: 60, For the ETERNALL as a Sunn & Shield, the ETER: will giue grace & glory, psalmes. 97, 112, 19. the law and first prophets. Ex: 11, 12, and lessen noe good thing to them that walke vprightly. psalmes. 18, 36.122, 34.101, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 14.12, 16, ô warlike ETER: happy is the Man that trusteth in thee. psalmes. 21, the law and first prophets. De: 33.

LXXXV. For the Cheeff of the Sonnes of Corah, A Psalm. psalmes. 44.126. the law and first prophets. Iob: 1; 42; the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 11, D [...]: 1, 9, Ez: 3:12:22: Ier: 30:39:45:

O ETERNALL, that didest like thy Coun­try, the law and first prophets. Iob: 42: and broughtest againe the captivity of Iacob; and forgavest the iniquity of thy People, psalmes. 14; 53; 102.3 [...], 44, 126.39: and coveredst their sinnes surely, & contractedst all thy rage, and made-est it turne again from the kindling of thine Anger: ô GOD, our salva­tion; bring vs again, psalmes. 77.79.75? 6? the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 37, 39. and break off thine angry indignation with vs. Wilt thou bee for euer an­gry with vs, and wilt thou prolong thine An­ger dureing all generations?

Wilt thou not come and revive vs again? psalmes. 80? 102? 9? 9 [...]? 67? 74? the law and first prophets. De: 30? the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 24? Ier: 25? that thy People may reioyce in thee? ô thou ETER­NALL, psalmes. 25.34.49. the law and first prophets. Nu: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1.2, Malach: shew vs thy Kindenes and graunt vs thy Salvation. ô let mee hear, what the All­mighty GOD, the ETERNALL will speak, that hee will speak peace vnto his People, psalmes. 35.120, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 10. Is: 59. Mt: 17. and to his Gratious ones, psalmes. 125. and let them never returne to crookednes again.

That his Salvation may bee neer vnto them that fear him, psalmes. 91.34, 25, 86, the law and first prophets. De: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2, Mt: 24. that GLORY may dwell in our Land, that KINDENES and TRVTH and IV­STICE and PEACE may meet, psalmes. 71.4. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic. 7. and kiss ech other, that TRVTH may bud out of the earth, psalmes. 72. & RIGHTEOVSNES look down out of Heaven, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 6. M [...]lach: yea, that the ETERNALL may give bounty, psalmes. 53. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pe: 3. and our Land yeeld her abundance of increase, the law and first prophets. De: 30. Le: 26, that RIGHTEOVSNES may goe before him, psalmes. 67.50. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2. Is: 58. and hee may put his feet in the Waye.

LXXXVI. A Prayer, of David. psalmes. 17.142.

O ETERNALL, incline thine eare and con­sider mee, for J am miserable and needy, psalmes. 102, 25. pre­serve my life, for I am pittifull; save thy Seruant, ô GOD, that putteth his trust in thee. O ETER: pitty mee, because I call dayly vpon thee. Cheer the soule of thy Servant, psalmes. 20,,, 95.143, for vnto thee J open my minde. Because thou, O ETERN: art very full of pardon, and of great Kindenes to them that call vpon thee: O ETERN: hear my Prayer, psalmes. 130, and hearken vpon the Voyce of my Request. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8..

[Page 84] In the day of my distresse, when J call thee, O consider and hear mee. psalmes. 50.91.. the law and first prophets. De: 5. Among the Gods, ther is none like thee; psalmes. 18; 35; 713 88;, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8. 2 Sa: 7: 2 C [...]o▪ 6. nor any Deeds like thine, ô LORD. All Nations shall come and Worship before thee, psalmes. 65, 72, 85, 102. the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 15. ô LORD, and glorify the NAME which hast don it, for thou art great, and thou onely, O GOD, doest Wonderfull thinges. Teach mee thy WAY, psalmes. 105.119 b. 25.; 27.: the law and first prophets. De: 29;, O ETERNALL, that I may walk in thy TRVTHE, and vnite my hart to the fear of thy NAME. psalmes. 89, 37, That I may publish thee, ô LORD GOD, with all my hart, and Glorify the NAME for ever. psalmes. 85.102.

psalmes. 88., 116,, 11,, 16, 57.54.94, 123.124.36.Because thy KINDENES is great vpon mee, and thou hast deliuered mee from Hel [...] below, O GOD, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 13; when the proud, and a company of Tyrants rose against mee, and fought my life; that set not GOD before them. the last proph. & the n: t: Coll: 1, 3, Eph: 2, 1 [...]im: 1. Ioel: 2. Ion: 4, Thou beeing, ô LORD, a Mercifull and a Gratious GOD, de­laying Anger, psalmes. 145,; 103,; 111; the law and first prophets. Ex: 34. 2 Cro: 30, E [...]: 2 [...]; Ne: 1: Nu: 14. Ex: 22. 2 Sa: 9,. Long-suffering and of very great Kindenes: O look vpon mee and pitty mee, giue thy Seruant strength & saue the SONNE of thine Hand-mayd. psalmes. 80.87, 2.116.124. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Pe: 3. Mt: 3. Is: 1,. 7, 13,. Shevv mee a Signe, of Good, that they hath hate mee may see it, and bee abashed, that thou, ô ETERNALL, doest help and Comfort mee.

psalmes. 88.92.LXXXVII. Of the Sonnes of Corah, A Psalm Song.

THE ETERNALL loue-eth the gates of Sion, psalmes. 37.12 [...], 13 [...], the law and first prophets. Nu: 24. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 21, whose foundation is in the Holly Hilles: above all the Dwellings in Iacob; the moste-vnspeakable ones in thee, psalmes. 84; the law and first prophets. Ex: 40; ô Citty of GOD Surely.

Loe, when I mention Rahab and Babel to mine Acquaintance (loe) Palestina and Cush, psalmes. 89; the law and first prophets. Iob: 9:26: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 51; 8; 4 [...]: [...]5; Ie [...]: 22.23. Is: [...]. M [...]: 1. This man was born there: also of Sion it shall bee sayd, psalmes. 68; 104; 2 [...]:105:86, 48. the law and first prophets. Ge: 10; El [...]: 1.8; This man was born in her, and Hee, in that, which the Most High established.

The ETERNALL, when hee wrighteth vp his People, the last proph. & the n: t: Phil: 4. A [...]: 3.20.21. Heb: 12. [...]ph: 2, [...]s: 4. will Reckō, This man was born thear surely, psalmes. 36.68. and all my welles of Singers, and fountaines of Musicians are in thee.

LXXXVIII. A Psalm Song for the Chorites: for the Cheeff over the Chore, to Sing: A Mascil by Heman the Ezrahite. psalmes. 147. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 2.6.25. 2 C [...]o: 24. 1 Cro: 15. De: 8. P [...]o: 17. Ios: 7.

O ETERNALL the GOD of my Salvation, psalmes. 62, when I cry for thee in the night, let my PRAYER come before thee, the law and first prophets. Ge: 2, and turn thine eare to my loude SONET. psalmes. 17, 86, 88,, My Soul is full of euills, and my life euen toucheth hell, J am counted vvith them that are going to the pitt, and am like a man vvithout any mighte, psalmes. 22, abso­lute among the dead, as thos that are slayne and lye in the graue, psalmes. 71. psalmes. 32. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 2 [...]. vvhom thou rememberest no more, and are cut off by thy hand. the law and first prophets. Iob: 7.

Thou hast put mee in the deep and dark pitt belovv, thy Chafeing is sunk vpon mee, psalmes. 40, psalmes. 31, and thou oppressest mee vvith all thy Breaches su­rely. psalmes. 38.39. Thou hast farr absented my familiar Ac­quaintance from mee, the law and first prophets. Nu: 19, 31, thou hast made mee an abhomination to them, I am close-ed vp, and can not get out, mine eyes are euen consumed, and driuen out by oppression, and I CALL on thee dayly, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 40, 71, psalmes. 144. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8. and spread my palmes vnto thee, psalmes. 6? 105? 115? 30? the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 26? 38? Ap: 9? 1 [...]? Wilt thou doe a won­der vpon the Dead, shall the deceased rise againe and confesse thee surely?

Shall thy LOV: psalmes. 30, 25? KINDENES bee told in the grave, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 9? 11? & thy FAYTHFVLLNES in the place of destruction? shall thy Mi­racles be manifested in the dark, and thy wonderfull IVSTICE in the land of for­getfullnes? that I, when I shoute vnto thee, psalmes. 27? 137? the law and first prophets. De: 32? & my PRAYER come early before thee; why doest thou reject mee, the law and first prophets. De: 31? 32? and hide thy face from mee? J beeing afflicted and yeel­ding vp the Ghost vvith trouble, psalmes. 162. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 33. vvith bearing [Page 86] thy Terrors am amaseed: psalmes. 38: 18, 119, ch. 124. thy sore Kindlings are vpon mee, thy terrible Passions press mee. They compasse about mee dayly like vvater, psalmes. 17.22. and goe all-about ouer mee together. Thou estrangest my Loueing freends from mee, psalmes. 38. the law and first prophets. Iob: 12, 19, 2 Cro: 15, & my familiar Acquaintance, vvith obscurity.

the law and first prophets. 1 K: 2.4. Ios: 8.7. 1 Sa: 6:LXXXIX. A Mascil, of Ethan the Ezrachite.

psalmes. 101: the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3: A [...]: 20: I [...]n: 1. Is: 12. Heb: 11.I Will euer SING the KINDENESSES of the ETERNALL, & to all Generatiōs make known thy FAITHFVLLNES with my mouth. psalmes. 119, l. To wit, The Kindenes that the world was built by, psalmes. 19.38.82, and thy Faythfullnes which thou hast CONFIRMED in the Heavens, I have made a Covenant & sworne to my servant Da­vid: psalmes. 74: the law and first prophets. De: 7:14:27: 2 Cro: 6:21: the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 37: Hos: 3, the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 7. I will establish thy seed for euer, and build vp thy throne for all generatiōs surely. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 2. And let the Heaven confesse thy wonderfullnes, O ETERNALL, yea thy FAYTHFVLLNES in the Congregation of the Holly ones; For who a­mong the children of the GODES in the clou­dy skyes, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 40. equalleth or may compare with the ETERNALL? a terrible GOD in the counsell of the Holly ones, psalmes. 29? 82? 86? 35. and dreadfull over all that be about him? psalmes. 7.76. O ETERNALL, GOD of Warr, who is so mighty a GOD as thou art, the law and first prophets. De: 3? the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 11? and thy FAYTHFVLLNES about thee? Thou rullest over the pride of the Sea, psalmes. 35, 65, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 31, Mt: 8, and allayest the waves thereof, when they rise, the maine Ocean thou bea­test down like a slain man, psalmes. 32.40.90. the law and first prophets. Iob: 9, 26. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 51, 53. Lu: 1, & with thy strong Arme scatterest thine Enimyes. the Heavens are thine, yea the Earth is thine, the whole world, and all the Im­plements therof, psalmes. 24, for thou foundedst them; the North and the South, thou hast created them, Tabor and Hermon to resound out thy Name. psalmes. 42, 29, 24: 133.54, 29. the law and first prophets. Iud: 4. D [...]: 3, Ca: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 46. Thou hast a con­quering Arme, and thy Right hand doth highly pre­vaile, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 3. the firm Base of thy Throne is Iustice and Iudgement, psalmes. 45.97. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 33. M [...]c: 6. M [...]: 23. and Kindenes and Faythfullnes stand before thy face. psalmes. 25.86. Happy are the People that know Triumphing, psalmes. 82, and walk, ô ETER: in the Light [Page 87] of thy Countenaunce, psalmes. 90, & are dayly meery with thy NAME, and Exalted with thy IVSTICE.

Because thou art the Ornament of their Strength, psalmes. 75, the law and first prophets. E [...]: 28, and by thy good will is our Horne Exalted. psalmes. 47. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 21. For our DEFENDOVR is the ETER­NALLS, & our KING the Holly ones of Israel, whē as thou spakest in a VISION to thy GRA­TIOVS ONE and SAYEDST; the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 17; 11.12. J haue leuyed & raysed and Ayde, psalmes. 78.119 d, the law and first prophets. Iob: 9. & a Chose-en one out of the People aboue a VVORTHY. J haue found my Seruant Dauid and Anoynted him vvith my holly oyle, psalmes. 23. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 15, 16, 17, 2 Sa 7, 3, Ex: 29. vvith vvhom my hand shall firmly bee, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 2, 34, 37, Act: 7, 13. & mine ARME shall strengthen him. No Enimye or Iniurious childe shall intercept him, or oppresse him. psalmes. 74, 92, 109, 110, 18, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 16, 3, 7, Ge: 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 10, J vvill beat dovvn his foes, & them that hate him, flat be­fore him, & my FAYTHFVLLNES & LOV: KINDENES shall bee vvith him, psalmes. 119 I. and in my NAME shall his Horne bee exalted, & vpon the Sea & vpon the Ri­uers vvill J make his Right hand to bee. Hee shall CALL mee, O my Father, the law and first prophets. Iob: 17,, the last proph. & the n: t: Rom: 8. Gal: 4. my GOD & Rock of my SALVATION, & I vvill make him my ELDEST-SONNE, psalmes. 2.47, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 2, & the SOVERAIGNE of all the Kinges of the Earth, J vvill make his seed, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 13.33. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 2, & his Throne to bee for Euerlasting like the dayes of heauen, psalmes. 45. & if his children forsake my Law, & vvalk not in my JVDGEMENTS, if they violate my PRESCRIPTIONS, & keep not my Commandements: the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 7. Iob: [...]1. De: 25. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. a 2 Co [...]: 11. Ie [...]: 30.46. Is: 27. I vvill visit their Transgressions vvith Rods, psalmes. 77, 125, 119 l, & their Jniqui­ty vvith Scourges; but my Lov: psalmes. 44.55. the law and first prophets. Iud: 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 33, Is: 55, Kindenes vvill I not break off from him, neither deal falsly in my Faythfullnes. psalmes. 74. the law and first prophets. Nu: 30, De: 23. J vvill not violate my Co­venant, nor change the thing that is gon out of my Lipps. psalmes. 15.

[Page 88] I haue once SVVORNE in my HOL­LYNES, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 13? and shall J lye vnto David? His Seed shall bee for euer & his Throne as the Sunne before mee, psalmes. 15▪ psalmes. 47, 72. the last proph. & the n: t: [...]z: 37, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 3. hee shall be esta­blished as firme as the Moone, psalmes. 148. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 31, 33. a faythfull witnes in the SKYE for euer surely. the last proph. & the n: t: Z [...]: 4, Is: 8. Ap: 11, 1, And thou lothe-est and drawest back, psalmes. 19.60, and art angry with thine ANOINTED. Thou avoydest the COVENANT of thy Servant, psalmes. 74, 44,, the last proph. & the n: t: L [...]m: 2, and defile-est his Garland one the ground; thou hast broke-en down all his walles, the law and first prophets. Ex: 28, 29, 39, and made a ruine of all his Fortifications, psalmes. 74, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 5, Ie: 12, all Travailers by the way trample on him, psalmes. 80, hee is a Reproche vnto his Neighbours. Thou holdest vp the Right hand of his Foes, psalmes. 44. & make-est all his Enimyes glad, yea thou turnest the edge of his sword, and make-est it not to stand in the Battail, thou make-est it rest from his brightnes, and hast pulled down his Throne to the Ground. Thou hast shortened the dayes of his youth, and covered him over with Bash­fullnes surely. psalmes. 109, How long wilt thou continue hid; psalmes. 44; 74; 38, 79, 6 [...] 21? the law and first prophets. Nu: 6; 11; and shall thy hot Anger burn like fire? ô Re­member thou of what continuance I am, the law and first prophets. Ex: 15? wher­for in vain hast thou create-ed all Human men? psalmes. 39 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 37 [...] what strong man is ther that shall not see death, or his life shall escape from the hand of hell, su­rely? psalmes. 49? 89? Wher are thy first KINDENESSES, ô Lord, which thou SWAREST to David, in thy FAYTHFVLLNES? Remember, O LORD, the Reproche of thy Seruāts, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 2. which I put vp in my bosom, of all the great ones of the Nations wher with thine Enimyes have reproched, psalmes. 49, the law and first prophets. Iud: 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 39, 50. Is: 2. ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 79, wher with thine Enimyes haue reproched the Steps of thine Anoynted. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Io: 2. Blessed bee the ETERNALL for ever. Again and Again. psalmes. 2; 36; 49;


XC. A Prayer of Moses, the Man of GOD. the law and first prophets. De: 9, E [...]: 14.15.32, Ios: 14.

O LORD, psalmes. 9 [...], 102.71, the law and first prophets. Nu: 14, Ex: 29, 32, 1 Sa: 2, Iob: 15.38. P [...]o: 8, Ge: 1, 2 K: 15. De: 23. Ge: 2, 5, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 25. Io [...]: 17. Col: 1. Am: 4, Eph: 1. Is: 51 66, Heb: 11. Ie [...]: 31, thou hast been an Habitation for vs in all ages, before the Hilles wear brought foorth, and the Earth and whole Con­fusion had travailed in paine of birth, and from one generation to another thou hast been our GOD. psalmes. 86.44. psalmes. 8 105.93.94, 104 143, Thou bringest miserable man to a frag­ment, and SAYEST, the law and first prophets. Io▪ 4. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 6. Is: [...] Pe: 2, 3. Com againe yee Children of men. For a thousand yeers in thy sighte, the law and first prophets. De: 32. is as yee­sterday that is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou rainest them down, psalmes. 6 [...]. and they are like a sleep, & in the morning hee is fresh like grasse, the law and first prophets. Iob: 14. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pe: 1; Is: 40; Ia: 1; that in the morning florisheth fresh, and at eve­ning is cut down and withered; for in thine Anger, psalmes. 37; 102; 30.35.39. and thy Heat wee are terribly consu­me-ed.

Thou settest our iniquityes before thee, psalmes. 25, and our youthfullnes in the lighte of thy presence; psalmes. 14; 19; the law and first prophets. Iob: 20; the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Ti: 2; 3; for all our DAYES glaunce by in thy wrath, psalmes. 31. & wee spend our yeers like a thought. The Dayes of our yeers, ther are in them seventy yeers, psalmes. 71 [...] and if by surmounting eighty yeers: psalmes. 89. the law and first prophets. Iob: 13, 16?, 2 Sa: 19: their advantage is but pain and greeff; for it is soon cut off and fled away, psalmes. 88, 5? 141? the law and first prophets. Iob: 4? 7? Eccl: 12. the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 1. and who knowes the fearfullnes of thy wrath, what it is? Make vs so know how to Nomber our dayes, psalmes. 145? 39, 90. that wee may bring our Hartes vnto wisdom.

Return, O ETERN: quickly, psalmes. 85.63, 106, the law and first prophets. Ex: 32, the last proph. & the n: t: L [...]m: 5. Ier: 30, Lu: 2. Io: 4, and bee com­fortable to thy Servantes, satisfy vs betime with thy LOV: KINDENES, that wee may chaunt out meryly all our dayes. psalmes. 95. psalmes. 119 r. the law and first prophets. De: 1, 2, 32. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 4, Ro: 8, Cheer vs according to the dayes thou hast afflicted vs, and the yeers that vvee haue seen euill, the law and first prophets. Nu: 14, 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 44. that thy VVORKE may Appeere vnto thy Seruants, and thy MAGNIFICENCE bee seen [Page 90] by their Children. psalmes. 26, 27, And that the PLEA­SANTNES of the ETERNALL our GOD, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2. Io: 4. may bee vpon vs: Confirme thou vpon vs the worke of our handes, psalmes. 1 [...]8, 138. yea confirm the very work of our han­des.


psalmes. 61; 87; 90; the lavv and first prophets. Nu: 24;HEE which dwelleth in the covert of the moste HIGH, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: and lodgeth in the shadow of the ALL SVFFICIENT; the lavv and first prophets. Ge: 17; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 25; 28; J SAY, vpon the ETERNALL my RELYE and FORTRESSE, psalmes. 52; 57; 119; n 61, 64, 92. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 7; and in my GOD vvill J trust; the lavv and first prophets. Iob: 18, 22, Pro: 6; the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 12, For hee will deliuer thee from the snare, psalmes. 5; 38; 124; the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 9; La: 3; z and miserable Plague of the fowler; Hee will cover thee with his fethers, psalmes. 36, 140. the lavv and first prophets. Eccl: 9: and thou shalt hive vnder his Wings, the Shield and Buc­kler of his TRVTH, thou shalt not bee afrayed of the Plague of FEARE that walketh in the night; psalmes. 119 r, the lavv and first prophets. Can: 3; Iob: 15; 22; 24; Pro: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 13; Is: 28; nor of the stinging SHOTT that flyeth and slayeth at the Noon-day.

At thy side, and at thy Rightehand shall fall a thousand, the lavv and first prophets. De: 32, Le: 26, Ios: 23. Pro: 12; and ten thousand, and it shall not come at thee; but with thine eyes thou shalt beehold; psalmes. 37.121. the lavv and first prophets. De: 7.25. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 11. and see the payment of rhe wicked. Because thou, O ETERNALL, art my RELY; and thou hast made the MOST HIGH thy HA­BITATION: psalmes. 90: the lavv and first prophets. Iob: 5: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 28: the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: noe Evill shall happen vnto thee, nor any Scourge come within thy TABER­NACLE. psalmes. 34.37. the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 32. P [...]o; 6. Ge: 3: the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 1.2. the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 4.5, 6. Mal: 2. For hee will giue his Angels CHARGE over thee, psalmes. [...]1. to KEEP thee in all thy Wayes.

psalmes. 27.141.119 sh. the lavv and first prophets. De: 1: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 8; 28; 49; A [...]: 9. Ro: 9, 1 Pe: 2, That they take thee vp in their handes: lest thou hit thy foot vpon a stone. the lavv and first prophets. P [...]o: 3. Thou shalt trample vpon the fierce Lion, psalmes. 35, 141, the lavv and first prophets. Ge: 3, De: 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 21, Heb: 11. Hos: 14. Lu: 10. Mt: 3. T [...]t: 4. and tred vpon the venimous Dragon. psalmes. 58. Because hee hath imbrased mee, the lavv and first prophets. De: 7, 10, 21, 1 K: 9,. P [...]o: 4. & knoweth my NAME: I will releeve him & rescue him, psalmes. 119 [...], 138.34; 50; 85; 86; 107: the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 20; the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 44. if hee call mee in Distresse; I will hear him: I will re­lease him & gloryfy him; psalmes. 16. the lavv and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2; I will suffice him [Page 91] with length of dayes, psalmes. 20, and make him see my SALVATION. psalmes. 50.

XCII. A Psalm Song, for the Sabath-day. psalmes. 103.88.134. the lavv and first prophets. Nu: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Col: 2.

IT is a GOOD thing to worship the E­TERNALL, psalmes. 4.90.95. psalmes. 7; 9:83; 96; 113; and to chaunt out thy moste Soveraigne NAME; the lavv and first prophets. Ge: 2; Iob: 38; the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 17. Mt: Mr: Lu: 12; 2; 6; to tell of thy LOVEING KINDENES in the morning, psalmes. 63, 94, 115, 59: 100; 117: 33; 134: & thy FAYTH­FVLLNES in the night season: vpon the ten-stringed Violl, psalmes. 144.150, 9.81.98, the lavv and first prophets. 1 K: 10. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 5, and vpon the Musicque on the Harp. Because thou hast made mee glad by thy WORKES: of thy HAND DEEDS will I SOVND out, O ETERNALL. psalmes. 111. How great are thy DEEDES, O ETERNALL! psalmes. 36.40. thy JNVENTIONS are exceeding deep. psalmes. 94. the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 31.

The Bruteish man knoweth not, and the froward sot vnderstandeth not THJS. psalmes. 49, 71, the lavv and first prophets. Pro: 24, VVhen the VVICKED spring like a greene herb, and the vvorkers of Greeff doe florish, psalmes. 37, 94. the lavv and first prophets. Iob: 20. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: I: 15.15. that they shall bee rooted out, euen for euer­lasting, and thou suruiuest for euer, psalmes. 102, 120, the last proph. & the n: t: Iud: O E­TERNALL; (for behold, thine Enimyes, psalmes. (37,) (110,) 134. O ETERN: for behold, thine Enimyes shall perish, and all the vvorkers of Greeff bee disseuered) And thou holdest vp my Horne like an Vnicorn, psalmes. (22) 145, the lavv and first prophets. Iob:(4) the lavv and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2. De: 33. and vvith fresh oyle J am all perfused. psalmes. 89.

Mine eares shall heare vvhen naughty men arise against mee, psalmes. 109, 112, 31, 4, 59, 118, 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 13. & mine eyes shall look vpon my Tormentors. psalmes. 59, the lavv and first prophets. Ge: 3.18. The Just man shall be green like a Palme tree, psalmes. 1.2. the lavv and first prophets. Can: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: Lu: 23. Ez: 28. & grovv like a Cedar in Libanon. They shall spring, planted in the house & Courts of the ETER: our GOD, psalmes. 104. psalmes. 35.36. the lavv and first prophets. Ge: 2. the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 28, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 12. Ap: 2.7, 14, 21, 22. vvhile they are propagated, psalmes. 103. in gray old age they shall bee still fatt, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: [...]. and fresh to Declare the Vprightnes of the ETER: my ROCK, psalmes. 22. psalmes. 95.133.119. a. the lavv and first prophets. Pro: 16, the lavv and first prophets. Iob: 36.33. 2 Cor: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 65. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 2, 3 [...]. Ze: 3. Ioh: 1.7. and that ther is noe VVRONG in him.


psalmes. 99, 109,THE ETERNALL RAIGNETH indued with MAIESTY, psalmes. 29, 96, 105, 65, 68.82.109, the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 28. P [...]o; 31, the last proph. & the n: t: Z [...]: 14, Ap: 11, 19, Obad: the ETERNALL is in­dued, with MAJESTY, and girt with STRENGTH, the lavv and first prophets. Nu: 2, 3, 4, 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 6, Is: 11, 22, Ap: 15, yea the whole world is firmly established, and not to bee mooved, Thy THRONE is firm, psalmes. 9,.110,. the lavv and first prophets. Pro: 8, 16, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 7.8. ever since thou hast been from Everlasting.

the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 3, Is: 17, 9,The Rivers lift vp, ô ETERNALL, the Ri­vers lift vp their voice on highe, psalmes. 29, 96, 76, 83, 96, 98, they lift vp their beating, the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 9,, 15,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 1,, Ez: 1.43. Ier: 51, 29. Heb: 7, 8, 9, the great Waters with voice-es, the bil­lowes of the Sea are exceeding lofty, but the the ETERNALL highely excelleth. psalmes. 46, the lavv and first prophets. 1 Sa: 4.

Thy TESTJMONYES are very Fayth­full, psalmes. 4, 19, 132. the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 20, 25, 16, 28, 31.33.36, 39, 40, De: 9, Nu: 10, 6, the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 21, 22, 2 Cor: 6. Eph: 2, and the HOLLYNES of thy House much to be desired, O ETERNALL, as long as dayes doe last.


O ETERNALL, O GOD of Revenge, O GOD of revenge shine out, psalmes. 50,, 79,, 99,, 24,. 80,. the lavv and first prophets. 2 K: 9,, the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 1,, Lu: 18,, vp ô IVDGE of the Earth, psalmes. 58, 82, 25, 115? s.g. the lavv and first prophets. De: 32..33.. Ge: 18. Iob: 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 50.51. Is: 59. La: 3. Rom: 12, Ap: 6511? 13? 14? 16? & returne reward vpō the Proud. How long, O ETERNALL, how long shall the Wicked insult? the WORKERS of GREEFF vaunt them selues, psalmes. 19, 31? 75? 73. the lavv and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2? and buble out words of Ar­rogance, psalmes. 90, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 3, 1, and beat down thy People, ô ETER­NALL, and oppresse thine INHERITANCE? slea the Widow and the Stranger, psalmes. 82? 115, 62? the lavv and first prophets. Iob? 24? the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 22? and murther the fatherles ones? psalmes. 7? 10? SAYJNG, Thou examinest not neither doth the GOD of Jacob vnderstand? Vnderstand, psalmes. 753,. 49? 92? 2? yee moste brute People, and yee fro­ward fooles when will yee lern? Hee that plan­teth the eare, the lavv and first prophets. Pro: 20? Ge: 1? Ex: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 7.8, shall Hee not hear? and Hee that formeth the Eye, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 6? shall not Hee see?

psalmes. 38, 22.39? 92? the lavv and first prophets. Pro: 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1.2, Mt: Ion: 1, Ap: 2? Is: 29? Iob: 2? Lu: 5, Heb: 4.12. 1 Cor: 3, M [...]: 10.; Gal: 1:Hee that correcteth the Hethen and teacheth men Knowledge, shall not Hee reprove? The ETERNALL knoweth that mens thoughtes are vaine. psalmes. 62.1; the lavv and first prophets. Ge: 6, Happy is the man, whom thou tea­chest with thy Law: psalmes. 37, 49, the lavv and first prophets. Iob: 5, to giue him rest from euill dayes, till a pitt be digged for the Wicked. For, the ETERN: psalmes. 27:22:9. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Th: 1, will not leave his People, nor for­sake his INHERITANCE: because IVDGE­MENT returns vnto JVSTICE, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: 27:15: & all Vpright [Page 93] minde-ed after it. the lavv and first prophets. Ge: 18. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 12. Is: 1. Ro: 10? 2 Tim: 4. Da: 10. Who is to assist mee with Naughty men, psalmes. 56? with the workers of GREEFF who will stand to mee?

Except the ETERNALL had been my help, psalmes. 124, 129, psalmes.; 38; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 1.15. Da: 10, my Person had euen inhabited Si­lence. If I SAYD, My foot slippeth; thy LOV: KINDENES, O ETERN: psalmes. [...]2.139, held mee vp, among the multitude of my thoughts vvithin mee. the lavv and first prophets. Iob: 15. E [...]: 23? the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 6. Thy CONSOLA­TIONS doe delight my Soul. Shall the THRONE of corruption have fellow­ship with thee? psalmes. 125? the lavv and first prophets. 1 S [...]: 81 12? the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 22? & hee that formeth MIS­CHEEFF by decree? the lavv and first prophets. De: 16? 27? Ge: 30? 49? the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 10? M [...]: 3? Hos: 6▪ Mt: 26? La: 4? Ier: 26? that troupe against the IVST person, the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 23? and condemn the inno­cent blood? And the ETERNALL beeing my Fortification, and my GOD, the ROCK of my RELYE, let him render vpon them their GREEFF, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Tim: 4, and in their ovvne MISCHEEFF let the ETER­NALL our GOD, destroy them. psalmes. 54.101.


O Come, psalmes. 92. let vs sound out TRIVMPHS to the ETERNALL, the ROCK of our SAL­VATION, let vs come before him, psalmes. 16, 140, 2, 50, 96, the lavv and first prophets. 1 Cor: 16, and triumph to him with PSALMS of Thanks-offering. For hee is the gratest GOD, psalmes. [...]. the lavv and first prophets. Le: 7., 22., 2 Sa: 23. Ne: 8. Ex: 18. 2 C [...]o: 2.18. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 17, 19, Mal: 1, and a great King ouer all Godes. VVho hath the discoue­ryes of the Earth in his hand, the lavv and first prophets. Iob: 22. and the Excel­lencyes of the Hilles are his. VVho ovveth the Sea for hee made it, the lavv and first prophets. Nu: 23.24, Ge: 1. & the Dry-land vvhich his handes formed.

O come, psalmes. 92. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 34.36. let vs bow down and prostrat our selues, and kneel before the ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 10. Is: 6.40. that hath made vs, for hee is our GOD, psalmes. 74.100. the lavv and first prophets. 2 K: 9. and wee the PEOPLE and SHEEP of his owne hand fee­ding. psalmes. 63.106. the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 17, 19, 23, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 3.. To day when you hear his VOYCE har­den not your hartes, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 23. Eph: 4. Ie [...]: 11. as in the PROVOCA­TION, psalmes. 78.81. the lavv and first prophets. Ex: 16. [Page 94] and as in the day of TEMPTATION in the Wildernes. the law and first prophets. De: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 47.48.

the law and first prophets. Nu: 14, 27, VVhich your Fathers tempted mee, and tryed mee, though they savv my VVORKES. Forty yeers was I vexed with a Genera­tion, psalmes. 55,, 90, the law and first prophets. De: 1, 2, 32, Nu: 14, 20. Ge: 7, 26, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 13. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 63, Heb: 3. [...]: which I SAYED, were a people that erred in their hart, and knew not my WAYES. the law and first prophets. Nu: 14. De: 1.32.33. 1 S [...]: 3. Nu: 10. Which, in my Anger, I swore, should not enter into my REST. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 62.

psalmes. 132.XCVI.

psalmes. 33, 40.98.92, 100, the law and first prophets. [...] Cro: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 14. I [...]: 12. Mt: 6, Da: 2, O SING yee to the ETERNALL a NEW SONG. Sing yee to the ETERN: all the Earth. Sing yee to the ETERN: and blesse his NAME, and Preach his SALVATION from day to day. Tell out his GLORY among the Hethen, psalmes. 29. the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 1. and his Wonde [...]full WORKS among all people. Because the ETERN: is great, and very much to be PRAYSED, psalmes. 18.. and to be Reve­renced aboue all GODS. psalmes. 95, 145, For all the GODS of the Nations are Idle-Idoles, psalmes. 48.97. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 1 [...], Is: 51, 1 Cor: 8.10. Ier: 10. A [...]: 19 but the ETERN: Made the Heavens. psalmes. 8. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 6. Le [...]: 19. 1 Cr [...]: 16. Ge: 1.

Worship and Honour is in his Presence, and in his Sanctuary STRENGTH & MAJESTY. psalmes. 8, 28, 29, 45.63, 93.104.111 145.108, 92,, the law and first prophets. Leu: 23. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 48. Yeeld vnto the ETERNALL yee Nation-fa­milyes, yeeld vnto the ETERNALL GLORY and STRENGTH, yeeld GLORY vnto the NAME of the ETERNALL. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 13. Take vp Pre­sents and com into his Courtes, psalmes. 100, 7 [...], the law and first prophets. Le: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6? Da [...]: 2; Mt: 2, 11:1. prostrate your sel­ues to the ETERNALL in his stately Sanctuary, and tremble at his Presence all the Earth. psalmes. 95. [...]9.114.

the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 52. Act: TELL among the Heathen; The ETER­NALL RAIGNETH KING, psalmes. 8, (10) (98) (99) 104.5.67 82.9. (and the whole world shall bee established, and not be moved) that SENTENCETH Nations vp­rightely. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20. Ge: 1. Let the Heavens reioyce, and the Earth be glad, the Sea & his fullnes roare, the field leap and all that is in it, psalmes. 93, 98, and the Trees of the wood TRIVMPH & SING, psalmes. 98; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 4 [...]. when hee cometh, when hee cometh to IVDGE the Earth: that with RIGH­TEOVSNES Iudgeth the World; psalmes. 50; and with his FAYTHFVLLNES the Nations thereof.


THE ETERNALL RAIG­NETH KING (let the Earth be glad and the multitude of Ilandes reioyce) with a dark cloud round about him, psalmes. (6) the law and first prophets. De: 4, Ex: 13, 14, 15, 16, 1 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 52. Obad: A [...]: 10; 19; Mt. M [...]: Lu: 24.13, 9, 21, RIGHTEOVS IVDGEMENT beeing the Firmnes of his Thro­ne: fire shall goe before him, psalmes. 18, 45, 89, 103; the law and first prophets. Nu: 12, Pro: 16; Le: 16; the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Th: 1. 1 Cor: 10. the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 3, 17, Ier: 10. Mt: 24, [...]u: 17, Act: 13, 14, I [...], 25. and shall flame round about his foes. His Lightenings lighten the world, psalmes. 50.104, 19, 105. the law and first prophets. De: 31. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15, 19, that the Earth trembleth to see it. psalmes. 77. Mountaines melt like wax at PRESENCE of the ETERN: the law and first prophets. Eccl: 3. Ios: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 13, 19, 31, 64. Mic: 4. Mt: 10. Za: 4, 6. before the LORD of the whole Earth. psalmes. 114.

The Heavens set foorth his IVSTICE, psalmes. 50, 19, that all Nations may see his GLORY; let all them, that serue Sculptures, psalmes. 96; 48: the law and first prophets. De: [...]; Leu: 19; the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 26; 51; and glory in Idle-Idoles bee a­bashed; bow your selues downe to him all yee GODS. That Sion, when shee heareth it may reioyce, and all the Townes of Iudah bee glad; because of the IVDGEMENT of the ETER:

Because thou, ô ETERNALL, art SOVE­RAIGNE over all the Kinges of the Earth: the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 1▪ and greatly surmountest overall GODS. Yee, psalmes. 47.48. that loue the ETERN: psalmes. 34.119 m. that keepeth the lives of his GRATIOVS ones, and delivereth them from the hand of the Wicked: hate euill. Ther is sown, psalmes. 37: the law and first prophets. Iob: 1 [...]. to the IVST, and VPRIGHTE minded man, psalmes. 4; 112; the law and first prophets. Ex: 13; 14; the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 13.48. Ia: 3. 2 Co [...]: 14, 1 [...], A [...]: 9; 25; 1 [...]o: 2; 9; Ioh: 1; Mal: 4; a JOYFVLL LIGHT; ô yee JVST ONES re­ioyce in the ETERNALL, psalmes. 84; 30.18, 70. the law and first prophets. Le: 16. De: 31. and celebrate his holly Remembrance.


O Sing yee to the ETERNALL a NEW SONG, psalmes. 33.40.96. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 14.15. for that hee hath don Wonderfull Works. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: Lu: 1. Act: 25. 1 Co [...]: 10. M [...]: M [...]: Lu: 3.1.3. M [...]l: 1. Hee whom his RIGHT HAND and HOLLY ARME hath holpen. The ETER: psalmes. 118. the law and first prophets. E [...]: 14.15. that hath made his SALVATION knovvn, psalmes. 18. and reuealed his RIGHTEOVS­NES in the sight of the Heathen. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 7, Lu: 2. That hath remembred his Lov: Kindenes, and Fayth­fullnes to the House of Jsrael, psalmes. 119 ch. that all the Endes of the Earth haue seen the Salvation of our GOD. psalmes. 67. the law and first prophets. Ge: 6.7. the last proph. & the n: t: Rom: 9.

[Page 96] the law and first prophets. Nu: 29,TRIVMPH to the ETERNALL, breake out aloud, and chaunt out Psalmes, play vnto the ETERNALL on the Harp? psalmes. 81.92.150, the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]: 14. Zep: 1. Ho [...]: 5. Ob: 1. 1 Tim: 1. vpon the Harp with an inchaunting voice. With the shrill soundes of the Trumpet, Triumph to the KING ETERNALL.

Let the Sea and his fullnes roare, and the WORLD, psalmes. 96. psalmes. 63, 93, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16. and all that dwell therin, make a­noyse, psalmes. 10:50: and Riuers clap their handes, and Hilles also sound out Triumphes before the ETER­NALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 55; Mt: M [...]: Lu: I: when hee cometh to Iudge the Earth; That Iudgeth the world Iustly, psalmes. 9, 29, 67, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 11. and the Nations vprightly.


psalmes. 63; 80; the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 4; 2 Sa: 6; Ex: 25; 1 Cro: 28: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 37; 52; THE ETERNALL RAIG­NETH KING inhabiting the Cherubs; psalmes. 2. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 10;, the last proph. & the n: t: Is. 52, 64. Let the Nations and the Earth trem­ble and stoop. The ETERNALL that is great in Sion, & that is highe aboue all Na­tions; psalmes. 93. the law and first prophets. De: 26, 10, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 10, Is: 2.24.33. Mic: 4. Mt: 6: Luk: Da; 9: let them celebrate his great and reverend NAME which is holly. Because thou the KING that loueth JVDGEMENT and STRENGTH: psalmes. 113.111. the law and first prophets. Ne: 1.5. confirmest Righte: and dost Just JVDGMENT in Iacob. psalmes. 132: psalmes. l, the law and first prophets. De: 32: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 9.56. Ap: 1.5.

Exalt yee the ETERNALL our GOD, and prostrate your selues at his Holly foot-stoole. Moses and Aaron, psalmes. 74.100. the law and first prophets. Ex: 3. 1 Cro: 28. Le: 20. 1 Sa: 3.7. De: 5.9. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 60, 66, Hz: 43, Ie [...]: 15. Mt: 5, La: 2. 1 Pe: 1, Mt: 23, Act: 7. and Samuel, among his Priests, and them that call vpon his NAME: called vpon the ETERNALL, and hee Ans­wered them.

the law and first prophets. Ex: 15, 16, 19, Nu: 12..17,, 7, Leu: 16. De: 31, the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 3, Ap: 14, 1 Cor: 2, Mt: 13, 17. [...]4 Mr: 13.14. Lu: 9,He spake vnto them in a CLOVDY STILE, and they kept his TESTIMONYES and PRESCRIPTS which hee gaue them, psalmes. 104, 105. Thou O ETERNALL, our GOD, didst answer them; and wast a GOD of Pardon to them, beeing about to revenge their Heynous workes. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20.34. De: 32. the last proph. & the n: t: Rom: 12. Heb: 10. Is: 24.25. Exalt the E­TERNALL our GOD, psalmes. 94. and prostrate your selues at his holly Hill, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7. Ez: 28, 43. Is: 2. 1 Pe: 1. Ap: 15. For the ETERNALL our GOD is holly. psalmes. 15, 113. the law and first prophets. Ex: 13 15.19. Leu: 20.11.

C. A Psalm of Thanksgiuing. psalmes. 50.95. the law and first prophets. Leu: 7. Ios: 7. Ne: 12.

SING yee Triumphes to the ETERNALL, psalmes. 47.2, 92, all the Earth, serue the ETERNALL with REIOYCEING, psalmes. 149, and com before him with a cheerfull SONET.

Knovv yee, psalmes. 4. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 18, the ETERNALL is GOD, and Hee that hath made vs, psalmes., 23. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1. 2 K: 9: the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 1; 6; Ier: 31.1. Is: 40.54.63. Ez: 34.36, Za: 10. and vvee are his; his PEOPLE, and Sheep of his PASTVRE.

Com vvithin his Gates vvith THANKS, psalmes. 24, 96. and into his Courtes vvith PRAYSE, psalmes. 50, 92, the law and first prophets. L [...]u: 7, 22, and SET FORTH and BLESSE his NAME; because the LOV: psalmes. 107; 116; 96; 63; 136;; 92;; KIN­DENES of the ETERNALL is boun­tifull for euer; and his FAYTHFVLL­NES vntill all Generations.

CI. Of DAVID, A Psalm.

I Will sing a Psalme of KINDENES and IVDGEMENT vnto thee, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 17, 26, 75, 89, 119 q, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: [...], the last proph. & the n: t: Ion: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 3; 12. Lu: 1 [...], 20. Act: 18; 24; Io: 5, that when thou shalt come vnto mee; psalmes. 32; 40; 25; 149, the law and first prophets. Ex: 20. I may instruct in the perfect WAY; and walk in the soundnes of my hart, with in my House. I will haue noe naughty thing in my sight, psalmes. 78,, 41, 55.4. the law and first prophets. G [...]: 20. Pro: 6. De: 13.15. Nu: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: 1, Pe: 5. 2 Co [...]: 6. Hos: 5, 2 Cor: 6, to make declineings I hate, and with mee it shall not steek.

A froward hart shall depart from mee; the law and first prophets. Pro: 6; and an euill hart I will not know. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 7; Hee that accuseth his neighbour privily, psalmes. 15.140. the law and first prophets. Pro: 30, him will I put away; who is of high lookes, psalmes. 18, 131. the law and first prophets. Pro: the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 1. Is: 60. 2 Tim: 6. Mt: 12, Lu: 11. 1 Pe: 5: & wyde of hart; him I cannot abide. Mine eyes are vpon the FAYTHFVLL of the Earth, to dvvell vvith mee: psalmes. 16, 34, psalmes. 18; 119: a, the law and first prophets. Nu: 12, the law and first prophets. Iob: 1. & hee that vval­keth in a perfect VVaye; he shall serue mee.

Hee that worketh deceipt shall not [Page 98] within my House, and hee that spea­keth falshoods, shall not bee established in my sight. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 21, 22. I will soon dissolve all WIC­KED ones of the earth, psalmes. 34.54, 35, 119 s. 54., 104. whē I shall cut off from the Citty of the ETERNALL all Workers of Greeff.

psalmes. 17, 61, 86, the last proph. & the n: t: La: [...],CII. A Prayer of the Poore, when hee fainted, & powe­red out his Complaint before the ETERNALL.

psalmes. [...]6. the last proph. & the n: t: Lament.O ETERNALL, hear my PRAYER, and let my SHOVTING come vnto thee. Hide not thy FACE from mee, when I am in Distresse; turne thine eare vnto mee, and heare mee quickly; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 51; when I CALL. Because my dayes are consumed in smoke; psalmes. 37; 90; 119 k. and my bones on fire like a brand, the law and first prophets. Leu: [...], the last proph. & the n: t: La: 1, 4, I [...]. 33. my hart is strooken and withered like an Herb, that I forget the eating of my meat. psalmes. 32. the law and first prophets. Iob: 33. By my loud sighing my bones ste [...]k vnto my skinn. psalmes. [...]19 q. I am like an OWLE of the Wilder­nes, the law and first prophets. Leu: 11, De: 14. the last proph. & the n: t: Ze: 2. Is: 34. Ap: 18. Mt: Lu: 12, 11, and a skrich- OWLE of Waste place-es. I am like a folitary bird, watching vpon the House top. All the day, doe mine ENIMYES re­vile mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 30, Act: 23.26. and my DEFAMERS coniure against mee. psalmes. 14.75; 80; 6; 38; That I eat Ashes like bread, and mingle my drinke with Teares; the last proph. & the n: t: La: 1; 2; 3; because of thy fomeing Indignaton: the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 30. for thou hast cast mee away.

psalmes. 109, 32; 9 [...], the law and first prophets. Iob: 7.8, 1 Cro: 29. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 4 5,My dayes are like a declineing shadow, and I am withered like an herb; the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 1; and thou, ô ETER­NALL, remainest for ever, and thy REMEM­BRANCE for all Generations: psalmes. 75..25; 34; 119 r. 123. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 14., 49,, Da: 9,, 12,, Z [...]: 1, Hag: 1, Hab: 2, Mt: 24, Is: 61. Ier: 25.30. ô vp, and haue MERCY vpon Sion, for the SETTIME is come to haue COMPASSION on it; because thy Servantes like the stones thereof, psalmes. 85. and hold the dust thereof gratious. That the Heathen & all Kingdomes of the earth may fear thy GLO­RYOVS NAME, psalmes. 86; the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 6; ô ETERN: ô let the ETER: that hath built Sion, appeere in his GLORY: & regard the PRAYER of the SHAKEEN, psalmes. 88.22, 80.41.109. the law and first prophets. Ne: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 38, Ie [...]: 5.17. Heb: 12. H [...]g: 2. & not despise their Prayer. That this may be written for an other generation, and that the People to be borne hearafter, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8. may prayse the ETERN:

[Page 99]O let the ETERNALL look out of Heauen his holly HIGHTH, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. and look down vpon the Earth: To hear the Prisoners groneing, psalmes. 12, 33, 79, 80, 85, and to let a brode the CONDEMNED; the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2, 4, Ez: 37; 39; D [...]: 12. Is: 14, 15, 51, to tell out the NAME of the ETERN: in SION, and thy PRAYSE in JERV­SALEM; psalmes. 106, 133, 107. the law and first prophets. Ne: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 24. Mr: 13, Ze: 3. Is: 56.11.6 [...]. Ier: 3.29. Ioel: 3, Za: 14 Eph: 4,, vvhen the Nations and King­domes are gathered together, to Serue the E­TER: psalmes. 78,; 16; 90; Hee that beat dovvn my Strength in the vvay, and shortned my dayes; J SAY, O my ALLMIGHTY GOD, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 1.4. take mee not avvaye in the midst of my dayes; and thy yeers dureing all Generations. O thou, the law and first prophets. Ge: 1, 2, 3, that vvast before the Earth vvas founded, psalmes. 8; 19; 93; and the Heauens the vvork of thy Handes; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 34, 50.51, Ap: 6, 21, 20, Heb: 1, vvhich shall perish, and thou shallt remaine; and they all shall goe old like a Garment, the law and first prophets. Can: 5, and thou shallt shift them, psalmes. 55,, 90,, the law and first prophets. Iob: 36; and they shall be put off like clothes, and thy yeers are neuer consu­meed: psalmes. 80:84: psalmes. 22. let the Children of thy Seruantes abide still before thee, & their Seed bee established in thy PRESENCE.


BLESSE the ETERNALL, ô my SOVL, & all my FORCES blesse his holly NAME, ô BLESSE the ETERN: ô my SOVLE, psalmes. 13.86. and forget not his GOOD DEEDS. psalmes. 9, 107, the law and first prophets. Nu: 14, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 5, Ier: 14, 16, Da: 4, Mt: Mr: Lu; 9, 2, 5. That Pardo­neth and healeth all thy greevous Iniquity, that Redeemeth thy life from the Pit, psalmes. 5, 32. & Gardeth thee with KINDENES and MERCY, that Sup­plyeth thy youth with the Goodnes of thine OR­NAMENTS, as an Egle reneweth her self. psalmes. 9 [...]; 104:65; 107; 9.104. the law and first prophets. Iob 10; 29; 42; Ex: 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 21; Ier: 16; 2 Co [...]: 4, Is: 40. The ETERNALL that doth Just IVDGEMENT to all the oppressed: psalmes. 97; 146; 99; 140; 1; 105; and maketh his Wayes knowen to Moses, and his Excellent WORKES to the Children of Israel. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 1.3.

[Page 100] psalmes. 86.145. the law and first prophets. Ex: 34, Nu: 14, Ne: 9, the last proph. & the n: t: Ion: 4,The ETERNALL is mercifull & gratious, and patient and of great KIN­DENES; the law and first prophets. Ge: 6; Leu: 19; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 57: Na: 1: Ier: 3; Coll: 3; 4; Ia: 5; Mic: 7; hee vvill not striue perpetually, nor keep contention for euer: psalmes. 35; hee hath not don vnto vs according to our sinnes; nor bestovved vpon vs according to our Jniquityes: psalmes. 13; the law and first prophets. Ezr: 9; but as the Heauens are highe aboue the Earth: so excelleth his KINDENES ouer them that fear him. As farr as the East is from the VVest: so farr hath hee put avvay our Transgression from him. As a Father hath Mercy vpon his Children: the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 12; so hath the E­TERNALL mercy vpon them that fear him. psalmes. 118. the law and first prophets. De: 32. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 5. 1 Pet: 4. Because hee Knovveth our CREA­TION, psalmes. 90,.104, 44.103.106. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1, 2.5. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: and is mindefull that vvee are but Dust.

psalmes. 37; 90; the law and first prophets. Iob: 7.; 14,, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pet: 1,;A Sorrovvfull Mans dayes are like grass, & as a flovver of the Feeld; psalmes. 8; the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 1, Is: 40; so hee florisheth: but the VVinde passeth ouer it, and neither hee, psalmes. 78. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 20. nor his Place is any more to bee discer­ned. But the LOVING KINDENES of the ETERNALL is from age to age vpon them that fear him; psalmes. 25; 61; the law and first prophets. De: 5; 7; the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. ch. and his RIGH­TEOVSNES to their childrens children: the law and first prophets. Ex: 20; 34; De: 11; the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Io: 3. to them that keep his COVENANT, psalmes. 69; & remember to doe his VISITATIONS. psalmes. 111. The ETERNALL that hath confirmed his THRONE in Heauen, psalmes. 47, 145, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6, Mr: 9; 11; Heb: 12; Ap: 4; 1 Th: 4. 2 Th: 1, Ez: 40.44. Ioel: 2, and his KINGDOME in all Domination: Blesse the ETERNALL yee his ANGELS, psalmes. 104. that haue mightey Power to doe his COMMANDEMENTS, psalmes. 134. and to hearken vpon the VOYCE of his WORD. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 24, 25, 26, Blesse the E­TERNALL, all his EXCERCISE-ERS, and MINISTERS that doe his will. psalmes. 148,.68., the law and first prophets. Nu: 4. Ex: 7, 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 44, 19. Blesse the E­TERNALL all his WORKES in all places of his Dominion: the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19. BLESSE the ETERNALL, ô my SOVLE.


BLESSE the ETERNALL, ô my SOVL, psalmes. 29; [...]5:111; 145; the law and first prophets. Ge: 1. [...], the last proph. & the n: t: Ad Rom. ô ETERN: my GOD, thou art exceeding great, and CLOTHED with REVEREND MAIESTY: the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 28, Iob: 36, 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 42, 44.45, Za: 12, Putting on the LIGHTE as a Garment, and spreading the HEAVENS as a Couertain. psalmes. 18, 199, 29, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 1, Act: 17, That maketh his CHAM­BER FLOORES vpon the vvaters, and his RIDEING vpon the Cloudes, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19, Heb: 1. and goeth vpon the VVINGES of the vvinde making the VVINDES his MESSEN­GERS, and Flameing fire his MJNI­STERS. psalmes. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Th: 4. 2 Th: 1. psalmes. 97. the law and first prophets. Ex: 9, 31, Eccl: 1, That founded the Earth vpon her stayes, psalmes. 24, 119, l. 93, 96, 78.143, that it can not be mooued vvorld vvith­out end. VVHOM the Deep couereth like a Garment, and the VVaters that did stand aboue the Hilles; but at the chideing VOJCE of thy THVNDER they make haste to flye (the Hilles ascending, and the Beaches descending) to the Place vvhich thou hast founded for them, psalmes. 148. the law and first prophets. De: 8. the law and first prophets. Iob: 38, and hast set a bound that they shall not passe, nor return again to couer the Earth. That sendeth the Springs into the Brookes, running betvveen the Hilles: the law and first prophets. De: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 41, that vvater all the beasts of the feeld, psalmes. 50,. the law and first prophets. Nu: 23, & the vvilde beasts breake their thirst, by vvhich the birdes of Heauen haue their dvvelling, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 4, and charm out of the thick boughes.

That from his CHAMBER FLOORES vvatereth the Hilles, that vvith the fruit of thy VVORKES the Earth may be satisfied. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19, That make-eth grasse to spring for bease, and herbes, for the seruice of Men, psalmes. 129, 147, 65,, the law and first prophets. De: 11, 2 K: 19. Ge: 9,, 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 4. Is: 37,, that hee may bring foorth bread out of the Earth, & vvine to cheer a Sorrovvfull-mans [Page 102] hart, psalmes. 23. the law and first prophets. Ge: 9, Deu: 8. Eccl: 1 [...], Iud: 19, 9, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 24, to make a gladsom Countenance vvith oyle, and bread to sustein a sorrovvfull-mans hart, that they may bee satisfied vvith the Ceders of Libanon, psalmes. 92: the law and first prophets. Ge: 2; 9: the Trees of the E­TERNALL, vvhich hee hath planted. VVher the birdes doe make their nestes; the law and first prophets. Nu: 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 31. and the Firr Trees are the House of the Stork: the law and first prophets. Can: 1. the highe Hilles are for the Roe-deer, and Rockes a succour for the Cunnys. psalmes. 6 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 60. Ap: 8.20, 21.22. Hee made the Moon for Seasons, psalmes. 8, & the Sunn to knovv his going dovvn; thou puttest foorth Darknes and it is Night. psalmes. 105, VVherin, all vvilde-beasts creep abroad (the young Lions roaring for Prey) to seek their meat from the Almighty: the law and first prophets. Ge: 1.2. VVhen the Sunn riseth they are couched to­gether in their dens: the law and first prophets. Iob: 37; 38; the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 9, that man may goe foorth to his vvork, and to his Husbandry till the E­uening. the law and first prophets. Ge: 12. Hovv many are thy VVORKES, ô ETERN: psalmes. 105. the law and first prophets. Pro: 8▪ all that thou hast don by VVIS­DOM? the Earth is full of thy Indevour.

The great and vvide reaching SEA, vvher are creeping liuing Creatures small & great, psalmes. 107. the law and first prophets. Iud: 18. Iob: 11. Ne: 7.9. 1 Cro: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 22, 33, Ap: 8, vvithout number. VVher Ships doe goe, and LEVIATHAN that thou hast for­med to sport therin. psalmes. 74,.45.81. the law and first prophets. Iob: 3.26. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 27. vvhich all doe hope vpon thee, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 12. to giue thē their meat in his time. Thou openest thy hand and giue-est them: and they gather and are vvell Satisfied. the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 6.8. Thou hide-est thy FACE, psalmes., and they are astonyed, thou take-est avvaye their breth, and they yeld vp the Ghost, the law and first prophets. Iob: 34. and turn again to their Dust. Thou sendest out thy SPIRIT and they are CREATED again, psalmes. 36, 90.103.104▪ 106. the law and first prophets. Nu: [...]20. Ge: 1.2.5. De: 32. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 2 Pet: 3. Ap: 21. 2 Cor: 5. Rom: 8. and thou Renewest the face of the Earth. That the GLORY [Page 103] of the ETER: may be for euer, and the ETER: REIOYCE in his WORKES, psalmes. 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 3. Ioh: 1. Heb: 12,, Is: 19, 29, which looketh vpon the EARTH and it trembleth, psalmes. 114. the law and first prophets. Ex: 19,, and toucheth the MOVNTAINES and they Smoke: psalmes. 18; 114; J will sing Psalmes vnto the ETERN: my GOD, psalmes. 75.146; as long as I live; and because my SPEECH of him is sweet; I will REIOYCE in the ETERN: psalmes. 69; the law and first prophets. Can: 2; the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 3; That VVicked Sinners be consumed out of the Earth, and be no more therin. psalmes. 101.105.106. BLESSE the ETERN: ô my SOVLE, the ETERNALL be PRAYSED.


WORSHIP yee the ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 12, CALL vpon his NAME, make KNOWEN his EXCELLENT ACTS among the Nations, psalmes. 9, 86, 92, sing Psalmes vnto him, and speak of all his Wonderous Works; Boast yee in his holly NAME. psalmes. 28, Let their hart bee meery that seek the ETER: Inquire for the STRENGTH of the ETERN: psalmes. 111:40; 93, 24. [...]7. and euermore seek his FACE. Remember the WONDERFVLL MIRACLES which hee hath don, & the STATVTS of his mouth, psalmes. 119. b. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20, 1 Cor: 16, yee Seed of his Servant Abraham, psalmes. 47. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 41, Ioh: 8, his chosen yee Children of Iacob. The very ETER: our GOD his STATVTES are in all the Earth, The Word of his COVENANT which hee REMEMBRED for ever, the law and first prophets. De: 7. Ex: 2. Ge: 15, 26.28, 35, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1; and commanded to a thousand Genera­tions, which hee made with Abraham; the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 6;, and his othe vnto Isaac, and made it stand for a DECREE to Jacob, the law and first prophets. 1 Cor: 16, and to Israel an Everlasting COVE­NANT. SAYING: psalmes. 2.111, 16. the law and first prophets. Nu: 13. Ge: 1 [...].13.15. De: 4.26.35. Ge: 34, De: 7, 26, the last proph. & the n: t: G [...]l: 3. 2 Cor: 10. Is: 10, 41, Ier: 44. Vnto thee will I giue the Land of Canaan, the line of your In­heritance. When they wer small of Number, psalmes. 107, 9 [...], 6.9.39. and few, and Strangers in it. When they went from Nation to Nation, and from one Kingdom to another People: Hee Suffered noe man to op­presse them, psalmes. 119 gh. and REPROVE-ED Kinges for them: psalmes. 57.2, 89. 37, Touch yee not mine ANOYN­TED, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 1, doe my PROPHETS no harme.

[Page 104]When hee called a Famine vpon the Land, and brake all the Stay of bred: psalmes. 40:, 69:, the law and first prophets. Ge: 42:, 43:. hee sent one be­fore them, evē Ioseph that was sold for a slaue, whose feet they hurt in the Stocks, that the iron went to his Soul. the law and first prophets. Ge: 37, 39, 45, 50, Till the time the WORD of the ETERNALL came, psalmes. 107. and his SAYING tryed him, psalmes. 12, the law and first prophets. Ge: 41. the King sent to loose him, and the Ruller of the People to inlarge him, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 24.25. Act: 7. and made him Lord of his House, psalmes. 4, 104.139. the law and first prophets. Ios: 14. Pro: 4. Le: 22. and Ruller ouer all his Provision. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 38; Lu: 12. To instruct his Prince-es in his will, and to teache his Elders wisdon. When Israel was com into Egypt, psalmes. 87.110.5, 39, 68, the law and first prophets. Ge: 41.46. and Iacob was a Stran­ge-er in the Land of Ham, and his People were very fruitfull, and hee had made them stronger then their Besiegers: the law and first prophets. Ex: 1. hee had turned their harts to hate his People, and to conspire against his Servantes: Hee sent Moses his Servant and Aa­ron whom hee chose; the law and first prophets. Ex: 3.4, 5.: De: 34; Ex: 4, 7, 19; Nu: 13; 23; Ge: 37; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19; 2 Tim: 3. that they might bring a­mong them, psalmes. 65; word of his Signes; and MJRA­CLES in the Land of Ham. psalmes. Hee sent darknes and made it dark, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 23. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 11. [...]6. and they disobeyed not his commandements, hee turned their Waters in to blood, psalmes. 99. the law and first prophets. Ex: 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 44, 50, Ap: 11, La: 4. m. Ap: 16. and killed their fish, their Land crauled full of froges in their Kings Chambers.

Hee commaunded, and Swarmes of Flyes, and Lice came in all their borders, psalmes. 78. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 7. hee gave them showers of haile and flameing fire in their Land, psalmes. 29. the law and first prophets. Ex: 7, 8, 9, 10 the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 16, hee smote their Vines, and their Fig-trees, and broke the Trees of their borders. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1.. Ex: 10, 11. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 9. Ier: 46. Na: 3. Hee commanded, and ther came Chafers and Caterpillars innumera­ble, and did eat vp all the green grass of their Land, the law and first prophets. Ge: 9. and devoured the fruit of their Ground. And smote all the first born of their Land; the Prime of all their Strength, psalmes. 104; 78; the law and first prophets. Ex: 11; 12; the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 9; 16; and brought them foorth with Siluer and Gold, the law and first prophets. Ex: 12. and not one feeble Man was among their Tribes. Egypt vvas glad of their goeing out, psalmes. 14.53. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 14. Est: 8. Ios: 2.9. De: 2.11. Ex: 13.14.23. Iob: 13. Ge: 9. because their Terror vvas fallen vpon them. Hee spred a Cloude for a VAJLE, and fire to giue Lighte in the nighte. psalmes. 106. They requested and hee brought Quailes; psalmes. 68.78, the law and first prophets. Ex: 16. Nu: 11, and satisfied them vvith Bread of Heauen. the law and first prophets. Ex: 17. Nu: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 10, Hee opened the Rock, and the vva­ters [Page 105] issued out, psalmes. 63.78, 61. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 16, Ier: 23, Is: 43. Lu: 1. and rann like a Riuer in the Dry place-es, for hee Remembred his Sacred VVORD vvith his Seruant Abraham, the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. Ex: 15. Nu: 23, De: 4; and brought foorth his Chosen PEOPLE vvith Joy and TRIVMPH; psalmes. 47; the law and first prophets. Nu: 20. and Gave them the Countryes of the Heathen, psalmes. 44.2. and the paines of the Nations to possesse. the law and first prophets. Ios: 13, Deu: 6.31. That they may keep his PRESCRIPTS, and obserue his LAVV. The ETERNALL be praised.


PRAISE the ETERNALL GOD: psalmes. 107, 118, 136, ô Worship the ETERNALL, for his GOODNES, and because his LOVEING-KINDENES is for euer. Who is ther, psalmes. 24.63. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. th. Act: 20. that can Particular out his VIRTVES, & sound out all his PRAISE? psalmes. 150? HAPPY are they that obserue RIGH­TE, psalmes. 119 gh. and hee that doeth IVSTICE at at all times. ô ETERN: think vpon mee, psalmes. 8, and vi­sit mee with the favourable SALVATION of thy People, that I may ioyfully look vpon the JOY and WELTH of thy chosen People, psalmes. 16, 128, and be come an Actor of thy PRAYSES with thine INHERITANCE. VVee haue Sin­ned vvith our Fathers, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 6, 1 Reg: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9, and don frovvardly and vvickedly. Our Fathers considered not, psalmes. 37, 64,, and thought not vpon thy vvonderfull and great KINDENESSES in Egypt, psalmes. 17, and they Rebelled at the Sea-side, the law and first prophets. Ex: 2, 14.10, 23, Iob: 21, the last proph. & the n: t: Ion 2, by the Red Sea, psalmes. 23.25. and for his NAMES sake he saued them, to make knovvn his VIRTVE: hee Rebuked the Red Sea that it vvas dry as a vvildernes, and lad them in the DEEPS. psalmes. 32. the law and first prophets. Ge: 14.., the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 53,., 63,,, And Saued them and quit them from the hands of their Heynous Enimyes, and the vvaters ouervvelmed their Besiegers, that [Page 106] not one of them remained. psalmes. 104. And they be­leeued his VVORD, and sung his PRAYSE. They soon forgate his DOINGS, psalmes. 107,, the law and first prophets. Iob: 33. Nu: 11., and attended not to his COVNSELL, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 10,. and longed a longing, and tempted the ALMIGHTY GOD in the vvast VVildernes. And hee gaue them their Request, psalmes. 78,.35,, and hee sent a REPJNEJNG in their mindes, and they freated at Moses in the Camp, and at Aaron the Holly one of the ETER­NALL, the law and first prophets. Ex: 17. Nu: 14,, that the Earth opened and svval­lovved vp Dathan, psalmes. 55, 104, the law and first prophets. Nu: 11, 16, De: 11, 4, 6, and ouercouered the As­sembly of Abiram, and fire kindled in their Assembly, psalmes. 1, 21, and the Flames burnt vp the VVICKED ONES. psalmes. 97.

the law and first prophets. Ex: 32,, Leu: 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7. They made a Molten Calf in Horeb, and Worshiped it, and change-ed their GLORY for the Feature of an Oxe that eateth grasse. psalmes. 4.6 [...]. the law and first prophets. Ne: 9,, De: 4.9. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 4. Ier: 2▪ They forgat GOD their SAVIOVR, that did GREAT THJNGES in E­gypt, psalmes. 12, 7 [...].66, 126. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 8, and WONDERFVLL THINGS in the Land of Ham, and TERRIBLE THJNGES at the RED SEA. And hee thought to smite them, but Moses his chosen, the law and first prophets. Ex: 32,.33,, stood in the Breach before him, to turn again his Heat from destroying. the law and first prophets. Nu: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 22. And they Refused the DELIGHTFVLL Land, psalmes. 78. the law and first prophets. De: 8. Ex: 33, and beleeued not his WORD, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 3.12. Ez: 20,, and Murmu­red in their Tentes, psalmes. 95. the law and first prophets. De: 1,, Nu: 14,, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 7,, and hearkened not on the VOJCE of the ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. Iob: 33, 36, and hee took vp his Hand against them, to overthrow them in the Wildernes, and to overthrow their Seed, psalmes. 116,, the law and first prophets. Le: 26. the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 7. and Skater them among the Countryes of the Heathen. And they wear yoked to Baal-Peor, the law and first prophets. De: 4. Nu: 25. Ios: 22. Iu: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: 2. Cor: 6. Hos: 5.9. and did eat the Sacrifice-es of the Dead. And they VEXED with their DEVISES that the Plague break out among them, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 9. Nu: 20, 25. the last proph. & the n: t: Mal. 2, and Phineas stood vp and prayed, and the PLA­GVE [Page 107] was restrained; and it was counted RIGHTEOVSNES to him for all Ge­nerations for euer. psalmes. 47. the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Iam: 2. Rom: 4. psalmes. 81, 95, 18. the law and first prophets. Ex: 17, Nu: 30, Ge: 12, And they ANGERED at the Waters of Meribhah, that hee puni­shed MOSES for them. When they VEXED his Minde, and hee Muttered with his Lips. the law and first prophets. Leu: 5.

They smote not the Nations vvhich the ETERNALL commanded them, the law and first prophets. Iud: 1, 2, De: 7, and they vvere mingled among the Heathen, psalmes. 119. s. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 20, and lerned their VVORKES, and serued their Idoles, psalmes. 69, 78, 9. the law and first prophets. Ex: 10, 23, De: 12, 2 K: 16,, 23,, Leu: 17, 18, 19, 20. and they vvear a SNARE vnto them, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 7, 19. 1 Cro: 10, and they Sacrifice-ed their Sonnes and their Daughters to DESTROYERS, they povvred out INNOCENT blood, the law and first prophets. De: 18, 19, 32, 2 Cro: 33, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27, 12, The blood of their Sonnes and Daughters, psalmes. 16, which they Sacrifice-ed to the Idoles of Canaan; That the Earth vvas couered vvith Blood, and they vvere po­luted vvith their WORKS going a vvho­reing in their ENTERPRISE-ES. the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 2. And the ANGER of the ETERNALL kindled against his People, and hee abhorred his INHERITANCE, the law and first prophets. Iud: 2, 3. Nu: [...]5. Ex: 17, De: 15, Leu: 26, and gaue them into the hands of the Heathen, and they that hate-ed them, psalmes. 83, vvear commanders ouer them, & their Enimyes oppressed them, the law and first prophets. Neh: 9. and they vvear humbled vnder their hand. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 4, Many times hee deliuered them, vvhen they had Vexed him vvith their COVN­SELLS, psalmes. the law and first prophets. Ge: 2. that they vvear brought lovv for their Jniquity, and considered vvhen they vvere in Distresse, by his hearing their Crye, psalmes. 22, and Remembred his Couenant to them, psalmes. 74.90. the law and first prophets. Deu: 30.. & and vas Comfortable according to his great [Page 108] KINDENESSES, and took them to MERCY before all their Captiuers. psalmes. 23. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 30. Ne: 1. Saue vs, psalmes. 102; the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16; the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 37; 39; O ETERNALL our GOD, and gather vs from among the Heathen to wor­ship thy HOLLY NAME; the law and first prophets. Ex: 5; the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 12; to delighte our sel­ues in thy PRAYSE. psalmes. 41,, 72,, Blessed bee the E­TERNALL the GOD of Israel, from Everlasting and to Everlasting, and let all the People say, Amen. The ETERNALL be praysed. the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 9.



WORSHIP the ETERNALL for his GOODNES, psalmes. 103, 24, 106,. 118,. the law and first prophets. 2 Cor: 7.6. 1 K: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3, th. Act: 20. and LOVEING KIN­DENES that is for euer. psalmes. 25.136. Let the RANSO­MED of the ETERNALL, psalmes. 92. psalmes. 109, the law and first prophets. Iud: 10, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 62, Ier: 29,, vvhom hee hath ransomed from the hand of the Tormen­tor, and gathered from the Countryes, East, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 24,. VVest, North and South; the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 13,, that vvandered in a Desolation, vvithout a vvay, psalmes. Infia: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 54, in the VVilder­nes, and found noe dvvelling Citty, psalmes. 77,, 61, the law and first prophets. Ex: 16, 17, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 11, hungry & thirsty that their soules fainted in them, and they Cryed to the ETERNALL in their Distresse, psalmes. 50, 7. psalmes. 119 z. 91, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 6, 7, 1 K: 8, Pro: 1,, Nu: 20,, Iu: 3,. the last proph. & the n: t: Apo: 5, Ier: 2. and hee deliuered them out of their Streits, psalmes. 25,, and directed them a right vvay to goe vnto a dvvelling Citty: SAY, Let men con­fesse the wonderfull KINDENES of the ETERNALL to the children of men. Because hee satisfyed the thirsty Soul, psalmes. 81. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: 1: 1: & the hungry soul hee vvell filled. Let THEM that dvvelt in obscure Darknes, PRISO­NERS, afflicted vvith iron, psalmes. 105, the last proph. & the n: t: Iude, because they disobeyed the SAYINGS of the ALL­MJGHTY, and set lighte by the COVNSELLS of the moste HIGH; That hee brought dovvn their harts vvith Sorrovv: and they fell and had noe Helper, psalmes. 106: and they Cryed vnto the ETERNALL in their Distresse, psalmes. 91, 50. the law and first prophets. Iud: 3. the law and first prophets. Iob: 15, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 19,. and hee holp them out of their streit troubles, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 20, hee brought them out of the obscure DARKENES, and brake their BANDES: psalmes. 2: 111. CONFESSE the [Page 110] wonderfull KINDENES of the ETER­NALL to the children of men.

the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 45,Because hee brake the brasen dores, and cut off the bars of iron. FOOLES that by meanes of their transgressions, psalmes. 49. the law and first prophets. Pro: 19.. and Jniquityes are afflicted, the law and first prophets. Iob: 33,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 9. that their soules abhorre all meat, psalmes. 5. and are euen at deathes dore, and they Crye vnto the ETERNALL in their DISTRESSE, psalmes. 9, 91.50,, and hee helpeth them out of their streit troubles: That sendeth his VVORD and healeth them, psalmes. 36.60, 147, 103:105: the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu; 3:1:3: and reskevveth them from their Destructions: Let THEM confesse the wonderfull KINDENES of the ETERNALL to the children of men. psalmes. 50, 116., 56, 10 [...], the law and first prophets. Le: 7. Ex: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Let them Sacrifice sacrifice-es of THANKS, and declare his VVORKS vvith TRIVMPH. They vvhich goe to Sea in Ships, psalmes. 104. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 42; Ap: 18: and doe buissines in the Great Waters; They vvhich see the Won­derfull Works of the ETERNALL in the Deep, Hovv hee commandeth a Storm­vvinde to rise, psalmes. 104.. and it raiseth the vvaues ther­of, that they mount vp to Heauen, and des­cend dovvn to the Deeps, that their Soules doe melt vvith Misery, they runn about reeling like dronken men, and all their skill is spent, and they Crye vnto the ETERNALL in their Distresse, psalmes. 50, 91. and hee bringeth them out of their streit troubles.

psalmes. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 31,Hee calmeth the Storm, and their vvaues are still, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8, M [...]: Lu: 4, 8, and they reioyce vvhen they are quiet, and hee bringeth them to the Heauen vvher they vvould bee: Let THEM confesse the wonderfull KINDENES of the ETER­NALL to the children of men; And let [Page 111] them exalte him in the Congregation of the commun People, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: [...]. and praise him in the Seates of the ELDERS. psalmes. 138. That transposeth riuers to a VVildernes, and foun­taines of vvater to a thirsty-place, psalmes. 63, the law and first prophets. Deu: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 35, 41, a fruitfull Land to barennes, the law and first prophets. Ge: 13,, 19,. for the Naughtines of them that dvvell in it; psalmes. 78, that transposeth a VVildernes into vvater-pooles, psalmes. 105, 114: 84: the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 34▪ and a dry land into Fountaines of vvater: and ther hee set­leth the hungry, psalmes. 65,, and they build Cittyes of Ha­bitation, & sovv fieldes & plant Vineyardes, that may yeeld fruitfull reuenues, and blesseth them, that they increase exceedingly, & their beasts hee make-eth not a few, psalmes. 105., vvhen they vvear fevv and oppressed vvith constreint and misery, and sorrovv: the law and first prophets. Iob: 12:. Povvring contempt vpon Princeces, psalmes. Supra. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1, and made them vvander in the rude Desert vvith out a vvay, and hee re­leeued the Needy out of Affliction, psalmes. 8 [...],, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 36, and made them familyes like flocks of sheep, psalmes. 34, the law and first prophets. Iob: 22,, 5., 24., the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 2,. Ier: 9., Da: 12,, Hos: 14. Ap: 1 [...].12.13.17. Ioh: 6., Vprighte-men reioyceed to see it, and wrong dealing stopped her mouth, bee that is Wise, both will observe these thinges, and they will vnderstand thes KINDE­NESES of the ETERNALL. psalmes. 119 s.

CVIII. A Psalm Song of DAVID.

MY hart is ready, ô GOD, psalmes. 57, 18, 71, 92, 30, 43, 22. the law and first prophets. Ge: 49,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ma: 26,, I will sing Psal­mes, yea, my GLORY (vp Lute and Harp) I will awake betime. the last proph. & the n: t: Act. (6) I will celebrate thee among the Nations, and chaunt thee out a­mong the People, psalmes. 36,, the law and first prophets. Ezr: 9.. because the greatnes of thy KINDENES is aboue the Heauens, and thy FAYTHFVLLNES is euen to the cloudes. Bee thou exalted, O GOD, aboue the Heavens, psalmes. 20. the law and first prophets. Nu: 14. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2., and thy GLORY ouer all the Earth. That thy belo­ued ones may be released, saue vs with thy right hand and hear vs.

[Page 112] psalmes. 60, the law and first prophets. Ios: 12,,, 13,,, 31,,,GOD SPEAKE in his Sanctuary (I was glad) I vvill diuide Shechem, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 11. and meat out the vale of Succoth, psalmes. 135, 68, 136, 132. the law and first prophets. Ge: 33,, 1 K: 12,, 1 Sa: 17,, 1 Cor: 7,. Ruth: 1, 4, Ge: 49. Ios: 17, 18, 2 Sa: 8, Iud: 1, 5, Nu: 24,, Ex: 29,, Giliad shall be mine, and Ma­nasses shall bee mine, Ephraim shall bee my Cheeff strength, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 22, 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 1,. Judah shall bee my Lavv­maker, psalmes. 3. Moah my vvashing pot, vpon Edom vvill I cast off my shoes, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 4,. sh vpon Palestina vvill I triumph.

the law and first prophets. De: 23.Who conducted mee to the Citty Mibhzar, who brought mee to the strong Citty Edom? the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 6, 2 K: 18, 1 Cro: 1, Ge: 36,, didst not thou, ô GOD, that dost giue vs the back, and goest not foorth with our Armyes, O GOD? psalmes. 29?, 196 [...], 146,. ô giue vs help in distresse, for vaine is the help of man. Through GOD wee shall doe prosperously, psalmes. 118, the law and first prophets. Pro: 3, and hee will tread down our Be­siegers.

CIX. For the Cheeff, A PSALM of DAVID.

psalmes. 22,.O GOD of my PRAYSE bee thou not Deaf, for the deceiptfull mouthes of the Wic­ked are opened vpon mee, psalmes. 34,, 35,. 92,. 36, 120,. the last proph. & the n: t: Rom: [...], and with false tongs they talk with mee, psalmes. 119, sh. 139. and with hatefull wordes goe they about mee, and oppugne mee for no­thing; for my loue they are against mee, and I PRAYE them, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9., Ap: 5.. and they put vpon mee evill for good, psalmes. 35,, 38. and hatred for my Love. Set over him a Wicked man, psalmes. 1 [...]0.119 sh. the law and first prophets. Pro: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 2. 1 Io: 3. Za: 3. Ioh: 17. Is: 54., and let the ADVERSARY stand at his right hand, psalmes. 37,, and when hee is iudged, let him goe out a Wicked man, and his PRAYER be sin­full, psalmes. 59.89,. the law and first prophets. Pro: 28. let his dayes bee few, and another take his Oversight; the law and first prophets. De: 20,, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: [...],, let his children be fatherles, and his wife a Widow, psalmes. 6 [...]. the law and first prophets. Ez: 22, the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 8. and let his Children goe about asking and seeking, psalmes. 37,. the law and first prophets. Iob: [...]5. from their desolate dwellings.

psalmes. 9.59. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 24.50,Let the Creditor intangle all hee hath, & forrein Enimyes make a Prey of his labours. psalmes. 89..128. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 4, De: 24, Ex: 22, Iob: 1.. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 8. Let him haue none to extend KINDNES, psalmes. 36.. let ther be none to pitty his Fatherless ones, psalmes. 34,, let his Posterity be cut off, psalmes. 37,,, 69, and in another Gene­ration, [Page 113] let their Name be clean blotted out, psalmes. 51, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 21, Let the iniquity of his Fore-fathers be re­membred vvith the ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. Ex: 20.34, and his Mothers sinn not blotted out, the law and first prophets. Ne: 3,, 4,, Let them bee allvvayes before the ETERNALL, psalmes. 34. that hee may cut off their Remembrance out of the Earth. Because hee remembred not to doe KINDENES, psalmes. 119, gh. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 9,, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 19 [...] and pursued the afflicted and needy one, to sley him of a con­trite hart, and loued cursing; psalmes. 35, Let it com vnto him, and had noe delight in blessing; the law and first prophets. De: 28; Ge: 3; the last proph. & the n: t: Iam: 3; Rom: 3; Ap: 12; let it be far from him. And let him put on Cursing as his Robe, let it soke into him like vvater, psalmes. 73, 93, and like oyle into his bones, the law and first prophets. Nu: 5., let it bee to him like a vvrapping vveed, and for a girdle to gird it allvvayes to him. psalmes. 93. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 21.

Let this bee the Revvard of them, psalmes. 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 2, that STAND VP against mee, from the E­TERNALL, and speake ill against my PERSON. And thou, ô ETER­NALL, ô my LORD, psalmes. 23, 16, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 9,. 1., 2., Ru [...]h: 1,, 1 Cro: 19,, shew mee for thy Names sake thy Favour, and for thy Boun­tifull KINDENES deliuer mee, psalmes. 106, because J am miserably afflicted, and my hart is slaine vvithin mee, psalmes. 102,, 144.37.35. the law and first prophets. Iob. 8,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 6, as a Shadovv at his declineing I am gon, I am driuen avvay like locusts. the law and first prophets. Ex: 10. Iob: 39. my knees are feeble vvith fasting, the last proph. & the n: t: H [...]b: 3. my flesh de­nyeth fatnes, and J, vvhich am a skorn to them, psalmes. 22,, 44,, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 2 [...] and they vvag their heads vvhen they see mee: ô ETERNALL my GOD. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27: Ioh: 2: Mt: 15,, Help mee, and according to thy LOVING KJNDENES saue mee. That they may know, that thou, O ETERNALL, psalmes. 39..17,. with thy hand hast don this very thing. When they re­uile doe thou blesse, when they rise vp, the law and first prophets. Nu: 22,, Pro: 26. 2 Sa: 16, let them be confounded, that thy Servant may reioyce; [Page 114] let them that stand vp against mee, put on shame, psalmes. 71,, and wear their Confusion like an vpper garment, psalmes. 40,, the law and first prophets. Iob: 8,, 12,, that with my mouth I may exceeding­ly set foorth the ETERNALL, psalmes. 51.119, 8, and prayse him in the midst of many. psalmes. 35, Because hee stan­deth at the right hand of the Destitute man, to saue him from the Condemners of his life. psalmes. 141. the law and first prophets. Ge: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 12,

CX. Of DAVID, A Psalm.

THE ETERNALL SAYETH to my LORD, psalmes. 2,, 36, 16, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 22, 25, Mr: 12, Lu: 20, Sit thou at my right hand, vntill I set thine Enimyes thy foot stoole. psalmes. 99.47. the law and first prophets. De: 33, 2 Sa: 12, 1 Sa: 5. Ez: 4, Nu: 17, Ge: 5, the last proph. & the n: t: He: 10. Ap: 3. Rom: 16. La: 2. Act: 2. 1 Cor: 15. Ap: 2.12. The ETER­NALL will send the rod of thy STRENGTH out of Sion, psalmes. 68, 92, and Rulle thou in the midst of thine Enimyes.

psalmes. 47. the law and first prophets. Le: 21, the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 12. Ap: 12. Lu: 2, Ioh: 12, Da: 2, He: 5, 6, 7, 4,Hee will send thee thy PRINCIPALL People in the day of thy Battail, the law and first prophets. Ex: 13,, 22,, 34,, Ge: 3. Nu: 3.8.18. Iob: 38. Nu: 23.18.25 3.8. Ex: 19; 40, Ge: 14.20. 2 Sa: 7. De: 33. the timelines of the Womb, psalmes. 18,▪ and dew of thy youth, in thy seem­ly Sanctuary. The ETERNALL hath SWORNE, psalmes. 29, 89.132.76, the last proph. & the n: t: Eccl: 7.8. Ez: 44. and will not repent, Thou shalt bee a Priest for euer like MELCHISEDEK.

the law and first prophets. De: 3. Neh: 9. 1 Sa: 31. 2 Sa: 12, 1 Cro: 20, 10, Ge: 3. Iud: 6.,.7.,. 1 K: 17, Ios: 15. Pro: 6.13.14. the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 1, 3, Ez: 32, Ier: 49, 33, Ez: 32, Na: 3, Am: 3, Ioh: 4. Lu: 1. Ap: 22, Za: 14,By thy right hand the LORD will wound Kinges, psalmes. 138,.2, 68, when hee is angry; hee will Iudge a­mong the Hethen his fill of Bodyes: Hee will wound the Head over the Land of Rabbah. Hee drank of the river in the way, psalmes. 136.83.36.,.46,,.45,.18,, 3.147.9 [...]. therfor shall hee hold vp his head.


psalmes. 33. PRAISE the ETERNALL in the Coun­sell and Assembly of VPRIGHT men, I will worship the ETERNALL with all my hart. psalmes. 138,. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 12, Great are the WORKES of the ETERNALL, psalmes. 92, the law and first prophets. Eccl: 3.8.12. Pro: 8, 3, 1 Cro: 29, Can: 8.3., De: 32, Iud: 5, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 2.3. Mt: 6, Mt: Mr: Lu: 19.10.18. Ioh: 5.6, and to be sought out with all their DELIGHTS. psalmes. 1.104. WORSHIP and HONOVR is his VVORKE, psalmes. 144., 112, 105.29▪ 45, 21, 19, 40. and his RIGHTEOVSNES that standeth for euer. psalmes. 125. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1. Act: 10.

[Page 115]Hee hath made remembrance of his WON­DERFVLL WORKES, psalmes. 86, 103, 145, 112, 116, 40, 107. the law and first prophets. Ne: 9, 2 Cro: 30, The ETERNALL beeing GRATIOVS and MERCIFVLL. the law and first prophets. Ex: 16, 22, Ge: 42, 15, 16, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 2, Da: 9, Hee gaue food to them that fear him, and was euer mindefull of his COVENANT. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1: Mt: Mr: Lu: 14, 6, 9, 6, 16, 8, Iude. Hee declare-ed the MIGHTYNES of his WORKES to his People, psalmes. 105,, 2, 44.118. the law and first prophets. De: 6, Ge: 12,, 13,, 15,, 48,, 50,, to giue them the JNHERITANCE of the Heathen. psalmes. 19.92.119, I the law and first prophets. Ex: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 23. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 5. Rom: 7. The Works of his handes are Truthe and Iudgement, the law and first prophets. Ex: 4. & all his Precepts Faithfull.

They are established for euerlasting Eter­nity being made vvith TRVTH and PLAYNENES. psalmes. 148.119. m. gh psalmes. 11. the law and first prophets. Ex: 2; 10; 34; De: 11; the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1., Ap: 5,; 7,; Mt: Lu: 6, 9, Hee sent Redemp­tion to his people, his Couenant, that hee commaunded for euer: psalmes. 99. the law and first prophets. Pro: 1., 3., 9.. Iob: 28., Eccl: 12. holly and reuerend be his Name. The beginning of Wisdome is the Feare of the ETERNALL, psalmes. 19: 145, 119 th; the law and first prophets. De: 4: 14: the last proph. & the n: t: He: 6; Ap: 1; 21, 23; and a good Vnderstanding haue all they that doe them; His Prayse to stand for euer.


PRAISE the ETERNALL: Happy is the man that Feareth the ETERN: psalmes. 1▪ and greatly delighteth in his Commandemēts; psalmes. 128; 111; the law and first prophets. 1 K: 3; his Seed shall be mighty in the Earth, and the Generatiō of Vpright men shall be blesse-ed. psalmes. 37, the law and first prophets. Ge: 13.17, 18.15, 16, 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Rom: 4, He shall haue vvelth & Riches in his house, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 20, Lu: 11, 12. Ap: 3, 5, Ro: 11. Act: 9.10. 1 Tim 6. and his Righteousnes shall indure for euer. psalmes. 103. the law and first prophets. De: 28,

In darknes ther ariseth Light for Vpright men, psalmes. 97,, 84, 92, 111; 116; the law and first prophets. Ge: 18, 17▪ P [...]o: 4; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 58, 60, the Gratious the Mercifull and Iust man; that a good man beeing Pittifull and lending, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 4; Lu: 1. 2 Cor: 9. Ro: 2. may mainteine his Substance vvith Judgement, psalmes. 55. psalmes. 1, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 21.8, 2 K: 10. because the Iust shall neuer be mooued, psalmes. 21, 37, the law and first prophets. Pro: 10. hee shall be had in perpetuall Re­membrance, psalmes. 121, 19, 91, 21, 49, 108.57. the law and first prophets. Nu: 13. Ge: 22. the last proph. & the n: t: He; 11. of any ill Nevves hee shall not bee afrayed, his hart is firme and confident in the ETERNALL.

[Page 116]His hart is established, that hee shall not bee afrayed, psalmes. 54, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 10. Lu: 14,, 18,, 19,. Mt: 19. Act: 20. Mr: 10. 2 Cor: 9.. Rom: 2,; Da: 4, Act: 9.10. Ro: 15, He: 13., Phil: 4. Ia: 2. vvhen hee looketh vpon his Foes. Hee DISTRIBVTETH & GIVETH to the Needy ones, psalmes. 40, 41, 132. & his Righteousnes shall last for euer. psalmes. 19. the law and first prophets. Iud: 5. And his HORNE shall be highe in GLORY, psalmes. 92. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2, vvhen the VVicked man seeth it, hee shall freat, and gnash his teeth, psalmes. 140, the law and first prophets. Iob: 8.1, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8, Ap: 16. Ko: 13. and melt, The Longing of Wicked men shall perish. psalmes. 1. the law and first prophets. Pro: 10.


the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 2, 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1,PRAISE the ETERNALL, Praise yee, ô Servantes of the ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19; praise the NAME of the ETERNALL: psalmes. 134:, 135:, 92, let the NAME of the ETERNALL be blessed from this time, psalmes. 37, 18.48. the law and first prophets. Iob: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 2. the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 1,. till for euer, from the Riseing of the Sunn, to his Goeing downe, let the NAME of the ETERNALL be praised.

psalmes. 99, 57, 35. the law and first prophets. De: 26,The ETERNALL that is highe aboue all Nations, and his GLORY is aboue the Heauens. VVho is like the ETERNALL our GOD; psalmes. 127;, 36;, 35? that hath his Dvvelling a highe in the Heauens, psalmes. 138▪ 8? and humbleth to look vpon the Earth?

the law and first prophets. 1 R [...]: 16, 1 Sa: 2. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 21, A [...]: 7, 21,That raiseth the empty man out of the dust, psalmes. 149, and setteth vp the Needy from the donghill, psalmes. 2 [...],, 47, to make him sit vvith Prince-es, and vvith the Principall of his People, ma­keing the barren vvoman, the law and first prophets. Ge: 15,, Iob: 24,. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1. to inhabit the House, psalmes. 68,. and to be a joyefull Mother of children, the ETERNALL be praised.


the law and first prophets. Ex: 13, 14, Nu: 9, 1,WHEN Israel came out of Egypt, and the House of Iacob from the Barbarous People, psalmes. 105, 66, 77, 56. and Iury was his SANCTVARY, and Israel his DOMINION: psalmes. 81, 78,, 103: the law and first prophets. Ios: 3:.4:. the Sea saw and fled, and Iordan turned back: psalmes. 92.

[Page 117]The Mountaines DAVNCE-ED like Lambes, and the little Hilles, like yong Sheep: psalmes. 29.68, the law and first prophets. Ios: 11. Ex: 29, 19, Iob: 21;, Le: 9, Iud: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie [...]: 4. What is the matter with thee, ô Sea, that thou fledst, & thou Iordan, that thou turnedst back? the law and first prophets. Nu: 13, the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 1? yee Mountaines that yee daunceed like Lambes, psalmes. 29. the last proph. & the n: t: Z [...]: 14▪ and yee little Hilles like yong Sheep?

For the Presence of the LORD (tremble ô Earth) for the Presence of the GOD of Jacob: psalmes. 104, 96, 29.97.77; psalmes. 104.107. the law and first prophets. Eccl: 3, Ios 3. 1 Cro: 16,: De: 32: Ex: 17;. Nu: 20. Ge: 1. De: 8. Pro: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]: 4. Z [...]: 4, 6, Mic: 4, Ez: 30. that turneth the hard-stony rock into springing vvater pooles. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 51. Da: 5.


NOT vnto vs, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 44,, 29.113, 92,, 116, 117. not vno vs giue GLORY, the law and first prophets. 1 Cor: 29,, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 6, Mal: 2. Da: 2, 4. but vnto thy NAME, for thy LOVEING KINDENES and thy TRVTH. Wherfore should the He­then SAY, VVher (I pray you) is their GOD? psalmes. 42? 79? the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 2? Mic: 7? Mt: 6? Io: 1? and our GOD is in Heauen, the law and first prophets. Iob: 23? Ex: 20? Eccl: 8? & doth vvhat­soeuer hee pleaseth? Their Images of siluer and gold, the work of mens handes: psalmes. 135? 16: the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 32,▪ 2 Reg: 19,; D [...]: 4,. the last proph. & the n: t: A [...]t: 17,▪ Ap: 9 [...]. Ie: 5: Mt: 13. Act: 20. Ap: 9, Is: 9. Ro: 11. D [...]: 5. Is: 46. Hab: 12. haue mouthes and speak not, psalmes. 135. they haue eyes and see not, and eares and hear not, psalmes. 55. and noses and smell not, and wag not with their handes, nor walk with their feet, psalmes. 149. they haue noe talk in their throates.

So be their makers and euery one that tru­steth in them. psalmes. 135. psalmes. the law and first prophets. 2 Reg: 17, Israel trust thou in the ETER­NALL, whose help and Defence hee is. Thou House of Aaron, the law and first prophets. D [...]: 33. trust yee in the ETER­NALL, whose help and Defense hee is. Yee that fear the ETERNALL, psalmes. 22,, 118,, 135,. trust yee in the ETERNALL, whose help and Defense hee is. That the ETERNALL that remem­breth vs, may blesse; psalmes. 136.37. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: [...]. hee may blesse the House of Israel, and blesse the House of Aaron, and blesse them that fear the ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 11. small and great.

That the ETERNALL may ad abun­dantly vpon you, psalmes. 71. the law and first prophets. Ge: 49. De: 1. [...]8.10. vpon you and vpon your Children; bee yee the blessed of the ETER­NALL [Page 118] maker of Heaven and Earth. psalmes. 121, 146, 148, the law and first prophets. Iud: 17. Ge: 1, 2, 14. 1 Sa: 15.23, Neh: 9. 1 K: 8, 2 Cro: 6, Ge: 12; 15; Iob: 71:. Pro: 15.2. The Hea­vens of Heavens are the ETERNALLS, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 12, Ie: 27; and the Earth hee hath giuen to the Children of men: psalmes. 2:66:76:30:.88;. the last proph. & the n: t: Rom: 4; Is: 38;.; the DEAD shall not praise the ETER­NALL, psalmes. 89.94. nor they that are gone into SILENCE. Therfor wee will blesse the ETERNALL from this time and for ever. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 29., The ETER­NALL be praised.


I Loue the ETERNALL, because hee hath hard my VOYCE of my SVPPLICA­TIONS, psalmes. 86. the law and first prophets. Ex: 2, 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 10, 1 Io: 4, and because hee hath turned his eares vnto mee in the dayes of calling. The snares of death had hold of mee, psalmes. 40, 18, the law and first prophets. Pro: 5; 9; and the torments of Hell came vpon mee, psalmes. 118, 54.51. and I found greevous mi­sery. And I CALLED vpon the Name of the ETERNALL: psalmes. 118.116, J beseech thee, ô ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. Ge: 28.46. the law and first prophets. De: 4; reskew my Life. And the ETERNALL that is GRATIOVS and JVST; psalmes. 30.115.92. the law and first prophets. Ex: 33; 34; the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Ioh: 3; 4; Ia: 5; Ap: 15; psalmes. 112; 145; 129; 143, the law and first prophets. Iob: and our GOD that is moste MERCIFVLL; the ETERNALL that preserveth the simple ones: VVhen I vvas vt­terly spent, psalmes. 79; 142; 19: holpe mee.

Turne to thy REST, ô my Soul, for The ETERNALL hath don BOVN­TIFVLLY for thee. psalmes. 132, 107, 25, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 8, 1 Sa: 24.26. Nu: 10. Ex; 3, Ge: 2, 6, 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 17, He; 4, Ro: 2, Lu: 12. Ie: 31, 6. Ap: 7, 21, Zeph: 3,, For thou hast released my Person from death, psalmes. 86., mine eyes from teares, and my feet from Scatering, psalmes. 106.118. that J might vvalke before the ETER: psalmes. 56.112. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 38.63. among the liuing. I beleeved, for I SPAKE when I was excee­dingly afflicted, psalmes. 26., 27.39.52. [...] the law and first prophets. De: 18. and I SAYED in my hast, All men are lyers. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 4. Ioh: 7. Ro: 3, What shall I RETVRNE to the ETERNALL for all his GOOD-TVRNES bestowed vpon mee? the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cor: 16? 10? Mt: M [...]: Lu: [...]6.14.2 [...]. Ap: [...]. 1 Cor: 10.11. 2 Th: 3. Phil: 2. J vvill take the CVP of SALVATION, psalmes. 23? the law and first prophets. Ge: 14? and make Invocation vpon the NAME of the ETERNALL. psalmes. 118.16. the law and first prophets. Ge: 44,. 28.46

psalmes. 56, I vvill pay my VOVVES to the ETER: [Page 119] yea in the Sighte of his People, the death of his Saintes beeing deer in the sight of the E­TERNALL. O ETERN: psalmes. 72.33. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 20,; I BE­SEECH thee, because I am thy Servant▪ the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 7;: 8;: Mt: 3: 17: 2 Pet: 1: I am thy Servant; and sonne of thy Hand­mayde: loose my bandes, psalmes. 86;: 2, 80,: 30:54:4:50.107, 100:118:12, 20, 15. the law and first prophets. Ex: 4, [...]5,; that I may Sacri­fice SACRIFICE-ES of Thanks-offering and make Invocation vpon the NAME of the ETERN: the law and first prophets. Le: 22, E [...]: 3:33: the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu: 23, 12, 11, and pay my Vowes to the ETERN: in the sight (yea) of all his people, in the Courts of the House of the ETERN: and in the mids of thee, O Ierusalem: praised be the ETERNALL.


PRAISE the ETERNALL all yee Nations, psalmes. 18,. 147, 25, 145, 44:47, 92, 126, 115, 119 sh. 18.29, 144 the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 22,, the last proph. & the n: t: Rom: 15,, commend him all yee People; the law and first prophets. D [...]: 7. Ez [...]: 3, Ge. 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 15, 21, Act: 13, for his pas­sing LOVEING KINDENES vpon vs, and the TRVTH of the ETERN: that is for euer. The ETERNALL be praised.


WORSHIP the ETERNALL, psalmes. 63, 106,, 107,,. 92,. 136,. 23,. 115.,, 135,,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 15.. be­cause hee is GRATIOVS, the law and first prophets. 1 Co [...]: 16,. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 19,. For his Loveing Kindenes is for euer. Let Israel SAY, that his Loveing Kindenes is for euer. O let the House of Aaron SAY, that his Loveing Kindenes is for euer. O let them that fear the ETER: SAY, that his Loving Kindenes is for euer. psalmes. 4 116.138. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 12, Out of my Affliction I Called vpon the ETER: & the ETER: heard mee at large. The ETERN: psalmes. 56, 27, 92.124. the law and first prophets. Ios: 1,, Nu: 14, De: 20. the last proph. & the n: t: Heb: 13., Rom: 8. is with mee, I am not afrayed, vvhat man shall doe vnto mee. The ETERN: the law and first prophets. Can: 2, is with mee among my HELPERS, psalmes. 54, 56, 115, and J doe look vpon my foes. psalmes. 20,, 146,, 37..40, 62, 125. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 36, It is better to RELY on the ETERN: then to put any TRVST in man. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 5,. It is better to RELY on the [Page 120] ETERNALL, psalmes. 47. then to put trust in Principall men. For all the People came about mee, psalmes. 116. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: [...]. and in the NAME of the E­TERNALL J cut them off.

For vvhen they compassed mee, yea and had be set mee rounde about: in the NAME of the ETERNALL I cut them off. They came about mee like bees, the law and first prophets. De: 1, Iob: 16, E [...]cl: 7. but they vvent out like a thorn fire, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 4 [...]. and in the NAME of the ETERNALL I cut them off. Thou hast cast mee sore downe, the last proph. & the n: t: 2. Cor: 4. and I fell, and the ETERNALL hath holpen mee. psalmes. 116. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15,, Ge: 43, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 12., Am: 5. My Con­fidence and Sonet shall bee the ETERN: psalmes. [...], 149,, that hath been my SALVATION: a loud VOYCE of SALVATION in the TABERNACLES of the RIGH­TEOVS. psalmes. 98.81.92, 140. the law and first prophets. Iob: 13. 1 Cro: 10. Ge: 8.1. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: [...]. 1 Cor: 16. Coll: 1. [...] Th: 3. the law and first prophets. Ex: 1 [...]. The right hand of the ETER­NALL hath done valiantly, psalmes. 60. [...]0.24.59. the law and first prophets. Pro: 31. the right hand of the ETERN: bee exalted: the right hand of the ETERN: hath done valiantly, and while I liue and am not dead; the law and first prophets. [...] Reg: 18, 20, Nu: 4, Ge: 47. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 38, Ez: 33. I will DECLARE the DOOINGS of the ETERNALL. The ETERN: corrected mee sorely, psalmes. 16.39. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 3. He; 12,, yet gaue mee not vnto death; psalmes. 24, 103, the law and first prophets. De: [...]. Pro: 3. Iob: 12. open yee righteous gates I may enter in by them, psalmes. 140,. 142. the law and first prophets. Ge: 28. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 22., 26., Ap: 3, 4,, 29,, Mt: Lu: 7, 13, Ez: 44...46,. Ioh: 10. Hos: 14. 2 Pe: 2. and worship the ETERNALL. psalmes. 24. This is the Gate of the ETERNALL, by which the RIGHTEOVS ONES doe enter.

That I may vvorship thee, for thou hast Afflicted mee, psalmes. 120, and hast been my SALVA­TION. the law and first prophets. Iob: 1 [...]... [...]1... Ge: 49,; [...]8.▪ the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 16., 21., M [...]: 12.; Lu: 20; Is: 28. Mt: 9. Act: 4..7▪ The stone that the builders refu­sed; psalmes. 24.126. is becom the head corner stone. This is from the ETERNALL, and it is Mi­raculous in our eyes. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: [...]2. [...]8. This day hath the [Page 121] ETERNALL brought, psalmes. 111. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 7.23. 1 Sa: 5.8. Le: 25..50. G [...]: 15. Ne: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 9., 10. 1 Pe: 2,. Is: 61.52, Eph: 2. Mt: 1, Mr: 11, Lu: 13.1 [...]. that vve may Triumph and Reioyce in it. psalmes. 24. Wee beseech thee giue Salvation, O ETERN: Wee beseech thee, O ETERN: giue prosperity. Blessed bee hee that cōmeth in the NAME of the ETERN: psalmes. 98. the law and first prophets. Le: 22., Ge: 50: 1 [...]ro: 2 [...].21. 2 Co [...]: 6.7. 1 K: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 12. Mt: 23. Ap: 7, 19. Lu: 1, Na: 1, Ie: 33, psalmes. 128:134: wee blesse you out of the House of the ETERN: And that the ALL MIGHTY GOD, psalmes. 4:116: the law and first prophets. Ge: 28: Nu: 6,, 7,, 2 Cro: 5, 7, Ex: 30, 38, 27. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 15: the ETER­NALL, may Shine vnto vs; Tye your Fe­stivals, vvith cordes to the hornes of the Al­tar, that J may vvorship thee, ô my AL­MIGHTY, and extoll the, ô my GOD. Worship the ETERNALL, because hee is GRATIOVS, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 19. and because his LO­VEING KINDENES is for euer.


A. HAPPY are they that are of a PERFECT WAY: psalmes. 1:19:37: the law and first prophets. De: 5.10. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 28, 20, Ro: 10, psalmes. 101, 18, the law and first prophets. Pro: 2. Ge: 2. that vvalk in the LAVV of the ETERNALL. Happy are they that obserue his TESTIMONYS, psalmes. B. the law and first prophets. Ie: 18. Ne: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Ga: 3, and seek him with the whole hart, and walke in his wayes, the law and first prophets. Ezr: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 5, yea, and doe noe wrong, psalmes. 92, 37. the law and first prophets. Iob: 34,, 36,, 1 K: 2. 2 C [...]o: 36. Pro: 30,, 4,, the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 6. Is: 40. Mt: Mr: Lu: 1, 1, 3, 1, to obserue dilligently thy VISITINGS which thou hast com­manded. I would to God my Wayes wear sted­fast to keep thy PRESCRIPTIONS, the law and first prophets. Ge: 3,, that then I might not be abashed, when I looke vpon thy COMMANDEMENTS, psalmes. 34, 38, the law and first prophets. Ex: 20. Iob: 33, and I might wor­ship thee with a right hart, when I haue lerned thy JVDGEMENTS. ô that I may keep thy PRECRIPTIONS, ô leaue mee not vtterly.

B. O how shall a yong man keep clean his way: To obserue it according to thy Word! psalmes. 37! 17! the law and first prophets. Ex: 33! Ge: 6! Pro: 1. 2 Cro: 22. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 19.! M [...]: 10. Mic: 6. Lu: 18. Mt: 22. Lu: 2., psalmes. A. I seek thee with all my hart, psalmes. 27, ô let mee not misse of thy COMMENDEMENTS. psalmes. 37, 51,, I hide thy SAYINGS in my minde, that I may not sinn against thee. ô ETERNALL, thou blessed one, teach mee thy PRESCRIPTIONS. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 6.11. 1 Cor: 16. Mal: 2. I rec­kon with my lips all the SENTENCES of thy psalmes. 40, 105. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16; [Page 122] mouth, J ioy in the WAY of thy TESTIMO­NYS as aboue all welth. psalmes. 112. J talk of thy PRE­CEPTS, psalmes. SH. the law and first prophets. De: 6, 11, and behold thy WAYES, J haue Delight in thy STATVTES, psalmes. 111,.1, and forget not thy WORD.

psalmes. SH. TS. the law and first prophets. De: 4, G. O deal bountifully with thy Seruant I may liue, and that J may keep thy WORD, vnfold mine eyes, psalmes. P. the law and first prophets. De: 29. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 2, that J may discerne the se­crets out of thy LAW. the last proph. & the n: t: He: 11, J beeing a stranger in in the Earth, psalmes. 39, the law and first prophets. Ge: 47, 1 Cro: 29, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 1.4.5: ô hide not thy COMMAN­DEMENTS from mee. My Soul is beaten out with continuall Appetite to thy JVD­GEMENTS. Rebuke the cursed Proud, the law and first prophets. Le: 21. Nu: 3.17.18. the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 3. Iude. psalmes. 78, 94. 2. V. 123. that err from thy COMMANDEMENTS, and turn from mee Reproch and Contempt, for J obserue thy TESTIMONYS. psalmes. SH. Yea, when Prince-es sit and speak against mee: thy Seruant communeth of thy STATVTS. Yea thy TESTIMONYES are my Delightes, psalmes. 111, 1, 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 23, and my Counse [...]lers.

psalmes. 44.17, 63, 30, 90. the law and first prophets. Ge: 2. D. My soul cleeveth to the dust, ô quicken mee according to thy WORD. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 8, 5. I tell my WAYES and thou hearest mee: ô teach mee thy STA­TVTES. psalmes. 25, 65:27.86. Make mee vnderstand the WAY of thy PRECEPTS, that J may talke of thy WONDERS. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu; 13, 1.10.4. Da: 2. psalmes. P. the law and first prophets. De: 29, My soul droupeth for sorrow, O Raise mee again according to thy WORD. psalmes. 41:30, O take from mee the WAY of falshood, and grace mee with thy LAW. psalmes. 144, GH. I choose the WAY of TRVTH, psalmes. 4. H. the law and first prophets. Ex: 22. Ios: 22,. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 14.10. 1 Cor: 16. I like thy IVDGEMENTS. J steek vpon thy TESTIMONYS, psalmes. T. 89. O ETER­NALL, make mee not ashame-ed. ô inlarge my hart, that J may runn the way of thy COM­MANDEMENTS. psalmes. 139,▪ the law and first prophets. 1 Reg: 4,,

psalmes. 80, 86, the law and first prophets. Ge: 3. De: 30. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 10. Mt: 23.5. H. Teach mee to obserue the way of thy STATVTS to the end. giue mee vnderstanding to obserue thy LAW, and to keep it with my whole hart. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 2, Direct mee in the PATH of thy COMMANDEMENTS, because I haue pleasure in it. psalmes. 134,, 10, 30, the law and first prophets. Ex: 18., the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6. Turn my minde to thy TESTIMONYES, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 8, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 56,, Ez: 33,, Ier: 6, 22, 8, and not vnto GAINE. psalmes. 17. K. SH, the law and first prophets. Pro: 30, Take away mine eyes from be­holding [Page 123] falshood, and revive mee in thy WAY. Establish thy SAYING to thy Seruant, the law and first prophets. Ge: 15, 16, Iob: 3, which is according to thy FEARE. psalmes. G. Take away my reproche that I feared, psalmes. 19. for thy IVDGEMENTS are pleasant. Behold, J haue an Appetite to thy PRECEPTS, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Tim: 4. ô revive mee with thy RIGH­TEOVSNES.

V. O let thy LOVING KINDENESES and thy SALVATION com vnto mee, psalmes. I, 36, the law and first prophets. Pro: 27. the last proph. & the n: t: Tit: 2, accor­ding to thy SAYING, psalmes. 17, psalmes. G. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pet: 3. that I may answer my Reprocher the matter, psalmes. 25, 21, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: [...]3. Ez: 3,, Is: 59, Because I trust in thy WORD. psalmes. S, and take not the WORD of TRVTH quite out of my mouth, the law and first prophets. Ge: 3, for I waite for thy IVDGEMENT. That I may keep thy LAW, allwayes, for world everlasting. psalmes. 31, 18▪ the law and first prophets. Ge: 41. Ex; 4. De: 17.19. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 1. Ez: 2.3. D [...]: 2. He: 10. 2 Cor: 13. Io: 8. Is: Coll: 3. Za: 1· 1 Io: 5.4. And I may walk at large, for I seek thy PRECEPTS. psalmes. Z. S. that I may speak of thy TESTIMONYS before Kinges, and not be abashed; and delight my selfe in thy COMMANDEMENTS, psalmes. 28, 63, TH. 134, 43, which I love: and hold vp my hands at thy COMMANDEMENTS which I love, and talke of thy STA­TVTS.

Z. Remember thy word to thy Servant, psalmes. I.H. the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Pe: 3. Lu: 2. which thou hast made mee waite for. In my Affliction, this is my cōfort, psalmes. K. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 29, M [...]: 7. Is: 36, 28, 65, Mt: Mr: Lu: 27.15. [...]3. for thy SAYING reviveth mee. the law and first prophets. Pro: 21. The Proud make a mocking stock of mee, aboue measure, psalmes. 40., 44,, the law and first prophets. Ge: 4; 1; De: 5. Ex: 20. but I decline not from thy Law. psalmes. 25,, 92. I remember thy IVDGEMENTS of old, O ETERNALL, and am com­forted. When a storm of Wicked men seissed on mee, psalmes. 22., 135, (such as forsake thy LAW) thy Statuts wear my SONETS in my dwelling House. the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 5. Is: 26. I remember thy NAME in the night, O ETERNALL, and keep thy LAW. psalmes. 63., 77,, psalmes. 92. This happened to mee for obseruing thy PRECEPTS. the law and first prophets. De: 31. Iud 6. psalmes. SH.

Ch. ô ETERN: my PORTION, I Sayd, the law and first prophets. Nu: 18. Deu: 10.18. the last proph. & the n: t: Hebreos. Ioh: 8. Ez: 44. psalmes. 16, 73, 45,.142,, I vvould keep thy vvordes. the law and first prophets. Ios: 13. Ex: 34. Eccl: 11.5.14. De: 4, I intreat thee with all my hart, pitty mee according to thy Saying. I re­count my wayes, & bring again my feet vnto thy [Page 124] TESTIMONYES. J make haste and delay not to keep thy COMMANDEMENTS. The snares of the wicked are about mee, psalmes. 18, 48, 113, 92, the law and first prophets. Ge: 10.27. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 32. but J for­get not thy LAW: at midnight J rise to thank thee for thy righteous JVDGEMENTS. psalmes. 119. h. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20, 34. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 5. J am a companion of all them that fear thee, the law and first prophets. De: 5, Ge: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pet: 3. & such as will keep thy PRECEPTS. psalmes. 98. ô ETER­NALL, that the Earth is full of thy LO­VEING KINDENES: psalmes. 33:36: teach mee thy STA­TVTES.

TH. Deal well with thy Seruant, ô ETER­NALL, psalmes. 34, 111,. the law and first prophets. Ge: 32. Ex: 20. 1 Sa: 21, 25. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 3., Ion: 3., according to thy WORD. Lern mee the Goodnes of Vnderstanding and Know­ledge, for J beleeue in thy COMMANDE­MENTS. the law and first prophets. De: 4▪ Iob: 16, psalmes. 27.116.18, 124: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 64, Before J was in misery J erred, and now J keep thy SAYING; ô thou that art good and perfect, lern mee thy STATVTS. The Proud lay-falshood against mee, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 16. Iob: 13.14, 10. but J obserue thy PRECEPTS with all the hart. Their hart is fat like tallow, psalmes. 17, 73, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 13, Act: 28, Is: 6, but J greatly respect thy LAW. It was good for mee that I was afflicted, that J might lern thy STATVTES. the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. I haue more pleasure in the LAW of thy Mouth, the law and first prophets. Iob: 23,, Pro: 8. then in thousands of gold and silver. psalmes. 19. T.V. S. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 4.

I. Thou that thy handes haue made mee and prepare-ed mee: psalmes. L. 111. the law and first prophets. De: 32: ô teach mee VNDER­STANDING, the law and first prophets. Iob: 10:, 31:, Ge: 17. that I may lern thy COM­MANDEMENTS. psalmes. 69,, 52,, That they that fear thee may reioyce, when they see it, for I wait for thy WORD. I know, ô ETERNALL, that thy IVDGEMENTS be with IVSTICE, psalmes. 101.37. the law and first prophets. Ex: Ne: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 1. and that thou hast very FAYTHFVLLY afflicted mee. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 5:10:14. O let thy LOVING KINDENES be to com­fort mee, psalmes. 89, V.G. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 17, Ge: 15. according to thy SAYING to thy Servant. O let thy MERCYES com vnto mee that I may live, psalmes. 40. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20. because my greatest Respects are thy LAW. the law and first prophets. De:, Ne: 9. Iob: 19. O let the Proud be abashed that wrongfully torment mee, when I talk of thy PRECEPTS. the law and first prophets. Pro: 21. Let such as fear thee and know thy TESTIMONYES, com vnto mee. Let my hart be wholely in thy STATVTES, psalmes. 25, that I may not be abashed.

psalmes. TS. K. My Soul is consumeed for thy SALVA­TION, [Page 125] J wait for thy WORD, psalmes. 137, 69, GH. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 17,, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 14, mine eyes are spent for thy SAYING, Saying, psalmes. 17. vvhen vvilt thou comfort mee? Though J am like a botle in the smoke, yet I forget not thy STATVTES. psalmes. 31. Z. psalmes. 56, 39,.89,.102, 78, the law and first prophets. De: 4, 18, How many are the dayes of thy Servant? the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 13? 9, when wilt thou doe Judgement against my Persecu­tors? The Proud dig pittes for mee, psalmes. 37? 38? 94? 9? 35? the law and first prophets. Le: 19. psalmes. 7.17. which is not according to thy LAW; all thy COM­MANDEMENTS are TRVTH, psalmes. H. but they persecute mee wrongfully; O help mee. psalmes. SH; Within a little, they had made an end of mee in the Earth: psalmes. 30. the law and first prophets. Ne: 9, notwithstanding J forsake not thy PRECEPTS. O revive mee according to thy LOV: KINDENES: that J may keep the TESTIMONYS of thy mouth.

L. O ETERNALL, psalmes. 39, 89:99.33, 104. that thy WORD abideth in Heauen for euer, the law and first prophets. Ge: 1, and thy FAYTH­FVLLNES standeth for all generations, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5; Lu: 16; Is: 48: as sure as thou hast made the Earth; that they at this day doe stand by thy IVDGEMENTS: psalmes. 36, for they are all thy Servants: psalmes. 27, 103, except thy LAW had been my respects, J had then euen perished in mine Affliction. the law and first prophets. De: 4. Can: 6. J shall neuer forget thy PRE­CEPTS, because by them thou hast revived mee. ô saue mee, for I am thine, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 19, Le: 8. Nu: 14. for J seek for thy STATVTES. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 3, Mt: 20.9.10. The Wicked lay wait for mee to destroy mee, psalmes. 107. and I am lerning to vnderstand thy TESTIMONYES. the law and first prophets. Iob: 11, 28. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 3, Za: 5. I haue seen an end of all Perfection, but thy COM­MANDEMENT is exceeding large.

M. Oh how I love thy LAW! psalmes. 39! V. 34; 1..8.46, the law and first prophets. De: 4.. Ex: 34.. Ge: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 4. for it is my talke all the day. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 10.12.21. By thy COMMANDE­MENTS thou hast made mee wiser then mine Enimyes; For it is for ever with mee. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu▪ 11. J get more skill then all my Teachers, because thy TESTIMONYES are my Medita­tions. J lern more vnderstanding then the A­ge-ed, because I obserue thy PRECEPTS. psalmes. TS. 111. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7. L [...]: 2. J refraine my feet from all ill wayes, that I may keep thy Word. psalmes. 34.97. I will not depart from thy IVD­GEMENTS, because thou hast taught mee. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 19. How sweet are they to my Palat? psalmes. 19. thy SAYING [Page 126] is sweeter then hony to the Palat of my mouth, the law and first prophets. Iob: 23, by thy PRECEPTS J lern VNDERSTAN­DING, psalmes. GH. therfor I hate all wrong wayes.

psalmes. 56.36.4 [...].15, 19.110, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 3, Ios: 24. Iob: 12. Nu: 18.4.9. Ex: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 1, 9. N. Thy WORD is a candle to my feet, & a light vnto my foot path. I haue sworne and J will confirm it, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 3.14. that I vvill keep thy righteous IVDGEMENTS. psalmes. 37. R. the law and first prophets. Pro: 7. I am extremely afflicted, ô ETERNALL, revive mee according to thy WORD. psalmes. 30. the law and first prophets. De: 4. ô ETERNALL, accept (I pray thee) the voluntary Offrings of my mouth, psalmes. 141.19, and teach mee thy IVDGEMENTS. the law and first prophets. Le: 17.7, N [...]: 14.5.1. 1 Sa: 19.28. Iob: 3. Iud. 12. My life is allwayes in Danger, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cro: 11. but I forget not thy LAW. The Wicked set a snare for mee, but I err not from thy PRECEPTS. psalmes. 38. CH; 16; the law and first prophets. De: 33. Iob: 42. Le: 25. Ex; 33. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: Mr: Lu; 19, 10.18. Ier: 15,. Lu: 2. Io: 14. I inherit thy TESTIMO­NYES for ever, because they are the ioy of my hart. psalmes. 18.73, 40.42. And I bend my minde to doe thy PRESCRIPTIONS to the vvorlds end.

psalmes. 74.139. the law and first prophets. Iob: 4. Ex: 20. Deu: 4.5. Iud: 15,. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 10. Ro: 16.1, S. I hate Scismes, and I love thy LAW. ô thou my SHELTER and my SHIELD, psalmes. SH. Q. [...]4, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 31, M [...]: 7., I waite for thy WORD. the law and first prophets. 1 Reg: 18, Away from mee, yee Naughty men, psalmes. 6, V. 84.9 [...]. R. 26.37.18., 25., I may observ the COMMANDEMENTS of my GOD. the law and first prophets. De: 4, 34. Support mee according to thy SAYING, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 27. Ro: 5, that I may liue, and make mee not ashamed of my HOPE. stay mee vp, J may be safe by looking allwayes in thy PRESCRIP­TIONS. psalmes. 14, SH. 146, 51. V, psalmes. 146. Thou ouerthrowest all them that err from thy PRESCRIPTS, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 23.14, Ze: 3. because their dissem­bling is falshood. psalmes. 37, 101, Thou takest away the Wic­ked ones of the Earth like a skum, the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 10, Ier: 36., Ez: 22. therfor J loue thy TESTIMONYS. My flesh trembleth for fear of thee, psalmes. SH. the law and first prophets. Ex: 21. Ie: 19. and I am afrayed because of thy IVDGEMENTS.

GH. I doe righteous IVDGEMENT, ô leave mee not to mine Oppressours. psalmes. 105, 9, 106, the law and first prophets. Ge: 15.18. Le: 18. Ex: 22. Gard well thy Servant, psalmes., 73, K. and let not the Proud oppresse mee. Mine eyes are consume-ed for thy SALVA­TION, psalmes. 40.69, the law and first prophets. Ioh: 1 [...]. Go: 24. and for thy Righteous Saying. Deal with thy Servant according to thy LOVEING KINDENES, the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: M [...]: Lu: 20 9.10. Mt: 18. Lu: 9. and teach mee thy Prescripts. I am thy Servant, ô lern mee Vnderstanding that I may know thy TESTIMONYES. the law and first prophets. Nu: 15. Eccl: 3.4. Ex: 32. 2 Cro: 14. When they should perform it to the ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 7. they [Page 127] breake thy LAW. the law and first prophets. De: 31. Le: 20, Pro: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 14. Ro: 14. Therfor doe I loue thy COM­MANDEMENTS more then gold, psalmes. 19.1.111: more then Paz gold. Therfor, because of all the PRE­CEPTS all which J allow: psalmes. D. all wrong wayes doe J hate.

P. Wonderfull are thy Testimonyes, psalmes. G. Q. the law and first prophets. De: 4. Prov: Ecclesias [...]: the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 16. ther­for my Soul observeth them. psalmes. 118.24.19. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 1. Lu: 14. The opening of thy WORDS giueth light, and maketh the simple to bee of Vnderstanding. I opened my mouth vvith Longing, psalmes. 40. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 12. because I had Appe­tite to thy COMMANDEMENTS. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20. De: 5. O look vpon mee and pitty mee, psalmes. 25. as thy Cu­stom is to them that loue thy NAME. the law and first prophets. Ios: 6. Set my feet firm in thy SAYINGS, and let noe sor­rovv haue Dominion ouer mee. psalmes. 66.19. the law and first prophets. De: 32. Ios: 3, Iud: 18, Nu: 12. De: 34. Redeem mee from the oppression of men, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 19. Act: 7. Ro: 9▪ 10. that I may keep thy PRECEPTS. psalmes. 4., 8., 36., D. 67. Lighten thy FACE vpon thy Seruant, and lerne mee thy PRESCRIPTS. Riuers of water runn down mine eyes, the law and first prophets. Ex: [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 1.2.3., because they keep not thy LAW.

TS. O ETERNALL, psalmes. 11, 19. the law and first prophets. De: 6: Ex: 21. that art IVST and RIGHT in thy IVDGEMENTS; the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 91,. and with exceeding IVSTICE and TRVTH hast com­manded thy TESTIMONYES: the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 2:, Mt: 5. my zeale tor­ments mee, because my foes forget thy wordes. psalmes. 37.69· Thy SAYING is an exceeding tried Say­ing, & thy Seruāt loueth it, psalmes. 12, 18, K, M, the law and first prophets. Ge: 19.27. the law and first prophets. Iob: 31,, 1 S: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Obad: 1., Mt: 23. 1 Tim: 4, shakē off & despi­sed as J am, J forget not thy PRECEPTS. O thou, the law and first prophets. De: 6: that thy Righteousnes and thy Law is with Iustice and TRVTH for euer: psalmes. 107, 119. miserable torments haue found mee, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 12. but my whole Re­spects are thy COMMANDEMENTS. ô thou, the law and first prophets. Ne: 9. D [...]: 8:32: 4.30. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 3: Mt: 4. that thy Testimonys are with Iustice for euer: giue mee Vnderstanding that J may live. psalmes. G. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 20.

Q. I Call with all my hart, O ETERN: answer mee, J that obserue thy Prescripts. J CALL thee, ô Saue mee, psalmes. 102. and J keep thy TESTIMONYES; the law and first prophets. Iob: 3. Pro: 7, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 5. J am present in the Twilight shouteing, because I wait for thy WORD. psalmes. 63.130. the law and first prophets. De: 14. L [...]: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Ze: 2. Mine eyes prevent the Night wa­ches, that J may muse vpon thy SAYING. [Page 128] Hear my voyce, O ETERNALL, according to thine accustomed LOVEING KINDENES and revive mee. psalmes. 26.101.25. When the fol­lowers of Mischeeff approched, which wear far from thy LAW. psalmes. 55, 73, ô thou ETERNALL most nighe, the law and first prophets. De: 30: the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 1: Ro: 10: Ap: 19; Mt: 5.16. and all thy COMMANDEMENTS are TRVTH: psalmes. 21. by thy TESTIMONYES I knew before, because thou hast founded them for ever.

R. O see mine Affliction and release mee, be­cause J forget not thy LAW. psalmes. 25.35. the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. Ne: 9. Deu: 4.3. 1 Sa: 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7. La: 3. r. 2 Tim: 3. Defend my qua­rell and ransom mee, and by thy SAYING re­vive mee. psalmes. 51,, 69,, 18,, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 24,, Iob: 14. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 59, SALVATION is far frō the Wicked, because they seek not thy PRESCRIPTS. ô ETERNALL, that thy MERCYES are great; after thy IVDGEMENTS revive mee. psalmes. 90.79. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 21; Ge: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5.15.17. Lu: 7. La: 2. K. When my Persecutors and Afflictors are many; psalmes. 129.34; the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9. I de­cline not from thy TESTIMONY. When I saw Transgressors, psalmes. 25;. which kept not thy Saying; I was exceedingly greeved. ô mark how I love thy PRECEPTS; and according to thy LO­VEING KINDENES; psalmes. 13 [...]. the law and first prophets. Iob: 10.; the last proph. & the n: t: Gal: 2. Ioh: 1. revive mee. The be­ginning of thy WORD is TRVTH, and every one of thy IVST DECREES is for ever. psalmes. 45.91.25. N. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1.

SH. When Prince-es persecuted mee for nothing, psalmes. 7. K. G. S. 68. the law and first prophets. Iud: 12, and my hart was afrayed because of thy WORD: I ioyed concerning thy SAYING, as a man that had found a great Booty. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 9:, I hate and abhore falshood, psalmes. B. H. K. M. 34. and I love thy LAW. Se­ven times a day I praise thee for thy RIGH­TEOVS IVDGEMENTS, the law and first prophets. De: 6, Le: 26, Pro: 24. ther is great PEACE to them that love thy LAW. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 11.14, And ther is nothing shall offend them. I hope for thy SALVATION, because J doe thy COM­MANDEMENTS. psalmes. Z. S. the law and first prophets. De: 4, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 13. Is: 28. Ie: 51. Io: 21. Act: 4.7. Ro: 9.10. My Soul keepeth thy TESTIMONYES, and I love them exceeding­ly. I keep thy COMMISSIONS and thy TE­STIMONYS, the law and first prophets. Iob: 31.. because all my wayes are be­fore thee.

T. O ETERNALL, let my SOVND com before thee, psalmes. 17. the law and first prophets. Ge: 15. and according to thy WORD, giue mee VNDERSTANDING, let my Request com before thee, psalmes. 24.51.91. and according to thy Saying, [Page 129] deliver mee. And that my lips may vtter Prayse, psalmes. 109. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 61, ô teach mee thy PRESCRIPTIONS, and my tonge report thy SAYING, the law and first prophets. De: 6. for all thy COM­MANDEMENTS are IVST. the last proph. & the n: t: Ia· 4. Let thy hand be to help mee, psalmes. D. for J make choise of thy PRE­CEPTS. J long for thy SALVATION, psalmes. 48, O ETERNALL, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 9. 1 Pet: 4. Ap: 1. thy LAW being my cheeff Respect. That my Soul may PRAYSE thee as long as it liueth, because thy IVDGEMENTS have holpen mee. J goe astray like a lost sheep, psalmes. 30.23., the law and first prophets. G [...]: 15. 1 K: 22. De: 4▪ 1 S: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 18., 10., 15, 9. Io: 53. Lu: 15.13. Ier: 50., 1 P [...] 2, Ez: 34. ô seek out thy Servant, for J forget not thy COMMANDEMENTS.

CXX. A Song of Gradations. psalmes. the law and first prophets. Ge: 7.22. De: 12. Ez: 4. I [...]d: 11,, Ge: 35. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 25.28. 2 Cor: 4,

IN my Affliction, psalmes. 4:50:66:71:77: the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 1. I CALLED vnto the E­TERNALL to hear mee: ô ETERNALL, deliver my Soul from false Lippes, psalmes. 34▪ 35. the law and first prophets. Pro: 25. Est: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 33. Ia: 3. 2 Th: 2, and a de­ceiptfull Tong.

What shall it giue vnto thee, psalmes. 140.144. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 7? 17? 2. Ier: 9? and what shall it bring vnto thee a deceiptfull Tong? psalmes. 64? 101? 127, 109? 45. the law and first prophets. Ge: 3. sharp Arrovves of a strong man, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 8.3. 1 Io: 3. vvith hot Juni­per coles.

VVoe is mee that I have sojourned in Meshek, psalmes. 28. psalmes. 84., 123. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 1, Iob: 6, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 2, Ez: 32, 38.27.39. Ier: 12,, Is: 21.60, 7, Ez: 27. Hab: 3, Da: 11. Mt: 17, Mt: Mr: Lu: 10 6.19.10. Io: 18. and dvvelt vvith the Tentes of Kedar, my Soul hath dvvelt her ther to long, the law and first prophets. Ca [...]: 1,, Ge: 10, 15, 25, 37. 1 K 8:, Est: 10, vvith him that hate-eth PEACE: For vvhen J speake of PEACE, psalmes. 109, 35, 112, they are for vvarr.

CXXI. A Song of Gradations. psalmes. 15.116.24. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cro: 4. Gal: 5▪

SHALL I lift vp mine eyes to the Hilles? psalmes. 11, 123. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 6,? 1 K: 20, the last proph. & the n: t: I [...]r: 3? from whence shall my HELP com? My Help is from the ETERNALL, psalmes. 115.1 [...], [...]5. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 2, 1 Sa: 2. Ge: 2. the last proph. & the n: t: Phil. 1. Mr: 11. Act: 4. M [...]: M [...]: Lu: 26.14.22, maker of Heaven and Earth. O let him not suffer thy foot to slip, nor let him slomber that keepeth thee.

Behold hee vvill neither slombe [...] nor sleep that keepeth Jsrael. psalmes. 44. the last proph. & the n: t: Na: 3. The ETERNALL [Page 130] that keepeth thee: psalmes. 91: the law and first prophets. Ge: 31, 37. vvill be a Shadovv at thy Right hand, psalmes. 16.92.112. the law and first prophets. Iob: 5.11. Ios: 10, De: 28. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: Ha: 3. Ap: 7.12. that the Sunn smite thee not by day, nor the moon by night.

psalmes. 23, 30; the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 17; Is: 7; 2 Th: 3.The ETERNALL vvill Keep thee and preserue thy life from all evill; the E­TERNALL vvill preserue thy going out, psalmes. 144, the law and first prophets. De: 31. and thy comming in, from this time and for euer.

CXXII. A Song of Gradations, of DAVID.

psalmes. 87, 91. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 15. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 4, Ga: 5. I Reioyce-ed, when they SAYD to mee, Let vs goe to the House of the ETER­NALL, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 29, Iud: 17. De: 1 [...],, the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 8, 14, Is: 2. Mic: 4, Ier: 50. [...] Pe: 1. and our feet shall stand in thy ga­tes, psalmes. 26. ô Jerusalem. Jerusalem that is built like a Citty, vvell pack together vvith it self.

the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 7. Because thither goe vp the Tribes, the Tribes of the ETERN: psalmes. 84, 60, 81, 132, and the whole Testimony of Israel, the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 4. 1 Iohn. 5. to worship the NAME of the Eternall. for ther, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 23, 1 K: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 13.15.3. Ez: 44. they sit in Trones for Iudgement, the THRONES of the House of David; wish PEACE with Ierusalem, that they may pro­sper that love thee.

psalmes. 48, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 9.10. 1 Cro: 13. 1 Pet: 1.Let PEACE be in thy Trenches and Prosperity in thy Palaces: for my Bretheren and friends sakes, psalmes. 35.120, 128.16. the law and first prophets. Ge: 37, the last proph. & the n: t: Mr: 12. 1 [...]im: 6: I vvish PEACE in thee; for the House of the ETERNALL our GOD, the law and first prophets. Est: 10. De: 23. Ne: 2. his sake, J vvish thee vvell.

CXXIII. A Song of Gradations.

psalmes. 113.114.121. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 1.VNTO thee I lift vp mine eyes, ô thou Dweller in the Heavens.

psalmes. 145.. the law and first prophets. Iob: 7, 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Gal: 5. 1 Tim: 6. Ia: 5. 2 Pe: 1.Behold, as the eyes of men Servantes are to the hand of their maisters; & as the eyes of a maide to the hand of her Mistresse: so are our eyes to the ETER: psalmes. 141.102. our GOD; vntill hee shall Pitty vs.

Pitty vs, pitty vs, O ETERN: for wee are ve­ry full of Contempt; psalmes. 22, the law and first prophets. De: 25. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 11. Act: 7. Am: 3. Ez: 16. our Soul is to full to it self, of the skornfull Contempt of Idle and haughty men. psalmes. 120, 116 G.H.

CXXIV. A Song of Gradations, of DAVID.

NOT for the ETERNALL that was with vs, may Israel now SAY, psalmes. 27.119, L. 46, 94.118.119. TH. the law and first prophets. Ge: 31. 1 K: 8. 2 K: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 1, 43. Ro: 8. not for the ETER­NALL that was with vs; when men rose vp against vs: even then, they had swellowed vs vp alive; psalmes. 86; 31.64.88. the law and first prophets. Iud: 14; Pro: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 5.6. 1 Pe: 5. when their Anger burned against vs.

Then the waters had overflowed vs, psalmes. 32, 38, 69, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 12. Da: 9. Is: 43. Io: 2: and the Current runn over our Soules; the law and first prophets. Ge: 1, 8.7. then had a stream of swelling waters gon clean over our Soules. the last proph. & the n: t: Tit: 4. Bles­sed be the ETERNALL that hath not given vs a prey to their teeth.

Our Soul is escape-ed, psalmes. 141, 125.11, 91, 25. like a bird from the fow­lers Snare. The Snare is broken; the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 16, and wee are esca­pe-ed. Our HELP is in the NAME of the E­TERNALL, psalmes. 115,. 121,. the make-er of Heaven and Earth.

CXXV. A Song of Gradations.

THEY that trust in the ETERNALL, psalmes. 21,. 118.13;, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 16. Is: 33.7. are like Mount Sion that shall not be moved; but abide for ever.

The Hills are round about Jerusalem, and the ETERNALL is round about his People, from this time and for euer. psalmes. 1,, 45.74.147. the last proph. & the n: t: Zo: 1. Ez: 7. 2 Tim: 4. 1 Tim: 5. Mt: 6. 1 Io: 5.3. Ez: 8.7. 2 Cor: 11.6.4. Ez: 18. For ther shall noe vvicked shaft rest by the Lot of the RIGHTEOVS, psalmes. 91.94, 15, 37.89.24. the law and first prophets. Ge: 8. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 24. De: 25. Because the Righ­teous set not their hands to any wrong.

Be good, O ETERN: psalmes. 73, 7.85.28. the law and first prophets. Pro: 2. Iud: 5:. De: 32: to the good and vp­right in their hartes; the last proph. & the n: t: M [...]: [...]7: Eph: 2.3. Is. 95. Io: 6. G [...]: 6. Mt: 7; 16; [...]5; Lu: 13.4. and they that turn their crooked wayes: let the ETERN: make them walke, with them that work the sorrow; psalmes. 37.35.6. that Peace may bee vpon Israel.

CXXVI. A Song of Gradations.

WHEN the ETERN: psalmes. 14: 53: 85: the law and first prophets. De: 50: brought again the captivity of Sion: the law and first prophets. G [...]: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Am: 9: wee wear like men in a Dream. Then wear our mouthes full of LAVGHTER, and our tongs with SONETS. the law and first prophets. Iob: [...],. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 33. Io [...].: 2: Then SAYD they among the Hethen: psalmes. 117.106. The ETERN: hath don much among these men.

[Page 132] psalmes. 118;The ETERNALL hath don great things with vs, the law and first prophets. G [...]: 8. 1 K: 8: Eccl; 1. and wee reioyce-ed; ô ETERNALL, bring our captivity again like the Rivers in the South. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioel: 3.

psalmes. 80, 137, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 25, Ap: 7, 21, Ie: 31: Am: 8 9. 2 Cor: 7.1. Is: 9.That they that sowe with teares, may reap with Songs; that hee, that went out weeping, bearing his seedleep; psalmes. 144: may com againe with SONETS, bringing his sheaves.

CXXVII. A Song of Gradations, of Salomon.

the law and first prophets. Ge: 16, 11. 2 Sa: 23. 1 Cro: 17.22.28. De: 25. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Co: 5.IF the ETERNALL build not the house, in vaine doe the builders therof; labour in it. psalmes. 147. If the ETERNALL keep not the Citty, in vain doe the Warders wach.

the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Co: 8, Act: 15 Is: 5., 63, Mt: 13,It is in vain to you, that yee rise vp early and sit down late, psalmes. 113, 14.53: 16: 3.119 SH. 127.132.40, the law and first prophets. Eccl: 2, [...] and eat your meat with cares: seeing hee giveth his BELOVED rest. the law and first prophets. 1 Reg: 5, Pro: 13, 2 Sa: 12, Iob: 20. Ge: 15.24. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 12: Behold, children and the fruit of the womb, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 12,, 2 Co: 7. are an he­reditary reward of the ETERNALL.

psalmes. 120: As arrovves in a strongmans hand: so are the Children of youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them; the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Co: 7. they shall not be abashed, vvhen they talk vvith their enimyes in the gate. the law and first prophets. Pro: 31.

CXXVIII. A Song of Gradations.

psalmes., 109, 122. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5. Act: 2. Ph. 4. Is. 65. Ez: 28. HAPPY is every man that feareth the E­TERNALL, and walketh in his WAYES: for hee shall eat the labour of his ovvn hādes; the law and first prophets. De: 12.5.28. thou shalt bee happy, and it shall be vvell vvith thee.

the law and first prophets. Ge: 49, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 32, Tit: 2.Thy vvife shall be like a fruitfull vine by thy House sides, and thy Children like Olive plantes about thy table, loe, because that thus shall the man bee blessed that Feareth the ETERNALL.

psalmes. 133, 134. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 14.The ETERNALL shall blesse thee [Page 133] out of Sion, psalmes. 106, 118, 24., the last proph. & the n: t: 3 Iohn. 2 Tim: 2.3. that thou mayst behold the vvelth of Ierusalem all the dayes of thy life, psalmes. 126, & see thy Childrens children, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 20, 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5. and Peace vpon Israel.

CXXIX. A Song of Gradations.

THEY haue sore Afflicted mee from my youth, may Israel vvel SAY; psalmes. 118,,. the law and first prophets. De: 2, the last proph. & the n: t: Ga: 5. 1 Tim: 1. 2. Tim: 3 4. they haue sore Afflicted mee euer since my youth; psalmes. 119, R. the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 5. Dan: 9. yet they preuailed not ouer mee. The plow­men haue plowed vpon my back, the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 2. and made their furrowers of a length.

O ETERNALL, that art Iust; psalmes. 116, 68.2; 119. CH, 35, 25.124.132. that cutteth the cordes of the Wicked: the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 10. let them all retire back with shame, that be hate-ers of Sion.

Let them bee like the grasse vpon the house tops, that withereth er it bloweth out. psalmes. 37, 104. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 37. Wherof the reaper hath not his handfull, the law and first prophets. Ruth: 4. nor the gri­pe-er his lapfull. And noe Travaillers SAY; GOD speed you, the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Iohn. vvee blesse you in the NAME of the ETERNALL. the law and first prophets. Ruth: 2,

CXXX. A Song of Gradations.

OVT of the Deepes I call on thee, O E­TERNALL; O LORD, hear my Voyce, psalmes. 69, the last proph. & the n: t: Ionah. 2, and let thine eares be attent to the voyce of my REQVESTS. psalmes. 116.86. psalmes. 143, 14, 53.25, the law and first prophets. Ezr: 9. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6. Ap: 6? Ro: 3? Act: 5? Mt: Mr: Lu: 9? 2? 5? If the ETERNALL shall obserue Iniquityes, O LORD, vvho shall stand? seeing vvith thee is Pardon, psalmes. 86? 25. that thou shouldest be feared.

I expect for the ETERN: my Soul expecteth, psalmes. 39.10.119. SH. the law and first prophets. Iob: 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 21. and I wait for his WORD; my Soul expecteth for the LORD, psalmes. 119, Q. the law and first prophets. Can: 3, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2,, more then the Wachman for the Morning, the Wachman for the Morning.

Let Israel wait for the ETERN: seeing with the ETERN: is KINDENES, and with him is great REDEMPTION: the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 2: Ti: 2. Da: 9. Act: 3. that hee will re­deeme Israel from all his Iniquityes. psalmes. 25:. the law and first prophets. Ex: 8:

CXXXI. A Song of Gradations, of DAVID.

psalmes. 10 [...], 18, 75, the law and first prophets. Pro: 16, Eccl: 7. 2 Cro: 20. De: 30.29, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Tim: 6. Ia: 4. 2 Co [...]: 10. Eph: 4. Ier: 45. Ro: 12. Mt: 21.O ETERNALL, I am not highe minded, nor haue J lofty lookes, neither am I buis­sied in great matters, and to hard for mee.

the law and first prophets. Iob: 42. Doe I not equall and tame my Soule? as a vvainling is by his mother: the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 28▪ Mt: Mr: L: I: 28, 11, 19, 12, Za: 9.1 Cor: 9, 1 Th: 2. so is my Soul by mee.

psalmes. 1 [...]0,Let Jsrael wait for the ETERNALL, from this time and for ever.

CXXXII. A Song of Gradations.

O ETERNALL, remember David and his Afflictions, which hee SWARE and VOWED to the ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. Ge: 49. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7. the MIGETY ONE of Jacob. the law and first prophets. Pro: 14, Ios: 22, I [...]d: 4, 20, 1 Reg: 8, I vvill not com vvithin my Dvvelling House, nor goe vpon my Made Bed, nor giue sleep to mine eyes, nor slomber to mine eye-lids: vntill I finde a place for the ETERNALL, the law and first prophets. De: 1 [...]. and a dvvelling for the MIGHTY ONE of Jacob. Behold, vvee heard of it in Ephratah, psalmes. 60.78. the law and first prophets. 2 S [...]: 6.7. 1 Sa: 17. Ge: 35.48. Iud: 12. 2 S [...]: 18. the last proph. & the n: t: Mic: 5.2. Mt: 2. and found it in the vvood country.

psalmes. 99, 110, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 66. Let vs enter into his DWELLINGS and worship at his footstoole. the law and first prophets. Ge: 2. Arise O ETERN: to thy REST, psalmes. 116.68, 63, 95, 99.40.32. the law and first prophets. Nu: 10, 1 Reg: 8, thou and the ARK of thy STRENGTH. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 4, 2 Sa: 14. Ex: [...]6, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 3 [...], 2 Pe: 2. Let thy Priests put on RIGH­TEOVSNES, psalmes. 36., and thy SACRED ONES sound out aloud. the law and first prophets. Ge: 6. Iob: 38. For thy Servant Davides sake turne not againe the FACE of thine Anoyinted. psalmes. 18.110,, 15, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Iohn. 2. The ETERNALL hath SWORN to David, TRVTH, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 4.. Acts: 2, and will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy Belly J vvill set vpon the Throne for thee. psalmes. 89.40.78, 127. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 6.7, 1 Sa: 6, Jf thy children keep my COVE­NANT and my Testimonyes, psalmes. 25, the law and first prophets. Ex: 26; 2 Cro: 1, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: [...]3▪ vvhich J teach them; psalmes. [...]2; [...]22,, yea their Children shall bee for Eternity, and sit vpon thy Throne for thee.

[Page 135]Because the ETERNALL hath chosen Siō, psalmes. 77. the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 12, 1 K: 14. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pe: 3. & desired it for a HABITATION for him. This is my Rest for evermore, psalmes. 68, 116, the law and first prophets. De: 12,, 1 Cro: 23, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 11. Ier: 6, Heb: 12. Is: 28, heer will I dwell, because I desired it. I will mightily blesse hervictuall, psalmes. 147.81. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 11, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 4.14, 16. and satisfy her poor with bread, & clothe her Priests with Salvation, psalmes. 116, 149, 32. the law and first prophets. Iob: 38. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 11. Lu: 9.1. & her Gratious Ones shall sound out aloude. psalmes. 119. N. Ther will I make to bud a Horne vnto David, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 33, 30. Ez: 29, M [...]: 5, and prepare a Candle for mine Anoynted, psalmes. 18, the law and first prophets. 1 K: 11, 15, and I will clothe his Enimyes with bashfullnes, psalmes. 35, 129, the law and first prophets. Iob: 8. Ex: 29.39.28. while His Garland shall florish vpon him.

CXXXIII. A Song of Gradations, of DAVID.

BEHOLD, psalmes. 27., 135, 102.15.24. the law and first prophets. Can: 1.. 1 Sa: 23. Iob: 36. De: 12.36. the last proph. & the n: t: Acts. 4. how Pleasant and Sweet is the Dwelling of Bretheren with Vnity.

It is like the pretious oyle vpon the head, the law and first prophets. Can: 1, Eccl; 7. Le: 8, 21. Ex: 29. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cor: 2. running dovvn vpon the beard, vpon Aarons beard; that runneth down vpon the hemb of his garments. psalmes. 45.

Jt is like the Devv of Hermon that des­cends vpon the Hills of Sion, psalmes. 68, 29, 89, the law and first prophets. Can: 4, Ios: 11, 12, 18, 1 Cr [...]: 15, De: 3.33. 1 K: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 4. Am: 9, vvher the E­TERNALL sends his BLESSING; psalmes. 24, 128, the law and first prophets. De: 3, 4, 32, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 6▪ EVERLASTING LIFE.

CXXXIV. A Song of Gradations.

BEHOLD, Blesse yee the ETERNALL, yee SERVANTES of the ETERNALL, psalmes. 113.135.92., 103. the law and first prophets. Ge: [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19, Is: 26.28.66. which stand in the House of the ETERNALL in the Nights.

Lift vp your holly handes, psalmes. 119. V.H. 141. the law and first prophets. Ex: 20. De: 5. Iob: 38. the last proph. & the n: t: Col: 2▪ 1. Tim: 2. and blesse the E­TERNALL.

That the ETERN: may blesse thee from Sion, psalmes. 24, 115, 121, 124, 128, 135.118. the last proph. & the n: t: He: 7. Which is Maker of Heaven and Earth. the law and first prophets. Ge: 2.


PRAISE yee the ETERN: praise the NAME of the ETERN: Praise yee SERVANTS [Page 136] of the ETERNALL, psalmes. 113, 134, 92, 103. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19. which stand in the House of the ETERNALL, and in the Courtes of the House of our GOD. Praise the ETERNALL and sing Psalmes to his NAME, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 23. because it is Pleasant and Sweet. psalmes. 27, 147, the law and first prophets. De: 7, 14, 26.27, 32, Eccl: 2. the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 3, 1 Pe: 2, Because hee chose Jacob to himself, psalmes. 24, 33, and Israel for his Peculiar. For I Know that the ETERNALL is great, the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 1: Mt: 6:, 10. Acts: 17:, Da: 4. and our LORD is above all Godes. psalmes. 16,, 95,, 115;, the law and first prophets. Iob: 23:, Whatsoever hee pleaseth, the ETERNALL doth in Heaven and in Earth, psalmes. 148. in the Seas & all deeps. the law and first prophets. Pro: 25, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 10., 51., Raiseing cloudes in the endes of the Earth, psalmes. 61, hee maketh Lightnings for Raine, bringing the winde out of his Tresures. the law and first prophets. Pro: 30.

psalmes. 136, the law and first prophets. Ex: 10, 11, 12,VVhich smote the first born of Egypt from man to beast, the last proph. & the n: t: Acts: 7. and sent vvonderfull Signes in the mids of thee, psalmes. 105,, the law and first prophets. De: 13, 3, ô Egypt, vpon Pharoh & all his Seruants. the law and first prophets. Ne: 9. VVhich smote many Na­tions, psalmes. 10, 68, the law and first prophets. Ios: 12, 22.5.9, Nu: 4, 21, and slevv mighty Kinges; Sihon King of the Emorites, psalmes. 83, 110, and Og King of Bashan, and all the Kingdoms of Canaan. psalmes. 136, the law and first prophets. Iud: 5,. And gaue their Land an INHERITANCE; psalmes. 68, 2, 83, 144, an Inheritance to his People Israel. the law and first prophets. Ios: 2.10, 12, 13. O ETER­NALL thy NAME be forever, the law and first prophets. De: 2., 3., 4,, 29., 31., and thy MEMORIALL for all Generations, be­cause hee defendeth his People, psalmes. 7..54,.119, Z. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 8. and hath his comfort on his Servantes.

the law and first prophets. Ex: 20: the last proph. & the n: t: Acts. 17. Is: 37.The Idoles of the Hethen beeing Siluer and Gold, the vvork of mens handes: haue mouthes and speak not, psalmes. 11. vers. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 9: eyes and see not, and eares and hear not, the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 10. yea, ther is noe breth in their mouthes; the last proph. & the n: t: Hab: 2. So be their makers, and every one that trusteth in them. O House of Israel blesse the ETERNALL, ô House of Aaron blesse the ETERN: psalmes. 115.. ô House of Levi blesse the ETERNALL, yee that fear the ETERN: blesse the ETERNALL; blessed be the ETERNALL out of Zion, psalmes. ô Jnhabitantes of Jerusalem; Praise the ETERNALL.


WORSHIP the ETERNALL, psalmes. 24.100, 106, 107, 118, 138, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 16,, 2 Cro: 5, 7, 20, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 23,.24,. for his GOODNES and for his Everlasting Kindenes. Worship the GOD of GODES: the law and first prophets. Ez: 13., the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. CH. for his Everlasting Kindenes. Worship the LORD of LORDES, psalmes. 16. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19.17.14. 1 Tim: 6. for his EVERLASTING KIN­DENES. psalmes. 72, 86, the law and first prophets. 2 Reg: 8, The only DOER of Great and mervi­louse things, for his Everlasting Kindenes. psalmes. 71, 106. the law and first prophets. Iob: 37. That by his VNDERSTANDING made the Hea­vens: for his Everlasting Kindenes. psalmes. 147, the law and first prophets. Pro: 3: the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 10.13.51 the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 40. That stre­ched out the Earth vpon the waters: psalmes. 24, the law and first prophets. Ge: 1. 2 Cro: 5, for his Ever­lasting Kindenes. That made the great LIGH­TES: for his Everlasting Kindenes. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 31.: The Sunn to rule the day: for his Everlasting Kindenes. The Moon and the Stars to rule in the Night: for his Everlasting Kindenes.

Him, that smote Egypt in their first-born: psalmes. 135, the law and first prophets. Ex: 12, 13, 14, 15, for his Everlasting Kindenes. And brought Israel out of the mids of them: for his Everlasting Kin­denes. With a stout hand and a streched out arme: the law and first prophets. De: 5.. for his Everlasting Kindenes. Him, that cutteth the Suph-Sea in partes: the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 2. Act: 7. He: 11. for his Everlasting Kin­denes. And brought Israel over in the mids therof: for his Everlasting Kindenes. And overwhelmed Pharoh and his host in the Suph-Sea: for his E­verlasting Kindenes. Him, that led his People in the Wildernes: for his Everlasting Kindenes.

Him, that smote great KINGS: for his E­verlasting Kindenes. And slew famous KINGS: psalmes. 83:110:135.149. the law and first prophets. De: 29. Ne: 9. De: 2. for his Everlasting Kindenes. psalmes. 60, 68, 108. Sihon King of the Aemorites: for his Everlasting Kindenes. the last proph. & the n: t: De: 3. And Og King of Bashan: for his Everlasting Kindenes. the law and first prophets. Nu: 21: And gave their Land an INHERITANCE: psalmes. 78; 47; the law and first prophets. Ios: 1 [...]. for his Everlasting Kindenes. An Inheritance to Is­rael his Servant: for his Everlasting Kndenes. psalmes. 44.135. the law and first prophets. Ios: 12; Which in our Low estate remembred vs: psalmes. 115, the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 1: for his Everlasting Kindenes. the law and first prophets. Ex: 12. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 8. And free-ed vs from our Tormentours: for his Everlasting Kindenes. Him, that giveth bread to all flesh: for his Everlasting Kindenes. the law and first prophets. Ge: 14: the last proph. & the n: t: Acts: 20. Worship the MIGHTY GOD of Heaven: for his Everlasting Kindenes.


BY the Rivers side of Babel, psalmes. [...]4.80, 126, the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 7, wher wee sate [Page 138] and wept, when wee remembred Zion; and vpon the Willowes, the law and first prophets. Iob: 40, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 53, 44. in the middes of it, wee had hanged vp our Harpes: when as ther, our Captivers and Inthrallers Asked vs som mery Songes, Sing vs som songes of Zion: Hovv shall vvee sing a SONG of the ETER: psalmes. 88? vpon a forain soile? If J forget thee, Ierusa­lem, let my Right hand forget, and my Tong cleeue to the roof of my mouth. psalmes. 47..24. the law and first prophets. Iob: 29. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 3. If J remem­ber thee not, and aduaunce not Ierusalem, Aboue my cheeffest mirth.

the law and first prophets. 2 Cor: 28. the last proph. & the n: t: Obad. La: 4, Ie: 4.15, Da: 1, 5, 1 Pe: 4.Remember, ô ETERN: the children of Edom, in the day of Ierusalem, vvhich SAYD, psalmes. 62.74. Downe with it, downe with it, to the ground with it. ô Babel, tovvne of de­struction, the law and first prophets. 2 Reg: 24. 2 Cor: 36, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 14.13.34. Ie: 51.50. La: 3. Ioel: 3. Mic: 4. happy is hee, that repayeth thee, ful­ly, as thou hast dealt vvith vs.

the law and first prophets. 2 Reg: 8. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 13. Na: 3. Hos: 14.Happy is hee that taketh thy babes, and dasheth them against the stones.


psalmes. 119. A. 86, 111, 82, 116.97.I Will worship thee with all my hart, and set thee out with Psalmes, before the GODES. I will bow downe at thy Holly Temple, and worship thy NAME, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3. for thy LOVEING KINDENES and thy TRVTH. psalmes. 5, 107, Because thou hast made thy SAYING great aboue all thy NAME. psalmes.

the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 16. Because thou hardest mee in the day I called, psalmes. 50.91, 4, 118., 52, the law and first prophets. Can: 6. and inlargedst mee vvith Strength in my Minde. psalmes. 92. the last proph. & the n: t: Mal: 1, Let all the Kings of the Earth worship thee, psalmes. 67, O ETERNALL, when they heare the Sayings of thy mouth; psalmes. 25., and sing of the VVayes of the ETERN: for the Glory of the ETERNALL is great. psalmes. 24.66.29. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 8. 2 Cor: 4.

the law and first prophets. 1· Sa: 2, Eccl: 5, Ge: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Pe: 1. Because the ETERN: is highe & be­holdeth the Lovvly, psalmes. 113, 118, and being lofty kenneth a [Page 139] farr: If J vvalk in the hart of Distresse, psalmes. 75:76:139:119. R. the law and first prophets. Iob: 36: Ez: 18. Ex: 33. that thou revivest mee, psalmes. 81.. and settest thy hand vpon the face of mine Enimyes, psalmes. 17.110. the law and first prophets. De: 12. & vvith thy Right hand savest mee. psalmes. 57; The ETERNALL that did all for mee, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 136: the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cro: 1: that thy KINDE­NES is for ever: psalmes. 37.90. forsake not thou the Workes of thy handes.

CXXXIX. For the Cheeff, of David, A Psalme.

O ETERNALL, thou serchest mee, psalmes. 17.49. the law and first prophets. 2 Reg: 19., the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3., Is: 37. and knowest. Thou knowest my sitting downe, and my riseing vp, psalmes. 37, 138, 132, 142, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 18.19. and vnderstandest my meaning a farr. Thou goest round about my pathes and my couching, the law and first prophets. Iob: 23. and art vsed to all my wayes. (for behold, ther is not a word in my tong, but thou, ô ETERN: psalmes. 119. TS. 38. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 13. knowest it all) thou besiegest mee behinde and before, and layest thy hand vpon mee. To wonderfull is the knowledge for mee, and so highe, psalmes. 73.119, 1. the law and first prophets. Iob: 4 [...], Eccl: De: 30? 32. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 23. Am: 8, 9, that I comprehend it not. Whether shall J goe from thy Spirit, and whether shall J fly from thy Presence? If J goe vp to Heaven, the law and first prophets. Iob: 26:; the last proph. & the n: t: He: 4,; thou art there; if J goe down to Hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the winges of the morning, psalmes. 22; 55; the law and first prophets. Iob: 11; the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 45; & dwell beyond the Sea; also, thither shall thy hand lead mee, and thy right hand seize vpon mee.

And if J SAY, psalmes. 119. Q. the law and first prophets. Ge: 3; the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 1. but Darknes shall compre­hend mee; the Night shall bee Light about mee: yea, the Darknes shall not darken from thee, & the Night shall giue light like the day, as well the Darknes as the Light. psalmes. 37.105, 16, the law and first prophets. Iob: 24.35. Pro: 1. Thou obteinedst my Reynes, & coveredst mee in the belly of my mother. (I thank thee) for because J am fearfully over­heeled, psalmes. 45. and wonderfull are thy WORKES which my Soul knoweth right well. My FAST­NING is not hid from thee, psalmes. 55. the last proph. & the n: t: Eccl: 11, Iob: 10, which am wrought in Secret, and stiched vnder the earth. psalmes. 63. Thine Eyes see my WINDEING vp, and they wear writ­ten vpon thy book, the dayes they wear formed, when ther was not one among them. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 1,.

[Page 140] psalmes. 37? And to mee hovv deer are thy thoughtes, ô ALMIGHTY? hovv mighty are the Summes of them? If J tell them, they are more then the sand of the Sea; psalmes. 40, the law and first prophets. Nu: 154? All while I am awake, I am with thee. VVilt thou kill the VVicked that is idlely caried avvay? psalmes. 5? 9? thy Enimyes that stirr and vex thee vvith vvic­ked Imaginatiōs? the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 4. Yea, yee bloody men, depart yee from mee. psalmes. 55.119. S. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 28.15. Ex: 20. De: 5. Doe not J hate thos that hate thee, psalmes. 119 R. 109? the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 15. ô ETERNALL, and vex my self vvith those that raise themselues vp against thee? the law and first prophets. Iob: 15.33, I hate them vvith perfect hatred, and they are to mee for Enimyes. psalmes. 69.24. Serch mee, ô AL­MIGHTY, and try mee, psalmes. 17.119 GH. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 12. & know the Though­tes of my Hart, the law and first prophets. Pro: 10, 15, Iob: 11, Ge: 3. and see if ther be any way of Im­piety in mee, psalmes. 66.24.94. the law and first prophets. Is: 30. Ier: 6.22. & lead mee the way of Eternity.

CXL. By the Cheeff, A Psalme of DAVID.

RELEASE mee, ô ETERN: and preserve mee frō all Malicious & iniurious men, psalmes. 34, 35, 56, 120. which devise Mischeeff in their hart, the law and first prophets. Ge: 6. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 15. & meditate warrs continually. psalmes. 56,, 57,, 58,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 3.. Whose tonges are as sharp as a S [...]rpents, the law and first prophets. Pro: 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Ha: 5. with the poison of an Asp within his lippes. O ETERN: keep mee from the handes of the Wicked man, and preserve mee from all Iniurious ones: psalmes. 62.74. the law and first prophets. De: 13. VVhich devise to destroy my steps surely.

psalmes. 64,, 19.91. the last proph. & the n: t: Ie: 28. The Haughty ones hide a trap & snares for mee, they spred a net by the vvay, and set Toyles for mee surely. I SAY to the ETER: ô my ALLMIGTY GOD, psalmes. 16, O ETER: heare the voice of my Supplications. O LORD, psalmes. 95. the Strenghth of my Salvation, that coverest my head in the day of Battail: psalmes. 5:28, 11 [...].12.37. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 10; 1 K: 10; Graunt not the DESIRES of the Wic­ked, psalmes. 112,, and content not his minde, that they be exalted surely.

[Page 141] O thou, my Helmet, psalmes. 96, 92.120.7, 59, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 23, 1 S [...]: 20, Ca [...]: 1, Iob: 26. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 7, Ez: 23, Ro: 12, Eph: 6. let the PAYNS of their ovvn lipps ouerheel them, let it cast them in the fire; psalmes. 55;; the law and first prophets. Pro: 24. the last proph. & the n: t: Ia: 3. and let coles be throvven vpon them, in hot coles; that they never rise againe. psalmes. 33; 36; That noe foul tonged man be established in the earth, psalmes. 101, psalmes. 34,, and that the Malice of the Iniu­rious man, hunt him to Destruction. I know, psalmes. 56. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 24. the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 16. La: 3. TS. the ETERN: psalmes. 9:146.99:103: the law and first prophets. 1 Reg: 8. will doe the right Sentence of the Afflicted and needy: seeing Iust and vpright men shall sit and celebrate thy NAME, and remaine before thee. psalmes. the last proph. & the n: t: He: 12.

CXLI. A Psalm of DAVID.

O ETERNALL, I CALL on thee, psalmes. 38, 40, ô hasten to mee, ô hear my Voice, when J call vnto thee. the law and first prophets. Ex: 39, 28, the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 6. Let my PRAYER be made burnt JN­CENSE before thee, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 8.5. and the lifting vp of my handes, an Evening Offring. Set, psalmes., 119. N. 4. ô ETER­NALL, a wach to my mouth, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 16. Pro: 13, 21, 5. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9. Ia: 3. Mt: 2. to ward at the Dore of my Lippes.

Incline not my minde to any bad matter, to en­terprize enterprizes wickedly with Molesters: psalmes. 64, 50,: 77,: the law and first prophets. De: 2 [...]. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 6. & let not mee eat of their deinty meates; the law and first prophets. Pro: the last proph. & the n: t: He: 11,, let the Iust man beat mee in Kindenes, and reproove mee; psalmes. 64, 133. and let not my head refuse pretious oyle; the law and first prophets. Ex: 29.30. Le: 8. because while they are in their Miseryes; psalmes. 169. the law and first prophets. Iob: 23,, 2 K. 12, the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 2. Mt: 21, Ro: 9. Ap: 5. Is: 8. Ier: 23. Mal: 2. also my PRAYER shall bee. That their condemners be smitten by the Rock, & that they hear my Sayings, beeing sweet. psalmes. 91.137, 28.. the law and first prophets. Ex: 39.28.

As of a hevver or cleever on the earth, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 4. our bones are scatered at the pits mouth. psalmes. 53.9.38, 123, the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 37. But tovvard thee, ô ETERN: ô LORD, the law and first prophets. Pro: 7. are mine eyes, and in thee doe I relye, psalmes. 102,, the law and first prophets. Oc: 24, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 3. Is: 5 [...], 19 Ez: 26, ô shake not off my life, keep mee from the traps they tile for mee, and the snares of Molesting men. the last proph. & the n: t: He: 1, Mt: 13. Let the VVicked fall into the Meashes ther­of, vvhile I escape at once. psalmes. 124.

CXLII. A Maskil of DAVID. psalmes. [Page 142] A Prayer, psalmes. 32.102, 86, 17, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 22.24. 1 Cro: 11. 2 Sa: 23. Ge: 38. vvhen hee vvas in the Cave.

psalmes. 30, the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 6.WITH my Voice J cry vnto the ETERN: with my Voice I make REQVEST to the ETERN: psalmes. 77,, 143,, the law and first prophets. Ex: 25. Nu: 35. De: 19. Ios: 26. I power out my Complaint before him, and tell my Distresse before him. When my spirit fainteth on mee, and they hide snares in the way that I goe, psalmes. 139. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 37. and thou knowest my Pathes.

the law and first prophets. 1 Reg: 12, Ex: 25. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9.Look vpon my right hand and see, and J have noe acquaintance; all Refuge is perished from mee, and ther is none that careth for my life. psalmes. 116, 119. CH. 16,, 62, 27. the law and first prophets. Nu: 1.35. De: 19. Ios: 20. I CRY vnto thee, ô ETERN: and Say, O thou my RELY and PORTION in the living world, psalmes. 17, 79.116. hearken to my Loud PRAYER, because J am exceedingly spent.

O deliver mee from my Pursuers, for they are to strong for mee. ô bring my Life out of Hold to vvorship thy NAME, psalmes. 18, 118. the last proph. & the n: t: He: 12. vvith the Just ones about mee; psalmes. 13.116. for thy Boūtifullnes vpon mee.

CXLIII. A Psalm, of DAVID.

O ETERNALL, heare my Prayer, and hear­kē to my Supplications. And in thine owne TRVTH and Righteousnes consider mee. And enter not into Iudgement. the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 26. Ex: 28.29. Le: 8. Eccl: 7. the last proph. & the n: t: Eph: 6. With thy Servant; for noe living creature is Iust before thee. psalmes. 130, 145, 53; the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 3, Gal: 3, 2, Because the Enimy pursueth my Soul, and beates down my life to the ground, psalmes. 34, 90, 44, 94, and make-eth mee dwell in obscurity like them that are dead for ever. And my spirit fainteth on mee, the law and first prophets. 1 Sa: 26. the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3., and my hart is wasted within mee. psalmes. 77, 142,

I remember the dayes of old, and Meditate of all thy Work; psalmes. 1.18.48. the law and first prophets. Ex: 28. I talk of the Doing of thy handes. J spread my handes vnto thee, psalmes. 44.28.119. V. 63.25. & open my minde like a thirsty land vnto thee surely. Make hast and con­sider mee, O ETERNALL, and hide not thy Face from mee, psalmes. 30, for my Spirit is spent, & I am to be com­pared with them that are going to the Pitt. Be­times let mee hear thy LOVEING KINDE­NES, psalmes. 28. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30.50. because I trust in thee; and let mee know the WAY that I should goe, because I open my minde vnto thee. psalmes. 32. [...]5.86.

[Page 143]Deliver mee from mine Enimyes, ô E­TERNALL, psalmes. 45, 104, the law and first prophets. Iob: 26, Ex: 17. my concealing is vvith thee. Teach mee to doe thy vvill, ô thou my GOD, psalmes. 142, 17.52, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6, by thy good Spirit, lead mee in plain Ground. For thy NAMES sake, ô ETERNALL, psalmes. 23,, 3.36, 38, revive mee; by thy Righteousnes bring my Soul out of Distresse. psalmes. 54. the last proph. & the n: t: 2 Cro: 12. and in thy LOVING KINDENES dissolve thou mine E­nimyes, psalmes. 145: and destroy all them that torment my Life; for I am thy Servant.


BLESSED be the ETERNALL my Rock, psalmes. 18.84, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 22. that maketh my handes cunning for warr, and my fingers for the Battail; psalmes. 59, 109, 47, 117, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 11; 2 Sa: 23, the last proph. & the n: t: La: 3; Ez: 32, Eph: 6. my KINDE­NES, FORTRESSE, RELEEFF and RES­CVER, my DEFENSE that J relye on; that bringeth in commande my People vnder mee. ô ETERNALL, what is wreched man, psalmes. 8, 104, 62.1. the law and first prophets. Ecclesiast. Ge:, that thou take-est Notice of him, the last proph. & the n: t: He: 2? & make-est reck­ning of him? man that is like vnto Vanity, and his dayes like a shadow that passeth by? psalmes. 39?? the law and first prophets. Iob: 14. 1 Cro: 29. Ex: 19. the last proph. & the n: t: Ioh: 14? O E­TERNALL, bow the Heavens & com down, psalmes. 8. touch the Mountaines that they smoke. psalmes. 18,, Ligh­ten with thy Lightning and scater them, send out thine Arrowes and disturb them.

Send thy handes from an highe, psalmes. 32, rid mee and deliver mee from great WATERS; psalmes. 120.18.41. the law and first prophets. Ex: 12, Ge: 17.11. 2 S [...]: 22, Pro: 30. Ne: 13. Nu: 17. from the handes of Alians. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 44. Eph: 2. Whose mouth speaketh falshood, and whose right hand is a right hand of wrong. ô GOD, psalmes. 119. D. that I may sing a NEW SONG vnto thee, and a PSALM vpon the ten-stringed Viol. psalmes. 33.92. Which giveth SALVA­TION to Kinges, and rids his Servant David from the hurtfull sword. psalmes. 35:54; the law and first prophets. Ie: 26. Ex: 12. Ge: 17, 1 [...]. Ne; 13. ô rid mee and deliver mee, from the handes of Alians, psalmes. 41, whose mouth speaketh falshood, & whose right hand is a right hand of wrong.

[Page 144]That our Sonnes may bee like Plantes well grown in their youth, and our Daughters like Buttresses well carved, the law and first prophets. 2 K: 16. 1 Cro: 28. the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 9. of the building of the Temple. the law and first prophets. Ex: 13. Iob: 20. Ge: 46.11. That our Buttryes be full, conteining from Meale to Meale. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 9.. Da: 5. Ioel: 3. That our Sheep may be come many Thousandes in our streetes. That our cattell may be well lode-en, psalmes. 127.1:6. the law and first prophets. De: 7, 128, Iob: 21, that ther bee noe Robery nor runing out, psalmes. 17, the law and first prophets. Ge: 38. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 58, 24. Ie [...]: 46. nor Out-cry in our open streets. Happy is the people, that it is so with, psalmes. 33, 68, and happy is the people, whose GOD is the ETERNALL. psalmes. 33.65.146.

psalmes. 111.148.30. the law and first prophets. Ne: 12. 1 Cro: 15.23. 2 Cro: 20.CXLV. A Praise, of DAVID.

the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 15. I Will extoll & bless thy NAME, ô my GOD, ô KING, for evermore; I will dayly blesse & Praise thy NAME for evermore. psalmes. 5.68. the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 19, Ge: 14.9. Great is the ETERNALL, psalmes. 18.104, 150. and exceedingly to be praise-ed, and of his Greatnes ther is noe serching. the law and first prophets. 1 K: 7. Iob: 5.28. 1 Cro: 29. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 40. Lu: 8. Let one Generation commend thy Workes to another, psalmes. 18, 19, the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5.6. and declare thy Excellent Acts. The Maiesty of the Glory of thy Worship, psalmes., 145. and thy Wonderfull Acts, I will talk of. Let them tell thy Terrible Mighte; the law and first prophets. Ex: 33, 28. the last proph. & the n: t: Mat: 5. and I will reckon vp thy Greatnes. Let them buble out the Remembrance of thy great GOODNES, psalmes. 19. and sound out thy JVSTICE.

the law and first prophets. Ex: 34, N [...]: 14, the last proph. & the n: t: Ne: 1. I [...]n: 4, Io [...]l: 2. Mic: 7,The ETERN: is Gratious, and Mer­cyfull, psalmes. 86, 105. the law and first prophets. Pro: 25, and Patient, and of Great Kindenes; the ETERN: the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 1, 13, 14, that is Good to all, and hath Mercy vpon all his Workes: the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 5; 2. Coll: 3, Ier: 9. 1 Tim: 6. 2 Tim: 3; Ia: 3; 5; Mt: 6.9. Zep: 2. Mt: 5; 6, 7; Lu: 6: 2 Thess: 1. 1 Thess: 2. Mt: 16.5. Lu: 24, 8. Ioh: 2, 13, 18, Act: 14, 28, 19 1 Cor: 4, 15. 2 Cor: 1, 6, Ap: 1, 5. let all thy Workes set thee out, ô ETERN: and thy Gratious Ones blesse thee; psalmes. 19, let them tell out the Glory of thy KINGDOM, the law and first prophets. 2 Cro: 13. & speak of thine Excellency. psalmes. 21, To make his Excellent Acts knovvn to the Sonnes of Adam; psalmes. 104, 111, 45. and the seemly Glory of his KINGDOM. Thy KINGDOM, the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: [...]9. Ne: 5. is a KINGDOM of all Age-es, psalmes. [...]2, 10, 61, the law and first prophets. Ex: 40. the last proph. & the n: t: D [...]: 4.9, 6, 7. Mr: 9.11. and thine EMPIRE is in every Generation. psalmes. 77: the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 6, 11, 20. Lu: 1, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, Ro: 14. Ga: 5. Eph: The ETERN: is an vpholder of all that are falling, psalmes. 146, the law and first prophets. Iob: 4, 22, 19, 28. Ge: 6. & a setter vp­right of all that are declineing.

[Page 145]The eyes of all vvaite vpon thee, psalmes. 123, 104. the last proph. & the n: t: Col: 1:2. He: 12. 2 Pe: 1. and thou givest them their meat in his Season; opening thy hand and satisfying every Living Crea­ture freely. psalmes. 36, psalmes. 143, psalmes. 45,, 116. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9. The ETERNALL is Iust in all his Wayes, and Kinde in all his Workes. psalmes. 34; 119. Q. 143. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 55.; Ap: 5.; The ETERNALL is Neer to them that call on him; to all, psalmes. 37.147. the law and first prophets. 2 K: 12.20. the last proph. & the n: t: Act. 17.20. that call vpon him Fayth­fully. Hee vvill doe the Will of them that feare him; psalmes. 61, 149.92, and hear their Shouting and save them. The ETERN: that keepeth all that love him, psalmes. 51; 147.148.149. the law and first prophets. De: 10.26. and destroyeth all the wic­ked: let my mouth speak the PRAISE of the ETERNALL; psalmes. 65. the law and first prophets. Ge: 9, and all flesh blesse his holly NAME forevermore.


PRAISE yee the ETERNALL, psalmes. 72. my SOVL praise thou the ETERN: I will praise the ETERN: psalmes. 104, 118, 62. and sing Psalmes to my GOD as long as J live. Trust yee not in Prince-es, psalmes. 108; 3; 60; the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30. Mic: 5; nor in any childe of man, in whom ther is noe Salvation; the law and first prophets. Eccl: 12. Ge: 3. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 9; whose breth goeth out, psalmes. 104, the last proph. & the n: t: Ier: 16,, 17, Eccl: 12. Is: 2. Ion: 1. Da: 6. and hee returnes to his owne earth, & in that day his thoughtes perish. psalmes. 32, 40. the law and first prophets. Iob: 27.34.

Happy is hee, psalmes. 33, 121, whose Help is the GOD of Iacob, and his Hope is vpon the ETERN: the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 3, Lu: 6, Ro: 15. his GOD: the make-er of Heaven and Earth, psalmes. 121,.144,. S. 92.72, 102, and the Sea, & all that is in them; the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 4.14.17. Is: 26. Ia: 2. Mt: 25.9. Act: 16. Lu: 4.6. Ier: 61.42. And that keepeth Faythfullnes for ever. the law and first prophets. De: 10. That doth right the op­pressed, and give bread to the Hungry; The ETERN: that looseth them that are bound.

The ETERNALL that openeth the eyes of the blinde, psalmes. 19.145, the law and first prophets. Iob: 4, 22, 29, Ex: 4. Ge: 7 2. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 11, 15, 20:9. Io: 9. Ro: [...], 2 Pet: 1. Lu: 1.6.13. Is: 35.42. Ap: 1.4, and setteth vpright them that are bowed down; psalmes. 5,:11,:37,: the ETERNALL that loveth the Just. psalmes. 45.104., 20,. 68, The ETERNALL that keepeth the Strangers, the law and first prophets. De: 10. and mainteineth the Fatherles and the Widow; and over [...]hroweth the way of the Wicked: The ETERNALL thy GOD, psalmes. 1,. 119. S. ô Zion raigne for ever, for all Generations. The ETERNALL bee praised.


psalmes. 133.92.135, 33, 51, 102, the law and first prophets. De: 10.26. Ge 1, De: 30, Ex: 9.PRAISE yee the ETERNALL, and chaunt thou out our GOD, the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 21. Mt: 23, Is: 11.66.56. because hee is good & pleasant, and his PRAISE is comely. The E­TERNALL that built Jerusalem, and gathered together the Scatered of Jsrael, that healeth the broken harted, psalmes. 60, 107, 34.41, 16, and bindeth vp their sores; that Tel­leth the Number of the Starrs, the law and first prophets. Iob: 9, 26, 38, and calleth the Names to them all. Great is our LORD and of great Power, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 40., and of his Vnderstanding ther is noe declareing. psalmes. 145, 136, the law and first prophets. Iob: 5. The ETERNALL that advaunceth the Lowly, psalmes. 7.20, 110. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 18.1. Ap: 12. Da: 5. and humbleth the Wicked to the ground.

the law and first prophets. Ex: 15, 21. the last proph. & the n: t: Hos: 2,Sing yee Psalmes of Thanks Offering to the ETERNALL our GOD, psalmes. 88, vpon the Harp. Which Covereth the Heavens with cloudes, psalmes. 92. the law and first prophets. Ge: 2. Iob: 37. De: 11.15. the last proph. & the n: t: Da: 7. Mt: Mr: L: I: 24.13, 9, 6. Ap: 1, 15. and prepare-eth rain for the Earth. psalmes. 99. That make-eth the Hilles to Spirt out grasse, psalmes. 37, 14, 104, & giveth the bease their food, and the young Ravens which call. Hee hath not delight in the Valiantnes of a Horse, psalmes. 83, 33, the law and first prophets. Iob: 38.39.41. 1 Sa: 16.7. 1 K: 17. De: 17, nor hath liking in the Legs of a man. the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 12. The ETER­NALL like-eth them that fear him, and Waite for his Kindenes: ô Ierusalem commend the ETERN: psalmes. 117. the last proph. & the n: t: Act: 20. and praise thou thy GOD, ô Zion.

Because hee strengtheneth the bars of thy Gates, psalmes., 11, 37, 5, the law and first prophets. Pro: 18, Ex: 23, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 26. Eph: 2. La: 2. and blesseth thy children vvithin thee. and setteth Peace in thy borders, & satisfyeth thee vvith vvheaten flovver. psalmes. 63, [...] [...]7. that sendeth his Saying to the Earth, the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Cro: 10, and his Word runneth moste speedily. psalmes. 104.105. the law and first prophets. Ex: 17. the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 27. Ap: 1. That giveth Snovv like vvhite vvool, the law and first prophets. Iob: 37.38.13. and scatereth hore-frost like Ashes. That casteth out his hard Ice like morsells, and vvho can abide for the cold thereof? psalmes. 6. hee sendeth out his Word, the law and first prophets. Iob: 6? 37? and Thavveth them; hee maketh his vvinde to turne, and they drop vvater. the law and first prophets. Ex: 21. That telleth his Word to Jacob, & his Prescripts and Iudgements to Israel. He hath not done so to any Nation, psalmes. 47. the law and first prophets. De: 4.10. that they should not know his Iudgements. The E­TERN: bee praised.


PRAISE the ETERNALL, praise the ETER­NALL out of the Heavens; the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 12. Praise him in the Highthes. Praise him all his Angels: psalmes. 69:34:103: the last proph. & the n: t: Lu: 4:7: D [...]: 4. Ep [...]: 2. Praise him all his Hostes. Praise him Sunn & Moon; psalmes. 119. L. praise him all Starrs of Light. psalmes. 19. Praise him yee Heavens of Heavens, and yee Waters which are above the Heavens.

Let them praise the NAME of the ETERN: for hee commanded and they wer created. psalmes. 33., the law and first prophets. Ge: 1,, the last proph. & the n: t: Ro: 8. And hee made them stand for an everlasting Statute; psalmes. 111, 89,, hee gave a Prescript which should not passe. the law and first prophets. Iob: 19, 20, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30, Praise the ETERN: Things of the EARTH; psalmes. 119. L. 44. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: 5. Lu: 16.. Is: 7.8.27 Da: 4 Act. Yee great VVhales and all Deepthes. Fire and Haile, & Snovv & Vapours, psalmes. 104. & vvhirl­vvinde that doth his Commande. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 5, 17.21, Ez: 10. Is: 14,, The Mountaines and all Hilles, Fruit-trees and all Ceders, Cattell and all Bease, Creeping things and fethered fovvle.

Kinges of the Earth and all Nations, psalmes. 2, Prince-es and all Iudge-es of the Earth. the law and first prophets. Ge: 1. the last proph. & the n: t: Za: 8. Yong-men and Maydes, Oldmen and Chil­dren. Let them praise the Name of the E­TERN: psalmes. the law and first prophets. Pro: 18, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 1 [...]. because his Name onely is to be exalted; and his Worship both by the Earth & the Heavens. psalmes. 18, 22.145. the law and first prophets. De: 10, Ex: 19.5. Which holdeth vp the Horne of his People, the Prayse of his Gratious Ones; the law and first prophets. De: 7, 14, 26. 1 C [...]o: 17. of the Children of Israel, his Proper People. the last proph. & the n: t: 1 Pet: 2. The ETERNALL be praised.


PRAISE the ETERNALL, sing yee a NEW SONG to the ETERN: of his PRAYSE; psalmes. the law and first prophets. De: 10, 26. Ge: 2.3. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19, 15, in the Congregation of his GRATIOVS-ONES. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 17; 22; 43; 62; Let Israel rejoyce in his MA­KE-ER, psalmes. 24.29. the last proph. & the n: t: Mt: [...]1. Za: 9. Mr: Lu: Io: 11.19.12. & the Children of Zion triumph in their KING. psalmes. 30. the law and first prophets. Ex: 15. Let them praise his NAME vvith Pipes, psalmes. 118. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 15.16. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 30. and sing Psalmes to him vvith Tabret and Harp.

[Page 148] psalmes. 145:113.91. Because the ETERNALL hath ali­keing to his People, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 41; 61; Io: 13. and glorifyeth the lowly with SALVATION. Let the Gra­tious Ones triumph Gloriously, psalmes. 5, 9, 3;, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 6. Ne: 4. 1 Cro: 15. Ex: 32. and Sing a­loud vpon their beds; psalmes. 4; 66; 63; 115. vvith Exaltationes of the ALL MIGHTY in their Throates, and a tvvo edged svvord in their handes. psalmes. 34. the law and first prophets. 2. Cro: [...]5. Ne: 4. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19.

For working Revenge among the Hea­then, the law and first prophets. De: 27.28. the last proph. & the n: t: Ap: 19, & Chastisment among the Nations. for bindeing their Kinges in Manicles, psalmes. 136, the last proph. & the n: t: Io: 12.16. Mr: 3; Ier: 40, Na: 3, and their Noble-men in Iron-Chaines; for full­filling among them the SENTENCE that is written: psalmes. the law and first prophets. Ge: 4. De: 28. Pro: 1. Ex: 28, 29. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 28. Hee is an ornament to all his Saintes. The ETERNALL be praised.


PRAISE the ETERNALL, praise the ALL­MIGHTY in his Sanctuary. psalmes. Praise him in the Firmament of his Strength. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 29, the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 52. Praise him for his Valiant Actes; the law and first prophets. De: 3. praise him according to his Mighty Greatnes.

Praise him with the sound of the Trumpet; Praise him with the Viol and Harp. psalmes. 98, 47, 92,, 81, the law and first prophets. 2 Sa: 6, Praise him with Taber and Pipe; the law and first prophets. Ex: 15. 1 Sa: 10, Iob: 21.32. the last proph. & the n: t: Is: 5. Ier: 31, 28, praise him with Tim­brels and Fife.

the last proph. & the n: t: Ez: 23.33.Praise him with Loude Bells; praise him with loud-sounding Cymballs. the law and first prophets. 1 Cro: 15.16. Ne: 12. Ex: 28. 1 K: 15. Ios: 10.11. Let every breath praise the ETERNALL. The ETERNALL be praised.



AS the Law is the touch-stone of the lives of men: so this work of Psalmes is to bring them to it, Psal. 26, and this Psalme the formost to shew the way. Heer the judgement and justice therof is layed to the rule and weighed. And seeing all that men would haue is but happi­nes of their liues, and Eternity: hee sheweth, by a short description, the way to it. To avoyde the Enimyes, and all impediments therof, the wicked counsell of transgressers; to leaue the known way of Sinn, Psa. 36, and not to skorn instruction: And this person hee maketh the proud and skornfull Enimy, the Hethē. And to haue a delighte in the law, and to meditate, and muse, and talk of it allwayes, both for his counsell, and his way, and to be in love with the doctrine therof, Psal. 26. and this is for the person of the church, Psal. 112. So that yf you will liue long, with much happines: this summeth up the evil that is to be shunned, as Ps. 34, and the great good to be doon, and the great peace that insueth, and the Eternall happi­nes that followeth, Ps. 112. which two persones are but one, because the avoyding of the one, doth the other. Therfor was that tree of life, the Law, made so inviolable that all was upō hāding of and forbearāce; and that for the willfulnes of nature, Ps. 36, 58. and frowardnes of conceit, as Psal. 51. Then yf a man will attein unto eternall life: hee must keep the cōmandements, Ps. 15, 26. which in this work, together with thē, the Creed, and Petition of the Church, are moste sweetly and harmoniously handled, Ps. 25, according to God his promiss to the blessed, and the goeing out of the wicked. This is the way of Mercy which God will make known, and judgement from Com: the second. Exod. 20. God is familiar with righteous men and regardeth them: but casteth away the wic­ked out of his sight, and taketh no notice of thē, nor hath anie acquanitance with them. So the Godly shall remain immoveable by any tempest of the world, and continue firm, and doe good, and prosper, by the mercyes and love of God: and the ungodly, by uncon­stancey, fade away, and vanish by his judgement. And this standeth for the beginning of wisedom, Psal. 111.112. wher the immortality and prosperity of this tree of life is ful­ly set out. This book is for Genesis, the Creation of mankinde, and importeth the principles, and the Grammer of the lives of men. As for the first letter Aleph, which beginneth the book, and is title of the Psalme, and is so often repeated: sheweth, that that letter must rule the construction. It serueth for the law, instruction, and God; the ground of all salvation. The mystery is in the Doctrine of the Eternall, opposed to the counsell of the wicked, shewing, that doctrine and counsell is one and the same thinge, Psal. 32. this word is twise together vttered and harped upon, for beeing his dayly study, [Page] and exercise, so Aleph for beginning; and Aleph for lerning, and Aleph for teacheing, beeing the title and nomber of the Psalme: sheweth wholely the way of construction therof, the often vseing the word, Way, sheweth a mans way and life is one thinge, which is termed a tree for the branches of instruction and cariage. This doctrine and Law and word of God is the way of the righteous, opposed to the way of the wicked. The one shall be for euer explaned, but the other extinguished. The way of the righteous is the way of the eternall, as the gate of the eternall is the gate of the righteous, Psal. 118. and therfor it is manifest to him, ther is a tree of knowledge which maketh not happy: but a good cours or study or cariage of life and good exercise, maketh happy. And thus is the whole life of man divided in this Psalme: com yee blessed, goe ye cursed, by a flat opposition throughout. From the tree of life Gen. 3. The Genesis of this Psalme is in Alep hand Beth, so often repeated in the first and second verses for Ab, which is the Active conjugation, which is the singularity of doctrine, father of all: as ther is but one father of all, as God is one and therfor singular.


REbellion and transgression is a moste wicked sinn, and Idolatry and disobe­dience a childe of witch-craft, which hee maketh to bee the opposition of the trespassers, the proud and skornfull heathen, that will none of the law of God, and consult to break the yoke of obedience and subjection to it, for the terror of Gods promiss, Ps. 70.110. againste them. They will not lern, nor bee advised, nor in­structed, nor admonished by it, which beeing against the decree, and beeing a ridiculous husbandry of theirs, in the sight of God: hee reprooveth them for stubborn-nes, and willeth, considering the power, and force of destruction of the wrath of God for disobe­dience, and the happynes of all that love the church and Anoynted, and rely in it, and are not offended at it: that they serue it, and obey him (yf they bee wise) with all reverence and willingnes. Lest in his anger and furious time of judgement, they be like chaff blowen quite away and perish, and all their wayes com to nothing. And seeing all is for effect of the promiss. Psal. 149. and performance of the Law: This Psalme together with the former, conteineth the summ and argument of all the rest. as from the first com: Exod. 20. The content of which two Psalmes furnisheth the whole book with life, as the blood through the body. The Coherencey and relation between them is as the father to the sonn. ther is none commeth except the father draweth: so as the church dependeth upon the Doctrine, this Psalme also dependeth upon the former. and is full of the termes of it, and concludeth with it. The Childe is the righteousnes of the church, Psal. 24. Abraham was father Gen. 15. and the doctrine of the Law. the conducter. Ioh. 6. Is. 54. as Ier. 31.

For Construction: Beth, the second, is a house. The Hethen are founded, which is a hous by synecdoche, the worldly prince-es reject the principles and will none of the re­ligion that God offereth, the instruction and Edification of the House and family of Ia­cob, from Jasar twise: by the multitude of Affixes, Combination or building. God dwelleth in heaven, Tsion is his holy hill, and the church shall hold the inheritance of all the world, and the whole work is instruction or destruction, as of a house.

The Genesis or grammer, is signifyed by the word Sonn, twise vse-ed for Binjan a conjugation, the Hethens cohering by the multitude of affixes for combination. For the Actiue conjugation with the Hebrew, is called a father, and the Passiue is called a sonn. for hence, bothe Father and Sonn may well be termed the word, and God, and ever­lasting Life, Ioh. 1. All kindes rise out of propertyes: so riseth a certain holynes out of the Letter, which make-eth this kinde of father and sonn out of the word.


AS greatnes getteth place: so heer, Davids greatest affliction beeing the cross of his sonns rebellion, is put first, that when as his adversaryes wer many and his [Page] perplexity great by meanes of Saul, yet they neuer deemed him helples and com­fortless and in the way of desperation, till his own and his only beloved sonne ri­seeth against him; and in this case they presumed ther was no salvation for him, and that hee could not now bee saued or any way escape, seeing his Enimyes were so nigh him, but haueing his whole relye upon God, hee is not afrayd of any multitude, nor the neernes of any danger. becaus hee is sure of the promiss, that God will bless his people, and save them, and beat their Ennmyes on the cheek and smite out their backbiteing teeth, out of their cheeks, while hee taketh his naturall rest, so that no persecution can preuaile aginst the Godly, for their Saluation is out of sight of the wicked, vpon which word the whole Construction runneth according to the number and signification of the term Ghimel the Name of the third letter, which is Retribution, Benefit or reward. Likewise all kinde of safegard is raised from hence, that hee is defended and Iustifyed, upheld & mainteined and glorified. hee is heard and accepted when hee calleth. And both vp and down sleeping and wakeing hee is ever susteined. and his Enimyes are withstood, and are to be offended and plagued for him. and this is the blessing that hee is grace-ed withall, by his prayer and request to God. the tre­bleing of the wordes shew the intent.

The Genesis is the plurall number in Grammer called in Hebrew leshon rabbim. men­tioned by treble admiration of the multitude of his Enimyes, and also his defyance of them, though they farr exceeded, and also his confidence in this grace of God and bles­sing, which hee findeth all manner of security and all kinde of salvation from him, which is righteousnes and euerlasting life, ps. 24, 127, 133. &c. Gen. 15.


RIghteousnes and Iustice is his God, as Psa. 109, and his glory is his Law, and his cheeff respect is the light therof, Psalm 92, 93. from whence is all his comfort, and deliverance, and joy of hart and peace and secureity. Ps. 21. and from hence hee looketh for releeff in all distress, and is sure to be heard, when hee calleth, as Ps: 50, 91. and concealed and glorifyed. therfor hee reprooveth their reprocheing of him with the superstitious vanityes of their religion and fals God-heads, willing them not to offend in any such commotion against him, but to be contented, quietly vpon their beds, hartily to sacrifice, the Sacrifices of Righteousnes unto God, and cleer themselues before him, as Ps: 84. and then to trust in him for salvation. seeing the re­sistance heerof is reprobation, as in the divers oblations of Cain and Abel. From the one with a great deal of stirr and fals-hood: from the other, quiet Innocencey of Confession upon his bed, and uprightenes, as an evening offering without sinne, Ps, 141. beeing led by the law according to the wordes, most conveniently agreeing. Genes: 4.

For Construction; according to the fowerth letter, which signifyeth a doore, hee mentioneth all along many kindes & properties of doores: that hee would open the doore of instruction, by the lifting up of the light of his countenance▪ and keeping in security: that hee will widen to him in distress: the Lord will hear him: the wicked open their mouthes to his reproch in lyes and vanityes: the Lord will shut him within the vaile to him self; hee commandeth them to their chambers, and to silence and to shut their mouthes: and that the Eternall keepeth the hous safe: and maketh us sleep secure, and hee shuts the doore. From Doore the opening and shutting and keeping is the Mystery. so righteousnes is the doore, ps: 118. and standeth for all sacrifice, as the doore of Fayth, and all sacrifice must bee at the doore, Genes: 3.

The Genesis is that part of Grammer called, biclam. to wit, fower letters. b.c.l.m. by which the gerunds are performed. being added to the Infinitive at the begining, inten­ded in the wordes Chebhodhi le climmah in reproche of my Glory, which was all the practice of the wicked: and his correction of them, that they would be silent, and thinck nothing but right in their harts upon their beds, by the words, bilbhabhchem al mishcabhchem. wher the letters biclam are again repeated to assure you. The third Psalm shewed all the kindes of Salvation: so this psalm, the way.


YF any man seemeth religious and refraineth not his tong but deceiveth his hart: that mans religion is vain. The like may be sayd of other partes and affecti­ons. Now becaus the wicked and mischeevous men haue no dwellings nor habitation with God, and are marked to be cast out of doores, as boasters, mo­lestors, and vexers; lyers, murtherers and deceivers: which can not inherit the king­dom of God: hee early, ernestly and duely seeketh the same and the righteousnes ther­of, for his Guide and protection and to explane his way, as an Enimy to all trans­gression and hypocrisy; and prayeth, that (for dissembling) his enimyes may bee faulty, as Psal. 109. and Ashamed in all their wayes, and faile of their pur­poses; for rebelling against God and their own hartes: and that hee and all that love his name, may triumph to see the righteous, how gratiously hee is protected, blessed and defended for ever, and this according to the Sinn offring lyeing at the doore, which is the resort of the Godly; for a morning prayer, that as the last Psalm teacheth how to goe to bed: so this same, how to rise, from Gen 4, also. The fift, and the let­ter He, which is behold as He Jedignah, and signifyed in wordes of all kinde of behol­ding. Lead mee by thy righteousnes, and direct mee in thy wayes: and in the negatiue or contrary, hee hath no pleasure in the wicked; they shall not dwell with him, they shal not bee in his presence; hee hateth them and lotheth them, Ps. 101. and looseth and de­stroyeth them: forsaketh them and scattereth and destroyeth them; the corrupt and hid­den subtilty and rebellion against God can not bee seen, and for their flattery by Salo­mons rule, their childrens eyes should be put out, to hearken, to look abroad, to com in his hous; to doe worship as his servant in his Temple; Gods protection and covering of him, with a shield of grace which is fayth and is for the mystery of construction in di­rect and opposit imagination. This for presence to behold and see, Ps. 101. for presenting his oblation and morning prayer which hee would haue marked by the letter and terme He, to say loe, behold, and by the presence of God and approching of the Godly also.

The Genesis is he Iedignah a letter of denotation, wherby hee prayeth for right direc­tion, and a plain way, becaus ther is no certainty in his enimyes mouthes: that can not be known, by means of dessembling, makeing thēselues more then treaspassers, rebelling against all truthe: also by the notable triumphing for the wonderfull favour, and ad­mirable blessing and salvation upon the righteous, for degrees of Ioy, expressed in sundry wordes; and also of grace.


THe whole tenor of his life beeing just, now the Prophet hath made Iustice his God, Ps. 4. and righteousnes his King and God, Ps. 5. for his whole trust and comfort, safe conduct and protection: according to the honorable way pro­pounded in the argument, Ps. 1.2. which is a priuat way of salvation that the wicked can not bee ware of, nor acquainted with, Ps. 3. hee meaneth, well to shew the same, in makeing it the tenor and conclusion of all the book, and of euery Psalme con­teyned in it, for a perpetuall rule of necessity: the band of construction, and the light of the mood and meaning. And according to the definition of Iustice, which is to giue euery man his due: to pay all men according to their work and deserving, as Ps. 62. and to requite them with the measure that proceedeth from them: hee now feeling the ter­ror that is Enimyes haue caused: and the trouble in his mind, by their vexation: can well tell, what to ask of God, justly to fall upon them. And as hee feeleth the wrath of hell, and snares of death, that draw men into their graves, Ps. 18.55. by a wasteing consump­tion of the flesh; throughout, his body: hee prayeth for his own deliuerance out of this burning choler, which hee calleth the wrath of God; by his mercys in due time, Ps. 13.30. and that his enimyes may not see his destruction, Ps 8.25. which they wish: And as it hath been a long threatning of death which hee indure-ed: so that they themselues may [Page] bee, throughly terrifyed, and utterly confounded with horror, and suddainly ashamed and astonyed, to see his acceptation and recovery, Ps. 41. And this from thanks and peace offring and sacrifice of remembrance, Lev, 3.7. for Gods mercy upon true peni­tencey and confession, which Death and the pitt can not perform. But is heere expressed by this his terror and bashfulnes even to consumption. Like the falling down of the countenance of Cain, by the wordes of terror and bashfulnes repeared, which thing the very number of the Psalme, the letter Van doth signify; which also signifyeth a hook or crook. So, that hee would not lay hold on him, and seize on him in his anger, but pittyfully, and gentle-ly; becaus hee is weak and so terrifyed soul and body, by his sore hand so long upon him: and that therfor hee would heal him of all, and releas him and let him goe, rather then destroy him; and saue him from the grave, from whence, ther is noe redemptiō not fetching again. His sighes fetch teares, and his teares pull out his eyes, by the provocation of his afflictors. Hearing and receiuing, his request, and prayer, and bashfulnes, and terror of the enimy to draw them back: is all the mystery of the con­struction.

The Genesis is Vau hippuc in grammer, for changeing the times that make-eth the time past, the time to come and also the contrary, beeing joyned to the one, it makes the other, and therfore is called Vau, the contrary, or Vau the changeable or conversive. Gods angry correction by David his enemyes, and his terror and indignation hath throughly translated him and changed him; therfor hee would an utter confusion and alteraion of their estate: which is seen, by the comming of the same wordes on bothe sides, first on his part, and after for his enimyes, and also doubled in either place, to make them markable; for such passions turne men again, and changeth and altereth them, by a neat resemblance.


ALL a mans Glory is his life, and all his brightenes is the uprightnes therof, which was excellēt in David, and heerby, hee shine-ed before all men, as Ps. 132, Therfor hee maketh Iustice his rule, and his rule, his soveraigne lord; and his King, his God and religion; by all allegiance. Heerin hee trusteth for all his se­cureity (in his greatest affliction and persecution) for deliverance, for the pureity and in­tegrity of his minde, and syncerity of his hart; against which, yf hee hath varyed: hee con­sidereth and craveth the judgement due without favour, if hee be guilty of the imputa­tion, and wrong: as to repay his foes or bee revengefull upon his causeles enimyes, as in case of Saul and Absolom impute-ed by Shemei: that his glory may cease, and his life be abase-ed, and all his estimation com to nothing. Cruell and deadly weapons are provide-ed for cruell persecutors, while they plott and conceiue and work destruction by sub­tile dissembling and fals-hood: their own plots and pitts catch thē, and the cruell strokes of underminers bring the earth upon them. And becaus such was the end and judge­ment of his enimyes, the wicked, that in malice still work their own destruction: he than­keth God for his justice, and commendeth the calling upon his name.

The Construction is in cleering himself of revenge, becaus it belongeth to God only, and of the seven-fold judgement of God, Gen. 4. according to the figure of seven the number of the Psalme, the letter Zain, due upon persecutors, he shewes also the way of his judgement, as all Gods wordes are judgement, Deut. 33.

The Genesis is in Pagnal, a part of speech, which is to work: for all a mans work bringeth judgement, Eccl. 11. which thing will plainly appeer, yf the wordes of perse­cution, deliverance, work and judgement be considered, with the repetition and declina­tion of them; for all is but the work of man and the work of God, and the end of bothe.


BEcaus all Gods service is against his Enimyes, & all his Doctrine for the Salva­tion of his people: which hee hath made, a statute for Iacob, and an everlasting rule [Page] for Israel, Psal. 80. to binde him by the law of Iustice (as in these former Psalmes) which David maketh his God, Psal. 4. and that the very name heerof is a deadly weapon against Satan and all afflictors, and the calling upon God, the moste so­veraigne safegard of the church, as Ps. 7. which so commendeth it: when hee bringeth up his children in it, and teacheth them this rule in their ABCes, as in Ps. and for the letters, in the rest, even through the book: to shew, that the workers of wrong, work their own destruction, and this is the Grammaticall lerning that hee hath trayned his church up, in, to make them skillfull in their warr, and their fingers cunning to the battail against his Enimyes. Hee speaketh to the former; by Admiration heerof, so keeping the story of the persecution, all along with the meanes of deliverance; hee steppeth from Psalme to Psalme. And now, hee admire-eth the noblenes of his Name, for the boldnes of Gods children by their fayth and confi­dence, which hee hath founded upon the righteousnes therof, as on a Rock: and the perfection of Infants in the law, and their strength against their Enimyes, as was that of David in his youth, Ps. 119. M. and the preheminence of wretched and sorrowfull Man, and the great grace of God upon him, above more bewtifull creatures, beeing preferred to the dominion and moste glorious Lordship of all the creation. Makeing him heerby next to God in glory and worship, and able to asswage the mightyest Eni­myes Ps. 11.16.25. By walking the Sea, Ps. 65.77. From the calling upon God in the Dayes of Enosh Gen. 4. Ps. 116.118. For the strength of Salvation. And this is the weapon David useth against Goliah, when hee playeth upon that Instrument of Gath, the great Goliah of Adversity, and Captivity of Phelistia.

The construction is in the term Heth, for the eigtth letter, and number of the Psalme, which signifyeth subjection, and awe of all creatures unto Man, in Shem, a nown, ano­ther part of speech in hebrew.

The Genesis is his Name, the Excellency wherof is pointed at, in the first and last verses, also in the end of the 7. And beginning of the 9. For the nown and name set upon all creatures, in heaven & earth. Gen: 2. and the strength of lerning in the Ele­ments, to commande them.


POverty sayeth Salomon in his Parables, cometh like an armed man, and as it is a terrible thing: so the affliction of the church and the defendour and their greevous adversity, persecution and captiuity, is well heer resembled by the story and person of Goliah, and his death. Who comming with all the odds in the world for stature, yeers and weapons, wherby hee seemed invincible, yea, even as matchless as death it self, so that the state of the church, and David himself, now beeing at deathes doore with the terror of their own affliction: and haveing noe other weapons then the Law, and five bookes of Moses, and their confidence in the righteousnes therof, as their God: and the calling upon his name for his defense: and the preaching therof, as the five smooth stones out of the river: which hee had in the budget of his bosome, and slung out of his mouth, as Ps. 40. and in the name of this God of hostes, of Israel, hee setteth out against the Giant (ther beeing no odds against God) and slew him, and rather (as men say) slew the divill: for this victory hee com­mendeth the Iustice of Gods Iudgement, and chaunteth out of his invincible Name and service of him, according to the former Psalme. The Iustice heerof is, as they the Phelistines pretended Terror: that they now meet with their match, and are knocked in the head by the Prophet, that feareth them by the word of God, as Ps· 56. that feareth not the face of Man. And this is terror for terror, that man should not presume, with might to oppress, seeing ther is no prevailing against God. And that the hethen & all earthly men should know, and feel their own thraldom and wretchednes, by a work of their owne handes. and this for the person of Enosh, for a sorow-full time. Gen. 4. likewise a Thanks-giveing, vpon the death of that proud and mighty champion, and Gods Iudgement vpon him.

[Page]The letter Tet doth signifye filthy durt and dust of the street or of the floore: and Teta is also to sweep away. Heerto is resembled the corruption of mans wayes Gen; 6. and the sweeping them away by the deluge & by all maner of sweeping & swift condemna­tion of the Law, wherin God doth raigne, and hath his Throne, Ps: 29. And such is the Iudgement of God that teacheth the wicked their Lesson, and saveth the Iust, Gen. 6.7. the same word that drowneth the one, is an Ark for the other.

The Genesis. is Millah, the other part of speech in hebrew, called the word, or the par­ticle, beeing neither nown nor Verb. And for to signyfye so much, hee bringeth all the Abce double, in two verses. in the wordes: the Hethen are sunk, &c. which wordes be­ginn with Tet, becaus the letters are members of the word, and of the Ark of Salvation called Tebhah. And thus is the wickeds Iudgement from God, moste Iust. They are drowned in their own corruption. Only the letters Tsade and Aleph, which make Tse, exi, for exception or Tse: excretum, are not at all mentioned among them. Becaus thes letters make, goe out, of the Ark: they are left out of the Ark: that is the Abce. Gen. 8.


EVery prevailing is a Giant, and every overcomming, a man of a great stature, and every Captivity, a Goliah. When the wicked get the vpper hand, and brag of their wills and their harts desire, and stand at defiance, like the Phelistins, by the mouth of Goliah: then the world goeth hard, and it is a sore and a painfull time, and the people of God are in a sorrowfull case. So now, they beeing wonderfully dejected terryfyed and daunted, and takeing themselues almoste forsaken: call upon God (their fortress, as Ps. 9.) as yf hee wer now out of hearing, and out of sight also.

And becaus they need incouragemant out of the word; their request to God is, that their Enimyes may bee over-reached, and taken in their own reaches, and drawn with the nets of their wicked thoughtes, seeing they haue no thought of God, but blaspheme all parts of his name; thinking to destroy the poore unregarded, and to slay the innocent and harmless, in secret, and to draw them by heapes, by their terror and deceipt, against the Iudgement and power of God. For pride of their prosperity, they can not see God, nor his determination: so that as hee lyeth in secret; Gods purpose may bee ever unknown to them; and seeing wickednes, deceipt and terror is all his power: that God would serch it all out, and break his malicious arme, and help the poore that rely on him. And as God abideth not the Hethen in his land: so that hee would listen, and graunt the request of the meek, that they may injoy their possession ac­cording to the Promiss, and to make thē stout and couragious; and to defend the poor and cōtrite Orphans, that the earthly men bee no more a terror to thē. Prosperity makes thē proud, and pride makes them without judgement, and so, they blaspheme that part of his Name. Besides, for Gods patience, they question his power, and blaspheme an other part of his Name. And also thirdly, presume against the everlasting Iustice of God, that condem­neth all the hethen, and expelleth them out of the inheritance of the Lords Dominions, as Ps. 2.114. that heer hee would answer them with his word, and put a good courage in their harts, against all these; that no cowardize or terror assail them any more.

Construction. Iod, the tenth, is a hand. The hand of the wicked and the hand of God conteineth all. The wickeds hand is mentioned in reckoning all kinde of cor­ruption of man, Gen. 6. and excess of wickednes: in thought, in word, and in their wayes. Gods hand is an utter destruction of them, and a revenge of wrong, and releeff of the oppressed, according to Ps. 9. Ther is nothing but ill in the arme of the wicked: and his confidence is to remain still, becaus hee is, in no ill: he prayeth that God would break this Arme of his, by findeing out the ill that is in him, to wit, rang in rashang, ill in the terme of a wicked man.

The Genesis, is in Iod Gentíle, the nations feele the judgement of God, and are wipe-ed clean out of his land for ever, according to the work of their own handes, Ps. 9. For as the ninth handled the judge and judgement: so this Psalme handleth the Cause, co­heering therunto, and belonging to the same.


HVmility and innocence makes men bold, and this maketh the poor to leave themselves upon the providence of God in al distress, in the last Psalme. Yf men be but a litle tryed, how happy are they yf they trust in God, and rely on him, Ps. 2. and what a defense is hee to all that relye on him, as Ps. 18. And this maketh David a moste resolute man, that how soever they seek to terrify him, with the wicked against him, and preparation and readynes of expedition and secrecy against upright mē, to destroy and overthrow all good indevours of thē: and will haue him to fly and secure him by the hills, as birds doe, and like unto Lot in distress, yet beeing sure, that the judge of all the world will doe right, his whole rely is on God; who in his holy temple and the Sacred Scriptures, well seeth the dealing, and hath experience of all men. And becaus hee approoveth the just and detesteth the injurious; the wicked shall taste the cup of his wrath, and the just God, that loveth uprightnes, wil regard him. Hee thus relyeth upon his approbation by the word of God, and the condemnation of his pur­suers, by the Terms of just and wicked men; and will not hearken to other refuge, as Ps. 75. after the Story of wicked Sodom and just Lot, Gen. 19.

Construction. Iadah, is to cast: or shoot, and Aleph is instruction, the wicked shooteth at all uprightnes and oppugneth learning, to destroye it, and God casteth snares and fire and brimstone at him, the wicked envyeth the just, but God regardeth him, by Gods eyes and affection and action, is meant kindes of casting.

The Genesis is the equall division of the 22 letters into radicalls and servils, the radi­calls are in these: Ch, t, S, ph, r, G, z, ng, Ts, d, q, which are the ground-work and m, sh, h, u, C, l, b, A, I, th, n, in which are the ferviles. These are allotted for slavery, captivity and stormes of disturbance; for desturbing, like the wicked and injurious: when God hath the just allwayes in his eyes, which are the fundamentall Radicals.


THe true way of Godlynes is Grace and truthe, kindenes and faythfullnes, fayth and love, as Ps. 25. which is the life of a just man, the Soul of the law and founda­tion of the church; which flesh and blood can not reveal or make visible to the eyes of man. Now in time of Lot, when in a citty was not a just family; no, not ten just persons could be found to redeem it, for the abundance of iniquity and Dominion of Sinn that reigned among them: hee asscribe-eth it wholely to base people in authority; that are full of flattery, bragging, pride and dissembling, of willful riot and churlishnes, that will abide no instruction, that haue no gentlenes or faythfullnes or honesty in them: and this hee maketh also a sorrowfull and a greevous time, and a moste improsperous season for good men: that hee cryeth, God help, as yf they wer all gon, and eaten out by devourers, Ps. 14. Now becaus God hath promissed to saue the church from all kinde of conspiracy, spoile and persecution, and to hear their cry: and that his word is through­ly tryed and found never to faile, but is above all his service, Ps 138. and whatsoever he sayeth, that commeth to pass, and is made good and confirmed: hee prayeth God to pre­serve the faythfull and the meek, from the children of this world. And for the purenes and approvednes of this word, as Ps. 119. is: that hee would cutt of all flattering, and dissembling-hollow-harted worldlings, and wicked men, that thus rise and conspire against the meek.

Construction. The letters are to weep, or houl, and accordingly the time is lamen­ted and the poor cry: when nothing but cruelty and pride and falshood raigneth.

The Genesis is Moshe ve Caleb, seven of the servile letters, when no such as Moses for meeknes, nor Caleb for fidelity, can be found. But cruelty, and pride, and falshood is the property of slaues, especially in authority, beeing weighed, numbred and divided.


COuld yee not watch with mee one hower? Mē destitute of the Law and under­standing therof, haue cold and heavy hartes; and are so much troubled in adver­sity, with fainting and drowzines: that they will not only forsake their freendes; but evē thēselues also (yf it wer possible) without pursueing, in a litle extremity. David, by looseing the way of God, often looseth his courage, looseth the feeld and fly­eth, and is overcom and ashamed, and hee is in great sorrow and distress. God is angry with him, the Scriptures turn away their face, they will not abide him, becaus hee hath neglected them, and cast his wordes behinde him, as Ps. 50. they think not on him, they care not for him, they neither esteem him nor succour him. The waters therof bear him not, but hee sinketh when hee walketh upon them. Now becaus this is a persecu­tion of ignorance, and a distreess of negligence, hee prayeth for Gods loveing counte­nance again toward him; his comfort and succour and repairer of him, as Ps. 51. that as the eye is the light of the body, and the purenes of the Commandement of God giveth light to the eye, Ps. 19. so that God would instruct him in the pureity, simplicity and singular cleernes of the Law, to saue him. Lest hee should fall a sleep in sensuality, and dye in trouble, and perish immortally by tentatiō. While his afflictors vaunt great­ly and rejoyce of their prevailing; and his fall by them: that his hart may confidently rejoyce in the wonted way of his salvation, and hee may sing of Gods grace and loveing kindenes that hath don so much for him. And so, as light delivereth out of Darknes, Ps. 97.36. So, out of his intolerable greeff, and sorrow; hee calleth for the compassion of his God, the eternall, trusting wholely upon his grace and loveing kindenes to revive him.

Construction. Jag, the letters 13. are to greeve, hee complaineth of his greeff in all kindes, and desireth to be eased, that his enimyes may not rejoyce, and hee may sing, for the goodnes of God unto him.

The Genesis is Ethan, A, I, Th and N, the declineing of the future tens in the be­ginning of the word, as in the first letters of the fower first wordes, and the fower ad­mirations together shew. Ethan, signifieth strong and hard, Ier. 5. such as was the hand of his enimyes upon him.


THe harts of men are full of evill and a generall madnes sweyes them, while they live. By their workes you shall know them. Lay them to the Law, Ps. 15. and wher is one good or kinde or faythfull man, Ps. 12? Bring them to the word, Ioh. 1. and doe they not all stink and favour of corruption, for ill dealing? shew them the Scriptures, and consider the body of them, and goe they not clean contra­ry, and turn quite an other way? doe they not al rebell abominably in willfullnes, as yf ther were neither God nor any opinion of goodnes among them? haue they not vaine imagi­nations? are not their foolish harts full of darknes, when they call not upon God, nor seek after him, nor any behaviour of Godlynes? Now how are the holy people of God spoiled, as Ps. 12? And the whole church eaten out with profane-nes, devoured and con­sume-ed with idolatrous contempt and reproche, by their captivers and molesters, Ps. 79? when the Feare that they fear and the God that they reverence and worship; in the ge­neration of the Iust: the poore is made to distrust, and to be abashed of their relying on him, Ps. 1. for suffering of so great reproche? That a man would think, ther were no God that regarded them. So complaining of the general corruption of man, and of the greevous calamity of the church, under the Hethen that profess not God, as Ps. 74.79. for that it freats them to death, beeing allmost in despaire: hee prayeth for deliverance, and a return of them from captivity, to praise God and rejoyce, and be merry again in Sion; their glory, their secureity, confidence and Salvation, Ps. 53.56.

Construction: Iad, the letters that signify a hand, are heer taken for work and also for counsel, which two kindes runn through the Psalme, to the handy work of captivity. Leading away and bringing again, arguing still ab effectu: denying God by their deeds, either idle or dooing wrong.

[Page]The Genesis, is in the 4 quiescents and idle letters with the hebrews, called E he vi, and Grammarians, the sonns of Noah, or children of rest, which becaus they are the letters of the Name of God and are not pronownceed: they are sayd not to call upon God, and to deny God: in the words Iehovah lo quaraow: as the Athists, that will haue none of his wisdom, nor any such understanding: mark the fower Jehovahs and the fower Elohims, mark the fower eins, for a quiescent Iod. For beeing idle and dooing no good, mark the vers. all are gon away, &c. wher al fower are mentioned, mark fear, for one of the 4, Elohims, as Ps. 53. and conclude that the mystery is in Iehovah, and so in Ehevi, as before.


THou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. How shall a yongman keep clean his way, Ps. 119. b? what way shall hee take for eternall life? How shall hee save himself that hee fall not, and that his enimyes prevaile not over him, as Psal. 13. seeing the Godly are so few, and good men so rare, Psal. 12.14? wher is the rout and assembly of thē? are they known by their dwelling or by their guests? Surely the tabernacles of God are with men, and hee suppeth, and dine-eth, and sojourneth, and dwelleth with whom hee like-eth, and so dwell they invisiblely with him. And this tabernacle of God and Mount of holynes, is nothing but the habitation of Godlynes in man, after they once re­ceiue him; they dwell with God, who hath him in their mindes: and God dwelleth with thē that love him and keep his commandemēts, and their wayes are unreproovable. And for this, hee wondereth that ther is any way to it, or that any man can ascend to it, seeing the way is so strait and strict that leadeth unto life, and the entrance therinto so hard to finde. What things are to be don, who is the childe of Godlynes, and who shall dwell with God and liue perpetually, and what kinde of church shall never be mooved. So hee describe-eth the church of God by the statutes therof, with a promiss of eternity to the performers, Ps. 133. who they are and the greatnes of their glory, is expres­sed over and above in the 24 Psalme, by the royallty of their entertainment, and also as Psalme 101. The doore of righteousnes, Ps. 118. and also by the fifteen Psalmes of Ascensions thither, Ps. 120, &c. called the Psalmes of degrees. This is the way of God and of the just, Ps. 25. which shall not perish, Ps. 1. and the wise mans profound and sure building, upon a rock, that abides all wether against the sandy shallownes of the wicked, in the former, Psalme 14.9. & 1. which the flood commeth and sweepeth clean away, Gen. 6.7. For the Ark and Noahs walking with God, in thought, word, and deed: an up­right man. This is, the work of salvation which must be wrought for the inheritance of eternall life.

Construction: The letters Tau, that signify to spinn, as ther is a threed of life: doe heer import extortion, oppression and detraction. For thes all bee proper, by wringing and wresting from his neighbour, to diminish him. Beside, by the letters apart, Tet, is the con­tēptible dust of the floore, rejected of all; and Vau is the love of the Godly, and hooking, by wrong giving and receiving.

The Genesis is the tabernacle, which is the Ark, and that the word, that rested upon the hills of Ararat, and hee that shall abide in it, is Noah, to wit, the quiescent or som letter of grammer; while hee is just and upright, Gen. 6. to his neighbour or next letter, for so long shall a letter abide as his fellow can indure him, and yf his behaviour faile: hee is either changed or put clean out, but with som token of corruption and deficiencey; and this you may wel see in the two defective wordes, Nathā and Laquah wher, in declineing neither N, nor L. can abide for offending. By 3 dooings and 3 refreinings, twise the like.


WHer a mans treasure is there is his hart, and what is a mans God but his cheeff delight, Ps. 4? And what pleasure is ther like to salvation? and where is the fullnes of Ioy, but the redemption from Ignorance; the [Page] light and knowledge and perfection in the Law of God? a way of a virtuous life without corruption, Psal. 14.15. a way of Immortality, a way not of the flesh, but of the Spirit, a way, not of worldly walking, but of Godly Cariage, a liveing, true and everlasting way, as ps: 1. a moste pure and clean way, both for reverence and performance ps: 19? This is inward and outward Iustice, consisting in sayth and love ps: 25; the Grace and Truthe of the Gospell, for charitablenes of intention and fayth­fullnes of performance in every work. Now becaus this Righteousnes is the Sacrifice that is to be sacrifice-ed, & the Iustification of a man that will be saved, Ps: 4; and not any outward oblation: and becaus it can double the kings dayes, and preserve him that relyeth theron, as Psal. 61. and that all Davids nightly consultation, and his innermost Ioy, and even his reines delight in the Instruction of it: and that God is all his good; his part, his share, his cup, his Lot and measures of Inheritance, and all moste goodly to him, in his leviticall blessing: and that all his birth, and parentage, and beginning and end of dayes is the study of the word of God (like Melchisedek) to keep him from falling as Ps. 15: and beeing sure by these graces, hee shall not dye till hee bee perfect in the way of life, and see the full Ioy and pleasures of the word, and sweet exposition therof, by the Ministry: the Kingdom of Heaven, a celestiall government, and Ioy of the holy Ghost; ps. 49.27: hee is made exceeding merry therwith; and accounting all other invocation or relye intolerable: hee will have all his welth and good, and delight, and pleasure whatsoever, to be nothing, in respect of God and this his Name, and way of Salvation, Ps. 4. And becaus his whole relyeing is upon God, and hee is a Saviour of all them that relye on him, Ps. 17. and this is all his way of Salvation; and becaus hee will haue no other God, nor worship nor esteem any thing in the world but him: he prayeth to bee preserved by him. And this from preserving the tree of Life Gen. 3. And so purgeing himself of all idolatry, vain triumphing, pride, glory and reioyceing in worldly things, and relying whole-ly vpon God, and makeing divinity his portion, and is counselled by his word, and preferreth his Law, Ps. 127. hee is greatly cheered, and is throughly confident of all preservation, and of a long and pleasant life, that is ever before God, propounded by his Ministry, called his right hand, in his church. as Psalm 73.110.

Construction. The two letters pointeing at Jehovah, shew absteining from all strange Gods; and also his Ioy in the Ministry. hee taketh Iad a hand, in all his senses, for might welth, Sorrow, place, lot or quarter of inheritance: to counsel, teach and maintein; and the right hand for promotion. Vau is taken privative, with negative signes, that though the signification be craveing as is the term hook or crook: yet by construction, it is sayd as wel to leave, and let goe, as to hold; as both are the propertyes of a hand also.

Genesis: The kindes of quiescents are many, as welth, and pleasure, and delight, and Ioyes, and counsell and instruction from God. They are for his harts ease, like a Mariage day: Gods word gives him all content by the Ministry, his right hand, in which words the Name of the Eternall so sweetly resteth, and that without deficiencey. For hee re­fuseth all the contrary, with note of deficients as Iod in Iissarowni and Nun thrise with bal. And thus by avoyding of Defection hee mainteineth the Quiescents.


LAy up for your selues treasure in heaven, wher neither moth nor canket?? corrup­teth, nor theeves break through and steal. David observeth from Samuel, that moth-eaten and rusty imagination of Saul; how hee robs God of his honour by his disobedience, and the worm of his corrupt conceit, that all together ne­glect his commandement and break it, to have his own will and pleasure fullfilled, for som respect that hee graved to himself, and worshipped: by his estimation of the goodly things of the world, Princees and fatlings. Which becaus it is rebellious transgression, and a willfull offense against the Law of God, not to obey the word of his mouth: but to bee bewitched with his pleasure, and to make an Idol of his will: and marking this well: hee excuseeth himself of counterfeiting in his prayer, or dissembling in his request [Page] unto God, but that all is according to justice and equity; and that hee will bee tryed by God that seeth all. Therfor hee requesteth ernestly, that his steps may be kept still in the Law of righteousnes, Ps. 16. that his feet slip not into the wayes of them that fall, and that hee follow not a king, or please a multitude in doing of evill: and for this, hee justly prayeth unto him that is saviour of all (by his ministry) that rely on him, Ps. 18. and hee haveing repose-ed all his treasure in God, & his undefiled way of righteousnes, Ps. 16. that hee will hide his grace-es and favours from them that rise against him, and that hee will keep him as watchfully, as the eyelid saveth the sleepy eye, Ps. 77. and protect him and save him, by his truthe, called the shadow of his wings, Ps. 91. from all his wicked eni­myes that spoyl him, Ps. 12. and his ill wishers, that on every side lay siege for his life, that haue greasy thoughtes and proud words: and watch as greedily and as privily to over­throw him, as a lion for prey. Now, his life beeing in hazard thus among his opposits, that haue their bellyes full of the treasure and blessings of this life; and spare for their children after them; that have their portion and delight therin, that are their own carvers in this world, and worship the work of their own handes, and their wicked inventions; becaus they be enimyes of God; that with his sword and his power, hee would stand be­fore him, make them stoop, beat him down, and deliuer him; seeing when hee awakes and beholdes in righteousnes, but the image of Gods Law, called his countenance, and hath a perfect understanding therof: hee hath enough and is satisfyed, and hath all hee loo­keth for, with full contentment.

Construction: It beginnes with the letter Zain, to hear, and therfor hath all the words of that sense comming together in divers places. The other letter Iod, or Iad, a hand reacheth all over the Psalme, in the attributes, wayes and exploites of the wicked, and also salvation by Gods right hand, and by his sword and his hand from all such, bothe the letters make Iez to sprinkle, for the proud aspersion of the wicked.

Genesis. For defectives hee sheweth his own syncerity that his mouth and his hart agreeth, and hee abandoneth the way of ravenous incrocheing and defective men; which he maketh the moste prosperous in this life, which doth most spoyle. The token of defi­cients bal, thrise repeated, mortall men twise. They are counted dead men and deficient that haue their part only in this life. The wordes of deficiency, that in minde cast about to destroy, &c. His quiesciencey is in the image of God.


THe full assureance of understanding and the riches therof, is to know the Myste­ry of God the father and of Christ, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Thou art my beloved sonn, in thee I am well pleased, in the last Psalme 17. hee prayeth hartily for the heavenly light and revelatiō heerof, and in this Psalme hee seeth the effect of his prayer. The heavens open, the spirit of meeknes descendeth after affliction, and hee becommeth wise, Psal. 119. th, after a sea of troubles, whē hee is baptized and haue passed through fire and water, and cō to refreshing, Ps. 66. and seeing hee is saveed, for putting all manner of rely and confidence in God, and God heard him, and is angry with his enimyes, and commeth with a mighty rage and terror, secrecy and swiftnes against them: and bringeth him out of affliction, and relea­seth him, to shew his love unto him: and that hee should not call upon God in vain that keepeth his wayes: but that hee should be rewarded according to his righteousnes, and his innocency before him; dealing still frowardly with his enimyes, but kindely with his servant, by giveing grace and salvation to the humble, and bringing down the proud looks. Now becaus ther is no way of salvation but Gods, and hee lightens his candle of understanding, and makes his darknes to shine, through which his way is perfect, for any breach or assalt, for relyeing on him: that ther is none but God that saveth him, by strength in his loynes, perfection of his way, surenes of footing, advantage of the ground, cunning of his hādes, and strength of his arme: that sheilds him and saves him, and that the lowlynes of God and his Ministry advanced him; and thus did hee beat down his enimyes and hee was delivered, and they called in vain, for ther was none to save them, for they [Page] set light by his law, Psal. 137.50. and God had hid his favours from them, and favoured thē not, according to his request, Ps. 17. and brought them low in subjectiō and consumed them, Ps. 55.59. and made him a famous conqueror without strife. And for this, hee blesseth the God of his salvation for all, for his revenge, for his commāde, for his escape, for his advancement among the Hethen, and deliverance from that cruell one Saul, that was kinde to cruell Amalek. Therfor hee, will thank the Name of the everlasting among the heathen, for so great kindenes and salvation to him, and his seed for everla­sting generations, Ps. 17.

Construction. Heer ther are many handes, and that of divers sortes: the hand of God, the hand of the enemye, and the hand of David himself, and the hand of God hath the way of salvation, and a way of punishment. Hee saveth by light, sure footing, broad feet and sharp like deer, becaus David is pure handed. Hee punisheth with an angry hand, in­evitable stormes of hail and fire, thunder and lightning, to shew subjection and Dominion deliverances and condemnation, becaus the enimyes hand is snares and affliction, and in­vasion. He giveth David all virtue and skill to uphold him, and also force to prostrate his foes, and destroy them, according to the letter heth, and also hee useeth Iadah, for thanking, that hee is never out of som signification, of som kinde of hand or other.

Genesis: Gods name Iehovah is a rock, and everlasting, and his way perfect, and Da­vid sticketh close to it, for his sole relye and quiescencey, and is rewarded. His enimyes are the sonnes of Belial ful of defect, and therfor are revenged. The deficients may appeer when they are made as small as dust in the winde, and as inestimable as dust or dirt, and when they trust not to their handes, but shrink from their holdes, so the reward of the one is the defeat of the other.


WHen they professed themselves to be wise they became fooles. Men thought to describe the mysticall image and glory of God, by rotten creatures of the earth, when his eternall power and godhead is consi­dered in his method and way of creation, and redemption. Which, becaus it is a way, so wonderfull, and so miraculous, and his salvation so great, so remar­kable, and notable, and admirable, in the eyes of men, Ps. 118. for the infinit constancey of his word, and everlasting love and righteousnes of the Law, that it seemeth to shine beyond all thinges in the world: It is called the glory of God, and that great, Ps. 138. and hee the king of glory, Ps. 24. For his blessing and beames of righteousnes upon the church. And this is the reformation, and the new creation that the heavens and firma­ment shew every day in the week, by renewing of knowledge over all the world. 1. The Law of God is perfect becaus it hath power of conversion, by shineing of the light therof round about us, 2. It is so credible a testimony and so faythfull as the heavens them­selves, that the simple can beleeve it, and be instructed. 3. The provisos and statutes therof are very upright and plain, and delightfull for eminencey. 4. The commande­ment is as pure as the Sunn, to make a man circumspect, and addeth light to the sight, and is good for the eyes. 5. The Fear and honour of God is a clean cariage of a man, by an undefiled religion, that remaineth for ever. 6. And all his work is don by true and right-judgement, that makes his sentencees most sweet and delightfull to a reformed creature, and to haue domination and approbation over all. Thus by imprinting the manifest justice of the Law, called the glory of God, in the certainty of the heavens and their courses, to all countryes intelligible, Ps. 119. ??is. And compareing the Law and the visita­tion therof to the Sunn in all propertyes for his locks of heavenly knowledge, with a high estimation therof, for shewing him his way, Ps. 119. h, 149. and the knowledge of infinit transgressions: David prayeth for forgiuenes of all sortes of them, that in word and thought hee may bee uprighte with the eternall, and walk with God and keep an intire rest, in true holynes before him, and pleas him. From the creation, Gen. 1. And thus in six dayes, God hath made heaven and earth, &c. by illumination and confirmation of men in the true knowledge of him by his word, and bringing them to beleeve. And [Page] heerby hee becommeth their father, their life and creator, their saviour and redeemer, that they may both know him and also the way to him: even Iesus Christ the true and liveing way, even the very way of life, Ps. 16. Every day is a degree of knowledge till wee com to a perfection and rest in the light and judgement of the Law: the true light and perfection, the Sabbath. when sinn reigneth not over us, but our Conscience is cleer and our words and thoughts pleas God.

Construction. The letters make Iet, of Natah, to spred, Ps. 104. and to decline. and incline, and a place of lyeing down, a chamber &c. and it hath the spreading of the hea­vens for his handy work, Ps. 104. For the Name of God, heer beeing might, impor­teth hand. The heavens are full of variation, and yeld continuall knowledge, all the world over, wher the Sunn hath his chamber, Solisque cubilia Gades &c. his riseing and inclineing and declination and operation: so hee declineth the Law, and defineth the same; and his owne errors are for declinations.

Genesis. In the Definition is all quiescencey: great riches, great sweetnes, great reward, great wisdom, great joy, great knowledge, and great purity, great warning: from which, considering his declineings, and divers defects: Hee would be purged of all; that hee might rest in the favour of God, his rock and stay, redemption, sole quiescency and rely, Ps. 18. and that the quiescence is in this word. Mark, that Iehova is seven times repeated, to stay you therupon, and upon the law; as the defection is in the declineing from it, and this is for a begining also.


LEt your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glo­rify your father which is in heaven. Hee that honoureth father and mother more then mee, is not worthy of mee; and the honour of Parents is the ful­filling of the Law and Commandements of God, Which is heer don by praying for the king: the preserver and defender therof. And this maketh the womb happy for bearing, and the paps for giving suck. Hee that in his distress calleth upon God; doth glorify God, and hee it is that shall be set in the way of Salvation, Ps. 50.91. and see his fill of dayes, with all contentment Ps. 21. And therfor, becaus the King is fa­ther and mother in this sens, for fostering and mainteyning, as well as God and his Law, for creating: it may well be sayd, fear God and honour the King; for fear God and keep his Commandement, and honour thy father and mother, and hurt not thy neighbour, for an only religious and a devout man. Now with great devotion hee cryeth, God save the king, and prayeth for him. That God would honour him with all salvation, and giue him all his requests (hee glorifyeth God by calling upon him in distress) and that the Kings religious service of God may comfort and succour him in all distresses; that the whole church may sing, and display their coulours for his sal­vation. With this conjecture and note of assureance therof, that the calling upon God standeth in more steed, and is more victorious to prolong his life and mainteine his in­heritance, then Chariots and horses; as is seen. For the service of God is the honour­ing of father and mother, and the calling vpon him, the onely help to prolong their dayes. And for this they bless the King, and pray for him; for the mainteining of a right ministry.

Construction. The name of the letter being Caph, a hand; hee worketh upon all the propertyes: from holding, apprehending, or conceiving. The word Iagnan is made to hear, and this goeth through the Psalme, thrise used. Fortification, help, and upholding giveing, offering, and erecting, filling, all work of the hand; and the right hand for the Ministry. caph, also is to crouch.

Genesis. The Quiescency, the staff, and stay, and salvation of the King is in the cal­ling upon God, and remembring of his Name, as Psalm 18. therfor is Name so oft re­peated also. Wherby they hold, abide, and stand upright, and haue their fill of harts ease, and rest, consultation and request fullfilled, with all contentment. The word salvation 4. times repeated, Which is a royall quiescencey, when the contrary trust, and all [Page] vain confidence shall allwayes crouch, and haue defeat. So as the King standes by the Ministry: his salvation and safe standing, is in the perfection therof. The crouching which is another sens, of Caph and falling, is the signe of Deficiencey. the Vowells by the Grammarians, Elias and others: are called Kings; which may be sayd, to call upon the letters Iehova, for to them, the quiescents haue relation & respect also, and are for a re­creation or restauration of mankinde.


THe strongest hold lasteth longest, so the Kings dayes and inheritance is made everlasting, for sticking to the strength of the Ark of God, Ps. 68.59. and the life and righteousnes of the law that is in it. From whence hee hath his Dominion, and crown of Glory, and honour and worship, and all blessings that his hart or lips can desire, as Ps. 8.3. and is chee [...]ed, and whet on, with the joy of his countenance, Ps. 4.41. That for his fayth and love to God; Gods loveing kinde­denes shall lengthen his dayes a thousand generations, against all reproche, ps. 4. Highth and depth is not discerned a farr; no more is the hart of a king, by his people, that they should be angry with him. And becaus fooles bolts are soon shott, and easyly slay with reproche, Ps. 14.15. and put out his light, and extinguish his glory by Ignominy: Ps. 4. The Church willeth the King to bee glad, and rejoyce in God, and to bee thank­full to the power of his Law and Love, for his Salvation. They pray, that Gods power, and his Ministry, called his right hand, may ever finde out all his Enimyes and them that hate him, by his Iealousy, and burn them with his firey presence, like a furnace. Ps. 58.83. and anger them with the opening of the word; and consume and devoure them, by laying the Scriptures before them, and makeing them as a butt to shoot at. And that God would bend the Scriptures at them, and aime at their face-es, to destroy them, to the third and fowerth Generation, for angring of him and his Anoynted: for endevouring and attempting evill against him, and diviseing mischeeff that they could never atchive; an Imagination impossible, to Kill him. That Gods strength may bee extolled, and his excellent power and virtue bee sung out in Psalmes, and commended. Thus hee thanketh God, for his mighty and unspeakable blessings upon the King; with a presumption that hee shall never bee stirred, becaus hee trusteth in the Eternall; who of his loveing kindenes defendeth them that trust in him, Ps. 18. and findeth out all his enimyes, and destroyeth them; that the church may haue matter to sing Praises and commendations of him; when the King is safe, and they are poseed or oppose-ed by the word of God, and as it wear, slayn by Objection.

Construction. The letters are interpreted Caah or cavah to be obscure and dark, and troubled. First in the contrary sense, as of his countenance, that it be lightsom and to be in sight, thou hast set before him &c. makest him cheerfull before thee &c. at the time of thy presence, &c. a but &c. bend against thei [...] faces &c. Cavah to burn. To make them black with wrath as a firey oven, & put them out of the sight of men and of the world by destruction, and obscure them. Such is the repetition of the sense and words also to make it cleer.

Genesis. His Glory, and honour and worship, and prosperity, and length of dayes; beeing all that hee can desire, is. The Kings quiescency, Ioy and delight is in the Confi­dence and preservation of the Eternall without defect, let the King rejoyce in thy strength, &c. And seeing hee trusteth in the Eternall, &c. Bee thou exalted in thy Strength, O Eternall &c: and for Constancey: put them as a crown &c. thou puttest upon him &c. Set them as a firey Oven &c: Set them as a butt which is to plant fast, and so oft repeated. that whether for the quiescent or Defective it be firm. The constancey of the Letters of Jehova or Ehevi the letters of the quiescents, is great delight and orna­ment to vowels that call on them.


IN the last Ps. 21. the King by trusting confidently in the eternall and the supremacey of godlines and excellencey of the promiss, Ps. 138. And soveraignty and way of [Page] love; is sure of salvation. And this is his signe, his keeping himself undefile-ed in religion. His keeping of Gods word and not denyeing his name, and holding his fayth. Now Salomon sayth the way of God is strength to the upright man, like a Ps. 18. and so may the King well delight in his salvation, Ps. 24. hee that looseth his fay [...]h loo­seth his strength. And this strength, in this Psalme is called the morning strength, or strength of youth, the strength of the Law of God and way of godlynes. Which as the adulterers bestow the same upon the harlot and strange woman: so they that revolt from it, are called adulterers, and make the members of righteousnes the mēbers of an harlot, Ps. 73. and this is the matter of Davids complaint in this Psalme. That God hath left off saveing of him, cry hee never so sore, and his strength fayleth, Psal. 71. and why hee should not be saved by his faith, as well as the fathers of the church before him, like Hebr. 11. seeing his trust was upon God from his mothers brest, and had no other suc­cour, but was wholeley cast upon him all his life. And why hee receiveth all reproche in the world, while they are highly commended: that his trust was so notable, that hee suf­fered all kinde of floutes, and mocks, and skorn for the same. His adversity is: the terri­blest enimyes set upon him in the terriblest manner, and hee is as a man without any strength, and like a dead man, Psal. 88.71. with neither courage nor strength to save himself, or face to look upon them. But is like water spilt on the ground, of no strength, quite lost and undon, his bones hang not together, his hart is molten, his marrow is dryed, and his tong cleaves to his Iawes, and that God hath even turned him to dust. They tear him in peeces and quarter him, like dogs and lions, that hee may see his bones in their mouthes, by their looks upon him, and his clothes di­vide-ed among them. Now that hee hath made himself so strengthless, so helpless, so vile in Name, and so sore in affliction, that of all men hee saw himself moste contempti­ble, and his distresses so nigh: hee prayeth to add continuall presence and favour and his speedy might again to deliver him and save him. That hee and all that fear God, the seed of Iacob and Israel, may declare and praise his name in the church, and glorifye him, and stand in aw of him for his grace and countenance and attendance to the humble and aflicted; and they that seek God, may feed upon his doctrine with full contentment, and refresh their hartes for ever: that the ends of all the earth may therby, bee converted and haue minde to com to God, and Iaphet may dwell in the tents of Sem. And becaus the Kingdom and rule of all nations is Gods: that all the fanilyes of the Hethen may bow down and worship before him; yea the miserable soules that haue no life in them; and are going to their grave: may be fed and bow down and worship like him. That the gentiles may com in, to prais God and serve him, and be counted for his children; and declare his Iustice, and tell what things hee hath don, to all that shall be born heerafter. The summ af all is this, that seeing hee was cast upon the Eternall from his birth, and hath had no friend but God in al his life; hee that for deliverances had all the praises of Israel, and that hee hath committed no aduletry that way, Ps. 73. now in extreame distress, hee prayeth for speedy comfort, and not to bee cast off, that hee may also prayse God, and so that all people may be fed with his doctrine, that even the very hethen may admire it, and worship the eternall for his infinite Kingdom, and likewise becom his childeren to prais him. That God leaveth not his servant, in any low estate, nor despiseth them for any af­fliction, nor turneth at any time from his servants and children that turn not from him. his servants beeing counted for his children and generation, that all sortes should seek him, and not for any affliction change their God, seeing hee is King of all nations.

Construction. The letters are to extinguish, or put out from Cabha, or to bee extin­guished, as the seed of the godly, shall never bee. This is seen in repetition of the word seed of Iacob, the seed of Israel the Seed that serveth the Lord and feareth the Eternall, shall be an everlasting posterity and no affliction or adversity shall extinguish it. That feed upon the word and adore the Eternall. Thes words also are repeted, as caph, to bow [...]arang, outcasts and afflicted, Dust, Ashes, aged, feeble, all degrees and kindes of extincts. His misery can not extinguish him, becaus the unquenchable spirit of the word comforts him. Caph, a hand, for might, beth, for be, ezra helping be) as the grammarians call, and this sense and wordes is three times repeated. Far from may help, be not far, whē distress is nigh, and I haue no helper, Ps. 32. Is. 58. and ô Eternall my might make hast to my help, [Page] as goe the letters, so goe their allusions together, easy to be marked.

Genesis: The mighty God hath left him helpless, and is far off, and the just God heareth him not, for all his calling. Though the fathers triumphed in his deliverance. But hee hath his delight in the mercyfull Eternall, upon their faith and cryeing to him. Their quiescency is their faith, his quiescencey is in his fayth in the Eternal, and his King­dom, in the help of God. The token therof is in El & Ejaloth. For might, the same word in a double forme; perfect and imperfect, and the words of delivering often repeated, and fayth, the means of help, be gnezra ha El, by the help of God. Hee is delighted with the in­vocation upon the Eternall, Ps. 14. which also is a reformation of man.


WHen God is sheepheard, then is the church the flock, Psal. 80. and the scriptures and word of God, the pasture, hee that in this Psalme is sheepheard, in the last and in the Psalme following, is King, as you see. Heer in, David findeth such refreshing and releeft in distresses, that hee reckoneth himself heerby, to abound, to be strong and rich, in all want, and poverty, and persecution what soever, that hee hath ever stusteined him, that hee need not despaire: for hee wanteth nothing that is good, Ps. 37. Now becaus ingratitude is a theevery, and not to restore, as great a stealth as taking by force: and hee hath received heerin, and heerby, the high [...]st blessings that can bee: and that they have been his guide, his meat, his drink, his companion, his feast, his anoyntment, his mirth, his peace, and plenty, in darck and cloudy times of adversity, and that in the sight of his persecutors: and hath still brought him through, for his own names sake, and to shew the power and strength of his word, as in Psal. 22. and therfor from hence hee getteth this resolution of thankfullnes, lest hee should seem to haue any thing that hee did not requite or pay for, which wear stealth. And becaus hee was so much bound unto God for his great bounty and love, all his life long, for the true service of him; hee will bee his true servant to his lives end. And so, seeing by following the doctrine of the Law of God; called the green feeld, and the quiet wate [...]s, hee wanteth nothing, his minde is converted, and himself guided the right way to all blessednes of this life; and seeing in all doubtfull cases, hee hath great comfort and boldnes therby: hee resolveth to continue in the contemplation therof for ever. And this for one part of the way of God, P, 25.

Construction: Caph, a hand, wherby hee leadeth him, and guideth like a sheep, Psal. 77.78. by repetition of the sense in divers words to that purpose, leadeth, converteth, guideth. The office of a shephard. Ciph, a cliff or cave, which to a sheep is by nature most [...] fearfull, also any dark passage. The third part is from Ghimel, to reward or waine. As a sheep heard is a pastor or feeder: so heer hee maketh him awaynlings feast, as Gen. 21. and hee was ever favourable to him. That was his reward, as Ps. 62. Prov. 31.

Genesis. His quiescency is the doctrine of the ministry, as Noah walked with God and found favour in his sight, Gen. 6. so hee is no way deficient, but for lodgeing, cours, directiō and diet, is about him, by him, before him, and after him, with all consolation, and comforts, and graces? Hee aboundeth, by daylye feeding on the word. The quiescents are full in many words, to be marked, so hee is begotten and reformed by grace.


THe last Psalme 23, was of the excellent Love and kindenes of God unto his faithfull servantes, and this of the truth and faithfullnes of his word, to them that loue him; unite-ed in the next psalme 25. for the whole way of God. The maner of the creation argueth and truely testifieth the Creator: so the workes of a man be found to signify the hart, then yf the hart bee pure and clean: the testimony is good and true. Hee that hath neither wrought with his hands, nor thought wrong in his hart: a man that is true and faithfull and just with his tongue, and is not given to fals­hood, dissembling and deceipt: hee it is, that shall bee blessed of God and receiue the [Page] crown of righteousnes and salvation Ps. 4.133.134. And thes are they that follow the Lamb. Apo. 19. Seeing this same and such was the very protestation of the Iewes and s [...]rvantes of God, and the church, which mightily excelled all nations, for pureity of profession and religion; as Ps, 47. hee sheweth, that their Testimony is moste neigh­bourly, and moste Iustifiable before God; and that all religion beside this, did t [...]st [...]fy falsshood, and was moste damnable to all. Therfor seeing in this Psalme, Religion is made a true protestation, or protestation of the truth, or verification, or justification, or truth it self: and faith and strength: Ps. 22. and illumination of the Law of God and glory of all men: Ps. 4. and that the God of this religion beeing truth, that rideeth on a white hors and fighteth valiantly, the written verity, and righteousnes, that excelleth in strength and victory, and is a mighty warrier: and the people of the Iewes and seed of Iacob the protestants therof: and becaus their religion and profession shone beyond all men, for Glory, which is righteousnes: Ps: 4. Therfor the Prophet maketh procla­mation therof, and cryeth room for them, before all men, and all enter [...]animent and preferment to be given them, in all hollynes. Aeternaque ferri robera &c: the everlasting gates to be set open for them; Which without all question or doubt, for glory, are the cheeffest; and their God, the King of Glory. This is a pure and undefiled religion, free of all filthy conversation, wherby a man may live unspotted in the world, and unsteined of men.

Construction. Caph the sole of the foot, and that in thes words, who shall goe up and who shall stand, beeing the office and property of the feet, as Ios. 3. Caph a hand: by innocent handes, which hee interprets the purity and syncerity of the Minde, and also the office, which is to take or receiue, as in Nasa repeated. Daleth a doore or gate often, as open your cheeffe gates, set up your mighty doores &c. This was the gate of the Eternall and the Princes only: the east gate of the temple Eze. 44. that never was to be opened, but for them. Ps. 118.

Genesis. The quiescents, the letters Ehevi, mentioned in Chi how and mi how. And the letters Iehova are the replenishing of words, beeing written, as the Massorets call them. Which is the generall domination of them, in the perfection of wrighting. Hee that is not defect in his devotion, shall receive full quiescencey and content. Thee only haue I seen righteous, in this generation. Gen. 6. The syncere shall entertaine the king­dom of glory, the Kingdom of Righteousnes & bee exalted, dwell with God and rest with him. Thou art my beloved sonn, in thee I am well pleased. The quiescency is entertainment, and that is signifyed in Nasa, diversly taken, and Bo, diversly written. bothe full and defect, with a quiescent and without, called nah nirce and nah nister a quiescent seen, and unseen, written and not written. mark the repetition.


TO dash all worldly covetousnes, which is the root of all evill and the net of all intanglements, the witchery of all transgression and breach of all the Com­mandements, by the wickednes of the minde and liquorishnes of Imagina­tion: he sheweth that his whole minde is set upon God, and the way of God­lynes, which is his faith and truth, and love; as Ps. 23.24. that his trust and whole relye is upon him, and that all his hope and expectation is in him, and all his waiting for him, and all his covet is his Law: Ps. 115. and all his honour & riches and glory and strength & delighte is God. And that hee may not fail of his direction heerin: that his minde is not set upon gain, but to the Law of God, Ps. 119. h. becaus Gods minde and promiss, and covenant, is to teach all them that will obserue his word, and to make the humble and meek moste learned therin; and to set them well at e [...]s, and make them heires of the Land. Now when a multitude of enimyes haue a moste unjust hatred to him, and distresses very many and great are befallen him, and his affliction and greeff exceeding much, for his sinnes: hee prayeth, that for his dayly expectance, hee bee not deceived, nor ashamed of his hope; but as his eyes are allwayes upon him, that God will teach him the right way of salvation, through his tru [...]he and everlasting mer­cyes [Page] and kindenesses to him. Ps. 143. That hee would forgiue the sinnes of his youth; and pardon his extreame iniquity, that hee would rid him out all torments and paines of minde, and bring his feet out of this net, and saue his life, and deliver him: and pitty him for his great desolation and affliction. And s [...]eing the Eternall, in his upright­nes, is to teach sinners and them that fear him his wayes, acco [...]ding to his covenant to them: Ps. 1. to wit, Loveing kindenes and faythfullnes, Ps: 117, to the keepers of his Covenants and Testimonyes: hee prayeth for instruction therin in an ABC facion, (becaus it is the beginning of wisedom) that so both hee, and the Church may finde both forgivenes of sinnes and deliverances out of all distr [...]sses; considering his and their sound trust and waiting upon him. that hee and they goe not away abashed therof, Ps. 129 but [...]hat they all bee confounded that wickedly and vainly transgress.

Construction. The letters Cah of Cahah, is to be dark or blinde. Heerto hee op­poseth waiting. Concerniing the one, hee speaketh all for direct [...]on, and for [...]he other, all for Pardon; lest sinn take away his sight, and make his expectation blinde. And all his confidence vain. The comming so oft round of the wordes will assure the sense. and the letters Quoph and vau, which spelled together doe signify to wait: are not in the Rew therfor, but wait.

Genesis. To open thes everlasting gates of the ABC, his Doctrine heer is, the letters begad cephath with dagesh and Raphe. From hence, hee draweth sin, and affliction, and forgivn [...]s, Vav is exempted, for his crookednes, as in L, to signify cephath, crookednes, the one forme of the finals, bash them in the ent [...]ance, by the resounding of the term Albash, that are pervers and revolting. for dagesh, the strictnes of his misery, for Ra­phe, that is remission. By thes wordes, see mine Affliction, &c. And forgiue; see mine Enimyes, in R. pardon mine iniquity; in L. wher Vav is reviveed, but out of cours, that hee might be marked. And as crookednes is abandoned, so in them; and hee prayeth that straitenes, and uprightnes, and simple purity may preserve him; and that to be the way of redemption, by pe peshutah. or p finale. In this Psalme, hee personats the church, so that the net is the Captivity. Now for a finall redemption from all ad­versity: between pe cephuphah and pe peshutah in the ABC, a certain term is sett, tsarar, that spelleth 490 which is Tsarar the afflictor; to shew how long the Affl [...]ctors and perse­cutors could raigne: in doubling of resh to tsade and skipping of Quoph even 70. sevens of yeers, Dan: 9. the Angel Gabriels knowledge, dureing many generations. Seven fold the misery of the Church, Ps. 8.6. The sevenfold adversity to all Gods Enimyes. Ier: 25. This number is made by multiplication of zain by gnain. the one beeing made a principall, by exemption of Vav, and the other finall, by doubling of Pe. Ps. 34. Sinn makes all sorrow, so an enimye lasteth long, and ther must be long waiting, and much patience. The same summe maketh just the space f [...]ō Sauls reigne to the captivity, while the wicked keep the rew the Iust must wait & want a room. Vau is left out, for it signi­fyeth a hook or crook, to hold, as captivity, and this psalm is for deliverance or redemp­tion, the contrary. Ps. 37. the summ. 490. is also found in the word shequets, Abo­mination: spoken of, Dan. 9. Matth. 24. that is a mark of the end of that dealeing, and foresheweth the desolation.


ALL this haue I don. As the yong man in the Gospell, so David in this Psalme setteth out plainly what manner of man hee is, as touching the rule and Law prescribe-ed in the former Psalme; measu [...]ing himself, and his cariage, and conversation throughly, by the line therof. And therby, looking upon him­self as in a glass, and approoving his image and feature of Godlynes: presumeeth to offer him self unto God, for a faithfull, and a just, and an intire man, wholely dedi­cate-ed unto him. First According unto Ps. 15. for the first commandement, hee wal­keth the perfect-way of Godlynes, and it is ever before him. Ps. 25. and this signifyeth his Thummim, and perfection, as must be noteed in the first and last verses. 2. hee abides not any falsifyers, counterfeiters or dissembling hypocrites, but abhorreth all gra­ven [Page] graven imagination besides the Law of God. 3. also hee hateth all wicked company, and the seat and assembly of ill and guilty comunication; shewing that all comuni­cation, and conference, and society of the wicked is faulty before God: 4. That hee is a most precise keeper of the sabbath, throughout the whole service of God; in all pre­paration, behaviour, repaire and diligence, in all the exercise of hearing, and preaching, and love and affection to his house. 5. Therfor, that hee would not end his life and abridge, his dayes, and shorten his time with the time of sinners and disobeyers of pa­rents and all governement. 6 And men of bloody thoughtes and murtherers. 7. & 8. that hee is free from all whoorish theft and rapine 9. & 10. And that his dayes, be not shortened with those that love rewardes and swear falsly, becaus hee walketh moste in­tirely: moste uprightly and neighbourly in all things: that hee may still remain in the righteous congregations, still praysing and blessing the Eternall uprightely. And this is his confidence that hee slip not, and his staff that hee fall not. And thus hee putteth himself to triall before God, for his curious observation, according to all termes and pointes of Eternity and happines propounded, Ps. 1. And this plainly for his integrity, his Thummim, and infallible confidēce in the Eternall, and walking in his ways, and his love of his house and service: hee prayeth for exemption. That hee may haue nothing to doe with any such, nor lead his life with the un-even dealers of the world, nor be coun­ted in the number of them, that break the Law; that hee may stand upon even ground in the way of happines, and be throughly blessed, Ps. 1.119. a, blessing God in his church, Lev. 8. Deut. 33. For the walking with God, Gen. 6.

Constructiō. Vpon Caph. for the sole of the foot, hee sheweth wher hee setteth his foot, and how, his whole conversation and behaviour, hee stands in faith and a sound con­science, and this hee maketh sound footing, and plain ground, and good company and good excercise, sure stāding. The first and last verses shew by the words, walking, slipping feet, and standing in uprightnes, according to the end of the last Psalme. Likewise Caph, a hand, for his innocency, Vau, for his company, loveing and hateing, signifyed by the preposition with: as it may as well be sayd with, as and.

Genesis. Caph Dimjon, in grammer, signifyeth likenes and resemblance, so hee maketh himself wholely to differ from the wicked. Vau, which is. And, the conjuncttion copu­lative, with them Vau hibbur, grounds the society. As beged cephath, or the Ephod is joy­ned to the brest-plate or Thummim, Exod. 28.29.39. For this precise life intendeth the priestly attendance, and therfor hee alludes to the ornament.


FLesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee. The Scriptures and word of God haue great use in this life and that to com, for teaching, improoving, and correcting, and for instructing in righteousnes, that the man of God may be, ab­solute, and perfect in all good workes, they so plainly testifying of God, by whose light wee do see light, Ps. 36. and obtein fayth, and strength and courage in the hart, as Ps. 10. & by continuall waiting, exaltation, as Ps. 40. And for this is the promiss, that godlynes is profitable unto all things, and hath everlasting life. God is not literall but spirituall, and the mystery and hidden secrets of godlynes very great, and the highe roomes of salvation are by revelation. The power and esticacy of the Scriptures standeth in spirituall interpretation and divineing of the word, and in revelations, and the extraction of the letter: the spirit and life of the word, which made and revealed all thinges. And thus overliveth Abrahams God, thus is David a man conformable to Gods own hart, and Christ is, the ingraven forme of his father, and speaketh all by authority. And this hee calleth his reviveing, and all his stay of life and salvation. So David beeing fo [...]saken of the world and in great distress; by the Law, called the light of the Eternall, or his vrim, his stay of life, and salvation: hee is out of all fear, so hee may bee in he service of God. And prayeth for right direction, and maketh request for it, and to see the face of the Eternall, which is his Law, his plesantnes, as Psal. 16. to be allwayes conversant with him. That hee may be exalted over his enimyes, and hee may pra [...]se God, which hee is [Page] confident to see, er hee dye, by his valiant waiting on the Eternall, Lev. 8. Deut. 33. by his faith & confidence in his illumination in the promisses, by his seeking the face and presence of God, in performance according to the Law, and covenant, Ps. 24.

Construction. The letter Caph, a hand, is heer taken to cover, as Exod. 33. which is the contrary to relevation by the Vrim, light and judgement, yet this beeing God his hand and his direction, it is taken proper, for his covering and protection, for hee feareth no­thing, yf hee have that about him, which must onely be in time of priestly function; in the moste holy place, and then hee is sure to be safe. The words, hideing, keeping close, the rock, &c. shew, the same. Zain is to hear or attend, as in the words, hearing see­king his face: begging for attendance, and his faithfull waiting, twise commanded, which doth now intimate the promiss. which will strengthen the hart, as it is the strength of the Law.

Genesis. From the fortitude of Dages, which liveth by the quiescents in Iehova, and despiseth his enimyes the gutturals: ach ragnab, and resh, the brother of malice, or malici­ous ones and all their attempts against him. When naughty men, &c. The strength of his faith is devised heerupon, and the enimnity of the gutturals and resh is, becaus they receiue no dages and differ in vowels: so that they walk irregular, and by & crooked wayes (say the Grammarians) and not according to the rule of Dagesforte or graue. For this he prayeth, that hee may not satisfy their appetit; or be eaten up and consumed by them, by their wrong voweling: when injury breatheth, &c. and fals witnesses or wrong p [...]onunciation ariseth. But that hee may allwayes be taught and led the right rule of Grammer, to be holpen, and save-ed from his ennemyes. A sound judgement or a good brestplate revealeth the face of God, which is all his will, as Vrim is worn on the brest­plate. This maketh a constant waiting and a sure fayth in the promisses. The Abce are the parents of Dages, though som letters fo [...]sake him: yet justice and regularity shall pre­serve him. For all, consider the doubling of words, the repeating of phrases, the inti­mation of the sense throughout.


YEe err not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of them; beeing ignorant of the works of God, and the deedes of his hands: and yee cannot bee edifyed therby, but be destroyed, defaceed & abase-ed, and deprived of that litle yee have, for want of knowledge, which is the rock of the Church, and the founda­tion therof; even Christ with the Hoste of Israel, that feedes and succours them, susteynes them and supports them for ever. For without the foundation of knowledge, can bee no edification and building up of a faythfull and a perfect man, but men continue graceless even as the dumb beastes, Ps. 49. Now that hee hath obteined knowledge and understanding sufficient, and revelations from heaven: and the heavens be opened to him as Psal. 26.27. And that hee is perfect in the operation of the word of God; and know­eth well what the work of God meaneth: and is much delighted with the confidence, and protection hee hath gotten therby: and haveing had his particular request in Psal. 26, for which hee blessed the Eternall: to wit, for his own safety and edification by his integrity in the word of God, and the just destruction of th [...] wicked that neither doe nor understand the same; but follow their imaginations: hee thanketh God, and prayeth for the salvation and edification of his people, Ps. 147. and the whole church and inheri­tance of God, that they may likewise be well fed and susteyned with doctrine for ever, the rock, Exod. 17. Num. 20. 1. Cor. 10. Gods holy oracle; that yelded waters abun­dantly, of wholsom doctrine to thirsty soules, that beleeved strongly the promiss to be performed and the Law to be given, after 430. yeers.

Construction. Heer Caph, or Kiph, is for a rock, and that hee makes the Eternall, as Ps. 18. Also Caph, a hand, Cheth, to destroy and not to build: and both the letters to­gether; as Choach; virtue, faculty, might, help or strength, hee cometh in to the holyest and smite-eth the Rock, with invocation and petition at the holy word, the oracle: in his Ephod, or shield of fayth, his rock, and hath his request, his great consolation which hee [Page] wisheth his people for ever. From wence is all salvation. Heer they knock for all that they want. Actu & potentia. workes for power, as effects so strength.

Genesis. Between the Quiescents and the gutturall letters ther is great variance: such hee maketh between wicked and spirituall men. The one sort calles upon the Eternall, becaus the letters Ehevi, are in the name of the Eternall, the other abide not the same, Ps. 14. The vowels of the one, beeing long, the other, short and irregular. The signifi­cation of the gutturalls is, that they speak peacebley and freendly with their neighbours, when they yet doe malice them, and this is the way to swallow them, as Ps. 5.14. what way the guiescents take, in Grammer, the Gutturalls take not the same. Dagesh forte belongs to the one, the other will no dagesh at all. and for this corruption, the Guttu­ralls perish & haue their reward, and by the power of the Eternall, the Quiescents are preserved. Peace and silence &c. note the quiescents.


THe word of God is mighty in operation: it divideth between the marrow, and the bone. Out of the light of salvation, Ps. 27. and knowledge in the Law of God, riseth admirable glory and mighty confidence, for edification and suste­nance in the spirit, as Ps. 28. That the glory and power therof may be moste fa­mous, as Ps. 76. wher the very sound therof breaketh the weapons, and maketh an end of the warr: by the chideing of the moste high, in his dwelling place and sanctuary, Salem & Zion. For exceeding lustre and strength heerof, it is called a Kingdom, as Ps. 143.144.145. and heer therfore, the effect therof is called a King, and God of glory, to raigne for ever, as Ps. 24.19. And this is for the voice and spirit of the word it self, and possession of the Scriptures, called the waters and the great waters, and the flood, which hee occu­pyeth with such majesty, and such commande, with such aflonishment of Doctrine, such terror to the Princes, and tossing of the mountaines, the Cedars and Lebanon and all the lofty ones; setting their hartes and all the woodes on fire, as in Cadesh, and to tremble, with great greeft, makeing all things naked, and revealing of all secrets, discovering of al hartes, and greeving the great deer of the forrest, for want of cover. And becaus hee so shineth in his temple, and so disquieteth his Enimyes, and giveth his people such blessing of strength & peace, beyond the power of all Gods; that hee willeth all Gods and prin­ces, and mighty and godly men, the children of the Gods, and Ministers, to ascribe all power and glory to him for ever: the glory of his name, with all humility, in his de­cent sanctuary. So for the might and majesty of Gods word in the Scriptures, called the waters, Ps. 68.150. and his thundring out, of his miraculous Acts therin, that plague the great kings in the wildernes of Zin, in Cadesh, 38. yeers, by the firey flames of the Law, and becaus all that hee speaketh in his temple is glory, and becaus the Eternalls throne is upon the flood therof, wher hee sitteth ever king, and giveth strength, end peace to his people as Psal. 93.147. hee wisheth all glory and strength to be as [...]cribed to the Eternall and his name, as Ps. 96. and great worship in his sanctuary.

Construction. Caph, a hand, yeeld or give, ascribe or offer. Caph to bow, bend or wor­ship, for adoration and oblation of the Priests and Ministers. Caphah, a branch, when the trees be all shivered and the woods made all bare of boughes, Iob. 15. Exod. 9. Tet, of Tete, to sweep away all, Isai. 14. and this by the moste terrible Meteors, to shew the force and fiercenes of the word of God. Therfor that they should yeeld him the glory of calling upon him, with all glory.

Genesis. The quiescency is in Iehova, that mastereth the wat [...]rs, as Noah in the Ark. The double doctrine of Dagesh, in begad cepheth, to be woren in the Ephod, one kinde of Dagesh, on the one shoulder, and the other, on the other, by thes wordes, yeeld &c. glory and strength, Dagesh tiphereth, and dagesh chazak, they must adore with decency. The voice &c. is with might and with majesty. The glorious giving of the Law in mount Sina, called the waters, Exod. 19. Deut. 5. the strength and quiescency of his church, to make his name and the calling upon him, moste glorious. Iehova, or Hovah, Isai. 47. by calamities and comfort. Hee tells Iehevah 18 times over, and El [Page] twise, to shew the weight and glory of his name Jah, which make 20. Mark the repetition.


HEE that ascended is hee that descended first into the lower parts of the earth. In the eighteenth Psalme, David was baptised in trouble, and in the nine­teenth, born by the word, and made the childe of God by reformation, and from thence strengthened and confirmed by his Name, for which hee giveth all glory to God. And in this Psalme hee is received to glory, the greatest glory of God beeing his resurrection. Before the loss of the Ark, David was but over shooes and wetshod in affliction, yet hee made his recovery great, and his deliverance miraculous; but now, hee is up to the neeck, yea over head and eares in hevynes, when hee hath lost his charge, his strength and ornament and salvation. So that hee meaneth heer an infinit magnifying of God for his resurrection out of such a sorrow, beeing as a poor ship wract man of all his confidence. For ther is no descent so low as into a mans enimyes hands, and no captivity so miserable, or any misery so greevous as the whole Churches, to a Defendour, as is seen by Moses. And haveing lost a sure estate, and feeling the horror of Gods wrath and destruction, and fallen in this terrible pit of distresses and affliction, as seeing no way but death before him; and considering well, that there would com no profit by the death of a poor and wreched sinner, but rather by his con­version: and considering that God is not for ever angry, as Ps. 77. and that there is Ioy and life to bee in Gods favour and likeing, Ps. 34. hee turneth wholely to God for help, and cryeth out of this great deep, for redemption and forgivenes, as Ps. 130. and obteineth to bee remitted, and salved, raised again and quickned, that hee may sing and dance for joy; and that his own Glory may for ever prais him, for this shifting of him out of such miserable and sinfull corruption, into such a glorious liberty again. That hee ought for ever to worship him, and Say, Death, wher is thy sting. and hell wher is thy victory? And for this hee so mightily extolleth God. And as all the starrs in heaven differ in glory: so the greatest glory in mans profession and protestation of religion, is his resurrection from base corruption. And therfor, that ther is no way in heaven or earth, to extoll it, or thank him worthyly. And this much for his dedication. 2. Sam. 5.6.

Construction. Lamed, for lerning or truth, he maketh the light and life of the world, Io. 1. hee dealing by the contrary, as by the termes of darknes: of adversity, the pit, horror, Anger, terror, night: mentioning heerby the lamentable and unprofitable state of darknes or ignorance, that is intended. From whence, S. Mathew hath the children of the Kingdom, which should be the children of light: shall becom utterly ignorant, by term, utter Darknes and sorrow. Which is nothing but the state of Ignorance, Math: 8. When God hideth his face and his glory shineth not, and the Scriptures are not cleer. For this hee prayeth for illumination, and his glory, to worship a right, which is the brightnes of lerning, to declare the truth. His heavynes and his reviveing, is from his God eternall, Iehovah his virtuous remedy of Compassion, marck the office of Lamed for rarity, by repeating the words, Chaunt unto the Eternall. That Glory may chaunt thee out &c. For the lerned priestes, Gods holy ones and gracious ministers. Is. 42. the grace of Doctrine, beeing a lively and a lightsom thing, as ignorance is wrath­full and horrible.

Genesis. Dagesh tephereth, Dagesh of glory, in beged cepet and Raphe. As in thes wordes: that Glory may chaunt thee &c. And in thes words, thou didst heale, Tirpaeni. Which Dagesh, is used for sweetnes of sound in the oration, and this Dagesh is only, in six letters dagesht, and six undagesht, according to the six tribes on either shoulder of the Ephod, wherin the priest was to Minister.


HAveing seen the goodnes of the Eternal wich hee trusted verily to see; as Ps. 27. To wit, his wonderfull kindenes, that hee was at liberty among his E­nimyes, and that in a strange and strict citty (Gath) and sheweth the benefit therof, and teacheth it, as in Psalm 34. A B C. by his valiant waiting, who giveth thanks for his deliverance, for fearing the Eternall: and that hee was not cutt off from the sight of God: but had his request, to inioye his service, Now in great perplexity by his fals accusers, and beeing mightily broken through ini­quity, for their privy plotting for his life; by all manner of false reportes and violence; hee prayeth for his own deliverance, by this Argument, first by the righteousnes of the Eternall, and for his Name, righteousnes sake, which should lead, and guide him, aright to salvation. Secondly, to the Eternall, his strength, his fort and Garison, be­caus hee commended and committed his life into his handes, with his whole trust and rely upon him. And thirdly, that the Eternall was a God of truth, and that hee could not abide vain falshood, but did put his trust only in the Eternall. And against his Eni­myes thus: that all arrogant, fals, lofty, proud and spitefull speakers against the Iust may haue an everlasting silence below, and be dumb in the ground. And seeing thes are the just rewards of the Eternall: hee comforteth them that wait on him, in hope that hee shall never be ashamed therof. shewing in this Psalm, what is his whole rely and confidence, what is his Rock and Garison, and fayth and beleeff, and the first Ar­ticle of his Creed: even to beleeve in the truthe, the Word, Ps. 120, 45. the God and power therof. And to trust therin for Salvation, and to committ him self wholy therto: to bee redeemed by the knowledge of the Law, and confidently trusting to work out his salvation, by the obseruing therof. And this is that which maketh him fayth full and patient, and long suffering, and constant, and not faint in distersses, and mi­seryes, but to be of good cheer, and of good comfort, becaus God will strengthen their hartes with his Goodnes. Exod; 33.

Construction· Lamed and Aleph, lerning & instruction, for the strength of the Law, Ps. 29. which is heer defineed and determined to bee Iustice, Love, and truth which is the firmnes of their faith and boldnes, hope, and patience and comfort of the beleevers, and therfore called the church and the foundatiō, and the Rock and strōg-hold, for the sure preservation, redemption and safe cariage of life unto salvation of them. Math. 16. This is the spirituall rock that refreshed the whole campe, which rock was Christ 1 Cor. 10. &c. The brest plate of righteousnes that imboldned him, Ephes. 1. as is seen by the doubling of thes wordes: relying, trusting and committing of him self in all kinde of distresses. This is formed from, Exod. 33. wher it is called Gods presence, favour, goodnes, and glory, and rock, and safety by using the same termes as after a perfet mo­dell. also for Lo of Laah, to be dissolved, and deficient, as hee was.

Genesis. The term, hiemanti in grammer, to beleeve. And heerby, the Eternall preserveth the faythfull that are well fed with the word, and wear this confidence: and soundly payeth the wicked, proud and contemptuous persons with destruction. The word hasah to rely, alludeth to hosen the fortitude, the stones of reputation, and hasin the strength of the Eternall Ps. 89. The number, to the 12. dagghesfo [...]tes or hazakim. sh, q, ts, t, s, n, v, z, l, i, m, h. For comfort of the hart and confirming the minde. That the minde be established in all good Doctrine, in thes wordes, hizkois lebhabhchen make strong your minde, bee yee of good cheer and couragious.


HAveing felt the hevy hand of God upon him, and the parching of his wrath, by his trobles fo [...] all his trespass, sinn, deceipt and iniquity, which letted his Prayer, and the happines of his forgivenes, Ps. 65. After his confession and prayer to him: hee counselleth the Godly to pray in time, and conve­niently, left, in time of inundation of trobles (called waters) Ps. 120. they finde impediment and harder entertainment. And for this caus hee prayeth to his Defence, [Page] the Eternall for preservation from Distress, and to bee regarded by the Eternall, his righteousnes, for direction and righteousnes. Who answereth: yf they bee not Asses, and will understand, his Eye shall tend him and teach him his way. And wher sorrows be­long to the wicked: his loveing kindenes shall inviron him about. If you haue ten thou­sand Instructors, yet you haue but one father, and who can forgiue sinns but God only? even the Allsufficient father of instruction. The Law that bindeth and looseth, saveth and condemneth? The ever wakeing Eye of the Law shall tend them, and advise them and teach them & instruct them. So they bee not like Asses, and dull headed, and ex­cept they will not lend their eares to understanding: that for acknowledgeing their sinns, they may be forgiven, remitted and saved. And thus by fayth are the righteous saved and blessed; from the Mercy seat, Exod. 25, 26, 27. In judgement remember Mercy: wher Iudgement is expressed by the hevynes of Gods hand, as love covereth a multitude of sinns. S. Pauls rule. So at the Mercy seat, Attonement and reconciliation was to be made for all. As Lev. 16. after confession. The Mystery, whose sinns are covered and condemnations wipeed out, from kipporeth, which is to cover, or a Cove­ring, by all allusion. As the mercy seat is over the Ark, and Mercy rejoyceth over Iudgement, and loveing kindenes shall be round about a faythfull man, and they that cry for Mercy heer, shall be rescued and let escape damnation, as the goat &c. Lev. 16. From hence was Moses admonished Num. 7.

Construction. Lamed, lerned. Lerning is still a guard to a wise man, to keep him from sinn. And what a great felcity is it, to be found faultless or cleered by the word of God? to beware of trespass and to see the way to Grace. I will wise &c. Beth is a house, by his hideing and preserving; or protection, for favour and kindenes, the walles of Salvation, the good Edification that is dayly about the Iust. So the tractable are edifyed, and the submissive and the gentle, well indued: but the froward hamperd, & are kirbed, Psal. 18. As the letters Lamed & beth are first over the Psalme, so are they the last, signifying the hart: Wher all crosses and comfort meet, wher sinn har­boureth, wher grace entreth, faith & repentance worketh, and amendment groweth confession and all plainenes issueth, and remission commeth, and all salvation and joy, and happines and triumph followeth.

Genesis. The Retoricall Accent, Metheg, a bridle, is used, compared to the Law, to check the froward and to pardon the penitent, the happy estate of remission to the refreiners, the great grace of continence, as Metheg is to the word, for sweetnes: and especially for distance: and Gaja for roaring and crying, as the prince of Accents. Is. 55. Ps. 22. All language is doltish and senseles without the Melody of time, and quantity in syllabes and pointes, and stops in Oration: according to all degrees of Decli­nation, in the sentence. Ther is no trespass but against righteousnes, the virtue of the Eternall: and ther is no forgevines but from the God therof, nor happynes, nor joy but to trust in him, and indevour it.


NOw hee willeth all the just to triumph royally, for the certainty and effect of Gods word, which hee fully-ly describe-eth, & the happines of the Nation that are the Eternalls inheritance. And for that in all the Scriptures, called the heavens, and his dwelling seat (from whence hee hath his prospect) which are formed to the hartes of all men, no salvation is found to haue been, by great Armys of Kings, or strength of men and horses, as Psal. 147. but by the vigilancey and care of the Eternall, in his Law (called his Eye) to deliver and releeve them that fear him: and be­cause their Soul waiteth upon the Eternall, whom they make their sole defence; and de­light and trust in him: hee craveeth the like mercy upon the whole Church, as their hope is in him. Now seeing the counsell of Gods word, passeth the counsell and all conceipt of the heathen, for creating, and reforming of mankinde, and bringing them to knowledge: that they may bee strong in fayth, and of a sound hope unto salvation, and that instruction is a new Creation: hee willeth a sabath of praise and sanctifica­tion [Page] to bee solemnized, as Psal. 92. by the just, for the godlynes of them and praise of his maker. For salvation is not by strength but by fayth, as appeereth in the Lordes battailes, by patience, the Armour of the saintes. Gods holy Oracle and mercy seat considereth all men. From hence was Moses admonished, Num. 7. by the brest plate of Iudgement, the ingraven form of Godhead and wisedom, Exod. 28.39.

Construction. Lamed, leerning, shewing the instruction promissed, Ps. 32. The pre­servation of the Saintes and beleevers. Levit. 8. shewing judgement, justice, mercey and truthe to be the definition of the word of God, Ioh. 1. Math. 23. that yee may know what it is, and this is a lerning. This Psalme belongeth to the former, by repeating the wordes therof, and the mystery, in the prospect of the Eternal, doubled for the preest, and deeps in treasures, and counsell, and cogitation, for the brest plate of judgement imbrodered. The Efficacy and power of the word of God, the eternity of the light, the advisement, & discretion therof, the brest plate, and the vanity of humane lerning. What reverence it asketh, what fear of offending, how precious the observing, and how painfull the of­fending is. Fear yee the Eternall, &c. Ghimel, hee rewardeth according to all mens workes, how sure it cometh, how beneficiall to the elect, the providence to thē that fear God, for the best understanding. Ther is no safety by multitude fortitude, nor faculty, but all grace and pardon and forgivenes, help and protection, is by fayth and patience. The fear of God is the observing of the commandements, which is his word, and the makeing conscience of transgression therof: seeing all that is don is for fear or love, and this is fi­nall and a principall lerning, as the End of the commandement is love, &c. 1. Tim. 1. The Scriptures are an Eternall Oracle of counsell and advise, they have both Vrim & Thummim, in them, light of knowledge, and perfection of life. The tree of know­ledge and of cariage that is taught of God, Gen. 3. Io. 6. 1. Thess. 5. and this is that which the preest is to bear upon his hart, and to be indued with all: to shew that the king­dom of God standeth in suffering, and not in pomp.

Genesis. Metheg, a bridle, so is the word of God a rule to hold us in: and direct us, it is full of regularity, right and strait and true, as the world it self in his cours, the honour of upright mē. For Metheg Jasher or Munnah, Metheg turned to Munnah, to serve Zakeph caton, the grammaticall Acent. Metheg gaja, the accutest and loudest musick Accent. Other propertyes of the rule bee expressed by the words, counsel, Actions, by faith and patience, by the waiting and trustinge, by refreining & absteining from ill, & restraining the minde. And this is a moderation above all kingdom, or worldly dominion of hors, or man whatsoever, and governeth all things.


FOr Gods mercyes upon him & giving him that strength of beleeff, hee resolveth to praise him and bless him allwayes, and with all his might, and allureeth a whole congregation to the sanctifying of him, for the releeff of his distressed case, by his great goodnes and mercyes: in guarding him by the spirit of his word. Therfor hee will now let them know the use and benefit of Gods service, and fear: that is, that it will make men like giants, for countenance and continuāce, and state of Eternity, Psal. 112. And for stature like goodly Cedars: and as it is the way to long life, by de­scription: so what this service and fear is, by definition, Psal. 92. and how it is accomplish­ed: to speak plainly and truely, & without any hypocrisy or dissimulation, to doe good, and not evill, following the way of peace. And in this way the Lord will look upon them and hear them allwayes, and deliver them out of all evills. Bee the woes of the just never so many, yet hee will save him whole from falling into temptation, when the wic­ked by som ill shall be utterly desolate wasted and slaine. And this is expressed farther by a mystery between P, and P, in the A, B, C, rew, shewing that the afflictions of the church, shall have joyes sevenfold after captivity, of 70. at 490 yeers end, as in two Reshes, and Tsade, in the Vers Resh, wher hee sheweth eternall comfort to the just by Gods favours, and the utter condemnation of the wicked by Gods angry lookes upon thē out of his word. And this behaviour, David accounteth to availe much to the streng­thening [Page] of his faith: to waite for all promiss of this life, and that to com. And thus much for the upright childe of the Church, begotten by much misery and affliction, and brought foorth by a painfull travaile, Ps. 102. as the childe of the holy Ghost and sonn of God by righteousnes. This summ of 490, is made up, by multiplying Zain by gnain, seventy by seven: the one beeing made principall, by exemption of Vau, and the other finall, by doubling of Pe, Ps. 25. in the first letters of the three first wordes in the vers Resh, is the whole 490. expressed also as before, and likewise you may see the same in the first letters of the two first words in the vers Zain, and thes both expounded in the vers Gnain, and Tsade.

Construction. Lamed, lerning. The lerning is heer the fear of the Lord, defineed for a passing wisdom to resist the Divill, and escape temptation. It teacheth Redemption & deliverance & saveing of the just at last, & therfor the letter Vau, a hook or crook, is left out of the Abce for the wicked; which shall no longer continue or hold the just. And also conscience of sinne and bashfulnesse of evill, bridleth and with-holdeth the Iust. So this defection of Vau standeth vpon holding and loosing. The Lions shall bee de­fectiue and faile for all their clawes, but they that seeke the Eternall shall not, &c. These kindes of hooks ther bee: seeking, clawing, visiting, calling, compassing, crying, relyeing. The wickeds terme Rashang shall be maimed, and his bones broken & bee all dismem­bred, and be slaine by Ragnah, the terme evill, taken from it, the first and last letters of his name, his own property, which is dooing of ill, and thus hee commeth to desolation. Daleth a dore. Keep thy tong, &c. watch thy mouth, be porter at the doore of thy lips, as Ps. 141. Lamed and Daleth, maketh Ledh, which is to beget, as the childrē of God are they that feare him, serve him, seek him and rely on him. And to such is his lesson, & to such is life, and to such shall bee no desolatiō, and the matter is plain by itteration of the wordes.

Genesis. The Genesis of this Psalme is much confirmed by the Title. Tagnam is taste or behaviour, and Tagnam is the Grammaticall Accent, the sense is the best taste of both, the changeing is the declineing of both. The Grammaticall Accent turned into Azla or Ge­resh, & the Rhetoricall into Qadmah, & is signified by thes words Iegareshehow Vajelek, and so riseth the Regiment and variation of Accents, from Metheg. A life without godly­nes is no life, no more is any speech sensible without Accents or Pointes. The fear of God is sweetnes of life, & the acutenes of understanding is a good distinction, against Davids conterfet distraction. See how hee thinketh of all the fiue Senses, and begin­neth at the Vers He, for seeing and smelling, and in Zain, for hearing, and Hheth, for touching and in Tet, for tasting, with moste effectuall intimation.


BEcaus of the privy trap of fals and cruell witnesses to take away his life, and de­ceitfull and Collusion talk, and derision of Saul his pursuer and mighty Enimy: and the greatnes, yea the kingdom of compassion in him, toward Saul and his followers; and their sport at his misery: and their underhand plotting for his life, and secret tearing and backbiteing of him; and their insulting for advantage over him, rewarding evill for good: as Ps. 109. He prayeth for their suddain and inevi­table destruction, by the Iustice of the Caus. That the Eternall will stand before them, and stop them with his weapons, that they may bee all in darknes, and slippery pla­cees, with a cruell winde behinde them, to make them fall and vanish, as Ps. 141. That is, that for a Iudgement, their own causles fury and malice, with their ignorance and unconstancey likewise, may Iustly, bring unawares their own destruction: that they may not laugh at him, nor haue their willes, but bee eternally ashameed. And that hee and all just ones may have caus to rejoyce; to tell and commend the Iustice of the Eternall for ever. That without ever a broken bone, hee may soundly confess the in­finitnes of his salvation, by him, and rejoyce for euer in him; that hee may be delivered from all evill, which is from the will and desire of his Enimyes. And that God would bee awake at his judgement, and at his quarell, and shew him salvation out of his word: and assure him, that hee may proclaim it. That drowzines of minde, and lazynes and [Page] care of the world, take not away his Zeal, and bereave him of understanding; and de­stroy him.

Construction. Lamed, for lerning or instruction. And heer upon hee groundeth a stratagem or doctrine of warr: by mention of the instruments, help and incourage­ment, from God, as Ps. 18.144. in the beginning: and discouragement and shame to his Enimyes that bee wrongers of him. Their instruction is snares & intanglement, false witnesses, ill for good, rejoyceing at harme, detraction, mocking, grinning and skor­ning, laughing and wincking, deceiveing, gaping and mowing with the mouth, to vex him out of his life. Hee maketh none like God for help: therfor he doubleth his first request, arise and awak to my judgement, &c. and also the wordes for his Enimyes confusion, as a consequence of their own lerning, for their not beeing right in Gods sight. He paragogique. They are gathered together. Heah, an Interjection of skor­ning, doubled oft, and intimated in all the way of the wicked: also He, for seeing and beholding. How long wilt thou behold it? &c. wee haue seen it, thou seest, ô Eternall, &c. awake to my judgement, &c. Lah, Lamed, and He, from Lahah, utterly to fayle, as the mischevous and deceitfull, Gen. 47. Prov. 26. that make a sport of vexation.

Genesis. The Gutturall letters, and Resh, are heer the devouring wicked ones, that seek, this way to swallow the just, by their irregularity and crooked wayes: and to dimm their glory. They bee for thes wordes: as for my freend, or for my brother, &c. again for thes wordes: ah sir, our ey hath seen it, or wee haue seen it, &c. in the interjec­tion, and the two first letters of the next wordes following: and again, for thes wordes: ho, wee haue our desire, wee haue swallowed him, for the gutturalls only.


BEcaus of the ungodlynes which hee seeth in the wicked, that neither fear God, nor will walk in his way, setting light by it, as his dayly trespass sheweth, but is caryed away with pride, and led astray by a wicked hand, unto destruction, Prov. 16. considering the greatnes of the kindenes and faythfullness of the Eternall, the highth and depth of his justice and judgement, as Ps. 119. l, and the pretiousnes of his way, when it saveeth all men: his word beeing their protection and shadow called his wings, the fat and liquor of his hous, their refreshing, his light, their guide & instruction: as Psal. 29.110. hee prayeth that hee will bestow his kindenes and righteousnes upon them that know him, and men of upright mindes, that hee may not err, and fall after the same manner. And this from the Paradise and church of God, Gen. 2. for the ri­vers of Doctrine, flowing hence. Ther is a well of life in the Law, and a great depth of judgement in the word of God, and the righteousnes therof, the light to walke by: the wicked are proud and skorn it, and are condemned for their extreame trespas against it. and therfore, hee prayeth for grace out of it, that pride of minde lead him not into temp­tation, nor wicked counsell draw him to fall into the damnation of it, like them that never rise again, which is an utter defection, for want of grac [...] & the fear of God, Ps. 34.

Construction, Lamed, lerning. The doctrine heer, is grace, and reprobation: or ap­probation and rejection, the one word answering to the other by the like repetition, ech thrise, to import it. Which are the contrary studyes of the Godly and the wicked. The one calleth for Gods favour, or his kindenes, which is life; & ther is a fountain of it, that will never be drawen dry, and an everlasting light, yf it shine upon us: the other studyeth nothing but greeff and molestation, so kindenes and greeff be the wordes repeated. And hee maketh nothing of sinn. The word Gnenau, his eyes, commeth twise, in a hard construction, to shew it. The letter Vau, for a hook or crook, is for the instrument of drawing of the same kindenes, by a metaphor, for lerning, which is a kinde of drawing, as wee draw knowledge out of the word. And this instrument Christ used, that the woman of Samaria perceived not. Likewise pride, and the powerfull hand of the wic­ked draweth to damnation, as pride goeth before the fall, Prov. 16. the two letters to­gether, Lo, doe signify property, or habit, to wit, his, or belonging to him. In the first wordes the wickeds habit is shewen, by which hee is condemned: in the next, Gods [Page] property, by which all are saved that love it. And this for a standing or falling per­petuall.

Genesis. He beginneth with the wickeds trespass, and endeth with his utter fall and defection: which sheweth that of him and of his end, hee speaketh. The letters Aven, for the word greeff, bee defective letters, also Lamed, which is intended by a repetition & a construction, Chadal, to Leav off, and Maas, to refuse, betoken the defectives also, and utter falling.


HEe exhorteth to that heavenly kingdom of Christ, that is, fayth & patience in all distress. For allurements therto, hee propoundeth to the just: prosperity, cleernes of judgement, everlasting success, & continuance upon earth, harts de­sire, peace after affliction, satiety in time of dearth, certainty and blessing in proceeding, unguiltynes in judgement, and all help, salvation and deliverance, from the Eternall. And willeth them not bee troubled, at the wicked course and prosperity of naughtie men, as Psal. 79.73.86. seeing the end of them, & their posterity, is suddain; whē they once persecute the Iust: like growing grasse, that is in the flower, cut to wither, and not suffered to seed, Ps. 92.109. and like a brave Imp, that is soon broke-en off, or dyeth. So vanisheth, and consumeeth all their bravery, honour and advancement, like smoke in the ayer, that love not God. The note of the Iust man is compassion, boun­tyfullnes, liberality, and consolation in the Eternall; wise comunication, and dayly me­ditation on the Law of God, that hee fall not. The note of the wicked: hee ever work­eth and deviseth, by all meanes against the just, hee hath not pitty, and will borrow & not pay again, hee will not bestow but rob. Now because in this Psalme, the just mans part is true meaning, waiting for the Eternall, trusting and delighting in him; that is the ob­serving of his Law, shunning evill and dooing of good, the beginning of wisdom and un­derstanding: the form of the Psalme, is an A, B, Cc like instruction, in the Hebrew. That ther bee no imprudencey left to God, & his spirit: heer is exposition of every letter in the Rew. Therfor mark the interruption, mark the Iteration, the acceptation and imbraceing of som, and reprobation and exprobation of other letters of the rew, and the generall allusion to the termes of them, as Nun yong, &c. that yf they would wait 430 yeers Quoqh, Shin, & Lamed, in Quoph; they should inherit the land Canaan, mark the letters Tsar, Tsade, & Resh for Tsadiq, and Rashang, the righteous and the wicked. Ther­for mark the replenishing of the mouth and minde of the righteous in Tsade, and the Arring, and currishnes of the wicked, by this Iteration, of all these Arres and Gnains in his Raithi, or the letter Arr or Resh, Persius Sat: 1. wher is taught 400. also. And leaving out Gnain in the rew &c. to shew the cutting off of the wicked, beeing the last letter of the term Rashang, for his posterity: and the blessing of the righteous, with peace and prosperity, Ps. 128. and long life, Psal. 34. and posterity in Shalom, the holding out of the Iust, 930, the yeers of Adam, as Ps. 144. in Tsel, a shadow. Tom va jasher: in Shin, for the space from the promiss to the Temple of Salomon, & likewise the same number from the Temple to Christ, all perfection and uprightnes, even twise 930. as in Quoph also. And thus in the Chronicle from the promiss to Christ, the Prince of Peace: with many a gooly stage of salvation, & refreshing of fayth, Psal. 25. Out of his experience of the Law, & his fayth, hee prayeth the Church to be patient and wait a while, And they shall haue peace enough and the wicked shall be cutt off, and the inheritance shall be theirs: shewing that the birth of righteous men hath a painfull travaile, but a comfortable and a joyfull deliverance at last, as Ps. 34.

Construction. Lamed, lerning. The doctrine heer is the way of God, Psal. 1. the truthe and life, Io. 14. the Law and Gospell of Christ, the end wherof is salvation, by righteousnes and judgement. The meanes is patience, and the Enimy, anger. For all helps are lost, by not indureing, and impatience, and headynes, and rashnes and hasty ma­lice: which is the speedy cutting off of the wicked. For by this, their attempts turn all against themselves, but God helpes the Godly, because they beleeve & wait for his pro­miss. [Page] By their patience, they are made perfect, and by perfection are they prolonged to Eternity. For all his speech and thoughts are of the wisdom and judgement of the Law of God, and all his steps according to that brest plate, the power of God, and indue­ment of his sainctes, that his carriage failes not. The letter Zain, for conception and apprehension is the same. The repetition of these wordes shall proov it. Way, Iudgement, help, salvation, wait and rely, rescue &c. right and perfection. Lamed and Zain, toge­ther, is Laz, to decline from this true way, which is abomination to the Lord, and therfor are such justly and speedily cutt off. Vau, abounding in the last verse out of his place sheweth, that God, is saveing, redeeming, and rescueing and delivering, is a kinde of uncrooking and unheaching of the just out of the wickeds handes.

Genesis. Hee worketh upon the Gutturall letters, and that you shall observe, when you com to every one of them in the Abce, for their irregularity in Grammer, touching Dagesh, and Sheva. In Aleph, hee adviseth against Anger, and Ielousy: which is a devouter and a consumeing fire in a man, Psal. 124. which hee remedieth with patience. In He, he adviseth the same, and hath all the Guttural letters and Resh, doubled in that verse, to shew the same. Presumption and wrong from the wicked and their success, doth eat the just, for the just be perfect and regular, and the wicked are irregular and outlawes. In Cheth, they shew their quarell: they will have Cateph Pathach, rapine, and destroy the right rule: and therfor they are rapt away and destroyed. In Gnain, is manifest defection, by the leaving of that letter quite out of the rew: as the rest are enimyes and defectives to the rule. In Resh, mark how Resh is sorted with all the gutturalls: and how often it is doubled with them, their great glory and suddain dificiencey.


BEeing once over-reached and tripped by Nathan the Prophet, concerning his sinn, that hee had not a word to say; hee was fain to be silent at all the railing, and subtile practises of Absolom his Enimy, and his complices, Shemei, Achitophel, and others, lest they should upbraid him and laugh at him: and his body beeing wholely distempered with the wrath of God for the same, and his greeff of minde ther­for so great, beeing forsake-en of all; that by unexpressible sighes, hee is force-ed to si­gnify, his requests and desire, to God that knoweth all, that hee would vouchsafe to ans­wer and still them: yet because his cause is good against his Enimyes, bee they never so-many: hee prayeth, that hee will not correct him, nor be from him, but be his salvation, and make haste to help him. Hee sheweth his sore suffering for sinn, Psal. 134. through his faith and waiting for Gods salvation, praying that God will not consume him with correction, nor in his anger quite forsake him, but with all speed, help him and save him, and answer him, and releev him in his sorrow, for confessing his sinnes. Sorrow and affliction beget children unto God, and with much travail and long waiting and great correction are they born, and with much adoe are the righteous delivered from the body and death of Sinn, and folly and wrath of God, and corruption of the flesh and bondes and thralldom of Satan, and all adversity: to be brought to the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God, and to bee raised again in the Spirit, and to bee made alive again by righteousnes and forgivenes of Sinn. And this for the low estate of suffering, the very death and passion of a just man. Like that of Iob and Ierimiah, that thought no sicknes so sore as theirs. So hee hath no soundnes left in all his body, that hath lost a bone, and is halting, and alone, and in need of help, as Adam, Gen. 2.

Construction. Lamed, doctrine. His declination by sinn, his hard discipline. Hee ma­keth himself a scholer under the rod, & is sorely corrected for missing his rules, the Law of God, that it sticketh both on his stomack & on his back: hoe is bowed, weake & bruse­ed, hee is sad, hee is sore, hee is greeved, his hart cryes and is removed, and hee is sensles with sorrow, as yf hee were aware of nothing: for all parts pay for it, the rage of error is such. And heer hee thinketh upon Adam, that ther was no help left meet for man, Gen. 2. among men: for freends help not, but are corrupt and dec [...]itfull to intangle, and Enimyes hurt, and are against him. So hee maketh God his maister and his helper, and [Page] recoverer & waiting, Ps. 94. for that the offence is only against him, and hee only is sen­sible of his sorrow & of his desire. Thusmuch you shall perceiue by mention of all the wordes in that text of Adams wound, and curious repetition of them. For the Law woundes all men. Gen. 2. Cheth, the broken and destroyed state of sinfull man. The two letters, together, make Lach, green, and fresh, and lively: his estate is all contrary, and therfor, so hee argueth upon the contrary.

Genesis. The G [...]ammaticall part is deficiencey. When hee seeth how imperfet a scholer in the Law, hee is, discernes how foolish and pervers his wayes are: hee cal­leth himself such and Heteroclite as this, for all kinde of defectivenes. Ther is no whole thing or health &c. Ther is no ease or peace or perfection &c. And this of Verbs Perfet and Imperfet, the Imperfet are quiescents or defectives: the one, is of let­ters present and silent, which neither heare nor speake: the other, of letters abolished for ill neighbourhood. As freendes are not to be u [...]ed or trusted to: so Enimyes are not to bee conferred with. Nun, is diversly defective in the Psalme, and for that, the num­ber of verses agreeth with the Abce number of letters, and is likewise consonant to Adams defect, by his stroke with that sinfull sleep, Gen. 2. This is Nah, nireeh, by the words: in the beginning, his arrows light, and his hand lyeth, &c. All his desire and his groning. &c.


BY silence in the last Psalme, some good things beeing forborn becaus of the wicked: which now occasioneth Ieduthun as followeth; to inquire how long hee can indure alive, considering his correction, frailty, vanity and shortnes of the age of man, of no abideing, as Psal. 119. g, k, and beeing, but as a strangeer or guest in the earth, because hee waiteth for the Lord, and is not troubled with worldly af­faires: hee would bee delivered from his trespasses, and temptation of Gods hand, and haue his correction somwhat abated before hee dyeth. That hee be not a reproch to the vile and foolish, seeing that correction for iniquity, freats and consumeth like a moth. Which as hee seeth, will otherwise shorten the shortnes of his time: and this with pitty­full cry and request unto the Eternall. Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live, and his dayes are full of sorrow. In the former Psalme ther is great wai­ting of David, for the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God, out of the bondage of cor­ruption, by indureing so great adversity for a godly life: Heer hee considereth the vani­ty of the creature, and the small moment of the life of man, and the great and vain stirr that man makeeth in the world, that hee can not be silent at. But that his waiting is for nothing, but for forgivenes of his trespasses, and the abatement of his troubles, and some refreshing ere hee dyeth. And this is all his waiting & covet & desire, that hee suffer not reproch by the vile & wicked people of the world, or be ashamed for the hope that hee is subject to. And this for an other article of his fayth which hee hath gotten by the Law. Vpon the story of Cain and Abel, Gen. 4. two bretheren, vanity and vexation Ecclesiastes. One slayeth the other, as worldly sorrow causeth death.

Construction. Lamed, doctrine, or Limmed, to teach. The doctrine beginneth, wher the first word, I sayd, or I thought, is used, in the last Psalme, and that concerning his halting and imperfection, and that in speech. Hee would faine preach, it seemes, but then woe be to him, for the cavilling of the wicked. yet preach hee will, it seemes, for his conscience can not hold to be silent, hee will keep his wayes, and keep his mouth, and rule his tongue. This is lerning and an observation. God sets the wicked upon him, and this is a sharp rod of correction: hee desireth his end, or ease and forgivenes; that hee be not made a fool for his waiting, which is only on God. Spare him, take off the rod, and his sore hand upon him, and hearken to his begging and heare his crying: and this according to the case of a scholer. And therfor is Adonah, so especial-ly and so often used, in this Psalme and the other, for Lord or Maister: Teth, for the extending of Gods hand upon him, and so much provoking him. Both the letters together make Lat, to ly hid, or to hide. Against this, hee prayeth to be shewed the hidden knowledge of his end.

[Page]Genesis. The grammaticall instruction or creation is Nah nistar, the hiddē quiescent & that is seen by the doubling of that form, in Edhegnah, & Jedang; & Elek, &c. One quie­scencey is silence, an other, death, and the end of his dayes: another, vanity, & vanishing, when all is don, and at an end: and another, the end of his punishement. With double mention of Ish, also, Man, wounded and cureed, Gen. 4.


AFter long study in the Law of God, called the waiting on the Eternall, Ps. 130. beeing satisfyed and delivered from ignorance, & doubtfull hesitation, called a mirey dungeon: and haveing obteyned a sound beleeff, called sure footing upon a Rock, that made him change his note by a praise to God; that brought many to the like confidence in the Eternall, that saw it: now shewing the infinit miracles that God hath don for the Church, and their happines for trusting in him: and seeing that no sacrifice nor offering can gratify, content or satisfy for the same, as Ps. 50. but hearing and obeying the word: and findeing his own aptnes, promptnes and inclination that way: hee starteth up, & uttereth his profession and fayth (the preaching of the same) which be­cause it is the whole will of God, Ps. 1.137. & hee hath pleasure in it, and for mercy be­stowed upon othersheerin: hee prayeth for mercy, as Ps. 119. L. And speedy deliverance, from the Eternall, Psal. 61. out of his innumerable and pittifull evills for iniquity, by his Enimyes that seek his life. That they may bee stund with their shame for ther mock­ing; and they that seek the Eternall and love his salvation, may rejoyce in him and magnify him for ever.

Construction. Mem, signifieth waters, of which hee maketh divers kindes, accor­ding to the propertyes therof, as hee beginneth in the first word doubled, Qavah, to wait or hope, from the nature of a standing pool, called from thence Miqve, and so for, the sea Gen. 1. continual-ly waiting for resort. So is Tiqveh, hope also, and for the con­tinuall frequenting of the Scriptures and word of God, from Quavithi, in the other Psalme. The Scriptures are called waters: in my belly is the Law for the vessel &c. The great congregation twise uttered, for the Church and assembly. I preach &c. for I sprinkle, the partes and propertyes of the Law and of the will of God. And of these waters; the waightyest things, are Iustice and fidelity, truth and mercy, and the great and wonderfull works of God, which hee declareth Actor. 2. Another kinde of waters are woes, and crosses and iniquityes in the world, that overcom the harts of men, and take away their sight, when they abound, Ps. 32. like a swefen or soumn. An other kinde of waters are Enemyes, as Ps. 18. & 70.32. Ierm. 49. That study to make an end of him and to hurt him, and flout him. These waters hee would have astonished, and run back for shame and their current stopped: that the right students my rejoyce for delive­rance. All which is notable by itteration.

Genesis. A kinde of quiescencey is heer in his hope, his fayth, his rock, the Eternall, for constancey: as a sound ground-work of preaching. His ripenes in the Scriptures and perfect knowledge and understanding of them, Ps. 73. This is his rest that shall comfort, like Noah &c. Gen. 7.2. Pet. 2. hee is pleased also in edification and reparation. to tell Gods miracles and his mercyes. The will of God is his delight. This is his rest and rely in all troubles, adversityes, afflictions and reproch concerning all his works and sorrow of hands, to comfort him, Gen. 7. that God may be pleased in him, Math. 3. And thus by the revolution of the words of the text.


COnsidering the goodnes of the Eternal to them that bee good to the poor, and their happines that bee releevers and instructers of them, as Psal. 112. and the hardnes, ill will, and mercylessnes of his Enimyes, and confederat freendes to­wards him, when hee was ill and in misery: hee prayeth the Eternall himself, to [...]ake pitty upon his sinfull soul and heal it, which had sinned against him; and to raise him [Page] again, that hee may also recompense them. Knowing heerby the love of God towards him, when his Enimyes have not their wilis against him; but hee keeps his integrity and the presence of the Eternall, to wit, his divine meditation (thanked be God) for ever. The teaching of the poor the Law, is the saveing from sinn, and David beeing sick with sinn; now for his doctrine out of the Law, p [...]ayeth for forgivenes and remission of his sinnes, and to bee healed and to bee revive-ed from sorrow, and raised out of troubles. His Enimyes beeing against his resurrection, pray that still som divillish distress may keep him down and torment him, that hee never rise again, and never bee cheered more. But because nothing can quell his Enimyes more, then Gods favour in mainteyning his integrity out of the Law, and keeping him still in the study therof: and nothing cheere him so much, as a sound beleef out of the word: Ps. 21. and nothing pay his Enimyes so sore, as his recovery: and that ther is no way to requite or quite them but fayth, wher­with the wicked are not indueed nor haue any weapon so durable: they are so throughly payed for iniquity by his foundnes. And this is the way hee desireeth to pay them, Ps. 91.6. and this for his everlasting life, his resurrection of his body and forgive­nes of his sinnes. And this is the faith that delivereth from Satan, and all divillish, fals and conterfet visitation, both of foes and freendes, as in Iob. Which is most inci­dent to Godly men, because they are a vexation to the wicked; that when hee seeth no way to still them: yet hee is sure that his prosperity and redemption from misery must needs pacify them, and make them have not a word to say. Which Psalme is an abridge­ment of the whole book of Iob: for an absolution for sin, after confession and repent­ance: hee beeing well resolved of the favour & love of God in accepting of him, & that hee hath pleased him, because of his Advancement.

Construction. Mem, is waters, and Aleph, to teach. The waters of doctrin are a great blessing, and hee is moste blessed that bestoweth it. The waters of doctrine are taken for physique, and for medicine, from the freshnes of their nature, and their fluentnes: for Enimyes of divers sortes, and for misery, for overflowing, as Is. 7. By the one kinde, hee prayeth to be saved from the other. That hee swim upon them and not be sunk by them: as the waters of Noah, for comfort, and destruction, mark the repetition.

Genesis. The quiescenceys are divers. Doctrine healeth the sick. They haue eas in their sicknes, and rest on their bed, & are well supported, they have rest for their soules, and forgivenes of sinn, & it easeth the minde. The contrary, is molestation & vexation, of Enimyes and the world, that would have him dead, and out of minde, for a rest when he had no rest, and never no eas while hee liveth. His professed freendes are not peace­able to him. These waters, hee wishes for lerning enough to asswage and quiet. Hee marketh Gods plesure and quiescency in him, in brooking of his integrity and takeing him to his presence, and useing him, and in prevailing over them. For a certain token of forgivenes.



HIs sonn Absolom having drivē him out of Ierusalem from the presence & ser­vice of God, called his face, and haveing him in chase and hot pursuit, and skorning him, his God and his salvation: saying, wher is thy God, and wher is thy salvation: as in Ps. 3. that hee was now in a new misery after that of Saul, like one deep calling another, or many chanels makeing a pool of affliction, with greeff upon greeff even to slaugther, Psal. 115. so that with extremity of teares and sighes and greeff, even in his very bones, at the railing and revileing, and hard oppression of the Eni­my; and doubting of his God that hee so solemnly protested before them: David be­waileth his Exile, and with great affectation of Gods presence again, prayeth for his loveing kindenes for it, that hee may have a song to sing for the same, Ps. 30. a prayer to the preserver of his life. With a good-cheer, still urgeing his undaunted confidence in the Eternall, confesseth him his present Salvation. But keeping alive the matter of the last book, which begann with Iehovah the Eternall, & his righteousnes, and ended, with the rock wherupon his foot standeth, the fayth and confidence that hee obteined by his way: hee proceedeth now by the Name of Elohim, judgement, and Kingdom of God, his Rock, useinge no other name in this Psalme but once Iehovah for mercy, & repeating that so often, and as ernestly as thirstynes requireeth drink. In whom hee is, and will bee ever comforted, and have his full trust and affiance, and for ever confess him, and waite for his salvation: and will indure, though it be never so long, in hope to come to Beth-el, Luz, and Iebuz, and Ierusalem, the hous of God, and his holly Hill and Taber­nacle and Altar, and to the true service of God. And this from Exodus, for loveing kindenes and zeal, the fire and cloud: part of the Law.

Construction. Mem, for waters. The Beast hath but one kinde, to quench his thirst: therfor his soul is unworthy to be expressed. But the soul of man hath divers, by reason of his divinity. The presence of God is the Scriptures: the waters of life, and salvation, and his God, and his Rock: cares, deeps, spoutes, breaches, waves, for afflic­tion. Beth a hous: in tabernacles and the hous of God, hee honored the Scriptures, before them all, in Passover: this hee hath to prove Gods presence and salvation which hee will ever wait for without dismay, in all calamity. Attributes of water are also these: thirst, powring out, passing over, troubling, confess, make to flow or publish &c. As you shall finde plain by the allusion and affectation of wordes.

Exodus. The first Petaroth, and chapter, beginneth with these wordes. These are the Names &c. The moste memorable, and the best names under heaven, and the only ones for salvation and invocation are the Names of God, which heer, hee never giveth over repeating. From hence the commission of Moses and of the Prophets; Christ & his Apostles, Exod. 3. what God? The God of his life, of salvation, his rock, the Eternall that shall com &c.


BY this prayer, hee claimeth his defense from God, becaus his Enimyes are ungod­ly, unjust and deceiptful men; and so maketh the quarell his, wondring that hee should be thus rejected, and haue such cause of sadnes by oppression. And prayeing for a perfect understanding of the word, and his truthe called his light, that may lead him, and bring him again, to his hill, and to the Altar of God, his onely joy [Page] and delight, to thank him: hee cheers up himself with this, that hee yet still waiteth on God and confesseth him his present salvation without despaire. After the cloud and fire, Exod. 13. To make this book suitable to the book of Exodus or comming out of Aegypt: you shall mark how hee dealeth. First, hee treateth of the person that brought them out: his only God, and trust, and relye, and present salvation, as in the last Psal. 42. wher hee medleth with nothing but his Name, & his confidence in his word, his thirst after it, his comfort by it, and attendance to it. So that hee will haue no other Godes but him, according to the first commandement. And because his deliverance must be by prayer: in this Psalme, hee frame-th his request from the Promiss, Gen. 15. That du­reing this time of bondage of 400 yeers, wherein they were to be so ill intreated, by a wrongfull & a subtile nation: that God now would judge him, and fight his qua­rell and deliver him, as Ps. 119. L. from such unkinde, untractable, subdole and unjust men, and by the light of his truthe, bring him to the right service of him. For his place, his dwellings, his Altar and his Person: that hee may com hard unto him, the God of all his joy, and delight, and that hee hath no other to bee mery with but him: and hee shall bee his onely and very God, and no other. And therfor hee willeth his minde not to be troubled and greeved, abased and dejected at this burden of sorrow for himself: but to trust still and to wait strongly upon this God, whom hee will worship, beeing sure, that hee will with all speed deliver him, & presently save him. The mistery of this Psalme is easily gathered from the first wordes, which are plain from the promiss: as for the 400. yeers in Ribhah Ribhi, wher the two Arrs make the 400 of affliction, by their tra­vail and servitude, and unhumane usage whom God will judge. The same wordes com again to the same purpose in Psalme, 119. R. 74. And thus hee intendeth to tune his harp, in this book, wholely to the first commandemēt, & play upon the promiss. Gen. 15. for the strength of beleeff: that hee would never give over his confidence for any afflic­tion: bee it never so long or so sore. For Truthe, the other part of the way of God.

Construction. Mem, waters. For nations: and deceitfullnes and failing also: Iob 6. light and truth for the waters of the Law. Other kindes and propertyes in the last Psalme: oppression, Enimy, trouble, confess, which is to make to flow abrode &c. Ghimel, for reward, is heer answered by judgeing and revengeing Gen. 15. for the equity and justice in the office of a judge. 1. Sam. 24. And by his solemne celebration as a sacrifice. Ghimel, for waining also, as by his waiting, Ps. 131. Mog, both the letters, are to melt: as when the soul is troubled and the hart fainteth.

Exodus. Gods name: his strength & confidence, and his Mirth, and his celebration, as Ps. 28. For his salvation: his mirth depends upon his salvation, and his salvation upon his presence, and that, upon his fayth. And these are, Termes, and definitions of God-head, as Names of God.


AS the people of God, in old time, prospered not by the strength of their own armes (as appeered still by the ods against them) but by their wise direction, Ministry and discipline called the right hand and arme of God: and the knowledge of the Law, called the light of his countenance: and his favour, be­cause their Religion pleased him: God himself beeing leader of their armyes, as a sheep­heard leadeth his sheep: and seeing God hathe now failed to goe with his people (erring in their understanding) and made no reckoning of them; but hath given them, and sold them for nothing, to their Enimyes, & obscured them among the Dragons, the Hethen, to shame them: that they suffer all manner of reproche, of all about them; that Iacob is ashamed of his commande: now because hee himself trusted not in his own strength for salvation, but hee and they all of the same faith, and the same Religion, and that they never failed a Iot of the covenant between God and them (notwithstanding their mise­ry) but held themselves from all forain worship: and for that all their punishment was for him, that is, for their Religions sake: The church, as Ps. 134. prayeth for his loveing kindenes likewise, that hee would consider their oppression & not to sleep, as Ps. 121. [Page] but redeem and help them, and by his Name deliver them. That they might have a victorious Issue over their Enimyes, with shame to them, and prais to his Name for ever. In the first part of this Psalme, is the manifest majesty, & souveraignty, & worship of God in his workes of old, as Ps. 111. & hee makeeth him a king for the bringing of the childrē of Israel out of Aegypt, by his judgemēt in his Law, & placeing thē in the lād of promiss, pittying their case & favouring thē. Makeing Iacob a cunning wrestler, & to trise up the heeles of the hethē, & supplant thē. So now as the church hath need, hee prayeth God to help Iacob & the Church against their Enimyes, because their trust is onely in him, & not in weapons, & the strength of man. In the second part: hee sheweth that the Church is in wors case them that in Aegypt, and their suffering, slavery, subjection and servitude far greater: in somuch, as hee sheweth heerin, true sacrifice for the love of God. Affliction standeth for Sacrifice, as sacrifice is a Type of affliction in the Law; which beeing indure­ed for the love of God and his Law, and covenant: doth chalenge favour from God, & reconcilement to him. Now the Church offereth to bee tryed by God, to whom no se­crets of the hart are hid: that dureing all this heavy burden of oppression, they haue never forgotten, nor been fals in his covenant: neither in thought nor deed have once fallen back, or turned their steps aside out of his way: or have been out of minde of him, or haue once held up their handes or besought any other God. And for this great love, they beeing thus dayly slain: according to the second commandement (as it belon­geth to the first) hee prayeth for Gods favour and redemption, out of their low estate by affliction and oppression; with a sound hope and confidence of salvation, as they have offered their syncere and clean harts, and upright and pure mindes, the sacrifice of righ­teousnes and innocencey before him, as Psal. 4. from Abrahams offering of his sonn, Gen. 22.

Construction. Mem, waters. As the Hethen, Nations and peoples, Enimy, af­flictors, misery and oppression, place of Dragons, great rivers or sea of Aegypt. Daleth, a door: the door of hope, Hos. 2. Is. 65. from Ios. 7. door, for a vally. The Entrance of their plantation in Canaan. Which was in the vally of Akor wher they received discomfiture and fled, before Aie. The Allusion is plain, by repeating of the word Achor beeing of the same sound, Is. 45. Their turning back. Ther is a kinde of entrance by the sword which is called a door. Likewise the door of faith, Actor. 14. by the Mini­stry called the right hand & Arme of God. And by the light of Gods presence, which is instruction. Wher by, Christ calleth himself a door, and a sheepheard, for goeing in and out by him, and his feeding of them, Ioh. 10. as of Cirus, Is. 45. Mad, to meat, for the division of the land by Iosua, Mad, a garment for both the letters.

Exodus. His King and his Lord, the God of Isaack: that hee would not sleep when hee is called upon, and let his people be made a laughing stock to the world, but rise and help them. In Isaak was his covenant, & Iacob hitherto hath syncerely kept it: therfor they would not be made a scoff to the world, a reproche & shame to their neighbours, and all ignominy to suffer, as sacrifice, when they have Gods Name in such singular honour and reverence. From Isaaks Name and sacrifice, Gen. 17.22. which is heer meant by the vilenes of reputation, and sorenes of affliction, which they got by their de­fect in warr, when Gods word and his presence shined not unto them. Remember the Echo: & like sheep for their meat, &c. like slain sheep &c. Again, thou puttest us a laugh­ter, &c. thou puttest us a byword, &c.


HE sheweth in this psalme, the Espousals of the Lamb and his wife: of Christ and the Church: the Kingdom and majesty of God Ps. 145. and the heavenly Ierusalem: the reconcilement between the word and the faythfull beleevers: for the mutuall love of wedlock, and chastity, and continencey in religion; by an Emblem of an eternall comfort, and a pleasant love song or Epithalamion, most sweetly. That as Mariage make-eth glad and mery hartes: that they bestow their hartes and delightes and whole love, one upon another: so that the Church should have [Page] none other God but one. And to this purpose, hee handleth both partes of the Ephitha­lamion, which sheweth to bee more glorious, and more virtuous then the earth can bear, yet occasioned by Salomons Match with Pharohs daughter. And beginning with the Groom: hee makeeth him the fayrest and best spokeen of all men, becaus by his gracious cariage, hee got worship and honour from all men, and is blessed of God for ever. And this is his Cincture, and strength, and virtue, Ps. 111.145. that ma­keeth him like a Giant, or a worthy, Ps. 19.89. Hee makeeth him also a Knight, that is mounted upon victorious Truthe, and caried with meek Iustice, with true humility, to ride prosperously. That insisting and insideing heerupon, his Ministry and right hand may teach him terrible things: and from hence to steek his Enimyes to the hart. And with sharp and keen words, subdue the people under him. Lastly, hee makeeth him a King, that hath none but God for his Throne, and rest and confidence: for soundnes of Iudgement, and defense of religion. as Psalm 89. And his Rod of Iustice gets him a crown of rejoyceing, and anoyntment above his fellowes: from his very God that hee serveth. The pretious matter hee had to write of. His clothes are all perfumed with lovely cariage, and sweet behaviour, to make him delectable and amiable, before the Queen and her women, all in Gold and perles, the lovelynes of the church, for pu­reity of religion and cleernes of doctrine, to delight him. And now, haveing runn through all the kindes of fansyes, and bravery of the word of God, of Christ, the Law and the Bridegroom, that can move love or affection, to allure the Church to his society and familiarity, and to woo them: hee passeth to the other part of the Epithala­mion, of the Bride, the Church: how shee might possible, stirr the love of Christ unto her: And this is all, by her inward service of him, her allegiance and obedience to him, to forsake father and mother and all the world for him, to subject herself only unto him. And bow unto him and follow him, whither-so-ever hee goeth. And this is the bewty of the Bride that winneth her Husband, and this is the cariage that shall get her honour, and presents, and exaltation from the richest even her Humility. Besides, the Bride hath no outward glory, nor pompe, neither is the churches bravery in visibility, or worldly Eminencey: but is both secret and sacred, and moste spirituall and inward, to make it the more worthy, the more pretious, the more optative, ex­petible and desireable: so that as, shee is inwardly moste glorious and rich: so the bra­very of the Church, and riches of religion, is only in the depth of the spirit and divine wisdom, and secrecy of understanding, moste maydenly chaste and holy. Which be­ing of a pure conversation, shall bee reveled and brought unto Christ, with a train, of pure virgines and undefiled Saintes, the Catholick Church: which is holy by the my­steryes of godlynes. And the better to affect him: they shall com flowing to his court, with all alacrity and cheerfulnes, to pleas him. The end of all is, that in steed of Abraham, Isaak, and Iacob, his fathers, the principall men of religion: by this affini­ty and union: ther may bee propagated, a stemm of princes out of their children, (they beeing becom one flesh) to rule all nations, to make his Name a famous memoriall in every generation, for the people to worship for ever. For his defense and deliverance. And this is a great secret, concerning Christ and the Church, for the convoy of the Church to the service of God, shewing their God and King and Defendour and Conductor. As the Poet hath Hector and Andromache for the Generall and his host.

Construction. Mem waters, peoples and Nations and kingdoms &c. Throne for kingdom, Name for kingdom as in the Lords prayer. By the repeating of the eternity of both. This Throne is for ever &c. And thy Name and fame I will make remembred, by the people for ever and ever. &c. as Ps. 145. For the property of water: thes wordes doubled: the Queen and her women shall bee brought flowing, and com unto the King &c. and unto his closset &c. He, for the bravery of his presence, the choisest presence. Mem and He, for Meh, what, for the definition, being a good matter: and his work of the King: his mariage beeing the best for the Ioy therof. And Mahah, to linger, mentioneth the expedition: as swift, &c. flowing, &c.

Exodus. The Passover: of the Queen to the King, and their famous Issue for ever. as before. The Name of God, and the Termn King, is heer confounded, as Ps. 95. [Page] 2. Kings. 18.19. &c. by definition the King is called a God, as the poet called Au­gustus &c. Elohim beeing taken vocative, but in the greek it is doubtfull Heb. 1. as both vocative and nominative.


WHer God is present and people well advised, ther wanteth no redy help in distress: so the Church of God haveing allwayes the Ark and the doctrine therof, called the river-chanels of the citty, by them to instruct them: fear nothing. Though the rageing Hethen, called the roreing sea, set upon them: and though the Kingdomes called the mountains, shake with their proud invasion, and many Kingdomes overthrowen by it, and great alteration be in the world: yet they assure themselves, Ierusalem cannot be stirred, becaus God, their Ark and confidence is in it, and will help them early, before the Enimy be up; beeing sure by the word, the God of warr is with them, and will releeve them. That useth to make strange work in the word: as Ps. 76. to cease warrs, and make them hold their handes, that hee himself onely may bee exalted. A virgin shall conceive and bear a sonn, and thou shalt call his Name Immanuel. All the Churches conception is peace, and the childe that is born, is wonderfull for counsel, and the prince of peace, and hath all the government to himself, as a God of valour and father of eternity. And this is the God of Iacob that is all their Munition, the God of hostes that is allwayes with them, by their confidence in the wisdom and righteousnes of the Law. And in all their distresses they call upon him, as Immanuel, and in all commo­tions, for the God of Iacob, the God of war and prince of peace, their safegard and whole relye. Beeing perswaded of present help from him, becaus they see, by the Scriptures: what wonderfull debate hee hath quieted, and the strife and contention hee hath ceassed, and the peace that hee hath made in despight of all preparation, that hee onely may bee conqueror, and stand the last man upon the earth, as Redeemer, and bee exalted for ever. For his dwelling allwayes among them, and his watchfullnes over them, and his early riseing to defend them, by the power of his word. And for this cause they will haue no other Gods but him, the God of hostes, the God of Iacob, the right God of their Salvation: upon whom they still presume, and are stout and undaunted for ever.

Construction. Mem, waters: swelling, and roreing, and troubled waters: for Seas: the rageing of the Nations and Kingdomes: and for Warr: any distres and desolations by warr, as Da: 9. secondly, the quiet waters of life, in the temple, and doctrine of the word to save, which they call, the God of warr, for martiall discipline that is still on their side, and redy to help them: and voweth to prevaile over all the other kindes of waters. Vav, a hook or crook, for the copulative. The church is not pulled back with fear or cowardlynes, but affixed as God with us &c. The two letters make the Incliticque. Mo, Ps. 2. alluded unto, by the Churches Relyeing, and help: affixed. Mark the repetition.

Exodus. This resembles altogether the passing the red-sea, both for phrase and effect: the one water working upon the other. The word melted the hartes of them, it runs through the battail, and dauntes the Army. And maketh way through the Enimy, and tameth the seas by the presence therof, the High: for Moses authority. The Nam [...] is Iacobs God, the God of warr, the best discipline, and Munition about them. Mark the repetition. The God of Hostes &c: and mountaines and kingdoms, and waters, and nations compared &c. For a kinde of Passover or escape.


THe Eternall being soveraigne King and Defender of all the earth, having con­quered diverse Nations, giues Iacob the best inheritance, because he loved him; and sitting in his holy Throne (the Scriptures) of all people in the world hee [Page] preferreth the Iewes, the people of Abrahams God: that is, them of the faith and righteousnesse of Abraham, and that of the law. Therefore, the Corites invent for the church, to sing a plaudite and triumph to their king, with all shrilnes & alacrity, for that their God raigneth and that for their Iustification. The second Psalme giveth war­ning to all the world, to subiect themselues to the Promiss, and content themselues with obedience therunto, and reverently and willingly abide it: and not to resist the hope of the faithfull, for feare of destruction. Neither was the law of Moses made to resist the faith of Abraham, or against the promiss: but to describe the righteousnesse of Abraham, and set out the tree of a godly life, whose leaues never fall to the ground, as Psalme 1; but all his words are with judgement as Psal. 112. And so is the law the way to grace, and hindereth not the promiss: and Moses and the Prophets, to Abra­hams bosom. Now the Sun-beames of the promiss psal. 2. in this Psalme, shine vpon the walles of Sion, both in the same words and matter. For God haueing subdued the Nations, and giuen Iacob a proud Inheritance: that hee hath prevailed with great shou­ting, both high, and terrible: and is inthronized in his law, as a mightie King and defen­dour of all the earth: for this great defence of the Church, and their deliverance, and their setting of them now at their rest: They will all Nations to triumph, and sing to their God, and extoll their King, and praise his wisedome, and to haue no other God, because this their God, the God of Abrahams people, haue been best defended of all the people of the world, and hee hath heere performed his promiss Gen. 15. And thus the childe of righteousnesse receaueth his blessing, psal. 2. and anoyntment aboue his fel­lowes, as psal. 45. Now the reason of inverting the words, Abraham, Isack and Iacob, in the three last Psalmes: is, that hee may with Abraham conclude the promisse, and fall againe to the storie. And this also is holy and most mysticall, but vsuall: As Thummim before Vrim, Ps. 26.27. Sarah before Abraham psal. 111.112. and the diverse transposi­tions and interruptions, altering and maiming of the order of the A B C Psalmes for godly mysteryes.

Construction. Mem, waters, people and Nations, Inheritance, the pride of Iacob &c. Gods holy throne is the Sciptures, which is also waters. yf all the Nations in the world were gathered together, like the water Gen. 1. yet becaus hee reigneth over all in the scriptures, his people are cheeff for the preeminence of discipline, as the waters aboue the firmament, have domination over the waters beneath. So hee sitteth upon the water and ruleth [...]he waters: Ps. 29. by subdueing all and takeing his choise. For this, upon the letter Zain, to hear: the loudest and moste triumphing noise and voices for the hearing, and sweetest chaunting and psalming is comanded, for the excellencey of his Majesty, by the way of waters also. Psalm. 93, 96. by a like metaphore of clapping &c,

Exodus. The God of Abraham, one other of the Names of Moses authority and commission, is described, Exo. 3. From Gen. 14. by the terme, Eljon, High &c. Maggen Defens: words from that text. Ther is no higher thing then raigning and power and Dominion. And this for beeing above all, and excelling all: hee is to be honoured above all, and solemnized, as by the doubled wordes and phrases: Sing psalmes &c. so is hee over all, and passeth all, and his kingdom is for a kinde of passover, and promotion.


FOr the greatnes of the majesty of God, and the glory of Sion, the wonder of the world: the Enimyes that combineed against Ierusalem, were astonyed, and trembled for fear. This was Edom; Moab and Amon, against Iehoshaphat King of Iudah. Now becaus they know, that their Gods Righteousnes; Iudge­ment and dayly kindenes for their service of him, dwelling in their towers and Temple, is their Defens; whose Name and Prais is over all the world: the Chorites sing in Pro­cession his Iudgements, Ps. 97. goeing round about the citty, to consider her strength [...]nd glory, to record it, and tell it to their children, that they may keep it in minde for [Page] ever, in memory of their deliverance and serve him. As all bodyes live by the hart: so the Law, and body of Moses, is not without affection and devotion, and a liueing and a gratious soul within it, for salvation and recovery of Mankinde after sinn, and redemption after his fall. And this is by a righteous government called the Kingdom of God, which was still their conductor and defendour, and the cloud over the mercy seat, that was the priests warrant for sacrifice and atonement: so highly commended in the last Psalme. For the wonderfull grace and blessing of inheritance, bestowed upon them in the promiss: which was covered with a vail, as the vaile lay over their hartes and understanding, when they read it. For as the Law of Moses is to trick out and ex­press the righteousnes of Abraham: it must not forget his faith, nor his love, nor his bountifullnes and giftes of the minde that last for ever: Iudgement, fidelity and mercy, the weighty matters, as Psal. 112. but in one Ceremony or other precept or complement, the whole man must be thought upon, as well for grace and adoption as for judgement and condemnation, as Ps. 101. seeing life is promissed to the observers. And this part of the Law, is that which Christ in the new Testament so much preferreth; as uprightnes and cleernes of the inner man, which is the absolute holynes and perfec­tion of godlynes, the way to grace which hee requireth. Wherby a man seemeth to bee di­vided against himself: the flesh against the spirit, & grace becommeth opposit to workes, as the Apostle sheweth by division of the Law. And this is Christes fullfilling of the Law, and baptisme of the holy Ghost, that angered the Iewes, and sett all the world on fire, beeing beyond the comun understanding. In this Psalme hee cometh to the kingdom and citty of their great king, and defendour, their God of righteousnes, in the last Psalme, & this is Ierusalem; their university, mount Sion, his holy hill, the school of all godlynes and virtue, and of the Law of God. The Law shall com forth of Sion, and the word of God out of Ierusalem &c. Now as all types of holynes were to bee moste glorious for worship and majesty: as Psal. 45.145.111. So the Iewes (for fame, of their religion) would have the place (like the tabernacle) to excell. So that all the world might take delight in the structure and order of the temple, and Synagogue of Ierusalem, this theatre and oracle of the Law, and stage wher the word is acted: more then the Queen of the South, took, in the sitting of Salomons servantes. Wher two or three are gathered toge­ter in my name, ther am I in the midst of them, & so experience hath taught them and assureth the Church, that Gods love is allwayes in his Temple where his service is, and never away from them that fear him. And shewing first the greatnes of God in this place, for his dayly worship and his fame, his name & calling upon him, their munition, his presence and releeff upon their Batlementes, Psal. 56. by confounding their enimyes: his kindenes in his temple, which is better then life, as Ps. 63. his fame & praise over all the world: and because hee doth nothing but Iustice, with his right hand, and scepter of his lerned ministry; that breaketh all the heathen in peeces, as Ps. 2. that Sion and all Iu­dah may be glad of his judgements: they would not have this place ever forgotten. For that this is the very God, their only God that hath saved them from death. And therfor likewise, they will haue no other God but him for ever. As in the former Psalmes, & ac­cording to the Tabernacle, Exod. 36. wherin, the love of God was dayly resident.

Construction. Mem, waters, for the Citty and Godly policy therof, the habitation of Godlynes and holynes, Is. 33.48. of kindenes and Iustice and Iudgement. the waters of the Law. The letter Cheth, to break or terrify, by the ship-wrack and astonishment of the Enimy. Macha, applauding, Zach. 12. as of the Citty, and of the townes of Iudah. Or Machah, for abolishing, as of the Enimy, Ps. 9. in the contrary, by Sapper to register, or tell or write up, for Is. 33. to book, and not to blot out. Marck the repeti­tion and resounding of the termes.

Exodus. Heer is the dwelling of the great God, and righteous King, the King of Salem and Sion, Ps. 76. heer is the place of blessing, heer hence righteousnes doth flow, and salvation is all about it, and God doth lead men from death, as a kinde of passover. For another Name of God. The God of Shem, Gen. 9. of renowm and fame, fo [...] Iust­ice: even Melchisedeq an other of Gods Ministers, Sacrificer of the most high God; Gen. 14. Heeris the Altar of God, and heer is the Priesthood, and place of service and sacrifice, which Israel in Aegypt, so much desired, Exo. 7.8.9. according to the promiss to [Page] return to, and to make mery at, and the Name of the Citty is, Ther is the Eternall, Ezech. 48. as the Name Iehovah the Eternall, is Righteousnes.


THe wisdom and understanding of this Prable, which hee would have all the world to know, is this. The vanity of riches to be trusted in, and of the Owners; their foolish wayes that glory in them, and their disappointments that keep not their honour, but dye like beastes, and consume in the pit, like rotten sheep, and their wealth commeth they know not to whom, to make mery withall, while death and the grave get dominion over them. And the comfort of the Poore in a hard time, in famine or other adversity, or perplexity, the crossnes of his life, called the iniquity of his heeles. That when as the Richeman that likeed this life, and the worship belonging to it, shall dye without riches or glory, to descend with him: the Poor-man shall bee, redeemed from his misery, and bee accepted and live, to bee heire to his fathers that are deceasseed, and injoy his substance, the word of God. Thus is the Poor man for his patience, exalt­ed up to heaven, and the Richman condemned to hell, for want of understanding: the one beeing alive and happy, and the other dead and in hell for sorrow. They have Moses and the Prophets, let them hear them. &c. Yf Moses and the Prophets can quench the wrath of God, and extinguish the flames of Hell, & quiet a tormented conscience; then surely, Moses and the Prophets are the true and living way to grace and to Christ: as Christe is the way to the father, and the understanding of Moses and the Scriptures. Abrahams bosom. And f [...]om hence is that parable, luke 16. which is heer proclaimed to Riche-men, and Men in adversity. Which doctrine, as it is called a parable in the greek, and a comparison in the hebrew: so in latine, it is moste properly to bee termed a con­jecture, which is a doctrine much used of the Iewes, called Signes, and is moste frequent in the Psalmes: parables beeing a good demonstration, & a principall evidence of truthe. As tokens shew freendes: so signes are a peece of knowledge, wherby wee are brought to beleeff: and as wee know in part by them: So is it a step of faith. And by this obser­vation, David is mightily confirmed, & highly honoureth the doctrine through-out the Psalmes, and greatly complaineth, that Ierusalem wanted lerned men, therin, as Ps. 74. Therfor hee first propoundeth the Riche-mans travaile concerning the world: count­ing it a hard thing for him to enter into the kingdom of heaven. And makeing all his habilements & facultyes of riches, nothing worth, and all his pleasure to bee but the flat­tery of the world, and but for a short season: because the Rich hath many freendes, as Sa­lomon sayeth, and good likeing, is highly commended of the world, that taketh him clean away and deludeeth him, and bewitcheth & astonyeth his understanding; that hee is no more capable then a beast Dan. 4. of the golden rules of righteousnes, by law or by faith, as a scholer of Ierusalem. So dyeth hee and goeth into oblivion, and descendeth into utter darknes, and corruption, like a dumb beast never to be mentioned more: which for want of fayth or virtue to succed him, or good education to out live or survive him: hee dyeth a second death, and all his honour and glory is ended with him in the dust, as Ps. 7. and death triumpheth over him. And as Pride goeth before the fall: so the fall of man, is the trusting in riches, and honour, and letting slip knowledge and understand­ing & the fear of the Lord. When David seeth this end com of the Rich, whose state all along is contrary, 2. Thes. 1. to his: hee beeing much perplexed with the errors of his life: hee easily concludeth, that by his dayly affliction and misery, hee is therby, to look for eternall comfort, glory and felicity. Therfor hee feareth not but hee shall bee made wise unto salvation, and by correction escape the pit, that his form and shape corrupt not, as Ps· 16. but his faith and rigteousnes shall last for ever. From the fall of Adam, who was turned out of honour for disobedience, Gen. 3.

Construction. Mem, waters. For understanding and knowledge, waters of life, the waters of Iudah &c. Is. 48. also riches or abundance of wealth, the Riche-mans way makes him a fool, & no better thā a beast, yf hee wanteth wisdom. Hee seeketh for land & houses to last for ever in his Name: hee findeth suddainly the grave, for his everlasting [Page] dwelling, which shall have the dominion over him, and wear him all to dust, for the let­ter Tet, and Mot, both the letters, for his translation, such is his passing hence, or demi­gration, a kinde of passover. The moste illustrious estate in this world, & moste glittering turneth to long lasting obscurity, Eccl. 11. mark the resounding. Man in honour &c. and all the termes doubled. Is. 8.11.32. Ier. 2.51.

Exodus. The ninth Petaroth, and chapter 30. for the Sacrifice or offering mony of every person. But that can not redeem from death. No welth is sufficient, but the waters of life and understanding, of knowledge, & of the fear of God. This is the substance hee presumeth on Ps. 16. mark the words of redemption: no man shall redeem, &c: but God will redeem &c. again remember. A kinde of Name is when a man desireth to leave a Memory.


THe word of the Everlasting, the God of Godes, by the mouth of Moses in his last testament to the children of Israel: hath been preached in Sion, to all the world, for a warning of his angry, fearfull and horrible judgement of his Law, called a consumeing fire, for falling away & transgression. Now hee, beeing the God that judgeth: calleth heaven and earth to witness of his Iust [...]ce, which as in Psalme 40. in the Priestly part of service, is an utter condemnation of sacrifice for the glorifyeing of God. And also of the leviticall part: the usurping of the word, that is, without regard of instruction or observation. Therfor, because hee is a God of mercy, and in his mercy releaseth, when they call on him in distress: hee wil have mercy, and no [...] Sacrifice; a spi­rituall Thanks-offering, rather then a cloveen footed bullock, Ps. 69. to glorify him: and hee will shew him the way of salvation; least in his wrath, they bee consumeed and de­voured without deliverance. As gifts are not gratious to the kinde, and as presentes provoke not freendes: and all the glory of freendes, is to bee freely used, and called upon in distress: so al Gods glory is free mercy, and not sacrifice, & to bee wholely, and onely relyed and called upon: because the best sacrifice serveth not in time of judgement: but a penitent invocation in trouble, for him that will be saveed and comforted. And they must have no other freend or God, but him, to worship, to call upon or to serve. And this is for the profession of his deer Saintes, and chosen Servantes, and Elect, men­tioned in the first table: whom in his Kingdom, hee thus reprooveth, for their drowzi­nes in observing. Again the wicked are utterly condemned before him, for takeing his name wholely in vain, through out the second table; when hee observeth none of his commandements: but resisteth his will, & breaketh his Law, though it bee in his mouth. To these also belong confession, repentance and amendement, & a calling upon God, yf they will be put in the way of salvation. So that, the book of the Law, the two Ta­bles beeing opened, and the whole world to bee judged: either for misdooing or not dooing, wee are all condemned, without repentance and the mercy of God. Like the breaking of the Tables, Exo. 31.32. for defect in the holy preesthood & Levites, as well as the wicked. Lev. 6.7. And hee maketh prayer, & the calling upon God, and his Name; better then sacrifice, as grace is ever more worth then wo [...]kes.

Construction. Nun. Defective. That all are defective by the Law. In manner of performance, what the perfection is: what the imperfection. Nun, for ofspring, what is to be disanulled, & what to bee established: what to bee condemned, & what to be justify­ed. I approove not: &c. but I will reproove thee &c.

Exodus. The divers kindes of Sacrificers, when they are com to sacrifice to their God, as they pretended in Aegypt. And what kinde of Sacrifice is best, & properest way of sal­vation, and the greatest glory to God, even the Fruit and Calves of the lips, Hos. 14. Heb. 13. See these wordes repeated: Sacrifice to God, &c. Hee that sacrifice-eth Thanks-offering &c. God called a consumming fire, for his Name.


DAvid takeeth his occasion in this Psalme, to accuse himself, of Murther and Adultery, though hee speaketh but of Murther, which was caused by Adultery. And seeing in his conscience the uglynes of this Sinn and transgression, and the continuall blemish, of his guiltines; and that hee had onely sinned against God, and highly displeased him, by transgressing his word; becaus the fleshly and naturall man had prevailed in him, and that hee had this wickednes in him from the womb, according to the truthe of the Scriptures, as Ps. 58. and God loved the truthe from the hart: and confession beeing requireed, as Ps. 50. and as the story of the Leper doth follow sacrifice in the Law: so heer. And therfor hee turneth his sinning to Lepry; and for his form, proceedeth in the person of a Leper, and prayeth for forgivenes, as a Leper for clensing, Math. 8. Luc. 17. And in this cloud, hee beginneth at the mercy seat, that God would shew his mighty kindenes and mercy upon him, and wipe away all his trespass, and wash away all his sinn, and clens him from the spots of his ini­quity, which compassed his heeles and marred his goeing, as Ps. 49. and giue him in­ward wisdom, to sanctifye him and purge him like Issop and clense him: to justify him, and wash him, whiteer then snow, and deliver him out of temptation, and cheer his krokeen bones. That hee would not look upon the sorenes of his sinnes, and that hee would blot out, and deface his iniquity, that hee would clens his corrupt thoughtes and clothe him with a clean skinn, skinn him over again with a right spirit, and make him a new man. That God would not put him out of the Church, for his plague and sores of Sinn, not deprive him, of all his spirit of holynes; but make him glad with his salvation, and sustein him with the spirit of zeal and willingnes: Ps. 145. that hee may convert trespassers and sinners, to the wayes of Godlines. And that the very God of his salvation, would deliver him from Murther, that hee may be able to speake of Gods Iustice, and tell out his Prais. For the Matter, becaus it is the confession, and confidence requireed in the last Psalme, and becaus God refuseeth all other sacri­fice and offering: hee commeth now with his brokeen and contrite hart, and a minde all in peeces, with greeff for his sinn. That hee would mend up Zion, repair his know­ledge, and re-edify his understanding, by the walls of Ierusalem, that God may pleas himself, with a perfet offering and sacrifice of righteousnes, when they offer up bul­locks upon his Altar. Math. 8. Le. 1.14.

Construction. Nun defective. His great defect is his sinn, his trespass, his iniquity with all these termes doubled. Aleph to teach; teach mee the wisdom &c. That I may teach trespassers &c. The letters Nun and Aleph: Na or No: to annihilate, fru­strate, refute, abolish or make void, is intended in these wordes: washing, rensing, clensing, wipeing, blotting out, to doe away, and salving. The Accidents, to make a whole and a clean subject. To deliver him, and cure him.

Exodus. His Sacrifice heer, is a Sinn-offering or Burnt-offering, a brokeen hart, Penitencey, and Greeff for his sinn. And a broken spirit, for a meanes of a new Creation of a clean hart, right and firm, of a chaste, and of a holy spirit, of a free spirit and a willing minde, and the whole man: that God may delight in his Sacrifice &c: Marke how all the wordes are doubled, to shew the intention. And save him, make him glad once again, and to rejoyce in him, with righteousnes and prais. Hos. 14 Heb. 13. For an­other kinde of sacrifice, to perform their promiss in Egypt. a God of Salvation, for his Name.


BEtween us and you is firmed a great gulf, they that would goe from hence to you, cannot, and they that would com from thence to us, cannot. So is the difference and distance between the Rich and the Poor, not small, and the pas­sage impossible. For when the Poor hath all his hope and trust in God: the [Page] Rich reckoneth not of God at all, haveing gotten what his hart can wish, but blasphem­e [...]h as Ps. 10. Neither can the Rich-man bee brought to the Poor-mans faith, nor the Poor bee made profane, or can they be reconcileed ech to other; So farr a sunder is Prosperity and Adversity, pride and bashfullnes. Neither by any meanes, can their punishment or reward be changed, so great a firmament, and so unpassible a space is set between them. Disdeigne keepeth off the one, and f [...]ar, the other. And likewise, when their lots be changeed, the one beeing made happy, the other accursed, to make the righteous mery. And this opposition is good, by the divers and contrary sens of divers wordes in the same Psalme, as Havoth, welth and corruption: Chesed, blasphemy, and kindenes: and Sheresh, in a contrary sens. as Psal. 80. The occasion of this Psalme is Doegs discovery of David, and complaining of his freend Ahimelek, to get his life, and that the Poor, in affliction, might have no place left him at all: and this, by the practise of a keen and subdole tongue, that causeth all mischeeff and division, variance and debate, strife and contention, never to bee reconcileed or appeased more. It is corrupt, and fals, and subdole, and sharp, malitious, and spitefull, and inflameed with blasphemy, and useeth al the wayes of destruction, devouring & subversion: so his judgement must bee to feel eternall flames therin, and his own overthrow from God, and an expelling out of his hous and plantation, and an utter rooting of him out of the world with disgrace, for trusting in his highe place & his welth, because the hevenly Father plāted him not: whē David is still green in the hous of God, with the fayth in his merceyes, and admireing the mighty goodnes and operation of his Name for ever. The form is, from the tree of knowledge of good and evill, and the tree of life Gen. 3. Behold, I put before you, good & bad, life & death, blessing & cursing &c. Now wher the tong should bee kept frō evill, and the lips from guile, and they should hate & shunn evill, & doe good, yf th [...]y mean to have life, and good dayes: as Ps. 97.34. Doeg is blameed heer, for his love [...]ng of ill more then good, and therfor held accursed, and to be throwen out of his habitation, and out of the favour of God. For man liveth not by b [...]ead onely, but by the word of God and faith theron. Which is the tree of life, as Psal. 56. The favour of God, Ps. 30. The tree of the everlasting mercyes of God, that are never to bee spent and consumeed: but by faith men gather them continually, like Manna in the wildernes, and they be renewed every morning, allwayes green by a lively fayth. And this is Davids plantation and habitation in the hous of God. The matter is, the abjection, rejection & cōdemnation of the Rich, out of all favour of God: & the everlasting continuance of the Godly, in the bosom of Abraham, and pleasant study of the Law. And as Laza­rus is raised in David, by prayer, as Ps. 51. by such a faith, to be entertained and com­forted in heaven: so the rich Doeg is thrown down into torments of disgrace in hell, in this Psalme, by the final judgement of God, that is of a mighty depth, as Ps. 36. and that is an everlasting gulf betwixt them. So as the 50. is for judgement, the 51 and this Psalme, for the partyes: so all are from the Parable, Ps. 49.

Construction. The letter Nun, defective: or the word Nun, to spring or grow, or from Nub, Ps. 6.2. to bring forth riches, grow or increas. The whole is defection or affection, and the end, destruction or flowrishing. How the great man misseth, you may see, Ps. 34.97. both in his tongue and affection, delighting in evill, in steed of good, and speaking of falshood. So missing of truth, the fear of God: his life is shortened. David delighteth in the best good: the Mercey and Name of God, and the preaching of that, and outliveth. Beth, hous, and tabernacles &c. thou lovest &c. twise.

Exodus. The life that pleaseth God, or that God commandeth, is in steed of a service and sacrifice unto God: and heer David sacrificeth his whole time to the word of God. For the fear of God, as Psal. 34. his trust beeing called his Strength, for another of Godes Names.


THer is no folly so great as the denyeing of God, and who is so foolish as my people, sayth God? with their filth an abominable wrong, that maketh them stink in his [Page] sight. Ierusalem had many eyes, yet could they not see what belonged to their peace. Pride and prodigality throweth them out of their estates, sinn, and transgression of the Law of God, whippeth them out of doores, like the rod upon the fooles back. For disobe­dience, they are made d [...]solate, the flood hath swept them clean away, they are cast into prison, and utter da [...]knes, and obscureity, and carryed into a lamentable captivity, wher is nothing but weeping and howling, till their tongues be drye, & on fire, and their harts burn with horror and wrath and sorrow, and they have no comfort. In this horrible affliction and torment, they call, and cry pittiously for Ierusalem again, and for som of the joyes and praises of Sion, the place of their salvation, to tip their tongues and refresh them. And this is the occasion. The form is from Adams expulsion out of Paradise, Gen. 3. as all the heavens are Gods, but the earth is given to the children of men: Ps. 115. so God haveing placed man, innocent upon the earth: hee by and by groweth full of corruption, and moste abominable for wrong dealing. Then God looketh out of the highest heavens, and asketh for him, and out of the Scriptures, hee inquireeth for his in­nocencey, and his wisdom in seeking of God: and they play all hid, and no such man was to bee found, no, not one good man at all, as Ps. 12. They all stink with abomina­ble corruption & folly, and goe backward, and dare not com foorth; but are a frayed & abashed, that God hath forsaken them, because they are expelled for their trespass, and their bones all scattered in captivity. Shall wee sinn that grace may abound? God for­bid, sayth the Apostle: So, all molesters and workers of Mischeff, that call not upon God, eat of the tree of life, and devoure it like bread, destroy the Scriptures, and make havok of the word, and spend the mercyes of God, and waste and consume the people of God, and eat up the Church with profanenes. So, the question is not, wher man is, but wher a good-man is, and ther is no such, which is the Mystery of this Psalme, by repe­tition of the wordes. The matter, wherby it hangeth to the former Psalme is, that they all love falshood more then truthe, and wrong more then righteousnes: and therfor they re­ceiue the wages of sinn, which is death, because they loved not life, nor the word of God that should save their soules.

Construction. Nun, to spring or grow: the contrary is to fade, or to be defective. So the wicked are, in the fear of God, in dooing of good, as Ps. 34. or of wisdom, in not calling upon him. Ghimel, to doe good: so bothe the Wiseman and the Goodman is wan­ting, by their workes. Both the letters make Nag, of Nagah, to be cleer. Mark the doubling of the termns, and it will express the intendement.

Exodus. The Fear, for the fear of God, and the dispair that the wicked make. Because God, the Fear that guardeth them that fear him, and worship him, Psal. 34. hath scattered them. The not serving of God, because hee lets his people goe into captivity, doth much hurt among them, and freats them, and much dismayes them: therfor they pray for re­turn. The people are not in the right fear, and ther is a defect in the service, and the Sa­crifice is reprooved: as yf it would bee mended, yf God would releas his people. For with them, ther is no God, or els they dispair of the right God &c. So the termnes Fear, and God, are equall heer, and the one soundes to the other, to express the same. As the Fear of Isaack, for the God of Isaack. Gen. 31.


SAtan shall seek to fann and winnow you like wheat, and som of you shall hee cast into prison. Ther is no safe place for the man of God, but the divill and tirants will finde him out and beewray him; strangers and such as have no respect of God at all, as Ps. 53. as were the Zips, which made haste to tell Saul, as soon as they could discry him, amongst them. And thus bee all placees sifted for him, that hee can have no rest, which maketh him in the next Psalme, wish for the wings of a dove, to fly from them far enough, into the wildernes, for rest: and all is for his life. This sheweth that the rich hath many freendes, and all places will serv the mighty. Wherever David goeeth, or wherever hee hide-eth, Saul can hear of him. Sayth Eliah, they have slain thy Prophetes, and I onely am left alive, and they seek my life; the same may bee sayed [Page] of David and more: ther is onely one good man left, and one after Gods own hart, and they seek his life: but this is the hower & power of darknes. From these, David prayeth, that seeing all their dooing is against God and his word; and that God is all his help and confidence: and the Lord is with them that sustein him: that hee would by his victo­rious Name, and light of his word, defend him and save him; and reward his Enimyes with the evill, and destroy them, as Ps. 89. according to his promiss. That hee may li­berally and freely sacrifice to him, and worship his beneficiall Name, and his word, and the calling upon him, for delivering him from all distress, to stand in the face of his Eni­mye and behold him.

Construction. Nun, defective. The whole is upon desolation, resisting and depriva­tion, as strangers and aliens, and cruell ones, & they that are clean without God, Eph. 2. that seek his life, on the one part: and on the contrary: Assisting, saveing and defen­ding, by the great calling upon God. According to the word, Nun, to spring or wax great, Ps. 72. Daleth, a door, for the enterteynment of his prayer, from the door of his mouth, Psal. 141. Mich. 7. door of utterance, Col. 4. Nod a fugitive for another kinde of defection.

Exodus. His Free will offering, shall bee his commendation of prayer, & the Name of God, for his deliverance and salvation, and for the great benefit of calling upon him, as you may see, by the entrance, and conclusion, by the repetition. His victorious Name, &c. the goodnes of his Name &c. And this for another kinde of sacrifice, and a reasonable serving of God, Rom. 12. according to their promiss in Aegypt. For his virtue, the rigteousnes of his Name, and goodnes that attended Moses, Exod. 33. against them, because they were opposite.


BEeing in a mighty agony for the rebellion of his sonn Absolom, and revolting of his privy counseller, Ahitophel, his usual companion, as Ps. 62. (of which hee could not beware, because of trust, nor bear it) and for the seditious trechery of the Citty, and lamentable and mischevous deceipt, that Ierusalem was full of: & the mischeeffs in their dwelling houses, which was intolerable: when they strike hand, (beeing secure) and perform not: and speak fair wordes and cut his throat: whom hee was now fallen foul on: David prayeth for speedy conveiance out of it, into the wil­dernes, from the hurly burly of it, and by the wings of a dove; which hee makeeth his providence upon the Eternall; in whom hee trusteth, to whom hee greatly complaineth, & upon whom hee allwayes calleth for deliverance: for confusion of their tongues for unjust contention. That they may swallow their tongues, and eat their own threatnings. That they may feel death and hell, in their lives likewise, and torments, by a pit of de­struction. And as they are Murtherers, and Traitors, and shorteners of life: so that they may not reach out half their time; that hee may have peace, for the warr they make him. And this hee prayeth the Almighty, that is allwayes present, with them, and knoweth their mindes: to answer them; their dissembling beeing unanswerable by man. His re­quest in this Psalme, is deliverance from guile, and injury, the breed of deceipt and cor­ruption, and viperousnes, which is contention, and strife, and that by degradation in bo­dyes politique, from the highest, to the lowest. In the Citty, it is every wher: upon the walles, in the streetes, and in their dwelling houses, and among freendes, as falshood in fellowship continually. Vpon the walles: they are traitors, in their streetes: cousseners and in their houses: hypocrites, and with their freendes: dissemblers and fals bretheren, shewing that no watch is sufficient against these, as Psal. 127. and no Enimy so dangerous. Therfor, all day long, hee teacheth to watch and pray to bee defended from them, and Especially from fals companions: which are moste mischeevous & hard to bee avoyded. Thes doth Christ call ravening wolves in sheeps clothing; that the subdolity of Serpents nor innocencey of dooves can beware of, though the one bee wise, & the other God de­fendes. This is frameed from the subdolity of the Serpent, that was a lyer and a mur­therer from the beginning, Gen. 3. By expressing all the propertyes and partes of [Page] knavery, and wickednes, and is the corruption spoken of Psal. 52.53.

Construction. Nun, defective, for the whole defect of the Citty, which hee sheweth: the policy shall bee overthrowen. Hee telleth of his defect. Complaineth unto God: upon the letter and term He, behold, for presence, loe, the open and plain man. Vpon the contrary, hee prayeth God not to conceal himself &c. hee would lodge in the wildernes &c, far enough off: his neer companion that knew his counsell &c. dissimulation, and God that inhabiteth presence: hee that presenteth himself unto God, God will mainteyn him, & the just shall never fleet away &c. Thes all bee kindes of presence, & what neerer, than his great agony, and fear that hee was dayly put in, by them? And such a lamentable state it is, that hee so damneth to hell, and destruction, and bewaileth. Nah, from Nahah to lament, consider the wordes complaining, and crying out, repeated &c.

Exodus. Offer your presents to God: cast your providence upon him &c. your sa­crifices of prayer and faith unto him, Hos. 12. your dayly oblation: evening and morning and at noon, like himself. Alway present him, put him in minde, and call on him, for a kinde of presence & sacrifice. Object your faythfullnes & your prayer & offer righteous­nes, and hee will sustein and releev you, and you shall never be cast away, nor rejected. Gods Name heer, is the God of peace: by the opposition of the Termes: peace and warr repeated.


FOxes have holes, and the birdes of heaven have nests: but the sonn of man hath no place to rest his head. Whither shall David fly? hee is every wher beewrayed, and Saul is at his heeles, driveing him at last into the net, hunting him into his Enimyes handes. Hee that so often, and so sore daunted the Phelists, his sore-est Enimyes: as Ps. 9.10, 27. must now fly for succour to them. What a case was this? wher they hold counsell of his fidelity, and seek his life, to suppress him. But in distress, hee is made resolute, by the word of God. Therfor hee is thankfull for his deliverance out of his fear, when hee cryed, and prayeth God to pitty him. The form is from, Gen. 3. I will put Enimity between thee and her, and between thy seed and her seed, hee shall bruse thy head, and thou shall hurt his heel. The strife is, his serpentlike Enimyes are in­numerable, and shall never rest afflicting, greeving and tormenting of him, and perpetual­ly strive to oppress him, and dayly contend for the upper hand of him. And shall all­wayes watch his heeles, & bee still pryeing at his cours and cariage of his life, to cast him, and destroy him, as Psal. 17. And such is the snakynes of Saul, and viperousnes of the Phelists, for secret mischeeffs, and privy conspiracy against him, beehinde his back, his hunting of him, & lying in wait for him, whithersoever hee goeth: & thus doth the serpent his Enimy, tread upon his heeles, and hurteth his life and letteth his way. How can a mā goe, when his Enimy treds on his heeles? yet for all this hee is not afrayd, because of his trust in God (which hee thanketh his word for) of any thing they can doo unto him. But prayeth God, to beat them away for their molestation. And dash them, and throw them down by his angry countenance, and consider, with what greeff and how often, hee had been forced to fly, and remember it. At which mone, and complaint, and cry unto God, and his faith in him and his word, hee seeth his Enimyes turn back: hee presume­eth then that God is with him, & that with his presence hee hath now broke-en the ser­pents head, as Psal. 9.48. by turning his Enimy from his purpose, that made head against him. Thus to make the Enimy to turn head, and the serpent to creep into his hole again, is sayd to break or bruse his head, or frustrate his devises, as Ps. 74. The mystery is seen, by and between the report and bringing again, of thes wordes: In God I put my trust, I fear not, &c. His dayly contention, and his trust in God. The matter is his faith, which hee obteineth by the light & wisdom of the word, & presence of God. That cutt­eth off the fingers of the wicked, and makeeth them loose their hold, and disappointes them: and continueth moste li [...]ly, from Psal. 52.54.55. and is able to knock his migh­tyest Enimyes in the head, and confound them.

Construction. For Nun, deficient: they seek utterly to devoure him, and to con­strein [Page] him even out of this life. and used all devises to make him to fall. Mark the doubling of the first wordes. for this hee wisheth their destruction and his own preser­vation, which hee findeth, and is thankfull. Vau, the second letter, a hook or crook. is for fear, to this is opposed boldnes, faith and confidence, both the letters beeing, Nau, of Navah, to prais, or adorn, Exo [...]. 15. all which you shall finde in the same re­petition: In God I prais his word, &c.

Exodus. The Sacrifice heer, is praising of God, which they vowed in Egypt, to per­form, after their deliverance. And this he promisseth to pay; as Ps. 50. for the defeat of his Enimy, and his own preservation, which is upright with the construction also. For his Name Immanuel God with us, Is. 7. If God bee with us, &c. Ro. 8.


ALexander the Coppersmith did Paul much harm, but the Lord delivered him out of that lions mouth: so David is delivered out of the mouth of Saul, at his request to God, by the protection of Gods word, called the shadow of his wings, as Ps. 36. and his way of loveing kindenes and truthe, fayth and love, which hee counteth a wonderfull worke: and therfor hee extolls his glory over all the world, and with all his instruments, sets out the highth of his love, and faithfullnes of his promiss: the highe tree of the mercyes of God: and among all people and nations is thankfull to him. Neither doo the wicked loos their reward: they lay nets to catch them selves, and digg pitts and fall into them. This Psalme concernes the former by the same form. It is framed from the Enimnity between the serpents seed, and seed of the woman; the one beeing the seed of warr, and the other of peace. The Serpents and Enimyes of Gods word: sow sedition, strife, emulation, contention, debate and discord: they sow speares, & arrows, & swordes, by back-byteing and gnaw­ing, brawling, quarelling, bitter and cursed speaking, as Ps. 14.53. never hearkening to the way of peace, but are all for warr, as Ps. 120. and from hence is that fine Meta­morphosis of the Poet: wher the Serpents teeth beeing sowen, ther grow up armed men. So biteing language is the seed of armes, and hot and inflameed mouthes, and fals tonges, are weapons of warr. Now the womans seed and the Churches, is nothing but the way of God, which is mercey and love, and truthe, with lips unfeined, as Ps. 17. sowing concord and peace. as Ps. 108. And therfor now, David beeing saveed by God, his hart brings foorth lutes, and harps, and viols, and is all for musicque, and instruments of peace, and is ready to sing, and set foorth his glory, as Ps. 145. that hee may be heard beyond all nations, and his noyse above the cloudes, for his deliv [...]rance. The Mystery is shewed by thes wordes, and, Gloria in excelsis, reported and repeated. Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens, and thy glory over all the earth. The Matter is, his faith in the green tree of the merceyes of God, as Ps. 52. and the highth of his love and promiss, as Ps. 89. which is above all reach, and shall bruse the serpents head, as Ps. 56.74.

Construction. Nun defective, devouring is for defection. The devourer is devour­ed, and the patient preserved. The one waiteth all corruption and falshood, reproch and disgrace, and detraction: according to bothe the letters. Naz, of Nazah, to sprinckle, as a kinde of sprinckling or aspersion. The other waites for Grace and truthe, to defend him, and calleth upon God the high: to glorify him. as Ps. 50. And by his indur [...]ing and calling on God, how mightyly his glory is exalted. mark the repetition. Zain to hear or conceive, or listen, hee will open the eares, or the daughters of Musicque, Eccl. 12. by his musicque, and make them hear. As by the coactive, for a kinde of hearing.

Exodus. His calling upon God in this misery, and his whole relyeing on him: ser­veth for a sacrifice and a glory to him, as Ps. 50. in thes wordes: I call unto God &c. the Almighty &c. For the Elect, Calamity is shortened, Math. 24. and passeth over, and the righteous are mightyly redeemed. So is Gods Glory the more mightyly ad­vanced, and to bee extolled: the harder the deliverance is. For it is full of grace and [Page] truthe, Ioh. 1. in saveing, God giveth both grace and glory, all the good that can bee, for trusting in him, Ps. 84. therfor the same is to be ascribeed to him, in the highest, for the power of it. the Name Elyon, for the extolling, &c.


BEcaus the wicked doo allwayes wrong, in thought word and deed, and miss, and lye in all thinges, Psalm. 1. by reason of their furey and rage, which is deaff to all reason and instruction; and will no more be pacifyed and perswadeed (like a spitefull and rageing Enimye) then a serpent or a lion; no, not by the wiseest Moderator, from their work of backbiteing and devouring talk: therfor Davids prayer is, that their serpentlike biteing teeth, and their devouring grinders (the seed of armes) may be brokeen in pe [...]cees, as Ps. 3. That their Arrowes of bitter wordes, their endles aimes, as Ps. 64. may bee shunned, as easy as water, and beeing brokeen, they and all their worke miscarry with unripenes, & melt away: that it never com to [...]ffect nor see the sunn. That his choler may moste speedyly boil him alive, for his defeat, and the just may be comforted with their revenge, and victory over the wicked: and that men may bee sure and confess, seeing som mens works goe before unto Iudge­ment, and som mens follow after: that ther is fruit for the just, and ther bee Gods that are Iudges in the earth. This Psalme from, Iob 19. deserveth to bee written with a pen of iron, and carved in stone for Eternity, and drawen with lead that never may goe out. God will judge every deed, sayth Salomon, and bring all a mans life in quest­ion, and draw all his actions to judgement, whether they bee good or bad. Therfor David from his enimyes wicked life: and the nature of the Serpent, draweth a con­demnation, and out of the experience of his tribulations, cannot but hope for an end of him. And thus hee prayeth according to the curs, as Ps. 109. That seeing hee can neither speak nor judge aright, but all wrong and injury is in his hart and handes, to recompens, as Ps. 5.52.140. and his minde doth ponder nothing els, and is fals as soon as hee is born, with incorrigible error and malice: hee entreth into this curs and prayer against him, as Ps. 109.140. as against a murtherer and a temper from the be­ginning. That all his instruments may bee brokeen, that hee may bee easyly avoyded, that his way may perish, Ps. 1. and himself enter into consumption, as followeth. That his falshood may com to nothing, and melt, and not be able to abide the Sunn, but to bee suppressed for ever: which is the cursed groveling of the wicked in the Ground, never to look up, beeing ashameed of the sunn. And his Enimyes licking of the dust, as Ps. 72. And for his Malice: that as soon as the pot is over, that it may bu [...]n; so, that his own rancor may burn him and consume him, as soon as hee is offended. The end is, that the Iust may bee cheered for his victory, even his faith: that his Enimy is ashameed of all his wayes, and hath no fruit or comfort of them: and that ther is fruit and reward for the just, that they are revenge-ed of the wicked, by the judgement of God, that payeth every man according to his work. as Ps. 62. And this from thes wordes of the Curs: Cursed art thou above all creatures, upon thy belly shalt thou goe and dust shalt thou eat all dayes of thy life. Gen. 3.

Construction. For Nun defective: hee speaketh of a generall defection in the sinn­ing partes: the tong, the eares, the hart and handes. The tong is tyed from good and so are the eares stopped, for hearing of good, the minde is all buissyed about wrong, and the handes with injury. And all that they pronounce, is nothing but error and falshood. Therfor, that they may be made defect in their pronunciation, by breaking of their teeth and their Iawes: and their arrowes, according to the letter, Heth, to break, Another de­fection is, in consuming, and another, to bee an abortive, never to bee any thing, or never born. Another, that as soon as they live and have life, they bee tormented, Is. 9. for the two letters Nach for rest, as they be all straying and erring, and will not be instruc­ted: so that they may bee restless. The whole subject is all of wrong.

Exodus. Hee dealeth heer upon the privative. The sacrifice and burnt offe­ring of the children of wrathe. for a defect of all righteousnes, to oppose the sacrifice [Page] therof, as Psal. 4. Deut. 33. that all wrong dealing may stopp his mouth. For hee con­cludeeth that ther is a reward of righteousnes, as Rom. 6. Mat. 6. Gen. 4. And as the wicked are wrong in all their actions: so is their end utter destruction, and that by a righ­teous judgement & revenge upon them, even in the earth. So among the rest, such sac [...]i­fice also they used in the wildernes. Gods, [...]amed judges &c. by the first and last wordes, and God, the God of revenge, as Ps. 94.


VPon thy belly shalt thou goe, and dust shalt thou eat all dayes of thy life. The divill, like a roring lion seeketh to devour all hee can. To this text hee brin­geth the strong appetite of the Hethen, to deuour the church of God: and Sauls appetite to the life of David: and thus they goe all upon the belly, like hungry dogs about the town, to satisfy themselves with the lives of the just. Their ap­petite is sharp, they lye in wait moste secretly, and bable much with their mouthes, they slay him, with proud words behinde his back, Ps. 94. but God sets him before their face, as Ps. 92. and wills them and commands them, not medle with his people that have their trust and confidence in him, and laughs at their secrecy and promisseth [...]o preserve him. Against these, hee prayeth God, the Churches Lord and Defendour, [...]o quash them, and debase them, and prostrate them, and subject them by his power: to bring them down, and subdue them: and powre them strait along, as durt in the street, as Ps. 18. And that none may hear them, none may take them up, none may saue them, none may pitty them, that they may never rise again to afflict him. And that God would make runa­gates of them, and vagabundes like Cain, and bring them to the lowest degree, and scatter them as dust before the winde, as Ps. 1.68. That their state may bee a cursed state. And as pride goeth before the fall: so that by their pride (like Lucifer) they may bee takeen and cast down into hell, as accursed; and that the cursses of their own mouthes, and ill wishes towards him, and proud pursuit of him for his life; and their bloody mindes: may all com home to themselves, as Ps. 63.64. and work their own destruction, and consume them. And that God would in this very rage destroy them, wherby they are offended and angry at him: to teach them, that God will bee master and have domi­nion in Iacob, and in all the world also. And so they may goe like hungry dogs about the town, murmuring and curssing, and beg from door to door: as Ps. 73.109. and never bee satisfyed. And as hee is bound to sing of the firmnes and strength of Gods promiss, and his loveing kindenes, for his escape and refuge, in his affliction and sore distress: so to his strength and confidence and the God of his mercey, hee will sing in Psalmes for his escape.

Construction. For Nun, defective. They seek heer, deprivation of his life that had no defect in him, neither sinn nor trespass, nor iniquity, they beeing both bloody & cursed, which maketh the equity of his salvation and preservation, and their damnation, with utter destruct [...]on prayed for, that they may like doges never be satisfyed: Is. 56. And let them goe yelling, &c. which wordes bee curiously doubled, to shew want and misery for their greedynes. And from Nat, and Natah, to decline or bring down, Ps. 17. their base life as vagabundes, to buissy them: according to the title: that they hurt him not, though they wait to kill him. Against their streng [...]h of persecution: hee applyeth Gods strength, the Ark and truth of his word, for his Garison and salvation, which hee obser­veth. And his kindenes in rewarding, as Ps. 62. Thes wordes com often also, to make them notable.

Exodus. Hee intendeth heer, the sacrifice of fooles, that are hasty to vow: as vowes, for the sinn of the mouth, Eccles. 5. Deut. 23. beeing with much pride, and much furey uttered, much swearing, much curssing, much lyeing, and deceiving: and with thes ginnes, hee would haue them taken, and destroyed for their defect. Like the vow of conspira­cey, against Paul: Actor. 23. The God of Releeff: for strength and kindnes, repeated. Psal. [...]8.144


THe promisses of God doe hold the Church to their faith, and they are sweet, all yea and Amen. And by Gods promiss in the Scripture, they all hold, and live, and are refreshed, because hee is mercyfull in them all, and faithfull to the end. The Church is often sick & diseased, but through faith they are recovered and made whole. The Sicknes of the people of God, is persecution, and famine of the word, and tottering in religion, yet, as long as the fire is not quite out, and faith quite ex­tinguished, and their knowledge of the word, quite decayed: ther is no fear of death. And this is the hope that David hath, when the people of God are even at deathes door, as Ps. 9. even his beloveed, whom hee would so fain have refreshed, healed and released. The wrath of God for sinn causeth all diseases: so hee falleth into an enumeration of them, by the shakeing, cleaving, breaking, and dissolution of the earth. Which is for their infidelity, their strife among themselves, their sedition, muteny, and discord, loosnes and unconstancy; and because they have been put to much hardnes, and were made giddy, & faint harted, with the cup of their adversity, Ier. 48. and could not tell what to doe: they now, beeing in this Acatastasy, and unsetlednes, and not knowing what to think: hee remembreth by Gods word, what Nations were to com in, and that the world was not quite at an end, with them; but as the Priests lips preserves knowledge: so they yeld also faith. Therfor, hee prayeth for Gods right hand called his Ministry, their oracle and ad­vise, to save them. From whence they haue this assurance from the word, that God will fall to shareing of the world, and to partition of the Nations, to inlarge the borders of the Church. That Shechem should bee divideed, and Succoth measured. That hee would haue Gilead and Manasses his own. Ephraim should bee confirmed unto him, and Iudah should be written and conveyed. That hee would wash his feet, and take pos­session in Moab. And put off his shoos, and take his rest in Edom. And triumph, & keep holy day in Phelistia. And out of this promiss, the Church doth hope for victory over all their Enimyes. For this hee thanketh God for their salvation, and prayeth still for his most prosperous help, to tread down the Serpent, as Ps. 92. and vainquish their Enimyes for them, as Ps. 108.

Construction. Samek, to uphold: it is heer taken all along, for help and salvation, as Isai. 63. as, O consider, and help &c. and O give us help. And arm thy beloved &c. God sheweth the Assistantes, and the strength of the Church: when it felt all kinde of weakenes, when God stood not to them, but forsook them. Ther is nothing shewed but dissolution and susteyning. And that God is their onely stay.

Exodus. From Isa. 34. To kill Gods Enimyes is good service: so that this great slaughter is counted for a sacrifice, as that in Bozra and Edom, according to the title. See Ier. 49. Ezech. 25.35. Iehovah Nissi, Exod. 17. God, his standard.


DAvid haveing fled out of the land for Absolom, and beeing now faint and fee­ble harted in his old age, and allmoste out of the world also, for greeff of hart, because hee was absent farr from the Church of God: prayeth God, as hee had been his relye and strong tower from the Enimyes, which is the instruction of the Ark: that hee would safe-conduct him by that highe Rock also, the word, as Ps. 27.18. to his Tabernacle. That ther, hee might now dwell for ever, relyeing under his winges, which is the Cherubs, his Mercey. And as God giveth possession to them that fear him: the Israelites after 40 yeers in the wildernes: so that hee would hearken to his wishes, now after his reigne of 40 yeers: and ad abundance of yeers more unto them: that hee might abide still in the presence of God, preserved by loveing kindenes and truth, his portion, his meat, his Manna. And as Ps. 81. paying hi [...] vowes, and chaunting his Name for ever. After the Tower, the Ark and mercy seat, Rock and Manna. And seeing by the Scriptures, the way is to pleas God, and get up to his tabernacle, and dwell [Page] with him, as Ps. 15. and to obtein the habitation of godlynes, and Mount of holynes, and heighth of sanctification, as in the Psalmes of degrees: which are their shelter and tower of defens, and safety, from the floodes of wicked Enimyes, by the quiet wa­ters of refreshing, flowing from them, Ps. 23. When Davids hart fainted: hee knoc­keth at this Rock, and prayeth for direction thither, to receiue a heavenly possession, with them that fear God, and length of dayes, and all requests, by the sustenance therof, the way of godlynes; grace and truthe. Psal. 25. That feeding heerupon, as upon unperishing Manna, hee may bee allwayes preserved by God, to serve him. And this is the spirituall rock of Christ, that followed the Host, and served Israel, and was the Exodus, and Passage, and conveyance of them. 1. Cor, 10.

Construction. Samec, is heer taken passively, as Nismac, to rely, or lean upon. As in a feeble estate, by repeating the word rely. And the reckoning up of all his stayes, the rock for a guide, Tabernacle and tower, and cherubs, and kindenes and truthe, for preservation. Aleph for instruction or education, is signifyed by the rock, & tower whose top reacheth to heaven, and is a name exalted so much in all the world, by prayer and prais. Sa, of Nasa, both the letters, to lift up.

Exodus. They that fear the Name of God, shall have the possession of all that they long for. then vowes upon condition are due, for hearkening to their wishes: they must make unto God full satisfaction, and pay their vowes: and this serveth for a sacri­fice in the wildernes also. as by the doubling of the word vowes. His vow heer is, an everlasting devotion, yf God will give him dayes. As by the termes of eternity, so oft repeated. God, his Rock. 1. Cor. 10. For his susteining.


ILL Servants marr good children. The subtilty and reach of Ahitophel, Davids counseller, hit upon the pride and vanity of Absolom, his sonn, as Ps. 55. and puffed him up to rebellion, to rob his father of his subjects and kingdom. The matter now beeing at open hostility, and they in counsell agreeing to a murtherous practise upon his person; for it: yet David by a cleer judgement, faileth not of his faith and trust in God; nor doubteth of his salvation, as Ps. 42. but is sure of his re­deemer, Iob. 19. and that hee shall not bee overthrowen, b [...]caus they bee lovers of fals­hood, and dissembling traitors, that seek his life: the Godhead of truth and Iustice; and the strength of the word, called his rock, beeing the glory of his salvation and relye: and willeth to all his people, that from their hartes they utter the same profession. And seeing the children of men are more fals and light than vanity it self: they should not trust to bee rich or strong, by robbery or oppression, Ps. 17. becaus all strength is Gods, that still prevaileth, and Kindenes, that rewardeth every man aright. which is; according to his request, Ps. 55. to his Enimyes: half their dayes, by a desperat end to Ahitophel, for miscarrying of his wisdom: and the foolish end of Absolom, for his vain hope. The Church, as it is Catholicque, and also holy: so it doth hold, either by the Law, or by the Promiss. By the Law, it standeth in performance, and that is impossible for the flesh, by reason of weaknes, and sinn, and condemnation and death enter therupon: and the letter killeth, which is the face of the church, but the minde and spirit of God, which quickneth every man unto eternall life, is by the Promiss, which is holy: of things unseen, gracees and mercyes of God, and forgivenes, and a better and an everlasting life, by fayth and hope, and this knoweth no man but the holy spirit of God in man. And thus is faith the rock to build upon, as divers times in the word, wherby hee payeth every man according to his work, and judgeth all men according to their minde. As the minde is conteined in the body: so the Pro­miss is the soul of the Law, and as wee are forbid to care for the body: so the church is commanded to provide for the soul, to cast them selves upon God, to seek content­ment by a gratious government, and let all rudiments goe. And this is his sure rock of victory and of salvation, even his faith.

Construction. Heer, Sam [...]c, is taken passively also, shewing his relye, repose and trust: [Page] and the strength of his support, which is God. The weaknes of the p [...]oples confidence that trust in the vanity of misgotten riches, or in the falshood of Man. Ps. 146. Beth, a house, they thrust hard at him, and set upon him, to overthrow and beat down all his rise­ing, and his exaltation and dignity of his hous, and to ruine all his repose by falshood. which is a kinde of dwelling of the minde. Sab to compass or inviron, Gods wall about him, which is his kindenes grace & favour, Ps. 21. cannot bee beaten down, it is so strong. And this confidence deceiveth no man, but payeth every man for his travaile.

Exodus. Hos. 12. The people play the crafty merchants, in sacrificeing their mis­gotten welth, and set their mindes wholely therupon for their salvation: wher their faith is reprooved. Beeing in an opposite cours to the sacrifices of righteousnes, Ps. 4. & faith of David, which is counted righteousnes. so hee dealeth by privation. Every one that worketh righteousnes is accepted with God. &c. Marke the repetition of termes concerning all pointes. God, his rock and trust.


ASk and you shall receive, and seek and you shall finde, and knock and it shall bee opened unto you. In the Last Psalme, 62. hee sheweth that his life is sought by flaterers and dissembling hypocrites, that use smooth wordes, and have throtes like open graves, and wicked and corrupt thoughtes to devour him, and gape wide to receive him, as Ps. 5. wher hee casteth off his confidence in Man, for vanity: and welth that groweth by wrong, hee counteth nothing worth, to save him: and therfor relyeth wholy upon the strength of the kindenes and mercyes of God. Heer they seek his life with the sword, and hunt him into holes and corners of the earth: and in this, for playing the foxes with him: hee prayeth, that foxes may prey upon them, and baite upon them in the ground, and that hee may bee mery and have good cheer in the hous of God, as Psal. 23; and be ravished with his glory, and releeved with the living waters of his mercy, which hee counteth better then life: that hee may bless and prais his Name for ever, and all their treacherous mouthes may bee stopped. That this may bee: hee knocketh at the word of Grace, beeing athirst in the wildernes, for waters of the scripture to refresh him. Which wildernes hee maketh his solitary bed, as often as hee awakes and thinks on him, then to call upon him. That hee himself may rejoyce in God, and all may boast and glory to bee sworn in him.

Construction. Samec, again for the function of Godlynes, the work of relyeing, dayly adoration, and admiration of his strength, and glory and commendation, for his grace: as thanks of triumph, after great good cheer of his mercyes; dayly conversation and comunication with him. Ghimel, for Ghamul, a wainling, as hee was, from all his affections, in the wildernes. Sag, both the letters, to depart, or goe back. This sense shineth through the whole Psalme, beeing contrary to Appetition, longing and adheering, which is the whole tenor therof, Zeph. 1. mark the report of the phrase, Davids seeking of God, and his Enimyes seeking of him.

Exodus. The first of Zephany also, shall shew what sacrifice the Lord will som­time have, and what sacrifice is heer ment by the fullnes of the termes, and sense of this psalme, in it: destruction of them that turn from the Lord, and them that seek him not. That they, that play the foxes and betray him, may have a foxes part, in the wildernes, Eze. 13. their trecherous mouthes stopped in the earth, God will have his sacrifice aswell of his own sworn children, that depart from him: as of them that be devoted to other Gods, and have never yet served him. He will serve him self out of all sortes, when he ordeineth a destruction.


COnsidering the deadly fear of persecution which David felt, as Psal. 55. the sharpnes and egernes of his Enimyes dayly plots, and secret conspiracy for his life: to kill a just man, without fear, and to compass it suddainly, by means [Page] not to be descryed, nor discovered by any eye: by deep prying into his hart and all his wayes, rekoning that none can see them: hee prayeth to bee delivered from this hor­ror. And as Servantes make their quarell, their maisters: so David concluding, that they conspire against God, belyeing him, because hee seeth all their dooings, and giveth warning in the hart, by som passion and light of every action: hee prayeth, that God may give them a just recompens, by this meanes of their own inventiō. That their own recko­ning may fall upon them, that their own tonges that belye him, may bee true upon them­selves: to strike them sudainly, that they never see the stroke, till it light upon them, and they feel it to destruction. That the very standers-by man perceiue the plain judgement of God upon them, and that the just may rejoyce, and glory in their relying in him. O full of all subtilty, the childe of the Divill, and Enimy of all righteousnes. This is the man hee feareth, this is hee that hee cryeth out upon, to bee defended, and his life to bee pre­served from. That hee fall not into his handes: whom hee describeeth by his practise and combination: the secret pryeing and conspiracy against him, and creeping into his bosom to beguile him; by plotting and consulting against him, as the Hethen doe in the same termes, Ps. 2. This man is above all the Enimyes in the world to bee feared, Ps. 55. This man keeps him company to Church and home, prayes with him, and eates with him, and lernes with him, and holdes with him, as yf hee wear of the same religion, and Diet with him, and all to devour him. What beast or fowl is so wilde, or so vigilant to look to his life, that dayly conversation will not tame and beguile, and in time, secure him? Against such a one, a man hath need to bee awake, and watch early and late and at noon day, Ps. 55. mischeevous, greevous, hurtfull and moste dangerous men: As great Enimyes, as Satan, and mischevous as the Divill, as subdole as the Serpent, and as holy as an Angel; to deceiue the Angells, yea yf it were possible, the very Elect. Wherfor all his attributes are given in the contrary sens, as naked for subdole & covered, as Gnarum. which in this Psalme is remembred, Mar, and Rang, bitter and bad, from Merignim. This is the fowler, Ps. 91. And the schoolfellow, Psal. 55. That fetcheth him off, and hee shall never know who hurt him: so all his wayes and words are bitter and distast [...]full, and cut like a rasor, and are deadly and mortall, because they are fals and deceitfull and damnable. Now because to live in fear of such a one, is a terrible thing: hee complai­neth greatly of this terror of an Enimy, and prayeth that hee may not live in fear of such a one, but that God would preserve his life from such a fear; which fear is expressed, Ps. 55. It is dolorous, and with pangs within one, it is as cruell as death it self, falling upon one, inexorable crueltyes, as of death, a trembling fear, that assailes him, and sets upon him, and befalls him, and buffeteth him, as it did Paul. Hee is overcom with hor­ror. And this is the fear hee prayeth to bee freed of, and the Enimy that hee would have terribly cut off: by his own wayes, and perish by his own traps. That the just and plain meaning men that trust in God: with great joy, may admire and acknowledge his work, and prais him.

Construction. Samec, to uphold. Hee sheweth heer the privative therof, and the contrary, by the effect of bad tonges, that by slander, backbiteing, & scandall, overthrow men, as a bad report and an ill name doth hange one. This they doe with boldnes and assurance, artificially and stoutly: which is as a kinde of door, emptines or opening, as for Daleth, the second letter. The contrary heerunto is fear, that hath no comfort or re­lying. Both the letters make Sod, a secret or counsel, and shew all along so much, by the termes, and phrases, hide snares and serch &c. with the contrary. So all is, secret or pub­ilique, fear or confidence, susteining or overthrowing.

Exodus. In the Law, all Sacrifice must bee found and perfect, and without blemish: or any ill thing, Lev. 22. Deut. 17.15. heer: the most holy and precious service of the wic­ked is, the maiming, spotting and staining of all integrity, syncerity, and soundnes of upright and perfect men. And by detraction and defamation, to marr their reputation, even by transcending and mounting up to their thoughtes: their closenes, and deep di­veing into the conscience and minde of them. And slaughter of the tong, as Ier. 18. by way of privation, a Sacrifice of wrongs, or Burnt-offering, of dayly consumming greeff, molestation and vexation.


BEcause God is the onely hearer of prayer, & hath been reconcileed and pacifyed, concerning his flood and inundation, of iniquity and trespasses, as Psal. 32. which overcame him, that all prais and vowes are due to him in Zion: hee inviteeth all the world to set out the happines of that habitation, the Church, and of his Election, and the comfortable substance, that is had from thence for salvation, against the fearfull justice of condemnation; hee beeing the trust of all the world by his power, the Law: walking upon the seas, and haveing them under his feet, by his unknown steps, and sayling through the Law, Psal. 77.8.47. &c. setleing kingdoms, putting down the rageing and wicked nations, floodes of iniquity, and delighting them that fear him, with sending his word among them, the River of the Scriptures to water and enrich them, to make them fuitfull: Hee now prayeth God for the farther propagation of the Church under a form of husbandry. That as hee looketh out of the Scriptures upon the earth and it prospereth: so that hee would doo all good husbandry upon the ground, to make it fit for receiving the seed of the word, with mollyfying all hard and savage hartes and wayes of men: and sending showers of grace into them. Then, that hee will bless the begetting, and crown all the growth therof, with goodnes: that his wayes may make the word to flow plentifully in all ignorant countryes, called the wildernes, that they may bee as well sett, as the rest, and triumph as well as the rest together, Ps. 67.

Construction. Samec, to uphold or sustein. The kindes of sustenance heer, is forgive­nes of sinns, and satiety of grace out of the hous of God, the trust and susteiner of all the world. Whos indument of strength and might holdeth fast up the hills: and beateth down the seas &c. by this privation. The manner of susteining the erth, is by his dayly and plentifull watering of it: and provideing of Corn, as for the dwellers in it, and plantation. So that Husbundry mainteynes all, as Salomon saith. He, the other letter, signifying behold: is all for presence or absence, in sight or out of sight, or distant and overhealing, and that of divers kindes, as prayer and prays to God. By chuseing and entertaining neerest unto him, &c. Endes and longinquities &c. and make the farthest countryes mea [...]y Ps. 103. thou lookest &c. on the earth &c. That the erth may be covered with corne and cattell &c. that a man can not see the ground, reconcileing them, and covering of sinns. Love couereth a multitude of sinns: so the Mercey­seat, and mans protection is sett over the Law. Because the Iustice therof is so terrible. Accordingly, Seh, both the letters of Nasah, to lift up, or take away, or pardon.

Exodus. Ier. 31. and Ps. 50. Lev. 7. you are told what sacrifice hee heer meaneth: to wit, thanks-offering and vowes, for his gratious protection and susteining of him, by his mercyfull goodnes out of his word. Gods gentle audience, forgiveing of sinns, and pro­videing for food and raiment, is a most mercy full thing, and well deserveth the prais and devotion of all the world; and therfor this audience and satisfaction was bidden proper in Zion, the place of Gods habitation.


SEeing by fearfull and terrible meanes, and by mighty and strange workes, by the greatnes of his strength in this Law, God hath preserved his Church and sub­dued his Enimyes: and increased his worship, trying his people by all manner of tentation & troubles: the vigilance of his word, called his eyes, tending them, and saveing them, to a place of refreshing: and with life and rejoiceing in their soules, that hee let not their feet bee mooved; and overthrew their Enimyes, lest they should vaunt over them: hee willeth all the erth and all nations, to prais their God, and to set out his glorious Name for the same, because hee himself is ready to pay his vowes in the hous of God, haveing obteined the request that hee made in his distress.

Construction. Samec, to put upon, or hold up: by the term put so often used upon or under, exalt or putting upon, or lay upon, or ride upon &c. also by submitting pressing, straineing, and bowing down as well as advanceing, ruleing over, high invention, [Page] &c. turning up-side-down by his terrible might, as the Sea into dry land &c. Van, a hook or crook: for prayer, for mercy in distress, which was heard and graunted. Sau, as from Savah, from whence is Masveh, a mask. The deepth of the sea shall be dis­covered, and the dry land shall appeer Gen. 1. and be unmasked. So likewise for trying, and prooving &c.

Exodus. Heer bee used all the termes of prays and glory of God, and the calling upon him, that can bee thought on: shouting, singing, chanting, hymning, Psalming, bles­sing, &c. with the doubling of the termes, prays and glory, to shew of what sort the Sacri­fice heer must bee: to wit, according to Ps. 50. praysing and glorifying of God, for de­liverance: by way of exaltations, in likenes of burnt-offering & vowes, heer repeated. Not without fine allusion to the manner of offering: for all sacrifices must pass through fire and water, it must bee soundly tryed, and found as pure as silver (hee that findeth no wic­kednes in himself shal be heard) it must be strayned. A man must justify it, and bless it by putting his hand upon the head of the sacrifice. And this is meant by rydeing over our heads &c. commanded.


HEer the whole Church prayeth for illumination in the Law of God, called his countenance: that it bee merry and gratious upon them; that they may bee a light to all the world, and all nations may confess him; for his justice, and upright Iudgement in guiding his people. And that their own God will bless their labours, that the earth and all the endes therof, bee replenished abundantly with the fear of God. Forgivenes is the way to life, Ps. 65. and faith in the promisses, and mer­ceys of God, which are eternall. The Law cam by Moses, but grace and truthe, by Ie­sus Christ. Heerby Christ extolled Moses, and setteth him out, and fully commen­deth him, to fullfill all righteousnes of him. That by a way that the Iewes took no heed of, hee might bring foorth a celestiall governement, which hee calleth the kingdom of heaven and of God, Ps. 145. The Iewes were apt, in prosperity, to delight, and con­tent themselves with a superficiall study of the Law, and therin to strain out a gnat and stumble at a straw, and bee much buissyed with trifles, as concerning the letter: but this depth, and bottom, and hid wisdom of the Law, as Ps. 51. they skip and runn clean over. They turminate and chew much upon the one, but swallow down the other whole. Re­garding small things, but this Iudgement, and fidelity, and love and mercy of God; the weighty things of the Law, and way of Salvation: they wholely omitt, and call Christ a blasphemer for medling with them: delighting to hear, not at all, nor any whit regar­ding the faith that commeth by hearing, nor the word of consciēce that is within them, nor obeying the doctrine of their own profession; but are offended with the restorer therof. Now this is the way, that David in this Psalme, would have all the world to know, by the perfection of the Church of God: which hee supposeth, should pur­chase in all the world, and easily winn them all. And as the Law setteth all the world to school: that this way may abundantly increase the Church. Therfor the Church prayeth, that the bottom of this light of the Law: kindenes and faithfullnes, faith and love, judgement and mercey, wherby they are well led and rightely governed; may al­so lighten the Gentils: that Canaan may serve, and Iaphet, and Sem, and all the world may bee of one religion, and protestation, and fear God with them. And that God will perswade Iapheth to dwell in the tents of Sem.

Construction. Samec, to hold or bear up. Heer his countenance, which is his word, beareth up all things, as Heb. 1. The knowledge wherof, maketh a blessed and a sure estate. A right government maketh the earth prosperous and Joyfull. And the bles­sing of God is all, which heerin, is peace, by the often repetion of the word. Another kinde, for Samec, is to lay hands upon the head, to bless or confirm, &c. Zain, to hear or conceive, is from the Hiphil, or coactive sens, a generall publication and prosperity of the word: in thes words: that all may know it, and confess it, as by the like repetition.

Exodus is heer, the sacrifice of thanks and peace-offering, with joy and Triumph: by [Page] the term and work of confession and celebration, and prais repeated. which is for all nations to hear and reverence. Ps. 50. also. Le. 7. Isa. 51. they pray for Gods bless­ing, the word, for their peace, Psalm. 29. that all May sacrifice peace offering for abundance.


BEcaus the virtue of the Ark is such, and of God, that rideth in the Deserts and in the Scriptures, which by his word in the church, is a provident fa [...]her for the fatherless, and a comfortable husband for the widow, and a good companion for solitary folk, and a Recreator of the restrained, Ps. 144.149. and a con­demner of the rebellious; for which hee willeth all triumph: and becaus by his showers of sermons from Sinai, that shook the earth, and entred into all mens hartes, releeving with the blessing therof, and confirming them in their wearynes (38. yeers) by the Manna and Quailes, the heavenly food therof: and provideed for all the poor among them, by his word and an army of evangelicall Messengers: that the glory and beames therof dashed the countenances of Kinges, and put them to flight, that they be­came a prey to women at home in their houses: and that they fell and lay slain on the hills like snow, for resisting the promiss and ordinance of God: not considering his invincible army of Angels, being millions of legions in the church of Sinai: and the infinite number of Spirits of salvation in the Law of God, Ps. 120. by which hee once captiveth all men, and ransometh som, and the rest for their rebellion abide in wrath: for this, his Mercy is above his Iustice, as the Mercy seat and the Cherubs, for reconciliation, and succour, are set over the Ark: for consideration of salvation a­gainst all burden and oppression, Now as his Procession and Marching is all moste glorious and orderly, and all escapes of death are the Eternalls, with punishment of all his Enimyes and the heads of them, as Ps. 110. according to his Promiss: Now hee prayeth, the church may finde that strength from God, the Ark his strength, from his temple and Oracles which is promissed, and that which hee hath wrought for his people, that all kings may bring gifts to them, and his enimyes may melt away and flye like smoke: and that (as in a skant time of weapons in Israel) hee would drive & chastize all the Kingdomes and people great and small, the whole drove, by the terme [...] of bulls, and calves, with a reed or quill, and scatter all that delight in warr, that Egypt and Cush may com in, and all Kingdomes of the earth, for the increas of the church, may sing to Gods Name, the Eternall, that rideeth, and is glorious, mounted in the Scriptures, the Ancient Heavens before them: that with a mighty voice in his church doe cry: give all strength to God for his surpassing defens and pride of Israel in the skyes, Psalm. 29.15. that is terrible in his sanctuary, and strengtheneth his people.

Construction. Samec, to uphold or maintein: wherunto is opposeed kindes of perishing. Vpholding is by strength of it, hee makeeth divers kindes, and his virtues ther: God upholdeth as a father, a husband, a comfortable consort alone, a redeemer out of bandes, &c. And all in his church, by his word that susteined his people. And such was the strength and nourishment of them, even preaching. Gods army is of great and invincible strength, and able allwayes to save and recover out of the greatest deep of Misery. As is his preachng so is his order, of admirable strength and virtue, which is useed for tameing of the Nations. The perishing part is vanishing smoke, melting wax, snow, painting pride, flieing, scattering, &c. From Cheth, to prostrate, break and wound, and strewing &c. spreding like snow, &c. The two letters, Sach of Nasach, to overthrow, to be plucked up and destroyed. For the privative, like­wise.

Exodus. In the same sens, God is eternall and rideth perpetually in the word, wher hee is every wher so highly exalted and praised. And for this stately & everlasting resi­dence hee is worthy. Apo. 4.5.7. to have all glory, honour and power, and strength &c. ascribeed to him. The sacrifice is of singing and rejoyceing and exalta­tion [Page] of the Name of God for the strength of his salvation, Is. 12.19. for the setting up of Israel. And the Name, Iah, for Lord, all for strength so oft, and Iehovah, for Elo­him El and Adonah, to note the same. for a free will and heave offering, Exod, 35. by skipping and daunceing before the Ark. So liberally is hee mainteyned. The Name of God commeth 26. times, for the Honour of his Name, Iehovah, which letters signify so many just. So God hath the whole fe [...]ld to him self heer, as Iob. 19.


COnsidering the multitude and reprochefullnes that dayly exercise themselves upon him, the miserable case that hee is in, reproche and greeff haveing bro­keen his hart for continuance of his troubles, which are termed by all kinde of troublesom wa [...]ers, that by no meanes, by spending of his voice and his eyes, with calling and looking for help, hee can get out off. And considering the want and distastefullnes, and strangenes of his freendes and acquaintance that hee was quite abashed: compareing his troubled minde, to the affliction of a prisoned man: and considering that this, that is com upon him, is all for his godlynes, and that all is for zeal to Gods hous and service, more then for his sinn, from them: now his prayer is, that it would pleas him, of all kindenes, to deliver him heerof. That it make not an end of him, but that God will leap in to him, and com neer to his soul, and re­deem his life: that the rest of the church may not bee abashed at his perishing. And becaus of the trayterousnes and causlesnes of his Enimyes: that their own meat bee made a bait to catch them, and their table-talk, to insnare them; that they may lye tumbling, and burn in wrath, when they look in the book of God and see his angry countenance. And becaus they still persecute a man in misery, whom God himself hath strooken, and allready slain, for his foolish transgression; adding strokes unto strokes, wrongfully and beastly: so, that God would add iniquity to their iniquity still, and that they may doo more wrong and more, and never com to doo right: that they may bee cutt off by their own wayes, and never bee recorded with the Iust, nor mentioned in the book of life. That hee may sing a song of Thanks-giveing, a prin­cipall sacrifice for his deliverance. That all the whole church may rejoyce in their hartes, that hee will once think upon the poor and imprisoned: and all Creatures may prais him for his care & advauncement of his church, and the inheritance of his seed for ever.

Construction. Samec, to uphold. Hee dealeth heer by way of privation, in a contrary sens; His misery is so great that ther is no support, but hee is sunk over head and eares, and hee hath no good footing to stand upon, or any thing to bear him up, but is quite drowned and overwhelmed. The meanes of his pain, are faultes & folly, from his Enimyes: reproche & depravation for his godlynes, & skoffing at all his profession. Neither would his neerest freends know him, that much daunted and sunk him in his spirit. Hee prayeth for the favour of God and his truthe, to prop him, and suggest him therwith, by hearing and delivering of him. Hee looked for refuge and comforters, but they fayled, and wear eger and distastfull to him. That sunk him also. Therfor that all his Enimyes stay might fayl them. And Gods salvation may exalt and succour the oppressed and greeved, to the comfort of the godly and the just. Tet, for mire or durt, by sticking or sinking, and mire, for declining, wise repeated. as Ps. 9. Set, bothe l [...]tters, Iehovah, inflected, Iehovih: declineed to shew the same.

Exodus. The sacrifice heer is a prais of the Name and calling upon God in distress. Ps. 50. and a Thanks-offering, like the Magnificat of Mary, the mother of Iesus. Lu. 1. better then any declination or double way of the wicked. Hos. 5. And this shall hold up Ierusalem, and Ierusalem: the Saintes for ever. Heerto are these wordes to bee applyed. I will have mercy and not sacrifice. Math. 9. an upholder. And such a sa­crifice hee will have in the wildernes also, Exod. &c. Remember still the iteration of termes. to confirm the doctrine. The request is, for Ignominy: Namelessnes and utter Extinction. Mark the declineing of Iehovah, into Iehovih the forme of Elohim, for the God of Hostes, and of Israel, at the beginning of the doctrine.


THis Psalme, as it stādeth for a Cadence in the first book, in the end of the 40. after magnifyeing of the prais of God: so heer it serveth for a Cadence (together with the 71) of this book also, and of his prayers, and of the yeeres of his life, to in­duce his prais 71. That considering now the fleetnes of his life, and that his life is now allmoste spēt: that hee would make great haste to deliver him, that hee might ere hee dye, see all his Enimyes confounded, Ps. 71. and that hee may bee able, even to the last, to set out his prais, and that hee may be found strong therin, when his Enimyes hold him forsaken of God: with request as followeth, 71.

Construction. Gnajin, an eye: from the word Gnajin, 1. Sam. 18. to ey one, or invye one, as Saul did David, lyeing in wait for his life, and to hurt him. The contrary is to respect, help and deliver. That they may bee throughly daunted, and their current stopped, that seek to hurt, and delight in ill. And such most mery, and cheer themselves, that seek God, and love and look for his salvation: and therfor, hee prayeth for Gods speedy help and deliverance, as springs run merily that are not stopped. Another sens of Gnayn, or Gnen. The whole is terror, that stoppeth or turneth back: and cheer­fullnes by deliverance, and help: and hurt. Marck the iteration, seek, hurt, help, hasten &c. tary, turn back, abashed &c.

Exodus. The magnifying of, God, is heer a sacrifice of preaching him, opposed to the wickeds scoffing: in the words O sir &c. Which also is a service of him in the wilder­nes, as they promissed in Aegypt.


WHeras hee had been bred up all his life time, evē from his birth, in the fear of God, and a right service of him: and was cast wholely upon him from his mothers womb: and was dayly instructed, all his youth in the word: and made a perfect preacher and setter foorth of his righteousnes and salvation hitherto, as Psal. 40. which was his only comfort, and which often revived him, and took him up, when hee was buryed in deep distresses: and which greatly magnifyed him, and that now, his sowre and injurious wrangling Enimyes presume upon the weaknes of his yeeres, for advantage over him; and now seeing God had all the service of his youth, and because his whole relye is upon him: that hee would not now forsake him in his old age, but turn to him, and direct him, and rescue him from his Enimyes, by his strong rock, his word, which is his whole telye, and dayly buissines of commendation, that they may admire it. That hee may yet prais him farther and farther, for ever, for his singular Iustice. That his mighty arm of salvation might bee shewen by him, to the highest, to all generations to com; what evills hee hath rid him of, and how hee hath reviveed him, and put down his Enimyes, and clotheed them with shame and reproche of their own forming. That hee may sing of his truthe and faithfullnes upon the harp, with triumphing lips, and his very soul, sing for his redemption, and that his tong may never have don talking of his righteousnes, for confounding his Enimyes, for their proud presumption against him.

Construction. Gnajin, or Gnen. An eye as before, from Gnajan. To eye for malice. The contrary hee followeth heer. Reckoning all the saving meanes, and the kindes of helps unto salvation. To wit, his relye & strong waiting, and trust in God, as his rock to dwell in. His hope and his praising of him all his life long. Another sens of gnain is heer, when it meaneth 70 the old age of a man, as Ps. 90. which maketh the repetition of the word, old age, &c. Another presence for assistance, by the doubling, of leaving and forsaking, and turning again and absence, &c. you must understand what occasions also the Enimy taketh for to seek his life, and meanes for it. Aleph, is to teach or be taught, by marking and wi [...]hstanding of him, &c. Which sheweth his singu­lar education in the word of God, his preaching of righteousnes, another help & meanes [Page] might and arme of salvation, Is. 46.49. to be exalted. Mark the repetition of the termes The manner of salvation, rescueing and saveing, is a resurection, raising of him out of troubles, and bringing to life again, which is his comforting of him, by the purity of the word, the holy Ghost, as Io. 14.15.16. In the verses, He, behold, & Gnain, an eye, Iehovah is declined to Iehovih, to note: and in Resh, the Chronicle of 490 yeers, also to bee eyed. It beeing an A B C. Psalme also, as La [...]s. though obscure and close. In the seventh vers, you shall finde the two letters Zain, and Gnain, by addition in the term Gnoz, strength, which is that hee prayeth for, in his old age. But beeing multiply: they make the gratious time of r [...]demption after captivity or bondage, mark the termes reviveing, raising, comforting: and the three Queris and Ketibhes, of the same forme and sens, all together, to serve for both.

Exodus. The sacrifice of Prais, and sermon and righteousnes, the fruit of the lips, as Hebr. 13. Hos. 14. Isa. 57. The sacrifice of righteousnes, Psal. 4. which is without leaven or fals doctrine or wrong dealing, of the Pharises and Saduces, Ma [...]. 16. because they must not eat leaven in the passover, nor in any of their feastes or offring, Exod. 12. Lev. 2. For the tartnes and sowernes therof. His prayer is to God, his Rock, his Fortress and Rescuer; as Psal. 18.144. and all by righteousnes, the de­finition of Iehovah, his Name.


HAveing hitherto commended the heavenly Iustice, and profound judgement, and wisdom of the Law of God: and the whole way of God, Psal. 25. and the way to peace, Psal. 34.37.97. David now prayeth that God would be­stow the same upon his sonn Salomon, that hee may fully reap peace therby, and that hee may govern so discreetly, that all the world may bee happy by him, and blessed in him. Though his own dayes were full of affliction, and spent in Sorrow: yet hee considereth, ther is fruit of Iustice, as Psal. 58. and that God would reward his travaile in the peace of his sonn, who is sayed, to have never a Satan, Enimye or Adversa­ry in the world: so greatly hee prospered by the wisdom, that God gave him, at his re­quest. And because many things belong to the wisdom of Salomon, and infinite blessings to com from his Iustice: David as a father, prayeth for his sonn; but the Scope, is more heavenly, for the Church. First, that according to his Name, his peace may never goe out or bee extinguished. That the Iust may grow and flowrish by him, and the Poor bee delivered from oppression, guile and injury, and his Enimyes layed flat along in the dust, as Psal. 59. That hee may deserve presents and gifts and tribute over all the world, and that all nations countryes and Kingdoms may serve him, and ad­mire him, for his mercy to the Poor: and pray for him, and bless him. So that a litle poor feeld of corn, upon a barren hill top, beeing manureed with righteousnes, may bee as heavy in the head as the trees of the forest, & the Cittyes flowrish like grass, for the peace of the people, and growth of the Church. And thus hee concludeeth this book, and Exodus, and the way to peace and rest, and blesseth the moste heavenly God, and his moste glorious Name, for the onely dooer of great works and miracles, wherby hee so shineth, as Ps. 136. by lending him so bewtifull a light in his house, and of the Church against the end of his dayes.

Construction. In the second vers, the two letters are doubled, to be thought upon, Gnain, an eye, or to eye, as before, is heer still to regard, or help: which is applyed to the Poor to save him from guile, and injury, and oppression, which hee is moste [...]ubject to, The means righteousnes and equity, the instrument Salomon, the end peace, and then prosperity and beatitude, and then honour, and then glory. The clearnes of the estate that hee wisheth, is plainly intimated by the letters Gnajin, eyeing, by the sunn and moon, when it is a shineing estate, free from oppression, delivered and cleered from all cloudy­nes, the sens of Gnab: both the letters together, for a cloud, or by metaphor, a da [...]k floor [Page] over head, as for Beth, that signifyeth a hous: this word is takeen for a beame, that is an appurtenance, that the armes of his hous and his fame and renown may reach over all the world. Mark all the severall repetitions Is. 60.

Exodus. The peace of God is the blessing of God, and it passeth all understanding in the world. Therfor a Peace and thanks-offering is heer the Sacrifice ment. And it is by thes wordes. The Poor when hee shouteth &c. and in the last wordes of glory to the Name of God, and the calling on him, as Psal. 50. and according to the gospell, Glory bee to God on high; and on earth, peace and good likeing among men. &c. So as the glory of God consisteth in delivering and saveing of the poor: so is hee moste highly blessed, that is an instrument of his salvation. All which, you shall finde moste curiously woven and plotted in this Text. And thus is their sacrifice and service in the wildernes, made acceptable, and to som purpose in the spirit, before God: haveing particularly as­scribeed al worthynes, and true worship unto God, that is due unto the lamb, Apoc. 4.5.7. to wit, all might, and riches, wisdom, thanks, and honour, strength and prais, and glo­ry, for ever and ever. A sacrifice of all Nations, Is. 60. And this way is Salomons Name sett foorth, to continue for ever, because it signifyeth Peace.



WHen the wicked doo all manner of wrong, and that they are even clotheed with continuance and custom in it: that they are proud with their worldly prosperity: and that they are so well fed that their eyes can not see; nor their hartes receive understanding: for their worldly pleasures which they lay unto them: highly disteigning the knowledge of God: and that they have all felicity, welth and peace, and are not plagued at all: to whom, hee thought, belonged all adversity, plague, and sorrow, even to their graves: and that ther should bee no peace to them: and that hee walked with a pure hart, with all inno­cencey according to instruction, and yet is plagued and hath correction, every morn­ing to his break-fast, and hath no peace in the world: hee feeleth a burning at hart, and pricking in the reines at this, and frets, that hee was almoste confounded with dispaire, for not knowing the reason heerof, which was hard unto him, till hee understood it by the word of God. Then hee calleth Gods people unto him, and promisseth them a sufficient exposition of it, which hee calleth the wringing out plenty of waters, even the Scriptures: shewing that all the standing of the wicked is in slip­pery placees. They are subject to all traines, snares and intanglements, and are brought to a fearfull end, and utter consumption in a moment. And that their life is but like a dream, that a man doth marr with his wakeing. So vanish they as soon as they bee up, and God holdeth him fast by the right hand, beeing allwayes with him, that hee faile not, and makeeth his correction, his counsell to lead him, that hee may bring him to glory at the last. And for this, hee confesseth that God is good to the pure mindeed of Israel, and all leviticall men, and godly soules, by makeing them happy by the sight of him; of which hee prooves himself, for that hee hath neither kith nor kinn in all the world, nor any wight in heaven or earth, to delight in but him, and that God is graveen in his very hart, and is his portion for ever. And becaus hee seeth, that all that estrange themselves from God, and goe a whooring from him, following som other worship, God or vanity, in the world, against his commandements; doo perish and com to naught: hee liketh to bee neer God in his Ministry, evermore telling his messages, and relying in him for ever. which is his priestly devotion, Psal. 16.110. from the blessing of Levi, Deut. 33. for an Argument of the whole book of Leviticus.

Construction. To be good unto &c. and to be brought to Glory, is intimateed by the first and last. The letter, Ghimel, to reward, & to be plagued & touched, for hurtfull, and quite destroyed & wasteed &c. is for the opposite. The pure harted: Math. 5. hee intendeth from the two letters together, Gnog, for a cake: the unleavened, and men of sincere mindes: equivocating the word Lebhabh, a hart, beeing also for Lebhabha, a cake. The contrary is of the wicked: of corrupt and counterfet cariage, and impure thoughtes. Gnajin, to envye or malice, is in the word freat or inflict, &c. as Ps. 37. like or dislike, or despise &c. his hart failed, hee allmost fell, to see their wayes succeed. His hart was levened, and akes, Ex. 12. &c. In vain hee cheered his hart. &c. O Lord thou marrest, thou despisest. &c. their image, becaus it is not like thee, &c. But becaus his hart is according to Gods hart: hee looks for the reward of the pure mindeed.

Leviticus. Or in the Hebrew, Vajicra, hee called, or cryed, or preached, the first word of the booke: as the purity and cleanes of the charge of Gods word, require­eth [Page] not to think of any worldly generation, or to reckon of any beginning or end: as in that of Meschi zedek, Heb. 7. of Christ, Math. 12. Mark. 3. and from the blessing of Levi, De. 33. so heer his pureity is in playing the preacher, allwayes at Gods hand, to bee imployed in his Messages & his service. Is. 61.62. Which also toucheth the first and second commandement. Marke all the repetitions.


WHen Prophets bee scant and knowledge vanisheth, it is no wonder yf the calamity bee miserable, and the Church of God, even his own plantation: the soles of his feet, bee now in the snare and caught. As at Nebuchadnezars rifeling of the Temple, and burning of the citty and Synagogues of Ierusalem: and for not takeing heed to their signes, and the coun­sell of God, that they feel his wrath and suffer all reproche, Ps. 71.89. without knowing any end therof. Yet because his inheritance is of so great antiquity, and that hee bought his assembly so long agoe: and hath fed them so long, and hath saveed them by so many and sundry deliverances: and so oft and so miraculously, vanquished their Enimyes, and released them: and that hee was Lord and creator of all the boundes and limitations of the earth: the people of God now prayeth, that hee will shew som end of this desolation, as Ps. 14.53. and limit their unsp [...]akable misery and distress, and strech out his hand and save them. And that hee would not give away his Church wholely, and the soules of his innocent dooves, to the beastly kingdoms of the heathen, and never more to think upon it: but that hee would look to his covenant, and pluck their feet out of the snare, and defend them from the injury of the darknes of the heathen, and maintein his own quarell: that the Enimy that revile him, grow not too proud, and the poor praisers of his name, goe away with reproche for ever.

Construction. Gnaín, an eye or to ey, or look directly upon. To remember, is a kinde of looking upon. And it commeth oft, so look or behold, &c. The contrary is to turn away angry, and forget, and regard not, all doubled words. Daleth, the day light and the Sunn, for the meanes of sight and pleasure of the eye: Gnen, for aspect, and for fountaines and rivers: Daleth, a door, for the doores and light of heaven, or the opening of the understanding, Mat. 3. If. 11. both the letters spell, Gnad, untill or unto: for the Termini, or reaching, from one thing to another, a quo ad quem, &c. And of this sort, is day and night, sommer and winter, &c. for seasons or signes, which shall never ceas. Gen. 1.9. The limitation is by 400, in the words, Ribhah, Ribheka, as Ps. 43.119. R. or 34.25. by the doubling of the word Tsorareka, thy besiegers, for 490, &c. Mark Chajath, in a contrary sens, and the wordes remember and forget, and signes, &c. repeated. How long, &c. Gned, eternity, by the oft repeating of Netsach, the continuation till when, &c. Gnadhab, to indue, for assembly, by all kindes and termes of the Church. Sheep of thy pasture, shaft or tribe or rod of inheritance, the hill of Sion, holynes, Synagogue, Sanctu­ary, Tabernacle, congregation, &c. The indument and habit of the Church, is the prays­ing of the name of God: and the roring and blasphemy of the Enimy, the contrary. For privation, which is the summ. And again, Gnad, for spoil, for the doubling of the out­rage of the Enimy, in their ransacking of it. Salvation were the walles, and the gates are prais, now turned all to havok and reproche.

Leviticus. Ther is a new Citty, or a new civility, which is the word of God, whose walles are salvation, and her Gates are prais. Heerby, God hath shewed himself a sa­veing King in the midst of all the world, by dividing it by his Ministry, which is his strength, and passing through, as through a sea, Exod. 14. Ezech. 47. And makeing it as cleer as glass, Apoc. 4. wher the heades of the Arc-enimyes are broken in peeces, and the great devouring fishes of the Sea, brought to land and devoured. Preachers break up the fountaines of the word, that rivers of doctrine flow: they discover the depth, & shew the bottom of mighty rivers. Mark the iteration of the words, the affecta­tion and prosecution of them, and you shall plainly see the intendement. The Syna­gogue and place of exercise, preaching and invocation destroyed.


FOr the revelation of the mystryes of godlynes, and propinquitye of Gods word, called his Name, which is the inward and harty understanding therof, in person of the church. And becaus hee hath had time to attein to a perfit judgement therin, and to discern what mould every man is made of, and the frailty therof, and is cunning in his workes and wayes, and all his ends: and that all the people in the world bee but melting pillars of earth; and vainglorious and wicked men, that aim at highe preferment: hee assureeth them, that stand they never so stiff, and look they never so high, one way or another, or farr off: they add nothing to their stature, Ps. 83. but that it is God that knoweth their size, that advanceeth or abaseeth all men, according to their understanding. And becaus in the hand of the Eternall, are the Scriptures, called a vessel full of sparkling and seething wine, with the spirit therof, which hee draweth out, and propoundeth: and that the wicked drinck but the litterall dregs therof, as Ps. 11. and are of a muddy understanding: hee sheweth that hee will tell, and sing the same, in psalmes perpetually, to the God of Iacob. That hee may, by this doctrine, cutt off the loftynes and vain glory of the wicked; called his hornes, the image and power of oppression. Dan. 2.8. That the Iust may the better shine, and bee highly glorifyed.

Construction. Gnajín, an eye: from Gnaian to set eyes or affections on, for high looks, and strange projects for preferment and glory; for seeking it east and west, and all the wilde world over. He, the second letter, to behold: Lo heer or ther, to thank or confess, thy name is nigh, they declare thy miracles, &c. I will tell to the God of Iacob, &c. to draw out, and wring out, &c. which is to bring hid things to light, or in presence, or to shew or vaunt, or to sweep them away, as by the two letters: from Jagnah, to sweep, Is. 28. for the contrary. And this kinde of sweeping, is the cutting off of the hornes and glory of the wicked, &c. hee exalteth, &c. the doubling of Hee, is a pointing, &c.

Leviticus. The sermon is, that God and his word doth all, and that is ever pre­sent, and neer, that hee doth measure us, and weigh us, and condemn us, putteth down, and setteth up. Da. 2. from Is. 28. Wher Iudgement is layed to the rule, and righteousnes to the balance, &c. By these wordes, I measure, &c. God is hee that [...]udgeeth, &c. by resembling of the scales and balances, high and low, &c. Besides, hee hath his cup of condemnation, to sweep away the wicked, by preaching it unto them. The effect of all is discretion, and demonstration. That a true light of all, and not a vain or proud conceit, promoteeth.


GOD is moste famous in Iudah and Israel, and especially-ly in Zion and Ierusa­lem, wher hee dwelleth; for discomfiting the Kings of Canaan, called the devouring hills; utterly destroying them in his anger, for their Malice to the Church and the Promiss, as Ps. 2. rebukeing them and their forcees, with an eternall sleep, astonishment and stupidity, with his angry presence, and his Iudgement, proclaimed out of the Scriptures, called the heavens; when hee riseeth to save his poor people, the church, and to set them in quiet. Now seeing Gods anger, and malice so kindled in them, doth make him so famous, by so horrible destruction: hee prayeth to indue them with the rest of his choler, to make an end of his Enimyes. And will­eth his church to pay their vowes to their God, and to keep promiss and covenant with him: and that they doo gratifye the Eternall for his terror, that so faythfull-ly, and so terriblely, confounded the spirit and wits of Kinges and Princees; cropping highe trees and Kingdoms, for them, to performe his Promiss, Gen. 12. &c. as Ps. 2. Whence this psalme is formed, which sheweth, that that psalme, together with the first, hath [Page] his authority from the beginning of the booke, and is a Narration to the whole Pile, and is no later work.

Construction. Gnajin an eye, or prospect, as the word of God hath out of Ierusa­lem and Zion, and hee is admirable for his Name ther. A contrary property of the eye, is sleep: they slept their sleep, &c. Bothe chariot and hors were in a swef [...], &c. that he is more eminent, and more in sight, then any savage mountain or promontory whatsoever. Thou appeerest greater, &c. thou art very terrible, &c. even as a lion, Amos 3. Vau, the second letter, for a hook or crook, betokeneth feat. Their wea­pons fell out of their handes, and they could not hold them for feare. Feare of the Iudgement of God pulleth them back. As a lion is terrible in his sight and voice: so is God terrible in rebuke and anger, & wrath, &c. and crosseth all projects, & stoppeth and perverteth the wayes of men. La. 3. By both the letters, Gnav, from Gnavah, to cross. or pervert or marr.

Leviticus. The Scriptures and preaching of the word of God, make the handes of the wicked to shake, it dauntes their courage, and taketh down the stoutest, to save and help the poor in Zion. Hee is cheeffly honoured, where hee hath don most for his people: hee requireeth his ministers office with diligence, for this favour, in these wordes: yee that be about him, &c. to bee allwayes mindefull of his benefits, and with great devotion to serv him. The whole is fear and terror. Gods Name is a lion in Iudah. Gen. 49. Amo. 3. Apo. 5.


THinking upon the dayes of old, as Ps. 143. and the yeeres of the right hand of the moste highe, which is the time that Israel was burdened in distress, and in sore affliction, and was wonderfully and mightyly redeemed, and miracu­lously saveed and delivered, as Ps. 114. by their cryeing and complaining unto God, their Saviour in their distress: Seeing now hee cryeth moste incessantly in his di­stress, and will never leave calling, nor bee pacified, haveing been long therin without attendance, stretching out his unweeryed handes, with an uncomforted soule, crying himself out of breath, stareing with his eyes, and amased, Ps. 17. that hee knoweth not what to say, at the long suffering and tarying of the Eternall, his God: but wondereth at his highe displeasure, whether in his anger, hee hath forgotten his promiss, of Grace and loveing kindenes, or hath sealed and stopped up all his mercyes, with anger: so considering Gods mighty redemption of the church, when they cryed; by his walking on the waters and pathes in the seas: Psal. 8.65. hee wondereth hee is not heard.

Construction. Gnajin, an eye, or sight. I sought, &c. by all meanes my hand was stretched out, &c. thy way, &c. 1. Sam. 1. heerto hee alludeeth, in things in sight, and things out of sight, the sight of the eye, myne eye-watches, &c. the waters, seas, &c. to remember and call to minde, sight of the minde, soul, hart, spirit, &c. for a kinde of seeing, turning away, and forgetting, and Meteors, &c. lightnings, &c. as Chroni­cles, by the term world, generation, ever, never more. &c. Zain, to hear: by com­pulsion, of a continuall voice, by all kinde of meanes, in a hiphil or coactive sens, by force of sound, as touching his prayer, and also the Elements. As the eares bee daugh­ters of musicque: so his songs, and meditations and his talke and commemoration in the night, are to open his eares. Concerning both the letters, they signify 77. the limites of Iudgement, of condemnation, wrath and revenge; which is the boundes of Chronicles seven fold, and seventy fold vengeance. And that now Mercy was to bee looked for; after such an expiration. And the same letters spell, Gnaz, strength: for Gods unspeak­able Acts, don by his Arm and right hand: his Ministry. mark the doubling of the generall and speciall. that is all kindes and propertyes whatsover.

Leviticus. Thy way is in thy Sanctuary, &c. and thy way is in the Sea. and in the great waters of the Scriptures, &c. and becaus thy steps are hard to finde: it is to be preached by the Ministry, for conducting of the people, as it was by Moses and Aaron. [Page] that mercy and truth bee all wayes set before them, which is the way of God, Ps. 25. And the fidelity of Gods promiss, and covenant by which his people live. In this Psalme the term Iehovah, is not used at all, but Adona, and El: to express power and domi­nion, accordingly. So doo the Teachers becom Rulers: as the Levites had charge of the Ark and word of God, and the regularity therof, that mighty strength.


EPhraim by Idolatry started from the Church, and rebelled in Ieroboam, that Hosea sheweth, which is the parable of this Psalme: pointing out by this, all the stubbornes and perversnes of Israel, and faithfullnes of the Church: and their often temptations and revoltings. How they continually vexed and angered God: that at the last, notwithstanding all his compassion and reconciliation, hee de­stroyed and cast them off in Shilo, as Ps. 132. and refuseed Ephraim, and chose Sion for to dwell at, and chose the tribe of Iudah for his inheritance, and out of it, his servant David to feed them, as Ps. 108. So seeing every transgression hath just recompense: Hee recounteth all from Aegypt to David, and willeth the Church to bee warned by the ex­ample of Ephraim, who for shooting aside, and refuseing of God; was soon rejected by God: and this is the sum of all Hosea, and the doctrine of this parable.

Construction. Gnajin, or Gnen, the letter for 70, as for an age, or generation, which is se­venty yeers, by the term Dor, so often doubled. Gnaijn, or Gnen, the word: for an eye, or look: as for parables or ridles: which are to the eye: to look unto; or seeming truthes. And after the manner of truthes, when they bee revealed. Heerto belong great won­ders, secrets, miracles and mystryes of the Scriptures. The Sea, the cloud, the fire of the Law, Deut. 33. The rock, and bread, and flesh, 1. Cor. 10. Ioh. 6. Math. 16. see: hee clave the sea, &c. hee clave the rocks: mark all the repetition of the words, rock &c. when hard and cloudy, dark and hid sayings are brought to light, and to a heavenly sense, as Gnen, for fountaine and rivers of doctrine broken up. So likewise, concern­ing the plagues, hee sent ill generations, and ill kindes of men, and angry occasions, Ps. 105. for a destruction. Apo. 21.16. Ch [...]th, the other letter, for Fear; bringeth-in all the terrible things of God: fire and sword, and all plagues for tempting angring of him, for not keepeing his way: baptizeing with the holy Ghost, and with fire, Mat. 3. Marc. 1. Luc. 3. Ioh. 1. and firey judgement of the Law. And mercy also, faith and confidence, &c hope in the promiss, and dispaire. Hee smote the Enimyes of the Church for the Church, and the Church, for themselves and their own misbeleeff.

Leviticus. David beeing now Pastor and leader of the people of God, maketh all, the opening of the Scriptures: the releeff and redemption of the Godly, & the plaguing and damning of unbeleevers. Which is the work of the preacher. His calling was from God, and hee gave himself to the service of him. God his own elect, Ps. 89. For inter­pretation of parables and all hard things and figures, Iob. 33. Is. 43. Proverb. 1. Hab. 2. as good Rulers are bread and water to the people. Is. 3.


THe Church considering the miserable and hard estate that they are in: their siege, their desolation and captivity, as Psal. 74. And shewing all the abusees of the heathen, with a sore complaint against them; for entring Gods proper inherit­ance, counfounding all service, and prophancing all the civility and statelynes of Ierusalem, contrary to his ordinances: and makeing havok of the blood of his moste deer and pretious servants, and carion of all their gratious personages: and bringing all their pretious lives into reproche with their neighbours; and th [...]nking that they have felt enough of his wrath, considering their calling upon him, and dayly service of him: they now pray, that hee will turn his hand to the heathen, and destroy them that have thus consumeed the Church, and bee blasphemers of his Name: and that for [...]he ancient glo­ry of his Name, hee would not think upon their iniquityes any farther, but speedyly, to [Page] let them see his mercey, and his reconciliation for their sinnes, for his Name sake. And the end is, that the Heathen may bee disappointed of their glory, & Gods just revenge of his servants may appeer in might: by hearing the prisoners groneing, and redeeming their captivity, and multiplyeing of their reproche, of him and his servantes, many fold into their own bosoms: even seven times seventy for the seventy yeeres captivity, 490 yeers, taught in A B C, of Psalme 25, by the letters Ts, r, r, to consume the oppressours and bring finall redemption, that Gods people may set foorth his prais for ever. Dan. 1.9.

Construction. The letter Gnajin, for 70, implyeth the 70 yeers captivity of Babylon, that great reproche of the Church, which to be seven times multiplied, for judgement and vengeance upon the Enimyes, make 490 yeers. And Gods merceyes are according therunto, Ps. 119. R, Gnajin, the word, for an eye or sight, is for the appeerance and pre­sence therof, for the glory of God, and his name sake. The two letters, Gnat, from Gnit, or Gnatah, to cover or object: as love covereth sinnes, by reconciliation, and the grave, bodyes, which be kindes of covering, as reproches are for opprobrious, & igno­minious, and abominable Objects.

Leviticus. God is Pastor and shepheard, Psal. 15.80. Ioh. 10. when his Ministry is stain, and his Church defiled, & his lerned inheritance layed waste, and all their preach­ing and teaching becom a laughing stock: &c. His people and sheep pray for his mercey, and redemption, to glorify himself in the salvation of them, by his mighty Arme, in this time of desolation, that they may prais him. Because all vengeance and mercy is Gods.


IN the marching of Israel towards Canaan, and their camping, the whole host was divideed (in warlike manner) into fower squadrons, three tribes to every squadron: three before, eastward, and three upon either side, and three behinde: this three was Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasse. Within thes squadrous, was left large room, for petty squadrons, of Priests and Levites, ordered in like manner: haveing their sever­all chargees, and several offices about the Tabernacle, which they garded accordingly. Now within the tabernacle, was the Ark, and upon it, the mercy seat, and over it, the Cherub wings; the figure of their protector: in the Ark was the Law, and in it the strength of Israel, which for the justice, beeing the Godhead and protection of Israel: hee prayeth to the God of warr, for the shineing out, and for the rouseing the strong defense therof, to save them, in their lamentable Misery and desolation, as hee now walked before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasses. That notwithstanding, now the whole Church lyeth waste, and the hedgees of the Law are broken, and they are a mockery to their Enimyes: the transplanted vine of Ioseph, troden under foot and de­voured, by the swineish and beastly Hethen, as Psal. 74. and 79. and left accursed: and Ephraim the sonn of his right hand, is scorched with this chideing countenance, for transgression; yet because of his blessing of them, with his right hand, they pray God that the shining of God and of the Law may guide him. That from heaven, hee would look out som mercy upon the work of his own handes, revive them and raise them again, out of their thralldom and captivity, hee beeing the sonn of his right hand, & confirm them, root them well and save them. That they may not turn back from him, as Ps. 14.53. but seek him and call upon him, to save them, haveing been long as dead men in the true service of him.

Construction. The letter Pe, is 80. The word Pe, signifyeth a mouth: and heer to, hee bringeth eating and feeding, Kal, and Hiphil, active and coactive. The swine devoure, &c. God is sheephard and feeder. Hee feedeth with weeping and teares &c. hee prayeth to bee fed, with the cleer light of the Law, called his countenance, for a kinde of feeding to salvation, and to be turned and wended by the word, like sheep. Conduct us, and guide us &c. mark the repetition. To quicken, by calling upon him. These bee the two meates, adversity, and salvation, &c.

Leviticus. That hee would look upon the Church, the vine. God is heer sheep [Page] heard, Pastor and feeder, and conducter of them, &c. by the fire light of the Law of the Church, beeing scorched with his smokeing wrath: Gods firy and Angry look, & strife and scoffing & chideing countenance, and fumeing against their prayer, which bur­neth or eateth, Is. 33. For the fire and cloud and lightning: hee is prayed to shine out by clearnes of truthe and mercy, and look upon it and save it, because his right hand, the Ministry, in Ioseph and Ephraim, Gen. 49 and the tribe whom hee had tyed to his ser­vice, hath planted it. And lay his hand upon the Ministry, and bless al the labourers in the Church. Mark the doubling of thes wordes, Sonn for the Church, Psal. 2. right hand, confirm, &c. vine &c. That they may be quickened by hearing, and riviveed, by calling upon the Name of God. That they may profit and goe forward, and not fall back from him.


THat they should lay no fault upon God, this Psalme concludeeth the justice of the desolation in all the former Psalmes. Every state hath proper ordinance of conservation, which failing, all the constitution soon commeth to ruine. The whole strength and stay was the Law of God, and his service, which when they failed to doo, & fell to strange service: God was no farther tyed by promiss nor covenant, to de­fend them. Moste solemn Anthemes and Choralls, must perpetually bee sung, by the Church, to this strength, in their Passovers, and feastes of unleavened bread, and new moones, &c. for their sweet redemption from their sore burdens, and sower travail of affliction, in Aegypt: beeing delivered from a corrupt and slavish bondage, to a glorious liberty of the service of God. At their sore cry and request, hee released them, and sus­teyned them, that they might onely serve him: which yf they had don, and kept them­selves wholely to him, unspotted; and chaste, and undefileed with Idolatry: as hee an­swered all their hard questions, and temptations, at meribah, and by thundring Sermons, opened the Scriptures in Sina: as Ps. 61.68. so whatsoever sweet thing they had asked farther; hee would had given them their mouthes and their bellyes full of satisfaction; as the destruction of all their Enimyes, plenty and perpetuity of their estate, and had fed them with milk and hony. But they would not hearken to his voice, nor bee ruleed by his word, and would none of him, but follow other Gods, what they thought good in their own hartes: therfor are they justly left off, and thus tormented, and let goe to destruction. This from the first and second commandement.

Construction. Pe, a mouth: the mouth was fed and satisfied: when they cried in Aegypt, and God heard them, their lips for mouth. He will fill their mouth he will feed him deintily with doctrine, and give him all his longing. By sweet words, and cleer in­terpretation, and sermons, and Iudgements, and sentences, sweeter then hony, Psal. 19. Aleph, to learne, or instruct, yf so bee they will heare and bee instructed, and not forsake their religion; but they would not hearken not bee instructed, but erred in their harts, Psal. 95. and that was destruction to them. A soft answer putteth away strife. Gods word contenteth the soul, as meat is for the belly. Thunder, and Meribah, and Voice, and Tower, and Rock, and release, & Victory, agree for answer and satisfaction. Mark the wordes repeated, strange God, &c. hear, hearken, walk, &c. Testimony, protest, all asking and fullfilling, & triumphing, and the work of the mouth.

Leviticus. The lips of the Priests preserv knowledge: so prais is the fruit of the lips, open my mouth, &c. Ps. 51.71. This was an ordinance, and an Act and duty, for the Ministry, in the remembrance of their redemption and deliverance. Num. 10. See the divers writeing: of Ioseph, in the 80. And in this, Iehoseph, to shew, that Ioseph added much to the Church, as Act. 2. at the preaching of Peter. Mark the blessing of Ioseph, Gen. 49. Deut. 33. his strength and sweetnes, the stone of Israel and Rock of the Church. And sheepheard, and feeder, and teacher, and Nazarit, and separate, and consecrate of his bretheren, &c.


VNtill Iniquity bee com to the full, Estates com not to finall ruine: Iniquity commeth not to the full, till Iudgement bee lost, and knowledge and synce­rity decayed; for heerby was the world made; and stedfastnes of all estates. This word was committed, unto the Angels, the Priests and ministers, to be preserved in their lips, and worn in and upon their harts; for the continuall succour and estate of Gods people: also to anoynt Kings and Iudges of the Earth, who for the Mi [...]istration heerof, from God, were termed Gods, and the Children and the sonns of God. Now seeing all justice is for the Poor, and all succour is ordeyned for them that bee comforttless and oppressed: aud seeing in the church, even in the presence of God that judgeth them; they favour the wicked ones, and by wrong Iudgement, leave the poor in their handes, and this for want of judgement and understanding, which shaketh all: that they take the Name of God in vain: wherfor they shall loos their Names, their placees, and their immortall state of knowledge, and fall from heaven, to the ordinary estate and end of humane Princees, and comun men; and all for Ignorance or Partiality. Hee at last appealeth and prayeth, that God himself will now arise, and doo the earth justice, and judge his inheritance in all Nations. and this ac­cording to the third Commandement.

Construction. Lev. 19. In petaroth, Quedoshim: that is holy, or holy ones, &c. Pro. 31. for Pe, a mouth, for the sentence of the Iudge, and cry of the poor: and as you may see by the harping upon the words, just, judge, God, deliver, poor, &c. for Iustice feedeth the poor by rele [...]ving them. And wher just and right judgement faileth by ignorance: all houses, and buildings, foundations, and ground works shake, and ther is an earthquake and tottering of all instruction and edification. And that is according to the letter Beth, a hous. And all government shall fall to ground.

Leviticus. Shall not the judge of all the world doo right? so hee appealeth, when the Church and Ministry are without knowledge, and unjust: for the iniquity of judge­ment among the Gods and Ministers of the Church, for foolish and pervers judgement, to the moste upright God himself, that well knoweth, and rightly weighes all; and all from the first and last wordes. Gods is the Archbishop and cheeff Pastor and Prelat: to [...]ondemne the leaders and Princees of the Levites, by the words cheeff, and Prin [...], answering one the other, Nitsabh, and Sar.


THey that bee born after the flesh, still persecute them that are born of the spirit. Because of the ill will of thes mixt and impure Nations, at Zion: and their par­ticular and spitefull quarells against Ierusalem: as Edom and Amalek, for birth­ [...]ight: the Ismaelites for bondage, and Moab and Ammon, and Amalek: For bastardize. whch allwayes grudgeing, or beeing grudgeed of them, or accurssed: with Phelistia, Tyre and Ashur, that joyned with them: they grow stout and presumptions of their great strength. They draw to counsell and [...]onsult against Iehoshaphat and the Church of God, 2 Cro. 1.20. How to cutt off their Nation, with their noble and famous memo­ry for ever. And make a league and combine themselves by covenant against God, and for the abolishing of his Name for ever, as Psal. 48. The Churches prayer now is, that God will not be silent or sit still at this. But because they keep not holy-day: that hee would bestirr himself, against them likewise. And handle them, as hee dealt with the Midianites, for the like attempt and presumption; and handle their Princees, and choise Men, as hee handled theirs. That they may flye like chaff before the winde, hee pur­sueing them with flames, of Terror of his tempestuous wrath: and while men seek the Name of the Eternall, it may scorch their faces, & turne them about again, like a whirl­winde. That for their noyse & highe looks, as Ps. 75. it may still them & abase them, [...]onfound them, and destroy them for ever. Psal. 48. 2. Cro. 20. To teach them, that [Page] ther is no such soveraignty nor Majesty in all the world, as is the Eternall, and his name, the seeking of him, and calling on him. See likewise numbers, 22.23.24. wher these same Nations were kindled against it.

Construction. Pe, a mouth. That hee bee not silent, the Enimyes rore &c, con­sult and compact together, &c. That they be concealed or cut off &c. that ther bee no more mentiō made of them. The fire burneth, so the wrath of God, is a kinde of burning and an eating or consumeing fire, and his terror, a scorching. Ghímel, for reward, or re­compens, or revenge, by comparison or example: as to such and such, or so and so, put their Princes and elect, like such and such, &c. that sought the like. Both the letters are spelt Fag, from Fug: remiss, or slack. That Gods terror slackens the counsel and bent of the wicked, by abashing and confounding of them. As not to remitt, intermit, or pardon, as in the first wordes. Mark the words of silence, and utterance, the wordes of fire work, and all kinde of windes, and of terror, and confusion. And princes and Name &c. doubled. confuteing of adversaryes, by sermons on the Sabbath.

Leviticus. Princes and sacred ones, the protected and Elect, for Pastors and sheep­heards, as Mich. 5. By doubling of the wordes and kinds, and also the phrases and affixes &c. to bee noteed. The fire work and the windes, for the Angels and Ministry, and the seekers of the name of God, &c. as Psal. 104. Heb. 1.10. Exod. 3. For the firey and terrible judgement, pronounced and preached out of the word, Is. 66. for a confutation by the Anoynted and hidden ones, so God is judge. And for the Enimyes making, and takeing head, by crafty counsel behinde their backs, the terror of the word by the Mini­sters, shall all-to-crush them with bashfullnes, & confound them, Gen. 3. How terrible a thing is it, when the word of God is right against us, and bloweth in our faces. Mark the doubling of the wordes, for reward.


THis Psalme groweth upon the occasion of the former. Seeing Iehoshaphat was delivered from that mischeevous plott, and invinceible strength of thes nations that besiegeed, by prayer & trust in God, when hee was past all hope of secure­ity, by himself or his people, and in that distress that he knew not what to doo: & seeing together with their defense, God rained blessings of strength, and riches upon them, in Baca or b [...]rachah, of the vally of Iehosaphat, by Gods judgement, Ioel. 3. which confusion of language, is usuall as Num. 26. For Shephuphim, Shuphim, likewise for Sharbet, shebet, for Darmeshek, Dammeshek, &c. Hee first admireeth the person of God, for his warlikenes, secondly, the lovelynes of his dwellings, for the succour they yeeld to the distressed. And thirdly, the happynes of all that serve him, trust in him, and are present with him, for their defens from him. And for this, hee would so faigne bee like the birds, in and about the Temple, allwayes praising of him, shewing, that yf they well consider the face of the Church, called the Anoynted, now after deliverance: they shall see, that one dayes service in the hous of God, and his courtes, is more worth then a thousand, yea then all ones life, in the Tentes and conversation of the wicked: Seeing from hence is light and defense, from hence is glory and Grace, as Psal. 144. and from hence is all goodnes, to just and upright men. From, 2 Cro. 20.

Construction. Pe, a mouth: it is construed heer according to the phrase, as mouth to mouth, for face to face, Num. 12. because of the presence of God in his Church and temple. Daleth, for a door, is heer meant by the hous of God, which is called, the gate of heaven, Gen. 28. and of God, Psal. 24.118. Both the letters make Pad, from Padah, to redeem. Mark the doubling of the termes: to hear, and to see, and appeer, &c. and prayer and fayth, and affection, for presence, from virtue to virtu [...], from one virtue to another, from one faculty to another by the word, till they becom ripe and perfect in faith, & have his wayes in their mindes, wherby they see God. Math. 5. Mark the double­ing of house, &c. by all kindes: to signify Gods habitation, and the place of presence and [Page] redemption. Ma [...]k the doubling of the warlike Eternall, &c. and God of warr, &c. for the warfare of the Ministers. The rareity of construction, in Elohim, so many times. The person, is God and the Church. The time is preaching and prayer.

Leviticus. God is the Lord of the Ministry, and of the Levites: and of their exercise, Nu. 8. Hee raineth all strength and confi [...]ence out of his word, hee is the redeemer and Lord of life, by his plenty of Doctrine and blessed showers, Ioel. 2. which is the hap­pynes of the frequenters of the Church. Mark the repetition: mark the streng [...]h and brightnes of the word, like the Sunn in his strength. For glory, hee is full of grace and favour, for a protector or shield of faith, Eph. 6. As Moses guide to rest, Exod. 33. and yeeldeth all good to his anoynted ones, by his presence, Exod. 33. Psal. 34. Mark the sound of the wordes: sunn, and shield, and grace, and glory. for such a sunn goeth not down, but shineeth more then a day. Ios. 10. Is. 38. Apoc. 22.


IT is observed by the Church, that all their captivityes and distresses proceed from the wrath of God: for their heighth of iniquity, extreame offenses, perversnes and sinn against him. And that hee is wont to pardon all, and to bee reconcileed unto them, upon their turning again unto him, with confession, renewing of their mindes, and amendment. And that hee hath so good a likeing to his country, as still to bring them home again unto it, after som correction of them, and their sorrow to repentance, to prais him. Now considering the tediousnes of this last captivity, by Babel, that in a whole generation they felt no life in them, nor token of salvation, for the fiercenes of Gods anger upon them: their prayer is, that hee will now shew such kindenes unto them, as to give to all sortes of them, a more dureabl [...] peace then before, and that his salvation, now bee not long withholden from them that fear him. And for the flowerishing & glory of their land: that fayth and love may procure such heavenly Iustice as may set them in the way of peace, that they never err again. Like the way of the Eternall, Psal. 25.34. with the doubling of the letter Resh, to the letter Tsade, in the words Ratsitha & Arts [...]ca, The first wordes, to make the number 490, &c.

Construction. Pe, the letter, a mouth: by the doubling of the word, speak, and Pe, the word, for meeting or kissing, as mouth to mouth, or face to face: or neer or present, by the itteration of the termes, kindenes, and truthe, and righteousnes or Iustice, and peace &c. He, to behold, for the privative. Thou forgavest, and coveredst, and thou contractedst, break off &c. For the habit: shew Vs, &c. And the prospect of Truthe, and righte­ousnes. For his presence. mark the doubling of the wordes, Salvation, Ps. 42. & coun­try, and land. The Eternalls likeing, and goodnes to it. In the first and last wordes.

Leviticus. The good will of him that dwelt in the bush, Deut. 33. is to his holy Land, Exod. 3. his presence, glory & bounty, Exod. 33. Ios. 5. and faith & love, and righ­teousnes; and peace, and salvation, the rest of the Godly Armour, and holy weapons and weedes of the Ministry, Ps. 132. For mercy and remission, and salvation, in perill for sin, that they bee not consumed, with the flame of Gods wrath, when they look in the Law. Ministers of righteousnes shall goe before, and lead as Prophets, to direct his feet, Luc. 1.


THis Psalme is fitted to the former, by the very wordes of the 25. That the read­er should not misse, but have an eye thither, to mark the starr of his redemption, and line of Gods Iustice and judgement, which is seven fold the misery that they inflict upon the just, and Gods vengeance and revenge upon the wicked, and his payment of them, to bring the Poor, their hopes of inheritance, and peace eternall, with all plenty and delight, with it: by an utter rooting out of the wicked for ever, as Ps. 37. And this is all for his kindenes and faith toward the Poor and distressed, which hee calleth his way, which also is his work, which together is wonderfull: that ther is [Page] none the like nor any God like him. This way (with many just reasons to be heard) hee prayeth to bee taught, and his hart to bee sharpened, that hee may walk by the word of truth, in the fear of his name, to publish and glorify him for ever, for his great deliverance by it, as Ps. 88. That when many proud and terrible Tyrants, which set not God nor his Law before them, seek his life: that God in the Kingdom of his compassion and kinde­nes, would pitty them, and bestow upon him his strength, which is his Law, and therby save the childe of the Church, called the sonn of his hand maid, and to shew som signe of this good unto him; that the highe and fearfull looking men, may bee abashed and abased, when they see, that God doth take his part, against them.

Construction. Pe, a mouth: for calling, cryeing, voice and prayer, and name, and hear­ing, hea [...]kening and considering &c. Relatives. Mark the doubling of these wordes, with requests and reasons, which also is, for Vau, th [...] other letter, for a crook: a kinde of crooking or fetching by petition. Likewise, the two letters together make Po, heer, or hither, which is also toward. Which is the nature of pitty and kindenes also, wordes often repeated. By his mighty pulling of them out of hell, and pittes of distresses, and saveing them, Mark the doubling of these words. His perswasions and inducements. Hee is poor: hee is pittyfull: hee trusteth to him: hee calleth on him: hee setteth his minde on him, &c. God is wonderfull kinde, and a wonderfull doer, 2. Cor. 4. And saveth strangely, &c. to the great glory and prais of his Name and calling upon him, Ps. 50.91. and a shame to his foes, by a signe of prosperity.

Leviticus. Hee is com from Pastors, Rulers and Kings, and Gods, and Angels, and hostes, Armyes & exercisers, or soldiers in the former Psalmes, now to Ministers, works, creatures and servantes of God, Psal. 134.103. Mark the often doubling of the word servant: and son &c. and the word Lord, the relative, to implye the same. Such as bee the Priests, dayly Callers upon God, as was Moses and Aaron, and Samuel, Psal. 99. and Ezra, &c. For Saver or Helper of the people.


THer is no such mother as the Church of God, nor any parentage like unto God his word: ther is no such Church as Ierusalem and Sion, from whence the word of God and the Law issueth: that the gates (the goeings in and out) of Sion, are better beloved with the everlasting, then all the dwellings or cittyes of Iacob, or the Church elswhere beside. For, when other cit [...]yes are mentioned, & that this man or that man was born in them: of Sion, it is sayed more, that this man was born in her, in that, which the most high built and established. And when hee writeeth up his people, hee will not leave out the place, of their birth, that were born there, because of the excellent springs of musique that are in it. And this commendeth the Childe of the Church, and expoundeth the sonn of the hand maide in the former Psalme; to shew the pretiousnes of the children of God, the deernes of his servantes blood, and the worthynes of their redemption.

Construction. Pe, a mouth, by the ineffable fame of Ierusalem, the mouth and talk of all the world. By the words: unspeakeable, mention, be sayd, reckon, &c. for kindes of utterance; springes, singers and pipeers. For mouth musique. Zain, for hear: for the renowm and prais of the citty, and what an honour it was to bee born in it, and to bee brought up ther. Mark the word born, doubled. Zain, for Zeh, this, for certainty, by the repetition of that termn and sens so oft. This man, hee and hee, or every one, and hee, &c. both the letters make Paz, for gold. The golden citty, new Ierusalem, Apoc. 21. also Paz, strength, Gen. 49.

Leviticus. For the Church and Assembly, and deer hous of God, and his beloved Ministry, for the place of highest degree of honour and prais, called the gates of Sion. The holy hill, dwelling of Iacob, Citty of God, Gods founding and establishing, &c. for his service: a place of harmony, that ther is no place nor Church of the like Glory and strength & authority. The Leviticall office heer, are the Musitians and praisers of God, of which ther were 4000. 2. Cro. 23.


BEeing now in the Cadence and conclusion of this book, and service also, which is the proper place of praising and gloryfying of the name of God, that in this Psalme, by true cours, nothing els c [...]n bee expected, but commendation and prais of the Everlasting; for his great works of love and kindenes towards them: Now by the languishing of the Church, and their oppression in long captivity, the Estate beeing altered, the Memory and glory of Ierusalem dyeing and decaying every day; seeing they now tell of their birthes in divers Nations and Cittyes, and at length the Ierusalemites grow few, as the Egyptian generation in the wildernes: and they are estrangeed, and their acquaintance obscureed, and their estate abhorred, and beecom abhominable, like dead men: now beeing thus dead in sorrowfull lives, buryed deeply in distresses, and covered with wrongfull oppression, shutt up from their freindes and acquaintance by remotenes, and terriblely amaseed by affliction, and Gods angry terror upon them; Now how can they confess him aright, as Psalm. 86.137. and shew his kindenes and faithfullnes among the Destroyers, and make his Miracles plain among them that understand nothing, or manifest his Iustice, wher it shall not bee remembred? For this hee prayeth aloud, in the night, as Psalm 134. And holdeth up his handes, and calleth dayly for salvation and redemption, with early shouting and praier for the same: to wit, their return to Ierusalem, to prais him; counting all placees els in the world, but an absolute state of death, whersoever they were captiveed.

Construction. Pe, a mouth: mouth to mouth: or face to face: for manifest, as by prayer, and Oration to God. Affliction is the contrary, for obscureity; signified by the whole nature of the grave, and dead men. What theyr estate is, mark his presence in these words, before thee, praying, shouting and cryeing, and calling, confess, told, manifested, Gods wrath, remember. And a miserable estate is com­pareed to a grave for all propertyes. So his life is full of all evills, none evill escapes him. Hee is at the mouth of the pitt, expireth. Hee is dead, slain, weak, out of minde, cutt off, in the deep, in the dark, in place of destruction, land of for­getfullnes, out of his acquaintance, in abhomination, shut up for ever: In wrath, hee rejects, and hides his face. Hee doth no wonderfull and secret thing, his mer­cey is not revealed. Cheth, fear, prostration, and breaches, amaseed, terrors, terrible passions, oppression, &c. Bothe the letters spelt, make Pach, a Governour, Duke or Prince, Neh. 5. according to Ie. 48. also, a snare, which for his adversity hee maketh death and the grave. as Ps. 18.

Leviticus. Nehemiah, chap. 5. sheweth, by useing the like wordes of this Psalme, that hee is the Cryer and Governour, and cheeff Prelate heer meant, haveing the like occasion in the behalf of the church.


THe faithfullnes and kindenes and justice and judgement of the Everlasting, by which the heaven and earth and all thrones are built and preserved; must bee for ever sung. And happy are the people that can delight and bee merry in the presence and light of the Everlasting, beeing exalted by him, Wher hee hath ordeined the sounding out of his Name. And that ther is none to bee compar [...]ed either in heaven or earth to the Eternall; for his warlikenes, for might, or counsell, or terror; for beating down the proud Nations and scattering of his Enimyes. Now haveing exalted David, and covenanted with him, and sworn, that his Throne shalbe for ever, and his seed after him, and that hee would so strengthen him, that no enimyes should hurt or oppress him; and that hee would make him as deer as his Eldest sonn, and give him a supremacey above all the kinges of the Earth: and that hee would never take his kindenes from him, onely correct him with [...]odds for transgression of [Page] his Law: Now hee noteeth, that the Enimye hath the advantage, and rejoyce, God is angry and breaks his covenant, Ierusalem is takeen and layd desolate, the crown of his Anointed is cast on the ground, the church is in captivity, even in their prime; their swordes nor their hartes have any edges to battell, and his Throne is overturned, and hee is abashed, and is a reproche to his neighbours; and praye [...]h, that hee would no longer now hide his face, in his ang [...]y dealing thus against them, but remember what stripes they bee able to carry, and not to make an end of them in his wrath, but let them see his salvation in time, and redeem them, and to think of what continuance they are, seeing oppression makes an end of the strongest (and what was their Creation worth w [...]thout Redemption) and think upon his kindenesses again, and faithfull cove­nant to David, and consider all his wayes, after this correction, and the Reproche that the church putteth up, at the handes of thes great Nations, their Enimyes, that can­not abide his steps.

Construction. Pe, a mouth, for all kindes of speech: covenant, swear, confess, triumph sing, be mery with, exalt, speaking, saying, falsifying of promiss, violating of co­venant, breaking his word, changeing the thing that is gon out of his lipps, lying, re­procheing, &c. covenant, law, Iudgements, prescriptions, commandements, his word or mouth. Kindes of mouthes: the edge of the sword, the hand of hell, or mouth, Ps. 141. gaps in hedges, and breaches in walls: thou hast broken down all his walls, &c. Tet, dirt or clay, as beating for dust, his throne is down, and his garland and crown, and all his exalting defiled in the ground, and abaseed, and all Kingdom and honour in the dust, and shame and reproche to cover it. His song is the Mercey [...]s and miraculous dealing of God, and his truthe in promiss, which is all his way, Ps. 25. his mighty way of salvation, rule and assistance. See the repetition of kindenes and fayth­fullnes, and wonders, for kindenes, and walk, of divers writeing, to bee noteed. Mark the eternity, and throne of God, wher hee sitteth in his word, which is his mouth, for ever, world without end, for the wisdom and uprightnes therof, Iudgement and Iustice.

Leviticus. The Seed of the woman shall crush the serpents head, Ge. 3. Michael the Archangel of the covenant, is cheeff prince and prelate heer. Da. 7.10.12. Zac. 3. Ap. 12. Iude. Like Immanuel, Is. 7.8. Nu. 13. as by Gods Name of might and strength, to help and rule, and commande, El, and Chasin Iah, &c. Mark the admiration, who among the children of the Gods. &c. who is so mighty a God, &c. So, Mi, Ca, El, signifyeth, who is like God, Deut 33. cheeff in the congregation and counsell of the holy ones. Hee beateth down the grown seas, and lofty billows, and heads of the Enimyes: By his ministry, called his Arm and right hand, and strength therof; which is called his help. For this help, hee peeked David out of the people, to conquer the Enimyes, one that no Serpent could prevent: Ge. 3. The seed of his doctrine shall bee for ever. Mark, for the creation of the church: the woman out of the Mans side, from [...]ll the wordes repea­ted: build; help; before, or for finde, Enimy for serpent, &c. beguile, &c. onely the ser­pent shall reproche his steps, and blaspheme, or hurt his heeles. Mark still the rep [...] ­tition.



COmpareing the age of man with the age of the Church, they finde the ods to bee infinite; not a wakeing in the night, to a thousand yeers: which they call but a shower of a sleep, that they were in God before the creation, and hath lasted ever since without extinguishment. His servants bee brought to a few, and pounded to dust, but hee reviveeth them, with sonns and daughters: and when they flowerish moste, their youthfullnes in iniquity angreth God and consumes them. All the whole time of man upon earth, is but an angry time, and it is gon ere they think of it, his age is short & painfull, & soon com about, which beeing seventy, or eighty, at moste; remember­eth still their state of captivity, and fain they would bee wise in reckoning of their yeers, as Ps. 25.79.89. &c. which is, rightly to apply one time to another; wherby con­cludeing their calamity to bee neer at an end, & their captivity allmoste out: the Church now prayeth, that God will now with all speed, com again unto them, and comfort his s [...]rvants. And betime, give them their fill of his kindenes, and make them wise, and redeem them, that they may sing and bee merry, and keep sabbath all their lives. They love much to whom much is forgiven: so, that their heighth of joy might bee according to the sorenes of their affliction, and the dayes and yeeres of their happines and mirth, may infinitly exceed, for their dayes of evill. That they and their children, may see his moste inestimable works, and that, in his pleasantnes, God would make good the la­bour, and long service of him. According to Moses his request, Ex. 32. Deut. 9. An Argument of the book of Numbers. For so many reckonings as are in it of times and seasons, which is the summ of all.

Construction. Tsade, meat. The travail for wisdom serveth for meat, and comforteth; which Christ in the Gospell speaketh from hence, Luc. 2. Io. 4. To dwell eternally in God, in his power; and live and beleeve in him for Eternall life, is a kinde of food, Io. 6.14. Gods wrath and terror is an eating or consumeing fire, that wasteeth and diminisheth man, with affliction for sinn, by firy judgement, Ps. 78. Ier. 10. Apo. 8.9.10. Is. 9.24. And out of the dust, hee hath his conversion again, and is satisfyed with comfort & joy, Gods plesantnes to him, & his estimation of him, and blessing of all his works: For mercey and kindenes which hee feedeth on. Mark the relation of the partes, and repetition of the termes. Anger and terror and utter consumming, opposeed to kindenes, joy and prosperity. Which is closely imply­ed in the beginning, by the first and last letters of A B C, Athbash, for the terme of the Alphabet, beginning the three first verses, and in the third vers, twise converted and [...]urned backwards, and made Tashba, in thes words: thou bringest &c. and sayest, com again, &c. so the yeer, is a kinde of conve [...]sion or retu [...]n, sleep and refreshing, florish, cutt and wither, and all alteration: to shew the confusion, before the digesting of the word, by confounding Athbash, for the Alphabet.

Numbers is called Bammidhbar, in the wildernes, that they remained in eternity, with God, in time of rudenes, Gen. 1. and have an everlasting dependance from him. The opposition is eternity, and temporality: without variablenes, and with change, as be­tween God, and his creature, Is. 29.40. Ps. 102. also Bammidhbar, by the word, their faith commeth by hearing, and hearing by the word, &c. and thus they are made his sub­jects, and hee, their Lord and God: by the termes of Adonah, and El. And such ef­fect [Page] hath the voice in the wildernes, for reformation &c. of a few out of manny, by way of affliction. See the doubling of thes wordes, of eternity, and of moment, all ages, &c. generation. Yeers, night, day, sleep, in wakeing, morning, evening, fresh, withered, cut, past, [...]y, and haste, &c. bring, com again, return▪ For recreation: cheer and mirth, &c. God bringeth all to a wildernes, and again maketh a habitation of the same: so that habitation heer, supposeth a wildernes.


THis Psalme by way of answer to the former, sheweth wherin the safety of the Church consisteth, their victory & also their rule of redemption, haveing their dwelling with God, and lodgeing and relyeing in the shadow of his wings, un­der the book of God, the word of truth. They shall bee so defended and shielded therby, that no weapons nor snares nor ods, by night or day, at home nor abroad, can dea [...]e with them. His Ministry hath such charge of them, and with their doctrine so sound, that with their voluble tonges their flowrishing blades, and spiritu­all swordes, they defend their lives, and keep and save them. They lead them right, & keep them out of harmes way, and explane their wayes, that they stumble not. That by their faith and confidence heerin, they may stop the mouthes of Lions, withstand all fiercenes, and vanguish all terror, and beware of the subdolty of the serpent, and escape the divillish crauling temptation of vipers; and overcom all wrangling and spitefull Eni­myes, Ps. 41. With this consolation in counsell: because they know him, and honour him, and call on him, hee will graunt them their whole request in the former Psalme.

Construction. Tsadeh, from Tsad and Tsadah, to hunt or fowle, or lye in wait for prey, La. 3.4. Ts, Ier. 16. Hee describeeth the chase of an Enimye, how it is, by day force, and by night craft. This hee termneth a terrible plague, the stroke of fear: and the smart of the arrow, that commeth from him, lighting on him. Another sens of Tsade, is Tsad, a side, wher as all fell beside him, and no kindes of stroke, nor scourge, nor plague could f [...]ll on him, &c. The second letter is Aleph, for a thousand, and also many thousandes, by declineing it. And Aleph, for study, or lerning, which is ment by the wordes im­brace, and knowen, &c. also Tsadeh for food which is his study and instruction, which bringeth salvation and his fill of dayes and all benefit, and victory. Ther is no fear nor d [...]nger in the word of God, nor fetching any one out of his hous, that is so full of in­struction. Mark the repetition, bothe letters make Tse, except, or without, or goe out, or escape, as concerning the snares. Metsudah, a fortress, for the first letter, concerning the stroke. This thinkes upon Jah, for Iehovah, by the number of verses, by protection against the plague of corruption, in Havath. Mark the seven affixed Hows, or hims, at the end, for exception and onelynes, for the whole Name Iehovah.

Numbers. The wildernes is heer supposed, by the sport, beeing savage, also by the dwellings, the spoile of privative of desolation. As you may see by insisting upon the wordes; dwelling, lodgeing, relyeing, truth, habitation, tabernacle, &c. The person is faith, the hous is the word of the moste Highe, and All-sufficient, for his moste safe protection. The Ministers are his Tutors, to keep him from all offence, and perill, and shame, in the world. From hence is all victory, their faith and love and dwel­ling with God, and adviseing with his word and loveing of him, and his grace is sufficient, 2 Cor. 12. Because his trust is aloft, in Eljon, the Highe: hee concludeeth his salvation from all and victory over all. Mark the repetition, and relation to Eljon, and Shadda, the Highe, and the All-sufficient, evermore.


MOste sweetly by the fowerth, doth this Psalm hang to the former two, for that Psalme hath all partes of the th [...]ee. Haveing obteined their request, and de­liverance from evill dayes: they can not but bee merry, and sing the wayes and wo [...]kes of the Eternall, with solemn worship, evening & morning, to advance [Page] his Name. Which they acknowledge to bee a benefit of high transscendence, and ex­cellent consequence to them, and past the understanding of the beastly and froward kinde of men: which is, let the wicked, the Molesters of the Church, and the Eni­myes of God, flowerish never so well; and look never so green: they note, they shall bee rooted out for ever, and perish, as Ps. 109. and bee soon dissevered one from an other, and all their combination frustratee [...]; when God shall survive for ever, and hold up the horn and glory of his Church, with a fresh anoyntment. And they shall have a whispering intelligence out of the word (by examples) of all plottes and practises against them, and shall behold their Tormentors, as plain as in a glass. And they, the Iust, as Ps. 36. shall bee green and flowe [...]ish in their age, bee in good likeing, that are planted in the hous of God, and grow as upright as Cedars, to shew the uprightenes of the Eternall, and their rock: that ther is no wrong in him. This from Eden, the garden and plantation of God: Gen. 2. for the Congregation.

Construction. Tsadeh, for meat or food, and this is the Sabbath instruction, out of the word of God, the continuall praising and preaching therof, the Sabbath service, early and late, hee makeeth it meat and drink to think upon, and relate his creation, Psal. 1. of so deep a cogitation. Hee dealeth upon the effect, as far, of feeding; with fresh oyle I am all perfused, &c. Deut. 32. Ne. 9. Prov. 21. to wit, oiley, o [...] fat. Again, they shall bee still farr and fresh, &c. that bee preachers of righteousnes. Beth, a hous, the second letter, for the plantation of his hous, and courts and congre­gation. And bothe the letters make Tsab, or Tsaba, to play the minister, or to exercise the Ministry and leitourgy of the church, to tell out, &c. to declare &c: which is to feed. The food is Kindenes, and faythfullnes, and uprightnes, &c. also, a kinde of feeding is seen by a flourishing, and prospering, and freshnes and greenenes. Tsab, also of Iatsabh, to stand, or abide, Eljon, above, or surmounting, as between God and his Enimyes is heer plainly argued. Mark the repetition of the wordes, for the eternity of the godly life, and the vanity and frailty of the contrary. This for the same number of verses, must be considered, to think of Iah, for Iehovah, 15. in bothe. Mark the relation to Eljon. All alludes to Eljon, the Highe.

Numbers. The wildernes heer is the sottish, rude, bruteish and froward kinde of people, and wrong dooers, and enimyes to the creation of Man, and all reformation of manners, which are against all culture and manureance of the church. Thes for their wickednes, in all their prime & flower are supplanted rooted out & perish. When Gods hous, and plantation, and colony of the just shall flowerish, with all manner of prospe­rity, for ever. It is a good thing to be thankfull for our reformation, and to be disci­plined unto eternall life. Mark the repetition of wordes, and also of kindes.


THis Psalme farther prooveth the benefit of the Sabbath service, which accor­ding to Ps. 29. setteth out the strength and statelynes of the Ministry, that at this time and place, the word of God beareth swey; that amaseeth, judgeeth and confirmeth all the world; It is the pretious attire of the Eternall, imagined by the costly jewells, stones and softnes of rayment, which the priesthood ware. Wherfor to this psalme and the former, and the rest of the sabbath, belongeth the whole epistle to the Hebrewes, much of the revelation and Ezekiel, and a great part of Exodus, all buissines of the Tabernacle. The Eternall is the righteousnes of the word of God, and his Throne the Scriptures, bo [...]h ancient of dayes, from everlasting anti­quity: the gaynes of habit, and ornament therof, is wisedom, and the cincture truthe, which is the whole strength and stay of the world: and this is the law of God, that hold­eth all the world uprighte. The rivers, great waters, and the seas, all the degrees of the Heathen have lofty things to utter, but the word of God far passeth all. His Testi­monyes and Law, his protestation, and covenant, bee moste firme things, and sure, [Page] to leane unto, ther is no fault or dissembling in them, and that makeeth the holynes of his hous, for which, all the world have their affection and resort therunto, as long as the world lasteth.

Construction. Tsade, for meat or food, which is heer the word of God, Deut. 8. Math. 4. intended by the iterateing of the termn, voice, as the moste high voice of the Cryer, in the wildernes, Math. 3. Mark. 1. Luc. 3. Io. 1. Is. 52.40. the preaching of the word, & the raigneing and prevailing of the righteousnes therof, what a wonderfull, and everlasting nourishment, the kingdom of God yeeldeth to the Godly, and appetite of the faythfull, after their creation and reformation? It yeeldeth food and rayment, Is. 59. Math. 6. Ps. 29. The word is indued with high excellencey, and with great might. And this is the strong angelicall food, Ps. 78. Io. 6. even fayth; the holy­nes of his hous: mark all the repetition and relation, to the Sabbath. Ghimel, hath a contrary sens heerunto, as to wayne, and may not bee useed heer, but is useed in the next peece, wher Daleth is spareed, becaus it maketh the first letter, by spelling. Both the letters make Tsag, of Iatsag, to constitute, or place: For the place or constitution, church or assembly.

Numbers. The paradise of God, Gen. 2.3. a place moste expetible and desirea­ble, a Kingdom and Dominion raised out of rudenes, a requiteing and bearing down of the Nations, called the waters, by the waters of the Law, farr excelling, with all power and Glory, and sanctification everlasting, inclosed.


NOw when righteousnes reigneth, is a time for the Church to call for Iudge­ment upon their oppressours. Seeeing God, that is the Iudge of the world, doth hear, and see, and understand all the workes of the proud and wicked heathen, and correcteth them, and bringeth them to knowledge, beyond and contrary to their imaginations: hee well knowing the vanity of mens thoughtes. Now seeing Iudgement is according to Iustice, and answereth to all upright mindes, after the Law: they are sure to doe well, and prosper at the last, notwithstanding their correction. Which beeing for the Law and for rest; dureeth, but while a pit of utter destruction is in makeing for the wicked: which as great bodyes moove slowly: so, their end beeing delayed, is surviveed by Iustice and patience at last. Hee that makeeth the senses is not sensless, but full of light, and full of Iudgement, and wholely just; and lighteneth all by his Law, and must needs require attendance of brutish and heathenish men. To turn him from the way of destruction, to the way of salvation: from the bad way, to the good way, from the way of death, to the way of life, by the Scriptures, and confirm him. And this likewise is a wonderfull benefit of the Sabbath. Now in the greatest distress that can com, by the Molesters of the church, that might even break a mans hart to think on: Ps. 115. when they see their feet are gone from under them, and they are about to despaire of life and safety: then the repetitions of Gods great workes and kindenesses doe releeve them, and set them up again, with this comfort within them: that no corrupt estate or government can indure or reigne check by jowl with him: or any Corregnum, of such, as plot and decree Mischeeff against the just and harmless. Therfor now the church prayeth for a cleer revenge, a due retri­bution, and a treble reward upon their oppressours: and that their God, the Eternall, their trust and relye, would unweave their mischeeff, and unplot their devisees, and render their own sorrow upon them, and destroy them.

Construction. Tsade, Food: which is the light and understanding of the word: the first of all creatures, Gen. 1. Io. 1. and it yeeldeth all contentment and satiety, help and succour. Heer in this peece, the brute and foolish are opposed to the lerned: and the vexers, wicked and ungodly: to the Godly and just, and quiet ones, answerable to the 92. (as it were the same) and the greevers ther, are Iudged heer. A great dore is [Page] opened, &c. Daleth, an entrance or dore, for instruction. Mark the repetition destroy &c. workers of Greeff, &c. brute and foolish, &c. correction, teaching, omnipo­tencey of the Eternall, in knowledge and power, to revenge: by paying every one ac­cording to their works, as Iudges of the earth, Ps. 62. That the unquiet and disquieters may have no quiet, rest nor Sabbath at all, but end with greeff, and mischeeff of their own. And this according to the letter Ghimel, in the last peece, for reward, or right, or judgement, or revenge, as yf it were still the same psalme, observing the A B C for verses, with one over, to shew Ghimel, in the second vers.

Numbers. The wildernes heer is the proud, the wicked, the disquieters, the brute­ish, the foolish, insulters, the vaunters, the arrogant, oppressors, sleyers, murtherers, naughty and mischeevous ones, ill Rulers that hunt for the life of the just, and condem­ners of innocents, &c. The word giveth rest from such, and safety and defens: but to such, is no peace, rest, nor Sabbath at all. Is. 54.48. Iude, &c.


THer is no peace to the wicked: so ther is no rest but to them of understanding, and how great a benefit is it then to be brought unto it? In this psalme, it is by way of their behaviour, in the church and Sabbath service. They must be­ginn with triumph to the Everlasting, their righteousnes, and accord to the rock of their salvation, the Scriptures, from whence they were digged and formed, with psalmes of thanks offering for deliverance for the greatnes of God, and his kingdom who hath in his handes all unaccessible places, by power of creation; putting off the shoos of fowl wayes, and unclean lives, for the holynes of the place, by the feet of the saintes. They must doo all manner of reverence to their makeer, their God, for their induement of Grace and Manners, for their Education, and foster­ing them with his own hand, by his Law: and not with hard and stony hartes, full of strife and infidelity, and devilish temptation, to hear his word: but without any wrath or murmuring, as Ps. 4. with all contentment, to hearken to him and consider his work. That they bee not wicked and greeve God, and err still in their harts, igno­rant of his wayes, notwithstanding their instructions, and bee depriveed of their rest. Ps. 81. Consider the great work of the third day, Gen. 1. Com. 4. wher it is to bee noteed, that the weightynes of the work, is still to bee admireed, for the necessity of rest; and for greater sanctification and blessing of the Sabbath, ever som part of the creation is recorded, and the Great Creator to be magnifyed, extolled and worshiped.

Construction. Tsade, for meat or food: and that is the makeing and creating of us by the word. by the comming together of the words, made and formed, and feed­ing, and handes, &c. And hee biddeth prepare gentle and soft harts for instruction, at the time of hearing the word, that the meat may doo them good, that they may beleeve and relent, and repent at the comming of the Kingdom. When they see the word to raigne, and rule, see their harts are mislead and hardned, and cannot repent, nor receive, the food at Meribah, and Massah, Exod. 16. He, behold, for the greatnes of the Creator, they must present themselves in songes, gratefullnes, in prayers of humble­nes, with all reverence, for the deep serchings out of sight, and the steep hills, in sight: by the abounding and defect of He, in divers words, and rareity of construc­tion. It is also apparent, by Hem, the demonstrative, they, comming twise to­gether.

Numbers. Ther is nothing but the word and the wildernes, Government and no Government, docible and tractable, and quiet people: and hard harted, and disquiet, and molesters, tempters and provokers. Which have no benefit of the word, and can­not obtein the rest, of the Kingdom: but to the troublesom, is tribulation and an­guish.


THe Everlasting, the God of righteousnes is greater, and more commendable, and far more reverend, then all the Gods of the Heathen, for makeing and con­firming the heavens of his sanctuary, wherall worship, Majesty, strength and de­cencey is taught before him, out of his word: wher hee raigneth and setleth all the world, as Ps. 29. so sure by his doctrine, that it can never bee mooved, or carryed away again by any winde. And this is likewise to bee reckoned, a great benefit of the Sabbath service, to all nations: and thought worthy of a new song of triumph, to his Name and the glory therof: His kingdom of righteousnes, as Ps. 4. and his miracu­lous salvation heerby, to bee preached, and told every day among the Heathen. That all Nations, famylyes, of all the earth: may ascribe all glory and strength to his Name, and offer and bow unto him, with holy fear and trembling before him. That th [...] Heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in it, may thunder out joy and gladnes, & all plants, feeld-herbs and trees of the wood, leap and triumph and keep Sabbath, for the Iustice, constancey and faythfullnes of their king, at his comming to judgement (now by his word) and secureity of their kingdom for evermore. Consider the second dayes work, Gen. 1. with the Commandement.

Construction. Tsade, for meat or food: this is, joy in the kingdom of heaven: for the righteousnes, and peace, and salvation therof. For this hee sheweth all kinde of of rejoycieing, approoving therof, amendment of life and a welcom: singing, leaping, daunceing, vaunting of all creatures, and boasting and publishing therof: which is the meat offering, in his courtes, at Ierusalem, the joy of all the earth, for the raigning of righteousnes, and of the word. And so commeth the kingdom of heaven to bee meat and drink, by joy in the holy ghost, and a heavenly delight in the power and glory therof; the prevailing of the word in man, and the lustre of a godlye life. Mark the wordes, and the insisting theron. For Vav, a crook, or to take hold, hee dealeth by the contrary: to give and offer, and bow unto, and doo reverence, and worship and tremble, by the word, yeeld, &c. Take up presents, &c. Mark the ite­ration. Tsav, of Tsivvah, both the letters, signify, commend, commaund or bequeath, or send, to the same purpose: for the comming of the kingdom, for which wee pray, Math. 6. As all kingdom is with power and strength and commande, Ps. 68.

Numbers. The wildernes heer, is the wilde nations and marches of the Heathen. wher the word of God, and this Kingdom of a godly man is to bee preached, and published all abroad: to setle them in a sound doctrine, that they may never bee moved more. What a delight they have to entertain it, what a rejoyceing and a welcom is, at the comming of righteousnes, Is. 52. when the nations bee conquered by it, and the church increased? mark the doubling of the word Hethen, Nations, familyes, people, &c. what a God hee is in respect of their Idoles: that is so to bee commended? mark the charge, bless him, preach him, tell out his glory, &c. And this for true and righte Iudgement, the stay of the whole world. Mark the doubling again.


THe kingdom of heaven, of righteousnes and of God, is not with outward observation, but hee reigneth in darknes, with a cloud about him, in a dark and obscure stile of speaking, that his Enimyes may not perceive him. For right judgement and understanding of the minde is his Throne, and the fire of the Law hee sets before him, that burns round about his foes. The flashes of his lightnings make all the earth afrayed, and the hartes of great kingdomes (the Moun­tains of the world) to melt as wax at his presence, and to becom soft and yeeld unto him. And his Glory, beeing like the heavens; putteth down all idolatry and brag­ging [Page] worship, and saveth his gratious ones from the wicked, and to preserve their lives, by forsakeing of ill, by that subintellectuall light which is preached unto them. And for these benefits may the Ilandes rejoyce, and triumph, & keep holy Sabbath, for the peace that preserveth their trade: Mount Sion and Iudah, for his Iudgements and advauncement of their God aboue all: the Godly, for their preservation, and the just, for light and understanding.

Construction. Tsade, for meat or food, which is the delight which they have in the Kingdom of God, and raigning of righteousnes, by preaching and instruction, of the Sabbath, that all the earth may bee glad of. And also for Gods excellent Iudgements, of Zion, Ps. 19. to rejoyce in. Another part of the kingdom of God, is his judge­ment, and punishment, sevenfold upon his foes, when hee teacheth the Godly and his deer ones, how to save their lives: and this by fire work of his wrath out of the Law be­fore him: according to the letter Zain, for sevenfold. Mark the doubling of both partes of the throne: the one part is of justice, and of light, and the other of darknes and of firey judgement. The buissines of rejoyceing is all over light to the righteous, and judgement upon the wicked that the earth tremble at. Mark all the repetitions, and relative speeches, for that.

Numbers. The wildernes heer, is Gods Enimyes, opposed to his beloved and deer ones: and the Idolaters of the Nations, and Image-makeers, they are the cheeff that bee daunted and abashed at his Glory: inviteed to his worship, for his excelling of all Gods for judgements, beeing Lord of all the earth. Mark the relation, and repeti­tion: between light and darknes, God and Idoles, rejoyceing, &c. And this for the glory of the kingdom.


WOnderfull strange workes of salvation, hath the Everlasting wrought by the Dexterity of his holy ministry, and his righteousnes in the Law, called his right hand and holy Arm, even in the sight of the heathen: which hee fullfilled, in carrying them through the sea, and drawing them out of mighty waters, as Ps. 18. beeing kinde and faithfull to Israel: that all the world have taken notice of the salvation of their God. Therfor now, they are to sing a new song unto him. And that with all solemnity, and greatest triumph that can bee, before their king; with Iubeling, and chaunting, psalmes and sonets, with hart and musicall voice, with shrill soundes of trumpets, that the sea and all that is in it, the world and all the dwellers in it; rivers and hills and all creatures wher ever men goe: may thunder and sound out Echoes of Ioy and gladnes, and rejoyce and keep holy day before him: hee commeth to judge the earth, that judgeth all justly, divideing the word.

Construction. Tsade, for meat or food. They are fed with the great joy of his salvation: by revelations and cleer interpretations of his mysteryes and hid things of the word, Act. 14. Ier. 15. At his comming and raigning with righteousnes, Eph. 3. and a cleer judgement within them. Wherto all the world ought to bee obedient. they are made wise unto salvation, and to judge right with in them selves. His food of mercy and truth they live by. Mark the repetition: salvation, wonderfull work: and reveled, made known, remembred and see: relatives. Mark the doubling of all the words: reacting his prais & joy. The two letters Tsach, cleer, or to cleer, Is. 66. by loudnes shrillnes, plainnes, &c. the letter Cheth, for fear, is spareed, becaus of the insisting upon rejoyceing: the contrary.

Numbers. The wildernes is implyed by the Heathen, the endes of the earth, and the confuseed world and her inhabitants. that before the comming of the word unto them, were without God in the world, or any true judgement unto salvation, to delight in. Mark the repetition: word, judge, justly, &c. They must needs therfor, greatly rejoyce at the comming therof.


HOw bewtifull are the feet of him that preacheth good tideings, and bringeth news of peace and salvation in his lips? Now Righteousnes raigneth in the Ministers, the Angels and Cheru [...]s; woe bee to the Gentiles and nations of the Heathen. And while God is so great in Zion, and so farr exalted above them: they were best to incline to his Kingdom and worship his Name, that is so great, so reverend, and so holy. For all the strength of a Kingdom is the lov [...]ing of Iudgement, and prepareing of Right, which is the Law, as Psal. 111. And God hath made in Iacob, in that kingdom of priests: a Law both of judgement and justice, for the peace and salvation of his servants; which hee committed to Moses, Aaron, and Samuel, of his Priests, in a cloudy and dark stile, when they called upon him, that they should handle the same; and they observed it, and received the understanding of it, to preach it to all. The summ of all which hee answered them; was the two parts of the Law, defineing himself unto them, as Ps. 19. that the Law had reward and punish­ment in it, and that hee was a God of forgivenes, and a God of revenge, for their works. Therfor that they should exalt greatly the throne of that kingdom of justice, of their God, and fall at his feet, at his footstool, Ierusalem, and becom his subjects, becaus hee is holy; and prostrate their selves in Zion, at his holy hill, for the holynes of the Law and the vtterance therof, the everlasting Kingdom of God and his Righ­teousnes.

Construction. Tsade, for food, for receiving of the word and preaching of it: Exod. 19.20. Iudgement, the strength of Government, and of a King, is heer for food, Micah. 5. This was Iacobs portion, and the majesty of Zion, Gods Testimonyes and prescripts, & answers out of the Law, in a secret stile. Heerwith is his ministry fed when they call, and all rule preserved, and kingdom established. Hee raigneth within the vaile, in the moste holy place, and feedeth with mercey and forgiuenes, from the mercy seat, and reuenge, a kinde of judgement from the Law. And this is his holynes. mark the word repeated and argued: Iudgement, answer, holy, strength, and confirming, cal­ling, &c. Theth, to decline, or stoop, or bow, or prostrate, as from Cheth, the second letter in the other peece. They extoll him with all humility and reverence, for the same. Marke the doubling, of the words: Exalt, and prostrate, &c. and equalls: footstool, holy hill, &c.

Numbers. The Nations, for want of Iudgement have no strength nor stay of go­vernment, but are in commotion, & are declineing and tottering, all in peeces, kingdoms divideed against them selves: they cannot stand. The doctrine of Zion beeing so farr above theirs, is to bee admirably exalted and reverence [...]d, and for the holynes of it, opposeed to the wildernes of their profanenes.


WHat it is to tell out the loueing kindenes and faithfullnes of God, at morning and evening prayer, of the Sabbath, Ps. 92. and the wor­thynes and benefit therof; is shewed cleerly in this psalme, to bee thankfullnes vnto him. For what better thing can be then it, by which God is best and onely gloryfied, Ps. 50. and man best pleased, seeing that the repeating of kindenes expresseth thanks? Then as kindenes is measureed by the benefits, and faith­fullnes seen in all good turns: so, the greatest good turn, and greatest benefit, and the greatest kindenes deserveth the greatest thankes. Now, what greater goodnes could ther bee to the Church, then their Creation, and reforming of their heathenish manners, and the makeing of them by his Word and Law, wherby he became a father vnto them: begetting them out of all darknes, feare and distress, to a most glorious light, and bold­nes, and salvation: to make them his own people, his holy people, and his onely in­heritance; [Page] his sheep, and flock, and congregation; and to bee their dayly sheephard and Pastor, as Ps. 23. giueing them their education and food, out of the Doctrine ther­of? And what worship, thanks or blessing or prais or honour, can bee sufficient for so great a benefit? Therfore, for the goodnes of his everlasting kindenes and faithfulnes, it is required, that they neglect not, but come before him, and keep Sabbath in his ho­ly place, and with all alacrity, all triumph, all glory and melody that can bee; that of all offerings, they remember to sacrifice thanks and praise in his courts, with all their for­cees. And that they recompens worship, and blessing of his Name, the cheeffest ser­vice for evermore: then which, nothing can bee sweeter in the nostrels of God.

Construction. Quoph, of Jaquaph, to compass, beseege, or invade, Ios. 6. which hee expoundeth, by the word bo, to come vpon, or to, or invade, Is. 41. wherfore the word is twise vseed, that it may bee noteed. As also by the rest of the words, that intend the priests function that minister about him, in the congregation, on the Sabbath: as triumph, serue, and thank, and prais and bless, &c. the Eternall and his Name in his hous: for his loueing kindenes, that is alwayes round about them, and compassing them, Ps. 32. and imbraceing of them.

Numbers. Hee imbraceed them with his grace in the wildernes, and with his loue and kindenes drew them to him, and built them vp with Faith in his Word, Is. 31. The Eternall is the God that made them, and owes them, and feeds them. What is heere intended, but the godhead of grace and mercy, in the Name Iehovah, Eternall, the way of God, Psal. 145.116 Deut. 4. Exod. 33. Distinguished by the repetition of the demonstratiue. Hee, hee, that, &c. And this his everlasting mercyes, and goodnes and truth of his word, his faith and loue haue compassed them, and wonn them out of rude­nesse, and mended their manners. So the Makeer, Owner, and Pasture, is nothing but the way of God, which is, to lead & liue an eternall life: which neuer expireeth, as the Law that dyeth not while the kingdom standeth, which beeing a life for all, and for ever, and for rest, is called Eternall.


IN this Psalme, David makeeth God to teach his way, and to tell his minde to them that feare him, promissed, Psal. 25. which is, the Iudgement and the kindenes mentioned in the Psalmes heere before; which hee now makeeth a Psalme of: to wit, of Grace and of condemnation, which the word yeeldeth at the hearing ther­of: beeing the Baptism of the holy Ghost and of fire, and the fann that purgeth the floor, and makeeth clean the corn from the chaff, and diuideeth the sheep from the Goats, the blessed from the cursed, and the Elect from the reprobate. Wher God teacheth in his Church the perfect way, that hee himselfe walketh in his hous: with an intyre hart, as Ps. 26. when they come vnto him, shewing whom he setteth out of sight, and who shall not cleane with him, whom hee hateeth, and whom hee will put away, whom hee will take no knowledge of, whom hee will utterly dissolue, and whom hee cannot abide. Whom his eyes are upon, to dwell with him, walk with him, and serve him; and who shall not dwell with him, nor tary in his sight. That by this divi­sion: the Enimyes of God may bee soon cutt off and dissolved from the citty of God and his habitation. The knowledge wherof is also a wonderfull benefit. For by this description and separation, and excommunication of the wicked: the just may bee sa­veed and the church increased. For how shall they bee saveed but by faith, and faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God? Heerby they discern, whether they bee of God or no, and what way they goe or ought to walk.

Construction. Quoph, of jaquaph, to compass or inviron: heer hee intimates the kinde­nes, grace and favour of God, called his hous and citty, that entertaines none but the faithfull, and them that walke uprightly before him. Mark the words: within my hous, in my sight, mine eyes are upon, dwell, tary, &c. doubled. Also the word citty, [Page] equall to it. According to the instruction of the word, intimated likewise by the letter Aleph, to instruct: as by the doubling of thes words: perfect way, instruct, &c. Both the letters make Qua, vomit, or to vomit, or purge. to which hee frameeth the repro­bate, and the contrary church, and synagogue of Satan. Apo. 2.3. the hurtfull child­ren, or belial, that are every way, in their harts, farr from God and his way, and his word, and therfor are not to dwell with him, Math. 7. Is. 29. Ier. 12. but to be cut off, and to bee spewed out, and not brooked. Ap. 3. Mark the doubling: of put away, &c. and dissolve, &c. and abide, &c.

Numbers. The wildernes heer is the devillishnes of mankinde, for which hee is accursed and cast out, forsaken and left desolate, turners from instruction, froward harts, secret accuseers, proud, dissemblers, deceivers and lyers and workers of greeff. Which beeing banished the Church and hevenly citty of God: ther will remain nothing but salvation, strength and power, and the Kingdom of God therin. Ap. 12.21.22. For the manifold judgement of a wicked hart, that is allwayes compassing of ill wayes. 2. Cor. 5.6. Pro. 11.19. Na. 1.2.


IErusalem long waiting, for the expiration of their captivity, and return from Ba­bel, beeing promissed to them by the Prophet, to bee within seventy yeers: now when the time approcheed, they beginn deeply to consider their misery, with a harty sadnes, like David, Ps. 31. and upon many considerations, to pray, that God will not fail, at the set time to deliver them, and have compassion on it: for his own glory; becaus hee built it, and hath his name called upon, in it: and for his servants glory in the service of him, and their love to the place: and for the glory of the place it self, beeing the joy of all the earth: and for their great paines of dureance, and an intolerable feeling that they have of their calamity, growing old and withering therin. They pray, and shout hard unto God, to bee heard quickly, becaus their age is almoste evapoured away, and their lives expir [...]ed, their bones burning, and their harts wither­ing in their bellyes for sorrow, they cannot eate their meat, and they sigh till all their f [...]esh bee gon, and skinn and bone com together. They are wondred at like owles in the day, and like som lone or strange bird upon the hous, to all the rest; railed and charmed at, by their Enimyes, that bread and ashes in all one to them, for meat, and they have store of teares to their drink: for the terrible wrath which they feel in them, that hee hath cast them off. Now, for that their dayes goe downward, and their lives decline like an afternoon, & God and his remembrance remaineth still, before and after heaven and earth, that hee hath made with handes: they pray, that hee will have pitty upon Zion, and for his own prais in future generations, hear the Prayer of his people that is overthrowen, without disdeigne, and loos them home again, to prais him in Zion, Ps. 133. and serve him with other nations in Ierusalem; and that hee that beat down their strength, when they wear in the midle of their cours, haveing injoyed their Glory but a while, and hath such plenty of yeers and generations left: that hee would spare them som yeeres of their lives, to return with joy and delight in them, that they and their children may abide still before him, and never be stirred again.

Construction. Quoph, to compass: to bes [...]ch, for mercey, and kindenes, and favour, and grace: and compass, in misery: when the dayes be com about, Iob. 1. Mark the words: hear, and attend, time, and set time, dayes, yeers, &c. Mercy, com­passion, regard, despise, &c. And the end is inlargement: the grace is upon Zion, for the special glory of it: that is, for the church and hous of God, in so great account in the world: according to Beth, the second letter, for a hous: and now so waste. The prayer is for the eternall memory of it, intended from Quabhabh to curs: in the Petaroth, Balak. Num. 22.23.24. Vseing the contrary sens: as praying in steed of Cu [...]sing: and for grace in steed of vengeance. Mark the repetitions, prayer and [Page] the manner, remain, generations, servant, seed, Zion, abide, or dwell, glory, &c.

Numbers. The wildernes. The church, Ier. 12. Shee is all solitary, and strange, shee is waste, cast out, and ruined, her Enimyes have vowed her destruction, shee is in a consumption with greeff, and becom a very Anatomy in her destress. Mark the repetition, her dayes consume, &c. her dayes decline &c. shee is withered like an herb, &c. wildernes, an owl among the nations, &c: so their state is the wildernes. Ier. 12. They can not finde wher they are, they are so distracted with distress. And all for lack of Zion, and the word of God, that they pine away for.


THese two Psalmes shew the judgement and kindenes of Psalme. 101. How for their wickednes and hollownes, men are brought in distress, and banished from God: and for their humility and integrity, pittyed and reecived again: this beeing the graunt of the request in the former: wherby the blessing of the Name of God, Ps. 100. for benefits and kindenes, is still continued: Thus comming by paires; as Ps. Request and reward: Prayer and Prais: misery and joy together. Now all correction is greevous for the time, though it bee profitable, and necessary for salvation at last; becaus the mighty gracees and favours of God, by it, are brought: and they must bee layed once at Gods feet, and trodden to dust, and pounded to powder, before rhey will bee reformed of their haughtynes, hollownes, and stubbornnes that hee [...]indeeth in them. which now beeing considered; hee admi­reeth much the kingdom of Gods patience, and the dureablenes of his mercyes toward his childeren; how hee healeth their greeff, and pardoneth their iniquityes, (awaiting their conversion, humility, repentance and amendment of them;) and recovereth them again out of the pit, to grace them with all good ornaments (haveing once stript them of all), attireing them anew, with all good gifts of the spirit, which may bee profitable to life. Now becaus all Gods correction hath been with favour and compassion, bee­ing willing to bee reconcileed unto them, spareing their faults, and throwing their trespasses away, in his heauenly kingdom: hee willeth his soul that loveeth him, and all the propertyes and forcees that hee hath in him, and all that ever hee can doo, and all the Excercisers of the Ministry, that hear his voice and may doo his will, and com­mandement, and all the rest of the Church, his works: to bless him, and thank his Name for all his benefits.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to compass. Heerupon hee handleth the infinit reach and work, Kingdom of Mercy and grace, and love and kindenes of God, the excellence therof to his observers, and all them of tender harts that fear transgres­sion. His angels pitch round about such. Psal. 34. This is equalled in the words: and guardeth thee with kindenes and Mercey. See the repetition: kindenes, mercey, fear him, & Eternall, &c. For his kingdom and property of merccy, domination, domi­nion, kingdom, &c. Ghimel, the second letter, to reward, or bee beneficiall unto; which is first in the word, good deeds, &c. Hee hath not don according, &c. but, &c. and then by returning of thanks, by the termn bless, so often repeated. And require­ed of all degrees, of ministers, the kingdom and of the word and his will, as grace for Grace. Hee handleth here Gods lenity, Mercey and goodnes onely, according to the letters, and also the Name Iehovah and of his virtue. Exo. 33. Ro. 9. The Psalme hath just the A B C, number of verses, to shew that of som one letter hee treateth. which is Ghimel, for his great Goodnes to all sortes. Mark the repetition.

Numbers. The wildernes is wher the word of God is not hard of, wherfor the preaching of the kingdom of it was in wilde countryes, such as was Iohn Baptists and Pauls, &c. To Nations rude and hard harted; which is heer intimated by the precisenes and great ability of the Ministry, the contrary: that can hear, and are able to doe his [Page] word, his will and his Kingdom of forgivenes, their place is to thank him. Because mercy, kindenes, and charity raigneth in them. This is that which wee crave in the Lords prayer, Math. 6. See the repetition in commandements, word, voice, hear, &c. For untill the Kingdom bee com which is compassed with all heavenly, civility: Wee remain still in the wildernes; ungoverned, and unformed, barbarous and rude.


THe everlasting righteousnes of the Law of God, the word, by which all things were made; and without it was made nothing that was made; and that giveth life and breath and all things, and that all have their living and their mooveing and their beeing in him: the everlasting father and creator of the Church, and Prince of peace, beeing heer describeed: for the utility and benefit heerof, the people must meeds continue his blessing of the everlasting in his soul, and thanks unto his God; his discipline beeing of this sort. First of his majesty and greatnes, then his apparell, then his habitation, then his goeing, and his sending, and his work, that the word of God is a comely, a reverend, a grave and a stately thing to behold, and for beehaviour and counsell, to listen to: It is arrayed all with light & glory, and manteled with the heavens of understanding, It dwelleth in the Scriptures, and rideeth in parables, out of sight, in a dark stile, above the cloudes. It is swift and speedy in operation, as the winde, and his message and Ministry so swift and so firey, that ther is no withstanding or disputing, hee so establisheth the earth in doctrine, that shall never bee mooved; the waters of the scrip­tures are so deep about it that all the world is drowned in them: yet his thundering spirit, mooving upon them, by doctrine divideeth them, and discouvereth the deep and his se­crets therof: and sending the rivers of his doctrine between the hills, among the villages, to instruct the brutish: wher the heavenly birds of men, may sing praises in the woods the books of the Bible; by the fruit of his creation, the hills are taught to bear fruit, to satisfy and content the earth, with grass for beasts, as Nabuchadnezar, that proud King, & outward man, with that base diet of uncapability, and hearbs & fruit, to make themselves all manner of sustenance, countenance and confidence and grace to his creature, the Church and inner man with all deintyes, Psal. 23.21. That they may bee contented, with the doctrine of the cedars, the Ministry, which God hath set in his Church: wher the queristers dwell, wher for loftynes of building and edification, the holy stork is safe: so is the Roe by the hills, and the cunny by the rocks: so that all salvation is by it. Hee putteth of his light at seasons, and layeth down his clothes of understanding, by setting waneing and eclipsing of the lightes; and makeeth darknes for the wicked to seek their pray, and wilde and savage brute men to walk in ignorance; that couch (as soon as it is light, and knowledge ariseeth) at hearing of the word: that the Church may travail safe, and have all the understanding, and injoy the light therof till the evening, all their lives. And what is ther in all the earth that the wisdom of God hath not wrought? His wis­dom is in the broad sea, the Heathen and the deep is round about him, & ther is know­ledge and understanding of all the creatures therin, and the sport of the devill among them: and of the ships upon it, the Arks, and the Churches saveed and transported by it. All which doo hope upon him, to receive instruction in their time; who dealeth unto them his doctrine; and they are well satisfyed and contented. Yf they want the word, or it bee restrained from them, they are dead, ther is no life in them, and consume to no­thing but at his sending out of his spirit, the Law, his firey message: the face of the earth is clean changeed, and the Church renewed and repaired, and re-edifyed again And now, that the glory of God, the righteousnes of the Law, Psal. 19. may bee revealed by him, and God may rejoyce in him, his Minister and work of his word: and because his [...]peech pleaseth him, who is so terrible: hee promiseeth to sing Psalmes unto him. And because God likeeth it; hee wil never have don, that the wicked may bee quite consume­ed. And willeth his soul still to bless him. For benefits as before.

[Page]Construction. Quoph: of Iaquaph, to compass or inviron, which is heer, by all kindes of habit, all habitude of apparell, or worship or reputation that a man weareth, or put­teth on, or that hee is indued with, or is bestowed upon him, or covereth, Ps. 109. Cha­riots, Chambers, Servants, &c about him as light, heavens, garment, clothed, putting off covering, chamber, winde, breath, Ghost, spirit, &c. See the repetition· Daleth, the se­cond letter, for a door, is expressed by the riseing and setting, the goeing out and in of the Sunn, in the Hebrew, Ps. 19. For the use or end therof. Both the letters Quad, of Quadad, to incline, or bow down the head, or croune, for a worship after the manner of the Iewes: which with Psalmes and great rejoyceing, hee expresseth. Mark the doubl­ing: sing, Psalmes, sweet, speech, bless, rejoyce, &c. as in the former Psalm.

Numbers. The Ministry is the Creator. Mark the first and last wordes. The Message, & messengers, the work, the spirit, send, mans hart, bread, satisfy, &c. the wordes doubled shew the Metaphore. And that preaching, so farr resembleth the creation, by reforma­tion out of dust, bread of the word for to comfort mans hart, &c. The end of all is the creating of man, and his renewing: which is not don but when God hath once been throughly angry with his people. And hath brought them to their wits end, that they bee even becom dust againe, with misery & affliction, trampling & upon of the wicked, quite to abolish wickednes and sinn, and make an end of iniquity, Dan. 9. and make all plain before them, so that by the reformation, the wildnernes is discerned. Heer Nun, is added to the plurall, for reformation of the word, according to the singular. For in­creas of the Church and creation of strangeers, Psal. 146.


BEcause all creation were vain & not worthy prais without preservation, as Ps. 89. hee makeeth heer the Cadence of this book to continue, dureing bothe, to the end heerof: shewing in thes two Psalmes, and that following, all his mighty and strange works of his deliverance and saveing of them, and his kindenes to them, all along. Wherfor, as it is a good thing still to bee mindefull of gracees, as Ps. 92. So this Psalm is penned for a Psalme of thanks-giveing or grace after meat, for the Church to sing. Shewing their poor and hard beginning, for number, acquaintance and provision: their growing, increasing, fruitfullnes and strength in a strange country, against all conspi­raceys. How Moses, with the light of the Law starved their Enimyes, by the cups of the wrath of God, which plagued their policy, bringing darknes upon their understand­ing and befooling them, and steined all their learning. God sent Crawlers for pro­motion in their Kings court, and sent a number of biteing rumors, and Enimyes, & in­vasion in their coastes; with hail of oppression, that beat down all their doctrine and good things, and hee made their spoilers and their pollers of their common-welth to in­creas, and destroy their Princees, Apoc. 16. Heerby Israel grew strong and wealthy, & terrible to their Enimyes, brought out by a cloud, and secret purpos of the Law, and lighted them in the night by the fire therof, their earnestnes of song and ege [...]nes of zeal among them, to guide them: and fed them with all deinty meates and musique, the doctrine of the promiss, which beeing performed in the highest degree, that they might keep and observ his Lawes. Now they beeing thus fed and delivered: hee wisheth the Church to worship him, and call upon his Name and prais him, and sing Psalmes unto him, and mention all his workes, and make merry with his Name, and inquire out his strength, and seek his face, and remember all his wonderfull works, and shew themselves by all meanes thankfull for them.

Constuction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to compass or inviron, is heer interpreted by Iosephs bondes and imprisonment: by the wordes, hurt and instruct, for oppress and binde, and also the contrary, by loosing, and inlargeing, &c. which implyeth a kinde of compassing, conteining, and holding. The two letters Quoph, and He, make Quhah, or Quah, from Jaquah, to obey. Heerto hee alludeeth, by all strength, rule and commande, and obedience [Page] and disobedience. Mark the repetition & cleernes, by the relation of kindes of contra­ryes. And this agreeth to the first. For Ioseph is made ruler and Lord of all. And bindes and looseth, & hath the keyes of the Kingdom and of the hous, to ordein and instruct all, Math. 16. by all bonds and covenants, good rulers, the staff of bread and water, Is. 3. Thes words are doubled: ruler, commande, send, word, &c. hee was found right by the rule of the word. He, to behold, the second letter, is reported in such words as these, for presence & absence, plain and secret things. The servants of God, the continuall and all manner of worshiping, and serving, and seeking of him, the repeti­tion will make it plain. Name, signes, miracles, wonders, servants, chosen, & all mysteryes, vail, cloud, light, &c, Abraham, Iacob, Isaack. Israel, &c, strangeer, preaching, boasting, seek, inquire, face, remember, statutes for judgement, &c. For discretion or decree, &c.

Numbers. The wildernes is the wasteing of the Enimye by invasion and plagues of destruction. The message of evill Angels and spirits of wrath, Ps. 78. Iob. 1. ad­versity makes them loos their hold. The Church is arrived according to the promiss and preserved. The Patriarchs and Prophets, by their message and the word, are the walles and circuit therof, Ap. 7.11. What went yee foorth into the wildernes to see, &c. Ther is nothing but strange and hard things, and wonders and monsters there, that is incredible to report. So ther is much mystery in the word and of Godlynes; and when the Church is not well informed, the word it self seemeth a desert, for the wonderfull hardnes of it: which the letter makeeth in this Psalme. But it is cleered by a heavenly revelation and spirituall interpretation, which is the seeking of his face by the mighty operation of the word: and brought to bee beleeved by the Church. And the rest for infidelity, is left a wildernes, Apoc. 12. Ier. 2. Mark the repetition: wonderfull works, excellent Acts, wonderfull miracles, signes and miracles, &c. and this in nations wher no culture, or manurance and right worship is. For the Kingdom and conduct of the word.


SHewing the often sinning, transgression, and fall of the Church, and their murmur­ing against God, and their often receiving again to favour and mercey, by God: & their often forgetting of his kindenes to them, and his often pardoning and for­giveing them again: in Aegypt, at the Sea, in the wildernes, in Horeb, in their tents, at Meribah, in their warrs, in their offerings, at the request of Moses and Phineas, and of his own good will: often times delivering them out of their distresses, remembring his covenant; and also beeing comfortable to them, by hearing their own requests; and ac­cording to his great kindenesses, takeing them to mercey before their captivers, wherby they beleeved his word and sung his prais: but for the goodnes of such everlasting favour, and the virtues of his kingdom, what wight is able sufficiently to set out, and worship and thank him worthyly? Now the Church haveing sinned in frowardnes like their fathers, and beeing in the like distress, in captivity, and scatered among the heathen: hee prayeth, that now at his request, hee would gather them again, and bring them home to worship his holy Name. And that God would let them see the kinde salvation of his people likewise, that hee may also behold the joy & wealth of his Choseen, and be­com a glorious Actor of his prais and commendation with his inheritance also, and thank him for the same.

Construction. Quoph, of Jaquaph, to compass or inviron, you must consider, the largenes and the bountifullness of Gods loveing kindenes, and his exceeding mercyes, and the wide compass of his grace, and the greatnes of his good will, that entertaineth all that observ him. The contrary heerunto is, the rebellion & wrathfullnes of the people, as Children of wrath, Eph. 2. Col. 3. Ia. 1. following all ungodlines, putting on a contrary habit, meerly to anger him, and tempt him. Therto belong the doubling of the words: Chosen, inheritance, Virtue, over-cover, overwhelm, people, as Psal. 117. [Page] Kindenes, goodnes, mercy, favorable, refuse, overthrow, Anger, freat, vex, rebell, prais & worship, in the first and last wordes. Vav, a hook, or crook, to pull them out of the fire, and out of the water, to save and deliver them. By the doubling of the words: saveed, Salvation, quit, delivered, Sauiour. The contrary: overthrow, scatter, cap­tivers. Both the letters, make Quav, of Quavah, to expect, or gather together. Heerto they expect not, nor wait, but are impatient of all Gods Counsell, and fall on lusting, Ia. 1. Mark the repetition: murmur, beleeved and word, counsell, assembly, gather, scatter, &c.

Numbers. The word, and parts of the kingdom of God: which is fayth and pa­tience. Apo. 1. Which the people fayled of: and could not abide such spirituall dyet. They could not beleev the covenant, nor wait for the promiss, but lust & murmur, and repine, and grew all abroad, and out of rule, and out of all obedience, and at havok, like a wildernes. See the repetition; word, hear, hearken, beleev, wait, counsell, Covenant, &c. Heer particular Name: they put on the manners of the Hethen. See the Petaroth, Phineas, Nu. 25. For the word of atonement and mediation, the king­dom of Priesthood, &c.



FOOles will not understand, but they that bee wise will understand. That this book may bee no foreiner to the rest, it hath his Text and foundation from the former, to wit, beeing hanged and coupled to the 92. like the rest of that book, and to express the glorious Instruments of this Service, the divers kindes of mi­sery and the meanes: the sundry manners, and the causes of them: and the duty and necessity of thanks, and declaration of kindenes. By famous prayers: from the skill of the sweet singer of Israel, the harps and viols of the saintes, and sweet odours and sacrificees of thanks, that men may learn and mark well the way to distress and beware therof. The Church beeing scattered over all the world, without any certain dwell­ing, with great wandring, and great scarceity, and much oppression by pilgrimage and error: the obscurity, and their dark imprisonment for stubborn ignorance against the word of God: what horrible sorrows they fall into, to affict them: by transgressing the word for want of knowledge therof▪ The highe dangeer of sea-buissines, as yf they sought to oppose God for deliverance: yet by faith, they crying for help: the word, and knowledge therof is sent still to save them. Mar: 13. Ps. 56. Which by shewing them their mighty and often deliverancees and blessings, and teaching them the way to beleev their salvation: and building their faith upon a ground of former deliverancees, and cherishing the just and stopping the mouthes of the wicked: now for the inestimable goodnes and price of this wonderfull and everlasting kindenes and redemption, hee would have the Church still to bee minde-full of, and make allwayes confession of the same, with continuall thanks; and the best and worst in the congregation, to exalt him and worship him: beeing sure, that they that bee wise, will remember it and not ne­glect [Page] the same, but observe, that the wisedom of the word shall bee still their delive­rance, and the faith theron shall save them.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to compass or goe about, intended by thes words, tormentor, wandered, distress, streits, prisoners, in iron bands, afflicted, streit troubles, cōstreint, run about, reeling, gidy, storm, dwelling citty, a walled town, ransom, save, deliver, bring out, &c. doubled. And they signify the stretines of affliction. Zain, to hear. They cry, and they are heard and saved, &c. hee dealeth by the subject. Mark the word cry, in hebrew, spelt twise with Zain, and twise other wise, as Neh. 9. also Zain, seven, for sevenfold judgement, and also sevenfold kindenes. Mark the repetition, wrong calling for judgement can not be heard, for repentance, and crying for mercy is so loud.

Deuteronomy. Elle ha debharim, these are the wordes, or Acts, or things, &c. a runn­ing over the other books of the Law, a recitation, Neh. 9. and a coronation of them by an infinit confession, and publication, of all the wonderfull works of God, Iob. 37. his deliverances out of all kinde of affliction, and his perpetuall kindenes to them, in­tended by the repetition of the words: worship, confess, declare, workes, wonderfull works, of kindenes, thanks, exalt, observe, understand, for to reckon, &c.


IN this Psalme hee brings part of the 57, for his readines to sing after his calamities: and the 60, for ioy of victory and prosperity, and word of comfort out of the word of God, for inlargeing the Church, and all for the kindenes of God, Psal. 92. that when hee hath handled the other partes of that Psalme; hee maketh this the last. Therfor now, beeing ready to sing, hee taketh up his Instruments, which are as well the Skill of his hart, Psal. 78. By which hee led the people: as the forme of materiall Instruments. Of which he handleeth the 10 stringed viol by 10 countryes, the Church and holy land of Canaan, which hee makeeth to sing by setting and tuneing of them, Vpon thes 10 countryes the song is skoreed out as upon ten cordes, by all the cliffs, all which beeing instruments of the prais of God: are heer made musicall strings, and con­cord of the Church and keyes of David. This is the quire and lute, and harp, and sing­ers, that carry the partes & play them, and the song is all upon the decachord decalogne, the ten commandements, his Theme and Tex [...], and glory, That notwithstanding this great strength and power and officious readines of all parts of the Church: hee gi­veth all strength to the Law, and the righteousnes and holynes therof, and all prosperi­ty to God, as Ps. 60. This righteousnes beeing his glory and his God, as Psal. 4. Hee calleth up betime, to invent and sing, as Ps. 92. And to set him out in all nations, for the greatnes of his kindenes, and faithfullnes of his promiss. And because the same is infinite, and reacheth up to heaven, and over all the earth: that with songs of prais, and Psalmes of exposition, hee might exalt him, and glorify him over all the world. That the cloudes and glory, and the understanding and the substance therof, may bee zealously revealed unto all, and thanks for all.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to inviron or compass, which is here girding, be­sieging and constreining, strictnes, affliction or distress: which is here argued by the contrary, releasing, inlargeing, saveing and helping, prosper, Pro. 11. Mark the repe­tition, help, save, releas, distress, besiegers, &c. Cheth, to prostrate, is argued by exalt­ing likewise, as up, awake, a bove the heavens, to the cloudes, [...]x [...]lt, over all the earth, also to lay prostrate, and tread down. Bothe the letters make Quach, of Laquach, to take or receive as for ones own, or proper or belonging, and doth intend propriety, and right to thes countryes, which hee chalengeeth as for his proper people: by the often itterateing of the habit, and term of propriety, in expressing his officers.

Deuteronomy. The reciteing, and repeating of their conquest, by their singing and celebrating of [...]ods highe way, which is grace and truthe, kindenes and faithfullnes of [Page] his word, Io. 1. which shineeth above the skyes, in his wonderfull works, by subdueing of the countryes within the promiss, and bringing them into subjection: these wilde countryes to the word, according to the letters as before, in makeing them of the Church, and to appertain unto it. That makeeth men so glorious over all the world. The light and glory of God, that is farr out of reach, and not atteined unto. And hereto hee setteth his hart and his whole delight. And wher hee sayeth, thes are the words, &c. Hee meaneth the effect and the summ of them, an Eternall life. That is, Gods promiss, I will divide, &c.


NOw because the mouthes of the wicked are full of dissembling, opened against him, and talking with him, and they compass him with hatered, and backbite him for nothing, and are against him for his love: while hee is in prayer and playeth & imply [...]th himself herein: putting upon him evill for good, and hate­red for his love: The thing that hee moste hateed, loathed, detested and abhorred, Ps. 26. in steed of that which hee moste longed for and affected: falshood for truth, the Instrument of all his glory, Ps. 4. gall for meat, and vineger for drink, Psal. 69. for all his charity: and because of the mercylessnes of the wicked, that never thinketh of any compassion on the afflicted, but pursue the poore, to make an end of the brokeen harted Psal. 35. loveing cursing and not blessing: hee prayeth the God of his prais, that is, all Iustice, reason and equity, to hear him, as Ps. 4. That a wicked man may bee sett over him, and that is adversary may have the better hand of him, and when hee is to bee cen­sureed, that hee bee counted a guilty and a wicked man, and all his prayers and requests sinfull and faulty. That for his dissembling and falshood and repugning without caus, wherby hee deceiveth, injures all, and mischeeffs: every thing may likewise deceive him, and inflict injury and mischeeff on him. That hee may have nothing in deed and in truthe that hee desireeth and would have; or keep any thing that hee hath, or injoy ought that hee delighteth in. But that all things may faile him, as Ps. 5.37. That hee may dye quickly and loos his office, & leave his childeren fatherless & his wife a widow, that his childeren may goe about, and beg and seek out of their desolate Cotes, and have none to have compassion or pitty upon them. That the deceiver may catch all that hee hath, and strangeers robb him of his labour. That for the iniquity of his father and mother, hee may bee cut off, and have no posterity or memory in the next genera­tion. That the Curs may light upon him, all blessing may bee far from him, upon an other hill, Deut. 27. That hee may allwayes wear it about him. In sum, that hee suffer all adversity and misery, and bee frustrate of all his hopes, that hee bee every way accursed; for a just reward of God upon them that slander his life, and speak ill of him. And that the Everlasting would have commiseratiō & compassion on him for his names sake, & deliver him, his hart beeing slain with affliction, with in him, & his age declineing & fadeing: his knees faile with fasting, and his flesh will not bee fatt, and hee is a mocking stock & a reproche with them: and help him and save him. That they may know it to bee his dooing, and that hee will turn their cursing to blessing, that they (his adversaryes) may bee ashameed all over them, of their riseing against him, and his servant may rejoyce, and that hee may set foorth the Eternall with the instrument of his mouth, and prais him openly: assisting him, and saveing the needy and destitute man from his condemner. And this from the curs of the Serpent, and enimyes of the Church, Gen. 2. For prayer and for the cursed.

Construction. Quoph, to compass, or besiege, or inviron, and such are hatred, and the words of hatred, called Sineah, doubled. For improsperousnes of sinisterity and left hand affayres, signifyed by the letter Sin, called Smol, with his prick on his left hand thus ש, to paint out the crossnes and untowardnes of the devill, Ps. 119. Sh. They goe about, and oppugne, &c. Hee dealeth also, e diametro, by the opposit point. Satan the adversary [Page] Bothe the circumventing and the resisting Enimy. Mark the repetition: put on: wear, upper garment, to be, wrapping, weed, girdle, gird, &c. goe about. E diametro: op­pugne, bee or stand against, adversary, &c. right hād, &c. kindenes. &c. intangle, blessing, cursing, &c. Teth, to decline, or sweep a way, as a declineing, driven away, weak knees, lean flesh, &c. Bothe the letters make Quot, to bee yrksom, and greevous. His way is wholey yrksom, and advers to all good motion. Mark the repetition, prayer. Mark again the declineing of Jehovah, into Iehovi, to shew the Mystery.

Deuteronomy. His whole life is an yrksom way, and without the compass of grace or favour f [...]om God: and his reward from God is as yrksom. God giveth him all adversity & improsperity that can bee, and worketh him no deliverance, because hee is fals and mercyless. God forsaketh him, and hee dyeth accursed and his name is out. See name, blot, remembrance, &c. doubled. The recitation is destruction and deliverance. Heer mercy and truthe kiss not ech other, but are far a sunder, Ps. 85. and have no habitation in such. And somuch for a Deuterosis, or an enumeration of a cursed and wicked man.


THe Kings right hand is his Ministry. By discipline fayth and prayer the Serpents head is brokeen, and the Church delivered from bondage, and thus hee com­meth to conquer him, and cleer the Grammer. Yf God bee on our side who can bee against us? yf God fight for us whom should wee fear? Therfor yf hee take our part, wee may sitt down and bee still. And yf the quarell bee his, what need wee stirr? God hath no quarell but for his Church, which heer is personed by David the defendour and head of the same. Which, because it is a flock of perfect and upright men, and are not many, but have many adversaryes: God will by their own consistance; of righteousnes, and peace the fruit therof, subdue their Enimyes, and bring their Enimy, the Devill and Satan underfoot; which shall fall by their own wrong and perish by their wicked wayes: for what can bee the fruit of wrong but destruction? By the flowerish­ing rod of Iustice and judgement (the strength of the Law, and ten commandements, out of Sion) & ten st [...]inged instrument of the Decalogue, Ps. 92.98. Hee shall subdue them, and rule among them: for their wrongfull resisting the promiss, and their right to Canaan. Which rod of governement, that divideeth waters, and bringeth doctrine out of hard rockes of Scripture: beeing once cast out of their handes, was turned to ser­pent like Enimyes of God, as Ps. 92. But Moses was shewed by catching it by the taile, and the returning to a rod, that they should have the governement again: which should bee an iron rod and hard governement, as Ps. 2. to the Resisters. For his battail, hee will have none but Levites, and the first born, the flower and choise of the wombe and seed of woman, the best lerned in the Church. The right hand and dexterity of the Mini­stry shall wound kings: his Enimyes and heades of them, as Ps. 68. when hee is angry: even the head of the Arch-enimy, the King of the land of Rabbah, of the Amonites: by un­crowning him, and tortureing the bodyes of his people striveing with him. Hee drank of the river of doctrine, the discipline of the Law, Ps: 36. Thus by the Church, shall God bring Davids Enimyes under his feet, and hee shall conquer and hold up his head, as Ps. 92. and shall bee a Priest for ever, Is. 61. like Melchizedeq: not born of flesh and blood, nor of the will of man, Io. 1. but of the spirit of God, and to walk with God, without father and without mother, without beginning or end of the dayes of life, or any worldly respect. And hee shall sit at Gods right hand, Ps. 16. and continue in speciall favour and grace with God, for the Eternity of the Church. And this from the conquest of the Serpent, Gen. 3. For the Instrument of subjection and gover­ment: for the sweetnes of majesty, Lordship, Rule and Dominion: and victory of ש Shin, over Sin, (yee sheep to the right hand, and yee goates to the left) Iamin, over Smol; the right hand over the left: the Ministry over the devill and Satan and all temp­tation, Psal. 119. Sh.

Construction. Quoph, to compass or besiege, is expressed by Enimyes, as Ps. 17. that [Page] are all wayes attempting mischeeff, invadeing upon all sides: which is the subdole and hurtfull serpent, Ge. 3. to the Church. The second letter Iod, for a hand, is expounded by the right hand, the Ministry, favour and pre-emenence of God. Mark the repetition. Hee sheweth how the armed with the word, Sem or Melchizedeqs Kingdom, Isa. 33. the seed of Sion, Is. 2. They are the destruction of the Serpent and his adherents, by the power and glory of the Kingdom and [...]eople of [...]xpedition, Ps. 68. in the Church. Mark the wordes, head, and wound, repeated: day, when, Lord and judgement, &c. Hee alludeeth also to the dexter point that makeeth ש, Shin, that signifyeth weaponed men, as Ps. 68.119. N. and the victory, the inevitable power of Gods m [...]ssuage. Mich. 4.5. 2. Sam. 17. like dew over the Heathen, and the head of them. Mark how Shin is compassed with the next letters on both sides: Resh, and Tau, in the first and last wordes, to shew the allusion.

Deuteronomy. The recitation is, God wil have it is own work, and the victory his, and that a wonderfull work and way of the Law and word of God: the rivers in the Law called the way, Ier. 31. conceived and born in Sion. And the Serpent by a Gospell preached, the river of wisdom out of Sion: Prov. 18. shall bee made to stoope, for a footstoole, and to lick the dust, Psal. 72. and heathen Kings subdued and Arch­enimyes conquered, and the head of his Anointed shall bee exalted, that medleth not. So that with the armour of God and his hoste, and excercise only, the Serpents head is brokeen. And this is a great kindenes, Ps. 119. N. Ps. 68. And such were the soldiers of Christ, of another world, preachers and not fighters, Ioh. 18. tormentors of the divills, free men and voluntary, 1. Cor. 6. Ps. 119. N. Ps. 68. Spirituall men, against spirituall Adversaryes, Mat. 8.


HEer hee passeth from the Instrument to the work, according to the order in Ps. 92. to shew us the miraculous effect of the Law, and covenant and promiss (which in his mercy and compassion, hee preached to his people) hee recor­ded to feed them. And the mightynes of the work of God, by this Instru­ment of his appeareth, by his conquest of the heathen, and recovery of their country again, out of so many strong handes and lions clawes: consisting in truthe, and certainty, and judgement, justice and mercy and the fear of God, wherin it excelled. Wherby it becommeth durable and credible; for at end of the 430, and after the fourth genera­tion (intended in the vers Lamed, and again in Tau, hee sendeth for his Church out of Aegypt, by his covenant and his promiss, in the handes of Moses & Aaron: feeding them all that space, by faith in his promiss and covenant, which hee made last for ever unto them, and redeemed them. And because this Instrument, beeing vseed for all their de­lightes and sportes, by his everlasting Iustice, worketh also great worship and honour & wisdom: which is begunn in the fear of God, their profession, and perfected by per­forming the Law: as ps. 99. Hee willeth the same evermore to bee reverenceed, and hallowed. And because his works by this Instrument, are so many, so mighty, so great, so sweet and delightfull and searchable: hee willeth all the whole Church, in all meetings, to prais and worship God, as hee will doo the same himself, with all his hart. And this from the promiss, Gen. 15. for the spirits of the Law, and works of perfor­mance, and possession of Canaan, for the Spirit and worship and reverence and fear of God, the profession that beginneth wisdom: and therfor together with the next psalme, is made by the Abce: also the 119. wher the performance of the Law, bringeth good understanding. To perform the commandements satisfyeth this Appitite and tempta­tion, and the Kingdom of heaven hath all. Hee that is wise will unde [...]stand and observe thes things, Io. 14. Christ calleth himself the way the truthe and the life, which hee spake hebraically. This to bee translateed into our phrase is the true and liveing way or the true and very way of life. And this consisting so much of the grace of God, and so much of faith and truthe, that it is beyond all imagination; his work and his way [Page] is called so wonderfull, is fitt matter for continuall prais & dayly worship & repetition, the subject of this book.

Construction. Quoph, [...]o compass or invireon: the band of covenant and strictn [...]s of promiss, Neh. 9. the sec [...]nd lette [...] Iod, for a hand, or to worship, is to confess or re­peat, and remember, &c. For allusion to Jod, in Sara, the tenth vers is divideed and cast to the ninthe and the eleventh: for Iod, in Sara, and the operation of the two He-es, in the words Hodh Vehadhar, in the letter He, for example and princely habit of godlines, Ps. and reward of righteousnes, makeing the one a Princess, the other [...] Monark according to Iah, in prais of the Name of God, which conteineth Iod, and two He-es. Aleph: for their dayly instruction in the promiss, and in the word, wher­with they are sed to a perfect understanding. All three letters spell Qui, to vomit, hee worketh by the contrary: the good operation, digestion, and delightfullnes of Gods works, beeing glorious and mighty. Mark the repetition.

Deuteronomy. The Recitation is the wonderfullnes of the work and way of God in the mystery of his promiss, thus concealed. Mark the repetition prais, worship, fear, reverend, convenant: truthe, rememberance, works, gracious and mercifull for ever, for the eternity of the life, and work and way of God, and the comendation of it. His works are wonderfull: they are so delightfull, so reverend, so seemly, so just, so loveing and kinde and pittyfull, so mighty, so true, so judicious and discreet: and his word, so faithfull and so plain.


MErcifull and just men have more light then other men: That when for pitty they lend: that beeing good, they may provide their matters by Iudgement; because they remain still and are remembred for ever. And having their faith and confidence upon this sure foundation of the righteousnes of the Law; and their hart so established therin: that for any ill report of the spyes, and the promiss to Abraham; or ill or hard look of their enimyes: they fear not. They likewise bestow their goodes upon the poor, that heerin, their righteousnes also may last for ever, and that they may bee highly glorifyed therby. Wheras, in this, the wicked, for want of his desire, melteth, and gnasheth his teeth for envye to see it. Now, doth hap­pines consist in abundance of riches? or shall wee take care to fullfill the lusts of it? or think yee that riches in godlynes? No, Godlynes is great riches, yf a man bee content, with that hee hath, and great reward and happines followeth the profession therof. Therfor, laying away this shadow, let us com to the light: the sens then is, that mens hartes by the fear of God shall bee storeed, and mightyly blessed with knowledge, and doctrine of the Law, and promisses, Psal 145. as also with great judgement to use it, as Ps. 40. and great alacrity to impart it, as Ps. 41. which is the riches of grace, and of God, and of the word of God, and the constant preaching therof, to those that want under­standing, and are without the same. Which is the breaking and giveing to the poor; thus cooling the tongs of the thirsty. Through which the righteous are for ever blessed and their righteousnes remaineth for ever, Ps. 1. in despight of all malignity of the wic­ked, and to the great horror and tormenting of them. This Psalme alludeeth wholely to the first, because that is the beginning of wisdom, shewing the everlasting prospority of righteousnes, that tree of a godly life, Psal. 1.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to turn back or about. As at hearing ill newes or sight of an Enimy: by the word fear, doubled and opposed to confidence, reputed for righteousnes, in Tsedhaquah. Which letters yeeld a hundred, & ninety and nine, to bear at, the fruit of godly life. That Abrahams great riches was the promiss, which hee beleeved at 75, by the words Hon Vegnosher, in the letter He. Iod, for the commuta­tion of the letter Iod, idle in Sara, the mutuall love and faith of them bothe: by divideing and casting that vers of Iod, the tenth: into the nineth and eleventh, like the former Psalm, for Abraham. According to Iah, Gods name of eternity, that counteineth in it, Iod, & [Page] the two He-es. Beth, a hous, for everlasting. Mark the repetition, Iust, upright, fear, righteousnes, remain for ever, gracious, pittiful, &c.

Deuteronomy. The recitation is the way of a just man that feareth God: that shall bee mighty in haveing, and mighty in dooing, and greatly blessed in the way and work of eternall life: mercey and truthe, and faith and love and delight in the Law. And hee shall have wonderfull and strange success, to his harts desire, when the way of the wicked shall melt.


THis psalme hangeth to the last by receiving t [...]e word from aloft, from the Angels and Ministers, from heaven, beeing preached to the Poor, and di­videed and distributeed to the simple and destitute of knowledge, and unlear­ned; such as have need of understanding, and are in distress and misery. Like­wise it prayeth by the prayer and confidence of Hannah, for a third heaven of under­standing. Concerning the literall sens: hee sheweth fi [...]st, that ther is none so mercifull, or compassionate, nor to bee compareed for humility with God, that vouchsafeth from his glorious dwelling, to visit the base earth, and to redeem them that bee troden to dust by oppression, and as it were cast awayes, and such as are throwen to the dunghill, for things of nought, and of no valew: to make them valewable with the best, and pro­mote them to the highest, and to quicken the dead and fruitless wombs, and to cheer the barren woman with a houffull of children, and to make the despiseed and upbraided woman, an honorable mother, and wipeing away all teares from the eyes. Now beecaus ther is such prosperity by calling upon God, and praying to him: hee praiseth him again, and again, and willeth his Ministers from morning to Everning, and for ever as long as the sunn shineeth: to prais and bless the Name of the Everlasting. So the excellent and moste soveraigne Name of God, beeing Scriptures, wherin hee is nameed, the whole word and Law of God, wherin hee is mentioned: and bee­ing meditateed or preached, or meditateed and preached: is so repleat with Grace, and mercey and favour, and compassion from on highe, on the afflicted and low degree: that it giveth them all life and consolation and resurrection, and comfort in the spirit. Hee recordeth heer the prayer and prais of Hannah, 1. Sa. 1.2. and Mary, Luc. 1. for Sara, Gen. 11. Merry for Isaak, Gen. 18. For power and might and glory of creation. Gen. 1. And whole dayes service of the Sabath.

Construction. Quoph, to compass or invireon. Like houses and dwellings and Company: by the multiplyeing the termn, dwelling: by sitt, dwell, and inhabit, hous, &c. also doubling the word, with, people, princees and childeren, opposeed to barren, or one rooted out, poor, desolat or cut off. Is. 54. Iod, of Hodah, to confess, publish or commend, by the multiplyeing the termn prais: for blessing and thanking, magni­fying and extolling the highe Name of the Eternall. See the doubling of the word: high, rais. set up, above, &c. Is. 25. Deut. 20. And this also agreeth with Ghimel, to requi [...]e or reward. How God rewardeth prayer: and thanks doe pay for Grace.

Deuteronomy. The Name of God is his Law and his word, which shineeth all over the world: and the glory therof is compareed to the sunn in his cours. Ps. 19. The true consideration heerof, and dayly lectureing heerupon, and invocation and con­sulting on the same: is as prosperous to the baseer and conteinned sort of people, which affect it; as the Sunn is to make the grass to flowrish. And cheerfull, as Sarah for her sonn Isaak, and as comfortable to the disconsolate ones. See Name multiplyeed. See h [...]ghe, rais, set up, the words doubled. The rehearsing: is by the perpetuall celebra­tion and praising of it. It is a Name above all Names, 1. Kings, 8. Phil. 2. And this is a wonderfull work of kindenes: which is his way, &c. Gods humiliation, to resp [...]ct them. Like a resurrection of them. For the Mighty eff [...]ct of the Name Iah, [Page] distributeed to Abram and Sara: as before. In exalting and multiplyeing of them. And these bee the Words heer, from. Gen. 17.


THer bee three things that cannot bee satisfyed, and the fowerth can never have enough: no more can the Law ever bee sufficiently glorifyed by sens, and enriched by interpretation, wherof ther is no end. This psalme sheweth by way of example, the effect of understanding the former. When Israel had obteined the blessing, and was redeemed from a base bondage and miserable slavery, to bee great Lordes and Conquerors in Canaan: and had Iudah for his Church, and all Iacob for his Lordship: how could they refrain to daunce and sing; to see the Gentiles and the Hethen flye, and Nations to turn their backs, and kingdomes and Dominions to quake at their comming, as Ps. 77. and presence of the God of Iacob, that turneth hard placees of scriptures into smooth and easy doctrine? for the hardnes of the letter, such was the commotion, and horrour of the Nations. But for the spirituall sens, it serveth for rejoyceing to the church, for depth of imagination and greatn [...]s of his workes, as Ps. 92. Also when the hard harts of savage men bee melt­ed into water and tempered; that they becom docible and affable and tractable by hearing the word. And not continue as at Meribah, Ps. 95. full of provokeing: when all shadowes fly away and they continue with him; with whom ther is no shadowing or varying or turning: out of all horrour or fear or trouble or trembling, in the holsom doctrine and righteousnes of the Law, and cleer expositions and interpretation therof, by separating, and by putting away all confusion therby. According to the Creation of sea and dry land. Gen. 1. For uncovering to the Creator, and rejoyceing before him.

Construction. Quoph, of Jaquaph, to fetch a compass, to com about again or re­turne. Which is signifyed by Israel and Iacob repeated, for their return likewise, for the turning back of the river, the daunceing of the hills and turning round of the earth, for their comming home & fullfilling the promiss, the supplanting, tripping of thē, over­throwing and subverting, turning the rocks, &c. contrary to the work in the former. For all things are made to turn their cours; clene contrary: the mountains to moove, the rocks to flow, and rivers run back, and the sea to give way. Ex. 15. Gen. 15.46. Is. 11.43.48. Hab. 3. Jod, a hand, for bancks or shores? or sides, Daleth, a door, for turning backward, and see the repetition of the words. Iudah had the leading and commande. Iohovah, for mercy, is not: but Adon, for Lord and rule.

Deuteronomy. Hee mentioneth heer 4. mighty miracles: in correcting of the crea­tion: at his pleasure. for no cours nor estate is able to resist God his presence, which hee promissed for a conductor in all the travail, or keep his place or his way. It is so terrible that no creature can abide it. Iacobs own presence is also wonderfull, which, of so few as 70. in fower hundred yeeres, grew to an army of six hundred thousand; beside the women and children and aged. It might fright the country wher they came, and make them horred, and their hair to stand upright; to behold them, &c. What is it that a great Commander cannot? New Lords, new lawes, and all upside-down. And such are the wordes, and Acts here ment, as before in the Construction.


NOtwithstanding the rejoyceing of the Church for the recovering of Canaan, & injoyeing the blessing and promiss: yet in this Psalme they forget not to give all the glory therof to God and to his Name, as Psal. 29.44. for his wonderfull [Page] works of kindenes and faithfullnes, as Ps. 92. For his helping and defending of them in all distresses: for remembring of them beeing in misery; and blessing of them with the inheritance promissed, Psal. 2. The cheeff strength and glory of the song, the makeer of heaven and earth, and owner of the highest heavens, and of all the senses, & disposeer of the earth, and dwelleth in heaven, and doth whatsoever hee pleaseth. That all the whole church, both Laity and clergey and all that fear him or Profess him, hee may bless all, litle and great, and much more abundantly: them and their childeren af­ter them, in reproche of the heathen and their sensles Images, that can doo nothing, nor have their five wits or any witt about them. And therfor, becaus they that are worn out and are dead, and are buryed in their travail, can not prais him: they that bee alive resolve to bless him, and wish to prais him for ever. In which Psalme, is found the whole profession of godlines, of faith, and confession and thanks giveing, of Glory and prayer, and prais, &c. Spiritually, to the Law of God and righteousnes therof, and judgement therin, that hath every point of atteinment conteined in it, bee ascribeed this help and defence, remembrance and blessing, as Psal. 66. To the which therfor, and in which bee the glory, confidence and prais that hee wisheth: the imployment of the senses, which Imagees neither know nor doo: therfor all the senses, and wayes of blessing and prais, bee ascribeed therunto. Becaus for Idolatry, the Heathen are turned out of doores, and the Church for the fear of God, and reverence of his Law, are redeemed and made Heires: that they give all glory therunto, and put their trust in the righteousnes therof, and commend it. Becaus all the Senses are to bee implyed for judgement, and the whole wisedom of Man resteth in the Law: the Law is to bee glorifyed with all might. And becaus by wisedom blessings are ob­teined: it self is to bee re-applyed in all afflictions, and to bee blessed for ever, from the creation of heaven and earth. Gen. 1. And this for the foolery of Idolatry that slayeth the Church with greeff, Psalm 42.44. With speaking against it, or de­nieing it.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to compass or invireon, for the kindenes of God: that doth allwayes stand about the faithfull, and protecteth them, and helpeth them, and comforteth them that trust in him, Ps. 32.33. Quotou, they are yrksom, lothsom and tedious, as are the Images that ther is no use of. For ther is no light in us: but in the Law of God that is the makeer of heaven and earth. See the repetition, God thrise: for the opposeing of Imagees. God can doo all things, and they nothing. Eternall, for affection and preservation of the whole church. Trust, help and defense, &c. Prais, Iah, 15. by the works of Iehovah, and for the spirit therof that images have not. Ps. 135.149.

Deuteronomy. The reciteing and Rehersall heer, is the generall blessing of God for his grace, and the wonderfull light of his truthe through faith. Mark the repetition Israel, Aaron, and all that fear God, bless. Eternall twise abridged, Jah, for Jehovah, heaven upon you, twise, &c. For multiplyeing of his grace for ever. And this serveth for an admiration of the wonderfull way of God. Imagees and dead men can say nothing, to it, it belongs to the liveing to register the Acts of the Eternall. That they may bee of blessed memory, and have a fruitfull posterity. Consider the infinite increas and fructifyeing in Egypt. Deut. 10. Num. 2. According to the Name of Ioseph, in phrase of adding, as Act. 2. And his blessing: Gen. 49. Deut. 33. As the like is in the next, of Iosuah in phrase of saveing. Dealing upon the story as it goes.


THis psalme is joined to the former: by shewing, why the Name of God should bee so glorifyed above all, as Ps. 92. And the effect of calling upon him: for at what time so ever hee calleth, in what distress so ever hee bee, and whatso­ever [Page] hee requesteth: it is readily graunted, and hee is heard and reveeled. When for mis [...]rable distress and greeff, the very pangs of death and the grave had fallen upon him, and had hold of him, as Psal. 18. that hee doubted of life, and hee was quite exhausted and spent, as David, Psal. 142. hee prayeth for life and hee was holpen: that is, the Everlasting, that is just and kinde in all things of his wayes, and works, and preserveth the simple ones by his word, as Ps. 19. saveed him. When hee was so spent with affliction and misery, that no promiss of life or salvation could possess him or comfort him: and all that was promissed was incredible unto him, and seemed unpossible: and yet for the deer respect of his saintes hee sav [...]ed him: delivering him from death and pain and wandering, to walk before God and his Saintes in immorta­lity. For this grace hee professeth the love of God, and willeth his minde and soule to bee content, and at quiet, and throughly satisfyed, and take rest: seeing God hath dealt so bountifully with him, as nothing more is to bee demanded, nor any thing can bee a sufficient reward, for his good turns, so doubled and trebled upon him. Ther­for hee will take the Scriptures, the book of the Law, of the promiss, of the Cove­nant, and all the doctrine called the book of salvation, and from thence throughout them all, wassail and call upon the Name of God: Ps. 119. Q. and sacrifice his de­votion in Sermons of Thanks unto him, in presence of all his people, in witnes therof: and willeth him to bee praised. And as hee is his Minister and servant at his right hand, and sonn of his handmaid the Church: hee requesteth that hee may bee loosed, and at liberty to doo the same accordingly. Now seeing God calleth his sonn the Church out of Egypt, heer is likewise their invocation, the mercey of God upon them in re­deeming them from sorrow, and bringing them home to Eden, their promissed rest of Canaan, the gift of the Nations, and their contentment and love and thankfullnes for the same, to the study and contemplation of the Law of God, for the love therof. For their continuall succour and satisfaction, safe conduit and comfort, by the righte­ousnes and glory and pureity therof, as Ps. 19. recovering them, even from the chaines and thralldoom of ignorance, and pit of despaire, by his miraculous grace and recon­ciliation to serve him: in all perfet knowledge and understanding in the Church and Paradise of God for ever, wherto they are also thankfull and devoteed above measure. And seeing all thes may well content: hee willeth his soul to turn to her rest, shewing how bountifull God hath dealt with him, and resolving to pay ample vowes for the same.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to invireon or compass, is heer dilateed by snares and torments, and bonds, and misery, strict affliction: and with releas, and deli­verance, the opposit terms. Iod, a hand, for death, and hell, and bondes that appre­hended him, and had hold of him. Vav, a crook, hath the same sens: but by way of saveing, redeemeing, and deliveringe, and pulling him out of the snares and grave of affliction, &c. Hee would fain bee loosed that hee might serv him, becaus hee is his servant. See the repetition. The three letters make Quaju, they vomited: hee deal­eth on the contrary: which is his love and good digestion of the good turns and mer­ceyes of God upon him. Which agree well with the godly by their deliverance when they call upon him. Ier. 25. in so much that they mean to make him recompense by the thankfull service of him. The Mercifull Eternall Jah, the Name of Iehovah is fif­teen times repeated. Hee dealeth heer upon Ghimel, as in the 103. And Iah, and therfor ther want three verses of the A B C. Mark diligently the repetition and the kindes of instruments.

Deuteronomy. Hee will call and speak and preach much of the Name of God, and celebrate and proclaim his wonderfull merceyes, by daily service, offering and sacri­fice, for a recitation. For hee redeemed them from slaveish death of Egypt, and satisfyed them, and gave them rest by Iosua, by phrase of helping or saveing. Mark the words: Name, Call, beseech, death, liveing, bountifull, good turns, Eternall: for merceyfull, Gratious, invocation, servant, pay vowes, in the sight of his people, doubled: in the place of rest. Heb. 4. They make earnest heer, of their delusion of Pharoh by their excuse of departure. Ex. 4.5. &c.


THis Psalme by grace in the last psalme, reaching to the kindenes and truthe, Psal. 115. for which Gods name is so laudable and glorious, and so to psal. 92. wher it is to bee chaunted out for it: and seeing it lighteth upon a seventh, and therfor to require a rest, as also for sanctification of the seventh yeer, after the forty from Aegypt, with a Sabath work of rest for the land, according to the 47. dayes rain before the entering the Ark, & also for the number of the subdueed nations beeing seven, which the loveing kindenes of God, and his faithfullnes overcame: and the strength of his everlasting truthe and his word, hath conquered for them, as psal. 18. and his gentlenes of doctrine hath excelled, and prevailed over them, and fitteth on them, ps. 29. the Church now, wher kindenes & truthe aboundeth, seven times a day, yea infinitely, doo wish the nations and the heathen to prais him, and commend him for his kindenes, with a book of commendations for it: for growing of the word of God and waters of the Law through them and among them: as the number of clean creatures for the pureitey of language, and preferment of a pure profession, ps. 19. becaus ther is so excellent reward of truth and kindenes, the way of Godlynes, psal. 25.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to compass, is heer the mercy of the Eternall whose property is salvation, for the compassing and saveing of them and pardoning of the Godly. Which is ment the compassing waters: by the nations and people & hea­then, of one kinde, and the waters of kindenes and truth, another kinde. And the wordes: to abound or flow over, and asswage. Iod, the second letter from Iadah, to flow, and so from Hodah, to confess, heer for prais and commend: severall words of one sens, so that the sens is doubled, as Shabach, to allay the flood. And bothe agre [...] with Iod, to confess or publish, preach or celebrate, for a note of repetition. Zain, the third letter is for the auditory: to hear. For hearing is supposed by great commendation & prais, and confession and often repetition.

Deuteronomy. The Deuterosy and recitation heer, is the buissines of prais and commendations of the way of God, and the wonderfull abundance and riches of his grace upon them, Ps. 103. Rom. 5.6. Eph. 1.2. This hee would have the nations take notice of. How greatly his mercy and fidelity and waters of life exceeded over them. By the name Iehovah, which hath heer a new division: into How, and Iah, as in termination Eli-jahu, Ieshang-jahu, &c. also by inchoation: as in Ie-hosuang, Ie-hoseph, &c. for assistance. Achaz-jah Jeho-shaphat, Io-nadab, &c. For addition.


HEe now propounds in this Psalme the Cup which he promissed, as Ps. 116. of the waters of life, freely to the Church, out of the Law, filled from, Psal. 92. with the benefit of the worship of God, and invocation of his Name: and the worthynes of his reward to God for all, even faith, through which, hee feareth not the threats nor looks of his Enimyes: which is more worth then any con­fidence in man. Therfor, when hee is infinitely besett and afflicted and corrected: hee findes life and salvation in the word of God and calling upon his name, by works of strange success and kindenes from him, as the whole Church can witnes, whom hee willeth to worship God therfor. And all his testimony shall bee of his salvation which is true, and his o [...]ely note and song, perpetually of his strange deliverance, Ps. 143. This is the song of salvation that hee goeth into the Church to worship with, and his invo­cation upon the Law, in the Psalm following: when the Church with great admira­tion and joy doe entertain, salute and bless him; with a Hosanna, wishing all prosperity in the Church, for comming in the name of the everlasting God. And the better to [Page] welcom him, and that God may the better accept of him, and shine unto them: they sacrifice to him, that hee may worship and extoll the Almighty his God. Hee now greets the Church with a Salve or Ave; hail or wassail, and cup of salvation, by entring the Ministry and becomming a Preacher of righteousnes, which was strange unto them. For because of the uncleannes of his hands, and impurity of his hart, as Psal. 15.24.51. rejoiceing at the mercyes of God in him: th [...]y wish all blessing and prosperity of the same, as Ps. 15.2.4. with the like congratulation for the Church. And that they had fed upon the rest therof, in remembrance and token of their full and mighty redemption, and great salvation from God: so that the whole Church may confess the everla­sting kindenes of God, and worship him. Because his throne is the right hand of God, as psal. 110. and the right hand of God is the Ministry, and that is the word of God, and that is judgement and Iustice, mercey and fidelity, as psal. 89. the conqueror truthe, the written word, that rideeth upon the white hors, and fighteth valiantly: from which oracle, all victory and succour proceedeth; and all battailes are the Lords and the disci­pline his: hee now exalteth greatly the dex [...]erousnes and prosperity therof. And prayeth for an open door of the righteousnes of the Law and knowledge of the word, that hee may enter into the service of him and extoll him, and finde the way to pleas him. That his testimony and song, and burden of his song bee nothing but the ever­lasting kindenes and salvation of God, and the faithfull recording & testifying therof in presence of his saintes, as psal. 149. and with the help of them.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to compass or inviron. Heer are divers kindes of compassing: helping & afflicting: helping in thes wordes: kindenes (& that is continuall help and salvation) & grace to help, Heb. 4. Tit. 2. Eph. 1.2. It is of this sort: God is by him and present with him allwayes. The Eternall is with mee, &c. hee is the onely relye and trust and confidence: they compass him, &c. but by his invocation hee cir­cumcised them, and cutt them off. Mark the doubling of the wordes, and kindes of compassing: nations, bees and circumcideing, &c. Iod, for a hand: by the right hand doubled, Jod, to confess, and publish: by worship. Cheth, to prostrate, to cast down, &c. Ier. 23. the three letters Quiach, of Quoach, to take or receive: are intended by the gates & entertainment, hearing and welcom in his name, and also by the term of rejection or re­fuseing. Hee prayes God to bid him welcom, out of his word and the hous of God, Gen. 28. Mark the repetition: wee beseech thee give salvation: bid God save you, bid God prosper you: wee bless, &c.

Deuteronomy. Gods everlasting kindenes in his word is an eternall liveing and food for human men: mighty matters and wonderfull are don by his name and his right hand, for which hee is to be worshiped. Therfor for his recitation heer, hee useeth the wordes: worship, declare, exalt, extoll, say, beseech, &c. sonet and loud voice, for the mightynes of his Acts of salvation. The term Almighty is doubled, and also the abre­viation Iah, for Iehovah, and Iehovah, the Eternall, six and twenty times: according to the letters Iehovah, for the mightynes of his salvation and kindenes, Psal. 136. to shew the same: and how beneficiall God hath allwayes been to his people by his Name, Exo. 33. Mark the terms repeated.


THe door of righteousnes is a strait gate, and prayer is a narrow entrance, and the way of life is hard to finde, and principles are the surest keyes: therfor in this psalme, hee makeeth every letter a preacher, and keeper of the Law. Hee dealeth not onely by A, B, C, as in other psalmes, to ground them in the profession of Godlines: but by mood and method in all art, to instruct them to felicity, and to crown th [...]m with eternall life: that is, the best understanding, the wel performing of the Law according to the true sens therof. So as every letter useeth to vary according to the work: this is eight fold, for the number of consequencees and workes of the Law. For now, hee [Page] seeketh not the way of the Lord, as ps. 25. nor the fear of God, ps. 34. nor faith, psal. 37. nor the work of God, psal. 111. nor charitable riches, ps. 112. but the whole perfection and light of the Law, ps. 19. the stone that slew Goliah, psal. 9. and perfect way of God, the sunn and moon light of judgement, ps. 19.37. the flood that drowneth the Enimyes and destroying meteors, ps. 29. and bridle of humility 39. and redemption 49. the cloud 99. the curs of the serpent 109. by note and collection wher all the 22 letters doo shew their skill, in keeping the Law: that hee may drink a helth unto them, as ps. 116. and hee may bee throughly welcom for doctrine, as in the last psalme, haveing on the whole armour of salvation, against all sweet temptation, as of riches, prais and strength and fa­vour. The second, third, fowerth and fifth verses, in R [...]sh, contein Chronicle: in their first wordes and first letters. For the severall states from the promist and time of per­egrination in Egypt, and till they returned to Canaan again 430. for the time of the jud­ges 480. For the time of the Kingdome, till the end of the captivity 477. from thence are the 490, Daniels weeks to Christ. which St. Math. hath by generations: f [...]om Abraham to David: to the captivity: and then to Christ.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to compass, is moste proper the grace and love of God, & the truthe of the word, the way of eternal life, to guard him & save him. Iod, for continuall publication and confession therof. Teth, of Natah, to decline, as the keeping of the Law or swarving from it. Quit, for Quot, to greev or bee yrksom or lothe. Hee disputeth by the contrary: his exceeding love and delight that hee hath to the Law. Therfor that hee might be perfected.

Deuteronomy. His recitation heer is of the grace and truthe of the word and of the wonderfull effects of it, propertyes and parts of the Law, which bee 8, according to Exo. 20. Com. 2. Hee prayeth for mercy infinite, for his infinit love and observation of the same. That hee may have life therby. The Abce is eight-fold: frameed to the eight termes of the Law: so that not one vers in all the Psalme doth fail of som one of the sayd remnes: and ever more in every vers one of them is doubled, to make you mark it. In He, the eighth letter himself, onely excepted. And these bee the words heer meant, by a kinde of Mishne, or duplication, by A B Ces, to eight.


THese fifteen psalmes have not one word of the Law nor Elohim, the name of God for judgement once in them, wherby it appeereth, they argue tresspass and transgression: according to the title and the stile as for trespass offerings, & for grace and peace, and pardon and forgivenes wholely. Because hee dares not stand to the Law for his salvation, as ps. 130. The number agreeth with Iah, the eter­nall for his grace and goodnes and continuall presence, Exod. 33. The Iewes affected a heavenly Kingdom, and the heathen them. This Psalme keepeth reckoning of the dayes of strife, Gen. 6. the degrees of excellence of the Law 15 cubits above all nations and Kingdoms of the world, by the baptism of the holy Ghost. The divill was a mur­therer from the beginning: the serpent and Enimye of God and his Church, by lyeing and fals dissembling, which is his whole practise against the truthe, for which hee is ac­cursed and condemned. as ps. 109. heerwith hee woundeth moste deeply with greeff, the hart of the Godly, that love the truth [...]: that a Giants strength can not pierce so deep, with the sharpest arrow; and kindle-eth hotter wrath and more smarting strife, then can bee resembled by the hotest burning coles that can bee. This Enimye is Meshek and Ke­dar, an ill neighbour of the Church, the country of Gog, of the sonnes of Iaphet, north­ward, which yet could not like to bee of Sems religion, beeing sowen among them. For they were mighty, and desireed warr with the Church, and hateed the peace therof. For this, the Church is far from building tabernacles among them for their preachers glory. But for the coursnes of their neighbourhood and entertainment: thought them­selves accursed to dwell with them, and the time too long they had spent among them, & [Page] the time too long they had spent among them, and set their minde upon them. And becaus they know not what belongeth to this peace and prosperity of the Church, and are good for nothing but to offend it: and have nothing in them but this kinde of per­secution, as they are scattered among them: the Church beeing in this woe and d [...]stress, prayeth for deliveran [...]e from them.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to inviron, is heer to gird too streit, by the termn distress or affliction. Hee is besieged with spitefull and contentious neighbours. Thes 15. compass, by the figure Anadyplosis, duplication or repetition, according to Mishne torah. Of the suns goeing back, Is. 38. adding to the kings dayes, by life of the Law. Psal. 61. in repairing Hezekias, according to his Name. Caph, to bow or bend, transferred to th [...] bow of the tongue that is sayd to shoot fal [...] and deceiptfull words, Ier. 9. Ps. 64.58. like arrowes of wildfire, and inflammations unquenchable. Ia. 3. Mark the repetition: to be invironed and confineed, as to inhabit, sojourn or dwell: affliction peace, warr, deceiptfull tong, &c. Caph, a hand for the betakeing their handes to weapons. And arrowes are for handes, and also tongues. Psal. 35.64.

Deuteronomy. This kinde hath nothing to doo with the Godly, no more then the divills with Christ. Math. 8. Mar. 5. Luc. 8. Not to talk grace or truth, or to medle with a godly way, or repeating of God his miraculous works, or confessing his kindnes, or preaching his truthe and eternall life: beeing Enimyes to peace. What shall it give, &c. What shall it add: &c. Which is heer for recitation. They can not doo God any service, beeing quite opposite.


BY faith all men are made the sonnes of God, therfor stand fast in the faith, for by faith yee stand. This psalme is fitted to the former, to shew the succour & releeff for such distress. That against the fals-hood, ther is no such strength as uprightnes, and no such confidence as in a cleer conscience, and in right perfec­tion, and no such preservation as that of the Creator him self. That whatsoever is well preserved and don, and wrought according to God, Io. 3. is likewise well saveed and easily defended and mainteined. And for this the Church hath their beleeff and faith in God the maker of heaven and earth, for their ready help in distresses, as Ps. 46.115. and for their continuall preservation. Seeing, that as a father hath pitty on his [...]wn childe, and a mother succoureth that shee bringeth foorth: so that ther will wan [...] no care and vigilancey in the Creator, for succour and maintenance and preservation of the creature (who will not sleep) from the shadow of the word from Ierusalem, on their right hand, that is on their south side, and instruction from thence. And so all things may bee possible unto them, for their deliverance, to keep them that they fall into no ill wayes, that no season or weather, shall hurt them. That they bee not sunn bu [...]nt and scorched with infamy and ignominious reproche: and bee safe from the greatest dominions on either side, round about them. That all their goeing out and in, all their Exodus, and leading of their lives from morning till evening, and from day to day, shall bee with security, from time to time for ever.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to inviron, as standers by one, or to one, as helpers and assisters, Ps. 94. a shadow at the right hand, for a Defendour and a Protec­tor. Ps. 16. Ier. 3. And a looker to. Caph, of Caphaph, to bow or bend: his feet shall not be stirred by captivity. Hee that keepeth him will not sleep & let him be taken, but will see him safe foorth & home, by day & by night. Caph, a hand: for help & shadow & saveing, &c. Ex. 33. Aleph, for instruction: hee meaneth by the great builder & instru­ctor: his tutor and keeper of the way of his life, Ge. 3. Ps. 146.91. Mark the repetition.

Deuteronomy. Heer the rehearsall is of the God of kindenes him self: the Eternall, so often repeated. And God of truthe: that is so infinit in his mercey and compassion. [Page] That takeeth in hand all misery and all calamity to cure, Ps. 146. How vigilant hee is, It is wonderfull, for the salvation of his people, according to his word that sleepeth not. Ps. 33. Ehje, and Jehovah, Are terms of greeff, Eze. 7. Is. 47. and greeff and woe keepeth wakeing; greeff moveth compassion, and that is the Eternall, Is. 54. that sen­deth and pittyeth, &c. Ex. 3.33. Ma. 24. Mark the efficacey of the wordes. Eternall, keep, preserve, &c. goeing out and in, life, &c.


THough I had all faith, that I could remove mountaines, and had not love, it were nothing: love is better then any sacrifice, love fullfilleth the Law, love is the end of the comandemment. Ro. 13. 1. Tim. 1. Math. 22. Ther­for hee that judgeth rightly of it, is not far from the kingdom of God. The peace of God passeth all understanding, and keepeth the hart in knowledge and love of him; therfor except the church bee well seasoned with knowledge, and have peace one with an other: faith is not so dureable, so firm, so constant and so forceible. For without knowledge followeth no beleeff, nor any conclusion, without circumstance. nor any rock without a sound demonstration, nor effect without charity: which is, by mariage and Affinity of consequencees, and aptnes and likeing by conjugation▪ that whatsoever can bee concludeed, likeed, and also agreed upon, by the Church, what ever it bee: that undoubtedly is made possible. Therfor all is to bee don in Love, for love hath boldnes, and ther is no fear in love. So what can bee beleeued, but that which the love and affectation and combination of the causes, & concord in all moodes may perform? or what beleeff in Christ, except, the ground work bee love? for knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth. And for this hee prooveth the amiablenes of Ierusalem and the glory of the Church of God, and allurements therunto, Psalm. 87. (to abide in the Law of God is to keep his commandements) by the construction: the re­sort, the Excercise, for fraternity, freendship & acquaintance, & the house of God that is in it; for which hee loveeth it moste deerly, and wisheth peace about it, and prosperity within it, and that all may prosper that love it; and delighteeth so much, to goe up unto it, and remain in it.

Construction. Quoph, of Iaquaph, to compass or inviron: as by the trenches and palacees, that are about the citty, for peace. Alludeing to the Name of the citty, Is. 20.32.60, Ps. 48.147. By their greeting and saluteing and freendly wishes, is meant their manner, which is bowing, for Caph, the second letter, as Mich. 6. by bidding & wishing their welth and peace, as Math. 10. Lu. 10. Caph, for the soles of the feet. Ierusalem, becaus ther were the cheeff thrones and Assemblyes. B [...]th, a hous, is heer by the hous of the Eternall: and the hous of David, &c. Also the tribes, or branches for houses. Mark all the repeating of the termnes.

Deuteronomy. They say that in Ierusalem men ought to worship. Io. 4. Deu. 12.16. This is the place of repeating and admireing, & recreating of all flesh with the word, and remembrance of all God his works and goodnes to them, Ps. 65. which they fre­quented; and whither they solemnly resorted therfor: Zach. 14. Mark the repetition and commendation of it. Both for preaching and judgeing and correcting of them.


BY these degrees they get up into celestiall dwellings, highe placees, and roomes of godlynes and spirituall understanding, by which all principality and power is subdueed, and the captiveers them selves captiveed, as Ps. 68. And they are made a complet building and temple of holynes, and divine knowledge, and replenished with the fullnes of God. From which Asscension and cogitation beeing [Page] higher then any heaven: all degrees of Ministers according to their measure and gift for th [...] gathering of the Saincte, are furnished. Eph. 4. Now that this Psalme and the former, as they touch, so that they may bee seen to concern ech other: mark the proper­ty of love, it suffereth long and beareth all things. And again becaus God hath his whole dwelling in these heavenly placees, and they are in so base esteem, and skorned (among the proud Quiescents, by them that are at case) for their poverty, by which they have long remained in great derision; as servants stedfastly look and gape and tend at their masters handes for meat and wagees: so the Churches eyes are bent unto the fa­ther of spirits, looking for som spirituall grace, that hee will pitty them and give them som heavenly reward and victory and salvation. For their singular suffering and wait­ing.

Construction. Grace mercy and peace, the comun safegard of the Apostles is heer the invironing, for Quoph, the first letter, by doubling of the termn pitty: as also of the name Eternall. For countenance, Exod. 33. Psal. 84. The contrary, is skorn and con­tempt, that they have their fill of in time of captivity, by proud invadeers. Like the frozen and setled ones, Zeph. 1. The despisers and deriders, Iob. 12. Ne. 4. Mat. 6. Luc. 16. Pro. 30. Caph, of Caphaph, the second letter, to bow, oppressed, made to stoop & bowed. Ghimel, the third letter, reward: the giveing of grace and countinance for their waiting, as fit gifts for children. And this, as it is the work of the eye, Prov. 30. So hee that dwelleth in the heavens, the great regarder and great derideer is prayed unto, Psal. 2. Ma [...]k the repetition through out agreeing.

Deuteronomy. Hee that prayeth unto God, doth glorifye God, Psal. 50. hee that commeth unto God, confesseth that God is: his praying for countenance, is as much as confessing and publishing of his grace, and repeating of his eternall life, and everla­sting way, and wonderfull work of salvation. Thes 15 Psalmes have a figurative excell­ence in them, Is. 38. returning, and reciteing, and climeing higher and higher, to heaven and understanding, by words.


MOnt Sion was the glory of Ierusalem, and the Musitians the glory of Sion, as Psal. 87. and thes Psalmes the glory of the Musitians. The mery songs of Sion, which they so much longed to hear, and inquireed for, in Babilon, Ps. 137 by which men are sung alive again from death, every Psalme beeing a step from misery, and a step to honour, and that of the Kingdom of heaven: from the greatest ignorance and darknes, to the greatest knowledge and light. Heerby, the Apostles sing open the prison doores, and sing off the bandes of their feet (for the word of God is not bound, Psal. 68. Act. 16. 2. Tim. 2.) and take the keeper prisoner. For heer is a new earth, a new citty and a new Sion, and a new tabernacle of God with men, and a new and a heavenly knowledge in man, a new man which captiveeth all power, and can not bee captiveed. The fruit of the spirit beeing in all goodnes righteousnes and truthe, sendeth out such hymnes and Psalmes and spirituall songes of thanks, of melody in their hartes for salvation; that maketh all manner of subjection captivity, and bonds and im­prisonment tolerable. God is ever good unto his people, and ever neer his elect, as Ps. 73 to glorify his chosen, as Psal. 84.86. when all the troubles and malice and anger in the world, aros and kindled against them. And hee cracketh all the building and plots of the Enimye, by his goodnes & kindenes, when hee is called upon, as Ps. 118. After long waiting, as Ps. 40. and great affliction, as Ps. 90.109. when the people of God bee even eaten up alive, with reproche, and scornful biteing and defamation at the handes of the proud: at last God useeth to bee good and gratious and mercyfull and comfortable unto them, by takeing thē, out of thos lions jawes, which in long gapeing get the cramp and neuer close again. And though a world of nations, like stoods of Enimyes, set upon them: yet ther is that dullnes in their understanding, and sottery in proceeding, & [Page] dissention, and division, and imperfection in the manifacture of their cordes, which they lay, that they are soon brokeen: for the devill beeing author of confusion & of discord: they no better agree one with another, then they agree with the Church, and their work is soon destroyed. For the works of discord are not st [...]ong nor durable. And thus oftē times, by the muteny of the Enimye the Church is safe: as in Aegypt, Assur, Babilon, &c. Absolom, &c. wher the salvation of the Godly is out of the sight of the wicked, and they have a miraculous deliverance, and all by their invocation and calling upon the Name of God, and serving of their Creator, as 92. which in due time heareth, yf they faint not. And this is the Experience and hope which they have by patience, wherby this Psalme suiteth with the former.

Construction. Quoph, of Jaquaph, to invi [...]on, is of the compassing of the E [...]imy by the abundance and inundation of them: compared to the swelling of Iordan and the proud warrs of the men of Adam, & their invasion, Ios. 3. of the Church, Iob 22. Ps. 42.116. Ier. 12. Ion. 1. The opposition is Gods present assistance and standing to them and with them, by his existens and name Iehovah. And about them in helping, Rom. 8. Consider the first and last wordes doubled. Caph, for bowing down, and pressing of the Enimye in captivity: by snares and waters, to wit, the 70 of Babel. See the affecting of Iod, with Zain, in Azza, and in Zedonim, to be multiplyed for 70. as Zain & Gnain, Ps. 25.34. Daleth, a door, is Gods discipline and remedy, as the Medes and Persians, to dissolve the captivity of the Babylonians. Mark the repetition to all.

Deuteronomy. Thes songes of return bee sufficient conf [...]ssion of Gods mercyfull, and miraculous deliverance, which hee would have the Church still in minde of, and to use them for repetitions, as beeing so much bound for their salvation, to him.


THey that beleeve not, shall not bee established. Righteousnes. and God, and the Kingdom of God is the same thing: for other gifts of government are conteined in it. Ther is no stedfastnes but in justice, nor any trust or beleeff or assurance but in the everlastingnes therof, becaus, for this are Gods people immutable and immov­able, haveing the light of the Law, and the glory therof shineing about them, to guard them for ever. That ther shall no wicked dominion, Lordship or punishment rest wher the righteous dwell, becaus they doo not wrong, as Psal. 15. and that the wicked doo overgripe themselves, that medle with them, and are forceed to loos their hold, and re­leas their captivityes. Therfor hee that seeketh righteousnes seeketh all, and hee that seeketh it, findeeth all. It is found in the Law, called the face of God, as Psal. 24. that pure Israel only seeketh, and is blessed therwith. The Church now prayeth for judge­ment: favour to the upright, strait and plain mindeed men; and condemnation to the variable and crooked, and declineers in hell, with the mischevous and evill dooers, as Ps. 5. That Israel may once have peace, and the Ark have rest, and the Church never faile. Mat. 16.

Construction. Quoph, the compassing heer is in the term about, as the hills, and the eternall Existence. God doth guard his people by his providence: the wicked shall not rest among them for fear of corrupting them: the confident and faithfull shall not miscarry, no more then hills or rockes, Mat. 16. and this is the Eternall presence of God, & the faithfull according to the third letter, He, behold, and the absence of the wicked that must not com nighe the Righteous. The faithfull are define [...]d: good and upright, strait and direct in their harts, against declineers and benders, and wrong and crooked wayes: and this for Caph, to bend or crook also. So the cherishing of the good and the banishing of molesters, is the way of peace. Caph, a hand, or a shaft or rod, as of the wic­ked. Mark the repetition.

Deuteronomy. Ieshurun, and Israel are acted, as Deut. 32. Ies. 44. that the uprightnes of Israel should bring peace to Israel. What is Israel but a quint-offence of [Page] uprightenes, and pureity, to whom, God useeth to bee beneficiall? Mark Jesharim and Israel: all they that trust &c. his people, all the righteous, all good and upright, &c. and this may serve for a rehearsall also.


YF God bee made unto us wisdom, righteousnes and sanctification and redemp­tion: hee that rejoyceth, let him rejoice in the Lord, for highe degrees of know­ledge, and exaltation into a paradise of revelation. Let him rejoyce in the ser­vice and worship of him, and the calling upon his Name, as Ps. 92. in the time of peace, for in troubles when they are not with themselves, they are farr from God, and can not com nighe him in time of wrath, as Psal. 32. Now out of the greatest sorrow springs the greatest joy, and out of abundance of suffering, abundance of consolation: and the Church hath been often fetched out of the mire, and deep pit of destruction, and the midst of hell, Ps. 69.130. and by the mercyes of God; in keeping still life in them, in their captivityes, and raising them again and redeeming them, from the torment and thralldom of their consciences and themselves, to the wonder of the world, yea in the sight of the Heathen: which useeth to strike such passion of joy into the veines and hart of them, that they could not choos but laugh and sing in their sleep, for their peace and redemption, which was their whole affection and waiting beeing awake: and in this they had their full desires, that their joyes might bee full. Now confessing and magni­fying Gods great works of kindenes toward them before, in divers reductions of them from divers countryes: they pray that hee would now, by that example, bring them again from the rest, as the Southeren rivers, return & flow from the south: that out of a heavy seednes of deprivation, they beeing scattered and sowen thus among the heathen; ther may bee a joyfull return of them, like a merry and fruitfull harvest of Sheaves.

Construction. Quoph, is heer returning, & comming about, or back again as the dayes of the yeer, Ps. 19. 2. Sam. 11. Iob 1. For the dayes of life, Is. 38. also bringing about, or to pass, or compassing, or effecting much, &c. Caph, of Caphaph, to bow or bend, the lamentable depressing of them; Psal. 146. captivity and holding, and seed lep, and sheaves, and gripes, for Caph, a hand also. Vau, a crook, or hook: for their deportation and redemption also, and for fellowship: so heer is a time to weep, and a time to laugh, Eccl. 2. counterfeteed upon the story of Ishak for the mery return of the promissed seed, with so great increas, Am. 7. Gen. 16.17.21. Gal. 4. Is. 1. Rom. 9. By the word Laughter, &c. The name of Isaak. Mark the repetition, Psal. 14.53.

Deuteronomy. They increased and grew in their bondage, like that in Aegypt, as men fed in their sleep and grown fat, Iob. 39. and multiplyed in their captivity, which was a great work of Gods mercey and kindenes, for the heathen to note, and to make them merry.


OVt of joy proceedeth comfort & consolation, in this Psalme & the next: the Churches sheaves of posterity, and other gifts of peace, for the rest and peace of the Church. becaus the idolatrous care of this world chokeeth the joy in the Kingdom of God, and stifleth all comfort and consolation in the word, and in the holy Ghost: and because the Church hath all their reward and strength by inheritance from the service of God, Ps. 16. and the Prophets are the barrs of the citty gates, Ps. 147 and all comfort and quietnes, secureity and boldnes against theyr Enimyes, by youthfull fruitfullnes of a Godly issue, and are moste blessed from the love of him: In this Psalme, from Salomons overmuch preparation, for Rehoboam, a simple sonne: the vanity of to much provision, is moste wisely describeed. For heerin, men fall into divers [Page] temptations: when their work is not spirituall, nor their building God. For they build with things not theirs, and for want of due right, and property, there wanteth concord, and for want of concord, no construction or building can go up, or stick together; nor no care in the world can keep such together; that which God provideth not. As in the building of Babel. Gen. 11. and edification in st [...]ange tonges: for in Babel, the stones of Ierusalem will not serve for building: they can make no workmanship of them: they feed upon Idolatry, and labour in vain: walls nor watchmen can hold them; they know not what to doo with these spirituall stones, but send them home as the Philist [...]ns did the Ark.

Construction. Quoph, to inviron, is the building for defence, and strong watch about the citty. The house of Israel cannot be safe and sure, but upon the covenants and pro­mises of God, and instructions of the word. this psalme is to be construed from Gen. 15: 2. Sa. 12. 2. Cro. 23. La. 3. 1. Cro. 22. 1. Cor, 3. Pro. 8. the restoring of the captivi­ty is the reward of children Ier. 31. as well as the birth, ps. 2. for building, Gen. 16.30. Caph, bowed, Caph, a hand, to contein, or quiver, or belly, arrows, and children: See build, builders, hous, citty, children, fruit of the womb, children of youth, arrows, they shall bring forth their building with pain and sorrow, opposed to contentment: for neither walls nor watching can save their citty: but good education and godlines. Zain to hear, or conceive the doctrine of the word, or edification, such is Gods building, and such are his children, as it is good to build, and not a vain th [...]ng: but a thing that will indure. He writes upon Gnir, a citty, which is derived from Gnir, to erect or build and also to watch. Therefore he us [...]th all kindes both of building and watching, and by sundry termnes. mark the repetition.

Deuteronomy. The children of God are well edified, and no better defens nor security can be, than good edification out of his word: it is a blessed thing to abound with them, and not a vain thing. He sheweth: it is the Lords work to restore them, and that they can­not stand nor consist without him: which is a wonderfull kindenes: the contenting and blessing of his beloved.


A Mischeevous end belongeth to the wicked, by reason of falsshood and deceit, but to the godly and just man, no temptation shall take them, but that which they may well bear, neither shall one bone of them be broken, or any tempta­tion impaire them at all, that truely follow the way to peace: but (for all hap­pines) their labours of their hands shall follow them, and stick unto them, to cherish them. It shall be good and dureable becaus of the equity thereof, chiefly, their wives: the greatest blessings: they shall have them to stick fast to the hous [...] sides, shewing their love: they shall have no wandering thoughts, but be ever about the house, so that h [...]r husband never want her, nor suffer widdowhood; and she shall be fruitfull, to imbol­den him; she shall bring up his children to stick round about his table, to grace him; and that there be no dispersion: and that he shall see one generation under another, of children, dureing the peace and wealth of the church, which he shall see all his life. In Ierusalem dwelt of all nations, men that feared God, that were learned in the kingdom of God, and could speak this language of righteousnes, and peace, and other gifts of the holy ghost (being not in word but in power) one to another, beeing of divers coun­treys. For in this is the Church greatly beholding to God, and is to thank him for it, because they are made rich in all kinde of speech, and knowledge, and doctrine of the holy ghost, that they bee not destitute of any gift: and hereby they speak all one thing, with one accord, and without dissention, beeing of one minde, and of the same iudge­ment. The gifts of the minde are heavenly gifts, and no musique is comparable to them, nor any kingdome to that government, and the harmony thereof, but to the sweetnes of concord, and of peace, when all agree to hold together by it, as the souldure or [Page] band of the rest: no one gift can be equalled thereunto. Peace joyneth all nations toge­ther and reconcileth them in Christ: that they are no longer strangers of foreiners: but all neer kin and well acquainted in Christ, and citizens with the saints, and of the hous­hold of God. Heer is an high coronation, and heerby men raign as kings: when all is thus tuned and brought in peace, peace-offerings are due, and such sacrifice as this of thanks to be sung. Therfor, whatsoever things are true, honest, just, or pure or be­long to love, or of good report: if there be any vertue, or if there be any prais: these things are to be thought upon, and the God of peace shall be with them. For in whom dwelleth the fulnesse of these things: he it is that reconcileth all and setteth at peace, even Christ: this is the unworldly peace that God giveth, that the heart be never troubled not in fear, and which overcommeth all affliction in the world: And thus are they sancti­fied throughout, and by peace are made happy that are the children and servants of God.

Construction Quoph, of Jaquaph, to compasse, is his wife, the vines wedded to the house sides and his children waiting at the tabl [...], for helps & good additions to him. Caph, for bowing, or subjection, like the obedient vine, & olive plants, alludeing to Cip­path, a vine branch, as Caph, a hand &c. Cheth to fear, as Mal. 2. Hee sheweth what is no vain work, but a blessed work, and what the blessings bee: consider the doubling of the words: happy, blessed, welth, well, peace, loe: and so alluding to the name Ierusalem, they shall see peace. children, fear, &c. Hee worketh evermore upon the divers sens of the word.

Deut [...]ronomy. the confession heer is, what felicity there commeth of a godly life: they have their harts desire: and they shall be blessed out of Zion with eternall life: they shall have posterity and peace, and all delight with it. ps. 37. with the kinde God will shew himself kinde, &c. ps. 18. The story of Abraham is again thought upon, as Gen. 12. for his blessing. &c. Hee will blesse them that blesse him. &c. Luk. 1.


ALl the culture and tillage of the wicked is upon the backs of the godly: that is, their whole field, where they sow all mischeif, is a spoiling, and defacing of their lives, and all the pains they take is against them. They overlode them, as Ps. 68. they urge them, torment them and constrein them, and overwork them, and tire them with temptation, they drive them, and pursue them, that the whip is never off their backs, and all their devises, cogitations, and plots are to destroy them. And for this they draw all together, and are a teem alwayes harnessed, ps. 83. and ready to plow vpon them, and ride them. And this the Church found in Egypt, Edom, and Mo­ab, in Canaan, in Ashur, and Babilon, in great measure, and with great continuance; yea out of measure and without c [...]asing. yea though they galled them sore, and prevai­led not: yet they never give over, they are never at lands end, they never throw up the plow, their furlongs are endles, and their enmity lasteth still. They must suffer crosses that will live godly, and they must long bear that will be blessed, and the crosses of the church for their profession, are innumerable: by tyranny, fear, threatning: treacherie, robbing, revenge; wars, captivities, and other trialls, and they make an excercise of bearing of them. They are to be commended for this high degree of patience, which they call long-suffering, a great gift of government. Such crosses and affliction and tribulation must be undergone and carried, and must be rejoyced in, for that glorious victory and coronation of them that endure and hold out, and overcome, and are ex­cellent in those uncarnall thoughts, and, spirituall gifts of the minde promised. Thus is the loss of life, the salving and preserving of it, the changing of a worse for a better; that tribulation bringing patience, and patience bringing experience, and experience hope, and hope the things hopeed for: that men be not ashamed of their hope, or the vanitie thereof, as Ps. 25. Now because this is the justice of God to succour the Iust. and a just thing with him, to recomp [...]nse vengeance to the troublers of the godly, and to [Page] them that hate them for the word: the church prayeth, that it may be after this sort, that even still one thing for another, and like for like; for envying Zion and the prosperity therof, and of all the Church: nothing may prosper that they put their hands too, and they may be ashamed of every purpose, and fail of all their attempts against it. Ps. 132. that God would cut their harness that they draw by, unyoke them and uncouple them, and chop their weethes and cords in peeces, & destroy utterly their husbandry, that they may retire with shame, availing themselves nothing, but retire and take off their hands for shame and their purposes may wither, and all their thoughts be extinguished, and stare out their eies with looking for, and become mad with their hope, and cut off ere they see their desires: That they may labour for nothing, and they may be ashamed of their crop, that for nothing bear malice and hatred and arms against it; that they may have neither harvest nor blessing of all their plots and devises, to delight them.

Construction. Quoph, to compasse or inviron is heer to afflict, of Zarar, to gird strait or strain hard or wring or oppress: by which word, three times and three severall wayes is the number 490 conteined and expressed, to signifie the determining of the judgements of God upon Israel, though long, euen seventy sevenfold. Gods justice cuts the band of wrong, and sets them at libertie and releaseth them out of the hands of Satan, their captivity & sore distress. Caph, bowing or stooping, is the plowing upon their backs and oppressing of them, by so long ridges upon them. there is a ridge of furrows, and a ridge of a house or hous top, for a back: as they torment one kinde, that the other may fail, and they may turn the back. Caph, a hand also: for holding and griping &c. oppression is rewarded with improsperitie, as the wicked keep down the Church: so they accursed for want of maintenance do fade. Teth, to decline and bow, also for the soil where the tillage is. Mark the repetition of the words. Hee is still in the story of Abraham, hee will curs them that curs him &c. Gen. 12. Ps. 80.

Deuteronomy. Hee observeth the frequent and sore adversity of Israel from a childe, yet God still mainteined them, and cut off their enimies: therefore they should justly confess him. They that hate the church shall be accursed.


THis is the way unto Abrahams bosom, this way men know Abraham and keep him company in the kingdom of God, prepareing for grace and mercy and not for justice and judgement Ps, 143. The Church weighing their iniquity, and their suffering: they finde their afflictions nothing to their deserts. And weighing their afflictions with the glory that they look for: they finde their crosses short of it, and not to be accounted worthy of such an eternall weight as is promised to the children of God, by their adoption which live in admiration of all spirituall glory, and not of temporall things: which by suffering are made heirs, and com unto the king­dom of God: and so rare and so high a calling and freedom, from corrupt slavery of sinn. For this cause is every creature of God brought under hope, and waiteth continu­ally, to see their day of redemption; and considering their vanity with unexpressible fervency, grone for it; and the spirit, that knoweth their minde helpeth them. By which hope and long waiting, in as much as it is with all stedfastnes, as Ps. 40. they get their degree in the kingdome of God; and are saved, with much rejoycing and continuall prayer, never to be ashamed of. This hope commeth by patience, and comfott of the scriptures; becaus all thes afflictions happen to him for love to the word, and observ­ing Gods commandements, Ps. 119. Z. Sh, Which hope is laid up for them in heaven, to be fullfilled with all knowledge and spirituall understanding, and the mystery of God, by the grace of God. And heerof have you for example;; Noah, Daniel, and Iob: their blessed end. This hope is for things not to bee seen, all things working for the best thus their degree: to bee predestinated, and called, and chosen, and justified, and glorified, and saved. Therfor no tribulation, nor no persecution, nor famine, [Page] nor nakednes, nor perill, nor sword, nor any other adversity or prosperitie, loss or preferment, present or future, high or low or any thing els in the world, can cut off their waiting for this glory, and this kingdom: but they shew themselves approved in all things, and tryed men in all crosses of the world; which are the very Accents of holines. And for this is their uncessant calling upon God, in their deep distresses, not to regard their sinnes and iniquities. but seeing he was so reverend, for pardon and forgivenes, and was so kinde and so full of redemption: which is the hope of Gods calling: and that he would hear him, and set Israel in the right way, forgive him, and redeem him; and this with an exceeding hope, more then that of the watchmen, for their r [...]st.

Construction. Quoph, to compas, iniquities, Ps. 49. Deeps Ion. 2. Ps. 69. where ther is no standing: so all are cast by iniquities which have hold of them. Lamed, learn­ing, is waiting, and attending, and contending, redemption, and forgivenes, and releas of captivity, and bondage of the divell and all their enimies, Is. 64. Ier. 33.31. Prov. 16. Neh. 9. Hos. 14. both the letters make Quol,, a voice, the Lords attention, and revealing of his word, releaseth and redeemeth, being full of pardon and grace. Quol, is taken also for word, which is the promised forgivenes. and redemp­tion from tr [...]spass. This belongeth to Rulers and therfor Lord, is doubled. Quol, al­so is thunder, which is terrible judgement out of the word, that no man is able to abide it. Qual is gentle, light, and easy: as is forgivenes. Mark well the repetition of all the termns, and reckoning of the kindes: of voices, waitings, and forgivenes &c. His waiting is to be set once free of his crosses and his incumbrances, which he calls iniqui­ties, by proper grace of the Eternall. Like a servants waiting for his maisters comming. Mat. 24.

Deuteronomy. It is wrought upon the story of Iacobs wrestling Gen. 21.32. Hos. 12. and waiting and earnest request is a kinde of wrestling for grace. As Iacob wrestled: so Israel must wait. Mark the doubling of Israel, and repeating of Lord so oft, to signifie might and power of prevailing, uppon El, in Isra-el the mighty. And this re­citeth a wonderfull grace and blessing of God, and kindenes to his people.


BLessed are the poor in spirit, the lowly and meek, the humble and quiet mind­ed men, and such as suffer persecution for righteousness; for they shall raign and excell in heavenly gifts, and also inherit the earth, Ps. 37. And be call­ed the children of God. O Zion, behold, thy king commeth, meekly sitting up­pon an ass. By meeknes and gentlenes, every thought and imagination against God, and every high thing is cast down and captiveed, and subdued and made nothing worth. for all the kingdome of God is in suffering, and willing and gentle submission and obedience; by which; by haveing themselves in command: they overcome and cast down invincible holds. A little contenteth these men, and all things are bestowed upon them: they seek the celestiall kingdome, and riches of godlines, and want no­thing that is good: so, as when they suffer, it is in hope, and also in meeknes, not grudgeing, nor resisting, nor murmuring: therfor he subdueth his mind from high con­ceits and far and forrein hopes, and great and secret things to the plain and easy things of the law and commandments, neer at hand, and hard by him. In this subjection he hath his minde by the Law, that meekly waiteth on him like a wainling: so that the Law and hee, are inseparable, and his minde alwayes a companion with God, by haveing his word alwayes in his mouth, and in his heart; and thus he would have Israel wait upon God for ever.

Construction. Quoph, to compass, is heer the compassing of the heart; the wilde affection of the minde. Eccl. 7. Is. 10. Ps. 101. Pro. 6. known by thes tokens, the lust of the flesh, and of the eyes, and pride of life: all worldly aspireing and ambitious [Page] appetite, 1, Ioh. 2. not fit for a scholler. Lamed, and Al [...]ph, for learning, and instruction: they make Lo, not so, that hee is no such: but humble and a reformed man, meek and docible, fit to attend doctrine, and the pleasure and kindenes of God. He is not carried away with pride and worldly pleasure, but is content to be taught: as a childe his A. B, Ce. Is. 28. and so hee sheweth by a double mention of the first letters of the rew. And is contented with the things revealed, Deut. 29. And so hee would have Israel to bee perpetually. All the three letters make Quala, to dis-esteem, as hee was vile in his own eyes. Mark these words repeated: soul, waiting, not, &c. and words varyed: high, lofty, great, hard, opposed to tame, and plain, and wained, &c. as Aspireing to con­tentment.

Deuteronomy. All waiting of Israel is for grace and kindenes, and performance of promiss to such as bee fitt, and adopted, and chosen, &c. while Israel serveth, &c.


THer is a majesty of Godlines, & ther is a heavenly countenance of pure religion, but zeal and devotion make the dignity therof: that a man may be found ap­prooved, and in all pointes perfect and holy before God. Which is hee [...] shewed by Davids vow, and the Lords, considering both: that is, the place that David so de­vourly sought for, and found: the Lord so much delighted and affected. And becaus their affections so met, and their harts so well agreed: and because God promissed to David, all benefit of salvation from Sion, by the Priesthood: and aflowershing and a lerned, and a dureing estate of the Kingdom, yf hee kept his covenant: and that hee will victuall the citty well with the word of God, Psal. 81. and confound his eni­myes therwith; till they blush and retire therat: hee prayeth God now to take his rest upon his holy hill, and by the strength of his Law, Ps. 99. the Ark of judgement and right, to send it, that the Priests may preach righteousnes, Ps. 40. and the people doo all worship, and the queristers sing out aloud, holy, holy, holy, and highly sanctifye the God of Sabboth; with all habit and behaviour of holynes. That the anointed may never remove, or turn back again, but seek unto their patience, and faith and love and spirituall knowledge, & provide for all their wants, that nothing may bee wanting, but that they may overcom in their triall, and bee refreshed in the paradise of God, bee made Kings and weare the crown of Eternall life, and be fed with the scriptures, and to receive holy names in the book of life, never to be blotted. And reign over nations, & bee like ever­lasting pillers in the temple, with new names of their new creation, graven upon them, & sit in the throne of Godlynes, blessed with all dignity and honour; by thes keyes of knowledge, that open all undeniable truthe & shut the mouthes of fashood; that binde­eth the divill and Satan hand and foot, in his arguments and caste [...]h him into utter darknes, and giveeth cleer light to them that sit in darknes: and that hee would dissolve the chains of ignorance, of them that walk in absurdity, and redeem them and save them.

Construction. Quoph, to compass or inviron, by his affliction and his vow of ab­steining from rest: and fasting from so great an appetite: to finde an entertainment and contentment for the great Pastor of Israel, Lev. 23. Is. 58. also clothing or indueing, Iob 19. Is. 61. Lamed, doctrine: from Beth-lehem, and Sion, wher the poor have their fill of bread, Ier. 50. of righteousnes & salvation perpetually preached, and praises: Beth, a hous: dwelling, habitation, place of rest, footstool, &c see the doubling of the words and the synonimyes throughout: appetite, affliction and satisfaction, is all, Deut. 12. Hee reckoneth heer all the kindes of rests that can bee imagined, because it is Gods rest; and that by doubling the word, Tabernacle, hous, bed, sleep, dwelling, habitation, footstool, right doctrine, a joyfull Ministry, their Anoynted, throne, meat, and bred of salvation, a flowrishing, crown, their anoynted, and shame to their Enimyes: neither is hee unminde­full of the Quiescents grammaticall, as in the word Jvva, hee desired, doubled.

[Page]Deuteronomy. Sion is the place hee hath chosen to be served and glorifyed in, Deut. 2. for a perpetuall countenance to his elect, and a shame to their foes, yf they ob­serve his word and keep his covenant: the life therof shall bee their life for ever, Deut. 32. and they shall not bee stirred.


THe Church beeing setled in a quiet conscience, and haveing a peacable King­dom within them: hee now commeth to the admiration of the goodnes and the benefit, the glory and the sweetnes of it. Wher hee makeeth the subjects all of one degree: wher ther is no difference, between the servant and the sonne, male and female, servant and servant, far or neer: ther beeing one maister and father and reconcileer unto all; for they are both by grace and both by adoption: nor between Iew and gentile, bond or free; for ther is a redemption from bondage, and a freedom from servitude, to which, as well they in the house as out of the hous, are predestinated [...]o becom all alike the children of God, beeing led by the spirit of God. And thus Christ was before Abraham, and thus Abraham rejoyced to see his dayes, by haveing the same Kingdom and religion in his bosom. So that ther is no priority or preheminence heer, to take place: and as they are all children and sonnes of God by faith: so they are all heires, and all part-takeers of the Kingdom and blessednes therof, as they have been part-takeers of the suffering belonging to it. And therfor are they called brethe­ren, for all have one and the same birth & parentage, haveing the same conceites, dooing the same workes, leading the same lives, minde the same thinges, knit together all in one minde, beeing of the same study & affection, the same indevour, & the same subjection, and the same protestation; and this in the same service of God, the father and maister, in all holynes, and rightheousnes, when all their hartes agree in all things, and God with them: how admirable (inde [...]d may they say) is their dwelling together, It yeeldes a sweet prospect; for how sweet are the sermons of righteousnes that flow over the Priests lips, and drop down his beard, and the gift of grace and the indument of them, that runneth down, all the coat of Levi, from highe to low, even to the skirts and the doctrine that falleth upon them, as the dew upon the grass. The [...] is no ointment so sweet and good, nor rain so pleasant, as thes savery showers of heavenly understanding, and spirituall blessings, and everlasting life, when as from hill to hill, one hart lendeth an­other grace, and knowledge, and peace & joy eternall, in a quiet minde.

Construction. Quoph, to compass: so the band of fraternity, Za. 11. and vnity of religion: Lamed, the anointing, and doctrine, 1. Io. 2. Ghimel, the reward, and blessing of life, as Ps. 3. proper to the congregation and the people of the house of God, as show­ers to Sion, or anointing to the Priests, an everlasting spring, and all the good, that can descend. Wher two or three are gathered together, &c. Mat. 18. Mark the repetition all things resembling unity and propri [...]ty: pleasant, pretious, beard, runn down, &c.

Deuteronomy. The confession heer is, the life of the word, the blessing of it, to them that concurr in observing is, as the congregation: the wonderfull refreshing they have by that ordinance, and favour of God, by destilling of doctrine upon the assembly, as ointment on the beard, &c.


AT the end of every work the Creator is to bee blessed, and the Creation sancti­fyed, so now to end thes 15. Songs of return or asscension, the last two beeing of the Ministry and holy service of God, and of the fraternity and holy assembly [Page] in spirituall houses of holynes, to wit, of the Church and congregation, Psal. 92.90. of the place and frequentation, the high place and degree of Godlynes and the comunion and unanimity of the Saintes: and wheras hee hath figureed the place to bee Sion, and the company Israel, to whom all the service appertained, and what Godly­nes ther is in them: Now for higheth of sanctification, that the Temple of God may bee throughly cleane, and that they may grow up to a full holynes: hee maketh the time the Sabbath, hous-hold exercise. The whole law of God is a tree of abstinence, as taste not, touch not, doo not, handle not, to bridle the will; that, bee it a thing that makes never so faire a shew, for any kinde of respect: it must bee refreined and a [...]oyd­ed: and so work by the Ministry and a perpetuall thanks giveing by the Min [...]sters, never ceasing. Sabbath day to be useed, so that the refreining from pleasure, and cove­teousnes fullfilleth all, Psal. 119. H, for hee that liveth in pleasure is sayd to bee dead while hee liveth, and to bee a sleep in it, and drunk therwith, and apt to all temptation. Except God bee in a man, the body is dead, & the greatest holynes in the world is to re­tire one self, and walk with God, to forbear: and the grea [...]est government in a man, is to bridle himself. And therfor hee willeth the servants of God that keep holy, and rest, that keep hous with him, and dwell in the Lords hous, by night, and abstein from la­bour and fowling their handes upon any work: to lift up their hands, of so high holy­nes and sanctification, and bless this everlasting righteousnes of God. For bestowing the same blessing upon them, even everlasting life. And that as God, in six dayes, made heaven and earth, &c. & rested the seventh and blessed & sanctifyed it: so for keeping the same, they may receive from him, likewise, the blessing of sanctification throughout.

Construction. Quoph, to compass about, his servants that lodge in hous with him, and remain allwayes about him, Ps. 76. his moste worthy Ministers, to doo their function of thanks perpetuall, for Gods blessing from Sion, his mighty reformation: by Lamed, lerning, and Daleth, a door, for the opening of the word by doctrine. Mark the wordes: bless, and Eternall, servant, stand, &c. how oft the one implyeth the other. Hee workes upon the double sens of Berek, to bless, to which, heer is prayed a blessing, and also to give it. See the only doubling of that termn & the Eternall. And this is for a dore, as knocking and opening, &c.

Deuteronomy. This blessing intendeth confession of the goodnes and grace of God, and comfort which they receive from the place which God hath chosen, Deut. 12. from Sion, the blessed word of creation out of rudenes. Wherin is life, &c. Ioh. 1.


WHat was hard to suffer is now sweet to remember. Great is his goodnes that bringeth peace and redemption; and sweet and pleasant is his name, that hath made chois of the Church, and hath pleasure in them, and giveth them their inheritance, and defendeth and comfort­eth them: and a good and sweet hearing it is, that hee hath brought them out of slave [...]y, into the Elysian feeld [...]s of salvation and saveed them: & this by a transscendent power, meteoricall and miraculous: by an invisible safety: setting his hand upon their Eni­myes face, as Psal. 138. beclouding the Scriptures with an earthly sense, and makeing from thence lightning of Sermons, for rain of doctrine, from one end of the world to the other: as was the glittering of that comming of the sonn of Man, in power and great glory; and to bring out the deep & hid sens out of his treasure, to smite all the Kinges of the earth, and astonish them; that ther is no such God among the heathen, of all their pretious Idoles which they follow, as Ps. 16. and that hee knoweth and confesseth, that hee which they serv, is the greatest above Gods and Kings, and Lords, Ps. 95. and to bee preferred only, and meet to bee chosen before all other gods. Therfor, because his doctrine is the tillage and manureance of all the earth: wee must sue unto the Word, the creator of our understanding, which seeth in secret and bringeth foorth an op [...]n reward; [Page] no man knowing the father but the sonn, and hee, to whom the sonn wil reveale him▪ And therfor, hee wisheth, that all men would prais his name; especially his hous hold servantes, remaining in his courts, for his goodnes; and chaunt out, for the pleasantnes of his name, as Ps. 92. and that Israel, the Church and Ministry, and all the Professors of of Godlynes, and all Ierusalem, may thank him therfor, from Sion.

Constructium. Quoph, to compass: for the servants of God that are allwayes about him, dwelling in his hous: 38000. 1. Cron. 23. Lamed, lerned, or doctrine: this is the name of God, Iah, or Iehovah, the Eternall, as one is for the other in hallelu­jah. And according to the letters of the one, the other is repeated: just fifteen times, for Iah, the terme Iehovah, fifteen. And after the fifteen Psalmes of degrees. Hezek-jah shall see Jah, Iah, in the land of the living, that is, fifteen yeers alive, Is. 38. The letter, He behold, that is the presence of God: the cloudes, and lightnings, and windes, present him, his strokes upon his Enimyes, his signes, and deliverance, all markable. Qualah, which conteine all the letters, is to be light, and vile in repute, by which hee magnifyeth the power of God and vilifyeth the idoles, that have no aspiration or sound in their throat, like Iah, Psal. 149. nor smiteing like Iod, a hand. Mark the repetition.

Deuteronomy. The confession is continuall praising and blessing of God and his name, by the Ministry and whole Church of God. So sweet and pleasant, for the benefit.


HEe sheweth that all was don in the Creation, by intellectuall power, and that that highe Godhead and soveraigne Lordship only, did with his mighty hand, and long reaching arm, all the wonderfull works in the world, of his goodnes and his mercey, Psal. 23. and his everlasting Kingdom of kindenes and com­passion: in cutting off the ungodly, and saveing of the Church: in thinking upon them in their low estate, and setling them in their enimyes land, and provideing food for all flesh, the unperishing food of his word: the searching wherof, is the bread of eternall life, and an everlasting nuriture. So the wicked are visited justly, for ignorant worship and workmanship, to the sowerth degree, of the ungodly and disobedient: but his mercy is to last for thousands, even for ever, to the Godly and obedient; rebellion against the word beeing a sinn of witche craft, and transgression, moste wicked idolatry. Ther was no imagination presented or propounded with it, but that all tricks & formes and fansyes of man, wear vain and hatefull, and abominable, Psal. 119. S. For this God­head of understanding, beeing the God of all possiblity, and to whom nothing is impos­sible or hard, but all his wayes are secrets, and miraculous in the eyes of man, wherby, all was made and facioned, and revealed, preserved and maintened, and by perpetuall judgement, defended and saveed: how absurd then is the imploreing of sensless aide, against all rule of creation, and against the Kingdom of grace prayed for? Yf hee doth the things which no man els doth, why beleeve they him not? yf not for his own sake, yet for his works, hee ought to bee beleeved in, and trusted unto. Therfor, that they worship that wonderfull Creator, defender and preserver, the God of heaven, that made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all fountains for his infinite works of mercey, grace and compassion, in his Kingdom, by his heavenly light of wisdom, reason and knowledge, invented, disscerned and brought in frame: and not so placable Gods of their own makeing wherin against all reason and understanding the Creature is set in place of the Creator, and a man worshipeth what hee will, and contenteth himself as hee will, which is moste monstrous. For this invention yeeldeth no correction, nor am [...]nd­ment, and is no part of the Kingdom prayed for, seeing no obedience is due to the work of a mans own hands, no more then the father should obey the childe, or child [...]en lay up and provide for their parents. Therfor, who so ever receiveth not the Kingdom of God, as a litle childe, for correction and obedience; hee shall not enter therinto.

[Page]Construction. Quoph, of Jaquaph, to compass, by kindenes ps. 32. worship and adoreing of the ministers: tormentors the contrary. Lamed, for lerning, the word of creation and preservation. The Eternall his existens is of so great extent and power and wisdom by his ministry, that it maisters all the gods, and kings, and lords of the world, Deut. 10. Ex. 34. The divers vowelling of Iehovah used but once all the psalme, intendeth but rule and might: and mercie ps. 102. repeated, according to the letters Ie­hovah, twenty six times. Vav, a hook or crook, hee brought them out, &c. hee freed them from, &c. Lord, and worship agree. Ier. 22. Ps. 8. Mark the repetition. The three letters make quolo, his voice, or word, as Ps. 29.

Deuteronomy. the Ministers are set to prais and bless and worship, 1 Cro. 16. so in the last psalme and this, the Eternall is the mighty Actor of salvation, by his grace. Mark the first and last words, and the continuall burden of the song: for a rehearsall. Gods kindenes twenty six times repeated, according to the number of 26, made up just by the letters of Jehovah.


IN this psalme, the Iewes shew care in pleasing God, rather than man; their Creator, Redeemer, and Inductor, rather than their captiveer and suspender: for either they will not sing at all, and hang up their harps; or if they will have them to sing, it shall be that which they have little pleasure to hear, for fear of takeing Gods name in vain, and transgressing his will, in vain rejoyceing, in their heavy season, against their harts; or makeing their enimies mery, with their sacred and good things, which God would not allow of. So that after they have made it a hard thing to sing, for people in their case, and harder to rejoyce, with holy songs of Sion: and that they did not think it meet to sing thes holy things, among such houndes, in a strange and an enimies land: yet that the name of Sion, and fame of Ierusalem, may not be forgotten by them: they take down their harps and apply their fingers, and looss their tongs from the rooffs of their mouthes; to shew, that all their joy and delight, was in Ierusalem, and not with them; all their song is nothing but a bitter prayer to God for a terrible revenge and payment upon them. That as the Edomites, incouraged to destroy Ierusalem to the ground, to the utter ruine and desolation of it: and no less could content them, and the destroying citty Babel; performd as much: that now, God would remember all their dealing, and make them happy that should require them treble, ps. 94. with a merci­less revenge and destruction, uppon them. that ther may be no mercy to the merciless or their children, but that it may pleas God, to dash them all in peeces against the stones, with an utter confusion and destruction of them. And this, lest they should transgress the third commandment, and displeas their God, at their enemies request, to use his name unprofitabely, and deserv new punishment, and disobey his known will, and be worse beaten than before, after their return home. And becaus all pleasure is a kinde of idolatry, but the true and only worship of God; they will not pleas themselves nor their enemies, with one word of their lips, ps. 16. nor shed one drop of prais, or sa­crifice any commendation to them at all.

Construction. Quoph, to compass: Captiveers, Inthraulers, hanging, takeing. Lamed, lerning: his tong and hand shall be disused, and all cunning forgotten. Babel is repeated for a town of confusion and destruction of learning, Gen. 11. & Ierusalē for perfection, alludeing to both: mount Sion opposed to the rivers also. So weeping and mirth, remembring &c. by Zain, to hear, by singing, & Song: the sens & rule of relation: as the eares are the daughters of songs. Eccl. 12. they shall be happy that pay thē with cōfusion that seek it, Obadiah▪ mark the repetitiō, you shall see the A. B. C. confoūded also by words of purpos under words of song, which is also vers: he conceals a return or torment

Deuteronomy. Singing is heer the act of repeating for a memoriall. It shall be life eternall to punish persecutors. So he hath still minde of his wonderfull way of salva­tion. mark the repeating of these words: happy, repay, dealt, down with it. &c.


HEaring is the way to Christ, and Moses and the Prophets are the Doctors to draw men unto him, for they shall be all taught of God; and this teaching and hearing is the Sabbath work of refreshing and reviveing the miserable and dead-comfortless soule of man, ps. 113. This is the food of the congrega­tion, the miraculous sustenance out of the Law and Testaments, that lasteth from meal to meal: with full cupbordes for ever, as ps. 144. That whereof every disciples bas­ket, and his store is blessed with increas: and for this is the day to be kept holy and sancti­fyed, for the presence of God and his word in it, that sanctifyeth the hearers. Which presence yf God vouchsafe not: the people are forsaken and perish, for want of his kingdom. Now that in this psalme, hee may seem to sanctifie the Sabbath, and to keep it holy: he layeth down precisely all the circumstance of his behaviour, and the worship, and keeping of it; and that most from ps. 92. that hee may seem more capa­ble of this food and sanctifycation of the spirit: by the manner, the presence, the place the end and the reason of all. As thus, he will worship God with all his heart, he will chant him out before the gods and Angels, and judges, hee throwes himself prostrate at his temple, hee worships his Name for his loveing kindenes and his faithfullnes; and that because he hath made his promise greater than all his Name, ps. 12. Now becaus his worship is so perfect: hee desireth to bee heard in the day and time of his call­ing, and that he would sustein, with great strength, in his minde, and releev him largely. That all the kings of the world might likewise worship God, when they have him and his wordes; and sing of his wayes and of his great glory, which are his miraculous and wonderfull wo [...]ks of kindenes: also of his promiss and faithfulnes. Now becaus he is high, and beholdeth the low and the mean ones: psal. 113: and seeing hee is lofty and kenneth farr, and his word findeth men out every wher: hee prayeth now, that God would bestow his heavenly food and bread of sustenance uppon him. That as we labour all the week to rest the sabbath: so that we may be fed in the sabbath, to bee able, to labour all the week. That is, that of a man in great distress and in the midst of sorrows: he would make him a cheerfull man, and revive him; and being besieged round about with adversity, that he would lay his hand upon his enemies face, and blindefold them, and by the prosperous and dexterous right hand of his ministry, save him. And that God, who is the onely doer about him, and his kindenes is for ever: would not now forsake the works of his own hands, and creatures of his Law; and that he would never fail them with his kingdom that bringeth all things with it: but let him see the fulnes, and pleasure, and joy at his right hand, beeing his portion and cup and inheritance ps, 16.116.

Construction. Quoph, to compass: the kindenes of God about him to strength­en him in affliction gi [...]deth him. Mark Gnoz, and Zarrah seven seventies and 490: ps. 25.34.119. see kindenes repeated, Ion. 2. Lamed, Lerning: is heer a larger extent of Gods Name: it is all his Law, and his word, and his work, and his way, which is grace, and truth, that shineth after him by effect, that with his glory ps. 29. putteth out his enemyes eyes, & spieth the afflicted, being never so deep or farr from him, to releeve him. It commendeth the reading of the Law, and Prophets, and for this the word saying, and Name, and hand is repeated. Cheth, to prostrate, by bowing down &c. and lowly &c. all his humble supplication and adoration in deep distress ps. 5. Is. 18. all the letters qualach, from whence qualachah, a caldron, for affliction.

Deuteronomy. his dayly worship and psalming in the Temple, can be nothing but of his mervilous acts of grace towards his church and creatures, and of the life of the word that feedeth them, and disgrace to his enemies Ier. 20. Mark the word wor­ship, for a repetition or confession. Hee fullfilleth all his saying, and all by his saying.


IN this psalme beginning with Trespass: hee sheweth by the stones of triall, in the brest­plate of judgement, described, as ps. 149. by the law, is a mans life spanned out, and made square every way, that God is made privy to them all. If it be in position: by lyeing down, and riseing up, hee knoweth their miscarriage therein. If it bee in their travail, or their rest: hee keepeth round about all their wayes, and pryeth into every trick of them. If it be in speech or language, hee knoweth every word. Hee be­sets them round about, they cannot go forth nor back, but his hand is uppon them: which is their conscience of sinne against the law, which he calleth a wonderfull, and a higher knowledge than he can attain unto. from the sight of which trespass and conscience of sinne: becaus ther is no escapeing: neither in heaven; nor hell, nor be­yond sea, nor in the dark: whatsoever hee committeeth by imagination or worship: but hee is every wher with them, and alwaies in sight of them: and hee can no way out-goe him or hide from him, nay that God possessed his reins before he was born: and becaus he was fearfully hidden, and he knew that his works were wonderfull, and that hee saw his bones though they were made in secret: and that hee was set together under the earth: and his clue, and windeing: and his dayes recorded before he was born: now for this hee devides himself from the wicked, deerly, to think of God▪ as a father; and to worship and honour him for his creation, and that his cheeff and deerest and most honourable thoughts are mighty and wonderfull many of him; even above the sand of the sea in number, seeing as long as hee is awake, hee is never out of minde of him. Hee will have no fellowship with any wickednes, with such as rebell and ris [...] against God, in fals and vain imagination, & idolatrous trespass. Ps. 119. S. And through­ly hateth all the enemies of God, and they to him, are for deadly Enimyes. And all the sinister side for Sin, ps. 109.119. sh. and hath God on his right hand, as ps. 16. to shew his conversion, repentance, and amendment. Now seeing nothing can be hid from God, and from his all seeing presence in his Law, and conscience, but they shall bee visited to the third and fourth generation: hee prayeth to bee searcheed, and his heart and thoughts to be tryed, and known throughly, to see, yf ther bee any way or work of idolatrie or sorrowfull trespass in him. Yf ther bee, that hee would lead him the way and work of eternity, and amendment of life, and forgive him. And this is a resur­rection which the Law performeth, by long looking into the hearts and consciences of men, to restore them and deliver them, out of the bonds of sin, and death, and hell, and the divell, and from all slavery, wherinto they are sunk by offences; yf ther be any spark of grace left in their hearts: and that they be not given over to a reprobate sens: And for this the Prophet is in hope never to see corruption, but by amendment to come to life and joy eternall.

Construction. Quoph, to compass: hee is both without and within every wher, and at all times: that by any means nothing can be hid from him, or is hard to him: and this, according to Lamed, the second letter, is a wonderfull knowledge, and beyond his capacity, that he cannot be deceived therfore he prayeth God the Almighty to search his heart yf it honoured him aright: Is. 29. Ier. 16. Beeing alwayes mindefull of him, and in love with him, and in detestation of the wicked: that he would kill the wicked, and cut off his dayes, for his guiltiness: and not shorten his in the land, the word kill hath the number of the psalm, in the letters quatal, 139. Tet, clay, hee sheweth that he riseth not against his maker, Is. 29. but is alwayes a most zealous champion for him, the word vex, and rais, &c. in the Hebrw, intend no less, Hony soit qui mal y pense, hee meaneth no sorrow, therfor hee would fain bee blessed: By the old way, Ier. 6.22. Mark all the repetitions. Qualat, all the letters, to shrink, or retire, as for refuge, as miqlat, Num· 35. Is. 20. &c, ther is no sanctuary to fly from God.

Deuteronomy. Hee is heerupon the everlastingnes of Gods way, called the old [Page] and ancient way: Ier. 6.22. that is uncorrupt, that is truth, and life for ever: Ioh. 12. the way that shall not fail, ps. 1. opposed to the way of sorrow, ps. 16. of the cross, and pervers. Mark the repetition, and this serueth for a confession, as hee layeth him­self open unto God.


HEe sheweth heer, wherin murther consists; as in temptation: and that in injury and contention, and that in w [...]ath, and that in the heart, the tongue and the hands, and all villanous practises, and that with exceeding spight and malice, and choler: so that their hearts invent mischeeff, and they inhabit warrs, and dwell allwayes in contention: with sharp and stinging tongues, and poysoned lips like serpents. That whatsoever they say, doth by intent, maliciously kill, with words of malignity. Another part of Temptation is practise, and plots to destroy him in all his courses, to meet with him in all his wayes, wherever hee goeth, by watching oportunity to trip him and intrap him. the way hee goeth, the life hee leadeth, the work hee ex­erciseth, or the thing hee desireth: for which the Divil hath sundry baites to make men fall, and the tempters be the haughty and proud men of the world. Now that hee see­eth that all is injury and injustice, and the root of all, malignity of the heart, and fierce­ness of wrath against him: hee maketh this suite to God, that hee would not fullfill the lusts of the wicked man, nor content him in his purposes, to make him proud. And as he had been alwayes his helmet, and the invironing salvation of his head: so hee prayeth that the mischeeff of their lips, and bitter curses may light uppon themselves, and that God would forbid them, and deliver him from their hands, that hee bee not tempt­ed by them. And as they seek to slay by anger and wrath: So that the judgement of a counsell may condemn them, and men may cast coles of wrath upon them, and cast them into the fire, and hot burning embers, even into hell fire; that they never rise again, that an ill and an injurious tongue may not be established in the earth, but hunt himself to destruction; becaus hee is sure, that God will right the afflicted and needy in their sen­tence and judgement. And the just and upright shall be preserved, to worship him and call upon his Name, and remain for ever before him, Ps.

Construction. Quoph, to compass or invireon: to watch and ward, as 2. King. 11. by the words keep, and preserve, and releas, and deliver from &c. Mem, waters: the corrupt world, Gen. 6. Ps. 9.101. wicked studies, and wicked hands, and wicked tongues, and all for warrs, and strife: such as make debate. Quom, both the letters, to stand, or rise. the prayer is, that they may neither: becaus none but just and upright men are reserved. Consider the doubling of thes words: preserv, keep, malitious, injurious, mischeeff, hart and minde, meditate, devise, warrs, tongue, lips, hands, and the relation, all wordes of justice and judgement together. The vowells of Iehovah, are turned to the vowells of Elohim, for his office of iudgement & revenge, & executeing of iustice for his servants. Hee sheweth Quoum, an insurrection, and all the manner: hee prayeth for deliverance from them, and condemnation to them, becaus in fiery malice they rise: they may be buried in fire, that they may never rise, that the iust only and upright may stand up and abide: becaus their thoughts bee on fire that they may never bee sufficed, and no water may quench them. Mark the many Mems, for water in that vers of his iudgement and his thoughts. None of refreshing, but all of affliction: that their thoughts and studyes may afflict them.

Deuteronomy. It sheweth not heer the way of life, but of death, Deut. 30. the con­trary: such as was the corruption of the old world that perish, and of the wrath of the serpent, to be ruined, the way of sorrow, as in the last psalme; which is killing by temptation and vexation: a cursed way. His prayer serveth for a confes­sion.


AS sweet meats have sower saw [...]e: so ther bee no dishes so dainty as temptati­ons; and no such baites as rankest poyson. Now seeing, in this Psalme, that their bones, are not onely brokeen with temptation, but lye at the graves side, as chips and clifts by the saw-pits-side, of the hewer and squareer: and hee is in prayer while they are in their mischeeff: and that hee calleth upon God and his eyes are ever bent unto him: and hee trusteth in him: hee now prayeth, that hee would with speed, hearken unto him, and take his prayer for an evening sacrifice, Eph. 4. And seeing the tong is that unrulely evill of provocation, and that which setteth all the world on fire, as in the last Psalme, and is so forward and so full of poyson: that God would lock up his lips, and guard his mouth, that nothing of temptation or ill matter pass by them, from his hart, in the way of wickednes or slander; & that their deinty messes intice him not, nor bewitch him to transgress; but that the just man should instruct him in love, though it bee with stripes, rather to bring the pretious oyle of the Kingdom of heaven upon his head, and crown him with celestiall understanding, of joy above his fellows, as Psal. 45. That their defenders and deliverers may not have a word to say, but bee strooken as silent and dumb as a stone, to hea [...]ken to the sweetnes of his wordes, which is, for the Iustice, and equity of the matter, like sine pom-granats and aples of gold, that the righteousnes of the P [...]ists lips might ring: that though his bones lye so nigh the pitt: yet becaus his trust is onely in God, and his eyes are allwayes upon him: that hee would not strip him out of all, and overthrow him, and deprive him by it, but that hee would keep him out of all the snares of the workers of greeff and molestation, and temptati­on, which they lay for him; which are every howre, as an open pitt ready to swallow him: and that the wicked, may justly fall into the meashes of their own nets, and into the pitt of their own makeing. While hee escapeth, and hath his issue out of temptation, and is delivered.

Construction. Quoph, to compass: or stand or sett about: as a watch and ward to his mouth. 2. Cor. 11. or deinty meates. Mem, waters: for the waters of Idolatry op­posed to the pleasant and sweet waters of the Law of God, Ps. 16.36. &c. taken heer for adultry. Hee sheweth the way of it by the mouth, the hart, the handes, & snares, and fruit of it. And that all is sorrow, as the corrupt calling upon God, Gen. 4. By Cains poste­rity. And should deserv to bee stoneed, Ezech. 16.22. Lev. 18. Is. 37. Deut. 7.19. hee prayeth to bee righted: though hee feel it, and smart for it. And this from Aleph, to instruct. That his wits bee not confounded by her, nor his strength ill bestowed, beeing so nighe perishing. Hee prayeth, their judges or Gods may bee smitten, &c. so hee inten­deth the destruction of all their trust, by the pureitey of his prayers, and Gods accep­tance of him. Hee sacrifyeeth by prayer, as Psal. 50. all is for Instruction, against In­struction. Mark the number of repetitions.

Deuteronomy. Hee sheweth another way of declineing, and missing of Eternall life, as Math. 19. by spirituall adultery. And as hee handleth yet the word and name of God: so heer hee termeth their Gods and Idols, judges, as Psal. 82. and for the certainty heerof, is Jehovah, made Iehovih, and vowelled like Elohim, which is judgement, that property of God. His calling and prayer serveth for confession and recitation, as Psal. 50.91.


THer is no such theeft as to take men from the service and Altar of God, Psal. 26. Now to bee applyed properly to this Psalme: seeing all persecution is theeft and [Page] robbery: and becaus David was now chaseed by Saul into the Cave, Psal. 143. hee findes a way of excerciseing his Kingdom of patience, as yf hee should say: bless­ed are they when men revile them, and persecute them; to steal away their good name, or rob them of their liberty or substance: speaking all manner of evill against them, for Gods sake falsly, Math. 5. for then great is their reward: and not to re­sist evil. And this is that which David waiteth for, for his singular patience and suffer­ing, not seeking any revenge, or restitution, or amends: and hee will not seek to mend his portion in this life, but that God and his relye, and his Kingdom shall bee all circum­scription therof, to wall him in, and confine him, and content him. And thus hee sticketh fast to the mercy of God, because all kingdom is his, and serveth for a reproof for Saul, and a comfort for himself. Therfor beeing now in a disperate case and in great distress: that his spirit fainted, and that hee was intrapped in all his courses: and snares layed for him, which way soever hee went: and that ther is no refuge at his right hand to be found: or any man at all to distinguish or entertaine him: or any bosom to receive him: or to disscern or help him: or that careeth for him, to save his life: hee now cryeth unto God, and beseecheth him, makeing him his portion, and setting him att his right hand, as Psal. 16. that considering his great poverty of distress, hee would hear­ken to him & deliver him from his persecutors, seeing they were too strong for him: & that hee would inlarge him, and make it a wonderfull and bountifull deliverance, that beeing shod with the Gospell, hee may worship his name, with the just ones, for so great a reward upon him.

Construction. Quoph, to compass: as distress, seege and want of succour about him, naked in the cave, Psal. 141. Hee would faine have the congregation about him, &c. and be at liberty to serve God and repair to him. Mem, waters: which are affliction, Psal. 124. Beth, a hous: bring out of hould, &c. repetitions are not only heer but argu­ment of theft: by the letter He, behold: because all stealing is privily, Ioh. 10. divers sorts of He-es, doo appeer, as curiously in the word, goe, Psal. 143. and liveing, and bring out, &c for curiosity and rareitey intimateth as well as repetition. And the whole Psalme is indicative. Hee bewrayes all to God, that they should not steal his servant, Deut. 24. Is. 42. willed Psal. 50.91. Mark the repitition. Voice, cry, Eternall, to thee, before him, life or person. So powre out, tell, look, see, acquaintance, present or absent, worship, &c. with the contrary: hide, overcom or faint, hold. &c.

Deuteronomy. Hee, confesseth his wonderfull distress: and prayeth for deliverance, that they make not a prey of Gods servant. That hee may have matter to worship his name, for his bounty, which serveth for a memoriall of his mercy, and way of life in his word, which is in crossing of theeft.


HEe prayeth, not to be called to account or strictly examined, lest hee bee con­demned, of the breach of this commandement. For the keeping of which: hee propoundeth to himself, to depart from evill, as Psal. 37. and that as far as hee can goe, which hee makeeth the resisting of the Divill, that hee may fly from him. And sheweth that in all his perplexity and adversity, beeing chased by his Enimy into the ground, as Ps. 142. and to obscure dwelling, like as yf hee were dead: & feeling faintnes of hart, and all his courage and spirit spent: and his hart by guiltynes wasteed and shivered within him: that hee recedes now, as far from fals testimony against his neighbour, as hee can devise: which is, to the rememebrance of the ancient kindenes, and wonderfull works of Gods handes, as Psal. 118. and to a meditation, witnes and true testimony of them, and to tell of them: to study the Scriptures for his comfort and to keep them in minde, and bear record of them; which is the opposition, which hee propoundeth, and this with a great longing. Therfor, that now, when his spirit is so nigh spent, and himself almoste at the grave with greeff: and that hee trust­steth [Page] in God, and maketh all his Kingdom the righteousnes therof: hee now requesteth that hee would hear him, and answer him therwith, and whisper him in the ear by his word, and teach him the way of deliverance from his Enimyes, and to doo his will. And because hee is his servant: that by his good spirit, God wil still lead him in plain ground, and by this meanes bring him out of all distress and destroy his Enimyes, and for his names sake revive him: and that hee would graunt him this kindenes with speed, & not to hide his face, and the understanding of his law from him, and confound him. This power is such as Christ gave to his Disciples over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all disseases, that is, to purge and rid men of all ill conversation of life, by their doctrine, speaking by the spirit of the father, the word, and addressing them to the keeping of the commandements; which is the power of the Kingdom and government here prayed for. Yf I cast out divills by the spirit of God: then is the Kingdom of God com unto you.

Construction. Quoph, to compass: by the words distress, and torment, and love­ing kindenes, and supplication, &c. Mem, waters, for doctrine: teach mee, lead mee, re­vive mee, let mee hear, let mee know, hide not thy face, hear, consider, meditate, remem­ber, talk, &c. For an Enimy: pursue or flood or persecution. Ghimel, a reward, loving kindenes, servant, Psal. 62. Hee chalengeth much becaus of his service of him, his in­struction to him, and destruction to his Enimyes, and heerunto is Enimy opposeed. Mark all his works, how they witnes nothing but desolation, body and minde. God must testify by his grace and favour to him in his deliverance. Mark all the repe­titions. Eternall, hear, righteousnes, consider, servant, liveing, Enimy, soul, ground, spirit, dooing, handes, unto thee, distress, &c. Hee prayeth God to cut off his working, by his way of righteousnes, opposed to falshood. Causes why, upon Ghimel, to reward, heare or answer, twenty six, according to the letters of Iehovah.

Deuteronomy. Hee sheweth himself to bee a sound profession before God, and diligent in all the imployment of godlynes, and prayeth for the fruit and testimony of the way of godlynes, and the liveing way and everlasting, life: by finding the mercyes & favour of God, upon him, by his instruction; as mens works witnes of them, Ioh. 5.8.10. and this for a confession also, to cross fals testimony.


BEcaus his servants life and his hous is so greedily coveted: hee prayeth God to take it to hart, and with a furious judgement, to descend to deliver him from thes uncircumcised tonges and handes, of the seperate ones, and aliens from his glory or welth, called great waters. That according to Psal. 92. hee may set the ten stringed violl to work with a new song; a song of judgement and grace, as Psal. 101. by saveing of Kings, by his servant, from the hurtfull sword, according to his precept: thou shall not covet his servant, &c. that seeing the commandements bee out, hee may beginn, with the Petaroth of judgements, laws and statutes of condemnation and justifi­cation: the Vrim and Thummim, or the two hills, and brefts of the Priests. That so great a glory of Israel and the Church should not be extinguished. That all estates might have their full utility, plenty and ripenes: that their sonns and daughters may bee safe, without any ravenous or untimely covet or stealth, to grow up wel educateed, and neatly, and gloriously facioned and edifyed in their youth, in the fear of God. And this for his man-servant, and his maid servant, bec [...]us Gods servants are his Children. That their cup-bord may never bee empty, and that their sheep may bee infinit many, increased in their streets, & the ox and the ass, with their dayly burdens of wealth and store: without any freebooting or robbery or covetous filching, or wrangling, or violent stealing, or caus of out cry among them. This hee counteth a moste glorious and happy estate of all, with whom it thus fares, and whos God and neighbour the everlasting is: against whom ther is no prevailing; and when the childe and hous-hold servants of God, doo flowrish, and are well replenished, like Temples of holynes. So as men are comman­ded [Page] to doo good, especially to them of the hous-hold of faith: so heer▪ the strictest for­bidding of Covet is, that the Godly may injoy their quiet and their labours, as Ps. 128. whithout deprivation or disturbance, that God would bow the heavens and decline the Scriptures and touch the mountaines and Kingdomes and nations therwith, that they may smoke again, with the condemnation and firey judgement of them. And that hee would blast them and dispers them, and with terrible arrowes of his lightning destroy the Churches Enimyes. And deliver his servantes from them. Becaus all means of de­liverance, and way of salvation is his, to rely on, the shield of faith. That hee take­eth notice of the Church and Ark of Noah under the person of Adam, whos dayes, are 930. And keepeth such computation of it, as in the word Tsel, 930, a shadow moste like to vanity, and this agreeth with the posterity of the just in the termn Shalom, 930 yeers, Psal. 37. This Psalme keepeth the square of the Church the length and bredth to bee one, Ezech. 41. Apoc. 7.

Construction. Quoph, to compass or inviron: is heer the great waters of falshood and injury of strangers, that are opposit to all vicinity and good society, Ps. 18.22. Ioh. 2. Also by all parts of his fortification: defense and safety, and Gods mercy about him. Mem, waters: his heavens, or waters above the firmament, lightning Gods Arrows, Zach. 9. Gods handes and messages and judgements, Kings, montaines. Mem finall is 600. and that number is in the letters Shequer, falshood or wrong. Waters for people abundance or wealthy estate, warr or doctrine of deliverance. Daleth, a door. Doors of heaven, Ps. 78. By breaking in, running out, streats, without doores, &c. Math. 6. Ioh. 10. The effect of all is condemnation opposed to felicity: how voyd of damage and hurt all neighbour hood should bee, ps. 15. And how improper & improsperous all covet is but God only. Mark all the repetition: blessed, happy, handes, fingers, warr, battail, people, man, heavens, highthes, waters, lightnings, arrows, handes, scatter, Kings, mountains, send, rid or open, deliver, falshood, wrong. Alians, mouth, &c. sing, song, Psalm, salvation and hurtfull one, in respect of the other, sonnes, buttersses, buttryes, Zach. 9. meat, thousands, cattell, with other relations.

Deuteronomy. Hee maketh heer happynes the eternity, which only consisteth in relyeing in God. That saveth him, that hee can not bee hurt, nor suffer any depriveing by foreiners at all. Hee reckoneth up Gods safegard, and his gracees to him, for a confession, and sings his deliverance. The fathers before the flood: their long lives: & desolation of the Church: quite overwhelmed, with the waters of warr, as Dan. 9. strangeers and falshood, beast, Apoc. 13.


TO sum up the Lords prayer and petition, which holdeth out after the com­mandements; in one word: which is the Kingdom of heaven and power and glory therof. Hee sheweth, becaus the greatnes of God far passeth all ma­gnificence and his estimablenes far beyond all examination, Ps. 50. For his pitty and compassion, for his long patience, and great benignity & kindenes: for his goodnes and mercyes to and over all his works: because his Kingdom and power and glory is eternall: for susteining them that are falling and in decay, and setting upright them that are declineing, and giving all things their meat in due time: and liberally and freely, and bountifully satisfyeing all living creatures with his open handes. For his justice in all his wayes, and kindenes upon all his creatures of his Church: for his neernes to them that call upon him faithfully, by performing what soever they request, and hearing them and saveing them: and destroying all the wicked, as Psal. 92. That therfor, seeing this Kingdom is of this kinde of heavenly operation, & not of the world; which is the seed of the word sowen in the hart of man to govern him; hee now as in the conclusions of all the rest of the books, exalteth greatly this God and King of his, and blesseth his name, and the calling upon him for ever and ever. Which exaltation, and hallowing of his Name is a new work after the petition is ended, to finish all, which shall last for ever, as Psal. 111, for makeing him sundry wayes ripe in the word of God, and cherishing him therwith, for setting him in the doctrine that lasteth for ever and ever. That ever ge­neration [Page] from the beginning to the end might prais his workes and the power therof. And that hee will esteem the glory of his worshipp, and tell of his wonderfull acts, by the mystery of the priesthood, and that they may speak of, and confess the reverend­nes, and the strength of all his worship, as Psa. 92, and mighty terrors, ps. 90. Hee hath thus reckoned his magnificence and greatnes; that all his works and holy creatures might confess him, and bless him and tell out his glory ps. 57. and speak of his power, to make known to all the children of men, his powers and most inestimable glory of his kingdom, that all eyes do wait for, for their food of wisdom and understanding which is never out of season, ps. 1. For which he would that his mouth should alwaies speak Gods prais, and all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.

Construction. Quoph, of Jaquaph, to compass, or circuit, as 1. K. 7. Heerto hee bringeth the greatness of his mercy and huge extent of his kingdom and power, and glory therof: by his infinit working without all circuit or bounds, to receive all that call. Mem, waters, for a kingdom, rule & domination Is. 8. the king is Jehovah, as ps. 24. by the curious takeing of the letters of his name in a new spelling of Iehovah, for Iod He, and Vav, his miracles, glory and mercy, the salvation is, the Scriptures, for his kingdom of drawing and allureing, when men hear and read, and are ruled by them, which is the calling upon them and serching them, drawing and governing Ier. 31. Is. 54. Io. 6. behold for the admirable glory and shineing of it, in all his creatures, as by all words of utterance and declaration. Quamah, to stand or endure: for the eternity, perfection, and infinite stature of his name for his exaltation, and therfor the defective letter Nun, or N. is left out of the row of the A. B.C. also Quamah, for a field of standing corn. Mark the doubleing of the words in all.

Deuteronomy. The confession is the continueing of words of declartion of his acts of eternall life, and wonderfull kindenes, and way, and workes of salvation and exaltation of his name. Mark the repetition.


IN this psalme hee considereth that hee will make his confidence sure, and then spend all his life in prais and psalmes unto his God, as ps. 92. Therfor takeing away all vanity of worldly confidence; hee seeketh the heavenly happines therof; that the God of Sion and the Church, and his righteousnes is to reign for ever, and to bee exalted and praised. Therfor heer, as ps. 118. hee willeth not to trust in unchari­ritable princes or any human men, which know not the high wisdom of God, nor the depth of the mysterie therof, determined for the glory and safety of the Church, which have no salvation or help in them; that by and by consume and turn to earth, as soon as the breath is out of them, and in the same day, all their estimation and reputation and thoughts are at an end and perish: hee now sheweth a more than fleshly revelation, to them that love him, that is the godly, of a sound rock to build upon; that spirituall things must be set to spirituall things, our faith in spirituall charity, becaus God is spi­rit, and this a healing faith: hee commendeth greatly the beleeff in God and his word, the Creator, maintainer and restorer of all things, and the happines of him that repose­eth all his help and hope in him, setting him forth by his heavenly properties. Tell Iohn what things ye have seen, a preserver of truth, and keeper of faithfullnes for ever, a Releever of the oppressed, and a graunter of his request, and a righter of their caus, a feeder of them that hunger for him, a resolver of all that be tyed in ignorance and doubt or haesitation, a giver of sight and knowledge to the blinde and unlearned, and a streighter and director of them that bee of a wrong and a crooked opinion, or lame and declining in their understanding, and a lover of them that be right, and most charitablely preserveth strangers with hospitality, and mainteineth parents for orphans, and husbands for widdowes, as ps. 68. & a perverter & crosser of all the wayes, & works of wicked men, as ps. 1, that they may perpetually bee seen to perish, and com to [Page] naught: the everlasting God and his most charitable word of righteousnes, the God of Sion that reigneth and helpeth for ever, for all ages, and throghout all generations. And thus much concerning a right beleeff & confidence, as in the 15 psalmes of deg [...]ees, as uppon the end of the petition.

Construction. Quoph, to compass, hee keepeth, 2 Kin. 11 salvation for walles Is. 26. faith salveth, thy faith hath made thee whole &c. Mem waters, Lam. 3. G. the working doctrine of the Kingdom, of the king & God Iehovah, Eternall: the works of righteousnes & great works of God, by the word doeing & makeing, for his mighty reforming of all sorts, Is. 42. Mark the repetition, for one part of the kingdom. Vau, a hook, or crook: faith, hope, and love, for affection and appetite, the distinction, and opposition of his trust. The tree letters, Quomo, are for the raiser and comforter, Is. 26.42. the opposition is God and man, the one a releever, and a reformer of the godly of all sortes Am, 7. and the other a decayer Is. 2. God is an euerlasting erecter and helper, of his, and an overthrower of the wicked. Mark the repetition.

Deuteronomy. The praising and blessing of the Eternall, doth intend his miracu­lous Acts, and works of eternity, and of the kingdom expressed, and way of eternall life, for a confession, celebration or rehearsall.


BEcause Gods prais is so desireable a thing, and so comely: and God so good and so pleasant: for building Ierusalem, as a nest for his Saints, and a Synagogue of all the Church. to salve all their dispersion, & cure their broken har [...]s, & binde­ing up their grief; keeping the number of all his starts & ministers, in the book of life, and makeing a catalogue of them: becaus their lord is of great power, and of in­finite understanding, continueing the lowly: makeing the weakest to last longest, and humbling the wicked, and proudest and strongest to the ground: for covering the heavens of understanding with parabolicall clouds, and makeing lerning to rain on the earth, and grass and food for all creatures that call for it: and hath his onely delight and pleasure in them that fear him and wait for his kindenes, and not in mans desires or humane delights, as ps. 37.33. Because hee hath made their citty, strong gates of salva­tion, by the doctrine of the Prophets to keep it, as ps. 127 and blessed their children with the comfort of the word of God, within it, as ps. 28.29. and peace and plenty of fine wheat flower, in all her borders; sending out his word and servants, that most speedily runn through the whole land; that when a winter season of frost and snow, and hard clumpers of ice are cast out, to possess the intractable hearts of men, to cor­rect the stubbornnes of man, and to mollifie their hardnes, and to make them more fruitfull, and to add strength unto them for increas and multiplication of them: hee by and by, sendeth his spirit, the south and warm winde of his word, and thaweth them, and they yeeld doctrine, that no other nation should know his judgements: which follow properly after the commandements, as just payments for the breaches of them, and a perfect recompens of all mens works, giveing them waight for waight, and mea­sure for measure. Therfor according to ps. 92. hee willeth to prais God, and chant out his prais. and becaus his wisdom in this psalm is so infinitely set out, as his speciall property: heer hee ascribeth that unto him, and willeth, that they sing psalms to him with thanks, on the harp, ps. 92, and that Ierusalem and Sion above all, should com­mend and prais him: for their so great benefit for the service of him, ps. 92. Further­more, haveing done with the preacher, hee commeth now to the sermon, which is, righteosnes, and this is the content of all the Scriptures and summ of them, the word of God and sword of the spirit, which hee handleth, ps. 141· Therfor, in this psalm hee reckoneeth the books of the bible, as Ovid reckoned the books of Virgill, Am. Eleg. 15. then fo this work and authority: and first, the five books of the Law, then [Page] the first Prophets, conteining Iosuah, Iudges, Samuel, and Kings, the charets and horsmen of Israel, and lastly the sixteen last Prophets, the strong barrs of the citty gates of Ierusalem, as ps. 127. the garrison of peace in their borders, and plentifull provisi­on of chois blessings within it, with sweet annotations for mention of them, wherein hee sheweth, that although God hath given the church the cup of his wrath to taste, and sent them the hard weather of his swift judgement by the law of condemnation, and makeing their hearts as cold as hard as a stone: yet turning the winde about, ther commeth a thaw of comfortable doctrine, out of the Prophets to save them. So that the whole Scriptures and scope of them, and the iudgements and prescripts and com­fort and salvation, beeing onely known unto the Church: all the world could not com­pare with them, as ps. 47. And heerin is the pleasantnes and sweetnes of the everlasting. And this is a most seemly prais, and that which best becommeth Preachers, and that which they are bound unto.

Construction. Quoph, to compass or invireon, by the building of Ierusalem, by the walls, borders, and limits that contein them. Lam. 3. g. seeing the termination of the word, Ierusalem, is peace, another part of the kingdom. Mark the doubling of the word, kindes of compassing, gathering, bindeing, and summing or telling, &c. Scat­ter. Mem, waters, his saying, word, prescripts, judgements, sending, drop, waters, rain, thaweth, snow, frost, ice, and cold for properties. Zain, to hear: or make to hear, by the coactive sens: and this is by words of declaration, tell, number, declare, all, doubled. His hearing is by contenting them that call, and giveing them dayly food and sustenance of the word: Miqra, the Scripture, and accepting of them. Mat. 6.4. to them that hee delighteeth in, and wait for his kindenes. Mark the doubling and de­finition: bread, wheatenflower, morsels, &c. according to Quemach the number of the next psalm which is flower or meal.

Deuteronomy. The confession heer is in all kindes of words of prais and commen­dation of the eternall, in three places of the psalm. For his sundry acts of his way of eter­nall life, in sundry manners, by Ierusalem. for his goodnes to them and especiall regard of them. Mark the doubling.


IN this psalm, because Gods words and commandments have formed them, and made them that they are; hee willeth that of right, and by good reason, they should all creatures in the world, do his commandment and set forth his prais, out of heaven in the highest, as ps. 92. and that hee willeth his angels and ministers of his church, and all the army of them, beeing the whole hoste of heaven, and hea­venly sanctuary to doo. And out of the earth, all the instruments and organs of his wrath ps. 72.18. that are his executioners, as in the Revelation. that they prais him, the great mountains and kingdoms of the world. the most glorious trees, and liveing crea­tures, to prais and commend his creation, and the installing of man to a second and a better wisdom, of repentance and amendment of life, and reformation and regenera­on of the Church of God, that bringeth still their salvation: and all sorts of people to doo the same. Becaus his name onely is to bee exalted, and his worship spread, above and over all the earth, and the heaven, and all [...]lements, psal. 68. for exalting the church. For now is salvation in heaven, by a cleer judgement and separation of the clean from the unclean, and just to life, and the unjust to damnation, by his message of ill angels, ps. 90. the whirling and side-long wheeles of Gods angry judgement, Is. 5. Ezek. 10. Like tempestuous whirlwindes from the creation Gen. 1. That all the starrs of the ministry should prais God, out of the Scriptures in lofty stiles, for their glorious creati­on, and limitation from the Law, even the angels that sail above the heavens, in the wa­ters therof, as Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob and the tribes, Moses, and Aaron, and the Levites; and all low degreees of crea [...]ures (either by sinne or destiny) to prais him by [Page] subjection: and the kings, and judges, in the person of Adam, reigning and ruleing over all things liveing, and therfor were they to prais him. Young men and maides; becaus hee was created male and female. Old folkes and children: by their fructifying and multiplication of a godly seed, from the word, Increas and Multiply. And in this, becaus Israel was best entertained, and the nearest people to him, and had all preferment: that his worship and exaltation of his name should in no wise bee neglect­ed of them his Saints, for ever.

Construction. Quoph, to compass or to inviron, as with the cloke of prais, Is. 61. from all his creatures and his dwelling in praises and inhabiting of them. Ps. 22. that all his works, and especially his people Israel, and his messengers neerest about him, for his exaltation of them, should inviron him with prais. Apoc. 19.4. Mark the words, highthes, hold up, above, exalt, doubled, Iehovah, only. Mem, waters. The name of the Eternall to be praised, before and above heaven and earth, and all the most com­mendable things of the world, becaus they were made and exalted by him. Hee work­eth upon the term Iehovah, By all the moods and tenses in the Hebrew, how hee was imperative, future: and infinite: and never preterite and transitory: according to the present tens, Hove, Jehovah, hee shall bee and remain for ever, in his works and decrees, ps. 119· and therfor is called Eternall. The waters, all kinde of nations, kindes, and degrees. Mark people, heaven, earth, &c. The name is six times for six dayes work. Hee is to prais the name of Iehovah; and that hee doth in the term Hu, the affix of Ie­hovah, as Elihu, Abihu, which two letters in number make iust the repetition of the word prais. Heth, to prostrate, is implyed in the adoration, and exaltation and worship of him, and casting down their crowns before him. Apoc. 4. Quemach, meal, for all sorts. Persius sat. 3.5.

Deuteronomy. Infinite praises and worship, is due to him, for leaving so many com­mendations behinde him in his works of all sorts, ps. 11 1. and this must needs bee con­fessed a work of great mercy and kindenes also, and way of eternall life.


NOw that the judgement may bee the cleere, hee maketh this Psalme a copula or Medium, suitable to the former, last gon before. To tell this judgement, was the work of all the Prophets untill Iohn, and then, this kingdom was take­en by violence and force, and men pressed unto it. So that now, after all places of invention, hee now commeth to a collection or syllogizeing of the whole work by the judiciall part, for ever unconfuteable. That God that made the world, should judge the same: by sound confirmations, consequences, and proprietyes and rightes and lawes, according to the power of his name Eloah, and Elohim, of Alah to swear, to doo judgement and justice and right: and to perform the oath which hee sware, to bee a perpetuall redemption to his Church, Psal. 110. and a glory to his people Israel, with a reprooveing of all injury and injustice of the reprobate. So the end is com, the end is com (as the Prophet sayth) and Satan with all his perversity and adversity, with all his malice and falshood, and subdolity and treachery is judged, and the day of wrath is com, and hee is discovered and overcom, and cast down and con­demned for his cotinuall persecution of the Church. For this benefit, they are greatly to prais his name, and sing Psalmes to him in honour of his name, & make invocation ther­upon, that hath don all for them: for reprooving confuteing and tormenting, all their adversaryes, and cheeff of them, and that the Saintes for this peace should leap up in their beds for joy, and make a glorious exaltation, and triumph, for this great day of victory and salvation, with accents of exaltations and highe prayses of God, and choise songs in their throats: and a sharp sword in their handes lyeing by them, to shew their meanes of deliverance and courage and valour and preparation of the word of God, their defendour, that whispers in the ears of all men and warneth them. Heerto be­long [Page] the fignified vertues in the apparell of the Priesthood, that they may bee happy whom the Eternall, the God of justice chargeeth not with iniquity, Psal. 32. So that now it is in vain for to strive, as Psal. 2. or the Kings and heades, to think of casting away the cordes, and bandes of their yokes of subjection to the Church: for hee hath appointed his King over Sion, and his horn and his anoynted, and his prais, as Psal. 141.92.86. God hath still favoured them that fear him, and planted a gardine of pleasure for them, that hee hath begotten: a paradise of safety and salvation for his children, and hath appointed his Angels and Ministers to pitch about them, as. Ps. 34. King of Iacob, Is. 41.43. Ier. 8. to keep and preserve the way of righteousnes in this life, the tree of their lives in holy­nes. And with this grace hath God clotheed his saintes while their Enimyes, are judged, as ps. 2.92.79. and for this ornament and Paradise and comly weed of salvation, the skinn that covereth all nakednes, that hath no cloud of shames upon it, no spot or wrinkle in it, Eph. 5. That his saintes should prais him, in their congregation, with a sonet of all confidence, as ps. 118.

Construction. Quoph, to compass, or inviron, as the gratious ones, Israel and the children of Sion, in praising of him. with Ioy in the holy Ghost, another part of the Kingdom, ps: 145. in commendation of Iah, their King and makeer, Is. Ier. 8. ps. 29.48.24. by the spirituall and gutturall sound and prononciation of Ieho­vah, psal. 115.135. For every Law must have a King. Jehovah, calamity, Jad, a hand & He, the coactive conjugation of Hiphil, working salvation and revenge. Mark the words gratious ones and saintes: maker, work, and fullfill. Mem, waters: people, heathen, nations, Kings, Nobles, &c. The calamity and captivity of them, and cutting them off, and wearying of them according to Quamat, to bee wearyed or dissolved, Iob 16.22. Jah, is intimated. By exaltations in his Throat, is the aspiration of He, meant, beeing a gutturall letter: so is Iod, signifyed by sword for hand, ps. 17. And thus hee is taken for maker, King and God and Almighty and Revenger. So they have the name of God, or God in their throat and in their hand. Mark all the words of Ioy, re­joyceing and prais according to it, and the repetition upon all, Is. 45.

Deuteronomy. By all kindes of rejoyceing for their salvation, the glory of their King­dom for his notable acts, and the majesty of his name Jah, in them, in makeing and governing and saveing of them, in beeing kinde to the kinde, &c. as psal. 18. And this prais is also a good confession or rehearsall of his grace, in the other Psalme, his works and frame of the world set him out, & in this, his gratious ones (his Ministry) must bless him, ps. 145. with all their might and all the wayes they can.


THe things in this Psalme to bee set out, are the everlasting strength of God, by his judgement and justice, and his holynes, and his great stature and estimation, by his victories and salvation, and his great prevailing and overcomming, by the Law, and that in his sanctuary, and in the highth of his hollynes and all solemni­tyes. And for creation and conservation, that all things breathing should again and again prais him, and evermore extoll him, & glorifye him world without end, with many an Amen, and many a hallelujah, and, God be praised, for the same. The voice of God in his sanctuary requireeth great strength and glory, as psal. 29. and great confidence in the firmament of the heavens therof, ps. 68. And because his word and all that is spo­keen in his Temple is glorious: hee must have a lofty and a bold utterance and a loud pronuntiation even in the skyes for the syncerity therof. Because the scriptures bee the creators of the children of God: so they bee their Elders, their father and autho­rityes and witnesses, to judge all men quick and dead and by their testimony, to disscide all strife and contention. So hee that speaketh from hence, speaketh soundly, and ther is no replyeing against the authority heerof. This prooff and testimony putteth the Di­vil to silence, and this of great validity in judgement. Becaus it belongeth to all partes of [Page] the sylogisme, to proov or reproov the same. So that the commandements beeing po­sitive, and the Cases divers that rise from thence, and all condemnation is by judgement: so in all cas [...]es testimony must bring foorth truthe; and truthe an upright sentence which in this psalme, for an approbation of all men: hee willeth the whole Church to confirm, and to justify all that is spoken, and that in a high majesty in his Church, and that they should prais God in a firmament of faith and confidence, as the faithfull and true witness, Amen. That they should prais him for his victoryes, dignity and excel­lence and for his great magnificence and worthynes, honour and estimation, as ps. 146. And for testimony: that hee should protest and witness the same, and prais him with all kinde of musique, yee the lowdest: and willeth, that every breath and gasp and aspira­tion should testifye the judgement and applaude it and sing prais of God. Becaus by this, the way of God and all just men, is manifest and plain, as ps. 1. Ther is no witnes like the father, and a testimony of the Scripture is a good demonstration. So to conclude the strength of the Law, and lawes and judgements therof with judgement, as ps. 99. and all the praises of Israel with prais: hee hath thus finished the book for the Church, that ther is salvation for the people of God, ps. 3. and that by the Law, psal. 4. and Kingdom of righteousnes, ps. 5. with this high glory to God above the heavens, ps. 8. and worship over all the earth. Now is the wrath of God, upon the gentiles com, and the time of the dead, that they should bee judged, ps. 145.149. and that hee should give reward to his servants the Prophers, and to the sainctes and them that fear his name, to small and great, and should destroy them that destroy the earth, Deut. 28. Apoc. 11. and all the mystery of God and of the Law, and of the Prophets, revealed and finished, Apoc. 10.

Construction. Quopb, to compass, is heer meant by praising, and assemblies about him, as the last declareed the person: ps. 48. the Church is the element of his strength, and principall dwelling of the Law and word of God, by the preaching and extolling of it; ps. 29. compared to the sunn as ps. 19. for visiting all men with all kinde of lustre and grace about them, as Saul; Act. 9. as the mighty king, according to the power and greatnes of him, being possessor and conquerour of heaven and earth Gen. 14. by the letters Quen, a nest, seat, or possession, Ier. 22. psal. 84. of Quanah, to get or obtein, or conquer. That his name Iah, may spring and grow in the sunn, as psal. 72. according to the letter Nun, or N. to grow, for his publike prais by musick, full of as­piration to express his name Iah, exceeding triumph for his exceeding greatnes. Hu, is a name of God from Iehovah, as well as for his excellence, and onelynes. In respect wher­of the term is heer so oft repeated and affixed to praise. to wit, 11 times, the number of the two letters. hee is praised in respect of his onelynes wher, and wherin, and in mea­sure, also wherwith: and those bee the instruments iust 11.

Deuteronomy. A hundred and fifty dayes the flood increased: so have the praises of God, who sitteth upon the flood, as ps. 22. Hee is king for ever, and the strength of his Law is infinit, that hee giveth to his people, and feedeth them withall, ps. 28.29. that they should for ever prais him, and ever comment upon him and confess his wonderfull kindenes to the children of men. Praised bee God.


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