THE Carriers Cosmographie. or

A Briefe Relation, of The Innes, Ordinaries, Hosteries, and other lodgings in, and neere London, where the Carriers, Waggons, Foote-posts and Higglers, doe usually come, from any parts, townes, shires and countries, of the Kingdomes of England, Principality of Wales, as also from the Kingdomes of Scotland and Ireland.

With nomination of what daies of the weeke they doe come to London, and on what daies they returne, whereby all sorts of people may finde direction how to receiue, or send, goods or letters, unto such places as their occasions may require.

As also, Where the Ships, Hoighs, Barkes, Tiltboats, Barges and wherries, do usually attend to Carry Passengers, and Goods to the coast Townes of England, Scotland, Ireland, or the Netherlands; and where the Barges and Boats are ordinarily to bee had that goe up the River of Thames westward from London.

By Iohn Taylor.

London Printed by A. G. 1637.

To all Whom it may concerne, with my kinde remembrance to the Posts, Carriers, Waggoners and Higglers.

IF any man or woman whomsoever hath either oc­casion or patience to Read this following descrip­tion, it is no doubt but they shall find full satisfa­ction for as much as they laidout for the booke, if not, it is against my will, and my good intenti­ons are lost and frustrate. I wrote it for three Causes, first for a generall and necessary good use for the whole Com­mon-wealth, secondly to expresse my gratefull duty to all those who have honestly paid me my mony which they owed me for my Bookes of the collection of Tavernes, in London and Westminster, and tenne shires or Counties next round about London, and I doe also thanke all such as doe purpose to pay me heereafter: thirdly, (for the third sort) that can pay me and will not; I write this as a document: I am well pleased to leave them to the hangmans tuition (as being past any other mans mending) for I would have them to know, that I am sensi­ble of the too much losse that I doe suffer by their pride or cousenage, their number being so many, and my charge so great, which I paid for paper and printing of those bookes, that the base dealing of those sharks is Insupportable; But the tedious T oyle that I had in this Collection, and the harsh and unsavoury answers that I was faine to take patient­ly, from Hostlers, Carriers, and Porters, may move any man that thinks himselfe mortall to pitty me.

[Page]In some places I was suspected for a proiector, or one that had devised some tricke to bring the Carriers under some new taxation; and some­times I was held to have been a man taker, a Serieant or baylife to ar­rest or attach mens good or beasts; indeed I was scarce taken for an honest man amongst the most of them: all which suppositions I was inforced oftentimes to wash away, with two or three Iugges of Beere, at most of the Innes I came to; In some Innes or Hosteries, I could get no certaine Intelligence, so that I did take Instructions at the next Inne unto it, which I did oftentimes take upon trust though I doub­ted it was indirect and imperfect,

Had the Carriers hostlers and others knowne my harmelesse and ho­nest intendments, I doe thinke this following relation, had beene more large and usefull, but if there be any thing left out in this first Impres­sion, it shall be with diligence inserted hereafter, when the Carriers and I shall bee more familiarly acquainted, and they, with the hostlers, shall be pleased in their ingenerosity, to afford me more Ample directi­ons. In the meane space, I hope I shall give none of my Readers cause to curse the Carrier that brought me to towne.

Some may object that the Carriers doe often change and shift from one Inne or lodging to another, whereby this following direction may be heereafter untrue, to them I answer, that I am not bound to binde them, or to stay them in any place, but if they doe remove, they may be en­quired for at the place which they have left or for saken, and it is an easie matter to finde them by the learned intelligence of some other Carrier, an hostler, or an understanding Porter.

Others may obiect and say that I have not named all the townes and places that Carriers doe goe unto in England and Wales: To whom I yeeld, but yet I answer, that if a Carrier of Yorke hath a letter or goods to deliver at any towne in his way thither, he serves the turne well enough, and there are carriers and messengers from Yorke to carry such goods and letters as are to be past any waies north, broad and wide as farre or further than Barwicke: so he that sends to Lan­caster, may from thence have what he sends conveyd to Kendall, or Cockermouth, and what a man sends to Hereford may from thence be passed to Saint Davids in Wales, the Worster carriers can con­vey [Page] any thing as farre as Carmarthen, and those that goe to Chester may send to Carnarvan: the carriers or posts that goe to Exeter may send daily to Plimouth, or to the Mount in Cornewall, Maxfield, Chipnam, Hungerford, Newberry: and all those Townes betweene London and Bristow, the Bristow carriers doe carry letters unto them, so likewise all the townes and places are served, which are be­twixt London and Lincolne, or Boston, Yarmouth, Oxford, Cam­bridge, Walsingham, Dover, Rye or any places of the Kings Domi­nions with safe and true carriage of goods and letters; as by this little bookes directions may be perceived. Besides, if a man at Constantinople or some other remote part or Region shall chance to send a letter to his parents, master, or friends that dwell at Nottingham, Derby, Shrews­bury, Exeter, or any other towne in England; then this booke will give instructions where the Carriers doe lodge that may convey the said letter, which could not easily be done without it: for there are not many that by hart or memory can tell suddenly where and when every carrier is to be found, I have (for the ease of the Reader & the speedier finding out of every townes name, to which any one would send, or from whence they would receive, set them downe by way of Alphabet; and thus Reader if thou beest pleased, I am satisfied, if thou beest con­tented, I am paid, if thou beest angry, I care not for it.


THe Carriers of Saint Albanes doe come every friday to the signe of the Peacocke in Aldersgate street, on which daies also commeth a coach from Saint Al­banes to the bell in the same street, the like coach is also there for the Carriage of passengers every tuesday.

The Carriers of Abington doe lodge at the George in bred­street, they do come on wednesdaies and goe away on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Aylsbury, in Buckingham shire, doe lodge at the George neere Holborne bridge, and at the swan in the strand, and at the Angel behinde Saint Clements church, and at the bell in holborne, they are at one of these places every other day.

The Carriers of Ashur doe lodge at the castle in great wood­street, they are to bee found there on thursdaies, fridaies and Saturdaies.


THe Carriers of Blanvile in Dorcetshire, doe lodge at the chequerneere Charing crosse, they doe come thither every second thursday, also there commeth carriers from Blandfourd, to the signe of the Rose neere Holbourne bridge.

The Carriers of Brayntree, and Bocking in Essex doe lodge at the signe of the Tabbard in Gracious street, ( neere the conduit) they doe come on thursdaies and goe away on fridaies.

The Carriers of Bathe doe lodge at the three cups in bread street they come on fridaies and goe on saturdaies.

[Page]The Carriers of Bristow doe lodge at the three Cups in bred­street, and likewise from Bristow on Thursdaies a Carrier which lodgeth at the swan neere to holborne bridge,

The Carriers of Brewton in Dorcetshire doe lodge at the Rose neere holborne bridge, they come on thursdaies and goe away on frydaies.

The Carriers from divers parts of Buckinghamshire and Bed­fordshire, are almost every day to bee had at the signe of the Sara­cens head without Newgate.

The Carriers of Broomsbury, doe lodge at the signe of the Maidenhead in Cat-eatonstreet, neere the guildhall in London, they come on thursdaies and goe away on fridaies.

The Carriers of Bingham, in Nottinghamshire, doe lodge at the blacke bull in smithfield, they come on fridaies.

The Carriers of Bramley in Staffordshire, doe lodge at the castle neere smithfield barres, they come on thursdaies and goe away on fridaies or saturdaies.

The Carriers of Burfoord in Oxfordshire, doe lodge at the bell in friday street, they come on thursdaies and goe away on fri­daies.

The Carriers of Buckhingham doe lodge at the kingshead in the old change, they come wednesdaies and thursdaies.

The Carrriers of Buckingham, doe lodge at the saracens head in carter lane, they come and goe fridaies and saturdaies.

The Carriers of Bewdley in Worcestershire, doe lodge at the castle in woodstreet, they come and goe thursdaies, fridaies and satur­daies.

The Carriers of Buckingham, doe lodge at the George neere holborne bridge, they come and goe on wednesdaies, thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carries of Brackley in Northamptonshire, doe lodge at the George neere holborne bridge, they come and goe on wednesdaies thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers of Banbury in Oxfordshire doe lodge at the George neere holborne bridge, they goe and come wednesdaies, thurs­daies and fridaies.

[Page]The Carriers of Bedford doe lodge at the three horseshooes in in aldersgatestreet, they come on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Bridge-north doe lodge at the Maidenhead in cat­eaton street, neere the guild-hall.

The Carriers of Bury (or saint Edmonds Bury) in Suffolke, doe lodge at the dolphin without bishopsgate, they come on thurs­daies.

The Waggons of Bury or Berry in Suffolke, doe come every thursday to the signe of the foure swans in bishopsgate street.

A foote-post doth come from the said Berry every wedensday to the greene dragon in bishopsgate street, by whom letters may be conveyed to and fro.

The Carriers of Barstable in Devonshire, doe lodge at the starre in breadstreet, they come on fridaies and returne on saturdaies or mundaies.

The Carriers of Bampton doe lodge at the Mer-maid in car­terlane: and there also lodge the Carriers of Buckland, they are there on thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers of Brill in Buckinghamshire, do lodge at the signe of Saint Pauls head in carterlane, they come on tuesdaies and wedensdaies.

The Carriers of Bampton in Lancashire, doe lodge at the beare at Bashingshaw, they are there to bee had on thursdaies and fridaies, also thither commeth Carriers from other parts in the said County of Lancashire.

The Carriers of Batcombe in Somersetshire, do lodge at the crowne (or Iarrets Hall) at the end of bassing lane neare bread street, they come every friday.

The Carriers of Broughton, in Leicestershiere, doe lodge at the signe of the Axe in Aldermanbury; they are there every fri­day.


THe Carrier of Colchester do lodge at the crosse-keyes in Gra­cious street, they come on the Thursdaies and goe away on the Fridaies.

[Page]The Carrier of Chessam in Buckinghamshire, doth come twice every weeke to the signe of the white Hart in high Holborne at the end of Drury lane.

The Carrier of Cogshall in Suffolk doth lodge at the spread Eagle in Gracious streete, he comes and goes on Thursdaies and Fridaies.

The Waggors from Chippinganger in Essex, doe come every Wednesday to the crowne without Algate.

The Waggons from Chelmsford in Essex, come on Wednesdaies to the signe of the blew Boare without Algate.

The Carriers of Cheltenham in Glocestershire, doe lodge at the three caps in Bredstreet, they doe come on Fridaies and goe away on Saturdaies.

The Carriers of Cambden in Glocestershire, and of Chippingnor­ton, doe lodge at the three Cups in Bredstreet, they come and goe Thursdaies, Fridaies, and Saturdaies.

The Carriers of Chester doe lodge at the castle in Woodstreete, they are there to be had on Thursd. Frid. and Saturdaies.

The Carriers of Chard in Dorsetshire, do lodge at the Queenes Armes neere Holborne bridge, they are there to be had on Fridaies.

The Carriers of Chard doe lodge at the George in Bredstreet.

The Carriers of Chester do lodge at Blossomes (or Bosomes Inne) in Saint Laurence lane, neere Cheapside, every Thursday.

The Carrier of Coleashby in Northamptonshire, doe lodge at the signe of the Ball in Smithfield; also there doe lodge Carriers of divers other parts of that country at the Bell in Smithfield, they do come on the Thursdaies.

The Carriers of Crawley in Bedfordshire, doe lodge at the Beare and ragged staffe in Smithfield, they come on the Thursdaies.

The Carriers of Coventry in Warwickeshire, doe lodge at the Ram in Smithfield, they come on Wednesdaies and Thursdaies.

There are other carriers from Coventry that doe on Thursdaies and Fridaies come to the Rose in Smithfield.

The Carrier of Creete in Leicestershire, doe lodge at the Rose in Smithfield.

The Waggons or Coaches from Cambridge, doe come every Thursday and Friday to the blacke Bull in Bishopsgate street.

[Page]The Carriers of Coventry doe lodge at the signe of the Axe in S t Mary Axe in Aldermanbury, they are there Thursdaies and Fridaies.

The Carriers of Cambridge, doe lodge at the Bell in Coleman streete, they come every Thursday.

The foot-post of Canterbury doth come every Wednesday and Saturday to the signe of the two neck'd Swanne at Sommers key, neere Billingsgate,

The Carriers of Crookehorne in Devonshire, doe lodge at the Queens Armes neere Holborne bridge, they come on Thursdaies.


THe Carriers of Dunmow in Essex, doe lodge at the Saracens head in Gracious street, they come and goe on Thursdaies and Fridaies.

The Waggons from Dunmow, doe come every Wednesday to the crowne without Algate.

The Carriers of Ditmarsh in Barkeshire, doe lodge at the George in Bredstreet.

The Carriers of Doncaster in Yorkeshire, and many other parts in that country, doe lodge at the Bell, or Bell Savage without Lud­gate, they do come on Fridaies, and goe away on Saturdaies or Mundaies.

The Carriers of Dorchester, doe lodge at the Rose neere Hol­borne bridge, they come and goe on Thursdaies and Fridaies.

The Carriers of Denbigh in Wales, doe lodge at Bosomes Iane every Thursday: also other carriers doe come to the said Iane from other parts of that country.

The Carrier of Daintree, doth lodge every Friday night at the crosse keyes in S t Iohns street.

The Carrier from Duncehanger, and other places neere Stony Stratford, doe lodge at the three cups in S t Johns streete.

The Carriers of Derby, and other parts of Derbyshire, doe lodge at the Axe in S t Mary Axe, neere Aldermanbury, they are to be heard of there on Fridaies.

[Page]The Carriers of Darby doe lodge at the castle in woodstreet e­very weeke, on thursdaies or fridaies.


THe Carrier of Epping in Essex doe lodge at the Prince his Armes in Leadenhallstreet, he commeth on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Eveter do lodge at the star in breadstreet, they come on fridaies and goe away on saturdaies or mundaies.

The Carriers of Exeter do lodge at the rose neere holbornebridge they come on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Eveshim in Worcestershire doe lodge at the ca­e [...] in woodstreet, they come thither on fridaies.


THe Carriers of Feckingham-forrest in Worcestershire doe lodge at the crowne in high holbourne, and at the Queenes head at Saint Giles in the fields, there is also another Carrier from the same place.

The Carrier of Faringdon in Barkeshire doe lodge at the Saint Pauls head in Carter lane, they come on tuesdaies and goe away on wedensdaies.


CArriers from Grindon Vnderwood, in Buckinghamshire doe lodge at the Paul-head in carter lane, they are to bee found there on tuesdaies and wednesdaies.

The Carriers of Glocester doe come to the Saracens head with­out Newgate, on fridaies.

The Carriers of Gloster doe lodge at the Saracens head in carter lane, they come on fridaies.

Clothiers doe come every weeke out of divers parts of Gloce­ [...]ershire to the Saracens head in friday street.

[Page]The Waines or Waggons doe come every weeke from sundry places in Glocestershire, and are to bee had at the swan neere hol­borne Bridge.

There are Carriers of some places in Glocestershire that doe lodge at the mer-maide in Carterlane.


CArriers from Hadley in Suffolk, doe lodge at the George in Lumbardstreet, they come on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Huntingdon, doe lodge at the White Hinde without Cripplegate, they come upon thursdaies and goe away on fridaies.

The Carriers of Hereford, doe lodge at the Kings Head in the old change, they doe come on fridaies and goe on saturdaies.

The Carriers of Hallifax in Yorkeshire doe lodge at the Grey­hound in smithfield, they doe come but once every moneth.

The Carriers of Hallifax are every Wednesday to be had at the Beare at Bashingsh [...]w.

The Carriers of Hallifax doe likewise lodge at the Axe in Al­dermanbury.

The Carriers of Hallifax doe likewise lodge at the white hart in Colemanstreet.

The Carrier of Hartfeild in Hartfordshire, doe lodge at the bell in Saint Iohns street they come on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Harding in Hartfordshire doe lodge at the Cocke in Aldersgatesteete, they come on tuesdaies, wednesdaies and thursdaies.

The Carrier or waggon of Hadham, in Hartfourshire do lodge at the Bull in B shopsgatestreet, they doe come and goe, on mun­daies tuesdaies, fridaies and saturdaies.

The Waggon, or Coach from Hartfourd Towne doth come every friday to the foure swannes without Bishopsgate.

The Waggon or Coach of Hatfeild, doth come every friday to the Bell in Aldersgate street.


THe Carriers of Ipswich in Suffolke, doe lodge at the signe of the George in Lumbardstreet, they doe come on Thursdaies.

The Post of Ipswich, doth lodge at the crosse keyes in Gracious streete, he comes on Thursdaies, and goes on Fridaies.

The Waines of Ingarstone in Essex, doe come every Wednes­day to the Kings Armes in Leadenball street.

The Carriers of Jvell in Do sershire, do lodge at Jarrets hall, or the crowne in Basing lane, neere Breasteeet.


THe Carriers of Keinton in Oxfordshire, doe lodge at the Bell in Friday street, they are there to be had on Thursdaies and Fridaies.

The Post of the Towne of Kingston upon Hull (commonly cal­led Hull) doth lodge at the sign of the Bull over against Leaden­hall.


THe Carrier of Lincolne doth lodge at the white Horse with­out Cripplegate, he commeth every second Friday.

The Carriers of Laighton Beud sart (corruptly colled Laigh­ton Buzzard) in Bedfordshire, doe lodge at the Harts Hornes in Smithfield, they come on Mundaies and Tuesdaies.

The Carriers of Leicester do lodge at the Saracens head without Newgate, they doe come on Thursdaies.

The Carriers of Leicester do also lodge at the castle neer Smith­field bars, they doe come on Thursdaies.

There be Carriers that do passe to and through sundry parts of Leicestershire, which doe lodge at the Ram in Smithfield.

The like Carriers are weekely to be had at the Rose in Smithfild, that come and goe through other parts of Leicestershire.

[Page]The Carriers of Lewton in Hartfordshire do lodge at the Cocke in Aldersgate street, they are there Tuesdaies and Wednesdaies.

The Carriers of Leeds in Yorkshire, doe lodge at the Beare in Bassinshaw, they come every Wednesday.

The Carriers of Leedes, doe also lodge at the Axe in Alderman­bury.

The Carrier of Leicester do lodge at the Axe in Aldermanbury.

The Carriers of Loughborough in Leicestershire, do lodge at the Axe in Aldermanbury: also other Carriers doe lodge there which do passe through Leicestershire, and through divers places of Lan­cashire.


THe Carriers of Mawlden in Essex, do lodge at the crosse keyes in Gracious street, they come on Thursd. and go on Fridaies.

The Carriers of Monmouth, in Wales, and some other parts of Monmouthshire, do lodge at the Paul head in Carter lane, they do come to London on Fridaies.

The Carriers of Marlborough, doe lodge at the signe of the Swan neere Holborne bridge, they do come on Thursdaies.

There doth come from great Marlow in Buckinghamshire, some Higglers, or demie Carriers, they doe lodge at the Swanne in the Strand, and they come every Tuesday.

The Carriers of Manchester, doe lodge at the Beare in Bassing­shaw, they doe come on Thursdaies or Fridaies.

The Carriers of Manchester, doe likewise lodge at the signe of the Axe in Aldermanbury.

The Carriers of Manchester, doe also lodge at the two neck'd Swan in Lad lane (betweene great Woodstreet, and Milk-street end) they come every second Thursday: also there do lodge Carriers that doe passe through divers other parts of Lancashire.

The Carriers of Melford in Suffolke, doe lodge at the spread­Eagle in Gracious street, they come and goe on Thursdaies aud Fridaies.


CArriers from New-elme in Barkeshire doe lodge at the George in breadstreet they come on wednesdaies and thursdaies.

The Carriers of Netherley in Staffordshire doe lodge at the Beare and ragged staffe in smithfield, they doe come on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Northampton, and from other parts of that county and country there about, are almost every day in the weeke to be had, at the Ram in smithfield.

There doth come also Carriers to the Rose in smithfield, daily which doe passe to, or through many parts of Northamptonshire.

The Carriers of Nottingham, doe lodge at the crosse-keyes in Saint Iohns street, he commeth every second saturday.

There is also a footpost doth come every second thursday from Nottingham, he lodgeth at the swan in Saint Iohns street.

The Carriers of Norwich doe lodge at the Dolphin without Bishopsgate, they are to bee found there on mundaies and tues­daies.

The Carriers of Newport Pannel in Buckinghamshire, doe lodge at the Peacocke in Aldersgate street, they doe come on mundaies and tuesdaies.

The Carriers of Nantwich in Chesshire, doe lodge at the Axe in aldermanbury, they are there wednesdaies, thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers of Nuneaton in Warwickshire, doe lodge at the Axe in Aldermanbury, they come on fridaies.


THe Carriers of Oxfoord doe lodge at the Saracens head without Newgate (neere Saint sepulchers Church) they are there on Wednesdaies or almost any day.

The Carriers of Oney in Buckinghamshire, doe lodge at the [...]ocke in Aldersgatestreet at long lane end, they doe come on mundaies, tuesdaies and wednesdaies.


THe Carriers of Preston in Lancashire doe lodge at the Bell in friday street, they are there on fridayes.


THe Carriers of Redding in Barkeshire doe lodge at the George in Breadstreet, they are there on thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers from Rutland, and Rutlandshire, and other parts of Yorkeshire, do lodge at the Ram in Smithfield, they come weekly, but their daies of Comming is not certaine.


THe Carriers of Sudbury in Suffolke doe lodge at the Saracens Head in Gracious street, they doe come and goe on thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers of Sabridgworth in Hartfordshire do lodge at the Princes Armes in Leadenhall street, they come on thursdaies.

The Waines from Stock in Essex, doe come every Wednesday to the Kings Armes in Leadenhall street.

The Carriers from Stroodwater in Glocestershire doe lodge at the Bell in friday street, they doe come on Thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers of Sisham in Northhamptonshire do lodge at the Saracens head in Carter-lane, they come on friday, and returne on Saturday.

The Carriers from Sheffield, in Yorkeshire doth lodge at the Castle in Woodstreet, they are there to bee found on Thursdaies and Fridayes.

The Carriers from Salisbury doe lodge at the Queenes Armes neere Holbourne bridge, they come on thursdayes.

The Carriers of Shrewsbury, doe lodge at the Mayden-head in Cateaton street, neere Guildhall, they come on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Shrewsbury do also lodge at Bosomes Inne, they [Page] doe come on thursdaies, and there doe lodge Carriers that doe travell divers parts of the County of Shropshire and places adioy­ning.


THe Carrier from Stony-stratfourd doe lodge at the Rose and Crowne in Saint Iohns street, he commeth every tuesday.

There doth come from Saffron-Market, in Norfolke, a footpost who lodgeth at the chequer in Holbourne.

The Carriers of Stampfoord, doe lodge at the Bell in Aldersgate­street, they doe come on wednesdaies and thursdaies.

The Waggon from Saffron Walden in Essex, doth come to the Bull in Bishopsgatestreet, it is to bee had there, on Tuesdaies and Wednesdaies.

The Carriers of Shaftsbury, and from Sherbourne in Dorcetshire doe lodge at the Crowne (or Iarrets Hall) in Baseing lane neere Breadstreet, they come on fridaies.

The Carriers from Stopfoord in Chesshire do lodge at the Axe in Aldermanbury, also there are Carriers to other parts of Chesshire.

The Carriers of Staffoord, and other parts of that county, doe lodge at the swan with two necks, in Lad lane, they come on thursdaies.


CArriers from Teuxbury in Glocestershire doe lodge at the three Cups in Breadstreet, they come and goe on fridaies and sa­turdaies.

The Carriers of Tiverton in Devonshire, doe lodge at the starre in Breadstreet, they come on fridaies and returne on saturdaies or mundaies.

The Carriers of Tame, in Oxfoordshire, doe lodge at the Sara­cens head in carterland, they come and goe fridaies and saturdaies.

The Carriers of Torceter in Northamptonshire, doe lodge at the Castle neere smithfield Barres, they come on thursdaies.


CArriers from Vies, (or the De-Vises) in Wiltshire, doe lodge at the signe of the swan neere Holbourne Bridge, they come on thursdaies and goe away on fridaies.


THe Carrier from Wendover in Buckinghamshire doth lodge at the blacke Swanne in Holborne, and is there every tuesday and wednesday.

The Carrier of Wittham in Essex doth lodge at the Crosse­keyes in Gracious-street every thursday and friday.

The Carriers of Walling field in Suffolck doe lodge at the Spread­eagle in Gracious-street, they come and goe on thursdayes and fri­dayes.

The Carriers of Wallingford in Barkeshire doe lodge at the George in Breadstreet, their daies are wednesdaies, thursdaies, and fridaies.

The Carriers of Winchcombe in Glocestershire doe lodge at the three Cups in Breadstreet, they come and goe on fridaies and sa­turdaies.

The Clothiers of sundry parts of Wiltshire doe weekely come and lodge at the Saracens head in Friday-street.

The Carriers of Warwick doelodge at the Bell in Friday-street they are there on thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers of Woodstock in Oxfordshire doe lodge at the Mer­maid in Carterlaine on thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers of Wantage in Berkshire doe lodge at the Mermaid in Carterlane, their daies are thursday and friday.

The Carriers of Worcester doe lodge at the Castle in Wood­street, their daies are fridaies and saturdaies.

The Carriers of Winsloe in Buckinghamshire doe lodge at the Georg neere Holbornbridge, wednesdaies, thursdaies and fridaies.

[Page]The Waggon from VVatford in Middlesex doth come to the the Swan neere Holbornebridge, on thursdaies.

The Carriers from Wells in Sommersetshire doe lodge at the Rose neere Holbornebridge, they come on thursdaies, and on fridaies.

The Carriers from VVitney in Oxfordshire doe lodge at the signe of the Sarasinshead without Newgate, they come on Wed­nesdaies.

Their commeth a Waggon from VVinchester every Thursday to the Swan in the Strand, and some Carriers comes thither from divers parts of Buckinghamshire, but the daies of their comming are not certaine.

The Carriers of VVorcester doe lodge at the Maydenhead in Cateatenstreet, neere Guild hall, they come on thursdaies.

The Carriers from many parts of Worcestershire and Warwick­shire doe lodge at the Rose and Crowne in high Holborne, but they keepe no certaine daies.

The Carriers of VVarwicke doe come to the Queenes head neere S t. Giles in the fields, on thursdaies.

The Carrier of VValsingham in Norfolke doe lodge at the Chequer in Holborne, he commeth every second thursday.

The Carriers of VVendover in Buckinghamshire do lodge at the Bell in Holborne.

There doth a Poste come every second thursday from Walsing­ham to the Bell in Holborne.

The Carrier of Ware in Hartfordshire doth lodge at the Dol­phin without Bishopsgate, and is there on mundaies and tues­daies.

There is a Footepost from Walsingham doth come to the Crossekeyes in Holborne every second thursday.

There are Carriers from divers parts of Warwickeshire that doe come weekely to the Castle neere Smithfield barres, but their daies of comming are variable.

There is a Waggon from Ware at the Vine in Bishopsgatestreet every friday and saturday.

[Page]The Carriers of Wakefield in Yorkeshire doe lodge at the Beare in B [...]shinshaw, they do come on wednesdaies.

The Carriers of Wells in Somersetshire, do lodge at the Crowne in Basing lane neere Breadstreet, they come and goe on fridaies and saturdaies.

The Carriers of Wakefield and some other parts of Yorkeshire doe lodge at the Axe in Aldermanbury, they are to be had there on thursdaies.

The Carriers of Wakefield and some other parts of Yorkeshire doth also lodge at the VVhitehart in Colemanstreet, they come every second thursday.


THe Carriers of Yorke, (with some other parts neere Yorke, within that County) doe lodge at the signe of the Bell, or Bell salvage without Ludgate, they come every fridaie, and goe away on saturday or munday.

A Footepost from Yorke doth come every second thursday to the Rose and Crowne in Saint Iohns street.

For Scotland.

THose that will send any letter to Edenborough, that so they may be conveyed to and fro to any parts of the Kingdome of Scotland, the Poste doth lodge at the figne of the Kings Armes (or the Cradle) at the upper end of Cheapside, from whence every monday, any that have occasion may send.

The Innes and lodgings of the Car­riers which come into the Burrough of South­warke out of the Countries of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.

A Carrier from Reygate in Surrey doth come every thursday (or oftner) to the Falcon in Southwark.

The Carriers of Tunbridge, of Seaveneake, of Faut and Staplehurst in Kent, doe lodge at the Katherinewheele, they doe come on thursdaies and goe away on fridaies: also on the same daies doe come thither the Carriers of Marden, and Penbree, and from VVarbleton in Sussex.

On Thursdaies the Carriers of Hanckhurst and Blenchley in Kent, and from Darking and Ledderhead in Surrey doe come to the Greyhound in Southwarke.

The Carriers of Teuterden and Penshurst in Kent, and the Car­riers from Battell in Sussex doe lodge at the signe of the spurre in South warke, thy come on thursdaies and goe away on fri­daies.

To the Queenes head in Southwarke doe come on wednes­daies and thursdaies, the Carriers from Portsmouth in Hampshire, and from Chichester, Havant, Arundell, Billinghurst, Rye, Lamber­hurst, and VVadhurst, in Sussex, also from Godstone, and Linvill in Surrey, they are there to be had wednesdaies, thursdaies and fridaies.

The Carriers from Crambroke and Bevenden in Kent, and from Lewis, Petworth, Vckfield, and Cuckfield in Sussex, doe lodge at the Tabbard, or Talbot in Southwarke, they are there on wednes­daies, thursdaies, and fridaies.

To the George in Southwarke come every thursday the Car­riers from Gilford, VVanuish, Goudhurst, and Chiddington in Surrey, also thither come out of Sussex (on the same dales week­ly) the Carriers of Battell, Sindrich, and Hastings,

The Carriers from these places undernamed out of Kent, Sus­sex [Page] and Surrey, are every weeke to bee had on thursdaies at the White hart in the Borough of Southwarke; namely Dover, Sand­wich, Canterbury, Biddenden, Mayfield, Eden (or Eaten Bridge) Hebsome, VVimbleton, Godaliman, (corruptly called Godly man) VVitherham, Shoreham, Enfield, Horsham, Hastemoore, and from many other places, sarre and wide in the said Counties, Carriers are to be had almost daily at the said Ione, but especially on thurs­daies and fridaies.

The Carriers from Chiltington, VVestrum, Penborough, Slenge, Wrotham, and other parts of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, doe lodge at the Kings head in Southwarke, they doe come on thursdayes, and they goe on fridayes.

Every weeke there commeth and goeth from Tunbridge in Kent a Carrier that lodgeth at the Greene Dragon in fowle Lane in Southwarke, neere the Meale-market.

Here followeth certaine directions for to find out Ships, Barkes, Hoyghs, and Passage Boats, that doe come to London, from the most parts and places by sea, within the Kings Domini­ons, either of England, Scotland or Ireland.

AHoigh doth come from Colshester in Essex, to Smarts key, neere Billingsgate, by which goods may bee carried from London to Colchester weekly.

He that will send to Ipswich in Suffolk, or Linn in Northfolke, let him goe to Dice key, and there his turne may be served.

The Ships from Kingston upon Hull (or Hull) in Yorkeshire do come to Raphs Key, and to Porters key.

At Galley key, passage for men, and Carriage for Goods may bee had from London to Barwicke.

At Chesters key, shipping may be had from Ireland, from Poole from Plimouth, from Dartmouth and Weimouth.

At Sabbs Docke, a Hoigh or Barke is to be had from Sandwich or Dover in Kent.

A Hoigh from Rochester Margate in Kent, or Feversham and Maydston doth come to S t Katherines Dock.

SHipping from Scotland are to bee found at the Armitage or Hermitage below S t Katherines.

From Dunkirk at the custome house key.

From most parts of Holland or Zealand, Pinkes or shipping may be had at the Brewhouses in S t Katherines.

At Lion key, twice (almost in every 24 houres, or continually are Tydeboats, or Wherries that passe to and fro betwixt London and the townes of Deptford, Greenwich, Woolwich, Erith, and Greenhith in Kent, and also boats are to be had that every Tyde doe carry goods and passengers betwixt London and Rainam, Pur­fleet, and Grayes in Essex.

At Billinsgate, are every Tyde to be had Barges, lighthorsmen Tiltboats and Wherries, from London to the Townes of Graves­end and Milton in Kent, or to any other place within the said bounds, and (as weather and occasions may serve beyond, or further.

Passage Boates, and Wherries that do cary Passengers and goods from London, and back again thither East or West above London Bridge.

TO Bull Wharfe (neere Queenhithe) there doth come and goe great boats twice or thrice every weeke, which boats doe cary goods betwixt London and Kingston upon Thames, also thi­ther doth often come a Boat from Colebrooke, which serveth those parts for such purposes.

Great Boats that doe carry and Recarry Passengers and goods to and fro betwixt London and the Townes of Maydenhead, Windsor, Stanes, Chertsey, with other parts in the Counties of Sur­ry, Barkeshire, Midlesex, and Buckingamshire, do come every Mun­day, and thursday to Queenhith, and they doe goe away upon tuesdayes and thusdaies.

The Redding Boat is to be had at Queenhith weekly.

All those that will send letters to the most parts of the habita­ble world, or to any parts of our King of Great Britaines Domi­nions, let them repaire to the Generall Post-Master Thomas Wi­thering at his house in Sherburne Lane, neere Abchurch.


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