
of the verbe neutre passyues / & of sum es fui / wyth certayne of his compoundes. ¶ Of whom is he for­med? Of y e latter supine, by putting to rus / as lectu lecturus / outtake nasciturꝰ ōf nascor / ignosciturꝰ of ignosco, Also futures of sum es fui ¶ How knowe ye a participle of the p̄sentēs? Of the sentens For his Englessh endeth in d t or n: as loued / taught slayn: & his laten endeth in tus sus rus or uus: as amat' visꝰ nexus mortuus ¶ Of whom is he formed? Of the latter supine / by puttinge to s: as doctu doctꝰ / outtake mortuꝰ of mo­rior. Of y e la [...] futur­ten [...] How know [...] ye the ꝑticiple of the latter futur­tense? For he betokeneth to suffer / lyke the infynytiue mode of the passyue voyce: and his latyn endeth in dus as amandus, to be loued, Of whome is he for­med? Of y e genityue syngular of the participle of the presentens / by chaungynge tis in to dus / as aman­tis amādus. ¶ Of a vebe actiue & a verbe neutre y t hath the supine / cōme .ii. participles / one of the p̄ ­sentens / & another of the fyrst futurtēs / as amās a­maturus / currens cursurus, But of such as lacke y e supynes cōmeth but onely the ꝑticiple of the presentens: as of timeo cōmeth onely timēs. ¶ Of a v (er)be passiue cōme two ꝑticiples / one of the pretertēs / & a­nother of y e last futurtēs / as amatꝰ amādus. But of suche passyues whose actiues lacke y e supines / commeth onely timendus. ¶ Of a v (er)be deponente (yf he haue thre supynes) cōmeth thre ꝑticiples one of the presentens / another of y e pretertēs / & another of the first futurtens: as of loquor cōmeth loquens locutus locuturus. ¶ Of a v (er)be cōmune cōme foure partici­ples: one of the p̄sentens / & another of the p̄tertens / another of the fyrst futurtis / & an other of y e latter futurtens / [Page] as largior cōmeth largiēs largitꝰ largiturꝰ largiēdꝰ ¶ How many nōbres of ꝑticiples bē there? ii. the singular as amans, [...]mbres the plurall as amantes.

¶ How many figurs of ꝑticiples ben there? ii. y e sim­ple as legēs, [...]gures. y e cōpoūd, as ꝑlegens. ¶ Ntō hic et hec & hoc amans, gtō huiꝰ tis dtō huic ti, actō hunc & hāc tē & hoc ans, vtō o ans, abltō ab hoc & ab hac & ab hoc te. In pli ntō hi et he tes & hec tia, gtō horū & ha rū & ho (rum) tiū / dtō his tibꝰ, actō hos & has te & hac tia vctō o tes & o tia / abltō ab his tibꝰ ¶ Ntō amaturꝰ a um, [...]usmodi ab [...]ui nō exeūt nisi metri [...]ti a et (vtsic [...]it Seruius) [...]cunda editi Donati. gtō ri re ri / dtō ro re ro / actō rū rā rū / vctō re ra rū, abltō ro ra ro. In pli ntō ri re ra / gtō rorū ra­rū rorū / dto ris actō ros ras ra / vctō ri re ra / abltō ris. ¶ Ntō amatꝰ a um & amandus a um, be lyke­wyse declined. ¶ How many [...]ner of wyse may the voyce of the ꝑticiple be chaunged into a nowne?

Foure maner of wyse. The first whan he is construed w t an other case than the verbe that he commeth of as doctꝰ grammatice. The second by composiciō, as doctꝰ indoctꝰ. The third by comparison, as doctꝰ. doctior doctissimus. The fourth whan he signifieth no tyme, as a mandus. id est amar. dignus.

[...]nitu [...] in­ [...]n etiā no [...] adiectiuo [...] Salustiꝰ [...] maxime [...]HOw know ye an aduerbe? For he is a part of reoson vndeclined y t is ioyned to verbes / participles, gerūdiues, [...]upines, to declare & fulfyll the signification of thē. ¶ How many thinges longe to an aduerbe? iiii. Significacion / cōparison / forme & figure. [...]bē [...] habuere Significiones aduerbiorū que sunt? aut sunt aduerbia loci, aut tēporis, aut numeri &c. Que sunt aduerbia loci? Hic ille istic hac quo qua vbi in­tus foras itro foris obuiam. These sixe aduerbes be interrogatiues of places. quo (whether) qua (which waye) vnde (frō whens) vbi (where) quorsum (whe­therwarde


[Page] ¶ What ꝑtes of reason may be put as an interiection? A nown by him self / as malum. Somtyme a pro nowne and his adictiue / as me miserū. Somtyme a hole reason both in latyn & in englyssh, as proh deū at (que) hominū fidem / ha Iesu mercy / ha good lorde / & such other ¶ An interiection may be construed w t al cases except a genitiue and an ablatiue: with a noīatiue / as o festus dies hominis: with a datiue / as hei mihi: with an accusatiue / as heu me miserum: with a vocatiue / as ah Corindon Sidon

¶ Additamenta.

¶ Whā I haue of before a ꝓpre name of a cyte, towne region / or countrey, or any other place: yf y e word y t goth before of betoken not the owner / I shall communly take y e possessiue of the name of y e place, & not y e genitiue nor y e ablatiue w t a preposicion: as Ioannes Londoniensis / non de Londoniis. Elephanti Arabici, potius (quam) Arabie. Piscis marini / potius (quam) maris. Fragra montana / potius (quam) montis. But in some appellatiues I maye take indifferently y e geni­tiue case of y e name of y e place, or his possessiue: as perfectus vrbanus vel vrbis consuetudo forensis l fo­ri / mos patrius vel patrie. ¶ Al nownes adiectiues of y e third declenson whose noīatiue case singular en­deth in r / or in is / & hath the neutre in e / also substā ­tiues in r / in all / or in e (except sal) make their abla­tiue case singular cummunli in i. ¶ Al nownes substantiues and adiectiues of y e third declenson / whose genitiue plurel endeth in um / make theyr accusatiue plarell in es & is. ¶ Eadē vox varie sumpte pōt di­uersariū esse ꝑtiū orationis: vt hic pronomen est & aduerbiū / verū nomen & coniunctio. O aduerbiū & in­teriectio: & sic de aliis.

¶ Finis

¶ Prynted at Cantorbury by John̄ mychel.


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