¶THE Charge of the Court Ba­ron,

Imprinted at London by Ihon Cawood, Prynter to the Quenes Maiestie.

Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

Anno. M.D.LXI.

The Charge of the Court Baron.

FYrste ye good men that be sworn, ye shal inquire and truely present al the suters that owe any sute vnto this court at thys day, for there tenures yf they be here or noo, and presente there names, that make default.

Also yf there be anye tenaunte dede, si­then the last lawe day, ye shal inquire of him, and do vs to wete, what he held of this lordeshyp, at the day of hys death, and what aduauntage the Lorde shoulde haue by hys death, as warde ma­ryage, reliefe fine, or estchete, or anye other pro­fytte, and who is hys nexte heyre, and what age he is of and in whose kepynge.

Also yf there be anye rente, custome, or seruyce wythdrawen from thys Lordeshyppe, that ought of ryght to be done, ye shal inquyre by whome it is withdrawen, and what custome or seruyce it is, and in what Baylyffes tyme, and howe longe it hathe bene wythholdenne. And where the lande lyeth that we maye dystrayne for the arrerages that are behynde.

Also yf there be anye bonde of bloude, that putteth hys sonne to scoole, to make hym a priest, or a prentyse, or setteth hym [Page] to crafte or maryeth hys daughter without leue, ye shal do vs to wytte.

Also if there be any bond man that let­teth hys land for the halfe, or for the thyrd sheafe, without leaue, or ells yf there be any bonde man that with draweth his goodes, or cattells, out of thys lordeshyppe without leue ye shall doo vs to wete.

Also yf the Lordes common be so char­ged by anye tenaunte, with moo beastes then he shoulde after the quantitie of hys tenure, ye shall do vs to wete.

Also yf there be any bondman of bloud that longeth to thys Lordeshyp▪ that is fled and dwelleth with out thys Lordeshyp, without fine or raunsome makynge, ye shall do vs to wete.

Also yf there be any alinacion ouer .xij. monethes and a daye, or lease for terme of yeres in fee, or fee tayle, ye shall do vs to wete.

Also yf there be any transmutacion of possession, that is to say, copy lande for fre lande, or free land for copy lande, wherof the lord might take any disaduauntage in amending of the one, and paryng of the other, also of all maner of wast done in howesynge, lettinge downe or cuttynge the greate tymber, ye shal do vs to wete.

[Page]Also of all trespasers, in corne, grasse, or pasture, groues, or medowes, or fishers or foulers or hunters, or haukers, within this Lordeship or lordes warren, ye shal do vs to wete.

Also if ther be any tenaunt of copy hold, tenaunt at wyll, or tenaunt of bond tenure, that suffer theyr tenauntes to be ruynous, and fall downe, or ells any fermer, bounden to reparati­on, repayre not as he ought to do, do vs to wete.

Also yf there be any bond man of bloud, within thys Lordshyp, that purchaseth anye fre lande, withoute leue or lycence, ye shall doo vs to wete, what he is, and what heire he hath.

Also of all other thynges that ye haue knowen, that oughte to be presented to the Lor­des auayle, ye shal do vs to wete by the othes ye haue made, and bring in a true presentment.

Also yf any make any rescus, or breake any rest made by the baylyffe, or any other officer or else yf any man breake the lordes pounde, that is to say a dystresse put in the Lordes pounde by an offycer, and taken oute agayne wythoute ly­cence.

Also yf you know any that remoueth or pulleth vppe mere stones, or stakes betwene Lordeshyppe, and Lordeshyppe, or tenaunt, and tenaunte, whither it be bonde or free, presente [Page] theyr names.

Also yf any tenaunte geue any lande to the Churche, that is to say, to mortmayne sith the Statute thereof was made without lycence of the Quene, and the Lorde of thys Lordeshyp, ye shall do vs to wete.

Also yf any man haue incroched anye of the lordes soyle, that is to say, Land, medowe, more, pasture, or anye vacant ground without ly­cence of the lorde, present there names.

Also if any man hold two tenementēs, and wasteth the one, as yf he withdrewe anye trees from the one to the other, yf ye knowe anye such present there names by your othe.

Also yf anye tenaunte, haue made anye strype or wast vpon his bond tenemēnt, Stripe, that is to say, pulling of vp trees, or hedges, wast is to saye, lettinge houses to fall downe, for de­faulte of reparacyons, yf there be anye such, pre­sente theym.

Also, yf ye knowe anye tenaunte that wythdraweth or kepeth the euydence that lon­geth to thys Lordeshyppe, Courte Roules, Ren­tall, Customaryes, or anye other euydence pre­sente theym.

Also, yf anye haue with theyr Cattell, for charged or ouerleyne anye common, within the precyncte of thys maner, or anye part or per­cell [Page] of the same, there are foure seueral commons, that is to saye, Commen Appendent, Common Appertenaunt, Common in Grosse, and Per­cause de Visinage: Yf any of you pretend to haue Common Appendent to ani part of your frehold and to comon vnder that nature of comon, then measured to a certayne nombre, that is, as many beastes, as the foder or profites of your corne rea­cheth vnto, sustayne and fynde in wynter, so ma­ny maye you kepe in the common in sommer, yf any of you haue alyenacion of frehold, where vn­to you pretende to haue thys common, your inte­rest passeth therwith. Anno xiiii. Hen. iiii. Fol. iii. Aswel you may haue thys common in any water or other voyde place, whervppon maye ryse anye commoditie, or other aduauntage, for a common welth, as turues, or otherwise incident or belon­gyng to any part of your cōmon, as it appereth. Anno. xiiii. E. iiii. And this common serueth for beastes conueniable: And where any of you pre­tend to haue any Common Appertenaunt, or cō ­mon in Grose, these commons dyffer that ther be not a mesurable, but that euery tenaunt maye at hys pleasure put in his cattel, without admesur­ment, and these commons serueth as wel for bea­stes conueniable as other, & is most commonlye by prescriptiō: And the Cōmon Percause de Visinage, is wheras two townes, or two manours are adioyning and haue vsed time out of mynde, to entre common with theyr cattell in the waste feldes, or other groundes, next adioyning and is also by prescription.

[Page]Also yf the Lorde haue anye villan as bondemen or neyffes incident or belongynge to hys maner, so that any of them dwell or inhabite out of the precincte or lymyttes of thys hys ma­nour, with that it be within the yeare and the daye, next or immediatelye after hys or theyr de­partyng, at the Lordes Baylyffe, or other offy­cer, may recease him or them agayne to the lords vse and behofe.

Also, and yf any such villayne haue in­habited, or dwelled out of the precinct of this manour, a hole yeare and a daye in anye fraūchysed towne, or other lybertie, that Lordes Baylyffes, can take no lawefull seasure of hym duryng such tyme as he abydeth in the same lybertie, but at hys nexte commyng to recease hym.

Also yf anye vyllan there be inhabyted within thys maner or elles where, that without the assent of the Lord, hath marryed anye of hys daughters to any free man, so that by such mari­age the lordes inherytaunce is hindered or deni­ed, it is contrary to the statute thereof made, or yf any vyllan hath put hys childe to scoole, or made hym a preyst, there ought no villan so to do, with oute the assent of the Lorde.

Also, & yf any of the Lords villans ther­be that sence the last courte, haue purchased anye freholde, gyue it in knowledge that the Lordes officer, before any alienacion by the same vyllan, [Page] made, maye take lawefull seasure of it, to the vse and behoue of the lord: Yf any alyenacion be, be­fore any clayme or other seasure be made by the Lord, it shall bare the Lord for the seasure after, but yf it be the Quenes case, Quia nullum tempus occurris Regi.

Also of all theim that be harme doers in the Lordes woodes, sprynges, hedges, rowes or otherwise within the manor, or those that be harme doers in the Lordes general feldes, inclosures, medowes, pastures, or in any other feldes, within the Lordeshyppe.

Also of all Dyches, Lanes, and bye wayes, that are not well and suffycyently repay­red, scoured, and amended, and al bowes, braun­ches, and other trees, that ouer lye and ouerhan­geth anye of them, howe long they haue bene suf­fered where and in whole defaulte.

Also of al those that vse and dayly ac­costome to hunt, or hauke within this Lordship, to thentent to distroy y e Lords warren, or other game within this maner, or they that vse to take Fesauntes, Partryges, or Quales, with whatso­euer ingen it be, it is inquirable and fynable by the statute, there ought no mā to kepe any grey­hound, or hound, but if he may dispend frely xl. s. Per Annum.

Also yf anye copyholder haue made [Page] anye surrender out of thys courte, sence the laste lawe daye by whose handes it was made, and to what vse, and presente it.

Also, of all these, and of all other thyn­ges, that you haue knowledge of, that oughte to be presented in this court to the Lordes auayle, you shall goo together, and bryng in a true pre­sentment.


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