THE BOOKE OF THE HOLY SOCIETYE COMMONLY CALLED OF TVVELVE Contayning the Lytanies, and Pra­yers, vvhich are to be sayd by those vvho are of that Societye. To obtaine of God the grace to dye well. Lately translated out of the French language for the benefit of English Catholikes by N. N. a Catho­licke gentleman.

Orate pro [...]

Printed at Douay BY LAURENCE KELL [...] [...].

Saluos nos fac Do­mine Deus noster,

Et congrega nos [...] ­nationibus:

Vt confite amur no­mini sancto tuo,

Et gloriemur in lau­ [...]de tua.

Psal. 105.


AS it is most certain, that we shall all of vs die once; so is it no [...]esse certain that after our death we shall re­ceyue a doome of an ir­reuocable sentēce of at­ [...]ernall life, or aeternall [Page 4]death, accordingly a [...] we shall be found worthy or vnworthy at tha [...] hower: And therfor i [...] cōcerneth vs very near [...] so to prouide our selues whilst time permitteth that at the last hower we may be found in such case, as is most befitting for that end, which w [...] all ayme at [...], which is happye life withou [...] end. This considerati [...] [Page 5]hath from my very childhood taken such deepe impression in my hart, that although to satisfye my curiositye, I haue trauailed ouer the greatest part of Europe, yet in my trauailes I had alwayes this end sett be­fore myne eyes, to ob­serue wher euer I might [...]earne, what course was best to be vndertaken for à man to secure him­selfe [Page 6](as far as the insta­bilitie of this mutable world will permitt) of à good and happy end. I saw frō the beginning ther was no better secu­ritye could be had in this world of dying well, then to liue well: And for this reason cō ­sidering that saying of S. Bernard. In Religione homo viuit purius &c. In Religion a man liueth more [Page 7]purely, falleth more rarely, riseth more speedily, wal­keth more warily, recey­veth the dew of gods grace more frequently, repofeth more securely, dyeth more confidently, is purged from his sinnes more quickly, and rewarded with glory more aboundantly; For this reason, I say, I could haue bene well content to haue imbraced à reli­gious course of life; but [Page 8]I eyther found indeed the constitution of my body too weake, or at least the cowardeli­nesse of my mynde made me flatter my selfe with that cōceipt, which diuerted my thoughts from so high an entreprise. Att the length cōming home­ward thorough France, by the prouidence of God, and the care of [Page 9]my good Angel, as I presume, I mett with a friend who bestowed on me one of these little bookes, sett forth in the Frēch language; which, after I had well per­vsed, and pondered, gaue me such content, and ioy by cause it suted so well with my wishes, and presented me so plaine, and easye a way to what I principally [Page 10]aymed att, that I pro­cured my selfe to be ad­mitted into the holy As­sociation or Confrater­nitye, which is herein discribed. Afterwards comming into England and there discouering my treasure gotten in France, I was follici­ted by some of my fri­ends, whose requests were commaunds vnto me, to translate the sayd [Page 11]booke into owre lan­guage. I did so: and it began by little and little to grow into that gene­rall liking of so many, that it seemed too to la­borious to transscribe so many copyes. For which reason I gaue my consent it should be printed, that so satisfa­ction might be giuen to all. And loe here the booke: which if it re­dound [Page 12]to the spirituall benefitt of your sowles, I beseech you lett me haue some part of your prayers; and that is all the recompence I de­sire of you, either for my labour, or good will.

Your fellow partener in your afflictions for gods cause. N. N. a Catho­licke gentleman.

The authors instruction to the Reader that is, or desireth to be of this so­cietye.

NOE truth is more appro­ued thē that which doth both teach and assure vs that euery liuing mā must once dy, to liue agayne [Page 2]ther in heauen with the S [...] and blessed Soules, or in hell with the damned & wretched ghosts, since this is the last sentence frō which there is noe ap­peale; neuer to be reuew­ed agayne, pronounced by the mouth of god our souueraigne iudg. And truth it self by the apostle in these termes; It is de­creed that all mē must once dye and after that comes iudgmēt. For which cause the most important and serious [Page 3]buisines that a Christian man can haue in this world is to learne to dye well: For this is the Sci­ence of Sciences. And thereto ought wee to ap­plye that sayeing in the ghos [...]ell soe much pray­sed by our sauiour to S. Mary Magdalene. But one thing onely is necessary. Whereupon S. Iohn doth esteeme, and call those onely blessed amongst mortall men who dye in our lord: that is to say in [Page 4]his grace; Blessed are the dead vvho, dye in our Lord.

Nowe since it is soe that eyther from à good, or euill death, the eternall and chiefe felicity is de­riued, or els euerlasting and dreadful misery, if there be any thing, deare reader, which thou oughst to haue in singular recō ­mendation whilst thou dost reside in this valley of teares, it is to search and knowe the meanes which thou must vse and [Page 5]practise to render the pas­sage out of this mortall life, as much as in thee lyeth, most easy and as­sured. And to this end I haue bene willing to laye downe for thee, at the end of these prayers, some wholesome lessons for thy instruction, howe thou oughst to behaue thy self both in sicknes and in he­alth, to the end thou maist more happily finish thy dayes and life. Of which lessons the principall, and [Page 6]most assured (next to à good life) is to haue re­course as you shall heare hereafter in fitt place to the perfectiōs, and merits of the Saynts, and aboue all of the most holy, and euer glorious mother of god. In which I shall de­clare vnto thee (beloued reader) certayn deuout and religious persons be­ing well instructed, cast themselues one daye, be­ing inspired from god, vpon that consideration [Page 7]that our good mother the church doth call the bles­sed virgin, mother of God; the Gate of heauen, and doore of paradise: & that shee doth daily sing vnto her; Marye mother of grace, mother of mercy, defend [...]s frō our aduersary and receiue vs at the houre of death. But this was performed with soe serious attentiō, and soe much feruor of deuotion; that from that time they resolued to ad­dresse themselues alwa­yes [Page 8]with reuerēce to her, and to implore her ayde and speciall assistance that they might more duely dispose themselues for that difficult, and dange­rous passage of death.

For these considera­tions they did agree to­gether to say euery daye the Lytanyes of our Ladye of Loretto to the honor & glory of her name, one for another; as alsoe the pra­yers of the most glorious Patriarchs S. Ioseph, S. [Page 9]Augustin [...], S. Barbara, to whom they particarly deuoted thēselues that by they intercessiō they mi­ght be assisted in these theyr indeauours.

And forasmuch as noe mā can fully possesse that high vetrue of Charity without hauing à parti­cular care of the wellfare and safty of his neigh­bour; to prouide also that theyr small number in ti­mes to come might in­crease in this deuotiō, and to augment the effectuall [Page 10]merit of theyr prayers by à laudable and holy multiplication, they did aduise amongst themsel­ues and determine, that each one of them should associate to theyre com­pany twelue deuout per­sons, and that those twelue if they would, when the occasion should be offe­red might likewise each one of them associate o­ther twelue, and they al­soe euery one of them twelue others, and soe cō ­sequently [Page 11]from one to another all those, whoe should from time to time be added by any one, that had bene formerly admit­ted, should haue the same power, which those had whoe did admitt thē. And hence it doth proceede, deuout reader, that this Company is very fitly named at this time the holy society of twelue, Whereunto since that time soe many are vnited in France, Italy, Germany [Page 12]Spayne; yea euen as farre as the Indyes, that they are accompted at this presēt of eyther sexe, men and woemen, more then three, or foure hundred thousand of the societye, But whereas almost infi­nite persons men and woemen cannot (not be­ing able to read) say the foresayd litanies it hath bene thought by some of the principal most zea­lous, and affectionate to the sayd holy association, [Page 13]that in stead of them those [...]hat are admitted, which cannot reade, say theire [...]eads; and for the psalme De profundis, which those whoe are more learned ought to say for such sou­ [...]es as are departed of the sayd holy Company, shall say 3. Pater Noster, and 3. Aue Maria.

Nowe to the end that those, who are admitted, may not erre in the num­ber of those, whoe they are to admitt into the [Page 14]sayd holy association; [...] were good, as soon as they shall be receiue to register and write th [...] downe in some sma [...] booke; or els, which we [...] better, and wherein ther [...] is more merit, euery on [...] of them shall prouid twelue of these littl [...] bookes to giue them gratis to each one of thos [...] whom they shall admitt [...] so shal he know by the finishing and distribution of his bookes that the nū ­ber [Page 15]of those whome he may admitt is compleat and ended.

Another meanes more certaine and sutable to the condition of secular persons, especially woe­mē, is, to intreat him that shall admitt them, if he be à priest, or religious man, to accept and take the charge vpon him to asso­ciate for them such persōs as he shall iudg in poynts of religion to be most ca­pable [Page 16]giuing him the tw­elue bookes, which they haue prepared for that purpose; nor ought those priests or religious men refuse this cōmission, and act of charity; but rather ought to seeke and demād it. Yea they ought not to admitt but very few, or scarce any secular men at all, especially woemen; without this condition, to witt that they shall not receiue any one without the knowledg of their [Page 17]Cōfessor; cōsidering that great profit will redound from thēce to the holy as­sociatiō, which otherwise by degrees might be filled with à great number of li­bertins, and debaushed persons without deuotiō, which in the end would bring dishoner to the so­cietye. By which meanes the sayeing of the pro­phet Esay should be veri­fyed; Thou hast multiplyed the nation, but hast not in­creased theire ioye.

Moreouer this holy and [Page 18]flourishing Company, with those prayers which are exercised therein hath bene receiued, and allowed by many graue and renowned persōs, af­well of the chiefe of the cleargy as of the seculars. By famous and learned preachers and by good, and holy religious men, whoe haue bene admit­ted from diuers orders both austere and refor­med. By whom all [Page 19]Christēdome, perceiuing the fruit and proffit which must needs arise to the church of god from this laudable and holy so­ciety, doth labor to haue it approued, authorised, and inriched by the holy apo­stolique seat with the treasures of the sayd church obtayning for it plenary indulgences in forme of à Iubilie, which those of the company shall gayne twice in theire life, that is to say, [Page 20]then when they shall en­ter into the sayd holy So­ciety, and at the article of death, and other plenary indulgēces likewise, with the deliuery of à soule frō purgatory, to be applyed by manner of suffrage to such soules, as are depar­ted in the sayed holy soci­etye, which they may gayne as well vpon all the feasts of our blessed Lady, as of the foresayd blessed S. Ioseph, S. Francis, S. Au­gustin, and S. Barbara, [Page 21]with this condition, that those whoe are of the so­ciety doe confesse them­selues to allowed Cōfes­sors, and communicate vpon the sayd feasts.

And that they may be made pertakers of soe many good prayers, which are continually offered vp by soe deuout soules, and in soe many parts of the Christian world, it is requisite be­fore they enter into this holy societye to haue à­firmed [Page 22]to liue & die ther­in and withall to obserue as they shall be able, all that which shall be heere. after sett downe although there be noe obligatiō or tye of conscience, other then that which euery Christiā hath to liue well, and serue god, and to loue theire neighbour.


FIrst of all he that will enter into the sayd holy Cōpany must cause himself to be receiued and admitted by one whoe hath bene formerly re­ceiued, [Page 24]whoe shall make his reception soe much more gratefull and meri­torious before god, as he himself shall be more re­commendable in deuotiō, holynes of life, and pro­fession; which poynt is soe important, and of that consideration, that those whoe demand to be ad­mitted, ought to vse all meanes possible, that it may be done by some reli­gious, or secular church­man, whoe hath the repu­tatiō [Page 25]to be à man of good life, or by some such o­ther whoe as much as hu­mayne frailty will admit, is irreprehensible in his life and conuersation.

Secondly he must euery daye without faile say the letanyes, which are set downe in theire place: the Antheme; Sub tuum praesi­dium: the prayers and o­ther vsual deuotions that doe follow, & the psalme De profundis: and such as cānot read, theyr beads [Page 26]with 3. Pater noster, and 3. Aue Maria; as hath bene formerly mentio­ned.

Thirdly; He must say the sayd letanyes with the prayers for all those of the society, as euery one of them doe say them for him; & he must beare them in memory as much as he cā, & cheefely him, by whō he was admit­ted, in all the rest of his prayers and orasons; if he be à priest, in all his [Page 27]masses; if à religious mā, or woeman, in all theyr meditations, disciplines, fastings, watchings, and such like exercises of mortification; and that he loue them, honor, and assist them aswell corpo­rally, as spiritually, accor­ding to his power, and the neede that they shall haue.

Fourthly; He must say the forsayd prayers to ob­tayne of god, by the in­tercession and fauor of [Page 28]our blessed Lady, and of the forsayd Saynts, the grace to dye well, and that with as much deuo­tion and attention as pos­sibly he can, indeuoring with all his power, by his good life, to make himself meritorious of that grace: For as saynct Augustin sayth he can hardly dye ill, whoe hath liued well, & he cā scarcly dye well, whoe hath liued ill. And it is, as a secret iudgment of god, noted by the same [Page 29]S. Augustin in his sermon of innocēts: It is iust o Lord that he whoe whilst he liued was forget full of thee, at his death should forget himself: that is, his owne salua­tion, the sacraments, re­stitution &c? and dye like à beast.

To conclude those of the company are exhor­ted, and intreated in our lord Iesus Christ to beare in memory and carefully to practise these fiue poynts which followe.

[Page 30] The first that assoone as they can they should free themselues from mortall finnes, if eyther they doe belieue, or doubt that they are touched with any; flying by all meanes possible those occasions which they knowe doe cause soe great à miserye; and that where they are able to hinder it, they doe not suffer that any offend god in theyr presence, or in any other place where [Page 31]they haue power to hin­der.

The second poynt that they both confesle and communicate if they can, beside those dayes which are appoynted therefor, as wee haue shewed, euery month.

The 3. that they heare euery day masse, if they canne doo it without pre­iudice to that whereunto they are obliged; and that they pray for the catholi­que church, and for our [Page 32]holy father the pope, for the king and state, and for the kings assue; for the peace and vnity of Chri­stiā princes, for the extir­pation of heresyes, for those that are in mortall sinne, for such as are af­flicted & in temptation, for those that are in the agonye of death, and for theyr enimyes.

The 4. that they inde­uour to discharg them­selues faithfullye, and with conscience of such [Page 33]dutyes, and obligations as belong to theire charge, & vocation whereto they are called.

The 5. that euery night they make, as they are able, an examination of theyr conscience, and ey­ther say before or after it, the prayer which is vsed to obtayne a true contri­tion for theire sinnes, which doth beginne: My lord Iesus; with the next following prayer to our blessed lady; which exa­mination [Page 34]may be reduced for such as eyther knowe not how, or cannot im­ploye themselues longer therein to two poynts. The one to giue god thanks for all the graces, & benefits, which wee haue recieued at his hands, cheefly that he hath that day preserued vs frō mortall sinne, & sudden death, and infinite dan­gers aswell spirituall as corporall, which haue that very day fallen vpon [Page 35]soe many others better, and more conformable to the diuine goodnes then wee. The other is to fift and search out into what, and how many offences wee haue fallen, or pex­mitted or caused others to fall; then to demand pardon for them, and to propose vnto our selues to confesse, and amend them.


IF thou be in sinfull e­state of life, those who are of the cōpany through out the whole world by theire prayers and merits dispose thee, to leaue such māner of life, to acknow­ledg thy sinne, and that [Page 37]thou mayst not dye in it.

2. If thou be in state of grace, they pray to god to conserue thee therein, & to augment and confirme it vnto thee.

3. Thou dost participate of the infinite good workes of soe many good Chri­stians as are admitted to this societye.

4. They help thee by the­ire prayers to obtayne the excellent guift of final perseuerance, and other vertues, which are neces­sary, [Page 38]as charity, patience, chastitye, deuotion &c.

5. They ayde thee also to obtayne of god that he would vouchsafe to keep thee from suddayne, or at least from vnprouided death: And from falling into mortall sinne: and in case thou doe committ any, that he would soe powerfully in spire thee with his grace that thou mayst presently rise from it againe. And alsoe that he would assist thee a­gaynst [Page 39]thy enimyes at the hower of thy death.

6. The sacred virgin mo­ther of this holy cōpany, and the glorious patrons thereof, Saint Ioseph; S. Francis; S. Augustin; and S. Barbara, whom thou hast soe often called vpon for these ends, and soe many thousands as are of this societye which dayly pray for thee, will assist thee particularly in this dangerous passage.

7. By these meanes thou [Page 40]shalt receiue great con­solation, & shalt be freed from great apprehen­sions, which perplex many.

8. After thy death if thou haue any guilt to be pur­ged, they will assist thee that thou mayst be spee­dily deliuered from that clensing and correcting fier, as S. Augustin cal­leth it vpon the sixt psalme.

9. In à word thou shalt recieue à thousand other [Page 41]blessings, which are all cōprised and farre more in the communion of Saynts; and in that which S. Iames saith: The daily prayer of the iust man is of great force. Then con­sider, deare brother, if the prayer of one iust mā be of soe great valew, how much more merito­rious and auayleable will the continuall prayers of fiue or six hundred thousand seruants of god [Page 42]bee; whoe doe dayly in­crease, and applye them­selues to this exercise of prayer through the whole world, according to the rule and order of this holy company, to sollicit thy requests & affayres with god; and that especially which is the most princi­pall of them all, to make à happy end, and to dye in the faith of the church, with the benefit of the sa­craments, & in the grace of god. Yea euen then [Page 43]when thou dost walk, sleepe, eate, and perad­uenture offēd god, a great number of people fall downe vpō theire knees, and lift vp theire hands to heauen, beseeching god to preserue thee from mortall sinne, and from a sinfull death, and his an­ger, & fearefull iudgmēt. Therefore, deuout rea­der, procure this blessing for thy soule whilst thou hast time, and despise not this fayre occasion which [Page 44]is soe easy for thee, and without any obligation at all. Think with thy self seriously what thou wilt wish that thou hadst done for thy selfe, when thou shalt be layd vpō thy bed waiting for the last stroke of death; and pray to god that he will giue thee grace to finde that in thy selfe at that hower, & then lett him dispose of thee according to his ho­lye will for the rest.


  • KYrie eleison,
  • Christe eleison,
  • Kyrie eleison,
  • Christe audi nos,
  • Christe exaudi nos.
  • Pater de coelis Deus, mise­rere nobis.
  • Fili redemptor mundi Deus, miserere nobis.
  • [Page 46] Spiritus sancte Deus, mi­serere nobis.
  • Sancta Trinitas vnus Deus, miserere nobis.
  • Sancta Maria, ora pro no­bis.
  • Sancta Dei genitrix, ora.
  • S. Virgo Virginum, ora.
  • Mater Christi, ora.
  • Mater diuinç gratiae, ora.
  • Mater purissima, ora.
  • Mater castissima, ora.
  • Mater inuiolata, ora.
  • Mater intemerata, ora.
  • Mater amabilis, ora.
  • Mater admirabilis, ora.
  • [Page 47] Mater Creatoris, ora.
  • Mater Saluatoris, ora.
  • Virgo prudētissima, ora.
  • Virgo veneranda, ora.
  • Virgo praedicanda, ora.
  • Virgo potens, ora.
  • Virgo clemens, ora.
  • Virgo fidelis, ora.
  • Speculum iustitiae, ora.
  • Sedes sapientiae, ora.
  • Causa nostrae laetitiae, ora.
  • Vas spirituale, ora.
  • Vas honorabile, ora.
  • Vas insigne deuotio­nis, ora.
  • Rosa mystica, ora.
  • Turris Dauidica, ora.
  • [Page 48] Turris eburnea, ora.
  • Domus aurea, ora.
  • Foederis arca, ora.
  • Ianua Coeli, ora.
  • Stella matutina, ora.
  • Salus infirmorum, ora.
  • Refugium peccatorū, ora.
  • Consolatio afflictorū, ora.
  • Regina angelorum, ora.
  • Regina patriarcharū, ora.
  • Regina prophetarū, ora.
  • Regina apostolorum, ora.
  • Regina martyrum, ora.
  • Regina confessorum, ora.
  • Regina virginum, ora.
  • Regina Sanctorum om­nium, ora.
  • [Page 49] Mater Dei, ora.
  • Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec­cata mundi, parce nobis Domine.
  • Agnus Dei qui tollis pec­cata mundi, exaudi nos Domine.
  • Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec­cara mūdi, miserere nobis.

Sub tuum praesidium confugimus sancta Dei genitrix nostras depreca­tiones ne despicias in ne­cessiratibus, sed à periculis cunctis libera nos sèmpèr Virgo gloriosa & benedi­cta [Page 50]Domina nostra, me­diatrix nostra, tuo filio nos reconcilia, tuo filio nos commenda, tuo filio nos in hora mortis praesenta: sancta Maria succurre mi­seris, iuua pusillanimes, re. foue flebiles, ora pro po­pulo, interueni pro clero, intercede pro deuoto foe­mineo senu; sentiant om­nes tuum juuamen, qui­cumque celebrant tuam sanctam commemoraetio­nem.

Vers: Ora pro nobis pec­catoribus [Page 51]sancta Mariae mater Dei.

Resp: Nunc & in hora mortis nostrae.

Vers. Ora pro nobis sancte Ioseph.

Resp. Nunc & in hora mortis nostrae.

Vers. Ora pro nobis sancte Augustine.

Resp. Nunc & in hora mortis nostrae.

Vers: Ora pro nobis beate Francisce.

Resp. Nunc & in hora mortis nostrae.

[Page 52] Vers. Ora pro nobis sancta Barbara.

Resp. Nunc & in hora mortis nostrae.

Vers. Memento Domine Congregationis tuę.

Resp. Quam possedisti ab initio.

Vers. A subitanea & im­prouisa morte.

Resp. Libera nos Do­mine.

Vers. Ab insidijs Diaboli.

Resp. Libera nos Do­mine.

Vers. A poenis inferni.

[Page 53] Resp. Libera nos Do­mine.

Vers. Saluos fac seruos tuos.

Resp. Deus meus speran­tes in te.

Vers. Domine exaudi o­rationem meam.

Resp. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.


GRatiam tuam quaesumus Do­mine. mentibus nostris in­funde, vt qui angelo nunciante Christ [...] filij tui incarnationem cognouimus, per passionem eius [Page 54]& crucem, ad resurrectionis glo­riam perducamur.

Defende quaesumus Domine beata Maria semper Virgine in­tercedente, istam ab omni adner, sitate familiam, & toto corde titi prostraram ab hostium pro­pi [...]ius tuere clementer insidijs.

Sanctissimae genitricis tuae sponsi quaesumus Domine me­ritis adiuuemur, vt quod possi­bilitas nostra non obtinet eius nobis intercessione donetur.

Adesto supplicationibus no­st [...]is omnipotens Deus, & quibus fiduciam sperandae pietatis in­dulges intercedente beato Augu­stino confessore [...]uo, atque pon­tifice consuetae misericordiae tri­bue benignus effectum.

[Page 55] Deus qui Ecclesiam tuam beati Francisci meritis foetu nouę pro­lis amphficas: tribue nobis ex eius imitatione terrena despi­cere, & coelestium donor̄um seni­per participatione gaudere.

Intercessio quaesumus Do­mine beatae Barbarae Virginis, & Martyris tuae ab omni aduersi­tate nos protegat, vt per eius in­te ruen tum gloriosum, sacrosan­ctum coiporis Domini nostri sa­cramentum, ante diem exitus nostri per veram poenitentiam, & puram confessionem percipere mereamur.

Da nobis quaesumus Domine perseuetantem in voluntate tua famulatum, vi in diebus nostris. & merito, & numero populus [Page 56]tibi seruiens augeatur.

Praetende Domine famulis, & famulabus tuis dexterā coelestis auxilij, vt te toto corde perqui­rant & quae digne postulant con­sequi mereantur.

Actiones nostras quaesumus Domine aspirando praeueni, & adiuuando prosequere, vt cūcta nostra oratio, & operatio, atque bene viuendi insticutio, à te sem­per incipiat, & per te coepta fi­niatur: Qui in trinitate perfecta viuis & regnas Deus, in secula seculorum. Amen.


DE profundis cla­maui ad te Domine: Domine exaudi vocem meam.

Fiant aures tuae inten­dentes: in vocem depre­cationis meae.

[Page 58] Si iniquitates obserua­ueris Domine: Domine quis sustinebit?

Quia apud te propi­tiatio est: & propter legē tuam sustinui te Domine.

Sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius: sperauit ani­ma mea in Domino.

A custodia matutina vs­que ad noctem: speret Is­raël in Domino.

Quia apud Dominum misericordia: & copiosa apud eum redemptio.

Et ipse redimet Israel: [Page 59]ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius.

Vers: Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine.

Resp. Et lux perpetua lu­ceat eis.

Vers. A porta inferi.

Resp: Erue Domine ani­mas eorum.

Vers: Requiescant in pace.

Resp: Amen.

Vers: Domine exaudi o­rationem meam.

Resp. Et. clamor meus ad te veniat.


DEus veniae largitor, & hu­manae salutis amator, quaesu­mus clemētiā mā vt nostrae asso­ciationis fideles, qui ex hocse­culo transierunt, beata Ma [...]ia semper virgine intercedente, cum omnibus sanctis tuis ad per­petuae beatitudinis consortium peruenire concedas: Per Chri­stum Dominum nostrum. Amen.


Gaude beata Barbara,
Summa pollens doctrina,
[Page 61] Angeli mysterio.
Gaude virgo Deo grata,
Quae Baptistam es imitata,
In vitae stadio.
Gaude cum te visitauit,
Christus vita, & curauit
Plagas actu proptio.
Gaude quia meruisti,
Impetrare quod petisti,
Da [...]te Dei filio.
Gaude, namque es eleuata,
Et in coelum es delata,
Nobili mattyrio.
Te laudantem familiam,
Trahe post te ad gloriam,
Finito exilio.

Vers. Ora pro nobis sanctissima Virgo Barbara.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur pro­missionibus Christi.



INtercessio quaesumus Domine beatae Barbarę Virginis, & mar­tyris tuae ab omni aduersitate nos protegat, vt per eius interuentū gloriosum sacro-sanctum cor­poris Domini nostri Iesu Christi sacramentum ante diem exitus nostri per veram pęnitentiam & puram confessionem; atque etiā extremam vnctionem percipere mereamur: per eundem Chri­stum Dominum nostrum Amen.


YOu shall knovv that amongst the holy patrons of this blessed f [...]a­ternitye S. Barbara is rightly pla­ced, forasmuch as shee hath that guift and grace from god to preserue from soddayne, and vnprouided death all such as doe demand it of god in her name. As it doth appeare in the acts of her noble martyrdome vvhich you shall sind in the lines of Saynts vvitten by the reuerend fa­ther Rybadeneyra: vvith a notable [Page 64]example of one, vvho falling dovv [...] from the topp of a house that vvas on fire, and being buried, or rather ouervvhelmed vvith the ruynes of the house, and flaming brands, vvas in due time succored by the sayd Saynt, vvhoe appeared vnto him and pro­mised him that he should not dye be­fore he had receiued the Sacraments; and for that end thee had obtayned of god a respit for him till the ne [...]t day: vvhich s [...]e fell out, and he made a most happy end; because for a great space of tyme he had be [...] deuou [...] to the foresayd Saynt.


O Lord Iesus Christ, my most mercifull sauiour, I beseech thee by that great bitternes, which thou didst suffer on the crosse for me wret­ched sinner; especially at that houre when thy most sanctified soule did de­part from thy blessed bo­dye, that it would please [Page 66]thee to haue pitty on my soule, and to vse mercye thereto when it shall de­part out of this life, and that thou wouldest by the merits of thy most pre­cious bloud take it with thee into aeternall life. Amen.


Caesarius a religious man doth report, that a great seruant of god being accoustomed to say the forsayd prayer as often as he passed by the holy Crucifix, did merit after [Page 67]his death to goe out of this vvorld directly into paradise, vvithout suffring the paynes of purgatory.


MY lord Iesus Christ, true god, & true mā, for asmuch as thou art ac­complished with all per­fection, and because I doe acknowledg thee for my souueraigne bilsse, I do [Page 68]loue thee with all my hart and aboue all things I am infinitly sory that I haue soe vngratefully offended thee. Wherefore I doe first of all resolue neuer to of­fend thee more. Secondly to flye from all the occa­sions of sinne. Thirdly to make a sincere confessiō, and to performe such pennance, as shall be enioyned to mee: and for a more full, & worthy sa­tisfactiō, I doe offer vnto thee thy owne merits, [Page 69]with those of the blessed virgin thy mother, and of all those whom thou hast elected, ioyning there­with both my body and foule, my temptations, sorrowes, and afflictions, and my whole life. Besee­ching thee alsoe that thou wouldst pardonne, and giue me thy grace, wher­by I may amend my life; and that I may con­tinue therein euē till my death. Amen.


O Domina mea sancta Maria ego infaelix peccator me in tuam be­nedictam fidem ac singu­larem custodiam, & in si­num misericordiae tuae ho­diè & quotidiè, & in hora [Page 71]exitus mei, animam meā & corpus meum tibi cō ­mendo; omnem spem meam, & consolationem meam, omnes angustias, & miserias meas, vitam, & finem vitae meae tibi comitto; te hodie matrē, & apud Deum aduocatā meā prae omnibus eligo, & pręopto; tu quę pijssima es mater misericordiae, noli me propter nimia peccata mea reijcere: sed pertuam sanctissimam in­tercessionem, & per tua [Page 72]gloriosa merita, omnia mea dirigantur & dispo­nantur opera, secundum tuam, tui (que) filij volun­tatem. Amen.


O Most chast, and mer­cifull virgin, and [Page 73]mother holy Mary, stretch forth I beseech thee, the hand of thy help and succor to me a miserable and wretched sinner in all those trauayles, and ne­cessityes which may hap­pen vnto me at any time or place; but principally in this tribulation and af­fliction which doth op­presse me at this present, soe that I may not onely beare it patiently, and for the loue of god, but alsoe with courage, and chee­refully [Page 74]and that by his grace and speciall assi­stance I may gayne force and constancy in all my other crosses and aduer­sityes, which may fall vpon me, aswell from the hand of my god, as of mē. O mother of mercy and aduocate of sinners be pleased alsoe to be my gratious defendresse at that time when my soule shall part from my body; for at that time more thē any other shall I haue [Page 75]neede of thy succor and ayde. For alas if I consider the weight of my sinnes, and the number of offēces which I haue committed and doe daily committ in the presence of the diuine goodnes, I feare to be confounded & ouercome by the deuill, whoe will neuer cease to present thē before my eyes indeuo­ring to deceiue me by his false illusions. I therfore most hūbly beseech thee, the true distributor of [Page 76]gods holy graces) that thou wouldest obtayne of my lord, thy deare and onely sonne, true god, and true man, that as he hath vouchsafed to come and take humayne flesh in thy chast wōbe, not by any humayne but Diuine power, that so he might saue mankind from eter­nall damnation; soe like­wise it would please him to giue me the force and vnderstanding at that last houre truely to repēt my­self [Page 77]of my sinnes, and to haue nothing in my thoughts but him alone. Which I aske by thy inter­cession not for my self alone, but alsoe for all those whoe are of this holy societye whereof thou art the principall la­dye & mistresse soe that by thy merits & intercessiō wee may all soe well serue thy most sweete sonne in our life, that acknowled­ging him at our death by recieuing al the sacramēts [Page 78]and his holye grace, wee may merit one daye in heauen to enioy and possesse without end, the cleare vision of the blessed. Amen.


O Most mercifull vir­gin Marye, most worthy mother of god, assured refuge of sinners, conforter of the afflicted, I vnworthy sinner haue [Page 79]recourse to thee with great confidence, besee­ching thee for that great ioye, which thou didst feele in thy hart, when thou didst see thy onely deare sonne rise from death to life, that it would please thee to comfort my soule: and more expressely I beseech the for a speciall grace, by the bowells of thy infinite pittye, that in the last passage of my life whē I shall appeare trem­bling defore the awefull [Page 80]tribunall of thy deare be­loued sonne my sauiour Iesus Christ, to giue a strict accompt of my whole life, that thou wouldest vouchsafe to assist and prorect me, to the end that by thy fauo­rable intercession (most gracious mother) I may escape that terrible sen­tence of eternall death, & be found, or made worthy to enioy with thee that life which neuer shall haue end. Amen.


I. N. miferable sinner doe protest heere in the presence of the holy Trinity, the Father, Sōne, and Holy ghost, of Iesus Christ crucified for my sinnes, of the glorious virgin Marye our aduo­cate, of S. Michael the ar­changell, [Page 82]and of all the angells, and saynts in pa­radise, especially my an­gell gardien and of my patrone S. N. and other Saynts my aduocats and intercessors, and of all yee my parents and friends that are here present, whom I desire to be wit­nesses of what I shall speake. I doe then first of all protest that I doe take in good part my death, & with all willingnes of mind; and that I doe wil­lingly [Page 83]suffer the griefes and afflictions of this di­sease for the loue, & glory of the diuine maiestye; yea euen the paynes of purga­torye for such time as it shall please our lord for the remission of my sinnes & the punishment due vnto them.

2. I protest that I will dye as I haue liued in the true faith of the holy Ca­tholique, Apostolique, and Romayne church; and, I doe beleeue and hold in­uiolably [Page 84]whatsoeuer it doth beleeue, and propose vnto me to be beleeued, with all the articles of the Creed which I will now repeate; Credo in Deum &c: and therewithall I doe re­proue condemne, and detest all the ancient and moderne heresyes, prin­cipally that of the Cal­uinists and Protestants of our times.

3. I doe protest that I doe entirely trust in the infi­nite bounty and mercy of [Page 85]my god and sauiour, the which doth infinitely ex­ceede all my sinnes, how great or grieuous soeuer they be. And therefore I doe hope to be saued, not by my merits, but by the merits of the pre­tious bloud, of the passiō, and death of Iesus Christ, the onely true sauiour of my soule.

4. I protest that I doe pardon with all my hart all those, whoe haue at any time offended me wi­shing [Page 86]them all happynes & prosperitye in our Lord beseeching their pardon for euery occasion or sub­iect that I may haue giuen them to offend me.

5. I doe protest that frō the bottome of my hart, and with all profound humility I doe ask pardon of all those whome I may at any time haue scanda­lised by my ill example, or in any other sort what­soeuer offended in word, or deed eyther in body, [Page 87]goods, or fame; offring my self with all readynes to giue them all manner of satisfaction, as farre, as I shall be able.

6. I doe protest, being humbly prostrated before the diume maiesty, that from the bottome of my hart I doe ask pardon and for giuenes for all my sin­nes and offences which I haue committed agaynst him, agaynst my neigh­bour, & my self: being chiefely greeued, and [Page 88]troubled in my soule that I haue transgressed his will, considering his infi­nite goodnes and merit, and in regard of the ex­ceeding and notorious fa­uors, which it hath pleased him to bestowe vpon me; much offended with my­self, that I haue not had that griefe, sorowe and cōtrition, which I ought, and should desire to haue, and that I haue not per­aduenture confessed my­self as I ought, and am o­bliged [Page 89]to doe; for which I am hartyly sorye, and doe propose to my self for the time to come in better manner then I haue hi­therto done, to serue god faithfully, for euer remit­ting my self to his diuine prouidence, and perpe­tuall goodnes.

7. I doe protest that I giue thankes with the vt­most power and forces of my hart to my lord my god, for all the benefits already recieued, and [Page 88] [...] [Page 89] [...] [Page 90]which I doe hope to re­cieue from his diuine ma­iestye, which are infinite. I doe alsoe thank all those whoe in any manner whatsoeuer haue eyther done, or desired any be­nefit, seruice, or good office, eyther for my soule or bodye; and more ex­pressely and particularly those whoe haue eyther giuen or offered me any occasion to merit.

8. I protest that I doe offer to my lord and god [Page 91]all the satisfactions, me­rits, sorrowes, with the bloud which hath bene shed by my sauiour Iesus Christ his sonne, the me­rits of the blessed virgin Mary, of all the Saynts, & seruants of god, whoe shall liue heere till the end of the world, for the remission and satisfactiō of all my sinnes, and for a perpetuall thākesgiuing, and fit acknowledgment of the infinite benefits, & graces recieued of his di­uine [Page 92]maiestye.

9. I protest that I doe most humbly beseech the sacred virgin Marye, my angell gardiē, my patron, and the saynts to whom I haue speciall deuotion, with all the angells, and Saynts of paradise that they would ayd and assist me at my last poynt of life and obtayne for me by theire intercessions, and merits euerlasting repose in their blessed company. Marye mother of grace [Page 93]mother of mercie protect vs from our ennemye, & recieue vs at the houre of death. All the saynts of heauen make intercession for me.

10. I protest that if soe be that our Lord permit that I should be tempted by the deuill with any temp­tation whatsoeuer eyther agaynst faith, hope, or charity towards god, or neighbour, or agaynst ought that I haue nowe sayd, that I will not [Page 94]harken, answeare, or cōsent thereto, or beleeue his false perswasions, and if soe be that by his craft and deceipts, or by the violence of my maladie and payne I should happē to consent to any sinne, I doe nowe beseech my good god that such con­sent of mine may be voyd & of none effect; and this I ask for the valewe and merit of the precious bloud of my Lord & Sa­uiour Iesus Christ.

[Page 95] Finally I protest that I doe recommend at this present my poore soule to the sacred wounds of the feete, hands, and side of my sweete and mercyfull sauiour Iesus Christ, the which I doe kisse and im­brace with all my hart, in the which I will liue and dye. Betwixt the armes of my redeemer I will liue, and I desire to dye: Into thy hands ô lord I cōmend my spirit: Thou hast re­deemed me my lord god [Page 96]of truth, god of my hart, and my portion for euer. I beseech all those whoe are presēt at my houre of death, & when I shal not be able to speak any more that they would ayd, & succor me with their prayers offring vp to the eternall father my ago­nye, sweate, & suffrings in the vnion of the agonye, sweates, and suffrings, of the bloud, paynes, and passions of my well be­loued Iesus Christ for the [Page 97]remission of my sinnes.

When thou shalt haue ended these protestations, the which thou mayst re­cite many times, if thou think good, thou shalt say with great reuerence, de­uotiō, and attention the two prayers; the one to Ie­sus Christ Crucified, the other to the B. Virgin; by which is demanded grace to make a happy passage from this life to the next: which prayers are placed aboue pag. 65 and pag. 78.


1. After the foresayd protestations and prayers it is requisite that the assistants with an in­telligible voyce should saye the letanyes of our ladye, or those of the saynts, and that the sick party should indeuor to answeare at least by hart, [Page 99]if hee cannot by mouth, to the end that hee may more surely obtayne the grace which is desired. Then shall he kisse the sa­cred wounds of the holy Crucifix, sayeing each time, Iesu the sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me.

2. The sick person shall cause a Crucifix, or some other deuout image of our Lord Iesus Christ, or our blessed Lady to be hung vp in some place where he may easily be­hold [Page 100]hold, and contemplate it many times, as well by nyght as by day, and pray sometimes to Iesus Christ, sometimes to our blessed ladye, and recom­mēding himself cordially vnto them to speake these words, or such like. O Ie­sus my sauuiour saue my soule. O mercifull virgin Marye defend my soule. O Iesus and Marye grant patience and strength to my soule. O Iesus and Marie recieue my soule [Page 101]neere vnto yee. He shall likewise recōmend him­self to the blessed patri­archs S. Ioseph, Saint Francis, Saint Augustin, and Saynt Barbara, spe­ciall protectors and inter­cessors for the holy Asso­ciation of twelue, and to other his particular fri­ends, and deuout persons, and aboue all to his good Angell guardien.

3. Theye whoe haue charge of the sick partyes shall be carefull that [Page 102]theire children, or such like persons, doe not come neere them, or but very seldome by reason of the particular and naturall affection that they beare to them, because the pre­sence of such persons doth vsually trouble sicke people, for the tēdernesse of affection which is stirred vp in them, which is very hurtfull as well to the body as to the soule.

4. All lasciuious pain­tings, & profane pictures, [Page 103]are to be remoued from the chamber of the sick body, or at least to be kept out of his sight, be­cause they might without doubt cause in him, by the craft of the deuill euill thoughts, and effects.

5. Those whoe shall visit the sick, must be carefull that they doe not enter­tayne them with vayne discourse, or vnproffitable and worldly buisinesses: but shall speake vnto thē such things as may spiri­tually [Page 104]recreate them, and edify the assistants in our Lord.

6. The sick partye shall be diligent to discouer vnto his spirituall father all the temptations, doubts, scruples, and sinnes, orderly as they come to his memorye, to the end, that conseruing by this meane the peace and tranquillity of his conscience, the deuill be not able to deceiue him in any thing.

[Page 105] [...]. Besides the sick, or [...]hose whoe attend about [...]im, must indeuor to gett [...]eligious men to come [...]ften vnto him, particu­ [...]arly his confessor or spi­ [...]ituall father, that he may [...]e ayded by them, com­ [...]orted, & solaced, especi­ [...]lly towards the end of [...]is life. For it is certayne [...]that the presence onely of [...]ood religious men, espe­ially if they be priests, [...]oth bring, & cause great [...]are and terror to the in­fernall [Page 106]deuills, which ne­uer forsake the sick per­son till he be dead.

8. To conclude, I will say [...] one thing very profitable for sick persons, who de­sire to make a good, and quiet end; and which per­chance is not much pra­ctised by worldly men which is; not to put of the sayeing of masses for th [...] after theire death, or t [...] giue almes for the goo [...] of theire soules; but they ought to doe it whill [Page 107]they liue, for as much as such like good workes, are then without compa­rison farre more profi­table to the soule then af­ter theire death. First for that they obtayne of god diuersity of proffit, and spirituall helpes, with, or by which the soule is ex­cited to doe supernaturall workes, and which de­serue eternall saluation, as acts of forrowe, and con­trition for sinne, of the loue of god, hope, and [Page 108]such like, by which a habit of diuine grace doth increase in the soule, and consequently the glory which is due thereto in paradise. 2. Be­cause the soule doth re­ceiue of these spirituall helps, great force, and is meruailously strengthned and incouraged in time of death agaynst the as­saults of his ennemy. In a word these meanes are of great force and vale we to obtayne of god a true and [Page 109]harty repentance at the houre of death, and a most perfect conuersiō to him; wherein a happye end doth consist, and in his grace, and consequently our eternall saluation in the life to come, where­unto may it please our re­deemer to conduct vs all by the merits of his most holy passion.


FOr EVER, neuer ending, my good god,
S'an infinite that knovvs no period:
Restlesse, hovvlinge, burninge, dyinge EVER,
So endlesse each a part, and all togeather.
If after many thousand yeares [Page 111]vvere past,
These ills should end, there vvould be hope at last.
But this for EVER termelesse all consumes,
And old past Age, its infancy resumes.
The fullest mirth hard EVER doth controule,
And sad, and silent strikes th'afflicted soule.
By Attoms could a vvrenne ouer the mayne,
Transfer the headlesse Alpes, vvith easlesse payne;
And euery thousand yeares [Page 112]but once could fly:
Or vvhen an Ant had suckt the Ocean dry,
Should be the terme; this tardy hope might please,
The Damned soules; that once there vvould be ease.
But Horred EVER, tyme, and all or'e past:
Exists alone, vvith him that, [...] first, and last.

OFFICIVM PARVVM in honorem S. IOSEPH Sponsi B. Mariae.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Ioseph.

DOmine labia mea a­peries.

[Page 114] Resp. Et os meum annun­ciabit laudem ruam.

Vers. Deus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuan­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Filio: & Spiritui sancto.

Resp. Sicut erat in princi­pio, & nunc, & semper: & in secula seculorum, Amen. Alleluia.

A septuagesima vsque ad Pas­cha, loco Alleluia, dicitur, Laus tibi Domine, Rex aeternae gloriae. Hymnus.

[Page 115] IOseph Dauid filius clara stirpe natus,

Virgini dèsponsus, mente copulatus,

Vtriusque custos, caelo de (stinatus.

Antiphona. Salue Pa­triar charum decus, & Ec­clesiae sanctę Dei oecono­mus, cui panem vitae, & frumentum electorum conseruasti.

Vers. Ora pro nobis san­cte Ioseph.

Resp. Vrdigni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.


SAnctissimae Genitricis tuae sponsi, quęsumus Domine, meritis adiuue­mur: vt quod possibilitas nostra non obtinet, eius nobis intercessione done­tur. Qui viuis, & regnas cum Deo Patre in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Ioseph.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende. Resp. [Page 117] Domine ad adiuuandum me festina. Vers. Gloria Patri, & Filio: & Spiritui sancto. Resp. Sicut erat in principio, & nunc & sem­per: & in secula seculo­rum. Amen. Alleluia.


TV, qui sponsam gra­uidam dolens cùm videres,

Cogitabas anxius an [...]am retineres,

Sed coelestis nuntius, ne ampliùs tim [...]res,

In somnis admonuit, [Page 181]sed potiùs gauderes. Antiphona. Salue Patriar­charum decus, & Ecclesię sanctę Dei oeconomus, cui panem vitae, & frumen­tū electorum conseruasti. Vers. Ora pro nobis sancte Ioseph. Resp. Vt digni effi­ciamur promissionibus Christi.


SAnctissimae Genitricis tuae sponsi, quaesumus Domine, meritis adiuue­mur: vt quod possibilitas nostra non obtinet, eius [Page 119]nobis intercessione done­tur. Qui viuis, & regnas cum Deo Patre in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus: per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Ioseph.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende. Resp. Domine ad adiuuandum me festina. Vers. Gloria Patri & Filio: & Spiritui sancto. Resp. Sicut erat in principio, & nunc, & [Page 120]semper: & in secula secu­lorum. Amen. Alleluia.


BEthleem profectus censum soluturus,

Cum praegnante Virgine, vbi nasciturus

Erat mundi Dominus, quippe mox facturus,

Vtipsum infantulum esset ample xurus.

Antiph. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei oeconomus, cui panem vitae, & fru­mentum electorum con­seruasti.

[Page] Vers. Ora pro nobis sancte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.


SAnctissimae Genitricis tuae sponsi, quaesumus Domine, meritis adiuue­mur; Vt quod possibilitas, nostra non obtinet, eius nobis intercessione done­tur. Qui viuis, & regnas cum Deo Patre, in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus: per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Ioseph.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuan­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, &c.


CVm Herodes impius in pueros saeuiret,

Gabrielis monitu ne am­pliùs dormiret,

Retulisti sponsae, sed te­cum veniret,

[Page 123] Et accepto paruulo in AEgyptum iret.

Antiph. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei oeconomus, cui panem vitae, & fru­mentum electorum con­seruasti.

Vers. Ora pro nobis sancte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.


SAnctissimae Genitricis tuae sponsi, quaesumus Domine, meritis adiuue­mur: [Page 124]vt quod possibilitas nostra non obtinet, eius nobis intercessione done­tur. Qui viuis, & regnas cum Deo Patre in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia secula seculorum, Amen.


Vers. Iesus Maria, Ioseph.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuan­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri & Filio: [Page 125]& Spiritui sancto.

Resp. Sicut erat in princi­pio, & nunc, & semper: & in secula seculorum. Amen. Alleluia.


HOstibus defunctis inde recessisti,

Et in Galilaeam tecum reduxisti,

Puerum, & sponsam, sicut didicisti

Cęlitus, & Nazareth humilis vixisti. Antiph. Salue Patriarcharum de­cus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei oeconomus, cui panē [Page 126]vitę & frumentum ele­ctorum conseruasti.

Vers. Ora pro nobis sancte Ioseph. Resp. Vt digni effi­ciamur promissionibus Christi.


SAnctissimae Genitricis tuae sponsi, quaesumus Domine, meritis adiuue­mur: vt quod possibilitas nostra non obtinet, eius nobis intercessione done­tur. Qui viuis, & regnas cum Deo patre in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per [Page 127]omnia secula seculorum. Amen.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph..

DEus in adiutorium meum intende. Resp. Domine ad adiuuandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, &c.

Resp. Sicut erat &c.


O Qui Iesum factum duo decim annorum Perdidisti tuum lumen o­culorum!

[Page 128] Sed inuentum postea in medio doctorum,

Custodisti sedulus, Regem Angelorum.

Antiph. Salue patriarcharū decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei oeconomus, cui panē vitae, & frumentum ele­ctorum conseruasti. Vers. Ora pro nobis &c.


SAnctissimae Genitricis tuae sponsi quaesumus Domine, meritis adiuue­mur: vt quod possibilitas nostra non obtinet eius [Page 129]nobis intercessione do­netur. Qui viuis, &c.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph..

COnuerte nos Deus salutaris noster. Resp. Et auerre iram tuam à no­bis.

Vers. Deus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuan­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, &c.


Faelix, quem in vlnis Iesus cum Maria

Tenuit cubantem, dum in agonia

Spiritum efflares, vt di­recta via,

Tenderes ad Patres fun­ctus vita pia,

Antiph. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, &c.


SAnctissimae Genitricis tuae sponsi, &c.


HAs horas Canonicas cum attentione.

[Page 131] Dixi sancte Ioseph tui ra­tione.

Vt sis memor mei in ora­tione,

Vt viuamus simul in coeli regione. Amen.


Hic libellus, eui titulus ASSO­CIATIONIS, siue SOCIETATIS; VNA CVM OFFICIO S. IOSEPH, translatus ex Gallico in Sermo­nem Anglicum, vriliter excude­tur. Actum Duaci 20. Maij. 1626.

GEORGIVS COLVENERIVS, S. Th. Doctor, & Regius ordi­nariusque Professor, & i [...] Aca­demia Duacena Librorū Censor

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