2. CHRON. 33. 7.
Be strong and couragious: feare not, neither be a­fraid for the King of Ashur, neither for all the multitude that is with him: for there be mo with vs, then is with him.

Printed 1624.

THE BELGICK SOVLDIER: VVarre was a Blessing.

WHen Athanatius opposed the multi­tude of Arrian Bishops, it seemed so dangerous to the established gouern­ment of the Empire, that his castigation was threa­tned by expulsion or feare; Yea Liberius that tooke his part, was checked by the Emperours owne letters for affecting the opinion of that wicked man; But when againe his faire demeanour and religious con­stancy drew away the veile of superstition, ignorance, and heresie: whereby the Emperours eyes were ope­ned to reioyce in the sunny splendor of truth; Con­stantine admitted him within his embraces: and all those adherents of Arrius were confounded by their owne wilfulnes.

Thus hath it fared with all innouations; yea, Christ himselfe was subiect to traducing, for abolish­ing those ceremonies on which the Iewes were be­sotted, for prophesing against that Temple, about which the Priests were so pussled, and for preaching [Page] the doctrine of saluation, against which the people were so enraged; and yet in the end, they that were not credulous of his doctrine and miracles when he was aliue, beleeued a few Fisher-mens reports after he was dead.

Thus must I needs incurre the displeasure of time seruers, the scoffs and dirision of Papists, and the re­pining of Hispanolised English, when I goe about to proue, that warre hath beene better then peace, and the Common-wealth and religion of England, haue had their fame and propagation by opposing Anti­christ, and in plaine termes, must recouer her ecclipsed prosperitie reputing Spaine our opposite. Concer­ning whom, let me remember what is reported of Caesar, who hearing of the death of a Roman Soul­dier that had liued merrily and securely, yet dyed greatly in debt and mens dangers: he desired to buy his bed and pillow, deeming some rare vertue to be therein, whereon a man could sleepe so soundly that liued in so manifest trouble. So though I desire no pillow nor bed from vnder the King of Spaine: yet with Caesar I protest, there is some wonder of nature belongs to him, that can sleepe at all, hauing so ma­ny encombrances to wrastle with, and intricate sedgy weedes of disturbances to winde out of.

For euer since Phillip the seconds marriage with England, and that the ambitious humor in being an Emperours sonne, swelled beyond the degrees of comparison with other Princes: how hath Spaine bestird himselfe to the affrighting of Europe, and mo­ued of purpose out of his owne faire and serend ele­ment, to looke on his neighbours with retrograde [Page] aspects in contrarious orbes: so that other Kings may demaund, what hath Spaine to do in most of the Pro­uinces of Europe: which at this instant toucheth France and England so neere, that they had need deale with him; as Henry the 8 did of famous memory.

At first by reason of consanguinity (yet personall mariages doe not rule Princes affaires,) he ioyned with the Emperour against France, and by his anxili­ary forces Charles the 5 not onely expulsed the French out of Italy, but at last sacked Rome, and tooke the Pope and his Cardinalls prisoners; as he had done the French King at the battell of Pauy; but as he was running away with these aduantages, King Henry looked about him, and entertained a kinde of ielousie against his greatnesse, as suspecting what an ambiti­ous conquerour might effect: whereupon by degrees he retracted, supposing it high time to rebate his insolency, and lay as it were a cooling card vpon his forwardnesse. So not onely the French King was re­leiued, but Pope Clement ransomed.

If it be thus, and that there is a kinde of polliticall necessitie among Princes to watch the affaires of one another; I hope it is now time to looke vpon Spaines intrusions, and not onely prouide for our selues, but releeue our neighbours, least we haue more danger­ous neighbours, then we either desire, or shall be able to preuent. But if we be sensible of present los­ses, wrongs, disgraces, affronts, and intollerable in­dignities, let vs rouse vp our selues, and redeeme our lost time with quick and seasonable remedies: and if peace haue abused vs, let warre a Gods name re­paire our credits, and restore our decay. There is [Page] no poison against nature, but may be countermanded by an antidote; Yea, it is an axiome in Philosophy, that preuenting Phisicke is better then curing; and the law of preseruation is incident to all creatures.

But heere me thinkes, some couetuous wretch, churlish Farmer, scurrulous Lawyer, or temporising parasite may interiect these doubts. 1. Whether we haue sufficient occasion or no, to fall out with Spaine. 2. How shall a warre be maintained. 3. Where the seate of this warre shall be. 4. Who shall be called to our assistance. 5. And last of all, Whether the Countrey be willing and able to such a designe­ment. To all which I answer directly, the State, or Councell of warre must deside these things. For as it is in Martiall affaires, let the Generall be neuer so wise, and the Commanders neuer so valiant: yet when proiects of consequence are proposed, a Martiall Court is called, and an orderly debating the matter concludeth for the best. So I referre this busi­nes to the directer of princes hearts, and the instru­mentall cause of a countries prosperity, & wise coun­cellors. And I pray all true hearted Englishmen, let this my discourse discouer my good intents; as for other difficulties, I referre them to good successe. But because mony is the sinews of the war, and that here­at is our stop and repining, I answer the objector. Why should we be more vnfortunate now, then we haue beene? the warre hath brought vs in treasure: and why should we now dispaire, or terrefie one ano­ther with suspition, or dishartning questions. When the Scripture tells vs, that if Dauid will be ruled by Ioab, and come to the taking of Rabbah, the Kings [Page] Crowne shall be set on his head, which weighed a tallent of gold, full of precious stones: besides the spoile of the Citty, which was in exceeding great a­boundance. As for the deceites of peace, and those bewitching flatteries of pollitick insinnuation; let it be the Spaniard, or whom it will, we must not trust either a reconciled enemy, or a dissembling friend.

But to come to the purpose, and some illustration in the defence of warre; He that pleaded for peace, Tully himselfe I meane, and cryed out in an insulting brauery: that the armed cassocks must giue way to the Senators gownes, yet saies plainely: that warrs may be vndertaken either for the propulsing of iniu­ries, or procuring of peace, not so much to giue way to reuenge, as to keepe other princes in a good opini­on, that we know what is wrong, and when it is time to redresse iniuries. I could say, that warre sometimes may be vndertaken for enlarging Dominions. As Salomon made all his neighbour Prouinces tributary vnto him, and so he ruled from Euphrates to Sidon, and the Mediterranean Sea. I could alledge that all the famoussest Common-wealths in the world, haue augmented their territories by the actiue imploy­ment of Heroick spirits, and receiued a fulnesse of wealth and renowne from the raging Sea of turbulency and warre. I could produce examples of Scripture, to proue directly that Daniels Monar­chies succeeded one another by the preuailing of mighty armies, and the stronger euer shouldred a­side the weaker. I could adde, that the corruptions of peace in all ages, haue like standing pooles increa­sed durt and slime; that is, pleasures and impieties: [Page] which haue growne to that outragiousnesse, that men haue forgot their first benefactor, and with a luci­ferion rebellion continually defied God in his Ma­iesty, liuing as if we should neuer die, and dying as if there were no after account to be made; And yet we dote on peace. And I am afraid, will rather lep on shore to be destroyed by the incantations of the daughters of Achelous, then tie our selues to the mast of Vlisses ship, to be secured from the temptation.

But I purpose no such discourses, onely a small encheridion, to proue that warre was a blessing, and hath beene allowed from heauen: and that a cor­rupted peace hath increased sinnes, and sin brought Gods vengeance vpon such tainted Kingdomes. There was a warre in Rebeccas wombe betweene her children: and Iacobs blessings proceeded from wra­stling with God. There was a warre in deliuering the Church out of bondage, or else Israel had beene still moyling in the brick-kills of Egipt, but at last Canaan was subiected, and Gods people made glorious for euer. It was a warre that charactered Salomon the Prince of peace: or else why are Dauids worthies, and their actions set downe by name. It was a warre that finished Octauius troubles, and surnamed him Au­gustus. And in many places you shall reade, that God did fight from heauen against his peoples ene­mies; What shall warre come from heauen, and shall we be afraid of it on earth: God forbid. Con­sidering that in the times of peace, when the warres had set the people of Israel downe in the chaire of tranquillity, euen then forgat they both God and themselues, stretching out their limbs on beds of [Page] iuory, carowsing in goblets of gold, and killing the fat lambs of the flocke: but no man remembred the affliction of Ioseph; may I not well then conclude, that warre was a blessing. And thus much for warre before Christ.

Now you shall see what warre and peace haue both done, since Christianity tooke a fairer progresse, and God had determined that his Church should florish through the dissention of the Nations; For although by the first persecutions it had a feareful dishartning, and by the augmentation the pompous Papacy, a more fearefull suppression and martirdome: yet such was the will of God. That as Siria, Edom, Moab, Egipt, and the Iland Gentiles, one were their owne enemies, and Gods instruments to destroy one another. So in the beginning of Christianity, the barbarous nations that possessed Europe, although they made them­selues fortunate by the warres: yet in the end they consumed themselues; and from their ruines the Popes of Rome became great, and from their great­nesse, through the swelling prosperity of peace, the true Church of God by little and little dispelled the clouds of their contempt, and deiected: and so at last obtained that faire sunshine, which is now so tran­slatent.

Some 300 yeere after Christ, or there about, you shall reade that in Goteland, and those northen regions now called Finmarck, Norway and Sweden, the peace had so multiplied the people, and those remote healthfull Countries affoorded them so long liues, that they could not liue one by another: so that the aged, impotent, and beggers swarmed in euery place; [Page] at which time one Stenio was the principall Monarch, who called a councell to redresse these inconuenien­ces, and they concluded to take them all that were so vnprofitable to the Common-wealth, and tying them backe to backe, throw them into the sea. But when the Queene whose name was Iuditha, heard of so cruell and vnmercifull a doome, she could not containe her selfe, but at the Kings returne kneeled before him, desiring to haue it reuersed: for she had found a better way of preuention and effect of cha [...]itie: which was to ship the people, and let them try their fortune in other places: which was both nobly apprehended, and effectually practised; and so in processe of time they possessed those Countries which you now call Seruia, Bulgaria, Moldunia, Pedo­lia: and at last became famous Nations of Gotes and Lombards, infesting Italy and Spaine, and dispossessing the Emperours, who had called them into their suc­cours; thus the warres made them famous, till by the warres of Christian Emperours they were dispelled and extirped againe. Afterward the Othoman fami­ly, comming out of that Countrey you once called Scithia, augmented their reputation by the warres of Asia. So did Tamberlaine conquer Persia, and claimed renowne to his Actions by famous battell. So did the Turks come into Europe. And all the beggerly Nations of the world became rich and po­tent by raysing of warre, and were diminished and consumed to nothing by the corruption of peace, and bewitching of pleasure.

Thus receiued the Papacy the fulnesse of her progression by the warres of the Countries, [Page] especially after the German Eagle had affoorded her some feathers of her wings: then tooke she a flight beyond reach, and at last stradles ouer Rome, making Rome haue roome of precidency before other King­domes. So that I may well say, the barren soile of their potency was watred and manured with the blood of Souldiers, as the Prouinces of Europe ga­thered together the scattered bodies of Pelops, and made a more perfect body then the first. Thus did the Popes florish by forreigne warres, and setting Emperours on worke to destroy one ano­ther.

But now what became of their owne peace and established greatnesse? they fell to pride, gurmundize, and riot, they supplanted one ano­ther, they proued incendiaries to Christendome, they intertained newmantict spells, with diuelish and exoptick Artes: they practised murther, whore­dome and incests, they deposed one another, they attempted the humiliation of Emperours, and made a sport at the inauguration of Kings and Princes, as if it lay in their power with a Prophets hand, to tumble aside their fastest Diadems. In a word, they grew proud with peace and plen­ty, and as warre had caused their greatnesse, they caused their sinnes to be more great through the corruption of prosperity: so that from morti­fied Preachers and Ministers of Gods word, they grow Statists, and diuelish Pollititians: then from Schollers, they proued proficients in Villanie; raysing Quarrells against Princes, [Page] and exciting Princes one against another; So that I may well say according to their owne computation, that warre was a blessing. And if the Nations had maintained their pristinate quietnesse and idolatry, they had neuer florished in such outward brauery, and visibility as they now boast of. And thus you see how the warres haue beene beneficiall to the Pa­pacy.

Now it remaines to proue, how the true Church of God hath receiued her best florishes by warres; It is but superfluous to repeate what other men haue written in the defence of our Church, prouing di­rectly, that from the Primitiue Church to this houre, God euer had a remnant of people: and in most Countries there were such as professed the truth in despight of fire. But I referre you to the History of the Church, and other learned tractate composed by religious men.

I come to the dayes of wickliffe, after whom fol­lowed the Bohemian warres: whith were the first ap­parant warres for the Gospell that I reade of. For the great Zisea proued a conqueror; and although Iohn Huss, and Hierome of Prague sacrificed themselues, and were exposed to the fire for Christs sake; which might haue deterred men from taking their parts, and professing the truth: yet did the Gospell increase ouer Europe, and the warres taught thousands of peo­ple a song of constancy: and a burning zeale made their hands fight for the liberty of their conscien­ces.

But when Luther came to act his part, the warres of Germany made way to the peace of the Protestants; [Page] And as you reade of many, that hearing Platos dis­course of the immortallity of the soule, longed for the same, and wished, yea, procured to die. So whole multitudes exposed themselues to torture for Christs sake: and as the warres and persecutions augmented their punishments, they augmented their ioy for be­ing so persecuted, and tooke a pleasure in the displea­sure of princes against them for Gods sake. France became a rare president, and very quickly the Pro­testants multiplied so fast: that with the Iewes they forgat the ceremonies of the Saboth, and applied the Law of preservation, whereby nature taught them to take vp Armes in their owne defences; then stood Geneua on their guard: then Denmarke, Norway, Swe­den, England, Scotland, and diuers Ilands and Townes from being slaues to the conclaue of Cardinalls, sent defiance to Rome, and breake the yoakes of their captiuity: from impouerishing their Countrie, en­riching their owne treasures, to the augmentation of the dignity of Common-wealths: from prostituting their wiues and daughters to the libidinous lusts of Priests clensed themselues with the water of chastety, and tooke a pleasure in vndefiled beds: from the ter­ror of the Cardinalls, and thundring of excommuni­cation, they went with peace and contrition of foule to Gods alter, obtaining so remission of sinnes, and assurance of saluation. So that I may well say, the hand that stretched to pul the Prophet by the throat, is whithered and dried vp: yea, except the Prophet pray to God, Iereboham shall not recover, not be able to lift it vp againe. If it be thus, was not warre a blessing? and hath not Religion beene propagated [Page] by that meanes.

But because you looke for more moderne particu­lars, let vs come neerer home, and obserue how Re­ligion hath prospered, and the Nations bin enriched by the warres and contentions with Spaine, Austria, and the Papacy, 1. in Germany, 2. France, 3. the Low Countries, 4. and England it selfe: and how peace, or if you will dissembling contracts of peace, haue abu­sed vs at all times.

Concerning Germany and the Empire; when Caro­lus quintus perceiued the sunny splendor of Pro­testantisme to be more and more radiant, for all he had interposed divers clouds and misty vapours, and became suspitious of sundry Princes greatnesse, after the Duke of Saxonies protecting of Luther, as obser­uing that the warres would not onely make them fa­ctious, which appeared by the imprisonment of the Lantsgraue of Hesse, but teach them a way both of de­fence and opposition; he tooke another course to corroborate his owne greatnesse, and extenuate the strength of Religion, and this was by making a peace, and withdrawing himselfe from the trou­blesomnesse of State: wherein, as it often hap­peneth with cowardly polliticians, who by seeking to hide their feare, discouer more the same. So played this Emperour, after many famous exploits and flatteries of fortune, he made the Germaines be­leeue he was so indulgent ouer the Common-wealth, that he would affright or trouble them no fur­ther, but leaue them in peace and libertie of conscience: when yet they knew he departed in a rage, as disappointed in his pretences, that he could [Page] not incorporate the Empire to his Family. Vnder­stand then, that in his latter times he had some checks, and his peace shewed not so beautifull a face as his warres. So that he plainely saw, that if other blocks and hindrances were not cast into the smoo­ther walks, to hinder Religion from her handsome progresse, and debarre the Protestant Princes from vniting, the Maiesty of Austria would be diminished, and their potencie frustrated; yea his owne renowne obscured with malignitie of time, and cloudy threat­nings of a fatall end; which though it came not to such a misery as Pompeys losing his head: yet might proue as bitter a receit as Scipios confining himselfe to a countrey grange, who had in his life obtai­ned the surname of Africanus, and in his actions the renowne of a remarkable vertue. All which came to passe in the haruest of this Emperours husbandry. So that now you shall haue some particulars concerning his discontents and obseruations, which he himselfe proposed for the establishing the house of Austria in the Empire.

Touching his discontents; First, Though he kept correspondency with the Duke of Saxons humors, yet he much repined at his audaciousnesse, that durst maintaine a Frier against the Pope and himselfe, as by Luthers comming to Wormes was apparant. Second­ly, It amazed him to see a greater neglect of the prin­ces toward [...] him (for all the uniting of Spaine, Bur­gundy, and Austria) then was before, and that the declaring himselfe an eneny to the Protestants, de­clared them the firme friends of the Gospell of Ie­sus Christ. Thirdly, Hee thought there was no [Page] proceedings in the high projects of Germany. For questionlesse King Henry of England would take the Protestants parts, and prouide that the Empire should be still Electiue. Fourthly, That when the Princes had denied the Diadem, and investure to Phillip his sonne, as discovering that he went about to make it hereditary, and so kept all Europe in awe by his treasure and dominions, he stomacked their re­pugnancy, and would peraduenture haue threatned, if his power hād kept correspondency with his wil­lingnesse to reuenge. Fiftly. That when the Pope and the conclaue of Cardinalls would by no meanes consent, to haue him sit in such a chaire of greatnesse, as Spaine, the Indies, the Empire, and the Low Coun­tries; he wreaked his rage from Rome; and Burbon in his behalfe sacked the Citty, imprisoned the Prelates, and set the Pope at a ransome; whereupon followed the excommunication both of himselfe and Phillip his sonne, and the election of his yong brother Ferdinand Emperour; all which augmented his discontents. Sixtly, That hauing heard of the losse of his Nauy at Algier, he suspected a change of fortune, and grew so disquieted and melancholy, that comming to Millaine, he forgat the state of an Emperour, and they forgat the duty of obseruation; For when the people perceiued that he was carelesse to satisfie their expectation, they were as carelesse to gratifie or glo­rifie him as a Magnificent prince; for in the Citty they left him all alone in his blacke Spanish cape cloake, and would not attend him downe to his Galsies. Last of all, Comming into Spaine, he found the Clergie humorous against him for his [Page] ransomming Pope Clement, and other contumaces a­gainst the Church: whereupon perceiuiug his peace to thriue worse then his warres, he left all his honors to his sonne and brother, and retired himselfe to the Monastrey of Saint Laurance, or Escuriall: where within three yeares he finished his life: and yet he liued to say, that warre was to him a blessing, farre beyond his peace.

2. Touching those fruits of pollicy, it is well knowne. First, That he not onely proiected him­selfe, but instructed his sonne Phillip to make the Em­pire hereditary to the house of Austria, and all Europe to depend vpon Spaines Monarchy; as by the subse­quent actions of King Phillip was apparant. Second­ly, That Ferdinando Emperour, be especially carefull to firme and contract vnto himselfe by one meanes or other (especially consanguinity) the King of Poland, Saxony, and Bauaria: as within short time after came to passe. Thirdly, That of all other things a peace be ratefied with the Gran Signeur, and correspondency kept betweene them. Fourthly, That a iealous eye be had ouer Prague, Presburg, and Glatz. For Prague was the absolute commander of Bohemia: and the Prouinces durst not start, if the o­ther Citties were Garisond with Spaniards. Fiftly, That the Iesuites be countenanced in their designes; For although the Pope and conclaue of Cardinalls might repine at their intrusion, and intermedling with matters of State: yet by their meanes, and sanctified religious deuotion, such businesses might be effected, as should euer tend to the augmenta­tion of Spaines greatnesse. Sixtly, That an Im­periall [Page] faction be ever nourished in Lusatia, Silesia, and Morauia: especially that the Catholick Bishops be maintained in the suppression of the Protestants: who else will follow the former Bohemians, in taking vp Armes against their Princes; and therefore the safest way were, to disarme them by one meanes or other. Seuenthly, That the Gouernour of Millaine in his due time labour to get a footing in Swittzer­land, by building some fort or fortresse to secure the passages: that so the Armies in Italy might march in peace, or without preiudice ouer the Alpes into Ger­many. Last of all, That the Grizons escape not with­out visitation, although it cost pentions, reward, and flattery; and if the protectors, which must be either Imperiall or French, name it an intrusion: meanes must be wrought, that neither of both haue leisure to preuent it.

Thus ended this great Proiector his dayes; but then began his Family: their Phaetons florish of mightinesse, which questionlesse had runne ouer the bancks of Europe like an inundation, had not that mi­ror of mankinde, (I meane Queene Elizabeth) with the States of Holland, kept King Phillip and his sonne play 50. yeares at least; whereby they were hindred from either sending forces into Germany; or growing to fast, like broade spredding burrs, which are not onely noysome in themselues, but spoile the sweeter grasse which neighbours them. Notwithstanding Ferdinando, Rodulphus, and Mathias, proceed in the affaires of the Empire, with the former cautions, and outward lenatiue courses, laying aside all forcible Armes, and imperious ouerruling the Princes: where­by [Page] by in lesse then forty yeares many things are effect­ed, tending to combustion of gouernment, and ouer­throw of true religion: which may be contracted to these heads, and serue to proue, that Warre was a blessing: and peace a meere enemy to their procee­dings.

First, Certaine marriages augment the incests of Spaine, and reconcile Poland and Saxony to the house of Austria. Secondly, Vnder the colour of securing the confines of Hungary and Poland, against the in­cursions of the Turke, Spanish Garisons are admitted into Rab, Camora, Presburge, Camisia, Glatz, Vienna, and Prague it selfe. Thirdly, The free Citties of Germany put vp a 100 grieuances against the Papists, and neuer desisted, vntill they had obtained their owne manustions, to haue the excercise of religion. Fourthly, The Protestants increasing both in Prague and Vienna, a certaine tricke of the Popes is discouer­ed by admission of the Iesuites and Priests into Po­land, Hungary, and Germany: whereby Saxony was poysoned with the infections of Popery: as diuers other Prouinces. Last of all, The Inquisitors and Catholike Bishops grew so presumptuous of their papall authoritie, and potent adherents, that they began to tyrannizr ouer the Protestants. And when Mathias had ouercome the iealousie be­tweene his Brother and himselfe, whereby he was inuested King of Hungary in Rodulphus life time, and within a while after absolute Emperour; they fell from threatnings to bloudy executions, not sparing the liues of men, women and children; nor desisting from opening the graues of the reuerend [Page] defunct, and burning their bones; yea the variety of tortures, and exasperating displeasures was so for­cible: that all sortes exclamed on their cossening peace and prosperitie: confessing, warre was rather a blessing unto them.

Shall I follow now with Bohemias story their distast­ings of Mathias government, the repinings at the in­auguration of his cousin Ferdinand, now Emperour; their resolution to reduct the government to electiue Suffrages, their apprehension of the Palsgraves wor­thinesse, their presumption of Englands coadjutemēt, and at last their raising of severall forces vnder the government of the Protectors of Prague: in all which, Warre was a blessing indeed, and the dissimuled peace of the Provinces with the confederate Princes trip­ped downe (as it were) the standing or rather stagge­ring glorie of Bohemias proceedings. For while En­glands embacies and slender preparations made Vien­na smile at the protraction, Bauaria enters the Palati­nate on the East, Leopoldus of Elsac Saueren on the South, and Spinola with Gonzales de Cordua on the North: yea before the reuolt and taking of Prague, the mystery of warre was not searched, and the hope of peace ouerclouded King Fredercks good parts with parcemonie and neglect of execution of discipline, whereby the Citie of Prague grew factious, and the inhabitants suspected themselues, yea were angrie with their former iudgements, that had elected a man, who staggered in his opinion betweene peace and warre, and committed a great sollecisme in State, as leauing his country vnfurnished, and Heidelberg in a manner vnfortified; when yet there was nothing [Page] but warre, either to support him standing still, or fur­ther him aduancing forward. But there is no reui­uing of fearfull accidents, and vnsauory contingents to deiected Princes. Yet come to Mansfields coming into the Palatinate, and Prince Fredericks returne with Brunswicks heroike and noble opposition: all the while the armies lay watching one another, there was hope of recouery, and the enemy seemed so farre from insulting, that he feared their incursions into his owne countrey of Bauaria. Yea Vienna knew not what to say to the dangers threatning her triumphs: and although the souldiers played the fiery meteors on euery side with mischiefe and terror, with afflict­ing the townes, with exacting disbursements, and o­ther inconueniences of a cruell misery, yet did the warre keep Bauaria, Tilley, Leopoldus, and the Ca­tholike Bishops in awe, and might haue procured a blessing to the much humbled Prince Palatine, if the Fox had not brought the Lion into a trance, or if you will, a labourinth. For no sooner were the armies recalled, and the Princes remoued, but Bauaria for himselfe, and Tilley for Bauaria ranne in fury to extinguish his brand of light, and put out the glory of the Palatine. So that I may well conclude, Warre was a blessing; and the dissemblings of peace haue with Iacobs subtiltie preuented Esau from Isacks benediction, who once thought it meete that the first borne should haue the preheminence of be­ing fortunate. And thus for Germany.

Shall we step into France, and that with easie paces, to take the better suruey of those times and actions. Beleeue it then, the crueltie of persecution and variety [Page] of turmoiles haue dragged Religion by the haire, and brought her out as forlorne and contemptible be­fore the people, of purpose to stone her, as if Susanna had committed folly in Israel: but those eyes that bur­ned with reuenge, vpon her approued innocencie were turned to compassion; those hearts which mur­mured at her hypocrisie, were leniated with a more iustifiable triable; and those hands which had stones ready to dash out her braines, returned them vpon her accusers, and made them repent the warres, and curse Spaine, whose trechery and ambition onely weakned France by intestine combustions, that France might not weaken Spaine by publicke hostilitie.

I will not deale with the French inventory, nor make the long shadowes of story make you beleeue, there is some ill lucke behinde you: but that you may see how many worthy men have taken vp perspectives, to shew the true harted French man a far off, upon surmises of Spaines coadjutement, or augmentation of his owne territories. For the Spa­niards would serve him, as they once did the Duke of Calabria against Charles the fift, to forsake him in his extremitie. And when Francis the first sent an army to recover Nauarre, and Fonteraby upon Spanish instigation, in the tumultuous times of divers insur­rections in Arragon and Castile, the troubles were soone appeased, and the French driven out of the Land.

But let vs come to the tripping Pheries of all times, whereby Princes are seduced to flattery and priuate respect; How hath Spaine delt with all Kings and their Minions, ever since the Duke [Page] of Guises tyrannous Massacree at Vasti, and that unfortunate marriage of Navarre, and the cun­ning baites of the King of Spaines Pensioners in the Court of France: which I am afraid are still so venemous to all Nations, that they will corrupt the soundest hearts, let there be never so great pollicy or conveniency at their admission. What say you to the house of Loraine, the Cardinall, and Dukes of Guise? What thinke you of the Duke De Maine, and the Holy League? Shall I name Hespernon, and the advancing of his Family? Shall I recount the feare­full story of Birone? The life and death of the Marquis De Ancre. The falls of Luisnes and Cadinet his Bro­ther; With divers other, whose lives made France a­fraid: and actions were so many tortures to the hearts of sollid Christians, and loyall Protestants. Were not all these the instruments of Spaines, to keep France busied at home: though fortune geered at the temera­rious proceedings of the Princes against their owne subjects, and divert the severall Kings from looking toward Navarre, Millane, Naples, the succoring of the Switzers, Grizons, and those territories: yea if you will, the patronizing of the Palatinate it selfe: which was once under the covert of the French con­fedracy. Thus hath the cannon battered their owne townes, and the mis-led Kings unsheathed their owne swords of vengeance, to sheath them in the bowells of naturall and loyall subjects; wherein yet they have prevailed no further, then to increase an in­ternall hate and jealousie against Rome, Spaine, the In­quisition, Iesuites, Priests, and all the rablement of Locusts, who like vermine in a standing stincking [Page] water, infect the aire with fulsome and ill vapours.

If you reade the life of Henry the fourth, you shall see how famous were his actions, and re­markeable his renowne all the while the warres lasted, insomuch that the attribute of greatnesse was made a Trophe of his everlasting fame: and yet stood like an impregnable rocke, against which the waues did rush impetuously, but to the breaking of themselues in peeces; but when peace was contracted, his honour was distracted, his Countrey defiled, his Townes vitiated, his faith violated, his Preachers shed teares, and Molines wept over him for temporizing: his great officer Biron fell into the snare of perfidiousnesse, the Protestants hung their heads for his luke-warmenesse, the Papists gnashed their teeth for his pollices, the newters fear­ed him, the Atheists abhored him, his Wife dissem­bled, and an Italian vpstart contrived his destruction: as for his Sonne and his unlimited youthfulnesse, that must needs cast a chain over the necks of Rochell, Monpelier, Montalbon, Nismes, Chartres, and other Protestants Provinces and townes; what did those attemps beget but the faire birth of increase of religi­on, and firme opposition against unprincely cruelty, and unnaturall enforcement? and he went away affrighted at his owne handiworke, and cursing the motives and setters on of his presumption: which a­bated his malice, and taught him to know there was a God aboue princes, which could make the warre as a blessing to propagate trve Religion, and augment the glory of the Church. So that I may well say, that peace to France proved like the Aspes of Ethi­opea, [Page] who doe not sting at all, but by licking and tickling breake their bladders of poyson, which from itches grow to ranckle the flesh, til at last it exaestuates and by burning heates proves incurable. Why then should we be afraid of warre; or for any cause tem­porize with Gods enemies, and a dangerous Nation: for whose sake we have suffered the Palatinate to be lost, and seene a Noble Prince dejected, as if we were glad, that by such courses there should no enuy be raised for his thriving in greatnesse, or going to fast in his race of Soveraignitie and powerfull Majesty. But I dare say that the Angel did cursse Meros for not assisting of Israel.

Concerning the Low Countries, I cannot com­pare them better, then to Camomile, which the more it is troden, the more it springeth. For whether warre hath been a blessing unto them, iudge your selues, considering they haue augmented their fame and renown abroad, and increased their wealth and territories at home. Abroad, the West Indies haue been frequented with their Navies; and the stormes at seas are not so formidable to the mariners, as their approches to the Spaniard; insomuch that his plate Fleets are many times detained in harbour from their ordinary courses, to the disappointing of his Garrisons in Europe, which hath caused many muti­nies and innouations amongst the souldiers. The East Indies haue been visited by them, and so visited, that they haue planted Colonies in the Ilands in despight of opposition; they haue dared the Portingals, and ouertopped the English; their ships exceed in num­ber, and their Merchants in industrie and husbandry: [Page] their labours haue made way vnto continual thriuing; and the seuerall Kings of the nations haue reputed them greater then the English. The Philippines and Molunes haue been searched by them, and neither Iland nor harbour but reioyced at their trade and traf­fique. The South seas with the streights of Magellane haue been adventured on, and their voyages set the pens of learned Chronologers on worke. Both the Guincies and the coasts of Afrik are explored by them; and if there be no more in the satisfaction of expecta­tion, then knowledge, experience, and augmentation of wealth: they attained to all by their nauall en­counters and adventures. The Leuant is stored with their shippes, and the Streights of Gibraster are not so straight, but in their defiances with Spaine they rushed them open to giue them passage: so that both Turkey and Italy have admitted their factories, and opened the lapps of their plenty, to bid them take the bles­sings by shippes full. If you step into France, you shall finde, they not onely stepped thether, but visi­ted every towne of importance, yeelding an honest account of their traueles. What thinke you of the fishing in Newland, of Whales in Greeneland, of the commodities of Island, Freezland, of the Herings of Scotland, Ireland, and England, of the coasts of America, and all those Nations which are accessable, yeelding either pleasure or profit, they haue euery where suckt the hony with the Bee, and extended their trauaile with the Ant, so that the summers labour hath fed and cloathed them in winter, and the winter it selfe never had such fearefull blasts, but the winde either breathed good vpon them, or draue them to [Page] seeke it in all the corners of the earth. If you are not afraid of the Easterne violence and mountanous ice of Russia, you shall finde that they are not afraid of winters snow, nor summers contagion: but visit Norway, Sweden, Goteland, the sound of Denmarke, the Haus Townes, Prussia, Poland, Muscouia, and all maritime coastes; Insomuch, that like the honest ex­plorators of the land of Canaan, they not onely re­turne with clusters of grapes, but continue undaun­ted. So that I may well say, warre hath beene a bles­sing unto them, and the God of all blessings hath multiplied Israel euen vnder their grieuances.

But now if they kindly let you within their doores, you will be amazed at the furniture of their houses: I meane the successe of their affaires, and the noble proceedings of the warres, which hath made them famous in the successe, and left their honest defences exemplary to all posterity. They haue expulsed the Spaniard out of Zealand, & Holland, and as it were ex­probrated great Princes for not being content to in­sult ouer the obedienc of their subjects, but they must tyranize their soules, either by Inquisition or change of religion; is it any other then the working of slum­bring patience, which being abused turneth to fury & disobedience; They haue not onely preserued their virgin prouinces from the rauishings of Burgundy, but reuenged the vsurpation, which challenged their cap­tiuitie by hereditary birthright: yea, besides their owne ordinary walkes to visit Vtreck, Gelderland, and many fortified Townes, they haue made larger steps vpon their enemies Countries, and by maine force shouldred open the Castillian gates, and throwne [Page] the Portcullis on the ground which boasted of Aust­rias fasting, and the Popes Benediction; so they entred Hamlers, and still keepe Sluice and the adiacent places to depend vpon their garrisons; they possesse Breda; diuers Bergens the fort of Lillo: and aboue 20 forts and fortresses in Brabant. What haue they done in Cleue, Munster, Westphalia, the Land of Luke, and those places of Freezland, wherein the Spaniards are now politicke intruders?

For what Papist or Hispanolized temporiser, can yeeld an accou [...]t of any thriuing action, or preuail­ing successe against them these 50 yeares; yet the Pope curseth and excommunicateth, the Emperor threats, the Archdutches proscribes them, Spaine assembles armies, the Iesuites coniure, the Priests im­posture: and all the practises which pollicies, migh­tinesse, treasure, or friends haue hatched and brought forth, was but to amaze them with some monstrous birth of treason, and perfidious reuenge; yea, those strange hindrances of diuers reuolts and couert sup­plantations, haue proued their owne shame.

Thus by the corruption of Spanish rewards, haue diuers English themselues proued traitors to Holland, and onely abused their honors and loyalty by such in­constancy: which yet ended with Spaines scornes, and their Countries eternall hate and banishment. Yet for all this haue the Low Countries thriued by such exasperating difficulties, and the following warrs haue beene a blessing vnto them: insomuch that the Spaniard hath not onely admired theirs, and Eng­lands happy estate: but blasphemed heauen, to suppose we had a pulling hooke to bring prosperity [Page] vnto vs.

In the time of Don Lewis Requescens, Commander and Captaine Generall for the King of Spaine, by the exciting of diuers Priests, certaine English reuolted: which added life to the Spanish affaires. After this Aegremont, Ratelife, Grey, and some others, Gentle­men of Noble Families in England, went from the Low Countries, and fell into the seruice of Spaine, as if they had fallen into a deuouring graue. At the siege of Audenard, 600 English vnder Norris, Barney, Cornish, and Gipson, proued traytors to the States, and violated their first alleageance, to be afterward a­bused by them which set them on worke. Alost was betrayed to the King of Spaine by a whole Regiment of English, ouer whom Pigot commanded, who with the association of Dalton, Tailor, Vincent, Smith, and We [...]sh, thought to pull away the stones of the high built walles of the Low Countries bulwarks. In my Lord of Leicesters time, Deu [...]ter and Zutphen were deliuered to Stanley and Yorke in the Queenes name, who in the diuels name redeliuered them to Spaine. Grane was betrayed by Hermet the Gouernour. Venlo sold by the Burghers, before the enemy approached. Newis lost by treachery. Berck besieged, and so aban­doned. And many other places and persons left the seruice of the States, to state themselues in the King of Spaines intertainment. Yea by perfidious practises another Regiment vnder Sir William Stanley, whose Captaines were Scurlock, Peter Winn, Hart, Guin, Sals­bury, Eaton, Reignolds, and Harison, forsooke their first faith, and flattered themselues with the hope of great treasu [...]es of Spaines Indies. I could also name [Page] the failing and falling away from Englands loue, and the Low Countrey embraces of the Earle of Westmer­land, Lord Paget, Charles Paget, Sir Francis Englefield, Hugh Owen, Dakers, Tempest, Norton, Harman, Mar­kenfield, Tremaine, Stradling, Carew, Allen, Southwell, Fleming, Bulmer, with diuers others, whose reuoults might haue been great discouragments to the States. But for all this, they proued like the women of Israel, strong and quicke in their trauell, and doe what Pha­roah could, they multiplied exceedingly: and God built the Midwiues houses for being honest to his people.

I haue not I protest cited these particulars by way of renouation of displeasure, and distasting betweene the Dutch and vs: but meerely to show the error of inconstancy, and the vanity of dispairing men, who by ouerprising Spaines potency, distrusted the Low Countries weaknesse, or dazeled with a mist cast before their eyes, or led on by wicked angells, mistooke shadowes for substances, and thought to repaire their decayed estates, by repairing to a Prince, whose petty officers laughed them to scorne, and in their greatest extremities saw them die in the streets with­out compassion: as for religion, it was a poore shift, and idle motiue to forsake the pure streames and cleane waters, by the reason of the coldnesse and asperous quicknesse, to fall into the pudled durt of Atheisme, superstition, and corruption; what is this but with Swines to wallow in the mire, and lie bas­king in filthy puddles, and besmeering tromperies. But was it thus with Souldiers in those dayes, and men of fiery spirits? I pray God it be not so still with [Page] with effaeminate Courtiers, and temporizing officers, who to maintaine their owne greatnesse and glory, wish Nehemiah to flie from his enemies, when they intended onely his shame and disgrace, and proiected their owne supportation by taking part with Sando­let and To [...]iah: by flattering and extolling the great King: by presuming on pensions, honour, and glori­fication from the idolatrous Monarcks of Persia.

But to proceede, shall I recount the seuerall trage­dies of Antwerpe. First, Vnder the Regency of Lady Marget, Dutches of Parma. Next, At the comming downe of the Duke of Alua, whose tyranous pride might haue startled and amazed a greater State, then the Gouernment of the States. Thirdly, Afuerca Villacos by the Spanish Souldiers for want of pay vn­der Don Lewis de Requescens. Fourthly, Another mutiny vpon the death of Don Lewis during the au­thority of the Kings Councell. Fiftly, The inua­sion of the French, and the valiant resistance of the inhabitants. Last of all, The tedious siege of Alex­ander Fernese Prince of Parma, with the yeelding of the Towne by reason of famine, and wretched extre­mity which they endured. Shall I conclude with o­ther petty treasons, and practises of murthers vpon the persons of William of Nassaw, Prince of Orenge. The innouations and rebellions of Leiden, Vtrech, and other Townes. The murthers of Counts Egmond and Horne; and at last the Prince of Orenge himselfe; the sundry conspiracies against Mauritius, and his Brother Graue Henry; the Armenian sect; the pol­licies of Barneuelt, and the proiects of his faction, with his Children, to be reuenged for their Fathers death; [Page] the still supplying of the Archdutches Armey with discontented English and Irish, vnder pretence of assi [...]ting friends: hope of extraordinary salu [...]y, af­fecting the Catholicke religion, diffidence of our Countries abillity, suppossition of Spaines greatnesse: with other by causes: in all which, and through all which common reason and enforcements of pol [...]icy, would affright the naturall man; and make the Low Countries stand amazed at there enemies threatnings, and prospering in the peace of their neighbour kings; yea we in England that behold the menaces and migh­tinesse of Austrian Family, to mount like the billowes of the ocean, and with a kinde of inundation, to keep so many Countries vnder water: may tremble againe to thinke how slender a Nation should beare a head against the impetuous assaults of the warres.

Yet for all this, experience goes beyond precept, and examples ouercome positions. For if we may apply a sentence of diuinity to worldly affaires; as there is no comming to heauen with dry eyes, or with out the endurance of afflicton in this world. So hath the glory of the States beene raised out of difficultie; and as wee see a radiant sunne dispell misty vapours, and foggy exhalations. So hath the warres wiped a­way all those impediments of the Low Countries: and their constancy in religion, made religion to florish.

So that if the Mines of gold by the searches and industry of men, affood their ore, and plenty through the vnbowelling of the earth, and making w [...]rres (as it were) vnder ground; The Low Countries haue raised their fame, and amassed their treasure by op­position [Page] position to Spaine, and warre with Austria, telling him to his face with the vision: there is no kicking against the pricke; and that goes about to graspe too much, will at last reserue nothing.

So that I may well say it, and I thinke none can de­ny it, that warre was, and is a blessing to the Low Countries.

In the remarkeable greatnesse, and admirable raigne of Queene Elizabeth: may I not say, that Warre was a blessing, when all Nations were blessed by her; The rebellions of Sweden appeased; The Pro­testants of Germany releiued; The pride of Poland a­bated; The passages of Switzerland defended; The holy league in France counter-checked; Henry the 4 assisted; The Low Countries in a maner made high w [...]th honer; The Spanish Armado dissipated; The intrusions and rebellions of Ireland annihilated; The rages of many treasons confounded: and the practises of 23 murthers vpon her person frustrated; As if the Angell of the Lord should stay Abrahams sword from killing of Isack. Yea a very Italian writes of her: that she grew to such greatnesse, and was so garded about with the loue and obseruation of her subiects, that all the world admired, and exalted her.

Obserue the noble Voyages and explorations of her time, by Ienkinson, Borog, Forbisher, Haukins, Drake, Fenner, Grenuilde, Candish, Michelborn, Raleigh, and diuers others: the braue actions and exploits of our Nation, the sollid and pious renowne of her gouern­ment: did we not search all the harbors of the world, and made English Merchants and Aduentures de­serue a character of renowne? did not our inferior [Page] ships scorne the Spanish gallies and galeons, yea, thrust open the Streights to passe into the Arche? did not we visit India without the tricke of factory, or exportation of money? did we not search the South seas, and passed the S [...]ieghts of Magellane? did not Michelborne and others b [...]ing Spice out of India with­out paying for it; Candish Silkes without bleeding for it; Drake Bullion without digging for it? did not our English surprize the Towne of Santus, and Saint Sebastian in Brazile? did not Raleigh begin a plantati­on iu Guiana, and made his very name odious to the Spaniard? did not our Merchants imploy many braue sea men, who returned with great booty, and prizes of all sorts? did not Essex knock at the gates of Lisbone, in the behalfe of Don Anthonio King of Portugall? did not a slender Nauy and vnprouided, ouercome that inuincible Fleete of Spaine? was not Ireland reduced, when it lay sicke of a consumption by Montioies fortitude, fortune, and patience? was not Cales made our owne, and Ciuill it selfe affrighted with our approches? was not Spaine and all Spanish actions like vnfethered shafts, which could not flie to any purpose. And though in the Iland Voyage, Fortune seemed to giue Vertue the check; yet it was a braue attempt, worthy of memory and Illustration. Remember the batteries of Roane, and the besieging of Paris; the many exploits and Marches of our Souldiers, the admiration of our Kingdome, and vn­matchable glory of our Queene; all which procee­ded from the warres, and the Heroick spirit of a wo­man. Whose vertue proued like an Vberant spring, the more plentifull and sweeter by agitation and ex­tracting. [Page] Yea, her Countries was made famous, and illustruous to forreigne Nations, by the endu­rances of her Gentlemen and Souldiers.

I haue not breath enough to tell the rest, but for these and the rest I will be bold to say, we were be­holding to the warres and such Martiall spirits: who tooke example from ancient Patriots, to be indulgent ouer their Countries renowne and enriching: and yet witha [...]l was ioyned the glory of God, the Princes ho­nour, the Kingdomes prosperity, and their owne in­creases of nob enesse, and generosity.

But what hath the peace done? it hath made vs drunke with ease and carelesnesse, forget our God, be vncharitable to our neighbours, neglect our calling, sleepe in security, accustome our selues to foolish ex­ercises, and by studying euery man for his priuate, the whole kingdome is confounded with pouerty and wretchednesse; insomuch, that the complaints fly about like flies; and pollicy is ashamed of her own fallacies: for you see it hath inuented a trick by fac­tory, and drawne diuers worthy men into the net of couetuousnesse, to aduenture the Indies: when I must say it, the very exhausting of our treasure will be the discomfort of our soules, I insist not vpon the remote­nesse of the place, losse of shipps, decay of men, abuse of time, vnwholesomnesse of women, danger of ship­wracks, and the want of our account in our owne channells, things subiect to fearefull construction, and sensible to examination: but say plainly, that the bringing in of a million of commodities, is not, or cannot be so beneficiall, as the expo [...]tation of 30000 l. sterling a yeare (besides the conuen [...]ency [Page] at many greater summes) is preiudiciall to the Com­mon-wealth: a great disparity I confesse, but expe­rience goes beyond apprehension. For it is well knowne, that Henry 8. from one of the richest and mightiest Kings, became the discontentest and meerly indigent to the turmoile of the subiect, by reason of the ransome of Pope Clement, so foolishly and trecherously sent out of England. And in for­mer dayes was not the wealth of this Land almost in the hands of the Romanists, and how poore were our people by reason of Peter pence paid vnto Rome. Looke into the story of Salomon, you shall reade of great store of gold brought into the Land, but neuer any sent out, or permitted to be transported: onely commoditie for commoditie, or necessaries for their gold and siluer in such Countries as wanted them. As for their obiections, or cossenning their owne hearts, that say, England hath no gold growing, and therefore we may spare a little of a great deale which is brought in; I answer, that because England was sometimes barbarous, full of boggs, woods, and a wildernesse for beasts: therefore it matters not to haue braue Citties, a reduction to ciuillity, and an extraordinary beauty of Magnificense and glory: we should be no worse then we were before; I hope such arguing is weake, poore, and full of morosity: seeing all the Maiestie of Europe receiues exornation from the various commodities of other Count [...]ies, whom it hath pleased God to deny the vse of his creatures, that they might serue such as serue him in holinesse and righteousnesse. And then shall Isack sow in the Land of Ab [...]melech, and receiue a hundreth [Page] for one. But to our peace againe.

Now since our peace, what hath that done to vs, or we done to ourselues? hath it not proued our sicknesse, and wrought vpon our corrupt bodies like a feuer, not onely obnoxions in it selfe, but bringing on apace other diseases. And haue not we taken a libertie to sinne, because no punishment followed suddenly. But hearken how the vengeance of God comes vpon vs: the cry goes, the countrey is weighed, and found lighter by 14 Millions in 15 yeares; we are haunted with Beggers, vndone in our Trades, pestred in the prisons, the Common-wealth ouer­runne with pouerty, the people cry out of misery, and feare and terrors make vs all amazed, insomuch that in many Countrey Townes, such idle, lasie, dis­contented vagabonds abound, that the inhabitants are affraid of spoiles and rapes, euen in the face of Iustice: that is, though there be officers to threaten them, so that if it were not for forreigne plantations, and compulsiue sending some people away, we might deuoure one another. But marke withall, to what inconueniences we are driuen in our cheefest Citties, there are so many of all Trades, who confound one another by vnderworke and indirect abuses, that the welthy are made poore, and the poore in a maner la­bour for nothing: besides, young men are growne so proude and sauering of liberty, that they must be house-keepers the first hower, and consume them­selues with comparatiue expences to their superiors: filling their houses with children, and the Common­wealth with bancke-routs; so that there is no pre­uenting of these mischiefes but warre, warre must [Page] cure this sore, which if we looke to in time, we may finde remedie with ease: either by disburthening the Common wealth of vnnecessary people, or enriching the Common-wealth with surprisalls vnlookt for.

Let vs then resolutely assist the Dutch, they and we are all one, good neighbours and friends: and so no doubt France will come in: and then a three fold cable will be very strong; otherwise, who would not condemne his negligence that standeth still, while his neighbours house is on a blase. But if we now take opportunity by her faire foretop, and ioyne heart and hand, wealth and courage, prayers, and preuentions against the practises of Spaine, whose very looke discouers the pride of his heart: we shall finde his treaties are trecheries, his speeches deceit, his deuises scornes, his heart hollow, his dealings double, and his whole course of his proceedings, make but so many discourses of abuses and deceit; In a word, they are the great dissemblers of the world; but let vs not dissemble with our selues, especially take heed, and prepare against them.

Let vs then take a veiw of our Countries, especial- Ireland and the Ilands, fortifie our Harbours repaire our Castles, double our Garisons, Muster our Soul­dies, visit our Nauy, store our armories, countenance the Merchants, strengthen our passages, disarme our Papists, change their dwellings, dissolue their mee­tings, breake the knot of their factions, watch their wayes, and discouer the villany of their darke lan­ternes: so shal their insulting pride and trecherous hearts be kept vnder, and a [...]l the rest be sure and safe againe from home disturbances. But yet this is no­thing, [Page] except you banish the Priests, hang vp the Ie­suites, imprison the false hearted, and preuent the discontented Hispanolized faction; so shall we be sure of them from annoying of vs, that would else make vs sure from defending our selues.

Let vs with the Belgick Souldier alwayes be in a rea­dinesse, keepe good watch and ward, stand vpon our guards, and looke to our charge, the King, the Prince, the State, the Church, the Common-wealth is our charge: yea, our Neighbours are our charge, whose Countries haue beene lately ouerrun, their Villages destroyed, their houses burnt, their Cattle pilledged, their Wiues deflowered, their Daughters rauished, their Infants brained, their Children starued, and their Husbands taken prisoners; and thus while they haue (I meane their enemies and ou [...]s the Spa­niards) beene treating a peace and contract with vs, they haue established a warre against them: and so by degrees will at last set vpon vs, if we prepare not to set vpon them.

Looke ouer stories, and peruse them with iudge­ment, and you shall find that Spaine hath ouer reach­ed all Nations with treaties, because he found him­selfe to weake to deale with actiue imployment; so that his greatnesse hath beene the well spring and head of all mischiefe, the foundation and ground of Europes troubles, and the meere author and proiector of Religions ruine; I will goe no further then 88, while we were treating of a peace, the Armado comes vpon vs; while France lookes for a pacificati­on of troubles, the Iesuites inuite the King to a bloudy warre.

[Page] While we are sending to the Emperor for a restitu­tion of the Palatinate, Bauaria enters, and is not one­ly Lord of the Countrey, but made the Electorate. In 23 he treats of a match in signe of loue, but pre­pares powder and match as effect of his mallice. In a word, we must looke about vs to ouermatch this match, and so no doubt euery true English heart will affoord his helping hand, heart, purse, prayers, and all he hath to ouerthrow the boasting pride of this running enemy, and teach him a new lesson for his great ambition, and forward presumption.

As for me an old Belgick Souldier, I will pray from my heart, with sorrow in my soule, and sadnesse from my conscience, with a liuely spirit, and passi­onate affection that my King, Prince, and natiue Country: that a [...]l may ioyntly conforme them­selues to the fashioning a worke, which may tell the Princes of Europe: how patiences abused, turnes to fury; and the King of Great Brittaine is not a subiect for Spanish scornes and indignities. Me thinkes I heare his Maiestie say, you haue my good will: the Prince crys out, take my true heart with you: the Councell warrant their iudicious consent, the Cler­gy assure their vnfained prayers, the Nobillity and Gentry propose their reuinues, the Countryman ex­pose his body, the Cittizen proffer his wealth, the Merchant yeeld his warres, the Drum ready to beate, the Trumpet ready to sound, the Horse furnished: and all sorts are ready with their best endeuours, ex­cept Hispanolized Papists, and temporizing couetu­ous wretches.

What then doe we stay for? but prouide our t [...]sure, [Page] prepare our armes, reconcile our hearts, and pray to God, that we may be strong enough with Abraham against the fiue Kings, to recouer his Bro­ther Lots substance. And so may we gaine and regaine what hath beene lost: and by an honest and iustifi­able warre repaire all our ruines and damages, ouer­working and ouerweying vs by a dissembling peace.

To conclude, the Belgick Souldier once againe in­treates the reuerent Bishops and Clergy to prepare their prayers, the Senate of wise men their councell, the Nobles and Gentry their courages, the true Courtiers their loyalty, the commonalty their armes and prouision, the Merchants their Shipping, the Cittizens their meanes, and the very Vsurers their money; That euery one may be ready with the Ma­chabes to defend the Sanctuary of the Lord; And with true English hearts, not onely fight in the de­fence of their Countrey, but when God commands, not to spare, to goe on and prepare, and let euery one prepare himselfe; For the Belgick Souldier is prepared, and made ready to goe to the battell. And the God of heauen prepare your hearts, wayes, words, deeds, and dealings, to be vigilant and carefull to prouide for vs: and we with gods helpe, will be care­full to fight for you. And so the God of heauen Fight for vs all.

A Prayer.

O Lord, glorious God, and euerlasting Father, we intreate thee mercifully to looke downe vpon vs, and hearken to our complaint and desires, and grant we beseech thee our request; O gracious Father [Page] thou knowest our sinnes, and our iniquities are not hid from thee, they lie open to thy iudgements: yet we know that thy mercies are the cure of our miseries, and when we flie to thee, thou drawest neere to vs; we beseech thee now to be fauorable, and spare vs for all our sinnes past, and be ready to deliuer vs from sinnes to come; looke down in mercy vpon vs, and as thou hast beene our euerlasting defence, so now defend vs from the rage of our Enemies. Go in and out O Lord before our Armies, before our Ge­nerall, and grant we may he thy Souldiers, to fight vnder thy banner: stirre vp our hearts and strength against the enemy; defend thy afflicted flocke; Remember we be­seech thee the burden of misery layd vpon the Church at this time in Germany, and in thy due time restore it to his former glory: settle our hearts and affections to re­gaine and recouer that which hath beene lost by their trea­cheries: and now we see their double dealing, grant we may no longer trust to them which haue no truth, they ima­gine mischiefe in their heart, and are set on fire to doe ill; but break thou the knot of their malice, lay open their plots, discouer their deuises, weaken their Armies, and ouerthrow their inuentions, confound their councells, and consume their numbers. O Lord thou hast in times past made the Starres to fight in order, the Sunne to stand still, the Seas to deuoure, the Winds to ouerthrow thy enemies; so now O Lord prepare these thy creatures to assist and helpe vs, that all the world may know it is thou that fightest our bat­tailes. Finally, O Lord blesse we beseech thee vs, and euery one of vs, in what we shall take in hand for defence of thy Church. Blesse we intreate our King, our Prince, our State, our Clergey, our Commonalty, and giue thy bles­sing vnto vs all. And last of all, blesse we beseech thee all [Page] that worthy and excellent Companies of the Artillery, and Military exercises in London, and also in this Land: blesse O Lord we intreat their new inuentions of warre, and mike their practises expert, make them skilfull and full of knowledge, that all the world may know that thou conductest our Armies. Grant this deare Father, and all other good things vnto vs, now and for euermore. Amen.


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