THE CONFES­SION OF FAITH, SVBSCRIVED BY THE KINGIS MAIESTIE and his Houshold: TOGITHER VVITH THE COPIE OF THE BANDE, maid touching the maintenance of the true Religion, the Kingis Majesties person and estate, &c: Seuerally to be Subscriued by all Noblemen, Barrons, gen­tlemen and otheris, according to the tenor of the acte of secret Counsell, and Com­missionis therein contayned, as heirafter fol­loweth.

IOSHVA. 24. 25. So Ioshua made a couenant with the people the same day, and gaue them an ordinance and lawe in Shechem.
2. KING. 11. 17. And Iehojada made a couenant betweene the Lord, and the king and the people, that they should be the Lordes people: likewise betweene the king and the people.
ISAIAH. 44. 5. One shall say I am the Lordes: another shalbe called by the name of Iaa­cob: and another shall subscriue with his hand vnto the Lord, &c.

AT EDINBVRGH. Printed by ROBERT WALDE-GRAVE. Anno Dom. 1590.



THe Lordis of the Secreit Counsell, grants and geuis licence & Priuiledge be thir presents, to ROBERT VVALDE­GRAVE, to Imprent, or cause to be imprentit, the Confessi­oun of Faith, togidder with the generall Band, maid touching the maintenance of true Religioun, the Kingis Majesties per­soun and Estate, and withstanding of al forraine preparations and forcis tending to the troubill thairof. As also the Acte of secreit Coun­sell, Conteyning a Commission to certaine Nobill men, Barons and vthers: for serching, seeking, apprehending and pursute of Papists, Iesuits, Semina­rie Priestis and Excommunicate personis: with the like Commissioun to certaine Ministers of Gods word, To receiue DE NOVO, the subscriptions of al Nobill men, Barons, gentlemen and vthers his highnes liegis, of quhat­sumeuer degree, to the said generall Band. For the Imprinting of the quhilk Band, act of secret counsell, & confession forsaid, the said lords decerns & de­clars, that the saide Robert sall not be callit or accufit, criminalie nor ciuilie, be any maner of way in time cumming. Nor incur naskaith or danger in his person lands or guds. Bot the samin salbe countit & estemit gud & accepta­ble seruice vnto his Majestie, tending to the aduancement of Gods glorie, & common weale of this Realme. Exonering him be thir presents, of all paine & danger that he may incur thair throw for euer. Discharging be thir samin presents, all and sundrie Iudges and ministers of his highnes lawis, & vthers his Majesties liegis and subjects qwhatsumever: Of al calling, accusing, trou­bling, pursuing, or in anye wise proceeding against the saide Robert for the cause foresaide, and of their offices in that part. Sub­scriuit be the saide Lordis. At Edinburgh the xiij. day of March: The ȝeir of God, ane thousand fiue hundred fourescore nine ȝeiris.

ANESCHORT AND GENERALL CONFESSION OF THE TREVV CHRISTIANE FAITH and Religion, according to Godis worde and actis of Parliamentis, Subscriued be the Kingis Maiestie and his housholde, with sundrie vtheris, to the glorye of God and good example of all men. At E­dinburgh the 28. day of Ianuarie: The ȝere of God. 1580. And the foure­tene ȝere of his Maie­sties raigne.

WE all, and euerie one of vs vnder­written proteste, that after long and due examinatioun of our owne Consciencis, in matters of true and fals Religion, are nowe throughly resolued in the trueth, by the worde and spirit of God. And therefore we beleeue with our heartis, confesse with our mouthes, Subscriue with our hands, & con­stantly affirme, before God and the whole worlde: That this onely, is the true Christian Faith and Reli­gion pleasing God, and bringing Saluation to man, quhilk is nowe by the mercie of God reuealed to the world, by the preaching of the blessed Euangell. And [Page] receaued, beleued and defended, by many & sundrie notable Kirkis and Realmes, but chiefely by the Kirk of Scotland, the Kings Maiestie, and thre Estates of this Realme, as Gods eternall trueth, & onely ground of our Saluation: as more particularly is expressed in the Confession of our Faith, stablished, and publictly confirmed by sindrie Actis of Parliamentis, and now of a lang time hath bene opinly professed by the kings Maiestie, and whole bodie of this Realme, baith in burgh and land. To the quhilk Confession and forme of Religion, we willingly agree in our Consciencis in all pointis, as vnto Gods vndouted trueth and veritie, grounded onely vpon his written worde. And there­fore, we abhorre and detest all contrarie Religion and doctrine: But chiefely all kinde of Papistrie, in gene­rall and particular headis, euen as they are nowe dam­ned and confuted by the worde of God and Kirk of Scotland: but in special, we detest and refuse the vsur­ped authoritie, of that Romaine Antichriste vpon the Scriptures of God: vpon the Kirk, the ciuill magistrate & conscience of men. All his tyrannous Lawes made vpon in different things, against our Christiane liber­tie. His erroneous doctrine, against the sufficiencie of the written worde, the perfection of the Lawe, the of­fice of Christ, and his blessed Euangell. His corrupted doctrine concerning originall sinne, our naturall ina­bilitie and rebellion to Gods Lawe. Our Iustification by Faith onely. Our imperfect sanctification and obe­dience to the Lawe, the nature, number and vse of the holy Sacraments. His fiue bastard Sacraments, with al his rytis, ceremoneis, & fals doctrine added to the mi­nistration [Page] of the true Sacraments without the word of God. His cruell Iudgement against Infants departing without the Sacrament, his absolute necessitie of Bap­tisme, his blasphemous opinion of Transubstantiati­on, or reall presence of Christs bodie in the elements, and receiuing of the same by the wicked, or bodies of men. His dispensationis with solemnet oathes, Periu­ries, and degrees of mariage forbidden in the worde: his crueltie against the innocent deuorced. His diuil­lish Messe, his blasphemous Priestheid, his prophane sacrifice for the sinnes of the dead and the quick. His Canonization of men, calling vpon Angels, or Sanctis departed, worshipping of Imagrie, Relicks, and Cros­ses, dedicating of Kirkis, Altars, Dayis, Vowes to cre­atures. His Purgatorie, prayers for the dead, praying or speaking in a straunge language, with his Processi­onis and blasphemous Letanie, and multitude of Ad­uocats or Mediatouris. His manifolde Ordouris, Au­riculare Confession, his desperat and vncertaine re­pentance, his generall and doutsome fayth, his Satis­factionis of men for their sinnes, his Iustification by workis, OPVS OPERATVM, workis of Supereroga­tion, Meritis, Pardonis, Peregrinationis and stationis, his holy water, Baptizing of Bellis, Coniuring of spi­ritis, Crossing, Saning, Annointing, Coniuring, Hal­lowing of Godis gude creatures, with the superstiti­ous opinion ioyned therewith, his VVorldly Monar­chie, & wicked Hierarchie, his three solemned vowes, with all his shawelingis of sundrie sorts. His errone­ous and bloodie decreis maide at Trent, with all the subscryuers and approouers of that cruell and bloo­die [Page] bande, conjured against the Kirke of God. And fi­nally, we detest al his vaine allegories, Rites, signes, & traditions brought in the Kirk, without, or against the word of God, and doctrine of this true reformed Kirk. To the quhilk we joyne our selues willingly, in Do­ctrine, Faith, Religion, Discipline, and vse of the holy Sacraments, as liuely members of the same, in Christe our heade: promising and swearing, by the Greate Name of the Lord our God, that we shall continue in the obedience of the doctrine and discipline of this Kirk, and shall defende the same according to our vo­cation and power, all the dayes of our liues, vnder the paines contained in the law, and danger baith of body and soule, in the daye of Gods fearefull judgement. And seeing that many are stirred vp by Satan, and that Romane Antichrist, to promise, sweare, subscriue, and for a time, vse the holy Sacraments in the Kirk deceit­fully, against their owne conscience: minding hereby, First vnder the externall cloake of religion, to corrupt and subuert secretly, Gods true religion within the Kirk, and afterward, when time may serue, to become open enemies and persecuters of the same, vnder vaine hope of the Popes dispensation deuised against the worde of God, to his greater confusion, and their double condemnation in the day of the Lorde Iesus. We therefore, willing to take away al suspition of hy­pocrisie, and of sic double dealing with God and his Kirk, protest, and call the searcher of all hearts for wit­nes, that our minds & heartis, do fully agree with this our Confession, promise, aith, and subscription. So that we are not mooued for anye worldly respect, but [Page] are perswaded onely in our conscience, through the knawledge and lufe of Gods true religion, prentit in our heartis by the haly spirit, as we sall answere to him in the day, when the secrets of all hearts sall be disclo­sed. And because we perceiue, that the quietnes and stabilitie of our religion and Kirk, doth depend vpon the safetie and good behauiour of the Kings Maje­stie, as vpon ane comfortable Instrument of Gods mercie granted to this Countrie, for the maintaining of his Kirk, and ministration of justice amongst vs. We protest and promise with our heartis vnder the same aithe, hand-writ, and paines, that we sall defende his person and authoritie, with our geir, bodies and liues, in the defence of Christ his Euangell, libertie of our Countrie, ministration of Iustice, and punishment of Iniquitie, against all enemies within this Realme, or with out, as we desire our God to be a strong and merciful defender to vs in the day of our death, and comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. To whom with the father and the holy Spirite, be all honour and glorye Eternally, Amen.


SEing, that we and our Houshold, haue subscryued & geuen this publict Con­fession of our Faith, to the good exam­ple of our Subjectis. We commande and charge, all Commissioners & Mi­nisters, to craue the same Confession of their Parochinars, and procead against the refusers, according to our Lawis and order of the Kirk, deliue­ring their names, and lawfull processe to the Ministers of our house, with all hast and diligence, vnder the paine of xl. pound to be taken from their stipend, that we with the aduise of our Counsell, may take ordour with sic proude contemners of God and our Lawes. Subscryued with our hand. At Halyrudhous, 1580. the 2. day of March, the 14. yere of our raigne.


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WEe vndersubscriuand, considering the strait linke and conjunctioun betuix the true & christian religion, presently pro­fessit within this our realme, & souerane Lords estate and standing, hauing baith the self same frends & common enemies, & subject to the like event of standing and decay: & weying thair­withall, the imminent danger threatned to the said re­ligion, asweill be forraine preparations for persecuti­on, of that detestable conspiracy against Christ and his Euangel, callit the halie league; as be outward and in­restine practizes of the fauourers & suppostis thairof amangis ourselffis, quha now inanimat be the report of forrein powers repairing to this realm, begins mair planely to vtter & profes their lang concelit euil mea­ning to the trueth, & consequently to the standing of his Majestie our souerane Lorde: quhom they haue found and tryit to be ane constant and inflexible pro­fessour of the same. The preseruation quhairof being dearer to vs, nor quhatsoeuer we haue dearest in this life: and finding in his majestie, a maist honorable & christian resolutiō, to manifest himself to the warld, y t zealous and religious prince, quhilk he hes hithertils professit, and to imploy the meanes & power that God hath put into his hands, asweill to the withstanding of quhatsoeuer foreine force sall mean within this Iland for alteration of the said religioun, or endangering of the present staite: as to the repressing of the inward e­nemies thairto amangis our selffs, linkit with thame in the said antichristian league and confederacie. Haue thairfore in the presence of Almichtie God, and with his Majesties authorizing and allowance, faithfully [Page] promisit & solempnly sworne, like as heirby we faith­fully & solempnely sweare & promise, to take ane true cafauld and plaine part with his Majestie amangis our selffis, for diuerting of the appeirand danger threat­ned to the said religioun, and his Majesties estate and standing depending thairvpon, be quhatsoeuer forein or intestine platts or preparations: And to that effect, faithfully, & that vpon our trueths and honors, binds & oblishis vs to vthers: To conuene & assemble our selffs publictly with our friends, in armes or in quiet maner, at sick times and places as we salbe requirit be his proclamations, or be writ or message direct to vs from his Majestie, or any hauing power from him: & being conuenit and assemblit, To joyne and concur with the haile forceis of our friendis and fauourers a­gainst quhatsoeuer foreine or intestine powers, or pa­pists & thair partakers, salariue or rise within this Ilād or any part thairof, red die to defende or pursue, as we salbe authorized and conductit be his Majesty, or any vther, hauing his power and comission, to joyne and hald hand to the execution of quhatsoeuer meane or order salbe thocht meit be his Majesty and his Coun­saill, for the suppressing of the papists, promotion of the true religion, and setling of his highnes estate and obedience in all the cuntries & corners of this realme, to expone and hazard our liues, landis and gudis, and quhatsoeuer meane God hes lent vs, in the defence of the said true & christian religion, & his Majesties per­son and estate, against quhatsoeuer Iesuitis and Semi­narie or Messe preists, condamnit enemies to God and his Majestie, to thair vtter wracke and exterminion, according to the power grantit to vs be his highnes [Page] proclamation and Acts of parliament: To try, search, and seik out all excommunicats, practizers, and vther papistes quhatsoeuer, within our bounds and shyres quhair we keip residence, delate thame to his highnes and his priuye Counsaill, and conforme vs to sick di­rections, as fra time to time we sall receiue fra his Ma­jesty and his Counsaill in thair behalfs, and specially so many of vs as presently ar, or heirafter salbe appoin­tit commissioners in euery shyre, sall followe, pursue and trauell be all meanes possible, to take and appre­hend al sick papistis, apostatis and excommunicatis, as we sall receiue in writ from his Majesty: and we, the remnant within that shyre, sall concurre and assiste with the said commissioners, with our haill friends & forces to that effecte, without respecte of anye person quhatsoeuer. And generally to assist in the meane time and defend euery ane of vs ane vther, in al and quhat­soeuer quarrels, actions, debaits, mouit, or to be mouit against vs or any of vs, vpon action of the present band or vthers causes depending thairvpon, and cafauldly joyne in defence and pursute, against quhatsoeuer sall offer or intend any injury or reuenge, against any ane of thame for the premisses: makand his cause and part that is pursued, al our partis. Notwithstanding quhat­soeuer priuye grudge or displeasures standing betwix anye of vs, quhilk salbe na impediment or hinder to our saide eafaulde joyning in the said common cause, bot to lye ouer and be misknawne, till they be order­ly remouit and tane away be the order vnderspecifier. To the quhilk time we, for the better furtherance of the said cause and seruice, haue assurit, and be the te­nour heirof, euery ane of vs takand the burding on vs [Page] for our selffes and all that we may let, assures ilke v­ther to be vnhurt, vnharmeit, or in any wise to be in­vadit be vs or any of our foresaidis, for auld feid or new, vtherwayis nor be the ordinarie course of Lawe and justice: neyther sall we, nor any of our forsaidis, make any prouocation of tumulte, trouble or displea­sure to vthers in any sort, as we sall answere to God, & vpon our honours and fidelitie to his Majestie. And for our furder and mare heartly vnion in this seruice, We are content and consents, that al and quhatsoeuer our feids and variances fallin, or that may fall out be­twixt vs, be within fourty dayis after the date heirof, amicably referrit and submittit to seuin or fiue indiffe­rent freindis, chosen be his Majestie of our haill num­ber, and be thair moderation and arbitrement com­ponit and tane away. And finally, that we sall neither directly nor indirectly, seperat or withdraw vs fra the vnion and fellowship of the remnent, be quhatsoeuer suggestion or priuat aduise, or be quhatsoeuer incident regard, or stay sick resolution, as be common delibe­ration salbe tane in the premisses, as we sall answer to God vpon our consciences, & to the world vpon our trueth and honours, and vnder the paine to be estee­mit traytouris to God and his Majestie, and to haue lost all honour, credit & estimation in time cumming. In witnes quhairof his Majestie, in token of his appro­bation, and protection promissit to vs in the premisses, and we be his authorising and allowance forsaid, haue subscriued thir presents with our hands.


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IAMES be the grace of God, King of Scottis:
To our louitts,

Messengers, ourschyriffes in that part, conjunctly & seuerally, spe­cially constitute greeting. Forasmekle as be act of our parliament, Intitulate, ANENT THE TRYALL AND PVNISHMENT of the offence of the aduersaries of the true religion presently professit within our realm. It is statute and ordaint, that quhat­soeuer professed and avowed Iesuites, or Seminarie priests, shuld be found in any part of our realme, with­in the space of ane moneth after the publication of the said Act, quhilk wes duly publisht vpon the 14. day of August, the ȝeir of God 1587. ȝeirs. Suld be taken, ap­prehended, called, pursued, & incur the paine of deid, and confiscation of all their mouable guds, and quha euer wittingly or willingly suld receaue or supply any of thame thairefter, be the space of three dayes & three nychts togidder, or seuerally at three times, vpon cer­taine knawledge, that they are persons of that pro­fession, being lawfully & orderly conuict of the same suld incur the tinsall of thair liuerents. And that they, as also the sayers or hearers of the Messe, or propha­ners of the Sacraments, or vthers persons suspecte to haue declined fra the true religion, or refusing to re­sort to the preaching of Gods worde, or quhatsoeuer person that suld be reasoning, or dispersing of buiks & letters, presume to persuade any of our subjects, to de­cline [Page] fra the profession of the said true religion: Being called to compeir and answer therevpon, before vs & our priuie Counsaill, In case the persons so dilated & accused, or any of them, sulde be founde culpable be our priuye Counsaill, or any fiue of them (our Chan­celler and Clarke of Register being twa of that num­ber) ather be the confession of the saids persons accu­sed, or be the deposition of diuers famous witnesses. Or gif the saidis persons being called & adjudged cri­minally (in case we, & the Lords of our priuie counsel sall so thinke gude) and were found culpable & guilty of the premises: That they thairthrow, suld incur the pane of tinsell of al thair mouable guds, togidder with the liferents of al thair lands & liuings quhatsoeuer, to be vptaken & imployed to our awne vses, & na wayes disponit to the persons that suld be conuict or fugi­tiue for the cause foresaid: as the said Act of our Par­liament in the selfe proports. And because we and our estates, quhilk conuenit at Halirudehous, vpon the 27 day of Iuly. The ȝeir of God, 1588. ȝeirs, perceiued be gude experience, the inconuenient that followed, throwe default of nonputting of the same Act to due execution, and that thairthrow the saidis Iesuitis, and seminarie preists disdained our said Acts, & continued in seducing and perswading of diuers of our nobilitie and vtheris our gude subjectis, to decline fra the saide true and christian Religion, and to practize the altera­tion and trouble of our Estate. Thairfore be ane vther Act & ordinance maid be vs, our saids nobilitie, coun­saill and estates, quhilk conuenit the said 27. day of Iu­ly: certaine persons specially expressed thairin were nominate, elected and constitute our Commissioners, [Page] and Iusticeis in that parte, within the boundis of our schirefdoms stewartries, bayliereis, Burrowis and Ci­ties vnder mentioned: Like as to thame conjunctly & seuerally, within the bounds specially limited to tham were giuen our full power and commission. All and sundrie Iesuits, and Seminarie priests: as namely, M. Iames Gordon, father brother to the Erle of Huntley, master Edmond Hay, brother to the gudeman of Me­ginche, M. William Creichton, M. Alexander Mack­quhirry, Gilbert Browne somtime Abbot of New ab­bay, M. Mark Ker sonne to Robert Ker elder, burges of our burgh of Edinburgh, and certain vthers of that profession, incase they suld nocht depart forth of our realme, and enter thameselfes to the Prouest of our said burgh of Edinburgh, til haue bene ludged, quhile occasion seruit to transport thame according to our proclamation publisht to that effect. And als all and sundry our rebels, remaining at the Horne, for slaugh­ter, or sick vthers odious crimes, and all sornars, bri­gandis and maisterfull vagaboundis. To search, seike, take and apprehende, and either to bring and present thame before our justice and his deputes in our burgh of Edinburgh, or then our saide justices and commis­sioners thameselffs, to put the saids Iesuits and Semi­narie Priests, and vtheris aboue written, to the knaw­ledge of ane assise for the saids wicked and vnlawfull practizes and attempts, and contemptuus disobeying and contrauening of our laws and acts of parliament, and vther odious crimes committed be thame, and as they suld be fundin culpable or innocent, to minister justice vpon thame, conforme to the lawes and con­suetude of our realme, courte or courts to this effect [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] to set, begin, affirme, hald and continue deputis vnder thame, with clerks, serjands, dempstars and all vthers officers and members of court neidfull: to make, cre­ate, substitute and ordaine Assise ane or ma, to that ef­fect, ilke person vnder the paine of fourty poundis, to summond, warne, cheese, and cause be sworn, vnlawis, amerchiaments and escheits of the saidis courts: to aske, lift and raise, and for the same gif neid beis to poind and distrenzie, compt, reckoning and paiment to vs and our treasurour in our name in our checker to make: quhairin the necessarie expensses to be maid in the execution of our said commission, is appointed to be defeasit and allowed. And incase the saidis Iesuitis and Seminarie priestis, and vthers aboue specified, sall happen to flee to houses and strenthis, To assege and persue thame thairin, raise fire, and vse all force & war­like ingyne for recouerie thairof. And gifit sall happē any of tham, or any assisting & concurring with tham to be hurt, slaine or mutilat, or any wracke, distruction of house or gudes to be done: the same to be impute for na crime nor offence, to our saids Iusticers & com­missioners, or persons assisting thame in the executi­on heirof: nor they nor nane of thame, to be called or accused for the same, criminally nor ciuilie, be any ma­ner of way in time cumming: Exonering thame of all action and crime, that may be moued and intended a­gainst thame or any of tham for the same, and dischar­ging all oure judges and ministeris of our lawis of all calling, outlawing or any wise proceding against tham thairfore, and of thair officers in that part for euer. Mairouer with power to the saids justices & cōmissio­ners, to enquire, quhat feidis or variance standis be­twixt [Page] any parties inhabitant within y e shyres & bounds appointed to thame, & quha wer the maist able & in­differēt freinds, to be imployed for cōponing & away taking thairof. And to require & cōmand thē to trauel to that effect: And the persons standing at variance, to submit thamselfs, to y e moderation & arbitrement of y e saids indifferent freinds, according to y e effect & mea­ning of the generall band, subscriued be vs and diuers of our estates: or incase of refuse or delay, to certifie the same to vs & our counsaill with al conuenient di­ligence, that sick further order mycht be tane thair a­nent, as apperteinit. And to moue certain of the maist zealous & worthie persons in euery parochin, to take vpō thē oure commission, for execution of our Act of Parliament maid for punishment of strange & idil beg­gers, and reliefe of the pure and impotent: as also or­dainit and commanded our saidis commissioners and justicers, to proclame, & cause make wapponshawings of al fensable persons in the boūds particularly limitat to tham, & to charge thame to conuene in armes at al occasions neidfull, for defence of the cuntrie, and re­sisting of all outwarde and domestick invasion, ten­ding to the danger of the professors of Gods true reli­gion, or trobling of the cōmon quietnes of our realm: And further to charge & require all our gude subjects to concur and assist thame in the execution of the pre­mises, vnder the panes contened in the acts of our par­liament: And further vnder the pane to be repute, hal­den, estemed and pursued, as hinderers of our seruice, airt, and pertakers with the forsaids rebellious & dis­obedient persons, in thair vngodly and wicked deids, And that our saids commissioners & justicers do thair exact diligence for execution of the premises, as they [Page] & euery ane of them, wil answer to vs vpon their obe­dience, at their vttermost charge & peril. And further vnder the pane of ane thousand pounds, to be paid be euery ane of thame that salbe founde remisse or negli­gent heirin, as the said acte of our secreit counsaill, of the date forsaid, at mair length proports. Quhilk, with the said act of our parliament, & vthers acts, ordinan­ces and commissions past, and geuen for executing of the same acts, against the said Iesuits, Seminary priests and excommunicate persons: the saide Lords of our secreit counsail, in our name, ratifies, approues and or­daines the same, to be put to further execution in all points, conforme to the tenour thairof, with sick expe­dition as conueniently may be. And because there is certain of the Noble men, Barrons and vthers expres­sed commissioners, in the said act of our secreit coun­saill, maid vpon the said 27. day of Iuly fourescore se­uen ȝeirs, that sen the making thairof, ar departed this life, vthers diseased in thair bodies, and some absent forth of our realme, and in vther partis far distant fra the bounds, within the quhilk commission wes geuin to thame, be reason of thair residence thairin for the time, so that at this present, they may not conuenient­ly vse and execute our saide commission, with sick ex­pedition as is requisit. Thairfore the saids Lords of our secreit counsaill, at the humble and earnest desire of the generall assembly of the Kirk, presently conuenit, hes thought gude, concluded and ordainit, That our said commission and acts forsaid, salbe put in due and full execution, be the persons respectiue after follow­ing, giuen in be tham in roll, within the liberties, schy­rifdoms, stewartries and baylieries particularly vnder­mentioned: [Page] Thay are to say, the Provests and baylies of euery citie and burgh, justicers and commissioners within the selfe, and liberties of the same. And for the cuntrie to landwart, Robert earle of Orknay, within the bounds of our shyrifdome of Orknay, George earl of Caithnes, Coline Mackenzie of Kintaill, Thomas Fraser of Knokky, Andro Monro of Dowachartie, An gus Williamsō Mackintosh in Termet, and Iohn Vr­quhart tutor of Cromartie within the bounds of our shyrifdoms of Innernes and Cromartie. Iohn Camp­bel of Caddell our shyriff of Narne. Hucheon Ros of Kilrawak, & Iohn Hay of Lochloy, within the bounds of our shyrifdom of Narne, Iames earle of Murray, Pa­trik Dumbar shyriff wardatare of Elgin and Fores, Ro­bert Innes of that ilke, Iohn Grant of Frewchy, Iames Dumbar of Tarbert, & Dauid Dumbar of Grangehill within the boundis of our shyrifdoms of Elgin & Fo­res. William earl of Morton shyrif wardatare of Bamff Alexander L. Salton, & Walter Ogiluy of Findlatter within the bounds of our shyrifdome of Bamff. Iohn maister of Forbes, William Forbes of Corsse, Alexan­der Irwing of Drum, Iames Creichtō of Frendraucht Alexander Seton of Meldrum, Iohn Gordon of Pet­lurg, William Keith of Ludquharne and William Tu­ring of Foverne, within the bounds of our shyrifdome of Aberdene. William earle of Angus, George earle Marshall, Robert L. of Altree, Andro L. Dingwell, A­lexander Straton of Lourenstō, Iohn Strauchauchine of Thornton, Iohn Wischart of Pettarro, & Iohn Ramsey of Balmane, within the bounds of our shyrifdome of Kincardin. Iohn L. Hammilton, Thomas maister of Glammis, Patrick maister of Graye, Dauid Lindsey of [Page] Edzel, Iames Skrimgeour of Dudop cōstable of Dun­die, & George Haliburton of Pitcur, within y e bounds of our shyrifdom of Forfair. Iohn earl of Athoil, Dun­cane Campbell of Glenurquhart, Thomas Stewart of Garntully, Alexander Blair of Bathyok, William Mon criff of that ilke, and Patrick Ogiluy of Inche Martin within the bounds of our shyrifdome of Perth, Stor­month and Dunkeld. Iohn Murray of Tullibardin, Iohn Stirling of Keir, and M. Iohn Halden of Glen­negeis, within the bounds of our stewartries of Strath erne, Menteith & Diocie of Dunblane. William earl of Morton, Alexander commendatar of Culros, Wil­liam Menteith of Kerss, & Robert Bruce of Clakman­nane, within the boundis of our shyrifdomes of Clak­mannane and Kinross. Andro earl of Rothes our shy­rif of Fyffe. Iames L. Lindsay of the Byres, M. William Lundy of that ilk, Andro Wood of Largo, and Dauid Carnegy of Culluthy, within the bounds of our shirif­dome of Fyffe. Iohn earle of Mar, William L. Leuing­ston, Alexander Forester of Gardin, and Iohn Leuing­ston ȝounger of Donypace, within the bounds of our shyrifdom of Striuiling. Georg Dundas of y t ilk, Nicol Cornwal of Ballinhard & Dauid Dūdas of Preistsinch within the boūds of our shirifdom of Lynlythqw. Ar­chibald Naper of Marcheinston, Alexander Fairly of Braid & Patrik Monypēny of Pilrig, within the boūds of our shyrifdom of Edinburgh. Williāerl of Angus, Francis earl Bothuell, William Lord Hay of Ȝester, Sir Iohn Maitland of Thirlstane knight our Chancelour, and Alexander Hume of Northberuicke, within the bounds of the constabularie of Hadington and Dum­bar. Sir Iames Hume of Coldenknows knight, Georg [Page] Hume of Weddirburne, Alexander Hume of Hulton­hall, Patrick Hume appeirand of Ayton, Patrick Cok­burne tutor of Langton, Iames Seton of Tullibody, & M. Thomas Cranston of Moreistō, within the boūds of our shyrifdome of Barwicke or Mers. William Ker of Cesfurde, Walter Scott of Branxholme, George Dowglas of Bonjedburgh, Iohn Crankston of that ilk and Andro Ker of Fadounside, within the boundis of our shyrifdom of Roxburgh or Teuiotdail. William L. Hay of Ȝester, Iohn Stewart of Tracquair, William Twedy of Drummelȝer and Patrick Murray of Faw­lahill, within the boundis of our shyrifdoms of Selkirk and Peblis. Iohn L. Hammilton, William earle of An­gus, Iames L. Someruile, Iames Maxwell of Calder­wood, Iohn Stewart of Mynto, and Iames Hamilton of Liberton, within the boundis of our shyrifdome of Lanerk or Cliddisdale. Lodovike Duke of Lennox, Iames earle of Glencarne, Robert L. Semple, George Buchannane of that ilk, Iohn Schaw of Grenok, Wil­liam Edmondston of Duntreith & Humfrey Colhoun of Lus, within the boundis of the Lennox & our shy­rifdom of Renfrew. Robert maister of Eglinton, Tho­mas L. Boyd, Iohn Blair of that ilke, & Thomas Crau­furde of Iordanhil, within the bounds of our bayliery of Cunningham. Hew Campbel of Teorinȝean, Iohn Wallace of Cragy, Andro L. Vchiltree and William Craufurde of Lochnoreis, within the boundis of our baylierie of Kyle. Iohn Kennedy of Blairquhan, Tho­mas Kennedy of Bargany and Iohn Cathcart of Carl­ton, within the boundis of our baylierie of Carrict. A­lexander Stewarte of Garlers, Vthrid Makdougall of Garthland and schir Patricke Vaus of Barnbarrouch [Page] within the bounds of our shyrifdom of Wigton, Iohn Gordon of Lochinvar, Thomas Mackclellan of Bom­bie, and Iames Lidderdale of sainct Marie Ile within the boundis of our stewartrie of Kirkcudbright. Iohn L. Hamilton, Iames Dowglas of Torthorald, and Ro­ger Greirson of Lag, within the bounds of our shyrif­dom of Drumfreis. Robert L. Sanquhar, Iames Dow­glas of Drumlangrig, and Roger Kirkpatrick of Clos­burn, within the Sanquhar, or ouer part of Nithisdale. Iames Iohnsō of Dunskelly, Charles Murray of Cok­pule & Robert Iohnson Laird of Neubie, within our stewartrie of Annanderdale. Archibald earl of Argile and his curators, within the bounds of our shyrifdome of Argile. Angus Mackconeil of Dunniveg & Glennis Lauchlane Makclaine of Dowart, Donald Makco­neill Gorme of Slait, and Donald Mackcloid of Har­ris, within the boundis of the Ilis. Attoure the saidis Lordis of our secreit Counsaill, heiring sundrie bruits and rumors, asweill offoreine as intestine plattis and preparations, for the trouble of the true and Christian religion presently professed within our realme, & per­relling of our estate and standing, depending thairvp­pon, baith hauing the same selfe friends and common enemies, and subject to the like euent of standing and decay: Hes thocht meit for preuenting of the danger threatned hereby, asweill to the ane as to the vther. that first of all, the godly and weill affected persons our gud subjects salbe knawne and discernit fra tham that are of a contrair disposition, and to this effect, the saids Lords hes giuen and granted, & be thir presents giues and grantis full power and commission, expresse bidding and charge to the persons vnderwritten, eue­ry [Page] ane of thame within the boundis particularly limi­tat to tham as follows. They are to say, Thomas Swin­ton, Henrye Coluile and Iohn Dunnone within the bounds of our shyrifdom of Ork nay. M. William Paip M. Robert Innes, William Gray ȝounger, Mast. Iohn Robertson, M. George Monro, M. Robert Williamsō and M. Thomas Howieson, within the boundis of our shyrifdomes of Innernes and Cromarty. M. Robert Rait within the bounds of our shyrifdome of Narne. M. Iohn Keith minister at Duffus, M. Alexander Dow­glas minister at Elgin, & Iohn Forester minister at Fo­res, within the bounds of our shyrifdomes of Elgin & Fores. M. William Strauchauchin, M. Iames Duff & M. George Nicolson, within the boundes of our shy­rifdome of Bamff. M. Peter Blackburne, Iohn Strau­chauchin, Iames Reid and Abraham Sibbald within the boundis of our shyrifdome of Aberdeine. M. An­dro Myln, M. William Lisk & M. Alexander Arbuth­net within the boundes of our shyrifdome of Kincar­din. M. Iames Meluin, M. Paule Frasair, William Chri­steson, M. Iames Nicolson, M. Henrie Guthree, M. Henry Duncane, Iohn Foullarton and M. Thomas Ramsey, within the bounds of our shyrifdome of For­fair. M. William Glas, M. William Rynd, Alexander Ȝoung, M. Archibald Moncreiff & M. William Rowe within the boundes of our shyrifdome of Perth, Stor­month and Dunkeld. M. Andro Ȝoung M. William Striuiling and Alexander Fergy within the bounds of our stewartries of Stratherne, Menteith and diocie of Dunblane. Iohn Dykis, Robert Rait & M. Alexan­der Wallace, within the bounds of our shyrifdoms of Clackmannane and Kinros, M. Thomas Buchannane, [Page] M. Andro Moncreiff, M. Iames Meluin and M. Adam Mitchell within the bounds of our shyrifdom of Fiff. Iohn Dunkeson, M. Alexander Leuingston and An­dro Forester, within the boundes of our shyrifdom of Striuiling. Patrick Kenlo quhy, M. Iames Law, and M Robert Cornwel, within the bounds of our shirifdom of Lynlithqw. M. Robert Bruce. M. Patrick Simson & M. Michaell Cranston, within the boundis of our shy­rifdome of Edinburgh. M. Adam Iohnston. Iohn He­reis and Iames Gibson within Dalkeith. William San­derson, M. Cuthbert Boncle, M. Thomas Mackgye & M. Iames Carmichaell, within the Constabularie of Hadington and Dumbar. Dauid Hume, Iohn Clap­perton and Robert French, within our shyrifdome of Berwicke or Mers. M. Andro Clayhillis, M. William Auchmowty, Ceorge Iohnston, William Balfour & M Iohn Knox, within our shyrifdom of Roxburgh or Te­viotdaill. M. Archibald Dowglas minister at Peblis, M Iohn Welshe, minister at Selkirk and William Sander­son minister at Innerletham, within the bounds of the Forest and Tweddall. M. Iohn Dauidson, M. Robert Lindsay, and M. Andro Haye, within the boundes of Cliddisdail or Lanerk. M. Thom. Iak, M. Andro Knox, and M. Patrick Walkinshaw, within the boundis of the Lennox & our shyrifdome of Renfrew. M. Alexander Sk imgeour, M. Alexander Wratō & M. Robert Wil­ky, within our baylierie of Cuningham. Iohn Porter­field, M. Iohn Inglis & M. Peter Primrois, within our bayliery of Kyle. Iohn Makcorne & William Ȝoung within our baylierie of Carict. M. Ninian Makclēno­quhen and Iohn Ȝong within our shyrifdom of Wig­ton. M. Iames Hamilton and M. Dauid Blyith, within [Page] our Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. M. Hew Foullarton and William Thomeson, within our shyrifdome of Drumfreis. M. Iames Bryson and Iohn Foullarton, within the Sanquhar or ouer part of Nythisdale. Alex­ander Gairdner, within Annanderdal. M. Neil Camp­bell within our shyrifdome of Argile. All and syndrie Earles, Lords, Barons, freehalders, gentlemen, inhabi­tants of our burrowis, and vther our lieges quhatsoe­uer, of quhat ranke & degree that euer they be of: To cal & conuene before the saids Ministers, be their mis­siue letters or messēgers, at quhatsoeuer places & dayes they shall thinke expedient, & they require tham to gif the confession of their faith, together with their sub­scriptions theirto, to the general Band maid & sub­scriued already be vs, & certain of our estaits, touching the maintenance & defence of the saide true religion, our person & estait, & withstanding of al forreine pre­parations & forces, tēding to the trouble thairof. And incase any persons so required disobey, that the Mini­sters of Gods word proceed to admonitiōs, & finding tham obstinate, cause the censures of the Kirk be vsed against thē as enemies to god, vs, & to the cōmonweal of this thair natiue countrie. And that the saids Mini­sters craue the concurrence of the noblemen, Barrons and gentlemen, within the bounds particularly aboue written for the better execution of the premises. OVR VVILL IS heirfoir, and we charge ȝou straitly & That incontinent thir our letters sene ȝee passe & in our name & authoritie make publication heirof, be open proclamatiō at the mercat croces of the head burrows of our realm, & vthers places neidful, quhair­throwe nane pretende ignorance of the same: As also [Page] that ȝee command & charge the Noble men, Barons Ministers and vthers foresaids, to accept vpon thame our commission geuen to euerie ane of thame, in ma­ner perticularly aboue mentioned, and to report thair diligence touching the execution therof, to the Clerk of our secreit Counsaill, betwix and the twentie day of May nixt to come, vnder the paine of rebellion & putting of thame to our Horne, with certification to thame and thay faillȝie, they falbe denunceitrebels and put to our Horne: and all thair mouable gudes es­cheit and inbrocht, to our vse, for their contemption. And sicklike that ȝee command and charge all & syn­drie our liegeis, to readily answere, intende, obeye, concur, fortifie and assist our said commissioners in the execution of the premisses, & to doe, nor attempt na­thing to thair hinderance, as they and ilkane of tham will answer to vs vpon thair obedience & allegeance, and vnder all hiest paine, crime and offence, that they may commit and incur against vs, in that behalf, As ȝe wil answer to vs thair vpon. The quhilk to do, we com­mit to you conjunctly and seuerally, our full power be thir our letters, deliuering thame be you duely exe­cute, and indorsate againe to the bearer. Giuen vnder our signet, At Edinburgh the saxt of Marche, and of our reigne the xxiij. ȝeir, 1589.

Per Actum secreti consilij. I. ANDRO

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