✚ The copie of the Proclamatioun set furth be the Kingis Maiestie and his Counsall, for ane Conuentioun of the Professouris of the trew Religioun within this Realme, to consult and deliberate vpon the imminent dangeris and Conspiracies of the Papistis.

IAMES be the grace of God King of Scottis,
To our louitis Messingeris our Schireffis in that part coniunctlie and seuerallie speciallie constitute, greting,

Forsamekle as by supplicatioun it is humblie menit to vs & exponit to our richt traist cousing Iohne Erle of Mar Lord Erskin, Regent to vs our Realme and liegis, & Lordis of our priuie coū ­sall, be the Barrounis, Gentilmen, and vtheris Professouris of Christis Euangell presentlie conuenit in our Burgh of Edinburgh, that in respect of the greit murtheris and mair than beistly crueltie vsit & put in executioun in diueris partis in Eu­rop aganis the trew Christianis within the samine, proceding na dout out of that vnhappy, diuillische, and tirribill coūsall of Trent, and pretendit not only to be execute in forrane countries quhair outher thair power or tressoun may auaill, bot also Intendit to be prosecute & follow it furth with the lyke or greiter crueltie (gif it war possibill) aganis the trew Christianis heir in this our Realme of Scotland, and ouer all quhair ellis quhair euer Christis Euangell is sinceirly professit, Maist humbly requyring the appeiring danger to be foirsene and prouidit for, willinglie offering thame selfis and all that thay haue to the furtherance of the same, Quhair throw the wickit Interprysis and deuysis of the malicious and bludy Papistis, and Children of the warld, quhilkis in thair kynd ar mair besie and subtill nor the children of God, may be with Goddis help preuentit and resistit: Our said Cousing and Regent, and Lordis of our preuie Counsall foirsaid, considering the e­quitie and necessitie of the said supplicatioun, hes ordanit this our letteris to be direct in maner following. ¶Our will is heirfoir, and we charge ȝow straitlie and commandis, that in continent thir our letteris sene ȝe pas in our name and autho­ritie command and charge all and sindrie our liegis and subiectis, professouris of Christis Euangell of all the reformit Kirks within this our Realme, be opin Proclamatioun at the mercat Croces of the heid Burrowis of our said Realme, in the Paroche Kirkis and vther places neidfull, That thay and euerie particulare Kirk be thame self send and direct their Com­missionaris sufficientlie authorisit, ane or ma according to the qualitie and quantitie of y e persounis & rowme, to our Burgh of Edinburgh or quhair our said Regent sall be for the tyme the twentie day of October Instant, to consult, aduise, and de­liberate vpon sic materis auenturis as may be proponit to our said Regent and Lordis of our preuie coūsall foirsaid, tending to the preuenting, resisting, and mutuall defence of the professouris of Christis Euangell within this our Realme, fra the fu­rious rage and lawles crueltie of the bludy and tressonabill Papistis, executoris of the Decreis of the said deuilische and terrible coūsall of Trent, and in sic thingis farther auance Goddis glorie and trew Religioun foirsaid, As euerie Reformit Kirk will thairby declair thair ernist and Christiane affectioun to the same, in sa present danger and commoun perrell.

Grantand alswa be thir presentis full libertie, licence, protectioun, & assurance to all Commissionaris of Kirkis, quhair euer thay dwell in ony partis of this our Realme, howsaeuer in tyme bygan they haue bene to our authoritie, that thay may saifly and frely hant, resort, and cum to the day and place aboue appointit, and thair remane during the tyme of Conuentioū to be keipit for this purpois, quhair alswa they salbe admitted to haue free speiche & voit, and to returne at thair pleasure to thair dwelling place without stop, troubill, or Impediment to be maid to thame in bodyis or gudis for the space of twentie dayis, efter the said twentie day of October including alswa the tyme of thair trauell grantit to thame. Certifying all sic as sall requyre particulare licence & assurance for this effect, that vpon thair desyre the same salbe grantit to thame. Cōmanding all our Officiaris, liegis & subiectis, that nane of thame tak vpon hand to violat this present licence, protectioun, and assu­rance vnder all hiest pane, charge, and offencis that thay and ilk ane of thame may commit and inrin aganis our Maiestie in that part, as ȝe will answer to vs thairupon. The quhilk to do we commit our full power, be thir our letteris delyueryng thame Indorsat agane.

¶Ane aduertisment to the faithfull.

¶That euery ane may vnderstand the grund of the bludie and tressonabill Interprysis of the Papistes quhairinto thay intend to continew and to execute the same with maist barbarous crueltie, heir ȝe haue subiunit the summe of the heidis and articklis of the confideracie, or rather the deuillische conspiracie maid efter the counsall of Trent, in contrair the trew professouris of the Euangell of Iesus Christ. ¶The Lord of his mercy grant vs trewly penitent hartis, that we amending our lyues, and vprichtly walking in the wayis of our God, he may turne his michtie hand to confound our enemeis, and to delyuer his Kirk from thair cruell and mercyles rage.

¶Ane breif extract of the Articklis of the secreit contract betuix the Pape, the Empriour, the Kingis of Hispanȝe and Portugall, the Dukis of Bauar. &c. and vthers thair confederatis, into the quhilk contract thay haue socht meanis to draw vnto thame the King of France, quha hes alreddy consentit thairto.

1 IN primis all Lutherianis, Caluenistis and Hugonistis, quhilk be aganis the Kirk of Rome salbe rutit out.

2 Quhen the said Contract salbe put to executioun and accōplischit, than the saidis confederatis with ane consent sall gang agains the Turkis.

3 The Intentioun of the Empreour is sic, that he will put from the Impyre, the Palsgraue and Duke August of Saxe, and that at the sitting downe the first meting day, quhilk salbe at Wormes, suddanely or thay be warnit thairof, and in thair places salbe put, the Empreouris twa bre­ther, the Archiduke Ferdinand and Duke Charles.

4. First the gudis of the disobedient Lordis and Potestantis, quhilkis will not consent to be comprehendit in this contract salbe confiscate & sauld be the saidis confederatis, the samin salbe socht be the Empriouris power, beginning at Wormes and sa furth to be execute in all otheris placis neidfull.

5. All weilwillaris and assisteris of the Kirk of Luther and Caluine salbe displacit, banischit, and condempnit to the deith.

6. Be the Pape salbe maid and ordanit ane Patriarch throuchout all Ducheland, to mak ordinances for the seruice and maintenance of the kirk of Rome.

7. For accomplishement of the saidis materis, and to the supporting of the saidis charges that sall aryse vpon the samin, the Pape sall gif and pay the ane half of all his Reuenues, and lykewise sall do all the Cardinallis, Aachibischoppis, and vtheris Spirituall Pastour is in Ducheland and vtheris countreis to help and mantene the kirk of Rome.

8. Their salbe placit in all vther places round about seruandis of the kirk with spirituall ordinances, and officiaris according to the vse of the kirk of Rome.

9. Euery man salbe halden and commandit to passe to the Messe, and that in pane of excommunicatioun, and correctioun of the body or deith, or at the leist vpon the lose of guides, quhilkis gudis salbe partit and distributit amangis the maist principall and chief Lieutennentis and Capitanis.

10. The king of Hispanȝe with all his power and micht promysis to procure and bring to pas ane mariage betuix the king of France and the Em­preouris Douchter.

11. Caleis and vtheris townis about the Bordouris salbe delyuerit to the king of Hispanȝe, and he sall help and assist to the Quene of Scotland, to restoir hir to hir kingdome, in chaissing away the Quene of Ingland, and sall help to distroy all sic as be affectionat or makis clame to the same.

12. The king of Hispanȝeis Sone sall haue in Mariage the Empreouris Douchter.

13. The Empreour, the king of Hispanȝe and the king of France sall in thair proper persounis be present in all sic weiris and exploittis.

14. The Duke of Bauar salbe Lieutennent generall for the Pape, and general Lieutennent and Capitane for all the spiritualitie in the saidis weiris.

15. The Duke of Bauaris eldest Sone sall haue in Mariage the Duke of Loranes Douchter.

16. The Duke of Guyse sall haue in Mariage the Douchter of the ȝoung Duke of Bauar.

17. The king of France Sister salbe maryit with the king of Portugall, and in cace the Duke of Florence deny or resuse to be comprisit in the saidis contractis, he salbe dreuin furth of his landis.

18. The Duchy of Millane salbe randerit and restoirit to the king of France, he fall haue alswa the landis of Corsica.

19. The Venitianes sall subiect thame selfis to the said contract, and gif thay refuse to do the samm, than sall the saidis confederatis mak schairp weir aganis thame, and thair Lordschippis and land in Italie salbe genin fra thame.

20. The Duke Ferrar for the accomplischment of thir articlis salbe reddy in poist to pas to the frontiers of France quhair as the king and his Mo­ther sall alswa cum notwithstanding that sum of the kingis counsall sall mak solistacioun in the contrare, to the effect that it suld tak no place.

☞The causeris and Interpryseris of this contract ar the Cardinall of Lorane, the Duke of Ferar, and his brethren, the Cardinall of Burbon is aslwa ane of the Practiseris.

☞O England and Scotland be ware and Ioyne togidder in tyme in the feare of God without dissimulatioun.

¶God saue the King.

¶Imprintit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpreuik. ANNO. DO. M.D.LXXII.

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