IN THE PARLIAMENT Haldin and begun at Edinburgh THE XXIIII. DAY OF OCTOBER, THE Ȝeir of GOD, ane thousand, fyue hundreth, four scoir, ane Ȝeiris Thir Lawis. Statutis, and Constitutiounis, ar deuisit, ordanit, and concludit, be the richt Excellent, richt heich and Michty Prince, IAMES the Sext, be the grace of GOD, KING of SCOTTIS, And thrie Estatis of this Realme, As followis.
Imprentit at Edinburgh, be Henrie Charteris. Anno, M.D.LXXXII.
Cum Priuilegio Regali,
IN THE PARLIAMENT HALDIN AND BEGVN AT EDINBVRGH THE xxiiij. day of October, the Ȝeir of GOD, ane thousand, fyue hundreth, four scoir, ane ȝeiris. Thir Lawis. Statutis, and Constitutiounis, ar deuisit, ordanit, and concludit, be the richt Excellent, richt Heich and Michty Prince, IAMES the Sext, be the GRACE of GOD, KING of SCOTTIS, And thre Estatis of this Realme, as followis.
¶ The Ratificatioun of the Libertie of the trew Kirk of GOD and Religioun, with Confirmatioun of the Lawis and Actis, maid to that Effect of befoir. CAP. I.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thre Estatis and haill Body of this present Parliament, hes ratifeit and appreuit, and be the Tennour heirof ratifeis and appreuis all, and quhatsumeuer Actis of Parliament, Statutis and constitutiounis past and maid of befoir, aggreabill to Goddis Word, for mantenance of the libertie of the trew Kirk of GOD and Religioun now presentlie professit within this Realme, and puritie thairof. And speciallie the Act maid in the Regne of the Quene his dearest Moder, in the Parliament haldin at Edinburgh the xix day of Apryle, the ȝeir of GOD 1567. Anent the cassing, annulling and abrogating of all Lawis, Actis and constitutiounis Cannon, Ciuile, and Municipall, with vther constitutiounis contrair the Religioun now professit within this Realme. And in lykewise the Actis efter following, maid in diuers Parliamentis, haldin sen his hienes Coronatioun. Namely the Actis Anent the annulling of the Actis of Parliamēt, maid aganis Goddis word, and mantenance of Idolatrie in ony times bypast. The confessioun of the Faith, professit be the Protestantis of Scotland. Anent the Mes abolischit and punisching of all that heiris or sayis the same. Anent the trew and haly Kirk, and of them that ar declarit not to be of the same. Anent the admissioun of thame that salbe [Page]presentit to Benefices, ha [...]and cure of Ministerie. Anent the Kingis Aith to be geuin at his Coronatioun. Anent them that sul [...] heir publict Office heirefter. Auent thriddis of Benefices grantit in the Moneth of December, the ȝeir of God, M.D.LXI. ȝeiris, for sustening of the Ministerie and vtheris effairis of the Prince. Anent them that salbe Teicheris of the ȝouth in Scules. Anent the Iurisdictioun of the Kirk. Anent the dispositioun of Prou [...] streis, Prebendreis, and Chaiplanreis to bursaris to be foundit in Collegis. Anent the fylthie vice of Fornicatioun, & punischmēt of the same.. Anent them that cōmittis Incest. Anent lawful Mariage of the awin blude in degreis not forbiddin be Goddis word. Ratificatioū & approbatioū of the Actis & statutis maid of befoir. Anent the fredome & libertie of the trew kirk of GOD. Anent the trew & haly kirk. That the aduersareis Christ is Euangell fall not enjoy the Patrimonie of the Kirk. Anent the disobedientis, quhilk salbe ressauit to our Souerane Lordis mercie & pardoun. The explanation of the Act maid anent Manssis & Gleibis. Anent purchessing of the Papis Bullis, or giftis of the Quene, our Souerane Lordis Mother. Approbatioun of the Act maid anent the dispositioun of Benefices to the Ministeris of Christis Euangell. Anent the reparatioun of Paroche Kirkis. The ratificatioun of the libertie of the trew Kirk of GOD and Religioun. That the Gleibis of the Ministeris & Reideris salbe frie of teyndis. Anent the trew & halie Kirk, and of them that ar declarit not to be of the same, Anent the Iurisdictioū of the Kirk, dischargeing of Merrattis, & labouring on Sondayis & playing or drinking in time of Sermone. Anent the ȝouth, & vtheris beȝond Sey suspect to half declinit frō the trew Religioun, That houshalderis half Bybillis & Psalme buikis. For punischment of strang & idill beggeris, and releif of the pure and impotent. And declaris the saidis Actis and euerie ane of them and all vtheris Actis of Parliament maid in fauour of the trew Religioun, seu the said Reformation, to haif effect in all Pointis, efter the Forme and Tennour thairof,
¶ Anent prouisioun of Ministeris, and certane stipendis for them at all Paroche Kirkis and appointing of Commissioneris for ordering thairof. CAP. II.
ITEM Becaus for laik of Preiching & teiching in sindrie partis of the Realme, monie people at suspectit to be fallin in greit ignorance and danger of godles Atheisme. It being found maist difficill, that in the charge of pluralitie of Kirkis ony ane Minister may Instruct monie Flockis. Thairfoir it is thocht expedient, statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord, & his [Page]thre Estatis of this present Parliamēt: That euerie Paroche kirk and samekill boundis as salbe found to be a sufficient & a [...]petent Parochrie thairfoir, sail half thair aw [...]n Pastour with a sufficient and reasonabil stipēd: according to the stait & habilitie of the place. And that all Kirkis annexit to Prelacyis be prouydit of sufficient Ministeris with competent Leuingis, alswell laithe disponit sen his Hienes acceptatioun of the gouernement in his awin persons, as that sall balk and be prouidit heirefter quhill his Hienes perfitte age. And before the title of ou [...]e Prelacie be conferrit to ou [...]e person heirefter, that the saidis f [...]uingis and stip [...]dis be re [...]cruit in the prouision and alwayis comput in the thrid, to the effect, that Ministeris may be prouidit thairto ad viram. And intais ony gift or prouisioun of Prelacie fast pas vtherwise, Declaris the same to be null, and of nane anat [...]l, force, nor effect, For the special execution, of quhilk ordour, his Maiestie with aduise of his saidis that Estatis, grantis and geuis power and comunisioun to his richt traist Consingis, & trusty & welhelouit Coūs;aillouris, and vtheris efter sperifeit: videlicet: Iames stewart, Erle of Arrane Lord Auane, and Hammilton. Iohne Erie of Montrois, Lord Grahame. Anbro Erle of Rothes Lord Leslie. Patrik Lord Lyndsay of the Byris. Iames Lord Ogilwie, Iohne Lord Hereis. Patrik Archtbischop of Sanctandrois &c. Adam Bischop of Orknay. Alexander Bischop of Brichen. Mark Commendatour of Newbortill. Leonard Commendatour of Couper. Alexander Commendatour of Culros, the Commissioneris of the Burrowis of Comburgh, Perth Dundie, Strimling, Glasgow, and Sanctandrois, with our Souerane Lordis Officiaris of the Estait un [...]erwrittin: they ar to say, the Lord greit Chāberlane, the Chancellair, the Thesaurair, Secretar, Comptroller, Collectour generall, Iustice Clerk, Clerk of Register, and Aduocat, or onie thre of them comunctlie (his Maiesteis Collectour general of the superplus alwayis being ane) to cōuene with the Cōmissioneris of the Kirk this present ȝeir, how sone may be, & al vther ȝeiris to cum at ye first day of Nouember, and to cōsidder appoint and order the Estate of the saidis kirkis and stipēdis, quhairthrow the saidis Ministeris beig honestlie sustenit, may the better attend to yair Florkis and proper vocatioū. And ye said ordour to cōtinew ay and quhil forder order be cane be his Hienes with auise of his saidis Estatis in Parliament.
¶ Aganis Dilapidationis of the Rentis of Benefices, prouidit to Ministeris, in title for their lyfetimes. CAP. III.
ITEM Becaus sindrie Ministeris prouidit to Benefices for their infeitimes, without regard of conscience, or how thair Successouris sould leif efter thame, for sum present Profite: [Page]Settis yair saidis benefices & rētis yairof in fewis, takkis, renta [...] lis, or disyonis pēsionis furth of ye same to the vtter owerthraw of the Kirk and greit preiudice, haith of the Kingis Maiestie the commounwelth and Posteritie to cum. It is thairfoie thocht expedient, statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord with aduise of his thrie Estaittis and haill Body of this present Parliament: That na Persounis, being in the functioun of the Ministerie, prouidit to title of Benefices vnder Prelacyis sal in time cumming mak or set ony Fewis, Takkis, Rentallis, dispone Pensiounis, or mak vther dispositiounis of the Rentis of his Benefice to the preiudice of his Successour and diminutioun of the Rentall, quhairat he findis it at his entrie thairto, vnder the pane of deprinatioun, from the said benefice, quhairintill incais he failȝe his sett & locatioū to be decernit null, & him self to be depryuit alsweil from his functioun in the Ministerie, as from the benefice it self, quhilk vpon his defalt tryit and adiugit, as said is, orderlie, salbe declarit to be vaicand, and to be presentit and conferrit of new, as gif he wer naturallie deid.
¶ That Ministeris salbe appointit be the Kingis Maiestie, and the lawit Patronis to all Benefices of cure vnder Prelacyis. CAP. IIII.
ITEM It is statute and ordanit be OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thrie Estaittis of this present Parliament, that all Benefices of cure vnder Prelacyis sall be presentit be OVR SOVERANE LORD and the lawit Patronis in the fauour of abill & qualifeit Ministeris apt & willing to enter in that functioun, and to discharge the dewtie thairof.
And incais ony sall happin to be geuin and disponit vtherwise heirefter: Decernis and declaris the giftis and dispositiounis to be Null and of nane auaill, force nor effect,
¶ For punishment of the Blasphemy of Goddis Name, and vtheris horribill Aithis. CAP. V.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thrie Estaittis of this present Parliament, Ratifeis and appreuis the Act of Parliament, haldin at Edinburgh the first day of Februar, the ȝeir of GOD M.D.LI. ȝeiris, Intitulat:
The Act aganis them that sweiris abhominabill Anthis, and ordanis the same to haif effect and executioun in time cumming efter the Forme and Tennour thairof, vnder the fourt and last pane specifeit in the same. That is to say: for the first falt, euery Prelate [Page]of Kirk, Erle, or Lord, iiij. s. Ane Barone or beneficit Man constitutit in Diguitie Ecclesiastik, xij. d. Ane Landit Man, Frehalder, Vassell, Fewer, Burges and smal beneficit Man, vi. d. Ans Craftisman, Ȝeman or seruand man iii. d. The pure folkis, that hes na geir, to be put in the stockis, Ioggis, or presonit for the space of four houris. And Wemen to be weyit & considderit conforme to thair blude and estate of thair partyis, that they ar copulat with. For the secund falt, euerie Prelate, Erle or Lord, viij. s. Euerie Barone or Beneficit Man in Dignitie, ij. s. Euerie Landit man Frehalder, Vassell, Fewer & smal beneficit man, xii. d. And euerie Craftisman, Ȝeman or seruand, viii. d. The space of the pure folkis Imprisonement to be dowblit. And for the thrid falt, the saidis secund panes to be dowblit. And for the fourt and last falt, the offenderis to be banist or put in Waird for the space of ȝeir and day at the Kingis will. And sicklyke all vtheris Estaittis efter thair qualitie, to be puneist efferandlie. And the forsaidis panes to be vptakin and applyit to the vse of the pure Folkis. And for the better executioun heirof, that Censouris be appointit in the Merkat places of all Burrowis and vther publict Fairis with power to put the sweraris of sic abhominabill Arthis in Waird, quhill they haue payit the saidis panes, and find sonertie, to abstene in time cumming. And that be directioun and commissioun of the Schireffis, Stewardis, Bailȝeis, Prouestis, Aldermen, and Bailȝeis of Burrowis, Lordis of Regaliteis, and vtheris ordinat Officiaris. And that all Houshalderis, delait to the Magistratis, the Names of sic Personis, as transgressis this present Act, within their housis, to the effect, that ye saidis panis may be exactit of thē. vnder the pane, to be estemit as offendouris them selfis, and punist accordinglie. And incais the saidis Magistratis be found remisse or negligent in executioun of this present Act that vpon complaint thairof to be maid to the Kingis Maiestie, & his preuie Counsaill, they salbe callit and committit to Waird, during his Hienes will, and find souertie vnder greit panes at his Hienes sicht, for exact diligence to be schawin in executing of the said Act thairefter.
¶ Aganis passing in Pilgramage to Chaipellis, Wellis and Croces, and the Superstitious obseruing of diuers vrher Papisticall Rytes. CAP. VI.
FORSAMEKILL, As pairtlie for the want of Doctrine and raritie of Ministeris, and pairtlie throw the peruers inclinatioun of Mannis Ingyne to superstitioun, the Dreggis of Idolairie, ȝit remanis in diuers pairtis of the Realme, be vsing of P [...]lgramages [Page]to sum Chaipelles, Welles, Croces, and sir other Monumētis of Idolatrie. As also be observing of the Festuall dayis of the Sanctis, sumtime namit their Patrones, in setting furth of baine Fyris, singing of Caroles, within and about Kirkis, at certane seasonis of the ȝeir, and observing of sit otheris superstitious and Papistical Rytes, to the dishonour of GOD, contempts of his trew Religioun, & fostoring of greit errour amang the peopill. For remeid quhairof, IT IS statue and ordanit be OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thre Estatis of this present Parliament. That nane of his Hienes Liegis presume, or tak upon hand in time cumming, to hant, frequent, or vse the laidis Pilgramages, or vtheris the foirnamit Superstitious and Papisticall Rytes, vnder the panes following videlicer: Il [...] gentilman or Woman landit, or Wyfe of the gentilman landit, ane hundreth pundis. The vulandit ane hundreth Markis, and the Ȝeman fourtie purdis for the first fale. And for the secund falt, the offendaris to suffer the pane of deith, as Idolateris. And for the better execurioun heirof, Comandis, ordanis & geuis power to all Schireffis Stewartis, Bailȝeis, Prouestis, Alpermen, and Bailȝeis of Burrowis, Lordis of Regaliteis, thair Stewartis & Bailȝeis, and vtheris, quhome it sall pleis OVR SOVERANE LORD to grant speciall Commissioun, to seirche and seik the Personis, passing in Pilgramage to onie Kirkis, Chaipellis, Mellis, Croces or sir vther Monumentis of Idolatrie. As alswa the superstitious obseruaris of the Festual dayis of the Sanetis, sumtimes namit, thair Patronis, quhair thair is no publict Fopris, and Mercaris, setteris out of vaine Fyris, singeris of Caroles, within and about Kirkis, and of sie otheris superititious and Papistical Rytes. And apprehending them in the actuall deid of the transgressioun of this present Act, efter spedy Iudgement of thair transgressioun to put and hald them in Presoun and firmance, ay and quhill they redeme their libertie be paiment of the panes abone written, and find Cautioun to abstene in time cumming, vnder the pane of dowbling of the same pane. And gif the Personis apprehendit be not avill to redeme thair Libertie be payment of the saidis Pecuniall panes, that then they keip the Persounis transgressouris in Presoun, Ienis or Storkis, upon Breid and Matter for the space of ane Moneth ester pair apprehensioun, causand them, quhen they ar set at Libertie, outher find Cautioun, or mak Faith, to abstene thair efter. And incats they happin to pas furth of the Schire, quhair they offend vnapprehendic, that the Schireffis and vther ordiner Iudges of the next Schire, Burgh, or Iurisdictiounis apprehend them, and proceid in l [...]kemaner, [Page]aganis them. Declairand the ane half of the Pecuniall parres to pecteine to the sarbis ordiner Iudges for their panes, and for lusterning of the Personis to be keipit in Waird, Ienis or storkis, and the vther half to be inbrocht to the vse of the puir of the Parochan.
¶ The explanatioun of the Act, ruitching the notour and manifest commirtaris of Adulterie. CAP. VII.
ANENT the Supplicatioun, maid to the Kingis Maiestie, and his thrie Estatis of this present Parliament, [...]aning ane replanatioun of the Act of Parliament, maid in the Regne of the Quane his Hienes dearest Mother, anent Aduleorie. That is: Duhat salbe essemit and Iudgit in Law to be notour and manifest Adulterie, worthie of the pane of derth, menetonat in the said Act. ¶ IT IS thairfoir declarit be his Hienes, with adurse of his thre Estatis in this present Parliament: That it salve Iudget in Law notour and manifest Adulterie, worthie of the said paine of deith, quhair thair is bairnis ane or nin procreat betnir the Personis Adulteraris, or quhen they keip companie and bed to gidder notoriouslie knowin, or quhen they ar suspect of Adulterie, and thairby genis sclander to the [...]iels, quhairupon being dewly admonischit, to abstene and sacisfie they Kirk be Repentance or purgatioun, and ȝit contempnanblie refusand, ar excominmirat for their obstinacie. All thir thrie degreis of Adulteraris, and euerie ane of them being lawfullie callit and conuitt befoir the Iustice and his Deputtis, sall incur and suffer the said pane of deith.
¶ Aganis fugitiues and vtheris Papistis, practising aganis the trew Religioun CAP. VIII.
FORSAMEKILL, As certane fugitiues and vtheris Personis, OVR SOVERANE LORDIS borne Subiertis, now remaning furth of tis Realme, Professing them selfis the Subteris and seruandis of vther Princes, vpon disdane and malyce borne be them, aganis the trew and Christiane Religioun, now publictlie Preichit and be Law establischit within this Realme. Cerssis not sa far as in them lyis, to peruert the ȝouth of this Natioun, Passing furth of this Realme to the Sculis, and to visits vther Cuntreis. And als makis, settis surth, sendis hame, and causis to be dispersit in this Realme divers Famous Burkis and Lubellis, in the Praise and defence of the Paip and his vsurpet Authoritie dampnit be Goddis Word, and OVR SOVERANE LORD IS Lawis. As alswo sindrie of the same Personis prefumis [Page]oftimes to repair in this Realme thē selfis, vnder culour to seik the recouerie of thair helth be the Air of their Natiue Cuntrie, Intending to seduce the simpill and Ignorant pepill, and vtheris oniewayis affectit to thair superstitious and Erroneus doctrine.
For remeid quhairof, IT IS statute and ordanit be OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thrie Estatis: That the Actis maid for punischment of his Hienes Subiectis aduersaryis to the trew and Christiane Religioun, and Persounis suspectit, to haif declynit thairfra, be put to dew Executioun in all Pointis with this addition. That it sall not be lesum to ony of the saidis Personis his Hienes Subiectis, or strangeris (not being Ambassadouris, Messingeris, or Merchandis) Aduersaryis of the trew and Christiane Religioun, or that hes declynit thairfra, to returne in this Realme, or remane thairin, except within the space of fourty dayis efter the end of this present Parliament, they satisfie and obey his Hienes Lawis, Anent the geuing of thair Confessioun, and assenting and subscriuing to the Artickillis of the said trew and Christiane Religioun. And in the meanetyme that nane of them repair in the Kingis Maiesteis presence, Palyce, or dwelling place, or remane langer nor thrie houris us onie pairt neir the same, within the space of seuin myles. And quhaeuir failȝeis heirin, (thair Namis being norifeit be the Bischoppis, Superintendentis, or Ministeris of the Kingis Hous, to the ordinar Iudges, quhaireuer the saidis Persounis repairis, or remanis,) They sall be taken, and haldin in Presoun be his Maister of Hous hald, or vther Iudges ordinar, ay and quhill they haue found sufficient Souirtie, Ilk Persoun vnder the pane of fytie hundreth Markis: That they sall outher Recant thair errouris, and obey his Hienes Lawis, be professing of the said Christiane Religioun, or depairt furth of the Realme, within the space of fyfetene dayis thairefter. And that alswa in the meaneseasoun, They sall nouther teache nor saw the said Paipis erroneus Doctrine, nor na vther erroneus Doctrine, repugnant to the said crew and Christiane Religioun, now publictlie Preichit, and be Law establischit in this Realme, to nane of the Subiectis thairof, outher be Wordis or Writt, vnder the said pane. And that all his Hienes subiectis, that hes, or sall mak, set fueth, bring hame, sell, or dispers within this Realme onie of the saidis Famous buikis & lybellis, in the praise and defence of the said Paip and his vsurpit Authoritie, or vther erroneus doctrine, to the cōtempt of OVR SOVERANE LORD and trew Religion presentlie profess [...]t within this Realme, being callit and dewlie con [...]ict thairof, according to the Lawis of the same, sall incur the pane of vanischment, and [Page]confiscatioun of all their guidis mouable to OVR SOVERANE LORDIS vse. And becaus sindrie Personis disobeyeris of his Hienes Authoritie, for not gening the Confessioun of thair Faith, conforme to the Actis of Parliamentis, hes thairthrow tint chair Benefices, ipso facto. The same being lawfullie & dewlie prouidit be OVR SOVERANE LORDIS presentation & admission of the Kirk, to personis seruing in the Ministerie, and the Fruitis thairof assignit to them for thair ȝeirlie leuingis and stipendis. Neuertheles in seiking Letteris to be answerit & obeyit of the saidis Fruitis, they ar oftimes hinderit throw licences purchest of OVR SOVERANE LORD to the saidis personis, departing & remaning furth of the Realme for duiers ȝeiris, without skaith or danger to be incurrit be them in thair personis, leuingis guidis & geir, In respect of the quhilkis licēces the Iudges, befoir quhome they ar producit, stayis and ceissis further proceading in ye saidis causis, to the greit hurt & preiudice of the Act of his Hienes Parliament, Intitulat: That the aduersarpis of Christis Religion sall not enioy the Patrimonie of the Kirk. For remeid quhairof, IT IS statute and ordanit be OVR SOVERANE LORD, & thre Estatis of this present Parliament: That all sic licences, purchest of his Hienes, sall hait na effect, strenth, nor force, annulland and dischairgeand the same be yir presentis, in sa far as they may onie wayis tend to the preiudice & hinder of the execution of the saidis Actis of Parliament, or to the titles & prouisionis of benefices and vtheris Ecclesiasticall Rentis, maid & grantit be vertew thairof. Commanding the saidis Iudges, befoir quhome the saidis Actionis ar or sall happin to be intentit or dependis, to proceid and do Iustice thairin with expedition, notwithstanding the saidis licences or absens of the Personis, in quhais fauour the same ar or sall happin to be grantit, quhilkis licences salve estemit bot as preuie wrytingis, without ane sufficient testimonial, instantlie schawin, that the Person, to quhome the same licence is grantit, professis the trew Religioun & hes already satisfeit his Maiesteis Lawes, maid to that effect.
¶ Cōmission to certane of euerie Estate with the Kingis Maiesteis Officiatis, to treat & conclude on certane Artickles & Supplicationis efter the end of this present Parliament, CAP. IX.
FORSAMEKILL, As in the Parliament haldin in the first ȝeir of the Regne of the Kingis Maiestie our Souerane Lord, commission is grantit to certane Lordis of the Estatis, To considder sic Artickles, as then wer cōmittit to them, and to report the same agane the nixt Parliamēt, As the said Act, cōtening the Artickles [Page]in speciall, and to quhome the consideration thairof ar committit ar mair lenth proportis, Aslpkewayis in the Parliament, haldin be his Hienes at Edinburgh, in the Moneth of Nouember, M.D.LXXIX. Commission is grantie to the Lord is of Prince Counsaill, for ordour taking in certane Artickillis, specifeit in the Act maid thairupon. Of quhilk Artickillis diuers at already considerit of, and Actis and statutis maid thairupon, vtheris remaning as ȝit vntuitchit, to the greit hurt & preiudice of the Kingis Maiestie, the Cōmonweil, and sindrie particuler parteis, And lastlie in this present Parliament sindrie artickles & Supplicationis hes bene presentit to his Maiestie & Lordis of the Artickles, quhilk can not be sufficientlie cōsiderit in that schore time quhilk now the Estaittis may remane togidder. Of quhilk haill Artickles the Tytles followis. Ane Artickle of Iames Lord of Sanct Iohnis, anent the Confirmation of his Priuilegis. Ane Artickle concerning the Act of Adulterie. Ane Artickle of the leirnit Men of this Realme, des [...]ring Letteris to flurisrhe. Ane Artickle, tuitching eiectioun and spuilȝeis. Ane Actickle anent reductioun of Decreittis, for the causis cōtenit in the first Lybell. Ane Artickle, concerning Warrandis in redemption of Landis. Ane Artickle, for punischment of them that wilfullie passis to the Horne, and remanis thairat. Ane Artickle for thame that passis to the Horne for liquidat Sowmes. Ane Artickle for them that passis to the Horne, and enteris in the Birth. Ane Artickle for them that puttis thair Sonnis and Frendis in their Landis, or makis assignatiounis of their Guidis in defraud of the executioun of Decreittis. Ane Artickle for Superiouris that genis privat Seasingis efter the deceis of their Dassallis, in defraud of the Air of the saidis Dassallis. Ane Artickle, anent derth of Dictuall and Bestiall.
Ane Artickle, for ganging of Fische furth of the Realme. Ane Artickle for cheising of Commisaris in enerie Schire, to keip ordour amangis Craftismen. Ane Artickle for slauchter. Ane Artickle for assythment of Pairty. Ane Artickle for Theifis tane reiuand. Ane Artickle for slauchter of Deillis and Lambis, And for passing furth of the Cuntrie, and inbringing of Wyne, Irne, Tar, Lynt, and Lytt. And als concerning the Merchandis that raisis the Pryce of the Geir that it was first sauld for efier the hamebringing. Ane Artickle for confirmatioun of the Giftis of Annuellis and Chaiplanreis to Burrowis. Ane Artickle of the Burgh of Cowpar, anent the dountaking of thair Custumes. Ane Artickle tuitching Seill, Feis, vther Feis and Wryting. For taking ordour anent the abusis and disorderis of Officearis of Armes and Notaris. Anent the extorsioun cane be Custumars [Page]and search [...]ris. Anent Prehendarpis to be anuexit to Collegis. An [...]t depositioun from Benefices. Anent Mariages without [...]ōsent of Pa [...]en [...]is. Anent sustening of the Ministerie at Colledge kirkis. Reformation of the Colledge of Abirdens. For erection of ane Colledge in Orknay. For consideratioun & Reformatioun of the state of the Duiuersiceis & Collegis in generall. Anent the Bischoppis Supplication for the cō;sistorial Iurisdiction. Commission for ordour taking anent the Taxation. Anent the ordour betuix the Merchandis & Marrinaris for pilleit Guldis. Ratification of the Chaplanreis to Burrowis. Artickle of the burgh of Carwaill. Artickle of the Burrowis in general for Musist. Supplication of the Cieteis of Sanctandrois, Glasgow, & Abirdene. Anent the Commissaryis. Supplicatioun of the Burgh of Ross merkuy. Anent the Briggis of Leyth & Crawmon [...] and vtheris Briggis. Anent the visitation of our Souerane Lordis R [...]gistee. Anent the first Fruitis of Benefices, tuitching the question betuix Alexander stewart, captane of Blaknes, & Williame Hāmiltoun. Suppllicationis of Dauid Murray, mother to the Laird of Balnaird & Iane Dischington. Anent the artickles presentit for ordering of the West Bordour. Anent the Registration of Horningis. In quhat maner writ [...]is & Euidences fall be maid autentik. For polycie in Edinburgh Anent prescription of Annuelrentis. Supplication of the burgh of Ediburgh & romanēt burrowis anentvnsxeinen. Supplication of the town of Quhichorne. Supplication of the Burgh of Annano, & partyes oppossand aganis the same. Supplication of the goldsinythis. Anent ye subscription of cheptouris. Anent escheittis geuī in defraud of creditouris. Anent hydis & schone. Anēt mesouris & wechtis. Supplication of the toun of Dumfreis. Thairfoir OVR Souerane Lord with aduise of his thre Estatis, genis & grantis full power, cōmission & authoritie of Parliament to he Lordis of artickles vnderwritcin, vid [...]alicet: Iames stewart, Erle of Arrane. Iohne Erle of Montrois. Andro Erle of Rothes. Patrik, Lord Lyndsay. Iames, Lord Ogylwie. Iohne Lord Hereis. Patrik, Archebischop of Sanctandrois. Adame bischop of Orknay. Alexāder bischop of Buchē. Mark cōmēdatour of Newbotril. Leonard cōmēdatour of couper. Alxāder cōmēdatour of Culros. Ye cōmissioneris of the burrowis of Edinburgh Perth, Dundie, Striuiling, Glasgow & Sanctandrois, or onie thre of them. For merie Estate with our Souerane Lordis Officiaris of the Estait vnderwrittin, That is to say: The Lord greit Chamberlane, The Chancellar, Thesauran, Secretar, Comptroller, Iustice Clerk, Clerk of Register, and Aduocat. Quhilkis sall visite and considder all the saidis Artickles, [Page]quhairupon Actis ar not ȝit maid, or sic of them, as they think maist neidfull, or requyris greittest haist and expeditioun, Outher for the weill of the Kingis Maiestie, the Kirk, or Commounweill, And to treat, consult, and deliberat vpon sic Actes and Lawis, as they thik maist reasonable to pas thairupon. Quhilkis being put in Forme of Actis, and subseriuit be the saidis Commissioneris, at leist be thrie of euerie Estate with sa monie of the ordmer Officiaris and of the Sessioun, as fall assist them and be present for the time, and thairefter delyuerit to the Clerk of Register; and dew lie publischit, according to the ordour of vther Actis of Parliament, quhairthrow the same probablie may cum to the knawledge of the haill Subiectis. They and euerie ane of them within fourtie dayis efter the said publicatioun, fall haue the strenth and force of Lawis, maid in his Hienes ful Parliament sittand quhilk the end of his Hienes nixt Parliament, And further, without they be speciallie and expreslie annullit and dischargit.
¶Anent the Cuinȝie.
THE Kingis Maiestie and his thrie Estaittis, considering how hurtfull and preiudiciall the lait Siluer Cuinȝie (hauing cours vpon sa heich Pryce) Is, and hes vene to the Commoun: weill of this Realme, The same being occasioun of greit derth, and of monie vther inconuententis. And now willing to haue the same reducit to ane lawer Pryce, without lois of his Hienes Subiectis, or ȝit to the Pertineris and Takismen vnderwrittin, quhilk they find can not be done, gif the Contract, maid anent the same Cuinȝie be sufferit to haif further effect and executioun.
Thairfoir his Maiestie with aduise of the saidis Estattis and of the saidis Takismen and Pertineris, They ar to say: Alexander Clerk of Balbirny Prouest of Edinburgh, Williame Napet of Wrichtis housis, Nicoll Odward, Henrie Nisvet, Rychard Abirecummy Robert Abirecummy, and Thomas Acheson vpon consideratioun had be the ordour following, that they falbe na loissaris: Decernis and declaris be Act of this present Parliament the said Contract to be null and of nane auaill, force, nor effect in all time cumming, And ordanis the saidis Takismen, Pertineris, Cuinȝeouris, and vtheris Officiaris, to desist and reis from all striking and cuinȝeing of onie further of the said Cuinȝie in onie time heirefter. And derlaris be the said Act, that the saidis Takismen and Pertineris, and all vtheris at thair command, hes done nathing in the said Mater of the lait Cuinȝie, preceiding the Dait heirof, Bot according to the will and [Page]ninnd of his Maiestie, and his saidis Estatis, quhilk they ratifie and appreue, in sa far as they haif done, conforme to the said contract, ay standand in effect quhill now, exonerand them thairof for now and euer. They being alwayis comptabill and answerabill for onie thing done be thame in the said Cuinȝie, contracious to the effect and meaning of the same Contract, conforme to the Tennour thairof. Artouir his Maiestie be the same Act, with aduise of the saidis Estaittis, Reuoikis, eassis, and annullis for euer all assignationis, for payment of sowmes of Money maid be his Hienes vpon the saidis takismen and pertineris, to onie Persone or Personis. And dischargeis the Lordis of secreit Counsaill and Sessioun, to direct onie Letteris, or chargeis vpon, or aganis them, or onie ane of them. And gif they do, declaris the same be thir presentis to be of nane anaile, force nor effect, Notwithstanding onie Decreittis geuin or to be geuin, quhilk his Maiestie with aduise of the saidis Estaittis dischangis simpliciter. Ordaning thame to haif no further force effect, ner executioun in tyme cumming. And further, his Maiestie with aduise of the saidis Estaittis, and consent alswa of the saidis takismen and pertineris, statutis and ordanis, That the said lait Cuinȝie, extending to twa hundreth elleuin stane and ten pund wecht of Siluer, salbe reducit and brocht in againe be thame to be cuinȝiet of new, be his Hienes Maister Cuinȝeour, betuix and the elleuine day of Marche nixttocum, in ten schilling peices of ellenin pennie fyne, conteinand foure in the vnce in this forine. That is say: hauandon the ane syde the Portratour of his Maiesteis Bodie, Armit with ane Crown vpon his Heid, & ane sword in his hand, with this circūscriptioun: IACOBVS VI, DEI GRATIA, REX SCOTO RVM. And on the vther syde his Hienes Armis in ane Scheilt with ane Crown abone the same Scheild, with the dai [...] of the Ȝeir, vpon ane of the sydis with this circūscriptioun: HONOR REGIS IVDICIVM DILIGIT. For inbriging & reductioū of quhilk money the saidis takismen and pertineris hes presentlie nominatit and appointit, Williame Naper, and Thomas Acheson, quhilkis sal remane at Edinburgh, to ressaue al pe said cunȝie, to the number & quantitie foirsaid, fra his Hienes subiectis, & delyuer them vther money thairfoir vpon the same pryces that they wer genin out for, betuix and the said elleuint day of Marche, vnto the quhilk day they fall haue course allanerlie. And being ressauit, sall bring and delyuer thame to his Hienes Maisteis Cuinȝeour, quha sall ruinȝie thame of new, in Forme and maner abone mentionat, and thairefter delyuer baith Stock and Profite agane in full Recompence of thair expensis, chargeis [Page]and trauellis ellis sustenit be the said Cunȝie to sit as [...]albe app [...] intit in their Names to ressaue the same. And the Maister Cunȝeour present and to cum, sall find the saidis takismen and pertineris sufficient Cautioun and Souertie ac [...]it in the buikis of Counsaill for randering vnto them the stock and profite of sit Sowmes and Wecht, as they sall delyuer vnto him to the effect foirsaid, vnto the quhilk time the saidis takismen and pertineris sall not be astrictie to delyuer onie Siluer to the said Maister Cunȝeour, deduceand alwayis the Feis and dewteis of the Werkmen and vtheris ordiner Officiaris of the Cuinȝiehous vsit and wount for their panes and labouris. And becaus the said Reductioun can not weill tak effect, without sum stock to mak ye exechange. The saidis takismē and pertineris thairfoir [...]al ha [...]f libertie lyke as his Maiestie with aduise of the saidis Estatis be thir presentis grantis them licence and libertie, to straik, and caus be strickin and cuinȝeit twentie stane wecht of Siluer mair nor is ellis cuinȝeit in the Money new deuysit, quhilk salbe delpuerit to them agane efter the same be pase the Irnis, in maner foirsaid, without deductioun of ony profite, or vther dewtie thairfoir, except the Feis and dewteis of the saidis Werkmen and Officiaris vsit and wount. Attouir OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his saidis thrie Estaittis, geuis and grantis full fredome, licence and ubertie to his Hienes Maister Cuinȝeour to brek doun the present current money within this Realme of x [...] d. fyne, speciallie the xxx, xx, and x s. peices and Testones, and to cuinȝie the same in the said new money, deuisit or xl s. the vnce of xj d. fyne. Makand his Hienes dew [...]ompt and rekning of the profite thairof, as appertenis. For the quhilk the said Maister Cuinȝeour nor vtheris the Officiaris of his Hienes Cuinȝehous sall incur na s [...]aith nor danger in thair Personis, Landis, or Guidis. Notwithstanding onie Actis, Lawis, or constitutiounis maid in the contrair: Anent the quhilkis his Hienes with aduise of his saidis Estatis dispenssis.
¶ Ratificatioun of the Actis anent the inbringing of Bulȝeoun. CAP. XI.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise his thrie Estatis and haill bodie of this present Parliament, Ratifyis & appreuis the Actis maid be his maist Nobill Progenitouris, Anent the inbringing of Bulȝeoun with this additioun. That euerie Custumer and Clerk cokquet in time cumming sal tak sic su [...]rtie or pleges as he will answer for. That Bulȝeoun eguiualent to the guides trāsportit, salbe delyuerit to the Maiste [...] [Page]of OVR SOVERANE LORDIS Cuinȝiehous, betuir and the nixt Chekker thairefter following, And ae the heiring of the Custumeris comptis, that he be comptrollit vpon the quantirie of the Bulȝeoun, delyuerit into the Cuinȝehous, according to the Letteris of ressait of the Maister Cuinȝeour, and quhat restis abone, that the said Custumar be answerabil thairfoir Prouidig, that incais onie of the Guidis custumar happinnis to pereis be [...]hance, or to be takin away per ma [...]orem vim, The Lordis auditouris of the Chekker being tertifeir and perswadit of the trenth thairof, sall grant detalcatioun of the quantitie of the Bulȝeoun at their discretioun. And for euerie vnce delyuerit to the Maister Cuinȝeour of vtter fyne Siluer he sall pay to the Merchand fourtie schillingis and mak compt of the profyte thairof in cuinȝeit Money to OVR SOVERANE LORDIS vse.
¶ Anent the dew payment of the Kingis Maiesteis Custumes. CAP. XII.
FORSAMEKILL, As our Souerane Lordis Custumes ar ane of the partis of the Patrimonie of his Crown, And sindrie gu [...]e and profitabill Actis hes bene maid, namelie aganis tha [...]e hauand guidis out of the Realme vncustumar, & how the custum sall remane with the King for his [...]euing, Quhilkis Actis and all vtheris Actis maid toward his Maiesteis custumes foirsaidis. His Hienes with aduise of his Estatis ratifeis and appreuis, and ordanis the same to haue full effect and executioun in time cūming with this additioun: That ane Table be delyuerit to all custumaris for uptaking and inbringing of our Souerane Lordis custumes, ordaning that euerie Sek of [...]oll sall contene bot twentie foure stanes, euerie hundreth Skin [...]is sex score, and euerie dusai [...]e of Clayth twetf el [...]is allanerlie.
¶ For the sui [...]tie of them that asseigit housis be the Kingis commission, in his Hienes Minoritie. CAP. XIII.
ANENT the Supplication geuin into our Souerane Lord; and Lordis of Artickles of this present Parliament, be the nob [...]linen and vtheris his item and faithfull Subiectis that seruit [...] the defence of his [...] Authoritie and Croun, during the la [...] Time trowbles within this liealine in the time of his Maiesteis young age, Makand mentioun: That quhair they being o [...]times [...] be his v [...]nqu [...]le Rege [...]tis for the time in the execution of [...]iuers c [...]tronis agains sindrie of his Hienes [...] Subiectis, [Page]Rebellis, and with stādaris of his Authoritie, quha at that time assistit and tuke plane pairt with the declarit Tratouris, rebellis and ennemyis of his Matesteis Crown, with power alswa to asseige Housis, and rais Fyre for the better repressing of thame. The saidis nobleman and vtheris his Maiesteis trew and Faithfull Subiectis, for dischargeing of thair dewtie in execution of the saidis commissionis with thair Friend is, assistaris, and seruandis searchit and socht the saidis Rebellis and disobedient Subiectis, quha placeing them selfis in Housis in sindrie pairtis of, this Realme, and keiping and fortifying the same agains his Maiestie and his Authoritie, they wer forcit to rais Fyre, and vse all vther meanis of hostilitie for recouerie of the same. ¶ QVHAIRFOIR, his Maiestie with aduise of his thrie Estaittis of this present Parliament, Deceruis and declaris, That all thing is done be the saidis Noblemen and vtheris his Hienes Faithfull Subiectis, within the time of the saidis Cunle Crowbillis, for executioun of the saidis commissionis, aganis quhatsumeuer Personis, his Hienes Rebellis, Tratouris and disobedient Subiectis, for the time, thair Seruandis, Freindis, Assistaris and partakeris wes lauchfullie well and dewtifullie done be thame. And that thairintill they haue committit na Cryme nor offence, bot obey it his Hienes and his Regentis Commandementis. Exonerand and dischairgeand thame of all Actioun, Cryme and offence, that onie Pairty may persew or moue aganis thame thairanent at [...] [...]ne time heire [...]ter.
¶ Aganis the schamefull oppression of slaying and hoching of Oxin and Horses. CAP. XIIII.
FORSAMEKILL. As be the louabill Lawes and Attis of Parliament maid of befoir, sic speciall respect is had to the labouring of the ground in dew sensoun, as the Oxin and Cattelt occupyit in the Pleuch, ar forbiddin to be popudit for onie maner of Dett during the time of the Tylth. Ȝit sindrie wicked Personis mouit in dispyre aganis their Nichtbouris, ceissis not commounlie in their pryuate reuenge, to hoch and slay Oxin and Horsis in the Pleuch, Byre and vtherwayis, And to hound out hair Men and vagaboundis to the attempting of sic foull and if schamefull enormiteis sa far preiudiciall to the Commounweill, and aganis all gude exempill, for stancheing quhairof in tyme cumming and to the terrour all weill of the committaris of sic foul and schamefull oppressiou [...], as of the causaris, foirtifearis, and [...]ssettaris of the committaris thairof. IT IS statute and ordanit [Page]be OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of the thrie Estaittis of this present Parliament: That all sie slayeris and hocheris of Horsis and Oxin, or other Cattell in tyme cumming, falbe estemit and puneist as Theifis. And all persounis that fall happin to ressett, supplie, and mantene the Authouris of sic oppressioun in companie or Hous hald, efter the committing thairof, salbe estemit and puneist as ressetteris and mantenaris of theifis, And baith the committaris of the said vnworthie and schamefull oppressioun and the ressetteris supplearis and mantenaris of them being dewlie callit and conuict thairof, to incur the pane of deith, and confiscatioun of all thair Guidis mouabill.
¶ For Executioun of the Actis maid anent casting downe and halding downe of Cruiuis and ȝairis, and punishment of the Transgressouris thairof, slauchter of reid Fische, and of the fry of all Fische. CAP. XV.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, and thrie Estaittis of this present Parliament, Ratifyis and appreuis all Actis maid be his Hienes and his maist Nobill Progenitouris, Anent the destructioun of Cruiuis, and Ȝairis, slauchter of reid Fische, Smoltis, and the fry of all Fisches. And ordanis the samin to half effect and executioun in tyme cumming. And becaus it is understand to his Hienes, and his saidis thrie Estaittis, that albeit panes and trauellis wes tane to cast downe and distroy the saidis Cruiuis and Ȝairis, ȝit in defalt of the executioun of the panes contenit in the saidis Actis upon the contrauenaris thairof, the saidis Cruiuis and Ȝairis ar not haldin downe, nor onie vther thing in effect, (appoyntit to be done be the saidis Actis) put in Executioun, throw the defalt and negligence of the ordinar, Officiaris, to quhome the Executioun thairof wes committit. ¶ THAIRFOIR, OVR SOVERANE LORD with aduise of his saidis thrie Estaittis hes maid, constitute and ordanit, and be the Tennour of this present Act. Makis, constitutis and ordanis the persounis efter specifeit within the boundis particularlie followand his Hienes Iustices in that pairt, to the effect vnderwrittin. They ar to say: George Erle of Cathnes, for the boundis of Cathnes and Strathnauer. Alexander Erle of Sowtherland, for the boundis of Sowtherland and all Ryuers thairin. The said Erle of Sowtherland, George Ros appeirand of Balnagowne, and Robert Monro of Fowllis coniunctlie and seuerallie for the Matter of Killosochell. The said Robert Monro, [Page]of fowllis, Bailȝie and Chamberlane of Ros for the Watter of Conan. Iames Erle of Arran and his Deputtis for the Watter of ferrar. The Schiref of Innernes and his Deputtis, and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Innernes for the watter of Nes. The Schiref of Narne and his Deputtis, and the Prouest & Bailȝeis of Narne for the watter of Narne. The Schiref of Elgyne and fores and his deputtis, and the Bailȝeis of the Erldome of Murrap and of the Abbay of Kinlos and Priory of Pluscarden, and the Prouestis and Bailȝeis of the Burrowis of Elgyne and fores for the watteris of Spey, fyndorne and Lossy. The Schiref of Banff and his Deputtis and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of the Burgh of Banff for the Watter of Gouerne. The Land of Essilmont for the watter Ythane. The Erle Merscheil for the watter of Ogy. The Schiref of Abirdene and his deputtis, and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Abirdene for the watteris of Dee and Done. The Schiref of Kincardin and his deputtis for the watteris of Cowy and Berwy. The Erle of Montrois and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Montrois for the watteris of Northesk and Southesk. The Schireffis of Perth and for fair, Stewart of Stratherne and thair deputtis, and Prouestis and Bailȝeis of Perth and Dundie for the watteris of Tay and Erne and thair Granis. The Schiref of Fyffe and his deputtis, for the Southsyde of Tay, Ipand within the schirefdome of Fyffe, & for the watter of Leuin. The Prouest and Bailȝeis of Cowpar for the watter of Eden. The Stewart of Menteich and his Deputtis for the heidis of the watteris of Teith and forth, The Schiref of Striuiling and his deputtis, and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Striuiling for the remanent of the watteris of Forth, Teith, Gudie, Carroun, Alloun and Douane and thair Granis. The Schiref of Lynlythgow and his deputtis, and the Prouest & Bailȝeis of Lynythgow for the watter of Auane and sowthsyde of forth within ye boūdis of that schirefdome. The Schiref of Ediburgh principall and his deputtis, and the Prouest & Bailȝeis of Edinburgh for the watteris of Awmond, Leyth, north and southesk.
The Schiref of Ediburgh within the cōstabularie of Hadingtoun and his deputtis, and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Hadingtoun for the watteris of Tyne and Beill. The Schiref of Dumfreis and his deputtis. The Erle of Mortoun, Waidan of the West Merches and his deputtis, and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Dumfreis Kirckudbricht, and Annand for the watteris of Annand, Nyth, Die, Cree and Luce. The Bailȝie of Carrik and his deputtis for the watteris of Stincher, and Giruane. The Schiref of Air and his deputtis, and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Air, for [Page]the watteris of Dune and Air. The Bailȝie of Cunninghame and his deputtis, and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Irwing for the watteris of Irwing and Garn [...]k. The Schireffis of Lanerk, Renfrew and thair deputtis, and the Prouest and Bailȝeis of Glasgow, Renfrew, and Lanerk, for the watter of Clyd and Granis thairof. The Schiref of Dumbertane and his deputtis, and Bailȝeis of the Burgh of Dumbertane for the watteris of Leuin and Ainrik. The Schiref of Ergyle and Carbart and his deputtis, for the boundis of the said Schirefdome & Lome to the merche of the schirefdome of Innernes, And the said Schiref of Innernes and his deputtis for all the boundis of the said Schirefdome on the Northwest Cost fra the merche of the Schirefdome of Ergyle to Strathnauer. ¶ GEVAND, grantand, and committand to the saidis Iustices in that Pairt coniunctlie and seuerallie within the boundis particularlie abonewrittin full power, speciall command, expres bidding and charge: To unqupre, and tak vp dittap of all Persounis, Contraueneris of the saidis Artis of Parliament, within the boundis particularlie abonewrittin, Alsweill the principall offendaris, as thair Maisteris, Landislordis, and ressettaris, And to call thame to vndirly the Law thairfoir in the Tolbuith of the Heid Burgh of euerie Schire, or other place conuenient at the discretioun of the saidis Iustices, and put thame to the knawledge of ane Assyse, And as they be found in culpabill or Innocent, to Minister Iustice vpon thame, conforme to the Lawes of this Realme. The panes contenit in the saidis Actis, to rais and vplift, and of the samin, to mak compt, rekning and payment to OVR SOVERANE LORD, and his Hienes Thesaurair in his Chekker. And to the effect, that the Executioun of the saidis Actis fall not be neglectit as in tymes bypast. Ordanis twa ordiner Iustice courtis to be haldin ȝeirlie, The ane the first day of Februar, and the vther at the first day of August, or the nixt Lauchfull dayis thairefter following besyde vther Courtis to be haldin at vther dayis, quhen occasioun seruis at the discretioun of the saidis Iustices. And incais the saidis Iustices or onie of them failȝie in doing thair exact diligence for executioun of this present commissioun at twa tymes euerie ȝeir, as said is, being callit and conuirt thairof be our Souerane Lordis Iustice principall or his deputtis at the instance of his Hienes Aduorat, Euerie ane of them fall incur the pane of twa hundreth pundis, to be vpliftit of thame vs his Hienes Thesaurair, to his Maiesteis vse. Be it alwayis vnderstand, that this present Act, nor no thing thairin contenit, [Page]sall be preiudiciall to his Hienes Subiectis, being dewlie infest and in possessioun of halding of Cruiuis, Lynis or loupis within fresche Watteris, Bot that they may vse, iois, bruik and occupy the same in time cumming according to thair richtis, keip and the setterdayis slop and sic distance betuir euerie Hek, as the Actis of Parliament appointis. And incais they failȝie thairin, to be accusabill, and suffer punischment, as the remanent transgressouris of the saidis Actis.
¶ Additioun to the Actis maid aganis notorious Theifis, and Soirnaris of Clannis. CAP. XVI.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, And his thrie Estaittis in this present Parliament, hauing cōsiderit the monie greuous oppressionis and cruelties, quhairunto his peceabill and gude Subiectis at subiect, Findis nathing mair intollerabill nor the deidlie Feidis, borne be the Clannis of Theifis, brokin men, and soirnaris vpon trew men, For the slauchter, taking hurting of the saidis Theifis, brokin Men, and Soirnaris, taking and bringing thame to Iustice, or in the defence and redding of trew Mennis Guidis, stowin and reft fra thame. And how the saidis Clannis of theifis for the maist pairt at companeis of wicked men, coupled in fellowschippis, be occasion of thair surnames, or neir dwelling is togidder, or throw keiping societie in thift or resset of thift, not subiectit to the ordinar cours of Iustice, nor to onie ane Landislord that will mak them answerabill to the Lawes, bot commonlie dwelland on sindrie mennis Landis aganis the gudewill of thair Landislordis, quhairthrow trew Men opprest be them, can haue na remeid at the handis of thair Maisteris, bot for their defence ar ofttymes constranit to seik redres of their skaithis of the haill Clan, or sic of them as they happin to apprehend, lyke as the haill Clan commonlie beiris Feid, for the hurt ressauit be onie Member thairof, quhether be executioun of Lawes, he ordour of Iustice, or vtherwayis. ¶ IT IS thairfoir declarit, statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord, with aduise of his thrie Estatis and haill Body of this present Parliament: That it sall be lesum to all his obedient and gude subiectis, that sall ressaue onie harme or skaith throw stouth or maisterfull reif of their Guidis, to be committit efter the Dait heirof be onie of the saidis notorious Theifis, brokin men, or Soirnaris of the saidis Clannis of theifis in tyme cumming, To apprehend, slay, and arreist the bodeis & guidis of the personis, offēding aganis them or onie vtheris, being of the same Clan, their seruandis, dependeris, or partakeris, [Page]quhaireuer they sall find thame in onie pairtis of this Realme, an and quhill the Principallis, or vtheris of thair said Clan causis the saidis harmes and skaythis be redressit to the satisfactioun of the sustenaris thairof, Or at leist fond sufficient Sourtie, to that effect to the contentment of the Person that hes sustenit the skaith. Incais it salbe found be ordour and tryall, according to Iustice, that the offendar and Deiddoar wes oniewayis ressait, suppleit, and mantenit amangis the said Clan, efter the offence committit.
¶ Commissioun for Reformatioun of the Hospitallis, Masondewis, Almoushousis, and Beidhousis, and reduceing them to their first institutioun. CAP. XVII.
ANENT the Supplicatioun presentit to OVR SOVERANE LORD and thrie Estaittis of this present Parliamene, be the pure Pepill of this his Hienes Realme, Makand mentioun: That quhair his Maiesteis maist Nobill Progenitouris of Worthie Memorie vpon ane Godlie zeale, quhilk they and the Baronis, and vtheris of this Realme, their gude Subiectis hes borne to thereleit of the aiged and decayed honest Folkes, Foundit and erecter certane Hospitallis, Masondewis, Almoushousis, and Beidhousis to the Glorie of Almichtie GOD and releif of the pure. And hes continuallie mantenit the samin till of lait dayis, that the present Possessouris of sindrie Benefices vnder cullour of Reformatioun or the Religioun hes appropriat the haill Leuingis of the saidis Hospitallis Masondewis, Almoushousis, and Beidhousis to thair awin vses and thair Airis, or hes sauld the Landis & Rentis thairof for greit sowmes of money to vtheris in few firme, And further hes dimolischit the godlie housis that wes appointit for ressauing & ludgeing of the pure & applyit the samin to pair awin particuler vses inynding that neuer sic thing salbe in time cumming, to the greit offence of almichtie GOD, the defraud of our Souerane Lord & his posteritie, Kingis of this Realme, and their subiectis the foundatouris, & to the extreme vndoing of greit numberis of the pure pepil that wer & aucht to be sustenit thairby, gas his Hienes soirsee not the sami, & put not timous remeid yairto, Ane deth assurilie that in na pairt of Christidome, ȝee nor amāgis the verie Turkis wald be sufferit. And albeit his Maiestie with abuise of his Estatis in Parliamēt appointit the Chancellair and certane vtheris, to cōsidder the fundatiōis of ye saidis Hospitallis, masōdewis, almoushousis, & beidhousis, & ordenit ye sanin be Act of Parliament to be reformit, according to the godlie institutionis [Page]and erectionis of them, ȝit is thair nathing done theirin quhowbeit the exceeding numberis of the pure that daylie incressin this Land, tryis vnto Almichtie God for reformatioun thairof, and maist humblie serkis the same of his Hienes, to quhome God hes onelee geain the power. ¶ QVHAIRFOIR our Souerane Lord and thrie Estatis of this present Parliament hes geuin and grantit lyke as yal be the tennour heirof geuis and grantis power and commissioun, To Coline Erle of Ergyle, Lord Campbell & Lorne Chancellair. Williame Erle of Gowrn. Lord Ruthuen, Thesaurair. Iohne Lord Hereis. Robert Commentatour of Dumfermeling. Mark Commendatour of Newbortill. Alexander Commendatour of Culros. Maister Robert Ereichtoun of Ehok, his Hienes Aduocat. Alerander Hay, Clerk of Register, and Alexander Clerk, Prouest of Edinburgh or onie thrie of them coniunctlie. To conuene thame selfis and sit in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh, quhatsumeuer day or dayis, a sweill efter none as befoir, for taking cognitioun in the said mater ay and quhill the saidis Hospitallis Masondewis, Almoushousis and Beidhousis within this Realme be brocht, reponit, and reducit in and to the ordour and estait of their first fundationis, according to the mynd and intentioun of their Godlie fundatouris, sa far as may stand agreabill with the Lawis of this Realme and Christiane Religioun presentlie professit within the same. And to that effect, that our Souerane Lordis Letteris be directit vpon the warādis and delyuerance of the saidis Commission e [...]s, or onie thrie of thame, chargeing the hauaris and keiparis of the erectionis and fundationis of the saidis Hospitallis, Masondewis, Almoushousis and Beidhousis, or of quhatsumeuer Lādis Teindis Rentis, or vtheris possessionis geuin and dotat for the releif and sustentation of the pure, alsweill within Burgh as without, and of all Chaplanrets, Prebendreis Aunuellis, Freir or Nunnis Landis disponit to Burrowis to the effect foirsaid Fewaris, Rentalaris, Takismen & Intromettaris thairwith, to produce the saidis fundationis, richtis & titles outher Fewis or Takkis quhairby yai bruik or pretendis richt to onie pairt of the leuing and Patrymonie of the saidis Hospitalis, Masondewis, Almoushousis, and Beidhousis, befoir the saids Lordis Commissioneris at sic dayis as they pleis assigne, to be sene and considerit be thame, to the effect foirsaid, vnder the pane of Rebellion, & putting of them to our Soueranes Horne, with certificatioun and they failȝie, Letteris wilbe direct to put thē to the Horne, or ellis to reduce for none production. And incais of failȝie and none productioun of the saidis erectionis and vthrris wristie and richus abone writtin, at the dayis to be appointit [Page]thairto, To proceid and direct further charges, and put the disobeyeris to the Horne or to reduce thair precendit Richtis & Titillis, quhatsumeuer as they sall find caus worthie. And als to direct Letteris, to arreist and sequestrat the maillis, fermes, profittis, and dewteis of the saidis Landis, Teyndis and vther possessiounis, perteming to the saidis Hospitallis, or onie thing geuin and dotar for sustentatioun of the pure, to remane in the handis of the Tennentis and Possessouris, quhill the said Reformatioun be maid and perfytit, Then to be geuin to the pure, and helping to reedifie the Housis biggit to that effect be our Soueranes maist Nobill Progenicouris, and their Subiectis of gude zeale. Vpon Cautioun alwayis to be found be the saidis tennencis and possessouris, that the saidis Maillis, fermes, profittis, and dewteis sall be furthcummand to the effectis abonewrittin, And als with power to the saidis Iudges the foirsaidis Erectionis, Infestmentis and Richtis being producit befoir them, to try the quantitie of thair Rentis ordour of fundatioun and estait, quhairin the Rentis and Houses thairof presentlie ar, and quhairin they find the ȝeirlie Rentis of the saidis Hospitallis dummischit or onie pairt or portioun of thair Leuingis or Biggingis appropriat and applyit to particuler Mennis vses contrair the Tennour of their first fundatiounis, and godlie intentioun of their fundatouris be particuler Infestmentis Cakkis, or vther speciall Richtis, to reduce samin, as the saidis Commissioneris sall find caus worthie & gewe furth their Decreit Reductiue thairupon. Decerning all the saidis Richtis, geuin and set in preuidice of the first fundationis, as saidis, null an [...] of nane auaill, force, nor effect in all tyme cumming. And to returne & be appropriat to the saidis Almoushousis Hospitallis, Masondewis & Beidhousis, and sustentatioun of the pure being thairin in all times heirefter, according to the [...]enour of their erectionis in all pointis. Siclyke and in the samin maner, as gif the saidis new dispositionis of the Partrimonie thairof had neuer bene maid nor grantit. Ouhilkis Decreitris the Kingis Maiestie with aduise of his saidis thrie Estaittis declaris sall be of als greit force and effect, and siclyke executioun to pas and follow thairon, as gif the samin had vene geuin and grantit before the haill Lordis of Counsaill and Sessioun, sittand in full number, Prouyding alwayis, that all Partyis lawfull defensis be first hard and diseussit as the saidis Commissioneris will answer to OVR SOVERANE LORD upon the Execution of thair Effices. Geuand them power in lyke maner to creat Clarkis and vtheris Officia [...]is and Memberis of Court requisite, and to ressaue their [...]ithis to that effect, for quhome they salbe haldin to answer, [Page]Witnessis to caus be summondit, sworne, and examinat, and to call for the production of onie Writtis, Euidentis, or Registeris, that may further the knawledge of the treuth in the said mater. And siclyke, to direct onie ane of thair number or ma for visitatioun of the saidis Hospitallis, Masondewis, Almoushousis, and Beidhousis, gif the same beis found requisite be them for their better information. And generallie, to do and vse all vther thingis that to the Executioun of this present Commission is necessarilie requyrit, And all the saidis Commissioneris being personallie present, acceptit the said Commission in and vpon them, and maid Faitly for dew and faythfull administration thairintill.
¶ Aganis the excesse of coistlie Cleithing. And transporting of Woll, quhairby the pure may be the better haldin in Werk. CAP. XVIII.
THE Kingis Maiestie, and Estaittis of this present Parliament, Considering the greit abuse, standing amang his Subiectis of the mean [...] Estait, presuming to counterfait his Hienes and his Nobilitie, in the vse and wearing of coistlie Cleithing of Silkis of all sortis, Layne, Cameraige, Freinȝeis, and Pasmentis of Gold, Siluer, and Silk, and Wollin Clayth, maid & brocht from vther foreyne Cuntreis, quhairthrow the pryces of the same is growin to sic exorbitant derth, as it is not abill to be langer sustenit without the greit skaith & inconuenient of the cōmonweill, quhowbeit God hes grantit to this Realme sufficient cōmoditeis for cleithing of the Inhabitantis thairof within the self, gif the pepill wer, verteouslie employit in working of ye same at hame, quhairthy greit numberis of pure folkis, now wandering in begging, micht be releuit, alsweill to the honestie, as welth of the Cuntrie. ¶ for remeid quhairof, IT IS statute and ordanit be OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his Estaittis and haill Bodie of this present Parliament: That nane of his Hienes Subiectis, Man nor Woman, being vnder the degrees of Dutkis, Erlis, Lordis of Parliament, Knichtis, or landit gentilmen, that hes or may spend of fre ȝeirlie Rent, twa thousand Markis, or fyfty Chalderis Victuall at leist, or their Wyffis Sonnis or Douchteris, fall efter the first day of May nixttocum, vse or weir in thair Cleything, or Apparrell, or Lyning thairof onie Clayth of Gold, or Siluer, Deluot, Satyne, Damas, Taffateis, or onie begaireis, Frenȝeis, Pasmentis, or broderie of Gold, Siluer, or Silk, nor ȝit Layne, Cammerage, or Wollin Clayth, maid & brocht from onie foreyne Cuntreis, vnder the pane of ane [Page]hundreth pundis of euerie gentilman landit, ane hundreth markis of euerie gentilman vnlandit, & fourtie pundis of ilk Leman man, for euerie day that he, his Wyfe, Sonne or Douchter transgressis this present Act. The ane half to the vse of OVR SOVERANE LORD or Lord of the Regalitie, within quhais boundis his the transgressouris ar apprehendit, and the vther half to the Schireffis, Stewartis and Bailȝeis within thair Iurisdictionis, Prouestis, Aldermen, and Bailȝeis within Burrowis & Cieteis, and to the Stewartis and Bailȝeis within Regaliteis for thair panes, [...]uhilkis ordinar Iudges be thame selfis, their Deputtis and Officiaris, sall haue power to atteiche and arreist the Personis transgressouris of the said Act, and to put them in Waird, quhill then be trpit vpon the said transgressioun be ane Asspse, quhilk sall be done within the space of thrie dayis efter their apprehensioun at the farthest. And being found culpable, to hald thame in Waird, quhill they haue papit the said pane, and found Souertie to abstene in time cumming, vnder dowbling of the pane, Exceptand alwayis the Officiaris and seruandis of OVR SOVERANE LORDIS Houshald, contenit in the Roll thairof. The Officiaris of his Estate, Senatoris of the College of Iustice, Aduocatis and Seribes thairof, Schireffis, Stewartis, and Bailȝeis, The Prouestis, Bailȝeis and Personis, being, or that hes bene on the Counsaill of Burrowis, and Iudges in Regaliteis, Heraldis and Maseris, quhilkis sall not be subiect to the panes of this present Act, For weiring and vseing of sic Apparrell, as they haue, or fall happin to half in time cumming, Aither in the time that they beir Office, and ar Counsaillouris, or thairefter, during thair Lyfetimes, Nether sall onie of his Hienes Liegis be subiect to the saidis panes, for vseing and weiring of onie thair Cleithing, alreadie maid befoir the Publicatioun of this present Act, nor to onie seruandis, for vseing and weiring of the auld Cleithing of their Maisteris or Maistressis, nor to onie Wemen, for vseing and weiring of sic Apparrell vpon thair hei [...]is, as they half bene accustumat to weir in time bygane. And to the effect, that all his Hienes Subiectis prohibite be this presen [...] Act, to weir the said coistlie Cleithing, may the better be seruit of Clayth and vther stuff, wrocht within this Realme, to their sufficient Cleithing in their degrees, As alswa that the pure Pepill may be the better haldin in werk, throw the labouring of the woll of this Cuntrie within the same. ¶ THAIRFOIR, IT IS statute and ordanit be OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his saidis Estatis: That na maner of Woll be transportit or put in Schippis or Boitis to be trāsportit furth of this Realme [Page]in time cumming vndir the Pane of confiscation of the same woll, and of all the remanent quidis mouabill of the Personis awneris and transporteris thairof, to our Souerane Lordis vse. And that na licence or dispensation fall be grantit be our Souerane Lord or his successouris, to quhatsumeuar Persone or Personis, for trāsporting of woll furth of this Realme, efter the said first day of May nixttocum, vnder quahatsumener cullour or pretense, And that alsweill the purchessaris of the said dispēsationis or licences, (gif the samin fall happin throw Inopportunitie or wrang narratiue to be grantit,) as their informaris, byaris of the licences from the purchessaris vsaris thairof, and transportaris of the woll in thair schippis and vessellis sall incur ye saidis panes, as gif na sic licences had bene grātit, quhilkis salbe estemit bot as priuate Letteris, surreptitiously purchest, quhaireuer they sal happin to be schawin in Iudgement, or outwith, quhairthrow the [...]rew effect & meaning of this present Act, sall na wayts be hinderit or preiudged.
¶ Aganis superfluous Banquetting, and the inordinat vse of Confectouris and Droggis. CAP. XIX.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, And his thrie Estaittis conuenit in this present Parliament, vnderstanding the greit exces and superfluitie vsit in Brydellis and vtheris Banquertis amangis the meane Subiectis of this Realme, alsweill within Burgh as to Landwert, To the inordmat consumption, not onlie of sic stuff as growis within the Realme, bot alswa of Droggis, Confectouris and Spicereis, brocht from the pairtis beȝond Sey and sauld at deir Pryces to monie folk that ar verie vnabill to sustene that coist. ¶ for stanching of quhilk abuse and disorder, IT IS statute and ordanit be our said Souerane Lord, with aduise of his saidis thrie Estaietis: That na maner of Personis, his Subiectis, being vnder the degree of Prelatis, E [...]lis, Lordis, Baronis, landit gentilmen, or vtheris that ar worth and may spend in ȝeirlie fre Rent, twa thousand Merkis money, or fyftie Chalderis Virtuall, all chargeis diducit, Sall presume, to haue at their Brydellis or vther Banquettis. or at their Tabillis in daylie their, onie Droggis or Confectouris, brocht from the Paietis beȝond Sep. And that na Banquettis sall be at onie vpsiteingis efter baptizing of Bairnis, in time cumming, vnder the Pane of twentie pund to be payit be euerie Persone, doar in the coi [...]trair, Alsweill of the Maister of the Hous, quhair the effect of this Act is contrauenit, as of all vther personis that sall be found or tryit partakeris of sic superfluous Banquetting and escheitting of the Droggis and Confectouris apprehendit. For quhilk the [Page]Prouest and Bailȝeis within Burgh, and the Schireffis, stewartis, Bailȝeis & Lordis of Regaliteis, and their Bailȝeis to Landwart, sall appoint seircheouris, To quhilkis seircheouris oppin durris sall be maid, of quharsumeuer Housis that then euin to seirche, vnder the panes to be estemit culpabill in the transgression of this Act gif they refuse. And the offenderis being apprehendit, to be takin and haldin in Waird quhill they haue payit the saidis pecuniall panes, to be employit the ane half to the behulf of the ordinar Officiaris & seircheouris, & the vther half to the pure of the Parochine.
¶ Ratification of the Act of Parliament concerning the decision of Appellationis, maid to the court of Rome. CAP. XX.
OVR SOVERANE LORD. And thrie Estatis of this present Parliament, Ratifeis, appreuis, & confirmis the Act of Parliament underwrittin in all pointis, passis, clausis. and Articles contenit thairintill. And ordanis the samin, to haue full strenth, force & effect, and alswa decernis & declairis the samin Act to half bene ane common Law fra the day & dait thairof, and swa to be in all times cumming. And that na Iudge within this Realme tak vpon hand, to cognosce or deeyd in onie cans cōtrair the tennour & ordinance of the said Act, or to wry or wreist the samin be thair ingyne or interpretation, bot the samin Act to be keipit in all the circumstances thairof, according to the tennour of the samin, Of the quhilk the tennour followis. ¶ IN THE PARLIAMENT, haldin at Edinburgh the [...]r day of Iulie, the ȝeir of GOD, M.D.LX. ȝeiris, The said Parliament being cōtinewi [...] to the first day of August nixt [...]airefter following with cōtinuatioun of dayis vpō the xxui [...] day of the said moneth of August. The thre Estatis then being present, vnderstanding that the liegis and subiectis of this Realme hauand Actionis dependand & persewi [...] in the Court of Rome, or in the cōsistories of the samin, hes sustenit greit expensis, sa that they haue bene allutterlie hereit thairthrow. For eschewing of the quhilk & that na pairty, hauand iust Action, be defraudit thairof. IT IS statute & ordanit, That all pairteis alsweill, perseweris as defenderis, hauand pleis, dependand in the saidis court of Rome or cōsistoreis, or befoir vtheris Iudges, call [...] Delegatis or Subdelegatis, sall persew or defend the same at yair optiō befoir y e Lordis our Soueranes session, the schiref, stewart, or bailȝie of Regalitie, bailȝie of baronie, Prouest or bailȝies of burrowis, or vther rēporal Iuges ordineris [...]in yis Realme quhair ye pairty persewar aucht to answer of y e law, & the saidis processis to beginne quhair pa [...] left, according to ye last Act of ye proces, & efter [Page]the Forme thairof, quhill the finall end and decision of the samin. And the Sentence being geuin, the executioun to be maid thairof, as of vther Sentences pronuncit befoir vther temporall Iudges of this Realme. And atouir, becans it is lykewise understand that thair is Appellations maid and interponit fra diuers sentences, geuin in the foirsaidis Consistoreis, & als fra sentences be Iudges delegatis & yair Subdelegatis quhilkis Appellationis being Iustifeit, may reduce the said sentences. ¶ Thairfoir, IT IS statute & ordanit, That the Pairteis, quha hes appeilit, gif in their supplicationis to ye Lordis of our Soueranes Session, to haif letteris to call the Pairtie, for quhome the sentence is geuin to cōpeir befoir the saidis Lordis to heir & see twa, thre, or four namit be cōmission, To sit in the maist conuenient place, to cognosce vpon the said Appellation & sentence, & to declair the samin, according to the Law, Outher retreitand the Sentence or confirmand the samin. Prouiding, that the persewaris of thir Appellationis do their diligence, in maner foirsaid, within the terme & space specifeit in the Lawes, vtherwayis not to be hard heirefter, bot executioun to be geuin vpon the saidis sentences, siclyke as and the Pairtie had not appeillit thairfra. And in lykewayis becaus it wes lauchfull at sumtime be way of Supplication, callit per modum simplicis querele, for to seik remeid of the nullitie and iniquitie of sentences, albeit na Appellation had bene maid and interponit thairfra. Thairfoir it is ordanit, that the saidis Supplicationis sall be geuin in be the compleineris to the saidis Lordis of the Session, quha sall haue cognition thairintill, and do Iustice thairanent, conforme to the law, prouiding alwayis that this haif place onlie in sic causis, as of befoir wer permittit to persew per modum simplicis querele allanerlie.
¶ Aganis the abuse of sum landit gentilmen, and vtheris, forbeiring to keip hous at their awin dwelling places. CAP. XXI.
FORSAMEKILL, As of lait thair is croppin in amangis sum Noblemen, Prelatis, Baronis, and gentlemen in certane pairtis of this Realme, being of gude Leuingis, greit abuse contrair the honour of the Realme, & different from the honest frugalitie of pair foirbearis passing to burrowis, townis, clauchānis, & ailhousis with pair houshaldis, & sum abyding in pair awin places, vses to buird the selfis & vtheris to yair awi seruādis, as in hostillareis, quhairon skaithful & schameful incōuenientis daylie fallis out, to the offence of God, defrauding of the pure of pair almous, sclander of the cuntrie, & hurt of the Authoris. For remeid quhairof, OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thrie Estatitis of this [Page]present Parliament, hes statute and ordanit: That euerie Prelate, Lord Barone, & landit gentilman, sall mak his ordinar dwelling and residence at his awin hous with his famelie in all time cumming efter the publication of the Actis of this present Parliamēt, For setting fordward of Policie and decoratioun of thair saidis dwelling places supporting of the pure with Almous and intertening of freindschip with thair Nichtbouris be all gude and honest meanes. And that they forbeir the said vnhonest forme of buirding of thame selfis and their famelyis and hous haldis in Burrowis, Clawchannis, and Ailhousis, or in their awin housis, vnder the panes following, That is to say: Ilk Lord and Prelate vnder the pane of fyue hundreth Markis, Ilk greit Barone vnder the pane of thrie hundreth Markis, & ilk landit gentilman vnder the pane of twa hundreth Markis. And gif they failȝie, being callit and ordourlie conuict of transgressing this present Act the saidis panes to be vpliftit to OVR SOVERANE LORDIS vse.
¶ Additioun to the Act of Lawborrowis. CAP. XXII.
FORSAMEKILL, As sindrie gude Actis hes bene maid anent finding of Lawborrowis for preseruation of the trew and obedient Subiectis from iniust force and violence. And laitlie for their greitter confort. IT wes weil ordanit that ye panes of Lawborrowis suld be deuidit betuix the King and the Pairty offendit vnto. Neuertheles, seing the panes of Lawborrowis hes extendit onlie in time bygane for faulftie of bodelie harme from the Persone of the compleinar, The malice of the wicked sa incressis, as they ceis not be indirect meanis, and hunding out of Lymmaris, vagaboundis, and vtheris not responsall, to inuaid the Innocent Personis not onlie in thair Bodeis bot to reif, steill, hoche, or slay thair Oxin, Horsis, and vther Cattel, cut or distroy their Toirnis, or to caus eit the same with Bestiall, to hund and slay thair Scheip with Doggis, boist thame selfis in sic sort as thay dar not ly in thair awin Housis, or to mauas thair Seruandis, to leue their seruice, quhairthrow their ground may be layed waist, to the vtter wrak and depaupering of the Innocentis.
¶ QV HAIR FOIR, OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thrie Estaittis in this present Parliament Ordanis, That all Letteris of Lawborrowis sall be direct in tyme cumming at the Instance of the Pairteis complemand, Chairyeing the Personis complenit vpon, To find sicker Souertie and Lawborrowis, that the cōplemeris, thair wyfis, bairnis, tennentis, and seruandis, sall be harmeles and skaithles in their bodeis, Landis, Takkis, possessionis, guidis and geir, and ou na wayis [Page]to be molestit or troublit thairin be the Personis complenit vpon, nor na vtheris of thair causing, sending, hunding out, ress;etting, command, assistance and ratihabition, quhome they may stop or let directlie or indirectlie, vtherwayis nor be ordour of Law and Iustice, vnder greit panes to be modifeit be the Lordis of Sessioun, or vtheris ordinar Iudges, Be quhome, incais the said Law [...]orrowis sall be dewlie tryit, to be brokin, the ane half of the pane sall pertene to OVR SOVERANE LORD, and the vther half to the Pairty greuit, according to the effect and meaning of the said Art, maid to that effect of befoir.
Anent deforcemenris, breking of Areistmentis, and Alienationis, maid in defraud of Creditouris. CAP. XXIII.
FORSAMEKILL, As it is heuelie complenit to OVR SOVERANE LORD, be diuers his Subiectis: That quhen they haue vpon thair lang trauell & expensis recouerit thair Sentence, they ar deforcit in executioun thairof. Lyke as quhen Areistmentis ar maid to mak the Guidis furthcummand efter the recouerie of the Debt, the samin ar contempnandlie brokin. And farder, the Executioun of Sentences and Decreittis ar ofttymes impedit be fraudfull Alienatiounis of the Dettouris Landis and Guidis, maid be them throw cullorit meanis to their Friendis & coniunct Personis. And the Pley [...]s and Actiounis vpon deforcementis, breking of Areistmentis, and reductioun of fraudfull Alienatiounis hes bene swa tedious, sumptuous and langsum, that verie few of them ar brocht to ane gude end, quhairby OVR SOVERANE LORDIS Authoritie is contempnit and his Subiectis ar brocht to greit inconuenient. ¶ For remeid quhairof, IT IS statute and ordanit, That the Lordis of Counsaill and Sessioun proceid summarlie and diligentlie in all Actionis of deforcementis, and breking of Areistmentis to be intentit befoir them at the instance, of quhatsumeuer Personis, and speciallie, that the saidis Actiounis, quhen they ar callit, sal with all conuenient speid without intermissioun be put to ane point efter the calling thairof. And that the Personis conuict of deforcement, or breking of Areistment, sall be puneist be the Escheit of their Guidis monabill, and punisthment of thair Personis, at our said Souerane Lordis will, according to the Lawes obseruit of befoir, with this Additioun: That the Pairty recouerai [...] of the Sentence, sall be first p [...]yit of his Debt and of his expensis, to be heichlie taxt be the saidis Lordis, and of ane certane sowme of money to be modifeit at the saidis Lordis discretioun, to the Pairty for the damnage and interes, [Page]sustenit be them, Anent the quhilk the Pairty interest sall haue reddie execution vpon the first and reddiest Guidis and geir of the Persone conuic [...]. Notwithstanding the richt of the Escheit perteining to our said SOVERANE LORD, quha for weill of his subiectis, will & grantis, that the Creditouris be preferrit to him in this cais. ¶ And further with aduise of his saidis thre Estaittis, IT IS statute and ordanit be his Hienes: That all Giftis of Escheit, quhilkis sall be geuin heirefter, to quhatsumeuer Persone or Personis of Guidis, Geir, and vtheris cummand in his Hienes handis for deforcement, or breking of arreistment, sall contene expres exception and reseruation to the creditour of the sowmes recouerit for his principall debt, expensis, and sowme, to be modifeit as said is. And gif onie Gift of Escheit proceiding vpon the caus foirsaid, be geuin without the said reseruation and exception, the same sall be null and of nane auaill. And siclyke for the greitter expedition of reduction of Alienationis and dispositionis of Landis & Guidis, maid in fraud of the Creditour, ¶ IT IS statute & ordanit, that the samin be maist summarlie decidit and priuilegit be summondis vpon xxj dayis warning, without dyet [...]abill or continuation of vther summondis, and that the Pairty ressauer of the saidis fraudfull Alienationis and dispositionis, sall not be hard to defend thairin, except that they (befoir they be admittit to produce the saidis Alienationis and dispositionis, and to answer to the summondis) consigne in the handis of the Clerk of Register and his Deputtis, for quhome he salbe haldin to answer sic sowmes of Money as salbe modifeit be the discretion of the saidis Lordis, to be delyuerit to the pairty persewar, in cais the saidis Alienationis and dispositionis salbe declarit fraudfull.
¶ Anent registration of Inhibitionis and Interdictionis. CAP. XXIIII.
ITEM Albeit Interdictionis and Inhibitionis for monie greit and weichtie considerationis to diuers intentionis, ar veire necessar and profitabill. Neuertheles, It is of lai [...] considerit, that the saidis Inhibitionis and Interdictionis ar greitlie abusit, to the hurt & preiudice of OVR SOVERANE LORDIS Liegis, contrarie to the end quhairunto they wer first directit. In sa far as Interdictionis for the maist pairt proceidis vpon consent of Pairty, lyke as the saidis Interdictionis & Letteris of Inhibition, oftentimes proceidis vpon licht causis. The executionis, quhairof ar sindrie times forȝet & fenȝeit, and efter momeȝeiris, the Executor & Witnessis being deceissit, the saidis Inhibitionis [Page]and Interdictionis ar vsit aganis OVR SOVERANE LORDIS Liegis the instance of the ressaueris thairof, and vtheris for rescinding and retreiting of Contractis. Infestmentis, and vther Richtis vpon allegeance that the samin ar maid fraudfullie efter the publicatioun of the said Interdictioun and Inhibitioun. Be the quhilk craftie dealing, sic as coutractit bona fide, ar brocht in danger to their greit damnage, and to the aduantage of the saidis Personis, abusaris of the saidis Inhibitiounis and Interdictiounis. ¶ For remeid quhairof, and to the effect that euerie ane of OVR SOVERANE LORDIS Liegis may knaw and vnderstand the condition and qualitie of the Persone, with quhome he contractis in this heid, quhether he be subiect and thrall to Interdictioun or Inhibitioun, or be at his awin fredome and libertie to contract. IT IS statute and ordanit, That all Inhibitionis and Interdictionis to be raisit heirefter, for quhatsumeuer caus with the executioun and indorsationis thairof, be within fourtie dayis efter the publicatioun and executioun of the saidis Inhibitionis & Interdictionis producit first to the Schiref Clerk of the Schire, quhair the persone interdytit or inhibit dwellis and makis his residence. And gif the said persone haue his Landis and Heritage, or ye maist pairt thairof lyand in ane vther Schirefdome nor quhair he dwellis, That the persone at quhais instāce the vther is interdytit or inhibite produce the said Interdiction and Inhibition, dewlie execut and indorsat to the Clerk of the Schire, quhair the saidis Landis lyis within the samin fourtie dayis, Quhilkis Letteris of Interdiction & Inhibition with the executioun thairof, the saidis Schiref Clerkis sall insert in their Registeris, Takand for euerie Letter with the Executionis thairof fyue schillingis. Quhilk Letter with the Executioun thairof they sall signe with their subscriptioun, and delyuer the samin swa signet to the Pairtie within xxiiij houris nixt efter the ressait thairof. The extract of the quhilk Register sall haue as greit Fayth and strenth as gif the Originall wer schawin. except the pairteis hauand interes to oppone againis the saidis Inhibitionnis and Interdictionis offer to impreue the samin be way of Actioun or exception. In the quhilk cais the Pairtie purchessar of the saidis Letteris, and vtheris hauand interes to defend the samin, sall be haldin to produce the Principallis and Originallis, notwithstanding that they be registrat as saidis. And that na Interdiction or Inhibition to be raisit & executit heirefter, be of force, strenth, or effect to onie intentioun, bot the samin to be null and of nane auaill, except the samin be dewlie Registrat as said is.
¶ Ratification of the Act anent prescription in causis of spuilȝeis and eiectionis. CAP. XXV.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, With aduise of his thrie Estatis in this present Parliament, Ratifeis & apprenis the Act maid in his Hienes Parliament haldin and begun at Edinburgh the xx day of October, the ȝeir of GOD, M.D.LX. nyntene ȝeiris. Anent prescription in causis of spuilȝeis and eiectionis, And ordanis the same to haif effect and execution in time cumming efter the torme and Tennour thairof.
¶ Anent the Conuentioun of Burrowis. CAP. XXVI.
FORSAMEKILL, As it was found necessar to OVR SOVERANE LORD, and his Hienes Predecessouris, That the Commissioneris of Burrowis conuene at sic times as they suld think gude in quhat Burgh they thocht maist expedient with full commission: To treat vpon the weilfair of Merchandis & Merchandice gude rewle and statutis for the common profyte of Burrowis, as at mair lenth is contenit in the Actis of Parliament maid thairanent, and anent the Priuilege of Burrowis.
¶ Thairfoir OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thrie Estatis of this present Parliament, Ratifies and appreuis the saidis Actis. And for the better obseruation of the saidis Conuentionis be sic Burrowis, as hes heirtofoir not sent thair Commissioneris at onie time thairto, Hes statute and ordanit, that in time cumming, quhen onie conuentionis of Burrowis is appointit be the maist pairt of the saidis Burrowis, or be the Burgh of Edinburgh and onie sex or aucht of the rest, The Burgh warnit thairto be ane Missiue bill of the Prouest and Bailȝeis of the Burgh quhair the said conuention is to be haldin, or vtherwayis lauchfullie cytat thairto, and not compeirand be yair Commissioner sufficiētlie instructit sal pay to the chargeis of the burghis that sall conuene the sowme of twentie pundis. And ordanis the Lordis of Counsaill and Sessioun, to grant and direct Letteris of hor [...]ing or poynding aganis the Burrowis absent fra the same Conuentioun, and adiudged be the remanent Burrowis, to haue incurrit the said pane and vnlaw. And this at the instance of the Burgh of Edinburgh without farther proces or calling of Pairty thairto. The saidis Lordis seand the Act autenticklie subscriuic be the Clerk of that Conuentioun, That they ar absent and conuict as said is.
¶ Anent the cumming of Schippis to the Burrowis in the West Cuntrie. CAP. XXVII.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, and his thrie Estatis of this present Parliament, Ratifeis, apprenis, and confirmis the Act maid be his Hienes maist nobill Progenitour, king Iames the fierd of gude memorie, Anent strangeris repairing within this Realme with their schippis and guidis, in all pointis passis, clausis, & artickles, thairof, And decernis the samin to haue ful effect & strenth in time cumming efter the forme and tennour thairof, with this addition. That all maner of strangeris schippis, and vtheris repairing to west pairtis of this Realme, West and North Ilis thairof cum to the Kingis fre burrowis, sic as [...]rkcudbricht, Wigtoun, Air, Irwing, Rothesay, Dūbertane, or Renfrew, & thair mak their merchandice with fre men thairof, of al maner of guidis alsweil brocht within yis Realme be them as rane furth of the samin, and pay their custume & dewtie io ther ordiner Custumaris in they partis quhair they arryue & passis fra, and tak their cocquettis thair as the vther Liegis of the Realme. Inhibite & expreslie the saidis strangeris, that they mak na maner of merchandice at the Lochis of the West and North Ilis, nor na vther places, not being fre burrowis nor by onie merchandice or fische bot saltit and bareellit bot at fre burrowis, and that fra fre men. Commanding expreslie all our Souerane Lordis Liegis, that nane of them conduct, fraucht nor pilat onie stranger to the saidis Ilis, under quhat sumeuer cullour or pretēce to the defraud of our Souerane Lordis Liegis and of his Hienes custumes, vnder the pane of tynsall of Lyffe, Landis, and Guidis. And commanding alswa all strangeris, reforteris, and repareris within the saidis Ilis, That they, nor nane of them do nor attempt onie deid or fact in contrair heirof, under the pane of amission, tynsall and confiscatioun of yair haill schippis and guidis. Geuand alswa full power and commissioun to the Prouestis, Bailȝeis, and Officiaris of the saidis Burrrowis, for quhome they sall be haldin to answer, to seirche, seik, [...]ak, apprehend, and inbring all the saidis strangeris contraueneris of this present Act, euerie ane of them within the boundis of thair Iurisdictioun. And gif they be foundin culpabill and brekaris heirof, to proceid and do Iustice thairupon, And to appoint and tak vp thair haill schippis and mouabill guidis, That is to say; The twa pairt to our Souerane Lordis vse, quhairof they sal mak ȝeirlie compt in his Hienes Chekker, and the thrid pairt to the apprehendar of the saidis contraueneris of the said Act. And ordanis Letteris of publicatioun to be direct heirupon, gif neid beis, in for me as effeiris,
¶ Ament the setting of ordour and price on all stuff. CAP. XXVIII.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, With aduise of his thrie Estaittis and haill bodie of this present Parliament, Racifeis, appreuts: and for his Hienes and his Successoures perpetuallie confirmis the Actis maid be his maist Nobill Progeuitouris, for the sta [...]chein [...] of derth of Victuallis, and setting ordour and price on all stuff. And spectallie the lxxxix Ace of King Iai [...]es the first, the xx and lxxviii Actis of King Iames the first, and the xxvij Act of the Parliament haldin & begun at Edinburgh vpon the first day of Februar, the ȝeir of God, M.D,LI. ȝeiris. And ordanis all Erles, Lordis, Baronis, alsweill within Regalitie as Ryaltie, and thair Bailȝeis to Landwart, and the Prouestis and Bailȝeis of all Burrowis and Citeis, to caus the saidis Actis of Parliament be put to dew execution, euerie ane within their boundis and Iurisdiction, Respectiue. Makand & constitutand thame Iustices to that effect with power to them, to mak & appoint statutis and ordinancis for the speciall obseruatioun of the saidis actis, at euerie heid Court ȝeirlie. And to [...]quyre, call, accuse, and punische the contraueneris of the saidis Actis at the saidis heid courtis, vnder the pane of ane hundreth pundis to be payit be euerie Erle, Lord, Barone, alsweil within Regalitie as Ryaltie and yair Bailȝeis. And of the Prouestis, Aldermen, and Bailȝeis of euerie Burgh and Citie, that sall be found, re [...]sse and negligent in executioun of the saidis Actis, for euerie time that they salbe dewlie rallit and conuict thairof. And ordanis Dittay to be tane heerupon, And the saidis Iudges to be, callit to vndirly the law thairfoir, outher at generall Iustice A [...]ris, or at particuler dyettis, as if sall pleis the Kingis Maiestie to command.
¶ Anent the halding of Horsis at hard meit be Cowpperis. CAP. XXIX.
FORSAMEKILL, As it is considerit be our Souerane Lord, and thrie Estaittis of this present Parliament. That amangis the monie vther [...]s occasionis of derth of victuallis within this Realme, thair is one speciallie verie vnprofitabill to the cōmonweill, quhilk is, the halding of Horsis at hard meit all the Sommer season, vsit commonlie be personis of meane estait Cowpperis, of intentioun to mak merchandice of the saidis Horsis, being for the maist pairt smal Naigis and na Horsis of seruice. ¶ Quhairfoir, IT IS statute & ordanit, That nane of our Souerane Lordis liegis, not being ane Erle, Prelat, Lord, greit Barone, or onie of his [Page]Hienes priuie Cousaill, Sessioun, or landit gentilman, that may spend of his awin ane thousand Mark of ȝeirlie Rent, all chargeis deducit, sall hald onie maner of Horsis at hard Meit ȝeirlie, langer nor the fyftene day of May, nor tak them in befoir the fyftene day of October, vnder the pane of escheitting of the saidis Horsis, or paying the auaill of them to OVR SOVERANE LORDIS vse, And ordanis the transgressioun of this Act to be a point of di [...] tay, And the contraueneris to be accusit and puneist at Iustice Actis, or particuler diettis as accordis.
¶ For execution of the Actis maid aganis schuitting with gunnis at Wylde Beistis and Fowlis. CAP. XXX.
OVR SOVERANE LORD understanding, that thair hes bene [...]iuers Actis of Parliament maid of befoir, Anent the slaying of Hart, Hynd, Da Ra, Hairis, Cūningis, and vtheris beistis, with Culueringis, Crosbowis, and handbowis, And speciallie the Act maid in the Parliament, haldin at Edinburgh in Decēber, the ȝeir of God, M.D,LXVII. ȝeiris. Quhilkis Actis hetherto hes tane na effect, & that in default of Magistratis, quhilkis wer appointit to put the same to execution. ¶ THAIRFOIR, his Hienes with aduise of his thre Estatis of this present Parliament, hes ratifeit & appreuit the saidis hail Actis, & speciallie the said Act maid in Decēber, the ȝeir of God, M.D.LXVII. ȝeiris, in all pointis, passis clausis, & artickles thairof with this additioun: That incais the Iudge ordiner, within quhais boundis the contrauener of this present Act beis apprehendit, do not execut the samin, sa oft as dittay sal be geuin vnto him vpon onie contrauenar, he fall pay for the first falt the sowme of ane hundreth pundis, for the secund falt twa hundreth pundis, and ay sa oft as he failȝeis, sall dowbill the said pane, to be applyit to OVR SOVERANE LORDIS vse. ¶ And to the effect, that the Stewartis, Bailȝeis, and all vtheris ordiner Iudges within this Realme may put the said Act to dew executioun. OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise foirsaid, hes ordanit and ordanis the Lordis heritouris or possessouris of the ground, to present the contrauenar of the said Act to the ordinar Iudge, within quhais boundis the said contrauenar dwellis and makis residence. The said heritour or possessour being requyrit be the ordinar Iudge to do the samin vnder the pane foirsaid, sa oft as he beis requyrit, to that effect, to be applyit to OVR SOVERANE LORDIS vse, as said is, with power to the saidis ordiner Iuges, to call & conuene the saidis heritouris or possessouris, refusand to present the saidis [Page]contrauenaris for the saidis panes. And gif they be found culpabill, to conuict them thairintill, and to poynd and distrenȝie the [...] thairfoir, And to mak ȝeirlie compt thairof to our Souerane Lordis Thesaurair in his Hienes Chekker, Swa that the samin may be applyit to his Hienes vse as said is. And ordanis special letteris of publicatioun, to be direct heirupon, gif neid [...]is, in forme as effeiris.
¶ Aganis the transporting of Nol [...] and Scheip furth of the Realme. CAP. XXXI.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, With aduise of his thre Estatis and haill Body of this present Parliament, Rati [...]eis, appreuis and for his Hienes and his Successouris perpetuallie confirmis, the Actis maid be his Hienes maist Nobili Progemtouris, aganis the transporting of Scheip, Nolt or vther Cattell furth of the Realme, And ordanis the same to haue full effect & execution in time cumming, with this addition. That it salbe lefull to onie of our Souerane Lordis Liegis that happinnis to apprehend onie Nolt or Scheip, ȝoung or auld dryuand, to be transportit furth of this Realme, to stay the guidis, and to apprehend and keip the dryueris of them, quhill they haue thoillit ane Assyse befoir the Iustice or his Deputtis in the Tol [...]uith of Edinburgh, or befoir the Schiref, stewart, or bailȝie of the boundis, quhair they sall happin to be apprehendit, Quhome his Hienes makis ordiner Iustices in that pairt for trying of the cōtraueneris of this present Act, and executing of the pane of hanging upon them, and confiscation, alsweill of the guidis apprehendit, as of the remanent thair mouabill guidis, Quhilkis Personis. being found gyltie, ordanis and declaris the ane half of the saidis gudis apprehendit, and remanent their mouabill guidis, to be equallie deuidit betuix the Iudge ordiner and the apprehendar for their panes, and the vther half of ye same esscheit guidis to be inbrocht to our Souerane Lordis v [...]e, And compt to be maid of the same in the Chekker.
¶ Aganis the vnlauchfull taking of profite be Captanis and keiperis of the Kingis Castellis, CAP. XXXII.
FORSAMEKILL, As amangis sindrie vtheris greit disordotiris, growin in this estait sen the Kingis Maiesteis Coronation Ane, not of smallest, Importance hes bene the making of Merkat of the Kingis Castellis and strenthis, (being the Keyis of the Realme, quhairm the Ordinance, Munitionis and Iowellis of the Croun ar placit) be sum, to quhome the custodie & keiping thairof [Page]happinnit to be cōmittir for the time. Constraning his Hienes Regentis in his tender age, and vtheris hanaud his richt and power for the time, to redeme his awin Housis, Munitionis & Iowellis at his greit chargeis, and with their Landis, Leuing, & Guidis, to the henie dampnage and interes, alsweill of his Maiestie, as of them, thair Airis and Posteriteis. ¶ For remeid quhairof, and eschewing the lyke euill exampill amangis his hienes Subiectis, to mak their vnlau [...]hfull aduantage and commoditie be his seruice in all time cumming, IT IS statute and ordanit, That quha euer hes ressauit onie sowmes of Money, Landis, Benefices, or Guidis, outher belangand to his Hienes or his Regentis, and vtheris, hauand his richt and power, for the randering and delyuering of his Hienes proper Castellis and strenthis with his Ordinance, Munitionis, and Iowellis, being thairin sen his Hienis Coronation, or that happinnis to mak onie si [...] Contract or Merchandice in time cumming, directlie or indirectlie, Sall be haldin to rander and delyuer agane that quhilk they haif ressauit or [...]al [...] happin to ressaue, to the behulf of them selfis, or onie of pair Airis, or the auaill thairof to his Hienes and his Successouris, being properlie his awin, or to his saidis Regentis, or vtheris, hanaud his Hienes richt and power, thair Airis and Executoris, vpon cognition had that the thingis, geuin for the said [...]aus, pertenit properlie vnto them, to be browkit and Ioisit be thame and their Airis incais they be capable thairof, or vtherwayis to be disponit at thair plesouris. And that his Hienes and they sal haue gude Action for repetition thairof, as necessarilie geuin be them for the time, to eschew greitter Inconuenientis, and ȝit wrangouslie ressauit be the takeris for unlauchfull causis,
¶ For punishment of the fraudfull mixtioun of Wynis, be the Tauernaris and sellaris thairof, and vtheris thair abuses. CAP. XXXIII.
FORSAMEKILL, As be ane Act of Parliamēt maid at Edinburgh the first day of Februar. The ȝeir of GOD, M.D.LI. ȝeiris. IT IS statute and ordanit, That na maner of Tauernaris tak vpon hand, to mak onie mixtion of onie auld wynis & new wynis, or put onie watter in the same, vnder the pane of escheitting of the Puncheoun, that sit wyne or watter salbe put into. Togidder with all the rest of all & sindrie, the Wynis being the awneris of sic a Tauerne, and tynsall of their fredome for euer. And in lykemaner, That nane of OVR SOVERANE LORDIS Liegis, byaris of Wynis, to be toppit agane, & haifaris of Tauernis, [Page]tak vpon hand to huird or hyde onie sic wynis coft be them in yair housis & priuie places, bot that they put the samin in their cōmon rauernis and voltis thairof, to be sauld indifferentlie to our Souerane Lordis Liegis vpon the pryces that sal be set, maid, and proclaimit thairanent, vnder the panes foirsaidis. ¶ Quhilk Ace our Souerane Lord with aduise of his thre Estatis in this present Parliament ratifeis and appreuis, Ordaning the same to stand in force and effect as a perpetuall Law in time cumming. And for the better exteutioun thairof, Makis and constieutis the Prouestis and Bailȝeis of all Burrowis, his Hienes Iustices in that pairt, with power to them to mak seircheouris, tak inquisition, and hald Iustice Courtis euerie Moneth anis within ilk Burgh, quhair wyne is to be sauld, vpon the contraueneris of the sath Act. And as they be found culpabill to execut the saidis panes vpon them. And incais the saidis Prouestis and Bailȝeis beis found remisse or negligent thairin, being callit and conuict thairof, They to incur the panes of tynsall of their fredome, and not to bruik Honour nor Office within Burgh in onie time thairefter.
¶ Additioun to the Act of disherising of the posteritie of the personis foirfaltit for the Murtheris of the King our Souerance Lordis Father, & his twa Regentis. CAP. XXXIIII.
OVR SOVERANE LORD, with aduise of his thre Estatis and haill bodie of this present Parliament, Ratifeis, appreuis, and for his Hienes and his Successouris perpetuallie cōfirmis the Act maid in his Hienes Parliament, haldin and begun at Edinburgh the xx day of October, the ȝeir of GOD, M.D,LXXIX. ȝeiris, Tuitching the disheresing of the posteritie of them that ar cōuict of the Murtheris of the King our Souerane Lordis dearest Father & his twa Regentis, And ordanis the said Act, to haue ful effect and executioun in all time cumming not onelie aganis the personis speciallie nominat thairin and their posteriteis, Bot als aganis Iames sumtime Erle of Mortoun, and Maister Archibald Douglas sumtime Persone of Glasgow, quhilkis ar forfaltir for the saidis crymes sensyne, and all vtheris of the surename of Hepburne, Hammiltoun, and Dowglas, that ar alreadiesr sall happin to be cōuict in time cūming for the saidis crymes or onie of them, with thir additionis: That our said Souerane Lord and his Successouris sall not onlie haue the Richt and Escheit of all Landis, Heritages, rowmes and possessiones, reallie apperteining to the foirsaidis personis conuict or to be conuict for the saidis crymes or onie of them, And quhair of their Infestment, Richt or Titill may be schawin. Bot als of all vther Landis, [Page]rowmes or possessiōes, to the quhilkis ye foirsaidis personis cōuict or to be conuict for the crymes foirsaidis, or oute of them micht succeid as Airis of lyne, tailȝie, or prouisioun, to quhatsumeuer personis, notwithstanding that their richtis, titillis infestmentis, and seisingis of the foirsaidis Landis be not recouerabill be the fraud that may be vsit in abstracting thairof. And lykewise that our said Souerane Lord and his Successouris sall succeid to all personis quhilkis at deceissit or sal happin to deceis at his Faith and Peice in all Landis, Heritages & possessionis, to the quhilkis the foirsaidis Personis forfaltit or to be forfaleit, as said is, micht or suld ha [...]f succeidit incais then had not bene forfaltit in maner foirsaid. And declaris be this present. Act all Landis and Heritages, quhilkis may fall to the foirsaidis personis cōuict or to be conuict as Airis, to quhatsumeuer personis, not culpabill of the saidis crymes or onie of them, now to half becum in our said Souerane Lordis handis, & vnder his Hienes dispositioun to be browkit be his Maiestie and the personis to quhome he hes disponit or sall dispone the samin thair Airis & Successouris in time cumming. Lyke as alswa, It is statute and ordanit, that incais onie personis be alreadie deceissit or sall happin to [...]ceis heirefier of the foirsaidis Surnames, of Hepburne, Dowglas, or Hammiltoun, and that outher thame selfis or their appeirand Airis Mall or Femall of lyne, tailȝie, or be prouisioun, is or sall happin to be forfaltit for airt and pairt of the saidis tressonabill mu [...]heris or onie of them, quhairthrow their saidis apeirand Airis may not succeid be the Lawes of this Realme to the Personis swa deceissand. In that cais the samin Personis deceissand sall half na other Airis bot our Souerane Lord, and his Hienes sall succeid tanquam vltimus Heres, alsweill vnto the personis forfaltit, as vnto all vther personis beirand the Names of Hepburne, Dowglas, or Hammiltoun, quhais appeirand Airis ar or sall happin to be forfaltit for the causis foirsaidis, as haifand Ius ad rem. Lyke as his Maiestie and the personis that is or sall be infest in their Landis, Leuingis, Honouris, Offices, and possessiones, sall enioy & browk the samin in all tyme cumming, viterly secludand the saidis appeirand Airis, their posteriteis, & all vtheris pretendand titill be lyne, tailȝie or vther prouisioun quharsumeuer, from all possibilitie of successionis in the causis foirsaidis.
¶ Approbatiō of the Erle of Arranis procedingis for tryel of the murther of the King our Souerane Lordis dearest Fader. CAP. XXXV.
ANENT the Supplicatioun presentit to our Souerane Lord and the thrie Estaittis in this present Parliament, be Iames [Page]stewart, Erle of Arrane, Lord [...]uane and Hammiltoun, Makand mention: That quhair for the singular fauour & gudewil, quhilk he hes euer bor [...]e & beiris, As alswa the eirnest cair quhilk he hes to the preservation of our Souerane Lordis persone and estait, the cōmonweill and quyetnes of this Realme, and punischment of sic as vnnaturallie & traiterouslie had conspirit & executit the odious and tressonabill murther of vmquhile his Maiesteis dearest Father. He was mouit according to his Aith & bundin dewtie to his Hienes, to accuse, challenge, and delait in presens of his Maiestie and Lordis of secreit Counsall for the time vpon sure kn [...]wledge, vniquhile Iames sumtime Erle of Mortoun, and Maister Archibald Dowglas, sumtime Persone of Glasgow, To half bene air [...] and pairt & vpon the foirknawlege & conceiling of the said tressonabill murther. For the mair cleir tryell quhairof he wes alswa mouit, not onlie to vse menassing and boisting worbis, bot als sum hard & rigorous handling of sindrie personis, throw the quhilk at last the treuth wes manifestit, & the said vniquhile Erle wes found tryit and declarit gyltie of the said tressonabill cryme, and for the same iustlie & worthelie executit to the deith. Like as the said Maister Archibald knawand him self gyltie of the said tressonabill cryme, & [...]iring the lyke punischment, fled furth of this Realme, & ȝit remanis fugitive. ¶Quhairfoir THE Kingis Mai [...]stie and thre Estatis in this present Parliament, Considering the circumstances of the said Erle of Arranis proceiding in this cais, Finbis and declaris, That the accusatioun, delating and following furth of the tryell of the saidis sumtime Erle of Mortoun, & Maister Archibald Dowglas, anent the said odious murthour and all thingis follow and thair upon, He hes worthelie, dewlie, and diligenlie vsit & executit the commissionis geuin to him be his Maiestie in that behalf, As alswa hes done gude trew honorabil and acceptabill seruice to his Hienes, and a commoun benefite to the haill Realme, meriting ane honest rewaird and recompence thairfoir. Quhilk his Maiestie promittis in the word of a Prince, to giue and dispone to him, how sone his Hienes may oniewayis haue the commoditie thairto. And als his Maiestie and Estatis foirsaidis, decernis and ordanis, That for the causis foirsadis, the said Erle of Arrane nor his Airis sall not be callit nor accusit nor incuronie skaith, pane, or danger thairthrow in their personnis. Landis, or Guidis, Notwithstanding onie Lawes Actis, or statutis, maid or to be maid in the contrair. Exonerand thani [...] of all pane and danger that they may incur thairthrow for euer.
¶ Annexatioun of Landis to the Crown. CAP. XXXVI.
FORSAMEKILL, As it is vnderstand and weill aduisedlie considerit be the Kingis Maiestis and thrie Estaitis of this Realme, being assemblit in this present Parliament, That the Patrimonie of his Crown and Reuenneuis thairof being augm [...]tit, is the greit weill and profite baith to the Kingis Grace and his Liegis. And thairfoir it is thocht expedient, That OVR SOVERANE LORD followand the gude Exempill of his Predecessouris, suld annex to his Crown for the honorabill support of his Estait Royall, in all aduentouris & caissis [...]aith in Weir and Peace, sic Landis and Lordschippis as ar now presentlie in his handis, that ar not annexit of befoir. And the saidis Landis being annexit, to remane perpetuallie with the Crown, may nouther be geuin away in fee nor frank tenement to onie personis, quhateuer Estate or degre they be of, without aduise, decreit, and deliuerance of the haill Parliament. And for greit reasonabill causis, concerning the weilfair of the Realme, first to be aduisit and digestlie considerit be the haill Estatis. And albeit it sall happin, OVR SOVERANE LORD that now is or onie his Successouris Kingis of Scotland, to annatlis & dispone the saidis Lordschippis, Landis, Castellis, Towris, donatiounis and aduocationis of Kirkis & Hospitallis with their pertinentis to the Crown, as said is, annexit, That the alienatioun and dispositioun sall be of nane auaill Bot it salbe lefull to the King for the time, to ressaue they Landis to his awin vse, quhen euer it lykis his Grace but onie proces of Law. And the takeris sall refound and pay all profitis, that they haue takin vp of they Landis, agane to the King for all the time that they haue had them, with sic vther restrictionis as is contenit in the Actis of Parliament, maid be his Hienes maist Nobill Predecessouris Kingis of Scotland in the annexatioun to the Crown. And thairfoir his Hienes with aduise and consent of his thrie Estaitis of this present Parliament, hes annexit to his Crown to remane thairwith in maner foirsaid, thir Landis efter following, They ar to say: The Landis and Lordschip of Dowglas with the Castell, Towr, and fortalice thairof, Aduocatiounis & donationis of Kirkis & Benefices & their pertinentis. The Landis and Lordschip of Craufurd Lyndsay, alias Craufurd Dowglas. The Landis and Lordschippis of Boncle, Preston, & Temptallon, with towris, fortalices, landis, rentis, aduocationis & donationis of Kirkis. The landis of Dunsire. The landis & lordschip of Iedburgh Forest. The landis & lordschip of Boithwell with the Towr, Fortalice, and their pertinentis. The Landis of Selkirk. The Landis of Colbrandispeth.
¶ Anent the Proclamatioun of the Actis of Parliament. CAP. XXXVII.
FORSAMEKILL, As it is vnderstand to the Kingis Maiestie and thrie Estatis of Parliament, That oftey [...]es doutris and questionis arysis, tuitching the Proclamation of the Actis of Parliament and publication thairof. It being sumtime alledgit be the Liegis, that they ar not bound to obserue and keip the samin as Lawes, nor incur onie panes contenit thair [...], quhill the lame he proclamit at the Mercat Croces of the head Burrowis of all Schyres. ¶ For remeding of quhilkis boutris in time cumming IT IS statute and ordanit be OVR SOVERANE LORD, and Estatis of this present Parliament, That all Actis and statutis of Parliament maid at this time and that sall happin to be maid at onie time heirefter, sall be publischit and proclaim [...] OVR said SOVERANE LORD and Estaitis foirsaidis; decernis and declaris, to be als valiabill and sufficient, as the samin wer publischit at the heid Burrowis of the haill Schires within this Realme. And alswa declaris the haill Liegis to be bundin and astrictit to the obedience of the saidis Actis as Lawes, fourtie dayis efter the publication of the samin at the said Mercat Croce of Edinburgh being bypast.
Extract furth of the Buikis of our Souerane Lordis Parliament, at command of his Hienes, with aduise of his Preuie Counsaill, Be me Alexander Hay, Clerk of the Rollis, Register, and Counsaill. Vnder my Signe and Subscriptioun Manuall.
The TABILL OF THE ACTIS OF PARLIAMENT BEGVN AT EDINburgh, the xxiiij day of October, The Ȝeir of GOD, ane thowsand fyue hundreth foir scoir ane Ȝoiris, Imprentit. (*⁎*)
- THE Ratificatioun of the Libertie of the trew Kirk of GOD and Religioun, with confirmatioun of the Lawes and Actis maid to that effect of befoir. Cap. j.
- ¶ Anent prouisioun of Ministeris, and certane stipendis for thame at all Paroche Kirkis, and appointing of Commissioneris for ordering thairof. Cap. ij.
- ¶ Aganis dilapidatiounis of the Rentis of Benefices prouidit to Ministeris in tytill for thair lyfetymes. Cap. iij.
- ¶ That Ministeris salbe presentit be the Kingis Maiestie and the Lawit Patronis to all Benefices of cure vnder Prelacyis. Cap. iiij.
- ¶ For punischment of the blasphemie of Goddis Name, and vtheris horribill Aithis. Cap. v.
- ¶ Aganis passing in Pilgramage to Chapellis, Wellis, and Croces, and the superstitious obseruing of diuers vther Papisticall rytes. Cap. vj.
- ¶ The explanatioun of the Act tuitching the notour and manifest committaris of Adulterie. Cap. vij.
- ¶ Aganis fugitiues and vtheris Papistes, practizeing aganis the trew Religioun. Cap. viij.
- ¶ Commissioun to certane of euerie Estate with the Kingis Maiesteis Officiaris, to treat and conclude on certane Articklis and Supplicatiounis efter the end of this present Parliament. Cap. ix.
- ¶ Anent the Cuinȝie. Cap. x.
- ¶ Ratificatioun of the Actis anent the inbringing of Bulȝeoun. Cap. xj.
- ¶ Anent the dew paiment of the Kingis Maiesteis Custumes. Cap. xij.
- ¶ For the fuirtie of them that asseigit Housis be the Kingis Commission in his Hienes minoritie. Cap. xiij.
- ¶ Aganis the schamefull oppression of slaying and hoching of Oxin and Horsis. Cap. xiiij.
- ¶ For executioun of the Actis maid anent casting downe and halding downe of Cruiuis and Ȝairis, and punischment of the Transgressouris thairof, Slauchter of reid Fische, and of the fry of all Fische. Cap. xv.
- [Page]¶ Additioun to the Actis maid aganis notorious Theuis and Soirna [...]is of Clannis. Cap. xvj.
- ¶ Commissioun for reformatioun of the Hospitallis, Masondowis, Almoushousis, and Beidhousis, and reducting thame to their first institutioun. Cap. xvli.
- ¶ Aganis the excesse of coistilie Cleithing, and transporting of Woll, quhairby the pure may be the better haldin in werk. Cap. xviij.
- ¶ Aganis superstuous Banquetting and the inordinat vse of Confectouris and Droggis. Cap. xix.
- ¶ Ratification of the Act of Parliament, concerning the decision of Appellatiounis maid to the Court of Rome. Cap. xx.
- ¶ Aganis the abuse of sum landit Gentlemen and vtheris, forbeiring to keip hous at their awin dwelling housis. Cap. xxj.
- ¶ Additioun to the Act of Law borrowis. Cap. xxij.
- ¶ Anent deforcementis, br [...]king of Areistmentis, and alienationis, maid in defraud of Creditouris Cap. xxiij.
- ¶ Anent the Registration of Inhibitionis and Interdictionis. Cap. xxiiij.
- ¶ Ratificatioun of the Act anent prescriptioun in causis of spuilȝeis and eiectiounis. Cap. xxv.
- ¶ Anent the Conuentioun of Burrowis. Cap. xxvj.
- ¶ Anent the cumming of Schippis to the Burrowis in the West Countrie. Cap. xxvij.
- ¶ Anent the setting of ordour and pryce on all stuff. Cap. xxviij.
- ¶ Anent the halding of Ho [...]sis at hard meit be Cowpperis. Cap. xxix.
- ¶ For executioun of the Actis maid aganis schuitting with Gunnis at Wyld Beiftis and Fowllis. Cap. xxx.
- ¶ Aganis the transporting of Nolt and Scheip furth of the Realme. Cap xxxj.
- ¶ Aganis the vnlawfull taking of profite be Captanis and keiperis of the Kingis Castellis. Cap. xxxij.
- ¶ For punischment of the fraudfull mixtioun of Wynis be the Tauernaris and sellaris thairof, and vtheris their abuses. Cap xxxiij.
- ¶ Additioun to the Act of disheresing of the posteritie of the Persounis forfaltit for the murthoutis of the King our Souerane Lordis Father, and his twa Regentis. Cap. xxxiiij.
- ¶ Approbation of the Erle of Arranis procedingis for tryell of the murthour of the King our Souerane Lordis dearest Father. Cap xxxv.
- ¶ Annexatioun of Landis to the Croun. Cap. xxxvj.
- ¶ Anent the proclamation of the Actis of Parliament. Cap. xxxvij.
¶ ACTIS AND MATERIS PAST IN THE same Parliament, being Temporall for schort space, or concerning particular Pairtyis, not Imprentit. (*⁎*)
FOrifactura Archibaldi olim Angusiae Comitis & aliorum, &c.
Anent the establishing of the Kingis Maiesteis Counsaill.
Ordour how the Kingis Maiestie salbe releuit of Importune and vntymous Suittaris.
Anent the discharge of Factotrijs.
Aganis personis conuict of the murtheris of our Souerane Lordis Fader and Regentis.
Act in fauour of Robert Erskyn app [...]irant of lytill Sawchy, and Iames Coluill of Eisterwemes.
Anent taxatioun of Ward Landis,
Declaratioun in fauour of Alexander Hume of Manderstoun.
Act anent the debaitabill causis betuix the Gordounis and Forbessis.
Anent the nominatioun of the oy of the Laird of Lamingtoun with the Surname of Bailȝie.
Act remitting the decisioun of the contrauersie for prioritie betuix the Burrowis of Perth and Dundie to the remanent Burrowis.
Act in fauour of Iohne Carnegy of that Ilk.
Act in fauour of the Erle of Mar.
Act in fauour of Maister Iohne Dowglas.
Act in fauour of Maister Iames Halyburtoun Prouest of Dundie.
The erectioun of the Landis of Doun in a Lordship.
Act in fauour of the Burgh of Abirdene.
Act for changing of the assumption of the thrid of the Abbay of Scone.
Act for changeing of a pairt of the assumptioun of the thrid of the Abbay of Abirbrothok.
¶ Protestatiounis maid be sindrie Noblemen and vtheris of the Estaittis. Be Iames stewart Erle of Arrane. Be Maister Iames Fowllis for Frances Erle Boithwile, Be Iohne Erle of Mortoun. Be Alexander Commendatour of Coldinghame. Be Williame Erle of Gowry. Be Maister Iames Halyburtoun Prouest of Dundie. Be the Lord Fleming.
¶ Prote [...];ounis be the Cōmissioneris of Burrowis, tuitching the Actis of the custumes, and coistlie cleithing. Be Thomas Gray, seruand to the Laird of Glenberwie. Be Iohne stewart of Cragyhal. Be Robert Erle of Orknay. Be the said Erle of Mortoun.
¶ Ratification and confirmation of the Fair of Dalkeith. Of the Burgh in Barony of the Town of Myretoun. Of the Burgh in Baronie and Heuin of Portsey. Of the Seinȝie Fair of Sanctandrois. Of the Fair of Striuiling. Of the Fair at the brig end of Luntrethin. Of the Fair of Auchterardour. Of the Priuilege of Silk making to Robert Diksoun. Of the Power to the Lordis of Sessioun, for ordering of the commissariatis. Of the tak maid to the Lord Prouane. Of a tenement in Glasgow to Capitane Thomas Crawfurd. Of our Souerane Lordis re [...]ocatioun and exception furth of the same. Of the r [...]uersioun of the Erldome of Lennox. Of the Erldome of Arrane. Of the Erldome of Orknay. Of the Erldome of Boithwile. Of the Erldome of Mortoun. Of the Erldome of Gowrie. And als of he infeftmentis gran [...]t to the Countesse of Angus. To the Lady Morhame, and the E [...]e Boithwile hir Sone. To the Lord Lyndsay. To the Laird of Cesfu [...]. To the Laird of Coldenknowis. To Alexander Hume of Mand [...]stoun. To Andro Ker of Fawdounsy [...]. To Harie stewart, Sone to the Lord Vchiltrie. To Williame stewart Wryter. To Andro Mo [...]ro of Dawachartie. To Ionet King. To Williame Mosman. A [...]d siclyke of the giftis and disposit [...]unis of the place of Sanctcolmis In [...]e. Of the Abbayes of Ne [...]bottill, Sanctcolmis Inche, Pluscardin, Coldinghame, Portmook.
¶ The Benefite of the Pacificatio [...], grantit to the vmquahile Laird of Grange, and Maister Iames Kirkcady his brother. To the Laird of Phairniherst. To the Lord Hume. To the Lord Flem [...]ng. To the Laird of Boighall. To Iohne Mosma [...]. To Iames Cok [...]y. To Williame Newtoun of that ilk. To Issabel and Alisoun Dalȝellis. To Iohne Foirman Rothesay Herauld. To [...]thbert Ramay. To Williame Mailuile. To Maister Iohne Craw [...]ond. To lat [...]ik Thomsoun, and to Adame Makculloche, sumtime Merchem [...]nt Herauld., with sum exceptiounis expressit in certane of the Acts maid thairanent.