THE ACTIS AND CON­stitutiounis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be the rycht excellent, hie and mychtie Princeis Kingis Iames the First, Secund, thrid, Feird, Fyft, and in tyme of Marie now Quene of Scottis, viseit, correctit, and extractit furth of the Registers be the Lordis depute be hir Maiesteis speciall commissioun thairto.

Anno. Do. 1566.

[blazon or coat of arms]

¶ THE QVENIS GRACE PRIVILEGE GRANTIT for Imprenting of hir Maiesteis Lawis and actis of Parliamentis.

MARIE be the grace of God Quene of Scottis to all and sindrie our liegis and subiectis, quhome it effeiris, quhais knawlege thir our letters sall cum, greting. ¶ WIT ȜE VS to haue geuin, gran­tit, and be thir our letters geuis, and grantis to our weilbelouit Clerk Edward Henryson Doctour in the Lawis. &c. and his assignayis alla­nerlie, full powar and licence to Imprent, or cause Imprent, and sell the Lawis and actis of Parliament of our Realme, That is to say, the bukis of Law callit Regiam Maiestatem, and the remanent auld Lawis and actis of Parliament, cōsequentlie maid be progres of tyme vnto the dait of thir presentis, vis [...]it, sychtit, and correctit be the Lordis Commissaris speciallie depute to the said viseting, sychting, and corree­ting thairof, and that for the space of ten ȝeiris nixt tocum. And dis­chairgeis and reuokis all vther priuilege, and licence grantit of befoir to ony vthers for Imprenting of our saidis Lawis and actis.

¶ Quhairfoir we charge straitlie and commandis ȝow all and sindrie our liegis and subiectis foirsaidis, That nane of ȝow tak vpone hand to Imprent or cause Imprent the saidis Lawis and actis in this our Realme or outwith the samm, or to sell the same within this our Re­alme, vnder the pane of escheting of the saidis bukis to our said wellbelouit Clerk, and als vnder the pane of paying to him the sowme of twa hundreth pundis money of our Realme, als oft as this our priuilege and licence beis contraue­uit and brokin be ȝow or ony of ȝow, during the said space of ten ȝeiris.

¶ commissioun YOVR SOVERANE LADYIS COMMISSIOVN for viseing, correcting, and Imprenting of the Lawis and actis of Parliamentis.

MARIE Be the grace of God Quene of Scottis, to all our liegis and subditis, quhais knawlege thir present letters fall cum, gre­ting. ¶ WIT ȜE VS mouit of greit ȝeill of Iustice to retene the haill subiectis within this our Realme & dominiounis in gude ordoure, and obedience toward vs, and mutuall societie amang thame selfis, according to the gude Lawis, constitutiounis, ordinances and actis maid be vs, and our maist Nobill progenitouris of gude memorie, con­siddering, that be the misknawlege and Ignorance of the same Lawis, all misordour, inobedience, tumult, and troubling of the commoun weill proceidis: And because sindrie Lawis, constitutiounis and ordinances hes bene maid be diuers our predecessouris, that certane leirnit, wyse and expert men, quhilkis best knawis the Lawis sould be chosin to see and examinat the bu [...]is of the Law, and set thame furth to the knaw­lege of our subiectis: ¶ Thairfoir we for the weill and instructioun of our [...]aidis liegis in the Lawis of this our Realme, according to our ȝeill of Iustice and intentioun oft tymes had of befoir, with a [...]ise of the Lordis of our secreit counsall, to mak, constitute, and or and be thir presentis our rycht traist cousingis and counsalouris George Erle of Huntlie Lord Gordoun and Badȝenach our Chancellar, Arch [...]bald Erle of Ergyle Lord Campbell and Lorne, Iames Erle of Murray Lord Abirnethy, Iames Erle Bothuile Lord Hailis Chr [...]ichtoun and Liddisdaill, Iohne Erle of Athole, Lord Baluany, Williame Erle Marchell, Lord K [...]ith, Iohne Erle of Mar Lord Erskin, Reuerend Fathers in God Iohne Bischop of Ros, Commendatour of our Abbay of Lundoris, Alexander Bischop of Gallaway, Commendatour of In­chaffray, Adame Bischop of Orknay, Schir Richard Maitland of Lethingtoun Knycht, keipar of our priuie Seill, Schir Iames Bal­four of Pettindreich Knycht, Clerk of our Register, Schir Iohne Bel­lenden of A [...]chinnoull Knycht, Clerk of our Iusticiciare, Maister Williame Baillie Lord Prouand, Maister Iohne Spens of Condie, & Robert Chreich [...]oun of Eliok our Aduocatis, Maister Dauid Chal­mer Chaucellar of Ros, and Maister Edward Henryson doctour in the Lawis our Commissaris in that part: Geuand, grantand and cō ­mittand to thame or ony sax of thame, cōiunctlie (as persounis of quhais science and experience in the Lawis of our Realme, we speciallie dois confide, and is assurit of thair industrie and trew diligence in executing and perfyting of our cōmand and chargeis) full powar and au [...]oritie, expresse command, and charge in our name and behalf to visie, sycht and correct the Lawis of this our Realme maid be vs, and our maist Nobill [Page] progenitouris, be the auise of the thre Estatis in Parliament haldin be thame, begiun and at the b [...]kis of the Law callit Regiam Maiestatem and Quoniam Attachiamenta. And swa consequentlie following be progres o [...] tyme vnto the dait of this our commissioun. Swa that na vthers bot the saidis Lawis sychrit, mendit, and correctit be our saidis traist counsalouris and Commissaris, or ony sax of thame, coniunctlie salbe be our priuilege be Imprentit, or haue place, faith or autoritie, to be allegeit and reheirsit afoir ony our Iugeis and Iustices quhatsumeuer in Iugement and outwith. And generallie all and sindrie vther thingꝭ to do, exerce, and vse, that in the premissis or anent the samin salbe ne­cessare, or ony maner of way, oportune. Firme, and stabill, haldand and for to hald, all and quhatsmeuer our said counsalouris and Commis­saris in that part, or ony sax of thame coniunctlie in the premissis rych­teouslie leidis to be done. Attour we promit to cause this our present Commissioun, with all and quhatsumeuer thingis, quhilkis out saidis counsalouris and Commissaris be vertew heirof sall happin to do, per­forme, accomplische, and determinat, be ratifeit, appreuit, and perpetuallie confirmit, be the auise of our thre Estatis in our nixt Parliament.

¶ Preface
¶ The Preface to the Redar.

IT is maist certane, that na thing is swa eirnistlie to be socht and straitlie keipit, as the knawlege of the Lawis and thair authoritie. Because the Lawis rychtlie disponis, and ordouris to the best baith godlie, and manlie effairis, and banisis thairout all iniquitie. Thay ar the gift of God, the statute and decreit of wyse men, the amending and rychting of forthoct, and suddane faultis, the commoun promeis, band, and obligatioun of the Realme, and of ilk member thairof to vther, efter the quhilk it ap­pertenis all the saidis members to leid thair lyfe, gif thay will not on­lie leif, bot als manerlie, weill, and godlie leif. And lyke as ilk man aucht and sould seik the vnderstanding of the Lawis, that thay may cast thame with all thair intent to obserue, and keip the samin: Rycht­swa it is the office of the Souerane powar, and of the Magistratis, and Officiaris constitute vnder the samin, to cause publis and mak patent the Lawis, to the effect foirsaid, as we see the Israelitis, Athenienis, the Romanis, and vthers pepill and Impyris lauchfullie reulit, and thairby lang lestand, and continewand in prosperitie, had thair starutis and ordinancis ingraifit, or writtin in Tabillis, and fixit in the maist publique and patent placis, or inrollit, bukit, and solempnitlie red to all the pepill. And als all weill maid constitutioun contenis in the self ane prouisioun, that it be proclamit and publist. Misknawlege is ane maner and kynde of excusatioun to mony men of thair fault, albeit the Law sayis, thair is, nor sould be na excusatioun to the man preten­and Ignorance of the Law. Quhairfoir? Because the Lord is vnder­stand to be notifeit, and publist to all man, and thay sould seik to the knawlege thairof. Thairfoir our Souerane Lady seing the Lawis, and actis of hir maist Nobill progenltouris to be for the maist part vn­knawn, bot to the Iugeis, and men of Law, and ȝit the samin to be throuch Ignorance of the copistis confusit and full of errouris, hes maist commendablie and conuenientlie to hir Royall estate and Ma­iestie, and maist gratiouslie for the weill of hir subiectis, geuin commis­sioun to certane Nobill and leirnit Lordis, hir traist counsalouris, to sycht, considder, correct and cause publis in prent the haill body of the Lawis of this hir Realme. In the vndertaking of the quhilk charge and work the saidis Lordis thocht it maist expedient for the present, to begin at the mending, and furthsetting of the actis of Parliamentis haldin be Kingis Iames the First, Secund, Thrid, Feird, Fyft, and be hir Maiesteis powar haua [...]d, & hir self, and thairefter in all gudlie dili­gence to reik a extend thair cure to the emendatioun and publicatioun of the precedent and mair ancient Lawis, the quhilkis, as thay ar mair difficill to be decernit on: Swa thay requyre langar tyme to thair [Page] dew correctioun. And albeit nane of all the Lordis Commissaris can be praisit aneuch, and proportionallie to thair worthynes for the trauell and diligence takin be thame in this present editioun and out­set, ȝit in speciall with all mennis fauouris, twa of the saidis Lordis ar to be rememb [...]r and commendit: Thay ar to say, ane Reuerend Fa­ther in God Iohne Bischop of Ros Lord of our Soueranis Secreit counsall and of hir College of Iustice, for his suggestioun to our So­uerane of this notabill purpose, eirnistfull performing of the said com­missioun and cure in conuening of my Lordis Commissaris his collig­is, and liberalitie in the furthsetting of this Imprenting: And Schit Iames Balfour of Pettindreith Knycht Clerk of the Register. &c. For his sinceir, a [...]ald and glaid concurrance to perfyte this wark, and exhi­bitioun of the originallis out of the Register, and making of thame pa­tent at all tymes, on na wayis regardand his awin particulare outher proffeit or gloir, bot onlie the commoun weill of the Realme. It re­stis to exhort all our Souerane Ladyis liegis to diligentlie mark and considder thair awin dewtie and office expressit in this Law buke, and to expresse and manifest the samin be leiding of thair lyte conforme thairto in word and deid, sercheand heirout doctrine of treuth and o­bedience to the Princeis, thair Magistratis, and Officiaris of Iustice: Off honest lyfe, of abstinence fra iniuring and hurring ane a vther: Off geuing to ilk persoun his awin: Off lauchfull conquesing, keiping, and annalying of landis, gudis and geir: And als to thank our Soue­rane of hir directioun and commissioun, and the Lordis for the trauell takin be thame thairin: Fynallie to accept and embrace this haill laubour with sic beneuolence and gentill hart, that occasioun be geuin e [...]ter­wart, that the rest of the auld Lawis of Scotland be brocht to lycht, and put in the liegis handis to be com­mounlie red and vnderstand with greit frute and plesure to the ho­nour of God, trew obe­dience to our Soueranis, and to the weill particular of ilk persoun, and commoun of the haill Realme.


The tabill of the actis.

  • ¶ For the honour of God and halie Kirk. Ca. j.
  • For the obseruing of sicker peax within the Realme. Ca. ij.
  • That na man rebell agane the Kingis persoun. Ca. iij.
  • ❧ Off en [...]orsing maid vpone Rebellis agane the Kingis persoun. Ca. iiij.
  • Off the number of rydand men and fute men throw the cuntrie. Ca. v.
  • Off the Ministers of Law within the Realme. Ca. vj.
  • ❧ That na companyis ouerly husband men. Ca. vij.
  • That all custume remane with the King till his leising. Ca. viij.
  • Off landis and rentis that war our Souerane Lord the Kingis predecessou­ris. Ca. ix.
  • ¶ Off finance to be maid for the Kingis costage in Ingland. Ca. x.
  • Off the maner of taxatioun to be maid in the Realme. Ca. xj.
  • Off slaying of Salmound in forbodin tyme. Ca. xij.
  • ❧ That all cruuis and ȝairis be destroyit. Ca. xiij.
  • Off the myne of gold and siluer. Ca. xiiij.
  • That na Clerkis pas ouer sey, but the Kingis licence. Ca. xv.
  • ❧ That na Clerkis purches benefice pensiounis of beneficis within the Re­alme. Ca. xvj.
  • That na man haue out of the Realme gold nor siluer. Ca. xvij.
  • Off strangearis that takis money for thair Merchandice. Ca. xviij.
  • ¶ That na man play at the fute ball. Ca. xix.
  • That ilk man busk thame to be archaris. Ca. xx.
  • Off bigging of Rukis in treis. Ca. xxj.
  • ❧ Off mure birning. Ca. xxij.
  • Off custume of hors, nolt, scheip and hering had out of the Realme. Ca. xxiij.
  • Off custume of mertrik skinnis and vther furringis. Ca. xxiiij.
  • [†] Off reformatioun and mending of the money. Ca. xxv.
  • Off hostillaris in Burrowis and throuch fairis. Ca. xxvj.
  • Off the reule of beggaris. Ca. xxvij.
  • ❧ Ane complaint with inhibitioun vpone pensiounis purchesing. Ca. xxviij.
  • Off the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. xxix.
  • Anent hospitallis. Ca. xxx.
  • ¶ Off Heretickis and Lollardis. Ca. xxxj.
  • Anent the keiping of the statutis maid in the first Parliament. Ca. xxxij.
  • Anent liggis and bandis. Ca. xxxiij.
  • [†] Off selling of hors. Ca. xxxiiij.
  • Anent Taulch. Ca. xxxv.
  • The statute anent Indictment. Ca. xxxvj.
  • Off stollin wod. Ca. xxxvij.
  • [Page] ❧ The statute anent salmound. Ca. xxxviij.
  • Anent stalkaris that slayis Deir. Ca. xxxix.
  • Off ressettouris of Rebellis. Ca. xl.
  • ❧ The statute of Merchandis. Ca. xlj.
  • Off men of craft. Ca. xlij.
  • Anent the ordinance of processiounis. Ca. xliij.
  • ( [...]) Off the custome of wollin claith. Ca. xliiij.
  • The statute anent land men. Ca. xlv.
  • Anent all beggaris. Ca. xlvj.
  • ❧ The statute anent lesingmakaris. Ca. xlvij.
  • Off wappinschawingis. Ca. xlviij.
  • Anent complaintis to be decydit befoir the Iuge Ordinar. Ca. xlix.
  • [*] Anent remissiounis to be geuin. Ca. l.
  • Off halie Kirk. Ca. lj.
  • Anent harnes to be brocht hame be Merchandis. Ca. lij.
  • ¶ That all the Kingis liegis leif and be gouernit be the Lawis of the Re­alme. Ca. liij.
  • Anent the schawing of Charters and new infeftmentis. Ca. liiij.
  • For the halding of the money within the Realme. Ca. lv.
  • ❧ That na persounis that Indictis men to the Iustice Air be on thair assyse. Ca. lvj
  • Off forthochtfellony. Ca lvij.
  • That all Barronis and Frehalders sall compeir personallie in the Parlia­ment. Ca. lviij.
  • Anent attornayis in the Iustice Airis, that thay be honest persounis. Ca. lix.
  • (*) Off persounis to be chosin to examine the buikis of Law, and reforme thame. Ca. lx.
  • Anent hostillaris in Burrowis and throuch fairis. Ca. lxj.
  • Off prayar and Processioun to be maid for the King and the Quene be the Clergy. Ca. lxij.
  • ❧ Anent mesouris. Ca. lxiij.
  • Off wechtis. C. lxiiij.
  • Off watter mettis. Ca. lxv.
  • [*] Anent ferryaris and baitmen. Ca. lxvj.
  • Off the wappinschawing. Ca. lxvij.
  • Anent the Merchandis and saillaris passand to Ireland. Ca. lxviij.
  • ¶ Off Schipmen. Ca. lxix.
  • Anent Ireland men cummand in Scottis Schippis. Ca. lxx.
  • The statute anent Ireland men. Ca. lxxj.
  • ❧ Off the Sessiounis to be haldin. Ca. lxxij.
  • The first Sessioun. Ca. lxxiij.
  • The Secund Sessioun. Ca. lxxiiij.
  • (*) The thrid Sessioun. Ca. lxxv.
  • That euerie man that hes not of his awin, sall laubour for his leuing. Ca. lxxvj.
  • Anent the executioun of the actis of Parliament maid of befoir. Ca. lxxvij.
  • ❧ Anent the mesoure of the elne. Ca. lxxviij.
  • Quhat the stane sall contene. Ca. lxxix.
  • Off the deuisioun of the boll, & the mesoure of the fyrlot & the boll. Ca. lxxx.
  • Anent vnlawis for birning. Ca. lxxxj.
  • [Page] Off hay and stray to be sauld. Ca. lxxxij.
  • That certane ledders be fundin ay reddie in the Burgh for happinning of fyre. Ca. lxxxiij.
  • ¶ Off commoun wemen. Ca. lxxxiiij.
  • Off fyre and the panis thairof. Ca. lxxxv.
  • Anent the custume of salmound and vther fische. Ca. lxxxvj.
  • ❧ Off Dekinnis of craft. Ca. lxxxvij.
  • Off the price and feis of craftismen. Ca. lxxxviij.
  • Off wark men. Ca. lxxxix.
  • [†] Off wrychtis and masounis. Ca. lxxxx.
  • Off land men. Ca. lxxxxj.
  • Anent the bigging of Castellis in the North. Ca. lxxxxij.
  • ❧ That Iugeis salbe sworne to determin all causis efter thair cūning. Ca. lxxxxiij.
  • Anent the finance of Clerkis. Ca. lxxxxiiij.
  • Anent hostillaris. Ca. lxxxxv.
  • (*) Off downe putting of Dekinnis of craftis. Ca. lxxxxvj.
  • That euerie man be summound be the Ordinar or his Officiall to spirituall courtis. Ca. lxxxxvij.
  • That in ilk Arbitrie be chosin ane od persoun. Ca. lxxxxviij.
  • ¶ That the cause of all Merchandis deid outwith the Realme, be decydit within. Ca. lxxxxix.
  • Anent slauchter. Ca. c.
  • Off fugitouris fra the Law. Ca. cj.
  • [*] Off slauchter in the Barrony. Ca. cij.
  • Off slauchter in Burgh. Ca. ciij.
  • Off slauchter in Regalitie, and the Officiaris thairof. Ca. ciiij.
  • ❀ Off the Lord of the Regalitie. Ca. cv.
  • Off inquisitioun of forthochtfellony. Ca. cvj.
  • Off the fugitoure in forthochtfellony. Ca. cvij.
  • ❧ Anent assouerance tane betuix persounis discordand. Ca. cviij.
  • Anent fugitouris. Ca. cix.
  • That Mairis and Seriandis haue wandis and hornis. Ca. cx.
  • (*) Off thame hauand Merchandice out of the Realme vncustumit. Ca. cxj.
  • That small Barronis and frehalders neidis not to cum to Parliament. Ca. cxij.
  • Off craftismen within Burrowis. Ca. cxiij.
  • ¶ Off beggaris. Ca. cxiiij.
  • Off wolf birdis. Ca. cxv.
  • Off cruuis in watters. Ca. cxvj.
  • [*] The leif to Merchandis to fure thair gudis. Ca. cxvij.
  • Anent Lipper folk. Ca. cxviij.
  • Anent the passage of Clerkis out of the Realme. Ca. cxix.
  • ❧ That na man pas to courtis with gaddering. Ca. cxx.
  • That nane interpreit the Kingis statutis. Ca. cxxj.
  • Off wylde foulis. Ca. cxxij.
  • [†] Off the aith to be maid to the Quene be the Clergy & the Barronis. Ca. cxxiij.
  • Anent fugitouris fra the Kingis Lawis. Ca. cxxiiij.
  • That husband men sould remane for a ȝeir with thair takkis. Ca. cxxv.
  • Off Mairis of fee. Ca. cxxvj.
  • [Page] Anent Officiaris that makis ony summounding. Ca. cxxvij.
  • Anent exceptiounis to be maid aganis the Kingis breuis. Ca. cxxviij.
  • ¶ Off essonȝeis to be maid in court. Ca. cxxix.
  • Anent ane Borgh to be fundin in court. Ca. cxxx.
  • Off the domes falsing. Ca. cxxxj.
  • [*] That na recounter be hard in court and the partie absent thame. Ca. cxxxij.
  • Anent the persounis that sall weir claithis of silk and furringis. Ca. cxxxiij.
  • Anent the persounis that salbe haill harnest and weill horsit. Ca. cxxxiiij.
  • ❧ Anent the grathing of ȝemen for weir. Ca. cxxxv.
  • That euer ilk Barrone within him self ordand his men to be grathit as is be­foir writtin. Ca. cxxxvj.
  • Off ilk Burges man hauand fyftie pundis in gudis. Ca. cxxxvij.
  • (*) Anent Schippis that brekis in this Realme. Ca. cxxxviij.
  • That Aduocattis and foirlpeikaris in temporall courtis sall sweir. Ca. cxxxix.
  • Off Barronis and Lordis hauand landis on the west sey. Ca. cxl.
  • ❧ Off the nature of the breif of inqueist and sesing. Ca. cxlj.
  • Off persounis remanand in Ingland without the Kingis leif, Ca. cxlij.
  • Off souertie as kit be ony partie of vthers. Ca. cxliij.
  • ¶ Anent the seruing of Inqueistis and Retouris. Ca. cxliiij.
  • Anent salmound fische. Ca. cxlv.
  • For the resisting of Rebellis in the North. Ca. cxlvj.
  • (*) Anent the selling of salmound out of the Realme. Ca. cxlvij.
  • That the Gouernour of the Realme indurand his tyme mycht not annalie na landis, that fell to the Crowne. Ca. cxlviij.
  • ❧ Anent the breking of the Kingis protectioun. Ca. cxlix.
  • Off the breif of aquae ductu. Ca. cl.
  • Off mandementis to execute the actis of Parliament. Ca. clj.
  • [*] Off the forfaltour of the Erldome of Marche. Ca. clij.
  • Off letters of fidelitie promittit to our Lady the Quene. Ca. cliij.
  • Off selling of theifis. Ca. cliiij.
  • ¶ That assysaris sall sweir. Ca. clv.
  • Off Crownaris. Ca. clvj.
  • Anent Mairis and Seriandis. Ca. clvij.
  • [*] Off Inglismen. Ca. clviij.
  • Off the stanching of theifis and trespassouris. Ca. clix.
  • Off inbringing of Bulȝeoun. Ca. clx.
  • (*) That nane be fundin in Tauernis efter nyne houris. Ca. clxj.
  • The statute anent Inglis claith. Ca. clxij.
  • Tuiching the selling of salmound till Inglismen. Ca. clxiij.
  • ❧ That nane by wyne fra Flemingis of the Dam. Ca. clxiiij.
  • That the Law be haldin quhair the trespas is done. Ca. clxv.
  • That nane haue out of Scotland gold, siluer, na Iowellis. Ca. clxvj.
  • [Page]¶ Off the Coronatioun of our Souerane Lord. Ca. j.
  • Off the reuocatioun of landis. Ca. ij.
  • Off halding of Sessiounis ȝeirlie. Ca. iij.
  • [*] Anent Rebellouris and vnressonabill men, being resset and haldin within Castellis. Ca. iiij.
  • Off halie Kirk.
  • Off the halding of Iustice Airis in all placis. Ca. v.
  • (†) Off remeid and punitioun of diuers crymes. Ca. vj.
  • The supplie and defence of halie Kirk. Ca. vij.
  • Tuiching all and sindrie landis and possessiounis quhilkis our Souerane Lordis Father had in his hand the day of his deceis. Ca. viij.
  • ❧ The punitioun of slauchter of Salmound. Ca. ix.
  • Off oppin reifsis and spulȝeis. Ca. x.
  • That the Officiaris and Lordis of Regallis sall execute and fulfill this foirsaid act. Ca. xj.
  • (†) Off letters of captioun to be geuin be the King. Ca. xij.
  • The proclamatioun of generall peax. Ca. xiij.
  • That nane Rebell aganis the Kingis persoun na his autoritie. Ca. xiiij.
  • ¶ Off the keiping of trewis on the Bordowris. Ca. xv.
  • Off punitioun of Officiaris trespassand in thair office wilfullie. Ca. xvj.
  • Off the remaning of pure commounis in thair takkis and malingis. Ca. xvij.
  • ❧ Off wedsetting of landis. Ca. xviij.
  • For the restorance of spoliatioun. Ca. xix.
  • That the Iustice, Chalmerlane, Crownaris and all vther Officiaris ryde in com­petent and esy number. Ca. xx.
  • [*] Off the away putting of Sornaris. Ca. xxj.
  • Off the examining of actis of Parliament and generall counsall. Ca. xxij.
  • For the eschewing of derth within the cuntrie. Ca. xxiij.
  • ❧ That na Burgessis na vther persoun hald mair victuall than will sustene him. Ca. xxiiij.
  • That na man do tresoun to the Kingis Maiestie. Ca. xxv.
  • That the Regaliteis being in the Kingis handis salbe Iustifeit be the Kingis Iustice. Ca. xxvj.
  • (*) For eschewing of maisterfull thift and reif. Ca. xxvij.
  • Anent Iustice Clerkis, that thay reuele na mannis actioun. Ca. xxviij.
  • For the bigging of Towris and Fortalices. Ca. xxix.
  • ¶ Off money and strykaris thairof. Ca. xxx.
  • Anent the summounding of ony persounis. Ca. xxxj.
  • [Page] That na man of this Realme bring hame poyson vnder the pane of treson. xxxij.
  • That na strangear bring hame poyson. Ca. xxxiij.
  • ¶ The auisement of the Deputis of the thre Estatis tuiching the mater of the money. Ca. xxxiiij.
  • That na man haue out of the Realme gold, siluer, na Bulȝeoun. Ca. xxxv.
  • That na cattell be sauld in Ingland, bot for reddy gold or siluer. Ca. xxxvj.
  • ❧ Anent the outquyting of wedsettis. Ca. xxxvij.
  • Anent dettis and obligatiounis. Ca. xxxviij.
  • Off victuall Ca. xxxix.
  • [*] That na man hald mair victuall than will sustene him self. Ca. xl.
  • Anent the keiping and executioun of Iustice. Ca. xlj.
  • That inbringaris of victuallis be fauorablie treitit. Ca. xlij.
  • (*) The annexatioun of landis to the Crowne. Ca. xliij.
  • That nane resset Iames sumtyme Erle of Dowglas. Ca. xliiij.
  • That thair be na wardanis on the Bordowris maid in fee & heritage. Ca. xlv.
  • ❧ That all Regaliteis being in the Kingis handis, be annexit to the Ry­altie. Ca. xlvj.
  • That na office be geuin in fee and heritage in tyme tocum. Ca. xlvij.
  • Quha bringis ane fals cuinȝeoure to the King sall haue. x. pund. Ca. xlviij.
  • (*) Off Sornaris. Ca. xlix.
  • That thair be. xij. persounis vpone the secreit counsall of Burrowis. Ca. l.
  • Off ane Ambaxat to the Pape. Ca. lj.
  • ¶ The maner of arraymentis for the Parliament. Ca. lij.
  • The maner of taikning for bailis making. Ca. liij.
  • Off persounis sclanderit or suspect of treson. Ca. liiij.
  • [*] That nane pas in Ingland the tyme of weir. Ca. lv.
  • That na Inglisman cum in Scotland without conduct. Ca. lvj.
  • That na Scottisman supplie Berwick or Roxburgh. Ca. lvij.
  • That na man reif na maner of gudis, nor presonar. Ca. lviij.
  • That nane rais affray in the hoist wilfullie. Ca. lix.
  • The King sall tak inquisitioun of all Sornaris & oppressouris of his liegis. Ca. lx.
  • (*) Off garnisounis to be laid vpone the Bordowris. Ca. lxj.
  • Statutis belangand weir and the defence of the Realme. Ca. lxij.
  • The reule for the pestilence. Ca. lxiij.
  • ¶ The money and the gold cryit heichar. Ca. lxiiij.
  • Off ministering of Iustice and Sessiounis halding. Ca. lxv.
  • Off Fairis. Ca. lxvj.
  • Off the downe laying of Constabill feis. Ca. lxvij.
  • Off Sessiounis haldin, and the Schiref to be neir thairby. Ca. lxviij.
  • Quhat powar the Lordis of Sessioun sall haue. Ca. lxix.
  • [*] The maner how the cause salbe brocht befoir the Lordis. Ca. lxx.
  • Off wappinschawing. Ca. lxxj.
  • The prouisioun for the money. Ca. lxxij.
  • ❧ Off fals goldsmythis. Ca. lxxiij.
  • That na Litstar by claith to sell. Ca. lxxiiij.
  • That na persoun saill without thre Serplaith of gudis. Ca. lxxv.
  • The habitis for Lordis of Sessioun and men of Law. Ca. lxxvj.
  • [Page] Persounis chosin for the reformatioun of hospitallis. Ca. lxxvij.
  • Off coistlie cleithing, and that na woman cum to the Kirk mussallit. Ca. lxxviij.
  • ❧ A Lord, Prelate, Barrone and frehalder may set in fewferme. Ca. lxxix.
  • That the fredomes of Regallis be keipit, and nane abusit in preiudice of the Kingis Lawis. Ca. lxxx.
  • That na persounis be tholit to beg betuix .xiiij. and .lxx. ȝeris Ca. lxxxj.
  • (*) Ane vniuersall mesoure to be maid and a standart. Ca. lxxxij.
  • Off remissiounis gif the partie be not content. Ca. lxxxiij.
  • Off Chalmerlane Airis. Ca. lxxxiiij.
  • ❧ That na frehalder be constreinȝeit to the Parliament, bot he be of twentie pund worth of land. Ca. lxxxv.
  • Off the taking of stressis be the Constabill. Ca. lxxxvj.
  • The punitioun of negligent Officiaris. Ca. lxxxvij.
  • [*] That na liggis nor bandis be maid within Burrowis na manrent. Ca. lxxxviij.
  • Off thame that occupyis Lordis landis agane thair willis. Ca. lxxxix.
  • The Iustice to tak inquisitioun of Sornaris, bairdis, feinȝeit fulis, and maisterfull beggaris in all Iustice Airis. Ca. lxxxx.
  • ¶ To sawe brome and mak hedgeis. Ca. lxxxxj.
  • Off sawing of quheit, peis and beinis. Ca. lxxxxij.
  • That na man cum to courtis bot in sober wyse. Ca. lxxxxiij.
  • ❧ Off ȝairdis, hedgeis and wylde foulis, and to destroy foulis of reiff. Ca. lxxxxiiij.
  • To destroy Ruikis, Crawis, and vther foulis of reiff. Ca. lxxxxv.
  • Off the slauchter of reid fische. Ca. lxxxxvj.
  • (*) That nane set creillis in watters. Ca. lxxxxvij.
  • To see for the destructioun of wolsis. Ca. lxxxxviij.
  • Anent the slayaris of Hartis, and destroyaris of Cuningis. Ca. lxxxxix.
  • ¶ Off lesingmakaris and tellaris of thame. Ca. c.
  • Off mure burne. Ca. cj.
  • That all the actis be copyit fra the Clerk of the Registre & proclamit. Ca. cij.
  • For the obseruing of the honour of halie Kirk. Ca. j.
  • Anent the mariage of our Souerane Lord. Ca. ij.
  • Anent the Quenis Dowarie. Ca. iij.
  • [*] That na Commendis be purchest. Ca. iiij.
  • That na pensioun of benefice be takin. Ca. v.
  • The pane of breking of lawborrois. Ca. vj.
  • ❧ That summoundis be maid of. xxi. dayis. Ca. vij.
  • Anent barnis to be put in fee of landis, and thair answeris. Ca. viij.
  • That na Inglisman haue benefice within Scotland. Ca. ix.
  • [Page] ¶ That na persounis haue money out of the Realme, vnder the pane of escheit thairof. Ca. x.
  • For the inbringing of money within the Realme. Ca. xj.
  • Off the money and blak ferdingis. Ca. xij.
  • ❧ Anent the reformatioun of hospitallis. Ca. xiij.
  • That name pas in Merchandice out of the Realme bot fre men. Ca. xiiij.
  • That na man of craft vse Merchandice. Ca. xv.
  • [†] That na man saill in Merchandice without half a last of gudis. Ca. xvj.
  • That na Schip be frauchtit without a Charterpartie. Ca. xvij.
  • That na Schip saill with stapill gudis fra Symonis day and Iude, quhill Can­dilmes. Ca. xviij.
  • ❧ That na Merchandis sall pas to Brugis as stapill. Ca. xix.
  • Licence to Merchandis to pas to Middilburgli with thair gudis. Ca. xx.
  • That Merchandis saill to the Rochell, Burdeous and France. Ca. xxj.
  • ¶ The proclamation of the money heichar vp. Ca. xxij.
  • The maner of dettis and contractis paying. Ca. xxiij.
  • That ferryaris mak briggis vnder the pane of tinsall of thair baittis. Ca. xxiiij.
  • [†] The propositioun of the Clergy and Burrowis. Ca. xxv.
  • The crying vp of certane money. Ca. xxvj.
  • The inbringing of Bulȝeoun appreuit. Ca. xxvij.
  • ❀ The Chalmerlane to see for mettis and mesouris. Ca. xxviij.
  • Anent the money to haue ane vniuersall cours. Ca. xxix.
  • Anent setting of Sessiounis. Ca. xxx.
  • ¶ The statute of nolt and scheip sauld. Ca. xxxj.
  • That thair be twa Sessiounis. Ca. xxxij.
  • The setting and authorising of Iustice Airis, and falsing of domes. Ca. xxxiij.
  • [*] Off Schirefsis and Iugeis Ordinaris. Ca. xxxiiij.
  • Off landis selling vnder reuersioun, to cum agane to the first sellar. Ca. xxxv.
  • Off obligatiounis to be followit within. xl. ȝeir or els preseriue. Ca. xxxvj.
  • ¶ Tuiching the electioun of Officiaris within Burrowis. Ca. xxxvij.
  • Off Notaris and Tabelliouns making be the King. Ca. xxxviij.
  • That wollin claith be met be the rig. Ca. xxxix.
  • (*) Off the indorsing of the Kingis breuis and letters. Ca. xl.
  • That the extorsionis of the Kingis liegis be not tane in fairis. Ca. xlj.
  • That poynding on Martymes and wit sonday be dilay it to the feird day. Ca. xlij
  • ¶ Off slauchter of forthochtfellony and suddaintie, and fleing to gyrth. Ca. xliij.
  • That the pure tennentis sall pay na ferrar, than thair termis maill for thair Lor­dis det be the breif of distres. Ca. xliiij.
  • Off sische, salmound, girsillis, trowtis, and nettis in watters. Ca. xlv.
  • [*] The Parliament, Iustice Airis, nor Chalmerlane Airis neidis not be conti­newit fra day to day. Ca. xlvj.
  • The setterday and vther Vigillis to be halie day, fra euinsang to euin­sang. Ca. xlvij.
  • Anent the reduction of hospitallis. Ca. xlviij.
  • (*) That serryaris mak briggis. Ca. xlix.
  • That the Kingis Rollis and Registre be put in bukis. Ca. l.
  • That na Deneiris of France, Cortis, nor malȝeis be tane, nor brocht hame. Ca. lj.
  • Anent breuis pleidabill. Ca. lij.
  • [Page] Anent the stanching of slauchter with additioun. Ca. liij.
  • That na Clerkis purches benefice, or office of Collectourie at the court of Rome, the quhilk was not thair at befoir. Ca. liiij.
  • ¶ Off Cartis of weir to be maid. Ca. lv.
  • The lenth of speiris, & that ȝemē haue targeis, and of wappinschawīg Ca. lvj.
  • That nane weir silkis within ane hundreth pundis worth of land. Ca. lvij.
  • (*) Anent the money, and crying downe of the allay it grot to. vj. d. Ca. lviij.
  • For the eschewing of manswering of fals assysis or inqueistis. Ca. lix.
  • That Lordis, Barronis, and Burrowis gar mak Schippis, Buschis, and greit Pink boitis with nettis. Ca. lx.
  • ❧ The partie that tynis his actioun salbe in ane vnlaw of .xl.s. Ca. lxj.
  • Off the fredome of halie Kirk
  • Ane Ambaxat in Ingland for the redressis of the Barge. Ca. lxij.
  • Off the money and Bulȝeoun Ca. lxiij.
  • [*] Off the breif of tutorie. Ca. lxiiij.
  • Off Arreistmentis. Ca. lxv.
  • Anent airschip of mouabill gudis of Barronis. Ca. lxvj.
  • ❧ Off obligatiounis. Ca. lxvij.
  • The answer of the Retour. Ca. lxviij.
  • That all complaintis first persew thair Iuge Ordinar. Ca. lxix.
  • ¶ That foure of the auld counsall be chosin to the new. Ca. lxx.
  • Anent ouer lordis, that will not enter to thair landis. Ca. lxxj.
  • That persounis arreist it to the Iustice Air enter within bar. Ca. lxxii.
  • (*) The vnlaw of steiling of halkis, hundis, pertrikis, and duikis. Ca. lxxiij.
  • Off Dais and Rais, hunting of Deir, and taking of cuningis. Ca. lxxiiij.
  • That ferryaris mak briggis. Ca. lxxv.
  • ❧ Off the fredome of halie Kirk.
  • That the Iustice set his Airis twyse in the ȝeir. Ca. lxxvj.
  • That all complaintis first persew to thair Iuge Ordinar. Ca. lxxvij.
  • [*] Anent fals assyse or inqueistis, and the pane thairof. Ca. lxxviij.
  • Anent the mariage of our Souerne Lordis sister. Ca. lxxix.
  • Anent the inbringing of Bulȝeoun. Ca. lxxx.
  • ❧ That nouther siluer nor gold be put to the fyre. Ca. lxxxj.
  • Anent the breif of Idiotrie and furiositie. Ca. lxxxij.
  • That the money and gold be cry it vp hiear. Ca. lxxxiij.
  • (*) Off the payment of the dettour and creditour. Ca. lxxxiiij.
  • That na courtis of guerra be haldin. Ca. lxxxv.
  • Off our Souerane Lordis reuocatioun. Ca. lxxxvj.
  • ¶ The annexatioun of the Erldome of Ros. Ca. lxxxvij.
  • Off halie Kirk.
  • Off slauchter. Ca. lxxxviij.
  • [*] Off the money. Ca. lxxxix.
  • Ane Ambaxat to the Duke of Burgunȝie. Ca. lxxxx.
  • Off victuallis. Ca. lxxxxj.
  • ❀ Anent cruuis. Ca. lxxxxij.
  • Anent ferryaris that rasis fraucht. Ca. lxxxiij.
  • Anent mureburne. Ca. lxxxxiiij.
  • Off the bind of salmound. Ca. lxxxxv.
  • [...] [Page] Off b [...]ggaris and Sornaris. Ca. lxxxxvj.
  • Off schoing of hors in the quick be smythis. Ca. lxxxxvij.
  • (*) Off speiris and thair lenth and lakkis. Ca. lxxxxviij.
  • Off persounis cummand to the hoist. Ca. lxxxxix.
  • Off wappinschawing and abilȝementis for weir, contenand thir heidis. Ca. c.
  • ¶ Furnessing of Castellis.
  • Aganis the reuar Edward.
  • The Kingis promeis for ministratioun of Iustice and gude reule.
  • ❧ The maner of reddynes to resist the reuar Edward.
  • Off Currouris and thair horsing.
  • For the resisting of Iames of Dowglas.
  • [*] The vphalding of Berwick, and garnisounis to be laid on the Bordowris vpon the expensis of the thre Estatis.
  • Waigeis.
  • ❧ Contrare the fauouraris of Iames of Dowglas.
  • Ane Ambaxat to the King of France.
  • Anent the reuocatioun maid be ane woman, hauand coniunct feftment efter hir husbandis deceis. Ca. cj.
  • (*) Anent the Indult grantit to the Archibischop of Sanctandros. Ca. cij.
  • That our Souerane Lord present to beneficis all tymes the sege vacād. Ca. ciij.
  • Contrare the purchessaris of beneficis aganis the Kingis priuilege. Ca. ciiij.
  • ¶ For treitting of strangearis inbring and victuallis. Ca. cv.
  • Off wappinschawing and reddynes in weir. Ca. cvj.
  • Recouering of Dumbar Castell.
  • [*] Aganis Alexander Duke of Albany.
  • The denying of remissiounis and respectis.
  • Off impetratioun of beneficis the sege vacand. Ca. cvij.
  • ❧ Off the money. Ca. cviij.
  • Ane Ambaxat to King Richard.
  • Off the fische garth. Ca. cix.
  • (†) Off remissiounis and respectis. Ca. cx.
  • Ane Ambaxat to the Pape, contenand thir heidis. Ca. cxj.
  • Instructiounis.
  • ❧ Off Barratouris.
  • For confirmatioun of auld, and impetratioun of new priuilegeis.
  • Off ferryaris that takis dowbill fraucht. Ca. cxij.
  • [*] That chair be ane Dekin and serchour of goldsmythis. Ca. cxiij.
  • The crying downe of the new plakis. Ca. cxiiij.
  • Off talloun and salt hydis. Ca. cxv.
  • ¶ Refuse of remissiounis and respectis. Ca. cxvj.
  • Off sustieis generallis to be maid. Ca. cxvij.
  • For inbringing of trespassouris and defending of thame at the bar. Ca. cxviij.
  • [*) Off Crownaris. Ca. cxix.
  • Off slauchter with additioun. Ca. cxx.
  • Off the keiping of arreistit trespassouris. Ca. cxxj.
  • (*) Off Schirefis and Crownaris. Ca. cxxij.
  • Off cumming to courtis in sober wyse. Ca. cxxiij.
  • That all actiounis first persew thair Iuge Ordinar. Ca. cxxiiij.
  • [Page] The desyris of Burrowis. Ca. cxxv.
  • Ambaxat to the King of Romanis for vndoing of ane letter of Marque. Ca. cxxvj.
  • ¶ Off sailaris to haue half ane last of gudis. Ca. cxxvij.
  • That craftismen vsand Merchandice renunce thair craft. Ca. cxxviij.
  • Off chesing of Officiaris in Burrowis. Ca. cxxix.
  • [*] Off frauchting of Schippis and the panis thairof. Ca. cxxx.
  • The bind of Salmound and mesoure thairof. Ca. cxxxj.
  • That Commissaris of Burrowis compeir togidder at anis in the ȝeir in Inner­kething. Ca. cxxxij.
  • ❧ Off fisching and making of hering at the west sey. Ca. cxxxiij.
  • That nane attempt contrare the annexatioun of the Pryorie of Coldinghame to the Chapell Royall. Ca. cxxxiiij.
  • Off the freedome of halie Kirk. Ca. j.
  • Off our Souerane Lordis mariage. Ca. ij.
  • (*) Off landis and gudis takin befoir the feild of Striuiling. Ca. iij.
  • That Burgessis and vnlandit men, that ony gudis was takin fra be restorit a­gane. Ca. iiij.
  • That all Officiaris being in the feild of Striuiling be suspendit fra thair officis for thre ȝeiris. Ca. v.
  • ❧ Anent the entre of the airis of thame that deceissit at the feild of Striuiling. vj.
  • The furth putting of Iustice. Ca. vij.
  • Anent the stanching of thift, reif, and vther enormiteis. Ca. viij.
  • [†] Off Burrowis repledgeand thair nychtbouris fra the Iustice. Ca. ix.
  • That a fyne penny of gold and ane vther of siluer be strikin. Ca. x.
  • That Schippis cum to fre Burrowis. Ca. xj.
  • ¶ Off Clerkis that purchessis beneficis at the court of Rome. Ca. xij.
  • Off Clerkis that purchessis beneficis cōtrare the Kingis presentatioun. Ca. xiij.
  • The propositioun of the debait of the feild of Striuiling, Ca. xiiij.
  • (*) Anent cruuis. Ca. xv.
  • The keiping of the Castell of Edinburgh, and destroying of the Castell of Dumbar. Ca. xvj.
  • The reuocatioun maid at Scone. Ca. xvij.
  • ❧ That the airis be not hurt be thair predecessouris. Ca. xviij.
  • Off the fredome of halie Kirk.
  • Off Iustice Airis. Ca. xix.
  • [*] Off vniuersall concord amangis the liegis. Ca. xx.
  • For inbringing of the taxatioun and vndoing of the Kingis discharge of ony part thairof. Ca. xxj.
  • For Instructiounis making to renew confederatioun and allyance. Ca. xxij.
  • Ane Ambaxat to Denmark. Ca. xxiij.
  • [Page] The Kingis reuocatioun and inbringing of his propertie. Ca. xxiiij.
  • The prouisioū for the Duke of Rose & Erle of Mar, & briīngīg of thair rētis xxv.
  • (*) The namis of the Lordis.
  • The keiping of the dayis of trewis. Ca. xxvj
  • Auditouris of our Souerane Lordis comptis. Ca. xxvij.
  • Off the Kingis secerit counsall and houshald. Ca. xxviij.
  • ❧ Off goldsmythis. Ca. xxix.
  • Anent the sailling of Merchandis. Ca. xxx.
  • Anent ferryaris that takis dowbill fraucht. Ca. xxxj.
  • (*) Anent cruuis and fische ȝairis. Ca. xxxij.
  • Anent the tennentis that haldis of the Duke of Rothesay, and Stewart of Scotland. Ca. xxxiij.
  • Off the money. Ca. xxxiiij.
  • ¶ Off vndoing of Caupis in Gallaway. Ca. xxxv.
  • Off Caupis in Carrick. Ca. xxxvj.
  • The proces of recouering of annuell rentis. Ca. xxxvij.
  • ❧ Off tennentis inhabitantis the Kingis proper landis. Ca. xxxviij.
  • The change of the Castell of the Glowme to be callit Campbell. Ca. xxxix.
  • Off Halkarstoun to be callit the Tempill. Ca. xl.
  • [*] Off our Souerane Lordis reuocatioun. Ca. xlj.
  • The remit of thame that was in Dounbartane with the Lord Lyle. Ca. xlij.
  • Off the fredome of the halie Kirk. Ca. xliij.
  • ❧ The allyance and confederatioun of France to be confirmit. Ca. xliiij.
  • Ambaxat for our Souerane Lordis mariage. Ca. xlv.
  • Ane Ambaxat to Denmark. Ca. xlvj.
  • (*) Anent breuis and landis falland in waird. Ca. xlvij.
  • Off landis falland in waird or vtherwayis alterit, that the tennentis sall remane thairwith, quhill the nixt witsonday. Ca. xlviij.
  • Anent finding of Lawborrois. Ca. xlix.
  • ¶ Anent slauchter or demembring. Ca. l.
  • That Iustice Airis be haldin twyse in the ȝeir. Ca. lj.
  • The partie that tynis his actioun sall pay his parteis coistis, and ane vnlaw of xl.s. Ca. lij.
  • [*] Off wappinschawing. Ca. liij.
  • Off the keiping of the dayis of trewis. Ca. liiij.
  • Off mettis, mesouris and wechtis. Ca. lv.
  • ❧ The setting of the Sessiounis. Ca. lvj.
  • Off conuocatioun and gaddering in Burrowis. Ca. lvij.
  • Off Summoundis of erroure. Ca. lviij.
  • (*) Anent the commoun gude of all Burrowis. Ca. lix.
  • Anent the copying of the actis and proclamatioun of the samin. Ca. lx.
  • Off refusing of gold that is crackit. Ca. lxj.
  • ❧ Off the halie Kirk. Ca. lxij.
  • Off dispositioun of beneficis the sege vacand. Ca. lxiij.
  • That beneficis of auld vsit to be disponit within the Realme, be disponit within the samin. Ca. lxiiij.
  • [*) The bull anent the promotioun to beneficis electiue to be obseruit and keipit. Ca. lxv.
  • That na Legate be ressaisit within the Realme, bot gif he be ane Cardinall or natiue borne of it. Ca. lxvj
  • [Page] Off the Indult grantit to Sanctandros and Glasgow, for reformatioun of the ele­ctiounis to Abbaceis. Ca. lxvij.
  • Off the pleyis betuix the Bischoppis of Sanctandros and Glasgow. Ca. lxviij.
  • ¶ The Kingis Oratouris to charge all vthers to ceis thair pleyis. Ca. lxix.
  • Off taxatioun of beneficis to be maid efter the auld taxatioun. Ca. lxx.
  • The troubill of the money and it be crackit Ca. lxxj.
  • (*) Ambaxat for the Kingis mariage. Ca. lxxij.
  • That strangearis Merchandis, that cummis with Schippis cum to the principall towne. Ca. lxxiij.
  • That na Cordonar, nor vther craftisman tak na custumis of vthers. Ca. lxxiiij.
  • ❧ Putting downe of Dekinnis of craftis, and that na masounis nor wrychtis tak payment for halie dayis. Ca. lxxv.
  • Anent the taking of multur of flowre that cūmis furth of vther landis. Ca. lxxvj.
  • That the Iustice Clerk tak furth all the statutis, that hes pane of dictay in thame. Ca. lxxvij.
  • [*] That na custumaris tak mair taxatioun than is statute. Ca. lxxviij.
  • Off mureburne. Ca. lxxix.
  • That nane destroy herone sewis for thre ȝeiris. Ca. lxxx.
  • ❧ Anent the making of Schippis and Buschis. Ca. lxxxj.
  • Off giftis and alienatiounis maid be our Souerane Lordis Father. Ca. lxxxij.
  • That airis may reuoke at thair lauchfull age, & of our Souerane Lordis reuocatiō Ca. lxxxiii.
  • Off the bind of salmound. Ca. lxxxiiij.
  • The fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. lxxxv.
  • (*) That na persounis pas furth of the Realme to purches ony beneficis without leif of our Souerane Lord. Ca. lxxxvj.
  • That all Barronis and frehalders, that ar of substance put thair eldest sonnis and airis to the sculis. Ca. lxxxvij.
  • Off the money and Bulȝeoun. Ca. lxxxviij.
  • ❧ Off the price, gudnes and fynes of victuallis, and all vther maner of stuffe wrocht. Ca. lxxxix.
  • That all summoundis of errour be rasit and persewit within the space of thre ȝeiris. Ca. lxxxx.
  • Off the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. lxxxxj.
  • [*] Off the daylie counsall. Ca. lxxxxij.
  • That Iustice and Schireffis be maid for the Ilis. Ca. lxxxxiij.
  • Off the Iustice Airis of Ergyle, Lorne, Bute, and thay partis. Ca. lxxxxiiij.
  • ¶ Off Schireffis to be maid in Ros and Cathnes. Ca. lxxxxv.
  • That the gretest cryme be specifeit in the remissioun. Ca. lxxxxvj.
  • That na remissioun salbe geuin for slauchter vpone forthochtfellony. lxxxxvij.
  • [*] Off the correctioun and examinatioun of Notaris. Ca. lxxxxviij.
  • That summoūdis vpone recent spulȝie may be maid vpō. xv. dayis. Ca. lxxxxix.
  • Anent the expensis of Schireffis for thair office. Ca. c.
  • ¶ Off the expensis of proces. Ca. cj.
  • For keiping of money within the Realme. Ca. cij.
  • Anent steillaris of pykis, brekaris of ȝairdis and dowcattis. Ca. ciij.
  • [*] Anent beggaris. Ca. ciiij.
  • Anent the making of schippis for fisching. Ca. cv.
  • [Page] Off the vnlaw of grene wod and mureburne. Ca. cvj.
  • Off slauchter of reid fische. Ca. cvij.
  • ¶ Off the diuisiounis of Schirefdomes. Ca. cviij.
  • That hedgeis, parkis, and dowcattis, and cuninghairis be maid. Ca. cix.
  • Off ȝeirlie wappinschawing to be maid. Ca. cx.
  • (*) That the hernouris and airis may be followit at the ȝeiris end efter the deceis of thair foirbearis. Ca. cxj.
  • Anent the exceptiounis proponit anent wedowis in hindering of thame of thair teircis. Ca. cxij.
  • That all fiehalders within ane hundreth merk of extent send their procuratou­ris to the Parliament. Ca. cxiij.
  • ❧ That all our Souer [...]ne Lordis liegis be reulit be his Lawis. Ca. cxiiij.
  • That all Officiaris within Burgh be changeit ȝeirhe. Ca. cxv.
  • That na Merchand persew ane vther in partis beȝond sey befoir ony Iuge bot the Conseruatour. Ca. cxvj.
  • [*] That the Conseruatour of Scotland cum hame ȝeirlie, or send his procura­tour. Ca. cxvij.
  • That na mercat nor fairis be haldin vpone halie dayis, nor in Kirkis, nor in Kirk ȝairdis. Ca. cxviij.
  • That Merchandis and Burrowis bruke thair priuilegeis. Ca. cxix.
  • ❧ That Commissaris and herdismen of Burrowis be warnit of taxatiounis of the Realme. Ca. cxx.
  • That na B [...]rges be maid without consent of the greit counsall of the towne. cxxj.
  • That the au [...]d act anent saill [...]s be put to executioun.
  • That na nychbour vsurpe agane the Officiaris in Burgh, Ca. cxxij.
  • ¶ That nane house woll, skin, nor hydis in [...]ei [...]h. Ca. cxxiij.
  • That all Schireffis and Officiaris wryte the day, that thay gif seising to ony man in thair court buke. Ca. cxxiiij.
  • That it be leiffull to our Souerane Lord to set all his landis in few. Ca. cxxv.
  • [*] That it salbe leiffull to euerie man ba [...]th spirituall and temporall to set thair landis in few. Ca. cxxvj.
  • That the maltmakaris present thair malt to the mercat. Ca. cxxvij.
  • That the inhabitā [...]s of annexit and vn [...]e landis to vther Barronageis sall answer to the Iustice Airis, Schiref courtis, quhair the landis lyis. Ca. cxxviij.
  • ❧ Off exceptiounis to be proponit agane the breif of inqueist. Ca. cxxix.
  • Off the p [...]oces of the breif of rycht. Ca. cxxx.
  • That all mesouris and wechtis be of ane quantitie, quhilk salbe statute in Edin­burgh be the Chalmerlane. Ca. cxxxj.
  • (*) Off the hamebringing of Pulȝeoun the auld act to be obseruit. Ca. cxxxij.
  • That all money haue cours in the Realme it being crakit or flawit Ca. cxxxiij.
  • That na Schiref nor Officiar distreinȝie or poynd ony thing belangand the pleuch in tyme of teiling. Ca. cxxxiiij.
  • ❧ That the wordis of falsing of domes be changeit. Ca. cxxxv.
  • Off the fredome of the halie Kirk. Ca. cxxxvj.
  • Anent the diuisiounis of Schirefdomes. Ca. cxxxvij.
  • ¶ Ane act maid be our Souerane Lord King Iames the Feird, anent the waird, re­leif and mariage of the airis of thame that deceissis in the armie. Ca. cxxxviij.
  • [Page]Off the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca j.
  • Punitioun of thift and stouthreif, and maisters or sustenaris of theifis. Ca. ij.
  • ¶ Anent the waird, releif and mariage of the airis of thame, that deis in the hoist mouit contrare Inglismen, or the tratouris of the Realme. Ca. iij.
  • Anent the takkis and sterdingis of thame, that ar slane, as said is. Ca. iiij.
  • [*] The Institutioun of the College of Iustice., contenand thir heidis. Ca. vj.
  • The Chācellar & President to ressaif the aithis of the Lordis absent
  • The Chancellar, Paesident, and Lordis of the Sessioun to mak the ordour how it salbe proceidit in thair Sessioun.
  • ❧ The diuisioun of the Realme quarterlie.
  • That all summoundis priuilegeit be callit on monounday oulklie quhilk follow­is, and horning all tymes.
  • That all the commoun maters be callit on all the dayis of the oulk, except Fry­day for the Kingis maters, and strangearis, and the Quenis maters.
  • (*) That all continuatiounis be callit at the dayis assignit thairto.
  • Anentis deliuerance of cognitioun to Schireffis.
  • The counsalhous to be reparrellit.
  • ❧ That all the Lordis enter in the Tolbuith at. viij. houris.
  • That the counsalhous be ischeit efter the entrie of the Lordis.
  • That na man pley bot parteis and thair procuratouris.
  • [*] That billis be first red and continuatiounis, and syne the Tabill.
  • For examinatioun of witnes.
  • That all maters be callit be the ordour of the Tabill.
  • ¶ That silence be had in the counsalhous.
  • Off the geuing of voittis and ordour thairof.
  • That ten Lordis sall remane with the President.
  • (*) Executioun of sentence to be maid be Heraldis, Purseuantis and Massaris.
  • Off the Clerkis of the Signet.
  • Anent payment for billis of complaint and Kingis letters.
  • ❧ Anent the deliuering of billis.
  • That Massaris keip counsall.
  • Quhat Massaris sall tak for thair laubouris.
  • [*] The number of Aduocatis and thair namis.
  • Aduocatis to be sworne.
  • That all Aduocatis pas furth of the coūsalhous, quhē the Lordis passis to disputatiō
  • ¶ Anent exceptiounis dilatouris.
  • The Kingis gude mynde anent the Lordis of the Sessioun.
  • Off the libertie and fredome of halie Kirk.
  • [Page] Aganis thame that sustenis the proces of cursing abone the space of fourtie dayis. Ca. ix.
  • For planting of woddis, forestis and orchardis. Ca. x.
  • ¶ The papis of the destroyaris of woddis, and makaris of mureburne in forbodin tyme. Ca. xj.
  • For keiping of forestis. Ca. xij.
  • For brekaris of dowcatis, cuninghairis, parkis and stankis. Ca. xiij.
  • (*) For brekaris of ȝairdis and orchardis. Ca. xiiij.
  • Off slaying of hairis. Ca. xv.
  • The remeid for destructioun of housis, maner placis, woddis, forestis, orchardis, ȝairdis, and haning of landis fallin in waird. Ca. xvj.
  • ❧ Off reid sische, smoltis and of slaying of salmound in forbodin tyme. Ca. xvij.
  • Off cruuis and ȝairis. Ca. xviij.
  • Off Buschis for fisching. Ca. xix.
  • [†] For hostillaris and trauellaris in the cuntrie. Ca. xx.
  • Off studis and stude placis. Ca. xxj.
  • That na man sell nolt, nor scheip to Inglismen, nor send victuallis, fische, nor salt in Ingland. Ca. xxij.
  • ❧ Foirstallaris. Ca. xxiij.
  • For the stanching of maisterfull beggaris with additioun, Ca. xxiiij.
  • The remeid for deliuering of thame, that sleis to gyrth. Ca. xxv.
  • ¶ Priuilegeis of Burrowis. Ca. xxvj.
  • Anentis Merchandis, that saillis incontrare the actis maid of befoir. Ca. xxvij.
  • That na Schip saill with stapill gudis fra Symonis day and Iude, quhill Can­dilmes. Ca. xxviij.
  • (*) Off the chesing of Officiaris in Burgh, and bringing of the comptis of thair commoun gudis ȝeirlie in the Checkar. Ca. xxix.
  • That na man troubill nor molest Prouest, Aldermen, Baillies, and Officiaris within Burgh [...] Ca. xxx.
  • That na man ryde bot in sober maner. Ca. xxxj.
  • ❧ For malt makaris. Ca. xxxij.
  • Off craftismen, broustaris, sellaris of salt, and victuall within Burgh. Ca. xxxiij.
  • That na man saill in Flanders bot twyse in the ȝeir. Ca. xxxiiij.
  • [*] The declaratioun of the pley betuix the Lairdis of Blairquhan and Gyl­stoun. Ca. xxxv.
  • Anentis Iustice Airis, & particular diettis for certane speciall crymes. Ca. xxxvj.
  • ¶ The additioun of the act of cursing. Ca. xxxvij.
  • Declaratioun of Parliament, gif the Kingis grace hes actioun or not, aganis the airis of thame, that committis crymes of lese maiestie. Ca. xxxviij.
  • Ratificatioun and pronunciatioun of the actis of the last Parliamēt. Ca. xxxix.
  • [*] The Kingis grace reuocatioun. Ca. xl.
  • That all Schireffis and vthers Officiaris be present personallie at the thre heid courtis ȝeirlie. Ca. xlj.
  • Off the setting of temporall courtis. Ca. xlij.
  • ❧ Off Deputis to Schireffis and vthers Officiaris. Ca. xliij.
  • Anentis the indorsing of letters and preceptis. Ca. xliiij.
  • The ordour of summounding of all persounis in ciuile actiounis. Ca. xlv.
  • The electioun of Notaris. Ca. xlvj.
  • [Page] The geuing of sesingis. Ca. xlvij.
  • Off the admissioun of Notaris. Ca. xlviij.
  • ¶ That the protocollis of all sesingis be presentit ȝeirlie in the Checkar. Ca. xlix.
  • Off fals Notaris and witnes. Ca. l.
  • Off Notaris Ordinar in the Schiref court, or vtherwayis. Ca. lj.
  • (*) For geuing of commissiounis in preiudice of the Ordinar. Ca. lij.
  • Off lesingmakaris. Ca. liij.
  • The act of annexatioun of landis to the Crowne. Ca. liiij.
  • ❧ Wappinschawingis to be twyse in the ȝeir. Ca. lv.
  • That the armie of Scotland be vnhorsit except greit Barronis. Ca. lvj.
  • The maner of harnes, wappinnis and armoure. Ca. lvij.
  • [*] Off armoure conforme to euerie mannis rent and substance. Ca. lviij.
  • That all persounis present in wappinschawing be writtin with the maner of thair armour. Ca. lix.
  • The premunitioun of wappinschawingis. Ca. lx.
  • ❧ The chesing of Capitanis in euerie parochin. Ca. lxj.
  • Ane generall remissioun grantit be the Kingis grace to all his liegis. Ca. lxij.
  • For the honour of halie Kirk. Ca. lxiij.
  • (*) Ratificatioun of the Institutioun of the College of Iustice. Ca. lxxij.
  • Hagbutis and vther small Artaillierie to be furneist within the Realme. ca. lxxiij.
  • For hamebringing of hagbutis. Ca. lxxiiij.
  • ¶ For inbringing of the Kingis grace propertie and casualiteis. Ca. lxxv.
  • Anentis committaris of slauchter, mutilatioun, and resset of the Kingis Re­bellis. Ca. lxxvj.
  • For stanching of stouth, thift and reif. Ca. lxxvij.
  • [*] For eschewing of derth of victuallis slesche and fische. Ca. lxxviij.
  • Tuiching the Crowne of wecht. Ca. lxxix.
  • For stanching of de [...]th of wyne, salt and tymmer. Ca. lxxx.
  • ❧ Tuiching the hospetallis. Ca. lxxxj.
  • For policie in Edinburgh. Ca. lxxxij.
  • Anent the meill mercat of Edinburgh. Ca. lxxxiij.
  • [*) The panis of Iugeis that dois wrang. Ca. lxxxiiij.
  • Prouisioun and panis of thame committand fraude in the alienatioun or vther­wayis. Ca. lxxxv.
  • The remeid aganis thame, that lyis out of thair landis and will not enter, in de­fraude of thair creditouris. Ca. lxxxvj.
  • ❧ Anent the priuilege of Burrowis. Ca. lxxxvij.
  • Off packing and peiling. Ca. lxxxviij.
  • Anent furth hauing of money of the Realme. Ca. lxxxix.
  • ¶ Off mesouris of fische. Ca. lxxxx.
  • The panis of thame that tynis the pley. Ca. lxxxxj.
  • Anentis conductioun of craftismen. Ca. lxxxxij.
  • [*] For drawaris of claith. Ca. lxxxxiij.
  • For foirstallaris. Ca. lxxxxiiij.
  • Anentis wechtis. Ca. lxxxxv.
  • ❧ Annexatioun of landis to the Crowne. Ca. lxxxxvj.
  • The dissolutioun of the vnion for setting of fowis. Ca. lxxxxvij.
  • That na faith be geuin to euidentis seilit, without subscriptioun of the princi­pall [Page] or Notar. Ca. lxxxxviij.
  • Anentis birning of cornis, rasing of fyre, and reuysing of wemē. Ca. lxxxxix.
  • ¶ Anentis thame, that brekis or passis contrare the Kingis grace priuilegeis grantit to him be the sate of Rome. Ca. c.
  • The nerrest of the kin, to haue the gudis of thame, that deis vntestat, without preiudice of the Quot. Ca. cj.
  • ❧ That na Legate be ressaisit in this Realme. Ca. cij.
  • Thre mercat dayis for selling of breid in Edinburgh. Ca. ciij.
  • Thre mercat dayis for selling of flesche. Ca. ciiij.
  • [*] For [...]alloun. Ca. cv.
  • Off thame, that countersatis the Kingis money. Ca. cvj.
  • Anentis thame that takis placis of Bischoppis & Abbais efter thair deceis. Ca. cvij
  • The Kingis grace ordināce for Imprenting of his actis of Parliament. Ca. cviij.
THE TABILL OF THE AC­TIS OF PARLIAMENT OF OVR SOVERANE Lady, haldin be ane mychtie Prince Iames Erle of Arrane, Lord Hammiltoun. &c. and Gouernour of the Realme.
  • ¶ Passing of signatouris throw the seilis, efter the Kingis deceis. Ca. j.
  • Ratificatioun of the Institutioun of the College of Iustice. Ca. ij.
  • ❧ Anent the laying furth of tennentis. Ca. iiij.
  • Monktoun Hall cōprehendand the heidis and actis following.
  • Anent Kirkmen. Ca. v.
  • (*) Anent the waird, releif and mariage.
  • Anent possessiounis.
  • Aganis thame that sustenis the proces of cursing, for the space of ane ȝeir, or cō ­municatis, being excommunicat. Ca. vj.
  • ❀ Anent fauouraris of declairit tratouris, or beiraris of feid for slauchter commit­tit vpone thame. Ca. vij.
  • Anent thame that schutis with gunnis at Deir and wylde foulis. Ca. viij.
  • ❧ The act maid anent the annuellis of landis brint be our auld Inimeis of Ing­land within Burrowis. Ca. ix.
  • Anent the prices of wynis. Ca. x.
  • Off the prices of wylde and tame meitis. Ca. xj.
  • [*] The articlis and punctis concludit vpone assurit Scottismen with Ing­land. Ca. xij.
  • The secund article vpone assurit persounis. Ca. xiij.
  • The thrid article vpone assurit persounis. Ca. xiiij.
  • ¶ The declaratioun of my Lord Anguse. Ca. xv.
  • The act anentis thame, that sweiris abominabill aithis. Ca. xvj.
  • Anent thame that perturbis the Kirk the tyme of diuine seruice. Ca. xvij.
  • [*] Anent thame that knawis thame selfis vnder proces of cursing. Ca. xviij.
  • Anent cursit persounis, that cōpellis preistis to say Messe in thair presēce. Ca. xix.
  • [Page] Anent thame, that maryis twa wyfis or husbandis. Ca. xx.
  • Anent adulteraris. Ca. xxj.
  • ¶ Anent malt makaris. Ca. xxij.
  • Anent ferryaris. Ca. xxiij.
  • Anent the slauchter of Lambes and Lapronis. Ca. xxiiij.
  • (*) Anent beggaris. Ca. xxv.
  • Anent fals Notaris. Ca. xxvj.
  • Anent craftismen. Ca. xxvij.
  • ❧ Anent the examinatioun of Notaris. Ca. xxviij.
  • Anent slaying of Hairis. Ca. xxix.
  • Anent slaying of Dais and Rais. Ca. xxx.
  • (*) Anent the ordouring of euerie mannis hous. Ca. xxxj.
  • Anent paking and peiling. Ca. xxxij.
  • Anent foirstallaris. Ca. xxiij.
  • ❧ Anent the hauing of quhite fische furth of the Realme. Ca. xxxiiij.
  • Anent Prentaris. Ca. xxxv.
  • Anent Monsieure Dosell. Ca. xxxvj.
  • ¶ Ratificatioun of the contract maid betuix my Lord Gouernour and Schir la­mes Hammiltoun. Ca. xxxvij.
  • Ratificatioun of the act maid betuix the Quenis grace and my Lord Gouer­nour. Ca. xxxviij.
THE TABILL OF THE AC­TIS OF PARLIAMENT OF OVR SOVERANE Lady, haldin be ane Nobill Princes MARIE Quene Dowrear Mother to our said Souerane Lady and Regent of the Realme.
  • ¶Anent the libertie of halie Kirk. Ca. j.
  • Anent the making and deliuering of reuersiounis. Ca. ij.
  • Anent warning fra redemit landis, and the pane for non remouing. Ca. iij.
  • ❧ Anent the additioun maid to the act of slauchters. Ca. iiij.
  • Anent proces to be had aganis persounis passand furth of the Realme. Ca. v.
  • The ordour for summounding of parteis to compeir befoir the Iustice or vthers Iugeis. Ca. vj.
  • (*) Anent the geuing of sesingis. Ca. vij.
  • Anent the ordour for geuing of curatouris to minouris. Ca. viij.
  • Anent eitting of flesche in Lentrene and vthers dayis forbiddin. Ca. ix.
  • ❧ Anent redemptioun of landis. Ca. x.
  • Anentis resignatiounis ad perpetuam remanentiam. Ca. xj.
  • Anent the warning of tennentis. Ca. xij.
  • [*] The act maid anentis the slauchthers of parteis in persute and defence of thair actiounis and causis. Ca. xiij.
  • Anent the hauing of talloun, victuallis & flesche furth of this Realme. Ca. xiiij.
  • [Page] ¶ Anent the cūming to the bar for defence or persute in criminall causis. Ca. xv.
  • Anentis nulliteis. Ca. xvj.
  • Anentis liggis and bandis. Ca. xvij.
  • [*] Anentis Notaris. Ca. xviij.
  • Anentis woll, and vther stapill gudis custumabill. Ca. xix.
  • Anentis all mesouris and wechtis. Ca. xx.
  • ❧ Anentis the geuing of sesingis vpone preceptis not past furth of the Chan­cellarie. Ca. xxj.
  • Anent punischement of fals witnes. Ca. xxij.
  • Anent the wod of Falkland. Ca. xxiij.
  • (*) Anentis the liberteis and priuilegeis of Burrowis. Ca. xxiiij.
  • Anent the slaying of wylde beistis, wyld foulis, halking & hunting. Ca. xxv.
  • Anent the dischargeing of Dekinnis, and chesing of Visitouris. Ca. xxvj.
  • ❧ Anentis the commoun passage of Burrowis. Ca. xxvij.
  • Anent Burrowis of the west cuntrie. Ca. xxviij.
  • Anentis horning vpone Kirkmen for taxt. Ca. xxix.
  • ¶ Anentis Lambis. Ca. xxx.
  • Anentis ferryaris. Ca. xxxj.
  • Anentis the slauchter of powtis, pertrikis. &c. Ca. xxxij.
  • [*] Anentis planting of woddis, parkis, forestis, and orchardis. Ca. xxxiij.
  • Anentis goldsmythis, makaris of gold, and siluer warkis. Ca. xxxiiij.
  • Anent the dispositioun of wyne, salt and tymmer. Ca. xxxv.
  • ❧ Anentis steiling of Halkis, Hundis, Pertrikis, Dukis, and slauchter of Dais, Rais, hunting of Deir, taking of Cuningis and foulis. Ca. xxxvj.
  • Anentis libertie of Merchandis at the west seyis. Ca. xxxvij.
  • Anentis beggaris. Ca. xxxviij.
  • (*) Anentis the speiking euill of the Quenis grace or frenchemen. Ca. xxxix.
  • Anentis Robert Hude and Abbot of vnressoun. Ca. xl.
  • ¶ The act of Obliuioun. Ca. j.
  • Anentis cruuis and ȝairis. Ca. ij.
  • Anentis the carying and hauing of gold and siluer furth of the Realme. Ca. iij.
  • [*] Anentis the hamebringing of fals cuinȝie, gold, siluer, layit money, or vther money quhatsumeuer, and vsing of the samin within this Realme. And als anentis forgearis and makaris thairof within the samin. Ca. iiij.
  • ❧ For eschewing of derth of viuers and victuallis. Ca. v.
  • Anentis the making of salt within this Realme. Ca. vj.
  • Anentis gleibis and mansis. Ca. vij.
  • (*) Anentis Vitcheraftis. Ca. viij.
  • [Page] Anentis adulterie. Ca. ix.
  • Anentis the rasing of bandis of men of weir. Ca. x.
  • ¶ Anentis the reparelling and vphalding of paroche Kirkis, and of Kirk ȝairdis of the samin, for buriall of the deid. Ca. xj.
  • Anent tennentis and vther lauchfull possessouris of Kirk landis, and setting of fewis of the samin Kirk landis for the space of thre ȝeiris heirefter. Ca. xij.
  • [*] Anentis mesouris and wechtis. Ca. xiij.
  • Anentis schuting at wylde beistis and wylde foulis. Ca. xiiij.
  • Anent the admissioun of Notaris, and prorogatioun of the samin. Ca. xv.
  • ❧ Anent geuing of sesingis. Ca. xvj.
  • Anent resignatiounis maid ad perpetuam remanentiam. Ca. xvij.
  • That fyue or sax of the principall Burrowis be warnit for concluding of weir, peax, or taxatiounis. Ca. xviij.
  • [*] Anent the stanching of tumultis within Burrowis. Ca. xix.
  • That na coilis be had furth of the Realme. Ca. xx.
  • That beif and muttoun cum to the mercat with skin and birne. Ca. xxj.
  • ❀ The ratificatioun of the priuilegeis of Burrowis. Ca. xxij.
  • Anent the letters of Marque. Ca. xxiij.
  • Ane prouisioun to be maid for the Instructioun of the ȝouth. Ca. xxiiij.
  • ❧ For sending of Ambaxatour to the King of Denmark. Ca. xxv.
  • Anent the confirmatioun of fewis. Ca. j.

ACTA PARLIAMENTI IACOBI PRIMI REGIS SCOTORVM TENTI APVD PERTH XXVI Die Menlis Maij Anno Domini Millesimo Quadringent [...]simo viges [...]mo quarto [...] Su [...] xix. Conuocatis tribus Regni Statibus Ibidem congregatis electae [...]uerunt certae personae ad articulos datos per Dominum Regem determmandos data caeteris licentia recedendi.

For The honor of God and halie KirK. Capitulo. j.

IN THE first to the honor of God and halie Kirk. That the halie Kirk tois and bruk and the ministeris of it, thair auld preuilegeis and fredomes. And that na man let thaim to sett thair landis and teindis, vn­der the pane that may follow be sprituall law or tem­porall.

For the obseruing of sickir peax within the Realme. Ca. ij.

ITEM That firme & sicker peax be keipit, and haldin throw all the Realme, and amang all and sindrie liegis and subiectis to our SOVERAN Lord the King, and that na mā tak on hand, in tyme to cum, to moue or mak weir agane vther, vnder all pane that may follow be course of comoun law.

That na man rebell agane the Kingis persone. Ca. iij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit that na man opinlie or notourlie rebell aganis the Kingis persone, vnder the paine of torfalting of lyfe land and gudis.

Of enforsing maid vpone rebellis agane the Kingis persone. Ca. iiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit that gif ony dissobeis till enforce the King aganis notour rebellaus, aganis his persone qu [...]en thay be requirit, be the King and commandit, thay salbe chalan­gir be the King, as fautouris of sic rebellars bot gif thay haue for thame reasonable excusatioun.

Of the number of rydand men and fute men throw the cuntre. Ca. v.

ITEM It is statute that na man of quhat estate, degre or eōditiō he be of, rydand or gāgand in the cuntre, leid nor haue ma personis with him nor may suffice him or till his estate, & for quhaine he will mak radie payment. And gif ony cōplaynt be of sic rydaris or gāg­aris, the King cōmandis his officiaris of the lād, that quhair thay happei to be, till arrest thaim, & put thame vnder sicker borrowis quhil the King be cert [...]ot thairo [...], and send his will quhat salbe done of sic trespassouris.

Of the ministeris of law within the Realme. Ca. vj.

ITEM It is ordanit that thair be maid officiaris and ministeris of law, throw all the realme, that can or may hald the law to the Kingis commonis, and sic as hes sufficientlie of thair awin: quhair throw thay may be punishit gif thay trespas. And gif ony be in­feft of sic officis of befoir and ar not sufficient to minister thairin in propir persone, that vtheris be ordanit in thair stedis, for the quhilk thay that hes sic officis of the King in fee be haldin to answer to him gif thay trespas

That na Cumpaneis outely husband men. Ca. vij.

ITEM The parliament statutis, & the King forbiddis: that na cū panies pas in the countrie, to ly vpone ony the Kingis liegis: or thig or soiorne hors outher on kirkmē or husbandis of the land. And gif ony cōplaint be maid of sic trespassouris to the schiref of the lād, that he arreist sic folk and chalange thame, and taxt the Kingis skaith vpone thame, and gif thay be conuict of sic trespas that thay be punist & find borrowis till assyth the King and the partie complēand. And gif sic personis takis ony skaith in the arreisting of thame, it salbe impute to thame self, and in cais that na complaint be maid to the schiref, the schiref sal inquire at ilk heid court that he haldis, gif ony sic faltouris be within his schirefdome. And gif ony beis sundin, that they be punishit, as is be­foir writtin.

That all Custume remaine with the King till his leuing. Ca. viij.

ITEM It is consentit be the hail parliament, that all the greit and smal custumes & burrowmailles of the Realme abyde & remain with the King till his leuing. And gif ony persōe makis ony clame til ony part of the said custumes, that he schaw to the King quhat he hes for him, & the King sall mak him answer with auisment of his counsall.

OF landis and Kentis that war our Souerane Lord the Kingis predecessouris. Ca. ix.

ITEM As anent lādis & rentis the quhilk war of befoir tyme our Soueran Lord the Kingis antecessouris, it is sene speidful that y King charge all & sindrie schireffis of his Realme to garīquire be y best eldest & worthiest of thair Bailliereis, quhat landꝭ possessiōis or annuall rentis pertenis to the King or hes pertenit in his antecessouris ty­mes of gud memorie Dauid, Robert and Robert, his progenitouris & in quhais handis thay now be, and that ilk schiref gar retour be inqueis [...] vnder his seill, and thair seillis that beis vpone it: and gif it lykis the King, he may gar summond all and sindrie his tenentis at lauchfull day and place to schaw thaire charteris and euidentis and, swa be thair [Page iii] haldingis he may persawe, quhat pertenis till him.

Of finance to be maid for the Kingis costage in Ingland Ca. x.

ITEM It was cōsentit throw the estatis and Parliament, that for the fynance & payment to be maid in Ingland for our Souerane Lordis costage, & delyuering of his hostageis being in Inglād, thair salbe rasit ane ȝeild or maa, gif it misteris, throw the haill Kynrik: alsweill throw the regalyteis as throw vther landis, for it wer greuous & greit charge on the cōmonis to rais the hail finance at anis. It is accordit that a ȝeild be rasit. That is to say .xij. d. of ilk pund & that the landis rentis, maillis and gudis of lordis, within thair proper domanis baith Corne and Catell, bot for the extent of theproper domanis thay sall not pay drawin Oxin riddin Hors and vtensillis of hows alanerlie and outtaking the Burgessis in lyke maner of thair gudis and rentis.

Of the maner of taxatioun to be maid in the Realme. Ca. xj.

ITEM Thir ar taxis ordanit throw the counsall of Parliament vpone the Cattel & Corne to be rasit to the Kingis finance to be maid in Ingland. ¶ In the first ȝeild now concludit the boll of quheit is taxit to ij.s. Alswa the boll of rye beir & peis to xvi d. the boll of aittis vj. d. And this of all Corne that is now in Hows or in stak, the Lordis puruiance to thair howshald alanerlie owttane: and the grene Corne, that is now vpon the Erd growand, sall remain vn taxit, quhil it cume of the Erd, alswa the beistis ar taxit one this maner. The Kow and hir followar, oftwa ȝeir auld to vj.s. viij. d. Item ane [...]odder or ane Ȝowe ilk ane to xij. d. Item Gymmer Dummund & Gattis ilk ane to xij. d. Item ane drawin Oxe of thre ȝeir auld or elder to vj.s. viij d. Alswa the wilde Meir with hir followar of thre ȝeir to x.s. A Colt of thre ȝeir auld or elder, to ane mark. This is the maner that, landis and gudis fall be taxit. That ilk schiref within his schirefdome sall gar call befor him all the Barronis and fre haldarris of the King and with counsall of tham, he sall cheis leill men and discreit and sic as he will answer for, y quhilks sall abyd knawlege befor the King, gif thay haue done thair deuoir at y end of the taxation, and y t als mony persons as may sufficiently extent the cuntre and na ma for eschewing of coste, and that all schirefis be sworne to the King or his deputis that thay sa [...] lelely and trewly gar this extent be fulfillit of all the landis & gudis [...] forme as is abone writen, & that the extentouris sall be sworne befoir y Barronis of the schirefdome, that thay sall do thair full power to the said extent, & thay sall haue with thaim the paroche Preist, and that he be chargit be his Bischop till informe thaim lelely of all the gudis of the parochin & that thair be maid a buke of the said extent cōtenand the na­mes [Page] [...] [Page iii] [...] [Page] of t [...]k towne in speciall, and the names of ilk persone [...] in thay towins, and chair gudis followand thair [...]ames. And that [...] buik [...]s be pres [...] to the Kingis [...], the day [...] thairto, that is to say the xij. day of Iulii nixt to cum. Alswa [...] thair is ane greit schire [...]dome thair be [...] of the Baronis [...] and discreit men to ke [...]p thame. Alswa that all the land [...] of the [...] after as thay ar of auale now, and that but [...]raude or gyle. Alswa that all gudis be taxt: and [...] of the mo­uey that now is. Alswa that n [...] excepttoun be maid in this taxatioun to na man, [...] nor of male. Bot all the gudis [...] thay be fun [...]in to pay the [...] ȝeild efter the taxatioun, [...], Ba­ronis and [...]. Alswa it is [...] speidfull, that all taxato [...]is, the tyme of thair [...] warne all maner of man, that of all thair gudis that ar taret bai [...]t of [...], corne and vther gudis [...] nixt [...] following the taxt, the payment [...] as is befoir writtin. And gif at the end of the said x [...]. dayis the payment be not reddy, the [...] man that warnis payment, a [...] for v.s. a ȝow or a [...]dder for xij. d. a Gait, a Gimmer, or a [...]und for viij. d. A wylde [...] and hir follower for x.s.: A Colt of th [...] ȝeit [...] or mair of [...] xiij. [...] d.: A doll of quheit xij. d. a boil of Rye or Peis viij. d. a b [...]llot of Airtis [...]. d. And gif the Schiref takis thir gudis he fall gar the Lord of the la [...]d [...]if he may be go [...]tia, pay the taxt to the King, and deliuer the gudis till him. And gif he will not, the Schirefe fall gar sell the gudis a [...] the [...] markat day, or send thame to the King on the Kingis [...], quhair the King, till his Deputis ordanis.

ITEM It is ordanit & sene speidfull, that the Prela [...]is gar tart thair Rentis and Kirkis in this maner. That is to say, ilk Bishope in ilk Denrie of h [...]s Diocie gar his Officiall and his [...] Salmound all the Tennentis and fr [...]halders befoir him, and [...], and charge thame in maner and forme as is befoir [...], to the foiois day and place assignit to the Baronis: and taxt ba [...]h Kirkis and landis, & bring thair taxt in maner and forme as is befoir writtin to the laidis day and place. And gif the Schiref sendis ony man on the Baronis behalf: that he be resauit with thame and se thair taxatioun. And that the officiall gar warne the Schiref quhen he wil cheis his taxatouris and mak taxatioun of Kirkis, landis, gudis and Rentis befoir said.

And quhair a Kirk man payis the haill valour of his Beneficis that all the frutes of his Kirk of the ȝeir follow and befre. Alswa anent the Taxatioun of Burgesses gudis and Rentis, it is sene speidfull that ilk Alderman and Baillies of Bur [...]owis, call befoir thame the Burgess [...]s and gar cheis leill and trew men, in maner as is befoir la [...]d, takand [Page iiii] with thame the Curat of the towne chargeit be the greit aith throw the Bischop. And that the Schiref send als on the Barronis behalf, a lele man to beir lele witnes to thair taxt: to the quhilk he salbe sworne lely­lie with thame. And that thay warne the Schiref to send that man to the day, that thay cheis thair taxatouris. Alswa the Prelatis, the Schireffis, the Aldermen of townis sall taxt and ordane the coistis of all Officiatis, that sall laubour about this ȝeild rasing be thair lautie, that thay aucht to the King: and thair coistis to be tane of the haill taxt. Alswa the ȝeild rasit to the King mot be allowit to thame in the ȝeild foirsaid. Alswa that thair be ordanit in ilk Schirefdome, and chosin be the Schireffis and the Barronis gude, lele and discreit men, to taxt the foirsaid rentis and gudis. And that with the Clerkis thair be orda­nit lawit men be the Schireffis: and with lawit men Clerkis be the Clergy, to see and beir witnes, that all thingis be leylie done, and rychtswa within Regalyis. And that ilk cuntrie relief vther. Alswa that the Schiref depute certane men, to be with the Baillies and tax­atouris of the Burrowis, to see that all maner of gudis, alsweill corne, cattell, as vthers gudis, be lelylie taxt and presentit to the auditouris ordanit thairto: till appeir at Perth, the .xij. day of Iulij nixt tocum, of the quhilkis auditouris thir ar the namis, the Bischoppis of Dun­keldin, Dumblane, the Abbottis of Balmerinach, Sanet Columbis Inche, Maister Iohne Scheues, the Erle of Athole, Schir Patrik of Dumbar, Williame Borthwick, Patrik Ogilwy, Iames of Dow­glas of Balwany, and Williame of Erskin of Kinnoull.

Of slaying of Salmound in forbodin tyme. Ca. xij.

ITEM Quha sa euer be conuict of slauchter of Salmound, in tyme forbodin be the Law, he sall pay .xl.s. for the vnlaw. And at the thrid tyme, gif he be conuict of sic trespas he sall tyne his lyfe or thā by it. And gif ony man be infeft to fische in forbodin tyme all sic priuilegeis sall ceis for thre ȝeiris tocum. And gif ony dois the cō ­trare he sall tyne ane hundreth .s. for the vnlaw befoir the Iustice. V­pone the quhilk trespas the Iustice Clerk sall inquyre at the ressauing of the indictmentis, as of vther punctis belangand his office.

That all cruuis and ȝairis be destroyit. Ca. xiij.

ITEM That al cruuis & ȝairis set in fresche watters, quhair the soy fillis and ebbis, the quhilk destroyis the fry of all sischeis, be destroyit and put away for euer mair: Not agane stan­ding ony priuilege and fredome geuin in the contrare, vnder the pane of ane hundreth .s. And thay that hes cruuis in fresche watters, y t thay gar keip the Lawis anentis the setterdayis slop: and suffer thame not to stand in forbodin tyme vnder the said pane And that ilk heck of the foirsaidis cruuis be thre inche wyde, as the auld statute requyris.

Of the myne of gold and siluer. Ca. xiiij.

[Page] ITEM Gif ony myne of gold or siluer be fundin in ony Lor­dis landis of the Realme, and it may be preuit that thre half pennyis of siluer may be fynit out of the pund of leid: ¶ The Lordis of Parliament consentis, that sic myne be the Kingis, as is vsuall of vther Realmes.

That na Clerkis pas ouer say but the Kingis licence. Ca. xv.

ITEM It is statute be the haill Parliament, and be the King forbiddin, that na Clerk pas nor send procura­tour for him ouer sey, but leif of our Lord the King askit and obtenit.

That na Clerkis purches pensiounis of beneficis within the Realme. Ca. xvi.

ITEM In lykewyse it is statute be the haill Parliament and the King forbiddis, that ony Clerk of his Realme in tyme to cum purches ony pensioun out of ony benefice seculare or re­ligious, vnder all pane that he may tyne aganis his Maiestie, or rais ony pensioun grautit in tyme bygane in ony maner of wayis, vnder the panis foirsaid.

That na man haue out of the Realme gold nor siluer. Ca. xvij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that na man haue out of the Realme gold nor siluer, bot he pay .xl. d. of ilk pund of cu­stume to the King, vnder the pane of tinsall of all gold and siluer that beis fundin with him, and .x. pund to the King for the vnlaw.

Of strangearis that takis money for thair Merchandice. Ca. xviij.

ITEM Quhat strangearis that sellis Merchandice in the Realme, and takis money thairfoir, he sall haue wit­nes of the hoist of his Innis, that he outher wait all sic money for pen­ny worthis of this land, or els pay the custum foirsaid, vnder the pane befoir writin.

That na man play at the fute ball. Ca. xix.

ITEM It is statute and the King forbiddis, that na mā play at the fute ball vnder the pane of .xl.s. to be rasit to the Lord of the land, als oft as he be taintit, or to the Schiref of the land or his ministers gif the Lordis will not punis sic trespassouris.

That ilk man busk thame to be archaris. Ca. xx.

ITEM That al men busk thame to be archaris fra thay be xii. ȝeiris of age, & that ilk .x. pundis worth of land thair be maid bow markis, and speciallie neir paroche Kirkis, quhairu vpone halie dayis men may cum and at the leist schute thryse about and haue vsage of archarie, and quha sa vsis not the said archarie the Laird of the land sall rais of him a wedder, and gif the Laird rasis not the said pane the Kingis Schiref or his ministers sall rais it to the King.

Of bigging of Ruikis in Treis. Ca. xxj.

ITEM For thy that mē considderis that Ruikis biggand in Kirk­is, Ȝairdis, Orchardis, or Treis, dois greit skaith apone Cornis, It is ordanit, that thay, that sic Treis pertenis to, lat thame to big and suffer on na wyse, that thair Birdis fle away. And quhair it be taintit that thay big, and the Birdis be flowin, and the Nest be fun­din in the Treis at Beltane, the Treis sal be foirfaltit to the King (bot gif thay be redemit, fra him throw thame that thay first pertenit to) and hewin downe, and v.s. to the Kingis vnlaw.

Of Mure birning. Ca. xxij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that na man mak Mure birning, efter the moneth of Marche, quhill all Cornis be schorne, vnder the paine of xl .s. to be rasit to the Lord of the land of the birnar. And gif he hes not to pay, that he be presonit xl. dayis. And gif the Lordꝭ of the land rasis not sic pane, na punissis not sic trespassouris, as is be­foir said, the Iustice Clerk be the indytement sall gat sic Trespassouris be correckit befoir the Iustice, and punist as said is.

Of Custume of Hors, Nolt, Scheip, and Haring had out of the Realme. Ca. xxiij.

ALSVA for thy that mony thingis passis out of the Realme withouttin Custume, it is ordanit and decretit, that of all Nolt, Hors, and Scheip had out of the Realme, thair be payit to the King xij. d. for Custume of ilk pund, of the price of the said gudis. And of all Haring that ar tane within his Realme, that is to say, of ilk thousand of fresche Haring sauld, of the Sellar j. d. and of ilk last of Haring tane be Scottismen barrel­lit iiij.s. of ilk last be strangearis takin vj.s. And of ilk thousand reid Hering maid in the Realme. iiij. d.

Of Custume of mertrik Skinnis and vther Furringis. Ca. xxiiij.

ITEM It is ordanit that na man haue mertrik Skinnis furth of the Realme, and gif he dois that, he pay to the King ij.s. for the Custume of ilk skin, and for x. Fowmartis skinnis callit Fith­owis x. d. Item of ane hundreth Cuning skinnis xij. d. Item of ilk daker of Otter skinnis and Tod skinnis vj. d. Item for ilk daker of Hart and Hynde skinnis xij. d. Item of ilk x. Dais and Rais skinnis iiij. d.

¶ Of Reformatioun and mending of the money. Ca. xxv.

[Page] ITEM The Parliament hes determinit and ordanit that our Lord the King gat mend his money, and gar stryke it in lyke wecht and fynes to the money of Ingland. And this money rinnand now, to haue course quhill the King forbid it. And that the King sall gat stryke new money quhen him lykis and thinkis it speidfull and profitable for the Realme.

¶ Of Hostillaris in Burrowis and Throuchfaris. Ca. xxvj.

ITEM It is ordanit that in all Burrow Townis of the Realme, and throuchfaris quhair commoun pas­sages ar, that thair be ordanit Hostillaris and resettis, hauand stablis and chalmers. And that men find with thame bread and aill, and all vther fude, alsweill to hors as men, for resonable price, efter the chapis of the countrie.

¶ Of the reull of Beggers. Ca. xxvij.

THE King hes statute be consent of his haill Parlia­ment, ryplie auisit, that na Thiggaris be tholit to beg, nouther to Burgh nor to Landwart, betuix xiiii. and lxx. ȝeiris, bot thay be sene be the counsall of the Tow­nis or of the land, that thay may not win thair leuing vther wayis. And thay that sal be tholit to beg, sall haue a certane takin on thame to landwart of the Schiref, and in the Burrowis thay sall haue takin of the Alderman or of the Baillies. And all vther personis hauand na takinnis, nouther of land na of Burgh, sal be chargit be opin proclamatioun to labour and pas to Craftis, for winning of thair leuing, vnder the pane of birning on the Cheik, and banishing of the countrie.

¶ Ane Complaint with Inhibition vpone Pensionis purchesing. Ca. xxviij.

ITEM Anent the Complaint that Maister Nicol Cumnok maid vpone Maister Ingrame Lindsay, that he purchest in the Court of Rome ane Pensioun, out of the Denrie of A­berdene, in till dismembring of his Benefice, in greit hindering of him: for thy the Parliament thinkis, that sic purchessing of Pensiounis and dismembring of Beneficis, ar agane the course of common Law, and rycht inconuenient to be tholit in the Kinryk, and that the King gif in­hibitioun and commandement to the Bishope of Sanctandros, the quhilk is Iuge Delegat in this cause, that he suspend his processe, quhil the King may counsall the Pape in this mater. The quhilk inhibition our Lord the King maid to the Bishope, in the Parliament. And the King gaue bidding to the said Maister Ingrame Lindsay, that he soulde not proceid na further in this mater.

[Page vi] ¶ In the Parliament of our Souerane Lord Iames be The grace of God, King of Scottis, haldin in the Towne of Perth the xii. day of Marche, the ȝeir of God a thousand foure hundreth xxiiij. ȝeiris. And of his Kinryke the .xix. ȝeir, to the thre Estatis of the Realme, thair gatherit, war proponit sindrie Articlis, for the quyet and gude gouernance of the Realme, to the quhilk was answerit in maner as efter followis.

¶ Of the fredome of Halie Kirk. Ca. xxix.

IN THE First to the honor of God, that the fre­dome of halie Kirk, be keipit throw all the Realme: And gif ony landis or possessionis of halie Kirk be wrangously annalyit, thay sould be restorit agane be lauchfull processe of Law.

Anent Hospitallis. Ca. xxx.

ITEM Anent Hospitallis that ar fundat of Almous deidis, throw the Kingis to be vphaldin to pure folk and seik, to be vesyit be the Chancellar, as thay haue bene in the Kingis pro­genitouris tymes. And thay that ar fundat be Bishoppis or vther Lordis, Spirituall or Temporall, to be vesyit be the Bishope and Or­dinaris, quhome it effeiris to, and reduce and reforme thame to the ef­fect of thair first fundatioun.

Of Heretickis and Lollardis. Ca. xxxi.

ITEM Anentis Heretickis and Lorllardis, that ilk Bishope sall gar inquyre to the Inquisitioun of Heresie, quhair ony sic beis fundin, and at thay be punisit as Law of halie Kirk requy­ris. And gif it misters, that Secular power be callit in supporte and helping of halie Kirk.

¶ Anent the keiping of the statutis maid in the first Parliament. Ca. xxxij.

[Page] ITEM That it be inquyrit be the Kingis Ministers, gif the statutis maid in his first Parliament be keipit. And gif thay be brokin in ony of thair punctis, that the brekaris of thame be punist efter the forme and ordinance of the said Parliament.

Anent Liggis and bandis. Ca. xxxiij.

ITEM It is decretit be the haill Parliament, and forbid­din be our Souerane Lord the King, that ony lig­gis or bandis be maid amangis his liegis in the Realme. And gif ony hes bene maid in tyme bygane, that thay be not keipit nor haldin in tyme to cum.

Of selling of Hors. Ca. xxxiiij.

ITEM It is ordanit that na Hors be sauld out of the Re­alme, quhill at the leist thay be thre ȝeir auld ou [...] ­gane, vnder the pane of escheit of thame to the King.

Anent Taulch. Ca. xxxv.

ITEM It is ordanit, that na Taulch be had out of the Realme, vn­der the pane of escheit of it to the King.

The statute anent Indictment. Ca. xxxvj.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the Iustice Clerkis, inquyre at the ressauing of the Indictmentis, of thame that be nycht steillis grene wod, or pelis the Bark of the Treis, distroyand woddis. And quha sa be conuict befoir the Iustice of sic trespasse, thay sall pay xl.s. to the King for the vnlaw, and assyth the partie skaihit. And als the said Clerk sall inquyre of the breking of mennis Orchardꝭ, steillaris of frute, distroyaris of Cuningharis and Dowcatis, the quhilkis sal be punist, as it is ordanit of the steillaris of wod.

¶ Of stollin wod. Ca. xxxvij.

ITEM It is ordanit, gif ony man findis his stollin wod in vther Lordis landis, he sall gar arreist baith the wod and the steillaris of it, and gat thame suffer Law in his Courte, that the wod was stollin fra, and in nane vthers.

¶ The statute anent Salmound. Ca. xxxviij.

ITEM It is ordanit be the Parliament, and forbiddin be the King, that ony Salmound be slaine fra the Feist of the Assumptioun of our Lady, quhill the Feist of Sanctandrow in [Page vii] winter, nouther with Nettis na Cruvis, na nane vther wayis, vnder the pane put vpone slayaris of Reid Fische, quhilk alswa the Iustice Clerk sall gar inquyre.

Anent stalkaris, that slayis Deir. Ca. xxxix.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the Iustice Clerk sall inquyre of Stalkaris, that slayis Deir, that is to say, Harte, Hynde, Daa, and Raa, and the halders and mantenaris of thame. And Alssone as ony Stalkar may be conuict of slauchter of Deir, he sall pay to the king xl.s. And the halders and mantenaris of thame sall pay ten pundis.

Of Resettouris of Rebellis. Ca. xl.

ITEM It is decretit and statute, that na man wilfully sall resset, mantene or do fauoure, to oppin and manifest Rebellouris aganis the Kingis Maiestie and the common Law, vnder the pane of Forfaltoure.

¶ The statute of Merchandis. Ca. xlj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na Merchand of the Re­alme pas ouer the See in Merchandice, bot he haue of his awin proper gude, or at the leist committit till his gouernance thre Serplathis of woll, or the valu of thame in vther Merchandice, quhilk sal be kend, or he pas, be ane inqueist of his nychthouris, vnder the pane of ten pund to the King.

Of men of Craft. xlij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that in ilk Towne of the Realme, of ilk sindrie Craft vsit thairin, be chosin a wyse man of that Craft, be the laif of that Craft, and be consent of the officiar of the Towne, the quhilk sal be haldin Dekyn or Maister man ower the laif for the tyme, to gouerne and assay all warkis, that beis maid, befoir the Craftis men of that Craft: swa that the Kingis liegis be not de­fraudit and skaithit in tyme to cum, as thay haue bene in tyme bygane, throw vntrew men of Craftis.

Anent the ordinance of Processiounis. Ca. xliij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that ilk Bishope gif bidding be his letters patent to his Clergie, to mak processiounis and spirituall prayers, for the weilfair and the hailfull estate of our Lord the King, and our Lady the Quene, and thair barnetyme.

Of the Custume of wollin Claith. Ca. xliiij.

[Page] ITEM It is ordanit, that of ilk pundis worth of wollin Claith had out of the Realme, the King sall haue of the outhauat for Custume ij.s. And of ilk pundis worth of Salmound bocht be strangearis, and had out of the Realme. xxx d. And of ilk pundꝭ worth of Inglis gudis brocht in the Realme. xxx. d.

The statute anent land▪ Men. Ca. xlv.

ITEM It is ordanit, that ilk man of Simple estate, that sould be of ressoun labourers, haue outher half ane Ox in the Pleuch, or els delwe ilk day vij. fute of lenth, and vij. on bread, vnder the paue of ane Ox to the King.

Anent all Beggaris. Ca. xlvj.

ITEM It is ordanit, that na Thiggar be tholit to beg, nou­ther to Burgh nor Land, betuix xiiii. and lxx. ȝeiris, bot thay be sene be the Counsall of the Commounis of the countrie, that thay may not win thair leuing vther wayis. And thay that sa beis fundin, haue a certane takin to Landwart of the Schireffis, & in Bur­rowis of Aldermen and Bailleis, and that vnder the pane of birning on the Cheik, and banyssing of the countrie. And that in euerie Burgh out throw the Realme the Chalmerlane sall inquyre in his Aire ȝeirlie, gif the Aldermen and Baillies hes keipit the Act and the forme of the statute. And gif thay haue brokin it, thay sal be in l.s. to the King.

Item the Schireffis failȝeing of the keiping of the said act to be punist in lykewise.

The statute Anent Lesingmakaris. Ca. xlvij.

ITEM It is ordanit be the King and the haill Parliament, that all Lesingmakaris and tellaris of thame, quhilk may in­genner discord betuix the King and his people, quhair euer thay may be gottin, sal be ohalangir be thame, that power hes, and tyne lyfe and gudis to the King.

¶ Of wapinschawingis. Ca. xlviij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that in ilk Schirefdome of the Realme, be maid Vapinschawingis foure tymes in the ȝeir.

Anent complaintis to be decydit befoir the Iuge Ordinare. Ca. xlix.

ITEM As anent Billis of Complaint, quhilkis may not be determinit be the Parliament, for diuers causis be­langing the cōmoun proffet of the Realme, it is ordanit, that thay billis of complaint be execute and determinit be the Iugeis & Officiaris of the Courtis, to quhome thay pertene of Law, outher Iustice, Chalmerlane, [Page viii] Schireffis, Baillies of Burrowis, Barronis, or vther spirituall Iuges, gif it effeiris to thame. To the quhilkis Iugeis all and sindrie, the King sall gif strait commandement, alsweill within Regaliteis as out­with, vnder all pane and charge, that may follow, that alsweill to pure as to ryche, but fraude or gyle, thay do full Law and Iustice. And gif thair be ony pure creature, for fault of cunning or dispensis, that can not nor may not follow his cause, the King for the lufe of God sall ordane the Iuge, befoir quhame the cause sulde be determinit, purway and get a leill and a wyse Aduocat to follow sic pure creaturis causis.

And gif sic causis be obtenit, the wrangar sall assyth baith the partie skaithit, and the Aduocatis costis and trauell. And gif the Iuge refu­sis to do the Law eninly, as is befoir said, the partie compleinȝeand sall haue recourse to the King, quha sall se rigorously punist sic Iugeis, that it sall be ensampill till all vthers.

Anent Remissiounis to be geuin. Ca. l.

ITEM It is ordanit be the Parliament, that quhair the King, geuis remissiounis till ony man, with condi­tioun till assyth the partie skaithit and compleinȝeand, That consideratioun be had of the Hieland men, the quhilkis befoir the Kingis hame cumming, commounly rest and slew ilk ane vtheris. Of the quhilkis thair may not be maid full assyth till vthers, bot in the law landꝭ, quhair the skaithis done may be kend, and the Trespassour be of power to mak amendis of all, or of pairt. That thair be chosin gud men and leill sworne thairto, to modifie amendis efter the qualitie and quantitie of the persone, and of the skaithis, gif the parteis can not concorde be thame self, of the quhilkis modificatiounis baith the parteis sall hald thame content.

¶ In the Parliament of our Souerane Lord Iames be The Grace of God, King of Scottis, haldin at Perth the xj. day of the Moneth of Marche, with cōtinewatioun of dayis in tymes followand. The ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth twentie fyue ȝeiris. And of his Kinrik the xx. ȝeir. To the A [...]ulis put be the King to the Prelatis, Mychtie Lordis of Parliamēt, Erlis and Barronis to be decernit be certane persounis thairto chosin be the thre Estatis. It was ordanit, answerit, statute, and de­tretit in maner that efter followis.

Of Halie Kirk. Ca. lj.

IN THE First, that the honor and worship of God. Almychtie and halie Kirk, and the Ministers of it loys thair auld preuilegis and fredomes, and that na man lat thame to set thair landis and thair tein­dis, vnder all pane, that may follow be spirituall Law or temporall.

Anent Harnes to be broucht hame be Merchandis. Ca. lij.

ITEM It is ordanit be the King and the Parliament, that all Merchandis of the Realme, passand ouer see for Merchandice bring hame, as he may gudly thole, efter the quantitie of his Merchandice, Harnes and Armouris, with Speir, Schaftis, Bowis and Stauis. And that be done be ilk ane of thame als oft, as it happinnis thame to passe ouer see in Merchandice.

That all the Kingis Liegis leif and be gouernis be the Lawis of the Realme. Ca. liij.

ITEM It is ordanit be the King, be consent and deliuerāce of the thre Estatis, that all and sindrie the Kingis liegis of the Realme, leif and be gouernit vnder the Kingis Lawis and statutes of the Realme allanerly, and vnder na particular Lawis, na speciall preuilege, na be na Lawis of vther countreis nor Realmes.

Anent the shawing of Charters and new Infeftmentis. Ca. liiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the King and his Par­liament, that all and sindrie, baith men and wemen of his Realme, to quhame he hes grantit ony letters of new Infeft­mentis, Confirmatiounis, or protectiounis speciallie vnder his haill greit Seill, fra the tyme of his cumming hame in his Realme out of the Realme of Ingland to this day, present thair letters to the King or his Deputis thairfoir ordanit, within the space of foure Monethis nixto cum, that thay may be put in the Kingis Register into perpetuall memorie. And quha sa presentis not thair letteris within the said foure Monethis, fra thyne furth thair letters sal be to thame of nane auaile, force nor effect.

¶ For the halding of the money within the Realme. Ca. lvj.

ITEM It is ordanit for the halding of the money within the Realme, that na man haue out of the Realme Gold nor Siluer, bot he pay xl. d. of ilk pund to the King for Custume vnder the paine of tinsall of all Gold and siluer, that beis fundin with [Page ix] him, and x. pund to the King for the vnlaw. And quhat stranger, that bringis Merchandice in the Realme to sell, and takis money thairfoir, he sall haue witnessing of the Hoste of his Iunis, that he wair all s [...]c money for pennyworthis of this Realme, or els pay the Custume foirsaid to the King, vnder the pane befoir writtin. And for the keiping of this statute, that the Kingis Chalmerlane Depute or him self gar ordane in ilk Towne, quhair sic strangearis repairis, twa sufficient men baith to se the entrie of thame of sic gudis, and to heir the rekning of thame, and to ressaue the Kingis Custume, and vther thingis, that langis thairto, and to mak Rekning and gif compt thairof at the Kingis Checker.

¶ That na persounis that Indictis men to the Iustice Aire be on thair Assyse. Ca. lvj.

ITEM It is statute, ordanit, and forbiddin, that ony man, that is Officiar of ony countrie, or ony man, that In­dictis ane vther for ony actioun, be on his assyse, that sall thole the Law, vnder the pane of ten pund to the King.

Of Forthoche fellony. Ca. lvij.

ITEM It is statute for the keiping of the Kingis peax, and addit to the Act and statute maid of befoir, that als sone as ony complaint be maid throw ony personnis to Iusticis, Schir­effis, Baillies in Burrowis, or on land till ony vther Officiar of the Law, quhat euer he be, that it effeiris or pertenis to, sall in all gudlie haiste gar Summound baith the parteis befoir him, and inquyre deli­gentlie but ony sauoure, gif the deid was done vpone Forthocht Fel­fony, or throw suddane Chaudmella: And gif it be fundin forthocht fellony, the partie salbe chalangit incontinent of the Kingis pear brekīg be the Officiaris of Law, quhilkis sall gar the partie, hurt be fullelie assythit efter the quantitie of the skaith, that he hes sustenit. And thair efter the lyfe and the gudis of the trespassoure to be in the Kingis will, to quhais presoun he sal be had incontment. And gif the trespas be done of suddane Chaudmella, the partie skaithit sall follow, and the partie trespassand defend, efter the course of the auld Lawis of the Realme.

That all Barronis and Frehaldaris sall compeir personally in the Parliament. Ca. lviij.

ITEM It is ordanit and statute, that all Prelatis, Erlis, Barronis and Frehaldaris of the King within the Realme, sen thay ar haldin to gif presence in the Kingis Parliament, & Generall Counsall, fra thyne furth be haldin to compeir in proper per­soun, and not be a Procuratoure, bot gif the Procuratoure allege thair [Page] and proue a lauchfull cause of thair absence.

¶ Anent Attornayis in the Iustice Airis, that thay be honest persounis. Ca. lix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na man be admittit to be Attornay in the Iustice Aire, bot gif he be ane honest and sufficient persoun of discretioun for that office, the quhilk salbe knawin be the Iustice and the Barronis than present, gif ony dout be thairof.

Of persounis to be chosin to examin the Buikis of Law, and reforme thame. Ca. lx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that sex wyse men and dis­creit of ilk ane of the thre Estatis, quhilk knawis the Lawis best, sal be chosin (sen fraude and gyle aucht to help na mā) that sall se and examine the Buikis of Law, that is to say, Regiam Ma­iestatem, and Quoniam Attachiamenta. And mend the Lawis, that neidis mendiment. And ordanis als, that all lauchfull exceptiounis of the Law be admittit in Iugement, and all Friuolus and fraudfull excep­tiounis be repellit, and not admittit be na Iuge, swa that the causis li­tigious and pleis be not wrangously prolongit in skaith and preiudice of the partie, and in fraude of the Law.

Anent Hostillaris in Barrowis and Throuchfaris. Ca. lxj.

ITEM In the way, that Hostillaris in Burrowis & thro­uchfaris, menis thame to the King, that his liegis trauelland in the Realme, quhen thay cum to Burrowis and Throuch­faris, herbreis thame not in Hostillaris, bot with thair acquentance & freindis: The King of deliuerance of counsall, and consent of the thre Estatis forbiddis, that only leigeman of his Realme, trawelland throw the countrie on hors or on fute fra tyme; that the commoun Hostillaris be maid, herbrie or luge thame in ony vther place, bot in the Hostillaris foirsaid, bot gif it be the persounis that leidis mony with thame in com­pany, that sall haue fredome to herbrie with thair freindis. Swa that thair hors and thair meinȝe be harbreit and lugeit in the commoun Hostillaris. And als it is ordanit, that na Burges indwelland in burgh or in Throuchfair ressaue or admit ony sic trauellouris or strangearis, bot allanerlie commoun Hostillaris, vnder the pane of xl.s. to the King for the vnlaw.

¶ OF Prayer and Processioun to be maid for the King and the Quene be the Clergy. Ca. lxij.

ITEM Sen befoir tyme the statute of Clergy of the Realme, wilfully grantit to gar be maid certane Orisounis throw all that subiectis for our Lord the King, our Lady the Quene, [Page x] and the Children cumand betuix thame, thairfoir now considderit the greit fauouris, gratious ȝeill, and mantenance, that our Lord the King beiris and schawis to halie Kirk, and ministers of it, the haill state of Clergy hes wilfully grantit, that ilk Bishope of the Realme sall in the nixt Scinȝe gar ordane and statute, that ilk Preist, alsweill Religious, as Secular of his Diocy als oft, as he sayis Messe, sall say a certane Collet for the prosperitie of our said Lord the King, our Lady the Quene, and thair Children, vnder certane pane penitenciar and censure of haly Kirk: And that thay sall mak in thair nixt Generall Counsall of Clergy a generall statute principally thairupone.

Anent Mesouris. Ca. lxiij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that thair be maid certane Mesouris of Boll, Fyrlot, half Fyrlot, Peck, and Gallowne, the quhilk sall be generally vsit throw all the Realme, in all partis, the quhilk salbe geuin furth at Edinburgh at the Ishie of this Parliament thidder continewit. And thay Mesouris salbe geuin to be vsit at the first day of the Moneth of September nixt tocum. And fra thyne furth the King forbiddis ony vther Mesouris to be vsit in the Realme, vnder the pane that may follow.

¶ Of weichtis. Ca. lxiiij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that thair be maid a stane for gudis sauld and bocht be weicht, the quhilk sall wey xv. leill trois pundis, and that stane to be deuidit in xvj. leill scottis pundis, and of it thair salbe ordanit half a stane, a quarter, a half quarter, a pund, half a pund, and vther les weichtis according thairto, with the quhilk all byaris and sellaris of gudis within the Realme sall by and sell with, and with nane vther weichtis fra witsonday nixt tocum, and fra thyne furth thir foirsaid weichtis sall haue cours.

Of watter mettis. Ca. lxv.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the watter mettis, that now ar, sall remaine & be vsit throw the Realme in tyme tocum, and in ilk place, and Towne, quhair the gudis ar sauld and met be the watter, thair be ordanit, be the Alderman, and the Baillies, a leill man sworne to met all gudis sellabill be the watter met, alsweill collis as vther gudis, & that the sellaris or nane of thair behalf intromet thame in the metting of sic gudis.

¶ Anent Ferriaris and Baitmen. Ca. lxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all baitmen and ferry­aris, quhair hors ar ferryit, sall haue for ilk bait a trene [Page] brig, quhairwith thay may ressaue within thair baittis, trauellouris hors throw the Realme, vnhurt and vnskaithit, vnder the pane of xl.s. of ilk bait, fra witsonday furth nixt tocum.

Of the wapinschawing. Ca. lxvij.

ITEM It was ordanit in the Secound Parliament of our Souerane Lord the King, that ilk Schiref of the Realme sould gar wapinshawing be maid foure tymes ilk ȝeir, in als mony placis as war speidfull, within his Baillierie, bot the maner how wapinshawingis sould be ressauit was not appoyntit: Heirfoir our Lord the King throw the haill ordinance of his Parliament statutes, that ilk gentilman, hauand ten pundis worth of land or mair, be suffi­ciently harnest and Anarmit with basnet, haill leg harnes, sword, speir, and dagar, and gentilmen hauand les extentis of landis, or na landis, salbe Inarmit at thair gudlie power, efter the sycht and discretioun of the Schireffis, bot all vther ȝemen of the Realme, betuix, sextene and sextie ȝeir salbe sufficiently bowit and schaftit with sword, bucklar, and knyfe: And that all the Burgesses and indwellaris within the Bur­rowtownis of the Realme in lyke maner be Anarmit and harnest, and mak wapinshawingis within the Burrowis of the Realme in lyke ma­ner, foure tymes in the ȝeir, and that be the Alderman and baillies, vpon the quhilk the Chalmerlane and his Deputis sall knaw and execute the said thingis. And that all men Secularis of the Realme be weill pur­uait of the said harnes and wappinnis be the Feist of the Natiuitie of our Lord Iesus Christ nixt tocum, vnder the panis followand, That is to say, of ilk gentilman that defaltis at the first wapinshawing .xl.s. and at the tother default .xl.s. and at the thride default .x. pund, and alsmekle als oftymes as he defaultis efterwart: And of ilk bowman at the first fault x.s. at the tother default x.s. and at the thride xl.s. And swa furth als oftymes, as he beis fundin faultise efterwart.

Anent the Merchandis and salars passand to Ireland. Ca. lxviij.

ITEM As to the passage betuix Scotland and Ireland, it is sene speidfull be the Kingis Counsall, that bidding be geuin be the King to all the Lordis, Schireffis, and all vther Offici­aris, vpone the Fronters of Scotland, lyand aganis Ireland, that na Schippis, na Galayis, na na man pas out of this land to Ireland, without speciall leif of the Kingis Deputis, that salbe ordanit to ilk Heauin: And for twa causis and principallie, sen the Kingis notoure Re­belloucis ar resset in Erishrie in Ireland, and for that cause Passingers passād fra thyne, mycht do preiudice to this Realme, ane vther cause is, y t the mē that ar vnder Erischrie subiect to the King of Ingland, mycht espy the priuities of this Realme, & do greit skaith, as is befoir writtin.

Of Schipmen. Ca. lxix.

ITEM It is sene speidfull, that gif ony Schipman of Scot­land passis with letters of the Kingis Depute in Ire­land, that he ressaue na man into his Schip to bring with him to the Realme of Scotland, bot gif that man haue ane letter or certanetie of the Lord of that land, quhair he schippis, for quhat cause he cummis in this Realme.

Anent Ireland men climand in Scottis Schippis. Ca. lxx.

ITEM That quhen he cummis in ony Heauin of Scotland, that he ryde on ankar, and hald within shipbuird all men, that he bringis with him, quhill he send for the Kingis baillie, or a Depute of the Towne of the Heauin, that he cummis in, that than men may examyne and se of the Kingis behalf thair persounis, and quhat charge thay haue be letter or vther way, quhether it be proffeit or preiu­dice to the King or the Kinrik: and gif ony preiudice of deid be fundin, thay salbe arreistit and presentit to the Schireffis presoun, quhill the King haue done his will on thame.

¶ The statute anent Ireland men. Ca. lxxj.

ITEM That it be maid manifest be the Kingis Deputis vpō the Fronters, that is not done for hatrent, na breking of the auld freindship betuix the King of Scotland and his liegis, and the gude auld freindis of Erischerie of Ireland, bot allanerly to eschew the perrell foirsaid. And gif ony man attemptis in the contrary of this, his gudis salbe escheit to the King, and his body at the Kingis will.

Of the Sessiounis to be haldin. Ca. lxxij.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord the King with consent of his Parliament hes ordanit, that his Chancellar & with him certane discreit persounis of the thre Estatis, to be chosin and de­pute be our Souerane Lord the King, sal sit fra thyne furth thre tymes in the ȝeir, quhair the King lykes to command thame, quhilk sall knaw, examyne, conclude, and finally ditermyn, all and sindrie complaintes, causis, and quarrellis, that may be determinit befoir the King and his Counsall. The quhilkis persounis sall haue thair expensis of the par­teis fundin faultise, and of thair vnlawis, or vtherwayis, as is plesand to our Souerane Lord the King.

The first Sessioun Ca. lxxiij.

ITEM The first of the thre termis, beginnand on the morne nixt efter the Feist of Sanct Michaell the Archangell, that is [Page] to say, the last day of the Moneth of September nixt tocum, with continewatioun of dayis followand, as is speidfull.

The Secound Sessioun. Ca. lxxiiij.

ITEM The Secound day and terme beginnand on the monounday the first haill oulk of Lentrene with lyke continewatioun of termes.

¶ The Thride Sessioun. Ca. lxxv.

ITEM The thride terme beginnand on the Morne nixt efter the Feist of Sanct Iohne the Baptist, with lyke continewatioun of dayis and termis, as is foirsaid.

That euerie man that hes nocht of his awin sall laboure for his leuing. Ca. lxxvj.

ITEM The King with cōsent of his Parliament, hes statute and ordanit, that ilk Schiref of the Realme within his Baillierie inquyre deligently, gif ony idill men, that hes not to liue of thair awin, be resset within his boundis, efter the quhilk inquisitioun the Schiref sall gar arreist sic idill men, & gar keip thame in festnance quhill it be knawin, quhairon thay leif. And at the countrie salbe vn­skaithit of thame, thairupone the Schiref sall ressaue gude and sicker Borrowis. Efter the quhilk Borrowis fundin, the Schiref sall assigne xl. dayis to sic idil men to get thame Maisters, or to festin thame to le­full Craftis. And thay xl. dayis beand gane, gif thay be fundin mair idil, the Schiref sall arreist thame againe, and send thame to the Kingis presoun to byde and be punist at the Kingis will. And that this be done alsweill in Burrowis, as on land throw all the Realme.

¶ Anent the executioun of the Actis of Parliament maid ofbefoir. Ca. lxxvij.

ITEM The King with consent of his thre estatis of the Real me hes ordanit, that all statutis & ordinances of this Parliament, and of the twa Parliamentis proceidand be Registrate in the Kingꝭ Register, and geuin to the Schireffis, quhilkis statutis & or­dinances, ilk Schiref be haldin to publict opinlie in the cheif place of his Schirefdome, and vthers notabill placis, and als to gif the copyis of thame baith to Prelatis, Barronis, and Burrowis of his vaillierie, vpone the expensis of the askaris: And that ilk Schiref gar be keipit the tennoure of this Act, vnder the pane of depriuatioun of his office. And that ilk Schiref gif opin bidding to the pepill of his baillierie baith to land and to Burgh, to keip and fulfill all statutis and ordinances maid in the saidis thre Parliamētis, vnder the pane cōtenit in the Actꝭ of thame, swa that nane haue cause till pretend or allege ony ignorance.

[Page xii] ASSISA REGIS IACOBI DE PONDERIBVS ET MENSVRIS PER TO­TVM REGNVM SCOTIAE GENERALITER CON­stituendis, facta apud Perth in Parliamento tento ibidem vndecimo die Mensis Martij. Anno Regni sui vigesimo primo per con­sensum & assensum trium Regni statuum ibidem existentium.

Anent the Mesoure of the Elne. Ca. lxxviij.

IN THE First thay ordanit and deliuerit, that the Elne sall con­tene xxxvij. inche, as is contenit in the statute of King Dauid the First maid thairupone.

Quhat the stane sall contene. Ca. lxxix.

ITEM Thay ordanit and statute the stane to wey Irin, woll, and vther Merchandice with, to contene xv. pund trois, ilk trois pund to contene xvj. vnce, and that stane to be de­uidit in half stane, quarter, half quarter, pund, half pund, and vther smallar.

¶ Of the Deuisioun of the boll and the mesoure of the Fyrlot and the boll. Ca. lxxx.

ITEM Thay ordanit the boll to met victuall with, to be de­uidit in foure partis, videlicet, foure Fyrlottis to con­tene a boll, and that Fyrlot not to be maid efter the first Mesoure, na efter the Mesoure now vsit, bot in middill Mesoure betuix the twa.

ITEM The boll sall contene in breid xxix. inchis within the buirdis, & aboue xxvij. inchis and a half euin ouerthort, and in deipnes xix inchis. Item the Fyrlot sall contene in breid euin ouerthort xvj. inchis vnder and abone within the buirdis, the thicknes of baith the buirdis sall contene ane inche and ane half, and in deipnes it sall contene ix. inche, the half Fyrlot, and the peck thairefter followand, as effeiris. The Fyrlot sall contene twa gallownis & a pynt, and ilk pynt sall contene be weicht of cleir watter of Tay xlj. vnce, that is to say, twa pundis and ix. vnce trois. Swa weyis the gallowne xx. pund and viij. vnce. Swa weyis the Fyrlor xlj. pundis, and the boll contenand foure Fyrlotis, weyis viij scoir iiij. pund. The auld boll first maid be King Dauid, contenit a Sexterne, a Sexterne contenit xij. gallownis of the auld met, and ilk gallowne weyit x. pund trois, and foure vnce of diuers watters. Swa weyit the boll vj. scoir thre pundis, swa weyis this boll new maid mair, than the auld boll xlj. pund, quhilk makis twa gallownis and a half, and a chopin of the auld met, and of the new met ordanit, ix. pyntis and thre Muchkinnis.

Anent Vnlawis for birning. Ca. lxxxj.

ITEM As anentis fyre, it is sene speidfull that in ilk Burgh, or greit Heaum towne, and Throuchfair that is greit, that the Alderman, Baillies, or the Gouernaris of thay townis, se and gif bidding within thair Townis, that na Hemp, Lint, Stray, Hay, Hedder, na Brome be put neir the Fyre, nor aboue the Low in Fyre Howsis. And this be thame self or men vnder thame, be ilk Moneth se [...]e, and quha sa efter forbidding maid till him, be fundin faltise, sall pay ane vnlaw as faltis in Burgh, als oft tymes as he is fundin faltise and vnforgeuin, and gif the Alderman, Baillies or Gouernouris, of the Townis be negligent in the execution thairof, thay sal be in xl.s. to the King.

Of Hay and Stray to be sauld. Ca. lxxxij.

ITEM That Sellaris of Hay or Fodder, in Burgh, cum not to thair Hay hows with Candill but Lantrene, vnder the pane of the samin vnlaw, als oft as he beis fundin faltise.

That certane Ledders be fundin ay reddie in the Burgh for happinning of Fyre. Ca. lxxxiij.

ITEM That in ilk Burgh thair be ordanit of the commoun Co [...]st, vj. vij or viij. Ledders, efter the quantitie of the Burgh, xx. fute the ledder, and at thay be keipit in a reddie place of the Towne, and to that vse and nane vther, vnder the pane of the foirsaid vnlaw. And of the samin wyse thair be ordanit thre or foure Says to the commoun vse, and vj. or may Cleikis of Irin to draw downe Timber and Ruiffis that ar fyrit.

Of Commoun wemen. Ca. lxxxiiij.

ITEM That Commoun wemen be put at the outmest endis of the Towne, quhair leist perrell of Fyre is, and that na man set thame howsis in the hert of the Towne, vnder the pane of ane vnlaw, or ȝit resset thame vnder the samin pane.

Of Fyre and the panis thairof. Ca. lxxxv.

ITEM Gif Birning happinnis in ony towne, fra the Fyre be stanchit, the Alderman, Baillies, and Gouernourꝭ of the Towne, incontinent sall inquyre quhome throw, and how the Fyre happinnit, and it be fundin on purpois deid, forfaltoure sal be punitioun to thame, and gif it happinnis of misgouernance, and not of set purpois, gif it be ane seruand, and that seruand haue gudis, he sall be punist in his gudis, be the sycht of the Gouernouris of the Towne, [Page xiii] and geuin to the man that tholis the skaith, and syne banist the fredome for thre ȝeiris: And gif the seruand hes na gudis, he salbe doungin op­pinlie at the mercat Cros, and throw the Towne, and syne banist that fredome for vij. ȝeir.

ITEM Gif it be a man that awe the hows, and birnis it reklesly, or his wyfe or his awin bairnis, quhether his nychtbouris takis skaith or nane, attoure the skaith & schame that he tholis, he or thay salbe banist that Towne for thre ȝeiris. And gif it be ane man that mailis the hows and birnis it reklesly, he sall amend the skaith efter his power, and be banist the Towne for thre ȝeiris. And gif he be a strangear or a trauel loure, he salbe arreistit, gif he be of power to amend the skaith, and gif he be not of power, he sall byde in sickernes at the Kingis will.

ITEM Gif the Baillies and Gouernouris of the Towne findis na man in wyte, bot of suddane caise that may not be foirsene, as wild fyre, rattounis, or foulis, or sic liknes, the Law leuis it vnpunist.

ITEM Gif the Gouernouris of the Towne be negligent in the execu­tioun of thair office, and this ordinance foirsaid in ony punct, we leif thame in ten pund to the King of vnlaw.

ITEM That na Fyre be fetchit fra ane hows till ane vther within the Towne, bot within couerit weshell or lanterne, vnder the pane of ane vnlaw.

ITEM Gif Fyre happinnis in husband Townis of Barronis, we leif thame to be punist be thair Lordis, in lyke maner as Baillies and Gouernouris dois in Burgh.

THIR Ar the Articulis, Punctis, and causis, tretit and deter­minit be our Souerane Lord Iames be the grace of God King of Scottis, and certane Lordis, Prelatis, Banrentis, Bar­ronis, Frehaldaris and wyse men chosin thairto, of the haill Counsall of the thre estatis of the Realme, in the parliament beginning at Perth the xvj. day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fourehundreth & xxv. ȝeiris, first contine wit to Edinburgh to the xij. day of Maij of the ȝeir of grace ane thousand foure hundreth xxvj. ȝeiris, and fra thyne cō ­tine wit to the Towne of Perth, and to the last day of the Moneth of September of the samin ȝeir, with cōtinewatioun of dayis and tymes as in the Actis maid thairupone is mair cleirly contenit.

¶ Anent the Custume of Salmound and vther Fische. Ca. lxxxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that Custume be payit to the King, alsweil of indwellaris within the Realme, as of fremmit men, in ony Burrowis of the Realme. And as of strange­aris and vnfre men, of all Salmound and fische sauld and bocht, and had outwith the Realme, out of ony Burgh of the Realme.

Of Dekinnis of Craft. Ca. lxxxvij.

ITEM The King of deliuerance of Parliament hes ordanit, that the Dekinnis of Craftis in Burrowis, stand to the nixt Parliament, in the maner as efter followis, that is to say, that the Dekin of ilk Craft, sall haue na correctioun of the Craft, na of na man thairof, bot allanerly to se that the wark men be cunnand, and the warke sufficient, the quhilk he sall assay and examin euerilk xv. dayis anis.

Of the pryce and feis of Craftismen. Ca. lxxxviij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the Alderman and the Counsall of ilk Towne sworne, sall se and pryse the mater and the coist and the rrauell of the wark man, and thairefter pryse the maid wark how it salbe saulde, and that pryce mak knawin to the Kingis commounis and be oppin cryit.

Of wark men. Ca. lxxxix.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the Counsall of the Towne sall se and ordane, quhat fee warkmen sall haue for thair handlyne of thair Craft, that wirkis vther mennis warkis, as wrichtꝭ, Mesounis, and vther siclyke.

¶ Of wrichtis and Mesounis. Ca. xc.

ITEM For quhy, that it is complenit to the King and his Counsall, that wrichtis and Mesounis takis atams on hand mony warkis, quhilkis thay may not, nor will not fulfill at the tyme thay hecht, throw the quhilk the Kingis liegis arskaithit, and the honour and proffeit of the land lettit. Thairfoir it is ordanit be the King and the Parliament, that it be cryit in ilk Towne oppinly, that na warkman tak mair work on hand than he may gudlie fulfil efter his cunnand, vnder the pane of tinsall of the pryce of samekle wark that he takis on hand, than he may gudlie fulfill to the King, and of the fulfil­ling of the wark that he takis on hand, vpone his awin coist. And al­swa quhair a warkman, outher wilfully or vnrichteously, lettis to ful­fill the wark that he hes tane on hand, that ane vther man of that ilk Craft refuse not to tak that on hand for ressonabill free, vnder the pane of punissing of him at the Kingis will, swa that he be ane warkman knawin, and hes than nane vther wark on hand.

Of Land men. Ca. xcj.

ITEM The said day our Souerane Lord the King, with consent of the haill Parliament ordanit, that throw [Page xiiii] all the Realme, ilk man teiland with a pleuch of viij. Oxin, sall sawe at the leist ilk ȝeir a fyrlot of quheit, half a fyrlot of peis, and xl. beims, vnder the pane of x.s. to the Barroun of the land that he dwellis in, gi [...] he sawis it not, and als oft as he beis fundin faultise. And gif the Bar­rone sawis not the said corne in lyke maner in his Domanis, he sall pay to the King xl.s. And gif the Barrone be fundin negligent in the rasing of the said pane on his husbandis, thair salbe rasit on him xl.s. als oft tymes as he defaultis, without Remissioun.

Anent the bigging of Castellis in the North. Ca. xcij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that euerilk Lord hauand land beȝond the Month, in the quhilkis landis in auld tymes thair was Castellis, Fortalices & maner places, big, reparrell, and reforme thair Castellis and maneris, and dwell in thame be thame self, or ane of thair freindis, for the gracious gouernall of thair landis be gude po­licie, and to expend the frute of thay landis in the countrie quhair the landis lyis.

PARLIAMENTVM TENTVM APVD PERTH DIE MARTIS PRIMO DIE MEN­sis Iulij Anno Domini Millesimo, Quadringentesimo, Vicesimo sexto Et Regni Domini nostri Regis IACOBI vicesimo secundo, summonitis & vocatis more solito & debito Episcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, & alijs regni liberetenētibus qui de dicto Domino Nostro Rege tenent in capite et de quo libet Burgo regni certis Burgensibus qui ad hoc summoniti fuerunt, comparentibus omnibus illis qui debuerunt & voluerunt commode interesse, Absentibus quibus­dam alijs, quorum quidem aliqui ligitime excusati fuerunt, alij vero quasi por contumaciam se absentauerunt, quorum nomina patent in rotulis sectarum, quorum quisque adiudicabatur in amer­ciamento decem librarum.

That Iuges salbe sworne to determin all causis efter thair cunning. Ca. xciij.

EODEM Die Rex per modum statuti ordinauit, quod de hinc o [...] nes & singuli ad quascunque causas & querelas terminan das in quocunque futuro Parliamento eligendi, iurabunt ad Sancta dei Euangelia, vt omes & singulas causas & querelas coram eis proponendas & terminandas abs­que fauore vel odio, fraude seu colore aliquo iuxta sua [...] scientias, fideliter & iuri­dice terminabunt.

Anent the Finance of Clerkis. Ca. xciiij.

DIE Lune septimo mensis Iulij Anni supradicti Rex ex consensu totius Parliamenti statuit & ordinauit quod omnes & singuli clerici regni sui ad partes vltramarimas quacunque de c [...]nsa nauigantes seu se transferentes faciant [Page] cābia sua de moneta pro eorum expensis extra regnum faciendis cum campsoribus infra regnum constituris, vel saltem cum mercatoribus infra regnum, de quo cam­bio suo, & cum quo campsore vel mercatore facta fuerint, certificent Cācellarium domini nostri regis pro tempore existentem, & de transitu suo extra regnū. Laicus vero quicunque ad partes vltramarinas se transferens teneatur cosimiliter facere cambia sua infra regnum, vt premittitur, super quo certificet Camcrariū Scotiae per sufficientia documenta, & de causa transitus sui sub pena viginti librarum vsibus domini nostri regis applicandarum.

¶ Anent Hostillaris. Ca. xcv.

ITEM Eodem die Rex mandauit vniuersaliter omnibus Burgensibus de regno, quod faciant sieri host ellaria seu hospitia publica in Bur­gis, honesta & competentia more aliorum regnorum, ad recipiendum omnes & singulos hospites tam pedestres, quam equestres per regnum laborantes, sub pena super hoc in Acto Parliamenti constituta.

¶ Of downe putting of Dekinnis of Craftis. Ca. xcvj.

DIE Veneris, videlicet, vndecimo mensis supradicti, quia ordinationes fa­ctae in Parliamentis precedentibus super artificum decanis in Burgis regni tendebant ad noxam & commune totius regni dispendium, Rex ex trium regni statuum deliberatione ipsas ordinationes reuocauit, & illas totaliter annullauit, inhibendo de cetero, ne tales decani in aliquibus regni burgis inter artifices eligantur, nec etiam aliàs electi, vlterius exerceant officia decanorum, nec faciant suas con­gregationes consuetas, quae conspirationes sapere presumuntur.

¶ That euerie man be Summound be the ordinar or his Officiall to spirituall Courtis. Ca. xcvij.

ITEM Eodem die ad parcendum expensis & vexationibus pauperum incuria spirituali litigantium, & ad breuiandum lites pro expedienti fuit ordinatum in causis ciuilibus & prophanis, quod ad instantiam laici actoris cle­ricus reus citetur per suum ordinarium vel eius officialem ad certum diem peremp­toriè, apponendo causam in citatione, propter quam reus citatur ad comparendum scilicet responsurus sub pena excommunicationis: Quo die adueniente, reus habet litem contestari. Quod si reus fatetur petitum, moneatur ad soluendum infra quin­decim dies sub pena excommunicationis: si vero deneget petitum, assignetur termi­nus actori ad producendum omnes suas probationes peremptoriè, iuxta arbitrium Iudicis: Quo die adueniente, & receptis huiusmodi probationibus assignetur ter­minus reo ad producendum omnes suas exceptiones & defensiones peremptoriè iuxta arbitrium iudicis: Quo adueniente receptisue exceptionibus & defēsionibus, assignetur terminus ad concludendū & ad sententiam diffinitiuam proferendam si li queat, sic quòd infra▪ quadraginta dies a tempore executae citationis sentētia feratur, à qua nulla pars friuolè appellet, nec iudex tales appellationes admittat. Et si iudex infra quadraginta dies propter defectum vel negligentiam non fecerit cōplementum Iustitiae, vel friuolas exceptiones admittat, et de hoc coram suo ordinario conui­ctus fuerit, sit ipse debitor principalis parti conquerenti. Et quòd istud statuatur [Page xv] de presenti authoritate consilij prouincialis.

¶ That in ilk Arbitrie be chosin ane od Persoun. Ca. xcviij.

ITEM Ordinatum est super omnibus & singulis causis infra regnum nunc pendentibus sub compromisso si inter clericos arbitri sint electi in pari numero, per diocesanū Episcopum de consilio sui capitu [...] dispar persona partibus non suspecta eligatur. Si vero inter Barones vel quoscunque alios laicos ex­tra burgum commorantes, tunc eligatur dispar persona neutri partium suspecta per vicecomitem, infra cuius balliam partes conpromittentes commorantur, de consilio tamen baronum, quos vicecomes ille commodè pro tempore habere po­terit neutri partium suspectorum. Si autem inter Burgenses seu alios habitantes infra burgos arbitri sint electi, tunc dispar persona non suspecta per prepositum & consilium burgi, infra quem partes inhabitant, eligatur. Ad negocia vero causas & lites futuras per arbitria terminandas, arbitri de cetero in dispari numero & non in pari eligantur. Arbitria autem aliter inita & facta nullius sint roboris vel momēti. Quo ad exceptiones falsas & friuolas in Iudicio repellendas, tres status regni refe­runt se ad ordinationem Parliamenti prius facti.

¶ That the cause of all Merchandis deid outwith the Realme, be decydit within. Ca. xcix.

ITEM Eodem die Rex ex deliberatione trium statuum in Parliamento congregatorum decreuit, quod causae omnium mercatorum & incolarum regni Scoriae in Zelandia, Flandria, vel alibi extra regnum decedentium, qui se causa mercandisarum suarum, peregrinationis, vel aliqua quacunque causa (dummodo causa non morandi extra regnum) se transtulerunt, debent tractari co­ram suis ordinarijs infra regnum, a quibus sua testamenta consumantur, non ob­stante quòd quaedam ex bonis huiusmodi decedentium tempore sui obitus sue­runt in Anglia vel in partibus transmarinis.

Iames Be the grace of God King of Scottis, till all and findrie the Bischopis, Abbottis, Pryouris, Clerkis, Erlis, Barronis, Lordis of Regalitie, vassallis, Iu­sticis, Schireffis, Prouestis, Baillies, Ministeris, and leidaris of the Law within Burgh and without, and till all vthers Officiaris, our liegis and subiectis, to quhais knawlege thir our letters sall cum, greting, For quhy, that out of our last Parliament haldin at Perth in the Moneth of October last bypast be the ordinans of our thre estatis, thair was depute certaine persounis at tyme and place conueniabill, quhen vs sould lyke to assembill to ordand and cōmoun vpone certane statutis profitabill for the cōmoun gude of the Realme, We with the foirsaid persounis, assemblit for stanching of the felloun slauchter▪ and barganis that is appeirand, and for the breking of the Law in sic caise hes ordanit and statute in the forme as efter followis, that is to say.

Anent slauchter. Ca. c.

[Page] IN THE First, quhair ony man beis slaine within the Realme, alsweill within Regalitie as within Ryaltie, and in Burrowis as to land, than incontinent without delay als fast as the Schiref beis certifeit thairof, outher be the partie, or be ony vthers, he sall pas & persew the slayaris ane or maa, & rais y e Kingis horne on thame & rais incontinent the countrie in his supporte quhil he be ouertane. And git he may be ouertane he salbe put in sicker festnāce quhil the law be done on him, & that salbe done within xl. dayis at the farrest: & be it reid hand, it salbe done within that sōne. And gif he eschape out of that Schirefdome vnarreistit, the Schiref sall wryte or send ane of his Officiaris to the Schiref of that nixt Schirefdome, and certifie him of sic men that hes done sic fellony aganis the King, and ar fugitiue fra the Law, and than sall that Schiref persew him or thame out throuch his Schirefdome in the samin maner as the tother did befoir without delay. And swa furth fra Schiref to Schir­ef, quhill he be outher ouertane, or put out of the Realme. And gif he happinnis to fle in the Regalitie, out of the Ryaltie, the Schiref sall certifie the Lord of the Regalitie, or his Stewart or Baillie, the quhilk sall persew the Trespassoure in lyke maner as the Schiref, as is foir­said. And quhair euer he happinnis to be takin, that Schiref, Stew­art, or Baillie of the Regalitie, sall send him to the Schiref or his Bail­lies of the nixt Schirefdome, the quhilk sall ressaue him, and send him to the nixt Schiref, and swa furth fra Schiref to Schiref, quhill he be put to the Schiref of the schire quhair the deid was done, and thair sall the Law be ministerit to the partie as is foirsaid, and gif it be forthocht fellony, he sall dee thairfoir.

Of Fugitouris fra the Law. Ca. cj.

AND Gif it happinnis the man fugitiue to eschape throw diuers Schirefdomes, that Schiref or Schireffis that he is eschapit fra, sall pas to the cheif burgh of his Schirefdome, and thair gar cry oppinly and proclame, that sic a man hes done to the King sic a fellony & trespas agane the Kingis Maiestie, & is fugitiue fra the Law, and thair forbid that na man house nor herbrie him, resset him, or giue him support or help in ony degre, vn­der the pane of lyfe and gudis.

Of slauchter in the Barrony. Ca. cij.

ITEM Gif a man be slaine in the Barrony, the Barrone or his Officiaris sal arreist him, and gif he be infest with sic fredome, he sall do the Law as is befoir said, or els present [Page xiiii] him to the Schiref or his Ministers, and eschaip he vnarreistit out of the Barrony, and efterwart it may be knawin be ane assyse, befoir the Iustice or the Schiref, that the Barrone mycht haue areistit him, and outher for sleuth or fauoure leit him pas vnarreistit, the Barrone sall pay to the King xx. pund. And eschaip he in the default of the Barrone Seriand or Baillie of the Barrony, thay beand requyrit or warnit, gif thay be not of power to pay. xx. pund, thay sall remaine in the Kingis presoun quhill thay ouertak the Kingis will thairupone.

Of slauchter in Burgh. Ca. ciii.

ITEM In lyke maner sall the Officiaris of the Burgh do, gif ony man be slaine within Burgh, thay sal tak him gif he may be ouertane, and put him in suertie quhill the Iuge may be warnit, that hes power to do the Law, and gif the Alderman and Ba­illies hes na power to do the law, thair the Iuge hauand power sall ressaue the trespassoure, & minister the Law within the tyme foirsaid.

¶ Of slauchter in Regalitie, and the Officiaris thairof. Ca. ciiij.

ITEM It is statute, that gif ony Schiref or Minister of Regalitie, that ministeris not the Law as is befoir said, and that may be ouertakin on him, outher be ane assyse befoir the King or his Iustice, or be witnessing of gude, worthy, and trew men, that is to say, thre or foure, or fiue, or maa, he salbe in the Kingis presoun xl. dayis, and pay to the King xl. pundis, and the croy to the narrest of the kin of the slaine man.

Of the Lord of the Regalitie. Ca. cv.

ITEM It is statute, that gif the Lord of the Regalitie be warnit, and executis not the Law, na garris his Of­ficiaris execute it, as is befoir said, he salbe in lyke pane to the King, as is the Schiref. And gif the Minister of the Regalitie faillies in the ex­ecutioun, as is befoir said, he salbe punist be the Lord of the Regalitie, in maner as the Schiref salbe punist be the King. And rychtswa Al­derman and Baillies in Burgh, salbe punist be the Kingis Iustice gif thay failȝe in the executioun of the Law, as is foirsaid.

¶ Of inquisitioun of Forthocht fellony. Ca. cvj.

ITEM It is statute, that gif ony man bargaines outher in Burgh or on land, quhether that the partie pleinȝe or not, that the Officiaris, that is to say, Alderman, Baillies, or the Seriandis in absence of the Baillies sall arreist baith the parties, and that [Page] day, gif it be befoir the Sone ga downe, and na haliday sall giue thame the knawlege of ane assyse, quhether it be forthocht fellony or suddanlie done. And gif it be suddanlie done, demaine thame as the Law tretis of befoir, and gif it be forthocht fellony, his body to be put in presoun, quhill he amend to the partie, be the sycht of leill and trew men befoir the Schiref gif it be Ryaltie, & rychtswa befoir the Lord or his Baillies in the Regalitie, and befoir Alderman and Baillies in Burgh, he sall gar amendis be maid efter the quantitie of the trespas done to the par­tie, and demainit syne as Law will.

Of the Fugitoure in Forthocht fellony. Ca. cvij.

BE THE auise of the haill parliament, it is statute and ordanit, gif sic bargane happinnis to be in Burgh, & be callit Forthocht fellony, and the deiddoar eschaip vnarreistit fra the Alderman and Officiaris of the Towne, and fleis the Law, but delay the Alderman or baillies sall wryte to the Schiref or the Officiaris to the Regalitie quhair he happinnis to be resset, and certifie thame of his misdeid, and that he is fugitiue fra the Law, and than sall thay persew him as a fugitiue, and send him againe quhair the deid was done, and to abyde the Law but delay, efter as he hes maid default.

¶ Anent assouerance tane betuix persounis discordand. Ca. cviij.

ITEM It is statute, that quhair twa parteis discordis, and efter ar put vnder Borrowis, ilk ane assouerit of vthers, & thair purches, efter that ane of thair freindis thinkis that thocht the principall parteis be assouerit, he is not assouerit, cummis and ou­ther hurtis or defoulis the partie that is contrary to his freind or slayis, and gif he slayis, he sall die thairfoir, and tyne all his gudis as escheit to the King, and gif he hurtis or defoulis with felonie assailȝeand with edge or vre, he sall remaine in presoun but remeid, quhill assyth be maid to the partie, and amendis to the King or to the Lord, that it belangis to as effeiris.

Anent Fugitouris. Ca. cix.

ITEM Gif it happinnis the Schiref to persew Fugitouris with the Kingis Horne as is foirsaid, and the countrie ryse not in his supporte, thay all or parte herand the Kingis Horne, or beand warnit be the Mairis, and followis not the outhorne, and that may be ouertane vpone thame be ane assyse befoir the Schiref, ilk gentilman sall pay to the King vnforgeuin xl.s. and ilk ȝeman xx.s.

¶ That Mairis and Seriandis haue wandis and Hornis. Ca. cx.

[Page xvii] ITEM Fra thyne furth, it is statute and ordanit, that ilk Officiar of the Kingis, as Maire, or Kingis Ser­iand, and Barrone Seriand sall not pas in the countrie, na Barrone Seriand in the Barrony, but ane horne and his wand, and that salbe in this maner.

The Kingis Officiar as is foirsaid, sall haue ane horne, and ilk ane a reid wand of thre quarters of ane ȝarde lang at the leist, and the Offici­aris of the Regalitie ane wand of the samin lenth, the tane end reid, the tother end quhite, and ane horne quhair he passis within the Regalitie. The Barrone Seriand ane horne and a quhite wand of ane elne lang, the Seriand of the Burgh ane reid wand allanerlie, lyke the Kingis Officiar, and als oft as he beis sundin without his wand in the Burgh he sall pay viij.s. vnforgeuin to the King, and thairattoure to abyde chalange befoir the Chalmerlane, And gif the Kingis Seriand hes not horne and wand as is foirsaid, he salbe chalangit befoir the Schiref at the heid courtis. And he be conuict, he sall pay xl.s. to the King. And rychtswa the Seriād of the Regalitie salbe chalangit at thre heid Courtis befoir the Lord of the Regalitie. And he be conuict, he sall pay till his Lord xl.s. And gif the Barrone Seriand defaultis, he salbe punist efter the vnlaw of the Barrone Courte. And that ilk Seriand be thus purwayit be xv. dayis nixt efter witsonday nixt tocum.

CONSILIO Generali illustrissimi principis domini Iacobi dei gratia Regis Scotiae tento apud Perth primo die Mensis Martij Anno domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo vicesi­mo septimo, Et Regni domini regis vicesimo tertio, eum continuatione dierum & temporum summonitis & vocatis more debito & solito Episcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, & Liberetenentibus qui de domino nostro Rego tenent in capite, et de quolibet burgo certis Burgensibus, cō ­parentibus omnibus illis qui debuerunt, voluerunt, & potuerunt cōmode interesse, quibusdam vero absentibus quorum aliqui legitimè excusati fuerunt, alijs se con­tumaciter absentantibus quorū nomina patent in rotulis sectarum, quorum quilibet adiudicatus fuit in amerciamento decem librarum ob suam contumaciam.

¶ Of thame hauand Merchandice out of the Realme vncustumit. Ca. cxj.

DIE Veneris quinto Mensis Martij supradicti. The King with consent of the thre estatis, statute and ordanit, that thay that hes out of the Realme merchandice, not payand the custume, outher gold or siluer, gif thay be present and conuict, or gif thay be out of the Countrie, gif the King hes cleir document thairof, that without ony dome thay be banist, and vther panis maid aganis thame standand neuertheles [Page] in thair force, outtakand thame that is in hostage for the King in Ing­land, for quhais costage how it salbe maid, the King sall ordane the maner.

That small Barronis and Frehalders neidis not to cum to Parliamentis. Ca. cxij.

ITEM The King with consent of the haill Counsall general­lie hes statute and ordanit, that the small Barronis and fre tennentis neid not to cum to Parliamētis na generall counsal, swa that of ilk Schirefdome thair be send chosin at the heid court of the Schirefdome ewa or maa wyse men efter the largenes of the Schiresdome, outtane the Schirefdomes of Clakmannan and Kin­rossie, of the quhilkis ane be send of ilk ane of thame, the quhilk salbe callit Commissaris of the Schire, and be thir Commissaris of all the Schiris salbe chosin ane wyse man and expert, callit the cōmoun speik­ar of the Parliament, the quhilk sall propone all and sindrie neidis and causis pertening to the commounis in the Parliament or generall coū ­sall, the quhilkis Commissaris sall haue full and haill power of all the laif of the Schirefdome vnder the witnessing of the Schireffis seill, with the seillis of diuers Barronis of the Schire, to heir treit and fi­nally to determin all causis to be proponit in Counsall or Parliament, the quhilkis Commissaris and sp [...]ikaris sall haue costage of thame of ilk Schire that aw comperance in Parliament or Counsall, & of thair rentis ilk pund salbe vthers fallow to the contribitioun of the said co­stis. All Bischopis, Abbottis, Pryouris, Dukis, Erlis, Lordis of Par­liament, and Bantentis, the quhilkꝭ the King will be ressauit and Sū ­mound to Counsall and Parliament be his speciall precept.

¶ Of Craftismen within Burrowis. Ca. cxiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that men of Craftis within Burrowis, sall haif for a ȝeir to cum of euerie craft a wardane chosin be the counsal of the Burgh, the quhilk wardane with counsall of vther discreit men vnsuspect assignit till him be the said coū ­sall sall examin and pryse the mater and the warkmanschip of ilk craft, and set it to a certane pryce, the quhilk gif ony brekis, the said wardane sall punis the brekaris in certane pane, quhame gif he punis not, the Al­derman, Baillies, & counsall of the Burgh sall punis thame in certane pane, quhame gif thay punis not, the King sall haue a certane pane of y Burgh. The pane of the brekaris of the price salbe escheit of the samin thing, of the quhilk the price beis brokin of, to be applyit the tane half to the wardane of that craft, and the tother half to the commoun wark of that Burgh quhair it beis sene maist expediēt. The pane of the prisas gif he be negligent and punis not, salbe in the vnlaw of the Burrow [Page xviii] court, als oft as he beis conuict culpabill and faultise, salbe applyit for the half to the commoun purse of the Towne, and for the tother half, quhair it beis maist expedient, to the wark of the towne. The pane of the Alderman, Baillies, and counsall of the Burgh, that beis negligent in the punitioun of the said wardane, als oft as thay default, salbe in x. pund to the King, and salbe rasit efter that thay be chalangit and con­uict be the Chalmerlane and his Deputis in the Chalmerlane air anis in the ȝeir. The quhilk ordinance salbe extendit to masounis, wrichtis, smythis, tailȝeouris, wobstaris, and all vthers in lykewise generallie, quhais feis and handlin salbe prysit, as is befoir said. And attoure to landwart in Schirefdomes ilk Barrone sall gar pryse in thair Bar­ronies, & punis the trespassour is, as the wardane dois in the Burrow­is, and gif the Barrone dois not, the Schiref sall punis the Barrone, and gif the Schiref dois not, thay salbe in amerciament to the King, as the Alderman, Baillies, and counsall in Burrowis. And the Alder­man, Baillies, and counsall in Burrowis sall inquyre ilk moneth at the leist gif the wardanis of the craftis pryse weill and punis the tres­passouris, and gif ony man compleinȝeis of ouer greit price, or of the breking of the price maid or set to the Alderman, Baillies, and counsal, at thay punis the brekaris of the price, and gar the partie compleinȝe­and be assythit vnder the pane foirsaid.

Of Beggaris. Ca. cxiiij.

ITEM The King hes statute with consent of his haill Par­liament and counsall, and eikit to the statutis maid in his Parliament of Beggaris: that in Burrowis the Chalmerlane in his air ilk ȝeir sall inquyre, gif the Alderman and Baillies haue keip­it the said statute: and gif thay haue brokin it, thay salbe in xl.s. to the King.

¶ Of wolf birdis. Ca. cxv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the King with consent of his haill counsall, that ilk Barrone within his Bar­rony in ganand tyme of the ȝeir chaise and seik the quhelpis of the wol­fis, and gar slay thame. And the Barrone sall gif to the man, that slay­is the wolf in his Barrony, and bringis the Barrone the heid. ij.s. And quhen the Barronis ordanis to hunt and chaise the wolf, the tennentis sall ryse with the Barrone, vnder the pane of ane wedder of ilk man not rysand with the Barrone. And that the Barronis hunt in thair Barronies, and chaise foure tymes in the ȝeir, and als oft, as ony wolf beis sene within the Barrony. And that na man seik the wolf with schot, bot allanerlie in the tymes of hunting of thame.

Of Cruuis in watteris. Ca. cxvj.

[Page] ITEM The King with consent of the haill counsall, hes contine wit the statute of the putting away of the cruuis in watteris, that fillis and ebbis, for thre ȝeiris to cum in forme and effect, as was statute in his first Parliament.

¶ The leif to Merchandis to fuire thair gudis. Ca. cxvij.

ITEM The King hes grantit to the Merchandis, quhair Scottis Schippis may not be gottin, that thay may fuire thair gudis and Merchandice in Schippis of vther countries, as thay best may, for a ȝeir, not ganestanding the statute maid thairupōe in the contrare.

Anent Lipper folk. Ca. cxviij.

ITEM That na lipper folk, nouther man nor woman, enter na cum in a Burgh of the Realme, bot thryse in the oulk, that is to say, ilk monounday, wednesday, and fryday fra ten hou­ris to twa efter nune. And quhair Fairis and Mercatis fallis on thay dayis, that thay leif thair entrie in the Burrowis, and gang on the morne to get thair leuing.

ITEM That na lipper folk sit to thig, nouther in Kirk na in Kirk­ȝaird, na vther place within the Burrowis, bot at thair awin Hospi­tall, and at the port of the Towne, and vther placis outwith the Bur­rowis. ITEM That the Bischopis, Officiallis, and Denis in­quyre diligentlie in thair visitatioun of ilk paroche Kirk, gif ony be smittit with lipper. And gif ony sic be fundin, that thay be deliuerit to the King, gif thay be secularis. And gif thay be Clerkis to thair Bis­chopis. And that the Burgessis gar keip this statute, vnder the pane contenit in the statute of beggaris. And quhat lipperous that keipis not this statute, that he be banist for euer of that Burgh, quhair he disobeyis, and in lykewise to landwart.

¶ Anent the passage of Clerkis out of the Realme. Ca. cxix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na Clerkis religious nor seculare pas out of the Realme, bot gif he cum to his ordainar first, or than to the Chancellar of the Realme, and schaw to thame gude and honest cause of his passage, and mak faith to thame, that he do na barratrie, and haue his letters of licence and witnessing thairupone. And gif ony dois the contrarie, or makis barratrie fra it be kend with sufficient & gude document, that he vnderly the statute maid agane thame, that hes money out of the Realme. And y t this statute be not allanerlie extēdit to thame, that dois barratrie in tymes to cum, bot als to thame outwith the Realme now, y beis cōuict of barratrie. And als the King forbiddis, that ony of his liegis send ony expensis till ony [Page xix] barratoure, that is now outwith the Realme, or gif thame help or fauo­ure, in quhat degre that euer thay attene to, quhil thay cum hame in the Realme, vnder the pane of the breking of the Act of Parliament.

That na man pas to Courtis with gaddering. Ca. cxx.

ITEM The King and the Counsall hes interpret and decla­rit, that thair be a statute maid in his first Parlia­ment, that na man sould rydand na gangand cum to na court nor semblay with multitude of folkis na with armis, bot soberly and esaly, ef­ter as his estait requyris, and with his counsallouris and foirspeikaris neidfull to causis.

That nane interpreit the Kingis statutis. Ca. cxxj.

ITEM The King of deliuerance of counsall be maner of sta­tute forbiddis, that na man interpret his statutis v­ther wayis, than the statutis beiris, and to the intent and effect, that thay war maid for, and as the maker of thame vnderstuid: and quha sa dois the contrarie, salbe punist at the Kingis will.

¶ Of wylde Foulis. Ca. cxxij.

ITEM That na pertrikis, plwuers, blak cokis, gray hennis, na mure cokis, na sic fowllis be tane with na maner of Instrumētis fra the beginning of lentren quhil August, vnder the pane of xl.s. And that indictment pas thairupone be the Iustice Clerk.

CONSILIO Generali illustrissimi principis Iacobi dei gratia Regis Sco­tiae tento apud Perth & inchoato, ratificato, & approbato, tanquam suffi­cienter & debitè premunito, per tres Regni status duodecimo die Mensis Iulij Anno domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo vicesimo octauo, eum continuatione die­rum & temporum, summonitis & vocatis debito modo & more solito Episcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, & omnibus Liberetenentibus, qui tenent in capite, de dicto domino nostro Rege et de quolibet burgo regni certis Burgensibus, comparentibus omnibus illis qui debuerunt, voluerunt, & potuerunt interesse, quibusdam vero absentibus quorum quidam fuerūt legitimè excusati, alijs per contumaciam se absentantibus, quorū nomina patent in rotulis sectarum, quorū quilibet adiudicatus fuit in amerciamento decem librarum ob eius contumaciam.

¶ Of the aith to be maid to the Quene be the Clergy and the Barronis. Ca. cxxiij▪

QVO die Dominus Rex ex deliberatione & consensu totius consilij statuit, quod omnes & singuli successores Praelatorum Regni quorūcunque, necnon omnes & singuli heredes futuri Comitum, Baronum, omniumque Liberetenenti­um domini Regis teneantur facere consimile iuramentum Dominae nostrae Re­ginae. Nec vllus Praelatus de cetero admittatur ad suam temporalitatem aut heres euiusuis tenentis Domini Regis ad suas tenendrias, nisi prius prestet Reginae illud Iuramentum.

¶ Continuatur consilium vsque ad crastinum diem.

[Page] PARLIAMENTVM EXCEL­LENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DOMINI NOSTRI, Domini Iacobi dei gratia Regis Scotiae Illustrissimi inchoatum & tentum apud Perth in loco consueto xxvj. die Mensis Aprilis Anno Domini Millesimo Qua­dringentesimo vicesimo nono, et Regni sui xxiij. cum continuatione dierum sum­monitis & vocatis more debito & consueto Episcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Co­mitibus, Baronibus, & Liberetenentibus omnibus, qui de Domino nostro Rege tenent in capite, et cuius [...]ibet burgi Regni Commissarijs comparentibus omnibus illis, qui voluerunt, quibusdam vero absentibus, quorum quidam fuerunt legitimè excu [...]ati, alijs per contumaciam absentibus in amerciam entis Parliamenti condempnatis & adiudicatis.

¶ Anent Fugitouris fra the Kingis Lawis. Ca. cxxiiij.

QVO die consensum fuit & statutum, quod omnes & singuli fugientes a Rege vel alio quocunque eius locum tenente punientur sicut rebelles publici & notorij.

¶ That husband men sould remane for a ȝeir with thair takkis. Ca. cxxv.

ITEM Dominus Rex obtinuit per modum requestus à Praelatis & Baro­nibus, quod non remouebunt pro anno futuro colonos nec hus­bandos a terris suis nondum alijs assedatis, nisi domini illarum terrarū illas terras ca­piāt ad vsus suos proprios.

ITEM Eodem die Dominus Rex cum consensu & assensu trium statuum continuauit hoc suum Parliamentum vsque ad Festum Beati Martini in hyeme proximè futuri sub premonitione quindecim dierum, vibi, & quando placuerit Regi.

¶ In the Parliament haldin At Perth the vi. day of the moneth of Marche be our Souerane Lord the King Iames, the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth and xxix▪ It was ordanit and statute be the King and the thre Estatis, with haill consent and assent, for till exclude friuolous and fraudfull excep­tiounis and opiniounis, throw the quhilkis mony and diuers persounis ar defraudit and haldin fra thair landis.

Of Mairis of fee. cxxvj.

IN The first of the power of the Summounder, it is statute and or­danit, that a Mair of fee, quhether he be Mair of the Schirefdome or of part, sall haue power to present ane sufficient persoun or personnis & habill to the Schiref in court to be deputis vnder him, quhilkis salbe sworne in the plane court to the said office, and admittit be the Schir­ef, and geuin the wand. He sall schaw nane vther power in his attachiamentis, na in his Sūmoundis making, bot allanerly the precept of his [Page xx] the quhilk commandis him to mak the Summoundis. And swaay till indure and minister in the said Office, quhill his power be lauchfully reuokit in court be his ordinar. And swa in the Schirefdomes quhair thair is Mairis of fee in a ward, and not in ane vther, the Schiref sall cheis sufficient and habill persounis ane or maa, efter as the custume of the Schirefdomes is, the quhilk salbe chosin be him with the cōsent of the members of the court, and sworne in Court and admittit, and minister in all thingis pertenand to the said office.

¶ Anent Officiaris that makis ony Summoning. Ca. cxxvij.

ITEM It is statute, that the Summoundour sall Sum­mound, & mak his reheirs in court, quhether that him lykis, be writ or toung, keipand the vj. termis of Summoundis. Swa that he haue sufficient witnes of diuers Barronies, as is cōtenit in the Law, the quhilkis sall sweir in court, that thay bystude, saw and herd, and for witnes war tane, quhair that Summoūdour maid the Sum­moundis, in maner and forme as is contenit in that writ, and he sall haue fredome to reid the Summoundis, or gar reid thame gif he can not, but ony exceptioun.

Anent exceptiounis to be maid aganis the Kingis breuis. cxxviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that fra thynefurth thair sall nane exceptioun auale aganis the Kingis breuis, quhether that thay be lang writtin or schort, swa that thay hauld the forme of the breiue statute in the Law of befoir, congruit and not rasit, na blobbit in suspect placis, that is to say, in the name and the surname of the followar, and of the defendar, and the name of the land or of the cause vpone the quhilk the breif was purchest, and the dait.

¶ Of essonȝeis to be maid in Court. Ca. cxxix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that thair salbe nane esson­ȝeour admittit in court, bot gif he haue a power speciall for y cause for him, that he essonȝeis, and find borrowis to proue his essonȝie at the nixt court as the Law requyris, & nane essonȝeis to be admittit in court, bot the essonȝeis statute and writtin in the law of be­foir, or gif a pure man fall suddenlie seik, twa leill men, his neichtbouris or his paroche Preist sall sweir it, and that to be admittit for that day.

Anent a Borgh to be fundin in Court. Ca. cxxx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhair a Borgh is fundin in a court vpon a weir of law, that the partie [Page] defendar as to that Borgh sall haue fredome to be auisit, and ask leif thairto and sall haue leif, and quhether he will be auisit within Court, or out of Court, findand borrowis of his entrie, and his answer within the houre of cause at the consideratioun of the Iuge and the Court.

Of the domes falling. Ca. cxxxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quha sa will fals dome, sall not remoue out of the place he standis in, quhen the dome is geuin, na ȝit be auisit with na man, quhill the dome be agane callit, and that salbe that a man may gang esely xl. pais, and to be considderit efter the consideratioun of the Iuge and the courte, and gif it be agane callit be ane aduocat of the partie, he beand admit­tit anis to speik for that partie in the Court be name and surname, it sal not neid him to reheirs his awin name, na the Dempstaris in the dome falsing, bot allanerly to say, THAT DOME IS FALS, STINKAND, AND ROTTIN IN THE SELF, AND THAIRTO A BORGH, and assigne a ressoun pro­testand for ma.

¶ That na recounter be hard in Court and the parties absent thame. Ca. cxxxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhair twa parties apperis at the Bar, the tane stryk a Borgh vpone a weir of Law, the tother partie sall haue leif to be auisit, gif he will ask it, quhether he will recounter it or not, as is foirsaid, & gif he recounterꝭ the Borgh, and strenthis it with ressounis, he and his partie remouit the court. And gif it happinnis thame baith or ane, till absent thame, and cum not againe to the dome geuin of the decreit, quha sa at the dome is geuin agane, sall remane in ane vnlaw of the court, and tyne the actioun, for the quhilk the Borgh was fundin, and the recounter neuer to be hard nor haue remeid to agane say that dome.

Anent the persounis that sall weir claithis of Silk and Furringis. Ca. cxxxiij.

ITEM It is statute, that na man sall weir claithis of Silk, na Furringis of Mertrickis, Funȝeis Purray, na greit, na rychear furring, bot allanerly Knychtis and Lordis of twa hundreth merkis at the leist of ȝeirly rent, and thair eldest sonis and thair airis, but speciall leif of the King, askit and obtenit. And nane v­ther weir brouderie, Perle, nor Bulȝeone, bot array thame at thair a win list in all vther honest arraymentis, as serpis, beltis, bruchis, and cheinȝeis.

Anent the persounis that salbe haill harnest and weill horsie. Ca. cxxxiiij.

[Page xxi] BE THE auise of the haill Parliament it is statute and ordanit, that ilk man that may dispend ȝeirly xx. pund or ane hundreth pund in mouable gudis, that he be weill horsit, and haill harnessit, as gentil­men aucht to be: And vthers simpillar of x. pund of rent or fyftie pun­dis in gudis, haue hat, gorget, and a pesane with wambrasseiris▪ and reirbrasseiris, and gluiffis of plate, breist plate, pans, and leg splentis at the leist, or gif him lykis better.

Anent the grathing of ȝemen for weir. Ca. cxxxv.

ITEM That ilk ȝeman, that is of xx. pund in gudis haue a gud doublet of fence, or ane habirgeon, ane irne hat, with bow, scheif, sworde, bucklar, and knyfe, and the ȝeman, that is na archear, na can not draw a bow, sall haue a gude souir hat for his heid, and a doublet of fence, with sword and bucklar, and a gude axe, or els a broggit staffe.

¶ That euerilk Barrone within him self ordand his men to be graithit, as is befoir writtin. Ca. cxxxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that ilk Barrone within him self sall se and ordand his men to be bodin, as is befoir writtin. And gif he dois not this betuix this and Martymes, the Schirefsall rais of ilk ȝeman than not bodin, as is foirsaid, a wedder, and of ilk gentilman, twa wedders, sa that thay be warnit of xl. day is warning at the first tyme, and at the nixt tyme of xv. dayis warning, of ilk ȝeman not bodin twa wedders, and of ilk gentilman foure wed­ders, and at the thride tyme of xv. dayis warning of the ȝeman thre wedders, and of ilk gentilman a mairt, and swa furth fra. xv. dayis to xv, quhill thay be anis lauchfully bodin, as effeiris.

Of ilk Burges man hauand fyftie pundis in gudis. Ca. cxxxvij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that ilk Burges hauand fyftie pundis in gudis sawe haill anarmit, as a gentilman aucht to be: and the ȝeman of lawer degre, and Burgessis of xv. pund in gudꝭ salbe bodin with hat, doublet, or habirgeoun, sword, and bucklar, bow, scheif, and knyfe: And that he, that is na bowman, haue a gude axe and sure wappinnis, as is forsaid: And that the Baillies sall rais the pane heirof in Burgh, gif it beis not keipit, that is to say, of ilk harnest man iiij.s. at the first viij.s. at the nixt, a merck at the thride day, ay furth quhill he be weill anarmit: And of ilk ȝeman ii.s. at the first, iiij.s. at the nixt, and viij.s. at the thride, and swa furth quhill he be weill au­armit.

Anent Schippis that brekis in this Realme. Ca. cxxxviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that Schippis, that brekis [Page] in this countrie, the Schip and the gudis salbe escheit to the King, gif thay be of thay▪ countries, the quhilkis vsis and keipis the samin law of brokin Schippis in thair awin lād, and gif thay be Schippis of ony land that keipis not that law, thay sall haue the samin fauoure heir, as thay, keip to Schippis of this land brokin within thame.

That aduocatis and [...]oirspeikaris in temporall courtis sall sweir. Ca. cxxxix.

THROV The consent of the haill Parliament it is statute and ordanit, that aduocatis and foirspeikaris in temporall courtis and alswa the parties that thay pleid for, gif thay be present, in all causis that thay pleid, in the beginning or he be hard in the cause, he sall sweir, that the cause he trowis is gude and leill, that he sall pleid. And gif the principall partie be absent, the aduocate sall sweir in the saule of him, efter as is contenit in thir meters.

¶ Illud iuretur, quòd lis sibi ius [...]a videtur.
Et si quaeretur, verum non insicietur.
Nil promittetur, nec falsa probatio detu [...].
Vt lis tardetur, dilatio nulla petetur.

¶ Of Barronis and Lordis hauand landis on the west sey. Ca. cxl.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all Barronis and Lor­dis hauand landis and lordschippis ueir the sey in the weit, and on the north partis, and namely fornent the Ilis, that thay haue galayis, that is to say, ilk foure merkis worth of land ane air. And that this till vnderstand of thame, that ar not felt befoir of galayis. For thay that ar feft befoir sal keip and vphald the galayis, that thay ar feft of befoir, and haldin to sustene be thair au [...]d infeftment. And that the saidis galayis be maid and reparrellit be Maij cum a twelf moneth vnder the pane of a merck to be rasir to the Kingis vse of ilk air. And the landis and lordschippis, quhat euer thay be, streikand endlang the coistsyde, and in wart in the land. vj. myle sall contribute to the repata­tioun and the sustentatioun of the saidis galayis.

Of the nature of the breif of inqueist and seissing. Ca. cxlj.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the samin statute maid vpone the proclamatioun of the inqueist be keipit vpone the breif of seissing, that is to say, gif the breif be presentit to the Schiref or Bail­lies in the heid court, that it be seruit incontinent. And gif it be presentit on ane vther day outwith the court, that it be cryit on xv. dayis war­ning. And gif it be neir witsonday or Martymes, the seissing salbe geuin, and the partie contrare salbe preuilegeit to brek seissing of fee and heri­tage [Page xxii] xv. dayis efter, and of the conquest xl. dayis efter that cause, sa that the brekar be in seising of befoir.

¶ Of persounis remanand in Ingland without the Kingis leif. Ca. cxlij.

ITEM It is statute, that gif ony of the Kingis liegis passis in Ingland, and resydis and remainis thair aganis the Kingis will, he salbe haldin as tratoure to the King.

Of souertie askit be ony partie of vthers. Ca. cxliij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that gif ony of the Kingis liegis hes ony dout of the lyfe, outher be deid or mā ­nance or violent presumptioun, and he ask souertie of the partie, that the plaint is maid vpone, sa that the partie planteis mak prufe of the deid, or mannance, or of the violent presumptioun maid or done till him be his aith, or vther sufficient prufe, and the Schiref do not, that effe­ris till his office in that caise, he salbe in xl. pund to the King, and assyth the partie.

Anent the seruing of Inqueistis and Retouris. Ca. cxliiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, vpone the seruing of Iu­queistis and Retouris, agane to the Kingis Chappel, that all frehalders dwelland within ony Schirefdomes, compeir at the heid courtis, in thair proper persounis with thair seillis, bot gif it happin thame to be absent vpone a ressonabill cause. And gif ony be absent in that caise, that he send for him a sufficient gentilman, his attornay with the seill of his armes, and swa in Schirefcourtis set vpone xv. dayis warning. And gif it happinnis that the court be wa [...]k, and not sufficient in the Ryall within the Schirefdome, the gentillis of the Regalities sall compeir at the warning of the Schiref, without preiu­dice of the Regalitie, and enforce the court. And thay that aucht com­perance, and compeiris not, salbe in ane vnlaw of the court.

Anent Salmound Fische. Ca. cxlv.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the statute of fisching of Sal­mound maid be the King that now is, and the thre Estatis, be firmely keipit, ay furth quhil it be reuokit be the King and the thre Estatis, of the Parliament, [...]uttakand the watters of Sul­way and Tweid, quhilkis salbe reddy to all Scottis men all tymes of the ȝeir, als lang as Berwick and Roxbrugh at in the Inglismenis handis.

[Page] PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS DO. IACOBI SCOTO­rum Regis illustrissimi inchoatum & tentum apud Perth die penultimo Mensis Ia­nuarij Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Tricesimo, & regni sui xxvj. Quo die sectis vocatis, & curia Parliamenti affirmata, absentes contumaciter iudicaban­tur in amerciamentis Parliamenti.

QVO die Do. Rex ex consensu trium statuum continuauit Parliamentū vsque ad Festum Beati Michaelis Archangeli proximè futurum sub praemonitione viginti dierum per praecepta regia facienda. Cetera autem in originali praesentis Parliamenti contenta sunt, nisi acta inter partes, quae non sunt necessaria scribere.

¶ the Parliament of our So­uerane Lord the King Iames be the grace of God King of Scottis, haldin at Perth and begune the monounday the xv. day of October. The ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth xxxj. ȝeir. The quhilk day all Bischoppis, Abbottis, Erlis, Barronis, Banrentis, and all vthers callit. &c. The absentis iugeit in amerciamentis, the Parliament was continewit to the morne.

For the resisting of▪ Rebellouris in the North. Ca. cxlvj.

FOR the res [...]stg of the Kingꝭ rebellouris in y North­land, and the costage to be maid thairupone, it is fullely cōsentit be the thre Estatis, ordanit, and con­cludit, that thair be liftit and rasit ane contributioū, that is to say, of all landis of the Realme, quhair the ȝeild of twa pennies was rasit, thair be now x. d. ra­sit, and quhair the twa d. was not rasit, thair be now xij. d. rasit of ilk pund. And this contributioun to be tane throw all the Realme of all mailis of landis and rentis of haly kirk, as of temporall Lordis, na gudis of Lordis, na Burgessis outtane, saifand the extent of the mailis of the Lordis proper domanis haldin in thair awin handꝭ, mailis of Burgessis housis within Burrowis inhabite be thame self, & with thair proper gudis, of the quhilkis thay tak na maill, riddin hors, and drawin oxin except allanerly, of the quhilkis na ȝeild salbe rasit. At­toure this contributioun salbe taxit and rasit with all teleritie possibill, brocht and deliuerit to the auditouris of it, that is to say, the Abbottꝭ of Balmexinouch, S. Colūbis inche, Schir Iohne Scrimgeour, Iohne of Fyfe of Abirdene, quhilkis sall begin thair comptis on the morne nixt efter the purificatioun of our Lady nixt tocum at Perth, gif the Pesti­lence be not thair, and gif it beis thair, at Sanctandros. The quhilkis auditouris sall put this contributioū in a kist of. iiij keyis, of the quhilkꝭ keyis ilk ane of thame sall haue ane. And that kist to remane in the Ca­stell [Page xxiii] of Sanctandros, vnder the keiping of the Bischop & the Prioure. And in caise, that peax beis maid in the menetyme, this contributioun sall remane vnder the samin keiping in depois to the commoun proffeit and vse. The quhilk done, the King commandit till continew the Par­liament till monounday the xij. day of the foirsaid moneth and ȝeir.

Anent the selling of Salmound out of the Realme. Ca. cxlvij.

THE King and the haill Parliamēt hes statute and ordanit, that na Salmound be sauld, na bartourit w t ony man, that hes it out of the realme, bot for Inglis money allanerly, gold, or siluer for y tane half, & Gascone wyne or sic gude penny worthis for the tother half.

¶ That the Gouernoure of the Realme indurand his tyme mycht not analy na landis, that fell to the Crowne. Ca. cxlviij.

ITEM The said day it was decretit be the thre Estatis in plane Parliament, that the Gouernour of the realme indurand the tyme of his Gouernāce, mycht not gif fra the Crowne na landis, na analy that fell to the Crowne, throw the deceis of ony ba­stardis. And thairfoir the gift and the infestmentis maid till Adame [...]er of the landis of Ȝetthame was of nane auale.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS AC DO. NOSTRIDO. IA­cobi Regis Scotiae illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Striuiling primo die Mē sis Martij Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Tricesimo tertio cum continu­atione dierum & temporum. Quo die sectis vocatis, & curia Parliamenti affirmata omnes & singuli absentes condempnati & adiudicati fuerunt in amerciamentis cu­riae. &c. Quo facto de mandato Regis Parliamentum vsque ad crastinum diem, vi­delicet, secundum diem Mensis & Anni praedictorum fuit continuatum.

Anent the breking of the Kingis protectioun. Ca. cxlix.

ITEM As tuiching the breking of the breif of the Kingis protectioun, it is sene speidfull be the Lordis assemblit at Perth at this tyme, That quhat persoun, that hes the Kingis protectioū, and it be brokin on him, fra he haue compleinȝeit to the Schiref, the Schiref sall summound the partie vpon xl. dayis warning, to com­peir befoir him at the nixt heid court to answer to his partie, anent the breking of the Kingis protectioun. And quhether he appeir or not, to gar it be knawin be ane assyse, gif the Kingis protectioun be brokin. And gif it be fundin, that he hes brokin the Kingis protectioun, he salbe in the Kingis vnlaw in x. pund and assyth the partie, as law will, not­withstanding ony law or statutis maid of befoir.

Of the breif of aquoe ductu. Ca. cl.

[Page] ITEM The parliamēt hes statute & ordanit, that y breif vnder writtin, haue cours quhil the nixt parliament, allane [...]ly of wattergangis, that is to say, of mylne leidis and nane vther thingis. REX. &c. Accedens ad presentiam nostram. A. de. B. nobis grauiter conque­rendo monstrauit, quod licet ipse fuisset in possessione cuiusdem aqueductus ad molendinum de T. infra balliam vestram per certos annos. N. tamen de S. ipsum iniuste & sine iudicio inquietat & perturbat in possessione sua praedicta praefatum a queductum destruendo & a molendino praedicto subtrahendo. Quare vobis pre­cipimus & mandamus, quatenus, si est ita, praefatum. A. restituatis ad possessionem suam praedictam & ipsum autoritate nostra sic restitutum iustè defendatis. Et si dictus. N. credit se aliquod ius habere in hac parte, prosequatur illud in forma iuris communis per breuia capellae nostrae vel alias secundum quod per leges regni fuerit faciendum.

¶ Of mandementis to execute the Actis of Parliament. Ca. cl.

ITEM Eodem die placuit Do. Regi ad supplicationem Praelatorū super­sedere punitioni vicecomitum Regni▪ eo quod non fecerūt in suis vicecomitatibus debitè iustitiam nec actorū Parliamentorū Do. nostri Reg is executionem vsque ad proximum Scaccarium. Ideoque Rex eisdem mandauit Vicecomitibus sub omni paena, quam admittere possent erga Regem, vt iustitiam faciant, & acta Parliamentorum exequantur, Praeterea Rex mandauit Do. Regalitatum regni sub paenis consimilibus, vt in suis Regalitatibus iustitiam faciant, & acta Parliamento rū exequantur.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS AC DOM. IACOBI DEI gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Perth decimo die Mēsis Ianuarij Anno Do. Millesimo Quadring. Tricesimo Quarto. Quo die sectis vocatis, & curia Parliamenti affirmata, electi fuerunt & iurati ad determinandas causas & querelas, videlicet, Abbates de Scona & insulae S. Columbae, Magister Iohā ­nes Senescalli, Praepositus de Methuen, Robertus Senescalli de Lorne, Thomas So meruel de eodem, Walterus de Haliburtoū Iohannes de Spens de Perth, Thomas de Camera de Abirdene, & Iacobus de Parklie de Linlithquho.

¶ Of the forfaltoure of the Erldome of Merche. Ca. clj.

ITEM Die Martis, videlicet, vndecimo die Mensis & Anni praedictorū in praedicto Parliamento praefati excellentissimi Principis tento apud Perth, vt suprà, super iure tam proprietatis quam possessionis omnium & sigularum terrarum Comitatus de Merche & Dominij de Dumbar, Procuratoribus & praelocutoribus dicti excellentissimi Principis & Do. nostri &c. Actoris ab vna pro sequentis, necnon procuratore Do. Georgij de Dumbar militis rei & defendentis, partibus ab altera, ipsorumque allegationibus iuribus & rationibus attentis ad plenū consideratis & discussis, dictisque Do. Georgio & eius praelocutore remotis, posteà reuocatis & reintratis, per tres status Regni in dicto Parliamento praesentes & ex­istentes deligenti examinatione & matura deliberatione praehabitis cōcorditer suit decretum ac per os Dauid Dempstar iudicatoris Parliamenti sentētialiter iudicatū, quod ratione forisfacturae Do. Georgij de Dūbar quondā Comitis Marchi [...] & Do. [Page xxiiii] de Dumbaromne ius tam proprietatis quam possessionis omnium & singularum ter­rarum comitatus Merchiae, & Dominij de Dumbar, aliarumque terrarum quas de dicto Domino nostro Rege tenuit in capite eum omnibus & singulis suis pertinen­tijs fuisse, spectasse & pertinuisse, ac esse, spectare & pertinere debere, tam in pos­sessorio, quam in petitorio ad Dominum nostrum Regem supradictum.

¶ Of letters of fidelitie promittit to our Lady the Quene. Ca. cliij.

ITEM Eodem die Mensis & Anni supradictorum omnes Domini de Parliamento, tam ecclesiastici, quam seculares, ac etiam Burgo­rum Commissarij promiserunt dare literas suas retinentiae & fidelitatis Dominae nostrae Reginae.

ITEM Eodem die, de mandato Domini nostri Regis Parliamentum suit continuatum vsque ad Festum Beati Iohannis Baptistae sub prae­monitione quindecim dierum.

CONSILIVM Generale serenissimi principis Domini Iacobi Regis Scoto­rum tentum apud Edinburgh & inchoatum ibidem, vicesimo secundo die Mensis Octobris Anno Domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo Tricesimo sexto, & Regni praefati Domini nostri Regis tricesimo primo.

¶ Of selling of theiffis. Ca. cliiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the King, with consent of the thre Estatis, that nouther Lord of Regalitie, Schiref, Barrone, na vthers sell ony thief, or fyne with him of thift­dome done, na to be done, vnder the pane to the Lordis of the Regali­tie, doand in the contrare, of tinsall of the Regalities, and Barronꝭ▪ Iu­stitis, and Schireffis of lyfe and gudis. Saifand that this statute sall not stryke to Bordouraris dwelling on the Merchis, bot for thift to be done efter the making of this statute. And this stature induring the Kingis will.

That assysaris sall sweir. Ca. clv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all iugeis sall gar the assysouris sweir in the making of thair aith, quhen thay ar chargit to assysis, that thay nouther haue tane, nor sall tak meid na buddis of ony partie: And gif ony sic be geuin, or hecht, or ony pray­er maid befoir the geuing out of the declaratioun and determinatioun of the assyssouris: the said assyssouris sall oppinly reueill the buddis, giftis or prayaris, and the quantitie and the maner thairof to the Iuge in plane court.

Of Crounaris. Ca. civj.

ITEM It is ordanit, that all Crounaris sall arreist all tyme, all weill befoir the cry of the Air, as efter, all thame that salbe geuin to him in portowis be the Iustice Clerk, & name vthers.

Anent Mairis and Seriandis. Ca. clvij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that all Mairis and Seriandis ar­reist at the Schireffis bidding, albeit that na partie followar be, all trespassourris, and that the said Schiref follow the said trespassouris in the Kingis name, gif na partie followar apperis.

¶ Of Inglis men. Ca. clviij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that na man be assouerit of Inglis­men, na tak protectiounis of thame for landis or gudis, bot allanerly the wardanis, quhilkis sall haue leif geuin be the king vnder the pane of Tresoun.

Of the stanching of theissis and Trespassouris. Ca. clix.

ITEM It is ordanit for mair stauching of thift and tres­pas, that suppois a theif byde twa sonnis, thre or foure, or maa, efter he be attachit, he sall not haue fredome to abyde xl. dayis, bot he salbe Iugeit als sone, as a court may be set thairfoir.

¶ Of inbringing of Bulȝeoun. Ca. clx.

ITEM It is ordanit, that of ilk seck of wol, that sall pas out of Scotland the Scottis Merchand gif he salis thairwith or the Scottis Merchand, that sellis it to the strāgearis, sall find sickar souertie to the custumaris of the portis, quhair the Schippꝭ saillis, to bring hame in Scotland to the Maister of the Kingis cuinȝie thre vnce of Bulȝeoun, and of a last of hydis alsmekill, as of the thre seck of woll. And of fyue Hamburgh barrellis alsmekill, as of a seck of woll. And of vther gudis, that awe na custume, or awe custume, efter the fraucht of the Serplaith, that is to say, it that payis a Serplaith in fraucht, sall bring thre vnce of Bulȝeoun hame, vnder the pane of tin­sall of alsmekill Bulȝeoun, as thay sould bring hame to be applyit to the King. And the custumaris of ilk Burgh sall wryte all maner of gudis, that enteris to schipbuird for the serching of knawlege heirof.

That nane lie fundin in Tauernis efter nyne houris. Ca. clxj.

ITEM It is ordanit, that na man in Burgh be fundin in Tauernis of wyne, aill or beir, efter the straike of ix. houris, and the bell, that salbe rungin in the said Burgh. The quhilkis fundin, the Alderman and Baillies sall put thame in the Kingis pre­soun. The quhilk gif thay do not, thay sall pay for ilk tyme, that thay be fiudin culpabill befoir the Chalmerlane fyftie. s.

The statute anent Inglis claith. Ca. clxij.

[Page xxv] ITEM It is ordanit, that na man vnder the pane of escheit, by ony Inglis claith or vther gude within the [...] of Scotland fra Inglismen, or without. And that na Inglisman ha­uand conduct, bring in and sell, or change ony Inglis gudis, bot gif thay gudis be specifeit, and leif geuin in his saifconduct, saifand in payment of ransoun of Inglismen.

Tuiching the selling of Salmound till Inglismen. Ca. clxiij▪

ITEM It is ordanit, that na Scottisman sell to Inglismen, or in Ingland befoir hand or vther wayis ony Sal­mound, bot that Inglismen by thame in Scotland for Inglis gold, & nane vther contentatioun. And gif the Inglismen will not by thame, the Scottis Merchandis may send thame in flanders or vther placis, quhair thame thinkis: swa that of na wyse thay nouther send thame, nor sell thame in Ingland vnder the pane of escheit. And for the gude of the Merchandis, the King will grant conduct till all thame, that will cum, and by Salmound in Scotland.

¶ That nane by wyne fra Flemingis of the Dam. Ca. clxiiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na man of Scotland by at Flemingis of the Dam in Scotland ony kynde of wyne, vnder the pane of escheit thairof.

That the Law be haldin, quhair the trespas is done. Ca. clxv▪

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that for vij. ȝeiris tocum the Kingis iustice of baith the sydis of the watter of Forth, and als the Schireffis for trespas done outwith Regalities and Burrowis, the said iustice and Schireffis sall hald the Law, quhair the trespas was done, and nouther defer to Burrowis na Regalities thairin.

¶ That nane haue out of Scotland gold, siluer, na Iowels. Ca. clxvj.

ITEM That nane haue out of Scotland gold, siluer, na Iowellis cuinȝeit, nor vncuinȝeit, vnder the pane of escheit.

[Page] ¶ Hic finiuntur statuta Par­liamentorum Regis Iacobi primi ET SEQVVNTVR STATVTA PARLIAMENTORVM REGIS IACOBI SECVNDI.


PARLIAMENTVM SERENIS. SIMI PRINCIPIS AC DO. NOSTRI METVENDISSIMI Do. Iacobi Secundi diuina fauente clementia Scotorum Regis illustrissimi tentum apud Edinburgh & inchoatum ibidem vicesimo die Mensis Martij Anno Domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo Tricesimo Septimo, & Regni sui primo.

¶ Of the Coronatioum of our Souerane Lord. Ca. j.

QVO die comparentibus tribus Regni statibus apud Edinburgh, omnes Co­mites, Nobiles, & Barones, ac Liberetenentes dicti Regni venientes ad castrū de Edinburgh praefatum Do. nostrū Regem cum maximo applausu & apparatu ad laudem dei & letitiam totius populi ad monasterium Sanctae Crucis de Edin­burgh pro Corona Regni Scotiae ibidem suscipienda solemniter produxerunt. Ce­tera autem praesentis Parliamenti sunt in certis actis tangentibus partes.

Of the reuocatioun of landis. Ca. ij.

THE haill thre Estatis of the Realme sittand in plane Parliament, that is to say, the Clergy, Barroms, and Commissionaris of Burrowis be ane assent, nane discreipand, weill auisit and deliuerit, hes re­uokit all alienatiounis, alsweill of landis and of possessiounis, as of mouable gudis, that war in his Fathers possessioun, quhame God assolȝie, the tyme of his deceis, geuin and maid without the auise and consent of the thre Estatis. And hes ordanit, that ane inuentar be maid of all the gudis in to depois belangand to the King be thame, that best knawis the gudis, and that this inuentar be keipit to the Kingis age. And hes or­danit be maner of statute that na landis nor possessiounis pertening to the King be geun nor grantit till ony man, without the auise and con­sent of the thre Estatis of the Realme, vnto the tyme of his age of xxi. ȝeiris. And gif it happinnis ony sic alienatiounis to be maid in preiu­dice or hindering of the Crowne, that it be of na valew, force, nor effect.

[Page] the Counsall haldin and begūn at Striuiling in the Tolbuith of that ilk the Fryday the xiii. day of the Moneth of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hun­dreth threttie and aucht ȝeiris.

Of halding of Sessiounis ȝeirly. Ca. iij.

ITEM It was sene speidfull and deliuerit, that thair sould be twa Sessiounis ȝeirlie, in the quhilkis the Lord Lieutennent and the Kingis chosin counsall sall fit, the first begin­nand on the morne efter the exaltatioun of the haly Cros nixt to cum, and the tother to begin vpone the first monounday of Lentren thair­efter followand.

Anent Rebellouris and vnressonabill men, being resset and haldin within Castellis. Ca. iiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhair thair is ony rebellouris or vnreulfull men within Castellis or fortalicis haldin or resset, or quhair thair be ony presumptioun violent of rebellioun, or spilling of the cuntrie, it is auisit and ordanit, that the Lieutennent rais the cuntrie, and pas to sic housis, and arreist thair persounis, quhatsumeuer thay be, to the Law, and tak souertie of thay persounis, being within thay housis, that the cuntrie and all the Kingꝭ liegis be vnharmit and vnskaithit of the said housis, and of thame that inhabitis thame fra thyne furth. And gif ony makis difficultie to be arreistit and to find souertie, as Law will, thay salbe streinȝe▪ t thairto.

the counsal General haldin at Striuiling in the Tolbuith of that ilk, and begūn the Tuisday the secund day of the Moneth of August, the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth and fourtie. The quhilk day the sutis callit, and absentis amerciat.

Of halie Kirk.

THE Fryday the fyft day of the moneth and ȝeir befoir writ­tin. The haill thre Estatis nane dissentand hes ordanit, that haly kirk be keipit in fredome, and na man vex kirkmen in thair persounis nor gudis, vnder all charge, that thay may i [...]rin aganis God and our Souerane Lord the Kingis Maiestie.

Of the halding of Iustice airis in all placis. Ca. v.

[Page xxvii] ITEM The samin day the haill thre Estatis hes ordanit, that the Iusticis on the south syde of the Scottis see set thair Iustice airis, and hald thame twyis in the ȝeir, and alswa on the north syde of the Scottꝭ see as auld vse and custume is. And rychtswa Lordis of Regalities within thair Regalis, & alswa the Kingis Bail­lies of his Regalis. And that the King him self, quhill Iustice be anis haldin in the Realme be in ilk towne, quhair the air salbe haldin, or neir thairby, quhair his counsall thinkis it speidfull.

Of remeid and punitioun of diuers crymis. Ca. vj.

ITEM The thre Estatis hes concludit the said day, that our Souerane lord the King ryde throw all the Realme incontinēt efter thair be send word to his counsall, quhair ony rebellioū, slauchter, birning, reif, forfalt, or thift happinnis, and thairto call the Schiref of the Schire, quhair the thing beis done befoir him, and or the King depairt out of that Schire, to set remeid of sic harmes done, or gif ony sic sall happin to be done, quhether the defalt be in the Offi­ciaris, or in the doaris, to be punist be the King. The quhilk conclusioū and ordinance, all the Barronis of commoun assest and consent ar ob­list till assist baith with thair power in bodyis and gudis, als oft as salbe sene speidfull, be auise of the counsall, for the gude and auale of the Realme and the commoun proffeit.

CONSILIVM GENERALE TENTVM ET INCHOATVM APVD STRIVILING PER EXCELLEN­tissimū Principem & Do. nostrum Regem Iacobum secundum in sua persona pro­pria praesidentem die quarto Mensis Nouembris Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringē ­tesimo Quadragesimo Tertio.

The supplie and defence of haly Kirk. Ca. vij.

THE King and the thre Estatis hes statute and orda­nit, that the statute of haly kirk, that is oppressit and hurt, be keipit be the law of haly kirk, and actis, and statutis maid of befoir tyme in generall counsall and Parliament. And that generall proces be maid in forme, and generall cursing aganis all the brekaris of the said fredome, & als agane particular or singular persounis be censure of haly kirk. And y e ilk place assist til vthers ꝓcessis. And that na persounis, the quhilkis ar notour spolȝeourꝭ, distrublaris, or inuasouris of haly kirk, nor nane, aganis quhame the proces beis led of cursing, be ressauit in the Kingꝭ Castel, or place, or in his presence, nor admittit to coūsall na Parliament, herd nor answerit in y e law of iugemēt [Page] heritage or vther causis, bot euer eschewit, as cursit, vnto the tyme the said persounis cum to amendis and assyth the partie, and obtene abso­lutioun in forme of Law▪ Alswa that firme and fast obedience be ke­pit till our haly Father Eugene the Pape, be actis of generall and pro­uinciall counsall publicit and notifeit befoir and proclamit be the Kingꝭ autoritie. And that rigorous proces be maid agane the fauouraris of scissioun and the ganestanda [...]is of the said obedience. And that na persounis spirituall nor temporall, change the said obedience, quhill the King and the Realme ordand and decreit thairupone.

Tuiching all and syndrie landis and possessiounis quhilkis our Soueraue Lordis Father had in his hand the day of his deceis. Ca. viij.

IN PARLIAMENTO TENTO APVD PERTH IN PRAETORIO EIVSDEM XIIII. DIE Mensis Ialij Anno Domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo Quadragesimo Quinto, sectis vocatis, & contiauatur ad Edinburgh.

THE Last day of the said Parliament it was concludit and de­cretit, that all and sindrie landis and possessiounis vumo­uable, of the quhilkis of gude mynde King Iames, quhains God assol­ȝie, father till our Souerane Lord, that now is, the day of his deceis had in peceabill possessioun, sall abyde and remane with our said So­uecane Lord, that now is, in sic possessioun, as his father bruikit thame, and vndemaudit or vnpleyit of ony man befoir ony Iuge within the Realme, vnto the tyme of his lauchfull age. And gif it happinnis ony persute be maid in the meintyme in the court heirof be ony man, thay becerne and declaris all processe, that may follow thairupone, to be of na strenth, force, nor effect.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS AC DOMINI NOSTRI Domini Iacobi Secundi Dei gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi inchoatum & ten­tum apud Edinburgh in praetorio eiusdem die vicesimo Mensis Ianuarij Anno Domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo Quadragesimo nono, & Regni sui xiij. Quo die vocatis omnious & singulis Dominis Regni Praelatis, Episcopis, Abbati­bus, Prioribus, & magnificis Regni Comitibus, Baronibus, Liberetentibus, Burgo­rum Commissarijs, absentes in rotulis sectarum designantur, & in amerciamentis debitè iudicantur.

The punitioun of slauchter of Salmound. Ca. ix.

[Page xxviii] ITEM It is ordanit, that quha sa beis conuict of slauchter of Salmound in tyme forbiddin be the Law, sall pay xl.s. but remissioun the first tyme. And at the secound tyme foure pundꝭ. And at the thryde tyme he sall tyne his office for euer.

And alswa he, that garris slay, or mantenis the slayar, or is airt or part of the deid doing, salbe demanit, as the principall doaris. And gif ony man be infeft of fredome to fische in forbiddin tyme, sic fredomefull ceis for vij. ȝeiris to cum. And gif ony dois in the contrare, he sall pay ane vnlaw befoir the Iustice, vpon the quhilk trespas the Iustice Clerk sall inquyre at the resauing of the indictmentis, as of vther punctis belan­gand his office.

Of oppin reiffis and spoilȝeis. Ca. x.

THROV The consent and auise of the haill Parlia­ment, it was ordanit and decretit, quhair ony oppin and publict reiffis and spoliatiounis outher of Kirk gudis, or vthers happinnis within the Realme, that the partie spolȝeit compleinȝie to the Schiref, in quhat Schirefdome the spolȝeouris remanis in, and that the gudis spolȝeit ar resset in. And that the Schiref pas to the spolȝeouris and resettouris of thame, and the gudis spolȝeit, and charge thame to restoir agane the spoliatioun, and arreist the spol­ȝeouris and resettouris of thame, and the gudis spolȝeit to the Law.

And gif the spolȝeouris or ressettouris disobeyis the Schiref, sa that he may not compell thame to restoir agane the spoliatioun, the Schiref sall blaw out on thame to the Kingis horne as rebellouris, and pro­nounce thame as sic rebellouris oppinly to the Lord Lieutennent. And gif the Schireffis refusis to do thair office, or be negligent, or parciall, than the partie spolȝeit sall compleine to the Kingis Lieutennent of the Schiref, and the Lieutennent sall demaine the Schiref, as the spolȝe­ouris sould haue bene demanit, and that sic executioun be maid be the Officiaris vpone thame, that aganestandis and disobeyis the Kingis actis and decretis geuin vnder the Kingis wax, and decretit be the Lieutennent and the thre Estatis. And gif sic trespassouris put to the Kingis horne, mak na restitutioun and fulfilling of the actis, as is befoir said, within xv. dayis, and findis souertie to vnderly the Law for thair disobeying, y frathyne furth thay persounis be notourly cryit rebellourꝭ to the King be the Officiaris. And sic men sould be demanit be the actis of xl. dayis, the auld act not aganestanding. And gif ony sic trespassou­ris, reifaris or spolȝeouris, of ony mēnis gudis put to the Kingis horne, [Page] makis not restitutioū within the foirsaid xl. dayis of y gudis spuilȝeit, and bindis thame to the Law, as is befoir writtin, thay sall not be re­sauit be na minister of the Kingis to the Law, quhill befoir all thing thay haue maid full restitutioun of the spoliatioun.

That the Officiaris and Lordis of Regalis sall execute and fulfill this foirsaid act. Ca. xj.

ITEM It is ordanit & decretit, that this act salbe execute & fulfillit be the Officiaris and the Lordis of the Regalities within the Realme with the help and supplie of the Lord of the Ryall, gif neid be. And gif the Officiaris of Regalities fulfillis not this act, it salbe leiffull to the Kingis Schiref to fulfill it within Regalities.

ACTA PARLIAMENTI TENTI APVD EDINBVRGH ET INCHOATI deci­mo nono die Mensis Ianuarij Anno Do▪ Millesimo Quadringentesimo Quadra­gesimo nono.

Of letters of captioun to be geuin be the King. Ca. xij.

IN THE First for the mantening of the fredome of haly kirk it is ordanit, that fra the censure of haly kirk be led and vsit vpone ony persoun, & it be maid knawin be the Ordinar, the Kingis letters of capti­oun salbe geuin, and the auld Law vsit as effeiris.

And that the Schiref and vthers officaris execute the Kingis letters, and put the persounis that the censure of haly kirk is led vpone, in the Kingis waird. And gif the persoūꝭ be fugitiue, and may not be ouertane be the Schiref or the Off [...]ciaris, and thay haue landis and gudis, thay landis salbe and thair gudis ar­reistit and prysit to the partie, lyke as for vther debt at certane mercat dayis, as effeiris. And gif the saidis persounis be not ouertane be the said Officiaris, and thay haue nouther landis nor gudis, thay salbe put to the Kingis horne. And this act till indure to the nixt Parliament. &c.

The proclamatioun of generall peax. Ca. xiij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that generall peax be proclamit and keipit out throw all the Realme, that all man may trauell surely and sickerly in merchandice, and vther wayis in all pla­cis throw the land, swa that na man neid till haue assouerance ane of vther, bot that the Kingis peax be assouerance till all man. And quha that offendis thairin, to be punist be the King or his Officiaris. And that the King mak sic Officiaris, that can weill, and may weill, punis sic trespassouris. And attour gif ony persoun dreidis ane vther, that he [Page xxix] pas to the Schiref, or to the Officiaris, that it effeiris to, and mak that knawin, or sweir that he dreidis him, & thay sall tak borrowis of peax efter the actis maid thairupone of befoir. And that iust men be maid Iusticis, that kennis the Law, and that will minister euinly, alsweill of the greit, as of the small. And rychtswa of vther Officiaris. And gif thay be negligent to minister thair office, that thay be punist be the King. And that the Iustice pas twyse throw the cuntrie in the ȝeir efter the auld Lawis.

That nane rebell aganis the Kingis persoun na his autoritie. Ca. xiiij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that nane rebell aganis the Kingis persoun, na his autoritie. And quha sa makis sic rebel­lioun, to be punist efter the qualitie and quantitie of sic rebellioun, be the auise of the thre Estatis. And gif it happinnis ony within the Realme oppinly or notourly to rebell aganis the King, or makis weir a­ganis the Kingis liegis agane his forbidding, in that caise the King to gang vpone thame with assistence of the haill landis, and to punis thame efter the quantitie of the trespas. And attoure gif it happinnis ony man till assist in red, confort, or counsall or mantenance to thame, that ar iustifeit be the King in his present Parliament, or sall happin to be iustifeit in tyme cumming for crymes committit aganis the King in contrar of the act maid. &c. Fra it be notour, or the trespassour be con­uict thairof, he salbe punist in lyke maner, as the principall trespassouris▪

Of the keiping of trewis on the Bordouris. Ca. xv.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the wardane cheis sic deputis and Officiaris vnder him, as he will stand for, for the ke­ping and obseruing of the trewis, sen he hes the charge. And that the King gar assist to him in the suppleing of him and his Officiaris, gif ony wald tak on hand to disobey, or ganestand.

¶ Of punitioun of Officiaris trespassand in thair office wilfully. Ca. xvj.

ITEM It is ordanit, that gif ony Officar wilfully trespassꝭ in the ministratioun of his office of the Law, that beand ouertane or preuit on him befoir the King or his Counsall, he sall tyne his office for ane ȝeir and day at the Kingis will, and assyth the partie, as effeiris. &c.

Of the remaning of pure commounis in thair takis and malingis. Ca. xvij.

ITEM It is ordanit for the saiftie and fauour of the pure pe­pill, that laubouris the ground, that thay & all vthers, that hes takin or sall tak landis in tyme tocum fra Lordis, and hes ter­mes [Page] and ȝeiris thairof, that suppois the Lordis sell or analy that land or landis, the takaris sall remaine with thair takkis, vnto the ischie of thair termis, quhais handis that euer thay landis cum to, for siclyke maill, as thay tuik thame for.

of wedsetting of landis. Ca. xviij.

BOT quha sa takis or hes tane landis in wedset, and syne for maill lang tyme efter the land be quite out for half maill or neir thairby, that thay takkis sall not be keipit nor haldin efter the quyting out of the said land, bot gif thay be set for the werray maill or neir thairby.

¶ For the restorance of spoliatioun. Ca. xix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that ony man, that beis spol­ȝeit, and cummis befoir the King and his counsall, & compleinȝeis of spoliatioun, and the spolȝie may be preuit, thair the partie present, or summound lauchfully, and not comperand, or apperand, the spolȝie beand preuit, the Schiref of the schire salbe commandit be the King to mak him, that is spolȝeit, be restorit but delay. And gif the pleinȝeour of the spolȝie haue na prufe reddy befoir the King, the King sall wryte to the Schiref at his instance to set him aperemptour day of xv. dayis at the farrest, to the quhilk he sall warne the parties to cum. At the quhilk day quhether thay cum or not, the spolȝie beand preuit, the Schiref sall mak him, that is spolȝeit, but delay to be restorit, as is befoir said, together with the expensis, the quhilkis the partie followar lauchfully makis, and the Kingis vnlaw as effeiris.

That the Iustice, Chalmerlane, Crownaris, and all vther Officiaris ryde in competent and esy number. Ca. xx.

ITEM It is ordanit, that Iusticis, Chalmerlane, Crow­naris, and vther Officiaris, that makis cours throw the land, ryde bot in competent and esy number, to eschew greuance & hurting of the pepill, the quhilk number of auld tyme was statute and modifeit. And that the Crownaris ceis of the taking of the. x. d. for the wrang custume of thame, that findis thame reddy borrowis.

¶ Of the away putting of Sornaris. Ca. xxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, for the away putting of Sornaris, ouerlyaris, & maisterfull beggaris with hors, hundis, or vther gudis, that all Officiaris, baith Schireffis, Barronis, Alderman, Baillies, alsweill within the Burgh, as outwith, takane inquisitioun at ilk court, that thay hald, of the foirsaid thingis: And gif ony sic be fundin, that thair hors, hundis, or vther gudis be escheit to [Page xxx] the King, and thair persoun put in the Kingis waird, quhill the King haue said his will to thame. And alswa that the said Schiref, Baillies, & Officiaris inquyre at ilk court, gif thair be ony, that makis thame [...]u­lis, and ar bardis, or vthers sic lyke rinnaris about. And gif ony sic be fundin, that thay be put in the Kingis waird, or in his irinis for thair trespassis, als lang as thay haue ony gudis of thair awin to leif vpone. And fra thay haue not to leif vpon, that thair eiris be nalit to the trone, or till ane vther tre, and thair eiris cuttit of, and banist the cuntrie. And gif thairefter thay be fundin agane, that thay be hangit.

Of the examining of actis of Parliament and generall counsall. Ca. xxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that thair be chosin twelf persounis of the thre Estatis, till examin all actis of Parliamentis and generall counsall, haldin in our Souerane Lordis tyme, and in his fathers tyme, quhame God assolȝie. And at thay per­sounis schaw thame, that ar gude and accordand for the tyme, in the nixt Parliament or generall counsall, and the place to be at Perth. And the said persounis to begin vpone the said thing on monounday the first haill oulk of Lentrene. And thir ar the persounis. &c.

¶ For the eschewing of derth within the cuntrie. Ca. xxiij.

ITEM It is ordanit for the eschewing of derth within the land, that Schireffis, Baillies, and vther officiaris, baith to Burgh and to land tak and inquyre at ilk court, that thay hald, quhat persounis within thair boundis byis victuall and haldis it till a derth. And gif it beis fundin, that the Schiref and Officiaris mak it knawin at ilk marcat cros to the King, quhat persounis thay ar, and that thay be bot as okkirraris repute. And that thay be punist and de­manit as okkirraris sould be. And that the victuall that thay haue, be escheit to the King.

That na Burgessis na vther persoun hald mair victuall, than will sustene him. Ca. xxiiij.

ALSVA that na Burgessis nor nane vther persounis, that byis ony corne or victuall to sell agane, hald victuall in Burgh nor out­with, mair than will susteine him and his meinȝie to new corne, vnder the pane of escheit of the victuall to the Kingis vse, bot at that victuall be presentit to mercatis, and sauld, as the price gais. And attoure that y Kingis liegis in all placis throwout the Realme, haue power to by and sell victual at thair lyking baith on the north half & south half of Forth, ilk ane till vthers, but ony letting or impediment. And that na man hald auld stakkis in his ȝaird langar, than Ȝule vnder the pane of es­cheit [Page] thairof to the King.

That na man do tresoun to the Kingis Maiestis. Ca. xxv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that gif ony man, as God forbid, commit or do tresoun aganis the Kingis per­soun, or his Maiestie, or rysis in feir of weir aganis him, or layis handꝭ vpone his persoun violently, quhat age the King be of, ȝoung or auld, or ressettis ony, that hes committit tresoun, or that suppleis thame in help, red, or counsall, or that stuffis the housis of thame, that ar conuict of tre­soun, and haldis thame aganis the King, or that stuffis housis of thair awin in furthering of the Kingis rebellis, or that assailȝeis Castellis or placis, quhair the Kingis persoun sall happin to be, without the consent of the thre Estatis, salbe punist as tratouris.

That the Regalities being in the Kingis handis sall be iustifeit be the Kingis Iustice. Ca. xxvj.

ITEM It is ordanit, that all Regalities, that ar in the Kingis handis, or salbe in tyme to cum, be haldin as Ryal­tie and iustifeir be the Kingis Iustice, quhill thay remane in the Kingis handis, and the frehaldaris of the said Regalities sall compeir at the Iustice airis, and thair Suittaris within the Schirefdomes, that thay arin, and to the Kingis Parliamentis and geaerall counsallis, as the fre­halders of the Ryaltie dois.

For eschewing of maisterfull thift and reif. Ca. xxvij.

ITEM For eschewing of greit and maisterfull thift and reif, it is ordanit, that the Iustice do law out throw the Realme, and quhair he may not hald Iustice of maisterfull men, he sall verifie and certifie the King thairof: than the King sall prouide with his secreit counsall in all haist remeid thairof.

¶ Anent Iustice Clerkis, that thay reueill na manis actioun. Ca. xxviij.

ITEM It is ordanit, that Iustice Clerkis reueill na manis actioun to na persoun, or translate ony actioun vther­wayis, than it was geuin him, bot for the better to the King, or change namis ane for ane vther, or put out ony of the Rollis without commā dement of the King, or of the counsall vnder the pane of [...]nsall of his office, his honour, and his gudis to be at the Kingis will.

For the bigging of towris and fortalicis. Ca. xxix.

ITEM It is ordanit, that anentis the bigging of towris and fortalicis, that the auld Law and statute maid thair­upone be obseruit and keipit in tyme to cum.

¶ Of money and strykaris thairof. Ca. xxx.

ITEM As anentis the money it is referrit to the actis maid of befoir be the xxiiij. persounis chosin thairto, baith for the hame bringing of the Bulȝeoun be the Merchandis, and of the new straik to be maid, and the cours thairof be the money that now rinnis. And that thair be maid at all portis of the Realme strait serche­aris to restreinȝie the hauing out of the money, and rychtswa vpon the Bordowraris of the Merchis. And that all fals strykarꝭ of gold, siluer, or of fals grotis and pennyis be serchit, and writtin for, and brou [...]ht to the King to be punist, as Law will. And that nane tak on hand to stryke in tyme to cum, bot thay, that hes or sall haue command of the King vnder his greit seill.

Anent the Summounding of ony persounis. Ca. xxx [...].

ITEM It is ordanit, that gif ony persoun garris Summoūd ane vther befoir the King & his counsall for ony cause, and the partie Summound be contumar, he salbe condampnit at the first day in the expensis of the partie followand, and in .xx.s. to the King for his amerciament. And be he absent and contumax at the se­cund Summoundis, he salbe conda [...]pnit be the Iuge in the expensis of the partie followar, and in .xl.s. for the Kingis vnlaw. And be he contumax at the thride day, at the quhilk he salbe Summound to cum, the quhilk Summoundis sall mak intimatioun, that quhether he com­peir or not, the Iuge will proceid as Law will in the cause, and than gif he be Sommound thryse and compeiris not, he salbe condampnit in the parties expēsis, and in foure pundis for his vnlaw to the King. And than sall the Iuge proceid in the cause and do Iustice. And gif the cause be on fee and heritage, the partie Summound, as is foirsaid, salbe condampnit for his contumacie, and the partie followar salbe put in possessioun of the said fee and heritage, and byde thairin ay, and quhill his partie assyth fullely all the expensis, in the quhilkꝭ he was condampnit, and to the King of all his vnlawis: the quhilk done, he salbe herd in the principall cause mouit aganis him, not aganestanding the decreit of possessioun befoir geuin, bot gif he byde sa lang, that prescriptioun lauch fully be runnin. And gif the cause be of mouabill gudis, the partie fol­lowar salbe put in possessioun of the tother parties gudis, to the quan­titie of the thing or the gudis, in the quhilkis the tother partie beis iu­geit, to remane with the partie followar for a ȝeir and a day. And gif the partie condampnit within the ȝeir and day cūmis and assythis ful­lely all the tother parties expensis iugeit to the partie followar, and all the Kingis vnlawis, as is befoir said, and findis cautiounis to stād and abyde the partie at the Law, than sall he recouer agane the possessioun of his gudis, and be herd and haue Law in the cause principall.

[Page] And gif the partie condampnit haue landis or gudis, than sall his lan­dis and gudis be recognist in the Kingis handis. And gif he hes na landis na gudis, than sall he be outlawit and put to the Kingis horne. And this ordinance to continew to the nixt Parliament. And that all Lordꝭ hauand Regalities, [...]allinge all thame of thair Regalities e [...]ter the act befoir writtin. And that ilk ane of the thre Summoūdis be of xv. dayis warning at the leist. And at the letters of Summoundis pas vnder the quhite wa [...]x, and the Summoundis of the Lordis of Regalities to pas vnder thair seillis, or thair signettis.

the Counsall Generall haldin at Perth and begūn in the Tolbuith of that ilk, be ane excel­lent Prince Iames the secund be the grace of God King of Scottis, the monounday the feird day of Mail, the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundr [...]th and fyftie ȝeiris, and of his Regne the xiiij. ȝeir. The quhilk day the suittis callit. &c.

That na man of this Realme bring haine poyson vnder the pane of treson. xxxij.

THE Fryday the .viij. day of the Moneth befoir writ­tin. The Lordis of the thre Estatis gatherit and assē ­blit in the freir kirk, and commonand vpone diuers maters belangand the commoun gude of the Realme, it was be the King and als the Lordis of the thre E­statis, assentand, and consentand, ordanit, and be the maner of ay lestand statute determinit, and forbo­din, that na kynde of man nor woman of the Realme of Scotland for siluer, nor gold, nor nane vther Merchandice be na maner of way sould by, na inbring na kynde of poysoun in the Realme, for ony maner of vse vnder the pane of tresoun. And gif o [...]y persoun of the Realme of Scot­land in ony tyme to cum bring in ony maner of poysoun, throw the quhilk ony Cristin man or womā may tak bodely harme, and that may be kend or thay conuict thairof, that persoun or persounis sa declar [...]t and conuict, sall tyne and forfault to the King lyfe, land, and gudis.

That na strangear bring hame poysoun. Ca. xxxiij.

ITEM Gif ony strangear, ane or maa, man or woman, of ony vther Realme cum in this Realme of Scotland, and inbring be ony maner of way poysoun, throw the quhilk ony Cristin mā or woman may tak bodely skaith, and that may be kend, or thay cōuict thairof, thay sall vnderly the samin panis, as is befoir writtin of thame of this Realme, & na conduct nor remissioun to help thame in that cais.

[Page xxxii] ¶ the Parliament off a full hie and excellent Prince our Souerane Lord Iames the Secund be the grace of God King of Scottis, haldin at Edinburgh and be­gūn in the Tolbuith of the samin, the xxviij. day of the moneth of Iunij. the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth and fyftie ȝeiris. The quhilk day the Suitis callit. &c.

ITEM Eodem die sexto die Mensis Iulij Anni supradicti praelibato Do, nostro Rege in Parliamento praesidente Domini trium statuum Regni decreuerunt & cōcluserunt omnia & singula acta & decreta Parlia­mentorum & consiliorum generalium facta edita & promulgata pro Iohanne Lind say de Dunrod penes terras suas de Morahame quibuscunque temporibus retro­actis obseruari deberi & execution [...] debitè demandari.

the Parliament off our Souerane Lord Iames be the grace of God, King of Scottis, haldin at Striuiling the xxv. day of the Moneth of October, with contine watioun of dayis, the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth fyftie ane ȝeir. The quhilk day the suitis callit. &c.

The auisement of the Deputis of the thre Estatis tuiching the mater of the money. Ca. xxxiiij.

ITEM In the first, that thay think it expedient for diuers causis, that thay haue considderit and counsallis, that thair be strikin in this Realme new money conformit euin in wecht to the money of Ingland, with the quhilk this Realme hes part of commoning. And that thair be strikin of the vnce of brint siluer or Bulȝeoun of that fynes, viij. grotis, and of the samin mater and wecht, as effeirꝭ, half grot, penny, half penny, and ferding.

ITEM That the samin new grot to be strikin haue cours for .viij. d. the half grot for .iiij. d. the penny for ij. d. the half penny for j. d. and the ferdin for a half penny.

ITEM That the Inglis grotis, of the quhilkis. viij. grotis haldis ane vnce, haue cours rychtswa for .viij. d. the peice. And the half grot Inglis conformit to the said grot in wecht, haue cours for. iiij. d. And that na Inglis penny haue cours, bot at the will of the ressauar.

ITEM Fra the new grot be strikin and proclamit, and a spe­ciall day set for the cours of it, than the new grot that now rinnis for. vj. d. sall discend to .iiij. d. and the half grot to .ij. d.

ITEM That the Demy, the grot, and the half grot, that now rinnis, haue thair cours, that thay now haue vnto the tyme of the proclamatioun, and the cours of the said new money.

[Page] ITEM that thair be strikin ane new penny of gold callit a Lyon with the prent of the Lyon on the ta syde, and the image of Sanct Androw on the tother syde, with a syde coit euin to his fute, halding the samin wecht of the half Inglis Nobill. And that the said Lyon be not takin in payment, bot gi [...] it hald the full wecht of the said half Inglis Nobill. And that the said new Lyon fra the day that it be cryit, haue cours and sall rin for vj.s.viij. d. of the said money, and the half Lyon of wecht fra the day it be cryit, and of fynnes thair­efter, haue cours for iij.s.iiij. d. Item efter the cours of the said procla­matioun the Demy, that now rinnis for ix.s. sall rin than for .vj.s.viij. d. and the half demy for .iij.s.iiij. d.

ITEM The Ryall of France sall haue cours for vj.s.viij. d. and the Salute hauand the w [...]cht of the said new Lyon sall half cours than als for vj.s.viij d. And the Crowne of France hauand a crownit flowre delice on ilk syde of the Scheild, that rinnis now in France for coursabill payment, and the Dolphin Crowne ilk ane of thame hauand cours for .vj.s.viij. d. And the Rydars of Flā ­ders hauand cours for .vj.s.viij. d. And the Inglis new Nobill callit the Pace sall haue cours than for .xiij.s.iiij. d. And the half Nobill thairof for vj.s.viij. d. and sa the ferding for .iij.s.iiij. d. and the Fle­mis Nobill that tyme hauand cours for .xij.s.viij. d. And all vther kynde of gold hauand na cours, bot as the byar and the sellar can accord.

ITEM The pennyis that war strikin be the Kingis Cuin­ȝeouris, that is to say, Robene Gray, Iohne of Dal­rympill father him self, Alexander Tod, and Iohne Spethy, sall haue cours, as thay now haue, vnto the the tyme of the said new straik. And of thay pennyis salbe tane bot .xij. d. in a pund. And all vther kinde of pennyis strikin be Henry Goldsmyth and be all vther fals Cuinȝe­ouris, outher in Innernes, Dysart, of Forfare, or in ony vther place sall haue na cours fra this day furth, na be ressauit for payment.

ITEM Fra the new grot haue cours for .viij. d. that the foirsaid pennyis strikin be the said Kingis Cuinȝe­duris haue na langar cours, na be ressauit in payment.

ITEM That this new cuinȝie be strikin euin furth with grot, half grot, and penny vnto the said new grot, rin for .viij. d. the said new grot for .xij. d. the half grot for vj. d. and the penny for iij. d.

ITEM That the Lyō and half Lyon be strikin euin sa furth­with, and haue cours to the said tyme the Lyon for r.s. And the half Lyon for .v.s.

[Page xxxiii] ITEM That prouisioun be maid for the grauouris of the irnꝭ And that now incontinent traist sworne men pas furth, and ressaue all the irnis of the Kingis strykaris baith of gold and siluer, together with the letteris of grauing fra the grauouris, and befoir the King and his counsall thay be distroyit, and the new irnis, that salbe maid, salbe geuin within the cuinȝie place.

ITEM That the maister of the money sall answer for all gold and siluer, that salbe strikkin vnder him, quhill the wardane haue tane assay thairof, & put it in his buist. And that na mā sall tak the said money fra it be burlit and clippit, bot at his awin ly­king. And the said maister sall haue power to cheis all seruandis vnder him to stryke, and to punis thame, gif thay trespas. And that the pren­taris and strykaris war na goldsmythis, and vthers mycht be gottin.

That na man haue out of the Realme gold, siluer, na Bulȝeoun. Ca. xxxv.

ITEM That na man haue out of the Realme, gold, siluer, na Bulȝeoun, vnder the pane of escheiting thairof, the tane half to the King, and the tother half to the taintour and the takar. Neuertheles because that diuers men mon pas throw Inglād be land, or be sey to France, Flandaris, or vther cuntries, and na further, vpone the quhilk the King mon tak serchouris of leill men.

That na cattell be sauld in Ingland, bot for reddy gold or siluer. Ca. xxxvj.

ITEM That na cattell be sauld in Ingland to Inglismen, bot for reddy gold or siluer, vnder the pane of escheit of samekill as is sauld, to be distribut betuix the King and the wardane of the Merche.

¶ Anent the outquyting of wedsetis. Ca. xxxvij.

ITEM That all wedsetis that ar maid in tyme of the money that now rinnis, be payit in the tyme of the quyting out with sic money, as was lent, or els the auale of it.

Anent dettis and obligatiounis. Ca. xxxviij.

ITEM Anent dettis and obligatiounis of the paymēt of the quhilkꝭ the termis ar gane, ilk man that will not pay betuix this and Alhallowday cum a twelf moneth, sic maner of dettis throw obligatiounis, or vther maner of way contractit in the money, that now rinnis, thay sall pay it of the money, that rinnis fra that day furth. Neuertheles the saidis deputis intendis not to giue forther delay of the payment thairof, bot at the lyking of the partie.

[Page] PARLIAMENTVM EXCEL LENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI DO. Iacobi Secundi Dei gratia Regis Scotorum Illustrissimi tentum apud Edinburgh vicesimo sext die Mensis Augusti Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Qu [...] ­dragesimo secundo, & Regni eius decimo sexto, summonitis & vocatis more de­bito & consueto, Episcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, & cae­teris liberetenentibus, qui de Do. nostro Rege tenent in capite & cuiuslibet Bur­gi Regni Commissarijs comparentibus.

ITEM It is ordanit be the auise of the King and the said Lordis, that the Inglis penny haue cours throwout the Realme for, iij. d. lyke as it had of befoir, vnto the tyme of the nixt Par­liament. Thairfoir we charge, that nane tak vpone hand to refuse the taking of the said money vnder the charge, that efter may follow.

ITEM The haill Prelatis, Lordis, and Barronis of the Re­alme, hes ordanit and deuisit a Parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh, & to begin the xxviij. day of the moneth of Merche nixt tocum, with contine watioun of dayis. Thairfoir we charge strait­lie and commandis in our Souerane Lordis name all Prelatis, Bar­ronis, frehaldaris, and all vthers within Burgh and outwith, that awpresence thair to compeir the said day and place, to commoun, treit, and conclude vpone sic thingis, as is proffitabill, & speidfull for the Realme.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord, and be auise of the Lordis now present with him, that all maner of man, that hes corne vnthreschin within the Realme, sall gar it be halely threschin out befoir the last day of Maij nixt tocum, vnder the pane of escheit to the King of the corne, that happinnis to be vnthresch­in, alsweill within bernis, as outwith. And that furthwith in all gudly haist our Souerane Lordis letters pas to all Schireffis of the Realme of charge for keiping of the said ordinance. And that the said Schireffis see, that the said statute be execute. And quhat Schireffis, that fail ȝeis heirintill, that thay be dischargit of the executioun of thair office in tyme to cum induring the Kingis will, and vthers to be depute thairto.

Of victuall. Ca. xxxix.

ITEM It is ordanit, that na maner of victuall be haldin in gyruall be ony man, bot allanerly, that is neidfull for thair awin persounis, and the sustentatioun of thair houshaldis, and fynally vnto the tyme of Michaelmes nixt to cum, bot at thay be presentit to the mercat vnder the pane of escheit.

That na man hald mair victuall than will sustene him self. Ca. xl.

ITEM Heirefter it is statute and ordanit, that na mā hald victuall in gyrnall to a derth, and that na man hald victuall mair, than will serue him and his familie for ane quarter of ane ȝeir. [Page xxxiiii] And that thay present all that thay haue mair to the mercat, within ix. dayis efter to be sauld, vnder the pane of escheit thairof. For the serchīg of the quhilk thing, thair is depute serchouris in Edinburgh and L [...]h certane persounis.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTIS­SIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI METVENDIS­simi Do. Iacobi dei gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh xvj. die Mensis Iulij Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Quinquagesimo Quarto Comparentibus tribus Regni statibus. &c.

Anent the keiping and executioun of Iustice. Ca. xli.

ITEM It is actit and statute, that the statutis maid befoir tyme anent the keiping and executioun of Iustice be keipit efter the tennoure of the actis maid of befoir tyme thairupone.

¶ That inbringars of victuallis be fauorablie tretit. Ca. xlij.

ITEM For inbringing of victuallis it is ordanit, that strange aris that bringis in victuallis, be fauorablie tretit & thankfully payit for thair victuallis, and that thair be na new custume tane of thame, and at thair be na mair victuall tane to the Kingis part, bot allanerly alsmekill as will serue his houshald, and rych [...]swa gif Scottis Merchandis bringis in victuall out of Ingland, that thay be fauorablie tretit, as said is.

IN PARLIAMENTO SVPREMI DO. NOSTRI REGIS TENTO ET INCHOATO apud Edinburgh nono die Mensis Iunij Anno. &c. lv. Et Regni Regis xix. deci­mo die Mensis eiusdem iudicium forisfacturae datum fuit super Iacobo comite de Douglas decimo die Mensis eiusdem processus & iudicium forisfacturae super Beatrice Comitissa de Douglas, Archibaldo Comite Morauiae & Iohanne Dou­glas de Baluany data & facta fuerunt.

DEcimo tertio die Mensis praedicti iudicium forisfacturae datum fuit super Io­hanne de Stounthachilde Quhitch ester, Iohanne Schaw de Henristoun & Waltero Sinclar.

THE King with the auise and counsall of his thre Estatis of his Realme hes continewit his Parliament to the feir [...] day of August nixt tocum with contine watioun of dayis. &c.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI ME­tuendissimi Do. Iacobi Secundi dei gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh quarto die Mensis Augusti Anno Do. Millesimo Qua dringentesimo Quinquagesimo Quinto.

The annexatioun of landis to the Crowne. Ca. xliij.

[Page] ITEM In the first forsamekil as the pouertie of the Crowne is oft tymes the cause of the pouertie of the Realme, & that mony vther inconuenientis ar thair throw, the quhilkꝭ war lang to expreme, be the auise of the full counsall of the Parliament, it is statu [...]e & ordanit, that in ilk part of the Realme for the Kingis residence, quhair it happinnis him to be, thair be certane Lordschippis and Castellis an­nexit to the Crowne perpetually to remane. The quhilk may not be geuin in fee & heritage away nor in frāktenement to ony persoun, of quhat estate or degre that euer he be, but auise, deliuerance and decreit of the haill Parliament, and for greit [...]eand & ressonabill causis of the Realme. And albeit it happin our Souerane Lord, that now is, or ony of his successouris of Scotland till analay or dispone vpone the Lordschippis and Castellis annexit to the Crowne, as is befoir said, that alienatioun or dispositioun salbe of nane auale. And it salbe lefull to the King, beand for the tyme to ressaue thay landis, quhen euer him lykis to his awin vse but ony processis of Law, and the takaris sall refound all proffeitis, that thay haue takin vp of thay landis agane to the King, for all the tyme that thay haue thame, and that our Souerane Lord, that now is, be sworne, and in lyke maner all his successouris Kingis of Scotlād into thair coronatioun, to the keiping of this statute, and all the poyntꝭ thairof. Thir ar the Lordschippis and Castellis annexit to the Crowne.

IN The first the haill custumis of Scotland, the quhilkis war in our Souerane Lordis handis the day of his deceis. And that our Soue­rane Lord, that now is, content thame, that hes pensiounis geuin furth of the Custume w t vther thingis, sa that the haill custumis may remane till him. Item the Lordschip of Ettrik Forrest, with all boundis perte­ning thairto. Item the haill Lordschip of Galloway, with sic fredomis cōmoditeis, as it hes thir dayis, togidder with the Castell of the Creif. Item the Castell of Edinburgh. Item the landis of Ballincreif & Gos­ [...]uird, togidder with all vther landis lyand about, pertening to the King within the Schirefdome of Louthiane. Item the Castel of Striuiling, with all and sindrie the Kingis landis lyand about it. Item the Castell of Dunbertane, with the landis of Cardros, Rosneth, with the pensioun of Cadrow, and the pensioun of the ferme meill of Kirkpatrik. Item the haill Erldome of Fyfe, with the place of Falkland. Item the Erldome of Stratherne with the pertinentis, the hous & Lordschip of Brechin, with the seruice and superioritie of Cortoquhay. Item the hous of Innernes and Vrquhard, and the Lordschippis of thame, & the Lord­schippis of Abernethy, with the watter maillis of Innernes, togidder with the Barronyis of Vrquhard, Glēnorquhane, Boneich, Bonochar, Annach Edderdaill, callit Ardmannach, Pecty, Brachly, Stratherue, with the pertinentis.

ITEM The reid Castell with the Lordschippis of Ros perte­ning [Page xxxv] thairto. And that the annexatiounis of thir lordschippis and Ca­stellis to the Crowne, mak na preiudice to our Souerane Lady the Quenis infeftment, that now is, anent the Lordschippis and Castellis assignit till hir dowrie be our Souerane Lord and the thre Estatis.

That nane resset Iames sumtyme Erle of Dowglas. Ca. xliiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na persoū of ony estate, resset, house, herbrie, support, or supplie be na maner of way Iames sumtyme Erle of Dowglas, his brether, complicis or ad­herance, vnder the pane of tinsall and forfatour of lyfe land and gudis, Ipso facto. And that na persounis gottin of thame that ar forfaute in this Parliament, succeid to ony heritageis in this Realme in tyme to cum [...].

That thair be na wardanis on the Bordowris maid in fee & heritage. Ca. xlv

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme to cum thair be na wardanis on the Bordowris maid in fee and he­ritage. And that the wardanis haue na power to knaw of the poyntis of tresoun, saifand the poyntis quhilkꝭ ar neidfull for the conseruatioun of the trewis. And swa that the wardane court intromet with nathing, that pertenis to the dittay of the Iustice Air.

That all Regaliteis being in the Kingis handis, be annexit to the Ryaltie. Ca. xlvi

ITEM That all Regaliteis that ar now in the Kingis handis, be an nexit to the Ryaltie. And that in tyme tocum, thair be na Regalities grantit without deliuerance of the Parliament.

That na office be geuin in fee and heritage in tyme tocum. Ca. xlvij.

ITEM That thair be na office in tyme tocum geuin in fee and heritage, and that the officis that ar geuin sen the deceis of our Souerane Lord that deid is, be reuokit and ad [...]ullit, exceptād the wardanry of the Merche, the quhilk our Souerane Lord hes geuin til his sone Alexāder Erle of Merche, & Lord of Annādirdail.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhair euer officis of custumis that ar reuokit, the quhilkis war grantir till ony persoun, that maid coist at the King thairfoir, it salbe recompāsit to thame, the proffeitis vptane thairof in the meintyme beand cōsidderit

¶ Quha bringis a fals cuinȝeour to the King sall haue x. pund. Ca. xlviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhat euer he be that arreistis a fals cuinȝeour, he beād taintit with the fal set, the said arreistar bringand him to the King, he sall haue x. pund for his trauell of the Kingis cofferis, and the escheit of him that he arreistis. And this act for thre ȝeiris to indure.

Of Sornaris. Ca. xlix.

ITEM Quhair euer Sornaris be ouertane in tyme tocum, that thay be deliuerit to the Kingis Schireffis, and [Page] that furthwith the Kingis Iustice do Law vpone thame as vpone a theif or reuar. &c.

That thair be xij. persounis vpone the secreit counsall of Burrowis. Ca. l.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, for the commoun proffeit of all Burrowis of the Realme, that thair be viij. or xij. personnis, efter the quantitie of the Towne, chosin of secreit counsall, and sworne thairto, the quhilkis sall decreit all maters of wrang and vnlaw within the Burgh, to the auale of v. pund or viij. pund with­in viij. dayis warning. Swa that in preiudice of the innocentis, the delayar haue not the priuilege of the processis of Law, bot vpone viij. dayis warning to be decidit be the said persounis.

Of ane Ambaxat to the Pape. Ca. lj.

ITEM It is ordanit, that thair pas ane Ambaxat to our halie father the Pape, for the obedience to be maid, and certane priuilegis to be purchest for the commoun gude of the Realme. And as anent the persounis that sall pas, thair expensis and instructi­ounis is referrit to our Souerane Lord the Kingis secreit counsall.

The maner of arraymentis for the Parliament. Ca. lij.

ITEM As tuiching the habitis of the Erlis, Lordis of Parliament, Commissionaris of Burrowis, and aduocatis, sall haue and vse at all Parliamentis and generall counsall tymes, It is statute and ordanit, that all Erlis sall vse mantillis of browne granit, oppin befoir, furrit with quhyte lyning, and lynit befoir out with ane hand braid to the belt steid, with the samin furring, with lytill hudꝭ of the samin claith, and to be vsit vpone thair schuldaris. And the vther Lordis of Parliament to haue ane mantill of reid, rychtswa oppinnit befoir, and lynit with silk, or furrit with cristy gray grece or purray, to­gidder with ane hude of the samin claith, furrit as said is. And all Cō ­missaris of Burrowis, ilk ane to haue ane pair of clokis of blew, furrit [...]ute syde, oppin on the rycht schuldar, furrit as effeiris, and with hudꝭ of the samin, as said is. And quhat Erl, Lord of Parliament, Cōmissionarꝭ of Burrowis, that enteris in Parliamēt or generall coūsall, but the said habit furrit, sall furthwith pay thairefter x. pūd to the King vnforgeuin. And that in ilk Burgh quhair Parliament or generall counsall salbe haldin, thair be ordanit quhair the bar vsis to stand, a sate of thre segis, ilk ane h [...]ear than vther, to the Commissaris to sit on, vnder the pane of x. pund to be rasit of the Towne, quhair the Parliamēt or generall coū ­sall salbe haldin, and the said segis vnmaid, als oft as thay ar haldin.

ITEM That all men that ar foirspeikaris for the coist, to haue Habitis of grene, of the fassoun of a Tunikill, and the [Page xxxvi] sleuis to be oppin as a Talbert. And quhilk of the foirspeikaris that wā tis it in y tyme of the said Parliamētis, or generall coūsallis, the said habites, and efterwartis speikis for meid, sall pay .v. pund to the King.

ITEM This Parliamēt be the King and the thre Estatis, is continewit to the xij. day of October nixt to cum, with continewatioun of dayis, and ordanit daylie to be continewit be certane persounis ordanit thairto.

ITEM PER Dominos trium Regni statuum in praedicto Parliamento congregatos decretum extitit & determinatum, quòd quia in Parliamento supremi Do. nostri Regis nuper in Praetorio Burgi de Edinburgh ten­to nono die Mensis Iunii An. Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Quinquagesimo Quinto, et certo dierum spacio continuato Iacobus olim Comes de Douglas, Iohannes Douglas olim de Baluany eius stater, & Beatrix dictorum Iacobi & Io­hannis mater contra Regem & Regnum perpetrarunt ac Anglicis in Regiae Maie­statis, quantum in eis est, laesionem & dispendium palam & notorie adhaeserūt, pro­ut de presenti adhaerent, ne igitur Regem & Regnum aut subditos & fideles Regis per ipsorum aut eis adhaerentium nepharias proditiones quouismodo laedi seu gra­uari contingat in futurum vnamini consensu & assensu omniū & singulorum Praela­torum, Procerum, Baronum, Burgorum Commissariorum, & Liberetenentium treis Regni Scotiae status in dicto Parliamento representātium ibidem decreue­runt, quòd nulla persona ligea seu sidelis Scotiae, cuiuscunque status gradus aut conditionis existat, scienter recipiat, supportet, aut suppleat quouismodo dictos Ia­cobum olim Comitem de Douglas, Iohannem Douglas olim de Baluany eius fratrem, Beatricem ipsorum Iacobi & Iohannis matrem homines seruientes, seu eis adhaerentes, vel eorum aliquem, aut eis vel alicui eorum hospitium, auxil [...]um, seu iuuamen quouismodo praebeat in futurū sub pena proditionis, necnon forisfacturae vitae terrarum & bonorum ipso facto. Et quod nulla persona de quacunque perso­narum praedictarum in dicto Parliamento forisfacta genita vel generanda quascun­que hereditates, dominia, terras seu possessiones in Regno Scotiae successiones fu­turis temporibus quouismodo valeant vendicare. Et dicti Domini vnanimi consensu & assensu decreuerunt presens actum pro perpetuo robora firma habere.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTIS­SIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI METVENDIS­simi Domini Iacobi Secundi dei gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum apud Striuiling xiij. die Mensis Octobris Anno Do. Mille. Quadrin. Quad [...]a. Quinto, congregatis tribus Regni statibus.

¶ The maner of taikning, for bailis making. Ca. liij.

ITEM It is sene speidfull, that thair be coist maid at the eist passage, betuix Roxburgh & Berwyk. And that it be walkit at certane fuirdis, the quhilkis gif mister be, sall mak taikningꝭ be bailis birning & fyre. In the first, a baill to be maid at Hume, be the walkaris at that fuird, quhair it may be sene at Hume. And als that y samin persounis may cum to hume in proper persoun, and thair bailis to be maid in this maner. Ane baill is warning of thair cumming, quhat power that euer thay be of. Twa bailis togidder at anis, thay ar [Page] cummin in deid foure bailis, ilk ane besyde vther, and all at anis as iiij. candillis salbe suithfast knawlege, that thay ar of greit power and me­nis far as to Hadingtowne, Dumbar, Dalkeith, or thairby. The samin talkningis to be watchit and maid at Eggerhop Castell fra thay see the fyre of Hume, that thay fyre rychtswa. And in lyke maner on Soltre ege sall se the fyre of Eggerhop Castell, and mak taikning in lyke maner. And than may all Louthyane be warnit, and in speciall the Castell of Edinburgh, and thair foure fyris to be maid in lyke ma­ner, that thay in Fyfe, and fra Striuiling eist, and the eist part of Lou­thyane, and to dumbar all may see thame and cum to the defence of the Realme. And thay will not be sleuthfull thame self, for to be warnit of thir fyris, thay sall wit of thair cumming ouer Tweid, and than con­siddering thair far passage, we sall god willing be als sone reddy as thay, and all pepill be west Edinburgh, to draw to Edinburgh, and fra Edinburgh eist to Hadingtoun. And all Merchandis of Burrowis to persew the eist quarter quhair it passis, and at Dunpenderlaw and Northberwyklaw Bailis to be brint in forme befoir writtin, for war­ning of the sey coist. And gif ony Scottisman dois ony tresoun, that is to say, warnis of the ryding of ane hoist, or ony Scottismā to do harme in Ingland, or to Inglismen, and that may oppinly be knawin vpone him, he sall haue furthwith the commoun Law, and be hangit & draw­in, and his gudis escheit to the King.

Of persounis sclanderit or suspect of tresoun. Ca. liiij.

ITEM Gif ony persoun or persounis be sclanderit or suspect of tresoun, thay salbe tane and remaine in firmance, and thair gudis vnder sure borrois, quhill the tyme thay haue tholit ane assyse, quhether thay be quyte or foule.

That nane pas in Ingland in tyme of weir. Ca. lv.

ITEM That na man pas into Ingland without leif of the King, the wardane, or of thame he geuis power to in that part, in tyme of weir, vnder the pane of tresoun.

That na Inglisman cum in Scotland without conduct. Ca. lvj.

ITEM Gif ony Inglisman cummis in the kinrik of Scotlād, to Kirk, mercat, or ony vther place but cōduct or assouerance of the King, the wardane, or thame y power hes, he salbe lauchfull presonar to quhat persoun, that lykis to tak him. Item gif ony Scottis­man bring in ony Inglisman, or meitis thame at ony tryistis not power hauand, thay salbe takin, and put in firmance, thair gude takin & arreistit to the tyme, that thay be punist at the Kingis will and the wardanis. [Page xxxvii] Item that na Scottisman sit vpone na speciall assouerance of ony Inglisman, but leif of the King or the wardane, vnder the pane of tre­soun.

That na Scottisman supplie Berwyk or Roxburgh. Ca. lvij.

ITEM That na Scottismā supplie Berwyk nor Roxburgh, with na victuall fewell, nor nane vther supportatioun, vnder the pane of tresoun. And quhen the wardane rydis, or ony vther chiftane and with him greit fellowschip or small, that nane gang away with na maner of gude quhill it be thriddit, and partit befoir the chif­tane, as vse and custume is of the Merchis, vnder the pane of tresoun, and to be hangit and drawin, and his gudis escheit.

¶ That na man reif na maner of gudis nor presonar. Ca. lviij.

ITEM That na man reif ane vther na maner of gudis, nou­ther presonar nor vther, quhilkis thay ar in possessioū of, in Inglis [...]ird, or in Scottis, vnder the pane of deid. &c.

That nane rais affray in the hoste wilfully. Ca. lix.

ITEM Gif ony man ras [...]s affray in the hoist in wilfull maner with­outin cause, salbe accusit of tresoun.

ITEM It is statute, that quhair sa euer ony raidis ar maid in Ingland, that thir said statutis be deliuerit to the heidismen. And that thay oppinly gar thame be maid knawin till all thame that passis with thame, that nane of thame may haue essonȝie or excusatioun of negligence.

The King sall tak inquisitioun of all Sornaris and oppressouris of his liegis. Ca. lx.

ITEM The King sall tak inquisitioun, quhair he cummis till ony heid Burgh of the cuntrie, gif thair be ony within the Schire of Sornaris, or oppressouris of the Kingis liegis, or the pure pepill, or disobeyaris of his letters, and thay persounis the King sall punis as effeiris.

¶ Of garnisounis to be laid vpone the Bordowris. Ca. lxj.

ITEM As tuiching the laying of garnisonnis vpon the Bordowris, It is auisit and ordanit be our Souerane Lord and thre Estatis, that thair be laid in garnisounis, that is to say, twa hundreth speiris, twa hundreth bowis, vpone the eist and middill Merchis, and vpone the west Merchis to be laid ane hundreth speiris [Page] and ane hundreth bowis. And for the making and finding of thair ex­pensis, thair salbe furthwith writtin letters to all the Schireffis to send in writ to our Souerane Lord the namis of all and sindrie the Lordis, Barronis, and frehaldars, alsweill dwelland within the boundis of Regaliteis as Ryalteis, and the auale of ilk man, thair landis, tentis, possessiounis, and the auale of thair mouabill gudis, als neir as can be estemit. And thairefter the Lordis, that sall sit, efter the cumming of the said writtis fra the Schireffis sall auise how mony ilk Lord and frehaldaris sall find, quhen, and quhair. And thay that ar neir hand the Bordowris ar ordanit to haue gude houshaldis and weill abilȝeit men, as effeiris. And to be reddy at thair principall place and to pas with the wardanis, quhan, and quhair thay salbe chargit. &c.

CONSILIVM generale excellentissimi Principis & Do. nostri Do. Iacobi Secundi Dei gratia Regis Scotorum tentum apud Edinburgh & inchoatum ibidem xix. dic Mensis Octobris Anno Do [...] Millesimo Quadringentesimo Quin­quagesimo sexto, congregatis tribus Regni statibus. &c.

Statutis belangand weir and the defens of the Realme. Ca. lxij.

ITEM As to the first article, quhair it speikis of the deliue­rance and decreit, that the King should gif anentis de­baitis betuix diuers persounis of the Realme of the taking of presonaris in winning of towris and fortalicis, that article is referrit to the Bar­ronis. For the decisioun thairof pertenis to thame. For thay haue expe­rience thairof. Item as to the secund article tuiching the supplie of the Bordowris, the prouisioun of the defence of the Realme agane the so­mer saisoun, the Estatis thinkis, that the Bordowris misters not same­kill supplie, as thay did in the tyme this mater was laid to the King, and at thay may this ȝeir, god belouit, defend thame self better, than fern­ȝer for diuers causis: First that thay ar better cornit, than thay war fernȝer, and thair ennimeis war cornit. Secundly thay haue speciali­tie and peax at the leist of twa Bordowris, quhill Candilmes. On the west Bordowris in winter dayis is se [...]dil skaith. And the Clergy presumis thair may be specialtie gottin to thame, and it be desyrit. And trowis the Inglismen will als far consent till a specialtie fra Candil­mes till wedder dayis, as thay do now till Candilmes, considderand als the Inglismen hes had this somer bygane and traistis till haue this somer to cum surfat coist and trauell, and thay be not suppleit baith in winter weir and be reddy to the somer weir. And all thingis cōsidderit, thay haue had mekill mair trauell & chargis of weir in this somer by­gane, than the Bordowraris had. Thairfoir thay think the Bordow­raris sould be content at this tyme. And quhen ony greit ouerset is lyke to cum on the Bordowraris, thay think the inlandis men sould be red­dy in thair suppli [...].

[Page xxxviii] ITEM It is ordanit, that all maner of man, that hes land or gudis, be reddy horsit and geirit, and efter the faculte of his landis and gudis, for the defence of the Realme, at the comman­dement of the Kingis letters be bailis or outhornis. And quha sa beis not, he will be punist in his persoun and gudis. And that all maner of man betuix sextie and sextene be reddy on thair best auise to cum to the Bordowris, and defend the land, quhen ony wittering cummis of the incumming of ane greit Inglis hoist. And at na pure man, na vnbodin be chargeit, to cum to ony raidis in Ingland. And that ilk man, that his gudis extendis to xx. merkis, be bodin at the leist with a Iak, with sleuis to the hand, or splentis, and ane prikit hat, a sworde, & a bucklar, a bow, and a scheif, gif he can get it. And gif he can not, to haue and ax and ane targe outher of ledder or of fyrne buird with twa bandis vpon the bak. And throwout all the Schiris thay be warnit to prouide for sic thingis, and to cum to mak thair wapinschawingꝭ befoir the Schir­effis, Baillies, or Stewartꝭ of the Regalitie on the morne efter the law dayis efter Ȝule. And quha that cummis not bodin, as effeiris, efter his faultis to be punist in his gudis. And swa furth thair wapinschaw ingis to be maid and continewit fra .xxx. dayis to .xxx. dayis.

ITEM It is thocht speidfull, that the King mak requeist to certane of the greit Burrowis of the land that ar of ony mycht to mak cartis of weir, and in ilk cart twa gunnis, and ilk ane to haue twa chalmers, with the remanent of the graith, that effe­ris thairto, and ane cunnand man to schute thame. And gif thay haue na craft in the schuting of thame, as now, thay may leir, or the tyme cum, that will be neidfull to thame.

ITEM as to the thride article belāgand the sending to Frāce, the thre Estatis thinkis it sufficiently preuidit at this tyme anentis the mater. For thay ar content of the letters and instruc­tiounis, that ar past.

The reule for the Pestilence. Ca. lxiij.

ITEM As to the feird article belangand the pestilence and gouernance of it. The Clergy thinkis, that thair sould na mā to lād nor to Burgh, that hes gudis to serue him self & his mein­ȝie, be put out of his awin hous, les than he will not remane, na will not be closit vp in his awin hous. And gif he disobeyis his neichtbourꝭ in that caise, he sall be compellit to pas out of the towne. And gif thair war ony persounis, that had na gudis, to find thame self, put furth of ony towne, thay of the towne sould find thame, & not lat thame pas away fra the place, that thay war depute to remane, to fyle the countrie about thame. And gif ony sic put out of the towne wald steill away, thay of y towne, that put him out, sould gar follow him, and bring him agane, & compell him to remane, and punis him for his away passing. And that [Page] na man birne ane vthers hous, bot gif it mycht be done but hindering or skaith of his Neichbouris. And at the Prelatis mak generall processiounis throwout thair dioceis twyis in ilk oulk for stanching of the Pestilence, and grant perdone to the Preistis, that gais in processioun.

The money and the gold cryit heichar. Ca. lxiiij.

ITEM As to the article belangand the money, it is statute, y the ordinance in the Parliament maid of befoir auent the inbringing of Bulȝeoun be better punist and keipit, than it hes bene in tymes bygane. And that thair be money of vther cuntreis cryit till haue cours in the Realme, sic as the Henry Nobillis of pace to be cryit to xxij.s. The Salute, the Rydar, the Crowne, the Dolphin to .xi.s. the Rens Gudling to .viij.s. And to the intent, that the Demyis, that at keipit in hand, haue cours and cum out throw the Realme, and syne to remane in the Realme, and not to be had out of it, it is thocht expedi­ent, that the Demy be cryit to .x.s. And the new Lyon to haue cours for .x.s. as it hes. And the new grot to .xij. d. notwithstanding that it was ordanit to haue cours for .viij. d. fra certane tyme furth. And the vj. d. grot till haue cours, as it hes. And at thair be cuinȝeit of ilk pund in small pennyis a schilling. And at the wardane se [...], at that be done to the [...]ynnes of the mater, that is cuinȝeit, as he will answer thairfoir. And that the Inglis grot, and half grot, and penny haue cours, as thay had of befoir. And that the Lordis and auditouris of the Checker eir­nistly purway & examin the [...]ynnes baith of gold and siluer, the quhilk is presentit to thame vpone the Checker in a buist be the wardanis of the cuinȝie. And that the cuinȝeouris vnder the pane of deid nouther cuinȝie Demy, nor vther that is cryit till haue cours in the land, nor ȝit vj. d. grotis.

¶ Of ministering of Iustice and Sessionnis halding. Ca. lxv.

ITEM As to the article belangand Iustice, the King thinkis the article is weill maid of the self, and beseikis our Souerane Lord to gar it be continewit & execute. And that furthwith the Lordis be chargit to begin and sit in sum clene place, and minister Iustice, and decyde cōplaintis efter the tennour of the actis. And that thay be sworne in the Kingis presence, to minister the law iustly & euin­ile. And thir ar the persounis. Item the first Moneth for the Clergy, the Bischop of Dunkeldin, the Abbot of Paslay, the Abbot of Mel [...]os. For the Barronis the Lord Grahame, Schir Patrik Hepburne, the Laird of Carnbee. For the Commissaris of Burrowis Williame of Cranstoū of Edinburgh, Robert Narne of Striuiling, and Robert Marser of Perth. The secund Moneth for the Clergy the Bischop of Brechin, the Abbot of Dumferinling, the Abbot of Lundoris. For the Barronis the Lord Abirnethy, the Laird of Calderwod, Schir Robert of Leuing­stoun. [Page xxxix] For the Commissaris of Burrowis Williame Bonar of Sanctā ­dros, Dauid Spalding of Dundie, & Thomas Andersoun of Couper. Third Moneth for the Clergy, the Bischop of Murray, the Abbot of Halyrudhous, the Dene of Murray Clerk of the Register. For the Bar­ronis the Lord Lyndsay of the Byris, the Laird of Murthly, and the Constabill of Dundie. For the Commissaris of Burrowis Iohne of Mar, Iohne of Fyfe of Abirdene, Iohne of Aytoun of Hadintoun. And the Lordis thinkis speidfull that thir Lordis begin to sit on the Mo­nounday the .viij. day of Nouember in Edinburgh. And all causis that can not be red at this tyme be the auditouris of cōplaintis, to be conti­newit to that day but preiudice of partie. And fra Edinburgh to pas quhair the auditouris thinkis maist speidfull.

Of Fairis. Ca. lxvj.

ITEM As tuiching the complaintis maid be the Commis­saris of Burrowis of the Realme, that pure cōmounꝭ ar gretumly iniurit and oppressit be the Kingis Schireffis, Constabilꝭ, & thair ministers in tymis of Fairis takand distressis of thair gudis of lytill quantitie, quhilk thay bring on thair heidis, or thair bakis, or in thair armis, in lyke maner of Kerris, sleddis, and smnall tymmer, it is sene speidfull, that of sic gudis of lytill quantitie or price, na distres be tane in tyme tocum for auld vse & custume. The Schireffis sould haue, bot the best ox or kow or vnriddin hors, quhilkis ar stallit, and brotht to sell. Item of greit stallis of Merchandice, quhilkis cummis on hors bakis or couerit cramis, that occupyis the Fairis, of the quhilkis thay haue vse to tak thair distres for the continewatioun of Fairis, the quhilk di­stres aw to be deliuerit agane at the court of the fair, gif the persoun hes done na defalt nor distrublin in the fair.

¶ Of the downe laying of Constabill feis. Ca. lxvij.

ITEM quhair the Constabill deputis and his ministers in the tyme of the Sessioun and generall counsall and Parliament takis distressis for Constabill feis of all maner of gudis, greit and small, that cummis to the mercat to sell baith merchandice and victuall, it is sene speidfull, that, that vse be laid downe and forbiddin in tyme tocum, bot gif the Constabillis feftment beir him till it, and the thre Estatis all in the nixt Parliament or generall counsall. And that in the meintyme the Constabill ceis. For thair can na Law be fundin according to that vse.

ITEM It is sene speidfull, that restitutioun be maid of vic­tuallis, that passis to Berwyk, Roxburgh, and Ing­land vnder sic panis, as effeiris.

[Page] PARLIAMENTVM EXCEL LENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI METV­endissimi Do. Iacobi Secundi Dei gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh sexto die Mensis Martij Anno Do. Millesimo Qua­dringentesimo Quinquagesimo septimo comparentibus tribus statibus. &c.

Of Sessiounis haldin▪ and the Schiref to be neir thairby. Ca. lxviij.

INPRIMIS As to the article of the Sessioū it is sene spe [...]dfull to the King and the thre Estatis, y it be continewit to the nixt Parliamēt in maner as efter followis, that is to say, the Lordis of the Ses­sioun sall sit thryis in the ȝeir, ilk tyme .xl. dayis, in thir thre placis, Edinburgh, Perth, and Abirdene. The number of the persounis, that sall sit salbe .ix. hauand power and voittis in the deliuerance of causis, of ilk estate thre, and the Clerk of the Register. The Sessioun now nixt to begin & hal­din at Abirdene the .xv. day of Iunij and contenand .xl. dayis. The se­cund Sessioun to begin in Perth thairefter the .v. day of October, and continew vther .xl. dayis. The thride Sessioun to begin in Edinburgh the .xiij. day of Februar nixt thairefter, and to continew .xl. dayis. The Lordis, that ar chosin to the first Sessioun in Abirdene ar thir. The Bischop of Ros, or Cathnes, or Murray, the Abbot of Deir Dene Da­uid Bain, and Maister walter Idill for the Clergy. The Erle of Errol, the Lord Glammis and the Lord Forbes for the Barronis. Iohne of Fyfe, Androw Meinȝeis, and walter Thomsoun of Innernes for the Burrowis. The Lordis that sall sit in the secund Sessioun in Perth. The Bischop of Dunkeldin, the Abbot of Lundoris, the Archedene of Sanctandros for the Clergy. The Lord Gray, Patrik of Rettray, Thomas Abircrumby of that ilk, for the Barronis. Archabald Stew­art, Robert Marser, & Dauid Spalding for the Burrowis. The Lordꝭ for the thrid Sessioun in Edinburgh to be haldin, the Bischop of Glasgow, or Galloway, or ane vther Bischop, the quhilk the King sal charge thairto, the Abbot of Halyrudhous, the Prouest of Linclowden for the Clergy. The Lord Lyndsay, & the Lord Hailis for the Barronis. Wil­liame of Cranstoun, Alexander Neper, and Robert Narne for the Bur­rowis. And that the Schiref of the Schire, that the Lordis sittis in, be reddy by thame for the tyme of thair sitting till vndergang sic charge, as thay sall put till him, togidder with a Maser to minister in his office. The causis that the Lordis of Sessioun sall sit vpone. In the first all spoliatioun done fra the first day of Ianuar the ȝeir of our Lord. &c. xlix because that the act of spoliatioun was maid that ȝeir. And all v­ther spoliatioun, that salbe done induring the ȝeiris and termis of the halding of the Sessioun.

Quhat power the Lordis of Sessioun sall haue. Ca. lxix.

ITEM The saidis Lordis of the Sessioun sall haue power to knaw and decyde all spoliatiounis maid fra the day of the coronatioun of our Souerane Lord the King, to the said first day of Ianuar, for the space of a ȝeir tocum. The quhilk ȝeir gane and outrun, all sic spoliatiounis maid befoir the said first day of Ianuar, sal­be decydit and determinit befoir the Iuge ordinar of the Realme, the Lordis of the Sessioun hauand na power to knaw vpone thame efter [...]he said ȝeir be outruunin. The quhilkis actiounis of spolȝie consistis in twa maners, the first is spoliatioū of mouabill gudis, nouther tuich­ing fee nor heritage, the quhilk indifferentlie salbe decydit befoir the Lordis of y e Sessioun. The Secund spoliatioū, that is to say, done be­cause of landis or possessioūis debatabill, or groundit on fee & heritage, and vpone that spoliatioun the Lordis of the Sessioun sall ꝓceid thus, that is to say, quhen the partie spolȝeit compleinȝeis befoir the Lordis of the Sessioun on ony persoun, the Lordis sall call the Schiref, and furthwith sall gar restoir the ground without preiudice of ony partie, [...]uichand that fee and heritage, and recognis the landis in the Kingis handis, vpone the quhilk spoliatioun is maid, vnto the tyme thay be lousit be the King, And the King to mak inquisitioun be tane be the Schiref, quha was last lauchfull possessour of thay landis. And that inquisitioun to retoure agane to the King, and thairefter lat thame to brogh to that last lauchfull possessour of thay landis. And als thay saidis Lordꝭ sall knaw vpone all spoliatiounis of takkis and malingis. And alswa to knaw vpone all obligatiounis, contractis, and all maner of dettis, and vther ciuile actiounis, the quhilkis concernis nouther fee nor heritage. And the parteis compleinȝeand to haue full fredome to follow thair actioūis befoir the saidꝭ Lordis or thair ordinar iuge. And for till eschew malitious vexatiounis of ony partie followand or defen­dand befoir the Sessiounis, the saidis Lordis sall furthwith gar the expensis be payit to the partie wrangously wexit be the modificatioun of the said Lordis.

¶ The maner how the cause sall be broch [...] befoir the Lordis. Ca. lxx.

THE maner as the cause salbe brocht befoir the Lordꝭ of the Sessioū is this. The Schireffis of the Schiris, quhair the said Lordis sall sit, salbe now warnit to proclame in ilk ane of thir placis thre Moneth of befoir the Sessioun to be haldin at dayis and place befoir writtin. And gif ony persounis hes ony actiounis to follow, he sall warne thame to pas to the Kingis Cha­pell and rais Summoundis peremptour vpone .xl. dayis, and call his partie befoir the Lordis of the Sessioun, the quhilkꝭ sall minister thame [Page] Iustice, as effeiris. And this Summoundis to be vnderstand vpone actiounis done befoir the proclame of this Sessioun. The partie sall answer peremptourlie vpone schortar tyme, efter as he beis Sum­mound, swa that the tyme of the Summoundis extend to xv. dayis. And gif ony actioun pertening to the said Lordis knawlege be conti­newit in the tyme of the said Sessioun in the Schire quhair the Sessi­oun sittis be ony persounis, thay persounis to be arreistit furthwith with a Maser, and Iustice to be done thairupone, as effeiris. And all vther causis pertening to the knawlege of the said Lordis salbe vtter­lie decydit, and determinit be thame, but ony remeid of appellatioun to the King or the Parliament. And quhat persoun, that euer purchessis a Summoundis vpone his partie, and he haue ony preuis to leid, that he rais than a Summoundis vpone his preuis, and bring thame with him to the Sessioun, as he will be seruit.

ITEM As tuiching the expensis of the Lordis befoir writtin, and the placis that thay sall sit in, and the greit gude of the Realme considderit, the Lordis of the thre Estatis thinkis, that the saidis Lordis of the Sessioun of thair awin beneuolence sould beir thair awin coistis, considering the schortnes of the tyme of thair sit­ting, the quhilk is bot .xl. dayis, and perauenture in vij. ȝeir not to cum agane to thame. And to support sum part of thair expensis, thay sal haue the Kingis vnlaw of thair awin court, the quhilk sall be .xl.s. vnfor­geuin, to be deuidit betuix thame, and the Clerk of the Register be euin­lie portiounis.

ITEM The said thre Sessiounis endit, our Souerane Lord and his counsall ordanit and nemmit vther Lordis to sit at tymes and placis sene speidfull to him & his said counsall, vnto the tyme of the nixt Parliament, with sic lyke power, as thay had be­foir.

Of wapinschawing. Ca. lxxj.

ITEM It is decretit and ordanit, that the wapinschawingꝭ be haldin be the Lordis and Barronis spirituall and temporall, foure tymis in the ȝeir. And that the futball and golf be vt­terly cryit downe, and not to be vsit. And that the bow markis be maid, at ilk paroche Kirk a pair of buttis. And schuting be vsit ilk Sonday. And that ilk man schute .vj. schottis at the leist, vnder the pane to be rasit vpone thame, that cummis not at the leist .ij. d. to be geuin to thame that cummis to the bow markis to drink. And this to be vsit fra Pasche till Alhallowmes efter. And be the nixt midsomer to be reddy with al thair graith without failȝie. And that thair be a vow­ [...]x and a [...]egear in ilk heid towne of the Schire. And at the towne [...]urneis him of [...] and graith, efter as neidis him thairto, that thay [Page xli] may serue the cuntrie with. And as tuiching the futball and the golf to be punist be the Barronis vnlaw, and gif he takis not the vnlaw, that it be takin be the Kingꝭ Officiaris. And gif the parochin be mekill, that thair be thre or foure or fyue bow markis in sic placis, as ganis thair­foir. And that all man, that is within fyftie and past .xij. ȝeiris sall vse schuting.

The prouisioun for the money. Ca. lxxij.

ITEM As to the money, thir ar the Lordis, that ar chosin thairupone, the Bischoppis of Murray, Ros, Cath­nes, the Abbot of Dumfermling, the Abbot of Halyrudhous, Maister Patrik Ȝoung, the Lord Grahame, the Lord Lyndsay, the Lord Hā ­miltoun, the Laird of Cranstoun, Iohne of Da [...]rympill, Archibald Stewart, Alexander Naper, George of Faulow, and Iohne of Fyfe. And thir persounis to be chargi [...] with the Kingis letters to compeir in the tyme of the nixt Checker in the place quhair the Checker is haldin, or ony vther place sene speidfull till our Souerane Lord to commoun vpone the mater of the money for the proffeit of the Realme. And in the m [...]intyme it is sene speidfull, that the striking of the cuinȝie ceis, quhill vther prouisioun be maid thairof.

Of fals Goldsmythis. Ca. lxxiij.

ITEM As anent the reformatioun of gold and siluer wrocht be goldsmythis and to eschew the dissauing done to the Kingis liegis, thair salbe ordanit in ilk Burgh, quhair goldsmythis wirckis ane vnderstandand and a cu [...]nand man of gude conscience, quhilk salbe Dene of the craft. And quhen the wark is brocht to the goldsmyth, and it be gold, quhat gold that beis brocht till him, he sall gif it furth agane in work na war, na .xj. granis. And the said gold­smyth sall tak his wark or he giue it furth, and pas to the Dene of the craft, and gar him examin, that it be sa fyne as is befoir writtin. And the said Dekin sall set his mark and takin thairto, togidder with the said goldsmythis. And gif fault be fundin thairin efterwartis, the Dene [...]oirsaid and goldsmythis gudis salbe in escheit to the King, and thair lyffis at the Kingis will. And the said Dene sall haue to his fee of ilk vnce wrocht .j. d. And quhair thair is na goldsmythtis, bot ane in a towne, he sall schaw that wark takinnit with his awin mark to the heid Officiaris of the towne, quhilkis sall haue a mark in lyke maner ordanit thairfoir, and salbe set to the said wark. And quhat goldsmyth, that geuis furth his wark vtherwayis, than is befoir writtin, his gudꝭ salbe confiskit to the King, and his lyfe at the Kingis will.

That na Litstar by claith to sell. Ca. lxxiiii.

[Page] ITEM It is sene speidfull, that lit be cryit vp, and vsit, as it was wont to be. And at na listar be draper, nor by claith to sell agane, nor ȝit tholit thairto vnder the pane of escheit. &c.

That na persou [...] saill without thre Serpaith of gudis. Ca. lxxv.

ITEM Anent the estate of Merchandice, and restrictioun of the multitude of salaris, it is sene speidfull be the estate of Clergy and the Barronis, and statute be the King, that thair saill na personis, bot habill and of gude fame, and that he haue at the leist thre serplaithis of his awin gudis, or els the aua [...]e thairof commit­tit till him. And at the saillaris in Merchandice be [...] men of Bur­rowis, i [...]dwellaris within Burgh. &c.

¶ The habitis for Lordis of Sessioun and men of Law. Ca. lxxvj.

ITEM As anent the habitis of Erlis, Lordis of Parliamēt, Commissionaris of Burrowis and men of Law, it is sene speidfull, that thay be maid and vsit efter the tennour of the act maid thairupon. And that the King mak a patroun of ilk habit, and all the laif to be maid thairefter.

Personnis chosin for the reformatioun of hospitallis. Ca. lxxvij.

ITEM As anent the reformatioun of hospitallis, it is sene speidfull, that our Souerane Lord charge his Chan­cellar, quhilk of Law aw to vis [...]e, the hospitallis foundit be Kingis, and thay iune to him, the ordinar of ilk diocy, and vthers twa persounꝭ of gude conscience to visee the said hospitallis. And quhair thay can ge [...] the fundatiounis of thame, to gar thame be keipit. And quhai [...] na fun­datioun can be gottin, to mak inquisitioun of the cuntrie, and refer to the King to see the remeid thairfoir. And this to be put to executioun, and to be don [...] betuix this and Martimes. Thir ar the persounis, that salbe iunit to the Chancellar, the ordinar of the diocy of Sanctandros, Robert of Leuingstoun, & the Archidene of Sanctandros. In the dio­cy of Glasgow, the Lord of Ellyotstoun, the Archidene of Glasgow. In the diocy of Dunkeldin, the Dene of Dunkeldin, and Thomas A­bircrumby. In the diocy of Brechin, Schir Iohne Ogilwy, & the Dene of Brechin. In the diocy of Abirdene, the Lord Forbes, the Abbot of Deir. In the diocy of Murray the Lord Duthous, the Abbot of Kin­los. In Galloway the Lord Maxwell, and Maister Iohne Oliuer. In Ros the Chancellar of Ros, and Williame Vrquhard in Crumba­thye. And for the laif of the dioceis the Chancellar, and quhame he will tak with him.

¶ Of coistly cleithing, and at na woman cum to the Kirk mussallit. Ca. lxxviij.

ITEM That sen the Realme in ilk estate is gretumly purit throw sumptuous cleithing, baith of men & wemen, [Page xlii] and in speciall within Burrowis & cōmounis of landwart, the Lordis thinkis speidfull; that restrictioun be maid thairof in this maner, that na man within Burgh that leuis be Merchādice, bot gif he be a persoū constitute in dignitie, as Alderman, Baillie, or vther gude worthy mē, that ar of the counsall of the towne, and thair wyfis weir claithꝭ of silk, nor costly scarlettis in gownis or furringis with mertrikis. And y t thay mak thair wyfis and douchters in lyke maner be abilȝeit ganand and correspondand for thair estate, that is to say, on thair heidis schort courchis, w t lytil hudis, as ar vsit in Flanders, Ingland, and vther cuntreis. And as to thair gownis, that na wemē weir mertrikis nor letteis, nor tailis vnsittin lenth nor furrit vnder, bot on the haly day. And in lyke maner the Barronis, and vther pure gentill men, & thair wyfis, that ar within .xl. pund of auld extent. And as anent the commounis, that na laubouraris, nor husband mē weir on the wark day bot gray, & quhite, and on the haly day bot lycht blew, grene, reid, & thair wyfis rychtswa, and courcheis of thair awin making, and that it exceid not the price of xl. d. the elne. And that na woman cum to Kirk, nor mercat with hir face mussallit, or couerit, that scho may not be kend, vnder the pane of escheit of the courchie. And as to the Clerkis, that nane [...] gownis of scarlat, nor furring of mertrikis, bot gif he be ane persoū constitute in dignitie in cathederale or College Kirk, or els; that he may spend [...] hundreth merkis, or greit Nobillis, or doctouris. And this to be now pro­clamit▪ and put to executioun be the first day of Maij, vnder the pane of escheit of the habit, that is to say, of the clerkis be the ordinar Iug [...], and the lai [...] be the Kingis Officiaris. Item it is sene speidfull, that Iustice Airis be haldin, & continewit ȝeirly throwout the Realme [...]or gude of y commounis.

A Lord, Prelat, Barrone and frehalder may set in feuferme. Ca. lxxix.

ITEM As anent feuferme, the Lordis thinkis speidfull, that the King begin and gif exempill to the laif. And quhat Prelat, Barrone, or frehalder, that can accord with his tennent vpone setting of feuferme of his a win lād in all or in part, our Souerane Lord sall ratifie & approue the said assedatioun, sa that gif the tenandry hap­pinnis to be in waird in the Kingis handꝭ, the said tennent sall remane with his feuferme vnremouit, payand to the King siclyke ferme indu­ring the waird, as he did to the Lord, sa that it be set till a competent auale without preiudice to the King.

¶ That the fredomis of Regalis be keipit, and nane abusit in preiudice of the Kingis Lawis. Ca. lxxx.

ITEM As to the Regalis, it is statute and ordanit, that all priuilegis and fredomes be keipit, as thay ar foundit. And gif ony haue and Regall, abuse it in preiudice of the Kingis Lawis & breking of the cuntrie, that thay be punist be the King & be the Law, as effeiris.

That na persounis be tholit to beg betuix xiiij. and .lxx. ȝeiris. Ca. lxxxj.

ITEM It is sene speidfull and statute, that na beggar be tholit to beg nouther within Burgh, nor to land betuix xiiij. and. lxx. ȝeiris, bot thay be sene be auise of the commounis of the cuntrie, that thay may not win thair leuing vtherwayis. And thay that sa beis fundin, haue a certane taikin to landwart of the Schiref, and in Burrowis of Alderman and Baillies, vnder the pane of birning on the cheik, and banissing of the cuntrie, and that to be done be the Schir­effis to land, and Alderman and Baillies to Burgh.

¶ Ane vniuersall mesour to be maid and a standart. Ca. lxxxij.

ITEM Anent mettis and mesouris, it is sene speidfull, that sen we haue bot a King and a Law vniuersall throw out the Realme, we sould haue bot a met and mesour generall to ser­ue all the Realme, that is to say, ane pynt, a quart, quhilk was geuin be the ordinance of the thre estatis, Schir Iohne Forstar that tyme beand Chalmerlane into the Burgh of Striuiling, as for the standart, thay to remane vniuersally throwout the Realme. And the firlot salbe maid thairefter, that is to say, ilk firlot sall contene .xviij. pyntis of the samin mesour round and in lyke wyde vnder and abone, the twa buirdis cōtenand euin ouer in thicknes ane inche and a half, & the breid ouer within the buirdis .xvj. inche and a half. And the half firlot and peck to follow in the samin kynde. And of thir said mesouris, that is to say, pynt, quart, and firlot, salbe maid new .iij. standartis, ane to be send till Abirdene, ane vther to Perth, and the thrid till Edinburgh, to remane, and now to be proclamit thair fra the feist of Sanct Michaell nixt tocum, that thay mesouris, pynt, quart, and firlot haue cours, and nane vthers. Swa that in the meintyme all maner of persounis, that thinkis till vse the said mesouris, may get thame beand brint and seillit with the seillis of thay steidis, as thay will vse, and be seruit thairefter. And gif ony persounis efter the said termis vsis vther mesouris, than thir, & thair may be taint gottin thairof be the dittay, or vtherwayis, thay sall pay the vnlaw of the Chalmerlane Air dowbill. And gif ony man be foundit of auld or of new fermis of vther mesouris, than arabone writtin, thair fundatioun sall stand in effect, and the mesour of thair fundatioun salbe proportionit to this mesure, that now is, swa that the samin quantitie sall remane with the geuar and the ressauar, but preiudice of ony of thame.

Of Remissiounis, gif the partie be not content. Ca. lxxxiij.

ITEM Anent the contentatioun of parteis compleinȝeand of diuers persounis, quhilkꝭ hes remissioūis of the King, it is sene speidfull for ony party, quhair of it is pleinȝeit, & allegis till his remissioun as for spolȝie of gudis, outher be thift, or reif, the partie allege [Page xliii] and till his remissioun sall find sicker borrois, to content the partie compleinȝeand within .xl. dayis nixt followand. And gif he dois not, he sall remane in the Kingis presoun, quhill the said .xl. dayis be runnin, & than his remissioun to be expyrit, and of na valew. And as of actiounis com­mittit in tymis bygane, the partie compleinȝeand sall haue recours to y Lordis of the Sessioun, the quhilkis sall haue power to gar thame be restorit efter the tennour of the act of spoliatioū maid thairupone: or gif it plesis the partie to follow to the feird Air efter the auld vse & custume. And thairefter gif the partie be not content, his remissioun to be expy­rit, and of nane auale, as is foirsaid. &c.

Of Chalmerlane Airis. Ca. lxxxiiij.

ITEM Anent the reformatioun of Chalmerlane Airis, be the quhilk all the estatis, and specially the pure cōmounis ar sairly greuit, the Lordis in the name of the thre Cstatis exhortis our Souerane Lord at it pleis him with the said counsall of the thre Esta­tis beand now present to haue pietie and considderatioun of the mony and greit inconuenientis, that fallis vpone his pure liegis thairthrow, and of his grace to prouyde suddane remeid and reformatioun thairof.

That na frehalder be constreinȝeit to the Parliament, bot he be of .xx. pund worth of land. Ca. lxxxv.

ITEM The Lordis thinkis speidfull, that na frehalder, that haldis of the King vnder the soume of .xx. pund, be constreinȝeit to cum to the Parliament nor generall counsall, as for presence, bot gif he be ane Barrone, or els be specially of the Kingis cōmandement warnit outher be officiar or be writ.

¶ Of the taking of stressis be the Constabill. Ca. lxxxvj

ITEM Quhair the Kingis Constabill Deputis and his ministers in tyme of the Sessioun or generall counsall and Parliamentis takis distressis for Constabill feis of all maner of gudis, greit and small, that cummis to the mer [...]at to sell, baith Merchandice & victuallis, It is sene speidfull, at that vse be laid downe & forbiddin in tyme to cum, bot gif the Constabillis infeftment beir him thairto, and at thay be schawin to the King and the thre Estatis at the nixt Parliamēt or generall counsall. And that in the meintyme the Constabill ceis. For thair can be na Law [...]undin according to that vse.

The punitioun of negligent Officiaris. Ca. lxxxvij.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis ordanis & determinis, gif that ony of his Officiarꝭ or Schireffꝭ, Mairis, Baillies, Crownaris, Seriaundis, Prouestis of Burrowis, & thair ministerꝭ baith to land & to Burgh, be fuudin faultise or negligēt in the executioun of thair officis, and it may be lauchfully preuit on him, or notourly kend, gif the said office pertenis to him in fee and heritage, he [Page] sall tyne his office, and the proffeit thairof for ane ȝeir and day, and to be punist be the King in his persoun and gudis, efter the quantitie of his trespas. And gif his office pertenis to him not in fee and heritage, he sall tyne his office for all the tymes he hes it, and to be punist in his per­soun efter the quantitie of trespas at the Kingis will.

That na ligis nor bandis be maid within Burrowis na manrent. Ca. lxxxviij.

ITEM It is sene speidfull to the Lordis, that within the Burrowis throwout the Realme na liggis nor ban­dis be maid, nor ȝit na commotioun nor rysing of cōmounis in hindering of the commoun Law, bot at the cōmandement of thair heid. O [...]icira And gif ony dois in the contrare, and knawlege and taint may be got­t [...]n thairof, thair gudis, that ar fundin giltie thairin to be con [...]i [...]ir to the King, and thair lyffis at the Kingis will. And that na man dwellād within Burgh be fundin in manrent, nor ryde in rout in feir of weir with na man bot with the King or his Officiaris, or with the Lord of the Burgh, that thay dwell in, or with thair Officiaris vnder y samin pane. And in lyke maner, that na indwellar within Burgh nor land, purches ony Lordschip in oppr [...]ssioun of his neichtbouris in lyke maner vnder the samyn pane.

Of thame that occupyis Lordis landis agane thair willis Ca. lxxxix.

ITEM Anent maisterfull men, that schaipis thame to occupy maisterfully Lordis landis, baith spirituall and temporall, the Lordis thinkis speidfull, that the pe [...]sounis compleinȝe­and vpone sic maisterfull men, sall cum to the Kingis Schire [...] & Bail­lie, and ask his ground for to be deuoydit, or to see quhat ressoun, y par­tie occupyand the ground pretendis for him. And gif the Schiref findꝭ na ressoun in the occupaisoun of the ground, the Schiref sall deuoyde the ground baith of him and his gudis, and charge him in the Kingis name, that he mak na mair distrublance to the Lord nor his ground in tyme cumming vnder the pane of the Kingis waird. And gif he dois o­ny thing thairattour, furthwith till arreist his persoun & send him to the Kingis waird.

The Iustice to tak inquisitioun of Sornaris, bairdis, feinȝeit fulis, and maisterfull beggaris in all Iustice Airis. Ca. lxxxx.

ITEM The Lordis thinkꝭ speidfull, that in all Iustice Airis, y Kingis Iustice gar tak inquisitioū of Sornaris, bairdis, maisterfull beggarꝭ, or feinȝeit fulis, and outher banis thame the cuntrie, or send thame to the Kingis presoun.

To saw brome and mak heigis. Ca. lxxxxi.

ITEM Anent plantatioun of woddꝭ and heigis, & sawing of brome, the Lordis thinkis speidfull, that the King charge all his frehalders baith spirituall and temporall, that in the making of thair witsondayis [Page xliiii] set, thay statute and ordand, that all thair tennentis plant woddis and treis, mak heigis and saw brome, efter the faculteis of thair malingis, in placis conuenient thairfoir, vnder sic pane as Law and vnlaw of the Barrone or Lord sall modifie.

Of sawing of quherit, peis and beinis. Ca. lxxxxij.

ITEM Anent the sawing of quheit, peis, and beinis, it is sene speidfull, that ilk mā erand with a pluch of viij. oxin, sall saw at the leist ilk ȝeir ane firlot of quheit, half ane firlot of peis, and xl. beinis, vnder the pane of .x.s. to the Barrone of that land, that he dwellis in, als oft as he beis fundin faultise. And gif the barron sawis not the said corne in his domainis, he sall pay to the King .x.s. And gif the Barrone beis fundin negligent in the ressauing of that pane fra his housbandis, thair salbe rasit on him .xl.s. als oft as he defaultis, with­out remissioun of the King.

¶ That na man cum to courtis bot in sober wyse. Ca. lxxxxiij.

ITEM It is ordanit and decretit, that in all Iustice airis, Schiref courtis, and generally all courtis of spiritu­all and temporall, that all persounis, frehalders, and all vthers of the Kingis liegis, sall cum thairto in sober and quyet maner. And that na man bring with him maa persounis than ar in his daylie houshald and familiaris. And fra he be cummin to his Innis, he and thay sall lay thair wappinnis and armour fra thame (gif thay bring ony with thame) and vse na wappinnis for that tyme bot his knyfe. And gif ony man be feidit, and allegis feid, or dreid of ony partie, the Schiref sall furthwith of baith tak law borrois, and forbid thame in the Kingis name to trubill the Kingis peax, vnder the pane of Law. The quhilk pane the King sall execute without remissioun, vpone the brekaris of the peax foirsaid. And gif the Schiref be negligent thairin, he salbe pu­nist efter the forme of the statute maid of the reformatioun of faultis of Officiaris within the Realme.

Of ȝairdis, heigis, and wylde foulis, and to distroy foulis of reiff. Ca. lxxxxiiij

ITEM That na man mak hedgis of dry staikis, ryse, or stikis, or ȝit of hewin wod, bot allanerly of lyand wod. Item anentis birdis and wylde foulis, that ganis to eit for the sustentatioun of mā, as Per [...]rikis, Pluwers, & sic lyke foulis, it is ordanit, that na mā distroy thair nestis, nor thair eggis, nor ȝit slay wylde foulis in mou­ting tyme, quhen thay may not [...]e. And that all men efter thair power distroy nestis and eggis of birdis, and foulis of reiff. &c.

To distroy ruikis, crawis, and vther foulis of reiff. Ca. lxxxxv.

ITEM Anent ruikis, crawis, & vther foulis of reif as ernis, bissartis, gleddis, mittalis, the quhilk distroyis baith cornis and wylde foulis, [Page] sic as pertrikis, plowers, and vthers. And as to the ruikis and crawis biggād in orchardis, treis, and vther placis, it is sene speidfull, that thay that sic treis pertenis to, lat thame to big, and distroy thame with all thair power, and in na wayis that thair birdis fle away. And quhair it is taintit that thay big, and thair birdis fle and the nest be fundin in the treis at Beltane, the treis salbe saultit to the King, bot gif thay be re­demit fra him be thame, that thay pertenit first, and .v.s. to the Kingis vnlaw. And at the said foulis of reif alluterly be distroyit be all maner of man, be all ingyne of all maner of craftis that may be fundin. For the flauchter of thame sall cause greit multitude of diuers kynde of wylde foulis for mannis sustentatioun.

Of the slauchter of reid fische. Ca. lxxxxvj.

ITEM As anent reid fische, it is ordanit, that quha sa beis conuict of slauchter of reid fische in tyme forbiddin be the Law, the doar, and he that biddis it be done, sall pay .x. pund for his vnlaw but remissioun. And at the thrid tyme, and he be conuict of sic trespas, he sall by his lyfe. And gif ony man be infeft of fredome to fische in forboddin tyme, sic preuilege sall ceis to the nixt Parliament, and gif ony dois the contrare, he sall pay ane vnlaw befoir the Iustice, vpone the quhilk trespas the Iustice Clerk sall inquyre at the ressauing of the dittay. &c.

¶ That nane set creilis in watters. Ca. lxxxxvij.

ITEM That na man in smolt tyme, set veschellis, creilis, weiris; or ony vther ingyne to let the smoltis to ga to the see, vnder the pane of .x. pund to the King. And at the Schiref of the land distroy thame, that at maid.

To see for the distructioun of wolfis. Ca. lxxxxviij.

ITEM It is ordanit for the distructioun of wolfis, that in ilk cuntrie quhair ony is, the Schiref or the Baillies of that cuntrie sall gadder the cuntrie folk thre tymes in the ȝeir, betuix Sanct Markis day and Lambnes, for that is the tyme of the quhelp­pis. And quhat euer he be that ry [...]is not with the Schiref, Baillie, or Barrone within him self, sall pay vnforgeuin a wedder, as is contenit in the auid act maid thairupone. And he that slayis ane wolf in ony tyme, he sall haue of ilk houshalder of that parochin that the wolf is slaine within, a penny. And gif ony wolf happinnis tocum in the cun­trie that wit be gottin of, the cuntrie salbe reddy, and ilk houshalder to hunt thame vnder the pane foirsaid. And thay that slayis ane wolf sall bring the heid to the Schiref, Baillie, or Barrone, and he salbe dettour [Page xlv] to the slayar for the soume foirsaid. And quhatsumeuer he be, that slay­is ane wolf, and bringis the heid to the Schiref, Lord, Baillie, or Barrone, he sall haue .vj. d.

Anent the slayaris of Hartis, and distroyaris of Cuningis. Ca. lxxxxix.

ITEM Anent the slayaris of Hartis in snaw tyme, and [...]di­structioun of Cuningis, the thre Estatis declairis, that to be a punct of dittay.

¶ Of lesing makers, and tellaris of thame. Ca. c.

ITEM It is statute and actit of befoir in ane Parliament of our Souerane Lordis tyme, that last deceissit, in the ȝeir of our Lord ane thousand foure hundreth twentie foure ȝeiris, That all lesing makers and tellaris of thame, the quhilk ingenners dis­cord betuix the King and his pepill, quhair euer taint may be gottin of thame, thay salbe chalangit befoir thame, that power hes, and tyne lyfe and gudis to the King, and to be at his will. And in this present Par­liament, it is consirmit, appreuit, and ordanit to be conseruit and exe­cute in tyme tocum.

Of Mure burne. Ca. cj.

ITEM Quhair it is statute in a Parliament of our Soue­rane Lord that last deceissit, the .xxvj. day of Mai [...] the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth and xxiiij. ȝeiris, that na man mak mureburne efter the Moneth of Merche, quhill cornis be schorne, vnder the pane of .xl.s. to be rasit be the Lord of the land of the byrnar. Add gif he hes not to pay, that he be punist .xl. dayis in presoū. And gif the Lord of the land rasis not the pane, na punissis not the tres­passouris, as is befoir said, the Iustice Clerk be indictment sall gar sic trespassouris, as is befoir said, be correctit befoir the Iustice and puni­sit, as is befoir expremit. In this Parliament the thre Estatis appro­uis and ratifeis this statute and ordanis it to be keipit in tyme tocum.

¶ That all the actis be copyit fra the Clerk of the Register and proclamit. Ca. cij.

ITEM The Lordis thinkis speidfull, that our Souerane Lord command all his Schireffis and Commissaris of Burrowis to cum to the Clerk of the Register, and gat copy all the actis, articlis, and statutis aboue writtin, and gat proclame thame op­pinly throwout thair Schiris, and Burrowis: Sa that nane of his liegis allege ignorance of thame in tyme tocum. And als that the actis and ordinancis abo [...]e writtin, the quhilkis ar necessar till his Barronꝭ and frehalders, be schawin at thair witsondayis making, or thair Bar­rone Courtis rychtswa be takin and copyit and schawin to thair ten­nentis. [Page] Swa that nouther the frehalder nor tennentis pretermit the obseruing of the saidis decretis. And at the panis set thairupone be dew he ra [...]it, that the said actis, and decretis may be obseruit, as effeiris. &c. And attour sen God of his grace hes send out Souerane Lord sic pro­gressis and prosperitie, that all his Rebellis and brekaris of his Iustice, ar remouit out of his Realme, and na maisterfull partie remanand that may cause ony breking in his Realme. Swa that his hienes be inclynit in him self and his ministers to the quyet and commoun proffeit of the Realme, iustice and equitie to be keipit amang his liegis, His thre E [...]atis maist humbly exhortis and requyris his hienes, to be melynit with sic deligence to the executioun of thir statutis, actis, and decretis aboue writtin, that God may be emplesit of him, and all his liegis spirituall and temporall, And pray till God for him and giue thanking to him, that send thame sic a Prince to thair Gouernour and defendar.



PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI DO. Iacobi Tertij dei gratia Regis Scotorum Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh nono die Mensis Octobris Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Sexagesimo sexto, Et Regni sui primo.

For the obseruing of the honour of haly Kirk. Ca. j.

ITEM In the first it is statute and ordanit, that the priui­lege and honour of haly Kirk, and spirituall persoūis be obseruit, keipit, mantenit, and defendit in honour and libertie be our Souerane Lordis autoritie, for the tyme of his Regne, as it hes bene in tyme of his nobill Predecessouris and progenitouris of befoir, efter the forme and statute maid thairupone. &c.

Anent the mariage of our Souerane Lord. Ca. ij.

IN THE first anent the mariage of our Souerane Lord the King, my Lady my Lordis of Albany and Mar, the Lordis referris thir maters to the hame­cumming of certane Lordis now beand in Inglād, quhilkis hes charge to commoun thairupone. And that certane Lordis be limmit in this present Parliament, hauing the strenth of the samin, to cōmoun and conclude at thair ha [...]e cumming, that salbe sene speidfull for the maters foirsaidis, and in lyke wise the annuall of Noroway. Alswa the saidis Lordis sall haue power of the Parliament to sit and iuge the persounis, that haldis fra our Souerane Lord the King, or fra my Lord of Albany thair Castellis, and to mak Summoundis vpone thame, and all vther thingis to do, that is necessary thairfoir, efter the forme of the act maid thairupone. And alswa thay sall haue power till autorize, ra­tifie, or till annull, as thay think expedient and proffitabill, all actis and statutis auisit and commonit in the Sessiounis of Burrowis for the gude of Merchandis, and proffeit of the Realme. And this power till indure vnto the first day of Februar.

Anent the Quenis dowarie. Ca. iij.

[Page] ITEM As to the Dowarie of the Quene, it is or [...]anit, that y thrid of the Kingꝭ rentis of assi [...]e, that is to say, oflādis & custumꝭ, be assignit till hir tier [...]e and Dowarie allanerly, & na forther.

That na commendis be purchest. Ca. iiij.

ITEM Anentis commendis, it is statute, that na commendꝭ of new or auld be sustenit, or sufferit within y realme, na that commendis purchest of befoir be haldin. And that nane of our Souerane Lordis liegis tak vpone hand to purches nor tak ony com­mendis, na to hald commendis purchest of befoir, outher of Religious or secular benefice, vnder the pane of tinsall of his tēporalitie for his tyme, and his commend, and vnder the pane of Rebellioun vtherwayis, than is lauchfull to the Ordinar to commend for sex monethis.

¶ That na pensioun of benefice be takin. Ca. v.

ITEM That na pensioū of new, nor auld be purchest nor takin outwith the Realme nor within, of ony beneficis religious or secular, without y consent of the possessour, geuar and takar, vnder the samin pane.

The pane of breking of lauborrois. Ca. vj.

ITEM As anent lawborrois, it is statute, that gif lawborroꝭ be brokin vpone ony Bischop, Abbot, or Prelat of ha­lykirk, Erle, Lord of Parliament, that is to say, in the hurting of thair awin persounis or thair seruandis, the borgh or borrowis of him, that findis thay borrois, & brekis the samin, sall pay to our Souerane Lord for amerciament the soume of ane hundreth pund. And gif lawborrois be brokin vpone Knycht, Barrone, Squyar, or greit beneficit Clerkis, the soume of fyftie pundis. And gif thay be brokin vpone Burgessis, ȝe­men, or Preistis, the soume xxx. pund, togidder with amendis to the partie, les than the lawborrois bring the trespassouris to the King, or the Schiref of the Schire within .xl. dayis, or els pay the soume, as effeirꝭ, for the persoun, as is befoir writtin. And the King to haue the vnlawis of all lawborrois brokin, that is tane be his awin Officiaris, outher to land or to Burgh. And the Lordis of the Regalis and Barronis sall haue the vnlawis within thair landis, quhair sic borrois ar takin be thame, or thair Officiaris, in sa far as thay haue priuilege, efter the forme of the auld infeftmentis and fredomis, as thay had befoir. And this to indure to the nixt Parliament.

That Summoundis be maid of xxj. dayis. Ca. vij.

ITEM As anent Summoundis, it is statute for the eise of y Kingis liegis, that Sūmoundis peremptour be abbre git to xxj. dayis of all actiounis custumabill, to cum befoir the King & his counsall, that the Summoundis be execute of the tyme foirsaid.

¶ Anent bairnis to be put in fe [...] of [...]andis, and thair answers. Ca. viij.

ITEM Anent bairnis to be put in fee of thair landis. It is statute, that in tyme cumming, gif ony bairne be put in fee of landis, his father or grandschir beand on liue, & present in the Realme for his defence, he sall answer to the partie followar vpone the said landis, as he war of perfyte age. &c. And this till indure quhil the nixt Parliament.

That na Inglisman haue benefice within Scotland. Ca. ix.

ITEM That na Inglisman haue benefice, secular or Religi­ous, within the Realme of Scotland, efter the forme of the act maid thairupone be King Robert the Bruce.

¶ That na persounis haue money out of the Realme, vnder the pane of escheit thairof. Ca. x.

ITEM It is statute for the mater of the money, and for the halding of the samin within the Realme, and orda­nit that na man spirituall nor temporall liege to our Souerane Lord, haue nor send na money out of the Realme, vnder the pane of .x. pund vnremittabill to the King for amerciament, and als mekill money as he takis or sendis out of the Realme. And attour it salbe a point of dit­tay, & secularis to cū befoir the Kingis Iustice depute in that part, to be limmit and ordanit be his hienes, of .xv. dayis proclamatioun, and gif thay be fundin culpabill, thay sall pay the said amerciament, togidder with the quantitie of the money, that is takin out of the Realme: And Clerkis befoir thair Ordinar and Officiall, & gif thay be fundin in lyke wyse culpabill thairin, thay sall pay the said amerciamēt, togidder with als mekill money, as is takin out of the Realme, sai [...]and moderat expensis to the auale of ane Inglis Nobill of ilk persoun. And that Clerkis sailling or passing out of the Realme, sall cū befoir thair Ordinar or his Officiall, and mak ai [...]h, that thay sall nouther haue nor send na money out of the Realme, bot his said expensis. And that secularis sall cum be­foir the Kingis deputis to be limmit at ilk hauin, and mak faith in lyke wyse. And quha that passis spirituall or temporall out of the Realme, not geuand his said aith, salbe in amerciament to the King of .v. pund, of Clerkis to be rasit be thair Ordinar, and of secularis be his hienes.

For the inbringing of money within the Realme. Ca. xj.

ITEM For the inbringing of money within the Realme, it is statute, that ilk man Merchand, hauand woll, [...], or hyde out of the Realme, sall bring for ilk seck of brint siluer twa vn [...]e to the Kingis cuinȝeouris, for the quhilk he sall haue .x.s.ij. d. efter the forme of the act last maid in Parliament thairupone, and the pane c [...] [...]enit in the samin. And this till indure to the nixt Parliament.

Of the money and blak ferdingis. Ca. xij.

[Page] ITEM It is statute for the eise & sustentatioū of the Kingis liegis, and almous deid to be done to the pure folk, that thair be cuinȝeit copper money, foure to the penny, hauand on the ta part th [...] croce of Sanct Androw, and the crowne on the tother part, with subscriptioun of Edinburgh on the ta part, and ane. R. with Iames on the tother part. And that thair be cuinȝeit thre hundreth pū ­dis contenand siluer. And that thay pas in payment for breid, and a [...]ll, and vther Merchandice, and in greit Merchandice to be takin .xij. d. in the pund. And that all vther money gold and siluer haue cours, as it had of befoir, except the new Inglis grot of Edwartis cuinȝie to haue cours amang the Kingis liegis for .x. d. and na darrar, & the new No­bill of the Rose for xxv.s. And the Lordis, that salbe limmit to haue strenth of the Parliament in vther causis, as is befoir writtin, haue po­wer to mak sic reulis and statutis of the .vj. d. grot of the floure delice, as thay sall think expedient for the gude of the Realme.

Anent the reformatioun of hospitallis. Ca. xii [...].

ITEM Anent the reformatioun of hospitallis, and for the keping of the failȝeit creaturis, It is statute and orda­nit, that all the Ordinaris of the Realme sall warne all thame, that hes hospitallis in thair diocyis, and Summound thame till a day be the Kingis and the Ordinaris letters. To the quhilk day the Chancellar, or his Deputis sall cum with the Ordinar and see the infeftmentis and fundatiounis. And be the auise of the Chancellar and Ordinar, to be reducit to thair first fundatiounis, quhairthrow Goddis seruice may be obseruit and miserabill persounis sustenit. And quhair the infeftmen­tis can not be fundin be the auise of the Ordinar and the Chancellar, the frutis of the hospitall salbe assignit to pure and miserabill persounis, in sa far as the frutis ar of auale. And that twa gude men of conscience be warnit be the Ordinar, to be with him and the Chancellar for the reformatioun to be maid. And that to be done incontinent, or the par­ting of the Ordinar and the Chancellar.


¶ That nane pas in Merchandice out of the Realme bot fre men. Ca. xiiij.

ITEM In the first, that nane of oure Souerane Lordꝭ liegis saill, nor pas in Merchādice out of the Realme, bot fremen burgessis dwelland within Burgh, or thair familiaris, factourꝭ, seruandis, being with thame in houshald at meit and drink, Sai [...]and, y it salbe leiffull to Prelatis, Lordis, Barrōis, Clerkis, to send thair proper gudis w t thair seruādis, & to by agane thingꝭ neidful to thair proper vse.

That na man of craft vse Merchandice. Ca. xv.

[Page xlviii] ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na man of craft vse Merchandice be him self, nor saill in Merchandice, nouther be him self, nor his factouris, nor his seruandis, bot gif he haue leif, and renounce his craft but colour or dissimulatioun. &c.

That na man saill in Merchandice without half a last of gudis. Ca. xvi.

ITEM That na man saill, nor pas out of the Realme in ony Merchandice, bot a famous and worschipfull man, ha [...]and of his awin half ane last of gudis, or samekill in stering and gouernance, vnder the pa [...]e of .x. pund to be rasit to our Souerane Lor­dis proffeit of ilk persoun doand in the contrare heirof.

That na Schip be frauchtit without a Charterpartie. Ca. xvij.

ITEM It is in lykewise statute and ordanit, that in tyme to cum thair be na Schip frauchtit without a Charterpartie contenand thir punctis vnder writtin, that is to say, that the maister of the Schip sall find sufficient steirman, tymmirmen, and schipmen conuenient for the Schip. And at the maister find fre to the Merchandis Fyre, walter, and salt on his coist. And gif thair happin­nis ony contentioun or debait betuix the maister and the Merchan­dis, that thay sall vnderly the iurisdictioū and ordinance of the Burgh, quhairto the Schip is frauchtit without ony exceptioun. And that na Merchandis gudis be reuin nor spilt with vnressonabill stollin as with spakis, nor that na gudis be schorne, nor strikin vp in na wyse into the maisters default, or his seruandis, vnder the pane of tinsall of the said fraucht, and amending of the skaith to the Merchandis. And at the maister fure na gudis vpone his ouer loft. The quhilk and he do, thay gudis sall pay na fraucht, nor na gudis vnder the ouerloft to scot nor lot with thay gudis, in caise thay be cassin. And at euer ilk Schip exce­dand .v. last of gudis sall pay to the Chaplane of the natioun a seck­fraucht, and within .v. last half a seckfraucht, vnder the pane of .v. pun­dis to be rasit to our Souerane Lord the Kingis vse of ilk persoun doing in the contrare heirof. And at na drinksiluer be tane be the mai­ster nor his doaris, vnder the pane abone writtin: And hamewart a tunn fraucht to the Kirk wark of the towne, that thay ar frauchtit to.

¶ That na Schip saill with stapill gudis fra Symonis day and Iude, quhill Candilmes. Ca. xviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme to cum thair be na Schip frauchtit out of the Realme with ony stapill gudis, fra the feist of Symonis day & Iude, vnto the feist of the [Page] purificatioun of our Lady, callit Candilmes, vnder the pa [...]e of fyue pundis of the vsuall money of Scotland, to be rasit to our Souerane Lordis vse, of ilk persoun frauchting ony Schip in contrare heirof.

That na Merchandis sall pas to Brugis as stapill. Ca. xix.

ITEM It is statute & ordanit, that nane of our Souerane Lordis liegis sall fra the feist of Sanct Peter, callit Ad v [...]cula, [...]ure ony Schippis in Merchandice, or gudis to the Swyn the Sluce, the Dam, or Bruges, vnder the paue of tinsall of all thair gudis, and banissing of thair persounis out of the Realme. And that all persounis now hauand gudis in the townis of Bruges, the Dam, or the Sluce, remoue and deuoyde thame self & thair gudis of the said­is placis befoir the said feist of Sanct Peter. And fra thyne furth that thay nouther by nor sell, na mak Merchandice in ony of the placis be­soir writtin, vnder the pane foirsaid.

Licence to Merchandis to pas to Middilburgh with thair gudis. Ca. xx.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord with auise of his counsall, at Edinburgh the .xxix. day of August, the ȝeir of God &c .lxvij. ȝeiris, grantit tollerance and sufferance till all Merchandis of his Realme, that saillis fra thyne furth, to pas with thair Schippis to the towne of Middilburgh, to do thair Merchandice thair. And not to remane thair as stapill, bot quhill our Souerane prouide for a stapill to thame, and quhill his hienes see quhat fredomis and priuilegis thay sall haue in tyme to cum, in the place quhair thay salbe stapillit, for the quhilk certane persounis salbe send in all gudly haist, and bring answer agane thairupone.

That Merchandis saill to the Rochell, Burdeous and France. Ca. xxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit in the said Parliamēt, that it salbe leiffull to all Merchandis in this Realme, to [...]aill to the Rochell, Burdeous, France, and Normandy, with sic Mer­chandice as is conuenient thairfoir, sic lyke as thay did of befoir. And all stapill gudis to remane in stapill, and pas to na mercattis. And this to be obseruit and keipit vnder the panis foirsaid.

ACTA PARLIAMENTI IACOBI TERTII REGIS SCOTORVM TEN­ti apud Edinburgh .xij. die Mensis Octobris Anno Do. Millesimo Qua­dringentesimo Sexagesimo septimo.

The proclamatioun of the money hoichar vp. Ca. xxij.

[Page xlix] ITEM Our Souerane Lord the King and his thre Estatis in this present Parliament, findis his hi [...]n [...]s and the [...]aill body of the Realme gretumly hurt & skaithit in the money of this Realme hauand lawar cours, than vther Realmis hes about vs, throw the quhilk the cuinȝie of this Realme is borne out in greit quantitie: For the quhilk our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis in this presēt Parliament, hes statute and ordanit, that the money of vther Realmis, that is to say, the Inglis Nobill, Henry, and Edwart with the Rose, the Frenche Crowne, the Salute, the Lew, and the Rydar, sall haue cours in this Realme of our money to the valew and equiualence of the cours, that thay haue in Flanders, that is to say, Edwart with the Rose, to .xxxij.s. of our money. Item the auld Edwart to .iiij. merkis the v [...]ce of the samin price, as the Rose hes cours. The Henry Nobill to xxvij.s.vj. d. the Frenche Crowne to .xij.s.vj. d. the Salute to .xiij.s.iiij. d. the Lew to .xv.s.vj. d. the Rydar to .xxiiij.s. the Demy to .xij.s. the Lyon with the Crowne to .xij.s. Item the auld Inglis grot sall pas for .xvj. d. the Borage grot, as the new grot. The new grot of Ed­wart for .xij. d. the Spurrit grot as the auld Iuglis grot for .xvj. d. the Inglis penny .iij. d. and the new Inglis penny rychtswa. The grot of the Crowne sall haue cours for .xiiij. d. Item the half grot vij. d. The grot of the foure delice .viij. d. And the quhyte Scottis penny & half penny to haue cours, as thay war wont to haue. And the stryking of the blak pennyis to be ceissit, that thair be nane strikin in tyme tocū, vnder the pane of deid. And at strait inquisitioun be takin be all Schi­reffis and Baillies of Burrowis, gif ony sic stryking be maid, and the strykaris to be brocht to the King and punissit as is befoir writtin, and the bringaris of sic persounis to be weill rewardit thairfoir, as effeiris.

The maner of dettis and contractis paying. Ca. xxiij.

ITEM Because our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis, considderis and vnderstandis, that his hienes and the hail Realme in ilk estate is greitly hurt and skaithit in the chāgeing and heying of the cours of the money, as is befoir writtin, baith in det­tis paying, and contractis, bygane annuallis, wedsetis, and landis set for lang termes, custumis, and procuraseis of Prelatis, and all vther dettis, les than thay war prouydit in this present Parliament, be our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis, that baith the creditour and the dettour, the byar and the sellar, the borrowar a [...]d the lennar, the Lord and the tennent, spirituall and temporall, be obseruit to the desyre of the intentis of thame, that war in the tyme of the making of thair contrac­tis, and payment to be maid in the samin substance, that was intendit the tyme of the making of the contractis maid befoir this present Par­liament: Swa that quhat variatioun be maid in this Parliament of [Page] alteratioun of the money for the commoun gude of the Realme, the samin substance and valew redound to the ressauar, lyke as he sould haue had the tyme of the making of this act. Thairfoir our Soue­raue Lord and the thre Estatis, statutis and ordanis, that all det­touris, that aw ony dettis of contractis maid of befoir, pay to thair creditouris the samin soumis in substance, as it was intendit betuix thame, befoir the making of this act, in sic lyke money, as it ȝeid imme­diatly befoir this act. And proportionaly in pundis, schillingꝭ, of the reckning, that it salbe in tyme cumming to ryse with the money, lyke as it ȝeid of befoir. And in lyke maner, all annuall rentis, wedsettis, landꝭ set for termis, custumis, procuraseis, and all vther dettis of contractis maid of befoir, to be payit in sic lyke money, as ȝeid immediatlie befoir this act. Item for all contractis, byingis and sellingis, in tyme tocum, to be maid of the money efter the cours as it sall haue in tyme tocum, or els as plesis the parties. And attour in all obligatiounis maid in tymes bygane with this clause maid, of vsuall money of Scotland, that it be interpreit and vnderstand to be payit in the valew and sub­stance, as the money had cours in the tyme of the making of this act, and in all maner, forme and effect, as is abone writtin.

That Ferryaris mak briggis vnder the pane of tinsall of thair baitis. Ca. xxiiij.

ITEM It is sene expedient be the Lordis, for the vtilitie and proffeit of the Kingis hienes and his liegis, quhilk di­uers tymis passis ouer ferryis with thair hors, for the saiftie of the sa­min, that at all passagis of ferryis of ilk syde of the watter, that is to say Leith, Kinghorne, the Quenis ferry, on the tother syde of the watter, the Portincraig & the eist ferry, to be maid briggis of buirdis, or portis in ferry baittis, for the eise of schipping of the said hors. And at the said briggis be maid within .xx. dayis nixt following the making of this act, vnder the pane of tinsall and confiscatioun of the boit, and not to vse the office for a ȝeir and a day. And that the Kingis letters be writtin thairupone.

The propositioun of the Clergy and Burrowis. Ca. xxv.

IN Presence of our Souerane Lord and the thre E­statis in plane Parliament, Ane worschipfull Clerk Maister Archibald Quhytlaw Dene of Dumbar, Secretar to our Souerane Lord, in the name and behalf of the haill Clergy, and in lyke wyse ane honorabill man Richard of Kintor Burges of Abirdene, in the name and behalf of the haill Commissaris of Burrowis, humbly maid requeist and besoucht our Souerane Lord [Page l] of his grace, that gif it happinnis of caise, that his hienes in tymes to cum proclamis his money to lawar price and les auale, than it is now proclamit, that thairfoir subsydis and procuracyis, custumis, and dew­ties, mycht be takin and payit of the money to the auale and price, as thay pay. The quhilk requeist our Souerane Lord in presence of his said thre Estatis, gratiously and hartly grautit in all thingis foirsaid.

Item our Souerane Lordis Parliament haldin at Striuiling the .xij. day of Ianuar, the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth thre scoir seuin ȝeiris, and coutinewit of befoir furth of Edinburgh, with continuatioun of dayis, and power committit be the haill thre Estatis to certane persounis vnder writtin, to commoun and conclude vpone the maters efter followand: Quhilkꝭ persounis being callit and comperit. And thir ar the namis. &c.

ITEM Anentis the mater of Norroway, it is ordanit, that the Ambaxat that passis for the Kingis mariage, haue instructiounis in that mater, as salbe sene speidfull to the King and his counsall.

The crying vp of certane money. Ca. xxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that fra hynefurth the Scottis grot of the Crowne, that past for .xii. d. of befoir, sall haue in tyme tocum cours amang our Souerane Lordis liegis for xiiij. d. And the half grot of the samin for .vij. d. Item the auld Inglis penny sall haue cours effeirand to the auld Inglis grot, that is to say, for .iiij. d. Item in lyke wyse the new Inglis penny of Edwart till haue cours effeirand to the new grot of Edwart for .iij. d. Item that the quhyte Scottis penny haue haill cours in all payment, quhill the nixt Parliament, and than gif it neidis remeid to be set thairfoir, as salbe thocht speidfull. Item that in tyme tocum thair be tane in pay­ment of blak money, bot .xij. d. in the pund, and swa discendand pro­portionally as the soume discendis. Item it is ordanit for the heying of the auale of the crownit grot, and Inglis pennyis to be na hurt con­trar the actis maid of befoir anent the money, bot that act to stand in all force and effect, as it was first maid. &c.

¶ The inbringing of bulȝeoun appreuit. Ca. xxvij.

ITEM Anent the inbringing of bulȝeoun, the haill thre Estatis now beand present, ratifeis and appreuis the actis [Page] and statutis maid thairupone of befoir, and ordanis thame to be obser­uit and execute, quhill the nixt continewa [...]ioun of Parliament, or haill Parliament, or generall counsall. &c.

The Chalmerlane to see for mettis and mesouris. Ca. xxviij.

ITEM Anent mettis and mesouris, it is statute and ordanit, that the Chalmerlane and Schireffis sall put the last act maid thairupone till dew executioun in all placis, as thay will an­swer to our Souerane Lord. &c.


Anent the money till haue ane vniuersall cours. Ca. xxix.

FORSAMEKIL as the Lordis of the thre Estatis depute till auise vpone the money, consid­ders the greit murmure that is past because of di­uersiteis of payment within the Realme, throw the intaking of rentis be the auld payment, and geuin out againe be the samin price, Considering als that the penny worthis ar rissin with the penny, and mekill derrar than thay war wont to be, that sould hie the money till haue generall cours to the hie price, that ilk man that sould ressaue ony rentis, sould be skaithit to the feird or the fyft part of his rent, quhilk is to heuy to thame in all estatis, and till eschew the greit rumoure heir­of, and for to content the commounis, It is statute and ordanit, that the money fra hyne furth haue vniuersall cours throwout the Realme. And als it is ordanit, that the actis and statutis maid vpone the in­bringing of bulȝeoun within the Realme, and als the keiping of mo­ney within the Realme, be obseruit and keipit vnder rycht [...]air and heuy panis, and rychtswa vther statutis maid for the keiping of the samin, that it pas not out with the Realme. Item it is ordanit, that vnto the tyme it be auisit be the wysest of the Realme and thame, that vnderstandis thame best thairin depute thairto, and at greit lasar as effeiris to dispone the money, as salbe sene maist speidfull for the prof­feit of the Realme, that in the meintyme fra this furth the Scottis money, that is to say, the Demy, the Lyon, the grot of the Crowne, and the grot of the floure delice, and the small penny, and the ferdene, [Page li] sall haue the samin cours, that thay had befoir the first proclamatioun maid in the Parliament in the moneth of October. That is to say, the Demy, and the Lyon .x.s. the grot of the Crowne .xij. d. the floure de­lice .vj. d. ob. And for the money of vther Realmes, to draw it within the Realme, thay ordand it to haue cours, the Inglis Nobill of the Roise and the auld Edwart keipand pace for .xxviij.s. the Nobill of the Henry .xxiiij.s. The Lew .xiiij.s. The Frenche Crowne .xj.s. The Sa­lute and the Rydar till haue cours, as thay ȝeid of befoir. And the auld Inglis grot .xiij. d. and the new Inglis grot .xi. d. The Inglis penny .iij. d. the Spurrit grot .xiij. d. And the Scottis pennyis till haue cours, as thay had of befoir. And of the ferdingis to tak .ij.s. in the pund. And attour it is ordanit, that gif ony man hes maid ony obli­gatiounis, or contractis, sen the last Parliament, or lent, or bocht, or sauld, sen the said tyme, thay sall pay with sic lyke money and sic lyke valew, as it had cours in the tyme, quhen thay maid thair contract, borrowit, or lent, bocht or sauld. And this priuilege till indure to thame quhill the feist of Lambines nix tocum, and na [...]angar for thair payment, and to outred thair self. &c.

Anent setting of Sessiounis. Ca. xxx.

ITEM The Lordis thinkis expedient, that thair be a Ses­sioun efter the forme of the Sessioun last haldin, and with sic [...] power, and Lordis to be chosin to sic thairupone, and the place to be limmit, and the lawborrois to be continewit, the Prelatis, the Barronis, and Commissaris for thair part, and the laif to be refer­rit, to the actis maid thairupone o [...] befoir.

¶ The statute of nolt and scheip sauld. Ca. xxxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na kynor oxin, scheip, nor vther cattell be sauld out of the Realme, be nane of the Kingis liegis, vnder the pane of escheit. And the wardane sall haue na power to gif licence in the contrare heirof.

That thair be twa Sessiounis. Ca. xxxij.

ITEM That thair be twa Sessiounis, ane in Edinburgh to sit a Moneth, and ane in Perth to begin the first monounday of October, and to sit .v. oulkis. The Sessioun of E­dinburgh to begin the .xv. day of Nouember.

The setting and autorising of Iustice Airis and falsing of domes. Ca. xxxiij.

ITEM Is to the Iustice Airis, notwithstanding that thair is ane part of thame set in feriall tyme, that neuer­theles for the gude of peax the Airis that ar now set salbe lauchful for seruing of brenis, falsing of Domes, and doing of all vther iustice.

Quhilkis Airis, and all thingis to be done in thame, the Lordis of the Parliament autorizeis, ratifeis, and appreuis.


ITEM In the first it is statute and ordanit, that the fredome of haly kirk be obseruit and keipit in all immunitie, priuilege, and fredome in lykewyse, as it hes bene in tymes of maist Nobill Princis Predecessouris and progenitouris to our Souerane Lord of haill mynde, quhame God assoilȝie.

Of Schireffis and Iugeis Ordinaris. Ca. xxxiiij.

ITEM As to the article of Schireffis and vther Iugeis Ordinar, quhilkis will not execute thair office, and minister Iustice to the pure pepill, it is statute and ordanit, that the partie compleinȝeand in ony part of the Realme, sall first cum till his Iuge Ordinar of temporall landis, as Iusticis, Schireffis, Stew­artis, Baillie, or Barrone, Prouest, or Baillies of Burrowis, and mak his complaint, and ask at him administratioun of Iustice. And gif he gettis Iustice dewly execute and ministerit to him he man re­mane content. And gif the Iuge Ordinar failȝeis him, and will not minister him Iustice, he sall cum to the King and his counsall, and tak letters of Summoundis, and Summound the partie, and in lyke wyse his Iuge Ordinar, quhat euer he be of temporall landis. And gif the Iuge be fundin culpabill, and wald not minister Iustice, he salbe punist, and put fra his office for a certane tyme, efter the discre [...]ioun of our Souerane Lord and his counsall, and pay the expensis of the partie compleinȝeand And our Souerane Lord sall gar minister Iustice to the partie compleinȝeand in that caise. And gif the Iuge Ordinar minister him partyall Iustice, and dois him wrang in the administratioun of Iustice, in lyke wyse the partie compleinȝeand sall Summound him befoir the King and his counsall. And gif befoir thame he be fundin culpabill, or partiall in the administratioun of [Page lii] iustice, be he a Schiref, Baillie, or vther Officiar of fee, he salbe put fra his office for thre ȝeiris. And gif he be ane Schiref or ony vther Iuge Ordinar for a tyme, he salbe put perpetually fra his office, and pay the expensis of the partie, and his persoun to be punist at the Kingis will. And in lyke wyse the Officiar of fee. And gif the partie compleinȝeand vpone the Ordinar iuge, be fundin be the King and his counsall in the wrang, he sall pay the expensis of the said iuge Ordinar for his vexati­oun, and his persoun punist at the Kingis will in lykewise. And gif ony partie hes ony proper actioun agane the Schiref, or ony Iuge Ordi­nar, it salbe leiffull to him to cum to the King, and outher Summound his partie befoir the King, or mak ane vther Officiar in that part, to minister Iustice to him. And that ilk Iuge Ordinar, Schireffis or ony vthers, salbe haldin to answer for thair deputis, as thame self. Neuer­theles, it salbe leiffull to the Kingis hienes to tak the decisioun of ony mater, that cummis befoir him, at his emplesance, lyke as it was wont to be of befoir.

Of landis selling vnder reuersioun to cum agane to the first sellar. Ca. xxxv.

ITEM As tuiching new inuentiounis and selling of landis be Charter and Seissing, and taking agane of re­uersiounis, and it happin the byar to sell the samin land agane to ane vther persoun, it is now sene expedient in this present Parliament, & according to Law and conscience, that the first sellar sall haue recours to the samin landis, sauld be him vnder reuersioun, to quhatsumeuer handis the saidis landis cummis, payand the money, and schawand the reuersioun, and haue sic priuilege and fredome agane the persou­nis that haldis the said landis, as he sould haue agane the principall first byar. And because sic reuersiounis may of caise be tint, our So­uerane Lord sall mak the said reuersiounis be Registerit in his Regi­ster, gif it be requyrit, on thair expensis, that is to say, of ilk ane, ane half a merk, the quhilk Registerit, sall haue the samin force, as the principall reuersioun war schawin for the tyme.

Of obligatiounis to be followit within .xl. ȝeir or els prescriue. Ca. xxxvj.

ITEM As anent obligatiounis, that sall be followit in tyme cumming, except thame, that ar dependand in the Law befoir the making of this act, it is auisit, that the partie to quhame the obligatioun is maid, that hes interes thairin, sall follow the said obligatioun within the space of .xl. ȝeiris, and tak document thairupone. And gif he dois not, it salbe prescriuit, and be of nane auale, the said xl. ȝeiris beand runnin, and vnpersewit be the partie.

Tuiching the electioun of Officiaris in Burrowis. Ca. xxxvij.

ITEM Tuiching the electioun of Officiaris in Burrowis, as Aldermen, Baillies, and vther Officiaris, because of greit contentioun ȝeirly for the chesing of the samin, throw multitude and clamour of commounis simpill persounis, it is thocht expediēt, that na Officiaris nor counsall be continewit efter the Kingis Lawis of Burrowis forther than ane ȝeir. And at the chesing of new Officiaris, be in this wyse, that is to say, the auld counsall of the towne sall cheis the new counsall in sic number, as accordis to the towne. And the new counsall and the auld in the ȝeir foirsaid, sall cheis all Officiaris pertening to the towne, as Alderman, Baillies, Dene of Gild, and v­ther Officiaris. And that ilk craft sal cheis a persoun of the samin craft, that sall haue voit in the said electioun of Officiaris, for the tyme inlyke wyse ȝeir by ȝeir. And attour it is thocht expedient, that na Capitane, nor Constabill of the Kingis Castellis, quhat towne that euer thay be in, sall beir office within the said towne, as to be Alderman, Baillie, Dene of Gild, Thesaurar, na nane vther Officiar that may be chosin be the towne, fra the tyme of the nixt chesing furth.

¶ Of Notaris and Tabelliounis making be the King. Ca. xxxviij.

ITEM It is thocht expedient, that sen our Souerane Lord hes full iurisdictioun, and fre impyre within his Re­alme, that his hienes may mak Notaris and Tabelliounis, quhais in­strumentis sall haue full faith in all causis and contractis, ciuile within the Realme. And in tyme to cum that na Notar be maid, nor to be maid, be the Emperouris autoritie, haue faith in contractis ciuile within the Realme, les than he be examinit be the Ordinar, and appreuit be the Kingis hienes. And that full faith be geuin to the Papall Notaris in tymes bygane, and to cum, in all thair instrumentis. And als that full faith be geuin to all Instrumentis geuin of befoir be the imperiall No­taris, lyke as thay ar of auale. And attour that the Notaris, that be is maid be our Souerane Lord, be examinit befoir thair Ordinaris Bis­choppis, and haue certificatioun of thame, that thay ar of faith, gude fame, science, and lawtie, according for the said office.

That wollin claith be met be the rig. Ca. xxxix.

ITEM To eschew dissait and skaith of our Souerane Lor­dis liegis daylie, and at all tymes sustenit throw the metting of wollin claith be the seluage, it is thocht expedient, that in tyme cūming all wollin claith be met be the rig, and not be the seluage.

¶ Of the indorsing of the Kingis breuis and letters. Ca. xl.

[Page liii] ITEM As tuiching the indorsing of the Kingis breuis and letters, that full faith may be geuin thairto, it is sene expedient in this present Parliament, that Schireffis, Baillies, or ony vther Officiaris, outher of fee, or in that part, that executis the Kingis breuis or letters, set thair seillis or signetis to thame befoir witnes, and procure gif thay haue nane, till all executioun, and indorsing of the said breuis and letters: Swa that faith may be geuin thairto, and vther­wayis thair indorsing till haue na faith.

That the extorsiounis of the Kingis liegis be not tane in fairis. Ca. xli.

ITEM Because thair is abusioun fundin in the keiping of Fairis, Parliament tymes, and generall counsallis, that the greit Constabillis of Castellis, Schireffis, or baillies of Bur­rowis, takis greit extorsiounis of the Kingis pure liegis, quhikis thay call thair feis, that is not aucht to thame, lyke as of ilk laid of flesche, fische, victuallis, meill or malt, or siclyke burdingis, as foulis on men­nis bakis, and vther thingis borne in mennis handis, to the quhilk thay haue na ressone, it is sene expedient, and statute in this present Parlia­ment, that all sic thingis be forborne, in the tyme to cum, and na sic ex­torsiounis to be takin of the Kingis liegis, vnder the pane of punis­sing of thair persounis, at the Kingis will, and to be put fra the execu­tioun of thair office for ane ȝeir.

That poynding on Martymes and witsonday be delayit to the feird day. Ca. xlv.

ITEM Because of Keiping of haly dayis and diuine seruice, quhilkis ar gretly brokin, and namely in the poyn­ding for maillis and annuallis, incasting and outcasting of tennentis, quhilkis causis greit dissentioun, and causis oft tymes greit gaddering and discord vpone solempnit dayis of witsonday and Martymes, for the eschewing of the quhilk, It is thocht expedient in this present Parliament, that the said poynding for maillis and annuallis, incasting and outcasting of tennentis, be deferit to the thrid day efter witsonday and Martymes, without preiudice of ony persounis, and in lykewyse thair be na Fairis halding on haly dayis, bot on the morne efter.

Of slauchter of forthochfellony and suddantie and fleing to gyrth. Ca. xliij.

ITEM Because of the eschewing of greit slauchter, quhilk hes bene rycht commoun amangis the Kingis leigis now of lait, baith of forthochtfellony and of suddaintie, And because mony persounis committis slauchter vpone forthochtfellony, in traist thay salbe defendit throw the immunitie of haly kirk and gyrth, and [Page] passis and remanis in Sanctuareis: It is thocht expedient in this present Parliament for the stanching of the said slauchters in tyme cum­ming, quhair euer slauchter is committit on forthocht fellony, and the committar of the said slauchter passis and puttis him in gyrth for the saiftie of his persoun, the Schiref sall cum to the Ordinar in placis, quhair he is, vnder his iurisdictioun, and in placis exempt to the Lordis maisters of the gyrth, & lat thame wit, that sic a man hes com­mittit sic a cryme on forthochtfellony, Tanquam insidiator & per industriam, For the quhilk the Law grantis not, nor leiffis not sic persounis to iois the immunitie of the Kirk. And the Schiref sall requyre the Or­dinar to lat a knawlege be takin be ane assyse on .xv. dayis, quhether it be forthochtfellony or not. And gif it be fundin forthochtfellony, to be punist efter the Kingis lawis. And gif it be fundin suddantie, to be restorit agane to the fredome and immunitie of haly kirk and gyrth. And thairupone to set gude souertie to the Ordinar. And that souertie be and fundin, the said Ordinar, and the maister of the gyrth sall suffer the persounis to be had to the said knawlege. And at the Schiref sall put to executioun the actis of King Iames the first maid vpone slauch­ter and fugitouris fra the Law, quhilkis beiris in effect, that quhat tyme ony Schiref be certifeit of ony slauchter, outhir be the partie, or be ony vther way, he sall incontinent rais the Kingis horne, and his liegis within the boundis of his office, and pas, and seik that persoun, and do iustice on him efter the forme of the Lawis of the Realme. And gif he be fugitue, and eschaipis out of the Schirefdome, he sall send ane Officiar to the Schiref, in quhais Schirefdome he enteris in, and denunce and signifie to him, that sic a man hes done sic a trespas, and fellony agains the King within the boundis of his Schyre, and hes es­chaipit out of the samin, and cummin within the boundis of his office, chargeing him in the Kingis name, and be the vertew of this act, to rais the Kingis liegis and his horne in lykewyse, to persew that tres­passour, quhill he be ouertane, or put him out of the Schire, and in lyke wyse send his Officiar to the nixt Schiref, in quhais Schire the said trespassour interis in, to persew him, quhill he be ouertane, or els put of the Realme. And attour ilk Schiref of the Schire, quhair the said fu­gitoure is socht, and not ouertane, sall pas to the heid Burgh of the said Schire, and proclame of the Kingis name and behalf, that sic a man hes committit sic a slauchter and fellony, and is fugitiue fra the Law, and charge all the Kingis liegis, that na man tak on hand to house, herbry, resset, nor help the said trespassour be ony maner of way, vnder the pane of tinsall of lyfe and gudis. And at the Kingis dittay be takin heirupone in his Iustice Air, and to be punist, as is aboue writtin.

And gif ony Schiref be fundin culpabill heirupone in the executioun of his office, the said Schiref salbe punisht at the Kingis will, and be [Page liiii] remouit fra his office for thre ȝeiris. And gif the Schiref be fundin diligent in the executioun of his office, or ony vther persoun, that lau­bouris for the taking of the said trespassouris, salbe rewardit and than­kit thairfoir be the King, as effeiris.

That the pure tennentis sall pay na ferrar, than thair termis maill for thair Lordis det be the breif of distres. Ca. xliiij.

ITEM Till eschew the greit heirschip and distructioun of the Kingis commounis, maillaris, and inhabitaris of Lordis landis throw the force of the breif of distres, That quhair ony soumes ar obtenit be vertew of the said breif vpone the Lord aw­nar of the ground, that the gudis and cattell of the pure men inhabi­taris of the ground ar takin and distreinȝeit for the Lordis dettis, quhair the maillis extendis not to the auale of the det, It is auisit and ordanit in this present Parliament, that fra hynefurth the pure ten­nentis sall not be distreinȝeit for the Lordis dettis, forther than his termis maill extendis to. And gif the soume obtenit be the breif of distres exceidis the termis maill, the Officiar sall at the instance of the partie, that obtenis the det gang to ony vther proper gudis of the dettoure, and pay the remanent of his det, gif he hes samekill within the Schire. And gif he hes not samekill landis nor gudis within the Schire, the creditour sall cum to the King, and bring certificatioun of the said Schiref, how mekill he wantis of the soume recouerit be the breif of distres, and may not get his proper gudis within the Schire. And than the King sall gif his letters to ony vther Schi­reffis, quhair the dettour hes ony vther gudis or maillis within the Realme, and gar thame be prysit, and pay the said creditour within xv. dayis efter the forme of Law. And quhair the dettour hes na mo­uabill gudis, bot his landis, the Schiref, befoir quhame the said soume is recouerit be the breif of distres, sall gar sell the land to the auale of the det, and pay the creditour: Swa that the inhabitantis of the said landis be not hurt, nor greuit for thair Lordis dettis. Neuertheles it salbe leiffull to the persoun, that aucht that land, first to redeme and quyte out the samin agane within .vij. ȝeiris, payand to the byar the money, that it was sauld for, and the expensis maid on the oure lord for charter sesing and infeftment. And the said redemptioun and lou­sing to be maid within .vij. ȝeiris, as said is, or not. And gif the cre­ditour takis the termis maill be vertew of the breif of distres, it sall not be leiffull to the Lord to tak it againe. And gif thair can not be fundin a byar to the said landis, the Schiref of that Schire or ony vther, quhair he hes land, sall cheis of the best and worthyest of the [Page] Schire, and leist suspect to ony of the parteis, to the number of .xiij. persounis, and appryse the said landis, and assigne to his creditour to the auale of the said soume within .vj. Monethis, efter the said soume be recouerit befoir the Schiref. And als the ouer Lord sall ressaif the creditour or ony vther byar, tennent till him, payand to the ouer Lord a ȝeiris maill, as the land is set for the tyme. And failȝeing thairof, that he tak the said land till him self, and vndergang the dettis.

Of fische, Salmound, girsillis, trowtis, and nettis in watters. Ca. xlv

ITEM For the multiplicatioun of fische, salmound, girsillis, and trowtis, quhilk ar distroyit be cowpis, narrow massis, nerris, prynis, set in riuers, that hes cours to the see, or set with­in the flude merk of the see, It is auisit in this present Parliament, that all sic cowpis and prynis de distroyit and put away for thre ȝeiris. And quha sa haldis thame vp, salbe indytit, and punist be the Kingis Iustice in his Iustice Air, as distroyaris of reid fische, efter the tennour of the act of slauchter of reid fische last maid of befoir. And in lykewyse all myllaris, that slayis smoltis with creillis or ony vther maner of way, salbe punist be the Kingis Lawis, efter the tennour of the said act maid vpone the slauchter of reid fische. And that ilk Schiref within his Schire sall distroy and cast downe the said Instrumentis, cowpis, prynis, and narrow mass [...]s, nettis, creillis, or ony vther sic lyke.

¶ The Parliament, Iustice Airis, nor Chalmerlane Airis neidis not be continewit fra day to day. Ca. xlvj.

ITEM It is sene speidfull, that the court of Parliament, Iustice Air, nor Chalmerlane Air, or sic lyke courtis, that hes contin ewatioun, neidis not to be continewit fra day to day, bot at thay be of sic strenth, force, and effect, as thay had bene conti­newit fra day to day, vnto the tyme, that thay be dissoluit, The Par­liament be the King, the Iustice Air be the Iustice, the Chalmerlane Air be the Chalmerlane, and vthers sic lyke courtis. And that nane exceptioun proponit be ony persounis be admittit in the contrare.

The Setterday and vther Vigillis to be haly day fra euinsang to euinsang. Ca. xivij.

ITEM As for samekill as the Setterday and vther Vigillis ar not of Law biddin halyday, not fra euinsang to euinsang, that thairfoir masonis, wrychtis, or vther craftismen, that ar set for lang tyme or schort for to wirk, sall on the Setterday and vther Festuall euinningis wirk quhill foure houris efter nouin, vnder the pane of tinsall of his oulkis fee. And that thay keip na ma haly dayis, [Page lv] nor is biddin of haly kirk of greit solempnit feistis. And gif ony dois the contrare, that the Ordinar leid proces of cursing vpone thame.

Anent the reductioun of hospitallis. Ca. xlviij.

ITEM Because in the last Parliament thair was ane nota­bill act maid vpone the reductioun of hospitallis to thair first sundatioun, and na executioun maid thairupone hiddertillis: it is statute in this present Parliament, that the said act maid of befoir for the reductioun of hospitallis of the Realme be put to executioun, and that the thre Estatis of the Realme requyre the Kingis hienes and the Ordinaris to mak the said act be execute, obseruit, and keipit. And that Maister Richard Guthre be the principall confessour to the King, and generall elemosynar, and that he be stuffit be the Kingis autoritie and the Ordinaris for the reformatioun of the samin.

¶ That ferryaris mak briggis. Ca. xlix.

ITEM In lykewyse the statute maid vpone ferryaris for briggis to be maid for the keiping and saiftie of hors, [...] put to executioun, and the persounis punist, that hes bene neg­ligent in the keiping of the samin.

That the Kingis Rollis and Register be put in buikis. Ca. l.

ITEM It is thocht expedient, that the Kingis Rollis and Register be put in bulkis, and haue sic strenth, as the Rollis had of befoir.

¶ That na Deneiris of France cortis nor malȝeis be tane, nor brocht hame Ca. lj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that thair be na Deneiris of France, Malȝeis, Cortis, Mytis, nor nane vther counterfettis of blak money be tane in payment in this Realme, bot our Souerane Lordis awin blak money, strikin and prentit be his cu­inȝeouris vnder the pane of deid. And na maner of persounis bring in to this Realme ony strange blak money of vther Realmes, or counterfit the Kingis money vnder the pane of deid, as said is. And attour in tyme cumming, that na man tak in payment nor offer in payment ony blak money, bot of our Souerane Lordis awin cuinȝie. For quha that thay be fundin with, salbe dettour for thame.

PARLIAMENTVM TEN TVM APVD EDINBVRGH SEXTO DIE MENSIS Maij Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Septuagesimo primo.

ITEM In the first it is statute and ordanit, that the fredome and priuilege of haly kirk be obseruit and keipit, with [Page] out violatioun, as it had bene in the tymes of our Souerane Lordis Nobill progenitouris of befoir.

¶ Eodem Anno .viij. Augusti.

Anent breuis pleidabill. Ca. lij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, be the Lordis hauing the haill power of the thre Estatis committit to thame, and the body of the Realme and Parliamēt, that in tyme tocum quhair ony breuis pleidabill happinnis to be followit befoir quhas [...]meuer iuge and thair be exceptiounis, ane or maa proponit, and thairupone borrowis and recounters fundin and dome geuin falsit, & agane said be outhir of the parteis, and thairefter discussit in the Parliament: Gif it happinnis the dome to be discussit and determit for the partie followar, than sall the parteis baith pas agane to the nixt Iustice Air, and the samin breif and processis maid of befoir salbe red agane, and the partie followar mak his clame, and the partie defendand sall haue fredome and priuilege to tak ane or maa vther exceptiounis, dilatouris, or per­emptouris, as thay follow in ordour, nixt efter the first exceptiounis proponit, that the dome was falsit vpone of befoir. Bot it sall not be leiffull to thame to tak ony exceptiounis that thay pretermittit and leit pas by at that tyme, bot thay sall pas ordourly fordwart fra exceptioun to exceptioun, how oft that euer the dome be falsit, vnto the tyme that the breif be brocht to the recognitioun of ane assyse, gif it plesis the par­tie to mak persute thairto. And the said ordour and forme contenit in this act aboue writtin, to be obseruit and keipit in all punctis in the proceding of the breif of mortancestry purchest be Andro Bissat, agane the Laird of Ardros, and now dependant in the Iustice Air of Cou­per.

¶ Anent the stanching of slauchter with additioun. Ca. liij.

ITEM Anent the stanching of slauchter, quhilk is sa com­moun in the cuntrie, baith in Sanctuarie placis, and vthers, the Lordis thinkis expedient, that the act of the last Parlia­ment maid thairupone be keipit, with this additioun, that quhair ony slauchter is committit, and the partie comittand the slauchter be put to the horne of party, and syne thairefter cumme, and bind thame to the Law, the Sehiref sall not ressaif him to the Law, nor gif him di­latouris of .xl. dayis without he bring with him sufficient borrois, that he sall compeir peremptourlie the said day, to vnderly the Law. And failȝeing thairof, that the committar of the said slauchter be put to the Kingis horne at the said day peremptour, & all his gudis escheit to the King, and his borrois to pay .xx. pund to the King for the vnlaw. [Page lvi] And fra hyne furth to be demanit be the Schireffis, as is contenit in the actis maid of befoir in the last Parliament. And to haue knaw­lege quhat Schireffis hes bene negligent in the executioun of the said act maid vpone slauchter sen the last Parliament. And that now thair be limmit a day to the Schireffis at the emplesance of our Souerane Lord, quhair the Schiref sall compeir, and abyde his accusatioū thair­upone. And quha that beis fundin culpabill, to be punist efter the ten­nour of the act of Parliament. And in the meintyme that thair pas let­ters of the Kingis in all Schiris, to be proclamit at the heid Burrowis, that quhair ony parteis compleinȝeis vpone slauchter sen the said tyme, that thay cum to the King the said day with thair plaintis, and the King sall minister thame iustice without fauouris.

That na Clerkis purches beneficis, or office of Collecto [...]rie at the court of Rome, the quhilk was not thairat befoir. Ca. liiij.

ITEM As to the article of the greit dammage and skaith daylie done to all the Realme be Clerkis, religious, and secularis, quhilkis purchessis Abbaseyis, and vther beneficis at the court of Rome, quhilkis war neuer thairat befoir, & purchessis be meinis office of Collectourie, and takis vpone thame to rais heuy and greit taxatiounis of Prelatis and Clerkis, and makis informatioun of the auale of the beneficis in the court of Rome mair than vse and custume was of befoir, or that euer was done in ony Kingis tyme bygane, and to prouyde for the making of vnionis of beneficis pertening to Abba­seis, and vther annexit and vnit to Bischoprikis, and vthers in heirschip and distructioun of religious placis, and agane the commoun gude of the Realme: Thairfoir the Lordis thinkis expedient, that cōsiddering the vnestimabill damnage and skaith in the hauing of innumerabill ryches out of the Realme thairthrow, that sic Abbaseis, and vther be­neficis purchest be secular or Religious persounis, quhilkis war neuer at the Court of Rome of befoir, be of nane auale, bot at the saidis pla­cis haue fre electioun of the samin. And that nane of our Souerane Lordis liegis spirituall nor temporall, tak vpone thame to be Collec­touris to the sege of Rome of na hiear nor greatar taxatioun of Bis­shoprikis, Abbaseis, Pryoreis, Prouestreis, na vther beneficis, that awe taxatioun bot as the vse and custume of auld taxatioun hes bene of befoir, as is contenit in the Prouinciallis buik or the auld taxatioun of Bagimont. And attour that thair be na vnionis nor annexatiounis maid in tyme tocum to Bischoprikis, Abbaseis, nor Pryoreis of ony be­nefice, nor that na vnionis, nor annexatiounis maid now of the lait, sen our Souerane Lord tuik the Crowne, be of strenth, valew nor [Page] effect, nor be sufferit within the Realme, bot at the said beneficis, that war vnit be put agane to thair first fundatioun to the place, at thay war at befoir the tyme of the vnion. And the said vnionis to be reput of na force, strenth nor effect in tyme cumming. And gif ony persounis of our Souerane Lordis liegis spirituall or temporall wald attempt, or hes attemptit in the contrare of thir punctis aboue writtin, salbe de­manit, as tratouris to our Souerane Lord and his successouris, and neuer to bruik benefice, nor vse worschip within the Realme. Neuerthe les it salbe leiffull to Lordis and Barronis to purches annexatiounis and vnionis of ony benefice, that thay can purches, outher thair awin patronage, or vthers to be vnit to secular Collegis foundit, or to be foundit.

Of cartis of weir to be maid. Ca. lv.

ITEM As to the article of greit damnage and skaith daylie done to all the Realme, that gif it happinnis our auld ennimeis to inuaid the Realme, it war expedient, to gar certane cartis of weir be maid be Prelatis, Barronis, efter the facultie and power of the persounis, for the defence of the Realme, The Lordis thinkis expe­dient, that the said cartis of weir be maid be the said persounis, as for this tyme.

¶ The lenth of speiris, and that ȝemen haue targeis, and of wapinschawing. Ca. lvj.

ITEM It is thocht expedient, that na Merchandis bring speiris in this Realme out of ony vther cuntrie, bot gif thay contene .vj. elne of lenth, and of a clyft, na that na bowar within this cuntrie mak na speiris, bot gif thay contene the samin lenth. And quha that dois the contrar, that the speiris be escheit, and the per­sounis punist at the Kingis will. Item that ilk ȝeman, that can not deill with the bow, that he haue ane gude ax, and ane targe of ledder, to resist the schot of Inglād, quhilk is na coist bot the valew of a hyde. And at ilk Schiref, Stewart, Baillie, and vthers Officiaris, mak wapinschawing within the boundis of thair office, efter the tennour of the act of Parliament, sa that in default of the said wapinschawing, our Souerane Lordis liegis be not destitute of harnes, quhen thay haue neid. And at the fute ball and golf be abusit in tyme cumming, and at the buttis be maid vp and schuting vsit, efter the tennour of the act of Parliament maid thairupone. &c.

That nane weir silkis within ane hundreth pundis worth of land. Ca. lvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, in this present Parliamēt, that considdering the greit pouertie of the Realme, the greit expensis and coist maid vpone the inbringing of Silk in the [Page lvii] Realme. That thairfoir na man sall weir silkis in tyme cumming, in dowblat, gowne or clokis, except Knychtis, Menstrellis, and Heraldꝭ without that the weirar of the samin may spend ane hundreth pundis worth of land rent, vnder the pane of amerciament to the King of .x. pund, als oft as thay ar fundin weirand silkis, and escheiting of the sa­min, to be geuin to the Heraldis and Menstrellis, except the claithis that ar maid befoir this Parliament. And at the Schiref of ilk Schire, Alderman and Baillies of Burrowis, tak inquisitioū thairof, and send it to the King. And at mennis wyffis within ane hundreth pundis, weir na Silkis in lyning, bot allanerly in coller and sleuis vnder the samin pane.

Anent the money and crying downe of the allayit grot vj. d. Ca. lviij.

ITEM As tuiching the mater of the money, sen the mater is greit and tuichis the haill body of the Realme in greit neirnes, and that the Lordis heir present can not haistely be auisit to tak a fynall determinatioun thairof. It is statute and ordanit, that the money haue cours as it dois now, vnto the continewatioū of this Parliament. And the Lordis that sall haue power in all vther maters for the commoun gude of the Realme, at that tyme to auise, determin, and conclude vpone the said mater of the money, that now rinnis. And in lykewyse gif it be sene speidfull to mak innouatioū of ony new money, outher gold, or siluer, the saidis Lordis sall haue power to auise and conclude thairupone. And as anentis the new allayit grot of .vij. d. It is ordanit be our Souerane Lord, that fra thyne furth it haue cours for .vj. d. and the half grot of the samin for .iij. d. And the cuinȝie and cours thairof to be continewit, quhill the continewatioun of the nixt Parliament. &c.

¶ For the eschewing of manswering of fals assysis or inqueistis. Ca. lix.

ITEM For the eschewing of manswering of fals assyse and inqueistis in greit hurting of our Souerane Lordis liegis, and specially be inqueistis in heritageis, It is statute and orda­nit, that in tyme cumming, quhair a partie findis him greuit be ony assyse or inqueistis be partiall malice or ignorance of the assyse or in­queistis, saifand and exceptand the assyse of breuis pleidabill, quhilk this statute sall not extend vpone, it salbe leiffull to the partie greuit to cum to our Souerane Lord and his counsall, and tak a Summoundis of the said inqueist, to compeir befoir thame at certane day and place peremptourly, and thair produce his euidentis of the ignorance or falset of the said inqueist. And gif it happinnis him to preif the said falset, the partie greuit salbe reducit to the conditioun, that it was in of befoir, or the said inqueist or assyse procedit, and the determinatioun of the said [Page] assyse or inqueist to be of nane auale, and the saidis persounis of the as­syse or inqueistis, to be punist efter the forme of the Kingis Lawis, in the first buik of his Maiestie, Contra temerè iurantes super assisara. And gif the partie compleinȝeand be fundin the wrang, he sall pay ane vnlaw of .x. pund to the King, and mak all the expensis of the partie that is Summound.

That Lordis, Barronis, and Burrowis gar mak Schippis, Buschis, and greit Pinkboittis with nettis. Ca. lx.

ITEM The Lordis thinkis expedient for the cōmoun gude of the Realme, and the greit entres of tyches to be brocht within the Realme of vther cuntreis, that certane Lordis spiri­tuall and temporall, and Burrowis gar mak greit Schippis, Buschis, and vther greit Pinkboittis with nettis, and all abilȝementis ganand thairfoir for fisching. And the executioun of this mater and the forme, and the number of the samin be had at the continewatioun of this Parliament.

The partie that tynis his actioun salbe in ane vnlaw of .xl.s. Ca. lxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhair ony partie fol­lowis ony actioun befoir the Lordis of counsall in tyme tocum, the partie that beis fundin in the wrang, and the sentence is geuin agane, sall pay ane vnlaw of .xl.s. to the Lordis to be dispo­nit be the Chancellar, and the expensis of the partie, that winnis the cause, be the modificatioun of the Lordis. &c.

ITEM It is auisit, that this present Parliament be conti­newit to the secund day of August nixt tocum. At the quhilk day thir Lordis vnder writtin, that is to say, for the Prela­tis, the Bischoppis of Glasgow, Dunkeldin, Abirdene, the Abbotis of Halyrudhous, Newbottill, and Lundoris, the Archidene of Glas­gow, and the Officiall of Louthiane. For the Barronis my Lordis of Albany, the Erlis of Huntlie, Craufuird, Ergyle, Menteith, Merchell, and Erroll, the Lordꝭ of Hammiltoun, Erskin, Lyle, Kilmawris, Lind­sa [...], Olyphant, Glammis, Setoun, Forbes, and Borthick. For the Burrowis Schir Alexander Naper, and Walter Ȝoung for Edin­burgh, Androw Charters for Perth, Androw Alansone for Abirdene, Malcome Forster for Striuiling, Iames Ogilwy for Dundie, Archi­bald Hephurne for Hadingtoun, Williame Bonar for Sanctandros, and Alexander Foulis for Linlithgow. And the maist part of thame and all vther Lordis, Prelatis, Barronis, and Commissionaris, that plesis thame to call to thame, sall haue the full power, and strenth of the haill thre Estatis of this Realme beand gadderit in this present Parliament, to auise, determin, treit, and conclude efter, as thay findin [Page lviii] thair wisdomis, concerning the maters disponit vpone the weilfair of our Sauerane Lord, that ar now oppinnit in this present Parliamēt, and vnendit, and vther maters, that sall occur for the tyme for the weil­fair of our Souerane Lord and the commoun gude of the Realme.

ACTA PARLIAMENTI IACOBI TERTII TENTI ET INCHOATI APVD Edinburgh nono die Mensis Maij Anno Do. &c. lxxiiij.

Of the fredome of haly kirk.

IN Primis it is statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis in this present Parliament, that the fredome & honour of haly kirk be obseruit and keipit in siclyke fredome as it hes bene in our Souerane Lordis maist Nobill progenitouris tymes of befoir.

¶ Ane Ambaxat in Ingland for the redressis of the Barge. Ca. lxij.

ITEM It is thocht expedient in this present Parliament, that our Souerane Lord send ane honorabill Am­baxat in Ingland for the obtening of redres of the Barge, and vther attemptatis done agane the trewis, and to laubour ony vther gude maters of freindschip and amitie, that may be to the obseruatioun & keip­ing of peax in tyme tocum, and to the gude of the Realme be auise and will of our Souerane Lord.

ITEM That our Souerane Lord send commissioun till his father the King of Denmark, to mak and bind confi­deratioun and alliance with the Imperour, exceptand our Souerane Lordis first alliance.

Of the money and bulȝeoun. Ca. lxiij.

ITEM Anent the mater of the money and the inbringing of bulȝeoun, It is statute and ordanit, that the actis statutis maid of befoir, anent the inbringing of bulȝeoun salbe obseruit and keipit, that is to say, of ilk Serplaith twa vnce of brint siluer, and of vther gudis effeirand thairto, of the last of hydis .iiij. vnce, and of the last of Salmound twa vnce, and of claith and vther gudis, with this additioun, That the custumaris sall, or thay gif the coket to ony Schip, tak souertie and borrois of ilk a Merchand for the hamebring­ing of bulȝeoun, as said is: and sall ȝeirly mak compt thairof in the Checker. And gif the custumaris failȝeis in the taking of the said souer tie, thay to be punist thairfoir, and depryuit of thair office for euer. And quhat Merchand that failȝeis heirin, to pay .x. pund to the King. And because the mater of the money is rycht subtile and greit, and may not [Page] rycht haistely be set, it is thocht speidfull, that the thre Estatis commit thair power to certane wyse discreit persounis to the number of .x. or xij. to auise, and set the cours of the money, and to dewise new money, as thay think maist expedient.

Of the breif of tutorie. Ca. lxiiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent the breif of tutorie, that it be vnderstandin in tyme cumming, that he, that is nerrest agnat, and of .xxv. ȝeiris of age, fulfilling the laif of the panetis of the breif, salbe lauchfull tutour, suppois the childe, that hap­pinnis to be in tutorie, haue ane ȝoungar brother or sister, notwithstan­ding that the agnat is not immediat to succeid to the childe: because of ȝoungar brether and sisters.

¶ Of arreistmentis. Ca. lxv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent the preuing of arreistmentis be Crownaris or Seriandis, on the north half of the watter of Forth, that hes bene vsit of befoir, to be preuit be tuiching of wandis, It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocum all preuis salbe maid be Crownaris and Seriandis be witnes and per­sounis, lyke as is vsit, and done on the south half of Forth.

Anent airschip of mouabill gudis of Barronis. Ca. lxvj.

ITEM Anent the airschip of mouabill gudis, that the airis of Barronis, gentilmen, and frehalders sall haue, It is statute and ordanit, that the saidis airis sall haue the best of ilk a thing, and efter the statute of the Burrow Lawis, and as is contenit in the samin.

¶ Of obligatiounis. Ca. lxvij.

ITEM Anentis the act maid of befoir of prescriptioun of ob­ligatiounis, It is ordanit, to be vnderstandin in this wyse, that all auld obligatiounis maid of befoir, that is elder, than the dait of .xl. ȝeiris not dependand in the Law in the tyme of the making of the said actis, salbe prescriuit, and of na strenth, and in lykewyse in tyme tocum all obligatiounis maid or to be maid, that beis not follow it within .xl. ȝeiris, sall prescriue, and be of nane auale.

The answer of the retour. Ca. lxviij.

ITEM Anent the breuis of inqueist to be seruit in tyme to [...], It is statute and ordanit, that it be answerit in the retour quhat the land was of auale of the auld, and the werray auale, that it was worth, and geuis the day of the seruing of the said breif.

That all complaintis first persew thair Iuge Ordinar. Ca. lxix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the Schireffis, Pro­uestis, Baillies of Burrowis, & vther Iugeis Ordinar sall minister Iustice of all complaintis, efter the forme of the last act maid thairupone, and vnder the panis contenit in the samin. And that fra this set furth all persounis, that hes cōplaintis, persew to thair Iuge Ordinar, & vex not our Souerane Lord nor his coūsall with na complaintis, bot gif it be on Officiaris, that will not do Iustice, nor mi­nister thair office, efter the forme of Law, & as is contenit in the last act

¶ That foure of the auld counsall be chosin to the new. Ca. lxx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit in Burrowis, notwithstā ­ding the actis maid of befoir, that thair salbe of the auld counsall of the ȝeir befoir, foure worthy persounis chosin ȝeirly to the new counsall, at thair entrie to sit with thame, for that ȝeir, and haue power with thame to do Iustice.

Anent ouerlordis, that will not enter to thair landis. Ca. lxxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent ouerlordis, that in defraude and skaith of thair vassalis and tennentis, differris till enter to thair landis and superioriteis, That in tyme tocū the saidis ouerlordis sall enter to thair landis and superioriteis, and do thair diligence thairto, but fraud or gyle within .xl. dayis, efter that thay be requyrit be thair vassalis or tennentis. The quhilk gif thay do not, the saidis vassalis or tennentis incontinent thairefter to be enterit be the King or the ouerlord, that the superiorities ar haldin of, and hald of him, and the tother ouerlord, that fraudfully differris his en­trie, to tyne the tennent for his lyfetyme: and assyth the partie of his coistis & skaithis, that salbe sustenit throw him in default of his entrie.

¶ That persounis arreistit to the Iustice Air enter within bar. Ca. lxxij.

ITEM Because in tymes bygane thair was haldin ane vse and conswetude, that persounis indytit to the Iu­stice Air wald cum in presence of the Iustice in the Tolbuith, and hald thame outwith the bar, and wald not enter for the payment of ane ly­till vnlaw, quhilk is greit derisioun and scorne of Iustice, and lycht­lying of the Kingis hienes: It is thairfoir statute and ordanit, that in tyme cumming all persounis arreistit, that may be apprehendit the tyme of the Air in the Tolbuith, or the Towne, quhair the Iustice is, salbe takin and deliuerit to the Iustice to be iustifeit for his cryme, and his trespas: Swa that the arreistment be maid of befoir the tyme of the beginning of the Air and sait of Iustice.

The vnlaw of steiling of halkis, hundis, pertrikis, and duikis. Ca. lxxiij.

ITEM Anent the eschewing of greit troubill, discord, and di­uers inconuenientis, that may cum anent the steilling of halkis and hundis, It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme cumming na maner of persounis tak ane vther mannis hundis, nor halkis maid or wylde out of nestis, nor eggis out of nestis, within ane vther mannis groūd, but licence of the Lord, vnder the pane of .x. pundis. And in lyke wyse that na eggis be tane out of the pertrikis, nor wylde duik nestis, vnder the pane of .xl.s. And this to be a punet of dittay in tyme to cum

Of Dais and Rais, hunting of Deir, and taking of cuningis. Ca. lxxiiij.

ITEM That na man sla Dais, nor Rais, nor Deir in tyme of storme, or snaw, or sla ony of thair kiddis, quhill thay be ane ȝeir auld, vnder the pane of x. pundis. And it to be a punct of dittay. And in lykewyse, that na man hunt, schute, nor sla Deir nor Rais in vthers closis or parkꝭ, or tak out cuningis out of vtherꝭ cuninghairꝭ, or ony foulis of vthers do weatis, or fische out of vthers puilis, or stankꝭ, but speciall licence of the awnaris vnder the pane of dittay, & to be pu­nist as thift.

That ferryaris mak briggis. Ca. lxxv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocum the ferryaris of Kinghorne sall tak of fraucht bot .ij. d. of the man, or woman, and the birding, and for a hors .vj. d. And quhat persounis that bringis hors or beistis, sall mak the persounis and the virdingis fre, sa that the hors birding and the persoun, that salbe, pay vj. d. And in lykewyse vther beistis sall mak the persounis fre of fraucht. And at the Quenis ferry sall be takin bot .j. d. of the man, al­swa the hors twa pennyis, and all in the forme and maner abone writtin. And at the Portincraig ane penny for the man, and the hors ane penny. And quhat ferryaris, that dois in the contrare, sall pay .xl. s. to the King and his persoun presonit, at the will of the King. And at the ferryaris mak briggis to thair baittis efter the forme of the actis maid of befoir, vnder the pane contenit in the samin.

ITEM This Parliament to be continewit to the .vj. day of August with cōtinewatioun of dayis, & the power of the thre Estatis to be committit to certane persounis to the number of xxiiij. Prelatis, Barronis, and Commissaris vnder writtin, to auise and conclude vpone the maters, that sall occur in the meintyme, and in speciall of the money, and with power gif thay think speidfull, to continew it to ane vther day, and haue the samin autoritie. And thir ar the names of the persounis, that is to say. &c.

[Page lx] PARLIAMENTVM IACOBI TERTII SCOTORVM REGIS ILLVSTRISSIMITEN tum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh xx. die Mensis Nouembris Anno Do. Mill [...]si­mo Quadringentesimo Septuagesimo Quinto.

¶ Of the fredome of haly kirk.

IN THE First it is statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord the King and his thre Estatis, that the fredome grantit befoir to haly kirk be obseruit and keipit in all wayis as it hes bene be his Nobill pro­genitouris of befoir. And gif ony kirk man be hurt or greuit in speciall, that it salbe schawin to the Kingis hienes, and he sall gar reformatioun be maid thairof.

That the Iustice set his Airis twyis in the ȝeir. Ca. lxxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for the administratioun of Iustice of criminall actiounis, that our Souerane Lordis Iustice sall set his Airis twyis in the ȝeir, and pas throwout the Realme and execute our Souerane Lordis breuis, Lawis, and statutis maid of befoir, that in his default na rychtous complaint be herd in tyme tocum. And attour it is statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocum all Schireffis, within the boundis of thair officis execute dewly the actis of Parliament maid of befoir the .xx. day of Nouem­ber, the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth thre scoir nyne ȝeiris, in the quhilk is contenit the maner, how thay salbe demanit, that ar fugitiuis to the gyrth. And that ilk Schiref tak with him now the copy of this act, that thay sall not excuse thame be ignorance in tyme to cum.

¶ That all complaintis first persew to thair Iuge Ordinar. lxxvij.

ITEM As anent the administratioun of Iustice in ciuile ar­tiounis and complaintis throw all the Realme, it is staute and ordanit, that all parteis compleinȝeand, sall first pas to thair Iuge Ordinar, and persew Iustice. And that the Ordinaris sall minister thame Iustice without partiall meinis or sleuth. Andgif the Iuge failȝeis in his office and administratioun of Iustice, the par­tie sall cume and pleinȝie to the King and his counsall vpone the Iuge, & inlykewyse on the partie. And in that caise thay sall haue Summo­undis, baith on the Iuge and on the partie to compeir befoir the King [Page] and his counsall, and thair haue iustice and reformatioun, efter the tennour of the act of Parliament maid of befoir the .xx. day of Nouember the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth thre scoir fyftene ȝeiris.

Anent fals assyse or inqueistis, and the pane thairof. Ba. lxxviij.

ITEM As tuiching the reformatioun of fals assyse, passand vpone cryminall actiounis befoir oure Souerane Lordis Iustice, Schireffis, or vther Officiaris, It is statute and or­danit, conformand to the Kingis Lawis, De paena temerè iurantium super assisam, That quhair indytit persounis ar schawin befoir the assyse, in the accusatioū of a trespassour, notoure, or manifest knawlege beand of the trespassoure, and it happin the persounis that passis on the assyse, wilfully be fauouris or partiall meinis, to acquyte the trespassour, or trespassouris, in that caise it salbe leiffull to the King and his counsall to call the assyse, and inquyre at thame, gif thay concorde all in a voice, or how mony said all in a voice, & how mony said ane vther way. And thay that ar suspect De temerario iuramēto salbe accusit befoir the King & his Iustice, quhat day and place, that it plesis his hienes. And gif thay persounis plesis to grant thair fault, and Temerariū periurium, to be punist thairfoir, efter the forme of the auld Law. And gif thay deny or makis excusatioun thairof be ignorance, the King or his counsall sall giue thame than ane greit assyse of .xxv. Nobill persounis, and schaw to that assyse the euidentis or notour knawlege of the trespas, in sa far as was schawin to the first assyse. And thairefter gif it beis fundin that the first assyse acquit the trespassouris be temerarite, or wilfully be fa­uouris or partialitie, sa mony as beis cōuict of y cryme, to be punist efter the forme of the auld Lawis, contenit in the buik of Regiam Maiestatem. Neuertheles the persounis, that happinnis to be accusit of the trespas, outher to be conuict, or maid quyte, efter the forme of the first deliue­rance, and the fals assyse to be punist, as said is.

¶ Anent the mariage of our Souerane Lordis sister. Ca. lxxix.

ITEM Anent the mariage of our Souerane Lordis sister, the Lordis of the thre Estatis thinkis at his hienes and the Lordis of his counsall sould in all gudly haist auise hir mariage in sum conuenient place, and fra his Estatis knaw the place, thay sall according thairto support with thair gudis efter thair faculteis, and greit chargeis that thay haue borne of befoir, beand considderit.

Anent the inbringing of bulȝeoun. Ca. lxxx.

ITEM As anent the money, because the Lordis vnderstan­dis, that the pretermitting and sleuth that hes bene [Page lxi] in the executioun of the actis maid for the inbringing of bulȝeoun in the Realme, and als the serching and keiping of the money fra passing furth of the Realme, hes causit the greit scantnes of it, that is now of the money throw all y land, That thairfoir our Souerane Lord sall ȝit cause the actis and statutis maid of befoir baith in the inbringing of bulȝeoun, and keiping of the money, be scharply put to executioun. And that the brekaris thairof be punist efter the forme of the actis maid thairupone of befoir. And that the King now depute trew and ha­bill persounis to be serchouris in tyme tocum, that will and may do diligence for the halding in of the money, as is statute of befoir. And that the Merchandis sall haue for ilk vnce of brint siluer, that he bringꝭ hame to the cuinȝiers xij.s. and the cuinȝeour of that brint siluer, to mak .xij. grotis of the vnce of the samin prent, that the new grot is now. And of the new fynance of the new Inglis grot. And that thair be ane penny and ane half penny of siluer maid of the samin fynance, according to the new grot, and that penny to haue cours for thre pennyis.

That nouther siluer nor gold be put to the fyre. Ca. lxxxj.

ITEM Because it is weill knawin, that all cuinȝeit money baith siluer and gold put to the fyre to be maid bulȝe­oun to vther new money, is minist, waistit, and distroyit in the translatioun be the fyre incurris greit skaith in hurt of the King and all his liegis, and sould not be sufferit in tyme tocum: It is thairfoir statute and ordanit, that fra hyne furth nouther siluer nor gold, that beiris prēt and forme of cuinȝie, that it be in ony wyse moltin, or put to the fyre be the Kingis cuinȝeouris, or be goldsmythis to ony wark, without speci­all licence or charge of the King, bot all gold and siluer, that is cuin­ȝeit, and hes prent be obseruit & haldin haill to pas amangis the Kingis liegis, as he ordanit it to haue cours. &c.

Anent the breif of Idiotrie and furiositie. Ca. lxxxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that sen thair is ane breif of our Souerane Lordis Chapell maid and ordanit for the saiftie of alienatioun of Lordis and Barronis landis throw Idiotis and naturall fulis, furious, and wodmen the tyme of thair foly, the quhilkis breuis saiffis not the alienatioun, bot allanerly fra the tyme of the seruing of the saidis breuis, and remeidis it not, that is done of be foir, in caise it be done in the tyme of the foly or furiositie, albeit he be als greit a fuill and furious befoir, as efter: It is statute and ordanit thairfoir in tyme tocum the said breif be reformit and ane clause put thairin, To inquyre of the foly and furiositie, and how lang tyme he was of thay conditiounis. And fra it be knawin be the inqueist, that [Page] the persounis be fulis or furious the tyme thairof, the alienatioun maid be him efter the tyme, that the inqueist findis, that he was outher fule or furious, salbe of nane auale, bot retretit, and brocht agane till him alsweill, as the alienatioun maid efter the seruing of the said breif.

That the money and gold be cryit vp hiear. Ca. lxxxiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, for the greit scantnes and want of gold, that is within the Realme, throw ha­uing out of the samin, because it standis heir in a lawar price, than it dois in vther cuntreis, It is statute and ordanit, that the gold haue cours in tyme tocū in this wyse, that is to say, the Rois Nobill to xxxv s. The Henry Nobill to .xxxj.s. The Angell to .xxiij.s. The Frenche Crowne to .xiij.s.iiij. d. The Demy to .xiij.s.iiij. d. The Scottis Crowne to .xiij.s. The Salute to .xv.s.vj. d. The Lew to .xvij.s.vj. d. The Rydar to .xv.s.vj. d. And all vther gold to pas efter the fynes, and wecht, and at the plesance of the geuar and the takar.

And at all siluermoney haue cours siclyke in tyme tocum, as it hes this day.

¶ Of the payment of the dettour and the creditour. Ca. lxxxiiij.

ITEM To remoue discord amangis the Kingis liegis betuix the creditouris and the dettouris, that ar awin sou­mes, It is statute and ordanit, that notwithstanding the variance of the cours of the commoun gold and siluer, quhat cours at euer it haue, the dettour sall pay his creditour the det of the money, that sould haue bene pay it at the termis befoir the making of this act with sic money and of the samin price, as the money had cours befoir this proclama­tioun and Parliament.

That na courtis of guerra be haldin. Ca. lxxxv.

ITEM Because thair hes bene abusioun of Law in tymes bygane be the Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies, and Officiaris in the halding of courtis of guerra to the greit heirschip and skaith of our Souerane Lordis liegis, and of his awin hienes in his awin Iustice Airis, quhilkis ar spilt be the said guerra courtis: It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocum thair be na courtis of guer­ra haldin be na maner of persounis vnder the pane of punitioun, as for a man slayar and reiffar of his gudis, and vsurpar vpone the Kingis liegis and his autoritie.

PARLIAMENTVM IACOBI [Page lxii] TERTII REGIS SCOTORVM ILLVSTRISSIMI tentum apud Edinburgh quarto die Mensis Iulij Anno Domini Millesimo Quadring entesimo Septuagesimo Sexto.

Of our Souerane Lordis reuocatioun. Ca. lxxxvj.

IN the first of all alienatiounis, infeftmentis and gif­tis geuin and grantit be him to quhatsumeuer per­sounis, that be hurt or preiudiciall till his airis, or to his Crowne of quhatsumeuer heritage pertening to his hienes in ony tyme to this day, and in speciall of giftis of landis, mailis, fischingis, patronagis of Kirkis, geuing of waird landis in blanchferme, set­ting of landis, making of Regaliteis, and talȝeis maid in his tender age tra the rychtous airis: Alswa all giftis geuin be his hienes of ke­ping of Castellis for langar tymes, than induring his will, & in speciall of the Castellis, that ar the keyis of the Realme, and generally all ma­ner of alienatiounis, as said is, that is, or may be preiudiciall till his airis, and Crowne in ony wyse, or that is agane ony gude conscience.

¶ The annexatioun of the Erldome of Ros. Ca. lxxxvij.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord with the consent of his thre Estatis of his Realme, annexis till his Crowne the Erldome or Ros with the pertinentis, to remane thairat for euer, swa that it all not be leiffull to his hienes or his airis, nor his successouris to mak alienatioun of the said Erldome or ony part thairof, fra his Crowne in ony wyse: Saifand that it salbe leiffull to him and thame, to gif the said Erldome at thair plesance till ane of his, or thair secund souis lauchfully to be gottin betuix him and his Quene.

ITEM My Lord Chancellar sall remember to pronunce the approbatioun of my Lord of Glasgowis Charter to declair, that the King hes grantit him to haue a Seriand with a sil­uer wand.

PARLIAMENTVM SVPRE MI DOMINI NOSTRI REGIS IACOBI TERTII tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh sexto die Mensis Augusti An. Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Septuagesimo septimo.

Of haly Kirk.

[Page] IN the first it is statute and ordanit, that the fredome of haly Kirk be obseruit and keipit in siclyke libertie, as it hes bene in all tymes bygane in our Souerane Lordis progenitouris tymes. And gif it be hurt in ony wyse, that reformatioun be maid thairof.

Of slauchter. Ca. lxxxviij.

ITEM Because that slauchter and vther trespassis, as tro­soun, re [...], and commoun thift is, and hes bene sa cō ­moun throw all the partis of the Realme, and is supposit the maist oc­casioun thairof is the reddy granting of the Kingis grace in geuing of remissiounis and respectis to the committatis of the samin: Our So­uerane Lord at the greit instance and requeist of the Lordis of the thre Estatis of his Realme, and for the eschewing of the trespassis and enormiteis, the saiftie of his liegis, and the commoun proffeit of the Realme, of his speciall fauouris, and grace hes grantit to clois his handis and ceis the geuing of respectis and remissiounis to ony per­sounis for ony maner of slauchter committit, se [...] his age of .xxv. ȝeiris, or that salbe committit in ony tymes tocum for thre ȝeiris: That in the meintyme the cuntrie may be put in peax and reule, and his liegis leif in suretie: Nor that his hienes sall grant na remissiounis for commoun thift within the cuntrie. And gif ony remissiounis be grantit, and geuin for auld actiounis, that it salbe expremit and prouydit in the remissioun, that the trespas for the quhilk the remissioun was geuin, was committit befoir his age of .xxv. ȝeiris. And gif it beis [...]din the contrare, the remissioun or respect to be of nane auale.

Of the money. Ca. lxxxix.

ALSVA because our Souerane Lord is informit, that his Realme is purit and waistit of money in de­fault of cuinȝie, that hes bene strikkin in tymes by­gane, and the auld money, that had cours in this Realme baith of the Realmes self and vthers hes bene transtatit, and put to the fyre, and maid bul­ȝeoun to vther money, that is strikin of new, con­trare the auisement of the last Parliament, throw the quhilk thair is n [...]ne or lytill of the auld money of this cuntrie, or vthers gangaud nouther Demyis, Lyonis, Inglis Nobillis, Lewis, Frenche Crownis. [Page lxiii] Inglis grotis, Flowre delycis, fourtene penny grotis, bot for the maist part baith gold and siluer put to the fyre: Our Souerane Lord at the requeist of his Estatis and of his speciall grace hes now grantit to mak the actis of his Parliament baith maid in his progeni­touris tymes, and his awin of the inbringing of bulȝeoun to be put to executioun, and be obseruit and keipit, and in lykewyse the actis maid vpone the serching and keiping in of the money in the Realme to be put to scharp executioun, and gude serchouris set thairupone at all por­tis and placis neidfull. And gif it be neidfull, he sall set scharper rew lis thairupone be counsall and auise of the Lordis of his counsall. And in the meintyme, quhill the Realme may be stuffit of bulȝeoun, and it may be sone, and knawin quhairof, that new money may be strikin, his hienes will of his grace, as said is, gar ceis all cuinȝeing and stry­king of the money, gold, siluer, greit and small, and gar tak the irnis fra the cuinȝeouris incontinent, and put thame in sicker keiping: Swa that thair cum na mair hurt in the Realme, throw stryking of the mo­ney in tyme cumming. And quhat tyme his hienes thinkis, that the Realme be stuffit of bulȝeoun, he sall than, god willing, with auise of his Lordis of Counsall mak and set a reule of his money baith gold and siluer, and of the wecht and fynes, that it sall hald the cours, that it sall haue, and mak and ordand ane wardane and ane Maister of his cuinȝie of substance and knawlege, that salbe responsabill to his hienes vpone thair lyfis and honour for the keiping of ordinance and statute, that salbe maid.

Ane Ambaxat to the Duik of Burgunȝie. Ca. lxxxx.

ITEM Anent the cours of Merchandice, because that thair is letters cummin rycht hartfull, thankfull, and honourabill fra the Prince of Burgunȝie, and the Estatis of his landis, for the keiping of fredome of the Merchandis of his Realme in tyme tocum, and the reformatioun of skaith, that thay haue sustenit in tyme bygane, and the alliance and confederatioun maid betuix our Soue­rane Lord and the Prince of Burgunȝie of befoir beand renewit: It is ordanit be our Souerane Lord, and the Lordis of the thre Esta­tis, that certane persounis be ordanit in maner of Ambaxat, to pas with our Souerane Lordis letters, to the Duik of Burgunȝie baith to renew and confirme the alliance maid of befoir, and to get confir­matioun of the priuilegeis grantit to Merchandis of the Realme of befoir, and purches vther greter priuilegeis, gif thay can be gottin in fauour of the Merchandis. And als to persew the skaith that is [Page] sustenit of befoir, and get reformatioun thairof. And the expensis of the said Ambaxat to be takin of the haill Burrowis. &c.

Of victuallis. Ca. lxxxxj.

ITEM Because victuallis ar rycht scant within the cuntrie, The maist supportatioun, that this Realme hes, is be strangearis of diuers vther natiounis, that bringis victuall, and be­cause of diuers new impositiounis and arreistmentis, that hes bene put vpone thame at thair cumming and entres, thay may not haue li­bertie and fredome to dispone vpone thair awin gudis, the quhilk cau­sis diuers of thame to forbeir to cum in this Realme to the greit and heuy skaith of all the Kingis liegis in all estatis: It is statute and or­danit, that all strangearis and Merchandis cummand in the Realme with victuallis and vther leiffull Merchandice be honorablie ressauit, and fauorablie treittit, and fra thay haue enterit thair gudis in the Tolbuith, as vse and custume is, that our Souerane Lord be seruit first of the best, and syne the Lordis of his conusall efter the price, that salbe maid with the Merchandis, & the remanent to be sauld amangis the Kingis liegis. And that na troubill nor arreist be put vpone Mer­chandis, strangearis, nor thair gudis, bot at thay haue libertie to vse, and do thair leiffull Merchandice, as vse and custume hes bene in tymes bygane.

¶ Anent Cruuis. Ca. lxxxxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act maid of befoir be King Iames the first anent cruuis set in watters be obseruit and keipit, the quhilk beiris in effect, that all cruuis set in watters, quhair the see fillis and ebbis, distroyis the frye of all fischis, be put away and distroyit for euer mair, notwithstanding ony fre­dome or priuilege geuin in the contrare vnder the pane of fyue pund for ilk cruue. And that thay, that hes cruuis in fresche watters, that thay gar heip the Lawis anent the Setterdayis slop, and suf­fer thame not to stand in forbodin tyme vnder the samin pane. And at ilk hek of the said cruuis be thre inche wyde, as the auld statute re­quyris, maid be King Dauid, and at the mid streme be left fre be the space of sex fute. And at it salbe a poynt of dittay baith of thame, that dois the contrare, or garris be done. And quha that beis conuict thairof, to pay fyue pund, as said is.

Anent ferryaris that rasis fraucht. Ca. lxxxxiij.

ITEM Anent ferryaris that rasis fraucht vpone the Kingis liegis, and thair gudis mair, than is ordanit and sta­tute [Page lxiiii] of befoir be the Parliament, to be geuin and tane for the man and the hors and his birding, It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme to cum na ferrayaris tak mair fraucht of man, hors, or gudis, bot same­kill as is statute and ordanit be the Parliament of befoir to be tane, vnder the pane of fyue pund to be payit to our Souerane Lord, and amendis to the partie, sa oft as thay trespas. And this to be a point of dittay in tyme tocum.

Anent mureburne. Ca. lxxxxiiij.

ITEM Anent mureburne, that is plainly now done in all Monethis contrare the actis and statutis maid of befoir, for the punitioun and stanching thairof, It is now statute and ordanit, that the vnlaw of mureburne salbe in tyme tocum fyue pund of thame, that beis conuict befoir the Iustice in the Iustice Air. And that na mureburne be maid fra the last day of Marche, quhill Micha­ [...]es day vnder the pane foirsaid.

¶ Of the bind of Salmound. Ca. lxxxxv.

ITEM Because it is heuily murmurit, & the Realme greit­lie sclanderit be strangearis and vthers, that byis Salmound, of the minissing of the veschell and barrellis, that the Salmound is packit in, It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme to cum all Salmound be packit in barrellis of the mesour of Hamburgh efter the auld assyse, and na smallar barrellis, nor veschellis. And that na Couper within the Realme mak smallar barrellis to pack fische in, than the said mesour of Hamburgh, and the auld assyse. And gif ony dois the contrare heirof in tyme to cum, the first sellar, that sellis the fische of fals packingis in sic small barrellis, sall tyne the fische, and to be our Souerane Lordis escheit, and the Cowper, that maid the bar­rellis, sall pay fyue pund to the King. And that the Kingis custu­maris salbe serchouris heirupone in ilk Towne. And als it salbe a point of dittay.

Of beggaris and Sornaris. Ca. lxxxxvj.

ITEM For the stanching of maisterfull beggaris & sormaris, that daylie oppressis & heryis the Kingis liegis, It is statute and ordanit, y t the auld statute maid of befoir in our Souerane Lordis tyme King Iames the first be put to scharp executioū but fauouris, that is to say, quhair euer ony commoun fornaris beis ouertaine in tyme tocū, that thay be arreistit and deliuerit to the Kingis Schireffis.

[Page] And that thay be furthwith brocht to the Kingis Iustice, to do and ex­ecute the Law on thame, as on a commoun theif and reiffar. And that dittay be tane thairof ȝeirly, and punist, as said is in the Iustice Air. &c.

Of schoing of hors in the quick be smythis. Ca. lxxxvij.

ITEM Because ignorant smythis throw ignorance or drun­kinnes spillis and cruikis mennis hors throw scho­ing in the quick, It is statute and ordanit; that quhen euer a smyth schois a mannis hors in the quick, that smyth sall mak and pay the coist of the hors, quhill he be haill, and in the meintyme find the man ane hors to ryde vpone, and do his laubour, quhill the said hors be haill. And gif the said hors cruikis throw the said schoing, and will not hale, the smyth sall hald the said hors him self, and pay the price of the hors to the man, that aw him.

ITEM Sen our Souerane Lord purposis in all gudlie haist to send certane Lordis in Ambaxat to the King of Ingland in certane honorabill maters and causis concerning the honour and worschip of his hienes, and the publicque gude of the Realme, that is to say, the mariage of his sister, and to haue in haist agane an­swer of his said Ambaxatouris. And als anent the Sūmoundis & pro­cessis maid to the Lord of the Ilis and Schir Alexander Rait, as is contenit in the Summoundis maid on thame, as is writtin in the con­tinence of the samin: The Estatis now present hes for sparing of lau­bour and trauell of thame self committit thair full power and strenth of the haill Parliament to thir persounis vnder writtin, that is to say, viij. of ilk estate to commoun, auise, and conclude vpone the said ma­ters, and all thingis concerning the samin, and the saidis persounis to conuene personally togidder in Edinburgh, or quhat vther place it ple­sis the Kingis hienes, the .ix. day of October nixt tocū with continew­atioun of dayis. And thir ar the names of the persounis. The Bis­choppis of Glasgow, Dunkeldin, Abirdene, Murray, the Abbottis of Halyrudhous, and Newbottill, the Secretar Maister Alexander Iuglis, Maister Williame Elphinstoun for the Clergy. The Erle of An­gous, the Erle Merchall, the Lord Abirnethy, the Lord Hammiltoun, the Lord Lyle, the Lord Borthick, the Laird of Stobhall and the Maister of Torphichin for the Barronis. Iohne of Knowis of Abir­dene, Williame Monorgound of Dūdie, Alexander Bunche of Perth, Symon Greg of Couper, Iames of Creichtoun Prouest of Edin­burgh, and Henry Cant of Edinburgh, Malcome Forester of Striui­ling, and Alexander Foulis of Linlithquho for the Commissaris. &c.

[Page lxv] ¶ Heir followis the statutis maid and appreuit be our Souerane Lord the King, and his thre Estatis in his Parliament haldin and begunn at Edin­burgh the secund day of Aprill the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hundreth foure scoir ane ȝeir. &c.

IN the first it is statute and ordanit, that all our So­uerane Lordis liegis baith to burgh, and to land, spirituall Lordis landis, and temporall be warnit and chargit to be reddy to cum to our Souerane Lord bodin in the best wyse with bowis, speiris, axis, and vther abilȝementis of weir, quhat tyme thay be chargeit on .viij. dayis warning, or sonar, gif neid be, and with victuall to indure and lest for .xx. dayis, efter thay cum to the King vnder the pane of Law.

Of spelris and thair lenth and iakkis. Ca. lxxxxviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that thair be na speiris in tyme tocum maid nor sauld, that is schortar, than .v. elnis and a half or els at the leist .v. elnis befoir the bur, and of greitnes according thairto, vnder the pane of escheiting of all his gudis, that makis or sellis thame. Item it is ordanit, that all persounis, that sall weir takkis for the defence of thair body, that thay gar mak thame syde to the knee, thay that wantis leg harnes, and thay that hes leg har­nes, that thair iakkis be maid sa lang, as to couer the vuer part of thair leg harnes. And that euerie axman, that hes nouther speir nor bow, sall haue ane terge of tre, or ledder efter the fassioun of the exem­pill, that salbe send to ilk Schiref.

¶ Of persounis cummand to the hoist. Ca. lxxxxix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na persounis cum­mand to our Souerane Lordis hoist, waist or di­stroy medow, nor cornis, nor spolȝie ony maner of gudis in thair cum­ming, or ganging within the Realme of Scotland, vnder the pane of punitioun of thair persounis, as brekaris of our Souerane Lordis proclamatioun of his hoist, and refounding of the skaith, that thay do. And that ilk Lord and Barrone salbe responsabill for the persounis, that ar vnder thair leiding, and deliuer the persounis, that dois the skaith to the King, or his Lieutennentis or wardanis, or els refound, and pay the skaith, that is done thame self.

Of wapinschawing and abilȝementis for weir. Ca. c.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the actis and statutis maid of befoir anent the wapinschawing and abilȝe­ment of weir, to be maid be all persounis, salbe put to dew executioun efter the forme contenit in the said actis: And at the panis contenit in the samin be scharply rasit, but fauouris of the brekaris thairof.

¶ Furnesing of Castellis.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord hes ordanit to gar purway and stuffe his Castellis of Dunbar and Lochmaban with victuallis and artailȝerie, and quhair thay ar failȝeit in ony part to gar thame be hastely reparrellit and fortifeit. And als his hienes cō ­mandis and chargeis all the Lordis of his Realme, baith spirituall & temporall, that his Castellis neir the Bordouris and an the see coist, sic as Sanctandros, Abirdene, Temptalloun, Hume, Dowglas, Halis, Adringtowne, and specially the Hermitage that is in maist danger, and sic vthers Castellis and strenthis, that may be keipit and defendit fra our Inimeis of Ingland, that ilk Lord stuffe his awin hous, and strenth thame with victuallis, men and artailȝerie, and to amend and reparrell thame, quhair it misteris, sa that thay be keipit and defendit, as said is.

Aganis the reifar Edwart.

WE do ȝow to wit that the thre Estatis of this Realme be and gadderit and assēblit in this present Parliamēt hes vnderstandin and knawis weill, that this instant weir is now mouit vpone our Souerane Lord and his Realme aganis the mynde, will, and intentioun of our Souerane Lordis hienes, quhilk send his wryting with ane Herald and Purseuant, offerand for his part to haue maid redressis of all attemptatis done agane the trew­is, that stude for the tyme, sa that siclyke mycht haue bene had, And thairefter the said Herald and Purseuant be and lang haldin and ta­ryit in Ingland be the reifar Edward calland him King of Ingland, thay war send agane but answer outher in word or writ in lychtlying of our Souerane Lord and his ressonabill desyris, quhilk was alla­nerly to haue had peax, and to haue keipit his trewis, as appeirit weil efter the hame cumming of the said Herald and Purseuant: Quhen thair was ane hoist of the haill power of Scotland gadderit to haue past for the resistance and inuasioun of our Inimeis of Ingland, our Souerane Lord at the requeist and monitiounis of our haly father the Papis bullis schawin to him in the tyme, skalit his greit hoist in hope [Page lxvi] and traist, that his ennemeis sould haue bene in siclyke wayis obedient to our haly father, vnder the quhilk traist and the skaling of the power foirsaid, thair was incontinent greit birning, heirschip, & distructioun done vpone our Souerane Lord, his Realme, and liegis, and notwithstanding all this his Maiestie ȝit desyris, and wald haue peax: Sa that it had bene according to the worschip and honour of his hienes & his Realme, be the sycht of his said thre Estatis, as his excellencie hes now offerit the samin. And because it is verraly traistit & supponit, that the said reifar Edward throw birnand auarice, and for fals reif and conquest, not dreidand God nor the effusioun of Christian blude, nor hauand respect nor rememorance, that he was oblist and sworne to haue keipit the trewis foirsaid, bot postponand the band of his lautie and honour, that he sould haue had, is vtterly set to continew in his weir, that he hes begunnin and mouit, and be all his power tendis and schaipis till inuaid and distroy in sa far, as he may to conquest this Realme: THE THRE ESTATIS foirsaid hes thairfoir hartfully of thair awin fre will grantit and promittit to our Soue­rane Lord, to remane and abyde at the command of his hienes with thair persounis and thair substance of landis and gudis in defence of his maist Nobill persoun his successioun Realme, and liegis, as thay and thair foirbearis hes of auld tymes done of befoir.

The Kingis promis for ministrationn of Iustice and gude reule.

OVR Souerane Lord now knawand and vnderstand­and weill baith the greit affectioun and hartfull luif but dissimulatioun, that his Lordis, Prelatis, Barronis, and all vthers his liegis spirituall and temporall hes of his persoun, hes now schawin and declairit his mynde op­pinly, that his Maiestie sall with help of God and with gude and trew counsall of his Prelatis and Lordis gar Iustice be euinly ministerit to all his liegis, and apply him to put gude reule in all the partis of his Realme to the commoun proffeit and gude thairof. Quhairthrow all his trew liegis sall haue cause to be of gude confort, and tak conso­latioun and curage of the greit disconfort and confounding of his Ini­meis, and of fals tratouris and vntrew hartis.

¶ The maner of reddynes to resist the reifar Eduard.

AND For the resisting and aganestanding of the said reifar Edward, quhilk schaipis till inuaid this Realme with greit army and power baith be sey and land, It is auisit and sene proffitabill be our Souerane Lord and the thre Estatis, that all diligent laubour and solistatioun possibill he had, to get knawlege and vnder­standing [Page] of the counsall and dispositioun of the said reifar Edward of Ingland, and quhat tyme he schaipis to inuaid this Realme outher in proper persoun or be his wardanis. And in the meintyme that letters be writtin to all Schireffis, chargeing all our Souerane Lordis lie­gis, to be reddy with certane dayis victuall tocum weill abilȝeit for weir till his hienes in all possibill haist, efter as thay salbe chargeit. And to cause wapinschawingis to be haldin euerie .xv dayis. And boundis to be limmit vpone the sey coistis euerie sex mylis of lenth and a myle of breid. And Capitanis to be limmit euerie sex myle to gad­der the cuntrie, and await thairupone, quhen thair is na greithoisting be land, and than all persounis in generall tocum thairto. And that all persounis within the boundis, gif it sall happin our Inimeis to inuaid the Realme be sey, in thay partis to be reddy for the resisting and un­pugnatioun of thame: Sa that gif the said reifar Edward happinnis to cum in proper persoun to be resistit be our Souerane Lord in proper persoun, and with the haill body of the Realme, as thay will leiue and die with his hienes in his defence. And gif the said reifar sendis war­danis, thay to be resistit be wardanis and Lieutennentis stu [...]it with sufficient power according for the tyme.

Of Currouris and thair horsing.

AND Because the Currouris hes bene and ar sleuthfull in presentatioun and geuing of our Souerane Lordis letters to the Lordis and Schireffis, quhame to thay ar directit, his hienes hes ordanit, that in continent efter the letters be writtin outher vnder pre­uie seill or signet, that thair salbe limmit a sufficient persoun of the The­sauarie to ressaif thame stuffit with money, to mak the expēsis of the persounis, beiraris of the said letters, quhilkis salbe autentick persounis, & weill horsit men to warne his liegis in the farrest part of the Realme befoir vthers, that ar neirar.

¶ For the resisting of the tratour Iames of Dowglas.

ITEM As tuiching the resisting & stansching of the tratoure Iames of Dowglas, quhilk is now cummin to the Bordouris, It is grantit and ordanit be our Souerane Lord & the thre Estatis for the cause abone expremit, That generall proclamatioun be maid, that quhatsumeuer persoun or persounis, that will slay or bring y said Iames persoun to his hienes, sall haue thairfoir, and be infeft heri­tablie in ane hūdreth merkis worth of land, & als to haue ane thousand merkis of money of the Realme. And thairefter sall stand in luif & ten­dernes to his gude grace in all tymes cūming. And for the taking, slay­ing, or bringing to his hienes of ony tratour being with him cummin of gentill blude, thay salbe payit .xx: pund, and for ane ȝeman .x. pund. And quhatsumeuer persoun, that now assistis the said tratour Dowglas, y [Page lxvii] will within .xxiiij. dayis cum to our Souerane Lord, & abyde with his hienes in faith and lautie, sall haue full remissioun and forgiuenes of all tresoun, and vther trespassis committit be thame of tyme bygane. And quha will not cum within the tyme abone expremit, sall neuer be ressa­uit in fauouris nor grace. And als to proclame, that generall respet and remissioun salbe geuin to all Bordouraris and vther persounis of the Realme, that hes committit ony tresoun or trespas in tyme bygane, ex­cept the persounis that plesis his hienes to except, that is to say, the tra­tour Iames of Dowglas, Alexander Iarding, Schir Richard Hollād, and Maister Patrik Halyburtoun, Preistis and vthers siclyke tratou­tis, that at sworne Inglismen, and remanis in Ingland. &c.

The vphalding of Berwyk and garnisounis to be layd on the Bor­douris vpone the expensis o [...] the thre Estatis.

ALSVA The thre Estatis considderand and vnderstandand the honorabill & curagious opinioun of our Soue­rane Lord in the halding vp of the Towne of Berwyk, and the greit coist and expēsis, that his hienes hes maid in the fortifeing, strenthing, & bigging of the wallis of the samin, and reparatioun of the Castell and stuffing thairof be artailȝerie, & als the greit charge and coist, that his Maiestie hes now takin vpon him to hald & lay on his awin expensis garnisoū of v. hūdreth men of weir in the said Towne for the keiping & defence thairof, to the greit honour & proffeit of the Realme & harme & skaith to our Inimeis: The saidis Estatis of thair awin fre will hes grātit to our said Souerane Lord to send and wage on thair expēsis .v. hundreth men of weir to be layd in garnisoū in placis vnder writtin on the Bordouris for the defence of the samin, & the resisting of our said Iuimeis. And the soume that salbe payit of thair wagis salbe deuidit & schawin be the thre Estatis efter the forme of the auld vse & consuetude of diuistoun maid of besoir, y t is to say, xij. scoir of men of weir to be furnist be the Clergy, xij. scoir be the Barronis .vj. scoir be y Burrowis. And to enter in placis vnder writtin, y t is to say, in garnisoūis on the Bordourꝭ the first day of the Moneth of Ma [...], & fra thyne furth to remane to the completing of thre Monethis. And the garnisounis foirsaid to enter in Berwyk the first day of Iunij. And fra thyne furth to remane for the space of thre Monethis. ¶ Item it is ordanit, that the said men of weir salbe layd in the placis efter following, that is to say, in Berwyk .v. hundreth as said is, of the quhilkis thair salbe euer .ii. hūndreth reddy to ische at the cōmād of the wardane of the eist Marchis, & his Lieutennētis, & obey to yame, & ryde als oft, as thay salbe chargit. Itē to be layd in Blacader .xx. men & in Wetherburne .xx. men & in Hume .lx. of men. Item on the middill Marchis in Cesfuird .lx. In Iedburgh .lx. In Ormistoū .xx. In Edȝarstoū xx. In Coklaw .xx. In Dolphinstoū .xx. Itē in the Hermitage ane hūdreth men, quhilkꝭ salbe reddy to support baith the middill & [Page] the west Bordouris in tyme of neid, as thay salbe warnit and chargit. Item on the west Bordouris in Lochmaban ane hundreth men, In Castell mylk .xl. men, In Annand .xl. men, In Bellis Towre .xx. men. Item to the hundreth men of weir, that sall ly in Blacader, Wether­burne, and Hume Iames of Borthick sone to the Lord Borthick to be Capitane, and he to cheis the said hundreth men, sic as he will answer for to the Kingis hienes. And in lykewyse he to cheis and depute twa gentill men to be Capitanis vnder him, ane to remane in Blacader, ane in Wetherburne, and him self in Hume.

ITEM On the middill Marche in C [...]sfuird, Ormistoun, and Edgerstoun the Laird of Edmondstoun to be Capi­tane, and he to cheis the said hundreth men, as said is. And to cheis and depute twa Capitanis vnder him, and him self to remane in ane of the said thre placis, and the tother twa Capitanis in the tother twa placis. Item of the hundreth men in Iedburgh, Coklaw, and Dol­phinstoun the Laird of Cranstoun to be Capitane, and cheis the hun­dreth men, and twa Capitanis vnder him, as said is. Item to be Ca­pitane of the hundreth men in the Hermitage the Laird of Laming­toun, and he to cheis thame, as said is. Item to be Capitane of Loch maban of the hundreth men, and to cheis thame, as said is, the Laird of Closeburne. Item of the hundreth men, and to cheis thame, and twa Capitanis, as said is, in Castelmylk, Annand, and Bellis Towre the Laird of Amisfeild, and he to remane in ane of the thre placis, and his twa Deputis, ane in ilk ane of the tother twa placis.


ITEM The principall Capitanis foirsaid sall ressaif the haill wageis for thame self, & the Capitanis vnder thame, and for all the persounis committit to thair gouernance, as said is. And thairefter pay ilk man, as thay will answer to the Kingis hienes. And ilk persoun to haue for his wageis on the day, ilk speir .ij.s.vj. d. and ilk bow .ij.s. And that the tane half of the said wageouris salbe speiris, and the tother half bowis.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord hes ordanit the Lord Dernly to be wardane on the west Bordouris, and cōman­dis and chargeis, that all his liegis answer and obey to him, and his Lieutennentis in the said office in tyme tocum.

¶ Contrare the fauouraris of Iames of Dowglas.

ITEM Attour for the defence and supplie of our Souerane Lordis liegis, that remanis on the Bordouris and punitioun of the vntrew persounis, quhilkis fauouris and suppleis the [Page lxviii] fals and tressonabill opinioun of the tratour Iames of Dowglas, our Souerane Lordis hienes hes committit full and haill power to all his wardanis to exerce thair officis on all sic persounis within thair boun­dis without ony exceptioun. And hes reuokit all exceptiounis gran­tit to ony persounis of befoir except allanerly sa mony persounis, as re­manis within the Towne and Castell of Berwyk. And gif ony excep­tioun be desyrit, thair salbe nane grantit without a speciall and ressona­bill cause vnderstandin and declairit be the Lordis of counsall befoir the geuing thairof.

Ane Ambaxat to the King of France.

ALSVA It is auisit, ordanit, and concludit be our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis, that ane ho­norabill Ambaxat be send fra our Souerane Lordis hienes & fra the Estatis of the Realme to the King of France and to the Parliament of Paris, desy­rand the King of France, as his brother and confe­derat to help and supplie his hienes and his Realme now in his weiris mouit be thair commoun Inimie of Ingland aga­nis thame, lyke as our Souerane Lord hes euer and will be reddy to his brotherheid, quhen he salbe requyrit, making mentioun alswa, that he hes diuers tymes writtin to the King of France thairupone, and gottin nane answer.

Anent the reuocatioun maid be a woman hauand coniunctfeftment efter hir husbandis deceis. Ca. cj.

MEmorandum the vj. day of Marche the ȝeir of God, &c lxxxj. ȝeir Robert Danȝelstoun was persewit be a woman callit Glen befoir the Lordis of counsall, and scho wald haue cummin agane hir aith, that scho maid in Iugement befoir the Officiall of Glasgow, and thair was schawin ane Instru­ment vnder the seill of the said Officiall, that scho consentit to the alie­natioun of sic landis, and swoir, that scho sould neuer cum in the con­trare heirof, and wald haue had the saidis landis allegeand, that it was hir coniunctfeftment, and maid reuocatioun efter hir husbandis deceis, sayand that he compellit hir thairto. The actioun was deliueri agane this woman.

¶ Anent the Indult grantit to the Archibischop of Sanctandros. Ca. cij.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis hes in this present Parliament approuit, ratifeit, & confirmit all the actis & stat [...]is of Parliament maid of befoir, tuiching the obserua­tioun and keiping of the Indult & priuilege grantit be our haly father y Pape to the Archibischop & sege of Sanctādros, anent the cōfirmatioū [Page] of electioun of Abbottis Electis and Postulatis, the quhilkis actis & panis cōtenit in thame salbe alsweill extendit vpon the brekaris of thame, that assistꝭ, or geuis help, supplie, fynance, or supportatioū thairto, as on the principall: And als with extentioū of the samin actis till all vthers placis of the Realme within thair diocyis, y hes bene in vse, cōsuetude, or possessioū of confirmatioū of electiounꝭ, Postulatioūis of Abbaseyis, Pr [...]ories, or Prelaceis of tymes bygane in thair diocyis. And in lyke­wyse that all vther priuilegis and indultis grantit be our haly fathers the Papis of befoir to our Souerane Lord and his progenitouris, to the proffeit and auale of thair successouris or pepill, be in lykewyse ob­scruit and keipit in all punctis and articulis contenit in thame, in sa far as salbe sene proffitabill to the gude publicque of the Realme, and specially be the Papis Celestyne and Innocence, to Kingis of gude mynde Williame, and Alexander his progenitouris. And that letters be writtin to our haly father the Pape heirupone. And this to be extendit be the causis, as is contenit in the act of Parliament maid thairupone of befoir. &c.

That our Souerane Lord present to beneficis all tymes the sege vacand. Ca. ciij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the King and his thre E­statis anent the priuilege of the Crowne vsit and ob­seruit in all tymes bygane, anent the presentatioun of beneficis in the tyme of the vacatioun of the segis of Bischoppis, that our Souerane Lord and his successouris sall in tyme tocum the tyme of the vacatioun of the sege haue power to present to beneficis all tymes, quhill the Prelat, and Bischop mak his bullis of prouisioun be schawin to the Kingis hienes, and his Cheptour. And in caise that our Souerane Lord of his speciall grace and fauouris admit ony Prelat to his temporalitie befoir the schawing of his bullis, as said is, that sic admissioun salbe na preiudice, nor skaith to his hienes, anent his said priuilege and rycht of presentatioun.

¶ Contrare the purchessaris of beneficis aganis the Kingis priuilege Ca. ciiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act of Parliament maid of befoir for punitioun of the persounis, that laubouris and dois ony thing contrare to the said priuilege, salbe extendit alsweill vpone thame, that takis officis of procuratioun on thame, or supportis, or suppleis thay persounis with money and fynance to be punist, as the principall doaris. And attour gif ony persoū or persounis in tyme tocum rasis or purchessis ony commissioun of the sege of Rome to be prouydit of ony benefice, that beis fundin vacand, the sege of the Bischop vacand for the tyme, the persounis, that rasis purchessis, or v­sis [Page lxix] sic cōmissiounis salbe repute, and haldin as brekaris and violatours of our Souerane Lordis priuilegis, and transgressouris agane the att of Parliament, and incur the panis contenit in the samin.

¶ For treiting of strangearis inbringand victuallis. Ca. cv.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord of his speciall grace and his thre Estatis hes ordanit and commandit, that in tyme tocum all freindis, strangearis, and alienaris of vther cuntreis, that cummis heir with Merchandice and victuallis to the supportati­oun of the Realme salbe fauorablie treitit, and chereist in tyme cūming, to the intent and effect, to cause thame tocum within the Realme, con­siddering that the Merchandis of this Realme ar throw weiris stop­pit to exerce and vse the cours of Merchandice, and specially to gar vi­ctuallis be brocht in, sen thair is now scantnes thairof.

ACTA PARLIAMENTI IACOBI TERTII REGIS SCOTORVM TENTI apud Edinburgh .xxiiij. die Mensis Februarij Anno Do. M.iiii.C. lxxxiij.
Of wappinschawing and reddynes in weir. Ca. cvj.

IT Is auisit and thocht expedient be the thre Esta­tis of the Parliament, that our Souerane Lordis patent letters vnder his preuie seill be writtin to all Schireffis, Baillies, and Officiaris within his Re­alme chargeing thame be oppin proclamatioun, and vther wayis, thay warne his liegis within the boū ­dis of thair officis, that thay weill abilȝeit for weir be reddy vpone .viij. dayis warning tocum to the King of his Lieuten­nentis, quhair thay salbe chargeit for the defence of the Realme, and resisting of his Inimeis of Ingland furnist with victuall, and expensis for the spare of .xx. dayis efter thair cumming to the said place & terme assignit to thame. And that the said Schiref proclame and hald wap­pinschawingis within the boundis of thair office to see, that our Souerane Lordis liegis be bodin for weir efter the forme of the act of Parli­ament, and to punis thame, that ar absent, and not weill abilȝeit, efter forme of the said act of Parliament. And the said wapinschawing to be [...] oft as is contenit in the act of Parliament maid thairu­pone. And the said Schiref and Baillies to warne the King the day of the wappinschawing, that he may send a speciall seruād of his awin to see, that his liegis be weill bodin, and that the said Schireffis do thair office, as effeiris thairin. And quhat Schireffis or Officiaris [Page] beis fundin negligent or sleuthfull in the executioun of thair officis to be punist efter the forme of the said act. And that the Schiref put in roll and bill how mony speiris, bowis, and axis, and fensabill persounis he findis within the said Schire, and bring the names of thame to the assemblay of the Kingis hoist vnder his seill, and vther foure seillis of the Barronis, that beis in the Schire. And that the Baillies of the Regaliteis and Barronis vse and exerce thair priuilege in the halding of wappinschawingis within thame self efter the forme of the said act of Parliament maid thairupone.

Recouering of Dunbar Castell.

SECVNDLIE As tuiching the recouering of y e Castel of Dunbar, that is now stuffit & withhaldin be our Souerane Lordis Inimeis of Ingland, It is auisit and thocht expedient be the haill Lordis of Parliament, that the said Castell be asseigeit the first day of the Moneth of Maij be the Kingis hoist on the south part of the watter of Forth. And thay to be chargeit be the Kingis writ patent vnder his preuie seill, at thay be at the said Castell of Dunbar the said first day personally weill abilȝeit, and bodin for weir, and furneist with victuall and expensis thair to remane efter thair cumming the said first day .xx. dayis with the Kingis hienes or his Lieutennentis. And that all persounis, that ar ordanit to be bowis at the wappinschawing bring thair bowis and be furneist with schot. And quhat persoun, that beis absent, the said first day, that presentis not him self to the said Lieutennent salbe repute & haldin, as absent fra the Kingis hoist, and all his gudis takin and confiskat to the King. The quhilkis confiscatiounis our Souerane Lord hes gran­tit and geuin to the sustentatioun of the said assege and hoist, to be di­stribute be the Lieuteunent with the auise of the reinanent of the Lor­dis, that sall be present at the said asseige. And for the executioun thair­of, that ilk Schiref and Baillie leif ane Depute in his Schire of wis­dome, substance, and lautie to tak the said escheit and bring it in a bill to the quantitie and auale thairof to the Kingis hoist, that it may be distribute, as said is. And gif the said Schiref and Baillies failȝe­is heirintill be thame self, and dois the contrare of this charge, and that may be attaintit and preuit on thame, That thair gudis be confiskat, thair office tint for thair lyfetyme, at the Kingis will.

And gif the falt be fundin in thair Depute, and not in thame, that thay sall bring the said Depute to the King to be punist, as said is. And in lykewyse that letters be writtin to all our Souerane Lordis liegis on the north syde of the watter of Forth, at thay be at the said asseige the .xviij. day of the said Moneth of Maij weill abilȝeit and stuffit, as said is.

¶ Sequuntur Acta. &c.

Aganis Alexander Duke of Albany.

THE Article tuiching the persounis, that ar Summound for art and part of the tressonabill assistance to Alexander vmquhile Duke of Albany, The Lordis thinkis expedient, that our Souerane Lord do Iustice vpone sic persounis baith on thame, that ar now Summound, and to proceid to the punitioun of thame efter thair demeritis & offence. And to cause diligent inquisitioū to be maid in all partis to haue knawlege, quhat persoun geuis assistance or fauou­ris the said tresoun, and to mak thame be punist with all rigour accor­ding to Iustice, and exempill to all vthers in tyme tocum, to commit sic odious crymes aganis his Maiestie.

As tuiching the feird article, considdering the greit tresoun, slauch­ters, reiffis, thiftis, and vther enormiteis with disobeying and lychtly­ing of the Kingis autoritie, for the stanching and ceissing heirof and putting furth of Iustice, The Lordis thinkis, expedient and counsallis the Kingis hienes, to gar his Iustice Airis be set & haldin generally throw all the Realme with sic autoritie to pas with the Iustice to the said Airis, that trespassouris may be punist but fauouris. And at the Kingis hienes will witschaif, that the Lordis of his counsall commoun with certane Lordis and heidismen on the Bordouris, and vthers for the apprehending and taking of the maisterfull trespassouris, that ar fugitiue fra his Lawis and brekaris of the cuntrie. And at the wardanis hald the wardane courtis, als oft as it is requyrit, & punis trespassouris, but fauouris. And to prouyde for a wardane on the west Bordouris.

The denying of remissiounis and respectis.

AND Alswa our Souerane Lord the King hes closit his han­dis fra the geuin of remissiounis and respectis in tyme to cum to thame, that committis tresoun, slauchter, or forthochtfellonie, cō moun thift, or manifest reif within the cūtrie for twa ȝeiris nixt to cum.

ITEM As tuiching the Kingis maillis, rentis, and fermis y ar haldin fra his hienes, vpone the quhilk his estate and houshald sould be sustenit, The Lordis thinkis expedient, that the Kingis Maister of houshald and Comptrollar, auise and see, quhair his rentis and fermis ar withhaldin, and obeyis not the Kingis chargeis. And at the Maister of houshald and vther Lordis of counsall pas and distreinȝie the Officiaris in thay partis, to bring thair persounis to the King that disobeyis his autoritie, and withhaldis his rentis.

ITEM Anent the Estatis & Lordis that ar not now cūmin to this Parliament to giue thair counsallis to the [Page] weilfair and gude publicque of the Realme, The Lordis vnderstandis that thay haue faultit and sould be blamit, and referris the blame of thame to the Kingis hienes.

ITEM Anent the diuisioun, debatis, and discordis, that stan­dis amang our Souerane Lordis liegis, Barronis, and vthers quhilk is dangerous to be vnstanchit baith of brekaris of the Realme, and at thay sould gang in vnitie and concorde, to the resi­sting of our Souerane Lordis Inimeis of Ingland, It is thocht expe­dient be the saidis Lordis to counsall our Souerane Lord to mak be callit befoir him and his coūsall the greit Lordis, & put thame in freind­schip and concorde, or thay depart fra his presence. And to cōmand his Iustice and Lordis, that passis to his Iustice Airis, that thay call be­foir thame vther smallar persounis to mak vnitie and concorde amang thame: Sa that our Souerane Lordis liegis stand in peax amang thame, and be obedient to our Souerane Lordis autoritie.

And that all Schireffis, Baillies, and vther Officiaris tak the copie of thir articlis or thay depart, at thay may not excuse thame of the vn­knawlege of thir articlis.

Of impetratioun of beneficis the sege vacand Ca. cvij.

ALSVA Anent impetratiounis maid in the court of Rome, in contrare our Souerane Lordis priuilege the sege vacand, It is ordanit and statute be our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis, that the actis concerning his patronage the sege vacand be put to dew executioun vpone the brekaris of the said actis. And at the Chā ­cellar that salbe for the tyme, sall write to our haly father the Pape vn­der his seill of the Realmes behalf, for the defence of our Souerane Lordis patronage, ay and quhen he beis requyrit according to our Souerane Lordis letters send to our haly father the Pape, for the defence of his patronage for the tyme, as said is.

¶ Of the money. Ca. cviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord & his thre Estatis in this present Parliament, that a fyne pēny of gold be strikin of the wecht and fynes of the Rois Nobill, and a penny of siluer to be equall in fynes of the auld Inglis grot, and x. of thame to mak ane vnce of siluer, and to haue cours & pas for .xiiij. d. And thair salbe alswa ane half grot of the samin. And the said pen­ny of gold to haue cours, and pas for .xxx. of the said grotis. And ane vther penny of gold to be of the samin prent, and to haue cours for .xx. of the said grotis. And the thrid penny of gold to haue passage for .x. of the said grotis. And the said penny of gold to haue sic prent and [Page lxxi] circumscriptioun, as salbe auysit be the Kingis hienes. And all vther money, to be conformit equally thairefter. And at our Souerane Lord sall limmit a wyse man, that hes knawlege in the money to be war­dane thairof, and to examin and assay the fynes of the said gold and sil­uer, efter the forme and reule maid in the Parliamentis of befoir: The wardane and the cuinȝeouris hauand siclyke feis for thair laubouris, as thay had in our Souerane Lordis fathers and grandschiris tymes, and siclyke proffeit tocum to the Kingis hienes of the cuinȝie. And for the inbringing of bulȝeoun the Merchandis sall for the gude of the Realme bring in of ilk serplath of woll, skin, hydis, and claith, and of ilk last of Salmound effeirand thairto foure vnce of brint siluer. And thay sall haue for ilk vnce .x. of the said grotis.

ITEM It is auisit and thocht speidfull be the Lordis of the articlis, that the fredome of haly kirk be obseruit and keip [...] in tyme tocum, lyke as it hes bene in tymes of our Souerane Lordis maist Nobill progenitouris of befoir. And gif thair be ony Kirk men of ony degre hurt or greuit agane the priuilege of the Kirk, y thay cum till our Souerane Lord, and his counsall, and schaw thair com­plaintis, and quhame by thay ar iniurit. And thairefter reformatioun, amēdis, & executioun to be maid of the iniuris with punitioū of the trespassouris according to the auld Lawis, actis, & statutis maid of befoir.

Ane Ambaxat to King Richard.

ITEM Anent the peax and trewis, that is now takin betuix our Souerane Lord his Realme and liegis, and Ri­chard King of Ingland his Realme and liegis, for certane ȝeiris tocum be his hienes last Ambaxatouris send in Ingland, and thairefter con­firmit be his Maiestie, and als anent the keiping of the dyet, that is now appointit to be maid and confirmit, and the number of the Esta­tis and the persounis, that sall pas in the said Ambaxat, and the ex­pensis, that thay sall haue, and quhair it salbe tane: IT IS thocht expedient be the Lordis of the articlis, that the peax and trewis foir­said takin of befoir be obseruit and keipit in all thingis efter the forme of the Indentouris maid thairupone vnto the end of the termis con­tenit in the samin. And in lykewyse it is thocht speidfull be the saidis Lordis, that the dyet, that is appointit in Ȝork anent the ma­riage foirsaid be obseruit and keipit, and that thair be ane honorabill Ambaxat send to conclude and performe the samin: Sa that sic desyris, as salbe requyrit of the behalf of our Souerane Lord for the said mariage, be grantit and fulfillit, and the pointis, that sould be desyrit of the partie be aggreabill and conuenient. And the said mariage and alliance beand appointit and concordit, that peax and [Page] trewis be takin for sa lang termis, as sall pleis our Souerane Lord. And as to the Estatis and number of the persounis, that sall pas in the said Ambaxatrie, The Lordis foirsaid thinkis for the honour of our Souerane Lord, that thair salbe sex persounis, that sall pas in the said Ambaxat, that is to say, ane Bischop, ane Erle, ane Lord of Par­liament, ane honorabill and wyse Clerk, ane Knycht, that is ane Bar­rone, & a Squyer, that is a Barrone, & with thame seruandis to cōpleit to the number of fyftie twa persounis. And that thay sall haue to thair expensis fyue hundreth pundis Scottis. The quhilk salbe payit be the thre Estatis in this forme, that is to say, be the Prelatis and Clergie twa hundreth pundis, be the Barronis twa hundreth pūdis, and be the Burrowis ane hundreth pundis. And at this taxt be incontinent ra­sit and brocht in, that it may be reddy to deliuer to the said ambaxat befoir the day of thair passage: Sa that in default thairof thay be not taryit, as the last Ambaxat was.

Of the fische garth. Ca. cix.

ITEM Anent the article of the fische garth of Esk debatabill betuix the Realmes, that of auld vse, quhair it was put in be the Inglis partie, and put out be our Souerane Lordis lie­gis Bordouraris in thay partis, The Lordis counsallis the Kingis hie­nes, to write to the King of Ingland schawand him the debatis of the said fische garth. And gif it plesis him to send his Commissaris w t suffici­ent powar to certane day, to auise for the said fische garth, gif it aucht to be haldin in or not, efter the rychtis, that salbe schawin be ather partie, & tak sic directioun thairin, that it be nane occasioun of brek betuix the Realmes. For our Souerane Lord will, that alwayis for his part his trewis be keipit and without preiudice of his rychtis: Sa that he may haue siclyke of the King of Ingland and his partie, and the sonar the better, for the stanching of the said debaittis. For the directioun of the said fische garth was takin of befoir into King Edwardis tyme, & our Souerane Lordis Commissaris come thair, and not the Commis­saris of Ingland partie. And thairfoir the questiounis remanis vnde­cydit. And at redressis be maid of all attemptatis be the Lieutennentis and thair Deputis in the meintyme according to the said trewis.

Of remissiounis and respectis. Ca. cx.

ITEM It is thocht expedient be the Lordis foirsaid, that for the incres of Iustice & trāquillitie of the Realme, that our Souerane Lord cause his Iustice airis to be haldin vniuersally in all partis of his Realme twyis in the ȝeir, anis on the gers, & anis on y corne vnto the tyme, y t the Realme be brocht to gude reule. And coun­sallis [Page lxxii] his hienes to call a part of the Lordis and heidismen of all partis of his Realme, and tak dittay of thame of notoure trespassouris without ex­ceptioun of ony persoun, to be takin and iustifeit without remissioun, quhilk thay vnderstand wald be greit cause of the commoun gude and weilfair of the Rtalme. And at na respectis be geuin in tyme tocum. For thay ar mair agane Iustice, than plane remissiounis ar. And at the respectis, that ar geuin be na preiudice to the parties, anent the per­sewing of thair rychtis, na to dittayis, nor arreistmentis to the Kingis Officiaris, Crownaris nor vther Deputis. And at na remissiounis war geuin for commoun thift, except the first airis, as for the Bordou­raris, that is to say, the Mers, Teuidale, Iedburgh forest, Liddalis­dale, Eskdale, Ewisdale, and Anna [...]erdale.

Ane Ambaxat to the Pape. Ca. cxj.

ITEM It is requyrit and sene speidfull, that our Soue­rane Lord sall send his honorabill Ambaxat to our haly rather the Pape, for the making of his obedience, and for the de­syre of honorabill and proffitabill priuilegis and faculteis of the King, and commoun gude of the Realme. THE Lordis of the articlis thin­kis, that sen the Archibischop of Sanctandros is to pas to the court of Rome; and that our Souerane Lord hes writtin of befoir to our haly father the Pape in speciall, that he is to cum and he offeris him self for singulare emplesance of our Souerane Lord and the Realme, to pas on his awin expensis, that thairfoir he is maist conuenient & maist honorabill persoun, that can be send, and that our Souerane Lordis cōmissioun and [...] of his maters be committit till him with sic vther persounis of estate, as effe [...]is. And gif it plesis his hienes, to ad­iune ony vther to him, it is the better. And that thir maters vnderwrit­tin be put in instructiounis, that salbe geuin to the Commissaris with sic vther maters, as pleses our Souerane Lord.

¶ Instructiounis.

IN the first the saidis Commissaris sall desyre ane cōfirmatioun in the best forme of the al [...]ance and confederatioun betuix our Souerane Lord and the King of France. Thay sall haue the copy and transsumpt autentick vnder the seill of the Chācellar and the Bischop of Glasgow. And in lykewyse thay sall impetrat, and desyre at our haly father a confirmatioun of the conuentiounis, confederatiounis, and bandis maid betuix our Souerane Lord and the King of Denmark that last deceis­ [...], of the doonatioun and impignoratioun of the landis of Orknay and Schotland and of perpetuall exoueratioun, renuntiatioun, & discharge of contr [...]dictioun of the Ilis efter the forme of the said conuentiounis.

And [...] thay sall impretrate ane erectioun of Coldinghame to [Page] our Souerane Lordis Chapell in the best forme, outher be commissioū or vtherwayis, as thay think maist expedient, and may best get with decreit of diuisioun of the said Pryorie into Prebendis, be the extinc­tioun of the Religioun, and the erectioun maid of befoir be our haly fa­thers predecessouris, and vmquhile the Cardinallis of Rome Commis­saris Iugeis to the samin.

And mairattour that the saidis Commissaris sall schaw to our haly father the Pape in the name of our said Souerane Lord, how his hie­nes hes diuers tymes writtin and maid supplicatioun baith till our haly father and his predecessouris, for the promotioun of his tender Clerk and counsalour Maister Alexander Inglis Dene and Elect of the Kirk of Dunkeldin to the Bischoprik of the samin, and to do all thair dili­gence possibill for his said promotioun, and als for the promotioun of our Souerane Lordis Clerk and traift counsallour Maister Iohne of Ireland professour in Theologie to the Archidenrie of Sanctandros, quhen it happinnis to vaik be promotioun of the said Maister Alexan­der to the said Bischoprik of Dunkeldin. And that thay sall schaw and declair determinatly to our said haly father, that our Souerane Lord with consent of his thre Estatis will not suffer Maister George Broūe, nor nane vthers, that hes presumit to the promotioun of the said Bis­choprik of Dunkeldin contrare our Souerane Lordis mynde, will, & speciall wrytting to haue ony possessioun of the samin. And that thair be new speciall letters of our Souerane Lordis vnder his preuie seill direct to our said haly father with consent and deliuerance of his thre Estatis, ȝit as of befoir, for the promotioun of the saidis Maister Alex­ander and Maister Iohne, as said is. And to retreit and reduce the pretendit promotioun maid of the said Maister George. And attour to mak supplicatioun to our haly father, that sen he hes promouit Reue­rend fathers, Robert Blacader to the Bischoprik of Glasgow, and Williame Elphinstoun to the Bischoprik of Abirdene, and Iohne of Hepburne to the Pryorie of Sanctandros, quhilkis ar thankfull per­sounis to our Souerane Lord and of his speciall counsall and ressaifit and admittit be his hienes to thair temporalitie, that thairfoir his ha­lynes wald defend thame tharin, gif ony wald tend to mak thame troubill or moue pley agane thame.

Of Barratouris.

ITEM Because thair is certane persoūis barratouris, quhil­kis of greit vntreuth & ingratitude hes mouit pl [...]id and questioun, and vexit and troublit certane persounis promouit to beneficis be presentatioun of our Souerane Lord the tyme of the vacatioun of the sege of Bischoprikis in cōtrare till our Souerane Lordis [Page lxxiii] priuilege, and to the greit hurt, damnage, and skaith to the rycht of his Crowne: The saidis Commissaris sall thairfoir desyre at our haly fa­ther the Pape, to put silence to the saidis persounis barratouris, and mak the pleyis and debatis now mouit be thame agane ony partie cō ­cerning our Souerane Lordꝭ priuilege, and being in contrare thairof, to be ceissit in tyme tocum. And als that his halynes wald considder the greit distance of his Realme fra the court of Rome, That he thair­foir grant to our Souerane Lord and his successouris to superseid, and delay the dispensatioun vpone ony Prelaceis or digniteis electiue for the space of sex Moneth, that our Souerane Lordis writing and sup­plicatioun may be send for the promotioun of sic persounis, as is thank full to his hienes: Sa that thair be na persounis ꝓmouit to Prelaceis nor digniteis without auise of his hienes: Sen alwayis the Prelatis of his Realme hes the first voit in his Parliament, and of his secreit counsall.

For confirmatioun of auld and impetratioun of new priuilegeis.

AND alswa the saidis Commissaris sall laubour to get confirmatioun of all auld priuilegeis and Indul­tis grantit of befoir to the sege of Sanetādros, with sic Indultis and priuilegeis, as may be gottin and grantit of new to the samin sege for the honour and proffeit of our Souerane Lord and the Realme.

And als that thair be desyrit and gottin till vther Bischoppis of the Realme all Indultis, that may be grantit to the ho­nour and proffeit of the segeis of our Souerane Lord, and the Realme, as said is: Prouyding alwayis, that nane annexatiounis nor vnionis be maid to Bischoprikis, nor Abbaceis, pensiounis, nor commendis cō ­trare the said actis and statutis of Parliament maid of befoir.

Alswa that our Souerane Lord be auisit, gif thair be ony speciall maters, that he will desyre at our said haly father, as nominatiounis for the promotioun of his familiaris and Clerkis, that his hienes will schaw the maters to the Commissaris, and giue thame commissioun thairupone. And generally to [...]olist all vther thingis, as salbe thocht expedient, and proffitabill for his hienes Realme and liegis.

Alswa that thair be letters of speciall supplicatioū and requeist writtin to our haly father the Pape of our Souerane Lordis exhorting & praying his halynes to haue considderatioun of the greit troubill, that hes bene maid to the Kirk of Sanctandros, and the greit det, that the maist Reuerend father Williame Archibischop of y samin hes of befoir payit, & ȝit is awing part to the Chalmerlane throw the said troubill. And thairfoir to schaw fauour to him in the said dettis. And to grant to him and to his Kirk sic honorabill priuilegeis and Indultis, as salbe [Page] schawin, desyrit be him at his cumming to our haly father the Pape. And at the Lordis of the thre Estatis wryte thair letters of sic suppli­catioun according to our Souerane Lordis wryting.

Alswa that speciall letters be writtin to our haly father the Pape in the name and behalf of our Souerane Lord, that all beneficis electiue quhilkis of the commoun Law pertenis to electioun of Cheptouris, as Deneries and vthers, be confirmit be thair Ordinaris, notwithstan­ding the rewlis of the Chancellarie, maid, or to be maid in the contrare, saifand alwayis the priuilege of our Souerane Lord, quhilk he hes Sedibus vacantibus, in the presentatioun of sic beneficis electiue, And col­latiounis to be maid and geuin be the said Ch [...]ptour thairupone, con­siddering all vther Princis hes sic priuilegeis within thair Realmes.

Of ferryaris that takis dowbill fraucht. Ca. cxij.

ITEM Because thair is greit extorsiounis rasit vpone oure Souerane Lordis liegis, baith pure and ryche, be ta­king of dowbill and tribill fraucht be the ferryaris, in contrare the auld actis of Parliament, and vse and consuetude of the Realme, The Lordis of the articlis thinkis expedient, that all ferryaris within the Realme in tyme tocum be chargeit, that thay rais nor tak na mair fraucht of our Souerane Lordis liegis for man nor vther gude, bot samekill, as is statute and ordanit of befoir to be payit, and efter the auld vse and consuetude. And that thay be reddy to serue all men for that fraucht, sa at thay be not taryit in default of the ferryaris. And at this be a point of dittay in tyme tocum. And quha that beis conuict, in the first Air sall pay the vnlaw of the Air. And at the nixt tyme, the baite to be escheit. And at the thrid tyme, to be suspendit fra the vsing of the said office for all the dayis of his lyfe, and to be presonit, and wardit at the willof our Souerane Lord. &c.

¶ That thair be ane Dekin and serchour of goldsmythis. Ca. cxiij.

ALSVA it is auisit and concludit be the Lordis of the articlis, that for the eschewing of the greit dam­nage and skaithis, that our Souerane Lordis liegis sustenis be the goldsmythis in the minissing of the fy­nes of the siluer wark, That fra thyne furth thair be in ilk Burgh of the Realme, quhair goldsmythis ar, ane Dekin, and ane serchour of the craft. And that ilk goldsmythis wark be markit with his awin mark, the Dekinnis mark, & the mark of the Towne, of the fynes of .xj. d. fyne. And quhair thair is ony sic wark within the said fynes, The wark to be brokin, the wark man to vpmak the auale of the fynes foirsaid, and the said warkman to [Page lxxiiii] be punist thairfoir at the Kingis will. And that na goldsmyth tak v­pone hand to be a maister, or to hald oppin buith of the craft, bot gif he be admittit be the Officiaris of the craft, and the haill body of the craft. And gif ony be fundin vsand craft, haldand oppin buith, that ar vnsuffi­cient, that the persounis be causit to ceis and put vnder a maister of craft. And this act to be put to executioun within .xl. dayis nixt fol­lowand the proclamatioun of the samin.

The crying downe of the new plakis. Ca. cxiiij.

OVR Souerane Lord of his speciall grace, and at the re­queist and desyre of the Lordis of the thre Estatis in his Parliament hauand considderatioun of the greit distres, that now proceidis amangis his liegis in default of victuallis, and all vther Merchandice and gudis, that is put to derth, and rasit, and put to exceidand price, and haldin and abstrackit fra mercattis throw occasioun of greit quantitie of fals counterfetit money plakis strikin in cuinȝie of lait be fals cuinȝeouris, not allanerly within this Realme, bot als out with the Realme sa subtillie, and in sic forme of mettall, that it is vnpossibilll to decerue & know the trew fra the fals: That thairfoir his hienes mouit of pietie, and of his grace, as said is, and for saiftie of his pepill, eschewing of derth, and mony vthers inconuenientis hes ordanit to ceis the cours and passage of all the new plakis last cuinȝeit, and gar put the samin to the fyre. And of the sub­stance, that may be fynit of the samin to gar mak ane new penny of fyne siluer, lyke the .xiiij. d. grot ordanit of befoir, quhilk is of fynes to the Inglis grot, and .x. of thame to mak ane vnce. And in part of rele­uing of his pepill, that thay sall not tyne all the soumes, that thay haue of the saidis plakis, his hienes hes causit Thomas Tod, & Alexander Leuingstoun to ressaif, grant, and tak vpone thame all plakis baith trew and fals, that is within his Realme fra quhat sumeuer persounis, that will bring or send thame to the saidis Thomas and Alexander be­tuix this and the last day of Maij inclusiue, and to gif thairfoir .ij. d. for ilk plak, that is to say, a .xiiij. d. grot for .vij. of the said plakis, or ony vther payment, that will empleis the partie ressaifand. And the saidꝭ Thomas and Alexander sall find souertie to the persounis, that thay ressaif the money fra, to mak thame payment, as said is, gif souertie be desyrit of thame. And that the latter payment salbe maid to all per­sounis be the last day of September nixt tocum.

¶ Of talloun and salt hydis. Ca. cxv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the actis and statutis maid of befoir anent the halding of talloun within [Page] the Realme be keipit and put to scharpe executioun ¶ Item it is sta­tute and ordanit, that na hydis saltit dry, nor barkit be had to the sey nor out of the Realme fra this day furth for .ij. ȝeiris tocum, vnder the pane of escheit of the samin.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCEL LENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI DO. Iacobi tertij dei gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh primo die Mensis Octobris Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Octuagesimo Septimo. &c.

Refuse of remissiounis and respectis. Ca. cxvj.

OVR Souerane Lord hes considderit and vnderstandin, that his Realme is greitlie brokin in theself, his liegis troublit, and heryit, throw tresoun, slauchter, reif, birning, thift, and oppin heirschip throw default of scharpe execu­tioun of Iustice, and ouer commoun granting of grace & remissiounis to trespassouris: HIS hienes thairfoir of his speciall grace, and in fauour of his pure liegis and for the reducing & bringgin of his Realme to Iustice, tranquillitie, and quietnes hes of his fre will grantit to his thre Estatis of his Realme in this his Parliament, that he sall for .vij. ȝeiris nixt tocum, clois, stop, and restreinȝie geuing of remissiounis and respectis for cryminall actiounis, that is to say, for tresoun, murther, birning, reuissing of wemen, violent reif, slauchter of for­thochtfellony, cōmoun thift, and resset of commoun thift, & fals cuinȝe­ing to be cōmittit fra this day furth induring the said .vij. ȝeiris. And alswa quhē ony trespassour or trespassouris, that ar not obedient to the Law happinnis to be arreistit & tane be force agane thair will, & brocht to his hienes or Iustice, that his Maiestie sall grāt na remissiounis to sic persounis, nor suffer thame to be deliuerit, nor put fra Iustice, bot cause thame to be punist extremely be the Law according to thair tres­passis and demeritis.

Of Iusticis generallis to be maid. Ca. cxvij.

AND Attour his hienes hes in lykewyse grantit, depute, and ordanit ane or twa Iusticis generall in the south syde of the watter of Forth, and ane or twa on the north syde, and to cheis the samin persounis ganing thairfoir baith of wisdome and knawlege, and that is of will and gude mynde to execute Iustice, and that hes powar and strenth of thair awin with part of supportatioun to be maid be his Maiestie in sic wyse, that his hienes and autoritie sall god willing be honorablie borne furth and trespassouris brocht to the Law, & scharply punist. And sall cause and mak his Iustice Airis to be set, and haldin [Page lxxv] in all gudly haist in all partis of the Realme.

For inbringing of trespassouris and defending of thame at the bar. Ca. cxviij

ALSVA because our Souerane Lord hes sa graciouslie applyit him to the coūsall of his thre Estatisat this tyme in all thingis concerning thame & the commoun proffeit of the Realme and beninglie grātit to thame all thair delyre and requeistis, that thay haue maid to his Maiestie, all the Lordis spirituall and temporall, Barronis, frehalders, and cōmuniteis of the Estatis of the Realme hes frelie grantit, that euer ilk ane of thame for him self sall faithfullie promit, & sweir, that thay sall not in tyme tocū mātein, fortifie, supplie, defend, nor be aduocatis, norstād at the bar with manifest tratouris, nor cōmoun men slayaris, theiffis, reiffaris, nor v­ther trespassouris, nor persounis pertening to thameself nor vthers: Saifand it salbe leiffull to thame in sober wyse to stand with thair kin & freindis in the defence of thame in honest actiounis: Bot at thay sall at all thair gudlie power bring or gar bring trespassouris to Iustice, & vnderly the Law but dissimulatioū, quhē euer thay be requyrit or char­geit thairto be our Souerane Lord or his Iustice, and als than at all thair power & knawlege sall gif thair counsall, help, supplie, fauour, & assistance to inquyre & get knawlege of the said trespassouris for the ex­ecutioun of Iustice vpone thame efter thair demeritis. And at the Lor­dis of the Regaliteis, & all vthers spirituall and temporall, that hes iu­risdictioun of courtis nor thair ballies sal not sell ony trespassouris, nor fyne with thame, nor sell not for lufe, fauour, affectioun, or meid or re­waird leif Iustice vndone. And that ilk ane of thame sall mak suithfast and trew relatioun to our Souerane Lordis Chancellar or Iustice, quhen thay salbe requyrit of the persounis, that dois in the cōtrare heir­of. And quha sa beis conuict and attaintit of the breking of the punc­ [...]is and articlis foirsaid or ony of thame, salbe punist efter the forme of the Kingis Lawis and of Regiam Maiestatem, and the statutis maid be King Iames the first and King Iames the secund our Souerane Lordis grandschir and father, quhome God assolȝie. &c.

Of Crownaris. Ca. cxix.

ITEM It is thocht expedient, statute, & ordanit for the gude of Iustice, inbringing of trespassour is to the Law, & punissing of thame, that in tyme tocū, quhen the Crownar resaiffis his portewis & traistis, y thair be ony parsounis cōtenit in the samin, y wil disobey him, that he dar not, nor is not of powar to arreist, in that raise the Crownar sall pas to the Lord & Barrone of the Barronie, quhair that persoun or persounis dwellis and inhabitis. And gif he dwellis [Page] not within a Barronie, he sall pas to the Schiref of the Schire, and schaw his portewis, that he hes sic persounis contenit thairin, & inquyre and ask, gif that Lord Barrone or Schiref will be souertie and Borgh for thay persounis or persoū, to enter thame to the Iustice Air, sen thay dwell within thair Lordschippis, Barroneis, & boundis. And gif thay grant thairto, he sall deliuer thame the names of the persounis, y t thay cum borrois for, indentit in writ, seillit, or subscriuit w t thair awin hādꝭ. And gif thay deny & refusis the souertie or Borgh, he sall ask & require y said Lord, Barron, or Schiref in the Kingis name outher to pas, or sēd thair Officiaris with thair houshald & familiaris in sufficient number with the said Crownar to stuff, fortifie, and supplie him in the making of his arreistment, taking, or keiping of the persoun, that will not find souertie, quhill he be brocht to the Schiref to be keipit to the Iustice Air. And quhat Lord, Barrone, or Schiref, that denyis or refusis the doing thairof, sall pay .x. pund to the King at the nixt Iustice Air thair­efter: Sa that it may be sufficiently preuit be the Crownar, that thay war requyrit thairto, as said is.

Of slauchter with additioun. Ca. cxx.

ITEM It is thocht expedient, statute, and ordanit, that the actis of Parliamēt maid of befoir anent the punitioū of slauchter be put to executioun with this additioun, That quhair ony persoun committis slauchter, and cūmis not incōtinent to the Schiref to bind him to the Law, & find souertie thairfoir efter the forme of the said actis of Parliament maid of befoir, bot beis fugitiue & absentꝭ him, The Schiref sall than furthwith be him or his Deputꝭ serche & seik the cōmittar of the said slauchter at his dwelling place, gif he hes ony. And gif he hes nane, & can not be personally apprehendit, Than the Schiref sall put his gudis vnder arreist, and pas, or send his Depute to the heid Burgh of the Schire, quhair the slauchter is cōmittit, & be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce warne, & charge the flayar ane or maa, as thay be, that thay cū to him within sex dayis nixt efter, & find souertie to cōpeir, & vnderly the Law at a certane day vnder the panis contenit in the actis of Parliamēt maid of befoir. The quhilkis sex dayis beand rū nin, & the persounis not cōpeirand, & findand souertie, as said is, Than the Schiref incōtinent to put thame to the horne, & denunce thame the Kingꝭ rebellis, & tak and escheit thair gudis. And mak warning to the nixt Schiref, y t sic persounꝭ ar put to the horne be him, and charge him in our Souerane Lordis name to do the samin, or els tak & arreist thair persounis gif thay may be apprehendit, and bring thame to the Law.

Of the keiping of arreistit trespassouris. Ca. cxxj.

ITEM It is thocht expedient, statute, and ordanit, for the punitioun and iustifeing of sic trespassouris, [Page lxxvi] as hes bene in tymes bygane efter, that thay war takin and arreistit be the Crownaris, and indefault, that thay could find na borrois, nor thair was na Castell to ressaif and keip thame in, quhill the Iustice Air, and thair throw eschaipit and was put fra the Law: THAT thairfoir in tyme tocum, quhair ony Crownar arreistis and takis sic trespassou­ris, he sall bring thame to the Schiref of the Schire, quhilk Schiref sall ressaif thame, and keip thame in suretie and firmance on our Souerane Lordis expensis, quhair it failȝeis of thair awin gudis, quhill the nixt Iustice Air, and than present thame to the Iustice. The quhilk Schiref sall haue allowit to him in the Checkar for the expensis, that he makis in the keiping of thay persounis, that beis deliuerit to him be the Crownar for ilk persoun .iii. d. on the day, he bringād a testimoniall to the Checkar fra the Iustice vnder his seill, of the persounis, that he bringis to the Iustice Air, and how lang tyme, and quhat dayis he ke­pit thame. Apone the quhilk tyme and dayis the Iustice sall tak certi­ficatioun & prufe in the Air, quhat tyme the Crownar deliuerit thame, and how lang the Schiref keipit thame. And gif the Schiref refusis to ressaif the persoun or persounis, that salbe brocht to him be the Crow nar, as said is, he sall vnderly the danger and vnlaw of the Iustice Air to the feird court, as ane Brogh sould do, for fault of entrie of a persoun arreistit, the Crownar preuand, that he brocht sic persounis to the Schiref and requyrit him to ressaif thame, as said is.

Of Schireffis and Crownaris. Ca. cxxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that because the Crow­naris in tymes bygane throw wrang consuetude and abusioun of the Law, efter that a trespassour was conuict, befoir the Iustice, and condampnit to the deid, the saidis Crownaris wald incontinent pas or send to escheit the gudis pertening to our Souerane Lord of sic conuict trespassouris, and at thair awin hand in­tromet with the samin, and approper a part thairof to thair vse baith corne, and cattell, and vther gudis, that of Law or ressoun sould not pertene to thair office: It is thairfoir thocht expedient, statute, and ordanit in this Parliament, that in tyme tocum na Crownar tak v­pone hand to tak ony sic gudis, or intromet thairwith, quhill the Schi­ref of the Schire or his Deputis pas or send with thame, and see all the haill gudis, and thairefter deliuer to thame samekill, as thay sould haue of ressoun, and as pertenis to thair office, and bring the remanent till our Souerane Lord, and his Thesaurar. And that the Schiref deliuer to the Crownaris na mair, than thay aucht of Law to haue. And gif thay do in the contrare heirof, and intromettis and takis ony of the said gudis at thair awin hand, thay to be punist thairfoir, as for reif.

[Page] ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that thair be charge geuin to the Iustice, that he in tyme tocum the last day of his Air gif ane assyse to the Schiref and Crownar, gif thay haue vsit & done thair office trewly. And gif thay be conuic [...], and fundin fals thairin, that thay be punist thairfoir efter the forme of Law and thair demeritis. &c.

Of cumming to courtis in sober wyis. Ca. cxxiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act and statute maid of befoir anent the cumming to courtis in so­ber wyis and quyet but armis, or conuocatioun of our Souerane Lor­dis liegis be put to scharpe executioun in all pointis contenit in the sa­min, and with this additioun, That fra the Schiref be sickerly certife­it and get knawlege, that ony parteis makis conuocatioun and gad­dering of armis tocum to the court, The Schiref sall be him self, his Deputis, or Officiaris send to thay parteis, and charge thame to ceis, and skaill thair gadderingis, and cum in sober and quyet wyis to the court efter the forme of the said act, the quhilk gif thay do not, that he sall ceis the court for that day, and incontinent cum and schaw to our Souerane Lord, quhat persounis disobeyis him. And thairefter to call thay persounis, and tak knawlege of thair disobeysance. And quha that beis fundin culpabill, salbe punist be warding of thair persou­nis for ane ȝeir, and als to pay the expensis and damnage, that the partie sustenis be deferring of Iustice, throw the said disobeysance.

That all actiounis first persew thair Iuge Ordinar. Ca. cxxiiij.

ITEM It is thocht expedient, that all ciuile actiounis, que­stiounis, and pleyis mouit betuix quhatsumeuer parteis be determinit and decydit befoir thair Iuge Ordinar, as Iustice, Chalmerlane, Schireffis, Barronis, Prouestis, and Baillies of Bur­rowis, and vthers Officiaris Iugeis, & Ministers of Law, to quhame thay actiounis pertenis and effeiris, to be determinit and decydit: Swa that na actiounis salbe deducit, callit, nor determinit befoir the Lordis of our Souerane Lordis counsall, except allanerly actiounis pertening in speciall to our Souerane Lordis actiounis and complain tis maid be Kirkmen, wedowis, Orphanis, and Pupillis, actiounis of strangearis of vther Realmes, and complaintis maid vpone Officiaris for fault of executioun of thair office, or quhair the Officiaris ar partie thame self. And quhen euer the complaint, is maid on the Officiar for wrangous and inordinat proceiding in ony maters, and summoundis be determit and geuin thairupone, the partie that hes persewit or de­fendit the actioun, salbe summound and callit the samin day with [Page lxxvii] the Officiar for thair entres, and speciall charge geuin, that the rolmē, tis of the court be brocht with thame to that day, that it may be vnder­standin, quhether it be rychtously proceidit and determinit, or not. And gif it beis fundin, that the Officiar hes proceidit wrangously, or vnor­dourlie, The proces salbe reducit, and adnullit, and he to pay the expensis of the partie, and to be punist at the will of the King efter the forme of the act of Parliament maid in that mater of befoir. And gif the partie compleinȝeand beis fundin in the wrang be making of the cōplaint, he sall pay baith the expensis of the Officiar and the partie. And gif the partie be not of powar to pay the coistis, Than thair persounis sall be at the will of the King tane, and punist be warding or presoning of thair persounis, prouyding alwayis, that this statute hurt not the pro­ces of the falsing of domes, quhair it plesis the partie to proceid that way. And that all summoundis, that ar now rasit or standis vnder continewatioun dependand and vndetermynit, salbe decydit and en­dit befoir the Lordis of counsall. And this act and statute till indure quhill the nixt Parliament.

The desyris of Burrowis. Ca. cxxv.

THIR Ar the articlis, that the Commissaris of Burrowis desyris to be red in presence of our Souerane Lord & his Lordis. &c. and to be ratifeit and appreuit in this present Parlia­ment for the budoing and downe putting of the letter of Marque ge­uin be the King of Romanis vpone our Souerane Lordis liegis spi­rituall and temporall.

¶ Ambaxat to the King of Romanis for vndoing of ane letter of Marque. Ca. cxxvj.

IT IS thocht expedient and ordanit be the haill thre Estatis of the Realme, that thair be ane Am­baxat, that is to say, ane Clerk, and twa Burges men send ouer sey to the king of Romanis with cō ­missioun and powar to laubour and to be diligent in all gudlie haist for the downe putting and distroying of the letter of Marque, & the coistis to be maid heirupone salbe sustenit be the haill Merchandis of Burrowis. And at the said expensis may be inbrocht betuix this and Martymes for the haistie passage of the saidis persounis, Considdering the tyme is schort and approchis of the suspensioū of the said letter of Marque, the quhilk induris bot quhill Pasche, and that we mycht haue our Souerane Lordis letters direct till all Officiaris of Burrowis to speid the ingaddering of the said expensis be the said Martymes day, vnder the pane [Page] of warding of thair persounis, and payment of the soumes vnbrocht in of thair a win proper gudis. The quhilkis haill Commissaris hes nē ­mit, and is content of Maister Rychard Lawsoun for the Clerk, Ste­uin Lokart and Robert Marser, or Iames Rollok for the Burgessis.

And the saidis Commissaris desyris of our Souerane Lordis gude grace, his greit seill, togidder with the seillis of his Lordis, that gai [...] the sentence heir in Scotland vpone the Coleunaris clame, to be hungin to the said sentence and proces thairof for the verificatioun of Iustice, that thay gat in Scotland, quhilk may be destructioun to the said let­ter of Marque. &c.

¶ thir ar the actis and sta­tutis, that the haill Commissaris of Burrowis desyris to be ra­tifeit and appreuit in this present Parliament, and to be put to executioun for the honour of our Souerane Lordis hienes, his Realme, and weilfair of Merchandis.

Of saillaris to haue half ane last of gudis. Ca. cxxvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the actis of Parlia­ment maid of befoir vpone the greit multitude of simpill vnhonest persounis saillaris furth of all Burrowis south and north in the partis of Flanders, Holland, or Zeland, mycht be put till dew executioun: Sa that na man saill in the saidis partis in way of Merchandice, bot famous and worschipfull men hauād ilk ane of thair awin half a last of gudis, or hauand samekill in sterage or gouernance vnder the pane of .x. pund to be rasit to our Souerane Lordis vse, as the auld actis proportis. And als that na Merchand saill within the foirsaid partis, bot gif he be a fre man of a Burgh, and indwellar of the samin vnder the said pane. And that serchouris mycht be limmit heir­vpone haueand powar to execute and serche the Actis, & rais the pane, and inbring the samin till our Souerane Lordis Checkar, als oft as thay be fundin do and the contrare heirof. And the Commissaris thinkꝭ expedient, that in ilk Burgh the Prouest, Baillies, and custumaris, be Sercheouris and answer heirof.

That craftismen vsand Mer [...]handice renunce thair craft. Ca. cxxviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act of Parliamēt tuiching the craftismen vsand & deiland with Mer­chandice mycht be put till executioun, sa that he, that is a craftisman, outher forbeir his Merchandice, or els renunce his craft, but ony dissi­mulatioū [Page lxxviii] or cullour vnder the pane of escheit of the Merchandice, that he vsis occupyand his craft, and this escheit to be inbrocht be the said serschouris to our Souerane Lordis vse, and compt thairof to be maid in the Checkar.

Of chesing of Officiaris in Burrowis. Ca. cxxix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act of Parliamēt maid anent the chesing of Officiaris in Burrowis may be ratif [...] it, and appreuit, and put to executioun, and in tyme tocum to be obseruit and keipit: Sa that the electioun of Officiaris mycht be of the best and worthyest indwellaris of the Towne, and not be par­tialitie nor maisterschip, quhilk is vndoing of Burrowis, quhair mai­sterschippis and requeistis cummis.

Of frauchting of Schippis and the panis thairof. Ca. cxxx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the thre Estatis in this present Parliament, that the act of frauchting and lading of Schippis mycht be put till executioun efter the tēnour of the samin, and at na gudis be furit be the maister vpone his ouerloft, nor the Merchandis gudis to be strikin vp, nor vnressonablie spakit, nor reuin vnder the pane of .xx. pund to the Kingis [...]se. And this to be serchit be the Officiaris of the Burgh, and the [...] frauchtismen of the Schip, the quhilk sall answer thairfoir.

The bind of Salmound and mesour thairof. Ca. cxxxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the thre Estatis in this Parliament, that the Barrell bind of Salmound sould keip and contein the assyse and mesour of fourtene gallonis, and not to be myuist vnder the pane of escheit of the Salmound, quhair it beis fundin les to the Kingis vse. And that the Prouest, Baillies, & custumaris of ilk Burgh be serchouris heirto. And that ilk burgh haue thre hupe irnis, videlicet, ane hupe irne conuenient heirfoir ane at ilk end of the barrell, and ane in the middis for the mesuring of the barrell, and a birning irne, to mack the samin vnder the pane of escheit of the barrell vnmarkit.

That Commissaris of Burrowis compeir togidder at anis in the ȝeir in Innerkething. Ca. cxxxij.

ITEM It is statute & ordanit be the haill thre Estatis, y ȝeir lie in tyme tocū, certane Commissaris of all Burrowꝭ baith south and north conuene and gadder togidder anis ilk ȝeir in the Burgh of Innerkething on the mor [...]e efter Sanct Iames day with full commissioun, and thair to commoun and treit vpone the weilfair of [Page] Merchandice, the gude reule and statutis for the commoun proffeit of Burrowis. And to prouyde for remeid vpone the skaith and iniuris sustenit within the Burrowis. And quhat Burgh, that compeiris not the said day be thair Cōmissaris to pay to the coistis of the Cōmissaris .v. pund. And ȝeirly to haue our Souerane Lordis letters to distrem­ȝie heirfoir, and for the inbringing of the samin.

Of fisching and making of hering at the west sey. Ca. cxxxiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act maid of befoir be the Lordis of our Souerane Lordis counsall anēt the fisching and making of hering at the west sey, and vther fische, and Merchandice be put to executioun, obseruit, and keipit in all tymes, & speciallie now in this tyme. And strait serching to pas thairupone, and punitioun to be execute efter the tennour of the said act.

That nane attempt contrare the annexatioun of the Pryorie of Coldinghame to the Chapell Royall. Ca. cxxxiiij.

ITEM It is auisit, grantit, and ordanit be our Souerane Lord, and be the auise of his thre Estatis, that inhi­bitioun be geuin to all his liegis spirituall and temporall, that nane of thame tak vpone hand, to do or attempt to do contrare the vnion and annexatioun maid at the Pryorie of Coldinghame to his Chapell Roy­all, or to mak ony impetratioun thairof at the court of Rome, or to publicque or to vse ony bullis or proces purchest in contrare the said vnion, and erectioun vnder the pane of tresoun, tinsall, and forfatour of lyfe, land, gudis. &c.


PARLIAMENTVM PRIMVM EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPISET DOMINI NOSTRI DOMINI IACOBI QVARTI Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh sexto die Mensis Octobris An. Do. Millesimo Quadringen. Octuagesimo octauo.

THIR Ar the articlis auisit & concludit in this present Par­liament be our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis.

Of the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. j.

IN the first, that the fredomes, liberteis, priuilegeis, immuniteis of halie Kirk and spirituall persounis be obseruit and keipit in honour and worschip for the tyme of our Souerane Lord, that now is, lyke as it hes bene in the tyme of his maist Nobill progeni­touris of gude mynde of befoir. And gif thair be ony spirituall men, that hes ony actioun of greif or disple four done to thame, that lykis to complein, thay salbe hard thankfullie, and Iustice done to thame, according to the plesour of God and ho­nour of our Souerane Lord.

Of our Souerane Lordis mariage. Ca. ij.

SECVNDLY Sen our Souerane Lord is now be the grace & mercie of God of perfite age to compleit the haly band of Matrimonie with ane Nobill Princes borne and descendit of a Nobill and wirschipfull hous of auld honour and digni­tie, That thairfoir in this present Parliament it is auisit and conclu­dit, that ane honorabill Ambaxat be send in the Realmes of France, Brettane, Hispanȝie, and vthers placis, as salbe limmit, that is to say, ane Bischop, ane Erle, or ane Lord of Parliament, a Clerk, a Knycht, and with thame the number of fyftie hors, to auise, commoun, and con­clude in the said mater hauand full commissioun thairupone. And the tyme of thair remaning & thair honorabill expensis is modifeit in this present Parliamēt, to the soume of .v. thousād pundis to be rasit .ij. thou­sand of the Clergy, ji. thousand of the Barronis, and .j. thousand of the Burrowis. And the said .ij. thousand of the Barronis to be rasit of Barronis & fretennentis and not of the cōmoun pepill. And this cōtributi­oun to be inbrocht betuix this & the .xv. day of Ianuar nixt tocum. And that nouther the Clergy, Barronis, fretennentis, nor Commissairis of [Page] Burrowis pas furth of this Towne vnto the tyme the taxt be maid, and concludit of the soume foirsaid. And the ressauaris heirof to be for the Clergy the Abbot of Halyrudhous, & for the Barronis the Thesau­rar. And for the Commissaris of Burrowis Walter Bertrem. And the kingis hienes sall send incontinent ane Clerk & ane honorabill Squy­ar, or ane Herald in France, Hispanȝie, and vther neidfull placis to see and considder ane honorabill Princis according to the dignitie, honour, and emplesour of our Souerane Lord with letters of credence, and to report and certifie our Souerane Lord the King thairin.

¶ Mairattour the said Ambaxatour sall haue commissioun and full powar to renew the haly a [...]lya and confederatioun maid betuix the Realmes of Scotland and France to be obseruit and keipit, lyke as it hes bene betuix thair maist Nobill progenitouris, and now of lait rati­feit, appreuit, & confirmit be the autoritie of our haly father the Pape.

Of landis and gudis takin befoir the feild of Striuiling. Ca. iij.

ITEM Anent the article of the gudis, landis, and housis ta­kin befoir the feild of Striuiling be Lordis and per­sounis, that war with our Souerane Lord, that now is: Our Soue­rane Lord mouit of pietie with the coūsall of his Lordis hes auisit, that all the gudis mouabill belangin to pure vnlandit folkis be restorit and deliuerit agane. And Because thair was diuers of his opinion reft be the persounis of the tother opinion, That thairfoir his hienes gaif cō ­mand to tak of the gr [...]it men being in his cōtrare, sic as Lordis of Par­liament, and Barronis, that thair gudis sen thay war takin in sic tyme of troubill, be not restorit: And auent the gudis takin efter the Kingis proclamatioun maid the. xij. day of Iunij last bypast, that all thay gudꝭ be restorit agane to the persounis, that thay war takin fra. And that the landis and housis foirsaid be deliuerit to the awnaris in lykewyse at the emplesance of the King.

That Burgessis and vnlandit men, that ony gudis was takin fra be restorit agane. Ca. iiij.

ITEM It is auisit and cōcludit, that all Burgessis and Merchand men dwelland in Bu [...]gh, and vsand the cours of Merchandice, and all vnlandit men dwellād to landwart, that ony gudis war takin fra outher be obligatioun, band, souertie or vther­wayis, sen the tyme of the said feild of Striuiling be restorit agane to the persounis awnaris, that thay war takin fra, except allanerly the gudis, that was takin in the said feild of Striuiling. And the saidis persounis, obligatiounis, and souerteis to be fred and relaxit. And sa to be Iugeit thairefter now in this present Parliament and in tyme tocum. And at the Kingis hieues of his grace mouit of pietie re­mittis [Page lxxx] and forgeuis generallie and speciallie all the Bugessis, Mer­chandis, and vnlandit men foirsaid the rancor of his hart, and all sect of court for the actioun and cause of thair being in the feild of Striui­ling, Blaknes, or vther placis aganis his hienes allanerlie for y point. And neuer to be tane dittay thairof in tyme tocum. And that all spirituall persounis kirkmen, that war takin in harnes in the said feild, be deliuerit to thair Ordinaris to be punist, as effeiris vpone Law. And thay that war not fundin in armour, nor of the peruersit counsall, be remit­tit and fred, as is aboue writtin.

That all Officiaris being in the feild of Striuiling be suspendit fra thair officis for thre ȝeiris. Ca. v.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for the greit displesour, that our Souerane Lord hes tane agane thame, that war of that euill opiniō, and in the feild of Striuiling agane him in cōtrare the cōmoun gude of the Realme, and distructioū of the samin, and was the cause of the slauchter and deceis of vmquhile the King his father, anent all persounis of quhat estate or degre, that thay be, that had offi­cis of him, that is to say, wardanis, Iusticis, Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies, Lieutennentis, & all vther Officiaris, quhilkis hes the samin in heritage, be secludit and suspendit fra the saidis officis for the space of thre ȝeiris nixt tocū, and efter the forme of the act of Parlimēt. And all the saidis persounꝭ, that hes the said officis in lyfe rent or for termis, be secludit thairfra allutterly. Because of the said displesance & manifest part taking agane the cōmoun gude of the Realme foirsaid. And als be­cause our Souerane Lord cōsiddering the greit displesour foirsaid will not cōmit y executioun of Iustice, quhilk cōcernis his hienes in sa greit nerues baith of saule and lyfe and his trew liegis, to the saidis Offici­aris, That the persounis, that our Souerane Lord hes geuin the said officis to, vse and exerce the samin induring the tyme foirsaid.

Anent the entre of airis of thame that [...]eceissit at the feiid of Striuiling. Ca. vj

ITEM It is auisit & concludit anent the entres of the airis of thame, that deit in the feild of Striuiling agane our Souerane Lord, at now is: Our Souerane Lord of his grace & pietie sall grant breuis to the airis of all thame, that deit in the feild foirsaid. And because it may be obiect, that thair fathers and antecessouris deit not in the faith and peax of the King, for the quhilk the said breuis will not be full seruit, That thairfoir our Souerane Lord sall grant to the airis of thame, that was flaine, as said is, ane letter vnder the pre­uie seill mak and mentioun, That notwithstanding, that our Soue­rane Lord mycht obiect the said cause, that he mouit of pietie and grace, [Page] and in fauour of thame, that purchessis the said breuis, will not, that it be obiect agane thame, bot that it be said in the retour of the samin: Quod talis defunctus obijt ad sidem Do. nostri Regis ratione gratiae tali concessae & nobis ostensae. And that thair breuis be not geuin, without that thair letters vnder the preuie seill be schawin to the Chapell, and the samin be thair writtin. And that thair letters sall steid to thame anent all v­ther ouer Lordis, that thay mak thame na mair stopping. And that the saidis breuis be direct to the Ordinaris.

The furth putting of Iustice. Ca. vij.

ITEM It is auisit and concludit anent the furth putting of Iustice throw all the Realme, That our Souerane Lord sall eyde in proper persoun about till all partis of his Realme to his Iustice Airis. And that his Iustice sall pas with his hienes to mi­nister Iustice, as beis thocht expedient to him, and his counsall for the tyme.

¶ Anent the stanching of thift, reif, and vther enormiteis. Ca. viij.

ITEM Anent the stanching of thift, reif, and vther enormi­teis throw all the Realme, Thir Lordis vnder writ­tin hes maid faith and geuin thair bodylie aithis to our Souerane Lord in his Parliament, that thay and ilk ane of thame sall diligently with all cuire and besynes serche, and seik quhair ony sic trespassouris ar fundin, or knawin within thair boundis, and tak thame and iustifie thame, or mak thame to be send to our Souerane Lord to be iustifeit. And that thay sall haue powar of our Souerane Lord vnder his quhite walx to tak and punis the saidis trespassouris but fauouris, according to Iustice. And als to gif thame powar to cause vther small Lordis within thair boundis, to mak faith in lykewyse, and to ryse and assist to thame in the taking of the said trespassouris. And this act till in­dure to our Souerane Lordis age of .xxj. ȝeiris. And thir ar the num­ber of the Lordis. In the first the Lord Hailis, and Alexander Hume for the Mers, Louthiane, the wairdis of Hadingtoun, Linlithquho, & Lauderdale. And als the Lord Hailis for Kirkcudbricht, and wigtoun. The Erle of Angous for the Schirefdome of Roxburgh, siclyke Pe­blis, and Lanerk. The said Erle and the Lord Maxwall for Drum­freis. The Lord Kennydie for Carrik. The Schiref of Air for Air. The Laird of Cragy for Kyle. The Lord Montgumrie for Cuning­hame. The Erle of Leuenax, the Lord Lyle, and Mathew Stewart for Renfrow and the Monkland, the Lenȝe, Bothuill, Glasgow, Kil­bryde, Auandale. The Lord Montgumrie for Dumbartane, the Le­uenax, Bute, and Arane. The Schiref of Striuiling, and Iames of [Page lxxxi] Edmoundstoun for Striuiling Schire. Archibald Edmoundstoun for Menteith & Stragartnay. The Maister of Ergyle for Ergyle, Lorne, Knapdale, and Cowell. Duncane Campbell, Neill Stewart, and Ew­ing Campbell for Desthore, Toor, Glenur [...]uhay, Rānach, Appmdow, Glenlyone, and Glenfallacht. The Erle of Athole, and Alexander Ro­bertsoun for Athole. The Lord Drummound for Stratherne, Buch­quhidder, and Dumblane. The Lord Oliphant for the law land of the Schirefdome of Perth, Strabraun, and the Bischoprik of Dunkeldin The Lord Gray, the Lord Glammis, the Maister of Craufuird for Angus, hieland, and lawland, and to sit with the Iustice of the Rega­liteis. The Erle Merchall for the Mernis. The Erle of Huntlie, the Erle of Erroll, the Laird of Iunerrugy fra the Mouth north and In­nernes. The Lord Lindesay for Fyfe.

Of Burrowis repledge and thair nichtbouris fra the Iustice. Ca. ix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent the article belangād the Burrowis in the tyme of Iustice Airis, quhilkis hes bene repledgit fra the Iustice he sittand in the principall Burgh of the Schire, into thair fredomes, Throw the quhilk repledgeing Iu­stice hes not bene done vpone the inhabitantis of the said Burrowis in tyme bygane, Thairfoir in tyme tocū it salbe leiffull to the Kingis Iu­stice he [...]tand in the principall Burgh of the Rialtie vpone the mater of the Air, to gif ane assyse to all inhabitantis within vthers Burrow­is of thair awin neichtbouris, that best knawis the veritie, gif thay be present. And gif sa mony be not present, that may be sufficient number, That it salbe leiffull to him to cheis ane assyse of the said heid Burgh, or to eik the number, as he thinkis maist expedient for the gude of Iu­stice and without preiudice of the fredomes of the said Burrowis.

That a fyne penny of Gold and ane vther of siluer be strikin. Ca. x.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord & his thre Estatis in this present Parliament, that a fyne pēny of gold be strikin to be of wecht & fynes to the Rois Nobill, & ane penny of siluer to be equall to the auld Inglis grot, and .x. of thame to mak ane vnce of siluer, and to haue cours and gang for .xiiij. d. And at thair salbe ane half grot of the samin. And the said penny of gold to haue passage and gang for .xxx. of the saidis grotis. And ane vther penny of gold to haue cours and gang for .xx. of the saidis grotis of the sa­min prent. And the thrid penny of gold to haue passage for .x. of the saidꝭ grotis of the samin prent. And the saidis pennyis of gold and siluer to haue si [...] prent and circūstriptioun, as salbe auisit be the Kingis hienes. And all vther money to the equallie conformit thairto. And our Soue­rane [Page] Lord sall limmit ane cuinȝeour thairto, as Alexander Leuington and a wyse and leill man, that hes knawlege in the money to be war­dane thairof, that is to say, Iames of Creichtoun of Ruchuendaun for the space of a ȝeir to examin and assay the fynes of the said gold and siluer efter the forine and reule maid in the Parliament of befoir▪ The saidis wardane and cuinȝeouris hauand siclyke fee for thair laubouris as thay had in the tyme of our Souerane Lordis progenitouris, and siclyke proffeitis tocum to the Kingis hienes of the said cuinȝie. And as for the inbringing of Bulȝeoun the Merchandis sall for the gude of the Realme bring of ilk Serplaith of well, ilk last of Salmound, ilk foure hundreth claith, foure vnce of brint siluer, of ilk last of hydis sar vnce, ilk last of hering, twa vnce. And siclyke of all vther gudis that payis custume to the King. And the Merchandis thairof sall bring in bulȝeoun effeirand thairto. And attour, the Merchandis that bringis hame the said bulȝeoun, quhilkis salbe of the fynes foir­said, sall haue of the said cuinȝie, and to be payit be the wardane .xij. s. for ilk vnce. And the said wardane sall surneis the cuinȝeour of bulȝeoun, & the irnis to be put in keiping, and to ressaif it, that is cuin­ȝeit to the changeour thairof, and pay the Merchandis for the said bulȝeoun, and to tak ane assay of the gold and siluer that salbe cuin­ȝeit, as is foirsaid, to be keipit and examinat ȝeirlie at the Checkar, and thair to be maid compt of sa mony vncis, as is cuinȝeit in the ȝeir, baith of gold and siluer. And the custumaris at thair comptis making to be chargeit with sa mony vncis, and vthers gudis, as is abone writtin in the samin forme. And to be dischargeit of sa far, as thay deliuer to the said wardane, and cuinȝeouris. And that all Merchandis, that beis fundin culpabill in the breking of this statute sall pay to our Souerane Lord the dowbill auale of the said vncis of bulȝeoun, according to the Serplaith and gudis abone writtin. And at all vther money gold and siluer sall haue cours to the auale, as it is now.

That Schippis cum to fre Burrowis. Ca. xj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocum all maner of Schippis strangearis and vthers cum to the Kingis fre Burrowis, sic as Dumbartane, Iruin, Wigtoun, Kirk­cudbricht, Renfrow, and vthers fre Burrowis of the Realme, and thair mak thair Merchandice. And at the saidis strangearis by na fische, bot saltit and barrellit, nor by nane vther Merchandice, bot at fre Burrowis, and thair pay thair dewteis and custumis, and tak thair cocket, as effeiris. And at thay mak na Merchandice at Lowis, nor vther placis, bot at fre Burrowis, as said is. And at nane of our So­uerane Lordis liegis tak Schippis to fraucht vnder colour to defraud [Page lxxxii] our Souerane Lord nor his liegis, vnder the pane of tinsall of thair lyfis, and gudis, and at na strangearis do in the contrare, vnder the pane of tinsall and confiscatioun of thair Schip and gudis to our So­uerane Lordis vse.

Of Clerkis that purchessis beneficis at the court of Rome. Ca. xij.

ITEM As to the article of the greit dampnage and skaithis daylie done to all the Realme be Clerkis, religious, & secularis, quhilkis purchessis Abbaceis, and vther beneficis in the court of Rome, quhilk was neuer thairat of befoir, and purchessis be me [...]s officis of Collectourie, and takis vpone thame to rais heuy and greit taxatiounis of Prelatis and Clerkis, and makis informatioun of the auale of beneficis in the court of Rome, mair than vse and custume was of befoir, or at euer was done in ony Kingis tyme bygane, And to pro­uyde for remeid of making of vnionis of beneficis pertening to Abbaceis or vthers annext to Bischoprikis, or vthers in heirschip and distruc­tioun of Religious placis, and agane the cōmoun gude of the Realme, quhilkis thingis causis vnestimabill dampnage and skaithis, considde­ring the innumerabill ryches, that is had furth of the Realme thair­throw: ¶ AND thairfoir the Lordis thinkis expedient, that na sic Abbaceis, nor vther beneficis, quhilkꝭ was neuer at the court of Rome of befoir, be purchest be na secular nor Religious persounis, bot at the saidis placis haue fre electioun of the samin, and as vse and custume hes bene in the saidis placis. And that nane of our Souerane Lordꝭ liegis spirituall nor temporall, tak vpone hand to be Collectourꝭ of the sege of Rome of na hiear nor greitar taxatiounis of Bischoprikis, Ab­baceis, Prouestreis, Pryoreis, nor nane vther beneficis, that aw taxa­tiounis to the Court of Rome, bot as vse and custume is of all taxati­ounis, that hes bene of befoir, and as is contenit in the Prouinciallis buikis of the auld taxatiounis of Bagimond. And attour, that na v­nionis nor annexatioūis maid now of lait, sen our Souerane Lordis father, quhome God assolȝie, tuik the Crowne, and in speciall the vni­onis nor annexatiounis maid be vmquhile Patrik Grahame Archibi­schop of Sanctandros, and his successouris of the Prouestrie of Lin­cluden, quhilk is now our Souerane Lordis patronage, and pretendit to be annexit and vnit to Androw Bischop of Murray, be of na strenth, valew, nor effect, nor to be sustenit within the Realme, bot at the said beneficis, that was vnit be put agane to the first fundatioun to the placis, that thay war takin fra, and at sic reule and gouernance, as thay war at of befoir in the tyme of the annexatiounis of the said v [...]i­onis, and to be repute of na force, strenth, nor effect in tyme cumming. And gif ony of oure Souerane Lordis liegis spirituall or temporall [Page] wald attempt, or hes attemptit in the contrare, of thir punctis aboue writtin, salbe demanit, as tratour or tratouris to our Souerane Lord and his successouris, and neuer to bruke benefice nor vse worschip within his Realme. Neuertheles, it salbe leiffull to Lordis and Bar­ronis to purches annexatiounis or vniouis of ony benefice, that thay can purches outher of thair awin patronageis, or vthers to be vnit to secular Collegeis foundit, or to be foundit.

Of Clerkis that purchessis beneficis contrare the Kingis presentatioun. Ca. xiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that for samekill, as it was statute or ordanit be the Parliament in our Soue­rane Lordis antecessouris tymes of maist nobill mynde, That quhat­sumeuer Clerk his liege purchest ony benefice at the court of Rome, of the quhhilk the presentatioun pertenit to his hienes the sege vacand, be rycht and priuilege of his Crowne, That thay that attemptis, acceptis, or purchessis ony sic beneficis, or committis the cryme of hurt maiestie agane his hienes, that the panis contenit in the act of Parliament, that is to say, proscriptioun, rebellioū, and tresoun be execute vpone thame. And now it is sene expedient be the thre Estatis of the Realme, and statute and ordanit, that quhat tyme it be declarit be the best and wor­thyest Clerkis of the Realme befoir the Lordis of counsall, that ony persoun or persoūis be grace acceptis, or purchessis ony benefice pertening to our Souerane Lordis presentatioun the sege vacand in the court of Rome, or within the Realme, or hes purchest, or persewit the samin, sen the last statute maid thairupone, That efter the declaratioun be maid be Clerkis befoir the Lordis of Counsall, the Chancellar sall mak the panis cōtenit in the said actis of Parliamēt to be put to executioū vpon the brekaris of the saidis actis, les na thay leif the said beneficis, efter thay be requyrit thairupone. And thair letters of declaratioun to be ge­uin in name of our Souerane Lord and his thre Estatis. And that the Ordinaris dispone vpō thair vther beneficis for the inhabilitie of thair persounis. And gif ony persounis spirituall or temporall wald mantene, supplie, or defend the saidis Clerkis brekaris of our Souerane Lordis actis of Parliamēt, efter at it be declairit his patronage, as said is, thay beand requyrit, and will not desist fra the suppleying of the saidis Clerkis, That thair salbe letters geuin in lykewyse vpone thame, de­claring thame to haue fallin in the samin panis contenit in the actis of Parliament, as said is.

The propositioun of the debait of the feild of Striuiling. Ca. xiiij.

ITEM In this present Parliament our Souerane Lord beand present, togidder with his thre Estatis of [Page lxxxiii] the Realme, was proponit the debait and cause of the feild of Stri­uiling, in the quhilk vmquhile Iames King of Scotland, quhome God assolȝie, father to our Souerane Lord happinnit to be slane, and the cause and occasioun thairof commonit, oppinnit, and arguit amang the Lordis of the thre Estatis, Iohne Lord Glammis presentit, and schew certane articlis subscriuit with the said vmquhile King Iames hand the tennour of the quhilkis followis &c The quhilkis beand red and schawin, that the saidis articlis was diuers tymes grantit to, & brokin be peruerst counsall of diuers persounis being with him for the tyme: Quhilkis counsallit and assistit to him in the inbringing of Inglismen, and to the perpetuall subiectioun of the Realme, and vnder dissait and colour maid, and refusit, and that our Souerane Lord, that now is euer consentit for the gude of the Realme, and the commoun proffeit thairof (For the quhilk the Erle of Huntlie, the Erle of Erroll, the Erle Merchall, the Lord Glammis, and vthers diuers Barronis and vthers the Kingis trew liegis left him, and his dissaitfull and peruerst counsall, and adherit to our Souerane Lord, that now is, and his trew opinioun for the commoun gude of the Realme) The quhilk mater beand schawin, examinat, commonit, and vnderstanding be the thre Estatis and the haill body of the Parliament, thay ryplie auisit, declarit, and concludit, and in thair lawteis, and allegeance ilk ane for him self declarit and concludit: THAT the slauchter committit & done in the feild of Striuiling, quhair our Souerane Lordis father happinnit to be slane, and vthers diuers his Barronis, and liegis was allutterlie in thair default, and colourit dissait done be him, and his peruerst counsall diuers tymes befoir the said feild: And that our Souerane Lord, that now is, and the trew Lordis and Barronis, that was with him in the samin feild war innocent, fre, and quyte of the said flauchters done in the said feild, and all persuit of the occasioun and cause of the samin: And that part of the thre estatis foirsaidis, Prelatis, Bischoppis, greit Barronis, Burgessis, gaif thair seillis heirupone, togidder with our Souerane Lordis greit seill to be scha­win and producit to our haly father the Pape, the Kingis of France, Hispanȝie, Denmark, and vthers Realmes, as salbe sene expedient for the tyme.

Anent Cruuis. Ca. xv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all cruuis and fische dammis, that war within salt watters, quhair the sey ebbis and flowis, be allutterlie destroyit, and put downe, alsweill [Page] thay that pertenis to our Souerane Lord as vthers throw all the Realme. And as anēt the Cruuis in fresche watters, that thay be maid of sic largenes and sic dayis keipit, as is contemt in the actis and sta­tutis maid thairupone of befoir.

The keiping of the Castell of Edinburgh and destroying of the Castell of Dumbar. Ca. xvj.

ITEM It is concludit and ordanit be the auise and deliue­rance of the thre Estatis, that Patrik Lord Hailis be maister or houshald to our Souerane Lord, quhilk hes the keiping of the Castell of Edinburgh of his hienes, and to haue the reule and go­uernance of my Lord Iames Duke of Rothesay, and of the Artailȝe­rie, and stuffe being within the said Castell to be keipit in honour and worschip according to his estate, and lyke as our Souerane Lord hes geuin command thairupone.

ITEM It is concludit and ordanit be the auise and deliue­rance of the thre Estatis, that the Castell of Dumbar be castin downe, and allutterly destroyit in siclyke wyse, that na foundment thairof be occasioun of bigging nor reparatioū of the said Castell in tyme tocum. And at our Souerane Lord mak coist thairupone, as effeiris. Because it hes done greit skaith in tymes bygane, and war greit danger to the Realme, and it war negligentlie keipit, or repar­rellit agane.

The reuocatioun maid at Scone. Ca. xvij.

ITEM Anent the proclamatioun maid at Scone, It is sta­tute and ordanit, that all alienatiounis of landis, heritageis, lang takkis, fewfermis, officis, tailȝeis, blanchfermis, crea­tiounis of new digniteis grantit to ony persounis, quhat estate, degre, or conditioun, that euer thay be of, sen the secund day of Februarij last bypast be vmquhile our Souerane Lordis father, quhome God assol­ȝie, quhilk mycht be preiudiciall to oure Souerane Lord, and his Crowne, that now is, be cassit and adnullit, and to be of na force nor effect in ony tymes tocum. Because that sic alienatiounis, giftis, and priuilegeis war grantit, sen the said tyme for the assistance to the per­uerst counsall, that war contrare the commoun gude of the Realme, and cause of the slauchter of our Souerane Lordis father, and diuers vthers his Barronis and liegis.

That the airis be not hurt be thair predecessouris. Ca. xviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, anent the airis of all Lor­dis, Barronis, and vther landit men, that war with [Page lxxxiiii] our Souerane Lord that now is, in the feild of Striuiling, agane the peruerst counsall in the misgyding of vmquhile his father, quhome God assolȝie, & the commoun gude of the Realme, that na hurt nor preiudice be done to thame be ony of thair predecessouris, in alienatioun or skaith of the heritageis, that thay sould succeid to, sen the tyme of the said feild, or in ony tyme tocum, and gif ony alienatioū be maid in preiudice of the said air, that it be of na strenth, force, nor effect, in tyme tocum. And decernis and declairis the samin of nane auale, gif thair be ony done.

HAEC SVNTACTA ET STATVTA FACTA IN PARLIAMENTO PRAE­scripto & confirmata per supremum Dominū nostrum Regem decimoquin to die Mensis Februarij Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringen tesimo. lxxxix. Praesentibus ibidem tribus Regni statibus.
Of the fredome of halie Kirk.

IN the first for the honour of God, libertie, and fre­dome of halie Kirk and Kirk men, It is statute and ordanit, that all priuilegeis, fredomes, and immuni­teis of the samin be obseruit and keipit in tyme to­cum, lyke as thay haue bene in the tyme of our So­uerane Lordis father, & foirbearis of maist Nobill mynde with this additioun, That the takaris and intromettaris of the landis, teindis, obligatiounꝭ, proffeitis, or dew [...]eis of halie Kirk without tak or assedatioun of the Persoun, Vicar or thair fermoraris, be callit and that to be a punct of dittay in tyme tocum.

Of Iustice Airis. Ca. xix.

SECVNDLIE It is thocht expedient and ordanit, that the Iustice Airis, that ar now set, that the dyetis of thame be obseruit and keipit efter the forme of the said dyetis and Lawis of this Realme. And that the Iustice Airis, that ar now set, be proclamit & haldin with all cure and diligence for the punitioun of trespassouris, to the acquyeting of the Realme and liegis.

Of vniuersall concord amangis the liegis. Ca. xx.

ITEM As tuiching the lufe, amitie, & freindschip to be maid amangis all our Souerane Lordis liegis & his coū ­sall, It is thocht expediēt be the thre Estatis, that our Souerane Lord and his counsall sall put his autoritie be the auise of his said counsall to mak all persounis & parteis to be at freindschip and cōcord, and quhat persoun or persounis, that refusis in his default to heir ane ressonabill [Page] and honorabill cōcord of his partie, That the Kingis Iustice put scharp Iustice on the partie quhilkis ar obstinate, throw the quhilk the Kingꝭ hienes may cause thame to be in hartlie amitie, freindschip, and quyet, with the punitioun according to the Lawis of the Realme.

For inbringing of the taxatioun and vndoing of the Kingis discharge of ony part thairof. Ca. xxj.

ITEM Anent the expeditioun of the haistie inbringing and getting of the taxt grantit in the Parliament for the expensis of ane honorabill Ambaxat, that sould pas for our Souerane Lordis mariage, anent the part being in the bandis of the Clergy, It is thocht expedient, that the Prelatis now being in this Towns sould mak a way with the Thesaurar, and schaw him, how the said taxt sould be payit for the part of the said Clergy, or ony of thame depairt of this Towne. And for the taxt of Barronis and temporall persounis, that sould be rasit and takin of the Schireffis, and Baillies, and vther Officiaris of the Kingis, It is auisit be the said Lordis, that the saidis Schireffis, and Baillies, and vthers Officiaris being so oft tymes chargeit be the Kingis letters, & ar now callit to be heir, that thairfoir thay be now chargeit be Officiaris of the Kingꝭ, to be befoir the Chancellar, & Lordis of counsall on fryday that nixt cūmis, in George Robesounis Innis, to mak full compt and payment of the said taxt: And in lyke­wyse that all Schireffis, Prouestis, and Baillies of Burrowis, and all vther Officiaris, quhilkis come not heir, nor is present, That letters incontinent be writtin to thame, chargeing thame, to rais, inbring, and pay the said taxt to ane schort day, or els that thay be chargeit to enter thair persounis in waird within the Castell of Blaknes within .xv. dayis, gif thay failȝie of the inbringing and paying of the said taxt, vn­der the panis of Rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne, confis­catioun and escheiting of all thair proper gudis to the Kingis vse. And because the Lordis vnderstandis, that thair is sumpart of letters gran­tit be the King to spirituall Lordis, and Prelatis, and als to temporall Lordis, and to Barrouis of discharge of part of the said taxt, the quhilk the saidis Lordis considderis, and vnderstandis, the King mycht not discharge, sen it was grantit be the said Estatis to the said Ambaxat, and for the cause foirsaid, Thairfoir the saidis letters of discharge to be na defasance to thame. And that na sic letters haue strenth, force, nor effect. And that letters of discharge be maid vnder the preuie seill, and send to the Ordinaris and Schireffis thairupone.

For instructiounis making to renew confederatioun and allyance. Ca. xxij.

ITEM As tuiching the renewing and confirmatioun to be maid of the confederatioun and allyance of France, [Page lxxxv] and in lykewyse of Denmark and Hispanȝie, It is thocht expedient be the saidis Lordis of the articlis, that thay desyre to purches and ob­tene sic freindschippis, liberteis, and fredomes, for the gude publique of this Realme and proffeit of the cours of Merchandice, and sic thingis, as salbe sene proffitabill be the Lordis of the Kingis secreit counsall: That thairfoir the body of the Parliament hes committit powar to the Chancellar and secreit counsall to mak the instructiounis, and auise sic desyris, as thay sall think expedient for the gude of the King, his Re­alme, and liegis, quhilkis salbe done to the King, and in the name of the haill body of his Parliament.

Ane Ambaxat to Denmark. Ca. xxiij.

ITEM Because the Lordis of the articlis vnderstandis, that it is rycht expedient and neidfull, that ane Ambaxat be send to the King of Denmark for the renewing of the allyance and confirmatioun of the confederatioun betuix oure Souerane Lord, his Realme, and liegis, and the said King of Denmark, his Realme, and subiectis of the samin, and to remoue all strangenes and displesour con­sauit be ony Prince for ony cause bypast, and for the personage: ¶ IT is auisit and thocht expedient, that thair be send a Lord, a Knycht, a Clerk, to the number of .xx. persounis, and for thair expensis to haue the soume of thre hundreth pundis to be rasit of the thre Estatis, that is to say, ane hundreth of ilk Estate. And at the Lordis now present or thay, pairt find a way, how at this soume sould be brocht in, and in all possibill haist, sen the said Ambaxat man tak thair vaiage in this nixt Moneth of Marche. Because of the saison of the ȝeir.

The Kingis reuocatioun and inbringing of his propertie. Ca. xxiiij.

ITEM Tuiching the article of the Kingis propertie for the honorabill sustentatioun and halding of his hous, according to his estate and honour, quhilk may not be failȝeit without greit derogatioun of his Nobill estate: It is considderit be the saidis Lordis of the articlis, that sen all the Lordis spirituall, and temporall, and vthers his trew liegis sould aboue all singulare and particular proffeit desyre to prefer the Nobill estate of his excellence, lyke as it was done in the tyme of his maist Nobill progenitouris of gude mynde: Heirfoir it is thocht expedient, neidfull, and ressonabill, and als statute and ordanit in this present Parliament, That full derogatioun, cassa­tioun, and adnullatioun be maid of all giftis, donatiounis, infeftmentꝭ, fewfermes, feis, lyferentis geuin be his hienes to quhatsumeuer persoū or persounis, sen the day of his Coronatioun: Sa that all landis, ren­tis, custumis, Burrow mailis, fermes, martis, muttoun, pultrie, aua­rage, [Page] cariage, and vther dewteis, that war in the handis of his proge­nitouris, and father, quhome god assolȝie the day of his deceis, not­withstanding quhatsumeuer assignatioun or gift be maid thairupone vnder the greit seill, preuie seill, or vthers, be allutterlie cassit, and ad­nullit: Swa that the haill proffitis and rentis thairof may cum to our Souerane Lord, to the honorabill sustentation of his hous and Nobill estate, as said is: And quhair thair is ony feis or dewteis to be geuin to Officiaris, wardanis, and vthers siclyke, as had feis in his fathers and grandschiris tymes, That the samin feis be payit to thame in mo­ney be the handis of his ressaitaris, and Comptrollaris. And at thay tak na dewteis of the Kingis proper landis for na assignatioun maid to thame. And at all thair landis, rentis, fermes aboue writtin remane with the King in this kynde, quhill his age of .xxj. ȝeir, not­withstanding ony gittis maid of befoir in the contrare.

The prouisioun for the Duke of Rose and Erle of Mar, and inbringing of thair rentis. Ca. xxv.

ITEM Anent the prouisioun, and ordinance to be maid for the honorabill sustentatioun of my Lordis the Duke of Rose, and Erle of Mar, our Souerane Lordis Brether, quhilkis ar of ȝoung and tender age, and in the Kingis gouernance and keiping: It is sene expedient, that thay be honorablie sustenit, and gouernit in worschip and honour; according to thair Nobill Estatis, and to be su­stenit and vphaldin of thair awin rentis, quhilkis the Lordis vnder­standis is sufficient, and of auale to vphald thame. And quhair that thair rentis, mailis, fermes, and vthers dewteis ar withhaldin, and not brocht to thair proffeitis, The Lordis of the thre Estatis auisis the samin directioun and way to be takin for thame, as is ordanit for the Kingis propertie, and bringing in of the samin, that is to say, that thir Lordis vnder writtin, quhilkis ar of autoritie and powar in the par­tis quhair thair landis lyis, rais and inbring thair rentis, and proper­teis, lyke as is deuysit of the Kingis, quhilkis Lordis ar specifeit and nemmit vnder writtin, for the inbringing of our Souerane Lordis dewteis, and thairis. And quhair ony thing or part of thair landis, rentis, mailis, or fermes ar geuin away be the King sen the tyme of thair infeftmentis, that reuocatioun and adnullatioun be maid thairof in this present Parliament, and to remane with thame to thair com­pleit age, lyke as is prouydit for the Kingis hienes, as said is. And thir ar the saidis Lordis names.

The names of the Lordis.

[Page lxxxvi] MEmorandum thir ar the Lordis vnder writtin, to bring in the Kingis propertie, and casualitie, siluer, ferme, nolt, wedders, and vthers dewteis baith of restis, and vthers to the sustentatioun of the Kingis houshald ilk ane within thair boundis, as followis.

¶ The Erle Bothueill maister of houshald within the Schiref­dome of Edinburgh, Hadingtoun, Kirkcudbricht, and Wigroun. Aleāxder Hume greit Chalmerlane within the Erldome of Marche, the Barronie & Lordschip of Dumbar, Cokburnispeth, the Forrest, & Stri­uiling Schire. And because he hes the hous of Striuiling & Newark. Archibald Edmoundstoun for Menteith and Stragartnay. The Lord preuie seill for Fyfe. The Lord Drummound for Stratherne. The Lord Oliphant for Methuen, and all the Schirefdome of Perth. The Thesaurar for Llilithquho Schire. Alexander Boyd and Alexander Dunlop for Stewartoun & Kilmarnok. The Lord Gray for Brechin and Newar, the Schirefdome of Forfar, Teling, and Polgawy. The Lord Gray for the restis of Fethucarne, and Andro wod in tyme tocum. Iohne of Lestie for Kintor. Patrik Forbes for Cowle and Oueill. Schir Alexander Gordowne for Strathdor and Crooniar. The Maister of huntlie for Mar and Garioch. Iames of Dowglas for Murray. The Erle of Huntlie for Pectie and Brachlie. The Lord Montgumrie for Arane. The Lord Kennedie for Carrik, Lessault, Munibrig, and sax scoir of pundis of the auld restis of Air. The Lord Sinclair for Orknay and Schyteland. Schir Iames of Dumbar for Ros. The Lord Dernlie for Bute. The Chancellar for Cowale, Rosueth, Knapdale, and Kintyre. The Schiref of Air for the Teri­bauch and Treinȝeane. The Lord Drummound for the Leuenax and Drummound.

For keiping of the dayis of trewis. Ca. xxvj.

AND as tuiching the obseruatioun and keiping of the trewis takin with the King of Inglād, It is thocht proffitabill be the saidis Lordis of the articlis, that our Souerane Lord cause his wardanis and Lieu­tennentis, that thay obserue and keip dayis of trew­is, als oft as it is neidfull, for the obseruatioun of the said trewis, induring the tyme of the samin: Swa that his hienes and liegis haue siclyke obseruit to thame for the part of Ingland. And that the wardanis hald thair courtis, and pu­nis trespassouris for the gude of the cuntrie, and stanching of sic tres­passouris.

Auditouris of our Souerane Lordis comptis. Ca. xxvij.

[Page] THE Lordis of the articlis thinkis expedient, and hes stature and ordanit in this present Parliament, that comptis and reckning be takin of all the Kingis Offi­ciaris, The saurar, Comptrollar of auld and of the new of our Souerane Lordis fathers tyme, and now of our Souerane Lordis tyme that now is. And that additouris be chosin and nemmit, be auise and autori­tie of his Parliament, to heir and vnderstand the said comptis, and at the said auditouris haue thair commissioun thairto, with consent of the thre Estatis. And thir ar the namis thocht expedient be the said E­statis to be auditouris of the said comptis.

  • The Duke of Montrois.
  • The Erle of Huntlie.
  • The Chancellar.
  • The Bischop of Glasgow.
  • The Bischop of Abirdene.
  • The Maister of houshald.
  • The preuie Seill.
  • The Abbot of Halyrudhous.
  • The Lord Lyle.
  • The Lord Glaminis.
  • The Lord Gray.
  • The Lord Drummound.
  • The Pryour of Coldinghame.
  • The Thesaurar.
  • Maister Rychard Robesone.
  • Maister Rychard Lausone.
  • Schir Alexander Scot.
  • The Archidene of Sanctandros.
  • To do siklyk vpone all comptis except thair awin.

Of the Kingis secreit counsall and houshald. Ca. xxviij.

ITEM Anent the articlis & chesing of the Lordis spirituall and temporall to be and remane with our Souerane Lordis secreit counsall for the extensioū and furth putting of the Kingꝭ autoritie and the administratioū of Iustice, It is thocht expedient, that thair be chosin to be of the Kingis secreit counsall, twa Bischoppis, ane Abbot, or ane Priour, sax Barronis with my Lord Chancellar, Ma­ster of houshald, Chalmerlane, Preuie Seill, Secretar, the Clerk of the Register. And thir ar the namis of the saidis Prelatis & Barronis.

  • The Bischop of Glasgow.
  • The Bischop of Abirdene.
  • The Pryour of Coldinghame.
  • The Archidene of Sanctandros
  • The Duke of Montrois.
  • The Lord Lyle.
  • The Lord Gray.
  • The Lord Glammis.
  • The Lord Drummound.

To be of coūsall, quhen thay ar present, or quhē our Souerane Lord sēdis for thame.

  • The Erle of Huntlie.
  • The Erle of Leuenax.
  • The Erle Merchall.
  • The Erle of Erroll.
  • The Lord Oliphant.
  • The Lord Borthwik.
  • Patrik Hume of Fastcastell.
  • Walter Ogilwy of Bone.
  • Maister Rychard Lausone.
  • Iohne the Ros.

[Page lxxxvii] AND for the mair sickernes, sure supportatioun, and acceleratioun of Iustice, It is auisit and sene speid­full, that the said counsall now chosin in this present Parliament be sworne in the Kingis presence & his thre Estatis, to gif his hienes a trew and afald coū ­sall in all maters concerning his Maiestie and his Realme. And sall remane of his counsall, quhill the tyme of the nixt Parliament. And to be responsall and accusabill to the King and his Estatis of thair counsall. And our Souerane Lord hes humblit his hienes to promit and grant in Parliament to abyde and remane at thair counsallis, quhill the nixt Parliament, as said is. And til eschew all circumuentiounis and dissaitis, that hes bene done to the Kingis hienes be bringing of diuers signatouris of infeftmentis, dona­tiounis, giftis, conductis, and remissiounis, and vther sic letters hurt­and and tuichand the King in his casualitie or propertie: For the seclu­ding of the samin, his hienes hes grantit and consentit be autoritie of this present Parliament, That na sir giftis, signatouris, and remissi­ounis, respectis, conductis and vthers letters sall pas in tyme tocum, without auise, and consent of the Lordis of the said secreit coūsall. And all sic letters to be subsriuit be the King and samony of the said coūsal, as salbe present for the tyme to the nūber of sax persounis at the fewest sittand togidder in counsall the Chancellar beand ane. And gif ony sic letters be geuin without thair consentis in vther wayis, That the saidꝭ letters be of nane auale, force nor effect, and to haue na strenth. And at the Chācelar, Preuie seill, & Secretar answer to nane vther letters, bot sic as beis subscriuit, as said is, with the saidis Lordis of counsall. And in lykewyse the King to be reulit and gouernit be thair coūsallis in the dispositiounis and geuing of his tresour, siluer weschell, cheinȝeis, iow­ellis, & vther abilȝtmētis pertening to his maist nobill persoū. And this maner of doing to be keipit and obseruit, quhill the tyme of the nixt Parliament.

Of goldsmythis. Ca. xxix.

AS tuiching the article of goldsmythis quhilkis, layis and makis fals mixture of euill mettall corrupand the fyne met tall of gold and siluer in the decait of our Souerane Lord and his liegis, that garris mak and wirk gold and siluer for the reformatioun and eschewing of the samin: It is now auisit and concludit, that na goldsmyth sall mak mixture nor put fals lay­is in the said mettallis. And to haue knawlege of the fynes of thair wark, that ilk goldsmyth haue ane speciall mark, signe, and takin to be put in his said wark, quhilk he makis. And thay samin warkis to be of fynes of the new werkis of siluer of Bruges.

[Page] And at thair be ane Dekin of the craft of goldsmythis, quhilk sall exa­min the said wark and fynes thairof, and see, that it be als gude, as the said wark of Bruges. And thairefter the samin Dekin to put his mark and signe on the said wark, and to answer thairupone vpone his lyfe and gudis. And as tuiching the wark of gold, that it be maid als fyne, as it is first moltin in presence of the awnar, lyke as the tuiche and as­say geum to him, quhen it is first moltin. And na war to be deliuerit in presence of the Dekin, Swa that the Kingis liegis be not dissauit, and that it keip the said fynes, as said is.

Anent the sailing of Merchandis. Ca. xxx.

ANENT the act of sailing of Merchandis, quhilk hes bene maid of befoir, and that the samin act be now in tyme tocum obseruit and keipit be the Merchandis, and in lyke wyse anent the inbringing of bulȝeoun, that the act maid thairupone be geuin and keipit in scharpe executioun. And at the aud­ditouris of the Checkar, and all vthers in tyme tocum tak compt of the inbringing of bulȝeoun, sen the tyme of our Souerane Lord, lyke as at mair lenth is contenit in vther actis maid thairupone. And that the said cōpt be takin efter the quantitie of the gudis, that is cūmin hame. And anent the sailing of the said Merchandis, that the Prouestis, Al­dermen, and Baillies of Burrowis mak diligent serching and seiking of the sailaris in winter fra Alhallowmes till Cādilmes, and mak the panis to be rasit on the brekaris thairof to the King vnder the pane of .x. pund, to be rasit of the Officiaris, that beis negligent not punisand in thair default.

Anent ferryaris, that takis dowbill fraucht. Ca. xxxj.

AND As tuiching the act maid on the ferryaris, quhilkis takis dowbill fraucht of the Kingis liegis, The Lordis vnder­standis, that the samin act is proffitabill and gude, quhilk thay deuise & thinkis expedient, that it be put to dew & scharpe executioun. And gif ony dois in the contrare, that it be a punct of dictay. And the ferryaris brekaris thairof to be punist with rigour, & the said dowbill fraucht to be reif in the Iustice Air, efter the forme of the first act maid thairupone

Anent cruuis and fische ȝairis. Ca. xxxij.

ITEM Anēt cruuis and fischeȝarꝭ quhilkis destroyis the fry of fische, & hurtis the cōmoun proffeit of the Realme, It is ordanit, that the actis & statutis maid of befoir be obseruit & keipit with this additioū: That letters be writtin to all Schireffꝭ Baillies, & Stewartis to destroy, cast downe, & put away all the cruuis within yair boūdis incōtinent without dilay. And that dictay be tane vpon thame, [Page lxxxviii] thame, that hes cruuis in contrare the said act. And to pay for ilk cruue fyue pund for amerciament in the Iustice Air, to be rasit on the makar, & vphaldar of the samin. And in lykewyse the Schireffis, that destroyis not the said cruuis within .xl. dayis efter this Parliament, The Schi­ref, that failȝeis, to be in amerciamēt of .xx. pund to the King in the Iu­stice Air, and to be a punct of dittay, as said is. And anent the cruuis, that standis in fresche watters, that thay stand not in forbodin tyme. And lat the mid streme be alway fre be space of .v. fute. And that the Setterdayis slop be obseruit and keipit, as the act and statute maid be King Dauid requyris. And that ilk hek of the said cruuis be fyue inche wyde, according to the samin statute. And as for millaris, that settis creillis and nettis in dammis, mylne landis, and watters destroyand reid fische, and fry of fische, as said is, salbe a punct of dittay. And the pane baith of causar of creillis nettis, & of the myllaris ilk ane of thame that dois in the contrare, to incur the vnlaw of reid fische, and to be ta­kin of thame, that dois in the contrare. And that letters be writtin, as said is, to the Schireffis, Stewartis, & Baillies to put this act to exe­cutioun, and see at the samin be obseruit, & keipit vnder the pane of .xx. pund to be rasit vpone the Officiaris, that failȝeis, as said is. And as tuiching the slauchter of reid fische, at it be punist efter the forme of the statute declairand the vnlaw thairof .x. pund.

Anent the fre tennentis, that haldis of the Duke of Rothesay, and Stewart of Scotland. Ca. xxxiij.

ITEM Anent the fre tennētis, that haldis of the Prince the Duke of Rothesay and Stewart of Scotland, The Lordis of the articlis thinkis it ressonabill, that all thay fre tennentis salbe haldin to compeir and answer in the Parliament, and Iustice Airis with thair suitis and presentis, as effeiris, ay and quhill our So­uerane Lord haue ane sone, that sould be immediate betuix the King & thame, to answer for thame in the said Parliament and Iustice Airis. And suit rollis to be maid thairupone, quhilk sall indure, quhill the Prince be borne.

Of the money. Ca. xxxiiij.

ITEM Anent the article of the money, It is thocht expediēt be the Lordis of the articlis, that thair be ane trew substantious man maister of the cuinȝie, quhilk sall forge money, and cuinȝie to serue the Kingis liegis. And that cuinȝie salbe in this ma­ner, that is for to say, a grot till haue cours and gang for .xiiij. d. and x. of thame to wey ane vnce, and to be of the samin fynes, as the Ed­ward grot of Ingland, and that the said cuinȝeour sall gif and pay for the vnce of brint siluer .xj.s.vj. d. to be geuin and for Paris siluer, [Page] and the siluer wark of Bruges siclyke. And as for the siluer wark of this Realme, quhilk is brocht to the cuinȝie, that is not sa fyne, the said cuinȝeour sall gif, and deliuer thairfoir the verray auale to the awnar of the said siluer. And samekill as it is war, than Paris wark or siluer wark of Bruges to be defalkit and rebatit of the price of the said siluer. And gif the said cuinȝeour and the sellar of the said wark can not ag­gre of the price, that thair salbe twa trew goldsmythis sworne be thair greit aithis to see and examin the said siluer wark, and the valour thair of, and to declair, quhat it is worth ilk vnce. Of the quhilk modifica­tioun and price baith the cuinȝeour awnar and sellar of the said siluer sall stand content. And to haue knawlege that the said cuinȝie be kei­pit in wecht and fynes with the said Edward grot, this said cuinȝeour sall haue a signe and takin maid in the prenting hauand differance fra the first cuinȝie. And gif ony of the new grotis be fundin war in wecht and fynes, na the Edward grot, the cuinȝeour to be punist thairfoir, and tyne his lyfe and gudis. And that to be examinit and sene at the nixt Parliament, and sonar gif it plesis the King. And because it is menit to our Souerane Lord, that his gold and siluer cuinȝeit in his Realme is be ignorant persounis refusit, quhē the said gold or siluer hes crak, or flaw, or be soldit, It is ordanit, that the said gold and siluer salbe ressaifit be all his liegis, Sa that it keip all the wecht, and be gude trew mettell, supppois it be with crak or flaw, or soldit, as said is in all tymes tocum.

Of vndoing of Caupis in Galloway. Ca. xxxv.

ITEM Because it was menit and complenit be our Soue­rane Lordis liegis dwelland in the boundis of Gal­loway, that certane gentilmen heidis of kin in Galloway hes vsit to tak Caupis, of the quhilk tak thair and exactioun thairof, our Soue­rane Lord and his thre Estatis knew na perfite nor ressonabill cause, for the quhilk his hienes be auise of the last Parliament assignit, war­nit, and chargeit all the persounis, that clamit or allegeit to tak, rais, or intromet wit ony sic actioun of Caupis, tocum to the nixt Parliament, and thair ostend and schaw, quhat rycht thay haue to the taking of the samin. And now in this present Parliament the saidis persounis ma­king the said clames, hes bene oft tymes incallit for the ostensioun, and schawin of thair rychtis, as said is, and nane hes cōperit nor schawin na rycht, nor titill of rychtis, to rais and tak the said Caupis. Heirfoir our Souerane Lord willing and being of intentioū, to seclude and put away all sic abusiounis, euill vse and extorsiounis put on his pepill and liegis but ressonabill cause, Be autoritie of his Parliament ordanit be to abusit, and left the taking of the said Caupis in all tymes tocum. [Page lxxxix] And na man to tak thame of the Kingis liegis, vnder the pane to be punist, as for reif, and ay in tyme tocum to be a punct of dictay in the Iu­stice Air.

Of Caupis in Carrik. Ca. xxxvj.

ITEM As tuiching the Caupis in Carrik, the Kingis hienes and his Estatis foirsaid thinkis expedient and con­cludis, that all thay quhilkis clames Caupis be warnit be oppin procla­matioun to compeir in the nixt Parliament, bringand with thame sic euidentis and rychtis, as thay will vse for the taking of the said Caupꝭ, with certificatioun and thay do not, that our Souerane Lord with auise of his thre Estatis will adnull all sic thing, and will ordane all sic Caupis to be not takin in tyme tocum.

The proces of recouering of annuall rentis. Ca. xxxvij.

ALSVA it is thocht expedient be the Lordis of the articlis and Estatis, efter the informatioun and sup­plicatioun maid be the Prouest, Baillies, counsall, and communitie of Perth, desyring of our Soue­rane Lord, that the constitutioun and reule of the said Burgh be conformit to the Kingis Lawis and cōsuetude of the Burgh of Edinburgh, and Law of Burgh, anent the recuperatioū & obtening of annuall rentis in Burgh in default of solutioun, & payment of the annuallis aucht to the Lordis awnaris, and proprietaris of the said annuallis: IT is thocht expedi­ent, that the proces of the recouering of the said annuall at the feird court be obseruit and keipit in the Burgh of Perth, and vthe [...]s Bur­rowis in tyme tocum, as it is vsit in the Burgh of Edinburgh accor­ding to the Law of Burgh, notwithstanding ony vther vse or consue­tude, that thay haue had in the said Burgh of lang proces, and delay in tymes bypast.

Of tennentis inhabitantis the Kingis proper landis. Ca. xxxviij.

ITEM Because it is vnderstandin to the Lordis of the ar­ticlis the heuie complaintis, that hes oft tymes bene maid to the King and his counsall be his pure tennentis, mailaris, and inhabitantis his proper landis in diuers partis of his Realme, that thay ar greitlie hurt and oppressit be Lordis and gentilmen in the cun­trie dwelling besyde thame, quhilkꝭ hes na tak of our Souerane Lord of thay landis, constreinȝeis & compellis thame to do seruice, auarage, cariage, schering, leding, laubouring ryding & trauelling be thair pow­aris and autoriteis: and for the remeid heirof, It is now statute and [Page] ordanit, that na Lord, Barrone, frehaldar, gentilman, nor vthers com­pell ony of the Kingis tenuentis, mailaris, and inhabitantis his proper landis, to do thame ony maner of sic seruice be coactioun, or dreid vnder the pane to be pu [...]it, as oppressouris of the Kingis liegis. And to be a punct of dictay in the Iustice Air.

The change of the Castell of the Glume to be callit Campbell. Ca. xxxix.

OVR Souerane Lord of his royall autoritie, at the desyre and supplicatioun of his cousing and traist counsallour, Celene Erle of Ergyle Lord Campbell ane of Lorne his Chancellar hes changeit the name of the Castell and place quhilk was callit the Glume, pertening to his said cou­sing, and in this Parliament makis mutatioun and changeing of the said name, and ordanis the samin Castell to be callit in tyme tocum Campbell.

Of Halkarstoun to be callit the Tempill. Ca. xl.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord of his royall autoritie, and at the desyre and supplicatioun of Williame Lord of Sanct Ihonis his counsallour and Thesaurar, hes changeit the name of the hous and place, quhilk was callit of befoir Halkarstoū pertening to the said Williame, and makis mutatioun and change of the said name. And ordanis the samin hous to be callit in all tymis tocum the Tempill.

Our Souerane Lordis reuocatioun. Ca. xlj.

ITEM It is thocht expedient, because thair was ane statute maid in our Souerane Lordis Parliamēt, that was haldin at Edinburgh on wednisday the .viij. day of October the ȝeir of God ane thousand foure hūdreth lxxxviij. ȝeiris, declairand all alienatioūis of landis, heritageis, lang takkꝭ, fewferimis, officis, talȝeis, blanch­ferme landis maid of waird to be of nane auale, efter the secund day of Februar (quhilk was the day of our Souerane Lordꝭ, that now is, est­min furth of Striuiling) vnto the coronatioun of our Souerane, that now is, maid be our Souerane Lordis father that now is, of gude mynde, to be of na force nor effect, for certane causis contenit in the said act and statute: That thairfoir all thay quhilkis gat pretendit giftis of alienatiounis of heritageis, lang takkis, fewfermis, officis, tailȝeis, blanchferme landis sould bring thair letters and euidentis grantit heir­upōe to our Souerane Lord, within .xl. dayis to be destroyit, certifeing thame that bringis not, the King will mak thame to be speciallie callit, and punist for thair inobedience.

The remit of thame that was in Dounbertane with the Lord Lyle. Ca. xlij.

[Page xi] ITEM It is statute, and ordanit be our Souerane Lord in this present Parliament, that all persounis cōmou­nis on the south syde of the watter of Forth, that tuke part with Robert Lord Lyle, and Mathew Stewart in the halding of the Castell of Dounbartane againe our Souerane Lord, and all conuocatioun maid thairupon agane our Souerane Lord, be fre remittit be the wryting of this act, and statute for that actioun allanerlie: Sa that thay neid not to rais nane vther seillis. And gif it happinnis ony of the said persounꝭ to be indictit for the said cause, That thay sall find souertie to mak satisfactioun to the parteis compleinȝeand, as effeiris of Law. &c.

¶ thir ar the statutis ordinā ­cis and conclusiounis takin in this present Parliament, auisit, and concludit be the Lordis chosin to the articlis thairupone. xviij. Maij the ȝei [...] of God ane thousand foure hundreth. lxxxj.

Of the fredomes of the halie Kirk. Ca. xliij.

IN the first to the plesour of Almychtie God, and to procure and obtene his grace and fortunat expediti­oun in all maters concerning our Souerane Lord and his Realme, It is statute and ordanit in this pre­sent Parliament, that the priuilegeis, liberteis, and fredomes of halie Kirk be obseruit, keipit, mantenit, and defendit, as it hes bene in our Souerane Lordꝭ progenitouris tymes of gude mynde, quhome God assolȝie. And quhair it may be vnderstandin, that ony of the saidis priuilegeis, liberteis, or fredomes is hurt, or brokin in ony speciall punct in contrare the premis­sis, that the complaintis ar schawin of ony Prelat or Kirk man, that Iustice sould be ministerit efter the forme of thair auld priuilegeis grā ­tit to thame of befoir.

The allyance and confederatioun of France to be confermit. Ca. xliiij.

ITEM It is ordanit and concludit, that the allyance and cō ­federatioun maid of befoir of auld and new betuix the Realmes of France & Scotland, the Kingis and Princis of the samin be the auise, conclusioun, and deliuerance of the thre estatis be renewit, reformit, and interpret in forme of the auld allyance, and confederatioū maid betuix thame and thair Realmes and liegis of befoir. And attour to obtene and procure vthers new franchessis and priuilegeis to the ho­nour and proffeit of our Souerane Lord, his Realme, and liegis, and to the gude of Merchandis, that our Souerane Lordis liegis vsand [Page] thay partis haue sic fredome within the Realme of France and boundꝭ of the samin, lyke as the Frenchemen hes within our Souerane Lordꝭ Realme and boundis. And quhair the samin priuilegeis and fredomes ar not, nor hes not bene obseruit, nor keipit in tymes bygane, to requyre reformatioun of the samin, according to the forme of the said allyance. And commissiounis to be maid in dew forme thairupone.

Ambaxat for our Souerane Lordis mariage. Ca. xlv.

AND as tuiching the article of our Souerane Lordꝭ mariage, his hienes hes ordanit the Erle Bothueill, the Bischop of Glasgow, ane Lord and the Dene of Glasgow, to pas in the Realme of France, Hispanȝie, or ony vther partꝭ for the said mariage in thair maist honorabill wyse for the honour of our Souerane Lord and his Realme in sic number, as plesis the saidis persounis to pas. And thairupone to haue full commissioun of mariage of our Souerane Lord to France, Hispanȝie, or ony vther conuenient placis or personage, that salbe sene expedient to thame for the tyme, and for the reuouatioun, interpretatioun, eiking, and extensi­oun of the confederatiounis betuix the saidis Princis and our Soue­rane Lord, and as at mair lenth salbe geuin in instructioūis to be maid to thame thairupone be the auise of our Souerane Lord and his coun­sall. And thay to haue to thair expēsis the soume of fyue thousand pūdis, lyke as was grantit in the Parliament of befoir. And to informe and extend the said instructiounis, as salbe sene expedient. &c.

Ane Ambaxat to Denmark. Ca. xlvi.

ITEM It is ordanit and concludit, that Schir Iames O­gilwy of Erlie Knycht, ane Clerk, and Rothesay He­rald sall pas to the King of Denmark in thair maist honorabill wyse, as Ambaxatouris, for the renouatioun of the confederatioun maid of befoir for the gude of Merchandis, with full commissioun and instruc­tioun to be maid thairupone, and sic vther maters, as salbe sene expedi­ent to our Souerane Lord, and his counsall, and to haue to thair expē ­sis foure hundreth merkis to be euinlie rasit of the thre Estatis, that is to say, of ilk estate foure scoir ten pund. And the excrescence to be allow­it for the inbringing thairof. And that certane of ilk estate compeir in the blak freiris on Setterday efter none to prouyde for the said taxt, and for the souer payment thairof to be incontinent, and in lykewyse for the taxt grantit to our Souerane Lordis mariage.

Anent breuis and landis falland in waird. Ca. xlvij.

[Page xci] ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na breifis nor vthers letters be geuin to na partie, bot efter the forme of the breifis of the Chancellarie vsit in all tymes of befoir. And at the forme of the Chancellarie be keipit and obseruit without innouatioū or eiking of new termes. And gif ony beis geuin vtherwayis, that thay be of na force nor effect, except the breif of summoundis of erroure. Item it is statute & ordanit, that quhair ony land or landis happinnis to fall in waird to our Souerane Lord or ony vther Barron of this Realme, spirituall or temporall or landis geuin in coniunctfestment, or lyfe rent alsweill to Burgh as to land, That the Schiref of the Schire or Baillies sall tak siclyke souertie of the persoun or persounis, that gettis or hes sic wairdis, that thay sall not waist nor dastroy thair biggingis, orchardis, wodis, stankis, parkis, medowis, or doweatis, bot that thay hald thame in siclyke kynde, as thay ar in the tyme, that he gettis and ressaiffꝭ the samin, he takād his ressonabill sustentatioū or vsing in neidfull thingis without destructioun or waisting thairof. And ane resso­nabill leuing to be geuin to the sustentatioū of the air efter the quantite of the heritage, gif the said air hes na blācheferme, nor fewferme landꝭ to sustene him on, alsweill of the waird landis, that fallis in our Soue­rane Lordis handis, as ony vther Barrone, spirituall, or temporall.

Of landis falland in waird or vtherwayis alterit, that the tennentis sall remane thairwith, quhill the nixt witsonday. Ca. xlviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhen ony landis fal­lis in waird, or quhen ony Lady hauand terce or cō ­iunctfeftment, happinnis to deceis, or quhat land be redemit or lousit be reuersioun, gift, selling, or wedsetting, or ony vtherwayis landis happinnis to be alterit, The tennentis, laubouraris, and inhabitan­tis ony of the said landis, sall remane vn put furth, or remonit, quhill the nixt terme of witsonday followand, Payand to the Lord, that sall enter to the said landis the mailis, and dewteis aucht and wont of the said landis, quhilk bruiking sall induce na possessioun langar, than the said witsonday.

Anent finding of lawborrois. Ca. xlix.

ITEM It is auisit, statute, and ordanit, for the eschewing of slauchter, forthochtfellony, and debait, that sall happin betuix ony persounis in tyme tocum be complaint maid to our Souerane Lord, his Chancellar, or Iustice, That the Chancellar or President beand for the tyme, with auise of the counsall and Iu­stice with auise of his assessouris sall put, quhat pane of soume of mo­ney, that thay think expedient, the parteis and thair actiounis be­and considderit, that the partie compleinȝeand salbe harmeles and [Page] and skaithles in his persoune or gudis, but fraude, or gyle vtherwayis, than Law will. And quhat Iuge or Iugeis, that takis this souertie, that thay act the samin or put in rememorance in thair buik, that it may be schawin to our Souerane Lord, and his counsall. And siclyke panis to be put in slauchter, rebellioun, and vther crymis.

Anent slauchter or demembring. Ca. l.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhair ony man hap­pinnis to be slane or demembrit within the Realme, alsweill within Regalitie, as within the Ryaltie, and in Burgh, as to land, Than incontinent without dilay als haiste he as the Schiref, or Stewart, Baillie, or Officiar of Regalitie can be certifeit thairof, ou­ther be partie compleinȝeand, or ony vther way, he sall pas, and persew the slayaris, or demembraris, ane or maa, and rais the Kingis horne on him, and rais the cuntrie incontinent in his support, quhill he be ouer­tane. And gif he may be gottin, he sall incontinent bring him to the King or his Iustice, or els keip him in sicker suirtie, quhill the King be certifeit of him, and haue answer, quhat he sall do thairto be our Souerane Lord, or his Iustice at his will, or how sone it plesis him, notwithstanding the .xl dayis, or the thre sonnes contenit in the auld Lawis: The partie followand beand present, or warnit to be thair, gif he will persew the actioun. And gif it happinnis the saidis trespassouris till es­chew out of the Schirefdome vnarreistit, or takin, than the Schiref sall wryte or send ane of his Officiaris to the Schiref of the nixt Schi­refdome, and certifie him of sic men, that hes done sic fellony agane the King, and ar fugitiue fra the Lawis. And than sall he first persew him or thame outthrow the Schirefdome in the samin maner, as the to­ther did of befoir without dilay. And swa furth fra Schiref to Schi­ref, quhill he be ouertane, or put out of the Realme. And gif he happin­nis to fle in the Regalitie out of the Rialtie, The Schiref sall inconti­nent certifie the Lord of the Regalitie, his Stewart, or Baillie, the quhilk sall persew the trespassouris in lyke maner, as the Schiref dois, as is befoir said. And quhair euer he happinnis to be ouertane, that the Schiref, Stewart, or Baillies of the Regaliteis sall incontinent sēd him to the Schiref, or Baillie of the nixt Schirefdome, quhilk sall res­saif him, and send him to the nixt Schiref. And sa furth fra Schiref to Schiref, quhill he be put to the Schiref of the Schire, quhair the deid was done. And thair sall Iustice be incōtinēt done, as is befoirsaid. And gif it be forthochtfellony, to die thairfoir. And gif the saidꝭ Schireffis or Officiarꝭ beis fundin culpabill heirin, & he haue the office of heritage, he sall tyne it for thre ȝeiris. And gif he hes it for termes, to tyne it for euer mair. And to abyde, & vnderly ane assyse, quhether he be culpabill or not.

That Iustice Airis be haldin twyis in the ȝeir. Ca. lj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for the stanching of cum­mers, slauchters, reiffis, thiftis, extorsiounis and op­pressiounis of our Souerane Lordis liegis, That thairfoir his Airis be set and haldin twyis in the ȝeir, that is to say, anis on the corne, and anis on the gers: Sa that Iustice may be vniuersallie execute throw the Realme, for the punitioun of the saidis crymes. And quhair it salbe sene speidfull, that our Souerane Lord moue his maist Nobill persoun thairto. And quhair it is not necessare, that our Souerane Lordis per­soun moue, that be auise of his counsall he send siclyke persounis, as sall be sene speidfull for the tyme, and the cuntrie, that thay pas to. And that all our Souerane Lordis liegis reddylie answer, ryse, and cum to thame in the fortifeing of Iustice, as thay salbe chargeit be the Iu­stice, vnder the pane to be punist as fauouraris of the said trespassouris, and airt and part thairof, and dictay to be tane thairupone, and to be a punct of dictay in tyme tocum.

The partie that tynis his actioun sall pay his parteis coistis and ane vnlaw of .xl.s. Ca. lij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhair ony partie hes actioun and summoundis agane vthers, and the de­fendour compeir not in proper persoun, or be his procuratouris, he sall pay the coistis and skaithis of the partie compeirand, and ane vnlaw of xl.s. to the Iuge, within .xx. dayis efter the decreit of the deliuerance be geuin thairupone, or thay be hard in Iugement. And failȝeing thair­of, that letters be writtin to the Schiref of the Schire, Stewart, or Baillie in Burgh or to land, for the executioū of the said decreit, and to haue for his office and feis .xij. d. of ilk pund sa recouerit, to be takin of the partie at the said decreit is geuin agane. And gif it happinnis ony of the saidis Schireffꝭ and Officiaris to failȝie in thair officis, not mak­and the parteis to be payit efter the forme of the Kingis letters within xx. dayis, of sit a soume, as beis decreitit and recouerit, as said is: quhat Schiref or ony vther Officiar that beis negligent, as is foirsaid, and makis not dew executioun of the saidis decreitis, efter the forme of the letters and decreitis cummand to thame thairupone, he that hes the office in heritage, sall tyne the samin for thre ȝeiris, and he that hes the samin in lyferent, sall tyne it for euer mair. And the coistis and skaithis of the partie, the Schiref or Officiar to be dettour thairfoir, and rais it vpone him or thame, togidder with the principall soume, that is recoucrit, and in lykewyse the Prouestis and Baillies of Bur­rowis, to be secludit fra thair officis for euer mair, and to be dettours and pay the said soume with coistis and expensis, as said is.

Of wappinschawing. Ca. liij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that ilk Schiref, Stew­art, or Baillie of the Realme gar wappinschawingꝭ be maid foure tymes in the ȝeir in all placis conuement within his Baillierie in this wyse, That ilk gentilman hauand ten pundis worth of land or mair be sufficientlie harnest and anarmit with basnet, sellet, quhite hat, gorget, or pissane, haill leg harnes, sword, speir, and dagar, and gentill men hauand les extent of landis or vnlandit salbe armit at thair gudlie powar, efter the sycht and discretioun of the Schireffis, and Baillies, and sic persounis, as our Souerane Lord sall depute Cō ­missaris thairto, and honest ȝemen hauand sufficient powar, that lykis to be men of armes to be harnest sufficientlie efter the discretioun of the saidis Schireffis and Commissaris, and all vther ȝemen of the Realme betuix saxtie and saxtene sall haue sufficient bowis and schewis, sword, bucklar, knyfe, speir, or ane gude ax in steid of ane bow. And that all Burgessis and indwellaris in Burrowis of the Realme in lyke maner be anarmit, and harnest, and mak wappinschawingis, as said is, foure tymes of the ȝeir. And that the Aldermen and Baillies be correct be the Chalmerlane or his Deputis for the executioun of the said thingis. And that all men of the Realme baith to Burgh and to land spirituall mēnis seruandis, and temporall be weill purwayit of the said barnes & wappinnis be the feist of Midsomer nixt tocum, quhilk salbe the day of wappinschawingis vnder the panis followand, that is to say, of ilk gentilman that defaultis at the first wappinschawing .xl.s. and at the se­cund default vther .xl.s. and at the thrid default. x pund. And als me­kill als oft tymes, as he defaultis thairefter. And of ilk bowman at the first fault .x.s. at the secund .x.s. and at the thrid .xl.s. And sa furth als oft tymes, as he beis fundin faltise thairefter .xl.s. And efter the facul­tie of thair landis and gudis, that euerie man be furneist and harnest in his body with quhite harnes, brigantinis, or gude takkis, with splentꝭ, and gluiffis of plait and weill horst correspondand to thair landis and gudis be the discretioun of the Schiref, Commissar, or Officiar foir­said. And attour that in na place of the Realme thair be vsit futballis, golf, or vther sic vnproffitabill sportis, bot for the commoun gude of the Realme and defence thairof. And at bowis and schuting be hantit and bow markis maid thairfoir ordanit in ilk parochin vnder the pane of .xl s. to be rasit be the Schiref and Baillies foirsaid. And of ilk parochin ilk ȝeir, quhair it beis fundin, that bow markis beis not maid, nor schu­ting hautit, as is befoir said. &c.

Of the keiping of the dayis of trewis. Ca. liiij.

ITEM It is ordanit and concludit, that dayis of meting be set and appointit on the Bordouris for conseruatioū [Page xciii] and keiping of the trewis last takin, and at scharp wryting be send to the wardanis, Lieutennentis, and thair Deputis for the dew obserua­tioun and keiping of the samin according to the said trewis: Sa that na default be fundin in ony of our Souerane Lordis liegis in that be­half, for the gude of peax and the commoun gude of the Realme, and redres of all attemptatis to be put to dew executioun, according to the said trewis. &c.

Of mettis mesuris and wechtis. Ca. lv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for the commoun gude of the Realme, honour, and proffeit of our Souerane Lordꝭ liegis, that the auld statutis and ordinancis maid of befoir baith to Burgh and to land alsweill of mettis and mesuris, custumis, and v­thers be obseruit and keipit efter the tennour and forme of the actis & statutis maid thairupone, and vnder the panis contenit in the samin.

And that the Chalmerlanis prouyde, that this be obseruit and keipit, and speciallie of wechtis, alsweill of walx and spice, and .xvj. vnce of the pund.

The sitting of the Sessiounis. Ca. lvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the Chancellar with certane Lordis of counsall or els the Lordis of the Sessioun sall sit for the administratioun of Iustice thryis in the ȝeir, The first tyme to begin the morne nixt efter Sanct Michaell the Ar­changellis day in September, The secund tyme to begin on the monū ­day the first haill oulk of Lentrene, The thrid tyme to begin on the mo­nunday nixt efter the birth of Sanct Iohne the Baptist: Sa that Iustice may be put to dew executioun to all parteis compleinȝeand.

Of conuocatioun and gaddering in Burrowis. Ca. lvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that within all Burrowis throwout the Realme, na liggis nor bandis be maid, nor ȝit conuocatioun, nor rysing of cōmounis in hindering of the com­moun Law, bot at the command of thair heid Officiaris. And gif ony dois in the contrare, and knawlege or taint may be gottin thairof, thair gudis to be confiskat to the King, and thair lyfis to be at the Kingis will. And that na man dwelland within the Burgh be fundin in man rent nor ryde in na rout in feir of weir with na mā, bot with the King, or his Officiaris, or siclyke vnder the samin pane. And als that na in­dwellar within Burgh purches ony outlordschip or maisterschip to landwart to rout nor ryde to pley at bar or ony vtherway in the oppressioun of his neichtbour, bot soberly neichtbour to neichtbour, vnder the samin pane. And that euerie man dwelland within Burgh answer & [Page] obey to the Officiaris of the samin, as said is, quhen and in quhat wyse thay salbe chargeit be the saidis Officiaris in defence of the Realme, & liegis, and for the commoun gude and weilfair of the Burgh in the ad­ministratioun of Iustice and Law vnder the pane foirsaid. And that the Iustice Clerk ȝeirlie in the taking of the dictay inquyre vpone the said punctis, and the brekaris thairof to be punist be the Iustice, as v­ther crymis efter the forme of the said act.

Of Summoundis of erroure. Ca. lviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, anent the breif of summoū ­dis of erroure, and for the declaratioun of the samin, that quhat persoun obtenit summoundis of errour vpone a Iuge of in­queist or persounis that past thairupone, That the partie be callit for his interes to compeir to ane certane day with certificatioun, that quhether thay compeir or not the Lordis will proceid efter the forme of the summoundis, and do Iustice to the partie, not abyde and the se­cund, nor thrid summoundis, declairing that all persounis, that passis vpone sic inqueistis compeir personally. Because it may depend vpone thair infamiteis. And quhair ony persoun eallis vther at his instance, and compeiris not to follow his partie, he sall pay the expensis of his partie and ane vnlaw of .xl.s. to the Lordis alsweill in summoundis of errour, as in vther summoundis, or he be hard in Iugement, to fullow his partie thairefter, and to abyde the decreit to be geuin thairupone.

Anent the commoun gude of all Burrowis. Ca. lix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent the commoun gude of all our Souerane Lordis Burrowis within the Realme, that the said commoun gude be obseruit and keipit to the cō ­moun proffeit of the towne, and to be spendit in cōmoun and necessare thingis of the Burgh be the auise and coūsall of the towne for the tyme and Dekinnis of craftis quhair thay ar. And inquisitioun ȝeirlie to be takin in the Chalmerlane Air of expensis and dispositsoun of the samin. And attour that the rētis of the Burrowis, as landis, sischingꝭ, fermis, mailis, mylnis, and watters ȝeirlie reuenus be not set, bot for thre ȝeirꝭ allanerlie. And gif ony happinnis to be set vtherwayis, that thay be of nane auale, force, nor effect in tyme tocum.

Anent the copying of the actis and proclamatioun of the samin. Ca. lx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all Schireffis, Bail­lies, and Prouestis of Burrowis, tak the copy of thir actis and statutis for the fulfilling of the samin. And to mak thame be oppinlie proclamit within thair boundis vnder the pane of the vnlaw [Page xciiii] of the Parliament to be rasit vpone thame.

Of refusing of gold that is crakit. Ca. lxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that because it was sta­tute in the last Parliament, That all gold, that held wecht and tynes sould be tane in payment, and notwithstanding the statute foirsaid, thay refuse to tak gold that is crakkit, THAT thair­foir it is statute and ordanit, that all sic gold be takin without refuse, and quha sa dois in the contrare sall tyne the auale of the penny be him refusit in this wyse. That quhair the said gold beis geuin for dettis, the refusar sall tyne the penny be him refusit, and that salbe ane sufficient acquittance to the profferar of the said debt: And gif it be geuin for gudis to be bocht, the refusar sall tyne the auale of the penny, that he refusit for the said gudis.

IN PARLIAMENTO TEN TO APVD EDINBVRGH DIE MERCVRII VI­cesimo sexto die Mensis Iunij Anno Do. Millesimo Quadring entesimo No­nagesimo tertio praesente supremo Do. nostro Rege Iacobo Quarto dei gra­tia Rege Scotorum, Cum tribus Regni sui statibus & Dominis subscriptis. Haec acta & statuta, quae immediate sequuntur, facta suerant & approbata in eodem Parliamento per dictum supremum Dominum nostrum Regem, & tres status antedictos.

Of the halie Kirk. Ca. lxij.

ANENT the first article tuiching the libertie and fredome of halie Kirk, It is auisit be the Lordis of the articlis and als statute and ordanit in this presēt Parliament, that our Souerane Lord mak the ha­lie Kirk and Kirkmen to be defendit and keipit in thair auld priuilegeis and fredomes. And gif the Kirk or Kirkmen be hurt or greuit contrare Iustice, that thay meme thame to the King, and thay sall haue reformatioun.

Of dispositioun of beneficis the sege vacand. Ca. lxiij.

ITEM Anent the priuilegeis of the Kirk of Scotland gran­tit be Papis to our Souerane Lordis predecessourꝭ and to his Realme, and that hes bene possedit and vsit in Princis ty­mes of gude mynde: In the first the dispositioū of all beneficis alsweill of beneficis reseruit speciallie or generallie, as thay that ar not reser­uit be our Souerane Lord the sege vacand, IT is auisit be the Lor­dis of the articlis, and als statute and ordanit in this Parliament, [Page] That the samin priuilegeis be obseruit and keipit in all tymes tocum. And gif ony of our Souerane Lordis liegis attemptis to do in the con­trare, that thay be punist with all rigour efter the forme of the actis and statutis of Parliament maid thairupone of befoir. And that our Souerane Lord mak the panis contenit in the said actis be put to exe­cutioun on thame, but ony fauouris or exceptioun of persounis.

That beneficis of auld vsit to be disponit within the Realme be disponit within the samin. Ca. lxiiij.

ITEM Anent the beneficis religious and secular, quhilkis passis now to the court of Rome, that war disponit in the Realme be electiounis, and vtherwayis in the tyme of King Ia­mes the first of maist Nobill mynde, That all thay Prelaceis, Abba­ceis, Pryoreis, and vther beneficis remane and be disponit in all tymes tocum within the Realme, lyke as thay war in the tyme of the said King Iames the first. And at na persounis attempt to do in the con­trare, vnder the pane of proscriptioun and banissing, and neuer to bruke honour, digniteis nor beneficis within the Realme of Scotland.

The bull anent the promotioun to beneficis electiue to be obseruit and keipit. Ca. lxv.

ITEM Anent the priuilege grantit in fauour of our Soue­rane Lord and his Realme, quhilk is far in distance fra the court of Rome, that the Papis halynes hes gratiouslie grantit to abyde the Kingis wryting and commendatioun anent the dispositi­oun and promotioun of all beneficis electiue or vthers Prelaceis for the space of .viij. Moneth, as the bull vnder the leid thairupone proportis: IT is auisit be the Lordis of the articlis and als statute and ordanit, that our Souerane Lord mak the samin priuilege and bull be obseruit and keipit, and suffer na promotioūis to gang throuch in the contrare. And that na maner of persoun of our Souerane Lordis liegis, quhat estate or degre he be of, attempt or mak impetratioun in the contrare, without our Souerane Lordis wryting and cōmendatioun in speciall to that benefice or Prelacie, that salbe purchest and vaik for the tyme, as said is. And quha sa dois in the contrare to incur the panis of pro­scriptioun and banissing, and to be declairit rebell to our Souerane Lord, and neuer to bruke honour, benefice, nor dignitie within the Realme. And that na maner of Merchand nor liege of his Realme mak fynance or fortifie the persounis doand in the contrare vnder the pane of tinsall of lyfe, land, and gudis.

That na Legat be ressaiffit within the Realme, bot gif he be ane Cardinall or natiue borne of it. Ca. lxvj.

[Page xcv] ITEM Anent the bull and priuilege grantit to our Soue­rane Lordis progenitouris, and his Realme, that na Legat salbe ressaifit within the Realme, bot gif he be ane Cardinall or natiue borne of the Realme: It is auisit and ordanit be the Lordis of the articlis, and als statute and ordanit, that our Souerane Lord cause and mak the said bull and priuilege be obseruit and keipit in all tyme tocum, efter the forme and tennour of the said bull.

Of the Indult grantit to Sanctandros and Glasgow, for confir­matioun of the electiounis to Abbaceis. Ca. lxvij.

ITEM Anent the Indult, priuilege, and faculteis grantit be our halie father the Pape perpetuallie to the sege of Sanctandros and Glasgow, the Bischoppis of the samin segeis, and thair successouris to confirme the electiounis of all Abbaceis within thair dioceis, as the said bullis and faculteis proportis, and that the said Abbaceis confirmit be thame sall neid na prouisioun of the court of Rome: It is statute and ordanit in this present Parliament, that the said Indult, bull, priuilege, and facultie grantit to the said segeis, Ad perpetuam rej memoriam be obseruit and keipit in all thingis in tyme tocum, notwithstanding ony pretendit renuntiatioun or resignatioun maid in the court of Rome be ony particulare persoū, without the auise and deliberatioun of the Kingis hienes & Estatis: SEN the saidis priuilegeis war grantit for the commoun gude of the Realme and the said segeis, and mycht not be renuneit nor geuin ouer without the con­sent of the King, and the thre Estatis, and Cheptouris of Sanctan­dros and Glasgow. And in lykewyse all vther priuilegeis, Indultis, and faculteis grantit to Glasgow and to all vthers Bischoprikis and Prelaceis of the Realme be obseruit and keipit, that ar for the gude publique of the Realme. And that our Souerane Lord suffer nane of his liegis to laubour nor attempt in the contrare.

Of the pleyis betuix the Bischoppis of Sanctandros and Glasgow. Ca. lxviij

ITEM Anent the contentioun and pley now dependand in the court of Rome betuix the Bischoppis of Sanc­tandros and Glasgow, Off the quhilkis pleyis the expensis is vnesti­abill damnage to the Realme: HEIRFOIR it is thocht expe­dient be the Lordꝭ of the artielis, that the Kingis hienes gar wryte his letters to baith the said Prelatis exhorting & praying thame to leif thair contentiounis litis & pleyis contrare till vthers now mouit, and depen­dand betuix thame in the court of Rome. And for the cause and motioū of thair pley, our Souerane Lord sall gar be sene and vnderstandin, quhat is maist proffitabill to be had and desyrit of the cōmoun gude of the Realme. And sall send his wryting to our halie father the Pape [Page] conformand thairto, lyke as salbe sene expedient be the King, and his Estatis spirituall and temporall. And command the partie contrare to ceis, and not to lauboure aganis the thing, that salbe sene proffi­tabill for the weilfair and proffeit of the Realme, with certificatioun to the saidis Prelatis, that gif thay will not ceis, and leif the saidis pleyis in the court of Rome, and be obedient to the deuise and delibe­ratioun of our Souerane Lord, and his thre Estatis, his hienes will command and charge his liegis within this Realme, that nane of thame mak fynance nor pay to thame fermis, rentis, nor mailis to the sustentatioun of the saidis pleyis and hauing of the money out of the Realme. And in lykewyse certifeing thame, gif ony of thame hes done in tymes bygane in contrare the actis and statutis of this Re­alme and gude publique of the samin, he will mak the doar thairof be notit, knawin, and punist, as effeiris, efter the forme and statutis of this Realme.

The Kingis Oratouris to charge all vthers to ceis thair pleyis. Ca. lxix.

ITEM Anent all vthers parteis, that ar contendand and pleyis in the court of Rome vpone causis benefici­all, It is auisit and ordanit be the Lordis of the articlis, that the Kingis Oratouris and Ambaxatouris, that sall pas to the court of Rome for his obedience, sall exhort and pray all the liegis of his Realme baith Clerkis and secularis, that hes pley dependand in the court of Rome to ceis and leif thair pleyis persecutiounis and litigatiounis. And all sic parteis tocum within the Realme, bringing with thame thair rychtis, bullis, writtis, and munimentis. And our Souerane Lord sall gar Iustice be ministerit to thame be thair Ordinar Iuge, quhome it effeiris. And gif the Ordinar be suspect and failȝeis in the administratioun of Iustice, our Souerane Lord sall with the auise of his counsall see, and limmit to the parteis contendand a competent Iuge, quhilk sall minister Iustice to all parteis but specialitie. And ordanis, that the act maid in sic maters be vmquhile our Souerane Lordis maist Nobill progenitouris of gude mynde King Iames the first, quhome God assolȝie, be obseruit and keipit efter the forme and tenour of the samin.

Of taxatioun of beneficis to be maid efter the auld taxatioun. Ca lxx.

ITEM Because thair is ane notabill act maid be our Soue­rane Lordꝭ father, quhome God assolȝie, that nane of the liegis of his Realme spirituall nor tēporall mak, nor cause to be maid hiear taxatioūꝭ of Prelaceis, Abbaceis, or vther beneficꝭ, quhatsūeuer at y getting of promotiūis & contentiounis for ꝓmotiounis in the court of Rome, bot efter the auld taxatioū, as is cōtenit in the bulk of Bagimōtꝭ [Page xcvi] na hicar: ¶ Thairfoir conformand to she said act, it is statute and ordanit in this present Parliamēt, that gif ony spirituall persoun laubou­ris or attemptis in the contrare of this act, thay beand knawin to our Souerane Lord and his counsall, that persoun spirituall salbe vnhabill to bruke that benefice, or ony vther within the Realme of Scotland, & not to be dispensit with the bruiking of beneficis. And temporall men, that dois in the contrare, to tyne thair lyfe and gudis.

The troubill of the money and it be crakit. Ca. lxxj.

ITEM Anent the troubill and debait, that is amāgis oure Souerrane Lordis liegis of the refusing of the money for the crakis and slawis being in the gold, or the siluer, quhilk is suffi­cient of fynes and of our Souerane Lordis prent, and for the diuersitie of diuers cuinȝers of siluer strikin be diuers cuinȝeouris, the said siluer & grotis beand sufficient of fynes beirand prent of our Souerane Lordꝭ straik: IT is be the auise of the Lordis of the articlis chargeit & com­mandit be our Souerane Lord and the Estatis of the Parliamēt, that all the Kingis liegis of his Realme but impediment ressaif and tak the said money gold and siluer, as said is, for ony Merchandice or victual­lis, or vther thing being to sell, notwithstanding the diuersitie of prētis of the straik of sindrie cuinȝeouris, alsweill the straik of Gilbert Fische, quhilk the commoun pepill callis Berwyk grotis, as of v [...]quhile Le­uingtoun and Iohne currour. And gif ony persoun or persounis refusis the samin contrare the statutis maid thairupone in the last Parliamēt, The hauar of the said money sall cum to the Officiaris or Baillies of the towne, and sehaw the said money, quhilk beand gude and sufficient the said Officiaris sall gar him haue the Merchandice or pennywor­this fra the persoun, that refusis the said money. And somekill of gude money as he refusis, the sellar sall tyne to be the Kingis escheit, and deliuer the penny worthis to the byar. And gif the money, that was offerit, gold or siluer be fals cuinȝie and euill stuffe, sene and vnderstan­ding [...]e the Officiaris of the towne be the auise of the mē hauand knawlege of the money, the saidis Officiaris sall clip and brek the said fals money and cuinȝie of euill stuffe gold and siluer: Sa that it mak na mair troubill nor dissreindschip amangis the Kingis liegis, and deliuer the samin clippit money agane to the awnar.

Ambaxat for the Kingis mariage. Ca. lxxij.

AS Tuiching our Souerane Lordis mariage, quhilk is proffitabill to all the liegis of the Realme, It is thocht expedient to the Lor­dis of the articlis, and als auisit be the Estatis of the Realme, that thair be chosin now in this Parliament ane Bischop, ane Erle, a Lord, a [Page] knycht. And the personage to be chosin and nemmit be the Kingis hie­nes. And thay to haue commissioun to end and conclude the said ma­riage in France or in ony vther Realme, quhair it salbe thocht expedient to our Souerane Lord be the auise of the Estatis of his Realme. And for thair expensis to haue the rest of the taxt, that was first grantit to be inbrocht incontinent alsweill be the Clergy, as be the Barronis, & Commissaris of Burrowis, togidder with ane thousand pund last grā ­tit for the said cause. And that the Archidene of Sanctandros, Mai­ster Richard Robefone, and vther twa temporall Lordis, that salbe limmit thairto, sit and tak compt of the Prelatis, Schireffis, Cōmis­saris of Burrowis, and the Collectouris, that war last. That is to say, Schir Stewin Lokkart, Thomas Stewart, and Balder Blacader tocum, and mak thair comptis, & schaw quhome fra thay haue ressaifit, and how mekill. And that na discharge geuin be the King sall auale or be admittit, sen it was grantit be the Estatis of the Realme for our Souerane Lordis mariage, and to na vthers. And quhat persoun, that compeiris not, and mak full compt to be put in waird, and thair landis, and gudis to be prysit thairfoir. And attour the thre Estatis hes grantit for the augmentatioun of the said taxtis to giue ane thousād pund for the honorabill hamebringing of a Quene in this wyse follow­and, that is to say, Off the Clergy foure hundreth pundis, of the Bar­tonis foure hundreth pund, and for the Burrowis twa hundreth pund to be ressaifit incontinent.

That strangearis Merchandis, that cummis with Schippis cum to the principall towne. Ca. lxxiij.

ITEM It is auisit be the Lordis of the articlis, that for the defraude done to our Souerane Lord in his custu­mis be strangearis, and alienaris of vther Realmes, quhilkis cummis to this Realme and takis thair ludgeing and Innis in the towne of Leith, and at vthers portis of the Realme, and chargeis thair gudis to the sey and vthers thair Merchandice, not payand thair custumis and dewteis to our Souerane Lord in that wyse, that thair gudis ar vn­enterit, as effeiris, nor thair Merchandice schawin to the custumaris, and Clerkis of the cocket: IT is statute and ordanit, that in tyme to cum quhen ony Schip of alienaris or strangearis of vther Realmes cummis in the heuin of Leith, or ony vther port within the Realme, The maister or Merchandis of the said Schip sall tak his ludgeing & Innis in the principall towne of the said port, and enter thair gudis, as effeiris. And to charge na gudis nor Merchandice to the sey, quhill it be sene be the custumaris and Clerkis of the cocket, quhat gudis and Merchandice thay send to the sey, and the custumis and dewteis payit [Page xcvii] thairfoir. And the hoist of the Innis, quhair the said strangearis ar ludgeit, sall answer to the King for thair custumis and dewteis, gif the said strangearis passis away vncustumit. And the said hoist sall gif compt to the Kingis Officiaris and custumaris, quhat gudis he hes furth effering to the quantitie of the gudis, that he enterit: Sa that it salbe cleirlie vnderstandin, that he haue away Merchandice and na money. And gif ony beis fundin brekand this statute, takand the money away, all the said money and his vthers gudis salbe the Bur­gessis escheit. And that the Kingis hienes depute serchouris heirto, quhilkis sall serche the samin, as thay will stand thairfoir to his hienes and his Estatis.

That na Cordonar, nor vther craftisman tak na custumis of vthers. Ca. lxxiiij

ITEM It is thocht expedient, because it is cleirlie vnder­standin, That the craftismen of Burrowis, sic as Cordownaris and vthers, takis of men of the samin craft cummand to the mercat on the monounday a penny of ilk man, quhilk is the cause of derth and exalting of thair penny worthis, sic as schone was wont to be sauld for. xij. d. or better schape, and vther Merchandice, that is ex­altit for a penny to sax or aucht pennyis, quhilk is greit skaith to the commoun proffeit: ¶ That thairfoir na maner of craftiman, na Cor­downar tak ony maner of taxatioun penny nor vther, than was wont to be takin of the auld Law. And quha sa dois in the contrare, salbe repute as ane oppressour of the Kingis liegis, and to be indictit thair­foir. And the Clerk of the Iustice Air to tak dictay thairupone: Sa that he, that is brekar heirof, sall by his lyfe thairfoir, as for commoun oppressioun.

Putting downe of Dekinnis of craftis, and that na masonis nor wrichtis tak payment for halie dayis. Ca. lxxv.

ITEM Because it is cleirlie vnderstandin to the Kingis hie­nes and his thre Estatis, that the vsing of Dekinnis of men of craft in Burrowis is rycht dangerous, and as thay vse the samin, may be the cause of greit troubill in Burrowis, and conuocatioū and rysing of the Kingis liegis be statutis making contrare the com­moun proffeit and for thair singulare proffeit and auale, quhilk seruis greit punitioun, and als belangand masonis and vther men of craft, that conuenis togidder and makis reule of thair craft, sic as masonis, and wrichtis, and vthers, that thay sall haue thair fee alsweill on the halie day, as for the wark day, or els thay sall not laubour nor wirk, And als that, quhat persoun of thame, that wald begin ane vther mā ­nis wark, and he at his plesour will leif the said wark, and than nane of the said craft dar not compleit, nor fulfill the samin wark: ¶ It is [Page] heirfoir auisit, statute and ordanit, that all sic Dekinnis sall ceis for ane ȝeir, and haue nane vther powar, bot allanerlie to examin the fynes of the stuffe and wark, that beis wrocht with the remanent of his craft. And als betangand masonis, wrichtis, and vther men of craft, that statutis, that thay sall haue [...]ee alsweill for the halie day, as for the wark day: That all the makaris and vsaris of the said statutis sall be indictit as commoun oppressouris of the Kingis liegis be thair sta­tutis, And that the Clerk of the Institiarie sall tak dictay thairupone, and thay to be punist as oppressouris, And in lykewyse of the makaris of the statutis, That quhair ony beginnis ane mannis wark, ane vther sall not end it, That all the makaris and vsaris thairof salbe punist, as oppressouris of the Kingis liegis, and dictay to be takin thairupone, as is aboue writtin.

Anent the taking of multur of flowre that cummis furth of vther landis. Ca. lxxvj.

ITEM Anent the complaint maid vpone the taking of mul­tur of the flowre, that cummis furth of vther landis to the port and heuin of leith: It is thocht expedient, auisit, and orda­nit, that all sic statutis ceis vnto the nixt Parliament. And that thair be na multur takin for sic flowre in tymes tocum, nor of the flowre, that cummis to the mercat, bot at it may cum to the mercat and be sauld without multur or ony vther new taxatioun, than was vsit to be takin of befoir. And that all maner of man be fre to bring and sell victual all the dayis of the oulk, alsweil as on the mercat day. And this act to be obseruie and keipit in all Burrowis of the Realme.

That the Iustice Clerk tak furth all the statutis, that hes pane of dictay in thame. Ca. lxxvij.

ITEM Because thair is mony diuers statutis, quhilkis hes in the end of thame the pane of dictay, and hes not bene in tyme bygane cleirlie speirit, at the indictmentis taking, as thay sould haue bene, throw the quhilk diuers persounis, that hes brokin the said statutis, hes not bene punist: ¶ It is auisit, statute and or­danit, that the Clerk of the Iustitiarie tak furth of the Kingis statu­tis all thay statutis, that his pane of dictay in the end, and mak the samin be inquyrit ar the dictay taking vpone euerie punct: Sa that the trespassouris and brekaris of the statutis may be punist in euerie Schire, according to Iustice, and to the effect of the samin statutis broken. And this to be done incontinent, or the proclamatioun of ony Iustice Airis.

That na custumaris tak na mair taxatioun than is statute Ca. lxxviij.

[Page xcviii] ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na custumaris within Burgh tak ony mair taxatiounis, custumis, or dew­teis, than is statute and visit in the auld Law. And quha that dois in the contrare to be punist, as ane oppressour and brekar of the Kingis Law, and dictay to be takin thairof. And in lykewyse thay that vsis fals mesuris and wechtis dissai [...]and the pepill to be indictit, as falsaris. And dictay to be takin thairof be the Iustice Clerk.

Of mureburne. Ca. lxxix.

ITEM Because it hes bene statute of befoir, that settaris of mureburne sould pay ane vnlaw to the King, and be­cause it is cleirlie vnderstandin, that the pure bodyis, that dwellis in malingis and ar bot seruandis to thair maisters, that aw the malingꝭ, and dois it for thair command: ¶ That thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that he that aw the maling be ressone, that he commandit that to be done in forbiddin tyme, sall pay ane vnlaw to the King of .xl.s. And dictay to be takin vpone thame baith thairupone, and the per­sounis, that dois the samin, to pay ane vther vnlaw.

That nane destroy herone sewis for thre ȝeiris. Ca. lxxx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhair ony heronis biggis or hes nestis within Lordis, Barronis, or vther landis within the Realme, that for the space of thre ȝeiris nixt to cum, na maner of persoun or persounis, slay ony of the said heronis sewis, or destroy thair nestis, eggis, or birdis, induring the said thre ȝeiris, with certificatioun, that it salbe a punct of dictay. And thay that beis conuict thairof, sall pay .x. pund of vnlaw to the King, and dictay to be takin be the Iustice Clerkis thairupone. And quhair it beis vnder­standin, that for the plesour of the Kingis hienes ony persounis keipis the said nestis, and suffers na persounis to destroy thame, thay sall haue thankis and fauouris of our Souerane Lord, as effeiris, and ane vn­law to be geuin thairfoir.

Anent the making of Schippis and buschis. Ca. lxxxj.

ITEM Anent the greit innumerabill ryches, that is tint in fault of Schippis and buschis to be disponit for fis­ching, siclyke as vthers Realmes hes, that ar merchand with the sey, & for the policie and conquest, that may be had heirintill, and to cause idill men vauēgeouris, to laubour for thair leuing for the eschewing of vicis and Idilnes, and for the commoun proffeit and vniuersall weill of the Realme: ¶ It is thocht expedient be the Lordis of the articlis, and als statute & ordanit in this present Parliament, that thair be Schippꝭ and buschis maid in all Burrowis and townis within the Realme, and [Page] at the leist of the said Schippis and buschis be of .xx. tun. And at the townis and Burrowis haue the said Schippis and buschis according to the substance of ilk towne, & to the number, as efter followis, weill abilȝeit with all necessare graith for the said Schippꝭ and buschis, and with marynaris, nettis, and vther graith conuenient for the taking of greit fische, & small. And all the said Schippis and buschis to be reddy maid and furneist to pas to fisching be Fasterniseuin nixt tocum. And in ilk Burgh of the Rialtie, that the Officiaris of the Burgh mak all the stark idill men within thair boundis to pas with the said Schippꝭ for thair wageis. And gif the said idill men refusis to pas, that thay bancis thame the Burgh. And into Burgh of Barronis, quhilk ar neir vpone the sey, that the Schiref of the Schire compell the idill mē within his boundis to pas to the said Schippis for thair waigeis. And gif thay refuse, in lykewyse to baneis thame his Schire. And gif the Officiaris of the Burrowis or Schireffis of the Schiris beis [...]undin negligent, outher in the putting furth of the said Schippis, and buschis, or compelling the idill men to pas in thame for thair waigeis, or banis­sing of thame of thair Burrowis, or Schiris, gif thay refuse, as said is, thay sall pay to the King ane vnlaw of .xx. pund ilk ane of thame, that is to say, the Officiar of the Burgh for the tyme, and the Schiref of the Schire. For the quhilk thay salbe chargeit in the Checkar, and gif compt ȝeirlie thairupone.

Of giftis and alienatiounis maid be our Souerane Lordis father. Ca. lxxxij.

ITEM It is statute, concludit, and ordanit in this present Parliament be the haill thre Estatis, That because thay haue auisit, considderit, and vnderstandin, that our Souerane Lord, that last deceissit, quhome God assolȝie, beand the tyme cōmonit and displesit throw euill counsall, that was about him, in the tyme a lytill befoir his deceis, analyit, and put away baith of his awin landis and possessioun pertening to his hienes in propertie, and als agane iustice and gude conscience ressaifit and tuke resignatiounis of diuers landis, and gaif infeftmentis in exheredatioun and disherysing of rych­teous airis be the solistatioun and persuasioū of the euill counsall, that was about him, as said is, without ony ressonabill cause to the disple­sour of God, contrare Iustice, and to the hurt of his saule: ¶ That thairfoir all the saidis donatiounis and infeftmentis maid and geuin be him fra the secund day of September in the ȝeir of God ane thou­sand foure hundreth foure scoir seuin ȝeiris to the day of his deceis, sall be of nane auale force nor effect in tyme tocum, bot at our Souerane Lordis hienes, that now is, salbe restorit and reintegrat to all landis, rentis, possessiounis, that was be ony maner of way analyit & geuin be [Page xcix] his father to quhatsumeuer persounis within the said tyme. And in lykewyse that all resignatiounis ressaiffit be him and infeftmentis, that he gaif to the exheredatioun and disherysing and putting of ony lan­dis and possessiounis fra the rychteous airis, salbe of nane auale, force, nor effect, in tyme tocum, Bot at our Souerane Lord and all vthers persounis, that was hurt within the said tyme, salbe and is be ver­tew of this act restorit in integrum to all rychtis, as thay war of be­foir the said day. And cassis and adnullis all donatiounis, giftis, and infeftmentis maid efter the resignationis within the said tyme, and de­cernis thame to be of nane auale, force, nor effect in Iugement, nor without in tyme tocum.

That airis may reuoke at thair lauchfull age, and of our Souerane Lordis reuocatioun. Ca. lxxxiij.

ITEM Sen it is leuit and permittit be the constitutiounis and ordinancis of Lawis ciuile and cannone, That persounis constitute in ȝoutheid and tender age, quhilkis ar greitlie dampnageit, and skaithit in thair heritageis be imprudent alienati­ounis, donatiounis, venditiounis, and permutatiounis of the samin, may at thair perfectioun of age mak reuocatioun, and reductioun of thingis done preiudiciall to thame in thair minoriteis and tender age:

The Kingis reuocatioun.

HEIRFOIR We Iames be the grace of God King of Scottis cleirlie vnderstandin, that part of alienatiounis, donatiounis, and giftis of cure heritageis of oure Realme was maid be our progenitour of gude memorie, quhome God assolȝie, and part in lykewyse be vs in our ȝoutheid and vnperfite age in hurt and preiudice of the Crowne of Scotland: and in lykewyse that in the tyme of our coronatioun and taking of the Sceptoure of our Realme, we promittit and swore vpone the haly Euangelis of our Lord Iesus our Salueour, that we sould obserue and keipe the rycht, honour, preeminence, and priuilegeis in landis, rentis, possessi­ounis, dewteis, and vther thingis thairto pertening, as is mair expresly schawin in the Law of halie Kirk: And als sen it is senerycht proffitabil to y Estatis of our Realme, that we haue landis, Lordschippis, & posses­siounis, to the honorabill sustentatioun and vphalding of our dignitie royall: And als that we haue powar, facultie, and substance, to the de­fence of our liegis and Realme, quhilkis lyis on dry Bordouris to Ing­land, that hes bene our Inimeis of auld: And for thir considderatiounꝭ [Page] and vthers in the tyme of this our present Parliament, be the auise and counsall of the Estatis being in the samin.

WE reuoke, reducis, cassis, and adnullis all infeftmētis, donatiounis, alienatiounis, and dispositiounis be ony maner of way in fee or franktennement of the landis, Lordschippis, custumis, annuallis, fischingis, and Burrow malis annext to the Crowne, or ony part of thame alsweill geuin be our father, as be vs to ony persoun, or persounis to be reducit agane to vs, and our Crowne, be vertew of the act and statute maid of the annexati­ounis, and efter the forme of the samin.

ALSVA We reuoke in lykewyse all alienatiounis maid of ony heritage annext to the Prince secund persoun of the Realme.

ITEM In lykewyse we reuoke, cassis, and adnullis all do­natiounis, alienatiounis, fewfermis, & giftis quhat­sumeuer in lyferent, or vtherwayis maid in our nonage of the landis, custumis, or annuall rentis, or ony vther reuenuis, that our father had in his possessioun, the tyme of his deceis, giftis of officis for termis, as Chalmerlanrie, Baillierie, custumarie, or Clerk of Cocket maid for maa ȝeiris, bot fra the t [...] Checkar, to the compt be maid in the nixt Checkar following, with assedatioun, and takkis maid of our landis for lang termes.

IN Lykewyse we reuoke, and cassis all tailȝeis maid fra the airis generall to the airis maill of ony landis in our Realme.

ITEM We reuoke all pretendit entres, seissingis, and pos­sessiounis obtenit, and vsit be ony persoun of oure Realme of the landis, Lordschippis, or possessiounis, that war in our grandschiris or in our fathers handis, and obtenit and takin out of our fathers handis or our awin handis, our father or our self being within age, quhilkis mycht not be persewit, quhill our compleit age be strenth of act of Parliament maid thairupone.

AND Attour we reuoke all new infestmentis of landis geuin in blancheferme, that war haldin of vs in waird and releif of befoir.

MAirattour we reuoke all Regaliteis, or confirmatioun of Regali­tie, that had na possessioun of Regalitie of auld, and all officis ge­uin be vs in heritage or be our father, sen the actis and statutis maid, that na Regalitie nor office sould be geuin in heritage, without auise & deliberatioun of the haill Parliament.

[Page c] ITEM We reuoke all alienatiounis maid of ony heritage in our nonage, that war lauchfullie cummin in our hā ­dis be ballardrie, or ony vtherwayis siclyke, and lyferentis geuin be vs in our minoritie, and nonage, as saidis.

ITEM We reuoke all the new creatiounis of landis in Bar­ronyis, and annexatiounis, and vnionis of diuers landis in to a fee in preiudice of our dew seruice aucht to vs and oure progenitouris of befoir. And in lykewyse the dischargeis of seruice and suitis of courtis aucht of auld to our progenitouris.

ITEM We reuoke all new infestmentis geuin of creatiounis of Barronyis, in the landis and Lordschippis annexit to the Crowne.

ITEM We reuoke, reducis, cassis, and adnullis all giftis of patronageis and aduocatiounis of Kirkis and bene­ficis, that pertenis to the Crowne.

ITEM We reuoke and cassis all thingis, that the commoun Law leiffis vs to reuoke and reduce.

AND Generallie we reuoke, reducis, cassis, and adnullis all and quhatsumeuer thingis done in detriment and harme of our saule and conscience, hurting of the priuilege and fredome of our Crowne, preiudiciall and in damnage of our heritage to vs our airis or successouris, with this additioun & protestatioun: ¶ That suppois we of our fauouris and beneuolence suffer ony persoun or persounis, to vse or posseid ony priuilege or possessioun to the vsaris and halders of the samin, bot it salbe leiffull to vs to put our handis thairto, quhen euer it sall pleis vs, but ony contradictioun be, vertew and strenth of this our reuocatioun.

ITEM We reuoke in maner foirsaid all confirmatiounis geuin, quhair the haill landis or the mair part of thame war analyit of befoir the geuing of the said confirmatioun, & the samin obtenit vnder colour, we not knawing the alienatioūis, that the said landis war fallin to vs be ressone of alienatioun, as forfaltour.

VIGESIMO SEXTO IVNII ANNO DO­MINI MILLES. QVADR. LXXXXIII. INDICTIONE Pontificatus Alexandri Papae sexti Anno primo dictus supremus Dominus noster Rex in Praetorio de Edinburgh. &c. Concessit, quod terrae datae Comiti de Boti­uile & Iohanni Ros militi non caderent sub reuocatione antedicta. [Page] [...] [Page c] [...]

Of the bind of Salmound. Ca. lxxxiiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the auld statute maid anent the barrelling of Salmound of the auld bind of Abirdene be obseruit and keipt efter the forme of the samin, with this additioun, That quhair ony Cowpar or craftisman makis ony barrellis of les bind, than the said auld bind and beis conuict thairof, sall pay .x.s. for ane vnlaw, and dictay to be takin thairupone.

ITEM That the act and statute maid of befoir anent the Schippis, and making of fische at the west coist be obseruit and keipit in all thing efter the forme of the said act.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCEL LENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DOM. NOSTRI metuendissimi Do. Iacobi Quarti dei gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh decimotertio die Mensis Iunij Anno Do. Millesimo Quadringentesimo Nonagesimo Sexto.

The fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. lxxxv.

ANENT the first article tuiching the libertie and fredome of halie Kirk, It is auisit be the Lordis of the articlis, and als statute and ordanit in this pre­ient Parliament, that our Souerane Lord mak the halie Kirk and Kirkmen to be defendit and keipit in thair auld priuilegeis and fredomes, efter the forme of the actis and statutis maid heirupone of befoir be his hienes and progenitouris of maist Nobill mynde with all circum­stance, as is contenit in the samin. And gif the Kirk or Kirkmen be hurt or greuit contrare Iustice, that thay meine thame to the King, and thay sall haue reformatioun.

That na persounis pas furth of the Realme to purches ony beneficis without seif of our Souerane Lord. Ca. lxxxvi.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for the weill and honour of our Souerane Lord, the commoun gude, and prof­fite vniuersall of his Realme and liegis, and for the eschewing of in­numerabill skaith and dampnage, that his hienes, Realme, and liegis daylie incurris, and sustenis throw the exhorbitant coistis and expen­sis daylie done be Kirkmen vpone the impetratioun and purchessing, at the court of Rome beneficis electiue, and diuers vthers, that mycht be geuin and prouydit within the Realme, contrare the actis of Par­liament maid thairupone, and contrare diuers faculteis and priuilegis, [Page ci] that our Souerane Lord and his progenitouris of gude mynde hes had, and hes of the Kirk of Rome, and als in purchessing and inbringing of nouelteis and innouatiounis in the Kirk without the auisement of our Souerane Lord in vtter heirschip and destituting of the Realme of all money, and putting of our Souerane Lord and diuers vthers patronis fra thair possessioun and vse of thair saidis faculteis, priuilegeis, and rychtis of dispositioun of beneficis: ¶ That for the remeid heir­of in tyme tocum, that nane of our Souerane Lordis, liegis spirituall nor temporall pas furth of his Realme vnto the tyme the spirituall per­sounis intimate the cause of thair passage to thair Ordinaris, and that baith spirituall and temporall cum to his hienes, or his Chancellar, and schaw the cause of thair passage: That thay may haue licence of him, & get thair testimonialis thairupone. And that thay do, nor attempt to do nathing vtherwayis, than is contenit in thair said licence, contrare the commoun proffeit of the Realme, actis and statutis maid thairu­pone of befoir. And that thay schaw and warne, quhairin thay mak fynance, and with quhat persoun, that it may be vnderstandin, that thay haue na money furth of the Realme. And quha sa dois contrare the premissis, till incur the panis of proscriptioun, rebellioun, banissing, and putting of thame to our Souerane Lordis horne, and neuer to bruke, nor vse worschip within his Realme, bot to be demanit, as tra­tour and tratouris, and thair beneficis, gif thay ony haue, to be vacant at the dispositioun of thair Ordinaris, bot gif thay be lawit patrona­geis, and than the patrone sall dispone thairupone. And all vther ac­tis maid vpone this mater of befoir contenand ony restrictioun for the saluatioun of the commoun proffeit, to be neuertheles obseruit & keipit.

That all Barronis and frehaldaris, that ar of substance put thair eldest sonnis and airis to the sculis. Ca. lxxxvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit throw all the Realme, that all Barronis and frehaldaris, that ar of substance put thair eldest sonnis and airis to the sculis fra thay be .viij. or .ix. ȝeirꝭ of age, and till remane at the grammer sculis, quhill thay be competēt­lie foundit, and haue perfite latine. And thairefter to remane thre ȝeir­is at the sculis of art and iure, swa that thay may haue knawlege and vnderstanding of the Lawis. Throw the quhilkis Iustice may reigne vniuersallie throw all the Realme: Swa that thay, that ar Schireffis or Iugeis Ordinaris vnder the Kingis hienes, may haue knawlege to do iustice, that the pure pepill sould haue na neid to seik our Souerane Lordis principall auditour for ilk small iniurie. And quhat Barrone or frehaldar of substance, that haldis not his sone at the sculis, as said is, haifand na lauchfull essonȝie, bot failȝeis heirin, fra knawlege may [Page] be gottin thairof, he sall pay to the King the soume of .xx. pund.

Of the money and bulȝeoun. Ca. lxxxviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that our Souerane Lord with auise of his counsall ordane, and statute ane famous and wyse man, that is expert, and vnderstandis the maner & fassoun of cuinȝie to be maister of the money, and anent the stryking the forme thairof, the fynes, and the cours, and anent the inbringing of bulȝeoun, and serching to be maid of the samin, and of the out passing thairof of the Realme: That the statutis and actis maid thairupone of befoir be keipit. And that this maister of money and sercharis haue vpone thame the charge of causing and solisting of the saidis actis to be put to executioun. And gif thay be notit of indeligence or sleuth thairin, that thay be punist be the Kingis gude grace, and his Lordis of counsall according to thair trespas, and to be depriuit of thair officis, and vthers put in thair place. And that the custumaris of Burrowis mak compt at this present Checkar, and in all tymes tocum of the in­bringing of bulȝeoun, according to the quantitie of thair Merchandice past furth of the Realme, efter the forme of the said actis. And that the said maister of money and cuinȝeouris vnder him pay to the Merchan­dis for the said bulȝeoun, or to ony vther persounis, that will sell thame fyne stuffe to cuinȝie, the prycis contenit in the said actis, and na les vnder the pane of presoning of thair persounis, and depriuatioun of thair officis.

Of the pryce gudnes and fynes of victuallis and all vther maner of stuffe wrocht. Ca. lxxxix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for the remeid of the greit hurt, and oppressioun done to our Souerane Lordis liegis throuch disproportioun of prycis maid be craftismen and wark­men vpone all maner of stuffe, that thay wirk and sellis far excedand the pryce of the stuffe, thay by: ¶ That thairfoir all Barronis, Pro­uestis, and Baillies of Burrowis, and vthers, that hes the reule and directioun of throuchfairis, and hostillaris throw all the Realme, mak deligent inquisitioun and tak knawlege of the price of victuallis, and all vther stuffe wrocht be ony maner of warkmā, according to the price of the said victuallis and stuffe, That thay set and ordane certane price gudnes, and fynes vpone breid, aill, and all vther necessare thingis, that is wrocht and daylie bocht, and vsit be the Kingis liegis. And that thay mak certane preuaris and examinatouris, to wait daylie vpone the ke­ping heirof. And quhair ony warkman beis notit takand exhorbitant prycis for his stuffe aboue the price and ouer far disproportionate of the [Page Lii] stuffe, he byis, that he be punist be the saidis Barronis, Prouestis, and Baillies, and vthers hauand the directioū and reule of the said throuch­fairis, and hostillaris be the taking of ane vnlaw of the court, that he is vnder, for the first tyme. And ane vnlaw and escheiting of the stuffe, that beis exorbitantlie sauld, the secund tyme. And the thrid tyme de­priuing and suspending of thame fra thair craft, and escheiting of the said stuffe sauld ouer deir, as said is.

That all Summoundis of errour be rasit, and persewit within the space of thre ȝeiris. Ca. xc.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all Summoundis of errour or inordinat proces, that ar to be rasit be ony persounis, that thinkis thame hurt be the determinatioun of inqueistis, or be proces of Schireffis led in the seruing of breuis in tyme tocum, be rasit and persewit within the space of thre ȝeiris, efter the leding of the said proces, & making of retouris, The parteis, that allegeis thame hurt being of lauchfull age and within the Realme: Sa that the er­rour and inordinat proces mycht cum to thair eiris. And gif ony per­sounis omittis to rais sic Summoundis and persewis thame not with in the said termis, The said termis being past, thay sall neuer be hard in Iugement vpone that actioun thairefter: Bot sall tyne thair priui­lege of reductioun of the said proces, and errour for all tyme tocum.

Neuertheles the Summoundis, that ar now dependand and hingand betuix ony parteis, to be proceidit, as thay war wont. And quhair that ony persounis thinkis thame hurt be retouris or proces, that ar els led and maid in tyme bygane, That thay rais Summoundis thairupone within the space of thre ȝeiris, & persew the samin. And failȝeing thair­of, that thay be neuer hard in Iugement, as said is, bot to tyne thair priuilege of reductioun in all tymes tocum.

PARLIAMENTVM EXCEL LENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI DO. Iacobi Quarti Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edin­burgh vndecimo die Mensis Martij An. Do. Miillesimo Quing entesimo tertio.

¶ Thir ar the articlis efter followand auisit and concludit in this present Parliament.

Of the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. xcj.

ITEM In the first it is auisit, statute, and ordanit, that the fredome, liberteis, and priuilegeis of halie Kirk and vther spirituall persounis be obseruit and keipit in honour and worschip for the tyme of our Souerane Lord, that now is, lyke as it hes bene in [Page] tymes of his maist Nobill progenitouris of gude mynde of befoir.

Of the daylie counsall. Ca. xcij.

ITEM It is auisit, statute, and cōcludit in this present Par­liament, because thair hes bene greit confusioun of Summoundis, at ilk Sessioun, Sa that laser nor space at a tyme of the ȝeit mycht not haue bene had for the ending of thame, And thair­throw pure folkis hes bene dilayit, and deferrit fra ȝeir to ȝeir, throw the quhilk thay wantit Iustice: ¶ Thairfoir for eschewing of the said confusioun, that thair be ane coūsall chosin be the Kingis hienes, quhilk sall sit continually in Edinburgh, or quhair the King makis residence, or quhair it plesis him, to decyde all maner of Summoundis in ciuile maters, complaintꝭ, and causis daly, as thay sall happin to occur. And sall haue the samin powar, as the Lordis of Sessioun. And quhan thay sall begin, and in quhat place, salbe notifeit to the pepill be oppin proclamatioun at the Kingis plesure.

That Iustice and Schireffis be maid for the Ilis. Ca. xciij.

ITEM Because thair hes bene greit abusioun of Iustice in the north partis, and west partis of the Realme, sic as the north Ilis and south Ilis for lak and fault of Iustice Airis, Iu­sticis, and Schireffis, & thairthrow the pepill ar all maist gane wylde: ¶ It is thairfoir statute and ordanit for the acquieting of the pepill be Iustice, that thair be in tyme tocum Iusticis and Schireffis depute in thay partis, as efter followis, that is to say, that the Iusticis & Schi­reffis of the north Ilis haue thair sate and place for administratioun of Iustice in Innernes, or Dingwale, as the maters occurris, to be decer­nit be the said Officiaris. And that ane vther Iustice and Schiref be maid and depute for the south Ilis, and thay partis, and to haue his place and sate for administratioun of Iustice in the Tarbar of Loch­kinkerane, at the will and plesure of the saidis Officiaris, as the maters occurris.

Of the Iustice Airis of Ergyle, Lorne, Bute, and thay partis. Ca. xciiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, because thair hes bene ane part of hie landis, quhilk ar the landis betuix Bad­ȝenoth and Lorne, and ar callit Dowart, Glentowart, and als the Lordschip of Lorne, quhilkis hes bene out of vse to cum to Iustice Airꝭ, and lykewyse Mawmor, Louchabir, and Ergyle: ¶ Thairfoir in tyme tocum, that the said landis betuix Badȝenoth and Lorne callit Dowart, and Glentowart, and als the Lordschip of Lorne cum and answer and vnderly the Law in the Iustice Air of Perth: Mawmor [Page Liii] Louchabir foirsaid tocū to the Air of Innernes. Ergyle, quhen it plesis the Kingis hienes, sall cum to Perth and the Iustice Air thairof, quhair euerilk hieland man and lawland man may cum, and ask Iustice with out perrell or danger. And that the Iustice of the said Lordschip of Ergyle with the boundis thairof haue his place and sate in Perth at the Kingis plesure, as said is. And at that part of Cowale, that is not within the boundis, nor Lordschip of Ergyle, and all the inhabitantis thairof cum to the Air of Dounbertane. Item that the Air of Bute and Arane, Knapdale, Kintyre, and mekill Cumray be haldin at the Burgh of Air, or Rothesay, and the inhabitantis thairof tocum thair, at the Kingis plesure.

Of Schireffis to be maid in Ros and Cathnes. Ca. xcv.

ITEM Because thair hes bene greit lake and fault of Iustice in the north partis, as Cathnes, and Ros for fault of diuisioun of the Schirefdome of Innernes, quhilk is ouer greit, and thay partis ar sa far distant fra the said Burgh of Innernes, throw the quhilk thay may not be brocht haistelie thairto without greit expensis, laubouris, and trauellis, quhairthrow greit enormitie and trespas hes growin in thay partis in default of Officiaris within thame self, that had powar to put gude reule amang the pepill: ¶ Thairfoir it is sta­tute and ordanit in this present Parliament, that thair be ane Schiref maid of Ros, quhilk sall haue full powar, and iurisdictioun, and Schi­refschip within the said boundis of Ros, and to sit, and haue his place for administratioun of Iustice in Thane, or Dingwall, as the said Schiref thinkis expedient, for the decisioun of causis, breuis, or ony vther sic thingis belangand to his office, as the cause requyris. And in lykewse that thair be ane Schiref maid, quhilk salbe callit Schiref of Cathnes, quhilk sall haue full iurisdictioun of Schirefichip of all the haill diocie of Cathnes, and sall sit and haue place for administratioun of his office in Dornok or Vik, as he thinkis maist expedient for the causis occurrand. And all the Schirefdomes of Innernes, Ros, and Cathnes, and the inhabitātis thairof compeir to the Iustice Air of In­nernes, quhen it beis cryit and ordanit.

That the gretest cryme be specifeit in the remissioun. Ca. xcvj.

ITEM Because that thair hes bene in tymes bygane abu­sioun in the geuing and granting of remissiounis to persounis, that hes neidit the samin, and hes put ane lycht cause for the speciall cause in the said remissioun, and vnder the generall clause hes comprehendit gretar crymis, than the speciall cause, quhilk was expres­sit, quhilk is contrare to equitie and Iustice: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute [Page] and ordanit, that quhair ony persoun or persounis desyris to haue remis­siounis in tyme toeum, and wald that remissioun sufficit to him, sall expone and declair in the said remissioun the gretest cause, that he desirꝭ to haue the remissioū for. And in that caise the generall claus sall suffice him to cōprehend crymis of les grauitie, than the speciall cause. And gif he expremis not the gretest cryme in speciall, the generall claus sall not saif him fra ane gretar cryme, na the speciall is.

That na remissioun salbe geuin for slauchtrr vpone forthochtfellony. Ca. xcvij.

ITEM Because the Kingis hienes hes considderit and vnderstandin the greit slauchters, that hes bene in his Re­alme, and the occasioun thairof in traist and beleif, to get remissiounis haistelie, quhairthrow the greit inconuenientis of slauchter mouit and happinnit euerilk day mair & mair, Thairfoir of his awin fre mynde & motiue hes desyrit, that his thre Estatis in this presēt Parliamēt wald set scharp reule thairfoir, & for the inoportunitie of askaris in tyme tocū, is content of the ordinance & deliuerance to be maid be thame, Thairfoir be his awin auise and the said thre Estatis: ¶ It is statute, deuisit, & concludit, that thair be na remissioun geuin fra thine furth for slauchter to be cōmittit vpon forthochtfellony in ony tyme tocū. And this statute to indure vnto the tyme our said Souerane Lord mak speciall reuoca­tioun of the samin.

Of the correctioun and examinatioun of Notaris. Ca. xcviij.

ITEM Anent the article of Notaris, because thair hes bene diuers and greit complaintis maid be our Souerane Lordis liegis, that thair is sa mony fals Notaris in y Realme, that it is dred throw thair falset, that trew men sall not be sicker of thair heritage nor Clerkis of thair beneficis, and in vther ciuile actiounis, quhilk may cause ane greit diuisioun amang our Souerane Lordis liegis: Thair foir it is statute & ordanit in this present Parliamēt, that all Bischoppꝭ and Ordinaris mak all the Notaris within thair dioceis to be callit at a conuenient day and place befoir thame, and mak thame be examinit vpone thair sufficience and knawlege. And als tak inquisitioun, how thay haue demanit thame & of thair fame. And the persounis, that thay find culpabill, that thay depriue thame of thair officis, and punis thame for thair faultis, according to thair demeritis. And the persounis, that thay find acceptabill, that thay send thame with thair wrytingis to the Kingis hienes, quhilk sal depute certane persoūis to examin thame. And gif thay be ganand to mak thame Regall, gif thay be not maid Regall of befoir. And als that the said Ordinaris tak inquisitioun of all thame, that vsis fals instrumentis. And in sa far as belangis his office Ordi­nar, to punis thame. And quhair it belangis not to his office Ordinar, [Page ciiii] to send thame to the King to be punist, as effeiris.

That Summoundis vpone recent spulȝie may be maid vpone. xv. dayis. Ca. xcix.

ITEM Anent recent spulȝie it is statutte and ordanit, that it salbe leiffull to the partie, quhilk is spulȝeit to Sum­mound the spulȝearis vpone. xv. dayis befoir the Lordis, sa that he mak his Summoundis within. xv. dayis nixt efter the committing of the said spulȝie, notwithstanding the act maid of befoir, that all Sūmoun­dis sould be maid vpone xxj. dayis: And rychtswa to haue powar to call the said spulȝear befoir the Schiref, and that thair sall be na excep­tioun dilatoure admittit agane that Summoundis, it beand lauch­fullie indorsate.

Anent the expensis of Schireffis for thair office. Ca. c.

ITEM Anent the expensis of Schireffis baith Ordinar and Schireffis in that part, to be takin for the executioū of thair office in the distreinȝeing of persounis for soumis recouerit: It is statute, auisit, and ordanit, that the said Schiref, quhilk sall execute his said office, sall haue. xij. d. for ilk pund for the executioun of his office: And that to be takin of the persoun or persounis, that the soumis or dettis be recouerit on.

Of the expensis of proces. Ca. cj.

ITEM Because in tyme bygane the Kingis liegis hes bene gretumlie hurt be parciall Schireffis and Officiaris for the denying of thair proces to be geuin to the partie, quhairthrow the partie iniurit mycht haue followit his actioun of iniure, & foundit his intent, and the said Schireffis hes haldin thair proces at sa greit soumꝭ, that the partie mycht not pay thairfoir, and for that cause the partie in­iurit hes lost the persecutioun of his actioun, and tint the samin for ver­ray pouertie, that he mycht not louse the said proces: ¶ It is thairfoir auisit, statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocum ilk sic Schireffis and Officiaris, that hes proces led befoir thame outher be actioun of det or breuis, that thay gif the said proces to the partie vpone his expensis, & that the partie sall pay thairfoir for ilk act. iiij. d. allanerlie.

For keiping of money within the Realme. Ca. cij.

ITEM As to the taking of gold or siluer, furth of the Realme, It is auisit, statute, and ordanit, that the actis and statutis maid of befoir for the halding of money within the Realme, be put to dew executioun with this additioun: ¶ That it [Page] salbe ane punct of dictay vpone the takaris furth of the samin. And als that the Kingis hienes depute certane serchouris in euerilk towne, quhilk hes ane port: ¶ The quhilkis serchouris sall haue powar to serche the sailaris and passaris furth of the Realme, for hauing furth of money, quhatsumeuer persoun he be, spirituall or temporall. And he sall haue for his feis the feird part of the money, that is takin be him, he bringand the tother thre partis to the King. And that napersounis nou­ther spirituall nor temporall haue mair money furth of the Realme bot xl.s. of the quhilkis he hes licence be vther actis of befoir vnder the pane of escheit.

Anent steilaris of Pykis, brekaris of ȝairdis and dowcatis. Ca. ciij.

ITEM Anent steilaris of pykis out of stankis, brekaris of dowcatis, orchardis, or ȝairdis, or steilaris of hyuis, and destroyaris thairof, And als anent thame, that slayis parkit Deir, Rais, or Rabuckis of Lordis proper woddis, at that be ane punct of dictay in tyme tocum. And at the vnlaw thairof be. x. pund togidder with ane mendis to the partie according to the skaith. And gif ony childer within age commit ony of thir thingis foirsaid, because thay may not be punist for nonage, thair fathers or maisters sall pay for ilk ane of thame ilk tyme committing ony of the said trespassis foirsaid. xiij.s. iiij. d. or els deliuer the said childe to the Iuge to be leichit, scurgeit, and dung, according to the fault.

Anent beggaris. Ca. ciiij.

ITEM Anent beggaris that the statute of King Iames the first maid vpone stark beggaris be obseruit and kepit. And at the Schireffis, Prouestis, Baillies within Burrowis baith of Rialtie and Regalitie, spiritualitie, and temporalitie see, that this act be execute & keipit. And that thay thole nane to beg within thame, except crukit folk, seik folk, impotent folk, and waik folk vnder the pane of payment of ane merk for ilk vther beggar, that beis fundin.

Anent the making of Schippis for fisching. Ca. cv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent buschis and Schippꝭ to be maid for fisching, at that act and statute maid thairupone of befoir be put to scharpe and dew executioun, as effeiris.

Of the vnlaw of grene wod and mureburne. Ca. cvj.

ITEM Anent the article of grene wod, because that the wod of Scotland is vtterly destroyit, The vnlaw thairof [Page cv] beand sa lytill: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that the vnlaw of grene wod to ony man be selling or birning in tyme tocum be fyue pund. And that baith of Regalitie and Rialtie the auld vnlaw of grene wod to the destroyaris of it vtherwayis standand in effect, as of befoir. And that the vnlaw of mureburne efter the Moneth of Marche be in lykewyse fyue pund in all tymes tocum.

Of slanchter of reid fische. Ca. cvij.

ITEM Anent the slauchter of reid fische in forbodin tyme, be­cause the lytill vnlaw thairof hes bene the cause and occasioun, that the reid fische hes bene slane in greit number to the greit heirschip of the cuntrie and destructioun of the commoun weill, And als anent the slayaris of smoltis in mylndāmis clousis, and be nettis, thornis, and cruuis: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that the vnlaw thairof in tyme tocum be ten pund for the first tyme. The secund tyme, twentie pund. And the third tyme tinsall of lyfe to the committar. And als it salbe leiffull to the Barrone baith spirituall, and temporall, baith in the Rialtie and the Regalitie to proceid and sit, heirupone in thair courtis, and to haue ane vnlaw of ilk ane, that beis conuict of ony pūct foirsaid of. xxx.s. And gif ony persoun or persounis clamis to haue sic priuilegeis to sla sic fische in forbodin tyme be ony of the wayis foirsaid, that all sic priuilegeis ceis vnto the tyme, that thay cum befoir the King and Lordis, and schaw thair said priuilege, that thay may be considde­rit, quhether sic priuilegeis be for the commoun weill, or not.

Of the diuisioun of Schirefdomes. Ca. cviij.

ITEM Because thair hes bene wanting of Iustice in sindrie Schirefdomes, throw the greitnes of the samin, Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that thair be diuisioun maid thairof in this wyse, that Culros, and Tulialloun, Clakmannan, and all the landis betuix it and Striuiling, quhilk come to the Airis of Fyfe and Perth of befoir, that all thay landis in tyme tocum cum to the Airis of Striuiling. And that Tulialloun and Culros cum to the Schiref court of Striuiling on this wyse, that all the persounis put now to the Iustice Air and Schiref court of Striuiling pay thair vnlaw baith in Schiref court and Iustice Air, siclyke as thay payit befoir this vnion, without preiudice to thame thairin [...]ill.

ITEM That the Lenȝie, Lochbard, Brimmage, Skaith­moir, Kippane, Gardē, and Sey Beggis, quhilk was of the Schirefdome of Dounbertane, Perth, and Edinburgh of befoir, be fra this tyme furth baith of Iustice Air and Schiref court of Stri­uiling. [Page] Item that the landis of Buchquhannane, Fintre, Campsie, Strablane, Buthram, Drymme, Inchcalȝeach and fra thine west be of the Schirefdome of Dounber [...]ane, and compeir thair baith at Iustice Air, and Schiref court in all tyme tocum with the lyke conditioun, that the inhabitantis thairof pay thair vnlaw baith in Iustice Air and Schiref court, as thay did befoir this vnion without ony preiudice to thame thairintill, as said is.

That hedgeis, parkis, and dowcatis, and cuningharis be maid. Ca. cix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent policie to be haldin in the cuntrie, that euerilk Lord and Laird mak thame to haue parkis with Deir, stankis, cuningharis, dowcatis, orchardis, hedgeis, and plant at the leist ane akir of wod, quhair thair is na greit woddis nor forrestis.

Of ȝeirlie wappinschawing to be maid. Ca. cx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for the keiping of armour and harnes, that it be not spilt, nor destroyit in tyme of peax, that all Scotland mak thair wappinschawing vpone thurisday in witsonday wolk. And that ilk Officiar, as Schiref, Baillie, Stew­art, or vthers see at this act and statute be execute and keipit.

That the heretouris and airis may be followit at the ȝeiris end efter the deceis of thair foirbearis. Ca. cxj.

ITEM Anent the exceptiounꝭ proponit be heretouris, quhen thay ar persewit for dettis of thair fathers or foirbe­aris, to quhome thay succeid, allegeand that thair fathers mouabill gudis sould pay thair debtis, and that the executouris sould be callit thairfoir befoir thame: ¶ It is auisit, statute, and ordanit, that it sall be leiffull to the creditour to follow the air efter the bypassing of ane ȝeir. Because the executouris sould be responsall for ane ȝeir: at the end of the quhilk he sould gif his compt. And gif it pleis the air, he may and sould be diligent and requyre the Ordinar within the said ȝeir to ask compt, and he to see the compt, and quhat beis fund remanent ouer the thingis pertenand to thair office, that he sould requyre the Ordinar, that he micht haue cautioū and souertie for the releuing of his heretage in sa far, as the gudis restis attour the compt. And that the Ordinar sall cause him to haue sufficient cautioun thairof. And sa at the end of the ȝeir the air sall answer to euerilk creditour.

Anent the exceptiounis propronit anent wedowis in hindering of thame of thair teircis. Ca. cxij.

[Page cvi] ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent the exceptioun proponit agane wedowis persewand and followand thair breifis of teirce, or the proffeit of thair teirce, quhilk is oft tymes propo­nit agane thay wedowis, y thay war not lauchfull wyfis to y persoūis thair husbandis, be quhōe thay follow thair said teirce: That thairfoir quhair the matrimonie was not accusit in thair lyfetymes, and that the woman askand this teirce beand repute and haldin, as his lauchfull wyfe in his lyfe tyme salbe teircit, and bruke hir teirce but ony impedi­ment or exceptiounis to be proponit agane hir, ay and quhill it be cleirly decernit and sentence geuin, that scho was not his lauchfull wyfe, and that scho sould not haue ane lauchfull teirce thairfoir.

That all frehaldaris within ane hundreth merk of extent send thair procuratouris to the Parliament. Ca. cxiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that fra thine furth na Bar­rone, frehaldar, nor vassall, quhilk ar within ane hun­dreth merkis of this extent, that now is, be compellit to cum personally to the Parliament, bot gif it be that our Souerane Lord wryte speci­allie for thame: And sa not to be vnlawit for thair presence, & thay send thair ꝓcuratourꝭ to answer for thame with the Barronꝭ of the Schire, or the maist famous persounis. And all that ar abone the extent of ane hūdreth merkꝭ to cū to the Parliamēt vnder the pan [...] of the auld vnlaw▪

That all our Souerane Lordis liegis be reulit be his Lawis. Ca. cxiiij.

ITEM It is statute & ordanit, that all our Souerane Lordis liegis beand vnder his obeysance, and in speciall the Ilis be reulit be our Souerane Lordis awin Lawis, and the cōmun Lawis of the Realme and be nane vther Lawis.

That all Officiaris within Burgh be changeit ȝeirlie. Ca. cxv.

ITEM That all Officiaris, Prouestis, Baillies, and vthers hauand office of iurisdictioun within Burrowis be changeit ȝeirlie, and that nane haue iurisdictioun within Burgh, bot gif thay vse Merchandice within the said Burgh.

That na Merchand persew ane vther in partis beȝond sey befoir ony Iuge, bot the Conseruatour. Ca. cxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for weill of Merchandice, & for the greit exorbitant expensis maid be thame vpone pleyis in the partis beȝond sey: ¶ That thairfoir the Conseruatour of this Realme haue iurisdictioun to do Iustice amang the saidꝭ Merchā ­dis our Souerane Lordis liegis, that is to say, betuix Merchand and Merchand in thay partis beȝond sey. And that the said Conseruatour [Page] proceid not vpone ony maters, bot gif thay be. vj. of the best & honestest Merchandis of maist knawlege of the Realme, that sall sit and haue powar with him, gif sa mony may be gottin. And gif thair be not to the number of. vj. that thair sit foure Merchādis with him at the leist, that sall haue siclyke powar with him to minister Iustice, and that na Mer­chand persew ane vther befoir ane vther Iuge beȝond the sey, nor do in contrare this act vnder the pane of. v. pund, to be payit to the King of the persewar, and payment of the expensis to the partie persewit.

That the Conseruatour of Scotland cum hame ȝeirlie, or send ane procuratour. cxvij

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the Conseruatour of Scotland cū ȝeirlie hame or send ane responsall pro­curatour [...]or him ȝeirlie, that sall answer to euerilk man vpone all thin­gis, that thay haue to say to him for all maters, & mak certificatioun to the King or his counsall of the sending of the said procuratouris, & that vnder the pane of tinsall of his office & payment of. xx. pund greit to the King.

That na mercat nor fairis be haldin vpone halie dayis, nor in Kirk, nor in Kirk ȝairdis. Ca. cxviij.

ITEM It is statute & ordanit, thair be na mercat nor fairis haldin vpone halie dayis, nor ȝit within Kirkis nor Kirk ȝairdis vpone halie dayis, nor vther dayis vnder the pane of es­cheit of the gudis.

That Merchandis and Burrowis bruke thair auld priuilegeis. Ca. cxix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all the Merchandis of the Realme, and the Burrowis bruke, and haue thair auld priuilegis, and fredomes grātit and geuin to thame be our Soue­rane Lordꝭ progenitouris of maist Nobill mynde be obseruit & keipit to thame, & that na persounis dwelland outwith Burrowis vse ony Merchandice, nor ȝit tap nor sell wyne, walx, silkis, spicerie, wad, nor siclyke stuffe, nor ȝit stapill gudꝭ: And y nane pak nor pile in Leith, nor vthers placis without the Kingis Burrowis vnder the pane of the escheting of the gudis to the Kingis vse, that beis tappit, sauld, pakit, or pilit agane this statute.

That Cōmissaris & heidismen of Burrowis be warnit of taxatiounis of the Realme. Ca. cxx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the Cōmissaris & heidismen of Burrowis be warnit, quhē taxtis or cōtributi­oūis ar geuin to haue thair auise thairintill, as ane of the thre Estatis of the Realme.

That na Burges be maid without cōsent of the greit coūsall of the towne. cxxj

[Page Lvii] ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocū na Pro­uest, Baillie, nor Alderman of ony townis mak Bur­gessis, nor gild brether without the consent of the greit counsall of the towne, & that the proffeit, that is tane for the making of ilk Burges or gild be put to the commoun gude, and wairit on the commoun warkis.

That the auld act anent saillairis be put to executioun.

ITEM It is statute & ordanit for the weill of Merchandis, that the auld act anent saillaris be put to scharp exe­cutioū, & that the custumaris schaw to the Officiaris of the towne, quha dois in the contrare heirof. And that the said Officiaris mak this act to be put to dew executioun, as thay will answer to the King thairupone.

That na neichtbour vsurpe agane the Officiaris in Burgh. Ca. cxxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na neichtbouris craftis­men, gentill men, Burgessis, nor indwellaris in the Burgh vsurpe agane the autoritie of the Kingꝭ Officiaris chosin in the Burgh, nor mak leiggis nor bandis in contrare the samin, vnder the panis contenit in the Lawis and statutis of the Burgh.

That nane house woll, skin. nor hydis in Leith. Ca. cxxiij

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for causing of the Kingis custumis tocum in haill to him, as accordis, and to es­chew the defrauding, that hes bene done thairof in tymes bygane, that na man house woll, hyde, nor skinnis in Leith, nor vther placis out­with fre Burrowis, vnder the pane of escheit.

That all Schireffs and Officiaris wryte the day, that thay gif seising to ony man in thair court buke. Ca. cxxiiij.

ITEM Because the vassallis ar gretumlie hurt throw out­lying of thair ouer Lordis, and for the nōentering to the superioritie of thair landis, efter that thay rais thair precept of sei­sing out of the Chancellarie: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocum all Schireffis, Stewartis, or Baillies, that genis seising be preceptis of our Souerane Lordis Chapell to ony persounis, that thay wryte the day and ȝeir, that thay gaif the sesing, and bring the samin in thair court buke to the Checkar.

That it be leiffull to our Souerane Lord to set all his landis in few. Ca. cxxv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lord and bis thre Estatis in this present Parlamēt, that it salbe [Page] leiffull to his hienes to set all his proper landis baith annexit, & vnan­nexit in few ferme to ony persoun or persounis, as he plesis: Swa that it be not in diminutioun of his rentall, gressoumis, nor vther dewteis, and to set thame with sic clause, as he thinkis expediēt, according to the conditioun afoir said. And that the landis, that he settis in his tyme, as said is, to stād perpetuallie to the airis efter the forme of thair cōditioū. And that this statute indure for the lyfetyme of the King our Souerane Lord, that now is allanerlie: Swa that the landis, that he settꝭ in his tyme with the conditioun foirsaid, sall stand perpetuallie. And efter his deceis the annexatioūis, quhilkꝭ ar maid of befoir, sall returne agane to the awin nature: Swa that his successour sall not haue powar to aua­lie nor set in few, mair than thay had befoir the making of this statute.

That it salbe leiffull to euerie man baith spirituall and temporall to set thair landis in few. Ca. cxxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, because the Kingꝭ hienes is of will and mynde for policie of his Realme, to set his proper landis baith annexit & vnannexit in fewferme: ¶ Thairfoir he hes grantit to all his Estatis with thair auise, y t euerilk Lord, Barron, frehaldar quhatsūeuer spirituall or tēporall, sall haue powar induring y dayis of his lyfe, to set all thair landis in fewferme or ānuell rent to ony persoū or persounis: Swa that it be not in diminutioun of thair rētall, swa that the alienatioun swa maid of the maist part of all thair landis salbe na cause of forfaltour, nouther to the settar, na to the takar not­withstanding ony statute or lawis maid in the contrare.

That the maltmakaris present thair malt to the mercat. Ca. cxxvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all the maltmakaris of Leith, Edinburgh, & vther placis about Edinburgh, or vther Burrow townis within the Realme present thair malt to the mercat in tyme tocum. And that ilk day be ane mercat day for victu­allis except the halie day. And that thay sell not the said malt quhill. ix. houris vnder the pane of escheit of all malt, that is sauld vtherwayis. And that the Prouest & Baillies of ilk ane towne see, that this statute be keipit. And y t thay haue powar to escheit the samin, & answer to our Souerane Lord ȝeirlie thairfoir in his Checker, quhais handis that e­uer it be fundin in. And that the maltmakaris tak na mair for the ma­king of ane chalder of malt, bot ane boll of beir. And quha dois in the contrare salbe repute oppressouris of the Kingis liegis, and dictay tane thairupone to the Iustice Air.

That the inhabitantis of annexit and vnite laudis to vther Baronageis sall answer to the Iustice Airis, Schirefcourtis, quhair the landis lyis. Ca. cxxviij.

[Page Lviii] ITEM Because it hes bene ane defrauding in executioun of Iustice, that quhair landꝭ hes bene annexit and vnite in ane Barronie, quhilkis landis lyis in sindrie Schirefdomes, throw the quhilk the inhabitantis of the saidis landis sa annexit hes neuer an­swerit in Schiref court nor Iustice Air, in the Schirefdome in the quhilk thay ly, because the Lordschip, that thay war annexit to, lyis in ane vther Schirefdome: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute, & ordanit in tyme tocum, that euerilk Barronie and the inhabitantis thairof sall answer in Schiref court and Iustice Air, quhair the said Barronie lyis, and thair be haldin to compeir baith be arreist of his Schiref Officiar, and Crownar, notwithstanding the said annexatiounis. And the annexa­tioun sall suffice allanerlie for the Lord, that hes the said landis annexit to gif thair presence, and seruice in the place, quhair thay ar ordanit be the said annexatioun.

Of exceptiounis to be proponit agane the breif of inqueist. Ca. cxxix.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that because thair hes bene in tyme bygane greit abusioun in the proponing of exceptioūis friuole agane the breif of inqueist, and peruertit the ordour and natour of it, as it war ane breif of pley: ¶ Thairfoir for the es­chewing of sic friuole exceptiounis in tyme tocum, It is statute and ordanit, that na exceptioun auale agane the said breif of inqueist, it be­and cryit oppinlie vpone. xv. dayis with the indorsing of the Officiar, that cryit it, contenand twa witnes, and his seill or signet, bot thir ex­ceptiounis followand allanerlie: That is to say, agane the Iuge, a­gane the inqueist, and the exceptiounis of bastardrie, and that to be proponit in the forme of auld Law. And as anent the exceptioun maid anent the Summounding of inqueist vpone. xv. dayis befoir, efter the forme of the statute of King Robert, quhilk makis mentioun, that the inqueist sould be Summound vpone. xv. dayis befoir: It salbe leifful notwithstanding the said statute to the Schiref, or ony vther Officiar, that is Iuge to the breif of inqueist to Summound the said inqueist v­pone quhat dayis he plesis or vpone schort tyme, notwithstanding the said statute, & gif thay be present in the Tolbuith onsummound, sa that thair be nane vther lauchfull exceptioun agane thame, it salbe leiffull to the Schiref or Officiarꝭ to cōpell thame to pas vpone the said inqueist. And attour because thair hes bene ane abusioun in the crying of the Kingis breifis in Stewartreis and Bailliereis, quhair thay war cryit at ane hill, na cōfluence of pepill being thair, throw the quhilk na knawlege thairof mycht cum to the partie: ¶ Heirfoir it is statute & ordanit, that all maner of breifis of inqueist salbe cryit at the mercat cros of the [Page] Burgh oppinlie in plane mercat, quhen maist confluence of pepill is gad derit: Sa that the crying thairof may cum to the knawlege of the partie defendar, quhair it sould be seruit, and quhat day. And at the said breif be thryis cryit plainlie togidder, and betuix ilk crying the space of all the thre cryingis. And at all Officiaris of the towne be warnit to compeir at the said proclamatioun to beir witnes. And gif it sall hap­pin, that the antecessour of ony clamand rycht, deceis sa neir the termeof witsonday and Martymes, that the persewar may not get it vpone ane mercat day for neirnes of the terme of witsonday or Martymes, in that caise it salbe leiffull to him to gar cry his breif vpon ony wolk day: Swa that he haue the Officiaris of the towne and part of the honest persounis to the number of. vj. persounis, saifand to our Souerane Lord his warning vpone. xl. dayis efter auld vse and consuetude.

Of the proces of the breif of rycht. Ca. cxxx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, because thair hes bene greit abusioun of Iustice and greit expensis to the partie persewand thair land and heritage be the breif of rycht, and vther bre­uis pleidabill be the proponing of exceptiounis friuole and borghis and recounterꝭ, and falsing of domes throw presuming of dilayis: ¶ That thairfoir in tyme tocum, quhair ony dome is falsit outher vpone dila­tour or peremptour exceptioun or vtherwayis in the persute of the breif of rycht, the partie that fallis the said dome befoir the Schiref, Stew­art, Baillie, or ony vther Officiar, or thair deputis sall cum within the space of. xv. dayis to the Iustice Clerk, and present his proces of the falsing of the said dome. And with auise of our Souerane Lord or his Iustice thair sall incontinent thairefter be set ane Iustice Air for the discussing and ending of the said dome falsit vpone. xl. dayis. And the Iustice be his precept or Sūmoundis direct to the Schiref sall warne baith the parteis of the said day limmit for the discussing of the said dome. And the frehaldars and sutouris sall cum to the said Iustice Air within the Schirefdome, or Stewartrie quhair the said dome sall be discussit, and ward thairupone vnder the pane of the vnlaw of the court. And gif the said dome be falsit in the Iustice Air anent the said breif, or gif thair be ony vther breuis pleidabill presentit to the Iustice & in the persute of thame happinnis the dome to be falsit, in lykewyse ef­ter the falsing of that dome within. xv. dayis thairefter, The partie, that falsis the dome sall cum to the Clerk of Regestrie, and of our So­uerane Lordis counsall, and present this proces of falsing of dome. And thairefter the said Clerk of counsall sall schaw the samin to our Soue­rane Lord, quhilk sall depute. xxx. or. xl. persounis, or maa or fewar as plesis his hienes, quhilk sall haue powar as it war in ane Parlia­ment, [Page cix] to decyde and discus the said dome, and the parteis be warnit be our Souerane Lordis letters of the day affixit for the discussing of the said dome: quhilk salbe set vpone. xl. dayis, within the quhilk tyme it salbe leiffull to ony of the parties to gif in thair ressounis. And gif thair be ane dome falsit befoir the Prouest Baillies within Burgh, or befoir ane Barrone or vther frehaldaris, The partie falsar of the said dome sall cum in lykewyse, gif it be falsit, within the Burgh to the Chalmerlane, & present him the proces of the falsing of the said dome, quhilk sall set ane court of the foure Burrowis vpone. xv. dayis, and mak the said dome to be discussit. In lykewyse quhair the dome is falsit befoir the Barrone or frehaldar in thair courtꝭ, thā the falsar of the said dome sall cum to the Schiref or vther immediate superiour of that court, quhilk sall set his court vpone. xv. dayis, and mak the said dome to be discussit, and warne the parteis thairto, and gar the sutouris of the Schirefdome ward thairupone. And gif it befalsit in the said court of foure Burrowis, or in the Schiref court, to haue siclike proces to the courtis immediat superiour, as is abone writtin. And the parties to haue priuilege to gif in thair ressounis ony time within the day lim­mit for the discussing of the said domes. And this to haue proces in all maner of domes falsing, alsweill breifis, as vther ciuile maters.

That all mesuris and wechtis be of ane quantitie, quhilk salbe statute in Edinburgh be the Chalmerlane. Ca. cxxxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all mesuris & wechtis baith pynt, quart, firlot, peck, elnwand, stane, and pund be of ane quātitie and mesure, quhilk salbe ordanit in Edinburgh be our Souerane Lord, and his Chalmerlane, and counsall. And at euerilk Burgh cum and fetche thair mesure furth of Edinburgh seilit, and maid, and keip the samin, and quhair thair is ony fermis aucht in heretage of the auld met, that the said fermꝭ be proportionat to the quā ­titie of the auld met, & payit with the new met to the auale of the auld met proportionallie. And gif ony persounis vse ony vther mesuris, or wechtis in tyme tocum, bot the mesuris and wechtis now to be maid, as said is, It salbe ane punct of dictay, and thay to be indictit thairof fra thine furth.

Of the hame bringing of bulȝeoun, the auld act to be obseruit. Ca. cxxxij.

ITEM Anent the hame bringing of Bulȝeoun, it is statute and ordanit, that the auld actis and statutis maid thairupone be put to executioun, and obseruit and keipit. And the cu­stumaris to ressaif the said bulȝeoun fra the Merchandis, and to gif [...]ompt thairof in the Checkar.

That all money haue cours in the Realme it being crakit or flawit. Ca. cxxxiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit because thair is and hes bene greit differance and refuse in the taking of mo­ney, hauand cours in the Realme, it beand outher crakit or flawit: ¶ Thairfoir that in tyme tocum na maner of persoun, nor persounis refuse to tak for thair Merchandice ony money, siluer, or gold, it haue­and cours in this Realme: Notwithstanding it beand auther crakit or flawit, with certificatioun, that quha dois in the contrare sall tyne the siluer, that thay refuse to be escheit to the King, and the byar to haue the stuffe, that he sould haue cofe with the said money.

That na Schiref, nor Officiar distreinȝie, or poynd ony thing belangand the pleuch in tyme of teiling. Ca. cxxxiiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that in tyme tocum na ma­ner of Schiref, nor Officiar poind nor destreinȝie the oxin, hors, nor vther gudis pertening to the pleuch, and that laubou­ris the ground the tyme of the laubouring of the samin, quhair ony v­ther gudis, or land ar to be apprysit or poindit, according to the com­moun Law.

That the wordis of falsing of domes be changeit. Ca. cxxxv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the wordis of falsing of domes be changeit in this maner, that quhair ony partie thinkis him hurt, he sall vse thir wordis: ¶ I AM GRE­TVMLIE HVRT AND INIVRIT BE THE SAID DOME, thairfoir I appele and findis ane borgh in the Officiaris handis of the court to persew the said appellatioun confor­mand to the Law maid of befoir, and within the tyme, siclyke as is cō ­tenit in the said Law of the Realme.

QVODIE excellentissimus supremusque Dominus noster Rex in prae­sato suo Parliamento cum consensu & assensu trium Regni sui sta­tuum, ipsis, vt supra, praesentibus, reuocauit, cassauit, annullauit, omnes & singulas donationes, concessiones terrarum, praediorum, possessionum, aut alia­rum rerum, acta, statuta Parliamenti seu generalis consilij & quaecunque alia per eundem supremum Dominum nostrum Regem, ac nomine suo temporibus retro­actis praeiudicialia, ac dampnum detrimentum seu laesionem eccleciae Catholicae, animae suae, aut Coronae generantia. Et praedictas donationes, concessiones, acta, statuta, & quaeunque alia, sic vt praemittit ur, reuocata pro non factis haberi vult in futurum, & eadem de libris & scriptis cancellari & deleri mandauit.

[Page cx] PARLIAMENTVM SVPRE MI DOMINI NOSTRI REGIS IACOBI QVAR­ti tentum apud Edinburgh octauo Maij Anno Domini Millesimo Quingen­tesimo nono.

Of the fredomes of the halie Kirk. Ca. cxxxvij.

IN the first it is statute and ordanit, the fredomes of halie Kirk & liberteis thairof with all immuniteis, and priuilegeis, and of all spirituall persounis, be obseruit and keipit in honour and worschip for the tyme of our Souerane Lord, that now is, lyke as it hes bene in tymes of his maist Nobill progenitou­ris of gude mynde of befoir.

Anent the deuisioun of Schirefdomes. Ca. cxxxvij.

ITEM Anent the article of the diuisioun of Schirefdomes, quhilk was ordanit be ane act of Parliament maid in the Parliament haldin at Edinburgh, in the ȝeir of God ane thou­sand fyue hundreth and thre ȝeiris: ¶ It is now statute and ordanit, that fra thine furth the said act of Parliament haue strenth allauerlie anent the courtis of Iustice Airis baith for suit, presence, and all thingꝭ concerning the Iustice Airis. And as for the Schiref courtis, and all vther courtis, and doingis, that thay cum to the townis and Schiref­domes, that thay come to and war of befoir the making of the said act of Parliament, and thair to answer, and gif suit and presence, and those Law, as thay war wont to do, except and the landis pertening to Schir Duncane Forrester, that is to say, the landis of Garden, Discher, Kippane, Eon, and Gibbin eister to remane at the Iustice Airis and Schiref courtis of Striuiling, as thay war of befoir the making of this present act.


Ane act maid be our said Souerane Lord King Iames the feird, anent the ward, releif, and mariage of the airis of thame that deceissis in the arme.

AT Twesilhauch in Northtumberland the xxiiij. day of August the ȝeir of God ane thousand syue hun­dreth threttene ȝeiris, It is statute and ordanit be the Kingis hienes with auise of all his Lordis being thair for the tyme, in his oist in this forme, as fol­lowis, that is to say, gif ony man beis siane or hurt to deid in the Kingis army and oist be Inglismē, or deis in the army induring the tyme of his oist, his airis sall haue his ward, releif, and mariage of the King fre dispensand with his age, quhat eild that euer he be of. And ordanis the Kingis letters to be di­rect heirupone to the effect foirsaid necessare, as effeiris.

THIR ar the trew copyis of the actis of Parliamen­tis maid be our Souerane Lordis Kingis, Iames the First, Secund, Thrid, and Feird, with auise of the thre Estatis of the Realme: Reuiseit and cor­rectit be the Lordis Commissaris depute thairto: And extractit furth of the bukis of Parliament be m [...] Schir Iames Balfour of Pettindreich Knycht, Clerk of our Souerane Lord and Ladyis Regestrie counsall and Rollis vnder my signe and subscriptioun manuall.


PARLIAMENTVM EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI DOM. Jacobi Quinti Dei gratia Scotorum Regis Illustrissimi tentum & inchoatum apud Edinburgh die louis duodecimo die Mensis Iulij Anno Do. Millesimo Quingen­tesimo decimoquinto per illustrem & magnificum principem Iohannem Ducem Albaniae. &c. praecicti Do. nostri Regis & Regni tutorem & gubernatorem, vna­cum Praelatis, Baronibus, Proceribus, & Burgorum Commissarijs in speciali Com­missione contentis & ibidem perlectis in dicto Parliamēto congregatis treis Regni status repraesentantibus. &c. Quo die sectis vocatis, curia affirmata absentes pa­tent in Rotulis.

Of the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. j.

IN the first it is statute, that the fredomes, priuile­geis, and immuniteis of halie kirk and vthers spiri­tuall persounis be obseruit and keipit in honour and worschip in the tyme of our Souerane Lord, and my Lord Gouernour, that now is, as it hes bene in tymes bygane.

Punitioun of thift and stouthreif, and maisters or suste­naris of theifis. Ca. ij.

ITEM Because the cryme of thift and stouthreif, is sa com­mounlie vsit amang the Kingis liegis, and for stan­ching of the samin, It is statute and ordanit in this present Parlia­ment, That quhair ony of the Kingis liegis is plaintous, or complenis vpone a theif, that hes reft or stollin his ge [...]r or his mennis, and is in seruice or obeyscā [...] of ony man, and schawis the samin to the man, that he is in seruice with, and wald attache him to the Law for the samin: This man, that this theif or reifar is in seruice with, or findis him with him, or vnder his obeysance, salbe haldin and oblist, to produce and bring him to the Law befoir the Iustice, Schireffis, or ony vthers that hes cognitioun to do Iustice vpone sic persounis cōmittaris of sic crymis at dayꝭ and placis affixit to thame to vnderly y samin: or els sall deliuer the said theif, or reuar to the cōplenar, to be brocht to the Law, and iustifeit, as said is. And gif his maister or sustenar of this theif or re­uar refusis to do the samin: he salbe haldin airt & partakar of his euill deidis, & salbe accusit thairfoir, as the principall theif or reifar, and als sall restoir, and satisfie to the cōplenar the gudis reft, or stollin fra him. [Page] And gif this cōplenar efter that he haue attachit this theif, or deliuerit him, as said is, wald concord with the said theif, and tak thiftbute and put him fra the Law, in that caice he sall vnderly the Law, and be ac­cusit thairfoir as principall theif or reuar. And gif he attachis and ac­cusis him of the said thift or reif, and beis fundin innocent thairof, The said complenar salbe haldin and oblist to gif to the said man, that he sclandaris innocentlie. x. pund for amendis of the said sclander.

IN PARLIAMENTO TEN­TO APVD EDINBVRGH VICESIMO QVARTO die Mensis Iulij Anno Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo vicesimo secundo.
Anent the waird, releif, and mariage of the airis of thame that deis in the dist mouit contrare Inglismen or the tratouris of the Realme. Ca. iij.

THE quhilk day my Lord Gouernour with auise of the thre Estatꝭ of the Realme, hes statute & ordanit in this present Parliamēt, That gif ony man be slane, or hurt to deid in Dist or army aganis our auld Inimeis of Ingland, or tratouris of Scotland, in persewing or defending now in tyme of weir mouit, or to be mouit betuix this Realme, and the Realme of Ingland: In that caise, the airis of thame, that ar slane sall haue the waird, releifis, and mariageis of the Kingis grace and my Lord Gouernour fre, dispē ­sand with thair age quhat eild, that euer thay be of: To be applyit to the vtilitie of the wyfis, airis, and barnis of thame, that ar slane, for the vphald and sustentatioun of the saidis wyfis, airis and barnis: Swa that throw the deceis of thair husbandis thay remane not allutterlie in pouertie and desolatioun. And in lykewyse, all the Lordis spirituall and temporall hes consentit and consentis, that all persounis, that haldꝭ landis of thame, that beis slane, or hurt to deid, as said is, sall haue & bruke the priuilege of the act. And alswa all vassallis, and subuassallis, that haldis landis of Barronis, or vther thair ouer Lordis, and happin­nis to be slane or hurt to the deid in the said Dist or armie thair wyfis, airis and barnis to bruke the effect and priuilege of the said act, as is befoir writtin. And that letters be direct thairupone in dew forme, as effeiris.

Anent the takkis and steidingis of thame that ar slane, as said is. Ca. iiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the haill thre Estatis of Parliament, that quhatsumeuer tennent, gentilmā vnlandit, or ȝeman hauād takkis or steidingis of ony Lordis of Lairdꝭ, spirituall or temporall, that happinnis to be slane be Inglismen in our [Page cxiii] Souerane Lordis army or seruice, or gettis deidis woundis in the sa­min, The wyfis and barnis of thame, that sall happin to be slane, or woundit to the deid, as said is, sall bruke thair takkis, malingis, or ste­dingis for thair sustentatioun, during the space of fyue ȝeiris nixt efter the slauchter or wounding to deid of the saidis tennentis gressoume fre: Payand allanerlie, bot mailis, dewteis, and seruice aucht and wont.

IN PARLIAMENTO EXCELLENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI DO. Jacobi Quinti Dei gratia Scotorum Regis metuendissimi tento apud Edin­burgh decimoseptimo die Mensis Maij An. Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo tricesimo secundo per eundem tribus Regni statibus praesentibus.
Of the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. v.

THE quhilk day our Souerane Lord in this present Parliamēt, the thre Estatis of the Realme being gadderit, exponit: Sen he and his Nobill Progenitouris Kingis of Scotland and liegis of the samin, hes bene first, or at the leist with the first, that euer acceptit the Cristin faith, and bene maist obedient sonnis to our halie fathers the Papis of Rome, and the autori­tie Apostolic, without ony maner of smot, violatioun, or defectioun: And our halie fathers the Papis of Rome, hes bene verray gratious & beneuolent to his hienes and Realme, with all maner of priuilegeis & beneficis, and maist of all Pape CLEMENT now Pape of Rome, hes bene mair gratious and beneuolent to his grace, than to all his foirbearis: ¶ Quhairfoir to schaw him thankfull and obedient sone to his halynes and the Kirk of Rome, It is deuisit, statute, and ordanit with auise and consent of the thre Estatis of Parliament, That he sall keip, obserue, mantene, & defend the autoritie, libertie, and fredome of the sate of Rome and halie Kirk, and sall neuer mak, nor statute ony actis, cōstitutiounꝭ, do, attempt, nor suffer to be done, nor attemptit ony thing in contrare thairof: And gif in tymes past ony thingis hes bene done, or in tymes cumming ony thing sall happin to be done in con­trare the autoritie, fredome, and libertie of halie Kirk, annullis, and de­cernis the samin now as than, and than as now of nane auale, force, nor effect: And that nane of our Souerane Lordis liegis be bund or oblist to obey the samin: Saifand alwayis the actis fundit vpone our halie father the Papis priuilegeis, or thame, that hes bene lang in loua­bill [Page] vse keipit and obseruit in our Souerane Lord, that now is, and his maist Nobill progenitouris tymes.

The institutioun of the College of Iustice. Ca. vi.

ITEM Anent the secund article concerning the ordour of Iustice, Because our Souerane Lord is maist desy­rous to haue ane permanent ordour of Iustice, for the vniuersall weill of all his liegis: And thairfoir tendis to institute ane College of cun­ning and wyse men, baith of spirituall and temporall estate, for doing and administratioun of Iustice in all ciuile actiounis: And thairfoir thinkis to be chosin certane persounis, maist conuenient, and qualifeit thairfoir, to the number of. xiiij. persounis, half spirituall, half tēporall with ane president, The quhilkis persounis salbe autorizat in this pre­sent Parliament, to sit and decyde vpone all actiounis ciuile, and nane vthers to haue voit with thame, the place quhairto sit in, & of the fe­riate ty­mes. vnto the tyme the said college may be institute at mair lasar: And thir persounis to begin, and sit in Edin­burgh, on the morne efter Trinitie Sonday, quhill Lambnes: And thairefter to haue vacance, quhill the. xix. day of October nixt thairef­ter, and than to begin and sit, quhill Sanct Thomas euin afoir Ȝule, and thairefter to begin vpone the morne efter Epiphanie day, and sit quhill Palme Sonday euin, and thairefter to begin vpone the morne efter Dominica in albis, The Lordis to be sworne. and sit quhill Lambnes: And thir persounis to be sworne to minister Iustice equallie to all persounis, in sic causis, as sall happin to cum befoir thame, with sic vther reulis, & statutis, as sall pleis the Kingis grace to mak, and gif to thame, for ordouring of the samin: The au­thorising in Parliament. ¶ The thre Estatis of this present Parliament thinkis this article weill consauit, and thairfoir the Kingis grace, with auise and consent of the saidis thre Estatis, ordanis the samin to haue effect in all punctis: And now, ratifeis, and confirmis the same, and hes chosin thir persounis vnder writtin to the effect foirsaid. Quhais processis, sentencis, and decreitis sall haue the samin strenth, force, and effect, as the decreit of the Lordis of Sessioun had in all tymis bygane: The au­thoritie of the Chan­cellar & Lordis. Prouy­ding alwayis, that my Lord Chācellar being presēt in this towne, or ony vther place he sal haue woit, & be principall of the said coūsall. And siclyke vther Lordis, as sall pleis the Kingis grace to inione to thame of his greit counsall, to haue voit siclyke to the number of thre or foure. That is to say, the Abbot of Cābuskinneth President, Maister Richard Bothuile, The ua­nus of the Lor­dis of the [...]ate. Schir Iohne Dingwall, Maister Henrie Quhite, Maister Robert Schanwell Vicar of Kirkcaldie, Maister Williame Gibsone, Maister Thomas Hay, Maister Arthoure Boyce, the Laird of Bal­werie, Schir Iohne Campbell, Maister Adame Otterburne, Iames Coluile of eist Wemis, the Iustice Clerk, Maister Francis Bothuile, [Page Lxiiii] Maister Iames Lawsone. And thir Lordis to subscriue all deliueran­cis, and nane vthers, efter thay begin to sit, and minister Iustice.

The Chancellar and president to ressaif the aithis of the Lordis absent.

ITEM The said day the Kingis grace hes committit his powar to my Lord Chancellar and Abbot of Cam­buskinneth President, coniunctlie and seuerallie, to ressaif the aithis of thame, that ar absent, chosin and namit to be of this Sessioun, and in thair absence the aithis of ony vther, quhome his grace will name thairto, gif the saidis persounis chosin cummis not betuix this, and Setterday nixt tocum. And in absence of my Lord of Cambuskin­neth President, the Kingis grace hes chosin the Abbot of Kinlos to minister thairin, quhill his returning.

The Chancellar, President, and Lordis of the Sessioun to mak the ordour, how it salbe proccidit in thair Sessioun.

ITEM His grace hes geuin command to the Chancellar, President, and Lordis of the Sessioun, to auise, counsall, and conclude vpone sic reulis, statutis and ordinancis, as sall be thocht be thame expedient to be obseruit and keipit in thair maner and ordour of proceiding at all tymes. And as thay deuise conforme to ressoun, equitie, and Iustice, his grace sall ratifie, and appreif the samin. And ordanis the saidis Lordis of Sessioun to keip all thir viij. dayis cummand in auising and making of thair reulis and institu­tis for the ordour of Iustice: And efter the forme of the samin, to be­gin and call maters on monounday nixt tocum. And in the meintyme to deliuer billis, and call priuilegeit Summoundis, as thay think ex­pedient.

The diuisioun of the Realme quarterlie.

IN the first it is deuisit and ordanit, that the Lordis of the Sessioun sall begin, quhair thay left last in calling of the Tabill. And that the priuilegeit Sū ­moundis of euerie quarter salbe tabulat with the vnpriuilegeit Summoundis of that quarter: And all to be callit and haue proces baith vpone priuile­geit and vnpriuilegeit, quhill that diet or quarter be endit. And to begin quarter, efter quarter, as followis: And thir Schiris to be in the first quarter, that is to say, Forfar, Kincardin, A­birdene, Banffe, Elgin, Fores, Narne, Innernes, & Crummartie. The secund quarter, Edinburgh, Linlithquho, Selkrik, Rokisburgh Peblis, Berwyk, & Hadingtoun. The thrid quarter, Striuiling, Air, Renfrow, [Page] Lanark, Wigtoun, Drumfreis, Kirkcudbricht, and Annerdale. The scird quarter, Fyfe, Perth, Clakmaunan, Kinros, Dounbertane, Ergyle and Bute.

¶ That all Summoundis priuilegeit be callit on monounday oulklie quhilk followis, and horning all tymes.

ITEM It is deuisit and ordanit, that thir Summoundis vnder writtin salbe priuilegeit, and to be callit by the ordour of the diettis, that is to say: Recent spulȝeis, calling of let­ters, redeming of landis, actis of adiuruals, superiouris to heir thame decernit to tyne thair superioriteis, reductioun of mordinat processis, that is to say, retreiting of Rolmentis of courtis led befoir Schireffis, Barronis, Baillies, retreting of decreitis, and transfering of decreitis. And thir to be callit be thame self, and to be callit oulklie vpone mo­nounday. And gif monounday beis halie day, to haue proces on the nixt day thairefter. And all thir to be callit, except letters, that concer­nis horning, quhilkis sall haue proces at all tymes, as thay cum.

That all the commoun maters be callit on all the dayis of the oulk, except Fryday for the Kingis maters, and strangearis, and the Quenis maters.

ITEM All vther maters to be callit be the ordour of the Tabill vpone all the dayis of the oulk, except Fry­day, quhilk is assignit for the Kingis maters, and the maters of stran­gearis. And gif the Kingis grace nor strangearis hes na maters a do vpone Fryday, than the commoun Tabill to haue proces, and siclyke the Quenis maters. And it salbe na exceptioun to allege, that the said Fryday is ordanit for the Kingis maters.

That all continuatiounis be callit at the dayis assignit thairto.

ITEM That all continuatiounis of proces befoir the Lordꝭ, quhair actis ar passit, be callit at the dayis assignit thairto, for expeditioun of witnes and eschewing of expensis.

Anentis deliuerance of cognitioun to Schireffis.

ITEM It is deuisit and ordanit fra thine furth, That it be eikit in all deliuerāce direct to Schireffis, or vthers Iugeis Ordinaris, that thay admit to the parteis thair lauchfull defē ­sis, and to minister Iustice equallie to baith the saidis parteis.

The counsalhous to be reparrellit.

[Page Lxv] ITEM That saitis be honestlie maid & couerit with grene claith flokkit on the Kingis, expensis, quhair the Lordis sall he, and salbe maid ane buird, quadrangular, or round, about the quhilk thair may sit. xviij▪ persounis esilie. And that thair be maid sate vpone sate, and ane bell to be hung to call in Massaris, or parteis, as the Lordis requyris.

That all the Lordis enter in the Tolbuith at. viij. houris.

ITEM That all the Lordis sall enter in the Tolbuith and counsalhous at. viij. houris in the morning daylie, and sall sit, quhill. xj. houris be strikin.

¶ That the counsalhous be ischeit efter the entrie of the Lordis.

ITEM Alsone as the Lordis be enterit in the Tolbuith, that ane Massar ische the counsalhous, and him self sall stand at the dure, and lat na man enter. And gif ony Lord, or vther man cummis to the dure, and desyris entres, that he aduerteis the Lordis thairof. And gif thay haue ony mater thay will propone, that silence he had, quhill thay haue done, and than to remoue.

¶ That na man pley bot parteis and thair procuratouris.

ITEM That na man enter to pley bot parteis contenit in thair Summoundis, and thair procuratouris, gif thay will ony haue.

That billis be first red and continuatiounis, and syne the Tabill.

ITEM Incontinent efter the Lordis be enterit, and sittin downe, and all the hous be ischeit, that all billis be first red and exped. And gif thair be ony actis of continuatioun of pro­ces begun, that the samin be nixt callit. And fra thine the Lordis beginnis to call ony mater, or act of continuatioū, that na bill be ressaifit nor red. And fra tyme, that ony Summoundis be callit be the Tabill, that na actis of continuatioun, be callit for that day. And that all parteis or thair procuratouris deliuer to the Chancellar, or President thair billis, actis, & letters of continuatioun, or thay enter in the Tolbuith, or incontinent thairefter at the charge, or warning of ane Massar.

¶ For examinatioun of witnes.

ITEM That oulklie thair be depute thre of the Lordꝭ of the sate in thair towre, that is to say, the first oulk twa spirituall and ane temporall, and thairefter twa temporall and ane spirituall: And swa furth oulklie, as thay ar put in bill and ordour to [Page] examin all witnes. The quhilkis Lordis sall conuene euerie day, as neid requyris, in the counsalhous at twa efter none with the Clerk of the counsall, or ane of his Clerkis or wrytaris sworne and admittit be the Lordis, and sall remane, quhill foure houris in the examinatioun of witnes, or schortar, or la [...]gar, as neid beis. And all the parteis or thair procuratouris be warnit to bring thair witnes at the saidis houris.

That all maters be callit be the ordour of the Tabill.

ITEM That na mater be callit bot be the Tabill, conforme to the statute aboue writtin maid and deuisit thairu­pone.

That silence be had in the counsalhous.

ITEM That the Lordis be and sittin downe, and billis be­gun to be red, that silence be had amangis the Lordꝭ: And that na man commoun, or speik of ony mater, or round with his marrow, bot as he salbe requyrit, and speirit at be the Chancellar or President. And as thay command ony twa Lordis of the sate to ar­gune, or dispute ony mater, that nane vther interrupt thame, quhill thay haue done. And than the Chancellar, or President to requyre ony vther to argune the mater. And quhen thay haue done, gif thair be ony vther of the Lordis, that hes ony opinion, or argument to mak, that thay ask leif fra the Chancellar or President, and than to argune, as thay think expedient.

Of the geuing of voitis and ordour thairof.

ITEM All argumentis and disputatiounis beand maid and the Lordis haldand silence, my Lord Chancellar or President, sall ask, or requyre euerie Lordis voit in that mater, as thay ar in the ordour be the actis and bukis of counsall: Quhais namis the Clerk of counsall sall reid and nem. And swa ordourlie the Chancel­lar or President to ask euerie Lordis voit: And that nane argune ane vther in the geuing thairof.

¶ That ten Lordis sall remane with the President.

ITEM In auising and geuing of all sentencis and decreitis, thair be ten Lordꝭ at the leist with the Chancellar or President. And that nane of the Lordis chosin and admittit depart, or byde away without licence askit & obtenit fra the Chancellar or Pre­sident in presence of the haill counsall for ressonabill causis. And that thay returne agane at the day affixit to thame. ¶ Item that all pub­licatiounis of witnes, and vthers attestatiounis, and examinatioun [Page Lxvi] of proces be maid befoir the haill auditour.

Executioun of sentence to be maid be Heraldis, Purseuantis, and Massaris.

ITEM That all sentencis and decreitis of the Lordis be exe­cute in tymes cūming be the Schiref of the Schire, or his Deputis, quhair the parteis dwellis, aganis quhome the saidis decreitis ar geuin, or sall happin to be geuin: Or els be Heraldis, Pur­seuantis, or Massaris. And that nane tak mair for the executioun of thair office, bot efter the forme of the act of Parliament, bot gif it be of beneuolence of the partie, vnder the pane of depriuatioun of thair office. And that thay deny not to do thair office, vnder the pane foirsaid, als­weill to pure, as ryche.

Of the Clerkis of the Signet.

ITEM That all Clerkis of the Signet be sworne to exerce thair officis lauchfullie and diligentlie. And nane of thame sall reueill nor mak manifest to ony man, quhat thay wryte or dois for ane vther, bot sall keip all clois and secreit.

Anent payment for billis of complaint and Kingis letters.

ITEM That na Clerk of the Signet tak mair for the wry­ting of ane bill bot .viij. d. And for the wryting of ane letter vpon ane decreit of the Lordꝭ & deliuerance bot .xx. d. nor for nane vther letter mair, than was vsit in our Souerane Lordis tyme, quha last deceissit, quhome God assolȝie, vnder the pane of tinsall of his office.

Anent the deliuering of billis.

ITEM That na Clerk of the Signet enter in the counsall hous for deliuering of ony billis, bot that the deliue­rance be writtin be ane writar of the counsall. And to prouyde, that nane frustrate ane vther of his laubouris and proffeit, That euerilk Clerk of the Signet, that wrytis ony billis mark the samin with his awin name in the bill writtin within, and the samin salbe deliuerit to him agane, or the partie, quhilk of thame cummis to ask the said bill, thay payand to the wrytar of the deliuerance foure pennyis.

That Massaris keip counsall.

ITEM That all Massaris be sworne to exerce thair office faithfullie and diligentlie, and thay sall reueill na­thing, that thay sall happin to heir commonit amangis the Lordis, vn­der the pane of depriuatioun and infamitie.

Quhat massaris sall tak for thair laubouris.

ITEM That na Massaris tak mair fra ony partie, that hap­pinnis to obtene ane decreit in the Sessioun bot ij. s. bot gif the parteis gifis mair of thair awin beneuolence, vnder the pane foirsaid.

The number of Aduocatis and thair namis.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that thair be ane number of Aduocatis and procuratouris chosin, and to be chosin to the number of ten persounis, that salbe callit generall procu­ratouris of the counsall, of best name, knawlege, and experience ad­mittit to procure in all actiounis, of quhome the namis followis, That is to say, Maister Robert Galbraith, Maister Robert Leslie, Maister Henrie Spittale, Maister Iohne Lethame, Maister Henrie Lawder, Maister Thomas Kincragy, Maister Thomas Marioribankis, Mai­ster Willilame Iohnstoun. And gif ony vthers cunning men will de­syre to be admittit to the office of aduocatioun and procuratioun, thay salbe ressaifit with aduise of the saidis Lordis for completing of the said number. And that thir procuratouris foursaidis procure for euerie man for thair waigeis, bot gif thay haue ressonabill excuse.

Aduocatis to be sworne.

ITEM That all the saidis Aduocatis and procuratouris cho­sin, or to be chosin and admittit, salbe sworne to ex­erce faithfullie and diligentlie the office of aduocatioun and procurati­oun.

That all Aduocatis pas furth of the counsalhous quhen the Lordis passis to disputatioun.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all Aduocatis and procuratouris sall enter in the counsalhous at the calling of all Summoundis and actis, and remane quhill the parteis haue argunit and dispute thair maters at the bar, and than to remoue quhē the parteis ar remouit, and than to enter agane at the geuing and pro­nuntiatioun of interloquutoris, quhen the parteis enteris.

Anent exceptiounis dilatouris.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit anent proces and formalitie to be keipit be aduocatis in pleying befoir the Lordꝭ, that ane dilatour exceptioun being proponit, and repellit be ane inter­loquutor of the Lordis, that the Aduocatis, procuratouris, or parteis be thair selfis sall propone all the laif of thair dilatouris at anis. And that nane Aduocat nor procuratour within the bar stand to pley, bot pas [Page cxvii] outwith with the partie, except the Kingis Aduocat.

The Kingis gude mynde anent the Lordis of the Sessioun.

FOrsamekill as we for the greit affectioun, that we haue for Iustice to be done, and equalie ministrat to all our liegis, hes in our last Parliament chosin ane certane of persounis spirituall and temporall, to be vpone our daylie Sessioun, and to minister Iu­stice equalie amang all our liegis, as said is, efter thair conscience and vnderstanding: Iuramen tum. And all the saidis persounis ar sworne to do the samin. And als at our command thay haue maid certane statutis and reulis to be obseruit, Statuta. and keipit be thame self and vthers in thair doingis, and proceiding for Iustice in all tymes. The quhilkis statutis and reulis we haue subscriuit with our hand. Appro­bata. ¶ Heirfoir we of our awin fre motiue and proper will, ratifeis and appreuis be thir presentis all and sindrie the saidis statutis maid be our saidis Lordis of Sessioun in euerie punct. The Kingis promitt not to cū in the cō ­trare. Attour we promit to the saidis Lordis, That we sall not be ony priuat wryting charge or cō ­mand at the instance of ony persoun, or desyre thame to do vtherwayis in ony mater that sall cum befoir thame, bot as Iustice requyris: Or to do ony thing, that may brek statutis maid be thame at our cōmand and doing of Iustice. Als we sall authorize, mantene, and defend all the saidis Lordis, Protectioun for the Lor­dis of the sate. thair persounis, landis, and gudis fra all harme, wrang, hurt, and iniurie to be done to thame be ony maner of persoun. And quha, that dois in the contrare sal be punist with all rigour.

¶ And because the saidis Lordis chosin vpone our Sessioun presentis our persoun and beiris our authoritie in the doing of Iustice, Na sini­ster informatioun to be hard a­gane the Lordis vncallit. We sall haue thame baith spirituall and temporall in speciall honour and man­tenance. And we sall gif na credence to ony man, that will murmure thame or ony of thame, be doing of wrang, or inhonestie. Bot thay sall be callit befoir vs, and gif thay be fundin culpabill, to be punist thair­foir efter the qualitie of the fault and demerite: And gif thay be fun­din clene and innocent, the persoun complening salbe punist with all rigour, and neuer to haue credite with vs agane. ¶ Attour because the saidis persounis man await daylie vpone our said Sessioun, The Lordis fre of all taxis and beiring of of­ficis. except at feriat tymes, & sould be thairfoir priuilegeit aboue vthers: ¶ Heir­foir we haue exemit, and be the tennour heirof exemis thame, and eue­rie ane of thame baith spirituall and temporall, fra all paying of tartis, contributiounis, and vther extraordinar chargeis to be vpli [...]tit in ony tymes cumming, and fra the beiring of ony office or charge within Burgh or outwith, bot gif it be thair awin fre will and consent.

Item we grant to our saidis Lordis of Sessioun, that gif ony per­sounis [Page] or persoun dishonouris and lychtlyis thame, or ony ane of thame in ony maner of way: The pu­nitioū of the per­sounis, that faultis to the Lordis. That thay command and charge, and put that persoun or persounis in waird in our Castell of Edinburgh, or ony v­ther our Castellis thay pleis, to remane, quhill thay haue maid satisfac­tioun for the fault at the said Lordis considderatioun gif the fault be small and iniurious. And gif it be greit, quhill thay aduerteis vs thair­of, that we may gar the famin be amendit, and punisment maid thair­foir, as effeiris.

The Subscriptioun.

AND this our ratificatioun and approbatioun, pro­mit and grant of all thir premissis We haue sub­scriuit with our hand, And ordanis the samin to be put in the bukis of our counsall, togidder with the statutis maid be our saidis Lordis of Sessioun. Subscriuit in lykewyse with our hand at our Ca­stell of Striuiling the tent day of Iunij. And of our Regne the nynetene ȝeir.

¶ Emendata & Descripta, vt est suprà dictum.
TRALATITIVM. ¶ Legis obseruatio Regni conseruatio est. ¶ Moribus antiquis stat res Albana viris (que). ¶ ALIVD. ¶ Tu regere imperio populos STEVARTE memento, ¶ Ordinis imper [...]que vetus sublime (que) nomen. ED. HENRYSONE▪

THE ACTIS AND CONSTI­TVTIOVNIS MAID BE THE RYCHT HIE AND mychtie Prince IAMES the fyft King of Scottis, in his Parliament begunnin and haldin, At Edinburgh the. VII. day of Iunij. THE ȝeir of God M. D. and. XXXV. ȝeiris.
The libertie and fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. vij.

AND first, it is statute and ordanit, that the fredome of halie Kirk, the Immuniteis and priuilegeis of the samin, be obseruit, keipit, and defendit be our So­uerane Lord, with all liberteis in honour and wor­schip thairof, siclyke and als frelie, as thay haue bene in tymes of his maist Nobil progenitouris Kingis of Scotland, and the brekaris, and offendaris thairof to be punist with all rigour.

For the eschewing of heresie within this Realme, and the panis thairof. Ca. viij▪

ITEM Our Souerane Lord, ratifeis and appreuis the sta­tute maid of befoir be his hienes, in his Parliamēt, haldin at Edinburgh the. xvij. day of Iulij. The ȝeir of God ane thou­sand fyue hundreth xxv. ȝeiris. Aganis thame that haldis, disputis or reheirsis the damnabill opinionis of the greit heretike Luther, his discipulis & followaris, or of ony vther heresie with new additioun, of the quhilk act & additioun, the tenour followis. And our said Souerane Lord, for the zele and lufe his hienes beiris to the Cristin faith and the halie Kirk ordanis and statutis the said act of new.

ITEM IT IS Statute and ordanit, that forsame kill, as the damp­nabill opinionis of heresie ar spred in diuers countreis be the heretike Luther, & his discipulis: And this Realme and liegis thairof, hes fermly persistit in the halie faith, sen the samin was first ressaifit be thame, and neuer as ȝit admittit ony opinionis contrare the Cristin faith, bot euer hes bene clene of all sic filth and vice: ¶ Thairfoir that na maner of persoun, strangear, that happinnis to arriue with thair Schip within ony part of this Realme, bring with thame ony bukis or warkis of the said Luther, his discipulis or seruandis, dispute or reheirs his heresyis or opinionis, bot gif it be to the confusioun thairof, and that be Clerkis in the sculis allanerlie, vnder the pane of escheiting of thair Schippꝭ and gudis and putting of thair persounis in presoun. And that this act be publist & proclamit out throuch this Realme at all portis and Burrowꝭ of the samin, swa that thay may allege na Ignorance thairof. And that [Page] all vther the Kingis liegis assistaris to sic opinionis, be punist in sembla [...]ll wyse. And that nane of thame haue, vse, keip or conceill ony [...] of the saidis heretikis or contenand thair doctrine and opinionis, bot that thay deliuer the samin to thair Ordinaris within. x [...] dayis, vnder the panis foirsaidis. And the effect of the said act to strike vpon thame. And letters to be direct to mak publicatioun heirof in forme, as effeiris.

Aganis thame that sustenis the proces of cursing aboue the space of. xl. dayis. Ca. ix.

ALswa, because the damnabill perswasiounis of heretikis and thair peruerst doctrine, geuis occasioun to lychtlie the proces of cursing, and vthers censuris of halie Kirk: For remeid heirof, Our Souerane Lord in this present Parliament, hes ratife it and appreuit, and of the new makis, constitutis, & orda­nis the act maid of befoir be his grace, with the auise of the thre Estatis of his Realme in his foirsaid Parliament, aganis thame that sust enꝭ contempnandlie the proces of cursing with new ad­dirioun thairto, of the quhilk act and additioun the tennour followis. ¶ ITEM IT IS statute and ordanit, that because mony and diuers the Kingis liegis of this Realme, lyis vnder the horribill sentence of cursing, separate fra the suffrage and prayar of the Kirk, and merite of the blude of Christ to the dampnatioun of thair saulis, euill exemple, pxrell and danger of the vther gude subditis of the Realme: ¶ Thairfoir quhen ony of our Souerane Lordis liegis, sustenis dampnablie the said horribill sentence of cursing, for the space of. xl. day is, quhairupon Captioun aucht to be geuin be the Law, The partie at quhais instāce the persounis ar cursit, sall haue our Souerane Lordis letters, to poynd, apprise, and distrenȝie thair gudis mouabill and vnmouabill, for payment of the soumes, for quhilkis thay lay vnder the said sentēce, and gif the saidis persounis lyis vnder cursing be the said space, for non doing or fulfilling of ony act or deid, In that caice the persounis, thair creditouris sall haue letters in the first, secund, thrid, and feird formes, according to the Ordinaris letters of cursing. And this act alwayis to be na preiudice to thame, that lykis to tak Captionis. And albeit ane persoun may be vnder appellatioun, that may stop the geuing of sic letters in maner aboue wri [...]tin: It is declairit and ordanit, that na appellatioun fra sentence of desertioun of appellatiounis befoir interpo­ponit, sall stop the geuing of sic letters.

For planting of woddis, forestis and orchartis. Ca. x.

ITEM For policie to be had within the Realme, in planting of woddis, making of hedgeis, orchartis, ȝairdis, and [Page cxix] sawing of brome: ¶ It is statute and ordanit be the Kingis grace and his thre Estatis of Parliament, that the actis maid thairupone of be­foir be King Iames the secund, and vthers Our Souerane Lordis progenitouris, be obseruit, keipit, and put to scharp executioun in all punc­tis, with this additioun. That euerie man spirituall and tēporall with­in this Realme, hauand ane hundreth pund land of new extent be ȝeir, and may expend samekill, quhair thair is na woddis nor forestis, Plant wod and forest, and mak hedgeis, and hauing for him self, extending to thre akers of land, and aboue or vnder, as his heretage is mair or les, in placis maist conuenient, and that thay cause euerie tennent of thair landis that hes the samin in tak or assedatioū, To plant vpō thair onser ȝeirlie, for euerie merk land, ane tre: Ilk Laird of ane hūdreth pund lād, vnder the pane of. x. pund, and les or mair efter the rate and quātitie of thair landis. And that inquisitioū be maid ȝeirlie heirupon, as the Kingꝭ grace sall think maist expedient, and that euerie man begin and cause planting to be maid the nixt seasone heirefter following, vnder the pa­nis foirsaidis, to be rasit and inbrocht to the Kingis grace vse be the Schiref of the Schire, or quhome it plesis his grace to direct his com­missioun to in that part, and that cognitioun be tane ȝeirlie of the brek­aris of this statute, be euerie Schiref in his awin Schire, ȝeirlie at his heid court efter Pasche.

The panis of the destroyaris of woddis, and makaris of mureburne in forbodin tyme. Ca. xj.

ITEM For the punising of thame, that destroyis grene wod incontrare the tenour of the act aboue writtin: It is statute & ordanit for keiping of the samin, That all destroyaris of grene wod, be cutting, peling, birning or felling, and siclike of all new ha [...]in­gis, salbe accusit thairfoir conforme to the actis & statutis maid thair­upon of befoir, and the pane thairof salbe in tymes cūming, for the first tyme. x. pund. The secund tyme. xx. pund. And the thrid tyme deid. And siclyke the vnlaw of mureburne efter the moneth of Marche, incōtrare the auld actis and statutis, salbe in tymes cūming for the first tyme. v. pund. The secund tyme. x. pund. And the thrid tyme. xx. pund. And swa furth at ilk tyme als oft, as thay be fundin culpabill. xx. pund. And gif thay be not responsall in landis or gudis for the said vnlaw, thair per­sounis to be put in the Kingis grace presoun, to be punist for thair fault induring his grace will. And to be callit heirfoir at particular dietis, or generall Iustice Airis, as the Kingis grace sall think maist expediēt. And it sall not be lesum to the Thesauraris or compositouris in tymes cumming to compone or fyne with the brekaris of this act for les, than the pane and vnlaw contenit in the samin.

For keiping of forestis. Ca. xij.

[Page] ITEM For keiping of all forestis, woddis and parkꝭ within the Realme for wylde beistis & hunting: ¶ It is de­uisit, statute and ordanit, that all maner of persounis clamand thame to haue officis of forestrie in heritage, or takkis of the Kingis grace fore­stis, Salbe callit at sic day and place, as plesis the Kingis grace for pro­ductioun & schawing of thair rychtis and infeftmentis, be the quhilkis thay clame the saidis officis to pertene to thame, to be sene & considerit be the Lordis of counsall, and quhat claus thay contene, swa that gude reule and ordour may be put to thame, for keiping of the saidis forestis in tyme cūming, with certificatioun, that quhidder thay cōpeir or not, The Kingꝭ grace with auise of his Lordis, will dispone vpone the saidꝭ officis, & mak sic constitutiounis, as plesis his hicnes for the gude keip­ing of the samin, pasturing of wylde beistis & hunting thairintill in ty­mes cūming. ¶ And als ordanis letters to be direct, to command and charge all maner of perfounis clamand the saidis officis, to pertene to thame in heretage or takkꝭ, that thay lat na maner of gudis, nolt, scheip, hors, meiris, or vther cattell to be pasturit within the Kingis grace fo­restis, vnder the pane of tinsal of thair officis, and escheting of thair mo­uabill gudis. And gif ony maner of persoū be fundin putting thair gudꝭ in pasturing in the saidis forestis, That thay be takin and brocht to the Kingis grace presoun and thair gudis fundin in the saidis forestis to be escheit to the keiparis thairof, and inbrocht the twa part to the Kingis grace vse, and the thrid part to the keiparis of the saidis forestis. And gif thay be negligent & fundin culpabill, To be callit and punist thair­foir in thair persounis and gudis, and tinsall of thair officis. And gif thair be ony Barron or vther laudit man outher spirituall or temporall, that hes hauit woddꝭ or forestis of thair awin, It salbe leiffull to thame and the keiparis thairof, ro escheit all sic gudis, chat beis fundin in ma­ner foirsaid within thair forestis to thair vse.

For brekaris of dowcatis, cuningharis, parkis and stankis. Ca. xiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all thay that brekis dowcatis, cuningharis, parkis, stankis, and takis or steilis furth of the famin, dais, cuningis, dowis, pykis, fische, hyuis and beis, without speciall licence of the awnar thairof, Salbe callit & punist thairfoir, as for thift at particular diettis. And this act to extēd to thame, that ar art, part, or geuis assistance to sic misdoaris.

For brekaris of ȝairdis and orchardis. Ca. xiiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the actis maid of be­foir, aganis thame that brekis vther mēnis orchartis [Page cxx] and ȝairdis, be put to executioun in all punctis. And to be callit thair­foir at particular diettis.

Of slaying of hairis. Ca. xv.

ITEM It is ordanit, that the act maid of befoir, for slaying of hairis, be obseruit and keipit in all punctis.

The remeid for destructioun of housis, maner placis, woddis, forrestis, orchardis, ȝairdis, and hauing of landis fallin in waird. Ca. xvj.

ITEM Because, It is vnproffitabill & inutile, to mak lawis and statutis for policie to be had, without the samin be keipit: And because sic ordour and prouisioun, as is deuisit for policie, may failȝie be falling of landis in waird, or geuing of the samin in con­iunctfie or lyferent: ¶ Thairfoir the Kingis grace with auise of his thre Estatis Ordanis the act maid thairupon, be the maist excellent Prince, King Iames the feird his father of maist Nobill mynde, to be obseruit and keipit in all punctis, ratifeis and appreuis the samin. And that all Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies, and vther Officiaris, baith in Rega­litie & Rialtie, and siclyke spirituall mē within thair landis & to Burgh, put the samin to executioū in all punctis: (That is to say) All Officiarꝭ within the Rialtie & Lordis of Regaliteis vnder the pane, of refoūding to the heritouris of sic landis fallin in waird at thair perfite age, of all dānage & skaith, that thay sall happin to sustene throw thair negligēce (thay being requyrit thairto be the persounis, that is in waird or his freindis). And gif the wardatouris, Ladyis of cōiunctifie or lyferent of sic laudis, refusis to find souertie conforme to the said act (thay being requyrit thairto) be the Schiref, Baillie, Stewart, Prouest or Alder­man in Burgh, That the said Schiref and Officiaris, ilk man with­in his awin boundis, charge thame to find the said souertie conforme to the said act personallie, or be oppin proclamatioū at the heid Burgh of the Schire, quhair the saidis landis lyis within. xxj. dayis nixt efter thay be chargeit thairto, vnder the pane of wanting of the proffeit of all sic waird landis, coniunctifie and lyferentis, to be inbrocht to the Kingis vse, ay and quhill the said cautioun be sufficientlie fundin. And that the Lordis auditouris of the Checkar and Thesaurar for the tyme inquyre diligentlie in euerie Checkar at all Schireffis and vthers Of­ficiaris foirsaid, at the making of thair comptis, gif the said cautioun be sufficientlie fundin, and get certificatioun thairof.

Of reid fische, Smoltis and of slaying of Salmound in forbodin tyme. Ca. xvij.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord, ordanis the actis maid vpone thame that slayis reid fische, Smoltis & Salmound [Page] in forbodin tyme, and the panis cōtenit in the samin, to be put to scharp executioun with this aditioun followand (that is to say): It sall not be lesum to the Thesaurar and compositiouris in tymes cumming, to com­po [...]e or fyne in Iugement or out of Iugement with the brekaris of the saidis actis for les than the pane and vnlaw contenit in the samin. And that dictay be tane vpone all thame, that ar airt and part, causaris or resettaris of the slaying of the said reid fische, Smoltis and Salmoūd in forbodin tyme, siclyke as vpone the principall slayaris thairof. And be­cause the lang delay of Iustice Airis, geuis greit occasioun of the brek­ing of the saidis actis: ¶ Thairfoir the Kingis grace sall send ane cō ­missioun generallie with the Iustice Clerk, and sic vther persounis as sall pleis his grace to depute thairto, for halding of particulare diettis ȝeirlie in the placis quhair the said fische at slane, and ordanis all sic persounis to be arreistit to the first Air, to compeir vnder the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne, and gif thay compeir not, to put thame to the horne, and denunce thame our Souerane Lordis rebellis. And that sic ordour of arreisting of sic persounis be keipit, as it war in ane generall Iustice Air.

Of Cruuis and ȝaris. Ca. xviij.

ITEM That the act maid be our Souerane Lordis father, quhome God assolȝie, and vthers his progenitouris, anentis the halding of cruuis and fische ȝaris, be obseruit, keipit, and put to executioun in all punctis, with this additioū, That the resettaris and assistaris to sic persounis incur siclyke pane as the principalis. And that siclyke proces be had aganis thame, as is deuisit and statute aga­nis the slayaris of reid fi [...]che, Salmound and Smoltis.

Of Buschis for fisching. Ca. xix.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord Ordanis the act and statute maid of befoir for making of Buschis for fisching, to be obseruit, keipit and put to executioun in all punctis.

For hostillaris and trauellaris in the countrie. Ca. xx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the actis maid of be­foir be King Iames the first, and vthers our Soue­rane Lordis predecessouris be obseruit, keipit, and put to executioun in all punctis. And for eschewing of exhorbitant prices tane of the Kingis liegis trauelland throw the Realme, and of the prices of victuallis, flesche and fische: ¶ It is ordanit, that letters be direct to command and charge all Prouestis, Aldermen, Baillies and Officiaris of Bur­rowis, [Page cxxi] baith to Regalitie and Rialtie, and als Lordis and vthers Barronis that hes Burgh in Barronie, and hostillaris on thair landꝭ, That thay cause hostillaris baith to Burgh and to land, ilk man within him self, and boundis of his office: To haue honest chalmers and bedding for ressaifing of all passingearis and strangearis, passand and trauel­land throw the Realme, weill and honestlie acculterit, with gude and sufficient stabillis, with hek and mangeir, corne, hay, and stray for thair hors, flesche, fische, breid and aill, with vther furnessing for trauellouris, to be sauld vpone ane competent price, and siclyke stuffe, as is sauld cō ­mounlie in the cuntrie about, quhair sic hostillaris dwellis. And that thay set ȝeirlie pricis thairupone, as the said hostillaris may leif and su­stene thair ludgeingis, vnder the pane to be callit, and punist thairfoir at the Kingis grace will. And that dictay be tane heirupone, vpone the brekaris of this statute, to be callit at generall Iustice Airis, or vther particulare diettis, quhen the Kingis grace plesis.

Of studis and stude placis. Ca. xxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, for the commoun weill of the Realme, that all maner of persounis, hauand studis and stude placis within this Realme, mak the samin to be plenist, with stude meiris, and greit stallownis, for furnessing of hors to all maner persounis within the Realme.

That na man sell nolt nor scheip to Inglismen, nor s [...]ud victuallis, fische, nor salt in Ingland. Ca. xxij.

ITEM Because ane greit part of the Realme, and speciallie neir the Bordouris, hes bene thir mony ȝeiris bygane in our Souerane Lordis les age vnplenist, and ane greit part of the inland spulȝeit of thair gudis, and the samin had and sauld in Ingland be the theuis and tratouris, quhairthrow all maner stuffe hes growin to ane greit price and derth: And now our Souerane Lord putting or­dour of Iustice, rest and tranquillitie amangis his liegis, and that plentie of gudis may grow amangis thame: Hes ordanit and statute, with the auise of his thre Estatis in Parliament, that na maner of man in tyme cumming, sell nolt, scheip, or vther cattell auld nor ȝoung, to ony Inglismen be him self, or ony vther mediat persoun, nor haue or send the samin in Ingland to be sauld, And that na maner of man send into Ingland, victuallis, fische, or salt, vnder the pane of confiscatioun of all thair mouabill gudis. ¶ And that all wardanis, Prouestis, Baillies of Townis, and keiparis of portis and hauinis within the Realme, mak diligence, serche and seik the brekaris heirof, vnder the pane of tin­sall of thair officis, and presoning of thair persounis ȝeir and day indu­ring [Page] the Kingis grace will. And gif ony Inglisman will cum into this Realme with thair Schippis, to by victuallis, fische, or salt, the Kingis grace sall grant to thame his saif conduct to do the samin, gif his grace thinkis the samin expedient, and the said saif conduct being obtenit: It salbe les [...]m to all Merchandis, and vthers within the Realme to sell sic Merchandice to the saidis Inglismen for gold and siluer, or to ber­tour with vther gudis sufficient Merchandice.

Foirstallaris. Ca. xxiij.

ALswa, It is statute and ordanit, that na Foirstal­laris be fundin by and victuallis, fische, flesche, or v­ther stuffe or the samin be presentit to the mercat, nor ȝit into the mercat or the tyme of day statute & ordanit thairto, vnder the pane of presoning of thair persounis, and escheting of all sic gudis coft or arlit be thame, that is to say, the twa part to the Kingis grace, and the thrid part to the Schiref or Officiar of the Schire, Pro­uest, Baillies and Officiaris of the Burrowis, or to ony vther that fin­dis thame doing in the contrare heirof.

For the stanching of maisterfull beggaris with additioun. Ca. xxiiij.

ITEM For refraning of the multitude of maisterfull and strang beggaris: It is ordanit, that the act maid thairupone of befoir be King Iames the first, appreuit and ratifeit be vthers our Souerane Lordis predecessouris, be obseruit, keipit, and put to scharp executioun in all punctis, with this additioun: ¶ That na beggaris be tholit to beg in ane parochin, that ar borne in ane vther, and that the heidismen of ilk parochin, mak takinnis and gif to the beg­garis thairof, and that thay be sustenit within the boundis of that pa­rochin, and that nane vthers be seruit with almous within that paro­chin, bot thay that beiris that takin allanerlie, vnder the panis contenit in the said act, and that the Iustice Clerk mak inquisitioun and tak dic­tay heirupone at euerie Iustice Air. And als ordanis letters to be direct to command and charge the Prouest and Baillies of Edinburgh, and all vthers Prouestis, Baillies of Burrowis, Schireffis, and vthers Officiaris of the Kingis, to put this act to executioun in all punctis, & the samin to be publist at all placis neidfull, swa that nane sall pretend Ignorance or allege thay knew not the samin in tyme tocum.

The remeid for deliuering of thame that fleis to gyrth. Ca. xxv.

ITEM For the mair haistie expeditioun & punissing of thame, that committis slauchter vpone forthochtfellony, and [Page cxxii] sleis to gyrth conforme to the act of Parliament maid thairupone of be foir, quhilk oft tymes takis nane effect, throw pretence of excuse of the maisters thairof, spirituall men that will not deliuer the saidis trespas­souris to our Souerane Lordis Officiaris, conforme to the tenour of the said said act: ¶ Heirfoir it is statute and ordanit be the Kingis grace, with auise and consent of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that all maisteris of gyrthis within this Realme, sall mak sufficient respon­sall men Baillies or maisteris of gyrthis vnder thame dwelland at the saidis gyrthis or neir thairby, quha salbe haldin in all tymes cūming to deliuer all cōmittaris of slauchter vpone forthochtfellony, that sleis to gyrth, and vthers trespassouris, that brekis the samin, & may not bruke the priuilege thairof, conforme to the cōmoun Law and act of Parlia­ment foirsaid, to our Souerane Lordis Officiarꝭ, askand and desirand thame to vnderly the Law cōforme to the said act of Parliament. And gif the saidis Baillies failȝeis thairintill, to be rigorously punist for thair contemptioun in thair bodyis and gudis, at our Souerane Lordꝭ will. And that all maisters of gyrthis spirituall mē, send to the Iustice clerk, the namis of thair Baillies and maisteris of gyrthis depute, and to be depute be thame, that quhen ony sic crymes ar cōmittit and done, that letters may be direct to all Schireffis, Baillies, or Stewartis, within quhais boundis the saidis gyrthis ar, to charge the saidis Baillies or maisteris, to deliuer to thame the saidis trespassouris, conforme to the act of Parliament.

Priuilegeis of Burrowis. Ca. xxvj.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord, with auise and consent of his thre Estatis of Parliament, ratifeis and appreuis the actis maid of befoir, grantit to Merchandis within Burgh.

Anentis Merchandis, that sailis incontrare the actis maid of befoir. Ca. xxvij▪

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, be the Kingis grace & thre Estatis of Parliament, that the act and statute maid be vmquhile our Souerane Lord King Iames the thrid, And als rati­feit and appreuit, be vmquhile our Souerane Lord that last deceist of gude mynde quhome God assolȝie, Twiching Merchandis passand with thair Merchandice furth of the Realme, to France, Flanderis or, ony vther partꝭ: That na Merchand sail, without he haue ane half last of gudis of his awin, or els in gouernance as factour to vther Merchan­dis, Be put to executioun in all punctis in tyme tocum, efter the forme & tenour of the samin. And ratifeis and appreuis the said act and statute now in this present Parliament. And attour ordanis the Prouest or Baillies of Burrowis, situat at ilk port of the Realme, to serche and [Page] seik the persounis, brekaris of the saidis statutis. And that thay dis [...]rē ­ȝie ilk persoun brekar thairof, for the sou [...]e of. xx. pund, to be applyit on this wyse, that is to say, The ane half to our Souerane Lordis vse, & the vther half to the Prouest or Baillies for thair laubouris: And that thay mak compt thairof ȝeirlie in the Checkar. And gif the Prouest or Baillies be negligent in the exercing of thair officis and powar geuin to thame, Thay salbe oblist to pay the said pane of. xx. pund for euerie man, that passis and sailis in contrare the said act at that port, quhair thay haue iurisdictioun. And als it is ordanit, that na Schipper, mai­steris, awnar of Schippꝭ, ressaif ony Merchand to saill in thair Schip­pis, without thay haue the namis of thame in tikkettis, subscriuit be the saidis Prouest and Baillies handis, vnder the pane foirsaid for ilk persoun that thay ressaif in thair Schip, and that our Souerane Lordꝭ custumaris or ony vthers, that plesis accuse the saidis Prouest & Bail­lies gif thay be negligent in the premissis ȝeirlie at the Checkar. And letters to be direct heirupone in dew forme as effeiris. And als, that letters be writtin to the conseruatour of the natioun in Flanders, con­tenand the effect of this act, chargeing him, to send hame the namis of all Merchandis resortand thair in euerie Schip incontrare the tenour of the said act to the Thesaurar, vnder the pane of tinsall of his office.

That na Schip saill with stapill gudis fra Symonis day and Iude, quhril Candelmes. Ca. xxviij.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord ordanis, the act maid be King Iames the secund, be the quhilk it is ordanit, that na Schip be frauchtit out of the Realme with ony stapill gudis, fra the Feist of Symonis day and Iude, vnto the Feist of the purificatioun of our Lady callit Candelmes, be obseruit, keipit and put to executioū in all punctis, with this additioun: That the pane of thame, that cū ­mis incontrare heirof, salbe in tymes cumming. xx. pund, to be rasit of ilk persoun brekaris of the said act, Except it salbe leiffull, to send ony kynde of Merchandice furth of the Realme in the tyme foirsaid, in ony Schippis, that bringis in salt or wyne.

Of the chesing of Officiaris in Burgh, and bringing of the comptis of thair commoun gudis ȝeirlie in the Checkar. Ca. xxix.

ITEM Because all our Souerane Lordis Burrowis ar put to pouertie, waistit, and destroyit in thair gudis and policie, and almaist ruynous, throw fault of vsing of Merchandice, and that throw being of outlandis men, Prouest, Baillies, & Aldermen within Burgh for thair awin particulare weill in consuming of the commoun gudis of Burrowis, grantit to thame be our Souerane [Page cxxiii] Lord and his predecessouris Kingis of Scotland, for the vphald of ho­nestie and policie within Burgh: ¶ It is heirfoir statute and orda­nit, that na man in tyme cumming, be chosin Prouest, Baillies, or Al­derman into Burgh, bot thay that ar honest and substantius Burgessꝭ, Merchandis, and indwellaris of the said Burgh, vnder the pane of tinsall of thair fredome, quha dois in the contrare. And that na man dwelland within Burgh purches Lordschip out of Burgh in ony his actioun or querrell, to molest, troubill, or gif feir & dredour to his nycht­bour and partie, vnder the pane contenit in the actis and statutis maid thairupone of befoir. And that all Prouestis, Baillies and Aldermen of Burrowis, bring ȝeirlie to the Checkar at the day set for geuing of thair comptis, thair compt bukis of thair commoun gudis, to be sene and considderit be the Lordis auditouris, gif the samin be spendit for the commoun weill of the Burgh or not, vnder the panis foirsaidis. And that the saidis Prouest, Baillies, and Aldermen of euerie Burgh warne ȝeirlie .xv. dayis befoir thair cumming to the Checkar, all thay quha lykis to cum for examing of the saidis comptis, that thay may ar­gune and impung the samin, as thay plei [...], swa that all murmure may ceis in that behalf.

That na man troubill nor molest, Prouest Aldermen, Baillies, and Officiaris within Burgh. Ca. xxx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na man, Erle, Lord, Barro [...]e, or vther of quhatsumeuer degre about and adiacent nychtbouris to Burrowis, molest, troubill, nor inquiet the Prouest, Aldermen, Baillies and Officiaris of Burrowis and Merchandis thairof, in vsing of thair Francheis, liberteis, and priui­legeis grantit to thame be our Souerane Lord and his predecessouris Kingis of Scotland, and in contrare the actis and statutis maid thairupone, vnder the pane to be callit and accusit, as commoun op­pressouris of our Souerane Lordis liegis, at generall Iustice Airis, or priuat diettis and Iustice courtis, as salbe thocht expedient be the Kingis grace: And that the Iustice Clerk tak inquisitioun and dic­tay heirof, as effeiris.

That na man ryde, bot in sober maner. Ca. xxxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that because thair hes bene greit inconuenientis and troubill wrocht in the cun­trie, be greit persounis, throw conuocatioun of the Kingis liegis at courtis and gadderingis: ¶ That thairfoir, that na man tak v­pone hand, to ryde to sic courtis nor gadderingis with ma persounis, than thay may sustene in houshald daylie, except that it salbe leiffull to [Page] Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies, and vthers the Kingis Officiaris, to ryde with greitar number, for the executioun of Iustice, & furth beiring of the Kingis autoritie. And quha sa dois in the contrare, salbe callit thairfoir incontinent at our Souerane Lordis instance, to be punist thairfoir in his persoun and gudis, at his hienes will.

For malt makaris. Ca. xxxij.

ITEM Because our Souerane Lordꝭ liegis inhabitantis in the Burgh of Edinburgh, and vthers reparād thair­to, ar greitlie opprest and iniurit, be the mal makaris of Leith, and v­thers within and about the said Burgh, in selling of thair malt to hie & exhorbitant price, for foure, fyue, or sex schillingis hiear, than thay by the beir: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that the saidis malt mak­aris in tyme cumming, sall mak and sell thair malt for competent win­ning, takand twa schillingis allanerlie mair for the boll of malt, than the boll of beit is sauld, and not aboue, with certificatioun, that quha cummis in the contrare heirof, That the Pronest and Baillies of Edinburgh, sall escheit the said malt: And the said malt makaris takand mair, than twa schillingis for the boll aboue the boll of beir, quhilk sall mak the different price, salbe callit and punist thairfoir, as oppressouris of the Kingis liegis, and particular Iustice courtis salbe set to thame thairfoir. And our Souerane Lord sall gif commissioun to sic as plesis his grace best, to call all the said malt makaris, brekaris of this statute and act, befoir thame in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh, to do Iustice vpon thame, as thay think expedient: And to cause the said act and statute, to be obseruit, and keipit in all punctis.

Of craftismen, broustaris, fellacis of salt and victuall within Burgh. Ca. xxxiij.

ITEM Because the greit oppressioun daylie done vpon our Souerane Lordis liegis, be cordownaris, smythis, bartaris, browstatis, and all vther craftismen, sellaris of victuall and salt, compelland thame to pay for thair stuffe and warkmanschip exhorbitant pricis, to the greit skaith of al our Souerane Lordꝭ liegis, bring­and sic derth in the cuntrie, that the samin may not be sustenit, And for remeid heirof: It is statute & ordanit, that our Souerane Lord, sall gif ane cōmissioun to certane his Lordis & vthers, quhome his grace plesis best to sit, & with thame the Prouest of Edinburgh, and mak sic statutis and ordinance, as thay sall think maist expedient for the cōmoun weill, to cause all craftismen within the Towne of Edinburgh, and vthers of the Realme, to mak gude and sufficient stuffe, and sell the samin of ane competent price, and to tak competentlie for thair warkmanschip and [Page cxxiiii] laubouris, gif thay wirk ane vther mannis stuffe and mater. And to mak all sellaris of victuall or salt, to sell the samin of ane ga [...]and price without derth: And quha dois in the contrare, to punis thame with all rigour, & the saidis Cōmissarꝭ to do Iustice vpone the brekaris of thair ordinancis, als oft as thay heir murmure or complaint thairof, & to pu­nis thame in thair gudis, as thay find the greitnes of the fault, as effeirꝭ.

That na man saill into Flandaris, bot twyse in the ȝeir. Ca. xxxiiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, for the honestie of the Real­me, weill and proffeit of all our Souerane Lordis liegis, and speciallie his Burrowis and Merchandis of his Realme, that na Schip be frauchtit, nor Merchandis saill thairin with thair gudis and Merchandice furth of the Realme in Flanderis, bot twyse in the ȝeir, that is to say, to the Pasche mercat and Rude mercat, vnder the pane of ilk persoun cummand in the contrare heirof .xx. pund, to be rasit and inbrocht to the Kingis grace vse.

The declaratioun of the pley, betuix the Lairdis of Blairquhane and Gylestoun. Ca. xxxv.

THE quhilk day, in the mater referrit be the Lordis of Sessioun to the Lordis thre Estatis of Parliament, for interpretatioun of certane Lawis of the Realme, schawin and producit befoir the saidis Lordis of Sessioun, in ane actioun mouit befoir thame, and ȝit de­pendand be Iames Kennedy of Blairquhane, aganis Thomas Makclellane of Gylestoun, for the mailis & dewteis of the landis of Castelcruke and Killimanoch with the perti­nentis, lyand within the Schirefdome of Wigtoun, pertenand to the said Thomas in heretage, haldin of the said Iames immediatlie in cheif, and throw his being at the horne attour ȝeir and day, The mailꝭ and dewteis of the saidis landis be the Lawis of the Realme, pertenis & sould pertene to the said Iames for the said Thomas lyfetyme. And because the saidis Lawis war variant in thair selfis, and thairfoir war referrit to the interpretatioun of the Estatis of Parliament, gif the sa­min concernis simpill slauchter or not, and sould haue place in that ma­ter or not, as at mair lenth is contenit in the act maid thairupon, of the dait at Edinburgh the feird day of Marche, The ȝeir of God ane thou­sand fyue hundreth .xxxiiij▪ ȝeiris: Baith the saidis parteis bing personallie present with thair procuratiouris and foirspeikaris, the saidis lawis and vthers thair ressounis and allegatiounis being hard, sene and vn­derstand, the Lordis of articulis being rypelie anisit thairwith: Findis, that the vse in tymes bygane, hes bene, that the mailis and dewteis [Page] of the landis of thame that hes bene ȝeir and day at the horne haldin of vther superiouris than the Kingis grace, ȝeir and day being bypast, re­turnit agane to the superiouris of the said is landis for the lyftyme of thame, that sustenit sic proces of horning ȝeir & day, as saidis: Except crymes of treson and lese maiestie. And findis that the saidis Lawis, sould be sa interpreit and vsit in tymes cumming.

Anentis Iustice Airis, and particulare diettis for certane speciall crymes. Ca. xxxvj.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord, with auise of his thre Estatis of Parliamēt, ratifeis and appreuis the act and sta­tute maid of befoir in his hienes Parliament, haldin at Edinburgh, the tent day of Iulij. The ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth and .xxv ȝeiris, anentis the setting of Iustice Airis to the secund Air, as Air and court peremptour and vther punctis contenit in the samin, with correc­tioun and additioun, as efter followis. ¶ ITEM IT IS Statute and ordanit in this present Parliament, because the proces of Iustice Airis, is sa lang and prolixt; that in mony ȝeiris, parteis that ar hurt and greuit, gettis in Iustice, trespassis and crymes passis vnpunist, quhilk is occasioun of mony persounis to commit crymes, traisting na haistie punitioun nor correctioun: That thairfoir in tyme tocum the proces of Iustice Airis and Iustice courtis be peremptour at the secund Air or court, swa that fugitiuis not compeirand at the secund Air or court, sould be and salbe denuncit the Kingis rebellis and put to his horne, and all thair gudis his escheit. And als because mony persounis indictit to Iustice Airis, ar chargeit with souertie to Iustice courtis, vsis to absent thame and fle, and may absent thame and fle, swa that Crownaris can not apprehend thame personallie to arreist thame: In that caice in all tymes tocum, it sall suffice the Crownar to cum to the dwelling place of the persounis indietit, and thair mak thame warning and charge, that thay compeir in the Iustice Air than nixt to follow, to answer to sic accusatiounis of crymes, as salbe impute to thame, and thairefter vpone the nixt Sonday or Festuall day following the said charge, that the Crownar mak oppin and publique intimatioun of his warning charge and premunitioū maid to the saidis persounis be thair namis in thair paroche Kirkis, quhilkis chargeis, premunitiounis, and intimatiounis, sall stand to thame for sufficient arreistmentis, the Crow nar preuand the samin be his aith and ane witnes, as auld consuetude is. And in lykewyse the Kingis Officiaris mak and warning to priuat Iustice courtis of ony persounis for ony crymes not descruand rebelli­oun, in caice of non finding of souertie, that thay keip the samin ordour and proces, quhilk salbe haldin and repute for sufficient souertie fundin [Page cxxv] vnder the pane of Law, the actioun not beand for slauchter nor mutila­tioun. And ordanis the Iustice generall vpone ony maner of crymes, committit or to be committit, to set Iustice courtis particulair, quhen neid is, for punitioun of particulair faultis and crymes that occurris, sic as recent slauchter, mutilatioun, fyre, reuising of wemen. And as for depredatiounis, maisterfull reiffis, and spulȝeis, that particulair diettis be set thairfoir at the discretioun of the Lordis, the mater being first ciuilie decydit befoir thame. And because diuers persounis in tymes bygane hes rasit siclyke letters to particulair diettis, and hes absentit baith thame selfis and the letters, and hes not cum to persew thair ac­tiounis, and thairthrow hes abusit the Iustice, and brocht the cuntrie to greit expensis. For remeid heirof: ¶ It is ordanit, that in tymes cumming the keiparis of the Signet, sall answer na letters for calling of ony persounis and parteis, to sic particulair diettis, bot gif the samin be subscriuit with the Clerk writtar to the Signet, and Iustice Clerk and his Deputis. And that the Iustice Clerk or his Deputis, sall tak sicker souertie of the parteis purchessarꝭ of sic letters, that thay sall bring the samin agane to thame or the day set thairto, dewlie execute and in­dorsat, vnder the panis contenit in the letters, that the partie is callit vpone. And gif ony persounis be callit vpone mutilatioun, and the sa­min be fundin na mutilatioun, The partie persewar, sall content and pay the vnlaw of .x. pund, les or mair to the partie persewit, and expen­sis to the assise, at the discretioun of the Iustice and his assessouris. And gif ane partie callis ony multitude for slauchter, mutilatioun, or vther crymes at sic particular diettis, quhairby the innocentis, ar put to greit troubill, charge, and expensis, and it be fundin that the said multitude is innocent of the deid, the partie persewar, sall pay ane vnlaw of .x. pund, les or mair to the partie persewit, and expensis to the assise at the sycht and discretioun of the Iustice and his assessouris, as thay think cause. And gif the purchessaris of sic letters be not responsall in gudis for payment of the said expensis, thair persounis salbe put in presoun, and thair to remane, ȝeir and day, and further induring the Kingis grace will.

The additioun of the act of cursing. xxxvd.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for augmenting, strenthing and helping of the act maid vpone cursit folkis, and geuing of the Kingis letters thairupone, and to meit friuole appellati­ounis: That the Kingis letters sall haue place to poynd and distrenȝie. &c. Suppose it be dewlie appelit, ȝeir and day being bypast, the appel­land not bringand hame his commissioun within ȝeir and day, Cessante iusto impedimento. And the partie quhomefoir the Kingꝭ letters sall hap­pin to be geuin, findand sufficient cautioun befoir the Lordis of coun­sall, [Page] to refound the gudis and geir, that sall happin to be poyndit be vertew of the saidis letters, gif it sall happin the sentence quhairupone the saidis letters salbe geuin, to be retretit be the Iuge delegat, notwith­standing ony appellatioun thairfra, the partie appelland beand warnit and callit, to heir the souertie & cautioun tane. And that the partie appelland schawand befoir the saidis Lordis the sentence retractatour, let­ters be direct, to poynd the saidis souerteis thairfoir.

Declaratioun of Parliament, gif the Kingis grace hes actioun or not, aganis the airis of thame, that committis crymes of lese maiestie. Ca. xxxviij.

THE quhilk day, Maister Henrie Lauder Aduocat to our Souerane Lord, exponit in presence of the Kingis grace, and thre Estatis of Parliament, how that his grace had rasit Summoundis vpone the airis of vm­quhile Robert Leslie, to heir his name and memorie deleit and extinct for certane punctis and crymes of lese maiestie, cōmittit and done be him or his d [...]eceis, and thairfoir all his gudis mouabill and vnmouabill, pertening to him the tyme of the committing of the said cryme, and sensyne to be decernit to pertene to his grace. And because it is murmurit, that it is ane no­ueltie to rais summoundis and moue sic ane actioun aganis ane per­soun that is deid (howbeit the commoun Law directlie prouydis the samin) nottheles for stanching of sic murmure, and that his grace tendꝭ on na sort, to moue or do ony thing, bot that he may iustlie be the auise of the thre Estatis: ¶ Thairfoir desyrit the saidis thre Estatis to a­uise thairupone, and that his grace may haue the censement of Parlia­ment, quhither that he hes ane actioun to persew sic summoundis or not. The haill Estatis, spirituall, temporall, and Commissaris of Bur­rowis, all in ane voice but variance or discrepance, hes deliuerit and concludit, that his grace hes gude iust cause and actioun to persew the said summoundis, and all vthers siclyke summoundis of tresoun done and committit aganis his persoun and commoun weill, conforme to the commoun Law, gude equitie and reason: Notwithstanding thair is na speciall Law, act nor prouisioun of the Realme maid thairupone of befoir.

Ratificatioun and pronunciatioun of the actis of the last Parliament▪ Ca. xxxix.

ITEM The Kingis grace, with the auise and consent of the thre Estatis of Parliament, Forsamekill, as thair wes diuers statutis, constitutiounis, and actis maid in the last Parlia­ment, for the honour of God and halie Kirk, weill of our Souerane [Page cxxvi] Lord, zele of Iustice, and concerning the cōmoun weill of the Realme, and liegis thairof, quhilk remanit at that tyme vnpronuncit and auto­rizat be his grace and thre Estatis: ¶ Thairfoir hes deuisit, statute, and ordanit, that the saidis actis be now pronuncit in his hienes pre­sence and thre Estatis, swa that the samin may be keipit in tyme tocū, as Law in this Realme, with autoritie of the haill bodie of Parlia­ment, of the quhilkis statutis the tenouris ar precedent.

The Kingis grace reuocatioun. Ca. xl.

WE Iames be the grace of God King of Scottis, vn­derstandand cleirlie the priuilege of the commoun Law, actis and statutis of our Realme, prouidit and geuin to the successouris of all maner of perfounis, to reuoke, casse, and adnull all thingis done be thame in thair ȝoutheid and les age, quhairthrow thay ar greit lie and heuylie dampnageit and skaithit in thair here­tageis, be unprudent alienatiounis, donatiounis, and benditiounis of the samin. And that thay may at thair perfite age reuoke the samin, and all thingis done be thame preiudiciall in thair minoritie and les age. And thairfoir our predecessouris Kingis of Scotland at thair per­fite age of .xxv. ȝeiris past, hes in tymes bygane maid reuocatioun of all sic thingis that hes bene done be thame in hurt and detriment of thair Crowne, landis, rentis, and possessiounis pertening to the samin, and vther thingis quhairintill thay be circumuentioun war dampnageit and skaithit: maid thair reuocatioun, cassand and adnulland, all sic giftis, alienatiounis and donatiounis: ¶ Heirfoir we at our perfite age of .xxv. ȝeiris by runnin, beand for the tyme furth of our Realme in the partis of France, maid our generall reuocatioun schortlie at Row­ane, the thrid day of Aprile, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hun­dreth .xxxvij. ȝeiris, as at mair lenth is cōtenit in ane instrument maid thairupone, subscriuit with the hand of maister George Cuke Notar publique, of the quhilk the tenour followis. We for certane greit and ressonabill causis mouing vs, and hauand respect to the weill of our Crowne and commoun weil of our Realme, reuokis all maner of gif­tis, infeftmentis, and dispositiounis quhatsumeuer we haue maid or hes bene maid be our tutouris and gouernouris, for the tyme, during our minoritie and les age, in quhatsumeuer cause or caice, that thay may cum vnder reuocatioun be the commoun Law or consuetude of our Realme: ¶ Protesting solempnitlie, that our absence furth of the samin at this tyme, and the solempniteis requyrit on that behalf not being done, be to vs na preiudice anentis the said reuocatioun, with the quhilkis we dispence and suppleis all faultis thairwith be our king­lie [Page] powar and autoritie ryall, and will that this stand for our generall reuocatioun of all maner thingis done be vs or our saidis tutouris. And the samin to be extendit in the maist ampill and large forme, as ony v­thers reuocatiounis maid be our maist Nobill father or our progeni­touris Kingis of Scotland. The quhilk our said generall reuocatioun, We in this present Parliament, with the auise and consent of our thre Estatis, ratifeis and appreuis, and ȝit as efter followis, reuokis, cassis and adnullis in generall and als in speciall.

IN THE First, we reuoke, cassis, and adnullis, all infeftmentis, do natiounis, alienatiounis, and dispositiounis maid be vs, our tutouris or gouernouris, or regentis in our les age in ony maner of way in fee, fewferme or franktenement of ony landis, lordschippis, custumis, an­nuallis, fischingis, Burrow mailis, and Castell wairdis annext to our Crowne, or ony part thairof, alsweill geuin be our father, quhome God assolȝie, as be vs: to ony persoun or persounis, incontrare the actis maid thairupone of befoir. To be reducit agane to vs & to our Crowne, be vertew of the actis and statutis maid of annexatiounis, and efter the forme of the samin.

ITEM We reuoke all alienatiounis of ony rentis, landis, and here­tageis annext to the principalitie and to the Prince secund persoun of the Realme maid be vs in maner foirsaid.

ITEM In lykewyse we reuoke, cassis, and adnullis, all donatiounꝭ, alienatiounis, fewfermis, and giftis quhatsumeuer, in lyferent or vther­wayis in our nonage of the landis, rentis, annuellis, or ony vthers re­uenois, that our father had in his possessioun the tyme of his deceis be gift or vtherwayis, and of all officis, sic as Chalmerlanreis, Bailliereis and custumareis maid for maa ȝeiris, bot fra ane Checkar quhill the compt be maid in the nixt Checkar efter followand. And als all asseda­tiounis and takkis maid for langar termis nor fyue ȝeiris.

ITEM In lykewyse, we reuoke and cassis all taillies maid fra the airis generall to the airis maill of ony landis within our Realme aga­nis the Law and gude conscience.

ITEM We reuoke all new infeftmentis of landis geuin in blanche ferme, that war haldin of vs of befoir, be seruice of waird and releif.

ITEM We reuoke all Regaliteis and confirmatiounis of the Rega­liteis, and of all officis geuin be vs in heretage, or be our father aganis the actis and statutis, that na Regalitie sould be geuin in heretage, without auise and deliberatioun of the haill Parliament.

[Page cxxvii]ITEM We reuoke all alienatiounis maid of ony heretageis in our nonage, that become lauchfullie in our handis be reason of forfaltour, bastardrie or vtherwayis, and lyferentis geuin thairof in our minoritie.

ITEM We reuoke all new creatiounis of landis, Barroneis, an­nexatiounis & vnionis of diuers landis into fee, in preiudice of our dew seruice aucht to vs and our progenitouris of befoir. And siclyke we re­uoke, all dischargeis of seruice of suitis of courtis aucht of auld to our progenitouris.

ITEM We reuoke all new infeftmentis geuin of creatioun of Bar­roneis in the landis and lordschippis annexit to our Crowne.

ITEM We reuoke all giftis and confirmatiounis geuin be vs of quhatsumeuer landis and heretageis be euill and fals sucgestioun, be the expreming of ane fals cause, quhair gif thay had bene expremit ane trew cause and the veritie, we had not geuin the samin. And thair­throw we ar greitumlie and enormlie hurt.

AND Generallie, we reuoke, cassis, and adnullis all and quhat­sumeuer thingis done be vs in our les age in detriment & harme of our saule and conscience, hurting of the priuilege of our Crowne, preiudici­all to the samin, and to vs in our patrimonie thairof. And quhat the commoun Law and consuetude of our Realme leuis vs to reuoke. And this our reuocatioun to be of als greit effect and als largel [...]e extendit in generall and in speciall, as ony reuocatiounis maid be ony our progenitouris Kingis of Scotland of befoir. And speciallie be our der­rest father of gude mynde, quhome God assolȝie, and King Iames the secund. And protestis, suppose we of our fauouris and beneuolence, suffer ony persounis or persoun to vse or possede ony priuilegeis or pos­sessiounis of landis, rentis, and officis, that ar fallin vnder our reuoca­tioun: It sall mak na rycht to the vsaris or haldaris thairof. Bot it salbe leiffull to vs to put our handis thairto, quhen euer it sall pleis vs, but ony contradictioun, be vertew of our said reuocatioun, actis and constitutiounis of our Realme maid of befoir.

IN THE PARLIAMENT BEGVNNIN AND HALDIN AT EDINBVRGH, the thrid day of December. THE ȝeir of God. M. D. and XL. ȝeiris.
That all Schireffis, and vthers Officiaris be present personallie at the thre heid courtis ȝeirlie. Ca. xlj.

[Page] FIrst, for the mayntening of Iustice, and putting of gude ordour thairto, out throuch all this Realme: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that all Stewartis, Baillies, and Schireffis, hald all thair thre heid courtis be thame self in proper persoū, without thay haue iust and lauchfull excuse throw being in the Kingis grace seruice, and to testifie the samin be his grace wryting, or throw seiknes, that thay may not trauell, And that the Kingis grace autoritie be not lychtlyit, and his liegis want detfull administratioun of Iustice: It is siclyke statute and ordanit, that all Barronis and frehaldaris, that aw sute and presence into the saidis courtis, to be thair personallie, and the absentis to be amerciat with all rigour. And quha that aw bot sute, that thay send thair sutouris, honest and qualifeit men, habill to decyde vpone ony cause conformand to the auld Law. And that the saidis Schireffis, Stewartis, and Baillies admit nane vthers, as he wil answer to the Kingis grace. And quha that cummis to the court, that he answer for him self, and remane quhill the samin be done and endit, and to pas vpone inqueistis and assisis, and assist to the Kingis Schireffis, Stewartis, and Baillies, in the administratioun of Iustice, and doing of thair officis and seruice, conforme to thair infeftmentis, as thay will answer to the Kingꝭ grace vpone thair vttermaist charge.

Of the setting of temporall courtis. Ca. xld.

ITEM Because our Souerane Lord hes bene, and is of gude will and mynde to haue Iustice schortlie done to all his liegis, swa that throw lang proces his liegis be not lang tary­it and vexit in greit expensis: ¶ Thairfoir hes statute and ordanit, that all Schireffis and temporall Iugeis, sall in tymes cumming in all personall actiounis, set thair court peremptourlie vpone .xv. dayis. And direct thair preceptis thairupone, and at that day proceid summarie & de plano. The partie being warnit vpone .xv. dayis, and mak sic proces in all thingis, as is vsit befoir the Lordis of counsall and Sessioun, not­withstanding ony auld Lawis, and constitutiounis maid thairupone of befoir. And all vthers maters and actiounis to haue sic proces, as thay haue had in tymes bygane.

Of deputis to Schireffis and vthers Officiaris. Ca. xliij.

ITEM That all Schireffis, and vthers Officiaris of the Kingis within this Realme, mak thair deputis ane or maa, gude and wyse substantious men of best fame, knawlege, vnderstā ding, and experience within the Schirefdome, & leist suspect: for quhōe thay sall answer for administratioun of Iustice to all persounis indiffe­rentlie. [Page cxxviii] And that thay cause thair Deputis to be maid, creat, and sworne in plane court, and ane act maid thairupone. And gif thay cō ­tinew thair Deputis langer than for ane ȝeir, that thay cause thame ȝeirlie to be sworne to thair officis, for the administratioun of Iustice at the heid courtis efter Michaelmes.

Anentis the indorsing of letters and preceptis. Ca. xliiij.

ITEM That all Schireffis, Stewartis, and Baillies, cause thair Mairis and Officiaris, quha sall execute the Kingis letters and chargeis, or thair awin preceptis, to haue ane Sig­net, and in it grauit the first letter of thair name, or first of thair sur­name, or els sum vther thing, that salbe vniuersall knawin to be thair Signet, with the quhilkis thay sall Signet all letters and preceptis execute be thame, and indorsat in tymes tocum. And that na indorsa­tioun sall haue faith nor be admittit, bot thay that ar Signet with the saidis Signettis. And siclyke, that all Officiaris of the Kingis haue thair Signettis in maner foirsaid: And Signet all letters and char­geis execute and indorsat be thame, vnder the pane of depriuatioun of thame fra thair officis, that makis ony sic executiounis without thair Signettis foirsaidis. And gif ony of thair executiounis wantis thair Signet, the samin sall haue na faith.

The ordour of Summounding of all persounis in ciuile actiounis. Ca. xlv▪

ITEM For eschewing of greit inconuenientis and fraude done to our Souerane Lordis liegis, be Sumoun­ding of thame at thair dwelling placis, and oft tymes falslie, and gettis neuer knawlege thairof: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that in tymes cumming quhair ony Officiar or Schiref in that part, passis at com­mand of the Kingis letters or the Schireffis, Stewartis, Barronis, or Baillies precept to summound ony partie, gif thay can not appre­hend thame personallie, thay sall pas to the ȝet or dure of the principall dwelling place, quhair the persoun to be summound dwellis, and hes thair actuall residence for the tyme, and thair sall desyre to haue entres, quhilk gif it be grantit, thay sall first schaw the cause of thair cumming: And gif thay can not get the partie personallie, thay sall schaw thair letters or precept befoir the seruandis of the hous, or vther famous witnes, and sall execute thair officis and charge, and thairefter sall offir the copie of the saidis letters or precept to ony of the seruandis, quhilk gif thay refuse to do, that thay affix the samin vpone the ȝet or dure of the persounis Summound And siclyke gif thay get na entres, thay first knokand at the dure .vj. knokis, thay sall execute thair office [Page] befoir famous witnes, at the said hous and dwelling place, and affix the copy vpone the ȝet or dure thairof, as said is, quhilk salbe lauchfull and sufficient Summounding and deliuering of the copie, and the par­tie nor Officiar sall not be haldin to gif ony vther copie, bot at thair awin plesure. And euerie Officiar in his indorsatioun, sall mak men­tioun of his executioun in maner foirsaid. And the partie at quhais in­stance, the letter or precept is direct, sall pay to the Officiar executour, the expensis of the copie affixit, as said is. And salbe taxit and geuin a­gane to him at the geuing of the decreit or sentence, gif he happinnis to obtene. And gif the Officiar beis fundin culpabill in the executioun of his office, he salbe put in our Souerane Lordis presoun, and punist in his persoun and gudis, at the Kingis grace will.

The electioun of Notaris. Ca. xlvj.

ITEM Anent Scribis and Notaris, baith to land & Burgh. Because it is vnderstand to the Kingis grace, that the multitude of thame generis ane greit confusioun, mony falsettis ar committit. For remeid heirof: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that euerie Schiref, with sic persounis as sall pleis the Kingis grace to ad­ione to thame, sall call befoir thame, all Notaris that ar lawit men within his Schirefdome and boundis of his office, and examin thame, and quha that ar haldin to be famous and abill mē to execute the office, that thay be admittit be ane act in Iugement. And that the said Schi­ref haue ane buke, and gar thame that ar admittit wryte thair subscrip­tioun and signis manuall in the said buke, siclyke as thay subscriue all instrumentis, and as thay will vse in tymes cumming, and to discharge all vthers except thame that ar wrytaris, Notaris, and Scribis in our Souerane Lordis courtis of Iustice, baith ciuile and temporall, quha salbe admittit be the Chancellar, President, and Lordis of counsall, and quha efter the said discharge makis ony instrument, the samin salbe of nane auale, and haue na faith, it beand opponit be the partie, and not beand prouin in the contrare, that the said Notar is admittit, as said is. And that all Ordinaris cause siclyke to be done vpone all Notaris, that ar spirituall men within thair diocie. And quha that happinnis to be maid Notaris in tymes tocum, that thay vse not the said office of Notarie, vnto the tyme thay cum befoir the Schiref or Ordinar, and get thair admissioun, subscriue and put thair signis in the saidis bukis, as thay will vse in tymes tocū, with certificatioun to thame and thay failȝie, thair instrumentis salbe of nane auale, and mak na faith.

The geuing of sesingis. Ca. xlvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit for eschewing of inconue­nientis of geuing of sesingis be priuate Notaris, [Page cxxix] quhais namis ar oft tymes vnknawin, and thair protocollis can not be gottin, in caice the principall instrument be tint, destroyit, substractit and haldin away, for eschewing heirof: ¶ That all sesingis be geuin in tymes cumming be the Schiref Clerk or his Deputis, quhomefoir he sall answer and be nane vthers, vpone all preceptis that passis be the Chancellarie. And all vthers sesingis to be geuin be famous Notaris admittit thairto, and be nane vthers.

Of the admissioun of Notaris. Ca. xlviij.

ITEM Because thair is in the act precedand greit credence and faith to be geuin to the Notaris and Clerkis of court: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that all Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies and vthers baith to Burgh and land, present thair Clerkis and Notaris in presence of my Lord Chancellar, President, and Lordis of counsall, to be examinat, sworne and admittit: ¶ Prouyding alway­is, that thay change or cheis as thay pleis. And quha that beis new chosin to be presentit and admittit, as said is.

That the protocollis of all sesingis be presentit ȝeirlie in the Checkar. Ca. xlix.

ITEM Anentis the act of Parliament maid of auld, quhair it is ordanit, that all Schireffis bring with thame at thair Checkar comptis anis in the ȝeir ane buke contenand all sesingis geuin be thame, at the leist, the day, the moneth, of the geuing of the said sesing, and the name of the landis contenit in the samin, be eikit in this maner, That the Clerk of court cum with the said Schiref or his Deputis in euerie Checkar, and bring the said buke with him, subscriuit with his awin hand and signe manuall, that the samin may remane in the Regestre. Swa that the Kingis grace may knaw his tennentis, and all vthers hauand entres, may haue recours thairto.

Of fals Notaris and witnes. Ca. l.

ITEM For punischement of fals Notaris, and thame that beiris fals witnes, or that inducis ony man to beir fals witnes. And siclyke of thame that makis fals instrumentis, or causis mak ony fals instrumentis, or vsis the samin wittandlie, That all sic persounis in tymes cumming, be punist in thair persounis and gudis with all rigour, siclyke as it is prouydit be the dispositioun of the commoun Law, baith Canoun, Ciuile, and statutis of the Realme.

Of Notaris Ordinar in the Shiref court, or vtherwayis. Ca. lj.

[Page] ITEM For eschewing of greit inconuenientis, that daylie occurris in the reducing of proces led befoir Schi­reffis, Stewartis, and Baillies of Burrowis, Regaliteis and Barro­neis, quhair thair is oft tymes producit and schawin instrumentis con­trare to vthers, that is to say, the instrumentis and actis maid be the Scribe of the court beirand ane way, and instrumentis tane in vthe­ris Notaris handis, beirand ane vther way, and oft tymes allege­ance, that was neuer hard nor vnderstand to the Iuge, his assessou­ris or vthers members of court: ¶ Thairfoir in tymes cumming it is statute and ordanit, that all instrumentis, notis and actis be maid and tane in the handis of the Scribe, and Notar Ordinar of the court, or his Deputis. And gif ony partie will haue ane Notar with him, for mair securitie, at that Notar pas and stand within bar, in quhais handis it salbe leiffull to ony partie, to tak documentis, togidder with the Notar of court. And that ilk ane of thame be insert witnes to v­ther, with ane part of the maist famous persounis assessouris or vthers members of court being within bar, with sic vther honest men as ar present, with certificatioun, gif this forme and fassioun be not keipit, that the instrument takin in ony vthers Notaris handis, nor the scribe of court, sall haue na faith. And gif the Notar and Scribe of court re­fusis to gif instrumentis, actis, or notis to ony persounis desyrand the samin, he sall tyne his office, and salbe callit and punist in his persoun and gudis at the Kingis grace will.

For geuing of commissiounis in preiudice of the Ordinar. Ca. lij.

ITEM Anent the article, geuin in be the Schireffis, that quhair thay haue thair officis in heretage, and grei­tumlie hurt be geuing of commissiounis to vthers Officiaris, in casis pertenand to thair officis. And for remeid thairfoir: ¶ The Kingis grace with the auise of his Estatis, hes ordanit, that na commissioun be geuin in tymes cumming for seruing of breifis, apprysing of landis, bot to the Iuge Ordinar. And gif ony partie sall happin, to gif in ony complaint, for the getting of commissiounis, for ony cause that is resso­nabill, the said commissioun sall not be grantit, vnto the tyme the said Schiref, Stewart and Baillie be warnit to heir the cōmissioun geuin, or els to allege ane ressonabill cause, quhy the samin sould not be geuin.

Of lesing makaris. Ca. liij.

ITEM Twiching the article of lesing makaris to the Kingis grace of his Barronis, greit men and liegis, and for punischement to be put to thame thairfoir: ¶ The Kingis grace with auise of his thre Estatis, ratifeis and appreuis the actis and statutis [Page cxxx] maid thairupone of befoir, and ordanis the samin to be put to executi­oun in all punctis. And als statutis and ordanis, that gif ony maner of persoun makis ony euill informatioun of his hienes to his Barronis and liegis, that thay salbe punist in sic maner, and be the samin panis, as thay that makis lesingis to his grace of his Lordis, Barronis, and liegis.

The act of annexatioun of landis to the Crowne. Ca. liiij.

ITEM Because it is vnderstand, and weill auisitlie con­sidderit be the Kingis grace, and thre Estatis of his Realme, beand assemblit in this present Parliament, that the patrimo­nie of his Crowne and reuenois thairof beand augmentit, is the greit weill and proffeit, baith to the Kingis grace and his liegis: And thair­foir it is thocht expedient, that our Souerane Lord, followand the gude exempill of his predecessouris, sould annex to his Crowne, for the honorabill supporte of his estate ryall, in all auenturis and caice, baith in weir and peax, sic landis and lordschippis, as ar now presentlie in his handis, that ar not annext of befoir, and the saidis landis being annext, to remane perpetuallie with the Crowne, may nouther be ge­uin away in see, nor franktenement, to ony persounis, quhat euer estate or degre thay be of, without auise, decreit, and deliuerance of the haill Parliament, and for the greit ressonabill causis, concerning the weilfair of the Realme, first to be auisit and degestlie considderit, be the haill Estatis. And albeit, it sall happin our Souerane Lord, that now is, or ony his successouris Kingis of Scotland, to analie and dispone the saidis Lordschippis, landis, Castellis, townis, douati­ounis, and aduocatiounis of Kirkis and hospitallis with thair perti­nentis, to the Crowne, as said is annext, that the alienatioun and dis­positioun, salbe of nane auale. Bot it salbe leiffull to the King for the tyme, to ressaif thay landis to his awin vse, quhen euer it lykis his grace, but ony proces of Law, and the takaris sall refound and pay all proffeitis, that thay haue tane vp of thay landis agane to the King, for all the tyme that thay haue had thame, with sic, vther restrictiounis as is content in the actis of Parliament, maid be his maist Nobill predecessouris Kingis of Scotland, in the annexatioun to the Crowne. ¶ And thairfoir his hienes, with auise and counsall of his thre Esta­tis, hes annext to his Crowne, to remane thairwith in mane foirsaid, thir landis efter following. In the first, the landis and Lordschip­pis of all his Ilis, south and north. The twa Kintyris, with the Ca­stellis pertening thairto, and thair pertinentis. The landis and Lord­schip of Orknay, Ȝetland, and the Ilis pertening thairto, and thair pertinentis. The landis and Lordschip of Dowglas, with the Ca­stell, [Page] Towre and fortalice thairof, donatiounis and aduocatiounis of Kirkis and beneficis, and thair pertinentis. The landis and Lord­schippis of Craufurdlindsay, and Craufurd Iohne. The landis and Lordschippis of Bonkill, Prestoun and Temptalloun, with Towris, fortalices, landis, rentis, aduocatiounis and donatiounis of Kirkis.

The landis of Dun [...]ire. The landis and Lordschip of Iedburgh Forest. The landis and Lordschip of Kerymure, with all thair pertinentis.

The superioritie of all and haill the Erldome of Anguse, and all vthers landis, rentis, and possessiounis, quhilkis pertenit to Archibald sum­tyme Erle of Anguse the tyme of the said Erlis forfaltour, and now be­ing in our Souerane Lordis handis be ressoun thairof. The landis and Lordschip of Glammis, that ar not haldin of the Kirk. The landꝭ of Baky, Balmukiteis, Tannades, Drumgleis, Langforgund and Balhelweis with the Towris, Fortalices, aduocatiounis and donatiounis of Kirkis and thair pertinentis. The landis of Raclewch, Quhit­campt, ouer and nether Howclewch. The landis, Lordschip, and Barronie of Auendale, with the Towre and Fortalices thairof, ad­uocatiounis and donatiounis of Kirkis, thair annexis and connexis, and all thair pertinentis, siclyke as vmquhile Iames Hammiltoun of Finnart Knycht had and brukit the samin, befoir the tyme of his for­faltour. The landis and Lordschip of Liddisdale, with the Castell of Armytage, aduocatioun and donatioun of Kirkis, and thair perti­nentis. The landis and Lordschip of Bothuile, with the Towre, For­talice, and thair pertenentis.

Wappinschawingis to be twyse in the ȝeir. Ca. lv.

ITEM Twiching the first article anentis the wappinsch­awing, It is thocht necessar, that wappinschawin­gis be maid twyse in the ȝeir out throw all the Realme, that is to say, in the monethis of Iunij and October, at sic day or dayis and place, as sall pleis the Schiref, Stewart, Baillies, Prouestis, and Al­dermen of Burrowis, to assigne efter the quantitie of the Schire, gif the moustouris can not be all tane on ane day. And that thay mak warningis thairto vpone the premunitioun of xx. dayis. And that the saidis moustouris be tane be the Schiref of the Schire, Prouest, and Baillies of Burrowis, and Baillies of Regalateis, and vthers Commissaris, quhome the Kingis grace plesis to assigne to thame. And because thay haue bene sa lang out of vse of making of wappinschaw­ing: It is thocht expedient, that the samin be maid thryse for the first ȝeir. And the first tyme to be on the morne efter Law Sonday nixt to cum.

That the army of Scotland be vnhorsit except greit Barronis. Ca. lvj.

[Page cxxxi] ITEM Anentis the maner of cumming of all our Souerane Lordis liegis to weir, horsit and vnhorsit: The Kingis grace vnderstandis the greit hurt, skaith and dampnage done in cumming of multitude of horsmen throw destructioun of cornis, me­dowis, and hereing of pure folkis. And als the greit impediment maid be thame in the hoist, quhair that all men man fecht vpone fute:

¶ Thairfoir hes statute and ordanit, that na maner of man haue hors with him, bot be reddy to gang on fute, fra the place that pleis the Kingis grace to assigne to be the first meting and assembling of his ar­mie, except cariage hors allanerlie. And gif ony man cummis on horsbake, or bringis his hors with him, except for his cariage, as said is, that he incontinent send his hors hame agane with ane rinnand boy, and with na fensabill man or habill of persoun to beir wappinnis, vnder the pane of deid: ¶ Prouyding alwayis, that albeit this act is maid generall, the effect thairof sall not be extendit to Erlis, Lordis, Barronis, and greit landit men, bot that thay and sic vthers, as salbe thocht expedient be the Kingis grace or his Lieutennentis, sall pas on horsbake quhair euer the Kingis grace mouis with his armie.

The maner of harnes, wappinnis and armour. Ca. lvij.

AND as to the maner of harnes and wappinnis, and how euerie man sould be armit and wappinnit:

¶ It is statute and ordanit, that all our Souerane Lordis liegis haue wappinnis and harnes, as efter followis. In the first, that euerie Nobill man, sic as Erle, Lord, Knycht, and Barrone, and euerie greit landit man, hauand ane hundreth pund of ȝeir­lie rent, be anarmit in quhite harnes, lycht or heuie as thay pleis, and wapinnit effeirand to his honour. And that all vthers of law­ar rent and degre in the lawland, haue Iak of plate, halkrik, or bri­gitanis, gorget or pesane, with splentis, panse of mailȝie, with gluuis of plate or mailȝie. And that all vthers our Souerane Lordis liegis, gentilmen vnlandit and ȝemen, haue Iakis of plate, halkrikis, splen­tis, sellate, or steilbonet, with pesane or gorget. And euerie man with sword, and that na maner of wappinnis be admittit in wappinschaw­ingis, bot speiris, pikis stark and lang of .vj. eluis of lenth, Leith axis, halbartis, handbowis and arrowis, crosbowis, culueringis, twa han­dit swordis. And euerie man to be anarmit, as said is, vnder the pane of .v. pund, to be tane of euerie landit man. l.s. of euerie gentilman; and xx.s. of euerie ȝeman man, als oft as thay be fundin faltous in the premissis. And because it is vnderstand, that thair wappinnis and harnes may not be compleitlie gottin at the first wappinschawing, [Page] that is to say, on the morne efter Law Sonday nixt tocum: ¶ Thair­foir it is dispensit be the Kingis grace, at thay mak thair schawingis and monstouris, with sic harnes and wappinnis, as thay haue, or may conuenientlie get agane the said day.

Of armour conforme to euerie mannis rent and substance. Ca. lviij.

ITEM It is ordanit for wappinschawingis in Burrowis, that euerie man hauand ane hundreth pundis worth of geir, be anarmit in quhite harnes, and wappinnit as landit men foir­said. And euerie man within ane hundreth pundis worth of gudis, and that may spend ten pund, be anarmit as gentilmen landit, and ȝemen▪ men in maner foirsaid, and vnder the panis aboue writtin.

That all persounis present in wappinschawing be writtin with the maner of thair armour. Ca. lix.

ITEM That na fraude be maid in making of the saidis wappinschawingis, and that the Kingis grace may knaw the ordour of his pepill: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that euerie Erle, Lord, Barrone, Laird, and vthers cummand to the saidis wap­pinschawingis, gif the namis of the persounis that sall cum with thame thairto in bill to the Schiref, Baillie, Stewart, Lord, or Baillie of Regalitie, Prouest, Alderman, and Baillies to Burgh, or to ony v­thers, quhome it sall pleis the Kingis grace to gif commissioun to with thame, and that thay roll thair namis in ane buke, with the maner of thair harnes and wappinnis, ȝeirlie in euerie wappinschawingis, selit with thair awin seill, and subscriuit with thair handis, send and deliuer the samin to the Kingis grace, to be keipit and cōsidderit, be quhome his grace sall pleis to gif the cure thairof. And that all Lordis and Baillies of Regaliteis, do siclyke ȝeirlie within the boundis of thair officis.

The premunitioun of wappinschawingis. Ca. lx.

ITEM That all our Souerane Lordis liegis, be warnit to the saidis wappinschawingis vpone. xl. dayis war­ning for the first tyme. And ȝeirlie at euerie tyme thairefter vpone. xx. dayis.

The chesing of Capitanis in euerie parochin. Ca. lxj.

ITEM That executioun may be had throw all the Realme, amangis all our Souerane Lordis liegis, for exer­cing of thair persounis in ordour, swa that be leiring of ordour and be­ring of thair wappinnis in tyme of peax, thay may be the mair, expert to put thame selfis in ordour haistelie, & keip the samin in tyme of neid: It [Page cxxxii] is thocht that this article is verray necessar to be prouydit: ¶ And Thairfoir statutis & ordanis, that euerie Schiref, Stewart, Baillies, Proueit, Aldermen and Baillies of Burrowis, Lordis and Baillies of Regaliteis, at euerie wappinschawing, concur and sit downe, with the Kingis grace Commissaris, that sall happin to be depute to thame, and thay togidder to consult with the maist habill persounis of the Schire, and efter that thay haue rollit the namis of euerie man with thair harnes and wappinnis, cheis ane habill man for euerie parochin or man, as it is of greitnes, or for smallar parochinis ane, quha salbe Capitane, or Capitanis, to the cumpanyis of the saidis parochinis, and sall leir thame to gang in ordour and beir thair wappinnis, and sall [...] thair saidis cumpanyis twyse at the leist in euerie moneth of the [...] of Maij, Iunij, and Iulij, at quhat dayis thay sall think [...]aist expedient, vpone halie dayis befoir nune. And als in all vthers monethis gif thay may gudlie, and thair exerce thame in maner foir­said. And that na man disobey the saidis persounis, Capitanis to be depute and chosin, as said is, vnder the pane to be punist at the Kingis grace will. And that the saidis Capitanis be chosin als oft, as beis se [...]e expedient be the Schiref of the Schire, Commissaris and coūsall admittit to him to that effect.

Ane generall remissioun grantit be the Kingis grace to all his liegis. Ca. lxij.

ALswa our Souerane Lord vnderstanding the greit occasioun and euill exempill for the tyme geuin, to his Lordis, Barronis, and all his liegis, to commit and do the tyme of his les age sic offensis and cry­mes of treson and vtherwayis, quhilk deseruis greit and hie punischement, quhilkis as his grace vnder­standis be the gude and trew seruice done be thame to him, sen his cumming to perfite age, thay wald not haue done nor rommittit. And because his grace thinkis that he will not be vnremem­brand and vngrait, for the gude and thankfull seruice done to him be his saidis Erlis, Lordꝭ, Barronis, and liegis of all degreis, hes remittit and forgeuin, and be the tenour of this act, remittis and forgeuis to all his saidis liegis, all maner of crymes of treson done be thame in our Soouerane Lordis tyme that last deceissit, and his predecessouris Kingis of Scotland, and in his hienes awin tyme, vnto the day & dait of this present act. The intelligence with Archibald sumtyme Erle of Angus George Dowglas his brother, and vmquhile Archibald Dowglas of Kilspindie thair Eme, sen the tyme of y geuing of dome of forfaltourre, aganis thame allanerlie exceptit). ¶ And thairfoir exhortis and prayis [Page] presentlie, all his Barronis and liegis, to be trew and thankfull subiectꝭ vnto his hicues, as he sall not faill, to be gude, thankfull and louing King to thame. And that the copie of this act sufficientlie extractit, sal be sufficient remissioun, without ony vther particular wryting.

IN THE PARLIAMENT OF THE FOIRSAID EXCELLENT PRINCE and King, Haldin at Edinburgh the .XIIII. day of Marche. THE ȝeir of God. M. D. and .XL. ȝeiris.
For the honour of halie Kirk. Ca. lxiij.

ITEM To the confusioun of all heresie, that all the Sacra­mentis be haldin and honourit, as thay haue bene in all tymes bygane within this Realme, conforme to the Lawis and doctrine of halie Kirk.

For worschip to be had to the Virgine Mary. Ca. lxiiij.

ALswa, that the Glorious Virgine Marie, mother of our blissit Saluatour Christ Iesus, be ouer all this Realme reuerendlie worschippit and honourit, and that prayaris be maid to hir, to mak intercessioun to God Almychtie, Father, Sonne, and halie Gaist, for the successioun, heill, weilfair and prosperitie of the Kingis grace, his Quene our Souerane Lady, and thair prosperous successioun, peax, vnitie and concord betuix our said Souerane Lord and all Cristin Princis, and betuix thame all to resist to the Inimeis of the faith Catholick, and betuix his grace, his Estatis and liegis, and that his hienes and pepill may remane constāt­lie in the faith, and follow the Law of God, conforme to the statutis & doctrine of halie Kirk, ressaifit and keipit be his predecessouris Kingis of Scotland, and pepill in all tymes bypast, sen thay first ressaifit the samin, and siclyke prayaris to be maid to all Sanctis, in speciall and generall, and that worschip be had to thame.

That na man argune the Papis autoritie. Ca. lxv.

ITEM That na maner of persoun, argune, nor impung, the Papis autoritie, vnder the pane of deid, and confisca­tioun of all thair gudis mouabill and vnmouabill.

The Kingis grace exhortatioun in plane Parliament, for reforming of the Kirk and Kirkmen. Ca. lxvj.

[Page cxxxiii] ITEM That because the negligence of diuine seruice, the greit vnhonestie in the Kirk, throw not making of reparatioun to the honour of God Almychtie, and to the blissit Sacra­ment of the Alter, the Virgine Marie, and all halie Sanctis, and als the vnhonestie and misreule of Kirkmen, baith in wit, knawlege, and maners, is the mater and cause that the Kirk and Kirkmen ar lychtlyit and contempnit. For remeid heirof: ¶ The Kingis grace, exhortis and prayis oppinlie, all Archibischoppis, Ordinaris, and vthers Pre­latis, and euerie Kirkman in his awin degre, to reforme thame selfis, thair obedientiaris and Kirkmen vnder thame, in habite and maners to God and man. And that thay cause in euerie Kirk within thair di­ [...]cie, vnder thair iurisdictioun, cure, reule, reparatioun and reparaling, to be honestlie and substantiouslie maid and done, to the honour of god Almychtie, the blissit Sacrament and diuine seruice, euerie Kirk efter the qualitie and quantitie of the rentis. And gif ony persoun allegeand thame exemit, and will not obey nor obtempre to thair superiour, in that behalf: The Kingis grace sall find remeid thairfoir, at the Papis halines, and siclyke aganis the saidis Prelatis, gif thay be negligent.

That na priuate conuentiounis be maid to dispute of the Scripture. Ca. lxvij.

ITEM That nane hald nor lat be haldin in thair housis, nor vtherwayis, congregatiounis or conuenticulis, to commoun or dispute of the halie Scripturs, without thay be Theolo­gis appreuit be famous vniuersiteis or admittit thairto, be thame that hes lauchfull powar. And in lykewyse, that na man, quhatsumeuer state or conditioun he be, luge, ressaif, chereis, nor fauour ony heretike. And in caice ony ressaifis or knawis thame quhair thay ar, sall inconti­nent denunce and accuse thame, to the nixt lauchfull Officiar of Iustice, vnder the pane to be punist as heretikis.

Of persounis abiurit of heresie. Ca. lxviij.

ITEM Gif ony heretikis, haue bene abiurit or vtherwayis, haue bene admittit lauchfullie to pennance and grace nane of thame sall conuers nor commoun with vthers of ony maters tuiching our halie faith, vnder the pane to be haldin as relapse. And alswa, that na persoun, that hes bene suspectit of heresie, howbeit thay be ressaifit to pennance and grace, sall in this Realme exerce, haue nor bruke ony honest estate, degre, office, nor Indicature, spirituall nor temporall in Burgh nor without, nor na wayis salbe admittit to be of our counsall.

Of fugitiuis suspect and summound for heresie. Ca. lxix.

[Page] ITEM Quhair ony beis suspectit of heresie, and lauchfullie summound to answer of the samin, ar fugitiue, that thay salbe banist and condampnit as heretikis. And it sall not be leif­full to na man to solist, procure, nor mak supplicatioun for thair purga­tioun, reductioun or grace, vnder the pane to be punist as fauouraris to the heretikis, and the saidis persounis fugitiuis not to be admittit to purgatioun, nor vtherwayis to reconciliatioun, nor ȝit to remane or cō ­uers in our Realme. Alswa we forbid to all our subiectis, quhatsume­uer estate thay be, to present requeistis, mak ony supplicatioun, defend, supplie, dite or wryte, counsall, help, procure or mak aduocatioun, soli­citatioun, laubour or assist ony wayis to na heretikis fugitiuis or ba­nist thairfoir, or vther contaminate persounis, that ar or haue bene of the said repreuit sect of hereseis to haue or impetrate ony grace of thair errouris, quhilk we will na way be accordit to thame, vnder the pane to be punist as assistaris to hereseis.

That nane dishonour the Imagis of Sanctis. Ca. lxx.

ALswa to stop the priuate congregatioun and conuē ticulis of heretikis, quhair thair errouris ar spred that ony man that first reuelis incontinent, or accu­sis ony that hes keipit the said conuentiounis, gif he haue bene ane of thame him self, for the first tyme he salbe quite and absoluit thairof, swa that he be ane gude Cristin man, and haue the rycht faith, promit­tand him neuer to intromet with the said errouris in tyme cumming, In caice he be not of the said congregatioun, than he sall haue ane part of the confiscatioun of him that he accusis, as the Lordis thinkis expe­dient to statute and ordand. And this to be extendit to all thame that reuelis or accusis ony heretikis, to haue ane part of thair confiscatioun. And that na man may pretend Ignorance heirof, that it be commandit vnder panis, to all Schireffis, Prouestis, and Baillies of Burrowis to publis be oppin proclamatioun thir actis, at the heid placis of thair iurisdictioun, twyse in the ȝeir.

That nane dishonour Imagis. Ca. lxxj.

AND Anentis Imagis of halie Sanctis, canonist and appreuit be the halie Kirk: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that nane brek, cast downe, no ony vtherwayis treit Irreuerendlie, nor do ony dishonour, nor Irreuerence to the saidis Imagis.

Ratificatioun of the Institutioun of the College of Iustice. Ca. lxxij.

[Page cxxxiiii] THE Kingis grace with auise of his thre Estatis of Parliament vnderstanding, that the institutioun of his College of Iustice, and actis maid thairupone, ar rycht proffitabill to his grace and all the haill Realme. And thairfoir now efter his perfite age of .xxv. ȝeiris, Hes ratifeit and appreuit, ratifeis and appreuis for him and his successouris, the institutioun of the said College of Iustice, and actis maid for administratioun of Iustice thair­in. And als ratifeis and appreuis, the confirmatioun, ratificatioun, approbatioun of our halie father the Pape, of the erectioun of the said College, and of the gift of all beneficis, rentis, geuin and to be geuin, [...]gnit and to be assignit, to the honest sustentatioun of the said Col­lege of Iustice. And all priuilegeis, grantit and to be grantit thairto, be our said halie father the Pape and his hienes. And will and orda­nis for the causis foirsaid, that the said College and institutioun thairof remane perpetuallie, for the administratioun of Iustice to all the liegis of this Realme, and to be honourit siclyke as ony vther College of Iu­stice in vther Realmes. And attour, gifis and grantis to the Presi­dent, Vicepresident, and Senatouris, powar to mak sic actis, statu­tis, and ordinancis as thay sall think expedient, for ordouring of pro­cessis, and haistie expeditioun of Iustice. And in absence of Presi­dent and Vicepresident, will that the eldest in ordour of the saidis Se­natouris, be President for the tyme, to the effect, that thair may be na stop of Iustice ony tyme, throw absence of the said President and Vi­cepresident.

Hagbutis and vther small Artailierie to be furnist within the Realme. Ca. lxxiij.

ALswa because the schot of gunnis, hagbutis, handbowis, and vther small artailierie now commounlie vsit in all cuntreis, baith be sey and land in thair weiris, is sa fel­loun and vneschewabill to the pith of hie curage, of No­bill and vailȝeant men, quhais actis and deidis can not be schawin, without contrare prouisioun be had of instrumentis of weir and battell: ¶ It is Heirfoir statute and ordanit be the Kingis hienes, with auise and consent of the thre Estatis of his Realme, that euerie landit man within the samin, sall haue ane hagbute of found, callit hagbute of crochert with thair calmes, bullettis and pellokis of leid or irne, with pouder conuenient thairto, for euerie hundreth pund of land, that he hes of new extent. And he that hes bot ane hundreth merk land, sall haue twa culueringis. And ilk man hauand fourtie pund land, sall haue ane culuering, with calmes, leid, and pouder, [Page] ganand thairto, with trestis to be at all tymes reddy, for schuting of the saidis hagbuttis▪ And that euerie man of leuing foirsaid, sall haue ane man or maa, as he may furneis, for schuting of the saidis hagbu­tis and culueringis, and to leir vthers to schute the samin. And that euerie man haue the said artailiery effeirand to his leuing, substanti­ouslie furneist, as said is, reddy within .xviij. monethis nixt efter the publicatioun of this act, vnder the pane of dowbling the price, that will by ilk peice of the said artaillierie, to be applyit to the Kingis grace vse, for bying of the samin to him self. And the saidis .xviij. monethis being past, that euerie man mak his moustouris with the said artaillierie weill furneist, as said is, at the nixt wappinschawing thairefter to the takaris and ressaifaris of the saidis wappinschaw­ingis. The quhilk being done, thay sall not be bundin to bring thair said artaillierie to ony wappinschawingis thairefter, bot gif thay be specialie requyrit thair to, be the Kingꝭ grace wryttingꝭ, or be the Schiref, or vthers Iugeis Ordinar, vnder the Kingis grace. And that this act be extendit, alsweill to the Lordis of Regalitie and thair tenentis, as to thame of the Rialtie. And that euerie Kirkman, furneis siclyke artaillierie in maner abone writtin, to be schawin at wappinschaw­ings, as said is, efter the auale and quantititie of thair temporall landis And that thair artaillierie, remane at the Castell, Abbay, or Mansioun of the Bischop, Prelate, or Kirkman, to be keipit thair and left to his successour, quha salbe haldin to vphald the samin, for the defence of the Realme. And because it can not be now cleirlie vnder­standin of the aua [...]e and quantitie of euerie Burgh, quhat artaillierie, and how mekill thay may furneis: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and or­danit, that letters be writtin, to the Prouestis, Baillies, Aldermen of euerie Burgh of this Realme, signifyand vnto thame this statute and ordinance of the maner of furnessing of artaillierie, to be maid be the Barronis and Kirkmen, chargein thame thairfoir, to conuene thair counsall, auise and conclude, quhat artaillierie, and in quhat maner ilk Burgh may perfurneis and refer agane to the Kingis grace with­in .xv. dayis nixt efter thay be chargeit thairto, that his hienes may be auisit thairwith, with certificatioun, gif thay failȝie thairintill, his grace sall cause thame to be taxt efter the auale and quantitie of thair commoun gudis and substance, for furnessing of the said artail­lierie. And ordanis, that Ladyis of coniunctfee and lyferent, sall furneis effeirand to the quantitie of thair leuing, for support of the Bar­ronis and vthers landit men, in the perfurnessing of the said artail­lierie.

For hame bringing of hagbuttis. Ca. lxxiiij.

[Page cxxxv] ITEM Because nouther artaillierie nor harnes, can be fur­neist nor maid reddy cōforme to the actis maid thair upone, without the samin be brocht hame be Merchandis: ¶ Thair­foir it is statute and ordanit, that euerie Merchand sailand furth of this Realme, or sendand his gudis extending to ane last of gudis, sall bring hame als oft as he saillis, or sendis his gudis, at euerie tyme twa hagbuttis of crochert or maa, as his pak may furneis, with pouder and calmes for furnessing of the samin, or els als mekill mettall, as will mak the saidis hagbuttis, with pouder effeirand thairto And siclyke har­nes, for furnessing of our Souerane Lordis liegis, in maner foirsaid.

For inbringing of the Kingis grace propertie and casualiteis. Ca. lxxv.

ITEM For inbringing of our Souerane Lordis propertie and casualiteis ȝeirlie to his Checkar, swa that his Thesaurar and Comptrollar, may be weill furneist, for perfurnessing of all sic thingis quhilkis pertenis to thame to do. And that in tymes cumming, sall haue na cause to compleynȝie, bot in thair awin de­fault and negligence: ¶ It is heirfoir statute and ordanit, that all Schireffis, Stewartis, Custumatis, Chalmerlanis, and vthers intromettouris with our Souerane Lordis propertie, Compeir at euerie Checkar, quhair it salbe haldin for the tyme, and mak thair comptis and full payment, Eque with the Rollis, befoir thair depar­ting, ilk ane for thair awin part, sa far as thay intromet with, or mycht intromet, be ressoun of thair office, doand thair diligence thair­to, vnder the pane of warding of thair persounis, thair to remane in­during the Kingis will. And as for the casualiteis, ordanis all Schi­reffis, Stewartis, Baillies, and vthers, that aucht to mak compt, rekning, and payment of the samin, To compeir ȝeirlie in the Chec­kar, be thame selfis or thair sufficient Deputis, at the day assignit to thame be the precept, and thair mak compt, rekning, and payment of all sic casualiteis, and do thair vtter diligence thairto, be the consid­deratioun of the Lordis auditouris, and depart not quhill, thay haue done the samin, vnder the pane foirsaid.

Anentis committaris of slauchter, mutilatioun and resset of the Kingis Rebellis. Ca. lxxvj.

ALswa anentis the executioun of the actis of Parliament maid of befoir, be our Souerane Lordis progenitouris, vpone thame that committis slauchter and mutilatioun, & for apprehensioun of our Souerane Lordis liegis rebel­lis, & diligence to be maid thairin be Schireffꝭ and vthers [Page] Officiaris of the Realme, baith in Regalitie and Rialtie: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that the actis maid thairupone of befoir, be put to executioun in all punctis, and that all Schireffis, Stewartis, Bailli­es, and all vther Officiaris, baith to Burgh and to land, alsweill in the Regalitie as in the Rialtie, do thair diligence to serche and seik all our Souerane Lordis rebellis and being at his horne, quhair euer thay may be apprehendit within thair Bailliereis, tak and bring thame to our Souerane Lordis Iustice, to be iustifeit for thair demeritis, vn­der the pane of tinsall of thair officis for thre ȝeiris, gif thay haue the samin in heretage. And gif thay haue the samin for ȝeiris, to tyne the samin for euer, and to be accusit vpone thair diligence in that behalf in the Iustice Airis, or at vther particular diettis, as sall pleis the Kingis grace. And that na maner of man within this Realme, wilfullie or wittanlie, resset, supplie, mantime, defend, or do fauouris, to ony of our Souerane Lordis Rebellis, and being at his horne within thair hous, landis, boundis, or Bailliereis, vnder the pane of deid, and con­fiscatioun of all thair mouabill gudis, and to be callit and accusit heir­upone, outher at Iustice courtis, or particular diettis, as saidis. And gif the Officiaris of the Regalitie, beis fundin negligent (thay being requyrit heirto) it salbe lesum to the Kingꝭ Schireffis to put the said is actis to executioun within the said Regalitie, efter the forme and te­nour of the samin: And that the Iustice Clerk inquyre diligentlie heir­upone, and tak dictay, as effeiris.

For stanching of stouth, thift and reif. Ca. lxxvij.

ALswa because the crymes of thift, stouth and reif, is sa commounlie vsit amangis the Kingis liegis, and for stanching of the samin: ¶ It is statute and or­danit in this present Parliament, that quhair ony of the Kingis liegis is playntous, and complenis v­pone ane theif, that he hes reft or stollin his geir or his mennis, and is in seruice or obeysance of ony mā, and schawis the samin to the man that he is in seruice with, and wald atteche him to the Law for the samin. This man that this theif or re­uar, is in seruice with, or findis him with him, or vnder his obeysance, salbe haldin and oblist, to produce and bring the theif to the Lawis, befoir the Iustice, Schireffis, or ony vthers that hes cognitioun, to do Iustice vpone sic persounis, committaris of sic crymes, and dayis and placis affixit to thame, to vnderly the samin, or els sall deliuer the said theif and renar to the complenar, to be brocht to the Law and iusti­feit, as said is. And gif the maister or sustenar of this theif or reuar, refusis to do the samin, He salbe haldin art and part takar of his [Page cxxxvi] euill deidis, and salbe accusit thairfoir, as the principall theif or reifar. And als sall restoir and satisfie to the complenar, the gudis reft and stollin fra him. And gif this complenar, efter that he haue attachit this theif, or be deliuerit to him, as said is, wald concord with the said theif, and tak thif [...]bute and put him fra the Lawis, in that caice he sall vn­derly the Lawis, and be accusit thairfoir, as the principall theif or re­uar. And gif he attachis and accusis him of the said thift and reif, and beis fundin innocent thairof, the said complenar, salbe haldin and ob­list, to gif to the said man (that he sclanders innocentlie) ten pundis for amendis of the said sclander.

For eschewing of victuallis derth of flesche and fische. Ca. lxxviij.

ALswa it is statute and ordanit, that na maner of persoun to Burgh nor to land by ony maner of fische in mercat, nor vther placis, to pak or pele quhill. xj houris of the day, and fra .xi. houris, to twa houris efter nune, it sall be lesum to by fische, and pak or pele the samin, as thay think maist expedient. And nottheles, that all our Souerane Lordis liegis cagearis, and vthers within that tyme of the day, be seruit for thair money of fische, to the furnessing of the cuntrie. And siclyke, fra twa houris efter nune, to sax houris at euin, it sall not be lesum, to by, pak, or pele, the saidis fische, bot that all our Souerane Lordis liegis at the saidis tymes of day, may be seruit of all maner of fische, and by the samin for thair siluer, for sustentatiounis of thair hous and seruing of the cuntrie about. And that na maner of persoun in this Realme, Merchand or vthers, send or haue ony maner of quhyte fische furth of the samin, bot it salbe lesum to strangearis to cum within this Realme to by the samin fra Merchandis and fremen of Burrow­is, with reddy gold and siluer, or be bartouring of sufficient Mer­chandice with the saidis Merchandis, or with the awnaris thairof, for thair sustentatioun necessaris of thair housis allanerlie. And quhair ony persounis hes ony fische pakkit or pelit, that thay be reddy at all tymes to sell the samin to all our Souerane Lordis liegis for furnes­sing and sustentatioun of thair hous and the cuntrie, vnder the pane of confiscatioun of the samin. And to stop the rysing of pricis in mer­catis within Burrowis: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that the Pro­uestis, Aldermen and Baillies of Burrowis in euerie marcat day, pas and visie the mercatis, and set ane price on all maner of fische, according to the [...]yme. And that thay diligentlie inquyre, gif ony maner of persoun gefis arlis or money on ony maner of fische, that cū ­mis to the mercat, to the effect, that the samin may be sauld vpone ane [Page] hiear price, that thay tak and punische the saidis persounis, as coparis, foirstallaris, and regratouris aganis the commoun weill.

Tuiching the Crowne of wecht. Ca. lxxix.

ALswa anentis the article makand mentioun, that the Crown of the sonne, is commounlie refusit within this Realme, it want and ane grane of the wecht, howbeit the samin hes passage in vther cuntreis, and speciallie in the Realme of France, it weyand the Crown of the King: ¶ Thairfoir it is thocht expe­dient for the commoun weill, that na maner of per­soun within this Realme, refuse to tak the said Crown of wecht in pay­ment, or for change for vther money efter the forme of the Kingis grace proclamatioun, suppose the samin want ane grane allauerlie, vnder the pane to be callit and accusit as brekaris of the said act of Parliament. And because sindrie persounis hauand quhite money, will not change for gold, bot takis thairfoir .xij. d. or mair for wissilling of the samin, in hie contemptioun of our Souerane Lord and his autoritie: ¶ Heir­foir it is statute and ordanit, that all maner of persounis, hauand quhite money, that thay reddylie change all maner of gold contenit in our Souerane Lordis cry, of the prices contenit in the samin, without taking of ony maner of money thairfoir, vnder the pane foirsaid, and to be ac­cusit as oppressouris of our Souerane Lordis liegis. And that na maner of man tak vpone hand, for to ronge the Crown of wecht, or ony vther gold of wecht, throw pretence of this act, vnder the pane to be accusit and punist as falsaris of the Kingis grace money, conforme to the commoun Law and statutis of the Realme.

For stanching of derth of wyne, salt and tymmer. Ca. lxxx.

ALswa tuiching the exhorbitant derth and pricis of wyne, salt and tymmer: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that the Prouest, Baillies, and counsall of Burrowis, quhair ony Schippis or strangearis arriuis, or sall happin to arriue in tymes cumming, ladin with wyne, salt or tymmer, conuene with the Merchandis that aw the saidis wyne, salt and tymmer, and by or set ane price vpone the samin ressonabill, that na maner of man, freman or vnfreman, by ony of the saidis wynis, salt or tymmer, bot fra the saidis Prouest and Baillies or awnaris thairof, and the pricis being maid be thame, as said is, na man to by quhill the Kingis grace be first seruit, and his grace and Officiaris being contentit for samekill as will pleis thame to tak to our Souerane Lordis vse allanerlie, that [Page cxxxvii] all Nobill men of the Realme, sic as Prelatis, Barronis, and vthers gentilmen of the samin be seruit of the samin prices. And thairefter all and sindrie our Souerane Lordis liegis be seruit vpone the saidis pri­ces. And gif ony man cummis incontrare heirof, or foirstallis the saidꝭ wynis, salt or tymmer, the samin to be eschetit to the Kingis grace. And gif the Prouest, Baillies and counsall beis fundin negligent in the exercing of thair officis, thay to tyne the samin, and not to bruke office nor honour for the space of thre ȝeiris th airefter. And gif ony freman or vther Scottis man, dwelland within this Realme, bringis hame ony wynis, salt or tymmer, vpone thair awin aduenture, that the Pro­uest, and Baillies of Burrowis, at the entre of the Schippis in the bukis of the towne, see and considder thair Merchand billis, and how the saidis wynis, salt and tymmer was coft and sauld, and siclyke con­sidder thair vncoistis and fraucht, and thairefter set ane competent price, how the samin may be sauld, and as thay ordane, that the samin be sauld, of the samin price and na hiear. And that the Prouest and Bail­lies do diligence to inquyre & get wit in dew tyme of ȝeir, how wyne, salt and tymmer is sauld and coft in vther cuntreis, that thay may mak the prices the better, effeirand to the gudnes of the stuffe.

Tuiching the hospitallis. Ca. lxxxj.

ITEM Anentis the hospitallis: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit, that the actis of Parliament maid thairupōe [...], our Souerane Lordis maist Nobill progenitouris be put to executioun in all punctis, and that certane visitouris be maid, to the effect, that thay may pas and consider the fundatioun of all hospitallis, and to cause the samin be keipit conforme to the first fundatioun, and the saidis visitouris to be namit be the Kingis grace.

For policie in Edinburgh. Ca. lxxxij.

ALswa tuiching the reparatiounis and mending of deformiteis within the towne of Edinburgh, and speciallie, quhair thair is commoun passage and entres, quhairby all strangearis and vthers our Souerane Lordis liegis, passis and repassis: ¶ It is thocht expedient, and als it is ordanit, that the Prouest, Baillies and counsall of Edinburgh, gar warne and charge all maner of persounis, that hes ony landis, bigingis and wai­stis vpone the west syde of Leithwynde, That thay within ȝeir and day, big and repair honestlie thair saidis waistis and ruynous housis. And that thay begin to the samin within thre monethis, and that thay end the samin within ȝeir and day, or els sell the samin to vthers to be [Page] biggit, within the said space. And to charge thame that ar knawin personalie, and all vthers be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, with certificatioun to thame, and thay failȝie, the saidis Prouest and Baillies, sall cause the saidis landis, tenementis, and waistis to be apprysit, and sall sell the samin to ony that will by thame, and pay the prices thairof, to the awnaris. And gif na man will by thame, It salbe leiffull to the saidis Prouest and Baillies, to cast downe the saidis waist landis, and with the stuffe and stanis thairof, big ane honest substantious wall, fra the port of the nether bow, to the Trini­tie College. And it sall not be leiffull in tymes cumming, to ony maner persoun to persew thame, nor thair successouris thairfoir, nor pretend ony rycht or interes thairto in tyme tocum, nouther for the principall land, nor for annuellis awing furth thairof. And because the Eist syde of the said wynde, pertenis to the Abbot and Conuent of Haly­rudehous: It is ordanit, that the Baillies of the Cannongait, gar siclyke be done vpone the said Eist syde. And als because of the vilitie, that cummis be s [...]aying of flesche be the fleschouris dwelland on the Eist syde and teming interellis of beistis, generand corruptioun: It is thairfoir ordanit, that the samin be forbidden, be the Prouest and Baillies of Edinburgh and Cannongait, vnder the pane of confiscati­oun of all sic flesche slane be thame in maner foirsaid.

Anent the meill mercat of Edinburgh. Ca. lxxxiij.

ITEM Because the mercat of meill, and vthers victuallis of the towne of Edinburgh, is commoun vpone the hie gait to the sycht of all maner of persounis, strangearis and vthers, and that ane multitude of vile, vnhonest and miserabill creaturis, con­uenis to the said mercat daylie, to get thair sustentatioun and leuing: ¶ Thairfoir it is thocht expedient, that the said meill mercat be remo­uit of the hie gait, in sum honest, ganand and conuenient place, quhair the nychtbouris of the said towne and vthers the Kingis liegis may conuene, for selling and bying of sic victuallis in tyme tocum.

The panis of Iugeis that dois wrang. Ca. lxxxiiij.

SVA it is statute and ordanit, that for samekill as it hes bene heuilie murmurit to our Souerane Lord, that his liegis hes bene greitlie hurt in tymes bygane be Iugeis, baith spirituall and temporall, quha hes not bene allaner­lie Iugeis, bot plane solistaris, partiall counsallouris, assistaris and part takaris with sum of the parteis, and hes tane greit geir and prosseit: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit in tymes cū ­ming, that all Iustice Schireffis, Lordis of Sessioun, Baillies of Re­galiteis, [Page cxxxviii] Prouest and Baillies of Burrowis and vthers Deputis, and all vthers Iugeis spirituall and temporall, alsweill within Regaliteis as Rialtie, sall do trew and equall Iustice to all our Souerane Lordis liegis, without ony partiall counsall, rewairdis or buddis taking, for­ther than is permittit of the Law, vnder the pane of tinsall of thair ho­nour, fame and dignitie, gif thay be taintit and conuictit of the samin. And gif ony maner of persoun murmuris ony Iuge, temporall or spiri­tuall, alsweill Lordis of the Sessioun as vthers, and preuis not the sa­min sufficientlie, he salbe punist in semblabill maner and sort, as the said Iuge or persoun quhome he murmuris, and sall pay ane pane arbitrall, at the will of the Kingis grace or his counsall, for the infaming of sic persounis: Prouyding alwayis, gif ane spirituall man failȝeis, that he be callit befoir his Iuge Ordinar.

Prouisioun and panis of thame committand fraude in the alienatioun or vtherwayis. Ca. lxxxv.

ITEM For eschewing of inconuenientis, that oft and diuers tymes happinnis in this Realme, of the new inuen­tie craft and fal [...]et committit and done daylie be thame that fellis thair landis or disponis the samin, ex titulo oneroso, that puttis thair barnis or vther freind and persoun in state of the samin, befoir the dait of the selling or geuing thairof to vthers, as said is: ¶ Heirfoir it is statute and ordanit, that quha sellis and disponis ony landis or annuall rentis to ony maner of persoun, for ony cause quhair warrandice may fall, and puttis vthers in priuate state thairof, not be resignatioun in the Kingis grace handis, nor be confirmatioun with precept past furth of the Chā ­cellarie, nor be plane resignatioun in the ouerlordis handis, or confir­matioun of the ouerlord, and the persoun, that happinnis to get thir landis, and brukis the samin peciablie ȝeir and day be lauboring, ma­nuring and vptaking of the mailis, proffeitis and dewteis, and swakennit heretabill possessour thairof ȝeir and day: The persoun or persou­nis hauand priuate state and sesing of the saidis landis, sall neuer be hard, to clame the samin, aganis the secund heritabill possessour for ony cause, bot to persew his interes aganis the principall geuar and his air­is. And the persoun sellar or geuar, to be callit and declairit infame, at the Kingis grace instance, and to be punist in his persoun and gudis, at the Kingis grace will and plesure. And gif the ouerlordis ressaifis dow­bill resignatiounis wittanlie, to the effect abo [...]e writtin, thay to be pu­nist siclyke. And this act to be extendit to thame, that makis dowbill assedatiounis, and dowbill assignatiounis.

The remeid aganis thame, that lyis out of thair landis, and will not enter, in defraude of thair creditouris. Ca. lxxxvj.

[Page] AND anent the remeid to be put, to the fraude day­lie cōmittit be heretouris of thame that ar deid, and ar awand greit soumes of money to sindrie persounꝭ thair creditouris, and the saidis airis fraud [...]ullie ly­is furth, and will not enter to thair landis, swa that thay may be distreinȝeit for the saidis debtis, in caice thay be not distreinȝeabill in vthers mouabill gudꝭ ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that letters salbe direct be deli­uerance of the Lordis of counsall, and at the instance of ony complenar, to command and charge the saidis heretouris (thay beand of perfite age) to enter to thair landis, ȝeir and day being past, efter the deceis of thair father or predecessouris, quhome to thay succeid, to enter to the samin, within .xl. dayis nixt efter thair charge. And failȝeing thairof, letters salbe direct to the Schiref of the Schire and his De­putis, to appryse the saidis landis to the saidis creditouris, for the saidis debtis (gif thay be liquide). The quhilk processe of apprysing, sall haue als greit strenth, force and effect, as the saidis airis, war enterit thair­to, and the saidis apprysit landis, to be haldin of the immediat superi­our thairof: Prouyding alwayis, that it salbe lesum to the saidis he­retouris and thair successouris, to redeme the saidis landis, within se­uin ȝeiris, conforme to the act of Parliament, maid thairupone of be­foir, and efter the tenour thairof in all punctis.

Anent the priuilege of Burrowis. Ca. lxxxvij.

ITEM It is deuisit, statute and ordanit, that the auld pri­uilegeis of Burrowis, be obseruit and keipit, anen­tis Merchandis and Merchandice, conforme to our Souerane Lordis Lawis, statutis and actis of Parliament maid of befoir, and ratifeis and confirmes the samin in this present Parliament, with all priuile­geis grantit to thame be our Souerane Lord, and his maist Nobill progenitouris of gude mynde, quhome God assolȝie.

Of pakking and peling. Ca. lxxxviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na persoun vse pak­king nor peling of woll, hydis, nor skinnis, lose nor laid outwith fre Burgh and priuilege thairof.

Anent furth hauing of money of the Realme. Ca. lxxxix.

ITEM Our Souerane Lord, with auise of thre Estatis of Parliament, ratifeis and appreuis, the actis and sta­tutis maid of befoir, anent the furth hauing of money, furth of the Re­alme, [Page cxxxix] be Prelatis, Kirkmen and vthers, in furnessing of thair expediti­ounis & besynes, bot that the finance thairof, be maid be Merchandis.

Of mesuris of fische. Ca. xc.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that ane bind and mesure be maid for Salmound, hering and keling. And that the samin be keipit throw all the Realme. And that the said mesure, be conforme to the actis of Parliament, and to that effect, that ilk cowpar haue ane birning Irne of his mark, to mark ilk barrell, and siclyke the towne to haue ane serchour, quhilk sall haue the townis mark in keiping, to birne ilk barrell, swa that our Souerane Lordis custume thairof be not defraudit. And gif ony fische, Salmound, he­ring, or keling, beis found in sic barrellis vnmarkit, the samin to be escheit, and siclyke the tume treis, that ane half to our Souerane Lord, and the vther to the towne.

The panis of thame that tynis the pley. Ca. xcj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that gif ony persoū perfewꝭ ane vther within Burgh, that the tynar of the cause, pay the winnaris expensis, to be modifeit be the Iuge, conforme to the commoun Law, and daylie practike of the Lordis of counsall.

Anentis conductioun of craftismen. Ca. xcij.

ITEM Because it is heuilie murmurit, that all craftismen of this Realme, and speciallie within Burrowis, vsis sic extorsioun vpone vthers our Souerane Lordis liegis, be ressoun of thair craftis and priuate actis and constitutiounis, maid amangis thame selfis contrare the commoun weill, and in greit hurt, preiu­dice, dampnage and skaith to all the liegis of this Realme:

¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that in all tymes cumming, it salbe lesum to all our Souerane Lordis liegis, that hes ony bigging­is or reparatiounis to be maid, for the making of policie in this Re­alme, outher to Burgh or to land, to cheis gude craftismen, fremen or vthers, as he thinkis maist expedient for ordouring, bigging and en­ding of all sic warkis. And gif ony craftismen beginnis the said wark, and dilayis to end the samin, that the persoun that causis to big the said wark, or reparatioun foirsaid, to cheis and tak vthers in thair placis als oft as neid beis, to perfurneis and end furth the said wark for policie of the Realme. And that na impediment be maid to sic craf­tismen, vsand thair craft, as said is, be ony vther of the said craft within this Realme, vnder pane of tinsall of thair fredome, and [Page] breking of the actis of Parliament. And that the Prouest and Baillies of all Barrowis, tak inquisitioun heirupone, and put this act to exe­cutioun in all punctis.

For drawaris of claith. Ca. xciij.

ALswa it is statute and ordanit anentis drawaris of claith, and litstaris of fals colouris, That in euerie Burgh, thair be ane qualifeit man chosin, to seill all claith, and sall haue for his laubouris of ilk steik seilling .xij. d. And gif ony drawaris of claith, beis apprehendit, that ane half of the saidis gudis, to be our Souerane Lordis escheit, and the vther half to the Burgh, and the said drawaris within Burgh, for the first fault, to tyne thair fredome for ȝeir and day: And for the secund fault for euer. And siclyke of thame outwith Burgh dingand calk, creische, [...]aland or cardand claith, that the samin be eschetit, and thay haldin to refound the skaith to the awnaris. And gif the said scillar beis fundin culpa­bill, seilland vnsufficient coloure or drawin claith, he to tyne his fre­dome, and to be punist in his persoun and gudis.

For foirstallaris. Ca. xciiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, gif ony foirstallaris be ap­prehendit, foirstalland ony maner of Merchandice, victuallis, pultrie or gudis quhatsūeuer within the fredome of Burgh, that the Officiaris of the said Burgh escheit the samin, the ane half to our Souerane Lordis vse, and the vther half to the Burgh, conforme to the act of Parliament maid heirupone of befoir. And that na vther Officiar haue powar thairto, within the boundis of fre Burgh.

Anentis wechtis. Ca. xcv.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na Burgh haue ane wecht to by with, and ane vther to sell different in wecht thair [...]ra, bot that all Burrowis haue ane vniuersall wecht of the stane, baith for bying and selling of all stuffe in tyme tocum.

Annexatioun of landis to the Crowne. Ca. xcvj.

OVR Souerane Lord with auise and consent of his thre [...]ꝭ, hes annext the landꝭ vnder writtin, to remane perpetuallie with his grace & his successouris, as patrimonie of his Crown, with all clausis, restrictiounis & prouisiou­nis, siclyke as is contenit in the annexatiounis of vthers [Page cxl] maid be his hienes in his last Parliament, and be his predecessouris Kingis of Scotland▪ And will that the samin be haldin as for expresse in this present act. Off the quhilkis landis the namis followis, that is to say. All and haill the landis of Cromar, and Bray of Mar. All and sindrie the landis of Hinderland, with the Towre and Fortalice of the samin and thair pertinentis, aduocatiounis and donatiounis of Kirkis and Chaplaureis. All and sindrie the landis and Barronie of Eistwe­mis, Towre and Fortalice of the samin, aduocatioun and donatioun of Kirkis, tennentis, tenandreis, partis, pendiclis, annexis, connexis and pertinentis thairof. And all vther and sindrie landis, quhilkis pertenit to vinquhile Iames Coluile of Eistwemis Knycht, the tyme of his de­ceis, and now pertening to our Souerane Lord, be ressoun of dome of forfaltour geuin thairupone. And als the landis of Bukhaum, except samekill thairof, as pleis the Kingis grace, to gif to the Abbot and Cō ­uent of Dumfermling in excambium for ane part of thair landis of wester Kinghorne besyde the brint Iland, conforme to the Charters to be maid thairupon. And als except it salbe lesum to our said Souerane Lord, to set his said annext landis in few, for augmentatioū of his ȝeir­lie rent, conforme to the act of dissolutioun maid in this present Parlia­ment.

The dissolutioun of the vnion, for setting of fewis. Ca▪ xcvij.

ITEM Because it is thocht be the Kingis grace, and the haill thre Estatis of this Realme, that the setting of his andis baith annext and vnannext in few, is to the greit proffeit of his Crowne, swa the samin be maid in augmentatioun of his Rentall: ¶ It is thairfoir statute and ordanit be our Souerane▪ Lord and his thre Estatis of this present Parliament, that it salbe lesū to his hienes, to set all his proper landis, baith annext and vnannext in fewferme, to ony persoun or persounis, as he plesis, swa that it be not in diminutioū of his Rentall, grassummes or ony vther dewteis, bot in augmentati­oun of the samin, and to set thame with sic clausis, as he thinkis expedi­ent, and to be geuin according to the conditioun foirsaid. And that the Landis, that he settis in his tyme, as said is, stand perpetuallie to the airis, efter the forme of thair conditioun. And that this statute indure for the lyfetyme of the King our Souerane Lord, that now is, allanerlie, swa that the landis that he settis in his tyme, with the con­ditiounis foirsaidis, sall stand perpetuallie. And efter his deceis the an­nexatiounis quhilkis ar maid of befoir, sall returne agane to the awin nature, swa that his successouris sall not haue powar, to annalie nor set in few mair than thay had befoir the making of this statute.

HEIR FOLLOWIS CER­TANE ACTIS AND CONSTITVTIOVNIS, MAID be our Souerane Lord King Iames the fyft, with auise of his thre Estatis, in diuers his Parliamētis in his les age. And now sene ouer agane be the Lordis of his Articlis, and fundin be thame, gude and ressonabill. And thairfoir ordanit be our said Souerane Lord, to be collectit, ratifeit & appr [...]uit be his hienes, and ordanit to be insert in the bukis of his present Parliament, to be geuin furth with the laif of his actis of Parliament. And nottheles, the strenth and effect of thame to haue bene sen the first constitutioun.
That na faith be geuin to euidentis selit, without subscriptioun of the principall or Notar. Ca. xcviij

ALswa it is statute and ordanit, that because mennis selis may of auenture be tint, quhairthrow greit hurt may be generit to thame that aw the samin: And that mennis selis may be feinȝeit, or put to wryttingis efter thair de­ceis, in hurt and preiudice of our Souerrane Lordis liegis: ¶ That thairfoir, na faith be geuin in tyme cumming, to ony obliga­tioun, band, or vther wrytting vnder ane seill, without subscriptioun of him that aw the samin and witnes, or els gif the partie can not wryte, with the subscriptioun of ane Notar thairto.

Anentis birning of Cornis, rasing of fyre, and renysing of wemen. Ca. xcix

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the committaris of the crymes of fyre rasing and reuysing of wemen, be put vnder souertie to the Law, lyke as the crymes of slauchter and mutilatioun. And in caice of non finding of souertie, to denunce thame Rebellis, lyke as men slayaris. And als because the birning of cor­nis in barne ȝairdis, is sa greit offence aganis the commoun weill: ¶ That thairfoir, thair be neuer respect nor remissioun geuin in tyme tocum, to ony persounis that birnis cornis in stakis or barnis, bot the committaris thairof, to be iustifeit to the deid, or banist the Realme for euer.

Anentis thame that brekis or passis contrare the Kingis grace priuilegeis grantit to him be the sate of Rome. Ca. c

ITEM Anentis the article maid to prouyde, how the auld actis and statutis, maid aganis thame that dois cō ­trare the Kingis priuilege, grantit to his predecessouris and successou­ris, [Page cxli] be the sege of Rome, and speciallie temporall men, that ar contrare the saidis actis in lychtlying of the Kingis autoritie, makis finance and furnessing to the persounis brekand and hurtand our Souerane Lordꝭ priuilege, quhat ordour salbe takin aganis Scottis Clerkis, remanand in Rome, that standis contrare our Souerane Lordis priuilege: ¶ It is statute and ordanit in this present Parliament, that the statu­tis and actis maid thairupone of befoir aganis thame passand contrare our Souerane Lordis priuilege, be obseruit and keipit in tyme tocum. And that dictay be takin vpone the brekaris of ony of the saidis actis to vnderlie the Law for the samin, the thrid day of the nixt Iustice Air of the Schire, quhair the brekaris dwellis, or vpone .xv. dayis war­ning, befoir our Souerane Lordis Iustice principall or his Deputis, quhen and quhair thay salbe summound thairto, be our Souerane Lordis letters, swa that Iustice salbe extremelie done vpone thame passand incontrare the priuilege grantit to the Kingꝭ hienes, and brek­and the actis and statutis maid thairupone, efter the forme and tenour thairof.

The nerrest of the kin, to haue the gudis of thame that deis vntestat, without preiudice of the Quot. Ca. cj.

ITEM Anent the article proponit, forsamekill as oft tymes ȝoung persounis deis, that may not mak testamen­tis, the Ordinaris vsis to gif thair executouris Datiuis to thair gud­is, quhilkis intromettis thairwith, and withdrawis the gudis fra the kin and freindis, that sould haue the samin be the Law: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, be the thre Estatis of this present Parliament, that quhair ony sic persounis deis within age, that may not mak thair testa­mentis, the nerrest of thair kin to succeid to thame, sall haue thair gudis, without preiudice to the Ordinaris anent the Quot of thair testamentis.

That na Legate be ressaifit in this Realme. Ca. cij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, be the thre Estatis of this present Parliament, that na Legate nor Legatioun, be ressaifit in this Realme, bot be auise of our Souerane Lord, and vnderstandin be thame for the commoun weill of the samin, conforme to the auld actis of Parliament maid thairupone of befoir.

The mercat dayis for selling of breid in Edinburgh. Ca. ciij.

ITEM Because of the greit repair in Edinburgh throw re­sorting of our Souerane Lord, his liegis and vthers strangearis, and it is necessar, that thay be prouydit of breid, gude and [Page] sufficient stuffe: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that thair be ouklie thre mercat dayis for selling of breid within the said towne, that is to say, monounday, wednisday and friday ouklie, vpone the quhilk dayis, it salbe leiffull to all our Souerane Lordis liegis, baith to Burgh and to land, to cum vpone the said mercat dayis, to the said towne, and sell thair breid for reddy money, without troubill or iniu­ris, to be done to the persounis cummand with thair breid, to the effect foirsaid.

Thre mercat dayis for selling of flesche. Ca. ciiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that thair be thre mercat dayis ouklie in the said towne, for selling of flesche, That is to say, Sonday, monounday, and turisday ouklie all maner of persounis, baith to Burgh and to land, salbe fre to cum and sell flesche for reddy money, for the furnessing of our Souerane Lord and his lie­gis, and vthers repairand to the said towne.

For talloun. Ca. cv.

ITEM Forsamekill, as it was statute and ordanit of befoir, that na talloun sould be had furth of the Realme, for the eschewing of derth of the samin, nottheles the talloun is caryit furth in greit quantitie, quhilk hes rasit exceidand derth in the cuntrie, put­tand the stane of talloun, to ane dowbill price or abone: ¶ Thair­foir it is statute and ordanit in this present Parliament, that na per­soun nor persounis, tak vpone hand in tyme tocum, to cary ony talloun furth of the Realme, vnder the pane of tinsall of all thair gudis moua­bill, cummand incontrare heirof. And that all custumaris at euerie port of the Realme, quhair Schippis ar frauchtit, mak serchouris, to serche and seik all Schippis, and quhair ony talloun beis Schippit or brocht to the Schippis; to be caryit furth of the Realme to escheit the samin, that is to say, that ane half to thair awi [...] vse, that apprehendis the talloun, and that vther half to our Souerane Lordis vse. And that the custumaris mak compt heirupone ȝeirlie in the Checkar. And als that thay aduerteis our Souerane Lordis Thesaurar of the per­sounis awnaris of sic talloun eschetit, swa that he may inbring the re­manent of thair gudis mouabill to our Souerane Lordis vse, for thair contemptioun. And in lykewyse, that na maner of man, fleschour nor vthers, to Burgh nor to land, tak vpone hand, to rynde, mylt nor bar­rell talloun, vnder the pane of tinsall of all thair gudis.

Of thame that counterfatis the Kingis money. Ca. cvj.

[Page cxlii] ITEM Forsamekill, as diuers wickit euill auisit persounis, feinȝeis and counterfatis our Souerane Lordis mo­ney, quhilk may returne to the greit dampnage of this Realme, with­out remeid be prouydit thairfoir in tyme: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that all Prouestis, Aldermen, Baillies and Officiaris of Bur­rowis, serche and seik vpone all mercat dayis and vther tymes neces­sare, all persounis that can be apprehendit, hauand fals money, or coū ­terfatis the Kingis Irnis of cuinȝie. And bring or send thame to our Souerane Lordis Iustice, to be Iustifeit for thair demeritis, efter the forme of the Lawis of the Realme, maid vpone fals cuinȝeouris.

Anentis thame, that takis placis of Bischoppis and Abbais efter thair deceis. Ca. cvij.

SVA in the first, for the honour of God and halie Kirk, our Souerane Lord with auise of the thre Estatis, ordanis that the fredomes, priuilegeis and Immuniteis of halie Kirk, and all spirituall persounis, be obseruit and keipit in honour, worschip and dignitie, for the tyme of our Soue­rane Lord, that now is, lyke as hes bene in the tyme of his maist No­bill progenitouris of gude mynde, quhome God assolȝie of befoir, with this additioun, That forsamekill, as quhen Prelatis, sic as Bischop­rikis or Abbais, happinnis to waik, the nominatioun thairof, per­tenis to our Souerane Lord, and the prouisioun of the samin, to our halie father the Pape: Neuertheles, euill disposit persounis in troub­lus tymes, hes put handis and takin Bischoppis Castellis, Palices, and Fortalices at thair awin hand, be thair awin autoritie, and but our Souerane Lordis command, consent or letters, at tymes quhen Bischoprikis waikis and vthers, and in lykewyse enteris in Abbais and takis thame, and puttis the samin in keiping in secular mennis handis, but consent, command or letters of the Kingis grace, and als but command, auise or desyre of the Conuentis of sic Abbais, in hie displesure of God Almychtie, our halie father the Pape, and in hie contemptioun of our Souerane Lordis autoritie, quhairthrow the Kirk and Kirkmen ar heuylie hurt and dampnageit: ¶ Thairfoir it is sta­tute and ordanit in this present Parliament, that quhatsumeuer per­soun or persounis, in ony tyme to cum takis ony Bischoppis placis, Ca­stellis or strenthis, or enteris be thair awin autoritie in Abbais, to hald tha placis, but our Souerane Lordis command, letters or char­geis, or desyre of the Conuentis thairof, at tymes quhen sic Bischop­rikis or Abbais waikis, or ony vther tyme, thay not waikand, but the Kingis autoritie, thay sall incur the cryme of treson and lese maiestie, and salbe callit thairfoir at the Kingis plesure vpone thair forfaltour, [Page] and to tyne thair lyuis, landis, heretagers, and gudis mouabill, and vnmouabill, honour and officis, because the Kingis grace is haldin and bundin, to defend the halie Kirk and Kirkmen, in thair iust actiounis.

The Kingis grace ordinance for imprentin of his actis of Parliament. Ca. cviij.

HEIR our Souerane Lord hes ordanit, that the actis of Parliament maid be his hienes, be publist out throw all his Realme. And that all Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies, Prouestis and Baillies of Burrowis, and v­thers his liegis, may haue the copyis thairof, and pretend na Ignorance throw misknawing of the samin: ¶ Hes ordanit his Clerk of Registre, to mak ane autentyk extract & copy, of all the saidis actis, sa far as concernis the commoun weill, vnder his subscriptioun manuall, to be Imprentit, be quhat Prenter it sall pleis the said Clerk of Registre to cheis. And it sall not be lesum, to ony vther Prenter, to Imprent the samin within this Realme, or without the samin, or bring hame to be sauld, for the space of▪ vj. ȝeiris nixt to cum, vn­der the pane of confiscatioun of the samin: Prouyding alwayis, that the said Prenter to be chosin be the said Clerk of Registre, as said is, haue our said Souerane Lordis speciall licence thairto.

¶ Thomas Dauidson than chosin Prenter, first Imprentit thir the viij. dayof Februar the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth xlj. ȝeiris.

¶ Thir ar the trew copyis, of the actis of Parliament, maid be our Souerane Lord King Iames the fyft. Extractit furth of the bukis of Parliament, at command of the act maid thairupone, be Maister Ia­mes Foulis of Colintowne, Clerk of our Souerane Lordis Registre, counsall and Rollis, vnder his signe and subscriptioun manuall.

¶ FAMA secunda ferat, Iacobum ad sydera quintum,
QVO regnante, bonum coelitus omne venit,
¶ PACE bonus, bello (que) potens, Iustiss [...]mus orbis.
HOC regnum quintus, Rex Iacobus habet.

IN PARLIAMENTO EX­CELLENTISSIMAE PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOS­trae Mariae Reginae Scotiae tento apud Edinburgh Decimo tertio die Men sis Martij Anno Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo Quadragesimo secundo Per Magnificum Principem Iacobum Comitem Arraniae Dominum Ham­miltoun Tutorem ac Gubernatorem Regni tribus Regni statibus presenti­bus.

QVARTA dies Parliamenti. 15. Martij. 1542.

Passing of signatouris throw the seilis, efter the Kingis deceis. Ca. j.

MY Lord Gouernour with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, ratifeis and appreuis the act maid at Edinburgh the .xviij. day of Ianuar last bypast, tuiching the passing of all signatouris concerning infeftmentis throw the Se­lis: And siclyke of the respectis, remissiounis and vthers, as is conte­nit in the said act, and efter the forme and tenour of the samin: And prorogattis the terme contenit in the said act, for rasing of the saidis Seilis: siclyke all summoundis to be rasit vnder the quarter Seill, quhill the first day of August nixt tocum. Off the quhilk act the tenour followis. ¶ At Edinburgh the .xviij. day of Ianuar, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .xlij. ȝeiris. The quhilk day it is thocht necessare and expedient be the Lordis of counsall at the cōmand of my said Lord Gouernour for the commoun weill, and weill of sindrie Lordis, Barronis and landit men, and vthers our Souerane Ladyis liegis, quha obtenit befoir the deceis of our Souerane Lord, quhome God assolȝie, signatouris of new infeftmentis of thair landis be resig­natioun, alienatioun, confirmatioun, and als remissiounis, and maid compositiounis thairfoir with consent and auise of the Thesaurar, and was subscriuit be our said vmquhile Souerane Lord, & his Thesaurar, quhilkis as ȝit ar not past the Seilis: Quhairfoir the saidis Lordis ordanis & statutis, that all new infeftmentis and signatouris foirsaidis, sall pas ordourlie throw all our said vmquhile Souerane Lordis Seil is, and to be of als greit strenth, walour and effect, as and thay had bene rasit afoir his grace deceis. And albeit the greit Seill, and priuie Seill ar now changeit, and diuers preceptis war direct of befoir, that is to say, to Dauid Cardinall of Sanctandros, kepar of the priuie Seill, and fra the said priuie Seill direct to Gawin Archbischop of Glasgow, Chancellar for the tyme, That the saidis preceptis be an­swerit be the keiparis of the saidis Seilis, and thay to be of als greit [Page] strenth walour and effect, as thay war direct to Iohne Abbot of Pas­lay, now keipar of the priuie Seill, and to the said Dauid Cardinall of Sanctandros, now Chancellar and keipar of the greit Seill:

¶ And als ordanis, that all preceptis of sesingis els rasit, vpone in­feftmentis grantit be vmquhile our said Souerane Lord, that ar els past the greit Seill, and siclyke that ar to be past vpone the signatouris and preceptis foirsaidis, salbe sufficient, and of als greit walour, strenth and effect, for geuing and taking of the saidis se [...]ngis (notwithstan­ding our said vmquhile Souerane Lordis deceis) as thay had bene put to executioun, and sesing taking thairupone afoir his grace deceis. And that letters be direct throw all the Realme, to publique this con­stitutioun, and to warne all maner of persounis, that hes rasit ony sig­natouris and preceptis thairupone in maner foirsaid, that thay cum and pas vnder the saidis Seillis ordourlie, as effeiris, betuix this and the Feist of Pasche nixt to cum, with certificatioun and thay failȝie, the saidis signatouris and preceptis rasit thairupone, salbe of na force, nor effect, fra the said day furth, and sall not be answerit of the saidis Seilis, the said day being bypast.

IN PARLIAMENTO TEN­TO APVD EDINBVRGH. &c. DECIMO QVIN­to die Mensis Decembris Anno Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo Quadra­gesimo tertio.
Ratificatioun of the institutioun of the College of Iustice. Ca. ij.

THE quhilk day the Quenis grace with auise of my Lord Gouernour and thre Estatis of the Realme, ra­tifeis and appreuis the institutioun of the College of Iustice with all priuilegeis, fredomes and liberteis geuin & grantit to the samin in siclyke maner, forme and effect, as it was in vmquhile our Souerane Lordis tyme, that last deceissit, and sensyne.

IN PARLIAMENTO TENTO APVD EDINBVRGH. &c. QVAR­to die Mensis Augusti Anno. Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo Quadragesimo sexto.
[Page cxlv] Aganis the inuadaris and downecastars of Kirkis, Kirk mennis placis, and reifaris of the Iowellis. Ca. iij.

MY Lord Gouernour and thre Estatis of Parliament, ra­tifeis and appreuis be Censiment of Parliament, the act maid at Striuiling the .xj. day of Iunij, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .xlvj. ȝeiris, anentis the taking of spirituallmen in thair housis and placis, as is contenit in the said act. Off the quhilk the tenour followis. ¶ The quhilk day my Lord Gouernour with auise of the Quenis grace, and Lordis of counsall vn­derstandand, that throw the occasioun of this trublous tyme, and greit inobedience maid baith to God and man, in the committing of diuers enorme and exhorbitant crymes: It is dred and feirit, that euill dispo­sit persounis will inuaid, destroy and cast downe, and withhald Ab­bais, Abbay placis, Kirkis, alsweill paroche Kirkis, as vthers Religi­gious placis, Freiris of all ordouris, Nunreis, Chapellis, and vthers spirituall mennis housis, aganis the Lawis of God and man, and in­contrare the libertie and fredome of halie Kirk, and actis of Parliamēt maid thairupone, obseruit and keipit in all tymes bygane, And for es­schewing and stopping of all sic inconuenientis: It is deuisit, statute and ordanit, That letters be direct ouer all partis of this Realme, and to all Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies and thair Deputis, and to Prouestis, Baillies, Aldermen of Burrowis, and to vthers Officiaris of the Quenis Schireffis in that part, Chargeing thame to pas to the mercat croces of all Burrowis within this Realme, and thair be op­pin proclamatioun, command and charge all and sindrie our Soue­rane Ladyis liegis, that nane of of thame tak vpone hand to cast downe or destroy ony of the saidis Kirkis, Religious placis, and vthers Kirkis and Kirkmennis housis foirsaidis, or to withhald, intromet or tak the samin at thair awin hand be way of deid in ony tyme cumming: Or to spulȝie the Iowelis, or ornamentis of the Kirk ordanit for Godis seruice, and dedicat to the samin, vnder the pane of tinsall of lyfe, landis and gudis. And gif ony sic Kirkmennis housis or placis be els takin be quhatsumeuer persounis, ordanis the takaris and withhalders of the samin, to restoir and deliuer the samin agane to the awnaris thairof, and thair factouris, vnder the said pane. And ordanis this act to be ratifeit in Parliament.

IN PARLIAMENTO TEN­TO DECIMO QVARTO AVGVSTI ANNO DO. Millesimo Quingentesimo Quadragesimo sexto.
[Page] Anent the laying furth of tennentis. Ca. iiij.

THE quhilk day my Lord Gouernour and thre Esta­tis of Parliament, ratifeis and appreuis in this pre­sent Parliament, the act maid at Striuiling the elle­uint day of Iunij, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth. xlvj. ȝeiris, maid anentis the laying furth of tennentis be thair ouer Lordis, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said act. Off the quhilk the tenour fol­lowis: ¶ The quhilk day my Lord Gouernour with auise of the Quenis grace, and Lordis of counsall vnderstandand, that thair is greit conuocatiounis maid in the Realme, for putting and laying of men furth of thair takkis and steidingis, and siclyke to resist to the Lordis of the ground, thair Baillies, and Officiaris to lay thame furth, quhilk is the occasioun of greit troubill, slauchter amangis our Soue­rane Ladyis liegis: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that letters be direct to all Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies and thair Deputis, and to vhers Officiaris of the Quenis Schireffis in that part, to pas to the mercat croces of the heid Burrowis of the Schiris, and thair be oppin proclamatioun, command and charge, all and sindrie our Soue­rane Ladyis liegis, of quhatsumeuer degre thay be, that nane of thame tak vpone hand, to mak ony conuocatioun for putting and laying furth of ony tennentis, bot that thay be thair Baillies and Officiaris lay furth the saidis tennentis gudis ordourlie, conforme to the Lawis of the Realme, obseruit and keipit in tymes bygane: Nor ȝit that na ma­ner of tennentis mak ony conuocatioun or gaddering, for resistence to thair Lordis of the ground, thair Baillies and Officiaris, in the execu­tioun of thair officis, vnder the panis contenit in the actis of Parlia­ment maid aganis thame, that makis ony gadderingis or conuocati­oun, with certificatioun to thame, that dois in the contrare, that thay salbe callit at particular diettis, and salbe punist thairfoir with all ri­gour, as accordis. And gif ony persoun thinkis thame offendit be v­thers, ordanis thame to call outher criminallie or ciuilie, and Iustice salbe ministerit, as accordis.

Monctoun Hall.

¶ actis anent the dispositi­oun of beneficis, wardis, releif and mariage, and of possessi­ounis of thame, that happinnis to die in the armie.

Anent Kirkmen. Ca. v.

[Page cxlvi] AT Monctoun hall the .viij. day of September, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth and .xlvij. ȝeiris. The quhilk day my Lord Gouernour, with auise and consent of the Prelatis, Kirkmen, Erlis, Lordis, Barronis, and all vthers patronis of bene­ficis, baith spirituall and temporall vnderstandand, that the haill body of the Realme is passand ford­ward at this tyme, to resist our auld Inimeis of Ingland cumming in this Realme to inuaid the samin, ordanis, That quhatsumeuer Kirk­man, that happinnis to be slane in this present armie, hurt to the deid, or takis seiknes in the samin, and deis in the said seiknes gangand, re­manand or cummand thairfra, That the nerrest of the said Kirkmenis kin sall haue the presentatioun, prouisioun and collatioun of his bene­fice for that tyme alla [...]erlie: And the samin to be disponit to the ner­rest of his kin, that happinnis to be slane, or deceis in maner foirsaid, maist habill thairfoir. And the proffeitis of thair beneficis, with the frutis speciallie on the ground, with the annat thairefter to pertene to thame and thair executouris, alsweill Abbottis, Priouris, and all v­thers Religious men, as all vther Kirkmen.

Anent the waird, releif and mariage.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhatsumeuer per­soun or persounis, happinnis to be slane, hurt to the deid, or tak seiknes in our Souerane Ladyis armie, now ordanit in reddynes to pas fordwart for defence of the Realme, and resisting of our auld Inimeis of Ingland, now gadderit to inuaid the samin, and deis in the said seiknes, gangand, remanand or cummand thairfra, That thair air or airis sall haue thair waird, nonentres, releif and ma­riage, fre of our Souerane Lady, dispensand with thair minoritie and les age, quhat eild that euer thay be of, without payment of ony teind penny. And siclyke of all vthers Lordis, spirituall and temporall, baith of wassalis and subuassalis: Prouyding, that the Airis foirsaidis persew and obtene enteres of thair ouerlordis, within thre termis efter the deceis of thair fathers, or of quhatsumeuer vther persounis, quhome to thay ar to succeid, for the causis foirsaidis. And gif the saidis airis be of les age within tutorie, and beis not enterit to thair landis and he­retage befoir thair age of .xiiij. ȝeiris, quhilk may be throw negligence of thair tutouris and vthers thair freindis: ¶ Our Souerane Lady priuilegeis and grantis to thame, that thay may enter within thre ter­mis, nixt efter thair compleit age of .xiiij. ȝeiris, as said is. And this to be extendit to the Mediat air, that is to succeid to the persoun, that happinnis to deceis in our Souerane Ladyis armie, in maner foirsaid. [Page] And because it may happin the said persoun, that happinnis to deceis in the said armie, may haue maa lauchfull barnis of his body by his air: Thairfoir ordanis, that the proffeitis of his waird landis be tane vp be thair mothers, gif thair be na tutouris testamentaris, als lang as scho remanis wedo, and failȝeing thairof, be the nerrst and lauchfull tutouris of the saidis barnis, to be distribute for the sustentatioun of the said air, and to the vtilitie and proffeit of the remanent of his bre­ther and sisters, to the perfite age of the said air or airis, That is to say, gif the air be male of .xxj. ȝeiris, and gif thay be famell of .xiiij. ȝeiris, the proffeit of the said airis mariage being ay fre to him self, his saidis mother tutour and gouernour findand sufficient cautioun befoir the Lordis, that thay sall mak compt and rekning of thair intromissioū befoir the Lordis of counsall, or in the Checkar ȝeirlie. And gif the airis of the persounis, that happinnis to die, as said is, haue ony fewis, that thay enter siclyke to thair few landis, haldin of quhatsumeuer per­sounis, spirituall or temporall, within the termis foirsaidis, without ony payment of the dowbling of the few.

Anent possessiounis.

THE quhilk day my Lord Gouernour and all the Nobill men, Barronis, frehalders and gentilmen, being conuenit and assemblit togidder, to pas fordwart for defence of this Realme, and resisting of our auld Inimeis of Ingland, now instantlie approchand to my Lord Gouernour and his armie: ¶ Hes deui­sit, statute and ordanit, alsweill be my Lord Gouer­nouris awin consent, as be consent of the Nobill men, baith spirituall and temporall: That gif it sall happin (as God forbid) ony Erle, Lord, Barrone, frehalder, wassall, subuassall, fewaris, mailaris, takkismen, rentellaris, and possessouris or commounis to be slane, or tak seiknes, quhairthrow thay happin to deceis at this present armie, That thair airis, executouris or assignayis, sall frelie haue thair awin wairdis, releifis and mariageis in thair awin handis, to be disponit thairupone, as thay sall think expedient. And siclyke thair wyfis, harnis, executouris or assignais, sall bruke thair takkis, steidingis, row­mis and possessiounis, alsweill of Kirklandis, as of temporall mennis landis, and enter thairto, and remane thairwith, frelie for the space of fyue ȝeiris, without ony gressume, or enteres siluer, payand allanerlie mailis and dewteis, vsit and wount. And the said act alsweill to [Page cxlvii] extend vpone Kirkmennis wassallis, and temporallis, as vpone the Quenis.

IN PARLIAMENTO TEN­TO APVD EDINBVRGH XXIX. DIE MENSIS Maij Anno Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo Quinquagesimo primo.
Aganis thame that sustenis the proces of cursing, for the space of ane ȝeir, or communicatis, being excommunicat. Ca. vj.

THE quhilk day my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, hauand respect to the Nobill Catholick & Christin actis and statutis, maid be vmquhile our Soueraine Lord King Iames the Fyft that last de­ceissit, quhome God assolȝie, for conseruatioun and halding of his liegis in the trew and godlie faith euer hiddertillis, not onelie be him, bot also be his maist Nobill progenitouris, inuiolablie obser­ [...]it and keipit, sen thay first ressaifit the samin, and in speciall sic statu­tis, ordinancis and actis, maid anentis thame, that wilfullie, obsti­natlie or arrogantlie incurris the panis of cursing be ony maner of way, and lyis vnder that dampnabill stait lang tyme, schawand thair vngodlie lyfe to vthers the faithfull liegis of this Realme, hauand na regarde to be participant of the merite of the blude of Christ, nor of the suffrage of halie Kirk, quha throw thair arrogance obstinate and ino­bedience wilfullie throw colour and pretence of deuotioun, to schaw thair hie Ipocresie, cummis to the halie buird of God and ressaifis thair Sacrament, lyand vnder the said Censuris of cursing, in the euill exempill to the vthers gude trew simpill Catholick pepill: And for remedie heirof, and for eschewing of sic euill abominabill, peruersit and detestabill vicis in tymes cumming, to the effect, that the liegis of this Realme may liue in trew faith in our Souerane Ladyꝭ tyme, that now is, as thay haue done in hir maist Nobil progenitouris tymis: Hes statute and ordanit, that quhatsumeuer persoun or persounis, ar denun­cit cursit, for ony maner of cause in thair paroche Kirk oppinlie and [Page] publiclie on ane solempnit day, in tyme of diuine seruice befoir nune, befoir the parochin or personallie quhair euer thay be, befoir famo­us witnes, and lyis thairin obstinatlie be the space of ane ȝeir, or ressaifis the body of God, blist and halie Sacrament, vnder the said cursing, vnrecounsallit to the bosum of halie Kirk, that all thair gudis mouabill throw that deid, sall fall in our Souerane Ladyis handis be ressoun of escheit, and that the samin be inbrocht to hir vse, quhair euer thay may be apprehendit, to be disponit at hir grace plesure: Prouy­ding alwayis, that thay, at quhais instance sic persounis ar denuncit cursit for sowmis of money, for fulfilling of ony deid, salbe first satifeit and payit of all sowmis, or vther thingis that thay may craif, be ver­tew of the saidis letters of cursing, of the saidis escheit gudis, and thair­efter the remanent to pertene to our Souerane Lady. And that let­ters be direct to mak publicatioun heirof at all placis neidfull.

Anent fauouraris of declairit tratouris, or beiraris of feid for slauchter committit vpone thame. Ca. vij.

THE quhilk day, forsamekill as my Lord Gouernou­ris grace, and thre Estatis of Parliament, hauand respect to the greit, heuy and abominabill cryme of treson and lese maiestie, committit be diuers and sin­drie our Souerane Ladyis liegis within this Re­alme, and outwith the samin, for quhilkis sic tra­touris hes bene callit, accusit, and be the thre Esta­tis declairit tratouris in Parliament: Notwithstanding sic tratouris swa banist and fugitiue, without licence or tollerance of our Soue­rane Lady or my Lord Gouernouris respect, remissioun or superse­dere cummis and resortis agane within this Realme, and hantis and repairis amangis our Souerane Ladyis liegis, lyke as thay nor nane of thame had committit ony offence aganis our Souerane Lady my Lord Gouernour, the Realme, nor the autoritie, and ar resset, for­tifeit and mantenit be our Souerane Ladyis liegis, thair assistaris, fauouraris, mantenaris, and art and part takaris with thame in thair tressonabill deidis, hauand na regaird towart our Souerane Lady my Lord Gouernour, nor the autoritie: And in tymes cumming to schaw that foule abommabill cryme of lese maiestie and treson, and for punischement of the committaris thairof, thair assistaris, fauou­raris, mantenaris, ressettaris, fortifiaris, and part takaris of all sic tratouris, and thair company, and to auoide the company of vthers our Souerane Ladyis trew and faithfull subiectis: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, and thre Estatis of Par­liament, [Page cxlviii] that in caice ony sic declairit tratour or tratouris, happinnis to be handillit, takin, apprehendit or slane vpone suddantie, or vther­wayis put to deid, than and in that caice, it sal not be leiffull to the kin, freindis, assistaris, fortifiaris, mantenaris, fauouraris, or art and part takaris with sic tratouris on na wyse, fra the tyme that siclyke tra­tour or tratouris happinnis to be handillit, apprehendit or slane fra­thyne furth, to moue ony questioun, pik, gruge or querrell, or beir ony rancour, hatrent or inuie aganis the persoun or persounis, committaris of the slauchter of siclyke persounis tratouris, nor to persew nor inuaid thame for bodylie harme, slaucther or vtherwayis, to iniure thame in word or deid for that cause, nouther for tymes bygane nor tocum, vn­der the pane of treson, with certificatioun, to quhatsumeuer persoun or persounis, that cummis in the contrare of the premissis, that he salbe callit and accusit vpone treson, lyke as the committar of the principall cryme salbe in lyke maner punist, cōforme to the Lawis of the Realme with all rigour.

Anent thame that schutis with gu [...]nis at Deir and wylde foulis. Ca. viij.

THE samin day, forsamekill, as it was deuisit, statute and ordanit of befoir, that nane of our Souerane Ladyis lie­gis sould tak vpone hand to schute with half hag, culue­ring or pistolate, at Deir, Ra, wylde beistis or wylde fou­lis, vnder the pane of died: Notwithstanding our Soue­rane Ladyis liegis daylie and continuallie incontrare the tenour of the actis maid thairupone, incurrand the panis contenit in the samin, schu­tis with half hag, culuering and pistolate at the saidis wylde beistis and wylde foulis, quhairthrow the Nobill men of the Realme can get na pastyme of halking and hunting, lyke as hes bene had in tymes by­past, be ressoun that all sic wylde beistis and wylde foulis ar exilit and banist be occasioun foirsaid. And for remeid heirof: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernouris grace, and thre Estatis of Parliament, ȝit as of befoir, that nane of our Souerane Ladyis liegis, of quhatsumeuer degre he be of, tak vpone hand to schute at Deir, Ra or vther wylde beistis or wylde foulis, with half hag, culue­ring or pistolate in ony tymes tocum, vnder the pane of deid, and con­fiscatioun of all thair gudis for thair contemptioun, and quhat persoun or persounis, that happinnis to tak or apprehend ony maner of persou­nis cummand incontrare this present act and statute, and bringis him to the Schiref of the Schire or his Deputis, the takar sall haue the escheit of all the persounis gudis he apprehendis, and salbe rewardit v­therwayis, as accordis, for his laubouris.

The act maid anent the annuellis of landis brint be our auld Inimeis of Ingland within Burrowis. Ca. ix.

AT Edinburgh the elleuint day of September, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth and .lj. ȝeirꝭ, In presence of the Lordis of counsall, compeirit ane maist Reuerend Father in God, Iohne Archibischop of Sanctandros, Commendatour of the Abbay of Pas [...]ay. &c. For him self and the remanēt of the Cler­gy of this Realme on that ane part: And the Pro­ueit and Baillies of the Burgh of Edinburgh on that vther part, and gaif in thir articlis vnderwrittin, subscriuit be the hand of Maister Iohne Lauder Archidene of Tewiotdale Notar publique, and desyrit the samin to be insert in the bukis of counsall, & the saidis Lordis to in­terpone thair authoritie to the samin. The quhilk desyre the saidis Lordꝭ thocht ressonabill, and ordanit the saidis articlis to be Registrate in the saidis bukis of counsall, and to haue the strenth of ane act and decreit of the Lordis thairof, and hes interponit, and interponis thair autori­tie to the samin: And decernis and ordanis letters executorialis to be geuin heirupone, for dew executioun of the saidis articlis, and euerie punct thairof as efferis. Quhairof the tenour followis.

¶ Off the articlis and fundamentis to be auisit vpone, twiching the brint landis and tenemen­tis within the Burgh of Edinburgh, and vthers Burghis and townis within the Realme of Scotland, brint be the auld Ini­meis of Ingland.

ITEM The first article, quhair the Chaplane be the sycht of the masoun, wricht and maister of wark, and vthers discreit men sworne thairto, will contribute and pay the part of the ex­pensis, for the rait of thair annuall and maill of the hous, as it payis presentlie, that thay sall haue thair haill annuell, efter the bigging of the hous.

ITEM The ground annuall appeiris to be payit, quha euer big the ground, and failȝeing thairof, that the annu­ellar may recognosce the ground.

ITEM In all vther annuellis, to auise gif the awnaris lattis the ground to be vnbiggit, quhat salbe the Chaplanis part gif he may recognosce the samin or not, or compel the awnar to big the samin: And gif he may do nouther? gif he may call for warrandice, [Page cxlix] efter the forme of his iundatioun.

ITEM Gif samekill restis vnbrint of the haill tenement, that aw the annuell, as will pay the samin, gif the annuell may be craifit compleitlie?

ITEM To auise, gif the Chaplane hes the annuell vnder reuersioun, and contributis with the biggar, con­forme to the first article, to considder how lang thairefter, the annuell salbe vnredimabill, or samekill as is contribute, to be eikit in the re­uersioun.

ITEM Quhair the Chaplane was Laird of the tenement, and the samin haillelie brint, and the patrone requy­rit to big the samin, refusis and will not, and may not, siclyke the Chap­lane may not, quhether it salbe lesum to the Chaplane to set the samin tenement in few, and requyre the patrone for his consent, and gif he re­fusis, gif he may be compellit thairto, or gif the Chaplane may set the samin by his auise and consent, or not?

ITEM Quhair the haill tenement efter it be biggit be set in few within the auale thairof, for the vphald of the samin, and beis brint, gif the fewar may be compellit to big the samin vpone his awin expensis, or not? and quhat salbe the Chaplains part in that caice. &c.

ITEM Gif the coniunctfear or lyferentar of tenementis, quhilkis payis annuell to the Kirk, and is brint, as said is, gif thay may be compellit be the Chaplane, & airis of the said te­nement, to concur and big the samin for thair interes, and gif thay be disassentand thairto, quhat salbe lesum to the air, and Chaplane to do in that behalf?

¶ Heir followis the prouisi­oun, ordinance and conclusioun, maid to the articlis abone ex­premit, and to be in all tymes cumming obseruit and keipit, a­nentis all annuellis of the brint landis and tenementis be the auld Inimeis of Ingland, within the Burgh of Edinburgh, and vthers Burghis and townis within the Realme of Scotland, awand alsweill to spirituall men as temporall men, concordit and aggreit vpone, betuir the Lordis of the articlis of Parlia­ment, and the Prouest and Baillies, and counsall of the said Burgh of Edinburgh for thame, and the remanent Burghis and townis of this Realme, to haue the strenth of actis, statutis and ordinancis of Parliament in all tyme tocum.

[Page] ITEM In the first anent the first article, geuin in be the an­nuellaris of the Burgh of Edinburgh, and vthers Burghis within this Realme: ¶ It is concordit, statute and orda­nit, that gif the annuellar be the Iugement or sycht of the masoun, wrycht and maister of wark craftismen in the reparrelling of the tene­ment, quhilk is astrictit to the annuell, and vthers discreit men sworne thairto, will contribute and pay the part of expensis, according to the rait of the annuell and the male of the housis, quhilkis it geuis now presentlie, that the samin annuellarꝭ quhatsumeuer thay be, spirituall or temporall, sall haue the haill annuell of the nixt terme, immediatlie fol­lowing the bigging and reparing of the tenement or hous, and salbe fre to poynde and distrenȝie fra that tyme, alsweill for the bygane, as tocum, call and recognosce thairfoir according to Iustice: Prouyding alwayis, that gif ony questioun or pley sall happin to ryse anent the ex­pensis of the bigging betuix the annuellar and the heretour, the samin salbe decydit and discussit befoir the Lordis of our Souerane Lady­is sate of Iustice vpone ane simpill supplicatioun, but outher diet or tabill.

ITEM Anent the secund and seuint articlis, quhilkis ar coin­cident, It is statute and ordinat, that quhether the annuell be redemabill or vnredemabill, the annuellar hauand the ground annuell vpone ony brint land quhilk is, or beis reparellit be the awnar thairof, that makis na contributioun to the bigging of the samin, sall want the saxt part of the annuell, the few annuellaris sall in lykewyse want the fyft part of thair annuellis, the tope annuellaris sall in lykewyse want the fourt part of thairis, and the awnar of the brint land, quha hes biggit and reparrellit the samin, sall not be haldin to pay mair of the saidis annuellis respectiue, than cummis to the residew thairof, the saidis saxt, fyft and fourt partis respectiue being defasit: Prouyding alwayis, that it salbe lesum to the annuellaris, notwith­standing the defaisance maid presentlie, gif thay pleis to by in agane, and redeme fra the said awnar of the samin land, samekill of the said annuell, as thay sall happin to want be particular redemptioun, as the saidis annuellaris may cum to, and it war neuer sa lytill, payand pro­portionablie for ilk merk geuin downe to the proportioun and rate thairfoir the sowme of ten pundis Scottis money, but ony langar proces allanerlie, the awnar being requyrit to ressaif his money, salbe sufficient warning, and the annuellar to be answerit fra the nixt terme of samekill as he payis money for, as effeiris reallie, and with effect, the awnar being requyrit and refusand: And in that caice, the money to be deponit in the Prouest and Baillies handis of the towne, gif thay be baith temporall: Bot gif thay be spirituall and temporall, or baith [Page cl] spirituall, in the Officiallis handis of Loutheane being for the tyme, and thair to remane to his vtilitie and proffeit, that sould haue the sa­min, and defaisance of payment in maner foirsaid, to be maid continu­allie fra the bigging of the tenementis, astrictit to the annuellis.

ITEM The thrid article, It is ordanit, that gif the awnaris of the brint landis and tenementis, tholis the samin to ly vnbiggit twa ȝeiris efter the dait of thir presentis, It salbe lesum to the annuellaris to persew thair annuellis respectiue, conforme to the nature and rate of euerie annuell, as is abone expremit: Or to recog­nosce the tenement for non payment of the samin, the saidis twa ȝeiris being furthrunning, and to vse thair proces for non payment thairof, as accordis of the Law, and practik of this Realme.

ITEM Anent the fourt article, It is ordanit, that quhat kynde of annuell that euer it be, the samin lyand v­pone the haill tenement, gif samekill restis vnbrint of the haill, as will pay the samin annuell, the awnar hauand by the annuell twyse als m [...]kill, as the annuell extendis to of ȝeirlie proffeit, the haill annuell salbe payit: Vtherwayis it salbe proportionabill effeirand to the thrid penny of the ȝeirlie auale of the tenement, that standis, and quhair the laif beis biggit to haue siclyke interpretatioun, conforme to thir present articlis.

ITEM Anent the first article, it is deuisit and concludit, that in caice the annuellar contribute with the awnar of the brint renement, to the reparatioun thairof, conforme to the first article of the samin, the annuellar sall haue the reuersioun augmentit, to the quantitie extending to the thrid part of the sowme, vpone the quhilk the annuell is wodset: Swa that, quhill the principall sowme and half samekill with it be payit, the annuell to be vnredemabill, That is to say, in caice the annuell ly vpone twa hundreth merkis, it is not to be redemit, quhill thre hundreth merkis be payit, in caice foirsaid.

ITEM Anent the saxt article, It is prouydit and concludit, that gif ony Chaplane be haill Laird of the brint te­nement, vnit to his Chaplanrie as patrimonie thairof, and the patrone of the Chaplanrie being requyrit to big the samin, and nouther will not, or els may not, and in lykewyse the Chaplane is not of puissance to do the samin, It salbe lesum for policie, and eschewing of deformitie of the towne, to set the samin in few, to the vtilitie and proffeit of his Chaplanrie to ony, that will offer maist thairfoir, without the patronis [Page] consent, gif he refusis to gif his consent: Prouyding alwayis, that the patr one be first requyrit to tak the samin in few him self, and he to be in that caice preferrit to ony vther, geuand als mekill to the Chap­lane thairfoir, to the euident vtilitie of the Chaplanrie as ony vther will, without collusioun and the patrone refusand, the Chaplane to be fre to do thairwith, as is abone writtin.

ITEM As to the seuint article, It is answerit and conclu­dit, as is contenit in the response and conclusioun maid to the secund article abone writtin, because thay war concludit togidder.

ITEM As to the aucht article, It is statute and ordanit, that gif thair beis ony coniunctfear or lyferentar of ony brint land, considderatioun being tane and had be the Prouest and Baillies of the Burgh, quhat fre male the samin payit befoir the birning, It salbe lesum to the proprietar of the land to big the sa­min gif he plesis, payand the said coniunctfear or lyferentar, during thair lyfetyme, the thrid part of the fre male, the quhilk the said land payit befoir the birning: Bot gif the coniunctfear or lyferentar pleis to big the samin, thay to be preferrit to the proprietar, and to bruke the samin during thair lyfe. And thairfoir sall the proprietar and land baith be bundin and oblist to thame for to refound the thrid part of the money, quhilkis thay deburse in bigging of the saidis tenementis in necessare and proffitabill expensis, to be furth cummand to be geuin to thame the tyme of thair deceis, and thairefter to thair executouris and assignayis, the land being alsweill biggit as of befoir, and nychbourlyke.

IN PARLIAMENTO TEN­TO APVD EDINBVRGH PRIMO FEBRVARII Anno Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo Quinquagesimo primo.
[Page cli] Anent the prices of wynis. Ca. x.

THE quhilk day, forsamekill as my Lord Gouernour, and thre Estatis of Parliament, being remembrit of the monysaid actis of Parliament, and diuers vthers actis and statutis maid in generall counsall, & vther­wayꝭ, for suppressing of derth in this Realme of viuers & wynis, lyke as in the saidis actis and statutis maid thairupone is at mair lenth contenit: Notwithstan­ding the multiplie of wynis daylie cummand within this Realme at the eist and west seyis, the prices thairof decayis not, bot the said derth remanis, & the occasioun thairof is vnderstand to consist in our Soue­rane Ladyꝭ liegis, that foirstallis and byis the samin in priuie maner, & how sone the samin ar coft, puttis the samin in secreit housis, and not in oppin tauernis, selland the samin vpone hiear prices nor the com­moun tauerne dois: And besyde the samin, sic wynis, as ar sauld in cōmoun tanernis, ar commounlie be all tauernaris mixt with auld cor­rupt wynis, and with watter, to the greit appeirand danger and seik­nes of the byaris, and greit perrell of the saulis of the sellaris: And for remeid heirof, and to eschew sic inconuenientis in tyme cumming: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, and thre Estatis of Parliament, That nane of our Souerane Ladyis liegis tak vpone hand to by ony wynis, that is cummin, or sall happin to cum at the eist and northland seyis, fra this day furth of ony derrar prices nor xx. pund the twn of Burdeous wyne, and the Rochell wyne for .xvj. pund the twn, and that nane of thame sell the samin of ony derrar price nor .x. d. the pynt of Burdeous wyne, and the Rochell wyne for viij. d. the pynt, within the boundis foirsaidis. And that na wynis that is cum in at the west seyis, or is to cūin be bocht of ony derrar price nor. xvi pund the twn of Burdeous wyne, & the Rochell wyne for .xij. or .xiij pund the twn, and that nane of thame sell the samin of ony derrar price nor .viij. d. the pynt of Burdeous wyne, and .vj. d. the pynt of Rochell wyne, vnder the pane of escheting of all the saidis wynis, that thay sall happin to by, togidder with the rest of thair gudis mouabill for thair cō tēptioun. And that na maner of tauernaris tak vpone hand to mak ony [...]i [...]tioū with ony auld wynis & new wynis of this ȝeir, or put ony watter in the samin, vnder the pane of escheting of the punschoun, y sic auld wyne or watter salbe put into, togidder with the rest of all and sindrie the wynis being the awnaris of sic ane tauerne, and tinsall of thair [Page] fredome for euer. And in lyke maner, that nane of our Souerane La­dyis liegis byaris of sic wynis, and hauaris of tauernis, tak vpone hand to huird, or hyde ony sic wynis cost be thame in thair housis and priuie placis, bot that thay put the samin in thair commoun tauer­nis and woltis thairof, to be sauld indifferentlie to our Souerane La­dyis liegis, vpone the pricis befoir expremit, vnder the panis foirsaidis: Prouyding alwayis, that the Burgh of Sanct Iohnstoun sall haue li­cence to sell the wynis coft be thame .ij. d. of the quarte derar, nor vther Burrowis adiacent vnto thame.

Of the prices of wylde and tame meitis. Ca. xj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act and ordinan­cis maid vpone the prices of all wylde foulis, and tame soulis, be obseruit and keipit, and vpone the byaris and sellaris thairof, to be put to executioun in all punctis, efter the forme and te­nour thairof, and the panis contenit in the samin to be execute vpone thame, of the quhilk the tenour followis. The quhilk day, forsame­kill as the Quenis grace, my Lord Gouernour and Lordis of secreit counsall, hauand respect to the greit and exhorbitant derth rysin in this Realme, vpone the wylde and tame foulis, for putting of ordour heir­to, and remedie heirof: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace, my Lord Gouernour and Lordis of secreit counsall, That the wylde meit, and tame meit vnderwrittin, be sauld in all ty­mes cumming of the prices following, That is to say, in the first the cran v.s. Theswan .v.s. The wylde guse of the greit vind .ij.s. the claik quink and rute, the price of the peice .xviij. d. Item the pluwer and small mure foule, price of the peice .iiij. d. The blak cok and the gray hen, price of the peice .vj. d. the dosane of poutis .xij. d. Item the quhaip vi. d. Item the cuning .ij.s. vnto the Feist of Fasterniseuin nixt tocum, and fra thine furth .xij. d. Item the laproun .ij. d. Item the wodcok .iiij. d. Item the dosane of lauerokis, and vthers small birdis, the price of the dosane .iiij. d. Item the snype and qualȝie, price of the peice .ij. d. Item the tame guse .xvj. d. Item the capone .xij. d. Item the hen and pultrie .viij. d. Item the chikin .iiij. d. Item the gryse .xviij. d. And for obseruing and keiping of this act, quhatsumeuer persoun or persou­nis, alsweill byar as sellar, that brekis the samin, and dois in the con­trare heirof, That all his gudis salbe takin and eschetit to our Soue­rane Ladyis vse, and thair persounis punist at my Lord Gouernouris will and plesoure.

The articlis and punctis concludit vpone assurit Scottismen with Ingland. Ca. xij.

[Page clii] ITEM It is desyrit to be concludit in this present Parlia­ment, quhair Scottismen vnassurit with Ingland, raid vpone Scottismen assurit with Ingland, the tyme thay war as­surit, and tuke thair gudis and geir, quhether gif thay assurit persou­nis spulȝeit haue iust actioun and place to ask restitutioun of thair gudis, and amendis for the dampnageis done to thame, or not? ¶ It is concludit, decernit and declairit be the Quenis grace my Lord Go­uernour with aduise of the thre Estatis of Parliamēt, That quhair our Souerane Ladyis chargeis & proclamatiounis or my Lord Gouernou­ris priuate letters, or command was direct, chargeing all and sindrie assurit persounis of this Realme with Ingland, and that sat vnder thair assurance, to discharge thame of the said assurance, & leif the opi­nioun of Ingland, and to cum to the obedience of our Souerane La­dy, my Lord Gouernour and the autoritie, within ane certane terme prefixt thairto, contenit in the said letters, and wald not leif the opini­oun foirsaid, bot assistit to Ingland, Inglismen and thair companie, That thay Scottismen assurit in maner foirsaid, sall haue na place nor actioun to persew the persounis Scottismen vnassurit, for the spoliati­oun of thair gudis, or satisfactioun of ony vther dampnageis done to thame thairefter. And quhair na letters, chargeis, proclamatiounis, nor vthers priuate wryttingis, nor command of my Lord Gouernouris grace war direct, chargeing sic assurit persounis, to leif the opinioun of Ingland, and to cum to the obeysance of our Souerane Lady, my Lord Gouernour and the autoritie, nor na sic chargeis come to thair eiris, that thay Scottismē assurit, as said is, sall haue place and actioun to persew the persounis vnassurit, that spulȝeit for restitutioun of thair gudis, and amendis for the dampnage and skaith sustenit be thame, gif the spulȝearis had na speciall command, nouther in writ nor word of my Lord Gouernour, to ryde vpone sic assurit persounis.

The secund article vpone assurit persounis. Ca. xiij.

ITEM To the resolutioun maid vpone the secund article, makand mentioun, quhair men assurit or vnassurit, raid in particular pinȝeounis, and small companyis of Inglismen, the Scottismen being the greitest number, and inuadit the Scottismē vn­assurit, brint thair housis, spulȝeit thair gudis, and hereit thame thair­throw, quhether gif the persoun spulȝeit and hereit, hes iust actioun to persew sic Scottismen spulȝearis, for restorance of thair gudis agane, and satisfactioun for the dampnageis done to thame, or not? ¶ It is decernit and declairit be the Quenis grace, my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament foirsaid, that all sic persounis [Page] spulȝeit, hurt or dampnageit in maner foirsaid, hes iust actioun and place to persew the spulȝearis, and to desyre restorance of thair gudis, and satisfactioun of thair dampnageis, as accordis of the Law.

The thrid article vpone assurit persounis. Ca. xiiij.

ITEM As to the resolutioun to be tane vpone the thrid arti­cle, b [...]irand in effect, quhair ony Scottismen assurit be Ingland, and raid with the armie thairof, vpone ony Scottismen vnassurit, for birning of thair placis, slauchter of thame selfis, thair wyfis and barnis, and spulȝeit thame of thair gudis, or birning of thair cornis, downcasting of thair housis, and vthers destructiounis, quhe­ther gif it be leiffull to ony Scottisman spulȝeit in that sort with the ar­mie of Ingland, to persew ony Scottisman, being in companie with the armie of Ingland, the tyme of the spoliatioun and destructioun foirsaid, for spoltatioun of thair gudis, and satisfactioun for the damp­nageis sustenit be thame, or hes iust cause and actioun to sute thairfoir: ¶ It is concludit and declairit be the Quenis grace, my Lord Gouer­nour, and thre Estatis foirsaidis, That sic persounis vnassurit, brint, hereit and destroyit be Scottismen assurit, and being in company with the armie of Ingland, and come with thame, and war with thame the tyme of the spoltatioun, birning and destructioun foirsaid, hes iust ac­tioun and cause to persew all assurit persounis Scottismen, that raid in maner foirsaid, for restitutioun and deliuerance of thair gudis spul­ȝeit fra thame, and satisfactioun and amendis for the dampnageis and hurtis, as accordis.

The declaratioun of my Lord Anguse. Ca. xv.

ITEM It is declairit in this present Parliament, that forsa­mekill as Archibald Erle of Anguse, George Dow­glas of Pettendreich Knycht his brother, vmquhile Archibald Dow­glas of Kilspindie thair Eme, and thair part takaris, was be our So­uerane Lord that last decessit, banist, forfaltit and declairit thairthrow Inimeis to this Realme, and thairefter thay remanit for saiftie of thair lyfis in the Realme of Ingland, and was with the Lieutennen­tis, wardanis and Capitanis of Ingland in tyme of weir, and vthers tymes inuaidand this Realme and liegis thairof, be fyre and sword, & peax being tretit, was comprehendit in the samin: And now thay be­ing restorit, and thair forfaltour reducit, in caice of ony of the liegis of this Realme wald persew thame for heirschippis, slauchters, skaithis or dampnageis, done the tyme thay war forfaltit, and being with Ingland or vtherwayis: ¶ It is declairit, that thay, nor nane of thame, [Page cliii] nor thair part takaris, and complices being forfaltit with thame, ar not, nor sall not be haldin to answer to ony liegis of this Realme, for na inuasioun of thame be fyre, sword, slauchter, heirschippis nor damp­nagers done be thame the tyme foirsaid, that thay war forfaltit, nor the liegꝭ foirsaidis may not, nor sall not, haue actioun to persew thame for ony of the premissis. And this to remane as act of Parliament, de­clairand the cause foirsaid, to remane as Law in tyme cumming: Pro­uyding, that this act be not extendit to na vthers Rebellis of tymes bygane, nor tocum, bot to the saidis Erle of Anguse, George Dow­glas, and thair vmquhile Eme Archibald, because thay war speciallie comprehendit in the peax.

The act anentis thame, that sweir is abominabill aithis. Ca. xvj.

ITEM Because notwithstanding the oft and frequent pre­chingis, in detestatioun of the greuous and abomi­nabill aithis sweiring, execratiounis, and blasphematioun, of the name of God, sweirand in vane be his precious blude body, passioun & woundis. Deuill stick, cummer, gor, roist or ryfe thame, and sic vthers vg­sume aithis and execratiounis aganis the command of God, ȝit the sa­min is cum in sic ane vngodlie vse amangis the pepill of this Realme, baith of greit and small Estatis, that daylie and hourlie may be hard amangis thame oppin blasphematioun of Godis name and maiestie, to the greit contemptioun thairof, and bringing of the Ire and wraith of God vpone the pepill, heirfoir, and for eschewing of sic inconuenientis in tymes cumming: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that quhatsumeuer persoun or persounis, sweiris sic abominabill aithis, and detestabill ex­ecratiounis, as is afoir reheirsit, sall incur the panis efter following, als oft as thay failȝie respectiue, That is to say, ane Prelate of Kirk, Erle or Lord, for euerie fault to be committit for the space of thre mo­nethis nixt tocum, That is to say, vnto the first day of Maij, exclusiue, xii. d. Ane Barrone or beneficit man constitute in dignitie ecclesiastick iiij. d. Ane landit man, frehalder, wassall, fewar, Burges and small beneficit men .ij. d. Ane craftisman, ȝeman, a seruand man and all v­thers .i. d. Item the pure folkis that hes na geir to pay the pane foir­said, to be put in the stokis or presonit, for the space of four houris, and wemen to be weyit and considderit conforme to thair blude or estate of thair parteis, that thay ar cuplit with. And this pane to be dowblit vpone euerie committar, efter the outrinning of the saidis thre mone­this, for the space of vther thre monethis thairefter, That is to say, fra the first day of Maij, vnto the first day of August exclusiue, and from the first day of August, vnto the first day of Nouember exclusiue, the pane to be triplit, that is to say, for euerie penny .iij. d. And fra the saide [Page] first day of Nouember, to the first day of Februar thairefter, quhilk makis the ȝeir cōpleit, the pane to be quadruplit, that is to say, for eue­rie penny .iiij. d. effeirand to thair estate. And fra the completing of the said ȝeir, the first fault of ane Prelate, Erle or Lord, to be .iiij.s. the secund fault .viij.s. and the thrid fault .xvj.s. and for the feird fault to be banist, or put in waird for the space of ȝeir and day, at the will of the Prince, and siclyke of all vther Estatis efter thair qualitie foirsaid, to be punischit effeirandlie. And this foirsaid pane to be ap­plyit to the pure folkis, be thame that salbe depute collectouris thairof.

Anent thame that perturbis the Kirk the tyme of deuin [...] seruice. Ca. xvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, aganis all persounis quhilkis cōtempnandlie makis perturbatioun in the Kirk, the tyme of deuine seruice, and precheing of the worde of God, stopand the samin to be hard and sene be the deuote pepill, and will not desist and ceis thairfra for na spirituall monitioun, that the Kirkmen may vse vpone thame: ¶ Thairfoir quhatsumeuer persoun makis perturbatioun or impediment in the Kirk in maner foirsaid, sall incur the panis as efter followis, That is to say, for the first fault, ane Pre­late, Erle or Lord ten pund, ane Barrone or persoun constitute in dig­nitie ecclesiastik fyue pund, ane wassall, frehalder, Burges or small beneficit man fourtie schillingis, and vthers .xx. schillingis, and pure folkis that hes na gudis, to be put in presoun for .xv. dayis, to fast breid and watter, and for the secund fault the dowbling thairof, and for the thrid fault warding of thair persounis, or banissing for ȝeir and day, and ordanis the Dene of Gilde, Kirk maisters and rewlaris, to gar leiche barnis, that perturbis the Kirk in maner foirsaid.

Anent thame that knawis thame selfis vnder proces of cursing. Ca. xviij.

ITEM That because mony persounis wittanlie knawand thame selfis vnder the proces of cursing, and beand [...]hargeit to remoue fra deuine seruice, wilfullie enteris thame selfis thairto, and will not remoue, quhairthrow thay stop the remanent Christin pepill fra deuine seruice, and incurris the greit cursing of the Law, fra the quhilk nane may absolue bot the Papis halines:

¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that quha sa euer beis notit and conuictit to haue remanit in the Kirk the tyme of deuine seruice, efter that he haue bene warnit & chargeit to remoue beand vnder proces of cursing, denuneit vpone him dewlie, outher oppinlie in his paroche Kirk or personallie, to be punist as perturbaris of the Kirk of God, and [Page cliiii] to incur the panis of the foirsaid last act.

Anent cursit persounis, that compellis preistis to say Messe in thair presence. Ca. xix.

ITEM Quhatsumeuer persoun beand vnder proces of cur­sing, dewlie denuncit vpone him in maner foirsaid, compellis ony Kirkman to say Messe in his presence, quhilk knawis the compellar to be vnder proces of cursing, and wald not say Messe in his presence, without he war compellit thairto, The compellar for his said contemptioun, efter that he be notit and conuict thairof, to tyne all his mouabill gudis, and the samin to be applyit to our Souerane Ladyis escheit.

Anent thame, that maryis twa wyfis or husbandis. Ca. xx.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that quhatsumeuer per­soun maryis twa sindrie wyfis, or woman maryis twa sindrie husbandis, leuand togidder vnde [...]orsit lauchfullie, con­trare the aith and promeis maid at the solempnizatioun and contrac­ting of the matrimonie, and swa ar of the Law periure and infame: ¶ Thairfoir, that the panis of periuring be execute vpone thame with all rigour, That is to say, confiscatioun of all thair gudis mouabill, warding of thair persounis for ȝeir and day, and langar induring the Quenis will, and as infame persounis, neuer habill to bruke office, ho­nour, dignitie nor benefice in tyme tocum.

Anent adulteraris, Ca. xxj.

ITEM Anent persounis that ar maryit, and ar oppin, mani­fest, commoun and incorrigibill adulteraris, and will not desist and ceis thairfra, for feir of ony spirituall iurisdictioun, or Censuris of halie Kirk, to the greit perrell of thair awin saulis:

¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit in this present Parliament, that all sic incorrigibill adulteraris, efter that the proces of halie Kirk, sa far as the samin may extend to, be vsit vpone thame for thair inobedi­ence and contemptioun, be denuncit our Souerane Ladyis Rebel­lis and put to hir horne, and all thair mouabill. &c. And swa na appel­latioun interponit fra the said Censuris of halie Kirk, to suspend the horning.

Anent malt makaris. Ca. xx [...].

ITEM Anent the article proponit, twiching the greit exhor­bitant derth rasit in this Realme be malt makaris, [Page] and the greit oppressioun maid be thame daylie and continuallie, vpone our Souerane Ladyis liegis, quhairthrow this Realme is not gudlie seruit, lyke as the samin hes bene in tymes bygane, and for remedie heirof, and stanching of the pretendit murmure maid be sic malt men, a­nent the making of the prices of all malt, sauld commounlie in this Realme: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit, be my Lord Gouer­nour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, That because of the greit derth of fewall presentlie occurrand, euerie malt man sall haue of euerie boll of malt maid be him, for his laubouris and fewall .iiij.s. of ilk boll of malt, mair nor the boll of beir is commounlie sauld, to the ef­fect, that our Souerane Lady, my Lord Gouernour, and liegis of this Realme, may be honestlie and substantiouslie seruit, as accordis, vpone the prices foirsaidis. And the said act and ordinance for the space of ane ȝeir to indure.

Anent ferryaris. Ca. xxiij.

ITEM Forsamekill, as the Quenis grace my Lord Gouer­nour, and thre Estatis of Parliament, hauand respect to the greit and heuy oppressioun done to the liegis of this Realme, and speciallie be ferryaris of Kinghorne, Quenis Ferry and Dundie, in ta­king of thair fraucht fra thame, and that the Quenis liegꝭ, notwithstā ­ding the wechtie chargeis and expensis debursit to sic ferryaris, ar not seruit as appertenis to be done, and for remedie heirof, in respect of the derth of viuers, dispensis with the act maid heirupone of befoir for ane ȝeir: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that na maner of persoun, awnar of ony boitis, at the ferryis foirsaid, tak vpone hand to tak ony fraucht fra ony of our Souerane Ladyis liegis for thair portage, bot as efter followis, that is to say, gif ony persoun wald haue ane boit be him self, at the ferrie of Kinghorne, that he tak for his fraucht and portage .x.s. And quhair company conuenis at the said ferrie, the hors and man to pay for thair portage .xij. d. And the man or woman be him self but hors, to pay for thair portage .vj. d. And at the ferryis of the Quenis ferrie and Dundie, gif ane man desyris ane boit be him self, to pay for his portage .iiij.s. And euer ilk man and hors .viij. d. And ilk man or woman be thame self .iiij. d. vnder the pane of deid, and confiscatioun of all thair gudis, with certificatioun to thame, and thay do the con­trare, that thay salbe callit to particular diettis, and Iustice courtis, and salbe punist thairfoir with all rigour, as brekaris of the actis of Parliament.

Anent the slauchter of Lambis and Lapronis. Ca. xxiiij.

ITEM Forsamekill, as the derth of scheip, cuningis, and wylde meit daylie incressis, & that throw the slauch­ter [Page clv] of the ȝoung Lambis, Lapronis and ȝoung poutis of pertrik or wylde foule, and to eschew sic derth in tyme cumming: ¶ It is de­uisit, statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, That na maner of persoun nor persounis, tak vpone hand to by ony Lambis to slay, and bring to mercat to be sauld, and that na Lambis be slane be quhatsumeuer persounis, except in Nobillis and greit Barronis housis to thair meit, for the space of thre ȝeiris, and vnder the pane of confiscatioun of all sic persounis gudꝭ, and punissīg of his persoun at my Lord Gouernouris will. And that na maner of persoun tak vpone hand to slay ony Lapronis or ȝoung pou­tis, except gentilmen and vthers Nobillis with halkis, or by the samin in mercat or vtherwayis, during the said space, vnder the pane foirsaid.

Anent beggaris. Ca. xxv.

ITEM Forsamekill, as thair hes bene diuers and sindrie ac­tis maid of befoir, and speciallie be King Iames the Fyf [...] of gude mynde, quhome God assolȝie, for stanching of beggaris. Notwithstanding in default of dew executioun of the said act, the beg­garis daylie and continuallie multipleis and resortis in all placis quhair my Lord Gouernour and vthers Nobillis conuenis: Swa that nane of thame may pas throw the streittis for raming and crying vpone thame, contrare the tenour of the saidis actis, for eschewin of the quhilk: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that the said act maid thairupone of befoir, be put to dew executioun in all punctis, efter the forme and te­nour of the samin, and that letters be direct to mak publicatioun be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croces of all Burrowis of this Re­alme, chargeing all Officiaris contenit in the said act to do the samin, betuix this and the last day of Marche nixt tocum, conforme to the said act, and vnder the panis contenit in the samin, of the quhilk the tenour followis. Item for refraning of the multitude of maisterfull and strang beggaris, It is ordanit, that the act maid thairupone of befoir be King Iames the First, appreuit and ratifeit be vthers our Souerane Lordꝭ predecessourꝭ, be obseruit & keipit, and put to scharp executioū in all punctis, with this additioun, That na beggarris be tholit to beg in ane parochin, that ar borne in ane vther, and that the heidismen of ilk parochin mak takinnis and gif to the beggaris thairof, and thay to be sustenit within the boūdis of that parochin, and that nane vthers be seruit with almus within that parochin, bot thay that beiris that takin allanerlie, vnder the panis cōtenit in the said act. And that the Iustice Clerk mak inquisitioun, and tak dictay heirupone at euerie Iustice Air, and orda­nis letters to be direct to command and charge the Prouest and Bail­lies [Page] of Edinburgh, and all vthers Prouestis, Baillies of Burrowis, Schireffis and vthers Officiaris of the Kingis, to put this act to exe­cutioun in all punctis, and that the samin be publist at all placis neid­full, swa that na man sall pretend Ignorance, or allege he knew not the samin in tyme tocum.

Anent fals Notaris. Ca. xxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that the actis and statutis maid of befoir aganis fals Notaris and witnes, corrupparis and seducearis of thame in writ, temporall or spirituall courtis to be obseruit and keipit in all punctis, and ratifeis and ap­preuis the samin of new, with this additioun, That all sic persounis salbe punist in thair persounis and gudis with all rigour, videlicet, pre­scriptioun, banissing and dismembring of hand or toung, and vthers panis prouydit be the dispositioun of the commoun Law, baith Ca­noun, Ciuile and statutis of the Realme. And this act to be extendit to all maner of euidentis, actis, obligatiounis, acquittancis or vther wryttingis quhatsumeuer, and the makaris, feinȝearis, vsaris, sedu­caris, cor [...]upcaris, and falsaris thairof, alsweill as to [...]als Instrumen­tis.

Anent craftismen. Ca. xxvij.

ITEM Forsamekill, as my Lord Gouernour, and thre Esta­tis of Parliament, regardand the exhorbitant prices that euerie craftisman within Burgh, rasis vpone our Souerane La­dyis liegis, in all sic thingis as pertenis to thair craft, swa that the pri­ces ar dowblit and triblit be mony of thame, to the greit hurt of the saidis liegis, quhilk is considderit to be of practik be the Dekinnis of e­uerie craft, and the fault thairof is alway in the Prouest and Baillies of euerie Burgh, that ouerseis the saidis Dekinnis craftismen, and cor­rectis thame not, conforme to the act of Parliament: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that all Prouestis and Baillies of fre Burrowis with all diligence, conuene the saidis Dekinnis and craftismen afoir thame, and thair on euerie thing pertening to craftismen, to statute and ordane ressonabill prices eff [...]rand to thair craft, & that the samin be put in writ and producit af [...]ir the Lordis of the articlis in the nixt Parlia­ment, to be haldin the thrid day of Aprill nixt tocum, to be considderit, be thame, gif thay be ressonabill, and gif swa be, to be authorisit, and gif thay be vnressonabill to be reformit. And siclyke, that effeirand to the prices of victuallis, that the saidis Prouest and Baillies cause the hostillaris to tak ane ressonabill price for ane manis dennar and suppar, [Page clvi] that thay may hald thair awin, and the Quenis liegis be not sa greuit and hurt throw the greit prices, takin far abone all custume and vse, as hes bene in this Realme afoir thir dayis, and as beis statute heiru­pone in Burgh, that the samin be deliuerit to the Schiref of the Schire to gar the saidis prices be keipit to landwart. And gif ony of the saidis Dekinnis or hostillaris obeyis not the ordinance of the saidis Prouest and Baillies, that thay depriue thame of thair officis and priuilege, and efter thay be depriuit, gif thay mell farther thairwith, to be callit to vn­derly the Law to particular diettis, afoir the greit Iustice, as for con­tempning and breking of the actis of Parliament, and to be punist in thair persounis and gudis with all rigour.

Anent the examinatioun of Notaris. Ca. xxviij.

ITEM Because the act concerning Notaris, maid be the Kingis grace, King Iames the Fyft, quhome God assolȝie, hes not hiddertillis bene put to dew executioun: ¶ Thair­foir it is thocht expedient be my Lord Gouernour, and thre Estatis of Parliament, that the said act be put to executioun in all punctis, efter the forme and tenour of the samin, betuix this and the last day of Marche nixt tocum, with this additioun following, That is to say, that euerie Schiref within the boundis of his office, betuix this and the said day, bring or send all Notaris temporall men, and the Ordina­ris, to bring or send all spirituall Notaris to the Burgh of Edinburgh, and thair present thame to the Lordis of counsall, to be examinat be thame, gif thay be habill, worthie and qualifeit for the said office of Notarie, and thair to be admittit be thame thairto, suspendand fra the said last day of Marche furth all Notaris, vnto the tyme of thair ad­missioun foirsaid, with certificatioun to thame, that vsis the office of Notarie, fra the said day furth, befoir thay be admittit in maner foir­said, That thair Instrumentis sall haue na faith, and thame selfis sall be punist as falsaris of the Law.

Anent slaying of Hairis. Ca. xx [...].

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act maid of befoir for slaying of Hairis in forbodin tyme, be obseruit & keipit in all punctis, efter the tenour thairof.

Anent slaying of Dais and Rais. Ca. xxx.

ITEM It is statute & ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, with auise of y thre Estatis of Parliamēt, y the act maid be King Iames the thrid, & ratifeit be our Souerane Lord of gude mynde, [Page] quhome God assolȝie, aganis thame that slayis Dais or Rais, thair calfis or [...]iddis, be put to executioun in all punctis, efter the forme and tenour of the samin.

Anent the ordouring of euerie mannis hous. Ca. xxxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act and ordinance maid befoir in counsall, anentis the eschewing of derth, and the ordouring of euerie mannis hous in his coursis and di­scheis of meit, be obseruit and keipit in all punctis, efter the forme and tenour thairof, and vnder the panis contenit in the samin, of the quhilk the tenour followis. The quhilk day, forsamekill as the Quenis grace, my Lord Gouernour, and Lordis of secreit counsall, hauand respect to the greit and exhorbitant derth ryssin in this Realme of victuallis and vther stuffe, for the sustentatioun of mankynde, and daylie encressand and vnderstandand, that the occasioun thairof is the cause of the su­pers [...]uous cheir vsit commounlie in this Realme, alsweill amangis small as greit men, to the greit hurt of commoun weill of the samin, and dampnage to the bodie, quhilk makis ane man vnhabill to exerce all leiffull and gude warkis necessare. And for remeid heirof, and stan­ching of sic derth and exhorbitant prices foirsaidis: ¶ It is deuisit and ordanit, that na Archibischop Bischop nor Erlis, haue at his meis bot .viij. discheis of meit, nor na Abbot, Lord, Priour nor Deine, haue at his meis bot .vj. discheis of meit, nor na Barrone nor frehalder haue bot four discheis of meit at his meis, nor na Burges nor vther substantious man, spirituall nor temporall, sall haue at his meis bot .iij. discheis, and bot ane kynde of meit in euerie dische. And for obseruing and keiping of this act and ordinance foirsaid, It is deuisit and ordanit, that quhat­sumeuer Archibiscop, Bischop or Erle, beis fundin brekand the samin, that he sall content and pay to my Lord Gouernour and the autoritie, at euerie tyme he failȝeis, ane hundreth pund for euerie failȝie. And gif ony Lord, Abbot, Priour or Deine, failȝeis and brekis the said act, he sall content and pay for euerie failȝie, ane hundreth markis, and gif ony Barrone or frehalder failȝeis, he sall pay at euerie tyme and failȝie .xl. pund. And gif ony Burges or vther substantious man, spirituall or temporall failȝeis, he sall pay at euerie tyme and failȝie .xx. markis in ma­ner foirsaid. And gif ony vther small persoun or persounis, wald pre­sume to brek this present act and ordinance, or do in the contrare thairof, he salbe takin and punist in his persoun and gudis at my Lord Gouernouris will for thair contemptioun. And quhatsumeuer vther persoun or persounis, of quhatsumeuer estate, degre or conditioun, that euer thay be of, that failȝeis and brekis this act and ordinance, that he salbe repute and haldin, as ane man geuin to his voluptuositie, and [Page clvii] contempnar of the autoritie, and not to the commoun weill, and how­beit, that ony man of greiter Estate, nor ane Burges cum in Burgh to ony Burges ludgeing, It sall not be lesum to the said Burges to mak ony maa discheis bot effeirand to the Estate of the maister awnar of the said ludgeing, without that the Lord, Barrone or strangear mak his awin prouisioun and tabill, alwayis within the ordinance foirsaid: Prouyding alwayis, that this present act and ordinance stryke not vpone Ȝule and Pasche, patroun dayis, mariageis nor bankettis to be maid to strangearis of vther Realmes, and the said bankettis to be maid allanerlie be Archibischoppis, Bischoppis, Erlis, Lordis, Abbot­tis, Priouris, Deinis, Barronis, Prouestis and Baillies of Burrowis. And in lykewyse, prouyding, that na Scottisman mak banket to ony vther Scottisman bot in maner foirsaid. And for the mair sure keip­ing of the said act and ordinance, Ordanis, that the Schiref of the Schire and thair Deputis, Prouestis, Aldermen and Baillies of Bur­rowis, ilk ane within his awin boundis and iurisdictioun, to tak in­quisitioun of the brekaris of the samin, and roll thair namis, and deliuer the samin to my Lord The saurar, to the effect, that the persounis brek­aris and contempnaris of the said act may be callit to Iustice Airis or particular diettis, as my Lord Gouernour and counsall sall think maist expedient, and punist in maner foirsaid.

Anent paking and peling. Ca. xxxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the actis maid of be­foir anentis paking and peling, be our Souerane Lord, quhome God assolȝie, and his progenitouris, be obseruit and keipit in all punctis, efter the forme and tenour thairof.

Anent foirstallaris. Ca. xxxiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that the actis and statutis maid of befoir, aganis regrataris and foirstal­laris of mercatis, be obseruit and keipit in all punctis, efter the forme and tenour of the samin, and vnder the panis contenit thairintill.

Anent the hauing of quhite fische furth of the Realme. Ca. xxxiiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, That all actis and statutis maid be our Souerane Lord and his predecessouris, anentis the hauing of quhite fische furth of the Realme, be obseruit and keipit in all punctis, efter the forme and tenour thairof.

Anent Prentaris. Ca. xxxv.

ITEM Forsamekill as thair is diuers Prentaris in this Re­alme, that daylie and continuallie prentis bukis con­cerning the faith, ballattis, sangis, blasphematiounis rymes, alsweill of Kirkmen as temporall, and vthers Tragedeis, alsweill in latine as in Inglis toung, not sene, vewit and considderit be the superiouris, as appertenis to the defamatioun & sclander of the liegis of this Realme, and to put ordour to sic inconuenientis: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit be my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the thre Estatis of Par­liament, That na Prentar presume, attempt or tak vpone hand, to prent ony bukis, ballattis, sangis, blasphematiounis, rymes or Tra­gedeis, outher in latine or Inglis toung in ony tymes tocum, vnto the tyme the samin be sene, vewit and examit be sum wyse and discreit per­sounis depute thairto be the Ordinaris quhatsumeuer. And thairefter ane licence had and obtenit fra our Souerane Lady, & my Lord Gouernour, for Imprenting of sic bukis, vnder the pane of confiscatioun of all the Prentaris gudis, and banissing him of the Realme for euer.

Anent Monsieure Dosell. Ca. xxxvj.

THE quhilk day, It was put in remembrance to my Lord Gouernouris grace, & thre Estatis being present in Parliament, how that Monsieure Dosel, the maist Christin Kingis Lieutennent and Ambaxatour, was haistelie to depart of this Realme to his maister, and that his gude seruice done in thir partis, baith in tyme of peax and weir, sould be writtin to the said maist Christin King, not allanerlie thankand his grace of the samin, bot al­swa suppleand to thank and reward the said Monsieure Dosell: And thairfoir it was concludit be the thre Estatis, that my Lord Secretar sould mak letters in our Souerane Ladyis name, my Lord Gouer­nouris and thairis, to the said maist Christin King, in ampill and effer­tuous maner, to the effect foirsaid.

Ratificatioun of the contract maid betuix my Lord Gouernour and Schir Iames Hammiltoun. Ca. xxxvij.

ITEM The thre Estatis of Parliament, hes ratifeit and ap­preuit the contract maid betuix my Lord Gouer­nouris grace, and Schir Iames Hammiltoun of Craufurde Iohne Knycht, quhilk is Registrate in the bukis of counsall in all punctis, and ordanis the samin to haue the strenth of ane act of Parliament.

Ratificatioun of the act maid betuix the Quenis grace and my Lord Gouernour. Ca. xxxviij.

THE quhilk day, the thre Estatis of Parliament, hes ratifeit and appreuit, and be the tenour heirof, ratifeis and appreuis, the act maid betuix the Quenis grace, mother to our Souerane Lady on that ane part, & my Lord Gouernouris grace on that vther part, of the dait, at Striuiling the .xviij. day of Nouember, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .xliiij. ȝeiris, in all punctis and articlis, quha [...] of the tenour followis. ¶ At Striui­ling the .xviij. day of Nouember, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .xliiij. ȝeiris. The quhilk day my Lord Gouernour, the Que­nis grace, and haill counsall hes dischargeit, cassit and annullit, dis­chargeis, cassis and annullis all actis and ordinancis maid of befoir at quhatsumeuer conuentiounis at Striuiling, or quhatsumeuer vther place, suspendand my Lord Gouernour fra administratioun of his of­fice of gouernament and tutorie, and decernis the samin to haue bene fra the beginning, and to be in all tymes cumming of nane auale, force nor effect, togidder with the pretendit summoundis rasit aganis my Lord Gouernour, for depriuatioun of him fra his office of gouernamēt and tutorie, and dischargeis the samin for now and euer. Attour, my Lord Gouernour, with auise of the Quenis grace and counsall, Hes declairit, and declairis, that the Nobill men and all vther persounis, that was at the making of the saidis actis, ordinancis and summoūdis, or hes bene with hir grace sensyne in counsall or vtherwayis, aganis my Lord Gouernour and his autoritie, hes committit na fault nor cryme, and thairfoir my Lord Gouernour and counsall foirsaid, dischargeis thame thairof, for now and euer, and that thay neuer salbe callit nor accusit thairfoir, nor incur ony dampnage, skaith or hurt in thair persounis, landis, beneficis and gudis, and gif his grace hes consauit ony displesure or rancour aganis ony maner of persoun or persounis, for the causis foirsaidis, he remittis the samin hartfullie, and forther ordanis ane declaratioun heirof to be maid in Parliament.


PARLIAMENTVM EXCEL­LENTISSIMAE PRINCIPIS MARIAE REGINAE Scotorum tentum apud Edinburgh vicesimo die Mensis Iunij Anno Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo Quinquagesimo quinto, Per Magnisicam & ex­cellentem Principem Mariam Reginam Do. No. Reginae matrem dotariam ac Gubernatriceni Regni praesentibus tribus Regni statibus.

Anent the libertie of halie Kirk. Ca. j.

IN primis, It is statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace Dowriar and Regent, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that the fredome of halie Kirk and immuniteis and priuilegeis of the sam­in be obseruit, keipit and defendit be our Soue­rane Lady, with all liberteis in honour and wor­schip thairof, siclyke and als frelie, as thay haue bene in tymes of hir maist Nobill progenitouris Kingis of Scotland, and the brekaris and offendaris thairof to be punist with all rigour.

Anent the making and deliuering of reuersiounis. Ca. ij.

ITEM In lykewyse it is statute and ordanit, that all reuer­siounis, to be maid in tyme tocum, and all bandis and obligatiounis for making, seiling, and deliuering of reuersiounis be maid vnder the seill and subscriptioun of the promittar and geuar thairof. And gif the partie can not subscriue to subscriue the samin with his hand led at the pen be ane Notar. And gif ony Instrument or vther kynde of wrytting be maid for geuing of reuersiounis, or beirand and contenand reuersioun, That wrytting or Instrument sall mak na faith, bot gif it be insert with consent of the parteis in Iugement in the bukis of sum ordinar Iuge: Except gif it happinnis within Burgh, that the tyme of resignatioun of landis in the Baillies handis the Clerk of the Burgh Notar to the sesing geuing be the said resignatioun be requyrit than instantlie of Instrument in his handis of the reuersioun befoir the samin witnes requyrit in the Instrument of sesing, and gif [...]s his Instrument thairupone: Quhilk sall mak faith as sufficient re­uersioun. And als that all dischargeis of reuersiounis in all tymes to cum be seilit and subscriuit in maner abone writtin. And gif the partie can not subscriue to subscriue the samin with his hand at the pen led [Page] be ane autentik Notar, and seilit with his seill, as is abone writtin.

Anent warning fra redemie landis and the pant for non remouing. Ca. iij.

ITEM In lykewyse It is statute and ordanit, that gif ony persounꝭ hauand rycht be reuersioun to redeme landꝭ or vther possessiounis, makis or causis mak lauchfull warning to all parteis, fra quhome the saidis landis or vther possessiounis aucht and sould be redemit, to compeir at ane certane day in the place nemmit in the said reuersioun, for ressaifing of the s [...]wmes of money and takkis, gif ony be specifeit thairin, and at the day warnit fulfilling all thingis, as accordis, conforme to the reuersioun for his part, gif the parteis war­nit, as said is, compeiris, and refusis to grant the saidis landis or pos­sessiounis lauchfullie redemit, or absentis thame selfis, gif thair be na takkis to rin efter the redemptioun of the landis or possessiounis, or the takkis being run out, the haifar of the rycht to the reuersioun causand lauchfull warning to be maid to the parteis foirsaidis, and all vthers occupyaris befoir ony witsonday terme efter the redemptioun, to flie and remoue fra the saidis landis and possessiounis, the redemptioun in maner abone specifeit being fundin lauchfull, and the landis be ver­tew thairof decernit lauchfullie redemit: In that caice, the parteis, quha sould haue grantit the redemptioun of the saidis landis refusit and ab­sentit, salbe callit as violent possessouris thairof fra the terme of wit­sonday, befoir the quhilk lauchfull warning was maid to remoue, as said is, siclyke as the landis and possessiounis had bene grantit lauch­fullie redemit the day of the redemptioun.

Anent the additioun maid to the act of slauchters. Ca. iiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that gif ony persoun or persounis slayis ane vther, the persoun being charge­it to find souertie within sax dayis, and findis not the samin, or souer­tie being fundin compeiris not at the day, and swa he put to the horne, and ony tyme thairefter within ȝeir and day, he offeris of new to vnderly the Law, and to find souertie thairupone, the panis salbe dowblit, souertie being fundin, and he relaxit. And gif he compeir­is not at that day, and of new beis denuncit Rebell, his relaxa­tioun maid and geuin be vertew of the last souertie fundin, sall na wyse help him anent the tinsall of the lyferent of his landis, bot he sall tyne the samin, as he had not bene relaxit fra the first horning. And this to be extendit to all relaxatiounis maid within ȝeir and day efter the first horning, and to art and part of the slauchter with the panis ay dowblit. And attour, all alienatioun, contract, obli­gatioun [Page clx] and vthers thingis quhatsumeuer, that salbe done be him, to be null and of nane auale in the self, without ony proces of reductioun, during the tyme of his relaxatioun vpone his souerteis, fundin efter the first horning: Swa that he compeir not at the day, and entre to the quhilk, he findis souerties, siclyke as and he had annalyit, con­tractit, oblist or done vther thingis, beand Rebell and at the horne. And this act to be extendit in the fauouris of vthers superiouris, als­weill as vnto the Quenis grace. And gif it happinnis ony persoun or persounis committaris of slauchters, for non finding of souerteis, or souertie being fundin for non comperance, beis denuncit Rebellis and put to the horne, and thairefter passis to gyrth, and offeris to find souer­tie to abyde the Law, for the forthochtfellony, in that caice souertie be­ing fundin, and thay compeirand at the day, and acquit of the forthochtfellony, to be restorit agane to the gyrth, and the act foirsaid to haue na place aganis thame, bot vpone the secund horning.

Anent proces to be had aganis persounis passand furth of the Realme. Ca. v.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that gif ony persoun or persounis beis summound and warnit lauchfullie aucht dayis befoir thair departing furth of the Realme, a [...]d passis furth of the samin thairefter, Nisi reipublicae causa the partie persewar sall haue proces vpone his first summounding be continuatiounis in siclyke maner, as and his partie had not past of the Realme be warnīgis on .xv. dayis, langar or schortar, as the persewar sall desyre, mak­and warning at the dwelling place of the defendar, gif he ony hes: And failȝeing, that he haue na dwelling place, nor hes not constitute pro­curatouris, to be warnit at the mercat croce of the heid Burgh of the Schire, quhair he had maist resort befoir his departing. And this act to haue place in ciuile actiounis allanerlie, bot not aganis witnes.

The ordour for summoning of parteis to compeir befoir the Iustice or vthers Iugeis. Ca. vj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that ony persoun sum­mound to compeir befoir the Iustice, his Deputis, or vthers Iugeis within this Realme, hauand powar of Iusticiarie in criminall causis, the copie of the saidis letters or precept, quhairby he is summound, salbe deliuerit to him, gif he can be personallie apprehen­dit, and failȝeing thairof, salbe deliuerit to his wyfe or seruandis, or affixt vpone the ȝet of his dwelling place, gif he ony hes, and thairefter oppin proclamatioun being maid at the heid Burgh of the Schire, ane [Page] vther copie to be affixt vpone the mercat croce: ¶ Prouyding alwayis, that gif thair be ma [...] persounis nor twa contenit in the letter, being all callit vpone ane deid and cryme, in that caice, twa copyis to be deli­uerit to twa of the principall nemmit in the saidis letters, or than ge­uin to thair wyfis, seruandis, or affixt vpone thair ȝettis or dwelling placis, gif thay ony haue, and ane copie left and affixt vpone the mer­cat croce, quhair the publicatioun is maid, to be sufficient to the haill persounis, quhatsumeuer thay be contenit in the saidis letters.

Anent the geuing of sesingis. Ca. vij.

ITEM Forsamekill, as in vmquhile our Souerane Lordis tyme, that last deceissit, It was statute and ordanit, that all sesingis quhilkis passis vpone preceptis of the Chancellarie, to be geuin be the Schiref Clerk or his Deputis: Sen the quhilk act thair is be occasioun of weir and greit troublis diuers sesingis geuin be vthers Notaris vpone preceptis past furth of the said Chancellarie: ¶ Thairfoir the thre Estatis of Parliament, dispensis with that fault of all sesingis geuin be vthers Notaris, sen the making of the foirsaid act, and ordanis the said act to be publist, and haue effect in tyme cum­ming, with this additioun, That vpone all preceptis past furth of the Chancellarie, the Schiref, Stewart or Baillie, alsweill the Regalitie as Rialtie, or vther Deputis, salbe requyrit to pas to gif sesing with the Schiref Clerk and his Deputis. And gif the Stewart, Baillie or thair Deputis refusis to pas and gif sesing, than the partie haisar of that precept to put ony vther Baillie to gif sesing, as he sall think maist expedient.

Anent the ordant for geuing of curatouris to minouris. Ca. viij.

ITEM Because it is vnderstand, that be the geuing of cura­touris to minouris be sindrie Iugeis, thair hes bene greit skaith sustenit be the saidis minouris: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that in all tymes cumming, quhen ony minor passis the ȝeiris of his tutorie, and desyris curatouris, That he cum befoir his Iuge Ordinar, and desyre of him ane summoundis or edict to warne twa at the leist of the maist honest and famous of the minouris kin, and all vthers hauand interes, quhilk salbe warnit lauchfullie, That is to say, the speciall persounis personallie, or at thair dwelling placis, geuand ane copie to thair wyfis or seruandis, or affixand it on thair ȝettis or duris and vthers haifand interes generallie at the mercat croce of the heid Burgh of the Schire, quhair the saidis minouris hes thair landis or gudis, to compeir at ane certane day, vpone .ix. dayis [Page clxi] warning at the leist, to heir & see the curatouris desyrit be the said mi­nour, to be geuin to him vnto his perfite age of .xxj. ȝeiris, and cautioū fundin, de fideli administratione, quhilkis beand geuin in maner foirsaid, thay sall not be reuokit, nor dischargeit, nor vthers chosin to the mi­nour, vnto the tyme thay be callit befoir the Lordis of counsall, or v­thers Iugeis Ordinar, at the will of the barne, to heir and see thame dischargeit, and reuokit for ressonabill causis. Quhilkis being fundin of veritie, thay than to be dischargeit, and vthers curatouris geuin in thair placis be the ordour foirsaid with cautioun, and na vtherwyse.

Anent citting of flesche in Lentrene and vthers dayis forbiddin. Ca. ix.

ITEM Forsamekill, as thair is diuers insolent and euill ge­uin persounis, not regardand the Law of God, and constitutioun of halie Kirk, bot in hie tontemptioun thairof, and to the greit sclander of the Christin pepill eittis flesche in Lentrene, and v­thers dayꝭ forbiddin be our halie mother the Kirk and Lawis thairof: ¶ Thairfoir for the repressing and punischement of the quhilk, it is sta­tute and ordanit, that na persoun nor persounis, contempnandlie and wilfullie without dispensatioun or requyring of licence of thair Ordi­nar, thair Persoun, Vicar or Curat, eit flesche planelie or priualie in the saidis dayis and tymes forbiddin, vnder the pane of confiscatioun of all thair gudis mouabill, to be applyit to our Souerane Ladyis vse, and gif the eittaris hes na gudis, thair persounis to be put in presoun, thair to remane ȝeir and day, and forther induring the Quenis grace will, but preiudice of the spirituall punitioun, conforme to the commoun Law.

Anent redemptioun of landis. Ca. x.

ITEM Because thair is diuers & sindrie reuersiounis maid and geuin for redemption and outquyting of landis, beirand and contenand gold and siluer of certane speciall valour and price, and the said gold and siluer is not now to be gottin, quhairthrow the haifaris of sic reuersiounis hes bene oft tymes differrit fra redemp­tioun of thair landis: ¶ Thairfoir it is deuifit, statute and ordanit, anent all reuersiounis beirand and contenand gold and siluer, or ather of thame of certane speciall valour that price or cuinȝie. And gif sic gold and siluer can not be had nor gottin within the Realme, the haif­aris of thay reuersiounis may redeme the landis specifeit thairin, be vertew of thair saidis reuersiounis, geuand gold and siluer, haifand cours for the tyme, beand of the samin valour, wecht and fynes, as the gold and siluer specifeit in the saidis reuersiounis, conforme to the commoun Law. And this act to be extendit to all and quhatsumeuer [Page] reuersiounis bygane and tocum. &c.

Anentis resignatiounis ad perpetuam remanentiam. Ca. xj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all resignatiounis to be maid be vassallis in tyme tocum, of thair propir­teis in the superiouris handis, ad perpetuam remanentiam beand maid be procuratorie, the said procuratorie salbe seilit and subscriuit be the vas­sallis handis, and gif he can not wryte, to be subscriuit with his hand at the pen, led be ane autentik Notar and seilit, as said is. And gif the said resignatioun beis maid be the vassall personallie, ad perpetuam re­manentiam That the Instrument thairof be seilit with the seill of the resignar, and subscriuit with his hand at the pen, led be ane Notar in maner foirsaid, and na resignatioun ad perpetuam remanentiam to haue faith in tyme tocum, vtherwayis than is abone specifeit.

Anent the warning of tennentis. Ca. xij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that in all tymes cumming the warning of all tennentis and vthers, to flit and remoue fra landis, mylnis, fischingis and possessiounis quhatsumeuer, salbe vsit in maner following, That is to say, lauchfull warning being maid ony tyme within the ȝeir .xl. dayis befoir the Feist of witsonday, outher personallie or at thair dwelling placis, and at the ground of the landis, and ane copie deliuerit to the wyfe or seruandis, and failȝeing thairof, to be affixit vpone the ȝettis or duris of the dwelling placis of the saidis landis, gif ony be, and thairefter the samin precept of war­ning to be red in the paroche Kirk, quhair the landis lyis, vpone ane Sonday befoir nune, the tyme of the hie Messe, & ane copie left and af­fixit vpone the maist patent dure of the Kirk .xl. dayis befoir the terme, and na forther laying furth of stressis, and remowing vpone wednis­day, to be vsit in tyme tocum. And gif the partie warnit in maner foir­said, remouis not at the terme, in that caice, the warnar sall inconti­nent, or sa sone as plesis him, cum to the Lordis of counsall or to the Schiref of the Schire, or vthers Iugeis Ordinaris hauand iurisdicti­oun, schawand his precept of warning, ordourlie execute and indorsat & sal haue letters or precept to charge the parteis warnit and possessou­ris of that ground, to compeir befoir the saidis Lordis, Schireffis or thair Deputis, or vthers Iugeis Ordinaris foirsaidis, hauand iuris­dictioun, vpone sax dayis warning or langar, at the will and desyre of the persewar, to heir and see thame decernit to remoue, desist and ceis, conforme to the precept of warning and executioun thairof, or els to schaw ane ressonabill cause, quhy thay sould not do the samin, with [Page clxii] certificatioun to thame and thay failȝie, that letters salbe direct simpli­citer vpone thame in the said mater. At the quhilk day gif thay compeir not, the Lordis, Schireffis or vthers Iugeis Ordinar hauand iuris­dictioun sall decerne thame to remoue, desist and ceis fra thay landis. And gif thay compeir, and instantlie schawis sufficient tytill to bruke the landis, in that caice, the samin Iuge to proceid and do Iustice, as accordis of the Law. And gif the partie compeiris and schawis na thing, bot makis allegeance, and offeris him to impreif the indorsingis, in that caice, he sall not be hard in Iugement, bot gif he find suffi­cient cautioun to the warnar than instantlie, that gif his allegeance being fundin releuant, be not sufficientlie verifeit and prouin be him, that the proffeittis, dampnage and interes, quhilkis the said warnar or ony vthers hauand interes, hes sustenit, or sall happin to sustene, be the dilay of the foirsaid allegeance, be refoundit to him. And to the effect, that this ordour may haue sufficient proces in all tymes tocum: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit, that all Schireffis and vthers Iugeis Ordinar, hauand iurisdictioun, as said is, be thair selfis or thair suffici­ent Deputis, be reddy to sit be fensit courtis, all the lauchfull .xv. dayis efter immediatlie the Feist of Trinitie Sonday, for doing of Iustice in the saidis causis, in maner abone specifeit. And gif the Schireffis or Iugeis Ordinaris, hauand iurisdictioun in maner foirsaid, and thair Deputis failȝeis, to be reddy in granting of preceptis, and doing of Iustice for obseruing of this ordour, in that caice, thay sall pay to the par­tie thair haill dampnage, interes and expensis but preiudice of the ac­tioun, aganis the violent occupyaris and possessouris foirsaidis. And als that na aduotatioun of causis be takin be the Lordis fra the Iuge Ordinar, except it be for deidlie feid, or the Schiref principall, or the Iuge Ordinar be partie, or the causis of the Lordis of counsall, and thair Aduocattis, Scribis and members.

The act maid anentis the slauchters of parteis in persute and defence of thair actiounis and causis. Ca. xiij.

ITEM Because of the odious crymes of slauchters, daylie committit within this Realme, and speciallie the slaying of parteis persewand and defendand thair actiounis: ¶ For punischement of the quhilk, the thre Estatis of Parliament, hes de­clairit, statute and ordanit, abone the panis contenit in the actis of Parliament maid for slauchters of befoir, That gif outher the de­fendar or persewar slayis vthers efter the rasing of the summoundis or precept, and lauchfull executioun thairof, during the tyme of the pley dependand befoir the geuing of the decreit, the committar of the slauchter, gif it be the defendar, salbe condempnit in the haill actioun, [Page] at the instance of the nerrest of the kin of him, that is slane hauand richt thairto, without ony probatioun of the libell persewit, except summar cognitioun to be takin of the slauchter. And gif the persewar slayis the defendar, in that caice, the nerrest of the kin of the defendar, that micht be persewit for that actioun sall, haue absoluitour fra the libell of the persewar, and the proces of transferring respectiue in this cause to be vpone .xxj. dayis warning without diet, tabill or continuatioun of v­ther summoundis. And gif the slayar hes landis or lyferentis, and beis denuncit Rebell, and put to the horne for the said slauchter, the slayar incontinent efter the denunciatioun sall tyme his lyferent of his landis for his lyfetyme without ony forther disay for ȝeir and day thairefter.

And gif the slayar hes na landis, the Quenis grace Regent promittis to gif na respect nor remissioun in our Souerane Ladyis name to the slayar during hir tyme: Prouyding alwayis, that the actioun be not coft or vtherwayis purchest, or maid be the persewar for cummers of partie, bot be thair awin proper actioun proceidit vpone ane gude ground and foundament, at the sycht and discretioun of the Lordis of counsall. And this act vnto the Feist of Martymes, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lvj. ȝeiris to indure allanerlie.

Anent the hauing of talloun, victuallis and flesche furth of this Realme. Ca. xiiij.

ITEM Because ane greit part of the liegis of this Realme, and vthers strangearis, hes thir diuers ȝeiris bygane caryit furth of the samin victuallis and flesche, quhairthrow greit derth daylie incressis: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit now, that nane of our Souerane Ladyis liegis nor strangearis in tyme cumming ca­ry ony victuallis, talloun or flesche furth of this Realme to vther par­tis, except samekill as salbe thair necessare victualling for thair vayage, vnder the pane of escheting of the said victuall or flesche, to our Soue­rane Ladyis vse, togidder with the rest of all thair gudis mouabill to be applyit and inbrocht to our Souerane Ladyis vse, as escheit:

Prouyding alwayis, that it salbe leiffull to the inhabitantis of the Burrowis of Air, Iruin, Glasgow, Dumbertane and vthers our Soue­rane Ladyis liegis dwelland at the west seyis, to haue bakin breid, browin aill, and aquauite to the Ilis to bertour with vther Merchan­dice. And this act to be extendit to the maisters and skipparis of sic ve­schellis, as ressaifis sic victuallis, flesche and [...]alloun, as to the awna­ris of the saidis gudis.

Anent the cumming to the bar for defence or persute in criminall causis. Ca. xv.

[Page clxiii] ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that gif ony persoun or per­sounis being callit to vnderly the Law befoir the Iustice, his Deputis, or vther hauand powar to sit in criminall acti­ounis compeirand at the day, thay ar callit to, quhat number that euer thay be of, being all callit on ane cryme, Thay sall haue allanerlie with thame at the bar sax of thair maist honest, wyse, substantious freindis, habill to gif counsall with thair Aduocattis to defend. And the partie persewar of that cryme to haue with thame foure of thair freindis alla­nerlie: Swa that be multitude of freindis cummand to the bar the getting of ane assyse sall not be stoppit. And the brekaris of this act to be punist in this maner, That is to say, the Iustice, or vthers Iugeis foirsaidis to charge the brekaris to enter thair persounis in waird, vn­der the pane of Rebellioun, and putting of thame to the horne, and gif thay dissobey to put thame to the horne. And gif thay obey and enteris in waird, thair to remane during the Quenis grace will.

Anentis nulliteis. Ca. xvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that all nulliteis be ressaifit and haue proces be way of exceptiounis or replyis, and all tytillis, contractis, infeftmentis, or vthers thingis quhatsume­uer, that ar null of the Law, to be declairit in tyme cumming null, and of nane auale be exceptioun or reply in that samin instance, thay ar pro­ducit: Prouyding alwayis, that the partie, aganis quhome the said exceptiounis or reply of nullitie is proponit, haue siclyke day to call his warrand befoir the answering thairto, as he mycht or sould haue had, in caice he had bene callit be way of actioun, to haue hard his tytill, contract, infeftment, or vther thing producit be him declairit null of the Law.

Anentis liggis and band [...]s. Ca. xvij.

ITEM Because it is thocht aganis all Law and obedience of subiectis towart thair Princis the making of par­ticulare liggis, outher in Burgh or to land, and geuing and taking of bandis of manrent, and mantenance respectiue: ¶ Thairfoir it is sta­tute and ordanit, that all liggis maid in tymes bygane be null, & of nane auale. And all bandis of manrent and mantenance in lykewyse, be null, & of nane auale, except heretabill bandis geuin of befoir, or geuin for a­sythment of slauchters in tyme bygane. And dischargeis all making of liggꝭ or bandis in tyme tocū, and that the ressaifaris & gifaris thairof in tymes bygane be fre ather of vther in tyme cūming, & of ony proffeit be [Page] lyferent of landis, takkis, teindis, bailliereis or ȝeirlie payment grantit or geuin for the saidis bandis of manrent, to returne to the gifaris, as the samin had neuer bene geuin. For the declairing heir­of, the brukaris of the saidis lyferentis of landis, takkis, teindis, bail­liereis or ȝeirlie proffeit for bandis of manrent sall answer to the gifar thairof, for the said band vpone .xxj. dayis warning, but diet or tabill, befoir the Lordis of counsall, to heir and see the saidis lyferent of lan­dis, takkis, teindis, bailliereis or ȝeirlie proffeit geuin for the saidis ban­dis, be decernit to returne agane to him be this act. Quhilkis being declairit be the saidis Lordis, to returne to the gifaris, Thay sall mak thair lauchfull warning .xl. dayis befoir the Feist of witsonday nixt thairefter, and intromet with thair awin, as accordis. And quhat­sumeuer persoun or persounis, that makis liggis, or geuis or takis band of manrent and mantenance respectiue in ony tyme cumming, thay salbe punist be putting of thair persounis in waird, thair to remane du­ring the Quenis grace will.

Anentis Notaris. Ca. xviij.

ITEM The Quenis grace Dowrear, and Regent of this Realme, and the thre Estatis of Parliament of the samin, considdering the greit and mony falsettis daylie done within this Realme be Notaris, and that our Souerane Lord King Iames the Fy [...]t, and in lykewyse our Souerane Lady in hir Parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the first day of Februar, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lj. ȝeiris, maid actis for ordouring of Notaris, and punischement of falsaris, quhilkis as ȝit hes tane na dew and effec [...]ull executioun: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute, and ordanit, that all Notaris within this Realme, baith spirituall and temporall, be causit to cum be thair Ordinaris, Schireffis, Stewartis and Baillies res­pectiue, to the Burgh of Edinburgh, thair to compeir personallie be­foir the Lordis of counsall, or that the saidis Lordis direct thair let­ters, requyring and chargeing all Notaris within this Realme to compeir befoir thame, as said is, bringand with thame thair creatiounis and haill protocollis, betuix this and the Feist of witsonday nixt to cum, at sic dayis as salbe appointit and assignit be the saidis Lordis, to be examinat, and thair creatiounis viseit be thame, thair protocollis producit to be markit be the saidis Lordis, and the leuis numberit, and the blankis markit, and the said protocoll buikis not to be sene nor red, bot to be markit in presence of the said Notar, and deliuerit agane to him but ony inspectioun. And as thay be fundin qualifeit and admit­tit be the saidis Lordis of counsal, to vse the office of Notarie thairefter.

[Page clxiiii] And that na Notar, be quhatsumeuer powar he be creat, vse the of­fice of Notarie within this Realme in tyme cumming, bot gif he first present him self to the saidis Lordis, schawand his creatioun, and be admittit be thame as qualifeit thairto. And that na Notaris that sall happin to be dischargeit be the saidis Lordis, or not admittit be thame heirefter, vse the office of Notarie, vnder the pane efter specifeit. And attour, it is ordanit, that all Notaris to be admittit, as said is, geuand Instrumentis, and requyrand witnes thairto, thay sall requyre the saidis witnes quhair thay dwell, or tak sum vther euident takin of thame, and insert the samin in thair saidis Instrumentis, that the wit­nes may be knawin, being present at that tyme. Forther, gif ony No­taris beis conuict of falset, and not admittit be the Lordis in maner foirsaid, & vse the office of Notarie, thay salbe punist, as followis, that is to say, thair haill mouabill gudis to be escheit, and applyit to our Souerane Ladyis vse, and thay to want thair rycht hand, and to be banist the Realme for euer. And forther thay salbe punist to the tinsal of thair lyfe inclusiue, as the qualitie of the cause requyris, be sycht and discretioun of the Iuge, and the causaris of thay falsattis to be done, to ressaif the samin punischement in thair persounis and gudis. And be­cause in the act maid be our Souerane Lady in hir Parliament foir­said all Notaris war suspendit fra the last day of Marche thairefter, vnto the tyme of thair admissioun be the Lordis foirsaidis, it being cō ­sidderit, that the said act tuke not as ȝit dew executioun: ¶ Thairfoir the Quenis grace Regent, with the auise of the thre Estatis, dispensis and suppleis ony fault be that part of the said act, in all Instrumentis geuin sensyne, and all Instrumentis to be geuin vnto the Feist of witsonday nixt tocum foirsaid.

Anentis woll, and vther stapill gudis custumabill. Ca. xix.

ITEM It is statute & ordanit, that na persoun nor persounis send nor cary woll, skin, hydis or vther stapill gudis custumabill, furth of this Realme be land in the Realme of Ingland, vnder the pane of escheting of the samin, to be inbrocht to our Soue­rane Ladyis vse. And als the brekaris of this act to be punist in thair persounis at hir grace will, and gif thay gudis caryit, can not be ap­prehendit, the away takar and hauar thairof furth of the Realme, as said is, sall pay als mekill as the valoure of thay gudis caryit, to our Souerane Lady, he being conuict of the cryme, and to be punist in maner aboue writtin.

Anentis all mesouris and wechtis. Ca. xx.

[Page] ITEM Forsamekill, as be vmquhile our Souerane La­dyis maist Nobill predecessouris Kingis Iames the First and Feird, It was statute and ordanit, that all mesouris, baith pynt, quart, fyrlot, peck, elnwand, stane and pund, to be of ane quantitie to by with, and that na Burgh haue ane wecht to by with, and ane vther to sell, different in wecht thairfra, bot that all wechcis, mesuris and mettis for bying and selling to be vniuersall baith to Burgh and to land, in all tymes thairefter, quhilkis actis as ȝit hes not bene put to dew executioun: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and orda­nit in this present Parl [...]ament, that thir persounis vnder writtin, or ony thre of thame, that is to say, Williame Bischop of Dumbla [...]e, Ro­bert Bischop of Orknay, Maister Abraham Creichtoun Prouest of Dunglas, Schir Williame Hammiltoun of Sanchar Knycht, Schir Richard Maitland of Ledingtoun Knycht, Maister Thomas Mario­ribankis of Ratho, and Thomas Meinȝeis Prouest of Abirdene, con­uene in the Burgh of Edinburgh, and cause the elnwand the quart, pynt, fyrlot, peck stane and pund, be brocht to thame fra the townis of Striuiling, Linlithquo, Lanerk, and be the samin as thay find to mak ane vniuersall wecht of the stane and pund, ane vniuersall mesoure of the quart, pynt, fyrlot, peck, elnwand, conforme to the act maid be King Iames y Feird thairupone, except the watter met to remane according to the vse of the cuntrie, to be direct furth to the haill liegis of this Re­alme, with the quhilkis thay salbe haldin to by, sell, met, mesoure, wey, ressaif and deliuer, and be na vther met, mesoure nor wecht, and quha dois in the contrare heirof, salbe punist for falset, conforme to the Law. And this ordour to be maid be the persounis foirsaidis, or ony thre of thame, betuix this and the Feist of Alhallowmes nixt tocum, but ony forther dilay, and thairefter publicatioun to be maid in all par­tis of this Realme, as accordis.

Anentis the geuing of sesingis vpone preceptis not past furth of the Chancellarie. Ca. xxj.

ITEM Anent the geuing of sesingis vpone preceptis, that passis not furth of the Chancellarie, to quhatsumeuer persoun or persounis: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that the takaris of the sesing, ather air, vassall or subuassall within ȝeir and day present his sesing to the Schiref Clerk of the Schire quhair the landis lyis, he to insert the samin in his court bukis, at the leist the day and mo­neth of the geuing of the said sesing, the name of the landis coutenit in the samin, the name of the Notar and witnes contenit thairintill, and that the said Clerk bring with him in euerilk Checkar the said court bulkꝭ, and gif the dowbill in that part thairof, subscriuit with his hand [Page clxv] & signe manuall, to remane in the Register, togidder with the dowbill of his awin protocoll, conforme to the act maid be King Iames the Fyft, that all persounis hauand interes may haue recours thairto: Prouyding alwayis, that the Clerk tak na mair for the inserting of the said Instrument in his court buik bot .ij.s. for his laubouris.

Anent punischement of fals witnes. Ca. xxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, quhair ony witnes depo­nis falslie, or ony maner of persoun or persounis, in­ducis thame to beir fals w [...]nes, That all sic persounis in tymes cum­ming [...] punist be p [...]ing of thair toungis, and escheting of all thair gudis to our Souerane Ladyis vse, and declairit neuer to be habill to bruke honour, office or dignitie fra thine furth, and forther punischemēt to be maid in thair persounis, at the sycht and discretioun of the Lordis, according to the qualitie of the fault.

Anent the wod of Falkland. Ca. xxiij.

ITEM Forsamekill as be our Souerane Ladyis letters di­rect to the Schiref of Fyfe, and his Deputis, for ta­king of cognitioun, gif the wod of Falkland was auld failȝeit, and de­cayit in the grouth thairof, and habill to faill allutterlie: ¶ It was fundin be ane assyse, that the said wod of Falkland for the maist part thairof was auld, failȝeit, and decayit, and [...]e [...]t to be cuttit downe for the cōmoun weill of the Realme▪ and to be parkit, hani [...] and keipit of new for policie thairof: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace, and the thre Estatis [...]oirsaidis, that the said wod of Falkland be cuttit, and of new parkit agane, keipit, and ha [...]it for ry­sing of ȝoung grouth thairof, to the greit policie, and weill of the samin.

Anentis the liberteis and priuilegeis of Burrowis. Ca. xxiiij.

ITEM The quenis grace dowrear and Regent of this Re­alme, with a [...]se of the haill thre Estatis of Parlia­ment, vnderstanding cleirlie, that the Estate of Burgessis thir mony ȝeiris bygane be greit troubill of [...]eiris hes suste [...]t infinit skaith baith in thair landis, and gudis, & als that thair priuilgeis grantit to thame be our Souerane Ladyis maist Nobill progenitouris, and actis of Parliamēt maid thairupone, hes not bene obseruit, nor keipit to thame, as accordis: Thairfoir the Quenis grace Regent, with auise of the thre Estatis foirsaidis hes ratifeit, and appreuit, and ratifeis and ap­preuis all priuilegeis and actis of Parliament grantit and maid in fa­uouris of Burrowis, Burgessis, and Merchandis. And hes statue and [Page] ordanit, that letters be direct be the Lordis of counsall at the instancis of all Burrowis, vpone thair priuilegeis and actis of Parliament maid thairupone in all tymes tocum, for putting of the samin to dew executi­oun with all rigour aganis thame, that dois or cummis in the contrare of thair saidis priuilegeis, and actis foirsaidis, without calling of ony partie.

Anent the slaying of wylde beistis, wylde foulis, halking and hunting. Ca. xxv.

ITEM Forsamekill, as in vmquhile our Souerane Ladyis maist Nobill progenitouris tymes, speciallie King Iames the First, the Secund, and the Thrid, and als our Souerane Ladyis maist Nobill Father King Iames the Fyft, and now in hir gracis awin tyme diuers actis of Parliament hes bene maid, for stan­ching and repressing of the slaying of wylde foulis, and wylde beistis, and schuting at thame with culueringis, half hag, and pistolate: Quhilkis actis the thre Estatis of Parliament hes ordanit to be publist and put to executioun with all rigour in tymes cumming, with this additioun: That na man tak vpone hand to ryde or gang in thair nycht­bouris cornis, in halking or hunting, fra the Feist of Pasche, vnto the tyme that the samin be schorne. And that na man ryde nor gang vpone quheit na tyme of the ȝeir. And that na pertrik be takin vnto the Feist of Michaelmes. And that na persoun range vther mennis woddis, parkis, haningis within dykis, or browmis, without licence of the awnar of the ground, vnder the pane of refoundiment of the dampnage and skaith to the parteis, vpone quhais cornis thay gang or rydis, or quhais woddis, parkis, haningis within dykis, or browmis thay sall happin to range. And. x. pund for the first fault to our Souerane Lady. xx. pundis the nixt, and the thrid fault escheting of thair gudis mouabill. And all vther panis anentis the punctis contenit in our Souerane Ladyis ac­tis and hir maist Nobill progenitouris maid of befoir to be execute with all rigour, conforme to the samin.

Anent the dischargeing of Dekinnis and chesing of visitouris. Ca. xxvj.

ITEM Because it hes bene cleirlie vnderstand to the Quenis grace Regent and the thre Estatis, that the chesing of Dekinnis and men of craft within Burgh hes bene rycht dangerous, & as thay haue vsit thame selfis in tymes bygane, hes causit greit troubill in Burrowis, commotioun, and rysing of the Quenis liegis in diuers partis, and be making of liggis and bandis amangis thame selfis, and betuix Burgh and Burgh, quhilk deseruis greit punischemēt: ¶ Thair­foir the Quenis grace Regent, with auise of the thre Estatis foirsaidis, [Page clxvi] hes statute and ordanit, that thair be na Dekinnis chosin in tymes cū ­ming within Burgh, bot the Prouest, Baillies, and counsall of the Burgh to cheis the maist honest man of craft of gude conscience, ane of euerie craft, to visie thair craft, that thay laubour sufficientlie, and that the samin be sufficient stuffe and wark. And thir persounis to be callit visitouris of thair craft, and to be electit, and chosin ȝeirlie at Michael­mes be the Prouest, Baillies, and counsall of Burgh. And that thay thairefter gif thair aith in Iugement to visie lelilie and trewlie thair said craft, without ony powar to mak gaddering or assēbling of thame, to ony priuate conuentioun, or making of ony actis, or statutis, bot all craftismen in tymes cumming to be vnder the Prouest, Baillies, and counsall. And thir visitouris chosin, sworne, and admittit to haue vo­ting in chesing of Officiaris & vthers thingis, as the Dekinnis votitin of befoir. And that na craftismen bruke office within Burgh in ty­mes cumming: Except twa of thame maist honest and famous to be chosin ȝeirlie vpone the counsall. And thay twa to be ane part of the auditouris ȝeirlie to the compt of the commoun gudis, according to the actis of Parliamēt maid thairupone of befoir. Ane quhasa euer cum­mis in the contrare of this act, to be punist be warding of thair perso [...] ­nis be the space of ane ȝeir, and tinsall of thair fredome within Burgh, and neuer to be ressaifit thairefter, as fre men vnto the tyme thay ob­tene the fauour and beneuolence of the Prouest, Baillies and counsall, quhair the fault is committit, and the thrid part of thair gudis to be eschetit, and applyit to our Souerane Ladyis vse for thair contempti­oun.

Anentis the commoun passage in Burrowis. Ca. xxvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace Dow­rear, and Regent, with the auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that all commoun hie gaittis, that fre Burrowis hes bene in vse of precedant outher for passage fra thair Burgh or cumming thairto, and in speciall all commoun hie gaittis fra fre dry Burrowis to the portis and hauinnis nixt adiacent, or procedant to thame, be ob­seruir and keipit, and that nane mak thame impediment, or stop thair­intill. And gif ony dois, to be callit and accusit for oppressioun, and pu­nischit thairfoir, according to the Lawis.

Anent Burrowis of the west cuntrie. Ca. xxviij.

ITEM The haill Burrowis of the west cuntrie, sic as Ir­win, Air, Dumbertane, Glasgow, and vther Bur­rowis at the west partis hes ȝeirlie in all tymes bygane resortit to the fisching of Loch Fyne, and vthers Lochis in the north Ilis, for making of heiring, and vthers fischeis, and efter the completing of thair besynes [Page] at thair plesoure partit frelie but payment of ony maner of exactioun: Except the payment of the fischearis allanerlie, nottheles certane cun­trie men adiacent and dwelland besyde Lochfyne hes rasit ane greit custume of euerie last of maid hering, that ar tane in the said Loth, of als greit valour, as the Quenis grace custume: Suppois the saidis Burrowis bring the said hering for furnessing of thair awin housis and the cuntrie: Quhilk custume was neuer payit of befoir: Quhair­throw the saidis fre Burrowis ar heuylie hurt. And for remedie heirof: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit, that all sic customis and exacti­ounis be dischargeit, and not rasit, nor vpliftit fra the persounis foir­saidis of ony hering or fischeis takin be thame in the Lochis foirsaidis for furnessing of thair housis, bringing of the samin within this Realme allauerlie, vnder the panis to be callit, as oppressouris, and punist thair­foir, conforme to the Lawis of this Realme.

Anentis horning vpone Kirkmen for taxt. Ca. xxix.

ITEM Forsamekill as in tyme bygane the Kirkmen and spi­rituall Estate of this Realme, hes bene requyrit to mak payment of thair part of the taxt, grantit be the Estatis of this Realme to our Souerane Ladyis predecessouris, and hir hienes in hir tyme, for the furth setting of the commoun weill of this Realme, vnder the pane of Rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne, and for non payment thairof sum of thame was denuncit Rebellis, and put to the horne, neuertheles the Quenis grace for mantenance of the libertie of halie Kirk, and priuilegeis of the spirituall Estate, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament hes statute and ordanit: That na proces of horning pas vpon ony Kirkmen for non payment of thair taxtis to be grantit in tymes cumming: ¶ Prouyding alwayis, that the Lordis of the spiritualitie prouyde and find sum vther sure and ressonabill maner how the samin salbe inbrocht to our Souerane Lady, and hir grace payit thairof.

Anentis Lambis. Ca. xxx.

ITEM For the eschewing of the derth of scheip, quhilk day­lie incressis within this Realme, in tyme to cum: ¶ It is statute and ordanit the Quenis grace and thre Estatis foir­saidis, That na Lambis be slane within this Realme, nor na maner of persounis tak vpone hand to by ony Lambis to slay, and bring to mer­cat, to be sauld for the space of thre ȝeiris nixt tocum, vnder the pane of confiscatioun of all the persounis gudis doand in the contrare, and pu­nischement of thair persounis at the Quenis grace plesoure.

Anentis feryaris. Ca. xxxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act maid anent feryaris at the portis and passageis of this Realme, be put to dew executioun in all punctis, and the brekaris thairof to be punist, according to the panis contenit in the samin with all rigour.

Anentis the slauchter of poutis, pertrikis. &c. Ca. xxxij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that na poutis, pertrik, pluwer, mure foule, duke, draik, teill, or goldeme be slane vnto the Feist of Michaelmes ȝeirlie, vnder the pane of. x. pundꝭ to be takin and payit be the doar and brekar of this act to our Soue­rane Lady, and applyit to hir vse. And that euerie Erle, Lord, Bar­rone, frehaldar, and vthers gentilmen, ilk ane within thair awin boū ­dis tak the brekaris of this act, and hald thame vnto the tyme thay find cautioun for payment of the said soume, and this act for the space of thre ȝeiris to indure.

Anentis planting of woddis, parkis, forrestis, and orchardis▪ Ca. xxxiij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be Quenis grace, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that the actis maid be vmquhile our Souerane Lord of gude mynde, quhome God assolȝie, anentis planting of woddis, forrestis, orchardis, and parkis, and the panis of destroyaris of woddis, committaris of mureburne in forbodin tyme, and for keiping of the forrestis to be of new publist euer all partis of this Realme, and be put to dew executioun in all punctis. And the brekaris thairof to be punist, according to the panis contemt thairintill.

Anentis goldsmythis, makaris of gold, and siluer warkis. Ca. xxxiiij.

ITEM Forsamekill as thair is greit fraude and hurt done vn to the liegis of this Realme be goldsmythis, that makis siluer and gold of na certane fynes, bot at thair plesoure: quhair­throw thair is sum siluer wark maid and set furth of sic basnes of alay, videlicet of sax and seuin pēny fyne, expresse aganꝭ the honour & publique weill of the Realme: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, That na goldsmyth mak in wark, nor set furth outher of his awin siluer, or v­ther mennis siluer vnder the iust fynance of elleuin penny fyne, vn­der the pane of deid, and confiscatioun of all thair gudis mouabill. And that euerie goldsmyth mark the siluer wark, that he makis with his awin mark, and with the townis mark▪ And gif he makis [Page] ony siluer abone the said fynes, that he with his mark mak ane prent of the iust puncte of the fynes, that it is, that it may be kend till all men, quhat fynes it is of. And als that na goldsmyth mak in wark, or set furth outher of his awin gold, or vther mennis gold vnder the iust fynes of. xxij. carate fyne vnder the panis foirsaidis.

Anent the dispositioun of wyne, salt, and tymmer. Ca. xxxv.

ITEM Forsamekill as it was statute, and ordanit of befoir be ane act of Parliamēt maid be vmquhile our So­uerane Ladyis derrest father, that the Prouest, Baillies, and counsall of Burrowis, quhen ony Schippis happinnit to arriue at ony portis ladin with wyne, salt, and tymmer, sould conuene with the Merchan­dis, that aw the saidis wyne, salt, and tymmer, and by or set ane price of the samin ressonabill, that na maner of man, fre man nor vnfreman, by ony of the saidis wynes, salt, or tymmer, bot fra the saidis Prouest, or Baillies, or awnaris thairof: And the prices maid be thame, as said is, the Prince for the tyme to be first seruit, and thair Officiaris cō tentit of samekill, as thay tak to the Princis vse allanerlie: And all Prelatis, Erlis, Lordis, Barronis, and vthers gentilmen, to be seruit of the samin prices, lyke as the said act mair largelie proportis: Not­theles the Nobill men, sic as Prelatis, Erlis, Lordis, Barronis, and vthers gentilmen ar not seruit, according to the said act, bot ar constra [...]it to by the samin fra Merchandis vpone gretar prices incontrare the tenour of the sid act: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace Regent, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that the prices beand maid in maner foirsaid, that thay sall incontinent pas to the mercat croce of that Burgh, and thair be oppin proclamati­oun declair the prices of the gudis foirsaidis, as thay ar maid. And that nane of the gudis foirsaidis be disponit be the space of foure dayis, to the effect, that thay may be aduerteist and seruit, according to the said act.

Anentis steiling of Halkis, Hundis, Pertrikis, Dukis, and slauchter of Dais, Rais, hunting of Deir, taking of Cunningis and foulis. Ca. xxxvj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace, with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, that the ac­tis maid be King Iames the Thrid and Fyft, anentis the steiling of Halkis, Hundis, Pertrikis, Dukis, and slauchter of Dais, Rais, hūting of Deir, taking of Cuningis, and foulis, be of new publist and the samin be put to dew executioun, and the brekaris thairof to be punist cōforme to the panis contenit thairintill. And this act to be extendit alsweill v­pone the steilaris of Behyuis, frute treis, peilaris of barkis of treis [Page clxviii] within woddis, and the foularis lyand at wait with thair nettis, as to the slayaris of Dais, and Rais foirsaidis. And the samin pauis to be execute vpone thame with all rigour accordinglie.

Anentis libertie of Merchandis at the west seyis. Ca. xxxvij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act maid be King Iames the Feird anentis the cumming of Schip­pis to fre Burrowis at the west seyis, be publist of new, and the samin to be put to executioun in all punctis, efter the forme and tenour thair­of, and the brekaris of the samin to be punist conforme to the panis con­tenit thairin, with this additioun, That na persoun tak vpone hand to by ony Merchandice fra the saidis strangearis, bot fra fremen at fre portis of the Burrowis foirsaidis, vnder the pane of confiscatioun of all the gudis, that thay by, togidder with the rest of thair mouabill gudis, to be applyit to our Souerane Ladyis vse, gif thay do in the contrare.

Anentis beggaris. Ca. xxxviij.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that the act of Parliament maid be King Iames the First, and eikit be vm­quhile our Souerane Lord King Iames the Fyft, quhome God as­solȝie, for stanching of maisterfull beggaris, be obseruit and keipit in all tyme cumming, and to be of new publist at the mercat croces of euerie Schire within this Realme. And that euerie Schiref, Stew­art, Baillie, alsweill Regalitie as Rialtie, and thair Deputis, Proue­stis, Aldermen, and Baillies of Burrowis gar put the samin to dew executioun, ilk ane of thame within the boundis of thair officis, vnder the panis contenit in the saidis actis.

Anentis the speiking euill of the Quenis grace or frenchemen. Ca. xxxix.

ITEM Forsamekill, as diuers seditious persounis hes in ty­mes bypast rasit amangis the cōmoun pepill murmu­ris, and sclanders speiking aganis the Quenis grace, and sawing euill brute anent the maist Christin King of Frances subiectis send in this Realme for the commoun weill, and suppressing of the auld Ini­meis furth of the samin, tending throw rasing of sic rumoris to steir the hartis of the subiectis to hatrent aganis the Prince, & seditioun betuix the liegis of this Realme, & the maist Christin Kingis liegis foirsaidis: And for eschewing of sic inconuenientis, as mycht follow thairupone: ¶ It is deuisit, statute and ordanit, that gif ony persounis in tymes cumming be hard speikand sic vnressonabill commoning, quhairthrow [Page] the pepill may tak occasioun of sic priuie conspiracie aganis the Prince, or seditioun aganis the maist Christin Kingis subiectis foirsaidis, the samin being prouin salbe punist▪ according to the qualitie of the fault in thair bodyis and gudis at the Quenis grace plesoure. And in caice the heirar thairof report not the samin vnto the Quenis grace or hir Officiaris to the effect, that the samin may be punist, as accordis, that he sall incur the saidis panis quhilkis the principall speikar or rasar of sic murmuris deseruis.

Anentis Robert Hude and Abbot of vnressoun. Ca. xl.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit, that in all tymes cumming, [...]a maner of persoun be chosin Robert Hude, nor Lyti [...] Iohne, Abbot of vnressoun, Quenis of Maij, nor vtherwyse nouther in Burgh nor to landwart in ony tyme tocum. And gif ony Prouest, Baillies, counsall, and communitie chesis sic ane Personage, as Robert Hude, Lytill Iohne, Abbottis of vnressoun or Quenis of Maij within Burgh, the chesaris of sic sall tyne thair fredome for the space of fyue ȝeiris, and vtherwyse salbe punist at the Quenis grace will, and the acceptar of siclyke office salbe banist furth of the Realme. And gif ony sic persounis, sic as Robert Hude, Lytill Iohne, Abbottis of vnressoun, Quenis of Maij beis chosin outwith Burgh, and vthers landwart townis, the chesaris sall pay to our Souerane Lady x. pundis, and thair persounis put in waird, thair to remane during the Quenis grace plesoure. And gif ony we­men or vthers about [...] treis singand, makis perturbatioun to the Quenis liegis in the pas­sage throw Burrowis and vthers land­wart [...], the wemen perturba­touris for skafrie of money or v­therwyse salbe takin, handel­lit, and put vpone the Cukstulis of euerie Burgh, or towne.

THIR ar the trew copyis of the actis of Parliamen­tis of our Souerane Lady Quene Marie, halom be ane Nobill and Mychtie Prince Iames Duke of Chastelhera [...]t Lord Hammiltoun and Gouernour of the Realme. And be ane mychtie Princes Marie Quene Dowrear, mother to our Souerane Lady, and Regent of the Realme, viseit, sychtit and correc­tit be the Lordis Commissionaris depute thairto, and extractit furth of the bukis of Parliament

be me Schir Iames Balfour of Pettindreich Knycht, Clerk of our Souerane Ladyis Register counsall, and Rollis, vnder my Signe and subscriptioun manuall
[handwritten signature]
¶ Viuida foeminea depicta in Imagine Virtus
Cur sexus faciem debilioris amat?
¶ Cur Musae, & Charites formam sibi quae [...]ue dearum,
Et cum Iustitia, sumpserit alma Fides?
¶ Nempe erat in fatis, MARIAE quàm in pectore casto,
Sanctius has alibi non potuisse coli.
¶ Num dea sit dubitas, quae Scotis imperat oris
Tam bene quae leges, tam bene bella regit?

THE ACTIS OF THE LAST PARLIAMENT HALDIN AT EDIN­burgh in the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir thre ȝeiris, the feird day of Iunij.

The act of Obliuioun. Ca. j.

OVR Souerane Lady of the greit affectioun and lufe, that hir grace beiris toward hir subiectis, and for cōserua­tioun and contening of thame, and euerie ane of thame in sinceir amitie and mutuall lufe: And for eschewing of all pleid, discorde, actioun, questioun, querell; or debait, that may heirefter, or mycht in tyme bygane arryse, or be mouit be a­ther of thame, aganis vthers, for ony cause, or occasioun done, or com­mittit be ony of thame to or aganis vthers, during the tyme of the lait troublis in hir Maiesteis absence, or for ony cause that hir grace may haue, or moue aganis thame, for the transgressioun of the Lawis of hir hienes Realme, or ony vthers ressauit within the samin, sen and fra the saxt day of Marche, in the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth lviij. ȝeiris, vnto the first day of September, exclusiue, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lxj. ȝeiris: And for ane commoun pea [...], vnioun, reconciliatioun, and quietnes to be perpetuallie obseruit be the haill liegis and inhabitantis of this Realme, swa that thay may at thair vttermaist powar, with ane vniformitie of mynde, obey and serue hir Maiestie in all sortis, as becummis maist humbill and faith­full subiectis, to the glorie of God, hir hienes contentment and com­moun welth of thair natiue cuntrie: Be The auise, counsall, and deli­beratioun of hir grace thre Estatis, presentlie conuenit, hes fund prof­fitabill and necessare for the gude gouernament and administratioun of the Realme, and commoun welth thairof, that ane statute, Law and ordinance, of perpetual Obliuioun be maid & establissit, lyke as hir hienꝭ be the auise & consent of the haill thre Estatis of hir Maiesteis Realme, conuenit in this present Parliament, makis and establissis ane Law of Obliuioun: ¶ That all deid, occasioun, counsall, and pretence, of quhatsumeuer wecht, or qualitie, that may be allegeit, or appeir to haue bene done, maid, geuin, pretendit or assistit to, be quhatsumeuer per­soun or persounis, hir Maiesteis subiectis and liegis, of quhatsumeuer qualitie, state, or conditioun, thay be of, contrare the Lawis of this Realme, statutis, ordinancis, constitutiounis thairof, for quhatsum­euer [Page] vthers Lawis ressauit or vsit in the samin, in ony tymes bygane, to quhatsumeuer effect, sen, and fra the said saxt day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyne hundreth .lviij. ȝeiris, to the said first day of September, exclusiue, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth lxj. ȝeiris, and the memorie thairof with all actiounis ciuile or crimi­nall, that may result thairthrow, To be expyrit, buryir, and extinct for euer: Euin as the samin had neuer bene maid, done, counsallit, thocht, pretendit, nor assistit to, swa that thay nor thair airis, nor successouris may be indictit, persewit, summoundit, accusit, followit, or conuenit thairfoir ciuilie, or criminallie befoir hir hienes, or hir gracis successou­ris, nor thre Estatis of Parliament, nor vther Iuge or Iugeis crimi­nall or ciuile, spirituall or temporall, quhatsumeuer within this Realme, or outwith the samin, in ony tyme tocum be hir hienes, hir gracis suc­cessouris, or thair Aduocattis, nor be ony hir gracis subiectis, or ony vthers maner of persounis quhatsumeuer, Dischargeing expressie be this present Law of Obliuioun, the Estatis foirsaid, Iustice generall, his Deputis, Lordis of the College of Iustice and Sessioun, all Schi­reffis, Stewartis, Baillies, alsweill of Regaliteis as Rialteis, Pro­uestis Baillies and counsall of Burrowis, Legattis, Archibischoppis, Bischoppis, Abbottis, Cominendatouris, Priouris, and all vthers Iugeis, Magistratis and Officiaris, of quhatsumeuer estate, degre, or conditioun thay be of, of ony indicting, arreisting, summounding, accusing, following, calling, persewing, conuening, or proceiding a­ganis quhatsumeuer persoun or persounis, hir hienes subiectis and lie­gis, of quhatsumeuer qualitie, estate, degre, or conditioun thay be of, for the premissis, or ony punct thairof, or depending thairupone ony maner of way, and of thair officis and iurisdictioun thair anent, for now and euer. And forther, it sall not be leiffull be act of Parliament, or vtherwayis heirefter, to mak ony derogatioun of this present Law, statute and ordinance of Obliuioun, nor cum in the contrare of the samin, directlie or indirectlie, without the expresse auise and consent of the haill persounis, and euerie ane of thame that hes, or may pretend to haue interes, priuilege, or fauour, be ressoun of this Law of Obli­uioun foirsaid.

¶ Our Souerane Lady with auise of hir grace thre Estatis being willit and myndit, that na persoun nor persounis subiectis of hir ma­iesteis Realme being vnworthy of the priuilege and fauour of the act, and statute of the Law of Obliuioun haue, bruke, ioyis, nor vse the priuilege thairof for sic transgressioun, deid, or attemptate done or committit be thame, or ony of thame, [...] the saxt day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lviij. ȝeiris, to the first day [Page clxxi] of September, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lxj. ȝeiris. Hes statute and ordanit, & be thir presentis statutis and ordanis, that letters be direct, publist, and proclamit at all heid Burrowis of this Realme▪ alsweill within Regaliteis as Rialteis, commanding and chargeing all and sindrie our said Souerane Ladyis liegis, of quhat­sumeuer degre, estate, or qualitie thay be of, hauand or pretendand to haue actioun, outher criminall or ciuile for ony deid, cause or occasioun done, committit or assistit to, fra the foirsaid saxt day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lviij. ȝeiris, to the first day of September, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lxj. ȝeiris, that thay, and euerie ane of thame, intent and persew the actioun, quhilk thay pretend to haue, alsweill for recouering, as for reductioun of decreittis els geuin vpone deidis done within the tyme foirsaid be­foir the Iugeis Ordinar, and competent. And gif the partie persewit be him self or his procuratouris will or may allege, that the persew­ar sould not be hard in respect of the Law of Obliuioun foirsaid, Than and in that caice the Iuge ciuile sall ceis of forther proceiding in that cause, and the parteis defendar and persewar sall cum to the Lordis and personnis vnderwrittin: That is to say, Nobill and mychtie Lordis, Iames Duke of Chastellarant, Lord Hammiltoun. &c. Ar­chibald Erle of Ergyle Lord Campbell and Lorne Iustice generall. &c. Iames Erle of Murray Lord Abirnethy and Strathnarne. Ia­mes Erle of Mortoun Lord Dalkeith Chancellar. &c. Williame Erle Merchell Lord Keith. &c. Alexander Erle of Glencarne Lord Kilmawris. &c. Iohne Lord Erskin, Patrik Lord Ruthwen. Ane Reuerend Father in God Henrie Bischop of Ros President of the College of Iustice and Sessioun. Ane Venerabill Father in God Mark Commendatour of the Abbay of Newbottill, Schir Richard Maitland of Lethingtoun Knycht keipar of the priuie Scill, Maister Iames Makgill of Rankelour nether Clerk of Registre, Schir Iohne Bellenden of Auchinnoull Knycht Iustice Clerk, Williame Maitland of Lethingtoun Ȝoungar Secretar, Maister Robert Richardsoun Commendatour of Sanct Marie Ile Thesaurare, Schir Iohne Vischart of Pittarro Knycht Comptrollare, Maister Iohne Spens of Condie Aduocat to our Souerane Lady, Maister Thomas Mak [...]al­ȝea [...]e Commissionar for the Burgh of Edinburgh, Maister Iames Halyburtoun Tutour of Peteur Prouest of Dundie, and Iohne Ers­kin of Dun Prouest of Moutros: And gif in thair supplicatioun to the haill Lordis foirsaid, gif thay chance to be presēt togidder, and failȝeing thairof, to the saidis Chancellar, President, Clerk of Registre, or Aduo­cate within this Burgh of Edinburgh, beirād the tenour of the persute and allegeance of the Law of Obliuioun, for the defendar or persewar for reductioun, and the saidis Lordis or ony sax of thame, thre of the [Page] saidis Erlis or Lordis alwayis being of the said number. Quha sall gif thair declaratioun vpone the said exceptioun proponit ciuilie, and put the samin in writ in the Registre, quhidder the defendar or persew­ar to reduce be worthie and sould bruke, loyis, and haue the priuilege of the said Law. And as thay declair, the samin to be obseruit, videli­cet, gif thay be not worthy, the Law to be na sufficient exceptioun to thame, and the Iugeis quhome befoir the saidis exceptiounis sall hap­pin to be proponit, sall incontinent thairefter proceid according to the declaratioun of the saidis Lordis, to be schawin to thame extract and drawin furth of the Registre autenticklie subscriuit be the Clerk of Registre or his Deputis, and na vtherwayis, and do Iustice to the saidis persewaris or defendaris, and admit or repell the said excepti­oun, or admit protestatiounis as the Law requyris. And siclyke gif ony persoun or persounis, callis or persewis vthers criminallie, or in­tendis to do the samin, for ony cryme done within the tyme foirsaid, the partie quha is chargeit to vnderly the Law, find and souertie sall cum with the copie of letters or summoundis, quhairby he is chargeit to schaw the samin to the saidis Lordis, or ony sax of thame, Thre of the saidis Erlis or Lordis being of thame▪ Quha sall declair quhidder the partie defendar be worthy of the said Law or not, and as thay de­clair, the Iustice to proceid, or to desist fra proceiding, as the ordinance to be maid and geuin thairupone be the saidis Lordis sall beir, subscri­uit, as befoir is specifeit. And in caice of inlaik of ony of the number of the saidis Lordis, chosin to the effect foirsaid, within the space vnder­writtin, It salbe lesum to the remanent, than being on liue to elect and cheis sa mony vthers in thair placis, quha sall declair the said Law in maner foirsaid, within the tyme and space within reheirsit: ¶ Pro­uyding alwayis, that quhatsumeuer of our Souerane Ladyis liegis, had, hes, or pretendis ony actioun criminallie or ciuilie, or reductioun of decreitis els geuin in maner foirsaid, quhair of the deid was done, committit or assistit to, fra the foirsaid sax day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hindreth .lviij. ȝeiris, to the said first day of September, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lxj. ȝeiris, that thay intent and persew the samin befoir the Iustice his Deputis, the Iugeis Ordinaris alsweill in Regalitie as Rialtie, betuix this and the first day of August, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lxiiii ȝeiris: Declairand be thir presentis, that quha that persewis not with­in the said space, thay thair airis, executouris or assignayis sall neuer be hard to persew the samin, or haue actioū thairto aganis thame, quha will allege the foirsaid Law of Obliuioun: Notwithstanding, quhat­sumeuer iurisdictioun, priuilegeis, Lawis, or constitutiounis, quhilkis the saidis persoūis or ony of thame had, hes, or may pretend or acclame, as grantit be our said Souerane Lady, hir grace predecessouris, or v­ther [Page cxxii] Iuge or Iugeis quhatsumeuer. And siclyke ordanis this declara­tioun aganis minouris, or vthers quhatsumeuer, that may pretend pri­uilege of na prescriptioun be the Lawis of this Realme, or vther quhat­sumeuer Lawis, that thay mak persute to thair saidis actiounis, with­in the space and tyme foirsaid, videlicet the saidis minouris, with au [...]se of thair tutouris, or curatouris: Prouyding alswa in lykewyse, that in caice the saidis minouris be hurt be negligence of thair saidis tutou­ris and curatouris in thair saidis actiounis, quhilkis thay had, or pretendis to haue, for quhatsumeuer deid, cause or actioun, done or committit, during the space foirsaid, that the saidis tutouris and cura­touris, salbe haldin to answer for the dampnage and skaith sustenit, and to be sustenit be saidis minouris thairthrow, and thay to haue suffici­ent actioun aganis thame, for recouering thairof, as done in thair de­fault and negligence, and sall haue na actioun aganis the principall persoun, committar of the said deid, at ony tyme heirefter. And vthers persounis, that may pretend priuilege in maner foirsaid, neuer to haue ane actioun in lykewyse in tyme cumming.

Anentis cruuis and ȝairis. Ca. ij.

THE Quenis Maiestie, and thre Estatis of this pre­sent Parliament, ratifeis and appreuis the act maid be hir hienes maist Nobill Gudschir, King Iames the Feird, of gude memorie, of the quhilk the tenour followis. ¶ Item it is statute and ordanit, that all cruuis and fische dammis that ar within salt wat­ters, that ebbis and flowis, be allutterlie destroyit and put downe, alsweill thay that pertene to our Souerane Lord, as vthers throw all the Realme. And anent cruuis in fresche watters, that thay be maid in sic largenes, and sic dayis keipit, as is contenit in the actis and statutis maid thairupone of befoir, with this additioun following, That is to say, that all cruuis and ȝairis, that ar set of lait vpone sand and schauldis far within the watter, quhair thay war not of befoir, that thay be incontinent tane downe and put away, and the remanent cruuis, that ar set, and put vpone the watter sandis, to stand still quhill the first day of October nixt tocum, and incontinent efter the said first day, to be destroyit and put away for euer. And for executioun of this act, ordanis euerie Erle, Lord, Barrone, and euerie gentilman landit, within his awin boundis, to cause remoue, destroy, put downe, and tak away the saidis cruuis and ȝairis in maner foir­said, respectiue, vnder the pane of ane hundreth pundis to be takin vp of thair gudis, that puttis not this act to dew executioun, and the said soume to be inbrocht and applyit to oure Souerane Ladyis vse, and [Page] that euerie Schiref, Stewart, Baillie, alsweill Regalitie, as Ri­altie, thair Deputis, and vthers Iugeis within thair awin iurisdicti­ounis, tak gude attendence, and see, that as is contenit in this present act be done, and put to executioun in all punctis, according to the te­nour of the samin, and failȝeing thairof, that euerie Schiref, Stew­art, Baillies, alsweill of Regaliteis, as Rialteis, and vthers Iugeis within thair awin iurisdictioun, as said is, vptak and inbring the said pane of ane hundreth pundis of euerie Erle, Lord, Barrone, gentil­man landit, or vthers negligent in the premissis, and mak compt thairof ȝeirlie in the Checkar, and gif the saidis Schireffis, Stewartis, Bail­lies of Regaliteis, or Rialteis beis fundin negligent in executioun of thair officis anent this act, that the foirsaid soume be vpliftit of thame selfis, and inbrocht to our Souerane Ladyis vse, and that but preiu­dice of the panis to be execute vpone the foirsaidis Erle, Lord, Bar­ron, gentilman, or vther contrauenaris of the foirsaid act: Prouyding alwayis, that this act on na wayis be extendit to the cruuis and ȝaris being vpone the watter of Sulway.

Anentis the carying and hauing of gold siluer furth of the Realme. Ca. iij.

ITEM The Quenis Maiestie, with the auise of the thre Estatis in this present Parliament, hes ratifeit and appreuit, and ratifeis and appreuis all actis maid of befoir be hir hie­nes predecessouris, anentis the carying and away taking of gold and siluer furth of this Realme, in all punctis, with this additioun, That na maner of persoun nor persounis, pretend or tak vpone hand to tak away or cary furth of this Realme, ony gold or siluer in ony tyme heir­efter, vnder the pane of escheting of the samin, and of all the remanēt of thair mouabill gudis that dois in the contrare, and for obseruing heir­of, and tryall to be had thairupone: ¶ Siclyke ordanis, that quhat­sumeuer persoun or persounis, that will cum, reuele and schaw the sa­min, and gif vp thair namis, that offendis this Law and act, that persoun or persounis, sall haue the feird part of the said gold and siluer, and remanent of thair mouabill gudis, the samin being tryit be thair reueling. And in caice the reuelar be partinar of the away taking and carying of the said gold and siluer furth of this Realme, in that caice, he salbe fre of all panis, dangearis and perrell that he may incur be this act: And sall haue for his rewaird, as is befoir reheirsit, lyke as he had bene na partinar thairof. And this act for y space of fyue ȝeiris to indure: Prouyding, that all Merchandis and vthers passand furth of this Re­alme, according to the Lawis of the samin, may haue samekill gold and siluer allanerlie, as may be thair necessare expensis, quhill thay cum [Page clxxiii] to the partis beȝond sey, quhair thay haue thair necessare besynes ado.

Anentis the hamebringing of fals cuinȝie, gold, siluer, layit money, or vther money quhatsumeuer, and vsing of the samin within this Realme. And als anentis forgearis and makaris thairof within the samin. Ca. iiij.

ITEM Our Souerane Lady, with auise of the thre Esta­tis in this present Parliament, hes ratifeit and ap­preuit, and ratifeis and appreuis all actis maid of befoir, twiching the hamebringing of fals cuinȝie of gold or siluer, layit money, or vther mo­ney quhatsumeuer within this Realme, and siclyke anentis the mak­aris, forgearis of fals cuinȝie within the samin, with this additioun fol­lowing. ¶ That quhatsumeuer persoun or persounis, that will cum, re­uele and declair the namis of the hamebringaris of siclyke fals cuinȝie, outher of gold or siluer, or vther layit money, or of the makaris, forge­aris and feinȝearis thairof within this Realme, that, that persoun or persounis sall haue that ane half of the escheit of all his landis, and gudis mouabill and vnmouabill, of the said persoun or persounis, of­fendaris of this present act and Law, the samin being tryit be his re­ueling. And for the scharp executioun heirof, that gude attendence be geuin be the Serchouris, and vthers Officiaris throw all the Realme, and that the Conseruatour in Flanders in lykewyse be aduerteist to mak knawlege be had, gif ony sic fals cuinȝie cummis furth of thay partis to this Realme.

For eschewing of derth of viuers and victuallis. Ca. v

ITEM The Quenis Maiestie, with auise of the thre Esta­tis in this present Parliament, hes ratifeit and ap­preuit, and ratifeis and appreuis, the act of Parliament maid of befoir be King Iames the Secund of Nobill memorie, and vthers his hienes predecessouris, for repressing of derth of victuallis, and for thresching of cornis, and to put away the halding of stakkis ouer ȝeir, in all punctis, with this additioun following: ¶ That na persoun nor persounis, of quhatsumeuer degre, estate, or conditoun thay be of, tak vpone hand to hauld stakkis in thair barnis or barne ȝairdis, in ony tyme tocum, lang­ar nor the .x. day of Iulij, bot thresche furth thair saidis stakkis to be sauld commounlie to our Souerane Ladyis liegis, vpone ressonabill prices, vnder the pane of confiscatioun to our Souerane Ladyis vse, of the stakkis that beis fundin standand langar nor the said day. And this act for the space of thre ȝeiris to indure, that is to say, for the crop­pis of the ȝeiris of God ane thousand fyue hundreth .lxiij. lxiiij. lxv. ȝeiris. And ordanis all vthers actis maid be hir hienes Maiestie, or [Page] hir predecessouris, for repressing of derth of victuallis of befoir, alsweill concerning girnalling thairof, as vtherwayis to be put to executioun, and the brekaris thairof to be punist with all rigoure.

Anentis the making of salt within this Realme. Ca. vj.

ITEM Because the Quenis Maiestie, hes be hir prudencie, and moyene, brocht certane strangearis of excellent ingyne within this Realme, quha hes accordit to laubour, discouer, and manifest ane new maner of making of salt different from the fas­soun vsit of befoir within the samin, quhilk inuentioun is thocht to be verray proffitabill for the hail inhabitantis of this Realme, and in­tertening of the trafique of Merchandis: ¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit be hir Maiestie with auise of the thre Estatis of Parlia­ment, that nane of hir hienes subiectis tak vpone hand for the space of fyftie ȝeiris nixt and immediatlie following heirefter, to mak, or cause be maid ony salt of the new fassoun, and maner inuentit, or to be vsit be the saidis strangearis, different from the fassoun now, and of befoir vsit within this Realme, without speciall licence had and obtenit of hir hienes, and successouris thairupone, vnder the pane of deid, and confis­catioun of the landis, ground, and housis, quhair the said salt sall hap­pin to be maid, and the saidis fyftie ȝeiris being bypast, gif it happinnis ony persoun or persounis, to mak salt, or cause salt to be maid, accor­ding to the said new fassoun, and different from the fassoun now vsit, That that persoun or persounis sall pay samekill as the saidis strange­aris sould pay for euerie hundreth bollis, comptand fyue scoir bollis al­lanerlie in this caice for the hundreth, during the said space of fyftie ȝeiris, or ony part thairof, That is to say .vij. bollis and ane half to the Quenis grace Maiestie, and ane boll to the Conseruatour, to be depute for keiping of the salt, that beis maid in maner foirsaid.

Anentis gleibis and mansis. Ca. vij.

ITEM Because it is vnderstandin to our Souerane Lady, and thre Estatis of this Realme, That the Persou­nis, Vicaris, and vthers Kirkmen within the samin, hes set in few, or lang takkis ane greit part of thair mansis and gleibis, quhairthrow thair is na sufficient dwelling place for thame that seruis, and sould serue, and minister at the Kirkis, to remane thairat for the instructioun of the parochinaris, for remeid heirof: ¶ It is statute and ordanit be our said Souerane Lady, with the auise of the Estatis foirsaid, that na Persoun, Vicar, nor vther Ecclesiasticall persoun, set in few, or lang takkis ony of thair mansis or gleibis, pertening to the saidis Kirkis, [Page clxxiiii] without speciall licence and consent of the Quenis grace in writ. And alswa it is statute and ordanit, That thay that ar appointit, or to be appointit to serue and minister at ony Kirk within this Realme, haue the principall mans of the Persoun or Vicar, or samekill thairof as salbe fundin sufficient for staiking of thame: To the effect, that thay may the better await vpone the charge appointit, and to be ap­pointit to thame, quhidder the saidis gleibis be set in few or tak of be­foir, or not, or that ane ressonabill and sufficient hous be biggit to thame besyde the Kirk, be the Persoun or Vicar, or vthers hauand the saidis mansis in few or lang takkis, and this to be done betuix and the first day of Nouember nixt tocum. And forther samekill land to be annexit to the saidis dwelling placis of thame, that seruis and mini­steris at the Kirk, as salbe heirefter with gude auisement appointit.

Anentis Vitchcraftis. Ca. viij.

ITEM Forsamekill as the Quenis Maiestie and thre Esia­tis in this present Parliament being informit, that the hauy and abominabill superstitioun vsit be diuers of the liegis of this Realme, be vsing of Vitchcraftis, Sorsarie and Necromancie, and credence geuin thairto in tymes bygane aganis the Law of God: And for auoyding and away putting of all sic vane superstitioun in ty­mes tocum: ¶ It is statute and ordanit be the Quenis Maiestie, and thre Estatis foirsaidis, that na maner of persoun nor persounis, of quhatsumeuer estate, degre or conditioun thay be of, tak vpone hand in ony tymes heirefter, to vse ony maner of Vitchcraftis, Sorsarie or Necromancie, nor gif thame selfis furth to haue ony sic craft or knaw­lege thairof, thairthrow abusand the pepill: Nor that na persoun seik ony help, response or cōsultatioun at ony sic vsaris or abusaris foirsaidis of Vitchcraftis, Sorsareis or Necromancie, vnder the pane of deid, als­weill to be execute aganis the vsar, a [...]usar, as the seikar of the response or consultatioun. And this to be put to executioun be the Iustice, Schi­reffis, Stewartis, Baillies, Lordis of Regaliteis and Rialteis, thair Deputis, and vthers Ordinar Iugeis competent within this Realme, with all rigour, hauing powar to execute the samin.

Anentis adulterie. Ca. ix.

ITEM Forsamekill as the abominabill and filthy vice and cryme of adulterie hes bene perniciouslie and wic­kitlie vsit within this Realme in tymes bygane be sindrie liegis thair­of, hauand na regaird to the commandementis of God▪ bot to thair [Page] awin sensualitie and filthy lustis and plesoure thairof. And for es­chewing of the samin in tymes cumming: ¶ It is statute and orda­nit be the Quenis Maiestie, and thre Estatis in Parliament, That all notoure and manifest committaris of adulterie in ony tyme tocum, ef­ter the dait heirof, salbe punist with all rigour vnto the deid, alsweill the woman as the man doar and committar of the samin, efter that dew monitioun be maid to abstene fra the said manifest and notoure cryme. And for vther adulterie, that the actis and Lawis maid thair­upone of befoir, be put to executioun with all rigour. And als decla­ris, that this act on na wyse sall preiudge ony partie to persew for di­uorcement for the crymes of adulterie befoir committit, conforme to the Law.

Anentis the rasing of bandis of men of weir. Ca. x.

IT is statute and ordanit be the Quenis Maiestie, and thre Estatis in Parliament, that na maner of persoun nor persounis, of quhatsumeuer qualitie, estate, conditioun or degre thay be of, liegis of this Realme, attempt to do or rais ony bandis of men of weir on hors or fute, with culueringis, pistola­tis, pykis, speiris, Iakkis, splentis, steilbonetis, quhite harnes, or vther munitioun bellicall quhat­sumeuer for daylie, oulklie, or monethlie vaigeis in ony times to cum, without speciall licence in writ had, and obtenit of our Souerane Lady and hir successouris thairto, vnder the pane of deid, to be exe­cute vpone the rasaris of the saidis bandis, as alswa vpone thame, that conuenis and rysis in bandis.

Anentis the reparrelling and vphalding of paroche Kirkis and of Kirk ȝairdis of the samin, for buriall of the deid. Ca. xj.

IT Is statute and ordanit for vphalding and reparrelling of pa­roche Kirkis and Kirk ȝairdis of the samin, for buriall of the deid within this Realme, That the Lordis of secreit counsall put ordoure thairto, and auise and consult how the samin salbe done and vphaldin in tymes tocum. And quhatsumeuer ordoure that thay sall happin to tak for reparrelling and vphalding of the saidis Kirkis and Kirk ȝairdis thairof: ¶ The Quenis Maiestie, with the auise of the thre Estatis of this Realme in this present Parliament, hes de­clairit, and declairis, that quhatsumeuer ordoure beis maid and set furth be the saidis Lordis of secreit counsall, and executioun to be de­clairit be thame thairupone, to be sufficient, and of als greit strenth [Page clxxv] and effect, as and the samin had bene expreslie contenit in this pre­sent act.

Anent tennentis, and vther lauchfull possessouris of Kirk landis, and setting of fewis of the samin Kirk landis for the space of thre ȝeiris heirefter. Ca. xij.

THE Quenis grace hauand considderit the greuous complaintis maid to hir hienes be the lauchfull pos­sessouris, occupyaris and tennentis of the Kirk lan­dis, and that diuers of the liegis of this Realme hes takin fewis of the saidis Kirk landis sen the saxt day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hun­dreth fyftie aucht ȝeiris and hes warnit thame, and intendis to warne, be vertew of the saidis fewis or lang takkis the lauchfull and kyndlie possessouris of the saidis Kirk­landis to remoue, for remeid heirof: ¶ Hir hienes with auise of the thre Esratis in this present Parliament, hes statute and ordanit, that na kyndlie lauchfull possessour, tennent or occupyar of ony of the saidis Kirk landis be remouit fra thair kyndelie rowme, steiding, or possessioun be the allegeit fewaris or takaris of the samin in lang takkis, sen the said saxt day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thou­sand fyue hundreth fyltie auchtȝeiris: Bot that the lauchfull posses­souris, tennentis and occupyaris of the said Kirk landis, may bruke and ioyis thair saidis takkis, rowmis, and possessiounis but violence of ony ȝeiris bygane be warning to remoue, be ony of the saidꝭ allegeit tytillis of fewis or lang takkis, set sen the said saxt day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth fyftie aucht ȝeiris, or be ony warning to be maid be vertew of the foirsaidis tytillis heirefter, vnto the Feist of witsonday, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hun­dreth thre scoir sax ȝeiris, without licence of our said Souerane Lady els obtenit, or tobe obtenit in writ thairupone. And neuertheles that the saidis occupyaris kyndlie tennentis and possessouris pay thair maillis, fermis and dewteis, according to thair takkis, or vse of pay­ment of befoir. ¶ And attoure it is in lykewyse statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace, with auise of the Estatis foirsaidis, That na Elect, Postulate, Archibischope, Bischope, Abbot, Pryoure, Com­mendatoure, Priores, Dene, Archidene, Persoun, Vicar, or v­ther persoun brukand Beneficis, or pretendand thame selfis to bruke the samin, as Kirkmen of quhatsumeuer estate, degre or conditioun thay be of, within this Realme set fra thyne furth ony of thair Kirk landis in few or lang takkis to ony persoun or persounis for the space of thre ȝeiris nixt to cum, videlicet, vnto the Feist of witsonday, [Page] the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir sax ȝeiris, with­out the Quenis grace licence els obtenit, or to be obtenit in writ thairupone.

Anentis mesouris and wechtis. Ca. xiij.

ITEM Forsamekil as in our Souerane Ladyꝭ maist Nobil predecessouris King Iames the Fyft and Feird ty­mes, respectiue, It was statute and ordanit, that all mesouris, pynt, quart, fyrlot, peck, eluwand, stane and pund, to be of ane quantitie and mesoure, and that na Burgh haue ane wecht to by with, and ane vther to sell with, different in wecht thairfra, bot all wechtis, mesou­ris and mettis, for bying and selling to be vniuersall, baith to Burgh and to land in all tymes thairefter, quhilkis actis as ȝit hes not bene put to dew executioun: ¶ Thairfoir it was statute and ordanit in the Parliament haldin at Edinburgh the twentie sax day of Iunij, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth fyftie fyue ȝeiris, that thir persounis vnderwrittin, or ony thre of thame, That is to say, Reue­rend Fathers in God Williame Bischop of Dumblane, vmquhile Robert Bischop of Orknay, Maister Abraham Creichtoun Prouest of Dunglas, vmquhile Schir Williame Hammiltoun of Sanch­quhare Knycht, Maister Thomas Marioribankis of Ratho, Schir Richard Maitland of Lethingtoun Knycht, and Thomas Meinȝeis Prouest of Abirdene, Sould haue conuenit in the Burgh of Edin­burgh, and thair to haue causit the eluwand, the quart, pynt, fyrlot, stane and pund, be brocht to thame fra the townis of Striuiling, Linlithquho, Lanark, and be the samin as thay stand, to haue maid ane vniuersall wecht of the stane and pund, ane vniuersall mesoure of the quart, pynt, fyrlot and eluwand, conforme to the act maid be the said King Iames the Feird thairupone, except the watter met to re­mane according to the vse of the cuntrie, To haue bene directit furth to the haill liegis of this Realme, with the quhilkis thay sould haue bene haldin to by, sell, met, mesoure, wey, ressaif and deliuer, and be na vther met, mesoure and wecht. And quha did in the contrare heir­of, sould haue bene punist for falset, conforme to the Law. And this ordour to haue bene maid be the persounis foirsaid, or ony thre of thame, betuix the dait of the said act and Alhallowmes nixt thairefter, but ony forther dilay, lyke as the samin act proportis. And because it is vnderstand be the Quenis grace, and thre Estatis in this present Parliament, that the said act tuke nane effect, nor the foirsaidis persounis contenit thairin performit not the contentis of the said act, swa that the samin mycht haue takin full effect: ¶ And thair­foir [Page clxxvi] hir hienes with the auise of the Estatis foirsaidis statutis and ordanis, ȝit as of befoir, that all mesouris, pynt, quart, fyrlot, peck, elnwand, stane, and pund be of ane quantitie and mesoure, and that na Burgh haue ane wecht to by with, and ane vther to sell with diffe­rent in wecht thairfra: Bot all wechtis, mesouris, and mettis for bying and selling be vniuersall, baith to Burgh and land, in all tymes heirefter equallie, that ane with the vther, and to the effect, that this present act, and actis foirsaidis maid heirupone of befoir may be put to forther executioun, That thir persounis vnderwrittin, That is to say, ane Reuerend Father in God Williame Bischop of Dumblane, Maister Abraham Creichtoun Prouest of Dunglas, Schir Richard Maitland of Lethingtoun Knycht, Maister Iames Makgill of Ran­kelour nether Clerk of Registre, Schir Iohne Bellenden of Auchiu­noull Knycht, Thomas Meinȝeis of Petfoddellis Prouest of Abir­dene, Conuene in the Burgh of Edinburgh, and cause the eluwand, the quart, pyne, fyrlot, stane and pund, to be brocht to thame fra the townis foirsaidis, and be the samin, as thay find to mak ane vniuer­sall wecht of the stane of the wecht .xvj. pund, trois wecht allanerlie, the pund, and vther smallar wechtis equiualent thairto. And siclyke ane vniuersall mesoure and met of the quart, pynt, fyrlot, and elu­wand, conforme to the wechtis and mesouris vsit in the saidis townis respectiue, according to the sta [...]dis thairof: Except the watter met to remane as of befoir. And as the foirsaidis persounis, or ony thre of thame directis furth the foirsaidis mettis, mesouris and wechtis, that the haill liegis of this Realme salbe haldin to by, sell, met, mesoure, wey, ressaif, and deliuer, and be na vther wecht, mesoure, nor met, and as thay find, that thay mak ane met, mesoure, and wecht of the foir­saidis stane, fyrlot, quart, pynt, and pund, and vthers smallar mesou­ris effeirand thairto of brasse, to remane in the Register, that euerie heid Burgh of this Realme haue the iust mesoure and quantitie of the samin in semblabill mettell, to be vsit vniuersallie in this Realme, quha salbe haldin to gif and deliuer the iust mesoure and quantitie thairof in maner aboue writtin to euerie Schire nixt adiacent to thame, to be vsit in maner befoir reheirsit vniuersallie, and na vther­wayis. And this ordour to be maid be the persounis foirsaidis, or ony thre of thame betuix this and the first day of October nixt to cum. And efter the said day, to mak publicatioun and intimatioun to all and sindrie our Souerane Ladyis liegis, of quhatsumeuer estate, degre, or conditioun thay be of, that cummis in the cōtrare heirof, thay salbe punist as committaris of thift to the deid.

Anentis schuting at wylde beistis and wylde foulis. Ca. xiiij.

[Page] ITEM The Quenis Maiestie, and thre Estatis in this pre­sent Parliament, vnderstanding that it was deui­lit, statute and ordanit, that nane of our Souerane Ladyis liegꝭ sould schute with half hag, culuering or pistolat, at Deir, Ra, and vther wylde beistis, vnder the pane of deid. And notwithstanding our said Souerane Ladyis subiectis, daylie and continuallie incontrare the tenour of the saidis actis, schutis with half hag, culuering and pistolat, at the saidis wylde beistis, and wylde foulis: Quhairthrow the No­bill men of the Realme can get na pastyme of halking and hunting, like as hes bene had in tymes bypast, be ressoun that all sic wylde beistis and wylde foulis ar exilit and baneist, be the occasioun foirsaid. And for remeid heirof: ¶ The Quenis Maiestie, and thre Estatis foir­saidis, hes statute and ordanit, ȝit as of befoir, that nane of our Soue­rane Ladyis liegis, of quhatsumeuer estate, degre or conditioun thay be of, tak vpone hand to schute at Deir, Ra, or vther wylde beistis, or wylde foulis, with half hag culuering or pistolat, in ony tymes to cum, vnder the pane of deid, and confiscatioun of all thair gudis to our So­uerane Ladyis vse, that cummis in the contrare. And quhatsumeuer persoun or persounis, that happinnis to apprehend, or tak ony maner of persounis contrauenand this present act and statute, and bringis thame to the Schiref of the Schire or his Deputis, the takar sall haue that ane half of the escheit of all that persounis gudis he apprehendis, and salbe rewardit vtherwayis, as accordis for his laubouris.

Anent the admissioun of Notaris, and prorogatioun of the samin. Ca. xv.

ITEM Forsamekill as it was statute and ordanit of befoir be ane act maid in the Parliament haldin at Edin­burgh the .xxij. day of Iunij, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hun­dreth .lv. ȝeiris, That all Notaris within this Realme, baith spirituall and temporall, sould haue bene causit to cum be thair Ordinaris and Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies, respectiue, to the Burgh of Edin­burgh, thair to haue compeirit personallie befoir the Lordis of counsall, or that the saidis Lordis sould direct thair letters, requyring and chargeing all Notaris within this Realme, to compeir befoir thame, as said is, bringing with thame thair creatiounis and haill protocollis, betuix the said xxij. day of Iunij, and the Feist of witsonday nixt thair­efter, at sic dayis as sould be assignit and appointit be the saidis Lordis to be examinar, and thair creatiounis viseit be thame, thair protocollis producit, to be markit be the Lordis, and the leuis numberit, and the blankis in lykewyse to be markit, and the saidis protocoll buikis not to be sene nor red, bot to be markit in presence of the Notar, and deliuerit [Page clxxvii] agane to him but ony inspectioun: And as thay war fundin qualifeit to be admittit be the Lordis of counsall, to vse office of Notarie thair­efter: And that na Notar, be quhatsumeuer powar he be creat, vse the office of Notarie within this Realme thairefter, bot gif he first presen­tit him self to the saidis Lordis, schawand his creatioun, and be admit­tit be thame as qualifeit thairto: And that na Notaris, that sould hap­pin to be dischargeit be the saidis Lordis, or not admittit be thame, thairefter soulde vse the office of Notarie, vnder the panis efter speci­feit. And attour it was ordanit, that all Notaris to be admittit, as said is, geuand Instrumentis and requyrand witnes thairto, thay sould re­quyre the saidis witnessis, quhair thay dwelt, or sum vther euident ta­kin of thame, and insert the samin in thair said Instrument, that the witnes may be knawin being present at that tyme. Forther, gif ony Notar beis conuict of falset, or not admittit be the Lordis in maner foirsaid, and vse the office of Notarie, thay salbe punist, as said is, that is to say, thair haill mouabill gudis to be eschetit and applyit to our Souerane Ladyis vse, and thay to want thair rycht hand, and to be baneist the Realme for euer, And forther, sould be punist to the tinsall of thair lyfe inclusiue, as the qualitie of the cause requyrit, be sycht and discretioun of the Iuge, And the causaris of the falsettis to be done, to ressaif the samin punitioun in thair persounis and gudis: And be­cause in ane vther act maid be our Souerane Lady in the Parliament foirsaid, all Notaris war suspendit to the last day of Marche thairefter, vnto the tyme of thair admissioun be the Lordis foirsaidis, It being considderit, that the said act tuik not than dew executioun: Thair­foir the Quenis grace with auise of the thre Estatis, dispensit and sup­pleit ony fault be that part of the said act, and all Instrumentis geuin sensyne and thairefter, vnto the Feist of witsonday nixt efter the dait of the said act, as at mair lenth is contenit in the samin: And it being now vnderstand to the Quenis Maiestie, and thre Estatis of this Re­alme in this present Parliament, that the said act hes not bene dewlie obseruit nor vniuersallie cum in vse, and that be ressoun the samin come not to the knawlege of the haill liegis of this Realme, quhairthrow thay may be preiudgeit and hurt be taking and ressaifing of sic Instru­mentis, by the tenour of the foirsaid act: ¶ Thairfoir, and for vther ressonabill considderatiounis, the Quenis hienes and thre Estatis foir­saidis, hes dispensit and dispensis with the said act, and declairis all Instrumentis tane and maid be quhatsumeuer Notar or Notaris, sen the dait of y said act, to be sufficient & vailȝeabil in the self, swa the saidꝭ Instrumētis be maid be Loyal Notaris not improuin nor defamit be­foir the making of siclyke Instrumentis, lyke as hir Maiestie and Estatis foirsaidis dispensis with the samin act and contentis thairof, [Page] anent all Instrumentis maid in ony tymes bygane be Loyall Notaris, as said is, sen the twentie twa day of Iunij, the ȝeir of God foirsaid, and to be maid heirefter quhill the first day of Marche nixt to cum, in this instant ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth threscoir thre ȝeir­is. And in the meintyme ordanis letters to be direct to command and charge all Notaris, quhilkꝭ ar not as ȝit examinat, and admittit be the Lordis of counsall, according to the tenour of the faid act, be oppin pro­clamatioun at the mercat croce of the heid Burrowis of all Schiris within this Realme, to compeir within the Burgh of Edinburgh, and thair to be examinat be the saidis Lordis in maner foirsaid, betuix and the said first day of Marche nixt tocum, with certificatioun to thame and thay failȝie, the panis contenit in the said act salbe execute vpone thame with all rigoure, And all Instrumentis takin in Notaris han­dis not admittit and examinat be the saidis Lordis befoir the said day to be null and of nane auale, and to haue na faith thairefter.

¶ Item because our Souerane Ladyis liegis ar greitumlie hurt be vnworthy & in sufficient Notaris not qualifeit, as effeiris, to be in mak­ing of Instrumentis and vthers writtingis according to thair officis: ¶ It is statute and ordanit be our Souerane Lady, with the auise of the thre Estatis, that na persoun tak vpone hand to vse nor exerce the office of Notarie be na maner of creatioun to be maid in ony tyme to cum fra this day furth, vnder the pane of deid, without thay be maid and creat be the Quenis Maiesteis speciall letters, and thairefter ex­aminat and admittit be the Lordis of Sessioun and College of Iu­stice, quha sall tak thair aithis for dew and lauchfull vsing of the said office of Notarie, and cause Register thair Signe and subscriptioun, quhilk thay sall vse in all tymes efter thair said admissioun. And gif ony persoun or persounis, attemptis or dois in contrare heirof, in crea­ting or making Notaris, or vsing of the said office vtherwayis nor said is, thay salbe punist to the deid, and thair Instrumentis, nor notis to mak na faith.

Anent geuing of sesingis. Ca. xvj.

ITEM Forsamekill as in vmquhile our Souerane Ladyis derrest Fathers tyme that last deceissit, It was sta­tute and ordanit, that all sesingis, quhilkis passis vpone preceptis of the Chancellarie, to be geuin be the Schiref Clerk or his Deputis, sen the quhilk act thair is be occasioun of weiris and greit troublis, diuers se­singis geuin be vthers Notaris vpone preceptis past furth of the said Chancellarie: ¶ Thairfoir our Souerane Lady with auise of the thre Estatis of Parliament, dispensit with that fault of all sesingis geuin be vthers Notaris, sen the making of the foirsaid act, and orda­uit [Page clxxviii] the said act to be publist and haue effect in tymes cumming, with this additioun, That vpone all preceptis past furth of the Chancella­rie, the Schiref, Stewart, or Baillie, alsweill Regalitie as Rialtie, or thair Deputis sould be requyrit to pas and [...]if sesingis with the Schiref Clerk, and his Deputis, and gif the Schiref, Stewart, or Baillie, or thair Deputis, re fusit to pas and gif sesing▪ than the partie hauar of that precept, to put ony vther Baillie to gif sesing, as he sall think maist expedient, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said act, of the dait the .xx. day of Iunij, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth fyftie fyue ȝeiris: And now the Quenis grace and thre Estatis of this Realme vnderstandand, that the said act hes not bene dewl [...] obseruit, nor vniuersallie cum in vse, and that be ressoun the samin come not to the knawlege of the haill liegis of this Realme, quhairthrow thay may be preiudgeit and hu [...]t be taking of sic sesingis, by the ordour of the said act: ¶ Thairfoir, and for vther ressonabill consideratiounis, the Quenis hienes and thre Estatis foirsaidis, hes dispensit, and dispensis with the said act, and declairis all sesingis tane and geuin be quhat­sumeuer persoun or persounis, sen the daittis of the saidis actis, respec­tiue, be autentick Notaris, to be sufficient and vailȝeabill in the self, swa that the Notaris geuaris thairof be Loyall, not improuin nor de­famit befoir the geuing of sic sesingis, lyke as hir Maiestie and Estatis foirsaidis dispensis with the samin act and contentis thairof, anent all sesingis [...] in ony tymes bygane, the Clerkis and Notaris thairof beand Loyall, as said is, sen the said .xx. day of Iunij, in the ȝeir of God foirsaid, & to be maid heirefter, quhill the first day of Marche nixt tocum, in this instant ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir thre ȝeiris.

Anent resignationnis maid ad perpetuam remanentiam. Ca. xvij.

ITEM Forsamekill as it was statute and ordanit of befoir be ane act maid in the Parliament haldin at Edin­burgh the .xx. day of Iunij, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hun­dreth fyftie fyue ȝeiris, That all resignatiounis to be maid be vassallis of thair proprieteis in the superiouris handis, ad perpetuam remanentiam, being maid be procuratorie, the said procuratorie sould be seilit and subscriuit be the vassallis handis, and gif he could not write, to be sub­scriuit with his awin hand at the pen led be ane autentick Notar, and seilit with his seill, and gif the said resignatioun beis maid be the vassall personallie, ad perpetuam remanentiam, that the Instrument thairof be seilit with the seill of the resignar, and subscriuit with his awin hand, and gif he can not write, to be subscriuit with his hand at the pen, led be ane Notar in maner foirsaid, and na resignatioun ad remanentiam to [Page] haue strenth in tymes tocum, vtherwayis nor is aboue specifeit: And it being now vnderstand to the Quenis Maiestie, and thre Estatis of this Realme, that the said act hes not bene dewlie obseruit, nor vni­uersallie cum in vse, and that be ressoun the samin come not to the knawlege of the haill liegis of this Realme, quhairthrow thay may be preiudgeit and hurt in making and ressaifing of sic resignatiounis, by the tenour of the foirsaid act: ¶ Thairfoir, and for vther ressonabill consideratiounis, the Quenis hienes and thre Estatis foirsaidis, hes dispensit, and dispensis with the said act, and declairis all resignati­ounis maid in the superiouris handis, be quhatsumeuer vassall, ten­nent or vther persoun ad perpetuam remanentiam, sen the dait of the said act, to be sufficient and vailȝeabill in the self, notwithstanding the said act, swa that the samin may be verifeit and prouin to haue bene maid be Instrumentis, or vther autentick writtingis or sufficient probati­oun, that wald haue maid faith and sufficient and lauchfull verificati­oun thairof, be the vse and consuetude of this Realme, obseruit and keipit in siclyk caices anent the making of resignatiounis ad perpetuam remanentiam, befoir the making of the said act, lyke as hir grace and Estatis foirsaidis, dispensis with the said act and contentis thairof, anent all resignatiounis ad remanentiam maid in ony tyme bygane, sen the said .xx. day of Iunij, and to be maid heirefter, quhill the first day of Marche nixt tocum, in this instant ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir thre ȝeiris.

That fyue or sax of the principall Burrowis be warni [...] for concluding of weir, peax, or taxatiounis. Ca. xviij.

ITEM The Quenis grace being of will and mynde, that all Prouestis, Aldermen, Baillies, counsall and communitie, and inhabitantis of Burrowis of this Realme, be rather augmentit in thair priuilegeis maid be hir grace and hir predecessou­ris to thame, nor diminisit thairintill: ¶ Hes statute and ordanit be the auise of the thre Estatis of this present Parliament, that fyue or sax of the principallis, Prouestis, Aldermen, and Baillies of this Realme, sall in all tymes tocum be warnit to all conuentiounis that sall happin the Quenis grace and hir successouris to conclude vpone peax or weir, with quhatsumeuer hir hienes confederatis or Inimeis, or making or granting of generall taxatiounis of this Realme. And that hir hienes or counsall sall not conclude nor decerne vpone peax, weir, nor taxatiounis foirsaidis, without fyue or sax of the saidis prin­cipallis, Prouestis, Aldermen, and Baillies of Burrowis be warnit thairto lauchfullie, as effeiris.

Anent the stancheing of tumultis within Burrowis. Ca. xix.

[Page clxxix] ITEM It is statute and ordanit be our said Souerane La­dy, with auise of the thre Estatis foirsaidis, for stan­cheing and suppressing of tumultis, vproris and troublis, that hes hap­pinnit within Burrowis in all tymes bypast: ¶ That nane of our Souerane Ladyis liegis presume, pretend, or tak vpone had to mak ony priuie conuentiounis nor assembleis within Burgh, put on ar­moure, cleith thame selfis with wappinnis, or mak sound of trumpet or talberone, or vse culueringis, displayit banners, anseinȝeis or vthers instrumentis bellicall quhatsumeuer, in ony tyme heirefter, without the speciall licence of our said Souerane Lady, and hir hienes Ma­gistratis within the Burgh, quhair the said tumult and vprore chansis to be, had and obtenit thairto, vnder the pane of deid: Prouyding, that the rasing and conuening of the inhabitantis of the saidis Burrowis be the Magistratis, for executioun of repressing of malefactouris be Iustice, be not comprehendit vnder this act.

That na coillis be had furth of the Realme. Ca. xx.

ITEM Our Souerane Lady and Estatis foirsaidis, hauand consideratioun of the greit multitude of coil­lis continuallie caryit furth of this Realme, not onlie be strangearis, bot alswa be the liegis and inhabitantis of the samin, quhilk is now becummin the cōmoun ballast of emptie Schippis, & geuis occasioun of maist exhorbitant derth, and scantnes of fewall within the samin:

¶ Thairfoir it is statute and ordanit, that na maner of persoun, strāge­ar nor liege, nor inhabitar in this Realme, tak vpone hand to transport, cary or tak furth ony coillis be Schip, Crayar or ony bait, or vther ves­chell quhatsumeuer, in ony tyme heirefter, vnder the pane of tinsall and confiscatioun of the Schip, coillis and all the gudis that the awnar of the coillis hes within the said Schip, to our said Souerane Ladyis vse, except sa mony as ar neidfull for fyre during the tyme of thair vayage.

That beif and muttoun cum to the mercat with skin and birne. Ca. xxj.

ITEM It is statute and ordanit be our said Souerane La­dy, with auise of the thre Estatis foirsaidis: ¶ That all beif muttoun, weill and lyke bestiall slane to landwart, and Burgh, or presentit to fre Burrowis or fre mercatis, bring with thame in all tymes cumming thair hyde, skin, and birne, vnder the pane of confisca­tioun, and escheting of siclyke bestiall, and gudis, as wantis the said hyde, skin and birne, to be applyit to our Souerane Ladyis vse.

The ratificatioun of the priuilegeis of Burrowis. Ca. xxij.

[Page] ITEM Our said Souerane Lady with auise of hir saidis thre Estatis in this present Parliament, ratifeis ap­preuis, and confermis all actis of Parliament, statutis, priuilegeis, and immuniteis quhatsumeuer geuin and grantit be our said Soue­rane Lady, or vthers hir predecessouris quhatsumeuer, in fauouris of the Burrowis, Prouestis, Aldermen, Baillies, Communiteis, and in­dwellaris within the samin, with all letters and executoriallis, that hes past or may pas thairupone, geuand expresse command be thir pre­sentis to the Lordis of our Souerane Ladyis College of Iustice and Sessioun, to gif and direct sic ressonabill letters as thay or ony of thame will desyre, or hes had of befoir: ¶ Commanding and chargeing all our Souerane Ladyis liegis and subiectis, that nane of thame tak v­pone hand to attempt, or pretend to attempt, violate or brek the foir­saidis Lawis, actis of Parliament, statutis, ordinancis, immuniteis, or vthers priuilegeis quhatsumeuer, geuin and grantit in fauouris of the saidis Burrowis, vnder the panis contenit in the samin, and vnder all pane and offence, that thay and euerie ane of thame may incur aga­nis our Souerane Ladyis autoritie royall thairthrow.

Anent the letters of Marque. Ca. xxiij.

OVR Souerane Lady vnderstanding the intollerabill skaith sustenit thir mony ȝeiris bygane, be the Merchandꝭ of hir hienes Realme, throw granting of letters of Mar­que to vmquhile Robert Bartoun of Ouerbarntoun, and Andro Bartoun, and certane vthers thair colligis, v­pone the King of Portingall and his subiectis, and of the vngodlie taking of gudis, had throw culloure and pretence of the saidis letters of Marque, betuix the liegis and subiectis of hir Ma­iesteis Realme, and the foirsaid King of Portingall, his liegis and subiectis thairof. For remedie to be had thairintill: ¶ Ordanis spe­ciall letters to be direct to mak publicatioun at the mercat crocis of the haill heid Burrowis of this Realme, to all our Souerane Ladyis lie­gis, that nane of thame tak vpone hand ony wayis to mell or intromet with ony of the saidis Portingallis gudis or geir thairefter, chargeing thame quha dois in the contrare, that thay, and ilk ane of thame, salbe haldin as violent spulȝearis and intromettaris with the saidis Portin­gall gudis, and forther, to incur the danger and perrell of the Law, anent the restorance thairof to the parteis dampnifeit thair throw, be pretence of the saidis letters of Marque.

Ane prouisioun to be maid for the Instructioun of the ȝouth. Ca. xxiiij.

[Page clxxx] ITEM Forsamekill as it was menit to the Quenis grace, and Lordis of Articlis in name of all, that within this Realme ar desyrous that leirning and letters storeis, that thay [...]ald tak tent to the waisting of the patrimonie of sum of the fundati­ounis maid in the Collegeis of the Citie of Sanctandros, and vthers placis within this Realme, for the interteniment of the ȝouth, and that lew sciences, and speciallie thay that ar maist necessare, That is to say, the toungis and humanitie ar in ane part not teicheit within the [...]aid Citie, to the greit detriment of the haill liegis of this Realme, thair childrene and posteritie: Desyring thairfoir the Quenis Maiestie, and Lordis foirsaidis, to auise and rypelie considder, that the rentis and fundatiounis of the saidis Collegeis mycht be employit to sic men of knawlege and vnderstanding, quha hes the toungis and humanitie for Instructioun of the ȝouth, and vther science, according to the In­structioun of the saidis Collegeis, and for weilfair of the haill liegis of this Realme and thair posteritie: ¶ Thairfoir the Quenis grace, and Estatis foirsaidis, hes geuin and grantit, lyke as thay be the te­rour heirof geuis and grantis full commissioun and powar to Ia­mes Erle of Murray Lord Abirnethy. &c. Ane Reuerend Father in God Henrie Bischop of Ros President of the College of Iustice and Sessioun, Williame Maitland of Lethingtoun ȝoungar Secretar to our Souerane Lady, Maister Iames Makgill of Rankelour ne­ther Clerk of Register, Schir Iohne Bellenden of Auchinnoull [...]nycht Iustice Clerk, Maister Iohne Spens of Condie Aduocat to our Souerane Lady, Maister George Buchquhannane, Maister Iohne Vinrame Pryour of Portmouth, and Iohne Erskin of Dun to cognosce, visie and considder the patrimonie and rentis of the saidis Collegeis, quhat the samin extendis to ȝeirlie, and superplus thairof, how and in quhat maner, and be quhat rentis and ȝeirlie proffeittis, thair may men of cunning and vnderstanding be had within the said Citie, and vthers placis, quhair Collegeis ar for Instructioun of the ȝouth, in the foirsaidis sciencis of the toung and humanitie, to the weilfair of the haill liegis of this Realme and thair posteritie. And to declair thair opinioun & auise, quhat ordoure salbe vsit in the saidis Collegeis, toward the Instructioun of the ȝouth and vthers, and as thay find thairintill to reporte the samin to our Souerane Lady, and thre Estatis in the nixt Parliament, togidder with thair awin Iuge­mentis and opinioun, how, and in quhat maner the samin may be [...] done and vsit.

For sending of Ambassadour to the King of Denmark. Ca. xxv.

[Page] ITEM It is statute and ordanit be the Quenis grace and thre Estatis foirsaidis, for aduancement of the honour and estate of the Burrowis of this Realme, and Merchandis within the samin, quha hes thair trauelling in the eist partis, and ar maist heuylie hurt and extremelie handillit be the lait impositioun and custume rasit vpone thame be the King of Denmark, his Officiaris and subiectis, quha causis be tane in the passing and hame cumming of thair Schippis, the fyft penny of all thair gudis, quhairof befoir na th [...]g was crauit and desyrit of thame and thair haill Schip, bot ane Rois Nobill allanerlie, without ony forther troubill, serching or demand of ony inuenture of thair gudis, of the quhilk thay ar now compellit [...]o rander iust inuenture, and in caice be negligence ony thing be omit­tit furth of the said inuenture, thair haill gudis ar escheit maist extreme­lie, but fauour: ¶ That ane man of honour be send to the said King of Denmark vpone the expensis of the Burrowis, with letters supplica­touris direct be the Quenis Maiestie for renewing of the auld ami [...]e and kyndnes betuix our said Souerane Lady hir liegis and subiectis of this Realme, and the said King of Denmark, his dominioun and liegis thairof, and for obtening of sic liberteis, priuilegeis and fauo [...]i­ris, as war had and vsit betuix our said Souerane, hir liegis and sub­iectis, and the said King of Denmark, his liegis and subiectis thairof, and speciallie for dischargeing of the saidis innouatiounis of custume, and bringing hame of aikin tymmer, quhilk is laitlie inhibite to be sauld to the inhabitantis and liegis of this Realme, swa that thay may vse all the saidis liberteis grantit to thame in tymes cumming, as thay haue done of befoir, within the boundis and dominiounis of the sad King of Denmark, and ordanis our Souerane Ladyis Secretar to extend the saidis letters to be direct to the said King of Denmark in maist ampill forme for weill of the saidis Merchandis, as effeiris.

¶ Thir .xxv. actis nixt precedant war in the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundred lxv. ȝeiris, extractit furth of the buikis of Parliament, at command of our Souerane Lady be Maister Iames Makgill of Rankelour nether Clerk of our said Souerane Ladyis Registre, counsall and Rollis, vnder his Signe and subscriptioun manuall.


PARLIAMENTVM EXCEL­LENTISSIMAE PRINCIPIS MARIAE REGINAE Scotorum tentum apud Edinburgh .xv. die Monsis Decembris An. Do. Millesimo. Quingentesimo Sexagesimo Quarto Praesentibus tribus Reg­ni statibus.

Anent the confirmatioun of fewi [...]. Ca. j.

THE quhilk day the Quenis Maiestie hauing consid­derit the eirnest sute of hir subiectis maid to hir hienes for hir grace confirmatioun to be obtenit vpone infeft­mentis of fewferme of the Kirk landis, set be the Pre­latꝭ of hir hienes Realme, sen the .viij. day of Marche, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth fyftie aucht ȝeiris in tyme of troubill, contrare the tenour of hir graces letters of inhibitioun, publist and proclamit in diuers par­tis of hir Realme, and als of vthers infeftmentis of Kirk landis obtenit befoir the said .viij. day of Marche, and now is auisit, and intendis to grant sic confirmatiounis, willing that the samin be sure to sic as sall obre [...]e thame: ¶ Thairfoir hir hien [...]s with auise of hir thre Estatis in Parliament, will, grantis, statutis and ordanis, that all confirma­tiounis to be grantit be hir Maiestie of the said infeftmentis, salbe als lanchfull and of als greit strenth and auale, as gif the samin had bene obtenit & purchest fra the Pape or sate of Rome, and of als greit strenth and effect, as ony vther confirmatiounis of sic infeftmentis obtenit be ony vthers persounis within this Realme be autoritie of the Pape, or sait Apostolick in ony tymes bygane: Prouyding that the infeftmen­tis of Kirk landis obtenit be ony persoun or persounis, sen the said .viij. day of Marche not dewlie confirmit be hir hienes, be of nane auale force, nor effect.

¶ Extractit furth of the bukis of Parliament, at command of our Soueranis Lord and Lady, [...]t me Schir Iames Balfoure of Pettindreich [...]nycht, Clerk of thair hienes Register, counsall and Rollis, vnder my Signe and subscriptioun manuall.

[Page] Heir endis the actis and Constitutiounis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parlia­mentis haldin be the rycht excellent, hie, and mychtie Princis Kingis Iames the First, Secund, Thrid, Feird, Fyft, and in the tyme of Marie now Quene of Scottis, viseit, and correctit be the Lordis depute be speciall Commissioun thairto and ex­tractit furth of the Registers be the Clerkis of our So­ueranis Register respectiue.


¶ Imprintit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik, the .xij. day of October the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir sax ȝeiris.


THE person, who has caused these cancelled leaves of the Acts of the Scotish Parliament to be reprinted, had always doubts about the proba­bility of there being a new edition of those Acts printed by Lekprevick, in so short a space of time as from the 12th of Oct. 1566 to the 28th of Nov. of the same year, (which are the dates that the supposed different editions bear); but unwilling to controvert an opinion that had obtained so general belief, among those who were most likely to judge accurately on the sub­ject, he would not hazard his own opinion, till he should have an oppor­tunity of collating and comparing these supposed different editions. This he was enabled to do by the favour of Mr. George Chalmers, who is pos­sessed of a very fine copy of what has hitherto been supposed to be the first edition, and which he obligingly lent for the purpose of collation.— When this collation took place, with what is called the second edition, it was found they were one and the same edition, and differed in nothing but the cancelled leaves here reprinted. The Acts principally concern the religion of the country; why they were cancelled requires no explanation, to any one acquainted with the history of those times, when the Catholic power was so much on the decline, and the Protestant party had become so prevalent.

G. N.

IN PARLIAMENTO EXCEL­LENTISSIMI PRINCIPIS ET DO. NOSTRI DO. JACOBI Quinti Dei gratia Scotorum Regis metuendissimi tento apud Edin­burgh decimo septimo die Mensis Maii An [...] Do. Millesimo Quin­gentesimo tricesimo Secundo per cundem tribus Regni Statibus prae­sentibus.

Of the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. v.

THE quhilk day our Soverane Lord in this present Parliamēt, the thre Estatis of the Realme being gadderit, exponit: Sen he and his Nobill Progenitouris kingis of Scotland and liegis of the samin, hes bene first, or at the leist with the first, that ever acceptit the Cristin faith, and bene maist obedient sonnis to our halie fathers the Papis of Rome, and the autori­tie Apostolic, without ony maner of smot, violatioun, or defectioun: And our halie fathers the Papis of Rome, hes bene verray gratious & benevolent to his hienes and Realme, with all maner of privilegeis & beneficis, and maist of all Pape CLEMENT now Pape of Rome, hes bene mair gratious and benevolent to his grace, than to all his foirbearis: ¶ Quhairfoir to schaw him thankfull and obedient sone to his halynes and the kirk of Rome, It is devisit, statute, and ordanit with avise and consent of the thre Estatis of Parliament, That he sall keip, observe, mantene, & defend the autoritie, libertie, and fredome of the sate of Rome and halie Kirk, and sall never mak, nor statute ony actis, cōstitutions, do, attempt, nor suffer to be done, nor attemptit ony thing in contrare thairof: And gif in tymes past ony thingis hes bene done, or in tymes cumming ony thing sall happin to be done in con­trare the autoritie, fredome, and libertie of halie kirk, annullis, and de­cernis the samin now as than, and than as now of nane avale, force, nor effect: And that nane of our Souverane Lordis liegis be bund or oblist to obey the samin: Saifand alwayis the actis fundit upone our halie father the Papis privilegeis, or thame, that hes bene lang in [...]oua­bill use keipit and observit in our Souverane Lord, that now is, and his maist Nobill progenitouris tymes.

THE ACTIS AND CONSTITU­TIOUNIS MAID BE THE RYCHT HIE AND MYCHTIE Prince JAMES the fyft King of Scottis, in his Parliament begunnin and haldin, at Edinburgh the VII day of Junii. The ȝeir of God M. D. and XXXV. ȝeiris.
For the eschewing of heresie within this Realme and panis thairof▪ Ca. viii.

ITEM Our Soverane Lord, ratifies and apprevis the sta­tute maid of befoir be his hienes, in his Parliamēt, haldin at Edinburgh the xvii day of Iulii. The ȝeir of God ane thou­sand fyve hundreth xxv. ȝeiris. Aganis thame that haldis, disputis or reheirsis the damnabill opinionis of the greit heretike Luther, his disci­pulis & followaris, or of ony uther heresie with new additioun, of the quhilk act & additioun, the tenour followis. And our said Soverane Lord, for the zele and lufe his heines beiris to the Cristin faith and the halie kirk ordanis and statutis the said act of new.

ITEM IT IS Statute and ordanit, that forsamekill, as the damp­nabill opinionis of heresie ar spred in divers countries be the heretike Luther, & his discipulis: And this Realme and liegis thairof, hes fermly persistit in the halie faith, sen the samin was first ressaifit be thame, and never as ȝit admittit ony opinionis contrare the [...]ristin faith, bot ever hes bene clene of all sic filth and vice: ¶ Thairfoir that na maner of persoun, strangear, that happinnis to arrive with thair Schip within ony part of this Realme, bring with thame ony bukis or warkis of the said Luther, his discipulis or servandis, dispute or reheirs his heresyis or opinionis, bot gif it be to the confusioun thairof, and that be Clerkis in the sculis allanerlie, under the pane of escheiting of thair Schippis and gudis and puttin [...] of thair persounis in presoun. And that this act be publist & proclamit out throuch this Realme at all portis and Burrowis of the samin, swa that thay may allege na Ignorance thairof. And that all ather the Kingis siegis assistaris to sic opinionis, be punist in sembla­bill wyse. And that nane of thame have, use, keip or conceill ony bukis of the saidis heretikis or contenand thair doctrine and opinionis, bot that thay deliver the samin to thair Ordinaris within .xl. dayis, under the panis foirsaidis. And the effect of the said act to strike upon thame. And letters to be direct to mak publicatioun heirof in forme, as [...]ff [...]irs.

IN THE PARLIAMENT OF THE FOIRSAID EXCELLENT PRINCE AND KING, HALDIN at Edinburgh the XIIII day of Marche. The ȝeir of God M. D. and XL. ȝeirs.
For the honour of halie Kirk. Ca. lxiii.

ITEM To the confusioun of all heresie, that all the Sacra­mentis be haldin and honourit, as they have bene in all tymes bygane within this Realme, conforme to the Lawis and doctrine of halie kirk.

For worschip to be had to the Virgine Mary. Ca. lxiiii.

ALswa, that the Glorious Virgine Marie, mother of our blissit Salvatour Christ Iesus, be over all this Realme reverendlie worschippit and honourit, and that prayaris be maid to hir, to mak intercessioun to God Almychtie, Father, Sonne, and halie Gaist, for the successioun, heill, weilfare and prosperitie of the kingis grace, his Quene our Soverane Lady, and thair prosperous successioun, peax, unitie and concord betuix our said Soverane Lord and all Cristin Princis, and betuix thame all to resist to the Inimeis of the faith Catholick, and betuix his grace, his Estatis and liegis, and that his hienes and pepill may remane constāt­lie in the faith, and follow the Law of God, conforme to the statutis & doctrine of halie kirk, ressaifit and keipit be his predecessouris kingis of Scotland, and pepill in all tymes bypast, sen thay first ressaifit the samin, and siclyke prayaris to be maid to all Sanctis, in speciall and generall, and that worschip be had to thame.

That na man argune the Papis autoritie. Ca. lxv.

ITEM That na maner of persoun, argune, nor impung, the Papis autoritie, under the pane of deid, and confisca­tioun of all thair gudis mouvabill and unmouvable.

The Kingis grace exhortatioun in plane Parliament, for reforming of the Kirk and Kirkmen. Ca. lxvi.

ITEM That because the negligence of divine sevice, the greit unhonestie in the kirk, throw not making of reparatioun to the honour of God Almychtie, and of the blissit Sacra­ment of the Alter, the Virgine Marie, and all halie Sanctis, and als [Page] the unhonestie and misreule of kirkmen, baith in wit, knawlege, and maners, is the mater and cause that the kirk and kirkmen ar lychtlyit and contempnit. For remeid heirof: ¶ The kingis grace, exhortis and prayis oppinlie, all Archibischoppis, Ordinaris, and uthers Pre­latis, and everie kirkman in his awin degre, to reforme thame selfis, thair obedientiaris and kirkmen under thame, in habite and maners to God and man. And that thay cause in everie kirk within thair di­ocie, under thair jurisdictioun, cure, reule, reparatioun and reparaling, to be honestlie and substantiouslie maid and done, to the honour of god Almychtie, the blissit Sacrement and divine service, everie kirk efter the qualitie and quantitie of the rentis. And gif ony persoun allegeand thame exemit, and will not obey nor obtempre to thair superiour▪ in that behalf: The kingis grace sall find remeid thairfoir, at the Papis balines, and siclyke agains the saidis Prelatis, gif thay be negligent.

That na private conventiounis be maid to dispute of the Scripture. Ca. lxvii.

ITEM That nane hald nor lat be haldin in thair housis, nor utherwayis, congregatiounis or conventiculis, to commoun or dispute of the halie Scripturs, without thay be Theolo­gis apprevit be famous universiteis or admittit thairto, be thame that hes la [...]chfull powar. And in lykewyse, that na man, quhatsumever state or conditioun he be, luge, ressaif, chereis, nor favour ony heretike. And in caice ony ressaifis or knawis thame quhair thay ar, sall inconti­nent denunce and accuse thame, to the nixt lauchfull Officiar of Iustice, under the pane to be punist as heretikis.

Of persounis abjurit of heresie. Ca. lxviii.

ITEM Gif ony heretikis, have bene abjurit or utherwayis, have been admittit lauchfullie to pennance and grace nane of thame sall convers nor commoun with uthers of ony maters tuiching our halie faith, under the pane to be haldin as relapse. And alswa, that na persoun, that hes bene suspectit of heresie, howbeit thay be ressaifit to pennance and grace, sall in this Realme exerce, have nor bruke ony honest estate, degree, office, nor Iudicature, Spirituall nor temporall in Burgh nor without, nor na wayis sal be admittit to be of our Counsall.

Of fugitivis suspect and summound for heresie. Ca. lxix.

ITEM Quhair ony beis suspectit of heresie, and laucbfullie summound to answer the samin, ar fugitive, that [Page cxxxv] thay sall be banist and condampnit as heretikis. And it sall not be leif­full to na man to solist, procure, nor mak supplicatioun for thair purga­tioun, reductioun or grace, under the pane to be punist as favou [...]aris to the heretikis, and the saidis persounis fugitivis not to be admittit to purgatioun, nor utherwayis to reconciliatioun, nor ȝit to remane or cō ­vers in our Realme. Alswa we forbid to all our subjectis, quhatsume­ver estate thay be, to present requeistis, mak ony supplicatioun, defend, supplie, dite or wryte, counsall, help, procure or mak advocatioun, soli­citatioun, laubour or assist ony wayis to na heretikis fugitivis or ba­nist thairfoir, or uther contaminate persounis, that ar or have bene of the said reprevit sect of hereseis to have or impetrate ony grace of thair errouris, quhilk will na way be accordit to thame, under the pane to be punist as assistaris to hereseis.

That nane dishonour the Imagis of Sanctis. Ca. lxx.

ALswa to stop the private congregatioun and convē ­ticulis of heretikis, quhair thair errouris ar spred that ony man that first revelis incontinent, or accu­sis ony that hes keipit the said conventiounis, gif he have bene ane of thame himself, for the first tyme he sal be quite and absolvit thairof, swa that he be ane gude Cristin man, and have the rycht faith, promit­tand him never to intromet with the said errouris in tyme cumming, In caice he be not of the said congregatioun, than he sall have ane part of the confifcatioun of him that he accusis, as the Lordis thinkis expe­dient to statute and ordand. And this to be extendit to all thame that revelis or accusis ony heretikis, to have ane part of thair confiscatioun. And that na man may pretend Ignorance heirof, that it be commandit under panis, to all Shireff [...]s, Provestis, and Baillies of Burrowis to publis be oppin proclamatioun thir actis, at the heid places of thair jurisdictioun, twyse in the ȝeir.

That nane dishonour Imagis. Ca. lxxi.

AND Anentis Imagis of halie Sanctis, canonist and apprevit be the halie kirk: ¶ It is statute and ordanit, that nane brek, cast downe, nor ony uthe [...]wayis treit Irreverendlie, nor do ony dishonour, nor Irreverence to the saidis Imagis.

IN PARLIAMENTO TENTO APUD EDINBURGH, &c. QUARTO DIE MENSIS AUGUSTI. Anno. Do. Millesimo Quingentesimo Quadragesimo Sexto.

Aganis the invadaris and downecastars of Kirkis, Kirkmennis placis, and reifaris of the Iowellis. Ca. iii.

MY Lord Governour and the Estatis of Parliament, ra­tifeis and apprevis be Censiment of Parliament, the act maid at Striviling the xi day of Iunii, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyve hundreth .xlvi. ȝeirs, anentis the taking of spirituall men in thair housis and placis, as is contenit in the said act. Off the quhilk the tenour followis. ¶ The quhilk day my Lord Governour with avise of the Quenis grace, and Lordis of counsall un­derstandand, that throw the occasioun of this trublous tyme, and greit inobedience maid baith to God and man, in the committing of divers enorme and exhorbitant crymes: It is dred and feirit, that evill dispo­sit persounis will inwaid, destroy and cast downe, and withhald Ab­bais, Abbay placis, Kirkis, alsweill paroche Kirkis, as uthers Religi­ous placis, Freiris of all ordouris, Nunreis, Chapellis, and uthers Spirituall mennis housis, aganis the Lawis of God and man, and in­contrare the libertie and fredome of halie Kirk, and actis of Parliamēt maid thairupone, observit and keipit in all tymes bygane, And for es­chewing and stopping of all sic inconvenientis: It is devisit, statute and ordanit, That letters be direct over all partis of this Realme, and to all Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies and thair Deputis, and to Pro­vestis, Baillies, Aldermen of Burrowis, and to uthers Officiaris of the Quenis Schireffis in that part, Chargeing thame ro pas to the mercat croces of all Burrowis within this Realme, and thair be op­pin proclamatioun, command and charge all and sindrie our Sove­rane Ladyis liegis, that nane of thame tak upone hand to cast downe or destroy ony of the saidis Kirkis, Religious placis, and uthers Kirkis and Kirkmennis housis foirsaidis, or to withhald, intromet or tak the samin at thair awin hand be way of deid in ony tyme cumming: Or to spubȝie the Iowelis, or ornamentis of the Kirk ordanit for Godis service, and dedicat to the samin, under the pane of tinsall of lyfe, landis and gudis. And gif ony sic Kirkmennis housis or placis be els takin be quhatsumever persounis, ordanis the takaris and withhalders of the samin, to restoir and deliver the samin agane to the awnaris thairof, and thair factouris, under the said pane. And ordanis this act to be ratifeit in Parliament.

Table of the Acts of Parliament contained in the foregoing leaves, being certain Acts of the Scotish Parliament, inserted in the Copy of the Acts printed by Robert Lekprevik, the 12th day of October, 1566, but which are omitted in the Copy of the Acts, printed by the said Lekprevik, the 28th day of November, 1566, pointing out the places where they ought to be inserted in the latter copy.

JAMES Vth. Fol. Between.
Of the fredome of halie Kirk. Ca. v. cxiii. Ca. iiii. and vi.
For the eschewing of heresie within this Realme, and the panis thairof. Ca. viii. cxviii. Ca. vii. and ix.
For the honour of halie Kirk. Ca. lxiii. cxxxiii. Ca. lxii. and lxxii.
For worschip to be had to the Virgine Mary. Ca. lxiv.
That na man argune the Papis autoritie. Ca. lxv.
The Kingis grace exhortatioun in plane Parliament, for reforming of the Kirk and Kirkmen. Ca. lxvi.
That na private conventiounis be maid to dispute of the Scripture. Ca. lxvii.
Of persounis abjurit of heresie. Ca. lxviii.
Of fugitivis suspect and summound for heresie. Ca. lxix.
That nane dishonour the Imagis of Sanctis. Ca. lxx.
That nane dishonour Imagis. Ca. lxxi.
Aganis the invadaris and downecastars of Kirkis and Kirkmennis placis, and rei [...]aris of the Jowellis. Ca. iii. cxlv. Ca. ii. and iv.

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