THE ANATOMIE of a di …

THE ANATOMIE of a distressed Soule: Wherein, The faults of the elect, are discerned from the sinnes of the wicked, spirituall defections cured, confused consciences resolued, all meanes of presumption and despera­tion remoued, the sicknesse, dulnesse, and deadnesse of the spirit releeued, crosses and temptations inward, and afflictions outward remedied, for the benefite of all that groane vnder the burthen of sinne, and feeling of Gods anger, thir­sting for the sense of recon­ciliation in the blood of the Lambe.

ROM. 8. 38. 39.

I am perswaded, that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come.

Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to seperate vs from the loue, &c.

LONDON, Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Daniel Speed; and are to be sold at his Shop vnder S. Mil­dreds Church in the Poultry. 1619.

TO THE RIGHT Honourable, Sir Ro­bert Nanton, Knight, one of his Maiesties principall Secretaries, and of his Royall Priuie Councell, grace and peace in Iesus Christ.

GOd leaues his own children oft to them­selues, to driue them [Page] from the weake holde of their owne strength, to relie on Psa. 30. 6. 7 himselfe▪ yet doth he heale their backe­slidings, and loues Cant. 3. 4 them freely, notwith­standing their re­uolting and treache­rous dealing against him. There is Satan Hos. 14▪ 4 also sifting them, and fleshly lusts warring against their soules. Hos. 5. 2. 7 They may fall in their faith, by doubt­ting [Page] of Gods fauour, Luk. 22. 13 and assurance of their saluation, erre in som 1. Pet. 2. 11 maine points of re­ligion, yea dwell in Psal. 22. & 51. & 77 that ignorance for a season, and maintain the same. They may fall also in their life, in some grosse sins, Act. 1. 6 yea sleepe in them vntill they be roused Cal. 2 vp, and then fall into them againe: and so 2. Sam. 11 commit rebellion a­gainst God, and yet [Page] remaine in the state of grace. For they are 1. Tim. 4. 3 not senslesse, nor doe continue in their fals, hauing their consci­ence seared with a hot iron, without re­sistance, feare, or griefe▪ nor becomes in the ende a very Psal. 19. beast, as doth the hy­pocrite, who falls as the Dromedary that Psal. 44. cannot rise againe, but their corruption and temptation ouer­ruling Psa. 49. 12 [Page] them, doth Psa. 7. 3 mislead them, & cō ­ming to themselues, condemnes thēselues for it, and cleares the Eph. 2. 3. 7 Lord, iustifies him in his iudgements, and magnifies the ri­ches of his mercy, Iob. 42. 6 who neuer forsakes his children, but will with the tentation al­so make a way to e­scape, that they may Rom. 3. 5 be able to beare it.

Of the which both [Page] inward and outward temptations and af­flictions, 1. Cor. 10 for keeping of the conscience tender, and sensible of the least sinne, & Heb. 13. 18 wilfull fechting a­gaine the light ther­of: of the checkes, feares, distractions, anguishes, horrible terrours, and swoun­dings, with remedies to the same, accor­ding to the measure of the Lords grace [Page] bestowed vpon mee. I haue written here (I say) which I most humbly dedicate, to bee sheltered vnder the protection of your Worshippes fa­uour.

And I beseech the God of our Lord Ie­sus Christ, the Father of glory, to establish your heart in his ho­ly feare, rectifie your iudgement, sanctifie your conscience, and [Page] giue vnto you the spirit of wisedome, and reuelation, in the knowledge of him: Eph. 1. 17 18. 19 the eyes of your vn­derstanding beeing inlightened, that you may knowe what is the hope of his cal­ling, and what the ri­ches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saincts, and what is the exceeding great­nesse of his power to vs ward, who belieue [Page] according to the working of his mighty power▪ To whose euerlasting blessing I leaue you: and rests,

Yours Worships in all Christian duties, Barthol. Robertson.

To the Christian Reader.

SInce it hath pleased God of his mercy to giue so good a passage vnto my former tra­uailes, I haue made bolde in confidence of thy fauour, to let this also see the light: I haue been moued there­unto by sundry of my friends, and truely I [Page] detest and abhorre idle­nesse with all my heart, yet a brother who was in great confusion of conscience, to whom I resorted daily, looking if God would put his minde at greater liber­tie, from the thraldome & pangs of conscience, his case (I say) spur­red mee to vndertake this taske: In the me­thod I haue not beene curious, for the answere is paralelled to the in­terrogation [Page] so propor­tionably, as I could: to the which, I haue ad­ded prayers for euery day of the weeke, to sea­son thy reading, which strike most vpon the the cord of thy consci­ence: and because the two extreamities, pre­sumption, and despaire, doe most of all misleade men, I haue seasonably subioyned a short medi­tation of the infinit mer­cy and iustice of God, [Page] that to the perfecting of thy saluation, thou maiest sayle with an e­uen and plaine course, swaying neither to the left nor right hand, and I beseech God, the Fa­ther of our Lord Iesus Christ, to sanctifie these to thy vse, and thee to his glory.


Thine, B. R.

The Anatomy of a distressed conscience: Containing the discouery of spirituall assaults with the par­ticular remedies thereof, in Dia­logue-wise betwixt the Lord and the Soule.


WHy art thou an­gry; & thy coun­tenance cast downe, if thou Gen. 4. 6 7 doest wel, shalt thou not be accepted, and if thou doest Iam. 5. 9 euill sin lyeth at the doore, [Page 2] and the Iudge standeth be­fore the dore.


I haue been like a Horse or like a Mule (alas) which Psa. 32 9 vnderstandeth not, and am made like vnto beasts that perish. I haue wallowed in my owne vomit, in the va­nity of my mind haue I euer Ier. 38. 26 walked, hauing my cogitati­ons darkned, being a stran­ger from the life of God▪ through the ignorance that Eph. 4. 17 is in me, because of the hard­nesse of my heart: yet som­time Tit. 1. 16 I doe professe, I did knowe God, but by my workes I deny him, and am Ier. 28. 12 abnominable and disobedi­ent, and vnto euery good [Page 3] worke a reprobate: I haue walked after my owne ima­ginations, and after the stubbornesse of my wicked heart, I haue despised the Ro. 2. 4. 5 riches of thy bountifulnsse and patience and long suf­fering, not knowing that thy bountifulnesse leadeth mee to repentance, but af­ter my hardnesse of heart that cannot repent, haue heaped vppe vnto my selfe wrath against the day of wrath, and of the declara­tion of the iust iudgement of God, thus haue I liued in pleasure on the earth and in wantonnes, and haue nou­rished Iam. 5. 5 my heart as in a day of slaughter, and what shall now become of mee.

[Page 4]

Thou hast cause poore soule to bemoane thy selfe, Iob 11. 20 for the eyes of the wicked shall faile, and their refuge shall perish, and their hope shall be sorrowe of minde, his owne counsell shall cast Iob 18. 7 him downe, his reioycing is but short and the ioy of an hypocrite is but a moment, Iob 20. 5 for the wickeds light shall be taken away, they are snared in the worke of their owne hands, thus I will try the righteous, but the wic­ked Iob 38. 15 and him that loueth in­iquity, doth my soule hate, Psa. 9. 16 for I the righteous Lord loue righteousnesse, and my countenance beholdeth the [Page 5] iust man, many sorrowes Ps. 11. 5. 7 shall come to the wicked, but thou (wretched soule) call vnto mee and I will an­swere, Psa. 32. 10 and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not, I will instruct thee and teach thee Ier. 33 3 in the way that thou shalt goe, and I will guide thee with my eye.


Can the blacke Moore change his skin, or the Leo­pard his spots, then may I also doe good that is accu­stomed Ier. 13. 23 to doe euill, I did say alas it was not yet time that the Lords house should Hag. 1. 2 be builded in mee, but did put farre away the euill day, [Page 6] and approached to the seate of iniquity, as the smoake Iam. 6. 3 vanisheth so driuest thou sinners away, as waxe mel­teth Psa. 68. 2 before the fire so shall the wicked perish at the presence of God, how shold I then lift vp my horne on high, or speake with a stif­necke, for thou art iudge, and in thy hand is a cuppe and the wine is red, it is full of fury mixed, and thou pourest out of the same, Psa. 15. 8 surely all the wicked of the earth shall wring out and drinke the dregges thereof: thus the way of the wicked is as the darknesse, they knowe not wherein they Pro. 4. 19 shall fall, their owne iniqui­ties shall take the wicked themselues, and they shall [Page 7] be holden with the cords Pro. 5. 22 of their owne sinne, woe be vnto the vngodly therefore, which haue forsaken the lawe of the most high, for Eccl. 4. 1 8. 9. 10 though they increase yet shall they perish, if they be borne, they shall be borne to cursing, and if they die the curse shall be their por­tion; so shall they goe from the curse to destruction, for the soule that sinneth it shal die the death.


I will not giue the soule Ezek. 18 of my turtle doue vnto the beast, what is thy sin writ­ten Psa. 14 19 with a pen of iron and with the poynt of a Dia­mond, and so grauen vpon [Page 8] the table of thy heart, wilt Ier. 17. 1 thou not giue thy minde to turne vnto mee thy God, is the spirit of fornication in Hos. 5. 4 the middle of thee, and wilt thou not knowe mee thy Ier. 13. 27 Lord? wilt thou not poore soule be made cleane? when shall it once be? I will an­swer Zach. 13. thee with good words and comfortable wordes, a­rise my loue, my faire one and come thy way, for be­holde the winter is past, the raine is ouer and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is com, and the noyse of the turtle is heard in our land; arise my loue my faire Can. 2. 10 11. 12 one and come away, with­drawe not thy heart from mee, let me be thy hope in [Page 9] the day of aduersity, I cre­ate Ier. 18. 5 the fruite of thy lips to be peace as well to him that is farre off, as to him that is neere. As I liue I desire not the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turne from his way and liue, turne thee Ier. 33. 11 turne from thy euill waies, why wilt thou die (silly soule) I am patient towards thee, and would that all men should bee saued and 2. Pet 3. 9. none perish, but would all men should come to repen­tance, and to the knowledge of the truth, yea and more aboundantly to shew the stablenesse of my counsell, I haue thus bound my selfe by an oath, that by two im­mutable things, wherein it is impossible that I should [Page 10] lie, thou mightest haue a strong consolation▪ who hast fled for refuge to lay Heb. 6. 17 18. holde vpon the hope set be­fore ihee.


I am empty, & void, and waste, & the heart melteth, and the knees smite toge­ther, and sorrowe is in my loynes, and my face gathers Na. 2. 10 blacknesse, for that which is crooked can none make straight, and that which is wanting cannot bee num­bred, Eccl. 1. 15 woe vnto me misera­ble soule, for I haue rewar­ded euill vnto my selfe. It is the vengeance of the Lord, thou wilt take vengeance Esay 3. 9 vpon mee, as I haue done, [Page 11] thou wilt doe vnto mee, Ier. 50. 15 thou art a consuming fire & a iealous God, can my heart Deut. 4. 24 endure, or can my hands be strong in the day that thou shalt haue ro doe with mee, thy tempest goeth forth in thy wrath, and a violent Ier. 23. 19 20 whirle-wind shall fall down vpon the head of rhe wic­ked, thy anger shall not re­aurne vntill thou hast exe­ted and untill thou hast per­formed the thought of thy heart, in the latter dayes I will vnderstand it plainely, I am but as foame vpon the water, I haue plowed wic­kednesse and reaped iniqui­tie, Hos▪ 10. 7 15. and eaten the fruits of lies, I haue trusted in mine owne waies, in seruing sinne and liuing according to the [Page 12] flesh, and must die for I can­not Ioh. 8. 34 please thee. Rom. 8 13


Blessed is he whose wic­kednesse Psa. 32. 1. 2 is forgiuen, and whose sinne is couered: Blessed is the man vnto whom I impute no iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile, If any man say he 1. Iohn. 18 hath no sinne, he deceiueth himselfe and there is no truth in him, If thou ac­knowledge thy sinnes, I am iust and faithfull to forgiue thee thy sinnes, and cleanse thee from all vnrighteous­nesse, Gen. 3 If thou say thou hast no sinne, thou makest mee a lyer, thou maiest see Adams Gen. 9 fall and feele it in thee, No­ahs [Page 13] drunkennesse, Lots in­cest, Gen. 12 Abrahams double de­niall Gen. 20 of his wife, Rebecca her Gen. 27 lie and deceit, Iacobs lie, Si­meon Gen. 34 Gen. 37 and Leuie's murder, Exod. 2 Rachels theft, the whole Pa­triarches bloody deuise a­gainst Num. 20 their brother, Mo­ses slaughter, Moses & Aa­rons 2. Sam. 11 murmuring, Dauids murther and adultery, Salo­mons 1. Kin. 11 idolatry, and finally, Mathew a publican, all the Mat. 20 Apostles ambitious, Mag­dalen a notorious sinner, Luk. 19 Zacheus an oppressor & ex­tortioner, the Theefe on the Crosse a notorious malefa­ctor, Peter a denier, Thomas Ioh. 18 Act. 9 a doubter, Paul a persecu­ter of Christ. But to this purpose appeared the Sonne of God, that he might loose [Page 14] the workes of the diuell: Ioh. 3. 8 for surely there is none iust in the earth that doth good and sinneth not, for who can say, I haue made my heart cleare, I am cleane from my sinne, all like sheep Eccl. 7. 22 haue gone astray, euery one hath turned to his owne way, yet I haue laide vpon my Sonne the iniquity of you all: For the trangressi­on Pro. 29 of my people was hee plagued, though hee had done no wickednesse, nei­ther was any deceit in his Esa. 53. 7. 8. 9 mouth, hee was counted with the trespassers, and he bare the sinne of many and prayed for the trangressors: there is none good but I, when thou hast done all is Mark. 10 commanded thee, yet art [Page 15] thou an vnprofitable ser­uant, thou hast but done Luk. 17. xo that which was thy duty to doe: now then there is no difference betwixt thee and others, for all haue sinned, and are depriued of the glo­rie Rom. 3. 23 24 of God: and are iusti­fied freely by grace, tho­rough the redemption, that is, in Christ Iesus my Son, whom I haue set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood, to de­clare his righteousnesse by the forgiuenesse of thy sins, that are passed through the patience of God; hast thou laid vp these things in thy poore soule.


The heauen (alas) doth [Page 16] declare my wickednesse & the earth doth rise vppe a­gainst Iob. 20. 27 mee, great is thy goodnesse which thou hast Psa. 31. 19 laide vp for them that feare thee, and done to them that trust in thee; but sinners are Esa. 33. 12 13. affraid, a feare doth come vpon hypocrites, who can dwell with the deuouring fire? Who shall dwell with euerlasting burningss? wee conceiue chaffe, and bring forth stubble, our breath as fire shall deuoure vs, and we shall be as the burnings of lime, as thornes cut vp Eecl. 8. 8 shall they bee burnt in the fire, for wickednesse shall Wis. 5. 17 20. not deliuer the possessor thereof; thou armest thy creatures to be reuenged of thy enemies, and the world [Page 17] shall fight with thee against the vniust, which haue kind­led a fire in thy wrath Ier. 37. 4 which shall burne for euer, thou art wise in heart O Lord, & mighty in strength, Iob. 9. 4 who hath beene fierce a­gainst thee and prospered? who shall stand in thy sight Psa. 76. 7 when thou art angry? alas, my silthinesse shall bee dis­couered, and my shame shal bee seene.


I will goe and returne to my place till thou acknow­ledge thy offences, and seek Hos. 5. 15 my face in thy affliction, if thou wilt seeke mee earely, feare not, thou shalt not be ashamed, neither shalt thou [Page 18] be confounded, for thy ma­ker is thy husband, the Esa. 54. Lord of hoasts is his name, and thy Redeemer the holy 5 one of Israel: the God of the whole earth am I called, 6 for I haue called thee being as a woman forsaken and 7 grieued in spirit, and a wife 8 of youth when thou wast refused, saith thy God, for 9 a small moment haue I for­saken thee, but with great 10 mercies will I gather thee: In a little wrath, I hid my face frō thee for a moment, but with euerlasting kind­nesse will I haue mercy on thee, saith the Lord, thy Re­deemer: For this is as the waters of Noah vnto mee, for as I haue sworn that the waters of Noah shall no [Page 19] more goe ouer the earth, so haue I sworne that I would not bee wroth with thee nor rebuke thee, for the mountaines shall depart and the hills be remooued, but my kindnesse shall not depart from thee, neither shall the couenant of my peace be remoued, saith the Lord, that hath mercy vpon thee, this is the heritage of ver. 17. my seruants, and their righ­teousnesse is of me, saith the Lord, nowe then encline thine eares and come vnto mee, heare & thy soule shall liue, and I will make an e­uerlasting couenant with thee, euen the sure mercies of Dauid, behold I haue gi­uen him for a witnesse to the people, and for a leader [Page 20] and commander to them, therefore goe thou out with Esa. 55. 3 ioy, and be lead forth with 12 peace, the mountaines and hills shall breake forth be­fore 13 thee in singing, and all the trees of the fielde shall clap their hands, it shall bee to mee for a name, and for an euerlasting signe that shall not be cut off.


I confesse thy saluation shall bee for euer, and thy righteounesse shall not bee Esa. 51. 6 abolished, though I saide in my haste, I am cast out of thy sight, yet thou heardest Psa. 31. 22 the noyse of my prayer whē I cryed vnto thee, and am fully assured that thou [Page 21] which hast promised, art al­so Rom. 4. 21 able to doe it.


Thou doest well (belo­ued soule) to acknowledge thy sin, to deale with them as thou hast done, and as a iudge doth with malefa­ctors, to apprehend, raigne, and condemne them, for he that hideth his sinnes shall not prosper, but hee that Pro. 28. 13 confesseth and forsaketh them shall haue mercy, for as thou hast declamed a­gainst thy sinnes, so haue the Saints before thee, for they acknowledged their Psa. 32. 5 sinne vnto mee, neither did Psa. 51 hide their iniquity: for they [Page 22] thought they would con­fesse against thēselues their sinnes vnto mee, and I for­gaue the punishment of their sinnes, and so also my Neh. 9. 33 34. seruant said vnto mee, sure­ly thou art iust in all that is come vpon vs, for thou hast dealt truely, but wee haue dealt wickedly. So did ano­ther protest against him­selfe Dan. 9. 5. and his people, wee sinned and haue committed iniquity, & haue done wic­kedly, yea haue rebelled & haue departed from thy pre­cepts and from thy iudge­ments: Vncouer thou thy sinne and I will couer it, declare thou it and I will heare thee, in the worlde confession is confusion, but with mee it is farre other­wise, [Page 23] for if thou acknow­ledge thy sinnes, I am faith­full and iust to forgiue thee all thy finnes, and to cleanse thee from all vnrighteous­nesse, and truly deare soule, it is of my grace begun in thee, that thou breakest out in confession of them, wil­lingly opening them and stripping them naked be­fore my Maiesty, for he that is penitent before mee and my Angels (with whom there is greater ioy in hea­uen Luk. 15 for one that repenteth, then for ninty and nine that need not repentance) I will not sticke to confesse before the face of men: It is not of nature, for Adam whilst Gen. 3 I pushed his conscience, co­uered himselfe with figge [Page 24] leaues, I send a noyse and voyce, hee betooke him to the thicke wood, and last I vrged him with questions, yet hee shifted off his sinne to Euah, and this confessi­on that the sight of misery and feare of punishment haue taken out of thee, is a heauenly preparatiue to a greater measure of my grace to be wrought in thee.


If one man sinne against another, the Iudge shall iudge it, but if a man sinne 2. Sa. 2. 25 against thee O Lord, who will pleade for him? yea he must be swallowed vp with 2. Cor. 2. 7 heauinesse: If wee say wee haue a couenant with death [Page 25] or with hell & are at agree­ment, though a scourge run ouer and passe through, it shall not come at vs; for wee haue made falshoode our refuge, and vnder vani­ty are wee hid: O but how innumerable haue beene pu­nished for their trespasses, euen here in this worlde: Adam cast out of paradise, Exod. 32 the world destroyed by wa­ter, Sodome and Gomorrah by fire, Pharaoh by the Sea, Amaleck rooted out, 3 thou­sand killed for the worship of the golden Calfe, Nadab Num. 10 and Abihu burnt with fire, Myriam stricken with lea­prosie, for incredulity three hundred thousand beside Num. 12 young ones and seruants that came out of Egypt (ex­cept [Page 26] Ioshuah and Caleb) fell in the wildernesse, Corath Num. 16 & Dathan swallowed quick into the earth, Moses and Num. 20 Aaron excluded the Land Num. 25. for murmuring, the Princes of the people hanged, A­chan stoned, the tribe of Iud. 19. 20 Beniamim ouerthrowen for the Leuites wife, Eli for not 1. Sam. 15 correcting his children, Saul for sacrificing, and after him 2. Kin. 11 all his house punished. What shall I say of those that died of the pestilence in Dauids dayes, the disobedi­ent 2. Sam. 24 1. Kin. 13 Prophet rent by the Li­on, the forty children by the bores, for mocking Elizeus, 1. King. 2 of Geetze, or Hosiah the King, willing to burne in­cense, 2. Chro. 26 with many more, as Ananias and Saphyra, Eli­mas [Page 27] the sorcerer, Iudas and Theudas and some of them for very meane sinnes to the iudgement of men, yea and the Galileans, whose sacri­fice Pilate mixed with their blood, and the builders of the Tower of Shiloh which fell vpon them, which were not the greatest sinners, and vnlesse I repent I shall also be punished; Saue mee O Lord, and take the glory thereof to thy selfe, for, for not giuing it thee, Herod Act. 12 was consumed of wormes, thus thou doest lay the wic­keds way vpon their owne Ezek. 11. 21 heads.


The cause of all terrours [Page 28] and troubles in thy minde, are thy sins: I see and thou knowest it, for they doe in­fect thy minde and consci­ence with their guilt, from which guiltinesse procee­deth a fearfull expectation of these punishments thou hast spoken of, to the which thou perceiuest thou art iustly liable, neither canst thou be freed from this guil­tinesse and fearefull pangs, vntill thou (thy sinnes bee­ing done away) be reconci­led to me: for then, and not before, shalt thou haue peace of conscience, bold­nesse and confidence, when thou art assured that I loue thee, and thou mee, and so canst rest on my promises and prouidence, for there [Page 29] is no feare in loue, but per­fect Ioh. 4. 8 loue casteth out feare, for feare hath painefulnesse, and hee that feareth is not perfect in loue: the wicked flye when none pursueth, Pro. 28. 1 but the righteous are bolde as a Lion, and thouh thou shouldest walke through Psa. 32. 4 the valley of the shadow of death, thou wouldest feare no euill, because I am with thee, and with my rod and staffe comfort thee: So be­ing iustified, and assured once of my loue, thou maist be fully perswaded, that no­thing is able to seperate Rom. 8. 39 thee from my loue, which is in Christ Iesus; where innocency is, there is secu­rity, Rom 5. 1 for where iustification and assurance of remission [Page 30] of sinnes is, there is peace with mee, with the crea­tures, and ioy in the holy Ghost. Vse the meanes for obtaining of faith, as hea­ring, receipt of the Sacra­ments, prayer, meditation, conference; if thou bee not wanting to thy selfe, I will not be wanting vnto thee, and next approue thy faith by repentance, for I haue bound my selfe by promise, that all that turne from their sinnes, shall in my Son be reconciled vnto mee: for I craue▪ no more, but that thou beleeue onely, and bring foorth fruits of a new life; for this is thy part in the couenant with mee, for sinnes repented of, are for­giuen in my estimate, as [Page 31] though they had neuer been committed, & because thou by these meanes art recei­ued vnto the protection of my prouidence; thou maist be vndoubtedly assured, that all things whatsoeuer (yea in thy iudgement, the worst also) shall make together for thy good, Be strong and of a good courage, it is I that am with thee, who can be against thee?


Is not thy worde euen like a fire O Lord? doth not my heart burne within me, while thou talkest with me, Ier. 23. 29 & openest to me the Scrip­tures, and manifesteth the word, which is like a ham­mer Luk. 24 32 [Page 32] that breaketh the stone, thou onely canst quicken the dead in sinne, and call Rom. 4. 17 those things which be not, as though they were, but (alas) how slow am I to be­leeue, Luk. 24. 25 and how hard is my heart.


The occasion of thy euill may bee outward, but the cause is inward, else neuer should Satan, flesh, or the world preuaile, my Sonne was assaulted, but Satan found nothing in him, nei­ther was there guile in his lips, Satan doth offer, thou doest yeelde to tentations, if thou canst bee aduersary to thy corruption, Satan [Page 33] shall be but as a Chyrurgi­on, which launceth thy im­postumation to preserue life, howsoeuer hee purpo­seth to haue wounded to thy heart: Ioseph by grace restrained his corruption, concerning Putifars wife, Dauids eyes opened the vaile to his corrupted heart, so sin in him with Bethsheba grew to age, in what mea­sure thou withstandeth thy corruption, in that measure thou art regenerate, and as­sured to preuaile against strongest tentations, thou maist easily espy thy corrup­tion best, by thy afflictions or by affections, for such is a man as hee is in tentati­on; the heart of man carri­eth commonly all the other [Page 34] senses, for by it they are moderated and ruled, and therefore thou shouldest di­ligently keepe it: againe, it marres or makes all thy ac­tions, for if it bee pure, thy affections are pure, yea though some defects bee mixed therewith, whatso­euer commeth from a sound and sincere heart, in my eyes is accepted, and in my Christ accounded righte­ousnes vnto thee: if for sins sake thou leaue sin, though the lees thereof remaine in thee, though thou doe not all the good thou louest, but in loue desireth to doe it, though thou leaue not all the sinnes thou hatest, but in hatred of them I accept the good thou doest, the [Page 35] euill thou desirest to leaue Gen. 6 shall not bee imputed: thus striue to haue thy heart Mic. 2 right within thee, with a purpose to approue thy selfe Ier 17. 9 to mee, labouring to kill sinne, though the whole bo­dy Pro. 4 15 16 of sinne be not slaine in thee. There is a wickednes in thy heart cannot easily be espied, the subtilty thereof is vnsearchable, which should bring thee out of loue with thy selfe, & watch diligently ouer it, it is like a mill euer grinding, thou must circumcise it, and make it to bleed to emptie it, for there is so much superfluous matter in it.


Wash mee thoroughly Psa. 51. 3. 5 [Page 36] from my iniquity, & cleanse mee from my sinne O Lord, beholde I was shapen in iniquity, and in sinne did my mother conceiue mee, create in mee a cleane heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me, I feele alas in my corrupt heart such a world of sinnes, and in eue­ry one of them a fault against thee my God, a guilt binding my consci­ence to the punishment of of eternall death, and a staine or blot imprinted in mee, as the fruite thereof, which is my inclination, e­uill disposition, prouenesse and aptnesse of heart to of­fend, which causeth me de­light and liue in sin, which lying in sinne (and woe is [Page 37] mee therefore) is a greater cause of damnation then the sinne it selfe.


Thou must beware of thy thoughts, which are the feet and wings, the soule walkes & flies by, yea the waggon and boate it is caried and failed in; for an euil thought if it long tarry in the mind, it will hardly be restrained before it come to the out­warde act, and such mon­sters of the minde should make thee affraid, & suspect thy falling in the action of sinne, by the affection of it; thou must therefore search thy heart, which is a bot­tomlesse pit of corruption, [Page 38] and it is a speciall grace to gage it to the deepe, for hee that maketh conscience of his thoughts, will make conscience of his deeds; for if thy heart be found in my my statutes, thou shalt not bee ashamed; Keepe thee Ps. 119. 80 from thoughts iniected, as was Iudas, his, cast in his heart by Sathan, and of Ioh. 13 thoughts arising out of it, beware of staying in them, by taking pleasure in these immaginations, and delight in the sent of them; for con­sent of will, with mee is a full action, Iudas thought but to doe euill, and it is said, that thou doest, doe quickly; after commeth de­uise to bring to passe the act that followeth, whence [Page 39] ariseth a benummed consci­ence, after diuerse actions, then defence or excuse, then boasting of it, and this is the wickeds chayre, and steps to hell: then be asha­med to thinke that thou art ashamed to speake, for I see Pro. 14 thy heart and thoughts, & know what thou art, striue against them, and if they yet remaine, haue indigna­tion of them, feare and cry to mee that thou art trou­bled with them, and I will ease thee; for iustly doe I challenge thy heart, who gaue my Sonnes heart to be 2. Kin. 20 18 pierced for thee: thus thou must obey against thine in­clination, and naturall rea­son, Ier. 42. 6 For what is faith but a contrariety to reason? and [Page 40] hope to experience? and lay not downe thine owne conclusions: I am wel plea­sed with thy intents which prepare thy heart to seeke mee, the seeds of all sinnes are in euery mans heart, which would appeare if I suppressed them not, the tongue is a worlde of wic­kednesse, what is the heart then, out of whose aboun­dance the mouth speaketh?


I know that in mee, that is, in this flesh, there dwel­leth no goodnesse; but eue­ry good and perfect gift is from aboue, from thee the father of lights, open my eyes I beseech thee, that I [Page 41] may see the maruellous things in thy law, I cannot leaue (alas) my sinne, I haue vsed it so often and so long, it is so plyable to my na­ture, that I would rather lose my life, hauing long ac­customed it, then now cease from it, and yet I am now and then tormented with the memory of it; my con­science is a snare to mee, yea an assize, a bench, a iudge, a iaylour, yea a hang­man it selfe to me, and whi­ther shall I flie poor wretch?


It is good to learne thy inward corruptions by thy outward senses, thy sense leades thee to sinne, be­cause [Page 42] thy heart leadeth thy sense, & thy corruption hath stolen away thy heart; for outward senses bewray thy inward affections, & there­fore Christ will neuer bee sweet, vntill thou see, yea and feele in experience, thy naturall corruption, for none can hunger for righte­ousnesse except hee feele himselfe empty and wanting thereof, and where there is an exceeding hunger, there must bee an exceeding fee­ling, as a feeble and small hunger had the like feeling: comforte then thy selfe, in that thou feelest the im­purenesse of thy heart, and want of vprightnesse and deadnesse to all goodnesse, [Page 43] for the feeling of their wants is quicknesse and li­uing, and this quicknesse and life is by my spirit in thee, and where my spirit is, there is life euerliuing, which is regeneration or life euerlasting; & the more thou doest feele the one, the more deepely doest thou weigh the feeling of thy confused estate, by which thou findest comfort in sor­row, & great light in dark­nesse: and in this, that thou both sighest and groanest for the hardnes of thy heart, it is a testimony that thy hart is not altogether hard­ned, for if thou feelest this in thy selfe, that thou desi­rest to loue mee, and to bee better, being wearied and [Page 44] toyled with sinne; & com­fort thy selfe, for it is in ear­nest of regeneration, for difference betwixt a moti­on to euill, and consent to it; for the body of sinne, wicked motions, and affec­ons, shall neuer bee out of thee while thou liue, thou must not onely striue to presse out the breath of sin, and close vp the eyes of it at the death of it, but to fol­low it to the graue, and co­uer Reuel. 3. 15 12 22 it that it neuer rise, for this is to ouercome and re­ceiue the crowne, not that the life of sinne can be here destroyed, but may well be weakened, as the mangled part of a Serpent cut in pee­ces, haue not that power to hurt as when it was whole [Page 45] so corruptiō hath not sierce­nesse to preuayle against thee, how-soeuer the re­liques thereof remaine but like a mighty Prince, which is become a poore prisoner.


I by reason of my olde custome in sinne, doe often yeelde to tentations, I doe not abound more and more in wisedome and goodnes, but rather perseuere in sinne and rebellion, Lord thou knowest, and I feare (vn­lesse thy mercy be the grea­ter) the sentence of my con­science which is thy regi­ster, and my remembrancer, the wicked may bee secure, but neuer in safety,

[Page 46]

Custome is worse a hun­dred Ger. 42. 14 15 folde then nature, and doth greatly preuaile with my dearest children: Ioseph a good man, beeing among prophane men, had some smell of their wordes and lied: The Sodomites by their vniust conuersation, vexed Lots righteous soule, yet hee could haue found in his heart to liue still amongst them, therefore there is no­thing more fit, then to auoid all occasions of sinne, and & to procure honest things both in the sight of God & man, and then in all actions to auoide euill, thou must learne to keepe that which [Page 47] is good, and abstaine from all appearance of euill, bee sure it be good thou doest, but if it haue but a shew of euill auoide it, and if it be an ill fauoured thing to see to, flie it. If thou heare threatnings and tremble, heare promises and beleeue, pray in wants, be thankfull for mercies, and with reue­rence receiue Sacraments, they keep thee from falling, and recouer thee when thou art fallen, it goeth wel with thee; to prosper and thriue in sinne, is a signe of my wrath, as the childe that Heb. 12. 6 the father hateth is giuen o­uer to be ruled by his owne pleasure, but I chastise my children whom I loue, that 1. Cor. 11 32 they should not be condem­ned [Page 48] with the world: again, thou wilt neuer leaue sinne, vntill thou knowe sinne to be sinne, and be truely sor­rowfull for it: presse to re­sist the first motions of sin, for one breedeth many, & it is hard to get out of the clawes of the diuell, thou canst without great danger touch the young thorne, dallie with the young bore, and carry a young Serpent, but if these bee olde thou knowest the danger, cut the thorne in the roote, mussle the boare, bruise the head of the Serpent, yea destroy it in the very egge before it be hatcht; by the fall of others in sinne, thou maist be taught to stand, and rise if thou be fallen, and as cō ­cerning [Page 49] the accusation of thy conscience thou spea­kest of, thou shalt neuer la­bour to leaue sinne so long as thou art quiet in minde, vntill thou be stricken with feare, or cast downe with iudgements, then if thou looke to my highest maie­sty offended by sinne, the benefits which bound thee to doe my will, how neare thy sinnes pierce mee, the purpose and ende thou tendest to in sinne, the time and place of transgression, & last if thou see the loath­somenesse and deformity of sinne: for that a stinching carrion is more tolerable to the sent, then a sinfull soule vnto me, if thou narrowly consider how huge and de­testable [Page 50] thy sins will seeme, for by them thou art made like vnto the diuell himself, I haue imprinted naturally in all a condemnation of sinne, that euen committing it, thou shouldest condemne it in thy selfe, and be asha­med of it before others, wo vnto them that are depriued of this naturall remorse, & to them that account that vertue, which I condemne for a crime, though it seem little to thee in committing sinne, it was very great in my Sonne in suffering for it, if sinnes were not so v­suall, they would seeme more palpeable and prodi­gious, and therefore the sen­ses which are oceasions of sinne, ought to be well or­dered, [Page 51] to make a couenant with thy eyes, with thy mouth and eares, that thy heart walke not after them, that thy step turne not out of the way, and any blot Iob. 31. 1. 7 cleaue to thy hands, he that seeth his corruptions truely will bee affraid of the least shew of euill, the oftner sin is, to haue the more griefe, Ps 42. 11. 9 is a note of my children, search then the bottome of thy thoughts, feele thy grief where it lyeth, finde out the cause, seek for remedy, least it proue incurable, if thou take it not in time, it will fester more and more, and infect all.


O how truely is my bo­dy [Page 52] called a body of death, thou shouldest take vp and haue to thy glory all my co­gitations, but idle thoughts, imaginations and discourses come in my ninde, to the which alas I yeeld my af­fection, and doe not strike at my conscience in the Iam. 1. 13 first motion, while reason is on my side, and wound it before it receiue a perfect shape, O that I might che­rish and intertaine good motions and change them into prayer, not to smo­ther them by other rouing 2. Pet. 3 cogitations, making them either die presently, or quikly fall away, and thus Pro. 14. 9 (alas) I make a mocke of sinne, yea I make a God of Rom. 2. 4. 5 sinne, and serue it in thy [Page 53] steed, neglecting thy boun­tifulnesse, which leadeth me to repentance, if thou shouldest Lord suffer my conscience checke me, and Satan burden mee, with the least sinne, it would bee so heauy and grieuous, that a thousand worlds could not abide it, how could I then endure the greatest? Adam for eating of an apple was throwne out of Paradise, Moses for speaking of an angry worde died in the wildernesse, and was not suffered to goe into Canaan, Ezekiah did but shew his treasures, and for that he & all were carried to Babell, Iosiah did war against thine and his enemies, yet be­cause hee asked not counsel [Page 54] of thee was slaine in battell: these (for what sinnes are lesse) hast thou punished in thy deare children, O what shall become of mee in my great sinnes, if the iust shal scarcely bee saued, where shall the wicked appeare? if this shall bee done vnto the greene tree, what shall bee done to the dry? the least offence commeth not alone, but brings a legion of transgressions with it, yea the least made thy Son smart and accursed, and to say, my God, my God, ctc. and O that no sinne could escape mee without true & godly sorrow, for the lesse I fauour sinne, the nearer I am to▪ thy fauour, small meanes doe prouoke me to [Page 55] it, but great meanes cannot reuoke me from it, the spi­rit is quickly quenched, the tender conscience is soone bruised, olde sinnes doe re­tire, Pro. 15. 15 new sinnes easily as­sault, and doe depriue mee of the company of a good conscience.


Thou must (deare soule) beware of all sinne gene­rally, and must looke nar­rowly vnto some speciall sinnes, whereunto thy na­ture is most inclinable and subiect: for one dead slye will corrupt a whole boxe of oyntment. Oftentimes meditate of thy secret sins, which are hidden as it were [Page 56] in the darke corners of thy heart, which I can reueale when I will, in making my creatures bring vnto light, thy friends to open them, thy owne mouth to testifie them, thy dreames to make them knowne, in sicknesse to raue on them, or in fren­sie to vomit them out, the sharpe torment of consci­ence make thee cōfesse one priuie sinne vnrepented, for if the Israelites made the Iud. 17 Beniaminites, fewer in num­ber, and maintaining an e­uill cause twice to preuaile. It is not light that is heauier then all the world, I esteem Mat. 51 one iot of my lawe, more then heauen and earth, se­cret corruptions be light, as Baltasar was in Daniels in­terpretation, Dan. 5. 27 [Page 57] which is the losse not of an earthly king­dome such as his was, but of the kingdome of heauen; the maladies of the soule are contrarie to those of the body, for these the greater they be, the more we seele them, the other the lesse, while thy sinne is as a more, and may bee as it were blowen out, make thee free of it; when it shall bee a beame, it shall scarce be ha­led out with horses, it shold be thy earely and morning worke to cast out sinnes, Psa. 101. 8 tarry not while thy sinne be great, but pray with feeling of wants and sorrowe for sinne, else sinne will deceiue thee, and deceiuing thee will harme thee, make fatte [Page 58] thy heart thou shalt not per­ceiue it, & blinde thy minde thou shalt not see it, for when wickednesse is at the ripest, then destruction is nearest at hand, wherefore while sinne is yet in the sprout, and hauing but a lit­tle course, is vnable to make any great breach, keepe it vnder and stay it, is is hard to get vnto the way of goodnesse, harder to conti­nue in it, but hardest of all when thou art out of the way to come in again, when sinne breaketh out without controulement, and beareth the sway with delight, to the breaking of the peace with the conscience, it is very dangerous, thou ough­test of ten to say, direct my [Page 59] steps in thy worde, and let no iniquity haue dominion ouer mee, keepe mee from Ps 119. 133 presumtuous sins, let them not raigne ouer mee, tarrie not I say vntill the dead Psa. 19 13 blow commeth, but resist the first stroakes of sinne, for then thou maiest be easi­ly hardened thorough the deceitfulnesse of sinne, to day if thou heare my voyce, Heb. 3 harden not thy heart; the violence of sinne is so im­petuous that thou mayest soone slip, but hardly rise: blessed therefore is the man Psa. 95. 8 that feareth alway, but hee that hardeneth his heart shall fall into euill; without sinne thou shalt not be, but pray it may be forgiuen, nei­ther voyd of tentations (for [Page 60] of all tentations not to bee tempted is the greatest) but that thou bee not ouercome of them.


I perceiue (sweet Lord) there is difference betwixt slumbering and dead slee­ping, betweene slippes and falles, betwixt infirmities and running headlong to vngodlinesse, betwixt error with griefe and desire to be freed from it, and ignorance wherein the wicked lie still gladly, and haue no care to be rid of it: I will with my whole minde leaue my sins from hence forth, & suspect the corruptions and moti­ons of my heart.

[Page 61]

It is not sufficient (poor soule) for thee to learne thy sinne, for thou maiest fall into it againe, and into worse if it bee possible, but thou must weep & mourne vntil thou com to som grief, and such as is answerable to the measure of thy sinnes, as it is saide, cleanse your Iam. 4. 8. 9 hands you sinners, and pu­fie your hearts you double minded, bee afflicted and mourne and weep, let your laughter be turned to mour­ning, and your ioy into hea­uinesse: grieuous sins must be repented of with great griefe, a sore disease must be cured with sharpe medi­cines, [Page 62] for men must mourne for their sins as one mour­neth for his only sonne, and and be sorrowfull for them, as one is sorrowfull for the death of his first born, there must bee in them a great mourning, as the mourning of Hadradimmon, in the val­ley of Megiddan, for the death of the good King Io­siah, euen so must thou mourne, because thou hast pierced my Sonne thorough with thy sinnes, and woun­ded him with thy by-past abhominations, and thus thou must rent thy heart; for a sa man that looks vpon the Sunne, if hee turne his face away, remaineth tur­ned vntill he turne himselfe againe, so hee that turneth [Page 63] himselfe away by sinne, ma­keth himselfe a sinner, and so remaineth vntill he turne himselfe againe by hearty repentance, and therefore thou must diligently exa­mine thy sinnes, not onely in acknowledging of them, but also in sense and feeling of them, for that will make thee, not to change one sin for another, but forsake all; not as Herod, who was con­tented to relinquish some, Mar. 10. 24 but not to seperate from his incestuous whore; and the young man would rather depart from me (albeit that I loued him) then from his riches. So did Ananias and Act. 5 Saphyra, it must then bee a totall not partiall forsaking, for whosoeuer shall keepe [Page 64] the whole law, and yet of­fend in one point, he is guil­tie of all; for the keeping of sinne in part is the losing Iam. 2. 10. of grace in whole, ye must not forsake sinne for a mo­ment, or short time, but for euer, and not returne with the dogge to the vomit, and with the sow to the wal­lowing in the mire, least ha­uing escaped the filthinesse of this world, thou bee yet again intangled in the same▪ for sinnes not truely repen­ted of, are meanes to fall vnto them againe, thou must not harbour secret sinnes in thy heart and breast, but rather desire to be religious then to seeme to be; for be assured there is nothing so secret but shal [Page 66] be reuealed, whether it bee good or bad, thou must not then begin in the spirit and end in the flesh, and not only art thou thus to deale with thy grosse sinnes, but also with the inwarde cor­ruption of thy nature, and the fruits thereof, which al­though thou canst not alto­gether blot out, yet beat it downe, and keepe it short, for while the tree remay­neth in the earth, there wil alwaies spring foorth some buds; rest neuer from emp­tying this fountaine, from which these mudde springs are deriued.


By reason of my inward [Page 66] corruption (good God) I am impoysoned, for I see another lawe in my mem­bers rebelling against the lawe af my minde, & brin­ging Rom. 7. 23 me vnto captiuity, the lawe of sinne which is in my members; oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliuer mee from this body of death: for if Satan (who neuer ceaseth) should do no­thing to me, yet this would pull and drawe mee from thee, vnlesse it be suppres­sed, oh that bondage of sin to bee at the commande­ment of euery vile wretch­ed lust! oh the master, the seruice and reward of sinfull persons, Satan that God of this world, and Prince that ruleth in the children of dis­obedience, Ephe. 2. 2 [Page 67] hee putteth his vassailes to carry heauier burthens, and to toile them­selues in baser workes then the cruell taske-masters of Egypt imposed on the poore Israelites, impenitent sin­ners are enthraled to euery bruitish lust, they must de­file their bodies, corrupt their soules & consciences, and pollute all their works and wayes, when and in what manner soeuer the di­uell will haue them, runne vp and downe like dregges to followe euery vaine de­light, neuer peaceable by day, nor quiet by night, e­uermore labouring to work Pro. 4. 16 out their owne ouerthrow, possessed with a spirituall phrensie, and led by the sug­gestion [Page 68] of Satan, and then the wages of sinne it death, to endure endlesse torments in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death: now Lord free mee from this slauery of sinne, that beeing translated from glo­ry 2. Cor. 3. 18 to glory, and hauing thy image renued in mee daily 1. Ioh. 3. 3 more and more, I may pu­rifie my selfe euen as thou art pure: oh that I might be fenced & armed against all enticements, it is a bles­sed thing to worke no ini­quity; what should it pro­fit a man to win the whole Luk. 9. 21 worlde and lose his owne soule, it is better to suffer affliction with thy people, then to enioy the pleasures Heb. 11. 25 [Page 69] of sinne for a season; it is a ioy to liue a holy life, euen the life of thee the Lord God, the life of Christ, the life of Angels, to bee zea­lous of good workes, to feele spirituall ioyes in the inward man, to looke for a crowne of glory after I haue died the death of the righ­teous.


And so it is true, there­fore I say, search thy corrup­tions, whether thou grow in grace, or art consumed in some, I giue grace in mea­sure, sometime more, and Rom. 6. 2 some time lesse; but they that liue in ignorance and sinne, are deade for they sit Luk. 1 [Page 70] in darknesse and in the sha­dow of death, for the life of sinne is the death of the man, when they sinne with pleasure and delight: the best flesh is most tender, and where it is most corrupt, there it is most hard, and where the flesh is nearest to healing, there it will more speedily and more freshly bleed, the more neare thou art to me, the more fearefull thou wilt bee, the more pretious thy conscience is, the more ten­der it is, for it is a quick­ning grace of my spirit whē thou feelest peace in con­science, Rom. 5. 5 and ioy in the holy spirit, when thou hast ac­cesse vnto me, and reioycest vnder the hope of my glory, [Page 71] for blessed is that people which can reioyce in mee, they shall walke in the peace of my countenance; vnto this peace of minde Psa. 89. 13 sincerity must bee linked, for blessed is the man to whom I impute no iniqui­ty, Psa. 32 and in whose heart there is no guile, yea blessed are Psa. 119. 1 those that are vpright in the way; thou must make knowne thy faith by fruits, and feeling by sweete ef­fects; for loue is carefull to please mee, and fearfull to displease, and blessed is that man that feareth mee and walketh in my wayes; this feare will breed a care of obedience of the word, and therefore blessed is hee that heareth the word of God, [Page 72] and keepeth that thy heart may stand in awe of mee: Ps. 119. 161 let mee bee thy feare and dread, where my feare is Es. 8. 12 wanting, there is no ten­tation nor sin so great, but thou wilt fall in it, but re­member I beholde all thy wayes, and tell all thy steps, Iob 31 hee that feareth not me shal feare the least of my crea­creatures, liue in feare, and feare in loue, for tasting how gracious I am in all my Saints feare, least thou lose so good a Lord, this feare will make thee search thy owne corruption, the godly feare before afflicti­on commeth, and then it ceaseth, but the wicked fear not vntill it come, and then they feare too much, for pi­ety [Page 73] trembleth in prosperity, and triumpheth in aduersi­ty, I am alwaies God, and am to bee feared of thee, for thou art a creature, and also sinfull, an iron rod can easily break an earthen pot: if the commandement one­ly, keepe thee in obedience, thou hast not receiued my spirit, for my feare causeth obedience, and the lawe was not giuen to the iust, but to the vniust, and there­fore learne to say with thy heart, I am a man that feare God, thou canst not reioyce in mee alwaies, faith is of­ten faint, loue and little ioy is dead, feeling is fallen a­sleepe, yet if thou continue in my feare, thou wilt bee zealous of thy selfe, least [Page 74] thou displease me, & mourn vntill these graces shine in thee againe, the godly, feare sinne more then exernall crosses; they that feare least, when my iudgements are threatned, doe feare most when they are executed, a good conscience breedeth true boldnesse, sinne bree­deth a spirit of feare in the wicked, of euills to come, the godly say, my flesh trē ­bleth Ps. 119. 120 for feare of thee, I am affraide of thy iudge­ments, for where feare is not there is security, secu­rity breedeth hardnesse of Pro. 28. 14 heart, hardnesse of heart bringeth Gods wrath.


Wee must haue feare to [Page 75] prepare vs to grace, & loue to continue vs in that grace; this feare (not that seruile and excessiue) bringeth vs vnto thee, helpeth our prai­ers, causeth vs waite & con­tinue on our duties, I must Heb. 11. 7 not bee without feare, nei­ther trust in my selfe; for Hab. 3. 16 when my assistance is wea­kest, sinne and Sathan is strongest; neither yet must I haue a cowardly feare. & fainting of heart to yeelde to tētations, but haue a mo­derate, and not a scrupulous feare; alawies being strong in thee, the Lord, my strength; the ioy of the Saints may bee temporally interrupted, but not finally & eternaly absent, they haue a iust and royall right in thy [Page 76] Sonne Christ; and must maintaine it against all the staines and falls that they feare of the aduersary, thus Satan would weare to a dulnesse the edge of our prayers, and draw to tedi­diousnesse the fruite of our faith, and therefore they Pro. 3. 5. 6 trust in the Lord with all their heart, and leane not vnto their owne wisedome, in all their waies acknow­ledge Ro. 12. 16 him, and hee doth direct their waies, they are not wise in their owne eies, but feare thee and departe from euill, so health shall bee vnto their nauell, and marow vnto their bones, they reioyce in his holy name, the hearts of them that feele thee, O Lord, re­ioyceth, [Page 77] they seek the Lord Ps. 105. 3. 4 and his strength, they seeke his face continually, for surely their heart shall re­ioyce Psa. 33. 21 in him, because they haue trusted in his holy name: they I say, doe serue Psa. 2. 11 the Lord in feare, and re­loyce in trembling, oh thy louing kindnesse O Lord, Psa. 33. 6 is better then life, truely life is sowen for the righ­teous, and ioy for the vp­right Ps. 9711 in heart, but (alas good Lord) I doe euer feele within mee such procliuity and bentnesse to sinne, it is as thou saidst of my corrup­tion, whose remnants will follow mee to the graue: I am ouer-mastered & ouer­ruled at all times by my ac­tuall impieties against thee, [Page 78] and my neighbours, offen­siue and scandalous to all, without any Christian con­sideration, or holy remorse.


The cause thereof, besides those I haue spoken, are, first, because thou findest not after thy sinne a present controulement of sinne, thou thinkest thou hast not offended: I oft suffer the spirit of slumber to ouer­take trangressors, that I may by my spirit more per­fectly waken my Saints: then doe the wicked take courage and transgresse, and doe wickedly, but I wil Hab. 1 11 search them with light, and visite them that are frosen in their dregges, and say in Zeph. 1. 12 [Page 79] their hearts, they Lord wil neither doe good nor euill; so because the wicked are not taken in their sin, they stretch out their hand to Iob. 21. 9 more wickednesse, their houses are safe from feare, neither is my rodde vpon them, they say vnto me de­part from vs, for wee desire not the knowledge of thy wayes; but they shall Ier. 12. 2. 3 bee as stubble before the winde, and as chaffe which the storme carrieth sudden­ly away: I shall lay vp his iniquity for his children, doth the way of the wicked prosper? yet are they pre­pared for the day of slaugh­ter, and the worlde coun­teth the proude blessed, Mal. 3. 15 and they that tempt me, are [Page 80] deliuered, but I haue a booke of remembrance, of them that feare me, and the armes of the wicked shall be broken, but the Lorde Psa. 31. 17 vpholdeth the iust man. The second cause is, because thou resteth in my vniuersal promises, which although they be true and comforta­ble, yet they can minister no true consolation to thee, except thou make a particu­ler application of them to thy selfe; by the word thou seest thy sinnes pardonable, yet it is another thing to haue sinnes remissible, and another to assure thy selfe that they are already re­mitted, for then thou woul­dest search thy selfe more narrowly, and purge thy [Page 81] selfe from inwarde sinne, as from outward, and bee wholly transformed vnto a new holy & righteous life, therefore the loue of righ­teousnesse departeth from thee, and thou retirest to thy olde sins againe, which will breed much sorrowe of heart, to remember thy for­mer sinnes, to see the great­nesse of them, to apply my iudgements to them, and to prouoke thy selfe to sorrow for them. The third cause, is thy slacknes, in not espy­ing thy mother, speciall and predominant sinne in thee, by marking the most checks of thy conscience, and the reproaches of thy enemies, whereof thou maiest easily bee shortly conquerour, if [Page 82] thou labour for the contra­rie vertue, for a man of vn­derstanding knoweth when Eccl. 21. 7 hee slippeth, yea all the dayes of the afflicted are euill; but hee that is of a merry heart hath a conti­nuall feast, yea and a scor­ner loueth not one that re­proueth Pro. 15. 15 him, neither will he goe vnto the wise: then learne to acknowledge thy speciall, secret, and seuerall sinnes, for the greatest hy­pocrite will generally com­plaine of sinne, but beeing dealt with in particular points, and application of them to their conscience, they are not able to distin­guish one sinne from ano­ther: for thus indistinct knowledge cannot auayle [Page 83] in any terrestriall matter, much lesse in the businesse of the soule.


And I poore wretch in any perplexity of minde, cannot seperate the blinde and confused cause thereof, from the distinct & known, neither can eschew confu­sion of minde, by bringing my soule to some certaine obiect, and matter of my troubled heart, good God whence commeth this, and how shall it bee amended in mee.


The righteous heart Pro. 14 10 knoweth the bitternesse of his soule, and the stranger [Page 84] shall not meddle with thy ioy, for a sound heart is the life of the flesh, and by Pro. 15. 3 the sorrow of the heart the minde is heauie, giue not ouer they minde to heaui­nesse, and vexe not thy selfe in thy owne counsell, leaue Eccl. 30. 21 off from sinne, & order thy hands aright: a stubborne heart shall fare euill at the last, and hee that loueth danger shall perish therein. Eccl. 3. 27 Now this disordered discer­ning of sinne, commeth of ignorance of my lawe, and selfe-loue, whereby thou art ashamed to manifest sinne, and rip it vp to the quick, seeke to a faithfull & sound friend, or Pastor, to whom thou maiest offer thy heart to bee searched deeply by [Page 85] the lawe, bee continually with a godly man, whom thou knowest to keepe the commandements of the Lord, whose minde is ac­cording Eccl. 37. 12 to thy minde, and will sorrowe with thee, if thou shalt miscarry, and let the counsell of thy owne heart stand, for there is no man more faithfull vnto thee then it, for a mans minde is wont sometimes to tell him more then seuen watchmen, which set aboue in an high Tower, and a­boue all thus pray to the most high, that he would di­rect thy way in truth.


What shall I doe, if my [Page 86] griefe arise of any certaine or knowne sinne.


Then vnderstand, if thou hast done that sinne alrea­dy, or else not yet commit­ted it, but whereunto thou art tempted, for olde sinnes are represented oft to sin­ners, as not truely repented of, that they may the more mislike them, & that their particular sinnes may bring them to their grosse, grea­ter, and generall sins, that there may bee a sense of both, least their griefe shold passe away without any fruit, and reason thus with thy selfe, if I bee so angry for this or that sin (where­of [Page 87] thou art troubled, thy bowels swell, thy heart tur­neth within thee, and thou full of heauinesse) how vex­ed may thou be; the wic­keds Lam. 1. 20 bones are full of the sinnes of his youth, and it shall lie downe with him Iob. 20. 11 11. 12 in the dust, though wic­kednesse bee sweete in his mouth, though hee hide it vnder his tongue, though hee spare it, and forsake it not but keepe it still within his mouth, yet his meate in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of aspes within him; I would therefore haue thee know (poore soule) that I 2. Pet. 3. 9 would haue no man to pe­rish, but all men to come to repentance.

[Page 88]

How shall I then eschew sinne, and how shall I be acquited frō that sin which hath passed me?


I haue oft admonished thee of thy corruption, to make account to suppresse it, labour to espy thy secret sinnes, with truth, and not in shew; so hard a matter it is to search thy heart to the bottome, for there is not a more wicked heade Eccl. 25. 13 then the head of the Ser­pent, and giue any plague but the plague of the heart, and therefore in respect of [Page 89] sinnes past, sinnes present, priuie pride, hidden wants, secret corruptions, euer accuse thy selfe of some lurking hyprosie: for the godly tremble at the least motion of sinne, and say, I will runne the way of the Ps. 119. 23 cōmandements, when thou shalt enlarge my heart, bind not two sinnes together, for in one sinne thou shalt not be vnpunished, and be­cause Eccl. 7. 8 thy sinne is forgiuen, be not without feare, or heape sinne vpon sinne, & say not the mercy of God is great, hee will forgiue my Eccl. 5. 5. 6 manifolde sinnes, for mercy and wrath commeth from him, and his indignation commeth downe vpon sin­ners: the two fountaines [Page 90] and grounds of sinnes, are the inward motions of the heart, and the outward oc­casions of the senses, espe­cially the eyes, for when­soeuer a man heareth the word of the kingdome, and vnderstandeth it not, the e­uill one commeth and cat­cheth Mar. 13. 19 away that which was sowen in his heare; neither must thou drawe neare to mee with thy mouth, and thy heart farre off from me, and the things which pro­ceed out of thy mouth, come Mat. 15. 8 from thy heart, and they defile the man, keepe thy heart therefore to lay vppe Luk. 1. 66 good and pretious things therein, as in a store-house, Pro. 4. 23 keepe it I say diligently, for thereout commeth life [Page 91] againe, vertue & vice dwell Pro. 2. 8 very neare together, learne to bee holily scrupelous, fearefull, and suspicious, for preuenting of sin to come, the heart of the wise shall know the time and iudge­ment, thirdly keep thy selfe Eccl. 8. 5 from foolish venturing vp­on the occasions which are the borders of sinne, when thou mayest beholde many of my children better fenced Mat. 26 with grace then thou art, to haue beene snared: for the foolish will beleeue e­uery Gen. 3. 6 thing, but the prudent will consider his steps: let thy heart bee therefore in Pro. 14 15 feare of God continually, set no wicked thing before thy eyes, hate the worke of them that fall away, let it Pro. 33. 17 [Page 92] not cleaue vnto thee.


Alas good and mercifull father, I doe euer finde in mee so many allurements & intisements to sinne, which often I would eschew but cannot, which offer them­selues to mee at euery mi­nute, neither can I retire me selfe from them, albeit I doe sometime protest a­gainst them, and abhorre them, eyther before, or soon after the sinne is com­mitted, with a very perfect hatred and loathsomnes.


Thou must seriously ob­serue, [Page 93] first of the company to discerne good from e­uill, for good company hate Ephe. 5. 11 the vnfruitfull workes of darkenesse, and in their eies an euill person is contem­ned, but honoureth them that feare the Lord: with Psa. 15. 4 sound iudgement labour to holinesse and sincerity of life, in all things haue a sight of thy corruptions, & mourne for them, doe good to the houshold of faith, Gal. 6. 10 which continue in one spi­rite, and in one minde, figh­ting together thorough the Phil. 1. 27 faith of the gospell, longeth for the appearance of Ie­sus Christ, but these are e­uill, 2. Pet. 2. 1 that denie the Lord that bought them, & bring Ephe. 5. 6 vpon themselues swift dam­nation, [Page 94] by whom the way­of truth is euill spoken of, 2. Tim. 3 and are of a prophane life, and hate to bee reprooued, but rather grow worse and worse, which persecute the Saints of God, and make Ioh. 16. 1 choyce of the pleasures of sinne for a season, who are affraide of death, and set Luk. 12. 10 vp their heauen and rest in this life, which put farre a­way Am. 6. 3 the euill day, and ap­proach to the sight of ini­quity, to these thou must fay with Dauid, away from mee yee wicked, for I will Psa. 101. 6 keepe the commandements of my God, my eyes shall bee vpon the faithfull of the land, that they may dwell with me, and therfore thou must (beloued soule) bee [Page 95] rather wearie of them, because they run the broad way, following first exam­ples: secondly, multitudes: thirdly, time: fourthly, cu­stome: fiftly, opinion.


I hate vaine inuentions, but thy law doe I loue, thou art my refuge & my shield, and I trust in thy worde, teach me (good Lord) these things particularly, that I may ingraft them in my heart.


Follow the godly, but so Heb. 10 farre as they followe mee, their guide in the word, and [Page 96] Iesus Christ the author and finisher of their faith, which Heb. 13. 7 through faith and patience haue inherited the promi­ses: for it is a signe thou art in the wrong way, if thou doe nothing but that Pro. 21. 2 the greatest part of the world doe, for how euill so­euer the way be, and wher­soeuer it lyeth, euery mans way is right in his owne eyes, and will defend, or ex­cuse whatsoeuer they doe. But I the searcher of the hearts, do say, your wayes Ese. 55. 8 are not my waies, nor your thoughts my thoughts, be­cause they are wrong waies: let euery man turne from 1. Pet. 2. 11 his owne wayes, their thoughts are the Diuelles souldiers, which war against [Page 97] the soule, they followe their Captaine, and thou followest them, thou may easily know whither thou goest; the heart of man is to mee as clay to the Pot­ter, clay I say to mee, but waxe to the diuell; for it will haue much tempering and great adoe to bring it to mee, but very plyable to any worke that Satan shall put it to: for albeit thou shalt see neuer any euill ex­ample, nor bee tempted by multitude, neither out­wardly assaulted at all, yet thine owne heart will teach thee wickednesse aboun­dantly, what auaileth it thee to forsake companies, and retaine thine olde heart still. For it is I that can restraine [Page 98] the issue of thy corruptions, Eccl. 13 conforme therefore thy wil to mine, hee that toucheth pitch will be defiled by it, hee is blessed that doth not walke in the counsell of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sitte in the seat of the scornefull, for the wicked are strangers from the wombe, they goe Psa. 1. 1 astray assoone as they bee borne; they are put out of Ps. 58. 3 the booke of life, blessed is hee whom I choose; and cause come to mee; but sal­uation Psa. 69. 28 is farre from the wicked, because they seeke not my Statutes, hate them therefore, that giue them­selues Psa. 65. 4 to doe willfull vani­ties; for they shall be con­sumed Ps. 119 155 like the fat of lambs, [Page 99] euen with the smoake shall they consume away: Thou must not then imitate them, but hate them with a per­fect hatred, that hate mee; Psa. 31. 6 and bee companion to all such as feare mee. There is no path, wherein there is Psa. 37. 20 not a snake, either to sting or impoyson, thou canst see thy selfe sooner infected, they spy how thou art in­fected: it is my mercy to be good with the communion of Saints, so it is my iust iudgement to poure ven­geance on the company of the vngodly, haue no fel­lowship with them in their sinne, neither draw in their Ier. 15. 19 yoak with them, take forth the pretious from the toile, let them returne to thee, [Page 100] but returne not thou vnto them, rouse vp thy heart, and reioyce in the fellow­shippe which is aboue, for because of vncleanesse, in­ordinate affection, and euil Col. 1. 6 concupiscence, my wrath commeth on the children of disobedience.


Now doe I beginne to feele the heauy burthen of sinne more and more, with the which I am truely grie­ued, but I haue not duely (alas) repented me of them, I resolue to suppresse them Psa. 17. 3 with all my indeauour, but I feare my secret corrup­tions will breake forth, so aboundant is that roote of [Page 101] bitternesse in mee, remem­ber not against mee my for­mer iniquities, but make haste, and let thy tender mercies preuent mee, for I Psa. 79. 8 am in great miserie, helpe me O God of my saluation, for the glory of thy name; and deliuer mee, and bee mercifull to my sinnes, for thy names sake; I will ac­knowledge my sinne vnto Psa. 32. 5 thee, neither will I hide mine iniquity, for I thought I would confesse against my selfe, my wickednesse vnto the Lord, and thou forgaue the punishment of my sinne: O that I might take heed vnto my selfe, & keepe my soule diligently, Deut. 4. 9 and thy seruant from euill, that the peace of thee O [Page 102] Lord, that passeth all vn­derstanding, may preserue my heart and minde in Phi. 4. 7 Christ Iesus, and now O Lord, who can vndestand his faults, keepe mee, thy seruant, also from presum­tuous Psa. 19. 12 sinnes, let them not raigne ouer mee, so shall I be vpright, & made cleane from much wickednesse.


First of all beware (be­loued soule) of Sathans flieghts, and condemning thee by presumption, say not the mercy of God is great, hee will forgiue my manifolde sinne, for mer­cie and wrath come from mee, and my indignation [Page 103] commeth downe vpon sin­ners, an obstinate heart shal Eccl. 3 29 bee laden with sorrowes, and the wicked man shall heape sinne vpon sin, make thou no tarrying to turne vnto the Lord, and put not off from day to day, for suddenly shall the wrath of thē Lord breake forth, & in thy security thou shalt bee destroyed, and thou shalt perish in the time of vengeance, binde not two sinnes together, for in one thou shalt not bee vnpuni­shed, Psa. 143. 2 neither iustifie thy selfe before the Lord, for he knoweth thy heart, thou Eccl. 7. 8 must not learne of Satans temptations, to bee bolde vpon sinne, neither vse pre­tenses Iob. 9. 2 for it, as to say I am [Page 104] not an Angell, that my na­ture is corrupt &c. The preacher is but a man as an other &c. and on the other part, beware of desperati­on, in mocking the ouer­fearefull and superstitious; for Sathan will make of a Fly an Elephant, but saile with an euen course, and labour for measure, to bee sought in the word of God, which will teach not to de­cline, neither to the right Mat. 11. 19 nor left hand, but to keep the narrow way, for wise­dome will be iustifled of her children.


Remember O Lord thy tender mercies, and thy lo­uing [Page 105] kindenesse, for they haue been for euer, remem­ber not the sinnes of my youth, nor my rebellions, but according to thy kind­nesse Psa. 25. 6. 7 remember thou mee, for thy goodnesse sake, O Lord, gracious and righ­teous art thou, therefore thou wilt teach sinners in Psa. 71. 17 the way, O God, thou hast taught mee euen from my youth vntill now, & there­fore will I declare thy won­derous workes, make mee 2. Tim. 2 flie from the lusts of youth, & sollow after righteousnes, faith, loue, & peace, with them that call on thee with Iob. 13. 26 pure hearts, neither write thou bitter things against mee, & make me possesse the iniquities of my youth.

[Page 106]

There are sins in youth, middle, and old age, negli­gence, in making consci­ence of sinnes done long agoe, maketh falling in great terror of minde; when violent remembrance of 1. Cor. 11 them surchargeth the mind, therefore betimes learne to accuse them, that Sathan henceforth haue no place to doe it; for if thou iudge thy selfe, thou shalt not bee iudged: humble thy selfe 1. Pet. 5. 6 therefore vnder the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt thee in due time, cast downe thy selfe before the Lord, and hee will lift the vp: I will surely gather [Page 107] him that humbleth, and I will gather him that is cast Mich. 4. 6 out, and him that I haue afflicted.


Willingly desire I Lord, to make that fruit of my Eph. 5. 16 falles, but (alas) when I looke backe to my mispent time, which is vnrecouera­ble, and which I cannot re­deeme, then great feare and torment assaults mee, and pinches so hard, that I am at my wits end.


Comfort thy selfe (poor soule) for in my best chil­dren, there is, first youth­full [Page 108] loosenesse, and vnstay­ednesse of affections, the way to lewdnesse, so Dauid, O God, thou knowest my foolishnesse, and my faults Psa. 69. 5 are not hid from thee, seest thou not what young men did in Sampsons daies in their feasting, and how hee reuealeth to the wo­man, Iudg. 14. 9 which he had concea­led from father and mother, and Boas commendation of Ruth, that shee had not fol­lowed young men: whe­ther Eccl 11. 10 they were poore or rich, for childe-hood and youth are vanity: and se­condly there is in them weakenesse, the way to strong vanities, and so Da­uid, as for me saith hee, my Psa. 73. 2. feet were almost gone, my [Page 109] steps had well-neere slipt. Thus Abraham made his his wife say, shee was his sister; so the godly haue spent the time past of their 2. Pet. 43 life, in the lusts of the Gen­tiles, walking in lascious­nesse, lusts, reuellings, &c. And thirdly, euen my Saints haue walked in wantonnes, in the door to open wicked­nesse, as gluttony, drunken­nesse, and abhominable i­dolatries, which though they breake not forth at all times, yet make them lesse carefull to glorifie me, for Gen. 20. 6 I keepe them that they shal not sinne against mee, and doe not suffer them to end their designements: other mens harmes may teach the blessed wisedome; labour [Page 110] not onely to leaue sinne, which one may do for pro­fit, feare, praise, or weari­somenesse, but also to re­pent of it for conscience sake.


The grieuousnesse of my sinnes filleth mee with feare of iudgement, and this feare (I hope) will cause the power of sinne abate in me, thou Lord can giue me vic­tory ouer sin, and make it as loathsome vnto mee, as euer it hath been pleasant; to reioyce in the Lord, to vse the meanes of my salua­tion diligently, and to seale vp the pardon of my sinnes in my heart, O God when [Page 111] shall it bee? If thou woul­dest haue destroyed mee for my by-past sinnes, thou wouldest neuer haue giuen mee vnfained hatred of thē: I consider thy mercy that striueth with mee, to bring mee to repentance, and thy iustice, that will confound such as resist: thy mercie hath giuen mee the meanes which thou hast denied to others; thou afflictest mee lightly, but confoundest o­thers; thou gauest mercie, when thou mightest iustly haue punished, wherin thou doest as it were hire mee from sins: and shall I pro­uoke thee, and adde rebel­lion to sinne, O my God, I know there is a secret curse vpon euery sinner, which [Page 112] will consume him, if he doe not repent; it hath gone out of thy mouth, thy word cānot change, because thou art vnchangeable.


I haue tolde thee, that youth the flower of thy age is of great consideration, all this haue I done, saith the Luk. 16 yong man in the gospel, the prodigall maketh his foure stations, he hath his portion, his fathers ouer-fight, euill cōpany, but youth worse thē all: for youth hath a bun­dle of folly bound close in his heart, which best men haue had, neither could flee: for as a young man sets his way, hee will not departe [Page 113] from it when hee is olde, vnlesse by my spirit hee is restrained; him that God will haue, his roabe must bee a branch of the Almond, that is the tree that first blossomes, the first fruites was Abels sacrifice, so much acceptable to me.


O God, I am like the possessed, that was found after sitting in a good mind, that sweet wind hath come to me, that happened to E­lisha, I haue felt that gen­tle calme, after the stormie tempest of my heart; now may I heare the golden trumpets sounding that ioy­full retrait, blessed are the [Page 114] meeke in spirit, Lord teach me thy commandements, & I will run them, I shall haue encrease of strength, vntill I come to the mount of God: while I was in my element of sinne, I felt not the weight of it, as nothing is heauie in his owne ele­ment: but now I by thy grace will lay aside euery waight, and the sin which doth so easily beset mee, & runne with patience to the race that is set before mee: Heb. 11. 1 I finde my selfe within the fadome of thy mercie, and compasse of things recoue­rable: the first worke of thy spirit at his comming, is to conuince the worlde of sinne, that is, to make men knowe, that without [Page 115] thy sonne Christ there is nothing but sinne, and then to rebuke the worlde of righteousnes, to make man see that Christ died not for his owne (for the prince of this worlde found nothing in him) but for our sinnes, that so we may see him in the lawe, with the wages thereof, and the summe in the gospell discharged: but good Lord, how shall I be assured that I am not vn­der the curse, but vnder grace? for yet I finde such hardnesse in my heart, vn­quietnesse and troubles in my spirit, my sins reboun­ded Psa. 51. 3 vpon mee with terrible fights, and fearfull visions which euer amazeth my vn­settled and wauering mind

[Page 116]

The examination of thy sinnes, is that which first thou must begin with, and partly, those thou hast com­mitted before thy calling, and partly, those that were done after thy calling; for these sinnes of knowledge, of all bite sorest, for sinne is most sinfull, when thou art intelligenced with my grace in the truth, sin after knowledge, workes either hardnesse of heart, or a trou­bled spirit, and therefore vnderstand that commonly, men before knowledge take the trouble of minde very heauily, and standing as if neuer any one had it [Page 117] before but they, and after knowledge, Satan is readie to accuse them of sinne a­gainst the holy Ghost, as if euery sin of knowledge was a sinne of presumption: but learne thou that when tentation ariseth, to trie whether thou hast done that sinne, or such like already; for these tentations, are ei­ther corrections for some Iob 20. 11 sinnes past, or punishment for sinne present, or as war­ning of sinnes to come: as thou may bee tempted to a­dultery, and not doe it, yet it commeth to thee againe, because thou repentest not for this same, or the like in thy youth cōmitted: again, when man will not bee ad­monished by publique or [Page 118] priuate meane, there falleth tentation to sinne, differing from that wherein thou doest, and presently my iu­stice punishing one sinne with another, as the not re­penting couetous, to fall in­to adultery, theft, or blood: and last there may tentati­on come vpon, that neither hee before, nor presently, doth like of, to aduertise, he may fall, therein hereafter: Ier. 13. 11 and to signifie that mans standing is not of himselfe, & none standeth but by my grace: Fo as the girdle cleaueth vnto the loynes of man, so haue I tyed my chil­dren to mee.


Beside these inward trou­arising [Page 119] in my heart, which afflicteth mee most, the fruite of my corruption: I am pinched with sundry & diuerse outward afflictions, which agrauates and aug­ments my sorrowe, Lord thou knowest them well, I cannot finde the cause of them, for I liue as honest and quiet as any, and iniuri­ous (to my knowledge) to no man in my calling.


Vnder any crosse, endea­uour to haue a cleane con­science, to comfort thee with, that there is no spi­rituall cause of these afflic­tions in thee, but that thy sufferings, are either for the [Page 120] triall of thy faith, beeing assured that thou hast a good conscience in all Heb. 13. 18 things, blessed art thou that sufferest for righteousnesse sake: then feare not the wickeds feare, neither bee troubled but count it ex­ceeding 1. Pet. 3. 14 ioy, when thou fal into diuerse temptations, that the tryall of thy faith bringeth forth patience, & let patience haue her per­fect worke, that thou may bee perfect and intire, wan­ting nothing, that thou may say, O Lord, thou know­est, remember me, and vi­sit mee, reuenge me of my Ier. 15. 15 persecutors, take mee not away in the continuance of thine anger, for thy sake I haue suffered rebuke, to [Page 121] such belongs the kingdome of heauen: for it is better Mat. 5. 10 if it be the will of God, that thou suffer for well doing, then for ill doing. Thou 1. Pet. 3. 17 maiest know and discerne hereof, by the sicknesse of thy heart, arising of the guiltinesse of sinne, which maketh thee suspect all thy waies: for the wicked man Iob 15. 20. is continually as one that trauelleth with childe, and the number of yeares is hid from the tyrant, a sound of feare is in his eares, and in his prosperity the destroyer shall come vpon him; for thus the wicked may say, the thing that I feared is come vpon mee, and the thing that I was affraid of is come vnto mee, I haue [Page 122] no peace, neither had I qui­etnesse, neithr had I rest, Iob. 3. 25 yet trouble is come; thus the sinners feare commeth like sudden desolation, and their destruction like a whirlewinde, for ease slay­eth the foolish, and the prosperity of fooles destroi­eth them, impatient they are in aduersity, and proud in prosperitie; yet that they haue is as a bird in captiui­tie, which beeing let loose will returne to her owne li­berty againe: the righte­ous are escaped out of trou­ble, and the wicked shall Iob. 11. 18 come in his steed: yea the godly account that the af­flictions of this present time, are not worthy of the Rom. 8. 18 glory which shall be shew­ed, [Page 123] when as the wicked man dieth, his hopes pe­risheth, all afflictions end Iob. 11. 1 in death, and can pursue the Saints no further, but I will bring an euerlasting re­proach Ier. 23. 40 vpon the wicked, and a perpetuall shame which shall neuer bee for­gotten; for sinne not bee­ing cured in this world, en­deth not in death; for what was in hope recurable, fi­nite, measurable here, be­commeth in hell incurable, infinite, vnmeasurable; which makes the godly say, how excellent is thy mer­cie O God, therefore the children of men trust vn­der the shadowe of thy Psa. 36. 7. 8 wings, they shall bee satis­fied with the fulnesse of thy [Page 124] house, and thou shalt giue them drinke out of the ri­uer of thy pleasures, for with thee it is the well of life, and in my sight shall they see light, and yet ne­uerthelesse, for their mani­solde good, and because I loue them, I chastise them: but the wicked are not in trouble as other men are, neither are they plagued as other men, and when they are raised vp, I will despise their image; but the godly are alwaies with me, I will holde them by my right hand, I will guide them by Psa. 73. 20 my counsaile, and and af­terwardes receiue them to glorie.

[Page 125]

Now I clearely perceiue Lord, my misery, from that corrupt fountaine in mee, O what a blessed estate haue I fallen from, what a woefull and miserable con­dition hath the transgressi­on of Adam brought vpon mee, a generall infection and corruption, of all the powers and faculties of my soule and body, my soule (alas) spiritually [...], my minde through ignorance vaine in all the discourses and imaginations thereof, the vnderstanding blinde, not sauouring the things of God, my conscience wounded, and neuer sound­ly [Page 126] peaceable, my memorie fit to reckon euill, and for­get good, my will altoge­ther gaine-standing either to chuse or doe good, and my affection led by it, my conuersation loathsome to God and man, my thoughts both infinite and insatiable to euill, my members wea­pons of vnrighteousnesse, my best actions the greatest abhominations that minde can thinke, or tongue ex­presse. All the mischances of that hereditary pollution and actuall transgression which I am so propense and naturally willing vnto, as is the foule to flie, or the stone to goe downe­warde, thou art I know a iust and righteous God, [Page 127] who will not iustifie sin­ners.


Be of good comfort, sin is transgression of the law, I haue decreed a remedy from all eternity, promised immediately after the fall, and exhibited in the ful­nesse of time, my Son Iesus Gal. 4. 4 Christ to performe a full re­demption for thee, and all the elect; which hee per­formed in obedience to mee the Father, in comming to redeeme and take thy na­ture vpon him, made obe­dient to the lawe in fulfil­ling it perfectly, which thou hadst broken, and in Esa. 53 vndergoing the punishment [Page 128] due vnto thee, in obedience I say, in humility at his na­tiuity Ro. 5 19 and whole life, suffe­ring all the miseries that sin had drawne vpon thee, in his body, hunger, colde, pouerty, &c. in soule igno­rance, Mat. 11. 13 temptation, faintnes, and then his death, the paines wee had deserued, but specially in his soule, griefe for the sinnes of the worlde, when hee pleadeth himselfe before my iudge­ment seate as guilty, for thee, who had neede of his Luk. 22. 44 owne creatures, the An­gels to comfort him, with­drawing of the Diety for the present, my curse vpon him for sinne, the power of Sathan preuailing for a Gal. 3. 10 time, the horror of beeing [Page 129] ouerwhelmed with my hea­uy Mat. 27. 46 wrath for thee, his de­taining vnder the power & Heb. 5. 7 sorrowes of death, these, and much more done in his humaine nature, accompa­nied Rom. 6. 6 with the merit and effi­cacie of the diuine nature, made them meritorious for thy saluation, beleeue in him, and thou shalt passe from death to life.


O well is mee, that the curse of the lawe is deriued from mee vnto Christ, that my nature beeing crusifyed with him, corruption in it may bee abolished, not to serue sinne hereafter, that hand writing of my sinne [Page 130] is cancelled, and shall not come to remembrance be­fore thee, the spots of my soule purged by his blood, by the which, the eternall Heb. 14. 15 testimony of grace is ratefi­ed vnto mee, now sin, and Heb. 9 death, and the diuell, that hath the rule of death, is destroyed: thou hast deere Ro. 6. 20 Iesus not onely not beene holden by the sorrowes of death, but also hath obtai­ned a glorious conquest by thy resurrection, ouer all thy enemies, Satan, power of hell and sinne, in taking 1. Co. 15. 5 away his sting and guilti­nesse, thereof, the rage and fury of the same in weake­ning Ro. 7. 24 the force, and eating out the corruption thereof, death it selfe also, and the Ro. 6. 21 [Page 131] dominion thereof by the same meanes are subdued, Ro. 5. 14 and in the place of these there is recouered vnto vs 2. Cor. 5 the fauour of our GOD whose children we are be­come in Iesus Christ, who Col. 1. 20 giueth faith, peace of con­science, and ioy in the holy 1. Ioh. 3. 1 Ghost, vnto them whereby they become fruitfull to all Ro. 5. 1 good works, and in the end ceasing from all sinne, by him do attaine eternall glo­rie in the heauens,


Yea and in heauen thou shalt be deliuered from all sorrow, haue perfect know­ledge Ro. 7. 17 with me, perfect righ­teousnesse and holinesse ne­uer [Page 132] to be changed, fulnesse of ioy, immediate fruition Psa. 16 of, and coniunction with mee, perfect loue, triumph 1. Cor. 13. ouer all enemies, where I shall be all in all, crowning 1. Cor. 15 thee and all the elect with eternall happinesse & blisse 1. Pet. 1. 4 for enermore,


And the Lord shall de­liuer mee from euery euill 2. Tim. 4 18 worke, and will preserue me vnto his heauenly king­dome, to whom be glory for euer and euer,



A HEAVENLY, AND comfortable Mould of Prayers:

Full of feeling, tending to the calming of the conscience, for sinne; and all other incidents in this wretched life, for the benefit of all estates, and degrees of people, whether by Land or Sea.

IAM. 3.
If any man be afflicted let him pray.

LONDON, Printed by Nicholas Okes: for Da­niell Speed, and are to bee sold at his Shop vnder S. Mildreds Church in the Poultry. 1618

A Prayer for Mun­day at Morning.

The houshold being assem­bled, the Master thereof, or he that shall be made the mouth to God-ward, shall with all holy behauiour say,

Come let vs worship, & fall Psa. 95. 6 downe, & kneele before the Lord our Maker.

The houshold beeing assembled, shall pray as followeth.

O LORD our God, true, iust and mer­ciful, Psa. 19. 12 who can vn­derstand his faults? wee come confessing and [Page 136] mourning in the sense of Psa. 38. 9 them, pouring out our whol desire before thee with plentie of teares, and bitter lamentations, and our sigh­ing is not hid from thee; for wee were borne in ini­quity Psa. 51. 5 and in sinne haue our mothers conceiued vs: how corrupt are our faults? our thoughts vaine? our words idle? & actions prophane? O what good haue wee o­mitted? and what euill haue we committed? how foo­lish and ignorant are wee? Psa. 73. 22 yea beasts before thee; and while we know thy wil, we prepared not our selues, Luk. 12. 47 neither did according vnto vnto it: O Lord how ma­ny sinnes and punishments haue wee beene heretofore [Page 137] subiect too? how grieuous and heauie are they we pre­sently groane vnder? Oh keepe vs deare Fathe from presumtpuous sins, let them Psa 19. 13 not raigne ouer vs: we and our fathers behaued our selues proudely, and hard­ned our necks, but thou, O God of mercies, graci­ous and full of compassion, Neh. 9. 16 of long suffering, and of great mercy, yet forsookest thē not: our Kings, Princes and people haue sinned a­gainst thee, yet compassion and forgiuenesse is in thee, O Lord our God, albeit wee haue rebelled against Dan. 9. 8 9 thee: and now our God, what shall we say after this? for wee haue forsaken thy commandements, therefore [Page 138] abhorre wee our selues, and Esd. 9. 10 acknowledge vs worthy to bee cut off for euer: wee Iob. 17 6 yeeld our selues to thy cha­stisement, for our iniqui­ties are gon ouer our heads, Psa. 38. 4 and as a weighty burthen they are too heauy: for vs, wee are pricked in our hearts therefore, and what shall we doe? O Lord our God, most deare Father, our onely refuge is to fly vnto thee in Christ, hungring and thirsting after the least drop of mercy, which wee doe preferre before all earthly comforts in the world; in­treating thee boldly and constantly in faith, to grant it, wating diligently and patiently, vntill thou an­swer vs, and raise some mea­sure [Page 139] of sense and feeling thereof in our hearts and senses, wee call thy mercies of olde to memory, how of­ten grace hath been shewed vs from thee our God, whē thou didst lighten our eyes, and giue vs a reuiuing from our sinnes; wherefore most holy father, we begge most earnestly thou wouldst giue vs now also strength in Christ to forsake sinne in time to come, for in heart we thoroughly purpose ne­uer to commit the like sins againe, bnt thorough thy grace to be changed by the renewing of our mindes; to be fearefull of all occasi­ons of sinne, and wisely Rom. 12. 2 hereafter to decline from sinne, and to bend all our [Page 140] strength specially against our beloued sinnes, O wee heauily complaine of our weakenesse, dulnesse, dead­nesse, and inability to any Christian vertue, yet will we by thy power be streng­thened to loue, out of a pure heart, of a good con­science, 1. Tim. 1. 5 and of faith vnfai­ned, and constantly endea­uoure to bee found in thy Phil. 3. 9 Sonne Iesus Christ, and to feele the power of his death and resurrection, in sub du­ing of all our sinnes and wickednesse, that the life Christ our Sauiour may ap­peare in our mortall bodies, Gal. 2. 19 and that not we, but Christ may liue wholly in vs, that wee may liue by faith in thy Son, who hath loued vs, and [Page 141] giuen himselfe for vs: for his sake, grant O deare Fa­ther, that wee may prac­tisc these Christian vertues, to the which wee finde our selues most aduerse and con­trarie, that by thy grace wee may obtaine such vic­tory and conquest ouer our most grieuous temptations and perturbations, and vio­lence of sinne, as that wee neuer fall into them againe, and that albeit we finde in our selues pronenesse, and aptnesse to fall into some of these transgressiōs yet work in vs a godly resolution, & holy strife against them, groaning and panting vn­der the loathsome burthen of vitious corruptions, for this cause O heauenly Fa­ther, [Page 142] inspire in vs humble and submissiue mindes, to the power of thy worde, that wee may out of it haue our hereditary pollution dis­couered, and our corrupti­ons more and more purged thereby, euer sighing for the day of our dissolution, and looking for the day of our Lord Iesus Christ, to our immortality, to whom with the Father and holy Ghost, wee render glory, praise, and dominion now and euermore.

On Munday Euening Prayer.

O Lord God, deare Fa­ther in Iesus Christ, repentance is thy proper & [Page 143] peculiar gift, which thou giuest to all them that aske Iam. 1. 5. 6 it of thee in faith, for as by nature wee haue it not, and therefore doe renounce our selues, seeing euery good gift is from aboue, from thee the father of lights, so the time of repentance is in this life, and here while we may it must bee obtained with all speedy diligence, for (alas) the longer we de­lay and deferre, the harder it is to bee got, and more doubtfull it doth proue to be had: the fittest time O Lord, is immediately after the sinne is committed, and while it is called to day, least wee be hardened tho­rough Heb. 3. 12 the deceitfulnesse of sinne: our time here is as [Page 144] a thought, it is cut off, and Psa. 90. 9 quickly doe wee flie away, wherefore deare father, we confesse the greatnesse of our sinnes committed by vs this day, how infinite in number, how dangerous & and deadly to our soules, how offensiue to them that are without, and to them also that are in Iesus Christ; wee acknowledge them, thou art faithfull and iust Ioh. 1. 9 to forgiue vs them, and to cleanse vs from all vnrighte­ousnesse, wee submit our selues O Lord our God, willingly to thy rebukes & chastisements, which iustly Iam. 4. 9. 10 thou mayest lay vpon vs, for the taming and sub­duing of our sinnes, wee sorrow and weep for them, [Page 145] our laughter is turned into mourning, and our ioy in­to heauines, we cast downe Iob 33. 26. our selues before thee O God, that thou mayest lift vs vp, and open our eares by our corrections: that our vncircumsied hearts may be Leu. 26. 41 humbled, and wee willing­ly be are the punishments of our iniquitie, O when wee cōtemplate the incōprehen­sible, infinite, and glorious Maiesty of thee our God, Gen. 39. 9 whom wee haue so heauily offendee, in doing so many, so great, and haynous wic­kednes, in sinning against thee, against thee only haue Psa. 51. 4 wee sinned, and done euill in thy sight; O the vilenes and abiectnesse of man, that durst thus commit such wic­kednesse [Page 146] against thee, O God, how feareful by rea­son of our manifold iniqui­ties, is our condition vnder Satan, for of whomsoeuer Rom. 6. 6 a man is ouercome, euen to the same hee is in bondage, besides the dangers wee Ioh. 8. 34 haue incurred by our sinnes, euen all the plagues and 2. Pet. 2. 19 curses temporall & eternall, that are written in thy Deut. 29 booke: wherefore O most heauenly Father wee most heartily entreate thee, to re­member the riches of thy mercie, in prouiding so ex­cellent a remedy against sin, as the pretious blood of thy onely and dearely be­loued Sonne: as of a lamb 1. Pet. 1. 8 vndefiled, and without spot, when nothing else in the [Page 147] world was auaileable there­to, whose sacrifice is daily and hourely effectuall vnto vs, timously preuenting sin, carefully furthering, and di­ligently sanctifying our cō ­uersation from impiety, his blood cleanseth vs from all sinne, hee is the head of his 1. Ioh. 1. 7 Church, and sauour of his body, leading vs by the guidance of his spirit to Eph. 5. 23 perfection, O how excellent is the estate of them that are in thy Sonne? how ma­ny benefits and priuiledges haue they? hee died for our sinnes, and rose againe for our righteousnesse, hee as­cended on high, and ledde captiuity captiue, and if we Eph. 4. 8 now sinne (as wee cannot else doe, and wo is vs ther­fore) [Page 148] we haue an aduocate with thee O Father, euen Iesus Christ the righteous: O how vnthankefully of­fend wee against the blood 1. Ioh. 1. 8 of this thine annoynted, in not walking worthy of the Eph. 4. 1 same, but treading vnder foot thy Sonne, and coun­ting Heb. 10. 29 the blood of the coue­uenant (so much as in vs ly­eth) as an vnholy thing, Eph. 4. 30 wherewith wee were sanc­tified, do spight and grieue the spirit of grace, dulling, yea oftentimes quenching thy spirit in vs: thus liuing in sinne, we dishonor thee, but maruailous, yea won­drous is thy patience, it is thy mercyes that we are not 1. Thes. 5 consumed, because thy cō ­passions faile not; and ther­fore [Page 149] when we consider deer Ro. 1. 4 father, how small the num­ber of those is, which shall bee saued, and that many Lam. 3. 12 shall striue to enter in, but shall not be able; and doe meditate vpon thy iudge­ments, Luk. 13. 23 from time to time & still continually inflicted vpon the world for sinne, and that if the righteous scarcely shalbe saued, where 1. Pet. 4. 8 shall the vngodly and sin­ners appeare? whither shal wee slye from thee? O wee haue recourse vnto thy mer­cie, O forgiue vs therefore all our sinnes and offences, for his sake who was cruci­fied Act. 2. 36 and did hang on the tree for vs, O giue vs thy grace, that wee may grow more and more therein, that [Page 150] wee thinke often of our end, and of the fearfull day of iudgement, that sinne may haue little rest in vs, but that wee may rest in thee, this night, and euermore, through Iesus Christ thy Sonne our Lod, to whom, with thee, and the holy Ghost, wee giue all glory, praise, and thankesgiuing, now and euermore,


A Prayer for Tuseday at Morning.

O Lord God, eternall and euerlasting Fa­ther, with heuay griefe, & loathsome detestation of our sinnes, wee confesse them all vnto thee, O sear­cher Rom. 7. 15 of the heart and raines, [Page 151] there is not any creature, Heb 4. 13 which is nor manifest you thy sight, but all things are na­ked and open to thy eyes, we acknowled them (al­though our knowledge herein bee too short) and doe yeeld our vnsearchable Psa. 32. 5 hearts vnto thee, O God, blaming that corrupt foun­taine of our hearts against our selues, vnto thee, who art ready and able to for­giue. Dan 9 7 O Lord vnto vs ap­pertaineth open shame, but righteousnes belongeth vn­to thee, wee are not wor­thy of the least of all thy mercies, wee detest our waies, and couer our faces, yea groane vnder the body of sinne, and desire to bee rid of it, and more care­fully Ro. 7. 11 [Page 152] hereafter to please thee, wee haue felt thy pu­nishments, and displeasure, often before for sinne, and therefore now wee cannot cease crying out against our corruptions, and rebellions, O Lord wee cannot mourn enough at our priuy moti­ons and prouocations to sinne, wee beare the tray­tor in our bosome, which giueth way vnto the temp­tation, which wee cannot Iam. 1. 14 of our selues subdue and captiuate, and O Lord, we haue no certainty of our life, if to day, yea euen this houre thou wilt call vs, neither yet the assurance of the renewing and returne of thy mercie, which oft we haue refused, disdained and [Page 153] contemned: Oh that wee soone, yea now, heartily re­pent, and earnestly conuert, Pro. 1. 24 the surer would be our ac­ceptance, and the more cō ­fortable our after conuer­sation, but O thou Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon us, O thou pittifull Samaritain, take vs vp, not halfe, but altogether dead in sinnes & trespasses; make vs liue the life of grace, that wee may Phil. 3. 20 haue our conuersation in heauen, from whence wee looke for thee the Sauiour, that wee may walke wor­thy of the Lord, and please Col. 1. 11 him in all things, beeing fruitfull in all good works, and increasing in the know­ledge of our God, in dying to sinne, and liuing to righ­teousnesse, [Page 154] that wee may finde fauour, grace, peace, and contentment both with God and man, casting a­way euery thing that pres­seth Heb. 12. 1 downe, and renoun­cing our especiall sinnes, which hang so fast vpon vs, for this cause O Lord, make vs surrender our hearts vn­to thee, and let our eyes delight in thy waies, for if Pro. 23. 26 there be a willing minde, it is accepted according to that wee haue, and not ac­cording to that wee haue not, keepe our soules there­fore, that they be not co­uered with the spirite of slumber, and sleeping in sin, but that wee may stand vp Esa. 29. 10 from the dead, and thou wilt giue vs light: take [Page 155] from stupidity, and senseles­nesse, spirituall blindnesse, and hardnes of heart, that Eph. 5. 14 wee may walke circumspe­ctly, redeeming the time which we haue lost, and al­waies be watchfull ouer our selues, that we may auoide presumption, by meditati­on of thy iustice, and de­spaire, by quicknesse and liuelinesse out of thy word; for apprehending thy com­fortable promises, make vs hide them in our hearts, that wee may not sinne against Ps. 119. 12 thee, keepe vs that we may doe all things as in thy pre­sence, and neuer yeeld to the inward rebellions and deceitfulnesse of the heart, but wrastle by thy grace a­gainst the backewardnesse [Page 156] thereof, that wee may daily offer it vppe as a sacrifice of obedience vnto thy Maie­sty, regarding and accoun­ting all things but losse and iudging them to bee dung, that wee may win thy loue and fauour, and so liue in the time of our perigrina­tion here, that we may con­tinually feare our selues, & haue a holy iealousie of all our best actions, that when the chiefe shepheard shall appeare, wee may receiue 1. Pet. 5. 4 an incorruptible crowne of glory, which is promised them that growe in grace, & in the knowledge of our 2. Pet. 3. 14 Lord & Sauior Iesur Christ, to him be glory, both now and for euermore,


A Prayer for Tuseday at Euening.

O Most louing and mer­cifull Father, if the beauty and flower of all our best actions, which is pray­er, bee so sinfully stained with our naturall corrupti­on, (alas) how odious and abhominable are the rest of our sinnefull workes? thou findest no stedfastnesse euen Iob. 4 18 in thy seruants, and layest folly upon thy Angels: how much more on them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust: thou hast no need that Ioh. 2. 25 any should testifie of vs, for thou knowest what is in man, thou lightenest things [Page 158] that are hid in darknesse, & makest the counsell of their 1. Co. 4. 5 hearts manifest; our hearts are deceitfull and wicked a­boue all things, who can Ier. 17 9 know it? and if our hearts condemne vs, thou art grea­ter then our hearts, and knowest all things: O what boldnesse might wee haue 1. Ioh. 3. 20 towards thee, if our hearts condemned vs not, O what Rom. 7 treachery is in this our flesh, O the continuall readinesse that is in Satan, that goeth 1. Pet. 5. 8 about like a roaring Lyon, seeking to deuoure vs; and thou O Lord lookest down from heauen, and beholdest all the children of men, frō the habitation of thy dwel­ling place thou beholdest vs all that dwell in the earth: [Page 159] thou fashionest the hearts Psa. 33. 13 of euery one, and vnder­standest our works: O Lord aboue all things, giue vs an earnest striuing against our corruptions, a tendernesse of conscience in all our acti­ons, a lowlinesse and humi­lity in all our carriage, ma­king conscience of the least sinnes, keeping our selues from the occasions, and all appearances thereof; and 1. Thes. 5 because O Lord, thou hast not appointed vs to wrath, but to obtaine saluation, by the means of our Lord Iesus Christ, which died for vs, that whether wee wake, or sleep we shold liue together with him: grant we beseech thee, that we may entertain 2. Tim. 1. 6 & stirre vp thy gifts which [Page 160] is in vs, and the good mo­tions thereof, let not thy spirit lye a sleep in vs, keep vs from terrors in consci­ence, from loathing, cold­nesse, and deadnesse in Chri­stian duties, and exercises, discontentment and blind­nesse of minde, aptnesse to fall into those sinnes again, which wee either abhorre, or by thy spirit haue here­tofore conquered, that we may rouse vp thy spirit, and labour more and more to be quickned in the inward man, euer making warre a­gainst some chiefe lust of the heart, to get the mai­stery ouer it, that by expe­rimentall conquest of our owne, wee may learne in time to conquer all the rest, [Page 161] and because our heart lyeth open to all temptations, grant wee beseech thee O deare Father, that casting downe the imaginations, 2. Co. 10. 5 and euery high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of thee our God, and bringing in cap­tiuity euery thought to the obedience of Christ, that we may follow after righteous­nesse, godlinesse, faith, loue, patience, and meckenesse, 1. Tim. 5. 11 that fighting the good fight of faith, wee may lay holde Psa. 27. 1 on eternall life, and now O Lord, thou art in this dark­nesse, of night our saluation Psa. 17. 15 and light, wee will beholde thy face in righteousnesse, and when wee awake, wee shall bee satisfied with thy [Page 162] image, wherefore our heart is glad, and our tongue re­ioyceth, and our flesh also Psa. 16 9 doth rest in hope, and now the Lord deliuer vs from e­uery euill worke this night, and euer, & preserue vs vn­to his heauenly kingdome, 2. Tim. 4 through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour, to whom bee praise for euer and euer,


A Prayer for Wednesday at Morning.

VVEE confesse O Lord God, most mercifull Father, that in vs, Ro. 7. 18 that is in this our flesh, there is no godnes, in such bondage are we vnto sinne, that while wee are about a­ny [Page 163] good (as very seldome alas wee are) euill is present with vs, and wee are led captiue thereto, yet Lorde by thy grace, wee striue a­gainst Ro. 7. 25 that slauery in very great weakenesse, and wee thank our God througe Ie­sus Christ our Lord, that wee in our minde, in some small measure doe serue thy lawe, but in our flesh the law of sinne; for it is thou O God, which workest in vs both the will and the deede, euen of thy owne Phil. 2. 13 good pleasure: wee haue had our conuersation in times past (so miserable was our case) in the lusts of our owne flesh, in fulfilling of the flesh, and of the minde; and wee are by nature the [Page 164] children of wrath, walking Ep. 2. 3 4. 5 after the course of this world, and after the Prince that raigneth in the ayre, e­uen the spirit that now wor­keth in the children of dis­obedience; but thou O God, who art rich in mer­cie, through thy great loue whereby thou louedst vs, e­uen when wee were deade by sinnes, hah quickned vs together in Christ thy deare Son our Lord: grant good God vnto vs a rectified iudgement, proceeding frō an enlightned and sanctifi­ed vnderstanding, wrought by a liuely faith thorough Eph. 4 13 thy worde, that wee may meet together vnto a per­fect man, and to the mea­sure of the age of the ful­nesse [Page 165] of Christ, vouchsafe gracious Father, according to the riches of thy glory, that we may be strenthened by thy spirit, and comfor­ted in all the faculties of our soules, that wee may know and proue the loue of thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ, that wee may be filled with Eph. 3. 16 all the fulnesse of thee our God: giue vnto vs a sancti­fied conscience, keeping it sensible of the least euill, desiring to liue honestly, with a continull cheerful­nesse of well doing, and ho­ly Heb. 13. 18 ordering and disposing of our affections, that we may set them on things that are aboue, and not on things which are vnder the earth: for crucifying of the flesh, [Page 166] and natiue corruption ther­of, and in building more & Eph. 4. 25 more forward the new man, that wee may wake a most gracious conquest ouer our most vnruly thoughts, in fitting and conforming our Ro. 12. 13 outwarde actions, to thy most holy, acceptable, and perfect will, and serue thee Deut. 27. the Lord our God with ioyfulnesse, & with a good heart, for all thy blessings bestowed vpon vs both spi­rituall and temporall, that as wee haue receiued Iesus Christ our Lord, so wee may walke rooted and built in him, and stab lisht in the faith, abounding therein Col. 2. 6. 6 with thanksgiuing, to pre­uent security: and giue thy grace alwaies O deare Fa­ther, [Page 167] that wee may ioyne with this our faith vertue, 2. Pet. 1. 5 & with vertue knowledge, and with knowledge tem­perance, 6 and with tempe­rance patience, and with pa­tience 7 godlinesse, and with godlinesse brotherly kinde­nesse, 11 and with brotherly kindenesse loue, that we be 14 not idle nor vnfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ; that as this same very day wee beginne heere with thee, directing our prayers as incense be­fore thee, so by these means an entry may be ministered vnto vs aboundantly, vnto the euerlasting kingdome of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ: that when we shall lay downe these our [Page 168] tabernacles, we may receiue the end of our faith, euen the saluation of our soules; now the very God of peace sanctifie vs throughout, and wee beseech God, that our whole spirit, soule, and bo­dy, may be kept blamelesse both this day, and vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, to whom with thee and the holy Spirite, three persons in one God­head, we ascribe all honour, maiesty, dominion, & pow­er, for euer and euer,


A Prayer for Wednesday Euening.

LOrd God, heauenly Fa­ther, wee are come Psa. 95. 6 here to worshippe, and fall [Page 169] downe, and kneele be­fore thee our Maker, doe heere acknowledge with quaking and trembling soules, our wickednesse to be very great, and all the imaginatiōs of the thoughts 1. Ioh. 3. 4 of our hearts are not only euill continually, but also wee doe commit sinne in transgressing thy holy law, yea the least sinne breaketh the whole law, and maketh Iam. 2. 12 vs guilty of the wages ther­of, which is eternall death, & endlesse condemnation: O how filthy and loath some is sinne in the greatest plea­sure, and most ioyful acti­ons Iob. 14. 4 thereof; by birth, wee are altogether tainted, defi­led, and polluted with cor­ruption, and vncleanesse, & [Page 170] who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse, we Eph. 4. 29 are prone, and desperately set to commit sinne with greedinesse, wee reioyce in doing euill (alas) we delight and repose our chiefe con­tentment therein, although Pro. 2. 14 all the day long, thou O deare Lord, stretchest forth thy hand vnto vs, disobedi­ent Esa. 65. 2 and gaine-saying peo­ple, who hate to bee refor­med and pluckt out of sin, yea our best actions are but beautifull sinnes, wee are all vncleane things, and all our righteousnesse is as filthie clouts, and wee all doe fade Esa. 64. 6 as a leafe, and our iniqui­ties like the winde haue car­ried vs away: and we know good Lord, that hee that [Page 171] committeth sinne is of the Diuell, for the Diuell sin­ned 1. Ioh. 3. 8 from the beginning, but for this purpose appea­red thy Son, O God, that hee might loose the workes of the Diuell, who was to that effect decreed from all eternity, promised immedi­ately after our fall in Adam, but when the fulnesse of time was come, thou O most mercifull father, sent Gal 4. 4. 5 forth thy Sonne made of a woman, and made vnder the lawe, that he might re­deeme vs that were vnder the lawe, that wee might receiue the adoption of thy sonnes, who for vs hath ob­tained a glorious and meri­torious conquest (his hu­maine nature being accom­panied [Page 172] with the efficacy of that his diuine) ouer the Ro. 5. 14 curse, dominion and rigour of the lawe, chaining vppe Satan, and destroying for euer the power of hell, sin, Gal. 3. 10 death, and condemnation: O Lord our God, what can wee render vnto thee for so 1. Co. 15 great graces and benefites, wee will take the cuppe of thanksgiuing, and call vpon Ro. 7. 24 thy name, O Lord for thy mercies sake, grant vs a full assurance of our acceptati­on into thy fauour through Iesus Christ, a constant de­sire of the promised happi­nesse, that wee may hunger and thirst after righteous­nesse; a cheerfull expectati­on, Mat. 5. 6 and wayting for all these ioyes & spirituall blessings [Page 173] thou hast blessed vs with in heauenly places, that wee Eph. 1. 2 may willingly resigne our selues vnto thy holy obedi­ence, embracing those meanes which thou hast of­fered Psa. 37. 3. 9 for our saluation, that wee may trust in the, and doe good, commit our way vnto thee, and cast our selues vpon thee when all meanes shall faile, and rest Pro. 14. 32 in thee, yea, euen hope in death, reuerently depend vpon the truth of thy pro­mises, although wee cannot see them as yet accomplish­ed, Psa. 99. 4 albeit they seem against all sence and reason, & that this following night wee may not onely meditate of the true life of God, & day of resurrection, and our a­rising [Page 174] to iudgement to ren­der account for the workes done in our flesh, whether they bee good or bad, but also may rest in the sweete Phil. 1. 23 bosome of thy portection, desiring at all times to bee loosed, and to bee with Christ; euer thinking the time of our departure to be at hand, and therefore to fight a good fight, to finish our course, and keepe the faith, that henceforth there may be laid vppe for vs the crowne of righteousnesse, which the Lord the righte­uos 2. Tim. 6. 7 iudge shall giue vs at that day, and not vnto vs onely, but to all them also that loue his appearing: which shall bee cloathed in white array, and whose [Page 175] names are written in the booke of life, purchased by the blood of our Lord Iesus Christ, who treadeth for vs the vine presse alone, to whom with thee and the holy Spirit our comforter, be all praise, power, honor and glory,


A Prayer for Thursday Morning.

O Eternall God, and e­uerlasting Father, we from the bottome of our hearts do thanke thee for thy blessings spirituall and temperall, common & par­ticular, that thou hast pre­destinated vs before the world begā, elected vs to be in thy Christ adopted sons, [Page 176] called vs by thy spirit to this light of thy Gospell, and giuen vs assurance in faith, of thy vnchangeable fauour, renewing in some measure this corrupt nature, and fra­ming thy image in true righteousnes, and holinesse in our inwarde man, not making vs not onely capa­ble of grace, in the soule of wisedome, and spirituall knowledge; but also ma­king some conformity in vs to thy will, in life and conuersation, these blessings wee haue receiued of thee freely, beside thy continuall prouidence, and ouer-sight ouer vs this night by-past and all the daies of our life, Lord enlighten our mindes that wee may know all [Page 177] things in thee, and nothing any otherwise then as it commeth from thee, and as it hath relation to thee: for thou art all things in all, & all things do exist in thee, & therefore euery thing may be knowne in thee, & thou most merciful father known yea seene and felt in euery thing, euen in the least and basest creature: grant there­fore, that we doe neuer rest in any thing till wee come to thee, and now beholde wee approach to renew that soundnes, wherewith wee laide downe, that no roote of bitternesse breake out at the first of this day, and to prouide for holy and setled courses in our callings all the day after, and so begin [Page 178] a-new to liue the daily life of grace, that thy kindnesse and mercy may follow vs all the dayes of our life, and Psa. 23▪ 6 now haue we laid our selues downe in peace, which was thy gift, & doe awake with the comfort there of, thy mercies are renewed euery Lam. 3. 33 morning, if we should count them, they are more then the sand, when wee awake we are still with thee, good Lord assist vs that wee may Ps. 139. 18 daily weaken the olde man in vs, with the vitious lusts and sinneful concupiscences thereof, giue vs comforta­ble experience of this our corruption, that wee may be the more and more hum­bled in our selues, euer hun­gring and thirsting for that [Page 179] righteousnesse which is in Christ Iesus, our Lord and Sauiour, weane vs from the loue of this world, and di­strustfull cares for temporall things, cōfirm our faith sted­fastly in the prouidence of thee our God, for outward benefites; giue vs confi­dence and boldnesse, euen to sue to thy presence, that wee may finde our life and powers quickned in holy duties, especially in prayer, zeale of thy glory, humili­ty, patience, feare, & loue, that hauing liuely experi­ence of the power of Christ raigning in our mortall bo­dies wee may haue strength to perseuere vnto the end: for this cause quicken our desires and purposes, for [Page 180] well-doing, that wee may be humbled for our out­warde faylings and sinnes, and inwarde vnreasonable lusts, labouring more and more to discerne the deceit­fulnesse of the heart, and vn­searchablenes thereof, that wee may bee euer enflamed to redresse the same: grant O heauenly Father, that in our calling this day, aboue all wee may desire to glori­fie thee, ayme onely at thy loue, that wee may be stir­red vp cheerefully to prose­cute heauenly things, and euer renew our estate in Christ, by constant repen­tance, that beleeuing thy promises, and applying thē to our selues, wee may fol­low hard after the accom­plishment [Page 181] of them, by our obedience to thy comman­dements, root out of vs in­credulity, and couetousnes; that setting bonds to these earthly desires, by true con­tentation, we may haue our eyes fixed continually vpon heauenly; purge out of vs hypocrisie & spiritual pride, keepe vs from the raigning sinnes of this our time, that wee may follow constantly after the mark, for the high price of our calling in Ie­sus Psa. 86. 11 Christ, knit our hearts vnto thee, that we may fear thy name, giue vs a hatred of all euill, and loue of righ­teousnesse, preuent in vs presumption, that wee may Gen. 17. 1 worke out our owne salua­tion with feare and trem­bling, [Page 182] that henceforth wee doe not liue to our selues, but to him that died for vs, and rose againe, and there­fore resigning our selues, bodies, and soules, into thy hands O God, wayting for thy blessings vpon vs, in all humility and lowlinesse, not Hab. 3 sacrificing to our selues, but giuing all glory to thee our Gen. 32. 10 God, for we are not wor­thie of the least of all thy mercies, and all the truth which thou hast shewed Hos. 13. 9 vnto vs thy seruants, vpon thee is our fruit found, who is like vnto thee that taketh away iniquities, and pas­by Mich. 7. 18 the transgression of thy heritage, thou retaynest not thy wrath for euer, because mercy pleaseth thee, thou [Page 183] wilt turne againe, and haue compassion vpon vs, thou wilt subdue our iniquities, and cast all our sinnes in the bottome of the Sea, & that onely for the merits of thy dearly beloued Sonne Iesus Christ, on whom thou hast laid the chastisements Psa. 52. of our peace, and doest giue thy selfe in him, who is thy loue, and in whom thou art well pleased; to whom, with thee, and the holy Spi­rit, Zeph. 3. 17 one very God immor­tall, inuisible, infinite, and mercifull, wee render praise and glory both now and for euer.


A Prayer for Thursday Euening.

O Eternall God, and e­uerliuing Father, wee here abase our selues before thee, in regarde of our vile­nesse, and also of the vn­worthinesse 1. Cor. 10. of the seruice wee doe performe, for wee haue not subdued euery i­magination in vs, that ex­alteth it selfe against thee, neither cut off the power Ioh. 6 and cords of sinne, our zeale is full of ignorance and self­loue, our religion repleni­shed with hypocrisie, our profession with vaine-glo­rie, our well-doing accom­panied with weariesomnes, our faith with carnalnesse, [Page 185] and our afflictions with im­patiency, how sluggish & remisse are wee in our cal­lings? how haue wee been withdrawne in our vnta­mable lusts, wee haue not brought our thoughts in captiuity to thy obedience, wee receiue thy blessings with vnthankful hearts, ne­uer returning vnto thee praise; how haue wee wa­sted and neglected this so gracious a time of visitati­on, wherein we might haue builded vppe our selues in thee, and practised good vnto others: how carelesly haue wee kept our hearts, giuing occasion to Satan Tit. 2. 13 thereby against vs; how much lycence haue we yeel­ded to the tyrany of the [Page 186] flesh, in not liuing soberly, and righteously, and god­ly, in this present worlde: how weakely and feebly haue wee wrastled against Eph. 4. 19 our corruptions, and which is most miserable, custome hath made vs so senslesse & past feeling, that wee can­not bee moued to beleeue that thy anger is so great, or our iniquities so hainous, or condition so wretched, as truely it is: and there­fore wee are not affraid of thy Maiesty, who is a con­suming Heb. 12. 29 fire, wee doe not tremble at thy iustice, who will rewarde euery man ac­cording to his workes, for Rom. 2. 6 tribulation and anguish shal be vpon the soule of euery man that doth euill, neither [Page 187] doe wee weigh and regard thy plentifull mercies, in knowing that thy bounti­fulnesse leadeth vs to repen­tance, wherefore we hum­bly beseech thee, to create a cleane heart in vs, and to Psa. 51. 10 renew a right spirit within vs; that we may more sen­sibly apprehend, how wret­ched, and miserable, and poore, and blinde, and na­ked we are; and now good God, according to the mea­sure of that spirituall fee­ling, wee haue obtayned of thee, wee most entirely en­treate thee, for Iesus Christ thy Sonnes sake, to forgiue all our sinnes whatsoeuer, whensoeuer, and whereso­euer committed against thee, for by faith in his o­bedience [Page 188] are we made righ­teous, who is the end of the Ro. 5. 19 lawe for righteousnesse vn­to euery one that beleeueth, Lord we beleeue, help our vnbeliefe: hee suffered for vs such miseries as sin had Rom. 10. 4 drawne vpon vs, that hee might sanctifie them vnto vs, both in the humility of his natiuity, his whole life, and his ignominious and cursed death: O what grief Heb. 4. 17 was it to him that he came to his owne and his owne receiued him not, but was betrayed by them, and pla­ced before thy iudgement seate, O deare Father, as one guilty for vs: let our Luk. 22 olde man O deare Father, be crucified with thy Sonne, that the body of sinne may [Page 189] bee destroyed, that hence­forth wee doe not serue sin any more; abolish for his Rom. 6. 6 sake that hand-writing that was against vs, that our sinnes may neuer come to remembrance before thee, who by his death hath ra­tefied Heb. 9 the eternall testament of his grace vnto vs, for he was deliuered to death for vs, and is risen againe for our iustification; for thine owne annoynted sake O Lord, let the ioyfull light of thy fauour and counte­nance shine vpon vs, and be reconciled vnto vs, grant Ro. 4. 25 vs true faith in thy Sonne, that beeing iustified there­by before thee, wee may haue peace of conscience with thee and our neigh­bours [Page 190] thereby, that wee reioyce with ioy vnspeake­able, and glorie in the 1. Pet. 1. 18 holy Ghost, and become fruitefull in all good works, and so by thee (our God) be made meete to be parta­kers of thee inheritance of the Saints in light, who hath deliuered vs from the power of darknesse, and hath translated vs to the kingdom of thy deare Son, in whom wee haue redemp­tion thorough his blood, euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes, now the same Iesus Christ our Lord, and our God, euen the father which loued vs, & hath giuen vs e­uerlasting consolation, and good hope through grace, comforte our hearts this [Page 191] night and euermore: and stablish vs in euery worde and good worke, in whose name we call vpon thee as hee hath taught vs, saying: Our Father &c.

A Prayer for Friday Morning.

NOt trusting in our owne worthinesse, for there is none, but in thy great mercies doe we pre­sent our selues before thee this morning, O Lord, in great weakenesse, to shew our thankefulnesse for thy vnspeakeable goodnesse, so plentifully bestowed vpon vs, most vndeseruedly: for Iob. 25. 6 what are wee but wormes, and what is man that thou [Page 192] art mindefull of him, or the sonne of man, that thou vi­sitest him, wonderfully hast thon made him in his mo­thers wombe, hee is the Psal. 8. 4 image and glory of thee O God, thou mightest haue equalled him him with the vgliest and basest creatures, it hath pleased thee to 1. Cor. 11. 7 spread forth the shadow of the wings of thy protecti­on ouer vs this night, wee meditate in the dead of sleepe to haue our soules taken away in thy anger for the offences committed the day before, and all the daies of our life, and suddenly to haue beene arrainged at thy tribunall seate, yet thou wilt not the death ▪of a sin­ner, but rather that he con­uert [Page 193] and turne vnto thee, and now thou hast spared vs vnto this day, grant O gracious Father, that wee may euer meditate of the true life of thee our God, of the day of the resurrec­tion of these our bodies, when corruption shall put on incorruption, and of our rising to that solemne and dreadfull iudgement: O Lord as thou hast banished this nights dardnesse away (wherein wee had a sweete repose and sound rest) that compassed vs: so grant we humbly beseech thee, that inward light in minde by the rising vnto vs of that Sunne of righteousnes, thy Son, the Lord Iesus Christ, that wee may mourne for [Page 194] the ignorance and blinde­nesse that yet resteth in vs, Ro. 1 [...]. 12 13. 14 and others also; the night is past, and the day is at hand, vouchsafe wee may cast away the workes of darknesse, and put on the armour of light: that wee may walke honestly as in the day, not in gluttory, or drunkennesse, nor in cham­bering and wantonnesse, not in strife and enuying, but that wee may put on the Lord Iesus Christ: prai­sing his mercy and pati­ence, that yet wee liue to praise him, and are conti­nued in life to make our election more sure: such is the constancy of thy loue towardes vs, O Lord God, Father euerlasting, for [Page 195] whom thou louest to the Ioh. 13. 1 ende, day vnto day vtte­reth the same, and night vnto night teacheth know­ledge: thou hast O Lord sealed vs to theday of re­demption, and hast giuen Psa. 19. 2 vs earnest of the spirit of promise in our hearts, by the which spirit also, wee Eph. 4. 3 beholde as in a mirror thy glory, O Lord, with open 2 Co. 1. 22 face, and are changed vnto the same image from glory Eph. 1 13 to glory, O when shall we fully enioy the same in that 2. Cor. 3. 18 life to come? when shall wee cease from all sinne, & haue perfect knowledge of thee, perfect righteousnes, and holinesse, neuer to bee changed, fulnesse of ioy, im­mediate fruition and con­iunction [Page 196] with thee our God, when thou shalt bee Psa. 16 all in all, and triumph ouer all thine and our enemies; in that inheritance immor­tall and vndefiled, and that 1. Cor. 15 fadeth not, reserued in hea­uen for vs: O Lord giue vs the grace, that we may keepe our selues in a holy 1. Pet. 1. 4 temper, and peace of mind, by a constant course in all occurrents; and so prepare our selues vnto that crowne of glory, loking stedfastly vnto Iesus the author and finisher of our faith, to breede constant affiance Heb. 12. 2 thereof; for this cause O Lord, let the glorious light of thy great Maiesty neuer departe from the inwarde eyes of our soules, that we [Page 197] may bee seriously affected with the sense of our wants, benefits purchased by thy Son our Sauiour, and per­petually assisted by thy spi­rit; to consider the great and manifolde blessings which wee haue receiued from thee, to prouoke vs to thankefulnesse, without which, all our prayers are vneffectuall, grant good Lord, we may seriously be­waile our neglect of pray­er, and condemne our selues for our lip-labour, and cu­stomarie deuotions, our wearisomensse in well-do­ing, and our contentment with small & little feelings, and finally we may rest vp­on the continual mediation of our blessed aduocate Ie­sus [Page 198] Christ, who continual­ly maketh intercession for vs, and is now both pray­ing for vs, and ready to pre­sent our prayers to the throne of grace, and to co­uer all the infirmities and faylings of them, with the mantle of his euerlasting mercies, innocency, and ho­linesse; to him therefore with the Father, and the holy Ghost, wee render all glory, praise, dominion, & thanksgiuing, now and e­uermore.


A Prayer for Friday Euening.

O Lord God, deare Fa­ther in Iesus Christ, thy beloued Son our onely [Page 199] Sauiour, wee thee from our very hearts, for the least of all thy blessings (which are infinitely greater then wee can deserue) as well as for the greatest, and do as rea­dily praise thee for thy mer­cies receiued, as wee were earnest to sue for the ob­taining of them: and now we offer vnyo thee sacrifice Psa. 116 17 of praise, for the preserua­tion of vs in our callings, which are thy ordinances Heb. 13. 18 imposed on euery Christi­an: Lord forgiue vs for strayning our conscience in the least euill this day, giue vs thy mercifull assistance, 1. Co. 7. 21 that wee may cleaue to, & reioyce in the good testi­mony thereof; that in sim­plicity and godly purenesse, [Page 200] with singlenesse and con­tentment, by thy grace wee haue had our conuersation in the worlde; conuincing the hollownesse and hypo­crisie of the same, which is the moath of well-doing: keehe vs good Lord, from vncertaintie and dulnesse in good things, preserue vs from corruption in iudge­ment, and Apostacy in life. Inable vs to holde to the ende, and so obtaine the crowne: for this cause O Lord giue vs an inclination and resolution of the heart to all goodnesse, that wee may iustifie and beautifie 2. Pet. 1. 10 therby our professiō, giuing diligence to make our cal­ling and election sure, that in doing these things wee [Page 201] may neuer fall, and so bee deliuered from many in­warde pangs, and outward troubles: deare Father, grant wee may may euer haue righteousnesse in most precious account, prosecu­ting it with all zeale and courage, and rest with de­light and contentation in it, and practise the same, not onely as our knowledge in­formeth, but euen desire be­yond our knowledge per­fection therein; Lord make vs renounce Nature, and holde on thy Sonne Iesus Christ by a liuely faith, and bring foorth the fruits of true righteousnesse in him; giue vs good God a holy and settled purpose to serue thee, a plaine and sound [Page 202] dealing in our callings, dai­ly repentance and coueue­nanting with thee, for re­couery of our decaies, make our hearts daily to be infor­med out of thy word, that wee may worke continual­ly as in thy presence, with a full and strong perswasi­on of thy loue, and plenti­full 2. Co. 1 10 experience of the same; and preferre it aboue all things whatsoeuer, & more Psa. 4. 6 and more be assured of our acceptation into thy fauour, that no trouble, or dismay ouerwhelme vs with the weight thereof; but if it shall bee thy good pleasure wee be assaulted on euery side, yet wee bee not in di­stresse, if in pouerty, yet not ouercome with pouerty, if [Page 203] persecuted, yet not forsaken; if cast downe, yet perish not; that euery where wee may beare about in our bo­die 2 Cor. 4 8 the dying of our Lord Iesus Christ, that the life of Christ may also bee made manifest in vs: vouchsafe vnto vs O Lord, the shield of true faith, whereby wee may beat back all the fiery darts of the Diuell, as car­nall confidence, presumpti­on, security, infidelity, di­strust, and incredulity: giue vs a constant desire of the promised happinesse, pur­ging and preparing our selues to it, perfect thy worke, in mortifying our sinnes, preserue thy graces in vs, with increase of new obedience; sustaine our [Page 204] hearts against the deferring of thy promises, & in con­trary tentations, make vs haue refuge vnto thee; to hold fast the hope which is set before vs, which wee haue as an anchor of our soules, both sure and sted­fast: Heb. 6. 9 confirme therefore our faith against infidelity, and discontentment; our hope Iam. 1. 18 against despaire, our truth against errour; with the which, of thine owne will thou didst begette vs, that wee should bee as the first fruits of thy creatures: con­found Satans kingdom, the worldes deceitfulnesse, and our hearts doubtfulnesse; inlighten our vnderstanding with this sauing know­ledge of thee O God, con­firme [Page 205] & stablish our iudge­ments therein, quiet our conscinces, sub due our wils and affections to thee, and grant vs thy mercifull con­currence, that wee may fi­nish our course with ioy: now Lord wee make our prayers to thee this night in Psa. 69. 13 an acceptable time, euen in the multitude of thy mer­cies, O God heare vs, in the truth of thy saluation wee will therefore lie vs downe, and also sleep in peace, for Psa. 4 8 thou Lord only, maketh vs dwell in safety: to God the Father our Creator, to God the Sonne our Redeemer, to the holy Ghost our sancti­fier & comforter, we ascribe all honor, power, and glory now and euermore,


A Prayer for Saturday Morning.

PRaised be thou O Ood, which hast not put back Psa. 67. 20 our prayers, nor thy mer­cies form vs, our life (alas) is subiect to many fearefull breaches, and distractions, with many false shadowes, & appearances of good; for not onely doe we not shine Mat. 5. 16 as lights before others, but also in respect of our euill example, we are stumbling­blocks to them, we doe lit­tle alas, or rather nothing to edification, but to of­fence; 1. Cor. 14 Lord, wee heartily mourne for all our sinnes, whereunto wee haue yeel­ded our selues this night, [Page 207] and all our life time before, and do this morning renew our repentance and vowes vnto thee, more effectually then before; intending our callings more carefully and conscionably then we haue done, labouring both to a­uoide the outwarde acte of sinne, & to haue our hearts purged from the euill thoughts thereof: that wee giue no way to our corrup­tions, but bee masters of them, and so bee free from the rage amd slauery of the same, which is the greatest happinesse in this worlde: for if wee say wee haue fel­lowship with thee and walk 1. Ioh. 1. 6 in darknesse, we lie, and do not truely; wherefore O Lord, grant that wee may [Page 208] possesse contrite and bro­ken hearts for all our sins, with remembrance of thee in our greatest security, a­wake and rowse vs vp from the dead sleep of sin, make vs desire euermore carefully to serue thee, looking for and hasting vnto the com­ming of that great day of thee our God; by which the heaaens beeing on fire, shall bee disolued, and the elements shall melt with 2. Pet. 3. 12 heate: O sweete Father, make vs diligent now, that wee may bee found then in thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ, our Lord and Saui­our, in peace, without spot, and blamelesse, hauing by thee increase of his grace in vs, experience of his [Page 209] raigning in our mortall bo­dies, by whom wee shall haue strength and assurance to perseuere and continue to the end: for this purpose deare father, daily quicken our estate in Christ thy Son, by constant and serious re­pentance, that from thee our holy purpose being re­newed, we likewise also re­ceiue strength to practice accordingly, make vs ouer­come the world by thy po­wer, which hindereth our groth in grace, pressing vs downe, euen with our own weight: Enlarge our hearts, consciences, wills, and affe­ctions, that all the members of our bodies may be enli­ued; restrain and bridle our corruptions, that wee may [Page 210] daily weaken them, hearti­ly loath them, and groane vnder them, keepe vs from despaire, and ourwarde re­proach, let not the time, multitude, and example of sinne, draw vs away which doe commit sin most gree­dily, and hide it most dan­gerously, let our hearts still cleaue vnto thee, and to thy word; that by it daily sent out of our selues, wee may obtaine new strength in thy Sonne Iesus Christ, to goe forward in well-doing, that discerning our inabi­lity thereto, wee may inte­rest our selues in his preti­ous merits, that growing in grace, we may be perfected in glory; for the increase of glory, shall answer to the [Page 211] increase of grace: Lord thou knowest, wee shall haue this day, as wee haue had heretofore, more ten­tations and oppositions of the world, humble vs, and make vs patient, that wee may by thy spirit preuailing in vs, be euen ioyfull in all our crosses, aduersities, and troubles whatsoeuer; cha­ritable in iudging others, zealouse ouer our selues, holy and vpright in our du­ties and callings, that wee may more and more feare thee, O great and glorious God, more and more hum­bled in thy greatest mercie, more and more thankefull for the least of thy blessings, whereunto we haue obtai­ned a right only in Christ [Page 212] Iesus, who accepted of vs aboue the worth of our o­bedience, grant vs wee may be cast downe by serious meditation of thy maiesty, power, and goodnes, as al­so of our owne vnworthi­nesse; O how many are thy deliuerances from euill, pre­seruations, and goodnesse, acceptances of vnperfect seruice, renewing and in­creasing of spirituall and temporall blessings, pre­uentions of wickednesse, which we acknowledge to be thy great mercies in vs, confessing therewith our Psa. 67. 6 manifolde wants, desiring humbly, faithfully, continu­ally, and constantly, suppli­ment Ps. 62. 11 of them, receiuing in the meane time euery pre­sent [Page 213] blessing, as steps and pledges in our right to hea­uen; power, and mercy be­longeth Psa. 111. 9 to thee, O Lord, holy and fearefull is thy name, how gracious and mercifull art thou? slowe to anger, and of great kind­nesse, Psa. 145 9 thou art good to all, and thy mercies are ouer all thy workes: teach vs to do thy will this day; for thou art our God, let thy good Psa. 143. 10 spirit leade vs vnto the land of righteousnesse, to thee therefore, with the Frther, and the holy Spirit, be glo­rie, praise, & honour, world without end.


A Prayer for Saturday Euening.

LOrd there is risen vnto Ps. 118. 27 vs, and wee haue ap­prehended light in darke­nesse, wee haue waited the Psa. 112. 4 accomplishment of thy pro­mises, in thy light we shall see light, and now heauen­ly Father, wee renew this Psa. 64. 10 night the memory of the by-past dayes blessings, be­stowed vpon vs most vn­profitable Luk. 17. 10 seruants, beg­ging, yea more and more recounting that wee haue receiued, beseeching thee to giue vs grace, that wee doe not doate or rest vpon temporary things, but ra­ther forget them in regard [Page 215] of the the things of the life to come: Lord grant vs true wisedome, to thinke not so much what thou canst giue vs, but what is fit for vs to receiue; nei­ther so much on what wee want, as what wee haue a­boue many of thy most dear children, neither yet what we haue, but how we haue vsed it, and yet not so much what wee haue, as what we may haue if we doe beleeue, be thankefull and obedient vnto thee: how deare ther­fore Ps. 139. 17 are thy thoughts vnto vs O Lord? how great is the summe of them? if we should count them, they are more then the sand, when wee awake, wee are still with the; for when we cal­led, [Page 216] then thou heardest vs, and hast increased strength in our soules; thou art our God, heare O lord the noyse of our prayers, O Psa. 138. 3 Lord God, the strength of our saluation, thou art our hope, and our portion in Ps. 140. 6. 7 the land of the liuing, let vs heare therefore thy louing Psa. 142. 5 kindnesse in the morning, for in thee is our trust: shew vs the way that wee should Psa. 143. 8 walke in, for we lift vp our soules vnto thee, deliuer vs O Lord, from all danger of body and soule, this night and euermore: for we hide vs with thee, and blessed is hee that hath thee the God Psa. 146. 5 of Iacob for his helpe, whose hope is in the Lord his God, who is neare vnto all that [Page 217] call vpon, yea vnto all that Psa. 145. 18 call vpon him in truth; thou wilt fulfil the desire of them that feare thee, thou wilt also heare their cry, and thou wilt saue them; thou preseruest all them that loue thee, all flesh shall blesse thy holy name for euer and euer: what a prerogatiue is this thou grantest vnto vs, O heauenly Father, to at­taine vnto by thanksgiuing, in that thou O God art the receiuer, and we the giuers vnto thee: and how much better it is to giue then to receiue and how small a tri­buterequirest thou for al thy benefits; teach vs remember Psa. 116. 12 what wee haue receiued & heard, to hold it fast and re­pent, least thou come on vs [Page 218] as a theefe in the night, and Phil. 4▪ 24 it may bee this same night, for we doe not know what houre thou wilt come, but Lord faithfull art thou, which hast called vs to the fellowship of Iesus Christ our Lord, who will also do it, for thy gifts are without repentance: yea, and wee haue thy Christ interceding for vs at this time, that our 1. Cor. 19 faith faile not; and thy holy Spirit whereby we doe call Abba deare Father, doth a­bide Luk. 22. 25 with vs, and shall con­tinue vnto the worlds end: deare father, whome thou once louest thou louest to Ioh. 16. 14 the ende, and wee are mar­ried vnno thee in holinesse and righteousnesse, because it is thy pleasure and will, [Page 219] we are vnited vnto thy Son our head, and giuen to him Ioh. 13 of thee, and therefore wee are sure none shall take vs Hos. 2 out of his hands, grant vs therefore euerlasting Father Col. 2 according to the riches of thy glory, that wee may be Ioh. 17▪ 17 strengthened by thy spirit in the inward man, that thy Eph. 3. 10 Sonne Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith, and we being rooted and grounded in loue, may be able to cō ­prehend with all thy▪Saints what is the bredth, and length, and depth & height, and to know the loue of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ, which passeth knowledge, that wee may be filled with all fulnesse of thee our God, vnto thee therefore that is [Page 220] able to doe exceeding a­boundantly aboue all that aske or thinke, according to thy power which wor­keth in vs, be praise in the Church of Iesus Christ tho­roughout all generations, for euer


A Prayer for Sunday Morning.

O Lord our God, wee this day returne vnto Hos. 14. 4 thee, who haue fallen by our owne iniquity, now a­gaine doe wee take hold of Cant. 3. 4 thee, & will not leaue thee: wee feele in this our reco­uery, the vndoubted grace of thee our God, in the ex­perience of these sensible Luk. 11. 22 combates within vs, of the [Page 221] flesh and the spirite, which are constant testimonies, & sure sealings, of our begun regeneration: now are wee mercifull Father ashamed of our faults, and do here this day promise to bee more fearefull of our selues, and not so venturous vpon the occasions which are the borders of sin, which haue also lessened thy grace of­tentimes Mat. 26. 75 in vs; but O Lord our God, hide thy face from our sinnes, and put away all our iniquiries, cast vs not away from thy presence, & take not thy holy spirit from vs, restore vs to the ioy of Psa. 51. 9 thy saluation, and stablish vs with thy free spirit, whō wee haue (alas) so often grieued, especially on the [Page 222] solemne day of thy Sabbath, wee haue polluted and pro­phaned Eph▪ 4 the same, making vp thereby our transgressi­on of the whole lawe, wee Esa. 56. 2 haue hypocritically profes­sed, without any benefite heard thy word, so that iust­ly thou maiest deny vs the good occasion of this daies rest, for the which we haue deserued to bee henceforth secluded from so seasonable opportunity and visitation, thou hast offered vnto vs, that by hearing wee should heare and not vnderstand, and by seeing wee should see and not perceiue, yea Mat. 13 14 our hearts doe waxe fatte, and our eares dull of hea­ring, least we should vnder­stand with our hearts, and [Page 123] return that thou maist heale vs, giue vs therefore thy grace to rightly esteeme of this so great a mercy, and strengthen vs this day to sanctifie and appropriate it to the right end, to a spe­ciall manner of hearing thee according to thy lawe, that wee shake off all impedi­ments whatsoeuer, which Esa. 56. 4 may with holde from the publique and priuate duties of vnfained godlinesse, in keeping our hands from do­ing euill, and choosing the thing that pleaseth thee, & taking holde of thy coue­nant, that thou mayst make vs ioyfull in the house of prayer, and accept of our sa­crifices of prayer & thank­fulnesse, vpon that thy holy [Page 224] altar, euen Iesus Christ our Sauiour, that we may turne away our feete from doing Esa. 58. 13 our will on thy holy day, & call thy Sabbath a delight to consecrate it as glorious to thee, O Lord; honoring thee, not doing our owne wills, nor speaking a vaine Esa. 66. 23 word: and albeit we shall be assaulted O heauenly fa­ther, with many lets and incumberances, to perform this obedience, yet giue vs thy holy spirit, that we may preferre it to whatsouer motions sinne, Sathan, the flesh, or the world shal sug­gest to the contrary, euer directing our minde to the contemplation of that euer­lasting Sabbath, when from moneth to moneth, and [Page 225] Sabbath to Sabbath, al flesh shall come to worship be­fore Ier. 17. 21 thee: giue vs therefore O heauenly Father, thy grace to sequester our selues from all kinde of seruile ac­tions, and outward imploy­ments, with all froward af­fections and lusts, that we may study to enter into that rest with thy people, and cease from our owne works, as thou O Lord didst vnto thine: blessed God, strike Heb 4 10 in our hearts in time of prai­er, a reuerent esteemation of thy glorious Maiestie, a feeling of our defects, and giue constant faith in thy sweete promises, faithfull remembrance of thy recei­ued blessings, louing and charitable affections to­wardes [Page 226] our neighbours, and grant vnto vs mercifull Fa­ther, while wee heare, a wide and open heart to re­ceiue, and holy ludgement to discerne, lowlinesse in minde, feeling in the inward man, and stability in the memory, and euermore in thy seruice bestow on vs an humble soule, an hungring and thirsting heart, that the blood of the Lord Iesus Christ which thorough the Heb. 9. 14. eternall spirit offered him­selfe without spot to thee our God, may purge our consciences frō dead works to serue thee the Lord: vouchsafe on vs an vnfai­ned loue to thy word, that wee may lay it vp and hide it in our soules, and euer [Page 227] sanctifie our thoughts, that our whole meditations may be thereon, and practise the same in life and conuersati­on, that all men seeing our good workes may glorifie thee our heauenly Father, to thee therefore, with the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, we render all glory, praise and dominion, both now & for euermore,


A Prayer for Sunday Euening.

GLory, praise, and ho­nour, bee vnto thee most mercifull and heauen­ly Father, who hast appoin­ted this speciall day and mi­nistry of thy word, for our instruction: O Lord, grant [Page 228] wee may feele our know­ledge increased, our faith strengthened, our soules, mindes, and consciences, a­boundantly thereby refre­shed, good God thou hast promised that if any lacke wisedome thou wilt giue it him, yea & all other things in and with thy Christ; we beseech thee therfore make thy holy worde a power of life vnto life vnto vs, yea a power of saluation vnto vs that beleeue in parte, yea Lord wee beleeue, we pray thee helpe our vnbeliefe: for wee are fraught with blindesse and error, our af­fections frowarde, peruerse, and disordered, and repro­bate to any good worke by nature, make vs good Lord [Page 229] new creatures, that as new borne babes we may desire the sincere milk of thy word that we may grow thereby: annoynt our eyes with the eye-salue of thy holy spirit, Lord ioine to thy word that penetratiue vertue to pierce and finde out our so preg­nant corruptions: for it is liuely and mighty in opera­tion, and sharper then any two-edged sword, and en­tereth through, euen vnto the diuiding asunder of the soule and the spirite, and of the ioynts and marow, & is a discerner of the thoughts Heb. 4 12 and intents of the heart, which we beseech thee by thy word to discouer, rip vp and ransacke to the bot­tome, giue vs a lowly heart [Page 230] to make a lowly vse of re­prehensions out of thy worde, and apply them ear­nestly to our selues, that the righteous may smite vs, which is a benefit, and re­proue vs which is as preti­ous oyle that shall not breake our heads, that by Psa. 141. 5 them wee may be reclaimed from our froward & back­warde wills: and because good Lord our remem­brance of good things is ve­ry short and faileable, and doth reserue very few good things against the houre of temptation, & day of death: make vs good Lord care­full euer to heare, meditate, pray, and conferre, giuing alwaies thankes with a ply­able obediēce to thy lawes, [Page 231] that in spirituall discretion, and heauenly wisdome, we may consummate our peri­grination here, and worke out our saluation with feare & trembling: by thy grace establish our hearts in thy truth, that wee be not car­ried about with euery light winde of doctrine, but that wee may lay holde on the good, labouring daily to be led on to perfection: and most gracious Father, make vs not onely to see and feele our owne defects, but giue vs a heart to lament them, Lord freely and finally par­don them, for Iesus Christ thy deare Sonne sake, moi­sten and water our hard & dry hearts, with the dew of thy heauēly blessings, shoure [Page 232] them downe vpon vs, for lightning of our minds, set­ling of our iudgements, cō ­forting of our soules, and re­formation of our mis-beha­uiours, grant we may yeeld a full assent to the truth of thy word, not measuring it after the crooked rule of our mis-leading affections, that wee be not of those which make a show of religion but deny the power there­of, and wee beseech thee for thy tender mercies sake, this night to subdue the flesh, which lusteth against the spirit, confound Satan, aduersary to our saluation, and keep vs against the ex­ample of the worlde, which is set in euill; that we may neuer be wearie to beginne [Page 233] where wee left off in well­doing, neither yet breake off where thou requirest continuance of obedience, but goe from faith to faith, like the way of the righte­ous, which as the light shi­neth Pro. 4. 18 more and more vnto perfect day, so shall wee glorifie thy name and our owne soules be strengthe­ded, the weake ones by our example bee confirmed and Phil. 5. 14 edified, the vnruly admo­nished, the feeble-minded comforted, and be patient toward all men, and shall dissolue from hence in thy fauour, whilst now we liue in thy feare, hauing in our mouthes a new song of thanksgiuing occasioned by thy new blessings day by [Page 234] day, & heauenly graces be­bestowed vpon vs in Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour, to whom with thee and the holy spirit, be praise, and glory, for euer­more



A MEDITATION of the Mercy and Iustice of God: Against declining either to the left or right hand, in presumption or despaire that wee may leade an euen course in Christianity.

LONDON, Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Daniel Speed; and are to be sold at his Shop vnder S. Mildreds Church in the Poultry. 1618.

To the Right Wor­shipfull, Sir William Alexander, Knight, Se­cretarie, and one of his Maiesties most hone­rable priuy Coun­cell in Scot­land.

MEn to make them­selues as it were e­ternall, they write their names on their houses; Absolon reared a pil­ler, is not this (said one) Ni­niuie which I builded for my glory, & Ninus to immortalise his father Belus, made for him an Idoll, in whose dominions while Terrah Abrahams fa­ther did dwell, he became with the rest an Idolater, these [Page] would haue their fame & time ending together, but they haue shot short, of the seauen won­ders of the world, nothing but naked names remaine: all these are mutilate inuentions, to the Iew departed, his brother or nearest kinsman must raise seed to continue his name in Isra­ell, but children beeing the Lords gift, could not bee had when & as they would: books, with time that eates all, doth often smoother, may successiue­ly by concatenation of ages in the Presse as a new Phoenix reuiue, but all these to perpetu­ity are set apart as faulty. For as they all, monuments, chil­dren and bookes, are of this be­low, so shall with the same al­though neuer so olde bee dissol­ued, the godly man only and [Page] his name doth euer indure, who hath it, and himselfe also writ­ten in heauen, and registered in the booke of life, for all con­suming oblusion hath no place, your vertues and graces make you liue longer then any of these post-running records: but your goodnes for euer, with the An­tient of daies, to whō I heartily pray that after your period shall bee faithfully finished here, you may be partaker of glory: thus I rest euer your Worships,

In all Christian duty to be commanded,
Barthol. Robinson.

A. Meditation of the infinite Mercy, and Iustice of God, a­gainst declining either to the left or right hand, in presumption, or de­spaire that we may lead an euen course in Christianity.

II is certaine, Caine Gen. 4. 13 his offence in his speech in extenu­ating the Lords mercy, was greater then that trespasse done by his hand, in shedding his brothers in­nocent blood, for he might haue obtained pardon for the same if hee had beene capable of it, for although [Page 242] mans heart be deceitfull a­boue all things, and that all Ier. 17. 9 the immaginations of his thoughts be euill continual­ly, and desperately wicked, so that none can knowe it, so deepe it is: yet infinitly more deepe, yea insearch­able Eph. 3. 8 are the riches of the mercies of Christ, for what proportion is there betwixt a sparke of fire, and the great vast gulfe of the Oce­an to quench it, hee will Mic. 7. 18 turne againe saith the Pro­phet, hee will haue compas­sion vpon thee, hee will subdue thy iniquity, & cast all thy fins into the depth of the Sea, for he retaineth not his anger for euer, be­cause he belighteth in mer­cy, yea there is no Sea so [Page 243] large but the Lord hath set a bound that it may not passe ouer, but as the hea­uen Ps. 104. 9 is high aboue the earth, so great is his mercy to­wards them that feare him, as farre us the East is from Psa. 103. 11 the West, so farre hath hee remoouer our transgressions from vs: this then so ample a depth of his mercy, easily doth swallow vp the shal­low profundity of sin, how deep soeuer it be; for with the Lord is mercy, and with him is great redemption, beholde, hee doth not ab­horre Psa. 103. 7 the confessing theefe, the weeping sinner, the hū ­ble Cananite, the lately ta­ken adultresse, the wrong­full customer, the contrite Publican, neither yet his [Page 244] disciple that denyed him, nor that bloody persecutor of the disciples, yea not thē that crucified him but pray­ed for them: how great then is thy goodnes O Lord Psa. 31. 19 which thou hast laide vppe for them that feare thee? and done to them that trust Psa. 33. 5 in thee, euen before the sonnes of men; for the earth is full of the goodnes of the Psa. 34. 8 Lord, taste then & see how gracious the Lord is, his louing kindnesse is better Psa. 63. 3 then life, his mercy is aboue all his works, as oyle swim­meth aboue water: where­fore the Lord takes this 1. Co. 1. 3 stile in commendation spe­cially to himselfe, that hee will bee called the Father of mercy and God of consola­tion, [Page 245] for it doth lye as▪ it were in his bosome, and is vnto him as his daughter, euen the bowels of compas­sion, hee accounteth his ri­ches 2. Sa. 12. 3 not to consist in king­domes, heauens, or Angels, all which, although he pos­sesse, yet he can create bet­ter if it were his pleasure; but hee is rich in mercy, for Eph. 2. 4 there is nothing better, no­thing greater, for his mercy is not onely aboue all his workes, but also it reioy­ceth against iudgement, and gloriously triumpheth ouer it: The mercy seate which was a type of Christ, Iam. 2. 13 in whom God is well plea­sed, was without the Arke but the testimony of the Tables of the lawe were [Page 246] within, the same▪ mercie compassing and shutting vp iustice within it: Indeede the Cherubins with a fiery Exo. 25. 17 sword debarred Adam from accesse to the garden again, but in this mercy-seate the Cherubins stretch out their wings on high, and couers the mercy-seate with their wings, so Christ stretcheth out his hands all the day long vnto vs, gathering vs Ro. 10. 21 as the henne doth her chic­kens, yea and the lawe it selfe which is a proclamati­on Mat. 23. 37 of Gods iustice, in the second cōmandement doth visite iniquity, vnto the third and fourth generati­on, but extendeth mercy Exod. 20. vnto the thousand of them that loue him, herein there­fore [Page 147] doth mercy glory, and as is were boast it selfe, for where mercy is mentioned, there is no speech made of iustice, but when iudge­ment is denounced, there is euery place left for mercy which is promised to the penitent, so the Lord is gra­cious and full of compassi­no, what can hee deny vs that hath giuen his owne Sonne for vs, and hee that hath giuen his life for vs, cannot refuse to giue vs his mercy, so maiest thou say, vnto thee O my strength will I sing, for God is my Psa. 69. 17 defence, and the God of my mercies, for thou Lord hast not failed them that seeke thee, for as thy Maiesty is, Psa. 9. 10 so is thy mercy, yea and to [Page 248] the sinfull hee doth say, Eccl. 2. 18 thou hast rauished my heart my sister my spouse, thou Can. 4. 9 hast rauished my heart, turne away thine eyes from Can. 6. 4 me for thou hast ouercome mee; yes truely, that true and liuing Sampson for the loue hee did beare to thee was crucified of the Iewes, as that other Sampson was put to death by the Phili­stims.

And what can more liue­ly portrait out his mercy, then when hee saith, I am pressed vnder, as a cart is pressed that is ful of sheaues, yea Lord great is thy pitty in delaying and prolong­ging thy wrath, thy mer­cie and moderation in in­flicting it, great is thy good­nesse [Page 249] in remouing thy an­ger and iudgements procu­red thereby.

Dauid after he had slept as long as women vsually 2. Mac. 7. goe with child, or there a­bout, when hee had trauai­led with iniquity, and had conceiued mischiefe, and brought forth falshood, for 2 Sa. 24. 8 when lust was conceiued, it brought forth sinne, and sin when it was finished broght Iam. 1. 15 forth death: yet the Lord (such is euer his clemency) desired him to make choice of punishment, although Dauid had prouoked him to wrath, against the lawe of armes, wherein the wea­pons shold be in the electi­on of him that is offended, and not in his that pro­uokes; [Page 250] O that wee were wise and vnderstoode this, Deu. 32. 29 that we would consider our later end, and so, albeit we grieue his spirit often and diuerse times, yet so mani­fold are his tender mercies, Eph. 4. 30 that as about the time of forty yeares God suffered the Israelites manners in the Act. 13. 18 wildernesse, so hath hee e­uen to this day sparred vs, what could he haue done a­ny more to his vineyard that he hath not done to it: Esa. 5. 4 let vs now at the last search and try our waies, and turne againe to the Lord, let vs lift vp our hearts with our hands vnto our God in the heouens, whom wee haue Lam. 3. 41 pressed with our sinnes as with a talent of leade, for Zach. 5. 7 [Page 251] hee is not slacke concerning his promise, (as some men count slacknesse) but is pa­tient toward vs, and would haue no man to perish, but 2. Pet. 3. 9 would all men to come to repentance.

The wicked still say, be­cause hee delayes his com­ming, either by continuati­on of present punishment, or prorogation of their life, where is the promise of his comming, for since the Fa­thers 2. Pet. 3. 4 died, all things con­tinue alike from the begin­ning of the creation, and Psal. 73. 11 doth God know it, say they, Is there knowledge in the Iob. 22. 13 most high? can hee iudge through the darke clouds? the cloudes hide him that hee cannot see, and he wal­keth [Page 252] in the circle of hea­uen, and so doe they think in their heart, God hath forgotten, hee hideth away his face, and will neuer see: Psa. 10. 11 the vision that is seene is for many dayes to come, and doth prophecy of the times Ier. 12. 27 that are farre off: but woe vnto them that drawe ini­quity with cords of vanity, and sin as with cart-ropes, which say, let them make speed, let them hasten his worke, that wee may see, and let the counsell of the holy one drawe neare, and Es. 5. 18. 19 come that wee may knowe it. And when the seruant doth say in his heart, my master doth deferre his comming, and shall begin to smite the seruants, and [Page 253] maidens, and to eate and drinke, and be drunken, the master of that seruant will come in a day when hee thinketh not, and at an houre that hee is not aware Luk. 12. 45 of, and will cut him off, & giue him his portion with vnbeleeuers.

Therfore beloued sinne not because grace hath a­bounded, for the grace of God which bringeth salua­tion vnto all men hath ap­peared, teaching vs that we should deny vngodlinesse and wordly lusts, and that wee should liue soberly & Tit. 2. 11 righteously, and godly in this present world: despise not therefore the riches of his bountifulnesse, and pa­tience, and long sufferance, [Page 254] knowing that the bounti­fulnes of God leadeth thee to repentance, least thou af­ter thy hardnesse, and heart that cannot repent, heape vppe to thy selfe wrath a­gainst Rom. 24. 5 the day of wrath: and truely his long suffe­ring is saluation, and repen­tance the way to bring vs thereto, that we may finde 2 Pet. 3. 15 mercy with the Lord at that day: thus the heart of the penitent is like waxe, it is molten in the middest of their bowels, but the wic­keds Psa. 22. 14 is as strong as a stone, and as hard as the nether mil-stone: thus they sowe Eze. 13. 18 pillowes vnder their arme­holes, and make vailes vp­on the head of euery one that standeth vp to winne [Page 255] soules, lying in sinne, and presumptuously reposing v­pon vaine perswasion of the mercy of God, which they euer abuse, truely his mer­cie Cant. 1. 16 is that green-bed wher­in his true members doe lie, howsoeuer the wicked make his mercy cloakes of shame, for as the Apostle saith, they haue theis liber­ty 2. Cor. 4. 2 for a cloake of malitious­nesse, saying as the Iewes Ier. 7. 4 did, this is the temple of the Lorde, rrusting in lying wordes that cannot profit, but bee thou not deceiued, God is not mocked; let no man deceiue thee with vain Gal. 6. 7 wordes, for, for these things the wrath of God comes vpon the children of mis­beliefe, Eph. 5. 6 who rest in their [Page 256] owne peace and security, when as hee that walketh vprightly, walketh onely boldly and in the feare of the Lord, is an assured strength: wherefore well Eccl. 5. 4. 5 doth the wise-man aduise vs, say not Gods mercy is great, hee will bee pacified 6 for the multitude of my sins, for mercy and wrath come from him, and his indigna­tion 7 resteth vpon sinners, make no tarrying to turne to the Lord, and put not off from day to day, for suddenly shall the wrath of the Lord come forth, and in thy security thou shalt be destroyed, and perish in the day of vengeance: and againe say not, I haue sin­ned and what harme hath [Page 257] happened vnto mee? for the Lord is long-suffering, he will in nowise let thee go: and concerning propitiati­on be not without feare to adde sinne to sinne.

Is not the mercy of God great? and nothing can be greater, & larger, as is said, Esa. 6 the Archangels and Angels in heauen, Prophets, Apo­postles, Martyrs, and Con­fessors on earth, and all Psa. 136 things that liue, or yet are created, commend the same, & in one Psalme, euery verse (euen twenty sixe times) endeth with this, for his mercy endureth for euer.

O but beware hereof, this is Satans olde subtilty, whereby hee maketh man bolde on sinne, as hee did [Page 258] Euah, you shall not die at all said hee, hee couereth and hideth the Lords iustice from mens eyes, and remo­ueth the euill day a far off; thus hee lieth in waite se­cretly, euen as a Lyon in his den, he lieth in wait to spoyle the poore, when he draweth him into his net, therefore heape of poore do fall by his might, but hee Psa. 10 9 greatly enlargeth the Lords bountifulnes, and patience; for as it is true the Lord is mercifull, so is this true that hee visiteth the iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generation, & there­fore thou must consider that which Dauid did sing, I wil sing mercy and iudgement Psa. 109. 1 saith hee, vnto thee O Lord [Page 259] will I sing. And herein is God and his ministers, di­stinguished from Satan and his; for God euer conioy­neth mercy and iustice to­gether, but Satan harpes continually on one of them onely, as hee saith, peace, Ier. 6. 14 peace, when there is no peace, thus these monsters draw out their breast, and giue sucke to their young Lam. 4. 3 ones, thus the wicked is made to boast of his owne hearts desire, hee blesseth himselfe and contemneth the Lord; the deceiuing Psa. 10. 3 teachers wordes, are softer then butter, yet is there warre in the heart of him they are spoken to, their wordes I say are more gen­tle then oyle, yet are they Psa. 55. 21 [Page 260] swords, but if thou wilt bee cured, beloued, there must be put into thy sores both wine and oyle, that thou maiest suffer the wholesome and sound doctrine, and not resemble those, whose itch­ing eares turne away from hearing the truth, on whom 2. Tim. 4. 3 while they dream on peace and safety, then sudden de­struction commeth as sor­row vpon a woman with 1. Thes. 5. 3 childe, and they shall not e­scape any wise.

Whenas a childe hath a bird tyed by the foot, tos­seth it to and fro vntill hee kill it; so these false teach­ers, & men seducing them­selues, while they abuse the Lords tender mercies, as if they were bound to all [Page 261] their youthfull sinnes, and antient follies, want only & insolently bragging of thē, and grieuing the holy spirit of Israel: they turne his mercies (I say) thus disdai­ned by them, vnto the bit­ternesse of his wrath, fooles and children they may bee called concerning vnder­standing, 1. Co. r 14 albeit they bee of a ripe age.

And like as an olde man beeing to passe ouer a nar­row and small bridge, put­teth on his spectacles, in which the bridge appeareth a great deale bigger then of it selfe it is, where hee fal­leth to the hazard of his life in the ditch, so they that wander from this mortality to immortality by the mer­cies [Page 262] of God, not rightly e­steeming the same, but walkes in the broade way that leadeth to destruction, they may I say, cry out, great is his mercy, which yet is not so great that it will fauour them which de­lay from time to time to turn to the Sauiour of man­kinde, which haue made a couenant with death, and with hell are at agreement, though a scourge run ouer, and passe thorough, it shall Esa. 28. 15 not come say they, at vs, for we haue made falshood our refuge, and vnder vani­ty are wee hid, but what followeth hereon? -hey fal­ling from the bridge of their vaine hope, and Satan that deceiued them, shall be [Page 263] cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, then shall they Reu. 2. 10 with great griefe say to the mountaines and rockes, fall vpon vs, and hide vs from the presence of him that sit­teth vpon the throne, and Reu 6. 16 from the wrath of the lamb, for the great day of his wrath is come, and who can stand? yes truely, they will wish any thing fall ra­ther vpon them, then that they should fall into that lake.

O but can a Lambe wax angry, yea the more pati­ent and slow the Lord is to punish sinne, the more ire­full Esa. 65. 3 he is when in spite hee is prouoked to his face, which the very Saincts of God haue wisely fore-seen; [Page 264] O Lord rebuke mee not in Psa. 6. 9 thine anger, saith hee, nei­ther chastise mee in thy wrath: and the Prophet, Ier. 10. 14 Lord correct mee but with iudgement not in thy an­ger, least thou bring me to nothing, and no maruell, for euen the Angels in that vision had the face of a man Ezek. 1. 10 and of a lion, euen as they were taught of the Lord: hee had the face of a lambe to take away the sinnes of the world, yea and the face of a lion to punish the sins of the world, for this is the day of grace and accepta­ble time, wherein mercy is offered to the penitent, which being neglected and contemned, in his day, the day I say of the Lord, hee [Page 265] will vtter cruelty, where­fore the Prophet saith, woe Am. 5. 18 be vnto them that desire the day of the Lord, what haue you to doe with the day of the Lord? it is darknesse, and not light: but the god­ly contrarily desire the time to bee at hand, and there­fore doe earnestly craue the appearance of the Lord Ie­sus, Ren 22. 10 saying, euen so come Lord Iesus, come and tarry not: which the wicked doe tauntingly and scornefully vtter, but as Sampson was Iudg. 16. 30 reuenged on the Philistims who iested at him, so be­holde here is a stronger one then Sampson, for now by mercy hee is a man, that is sometime to be a lyon, and the man is that lambe that [Page 266] taketh away the sinnes of the repentant: but then the lyon shall be to the wilfull and stubborne sinner, a boare to teare them in pee­ces.

And thus God suffereth with long patience, the ves­sels of wrath prepared to destruction, and to declare the riches of his glory vpon the vessels of mercy, which Rom. 11 hee had prepared vnto mer­cy: Cast not away therfore beloued, thy confidence which hath great recom­pence of rewarde, for thou hast need of patience, that after thou hast done the will of God, thou maiest receiue Heb. 10. 35 the crowne, and be not one of them which with-drawe themselues to perdition, but [Page 267] be of faith to the saluation of thy soule, if thou cast thy selfe downe humbly at his feet, water thy couch in thy earnest repentance with teares, if thou shalt with all thy soule aske mercy and forgiuenesse, God cannot deny himselfe, hee is faith­full, and will forgiue, euen for his owne Sonnes blood, as of a lambe without ipot and blemish, & let all them 1. Pet. 1. 19 which are redeemed, thus refuse all things in regarde thereof, and cast downe their crownes before his feete, confessing them to haue beene, and now are Reu. 4. 10 most vnprofitable seruants, and hee will put away their transgressions as a clowde and like a mist: O turne vs [Page 268] vnto thee O Lord, for thou Esa. 44, 20 art our Sauiour, waken vs that we may strengthen the Reuel. 3, 2 things which remaine that are ready to die, before our wickednes be full, and time of recouery past, so shalt Gen. 15. 16 thou redeeme our life from the graue, and crowne vs Psa. 103. 4 with mercy and compassi­ons, and thereafter bestow 2. Tim. 4. 8 on vs the crowne of righte­ousnesse layed vp for vs, which the Lord the righte­ous 1. Pet. 5. 4 iudge shall giue vs at that day, & not to vs only, but vnto all them also that loue his appearance; wee shall euen receiue I say that Tit. 3. 5 incorruptible crowne of glory at the appearance of of our chiefe shepheard, not Rom. 11. 6 for the works of righteous­nesse [Page 169] which wee haue done (for our best are but gliste­ring Gal. 5. 16 sins) but for his owne bountifulnesse, (and loue of his meer mercy, fauour, and grace, to vs which walke in the spirit, and do not fulfill Gal. 6, 8 the lusts of the flesh: for he that soweth in the flesh, shall of the flesh reape cor­ruption, but he that soweth to the spirit, shall of the spi­rit reape life euerlasting: let vs then bee renewed in Eph. 4. 23 the spirit of our minde, and put on the new man, which Gal. 6. 14 after God is created in righ­teousnes and holinesse, haue the worlde crucified to vs, Gal. 2, 20 and vs to the world, yea & that we may liue vnto God, bee crucified with Christ, and may in all soundnesse [Page 270] of minde say, I liue yet, not I now but Christ liueth in me, and in that I now liue in the flesh, I liue by faith in the Sonne of God, who hath loued mee, and giuen himselfe for mee: O that once (to conclude) wee might thinke all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus our Lord, and iudge Phil. 3. 8 them but dung, that wee may winne Christ, setting alwaies our affections on things that are aboue, and not on things which are on the earth, that beeing dead to sinne, our life may bee hidde with God in Christ, Col. 3. 2. 3 that when hee that is our life shall appeare, we may also appeare with him in [Page 271] glory, to whom with the Father, and the holy Ghost, we render all glory, praise, maiesty, and domini­on, both now and euer-more,


A Heauenly & Chri­stian caueat, whenso­euer, or wheresoeuer the Diuell by suggestions, the flesh by the corruption thereof, or the world by wicked exam­ple, would allure or entice thee to sinne, then seriously be­thinke thee, and guard thee with these few Articles.

1 VVEigh diligent­ly the eternity both of life which is a re­ward of well-doing, as also of death & paine, for yeel­ding to the contrary, which both are such as the eye hath not seen, the eare hath not heard, neither yet can enter into the heart of man, [Page 274] and shall rather by sense be felt. then by iudgement bee vnderstood.

2 Remember the nobi­lity, worth, and dignity, of the nature of man, how gracious it is in the sight of God, while it standeth in grace; how abiect & vile it is subiect vnder sinne.

3 Consider the value of the rest, tranquillity, and peace of a good mind, both with God, thy selfe, and thy neighbour, for while thou sinnest God is against thee, to punish thee; in doing well Satan is against thee, to assault thee.

4 Make euery day a re­citall of the Lords blessings vpon thee, in thy predesti­nation and election, before [Page 275] thou wast created, his gifts before thou camest to knowledge, and his preser­uation of thee vntill now, from deserued plagues of of pestilence, sworde, fa­mine, fire, and water, in place whereof, hee prolon­geth thy life, giueth thee food, rayment, and health of body, giueth his pre­sence in his word and Sa­craments for thy soule, his spirit to thy effectuall cal­ling to grace, benefites publicke and priuate, gene­rall and particular, which are so infinitely and vnde­seruedly poured on thee, while thou refusest thy loy­alty to thy soueraigne, re­uolts, & confederates with his greatest enemies.

[Page 276]5 Meditate the paines of Christ in his whole life, what hee was before his in­carnation, and what he be­came after, looke vnto his crosse, passion, and bitter death, and for whom he did vndergoe the same, and how wee rewarde him with de­spighfull vnthankefulnesse, distrusting his goodnes al­together, or else too much presumptuously re-lying thereon, in continuation of our sinnes, and postponing of repentance.

6 Consider, that with­out hearty and zealous re­morse, neuer any shall at­taine to life euerlasting, & that it is not a gift may bee had at all times, yea it is of­ten refused, because the [Page 277] pretious time of visitation was neglected, than it is seldome true & liuely when it is to late, that very often impenitency is tyed to sin, with the wages thereof.

7. That death is a faith­full doore-keeper, which will not suffer thee to haue more with thee out of this world of the goods there­of, but so much as thou bringest in with thee, which is nakednesse, crying, and griefe: the goods of faith, hope, repentance, and cha­rity, shall onely accompa­nie and follow the consci­ence after death, which shall neuer be seuered from the soule, either in well or euill doing, but supplies in wic­kednesse all the offices of a [Page 278] Court, cites, arrests, pre­sents, iudgeth, beareth wit­nesse, condemneth or iusti­fieth, executeth & tormen­teth eternally, for it is that worme that dyeth not.

8 Death as our shadow attendeth vs in euery place, which as it is most certaine, so the day and houre is most vncertaine to vs, for who knoweth the time, houre, or place thereof.

9 Looke that the lon­gest liuer hath beene gathe­red to his fathers, and hath gone the way of all flesh, our life being but a sleepe, or shadowe of longer or shorter continuance.

10 Pause vpon the in­esteemable good we lose by sinning, hardly recouera­able: [Page 279] the infinite and vn­speakeable euill wee incurre thereby, how short pleasure is requited with vnmeasu­rable torment.

11 Remember the com­panions which euer attend vpon sinne, Gods high dis­pleasure, the losse of the right which we haue to his creatures, the grieuing of his spirit, & the banishing of his good Angells from vs, confusion, storme and torture of minde, a fearfull expectation of Gods insup­portable wrath, the sparkes whereof doe beginne but to be kindled here, beside the loath somenesse, wearisome­nesse, and anxiety wee haue in the sweetest fits of sinne.

12 Consider the Patri­arkes, [Page 280] Prophets, Apostles, Martyres, and all the godly, how wisely they haue daun­ted and bridled their vitious willes and affections, and couragiously ouer-throwne the strong holde of sinne within them, for the crown of glory that was set before them, died in Gods fauour, and liued all their time in his feare, left testimony and cōmendation behind them, to the end of the world, of their strong and inuincible faith, but the memory of the wicked doth rot, and his posterity is plagued.


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