❧ The Boke of Nurtur for men seruauntes, and children, with Staus puer ad mensam, newelye corrected, verye vtyle and necessarye vnto all youth.

THERE is fewe thynges to bee v [...]derstande more necessarye, then to teache and gouerne children in learning and good man [...]r. For it is a high seruice to god, it encreaseth fauour, it multiplyeth goodes, and increaseth thy good name, it increaseth prai [...]r, and by prayer grace, and to vse children in v [...]rtue and good learnynge. The cause of the world being so euill in liuinge, as it is, is for lacke of vertue in youth. Which youth sheweth the disposicid of their parentes or maisters, vnder whome they haue beene go­uerned. For youth is disposed to take suche as they are ac [...]ustomed in, good or euill. For if the conuersation of the gouernour bee euill: needes must the childe bee euyll. A [...]d thus by the chyld ye [...]hall perceyue the dysposycion of the gouernoure. For of euyll examples many daungers and abhominable sinnes foloweth. For the whiche bothe the disciple and the maister shall suffre, and doth daylye. It is also necessarye for a gouernour to vse them in faire speche, and set to well theyr wordes with good aduyse­ment without stamerynge. And yf ye putte theym to schole awaye from you, see ye putte theym to a dyscrete maister that canne punisshe sharpelye with pacienc [...] and no [...] with rigour, for it doth oft times make them to rebel and run awai. Wherof chaūseth oft times much harme. [Page] Also their parentes must oft times instruct them of god, & of his lawes, and vertuous instructions of his woorde▪ and other good examples, and suche like. And thus by ly­tle and lytle they shall come to the knowledge of reason, faith, and good christen liuing. For as S Paule saith vnto Timothie. He that doth not regarde the cure & charge of them that are vnder the charge of [...]is gouernaunce, he denieth the faith, and is worse th [...]n a Pagan. And take good hede of anye new seruantes that you take into your house, & how ye put them in authoritie amonge your children: and take hede howe they spende that is geuen th [...]m. Also apose your seruantes of theyr beleife, and also yf they bringe anye thinge home that is misse taken, or tell tales or newes of detraction, ye shall than reproue them sharpely, if they will not learne, auoid them out of your house: for it is great quietnes to haue people of good fa­ [...]ion in a house. Apparrell not your children or seruauntes that are of lawful discretion in sumtuous apparel: for it encreaseth pride and ob [...]tinacie, and many other euils oft times. Nor let your childrē go whether thei wil but know where thei go, in what cōpany, and what they haue done, good or euil. Take hede thei speake no wordes of vilany, for it causeth much corruptiō to engender in thē, nor shew them much carnal loue: & s [...] that thei vse honest sportes & games▪ Marke wel what vice thei are speciallye inclined vnto (breake it be tymes) and oft tymes vse them to heare the worde of god preached, and then enquire of them what thei hard preached, & vse them not to read fained fables, or vaine fantacies, of folysh loue it is time lost. For if thou learne pure and clene doctrine in youth, thou shalt powre out plenty of good and pure waters in thine age: & yf any strife or debate be amōg them at night, charitably cal thē to gether, and with wordes or stripes make thē al to agre in one. Take heede if thy seruaunt or childe murmure or [Page] grudge against thee, breake it be time. And when thou hearest thē sweare or curse, lie or fight: thou shalt reproue them sharply. And ye that are frendes or kin, shal laboure how to mak [...] them to loue and drede you, as wel for loue as for feare.

☞The maner of seruing a knight, squier, or gentleman.

FYrst ye must be diligēt to know your maisters pleasure, & to know the order & custome of his house. For diuers maisters are of sūdrie cōdicions & ape­tites. And if thou be admytted in any office, as buttrie or pantrie, in some places thei are both one: take an inuitory of suche thynges as ye take charge of, howe it is spent. For it pleaseth a maister muche to haue a trew rekenyng: then in your office of the pantry, se that your br [...]ad be chipped and squared▪ and note how mu [...]h ye spend in one day. And se your na [...]ry clean [...], and [...]ort euery [...]hynge by it selfe, the cleane from the foule, ke [...] euery house of office cl [...]ne, and all that [...]: when your maister will go to his [...] about your necke, then take a cup [...], and a towel, to araye your cup­bord [...], set on bread, salt, & trenchers, the salt [...] trēchers before the salt: set your napkins [...] cupbord readie, and lay euery man a trench [...] [...], and a spone: and yf ye haue mo meases then [...] maisters table, considre what degre thei be of, [...] after ye may serue them: & then set downe euery th [...]n [...] at that mease as before, except your keruing kniues: [...]f [...]ere be many gentlemen or yomen, then set on bread [...] [...]renchers, spones after they be set, or els after the cul [...] [...]f the house. And some do vse to set before euery man a lofe of bread and his cup, & some vse the cōtrary thus must yo [...] haue respect to the order of the house, and in some places it is vsed to set dryncke, and a lofe or two. [Page] In some places the ker [...]er doth vse to shew and set down and goth before the course and beareth no dish, & in some place, he beareth the first dish, and maketh obeysaunce to his maister, & setteth it downe couered before the degre of a knyght, or els not vsed, and take the couers and se [...] thē by. Also the karuer hath aucthoritie to karue to all at hys maysters mease, and also vnto other that syt io [...]ninge by them if he liste, see ye haue voyders readye for to auo [...]de the morsels that they doe leaue on theyr trenchers. Then with your trenchour knife take of suche fragmentes, and put it in your voyder, and set them cleane a gaine. Al your soueraignes trench [...]urs, or breade, voyde theym once or twise, speciallye when they are wet, or geue theim cleane. And as ye se men leaue eatyng of the fy [...]st and secōd dishe so auoyd them from the table. And than if that so bee ye haue any more courses than one or two, ye maye make the more hast in voyding, and euer let one dishe or two stande til the next course, and than take vp al, and set downe fresh and cleane voyders withal, and let them not bee to ful or ye emptie them and then set cleane agayn, and loke what sause is ordayned for anye meate, voyde the sause therof when ye take a way the meate. And at the degre of a knyght ye may set down your cup cou [...]red, & lifte of the couer, and set it on a gayne, and when he lysteth to drinke and taketh of the cou [...]r, take the couer in thy hand and set it on againe, when he hath dronken loke the cup of wyne or ale be not empt [...]e, but oft renewed. Also the karuer shall break his dishe before his maister, or at a sidecupbourde, with cleane kniues, & se there lacke not bread nor drinke, & when men haue wel eaten, & do [...]egin to waxe wery of ea­ting, or if ye perceyue by the coūtenaunce of your maister when ye shal take vp the mea [...], & voyde the table, begin at the lowest mease, take away your spones, if there be anye how be it ye may auoid thē, after brothes & baked meates [Page] are past. Then take away your [...]o [...]ders & your dyshes of meate as they were se [...] downe, so take t [...]em vp in order. Then se [...] down [...]hese or [...], and that ended void your chese & frui [...]es and couer your cup, al [...] or wyne, first vo [...]de the ale, and then the wine, then set on a brode voyder & put therin the small peces of breade and small cromes, with trenchers & napkyns, & with your trencher knife or nap­kin make clene the table, then set awaye your bread hole, & also your voyder, then take vp the salte and make ob [...] ­saunce, marke if your maister vse to wash at the ta [...]le or standyng, if he be at the table, cast a cleane towell on your table cloth, and set downe your basyn & ewer before your soueraigne, & take the ewer in your hande, and geue them water. Then voide your basin & ewer, and folde the borde cloth togyther with your towelll therin, and so take thē of the bord. And when your soueraigne shal was she set your towel on the left hand of him, & the water before your so­ueraigne at dinner or supper, if it be to bedwarde, set vp your basin & your towel on the cupbord agayne. And yf your mayster wyll haue any conceytes after dynner, as ap­ples nuttes, or creame, then lay forth a towel on the bord an [...] set theron a lofe or two, see ye haue trenchers and sp [...]nes in a redynes if nede require, then serue forth your mayster wel, and so take it vp agayne with a voyder.

¶Howe to ordre your maisters chamber, at night to bedwarde.

ARay your cupbord with a cupborde cloth with your basin, ewer, candell light, & towell, yf ye haue helpe, ser one to beare a torche or some other lyghte before, and another folowe to bea [...]e a towell and bread for your table as thou seest nede. And if you haue banket disshes what soeuer it be, as fruites put in sundrie disshes and all o­ther confections and conceytes of spicerye, also wh [...]n the [Page] di [...]hes are emp [...]ie auoide them from the table: if your so­ueraigne be a knight or squier, set downe your dishes co­uered and your cup also. And if your soueraigne be not set at the table let your dishes stand couered til he be set, and when he is set, then take the voyders. When your mai­ster entendeth to bedward, se that ye haue fire and candle sufficient, ye must haue cleane water at nyght and in the mornyng, if your maister ly in fresh shetes, dry of the moistenes at the fyre, if he ly in a strange place se his shetes be cleane, then folde down his bed, and warme his night ker­cher, and se his house of office be cleane, helpe of his clo­thinge, and drawe the cortins, make sure the fire & candle, auoyd the dogges, shut the dores. And at night or in the morning, your master being alone, if ye haue anything to say, it is good knowyng his pleasure: in the mornynge yf it be colde make a fyre and haue in cleane water, & bringe him his peticoat warme with his doublet and al his apa­rel cleane brusht, and his showes made clene, and help to aray hym, trusse his poyntes strike vp his hosen, and see al thynge clenly about him, gyue him good attendaunce and especially among straungers, for attendaunce dothe please masters very wel. Thus doynge with dillygence god wil preferre you to honour and good fortune.

☞ Here foloweth the booke of nurture of good maners for man and childe.

AL ye that wolde learne, and wolde be called wise
Obedience learne in youth, in age it wil avo [...]d vice
I am blind in Poetes art, therof I can no skyl
Al eloquence I put a part, folowe mine owne wyl
Corrupt in speche my breues and longes to know
Borne and bred in Deuonshyre, my termes wil wel show,
[Page]Take the best, leaue the worst, of truth I meane no yll
The matter not curious, but thentent good, marke it well
Pardon I aske, if I offend, thus boldly to wryte
To maister, seruaunt, yong or olde, I do me submit
Reforming both youth and age, if any do amis
To you I shew my mynde, amende where nede is
Set your yonge people, good maners for to learne.
To your elders be gentell, do nor say no harme
Yf youth do euyll, theyr parentes are reported sone
Thei shuld teach other good, by lyke them selues can none
A good father, makes good childrē, grace being thē within
For as they be vsed in youth, in age they wyll begin
He that lack [...]th good maners is litle set by,
Without vertuous condicions, a man is not worth a flye,
Reuerence thy parentes, so dutie doth the bynde
Suche chyldren encrease in vertue by kynde,
Agaynst thy parentes multiplye no wordes, be ye sure,
It wyll be to the a prayse, and to thy fr [...]ndes pleasure,
A plant without moisture, can brynge forth no floure
Yf in youth ye want vertue, in age you shal lacke honoure
Drede, god, flye synne, earthly thynges are mortall
Be not hye mynded, for pryde wyll haue a fall
Ryse earely in the mornynge, for it hath properties thre
Holynes, health, and wealth, as my father taught me,
At syxe a clocke at the fatthest, vse for to ryse
Forget not then to blesse the once or twyse,
Euery morny [...]ge vse some deuocion, let for no nede,
All the day after, the better thou shalt spede,
Or thou thy chamber passe, purge thy nose cl [...]ane.
And other filthy thinges, you knowe what I meane
Brushe and sponge the clothes, that thou shalt weare
Cast vp your bed, lose noue of your g [...]a [...]e
Make clene your shoes, combe your head, & you enbrace
Se thou forget not to washe thy handes and face.
[Page]Put on thy clothing for thy degree, hones [...]ly do it make
Byd your felow good morowe, or ye your way forth take
To your frendes, & to father & mother, looke ye take hede
F [...]r any hast, do them reuerēce, the better shalt thou spede
Drede the cursing offather & mother, for it is a heuy thing
Do thy duty to them, for the contrary is thy dyspraysing
When thy parentes come in syght do to them reuerence
Aske thē blessing if they haue ben lōg out of thy presence
Cleanly apoint your aray, beware than of disdayne
Than be gentell of speche, and manerly you retayne
As ye passe by towne or strete, sadly go forth your way
Gase, [...]e scoff [...], nor scold, with man, n [...] child make no fray
Faire spech doth great pleasure, semeth of a gentle blood
Gentle is to vse faire spech, it requireth nothing but good
Wh [...]n thou comest into the church, thy praiers for to saye
Kn [...]le, sit, stande, or walke, deuoutly loke thou do pray
Caste not your eye to and fro, althinges for to se
Els shalt thou be iudged plainly, a want [...]n for to be
When thou art in church, do churchly warkes
Cōmunication vse thou not to womē, priestes ne clarkes
When your deuocion is done, a time is towardes dinner
Draw home to your maisters presēce, there do your deuer
[...]f ye be desyred to serue or syt, or eate meate at the table
Enclin to good maners, and to nurture your self in able
And your soueraigne cal you, with him to dine or suppe
Geue him reuerence to begin, of meate and cuppe
And beware for any thyng, prese not thy self to hie
To s [...]t in the place, appointed thee, that is curtesie
And when thou art set, and table couered the before
[...]are not thy nailes, file not your cloth, learne that lore
A [...]d thy mayster speake to thee, take thy cap in thy hande
If thou sit at meate when he talketh to the, se thou stand
Leane not to the one syde, whan thou speakest for nothing
Holde styll hand and foote, and beware of triflinge.
[Page]Stande sadly in tellinge thy tale, when as thou talkest
Trifle with nothyng, & stande vpright when thou speakest
Twhart not with thy felow, nor speake with hye voyce,
Poynt not thy tale with thy finger, vse no such toyes,
Haue audience when thou speakest, speke with auctoritie
Els if thou speake wisdome, litle will it auayle thee
Pronounce thy speche with a pause, marke well thy word
It is good hearyng a child, beware with whō ye bourde
Talke not to thy soueraigne no time when he doth drinke
When he speketh giue him audiēce, that is good I thinke
Before that you sit, se that your knyfe be bright
Your handes cleane, your nayles pared is a good sygh [...].
When thou shalt speake, rolle not to faste thyne eye,
Gase not to and fro as one that were voyde of curtesye,
For a mans countenaūce oftimes discloseth his thought
His looke with his speche wil iudge him good or nought
And se your knife be sharpe to cut your meate withall
So the more clenlyer cut your meate you shall
Or thou put much breade in thy potage, loke thou it assay
Fil not thy spone to ful lest, thou lose somwhat by the way
If men eate of your dishe cromme therin no bread
Least your handes be▪ sweatie ther of take ye good hede
They may be corrupt that causeth it, is no fayre vsage
Of breade slice out fayre morsels to put in your potage
Fil it not to ful of bread, for it may be to thee reprouable
Lest thou leaue part, then to measure thou art variable.
And sup not loude of thy potage, [...]o tyme in all thy lyfe
Dyp not thy meat in the saltseller, but take it with a knif [...]
When thou hast eaten thy potage do as I shal the wishe
Wipe cleane thy spone, and leaue it not in the dishe
Laie it downe before thy trencher, therof be not afrayde
And take [...]ede who taketh it vp, least it be conuayed.
Cut not the best morsell forthy selfe, leaue part behynde
Be not gredye of meate and drinke, be liberall and kynde
[Page]Burnishe no bones with thy teeth, for that is vnsemely
Rent not thy meate a sondre, for to curte [...]y it is contrary
And a straūger sit nere the, euer amonge now and than
Rewarde him with some dainties, lyke a gentelman
If your felow fit fro his meate, and can not come therto
Then cut him such as thou hast, that is gently do
Belke nere no mans face with a corrupt f [...]mosytie
Turne from such occasion, it is a [...]y [...]kynge ventositie
Eate smal morsels of meate, not to great in quantitie
Yf ye lyke such meates, yet folow not euer thy fantasie,
Corrupt not thy lips with eatyng, as a pigge in a draffe
Eate softly a [...]d drinke manerly beware ye do not quaffe
Sc [...]atch not thy head or fingers when thou art at meate
Nor spit ouer the table bourd se thou do not forget
Picke not thy teeth with thy knife, nor finger ende
But with a sticke or some cleane thing, thā do ye not offend
If your teeth be putrified, me thinke it is no right
To touch meate other shuld eate, is no cleanly syght
Picke not thy handes, nor playe not with thy knife
Kepe stil fote and hand at meate time begin ye no stryfe
Wipe thy mouth when thou shalt drinke ale or wyne
On thy napkin only, and se al thynge be cleane
Blow not your nose in the napkin, wher ye wipe your hād
Clense it in your handkerchife, then passe ye not your hād
With your napkin ye may oft wype your mouth cleane
Some thing theron wil cleaue that can not be sene
Fil not thy trenchour with morsels great and large
With much meate f [...]ll not thy mouth like a barge
Temper thy selfe with drinke, so kepe the from blame
It hu [...]teth thy hones [...]y, and hyndreth thy go [...]d name
A pint at a draught, to powre in fast as one in haste
Foure at a mease is thre to many▪ in such I thinke waste
Use thy selfe from exc [...]sse, both in meate and drinke
And euer kepe temperaunce, if that ye wa [...]e or winke
[Page]Fil not thy mouth to full least thou must nedes sp [...]ake
Nor blow not ou [...] thy crommes when thou dost eate
Foule not t [...]e place with spitting where thou doest s [...]t
Lea [...]t it ab [...]or [...]e some to se it when thou hast forget
If thou mus [...] spyt or blow thy nose, kepe it out of syght
Let it no [...] lie in the grounde, but treade it out ryght
With bones & voide morsels, [...]ill not thy trencher to full
Auoide them into a voyd [...]r, and no man will it anul
Rol not thy meat in thy mouth, that euery man may it se
But eate thy meate somwhat close, for it is hones [...]ie
If thy soueraign profer the to drinke ones, twise, or thrise
Take it gen [...]ly at his hand, for incourt it is the guise
When [...]hou ha [...]t drōke set it down, or take it to his seruāt
L [...]t not thy mais [...]er set it down, then is it well I warrant
Blow not in thy [...]otage or drink, that is not cōmendable
For and thou [...]e not [...] of body, thy breath is corupta [...]le
Cast [...] b [...]nes vnder the table, nor none do thou knacke
Stretche the not at t [...]e table, nor leane forth thy backe
Afore dinner or after with thy knife scorch not the bourde
Suche toyes are not comendable, tr [...]st me at a worde
Leane not on the bourde when your ma [...]ster is therat
For then will your soueraigne thinke in you checkmate
Be not a [...]hamed to eate the meate, whiche is set before the
Manerl [...] for to take it, that agreeth well wi [...]h curtesye
Cast not thy eyes to and fro, as one that was full of toyes
Much waggyng with the head, sem [...]th thou art not wyse
Scratche not thy heade, put not thy fynger in thy mouth
Blow not thy nose nor loke theron, to some it is loth
Be not [...]ude whe [...]e ye be, nor at the table where ye sit
Some men wil [...]me the dronken, or mad, or to lacke wit
Wh [...]n meate is taken away, & the voyders set in presence
Put your [...] [...]n the voyder, and also the residence
Take with your [...] knife for [...]he cromes before the
Put your nap [...]yn in the voyder, for it is curtesie
[Page]Be gentell alwaye and good to please, be it night or day
With tonge & hand be no regyous, let reason rule alwae
When the meate is take vp, & the table cloth made cleane
Than take hede of grace, and to washe your self demeane
And whyle grace is sayenge, s [...] you make no noyse
Thanke god of your fare, to your souera [...]gne giue prayse
When ye perceyue to ryse, say to your felowes all
Mu [...]h good do it you gently, then gentlemen wyll you cal
Then go to your soueraigne, & giue obeysaunce maner [...]y
And withdraw you asyde, as best for your hones [...]ye
And ye se men in great c [...]unsell prease not to nere
They wyl say you are vn [...]aught, that is sure and [...]l [...]are
Speke not muche in thy felowes ere, giue no yll language
Men are suspicious, and wi [...]l thinke it no good vsage
Laugh not to muche at the table, nor at it make no game
Uoide slaūderous & baudy tales, vse th [...]m not for shame
O [...] thou be olde beware, so thou ma [...]st get a sodaine fall
And you be honest in youth, in age ye may be liberall.

¶ For the waytyng seruaunt.

IF ye wyll be a seruing man, with attendaunce ye begyn
First [...] serue god, thē the worlde, euer fle from syn
Ap [...]arell the after thy deg [...]e, youth [...]hulde be clene by kind
Pride and dis [...]a [...]ne go before, and shame fastnes behynde
Aquaint your selfe with honest m [...]n that are in auctoritie
Of them maye ye learne in youth, to auoide [...]ll nece [...]sitie
Serche thou must for frendship, and beware flaterie
With leude persons I the counsell, haue no familiaritie
Beholde not thy selfe, in thy app [...]r [...]ll in churche ne strete
To ga [...]e on thy selfe, men wyll thynke it is not mete
Cry ne speke w [...]th loud [...] voice, where as thou dost walke
For of l [...]ght wit or dronke [...] name be thou shalt
Be not slothfull for it i [...] the gou [...]rnour of all vyce
Nor be enuyous to the people for than ye be not wyse
Pl [...]se frendes delyte not in slouth that vyce wasteth goods
[Page]It dulleth wittes, tankleth flesshe, & pa [...]eth fresh blodes
If ye come to another mans house to sport and play
And the good man be at his meate, returne & go your way
If fortune the aduaunce and put the in h [...]e degree
Be liberal and gentel if thou wilt be ruled by me
To liberall nor skant, measure is best in euery thyng
To get in one yere: & spend it in another, is no liuing
It is better to saue somwhat, & kepe it with good prouisiō
Then to wishe for that is spent, for it is euill deuision,
Measure thy expence, spend gladly, auoyde excesse
Ynoughe is a feast, more then ynough is folishn [...]s
A diligent seruaunt taking paine for his maister so,
No doubt his maister will it consydre, & again for him do
A maister wyl know wher he is, & somtime for his plesure
A seruaunt to suffre in angre, to his maisteris a treasure
A seruaunt not reformable, nor of reason wyl take no hede
He falleth into pouertie, in welth he maye not longe abide
Be manly at nede, & begin no quarel in wrong ne right
A iust quarell defendeth it self, in wrong do not fyght
Forbeare if thou maist, if any will strike th [...]n take hede
Defende thy self, the law wil acquite th [...]e at thy n [...]de
A man of his handes with has [...]ynes shuld not bee fi [...]de
Uoide murder saue thy selfe, play the man bei [...]g cōpelde
Be seruiable cleanly, manly, and swere thou no othe,
Be wise, [...]ea [...]ie, and wel aduised, for time trieth trouth
Thou dost thy maister no worship, to thy selfe no honeslye
Be not chekmate with thy mais [...]er, for a word giue foure
Such a seruaunt continueth not long, if he pas one houre
Few wordes in a seruaunt, deseru [...]th commendacions
Suche as be of muche speche, be of euyll operations
Be not to bolde with men aboue thee in degree
In age, birth, or substaunce, lowlynes wil do the honestye
Take pain in youth, [...]louth is dulnes be atte [...]d [...]nt & wise
Be diligent, suffre a tyme, an euil seruaunt is ful of vice
[Page]Put not thy maister to paine, with thy fayned subteltie
Wise m [...]n wyll say lytle, and suffre, to se thy iniquitie
A man that saith litle, shal perceyue by the speche of other
Be thou styll, se, the more shalt thou perceyue in another
Gouerne thou thy tonge, & let thy wordes maister the
If ye folowe wil, ye are like him that wil not thriue perdie
Obstinacie is great folie, in them that shuld haue reason
That wil not know nor amend, their wyttes be so geson
In displeasure forbeare thy felow, la [...] all malice a pa [...]t
Nor medle not with suche, as ye thynke to be ouerthwart
A hasty or wylful maister, that oft chaungeth seruaunt
And a seruaunt fleting, lacketh wit & honesty I the warāt
Chaūge not oft seruice, for it betokeneth a seruant light
He careth for no man, nor none for him in wrong [...]e [...]ight
A t [...]ndable seruant standeth in fauour for his auaūtage
Promoted shal he be in office or fe, easilier to liue in age,
Use honest pastime, talke or singe or some instrument vse
Thoughe they be thy betters, they wi [...]l the not [...]efuse
To prate in thy m [...]ysters presence, it is no humaniti [...],
For your promocion resorte to such asmay you auaūtage
Amōg gētilmen, for rewards, to gētilwomē for mariage
Se your eye be indifferent among women that be faire
And tell thē stories of loue, and so to you they will repai [...]e
Suche pastime somtime doth many a man auaunce
In way of mariage and your good name it wil enhaunce
Of worldly pleasure▪ it is a treasure for to saye truth
To wed a gentle wife, of his bargaine he neuer rueth
What is most trouble to man of all thynges l [...]uynge
A cursed wife sho [...]tneth his life, & bryngeth on his e [...]ding
Womē n [...]se & not wise▪ waketh men whē they shulde slepe
Ly [...]e as a fether in the wether, of suche I take no kepe
Fulgenti [...] declare [...]h de nuptus in Cana galilee
The con [...]icions of men and women, a part I will shew ye
He liketh Christ to a good man the authour of all veritie,
[Page]To rul [...] him selfe and althinges, to obey to man truely
He lykeneth a good woman to the mirour of [...]umilitie
In thē is roted pacyence wher spring [...]th faith by charitie
Faith and truste in good women, [...]oth in dede and worde
Louyng god, obeying their husbandes, clene at bed & [...]ord
Likened womē to ydols, takē for gods yet they were deuils
Iudge ye if women now be cor [...]upt with any such euils
Women to blame or defame, I wyll dispraise none
Say as ye lyst, women are yll to trust al thing [...]s but one
Faire & good are two qualities, scarc [...]ly in one body sene
Fairenes is sone sene, her paciēnce & goodnes is il to d [...]me
For to saue y t a man wolde haue is at large w tout a keper
Who can stay that wil away, or without restraint l [...]t her
Towed a woman that is both good, faire and wise,
Is to haue ynough for him selfe, & for her asmuch thrise
The best liyng with a womā, whē she is yong clene & light
when thou wilt feble the body & head, and was [...] the sight
Who is ill to please, whose heart & eye is insaciable?
An old man, and a yong woman to satisfie is vncurable
when womēs wits are moued, of reason the [...] take no hede
To please thē again must be for loue, m [...]de, or drede,
Pride, couetous, and lechery, if thou wilt from them flee
From treasure, apparel, & faire women, with [...]raw thy eye
Be not to bold in word and dede, for it is but litle honesty
In chambre with women, vse not to muche famil [...]aritie
Te [...]l them n [...]ught that will not bel [...]ue the a [...] [...]hy worde
It appeareth by them their good wil they ma [...] litle aforde
Of womē ye haue hard part, wherby ye p [...]rceyue my mind
Few wordes to wise is best, thus I m [...]ke an ende
I holde the wyse and well taught, and lykely to be ioly
That can beware to se the care of anoth [...]r mans foly
Make y mirrour of an honest [...], & marke how he doth
Do thou l [...]ke to them, then dost thou wisely fo [...]soth
It is better to be poore and honest, to liue in rest & myrth,
[Page]Then be to richewith sorow [...], and come noble of birthe
If thou wilt haue health of bodie, euill diet eschewe
To get a good name, euyll companie thou must not shewe
Euyl ayres corrupt mās body, euyll cōpany doth the same
Uoide euyll cōpanie, therof cōmeth honestye & good fame
Al birdes do lyue by kynde, that are lyke in fether
Good and bad, wild & tame, al kindes do draw together,
Great diuersitie is betwene pride & honesty, it is sone sene
Among wise, it is sone iudged, & knowen what they bene
By the [...]r condicion or facion, al thing sheweth as it is
Iagged or ragged, proude or meke, wis [...] men cal it excesse
Many haue cōnynge and vertue, without gouernaunce
Wo worth reason yll vsed, for it lacketh remembraunce
Better is to speake lytle for profyte, then much for payne
It is plesure to spēde & speake, but hard to call it agayne
Use not hasty ang [...]e, a wise man wil take leasure
Custome of sodayne malyce, will one turne to displeasure
Firste thynke, then speake, & then do it with discr [...]tion
Geue with good wil, and auoide thy enemy with prouisiō
Euil mē take payne to bye hell, & all for wordely pleasure
Derer then good men bye heauē: in god is their treasure
Lerne or ye be lende, folowe the proued mans aduyce
thou shalt perceyue more by this glose, thē by the letter is
Be cōtent with faire rebuke, & haue thy faute in mynde
The wiselier thou dost, the better thou shalt fynde
If thou be wise, consydre thy frend both in word & dede
And thanke him that geueth thee cloth, drinke, and brede
Turne not thy race, lyke a churle, as voyde of all mekenes
To thē that do th [...] good, geue thankes, & shewe gētilnes
Many couet mu [...]h, a [...]d lytell paynes therfore wyll take
If thou wylt a maister please, frō slouth thou must awake
One thynge take hede, thy time spend not in vayne
Tyme mispent, or [...] n [...]t be called agayne
Seke in youth, & thou shalt finde, to be one not vntaught
[Page]Wise or folishe to rule, or be ruled, or to be set at naught,
Take paine in youth if thou wilt be called wise,
Or thou must take it in age, and be full of vice
K [...]pe measure in wealth, a tyme is to the lent
Better is to saue, then to suffre when all is spent,
To remembre bef [...]re what wi [...]l fal, it shal thy hart ease
Fortune doth ebbe & [...]low, good fo [...] wit doth men please
Liue iustly, do wel, & haue wel, let men say what they list
Be sec [...]ete to thy self euer b [...]ware of had I will,
Better is a bi [...]d in hande, then inwode two or three
Leaue not certaine for vn [...]ertaine I aduise thee
Take hede b [...]tyme, for tyme hath no measure
Prayse goodnes, blame euill, loue is a treasure,
Better is trueth with pouertie, then riches with shame
Couetise auoideth gentlenes, l [...]chery good name.
Suffraunce aswageth yre, amendeth that is amis
In lytle medlynge is rest, in a busye tonge none there is
Be not hastye in a matter, but marke well the ende
Be not foe to thy selfe▪ though another the offende
Presume thou not to hie, lest it runne the to blame
I [...] truste is treason, be ruled by reason, flee shame
N [...] maistry it is to get a frende, but for to k [...]pe him lōg
As to thy selfe, so do to thy frende amonge
Where thou art put in trust, be true in word and dede
In a lytle fal [...]hode is shame, in trueth muche mede
Brable not with thy neyghbour, let him liue in reste
For suche oftentimes, biddeth them an euyl feast,
Among fool [...]s there is muche stryfe, disdayn, and debate
Wit [...] wise men euer rest, and peace after a good rate,
T [...]e [...]e is neuer quiet, where angry folke dwell,
Ten is [...]yne to many, theyr malyce is so cruell,
She [...] gentle [...]s to thy seruaunt, willing to amende
[...]sdome wylleth to forbeare, thoughe he offende
In m [...]lyce he not vengeable as S. Mathewe doth speke
[Page]Due correction is nedeful, blessed are the m [...]ke,
Chyde seldome, therin gentylnes is none:
Proue and then chuse of two harmes make one.
To forbeare where thou mayst ou [...]r is gent [...]ye do
Malyce toward thy frende maketh hym thy fo.
A good man doth good it is very playne
Yf his dedes be co [...]trary al he doth is vayne.
Correcte not othe [...] an [...] do thy s [...]lfe the sa [...]e
For it ge [...]tet [...] th [...]e an eu [...]l n [...]me.
Finde not fault in men of good p [...]rseueraunce,
Correct thy s [...]lfe of thy w [...]lful ignoraunce.
Control not your felow fautes as ye wer [...] cleare
To pleasure oth [...]r whyle th [...]y [...]yl be nea [...]e,
Do for other in p [...]osp [...]r [...]tie
And thou shalt be done for in aduersitye.
yf thou becom [...] of a g [...]nt [...] or noble plant
Thy condicion wyl [...]hew I thee warrant
Subdue the yl that wil not good or [...]er abyde
Beware of common grudges at euery tyde:
Conceyue not in thy mynde that thou canst do al
Left wh [...]n thou thinkest thy s [...]lfe thou fal.
A hygh m [...]n [...]ed man thynketh no bodye lyke him
At hys h [...]ghe [...]t yet is he not worth a pyn.
Under thy gouernaunce do no man blame
Use gentle speche so get thee a good name▪
An honest man wyl rebuke hys fault himselfe a lone.
And perceyue hy [...] [...]elf he hath yl done.
Moue no man that is angry, and ful often
A sparke kyndleth f [...]re yf it be forsed to bren,
To thy fel [...]w haue neuer disdayne
yf vnkyn [...]nes happen yet be fren [...]es agayne,
To forb [...]are in anger is a frendly leche
your rage past you wyl repent your yl speche.
A wonderful thy [...]g and easye to be done.
[Page]He that may be f [...]ee, and will not, take of him no charge
Disprayse not in absence, be not vengeable
For smale faultes, smale correction is commendable
Refrayne wrath and correct at leasure,
Utter malyce somtyme doth great dysplesure.
Honest men haue honest wordes earely and late
With theyr betters, and playe not check mate
At thy frendes house by nyght or day,
When rekening is past, then go thy way.
When thou borowest, kepe thy day, though it the payne
Thus mayest thou the sooner borow agayne
Kepe promise and day then take no thought.
Or els it may be full derely bought
Some euer borowe, but neuer bringe agayne,
Euer nedie s [...]yll puttynge theyr frendes to payne.
Alway begyng & euer borowing can not longe endure,
Such do fayle when thei thinke them selfes most sure
It is g [...]eate heuines to man that hath nothinge to lose
More paine to them that hath plentie, saieth the glose,
If thou spende aboue thy degree thou shalt slake
Ta [...]e hede betime, & thou maist slepe when other wake
Ab [...]u [...] thy degree cou [...]t not to maintaine,
Sp [...]n [...]e not thy goodes prodigaly in vayne.
Looke or thou leape, the more ease to take
If thou leape or thou loke, wisedom is to late.
Good counsaile in thy workes doth greatly please,
Comfortable to thy frendes, to thy selfe ease.
Be not moued if thy frende till the plaine
Malyce of mynde is quited agayne.
A mans wi [...]dom is proued when he is yll sayde vnto,
Su [...]feringe is vertue, fooles can not do so
When occasion is, seke profit, for it lasteth not euer,
It comm [...]t [...], and [...]oeth as pleaseth the geuer,
If thou wylte speake with thy mayster, gently go and s [...]e▪
[Page]I [...] is agaynst maner, he shoulde come to thee,
Some are euer borowynge, refusyng no person or tyme,
Caryng [...] for them selues and not for thyne.
Use ge [...]le con [...]icions gyue the poore of [...]hy good
Parte t [...]erof towarde theyr lyuynge and food
S [...]ea [...]e t [...]uth gently is very good
[...]a [...]ned speache commeth vylaynes blood
Mo ke no man what soeuer he be
For it is b [...]t small curtesye.
To dysprayse thyne enemye is blame
Saye w [...]ll th [...]rfore for shame
A styll man is a castell, a man from wo
A bu [...]y t [...]nge oft of his frende maketh his fo.
A gentleman vnstable is foly
Shamefull lyfe in any man is vngodly
A gentl [...]man shoulde be merc [...]full b [...] his natiuitie
Liberall and cu [...]teyfe and full [...]f humanitie.
Poore men faythfull and obedyent in th [...]yr [...]yuynge
Uoydeth rebell [...]on and bloud sh [...]dynge
Kepe grace and gouernau [...]ce in thy mynde
Wan [...] on in youth, vyce in age by kynde
Boast not of thy ryches for s [...]ueraygntie
Thy dedes wyll put the in aucthoryt [...]e.
To a straunger, shewe not thy mynde
Some c [...]n no c [...]unsayle in byn [...]e
To vnkno [...]en me [...], gyue no [...]re [...]ence
Some wyll customablye lye but t [...]uth wyll out
To vtter g [...]yefe doth ease, as I ha [...]de saye
And counsa [...]le do neuer bewraye
If o [...]er record thy saying it may seme true
Utteraunce of counsayle, maketh some to r [...]e
Kepe close [...]cret [...]s without good pro [...]acion,
For people vi f [...]ll [...] deception,
Take h [...]de howe you br [...]ake your for flatterye.
[Page]To leaue pleasure▪ kepe sylence, and folow reason,
For [...]etter is to [...]ule then be ruled,
Disdayne not least your name be defyled.
Loue v [...]rtue [...]ate v [...]ce, tyme [...]o not thou wast
S [...]end in measu [...]e suche as thou hast
Bable not much yf thou wylt be called wyse,
To speake [...]uch is tak [...]n for vyce.
A fool [...] wyl teach b [...]t wyl not be taught
Contrary him an [...] setteth thee at naught,
Al men are knowen by the workes they go a bout
A hon [...]st mans wordes be not to doubt.
Samp [...]ons strength and not reason wyth al
Ho deth not a man from a fal.
M [...]n [...] haue skyl and lacke that should go there to
S [...]m [...] are in authorytie and lytle good do.
[...] cie no one man hath, though he be of hye syence
One [...]ath lea [...]ny [...]g another experyence.
Co [...]ing w [...]t [...] [...]r [...]de, an o [...]icer cruel i [...] an he uy case
The poore man proude, the ryche a thefe lacke grace.
A tyme for al thyng to be mery or glad
Conning without grace is [...]
Put not yong men in authorytie that are proud & lyght,
A mantrid in youth, his exp [...]ry [...]n [...]e is of might.
Many take to muche pryde in con [...]yng,
Than is he not worth a puddyng:
A fool [...]s d [...]spl [...]asure to wyse men is profitable
Hys good wyll vnstedfast, hys desyre vn [...]ac [...]able.
Replye not a gaynst a [...]roud mans tale much,
for h [...] thynketh hym selfe none such.
B [...]tter it is to beate a proud man then to rebuke hym▪
Th [...]y thynk their conceyt wise yet it is very thyn
S [...]tedfastnes wyl enhaunce thy name
Slow in good dedes is great shame
If thou pla [...] and sporte with one simple of byrth
[Page] [...]se gentle pastime, men wil commende your myrth
[...]eware of subtyl craft therin be not infect
[...]f euyl be done wher [...] thou art, men wyl the suspect
[...]oast not of baudines, to haue it know [...]n
[...]o wel, for an euil name is soone blowen
[...] man cleanely ar [...]ayed ought cleanewordes to preach
[...]se wordes lyke apparell, be like in speache
[...]e not bolde in your array, nor yet of your goodes,
[...]ore worth is honestie, then gaye hoodes.
[...]o geue reuerence to thy elders be thou fayne
[...]r they may haue of the great disdane.
[...]eport no slaunder, ne she [...]e any flatery,
[...]t sheweth preuie malyce, and is voyde of curtesye
[...]edle lytle, and thou [...]halt find it ease,
[...]n leaste medlynge thou shalt most please.
[...]duise what you speake, where, howe, and whan
[...]o be beloued is the propertie of a wyse man
[...]hinke or ye speake, take good h [...]de atlest
[...]y thy speache men wyll perceyue thee best
[...]reise not thy selfe, to haue so [...]eraigntie
[...]ood dedes shall put them authoritie,
[...]t thyne owne conceit laughe not nor make game
[...]uoide slaunder and baudy tales for shame.
[...]aughe not to muche, ynoughe is a tr [...]asure
[...]uche laughinge men say lack [...]th n [...]rture
[...]o sad is not be [...]t, the meane is aduauntage
[...]rth for policie somtime, is w [...]sedom & no outrage
[...]r ye begyn marke the ende, and take good hede
[...] good forethought is a frende at nede
[...]e not hasty thyne aunswere to make
[...]east thou repent after, when it is to late.
[...]et or thou spende, then byd thy frynde good morow
[...]a [...]e payne, [...]nd auoyde sorowe.
[...]byrde in hande, is worth ten at large,
[Page]In all my lyfe I coulde scant fynde one trustre
Fynde a frende, th [...]n proue hym, that thou wylt truste to,
So shalt thou knowe, what he wyll do.
If thou haue a frende, chaunge not for a newe
The [...] that trust bu [...] them selues, for frēds nede not shew
Here thy enemyes tale to th [...] ende
Refuse not the rebuke o [...] thy frende.
If thy frende come to thy house for loue or amitie
Put awaye sadnes▪ and shewe familiaritie,
Gyftes receyued, ponder thy degree
A poore mans harty rewarde is worth other three
Of whom thou receyuest, gyue somwhat agayne,
Emptye fystes, can [...]ot haukes reclayme.
If a straunger syt thee nere, make hym good chere
That he may reporte thy name farre and nere
Retayne a straunger after his degree
Another tyme: he maye do as moche for thee
Of secret matte [...]s speake not, yf thou be sage,
Talke discretly and not outrage.
Hon [...]st men be content with suche as they fynde
And take all thynges with a good mynde
Cōmaunde not in another mās house nor contende
So shall other the commende.
A man [...]hat is nothyng l [...]berall
Comm [...]th not of gentl [...]n [...]s at all
Syt no [...] in the hiest place, where the good man is present
G [...]ue hym place, marke his maners with aduisement
Regarde honesty where euer thou art bent
Or els some men wyll not be content
In sporte and playe with man and chylde
Be thou euer meke and mylde.
Suspecte no counsayle, yf it be not to the moued
For frowarde thoughtes are ofte deceyued▪
If thou come to a mans house, knock [...] or tho [...] go [...],
[Page]Presume not to farre, thoughe he be of thy kyn
If ye be sent on message, know it sure throughout
Then mayst thou speake boldly without any doubte
Delyte to reade good bokes, ma [...]ke them well
Therof cōmeth knowledge, wi [...]dom, and counsell.
Here of this matter I make an ende,
He that seketh wisdom, is his owne frende
¶He that spendeth muche, and getteth nought
He that oweth muche and hath nought
He that looketh in his purse, and fyndeth noug [...]te.
[...]aye be sorye and saye nought.
¶He that maye and wyll not
He then that wolde shall not
He that woulde and cannot
Maye repent and sy [...]e no [...].
¶He that sweareth til no man trust him
He that lieth tyll no man beleue him,
He that b [...]roweth tyll no man wyll lende hym
Let hym go where no man knoweth hym.
¶He that hath a good mayster and can not kepe hym
He that hath a good seruant and not content with hym
He that hath suche conditions that no man loueth him
May wel know, but few m [...]n wyll knowe him.
¶Thus endeth the booke of Nurture, or gouernaunce of [...], with [...]tans puer ad mensam. Compyled by Hugh Ro [...]es of the kynges Chappell.

❧Imprinted by me Thomas Colwell: Dwellynge in the Hou [...] [...] Robert Wyer, beside Charing Crosse.

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