THE COMMVNION BOOKE CATECHISME EXPOVNDED, According to Gods holy Word, and the established Doctrine of the Church.

Written for the furtherance of youth and ignorant persons, in the understanding of the grounds and principles of the true Chri­stian Religion, set forth by publique authority.

Wherein also are explaned sundry of the highest points in Divinity, and matters greatly considerable in these present times.

In speciall there is demonstrated, that His most excellent Majesties Declaration to his Subjects, concerning lawfull sports to be used, doth tend unto a very great encrease of true godlinesse throughout the whole Kingdome.

Iesus Christ said: Simon Peter, feed my Lambs, Joh. 21.15. If any neglect to heare the Church, let him be unto thee, as an heathen,

Math. 18.17.

Non pertinet ad Christi praemia, qui relinquit Ecclesiam Christi. Alienus est, hostis est. Habere jam non potest Deum patrem, qui Ecclesiam non habet matrem.

Cyprianus et Augustinus.

LONDON: Printed by MILES FLESHER. 1635.

TO THE RIGHT RE­VEREND FATHER in God, ROBERT Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventrie.

HOly Father in God, Even as the Shepheards of Israel (ac­cording to Gods comman­dement) humbled them­selves under the High Priest­hood, and afterward the El­ders or Priests of the inferiour order did un­to the Apostleship; So is it the duty of Pa­tours unto the Bishoprick the succession of the Apostleship. Which highest order in the Chri­stian [Page]Clergie, though in these latter dayes some have endeavoured to have abolished; yet Christ (who is true in all his promises) having said, That the gates of hell shall not prevaile against his Church, hath moved the hearts of Kings to bee nursing Fathers thereof, and Queenes to be nursing Mothers. So that by the providence of Almighty God, and the true godly zeale of our most gracious Soveraigne Lord King CHARLES, the said sacred fun­damentall order in the holy Ministerie, flou­risheth in the Apostolicall Church of England. I (though the most unworthy among the la­bourers in the Lords Harvest) did upon your Fatherhoods encouragement, compose a cer­taine body of Divinity out of the bookes of the established Liturgie: and (thanks be to God) sundry of the elder and more under­standing sort of people have made good use of the same: but experience hath taught, that the youth and the ignorant persons have need to have matters more plainely divided unto them, so as they may be able to receive the same. Now some will object against me and say, Whence have you such an ability? It is [Page]therefore my duty for to acknowledge in all humility by whom I have profited. The first instrument which God used for to instruct me in the The Athana­sian Creed in the Divine Ser­vice, saith; Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is ne­cessary that bee hold the Catholique faith. Which saith, except eve­rie one doe keepe whole and unde­filed, without doubt he shall pe­rish everlastingly. And the Catho­lique faith is, &c. In such manner also speaketh the Church in her sacred Ho­milies. In the Articles to be enquired of, within the Arch. deaconry of Middlesex, given Anno Do­mini 1632. and the 32. concer­ning the Pa­rishioners it is expresly pre­scribed, That no­thing must be tending to Poperie, Puritanisme, or any other Sect, errour, or heresie, against true Reli­gion, and Catholique doctrine, now publiquel professed in this Church, or the government or Discipline of the Church of England, now within the Realme received and established by common authority. But though it is thus plainely and Divinely signified, what every one should onely professe; yet many are taken with such lightnesse of minde, as that they rather affect vaine novelty, than the said eternall verity delivered in the fundamentall bookes of our Church. Catholicke faith, was that most greatly learned Divine Master Doctor Overall, the late Lord Bishop of Norwich. Afterward I received further light in the great Mysterie of godlinesse, from that renowned and profoundly under­standing Prelate in the Church, Master Doctor Buckeridge, the late Lord Bishop of Elie. And last of all, by the ghostly instructions received from your holy Fatherhood, I have not beene a little benefitted. Whereas for the use of the whole Parish of Hayes (whereof you were sometimes the worthy Rectour) this worke (how meane soever) is made, it hath seemed good to dedicate it unto your Lordship, who are an unfeined zealous honourer of the Di­vine Service-doctrine of the Church; humbly craving protection for it under the reverend wings of your judgement; which vouchsafed, [Page]I shall be the more obliged (as already greatly I am for all respect undeservedly granted) in my powers and prayers ever to acknowledge my selfe yours devoted. The Lord God Al­mighty, which was, and is, and is to come, infinite, and incomprehensible, universally prosper your good Fatherhood unto all ful­nesse of yeeres and dayes.

Your Lordships in all reverence and observance, EDMVND REEVE.

VNTO ALL HIS BELOVED PARISHIO­NERS, AS WELL WHICH pertaine unto the Chappell of Norwood, as unto the Mother Church of Hayes in Middlesex, EDMVND REEVE your loving Pastour wisheth all growth in grace, and in the knowledge and obedience of our Lord and Saviour J [...]sus Christ.

BEloved, whereas the care of your Heb. 13.17. Ezech. 12. soules is committed unto me (how unwor­thy soever,) it is my duty, so long as I am 1 Thes. 5.12. over you in the Lord, to doe mine uttermost endeavour (according as it is prescribed in the Divine Ser­vice for the Ordering of Priests) 2 Pet. Col. to Every Pastour and Curate should have this most di­vine delivery of the Church, in perpetuall remembrance. bring you unto that agreement in faith, and knowledge of God, and to that ripenesse and perfectnesse of age in Christ, that there be no place left among you, either of errour in Religion, or for viciousnesse in life. This is the Phil. 3.13.14. marke, whereat to ayme, and whereunto to approach neerer and neerer conti­nually, and the which at length in Gods good time to hope for to attaine in some measure in this present world, by the helpe of the speciall grace of his holy Spirit, the Divine wisedome of the Church propoundeth unto every one of us. Now that in this holy Heb. 12.1. race set before us, wee may not runne as uncer­tainly. [Page]nor in the spirituall warfare fight, as those that 1 Cor. 9.26. beat the ayre; nor in this building worke, as those which lay not the due Math. 7.24. Psal. 11.3. foundation; nor in this 1 Cor. 3.9. husbandry labour, as those which expect no Hos. 10.12. harvest in this present life; It is our parts seriously to consider by what meanes wee may come unto the afore-mentioned agreement in faith, and knowledge of God, and unto that ripenesse and perfectnesse of age in Christ, wherein wee may agree together in the truth of Gods holy word, and live in unity and godly love; as holy Church hath in a certaine In the prayer for Christs Church mili­tant here on earth. prayer prescribed unto us. Saint Peter saith: Yee as lively stones, So is it in the margent of 1 Pet. 2.5. be yee built up a spirituall house, an holy Priesthood, to offer up spirituall sacrifice, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Saint Paul signifieth, that we should not be Eph. 2.12. without Christ, being aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of Promise, having no hope, and without God in the world; but that wee should be Verses 19.20, 21.22. fellow-Citizens with the Saints, and of the houshold of God, built upon the foun­dation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himselfe be­ing the corner stone. In whom all the building fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord. In whom wee also should be builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. But (saith Psal. 11.3. David) if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous doe? If of any house to be built, one of the See of Vox Clamantis pages 14.15. maine foundations may not be laid, when will there be any firme setting up thereof? That the life of Christianity, the practise of Christs Gospell in all conversation, is so imperfect in some places, is there not some cause thereof? Is there not some cause of every thing which commeth to passe in this world? Christ and his word is the Eph. 2.20. All people should through­ly learne, what are the founda­tions of the vi­sible Church or congregation of Jesus Christ. chiefe corner stone in the Christian house, the principall foundation of than spiri­tuall building. But there are more * foundations than one in a house. Cyrus the King making a decree concerning the house of God at Jerusalem, said: Let the Esra 6.3. foundations thereof bee strongly laid, &c. Therefore David saith, If the foundations be destroyed, &c. Wise Salomon therefore, or rather the infinitely wise God by Pro. 1.8. Solomon saith: My sonne heare the instruction of thy Father, and forsake not the law of thy Mother, her * teaching, ** So in the Geneva transla­tion. See there in Pro. 6.20. See hereto the Preface to the Reader, and the advertisement set afore the Christian Divinity. [Page] her * instruction, as translations render. The Namely on Pro. 1.8. And yet monstrous is the neglect of very many toward the Church do­ctrine, who would sceme to have a zeale unto Religion. Geneva note upon the word Mothers teaching, is, That is, of the Church, wherein the faithfull are begotten by the incorruptible seede of Gods word. And so godly See Chap. 24. of the Christi­an Divinity. Antiquitie hath expounded the place. Solomon also afterward sheweth a reason, why wee should not forsake the law, doctrine, teaching or instruction of the Church, because it is a Pro. 6.23. light unto us. Hee saith, The Fathers commandement is a Compare ver. 20. with 23. lampe unto us, and the Yet many are so wedded to their imagina­tion, as that they will not heare any sen­tence thereof. Mo­thers doctrine and discipline is a light unto us. And therefore God saith unto us, That wee should binde them continually upon our Verses 21.22. hearts, and tye them about our neckes: because when we goe, they will lead us; when wee sleepe, they will keepe us; and when wee awake, they will talke with us. Are wee not then (good people) all bound in conscience for to learne, beleeve & obey, whatsoever is contained in the Communion booke The booke of Homilies is the Theologie or Divinity, set sorth by the su­preame divine wisedome of the Apostoli­call Church of England; and therefore it is a fundamentall worke of our Church, which all people are to hearken unto perpetually., Homilies Booke, and Constitutions or Canons booke, Though it be nor required, that unto every congregation all the Homilies be read once a yeere, yet it is the will of the Church, that they should be for the most part as occasion requireth, read; and that all people should be acquainted with their doctrine. It is a shame even to mention in what contempt many have the Homilies, the most sacred Ser­mons of the Church. all which are ap­pointed to be read unto every congregation of the Kingdome every yeere? Should wee not take notice of what the Church our Mother delivereth unto us out of the said fundamentall bookes of hers? They are counted gracelesse children, which will not heare their naturall Mother speake, which will scorne or set light of their grave naturall mothers teaching and pre­scribing unto them: and may those people be justly reputed gracious Christians, which despise, or nothing, or very little regard the Divine Service doctrine of their Spirituall mother? Saint 2 Pet. 3.3. Peter and Saint Iude 18. Iude have fore-told, that in the last dayes there would be scoffers, walking after their owne un­godly lusts. When we therefore heare the proud There are but in generall three kindes of people in Christendome, true Christians, Pharisees, and Libertines. The true Christian hath a re­spect unto all Christs commandements. Psal. 119.6. Math. 28.20. Ioh. 15.14. The Pharisee hath not a respect unto the weightier matters of the law. Math. 23.23. Luk. 11.42. The Libertine mindeth no more of the commandements of God and of the Church, but which by the law of the Land he is constrained to consider, and often times he neglecteth them also. Pharisees, [Page]and the licentious Libertines of these times, scoffe at sentences in the afore-mentioned fundamentall bookes of the Apostoli­call Church of England, or at all the said bookes, or at any of them; and when wee heare the malignant Pharisees scoffe at the fundamentall most sacred Order in the Christian Clergie, let us not mervaile: for they dared to scoffe at Jesus Christ the eternall God, as Saint Luk. 16.14. Luke recordeth. Let us nothing ad­mire, though the said spirits of arrogancie and disobedience doe charge with errour the Communion booke, Homilies booke, &c. and though they doe so unreverently speake of the Fathers, and other Ministers of the Church, as is not here meet to be mentioned; Saint Luke writeth, that the like spirits did accuse Saint Paul of walking in a way of Acts 28.14. heresie. Moreover, beloved Parishioners, as you are to suffer exhortation out of all the Church her bookes set forth by publique authority, and to become edified in faith and life by all the holy doctrine signi­fied in them, and to account them a For so Solo­mon in Pro. 1.8. & signifieth, as also Christ himselfe in Mat. 18.17. &c. foundation whereon to be built up together, according whereunto your mindes and conversations are to be framed and conformed; so also are you to understand, that the living Ministerie is a foundation, where­on yee are so to ground your selves as Gods word hath signi­fied. Saint Paul saith, The Church of the living God is the pillar and ground (or 1. Tim. 3.15. stay) of the trueth. Ezza (or Esdras) that great Priest of God, is said to be the Esra 7.9. in the margent. foundation of the go­ing up from Babylon unto Jerusalem, according to the good hand of his God upon him. For (saith the Scripture there) Ezra had prepared his heart to Verse 10. seeke the Law of the Lord, and to doe it, and to teach in Israel, statutes and judgements. It is said in the Epistle unto the Hebrewes, That Abraham looked for a Citie which hath Heb. 11.10. foundations, whose builder and maker is God. And saith Saint Iohn, That the holy Citie new Jerusalem, which commeth Rev. 3.12. and See Isa. and 65.18, &c. downe from God out of heaven, and is a tabernacle of God with men, in the wall thereof hath twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lambe. Whether this holy Citie be not the beloved Citie spoken of in the Chapter next afore, where it is said, That Satan being loosed out of prison, would gather Gog and Magog Rev. 20.9. against it, &c. Let those judge, whom [Page]God hath enabled and appointed to See the last page of Vox Clamantis. determine on such sa­cred matters. But the said spirituall Citie of God, with de­scription whereof the holy Apostle ended his writing, hath in the spirituall wall thereof twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lambe. Whereby we are given to understand, that the Apostolical order in the Christian Ministerie, is also a certaine foundation in divers respects, the which it concerneth you to know, and whereof to make use in the due Heb. 13.17. Rom. 13.1. obedience of the same. It is come to that passe among many, as to have no consideration at all on that most holy Order of the Clergie 1 Cor. 12.28 Eph. 4.11.12. constituted by Jesus Christ: and hence it is that so much atheisme, heathenishnesse, and barba­rousnesse is in some people. It is written in the book of Chro­nicles: 2 Chr. 20.20. Isa. 7.9. Beleeve in the Lord your God. so shall yee be established; beleeve in his Prophets, so shall yee prosper. And it is recorded concerning the people of Israel, That they beleeved in the Lord, and in his servant Exod. 14.31. Moses. For though the word in be not ex­pressed in our English translation, yet it is in the Hebrew text, and so See Buxtorfius Heb. Gram. lib. 2 cap. 11. and pag. 452. See of Vox Clamantis p. 15. observed in some translations. So that from the said texts, and from what else is delivered in sundry places of this worke, it will appeare unto you, that yee are to have a beleefe in the chiefe This Aman­dus Polanus hath even also taught, saying, in lib. 9. cap 6. of his Syntagma: Meton, micè ob­iectum fidei, quatenus illa est assensus, dicun­tur ministri ver­bi Dei, qui an­nunciant ver­hum fidei: ut, firmè credite prophetis eius. 2 Chro. 20.20. Joh. 5.46. Exo. 14.31. Ministers of the Church, whereof you professe your selves to be members, and unto such a faith yee are to traine up your children and your servants, if yee have a desire to be such Christians as you ought to be. And concerning eve­rie Pastour and Curate it is to be knowne, that it is their parts and duties not onely to put people in remembrance, what are the expresse words of holy Scripture; but also to make known unto them more and more (as Solomon saith) the Mothers do­ctine and law, the interpretations and applications of the sacred texts by the Church in her It is to be re­membred that Saint Paul sig­nifieth unto Titus then Bi­shop of the Cretians, that an Elder or a Priest must hold fast the faithfull word, as hee hath beene taught. Tit. 1.9. So 2. Tim. 1.13. and 2.2. fundamentall bookes, and all other her holy deliveries: and in no wise to expound any place of Scripture, so as it may make against the harmony of the Church doctrine, but according to the analogie or proportion of the same. And whereas there are that say of the Divine Service Divinity, that it is old doctrine delivered when the light of See Chap. 24. and 35. [Page]the Gospel was not so great as now it is, and that in latter times by sundry zealous Ministers matters have been handled and ex­pressed more refinedly (their meaning is, more truly:) know yee, good people, that if yee like the Bereans wil without The wisdome which is from above, is with­out partiality. Iames 3.17. par­tiality Acts 17.11. Ioh. 5.39. search the universall Scriptures, and seriously examine whether doctrine agreeth with the Bibles teaching, the old do­ctrine delivered throughout the Divine Service bookes, or the new contrary doctrine which is to be seene in some late Mini­sters bookes, and withall look to the Luk. 11.35.36 Math. 6.23. light set by God in your consciences, and in the conscience of universall mankinde (for Christ hath charged, that wee all should take heed that that light which is in us, be not darkness: for if that be darkness, how great is the darknesse in our understandings?) Yee shal by Gods grace plainely see, that all new doctrine cōtrary to the old do­ctrine of the divine Service of the Church, is utter untruth, va­nity, unprofitable, unwholsome, hurtful to minde and life; yea, & that which hath beene cause of a very great part of the luke­warmnesse in Religion, which is in some; and of the licenti­ousnesse of life, which is in many others. But this no Such account the calling on people to be­leeve and live according to the Divine Ser­vice doctrine, for to be as it were a tending unto another Religion; And they have new names for the Ministers which faith­fully teach that orthodoxe Divinity. light-minded ones can comprehend, but those which seriously me­ditate upon finding out the causes of evill effects, to the intent for to hate all the causes of evill, as well as the effects and acts which are evill. Be it also knowne, that here is not condem­ned every writer, in whose workes are seene some doctrines contrary to the doctrine of the divine Service: for some which in the generall unfeinedly desired, that such a minde and such a life, as was in Christ Jesus, might have the preheminence in all mankind, departed this life afore they had throughly exa­mined every point now controverted in the world. As for example, it was given unto the zealous, learned and godly Pa­stour, Master Samuel See the Re­lation of the Confession he made o [...] his death-bed, set in the first tome of his workes afore the Alphabe­ticall table thereunto. Yet in some volumes it is left out. Hieron, for to see on his death bed some mistakes in the course of his writings, which in his health he duly considered not. Wherefore, beloved in the Lord, if yee heare or read any thing contrary to that which yee have heard from some particular Ministers, or read in some particular bookes, yee shall doe well not rashly to condemne it; but your duty is to doe as God commandeth, namely, 1 Thes. 5.21. To try all things, and to keepe that which is good. Whatsoever doctrine tendeth [Page]to move us for to be Math. 18.3 4. Psal. 13.1.2. humble as little children, and like them to be without 1 Pet. 2. 1 2. Iames 1.21. maliciousnesse; but in understanding to be per­fect, or of ripe age in Jesus Christ, it cannot be but that it is from the holy Spirit of Almighty God; for so the holy Ghost by Saint Paul hath 1 Cor. 14.20. as it is in the margent. commanded us all to strive for to be. Yee are to remember continually what Saint Iohn saith: 1 Ioh. 4.1. Beloved, beleeve not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false Prophets are gone out into the world. Therefore the Lord saith by Isaiah, Isa. 8.20. To the law, and to the te­stimonie: if they speake not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. So likewise it may be with a safe con­science before God affirmed, if any one There are that could wil­lingly condis­cend unto it, but having a long time pro­fessed with some difference from it, they are more ten­der over their owne honour among men, then of Gods glory. See of such in Iohn 12 42 43. & 5.44. speake not according to the Communion booke doctrine of the Church of England, but preach or teach contrary unto the same, it is because there is no Math. 18.17. light of Gods holy spirit within him. And whereas so long as I am your watchman, it is my bounden duty to speake unto you Gods words, and the words of his holy Church, Ezech. whether yee will heare, or whether yee will forbeare, as the Lord commanded his Minister Ezechiel; and to warne such as hold any errour in Religion for to depart from the same, and such as have any viciousnesse in their life, for to forsake it all; because I so doing have delivered mine owne soule, and the Ezech. bloud of every unrepentant one will be upon his owne head, I have for the further discharge of mine owne conscience, and for the more edification of every one of you in the Catholique and Apostolike faith, and in the true Christian life, manners, and conversation, See Acts 8 30. Neh. 8.8. 1 Cor. 14 20.15. explaned the most sacred Catechisme of the Church, namely that which is in the booke of Common prayer, wherein all the chiefe principles of the true Christian Religion are comprised, and in most divine manner for every capacity expressed. When the faithfull Ministers of Jesus Christ taught Christianity unto people, they first taught them the word of the Heb. 5.12.13. 1 Cor. 3.2. beginning of Christ, as Saint Paul signifieth; They first Heb. 6.1. laid the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith towards God, and of the doctrine of Bap­tismes, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternall judgement. And when people were [Page]sixe fundamentall matters in the great mysterie of godlinesse, then were they led on unto perfection, as the Holy Ghost ex­presly delivereth. Then were they taught the high points about the Priesthood of Melchisedech. But as the Apostle saith speaking thereof, Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing Heb. 5.11. yee are dull of hearing, the like may be said of too too many among us, yea and also the words immedi­atly following, viz. Heb. 5.1 [...]. When for the time yee ought to be teachers, yee have need that one teach you againe, which be the first princi­ples of the Oracles of God, and are become such as have need of milke, and not of strong meat. Such meane proficients there were among the professed members of the Church of the Co­rinthians, unto whom Saint Paul said: 1 Cor. 3.2.3. I have fed you with milke, and not with meat: for hitherto yee were not able to beare it, neither yet now are yee able. For yee are yet earnall: for where­as there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are yee not carnall, and walke as men? Now the benefits which every one shall reape, that will diligently and unpartially reade all in this worke contained, Psal. 103.18. for to conforme his heart, spirit and conversation, according to all the doctrine of God, and of his holy Church herein mentioned (for it is impossible for any one of a contrary affection, Math. 13.11. Dan 12.10. Psal. See Vox Cla­mantis. to understand aright any of the Chri­stian mysteries, how learned soever hee be in languages, arts, or any other humane literature, as it is most plainely declared in the end of this worke) the benefits which every truly reli­gious one may make, are; first, to understand more and more the Divine Service Catechisme, the true grounds of Christs Religion. Secondly, it will be an Luk. 11.52. introduction, how the bet­ter to understand & to profit by reading the rest of the Com­mon prayer, the Homilies, and other fundamentall bookes of the Church. Thirdly, hee will in reading the holy Scriptures perceive more and more the meaning of such sayings as doe containe in them the So the Apo­stle calleth the principles or grounds of Gods word. Heb. 6.1. as it is in the margent. word of the beginning of Christ. Fourthly, whereas also there are in this worke some of the highest points in Divinity expounded, every one that desireth to be led on unto Evangelicall perfection of minde and con­versation, shall by Gods helpe finde here in such a light and di­rection thereunto, as whereby he in reading the harder places [Page]of the booke of God, shall be able to perceive out of many of them more and more unto his edification and great consola­tion. Fifthly, youth and other ignorant persons (if they will take so much paines as to read or heare read all this worke) they will hereby understand the meaning more and more of the Catechisme, which they learne by heart, and also of the Divine Service which they heare in the Church; and become the more able to Math. 15.10. N [...]h. 8.2.3. understand Sermons, which many now a­dayes heare, and yet scarce apprehend any thing delivered in them. Sixtly, the most sacred doctrine of the Divine Service of the Church will become more honoured, more attended unto, more meditated on, more beleeved and obeyed. Seventh­ly and lastly, the doctrine of our spirituall mother being thus duly respected, the word of our heavenly Father will be the more For unlesse wee doe give our selves to learne, beleeve, obey all the Church do­ctrine, we doe not as the Scripture pre­scribeth▪ Pro. Math. 18.17. Luk. 10.16. &c. observed, his most holy name the more hallowed, Our Kings most excellent Majesties lawes ecclesiasticall and tempo­rall better kept, and unity, peace, and concord among all more encreased, and the Num. 6.26.27 peace of God which passeth all under­standing, will come more and more into our consciences, and all other blessings both bodily and ghostly will be multiplied upon us, through Iesus Christ: unto whom with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory now and ever­more. AMEN.

Some of the matters declared in this worke, beside the continued explanation of the points expressed in the Catechisme.

IN the Authors Epistle unto his Parishioners, there is mentio­ned the marke, whereunto all Pastours and people are for to aime, approch, and use the due meanes for to attaine thereunto.

Also that none should be dismayed, though they heare some set light of the doctrine and discipline of the Church, seeing that the Scripture hath foretold, how in the latter dayes there would be scoffers, walking after their owne lusts.

That there are two other foundations whereon people are to ground themselves in due manner, besides upon the principall founda­tion and chiefe corner stone JESVS CHRIST and his most holy word.

That peoples admitting into their minds a beliefe contrary to that, which is prescribed throughout the Divine Service of the Church, is the cause of so much lukewarmenesse in Religion, and of licentionsnesse of life, as now is in very many.

That it is a matter greatly necessary for all, which will endeavour to bee such Christians as they ought to bee, for to understand aright the doctrine of the Communion-booke-Catechisme, ac­cording as the Church throughout her Divine Service and the rest of her fundamentall Bookes hath signified the meaning of the same.

Sundry of the benefits which every one shall more and more reape, that duely readeth this Exposition of the Church-Catechisme.

How greatly profitable and necessary it is for all people to know the doctrine of the Homilies.

In the Exposition of the Catechisme:
  • There is delivered in generall what that is, which wee for our parts are b [...] and to strive unfainedly for to performe more and more obediently. pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
  • Of the necessity of Gods helping us by the assistance of his holy Spirit, for performing all our duty required by Christ, and how it concerneth us to pray diligently for the said help. p. 8, 9, 156.
  • Every childe which dieth in its infancy, and is baptized, is cer­tainely saved. p. 10, 2, 62, 63.
  • God calleth us al and every one in particular, for to walke in his wayes, to the intent that not any one of us should perish everla­stingly, [Page] p. 10, 11, 19, 20, 21:
  • The great danger wherein all are, which refuse or neglect to come unto Christ calling them. p. 11, 9.
  • What the state of salvation is, which is begun in this life. p. 10.
  • How needfull it is to pray for Gods grace, whereby to continue in the said estate. p. 12, 6, 154, 155, 156.
  • That it is possible to fall from grace, if due heed bee not taken, p. 13. 63, 64.
  • What the heed to bee taken is, that wee may not fall from grace p. 14, 64, 65.
  • What the eternall and Almighty Lord God is. p. 15.
  • What Gods will is, which is resisted by some; and what his will is, which none can resist, p. 15, 16.
  • Why God doth not hinder mankinde from committing sundry e­vils, which are dayly done. p. 16.
  • God is not the cause of any sinne. p. 17. 18.
  • Gods continuall care for the world. p. 19.
  • What it is to beleeve in God the Father. p. 19. And in God the Some. p. 30. And in God the holy Ghost. p. 51.
  • God is mercifull unto universall mankind, and willeth not abso­lutely the perishing of any one of us all p. 19, 20, 21, 17, 18, 11, 65, 66, 60, 61, 130.
  • Wee ought not to account for untrue such sayings in the Divine Service, whose truth wee cannot comprehend or apprehend; but in the feare of the Lord to consider, that the holy Fathers in God doe know many things in the great mystery of godlinesse, which most people▪ yea and many Ministers of the inferiour Order in the Priesthood, doe not understand. p. 20. 108.
  • The holy Fathers in God the Bishops, are to be guides in Divinity unto the whole Cleargy which is of inferiour order, and there­fore all Priests are to submit unto their godly judgments in all matters pertaining unto Religion. p. 20.
  • Euery one of all mankind hath received some measure of Gods light into his heart or conscience, to the intent for to walke in the way of righteousnesse p. 19, 20, 21.
  • Who doe become drawen to Christ by God the Father. p. 21, 22.
  • Of the Godhead or divine nature of Jesus Christ. p. 22, 23.
  • Why Christ is in the Creed and in the Scriptures, so often after a special manner called, the LORD, and our LORD. p. 26. 27.
  • Of the reverence which is to be shewed unto the graciows presence [Page]of Iesus Christ in the holy Congregation, in every part of the publike worship, during all the same. p. 27, 28, 29, 139, 140.
  • When one may be said to bee endued with the right, true, and live­ly faith in Iesus Christ. p. 30.
  • God caused not the Iewes to use his Sonne Jesus so evilly as they did, neither did God move Judas Iscariot to betray him. p. 34.
  • The two Scriptures Acts 2.23 and 4.28. doe containe no such do­ctrine about Deftinie, as some doe endeavour to prove from them p. 35.
  • Of the greatnesse of Christs sufferings. p. 37, 38, 34.
  • CHRIST JESVS in his humane soule after his bodily death descended into bell. p. 38, 39.
  • How the Gospel prescribeth unto us for to imitate Christ in his sufferings, &c. p. 40, 41, 42.
  • There is some measure of conquest to bee attained in this life over all our spirituall enemies, by the helpe of the Almighty power of the spirit of JESVS. CHRIST. p 43.
  • Of Christs just and unpartiall judging of all mankind. p. 47.
  • God hath absolutely reprobated none of universall mankind. p. 48.
  • How unpr [...]fitable and hurtful the doctrine of absolute reprobation hath been in the world. p. 48.
  • In this life Christ judgeth mankind after some manner p. 49.
  • Of the holy Ghosts wonderfull working alwaies in mankind p. 50.
  • To persevere in schisme is very perillous. p. 54▪
  • What the repentance is which the Gospel teacheth and requireth. p. 55, 56.
  • CHRIST died for universall mankind. p. 60, 61.
  • What the holy Ghosts sanctifying of people is. p. 61, 62.
  • What are the Elect in generall. p. 62.
  • Who among infants are the elected ones. p. 62.
  • Who among those of perfect age are the elect. p. 63.
  • How to prevent falling frō the election received in Baptisme. p. 64
  • The Article of the Church concerning Predestination and Election is wrested by some: It containeth not in it any sentence contrary to any doctrin delivered in the book of Common prayer. p. 65, 66
  • The Communion Divine Service testifieth unto every particular member of the Church of England, that Iesus Christ died for him. p. 66, 67.
  • Iustifying faith is not alone in man, without true repentance, hope, charity, dread, and the feare of God, at any time & season. p. 67.
  • [Page]The sacred stories of Scripture containe in them everlasting do­ctrine concerning faith and maners. p. 70.
  • Avery memorable allegorizing of a certaine Scripture, made by the Church in her larger Catechisme. p. 71.
  • Graven images may be made and civilly used, but may not bee worshipped. p. 74.
  • It is most highly derogatory from the infinitenesse of God, to make any image for to be said a resemblance of God. p. 74.
  • How it is said, that some make an idoll of preaching. p. 74, 75.
  • There are very great matters required by Christs Gospell for peo­ple to observe besides hearing of Sermons, whereof some are rec­koned up. p. 75, 76.
  • For to be a compleat minister of Iesus Christ, there is more requi­red than an ability to preach twice on every Sunday. p. 76, 77.
  • It is not necessary (or in any place of Gods word required) that the holy Fathers in God, the Lord Bishops, should preach on every Sunday. p. 77.
  • Sundry of their high imployments are rockoned up. p. 78.
  • The name of God, which should not be taken in vaine, signifieth sundry things. p. 82, 83.
  • What the Church teacheth concerning an oath taken upon the book of Christs Gospell. p. 83, 84.
  • The most great danger of perjury. p. 84, 85.
  • The perill of such as use to sweare vainly p. 85, 86.
  • Holy Scriptures signifying that the seventh naturall day of every weeke is not now to be kept holy. p. 87, 88.
  • Not the seventh day, but the 1. day of the week is our Sunday p. 89
  • Sundry of the religious duties, which are by the Church prescribed to be done on the Sunday. p. 89.
  • What liberty is used in some other countries on the Sunday, as in Geneva, &c. p. 90.
  • A demonstration, that they Kings most excellent Majesties Decla­ration to his subjects concerning lawfull sports to be used,
    Let people throughly con­sider with what humble [...]esse of minde, and ver­tuousnesse of life and con­versation such ministers for the most part are indued, which are un­willing to have his most sacred Majesties De­claration pub­lished and ho­noured, and they shall per­ceive by what spirit such are led concerning this matter. See Gal. 5.22.23. Ephes. 5.9.10. Iam. 3.13, 142 15, 16.17, 18.
    ten­deth to a very great increase of true godlinesse throughout the whole kingdome, by a considering of the sundry grounds of His Highnesse most sacred prescriptions therein p. 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 106, 108.
  • The great necessity of restoring the Whitsun-feast and the Wakes againe in this kingdome. p. 102, 103.
  • Dancing is an exercise allowed by the holy Scriptures p. 104, 105
  • [Page]There is now by the speciall providence of Almighty God a repai­ring of ruines, which have chanced in the holy Tabernacle of this Land. p. 106, 107.
  • The holy Fathers of the Church in their high and holy understan­ding d [...] clearely see the causes of evill, the which but of few others are perceived. p. 108.
  • Feasting in the feare of God is one of the ordinances, with which the Lord would be served. p. 108, 109.
  • Every member of the Church of England ought to honour it. p. 110, 111.
  • The gracelessenesse of many professing to be members thereof. 111, 112.
  • Gods ten Commandements are broken inwardly aswel as outward­ly, and ought to be kept both inwardly and outwardly. p. 113, 114, 115, 116.
  • There are everlasting Lawes delivered in most chapters of the bookes of Moses, and therefore the said bookes are to be dili­gently read and heard of all people. p. 117.
  • Obeisance may lawfully be made unto Gods gracious presence in Sanctuary, when one is entred therein for to worship, and when hoe goeth out from the publique worship ended or not ended. p. 127, 128.
  • The sincere professors of the Catholike doctrine contained in the holy Scriptures, and established by the publike Authority of this Realms, are now by some reproached with new names of fa­ction. p. 123. See the Authors preface unto his Parishioners.
  • Thanksgiving unto God consisteth not in the meere uttering of good words unto God; but is to have good workes accompanying it, as opportunity serveth thereunto. p. 128, 129. 195.
  • The great unreverence of many people in making no maner of obei­sance unto Christ in the holy congregation, when as his name Iesus is mentioned in the creed, the Gospel for the day, &c. the contempt of that holy ordinance is signified, p. 130, 131, 132, 140, 141.
  • It is no honouring of God for to ascribe utter untruth unto him: the which is noted against such which say, that God is robbed of his glory, when that is affirmed concerning him, which is the expresse doctrine of the third collect for Good Friday. p. 130.
  • The Church her just complaint of the neglect of many among the richer sort, in yeelding due obedience. p. 131, 132.
  • [Page]Prostration ought to be made towards the Table of the Lord, unto God there, when as we are entred into an holy Temple unto the publike worship, or to pray privately. p. 132, 133, 134.
  • Gods board is ever to be duely reverenced, and towards it unto God (who is there perpetually) obeisance is to be made, when we enter into the Lords Sanctuary, though it be not at the time of any publike worship. p. 134, 135.
  • Christians Temples may have in them such instruments of Mu­sicke and other matters, which God ordained to be in his holy Temple among the Church of the Iewes, which the Scriptures expresse not to be quite abolished, and wherof the godly wisdome of the Church judgeth it meet to retaine some use. p 135, 136.
  • It is utterly undecent that in a Chauncell any seat, bench, or forme should stand above Gods board or Mercy seat. p. 136, 137. It is comely that the sacred communion Table standing in the uppermost part of the Chauncell, doe stand with the ends there­of toward North and South. p. 137.
  • In Church-yards and all other consecrated ground we should ab­staine from whatsoever is unbeseeming in holy place. p. 137, 138
  • The Church-house of every Parish should be only imployed to god­ly, and its right use. p. 137, 110.
  • Whatsoever thing is consecrate to holy use, should in no wise bee used prophanely, or to a common use. p. 137, 138.
  • There ought not to be a carying of burthens through Churches. See the margent of p. 138.
  • M r. Hierons most memorable delivery concerning the reverence to be used in hearing Gods word preached. p. 138, 139.
  • M r. Doctor Laurence his delivery concerning standing in hea­ring Gods Word. p. 139, 140.
  • Wee ought to stand up whensoever in the Divine Service there is said: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the ho­ly Ghost, &c. And likewise alwayes when the Gospell for the day is read. p. 140. See Chapter 68. in the Christian Di­vinity composed out of the bookes of the Divine Service.
  • In the whole publike worship we ought not to talke, nor to use any gesture unbeseeming in the gracious presence of God, but to be duely attentive unto every Divine Service performed. p. 141.
  • There ought to be much instructing of all people unto the due re­verencing of God. p. 138.
  • The blessing of God on such, as with meeke hearts and due re­verence [Page]doe heare and receive his holy Word, and in his publike worship do observe what the Church prescribeth to be observed. p. 141.
  • What befalleth every one, which refuseth or neglecteth to be or­dered by the Church, in the reverencing of God at all his pub­like worship. p. 141.
  • How in ancient time religiousnesse among people was furthered. p. 142.
  • The great unrespectfulnesse of many towards faithfull Pastors and Curates is noted p. 146, 147, 148.
  • Parents are to informe their children so soone as they are able to learne the Catechisme, concerning Bishopping, what it is, and how necessary it is, as it is signified in the Communion booke. p. 181.200.146.
  • Of the power of Gods speciall grace. p. 155, 156.
  • The Church in a certain Homily calleth Matrimony a Sacrament, and signifieth that more ordinances of God may be so called in a generall acception. p. 180, 181.
  • The late most excellent Majesties sacred meditation expressed con­cerning charity, and Gods speciall enlightening of His High­nesse soule, &c. p. 196, 197, 198, 199.
  • Of the necessity of the holy Ordinance of Confirmation. p. 200, 201.
  • Why it cannot be performed but by a Bishop onely. p. 204.205.
  • What an Arch-bishop is. p. 205, 206.
  • Of the submission that is due unto their most high and holy under­standing in Religion from all other in the Clergy, according as it is signified in the booke of Ordering the Ministery, and else­where in writings of publike authority. p. 206, 207.
  • A most momorable Declaration how the holy Scriptures may bee understood more and more, written by the greatly learned and holy man SEBASTIAN CASTELLIO, and set afore his re [...]owed translation of the Bible, wherein it is demon­strated that no ungodly person can know the mysteries of the Scriptures. p. 207, &c.
  • A signification that the comparing together of places of holy Scrip­ture is in no wise a sufficient meanes, whereby to understand the great mystery of godlinesse, without a due consideration of the Church her interpretation, and the leading of a rightly devout life, & their receiving illumination from the holy Ghost. p. 216.

[Page] And bee it signified, that not onely by most diligent search of the universall holy Scriptures, and the use of the principall helpes ex­tant and to be enjoyed for the understanding of them; but also by very much experience in the worke of the sacred Ministery it is observed, that for to further people unto that true Christian minde and life, which is held forth in the established doctrine of the Church, it is necessary that they be informed with the matters afore specified, and al other contained in this worke, which are declared to be delivered in any of the fundamental bookes or deliveries of the Apostolicall Church of England. For let many people in most places be examined concerning even but the principles, or the first matters to be knowne unto apprehending and practising the true Christian Religion, and they will be found to be so uncertaine, as touching the grounds whereon holy Church declareth that people should become built up Since the time that so many have fallen from due re­spect unto the fundamentall divinity of the Church, name­ly that which is delivered in the bookes of the Divine service, &c. they have bin many of them like sheepe scattered, as concerning the estate of their minds. Now it is the duty of Pastors to en­deavour the ga­thering toge­ther of their people unto that holy faith and upright life which the Church of Christ in he fundamentall writings holdeth f [...]rth: and thereunto their duty is to stitre up all what may be unto the learning of all the divine Service bookes deliveries, which is the experimented meanes for the furthering of all to come into the Christian unity. Ezech. 34. together in holy understanding and up­right conversation, as that their ignorance in mind, and their im­perfection in manners is very greatly to bee considered and to bee lamented.

And whereas all Pastou [...]s and other inferiour ministers of the Church should in no wise seeke their owne glory, but the glory of Christ, and the honour which is due unto his Church, therefore in this worke following it hath bin endeavoured, that the word of Christ and the expresse doctrine of the Church might determine e­very matter whereon question is made, so farre as there could bee called to remembrance any sentence in the fundamentall bookes of the Church for to resolve the same. And that the Divine Service doctrine ought to be of such authority, not onely among the Laity, but also among the Clergy, it is demonstrated in the Theologie or Divinity thereout composed, and in speciall manner in the preface unto the reader, and in the advertisement set in the beginning thereof. Perpetuall experience declareth that all those, which have not a due respect unto the doctrine of the Church delivered in her fundamentall bookes, but understand the holy Scripture according as their owne mind and affection leadeth them, doe not come into the unity of the holy Spirit; but fall into more and more diversity and contrariety, and run even into infinite errour in their imagina­tion, and exceeding great enormity in their conversation.

An addition concerning the great profit of Homilies set forth by the Church.

In the table of the degrees wher­in by Law men are prohibited to marry, appointed to be set up in Churches, there is signified, That the Homilies al­ready set forth are to be read for the instruction of the people, and such o­ther forme of do­ctrine as shall bee hereafter by author­ity published.WHeras is the end first tome of the Homilies the Church signified, that more Homilies should be set forth, as against couetousnesse, envy, wrath, and malice, with many other matters, aswell fruitful as necessary to the edifying of Christian people, and the increase of godly living; and as yet peculiar Homilies against the said grievous fins have not bin composed: And whereas in the ru­bricke immediately following the Nicene creed it is said, After the Creed, if there be no Sermon, shal follow are of the Homilies already set forth, or hereafter to be set forth by common authority, we are gi­ven to understand, that they are fruitfull and necessary to the In the 35. of the Articles of the Church of Eng­land, wherunto every one admit­ted into the Mini­stery, doth sub­scribe, it is th [...] most memorably said concerning the Hom [...]lies, viz. The second booke of Homilies, the save­rall titles whereof we haue joyned un­der this article d [...]th containe a godly and wholsome doctrine, and neces­sary for these times, as doth the former booke of Homilies, which were set forth in the time of Ed­ward the sixt: and therefore we judge them to be read in Churches by the Ministers diligently and di­stinctly that they may [...]e understan­ded of the people. edify­ing of Christian people, and the increase of godly living; and that from time to time (according as the divine wisdome of the Church seeth it requisite) more and more may be set forth by the publike authori­ty. Also seeing that they are concerning the fundamentall matters of the Christian Religion, they are not to be accounted onely usefull for times past, but to be profitable perpetually; because in them in all plaine manner is delivered, how the All people ther­fore should en deavour to know the whole do­ctrine of the Ho­milies, that thereby they may judge of doctrines delivered by private Ministers, whether they agree with the fundamentall doctrine of the Church, yea or no. Also in no wise to account, that the homilies serve onely for the use of Minist [...]rs which cannot preach, seeing that they are set forth for all peoples learning and practi­sing in mind and conversation. Church doth teach such and such points of faith and life. They are in no wise now needlesse (as many suppose) for that there is such a plenty of those which can by memory speake forth of the pulpit; but they are greatly necessary, both for peoples information in the truth, and also for their enable­ment whereby the better to understand and judge of Sermons made unto them. Yea they are very greatly profitable for Pastors and Cu­rates to instruct congregations withall, and to be as a rule of doctrin, from which themselves may not swarve in the Sermons which they make. People also for the most part have not the spirit of discerning betweene doctrine perfect and unperfect, but doe account whatsoe­ver foundeth eloquently unto their eares, to be wholesome and very good: and few take into serious consideration and examination, what are the effects in mind and conversation, which such doctrine cau­seth, that is contrary unto the doctrine of the homilies. And whereas the booke of homilies is the Theologie or divinity set forth by the supreame divine wisdome of the Apostolicall Church of England, ought not all Priests and people to be conversant therein, that in faith and life they may become conformed thereunto? Also, even as we in our hearts assenting unto the prayers read out of the Communion booke, doe thereby with our minds speake unto God: so with all due reverence attending unto the Sacred Homilies publikely read, we doe heare Christ Iesus speaking unto us, who hath said and ever doth say unto his Ministers concerning their publishing of his truth: He that heareth you, heareth me, and he that despiseth you, despiseth me, and him that sent me. Luke 10.16. 1 Thes. 4.8. 1 Sam. 2.30.



WHY in the most sacred Catechisme of the Church is it first asked, What is your name?

Answ. Because by the Christen name one is distinguished from another; it is first given to one afore he is baptized; and from the consideration thereof The Cate­chismes begin­ning is from some observati­on about Bap­tisme. occasion is taken of asking concerning the first matter, which is received in the Christian Religion.

Q. What is meant by Godfathers and Godmo­thers?

A. They are those which at Baptisme doe not onely give one his name, but also doe See chap. 52. of the Christi­an Divinity. Isa. 8.2. So is it delivered in the end of Ba­ptisme service. undertake to performe the parts and duties of parents, in doing their true endeavours to see that he be taught, so soon as hee shall bee able to learne, what a solemne vow, promise and profession, he hath made by them. And [Page 2]therefore they are so called, because they should bee as fathers and mothers in God, for ones furtherance in the knowledge and obedience of God.

Q. How were you made a member of Christ in your Baptisme?

A. In that thereby I was So saith the Baptisme ser­vice. Rom. 6.5. and 11.17.24. 1 Cor. 12.13. graffed into the my­sticall body of Christ, whereof hee is the Eph. 1.22.23 head.

Q. What is the mysticall body of Christ?

A. The blessed company of all So in the communion service. faithfull people.

] Q. How were you made a childe of God in your Baptisme?

A. Whereas I was borne in So in private Baptisme ser­vice. Ps. 51.5. Eph. 2.3. Tit 3.5.6. Gal. 3.27. and 4.5.6. originall sinne, and in the wrath of God, I by the laver of regeneration in my Baptisme, was received into the number of the children of God.

] Q. How in your Baptisme were you made an in­heritour of the Kingdome of heaven?

A. In that therein I was So in the Ba­ptisme service. Mar. Col. 2.12.13 & 1.12.13. See c. 51. of the Chri­stian Divinity. And bee it ob­served that by chap. hereafter mentioned, is meant of that booke. embraced with the armes of Gods mercie, I received the blessing of eternall life, and was made partaker of his everlasting Kingdome.

Q. How can one in this life be said to be made par­taker of Gods everlasting Kingdome?

A. In that in ones Baptisme he is made partaker of righteousnesse, peace, and joy in the holy Ghost, which is Christs Rom. 14.17. Kingdome of grace, and is now Luk. 17.21. within his peoples hearts, and is unto them as it were an 2 Pet. 1.11. See the answer unto the se­venth question in the largest Catechisme of the Church called Nowell in quarto. entrance into his everlasting Kingdom of heaven.

Q. Why is the question, What did your Godfathers and Godmothers for you in your Baptisme?

A. Because it is my duty now being come to the yeers of some Exod. 12.26. Jos 4.6. Ps. 78.5.6. Eph. 6.4. Deut. 6.7. See Chap. 82. discretion, for to understand more and more the benefit and the signification of the holy Sa­crament received in mine infancie; and withall to [Page 3]know the three things which they promised and vowed in my name, And see the ru­bricke afore the Catechisme, the order of Confirmation. Eccles. 12.1. Deut. 31.12. Ps. 148.12. which now I my selfe am bound to performe.

Q. Which is the first of the three things, which now you are to doe?

A. To forsake the devill & all his works, the pomps and vanities of the wicked world, and all the sinfull lusts of the flesh.

Q. What is the devill?

A. He is a So saith the Homily against Rebellion in the first part thereof. Isa. 14.12. 2 Pet. 2.4. Iob. 1.7. 1. Pet. 5.8. See chap. 93. created spirit, & in the beginning was a glorious Angell; but for his wilfull sinning was cast out of heaven; & hath ever since compassed the earth to and fro, going about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devoure.

Q. What are the works of the devill?

A. All Eph. 6.16. Matt. 5.37. 1 Cor. 7.5. 1 Chron. 21.1. suggestions within us for to think, speake or do contrary to Gods commandements.

Q. Why is the devill and all his workes to bee for­saken.

A. Because no Eph. 5.27. place is to bee given unto him within us, but hee is to be Jam. 4.7. resisted. And unlesse 2 Cor. 6.15. Ps. 66.18. and 139.24. 2 Cor. 7.1. Heb. 12.14. 1 Joh. 5.18. Isa. 40.4 Se [...] Vox Clamantis [...] and the Epistle for S. John Ba­ptists day. all his works be forsaken, God will not worke his workes of grace in us. Hence holy Church hath taught us to pray: In the Collect for the 18. Sunday after Trinity. Grant thy people grace to avoid the infections of the divell, and with pure heart and minde to follow thee the only God. And againe we are taught to say: In the Collect for the 1. Sun­day in Lent. Give us grace to use such abstinence, that our flesh being subdued to the spirit, wee may ever obey thy godly motions in righ­teousnesse and true holinesse.

Q. What are the pomps and vanities of the wicked world?

A. Excessive outward shewes, vaine gloryings, and Tit. 3.14. See the margens there. unprofitable exercises, and also the peculiar [Page 4] Eph. 2.2. courses of all ungodly people.

Q. Rehearse some place of the Divine Service speaking against such pomps and vanities.

A. It is said in the Pag. 103. of Tome 2. It is to bee noted, that reference is unto the edi­tion of the Ho­milies in folio, anno 1623. Also anno 1623. Also that the im­pression come forth since that yeer, doth in some pages containe more or lesse, then that former doth. So that, though both editions in fosio have not in contents any words diffe­rence, yet in the printing, that which is in one page of the one is not alwayes in the same page of the other. Homily against excesse of ap­parell: Saint Paul teacheth us to use this world, as though we used it not; whereby he cutteth away not only all ambi­tion, pride, and vaine pompe in apparell; but also all inor­dinate care and affection, which withdraweth us from the contemplation of heavenly things, and consideration of our duty towards God. They that are much occupied in caring for things pertaining to the body, are most commonly ne­gligent and carelesse in matters concerning the soule. We [...]st yeeld accounts of those things, which wee have re­ceived of God, who abhorreth all excesse, pride, Jer. 9.23. Gal. 5.26. Ostenta­tion and vanitie; Who also utterly condemneth and disal­loweth whatsoever draweth us from our duty towards God, or diminisheth our charity towards our neighbours and children, whom we ought to love as our selves.

Q. Why are the pomps and vanities of the wicked world to be forsaken?

A. Because the Scripture saith: 1. Joh. 2.15. and 5.4. Ioh. 15.19. If any one love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but hee that doth the will of God, abideth for ever.

Q. What are the sinfull lusts of the flesh?

A. All deeds, desires, and Col. 3.5. 1. Cor. 10.6. inclinations of soule and body, which are contrary to the will of God.

Q. Rehearse out of the holy Scripture some of them.

A. Saint Paul saith to the Galatians: Gal. The flesh [Page 5]lusteth against the spirit, and the workes of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleannes, lasciviousnes, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, The original word is ob­served also to signifie Sects and factions. seditions, here­sies, envyings, murthers, drunkennesse, revellings, and such like.

Q. Why are all the sinfull lusts of the flesh to bee forsaken?

A. Because the holy Ghost saith: Gal. 5.21. Col 3.5.6. Eph. They which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God: & for such things sake the wrath of God commeth upon the children of disobedience. Hence we are taught to pray: In the collect for the day of the Circumcisi­on of Christ. Grant us the true Circumcision of the spirit, that our hearts and all our members being mortified from all carnall and worldly lusts, we may in all things obey thy blessed will.

Q. What is the second thing which you now are bound to do?

A. To beleeve all the Articles of the Christian Faith.

Q. Where are those Articles of the Faith expressed, which one is bound to beleeve?

A. In the Beleefe called the Apostles Creed, which beginneth with these words, I beleeve in God the Father Almighty, &c.

Q. Are you not to beleeve also whatsoever God hath spoken, and is set downe in his word?

A. Yea: for it is said in the service of Baptisme, We are constantly to beleeve Luke 24.25. Mar. 1.15. Iohn. 5.46.47. Gods holy word.

Q. Why is it said, Of the Christian Faith?

A. Because there are many and divers beleefs in the minds of mankind; and there is but one onely faith which we are to hold, and that is the faith Christian, [Page 6]which CHRIST hath taught, the So in the third part of the Homily of obedience, pag. 77. Tome 1. Catholike Faith conteined in the holy Scriptures.

Q. Why are we to beleeve all the Articles of Faith expressed in the Creed?

A. Because they are the maine points of beleefe de­livered in the holy Gospell: and CHRIST hath said; Mar 16.15. [...]6. Isaiah 7.9. See chap. 12. & 1. Preach the Gospell to every creature: hee that be­leeveth not, shall be damned.

Q. Can wee of our selves beleeve constantly the mysteries of Faith, unto our soules true consolation?

A. No; and therefore we are taught to confesse and say: In the gene­rall confession to be said every morning set a­mong the God­ly prayers after the reading Psalmes in the Communion book. Wis. 3.14 O Lord God heavenly father, to comfort my selfe in affliction and temptation with these articles of the Chri­stian Faith, it is not in my power, for Faith is thy gift: and forasmuch as thou wilt be prayed unto and called upon for it, I come unto thee to pray and beseech thee, both for that and for all other my necessities.

Q. Is the Christian Faith a grace wherein we may grow?

A. 2. Thes. 1.3. Yea: and therefore we are taught to pray, In the collect for the 14. Sunday after Trinity. Al­mighty and everlasting God, give unto us the increase of Faith, hope and charity.

Q. What is the third thing which we are bound to doe?

A. To keep Gods holy will and In the Latine edition of the service it is said, all the comman­dements. commandements, and to walke in the same Luk 1.74.75. all the daies of my life.

Q. What is that holy will of God, which is to bee kept?

A. The Church saith unto us in a certaine place: In the end of the article con­cerning Prede­stination. In our doings that will of God is to be followed, which we have expressely declared unto us in the word of God.

Q. What are the Commandements which are to be kept?

[Page 7] A. They are Gods Sirach. 1.5. Rom. 8.4, and 15.4. 2 Tim. everlasting precepts prescribed throughout all his holy word, either by rule or by ex­ample, the summe whereof are the ten Commande­ments.

Q. Why is it said, And walke in the same all the dayes of my life?

A. The Church saith in her The third part, pag. 39. Tome 1. Homily of good works: And you travailing continually (during this life) thus in keeping the Commandements of God (wherein standeth the pure, principall, & right honour of God, and which wrought in faith, God hath ordeined to be the right trade and path way unto heaven) you shall not faile, as Mat. 19.17. and 7.14. See the beginning of the second part of that Homily. CHRIST hath promised, to come to that blessed and everlasting life, where yee shall live in glory and joy with God for ever.

Q. Doth God require of young folke an unfeined striving for to yeeld such obedience unto him?

A. He saith: Eccles. 11. [...]. and 12.1. S [...] chap. 98. Remember now thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth. And againe he saith, having as it were in an holy derision the vaine minde and course of most youth: Rejoyce ô young man in thy youth, and let thy heart cheere thee in the dayes of thy youth, and walke in the waies of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things GOD will bring thee into judgement. Wherefore the Lord saith by Moses: Deut. 31.12. Gather the people together, men, women, and children, and the stranger which is within thy gates, that they may heare, and that they may learne, and feare the Lord your God, and observe to do Deut. 29.29. all the words of this law.

Q. Why is the question, Doest thou not thinke that thou art bound to beleeve and do, as they have promised for thee?

A. Because it is said in the Baptisme service: [Page 8] Christ will doe his part, if wee (being come to age) will strive to do our part. See the end of the exhortati­on in the com­mination ser­vice.CHRIST for his part will most surely keepe and per­forme his promise. Wherefore after this promise made by CHRIST, these infants must also faithfully for their part promise by you that bee their sureties, that they will forsake the devill and all his workes, and constantly beleeve GODS holy word, and obediently keepe his commande­ments. Also because it is said, In the Cate­chisme of the service. When children are come to age, themselves are bound to performe those things. I my selfe therefore must strive to forsake all things to be forsaken, to beleeve all things to be beleeved, and to keepe all matters to be observed, and so to walke as it is by God prescribed. The Scripture saith: Ezech. 18.4, &c. The soule that sinneth, it shall die. Rom. 14.12. Every one of us shall give account of himselfe to God.

Q. Why doth the answere begin with the words, Yes verily?

A. It is said in the In the first part, page 46. Tome 1. See Heb. 6.13.14. Rom. 1 9. Homily concerning swearing: That thus did our Saviour CHRIST sweare divers times, saying, verily, verily. When a man would affirme the truth to the setting forth of GODS glory (for the salvation of the people) in open preaching of the Gospell, or in giving of good counsell privately for their soules health hee may so sweare.

Q. Why also are there added these words, And by GODS helpe so I will?

A. Because without Gods helping of us by this holy spirit, wee are neither able to beleeve, nor to doe, as our Godfathers and Godmothers have promised for us. Ioh. 15.5. CHRIST saith, without me ye can do nothing: but S. Paul saith: Phil. 4.13. I can do all things through Christ strengthening me. And CHRIST saith: Mat. 9.23. All things are possible unto him that beleeveth, wherefore wee are taught to In the collect for the 1. Sun­dry after Tri­nity. pray: O GOD the strength of all them [Page 9]that trust in thee, mercifully accept our prayers: and be­cause the weakenesse of our mortall nature can do no good thing without thee, grant us the helpe of thy grace, that in keeping of thy Commandements, wee may please thee both in will and deed, through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. For though to Rom. 7.8. will bee present with us, yet by our owne naturall strength we are not able to do our du­ty; and therefore wee are to pray, that God would grant us according to the riches of his glory, that wee may bee strengthned Ephes. 3.16. with might by his spirit in the inner man, for to performe his will more and more obediently. That he would worke in us both Phil. 2.12.13 So it is read in the last transla­tion, and so the Church readeth in her service of Con­firmation. to will & to do in the great worke wherein wee are required to labour, namely the working out of our owne sal­vation with feare and trembling.

Q. Why is there said after the answere, And I heartily thanke our heavenly father, that he hath called me to this state of salvation?

A. It is taught unto us in the In the 1. part, page 217. 218. Homily for Rogati­on weeke, That GODS singular goodnesse well and di­ligently remembred on our part, should moove us (as duty is) againe with hearty affection to love him, and with word and deed to praise him, and to serve him all the dayes of our life. There can be no other end of such, as draw nigh to GOD by knowledge, and yet depart from him in unthank­fulnesse, but utter destruction.

Q. When did God call you to this state of salva­tion?

A. In mine infancie, when I was brought unto his holy baptisme. For saith the Divine service, In the service for certifying of Baptisme. Marke 10.14. Our Lord JESUS CHRIST doth not deny his grace and mercy unto such infants, but most lovingly doth call them unto him.

[Page 10] Q. Is every baptized infant in the state of salva­tion?

A. Yea: for it is written in the booke of common prayer; In the rubrick of the order of Confirmation, the last secti­on, the next words afore the Catechisme there. And that no man shall thinke that any detriment shall come to children by deferring of their confirmation, he shall know the truth, that it is certaine by GODS word, that children being baptized, have all things ne­cessary for their salvation, and be undoubtedly saved.

Q. Rehearse some place of the Service, where the state of salvation which is in this life begun, is signi­fied.

A. It may be observed where it is said: In the first prayer of Bap­tisme service. Mercifully looke upon these children, sanctifie and Tit. 3.5. 1. Pet. 3.21. wash them with the holy Ghost, that they being delivered from thy wrath, may be received into the arke of CHRISTS Church, and being stedfast in faith, joyfull through hope, and rooted in charity, may so One being in the state a­fore praied for, he is in the state of salvati­on which now beginneth. See 2. Cor. 6.1.2. Tit. 3.5. passe the waues of this troublesome world, that finally they may come to the land of everlasting life, there to reigne with thee world without end.

Q. Why hath God called you to this state of salvation?

A. The Rogation Pag. 219. 220. Homily saith: It is GODS goodnesse that moveth him to say in scripture: It is my Prov. 8.31. de­light to be with the children of men. It is his goodnesse that moveth him to call us unto him, to offer us his friendship and 1. Cor. 1.9. Ioh. 14.23. presence. And what other thing doth his loving and gentle voice spoken in his word, where hee calleth us to his presence and friendship, but declare his goodnesse, onely without regard of our worthinesse? And what other thing doth stirre him to call us unto him, when we be strayed from him, to suffer us patiently, to Rom. 2.4. Ierem. 4.1. Ioel 2.12. winne us to repentance, but only his singular goodnesse, no whit of our deserving?

Q. Rehearse some scripture declaring the reason of Gods calling of us unto him.

[Page 11] A. Saint Peter saith: 2. Pet. 3.9. The Lord is long suffering to us ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. The Lord therefore willing more abundantly to shew unto us the un­changeablenesse of his counsell, Heb. 6.17. Ezech. 33.11. and 18.31.32. Psal. 145.9. confirmed it by an oath, saying: As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wic­ked turne from his way, and live: turne ye, turne ye from your evill waies; for why will yee die, O yee house of Israel?

Q. In what manner doth God call such, as are of the yeeres of some discretion?

A. CHRIST signifieth it, where hee saith: Matt. 23.37. 2. Esdras O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the Prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee: how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chicken under her winges, and ye would not! The Lord saith by Jeremy: Ier. 31.3. I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindnesse have I drawn thee. And by Hosea the Lord saith: Hos. 11.4. That he drew Israel with the coards of a man, with the bands of love. Saint Paul saith: Rom. 2.4. See chap. 10. Despisest thou the riches of Gods goodnesse, and forbearance, and long suffering, not knowing that the goodnesse of God leadeth thee to repentance?

Q. And what will befall such as will not come un­to CHRIST calling them?

A. He faith: Prov. Because I have called and ye refused; I have stretched out mine hand, and none regarded. But yee have set at nought all my counsell, and would none of my reproofe: I will also laugh at your cala­mity, I will mocke when your feare commeth. Then will they call upon me, but I will not answer: they will [Page 12]seeke mee early, but they shall not find mee: for that they hated knowledge, and did not chuse the feare of the Lord. Of such Saint Acts 7.51. Steven complained, and said unto them: Yee doe alway resist the Holy Ghost: as your Fathers did, so doe yee.

Q. Why say you also, Through JESUS CHRIST our Saviour.

A. It is said, In the Ho­mily for Rega­tion weeke, page 228. 229. That it is he for whose sake we received this high gift of grace. Saint Peter saith: 1. Pet. 5.10. The God of all grace hath called us into his eternall glory by CHRIST JESUS. All is of GOD by his Sonne CHRIST JESUS our Lord.

Q. Why is there added prayer for grace to conti­nue in the state of salvation unto your lives end?

A. In the Homily of Page 269. Repentance it is said: It is our parts, if at least we be desirous of the health and salvation of our owne soules, most earnestly to pray unto our heavenly Father, to assist us with his spirit, that we may be able to hearken unto the voice of the true sheapherd, and with due obedience to follow the same.

Q. Rehearse some place of the Service, signifying what that grace prayed for, is.

A. It may appeare out of the prayer, where it is said: One of the Collects in the end of the communion service. Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favour, and further us with thy continuall helpe, that in all our workes begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name.

Q. Recite some counsell of the Church memorable unto this point, which we have in hand.

A. It is said in the Homily of Salvation: Page 19. Tom. 1. Now the office and duty of a Christian man unto GOD, what we ought on our part to render unto GOD againe, for his great mercie and goodnesse, is, not to passe the time of this [Page 13]present life unfruitfully and idlely, after that we are bap­tized or Note that justification is received in Ba­ptisme. justified, not caring how few good works we doe to the glory of GOD, and profit of our neighbours: much lesse is it our office after that we be once made CHRISTS members, to live contrary to the same, making our selves The Church signifieth, that it is possible for such as are made the mem­bers of Christ, to become the members of the dev [...]ll, if they take not due care. So in page 193 of the Homily of the Resurrect. And in page 57. of the Ho­mily of falling from God. members of the devill, walking after his enticements, and after the suggestions of the world and the flesh, whereby we know that we doe serve the world, and the devill, and not GOD.

Q. Whereas you pray for grace to continue, what need have you so to doe? Doe not all continue in the way of salvation, being once entred thereinto?

A. The Homily of Repentance signifieth, In the 1. part, page 258. That some doe begin to returne unto the Lord, and doe faint in the mid way, before they come to the marke that is appointed to them. Wherefore the divine wisdome of the Church hath set forth the Homily, Of falling from GOD, for to shew how dangerous a thing the same is. Moreover many Scriptures make expresse mention of sundry, which have entred into the way of salvation, and af­terward have turned out of the same. It is written, Iohn 6.66. That many of Christs disciples went backe, & walked no more with him. Christ also mentioneth, Luke 8.13. That some for a while beleeve, and in time of temptation fall away. Saint Paul spake of widowes 1. Tim. 5.12. that had damnation, because they had cast off their first faith. He said, Verse 15. That some turned aside after Satan: 2. Tim. 1.15. That all they in Asia, forsooke him. 2. Tim. 4.10. Demas did forsake him, and loved the present world. He signified to the Hebrews of some, which Heb. See chap. 56. page 35. fell from five measures of grace, and so became incurable. Saint 2. Pet. Peter spake of some, that like the dogge returned to their vomit, and like the sowe washed, returned unto wallowing [Page 14]in the mire. Wherefore saith the Apostle to the He­brewes: According to the Geneva translation. Take heed that no man fall from the grace of God. And again he saith: Heb. 3.14. We are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the ende. Yee (saith Christ to his obe­dient people) shall be hated of all men for my names sake: but he that endureth to the Mat. 10.22. end shall be saved. We have need to pray for grace, whereby to continue unto our lives end: For saith Saint Paul: Rom. 11.22.23. Behold therefore the goodnesse and severity of God: on them which fell, severity: but towards thee goodnesse, if thou continue in his goodnesse: otherwise thou shalt be cut off. And they also, if they bide not still in un­belee [...]e, shall be grassed in. It most necessarily there­fore concerneth all that would be saved, for to doe as Saint Peter counselleth, 2. Pet. to give diligence for to make their calling and election sure. For if ye giving all diligence doe adde to your faith, vertue; and to vertue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; & to temperance, patience; and to patience, godlines; & to godlines, brotherly kindnesse; and to brotherly kindnesse, Charity: If these things bee in you and abound, and ye continue in them, Ye shall never fall.

Q. Why is the Creed set afore the ten Comman­dements and the Lords prayer?

A. Because In the Roga­tion Homily, the third part, page 228. see chap. 1. Faith is the first entry into the Christian life. Rom. 10.14. It is written: How shall they call on him, in whom they have not beleeved? Before any one Mat. 7.13.14. Luke stri­veth to enter in at the strait gate, he first beleeveth that without doubt he shall perish everlastingly, un­lesse hee enter in thereat, and goe in the narrow way, which leadeth unto the life everlasting.

Q. Which is the first Article of the Creed?

[Page 15] A. I beleeve in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth.

Q. What doth the Scripture say that God is?

A. Christ saith, Ioh. 4.24. God is a spirit. Saint John saith: 1. Ioh. 1.5. God is Light, and 1. Ioh. see chap. 3. of Divinity. Love.

Q. Why is it said, GOD the Father?

A. Because there is 1. Ioh. 5.7. God the Father, and God the Sonne, and God the holy Ghost; three Persons, and but one God.

Q. Why is God the Father first mentioned?

A. In such order he is mentioned in Scripture. So saith the Athan. Creed. Also he is made of none, neither created, nor be­gotten, nor proceeding; but hath from everlasting begotten his onely Sonne.

Q. Why is God said to be Almighty?

A. It is signified where it is said: In the Visi­tation service. The Almighty LORD is a most strong towre to all them that put their trust in him; unto whom all things in heaven, in earth, and under the earth doe Phil. 2.10. 2. Esdras 8.21. bow and obey.

Q. If God bee Almighty, how can his will bee left undone here on earth, as the Lords prayer signifieth?

A. His will is to bee considered two manner of wayes. First concerning that, which he would have us mankind to doe: as Saint Paul saith, 1. Thes. 4 This is the will of God, even your sanctification; that yee should abstaine from fornication: that no man goe beyond nor defraud his brother in any matter, &c. Now that such will of God is left undone, continuall experi­ence testifieth; yea, that that will of God is Act. 7.51. Mat 23.37. Act. 28.27. resisted. Secondly Gods will is to be considered about things, whereof he will be the alone worker by his Almighti­nesse; and in such matters his will cannot be resisted: as his will now is, Gen. 8.22. that summer and winter, &c. shall [Page 16]continue. Such his Read concer­ning the will of God both books set forth thereof by that most greatly Learned Doctour in the Church of En­gland Master Thomas Iackson intituled, A treatise of the divine essence and attributes. The 1. part of the said worke is chiefly for schollers rea­ding; but the second part is for all peoples reading; and therein the most holy eter­nall truth of doctrine deli­vered in the 3. collect forgood Friday is in most plaine & perfect manner declared. See chap. 6. & pag. 12. of the Chri­stian Divinity. will was, that the Israelites should not bee still detained in Egypt, but that they should passe into the Wildernesse: and the like case is in in­numerable particulars, wherein God will bee the ef­fecter by his Almighty power.

Q. Cannot God by his Almightinesse hinder the committing of many evils daily acted?

A. Even as our Soveraign the Kings most excellent Majestie could cause such watch and ward to be kept continually in all high wayes, as that none or fewer should be robbed in them; and yet it is His Majesties wisdome to leave his people for to use their freedome in such cases, declaring by the Law of the Kingdome, that if they will robbe, they shall suffer death for it: So God by his infinite power could stop many evil courses, and hinder many evill acts done by mankind; but his eternall wisdome is to leave people in many cases to their freedome, declaring by all his holy word and by his Catholike Church, In the Athan. Creed. Mat. 25.46. Rom. That he which doth good, shall goe into life everlasting, and hee which worketh evill, shall be cast into everlasting fire. Where­fore God saith by Moses: Deut. 30.15.19. and See, I have set before thee this day, life and good, death and evill: therefore chuse life, that both thou and thy seed may live. In the first lesson appointed by the Church to be read on Saint Peters day, it is said; Sir. 15.11. [...]c. Say not thou, It is through the Lord, that I fell away, for thou oughtest not to do the things that he hateth. Say not thou, Hee hath caused mee to erre, for he hath no need of the sinfull man. The Lord hateth all abomination, and they that feare God love it not. He himself made man from the beginning, and left him in the hand of his counsell. If thou wilt, to keepe the com­mandements and to performe acceptable faithfulnesse. He [Page 17]hath set fire and water before thee: See in the Ho­mily of swea­ring, the first part, and page 48. with what respect the Church quoteth a saying out of the said booke of the holy Bible. stretch forth thy hand unto whether thou wilt. Before man is life and death, and whether him liketh shall be given unto him. He hath com­manded no man to doe wickedly, neither hath he given any man licence to sinne.

Q. It appeareth then, That God is no cause of any sinne.

A. And therefore Saint Iames saith: James 1.13. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evill, neither tempteth hee any man. David saith, Psal. 5.4. Thou art not a God which hast pleasure in wickednesse, neither shall evill dwell with thee. Jer. 7.31. The Lord saith by Ieremy concerning the Jewes burning of their children in the fire, That hee commanded them not that thing, neither came it into (or upon) his heart. David also saith, Psal. 145.17. The Lord is righteous in all his waies, and holy in all his workes. Zephaniah saith, Zeph. 3.5. The Lord will doe no iniquity. Wherefore as we are to beleeve, that God it Almigh­ty; so also are we to beleeve, that he is wise and righ­teous. The universall holy Scripture declareth, that God doth exercise his power, will and pleasure, no otherwise, than according to his wisedome and See Wisd. 12.15. righ­teousnesse: according to which example of his, all Christian Kings do not doe whatsoever by their po­wer they may effect, but in every thing they their consider what is according to godly wisedome and Christian righteousnesse, and thereunto they use their power. And whereas in such manner is his dealing and pro­ceeding towards us Mankind, in such sense are we to understand that saying of his by Isaiah, Isa. 5.3.4. What could have beene done more to my Vineyard, that I have not done in it? wherefore when I looked that it should [Page 18]bring forth grapes, brought it forth wilde grapes? And in such sense are we to understand the saying of the Church in the homily of Charity, where it is said, In the first part, page 41. the second se­ction of that page, in the Tome 1. And when Christ could not amend his adversaries, yet he prayed for them. Abraham also grounding his reason upon Gods declared wisedome and The late most excellent Maje­stie hath signi­fied it to be horrible & exe­crable, by any consequent to make God au­thor of finne: in his Highnes Meditations on the Lords prayer, pag. 117 righteousnesse, said unto God, Gen. 18.25. Farre be it from thee to slay the righ­teous with the wicked, and that the righteous should be as the wicked: Shall not the Judge of all the world doe right? There is a memorable saying in the Com­munion booke, Athanasius his 32. direction about sing­ing of the Psalmes, where it is said, If thou seest wicked men contend among themselves to doe mischiefe, think not that their nature doth impell them by necessity, to worke sin against their will, as certaine Heretikes suppose: but consider the 36. Psalme, and thou shalt see, that they be to themselves their owne occasion of sinning.

Q. Why is there added, Maker of heaven and earth?

A. For to shew his eternity, that hee was afore all worlds. Hence Saint Paul saith, Rom. 1.20. The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are cleerely seene, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternall power and godhead.

Q. What are the things invisible mentioned in the Nicene Creed in the Divine Service, where it is said, Maker of all things visible and invisible?

A. Saint Paul signifieth of them to the Colossians, where hee saith, Col. 1.16. See hereof the workes of Dio­n [...]sius Arcopagita. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and in­visible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers; namely the heavenly spi­rits (commonly called Angels) in their severall or­ders.

[Page 19] Q. Rehearse out of the Service some place giving further consideration concerning Gods creating of the world.

A. In the Page 221. Rogation homily it is said, It is not to be thought, that God hath created all this whole universall world as it is, and thus once made, hath given it up to be ru­led and used after our owne wits and device, and so taketh no more charge thereof: as we see the Shipwright, after hee hath brought his Ship to a perfect end, then delivereth it to the Mariners, and taketh no more care thereof. Nay God hath not so created the world, that he is John 5.17. Psal. 103.19. carelesse of it; but he still preserveth it by his goodnesse, he still stayeth it in his creation. For else without his speciall goodnesse, it could not stand long in his condition. And therefore Saint Paul saith, That hee preserveth all things, and beareth them up Heb. 1.3. still in his word, lest they should fall without him to their nothing againe, whereof they were made. If his speciall goodnesse were not every where present, every creature should be out of or­der, and no creature should have his property wherein he was first created.

Q. What is it to beleeve in God the Father?

A. It is to beleeve all concerning God the Father, which the holy Scripture doth deliver, and in speciall that which is signified to be the Fathers work.

Q. What is declared to be a speciall work of God the Father?

A. The drawing of Mankind unto his Son Jesus Christ: as it is said, John 6.44. See Ioh. 12.32. with the secōd Antheme to be read on Easter day, in the di­vine Service. No man can come unto me, unles the Father which hath sent me draw him.

Q. Whereby doth God the Father draw all Man­kind und CHRIST?

A. Holy Church doth signifie it unto us, where it saith, In the Col­lect for the third Sunday after Easter. That Almighty God doth shew unto all that be in [Page 20]errour, the light of his truth, to the intent they may returne into the way of righteousnesse. S. Iohn saith, John 1.9. Luke 11.35. CHRIST is the light, that lightneth every man which commeth into the world. Saint Paul saith, Rom. 10.18. Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. The which words taken forth of the nineteenth Psalme are, There is no language nor speech, where their voice is not heard. Their rule ( or So it is in the margent of the last translation of Psal. 19.4. direction) is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. The Apostle also saith, Rom. 10.8. Deut. 30.14. See Col. 1.23. as it is in the Greeke. The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thine heart, this is the word of faith, which wee preach. Many Scriptures more might be mentioned, which declare, that God is mercifull to Psal: 145.9. Rom. 11.32. Wisd. Ezech. 33.11. Rom. 5.18. universall mankinde, hating nothing that he hath made, nor wil­ling the death of any sinner, but rather that he should turne from sinne, and be saved, as the In the third collect for good Friday, in the last prayer sa­ving one of the commination, in the collect for the first day of Lent. Therefore we pray in the Le­tany, That it may please thee to have mercy upon all men. Divine Service teacheth & informeth us, The which doctrine of hers, as sundry more, though we in our youngnesse in Chri­stian knowledge doe not understand, yet are we to be­leeve, and also to know, that the Fathers, which set forth the Divine Service, did perfectly understand; like as also we are to beleeve, that the 2. Esd. 14.47. Fathers of the Church now and alwaies doe in the great mystery of godlinesse comprehend many things which the com­mon people doe not, yea also some things which Mini­sters of the inferiour order, as priests, pastours, and teachers doe not apprehend, who are therefore to be 1. Pet. 5.1.5. See Vox claman­tis, and pages therein, 18.19. guided in Divinity by those most reverend and right reverend fathers in God; and not to say that such and such sayings in the Communion booke are untrue, be­cause they understand them not. And whereas (as S. Paul saith) 1. Thes. 5.9. The Lord hath not appointed us unto [Page 21]wrath, but to obtaine salvation by our Lord JESUS CHRIST, he doth by his spirit write in Rom. 2.14.15 26.27. Heb. 8.10. all our hearts the worke or effect of his law, whereby the Psal. 19.8. Eph. 1.18. Col. 1.23. Psal. 98.3. Act. 26.18. Rom. 10.18. Psal. 19.3. Rom. eyes of our understanding are enlightened to in see much of our duty, our owne neglect of the same, and GODS wrath and curse upon us because of our disobedience, To the intent we should return into the way of righteousnes, and being weary and heavy laden with our sinnes, should Mat. seek unto CHRIST for to give rest unto our soules, wee taking his yoke upon us, and learning of him to be meeke and lowly in heart. Many even out of all places of the world being thus by Gods law be­come sensible of their spirituall misery, have came to Jerusalem to Zech. 8.22.23. seeke the Lord of Hostes, and to pray before him, and to be instructed in the knowledge of the Act. 8.27.28. Mat. 12.42. Saviour of the World JESUS CHRIST, Rom. 3.25. whom GOD hath set forth to bee a propitiation through faith in his bloud, to declare his righteousnesse for the forgivenesse of sins that are past, through the for­bearance of GOD.

Q. Who then doe become drawne by GOD the Father unto his Son CHRIST?

A. They that doe not Heb. harden their hearts, nor wilfully Act. 28.27. close the eyes of their soules; but doe Luke 15.17. come to themselves, Psal. 22.27. remember themselves, and Ezech. 18.28. consider within themselves earnestly, how it is between GOD and their soules; and perceiving that whiles they con­tinue in Luke 13.3.5. unrepentance, not changing their minds and lives according to the prescription of GODS word, they are in danger of everlasting damnation; and ha­ving Act. 2 37. sense and feeling of their inward miserable con­dition, become to be of a Ioel. 2.13. Psal. [...]1.17. Zech. 12.10. contrite spirit, a broken heart, and a mournefull minde, hungring and thirsting Joh. 2.2. [Page 22]after the Act. 3.19. Luke 4.18. refreshing, which commeth from GOD by JESUS CHRIST.

Q. What must one doe for his part, to become to be in such a penitent estate?

A. He must heare the preaching of Gods word, and attend unto the reading of all the same, Lam. 3.40. examining and judging his whole mind and life by it, and pray unto GOD to assist him with his grace, that hee may become endued with the 2 Cor. 7 9.10 11. Psal. 25.4.5. and 143.8.10. Mat. 21.32. godly sorrow, which wor­keth repentance unto salvation not to be repented of.

Q. What is the second article?

A. And in JESUS CHRIST his only Sonne our Lord.

Q. What saith the Athanasian Creed concerning the faith in CHRIST?

A. That the right faith is, we should beleeve and confesse, that our Lord Jesus Christ the Sonne of God is God and man. God of the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; and Man of the substance of his Mother, borne in the world.

Q. Where hath the Church declared concerning the divine nature of Jesus Christ?

A. In her prayer unto CHRIST, where she saith, It is called a most necessary prayer, and is a­mong the god­ly prayers set after the read­ing Psalmes. O Lord Iesus Christ, which are the true Psal. 84.11. M [...]l. 4. [...]. Isa. 60.20. Sunne of the World, evermore arising, and never going downe, which by thy most wholesome appearing and sight, doest bring forth, preserve, nourish, and refresh all things, as well that are in heaven, as also that are on earth, we beseech thee mercifully and favourably to shine into our hearts, that the night and darknesse of sinnes, and the mists of errors on every side dri­ven away, thou 2 Cor. 4.6. 2. Pet. 1.19. Rev. 22.16. Eph. 5.14. brightly shining within our hearts, we may all our lives space goe without any stumbling or offence, and may decently and seemely walke (as in the day time) being [Page 23]pure and cleane from the workes of darkenesse, and aboun­ding in all good workes, which God hath Eph. 2.10. prepared for us to walke in.

Q. Rehearse some Scriptures declaring Christs di­vine nature.

A. Iohn 1.1. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Heb. 1.3. The Sonne of God is the brightnesse of the Fathers glory, and the expresse image of his person. 1 Ioh. 5.20. Jesus Christ is the true God, and the eternall life.

Q Why is the Son of God called JESUS?

A. Because he Mat. 1.21. saveth his people from the is sins.

Q. By whom was that name given unto him?

A. By God, and Luke 1.26.31. pronounced by the ministery of his Angel Gabriel, when as hee was sent from GOD to signifie unto the Virgin Mary of the holy Incar­nation.

Q. Why is the Son of God called CHRIST?

A. Because hee is the So is the sig­nification of the name, as it may be seene in the table of proper names, which is bound with some Bi­bles. Annointed, whereby is meant that he is the Soveraigne King, Prophet, and Priest. David saith unto him, Psal. 45.6.7. Heb. 1.8.9. Thy Throne (ô GOD) is for ever and ever: the Scepter of thy Kingdome is a right Scepter. Thou lovest righteousnesse and hatest wickednesse: therefore GOD, thy GOD hath an­nointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse above thy fellowes.

Q. By whom was he so named?

A. By GOD, and Luke 2.12. pronounced on him by the ministery of an Angel, in the day of his nativity.

Q. Are not the names JESUS and CHRIST read, mentioned in bookes of the Bible written afore his holy Incarnation?

A. The name Iesus is signified in that which the [Page 24]people called him, or said unto him, Mat. 21.9. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna, which is in the Hebrew text of Psal. 118.25. The name Christ being in the Hebrew Messias, is in Dan. 9.25. Psal. 2.2. with Act. 4.26. And in 2. Esdras 7.28.29. both names are read.

Q. How is Christ the Soveraigne King of his Church?

A. The Angell Gabriel said, Luk. 1.32.33. He shall be great, and shall be called the Sonne of the Highest, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father Da­vid: And he shall raign over the house of Iacob for ever, and of his kingdome there shall be no end. Within few dayes after that he was borne, there came Wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is borne Mat. 2.2. King of the Jewes? Christ afterward said, Mat. 28.18. That all power was given unto him, both in heaven and in earth. Isaiah said, Isa. 16.5. In mercy shall the throne be established, and he shall sit upon it in truth, in the Ta­bernacle of David, judging and seeking judgement, and hasting righteousnes. Rom. 14.17. His Kingdome of grace, is (as Saint Paul saith) righteousnesse, peace, and joy in the holy Ghost; of the which Kingdome Christ hath said, Luke 17.21. Behold it is within you.

Q. How is hee the Soveraigne Prophet of his Church?

A. Saint Peter relateth that Moses said of Christ, Act. A Prophet shal the Lord your God raise up unto you, of your brethren like unto me, him shall yee heare in all things whatsoever hee shall say unto you. And it shall come to passe, that every soule which will not heare that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. Christ said of himselfe when he first began to preach, Luke 4.18. Isa. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because [Page 25]hee hath annointed mee to preach the Gospell to the poore, &c. And to preach the acceptable yeere of the Lord. Concerning Christs Prophecying, do­ctrine, and discipline, the voice from heaven said: Mat. 17.5. Heare yee him. And Christ hath said concerning his true Ministers in all ages to the world end: Luke 10.16. Hee that heareth you, heareth me: and he that despiseth you, despiseth me: and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. And Saint Paul said, 2. Cor. 13.3. 1. Pet. 1.11. That Christ spake in him.

Q. How is CHRIST the Soveraigne Priest of his Church?

A. Saint Paul saith: Heb. 3.1. Consider the Apostle, and high Priest of our profession, CHRIST JESUS, Heb. 6.20. made an high Priest for ever, after the order of Mel­chisedech, Heb. 7.24. having an unchangeable Priesthood; Heb. 10.12.13. who after he had offered one sacrifice for sinnes for ever sate-downe on the right hand of GOD, from henceforth expecting till his enemies bee made his foot-stoole. Wherefore hee is able also to save them to the uttermost, that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make Heb. 7.25. intercession for them. Heb. 2.18. And in that hee himselfe hath suffered being tempted, hee is able to succour them that are tempted. Heb. Seeing then (saith Saint Paul) that wee have a great high Priest that is passed into the heavens, JESUS the Son of GOD, let us hold fast our profession. Let us come boldly to the throne of Grace, that wee may obtaine mercie, and find grace to helpe in time of need. For he being made perfect, is become the author of eter­nall salvation unto all that Heb. 5.9. see 2. Thes. 1.8. 1. Pet. 4.17. Ioh. 15.14. Mat. 7.21. obey him.

Q. What doe CHRISTS members (his obedi­ent people) receive from him their head, being So­veraigne [Page 26]King, Prophet and Priest?

A. The Scripture saith: Joh. 1.16. Of his fulnesse have wee all received, and grace for grace. Unto Eph. 4.7. every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the gift of CHRIST. 1. Pet. 2.9. Wee are a chosen generation, a Royall Priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar peo­ple, that wee should shew forth the praises of him, who hath called us out of darkenes into his marveilous light. So the Page 173. Tome 2. Joh. 1.12. Homily of the Nativity saith: Christ made all them, that would receive him truly, and beleeve his word, to bee children of light, heires of his Kingdome, members of his body, &c.

Q. Why is JESUS CHRIST said to be God the Fathers only Sonne?

A. Because he only is begotten of God the Father from all eternity, hee alone is naturally the Sonne of God. Saint John saith: Joh. 1.14.18. The Word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us, and wee beheld his glory, the glory as of the onely begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Q. Why is JESUS CHRIST said to bee our LORD?

A. The Rogation Homily saith: Page 229. Ioh. 5.22. To this our Sa­viour and Mediatour hath God the Father given the power of heaven and earth, and the whole jurisdiction and autho­rity, &c. Againe the Church saith: In her shorter Catechisme, on this Article. Hereby are the godly put in minde, that they are not at their owne liberty, but that both in their bodies and soules, and in their life and death, they are wholy subject to their Lord, to whom they ought to bee obedient and serviceable in all things, as most faithfull servants. Saint Paul saith: 1. Cor. 6.20. Glorifie God in your bodies & in your spirit, which are Gods. In Malachi Christ saith: Mal. 1.6. A sonne honoureth his fa­ther, [Page 27]and a servant his master. If then I bee a father, where is mine our honour? and if I be a master, where is my feare (or the reverence of mee?) Christ saith: The Father hath committed all judgment to the Son, that all men should honour the Sonne, Ioh. 5.23. even as they honour the Father. And he saith: Luke 6.46. Why call yee mee, Lord, Lord, and doe not the things which I say? Mat. 7.21. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdome of heaven, but he that doth the will of my father which is in heaven. It is obser­vable, that in most places of the New Testament, where Christ is mentioned, there is added the word Lord, and our Lord. The people of GOD are called So in the words afore the praier for the Church Mili­tant, and else­where. Christ Church, the Congregation of Christ, because hee onely is called in the holy Scriptures the Head of the Church. Saint Paul therefore for to have all things done 1 Cor. 14.40 decently and in order, did from the holy Ghost prescribe that (whereas Christ is in the Mat. 18.20. midst of two or three gathered together in his name) the gracious presence of Christ should be Exod. 3.5. Jos. 5.15. Lev. 19.30. Psal. 89.7. testified by some signe of outward reverence thereunto. Saith he; I would have you to 1. Cor. See Ca­stellioes Anno­tation on the said place. See chap. 68. all of it. know (or by an outward signe to expresse forth) that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man. Every man therefore praying or prophe­cying, having his head covered, dishonoreth his head. But every woman prayingor prophecying with her head unco­vered, dishonoureth her head. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. It may be demanded, How doth every woman pray and pro­phecie in the assemblie? They are required to keepe 1. Cor. 14.34. silence in the Churches. The holy Ghost then in the said Chapter to the Corinthians speaketh of such a [Page 28]prophecying and praying of every woman, as of See what Mr Samuel Hieron hath delivered concerning the reverence to be used in the hea­ring of Gods word preached, as it is rehear­sed in this work where the duty unto God, the honouring of his word is ex­pounded. every man in the same assembly: for it is there de­livered within one period concerning the head­habit of both sexes in each of the worships of GOD, when wee speake unto God, or when God speaketh unto us. And the praying and prophecying which is to be performed by the whole congregation of men and women is onely by consent unto the Priests perfor­ming of both Services. And because consent to the doing of any matter is accounted as the acting of it, therefore in like manner of speaking it is said in the booke of Kings, 1. Kings 8.62. That King Salomon and all Israel with him offered sacrifice before the Lord, when as the act of offering was performed by the Luke 1.10. Lev. 16.17. Heb. 5.1.3. Iunius on the Syriacke of 1. Cor. 11.4. saith, That the private ones in the Church are said there to prophecie, in that they with minde doe fol­low him that speaketh. So that most great German Clerk Matthias Mar­ti [...]us in his di­ctionary unto the word Pro­pheto addeth, that to Prophesie signifieth some­times onely to hear a Prophet; as in 1. Cor. 11.1. Priests. Wherefore also if the Priests now in their performing prayer and prophecying (or preaching) may not have on their heads their common upper covering, because it is requisite they should shew reverence unto the presence of JESUS CHRIST their Lord, ought not also the whole congregation of men, the learners, be habited so on their heads, as that there may bee from them some signe of reverence unto Jesus Christs pre­sence, as well as the women are to have on their heads in the Church some signe of their subjection unto the man? And therefore the holy Apostolicall Church of England knowing that Christ is in every assembly of the Saints, and that hee looketh for bodily worship from all people of both sexes, she tendering the glory of her head Christ, that during all the time whiles his gracious presence is among his people, it may bee by some outward Worship the Lord in the beauty of holinesse. Ps. 29.2. Holiness becometh thine house. Ps. 93.2. signe from the head of every man [Page 29]acknowledged, she hath prescribed, (to the end that no man under any pretence may neglect his due Ps. 89.7. See the seventh ar­ticl. concerning the Clergie de­livered in the late Metropo­litall visitati­on. Psal. 2.11. according to the divine Ser­vice trāslation. Mal. 1.6. Psal. 89.7. Heb. 12.28. Psal. 111.9. Lev. 26.2. reverence owed unto his head Christ Jesus, but in every part of his publike worship may expresse be­fore Christ a testification of his speciall presence, and that he is his head,) Holy Church zealous of Christs honour and glory, hath in her found Constitution or­dained, That in the time of every part of Divine ser­vice all due reverence is to bee used. And shee thus most divinely delivereth for the sake of Christ her Lord: No man shall In the eigh­teenth Canon. cover his head in the Church or Chappell in the time of Divine service, except he have some infirmity. In which case let him weare a night-cap or coife. The Church there also requireth Psal. 95.6. kneeling before the Lord Jesus by whom Col. 1.16. all were made, when as praiers are read. Also to 1. King. Gen. 18.22. & 19.27. So to stand up at the hearing of the Gospell for the day read. See Judges 3.20. 1. Sam. 9.27. Isa. 32.9. Neh. 8.5. Numb. 23.18. stand up at the saying of our beleefe in Christ, unto the honouring of his presence. And saith the Church likewise: When in time of Divine Service the Lord Iesus shall be mentioned, due and lowly Phil. 2.10. Rom. 14.11. Rev. 5.12. See c. 68. & pag. 199 reverence shall bee done by all persons present, as it hath bin But now ma­ny men & wo­men have that most holy cu­stome even in open defiance, so as it is not meete for to mention. accustomed: testifying by these outward ceremonies and gestures, their inward humility, Christian resolution, and due acknowledgement, that the Lord Iesus Christ the true and eternall Sonne of God, is the onely Saviour of the world, in whome alone all the mercies, graces and promises of GOD to mankind for this life and the life to come are fully and wholy comprised. By which said care that all due reverence may be performed unto the Lord Jesus in every part of the Divine Service or publicke wor­ship, the holy Church sheweth her loyaltie unto her husband her Lord and maker. And in the Homily concerning the right use of the Church the due reve­rence unto Christ in every part of his publike worship [Page 30]is most fervently, many a time urged. For the Church his Spouse observed how many peoples love unto the honoring of the Bridegrom was waxen cold, as Christ himselfe foretold, that in the latter times it would come to passe, and that iniquity towards him, aswell as towards man would among sundry abound, unto the Mal. 3.9. robbing of him, in withholding from him the Mat. 23.21. due reverence, which his Gospell and his It is much memorable, what our late most gracious Soveraigne, out of his high­ness great zeale for Christs due eeverence in the publike worship wrote in his sacred meditation on the Lords prai­e, That wee are to prepare our re­verence in the highest degree for to speak unto God; and not like some, to taske homely with God, as our fellow; which some therefore love to sit Iacke­fellowlike with Christ at the Lords table, as his brethren & camerades. In page 22. holy Church hath prescribed.

Q. Rehearse somewhat more out of the Divine Service for our better understanding of Christs God­head, or his nature from all eternity.

A. In the Athanasian Creed it is said. The God­head of the Father and of the Sonne is all one, the glory equall the Majestie coeternall. Such as the Fa­ther is, such is the Sonne: He is uncreate, incompre­hensible, eternall, Almighty, God and Lord.

Q. What is it to beleeve in Jesus Christ? or when may one of the yeeres of discretion be said to have the true faith in the Sonne of God?

A. Whereas the Church in all her most sacred Homily of Faith doth declare, that in whomsoever of perfect naturall age the true, lively, and Christian Faith is, there is in his soule not death but life stirring inwardly in the heart, and shewing it selfe forth more and more by all good works, having withall increase of Rom. 5.1. peace with GOD, and of Acts 9.31. comfort in the holy Ghost; therefore when one from Christs spirit and word beginneth to receive gladnesse (or good Luke 4.18. ti­dings,) to have the breaches in his heart more and more healed, the bruises in his spirit or conscience bound up, and feeleth more and more liberty from his inward captivity under sinne and Satan, and hath [Page 31]the eves of his understanding in somewise opened for to Luke 3.6. and 2.30. see the salvation of the Lord, hee hath then the 1. Joh. 5.10. witnesse within himselfe, that he is endued with the Faith in JESUS CHRIST.

Q. What is the third Article?

A. Which was conceived by the holy Ghost, borne of the Virgin Mary.

Q. Rehearse out of the Athanasian Creed that which may give light for our better understanding of the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A. Our Lord JESUS CHRIST is God of the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds: and Man of the substance of his mother borne in the world. Perfect God and perfect Man; of a reasonable soule, and humane flesh subsisting. Ioh. 10.30. Equall to the Fa­ther as touching his Godhead, and Ioh. 14.28. inferiour to the Father touching his Manhood. Who although he bee God and man; yet is he not two, but one Christ. One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh; but by taking of the Manhood into GOD. One altogether, not by confusion of substance; but by unity of person. For as the reasonable soule and flesh is one man: So God and man is one Christ.

Q. Recite the Scripture expressing the holy Incar­nation.

A. The Angell said unto the Virgin Mary: Luk. 1.31.33. Behold thou shalt conceive in thy wombe, and bring forth a Son, and shalt call his name JESUS. The holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: Therefore also that holy thing which shall be borne of thee, shall be called the Sonne of GOD. Isaiah said: Isa. 7.14. The Lord himselfe shall give you a signe; behold a Virgin shall conceive and beare a [Page 32]sonne, and shall call his name IMMANUEL, which is by interpretation, GOD with us.

Q. Mention some saying of the Divine Service hereunto.

A. In the Homily of repentance it is said: Page 259. JESUS CHRIST, who being true and naturall God, equall and of one substance with the Father, did at the time appointed, take upon him our fraile nature, in the blessed Virgins wombe, and that of her undefiled substance, that so hee might be a Mediatour between God and us, and pacifie his wrath.

Q. Why is the Virgin Mary by name expressed?

A. In the shorter Catechisme. That Christ may bee knowne to be that true Heb. 2.16. seed of Abraham and Mitt. 1.1. David, of whom it was from GOD foretold and foreshewed by the Prophesies of the Prophets: Of the which Abraham and David the Virgin Luke 1.27. & Mary lineally descended.

Q. In what honour doth the Scripture deliver, that we are to account the Virgin Mary?

A. We are to say of her, that shee was Luke 1.28. The Church readeth it in the Gospel for the day of her Annunciation, Haile full of grace. highly fa­voured, that the Lord was with her, that she was the most blessed of women, and that blessed is the fruit of her wombe, and that all generations are to call her blessed.

Q. What further honour of her memoriall doth the Church now retaine?

A. It See chap. 43. requireth that the day of her Annunciati­on, and the day of her Purification bee kept holy.

Q. What signifieth the name Mary?

A. Saint See Martinius his Latine di­ctionary on the name Maria. Ierome saith, that it signifieth in the Syrian tongue, A Lady or Mistresse. It is observed to signifie according to its letters importance in the Hebrew, one teaching, &c.

[Page 33] Q. What doth the Church teach us to minde con­cerning our selves in her prayer for Christmas day?

A. For to pray, That we being Ioh. 1.13. with 1. Ioh. 4.7.8. born againe, and made GODS children by adoption and grace, may daily be re­newed by his holy spirit, through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Saint Paul therefore saith, Gal. 4.19. My little children, of whom I travaile in birth againe, untill Christ be formed in you. Whereby it is signified, that wee are to labour for to have more and more such a mind and conversation as was in CHRIST. Whose vertuous con­versation and godly life (saith an The infor­mation of cer­taine places of Scripture page 144. tome 2. homily) the Scripture so lively painteth and setteth forth before our eyes, that wee beholding that patterne, might shape and frame our lives, as nigh as may be, agreeable to the perfection of the same.

Q. What is the fourth article?

A. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried, he descended into hell.

Q. What was Pontius Pilate?

A. He was at that time Luke 3.1. chiefe Judge in Jerusalem under the Emperour of Rome.

Q. Why is the Romane governor, under whom Christ suffered, expresly named?

A. In the larger Catechisme. First, the certain expressing of the persons and times bringeth credit to the matter. Secondly, the ve­ry thing it selfe declareth that Christ tooke our nature upon him at his due time, the very time limited and appointed by God, that is, when the Gen. 49.10. scepter was transferred from the issue of Juda, to the Romanes, and to forraine Kings, that held the kingdome of suffe­rance under the Romane Empire. Moreover, it had beene long before foreshewed by God, that Christ should be delivered to the Gentiles, Dan. 9.46. Luke 2.1. and to execution, and should suffer death by the Judges sentence.

[Page 34] Q. What did Christ suffer under Pontius Pilate?

A. He being falsely and maliciously In the shorter Catechisme. See Mat. 26. & 27. Mar. 14. & 15. John 18. and 19. Chapters. accused by the Jews, suffered under him a condemnation unto death. He was buffeted, scourged, crowned with thornes, and cloathed in purple; and otherwise abused, both most cruelly and spightfully: and finally, with his crosse laid on his neck, he was haled out of the City, into the place named Calvarie, where betweene two theeves, they villanously nailed him upon the crosse: upon the which being extreamely tormented, he suffered most paine­full and shamefull death, sustaining withall torments of mind more cruell than any bodily death.

Q. Recite out of the Service some expressing of Christs suffering.

A. In the homily of the Passion it is said, The second part, pag. 184. Call to mind, O sinfull creature, and set before thine eyes Christ cru­cified. Thinke thou seest his body stretched out in length upon the crosse, his head crowned with sharp thornes, and his hands and his feet pierced with nailes, his heart opened with a long speare, his flesh rent and torne with whippes, his browes sweating water and bloud. Think thou hearest him now cry­ing in an intolerable agony to his Father, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Q. Was not GOD a mover of the Jewes for to use his Sonne thus, seeing he by his Prophets foretold, that Christ should suffer such things?

A. Though God foretold by David, that one of Christs owne company would betray him; yet hee moved not Judas Iscariot thereunto; it was the Devill being Ioh. 13.27. entred into him, which evill spirit Eph. 2.2. ruling in the other children of disobedience moved them unto such wickednesse as they committed.

Q. How is that saying to be understood, Act. 2.23. Him [Page 35]being delivered by the determinate counsell and This Scripture is wrested by some for to teach adoctrine contrary to the expresse delive­ry of all holy Scripture, and of the divine Service. foreknow­ledge of God, yee have taken, and by wicked hands have cru­cifyed and slaine?

A. The words only declare, that Gods determi­nate counsel and foreknowledge was, that CHRIST should in his manhood be left in the hands of the dis­obedient Jewes; for hee was to be a sacrifice for the sinnes of the 1. Joh. 2.2. whole world. But yet those persons which did crucify him, did it with wicked hands and hearts, as Peter in the same Act. 2.23. verse signifieth. God also left the bodies of many of his Prophets and Apostles in the hands of wicked ones: Yea, and saith Saint Paul, Unto you it is given in the behalfe of Christ, not only to beleeve in him, but also to Phil. 1.29. suffer for his sake: and yet those which tortured them, are said to have done Mat. wickedly therein, and the casting of them into prison is said to bee the worke of the Rev. 2.10. Devill. Wherefore though Christ was not delivered into his enemies hands without his Fathers determinate counsell, fore­knowledge, and sufferance; yet the delivering of him by Judas Iscariot into the Jewes hands, was very great sinne. And this doth Christ himselfe testifie, when as Pilate said unto him, Knowest thou not, that I have power to crucifie thee, and I have power to release thee? Jesus answered and said, Thou couldest have no power at all against mee, except it were given thee from above: therefore hee that Ioh. 19.11. delivered mee unto thee, hath the greater sinne.

Q. How is that other like place to be understood, Act. 4.27.28. Of a truth against the holy child JESUS, whom thou hast annointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, & the people of Israel were gathered together, for to do what soever thy hand & thy counsell determined afore to be done?

A. God had foretold by his Prophets, that such and [Page 36]such things would befall his Sonne JESUS, and that hee should Luke 24.26. undergoe them all. Also when the time of his suffering came, God so ruled the rage of his ene­mies, that they acted on Christ not whatsoever their malicious mindes could have desired, but what he had determined afore, to suffer that hee should endure. The Jewes afore sought to Luk. 4.29.30. mischiefe him, but it was not suffered them. Also when Christ hung on the crosse, the souldiers brake the theeves legges, but not a bone of Iesus: and Saint Iohn saith, it was so, that the Scripture should be fulfilled, saying, Ioh. 19.33.36 A bone of him shall not be broken. And CHRISTS body (being by his enemies accounted to have been Mat. kept fast) was not so long in the power of the watch, as they intend­ed to have kept it. Of all the evils therefore, which were then wrought upon and against JESUS, there proceeded not any one of them from GOD (though hee The Greeke word [...] in Acts 4.28. translated deter­mined hath in it naturally the importance of limiting. See Scapula, &c. limited them as they were in the committing) but they proceeded only from the devil, as CHRIST himselfe expresly witnessed, saying, Luke 22.53. When I was daily with you in the Temple, yee stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your houre and the power of darknesse.

Q. Explane the word Crucified.

A. Christ was fastened to a crosse, they nayled him through hands and feet unto it, and hanged him upon the same betweene two theeves, untill hewas dead.

Q. Where was CHRIST buried?

A. Saint Luke saith, Luke 23.50. [...]1.52.53. There was a man named Io­seph, a Counseller, and hee was a good man, and a just. The same had not consented to the counsell and deed of them; he was of Arimathen a City of the Jewes, who also himselfe waited for the kingdome of GOD. This man went unto Pilate and begged the body of Iesus. [Page 37]And he tooke it downe, and wrapped in linnen, and laid it in a sepulchre, that was hewen in stone, wherein never man before was laid.

Q. Why is it added, That he was buried?

A. In the shorter Catechisme. His dead body was laid in grave, that his Mat. 12.40. and 27.60. 1 Cor. 15.4. death should be more evident, and that all men might cer­tainely know it. For if he by and by had revived, many would have brought his death in debate and question, and made it doubtfull.

Q. Afore we passe to the last part of this article, re­hearse some Scripture testifying of Christs sufferings in his soule.

A. Isalah saith, Isa. 53.12. He poured out his soule unto death, his Verse 10. soule was made an offering for sinne, the LORD hath Verse 6. laid on him the iniquity of us all. The Evange­lists write that he said, Mat. 26.38. My soule is exceeding sorrow­full even unto death: that being in an Luke 22 44. agony, he pray­ed most earnestly, and his sweat was as it were great drops of bloud, falling downe to the ground. And be­ing on the crosse, not long afore he gave up the ghost, he Mat. 27.46. cryed with a loud voice, saying, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Q. Recite now some delivery concerning Christs sufferings, as it is in the Church writings.

A. In her larger Catechisme it is said, CHRIST suffered not onely a common death in sight of men, but also was touched with the For the more perfect under­standing of the word Hell, it may be noted, that sometimes it signifieth a certaine darke and wofull spi­rituall estate of the soule, in the body in this present life, out of which by Christ, Gods people doe be­come deliver­ed, like as by Christ they are preserved from the hell of the damned: and the said hell in this world is as it were a certain likenes in some manner and measure of the unexprestable dolefull hell in the world to come. The Church saith in the ho­mily of the Nativity & of the passion, that Adam in stead of the citizen of heaven was become the bondslave of hell and a firebrand of hell. In the Homily for the resurrection and pag. 192. it is said, Christ passed through death and hel, to the intent to put us in good hope, that by his strength we shall doe the same. In the larger Catechisme on the tenth article it is said, Faith lift­eth up the mind from hel it selfe unto life. Whereas in Rev. 1.18. it is said, that Christ hath the keyes of hell and death, Is it not meant of his letting of peoples minds forth of the first death of sinfulnes, and so out of the spirituall or first hell of ignorance, horrour, and unrest fulnes in the conscience? Consider also the signification of the word hell in Prov. 9.18. horrour of eternall [Page 38]death: he fought and wrastled as it were hand to hand with the whole army of hell: before the Judgement seat of GOD hee put himselfe under the heavy judg­ment and grievous severity of Gods punishment: hee was driven into most hard distresse: hee for us suffered and went through horrible feares, and most bitter griefes of mind, to satisfie GODS just judgement in all things, and to appease his wrath. For to sinners, whose person CHRIST did here beare, not onely the sorrowes and paines of present death are due, but also of death to come and everlasting. So when he did take upon him and beare both the guiltinesse and just Judgement of Mankind, which was undone and already condemned, hee was tormented with so great trouble and sorrow of mind, that he cryed out, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken mee? Hee suffered all these things without any sinne, much lesse did any desperation possesse his soule. For hee never ceased in the meane time to trust in his Father, and to have good hope of his safety. And being be­set round about with feare, hee was never dismayed or overwhelmed with sorrow. And wrestling with the whole power of hell, he subdued and Rev. 3.21. overcame all the force that stood against him, and all the furious and violent assaults.

Q. Now rehearse how the Church hath delivered her understanding of CHRISTS descent into hell.

A. It is said in her larger Catechisme: That as Christ in his body descended into the bowels of the earth, so in his soule severed from his body hee des­cended into The Church signifieth, that the hel wherein the departed damned soules are, is under the earth, in her largest catechis­me on the arti­cle of Christs ascensiō, saying. That at the name of Jesus every knce should bowe both of things in heavē, earth, and hell. See Phil. 2.10. hell: and that therewith also the vertue and efficacie of his death, so pearced through to the 1 Pet. 3.19. dead, and to very hell it selfe, that both the soules [Page 39]of the unbeleeving felt their most painfull and just damnation for Ioh. 8.24. infidelity, and Satan himselfe the 1. Cor. 15.55. Heb. 2.14.15. prince of hell, felt that all the power of his tyranny and darkenesse was weakened, vanquished, and fallen to ruine. On the other side, the Rom. 14.9. Col. 1.20. dead which while they lived, beleeved in CHRIST, understood that the work of their Redemption was now finished, and understood and perceived the effect and strength thereof with most sweet and assured comfort. It is said in the Creed in meeter set after the singing Psalmes: His soule did after this descend, into the lower parts; a dread unto the wicked spirits; but joy to faithfull hearts.

Q. Shew some Scriptures declaring that Christs soule was in hell.

A. David speaking of Christs soule, saith: Psal. 16.10. Thou wilt not leave my soule in hell. And Saint Act. 2.27.31. Peter twice mentioneth it in his Sermon. Yea the word death in that 24. verse, where our translation is Having loosed the paines of death, is in some Greeke copies [...] of hell. In the vulgar Latine Bible it is also Inferni of hell: so in the Syriacke edition it is [...] of hell, which is said to bee written by S. So Alstedius relateth in his Encyclopaedia, printed anno 1630. and page 167. Marke. In the an­cient Arabick translation it is [...] of hell. Againe the Prophet David saith: Psal. 86.13. Thou hast delivered my soule from the lowest (or neithermost) hell. And the most ancient Father In his 5. book against heresies and the thirty first chap. Irenaus understandeth, that David there also meant CHRISTS soule. It is the expresse affirmation of other ancient Fathers, that CHRIST in his soule descended into hell, as of Tertullian, Hierome, &c. And Saint In his ninety ninth epistle unto Evodius. Augustine saith: Who unlesse an infidell (or an unbeleever) will deny that CHRIST was in Hell?

Q. Having now heard, what Christ for his part [Page 40]hath suffered for the salvation of 1. Ioh. 2.2. universat mankind, that (as the Divine Service saith) hee by his owne ob­lation of himselfe once offered, hath made a full, per­fect and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world; let us now consider what we for our parts are by Christ in his holy Gospel required to doe, under paine of The Athanas. Creed in the Divine Service so speaketh, signifying that salvation is up­on condition, and not to any one of ripe age absolutely orun­conditionably. perishing ever­lastingly.

A. Whereas we are taught to pray: In the collect for Innoc. day. Mortifie and kill all vices in us, that in our conversation, our life may expresse thy faith, which with our tongues wee doe con­fesse; It is given unto us for to understand; that the Christian faith doth not consist in a bare beleeving of the story of Christs actions and sufferings, but it hath accompanying it an unfeined striving to imitate Christ in such manner as his Gospell hath prescribed. Most divinely therefore the holy Apostolicall Church of England in a certaine Homily signifieth, That for every one of us in particular to receive part of the ge­nerall pardon, which is to bee preached openly in Christs name to all the nations of the world, there is required condition to be observed by us. The Church saith: Vnder this condition doth God forgive us, if we for­give other. In the Ho­mily for good Friday, the first part, page 179. See chap. 26. And God is also to be obeyed, which commandeth us to forgive, if we will have any part of the pardon, which our Saviour Christ purchased once of God the Father, by shedding of his precious Bloud. Furthermore Saint Paul saith to the Romanes, That Rom. 1.5. and 16.26. obedience is to be unto the faith. And Saint Luke declareth many Priests of the Jewes to become converted, when they became Acts 6.7. obedient to the Faith.

Q. Seeing then that Christ is the propitiation for the sinnes of the whole world, what is our duty to This doctrine of holy Church that by Christs death is pur­chased a gene­rall pardon, is of great conso­lation and for daily medita­tion. [Page 41]beleeve herewithall?

A. The Church saith, both in her larger and shorter Catechisme: Christs suffering & death is not only a medi­cine of our miseries, but also an This point of Divinity the spirits of diso­bedience will not take notice of, though the Apostolicall Church of En­gland doth de­clare it to be necessarily learned, as now along fol­lowing it is manifested. example for us to follow: We ought after this example to bee obedient unto the will of God our heavenly Father, and patiently to take all injuries at mans hands, and to crucifie the wicked lusts of the flesh, and to be as dead and buried unto sinne. And if we bee once dead & buried to sinne, how shall wee hereafter live in the same? In the booke of common prayer, and of Ho­milies the doctrine of our imitating Christs suffe­rings is often mentioned, and urged as a matter ne­cessary for our learning and observation. Saint Paul saith: Rom. 8.17. If wee be children then are wee heires, heires of God, and joint heires with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified toge­ther. He saith unto Timothy; 2. Tim. 2.11.12. It is a faithfull saying: For if wee bee dead with him, we shall also live with him. If we suffer we shall also reigne with him. And therefore he said concerning himselfe: Phil. 3.10. That he la­boured to know Christ, and the power of his Re­surrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. Saint Peter saith: 1. Pet. 2.21. Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example to follow his steps. And againe he saith: 1. Pet. 4.1. Forasmuch as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arme your selves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh, hath ceased from sin: that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

Q. Expresse the required imitation in some more particular manner, How are wee to imitate Christs crucifying?

[Page 42] A. Saint Paul saith: Gal. 5.24. They that are Christs, have crucified the flesh with the affections and lustes. Hee said of himselfe: and 2.20. I am crucified with Christ. Ne­verthelesse, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Sonne of God, who loved me, and gave himselfe for me. We are taught to pray, In the Bap­tisme Service. That we may crucifie the old man.

Q. How are we to imitate Christs death?

A. The Church declareth where she saith: In the end of the said service. We are alwaies to remember that Baptisme doth represent unto us our profession, which is, to follow the example of our Sa­viour Christ, and to be made like unto him, that as he died, and rose againe for us, so should wee that are baptized, die from sinne, and rise againe unto righteousnesse, continually mortifying all our evill and corrupt affections, and daily proceeding in all vertue and godlinesse of living.

Q. How are we to imitate Christs buriall?

A. It is signified, where we are taught to pray: In the Bap­tisme Service. That the baptized party being dead unto sin, and living unto righteousnesse, and being buried with Christ in his death, may crucisie the old man, & utter abolish the whole body of sinne. The Homily of Resurrection saith: Page 194. Polanus in his Syntagma lib. 6. cap. 37. saith Spirituali morti­ficatiori conjun­cta est spiritualis sepultura, quae est continuus mortificationis progressus. Saint Paul exhorteth us saying: As wee bee buried with Christ by our Baptisme into death, so let us daily die to sin, mortifying and killing the evill desires and motions thereof.

Q. Is Christs descent into hell to be imitated of us in any manner?

A. Saint Paul signifieth, Eph. 6.12. See hereunto what afore is obser­ved and set in the margēt un­to the answere next afore the exposition on Christs descent into hell. That wee are not onēly to wrestle against flesh and bloud, but against princi­palities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkenes of this world, against spirituall wickednes in high (or So terdeth the margent, heavenly) places: & therefore to take unto [Page 43]us the whole armour of God, that we may be able to withstand in the evill day: & having done (or So in the margent. over­come) all, to stand, yea to stand so armed, as hee to the Ephesians hath prescribed. And whereas the Church doth teach us to pray for every party to bee baptized, In the Bap­tisme Service. Grant that hee may have power and strength to have victory, and to triumph against the devill, the world, and the flesh, we are thereby informed, that by the helpe of Christ there may be attained at length in this life some measure of ability so to triumph. Saint Paul told to the Romanes, Rom. 16.20. So in the most sacred Letany it is said, And finally to beat downe Satan un­der our feet. See 1. Ioh. 5.18. That the God of peace would shortly bruise Satan under their feet. And that in our descending (or entring) into such a warfare against all invisible spirituall enemies, by the helpe of Gods holy spirit wee may at length have some con­quest, the Church in a certaine Homily declareth, saying: In the end of the first part of the Homily a­gainst the feare of death, page 62. the 1. tome. If we have Christ, then have we with him, and by him, all good things whatsoever we can in our hearts wish or desire, as A very me­morable sen­tence is, 1. Cor. 15.57.58. victory over death, sinne, and hell: Wee have the favour of God, peace with him, holinesse, wisdome, justice, power, life and redemption; we have by him perpetuall health, wealth, joy, and blisse everlasting. See Master Hierons, second Tome, and page 31. and in his Helpe unto devotion, the prayer to bee said at the point of death.

Q. What is the fift Article?

A. The third day he rose againe from the dead.

Q. How on the third day?

A. As on good Friday hee suffered death, So on Easterday he rose againe.

Q. By what power came this his Resurrection to passe?

A. By the power of the Eternall Spirit, as it is [Page 44]written: Rom. 8.11. and 1.4. 1. Pet. 3.18. If the spirit of him that raised up JESUS from the dead, dwell in you; he that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quicken your mortall bodies, by his spirit that dwelleth in you.

Q. Why did CHRIST then rise againe?

A. It is written, Rom. 4.25. That he was delivered for our of­fences, and raised for our justification. Saint Peter saith: 1. Pet. 1.3. God hath begotten us to a lively hope, by the Resurrection of CHRIST once from the dead, to en­joy an inheritance immortall, &c. Also he rose againe, that the 1. Cor. 15.4. Ps. 16.10. prophesies might be fulfilled, which told be­fore, that neither his body should bee touched with corruption, nor his soule be left in hell.

Q. Rehearse some saying of the Church concerning the use; which wee are to make concerning Christs Resurrection.

A. It is said in a certaine Homily: In the end of the Homily of the Resurrect. If wee apply our faith to the vertue thereof in our life, and conforme us to the example and signification meant thereby, wee shall bee sure to rise hereafter unto everlasting glory. S. Paul saith: Rom. 6.4.5. We are buried with him by baptisme into death, that like as CHRIST was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father; even so we also should walke in newnesse of life. For if wee have bin planted together in the likenesse of his death: we shall be also in the likenesse of his Resurrection. And to the Co­lossians hee saith: Col. 3.1.2. If yee be risen with Christ, seeke those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God: set your affections on things above, not on things upon the earth. Wherefore the Church saith in her larger Catechisme: If we be risen againe with Christ, if by assured faith and stedfast hope we be conversant with him in heaven, then ought we from [Page 45]henceforth to bend all our cares & thoughts upon heavenly, divine, and eternall things, not earthly, worldly, and tran­sitory. And as wee have heretofore borne the image of the earthly man, we ought from henceforth to put on the 1. Cor. 15.49. image of the This and all other the Church-her high divine de­liveries wee should learne and alwaies remember. heavenly man, quietly and patiently bearing, after his example, all sorrowes and wrongs, and following and expressing his other divine vertues so farre as mortall men be able.

Q. How long did Christ remaine upon the earth after that he rose againe?

A. It is said, In the Homi­ly of the Resur, pag. 190. That it pleased our Saviour not straightway to withdraw himselfe from the bodily presence and sight of his disciples, but hee chose out forty dayes, wherein he would declare unto them, by manifold and most strong arguments and tokens, that hee had conquered death, and that hee was also truly risen againe to life.

Q. What is the sixt Article?

A. He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

Q. On what day did Christ ascend into heaven?

A. On the Acts 1.3. fortith day after his Resurrection, the which is called Ascension day, or commonly Holy Thursday.

Q. In what manner did he ascend?

A. Act. He was taken up, and a cloud received him out of his Apostles sight, Angels being present with their service unto him.

Q. Why did hee ascend into heaven?

A. It is said: In the Homi­ly of the Resur, That hee ascended up to his father into the heavens, there to receive the Ioh. 17.5. 1. Pet. 3.22. glory of his most tri­umphant conquest and victory: also to So in the preface to bee read on Ascen­sion day. Ioh. 14.3. prepare a place for us, that where hee is, thither might wee also ascend, and [Page 46]reigne with him in glory: Eph. 4.10. also that he might fill (or fulfill) all things.

Q. What use are we to make of his ascending?

A. The use is signified unto us in the collect for As­cension day, and also in the Collect for the Sunday after, where we are taught to pray: Grant that we may in heart and minde ascend into heaven, and with him con­tinually dwell: therefore also to pray; O God, leave uc net comfortlesse, but send to us thy holy Ghost to comfort us, and to exalt us unto the same place. Saint Paul being on earth said, Phil. 3.20. that his conversation was in heaven: So we are to lift up our hearts unto the Lord, that wee may receive of his spirituall gifts, which he being as­cended now on high, doth Eph. 4.8. give unto men.

Q What is meant by the words, Hee sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty? May wee sup­pose and imagine that God hath the shape or forme of a man?

A. In the larger Catechisme. No. But because wee speake of God among men, we doe in some sort after the manner of men, expresse thereby how CHRIST hath received the Kingdome given him of his Father. For 1. King. 2.19. Ps. 110.1. Matt. 20.21. Kings use to set them on their right hands to whom they vouch­safe to doe highest honour, and make Lieutenants of their dominion. Therefore in the words is meant, that God the Father made Eph. 23. and 5.23. CHRIST his Sonne the head of the Church, and that by him his pleasure is to pre­serve them that bee his, and to governe all things Col. 1.17. universally. Hee hath exalted him to the highest heighth, and given him a name, that is above all names, that at the Name of JESUS every Phil. 2.9.10. knee should bow, both of things in heaven, earth and So speaketh the Church in the end of the answere next afore. Sundry of the ancient fathers have delivered, that hell is under the earth. hell. p So in the margent.

[Page 47] Q. What is the seventh article?

A. From thence shall hee come to judge the quick and the dead.

Q. From whence is it meant that CHRIST shall so come?

A. From out of heaven, from the right hand of God the Father Almighty. The Scripture saith, 1. Thes. 4.16.17. The Lord himself shal descend frō heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of GOD; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remaine, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the LORD in the ayre, and so shall wee ever be with the LORD. The Church saith, In the Roga­tion Homily, page 229. 2. Cor. 5.10.11. Act. 10.42. See Chap. 31. By CHRIST hath Almighty GOD decreed to dissolve the world, to call all before him, to judge both the living and the dead; and finally by him shall he condemne the wicked to eternall fire in hell, and give the good eternall life, and set them as­suredly in presence with him in heaven for evermore.

Q. Is there any other judging of mankind by CHRIST JESUS?

A. Yea, hee judgeth every soule so soone as it is gone out of the body, as he himselfe concerning Luke Di­ves and Lazarus declareth. The divine Service saith, In the Visita­tion Service. That after this life, there is an account to be given unto the righteous Iudge, of whom all must be judged without re­spect of persons. Saint Paul saith, Heb. 9.27. After death is a judge­ment. And whereas the holy Scripture and the divine Service doe many times declare, that CHRIST will pronounce judgement upon every one of mankind, without See the Scrip­tures quoted in the margent of Wisd. 6 7. respect of persons according to their See the Scrip­tures quoted unto Ps. 62.12. works done here in their bodies, doth not the doctrine of Absolute Reprobation, viz. That GOD hath from all [Page 48]eternity, irrevocably, irresistibly, and unchangeably decreed and ordained some to be damned everlasting­ly, to whom (as they say) he offereth not his grace as he doth unto others, but doth withhold from such his Spirits calling on them; doth not the said doctrine di­rectly crosse Christs righteous and See the end of the Athanasian Creed, and Chap. 31. unpartiall judge­ing of all mankind? How can hee equally and in an even maner judge every soule according to his Rom. 9.10.11. deeds; if he hath not Ps. Wisd. 6 7. fashioned every heart alike, and cre­ated all with a Rev. 3.20. Heb. Prov. 1.23 24. &c. power to heare the voice of his pre­venting grace when it calleth, and to Ps. 24.6.7. Rev. 3.20. Sir. Jer. 21.8. 2. Cor. 6.1. Jude 4. See the transla­tion thereof in the Epistle for Simon and Iudes day. open the doore of their hearts, when he by his spirit knocketh there­on? The whole Ezech. eighteenth Chapter of Ezechiel is by the wisedome of GOD of purpose made for to roote out such an opinion out of the minde of Man­kind, which was in hatching in those times. And so the whole Homily of falling from God is by the divine wise­dome of the Church made for to keepe forth of our minds such an opinion of Jesus Christ the righteous Judge eternall. What can be possibly said more plaine­ly, than doth the Lord there by Ezechiel? O house of Israel, are not my wayes equall? I judge you every one according to his wayes. See Ezech. 18. the whole. It is not possible to utter unto the full, into what a slumber, sleepe, yea death in sinfulnesse the said doctrine of So the most greatly learned Doctour in our Church, Master Thomas Jackson in his 18. Chap. of the first part of Gods essēce and attributes delivereth. Read most dil [...] ­gently from Cap. 14. to that Bookes end. The [...]a [...]ty may there under­stand much. Absolute Reprobation hath brought the world, wheresoever it hath beene received for a truth. But wheresoever the Catholike doctrine in that point is beleeved, as it is delivered in the booke of common prayer, there people fearing Christs dreadfull and un­partiall judgement doe betake themselves not to re­ceive GODS grace in vaine, but as the Gospell com­mandeth, for to worke out their owne salvation with [Page 49]feare and trembling by a true and lively faith in Christ Jesus.

Q. Doth Christ in no manner judge people in this life?

A. Many Scriptures doe expresse that hee judgeth in some manner both bodies and soules now in this world. David saith, Ps. 62.12. Thou rendrest to every man ac­cording to his workes. Saint Peter saith, 1. Pet. 1.17. If yee call on a Father, who without respect of persons judgeth eve­ry one according to his workes, passe the time of your sojourning here in feare. David saith, Psal. 82.1. GOD standeth in the congregation of the mighty, he judgeth among the Gods. Hee saith concerning the disobedient Jews, God gave them their request, but Psal. 106.15. sent leannesse into their soule. Doth not Saint Iohn foretell CHRISTS Rev. 19.2. judging the great whore, in this life? Are not Judgements See all Deut. 28. Lev. 26. Joh. 5.22.23. Mat. 28.18. temporall on body and soule in this life denounced to come downe upon people of disobedience, in all places of the holy Bible? Had not 1 Sam. Saul, Mat. 27.4.5. Iudas, and the like, whiles they here lived, some Isa. 66.24. The Hebrew word there ren­dred have trans­gressed, is trans­gressing, and it importeth wil­fully, see Heb. 10.26. See Cap. 97. & pag 380. See in Riders Dictionary on Conscientia. tast of their eternall judgement? Doth not Gods spirit beare Rom. 8.16.15 witnesse with obedient spirits, whereby they can call, Abba, Father? And doth not the holy Spirit stil shew it selfe grieved, when as con­trary to the light of it in the conscience, some will sin by false swearing and the like horrible abominations, in that it smiteth the spirit of man and woman, Prov. 18.14. woun­deth the conscience, sendeth Act 2.37. See Chap. 1. of Divinity. & Ro. 2.15.16. pricks into the heart, and remorses into the mind? David saith, Psal. 7.11. God judg­eth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. Psal. 19.6. The Lord is knowne by the judgement which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the worke of his owne hands. A meditati­on alwaies (as some do inter­pret.) Higgaion. A meditati­on alwaies (as some do inter­pret.) Selah.

[Page 50] Q. What is the eighth article?

A. I beleeve in the holy Ghost.

Q. What is the holy Ghost?

A. The Church thus declareth, In the homily for whitsunday pag. 207. 208. The holy Ghost is a spirituall and divine substance, the third person in the Dei­ty, distinct from the Father and the Son, and yet proceeding from them both. As for his proper nature and substance, it is altogether one with God the Father, and God the Sonne, that is to say, spirituall, eternall, uncreated, incomprehensible, al­mighty; to be short, he is even God and Lord everlasting. In the sacred Called Veni Creator. See chap. 5. song to be sung at Ordering of Priests, it is said,

Thou art the very comforter
in all woe and distresse,
The heavenly gift of God most high,
which no tongue can expresse.
The fountaine and the lively spring,
of ioy coelestiall,
The fire so bright, the love so cleere,
and unction spirituall.

In the Nicene Creed he is also called the LORD and giver of life, who with the Father and the Sonne together is worshipped and glorified, who spake by the Prophets. Most memorably hereunto is it said in the Rogation Ho­mily, Page 230. Let us with so good heart pray, as the wise man did, and we shall not faile but to have the assistance of the holy Ghost. For Sap. 6.12. &c. hee is soone seene of them that love him, hee will be found of them that seeke him: for very liberall and gentle is the spirit of wisedome. In his power we shall have All these ope­rations of the holy Ghost, which are here by the divine wisdome of the Church recko­ned up, are greatly memo­rable. sufficient ability to know our duty to GOD, in him we shall be comforted and couraged to walke in our duty, in him we shall be meet vessels to receive the grace of Almighty GOD: for [Page 51]it is hee that purgeth and purifieth the minde by his secret working. And he onely is present every where by his invisible power, and conteineth all things in his dominion. He lightneth the heart to conceive wor­thy thoughts of Almighty GOD, hee sitteth in the tongue of man for to stirre him to speake unto his ho­nour; no language is hid from him, for hee hath the knowledge of all speech, hee only ministreth spirituall strength to the powers of our soule and body. A great part of the Homily for Whitsunday openeth the my­stery of the holy Ghost. And because it is the eighth article of the Christian faith to beleeve in the holy Ghost, so great a matter in the Christian Religion, therefore in the godly prayer for This divine prayer is set a­mong the god­ly prayers after the reading Psalmes of the cōmon prayer bound unto the smaller Bibles. Sunday wee are taught to say, O Almighty and mercifull Lord, which givest unto thy elect people the holy Ghost as a sure 2 Cor. 1.22. Eph. 1.13.14. pledge of thy heavenly Kingdome: grant unto us, Lord, thy holy Spirit, that he may beare witnesse with our spirit, that we be thy children, and heires of thy Kingdome; and that by the operation of this spirit, wee may kill all carnall lusts, un­lawfull pleasures, concupiscences, and evill affections con­trary unto thy will, by our Saviour and Lord Iesus Christ.

Q. What is it to beleeve in the holy Ghost?

A. Not onely to beleeve that there is an holy Ghost ( Act. 19.2. which thing also Many in these dayes will take no notice of what the church saith, when a Bishop is con­secrated, and a Priest is Orde­red, the which is expressed in the divine Ser­vice then to be read. some consider not on) but also to expect the comming of it into our hearts, from the Fathers sending in CHRISTS name. And there­fore it is to be The Church therefore hath 2 divine songs unto the sing­ing Psalms, wherein prayer is for the receiving the holy Ghost. Ioh. 14.26. & 15.26. & 16.13. prayed for, yea and to be prayed unto, and to be worshipped as God eternall, coequall with the Father and the Son, and faith, and hope, and So saith the Church in both her Catechismes on this article, and delivereth sundry more con­siderations about the working of the holy Ghost in us. con­fidence is also to be had in him the Lord Almighty.

[Page 52] Q. What is the ninth article?

A. The holy Catholike Church, the communion of Saints.

Q. How is the visible Church of CHRIST descri­bed?

A. So saith the Churches arti­cle thereof. It is said to be a congregation of faithful men, in the which the pure word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly ministred, according to Christs ordinance, in all those things that of necessity are re­quisite to the same.

Q. Why is the Church called holy?

A. It is said, In each cate­chisme. 1. Pet. 1.15.16. That by this marke it may be dis­cerned from the wicked company of the ungodly.

Q. What is the meaning of Church Catholike?

A. It is said in the larger Catechisme thus, It is as much as if I called it universall: for this company or assembly of the godly is not pent up in any certaine place or time, but it containeth and compriseth the universall number of the faithfull, that have lived and shall live in all places and ages since the beginning of the world, that there may be Eph. one body of the Church, as there is one CHRIST, the only head of the body. For whereas the Jewes claimed and challenged to themselves the Church of God as peculiar and by li­neall right due to their nation, and said that it was theirs, and held it to be only theirs: the Christian faith professeth that a great number and infinite multitude of godly persons, gathered together out of all coun­tries of the world, out of all parts of all nations every where, and all ages of all times, by the strength and po­wer of his holy word and voice, and by the divine mo­tion of his heavenly Spirit, is by God incorporated in­to this Church as into his owne city, which all agree­ing [Page 53]together in one true faith, one mind and voice, may be in all things obedient to Christ their only King, as members to their Eph. 4.15.16. head.

Q. What meaneth the Communion of Saints?

A. It is said also in the larger Catechisme, Where­as God hath as well in all coasts and countries, as in all times and ages, them that worship him purely and sin­cerely, all they, though they be severed and sundred by divers and farre distant times and places, in what nation soever, or in what land soever they be, are yet members most neerely Psal. 122.3. Col. 2.19. conjoyned and knit together of one and of the selfe same body whereof CHRIST is the head. Such is the 2. Cor. 13.14. and 1. Joh. 1.3. communion that the godly have with God and among themselves. For they are most neerely knit together in community of spirit, of faith, of sacraments, of prayers, of forgivenesse of sins, of eternall foelicity, and finally, of all the benefits that God giveth to his Church through CHRIST. Yea they are so joyned together with most strait bonds of concord and love, they have so all one mind, that the 1. Cor. 12.26. profit of any one and of them all is all one, and to this endeavour they doe most Phil. Rom. 12.5. bond themselves, how they may with interchange of beneficial doings with coun­sell and help, further each other, in all things, and spe­cially to attaining of that blessed and eternall life. But because this communion of Saints cannot be per­ceived by our senses, nor by any natural kind of know­ledge or force of understanding, as other civill com­munities and fellowships of men may be, therefore it is here rightly placed among these things that lie in beleefe.

Q. Hath not the Church here on earth any manner of Communion with the Saints in heaven?

[Page 54] A. Yea, they have such as is testified in the holy Scriptures. The Divine Service in the Collect for the day of Saint Michael and all Angels, signifieth, Ps. 34.7. and 91.11.12. Dan. 12.1. Eph. 3.10. That they which alway doe God service in heaven, doe by his appointment succour and defend us here on earth. Also the Church in her proper preface to bee read on all the high Feast dayes of the yeere, having mentioned the great mercies of God towards all mankind through JESUS CHRIST, concludeth, saying: Heb. Therefore with Angells and Archangells, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnifie thy glorious name, &c.

Q. What is the tenth Article?

A. The Forgivenesse of sinnes.

Q. Why is there by and by after the Church made mention of the forgivenesse of sinne?

A. In the larger Catechisme it is said: First, because the Mat. 16.19. and 18.18.19. Luke 24.47. Ioh. 20.23. keyes, wherewith heaven is to be shut and ope­ned, that is, that power of binding and loosing, of reserving and forgiving sinnes, which standeth in the ministerie of the word of God, is by Christ given and committed to the The Atheists and libertines of these dayes have this sacred doctrine in great derision. See chap. 63. of the Christian Divinity. Church, and properly be­longeth unto the Church. Secondly, because no man obteineth forgivenesse of sinnes, that is not a true Ioh. 15.4.6. Eph. 5.23. Matt. 24.13. member of the body of CHRIST, that is, such a one as doth not earnestly, godlily, holily, yea and continuingly, and to the end, embrace and mainteine the common fellowship of the Church.

Q. Is there then no hope of salvation out of the Church?

A. The said Catechisme saith: Out of it can be nothing but damnation, death and destruction. For what hope of life can remaine to the members, when they are pulled asunder and cut off from the head and [Page 55]body? They therefore that seditiously stirre up discord in the Church of GOD, and make division and Rom. 2. [...]. and 16.17. Gal. 5.20.21. Tit. 3.10.11. See the 1. part of the Homily against conten­tion. See chap. 91. strife in it, and trouble it with sects, have all hope of safetie by forgivenesse of sinnes cut off from them, till they be reconciled and returne to agree­ment and favour with the Church.

Q. What is meant by the word forgivenesse?

A. It also saith: That the faithfull doe obtaine at Gods hand discharge of their fault, and pardon of their offence: For GOD for Ps. 32.1.2. Act. 13.38.39. Eph. 1.7. Col. 4.32. 1. Ioh. 2.12. CHRISTS sake freely for­giveth them their sinnes, and rescueth and delivereth them from judgement and damnation, and from pu­nishments just and due for their ill doing.

Q. Is there nothing at all to be done on our behalf, that we may obtaine forgivenesse of sinnes?

A. The Church saith: Although among men, the fault once graunted, it is hard to obteine forgivenesse of him that ought to be the punisher of offences, yet even they that are strangers to our religion, have not bin ignorant, that confession is a certaine remedy to him that hath done amisse. The Lord promiseth that he will pardon sinners if they Ier. 18.8. Acts 3.19.20. Isa. 55.7. repent, if they amend & turn their hearts from their naughty lives unto him.

Q. Though to treat of repentance be proper, where it is mentioned in the most sacred Catechisme, yet because here it hath bin spoken of, and it is the con­dition which we are required to keepe and performe, if we should have of God through CHRIST pardon for our sins, it is profitable now to have it explaned. Recite therefore, what saith the Church of it unto this Article?

A. It saith, That it hath two chiefe parts, The mor­tifying of the old man or the flesh: and the quickening [Page 56]of the new man or the spirit. The mortifying of the old man is unfeined and sincere acknowledging and Ps. Prov. 28.13. 2 Cor. 7.10.11. 1. Ioh. 1.9. confession of sin, and therewith a shame and sorrow of minde, with the feeling whereof the person is sore grieved, for that he hath swarved from righteousnes, and not bin obedient to the will of GOD. For every man ought, in Ezec. 36.31. Luke 15.18. and 23.41. remembring the sins of his life passed, wholy to mislike himselfe, to be angry with himselfe, and to be a severe judge of his own faults, and to give sentence and pronounce 1. Cor. 11.31. judgement of himselfe, to the intent hee abide not the grievous judgement of God in his wrath. This sorrow some have called con­trition, whereunto are joyned in neerenesse and na­ture an earnest hatred of sin, and a love and desire of righteousnesse lost.

Q. But the conscience of heinous offences, and the force of repentance may be so great, that the minde of man of each side compassed with feare may be pos­sessed with despaire of salvation.

A. The answere of the Church is: That is Gen. 4.13. Matt. 27.3.4. true, unlesse God doe bring 2. Cor. 2.7. comfort to the greatnesse of sorrow. But to the godly there remaineth yet one other part of repentance, which is called Eph. 4.23.24. renuing of the spirit, or quickening of the new man, That is, Gal. 3.23.25. When faith commeth and Luke 4.18. Act. 2.41.46. and 16.34. refresheth and lifteth up the minde, so troubled, asswageth sorrow, and com­forteth the person, and doth revoke and raise him up againe from desperation, to hope of obteining pardon of God through CHRIST, and from the Ps. gate of death, yea from hell it selfe unto life. And this it that we professe, that wee beleeve the forgivenesse of sinnes?

Q. What is the eleventh Article?

[Page 57] A. The Resurrection of the body.

Q. When shall that be?

A. In the Athanasian Creed it is said: That at Matt. Rom. Ioh. 5.28.29. CHRITS comming all men shall rise againe with their bodies, and shall give account for their owne workes. And they that have done good, shall goe into life everlasting: and they that have done evill into everlasting fire.

Q. In what sort shall the body of every Saint bee raised up?

A. It is signified in the Scripture set in the Buriall Service, saying: Phil. 3.21. Our LORD JESUS CHRIST shall change our vile body, that it may be like unto his glorious body, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself.

Q. What use may we make from beleeving the ge­nerall Resurrection in the last day?

A. That we may be partakers of the So speaketh the Church in her prayer ap­pointed to bee said afore an Homily or sermon, in Canon 55. glorious Re­surrection in the life everlasting, it is necessary that we now have part in the first Resurrection, because it is written: Rev. 20.6. Eph. 5.14. Blessed & holy is he, that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power.

Q. What is the first Resurrection?

A. The Church doth signifie unto us, what it is in the Service of buriall, where it teacheth us to pray: Wee meekely beseech thee, O Father, to raise us from the death of Rom. sinne unto the life of righteousnesse.

Q. What is the twelft article?

A. That life everlasting.

Q. Rehearse some of the Divine Service saying, Where it is signified, what that life is?

A. In the Service for the Buriall of the dead, it is declared to be, An ever living 1. Thes. 4.17. with the Lord, and in whom to bee in Wisd. 3.1.3. rest, joy, and felicity; to have perfect con­summation [Page 58]and blisse, both in Phil. 3.21. body and soule, in Gods eternall and everlasting Ps. 73.24. glory.

Q. Recite how the Church hath shewed, that the condition of all soules departed in the true faith of Christ now is.

A. In the Homily against the feare of death it saith, In the end of the third part, and page 68. That blessed and comfortable is the state of the heavenly life to come, and sweet is the condition of them that depart in the LORD, how they are delivered from the continuall encumbrances of their mortall and sinfull body, from all the malice, Crafts, and deceits of this world, from all the assaults of their ghostly enemy the devill, to live in peace, rest, and endlesse quietnesse; to live in the fellowship of in­numerable Angells, and with the congregation of perfect just m [...]n, as Patriarchs, Prophets, Martyrs and Confessors, and finally unto the presence of Almighty God, and our Sa­viour JESUS CHRIST.

Q. What use are we in make from beleefe of this Article concerning the life of the world to come?

A. In the prayer for It is among the godly prai­ [...]s at the end of the divine service. Saturday wee are taught to desire of God to graunt unto us sure hone of the life everlasting, that wee being in this miserable world, may have some taste and feeling of it in our hearts. In a prayer of the matrimony service, we are instructed to beseech GOD for to sow the seed of eternall life now in our minds. The Church in an The Homily of the Resur­rection, p. 195. Homily saith: Apply your selves to live in CHRIST, that CHRIST may still live in you, whose favour and assistance if ye have, then have you everlasting life already within you. And Saint Paul to the Hebrews plainely sheweth, that now a Heb. 6.5. tast of the powers of the world to come may bee enjoyed. Wherefore it we would have the fulnesse of life everlasting in the world to come, we are to begin [Page 59]now with that which the Scripture calleth that life. Ioh. 12.50. CHRIST faith, That his Fathers commandement is life everlasting: and therefore his requiry is; if thou wilt enter into Mat. 19.17. life, keepe the Commandements. And the Church delivereth hereon, That the works of the In the begin­ning of the se­cond part of the Homily of good workes, pages 32.33. So in the end of the third part of that Homily and page 39. morall commandements of God be the very true works of faith, which lead unto the blessed life to come.

Q. Why doth the Creed make mention only of life everlasting, and of hell no mention at all?

A. In the larger Catechisme it is said: This is a confession of the Christian faith, which perteineth to none but to the godly, and therefore rehearseth onely those things that are fit for comfort, namely the most large gifts which God will give to them that bee his. And therefore here is not recited what pu­nishments are provided for them that be out of the Kingdome of God.

Q. Why is the word Amen added to the Creed?

A. It is observed to be added as a seale of the be­leef: For although the Creed be not a prayer; yet this particle is justly added thereto, as a seale of the faith, whereof a summe is in the Creed.

Q. Why doth the Church immediatly after the Creed make this question, What doest thou chiefly learne in these articles of thy beleefe?

A. Because it is her holy minde, that every one should have some Act. 8.30. Neh. 8.8. 1. Cor. 14.20. understanding of what they have learned by heart. And therefore immediatly after the ten Commandements, and the Lords prayer, the like question is made.

Q. What is the summe of the Catechismes answer thereunto?

A. That we are to have a right beleefe in each per­son [Page 60]of the Trinity. And the Church saith in the The 1. part, pages 208.209. ho­mily for Whitsunday, As there are three severall and sundry persons in the Deity, so have they three severall and sundry offices proper unto each of them: the Father to cre­ate, the Sonne to redeeme, the holy Ghost to sanctifie and re­generate.

Q. Seeing on the first article of the Creed it hath been spoken concerning GOD the Fathers creation of all things, there needeth here no question thereon. Shew now how Christ hath redeemed all Mankind.

A. Saint Paul saith, 1. Tim. 26. 2. Cor. 5.15. Heb. 2.9. See Chap. 25. That hee gave himselfe a ransome for all; hee died for universall Mankind. Even so expresly speaketh the Church in the homily for the passion: CHRIST suffered death Page 181. universally for all men. Againe, In the first part of the ho­mily of the Sa­crament. p. 200. The death of CHRIST is availea­ble for the redemption of all the world. To the Ro­manes it is said, Rom. 5.18. As by the offence of one, judgement came upon all men to condemnation: Even so by the righteousnesse of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. In the second Antheme to be read on Easter day, it is said, As by Adam all men doe die: So by CHRIST 1. Cor. 15.22. all men shall be restored unto life. Further saith the Church, In the second part of the pas­sion Homily. page 185. GOD gave CHRIST to the whole world, that is to say, unto Adam, and to all that should come after him. The Scripture saith, [...] Cor. 5.19. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himselfe, not imputing their trespasses unto them. Now he com­mandeth Act. 17.30. all men every where to repent. Verse. 31. He hath offered faith unto all men. The grace of GOD that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men. And CHRIST gave himselfe for us, that hee might Tit. 2.14. re­deeme us from all iniquity, and purifie unto himselfe a peculiar people, zealous of good workes: That we be­ing [Page 61]by him Luk. 1.74.75. delivered out of the hands of our enemies might serve God without feare, all the dayes of our life in holinesse and righteousnesse before him. And whereas here against it is said by some, That Christ dyed not for universall Mankind efficiently or effe­ctually, namely for such as perish; they consider not, what the Scripture signifieth CHRIST to have done, that hee did it not in phantasie; but in reality, in very deed. Saint Peter in 2. Ep. 2.1. foretelleth, That there would be those which will bring in damnable here­sies, even denying the Lord that If Christ bought them, his death was efficient or ef­fectual for thē, until they abu­sed his grace. See Jude 4. ac­cording to the translation in the epistle for Simon & Judes day. bought them, and bring upon themselves swift damnation. And Saint Paul signifieth more, where hee saith, Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought wor­thy, who hath trodden under foot the Sonne of God, and hath counted the bloud of the covenant, where­with hee was If he was sanctified with the bloud of the covenant, thē was Christs death efficient unto him, until he had thus sin­ned against it. Heb. 10.26. sanctified, and unholy thing, and hath done despire unto the Spirit of Grace? Heb. 10.20. Al­so in 1 Ioh. 2.2. it is not said, that CHRIST is the pro­pitiation for the sinnes of the world, but for the sinnes of the whole world; for to include uniuersall mankind therein, and not to exclude so much as any one of the whole posterity of Adam, that ever was, or that now is, or that shall be at any time hereafter.

Q. What is the holy Ghosts sanctifying of peo­ple?

A. It is shewed in the In the first part, pag. 209. Homily for Whitsunday, where it is said, It is the holy Ghost, and no other thing, that doth quicken the minds of men, stirring up good and godly motions in their hearts, which are agreeable to the will and commandement of GOD, such as otherwise of their owne crooked and perverse nature they should Eph. 2. [...].5. never have. As for the workes of [Page 62]the spirit, the fruits of faith, charitable and godly moti­ons, if hee have any at all in him, they proceed only of the holy Ghost, who is the onely worker of our sancti­fication, and maketh us 2. Cor. 5.17. new men in Jesus Christ. Such is the power of the holy Ghost to regenerate men and as it were to bring them forth anew, so that they shall be Jer. 50.5. Ioh. 3.3.6. nothing like the men that they were before. Nei­ther doth he thinke it sufficient inwardly to worke the spirituall and new birth of man, unlesse he do also dwel and abide 1. Cor. 3.16.17. and 6.19. in him.

Q. What is meant by people elect?

A. All such whom GOD doth choose out of man­kind for himselfe, to be 2. Cor. 6.16.17. temples for his holy dwel­ling and walking in them, and to bee partakers of all his promises, and to set forth his 1. Pet. 2.9.10. praise, honour, and glory.

Q. Who among Infants are the elect?

A. Every one that is baptized dying in his infan­cy, or whiles he or she is in infancy. So the Church sig­nifieth, where it teacheth us to pray, saying, In the divine service of hap­tisme. Grant that they may ever remaine in the number of thy faithfull and elect children. For whereas we are to beseech for their ever remaining among the number of the faithful and elect children, it necessarily implyeth, that they being baptised are of the number of GODS elect. For eve­ry Infant baptized is So it is signi­fied in the Ho­mily of salvati­on, the third part, page 19. justified, is made a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritour of the king­dome of heaven, and is endued with the sundry bles­sings mentioned in the divine service of baptisme. The In page 13. Homily of salvation saith, Infants baptized and dying in their infancie, are by the bloud of Christ washed from their sinnes, and brought to Gods favour. In the Com­munion booke it is said, In the end of the order of cō ­firmation, the very words next afore the Cate­chism [...] That children being baptized [Page 63]have all things necessary for their salvation, and are un­doubtedly saved. The Lord JESUS saith, Mar. Unto such belongeth the Kingdome of God: and therefore hee willeth that little children be brought unto him for to receive his blessing.

Q. Who among those of perfect age are GODS elect?

A. The Church declareth in the Page 173. homily of the Nativity, saying, After Christ was once come downe from heaven, and had taken our fraile nature upon him, he made all them that would Joh. 1.12. receive him truly, and beleeve his word, good trees, &c. also the elect and chosen people of God. Christ saith, Rev. 3.20. Behold, I stand at the doore and knock: if any man heare my voice, and open the doore, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and hee with me. Againe he saith, Joh. 14.21.23. He that hath my commande­ments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest my selfe unto him: I and my Father will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Saint Paul hereunto saith, 1. Cor. 8.3. If any man love God, the same is By this place we may under­stand, who are the fore known of God. See. Rom. 8.28.29. knowne of God. Is not such a comming of Christs spirit into one an electing of him to be his temple, from among the many peo­ple of the world, which Zech. c Act. 28.27. stop the eares of their foules, shut the doores of their consciences, and harden their hearts, for to keepe out Christs word and spirit from ruling within them? in the two last staves sawing [...] one of the song A thanksgiving after the com­munion, the Church decla­reth in most plain manner who are Gods chosen or elect people; yea t a lively declaration thereof for ever very memora­ble. It is in the margent unto the lost words of the Catechis­mes answer.

Q. Whereas the Church in that prayer of Baptisme beseecheth, That every baptized party may temaine in the number of Gods elect: Are wee not given to under­stand, that it is possible for such to become to be out of that number, if they, when they come to perfect natu­rall [Page 64]age, doe not duely take heed lest they fall?

A. The In page 218. Homily for Rogation saith, It profited not the Iewes, which were God, See concern­ing election, from what kind thereof some have fallen, and from what kind thereof none are read to have fallen, in the treatise there of by that godly & greatly lear­ned man Castel­lio, in his works called Opuscula, printed anno 1613. elect people, to heare much of God, seeing that he was not received in their hearts by faith, nor thanked for his benefits bestowed upon them: their un­thankfulnesse was the cause of their destruction. In the Ho­mily of See page 55. in the second part thereof. falling from God, it is likewise taught, say­ing, By these threatnings we are monished and warned, that if wee which are the chosen Isa. vineyard of God, bring not forth good grapes, that is to say, good workes that may be de­lectable and pleasant in his sight, when he looketh for them; but rather bring forth wild grapes, that is to say, sowre workes, unsavowry and unfruitfull; then he will pluck away all defence, &c. and suffer us to perish.

Q. Seeing then that some have perished, which have been pronounced to have been in the number of Gods elect, what counsell doth the holy Ghost give unto us for to prevent such falling?

A. Saint Peter saith, 2. Pet. 1.10. If yee doe these things, yee shall never fall. Namely, if the In verses eight matters of Chri­stianity reckoned up by him be in us, and doe abound within us continually. In like manner holy Church ha­ving in the latter part of her Commination-exhortati­on reckoned up the weighty duties enioyned unto us by Christs Gospell, saith in most divine and ever me­morable manner, This if we doe, Christ will deliver us from the curse of the law, and from the extreame maledicti­on, which shall light upon them, that shall beset on the left hand, and he will set us on his right hand, and give us the blessed benediction of his Father. It is greatly observable hereunto, what Peter saith unto those, to whom hee wrote his first Epistle, 1. Pet. 2.9.10. So Rom. 9.25.26. That they submitting to obey Christs Gospell, from being not a people of God, be­came [Page 65]came to be his people: and having not obtained mer­cy afore in the time of their disobedience, when as they turned unto obeying of Christs commande­ments, they obtained mercy. Much considerable here­unto is also that saying of David unto Solomon, 1. Chro. 28.9. And thou Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy Fa­thers, and serve him with a perfect heart, and with a willing minde; For the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seeke him, be will be found of thee: but if thou forsake him, he will The which text may serve for an example that God is no respecter of per­sons, as oftē the Bible teacheth. 2. Tim. 2.12. cast thee off for ever. Christ said unto his disciples, Joh. 8.31.32. If yee continue in my word, then are yee my disciples indeed. And yee shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Againe hee saith, Joh. As the Father hath loved mee, so have I loved you: continue yee in my love. If yee keepe my commandements, yee shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Fathers commandements, and abide in his love. If a man abide not in mee, hee is cast forth as a braunch, and is withered. He that Mat. 10.22. endureth unto the end, shall be saved.

Q. Doth not the Church in her article of Predesti­nation teach a doctrine contrary hereunto?

A. The holy Apostolicall Church of England pro­fesseth no In the second Homily for good Friday, or of the passiō it is signified, That in Adam all became re­probates, the Church doth not use the word Repro­bates, so as doe some now adayes, namely for persons absolutely created and from eternity ordained to be damned. The Church acknow­ledgeth not such a creation of any of mankind. doctrine contrary to Gods word; neither is there any thing in all her 39. Articles, which is con­trary to the doctrine of the book of Common prayer. The Kings most excellent Majestie in His Highnesse Declaration hath with divine prudence admonish­ed and required, That none doe draw the Article aside any [Page 66]way, but submit to it in the plaine and full meaning thereof: and For such as have false grounds in their minds, namely opini­ons and imagi­natiōs of truth which are con­trary to the doctrine of the Communion booke, doe wrest sayings in the Article, endeavoring to have them for to agree with their cor­rupt under­standing. put not his owne sense or comment to be the meaning of the Article, but take it in the literall and Grammaticall sense: Which whoso truly doth, shall plainely perceive, that it delivereth not a doctrine contrary to the gene­rall doctrine of the booke of common prayer, and of the booke of Homilies, in that point. Saint Peter ad­vertiseth, 2. Pet. 3.16. that Saint Paul hath in his Epistles some things hard to be understood, which they that are un­learned and unstable, As Scripture is wrested by the unlearned in true godli­nesse, so by such is the Church holy doctrine wrest­ed also. wrest, as they do also the The word ordained in Act. 13.14. signifi­eth not destina­ted, but ordered, as that word in the originall is rendred in the margent of Rom, 13.1. in the last tran­slation. other Scriptures unto their own destruction. There are hun­dreds of places in Gods holy word, most expresly de­livering, like as doth the Church throughout all her Divine Service concerning the said point: but there is not so much as any one sentence in the universall Bi­ble teaching diversly. There are some few sayings, which seeme unto some to teach differently: but every particular of them, being alleadged to confirme that which is contrary to the generall delivery of the Di­vine Service, is manifestly wrested; and that it is so concerning them all, it may be abundantly demon­strated. How could the Church ordain and require for to be said unto every particular member of hers, in the Communion, The Body of our Lord JESUS CHRIST which was given for thee, preserve thy body and soule into everlasting life: and take and eate this in remembrance that CHRIST died for thee, and feed on him in thine heart by faith with thankesgiving: And likewise, The bloud of our Lord JESUS CHRIST which was shed for thee, preserve thy body and soule into everlasting life: and drinke this in remembrance that CHRISTS bloud was shed for thee, and be thankfull? How could truly the said words [Page 67]be pronounced to every In the Latine Dictionary cal­led Riders Di­ctionary, print­ed anno 1633. the interpreta­tiō of the word Praedestinations, is, A kind of Heretiques that held fatall pre­destination of every particular matter, person or action, and that all things came to passe, and fell out ne­cessarily; especi­ally touching the salvation and damnation of particular men; that Omnia fient fato. Such a prede­stination the church of Eng­land in no wise professeth. particular professed member of the Church of England in every Parish of the whole land, if so be that any one of them were absolutely re­probated, that is, from all eternity unconditionally de­creed to be damned in hell fire everlastingly?

Q. What measure of Sanctification (or holinesse) doth the holy Ghost worke in the elect people of GOD?

A. The Church saith, In the homi­ly of falling from God, the first part, and page 55. GOD hath shewed to all them that truely beleeve his Gospell, his 2. Cor. 4.6. face of mer­cy in JESUS CHRIST, which doth so lighten their hearts, that they (if they behold it as they ought to do) be 2. Cor. 3.18. transformed to his image, be made partakers of the Heb. 6.4. heavenly light, and of his holy Spirit, and be fa­shioned to him in Eph. 5.9. all goodnesse requifite to the chil­dren of God.

Q. Why from the Creed is the next question con­cerning the Commandements?

A. Whereas the Church in the homily of salvati­on having alleadged sundry ancient Authors affirming that we are justified by faith only, saith, That it is not so meant of them, that the said justifying faith is Credere in De­um est amando tendere inipsum: inquit Augustin. alone in man, In the second part of the Sermon of salvation, page 16. James 2.26. without true repentance, hope, charity, dread, and fear of God, at any time and season, therefore that our faith may be true, lively, and Christian, So speaketh the Church in her godly Prayers, the one called A general confession to be said every morning, and the other called, Aprayer to be said in the morning. right and perfect, (as the Church expresseth) it is necessary that we with matters of beleefe doe consider on matters of practice and obedience, because Saint Paul signifieth, that the Gal. 5.6. availing faith is that which worketh by love. And Saint Iames saith, Faith without works is dead.

Q. Why is it said The tenne Commandements? doth [Page 68]God require at our hands, but the observing of tenne onely?

A. It is said in Deuteronomy, Deut. 4.13. The Lord declared unto you his covenant, which hee commanded you to performe, even tenne Commandements, and he wrote them upon It is observed, that the foure first Comman­dements were written in the one table, and the sixe last in the other. two tables of stone. The said tenne are tenne generall precepts containing in them all the mo­rall and everlasting duties expressed throughout the whole Bible, which wee are to performe to God and man, whiles we live in this present world.

Q. Why is it said, The same which God spake in the twen­tieth Chapter of Exodus?

A. For to put difference from the Commande­ments mentioned in certaine other chapters of Exo­dus, whose outward or ceremoniall observation con­cerned the Church of the Jewes, and doth not so now concerne the Catholike Church of Christians.

Q. Why is it said, GOD spake those tenne Com­mandements? Did hee not in like manner speake all else which he hath given unto us mankind?

A. The words of those tenne Commandements See in Buxtor­fius his Hebrew Grammar de anomalia accen­tuum in Deo [...]logo. Cap. 5. lib. 1. God himselfe uttered unto the people of Israel from out of heaven; but not in like manner did he deliver his other lawes concerning ceremonies and judge­ments. From whence we are taught, to have most di­ligent respect unto every one of those principall and everlasting precepts.

Q. Why doth God begin, saying thus, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage?

A. The Church saith, In her larger Catechisme. God doth first speak some­what of himselfe, and of his benefit toward the people of Israel, because he had principally care, that the esti­mation [Page 69]of the lawes ordeined by him, should not be shortly abated by Deut. 6.6. contempt. And therefore that they might have the greater authority, he useth this as it were an entry, I am the Lord thy God. In which words he teacheth, that he is our Deut. 10.12. Mal. 2.10. maker, Lord, and Saviour, and the author of all good. And so with good right by his dignity of a law-maker, he chalengeth to himselfe the authority of commanding: and by his goodnes he procureth favour to his law: and by them both together he imposeth on us a necessity to obey it, unlesse we will be both Mal. 1.5.6. rebels against him that is most mighty, and unthankefull toward him that is most bountifull.

Q. What meaneth the word LORD here used?

A. It is in the Hebrew text Iehovah the onely name of God, which signifieth Rev. 1.4.8. See Buxtorfius his Hebrew Lexicon on that most holy name set after the roote [...]. Him that is, and that was, and which is to come; as Saint Iohn speaketh. And Saint Paul saith: Rom. 11.56. Of him, and through him, and to him are all things: To whom be glory for ever. Amen.

Q. Why is it said thy God?

A. The word GOD is observed to import the su­preame essence and nature that is. It in the Hebrew is Elohim, which hath in it the signification of Mightiness. So that Iehovah Elohim interpreted the Lord God, is as much as to say, the eternall Almighty. And so Saint John saith, That they in Heaven utter of him, saying: Rev. 4.8. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. And whereas it is said, thy God (or the GOD of thee,) we are hereby put in mind of the goodnesse of the Lord toward such as are his obe­dient people. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Iacob, and of their So it is said in the prayer of Manasses set afore the first booke of the Maccabees. See hereto. Ps. 37.25. righteous seed. Such are said to have Iehovah for their God, as have made a covenant with [Page 70]him of beleeving in him, and of serving him; and with which people he also is in covenant to be their Saviour, so long as they Joh. 8.31. Heb. 5.9. continue in all conscionable obedience unto him.

Q. Unto what nation did God speake these tenne commandements, in such a manner as is afore menti­oned?

A. Unto the people of Israel commonly called the Jewes.

Q. When did God bring them out of the Land of Egypt?

A. After that they had lived therein certaine Act. 7.6.7. hun­dreds of yeeres, He by his mighty hand and out stret­ched arme brought them out from thence, as it is also recorded in the booke of Exodus.

Q. Where were the children of Israel, when God spake all these words unto them?

A. They were then in the wildernesse of Exod. 19.20 Sinai, wherein God led them along by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Q. Why is it said, Out of the house of bondage?

A. Because Egypt was a place of bondage to the Israelites, they lived not there like free people, but in the latter part of their time there they lived in Exod. 5.7.8. &c. great slaverie.

Q. Why doth the Church make mention of these matters unto us, afore the tenne commande­ments?

A. The Church in her divine wisdome full well knoweth, that the word of God is an everlasting word, and not a See Erasmus his Enchiridion mi [...]tis Christi [...], it is set forth in English, aswell as in Latine. meere story (or Chronicle of matters past;) but that withall it signifieth the everlasting wayes of God toward us mankind, and the spirituall [Page 71]condition of mankind in all generations.

Q. Rehearse some saying of the Church for to il­lustrate this matter.

A. It is said most memorably in the larger Cate­chisme: GOD rescued the Israelites by his servant Moses from bodily bondage, but he hath delivered all them that be his, by his Sonne JESUS CHRIST from the spirituall Rom. 6.18. thraldome of sinne, and the Heb. 2.15. 2. Tim. 2.26. Ioh. 8.36. Col. 1.13. Act. 10.38. ty­rannie of the devill, wherein els they had lien pressed and oppressed. This kind of deliverance perteineth in­differently to Rom. 3.22. all men, which put their trust in God their deliverer, and doe to their power Ioh. 8.51. obey his lawes. Which if they do not, he doth by this rehear­sall of his most great benefit pronounce, that they shall be guilty of most great Ier. 2.6. unthankfulnesse. For let every man imagine the Luk. 13.16. devill that hellish Pharao ready to oppresse him, and how sinne is that foule Ps. 40.2. Isa. 59.3. 2. Pet. 2.22. mire, wherein he most filthily walloweth: let him set be­fore the eyes of his minde hell the most wretched Egyptian bondage, and then shall he easily perceive, that this freedome whereof I speake, is the thing that he ought principally to Mat. 16.26. Acts 26.18. desire, as the thing of most great importance to him, whereof yet he shall bee most unworthy, unlesse he honour the Isa. 17.9.10. Ioh. 14.15. 1. Cor. 6.19.20 author of his deliverance with all service and obedience. In like manner saith the In the 2. part, page 82. Church in her Homily against adultery: CHRIST that innocent Lambe of God, hath bought us from the servitude of the devill, not with cor­ruptible gold and silver, but with his most precious and deare heart bloud. To what intent? That wee should fall againe into our old uncleannesse and abominable living? Nay verily: but that we should serve him Luk. 1.74.75. all the dayes of our life, in holinesse and righteousnesse, that wee should [Page 72] 1. Cor. 6.20. glorifie him in our bodies, by purity and cleannesse of Ioh. 15.8. life.

Q. What is the first commandement?

A. Thou shalt have none others Gods but me.

Q. What is it to have the Lord for his God?

A. To have for his hearts chiefest delight that which God is. And whereas the Scripture saith that GOD is a Ioh. 4.24. 1. Ioh. 1.5. and 4.8.16. See chap. 3. Spirit, Light, and Love, ones desire and labour ought to be for to be joyned and become 1. Cor. 6.37. Ioh. 17.22.23. one with that most blessed spirit, to have his light come more & more into ones mind and understanding, and his righteous love more and more into ones will and affections: and also duely to use all meanes appointed by God to receive and increase in these things.

Q. Whereas it is said, Thou shalt have none other Gods, are there other Gods?

A. Saint Paul saith: 1. Cor. 8.5.6. There bee gods many, so called: Yea hee called the devill the 2. Cor. 4.4. god of this world, because worldly people doe more his The Church declareth how such doe wor­ship the devill. See Homily of Rogation, page 225. will than the will of the God of heaven. He also saith that some have their Phil. 3.19. belly for their God, which are lovers of 2. Tim. 3.4. pleasures more than lovers of God. Such as Rom. 6.16. serve Mammon, that is, which set their affections more on earthly riches, than on the heavenly treasures, have Mammon for their god, &c. It is here also to bee noted, that the words but me are in the Hebrew, be­fore me or in my sight; whereby we are to learne, that we cannot once so much as tend to revolting from God, but that hee is a witnesse of it: for there is no­thing so close, nor so secret, that can be Heb. 4.12.13. hidde from him. Moreover GOD hereby declareth, that he re­quireth not only the honour of Matt. 10.32.33. open confession, but also inward and sincere godlinesse of Pro. 23.26. Wisd. heart, for that [Page 73]he is the understander and judge of secret thoughts. All the idoles therefore, which are set up within the Ezech. 14.4.7 heart of man, (wherein God only and alone would be) against which the holy Prophet Ezechiel speaketh againe and againe, are by this commande­ment forbidden, and Gods true worship in the Ioh. 4.23.24. Spi­rit is hereby required.

Q. Why doth the Church teach us to say after this commandement and other of the ten, Lord have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keepe this Law?

A. All we are to pray for Gods mercie toward us, because wee have broken every of the commande­ments; either in thought, word, or deed. And we are to pray unto GOD for to incline our hearts to keepe every one of his lawes in particular, because Saint James saith: Iam 2.10. Whosoever shall keepe the whole law, and yet offend in one point, hee is guilty of all. Also as wee are to pray unto God for to worke in our hearts, that they may be ready and So in the 2. Collect at eve­ning prayer. set to obey all his comman­dements; so we for our parts are to remember and ob­serve, what we are to strive unto, Namely to doe that, which God commandeth by Ezechiel: Ezech. 18.31.32. Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby yee have transgressed, and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will yee die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turne your selves, and live yee.

Q. What is the second commandement?

A. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any graven image, &c.

Q. Doth this commandement condemne the art of painting and graving, so that it is not lawfull to [Page 74]have any image at all?

A. Not so: In the lesser C [...]echisme. for God in this first Table speaketh not of any artificiall thing, Matt. 22.20.21. civilly to be used; but only teacheth of things which doe appertaine to the worshipping of God. The Lord explaneth his owne meaning, where he saith in Leviticus; Lev. 26.1. yee shall make you no idoles nor graven image, neither reare you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land; to Ps. 97.7. bow downe unto it: for I am the Lord your God.

Q. May there be made any image for to bee said to be a resemblance of God?

A. In the Homily against the In the third part, and p. 40. perill of Idolatry it is said: How can God, a most pure spirit, whom never man saw, bee expressed by a grosse, bodily, and visible simi­litude? How can the infinite Majestie and greatnesse of God, incomprehensible to mans minde, much more not able to be compassed with the sense, be Isa., &c. expressed in a small and little image? Wherefore the LORD said: Take yee therefore good heed to your selves, (for ye saw Deut. &c. no manner of similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb, out of the midst of the fire) lest ye corrupt your selves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likenesse of male or female, &c.

Q. Whereas by this commandement there is for­bidden all outward worshipping of whatsoever is not God, and there is a saying, that some make an idole of CHRISTS ordinance of preaching, declare in what A Sauls sacrifice or an im [...]gined good intent, having with it a great disobe­dience of Gods commande­ments, is by Samuel signifi­ed to be idola­trie. 1. Sam. 15.22.23. See ch. 47. and therein also pages 127.128. &c. sense that is said.

A. They are said to make an idole of preaching, which place even the whole Christian Religion in hearing of Sermons, and in comparison of preaching [Page 75]forth of a pulpit they nothing or very little account of the common prayer and the reading of the Homilies; which also are so wholy taken up with the hearing of sermons, as that they neglect even all other maine and weighty duties required by the Gospell of JESUS CHRIST, as to performe more and more the requi­site Described in 2. Cor. 7.10.11. repentance, and the manifold obedience, which they owe to God and unto his Church.

Q. Rehearse some Scriptures witnessing plainely, Luk. 3.3.4 5. as it is expressed in the Epistle for S. Iohn Ba­ptists day, also Ezech. 18.21. that there are great matters to be observed, besides hearing of Sermons.

A. CHRIST saith: Ye have omitted the Matt. 23.23. weigh­tier matters of the Law, judgement, mercy and faith; these ought yee to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Micah saith: GOD hath shewed thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord thy GOD Mic. 6.8. requireth of thee; to doe justly, to love mercie, and to So it is in the margent of the last translation, and in the text of the Geneva. humble thy selfe for to walke with thy GOD. Saint James saith: I am. 126.27. Pure religion, and undefiled be­fore God and the Father, is this, to visit the father­lesse and the widowes in their affliction, and to keepe himselfe unspotted from the world. Saint Paul saith: 1. Cor. 13. Though I have the gift of Prophecie, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountaines, and have not charity, I am nothing. The Lord JESUS saith: Ioh. 13.35. By this shall all men know that ye are my dis­ciples, if yee love one another. Saint John saith: 1. Ioh. 3.10. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devill: whosoever doth not righteousnesse, is not of GOD, neither he that loveth not his brother. Wherefore he saith also: 1. Ioh. 2.29. If ye know that hee is righ­teous, know ye that every one that doth righteous­nesse, [Page 76]is borne of him. Againe he saith: Every one that 1. Ioh. 4 7.8.16. loveth, is borne of God, and knoweth GOD. He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love. Many (saith Matt. CHRIST) will say unto mee in that day, Lord, Lord, have not we prophecied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devills? and in thy name done many wonderfull workes? And then will I professe unto them, I never knew you: depart from mee, yee that worke iniquity. CHRIST also saith, and it is greatly to be marked: Luk. 13.26.27. Then shall ye begin to say: Wee have eaten and drunke in thy pre­sence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know not whence you are; depart from mee all yee workers of iniquity. Hereunto also may be considered for For negl [...] ­cting the sixe works of mercy there by Christ reckoned up. Mat. what CHRIST will arraigne people in the day of judgement, written by Saint Matthew in his five and twenty Chapter. Most divine­ly according to CHRISTS voice saith holy Church in the Rogation Homily. The fourth part, and p. 237. If now therefore ye will have yours prayers heard before Almighty God, for the increase of your corne and cattell, and for the defence thereof from unseasonable mistes and blastes, from haile and other such tempestes; love yee equitie and righteousnesse, ensue mer­cie and charitie, which GOD A divine sen­tence, everla­stingly memo­rable. Hereun­to may bee added the ma­king in ones self a new heart and a new spi­rit, and what els is prescri­bed in Ezech. 18. most requireth at our hands.

Q. Doe not they likewise erre, which place the perfection or compleatnesse of a minister, in an abi­litie to preach out of the pulpit twice every Sun­day?

A. It hath bin afore declared, out of a saying of CHRIST that a man may prophecie in CHRISTS Name, and in his name cast out devils, and in his name doe many wonderfull works; and yet be unapprooved [Page 77]unto CHRIST, if he be a 2. Cor. 11.15 worker of iniquity. The holy Ghost by Saint Paul declareth, that there are to be in a Minister a great many more properties, besides aptnesse to teach: as to be 1. Tim. Tit. 9. vigilant, blamelesse, sober, of good behaviour (or modest) given to hospitality, patient, one that ruleth well his owne house, just, holy, temperate, a lover of good men, not selfe willed, not soone angry, not given to wine, no striker, no brawler, not given to filthy lucre, [...] one which is not a lover of mony. See 1. Tim. 6.10. There are some people, that w [...]l say, We a [...]e not covetous (no such idolate [...]s) for we covet no bodies goods or means; and yet they set their most hearty af­fections on their Mammō. Many people that are full of covetousnesse, or of the love of this world, will so plead for themselves. not covetous, not accused of riot, or unruly, and sundry more properties are mentioned by Saint Paul in his Epistles to Timothy and Titus, and in many other Scriptures, which are ne­cessary to be in him, that would be a compleat Minister of JESUS CHRIST.

Q. Doe not also they greatly erre, which except against the holy Fathers of the Church, for that they preach not unto some congregation ordinarily on every Sunday?

A. Such excepters doe very greatly erre. It may justly be said of them, as Saint Paul said of many Jews, That they have a Rom. 10.2. zeale of God, but not according to knowledge. To preach unto a congregation on every Sunday, is the So it is pre­scribed in the Canon 45. proper worke of Pastours. But the Bi­shops the Fathers in God having received the greatest measure of the holy Ghost, are to be employed besides in the greatest ministeriall matters of the Church, as on the Sundayes immediately following the So in Canon 3 [...]. Ember weekes, they are to make and ordaine Priests and dea­cons, it taketh up a great part of their time to perform all over their Diocesses, Christs holy ordinance of Or Bishoping See Canon 60. Confirmation. It is their worke to 1. Cor. 3.10. Heb. 7.7. consecrate chur­ches, to 1. Tim. 5.22. examine Ministers, and to institute them in­to Tit. 1.5. Pastorships, to Act. 20.28. 2. Cor. 11.28. oversee that part of the Church [Page 78]which is committed unto them, to require all the Ec­clesiasticall lawes of the Kingdome, necessary for the present Rom. 12.11. according to the reading in the epistle for the second Sun­day after the Epiphany. times, to be duely observed, to cause to bee kept the 1. Cor. 14.40. uniformity of Gods publike worship, and that doctrine to bee taught which is established by publike authority, to take care for the due observation of the universall Psal. 119.8. according to the divine ser­vice translation See chap 41. ceremonies of the church, all and every of which doe serve, and are very greatly necessa­ry and profitable for to nurture people in humility of heart, in outward reverence and christian manners, and they are much usefull to the So in the Chapter, why some ceremo­nies are retai­ned, set in be­ginning of the Communion booke. stirring up of peoples dull mindes, unto the remembrance of their duty toward God, and for to introduct them unto the Continuall wofull experi­ence declareth, that the cō [...]em­ners of the Church cere­monies have atheisme in their minds, & much barba­rousnesse in their manners. worshipping of God in the spirit. It is a part of the high function of the Fa­thers in God to 2. Tim. 1.13. and 2.2. and Tit. 1.9. See cap. 40. & 36.37 direct all pastours and ministers un­der them, in matter and forme of praying and preach­ing, and catechizing, &c. according as they in their godly wisedome from time to time shall see it expe­dient, under the assent and allowance of the Kings most excellent Majestie, and according to the lawes and customes of the Land. The Divine Service of con­secration signifieth, That such as be unquiet, disobedient, and criminous within their Diocesses, thy are to correct and punish, according to such authority as they have by Gods word, and as to them shall be Their great authority they are to use as far as may be, for the relieving of oppressed mini­sters &c. Ps. 72.3 4. committed by the ordinance of this Realme. And as the See Vox cla­mantis, & there­in, pages high Priests ministred to the Kings of Israel, and had to doe also in the administra­tion of the common wealth; so now the Bishops being of like order to the high Priesthood, are according to their places & callings, in the work of the Sacred Mini­stery, for to serve unto the royal Majesty, & to have to doe in the affaires of the Common-wealth, according to the Lawes and customes of the Kingdome. Many [Page 79]more are the employments pertaining to their high Order and calling, by reason whereof they may but at some certaine times preach unto congregations, when as they shall see occasion thereunto.

Q. Why doth GOD mention unto the second Commandement, That hee the LORD GOD is a jea­lous GOD?

A. The Church saith, In her larger Catechisme. There is a most just reason. For sith that to us which have Psal 44.3.4. Isa. 48.9. Rom. 5.8. nothing deserved, on­ly of his owne infinite goodnesse, hee hath given him­selfe; by most good right it is, that hee will have us to be Mat. 4.10. and 22.37. wholy, altogether, and entirely his owne. For this is that Jer. 2.2. 2. Cor. 11.2. Eph 5.24. Isa. 54 5. Hos. bond as it were of an holy mariage, wherein to God the faithfull husband our soules as chast spou­ses are coupled. Whose chastity standeth in this, to be dedicate to God alone, and to cleave wholy unto him; like as on the other side our soules are said to be de­filed with Jer. 2.20. and 3.1. Ezech. 6.9. and 16.15. adultery, when they swarve from God to idolatry or superstition. And how much more heartily the husband loveth his wife, and the chaster hee is himselfe; so much is hee more grievously displeased with his wife when she breaketh her faith.

Q. Why is it said, And visit the sins of the Fathers upon the children; unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate mee?

A. The answer is, In the larger Catechisme. To the intent for to shew more vehemently how he hateth idolatry, and with greater feare to restraine us from offending therein, he threa­teneth that he will take vengeance, not onely of them that shall so offend, but also of their children and po­sterity.

Q. But how doth this agree with the righteous­nesse of GOD, that any one should be punished for Exod. 34.7. Deut. 7.9.10. Isa. 14.20.21. Some under­stand that it is chiefly meant against such as commit spiri­tuall whore­dome, [Page 80]anothers offence? The Lord by Ezekiel saith, Ezech. 18.4. The son shall not beare the iniquity of the Father.

A. We are to observe all the sayings of God, and then in the last part thereof that appeareth which ma­keth all plaine: to wit, them that hate me. Such as conti­nue in hatred towards God, shal have their forefathers sinnes visited upon them; but not such as Ezech. turne away from their owne sinnes and from their fathers sinnes, and doe that which is lawfull and right. The Lord vi­sited upon the 1. Sam. 15.23 posterity of Amalek the sin which he did unto Israel. Hee visited upon 2. King. Ahabs house the great sinne of Ahab: and more like examples there are. It is continually observed, that on a Hos. 2.4. posterity walking in the ungodly wayes of their ancestrie, God commonly visiteth the sinnes of the fathers; so that ve­ry seldome doe any such outwardly prosper in this world, apast the third generation. And because so to visit sinnes is the righteous judgement of God, there­fore David prayeth, Psal. 109.13. Let his posterity be cut off, and in the generation following, let their name be blotted out, &c. According to which righteousnesse the Law detaineth from the children of Traitours the lands which their fathers through treason did lose.

Q. Are any so wicked as to hate GOD?

A. The holy Scripture speaketh of Ps. 81.15. and 139.21. Rom. 1.30. many such. Every one which hateth that which God is, is a hater of God. They therefore which hate heavenly light, doe hate God, for God is light. And that some doe hate such light, CHRIST declareth where he saith, Every one that doth evill, Joh. 3.20. hateth the light. They are properly said to be haters of God, which are in the highest degree of sinning, which The Church saith of such in her homily cal­led An infor­mation, That they doe con­temne & scorn in all other all godlinesse, true religion, all ho­nesty & vertue. sit in the seat of the scornefull. Such were the Pharisees and Lawyers of [Page 81]Jerusalem towards the Joh. 3.35. Luke 7.30. light held forth by Iohn the Baptist. Christ saith, They rejected the counsell of God within themselves.

Q. Why is it said, That mercy is shewed unto thousands that are lovers of God?

A. To shew, that hee is much more inclined to mer­cifulnesse and to liberality, than hee is to severity; like as also in another place he professeth, that hee is very Psal. 103.8. slow to wrath, and most ready to forgive. Micah saith, Micah Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the trangression of the rem­nant of his heritage? Hee retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. Thou wilt per­forme the truth to Iacoh, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn to our Fathers from the dayes of old. David saith, Ps. 106.44.45 Hee regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry. And he remembred them for his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies.

Q. Why after the words, That love me, is there ad­ded, And that keepe my Commandements?

A. The Church saith, In the homily of charity, page 42. of the first part. Although almost every man perswadeth himselfe to be in charity, yet let him examine no other man, but his owne heart, his life and conversation, and he shall not be deceived; but truely discerne and judge, whether he be in perfect charity or not. For he which fol­loweth not his owne appetite and will, but giveth himselfe earnestly to God, to doe Act. 13.22. all his will and Commandements, he may be sure, that hee loveth God above all things; and els surely he loveth him not, whatsoever he pretend. For hee that John 14.21. knoweth my Commandements and keepeth them, hee it is that loveth me, saith Christ. And again he saith, He that loveth mee, will keepe my words: and he that loveth mee [Page 82] Joh. 14.24. not, will not keepe my words. Saint Iohn saith, 1. Ioh. 5.3. This is love, that wee keepe his Commandements, and his Comman­dements are not grievous.

Q. What is the third Commandement?

A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine: for hee will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine.

Q. What is it to take the name of God in vaine?

A. In the larger Catechisme. To abuse it, either with Lev. 19.12. forswearing, or with swearing rashly, unadvisedly, and without Ecclus. unto that chapter the Church refer­reth in the mar­gent of her Ca­techisme. necessity, or with once naming it without a weighty cause. For sith the Majesty of GODS name is most holy, wee ought by all meanes to beware, that wee seeme not either to despise it our selves, or to give other any oc­casion to despise it: yea and so to see that wee never once utter the name of GOD without most great 1 Chr. 29.13. Psa. reverence, that it may ever appeare honourable and glorious both to our selves and to all other. For it is not lawfull once to The Church in the margent of her Cate­chisme refer­reth unto Wisd. 1.5. & 14.30. Ecclus. 39 33.34.35. thinke, much lesse to speake of GOD and of his workes, otherwise then to his ho­nour. Briefly, whosoever useth the name of GOD o­therwise then for weighty causes and for most holy matters abuseth it.

Q. That wee may the better shun the breaking of this Commandement, rehearse some of the sundry significations, wherein the word Name of GOD is taken.

A. By the name of God is meant such words, whereby God is noted forth and distinguished from creatures: as is, The Lord, Iehovah, Psal. 68 4. Iah, Exod. 3.14. I am, the Bar. 4.22. Eter­nall, the Almighty, the High and holy one, the most Highest, the Creatour, Iesus, Christ, Emmanuel, the Father, the Son, the holy Ghost, the Rev. 3.14. Amen. 1. Joh. 2.27. truth, &c. It is also taken for the [Page 83]strength, power or favour of God, as where it is said, Psal. 118.10. In the name of the Lord I will destroy them. It is taken for the will and commandement of God, as where it is said, And it shall come to passe, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words, which he shall speake in my Deut. 18.19. name, I will require it of him. It is taken for the beleefe, wor­ship, invocation, celebration, and professing of GOD; as where it is said, Micah. 4.5. All people will walke every one in the name of his God, and wee will walke in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever. It also signifieth his holy word, the sacred Scripture; as where it is said, Psal. 138.2. Thou hast magnifyed thy word above all thy name. Some ob­serve that by the name of GOD is meant every of his workes, his good creatures, &c. by the consideration of which, God is understood and his power and operati­on perceived; and therefore that in this Commande­ment all unright using of them contrary to their up­right naturall use, is forbidden: and such observation on this precept is according unto truth.

Q. Whereas swearing is referred unto this Com­mandement, when may one use the name of God in an oath?

A. The Church saith, In the larger Catechisme. when an oath is taken for a just cause, either to affirme a truth, especially if the Magistrate require or command it, or for any other matter of great importance, wherein we are either to maintaine unviolate the honour of God, or to pre­serve mutuall agreement and charity among men. But whensoever we say truth, we may not sweare; for so the estimation and reverence of the name should be abated, and should become of no price, and be contem­ned as common. The Church therefore in her homi­ly concerning swearing declareth, In the first part, page 46.48. That when men doe Psal. 8.1.3. Rom. 1.20. 1. Tim. 4 4.5. Exod. 22.11. Ios. 2.12. 2. Cor. 11.31. 1 Kings 24.21. [Page 84] sweare of custome, inreasoning, buying and selling, or other daily communications, such kind of swearing is ungodly, un­lawfull, and forbidden by this Commandement of God. For such swearing (saith the Church) is nothing els, but taking of Gods holy name in vaine.

Q. Rehearse what the Church hath delivered con­cerning an oath to bee taken before a Judge, or upon Gods booke.

A. Thus saith the Church unto us, In the second part of the ho­mily against swearing, page 50. When any laying their hands upon the Gospell booke, doe sweare truly to so and so, &c. as God may helpe them, and the holy contents of that booke: they must All young persons have need to be in­formed of the danger of be­ing perjured. There are some which make no conscience of swearing false­ly, as not pri­vately, so nei­ther publikely of committing perjurie before Authority. And of putting their hands unto a false testimony they make no scru­ple at all. consider, that in that booke is contained Gods everlasting truth, his most holy and eternall word, whereby wee have forgivenesse of our sinnes, and bee made inheritours of heaven, to live for ever with Gods Angels and Saints, in joy and gladnesse. In the Gospell booke is con­tained also Gods terrible threats to obstinate sinners, that will not amend their lives, nor beleeve the truth of Gods ho­ly word, and the everlasting paines prepared in hell, for Ido­laters, hypocrites, for false and vaine swearers, for periured ones, for false witnes bearers, for false condemners of guiltles and innocent ones, and for them which for favour doe hide the crimes of evill doers, that they should not bee punished.

Q. Into what danger doe they fall which wilfully be forsworne, or doe sweare falsely, swearing to that which is not true?

A. The Church saith, There is ad­ded in the mar­gent of the aforesaid place in the Homi­ly, to the end that the reader should take notice of what is delivered: Against Perjurie. An o [...]th before a Judge. Whosoever doe wilfully forsweare themselves upon CHRISTS holy Evan­gelie (or Gospell) they utterly forsake Gods mercy, goodnesse and truth, the merits of our Saviour Christs Nativity, Life, Passion, Death, Resurrection, and [Page 85]Ascension; they refuse the forgivenesse of sins, pro­mised to all penitent sinners; the joyes of heaven, the company with Angels and Saints for ever. All which benefits and comforts are promised unto true Chri­stian persons in the Gospell. And they, so being for­sworne upon the Gospell, doe betake themselves to the devils service, the master of all lies, falshood, de­ceit, and perjurie, provoking the great indignation and curse of GOD against them in this life, and the terrible wrath and judgement of our Saviour Christ, at the great day of the last judgement, when he shall judge both the quicke and the dead, according to their works.

Q. What is the meaning of the words, The Lord will not hold him guiltlesse?

A. It is as much as to say, He will surely punish, he will surely take vengeance on every one, that abuseth his name. A matter greatly consi­derable. By swearing, and so calling the eternal infinite wise, and Al­mighty God for to bee wit­nesse unto an untruth or a lie, who per­fectly know­eth universall things, is a matter of no small danger. Daily experience testifieth in all places, how that wilfull false-swearers doe for the most part die with unexpressible horrour of conscience; yea all the time of their life after they be so forsworne, they for the most part, have no inward peace, but the Isa. 66.24. hell-worme gnawing within them, and the un­quenchable fire beginning to burne in their soules more and more. And as false swearers do thus fall into the avenging Heb. 10.31. hands of the living God; so all other takers of his name in vaine, doe live void of the peace of God, that most Ps. 29.11. precious inheritance of the Saints in this life, a matter that Phil. 4.7. passeth all naturall under­standing. The Church therefore in her The larger. Catechisme asketh, saying: Sith God doth in other places pronounce that hee will punish generally all breakers of his Law, why doth he here particularly threaten them that abuse his name? [Page 86]She answereth and saith: His meaning was to shew, how highly hee esteemeth the glory of his name, to the end that wee seeing punishment ready for us, should so much the more heed-fully beware of Ier. abu­sing the same. And whereas the Lord by Jeremiah declareth it to be an horrible thing for to Ier. 5.7. sweare by them that are no Gods, wee ought therefore to re­member CHRISTS commandement, namely not to sweare at all in our Mat. Iames 5.12. communication; and therein to use but yea or nay, or words of like importance; be­cause CHRIST saith: Whatsoever is more than these, commeth of evill: And for all evill words, CHRIST hath Matt. 12.36.37. Wisd. denounced, that wee shall give ac­count in the day of judgement; who also saith, That by our words we shall be justified, and by our words we shall be condemned.

Q. What is the fourth commandement?

A. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. Sixe dayes shalt thou labout, &c.

Q. Why doth God set the word Remember afore this fourth commandement and the last in his first table of our direct duty unto him?

A. Because he knoweth, that we in our corrupt na­ture are most prone to consider lesse of this comman­dement, than of any of all the rest, especially in such an observing of it, as the minde of the LORD is we should doe everlastingly.

Q. Whereas this commandement was given unto the Jewes, as they were in the wildernesse travelling towards Canaan, shew in which naturall day amongst the number of seven (or of every weeke) were they to doe no manner of worke.

A. It is prescribed to be the last of seaven (or of [Page 87]every weeke) in remembrance of Gods making the world in sixe dayes, & his resting on the seaventh day.

Q. Doth the holy Catholike and Apostolike Church of JESUS CHRIST now observe that seaventh na­turall day of every weeke, which the Church of the Jewes was required to keepe holy, and which that na­tion celebrateth unto this present time?

A. In no wise.

Q. Upon what ground doth not the Church now observe that seaventh naturall day of every weeke?

A. By reason that JESUS CHRIST and his A­postles (or the holy Ghost by them) have signified, how it is not Gods will, that wee Christian Gentiles should be bound unto the keeping of it.

Q. Rehearse some Scripture signifying the same doctrine.

A. When the LORD JESUS upon the seaventh day had healed an impotent man, he bade him, Ioh. 5.8. rise, take up his bed, and walke: which thing the Jewes understood ought not to be, because the Lord had said by Jeremiah, Ier. 17.22.24. Beare no burden on the Sabbath day. But JESUS answered them, saying: My Father Ioh. 5.17. Si quaeras, cur Christianus non observat otium Sabbathi, cùm Dominus non venerit solvere legem, sed ad­implere? Respon­deo, Istud non ob­servat Christia­nus, quia quod ea figura profi­tebatur, iamipse implevit. In isto habemus Sabba­thum qui dicit: Venite ad me omnes qui labo­ratis, & inve­nietis requiem animebus ve­stris. Aug. contr. Faust. lib. 1. worketh hitherto, and I worke: declaring by that answere, that those Jews which were offended at him for healing the man on the seaventh day, and for his bidding of him to take up his bed and walke, though they in some manner were observers of the ceremony or shadow then meant in the fourth commandement, yet of the substance and maine matter required by the said great commandement of God, they were ig­norant. CHRIST said at other times, Matt. 12.8. The Sonne of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day, which words then the unbeleeving Jewes understood not. [Page 88]Yea afterward sundry of the Jewes Acts 15.5. & beleeving in CHRIST, did yet deeme, that it was needfull to use outward circumcision, and to walke after the cu­stomes, which Moses had delivered. But there was held a councell about that question by the Apostles & Elders at Jerusalem, who said: Acts 15.28. It seemed good to the holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things, &c. among which, to observe the seaventh day, was none. It is afterward said: As touching the Acts 21.25. Gentiles which beleeve, wee have written and concluded, that they observe no such thing, namely of such ceremonies which had bin peculiar unto the Jewes for their observation onely. Saint Paul saith unto the Romanes: Rom. 14.5.6. One man Zeale for ob­serving the Sab­bath is lauda­ble, so that the zeale be accor­ding to know­ledge, and not like the unbe­leeving Jewes zeale, whereof see Rom. 10.2. estee­meth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. He that regardeth (or observeth) a day, regardeth it unto the Lord: & he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord hee doth not regard it. The Church saith in the contents of that chapter: Men may not contemne nor condemne one another for things in­different. Saint Paul disliked the Galatians for obser­ving Gal. 4.10. dayes, and moneths, and times, and yeeres, and for their proneness unto Gal. 5.2. outward circumcision; whereas they had let goe the right understanding of such things, as he had taught them, and hearkened un­to such as informed them amisse about those things. Unto the Colossians he saith: Col. 2.16. Let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drinke, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new Moone, or of the Sabbath dayes; which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of CHRIST.

Q. Is there no day in the weeke, wherein now Gods people are to assemble together to doe the du­ties [Page 89]of publike worship?

A. Yea on the 1. Cor. 16.2. Act. 20.7. Whoso his owneselfe or her owneselfe wil on all Sun­day meditate, speake and doe only spirituall matters, is in no wise to bee condemned therefore. See Rom. first day of every week: For so it is signified and expressed in the writings of the Evan­gelists and of the Apostles.

Q. What are the requisite duties to bee done on every first day of the weeke which now is commonly called Sunday?

A. They are such as wee have example of in the new Testament, to be performed; and such as are by the Church enjoyned unto us.

Q. How doth the Church prescribe unto us, that we should be employed on every Sunday?

A. It signifieth unto us, In the Ho­milies, canons, and other wri­tings set forth by publike au­thoritie. Mat. 18.20. Ps. 42.2. Mat. 28.20. that on all that day no worke is to be done, but what is meerely necessary to be then done, to the end that we may duely prepare our selves for comming before the gracious * presence of JESUS CHRIST, which is in the midst of the holy congregation assembled in his name, and there­unto we are to use private prayers and meditations. We are to be present at all the publike worship from the beginning thereof unto the end of the same, every master and dame, sonne and daughter, man­servant and maid-servant, and the stranger that is within our gates, both forenoone and afternoone. The youth and ignorant persons for halfe an houre or more afore evening prayer, are to bee examined and instructed in the sacred Catechisme of the com­mon prayer booke. Every one is to reconcile himselfe charitably to his neighbour where displeasure hath bin; also the poore and sicke are to be visited; and every other religious worke necessary to be done on that day, is to be performed.

Q. Is there in any countries of Christendome a [Page 90]tolerating of any recreations to be used on the Sun­day.

A. In the booke intituled They that ac­count the do­ctrine and dis­cipline of Ge­neva to be per­fecter than the doctrine and discipline of the Apostolical Church of En­gland, & which insist more on an outward Sabbath, than on the inward Sabbath, shall do well to take into serious consideration Genevaes cu­stome concer­ning the Sab­bath. Relations of the most famous Kingdoms, &c. printed at London, In page 308. anno 1630. concerning Geneva it is thus written: All honest exer­cises, as shooting in peeces, Crosse-bowes, long-bows, &c. are used on the Sabbath day, and that in the mor­ning, both before and after the Sermon: neither doe the If any think, that Geneva Ministers doe erre cōcerning the Sabbath in allowing so much liberty. Why may they not suspect them to bee in some other er­rour also? Ministers find any fault there with, so that they hinder not from hearing the word at the time ap­pointed. And in relation concerning the States of the Low-countries, there is signified that where they are of the Geneva-confession, In p [...]g. 206.207. There the Faires are on Sundayes in the afternoone as much frequented, as the Churches were in the forenoone.

Q. Let there bee no more mention of the custome in others countries, but let us consider the ground of the toleration now in our Land.

A. The ground is manifold: viz. That the This is in his most sacred Majesties de­claration, and signified in p g. 2.8.15. The 1. mentio­ned ground of the tolerating of some recrea­tion in the Sun­day evening. meaner sort who labour hard all the weeke should have some recrea­tions to refresh their spirits. Whereas in many places, especially in Cities and Townes, servants are by their Masters and Dames caused to labour privately (if not in some publike manner) on the most holy dayes in the yeere, even as on the working dayes; yea many are so hard towards their servants, as that on the very Sunday they wil employ them in painefull businesses; whence it commeth to passe, that many for want of some bodily refreshing in convenient time, have their spirits dull, and their understanding with melancholy and the like malady oppressed; yea often such whose trade of life consisteth not in much firming of the body, doe contract within themselfes such diseases, as [Page 91]doe shorten their naturall life. In townes and cities, and more especially in the head city of the Kingdom, many servants labour hard all the sixe dayes in an ill aire. When Sunday comes, they afore morning ser­vice, as also afore evening service are all that time re­quired to bee in attendance, if not in some hard busi­nesse: and if they may not The Gospell commandeth let all your, things be done with charity. 1. Cor. 16.14. Such charity as is described in 1. Cor. And who so readeth be­ing endued with such a spi­rit of charity, will not rashly censure hardly what now along is delive­red. after evening service walke abroad and take the aire, and refresh their spi­rits, how is it possible that they can long continue in health? How much is the life of such servants, different from the life of slaves among the Turks? Their M rs & Dames can in the week daies take their libertie and use their pleasures. Now God saith, on the Exod. 23.12. Deut. 5.12. Sabbath thy servants and thy servants children are to rest and to bee refreshed as well as thy selfe. If any say, that the Jewes servants were onely to cease from their servile labour, and to have no other refreshing; and therefore servants are likewise now to have no other refreshing, such may consider that the case of many of our ser­vants is not alike. Very many were the The servants and the meaner people among the Jewes had by Gods ap­pointment ma­ny dayes in the yeere, wherein they recreated themselves. feasts which the Jewes were required to keep, in which dayes their servants were to rejoyce and bee recreated, as well as their governours. See Deuter. 16. Levit. 23. Numb. 28. &c. And as the case of all such servants is considerable, so also the condition of innumerable housholders ha­ving children and charge, that for to get bread for themselves and their family are constrained to worke early and late all the sixe dayes: and should such have no bodily recreation all the yeere long? There is a proverbe, The full-fed knoweth not the sufferings of an hungry stomacke. Those that can recreate themselves when they will, are commonly unsensible what it is to be quite or much debarred from the same. Wee are [Page 92]to thanke Almighty God, that our dread Soveraigne LORD the King can be touched with the feeling of meane mens endurings, and so graciously provide for their ease and comfort. When the Pharisees found fault with CHRISTS disciples, which being Matt. Hos. 6.6. hun­gry plucked a few eares of come on the Sabbath, hee answered, Had yee knowne what this meaneth, I will have mercie & not sacrifice, Some devout persons not knowing what the spirituall Sabbath is (the which holy Church hath declared un­to us, and is expressed in the latter part of this discourse about the Sab­bath; and the zealous obser­ving whereof is a duty continu­ing whiles the world endu­reth) may per­haps take of­fence at some delivery herein; but such as are christianly wise will throughly examine the matter by the Scriptures and the doctrine of the Church in her fundamentall books. Prov. See Heb. Esa. 32.17.18. Ps. 116.7.8. & 25.12.13. and 23.2. Rom. 6.12.18. 1. Pet. 4.1.2. ye would not have condemned the guiltlesse. The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. It is a sacrifice, if hard labouring people all the weeke long, doe Sunday evening sit still in their houses: but if in the feare of God they spend then an houre or two where musicke or some such like lawfull recreation is, for the refre­shing of their spirits, which all that day have bin in­tent on heavenly matters as well privately as publikly (which have bin at the whole publike worship, fore­noone an afternoone,) what commandement of CHRIST JESUS is there transgressed? Micah saith: Mic. 6.8. God hath shewed thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee, To doe justly, to love mercie, and So is it in the margent, and so is the Geneva translation. to bumble they selfe for to walke with thy God. The Church saith in an Homily. In the fourth part of the Rogation Homily, pag. 237. Love yee equity and righteousnesse, ensue mercie and charitie, which GOD Ier. 9.24. Mat. 23.23. most requireth at our hands. There is a generation which will straine at Mat. 23.24. gnats and swallow up camels: which will take offence at their honest poore neigh­bours recreating himselfe in the Sunday evening, and they themselves keepe in their owne houses, swelling * Such now as rejoyce not for his Majesties most gracious toleration, are for the most part such, as feele not what it is to labour hard all the sixe dayes. [Page 93]with spirituall pride, vaine glory and hypocrisie, envie, hatred, & malice, & all uncharitablenes, Ps. 5.6. Prov. 17.5. Isa. 33.15. blood thir­stines & rejoycing at others calamities, & given unto unexpressable lying & circūventing, & uncivility. The saying of the Lord by Isaiah unto hypocritical fasters ay be used unto such. Is it such a Isa. fast (or a Sabbath) that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soule? Is it to how downe his head as a bulrush, &c. Is not this the fast (or Sabbath) that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickednes, to undoe the heavie burdens, to let the oppressed goe free, and that ye breake every yoke, &c. and that ye exercise the Reckoned up by Christ in Matt. sixe workes of the Christian mercie or charity, according to which ye shall receive your everlasting judgment in the last day? Another The second ground of the tolerating, ex­pressed in pa. 8. ground of the said toleration is, That men may not spend the Sunday evenings in filthy tiplings and drunkennesse, with idle and discontented speeches in alehouses, (which is now the practise of many of the meaner sort in most places,) where like In the Homi­ly of the place and time of prayer, pag. 126 rats & swine, (as the homily speaketh) they also rest in brawling, & rai­ling, in quarrelling and fighting. And whether is it better for such men then to use manlike & lawfull exercises, as may make their bodies more able for war, or more expert for their private defence, or the more health­full, than in that which tendeth only to hurt both of body and soule, estate, name, and of whatsoever may be unto welfare? And whereas such persons are prone to misbehave themselves as well in publike, as in pri­vate; therefore it is provided, that no ungodly or unsober conversation shall be used in the recreation: It is prohibited that any Pages 13.16. of the declara­tion. offensive weapons be carried or used in the said times: and it is required, that all disorders there may bee prevented or punished, to the end that all [Page 94]neighbourhood and freedome may be used. A A third ground of the toleration, in page 7. further ground is for the sake of such as live in Recusancie, that they may not be deterred from comming to conformitie with the reformed Apostolicall Church of England, by be­ing perswaded that no honest mirth or recreation is lawfull or tolerable in our Religion: which perswasion cannot but breed a great discontentment in their hearts, and hinder them from conforming.

Also In page 13. there it is straitly commanded, A fourth mat­ter most obser­vable in the Royall Decla­ration. That every person shall resort to his owne parish Church to heare Divine Service, and each parish by it selfe to use the said recreation after Divine Service. And whereas hereby every pari­shioner is required to be usually at his own Church, as­well afternoon, as forenoone; is there not here prescri­bed uniformity, which is the great glory of a Christian Kingdome? It is written, 1. Cor. 14.40. Let all things be done decent­ly and in order. And the Colossians are commended for the Col. 2.5. order which they observed. But some will say, When wee have afternoones no Sermon at our owne Church, it is requisite that wee goe where a Sermon is, for our edification. It is therefore necessary to be considered seriously, wherein such for the most part doe desire to be edified Saint Paul speaking of the true people of CHRIST signifieth, Eph. 4.16. That they make in­crease unto their edifying in Love. And to the Hebrewes he saith, Heb. 10.24.25 Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good workes: not forsaking the assembling of our selves together, as the manner of some is. The Lord CHRIST JESUS saith, Mat. 5.6. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst af­ter righteousnesse. Saint Iude also saith, Jude 20. Build up your selves on your most holy faith. Holy Church hath or­dained, That in the Sunday afternoone there should be taught her fundamentall Catechisme, Her lawes [Page 95]the Canons and constitutions should be read, the Common prayer with the Lessons be said, and that the Homilies should be read also. Is there not See Chap. 47. of the christian Divinity. edifying in the true Catholike and Apostolike faith, and in the Christian life and conversation, to he received from the doctrine of the said bookes composed and set forth by the supreame divine wisedome of our Church? Where are they that have attained unto so perfect a beleese and course of life, as is in the said writings held forth? If then such a measure of edifying be to be had from what is appointed to be unto every congregati­on, doe not such as usually depart there from, and have the said sacred deliveries in light account or contempt, declare themselves to be of the number of those fore­told, 2. Tim. 4.3.4. That will not endure sound doctrine, but after their owne lusts will heape to themselves teachers, having itching eares; and will turne away their eares form the truth, and will be turned unto fables? Let the Mat. 7.18 19.20. fruits in words and deeds, which many such daily bring forth, be conside­red; and it will plainely appeare, that the most of them doe not seeke to be edified, how they may amend their lives according to Gods holy word, and to have an heart to love and dread him, and diligently to live after his Com­mandements: Unto which edification the most sacred Let any informeth us all. Also if it be requisite for some often to goe from their owne Parish Church, is it not likewise for all the rest? And then in some Churches on the Sunday afternoone there would be no Divine Service at all. Now it remaineth, that answers be un­to some questions made concerning See about recreation what Mr. Doctour Pride­aux hath deli­vered in his treatise concer­ning the Sab­bath, printed in this yeare; & what is said thereof in ano­ther Doctours preface unto the said treatise. recreations on the Sunday evening. It is demanded, how can it agree with the doctrine of an In the homily of the place & time of prayer, and in the first part thereof. Homily signifying that then we should rest in holinesse? The answer is, It is said, [Page 96] In page 13. That they to whom it belongeth in office, shall present and sharply punish all such as in abuse of this our liberty, will use these exercises before the ends of all divine Services for that day. Bowling and all unlawfull games are In page 12. prohibited to be used on the Sunday. The Church alloweth of no prophanenesse to be at any time of that day.

It is manifest not only from her The thir­teenth. canon concern­ing the celebrating of Sunday, but also from the Arti­cles given at the late Metropoliticall visitation, where­in Church-officers are required to inquire, In the 17. ar­cide cōcerning the parishio­ners. Whether any person in the parish doe exercise any trade or labour, buy or sell, or keepe open shops or warehouses upon the Sunday, or holyday, by themselves, their servants, or apprentices, or have otherwise prophaned the said dayes, contrary to the orders of the Church of England? And whether there be any Inne­keepers, Alehouse keepers, Victuallers or other persons, that permit any persons in their houses, to eate drinke or play, du­ring the time of Divine Service or Sermon, or reading the Homilies in the forenoone or afternoone, upon those dayes? Moreover concerning holinesse it is to be distinguish­ed: There is holinesse 1. Thes. morall, namely an abstaining from such things as are alwaies unlawfull, against which kind of matters the Church insisteth in that her sacred Homily. And there is holinesse Lev. 23.7.8. ceremoniall which is an abstaining upon Sunday or any other holy day from such matters, as are lawfull upon a working day, which holinesse also the Church in that her Homi­ly hath prescribed. Now concerning holinesse ceremo­niall of what kind soever, whereof the Church hath beene the prescriber, yea all ceremoniall holinesse whatsoever CHRIST in his word hath not comman­ded to be everlastingly observed, the Church hath po­wer to See Chap. 41. in the christian Divinity. dispence with the same, according as she in [Page 97]her godly wisedome seeth it most expedient for the time. For thus she delivereth in her In the Article 34. of the Tra­ditions of the Church. Articles of Re­ligion, It is not necessary that traditions and ceremonies be in all places one, or utterly like; for at all times they have beene divers, and may be changed according to the diversitie of countryes, times, and mens manners, so that nothing be or­dained against GODS word. Every particular or nationall Church hath authority to ordaine, change, and abolish cere­monies or rites of the Church, ordained only by mans autho­rity, so that all things be done to edifying. Let such as doubt, search every sentence of the whole holy Bible, and see if there be any saying, which doth, not seem­ingly but certainely, prove it to be a sinne, for such as have beene at all the whole publike divine Services of the Sunday, and have had their meditations all the forenoone and afternoone It is the will of the Church, that every per­son should on Sunday be thus devoted, untill the full end of all publike Di­vine worship for that day. zealously set on matters heavenly and spiritual, in the evening to refresh them­selves with such recreations, as are allowed then to be used. It is memorably said in the contents set in the In the last Translation. Bible afore Rom. 14. about observation of dayes, Men may not contemne nor condemne one another for things indifferent. There is also objected that delivery by the holy Prophet Isai. 58.13. Isaiah, viz. That on the Sabbath one may not doe his owne wayes, nor finde his owne pleasure, nor speake his owne words. The answer is, The exposition of that sentence, which is set in the margent of the Geneva translation, is, If thou refraine they selfe from thy wicked workes. Whereby it is signified to be understood, that that text speaketh of morall holinesse to be observed perpetually, as Saint Peter saith, 1. Pet. 1.15. Bee yee holy in all man­ner of conversation; not only on the first day of every weeke, commonly called Sunday; but also on Ps. 106.3. Luke 1.74.75. every other of the dayes of the weeke also. And the plea­sure [Page 98]against which the Prophet speaketh, appeareth not to be pleasure of lawfull recreation then allowed to be used, but pleasure in very wickednesse. And so the word pleasure is observed to signifie in the same Chapter, where it is said, Isa. 58.3. Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labours. Behold, yee fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wic­kednesse. In the Geneva translation, verse 3. It is ren­dred, You will seeke your will, and require all your debts. The note on those words is, Thus he convinceth the hy­pocrites by the second table, and by their duty toward their neighbour, that they have neither faith nor religion. And His words are Jejuniorum dies consumunt in maleficiis, &c. Iunius in his annotations on his translation of the said 3. ver. of Isa. 58. expresly signifieth the sense to be, that they spent fasting dayes in mischievous deeds. Yea Isaiah himselfe in the Chapter a little afore sheweth, that he speaketh against meere wickednesse wrought on the Sabbath, from that as he saith, Isa. [...]6.1.2. Keepe ye judge­ment ( or As the mar­gent readeth. equity) and doe iustice. Blessed is the man that doth this, and the sonne of man that layeth hold on it, that keep­eth the Sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evill. Also that Isaiah by forbidding ones owne wayes, ones owne pleasure, and ones owne words, meaneth matters of sinne absolutely (such things as are sinne in their owne nature on any day) it appeareth from that he saith also a little afore, Isa 55.7. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Moreover the holy Prophets by the Sabbath doe in sundry places meane, as did the Apostles where they mention it, or use words unto the same effect. Saint Paul saith, There re­maineth a rest ( or a keeping of a In the mar­gent of the last translation of Heb. 4.9.10. Sabbath) to the people of God. For he that is entred into his rest, he also hath ceased from his owne workes, as God did from his. The It is of those notes which are translated out of Latine, and set unto the Geneva translation. note [Page 99]in the margent is, As GOD rested the seaventh day, so must wee rest from our workes, that is, from such as proceed from our corrupt nature. Of such Sabbathising or resting Saint Peter also speaketh, where he saith, 1. Pet. 4.1.2. Forasmuch then as CHRIST hath suffered for us in the flesh, arme your selves likewise with the same mind: for hee that hath suffered in the flesh, hath ceased from sinne: that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh, to the lasts of men, but to the will of GOD. It is also asked, how can agree­ment be with the fourth Commandement? The ans­wer is, It is declared in the exposition thereof, that that naturall seaventh day therein mentioned is not See what is afore delivered next after the exposition of the third Com­mandement. now to be kept holy. Sunday is the first day of the weeke (as speaketh the Acts 20.7. 1. Cor. 16.2. &c. Gospell) and not the seaventh day of the weeke. But let us heare how the Church expresly delivereth, that wee are to understand the fourth Commandement, And thus it saith, These sayings are all expresly delivered in the larger Cate­chisme of the Church, com­monly called Nowel in quarto, in the expositi­on of the fourth com­mandement. Sabbath, by interpretation signifieth Rest. This Commandement hath a double consideration. For in so much as it containeth a ceremony, and requireth onely outward rest, it belonged peculiarly to the Iewes, and hath not the force of a continu­ing and eternall law. But now by the comming of Christ, as the other shadowes of Iewish ceremonies are abrogate, so is this law also in this behalfe abridged. And the ceremony excepted, there is remaining that, whereunto we are perpetu­ally bound. For this Law was ordained for three causes: First, to establish and maintaine an Ecclesiasticall discipline and a certain order of the Christian Common weale: Second­ly, to provide for the state of servants that it be made tolera­ble: Thirdly, to expresse a certaine forme and figure of the spirituall rest. The spirituall rest is, when resting from world­ly businesse, and from our owne workes and studies, and as it were having a certaine holy vacation, wee yeeld our selves [Page 100]wholy to Gods governance, that he may doe his workes in us: and when (as the Scripture termeth it) we crucify our flesh, we bridle the froward desires and motions of our heart, re­straining our owne nature, that we may obey the will of God. For so shall wee most aptly reduce and bring the figure and image of the eternall rest to the very thing and truth it selfe. Also, we may not cast away this care on the other Daemones debe­mus interimere, non corum sub­stantiam perimē ­tes; sed quia opus corum & studiū est, ut nos pec [...]e faciant, sme dubis corum interitus est si non pecca­mus. Si omnes nos hostes destrureri­mus, tunc diem festum Domino celebramus. Greg. Hom. 8. super Ps. 101.8. dayes, for when we have once begun, wee must goe forward to the end, throughout the whole race of our life. And (saith the Church, out of her most high divine knowledge in the mysteries of GODS word) the number of seaven, foras­much as in the Scripture it signifieth perfection, putteth us in remembrance that wee ought with all our force and en­deavour continually to labour and travaile toward Heb. 6.1. 2. Cor. 13.9.11 Gen. 17.1. perfe­ction. Also for the great comfort of soules, which Psal. 42.1.2. pant after God, which thirst for the living God, the Church there in concluding her delivery about the Sabbath, doth signify, That here in this life a Heb. 6.5. and 4.3. tast of that rest may be had, which we shall enjoy perfectly, fully, and most blessed­ly in the Kingdome of GOD. Of the which Tast now to be enjoyed, as many holy Scriptures doe speake in most glorious manner; so also the Church delivereth wonderfull divinely in sundry places of her sacred Ser­vice; as in her first Homily of all it is said concerning the most holy writings, In the end of the second part of the Homily called, An Ex­hortation to holy Scripture. Let us pray to GOD (the only Author of these heavenly studies) that we may speak, think, beleeve, live and depart hence, according to the wholsome doctrine, and verities of them. And by that meanes, in this world wee shall have Gods defence, favour and grace, with the unspeakeable solace of peace, and quietnesse of conscience, and after this miserable life, we shall enjoy the endlesse blisse and glory of heaven. Now true Christians as they ought to be mindfull to observe the first day of every weeke [Page 101](called Sunday) by vertue of the Rom. 8.4. See the Homi­ly of the place and time of prayer, and chap 43. equity signified in that fourth law or commandement of Almighty God, according as CHRIST in his Gospell and the Church in her doctrine and discipline doe require; so are they also zealously to remember and consider, that God is not Isa. 1.13. and 66.4. Matth. 12.2.7. Ier. 9.24. Micah 6.8. delighted in a Pharisaicall regarding of the day unto him. In the dayes of Jeremiah there were which would say, The Temple of the Lord, The Tēple of the Lord; but as the Ier. 7. Prophet declareth, their con­versation was quite contrary unto the doctrine of the Lord. So are there very many in the Christian world, which cry out, The Sabbath of the Lord, The Sabbath of the Lord; so drawing neere unto him with their mouth, & with their lips honouring him, but have ( as the Isa. 29.13. Prophet saith) removed their heart farre from him, and their feare towards him is taught by the precept of men. And there­fore (saith CHRIST) in Mat. 15.8.9. vaine they doe worship mee, teaching for doctrines the commandements of men. Eze­chiel speaking of such saith: Ezech. 33.31. With their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousnesse. It may now be added, And after pride and arrogancie of spirit, and enviousnesse of affection. They beare a fer­vent zeale against any the least recreation to bee used on a Sunday evening, professing what a strictnesse then ought to bee: but as on very Sunday they take plentie of liberty inwardly to follow their owne cor­rupt affections, & outwardly to use their mouthes un­charitably; so in the other dayes of the week, in their dealings they take no small Ier. liberty to speake and to doe that, which is expressely contrary to the ever­lasting lawes of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; as wofull experience in too too many places testifieth. And these things in the expounding of the Catechism [Page 102]are here added, not as in the behalf of any the least sin to be committed; but to further such as are ignorant, & hate not to become in mind and life Ps. reformed, that they may aright understād what is by supreme autho­rity published, how it is for a great abundance of true Christian good intended & also so expressed. More­over the Kings most excellent Majestie according to the mind of the eternal Almighty God hath ordained, that the ancient Christian feasts bee kept againe, as they were heretofore: as the feast of Whitsuntide, the feasts of the dedication of Churches, common­ly called Wakes, and what other feasts have bin ob­served also since Reformation hath bin established. Have wee not great cause now of magnifying the goodnesse of God, for moving the heart of our most gracious Soveraigne thus to Isa. 58.12. and 61.4. build the old wastes, to raise up the former desolations, the foundations of many generations, To bee a repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in? Who are there among the ancient people of our Kingdome, (that are of any observati­on) which doe not daily complaine, that since Wakes have bin neglected, One maine cause why ini­quity hath abounded, and the love of ma­ny waxed cold, as is fore told in Mat. 24. love between people of neigh­bour Parishes hath very greatly decayed; and since Whitsun feasts have ceased, love among the people of every Parish hath unexpressibly waxen cold?

The wisdome of the great GOD knowing what a nourishing and preserving of godly love and charitie among his people the solemnizing of feasts would be, ordained in his Law many to bee duely kept every yeere. Therefore the Catholike & Apostolike Church of JESUS CHRIST hath prescribed so As are men­tioned together after the Ka­lender in the Communion book. Seech. 43 many feast dayes to be yearly observed by all her members. Our godly forefathers were zealous in the keeping of [Page 103]them, though wee now for the most part doe little consider of them. Was not the LORD CHRIST in the dayes of his flesh here on earth present at the feasts celebrated by the Jews? Doth not Saint Paul say, speaking concerning Easter, 1. Cor. 5.8. Let us keepe that feast, &c. Doth not Saint Jude tell us, that the Chri­stians of the primitive Church, as well Gentiles as Jews, had their Jude 12. feasts of charitie, though 2. Pet. 2.13. some at the said feasts did not rightly carrie themselves? And did they keepe such feasts without commande­ment thereunto by the holy Ghost in the Apostles?

The said feasts are in the Greek Text [...], which is asmuch as to say Loves. And Scapula on the word saith: The common banquets of Christians were so called, because they were instituted for the cause of retaining mutuall love & charity; In page 235. The which (as saith the Church in the Ro­gation Homily) is the onely livery of a Christian man, and whereby together with godly peace and quiet, we be knit together in one generall fellowship of CHRISTS family, in one common houshold of God. See with what fervency God hath prescribed the Whitsun-feast to be kept for the rejoycing together of the whole body of a peo­ple, which belong each to other; in Deuter. It is a matter greatly considerable to heare di­scret old folke relate, what The happi­nesse of the times, when the feasts now commanded, were duely ob­served. Satan now hath great wrath, & doth expresse it in his members by their hindering what they can, the yeerly so­lemnizing of the allowed feasts. justnesse, charitablenesse, and friendlinesse among neighbours was, when the said feast was godlily solemnized: how little vicious­nesse, drunkenesse, whoredome, maliciousness, theft, & other enormities were then. Moreover, in keeping of the Wakes, our forefathers not only expressed every yeere a gratefull remembrance and thankesgiving un­to God for their Churches builded, but also would unto that their said feast invite their friends of the [Page 104]Parishes round about or neere them, and then when their neighbours Wakes were, they were invited again. Thus the whole landfeasted each other unto an unutte­rable cōservation of unity & godly love. And whereas Dauncing is allowed by holy Scripture. dauncing is nominated for one of the lawfull recre­ations (& yet there are which otherwise account it:) Is it not directly commanded by God himselfe, where it is said? Let Israel rejoyce in him that made him: Let the children of Sion be joyfull in their King. Let them praise his name in the Ps. 149.2.3. daunce: let them sing praises to him with the timbrell and harp, Ps. 150.4. praise him with the timbrell and daunce. Did not David daunce before the Lord, and (as he spake expressely) 2. Sam. 6.21.16. played before the LORD? And was not Michal smitten with barrennesse for despising him because of the same? Let the Michals of these dayes consider, what was that which Michal so vers. 20.22. excepted against in Davids Schindeler the most lear­ned interpreter of the Hebrew tongue deli­vereth, That a feast is called in Hebrew [...] because therein people doe daunce. Hee saith: Die festo edunt, bibunt & sallant homines. And festis die­bus laetitian suā choreis & sal­tationisbus de­clarabant & ad­bue declarant Iudaei. dauncing, and it may teach them not to be censorious and so uncharitable, in passing their sen­tence upon men and womens dauncing together. Did not CHRIST JESUS himselfe mominate Musick & dauncing to be that, whereby the Luk. 15.25. good and holy father of the prodigall son did expresse his joy for his conversion? And whereas some there are that allow of the recreation, so that men and women doe not daunce together, but each sexe in a company apart; and their reason is, because (as they say) no example can be shewed in the Bible of any such dauncing, Such may consider what is said in Jeremiah: Ier. 31.13. Then shall the virgin rejoyce in the daunce, both young men and old to­gether. In the Greeke Bible it is: [...]. That is, then shall the virgins rejoyce in the assembly of young men, and [Page 105]the old men shall be glad. Doth not this ancient tran­slation considered with the Hebrew reading, at the least intimate that young men & maidens may daunce together? The Church hath power to change the cir­cumstāces of ordinances mentioned in the Scriptures, yea of The Church hath altered the time & g [...]sture used in recei­ving the Sa­crament. circumstances in the receiving of the Sacra­ments. And if the Church allow men and women to daunce together, who can then prove it to be a sinne? But it is objected, They may not bee neere together, because it may cause unchast thoughts. By the like rea­son they may conclude, that it is unlawfull for men and women to be nigh each other in any place or oc­casion. But Saint Paul saith: Tit. 1.15.16. Vnto the pure all things are pure: unto them that are defiled and unbeleeving, is nothing pure: but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Such as feare Satans temptation, may provide for their owne safety: but such as are fully perswaded in their hearts, that by Gods grace he shall not in such recrea­tion annoy them, appeare to bee free to daunce with whom they will, according to the Phil. 4.8. laudable custome. When as dauncing was often used in all Parishes by all people, how greatly was true Christian friendship increased thereby, and con [...]erved. By this (saith the Lord JESUS) shall all men know that yee are my disciples, if ye have Joh. 13.35. Godly love is signified in the prayer for Christs Church Militant, to be the Soveraigne good or chiefe happinesse in the life or con­versation of mankind. See 1. Cor. 13.13. and 1. Joh. Joh. 13.35. love one to another. And even as Peter and John said in another case, so may it bee said: Whether is it better in the sight of GOD, for people Sundayes after all Divine Services for that day ended, for to assemble together unto such publike recreation as is allowed, than to keep at home or one to goe to anothers houses, and there to speake against the higher powers (especially such as are in the Cler­gie, there to talke of other folkes matters which no­thing [Page 106]concerne them, there to consult mischiefe a­gainst such as they affect not, and to spend the time in unprofitable talking, yea and in such matters as are not meete here to bee mentioned? Moreover, whereas throughout the whole Kingdome there is a great neglect of very many in comming to evening prayer: For many of the richer sort account it not be­seeming their State, to come to evening prayer, un­lesse there be a Sermon; and many of the meaner sort take example by them, concluding that if the richer may lawfully absent themselves from Church, why may not they likewise? Now by this prescription of the Kings most excellent Majestie being in every ex­pressed point thereof duely observed, very many will repaire to the Divine Service more carefully, and so Devotion will bee increa­sed by the due observing of the prescripti­ons in the De­claration. devotion will be abundantly increased. And what is true godlinesse? Can there be a more perfect god­linesse, than for people to agree together in the truth of Gods holy word, and to live together in unity and godly love? Is not this the drift, scope, and maine in­tent of his Highnesse Declaration? Whoso will im­partially by Gods holy word consider of his most sacred Majesties declared care for the Church, cannot but see, that now it is from God, as in the dayes of the Prophet Haggai, when as the Lord Hag. 1.14. stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, Governour of Iuda, and Ioshua the high Priest, and sundry other truly godly persons for the restauration of what was then defective. The Lord saith by the Prophet Amos: Amos 9.11. In that day will I raise up the Tabernacle of David, which is fallen, & close up the breaches thereof, & I will raise up his ruines, & I will build it as in the daies of old: that the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the [Page 107]Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doth all these things. Though it may not be said, that the Tabernacle of David hath fallen down in our land, yet (like as all materiall houses and ta­bernacles are subject to ruines) so hath it had some certaine The holy fa­thers have mē ­tioned some of the decayes in their prayer made for to be used at the last fast. See the beginning of the Epistle dedicatory of the Christian Divinity. decayes. Was there not a breach beginning in it, about Predestination and all the doctrines depen­ding thereon, untill the Royall prudence by GODS especiall providence Amos 9.11. In his highness most prudent reign that pro­phecy of Amos hath a fulfil­ling now in our land. closed up that breach in the Ta­bernacle, by that most divine Declaration set afore the 39. Articles of Religion, requiring that so that high doctrine and all depending on it may be so un­derstood, as not to bee contrary to the divinitie ex­pressely contained & delivered throughout the booke of common prayer? His Majesties most sacred in­structions concerning Catechising, &c. would they not cause a great increase of knowledge in the grounds of the true Christian Religion, among youth and all persons, of the meaner sort, who in very many places are lamentably ignorant of the same? Is it not his Sacred Majesties most godly endeavour, & likewise of the holy Fathers of the Church, for to have the Taber­nacle of David in our Land, to be as in the dayes of So would God have his Tabernacle to be restored. See Amos 9.11. Jer. 6.16.17. Isa. 58.12. 2. Joh. vers. 5.6. old, namely when as reformation was in its perfectest flourishing and standing? Is not the summe of his Highnesse late declaration, that Christian charitie may amongst us all towards each other abound, the very life of true Religion and vertue? And therefore people are not to shew themselves to be of the num­ber of those, which the Apostles foretold would be in the last times, which Jude 8. and 2. Per. 2.12. speake evill of dignities, & of those things which they know not. There are sundry well dis­posed people, which observe many evill effects come [Page 108]to passe, & doe greatly bewaile them: but very few doe take matters into so serious a consideration, as to finde out the causes of such evils. The high understāding Fa­thers of the Church doe cleerely see, that the cause of all evill which hath so much increased, is, for that a 1. Tim. 4.1. and 2. Tim. 4.3.4. Faith hath entered into many peoples minds, contra­ry to that which is prescribed throughout the three books of the Divine service. Also that a great cause of the decay of much charity and good neighbourhood, hath bin the In his most sacred Maje­sties Declarati­on, and pages 15 16. it is si­gnified. forbidding of the anciēt feasts of the Church, & of ordinary meetings, & of the like nourishings of uni­ty & godly love. For this present here shall be an end of this discourse with the rehearsing of some of the Scriptures testifying of the Whitsun feast, and of the feasts of the Dedication of Churches, both which are to be kept yeerly for evermore in every Parish of or. Land, if his Sacred Majesties holy will and pleasure be duely observed and obeyed. Concerning the Whit­sun feast, thus saith the Lord. Deut. 16.10.11. Thou shalt keepe the feast of weeks unto the Lord thy God, with a tribute of a free will Then every one of abilitie is to contribute for some pious use. Tribute in the margent there is suffici­encie, for to si­gnifie, that every one ac­cording to his abilitie is to be liberall in such a contribution. offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give unto the Lord thy GOD, according as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee. And thou shalt rejoice be­fore the Lord thy God, thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stran­ger, and the fatherlesse, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to put his name there. Concerning the feasts of Dedication of Churches, thus it is signified in the Scripture. King Salomon having built the Lords Temple, did at the 1. Kings 8.65.66. Dedication of it make a feast, and all Israell with him. It is written in the [Page 109]booke of Maccabees, that when GODS Sanctuary was cleansed and made up, &c. Iudas and his brethren with the whole congregation of Israel ordained that the dayes of the 1. Mac. dedication of the Altar should bee kept in their season from yeere to yeere, with mirth and gladnesse. Saint Iohn in his Joh. 10.22.23. In the margent of the said chap­ter and verse of S. John, there is reference un­to 1. Mat. 4.59. Gospell recordeth the said feast, and writeth that then CHRIST was pre­sent, and walked in the temple in Solomons porch. Saint Paul saith, Rom. 15.4. Whatsoever things are written afore time, are written for our learning. And saith the In the homily against Idola­try, pages 18.19. See cap. 18. Church, speaking of what is written in the old Testament, If we be the people of God, how can the word and law of God not appertaine unto us? Saint Paul saith, Every Scripture is given for our instruction in righteousnesse, that wee may be perfect unto 2. Tim. 3.16.17. every good worke. And againe saith the Church (which though it be mentioned but about the fourth Commandement, yet it is to be made use of about In the homi­ly of the time and place of prayer, pages 124.125. every Commandement mentioned in the old Testament) Whatsoever is found in the Comman­dement, appertaining to the law of nature, as a thing most godly, most iust, and needfull for the setting forth of Gods glory, it ought to be retained and kept of all good Christian people. It is no indifferent matter to leave unobserved such feasts, which are mentioned in the Scripture, and which the Church signifieth should yeerely be kept. Most memorable hereunto is the saying of the Lord in Deuteronomy, Deut. Curses shall come upon thee for a signe, and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever: because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulnesse, and with gladnesse of heart, for the abun­dance of all things. GOD ordained the feasts to be kept, that in them all the people might expresse their thankfulnesse unto him for his blessings given unto [Page 110]them. And therefore the people of GOD in all ages have not only with great zeale and care kept the feasts prescribed unto them by GOD and the Church, but also in thankfulnesse to God for sundry blessings recei­ved, have kept feasts voluntarily, as Abraham made a feast when Isaac his son was Gen. 21.8. weaned, so now at chil­drens christening, womens churching, &c. In the Arti­cles delivered at the late Me­tropoliticall vi­sitation it is re­quired, That Church-houses be kept in due repa­ration, and only for that right ho­ly use, for which they were ordai­ned. In them the parishioners are to celebrate their banquet at Whitsōtide &c. for the increase of godly love, & for the cōfort of the poore a­mongst them.

Q. Now proceed on in explaning the rest of the Commandements, What is the fifth Commande­ment?

A. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, that thy daies may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Q. Because in the duty towards ones Proximus ne­ster, est quilibet cui vel officium, vel auxilium no­strū exhibere de­bemus, aut cujus officio auxiliove nos indigemus. Luc. 10.36.37. Polanus lib. 10. cap. 2. neighbour, that which is included in this Commandement is sig­nified, and in sundry things expressed, therefore here shall not be question concerning what is there delive­red. But now here declare, whether by Father and Mo­ther are meant any else, saving our naturall Parents?

A. The Lord saith in Isaiah, Isa. 49 23. Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their Queenes thy nursing mo­thers; whereby we are given to understand, that they which have the chiefe rule over us, and also all that are in authority under them, and are set to governe us are signified by the said names. By Mother is also meant the Church of Christ, wherein the faithfull are begotten by the incorruptible seed of Gods word, as the Yea also the Fathers of the Church in the former ages. Geneva note expoundeth that saying of Solomon, Prov. 1.8. Forsake not thy mothers teaching. Wherefore by this Commande­ment wee are required to have in all due honour the most reverend Fathers in God the Archbishops, and the right reverend Fathers in God the Bishops. And as wee are duely to honour all Churches of Christ in [Page 111]what nation soever; so in a more speciall manner wee are to honour the Apostolicall Church of England, wherein wee have beene spiritually Psal. 110.3. Isa. 66 7.8.9. conceived and brought forth, & 66.11.12. borne on her sides, dandled upon her knees, suckled at her brests, fed with her 1. Cor. 3.2. tender meat, and with Heb. stronger, according as we have beene and are able for to Joh. 16.12. beare or digest the same Are they not justly counted gracelesse children, which have their naturall mother in contempt, that regard not her Prov. Pro. 31.1.2. &c. See Prov. 30.17 and 15.20. and 19.26. and 20.20. ad­vising of them? Can the gracelesnesse of such be unto the full expressed, which contemne or neglect the di­vine Service bookes of our mother the Church, and think their owne imagined wisedome in religion mat­ters many degrees more excellent than hers?

Q. Why is it added, That thy dayes may be long in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee?

A. Jesus the son of Sirach saith, The Lord hath given the father honour over the children, and hath confirmed the authority (or judgement) of the Sir. mo­ther over the sonnes. Whoso honoureth his father, maketh an attonement for his sinnes: and hee that ho­noureth his mother, is as one that layeth up treasure. He that honoureth his father shall have a long life, and he that is obedient unto the Lord, shall be a comfort to his mother. Honour thy father and mother both in word and deed, that a blessing may come upon thee from them. For the blessing of the father establisheth the houses of children, but the curse of the mother rooteth out foundations. Seeing that the Lord JESUS said, Mat. 16.19. Vnto thee Peter, will I give the keyes of the kingdome of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven: and also said unto the other [Page 112]Apostles, Ioh. 20.23. Whose soever sinnes ye remit, they are remitted unto them, and whose soever sinnes ye retaine, they are re­tained: Ought not our mothers discipline and doctrine to be much reverenced, and her excommunicating to be dreaded? Few doe consider how great and mani­fold is the authority of the Church, and fewer lay to heart how many in these times have in contempt or neglect the said authority. It is observed that the He­brew text of this Commandement is, That they may prolong thy dayes, that is, as See his anno­tation on Exo. 20. set unto his translation. Iunius saith, by their blessing of thee. In which sense (saith he) some are said to 1. Tim. 4.16. Iam. 5.20. save others: and he referreth unto the chapter of Sirach afore mentioned for illustration of the matter. Did not 2. King. 2.24. Elishaes curse shorten the dayes of those Chil­dren that dishonoured him a father in Israel? And were not the obedient children of the Patriarchs the better in soule and body for their parents blessing? Atheisme and unbeleefe hath so prevailed in many, that they beleeve not that the blessing of a spirituall Father, namely confirmation performed by a Bishop, doth any good. And because it is not beleeved that GOD worketh so by the holy Fathers, and in the Sa­craments, and in other ordinances of his, and by other God saith, that upon his true people the Ministers shall put his name, & he wil blesse such Israchtes. Num. 6.27. See chap. 74. ministers, according as his word expresseth, hence is it that due honouring of them is so greatly neglected. And here it might be largely treated concerning the promised land, into which the people of Israel were now travailing, when GOD spake these words unto them; hee having brought them out of one land, was leading them into another land. David signifieth what that land was spiritually, where hee prayeth, saying, Lead me into the Psal. 143.10. land of uprightnesse. And that is the land which every obedient soule shall in this world [Page 113]have some entrance into; and David expresseth it where he saith, Psal. 25.13. The fearer of the LORD shall dwell at ease ( or See the mar­gent in the last translation. lodge in goodnesse) and his seed shall inherit that earth (or land.) Againe he saith, Psal. 37.11. The meek shall inherit the earth (or that land:) and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. And these words of this fift Com­mandement are also to be understood concerning the outward land, which we inhabit: for by dishonouring of the higher powers many pull miseries upon them­selves, yea and sometimes destruction. David saith, Psal. 55.23. The deceitfull as well as the bloud-thirsty, shall not live out halfe their daies.

Q. What is the sixt Commandement?

A. Thou shalt doe no murther.

And here it is to be observed, as it was afore signi­fied, that GODS Commandements require our ob­servation of them, aswell inwardly as outwardly. Hence it is said, God requi­reth, that wee should honour the King with our very heart, and likewise to bear a reverent remembrance of all powers under Him, that are over us. Eccles. 10 20 Curse not the King, no not in thy thought (or conscience.) And Saint Paul saith, Col. 3.22.23. Ser­vants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh: not with eye-service, as men pleasers, but in sin­glenesse of heart fearing GOD: and whatsoever yee doe, doe it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. So there is a committing of murther with the heart before the eyes of the Lord, as Saint Iohn saith, 1. Joh. 3.15. Who­soeve hateth his brother is a murtherer. The Lord JESUS CHRIST (of whose comming one cause was (as the In the Homi­ly against adul­tery page 84. See chap. 21. Homily saith) to restore the law of his heavenly Fa­ther unto the right sense, understanding and meaning) giveth to us for to know, that whosoever is angry with any one without cause, or shall say to one, Racha, that is, empty braine, idle head, or shall say thou foole, pish, or the like, is a breaker of this Mat. 5.21.22. sixt Commandement. [Page 114]And whereas the Lord saith, Mat. 22.40. That on these Comman­dements hang all the Law and the Prophets, we are given to understand, that there is no sinne whatsoever, but it may be referred to be a breach of one of these ten precepts. So that if one should take in hand for to shew all the duties required to be done by each Comman­dement, and all the sinnes forbidden by each, would it not require a very great volume for to containe such a narration? The Church relleth us, In her lesser Catechisme. That all things tending towards blood shedding, are also forbidden, as mocks, reproaches, quarrellings, fightings, and such like. The sinne of mocking and scoffing now greatly reign­eth in very many, whereby they shew their murthe­rous minds towards such, at whom they scoffe. Many much delight themselves in jesting at others, though the Gospel doth Eph, 5.4. expresly forbid it, because it is a thing not only uncomely, but also not proceeding from cha­rity: for whom one loveth, he will not breake jests up­on him, but 1. Pet. 4.17. honour him what hee may. It is the mu­sick that many make to themselves to have a jest upon or against such or such a person, such or such a matter. The Gospell commandeth, that no corrupt Eph. 4.29. commu­nication proceed out of our mouthes, that our speech be alwaies Col. 4.6. gracious; and the reason is, because wee shall give account for every Mat. 12.36.37. idle word: for (saith CHRIST) by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. His religion is James 1.26. It is not the Cari [...]tian Reli­gion which hee practiseth. Tit. 1.16. vaine, that bridleth not his tongue, saith the holy Ghost by Saint Iames. It is by Gods universall word signified to be the maine marke, whereby a true Chri­stian is discerned from a Pharisee, and also from a li­bertine, namely the Mat. 12.34.35. Iam. Psal. 17.3. continuall endeavouring to bri­dle his tongue, aswell privately as publikely, and to [Page 115]have a respect unto all the Bibles Commandements, concerning how ones mouth and tongue are to be or­dered. The Prophet David prayed unto God for to deliver him from Psal. 51.14. bloud-guiltinesse in the matter of Vriahs death. Even innumerable are the kinds of mur­thering indirectly or by consent, and to reckon up ma­ny of them would be horrible to be read or heard. Such as live in retired manner as it were out of the world, or converse with none but such as either are civill, or doe carry themselves civilly before them, can­not imagine what evils are done by many in Eph. 5.12. secret, and where they dare shew themselves in their proper colours. How many are indirectly murthered in such and such a manner, as the law of the land can take no hold on such Murtherers? Universall cruelty is observed to be forbidden by this Commandement: And Gods word forbiddeth that any cruelty should be shewed to any body christian or unchristian, yea and to our Prov. 12.10. cattel or to any other Rom. 8.22. creature Scarce any can comprehend how great avertue is charity, but such as have experienced the mercies of uncharitable ones in these times. Many Spirituall murtherings might be here mentioned, inward and outward: as, The 1. Thes. 5.19. quench­ing of Gods Spirit within one, The putting out and extinguishing of the Luk. 11.35. light of conscience within one, The Heb. 6.6. crucifying to ones selfe afresh the Son of God, and the putting of him to an open shame, the treading of him under foot, and the doing of Heb. 10.29. despite to the spi­rit of grace. How have Gods two witnesses, the bookes of the old and new Testament, been many manner of waies Rev. 11.7.8. murthered, as the Revelation foretold? How many manner of wayes have the Church her two wit­nesses, the Communion booke and the Homilies book [Page 116]beene murthered, in that the authority, which their sayings should have among all the members of the Church of England, is either quite destroyed by ma­ny and among many, or so weakned as it cannot sway or move a It is not to be named, it is un­expressable, in how light ac­count very ma­ny which pro­fesse themselves to be members of the Church, have those two fundamentall bookes of the Church. whit, either in matter of minde or of con­versation.

Q. What is the seaventh Commandement?

A. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

And this Commandement is likewise broken, aswel inwardly with the mind, as outwardly with the body; for CHRIST saith, Mat. 5.28. Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart. And therefore the Lord signifieth in the words imme­diately after the said sentence, that he requireth wee should mortifie our members which are upon earth: fornication, uncleanenesse, inordinate affection, evill concupiscence, Ioh. 31.1. and not suffer Mat. 5.29.30. eye or hand to be in­strument of any manner of unchastity, but to be only used, as GODS Law may not be by them in any wise transgressed. How many a law hath GOD given by Moses for to shew (as Saint Paul saith) how every one should possesse his 1. Thes. vessell in sanctification and ho­nour; not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the gen­tiles which know not God? For God hath not called us unto uncleanenesse, but unto holinesse. And how are the apparant everlasting lawes delivered by Moses hereunto by many utterly neglected? Saint Paul saith, It is a shame even to Eph. 5.12. speake of those things which are done of them in secret. Why doth the Lord by Malachi say, Mal. 4.4. Remember yee the law of Moses my ser­vant, which I commanded him in Horeb, for all Israel, with the statutes and judgements? The Libertines of these daies will not consider, that though Moses wrote [Page 117]some lawes peculiar to the Jews, as concerning their ceremoniall, circumstantiall, & outward observation; yet that in all his bookes and in most chapters of his books there is expressed or signified that which is morall & See Polani Syntagma and therein lib. 10. cap. 23. Many students in Divinity doe neglect the stu­dy of that part of Theologie, his tēth books contents. everlasting. Is it now lawfull for a woman to be See Lev 12. Churched, afore such time as it is by law of our Church prescribed? Is it now lawfull for a man to marry his Lev. 20.17. sister? And that is forbidden by Moses in Leviticus. That saying of the Church is perfect truth about every particular law delivered by Moses: In the homi­ly of the place and time of praier, pag. 125. Whatsoever is found in the commandemēt appertaining to the law of nature, as a thing most godly, most just, and needfull for the setting forth of Gods glory, it ought to be retained and kept of all good Christian people. The Lord commandeth us to bee 1. Pet. 1.15.16 2 Pet. 3.11. holy in all manner of conver­sation. And therefore saith the Church in her most divine Homily against whoredome and uncleannesse: In the first part & pag. 79. CHRIST teacheth us an exact and full perfection of puritie and cleannesse of life, both to keepe our bodies un­defiled, and our hearts pure and free from all evill thoughts, carnall desires, and fleshly consents. In the 3. part and page 86. GOD at this present abhorreth all manner of uncleannesse, no lesse than he did in the old law, and will undoubtedly punish it, both in this world, and in the world to come. Ezech. 18.6. and the Church in her Declara­tiōs exposition of the seaventh commande­ment observeth the same also. Ezechiel in his 18. chapter signifieth a great and weighty duty to be ob­served by all such as are married: and they that desire to be compleate Christians, and to receive Gods ma­nifold mercies and blessings in this world, and ever­lasting salvation, are diligently to read all Moses law, whereof he was not the author, but the eternall God. There is a considerable saying in the booke of Tobias, and it is expressed in the Church-her first translation, which the Bishops the Fathers in God did set forth, [Page 118]and it is likewise in sundry Latine translations, and it is alledged in those holy Fathers exposition of this cōmandement: It is in that which is called Saint Jeromes translation the 17. ver. of ch. 6. The said book of the Church is commonly called, King Henry on the Sacraments; whereas it was set forth in the latter part of his reigne. It is intituled, A necessary do­ctrine and cru­dition for any Christian man, &c. See in the homily of good works the third part and page 38. what is de­livered concer­ning that re­nowned King. They that marry in such wise, that they exclude God out of their hearts, and give themselves unto their own carnall lusts, as it were an horse or a mule, which have no reason, upon such persons the devil hath power. And the Church now saith in her larger Catechism: By this commandemēt is forbidden all kinde of filthy and wandering lust, and all uncleannesse that riseth of such lust, as fond­nesse in handling, unchastnesse of speach, and all wanton­nesse of countenance and gesture, all outward shew of un­chastitie whatsoever it bee. And not only filthinesse of words and uncleannesse of doings is forbidden by God, but also forasmuch as both our bodies and our soules are the temples of the holy Ghost, that honestie may be kept unde­filed in them both, shamefastnesse and chastitie is com­manded, that neither our bodies be defiled with unclean­nesse of lust, nor our mindes with unhonest thoughts or de­sires, but bee alway preserved chast and pure. Wherefore saith the Church, In the homi­ly against adul­tery, page 88. See ch. 94. and page 359. This shall wee easily doe, if when wee feele inwardly, that Satan our old enemie tempteth us unto whoredome, we by no meanes consent to his craftie sug­gestions, but valiantly resist and withstand him by strong faith in the word of God, alleaging against him alwaies in our heart, this commandement of God: It is written, thou shalt not commit wheredome. It shall bee good also for us, ever to live in the feare of GOD, and to set before our eyes the grievous threatnings of God against all ungodly sinners, and to consider in our minde, how filthy, beastly, and short that pleasure is, whereunto Satan continually stirreth and mooveth us: and againe, how the paine appointed for that sinne is intolerable and everlasting. There is also spiri­tuall whoring, when one followeth not the will of [Page 119]God, but (as David saith) goeth a whoring with his own Ps. 106.39. inventions. Who therefore saith: Ps. 73.27. They that are farre from thee shall perish, thou hast destroyed all them that goe a whoring from thee. And are not they Hereof should they duely con­sider, which professe them­selves to bee zealous for re­ligion and yet are defective in duty to­wards the Church. guilty of spirituall whoredome, which neglect meditating on the fundamentall doctrine of their mother, the instruction in Religion, which is contained in the books of the Divine Service, composed and autho­rized by the supreme divine Wisdome of the Church, and are wholy affected unto books written by private persons, which deliver doctrine contrary to the ge­nerall doctrine of the Church bookes aforesaid?

Q. What is the eight Commandement?

A. Thou shalt not steale. This sinne likewise may be committed in the heart, namely, when as one taketh from God that which is his. Hence the Prophet Ma­lachy saith: Will a man Mal. 3.9. rob GOD? yet yee have robbed the Lord. Our heart is the Lords due; he saith: Prov. 23.26. My sonne give mee thy heart. Now if wee Very many rob god in these times, as those which with­hold from Mi­nisters that, which is their due by the law or custome of the land, &c. set our hearts or earthly riches, or earthly pleasures, or any thing els besides God, his word, his light, and the life which hee requireth; and doe not duely prepare our hearts to bee fit temples for the dwelling of his spirit within us in this present life, that our Creatour may in this world have a delight in us, wee steale from God, and deceive our owne selves. God is very jealous concerning peoples hearts, when as hee per­ceiveth them declining from the due obedience unto his requiries. Therfore he often saith: Ier. I the Lord search the heart, I try the reines, even to give every man accor­ding to his wayes, and according to the fruit of his doings. As the partridge sitteth on egges, and hatcheth them not: so he that getteth riches and not by But by doing wrong to God or man. right, shall leave them in [Page 120]the midst of his dayes, and at his end shall be a foole. verse 13. O Lord the hope of Israel, all that for sake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from mee shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord the fountain of living waters. Universall unjust dealing between one another is forbidden by this precept. Workers of any Ps. 66.18. and therefore 119.3. iniqui­ty cannot assure themselves, that they are in the way to Salvation. The Lord saith by Micah: Micah Shall I count them pure with the wicked ballances, and with the bag of deceitfull weights? For the rich men thereof are full of violence: and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitfull in their mouth. Saint Paul saith: 1. Thes. 4.3.6. This is the will of the Lord, that no man goe beyond and defraude his brother in any matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such. Blessed (saith David) are they that keepe judg­ment: and he that doth righteousnesse at Ps. 106.3. all times. But whoso is a worker of injustnesse shall perish ever­lastingly, how zealous soever he hath bin about other laudable matters, as CHRIST hath pronounced and Luke 13.26.27. Mat. 7.22.23. denounced the same. CHRISTS ministerie is called the 2. Cor. 3.9. ministration of righteousnesse, his word the Heb. 5.13. word of righteousnesse, his people people of Isa. 61.3. and 60.21. righ­teousnesse, his way the way of 2. Pet. 2.21. righteousnesse, his Ministers 2. Cor. 11.15. and 2. Pet. 2.5. Preachers of righteousnes. 1. Ioh. 3.10. Righteousnes and love is the visible marke (saith S. John) whereby his people are manifest from the children of the devill. The Church saith in her Catechisme: All withdrawing of others dueties (or dues) as withholding of the labourers hire, refusing by covetousnes to relieve the poore, to succour widowes, fatherlesse children, and strangers, to leave the ignorant untaught, the simple uncounselled, the wandring and erring, undirected, the sorrowfull uncomforted, and [Page 121]such like, are by this law uncondemned. The LORD CHRIST JESUS hath given a rule serving to the observation of this commandement, and even of all the rest toward man, the which if we remember and performe, we shall scarce at any time, in word or deed commit wrong against any one. And the rule is: Mat. 7.12. Whatsoever ye would, that men should doe unto you, the same doe ye unto them: and whatsoever yee would not that others should doe unto you, doe not ye the same unto them. And this is to bee understood concerning thought, word, and deed.

Q. What is the ninth Commandement?

A. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour. The Church saith: In the lesser Catechisme. In this law we are for­bidden not only open and manifest perjury, and breaking of our oath: but also all It is unex­pressable, how little cōscience very many doe make of lying, though the Go­spell denoun­ceth liers to be none of Gods people, but such as are for that most hor­rible sin to be damned ever­lastingly. See Isa. 63.8. Rev. 21.8.27. and 22.15. lying, slaunders, backbiting, and evill speakings, whereby our neighbour may lose his good name, & all flatterie & dissembling whereby he may take harme. And that neither our selves at any time speake any false or untrue thing, neither by words, writings, or silence, allow the same in other, but that wee ever love, follow, maintaine and uphold the truth. GOD, who knoweth the secrets of our hearts, when he forbiddeth evill speaking, doth therewith also forbid wrongfull misdeeming, and evill thinking of our neighbours. Yea, and he chargeth us, as farre as truth may suffer, to thinke well of them: And to our uttermost power to preserve their good name. As we are required by the Gospel under paine of perishing everlastingly, not to Rom. slander any one openly or secretly, so likewise are we required not to take up (or Ps. 15.3. As it is in the margent. receive, or endure) a reproach against our neighbour, as the holy Prophet declareth: considering that we live in an age, where­in few are found which make conscience of wronging [Page 122]others in their name. The Lord JESUS signified unto his obedient people, that they should be hated of Matt. 10.22. all others for his names sake, that they would say all man­ner of evill against them Matt. 5.11. falsely for his sake. If they have called the master of the house Mat. 10.25. Beelzebub; how much more will they call them of his houshold? The children of Satan will not be content themselves to holde errours and heresies, and live in disobedience to God and Church; but also they will mortally ma­ligne all others, which will not professe and practise, and walke 1. Pet. 4.4. 2. Tim. 3.12. in that desperate way, as they doe. Some reason is; They know that such as refuse to accom­pany them, doe Ioh. 7.7. witnesse thereby against them, that their wayes are evill. Now concerning lying and spea­king untruth, who trembleth to transgresse in that kind? Though the holy Ghost saith, Rev. 21.8. All liers shall have their part in the lake, that burneth with fire and brimstone, the second death; yet who layeth it to heart? To make conscience of speaking any untruth, is by God in Isaiah delivered to be the peculiar pro­perty of his children, where it is said: Surely they are my people, Isa. 63.9. children that will not lie: so I was their Saviour. And to make no conscience of uttering un­truths is by CHRIST delivered to be the peculiar propertie of the devils children, where it is said: Yee are of your father the Ioh. 8.44. devill, and the lust of your fa­ther ye will doe: for he is a lier, and the father there­of. Saint John saith: Rev. 22.15. Without Gods city is whosoe­ver loveth or maketh a lie. Therefore saith the Lord by Zech. 8.16.17. Zechariah: Speake yee every man the truth to his neighbour: execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gates. And let none of you imagine evill in your hearts against his neighbour, and love no false [Page 123]oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord. Unto that outragiousnesse of slandering are ma­ny now come, that they blaspheme with Many re­proach with new names of faction and the like, such as professe sincere­ly the establi­shed doctrine of the Church. Yea it is a maine policie of the devill so to hinder the passage of the divine Service doctrine. names of reproach such as professe the faith and life prescribed in the booke of common prayer. So odious is the Ca­tholike, Apostolike, and eternall truth of godlinesse unto such as live in any viciousnes outward or inward! Therefore the complaint is now true, that the devill of hell is brake loose in very many peoples minds & mouthes. The Lord saith: Mat. 12.34. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. All people doe manifestly de­clare, which spirit hath his Kingdome within them by the words which proceed out of them. CHRIST saith, O generation of vipers, how can ye being evill, speake good things? David saith: Helpe Lord, for the godly man ceaseth: for the faithfull Ps. faile from among the children of men. They speake vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips, & with a double heart do they speake. The Lord will cut off all flattering lips, & the tōgue that speaketh proud things. Who have said, with our tongues we will prevaile, our lips are our own, who is Lord over us? There is also In the decla­rations exposi­tion of this commande­ment. referred unto the breach of this commandement, the teaching of untrue doctrine, and calling it Gods word. See of such doings mentioned in Jeremiah 23. and Ezechiel 13. Isaiah 30.9.10. and Jeremiah 5.30.31.

Q. What is the tenth commandement?

A. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife, nor his ser­vant, nor his maide, nor his oxe, nor his asse, nor any thing that is his. In the Declaration set forth by the Christ saith in Joh. 8.12. Hee that followeth me, shall have the light of life. Whosoever with a single heart will read the said decla­ration, shal per­ceive that the Fathers of the Church, then following gods light arising in the Christian world at that time in a spe­ciall manner, in expounding the ten com­mandements, abundantly set forth the up­right life of true Christia­nity. Church in the latter part of the reign of King H. the Eight it is thus delivered upon this commandement: [Page 124] All they be transgressours of this commandement, which by deliberation and full consent, cast their minds and lustes, to accomplish the concupiscence and desire, which they have to ob [...]eine and get unlawfully an other mans wife, child, ser­vant, house, land, cattell, or any thing or goods that be his. And they also be transgressours of this commandement, which by envie, be sorry of their neighbours wealth & pro­sperity, or be glad of their sorrow, hinderance & adversity. And also all they which doe not set their minds and studies, to preserve, maintaine, and defend, unto their neighbours (as much as it is in them) their wives, children, servants, houses, lands, goods, and all that is theirs. For this comman­dement not only forbiddeth us to desire unlawfully from our neighbour any thing that is his: but by the same we be also commanded, gladly to wish and will unto him, that he may quietly possesse and enjoy all that which God hath sent him, bee it never so great abundance. And this minde wee ought to beare unto every man by this commandement, not onely if they be our friends and lovers, but also if they be our enemies & adversaries. And it is there also said: Fur­thermore like as in the fift commandement, under the name of father and mother is understood all superiours: and in the sixt commandement, under the name of killing is un­derstood all wrath and revenge: and in the seaventh com­mandement, under the name of adultery is understood all unchast living: and in the eight commandement, under the name of theft is understood all deceitfull dealing with our neighbours: and in the ninth commandement, under the name of false witnesse, is understood all misreport, and un­true use of our tongue: So in this last commandement, under the name of desiring of another mans wife and goods, is understood all manner of evill and unlawfull desire of any thing. Mortifie therefore (saith the Apostle) evill [Page 125] Col. 3.5.6. concupiscence and covetousnesse, which is idolatry. For which things sake the wrath of God commeth up­on the children of disobedience. 1. Tim. 6.6. Godlinesse is great gaine if a man be content with that he hath.

Q. Why are we taught to pray, Write all these thy laws in our hearts?

A. It is one of Gods promises unto his obedient people, as it is related in the Epistle to the Hebrewes, I (saith the Lord) will put my lawes into their minde, and Heb. write them in their hearrs. Wee also for our parts unto the attaining of that favour from God, are to doe like David, who said, Psal. 119.11. Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Wee are (as Christ commandeth) to Mat. 6.20. lay up treasure in heaven for our selves: and (as Paul saith) let the word of Christ dwell in us plenteously in all wisedome: and to have our Psal. 1.2. de­light in the law of the Lord, and therein to meditate day & night. Which if we do, then (as Isaiah signifieth) wee shall be Isa. 54.13.14. taught of the Lord, great shall bee our peace, and in righteousnesse wee shall be established.

Q. Of how many branches doth ones duty towards God consist, according to the delivery in the Cate­chisme immediately after the ten Commandements?

A. It may be conceived to be there expressed in tenne.

Q. What is the first branch thereof?

A. To beleeve in God. And in the exposition of the Creed the true beleefe (or what wee are to beleeve in and of God, the Father, Sonne, and holy Ghost) hath beene largely declared. Saint Paul saith, Heb. 11.6. He that com­meth to God must beleeve that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seeke him. And hee signified to the Athenians, Acts how it is Gods will, that Col. 3.16. [Page 126]every one of mankind should seeke the Lord, if haply they might feele after him, and find him, though hee be not farre from every one of us; for in him we live, and move, and have our being.

Q. What is the second?

A. To feare him: And that with a sonnelike feare. It is said of Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devill, he disputed about the body of Moses, that hee Jude 9. durst not bring against the devill a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. The An­gels of heaven doe feare to d [...]splease their Creatour, knowing what befell them which 2. Pet. 2.4. See 2 Esd. 8.21. sinned, that they are cast downe to hell, and delivered into chaines of d [...]rkenesse, to be reserved unto judgement. Wherefore CHRIST saith unto us, Luke. 12.45. I will forewarne you whom yee shall feare: Feare him, which after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell, yea, I say unto you, Feare him. See Jesus the son of Sirachs description of Gods feare in his second chapter.

Q. What is the third?

A. To love him with all my heart, with all my minde, with all my soule, and with all my strength.

And how the CHURCH hath expounded these things, heare what is delivered in the Homi­ly of charity, and the first part, viz. Charity is, to love God with all our heart, all our soule, and all our powers & strength. With all our heart, that is to say, that our heart, minde, and study be set to beleeve his word, to trust in him, and to love him above all other things, that wee love best in heaven or in earth. With all our life, that is to say, that our chiefe joy and delight be set upon him and his honour, and our whole life given unto the service of him above all things, with him to live and die, and to forsake all other things, ra­ther [Page 127]than him. For he that loveth his father or mother, son or daughter, house or land, more than me ( saith CHRIST) is not worthy to have me. With all our power, that is to say, that with our hands and feet, with our eyes and eares, our mouthes and tongues, and with all our parts and powers, both of body and soule, we should be given to the keeping and fulfilling of his Commandements.

Q. What is the fourth?

A. To worship him. And hee is to bee wor­shipped with our whole man, both outward and inward, as it is said by Saint Paul, 1. Cor. 6.20. See also the vulgar Latine translatiō there Glorifie GOD in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods. Da­vid saith, But as for me, I will come into thine house, in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy feare will I Psal. 5.7. In Psal. 96 9. It is said, Worship the Lord in the beauty of holines. 1. Cor. 14 40. worship toward thy holy temple. The Hebrew word signifieth to bow downe, to make low obeysance. Againe saith David, Heare the voice of my supplications when I cry unto thee: when I Psal. 28.2. lift up my hands towards thy holy In the margēt it is, Towards the oracle of the sanctuary. Whereunto the Chauncell in every Church answereth. oracle. The Oracle was the innermost place in the house of the Lord, whereunto our Chauncels in Churches do answer. And therein was GODS mercy seat, &c. Whereas it is said, The people of the land shall worship at the door of this gate Ezech 46.2.3. before the Lord, and the gracious presence of the Lord was in the ora­cle, it appeareth that wheresoever about the temple they were, they did their low obeysance towards the place of the Lords speciall presence, which was as in the Chauncell. Wherefore are these things written? Are they not for our Rom. 15.4. Some observe that people are to make some obeisance afore departing out of Church, as Former in his Theologie. See Exo. 12.27.28. learning, as saith Saint Paul? Unto this very day even in all parishes there are some devoutly affected women, whose consciences doe tell them that they should make some obeysance towards the gracious presence of CHRIST in the Sanctuary, and before they kneele downe to prayer, they doe [Page 128]constantly observe it. Likewise there are seene some ancient grave men in some places, which have retai­ned such reverence, and are never unmindfull of the same, when they come When the di­vine service is either already begun or upon beginning. before JESUS CHRIST. May it not be done, and that by vertue of that saying, As it is in the last translation Psal. 95.6. O come let us Those two words import­ing outward or­beysance en­joyned besides kneeling, are not to be let passe unconsi­dered. Christ saith, not one jote or title of his word must be let passe un­regarded. worship and fall down: let us kneele before the Lord our Maker? It is so said in that Psalme which is appointed to be read in the beginning of Divine Service: In which Psalme whatsoever is propounded, is it not for an everlasting observation? It is most ma­nifest out of those words of the Psalm, that afore knee­ling downe to prayer, some obeisance may be made towards Almighty GOD. David saith, Ps. 119.126. See Chap. 68. It is time for thee, Lord, to work; for men have made void thy law. Almost all the lawes of GOD and Church concern­ing the reverence due to be done unto GOD in his holy temple, are by very many scarce any whit re­garded. In the Epistle set afore the Church her lesser Catechisme in Latine, these words are: Fieri inquam non potest, quin & Dei metum atque reverentiam, quae jam ex hoc mundo penè profligata esse videtur, &c. Out of the which words and the rest of the said Epistle it is ma­nifest, That holy Church hath seriously considered on the great decay of the due fearing and reverencing of GOD, that is come to passe in this world; and there­fore carefully endeavoureth the repairing of the same.

Q. What is the fift?

A. To give him thankes. And this duty is to bee done within the spirit, in bearing a gratefull minde continually unto GOD for all his mercies. So David did. And Saint Paul saith, 1. Thes. 5.18. In every thing give thanks. It is also to bee performed outwardly with the lips. He saith, By CHRIST therefore let us offer the sa­crifice [Page 129]of praise to GOD continually, that is the fruit of our lips, Heb. 13.15.16 giving thankes unto his name. But to doe good, and to communicate, forget not: for with such sacrifices GOD is well pleased. And whereas by com­municating to the poore the Lord is thanked, and one maine cause why the Lord hath commanded his peo­ple to keepe feasts, is, that the bowels of the poore may be refreshed, that they may see some joyfull daies wherein to Deut. rejoyce with others before the Lord, Therefore blessed for ever be Our Kings most excel­lent Majesty for thus restoring the feasts of the Lord, which have been prescribed by his Apostolike Church. It is a memorable duty delivered in the booke of Ne­hemiah, to be observed by all of ability on every feast day, Sunday, holy day, and others: Neh. 8.10. Eate the fat, drinke the sweet, and send portions unto them, for whom nothing is prepared.

Q. What is the sixt?

A. To put my whole trust in him. Wee are to Psal. 9.10. and 37.5. de­pend on Gods providence for all things which he hath promised, in all matters, bodily and ghostly, according as he hath prescribed, we doing our duties, and obedi­ently performing all conditions by GOD enjoyned thereunto. David in the booke of the Psalmes giveth examples of his owne, and useth exhortations here­about abundantly. There is a memorable counsel here­to by Iudith, who said, Judith &c. If the Lord will not helpe us with­in these five dayes, he hath power to defend us when he will, even every day, or to destroy us before our enemies. Doe not binde the counsels of the Lord our God, let us wait for salvation of him, &c.

Q. What is the seaventh?

A. To call upon him. And that is to pray unto him: [Page 130]Concerning which duty it shall be spoken afterward. Saint Paul saith, Rom. 10.12. The same Lord over all people, is rich unto all that call upon him.

Q. What is the eighth?

A. To honour his holy name. It is to be remembred, that CHRIST declareth, how some doe Mat. 15.9. Isa. vainely ho­nour God, when their feare and honour towards him is taught by the precept of men, and thereby the pre­cept of God is transgressed. Iob therefore very memo­rably saith, Iob. Will you speake wickedly for God, and talke deceitfully for him? Will yee accept his person? Will yee contend for God? Hee will surely reprove you, if yee doe secretly accept persons. There are that say, Gods glory and honour is diminished, if wee confesse him to be so, as the booke of Common pray­er saith of him, in sundry As in the last prayer saving one of the Cō ­mination ser­vice; and in the collect for the first day of Lent, &c. places thereof. But doe not they rather in an unexpressable maner dishonour him, which attribute that unto him, which the Bible decla­reth to be contrary unto his universall eternall nature? What many doe say, which hold contrary to the do­ctrine of the third collect for good Friday, it is most horrible to be named. The late most excellent Maje­sty observed it in His Highnesse Meditation upon the Lords prayer, saying, In page 117. Wee are to eschew the extremity of some, who by consequent make God the Author of sinne. Concerning the honouring of Gods name, it was in parr signified on the third Commandement, and shall be further explaned in expressing what it is to hallow his name, in exposition of the Lords prayer. But here it may be lamented how slack, yea impiously obstinate are some against the In canon 18. See Phil. 2.9.10 Rom. 14.11. prescribed honouring of Christs holy name. It is the holy ordinance of the Church, that when the Lord Iesus is mentioned in the reading [Page 131]of the Gospell for the day, &c. all people, men and women, young and old, should make due and lowly re­verence: but there are some which will then constantly sit, and CHRIST shall have from them neither Most lamen­table is the un­reverence of many towards Jesus Christ. See Psal 89.7. bend nor beck. When as the greatest part of the congregati­on doe duely reverence the Lord JESUS, they will expresse their contempt of the most sacred Church-law before the very face of God and the face of his holy congregation, unto the high dishonour of the Lord, and the scandall of all godly people assembled in Gods holy feare. And if such be informed of their neglect or contempt, and doe heare the sacred canon or constitution of the Church alleadged unto them, they will spet, at the very hearing of it, in so It cannot be in few words expressed how the established doctrine and discipline of the Church is by some despi­sed. deepe a detestation have they holy Church her teaching, which God requireth all that would be his true people to hear and obey, and in no wise for to forsake. The holy Fa­therhood in their articles which they set forth for Church-officers use, to know whereunto to they are to have an eye, doe divinely admonish hereof; but where are the Church-officers which have care and zeale to take notice, who doe their duty, and who not? If Pastours and Curates doe but once in a yeere make a­ny exhortation unto the remembring of the foure re­verences prescribed in the eighteenth Constitution, they shall heare of it all the yeere after, yea and pro­cure to themselves such hatred and prejudice, as is not meet to be related. Holy Church in her larger Cate­chisme declareth that which is now come to a full measure, where shee saith, In the larger Catechisme up­on the words of the Creed The Communion of Saints. Ier. 5.5. In the visible Church of CHRIST, if it be well ordered, there shall be seene to be observed a certaine order and manner of governance, and such a forme of ecclesiasticall discipline, that it shall not be [Page 132]free for any that abideth in that flocke, publikely to speake or doe any thing wickedly or in hainous sort, without pu­nishment, yea and so, that in that congregation of men, all offences (so farre as is possible) be avoided. But this disci­pline since long time past by little and little decaying, as the manners of men be corrupt and out of right course, specially of the Daily wofull experience de­clareth the truth hereof. rich and men of power, which will needs have im­punity, and most free libertie to sinne and doe wickedly, this grave maner of looking to them and chasticement can hard­ly be maintained in Churches. But yet if all in authority under the Lord Bishops would use their uttermost endeavours for the repressing of unreverence in Gods publike worship, such disorderlinesse would daily de­crease, and all at length would therein become easily reformed. In these times not very many are They of the Clergie which beare rule in the Church, are sensible of Gods matters being negle­cted; It is they, who under the Royal Majesty, doe consciona­bly consider of what is com­mitted amisse in the Church, and are zealous for the redresse of all the same. servent for GODS cause, neither zealous that the LORD JESUS CHRIST may have his due honour and re­verence done unto his gracious presence in the San­ctuary. And because matters are so greatly neglected in some places, they of the Recusancie doe injustly charge the The Church in her books of Divine Service, and in the rest set forth by pu­blike authority, doth prescribe all due reverēce unto the eter­nall Almighty God, & allow­eth not of any the least unre­verence. Church with the same.

Moreover it is here to bee observed, that unto the due honouring of Gods holy Name, the place where Gods Name is put, is to bee honoured also, as it is written: Lev. 19.30. Yee shall reverence my Sanctuary. For in the uppermost part thereof was Gods holy 1. King. 8.29. Deut. 12.5. name or most gracious Psal. 95.2. presence, his Exod. 25.21.22. mercie seate from off which hee was heard Num. 7.89. speaking. And as the people of God then being entred into GODS house did doe Ezech. 46.2.3. worship toward that most holy place; so now also ought every one being come into GODS house, to prostrate himselfe, that is, to make low obeisance to­wards GODS mercie-seate being in the uppermost [Page 133]part of our Temples, unto Almighty GOD there. David saith; Psal. 5.7. The which Text learned Castellio renders, Aedem tuam ingressus, religiosè adtuam sacram c [...]llam veneror. And Ps. 132.7. he inter­preteth, Intrem [...] in eius domiciliū, vencremus cius pedum scamnū. See Ps. 138.2. The Divine Service transla­tion is, Toward the mercie seate of thy holy Temple. But as for mee, I will come into thine house, in the multitude of thy mercie: and in thy feare will I worship toward the holy Temple. The Church hath it in her meeter: Therefore will I come to thine house, trusting upon thy grace; & reverently will worship thee, toward thine holy place. And that David did turne himselfe towards Gods mercie-seat, it is evident from his words, saying: Heare the voice of my supplication, when I cry unto thee; when I lift up mine hands Ps. 28.2. towards thine holy Oracle. Where­fore a great Mr. Doctour Laurence in the former of the two most weighty Ser­mons by him set forth, and in page 37. The said Sermons containe in them very ma­ny matters most greatly considerable. Divine in our Church thus writeth: We are no more idolatrous by our prostration towards the table of the Lord, than the Iews were by theirs towards the Tabernacle of the Lord; Towards the cloud in the desert here, or the mercie-seate in the Temple, because wee doe it [...]; not [...]; (as that Constantinopolitane councell speakes upon another occasion,) to God, which is there; not to a similitude of God, which is not there: & our faith points at heaven, while our eyes are fixt on the altar. But here-against some object, that such bodily worshipping of God was to cease when CHRIST came: now wee are only required to worship God in spirit, and need not so to prostrate our selves as is afore signified. Whereunto answere is; That it is written that after CHRISTS Ascension his people did Yea so he was worshipped, when newly born, Mat. 2.11. See Rev. 4.10. and 5.14. fall downe be­fore him and worship him. Yea saith the Revelation, that when the seventh Angell sounded, blew the se­venth Trumpet, the foure and twenty Elders Rev. 11.16. fell upon their faces and worshipped God. And the pra­ctise of Gods holy ones mentioned in the said place of Revelation doth plainely shew, that the prostrating of our selves unto God is a bodily worship to endure [Page 134]whiles this For the gene­rality of inter­preters under­stand that trū ­pet to be soun­ded in the last time. world lasteth. Wherefore the Divine Wisdome of the Church appointeth a Psalme to bee said throughout the yeere in morning prayer, where­in it is commanded by the LORD; That when wee come before his Ps. 95.2.6. presence, we worship and fall down (or It is bow dowre, in the last translation. bow very low) and kneele before the LORD our maker. Those three words, each importing great reverencing, cannot but signifie that such prostrating of our selves unto GOD, as is afore mentioned, is a And if it were but a duty en­joyned by the Church, it is very greatly profitable to stirre up in people devoti­on unto God, they being en­tred into his house. See the necessary use of ceremonies de­livered in the chapter of cere­monies, and in the end of the Act of Parlia­ment, both set in the begin­ing of the Communion booke. duty, required by the said Scripture to be for ever in CHRISTS church observe. Some also object, Though there was Gods-mercie seate in the Chancell of Solomons Temple, yet GOD hath none in our Chancels; and therefore we need not prostrate our selves so directly towards that uppermost place of the Temple; but so that we make some prostration afore we kneele downe to prayer, it is sufficient. The an­swer is: The divine Wisdome of the Church calling the sacred Communion table In the Sacred Communion Service in the rubricke afore the prayer which begin­neth, We doe not presume, &c. Gods board, doth give us to understand, that that is to be accounted the pe­culiar seate of God within the Temple; and therefore towards it unto God there, we are to make low obei­sance, whensoever wee come into Gods house for to pray. Also, as the chaire of state is alwaies to be honou­red, though the person of the Royall Majestie be not seene therein; So is Gods board ever to have due It is not to be named, how meane Gods board is in some places, and how meanely it is respected and used. re­verence, and God, who is there 2. Chron. 7.16. Ps. 26. [...]. Lev. 26.2. perpetually, is al­waies to be For after a Church or Chappell is consecrated by a Bishop, Gods gracious presence is ever at his mercie seate in it. prostrated unto: yea when as the body and bloud of CHRIST in the blessed Sacrament is [Page 135]not upon the same, nor divine Service in saying there­on or in any other place of the holy Temple. For which cause it is In Articles to be enquired of by the Mi­nister, Church­wardens, and Sidemen of every Parish, & chappelry, &c. prescribed, That ever the holy Communion table should be kept sacred, and not at any time to be used, save onely with the sacred mat­ters of God appointed by the Church to be performed upon it. And whereas some say, that now in our tem­ples no such ceremonies or rites are to be used, which were of use in Solomons Temple; but that all were forever abolished, when CHRISTS Ministration was established by the holy Ghost in the Apostles time, Such consider not, that no where in the holy Scriptures there is declared, that there was an utter abolishing of all See Mal. 4.4. and Ps. 119.8. according to the Divine ser­vice trāslation. ceremonies. Neither doe they se­riously mind, how that when Moses was to build the Tabernacle, Solomon the Temple, and it to be ree­dified after it was by the Babylonians destroyed, the Eternall God out of his infinite Wisdome in most spe­ciall manner Exod. 25.40. 1. Chro. 28.12. Ezech. 40.1.4. &c. prescribed the manner of every parti­cular matter about the same. Solomon in his prayer unto God for wisdom, saith; Wisd. 9.8. Thou hast commanded me to build a Temple upon thy holy Mount, and an Altar in the City wherein thou dwellest, a Heb. 8.5. and 9.23. resem­blance of thy holy Tabernacle which thou hast pre­pared from the beginning. Wherefore very great is the mysterie of the Temple, and much is the Ps. 27.4. Rom. 15.4. 2. Tim. 3.16.17. do­ctrine of decencie and order and of other matters of Christianity to be learned from the same. Because So­lomon had in that Temple Musicke, and David saith: Praise GOD in his Sanctuary: and praise him with stringed instruments and Ps. 150.2.4. 1. Ch [...]o. organs, &c. and no where in holy Scripture the use of instruments of Musicke in GODS publike worship is forbidden, therefore the [Page 136]Church useth them. So may the Church (according as it seemeth best unto her godly wisdome) have in her Temples other The Wisdom of God, ordai­ned, that lāps should bee in his holy Ta­bernacle and Temple per­petually. Exod. 27.20. Lev. 24.2. 1. Chro. 28.15. See 2. Chro 29.7.8. Christ aboli­shed not all use of them unto godly significa­tion; but com­māded his peo­ple expresly to have an holy use of them. Luke 12.35. If thē the Church alloweth, that on Gods board there be a con­tinual standing of some lights, for to put peo­ple in remem­brance of spiri­tuall matter necessary to be considered, ought not such a benefit to bee embraced with thankesgiving unto God? See Num. 15.39.40. Ps. 119.105. Joh. 5.35. Luke 2.32. matters that were in that built by Salomon, and appointed by GOD to be therein, which the holy Scripture forbiddeth not to bee in Christians Temples. If the Temple had bin such a shadow universally vanished, & no more in any mat­ter thereof to be imitated by the Christian Church, the Lord would not so often have pressed unto his Prophet Ezechiel these and the like words: Ezech. 44.5. and 40.4. Sonne of man, marke well, and behold with thine eyes, and heare with thine eares, all that I say unto thee con­cerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord, and all the lawes thereof, and marke well the entring in of the house, with every going forth of the San­ctuary. Ezech. 43.10.11. And shew the house of Israel the forme of the house, and the fashion thereof, and the goings our thereof, and the commings in thereof, and all the formes thereof, & all theordinances thereof, & all the formes thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write in their sight, that they may keepe the whole forme thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and doe them. Here also there is to be considered unto the honouring of GODS holy name, in what place of the Chancell Gods board or Quid est enim altare, nisi sedes & corporis & sanguinis Christi? Optatus libro sexto centra Denatistas. In the Sermon afore mentioned the Sacred Communion Table is cal­led an Altar, as page 5. and 37. And in page 37. it it called also Gods mercie seate. seate should stand. Doth not nature it selfe teach us, that in every cōmon house, the seate of the chiefest should be above every seat of inferiours? And should not Christianity teach us, that no seate of any person, much lesse of any of the Laity, should be above gods mercie seate the sacred Cōmunion table [Page 137]standing in the Chancel? For into the Chancel of So­lomons Temple no lay person was admitted for to come; it was for the Heb. 9.7.8. Exod. 30.10. Lev. 16.2. high Priest only to enter there­into. The godly & learned In page 12. Divine afore mentioned, signifieth, as if anciently in the Chancels of Christian Temples none of the Laity did sit; much lesse had men or youths any seate, bench or fourme there above GODS seate or board. And when as the Lords holy table is set in the uppermost place within the chancell, is it not decent that the ends thereof bee toward North and South? The holy Ghost commandeth, that 1. Cor. 14.40. all things be done decently and according unto or­der. And if it ought so to bee in all things, then much more ought it to bee so in every thing about Gods house, and specially in the standing of his sa­cred seate. Lastly, as unto the honouring of Gods holy Name his Sanctuary is to bee reverenced, so is also all the cōsecrated ground about the same or thereunto to be in no wise prophaned. It is therefore necessarily In the Arti­cles given at the Metropolitical Visitation. prescribed, that every part and portion of Church­yard bee kept free from swine and all other nastiness as becommeth the place so dedicated. And whereas in the holy Scriptures Exod. 3.5. Ios. 5.15. Act. 7.33. sundry times mention is of the respect due to be had unto holy ground, are we not ad­monished thereby, that when we are in consecrated ground, we should abstaine from whatsoever is Phil. 4.8. un­beseeming in holy place? Likewise the prescription is perpetually memorable viz. That the In the afore­said Articles. Church-house in every Parish should be imployed to godly, and its right holy use: That not any thing or place consecrated to holy use, should be used prophanely or wickedly. And for that all these, and the like Chri­stian duties have not in some places bin duely urged, [Page 138]hence is it that so many people have no regard unto them; but among very many, (especially of the meaner sort) much heathenishnesse and atheisme in minde, & much irreligiousnesse, unseemlinesse and uncivility in life, manners and conversation hath prevailed and abounded. Wherefore it is the duty of all that are in any authority, for to exhort such as are under them unto the observing of all and every duty by holy Mat. 18.17. Prov. 1.8. and Deut. Church prescribed unto them: as Curates are to ad­monish their people, Schoole-masters their Schollers, Parents their children, Masters and Dames their ser­vants; and to Deut. 31.12. traine them up unto such reverencing of God in his holy And concer­ning the due reverencing of the Temple it selfe, The Church me­morably saith; Such reverence would Christ should be therein, that hee would not suffer any vessell to bee car­ryed through the Temple. In the second part of the Homily of the right use of the Church. Temple, both as the Ecclesiasticall law commandeth, and as they have for example the Phil. 3.16.17. Heb. 13.7.17. practise of such, as are most observant of all the Churche-her constitutions and godly intentions.

Q. What is the ninth?

A. To honour his holy word. As all Gods r [...]ord is at all times to be honoured in thought, word, and deed, so in speciall maner in the publike worship. For which cause the holy Apostolicall Church of England doth with a fervent divine zeale many a time call upon us for to use all due reverence in the hearing of GODS word; in her Homily, of the right use of the Church or Temple of God, and of the reverence due unto the same. On Psal. 51.4. in page 135. of his second Tome. To tremble at Gods word is the property of his true children. Isa. 66.5. And the Geneva note thereon in verse 2. is; To him that is humble and pure in heart, which receiveth my doctrine with reverence and feare. Saint Paul saith; Let us have grace, whereby wee may serve God acceptably, with reverence and godly f [...]are. Heb. 12.28. In Gods publike Service wee are to bee outwardly reverent, and inwardly fearefull godlily. There may be here cōsidered what M. Samuel Hieron hath written hereunto, who declared himselfe there­by an honourer of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, [Page 139]and thus his words are: As CHRIST is termed the sunne of righteousnesse, so his ministers are called starres. And therefore as the light of the starres is, by way of reflexion the very light of the Sunne, which they receive from thence, and returne upon the earth; so is the doctrine of Christs Ministers, the very doctrine of CHRIST, and it is by a secret enablement from him that they speake. The words of an Embassadour, are reputed as his from whom he com­meth. It is the qualitie of all true Ministers, that they are the Lords messengers; and so that which they deliver, is not mans, but Gods. This is so plaine that I need not to en­large it, and these proofes which I have produced for it, they are each of them very direct. This is to teach us, with what manner of respect to embrace that which is brought unto us by this ordinance of God, the preaching of his word. Wee should make no other account, but that in hearing of man sent from God, wee doe heare even God himselfe: so that lookewith what awe, with what reverence, with what respect, with what submission we would demeane our selves, if we should bee called to heare the LORD himselfe personally speake unto us from the clouds; with the same ought we to frame our selves to the hearing of them which are amongst us in his stead, and whom he hath put into his service: assure our selves, we shall never profit by hearing, untill this perswasion is ingrafted in us. This was it that brought Pauls ministerie to be among the Thessalonians, not in word onely, but in power. This made it to worke and prevaile so mightily as it did, &c.

And here also it is to be considered seriously, what the godly and Learned Doctour hath delivered con­cerning peoples reverent and profitable hearing of Gods word. He saith: M. Doctour Laurence in pages of his afore-mentio­ned Sermon Standing is a posture of respect, we kneele & stand to our superiours: kneele, to shew [Page 140]our subjection; & stand to shew our obedience; that we are ready to execute, what these are to command. Standing (saith hee) then is a posture of respect, and respect is a preparation unto attention, for no man listens to what hee scornes. Standing is a posture of attention, the posture of hearers. When Esra opened the law, all the people stood up. Neh. 8.5. There is no duty oftener enjoyned then this, &c. It is required, that the Minister doe preach In the Arti­cles givē at the late Metropo­liticall visita­tion. standing: and if it bee meet that the person teaching doe stand, is it not like­wise meet that the people hearing should stand, every one as long as the ability of his body will serve there­unto? And as it is there most 1. Cor. justly required, That every Minister doe preach with his hat off; is it not likewise requisite, that For vers. 5. of 1. Cor. 11. de­clareth that the Apostle meant aswell the hea­ters, as the teachers. every man and youth of the people in the congregation should in all the time of the preaching be with their hats off also? Moreover the endeavouring to stand all the while Gods word is read or preached, as it is most profitable for the re­ceiving of edification, (because God hath promised to give his Isa. 55.3. Prov. 8.34. 1. Sam. 2.30. Isa. 66.5.7. blessing unto such as reverently & atten­tively hearken unto his most holy word) so is it also a meanes to cause that sleepe and drowsinesse shall not prevaile on one, as soone it doth on many such as are sitting, which have ability to be standing, when as God by his Minister is 2. Cor. 13.3. Luke 10.16. Jos. 9.14. speaking unto them. There are seene as this day some in most congregations, which will So example is signified in Rev. 4.10.11. that they sate not, when they said, Thou art worthy to re­ceive glory, &c. stand up, when as it is said, Lately by au­thority the said holy duty was very graciously in open court enjoyned at a Visitation; and also that every person should stand up, when as the Gospell for the day is read. Glory be to the Father, and to the Sonne, and to the holy Ghost, &c. And whereas it is a speaking to God, can such as then sit be truely accounted duely reverent? Also it is a most holy law prescribed by the Church, that every person should use all due and lowly reverence, when [Page 141]the blessed Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST is mentioned, unto the LORD JESUS CHRIST there. But how can this duty bee duely performed, when as wee sit in the hearing of the word, wherein that sacred Name is pronounced? Holy Church also In the Homi­lies, and in Articles. prescribeth, that whiles God speaketh unto us in his word read or preached, (like as while we are speaking unto him in our praying, singing, and the like) yea in every part of his publike worship, we should neither walke nor talke, nor use any kind of gesture or de­meanour Ps. 2.11. As in the Divine ser­vice Translati­on. Heb. 12.28.29. unbeseeming to be used in the presence of of Almighty God, and the performance of the most holy publike worshipping of him. And wheresoever they are, which conscionably give themselves to per­forme every reverence unto God, which is by the Church held forth unto them, either by precept, or example; continuall experience teacheth, that there through the power of GODS word and the Divine Service doctrine, the Lord giving increase, such be­come Eph. 4.23. renewed in the spirit of their minde, and doe 2. Cor. 3.18. and 7.11. amend their lives according to CHRISTS most holy word more and more. But all 1. Thes. 4.8. 2. Pet. 2.10.12. despisers or light accounters of what the Church so holdeth forth unto them, they Act. harden their hearts; the word of GOD which they heare, is unto them as seed sowne and fal­len by the waies side, or upon stony places, or among thornes. And persevering in neglecting to hearken un­to the Church-her fundamentall doctrine and disci­pline, and to imitate her devout and reverent practi­sing, they 2. Tim. 3.13. waxe worse and worse, their way is as Prov. 4.19. darkenesse, and further and Isa. 60.2. Jude 13. further they fall into the same. It may here also be added, that it would be a great furtherance unto the stirring up of many to [Page 142]the honouring of GODS holy Name and his word (in the which peoples hearts much atheisme and heathenishnesse reigneth) if so farre forth as the law of the Church requireth or permitteth, godly en­deavour were used for to cause them to be ashamed of their unreligious mind and conversation. In the In the second part of the same, in pages 9. and 10. of the second Tome. Ho­mily concerning the right use of the Church it is said, In the primitive Church, which was most holy and godly, and in the which due discipline with severity was used against the wicked, open offenders were not suffered once to enter in­to the house of the Lord, nor admitted unto Common prayer, and the use of the holy Sacraments with other true Christi­ans, untill they had done open penance before the whole Church. Such was the honour of the Lords house in mens hearts, and outward reverence also at that time, &c.

Q. What is the tenth?

A. To serve him truly all the daies of my life. And hereby wee are given to understand, that wee are to have God in remembrance, not only Sundaies; but al­so all other daies and nights unto our lives end. He is continually to be served, all our meditations, speakings, and doings are to bee ordered according to his holy word uncessantly. And this is signified to be the true perpetuall worshipping of God, where it is said in the sacred Letanie, That it may please thee to keep and streng­then in the true worshipping of thee, We are taught hence, that righteousnesse and holinesse of life is the true worship­ping of God, which is to be continually. Also wee are to know, that without the said worship, truly endeavou­red ones pub­like worship is not accepted. See Isa. 1. Jer. 7. Prov. 28 9. in righteousnesse and holinesse of life, thy Servant Charles our most gratious King and governour.

Q. Of how many branches doth the duty towards ones neighbour consist, according to the deliverie in the Catechisme?

A. It may be conceived to be there expressed in twentie.

[Page 143] Q. Which is the first and second?

A. To love him as my selfe; And to doe unto all men as I would they should doe unto me. And here is to be noted first, who is ones neighbour. The Church saith, In the larger Catechisme. The name of neighbour, conteyneth not only those that dwell neere us, or be of our kin and alliance, or friends, or such as be knit to us in a civill bond of love; but also those whom wee know not, yea, and our enemies. Moreover saith the Church, In the answer afore the other CHRISTS will was that there should bee most strict bonds of love amongst his Christians. And as we be by na­ture most inclined to the love of our selves, so can there be not devised a plainer, nor shorter, nor more pithy, nor more indifferent rule of brotherly love; than that which the Lord hath gathered out of our own nature and set before us, that is, that every man should beare to his neighbour the same good will that he beareth to himselfe. Whereof it followeth, that we should not doe any thing to our neighbour, nor say nor thinke any thing of him, which we would not have other to doe to our selves, or to say or thinke of our selves. Within the compasse of which only law, which is indeed as it were the soule of all other lawes, if we could be holden, surely there were no need of so many barres of lawes, as men doe daily de­vise to hold men in from doing wrong one to another, and to maintaine civill societie; and all well-neare in vain, if among men this one law be not regarded.

Q. What is the third?

A. To love my Father and Mother. And great need hath the Church to put us in minde of what very na­ture teacheth: for now are the perillous times, in which many are without 2. Tim. 3.3. naturall affection, as Saint Paul foretold. Yea and disobedient to As in the a­foresaid verse. Parents, as he like­wise delivereth. The Church signifieth in the Com­mination Service, that wee should walke warily in these [Page 144] 2. Tim. 3.1. dangerous daies: giving us to understand there, as also in sundry places of her Homilies, that the perillous times foretold of, are already begun. And so the late Royall Majestie expressed, saying, In his High­nes Meditation on the Lords prayer, and pag. 33. Of that fearefull defection that is threatned to come in the latter dayes, we in our dayes have the dolefull experience, that Faith shall not be found on the earth, and the love of many shall waxe cold.

Q. What is the fourth?

A. To honour my Father and Mother. Honouring is added unto loving, because whom one loveth, him al­so will he honour. How dishonourably many children now both speake and doe unto their Parents, it is a shame to mention. The Gospell saith, Children obey your Parents in Col. 3.20. all things. And saith GOD, Deut. 27.16. Cursed be he, that setteth light by his father or mother. And againe, Lev. 11.3. Yee shall feare every man his mother and his father. Solomon saith, Prov. 28.24. Whoso robbeth his father or mother, and saith it is no transgression, the same is a companion of a destroyer. The In the Decla­ration afore mentioned. Church in former time thus read that text, and according to the same sense also: Hee that stealeth any thing from his father or mother, is to be taken as a murtherer.

Q. What is the fift?

A. To succour my father and mother. The Gospell saith, 1. Tim. 5.4. Let them learne to requite their parents. Those that are of ability, having poore parents in necessity, are bound in conscience to succour them what they may, like as their parents did succour them, when they could not helpe themselves. But where are the chil­dren, which thinke upon the cares, which their loving parents have taken for them from their infancie, and so the rest of their time? There are some fathers, and likewise some mothers which are monsters in nature, [Page 145]not regarding the welfare, nor the life of the children, which GOD giveth them. But the love of a truly naturall hearted father and mother, what child is ever able to recompence so fully, as it hath deserved?

Q. What is the sixt?

A. To honour the King and his Ministers. Next after the eternall Almighty God the 1. Pet. 2.17.13 Eccles. 10.20. Gospell nameth the King to be honoured. Wherefore we should be studi­ous for to know all the honour in thought, word and deed, which is due unto so great and high a Majesty. But we live in an age, wherein there are they, which as they regard not to honour the Clergie, so doe they not endeavour as they ought, universally to honour the Kings most sacred Highnesse and the Queenes Ma­jesty. Moreover, by Ministers in this speech there are such to be understood, as are put in authority under His Highnesse, for the administring of any businesse in Church or Common-wealth. And we may here un­derstand also the Lords of the Counsell, and all the Nobility, for whom wee are to pray As in the sa­cred Letany, & in the prayer for Christs Church militāt here on earth. that they may be more and more endued with grace, wisedome, and understanding.

Q. What is the seaventh?

A. To obey the King and his Ministers (or officers.) And so the Gospell commandeth, saying, 1. Pet. 2.13.14 Submit your selves to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake, whether it be to the King as Supreme, or unto Governours, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evill doers, and for the praise of them that doe well. Rom. 13.1.2. Let every soule be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God. The powers that bee, are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance [Page 146]of God: and they that resist, shall receive to them­selves damnation.

Q What is the eighth?

A. To submit my selfe to all my governours, teachers, spirituall Pastours and Masters. By governours are meant all they that have the legall rule over one, either in Church or Common-wealth. By teachers may be un­derstood such from whom one receiveth any learn­ing, as in schoole, or elsewhere. By Spirituall Pastours wee are to understand the Ministers, Priests and dea­cons: and also here may not be excluded but included, and understood the chiefe Pastours in the Church the Bishops, because children are to be informed for to prepare themselves to receive their blessing in the ho­ly ordinance of Confirmation, which thing in the title of the Catechisme is signified. For the duties towards God and our neigh­bour doe con­cerne also such as be of ripe age. It is to be observed, that the doctrine of this Catechisme is aswell for them of ripe yeeres to observe, as it is for children. Pastours themselves are to be submitted (or to submit them­selves) unto the Lord Bishops, as Phil. 2.22. sonnes unto Fathers: but every parishioner is to Heb. 13.17. & 1. Thes. 5.12.13 submit himselfe unto his owne Pastour, that is set over him, according to the constitution of the Kingdome. Pastours are to sub­mit themselves to be ordered by none, save onely by such as have, according to the law of the land, jurisdi­ction over them. They are to bee universally loyall & subject unto the supreame governour of our Church the Kings most excellent Majestie, They are According as it is prescribed and intended in the Divine Service for the Ordering of Priests. reverent­ly to obey their Ordinary, and other chiefe Ministers, unto whom the governement and charge is committed over them, following with a glad minde and will their godly admoniti­ons, and submitting themselves unto their godly judgments. But unto what arrogancie and outragious insolency [Page 147]are many parishioners in these daies come, who would be their There are sun­dry in the laity, which would have Pastours live in a slavery under them, & not to enjoy their Liberty, which the Kings Maje­sties law vouch­safeth unto thē. Pastours governours and teachers? And un­lesse they will break their oath made to the Church at their Institution, for their endeavouring to see all the Kings Majesties lawes observed in their Parish, unlesse they will suffer a jugling to be used among their pa­rishioners, namely, that some shall have only such do­ctrine and discipline as they peculiarly affect, and let the doctrine of the Divine Service, and the reverence and obedience required by the Ecclesiasticall law, be stamped under foot, they will be wanting in no 1. Kings. 21.10.13. en­deavour to worke them out of their vineyards, as Na­both was. Whereas here is also mention of masters, all that live in any service are thereby admonished of their duty. Tit. 2.9.10. The Gospell of God requireth servants to be obedient unto their owne masters, and to please them well in all things, not answering againe: not pur­loining, but shewing all good faithfulnesse, that they may adorne the doctrine of GOD our Saviour in all things.

Q. What is the ninth?

A. To order my self lowly and See chap. 74. of the christian divinity. reverently to all my bet­ters. And upon a divine foresight Holy Church hath added this clause or sentence. Esdras foretold, in what great 2. Esd. 8.50. Hos. 4.4. pride the world would walk in the latter times. Saint Paul saith, they would be 2. Tim. 3.2. lovers of their owne selves, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to pa­rents, truce-breakers, false-accusers, fierce, despisers of those that are good, heady, high minded, &c. having a forme of godlinesse, but denying the power thereof: from such turne away. Here shall be no mention of any unreverence, which is committed against the higher powers: but only it is to be considered, that the Pa­stour [Page 148]of every parish is in God the 1. Thes. 5.12. superiour to eve­ry one of his Parishioners, save only to such as by the law of the Kingdome are in place above him. Is it meet then that they be used as An intimati­on of the auda­ciousnesse of some towards their Pastours and Curates. It is not meet to be expressed, how uncivilly many in these times will speake unto Ministers. Serving-men, or rather like unto swineheards? If they would expresse some con­science that the Kings Majesties Church-lawes may be in some measure observed, then are they accounted troublesome persons, and shall be called busie fellows. If they would discharge their consciences towards looking to the stare of their flock or flocks, according as it is prescribed in the book of Ordering of Priests; and hold forth only wholesome doctrine, namely that which is in the Communion booke, and in the other fundamentall bookes of the Church, then shall they want no new names to be imposed upon them. And unlesse they subject themselves to be The Kings most excellent Majesty in his Highnesse De­claration set a­fore the 39. Ar­ticles of Religi­on, and page 3. willeth, That the Churchmen doe the worke which is proper unto them. advised by eve­ry one wise in his owne eyes, and slacke the faithful­nesse which they owe to God and his Church, and admit that the chiefe Fathers of the Church are in some errour concerning Religion, then are Priests and Pastours accounted for It is the pro­perty of Shep­heards to guide and feed their sheepe. Mal. 2.7. Hos. 4.4. Heb. 13.17. Act. 20.28. But unto this passe also is it come in some places of the world, that if a Pastour will leave all his [...]ock to themselves, every one to live according to their own lust, and admo­nish them of none of their transgressings of Gods lawes or of the Church doctrine or disci­pline but let the Devill sway all and take all: then by very many hee is reputed and reported a right honest, quiet, and peaceable man. proud, and selfe-willed persons. It is written, that the very servants of Saul would not put forth their hand to fall upon the Priests of the Lord. Is it not likely that those servants consi­dered, that Gods Priests doe beare about within their soules, that which every one hath not? But at length one Doeg flew upon them, and used them at his pleasure. There are not wanting in these times such 1. Sam. 22.17.18. Doegs, which will not onely in most barbarous [Page 149]manner flee in Priests faces, but also declare that they have a will to flie higher, were their wings long enough. This sacred most necessary sentence, That every one should order himselfe lowly and reverent­ly to all his betters, is for the continuall remembring of every subject whatsoever.

Q. What is the tenth?

A. To hurt no body by word or deed. And whereas Saint Paul saith, That Rom. 13.10. love worketh no ill to ones neigh­bour, it is necessary that he, which would live in unity and godly love, doe keepe in continuall remembrance the sixteene properties of Christian charity, 1. Cor. name­ly, To be long suffering, to be kind, not to envie, not to vaunt himselfe (or be rash,) not to be puffed up, not to behave him­selfe unseemely, not to seeke his owne, not to be easily provo­ked, to thinke no evill, not to rejoyce in iniquity, but to re­ioyce in the truth, to beare all things, to beleeve all things, to hope all things, to endure all things, and never to faile doing the duties of all godly love. The late most excellent Maje­sty in his sacred Meditation on the Lords pray­er calleth the said delivery of the Apostle the pattern of cha­rity, in page 98.

Q. What is the eleventh?

A. To be true and iust in all my dealings. Faithful­nesse and justnesse to bee used in every particular deal­ing between man and man, is the maine doctrine of GODS holy Bible, and of the Churches Divine Ser­vice. GOD saith, Deut. 16.20. That which is altogether just shalt thou follow, that thou maist live and inherit the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Q. What is the twelfth?

A. To beare no malice nor hatred in my heart. Saint Iohn saith, 1 Joh. and 3.15. Hee that saith, he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darknesse even untill now, and walk­eth in darknesse, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darknesse hath blinded his eyes; yea and [Page 150]he is a murtherer. The Divine Service for the Com­munion teacheth us to be in perfect charity with all men, and in other places; as in the sacred Letany, &c. to pray for the welfare of universall mankind.

Q. What is the thirteenth?

A. To keepe my hands from picking and stealing. Wee ought not to steal from any one not so much as a point or a pinne, but to be true in every matter unto a very farthing token. CHRIST JESUS the Judge of the whole world hath said, 1. Cor. 6.9.10 Theeves shall not inherit the Kingdome of GOD, so also no unrighteous dea­ling one.

Q. What is the fourteenth?

A. To keepe my tongue from evill speaking, and lying. Evill speaking is manifold: as Eph. uncleane talke, scoffing, saucy jesting, spitefull words, unseemely speeches, and whatsoever utterance tendeth not unto any good. The horriblenesse of lying was In the expo­sition of the ninth Com­mandement. afore declared.

Q. What is the fifteenth?

A. To keepe my tongue from slandering. When wee heare a rumour raised up against any, neere or afarre off, it is our duty not to affirme any thing unto the de­rogating from the good name of any, untill we know the matter to be true. Also sinnes of others commit­ted by ignorance or humane weaknesse are not to bee reported about. Solomon saith, Prov. 10.12. Love covereth all sins. All the trespasses of all others are to bee hid and con­cealed as much as may be, saving such as the law of the land requireth every one to discover. But concerning slandering God saith, Deut. 27.24. Cursed be he that smiteth his neighbour secretly. And saith CHRIST, 1. Cor. 6.10. The revi­lers shall not inherit the Kingdome of God. The ever­lasting law of the LORD is, Exo. Thou shalt not raise [Page 151](or receive) a false report: put not thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witnesse. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to doe evill: neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many, to wrest judge­ment. Saint Iames saith, Jam. 4.11. Speake not evill one of ano­ther. He that speaketh evill of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evill of the law, and judgeth the law. Jam. 5.9. Grudge not one against another, lest ye be con­demned: Behold; the Judge standeth before the doore. The devill is called in the Syrian new Testament Ochelkartso, which is by interpretation one eating accu­sation: the which phrase (though in Aramicall text it signifieth an accuser, &c. See Shindelers lexicon, and Rev. 12.10.) yet it may note forth, that it is meat unto the devil and his people to See Castellioes treatise de ca­lumnia in his Opuscula print­ed anno 1613. slander others. It is the maine of their meditation and discourse to defame people of obedience.

Q. What is the sixteenth?

A. To keep my body in temperance and sobernesse. That is, to shun all manner of gluttony and all manner of drunkennesse, and in every respect so to order ones bo­dy with diet, sleepe, exercise, &c. as it may be in no wise the unfitter for GODS service; but that ones mind may be the freer for all godly meditations; and as all vertue may be expressed in the conversation.

Q. What is the seaventeenth?

A. To keepe my body in chastity. How often doth the universall word of GOD, and the Divine Service of the Church deliver exhortation unto this duty? Is it not because the nature of mankind is prone to be un­chast, in one kind or another? And is not the reason of universall chastity required, that our bodies should be 1. Cor. temples of the holy Ghost, as the Church in her 1. Thes. [Page 152]homilies sundry times advertiseth? The Gospel saith, Heb. 13.4. Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers, adulterers, and committers of any uncleannesse, God will judge.

Q. What is the eighteenth?

A. Not to covet nor desire other mens goods. Saint Paul saith, Phil. 4.11.12. Hee had learned, in what state soever he was, therewith to be content. He knew how to be abased, how to be hungry, and how to suffer need. Hee saith therefore, Phil. 4.5.6. Let your moderation be knowne unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be carefull for nothing. He also said, Act. 20 33. I have coveted no mans silver, gold, or apparell. It is unlawful to wish and say (as many usually doe) would I had such a house, or such a peece of ground, or any thing else, which is ones neighbours. Whoso would be a true Christian, ought to strive for to have a mind universally upright perpetually. Mat. 7.12. One would not that another should defire any thing that is his, and which he would enjoy: and the like mind is every one to beare towards each other. Wee are to endeavour unfeinedly for to bee continually affectio­ned righteously and charitably in our hearts before Gods 1. Chro. 28.9. eyes sight.

Q. What is the nineteenth?

A. To learn and labour truly for to get mine own living. The Gospel saith, Tit. 3.14. Let ours also learne to professe honest trades, for necessary uses, that they be not un­fruitfull. Eph. 4.28. Let him that stole, steale no more: but ra­ther let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that hee may have to give to him that needeth. 1. Thes. Wee beseech you (saith Saint Paul) to doe your own businesse, and to work with your own hands, that yee may walke honestly towards them that are [Page 153]without, and that yee may have lack of nothing (or of As it is in the margent. no man.) The Church in her homily against idlenes saith, In page 249. By the Ordinance of GOD, which hee hath set in the nature of man, every one ought, in his lawfull vocation and calling, to give himselfe unto labour. It is the appoint­ment and will of GOD; that every man, during the time of this mortall and transitory life, should give himselfe to such honest and godly exercise and labour, and every one follow his owne businesse, and to walke uprightly in his owne calling. And (saith the In the third part of the Ho­mily of Almes deeds. Church) God is carefull to feed them, who in any state or vocation doe unfeinedly serve him. Also it signifieth, That wee should In the Homi­ly against idle­nesse, pag. 250. live of our owne labours, and not devoure the labours of others. In page 253. When one liveth of his owne labour (so it be honest and good) hee liveth of it with a good conscience: & an upright conscience is an inestimable treasure. Also the Church saith, In pages 253.254. Many of the rich in this world consider not of the duty prescribed unto them by the Church in the said Homily. Here ought artificers and labouring men, who be at wages for their worke and labour, to consider their conscience to God, and their duty to their neighbour, lest they abuse their time in idlenesse, so defrauding them which be at charge both with great wages, and deare commons. It is lesse danger to GOD to be idle for no gaine, then by idlenesse to win out of their neighbours purses wages for that which is not de­served. The hired man, who useth deceit in his labour, is a theefe before God. Further it is said, In pag. 251. A great part of the beggery that is among the poore, can be imputed to no thing so much, as to idlenes, and to the negligence of parents, which doe not bring up their children, either in good learn­ing, honest labour, or some commendable-occupation or trade, whereby when they come to age, they might get their living. The Homily also advertiseth In pag. 254. & in page 250. The Church most divinely delivereth, That every one capable should be employed one way or other unto others good, like as is every member in a naturall body. serving men, to redeem the time wherein they are not employed, in getting some learning or knowledge, which may benefit them [Page 154]when age commeth upon them, remembring that Ser­vice is no heritage. The holy Ghost pro­nounceth a life of idlenesse to be a life of ido­latry, in 1. Cor. 10.7.

Q. What is the twentieth?

A. To doe my duty in that state of life, unto the which it shall please GOD to call mee. Saint Paul saith: 1 Cor. 7.24. Let every man wherein hee is called, therein abide with God: namely learning what is his whole duty, and labouring to performe all the same. And when God shall please to call one unto an higher estate of life, then likewise to meditate how to manage it also. The Church hereby giveth us to understand, that pre­ferment commeth not by fortune, but by GODS calling of men into higher conditions of life. And so saith the holy Scripture: Ps. 75.6.7. Promotion commeth nei­ther from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South▪ But God is the Judge: he putteth downe one and setteth up another.

Q. In what sense may a Pastour call every one of the youth my good childe?

A. Every godly Curate is in some manner a ghost­ly Father of the people committed to his charge or oversight. For as many as he spiritually begetteth un­to conscionable obeying of CHRISTS Gospells commandements, and the None can be said to be con­verted untill hee respect the Church do­ctrine and di­scipline. Mat. 18.17. Deut. 17.12. Churches holy doctrine and discipline, so many are his Philemon verse 10. and 1. Cor. 4.15. Gal. 4.19. children in the Lord. And in such sense sundry in the Scripture are called Ministers children.

Q. What is meant by the saying, Know this that thou art not able to doe these things of thy selfe?

A. The Church doth give us to understand, that when wee have learned, what are our duties toward God and man, by our owne strength we are not able to doe them duely. Saint Paul saith: 2. Cor. 3.5. Not that wee [Page 155]are sufficient of our selves to thinke any thing as of our selves: but our sufficiencie is of God. CHRIST saith: Without me (or Ioh. 15.5. as in the margent. severed from me) ye can doe nothing (or yee can bring forth no good fruit.) But saith Saint Paul: Phil. 4.13. Ps. I can doe all things through Christ strengthening mee.

Q. What is Gods speciall grace, by the which re­ceived we are able more and more obediently to per­forme all our duties aforesaid, and to walke in Gods commandements, and to serve him?

A. It is that which in the beginning of this Divine Service Catechisme is called This matter many doe not rightly cōsider; but greatly erre from the truth herein. Gods helpe, where it is signified, that by Gods help I will beleeve & doe the three things promised and vowed in my name, when I received holy Baptisme. There cannot be found any one particular duty prescribed by JESUS CHRIST, but by the holy Ghost strengthening our inward and outward man, wee may bee Marke 9.23. able more and more obediently to observe the same. Moreover concerning grace, wee are to know, that it commeth unto us by measure, as Saint Paul saith: Unto every one of us is given grace, according to the Eph. 4.7. measure of the gift of CHRIST. There is a first measure of grace which is given unto universall mankind alike: as it is written: The grace of God which bringeth salvation hath ap­peared to Tit. 2.11. all men. CHRIST is that light, which enlighteneth Ioh. 1.9. every one that cōmeth into the world. And whosoever doth make right use of that one talent of grace, and doth not 2. Cor. 6.1. receive in vaine, nor Iude 4. turn it into wantonnesse, nor letteth that Matt. 6.23. light in him become to bee darkenesse, unto him that Mat. 25.29.30 hath and keepeth that conscionably, CHRIST saith more shall be given, and at length he shall have abundance [Page 156]of grace, yea such an abundance (the speciall grace is here signified) whereby he shall be able to walke more and more obediently in all Gods Commandements; as it is Ier. 32.40.41. Ezech. 36.27.28. promised in the holy Prophets. When Saint Paul had a strong temptation unto pride, he besought the LORD thrice, that it might depart from him. Unto whom the Lord said: 2. Cor. 12.8.9. My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakenesse. Most gladly therefore (said Paul) will I rather glory in mine infirmities, that the power of CHRIST may rest upon me. CHRISTS Almighty strength comming to assist Pauls weakenesse, enabled him to overcome that temptation, which in no wise by his owne strength he could have done.

Q. Why is it said, Wee must at all times call for Gods speciall grace by diligent prayer?

A. Because it is from everlasting ordeined, that man shall not receive that speciall grace, without Ps. 14.4. Iames 4.2. diligent prayer for it. God requireth that we must not be carelesse and idle about our soules welfare, but duely Rom. 10.13. call upon his name, and then we have his pro­mise to heare us and save us. CHRIST commandeth, saying: Mat. Aske, and ye shall receive: seeke, and yee shall finde: knocke, and it shall bee opened unto you. For every one that asketh, receiveth: and hee that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall bee opened. Your heavenly Father will give the holy Spirit to them that Luke 11.13. aske him. And in the comming downe of that holy Spirit, there is received such an abundance of grace, that speciall grace by the Church signified. There are in the divine Service sundry pray­ers for that speciall grace, as the third collect for grace, the prayer afore the ten Commandements, &c.

[Page 157] Q. Why is it said by diligent prayer?

A. Saint Paul saith: Heb. 5.7. Christ in the dayes of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplicati­ons, with strong crying and tearers, unto him that was able to save him from death, & was heard, in that he feared (or for his As in the margent. pietie.) If then it was necessary for Christ in his humane nature thus to pray unto his Father for what was requisite, how much necessary is it for us to pray diligently? Wherefore the holy Ghost saith: 1. Thes. 5.17. Pray ye without ceasing. David would pray in the Morning, at Ps. 55.17. Noone, in the Evening, and at Ps. 119.62. Midnight. Whereby also it is signified unto us, that we at all these times every day of our life are to direct some It is much memorable what is written in the booke of Wisdome; Wee must prevent the sunne for to give God t anks, & at the day spring to pray unto him. Wisd. 16.28. prayer unto God; and if we cannot conveni­ently performe it on our knees, and with our mouths, yet at least cōstantly at the said times with our hearts. For it appeareth by Davids practise that GOD the infinite Spirit expecteth that so often at the least eve­ry day our hearts in speciall manner to bee lifted up unto him. And the diligence to be used in prayer is si­gnified where Paul saith: Eph. 6.18. Praying alwaies, with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance, and supplication for all Saints.

Q. Why doth the Church proceed from treating on the commandements, unto prayer?

A. The reason appeareth out of the Catechisme question made afore the Lords prayer recited: Name­ly, because that after wee have learned what to be­leeve and doe, wee are to Few doe de­vote themselves unto due cal­ling on the name of the Lord, for that they consider not how much it prevaileth with God, be­ing made out of an obedient heart. 1. Ioh. 3.22. pray for Gods helpe, his speciall grace, his strengthening of us for to accom­plish the same.

Q. Why doth the Church aske her children, if they [Page 158]can say the Lords prayer?

A. When any one is baptized, it is nominated, that so soone as hee is able to learne, he is to be taught the creed, the ten commandements, and the Lords prayer in the English tongue.

Q. Why the Lords prayer, rather than any other prayer written in the Bible?

A. Because the infinite Wisdome of Christ saw it meerest to have his Disciples taught Mat. 6.9. thus to pray, and so his Church requireth every one of her mem­bers to Luke 11.2. say it. It is also the perfectest of all prayers in the Bible, and the most absolute forme whereby to conceive other prayers acceptable unto God through JESUS CHRIST. In it is contained the The summe of the promised blessings upon godlinesse. 2. Tim. 4.8. summe of all true Christian hope, like as in the Creed is the summe of Faith, and in the Decalogue is the summe of Charitie.

Q. Is it proper for every one of mankind to say the Lord prayer?

A. It is only proper for such to say it, as can truely call God their father. Christ taught his obedient peo­ple thus to pray, who could call God, Rom. 8.15.16 Abba, Father. As for all people whose father is the Ioh. 8.44. devill, & whose workes they doe, which Rev. 22.15. love or make lies, which live in 1. Ioh. 3.15. envie, hatred, and malice; which abound with Mat. 18.3.4. Mat. 10.15. pride and arrogance, which regard not the due 2. Thef. 1.8 9 obedience unto CHRISTS Gospell, and doe con­temne or set light of the fundamentall doctrine of the Mat. 18.17. Church delivered in her book of the Divine Service, untill such turne unto unfeined Ezech. repentance from all their sins, they can not truely and properly be sayers of the Lords prayer. It is a prayer peculiar for Christs body, the blessed company of all faithfull people; and [Page 159]therefore the first word of it is [our:] For they therein pray, not onely every one for himselfe, but also one for another, as feeling members of the mysticall bo­dy, whereof JESUS CHRIST is the head. Saint Paul saith: 1. Cor. There should be no Schisme (or divi­sion) in the body: but the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it: or one member be honoured, all the members rejoyce with it. Now are yee the body of Christ, and members in parti­cular.

Q. Why doth Christ teach us to speake so directly unto God, saying our Father?

A. Because (saith the Church) we speake not to one ab­sent, but In the lesser Catechisme. present. The not considering of Gods pre­sence by his spirit every where, is a cause of many defects in our minds and conversations. David saith: Ps. 139.7. Whither shall I goe from thy spirit? or whither shall I flie from thy presence? verses Thou compassest my path, and my lving downe; Thou hast beset me behind and before. Thou hast possessed my reines: thou hast co­vered me in my mothers wombe. The darkenesse hi­deth not from thee, but the night shineth as the day: the darkenesse and the light are both alike unto thee. Moreover it is the custome of children, when they speake unto their parents, first to call them by the name of father or mother, as having that priviledge. So the prodigall sonne repenting, beginneth saying: Luke 15.18. Father, I have sinned against heaven and against thee. Saint Paul calleth our parents on earth the fa­thers of our flesh, but God hee calleth the Heb. 12.9. father of our spirits. For howsoever nature hath its constituted course in the generation of mankind, yet scripture [Page 160]declareth that the Spirit of GOD ruleth in nature, suf­fering it to have its course, or Gen. 16.2. and 20.18. and 30.2. hindering the same, causing also 1. Sam. fruitfulnesse and barrennesse, according to his holy and righteous will. S. Paul saith: Eph. 4.6. There is one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all, unto whom wee (behaving our selves as dutifull children, in having Ps. 119.6. 1. Joh. 4.22. respect un­to all his commandements) may Heb. 4.15.16. boldly speake in the name and mediation of his Sonne Jesus Christ our Lord, that we may obtaine mercie, and find grace to helpe in time of need. In the Homily for good Friday it is said: In page 176.177. In Baptisme wee promised to re­nounce the devill and his suggestions, wee promised to be (as obedient children) alwaies following Gods will and pleasure. Then if he bee our Father indeed, let us give him his due honour. If we be his children, let us shew him our obediēce. And (saith the Church) if we want any thing, for body or soule, we may law­fully and boldly approach to God, as to our mercifull father, to aske that wee desire, and we shall obtaine it. So well pleased is the Father Almighty God with Christ his Sonne, that for this sake he favoureth us, and will denie us nothing. So pleasant was this sacri­fice and oblation of h [...]s Sonnes death, which hee so obediently and innocently suffered, that wee should take it for the only and full amends fo [...]ll the sinnes of the world. And such favour did hee purchase by his death, of his heavenly father for us, that for the merit thereof (if we be These words of the Church are duely to be marked; wee are not to take some, and to let other passe unobserved; her doctrine being all taken and compared to­gether, hath no contrariety, but an harmony, stirring us up towards the minde and life of Jesus Christ. 1. Cor. 2.16. & 2. Cor. 4.10.11. true Christians indeed, and not in word only) we be now fully in GODS grace againe, and clearely discharged from our sinne. And afterward the Church addeth: In page 178. That Christs passion is not only the ransome and whole amends for our sinne, but it [Page 161]is also a most perfect example of all patience and sufferance. For surely (as saith Saint Peter) CHRIST therefore suf­fered, to leave us an example to follow his steps: And if we suffer with him, we shall be sure also to reigne with him in heaven, &c.

Q. Why is it said, Which art in heaven?

A. The late Royall Majesty hath most divinely written, In the homily of Common prayer and Sa­craments, page 134. Though GOD be present every where, as well in his infinite essence, as power; yet he is only resident in hea­ven, as the seat of his Majestie, according to that of Esay 66.1. Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstoole. And whereas the earth is his footstoole, and so he hath a being nigh unto us: hence wee are taught by the Church to pray sometimes In the homily of Common prayer and Sa­craments, page 134. mentally, that is, with the devout lifting up of the mind unto God with a speak­ing of our spirit only. Also there the Church putteth us in minde of CHRISTS saying, Pray in thy closet unto thy Father which is in Mat. 6.6. secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Also we are hereby admonished, that when we pray, we lift up our minds, and have our hearts and thoughts onely directed and intent on the infinite Spirit Almighty GOD.

Q. What are the words Our Father which art in hea­ven, called?

A. The beginning and entrie of the Lords prayer. And saith the In her larger Catechisme. Church, The said prayer conteineth in deed sixe petitions; but in the whole summe there are but two parts: Whereof the first belongeth onely to the glory of God, and conteineth the three former pe­titions: the second which containeth the three latter petitions, belongeth properly to our commodity.

Q. What is the first petition in the Lords prayer?

[Page 162] A. Hallowed be thy name. Some render it, Holily wor­shipped be thy name. And saith the Church, In the Decla­rations exposi­tion hereof. By the name of God is understood God himselfe, the power of God, the might, the Majesty, the glory, the wise­dome, the providence, the mercie and goodnesse of God, and all such other good things, as in Scripture be attributed unto God. And this name is hallowed, when it is praised, glorified, set forth, honoured, and magnified of us both in word and deed. That saying of Isaiah is very memorable hereunto, Isa. 5.16. God that is ho­ly, shall be sanctified in righteousnesse. There are that will say, Let the Lord be Isa. 66.5. glorified, and yet for all that they shall be ashamed or confounded (saith the Pro­phet,) because by unrighteousnesse they dishonour his name, and cause it through their ill doings to bee Rom. 2.23.24 Hallowing, glorifying, prai­sing and thank­ing of Gods name is not a matter consist­ing meerely in words. blasphemed by others. Gods name is hallowed, when as it is not taken in vaine, when his gracious pre­sence is duely reverenced with all reverence signified in the Scripture to be due unto him, and ordained by the Church for to be performed. The Gospell saith, 1. Cor. 10.31. Whatsoever yee doe, doe all to the glory of GOD. Wee are to strive for to doe universall matters so, as Gods name may have all due honour thereby, and not in any the least manner be dishonoured or unhallow­ed. Many are the promised Deut. &c. 58. blessings unto such as obediently observe to doe all the words of Gods ever­lasting law, that they may feare the great and glorious and fearefull name The Lord thy God. The Isa. 8.13. Pro­pher saith, Sanctifie the Lord of host himselfe, and let him be your feare, and let him be your dread.

Q. What is the second Petition?

A. Thy Kingdome come. And thus hath the Aposto­licall Church of England written on the same. In the Decla­rations exposi­tion hereof. It is to be re­membred that by the said name is meant the book afore mentioned, set forth by the Church in the later part of the raigne of King Henry the eight. This [Page 163]second Petition is very necessary, for no doubt our an­cient enemy the devill goeth about continually by all crafty meanes, to deceive us, and bring us under his power and dominion. And surely so long as pride and disobedience reigneth in us, so long as ire, envy, wrath, or covetousnesse reigneth in us, so long as gluttony, le­cherie, or any kind of sinne reigneth in us, so long we be under the dominion and kingdome of the devill. For the devill undoubtedly, is the Job. 41.34. king over all the children of pride, that is to say, over all them that be sinners, rebels, and disobedient unto GOD. And for­asmuch as it is not in our owne power to deliver our selves from under this tyranny of the devill, but only by Gods helpe (for our Hos. 13.9. perdition and undoing is of our selves, but our helpe and salvation is of GOD, as saith the Prophet O see) therefore it is very necessary for all true Christian people, to make this petition un­cessantly unto our heavenly father, and to beseech him according to this doctrine of CHRIST, that by his grace and helpe, we may escape the dominion and po­wer of the devill, & that we may be made subject unto his heavenly kingdome. Therefore in this petition we desire GOD to give us before all things, true and con­stant faith in him, and in his Sonne JESUS CHRIST, and in the holy Ghost, with pure love and charity to­wards him and all men, to keepe us from all infidelity, desperation and malice, which might be the cause of our destruction, to deliver us from dissentions, covet­ousnesse, lecherie and evill desires, and lusts of sin, and so the vertue of his Kingdome to come, and to Luke 17.21. Gods King­dome of grace is a matter within the soul of man, upon which manner of Christs reigning few duly consider. reigne within us, that all our heart, mind, and wits, with all our strength inward and outward, may be ordered and directed to serve God, to observe his Commande­ments [Page 164]and his will, and not to serve our selfe, the flesh, the world, or the devill. We desire also, that this kingdome once in us begun, may be daily increased and goe forward more and more, so that all subtile and secret hate, or sloth, which wee have to goodnesse, be not suffered to rule so in us, that it shall cause us to look back againe, and to fall into sinne; but that we may have a stable purpose and strength, not only to begin the life of innocency, but also to proceed earnestly further in it, and to perform it, according to the saying of Saint Paul, where he prayeth, that wee may Col. walke worthily, pleasing God in all things, being fruitfull in all good workes, and growing and increasing in the knowledge of God. Also in another place hee saith, Eph. 4.15. Worke and doe the truth in charity, and encrease and goe forward in CHRIST. Therefore in this prayer, desiring the kingdome of God to come, wee require also, that wee being already received and entred into the kingdome of Rom. 5.21. grace and mercy of God, may so continue and persevere therein; that after this life, we may come to the kingdome of glory, which endureth for ever. The Church also saith, In her larger Catechisme. We pray that Gods kingdome come, that is, that he suffer not the divine truth of his word, which also CHRIST calleth the Gospell of the Kingdome, to lie hidden in darknesse, but that he daily more and more bring it abroad, and with his succour maintaine and defend it against the devises, craft, and policie of Satan, and of wicked men, and against their Or the laid ambushment, or framed wiles. fained treasons that labour to dar­ken the truth, and to defame or spot it with lyes, and against the violence and cruelty of tyrants, that tra­vaile by all meanes to extinguish and oppresse the truth and utterly to root it up: so as it may be made [Page 165]manifest and well knowne to all men, that there is no­thing able to resist the invincible strength of GODS truth. And may we not refer unto this petition, that which the Church prayeth for in the third collect for good friday, That universall mankind may become one Joh. 10.16. Ezec. 34.23.24. fold under one Shepheard JESUS CHRIST our LORD? Saith not GOD by Zechariah, Zech. 14.9. The Lord shall be King over all the earth: in that day there shall be one Lord, and his name one? Why doth the Church daily pray, That it may please thee to give unto all nations, unity, peace, and concord: Let thy saving health be knowne among In the psalme to be read after the second les­son every eve­ning. Psal. 67. all nations: let all the people praise thee?

Q. What is the third Petition?

A. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. And saith the In the De­clarations ex­position. Church, For the better understanding of this third petition, wee must know, that by disobedi­ence and sinne of our first father Adam, we be as of our nature only, without the grace of God, unable to fulfill the will and precepts of God, and so enclined to love our selves, and our owne In the thanks­giving to be sung after re­ceiving the Lords supper, the evill will of unregenerat man is signifi­ed, where it is said, A law God gave us for to know, what was his holy will: He would us good, but wee would not, avoid the thing is ill. Not one of us that seeketh out, the Lord of life to please: Nor doe the thing which might us lead to Christ and quiet ease. Nought els but sinne and wickednesse, doth rest within our hearts: And stubbornely against the Lord, we daily play our parts. wils, that wee cannot heartily love neither God nor man, as we ought to doe. And therefore wee being once Christian men, it is re­quisite for us to pray, that like as the holy Angels and Saints in heaven (in whom God raigneth perfectly and wholy) doe never cease, ne shall cease to glorifie him, to praise him, and to fulfill his will and pleasure in all things, and that most readily and gladly without any manner of grudging or resisting thereunto, know­ing certainely and cleerely, that his will is alway the [Page 166]best: even so that we the children of God in earth, may daily and continually praise God, and by our holy con­versation in good workes and good life, honour and glorifie him. And that wee may from time to time so mortifie our owne naturall corrupt and sinfull appe­tite and will, that wee may be ever ready, like loving children, humbly, lowly, and obediently, to approve and allow and accomplish the Ps. 40.8. and 143.10. will of God our Father in all things, and to submit our selves with all our heart unto the same, and to acknowledge, that whatsoever is the Matt. 26.39.42. will of GOD, the same is most perfect, most just, most holy, and most expedient for the wealth and health of our soules. Joh. 4.34. Wherefore in this petition also, wee desire of GOD true and stable patience, when our will is letted or broken: and that when any man speaketh or doth contrary to our will; yet therefore wee bee not out of patience, neither curse or murmure, or seeke vengeance against our adversaries, or them which let our will, but that wee may say well of them, and doe well unto them. We pray also, that by Gods grace we may gladly suffer all diseases, povertie, despisings, persecutions, and ad­versities, knowing that it is the will of God, that we should crucifie and mortifie our wills. And when any such adversitie chaunceth unto us, attribute all unto the will or sufferance of God, and give him thankes therefore, who doth order all such things for our weale and benefit, either for the exercise and the triall of the good, to make them stronger in goodnesse and vertue: or els for the chasticement and amendement of the evill, to suppresse their evill motions and de­sires. We desire furthermore, that all our members, eyes, tongue, heart, hands, and feet be not suffered to [Page 167]follow the desires of the flesh, but that all may be used to the will and pleasure of God, &c. The Church also saith: In the larger Catechisme. It is the duty of children to frame their life according to the will of their fathers, and not con­trariwise the parents to conforme themselves to the will of their children. And in a certain In the collect for the ninth Sunday after Trinitie. collect there­fore saith: Grant to us LORD, wee beseech thee, the spirit to thinke and doe alwayes such things as be rightfull, that wee which cannot be without thee, may by thee be able to live according to thy will, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Then doth one performe Christian re­pentance, when as he taketh his owne will into examination, & whereinsoe­ver he findeth it different from Christs will or law, therein to forsake it. Luke 14.33.

Q. What is the fourth petition.

A. Give us this day our daily bread. The Church saith: In the larger Catechisme. By the name of bread is meant, not onely those things that minister us food and apparell, but also all other things universally, that are needfull to the maintaining and preserving of our life, and the leading of it in quietnesse without feare. It is called our bread, because it becommeth ours, when he liberally Ps. 115.16. giveth it us for our daily uses, though by right it bee not due to us. David saith: Ps. 24.1. The earth is the Lords, and the fulnesse thereof. By this word bread, we are put in minde, that wee ought to get our living with our la­bour, or by other lawfull meanes, & that being there­with contented, wee doe never, by covetousnesse or fraud, seeke any thing of other mens. In the lesser Catechisme. Wee aske bread of God, because that in vaine shall we wast all the course of our life in toile of body and travell of mind, unlesse it please GOD to Ps. 127.1.2. and 1. Cor. 3.7. prosper our endea­vours. The rich also are to crave bread of GOD, be­cause (saith the Church) in vaine shall we have plenty of all things, unlesse God by his grace doe make the use of them Mat. 4.3. healthfull unto us for the maintenance [Page 168]of our life. There are added these words daily and this day, That we avoiding all carefull covetousnes, & do­ing diligently our duty, should daily crave of our most liberall father that, which he is ready daily to give us. The words of Prov. 30.8. Agur are: give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with foode convenient for me. The In her decla­ration. Church also hath delivered, that by bread we are also to understand the holy Sacrament of the body and bloud of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who saith: Ioh. 6.51. I am the bread of life, which came downe from heaven. And the bread which I will give, is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. And in this prayer, wee desire, that the same may bee purely mi­nistred and distributed, to the comfort and benefit of us all, the true children of God. And that wee may also receive the same with a right faith, and perfect charitie, at all times, when we doe and ought to re­ceive the same, so that we may be spiritually fed there­with to our salvation, and thereby enjoy the life ever­lasting. By bread also is meant the Prov. 9.5. Isa. 55.2. true doctrine of the word of God, which is the spirituall bread which feedeth the soule. For as the body is nourished and brought up, groweth and feedeth with bread and meate; so needeth the soule even from our youth to be nourished and brought up with the word of God, and to be fed with it. And like as the body will faint and decay, if it be not from time to time releived and refreshed with bodily sustenance: even so the soule waxeth feeble and weake towards God, unlesse the same be cherished and kept up with the word of God, according to the saying of Christ: A man liveth not with meate only, but with every word that procee­deth from the mouth of God. And surely the word of [Page 169]God is the very comfort, remedy, and health of the soule. If we have any maner of sicknes or disease in our soules, what medicine or remedie can wee have, but that is declared in GODS word?

Q. What is the fift petition?

A. And forgive us our trespasses, as wee forgive them that trespasse against us. The Church saith in the former Homily for good Friday: In the former Homily and page 179. It is not meet that we should crave forgivenesse of our great offences at Gods hands, and yet will not forgive the small tres­passes of our neighbours against us. Wee doe call for mercie in vaine, if wee will not shew mercie to our neighbours. For if we will not put wrath and displea­sure forth of our hearts to our Christian brother, no more will God forgive the displeasure and wrath that our sins have deserved afore him. For under this Mat. 6.14.15. and 18.35. con­dition doth he forgive us, if we forgive other. It be­commeth not Christian men to bee hard one to ano­ther, nor yet to thinke their neighbour unworthy to be forgiven. For howsoever unworthy hee is, yet is Christ worthy to have thee doe thus much for his sake, he hath deserved it of thee, that thou shouldest forgive thy neighbour. And God is also to be obeied, which commandeth us to forgive, if we will have any part of the Here is a fun­damentall sen­tence in Chri­stian faith or divinity. Christ by his death obtained par­don for the sins of the whole world: but yet no person in particular can receive his part in the said generall (or rather univer­sall pardon) but upon conditi­on. See Acts 26.18. pardon which our Saviour Christ pur­chased once of God the Father, by shedding of his precious blood. The Homily against contention saith: In pag. 93.94. Mine enemy (say some) is not worthy to have gentle words or deeds, being so full of malice or fro­wardnesse. Thy neighbour hath peradventure with a word offended thee: call thou to thy remembrance with how many words & deeds, how grievously thou hast offended thy Lord God. What was man, when [Page 170]Christ died for him? Was he not his enemy, and un­worthy to have his favour and mercie. Even so, with what gentlenesse and patience doth he forbeare, and tolerate, and suffer thee although he is daily offended by thee? What crakest thou of thy head, if thou la­bour not to bee in the body? Thou canst be no mem­ber of CHRIST, if thou follow not the steps of CHRIST. The Church also hath delivered: In her decla­ration. Yee shall understand, that foregivenesse afore spoken of, is not so meant in Scripture, that by it justice or laws of Princes should bee broken, contemned, or not exe­cuted. For although our Saviour CHRIST in this petition doth teach us to remit and forgive all inju­ries and trespasses done against us; yet he which hath done the injury or trespasse, is, neverthelesse bound to Luke 17.3.4. acknowledge his fault, and to aske forgivenesse therefore, not only of God, but of him also whom he hath offended, and to intend to doe no more so. And furthermore to recompence and make amends unto the parties, against whom he hath trespassed, accor­ding to his abilitie and power, and as the greevous­nesse and greatnesse of the offence requireth. And in case hee which hath committed the offence or tres­passe, be 1. Tim. 1.9.10. Exodus 21.19.22. and &c. Deut. 17.8. &c. obstinate, and will not doe these things be­fore rehearsed, which he is bound to doe by the law of God, then may the party, which findeth himselfe grieved, notwithstanding any thing that is said afore in this petition, lawfully and without offence of Gods commandements aske and seeke recompence of such injuries, as bee done to him, according to the order and provision of the laws of the Realme, made in that behalfe; so that he alway have an eye and respect un­to charitie, and doe nothing for rancour, or malice, [Page 171]or for sinister affection, neither beare any hatred in his heart toward him, whom he sueth, but only upon a zeale and love of the maintenance of justice, correcti­on of vice, and reformation of the partie that hath of­fended; remembring alwayes that he exceed not, nor goe beyond the limits and bounds of this generall rule, taught by our Saviour Christ in his Gospell: As yee would that men should doe unto you, even so doe you unto them: for this is the law and the Prophets.

Q. What is the sixt petition?

A. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evill. And saith the Church: In her shorter Catechisme. As we before doe aske forgivenesse of sinnes past, so now wee pray that we sin no more. For wee by nature are so unwarie to foresee, and so weake to resist the manifold snares, temptations, and inticements of the devill, the world, and the concupiscence of the flesh, that wee cannot but be overcome, unlesse GOD doe assist us with his grace, and arme us with his strength: and therefore we fly by prayer unto the protection of our Almighty and most loving Father, that hee will not suffer us to be overcome with any wicked temptation, but that hee will deliver and save us from evill. In the larger Catechisme. Wee pray that God lead us not into temptation, because God as he defendeth and 2. Cor. 12.9. 2. Tim. 4.17.18 preserveth them that bee his, that they be not snared with the guiles of Satan, and so fall into vices and foule sinnes, so from the wicked he 1. Sam. 16.14. holdeth backe and withdraweth his helpe and succour, whereof they being destitute, blinded with lust, and running headlong, are catched in all sorts of deceitfull trappes, and carried unto all kinde of wickednesse, and at length with custome of ill doings, as it were gathering a Isa. 6.10. 2. Cor. 4.3.4. Jer. 6.8. thicke tough skinne, their [Page 172]hearts waxe hard, and so they becomming bondmen, and yeelding themselves to slavery unto the tyrant Sathan, they runne in ruine to their owne undoing and everlasting destruction. The In her decla­ration. Church hath also delivered, That there be two manner of temptations, whereof one commeth and is sent to us by God, who suffereth those that bee his, to bee tempted by one meanes or other, for their probation or triall, albeit he so assisteth and ardeth them, in all such temptati­ons, that hee turneth all at the end unto their profit and benefit. For as the wise man saith: Ecclus. 27.5. The Church there readeth according to the vulgar La­tine. Like as the oven trieth the potters vessell, so doth temptation of trouble trie the righteous man. And with this manner of tem­ptation God sundry wise tempted our holy father Abraham, he tempted also Job with extreme poverty, horrible sicknesse, and sodaine death of his children: and daily hee tempteth and prooveth all such as he loveth. It is said concerning Ezekiah in the booke of Chronicles: 2. Chron. 32.31. How beit, in the businesse of the Em­bassadours of the Princes of Babylon, who sent unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God left him to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart. The other manner of temptati­on commeth chiefly of the 1. Cor. 7.5. devill, which like a fu­rious and a wood lion, rageth and runneth about per­petually seeking how he may devoure us. The Church also there signifieth of our temptation by our owne concupiscence, whereof Saint James saith: James 1.14. Every man is tempted, when he is drawne away of his owne lust, and is enticed: and that by the devill and this our concupiscence & our consent, all vice and sins be engendred, like as between man and woman children be ingendred, according to the saying of Saint James, [Page 173]where he saith, James 1.15. Concupiscence when she doth con­ceive, she bringeth forth sinne, and that of all sorts, that is to say, first acts and deeds, contrary to the lawes of God; and after that, use and custome of the same deeds; and at length blindnesse and contempt. Wherefore (saith the Church) considering how dangerous it is to fall into sinne, and how hard it is to arise, the chiefe and best way is, to James 4.7. Eph. resist with Gods helpe the first suggestion unto sinne, and not to suffer it to Eph. 4.27. prevaile w th us; but as soon as may be, to put it out of our minds. For if we suffer it to tarry any while in our hearts, it is great peril, lest that consent & deed will follow shortly after. The Church there also hath delivered, That our Saviour JESUS CHRIST teacheth us not in this sixt petition to pray unto God our Father, that we should be cleerely without all temptation: but that hee will not suffer us to be led into temptation, that is to say, that when wee be tempted, hee will give us grace to withstand it, and not to suffer us to be overcome there­with, according whereunto Saint Paul saith, 1. Cor. 10.13. GOD is true and faithfull, and will not suffer us to be tempted above that we may beare, but he will so moderate the temptation, that wee may sustaine and overcome it. And Saint Iames saith, James 1.2.3. Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience: but let patience have her perfect worke, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Q. Why is it said (as it is in the prayer in the Go­spell according to Saint Matthew) For thine is the king­dome, and the power, and the glory, for ever, Amen?

A. The Church would have this conclusion ad­ded, to make us understand that GODS power and [Page 174] Rom. 8.31.32 goodnesse is so infinitely great, that there is nothing which he either cannot, or will not give us, praying for it, and asking it rightly: which also this word Amen, which is to say, So be it, being added in the end of the prayer, doth confirme unto us. There is mention made of the glory of God, for to teach us to conclude all our prayers with praises of God: for that is the end where­unto all that wee desire to obtaine in our prayer, and all our thoughts, words, and works, and all things uni­versally ought to be referred and applyed. For to this end hee hath created us, and placed us in this world. Moreover, to praise and magnifie GODS goodnesse, justice, wisdome, and power, and to give him thankes in our owne name, and in the name of all mankind, is 1. Thes. 1.2. Luke 17.17.18 Nehem. 11.17. Act. 2.46.47. Psal. 100.4. All Ps. 103. &c. parcell of the worshipping of God, belonging as pro­perly to his Majesty, as prayer. It is the voice of the heavenly company likewise to say, Rev. 4.15. and 3.12.13. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, & honour, & power: for thou hast cre­ated all things, and for thy pleasure they are & were created.

Q. Why doth the Church propound to be asked, What is desired in the Lords prayer?

A. Like as her holy wisedome would have her children understand in some wise, what they learne from the Creed and the ten Commandements, so also she would have them pray with some understanding. Which thing God requireth of all that speake unto him, that in some measure they know what they say. Hence it is commanded, Sing ye Psal. 47.7. praises with under­standing. And Saint Paul propoundeth his example for our imitation, where he saith, 1. Cor. 14.15. I will pray with the spirit, and will pray with the understanding also: I wil sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the under­standing also. And even as in the Lords prayer it selfe Eph. 3.20.21. Psal. [Page 175]there are The entri conclusion with the sixe petitions. eight distinct matters considerable, so also in the rehearsall of the contents thereof eight sundry points may be observed.

Q. What is the first?

A. Even as afore the Lords prayer there is an en­trance thereto, namely the words Our Father which ar [...] in heaven; so here afore the first desire is specified, there is mentioned, unto whom prayer is made, with his ho­nourable title and propertie.

Q. What is the honourable title of him whom we doe desire or pray unto?

A. My Lord God our heavenly Father. And in such manner have the holy men of God heretofore spoken of him saying in the singular maner, Joh. 20.28. Psal. 110.1. and 25.2. My Lord, and my God: And whereas I say, My Lord, I declare that I in Luke 6.46. Psal. 143.10. and 40.8. particular desire to be his obedient servant: And whereas I say, My God, I doe both signifie what I doe worship, and also that I have had some experience of his good nature. And I call him Our heavenly Father, because (as the In her larges Catechisme on the wotds Which art in heaven. Church saith) hee is most high, most mighty, most blessed, most good, most great, incom­prehensible: also because he begetteth us to bee his children, after an heavenly and spirituall manner. Saint Iames saith, Iames 1.18. Of his owne will begate he us with the word of truth. And Saint Peter saith, 1. Pet. 1.23. Being borne againe, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible; by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. And saith the Lord, Iohn 3.6. Whosoever is borne of the spirit, is spirit, he is in some measure in the image and likenesse of GOD, namely in righteousnesse and true holinesse.

Q. What is the honourable property mentioned unto him?

[Page 176] A. That he is the giver of all goodnesse. For so saith Saint Iames, Iames 1.17. Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, and commeth downe from the Father of lights, with whom is no variablenesse, neither shadow of turning.

Q. What is the next matter in the rehearsall?

A. It is the first of the desires, namely, That God would send his grace unto me, and to all people, that we may be As the church teacheth to pray in a cer­taine prayer, set in the end of the Communi­on Service. prevented with his most gracious favour in all our doings, and furthered with his continuall helpe, and be endued with all requisite gifts and operations of his holy spirit. And this is desired in the first place to bee multiplyed on his Church all people obedient to the Commandements of the Gospell, and also that grace may in convenient manner be extended more and more to all the rest of mankind, as was observed on the Second Petition.

Q. Why is this first desire made?

A. To the end that we may worship God, serve him, and obey him, as wee ought to doe: the which three things answer to the three former petitions of the Lords prayer.

Q. What is the second desire?

A. I pray God that he will send us all things, that be need­full both for our soules and bodies: and this desire answe­reth unto the fourth petition. The Church saith in a Homily, In the end of the Homily a­gainst excesse of apparell, page 109. That daily bread signifieth all things necessary for this our needy life.

Q. What is the third desire?

A. That he will be mercifull unto us, and forgive us our sinnes. And this answereth to the fift petition, where­in we beseech God to be mercifull unto us, and to for­give us our trespasses against him, according as wee are [Page 177]mercifull unto others, and doe forgive them their tres­passes against us. CHRIST saith, Mat. 6.14.15. If ye doe not forgive men their trespasses, no more will your heavenly Father for­give you yours. And as the party, that would have par­don of him whom he hath offended, is to Luke 17.34. acknowledg his fault, and for to promise to offend so no more: so saith Solomon, it is with us before God. For he that hi­deth his sins shall not prosper; but he that Prov. 28.13. 1. Ioh. 1.9. confesseth and forsaketh them, shall find mercy.

Q. What is the fourth desire?

A. That it will please him to save and defend us from all dangers ghostly and bodily, that is, which may befall our ghosts, (spirits or soules,) and our bodies.

Q. What is the fift desire?

A. That he will keepe us from all sinne and wickednesse, and from our ghostly enemie. In which desire the Church doth give us to understand, that it is GODS will, that not any the least sinne should reigne in us; but that we should thereto pray for his subduing of universall sin in us, by the might of the spirit of JESUS CHRIST; and that we for our parts should unfeinedly strive, ut­terly to abolish the whole body of sinne forth of us. Wee are also to pray for to be kept from our ghostly enemy, which in the end of the Lords prayer is called [...] from the evill one. It is the same word as is used in Mat. 13.19. and 5.37. the evill one, and so in other Scriptures. He is the ad­versarie to all the true people of God; them he desi­reth to have for to Luke 22.31. sift as wheat: the Apostles jour­neys towards the Churches he sometimes 1 Thes. 2.18. hindered, and caused of the disciples some to be Rev. 2.10. cast into pri­son, yea and prevailed with sundry for to leave follow­ing God, and to 1. Tim. 5.15. follow after him. As God by the po­wer of his spirit keepeth his obedient people from the power of the evill one, so doth hee use the ministery [Page 178]of his mighty Dan. 10.13. and 12.1. Tobias. 8.3. Psal. 34.7. and 91.11. Heb. 1.14. Angels thereunto, as in the Bible ex­ample is shewed thereof. Wherefore holy Church prayeth on the Feast day of Saint Michael and all An­gels, Everlasting God, which hast ordained and constituted the services of all Angels and men in a wonderfull order: Mercifully grant that they which alway doe thee service in heaven, may by thine appointment succour and defend us in earth, through our Lord Iesus Christ.

Q. What is the sixt desire?

A. That hee would keepe us from everlasting death. Whereto wee are to remember what we for our parts are to doe, what is signified where it is said, Rev. 20.6. Blessed and holy is hee that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power. Rev. 2.11. Hee that overcommeth, shall not be hurt of the second death. Rev. 3.12. Him that overcommeth, I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall no more goe out. But the three last mentioned desires are included in the sixt petition of the Lords prayer.

Q. What is the eighth point?

A. It is the ground of the hoped matters mentio­ned in the Lords prayer, namely, Faith and trust in the mercy and goodnesse of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Every of the said things petitioned for, GOD hath promised to doe unto his beleeving and obedient people, out of his infinite goodnesse and mercy in JESUS CHRIST. And therefore the Lord saith, Ioh. 14.13.14. Whatsoever of such things as are asked in his name, they shall be granted. Saint Iohn saith, 1. Ioh. 5.14.15 This is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us. And if wee know that he heare us whatsoever we aske, wee know that wee have the petitions that wee desired of him. [Page 179] 1. Ioh. 3.22. Whatsoever we aske, we receive of him, because we keep his commandements, and doe those things which are pleasing in his sight. The Church in her Rogati­on Homily hath in ample and plaine manner expres­sed the goodnesse of God unto mankind, through his Son pages 228. 229. Jesus Christ; and likewise in other Homilies. The Apostle speaking of the christian hope, saith, That we have it, as Heb. 6.19. It is memora­ble what is ob­served; the creed is the summe of our faith, the Lords prayer is the summe of our hope, and the ten Comman­ments are the summe of love. See 1 Cor. 13.13. Rom. an anker of the soule, both sure and sted­fast. And therefore (saith every true member of the Church) I say Amen, So be it. Whereby the strong consolation and great confidence, the firme beleefe and unfeined hearty desiring of the things petitioned for, are signified and declared.

Q. Why is the next and last matter handled in the sacred Catechisme, concerning the Sacraments?

A. They are said to be most conveniently treated of after discourse of prayer and thankesgiving, In the lesser Catechisme. for that they have alwaies prayers and thankesgiving joy­ned unto them. They also being outward representa­tions of inward things spoken of afore, will best be un­derstood being explaned in the last place.

Q. Why at all would God have us to use such out­ward signes?

A. The Church faith, In her larger Catechisme. Surely we are not endued with minde and understanding so heavenly and di­vine, that the graces of God doe appeare clearely of themselves to us as it were to Angels, by this meane therefore God hath provided for our weaknesse, that we which are earthly and blind, should in outward ele­ments and figures, as it were in certaine glasses, behold the heavenly graces, which otherwise wee were not able to see. And greatly for our behoofe it is, that Gods promises should be also presented to our senses, that [Page 180]they may be confirmed to our mindes without doubt­ing. In an answer a little after. Moreover to lighten and give bright cleere­nesse to mens minds and soules, and to make their con­sciences quiet and in security, as they be in deed, so ought they to be accounted the proper workes of the holy Ghost alone, and to be Luke 12.12. Joh. 1.33. and 6.63. and 14.17.26. and 1. Cor. 4.6. &c. imputed to him, and this praise not to be transferred to any other. But this is no impediment but that God may give to his myste­ries the second place in quieting and stablishing our minds and consciences, but yet so that nothing be aba­ted from the vertue of his spirit. Wherefore we must determine, that the outward element hath neither of it selfe, nor in it selfe inclosed the force and efficacy of the Sacrament, but that the same wholy floweth from the Ioh. 1.33. Acts. 1.5. and 10.45. spirit of God, as of a spring-head, and is by the divine mysteries, which are ordained by the Lord for for this end, conveyed unto us.

Q. Why is it said, that CHRIST hath ordained in his Church Two Sacraments onely, as generally necessa­ry to salvation?

A. The Church saith, In her larger Catechisme. Baptisme and the Lords Supper are the two Sacraments commonly used a­mong all the faithfull. By the one we are born againe, and by the other we are nourished to everlasting life. So that these two are necessary for the In the homi­ly of common prayer and Sa­craments the Church saith, That these two are to be recei­ved of every christian in due time and order. In page 135. generality of the Church: for every one is required to be baptized, that would be a member of Christs visible Church: and every one is required to partake of the Lords Supper, so soone as he commeth to age.

Q. Are there any other Sacraments, which Christ hath ordained in his Church besides these two?

A. In the Homily concerning swearing, the Church calleth In the first part, page 47. of Tome 1. Matrimony a Sacrament. And in the Homily [Page 181]concerning prayer and Sacraments it saith: That in a generall acception, the name of Sacrament may bee attributed to any thing whereby an holy thing is signified. And the Church there signifieth, that See the Ho­mily of cōmon prayer and sa­craments, and pages 135. 136. Tome 2. Ab­solution, Ordering of Ministers, Confirmation of children, and Extreame Unction, have bin called Sa­craments by ancient Writers: but yet no man ought to take these for Sacraments, in such signification and meaning, as the Sacraments of Baptisme, and the Lord supper are. Moreover, that confirmation is not of such necessity as Baptisme is, The Church sheweth where it saith: And that no man shall thinke that any de­triment shall come to children by deferring of their cōfirmation, he shall know the truth; that it is certaine by Gods word, That children being baptized, have all things In the com­munion booke rubrick imme­diatly afore the Catechisme therein. necessary for their salvation, and bee undoubtedly saved. But yet Confirmation is necessary to be had, as soone as it may with convenience, by reason of the great blessing received therein from God by such as with due preparation have it ministred unto them. And therefore saith the Church: In the end of the rubricke of Confirmation. None should bee ad­mitted to the holy Communion, untill such time as hee can say the Catechisme and be confirmed.

Q. Rehearse how the Church describeth that which is properly called a Sacrament of the Gos­pell?

A. In her larger Catechisme. It is an outward testifying of Gods good will and bountifulnesse towards us through CHRIST, by a visible signe representing an invisible and spiri­tuall grace, by which the promises of God touching Acts 2.38. Mat. forgivenesse of sinnes and eternall 1. Pet. 3.21. Joh. 6.54. salvation given through CHRIST are as it were sealed, and the truth of them is more certainly confirmed in our hearts. The [Page 182]Church saith in the Communion Service: CHRIST hath instituted and ordained holy mysteries, as pledges of his love, and continuall remembrance of his death, to our great and endlesse comfort.

Q. Rehearse also the description of Baptisme.

A. In her larger Catechisme. The Church saith: Whereas by nature we are the Ephes. 2.3. children of wrath, that is, strangers from the Church, which is Gods houshold, baptisme is as it were a certain Mar. 16.16. entrie by which we are received into the Church, whereof we also receive a most substan­tiall testimony, that we are now in the number of the houshold, and also the children of God, yea and that we are joyned and graffed into the 1. Cor. 12.13. body of Christ, and become his members and doe Eph. 4.5.16. grow into one body with him.

Q. Recite how the Church declareth, that the se­cret and spirituall grace hath its full and expresse re­semblance by the outward signe?

A. First, as the uncleannesses of the body are washed away with water, so the spots of the soule are washed away Tit. 3.5.6. Col. 2.13. Acts 22.16. Eph. 5.26. by forgivenesse of sinnes. Secondly, the begin­ning of regeneration, that is, the Rom. mortifying of our nature is expressed by dipping in the water, or by spinkling of it. Finally, when we by and by Col. 2.12. rise up againe out of the water, under which wee bee for a short time, the new life which is the other part and the end of our regeneration is thereby represented. Also as in Baptisme GOD truly delivereth us for­givenesse of sinnes and newnesse of life, so doe wee certainly These words the Church hath in her lar­ger Catechisme for to shew, that the Sa­crament is not a bare fi­gure, but hath withall the truth of the things them­selves joyned and knit there­unto. receive them. These are the words of the Church also. The holy Ghost as it were sprinkling our Heb. 9.14. Heb. 10.22. Col. 1.14. consciences with the holy blood of JESUS CHRIST, wiping away all the spots of sinne, maketh us cleane before God. Of this cleansing [Page 183]of our sinnes we have a Rom. 4.11. seale and pledge in the Sa­crament.

Q Whereas the ancient custome was in admini­string this Sacrament, for to dippe the partie three times in water, and in the third time as it were to burie it in the water by dipping the whole body there­in, is there any Scripture for the usage now with sprinkling.

A. Isaiah saith, speaking concerning Christ, that the Lord said: Isa. Behold, my servant shall deale pru­dently, he shall bee exalted and extolled, and be very high. As many were astonished at thee, (his visage was so marred more than any man, & his forme more than the sonnes of men,) So shall he sprinkle many na­tions, &c. And whereas it is the 1. Ioh. 1.7. blood of JESUS CHRIST, which cleanseth us from all sinne, as Saint John saith; and that blood is 1. Pet. 1.2. sprinkled, as Saint Peter signifieth; and the blood of buls and goats, which in old time sanctified unto the purifying of the flesh, was Heb. 9.13. sprinkled on the uncleane, therefore the divine Wisedome of the Church saith in the rubricke of Baptisme: If the childe be weake, it shall suffice to powre water upon it, &c.

Q. Why is the baptized partie said to be baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost?

A. CHRIST commanded it to be so expressed, because we are to worship the holy, blessed, and glo­rious One God in Trinity, and Trinity in uni­ty. Baptisme also is into uni­ty with Christs body, as the Apostle signi­fieth in 1. Cor. 12.13. And so saith the divine Service. Trinity, and to beare written in our foreheads spiritually each name, that is, wee are to submit our selves in true repentance, under the obedience of God holy law, unto a reformation of our minds and cōversations according to all the everlasting precepts [Page 184]of the same more & more: we are to submit our selves under the obedience of the Faith of Jesus Christ, and to enter into such an imitation of his sufferings, as is prescribed in the holy Gospell: wee are also to walke in newnesse of life, in the likenesse of his Resurrecti­on and Ascension, through the enlightening, streng­thening, guiding, and manifold working of the holy Ghost, which is given unto all which have a right and a lively faith in JESUS CHRIST. This threefold spirituall grace signified by Baptisme is prescribed un­to us by holy Church in most divine manner, where it saith: In the latter part of the com­mination exhor­tation. God is ready to receive us, and most willing to pardon us, if we come to him with faithfull repentance, if we will submit our selves unto him, and from henceforth walke in his wayes, if we will take his easie yoke and light burden upon us, to follow him in lowlinesse, patience, and charity, and be ordered by the governance of his holy Spi­rit, seeking alwayes his glory, and serving him duely in our vocation, with thankesgiving. This if we doe, Christ will deliver us from the curse of the law, &c.

Q. What is it to die unto sinne?

A. Not to let Rom. 6.12.6. any sin reigne in our mortall bodies, that we should obey it in the lusts thereof; but to cru­cifie the old man, and So speaketh the Church in the end of Ba­ptisme Service. utterly to abolish the whole body of sinne.

Q. What is it to bee new borne unto righteous­nesse?

A. To become changed from our corrupt naturall unrighteous minde and life, unto a mind Ps. 106.3. 1. Ioh. 2.29. and 3.7. continual­ly meditating for to give God and all mankind their universall due from us, and unto a conversation ex­pressing more and more all the same.

Q. How are we by nature borne in sinne?

[Page 185] A. David saith: Psal. 51.5. Behold I was shapen in iniquity: and in sinne did my mother conceive me.

Q How are we said to be borne the children of wrath?

A. In that we bring with us into the world a corrupt nature, not such anature as God created us withal: with the which corrupted nature God cannot but be Ephes. 2.3. Ezech. an­gry & displeased; and therefore requireth that all in­fants of Christians be baptized, that they may be san­ctified and washed with the holy Ghost, that being 1. Thes. 1.10. delivered from GODS wrath, may be received into CHRISTS holy Church, and be made lively mem­bers of the same. Every child therefore that is bap­tized, is a child of grace, that is, is in the favour of God; and if it die in its infancie, it is undoubtedly saved, as saith the Divine Service els where.

Q. Why is repentance required to bee in a party, which is to be baptized?

A. Because in Baptisme CHRIST is Gal. 3.27. put on, who cannot be put on in any soule, but where the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitfull lusts, is So the order mentioned in Eph. doth signify. begun to be put off. CHRIST and Belial can have no 2. Cor. 6.16. fellowship in one and the same soule. David saith: Ps. 5.4. Evill shall not dwell with thee, or in what soule thou dwellest.

Q. Why is faith likewise require?

A. As we are to beleeve, what we for our parts are to doe; so are we to Mar. 1.15. Heb. 11.6. beleeve what God for his part hath promised to doe unto us doing our parts obedi­ently. And the sundry blessings promised to be con­ferred in Baptisme, are the promises which are sted­fastly to be beleeved: as that therein is received the forgiveness Col. Rom. 3.25. of all sinnes past, a becomming to bee a [Page 186]member of CHRIST, a childe of God, and an in­heritour of the Kingdome of Heaven, a Christened one or a Christian, that is, one in some measure 2. Cor. 1.21.22. an­nointed with the holy Ghost, &c. These and the like promises are to be beleeved for to be given by GOD in the holy Baptisme Isa. 7.9. Be­leefe is named afore baptisme. Mar. 16.16. otherwise they cannot bee re­ceived. Saint James saith: Iam. 1.6. Let him aske in faith, no­thing wavering; for he that wavereth, is like a wave of the sea, driven with the winde, and tossed: for let not that man thinke, that hee shall receive any thing of the LORD.

Q. Relate what is said in the larger Catechisme, why infants are to be baptized.

A. Seeing God, which never swarveth from truth, nor in any thing strayeth from the right way, did not exclude infants in the Jewish Church from Circumci­sion, neither ought our Rom. 3.29. infants to be put backe from baptisme. As Moses and all the Prophets doe testifie that Deut. 30.6. Jer. 4.4. Circumcision was a signe of repentance, so doth Saint Paul teach that it was a Rom. 4.11. Sacrament of Faith. Yet the Jews children being not yet by age capable of faith and repentance were neverthelesse circumcised, by which visible signe God shewed himselfe in the old Testament to be the father of young children, and of the seed of his people. Now sith it is certaine that the grace of GOD is more plentifully powred, and more cleerly declared in the Gospell by CHRIST, that at that time it was in the old testament by Moses, it were a great indignity if the same grace should now be thought, to be either obscurer or in any part abated. Sith it is certaine that our infants have the force, and as it were the Matt. 18 3.4.10. and 19.14. Luk. Rom. 4.16. Act. 2.39. substance of baptisme common with as, they should have wrong done them, if the signe, [Page 187]which is inferiour to the truth it selfe, should bee de­nied them; and the same, which greatly availeth to testifying of the mercie of God and confirming of his promises, being taken away, Christians should bee defrauded of a singular comfort, which they that were in old time, enjoyed; and so should our infants bee more hardly dealt with in the new Testament under CHRIST, than it was dealt with the Jewes infants in the old Testament under Moses. Therefore most great reason it is, that by Baptisme as by the print of a seale, it be assured to our infants that they be heires of Gods grace, and of the salvation promised to the seed of the faithfull. Sith also the Lord Christ calleth infants unto him, & commandeth that no man forbid them to come, embraceth them when they come to to him, and testifieth that to them the Kingdome of Heaven Mar. belongeth: whom God vouchsafeth to bee in the heavenly palace, it seemeth a great wrong that men should forbid them the first entrie and doore thereof, and after a certain manner to shut them out of the Christian common wealth.

Q. Relate also what saith the larger Catechisme about infants uncapablenesse for to performe repen­tance and faith.

A. That repentance and faith goe before Baptisme, is Joh. 3.16.18. required only in persons so growen in yeeres, that by age they are capable of both. But to infants the promise made to the Church by Christ, in whose faith Matt. 28.19. they are baptized, shall for the present time bee sufficient, and then after­ward when they are growne to yeeres, they must needs themselves acknowledge the truth of their Baptisme, and have the force thereof to bee lively in their soules, and to be represented in their life and behaviours. Is it [...] not [Page 188]likely that in old time when the Sacrament of Cir­cumcision was administred unto children of eight dayes old, there was an undertaking by some that they should bee brought up after the law of GOD? And did not infants then performe that by others, which such as were of age were required to professe when they were then circumcised? The infants and those of ripe age received that Sacrament upon one and the same condition. And because the infant doth as it were speake by the witness, & the witness speake in the In the service concerning pri­vate baptisme, It is said, Doest thou in the name of this child for­sake the devill, &c. And doest thou in the name of this child pro­fesse this faith, &c. person of the infant, therefore the Church saith unto the witnesse, Wilt thou bee baptized in this faith? He answereth, That is my desire. The like is in some civile matters and cases. A King is said to reigne, though being but a yeere old, when as then by others his Kingdome is administred. And if witnesses at the font doe faithfully see performed what they have un­dertaken, namely, That the infants be taught, so soone as they shall be able to learne, what a solemne vow, pro­mise, and profession they have made by them, and what else is enjoyned in the end of the Baptisme Service, according to Gods ordinary working with such en­deavours, the Scripture will be fulfilled which saith: Prov. 22 6. See chap. 51 52. Teach a child in the trade of his way, when he is young, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Q. Now declare the order of the Sacrament of the Lords supper.

A. The In her Cate­chismes, both larger and shorter. Church saith: It is even the same which the Lord Christ did institute; Who in the same night that he was betrayed, 1. Cor. Tooke bread, and when he had gi­ven thanks, he brake it, and gave it to his disciples, say­ing: Take, eate, this is my body, which is given for you. Doe this in remembrance of me. Likewise, after supper he [Page 189]tooke the cup, and when he had given thankes, he gave it to them, saying, Drinke ye all of this: For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you, and for many, for remission of sins. Doe this as oft as ye shall drinke it in re­membrance of me. For so oft as ye shall eate this bread, and drink of this cup, ye shall shew the Lords death till he come. This is the form and order of the Lords Supper, which we ought to hold and holily to keepe untill he come, for to Luke 22.19. celebrate and retaine continually a thankfull remembrance of the Lords death, and of that most sin­gular benefit which wee have received thereby: and that as in Baptisme we were once born againe, so with the Lords Supper wee be alway fed and susteined to spirituall and everlasting life. It is enough to be once baptized, as to be one borne; but the Lords Supper, like as food, must be often used.

Q. Why is it said The sacrifice of the death of Christ?

A. The death which hee suffered upon the crosse was a sacrifice offered up to GOD, a propitiation for the sins of the 1. Joh. 2.2. whole world. Saint Paul saith, Eph. 5.2. Christ loved us, and hath given himselfe for us, an offering and a sacrifice to GOD for a sweet smelling sa­vour. In the larger Catechisme. The holy Supper sendeth us to the death of CHRIST and to his sacrifice once done upon the crosse, by which alone GOD is Rom. 5.10.11 appeased toward And toward universall man­kind, so as in the Divine Ser­vice it is signifi­ed. See what is in the next ans­wer advertised. us. For by bread and wine the signes, there is as­sured unto us, that as the body of Christ was once of­fered a sacrifice for us to reconcile us to favour with God, and his blood once shed to wash away the spots of our sinnes; so now also in his holy Supper both are given to the faithfull, that we surely know that the re­conciliation of favour perteineth to us, and may take and receive the fruit of the redemption purchased by his death.

[Page 190] Q. What are the benefits which we receive by the sacrifice of the death of CHRIST?

A. The Church signifieth in the Communion Ser­vice, That innumerable are the benefits, which by his preci­ous blood-shedding he hath obtained to us. The meaning is, that they are very many. In the Homily for good Fri­day it is said, The first part and page 175. Christ by his death hath purchased for us the undoubted pardon and forgivenesse of our sinnes, where­by he made at Rom. 5.8.10. [...]. Cor. 5.19. one the Father of heaven with us, in such wise, that he taketh us now for his loving children, and for the true inheritours with Christ his naturall Sonne. Saint Paul saith, Heb. 2.14.15. CHRIST tooke part of flesh and blood, that through death he might destroy him, that had the power of death, that is, the devill: and deliver them who through feare of death were all their life time subject unto bondage. Joh. 11.52. He died that he might gather together into one the children of GOD, that were scattered abroad. 2. Tim. 1.10. That hee might abolish death, and bring life and immortality to light, through the Go­spell. 1. Thes. 5.10. That whether we wake or sleepe, wee should live together with him. Heb. That hee might ratifie and confirme his New Testament. Many more are the be­nefits of his death, which are signified throughout the holy Scriptures. We may not wrest any sen­tence of the Church do­ctrine unto our owne purpose, but so to under­stand her mind in every sen­tence, as that there may be no contrariety: for her Divine service doctrine is a most holy harmony. And here it is to be remembred, that all the sayings of holy Church are to be considered to­gether and compared each with other; so shall we per­ceive her to have the mind of Christ, and to be in uni­ty of faith with the Primitive Church. It is said in the Homily concerning the Sacrament, In the second part, and page 202. It behooveth him that commeth to the body and blood of Christ, in commemo­ration of him that died and rose againe, not only to be pure from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit, lest he eate and drinke his owne damnation: but also to shew out evidently, a [Page 191]memory of him that died and rose again for us, in this point, that ye be mortifyed to sinne and the world, to live now to GOD in CHRIST JESUS our LORD. So then we must shew outward testimony, in following the signification of Christs death. And therefore saith the Church also in the Passion Homily, In the first part, and page 180. It shall little availe us to have in meditation the fruits and price of Christs passion, to magni­fy them, and to delight or trust in them, except we have in mind his examples in passion to follow them. The conside­ration hereof moved Saint Paul not to rest content with the historicall knowledge of Christs sufferings; but withall to labour for to know the fellowship of his sufferings, being made Phil 3.10. conformable unto his death; and so to know CHRIST, and the power of his re­surrection.

Q. How are the body and blood of Christ veri­ly and indeed taken and received of the faithfull in the Lords Supper?

A. In the Communion Service it is said, If with a true penitent heart and a lively faith, we receive that holy Sacrament, then we spiritually eate the flesh of Christ, and drinke his blood, then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us, we be one with Christ, and Christ with us. In the Gospell after Saint Iohn it being written that Christ said, Joh. 6.56. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud, dwelleth in me, and I in him; there is added presently after, Verse 36. The words which I speake unto you, they are spirit and life. Hence the Church teacheth also for the comfort of such as cannot receive the Sacrament, whensoever they desire it, In the Service for the com­munion of the sick. That whoso doth truly repent him of his sins, and sted­fastly beleeve that Iesus Christ hath suffered death upon the crosse for him, and shed his bloud for his redemption, earnest­ly remembring the benefits he hath thereby, and giving him [Page 192]hearty thankes therefore, he doth eate and drinke the body and blood of our Saviour Christ profitably to his souls health, although he doe not receive the Sacrament with his mouth. The saying of the Church is much memorable, In the homily of the Sacra­ment, the first part, and page 199. Thus much we must be sure to hold, That in the Supper of the Lord, there is no vaine ceremony, no bare signe, no untrue figure of a thing absent: but (as the Scripture saith) the Table of the Lord, the bread and cup of the Lord, the memory of Christ, the annunciation of his death, yea the Communion of the body and blood of the Lord, in a marveilous incorporation, which by the operation of the holy Ghost (the very bond of our con­junction with Christ) is through faith wrought in the soules of the faithfull) whereby not only their soules live to eternall life, but they surely trust to win their bodies a resurrection to immortality. There is a say­ing of the Church not unprofitable to be added here concerning the infinitenesse or immensity of Christs godhead or divine nature, where it is said, In the Roga­tion Homily, the first part, and page 221. He is invi­sible every where, and in every creature, and fulfilleth both heaven and earth with his presence. In the fire, to give heat; in the water, to give moisture; in the earth, to give fruit: in the heart, to give his strength; yea in our bread and drink is he, to give us nourishment, where without him the bread and drinke cannot give sustenance, nor the hearbe health, &c.

Q. Why is it said, Taken and received of the faithfull?

A. The Church saith, In the 29. Article of Re­ligion. The wicked, and such as be void of a lively faith, although they doe carnally and visibly presse with their teeth the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, yet in no wise are they par­takers of Christ, but rather to their condemnation doe eat and drink the sign or Sacrament of so great a thing.

[Page 193] Q. Recite what the Church in her larger Cate­chisme saith also of the Sacraments nourishing of us.

A. In the larger Catechisme it is memorably delivered, That at length Christ abiding in us, and we again abiding in Christ, we also by Christ abiding in us, may ob­taine not onely e­verlasting life, but also the glory which his Father gave him. See Joh. 17.22. and 2. Thes. 2.14. The Lord severally gave the signes both of his body and blood, that it might be the more plaine expresse image of his death, which he suffered, his bo­dy being torne, his side pierced, and all his blood shed, and that the memory thereof so printed in our hearts should stick the deeper. And moreover that the Lord might so provide for and helpe our weaknesse, and thereby manifestly declare, that as the bread for nou­rishment of our bodies, so his body hath most singular force and efficacy spiritually to feed our soules. And as with wine mens hearts are cheared, and their strength confirmed, so with his blood our soules are releeved and refreshed: that certainely assuring our selves that he is not onely our meat, but also our drinke, wee doe not any where els but in him alone, seeke any part of our spirituall nourishment and eternall life.

Q. Let somewhat be said on these three great mat­ters required to be in them, which come to the Lords Supper, & so to conclude discourse on the Catechisme. Why is one to examine himselfe whether hee repent him truely of his former sinnes, stedfastly purposing to lead a new life, afore he come to the Communion?

A. The Church sheweth the reason where it saith, In the second exhortation a­fore the recei­ving of the Communion. Ye are to be exhorted to consider the dignity of the holy Mysterie, and the great perill of the unworthy receiving of the same, and to search and examine your owne consciences, as you should come holy and cleane to a most godly & heavenly feast, so that in no wise ye come but in the marriage garment required of God in holy Scripture, and so come and be received, as worthy partakers of such an heavenly table. And then there the [Page 194]Church declareth the requisite examination, as also in her Homily, concerning the Sacrament.

Q. Why is there added, Stedfastly purposing to lead a new life?

A. It is likewise said in the Communion Service, You that intend to lead a new life, following the com­mandements of GOD, and walking from henceforth in his holy wayes, draw neere, and take this holy Sa­crament for your comfort. The Church full well knoweth, that very many which come to the Commu­nion, doe intend nothing lesse than the leading of new lives; that many upon the Communion day will a little bridle themselves, but on the day following and so af­ter, they will declare what spirit Eph. 2.2. 2. Tim. 2.26. reigneth in them, to whom they are subject, and in whose suggestions and workes they are most delighted. The Church in her Homily of the Sacrament likewise prescribeth three things to be most seriously considered of every one that would be a Communicant, In the first part, and page 198. And in the Homily the said three things are fur­ther expressed in very divine manner. First, to have a right and worthy estimation and understanding of the my­stery of the Sacrament. Secondly, to come in a sure faith. And thirdly, to have newnesse and purenesse of life to succeed the receiving of the same.

Q. What is the second requisite matter?

A. To examine ones selfe whether he hath a lively faith in Gods mercie through Christ, with a thankfull remem­brance of his death. When ones conscience is sure that he is a worker of no iniquity, but an enemy towards all unrighteousnesse which may bee committed against God or man, then may he be certaine that he is under Gods mercie through Christ. And the Church doth divinely adde a lively faith, because it must be a faith striving for the due observing of all Christs cōmande­ments. [Page 195]It also addeth, that there must be a thankfull remembrance of Christs death: and here it is to be noted, that in the holy Sacrament there is not only a remembrance of Christs death, but also of his life after his death. The Church saith in her Homily for the Communion, In the second part, page 202.203. See Saint Basils saying in page 202. wee are to render thanks to Al­mighty God for all his benefits; briefly comprised, in the Death, Passion, and Resurrection of his dearely beloved Sonne. The which thing, because we ought chiefly at this table to solemnise, the godly Fathers named it Eucharistia, that is, thankesgiving. Saint Paul saith, 2. Cor. 4.10.11. Alwayes bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. Christ saith: Ioh. 6.37. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: So he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. And whereas Christian thankfulnesse unto God is not in minde and word onely towards God, but also to bee expressed by kindnesse towards Christs poore mem­bers, therefore the Church saith in her Homily, In page 203. of the second part. None should sit downe at Gods table, who doth not professe his kind affection by some charitable releefe, for some part of the congregation. Ps. 16.2.3. Some Almes should bee given.

Q. What is the third requisite matter?

A. To examine himselfe whether he be in charity with all men. Namely of the communi­on, & in p. 203. The Homily saith: In respect of which strait knot of charity, the true Christians in the primitive Church called this supper, Love: as if they should say, none ought to sit downe there, that were out of love and charitie, who bare grudge and vengeance in his heart. And it may bee observed, that the three points mentioned in this last answere of the Cate­chisme [Page 196]are according to the three matters vowed afore baptisme whereby the worship of GOD the Father, Sonne, and holy Ghost is signified: For Charitie is the third vow in effect. See 1. John 5.3. and 2. Joh. 5. Jo [...]. Charity is oft declared to bee the true respect unto every of Christs commandements. And whereas the Church prescribeth no further duty than charity, and her last words are for Charity, her Divine Wisdome inti­mateth thereby the greatnesse thereof. Hereunto is greatly considerable what the late Royall Majestie hath left written concerning charity, in his Sacred In pages Meditations on the LORDS prayer. Charitie is not only a divine vertue, but 1. Ioh. 4.8.16. God himselfe is Charitie. Saint Paul reckoning the three great Theologicall vertues, with­out which no man can be saved, not only puts in charity for one, but even for the most 1. Cor. 12.31 and 13.13. excellent of all, without the which the rest are nothing. And it is also the only permanent vertue of them all; for Faith and Hope remaine only with the elect, while they are in this world, but Charitie is ever with them, here and hence for ever. Yea even will ye looke to God himselfe, Ps. 145.9. His mercie is over all his workes, and mercie is a worke of charitie. Charity dwels with God, and all the elect; Angels, and Saints, and men are Col. 3.14. clad with it It is said in thankesgiving after the Com­munion; Even as the comes by unity, into one loafe are knit; so is the Lord and his whole Church, though hee in heaven sit. As many grapes make but one wine, so should wee bee but one: in faith and love in Christ above and unto Christ alone. Leading a life without all strife, in quiet, rest, and peace: from envie and from malice both our [...]earts and tongues to cease. Which if we doe, then shall wee shew, that wee his chosen bee, by saith in him to lead a life, as always willed [...]e. eternally. I know not by what fortune, the dicton of Pacificus was added to my title, at my comming in En­gland; that of the lion, expressing true fortitude, having bin my dicton before. But I am not ashamed of this addi­tion; For King Solomon was a figure of CHRIST in that, that hee was a King of peace. The greatest gift that our Saviour gave his Apostles, immediatly before his As­cension, was, that he left his Peace with them; he himselfe having prayed for his persecutours, and forgiven his owne death, as the preverb is. The foot steps of his charitie being so vively imprinted in the disciple whom his master loved, [Page 197]and who leaned on our Savicurs bosome; as hee said no­thing, wrote nothing, did nothing; yea in a manner brea­thed nothing all the dayes of his life, but love and charitie. To the blessed Virgin and him Christ upon the Crosse re­cōmended their charitable Ioh. 19.26.27 cohabitation together, as mother & son: his stile in all his writings, is full of love & charity, his Gospell & Epistles sound nothing but charitie. Yea S. Ie­rome maketh mention, that when he was so old, as he could preach and scarce walke, he would many times make himself bee led to the preaching place, and there repeating of these words, 1. Ioh. 3.18. Little children love one another, hee would come backe againe; and being asked why hee so often repeated that sentence, his answere was, This is the 2. Ioh. 5. new and last commandement that our master left us, and if it onely bee done, it sufficeth. But above all, the third chapter of his Gospell deserves to be graven in letters of marble, in the hearts of all Christians, especially the sixteenth verse there­of, Ioh. 3.16. GOD so loved the world, &c. Wee may see at last, even by his death, how God loved him for his charitie, be­sides the manifold other proses, that he gave him thereof during his life; for he died peaceably in his bed, full of daies, and was the notablest Confessour that ever was, albeit no Martyr as all the rest of the Apostles were. To conclude then my description of this divine vertue, Charitie, I re­mit you to that paterne, which that admirable, learned, and eloquent penne-man of the holy Ghost, hath set forth of her in his verses thirteenth of his first to the Corinthians, &c. The Church saith in her Homily of Christs In the first [...] part, and page 179.180. Passion. CHRIST delighteth to enter and dwell in that soule where love and Ioh. 14.23. [...]. Charitie ruleth, and where Peace and Concord is seene. For thus writeth S. John, God is charitie, he that abideth in charity, abideth in God & God in him. And by this (saith he) we shall know [Page 198]that wee be of GOD, if we love our brethren. Yea, and by this shall we know, that we be delivered from Ioh. 3.14. death to life, if we The Church teacheth us true love in the song a prayer to the holy Ghost, for to be sung before the Sermon, where it is said; Convert all those that bee our foes, and bring them to thy [...]ight, that they and wee ma [...] well agree, and praise thee day and night. O Lord increase our saith in us, and love so to abound: that man and wife be void of strife, and neighbours about us round. In our time give thy peace, O Lord, to nations farre and nigh, and teach them all thy holy word, that we may sing to thee. All glory to the Trinitie, &c Thus the Church doth teach us to de­sue godly uni­ty among all mankind. So in speciall manner in all Christen dome, in the song called, Veni Creater, saying; Of all strife and dissensions, O Lord dissolve the bands; and make the knots of peace and love, throughout all Christian lands. See 1. Cor. 12.13. love one another. But he which hateth his brother (saith the same Apostle) abideth in death, even in the danger of everlasting death, and is moreover the childe of damnation and of the devil, cursed of God, and bated (so long as he so remaineth) of GOD and all his heavenly company. For as peace and charity make us the blessed children of Almighty GOD; so doth hatred and envie make us the cursed children of * the devill. Whereas the late most ex­cellent Majestie so insisted on Peace and Charitie, is it not a most manifest demonstration, that hee had re­ceived the holy Spirit of God in an ample measure? At his Highnesse first comming, did not GOD en­lighten his Royall mind for to see the vanitie of those spirits of disobedience, which made up themselves together for to seeke for alteration in the publike Di­vine Service booke? &c. Who therefore made a pro­clamation thereto, and caused it to bee set in the be­ginning of every communion booke. How many a divine sentence ever most memorable is there to bee seene in his Majesties bookes set forth from time to time? And whereas God unto all (saving his onely Son Jesus Christ) gives his spirit by Ioh. 3.34. Ephes. 4.7. measure, so that in the increase of the spirit is the increase of the heavenly light in the understanding, & the knowledge of divine mysteries: Came there not from the Light Eternall into his Highnes heart an illuminatiō even un­to perfection of divine cōprehension, when as his most [Page 199]excellent Majestie, (not long afore His Highnesse com­mended his spirit into the hands of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords) in speciall manner required, that Predestination should be so understood and preached, as it might have no appearance of difference from the divinity thereto in the booke of common prayer? Was not that abundance of heavenly light sent as 2. Cor. 1.22. Eph. 1.13.14. pledge unto His Royall Soule for to be received in­to the Light infinite and eternall? His most sacred Majestie lived a Solomon, delighting in divine Wis­dome, Peace, and Charitie: and as his Highnesse thus unto the end delighted in God, so can it not be but that God was delighted in him, and that Hee is Ps. 73.24.25. and 20.6. all Ps. 21. received up into glory everlasting.

And for our better understanding of what is the Church-her meaning concerning this her last clause in her Catechisme, of being in charity with all men, let us seriously consider and ever remember the expresse de­livery hereabout in the end of the first part of the Ho­mily of charity, where the words of the Church are as here followeth. Thus have I set forth unto you what charity is, as well by the doctrine as by the example of CHRIST himselfe, whereby also every man may without errour know himselfe, what state and condi­tion he standeth in, whether he be in charity, (and so the child of the Father in heaven) or not For although almost every man perswadeth himselfe to be in chari­ty, yet let him examine none other man, but his owne heart, his life and conversation, and he shall not be de­ceived, but truely discerne or judge whether he be in perfect charity or not. For hee that followeth not his owne appetite and will, but giveth himselfe earnestly unto God, to doe all his will and Commandements, [Page 200]he may be sure that he loveth God above all things, and els surely he loveth him not, whatsoever hee pre­tend: as CHRIST said, If ye love me, keepe my Com­mandements. For he that knoweth my commandements and keepeth them, he it is (saith CHRIST) that loveth mee. And againe he saith, He that loveth me, will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will both come unto him, and dwell with him: And he that loveth me not, will not keepe my words. And likewise he that beareth a good heart and mind, and useth well his tongue and deeds unto every man, friend and foe, he may know thereby that he hath charity. And then he is sure that Almigh­ty God taketh him for his deare beloved son, as Saint Iohn saith, Hereby manifestly are knowne the children of God, from the children of the Devill: for whosoever doth not love his brother, belongeth not unto God.

Q. And there­fore children are to bee in­structed cōter­ning Bishops, for to learne more & more, what is to bee knowne con­cerning their ministration, and duely to honour all the same. Whereas in the rubricke immediatly follow­ing the Cathechisme in the Communion booke, it is said: So soone as the children can say in their mother tongue the Articles of the Faith, the Lords prayer, the ten Comman­dements, and also can answere to such questions of this short Catechisme, as the Bishop (or such as he shall appoint) shall by his discretion appose them in: then they shall be brought to the Bishop by one that shall bee his Godfather, or God­mother, that every child may have a witnesse of his confir­mation: and the title of the Catechisme is, An instru­ction to be taught and learned of every childe, before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop: declare what con­firmation is.

A. The Church saith in her These words are set imme­datly after the discomse of Baptisme, and afore the dis­course of the Lords supper. Catechisme: Parents and Schoolemasters did in old time diligently instruct their children as soone as by age they were able to perceave and understand, in the first principles of [Page 201]Christian Religion, that they might sucke in godli­nesse almost together with the nourses milke, and straightwaies after their cradle, might bee nourished with the tender food of vertue towards that blessed life. For the which purpose also little short bookes which we name Catechismes, were written: wherein the same, or very like matters, as we now are in hand with, were entreated upon. And after that the chil­dren seemed to be sufficiently trained in the prin­ciples of our religion, they brought and offered them unto the Bishop: that children might after Baptisme doe the same, which such as were elder, who also were called Catechumeni, that is, Schollers of Religion, did in old time before, or rather at Baptisme it selfe. For the Bishop did require, and the children did render reason and account of their Religion and Faith: and such children as the Bishop judged to have sufficiently profited in the understanding of Religion he allowed, and laying his hands upon them and blessing them, let them depart. This allowance & blessing of the Bishop our men doe call Confirmation. And afterward it saith: It is very much to be wished surely, that the The Church honoureth the wisdome of Antiquity. So doth it in spe­ciall manner in the beginning of the Service of Commina­tion. And in the sacred me­ditation upon the Lords pray­er, page 23. The late most excellent Ma­jestie declareth his unfeined dislike of those contemners of Antiquity, which wil have nothing, but all Babysomish till their time. ancient manner and usage of examining children were re­stored againe: for so should parents be brought to the satisfying of their dutie in the godly bringing up of their children, which they now for the most part doe leave undone, and quite reject from them: which part of their duty if parents or Schoolemasters, would at this time take in hand, doe, & throughly performe, there would be a marveilous consent & agreement in religion and faith, which is now in miserable sort torn asunder. Surely all should not either lye so shadowed, and overwhelmed with the darkenesse of ignorance, [Page 202]or with dissentious of divers and contrary opinions bee so disturbed, dissolved, and dissipated, as it is at this day: the more pitie it is, and most to bee sor­rowed of all good men for so miserable a case. In the prayer to be said afore the act of Confirmation, there are mentioned together the sundry graces, wherein we are to desire for to bee confirmed, where it is said: Strengthen them, we beseech thee, O Lord, with the holy Ghost the comforter, and daily increase in them thy manifold gifts of grace, the spirit of wisdome and understanding, the spirit of counsell and ghostly strength, the spirit of knowledge & true godlinesse, and fulfill them, O Lord, with the spirit of thy holy feare: The which are called the See chap. 84. seaven gifts of grace. And the words of the See chap. 54. Confirmation or Bishopping it selfe are pronounced by the Bishop laying his hand upon every child, severally, saying: Defend, O Lord, this child with thy heavenly grace, that he may continue thine for ever, and daily increase in thy holy spirit more and more, untill he come unto thine ever­lasting Kingdom. And the reason of the laying on of the hands is delivered in the prayer to bee said when Confirmation is done, where it is said: We make our humble supplications unto thee for these children, up­on whom (after the example of the holy Apostles) we have laid our hands, to certifie them (by this signe) of thy favour and gracious goodnesse toward them: let thy fatherly hand, we beseech thee, ever bee over them: let thy holy Spirit ever be with them, & so lead them in the knowledge and obedience of thy word, that in the end they may obtaine the everlasting life through our Lord JESUS CHRIST. The Church also hath said: In the Decla­ration of Re­ligion. The holy Fathers of the primitive Church, taking occasion and founding themselves up­on [Page 203]the said Acts and deeds of the Apostles, and consi­dering also, that such as had once received the gifts and benefits of the holy Ghost, by the Sacrament of Baptisme, might and oftentimes did indeed, by tem­ptation, frailtie, or otherwise by their owne sinne and malice, Children or youth have need to enjoy benefit of the Episcopall mi­nistration, be­sides of the Diaconall and the Pastorall, hence the ground of the holy ordinance of Bishopping may be known. lose and fall from the same again: did use & observe (as it hath bin hitherto by succession of ages continued) that all Christen people should after their baptisme, bee presented to their Bishops, to the in­tent that by their prayers, and imposition of their hands upon them, they should be confirmed, that is to say, they should receive such gifts of the holy Ghost, as whereby they should bee so corroborated, & established in the gifts & graces before received in baptisme, that they should not lightly fall again from the same: but should constantly reteine them, and persevere therein, and should also be made stronger and hardier, as well to confesse boldly and manfully their faith, before all the persecutors of the same, and to resist and fight against their ghostly enemies, the world, the devill and the flesh: as also to beare the crosse of CHRIST, that is, to suffer and sustein pa­tiently all the afflictions and adversities of this world, & finally, that they should attain increase & abundāce of Such as pro­fesse to bee de­vout, should observe the true devout de­liveries of god­ly antiquitie, & not set light of all the same, as too many in these times do. vertues & graces of the holy Ghost. The ancient Fathers have written much for to set forth the digni­ty of this Ordinance of the holy Gospell. Heb. 6.2. Laying on of hands is the fourth principle of the word of Christ: therefore a point of necessary meditation. And al­though there is understood laying on of hands in Or­dering of the holy Ministerie, yet this ordinance is there also included, and in no wise to be excluded. In baptisme we are borne againe unto life; but after ba­ptisme [Page 204]in this holy ordmance we are confirmed for to fight the good fight of faith. In Baptisme wee are washed, but in this after baptisme we are strengthen­ed, that unto the regenerate the holy Ghost may be present a keeper, and a comforter, and a defender. The Church also hath signified, that if the holy ordinance of Confirmation be This is much to be noted, that (as the Church signifi­eth) in the wor­thy receiving of the Sacraments and holy Ordi­nances, the be­nefit of them is enjoyed. worthily taken, thereby is recei­ved more abundantly ghostly strength, aid and com­fort. And therefore is very wholsome and profitable, and to be desired, and reverently received. Now the cause why some receive the said sacred Ordinance and are not the better, is, because they receive it unwor­thily, like as many unworthily receive the Lords Sup­per, and are nothing benefited thereby. Whoso would enjoy the said blessings, are to learne afore they seeke for it, the meaning of the Catechisme, the ground and necessity of Confirmation, as it is shewed in the Immediately afore the Cate­chisme therein. See chap. 54. com­mon prayer booke; they are to consider what the See Chap. 84. sea­ven graces of the holy Ghost are, which are the more abundantly received by due taking of this ordinance, and to be resolved for to enter and continue in the Christian warfare fighting in it manfully and zealously under CHRISTS banner against sinne, the world, and the devill: and so to hunger and thirst after the be­nefits of Confirmation, which whoso unfeinedly doe before GODS all-seeing eyes, he then in the act of the Bishopping, and afterward more and more accor­ding to his wisedome and goodnesse, giveth all that is prayed for in the Service thereof.

Q. Cannot a Priest or Pastour reading the Service of Confirmation, and laying his hand upon the head of every child, performe the Confirmation?

A. In no wise: for it is Priests can­not minister Confirmation. only proper to the order of [Page 205]Bishops, and is therefore called a Bishopping. It is recor­ded in the Acts of the Apostles, that though Philip did convert unto the faith people of Samaria, and did bap­tize them, yet it was by the Apostles Act. 8.14.17. laying on of their hands, that they received the holy Ghost. The giving of the holy Ghost is by GOD disposed unto the Apostolicall or Episcopall order. The keyes of the Kingdome of heaven are committed by GOD into the hands of the Clergie: and as to Absolve is the worke of the Priesthood, so to confirme is the worke of the High-priesthood. A lay person hath not spiri­tuall power to performe the Absolving of a penitent sinner, but he that is in the Mat. 16.19. Joh. 20.22.23. priesthood: so to Confirme, to cause such a measure of the holy Ghost to descend upon a baptized partie, a Priest hath not enough spiri­tuall power, but a Acts 19.6. Bishop As every one in temporall power can ef­fect what the Kings Majesty with the law of the kingdome enableth him unto, so every one in spiritual order can effect that as God en­ableth him un­to, and which ability his word hath signified to be annexed and appropria­ted unto such an order in the holy ministery. only. A Priest cannot make a Priest or Deacon, but a Bishop can, according as it is prescribed in the booke of the Ordering of the Mini­stery. The reason is, The Almighty GOD in all his workes hath set and keepeth a constant course, as well here on earth, as in heaven. The Moone hath not that power, which the Sunne hath; neither is there the like influence from all the starres; but from some is more, from some is lesse. God worketh with what is done according to his Ordinance, but not otherwise. It is so in civill administrations: for if any put the Kings Ma­jesties Seale unto a writing, who have not from His Highnesse authority thereunto, is it of any validity or force, when it commeth to be considered?

Q. It hath beene afore treated sundry times con­cerning Bishops, now adde in a word, what is an Arch-Bishop?

A. Even as among many naturall Fathers conside­red [Page 206]together, one of them is the eldest in nature: So among An Archbi­shop is a father in God highest grown up into Christ in all things. See Eph. 4.15. Fathers in God considered together one is the That is, hath the amplest measure in grace. See Eph. 4.7. eldest in grace: for which cause the word grace is used unto an Archbishop. The holy Scripture delive­reth, that among CHRISTS Apostles some were chiefe or Arch. Saint Paul saith, Hee was not a whit behind the very Therefore there was a dis­parity among the Apostles, some were chiefer than others, See cap. 37. and 2. Cor. 12.11. chiefest Apostles. He signifieth that Iames, Peter, and Iohn were Gal. 2.9. pillars. And when as Peter had the oversight of the Circumcision (the people cir­cumcised) and Paul of the Gentiles (the uncircumci­sed,) were not these two Apostles in degree Gal. 2.7. above other Apostles? Saint Paul saith, When Iames, Cephar, and Iohn, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto mee, they gave to me and Barna­bas the right hands of fellowship. And Saint Paul there­by signifieth that he was endued with such a measure of grace, as are the fathers of the Namely the Archiepisco­pall. oldest age in Christ. It is not expedient to expresse, in this Catecheticall treatise the most high understanding in the great my­stery of godlinesse, which is in those of the said spiritu­all age or degree. We reade, that in the first Christian councell mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, they which among the Apostles were the pillars, determi­ned of matters, whereabout difference was: and they could say, Acts It seemed good to the holy Ghost, and to us, &c. And whereas among all in the Clergie they are the neerest unto GOD, and doe comprehend the univer­sall matters pertaining unto Christian religion, in so much as if a Bishop chance to be in doubt about the meaning of the Church concerning the use of a matter in the Liturgie, he is (as it is written in the Communi­on booke) to send for resolution thereof unto the Arch­bishop: it is therefore the duty of all in the Clergie for [Page 207]to remember what the holy Ghost hath commanded, 1. Pet. 5.5. Yee younger, submit your selves unto the Elder. And where the inferiour duely submitteth unto the supe­riour, there is 1. Cor. 14.40. Col. 2.5. order observed, there is Psal. 133.1.3. unity, there the Lord commandeth the blessing, even life for ever­more, that is Psal. 122.3. Jerusalem, the name of that city is, Ezech. 48.35 The Lord is there. But where the younger account them­selves to have more, or as much understanding in mat­ters of religion, as have the Elder, and so will not sub­mit unto their judgements, but follow the imaginati­on of their owne minds; there is James confusion wrought, there is division, there is Gods cursing darknesse in the understanding, and disorderlinesse in the conversation, that is Babylon, and it is the ill spirit which Eph 2.2. worketh in all persons of disobedience.

Q. Whereas after that one hath duely fed of the milke of the word, hee is to eate of meat stronger and stronger, and from exercising in the Catechisme for to proceed unto meditating in the rest of the Divine Service; and also to reade the word of GOD, the which in very many places is hard to be understood, recite therefore out of some godly and learned Wri­ter, what counsell is delivered for to be observed unto the attaining more and more of the mind and meaning of GOD in the holy Scriptures.

A. A certaine most godly and most learned Namely Se­bastian Castellio, of whose worth see what is de­livered in Ri­ders Dictionary printed anno 1633. This his decla­ration agreeth with the do­ctrine of the homilies called an exhortation and an infor­mation. Wri­ter hath afore his renowned translation of the holy Bible into Latine, in the fourth edition thereof, thus declared, what is the one onely way to understand the holy Scriptures, saying, Even as a man consisteth of a bo­dy and a soule, as that the body is the dwelling place of the soule: so the holy Scriptures consist of the letter and the spirit, as that the letter is as it were an abiding place [Page 208]of the spirit. And even as beasts can see the body of man, and hear his voice, but cannot understand cleerly his mind or speech, because they are not endued with the same soule, with whose eyes they can be able so to perceive: likewise of the holy Scriptures (which are come forth for to instruct and 2. Tim. edify true man) th [...] godly can see the letter and heare the words, but what is the spirit of the letter, and whitherto the minde of God tendeth, they onely doe understand, which are endued with the same spirit. The ungodly indeed doe no more perceive that spirit, then Jer. 10 14. beasts doe the speech of men, of whom only a few voices they doe understand, and them also scarce, as namely, cryings out, rebukings, encouragings, threatnings. So the un­godly doe see in the holy Scriptures what is told, what is commanded or forbidden: but they have not the spirit, and as it were the marrow of the letter. For even as the affaires of man the spirit of man onely know­eth: so the 1. Cor. 2.11. things of God none knoweth but the spi­rit of God) and Mat. 11.27. he whom that spirit teacheth. But that spirit teacheth Mat. 11.25. none but the apt to learne: that is, those which by Heb. 11.6. Ioh 8.12. and 12.36. faith come unto CHRIST our righ­teousnesse, being humble, Ma [...]. 11.29. lowly, and ready, leaving the Mat. 16.24. 1. Cor. 3.18. Isa. 55.7. judgement of the flesh and their owne will, to Ioh. 7.17. obey the will of God. These things may be decla­red plainely by many oracles and examples, out of which I will produce some, that I may shew, that sinne and mans wisedome and the love of ones selfe, is the cause that men doe not understand Gods matters: and that by how much every one doth the further depart from these things, by so much is he the more Ioh. 7.17. under­standing in the things of God. Now the first and grea­test oracle is, that Adam afore he sinned, had the know­ledge [Page 209]of GOD, and of divine things, so that hee gave names unto beasts, unto every one according to his nature, and hee presently knew the beginning of his wife, made of his rib he asleepe, and Gen. 2.23.24. prophesied con­cerning her. The same after he sinned and followed the judgement and minde of the flesh, fell into so great ignorance, that he would Gen. 3.8. Ier. 23.24. Heb. 4.13. Psal. 139.7. hide himselfe among the trees from the sight of God: which indeed was a very great blindnesse, that he would hide from the eyes of God seeing all things. And what came to passe in Adam, the same also was done in his posterity after­wards, that if any were beleeving and obeying of God, those God chose and manifested his will unto them, but not to others. For an example is Enoch, who, where­as he Gen. 5.22. lived according to the wil of God, was taken up unto GOD; and Noah, being the most Gen. 6.9. righteous of his time, God shewed unto him his purpose concer­ning the Gen. flood, a matter indeed of very great mo­ment: which same thing also he did in Abraham, that he would shew unto him his will concerning Sodome and Gomorra, of which matter God himselfe delive­reth this reason, Gen. saying, Shall I hide from Abraham the thing which I will doe? seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. For I know him, that he will command his children and his hous­hold after him, that they keepe the way of the Lord, to doe justice and judgement, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham, that which hee hath spoken of him. The same did David write, Psal. What man is he that sea­reth the Lord? him will he teach in the way that hee shall chuse: his soule shall dwell at ease, and his seed shall inherit the land. The secret of the Lord is with them that feare him: and he will shew them his cove­nant. [Page 210]Againe saith David, Psal. O how I love thy law; it is my meditation, all the day. Thou through thy commandements hast made me wiser than mine ene­mies; for they are ever with me. I have more under­standing than all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditation, I understand more than the ancients, because I keepe thy precepts. I have refrained my feet from every evill way, that I might keepe thy word. Solomon saith, Prov. 1.7. The feare of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fooles despise wisedome and in­struction. Againe saith Solomon, Wisd. 1.4.5. Into a malicious soule wisedome shall not enter, nor dwell in the body, that is subject unto sinne. For the holy spirit of disci­pline will flie deceit, and remove from thoughts which are without understanding; and will not abide when unrighteousnesse commeth in. And Iesus the son of Sirach saith, Ecclus. The feare of the Lord is the fulnesse of wisedome, and filleth men with her fruits. Shee filleth all their house with things desireable, and the garners with her increase. The feare of the Lord is a Crowne of wisedome, making peace and perfect health to flou­rish; both which are the gifts of GOD; and it inlar­geth their rejoycing that love him. The root of wise­dome is to feare the Lord, and the branches thereof are long life. Again he saith, and 3.19. Many are in high place and of renowne: but mysteries are revealed unto the meeke. The Lord hath made all things, and to the and 43.33. godly he hath given wisedome. GOD by Isaiah saith, Binde up the testimony, Isa. 8.16. seale the law among my disciples. And after that the Prophet had inveigh­ed against the wickednesse of the Israelites, which was the cause that they could not understand divine do­ctrine, thus he saith, Isa. 29.10.11. For the Lord hath poured upon you die spirit of deepe sleepe, and hath closed your [Page 211]eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath hee covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a booke that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Reade this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed. GOD also ha­ving described unto Ezechiel his holy temple (where­in the mysteries of the Christian Religion are sha­dowed out) saith thus unto the Prophet, Ezech. 40.4. and 43.10.11. Thou sonne of man shew the house to the house of Israel, &c. In Daniel it is said, Dan.12.10. Many shall be purified and made white, and tryed: but the wicked will doe wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand: but the wise shall understand. In Hosea it is said, Hos. 14.9. Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? Prudent, and he shall know them? Likewise in the new Testament the same things are delivered. CHRIST spake to them that were Mar. 4.11. without only in parables, that is, figuratively, and in covered words: but to his owne disciples, that is, to beleevers, to the endued with Gal. 5.6. charity, to the obedient, and to such as followed him he Mar. 4.34. expounded all things afterward apart. Paul himselfe finisheth the whole matter in few words, saying, 1. Cor. GOD hath re­vealed the secrets (or mysteries) unto us by his spi­rit: for the spirit searcheth all things, yea the deepe things of God. But the naturall man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishnesse unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spirituall, jud­geth (or discerneth) all things. Out of these and ma­ny other places it appeareth; that the minde of God, and the secret counsailes lying hid in the holy Scrip­tures are knowne to the faithfull onely, to the godly and religious, and to the endued with the spirit of God. For God is a King which manifesteth his coun­sailes [Page 212]to none but to his faithfull friends, as we see the Kings of this world themselves to doe. Therefore one may observe from the beginning of the world, that none except the godly have bin admitted into the counsell of God. Afore there was mentioned Enoch, Noah, Abraham: the same may one say concerning Isaac, Iacob, Ioseph, Moses, Ioshua, Samuel, David, and the other Prophets and Apostles servants of Christ, to whom whether they were learned or Acts 4.13. 1. Cor. unlearned, God made manifest his will, and Luke 24.45. opened their mind for to understand the Scriptures. But the ungodly, and such as Prov. 2.5.7. rely on their owne judgement, although they understood all Ioh. 7.48.49. Acts 17.18. 1. Cor. learning, never understood the spirit of the Scriptures, but rather persecuted it, as Steven did upbraid unto them, saying: Yee stiffe­necked and uncircumcised in heart and eares, yee doe alwayes Acts. 7.51. resist the holy Ghost; as your Fathers did, so doe yee. And if so be that the ungodly have at any time prophecyed, or have spoken concerning divine and spirituall things, as did, Balaam, Saul, Caiphas, the Scribes and Pharisees, yet they truly understood not the mind and spirit of God, but so spake of things unknowne unto themselves, as if a French man hea­ring a Dutch man enditing words unto him, should speake in Dutch those matters which himselfe under­stands not. CHRIST seemeth to declare this, where he saith: Mat. 23.2.3. The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seate: what things they say, doe yee: for they say, and doe not. And concerning the same he saith elsewhere: Mat. 15.14. Let them alone they are blinde and leaders of the blinde; and hee biddeth his people beware of their Mat. 16.6. leaven. As if hee had said this: In that they teach Moses-his Laws, ye are to obey them: but in that they see not, but reject the minde and spirit of those com­mandements, [Page 213]which is uttered by me, they are blind. For examples sake: Moses wrote: Honour thy Father and thy Mother: this while they teach, they are to be obeyed. But when as they with their sophistries doe deprave the same precept, and by their false and co­vetous interpretation, draw away Mat. 15.5.6. children from the true honouring of their parents, they are blinde and doe Zeph. 3 4. 2. Cor. 2.17. corrupt the commandement of God. The same while they teach, that ceremonies and sacrifices are to be observed according to Moses Law, are to be fol­lowed: but while they reject me, who shew the mind and spirit of those ceremonies and sacrifices, and be­ing puffed up with a vaine (or unprofitable) know­ledge of the letter doe too stiffely (or subbornely) hold to it, they refuse the truth and sense of the letter, and the will of God, and doe not 1. Tim. 1.7. truely understand the Law. For if they did understand, certainly they would not reject CHRIST, which is the Rom. 10.2.3 4. end of the Law. Neither truly only doe not the ungodly under­stand the spirit of God, but also if there be any one to whom there is given some knowledge of him, hee unlesse hee endeavour diligently that hee may grow therein, loseth that very knowledge, which he had: which very matter the Lord declareth, whiles he bid­deth that the talent be taken away from him, which put it not to increase, and be given to him which hath ten. For to him which hath, it shall be given, and from him which hath not, even that very same which hee hath shall be Mat. 25.25.27 28.29.30. taken away. The which we see came to passe unto Saul, who having the spirit of God, was 1. Sam. 10 6.7.10. for his disobedience deprived of it, & became there­by seaven times And 16.14. and 15.26. and worse, than ever he had bin afore. Which things seeing they are so, all which would ap­ply their minds to the study of the holy Scriptures, [Page 214]and to the knowing of Gods will, are to be exhorted, that they doe it in what way and in what manner it ought to bee done. First that they Luke 24.25. Ioh. 5 46.47. beleeve those things to bee true, which are written there: For un­lesse they will beleeve, they shall not understand, but will account the holy Scriptures to be prophane. Then afterward (which also is the fruit of beleefe) that they subject their will to Ioh. 7.17. Gods will, ready to doe whatsoever God hath commanded, whether it bee sweet or bitter, whether light or heavie, whether easie or hard. For that is the nature of faith (by which we must bee saved, and without which we cannot please God) that not only it doth justifie a man, and procure to him pardon of sinnes through CHRIST; but also by causing to him a new 2. Cor. 5.17. spirit, doth Col. 1.13. deliver him from the power of the devill, and set him at Rom. 6.18 22. liberty for the service of God. Faith Acts 15.9. purifieth the heart, and maketh a man of unjust to be just, of disobedient obe­dient, of carnall spirituall, of earthly heavenly, of un­godly 1. Cor. 6.11. godly: to be short, of an old man and sonne of darkness, it maketh a new creature and a son of Eph. 5.8. light, who casting away the works of darknesse putteth on the armour of light, & bringeth forth fruit unto righ­teousnesse, as afore he brought forth fruit unto unrigh­teousnesse. If then any one endued with this faith, mind and will, will come to the study of the holy Scri­ptures, whether he be learned or unlearned, whether poore or rich, whether male or female, (for God hath no Rom. 10.12. and 2.11. respect of persons) he shall truly understand them, and read them with fruit, and from thence shall be­come daily 2 Thes. 1.3. Rom. 1.17. Prov. 4.18. better, and shall 1. Pet. 2.9. wonder that there lie hid those treasures of heavenly wisdome, which afore he never thought of. But if any one will obey his own will, and retaine humane, that is, foolish wisdome, and [Page 215]not forsake his vices and sins, but only either beleeve or performe, as much as shall like his lust and flesh, he being blinded through his owne corrupt will, shall not see the Ioh. 3.3. 1 Cor. 2.14. spirit of the holy Scriptures; and not follow­ing them, but drawing & 2. Pet. 3.16. wresting them according to this owne pleasure, and from thence every where seeking about for defences, and Gen. 3.7. Isa. 30.1. coverings, and pro­tections for his sins, shall attain no other thing, than a Matt. 13.14. vaine knowledge of the letter, wherewith he being puffed up, will become daily by how much the more skilfull, by so much the more 2 Tim. 3.13. desperately naught, as is the Dutch proverbe. This we see came to passe unto the Scribes and Pharisees, who although they professed the holy Scriptures, and were daily conversant in the study and reading of them, yet because they would not 1. Cor. 3.18. Isa. 55.7. forsake their own understanding, vices and will, they erred so farre from the minde and spirit of them, that they crucified CHRIST the true and divine ex­pounder of them: and this very same thing will come to passe unto all so affected and so disposed as they were. Wherefore goe to now, O ye all which take those holy bookes into your hands, Ezech. 18.31. cast away pro­phane minds: beleeve God: forsake your owne will, and give over your selves, with a lowly, pliant, obe­dient, and altogether Mat. 18.3. Ps. 131.2. childlike, that is, a teachable mind, so to be informed of God, as 1. Pet. 2.2. a child doth to his teacher: and with the same mind Ps. 25.4.5. pray unto God continually: & 1. Thes. 5.16. Isa. 62.7. leave not off, afore ye have obtained your desires: For whosoever seeketh, Matt. 7.7.8. findeth; and he which asketh, obtaineth; and to him that knocketh, it is opened. By this one only way ye shall understand the will of GOD, and living according to it, and forsaking your owne will, and Luke 14.26. Col. 3.5. Prov. 16.32. fighting against your owne selves, through faith in JESUS CHRIST the [Page 216]Saviour of the world, at length ye shall attaine unto everlasting life.

Q. May not any one attaine the understanding of the holy Scriptures, by considering the context, and by comparing place with place, &c. without entring into such a devoutnesse of mind and life, as Castellio hath prescribed?

A. The comparing of one scripture with another, &c. is profitable unto the more full perceiving of the deliverie of many points or matters; but there was never as yet any one, that could apprehend the great mysterie of godlinesse, nor ever can any one possibly perceive the same by any endeavour whatsoever, un­lesse he duely attend unto the interpretation delivered by the holy Fathers of the Church, and strive to doe the whole will of God, and so become See all ch. 48. of the Chri­stian Divinity. enlightened by his holy spirit. The unexpressable diversitie and contrariety of understanding of Gods matters, where­into all they in these latter times have fallen, and con­tinually doe fall, which submit not unto the guidance of the holy Fathers of the Church, but follow the ima­gination of their own minds, is a most manifest proof of the utter impossibility of knowing aright so much as the principles of Gods word, without having help of such as are the guides in the Apostolicall Church, and without entring into such an uprightnesse of heart and conversation, as is afore declared requisite to bee sought after.

FINIS. Glory be to God in the highest, and all due honour be ascri­bed unto his Church on earth. Amen.

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