[Page] Seauen Satyres Applyed to the weeke, including the worlds ridiculous follyes. True faelicity described in the Phoenix. Maulgre. Whereunto is annexed the wandring Satyre.

By W. Rankins, Gent.


Imprinted at London by Edw. Allde for William Ferbrand: and are to be sould at his shop in Lothbury, at the hither end of Colman streete. 1598.

To his noble minded friend Iohn Salisbury of LLe [...]enni, Esquire of the body to the Queenes most excellent Maiesty.

WHo bites his lip, when his folly is bitten, hath either enuy in his heart, or suspicion in his head: whome I esteeme as [...] I [...]ans, do [...] [...] hedge-bred Serpents, tread on their backs, and pull out their stings. But of your worthy selfe, (whose censure vertue will singularly sentence) I craue an eye cast to these rough cast Satyres, which are not absurded (though some­what rustically mustred) whose neuer forgotten fauours I fling vp, not downe, in cha­lenge of all witlesse vnarmed heedp [...]ces.

The true affectionate louer of your vertues. W. Rank [...]ns.


OF Loue, of Courtships and of fancies force,
Some gilded Braggadochio may discourse:
My shaggy Satyres doe forsake the woods,
Theyr beds of mosse, their vnfrequented floodes.
Their Marble cels, their quiet forrest life,
To view the manner of this humane strife.
Whose skin is toucht, and will in gall reuert,
My Satyres vow to gall them at the heart.

[...] Satyres applyed to the weeke.
SATYR. primus. Contra Lunatistam.

FRom woods, to wood and mad conceited men,
That with the Moone participate their minde,
I leaue my hollow vast desertfull den,
To tell them the derision of their kinde.
What fond affects what sodaine change I finde:
How Proteus-like, they chāge their peeuish shape,
Yet dare for honors constant guerdon gape.
And are they stable in their lustfull worke,
And still in complet fulnes of desire:
And as the Tortoys in the mud doth lurke,
And will not to the labouring streames retyre,
[Page] Nor to the bankes of wholsome hearbes aspyre;
Yet if she see the glimmering of the Sunne,
Contents a while her ougly cell to shun.
So these selfe soothing sots that hide [...]heir heads
In idiotisme and ignoraunces shame,
Their thicke skal'd fins in brightest glory spred,
To get the prize when others win the game,
They haue no firmer vertue than a name:
But who so thinkes the signe the substance is,
Erres, and his wit doth wander much amisse.
And as the weather so their worth doth turne,
Sometime a red, sometime an ashye pale,
Anon like yce, anon like lightenings burne,
Foorthwith foreshewing stormes to euery sale,
Next night forefiguring a merry gale,
Disposed like the Moone, their mothers glory,
The vainest Planet, and most transitory.
[Page] And as the serpent shewes her speckled brest,
When as the eye of heauen is in his he ght,
Aduauncing vp her greene inuenom'd crest:
Increasing mallice by the midday light,
And hydes her foule shape in a frosty night.
Soe doe these fickle peasants prate and lye,
Till aduerse darkenes vales prosperity.
I seperate the Droane from honny Bees,
I carpe not at the fewer vertuous sort,
I shake the Oke, as well as lower trees:
If Catterpillers taynte it with resort,
I am a Satyre sauage is my sport.
So ending heere my immelodious song,
I bid him mend that thinkes he hath the wrong.

SATYR. secundus. Contra Martialistam.

FRom the proude counsell of contrarious winds,
That keep their surly Court on mountaine tops,
I roughly come: deceptions to vnbinde,
And scatter in your eyes the vpstart crops
That true borne valor from the Caedar lops:
To tell how Mars with his stout crew is wrong'd,
By apish toyes and what to doults belong'd.
He that can weare a feather all a flaunt,
Speake in the teeth, and make a veriuyce face,
And with a pride his stubble beard but vaunt,
As if in him abounded all good grace,
[Page] Or were descended from Ioues Princely race:
That hath but set his foote on Callis sand,
And sweare he fought with Mounsier hand to hand.
I, and perchaunce in Court hath crackt a kixe,
And thinkes he hath Bellona at commaund,
And in his bosome beares his amorous trickes,
As if loues passion brought him into band,
When loe in Misars plight the wretch doth stand:
Loath'd of the wise, not loued of his owne,
Yea fooles doe see the foole himselfe in moane.
Auerres his courage conquerd Cannas field,
And that his arme can wield great Neptunes mace
Sweares he will make the haughty foe to yeeld,
And couch like vassailes when they view his face,
What would this Asse doe in a Lyons case?
So looking big cryes out vpon S. George,
To tippling goes and fils his eagre gorge.
[Page] What is he like but to a sucking childe,
Who immitates to speake by elder talke?
But of plaine wordes the youngling is beguild:
Because he speakes before his feete can walke,
Yet in Alcides buskins will he stalke.
Then first get teeth, speake plain, & learne the word
And time (perhaps) will teach thee draw a swoord.
And though my browes are Satyre-like betwist,
With wormwood garland, not with laurel crowne,
Yet doe I not true Martiallists resist:
Nor can I scandalize their high renowne,
That Bulwarke is too strong to batter downe.
But to these stragling humor-pleased mates
I speake, and know that truth the lyar hates.

SATYR. tertius. Contra Mercurialistam.

LIght footed Fauni for a while farewell,
Nimble companions in our Siluane court,
I go where subtiltie and craft do dwell,
Where wise supposed Orators resort,
Where wizards of sweete Art do make a sport.
Where golden Mydas holds it for his creede,
Apolloes Lute sounds worse than oaten reede.
Behold a Bruite that scarce can hold his pen,
Yet thinks he hath Caduc [...]us in his hand,
And that his stile will charme the wisest men,
His shipwrack senses will not driue to land,
[Page 8] His ballet-fraughted ship is in a sand:
And welladay will hardly serue the turne.
Since he is drownd, his Epitaph may burne.
Another Artelesse mome bewitcht with praise,
Thrusts forth a patched Pamphlet into print,
When fooles on it, as on a pide coat gaze,
His copper words come out of coxecombs mint:
Fluent from Arte, as water from a flint.
Foure bookes he makes foure elbowes to present,
By his induction is his bawble meant.
O wretched iudgers of pure golden Arte,
Why do you bribe your wits with leaden lines?
Vnlawfull censure takes a lawlesse part,
Whilst fondnes deeper wisedome vndermines:
By this meanes, learnings sacred skill declines.
And yee your selues allowing wrong for right,
Argue your power to be of lesser might.
[Page 9] These counterfaites are like an Ebon tree,
Whose body beareth neither leafe nor fruite,
Nor any sap but cole-black wood to see,
What glory then to that can men impute?
Except all vertuous plants they will refute:
So are these stocks but images of wood,
And barr'd from Art to make their breeding good.
But vnto Hermes lawfull sonnes in wit,
That scorne the fellowship of seemers so,
I wish them that due honor shall be fit
That they like sweete Ambrosian trees may grow,
Where Science with her compeeres sits arow,
But for the race of dolts and all their traine,
I wish them that they haue, headhiding shame.

SATYR. quartus. Contra Iouialistam.

WHere the high minded forrest king commands,
And half horst Centaurs kemb his dusky locks,
And haue their progres through his spatious lands,
Where Vnicornes attend their Lord in flocks,
Whetting heir hornes vpon the corall rocks.
And when he thirsts do purge the riuers brinke,
(For so ought euery mighty Prince to drinke.)
Of thence am I: yet enemy to pride
And publique plaguer of the insolent,
I cannot that iniurious ill abide.
When mighty men must haue their wisdome lent,
[Page 11] And being Landlords buy their wit for rent.
In fine, the fyne he payes well come to light,
And all be forfait to the foole by right.
Let him that cannot guide Apolloes seate,
Content him with a couch vpon the ground,
Better be silent, though thy place be great,
Than speaking with anothers toong be found:
And so betrayd recite a mortall wound,
Which neither peere nor popular redresse,
Can cure with all the good thou doest possesse.
The Senators of Rome would shame to set
And speake but Placet like a borrowed word,
Wherein their censures daunced in a net,
Such sacriledge by Romaines was abhord,
His skull is curst that can no more afford:
Rut to confirme all doctrine to be good,
Making both one of Paul and Robinhood.
[Page 12] Behold the climbing ofspring of the Sunne,
Vnable those fyre-foming steedes to guide,
Suffers the Axeltree of heauen to burne,
And to the wrathfull sea doth headlong slide,
Curst by the Signes for his detested pride.
Thus when we thinke our selues begirt with blisse,
We practise our owne downefall with a kisse.
But yet there are that trace the milke-white way,
And follow Ioue to his iudiciall seate,
Whose soueraigne wisdome iudgement will obey,
From whom doth spring such comfortable heat,
That with deep knowledge makes y e mind repleat.
But for those sort, that want of wit doth sterue,
Their cap, and common curtsie will not sterue.

SATYR. quintus. Contra Venerëum.

FRom the sweet field where Phillis hangd hit self,
And Martyr Dido dide in sacrifice,
My flesh bepincht with Lar and Fary elfe,
Where Venus and hir darling tyrannize
And leane-fac'te louers (more Idolatrize)
Where Lais ghost in Lacus dulcis lies,
Kept downe with false harts that she cannot rise.
I stole away: least the prowd Paphean queene,
Although my shape be base and ougly ill,
Might send her sonne to haue hir greatnes seeme,
And force insatiat loue against my will:
[Page 14] For her edicts giue life to them that kill,
And her sharp lawes are quite exempt from reason,
Full of impiety, periury, and treason.
For instance see a seruant wan and pale,
Slaue to his misters beck, her frowne, her smile,
An oath commander when his toong doth faile:
Whose meacocks heart in agonies doth boile,
And in a world of follies keepes a coile.
And like a Spanniell wayting for a bone,
Feedeth his greedy eye with hope alone.
And in that glasse examine but his lines,
How they are peest with Ouids excrements,
How he perfumes with roses his rude rimes,
With pearles and rubyes makes her monuments,
Comparing heauen to her habillaments.
When she is worser than a broken glasse,
Which neuer will for any purpose passe.
[Page 15] His lips with thousand kisses courts her hand,
And sonnets forth her beawty to the skyes,
Where if her comelines be rightly scand,
Shees neither vertuous, beawtifull, nor wise,
And all her grace is but to seeme precise.
Yet doth this woodcock weare himselfe away,
By doating on this foule ignoble pray.
I honor Cynthia, and her nimphlike traine,
That in sweete Tempe feast with chastity,
Whose soueraigne beawty coynes doth disclaime,
Knowing prowde eyes shew smallest honesty,
And coulor hath but coulors property.
But for the foole that sighes for all he sees,
For his reward I wish him Vulcanes fees.

SATYR. sextus. Contra Saturnistam.

FArewell awhile chill and vnhallowed caues,
Where Saturne with deuouring mischiefe frets,
Where Melancholly chases, and madnes raues,
Where pain dead torments torments death begets,
Where discontent in ragged habit sits,
Where the harsh tunde vnwelcome Screech owle sings,
And buzzing Hornets flye with cobweb wings.
For for a while I must associate them,
That reaching Polliticians will be nam'd,
And what is done in countryes far do ken,
Vrging that nature all the world hath fram'd,
[Page 17] Affirming God in things is needlesse nam'd:
But that the influence of the heauen effects
Our good or bad still grac'te by all respects.
That take a pride in damned Machiauile,
And study his disciples to be thought:
Allowing all deedes be they neu'r so vile.
Such as haue hell-borne Atheisme taught,
Accounting scripture customes that are naught.
Such as are earnest Turks, where is a Turke,
And call the Alcharon a godly worke.
Such as are minded with Pythagoras,
And hold the transmigration to be true,
That after death mens soules to bruite beasts passe,
And then againe transforme their shape anew,
That lookt for resurrection is not due.
So liuing in licentious liberty,
Commit foule treasons, rape, and villany.
[Page 18] But oh deere knowledge do not so permit,
Thy reuerent vertues to be scard and maym'd:
Infuse thy comfort to some sacred wit,
Else will thy holy offerings be disdaind,
And all thy spotlesse excellence be staind.
These Tyrants will disroabe thee of thy right,
And cloth thee with torne garments of despight.
And thou religion draw thy steele bright sword,
And lop this cursed Hydra limbe by limbe,
Legions of Angels will attend thy word,
In cristall armor proofe from death and sinne:
When thou with triumph shalt the battaile winne.
And these sold slaues throgh Sathās gate shal passe
And [...]ue in boyling leade and burning glasse.

SATYR. septimus. Contra Sollistam.

THere where the sortish ignoraunt adore,
The vaine transparant, splendor of the Sun,
Accounting no felicity before,
The rising of his glory be begun,
Yet darke drown devices will not seeke to shun:
I was: but now the shade of men I tooke,
Those that the substance of their soule forsooke.
Craesus said wealth was chiefe felicity,
Onely authority deseru'd a throne.
That war for kingdomes was tranquility,
And to be honor'd was true heauen alone,
[Page 20] But when by thraldome all this pompe was gone:
Solon (quoth he) my soule must needes confesse,
In dying well is onely happines.
The sun shines when the Scepter's in the hand,
The sun shines where the golden Fleece doth rest,
Where Ladyes wanton with a carpet band,
(Though it be shut) within the Misers chest,
And where fat Epicures delight to feast:
O golden glory, shall this euer vanish,
Where such a God with swaying power doth van­quish.
Behold, the morning cheeres the springing flower,
The heate of heauen glads the twining vine,
The glasse full brimmed with the sandy hower,
These are more glorious than that pride of thine,
Yet see how sodainely they shall decline:
When like the flower, thy beawty, vine, thy wit,
Thy glasse-dust run, and thou in dust shalt sit.
[Page 21] How like a King the Marygould doth spred,
The golden circuit of her impald brow,
A whiffing winde that coronet hath shed,
And made her prowde vnknobbed stalke to bow,
No longer will the plants her pompe alow.
So haue I seene ere now a goulden Crowne,
In a darke vault his pretious head lay downe.
Let him then thinke, that happines will thinke,
It lyes not in the glosse of humaine eyes,
How sodainely that vading ioy would shrinke,
When euery minute, liuing pleasure dyes,
Like the bright clowded mistnes of the skyes.
If wild-bred Satyres so their lesson can,
Tis better be a Satyre than a man.

Spes imperfecta.

THou Treasurer of heauen where hast thou clos'd
This hidden wealth of mens true happines?
In nothing humane fancy hath compos'd,
Yet on the earth once dwelt this blessednes,
To bring the earth from cursed wretchednes:
Open that secret coffer we may see,
(If not possesse) that heauenly treasury.

SOLA faelicitas. Christus mihi Phoenix.

IN the balme sweet imparadized wombe,
Of a choyce Virgin sanctified by grace,
Where second Adam had his fleshly home,
Since the first man his glory did deface,
And curse of heauen possest his sinfull race:
My Phoenix was with sacred Manna bred,
And by the holy Ghost with Angels fed.
Kings of the earth his spicery did make,
Of Franckinsence, pure gold and pleasing Mirrh,
A glorious star appeared for his sake,
And the melodious cherubins did stir,
[Page 24] And all caelestiall bodyes doth inferre
Chiefe prayse to him: for by his blessed birth,
Heauen was well pleas'd, & fruitfull was the earth.
My Phoenix, like that swift returning Doue,
That in his mouth the branch of Oliue brought,
The badge of peace, the ensigne of true loue:
When this base world by sin was suncke to naught,
And the earths bosome, was with water fraught:
That like the Pellican, pickt from his brest,
The bloud that brought his yong ones peaceful rest.
That like the rocke, whence liquid cristall flowed,
Opened his side to giue the thirstie drinke,
Like the calme winde, that on the red sea blowed,
When thankles Israel (weakely) thought to sinke,
Like the best good the soule of man can thinke.
Oh chiefest best, be best, to vs the worst,
Blest be we (by thee best) the most accurst.
[Page 25] Oh clock me vnderneath thy spreading wing,
Safe sanctuary for a sinfull soule,
Where if I sigh, sky-turned voyces sing,
For thou once pleas'd, nor earth nor ayre wil scoule,
Thy feathers shaking stormy winds controule.
The musick of thy note inchaunts huge hell,
Oh let me then within thy shadow dwell.
Behold me like a winter-wythered tree,
Or like a Beacon on a barren hill,
Consum'd by sin anothers watch to bee,
Killing to teach another not to kill:
Spoyling my selfe least other wretches spill:
Oh sacred bird, a lower pitch vouchsafe,
Touch but my top, and then I shall be safe.
Behold, to saue me from aeternall thrall,
My Phoenix takes his flight vnto a crosse,
Not as the faynd Arabian bird did fall,
Worne out by age, by fire consum'd to drosse,
[Page 26] So looseth that which nature makes a losse:
And of his ashes doth another mount,
Exceeding all faire Foule of rare account.
No no my Phoenix is but yong in yeeres,
Immortall too, yet doth he dye for me,
He on the crosse vnto the world appeares,
Offering himselfe on that vnhallowed tree,
To bring my soule to sweet felicity:
But see hearts-ioy my Phoenix liues againe,
Passing hell torment with vnspoken paine.
And now he doth ascend his high-built nest,
A place, vnthought, vnknowne, vnseene, vnsaid,
Where with omnipotence he shall be blest,
And I behold this sacred Bird obay'd,
And I by him there by his merits stayd:
And like a Doue sit by him most content,
Whose innocence makes me so innocent.

Satyrus peregrinans.

ABote, a Bote or I shall set my feete.
Vpon the incke-black bubbles of this streame
And with my rough armes these mudde-billows greet,
Foule ferry monster waft me to that realme,
Where men in sleepe do wake, & waking dreame:
Where the feet stāds, where ruling heads shold be,
And elbowes take the office of the knee.
A shoare, a shoare I long to see the soyle,
(Oh the worlds pleasure of this new-found earth,)
They say it will a well staid sence beguile,
Bring liberall plenty to a niggard dearth,
Make a sad doomes day of an infants birth:
Now I am heere Ile try conclusions,
Direct degrees, or indirect confusions.
All hayle greene bearded trees, green headed men,
A high way to a harbour I haue spyde,
[Page] Sir where I am, I very faine would ken,
I aske one on a raw boan'd iade doth ride,
And gently treate him deigne to be my guide:
The iolly tyder coyly lookes a side,
And checks his proude eye least to me it glide.
A hauke my yongster had vpon his fist,
And by his side a fiue groate canuasse bag,
An olde cut suite, with Couentry blew twist,
The collor fae't with oreng-tawny shag,
His spurs hung in the belly of his nag:
Vpon his head a Monmouth cap he wore,
With a greene parrats feather broucht before.
He scarce would speake, (for that he said he seru'd)
Lollus a gentleman made ploughmans sonne,
Who rightly from his birth-right neuer swaru'd,
And now in his affaires his horse must run,
For that to wooe, his master had begun;
I checkt his bit, and would not let him passe,
Till he confest his master was an Asse.
[Page 29] And briefly bred him to this short discourse,
I serue (quoth he) a braue imbroadred foole,
Heyre to a sun-shine swayne, yet will perforce,
Borrow a tytle from a learned schoole,
(Indeed his grandsire rid vpon a mule)
Yet if you will but let me goe my frend,
Ile tell you all his life, but gesse his end.
He is in loue with euery painted face,
Saluting common truls with rybauld lines,
In songs and sonnets taking such a grace,
As if he delu'd for gold in Indian mines,
(But see how fortune such great wit repines)
In this sweet traffique, his bargaines are so ill,
That he is made a iade by euery Iill.
Heele enter in an ergo with the proudest,
And pot a verse with any grammer scholler,
Speake ten at once, his tongue will be the lowdest,
[Page 30] Take him but downe (O vnexpected dollor)
His present passion brings him to a chollor:
With wagers, and with oath at last tis tride,
And then his argument is not denyde.
Take him within the streete, he is a Lord,
And in a Tauerne better than a king,
With thousand brags heele beawtifie the boord,
But in his purse the beggars bell doth ring,
Yet once a yeere (as Cookoes vse to sing:)
He hath a little stipendary gold,
Which sum, is spent before it can be told.
And once Ile tell you how this gallant sped,
He was inamour'd of a players boy,
And certaine sharkers that vpon him fed,
Did soone instruct the stage boy to be coy,
That but with him, he had no other ioy:
In womans queint attyre they drest the lad,
That almost made the foole my maister mad.
[Page 31] They soone perswaded him she was an heyre,
And onely daughter to a knight well knowne,
He saw her young, rich, amorous and faire,
Haue her he must, or dye he would with moane,
In sleepy nights his very soule did groane:
Then had not I been stickler in this strife,
The beast had had a male-kinde to his wife.
Heere did I cut this grosse deuice a sunder,
Weary to heare a base absurded tale,
I tooke this foppish babling for a wonder,
I kickt his palfrey and began to rayle,
The fellow lookt vpon me very pale:
And spurring of his horse, bad me adew,
And swore (by God) what he had sayd was true.
Anon a Muse had brought me vnawares
Before a goodly strong built city gate,
I wholy thirsted after those affaires,
And in I entred to behold the state,
[Page 32] All costly thinges were bartred at a rate,
Amazd at that I neuer saw before,
I heard one sweare an oath, it cost me more.
I start and saw that fellow swore the oath,
Sell that for lesse, than he did sweare it cost,
Thought I, here conscience liues her fullest growth
Where buyers win by that the seller lost,
But yet I durst not be too bould to boast:
For straight I saw Symonus in his shop.
A hollow ring of gold with lead drosse stop.
And yet he quickly solde it by the weight:
(Lead was a better friend to him then gold,)
I tooke it for a very pretty sleight,
But when the buyer had his money told,
Away he went: and then I might behold,
Simonius rub his arme, and laugh out right,
That hee had done his neighbor wrong for right.
Anon Lapistus with his faithlesse fist,
Insceptred with a subtill peece of wood,
[Page 33] Was measuring foorth such trifles as he list,
Hard at his arme his wife my mistres stood,
Commending that, her husband, sold for good:
Looking the buier wistly in the face,
Whilst Lapist nickt the measure in the space.
Forthwith great Gurmond (to his codpeece chain'd
A payre of groate gloues wrapped in his hand,
On top of which a nosegay long remaind,
Was trudging to lend money vpon land,
Vpon a statute marchant he doth stand:
But gentle sir, take heed you keep your day,
Or els your mortgage shall the forfect pay.
By this time long-gownd Lumen walkt abroad,
Vnder his girdle greene-waxt labels hung,
Although his pace was slow, gold was his goad,
And as the Petifogger went, he sung,
His greas'd belt and the waxe together clung:
He sware a mighty oath his writs were spoyld,
And by that meanes his client should be foyld.
[Page 34] I tract his steps, and followed him alloofe,
Weary with those Mecanicke meane deceipts,
At last he entred to a spatious roofe,
Where greatmen sat in high iudiciall seates,
And iuglers play at euen and odde with feates:
As (now sir it shall goe with you to day,
To morrow tis against you, you must pay.)
This hall they say is builded of such wood,
That cobwebs on the rafters are not spun,
By right the nature of these trees are good,
Yet there be held I mighty spyders run,
And by their sucking little flyes vndone:
A thing most strange, that poysoned things must dwell,
Where nature scarce alloweth them a cell▪
There stoode Briarius with a hundred hands,
And euery one was ready to receiue,
As many sundry toongs, as seas haue sands:
And when he sayd, the truth I do conceiue,
[Page 35] Then meant the hell-hound soonest to deceiue.
There saw I twelue good fellowes cald together,
That would for-sweare their father for a feather.
I saw the widdow in a mourning weede,
Wringing her painefull hands to get her right,
Th'oppressed soule tormented with more neede,
And cruelty with scarlet cloth'd in spight,
As who should say, in bloud is my delight.
Then thought I (ôh there is a Iudge aboue)
Will all this wrong with one true sentence moue.
Such sweating for base pelfe, I did behold,
Such periuries to get the vpper hand,
The innocent with falshood bought and sould,
Such circumstance before the truth was scand,
Such scorched cōscience markt with Sathās brand,
That straight bereft of my Satyrick wit,
I was possessed with a frantick fit.
[Page 36] So leauing this vast rumor of mans voyce,
I made my run vnto a riuer side,
Where, sinke or swim, I tooke no better choyce,
With desperate leape in, headlong did I glide,
And for I would no more repeate this pride,
I did imagine I was in a dreame,
And so concluded my vnorder'd theame.


O Holyest holy three, yet wholy one,
Vouchsafe the piercing splendor of thine eye,
My soules true Martyrdome to looke vpon,
Where thou mayst in-borne penitence espy,
Without the cloke of false hypocrisy:
And though my tong proclaimes not publike fast,
Yet prayers to prayse thee is my spirits repast.
Behold, to cinders haue I burnt my sinnes,
An acceptable sacrifice to thee,
Which heauenly ioyes in heauenly mansion wins,
The ashes on my sad heart scatterd be,
The pensiue patient of all misery:
In my brest mourning sits she like a doue.
And fears through sin to lose sweet Christ her loue.
[Page 38] And though I weare no shirt of Cammels haire,
A boasting shew the flesh to macerate,
Nor lash my body with the whips of care,
Nor on my knocking brest my prayers debate,
Nor with high voice my faults deliberate:
Although I strew no ashes on my head,
Nor with beguiling abstinence am fed.
Yet see my heart prickt with true faiths desire,
With longing to behold thy sacred face,
Whipt with the feare of thy inraged fire,
Which will the pride of all weake brags deface,
And my soule knocks to haue thy promist grace:
With lowly voyce the ashes of my sinnes,
Scatterd abroad: and so my fast begins.
When I do this, I walke not in the streete,
And tell the world my base dissembling guile,
Nor tread the cold stones with vncouered feete,
Such hypocrites their wretched wayes defile:
No let the heart true parts of griefe compile,
That is the sweete Ashwensday I obserue,
Fast still to this, and thou shalt neuer sterue.
‘Lay not my sinnes O Lord, vnto my charge.’
CAst down those eies dread deere redeeming Lord,
That shed salt teares for poore Ierusalem,
In pitty of my sinnes by thee abhorr'd,
And when thou hast with loue perused them,
By which thou often hast excused men,
And seest how headlong I haue run at large,
Yet Lord, lay not my crimes vnto my charge.
Let that sweete toong sayd woman sinne no more,
Thy healing hand most kinde Samaritane,
Pronounce a pardon for my hearts deplore,
And make my black sinnes whiter than the Swan,
Defilde with mischiefes since my life began.
[Page 40] Oh lay not those foule treasons to my charge,
But stop them, least they run too much at large.
What glory is it that so meane a soule?
Earths vassaylage, the wormes subiected slaue,
Whose honor dust downe-trodden doth inroule?
Should quite be damnd, whom thy deere word may saue,
And thou thy self the purchast praises haue.
Sauiour, I know my sinnes shall haue discharge,
Where mercy with thy merits is so large.
With bloud more pretious than the worlds rich wealth,
Remember thou hast ransomd me from hell,
Cald me thine owne, thy sonne, thy sauing health,
Prouidedst me a place with thee to dwell,
A place which doth all pallaces excell:
Then let me not in deserts run at large,
But take me to thy safe protecting charge.
Frō foorth thy Temple thou didst banish theeues,
[Page 41] That Saints might praise thee where thou wast pro­phand
And creatures liue y t on thy name beleeues,
I am thy temple, let it not be staynd,
For there too long hath cursed Sathan raynd.
Cast forth that tempter, giue the feend discharge,
Binde that old Serpent least he flye at large.
And when I finde that enemy is gone,
That soothes my soule with vile impiety,
Thy name oh Father) I will call vpon,
And keepe it from bould sinnes society,
And from false pleasures curst variety.
Then let thy spirit walke with my spirit at large,
And Lord lay not my sinnes vnto my charge.
‘Who will prayse thee Lord, within the Pit.’
WIth reuerent toong, and groaning spirit opprest,
My bones like rocks beaten with seas of teares,
And worne with stormy sighs of my vnrest,
Behold Messias my vext soule appeares,
Afflicted with a legion of pale feares:
And humbly prayes thee Lord to be appeas'd,
That my hearts killing dollor may be easd.
How shall I do thee honor in the graue?
Or praise thee in the darkenes of despaire?
No light of gladnes shines in sorrowes caue,
No morning Harp can hymne thy name in care,
Except some comfort to the sence repaire:
[Page 43] Let then one sparke of fauour but appeare,
And I will say my Lord my God is there.
Like withered stubble bended to the ground.
The horse, and yoaked Oxe treade on my brest,
And ploughmen gash my reynes with many a woūd
The poisoned adder makes my flesh her nest
(I Lord, and that oppression is my least:)
Yet none but thou canst fling me to the graue,
O saue me thence and thou shalt worship haue.
Thy seruant Iob by suffered sathan tempted,
Knew by thy grace he should be rays'd againe,
For, from the pit his body was exempted,
The curst soule-foe, could there no conquest gain,
Thou gau'st him strength the conflict to maintain,
I haue no power, no strength, no force of wit,
Then much more Lord preserue me from the pit.
Like to a vanquisht bloody battaile won,
Few now are left to beate Iehouahs name,
[Page 44] Those which escapt from faiths true fight haue run,
Reserue yet some (though they be halt and lame)
For thou canst cure the soule that hath a maime.
Let me (sweete Christ) be one thou meanst to saue,
Then know I, that I, shall not touch the graue.

Passio Christi.

‘O Father if it be thy will, let this cup passe.’
DIuine humane, humane Diuine, (my God)
Behold thy sonne, corruptlesse virgins flesh,
Spirit of the, which with thee hath abod,
Who than thy selfe (of thy selfe) is no lesse,
[Page] Vouchsafe thy heauenly issue so to blesse,
That, if thou wilt (ô wilt thou without wroth)
Let this cup passe I may not taste thereof.
Thy bitter imposition comes of loue,
Therefore thy gracious will, not mine be done,
This bloudy swet a fathers name might mooue,
But (ô great righteousnes,) what is begun,
Saue many a child, by torment of one sonne:
Father eternall better thine heyre dye,
Than all the rest in vtter darkeneslye.
This anguish like a sucking serpent drawes,
My conduit-flowing veines of bloud so fast,
And my sharpe wounding passion will not pause,
But shewes me death to come, not torments past,
And pale aspect of weakenes stands agast:
Soueraigne of Kings supreme of ioyfull rest,
With thy imperiall scepter touch my brest.
But must thy deare begotten smart for all?
Must all the worlds huge sinnes be layd on me?
[Page 46] What shall I suffer then? what kinde of thral?
What cruell bondage? what sharpe misery?
What deaths? what frighting horrors must there be
If that one sinne and but of one man too,
Deserue hell fire? what shall all mens sinnes doe?
For euery sinne of euery seuerall man,
(Sweet Father) must I beare a seuerall hell?
Why then my paine is pleasure yet began,
But in the end where must thy chosen dwell?
Where thou wilt Lord I will account all well:
Heauen, hell, death, life, I will endure my crosse,
Reckoning for one deaths conquering & lifes losse.
All plagues, for all, all yoakes, my backe shal beare
Which in this brim-full cup of death I put.
And so auoide tempting cold shiuering feare,
For, I will drinke this draught of gall quite vp,
And my inuaded spirit from terror shut:
So take the resolution of thy Sonne,
For, Father not my will, but thine be done.

Explicit Christus.

Resurrectio Christi.

ARchangels, Angels, Martyrs, holy Saints,
Oh heauens celestiall family appeare,
Giue all your powers vnnaturall restraints,
Sound Cherubin-like musicke in his eare,
(Whose glorious being banisht all hell-feare)
The Sonne is ri's, Gods deare elected Sonne,
And now ascends where his first birth begun.
Cloudes clap together with mellodious voice,
And with your softnes cloath his blessed brest,
From his great Father heare a thundering noyse,
That crownes his bright Sonne in eternall rest,
[Page 48] Of all (oh onely all) thou art most blest:
And earthly men forsake your vaine delight,
Kneele, pray, and praise, this vncompared might.
Ionas that in the huge Leuiathan,
Three hell-darke nights, & dayes imprisoned was,
Is like a chosen Prophet come againe,
(Oh how thy word drad king is come to passe?)
So is this Prophet, which doth all surpasse:
Rose from the foggy entrailes of the graue,
Mankinde, vngratefull minded-man to saue.
Baptizing Iohn that in the wildernes,
Liu'd as an exile in that barren land,
Feeding on Locusts in his sharp distresse,
Subiect to monsters, and at deaths command,
Hath conquer'd all this with his faithfull hand
And is returnd: So our Baptizer is,
Who, not with water but with bloud brings blisse.
[Page 49] Since whose abode, deuouring hell is frighted,
Quaking for feare when Iesus Christ was there,
And quick-eyd death become but dimly sighted,
And since, when he is nam'd they shake for feare,
If but thy name do such amazement beare?
What did the person of so great a king?
Hels victory controule, and kill deaths sting.
Then from the fleshly prison of base sinne,
Rise (oh thou foule infected soule of mine)
Arise, or else death will the battaile winne,
And kill thee with a thousand darted crime,
Come quickly from this filthy graue in time,
Rise thus, and thou shalt euer rise with ioy,
And as thy Sauiour did thou shalt destroy.

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