The A. B. C set forthe by the Kynges maiestie and his Clergye, and commann­ded to be taught through out all his Realme. All other vtterly set a part as the teachers thereof tender his graces fauour.

A. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. r. s. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. &. & : Est. Amen.

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. V. W. X. Y.

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. V. W. X.

In the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holye Ghoste.

So be it.

The prayer of our lorde.

OVr father which arte in heuē, halowed be thy name. Thy kingdōe come. Thi wil be done in earth as it is in heauē. Giue vs this day our dayly bread. And forgyue vs our trespaces, as we forgeue them that trespace agaist vs. And let vs not be led into temtaciō. But dely­uer vs from euill. Amen.

¶ The salutation of the Aungel to the blessed virgin Marye.

HAyle Mary ful of grace the lord is with the. Blessed art thou amonge women, and blessed is the fruite of thy Wombe.

¶ The Crede, or xii. articles of the Christen faythe.

I Beleue in god the father all­mighti maker of heuē & erth [Page]And in Iesu Chryst his onely son our lord which was conceaued by the holy ghost, borne of the virgin Mari, suffered vnder ponce Pylat was crucified, dead, buryed, & des­cēded into hell. And the thyrde day he rose ageyne from death. He ascē ded into heuē, & sitteth on the right hand of god the father almyghty. From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the deade.

I beleue in the holy ghost, the holy Catholyke church, the cōmuniō of sayntes, the forgyuenes of sinnes The resurrection of the body, and the lyfe euerlastynge. Amen.

The x. cōmaundementes of almighty god.

THou shalt haue none other Gods but me. Thou shalte not haue any grauē image, nor ani likenes of any thyng that is in he­uen aboue, or in earth beneth, or in [Page]the water vnder the earth, to thin tēt to do any godly honour or worship vnto thē Thou shalt not take the name of the lord god in vayne. Remēber that thou kepe holy the Saboth day. Honor thi father & thi mother. Thou shalt do no murder Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steale. Thou shalt not beare false witnes ageynst thy neybour. Thou shalt not vniustly desire thy neybours house, nor thy neibours wife, nor his seruant, nor his mayde, nor his oxe, nor his asse nor any thīg that is thy neybours

LOrde into thy handes I cō mēde my spirite, Thou hast redemed me lorde god of truthe.

¶ Grace before dynner.

THe eyes of al thīges do loke vp and trust in the O lord, thou giuest thē meate in due seasō. [Page]Thou doest open thy hand, & fillest with thy blessynge euery lyuynge thinge. Good lord blesse vs & al thy giftes which we receiue of thy boū teous liberalitie, through Chryste our lord. Amē. The kīg of eternal glory make vs parteners of the heuēly table Amē. God is charitie, & he y t dwelleth in charitie, dwelleth in god and god in him. God graūt vs all to dwell in hym. Amen.

¶ Grace after dynner.

THe god of peace & loue vou­chsafe alway to dwel with vs. And thou lord haue mercy vpō vs. Glory, honour, and praise be to the O god, which hast fed vs from our tender age and gyueste suste­naūce to euery liuing thinge, replenishe our herts with ioy & gladnes that we alway hauig sufficiēt may be rych & plētiful in al good works [Page]kes through our lord Iesu Christ Amen.

Lorde haue mercy vpon vs.

Christ haue mercy vpon vs.

Lorde haue mercy vpon vs.

Our father which art in heuen. &c.

Let vs not be led into temptacion.

But delyuer vs from euyll.

Lorde here my prayer.

And let my cry come to the From the fiery dartes of the deuill both in weale and wo, our sauiour Christ be our defender, buckler, & shelde. Amen.

God saue the church our king and realme, and god haue mercy vpon all Christen soules. Amen.

Grace before supper.

O Lorde Iesu Christ without whō nothinge is swete nor sauery, we besech the to blesse vs and our supper, & with thy blessed pre­sence [Page]to chere oure hartes, that in al our metes and drinkes we may tast & sauour of the, to thy honour and glory. Amen.

Grace after supper.

BLessed is god in all his gif­tes And holy in al his wor­kes. Our helpe is in the name of our Lorde, who hath made both heauen and earth. Blessed be the name of our lorde. From hense­forth worlde without ende.

MOst mighty lord and merciful father we yeld the harti thankes for our bodely sustenance requiring also most intierly thi gracious goodnes so to feede vs with the fode of thy heuenly grace that we may worthely glorify thy holy name in this lyfe, & after be parta­kers of the life euerlastig, through our lorde Iesus Chryst. Amen.

[Page] God saue the Churche, our kynge Queene & the Realme, & god haue mercy vpō al christē soules. Amē.

De profundis clamaui. psal. cxxix.

FRō the depth I called or the (O Lord) lord heart my voyce. Let thine eares gyue good hede to the voyce of my prayer.

If thou lorde wylt loke streight­ly vpon sinnes, O lorde, who shall abyde it.

But with thee is mercye, and for thy law I haue suffered the o lord My soule hath abydē in his word my soule hath trusted in the lorde. From the mornynge watch vntyll night let Israell trust in the lorde.

For with the lorde there is mer­cy and with hym is plenteous re­demption.

And he wyl redeme Israel from [Page]all his iniquities.

LOrde haue mercy vpon vs.

Christ haue mercy vpō vs.

Lorde haue mercy vpon vs.

Our father which art. &c.

Let vs not be led into temptacion.

But delyuer vs from euyll.

Lord giue thy people eternal rest.

And euerlastīg light shine vpō thē

From the gates of hell

Lorde deliuer theyr soules.

I trust to se the goodnes of god

In the lande of the lyuynge.

Lorde heare my prayer.

And let my crye come to thee.

ALmighty God & most holy father lorde both of the ly­uinge & of the deade, merciful to all thē that leane vnto the by loue and beliefe, we humbly besech the, that all thy people lyuynge here in this world, & they also that be deceased [Page]into another worlde in thy name by thy merciful clemency, may ob­teyne pardon for all theyr sinnes, and fynally the ioyes of the lyfe e­uerlastynge, through our Lorde Iesus Chryst. Amen.

¶ Confitemini domino quoniam bonus. Quoniam in seculum mi­sericordia eius.

COnfiteor deo beate Marie, omnibus sanctis: et vobis, peccaui nimis in cogitacione locu­tione, & opera mea culpa, precor sanctam mariam: et omnes sanc­tos dei et vos orare pro me.

MIsereatur vestri omnipo­tens deus, et vimittat vo­bis omnia peccata vestra liberet vos ab omni malo saluet et confir­met in bono et ad vitam perducat eternam, Amen.

¶ These questions the master ought to demaunde and to lerne his scolers.

SPeke my good chyld. Tel me what art thou.

The chylde aunswereth.
¶ As concernynge my fyrst byrth, I am a creature of God endewed with wyt and reason, the son of Adam. And as touching my newe and seconde byrth, I knowledge my selfe to be a Chrystian.

¶ The question.
wherfore saiest thou, thou art a Christian

The aunswere.
¶ Bicause I am Christened in the name of the father, the sonne, and the holy ghost.

¶ The question. ¶ what is baptisme.

¶ The answere. It is called the lauer or water of regeneration, by the which euery one that beleueth is receaued and consecrated into the felowship of Christes Church, to be partaker of the lyfe euerlastynge.

¶ Question. In whom beleuest thou.

¶ Aunswere▪ I beleue onely in god the father almyghty, & so for the as the Crede speaketh.

¶ Question. ¶ what is fayth.

¶ Aunswere. Fayth is a sure confidence [Page]und trust of mynde, trustyng & beleuynge in the very lyuynge god.

The question.
¶ Howe many Gods are there.

¶ The answere.
There is but one god a­lone for all sufficient, whiche hath his be­ynge of hym selfe, and all creatures haue theyr beinge of hym.

¶ The question.
¶ Howe manye persons byn there in the godheade. ¶ The aunswere.

There are three persons which is god the father, god the sonne, and godde the holye ghost, thre persons in trinitie, and one god in essence. ¶ The question. What is god. ¶ The aunswere. God is he of whose goodnes & by whose power I am persua­ded & assured thorow my faith to receaue all y t good is, vnto whom also I flye in all aduersities & perils, as vnto a present al a­lone is sufficict helpe for me, he paciētly a­bydeth our turninge from sinne: ful of mercy, gentyl, good, redy alwayes to forgiue, suffereth no sinne to be vnpunished, & that vnto the third and fourth generatiō vntill none of that sinfull flocke be left alyue.

¶ The question.
¶ In whom beleuest thou.

[Page] The aunswere. I beleue in god the father almyghty maker of heauen and earth, & in Iesu Chryste his onely sonne our lorde. &c.

¶ The question.
What meanest thou by this fyrst article.

¶ The aunswere.
¶ I beleue that he is my god and mercy­full father vnto me, tenderynge me as his dere beloued chylde, and to be euermore vnto me an almyghty helper.

¶ The question. ¶ What menest thou by the third, fourth fyfth, and syxt articles. &c.

The aunswere.
¶ I beleue that Chryst was conceaued, borne, and suffered for my sinnes, and that he arose to make me ryghtuous.

☞ The question.
What thynge worketh this fayth in thee.

¶ The aunswere. It worketh in me loue to God, and to my neyghbours, as to my selfe, & so changeth me into a newe man, so y t now I beleuing and knowynge god to haue shewed so exce­dynge loue for me, and study to do his cō ­maundementes, [Page]and am full heauy in my harte that I can not fulfyll them.

¶ Then when the chyld is come to discre­tion, let hym be induced to knowe what god is.

GOd is myght, wysedome, and infinite goodnesse, without beginninge & with out endyng, truth, vnchangeable, iust, and mercyful, only god in thre persons the fa­ther, the son and the holy ghost, in whō al thynges be, by whom al thynges be made and created. And by whom all thynges be gyuen to vs, and in the lyfe to come.

¶ It is also necessary to knowe what man is.

¶ Man is created after the lykenes of the Image of God. And throughe the sinne of our fyrst father Adam, is made pore, vyle wretched, ignorant, inconstant, frayle, and redy to sin, ful of Ipocrisie, and vainglory, and redy to fall into eternall dampnation. All this folowethe after that we are con­ceaued and borne into this worlde.

☞ A godly rule of the true and Christian religion.

[Page] TO serue God frely, euen from the harte. To bere his Crosse and o­bey our rulers, to profyte al men and hurt no body, to trust in the merites of Chrystes passion, to be saued from sinne, and none otherwyse, this is the onely and best religion.

¶ Here after foloweth an inuocation vn­to the holy Trinitie.

HOly Trinitie be helpinge vnto me. O God in thy name shall I lyft vp mine handes, the triumphant crosse of the passion of our Lorde Iesu Chryste. Iesus of Nazareth, kynge of the Iewes, sonne of God haue mercy vpon me. In the name of the father, the sonne, and the holy ghost. So be it.

¶ Grace before dynner or supper.

PRaysed be thou our most mercyful and heuēly father which of thy inestimable goodnes hast gyuen thy moste deare belo­ued son Iesus to paynefull deathe for our sakes, thereby not all onely delyuering vs and all faythfull from euerlastynge deathe and damnation, but also purchafynge vn­to vs euerlaftynge lyfe, ioy, and felicitie. [Page]endue we beseche thee thy holy spirite into our hertes, that we may dayly more and more walke and go forwarde in the plea­saunt path ways of thy ryghteous lawes and commaundementes. So be it.

After dynner or supper.

NOwe you haue well refresshed your bodies, remembre the lamentable af­flictions and miseries of many thousands of your neigh bours and brethrē in Christ visited by the hand of god, some with mortal plages and diseases, some with impry­sonment, some with extreme pouertie and necessitie, so that ether they can not or they haue not to fede on as ye haue done, remē bre therfore how much and how depely ye presēt are boūd to the goodnes of almighty god, for your health, welth, libertie, and many other his benefites giuen vnto you.

GOD SAVE THE KYNGE the Queene and the Realme, and send vs peace in Christ Amen.

¶ Imprinted at London by Wyllyam Powell.

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