The new found Arte of setting of Corne.
CHAP. 1.
How this Inuention began.
HEere I maie rather probablie coniecture then certainly determine howe this newe conceit in setting of graine began. Happily some sillie wench hauing a fewe Cornes of wheate, mixed with some other seed, and being carelesse of the vvorke shee had in hand, might now and then in steed of a Raddish or Carret seede, let fall a wheate Corne into the ground, which after braunching it selfe into manie eares, and yeelding so great encrease, gaue iust occasion of some farther triall. Peraduenture the great and rich fertillitie that doth vsually happen in the setting of beanes and pease, might stirre vp some practising wit or other to make the like experience in wheate and barley. Or who knoweth whether that Enigmatical marriage betweene Bacchus and Ceres so closely couched in such figuratiue termes by Iohan. Baptista Porta, in his Magia naturalis in the perclose of his title, de nouis plantis producendis, might giue some light vnto this new and late inuention of ours. And lastly, I haue beene [Page]credibly enformed that this manner of pricking in of Corne, hath by the publike impression of an ancient writer (whose name I cannot yet obtaine) euen in plaine and naked termes beene long since discouered and manifested to the view of each reader. But it shall not greatly skill from whence this profitable deuise had his first beginning (although for the honour of my countrie, I coulde wish the same were fronted with the name and title of an English Authour) and that as it hath pleased the great God of heauen in his vnspeakeable mercie and loue, and in these times of dearth and penurie, to offer a most plentifull encrease of our best nourishing, Manna vnto vs: so that we may in all duetifull manner, with one heart and voice together, giue all thankes, honour, and praise vnto so great and bountifull a benefactor, whose name is glorious in the heauens, and whose mightie power extendeth it selfe ouer the face of the whole earth, cui laus in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
CHAP. 2.
The reason why Corne doth shoote vp into so many eares rather by setting then sowing.
THe consideration hereof maie well deserue to be handled in the second place, in my opinion, both quia turpe est Philosopho quidquam sine ratione proferre, as Tully holdeth: and also for that it is a principall motiue to stirre vp a number of drowsie wittes to the practise hereof; who not as yet finding or conceiting any sensible reason for the same, are rather content with the fly-bitten and leane iades, to liue or starue vpon the bare common, then by seeking [Page]out of better pasture, to gather more flesh vpon their backes, and to grow in better liking in the sight of all that shall behold them. Such winter Corne then as is vsually sowne before or about Alhallownetide, in my poore reason, must of necessitie loose a great part of his generatiue vertue, and radicall humiditie, both by the extreme nipping of the colde Northren and Easterly windes, and the bitter frosts and hayle, together with the great aboundance of the colde raynie showers, which in the VVinter season doe so plentifully attach and fall vppon the Graine, lying then eyther naked and bare to all weather, or verie slenderly clothed with a poore and thinne garment, not able sufficientlie to defend the inwarde and secrete sire of nature, from such outward and piercing enemies; yea, though it haue taken roote, and gotten some head before this boysterous weather doe happen, yet by reason that the roote is shallowe, and hath taken so slender holde in the grounde, eyther the inward Balsamum is washed awaie with moysture, or nipped with extreme colde, that it cannot possible send forth so manie spyring stalkes and eares as naturallie it would; besides, the earth being full of clods, and not sufficientlie broken into a fine moulde vvith the Plough, the Corne cannot so easilie and plentifullie by this attractiue nature drawe for his owne nourishment such store of that vegetatiue salt from the earth, as it desireth; the vertue and strength whereof is more at large handled in my Booke of husbandrie, printed Anno 1594. and in that learned discourse of M. Bernard Palissie, in his Booke intituled, Des eaux & Fonteines. But on the other side, when as the comes of wheate shall lie so deepe within their true and naturall [Page]bed, euen their owne mothers belly, the earth being made so hollow and open with the spade, whereby they may also draw sufficient nourishment at their pleasure, then are all these outwarde and iniurious stormes of haile and raine, so sufficientlie defended by this armour of proofe, as that the Corne hauing his true and naturall putrifaction (being not perfourmed without the helpe of a kindly heate) doth afterwards in his due season bring foorth that infinite multiplication, whereof we haue had so manie and rich experiments of late, farre beyond all the hopes and haruests of all our predecessors.
CHAP. 3.
The manner of digging and laying of the arable grounds in this new practise.
VVHen and how to digge, weed, or trench your grounds with the spade, is a matter so triuiall and well knowne already to euerie countrie Coridon, as that I hold it not a fit subiect for a Scholers penne, and therefore here I must referre you to those beaten pathes, wherein euerie simple Gardener hath walked a long time: onelie the depth of digging, and true laying of the grounde, seemes to be materiall in this our new kind of husbandry. Some in this late practise, by their experience commende the breaking vp of the grounde a foote and a halfe deepe, and some two foote, and some but one foote; but in my opinion since that, three, or foure, or fiue inches at the most is a sufficient depth for the Corne to lie in, I see no reason but that eight or twelue inches more, is a depth sufficient for the Corne to roote in. [Page]This being graunted, then shall you haue this farther benefite ensuing, that at the next Breaking vp and digging of your grounde, you shall turne vppe such moulde, as hath not spent his strength in the former croppe, the fruite whereof you shall find in the next haruest. And heere I must of necessitie acknowledge that M. Tauerner in his Booke of Experiments, concerning Fish and Fruit, being of this yeares date, hath bereaued me of one of my best obseruations in Orchard groundes, the ignorance whereof I holde to be one of the speciall and principall causes that so manie of our English Orchards doe neuer yeeld fruite answerable to our charge and trauell: the secret whereof is this brieflie. Euerie ground hath naturallie an vpper crust of earth, which by the liuelie and viuifying heate of the Sunne, the comfortable nature of the Aire, together with the congelatiue part of the raine (for so M. Bernard Palissie termeth it, being the first Author of a fift element) which often falleth vpon the ground, is made more rich and fruitefull than all the residue of the earth besides, which vpper crust in some ground is a foot, in some two, and in some three foote deepe, and in some not aboue halfe a foote. And vnder the same vpper crust is either a hote chalke, a drie sand, a barren grauell, or a colde leane claie or lome, or such like. It is therefore requisite that you set your young trees in such sort, as that the roote may runne and spreade within that vpper crust: and if you set them deeper, they may happily grow, but neuer bring forth fruit in any plentifull manner: nay, though the earth should consist of one and the selfe same veine, and of one colour and nature in shewe, yet because the Sunne doth not giue his impression nor digestion [Page]vnto the earth, but to a certaine depth (which I guesse not much to exceede two soote) you shall finde that all the rest of the mould vnder that depth will be leane and hungrie, not hauing anie strength or fatnes in it. And this is the reason why such earth as hath beene digged out of vaultes and Ceilers, not hauing receiued anie life or comfort from the Sunne beames, though of neuer so blacke and rich moulde in outward apparance, if it be spread vpon garden grounds, doth make them vtterly barren and vnfruitfull. That which is heere spoken of Orchard groundes, I would haue all wise and skilfull husband-men to applie also to their Corne grounds, that in anie case they neuer digge deeper with the Spade, then the strength of the ground will beare, and so by their ignorance discredite a worke and practise of so great expectation. Now concerning the laying of your groundes, eyther in ridges and furrowes, or in a declining leuell, whereby the raine maie haue a sufficient conueyance, after they haue once receiued their due moisture from the cloudes: this resteth in the discretion of the husbandman, who best knoweth the moisture or drynesse of his owne groundes, and accordingly may giue such a current vnto them, as may best fit the seuerall natures of each ground or soyle. And heere I maie not omit that ease and speed in breaking vp of groundes, which some of our late practisers haue found out, by making the first entrance with a deepe cutting plough, and then pursuing the same with the spade, whereby much charge, labour, and expence of time is auoided.
CHAP. 4.
The seuerall instruments for making the holes for the graine, and couering them.
IT is an olde saying, that handes were made before kniues: and I doubt not, but the same may aswell be verified in tooles. For to my rememberance, the first man that euer attempted the setting of corne, made the first holes with his finger. But this course being afterwards found to be very long and tedious, an instrument was deuised, hauing many teeth or pinnes, like a rake, with a staffe fastened in the middest of the backside thereof, which being thrust into the ground, did at one instant make twelue or twentie holes more or lesse, according to the number of teeth or pinnes therein. Afterwardes this toole was also disliked, as not making sufficient riddance of ground, and in place thereof a boord of three foote or thereabout in length, and twelue or ten inches in breadth, was thought vpon, hauing diuers holes boared therein, according to such distance as euery particular man best fansied, through each of which holes a wodden dibber or pinne was thrust into the ground, being of the bignesse of ones finger, and of three or foure inches in length, hauing a shoulder or hole with a crosse pin, to keepe one selfe same certaintie in the depth of each hole. The last deuise that as yet hath come to my view (but now reiected, because in the drawing out of so many pinnes the holes doe choake) is a boord of the same largenes with the former, driuen full of round pinnes of three or foure inches deepe within the boord, and placed [Page]each from other in equall distance by a true proportion, which at one impression maketh so many receptacles for the corne, as there bee pinnes in the boord. These boords are directed by a Gardiners line, first strained to some reasonable length, or by the eye, and thereby a straight course is kept in the setting. When each hole hath receiued a corne, then must you rake ouer the ground to fill vp those holes with earth againe: and during all the time of setting and raking, you must stand or kneele vpon one of your boords, which you must remoue from place to place, as your setting and raking from time to time requires.
Heere for the satisfaction of the simple, I haue thought good also to set downe the length of your boordes, together with the true boaring of them betweene each hole: and therefore if you haue fiue inches distance, then may you in a boord of ten inches broad make two rowes of holes, the first and last hole being two inches and a halfe from each side, and if the length thereof be two foote and eleuen inches, then may it well containe two rowes of holes, hauing seuen holes in euerie rowe, the first and last hole being distant from each end two inches and a halfe: and when the ends or sides of two such boords so bored, shall bee laid together, they will make a true continuance of one selfe same skantling and distance of fiue inches through all your workes: if you worke vpon foure inches, then leaue at each side and end of your boord two inches: and so in a boord of three foote in length, and one foote in breadth, you shall haue nine holes in each row one way, and three holes the other way.
And it is to be remembred that euerie two workemen [Page](whereof the one maketh the holes, and the other setteth the graine) must haue two boords to work vpon: and yet some be of opinion, that one man may performe both the works.
CHAP. 5.
At what depth and distance your corne must be set.
I Haue beene enformed that the obseruation of three inches deepe, and three inches distance, hath brought forth 30. quarters of wheat vpon one acre of ground, and that foure inches in depth, and foure in distance hath yeelded but twentie quarters: happily the ground or the seede corne might make the difference. Some speake of fiue inches deep and fiue in distance, with exceeding great encrease: the true finding out of which proportions may easily be obtained by seuerall trials made at seuerall depths and distances together, at one time, and in one selfe same peece of ground. Only heere I must remember you of that which was spoken of before, in the title of digging, chap. 3. that concerning the depth, you must haue an especiall care, that your seed may lie within the rich crust of the earth, and that his bed wherein he lyeth, may also bee of the same goodnesse, or else the plough will discredite the spade.
CHAP. 6.
Whether it be good to fill the holes with common earth, and to prepare the seed before it be set.
IF the ground be a rich and kindly wheate ground, you shall find a sufficient increase by filling them vp with their owne proper mould: for so haue the greatest and most vsuall trials beene hitherto made alreadie; yet some pregnant wits, desirous to exault nature to the highest degree of perfection, haue attempted the filling vp of those holes both with Pigeons dung, sheeps dung, and cow dung, and such like, but with no good successe at all, quaere if this dung had been first rotted into perfect earth and then bestowed. Neither doe I see any reason in fat and lustie grounds, why any further encrease should bee sought for then hath been found already, for that the earth is not able to carrie a greater burthen, then she hath borne of late by these vsuall practises which haue been made. But in barren and spent grounds, it were greatly to be wished, that by some artificiall and cheape meanes, a plentifull croppe of come might be had and obtained. For the better furtherance whereof, I leaue these few conceits to the fauorable consideration of those, whose farmes are greater then mine, and haue had more familiar conference with nature then my selfe, referring them also farther both vnto the literall and secret sence of my booke of Husbandrie before mentioned. And here I thinke it not amisse to cite in the first place that learned and poeticall Husbandman, who in his first booke of his Georgickes hath these Hexamiters.
Here we see Salniter and the mother or Lees of oyle commended: but whether Virgill doe meane a steeping or imbibition of the graine in the Lees of oyle, wherein there hath beene a solution of Niter, or the corne onely sprinkled ouer with them both in the setting; it is left to the consideration of the reader. But howsoeuer he intend the same, our countrie doth neither afforde store of Niter, nor yet of Amurca, to performe many (if any) acres therewith; and though it did, yet would it proue a worke of greater charge and trouble (as I suppose) then would be endured: vnlesse it were in some small practise, and for the triall of a magisterie, or vpon some richer seede then wheat, which in lesse quantity would proue more profitable then any ordinary graine, whereof there are some fewe of English breede, if I bee not deceiued.
But now let vs leaue Virgill to his poeticall vaine, and let vs come to that glorious Neapolitaine Iohan. Baptista Porta, who expecteth a generall applause of the whole world, for his last and learned booke of Magia naturalis (as in his preface to the reader, by a recapitulation of all his infinite readings, charges, and conferences with the greatest clarkes of his time, he would intimate vnto vs) and washing our eyes first [Page]in Eyebright water, let vs see whether we are able to pierce and penetrate into these thicke and foggie clowdes of skill, which he hath in so many close and figuratiue termes (as willing to vaunt of his owne wit, but vnwilling to benefit others) so strangely deliuered vnto vs. I finde in the latter end of his third booke, entituled de nouis plantis producendis, and ouer the 21. chapter, this superscription.
Whereupon he discourseth in manner following: Vt luculentam, satis{que} exoptatam coronidem huic nostro libro imponeremus, docebimus quomodo frumentacea, & legumina satis amplo foenore è satu colligamus, & è vineis vinum. Res profecto immensae vtilitatis, vt ex vno modio plus centuplo proueniat. Sed ne quis, quod centuplum plus accipiet, dixerim, putet velim hunc exactum modiorum numerum ex vno sato collecturum: nam anno, coelo, solo, & syderibus renuentibus, minor erit collectio, sed non tam minor, quin quintuplo vsitatum non superet; at his fauentibus, ex vno modio centeni quinquageni reddentur. Sed pollicitatio haec nostra aliquibus paradoxum videbitur, sed si sanae mentis essent, maximum profecto videri deberet paradoxum, cur ex sato semodio ducentos modios non recipiamus, quum ex sato, & concepto acino, videamus radicem in multiplices & numerosos culmos fructificare, plus minus quindecim, & in spica sexaginta grana contineri? mitto Byzacij Africae solum Plinij, quod vno grano quadringenta paucis minus germina miserit, misit{que} ex eo loco procurator Neroni CCCXL. stipulas ex vno grano. Sed causam venemur, vnde id accidere possit. Sunt qui dicant id euenire, quod pars maior iacti frumenti [Page]ex volucribus, talpis, vermibus, alijs{que} subterrancis animalibus deuoretur. Sed id falsum arguitur, quod ex sato lupini modio non plus minus quindecim recipiuntur, quin lupinum impunè taceat derelictum, ab omnibus animalibus sua ingrata amaritudine tutum, & suis in thecis, vaginulis{que} plus minus centum grana contineantur. Sunt alij, qui id eoelo ascribant, frigorum, calorum{que} iniurijs, vel imbrium frequentijs, vt nunc torpeant gelu arua, nunc siti infestentur, nunc in herbarum copiam luxurient, nunc macie intabescant; sed hoe falsum congruit argumentum, quod ex maximo coelifauore, neque ex vno triceni redduntur. Sed ne latius euagemur, dicimus non omnia spicae & vaginule grana nasci, nam alia Deus ad escam anim ilium, alia ad semen destinauit. Sunt in spicis grana, quasi abortus & degeneres foetus, quae non foeticant fed desciscunt in vitium. Sunt quaeè glumis in spicis emicant habitiora, quae ad propagationem producuntur. Praeterea nec debito tempore seruntur, destituuntur{que} debito agricolarum opere: vnde si his obuiabimus; omnia ex voto succedent. Semina enim prolixioribus radicibus implexis, longè latéque sub tellure serpentibus, numerosiores culmos deproment, circumundi{que} spicis vallatis. Sponsa ergo suo viro ducatur, non ex primis vel vltimis natis sed è medijs, quia imbecilles sunt, ac balneo secreta & vnguēetis delibuta & pingui depasta caprarum veterum Vulcano, & Baccho associata cubile molle, & optimè stratum calefiat: viuifico enim calore in amicam naturam coeunt, & dulcioribus amplexibus stringuntur & haerent. Sic animata viro semina, non degenerem, sed legitimam prolem donent. Suo foecundo lumine Luna praesit, nam ferax feracem reddit, id restat praemonendum, vxorem Baccho ducendam non capillis destitutam, nam suo decore capite destituto spernitur à viro sponsa, neque haberet, quo noxia purgarentur, sed solum cincinnis orbetur; sic enim minus compta, plus suo placebit [Page]& viro. Which for the better vnderstanding of such as are no Latinists, I haue thought good to translate into our naturall language, as followeth.
That now at length, according to mine own desire, I may shut vp this booke of plantes with a most famous and renowmed conclusion, I will heere declare how all kinde of corne and pulse, together with the vines themselues shall recompence all our labours with great encrease. A matter without all question of singular profite, to receiue more then an hundred bushels for one. But least I bee mistaken in this great proportion, I would not haue any man to thinke, that I doe heere set downe anie exact number of bushels, from which nature can at no time varie: for if the yeare, the heauens, and the ground it selfe, together with the fatall influence of the starres, doe all conspire together, the number of our bushels will fall short, but neuer so short, but that they will by fiue degrees exceede the accustomed yeeld. But if all these concurre and affoord their seuerall fauours, then may we wel expect 150. bushels of one. But this proud promise of ours may happily seeme a paradox vnto some, vnto whom, if they were of any sound & sharpe iudgement, it should rather seeme a greater paradoxe, why halfe a bushell should not rather giue 200. hundred bushels againe, when as we doe often see, that one corne being set and well rooted, doth stemme vp into diuers stalkes, yea sometimes to the number of fifteene, more or lesse, each eare also containing [Page]threescore Cornes within it. I do here omit to speake of Bizatium, that fruitfull grounde of Africa, whereof Plinie maketh mention, where out of one corne foure hundred stalkes did braunch: and the Gouernour of that place did also send to Nero 240. stemmes arising from one graine. But let vs feeke out and hunt after the true reason hereof. Some be of opinion, that the cause why the same Fertilitie doeth not happen in our vsuall and ordinarie manner of Sowing, is, for that a great part of the seede which is sowne, is deuoured by the foules of the ayre, by Moles, woormes and other creeping Creatures within the grounde. But this is manifestlie disprooued in the sowing of Lupines, whereas seldome we doe reape little more or lesse then fifteene bushels for one, although the same be so bitter a kinde of pulse, that none of all these deuouring Creatures will once touch it, but lyeth safe within his hose, each Codde contayning much about an hundred Graines: some attribute the same vnto the Heauens, and the iniuries arising of heate, colde, and continuall showres of rayne, that doe often happen; so as sometimes the groundes are benummed with frostes, and sometimes parched with heat, somtimes they make a rich & fertile shew, and somtimes they wither and waxe barren; but all this is easilie conuinced. For that admitting that the Heauens do affoord all their fauourable influences at once, yet do we scarce obtaine at anie time thirtie for one. But now to come neerer to our purpose, we do affirme that each Corne that is founde within the eare is not apt to growe, for God hath created some of them for the foode of liuing Creatures, and some for seed Corne. There be in euery eare certaine obortiue and bastardly Cornes, which will neuer fructifie, but [Page]become vtterly vnprofitable; and in some eares there are Cornes which are more beautifull to beholde then the rest, which Nature hath ordayned for propagation. Besides all this, the seed it selfe is not alwayes sowne by the Husbandman in his due time, neyther hath it all his due rites and ceremonies perfourmed. So that if wee can meete with all these imperfections and errours, then will all good successe follow, according to our owne heartes desire. For the rootes being large in spreading vnder the grounde, and each embracing other in theyr manifolde wreathinges, will thereby send foorth a greater number of stemmes, besette and garnished with eares on euery side. For the better accomplishment whereof let the Bridegrome make choyse of such a VVife as is of the middle sorte, and not of the first or last borne, because they are of a weaker constitution, let them both goe into a warme bath, and there annoynting themselues with sweete oyntment, and with the fatte foode of olde Goates, being mixed with Bacchus and Vulcan; let theyr soft and euen layde bedde bee gently warmed: for by that viuifying heat they will vnite themselues in an amiable manner, and bee knit and ioyned together in most sweete and louing imbracementes: and the seede beeing thus quickened by the powerfull heate of the man, will in the ende bring foorth a kindly, and no bastardly issue: Let the Moone bee propitious with her prosperous light, for shee beeing fruitefull, will also make the same to fructifie the better. But yet I must admonishe you of one thing more, that such a VVife as is fitte for God Bacchus, must not bee balde and without haire, for so wanting the due Ornament of her heade, [Page]shee might happilie bee despised of hir Husband, neither shoulde shee haue whereat to purge her owne excrementes, onelie let all curlings and perriwigs bee laide aside, that so being the more retchlesse in hir attire, shee maie seeme more pleasing and acceptable to hir Husband.
And what if all this mysticall marriage betweene God Bacchus and the Goddesse Ceres (at the solemnization whereof onelie Vulcan and Luna were present, as though neyther Saturne, Iupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, nor Mercury, nor the rest of that Celestiall crewe were neyther woorthie to dyne nor daunce at the VVedding;) what, I saie, if all this great mysterie or Magisterie of nature, as Baptista Porta woulde haue it to appeare, bee nothing else but a soking of Corne in VVine, or in the newe must thereof, before it bee set? Might not this without the prophaning of Nature, or her sacred Maximes beene safelie and without offence in playne termes deliuered to the publike viewe of the worlde? But let vs examine the particulars of this Parable. The VVife (he sayth) must neither be of the first nor last, but taken out of the middest: and heere, because hee shall bee his owne expositor, I referre you to his secrete for enlarging of the Gourde, pag. 137. where he citeth these verses out of Columella,
And this (saieth Porta) is not onely to be obserued in this Plant, but in all others likewise, for those seedes which are contayned within the middest of the [Page]bulke are more perfect themselues, and bring foorth more perfect Plantes thenthose weake and imperfect ones, which occupie the outermost places, and so the Graine, he saieth, in the middle of the Eare bringeth forth a larger Corne than those which grow in the top or bottome thereof.
Concerning the Bath and oyntment wherein Vulcan and Bacchus are vsed, I thinke he meaneth some fat temper made with Cow dung or Goates dung, the older the better, moystened with Wine or new must, whereby Bacchus is signified, in whome the secrete fire and heate, which hee holdeth, may also resemble Vulcan, vnder whose name fire sometime is signified, as in that saying of Paracelsus, In Vulcano veritas: and in this compound, the goddesse Oeres is lapped before she be set into the ground; or else the ground and mixture are after watered with Wine, or else the Corne is first steeped a certaine time in Wine before the Graine is bestowed in the earth any of these constructions seem probable, and to haue some affinity with his figuratiue tearmes.
Her bed must bee very soft, and delicately made, whereby hee doeth manifestlie insinuate the very digging with the Spade, which worketh the moulde into a most fine and subtill bodie: the warming of the bed, and those sweete collinges and clippinges together are intended to bee wrought with the moystning heate of Bacchus. It seemeth also that he woulde haue this setting perfourmed in the increase, or towarde the full of the Moone. The Corne hee would haue to bee set together with his chaffe about it, which hee termeth the hayre, whereby Nature purgeth the excrement of the head, but not with the beard of the eare, which hath a [Page]curled kinde of Graine vpon it. Let this satisfie, that I haue aymed at the marke, the pinne being so farre off, and cleane out of sight. But what should we vexe our spirites in beating out the sense of this mysticall Latine, when as without all other circumstance, wee see that one Corne pricked into the grounde, bringeth foorth eight hundred Cornes at once, whereas Porta speaketh of two hundred onely at the most, euen when Heauen and Earth doe all ioyne hande in hande together to helpe his inuention? And who knoweth whether hee mistake the reason of his owne conceite, for happilie the mellowes of the grounde being opened and broken with the spade, did of it selfe performe the great woonder which he writch of, and then both Bacchus and Ceres, and Luna may haue Iacke Drums entertainment.
Now if I were also disposed to artire and disguise a plaine secret in his figuratiue Robes, what a deepe and drunken riddle coulde I heere set downe of steeping Barley or wheat in new Ale in cornes (although I hold the wort, so it be of the first tap, to be much better) for this doth seeme to be his owne naturall Bath, whereby it should receyue a multiplying vertue in his owne kind? I feare, to proscoute this secret any farther in such Philosophicall termes, least some Nouice in Alcumy should suppose that I doe goe about to vnfolde and disclose the sacred Materials and working of the Philosophers Stone, and yet to speake in good sooth, I durst vndertake to perfourme as much with Ale or Beere as Bap. Porta shall do with his Sacke and Sugar, or Claret wine and Limons, let him make his choice.
And because Virgil hath spoken of Niter, I haue thought good also, as a Paralel to the same out of M. [Page] Bar. Googe his Booke of Husbandrie, fol. 33. b. to set downe the steeping of Beanes in the water wherein Salt Peter hath beene dissolued, and why not other graine and pulse, as wel as Beanes? And thus you haue Rome and Naples answered with Surrey & London, I praie God all maie bring forth one good conclusion for our Common-wealth of England.
But why should we spend these costlie liquors that are fitter for Taueths & Alehouses, then for rusticall imbibitions? when as with common water and the dung of cattell, especiallie of Oxen, Kine, and Sheepe, or Pigeons dung (whereof more quantitie, with a great deale lesse charge (being not much inferior in effects) maie so easily be had & obtained.) Then heare me with patience, & if I happen to slip, staie me with a friendly hand, & so happilie I maie saue some of you from manie a dangerous fal. There is a great opiniō conceited, yea publikely maintained by good Authors in their seuer all bookes about imbibition of corne in some sat & frusctifying liquors; but neither the strength of the liquors, the time of imbibition, nor the proportion betweene the liquor & graine, hath as yet bin thoroughly sounded, naie seatcelie touched by anie; which three pointes I holce to bee so materiall, as that without the knowledge of them all in some good measure, nothing else but elamors against the writers, and errors in the practizers are like to ensue.
And first concerning the strength of your liquor vpon your dung; you cannot lightlie erre, so as you let the same rest vpon a sufficient quantitie thereof, vntil it haue gotten a deep colour, and a strong smel & sauour from his ingre dient as suppose you put two parts water to one third part of dung, suffering the fame to infuse [Page]foure or fiue dayes, and stirring the same once or twice euery day, till it haue gotten out al the hart & strength of the dūg, or so much therof as the water is able to receiue; thē after some setling, strain this liquor through some course cloth, & if it will not run, then adde more water vnto it; for heere your speciall care must be, that your liquor do not grow too thick: after al this, let the same repose 12. or 24. houres, & then gently dreine away the cleere from the groundes or feticall residence, and so haue you a liquor sufficiently prepared to steepe your come in: & for the better performance herof, you may boare a hole within an inch of the bottome of the vessel, or halfe an inch, according as you shal see ye same to run cleere & not muddy into your receiuing vessel.
And as for the time of imbibition, it is a rule in naturall Philosophie, that euery thing hath his stomacke, which doth neuer leaue drawing & attracting vnto it selfe such matter as is apt for it, vntill it be glutted; and then as being ouercharged, it loatheth and spueth out euen that which otherwise it most desireth: as it doth manifestly appeare in the stomacke of man, wherin by ouergorging it self a Nausea doth presently ensue. This is yet made more manifest in the art of dying, where, if in your blewes and greenes you worke with Indico, or in Stammels, Crimsons, Carnations or Scarlets, you worke with Greine or Kutcheneele, the cloth when it hath receyued his glut of colour, though neuer so often dipped after, will nothing at al exalt it selfe in beautie or richnes of colour; euen so it fareth with Corne, after it hath imbibed so much liquor, as it can well be are and brooke without breaking of the Hull, then is it time to dreyne awaie the VVater: and yet wee see, that Pease, though they bee steeped till [Page]they iprowt a little, that they will growe notwithstanding, I leaue the aduenturing of Wheate and Barly so farre vnto them, that list by often and manifold trial to search for the period of this practise.
Lastly, for the better finding out of a true proportion betweene the corne and your liquor: first, put your Corne in the Vessell, and adde so much of your fat liquor vnto it as will couer the same. And if the corne drinke it vp, then adde more liquor thereunto: and the onelie feare in this worke, is least if you ouercharge your Corne with water, that the water wil rather draw the strength from the Corne then the Corne drawe strength from the water.
And thus I haue discouered the true vse of all imbibitions: which haue hitherto beene confirmed by some, and condemned by others, each seueral man reporting according to his owne experience. But the errours may from henceforth bee easilie preuented by a carefull obseruation of these fewe rules alreadie deliuered in as playne and simple a manner (as respecting the generall good, which was the primum mobile of this discourse) I could possibly deuise or publish.
Here I thinke it not impertinent to our purpose to set downe seueral meanes for the enriching of ground, the trials whereof, by waie of imbibition, I referre to each mans particular experience.
Sea Kilps and Sea Tangle, and other Sea weeds are founde by experience to enrich both Arable and Pasture grounds exceedin glie. Shrods of Woollen cloth strewed vpon Pasture grounde will bring foorth grasse abundantlie.
The dregs of Beere and Ale applyed to the rootes of Trees, and other smaller Plantes, will make them [Page]flourish and prosper mightily, Seeds steeped in brine, proportioned according to Sea water, which consisteth of one part salt, and eighteene or twenty parts water, wil in diuers grounds procure a good increase.
The Soote of Chinanies, both ingendred by Seacoale, as also by Wood and Charcoale in a very small quantity, worketh great effects this way.
There is a salte which the Petermen vpon the refining of their Peter, doe separate from the Peter, this salte (if I be not deceiued) is the Salte purchased from the Ashes, vpon which the Petermen powre their foggy liquors to cleere them; one worke (vnlesse it bee a great one) doth not yeeld much aboue a bushell thereof weekly: this salt I take to be a true vegetable salt, and therfore exceeding profitable, either to be strewed vpon grounds to be mixed amongst the seed Corne, or for imbibition.
Shauings of horne, vpon mine owne experience, I must of necessity commende, by the meanes whereof, I obtayned a most flourishing garden at Bishops hal, in a most barren and vnfruitfull plot of grounde, which none of my Predecessors could euer grace or beautifie either with knots or flowers.
I haue had the like experience with singular good successe by strewing the waste sope ashes vppon a border of Sommer Barley, whereof three eares woulde haue counterpeiaed any fiue that euer came to my sight you may see a plentifull discourse of these sope ashes in my booke of husbandry.
Some commend greatly the warering of Grounde presently after it is sowne, with an artificial Brine, consisting of an eyghteenth or twentieth part of salt: this is performed by a hogshed or some other such like vessell [Page]drawn vpon a sled, hauing one of the heads boared full of small hoales like a watering pot.
The residence or grounds of the Oad fat, serue also to enrich ground with.
Malte dust may heere also challenge his place: for foure or fiue quarters thereof, are sufficient for an acre of ground.
The Hulles which are diuided from the Oates, in the making of Oatmeale, either in theyr owne present nature, or being burnt to ashes, make an excellent substance for enriching of ground. Fearne either rotted to dung by a mixture of earth amongst it, or consumed with fire into ashes, maketh a singular soile to lay vpon barren and hungry grounds.
VVhen the Iron stone or Oare is burnt, those fyne Ashes that are sifted from the same, do prooue a most excellent substance for the enriching of wette Meadowes, or Marishe Groundes, especiallie such as are rushie, flaggie, or sedgie, and will bring the same to a fyne sweete Grasse: you shall finde the grounde euery yeare better than other, with a manifest and apparant difference betweene that parcell of your Grounde which you haue enriched therewith, and all the rest of the same Fielde, both by the glorious greene colour which it carrieth, and also by the delight of the cattell continuallie feeding thereon, and refusing the other till that be spent. There is plentie of this matter to be had in Sussex, Essex, VVales, and such other Shires wherein there hath beene anie long continuance of Iron works, and those hilles which consist of this matter are worth the breaking vppe, though they be auncient and haue lien long vncouered; but the best and hartiest, is that which hath heene kept alwaies couered [Page]and defended from the rayne: this kind of soyle is also good for VVheate ground, and three loades thereof are a sufficient proportion for one acre: and if you intend the same for grasse, you must spreade it vpon the ground about Alhallowntide. The light of this secret I receyued from a Yorkeshire Gentleman, a man both of great gifts and great possessions, who assured me of three yeares tryall made by himselfe with very good successe, whose opinion is, that three loades thereof will enrich one acre of ground for seauen yeares at the least.
Sal Armoniake being a volatile salt, first incorporated and rotted in Common earth, is thought to bee a rich mould to plant or set in (quaere of steeping Graine in water, hauing a true proportion thereof first dissolued in it (but he that can prooue so fortunate as to find out the true Sal Armoniake of mettall, shall be able with small quantitie to worke great woonders in this kind.
Dogges and Cattes, and other beasts, and generally all Carrion buried vnder the rootes of Trees, in a due time will make them flourish and bring forth fruit in great abundance.
Here I cannot omit a strange secret deliuered by a Gentleman of good woorth vnto mee, euen before this worke was fullie perfected, which I haue reserued for the conclusion of this Title. He assured mee of a Gentleman, at this present dwelling in Cornewall, who being very industrious, and searching into the workes of Nature, would needes attempt the sowing of VVheate in his Arable groundes, beeing of such kind, Nature and quality, as was meerely repugnant and vnfit for that Grain, as the experience [Page]of the greatest part of the Countrie round about him did manifestly declare. And this he performed onely by infusing his Seed Corne foure and twenty houres in a strong liquor, that had descended from his muckheape into a receptacle of bricke: but he neuer infused his Corne (as I am informed) till the liquor had beene of two yeares date, and he alwaies dried his corne before he sowed it: quaere if in lesse time and without drying, the same effects will not follow.
CHAP. 7.
How to make choise of your seed corne.
SVch corne as is rubbed between ones hands out of the middle of the eare, the vpper and neather part therof being first diuided, I hold (with Bap. Porta) to be the most fruitfull seed of al the rest, and that the hand, though it be a more laboursome worke, doth perfourme this better than the flail, which maketh no diuision of the grain, & yet bruiseth a great part thereof by the violence of the stroke. But if your threshed wheat content you, then is it best eyther to pick each Corne by it selfe, and so to diuide the good from the bad (which is a fit worke for Children, and may the rather bee endured, for that so small a proportion of Seede will serue to set an acre, viz. 12. pintes thereof, if each graine be at fiue inches distance, as some haue obserued) or else to powre your corne into a Tubbe of water, stirring it vppe and downe, whereby the best and heauiest Cornes will sinke to the bottome, and the lightest graine will fleete and flore in the toppe, which may easily bee seuered. I know no other meanes seruing for the choyce of your seed Corne, sauing [Page]those which are so vsuall and common, as that they deserue no place amongst newe inuentions, and therefore I do here aduisedly omit to touch or name them.
CHAP. 8.
The difference of yeeld betweene the plough and the spade, with some new addition to the Plough.
HE that reapeth foure quarters of VVheat out of one Acre by his Plough, dooth holde himselfe well contented, as with a rich Croppe, which is eight at the least for one. I know the greatest number do scarcely attaine seuen for one, and many but six for one: but if he haue ten or twelue for one, then hee acknowledgeth himselfe to haue receyued an extraordinary fauour and blessing from the Heauens: yet (because both happily, and by credible report it is come to my handes:) I will here set downe one rare experiment perfourmed this last yeare with the Plough, wherein no doubt the Actor did stryue euen in the strength of his wit and spirit to make the best imitation which he could of the Spade. The ground hauing a Naturall declining or descent by his owne scituation, was first crosse ploughed with a very deepe cutting Plough, and then ploughed ouer the thirde time with a shallow plough, that made very close and narrow furrowes; then was the Seede sowne by a skilfull Sower, and then harrowed ouer; and by this newe practise the owner obtayned 15. quarters (I dare not say 20.) vppon each Acre which he sowed. I do not cite this strange & admirable experiment, eyther to ouerthrow the whole frame of my former worke, by vndermining the foundation thereof, or to hinder the labours [Page]of so many thousands of poore and distressed people, which by digging and setting are like to be profitablie employed in this land by meanes of the spade (whose Estates with all Christian commiseration I doe pittie, and am willing to relieue) but professing all the good I can, and by all the meanes that I maie, to aduaunce the common good of the whole Realme, and knowing that if this newe practise of digging by good successe thereof do happen to become generall in and ouer the whole Land, notwithstanding the Realme bee populous, & surcharged with infinite numbers of poore Men, VVomen, and Children, and maymed Souldiers, that yet there will scarcelie be founde workmen enough for the tenth acre of land: I say, for the better increase of all such groundes where the Plough must of necessitie be vsed, I was bolde to insert this inuention, to supplie the defect of Labourers, which otherwise of necessitie woulde ensue. And yet if I maie beleeue those infinite reports, which are nowe with open trumpet sounded into each mans eare, in commendation of the spade, there wil be no cōparison between the plough & it, though all men would ioine all their wits together for the better furtherance therof; out of many of which reports, I wil only remember these few.
A Iustice of Peace & Quorum of my acquaintance, dwelling in Essex, and desirous to make a triall of that woonderfull experience, so commended at the Court of Requests barre by a Counseller, who had seene the same the Sommer before, would needs set a parcell of grounde with his owne handes, as soone as hee came from Michaelmasse terme last to his house: in April the same began to shew very greene and full of blade, and in haruest time each Corne brough foorth at the least [Page]27. eares, some 30. and some 32. with forty graines in each eare, whose proportion is at the least a thousande for one. For the truth of which report, I dare gage my credit, I know the gentleman to be so temper at and wel aduised of his speech.
I do heare of another gentleman dwelling in Surrey, who hath reaped 16. bushels out of one pint of wheat which he set, and that some cornes brought forth 40 & some 48. eares hauing 66.68. & 72. cornes in each eare, I could name the gent. dwelling, & place of the trial, but this which I speake I dare warrant to bee true, hauing good ground of credit for the same.
In Northamptonshire there grew barly this last summer, amongst the which there was found some rootes hauing 120. eares vpon one root, with 30. graines at the least in each eare.
I haue also heard by sundry reports of 20.30. and 32. qurters of VVheate vpon an acre, & of 15. quarters of barly vpon an acre; yea there haue beene some which haue reported, that they haue had 15. quarters of wheat vpō one acre by this manner of setting, the ground being spent and out of hart by often plowing before.
And if I should report all the seueral trials that haue beene made by seuerall persons, aswell of the Nobility as others, within these two last yeares, I should both weary my selfe with recording, and you with reading such infinit numbers of practises as I coulde produce, sed ex his reliqua.
I wil here either borrow leaue, or commend without leaue, a new, light and portable Pumpe, beeing of late graced with her Maiesties most fauorable priuiledge, which I am bold to publish, together with this artificial husbādry, because I know no better means to giue a [Page]publike notice thereof vnto all my Country men then by this pamphlet, which taking the wings of fame vnto it, is like to disperse both it selfe and his companion abroad in a most speedy and sodayne manner through al this little Iland. This pumpe is of wood, & moueable from place to place by one mans labour: it is kept with very small charge in good reparations: it is cheape, and deliuereth great store of water in a little tyme by his double stroke to a reasonable height; it occupieth small roome; it serueth to empty Cellers and ponds; it is very necessary for all Merchants Ships, and other ships of VVarre, whereby all superfluous water may be safely conueied out at the neather Port-holes in a great leake happening by fight, or otherwise. But the most generall vse thereof (as I take it) will be for all those stately houses and buildings which border vpon the riuer of Thames, or any other riuer, whereby they may receiue sufficient store of water to serue all their offices and gardens belonging to the same. You may heare farther of the Authour of this Inuention by the Printer hereof.