MILK for BABES, And MEAT for MEN. OR Principles necessary, to bee known and learned, of such as would know Christ here, or be known of him hereafter.

2. THESS. 1. 8.
In flaming Fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God: & that obey not the Gospel of our Lord IESVS CHRIST.
Rom. 10. 15.
How beautifull are the feet of them that preach the Gospell of peace, &c.

Imprinted Anno 1630.

To those, whom I have reason to hold deere in Sepulchers London, & elswhere in England, where I have spent the poore Talent, the Lord hath lent mee.


IT often falls out whilst some have thought it nothing to quit the out­works, and have blamed the watch that guarded them, the enemy hath got­en within the ports, & the chiefe Citta­dell hath beene endangered.

Give mee leave to tell you, that the cause of all uneven walking, carnall fea­ [...]ing, & painted profession amongst you, ariseth from a hart either unbroken or [...]nbottomd.

For the former of these, you have had [...]mongst you my poore endevours, I wish [...]hey had been more spirituall, more pre­valent.

You had my liberty, and I wish my [...]ife had gone with it, could that have ac­ [...]omplished the end of my labours, the [...]alvation of your soules in the day of the [Page] LORD. I complaine not of unanswerable love from you.

For the second, I send you this tokē not that you want Catechismes, but tha [...] you may still know much Water canno [...] quench my love.

Commend mee to your Children and Servants and give them this. And know, that good things, if they bee no [...] esteemd in the abundance of them, wil [...] bee better valued by their want.

Oh walke worthy of the Gospell lest with some desolate Churches you once say: Wee had the Gospell.

I commend you all to his grace, who is able to keepe you in the Fellowship of the Gospel and rest.

Yours in him H. P.

To those, whom my Ministry may concerne in the Netherlands, espe­cially these of Rotterdam, who have had most of my Labours.

Loving Freinds.

I Know what meanes, what mercies you injoy in these parts, & yet I am not ignorant, what disadvantages Godlines in the power of it hath, by er­rour in judgment, and loosenes in life; Look well, and you will finde, it is not all gold that glistereth: Beleeve it, A compleate Christian, is allmost as dainty as the man the Lord lookt for, Ezech. 22. Wherfore as you meet with my labours in publicke, so accept of this for you, & yours in private.

You have many other helps; but ha­ving resolved to pitch upon something of this kind, and finding all said before that could bee sayd, I pitcht upon this ground-worke, which I put into this order, for your Fartherance.

N [...]ver dreame of building without foundations, when you have well disge­sted [Page] this Milke, you must then bee fit for stronger Meat.

The Lord make us wise with Ioseph, it is a getting time, there will come a spending. And remember that if ever your poore Infants bee driven to wil­dernesses, to hollow caves, to Fagot and Fire, or to sorrowes of any Kinde, they will thanke God & you, they were well catechized.

The comfort of these principles hee wisheth you who is

Yours in the Rock Christ. H. P.

WHat is the end and scope of Catechizing?

To procure & in­crease knowledge.

What is the originall and foun­tain of knowledge?

The Scripture, that is: The Bookes of the Old and New Te­stament.

What is necessary to bee knowne concerning them?

Two things. Wee must beleeve Two things concerning the Word. The first is: That they are the very word of God, or they flow from God, by Divine inspiration, 2. Tim. 3. 16.

What is the second thing?

That they are perfect without defect or errour, every way suffi­cient of themselves alone, to guide [Page 2] us in all things needfull to salva­tion, without adding ought to them, or diminishing ought from them. Psal. 19. 7.

What is the subject of know­ledge?

God: who must be considered first in his Nature, secondly in his workes.

What is necessary to be knowne in the Nature of God? Concerning the Nature of God. Foure things.

Foure things. First: That there is a God. Secondly: That hee is glorious in nature. Thirdly: That he is three in persons. Fourthly: That hee is one in essence.

How doe you prove there is a God?

Every line in Scripture proves it, and every Creature speakes it, and every conscience in hor­rour knowes it &c.

How prove you hee is glorious?

As many Scriptures prove it: so it may bee seene in these particu­lars. 1. he is Ioh. 4. 24 incorporeall. 2. Psal. 90. 2 eternall. 3. 1. Kings 8. 27 incomprehensible. 4. Iam. 1. 17 immutable. 5. Ps. 115. 3. omnipotent. 6. Ps. 147. 5 omniscient. 7. most Psal. 5. 4. holy. 8. Gen. 17. 1 all sufficient. 9. most Exod. 34. 6. 7 mer­cifull. 10. 1. Tim. 1. 17. immortall.

How doe you prove hee is three in persons, and one in essence?

Many Scriptures give testimony to the Trinity, as Matth. 28. 19. 1. Ioh. 5. 7. And that there is but one, is cleere, Isa. 44. 6. 8. Mark. 12. 29. 1. Cor. 8. 4.

What are the workes of God?

They bee either of Creation or providence.

What is necessary for you to beleeve concerning the Creation?

These five things. First: That [Page 4] the World had a beginning, and was not eternall. Genes. 1. 1. Second­ly. That the World and all things were made by God. Act. 17. 24.

What are the rest?

Thirdly. That all was made of nothing. Rom. 4. 17. Fourthly. That God made all things by his Word only. Genes. 1.

Fiftly. That all things in their Creation were made good. Genes. 2. 1.

What must you know concerning his Providence?

Seven things.

First. Concerning Gods providence. That God still knowes and takes continuall notice of all things. Prov. 15. 3. Secondly.

That God upholds & governs and disposeth of the World, Seven things. so as all things continue through him. Psal. 119. 91.

What are the other?

Thirdly. That this Providence [Page 5] of God reacheth to all things, even the smallest things are governed and upheld by God. Rom. 11. 36.

Fourthly. That of all Creatures God hath most care and respect of Men. Prov. 8. 31.

What are the rest?

Fiftly. That the good or evill, which befalleth Man, is not without Gods Providence. Amos 3. 6.

Sixtly. That hee doth whatsoever plea­seth him in Heaven or in Earth. Psal. 115. 3

Lastly. That Gods dominion is ever­lasting. Psal. 146. 10.

What must you know, concerning his particular Providence, touching Man?

The things, concerning Man, have respect unto his fourefold Estate. The first. of Innocency, the [Page 6] second of corruption or misery, the third of grace, the fourth of glory.

Concerning mans first estate, what must you know?

Two things. Concerning Mans first Estate. First: God made man after his owne image. Gen. 1. 26. Secondly: This image of God chiefly cōsisted in knowledge, Two things. ho­lines, and righteousnes. Eccl. 7. 29.

What must you know concerning mans second estate of misery?

It must bee considered two wayes. First: In the cause of it. Secondly: in the parts of it.

The cause of it was the fall of our first parents.

In their fall what must you know?

Three things. In the Fall.

What is the first? Three things.

That our parents Adam & Eve fell and lost speedily the happines [Page 7] in which they were created: as ap­pears Gen. 3. 7. And there they did loose God, Paradice, and Gods Image.

What are the other two?

Secondly: This losse befell them only for their owne sinne. Rom. 5. 12. Thirdly: By their sin wee are defiled, and deprived of the glory of God. Rom. 3. 23.

What be the parts of mans misery?

They are two, namely sin, and punishment.

What must you know concer­ning sin?

These foure things. First: That all men have sinned. Psal. 14. 1. 2. 3. Secondly: That the nature of man is stained from his byrth. Iob 14. 4.

What are the other two?

Thirdly: That this infection hath over-spread the whole nature of [Page 8] man, and tainted it many waies. 1. Extream darknes 2. insensible­nes. 3. Impotency. 4. Enmity to good. 5. Impunity. 6. abundance of false prin­ciples. 7. pronenes to all evill. 8. Want of all righte­ousnes. 9. The members servants of sin. 10. A servile will. 11. a naturall aptnes to be scandalized. 12. a relishing of the things of Satan. 13. corruptiō of memory. 14. A naturall disunion one from another. Fourthly: Besides this, every man is guilty of horrible and vile actu­all sins, and that very many.

What must you know concerning the punishment of sin?

That all Men in their naturall Estate are extreamly miserable in respect of the punishmēt to which they are lyable for their sins. Na­hum. 1. 2. 3. 6. And the sorts of 1. The losse of paradice. 2. the curse of the creatures. 3. an im­pure and painfull birth. 4. the displeasure of God. 5. a privation of the knowledge of God. 6. bondage to Satan. 7. spirituall death. 8. miserable bodyes. 9. judgments in our outward estates. 10. the retayning good things from us. 11. the cursing of blessings. 12. scourging of sin with sin. 13. hellish horrour. 14. scare of death. 15. A miserable departure, 16. A terrible generall judgement. 17. & lastly Hell. pu­nishments are many and grievous, the last, whereof is eternall paine and damnation.

Is this all you are to beleeve concerning sin?

To this must bee added, that the least transgression of the Law, is sin.

Now, for the third estate of man, which is of grace. How must that bee considered?

Three wayes. First. in respect of the meanes of the foundation of it. Secondly. In respect of the sub­ject of the possession of it, which is the Church. Thirdly. In respect of Application.

What is the meanes of Foun­dation?

Two fold. First. Election in God. Secondly. Redemption in Christ.

What are you to know concer­ning Election?

These five things. Concerning Election. five things. First. That there was a Choise and Election, made by God. Ephes. 1. 4. Secondly.

That this Choise was before the foundation of the World. Rom. 9. 11. Thirdly. That some Men are chosen, not all Men, for if all were taken, how could there bee Election? Màtth. 20. 16.

What is the fourth?

The cause of our election is the only free grace of God, and not our works. Ephes. 1. 5. And fift­ly. Gods Election is unchange­able: all the Elect shall be saved. Rom. 8. 30.

What is the second foundamentall meanes of grace?

Redemptiō in Christ; in whom wee must consider his person, & his office, and in his person, his di­vine, and humane nature.

What ought you to know concer­ning his divine nature?

That Iesus Christ was very God, Isai. 9. 6. Ioh. 1. 1. and divers other wayes it may bee proved. And it was needfull hee should bee God. First. For the greatnes of our evill. Secondly. For the greatnes of our good.

What must you know, concerning his humane nature?

[Page 11] Foure things. Concerning Christs humane nature, foure things The first, about the matter, namely, that the Son of of God was incarnate, did assume the true nature of man, and was a very man among us. Ioh. 1. 1.

The other three concerne the manner.

What are they?

First, that he was not conceived as other Men, but by the Holy Ghost. Luke 1. 35.

Secondly. That he was borne of a virgin. Esai. 7. 14.

Thirdly. That his humane nature did subsist in the divine, and so both made but one person. Col. 2. 9.

Having done with his person, how consider you his office?

Either in the whole, or in the parts of it. Concerning the Media­tor, five things. The whole office of Christ being this, namely: To bee a Mediator; wherin I must observe five things.

What are they?

First: There is but one Media­tor betweene God and man even Iesus Christ. 1. Tim. 2. 5. Second­ly: That the cause of our salvation in his mediation is not merit in man but grace in God & Christ 2. Tim, 1. 9.

What are the rest?

Third [...]y: That this mediation was from the beginning of the world, and shall bee to the end. Heb. 13. 8.

Fourthly. That without the mediation of Christ no flesh can be saved. Act. 4. 12.

Fiftly. By the mediator a new contract or covenant was made with God. Ierem. 31. 33.

How many sorts or parts of Christs offices are there?

Three. Sevē things about Christs Prophe­ticall Office. His Propheticall, Priestly, & Kingly office. Concerning his Propheticall office, these things must bee knowne. First. That in [Page 13] Christ are all the treasures of wis­dome and knowledge. Colos. 2. 3.

What else?

Secondly. That it is Christ only that revealed the truth out of the bosom of his Father. Matth. 11. 27.

Thirdly. That Christ himselfe taught doctrine amongst men. Heb. 1. 2. Fourthly. That hee hath revealed the whole counsell of God. Ioh. 15. 15.

What are the rest?

Fiftly. The ministery in the church is by authority frō Christ, Matth. 23. 34.

Sixtly. The whole efficacy of Doctrine, either recorded in Scripture, or taught by men from thence, depends upon Christ. 2. Pet. 1. 20. 21. Lastly. The prophecy of Christ, belongs gene­rally to all Nations. Isai. 49. 6.

What is his Priestly office?

It is that part of his Function, [Page 14] wherby hee maketh Satisfaction unto God for Men.

What is required of Christ as the Priest of his Church?

First. Hee must obey the Law of God perfectly. Secondly. Hee must make expiation for our sins by sacrificing to God. Thirdly. Hee must make intercession for us.

For the first of these, namely his obedience: What must you beleeve?

First. I must beleeve that hee was without sin in his nature. In Christs obedience foure things Ioh. 8. 46. Secondly. Hee fulfilled the Law of God perfectly in all his Actions: hence is hee called the holy one, & the holy Child Iesus. Act. 2. 27.

What more?

Thirdly. That hee fulfild the Law not only for himselfe, but for us, and for our sakes. Rom. 8. 3. 4.

Fourthly. This righteousnes of [Page 15] his is an everlasting righteousnes, and such, as serves for the Elect of all ages, and a righteousnes, that cannot bee lost. Dan. 9. 24.

For his expiation of sin, what must you beleeve?

That it was made by the Pas­siō of Christ, For the ex­piation of sins, six things. wherin divers things must bee knowne: as first, that the passion of Christ was by the decree and everlasting fore-appointment of God. Act. 2. 23.

What more?

Secondly. The suffrings of Christ were for our sins & for our sakes, so as hee bare all our iniquities, 1. Pet. 2, 24. Thirdly. That by his passion hee did pacifye God, and make expiation for all our sins. Matth. 17. 5.

Proceede to the rest.

Fourthly. In his owne person hee fullfilled and finished all suf­frings, needfull for our salvation [Page 16] hee did it once for all. 1. Pet. 3. 18.

What more?

Fiftly. That the Passion of Christ is a sufficient price for the sins of the whole World, Ioh. 1. 29. Sixtly. that Christ suffred extreme things for us, even the most grievous things could bee imagined, Isai. 63. 1. 2. 7. 8.

What must you know about his Intercession?

First. That Christ at the right hand of God maketh Intercession for us, About his Interces­sion, foure things. Rom. 8. 34. Secondly. That wee have no Intercessor in Hea­ven but Christ, 1. Tim. 2. 5. 6.

What more?

Thirdly. The Intercession of Christ is perpetuall, hee doth it once, that hee will never faile to doe it in all ages, Heb. 7. 25. 28.

Fourthly. That hee maketh In­tercession only for the Elect, Ioh. 17. 9.

What are you bound to beleeve. concerning his Regall office?

Many things. And first: That hee overcame Sin, Concerning his Regall office, sevē things. Death, the Grave, and Hell, and rose again from the dead, and ascended into Heaven, & sitteth at the right hand of God in Majesty, Rom. 1. 4. Mar. 16. 19.

Proceede to the rest?

Secondly. That Christ, who pur­chased the Church by his blood, is appointed of God, to bee the King, and P of his Church, & Prince over the People of God, having all power in his owne hands, Psal. 2. 6. Thirdly. Hee is appointed Law­giver to the Church, & the judge of the whole world, Iam. 4. 12.

What are the rest?

Fourthly. That his governemēt ex­tēds to all nations Psal. 2. 8. Fiftly. His king­dome is not of this world, but spi­ritual & celestial John 18. 36.. Sixtly. He wil be with his to the end of the world Matth. 28. 22..

[Page 18] Lastly. His Kingdome is everla­sting. Luke 1. 33.

So much of the meanes of Grace. What is the subject of Grace?

The Church, which is the whole multitude of Men and Women, elected to eternall life by God in Christ.

What must you know concerning the Church?

Many things. Concerning the Church seven things. And first, that it is a Company separate from the world, gathered by the voice of Christ: The Scripture still maketh difference betwixt the World and the Church: And the Word sig­nifyes such, as are gathered by the voice of Gods Cryers, Ioh. 17. 9.

Secondly, Shee is one, Ephes. 4. 4.

What more?

Thirdly, Shee is Knit unto Christ, her P by an indissoluble union Col. 1. 18. Shee is one with Christ, not in nature, but in spirit. Ioh. 4. 13

[Page 19] Fourthly, Shee is holy, Ephes. 5. 27.

What are the rest?

Fiftly, Shee is Catholike, first, in respect of time. Secondly, in regard of place. And thirdly, Persons.

Sixtly, Shee is militant, that is, exposed to many evills in this life 2. Tim. 4. 7, 8. Seventhly, Shee is invincible, Matth. 16. 18.

So much for the subject of Grace. What is the Application?

For the calling of us to God in Christ for our justification, adop­tion, and sanctification.

Concerning Iustification, what must you beleeve?

Many things. In Iustifi­cation. Sixe things First, That by mans owne works no Flesh can bee justifyed, Rom. 3. 20. Secondly. The righteousnes, that maketh us just, is in Iesus Christ being made ours by Imputation, 2. Cor. 5. 21.

What more?

Thirdly, That this righteousnes [Page 20] is made ours only by faith, so wee are justified only by Faith, as it layes hold upon the righteousnes of Christ, Rom. 3. 28.

Fourthly. This Faith is the gift of God, Ioh. 6. 29.

Are these all?

No. Fiftly. All men have not Faith, Isai. 53. 1. Sixtly. There is but one Kind of Faith, by which all the Elect of God are justified, Ephes. 4. 5. Lastly. Being justified by Faith, wee have peace with God, and forgivenes of all our sins Rom. 3. 25.

What are you to beleeve about Adoption?

That so many as beleeve have this honor to be called the Sons and Heires of God, for the sealing, wherof, hee giveth the Spirit of Adoption, wherby they cry: Abba Father, 1. Iohn 3. 1.

What must you know and beleeve concerning Sanctification?

First. That whom God justi­fieth, Sanctifi­cation, five things. hee sanctifieth, Rom. 8. 30.

Secondly. To bee truly sancti­fied, is in unfained repentance to dye to sin and to rise againe to newnes of life and obedience. Rom. 6. 1. 2. 3.

Thirdly. Except wee be borne againe, wee cannot enter into the Kingdome of God, Iohn 3. 5.

What else must you know herein?

Fourthly. That Sanctification is Gods gift, and worke in Iesus Christ, wee can no more convert our­selves, then wee can beget our­selves at first, wee can no more create our-selves new men, then wee can create our-selves men. Acts 5. 31.

Lastly. Our Sanctification is imperfect in this life. 1. Iohn 1. 8.

What are the ordinances of God for procuring and furthe­ring this grace?

Chiefly five. The Word prea­ched. Secondly, The administra­tiō of Sacraments. Thirdly. Prayer. Fourthly, Discipline. Lastly, Chri­stian Communion.

Now, for the fourth and last estate of man, what must you beleeve.

Wee must consider the three de­grees of it, which are the Resur­rection of the Body, the last judg­ment, and the glory of Heaven.

What concerning the Resurrection?

First, That the Bodyes of the dead shall rise out of the earth, Resurrec­tion, three things. and their owne Soules shall enter into them againe, Iob. 19. 23, 26. The Sea, Fier, Beasts, Ayre, Foules, &c. shall give up their dead, Revel. 20. 12, 13.

What else?

Secondly, That the same Bodies, [Page 23] which men carry about with them in this World, shall rise a­gaine, Iob 19. 26, 27. Thirdly, This Resurrection shall bee at the end of the World, even the last day of the World, Ioh. 6. 44.

For the last Iudgment, what must you know?

Many things. About the last judg­ment, sevē things. First, There shallbe a generall judgment. Iude 14. 15. Secōdly, that Christ shall bee judge, and that in the humane nature, Act. 10. 42. Thirdly, all men shall be then judged, just and unjust, quick and dead, small and great, Rom. 14. 9.

Goe on with the rest.

Fourthly, All the secret things of mens natures and workes shall bee brought to light, Luk. 8. 17. Fiftly, It shall bee at the last day, but the precise day & houre is not knowne to any Men or Angells, Matth. 24. 36.

Is this all?

No. Sixtly. The judgment shall bee most righteous & just, all shall confesse it, Rom. 14. 10. Lastly. The Iudgment shall bee according to mens works. 2. Cor. 5. 10.

Concerning the Glory of Heaven, what ought you to beleeve?

First▪ For the greatnes of it, The glory of heavē. it is unspeakeable, and in respect of us here on earth incomprehensible, Foure things. 1. Cor. 2. 9. The second concerns the continuance of it, & so it is eternal, & therefore is this life called eter­nall life, and immortality. Mat. 25. 46.

What more?

The third concernes the causes of it. Heaven is the gift of God, & proceeds only frō his free grace, & not frō any merit in us. Luke. 12. 32.

The fourth and last, concerns the persons, that shall injoy it: The Elect of God only obtaine this glory. 1. Cor. 15. 50.

The hart being Possest with the former Positive Truths, may thus bee established against Gainsayers.

NOw, let me know how you are furnished against the Adversa­ries: And which are they, that most trouble you?

They are either the Romish Catholikes, or their neere neigh­bors, the Revived Pelagians.

What Weapon have you to encoun­ter them?

[Page 27] That which Christ used against Satan, their leader and maister, namely: The Scripture.

Can you confute the Papist by the word in all things wee lay to his charge?

Clearly, as shall appeare, if you will take tryall.

How is it manifest that the Pope is Antichrist?

By these Scriptures.

  • Revel. 13. 18.
    1. Point. Of Pope­ry confu­ted.
  • Revel. 17. 3. 5.
  • 1. Tim. 4. 1. 2. 3.
  • Matth. 24. 24.
  • 1. Ioh. 2. 18.
  • 2. Thes. 2. 3. 4.

Are the Scriptures sufficient to debate all countroversies and doubts?

Yea. Read and consider these Scriptures.

  • Psal. 119. 105.
  • 2 Isai. 8. 19. 20. 21.
  • Luk. 16. 29. 30.
  • Act. 10. 43.
  • 2. Tim. 3. 16.
  • Heb. 4. 12.

[Page 27] How prove you that all sorts ought to know and reade the Scriptures?

By these places.

  • Deut. 6. 6. 7. 8. 3
  • Psal. 1. 2.
  • Iohn 5. 39.
  • Acts 17. 11.
  • Col. 3. 16.
  • Revel. 1. 3.

Can you prove, the Scriptures easy to bee understood of the simple?

Yea. Read

  • Deut. 30. 11. 12. 4
  • Psal. 119. 130.
  • Prov. 14. 6.
  • Ierem. 31. 34.
  • Matth. 11. 25.
  • Matth 13. 11.

May wee not bee ignorant of the Scriptures without any danger?

No. As you may perceive by these Texts.

  • Psal. 95. 10. 11. 5
  • Prov. 1. 28. 29. &c.
  • Isai. 1. 3. 4.
  • Ier. 4. 22.
  • Matth. 15. 14.
  • 1. Cor. 15. 34,

Doth the word of God then con­taine in it, all things necessary for our salvation?

[Page 28] Yea. As you may see

  • Isai. 8. 20.
  • 6 Ioh. 20. 31.
  • Acts 20. 32.
  • Rom. 1. 16.
  • Heb. 4. 12.
  • Iames 1. 21.

May nothing bee added to, nor ta­ken from the word of God?

No. See

  • 7 Deut. 5. 22.
  • Ios. 1. 7.
  • Prov. 30. 5. 6.
  • Mat. 15. 3.
  • Gal. 1. 8.
  • Revel. 22. 18. 19.

So much for the Scriptures. How prove you, that Faith only doth justi­fie?

From these places.

  • Gen. 15. 6.
  • 8 Mark. 5. 36.
  • Act. 10. 43.
  • Rom. 3. 25. &c.
  • Gal. 2. 16. &c.
  • Ephes. 2. 8.

Have wee then no merits nor righ­teousnes of our owne?

[Page 29] None. As you may see

  • Deut. 9. 4, 5.
  • Iob 9. 30. 31. 9
  • Isai. 64. 6.
  • Rom. 30. 10. 11. &c.
  • 1. Cor. 4. 4. 7.
  • Ephes. 2. 8. 9.

What is the heynousnes of originall sin?

Great. As these Texts shew.

  • Genes. 5. 6. 7. 10
  • Iob. 14. 4.
  • Psal. 51. 5.
  • Prov. 20. 9.
  • Ioh. 3. 6.
  • Rom. 5. 12.

Is it not possible for us to fullfill the Law?

No. As you may perceive by

  • Deut. 27. 16. 11
  • Mat. 5. 21. 22.
  • Acts 15. 10.
  • Rom. 8. 3.
  • 1. Cor, 2. 14.
  • Iames 2. 10.

Cannot the Pope or a Priest for­give sins?

[Page 30] No. Only God. See

  • 12 Psal. 3. 8.
  • Isai. 43. 25.
  • Mat. 1. 21.
  • Acts 14. 14.
  • Iames 5. 21.
  • 1. Tim. 1. 15.

What say you then to Auricular Confession?

It is utterly without warrant. See

  • 13 Psal. 32. 5.
  • 1. Kings 8. 47.
  • Ier. 14. 20.
  • Dan. 9. 15.
  • Mat. 15. 18.
  • 1. Ioh. 1. 9.

May wee not pray for the dead?

No. As you may read.

  • 2. Sam. 12. 22. 23.
  • 14 Psal. 49. 7. 8.
  • Exod. 20. 7.
  • Mar. 8. 36. 37.
  • Luk. 16. 27. 28
  • 1. Thes. 4. 13. 14

What say you of Purgatory, and the Popes pardons?

[Page 31] That they are unwarranted by the Word. See

  • Isai. 57. 1. 2. 3. 15
  • Psal. 51. 7.
  • Eccles. 9. 5. 6,
  • Matth. 7. 13. 14.
  • Ioh. 3. 18.
  • Revel. 14. 13.

Have wee no Mediator or Interces­sor in Heaven but only Christ?

None else. As appeares

  • Mat. 11. 28.
  • Mark. 1. 11. 16
  • Acts 20. 28.
  • Rom. 5. 10.
  • 1. Tim. 2. 5.
  • Heb. 7. 25.

May wee not pray to the Saints de­parted?

No. As is easy to gather from

  • Isai. 63. 16. 17
  • Ierem. 15. 1.
  • Ezech. 14. 14.
  • Matt. 11. 28.
  • Ioh. 14. 6.
  • Rom. 10. 14.

May wee not pray in a strange tongue, that wee understand not?

[Page 32] No. See

  • 18 Act. 2. 1. 2. 3. &c.
  • 1. Cor. 14. 14. 15. &c.

May not Saincts and Angells have Divine Worship?

No. As it is cleere in

  • Iudg. 13. 15. 16.
  • 19 Psal. 29. 2.
  • Isai. 42. 8.
  • Mat. 4 10.
  • Act. 10. 25. 26.
  • 1. Cor. 1. 13.

What say you to Transubstantia­tion? Is not the very Flesh and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament, even the same Body that was crucifyed?

There is no ground to thinke so. See

  • 20 Mat. 26. 26. 27. &c.
  • Luk. 22. 15. 16. &c.
  • Ioh. 6. 33.
  • 1. Cor. 10. 16. 17.
  • 1. Cor. 11. 26.
  • Ioh. 16. 7.

How doe wee eate the Body and Blood of Christ then?

[Page 33] Only by Faith, as is cleere.

  • Ioh. 6. 47. 58.
  • Ioh. 11. 26. 21
  • Ioh. 15. 5.
  • 1. Cor. 10. 1, 4. 5.
  • Ephes. 3. 17.
  • 2. Cor. 5. 7.

Cannot Christs Body bee here by his Allmighty power?

It can bee but in one place at one time, as you may see by these Scriptures.

  • Mat. 24. 23.
  • Mark. 16. 19. 22
  • Act. 1. 9. 10. 11.
  • Phil. 3. 20.
  • Heb. 8. 1.
  • Heb. 10. 12.

What can you say against their choise of meats?

The Spirit of God saith thus.

  • Mat. 15. 11.
  • Act. 10. 13. 14. 15. 23
  • 1. Cor. 8. 8.
  • Col. 2. 16. 17. 21.
  • Tit. 1. 15.
  • Heb. 13. 9.

What have you against their sett Fastings?

[Page 34] These Scriptures.

  • 24 Isai. 58. 4. 5. 6.
  • Mat. 15. 11. 20.
  • Luk. 18. 11. 12. &c.
  • Mat. 6. 17, 18.

May wee not warrantably receive and practise the Ceremonies and Tra­ditions of men?

You may bee pleased to con­sider these Scriptures.

  • 25 Deut. 5. 32. 33.
  • Levit. 10. 2.
  • Isai. 1. 12 13. 14.
  • Hos. 9. 15.
  • Mat. 23. 4
  • Gal. 4. 10.

May Ministers or Bishops marry as lawfully as other men?

The contrary is the Doctrine of Devills. See

  • 26 1. Cor. 7. 2. 9.
  • 1. Cor. 9. 5.
  • 1. Thes. 4. 3. 4.
  • 1. Tim. 2, 4, 5.
  • Heb. 13. 4.
  • 1. Tim. 4. 2. 3.

[Page 35] Is not Masse the Sacrifice of the New Testament?

Prayer is, but we have no ground for Masse.

  • Psal. 4. 5. 27
  • Psal. 51. 17. 18. 19.
  • Mat. 12. 7.
  • Phil. 4. 18.
  • Heb. 13. 15. 16.
  • 1. Pet. 2. 5.

[Page 36] WHat Strength have you now against your other Ad­versaries, the Pelagians or Armi?

Such as the Holy Ghost affords out of the former Treasury.

Then tell mee. Are there some elected, and some reprobated of Gods free Decree?

Yea certainly: Which these Scriptures make manifest.

  • Exod. 33. 19.
    1. Point of Arm. con­futed.
  • Psal. 33. 12.
  • Prov. 16. 4.
  • Ioh. 12. 39. 40.
  • Acts 13. 48.
  • Rom. 9. 11. 23.
  • Rom. 8. 28.
  • Ephes. 1. 4. 5. 11.
  • 1. Pet. 1. 1. 2.
  • Revel. 13. 8.

[Page 37] Can any man bee certaine of his faith and salvation, and ought wee earnestly to looke therunto?

You may consider these Scrip­tures.

  • Ioh. 19. 25.
  • Ioh. 10. 9. 2
  • Rom. 8. 1. 17.
  • 1. Pet. 1. 10.
  • Gal. 4. 5.
  • Heb. 10. 22. 23.
  • Iames 5. 8.

Hath not man free will after his fall in spirituall things, and can hee not of him selfe move God-ward?

No. Which may bee proved by these truths.

  • Genes. 6. 5.
  • Psal. 14. 3.
  • Prov. 20. 9.
  • Ierem. 10. 23.
  • Ezech. 36. 26. 27. 3
  • Mat. 10. 20.
  • Ioh. 1. 13.
  • Rom. 7. 14.
  • 1. Cor. 3. 7.
  • Phil. 2. 13.
  • Iames 1. 17.
  • Ephes. 2. 1.

[Page 38] What thinke you of universall Grace, or whether did not Christ dye for all?

Hee did not. These Scriptures well weighed, may satisfye.

  • Mat. 25. 32.
  • 4 Ioh. 7. 11. 15. 27. 28.
  • Ioh. 17. 24.
  • Ioh. 17. 9. 19. 20. 21.
  • Rom. 3. 22.
  • Rom. 8. 3. 4.
  • Ioh. 1. 12.
  • 2. Cor. 5. 15.
  • Ephes. 5. 25.
  • Tit. 2. 14.
  • Heb. 1. 14.
  • Heb. 5. 9.
  • Heb. 10. 14.

When wee have gotten Grace, can­not wee loose it all againe, and fall away finally and totally?

No. These Scriptures are plaine.

  • Ierem. 31. 33. 34.
  • 5 Isai. 54. 10.
  • Isai, 57. 15. &c.
  • Hos. 2. 18.
  • Psal. 125.
  • Rom. 14. 4.
  • Rom. 11, 7.
  • Rom. 8. 35. 37. 38
  • Ephes. 5. 23.
  • 2. Tim. 1. 12.
  • [Page 39] Ioh. 6. 37.
  • Ioh. 14. 16.
  • Luk. 8. 15.
  • Ioh. 6. 35.
  • 1. Pet. 1. 5.
  • Mat. 16, 18.
  • Ioh. 5. 25.

Other points and other proofs might be added, but this swells too big allready.

Passe by literall faults: And give God praise for this lime, & haire, amongst the other rich stuffe for Gods House.

Vive ut discas,
Disce ut vivas.

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